'The City Lies FouRsqiJARE' fl Hem Poem By A New Reporter ■aMMMMVMtoMvnWfliaimMaiaaiMatMi LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Chap... , Copyright No. Shelf... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ¥/2 M LOVE AND I IN HEAVEN. ADVERTISEMENT. The Prologues to the Sixteen Cantos of Book First — every one a Square— begin as follows : To Heaven to love. To Heaven to see. To Heaven to hear. • To Heaven to serve. To Heaven to grow. To Heaven to know. To Heaven to teach. To Heaven to lead. To Heaven to, bear. To Heaven to save. To Heaven to speak. To Heaven to work. To Heaven to shine. To Heaven to fight. To Heaven to reign. To Heaven to live. The New Reporter everywhere sees and reports that nothing can be well done except in Heaven —from a celestial base: which is the New Order. This Prologue, Book Second, likewise reveals the New Order — " Take Heaven and go thy ivay, With Sonship girt and shod; And to lone Hell be thou the day : It is the will of God." — Says Poor Richard Jr. Love and I in Heaven THE NEW ORDER BY A NEW REPORTER " WHAT THOU SEEST WRITE IN A BOOK" . t PHILADELPHIA POOR RICHARD JR. & CO. 1222 SANSOM STREET 1896 } -5->/3 •" CcX^^ 75 172<1 COPYRIGHT, 18'J5, BY RACHEL A. FULLP:R. Love and I in Huavkn. All tighls ifsf}~ved. PROLOGUE. I. About eight years ago I had a vision. A great shining thought became visible. It drew nearer and nearer and enveloped me in a white cloud. It was beyond me and above me and within me. And the beautiful wonder had a kind of frater- nal aspect which gave me courage. II. My soul went forth ; and at once I became Historian to the Beauty which I beheld. III. The first record : " It was a voice I saw, A voice with myriad eyes, Which shot me through and through with awe And infinite surprise." 5 6 LO VE AND I IX IIEA J EN. IV. The vision did not fade into the light of com- mon day. It remained, and taught me adoration. We walked together in the fields. " It daily talked with me, That manifested grace Which never was so manfully In any mortal face, " And like a brother said : Both eye and ear is light, And eve)-)' soul that is not dead Is Voice — as toell as sight.'" V. I began to build the vision into the City of Life. The poem " grew in wisdom and stature." " At work on manhood's height I saw in bright array A wonderful, reveahng sight Which made perpetual day." PROLOGUE. 7 VI. The four quartrains which I have quoted took their places, regardless of number, in Square XXL VII. Does twenty-one indicate, that I had just reached my spiritual majority and was entering into the grand and beautiful estate of the Son of God? VIII. In the midst of my work I wrote to a dear brother whom at that time I had never taken by the hand, the author of a most admirable book, suggesting that he re-write certain parts and issue a new edition under a new name, God's Son in Man. 8 LOVE A\D I JX HE A J EjV. IX. From the gentleman I received a very beauti- ful reply, in which the point was made that the world is hardly ready for the idea suggested. X. It is indeed true that prophets prepare the way, and that development requires time and times. XI. But is not this age of ours ripe for new glory as concerns the Genesis of Manhood ? XII. Are not men everywhere hungering after a completer thought of God and the Lord Christ ? Xlil. Our young men are groping for creative light. O Prophets, open ye the flood-gates of Heaven ! PROLOGUE. 9 XIV. There is no medicine to cure the malady of corroding sin, and to heal our many infirmities, except the sympathetic light born of Divine Sonship. XV. And there is no vision or shining thought of avail to tlice, till thou dost welcome it and sur- render to it and loyally follow it. XVI. The new morning breaks, breaks, O Church of God, XVII. God's Son in Man, the Christhood of Man, are subjects which are rounding and shining in thousands of lives; and when they take pos- session of the common life, bewildered, weary Earth will rejoice in her transfiguration. lO LOVE AND I JX HEAVEN. XVIII. " The Voice with Myriad Eyes " is the all- beholding and all-publishing Voice of the Son of God. XIX. Faith is the substance and evidence of things that continue the same yesterday, to-day, and forever. XX. The City lies foursquare. XXI. Poetry, the Science of Heaven, is the Vision in the Foursquare City of Life of the Drama of God — God passing into and glorifying History. XXil. The Trinity, Father, Son, and Spirit — the high water-mark in the Theology of Poetry — is the PROLOGUE. II historical part of the Divine Quarternity, the Eternal Square. XXIIl. The Eternal Square, the measure of the Divine Circle, is the End alike in Poetry and Mathematics, in Religion and Science — an end which these Four Sisters are forever and ever attaining, and never fully attain. XXIV. Revelation, in every vocal quarter, is from generation to generation, as it was in the begin- ning, is now, and ever shall be : world without end. XXV. The wonderful realities of Form and Spirit, as revealed to the Foursquare Sisterhood of Humanity, are never wanting in the music of numbers and achievement. 12 LO VE AXD J IX HE A I EX. XXVI. The Morning Stars are forever singing to- gether, and the Sons of God always shouting for joy. XXVII. Astronomy, true to the law of the Square, continues to build the Song of the Stars. XXVIII. Geology and the Pyramids are the Music of Geometry. XXIX. Botany is the musical glory of order and color. XXX. Every note in the Lyric of Life is a singing milestone in the ascent of Man. PROLOGUE. 13 XXXI. It goes without saying that Poetry, like the Father in the revelation of the Divine Quarter- nity, looks forth from every side of the Square, North, South, East, and West, both outward and inward, above and beneath. XXXII. And who shall say that it is a figment of the fancy and not a reality of the imagination, that Poetry, the testimony of God, reports and builds according to the rhythmical law of the Square? XXXIII. Poetry is discovery. There are more things in Heaven and Hell, the dual world of Life, than are dreamed of in any philosophy. And those who join the ascending and descending Angels, with strong, unshaken faith in the unity of all things, are sure to return with good news. 14 LOVE AXn I IX HE A FEN. XXXIV. The Poet and his vision are one. One, the Christian and his faith, the little child and the Kingdom of Heaven. For the tabernacle of God is with men. The gates of pearl signify His presence. XXXV. The vision of God, eternal fountain of pain and delight, is the perennial Poem of Immortality. XXXVI. This volume is its own excuse for what it suggests. And it is committed to my Brother in the knowledge that its secrets are creative. THE TABLE OF CANTOS. BOOK FIRST. PAGE I. Sons are Friends, 19 II. Man is Divine, 31 III. Vision is Voice, 43 IV. Service is Song, 55 V. Heaven is Growth, .... 6^ VI. God is Man 79 VII. The Poet, 91 VIII. The Statesman, 103 IX. The Mother, 115 X. The King, 127 XI. The Prophet, 139 XII. Angels, . . 151 XIII. The Virgin, 163 XIV. The Son, 175 XV. Thanksgiving, 187 XVI. Eternal Life, 199 15 I 6 LOVE AND I IN HE A VEN. BOOK SECOND. PAGE XVII. A Modern History of the Great Lucifer Family, . . 213 XVIII. The Fate of Balaam, the Son of Bosor, and His Brethren, 225 XIX. The Logical Story of Judas and His Descendants, . . . 237 XX. Celestial Vision and the Ma- terialists, 249 XXI. Celestial Knowledge and the Agnostics, 261 XXII. The Gospel of " Whosoever Will," 273 XXIII. The Good Tidings of Divine SoNSHip, 285 XXIV. The Prophecy of the Resur- rection AND the Life, . . 297 XXV. A Prophetic Account of Our Treasures in Heaven, . . 309 BOOK FIRST IS INSCRIBED To the Lovej'-s of Poetry, the Spirit of Truth ; To my Brothers and Sisters in the Eternal Sunshiiie ; To the Unconscious Sons and Daughters of our Father ; To Man, the Citizeri in the Republic of God. ^-^//gc/s of God asccihiijig ifpon IJic Sou of MilN. CANTO I. SONS ARE FRIENDS, PROLOGUE. To Heaven to love. EarfJi, dust, Is the tone grave of Love. To ennvu siveet Hope in toil ami trust Love wakes, and builds above. SONS ARE FRIENDS. 