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MILWAUKEE, WIS. -f^^''-?^ >^^« m 2^ '^^^^ ©CLA611927 •^^^ To the Memory of My Dear Sister Mrs. Josephine Byrne SuUivan-Conlon Just thoughts for those dear years youVe spent Upon the Long Highway ; Just humble thoughts with sorrow blent, As sun and shadows play: Each thought a rose of love for you, ^ Rich red as rose of June Mist-petaled with the morning dew When Night meets Day in tune. O rare great soul ! List to my call ! Bend low to me today ! Accept my gifts ; I'd give my ALL For you, on Time's Highway. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 11 J une June, glorious month of life and love, Of roses dipped in morning dew ; June, richest jewel of the year, My soul is filled with thoughts of you. June, laden with a rare perfume, On zephyrs borne, and wafted far; June, bright with rays of golden sun Or gleams of Even's lucid star. June, rippling with the limpid laugh Of sparkling streams cavorting o'er The fields of green, expanding far, Displaying riches more and more. June, beating heart of all the year, Pulsating true with life and love; June, shedding happiness on earth. And ecstasy in world above. I love you, June, yes for yourself. For all the lavish joys you give, For fragrance, roses, bubbling streams — ril love you long as I shall live. 12 THOUGHTS OF JUNE You bring to mind one whom we named In childhood's fancy, after you — One who had cheeks of roses red And eyes of June's grey-azure hue. We named her June, so full of life, So warm her heart for human kind ; We did not know her richness till It faded, leaving dark behind. The glory of her soul was like The sun of June enriching earth; Her nature warm, and broad and free Of kindly thought ne'er knew a dearth. In lovely June when roses bloomed With all their rich alluring red. We plucked the rarest ones for her. And placed them on her lowly bed. The sweet embodiment of June! Too full of life to hide away She seemed — not wan nor lone nor sad, But glorious as a bright June day ! THOUGHTS OF JUNE 13 Farewell, sweet month of love and joy ! A month of memory for me — Amid your blooms we laid our June To sleep beneath the tall green tree, That shades the spot where lies our ALL, The ones we love the dearest, best ; O wondrous June! Great soul on earth! God grant you now sweet peace and rest ! 14 THOUGHTS OF JUNE Her Mission "She answered the laughter of life with a smile," So sang a great poet. "Walked many a mile," To lighten the burdens of weary and worn, To cheer the sad hearts of the weak and forlorn. **She carried the sunshine of kindness and mirth," Again sang the poet, *'to corners of earth." She spread her bright rays o'er dark corners of woe, For hers was the mission, good cheer to bestow. "Her days have been gentle," ah yes, for in deed And thought, she e'er spent them, for many in need. "Her faith has been strong," for she trusted that right Would surely prevail over wrong's cruel might. Throughout passing days e'en 'mid sorrow and care She gave aid to others by word, act, or prayer. And so runs the poet the bright strain along — "Her speech has been sweet with the lilt of a song." "She hasn't been one that has hungered for fame." Humanity's justice emblazons her name. "For goals," of "the selfish," she never has sought, Her faith and devotion no baubles have bought. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 15 The path of "the Glory that many pursue," She left for the one of "the good she could do," For there lay the weary and worn, needing strength, And there in their service her life was well spent. Thus on passed her days full of richness and truth, All buoyant and warm with the ardor of youth ; To souls giving cheer in the service of love. And lifting feint hearts to high hopes far Above. The world gave her praise as she lay still in sleep, It may be she heard, for in sweet slumber deep, A smile lit her face, full of pity and love^ — "Her fame by the Angels is written above." 16 THOUGHTS OF JUNE The Long Highway A long, long road leads out from the low silvery mists of Dawn, It stretches to the purple glooms of far Eternity ; Some places rough and pebble-filled; sometimes it wanders on All shaded from the glare of scorching rays that chance to be. Where it begins in azure skies, of distant golden morn, 'Tis crowded with the snow-white souls of infants, seeking life, They float into the open space, the myriads newly born; All blind with Heaven's joy, they see no earthly care nor strife. Adown the road they come, and soon the tiny feet gain strength. The forms take courage, and push forth upon the broad Highway. They fear no future for 'tis lost in that mysterious length Of distance, that's enshrouded from their new all- glorious Day. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 17 Yet see the toddlers fall upon the pathway scarce begun ; The little forms just started that grew weary, worn and sore. The stronger push more boldly on, yet ere their race is run. They too will feel the stones their tired feet must travel o'er. But One stepped on the long Highway, in Time's all- rosy morn. With eager feet and wistful eye, impatient Life to know; Plucked flowers of joy and scattered them to creatures more forlorn. Smiled when the pebbles bruised her feet, or storms of strife did blow. O soul of golden sunshine blent with mists of pity's dew! O wondrous mortal ! You scarce passed the middle of the Way, When low you sank exhausted and God reached His arms for you, And bore you forth to rest in peace in His Celestial Day. 18 THOUGHTS OF JUNE The Great Sorrow Life holds pain and trouble, Sorrows, not a few, But Life's greatest sorrow Dear, is loss of you ; Others bruised our spirits — Father, brothers too — Yet in all our anguish We had you, Dear, you : Comforter of Mother, Always ever near When you most were needed, With your vision clear ; How we leaned upon you, Pilot strong to steer Barks through sorrows' billows! How we miss you, Dear! You were ready ever To reUeve our care; Near your joyous nature Worry would not dare To abide in shadows, You with courage rare — Bringing light from darkness — Soul so wondrous fair! THOUGHTS OF JUNE 19 It were well, our dear one, That you did not know When the Angel beckoned You from earth to go; Your dear heart so tender Would have murmured low, **Let me stay for Mother. God Thy mercy show ! She has had much sorrow, She is needing me. I cannot be happy If her lot must be, To bend low in anguish 'Neath that lonely tree In God's Acre, counting A new grave for me." Heart so great and tender, Rich with wondrous love. May you rest in mercy ! May the Spotless Dove Give you peace of Eden — May you live Above, Knowing not our anguish — Live in bliss and love ! 20 THOUGHTS OF JUNE The Voyage A boat stood waiting near the shore, A lonely boat with oarsman grave, Impatient waited to sail o'er The deep mysterious placid wave. A form tripped blithely down the way. All radiant with joy and health. 'Twas just at closing of the day Ere night hid earth's abundant wealth. The angels had not hung the stars Across the sky, illumined bright By shooting rays through sunset bars In varied hues of sparkling light. God chose the scene and chose the time ; He chose the bark with wondrous care. The soft air knelled with vesper chime Rang from on High by Angels fair. The lovely form cast back one smile To earth, to friends so true and fond, Then stepped into the boat, the while She wistful sought the Port Beyond. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 21 O Oarsman grave, bear her I pray, At God's command, the waters o'er; Oars dipped for His Eternal Day — O land her safely on His Shore! 22 THOUGHTS OF JUNE ^'Pxo Ecclesia et Pontifice" Medal Conferred by His Holiness Benedict XV "For Pontiff and for Church," Inscribed the gift of gold, The priceless medal which the Pope Approvingly bestowed Upon you, for your loyal work To further Truth and Right — Your service in the noble cause f *fc To raise Faith's Beacon Light. Above all other gifts Of value, did you love. This emblem of fidelity — Passport to Heaven above. It was not for the gold it held, Nor yet because of fame It brought to you — on Honor's roll Inscribing bright your name ; But proof unto yourself Of Christ's "Well done !" to you. His vicar by this medal praised . Your service great and true. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 23 Our Lord, the Master was well pleased, And worthy of the hire The laborer; hence the reward — Love's consecrated fire. So strange that not until I'his world was lost to view, And tones of Angels, welcoming, Drowned mortals' sad adieu, Was that great gift pinned rev'rently Above your heart, in love. Its words, the countersign to pass You to the realms above ! 24 THOUGHTS OF JUNE Take a Neighbor's Hand Would you leave a ray of sun upon a darkened earth ? Cast a gleam of gladness into lives that have a dearth ? Speak then to a saddened soul some little word of cheer ; Point a way for feet to tread, and make a pathway clear. Take a neighbor's hand. Lift a heart that's sinking 'neath a weight of care and woe; Help a wayward life to rise above conditions low ; Feed a hungry child today, give strength to tired feet ; Help the weaker ones of earth to conquer grim defeat. Take a neighbor's hand. Purify an unjust world from greed's all-selfish curse; Hold belief in human kind for Man is never worse Than his best ideals, for the soul is purified By the faith in Him who for man's sake has bled and died. Take a neighbor's hand. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 25 One I knew who sought to cheer the darkened souls of earth; Scattered gleams of gladness into lives that felt a dearth ; Helped the poor and comfortless and led feet long astray ; Gave sad eyes a vision of a newer, brighter day. Took her neighbor's hand. Helped the orphaned and the sick and cheered the poor and lone; Helped the wayward find the path and contritely atone ; Lived a life of thoughtfulness for all of humankind. Even with her last farewell left rays of cheer behind. Took her neighbor's hand. O great soul I see you now enthroned in Heaven's grace, Your old smile of helpfulness illumining your face ; Arms outstretched so yearningly to welcome us above, Eager for to clasp us close in all-protecting love. Grasping close the hand. 26 THOUGHTS OF JUNE Two Kinds of Mortals Mortals are divided Into classes two; One is always striving Something- good to do Other is but trying To destroy the right; One works by high thinking One by rule of might. One is ever adding To the world some cheer Life is worth the living With such spirits near; Other is depressing With dread scowls of gloom Lives they spend in shadow — Darkness of the tomb. One is ever giving Both with hand and heart; Self is e'er forgotten As of life no part; THOUGH rs OF J (WE 27 Other lives by taking Making no return; Souls are cramped and sordid As for gain they yearn. One is nearer Heaven Giving Heaven here, Spreading rays of sunshine, Adding to earth's cheer ; Other? God forgives them For they do not know; Small in soul, their warped lives, Nothing can bestow. O the noble givers ! Life they know not long; Strength is spent for others Making right of wrong; From the heights of Heaven, They'll send down their love For to guide the weak ones To their Home Above. THOUGHTS OF JUNE Words of Cheer Whisper low a word of cheer as you pass along, 'Twill but raise the chorus of Earth's not abundant song; Then support your little word with a helping hand ; Words are strongest when on deeds of true love they stand. Words of cheer soft spoken meant to lift another's woe, Multiply in echoes as through earth they go, Soon with sweet accordance they blend in a refrain Reaching earth to Heaven in seraphic strain. All the soft words spoken meant to cheer, and raise Drooping hearts from sorrow, make a chant of praise Greater than a choir of rarest gifts sublime Could send forth symphonic through cloisters dim of time. Hearts are aching daily for a word of cheer ; Lives in sordid loneness passing cold and drear; Years are fleeting quickly and the time is nigh For each living mortal to bid a last good-bye. Leave the world the better for your little life, Know you have helped some one conquer care and strife ; Whisper low a word of cheer as you pass along, 'Twill but raise the chorus of Life's not abundant song. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 29 The Dark Day So dark the day ! The rain is falling, falling, Throughout the dreary town there rests a gloom. The thunder rumbling rolls along the Heavens; The lightning flares through darkness deep of doom. So dark my soul! With grief the tears are falling. Upon my dreary life there rests a gloom. The echoes of despair come rumbling o'er me, Depression drags me down to depths of doom ; For on her grave today the rain is falling. And over all the world there rests a gloom. My soul is dark, my heart is sorrow-riven — She lies within the darkness of the tomb. Yet though throughout my life the rain is falling, And sadness overspreads me with its gloom, Through rumbles of despair like thunder rolling, The lighting lights the darkness of my doom. The lightning flares in Faith's unending flashes. Illumining dark sorrow's dreary gloom. And with it comes soft rumbling tones from Heaven. Faith brightens up the darkness of the tomb. 30 THQl'GHTS OF JUNE Change The sky is not so blue a blue as in the yester-year, The flowers are not so beautiful, the bird songs not so sweet, The zephyrs are less soothing and the river runs less clear, And life is less a loveland — less a peaceful joy-retreat. For in the gladsome yester-year, I had you by my side, 1 saw you and I heard your voice, and listened to your song. I knew the world was beautiful. I felt creation wide With all the vv^ondrous glories that to it doth well belong. I did not know in those bright days of all-confiding youth That most of earth's great vvonderment was just a part of you ; That should you leave, the world would change, the sun grow dark. In truth The universe would suddenly eclipse and Pleaven too. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 31 But you are gone and I am here, and oh the woeful change ! The absence of all lovely things, the dreadful sense of pain, They tell me Nature is the same. It may be, but how strange ! I look for all its loveliness but sadly look in vain. The sky is not so blue a blue as in the yester-year. The flowers are not so beautiful, the bird songs not so sweet. The zephyrs are less soothing and the river runs less clear. All loveliness went with you when you sought your new retreat. 