CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY AS AMENDED JANUARY 12, 1867. TO AVHICH IS ADDED A LIST OF THE OFFICERS, STANDING COMMITTEES, AND MEMBERS. INCORPORATED JANUARY, 18C3. BUFFALO: THOMAS, HOWARD & JOHNSON. KR4NKL1N FR1.\TING HC 1868. CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION //£- CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS QFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY AS AMENDED JANUARY 12, 186' TO WHICH IS ADDED A LIST OF THE OFFICERS, STANDING COMMITTEES, AND MEMBERS. INCORPORATED JANUARY, 1863. BUFFALO: THOMAS, HOWARD & JOHNSON. FRANKLIN PRINTING HOI'S 1868. \%\A CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION. We, the undersigned citizens and residents of the City of Buffalo, within the State of New York, of the full age of twenty-one years and upwards, and citizens of the United States, do, pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, hereby associate ourselves together, and form a Corporation, or Society, for Historical purposes. The name or title by which such Society or Corporation shall be known in law, is "The Buffalo Historical Society." The particular business and object of such Society and its general design is, to discover, procure, and preserve whatever may relate to the History of Western New York, and the City of Buffalo in particular, and likewise aim to gather statistics of the commerce, manufactures, and business of the Lake region, and those portions of the West that are intimately connected with the interests of Buffalo. The Officers of such Society shall be a President, a Vice President, a Recording Secretary, and a Corresponding Secretary and Librarian, Treas- surer, and nine Councillors, who, together, shall constitute the Board of Managers of said Society. The number of Managers of said Society, as aforesaid, shall be fourteen, and their names for the first year of its exist- ence, are as follows : MILLARD FILLMORE, President LEWIS P. ALLEN, Vice President. CHARLES P. NORTON, Recording Secretary. GUY H. SALISBURY, Cor. Secy and Librarian. OLIVER G. STEELE. Treasurer. COUNCILLORS. George R. Babcock, Orsamus II. Marshall, William Dorsheimer, Henry W. Rogers, William Shelton, Nathan K. Hall, AValter Clarke, George W. Clinton, George W. Hosmer. CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION. The principal office ami place of business of such Society, shall be located at said City of Buffalo, in the County of Erie. We, the undersigned members, officers, and managers of such Society, do hereby certify the matters above stated, to the end that we, our asso- ciates .Miid successors, may, pursuant to the statute of the State aforesaid, in such case made and provided, be a body politic and corporate, by the name above stated, and in witness whereof, we have severally hereunto subscribed our names, the thirty-first day of December, 1862. G. AY CLIXTOX, ASHER P. NICHOLS, WM. DORSHEDIER, OLIVER G. STEELE, HEXRY W. ROGERS, Stamp. 1 10 cents. J MILLARD FILLMORE, LEAVES F. ALLEN, GUY H. SALISBURY, W. A. BIRD, GEO. R. BABCOCK. 0. II. MARSHALL, JOHX B. SKINNER, HEXRY DAAA . County of Erie, |_ City of Buffalo, ) On this sixth day of January, 18G3. personally appeared before me, George AY. Clinton, Asher P. Nichols, William Dorsheimer, Millard Fill- more, Lewis F. Allen, Guy H. Salisbury, Oliver G. Steele, William A. Bird, Henry AV. Rogers, George R. Babeock, Orsamus II. Marshall, John B. Skinner, and Henry Daw. severally known to me to be the persons described in, and who executed the above instrument, and they severally acknowledged the execution of the same. f Stamp. ") "^ 10 cents. |" M. P. FILLMORE, ( lommissioner of Deeds For the City of Buffalo. The undersigned, one id' the Justices of the Supreme Court for the Eighth Judicial Districi of the State of New York, hereby consents to, and approves of the filing of the annexed certificate, for the incorporation of the Buffalo Historical Socii Dated January 8, 1863. R. P. MARA" IX. Piled in the office of the Secretary of State, of the State of New York, and in the office of the Clerk of the County of Erie, January 10. 