2 I SQUARE I. The City lies foursquare, A pearl is every gate. My Love was valiant, strong, and fair; And I was not too late. Health and benignity Divinely set aglow, He led and drew me graciously ; And I made haste to go. To Heaven I passed, that's all, And found prepai'ed my nook At Life's Perennial Festival ; Which joyfully I took. Cheered by the Golden Sun, Grown humble, thankful, meek, To live the golden days in one. Love was the first to speak. LOVE AXD I IX HE A VEX. SQUARE II. This is the mansion where With One the richest known. May every man become joint-heir And cease to be his own. In this celestial place, This palace of the King. Meets He our fellowship with grace. With bread our hungering. For we are royal-born. And. each in each, are come Into the grand revealing morn. Discovering our home In God. And here. O Spouse, Our door gives far and wide The glory of the Father's House, Where sons and friends abide. SOA'S ARE FRIENDS. : SQUARE III. That sense of loneliness, Which had so oft opprest Me, was no more. The dear caress That life gives life was rest And shining prophecy Which I beofan to live On, dearer than the brilliancy Of thankful stars which give Themselves to answering eyes. The manifested Sons Of God went up and down the skies And seemed to say, M'Jio runs On errands in the Lord His secret need not seek. So shone they, O illuming Word, Continued Love to speak. 2 4 LO VE AND I IN HE A VEN. SQUARE IV. Sons in the Father's House, To whom all thinofs belong, Who each and all the rest espouse, Are friends for life and song- • And in the common air Of Freedom, shinino-, STO From door to door and everywhere Learn how their comrades orow In knowledge and the grace Of wisdom. Glorious As God in that Benignant Face, Their lives victorious. Who serve and grow so fair ; Because they all believe, Which turns to music every care, To give is to receive. SO.VS ARE FRIENDS. 2 5 SQUARE V. Friend is the highest Name In Heaven, I saw. God, Sire, Son, Brother, Lover, all bring flame To that Sweet Golden Fire. He comes soon as achieved. And Love's new story tells Of power imparted and received In workino- miracles. His presence is the voice Of God, as audible As light. In him all hearts rejoice And have good news to tell. His fellowship is grace. The grand new years to come Are sweetly vocal in his face, All prophesying Home. 26 LO VE AND I IN HE A I EN. SQUARE VI. Grace, glory in the view Unmarred by drone and slave ! Our friends precede us and pursue Us, See their banners wave ! They teach that friendship is More than the silver chord And golden bowl of transient bliss, - Strong as Thy Love, O Lord. " Friend after friend departs " Is falsehood to the core. Perennial fellowship of hearts Is the Celestial Door. Friend after friend draws near And prophesies the Dawn When all His children shall appear. And so the Lord goes on. SCATS ARE FRIENDS. 2 7 SQUARE VII. Not only was I free And very rich was grown, But in the grace of Hberty Considered naught my own. Both everything I had And everything I was Had I surrendered, I was glad ! And, lo ! it came to pass On Heaven's unfolding way God and His friends were new: New as the Vision and the Day, How beautiful they grew! Our Father's House was bright With glory from the dead ; And Love, the golden Heart of Light, The joy interpreted. 28 LOVE AND I IX HEAVEN. SQUARE Vlll. God ours, His friends are ours. And that is why we come Into His Palace with new powers. Confessing This is Home. Not without them are we Made perfect, new heart saith ; For His Divine Fraternity Is one in growth and faith. Not without us are they Complete. One Body all The members ; and the Golden Day Hath no dividino" wall. In every mansion dear Conjoined with all the rest, Where with thanksgiving friends appear, God is both host and o'uest. 29 so ATS ARE FRIENDS. SQUARE IX. Love's word I followed, Intent to make it mine ; For I was rising from the dead To find all things divine. Communion of the lips, Pulsation in the breast Like Daybreak cried, Behold our ships Come laden with the best. For expectation oft Had seen the gala day When ships come in with flags aloft. Such glory on the way. Divinely comforted, I saw, O friends, a maze Of golden clouds, in which I read : He conies to crown thy gaze. 30 LOVE AND 1 IN HE A VEN. EPILOGUE. I. Whatever endures is built on Divine Sonship : God, Family, Church, Nation. Divine Sonship is Eternal Friendship. 11 Friendship is the flower and fruit of Sonship, the sacramental glory which shines forever and ever. III. The Solidarity or Brotherhood of Man is the initial vowel in the unfolding Alphabet of Heaven. IV. The Divineness of All Things is of the very heart and soul of God's Universal Language. CANTO II. MAN IS DIVINE. PROLOGUE, To Heaven to see. The blind IValk np and down the earth. In Heaven the night is left behind. The Man is come to birth. MAN IS DIVINE. 33 SQUARE X. The City lies foursquare, A pearl is every gate. One stood in adoration there — I see all that I state — As eloquent as blood By Love Eternal shed, Whose token is the orolden flood That bursts as from the dead ; Inspiring as His face Who in the midst of death Imparted all He was in grace And hope's immortal breath, And said, to hush the strife Of grief and loss, / am The' Resurrection and the Life — That brave heroic Lamb ! 3 34 LOVE A ND I IX JlEA J 'EX, SQUARE XI. The sioht I saw was Man, Unrecognized before ; Who bowed and in my Hfe began To speak forevermore. Sometimes the voice, I thought, Down from the mountains came ; Then from great depths the message brought Which always was the same. Exemption there was none : The whole great myriad hive Related as His flesh and bone His Presence made alive. All toneues of Heaven I heard, Who saw the vision and The Man deep in the shining Word, Exalted in the land. MA^V /S DIVINE. 35 SQUARE XII. Life is omiiipotent Was plain as break of day. And every old impediment Began to pass away. Down the great avenue A train of angels swept And camped around us, proving true The word for heroes kept : To those beholding Him Who is invisible — The good news flashed from core to rim — All things a7'e possible. Joy ! it was joy and might To look on One Divine, Who cries, fast as He comes to sight. All that I have is thi^ie. I.OVE AND I IN HEAVEN. SQUARE Xlll. Joy unto joy was born. Incarnate storm and calm Saluted in the golden morn Like ang-cls in a psalm. Sometimes the twain embraced And conquered in a look. Sometimes with contradiction cjraced They diverse courses took. At which I wondered most I had no power to tell : In action prisoned, buried, lost, I knew that all was well. It was not peace or war In which His will was done ; But thankfulness that flashed afar. The storm and calm are one. MAN IS DIVINE. 37 SQUARE XIV. The oneness of the world Was shining like a star. In Life's grand beauty lay impearled What men and angels are. All in the Light Divine, Beginning, way and end, I saw the Four great wonders shine, Which publish friend to friend. The Father was revealed. The Father and His Child ; And lo ! He could not stay concealed, The Spirit undefiled. And One was walking there Of uncreated fame, Who drew the circle and the square. And Glory was His name. LOVE AXD I IN IIEAJEN. SQUARE XV. I walked with God. The Sun Arose that goes not down. Dear Love and I, accounted one, Had on a o-olden crown. The Sun, I saw, so fair, Had no especial place. But seemed all g-lorious everywhere I turned to seek new grace. Divinely was it known. That marvel in the skies, Eternal Lio;ht within full blown, Serene before mine eyes : — Eyes now no longer dull While everywhere I bore The vision of the Wonderful And passed not from His door. 39 MAN IS DIVINE. SQUARE XVI. A little child I met, That once had looked so poor And lone that I could not forget, Was now God's shining door ; Through which I saw Him pass Robed in a smile of licrht. A struggling half-bewildered mass Who in the grievous night Had wandered all forlorn, Strode forward and began To dream that at the gates of morn They would behold the Man. A woman, once to me A very castaway, Was carolling her victory In God's celestial day. 40 LOVE AND I IN HE A VEN. SQUARE XVII. Swing wide on every hand Gates like the morning gold, Revealing in Immanuel's land Gifts, gifts divine, untold. Space was indeed no more A master, but a slave. I was at home deep in the core And welcome on the wave Of every human heart. All things indeed were ours. Departing time did not depart Who left us all his powers. And men so human seemed That they appeared divine, Fulfilling all that I had dreamed To make God's temple shine. MAN IS DIVINE. 4 1 SQUARE XVIII. Sometimes the Man appeared To vanish — and come back Renewed, enlarged, transfigured, cheered, Dispelling sense of lack For timeless moments ; calm, Rich, like prophetic ships From Eldorado, with a psalm Of peace upon His lips. But did He turn His face From mine? Cry all things, Nay : His other Name is Love. His grace Continues night and day. And so I saw the Word So sweet, so grand to ken : The Tabernacle of the Lord Is day and night with men. 42 LOVE AND I IN HE A VEN. EPILOGUE. V. The Divinity of Jesus of Nazareth is the Divinity of Man, the only-begotten Son of God. VI. Man is comprehensive. The primal notes of all things, high and low, meet in his nature. VII. The cosmic character of Humanity shines like a star. The Heavenly Hosts behold it and re- joice. VIII. I saw that Heaven is always intent on pub- lishing the Divineness of Man. Thereby She triumphs. CANTO III. VISION IS VOICE. PROLOGUE. To Heaven to hear. No sight, jYo voice — a mere dead Jiull. In Heaven is visioii ; and the light Of grand sweet notes is full. risiox js VOICE. 