: LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 111 DD0D3E5T73Q p^ > q.. ♦. ^-^ C°\Cv^* "^o >" .t^*;^!-^^. • '\ iw.- .A • - « " .^< . .-^"^ .v4*/l% ^^i>>. .«,^ yJ^. %. .4?^ EXTRACTS FROM BY-LAWS ...OF... The nercditar/ Order of Descendants of Colonial Governors. Copyright 1915 by The Hereditary Order of Descendants of Colonial Governors. All rights reserved including that of translation into foreign languages. .99 HoS / JAN -8 1916 The Hereditary Order of Descendants of Colonial Governors* Extracts from By-Laws Relating to the Issuing of Permits and Orders for Insignia and Delivery of Insignia. I. CHAIRMEN must have positive proof of de- scent from Governors, and must make sure that such Governors' names are included in the Order's printed Books of Eligible Ascendants, before issuing invitations to Honorary Membership, or permits, or orders, for Insignia or for Extra Bars. II. A CHAIRMAN shall not issue Permits or Or- ders for Insignia or Extra Bars to any person v^^ho was invited into the Order by another Chairman or by the Governor General. III. CHAIRMEN shall not send notices stating that the Order has approved submitted lineage from Governors (whether questioned or otherwise), and shall not issue permits or orders for Insignia or Extra Bars * Note. — "It is common to speak of an Order by its name alone, as 'the Garter,' 'the Bath' . . . 'the Thistle,' for 'The Most Ancient and Noble Order of the Thistle' " (Cent. Diet.); hence this Order has from its founding been spoken of and known as "the Colonial Governors" and the "Order of Colonial Governors," and has from the first been so written by the founder, honorary members and the public. J SEP c7i915 ©CI.A419515 . Page Two until after all requisite fees have been paid and all re- quired lineages has been received. IV. CHAIRMEN when conferring Honorary Mem- bership and issuing original permits or orders for origi- nal Insignia or for Extra Bars, shall make out a FAC- SIMILE permit or order, which they shall diflferentiate from the original permit or order that is to be given to the new Honorary Member, by writing on the back of such FACSIMILE permit or order, as follows: (1) The date of issuing the invitation. (2) The date of admission, i. e., the date of conferring of honorary membership. (3) Full names of Heirs, including middle names, and their residences, including house number, street, town and State, and postoffice addresses. (4) Names and pages of volumes in which lineage of Honorary Members from Governors is recorded. (5) And if they are members of Colonial Societies whose records this Order accepts, the names of said Societies in which such lineage is registered shall be given, together with names of persons who were the proposers and seconders in said Colonial Societies, (6) Names of Governors to be engraved on Extra Bars. (7) And such FACSIMILE permit or order shall have the word "FACSIMILE" written across its face at the top and shall be_ copied exactly into Page Three the Chapter Record Books, and then shall be mailed or given to the Governor General at the same time that the original permit, or order is mailed or given to the new Honorary Member; so that the K^ational Officers may always thereby approximate the total number of Members and locate their Heirs. V. CHAIRMEN shall number the stubs, center permits, FACSIMILE and the attached coupon vouchers all with the same number in the order of date of ad- mittance of each person to the Chapter, to simplify duplication, if lost; and to show the Chapter's totality at that date, from the beginning. VI. CHAIRMEN, AFTER FILLING IN the stubs, center permit, FACSIMILE and attached coupon vouchers, shall detach the center permits from the stubs (which shall be left in the book for reference) ; they shall write only the said numbers and their own names and addresses in spaces designated on coupon vouchers, and shall not detach coupon vouchers from permit, or from FACSIMILE, both of which shall be issued with coupon vouchers attached. (The other spaces desig- nated on coupon vouchers are to be filled in by the Medallists.) VII. CHAIRMEN, upon receiving from the Medal- lists the filled-in coupon voucher of shipment or de- livery, shall at once copy it on the Chapter Record Rooks, and shall, on the same day, mail said coupon to the Recorder of Insignia. 