18G3. CONSTITUTION 1. This Society shall be called "The Buffalo Historical Society." 2. The general object of the Society shall be, to discover, pro- cure and preserve whatever may relate to the history of Western New York in general, and the city of Buffalo in particular, and to gather statistics of the commerce, manufactures and business of the lake region, and those portions of the West that are inti- mately connected With the business of Buffalo. 3. The Society shall consist of resident, corresponding and honorary members, who shall be elected by a majority of ballots; and of life members, as hereinafter provided. Resident members shall consist of persons residing in the city of Buffalo or County of Erie ; corresponding and honorary members, of persons resid- ing elsewhere. 4. The officers of the Society shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary and Librarian, a Treasurer, and nine Councillors, who shall be elected annually, on the second Tuesday of January in each year, b\ a majority of ballots, and who shall constitute the Board of Managers of the Society. 5. None but resident and life members shall be eligible to office or qualified to vote. G. Resident members shall pay an admission fee of five dollars, and also an annual due of five dollars, which shall be paid on or before the first day of November in each calendar year, after that 6 CONSTITUTION". in which they shall have been elected. The election of a resident, member shall confer no privilege of membership, until his admis- sion fee shall be paid. The payment of the annual dues shall be a condition of continued membership, and any member neglecting to pay his annual due before the first day of January next after it becomes payable, shall thereby forfeit all his privileges of mem- bership. 7. The payment of fifty dollars, at one time, for that purpose, shall constitute a life member, exempt from all annual dues. 8. The Society shall meet monthly, on the second Tuesday in every month. The President, or, in his absence, the Vice Presi- dent, or either of the Secretaries, may direct the call of a special meeting in such manner as the By-Laws shall provide. 9. Those members who shall attend at any meeting of the So- ciety, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 10. All officers shall continue in office until their successors are elected or appointed. Their duties, when not herein defined, may be prescribed by the By-Laws. All vacancies in office may be filled for the unexpired term, at any regular meeting of the Society. 11. Tins Constitution may be amended from time to time by a majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting, pro- vided notice of the proposed amendments be given at least four weeks previous to a final vote thereon. BY-LAWS. 1. The meetings of this Society shall be held at the rooms of the Society, or at such other place as the President may appoint, and at such hour as shall be designated by the Secretary in the notice of the meeting. 2. The Recording or Corresponding Secretary shall give notice of each meeting, by previous publication of the same in one or more of the daily papers of the city. 3. Any meeting may be adjourned to such time as a majority of the members present shall determine. 4. The President shall preside at all the meetings of the So- ciety, regulate its proceedings, preserve order and decorum, and have a casting vote. He shall also be the Chairman of the Board of Managers. 5. The Vice President shall discharge all the duties of the President in case of his absence. 6. The Recording Secretary shall have the custody of the Con- stitution, By-Laws, and Records of the Society. He shall give due notice of all its meetings, and keep a record of the same. He shall be the Secretary of the Board of Managers, and keep a record of its proceedings. 