32 THOUGHTS OF JUNE The Wonderful City I love the big bustling city, the bursting beautiful city, With its beating, beating, beating as of the throbs of the world's great heart ; I love its stir and its striving, its crow^ded and hurried hiving ; The city, the wonderful city, plays in life the most marvelous part. You loved the great growing city, the groaning, may- hap greedy city, With its weary, wakeful, worn ones, and its gnawing, needless noise. You loved its clang and its clamor, its heaving and heavy hammer. Its crowds of congested humans, its seething sorrows and joys. You worked for the wondrous city, the grasping and grinding city ; You gave the last of your lovely strength to it in its fierce desire, You strove for the sad or sinning, gave downcast a new beginning. Burned bridges of caste 'tween mortals by Love's sac- rificial fire. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 33 And now in a mystical city, a martyr's most marvelous city, You live in a life immortal ; you work for the glory of God; And o'er you the angels are bending, their praises with saint-echoes blending. High Heaven is happy though earth hearts are scourged with great grief's heavy rod. 34 THOUGHTS OF JUNE The Lesson of Faith I hastened to your side That dreadful night; The Lord did safely guide My feet aright; He gave me strength to bear Dark sorrow's weight of care. My spirit crushed, arose In Faith's strong might. Beside your bier I stood I could not cry ; My soul asked o'er and o'er Why did you die? Faith lent its strength to me. God wished you to be free — Thus to my asking soul I did reply. I stood among the throng, In dumb despair; Beheld your lovely form, Divinely fair, And yet I murmured not, Nor consolation sought ; My all-consuming thought — You were not there. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 35 I listened to the dirge On organ played ; I saw you borne from me. Still unafraid, I clasped the scourging rod — The sweet sad gift of God, And on your grave's green sod, I sank and prayed. O Father give to me A chastened heart, To kiss the cross, and bear With love, the smart. Teach me "Thy will be done" Ere yet my race is run, My life with Thee begun Ne'er more to part. 36 TFIOUGHTS OF JUNE The Choice Child Loved June, with lilting, lulling streams ; With rarest runes and murmurs mild ; I've ever loved your loveliness. I've thought you e'er the year's choice child. Loved June, with ferns and flowery fields Where mirth and merriment abound ; With waving waters welding through Great girths of green, with greeting sound. Loved June, with carefree carols filled ; With mild mysterious melody, With sighs and singing song notes blent With tones of deepest symphony. Loved June, with joyful jubilance; With gladdest echoes sounding wild ; Loved June, thou soul of minstrelsy, Great Nature's petted perfect child. Loved June, bedecked with hundred hues. All blending with thy rare rose red; The wealth of all Eternity Most lavishly on thee was shed. Loved June, my heart is full of thee. Thy sacred name I'll ever love, For O loved June, thy rarest rose. Of thy own name, now blooms x\bove. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 37 The Dark Rose Feels the Loss of Thee The sad dark rose has dropped for years, For centuries 'neath tyranny, Yet ever did her heart beat high In hope that some day she'd be free ; Today a sword has pierced that heart, A sword as 'twere of Calvary — A daughter fair Hes cold and low — The Dark Rose feels the loss of thee. Full oft thy voice was raised for her In notes of Celtic melody ; Full oft thy hand reached out to help The dark rose, striving to be free; Full oft thy prayer ascended high Thralldom's chains would cease to be- O Irish daughter, true and loyal ! The Dark Rose feels the loss of thee. I see thee now with tear-dimmed eyes, With smile of warmest sympathy Extolling Erin's virtues, and Declaring she would yet be free ; 33 THOUGHTS OF JUNE I know thy life was lived for her, Thy strength was spent to help her be Again as in her ancient days — The Dark Rose feels the loss of thee. The dear Dark Rose weeps sadly now — Thy soul has found Eternity — No more will dreary earth be cheered By thy rich laugh of Celtic glee ; No more will hearts find smile or tear Of thine, in deepest sympathy — O noblest type of womankind ! The Dark Rose feels the loss of thee. Dark Rose — Ireland. THOUGHTS OF JUXE 39 A Star of First Magnitude Just as a star That shines out 'mid the myriads on High, Of magnitude the first — The far transcendant glory of the sky ! So Uke a star, Whose task is to dispel the gloom of night, Of magnitude the first, That adds to lesser orbs its lucid light ! O wondrous star, Sent here to earth to shine divinely fair, Of magnitude the first, Dispelling gloom of misery and of care ! Shine brilliant Star Today in lustre in God's blessed dome. In magnitude the first ! With saints and angels Ught our Heavenly Home! 40 THOUGHTS OF JUNE Wafted Out to the distant Farland, Where the Angels throng, Wafted beyond the Starland, Borne on the wings of song; Music of Hfe still ringing In your listening ear, Loved ones all vainly clinging — When you stole from us, Dear. Hardly we heard you going, As at Vesper chime. Zephyrs of eve soft blow^ing Flowers of bright Springtime, Forth to the lovely Farland Did your white soul soar. Now in the wondrous Starland Rests it for evermore. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 41 Recollection I remember in the morning of our youth, O sister mine, How we trusted to your guidance, with your vision clear and fine. How you led the race with comrades, bade them follow in your way. Turned their failure into triumph as the night is turned to day. I remember how you ever gazed upon the mountain high, In your strong idealism penetrating Thought's deep sky. How your hand reached towards another when that other needed aid, And how oft your helping spirit has the rod of anguish stayed. I remember how you listened to the orphan's helpless cry, And anear the sick and life-worn bent to hear the feeble sigh, How you helped your fellow-workers strive each day to do the best, That at Eve, the blameless conscience would give to them sweeter rest. 42 THOUGHTS OF JUXE I remember how you laughed aloud e'en when your heart was sore Giving- joy to those in sorrow, from your soul's abun- dant store, How you gave with heart and brain and hand to add to mortals' cheer. How all gloom was quick dispelled in hope, whenever you came near. I remember how despite your toil, no matter what your care. You would hurry to the call of home, to help your own to bear Trials and worries, great or small, ah, how you always came in haste, Turned to garnished fields of ripened grain a barren desert waste. I remember how we leaned on you when every sorrow- came; You were strong and brave and wonderful. Despair was not the same When courageous you arose to vanquish it by joy of soul, And you proved its real message was to lead us to the goal. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 43 I remember O so many ways, so many virtues true That throughout the course of your brief Ufe were ever part of you. Love of sacred Freedom and of God; the cause of Erin's right; Hatred of mere love of worthless gold, and stern ambi- tion's might; Open generosity of heart to each and every one, Thus so many heads bowed low in grief when your life's time was done; Noble wish to spread the cause of good to all of humankind ; Tender strong desire to bring the light to spirits weak and bhnd ; Faithful love of friends; the love of home; the love of land of birth ; Love of our dear parents' land— the brightest jewel on the earth ; Strong devotion to the church ; the firm deep trust that some day Right Over all the world shall rule and drive dark Error far from sight. Many choicest gifts of God you had, O creature rich and rare! Wondrously bestowed, and meet with those of Angels to compare, Yet supreme one shines o'er all and brightens earth and Heaven Above, Gift Divine that rules the hearts of saints— the God- like gift of Love. 44 THOrCHTS OF Ji'NE Take a Widened View So many lives are commonplace, so many people dwell, In sordid satisfaction, in a blameless self-content, So many seek the dross of life, nor ever strive to quell Insatiate desires for gain, on which they're ever bent. If such would look beyond themselves and take a widened view Of God's creation, what a world would open to their eyes! The myriads of mortals each with his own work to do, Each struggling bravely on the way that leads to Paradise. The old, the sick, the sorrow-worn as well as Love and Youth, The tired-hearted pushing on with carefree Strength and Joy. The ones who trip with easy feet in charge of Faith and Truth, The ones who find the loveliness of life has much alloy. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 45 O selfish souls who see not far because your sight is dim With looking always at yourselves, and shutting out the view^ ; Look out upon all humankind, and raise your eyes to Him Who left a world of Glory to bring vision unto you. Go out and help a brother man, help give to lives some cheer. Remember that immortal souls will call to you some day; Will blame you in their helplessness for all your lack of cheer Which kept their path of life so dark, and led their feet astrav. Be of the few, the chosen few% who ever nobly strive To lift from hearts the misery and black despair of night. Help spread Joy's sunshine o'er the earth ; all error from it drive ; Make Love and Pity rule men's hearts, and banish Self and Might. 46 THOUGHTS OF JUNE Ad lOS I found 'mong your treasures an old card today, The writing was by your dear hand, Addressed to our brother, now sleeping beneath The green of his OAvn native land. Long years he had traversed in regions afar, But always his heart sighed for home. You loved him the dearest and 'twas for your sake, He quenched his desire to roam. You wrote him the card that I wept o'er today, O many a one you had sent. So full of your wit and your bright breezy thoughts, That to him such happiness meant. But somehow this card, it was tender and sad, It ended by wishing farewell. Commending our brother to God's loving care. In language that echoed a knell. His eyes never gazed on your dear tender words. The card came but he was asleep. His soul had awakened on Life's far-off shore. His body in shimljcr la}^ deep. Some spirit, I think', must liave v/hispered to you. To send that last tender farewell. The card he ne'er savv but the thought reached his soul Methinks with the sad Passinij Bell. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 47 The Reward Like to soldiers marching On the broad, long road, Carrying their burdens — Bracing 'neath the load — Seeing in the distance Glory's honored crown, Cheer upon the faces Chasing every frown — Following the leader — Answering his call — Ready at his summons, E'er to rise or fall — Walking in his footsteps. Armed well for the fray, Led through love to follow Where he points the way- So are Christian mortals, On this life's long road — Each one bears his burdens Bracing for the load ; Each sees in the distance Glory's radiant crown, Cheer upon the faces Chasino' everv frown ; THOUGHTS OF JUNE For they see the Leader. He has sent the call. Lovingly they follow Whate'er may befall. Seeking for His footsteps, Armed for any fray, Answering His summons Where He leads the way. Fall in ranks, O soldiers ! Answer to the call ; Christ the Leader beckons; Nought can you befall. He has bled to save you ; Do not fear the fray ; Seek the crown of Glory Where He points the vvin One I knew, a soldier. Fighting for the Right ; Leading while she followed, Merciful in might ; Visioning the Glory — Treading Life's Highway- Teaching souls to bravely March the Lord's Highway THOUGHTS OF JUNE 49 Eyes turned ever forward — Back braced for the load — Woes and cares of mortals On Life's dark High Road. Soldier, Christian, woman ! Lead us still, we pray, To Christ's Crown of Glory End of Life's Highway. 50 - THOUGHTS OF JUNE Thoughts of You In the laughing days of youth, when every heart was free, When the sun shone golden-bright and Earth sang melody, When the joys of life and love \vere near — within your grasp. And far-visioned you the door of Future would un- clasp. How you trod the daisied lanes, a laughter-loving child, Cheeks of rosy-red, and hair of glossy tangled wild. Eyes of azure, heaven-deep and full of mystery, Soul o'er-brimmed with wondrous thoughts, pent, striving to be free ! How you loved the dewy morn and sunset's golden glow; Loved the mid-day's blinding glare, and Nature's over- flow — Joys of Spring and Summertime — the carols of the birds, Rippling sounds of waters, thrilling thoughts too deep for words ! THOUGHTS OF JUNE 51 How your tripping- feet oft stayed beside the humble cot, Where the sick and sorrowful must bear in pain their lot! How you plucked the flowers wild that by the wayside grew, Giving them with flowers of love sprung from the heart of you ! How you grew in soul and heart with passing of the years, Shedding laughter all around, oft through the mists of tears ! How you added grace to life, and light to misery. Gave your strength to humankind, that souls might be more free ! How you worked so well and full that nought was left to do, So God's Angel pitying saw and softly came for you. Came for you in summertime of strength and joy and life, Took you to your just reward from out a world of strife ! 52 THOUGHTS OF JUNE You had done enough, he thought, your work it was complete, Time it was for you to know a rest all deep and sweet ; Heaven was made for such as you, and you were needed there ; God knows best ! He took you to His Home and loving care. God sends earthly sorrows but to give to us His grace, This I knew when last I looked upon your peaceful face — O the memory of that hour will ever fill my soul, Till in mercv I am called to God's Eternal Goal ! THOUGHTS OF JUNE 53 The Regions Fair Each heart has its own deep yearning; Each Hfe has its secret woe ; Each spirit is burdened to fullness As on through this world we go; Each face is a mask oft hiding With smiles a deep grim despair; Each life is a tired struggle For regions more fresh and fair. O souls that are weary waiting! Deep drenched in your own dark woe, Reach hands and help aid a brother Lest under the waves he go ; This thought will give strength to bear you Above your own dark despair; Through love and unselfish living You'll enter the regions fair. Give aid to your striving neighbor; Help lighten Humanity's woe ; Preach justice