45 SQUARE XIX. The City lies foursquare, A pearl is every gate. Love is completion. All things pair, Who sees has not to wait. I often in the dark Had dreaming heard His voice, God's viewless folk would whisper, Hark! And presently rejoice. Hard, 'twas exceeding hard To hear when eyes were dim, Thouofh anorels still remained on 2;-uard And prophesied of Him. But when at break of day Be^an I to behold. Assuredly I heard Love say, Come to my House of Gold. 46 LOVE AXD I IN HEAVEN. SQUARE XX. Surrender to the Life Which Is and does not seem, Whose prophecy is man and wife, No lonofer was a dream. Grand was the Golden House Where I began to learn Thy gentleness, dear Love and Spouse, As fire begins to burn. His gentleness contained So many things, so new. That at the sieht was I constrained To linger, till I grew To comprehension. I Took in the wonder first Of vision and the voiceful eye ; And it is here rehearsed. VIS 10 X IS VOICE. 47 SQUARE XXI. At work on manhood's height, I saw in bright array A wonderful, reveahng sight Which made perpetual day. It was a voice I saw, A voice with myriad eyes, Which shot me through and through with awe And infinite surprise. It daily talked with me, That manifested crrace Which never was so manfully, In any mortal face. And like a brother said : Both eye ajid cai'- is lights And every soul that is not dead Is VOICE — as ivell as sight. 48 LO VE AND I IN HE A VEN. SQUARE XXII. As soon as it began, My vision of the Voice, The Light which lighteth every man Constrained me to rejoice. The myriad eyes were they With vision of the Sun, The Bridegroom of the Golden Day, In whom His will is done ; The men of God's renown Who do the work of love. And in their brethren find the crown All other crowns above. And every eye was light, Truth, immortality. Imparting grace and waking might To set the prophet free. VISION IS VOICE. 49 SQUARE XXIII. My liberty was this : The flash of thought and will As love and wisdom turned to kiss And self indeed was still. And like the voiceful streams On yonder mountain side, Which find as in prophetic dreams Their peace in ocean tide, I yearned to prophesy God-lighted souls among, In wonder lost, uplifted by Their restful tide of song And jubilance divine ; For sight and voice were one ; And voice was mine who saw them shine, Those prophets of the Sun. 4 50 LOVE AND I IX HEAVEN. SQUARE XXIV. God's friends are full of eyes ; And widi dieir eyes diey hear. And what they hear falls from the skies, A voice which men revere. Expression is divine When vision is supreme, And hearing beautiful and fine As lieht's eternal beam. All life is one, I saw, And what is seen and heard, The flower of immemorial awe, Grows to a common word ; Till, loyal in His sight. In comprehension clear, All in the glorifying light Respond, The Lord is Jiere. VISION IS VOICE. SQUARE XXV. Eye doth not gladden ear When it is dead of nieht, ReveaHng voices sounding clear As manifested light. "I do thy will, O Thou Whose litde one am I," Pleads wakeful heart, responsive now, " My doing is my cry." God answereth through all The angels of the soul. His gracious dews begin to fall, White waves of music roll Like fire from star to star. The Light proclaims, I coiiie : Whose ever joyful tidings are. To God I bi'ing thee home. 51 ; 10 r£ JXD I /X N£Ar£X, SOI AKl- \\\1. ri\ov passoil, ll\o !>\oio anil Inwin Thai oi\oo iwado oyo so m Him. 'l'hanksoivinv>- was awake, Coloslial folk «.lrow near. l>lad ohik!nM\ of iho Kinj;- to make Rojoioinv^" bravo and clear. Mine was the eye that sees. Mine was the heart that sin^^-s, Uoth everlasting' witnesses l\> everlaslini; thin^^^ ; \\ hioh puMishevl IkxI at hatul, Rt vealinc order, skill And oouraox\ si^rns thivui^h all the land C'f power to do I Us will. yjSIOA IS I OJCE. SQLlARLi XWU. T quickly loarnixl tliat toni^ucs .Are not a mystery In Heaven. Whatever is hath hmos W hich like the soinuliiii;- si\i Are full of voices. All Who enter Heaven behold The myriad bosom rise and fall. And do not need be told The pn-iphecies therein. Because the sight is smuul. And men resj^ondino- are all kin And with new tongues abound, To bear the glory on, lust like the rising Sun Who publishes the goUlen Dawn In which all hearts are one. 54 LOVE AND I IN HE A VEN. EPILOGUE. IX. Homer calls the Sun the Eye and Ear of the World. He speaks from On High. X. Saint John in Patmos, in the Spirit and therefore in Heaven, turns to see the Voice. XI. The Secret of Vision is the Divine Presence acknowledged. The Sons of God behold all things. XII. The Gift of Eyes is the Gift of Tongues. Mother Heaven announces : All ihi)tgs are voiirs. CANTO IV. SERVICE IS SONG. PROLOGUE. To Heaven to serine. There learn The source of light and song. The f on n fain of the fires that l)i/rn To cheer and keep thee strong. SERVICE IS SONG. 57 SQUARE XXVllI. The City lies foursquare, A pearl is every gate. Love is new service everywhere ; And there is no debate. God in new service dwells Which is so good to know, One eoes and all his brethren tells Why roses bud and blow. To service service cries From every toiling star : World after world to world replies, Hoiv rich God's children are ! Who serves in anything And learns to love and wait. Like golden dawn begins to sing At the celestial gate. 58 LOVE AXD I IX HEA I EN. SQUARE XXIX. The Song of Moses and The Lamb is new creation, Prophetic work through every land Which hath its preparation. They toiled to love's great height And served at every stage : Burst glor)'' on the common sight, The truth that hath no age. Their mighty work remains God's praise on every shore ; And each in each forever reigns. Unfolding more and more. Shine Moses and the Lamb, Incarnate, glorious song, Whom service of the Lord / inn Keeps ever new and strong. SEHl'/CE JS SO.VG. 59 SQUARE XXX. Heaven is the only place For work, which God approves. I bathed in fountains of His grace, Achievinof what He loves. The Dayspring was my tongue : What Liofht to lancruaoe brou^rht Was God in everything among His works that woke my thought. Wherever God is seen Is some new work beoun, Accountino" for their oflorious sheen W^io on His errands run. O workers with the Lord, In Heaven indeed are ye, Where Vision is the great reward And toil is minstrelsy. 6o LOVE AXD I IX HE A VEN. SQUARE XXXI. I saw, O Nio^htinorale, Who hadst the grace to hear The dying soldier's far-off wail And pause not for a tear ; Who as on anofel-winors Didst seek the wintry sea, To put thy hand to lowly things Which were divine to thee ; And didst with Heaven-born art WKen pain implored release, To mangled form and broken heart Bring healing and sweet peace ; — Thy work, I saw. was song. Prophetic, tuneful word Of God, by Heaven's increasing throng To be forever heard. SERVICE IS SOXG. 6 1 SQUARH XXXIl. Our virtue is the sight Of God, too fair to paint, Like motherhood's divine dehght And couracre of a saint. There is no drudqery Where God's dear smile appears. One flash of Heaven's reahty Brings glory out of tears. God is forever found A manifested song ; Whose shining will within the sound Is that which maketh strong. For Him the toilers yearn. At hand they find Him. Sun And cloud the heart of music learn And in Goci's bow are one. 62 LOVE AND I IN HE A VEN. SQUARE XXXIII. In every leaf and flower The pulse of music beats Prophetic service, hour by hour, In those divine retreats. Alike in star and clod One melody resides, The calm creative will of God Which in His children bides. It is by angels heard. Men of celestial birth, The shining music of the Word, All power in Heaven and earth. For music service is To which all work belongs, And in this ransomed world of His God is the sonof of sones. SERVICE IS SONG. 63 SQUARE XXXIV. To labor is to pray, So once did cloister ring : The verdict of celestial day, To labor is to sing. I am divinely bold When singing at my post, And with His gifts so manifold Receive the Holy Ghost. Come ! I command ye all, O citizens on hiMi : Ye are my helpers at my call, Because your friend am I, The song of Heaven is work Where friends and lovers meet. In which accusers never lurk. Whose end is very sweet. 64 LOVE AXD I IX HEAVEN. SQUARE XXXV. God's end in work is use, To waken and inspire, Consumino- bands of old excuse In His eternal fire — The fire that finds its own As in a burst of songr And shows the stairs before unknown And God's ascending throno^. O thronof that do His will And let your light so shine That men may see how ye fulfill The sonof of work divine, Ye walk the blessed shore Of harvest home desires. Where men alive forevermore Are ministerincr fires. SERVICE IS SOiVG. 