1 Page Four VIII. CHAIRMEN SHALL NOT SIGN PER- MITS or orders for Insignia or for Extra Bars for themselves, or for their Heirs; such permits or orders must be signed by the Recorder of Insignia or by the Governor General, who shall not so sign until after hav- ing received proofs of lines of descent from Governors prior to 1750, with affidavit attached, made out in detail as defined in provisions of By-Laws on Membership. IX. CHAIRMEN shall make Records relating to all Heirs on the same leaf with Names and Records of Honorary Members from whom Heirs may inherit, or have inherited, Honorary Membership and Insignia. X. All permits or orders for Insignia or for Bars must be filled out entirely in the handwriting of the Chairman who signs the permit, or order, or of the Gov- ernor General, or such person as the Governor General has authorized in writing to fill in and sign such per- mits, or orders. XI. All permits or orders for Insignia or Bars shall be issued by the Chairman direct to the Honorary Member who is named in the permit, or order, and such Honoraray Member shall purchase his (or her) own Insignia and Bars direct. XII. A CHAIRMAN shall not retain such permits or orders for the purpose of purchasing them for him (or her); nor shall a CHAIRMAN purchase any In- signia for any Honorary Member. Page Five Lost Insignia, Lost Permits (or Lost Orders) I. CHAIRMEN SHALL NOT HEREAFTER IS- SUE any Duplicate Permits, or Duplicate Orders for Insignia, or Bars, to replace Lost Insignia or Lost Bars, or Lost Permits, or Lost Orders. Such Duplicate Per- mits shall be printed on diflPerent colored paper and shall be issued by the Recorder of Insignia, or such per- son as the Governor General shall authorize in writing, to act in the absence of the Recorder of Insignia. II. HEREAFTER THE MEDALLISTS, upon re- ceiving Duplicate Permits or Duplicate Orders made out on the printed forms that are, or were, used for issuing the Original Permits (thus showing they were filled in and signed by Chairmen and other Officers before the above-stated By-law went into effect), shall send them to the Recorder of Insignia or to the Governor General, who shall compare them and then shall make record thereof, and then shall send them to the proper officials to file; and shall send to the Medallists, in exchange, a letter of authorization or permit on colored paper as de- fined below. III. HONORARY MEMBERS AND HEIRS WHO HAVE LOST either their Original, or Inherited Permits or Orders, or Insignia, or Bars, shall, if they wish them replaced, apply in writing to the Governor General, or to their present State Chairman, who, provided he (or she) filled in and signed the Original Permit or Order, shall then compare the written application with Records Page Six on file, concerning the Original Permit or Order, and if they accord, shall notify the Honorary Member to send the price to the Recorder of Insignia, and at the same time shall indorse the application and forward it to the Recorder of Insignia, who shall communicate with the Medallists, according to the By-laws. IV. BUT if the Governor General, or State Chair- man, who filled in and signed the Original Permit or Or- der, is no longer in office, the present State Chairman shall, upon receiving such written application from an Honorary Member, forward it to the present Governor General, who shall compare it with the Records and notes that were made and filed with the National Officers by the Chairman who filled in, signed and issued the Original Permit, or Order, and if the application and Records and Notes accord, the Governor General shall indorse and forward the application to the RECORDER OF IN- SIGNIA, who shall compare it with Records on the Insignia Books, and if satisfactory, shall then forward direct to the Medallists, the price received from the Honorary Member, together with a letter of authori- zation, or a Permit printed on different colored paper from other permits or orders, which shall (1) be fully dated, and (2) shall state whether it is to replace a I ost Permit or Lost Order, or Eost Insigne or Lost Bars; (3) date of issuing the Original permit or Or- der; (4) names of Governors to be engraved on each Bar; (5) name of Owner to be engraved on Insigne; (6) if it is to replace a Lost Original Insigne of an Page Seven Original Honorary Member, shall state the number of such Lost