Br F 1 1 549 WM I.Fsf? HH HHWJMBEB lls^ w % IJK Free port, ^^^. v I'P S^^^ we! 4 Bj£& Class _ Book -Fi F' * i FREEPORT AND VICINITY >Tii /x.y Ibalf^ones <&*. c$h 2)irect from pbotoerapb. Priee, Fiftjf 9«nt«^. W ' H " p3" ".°J.h.™. Copyright, iSgz, frukrt, ill. By VV. H. Wagner & Sons. FREEPORT, THE COUNTY SEAT OF STEPHENSON COUNTY, ILL., IS most beautifully located in one of the finest and most fertile sec- 1 tions of the state, and the entire north-west, and its vicinity is justly called "the Garden of Illinois." Its population, including the suburbs, numbers about 17,000. Five lines of the Illinois Central R. R., running east, south, west, north-west and north, center at this point ; the Galena division of the Chicago and Northwestern R. R., having its western terminus here, is one of the first railroads built in the " Prairie State ;" the southwestern division of the Chicago, Mil- waukee and St. Paul R. R. connects us with the north-east and south- west ; and the Chicago Great Western Railway has it depot in South Freeport, but a few miles distant ; an aggregate of 100 rail road trains arriving and departing every day. We are no miles west of Chicago, and can reach the World's Fair City on the four roads, in a three hours' ride, with 13 passenger trains daily each way. The German Insurance Company, the largest Company in the west, is located here. Freeport has larger Banking Capital than any other city of its size in the west, and thirty-eight Factories furnish employment to a large number of skilled workmen. The principal factories are the Henney Buggy Co., Stover Mfg. Co., Stover Bicycle Mfg. Co., Stover Heater Co., Stover Novelty Works, Robinson Mfg. Co., Arcade Mfg. Co., Woodmanse & Hewitt Co., Freeport Bicycle Mfg. Co., Johnson Wheel Co., H. D. Bentley Piano and Organ Stool Factory, John E. Tuckett & Son's Tobacco Works, Warner Mfg. Co., H. Meyer Boot and Shoe Mfg. Co., John Loos Mfg. Co., Riverside Tannery, Standard Store Service Carrier Co., Freeport Cigar Co.. Union Nickel and Silver Plating Works ; C. E. Meyer & Co., C. H! Rosenstiel & Sons, and Burrell Bros. Vinegar Works, Magney-Cate Sash-Balance Co., and others. In addition to the above we have two Marble Works, three Brick Yards, two Planing Mills, and three Breweries. Six Newspapers are published in our city, three of them both daily and weekly in the English language, and two weeklies in German. .Eighf: Public .Schools, ranking with the best in the state, five; Baioch'ial Schools afld a first-class Business College offer educa- tional' advantages' second to none. Among the 18 churches are some as fine as may be found almost anywhere. The public improvements consist of .Paved Streets, Water Works, furnishing an ample supply of the purest; water, a complete Sewer System, a thoroughly organ- ized File Department and Electric Fire Alarm, Electric and Gas Lighting, Street Cars, &c. Our people are energetic, wide-awake, intelligent, industrious, social and hospitable. The illustrations on the following pages will convince anyone that we have a right to be proud of Freeport, and it is therefore with a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction that we issue this Souvenir of our fair and beautiful city and its vicinity. THE PUBLISHERS. PHOTOS BY OSCAR WAONER, AMATEUR. „/; c ; VvafSf' '" ^ j^n^^l^ !■ it '-ikm^W- DAM AT CE DANVILLE