65 SQUARE XXXVI. I see them minister To those that shall be heirs Of God ; in whom they meet, concur, And triumph unawares. The Lord's new morning breaks, I learn what lovers mean. Love and His Bride when one awakes Are always King and Queen ; Who teach by grace divine The great expectant host, And see the Dayspring glow and shine • To guide, O Holy Ghost, The family of God, That household of His Sons And Daughters, through whose bright abode Grace ministerino; runs. 66 LO VE AND I IN HE A VEN. EPILOGUE. XIII. Song dwells in the heart of all things. Service alone hath power to draw it forth. XIV. I saw that the work of Heaven is fittingly described as Song. Song is the crown. XV. Ministry is the Gate of Glory. The Sons and Friends of God knock : the Gate opens. XVI. God Himself appears in answer to service, saying, Feaj' not, I am thy exceeding great re- zvard. CANTO V. HEAVEN IS GROWTH. PROLOGUE. To Heaven to grow. Tlioit hast To live but Just begiui. Stop at the gate ? On, on ! Make haste I Godl^s loitt is not yet done. HEAVEN IS GJWlVril. 69 SQUARE XXXVII. The City lies foursquare, A pearl is every gate. Love is enlargement anywhere, Grows Eden's new estate. My Love and I grew one, As with the rain unite The pure sweet children of the Sun, To make a new delight. And as the wonder grew, God's twain become one flesh, Which brought new wonders into view, Came prophecy as fresh And beautiful as Spring When grove and meadow flow With praise. It was the blossoming Of Life where all things grow. 70 LOVE AND I IN HE A VEN. SQUARE XXXVIIl. My prophecy was sight ; And sleht was voice. I stood On Love's serene substantial height And saw the brotherhood Of all the ages pass. It was a spectacle Presented in the Sea of Glass, Which taught the miracle Of use and increment. For in their faces shone The Lieht for all His children meant, In which the Lord goes on. And new reality, Which drew them up the slope To service and the things to be, Revealed new growth and hope. HE A VEN IS GRO IV TH. J I SQUARE XXXIX. Use and the Increment Of Life went hand in hand, And built for me a firmament In which to understand The Stars. I came to know, By wise affection taught. That babes and men celestial grow To overtake God's thought ; And hail Him where sets He The nourishment of light. Thought and Eternal Liberty, And then resistless mia^ht. There is no standing- still In Heaven. Gates are within The gate. Hills are above the hill : God hath more hearts to win. 72 LOVE AND I IN HEAVEN. SQUARE XL. Heaven Is new growth, O Sons Of God — the (growth to Him Through whom the dear sweet purpose runs To open every dim And unperceiving eye ; Till our infirmities Which fear thy Presence, O Most High, Yield to realities. And growth is without end, The Stairs of Sacrifice On which one seeks a dearer friend And more salubrious skies. Four men of Faith I saw, Whose history I wove Out of the great meek heart of Awe, Perceiving how they throve, IIEAVEiY IS GROWTH. 73 SQUARK XLI. Pure heart and sinu;le eye Equipped the friend of God. The Christ he Ijore and con(|uered by, That hero j^irt and shod. In hght, great hght he wrought, The friendly Abraham, laernal helpers came unsought, With silent Hei^e I am. His best he sacrificed And learned to reign and bless. In Heaven, the shining of the Christ, His work was righteousness. And his obedient years Are growing ; — building still In league with sorrow, pain, and tears New mansions of good will. 74 LOVE AND I IN HEAVEN. SQUAkH XLII. Old Homer — si^ht made choice — Obeyed as love obeys. An inspiration and a voice, He built heroic days. And when he saw no more The world's great eye and ear, The Sun created sun before Grew beautifully clear. He learned that Heaven is built On love and suffering. Blind Homer ! ask Him what thou wilt, The true and patient King ! < Though nurture come through thee, Ry manly vision taught, I grow to His Reality And cry, ]]liat JiatJi God ivrougJit ! UK A I -EN IS GR O WTII. 7 5 SQUARE XLllI. The Conscience of his clay, Incarnate, songful word, Passed Milton on his lonely way And could not pass unheard. Good angels heard him first And grateful plaudits gave : When into Heaven his music Ijurst, What more had he to crave ? Because for men he sang That earth, earth, earth might hear. What time celestial arches rancr He saw his triumph near. Like Homer old and Ijlind He lives eternal years, And pours to feed immortal mind The music of his tears. 76 LOVE AXD I IN HEAVEaW SQUARE XLIV. Beethoven reached the Hght, Dear fountani of the ear, Which, through what seemed a grievous bhght, Flowed with increasiiiLr cheer. And so his music orrew To Heaven. Then came his hour To prophesy, who so well knew Thy Name, Creative Power ! For music feeds on death, The hush of mortal mind, And dowered with God's eternal breath Inspires and lifts mankind. Sweet prophecy of Tone, At one with that of Thoucrht, In thy great mansion, not alone, How deaf Beethoven wrought ! HE A VEN IS GRO VVTH. 7 7 SQUARE XLV. 'Twas beautiful to watch The growing Sons of God. I saw Saint Peter Hft the latch And hail a new abode. A train was moving up That never hath an end. At every stage a larger cu[) Was passed from friend to friend. In comfortable love They labored, grew, and walked With God. They saw new things above, And Inspiration talked. Closer was God than thouQfht, Good news brought laden ships : Continues what the Lord hath ivrought Siveeter than lovers lips. 78 LOIK AX J) J JX HEAVEN. EPILOGUE. XVII. The ^lass vvitlu'iclli, the (lower fadclh ; but the Sons of God, His Creative Word, ^row forever. XVIII. I'athci-, Son, and Spiiit — the liistory of God ill time — (he I'Arnial ("dor)' completes in Heaven. XIX. Heaven has no nse for time. So it eomcs to pass that Trulli has no aL;e. XX. To live in Heaven, doini^ the common work, is to thankhill)' receive our bread from Cu)d. CANTO VI. GOD IS MAN. PROLOGUE. To Heaven to know. Perhaps IVhicJi is of earth tlie bane, In Heaven wet robes round no one wraps; Truth co7nes like sun and rain. GOD IS MAN. 8 1 SQUARE XLVI. The City lies foursquare, A pearl is every gate : Low on the rock, high in the air, It grows at lovers' rate. We had no more two wills, Love and His Bride ; nor have We now, because the one fulfills The other. On the wave Of inspiration rode I on from thought to thought. And in His rich and bright abode, Affectionately taught, I learned what God is at His highest, highest we Can ever understand : and that Was Wliole Humanity. 82 LOVE AND I IX J IE. I VEN. SQUARE XLVIl. It was Eternity Which God inhabitcth. The stars were shining' splendidly. There was no room for death And darkness and the sense Of loneliness. I trod The path the stars revealed ; and hence Was in the House of God : That 1 louse not made with hands, In which the New Man dwells ; That Temple which forever stands And to Mis children tells His glory. Resting there I found a room to dwell In where the Fairest of the fair Was Lord Immanuel. 'GOD IS MA IV. SQUARH XLVIII. The Lord was Man : was John, Beloved saint of old ; Was Paul whose manliness ^oes on ; Was Augustine whose gold Made generations rich ; Was all adorers are, Saints, heroes, worthies in the niche Of fame, and every star That shines forever. Yet The Children were not Ciod — Christ was not God, in whom they met- But sandals I le was shod With, jewels in His crown. The one who did aver That he was God, in looking down, Not up, was ivucifer. 84 LOVE AND I IN HE A VEN. SQUARE XLIX. Clouds ! clouds before the sun Grew to a voice of shame And agony o'er something done Against the Holy Name. And there was war in Heaven, A dreadful, dark, deep sense Of what could never be forgiven, And a cry, Get thee hence ! And Lucifer was thrown Into the depths of Hell ; For one who Heaven professed to own Could there no longer dwell. Song and prosperity Came back ; and reconciled Was Heaven, the Lord's Humanity, Where reigns the little child. GOD IS MAN. 85 SQUARE L. God ! God was Man indeed, All humanly divine, Whose vision was my growing creed, Whose glory was my shrine. He eave Himself to all That all might Him receive, Their never failing coronal Of manhood who believe. I in His gift believed And marvellously came To what I else had not conceived, Made welcome in His Name. I entered and found rest Where all I saw and heard Praised God ; and serving at my best I grew and learned His Word. 86 I i)\E .IXn I l.\ IIIAI'EN. SCJDAKli 1.1. My i'lorv was llu- Sim 1 hat iMX's not down: the Man Named l.o\c, in whom all lliini^s arc done, l\\\<\ what I am he^an ; WMthonl l)ei;innlni', v\\(\, ( )r mark ol hme and space ; My I'.Uhcr, llrothci-, I, over, I'riciul, Always l)efc)rc my lace ; The Spirit and the 1 n'itle lioth m lor 1 hee I'Ji-rnal Sire and I .