Original Insigne, which shall be engraved on the new Insigne, and which shall have prefixed the letter "o," signifying "original," and shall have the letter "d" suffixed, signifying "duplicate," as "o624d," signifying "duplicate of lost original Insigne"; (7) but, if the new Insigne is to replace a LOST INHERITED INSIGNE, the letter "i" shall be prefixed and letter "d" suffixed, as "i624d," signifying a "DUPLICATE OF A LOST INHERITED INSIGNE"; (8) but, if the Dupli- cate Permit is issued to the Inheritor to replace only a lost Original Permit, which was issued to a Decedent who never bought Insignia, the Medallists shall be authorized to engrave the Inheritor's New Original Insigne with the usual chronological number, prefixing thereto the letter "i," as "1824," thus signifying the Honorary Member- ship is Inherited; but the letter "o," signifying "orig- inal," shall not be suffixed and the letter "d," signifying "duplicate," shall not be suffixed, because the New In- signe is not a Duplicate of Lost Insigne (either Inherited or Original), (see beyond page 10, sec. XI); (9) the name and address of the person to whom the Medallists shall send the Insigne or Extra Bars. Names, Numbers, and Letters on Insignia. (I) All orders from Honorary Members for all Insignia and Bars must be accompanied by the price. (II) All Insignia of each Honorary Member shall be given the same numbers by the Medallists, and all In- signia shall be number(>d in the order of the date of Page Eight their purchase, unless otherwise provided in the By- laws, but no letters shall be added to numbers on Origi- nal Insignia of Original Honorary Members, excepting the Miniature Insignia. (III) MEDALLISTS SHALL engrave numbers and FULL NAMES of Owners in fine script near the top of Insignia — Badge, or Medallion, or Inside Bar, etc. — (unless otherwise provided in the By-laws), thereby leaving sufficient space beneath for engraving numbers and names of Inheritors in future generations. (IV) The Recorder of Insignia shall have charge of Miniature Insignia, the Permits for which shall be on different colored paper from other permits. (V) Miniature Insignia shall have the same num- bers as the Large Insignia, with addition of the letter "m," signifying "miniature," prefixed next to the num- ber, as "m563," and engraved when it is purchased, and shall be so recorded in Record Books. (VI) If Miniature Insignia are purchased, before the large Insignia are acquired, the Recorder of Insignia may notify the Medallists to engrave thereon the same special numbers by which the permits therefor were is- sued and are recorded on Books of Insignia to simplify tracing, if lost, and to show the totality of Miniature Insignia that have been delivered. If the Large Insignia have been acquired, the Recorder of Insignia may notify the Medallists to engrave on the Miniature Insignia the same numbers that are engraved on Large Insignia, with the letter "m" prefixed thereto. Page Nine (VII) MEDALLISTS shall keep record of the total sum of all Insignia they make, and, therefore, after num- bering the DUPLICATE, INHERITED MINIATURE, OR OTHER INSIGNIA, as directed by the Recorder of Insignia, they may add to such Insignia their usual chronological number engraved in vertical form, thus (2) (5) (6) to prevent confusion in estimating the totality of In- signia issued. (VIII) DUPLICATE INSIGNIA to replace Lost Original Insignia {not Inherited) shall have the same numbers as such Lost Original Insignia, with the letter "o," signifying "original," prefixed, and the letter "d," signifying "duplicate," suffixed, as "o563d," signifying "Duplicate of Lost Original Insigne." INHERITORS OF SUCH DUPLICATES of Lost Original Insignia shall have the letter "i" also prefixed, as "io563d." (IX) DUPLICATE INSIGNIA TO REPLACE LOST INHERITED INSIGNIA shall have the letter "i," signifying "inherited" prefixed and the letter "d," signifying "duplicate," suffixed, as "i563d," signifying Duplicate of a Lost Inherited Insigne. (X) INHERITORS of ORIGINAL INSIGNIA, after being formally recorded, shall have prefixed to the numbers on their Inherited Original Insignia the letter "i," signifying "inherited"; and shall have suffixed the letter "o," signifying "original," as, "i567o," engraved above the names of Decedents: and the word "inherited," Page Ten together with the date of