7. The Corresponding Secretary shall have the custody of all letters and communications on the business of the Society, and shall read to the Society all communications received by him as such Secretary. He shall, under the direction of the Societ} r , pre- 8 BY-LAWS. pare all communications to be addressed to others in the name of the Society, and keep true copies of the same. 8. The Librarian, under the direction of the Board of Managers, shall have the custody of the library and cabinet, including all manuscripts, papers, documents, coins and maps, and shall, under the direction of the Board of Managers, provide cases suitable for their preservation, and for convenient reference and inspection. He shall keep a record of all donations, and report the same from time to time to the Society. 9. The Treasurer shall receive and keep all securities and sums of money due and payable or belonging to the Society. He shall keep the funds of the Society on deposit, to his credit as such Treasurer, in some safe institution, to be approved by the Board of Managers; and shall pay all such sums as the Board of Man- agers shall direct, on the written order or warrant of the President. He shall keep a true account of his receipts and disbursements, and render an annual statement thereof, and oftener if called upon by the Society or the Board of Managers, lie may be required to give security for the faithful discharge of his duties, in such sum and form as the Board of Managers shall direct. 10. It shall be the duty of the Board of Managers to control and manage the affairs and funds of the Society. They shall make annually, on the second Tuesday of January, a report to the Society of its acquisitions and transactions for the preceding year. 11. All books, maps, manuscript:-, and other articles belonging to the Society, shall be plainly marked with the name of the Society, and numbered, and entered in a catalogue arranged for c< >n\ enient reference. 1_. No 1 ks, map.-, charts, manuscripts, or copies thereof, or any other article belonging to the library or cabinet, shall be taken therefrom without the written permission of a majority of the B( iard < ■!' Managers. L3. An\ of these By-Laws may be suspended in case of a tem- porary exigency, by 1 he unanimous vote of a meeting duly organ- BY-LAWS. 9 ized. They may be amended from time to time by a majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting, provided notice of the proposed amendment be given at least four weeks previous to a final vote thereon. 14. Any member of this Society may be expelled by the affirm- ative vote of two-thirds of all the resident members present at a regular meeting, but no such vote shall be taken unless notice of the motion to expel shall have been given at a meeting held at least four weeks previous thereto. 15. On the second Tuesday of January in each year, there shall be an address delivered before the Society, by some person to be appointed by the Board of Managers. 16. At the meetings of the Society, and (so far as may be appli- cable) at the meetings of the Board of Managers, the following shall be the order of business : 1. Beading of the minutes of the last meeting. 2. Keports and communications from the Officers of the Society. 3. Reports from Committees. 4. Election of members. 5. Miscellaneous business. 6. Reading of Papers and delivery of Addresses. 17. As soon as convenient after the annual election of officers, the President shall appoint from the Board of Managers, the fol- lowing Standing Committees, to consist of three members each, viz.: 1. On Finance. 2. On the Library. 3. On Papers and Property. 4. On Donations, Subscriptions and Collections. 5. On Publications. 6. On Membership. 18. The President, shall be, ex officio, Chairman of the Com- mittee on Finance; and it shall be the duty of such Committee to take the general charge and supervision of the books, accounts, 2 10 BY-LAWS. and reports of the Treasurer, and of the finances, receipts, and expenditures of the Society. It shall also be its duty to consider and recommend all suitable measures to increase the revenues of the Society, and promote economy in its expenditures. It shall examine and report upon all accounts and claims against the Soci- ety, and upon all propositions for the appropriation or expenditure of its funds, when such propositions have not been reported upon, or made by some other Committee of the Board. 