(>ril. rilE MOTHER. 121 SQUARE LXXVII. Clothed with the mystery Of Light, the Virgui Bride, The Bride of God, makes history, And all her souls abide. Her little ones receive The dignities of grace, Which make their honor who believe, And light the dullest face. The gift of character Grand, beautiful she gives, Which is so blessed to confer : For this alone she lives. For this we two were wed, And all who love, God's host, The once begotten from the dead As by the Holy Ghost. 1 2 2 LOVE AMD I 1\ IIE.WF.M. SQUARE LXXVIII. One proof of wliat I Icaniccl Had dwelt ihrc^e thousand years 111 I l('a\cMi. And I lannah, still concerned In travail, pain, and tears, A star that has no a^e, Divinely understood, Was joy and prrace at cn'ery staij^c Of holy motherhood. And she awoke grrcat joy In what I too had done, Mother of manliness, that boy Whom angels call my Son. One sangr — I bowed to her, God's matron meek and rich, And also was Mis messenqei- — Ancient or modern, which? 77//'; MoruER. 123 SQUARE LXXIX. God is to mc so a)id. THE PROPHET. 14^ SQUARE XCI. The City lies foursquare, A pearl is every gate. My Love forever growing fair Revealed what I relate. To prophesy, I learned, Is both to toil and shine Till thou, dear neighbor, hast discerned That all I am is thine. Who toil and shine the most Arc they who teach the best, Strong children of the Holy Ghost Who enter into rest Through greatest suffering. And build their home above Out of that grand and manly thing, The painfulness of love. 142 LO VE AND I IN HE A VEN. SQUARE XCll. Pain is the prophet's crown, God's pathos in the word Resistless, shining in renown All ages have referred To heroes — highest name Prophetic. Love and I Were magnets, and a hero came Who could not pass us by. To us he came because We were in need, and great Attraction found he in our cause, To open some nezv gate And let the glory out — The glory of the soul Which always turns a man about To hear the music roll. THE PROPHET. 1 43 SQUARE XCIIl. The gate of prophecy Responded, swinging wide. O 'twas a holy thing to see Where conquerors abide ! The Hght so grandly shone, strong Elijah, light That issued not from thee alone That I began to fight For God and liberty, For home and native land. And thou didst so arise in me 1 could not else than stand To what I saw, and strive To hand the vision down, To publish thou art still alive And growing in renown. I 44 LOVE AND I IN HE A VEN. SQUARE XCIV. The prophet in me spoke, The prophet of all souls, On whom the new effulgence broke, Whose music shines and rolls. I came unheralded, Out of the desert came. Commissioned to revive the dead And bury death and shame. I spoke the word I saw. Restored the widow's son, And rose in thankfulness and awe Which through such labors run. Fire that from Heaven I brought Old falsehood did consume, And angels in the duty wrought Came down to make men room. THE PROPHET. 1 45 SQUARE XCV. With fierce untempered zeal, The men whom God had slain Responsive to the common weal, Alas, I slew again. Rebuked was I ; my strength Departing proved me wrong. But God's refreshment came at length And I again was strong. I reached the mountain grot And learned the Master's name Was not rock-rending wind, was not Earthquake or leaping flame. Nor any passing noise ; But bringing joy and pain, The Master was the Still Small Voice Whose word and work remain. I 46 LOVE AND I IN HE A VEN. SQUARE XCVI. To seek, anoint, and train Elisha, found of Thee, I turned me to my work again, God my liberty. 1 grew and grew in grace, Worked to the grand Desire, And, toihng with a manward face, The chariot of fire I saw and welcomed then ; Because the grander work For blinded, groping, dying men It taught, I would not shirk. And, lo ! the prophet gone, To God and man became The prophet going on and on, To win diviner fame. THE PROPHET. 1 47 SQUARE XCVIl. I passed from age to age, The hope and fear of men. I spoke in hero, teacher, sage, Directing tongue and pen. Where is Elijah ? oft The faint and weary cried ; And when they learned and looked aloft The sense of weakness died. Sometimes I went away That I might come once more, And always like the break of day, Returninor, comfort bore. The Sun of Righteousness With healing in His wings, The medicine of thankfulness. Burst from the darkest things. 1 48 LOVE AXD I IN HE A VEiV. SQUARE XCVIII. In God did I go on. And God in me achieved The eolden miracles of Dawn, Which all who saw believed. Before His face I went Who maketh all things new ; Into the manly word Repent Outpoured I all I knew. I met Him in the Mount, Cathedral of His grace, Where men continue to recount The glory in His face. And from the heights there came Hear jMy Beloved Scvi ; Which gathered up in golden flame All prophecies in one. THE PR OPHE T. 149 SQLARE XCIX. How can the prophet cease ? To-day as yesterday. O angels and the Pruice of Peace, Do I prepare your way. I came unheralded, Out of the desert came Commissioned to revive the dead And bury death and shame. I pass unrecognized Where Christ deep buried lies ; But in the blood of God baptized, I toil until He rise. To make all men rejoice And grow to God, I am The Prophet of The Still Small \'oice. The Herald of the Lamb. 150 LOVE AND I IN HE A VEN. EPILOGUE. XLI. Revelation is the Discovery of the Will of God. The Prophet is the Discoverer and Pub- lisher. XLII. The Prophet cries, TJius saitk ihe Lord ; be- cause through him speaks the Divine Presence in Humanity. XLIII. The Prophet is known because he lives and utters Eternal Truth. He needs no other cre- dentials. XLIV. The Secret of Prophecy is rich experience and perennial growth, crowned with Celestial Vision and Wisdom. CANTO XII. ANGELS. PROLOGUE. To Heaven to work. In Heaven The work ye do remains : It is the work that God has given, In which ye take all pains. ANGELS. 153 SQUARE C. The City lies foursquare, A pearl is every gate. There Sons are friends and angels. Wear They all the robe of State. The chosen, taught and sent Of God, they do the work Which measures the Divine intent, And no accusers lurk Behind them. I report Just what I saw. Their days Are elorious in God's world-wide court, Whose uncreated praise Shines forth from everything, To help them build His stor}'. E'en little children learn and sing His loveUness and glory. 154 LOVE AND J IN HE A I 'EN. SQUARE CI. No idle ones are there, Because they bear the new Angelic name and have a care, Whatever taught to do, To win celestial fame. Nor is there great or small With Him who drives the blessed Name God lifts and kisses all. The v^ery babes that smile And prophesy are high As Gabriel. A litde while. They too range earth and sky On (M-nuuls in \\\v. Lord. Sweet thankfulness and truth Make angels equal ; whose reward Is service and (iod's youth. ANGELS. 155 SQUARE CII. Their glory is the day : A thousand years of night What time they find or make their way Fade in celestial light. Love is the unit. And Growth is the victory. Thanksgiving rises to command. Deeds climb to royalty. Dear God, Thy shining facts I learned by slow degrees ; For they required so many acts, Thy great tuition fees. And when the knowledge came, So fair and sweet to see, Which turned the passing clouds to flame, It grew to prophecy. 156 LOVE AND I IN JIEA VEN SQUARE cm. Prophetic knowledge is The note of Heaven. And I, Possessing God, confessed as His, Began to prophesy. Refrain I could not. It Was plain as break of day That messengers with glory lit Are always on the way. I saw great lamps put out, Rooms circumscribed with bars, Confusion entering and doubt ; But Hell quenched not the stars. They found their work in Hell : The morning stars that sang Together, there had news to tell ; Hell with good tidings rang. ANGELS. I 5 7 SQUARE CIV. I saw the Discipline Of God shine hke the sun, His angels going out and in, His will forever done. Who went to find the lost Took Heaven itself away, And left the great expectant host A yet diviner day. Who went to minister Such glory with them bore That they who stayed to worship were Yet fairer than before. Who went to raise the dead Such life received and gave That all their friends were comforted Before each opened grave. 158 LOVE AND I IN HE A VEN. SQUARE CV. It was a blessed sight, God's angels gone afar And hopeful Heaven increased in light By many and many a star. Remembered T so well The primal word of I leaven. "Give" — so spake Lord hnmanuel — "And unto you is given." And it was joy to see The proof made visible That one — 'twas Jesus' prophecy — Are all who in Him dwell. But something more remained ; r^or those who went returned, To publish what the Lord ordained And what their talents earned. ANGELS. 