the day of the month and year of Inheritance, as "Feb. 5, 1608" (or "2, 5, 1608," as may be preferred), and the full names of Inheritors shall all be ENGRA VED on the Insignia beneath the names of the persons from whom Honorary Membership and Insignia are Inherited, thus: 15670, James Wall Tome Inherited Feb. 5, 1608 (or, 2, 5, 1608, as may be preferred), by John Tome. (XI) But if the Decedents never bought Insignia, New Numbers must of necessity be given the Inheritors for their Insignia in the usual chronological order, in which case the letter "i" shall be prefixed to the New Number, as "13274," which shall be inscribed on the New Insignia, together with the full name of Decedent, and the full name of Inheritor, and words "inherited by," and dates in detail, as defined in Section 10, thus sig- nifying that the honorary membership is inherited from the Decedent; but the letter "o," signifying "original," shall not be suffixed because the Netv Insignia are not inherited Original Insignia of an Original Honorary Member; and the letter "d," signifying "duplicate," shall not be suffixed because the New Insignia are not Dupli- cates of any Insignia, and no other Insignia have ever borne that number; and such new number shall be en- graved at the very bottom of such new Insignia, instead of at the top, merely to diff'erentiate them from Original Insignia of an Original Honorary Member, thus: Page Eleven James Wall Tome, Inherited Feb. 5, 1608 (or "2, 5, 1608, as may be preferred), by John Tome 13274 (XII) Medallists shall not put jewels in Insignia unless authorized in writing to do so, by the Governor General. (XIII) The Insignia of an Honorary Order are the crosses, medallions, stars, collars, ribbons, knots, ro- settes, etc. No Honorary Member, or Officer shall re- ceive more than one of each of such Insignia, either in large or miniature size, unless to replace Lost Insignia, proof of which loss must be satisfactorily established before a duplicate permit can be issued. (XIV) MEDALLISTS, upon receiving permits or orders to make Insignia or Bars, shall: (1) Compare such permits, or orders, with the printed lists of ELIGIBLE ASCENDANTS furnished them by the Governor General, to ascertain if names of Governors on such permits, or orders, are included on such lists, and if not included they shall not make In- signia, or Bars, but they shall send the permits or orders to the Governor General for instructions and authoriza- tion. Page Twelve (2) They shall compare names on such permits or orders with their books containing names of persons who have bought Insignia to see if Insignia have pre- viously been delivered to persons whose names are on the permits, or orders, and if they find a person has already bought any Insigne, or Bars, bearing the same names as are on the permit, or order, just received, or if they receive a DUPLICATE PERMIT made out on forms no longer in use for DUPLICATE PERMITS, or made out on white paper now in use only for Original Permits, or if they receive a permit from which the cou- pon voucher has been detached, they shall forward such permits to the Governor General for instructions. (3) They shall ascertain if the signature on the permit, or order, is that of an authorized Chairman, or other Officer whom the Governor General has notified them in writing is authorized to fill in and sign permits or orders. (4) They shall see if all the handwriting on the permit or order is the same as the signature upon it (as is required by the By-laws) ; and if they find the per- mit or order bears any typewriting; or bears any hand- writing different from that of the authorized Officer (as defined above, in section 3), or different from the handwriting of the Governor General, or Chairman, who filled in and signed the permit or order, the MEDAL- LISTS shall send such permit or order to the Governor General for instructions. Page Thirteen MEDALLISTS, after observing these requirements and making Insignia or bars, according to the provisions of the By-laws and instructions on the permits, or orders, for them, shall, as from the founding, make record, and shall: (5) Stamp, or otherwise record on such permits or orders dates of receiving them. (6) Full dates of making and shipping all Large and Miniature Insignia, and Extra Bars, together with purchaser's name, house number, street, town