and right and loving As onward through life you go, Think high and live great in spirit And conquer sin's dark despair; Be nobly human to humans — Thus enter the regions fair. 54 THOUGHTS OF JUNE Together Children three in the morning, Johnny and Ed and Jo — Phiying always together, Comrades where'er they go ; Johnny so wise and perfect, Ed with his golden heart, Jo with a thousand girlish ways Ail of her life a part. Always ever together Laughing in childish glee. Life's bright morning foretelling Closeness in time to be, Johnny the wondrous student, Ed with the love for all, Jo with the nature bright and strong Hearing the world's loud call. Parted long but forever Thinking of other days. Youth's bright morning and gladness. Childhood's alluring ways, Johnny and Ed far distant Into the far lands roam, Joe in devotion biding near Harking for call of home. THOUGHTS OF JCNE 55 Now together they slumber 'Neath the green shady tree, Comrades true in God's morning As in the Used-to-be. Johnny with soul so gentle, Ed with the heart of gold, Jo with the Vision, seraph-clear— Bide close in God's blessed Fold 1 56 THOUGHTS OF JUNE The Complete Life You tripped through life with flying feet, You never stopped to rest, You wasted not a moment as you sped. You sipped the honey luscious sweet, You found in earth the best, You followed joyous Fancy where she led. You plucked the roses as you went. You pushed the thorns aside. You cast the flowers to each waiting hand. Just like a spirit Heaven-sent, All full of joy you hied, A herald bright of love, through dreary land. Your life was full to brimming o'er With work for others done. With deeds of kindness scattered on the way. You rushed into the open door, Your waiting crown well won. You sought the fullness of Eternal Day. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 57 Full rich in worth though brief your time, As many lives in one, Earth's pathway brightened as you passed along. You heard the bells of Heaven chime, For you had Life begun. In haste you joined the great Eternal throng. Now in the wondrous melody, Your voice rings loud and clear. Among the ranks with those who lead, you stand, With notes of soulful sympathy, As oft you've carolled here. You scatter rapture through God's Chosen Band. 58 THOUGHTS OF JUNE I Feel Thee Near I feel thee near. At early dawn, when Nature wakes from sleep ; When birds sing gladness, and when fledglings peep When Life looks up and faces a new day. And sun sends beams to brighten up the way. I feel thee near. I feel thee near. When noon-day glare is adding warmth to sky ; When flowers are brightest-hued and birds fly high When Day is fullest in her youth and strength, And e'er the shadows straighten into length. I feel thee near. I feel thee near, When eve's bright glows of sunset slow decline ; And rays soft blending stretch out thin and fine ; AVhen Nature murmurs with a drowsy tone, And tired souls feel need of rest alone. I feel thee near. I feel thee near. Ah most I feel thy presence in the night. When God shuts out the scenes of day so bright; Then thoughts of thee consume my riven soul. Ah then I feel thee near. I seek thy goal. Then thou art near. THOUGHTS OF JVXE 59 The Disguise Since days of Dawn, have danced in glee O'er Erin's vales, the fairies gay, To keep from hearts, dark misery, And fill them with the joy of day; And thus the Celt is ever glad E'en though deep sorrows he must bear Thus oft when most his soul is sad. His face a smile of cheer may wear. I like to think that long ago In days when Tara's Harp was strung, You danced, a fairy, to and fro — Or ancient lays you may have sung. I like to think the joy you knew — That made your spirit gladness filled — Came down through ages. Dear, w^ith you, And many sore-tried souls has thrilled. Somehow a nature broad and free And half sublime as was your own. Must e'er in immortality Dw^ell scintillant a-near the Throne. 60 THOUGHTS OF JUNE Somehow it must have been a ray Sent from that Throne, to carry light To darkened earth, and help the day Of love, to be more clear and bright. And so I think in strange disguise Of fairy nymph, you tripped along The treasured isle, that gently lies By ocean, rocked with tender song. I like to think your feet have trod The ancient vales of wondrous green ; Have kissed the verdant sacred sod — That you in truth, the land have seen. Whence sprang the noble lofty race For which your heart beat loud and true ; I like to think some spirit place Near Ireland, Dear, was kept for you. THOUGHTS OF JUSE 61 Celts, Be Free "Live not in chains, Sons of the Brave! Stand straight and noble, Tall and free! Look Heavenward, Not towards the grave, If men with spirits You would be ! "Break iron greed And captive's shame! Crush low the tyrant Who enthralls! Be master men Of honored name! Fight well, for Justice Loudly calls!" Thus sang a soul In Celtic pride To Ireland's children, Sorrow filled ; Brave One we stand Your bier beside ; Your words with courage Hearts have thrilled. 62j THOUGHTS OF JUNE We pledge our word Above you now For Erin's Freedom E'er to strive. We'll win or die. This is our vow — To break each curse'd Cruel gyve. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 63 True Wealth True wealth lies not in spacious lands, In stately halls or golden store, In costly gems from distant strands, In wells of deep abundant pour. There is a greater wealth than these In beauties lent to sight and ear; In songs of birds, in noble trees, In crystal waters rippling near ; In murmurs of the wondrous wild, In waving grass or field of grain, In prattle of a little child, In sighing winds that sweep the plain In broad expanse of firmament. Low" bending soft with lavish blue, In brilliant rainbow, wherein blent Are found Creation's every hue; Yet these are riches that must find The soul through an external gate. The truest wealth of purest kind Lies in the heart bv chance of fate. 64 THOUGHTS OF JUNE The love of friends, the ties of home, The memories of childhood's days, The power, in image far to roam Through Fancy's ever-pleasant ways. The thoughts, perhaps once culled from books. Now part of the interior life ; The touch of hands, the loving looks That gave new strength through sorrow's strife. Blest is the soul who seeks within And finds Life's lasting jewels there — No worldly joys can e'er begin With such true treasures to compare ; Thrice-blest the soul who is content With happiness in little things ; Of simple notes all perfect blent Is the refrain High Heaven sings. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 65 Saddened Hearts So many hearts were saddened, when the tidings spread abroad, That you they loved would speak with them no more. That ne'er again would you be seen in haunts of yester-year ; Your bark had anchored on a far-off shore. Regretful notes of sympathy were sent from o'er the land. From many who on earth are known to fame, But just as welcome were the tones of sorrow from the poor, Who wept in sadness as they spoke your name. You loved the great of earth because they answered Pleasure's call, In them you found diversion from life's toil ; But deepest thoughts within your soul were given to the poor; You loved to pour on trouble pity's oiL So many hearts now sadly miss your friendly look and tone. Your helpful words of cheer in days so dark. You carried Hfe and happiness. E'en when you bade adieu, You threw a greeting from life's parting bark. 66 THOUGHTS OF JUNE Your memory lives to guide us on. It lives a hundred fold; For now we dwell on each inspiring way. 