159 SQUARE CVI. From the grand East they came, Where glory maketh bhiid, Conveying treasures in His Name, The rubbish left behind. From the warm South they fared. All laden with the best, For Heaven's enlarging work prepared Which unto them was rest. From the rich West came they With trophies grown divine, Transporting room, O Golden Day, Wherein to grow and shine. From the cold North they hailed Where clouds beleaguer light, And with their joy who have prevailed Brought heroes into sight. I 60 10 1 '/■: A.Wl) / IN flEA VEN. S(^)UAKi-; evil. And when ihry Ciiinc; to view, Grown l)riL(lU(M" for tlic friends TlK'y ])r()UL(ht, how llcavc.-n in ^hulncssgrcw Whose increase never ends ! Somc^ chiefs 1 noted well, They were so lowly and So rich, like Lord iminannel Who gave the Lireat command. I'amed (^lahi'iel was there, And Michael die prince. And I'Jioch still was s^rowinsj^ fair Who won his spurs long since. Both Moses and his friend Klias Iritiinph wore. Saints John and Paul world without end 'I'heir uleaminL-- banners bore. ANGELS. I 6 1 SQUARE CVIII. In Athanasius A saint and hero stood. Grand Augustine made glorious The Heavenly Brotherhood, Saint Francis spoke and smiled And conquered as of old. Dear Jacob Boehme was a child With news that must be told. The Swede was there whose eyes Are voices. Gentle Blake Looked up adoring; Christ shall rise. All sang, New Mornings break. God's Sons who build His Heaven Kept bringing in their friends ; Who came in pairs through all the riven Clouds, to complete His ends. 1 62 LOVE AND 1 IX HE A VEN. EPILOGUE. XLV. Hooked upon the Natural Body, the Body of the Flesh — and upon the Spiritual Body, XLVI. I saw that angels in the Service of God joy- fully obey the Corporation of the Spirit. XLVII. I perceived that ansj^els in the dnuli^ery of Satan slavishly heed the Corporation of the Flesh. XLVIII. I learned that anf]^el.s and men — one every- where — are dominated by the L'lesh or the Spirit. CANTO XIII. THE VIRGIN. PROLOGUE. To Heaven to shine. There bring The Son of God to birth. And then, to speed His Triumph, sing His song through all the earth. THE VIRGIN. 165 SQUARE CIX. The City lies foursquare, A pearl is every gate. They came, the Fairest of the fair, Love and His Virgin Mate. And they were so in love That liberty was thrall. And came Jerusalem above, The Mother of us all. Out of the agony Of Virgin Motherhood Grace, Glory Freedom, Prophecy Shone like the morning flood. Ye who would see the fact In Heaven must find the room Where in the heart of thought and act God's lilies bud and bloom. 106 l-O IE AND J JX IJEA I EN. SQUARH ex. 1 viewed I lis lilies well, 'liiy lij^ht so onuully shone, () Mother of Immaniutl, Whose days ^o on and on, I'air as the moon llion wast, And glorious as ihe sun ; Terrible as an .army vast Wh(jst: triumphs have he^un ; As lowly as a child, And oracious as the morn Who on her lilde ones hath smiU-d That unto ( iod are born. Sweet Tragedy of Man, iMillillmcnt of ihe Word ! Throut'h thee all strains of music ran That aneels ever heard. nil: ilKi.lN. 167 SODAKi; CXI. This favor in I lis si;. '.hi, ( )iiLs|)()k(: our I'mily, Is cxalUitlon and the li;;hL Of Prcsciil l)(tily. ( i()(] halli a work for inr — I ihank I Mm : 1 stand slill Like Moses at iIk; hki/in^- tree, And hasU: Lo do His wilk '\\\v. woi'k of motherhood Is gnicc and trulli. 'I his stir ( )r IM-ophccy liair nnderstood, Which 1 would not (hlcr, Is honor hom I lis lianck I am and am lo Ix- In evidence ihi-oii'di all the land To grc:aLness, Lord, in Thee. 1 68 LOVE AND I IN HE A VEN. SQUARH CXIi. My life which is one day Gives all at every point. All parts in one do I survey, So perfect every joint. Now do the shepherds come To see my glorious Son, And having- Him adored rc^ich liome. All hopes fulfilled in one. I ponder in my he-art The marvels of Thy will, O Thou who from all things apart Dost all things hold and fill. Thanksgiving is my Child, Salvation is my Lord. Shall one remain unreconciled, O Manifested Word ? rilE VIRGIN. 169 SQUARE CXIII. They come, they come from far, The wise expectant Kino;-s, Whose vision is the Morning Star, Whose hope diviner things ; And to their Hero bow With gifts of costly store, As if to teach all others how To wonder and adore. Uplifted hearts are full Of blessedness divine, And earth appears no more a dull Dark clod that may not shine. Sweet is the great release, O ye rejoicing souls. Ye sons of Purity and Peace, Through me your music rolls. 1 70 LOM'. AND T I/X J IE. WEN. SQIJARI: CXIV. It is the temple. 1 1 ere, AcknQwlecl<'in<'- His ofift, Ciod's Presence and the GoKUmi Year, To Heaven my heart 1 lift. I malce my offering, A pair of turtle doves, A token to my gracious King I'rom one who toils and loves. I hear his thankful voice, The servant of the Lord, Whose great white soul must needs rejoice. And the prophc^tic word In Anna's golden speech. The sight they both behold Is glory and salvation. Each Looks u]). New gates unfold. THE VIRGIN. 171 SQIJARH CXV. God's temple once again, Throiigli nuiltitudes I pass In fellowship with thee, () l^ain. My Son is lost. Alas! Lost? lie llimsclf hath found. Among th(; 1 )octors sits My Jesus, with a voice the sound Of which all wisdom fits. He uttereth for \wv. The thought I cannot shirk : Dost tlioti not kiunu that J must be About 7ny luilher s zuork f Our common work is in His temple, which we are : There doth our Purity begin Thy worship, Filial Star. 172 LUIK AAD J //V IIEAVKN. SOlIARi; CXVI. '\\\r Soil (if I *iirily, I >(1( >\((l S( >ii ()l ( i( 1(1, is Ixaiililiil as I .ilx riy With 1 leaven's (ommissioii shod! I !<• hears and is ihc I .iidil Thai hidilcdi cvciy man ; And j)ass I iic\cr lr( »ni I I is si;;ht 1 luju^h day^. ^row dark and wan. As al the Marriai^v I'casl, So also (•\cry\vh('r<' Am 1 lo I Mm \\\r j-oldcn I''ast. I )o I lor II iin prepare. The sweel, sweet iiL;lit may lade, Nii^hl ?;eein to ( (HKpier d.>\', Ihil in ihese rohes di\ine arrayed, I shall not pass away. /■///'; VIKCIN. SOlJARIi CXVII. ^n Love f;ul ONr House lie came W/icrc He had ahcays been. inoommunicable Xame Which resurrections moan I 1 mourncil Him in llis tomb, 1 sorvi\l llim on llis throne. 1 hoard llim proaoh to those to whom He would in truth be known. THE LUCIFER FAMILY. 2 23 SQUARE CLIII. This was I lis preaching there, Mis message to the dead, Which danced like sunlight in the air Whence every ghost has fled; Till in each upturned face Great reverence began The revelation of new grace, The brotherhood of man, The might of thankfulness, The ministry of love Which finds the privilege to bless All other joys above : Rise, s/ii>u\ thy light is conic. On JiigJi sec all things grow. The glory of our Father s Home Is life and fruit to knoiv. 224 LOVE AND J IN HEAVEN. EPILOGUE. LXV. To believers all things are possible. They take the right attitude. Attitude accounts for all things. LXVl. Lucifer made a fatal mistake in declining to look up. His degradation followed: he over- threw himself LXVII. The members of the Lucifer Family congrat- ulate themselves and look down. Ruin follows at their heels. LXVlll. The Attitude of Worship and Consecration under Divine Leadership is the chief condition of Wonderful Works. CANTO XVlll. THE FATE OF BALAAM, THE SON OF BOSOR, AND HIS BRETHREN. 15 PROLOGUE. The work of Heaven in Hell Is great — great as God^s Son. No man ean the long trinnipJi tell Save lie by whom 'tis won. THE sojVs of bosor. 227 SQUARE CLIV. The City lies foursquare, A pearl is every gate. For mighty work did we prepare Who went to re-create God's fallen, ruined host. His heart of love was might. His Presence was the Holy Ghost, The Star that led us rig^ht. The Father's love was ours, Who in His children dwells : His image and Eternal powers Were in us living wells. Love and His thankful Bride, Stronof as substantial lio;ht Which cloud and darkness cannot hide, We made lone regions brieht. 2 i28 LOVE AND I IN HE A VEN. SQUARE CLV. In our divine descent, To a wild place we came Where stars had left the firmament To darkness and to shame. Thick outer darkness there Gave every breath a taint, Resoundinor with confusino- blare Of fathomless complaint. It was the lowest hell Where lust new death distills In which the sons of Bosor dwell, All with inverted wills. There we on vipers trod And breathed with no alarm The deadly air. We walked with God. How could we meet with harm ? THE SONS OF BOSOR. 229 SQUARE CLVI. Inverted wills were theirs. How horrible to meet ! They could not climb the heavenly stairs, They had nor hands nor feet. The loss came not by chance, But marched before their eyes Instead of that inheritance Which they refused to prize. A fable ! so they said, And turned them unto lust Which savors only of the dead, — Unto earth, ashes, dust. And since they would not climb God took the means away, His prophecy of things sublime, His guard against decay. 