19. The Committee on the Library shall have the general charge and supervision of the Library, and of all propositions and meas- ures in regard to its increase, use, and management; or in regard to the procurement, exchange, or other disposition of books, peri- odicals, and pamphlets, or their binding or preservation. They shall cause a full and perfed catalog'ue of the books, periodicals, and pamphlets, belonging to the same, to he made. ami. from time to time, corrected, continued, and kept, in order to facilitate refer- ence thereto, and secure proper accountability therefor. 20. The Committee on Papers and Property shall have the general charge and supervision of all the papers and other prop- erty of the Society which shall not he catalogued as a part of its Library, ami thus placed in the special charge of the Committee on die Library Committee, rt shall be its duty to cause a full and perfect list, or inventor} . of the same to he made, continued, and kept : and to propose to the Board, and carry into execution, (after the approval of the Board of Managers has been obtained,) such measures as may be deemed expedient for the classification, arrangement, care, preservation, and security of such papers, or, for obtaining papers or articles of historical or local interesl for presen ation by the Society. 21. The ib immittee on Donations, Subscriptions and ( !ollections, shall have the general supervision and charge of procuring dona- tions to the Society, and subscriptions to its funds, or for any special object. It shall also have charge of the collection thereof, and of all debts, and annual or other <\\\r<, to which the Society may he entitled ; and M -hall he its duty to propose proper nieas- BY-LAWS. 11 uresfor procuring donations and subscriptions, and for the prompt collection of all such subscriptions, debts and dues. 22. The Committee on Publications shall have the charge and supervision of all publications made by the direction of the Soci- ety, and shall carefully examine all papers and other things directed to be published, in order to discover all errors and defects, and procure the correction and remedy thereof. It shall also be their duty to make, or cause to be made, for publication, such abstracts or abridgments of papers as may be required, unless some other Committee shall have been charged with that duty. 28. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Membership to consider and report upon all questions relating to membership, which ma}- be referred for that purpose, and, as far as practicable, to induce all proper persons to become members of the Society. 24. As soon as convenient after the annual election of officers, the President shall appoint the following Committees, each to con- sist of three members of the Society, not Managers, viz.: 1. On the Increase of the Library. 2. On the Increase of Members. 3. On Donations and Subscriptions. 4. On Statistics. 5. On Portraits, Pictures, and Photographs. G. On Local History. 7. On Indian Reminiscences, Memorials, and History. 25. It shall be the duty of the Committee on the Increase of the Library, to procure donations of books and pamphlets; to endeavor, by other means, to increase the Library, and to propose to the Board of Managers such measures for its increase, as may be deemed expedient. 