'Tis only in the night time when they're absent, that we know Tlie truest beauties of the wondrous day. So now that you are gone for aye, we know that every deed, And smile and look and thought you held, surpassed earth's common kind. The richness of your nature will be long missed from the world. So many saddened hearts you've left behind! THOUGHTS OF JUNE 67 In Life's Garden Life is a garden, Full of flowers, Of varied kind and hue ; Some meant to bloom in Shady bowers. Their special task to do. Some on the High-road In the sun, Must go their destined way; Facing the breezes. Until done Their course, in Time's brief day. Sometimes a flower Much more rare Than others seen around, Casts forth a radiance Gorgeous fair. In brilliance ever found : Holds all the beauty Cheer and love Of all the varied hues, As 'twere that Heaven, From Above On it shed holv dews. THOUGHTS OF JUNE Such in life's garden Were you, Dear, All full of joy and light; Ever transcending Rare and clear All others fair and bright; On you did Heaven Bending low Send special gifts of grace. Now in God's garden, Well we know You've found a special place. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 69 The Two Roses You wrote about the dear dark rose, The rose woe-gloomed on ocean breast, The rose storm-tossed that never knew, 'Neath foot of tyrant, peace nor rest; You wrote of Erin, dear dark rose, Most sad and lone e'er earth has seen, You loved her well. Your heart beat loud In pity for Dark Rosaleen. You were yourself a dear bright rose A rose full-blown, and breathing wealth Of joy and beauty in your rare Exuberance of lovely health; Your nature was as free and rare, As any rose earth e'er has seen ; You gave to life the warmth of June — You were a rare bright Rosaleen. Two roses that in hope and love Afar apart, could never be — The bright one twined about the dark In true soul-raptured sympathy; Two roses breathing Celtic love — The rarest ever earth has seen; Joy-filled in Heaven, the bright rose prays For sorrow-worn Dark Rosaleen. Tf JO' 'CUTS or JUXE Dear One Dear One ! When last I looked upon your face In life, I thought not that Death's cold embrace, Would hold you, Dear, Forever near — From strife. Dear One! Your happy face was gladness filled That day. With health and energy you thrilled. Death seemed as star From you so far Away. Dear One ! On call I stood your bed beside One night. My heart-strings torn and sorrow-tried. I felt the rod You with your God In light. THOUGHTS OF JUNE Dear One ! Your spirit lingers now I know To cheer, About me wheresoe'er I go, And comforts me. You seem to be So near. Dear One ! Again we'll meet when life is past In love; Be happy in God's regions vast; The lesson know Of Earth's dark woe — Above. 72 THOUGHTS OF JUNE I Wonder Why I wonder why this cross was sent to me; I wonder why my life must ever be So lonely, Dear, for you; And why my soul must e'er with fancies teem, And why I feel just late awaked from dream, That seems half dream, yet true. I wonder why you had no time to say One little word ere you sought Heaven's Day, To tell your wish or thought; Perhaps 'twas thus God spared you from the pain Of knowing that you'd see us ne'er again 'Til our earth's tasks were wrought. I wonder why such sorrow must befall Hearts pierced as ours with Death's late triple call, Why you too had to die ; Some day I'll see beyond the clouds, the sun, I'll understand when Hfe for me is done. No more I'll wonder why. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 73 The Deepest Sorrow One has many sorrows In this vale of tears — Sorrows e'er increasing With the passing years ; Some are shared in friendship, Or at love's behest, Yet One guards in secret E'er the deepest, best. In the farthest chamber Of the shadowed soul. Hidden from all loved ones Who would fain condole. Lies the treasured sorrow, E'er of life a part. With a sacred yearning Filling deep the heart. Lesser trials and troubles One is glad to share With the friends who'd gladly All our burdens bear; But the deepest sorrow Is best borne alone. Loving consolations Make the soul more lone. 74 THOUGHTS OF JUNE Seems as One is jealous Of this greatest grief And seeks not in mortals To find woe's relief. Seems this deepest sorrow As a chastening rod In sad love inflicted By the choice of God. THOUGHTS OP JL'NE 75 In The Dusk I'm lonely this even, the dusk is upon me. Afar in the distance I hear the sweet strain Of music, enthralling the hearts of glad hearers, My soul unresponsive, feels only dull pain. The cadence I hear is not happy nor joyful ; Its notes touch my soul with a weird minor tone. The listeners find glee Avhere I find nought but sad- ness ; They're happy while I am in sorrow alone. The dusk seems to add to the sorrow upon me. The notes waken echoes of dull, deep despair. One comfort in times of distress can uplift me — 'Tis placing- my burdens on wings of sweet prayer. For music, and g'loaming, and all tones of nature, Though beautiful, are but the offerings of earth ; While prayer is of spirit and rests in High Heaven. In heavenly favors is measured its worth. So though in the gloaming my soul is deep riven, And though unresponsive, I hear notes of joy, My spirit communing in prayer, seeks a haven, And I can find gladness with never alloy. Then I can find peace, the sweet peace of the angels, And I can find rest in the smile of God's love ; And thou. Dear, wilt come, and thy spirit wilt touch me When prayer wafts my message to thee, far Above. 76 THOUGHTS OF JUNE Looking On In a world of work and strife and planning, In a world of many things to do, Some must bear the burdens for the others — Greater souls are these, more strong and true. Others stand and gaze upon the battle. Merely looking on upon the fray, Marking time, but never making headway, Finding no advance at close of day. Looking on life but never acting, Doing nought but filling up a space ; Helping not themselves nor helping others, Living life with laggard's slothful pace. Looking on, but useless in their looking; Dense and dull, they know not how to live; Selfish for themselves, no thought for others ; Giving not, and having nought to give. Looking on, they live perhaps the longer, Marked in years and months, but oh ! in deeds, Short their lives and useless, as in gardens Are the undesired choking weeds. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 11 Lookers on ! Arise and gird your armor. Jump into the middle of the fray. Count your scars with joy as honor's tokens When you rest at close of Life's brief day. Soldiers be upon the field of action. Life's a battle hotly fought — soon o'er. Doers be. In work well wrought, win laurels, Value less your lives, and deeds far more. 78 THOUGHTS OF JUNE My Memory I have with me A memory, That e'er will be my guiding star- Thy face so bright Haloed in light; It smiles on me from realms afar. Where'er I go In joy or woe Whate'er betide in future years, An angel guide I'll feel beside ; 'Tis thou — to banish all my fears. In all my deeds, In all my needs, Thou'lt succor me from harm, I know. As now I feel Thy help so real Sent from on Hig-h to me below. Sometimes it seems My thoughts are dreams ; While dreams seem strange reality That thou art near And living, Dear, That soon again thy face I'll see. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 79 But then comes woe, For deep I know That earth will never know thee more ; That thou hast left My heart bereft And sought in bliss a far-off shore. Yet still with me Is m.emory — A boon to souls deep crushed with woe. It brings thee near. I feel thee, Dear. Thy presence bides with me, I know. 80 THOUGHTS OF JUNE A Friend of Irish Freedom Old Erin dear has many friends In her deep struggle to be free, Yet never one more true to her, More soul-filled of her, Dear, than thee. From early childhood you were e'er A rare staunch Celt in thought and heart, And though you never saw the isle, It was of your whole life, a part. Our father was a true-born Celt Who prided in his ancient race. And well he might — its glory lent That noble look to his dear face ; For he was gentle, kind and loyal ; In firm affection always true; Broad-minded, generous and good And pity-moved as, Dear, were you. I grieve to think you had to go Before the loved old land is free, But maybe when that time shall come The tidings will be borne to thee. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 81 I know 'twould make you smile with joy — A joy surpassing Heaven's own, If through the courts of God, the news Of Ireland's freedom, should be known ; And yet I know your smile would melt Into a tear of sympathy, And your great soul would throb, to know How much the sacrifice must be ; And how you'd humbly step aside, Great soul ! in deep humility, To give your place to those who bled And died to set Old Ireland free. 82 THOUGHTS OF JUNE The Weavers Mortals are tapestries daily designing, Steadily, surely, on Life's wondrous loom. Years short or long they are given for labor. Weaving in sunbeams and shadows of gloom. Sorrows and gladness, ambitions and failures, Deeds good and evil, great pleasures and woe, Sins and contrition, neglects and firm strivings. Wondrous ideals, thoughts sordid and low — These are the warp and the woof of the workers, Yet they work blindly, no pattern they sec. Futile the labor for all is haphazard. No one can tell what the finish will be. Would thy look up through the stars of the Heavens, Patterns all perfectly finished are there. Woven by saints in their daily endeavors, Full of rich threads of deeds noble and rare. Wonderful patterns, hung forth in the Heavens. Mortals may study and copy with care ; Yet they strive not for designs of the seraphs. Sordid, they turn from the beauty so fair. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 83 Yet when the years of their labor is over, Justly, the Master will ask them to show What they have woven, and how they have striven All that is best in Life's weaving to know. They will be judged for neglect of the lessons Which through His saints He has given in love. Only designs that are made from His teachings Will He accept to adorn Realms Above. 84 THOUGHTS OF JUNE They Are Not Gone They are not gone Our dearly loved, Whom last we saw 'Neath coffin lid ; They bide a-near To comfort us — Their forms, by veil Celestial hid. They are not gone. Though on our ears The tones we love Will sound no more. In moments best, Our souls can hear The echoes from A distant shore. They are not gone, Though touch of hand Will thrill us ne'er With new delight; Some day they'll reach Their arms towards us And bear us forth To realms so bright. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 85 They are not gone Though crushed our hearts With loneliness For some dear face; They feel for us And guard on high For us, some day, A special place. They are not gone The dearly loved; Their forms are 'neath The coffin hid; Their spirits dwell A-near us e'er By veil of bliss Celestial hid. 86 TIlOl'GUrS OF Jl'NE The Pathway Through Erin On earth is a marvelous pathway ; it runs through a sanctified land. 'Tis bordered by triple-leaved shamrocks ; watched o'er by a blessed fairy band. 'Tis trodden by feet of great heroes, by martyrs, by patriots brave. And full it is e'er to o'ercrowding. Through Erin it leads to the grave. From dungeons the travelers come pouring, from hovels of want and of care ; White-faced with the signs of starvation ; keen-eyed with the courage that's rare. Through ages they've followed this pathway, their one noble purpose to save The ancient ideal of Freedom. Through Erin it leads to the grave. Afar from the land of the pathway, Avherever an exile may roam, Great souls have sighed deep to tread o'er it — the path- way of their early home. Great hearts have beat loud with desire to die with the loyal and brave, That suffer and bleed on the pathway, through Erin, that leads to the erave. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 87 O Sister! How often IVe heard you, as feeling deep lit your loved face, Speak warm of the virtues of Ireland — the gifts of our wonderful race. How much of your strength and your pity, to Erin in thralldom, you gave ! No truer e'er stood on the pathway, through Erin, that leads to the grave. You loved the dear race of our fathers. Your heart ached with pity and grief. But faith in the Right kept your Hope high, and gave your sad spirit relief. You trusted that God in His mercy will reach out old Erin to save. And comfort the souls on the pathway, through Erin, that leads to the grave. You prayed for the welfare of Ireland. You spoke on your life's dying day. Of sunshine of freedom for Erin — spoke cheerfully, that was your way. Your soul, I believe, in its passage, winged far o'er the blue ocean wave. And traversed the great path of heroes, from Erin, that leads to the grave. THOUGHTS OF JUNE The Vision of Beyond Oh what a world of wonder, Some day will God unfold To eyes deep filled with yearning ! What store of wealth untold Will greet the souls of mortals Who patiently have borne The crosses laid upon them! What joy to hearts forlorn! The beauty of the Heavens Will dazzle searching eyes — The scintillating splendor Of Holy Paradise — The glories of the angels — The seraphs, full of grace — And far outvying cherubs — Or saints — the Holy Face. Like radiant sun in brilliance, Through the celestial sphere. Its beams light souls of beings And banish gloom and fear; Forgotten are life's crosses, In one supreme content When ended is life's bondage And free the shackles rent. THOUGHTS OF JUNE The dark days of the earthland But make the brightness more Of that true home awaiting On Heaven's golden shore; The sorrows and the crosses We find so hard to bear, In God's Land are but blessings To hold us in His care. 90 THOUGHTS OF JUNE The Poem of Life Many a beautiful lyric Made by the poet's skill ; Written in measures harmonic, Doth one with pleasure thrill; Yet earth's most wonderful poems Were not the work of man ; Rythmic the beats of Creation Since ever time began. Ever in frictionless motion Roll the celestial spheres. Governed by laws of perfection, Down through the countless years. Daily the winds and the rivers Sing in their rythmic runes — Mountains and valleys and prairies Chorus in nature's tunes. Grandest of all of earth's