and State addresses to which they were shipped, or, if personally delivered, they shall make record of; — (7) Names of persons to whom they were deliv- ered by written order of the Honorary Member named in the permit, or order, or the (8) Names of each Honorary Member who received an Insigne, in person, (9) And shall state how many Bars were attached to the Insigne at the time of making and delivering it, and names of Governors engraved on each Bar at that time, also the name of the Chairman who authorized engraving on each Bar. (10) Full dates of making and attaching Extra Bars to old Insignia, also the names of the Owners, and full dates of shipping (or otherwise delivering as defined above), each Extra Bar, name of Governor engraved thereon, and name of Chairman who filled in and signed permit, or order, for each Extra Bar. Page Fourteen (11) Names in full and the assigned numbers for their Insignia, together with letters "i," "o," "d," "m," that they engraved on all Insignia as required by By- laws. (12) Records of Duplicate Insignia, Duplicate Bars and Records relating to Insignia of Heirs shall be made on the same page directly beneath the name of the Orig- inal Honorary Member who bought the Original Insignia, or on the back of such page, in order to avoid confusion. (13) After seeing that all records as defined above are made on the center permit, or order, MEDALLISTS shall fill in the attached coupon voucher, detach it from the permit, or order, and on the same day of shipment, or of personally delivering the Insigne, or Extra Bars, they shall mail said coupon voucher to the Chairman, or Governor General, or other Officer (authorized as de- fined above in section 3) who filled in, signed and issued such permit, or order, or if such Governor Gen- eral or Chairman is no longer in office, shall send it to the present Governor General, or to the present State Chairman for the State, which is given at the bottom of the permit; but all 'permits or orders on colored paper shall be forwarded by the MEDALLISTS to the RE- CORDER of INSIGNIA. (14) And at the same time that the MEDAL- LISTS MAIL the detached coupon voucher to the Chair- man or to the Recorder of Insignia, they shall mail the original center permit or order to the Governor General, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Governor General. Page Fifteen (15) MEDALLISTS SHALL NOT RETURN SUCH PERMITS OR ORDER TO CUSTOMERS, OR TO HONORARY MEMBERS, OR OFFICERS, who surrendered them in order to obtain Insignia, or Bars, thereby. Nor shall they send, or DELIVER THEM, OR ANY PERMITS, OR ORDERS, WHATSOEVER, TO ANY OFFICER BUT THE GOVERNOR GEN- ERAL. (XV) MEDALLISTS SHALL NOT FURNISH ANY NAMES, OR ADDRESSES OF ANY MEMBERS, OR OF ANY OFFICERS, OR OF ANY CHAIRMAN TO ANY ONE without written authorization from the Governor General, nor shall they deliver PERMIT BOOKS, OR COPIES OF BY-LAWS, OR ENGRAVED FORMS FOR INVITATIONS, OR STATIONERY, except upon receipt each time of the written permit there- for, signed by the Governor General; the MEDALLISTS shall return such permit always with the articles to the person named in the permit, who shall present it with his (or her) future orders. MEDALLISTS SHALL FORWARD ALL REQUESTS WHICH ARE NOT ACCOMPANIED BY SUCH WRITTEN PERMITS FOR SUCH ARTICLES, OR REQUESTS for NAMES, OR for LISTS, OR for INFORMATION, to THE GOVERNOR GENERAL FOR WRITTEN EN- DORSEMENT, and INFORMATION, before replying to the requesters. Page Sixteen (XVI) MEDALLISTS, when wishing names, ad- dresses, or lists of Honorary Members shall not apply to any State, Chapter, or National Officer for them, but shall apply direct to the Governor General. (XVII) IF MEDALLISTS NEGLECT to read and abide by these By-laws, and make and deliver In- signia, or Bars, bearing names of men who are not in- cluded on the printed lists of eligible Ascendants fur- nished them by the Order, or bearing names concerning which they have not received written authorization from the Governor General the MEDALLISTS shall be held responsible for such non-compliance with the By-laws, and shall also recall such Bars and Insignia, and refund in full, the amount of money they received in payment for them. Copyright 1915 By the Hereditary Order of Descendants of Colonial Governors 28 W . ^V> ?VT» *^ OK ,1 * ^^' V*. o » « .^ '°*.* ^ .% ^,°^^'\ l^R.' /\ ..„^^^. ,