26. It shall be the duty of the Committee on the Increase of Members, to take all proper measures to increase the number of life and resident members; of the Committee on Donations and Subscriptions, to endeavor to increase the funds and property of the Society, by donations and legacies, and otherwise; of the Com- L$fC 12 BY-LAWS. tnittee on Statistics, to collect, digest, arrange, and put in suit- able form lV>r preservation and use, the statistics of the com- merce, manufactures, and business of the City of Buffalo and the Lakes, and of those portions of the Wesl which are intimately connected with the business of Buffalo ; of the Committee on Por- traits, Pictures, and Photographs, to obtain donations of portraits, pictures, and photographs, and especially of portraits in oil of early settlers and other citizens; of the Committee on Local History, to procure, digest, arrange, and put in proper order for preserva- tion and use. materials for a history of the City of Buffalo, and of the several towns of the County of Erie; and oi' the Committee on Indian Reminiscences, Memorials and History, to discover, collect, and arrange in suitable form for preservation and use, whatever they can obtain relating to the habits, peculiarities, pos- sessions, and history of the Indian Nations and Tribes, now. or formerly, occupying portions oi this State. 27. All reports of Standing Committees shall be in writing, but they may report by resolution if they shall deem it expedient Officers of % Society. HENRY W. ROGERS, President. ALBERT T. CHESTER, D. D., Vice President. WILLIAM C. BRYANT, Recording Secretary. GEORGE S. ARMSTRONG, Cor. Secretary and Librarian. OLIVER G. STEELE, Treasurer. WILLIAM A. BIRD, WARREN BRYANT, SHERMAN S. JEWETT, JOHN ALLEN, Je., C. F. S. THOMAS, DENNIS BOWEN, WM. P. LETCH WORTH, ORLANDO ALLEN, WILLIAM H. GREENE. jltandinn, Committees of the £oavd of *ttamtn,ev,$. Finance. — The President, ex-officio, Chairman ; Messrs. Bird, John Allen, Jr. Jewett. Library. — Rev. Dr. Chester, Messrs. Greene, Armstrong. Publications. — Messrs. Thomas, "William C. Bryant, Bowen. Papers and Property. — Messrs. Warren Bryant, Letchworth, Armstrong. Donations and Collections. — Messrs. Orlando Allen. Jewett. Steele. Membership. — Messrs. Greene, Armstrong, Bowen. ^taiulinp, Committees of the %oeiety. On the increase of the Library. — Millard Fillmore, Joseph Warren, James (). Putnam. On the increase of Members. — Samuel M. Welch. Solomon S. Guthrie, Josephus X. Larned. On Donations ami Subscriptions. — Samuel G. Cornell, llufus L. Howard, .lame- ]'>ni\ \,-\ . ( hi Statistics. — Merwin S. Hawley, William Fleming, James Sweeny. On Portraits, Pictures and Photographs. — Laurentius G. Sellstedt, George S. Hazard, Henry ('•. White. On Local History.- -< reorge V. Brown, Samuel M. Chamherlain, Samuel Smith. On Indian "Reminiscences. — Orsamus II. Marshall, John S. Ganson, Ethan H. Howard. iJesibtnt jttcmbtrs. Abell, William H. Alberger, "William C. Allen, John Jr. Allen, Lewis F. Allen, Orlando -jAllison, Kev. John Armstrong, George S. Austin, Benjamin II. Austin, Stephen G. (life. Babcock, George. R. Bailey, Gordon Barnum, George G. Reals, Edward 1'. Bell, David Bemis, Asaph S. Bird, William A. (life.) Blanchard, Amos A. Blossom, Thomas Bogert, Lawrence K. Sr. Bonney, Zoroaster Bowen, Daniel Bowen, Dennis (J if'. ) Box, Henry W. Brace, Curtis L. Brayley, James Breed, F. W. Brennan, Barnabas II. Bristol, Dr. Moses Brunck, Dr. Francis C. Brown, George V. Brown, Robert N. Brown, Thomas Bryan, George J. Bryant, George H. Bryant, Warren I lei eased. t Removed. Bryant, William C. Buell, Jonathan S. *Bull, Absalom Bullymore, Richard Burwell, Dr. George X. Burwell, Mrs. M.T. (life.) Bush, Myron F. (life.) Butler, Theodore Cary, Dr. Walter (life.) ( Jaryl, Benjamin C. Chamberlain, Samuel M. Champlin, 0. H. F. Cheesman, William Chester, Albert T., D.D. Chester, Anson G. Clapp, Almon M. Clark, Cyrus Clark, Dr. John \V. Clark, Seth Clark, Thomas (life.) Clarke, Walter, D.D. Clinton, George W. Cochrane, Andrew G. ( !. Coif, George Jr. (life.) Cornell, Samuel G. (life) Cornwell, Francis E. Cottle, Octavius 0. Cutler, Abner Cutter, A mini W. ( lutting, Harmon S. Dak in, (i -ge Darrow, Noyes Dart, Erastus 1). Dart, Joseph Jr. I law, Henry Dee, William II. De Forest, Cyrus II. fDeshler, John G. Dobbins, David P. (life.) Dodge, Hampton Dorr, E. P. (life.) Dorsheimer, Philip Dorsheimer, Wm. (life.) Dudley, Thomas J. Dutton, Edward H. Finer, Elijah 1). Emslie, Peter Enos, Laurens Ensign, Charles (life.) Evans, Charles W. Evans, Edwin T. Evans, James