230 LOVE AND I IN HE A VEN. SQUARE CLVII. I oft have followed, A boy just out of school, Another walking on his head Down in a shaded pool. So seemed they all to walk, Those sons of Bosor. And In correspondence was their talk, A language contraband, So base, infernal, low, That hills no message had. Inverting all they sought to know. They changed the good to bad. Heels always over head ! It is the common way Down in the reo-ion of the dead Where they abolish day. THE SONS OF BOSOR. 23 I SQUARE CLVIII. I looked upon the scene In calm and dioiightful mood. I asked myself, What does it mean ? Do I its truth include ? I looked and looked ao^ain. Something forever mine Made it so luminant and plain That it began to shine. God's wo7dd is Struggle . I That word could not shake off. But Plunder was a hellish lie. Let the wise villain scoff! I stood upon the Truth : God's zvorld is Sacrifice, Creative, Everlasting Youth. Who doubts is damned and dies. 232 LOVE A ND I IN HE A VEN. SQUARE CLIX. It is a hellish lie, — Lust, plunder, and the fight Infernal. Wisdom from on high Gives sentence just and right. Balaam and all his kind. The villains of the earth, I saw. Rapacious, wise, and blind, Eyes had for them no worth. Sank they through selfishness, Till bought and sold they loved The wages of unrighteousness ; And death their plunder proved. But to annihilate Our Sonship, Love's Sweet Fount,- Was that committed to their fate, O Thou upon the Mount } THE SONS OF BOSOR. 233 SQUARE CLX. I saw in Balaam still — For I had eyes to see — The Son of God, Creative Will, Our Immortality. But he possessed no heart ! Disorganized how could He stand complete ? From man apart, Forlornly wrong he stood. And I was part of him ! Could I divide my fate From his who kept my glory dim ? 'Twas open still, the gate Divine. His sin I fought. Equipment, love, and light, Whatever I with Heaven had brought, I foueht there the crood fight. 't> 234 L VE AND I IN HE A VEN. SQUARE CLXI. I stood and cried aloud. In charity I stood. Upon the desolation cloud Had settled, and a brood Of cormorants. 'Twas dark, For God was out of sight. Salvation and the waitinor ark — Where? where, O dead of night.'* I had not missed my path : Who Cometh from on high With messaofes of kindness hath Always the seeing eye. Love and light were their wants. In, but not of the cloud, A terror to the cormorants, I stood and cried aloud. THE SONS OF BOSOR. 235 SQUARE CLXII. O Mother Heaven, I cried, Dear Mother Heaven ! impart To these, God's children that have died. The ground-work of a heart. Light, Hfe was the response. Her answer. Lord, was Love, Thy Son, the Bread Immortal, once More welcomed from above. The sympathetic glow Star after star revealed. New hands and feet began to grow, Heaven was no more concealed. O Mother Heaven, I cried. Dear Mother Heaven ! impart To all my brothers that have died The love-lioht of a heart. o 236 LOVE AND I IN JlEA VEN. EPILOGUE. LXIX. The Will is the body of all our loves and con- tains the key to every fate. LXX. The normal attitude of the will-body is up- right. But every love except the true deflects it. LXXl. Balaam the son of Bosor loved the wages of unrighteousness. And his attitude gradually was inverted. LXXII. I saw that it is the work of Heaven to draw men into the attitude of uprightness. CANTO XIX. THE LOGICAL STORY OF JUDAS AND HIS DESCENDANTS. PROLOGUE. Now covet what is best, Good things with Heaven in chord . Thy work will be thy joy and rest And God thy watch and ward. THE S TOR Y OF JUDAS. 239 SQUARE CLXIII. The City lies foursquare, A pearl is every gate. The wondrous work in which all share I found incorporate. One body ; and one Soul Whose aim is always one, — To build to heavenly form the whole ; One faith : God's will is done. Not without Hell does Heaven Yield Her immortal fruit : Infernal cloud and darkness riven Give soul to harp and lute. Hell is the complement Of Heaven, I saw and heard. Both under the great firmament Of God's Creative Word. 240 LOVE AND I IN HEAVEN. SQUARE CLXIV. Creation hath its way Through fire and cloud to glory. Night is the fuel of the day. Love crowns the burning story. Hell's disobedience Is somehow made to serve. With nothing does the Lord dispense. From all thincrs doth the curve Of beauty like the morn Emerge, and judgment shine. The Christ is in a manorer born : The stable erows divine. I from the heavenly height Beheld the darkness glow And every creature to the might Of peace and patience grow. THE STOR Y OF JUDAS. 2 \ I SQUARE CLXV. The fraofments that remain God gathers up. I saw The case of Judas. It was plain As shining love and law, The frugal heart and mind Of God. He hid his face, The traitor lagging far behind, But not forever. Grace Still kept him company. Intent to find a way To set him from his bondage free. O manifested Day, Who can the story tell Of blight, and curse, and sin,' And slow degenerating hell. Till grace at last shall win ! 16 242 LOVE AXD I IN HEAVEN. SQUARE CLXVI. To covet what is best, The goodness of the Lord, Is Hfe, enlargement, gracious rest And beautiful reward. The fairest of the Twelve, A clean and gentle youth, Benignantly began to delve In the great mines of Truth. The Master led the way. To win through trial, loss And grievous night instead of day, The glory of the Cross. But what He lived and taught. Eternal though it was, No forward work in Judas wrought. And what then came to pass? THE STORY OF JUDAS. 24; SQUARE CLXVII. He stopped to covet power And pawned the patient path, Invitino- dius the fateful hour Of darkness and of wrath. The ghnt and glow of gold, The pride of pence that passes, Of great infirmities laid hold, Deofradinof him to classes Infernal. In the school Of Hell God kept him — till, Confessing he had been a fool, Dreamed he of Freedom's hill And that divine estate To which he once aspired ; Whose always fair and open gate Is when beheld desired. 244 LOVE AND I IN HE A VEN. SQUARE CLXVIII. The gate to Hell is sin, Lies which the bosom fill ; The gate to Heaven which lets truth in Is Whosoever will. And Judas grew intent To bruise the Serpent's head, And glorify the word Repent In rising from the dead. And God examined him And looked him through, to see If he had sullen grown and grim, Or to simplicity. Thanksgiving and delight: Which are the heavenly notes ; And God beheld a grateful sight, Eyes free from beams and motes. THE STORY OF JUDAS. 245 SQUARE CLXIX. I could not separate The traitor's history And our humanity's estate, Both full of mystery. Glad on my height I saw- That they in truth are one, God's timber, whose sweet love and law Shine in both cloud and sun. I knew that I myself Had been Iscariot, To put instead of God the pelf Which means a darkened lot. And it was life to see That Whosoever will Availed for him as well as me On God's most holy hill. 246 LO VE AND I IJV HE A VEN. SQUARE CLXX. The Sons and friends of God, We help hun, every one, The Judas on our modern sod, By traitorship undone. One history contains The story of us all, Embracing-, so the Lord ordains, Our rise as well as fall. We cannot otherwise Than be a daily aid And source of sweet divine surprise To some one who hath said : / nevei' stood alone, I dragged i7ty brother doum ; And now he helps vie, though tmhiown, To climb and tain 7ny crown. THE STORY OF JUDAS. 247 SQUARE CLXXI. And Juclas helpeth us. Without him we are not Made perfect. To be glorious, No one must be foreot In our benig'nant hive — For all must we make place. And though one very late arrive He brings another grace. Life is incorporate. No man can stand apart. Death is the intermediate state. Heaven is the sweet new start ; And Hell the rank despair, Whose age is just the age Of practiced lies. And Heaven goes there To quench the burning rage. 248 LOVE AND I IN HE A VEN. EPILOGUE. LXXIII. Desire is so great a word that the old Pro- phets apply it to the Coming Man. LXXIV. The Desire of all Nations at last stands among men. And the Twelve stand with Him. LXXV. The desire of the Twelve save one is Heaven- ward ; the Traitor's Earthward, and lie is lost. LXXVI. Mother Heaven, I saw, hath need of Her beloved Judas, and goes forth to find him. CANTO XX, CELESTIAL VISION AND THE MATERIALISTS. PROLOGUE. IVotildst thon have eyes to see The Form of God f Do thon His work of love, to set thee free, And in His Presence bow. CELESTIAL VISION. 