C. Eustaphieve, Alex. A. Fargo, William G. (life.) Farnham, Thomas Fillmore, Millard (life, | Fillmore, Millard P. Fish, Silas H. Fisher, J. H. Fiske, William Fitch Augustus, B. *Flagg, Samuel D. Fleming, William Flint, Charles G. Follett, Joseph E. *Forbush, Eliakim B. Fosdick, John S. % Francis, Julius E. (life.) Gallagher, Frank B. Galligan, William 16 RESIDENT MEMBERS. Ganson, John | life. | Ganson, John S. Gardner, Jul in II . Gardner, Noah H. Gates, George B. Gilbert, Edwin Glenny, William II. Gorham, George Granger, Warren Greene, William II. Grey, David Grey, Ernst G. Gridley, Frederick *Grosvenor, Seth H. Guthrie, S. S. (life.) Hall, Nathan K. (life.) Hall, William Jr. •j-Harvey, Alexander W. Harvey, Dr. Charles W. Harvey, Dr. Leon P. Hathaway, Isaac T. Hawley, Elias S. Hawley, M. S. (life.) Haves, Dr. George E. Hazard, Edward E. Hazard, George S. Hazard, Morris Heacock, G. \\\, 1). I). Hey wood, Russel H. Hibhard, Geo. B. (life.) Hill. Dr. John D. Hodge, Benjamin Hodge, Philander Hodge, Velorus Hodge, William Holland, Nelson Hollister, Robert ; Hosmer,Geo. W. D.D. Howard, Austin A. II,. ward, E. II. (life.) Howard, < i-eorgc i life.) Howard, Rufus L. Howcutt, John Howell, Stephen W. II"; t. Ji • . II. (life. | Martin, Henry (life, i Marvin, Eurotus i life.) Marvin, ( I 'ge L. M;i\ lew, Jonathan Maynard, Robert H. ; Meech, Asa B. Merrill, George N. Merrill, Ira Metzger, < reorge M iller, James Miller, Wm. K. -; Millikin, Charles A. Miier, Dr. J ulius P. Monteath, William Morse, David E. Nichols, Asber P. (life.) *Norton, Charles D. Otis, Calvin N. Palmer, Everard *Palmer, George Park, Paul Parker, Jason Parker, Perry G. Peck, William B. -Perkins, Thomas G. Peter, James F. f Pitkin, liev. T. C.,D.D. Plimpton, Luman K. *Porter, Peter A. Pratt, Pascal P. (life.) Pratt, Samuel F. (life.) Prince, George A. Prosser, Erastus S. (life.) Putnam, James O. Ramsdell, Orrin P. Ranney, Orville W. fPvich, Edward S. Richmond, Alonzo Richmond, Henry A. Richmond, Moses 31. j-Robinson, Coleman T. Rochester, Dr. T.F. (life.) Rockwell, Augustus Rogers, Henry YY . (life.) Rogers, Sherman S. Root, Francis II. (life.) Rounds, George W. Rumrill, Henry *Rumsey, Aaron | life. | Rumsey, 1!. C. (life.) Rumsey, D. P. (life.) Sage, John Salisbury, Guy II. | life, i Sawin, Silas Sawyer, James D. Scotl . < reorge W. Scott, William E. Sellstedt, Laurentius G. Sexton, Jason Seymour, Erastus B. Seymour, Horatio RESIDENT MEMBERS. 17 Shaw, Salmon Sheldon, .Tamos Shelton, William, D.D. Shepard, John D. (life.) Shepard, Sidney Sheppard, James D. Sherman, Richard J. Sherwood, Albert Sherwood, William C. Shoecraft, James P. Shumway, Horatio Sibley, John C. Skinner, John B. (life. I Smith, James 31. (life, i Smith, Samuel Snow, Dr. Reuben G. Spaulding, E. G. (life.) Spragne, Eben C. Sprague, Noah P. Steele, Oliver G. (life.) *Sternberg, Pearl L. Stevenson, Edward L. Strong, John C. Strong, William K. Sweeney, .lallies Tanner, Alonzo Taylor, Martin Thomas, C. F. S. (life.) Thomas, Horace G. Thompson, A. Porter Tifft, George AT. (life.) Tracy, Francis W. Tripp, Augustus F. Trowbridge, Dr. John S. Tattle, David N. Tweedy, William Utley, Horace Vail, George O. Van Yleek, Joseph Verplanck, [saac A. \'iele. Henry K. Vought, John H. Wadsworth, George Walker, Henry C. ■Warren. Edward S. Warren, Joseph Watson, Stephen V. R. *Weatherly, John L. Welch, Samuel M. *Welch, Thos. C. (life.) Wells, ('handler J. -Wells, Richard H. Wells, William ""Wheeler, Rufus White, Henry A. White, Henry G. White, Isaac D. White, Dr. .1. 1". (life.) Wilgus, Nathaniel Wilkeson, John Williams, G. T. (life. ) Williams, Richard Williams, William Wood, Francis P. Woodruff, L. C. (life.) Worthington, S. Iv. Wyckoff, Dr. C. C. Young, Charles E. Young;, William G. ^m*esp0nbitti5 |tUmbers. Allen, Richard L., New York. Andrews, Prof. E. B., Marietta, 0. Babeock, Janes F., New Haven, Ct. Babcock, Marcus L., Batavia, N. Y. Ballard, Horatio, Homer, N. Y. Barry, Rev. William, Chicago, 111. Barry, Gen. Wm. F., Fort Monroe. *Beers, Seth P., Litchfield, Ct. Blake, Freeman 31., Fort Erie, C. W. Boyd, Prof. E. J., Monroe, Mich. Bradish, Prof. Alvah, Fredonia, N. Y'. Brevoort, J. Carson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Brown, S. G., Pres. Hamilton College. Brown, Simon, Coneord, Mass. Bull,Wm.H.,Bath,Steuben]Co.,N.Y. Burroughs. Lorenzo, Albion, N. Y'. ] Bush, John T., Clifton, C. W. Butler, Thomas B., Norwalk, Ct. Cameron, Hugh, La Crosse, Wis. Campbell, W. W., Cherry Yah, N.Y. Caulkins, Miss F. M., N. London, Ct. Chamberlain, Melvin, Boston, Mass. ('henry, T. A., L.L. 1)., Havana, N.Y. Chester, A ugustin, Washington, D. C. 18 CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. Childs, George W., Philadelphia, Pa. Clark, Joshua V. P., Manlius, N. Y. Cook, Prof. J.P., Jr.,Cambridge,Mass. Cooley, Thos. M., Ann Arbor, Mich. Cornell, Ezra, Ithaca, N. Y. Cowley, Charles, Lowell, Mass. Dart, William A.. Potsdam, N. Y Davies, Henry P.. New York. Dean, George W., Washington, I). C. De Peyster, Gen. J.W., Tivoli, N. Y. Diven, A. S., Elmira, N. Y. Dodd, Edward, Argyle, N. Y. Doolittle, James P., Racine, Wis. Loi kwood L., Albany, N.Y. Drake, Samuel G., Bo-ton. Mass. Draper, Lyman ('., Madison, Wis. Durrie, Daniel S., Madison, Wis. Dutcher, Luther L., St. Albans, Yl. Eliot, W. G., St. Louis, Mo. Evans, Prof. Ellicott, Clinton. N. Y. Fellows, J.,Corning,Steuben( !o.,N.Y. Flagler, Thomas T., Lockport, N. Y. Flint, Dr. Austin, New York. Follett, Oran, Sandusky, 0. Foote, Elial T., New Haven. Ct. Force, Gen. M. P., Cincinnati, 0. Foster John, ( Ihicago, 111. Fox, Benjamin, Springfield, 111. Pox, E. William-. St. Louis, Mo. Frank. Augustus, Warsaw, N. Y. Freeman. Dr. S.. Saratoga Springs. Frothingham, W., Albany, X. Y. Geddes, George, Camilla-, X. Y. Gilman, D. C, New Haven, Ct. Goodman, A. T., Jr., Cleveland. 0. Gordon, George Wm., Boston, Mass. Gould, Prof. B. A., Cambridge, Ma—. Granger, Francis, Canandaigua, N.Y. (.ray. Prof. Asa, L.L. D., Cambridge. Gray, Dr. John P., dtica, X. Y. Ball, Rev. E., D.D., Auburn, N. Y. Hall. S. ]|. P., Binghamton, N. Y. Hamilton, Dr. Frank II., New York. Harwood, Com. A. A., Washington. Silgard, J. E., Washington, I). C. Eoadley, Charles, J., Hartford, Ct. Bodge, Lorin, Jefferson, < >. Holley, George W., Niagara Falls. Hollister, Gideon N., Litchfield, Ct. Horsford, Prof. E. N., Cambridge. Hosmer, James K., Deerfield, Mass, Hosmer, William H. C, Avon, N. Y. Hough, Prof. G. W., Albany, N. Y. Houghton, George F., St. Albans, Vt. Huidekoper, Alfred, Meadville, Pa. Hunt, T. Sterry, L.L. D., Montreal. Huntington, Edward, Rome. N. Y. Irvine, William A., Irvine, Pa. •lames. John II.. Urbana, O. Jarvis, Edward, Dorchester, Mas.-. .lone-, Morven M., Utica, N. Y. Kelley, William, Rhinebeck, N. Y. Kellogg, A. Otis, M. D., Utica, X. Y. Kennedy, Joseph C. G., Washington. King, Charles, L.L. I).. New York. *King, Gov. John A.. Jamaica, N.Y. Kingman, Eliab, Washington, I). C. Kirtland, Jared P., Cleveland, 0. Kite, Nathan, Philadelphia. Pa. *Leake, [saac Q., Jackson, Mich. Lee, Dr. Charles A., Peekskill, N. Y. Lewis, Dr. Winslow, Boston, Mass. I nis, Prof. E., L.L.D., N. Hav. Ct. Lewis, George W.. Fredonia, N. Y. Love, John L., San Francisco, Cal. Lovering, Prof. J., Cambridge, Mass. Luckey, Rev. Sam'], Rochester, N.Y. Lyman, Prof. C. S., New Haven, Ct. McMaster, Guy II.. Bath, X. Y. Marvin. Richard P., Jamestown. X. Y. Merrill, J. P., Si. Catharines, ('. W. Mix, David E. F... Batavia, X. Y Moore, E. M., Rochester, X. Y. Morgan, Edwin D., New York. Morgan, Lewi- H., Rochester, X. Y. Moulton, J. \\\. Roslyn, L. 1., X. Y. Mullen, Joseph, Watertown, X. Y. M unsell, Joel, Albany, X. Y. Murphy, Benry ('.. Brooklyn, X. Y. Mygatt, Benrj R., Oxford. X. A'. Nason, Rev. E., Billerica Mills, Mass. Newberry, Prof. J. S., Columbia Col. Norton, Judge E.,San Francisco, Cal. O'Callaghan, E. !!.. Albany, X. Y. ( llleilly, Henry. New York. Parker, Amasa J., Albany, X.Y. CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. 