25 I SQUARE CLXXII. The City lies foursquare, A pearl is every gate. To Hell God's Heaven was ours to bear, To teach, emancipate, And lead bewildered slaves, In darkness held so long, And raise the flag that always waves A welcome like a sono- — A welcome to the best Our Father hath in store. Which is possessing and possessest. To know Him evermore. And on our faces light, Resistless as the sun. Brought freedom at the dead of night, To prove God's children one. 252 LOJ'E AXD I IX HE A I EX. SQUARE CLXXIII. With freedom came the sight Of Spiritual Form ; By which the world for new delight Is kept alive and warm. Came then the King of glory. The Mother of ns all, \\ ho tells His everlasting story ]\Iade answer to our call. The Sun that goes not down Shone with perennial power. Revealing- an eternal crown At the great harvest hour, God to inspire us laid The [elastic hand of lune In ours ; and with the other played His silent witching tune. CELESTIAL VISIOX. 253 SQUARE CLXXIV. Heard we God's music which Creates and builds and lives, Proclaimino- man so wondrous rich That all he is he gives. We lived it, Love and I, The music of the Lord, Which proves, uniting earth and sky, Ineffable reward. And prophesieth God That all shall hear it and. Rejoicing, cease to grope and plod, With song to free the land : The dear sweet singing that Illumes and shows the way, Revealinof where God's child is at In His Eternal Day. 254 LOVE AXD I IX HEAVEN. SQUARE CLXXV. Song' is — ami helps t'ultill — The Word of God. I saw. Commissioned on His holy hill ro wake creative awe. A oTfoping- multitude Of such as have no eyes I'or the chief mark that God is good. The witnessing surprise That \\c is everywhere The Body of the Man. The I'^orm of Spirit. Soul Most l-"air : Whose gentle cleansing fan Is alwavs at command. With sweet magnetic thrill To waft 1 lis breath on ever\- hand. Fo heal us, if we will. CELESTIAL VI SI OX. 255 SQUARE CLXXVl. The breath of God is hcaUh. And ye \vho recognize His Presence as die very wealth Of Heaven ascend all skies, In every valley dwell,. W'ith current duty shod, And hold the keys of Heaven and Hell, To do the will of God. And whatso'er ye bind On earth is bound on high ; (The province of immortal mind, Perceived we. Love and I). And w^iatso'er is loosed On earth is loosed above. Till all to Freedom introduced Fall royally in love. 256 LOVE AXD I'JN HE A VEN. SQUARE CLXXVll. The multitude I met, Whom looked I through and through, Were every one in grievous debt, Perceiving naught as true. Faint word did they return To anorels that oft came ; And when God's fire began to burn Unwelcomed was the flame. They argued day and night. Brought logic to their aid, And stumbled at high noon : the light With darkness was arrayed. And they were perishing Because they had no vision. No sioht of one Divine to brinof Them masterful decision. CELESTIAL VISION. 257 SQUARE CLXXVIII. To see the face of God Was what they needed ; and, With good news of His Presence shod, Did we before them stand — His Sons and Friends — to shine With all the harvest glory Of Sonship. Eloquence divine Adorned the blessed story Of Fatherhood and Love. And what they saw they heard. Some saw indeed and looked above, And thus received the word. And some did not believe — Not yet — did not behold • Our blessedness — did not receive The welcome manifold. 17 258 1. 01 'E AND I IN HE A VEN. SQUARE CLXXIX. The process everywhere Is constant, certain, slow : Not once but oft celestial care Is exercised to show God's face, and prove to men The patience of the skies. Beyond the word of tongue or pen Is witness which no eyes When opened can ignore. Incarnate Truth alone Is in the end resistless. Lore Of tomes \vell read, well known, Hath no assurance save Success. The hand of Love And Truth plagues death, fills up the grave And holds all thinos above. CELESTIAL VISION. 259 SQUARE CLXXX. Unveil the Face of God, The glory of all vision, With good nezvs of His Presence shod, To wake in men decision. Evangelists of Heaven, At every turn we heard This ereat Commission. It was criven As daily bread, a word To waken and delight When Sonship masters fear, A proclamation day and night, The world's prophetic cheer : Unveil the Face of God, The glory of all visiojt, With good news of His Presence shod, To wake in men decision. 2 6o LOl'E A XD I IX HE A J EX. EPILOGUE. LXXVII. The curable curse of luirth is blindness. The blind dwell at the Circumference : which is Hell. LXXVIII. Leax'iny;- the Serpent behiiul, who luwe eyes to see dwell at the Centre : which is Heaven. LXXIX. O, the confusion and desolation and loneliness which abound at the Circumference ! Good Lord, ihik'i'r lis/ LXXX. Mother Heaven forever leads Her bewildered children to the Peaceful Centre, the Sun of Risjhteousness. CANTO XXI. CELESTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND THE AGNOSTICS. PROLOGUE. To Icani just "u'/iaf if is To kiioiL' and to be fcnozi'ii, Let God be tliiiic ; be akiuiys His. How eaiist tJioii be thine oii'Ji f CELESTIAL KNOWLEDGE. 263 SQUARE CLXXXI. The City lies foursquare, A pearl is every gate. We breathe reahty Hke air, Strong to invigorate The faint and weary souls Wrapped in the fogs below. Through whom no strain of music rolls, Who wail / do not know. Divinely led we haste, The Sons of God on high. To reach the fields so long lain waste, To teach and prophesy Till life and knowledge come To sweep the mists away. Revealing our eternal home Where it is always day. 264 LOVE AND 1 IN HE A VEN. SQUARE CLXXXII. Agnostics held a field, Through which we often went Equipped with stars for all revealed, To build the firmament Of knowledge. Set we there The brightest that we knew ; Which God brought out by number. Fair And glorious they grew. How wonderful they were, Those stars of purest ray ! The prophet and the messenger Of hope were there. The way Of God was radiant. The mountains of His will Were full of toilers. Sone and chant Flowed like the laughing rill. CELESTIAL KNOWLEDGE. 265 SQUARE CLXXXIII. Reclining on a slope Lay Huxley full in sight, With his disciples. Had they hope Of climbing any height ? Ah me ! if hope, and fate Were moulded only by Ourselves. Friends are the golden gate To welcome us on high. Ten thousand thought of him Who of himself despaired, And while he lay in twilight dim The morn of God prepared. Passed kindly Abraham And said, God is my Friend. And Moses cried, His Name I AM Is knowledge without end. 266 LOVE A ND I IN HE A J 7?.V. SQUARE CLXXXIV. 'Twas God's symposium Where each dehvers just His best, and larger makes the room For those who see and trust. The Son of Jesse sang, T/ie Lord my ShepJicrd is, I shall not want. And voices ranof Amen, amen, to his. Celestial light just then Like lightning seemed to play. And some of the reclininof men Looked up as if to say : I think it must be so, The tenderness of God. Sometime I may forever know, O sweet correctinor rod ! o CELESTIAL L(/ ^cliosc 7vill is done IlatJi Jicaliiig in His luiiigs. TREASURES I.\ J/E.llEX. 3 I 7 SQUARE CCXXlll. No history can tell What all the treasures are, In which is Lord Inimanuel The brii^ht, forofivinof Star. With these and with the like We entered the 2food fio^ht : Destroyed we there dike after dike Which stayed the waves of light. Thanksgiving- came. The Word Looked forth from sky and fen. The Tabernacle of the Lord Divinely shone in men. A radiant herald ran Alike in sun and storm Through the vast firmament of man And cried, God and His Form ! 3 I 8 LOVE AND I IN HE A VEN. SQUARE CCXXIV. God and His Form ! he cried, That herald from on high. God's Form is Sonship, and the Bride Thai never passes by The denizens of. Hell. I saw that Sonship is The Great Redemption. Samuel Is God's incarnate bliss, The Child that hears His voice. And His Beloved Son, In whom the myriad worlds rejoice, Stands for all triumphs won. God's Form is Filial Grace, Eternal Life in siijht. And always shining in His Face Who brings our Sire to light. TREASURES IN HE A VEN. 3 I 9 SQUARE CCXXV. The New Theocracy Is founded. Love and I Work, work. God is reality. On earth contains On high. Our Father's House of Love Is shining everywhere. All are transfigured. God above Is God at hand. His care Continues down to Hell. The struggle and the strife Are doors to birth and Heaven. The W'ell That yields Eternal Life Flows more and more. Light, light Is joy and might. Enlarged Are all God's soldiers. .Speeds the fight: And no one is discharged. 320 LOVE AND I IN HE A VEN. EPILOGUE. XCVIl. Where yoiir treasure is there will your heart be also. Treasures and Hearts are always insep- arable. XCVIIl. Treasures are the Insignia of Sonship, and to the Morning Stars the Blessed Fuel of Song. XCIX. In Heaven Treasures increase continually, because they are daily imparted to the Needy. Use is growth. C. O Mother Heaven, sweet Mother Heaven ! keep my Treasures, and grant me to communi- cate them forever ! iK' LIBRARY OF CONnPFQc iiiillllfll ll 018 597 298 7 '