19 Parkman, Francis, Boston, Mass. Peacock, William, Mayville, 1ST. Y. Pearson, Prof. Jona., Union College. Perkins, Prof. Geo. E., Utica, 1ST. Y. Peters, Theodore C, Virginia. Phelps, Edward J., Burlington, Yt. Phelps, James A., Titus ville. Pa. Phinney, Elihu, New York. Plumb, Rev. A. H., Chelsea, Mas>. Pool, Pitch, Danvers, Mass. Porter, Albert A., Niagara Fall.-. Porter, Albert H., Niagara Falls. Porter, Augustus S., Niagara Fall-. Pratt, Elon G., St. Louis, Mo. Pratt, Zadoek, Prattsville, N. Y. Pruvn, John Y. L., Albany, N. Y. Randall, H. S., Cortland Village, N.Y. Redfield, Heman J., Batavia. N. Y. Reed, Charles M.. Erie, Pa. Safford, Prof. J. M., Nashville, Tenn. Sandford, Laura G., Erie, Pa. Saxton, Gen. Rufus, 17. S. Army. Sewall, E. Quincy, Watertown, N. Y. Shipman, Wm. D., Hartford, Ct. Silliman, Prof. Benj., New Haven, Ct. Simpson, Brig. Gen. J. H., Washington. Sims, Jeptha, Fort Plain, N. Y. Skinner, J. B. 2d, Attica, N. Y. Skinner, St. John B. L., Washington. Smalley, David A., Burlington, Yt. Smith, George, Upper Darby, N. Y. *Smith, Junius A., Batavia, N. Y. Soper, Horace U., Batavia, N. Y. Spaulding, Lyman A., Lockport, N.Y. *Spencer, Piatt B., Geneva, O. Stevens, Alden S., Attica, N. Y. Stone, Wm. L., Saratoga Springs. Storrs, Wm. C, Rochester, N. Y. Street, Alfred B., Albany, N. Y. Strong, Nathaniel T., Irving, N. Y. Taylor, Col. Rodney 31., Washington. Thompson, Rev. M. L. R. P., Jamest'n. Tillman, Prof. Samuel D., New York. Titus, James M., New York. Trask, Wm. B., Boston, Mass. Trowbridge, Thos. R,, New Haven, Ct. Trumbull, J. Hammond, Hartford, Ct. Turner, Nath. A., E. Aurora, Eric ( !o. Tyson, Philip R., Baltimore, Md. Upham, Chas. W., Salem, Mass. YanSchaak, Henry C, Manlius, N.Y. Yan Tassel, T., Salina, N. Y. A'i 1 1 ton , Rev. J. A. , D. D. , Boston , Mass. :: AVads worth, Gen. J. S.,Geneseo,N. Y . Wadsworth, James, New York. Waite, John T., Norwich, Ct. Walker, Edward C, Detroit, Mich. Walker, Prof. Chas. R., Detroit, Mich. Walker, Rev. J. B. R., Hartford, Ct. -"Walworth, R. Hyde, Saratoga Spr'gs. Wild, Monroe, Wyoming, N. Y. Wells, H., Aurora, Cayuga Co., N. Y. Wendell, Geo., Mackinac, Mich. West. Prof. Chas. E., Brooklyn, N. Y. White, Henry, New Haven, Ct. Whitehead, A. P., Newark, N. J. Whiting, William, Boston, Mass. Whittlesey, Col. C. Cleveland. <>. Wilkeson, Samuel, New York. Willis. William. Portland, Me. Wilson, Dr. Peter, Versailles, N.Y'. Winchell, Prof. A., Ann Arbor, Mich. Woodruff, Maj. Israel C, Washington. Woolworth, Samuel B., Albany, N.Y". Worthen, Prof. A. H., Springfield, Til. Wright, Rev. A. P., Versailles, N. Y. Younglove,T. M.. Hammondsp't,N.Y. iomumg Members. Bancroft, George, New York. Barnard, F. A. P., Pres. Colum. Col. Buckingham. Gov.W.A., Norwich, Ct. 3S, Lewi-. Detroit, Mich. DePeyster, Frederick, New York. "-Dickinson, D. S., Binghamton, N.T. Dix, Gen. John A.. New York. *Everett, Edward, Boston, Mass. Fisher, Rev. S.W., D.D.,TJtica, N.Y. Hall, William, Sr„ Cleveland, 0. Hall, Hiland, North Bennington,Vt. Hawley, Gov. Joseph R., Hartford, Ct. Hill, Edgar C, Lewiston, N. Y. Hopkins,, Mark, Pres. Williams Col. Jouett, St. Com. J. , Williamst'n, Mass. Lea, Isaac, L.L.D., Philadelphia, Pa. Peabody, George, London, England. Ruggles, Samuel P., New York. . Lt. Gen.Winfield, New York. Storr's, Lucius, Cortland Village. N.Y. Washburn, Emory, Cambridge, Mass. Wetherall, Benj. F. H., Detroit, Mich. Wool, Gen. John E., Troy, N. Y. INDEX. Annual Address, ..... By-Laws, ....... By-Laws, may be suspended, and how, Certificate of I ncorporation, . . . . Committees of Board of Managers, Committees of Board of Managers, their dutie: aittees of the Society, .... mittees of the Society . their duties, . Committees, Lisl of, &c, for the year L868", Constitution, ....... Constitution, how amended, Corresponding Secretary, duties of, . Librarian, duties of, ..... Managers, Board of, . . . . ■ . Members, Resident, Members, Corresponding, . . . . M bers, Honorary, ..... Officers of the Society for 1868, Order of Business, ..... . duties defined, ...... tary, duties defined, Treasurer, duties defined, . . . 9 7 S 9 10 11 11 14 5 6 7 8 md 8 15 17 20 L3 9 LBJL 'C4 *€, ~% LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 220 627 4