poems Beating out joy and strife, Thoughts of the Master revealing, Is the great poem — Life. TH or GUTS OP JCXE 91 Pulsing with feeling in cadence, Rhyming by sacred laws, Perfect in scheme and in setting Without discordant flaws. How the Great Poet has loved it ! For 'tis His Masterpiece. O'er it each day that He ponders, Pride in it doth increase. Life is a beautiful poem Made to a perfect plan, Written for God's dearest creatures, Given in love to man. 92 THOUGHTS OF JUNE The Gleaners The Master's fields are full of golden gleanings — Good thoughts, and kindly words and gentle deeds ; They lie in full abundance, waiting workers, To willing take them for the Master's needs. The faithful labor in the fields of harvest, All patiently from dawn to sunset's glow; At night the loving Master will reward them, According to their merit — well, they know. The careless ones tread down the golden gleanings, Nor bend their backs to pick the offerings fair. Let others gather from the fullsome harvest! They would, themselves the dreary struggle spare. But at the close of day, the gentle Master Will call to workers in the harvest field, "Come hither! come and show to Me your gleanings! What did your day of labor for Me yield ?" Then will the faithful ones, with meek submission Place lowly, golden sheaves at His dear feet. While He will point the way to bliss eternal — A recompense for them, of joy complete. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 93 But with a look of sad reproach, accusing, He'll turn from those who idled through life's day. "You must atone," He'll say in tender pity, "Before your feet can tread the Heavenly way. "You must atone in fire of deep contrition. You must now expiate your lack, by prayer. Must purify your souls from sin's condition. Before a crown of Glory you may wear." 94 THurCHTS OF Il'XE Death and Life There is a portal, through which souls Pass into bliss, from care and sin, When earthly trials are well o'er And joy in Heaven doth begin. On hither side the portal, lies A land of grave uncertainty ; Where happiness is gloomed by woe — Where mortals struggle to be free. On yonder side, celestial light In realms that are most wondrous fair ; The beauty of Eternal Dawn, In glorious hues, all rich and rare ; The joy of angels and of saints — Companionship in happiness — The sweetest ties of earth enhanced By heavenl}^ love our souls to bless. We cannot pass the portal till On earth we've drawn our latest breath, Ah, then our friends look sadly down And say we've gone from life to death. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 95 Yet would it not be truer speech And with more perfect wisdom fraught, Were they to say, "By death on earth This soul a life in Heaven has bought." For sin, and gloom and deadly woe That to this dreary earth belong Are attributes of Death, while life, Is full of joy and love and song. Thus life as understood by man Is DEATH, and Death is life, I know. Though mortals weep, God smiles when souls Pass to Life's joys from Death's dark woe. 96 THOUGHTS OF JUNE As Years Roll By As years roll by, We're conscious of the nothingness of earthly joys. That life has meaning deep, sincere. That pleasures are but baubles like to childish toys. As years roll by, We cling far less to things material of earth. We learn to place our thoughts above. To love the treasures rich and rare of higher worth. As years roll by. We draw more closely to the ones we've known the best. Our own are nearest to our hearts. We think upon the scenes our earliest days have blest. As years roll by. We feel the partings from our loved ones more and more. Dark sorrow fills our souls with woe, And, tired of earth, we long to find life's journey o'er. As years roll by. We look beyond this world to feel the joys of old. Our souls uplifted search on High, And find in realms of light rare happiness untold. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 97 As years roll by, We know that those we love are safe in God's own care. We learn His plans. We see His Hand. Some day we'll meet the ones we love in Regions fair. As years roll by, We see our crosses as but blessings in disguise, Sent by a Father in His love, To strengthen us, and upward force our souls to rise. THOUGHTS OF JUNE Dreams I have loved the day with all its brilliance, Emblem of true life and work it seems ; But e'en more I love the gentle night-time: For it brings to me my time for dreams. When I wake, the world demands my efforts. Duty calls, and thoughts must quick obey. Dreams are of the night, for peace and slumber, Action ever must fill up the day. I must set you from my mind in coldness, So at times it seemeth unto me ; Yet my heart is longing for you ever, And my thoughts impatient to be free. Night, dear Night, with silence deep enfolding. Lets my spirit roam where'er it will. I can then shut out a world of duty ; Dreams of thee can then my spirit fill. When 1 lie and gaze upon the darkness, I can live again the days of yore. When I sleep, my spirit can roam with you ; I can live in joy with you once more. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 99 Then forgive my thoughtlessness in day-time ; 'Tis not coldness, howsoe'er it seems. I can consecrate my holiest moments To you — moments spent with you in dreams. I can be with you with nought intruding. I can give the best that in me lies To you, Dear, and ever shall it be so. Till I dream for aye beyond the skies. 100 THOUGHTS OF JUNE Gethsemane A lonely figure knelt in desolation, His saddened brow low bent in wan despair, Repeating words in deep humiliation, The echoes of His soul's consuming prayer. He begged for mercy on all helpless sinners, For clemency towards all mankind. "Alas !" He cried, "Dear Father, pity man's remission. And, if Thy will, from Me this chaHce pass." No word He spoke, reproving or complaining. No thought but to accept the Father's will. No question asked that sought for an explaining, Of reason, why such grief His soul should fill. But low he bowed in humble resignation, To lift a fallen race to meet its God. His to accept without an explanation The suffering and the scourging of the rod. Yet He Himself was One who was all Holy ; Then should we mortals not a lesson learn? He left a throne and chose a life most lowly, To help mankind a home in Heaven earn. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 101 He suffered grief and woe and accusations, From those for whom the sacrifice was made. By cold ingratitude and profanations Against His Name, was His great love repaid. How willingly should mortals carry crosses! How patiently should bear each darksome grief! Since He the Lord who died for man's redemption, Awaits in Heaven — to grant our souls relief. 102 THOUGHTS OF JUNE The Farewell Peacefully into the bark you stepped, Just at eve with the dying sun ; Waters were hushed, scarcely zephyr blown, BirdHngs drowsed, for the day was done. Smiling you waved us a last good-bye, Spoke no word of complaint or woe. Life had been lived and your task fulfilled, Death the Angel, bade you to go. Happy the smile that you wore that eve As your bark launched to gentle breeze; White were the sails that bore you away O'er the mystical seraph seas. Voyager fair! You must safely land. God was watching and guiding you. You had served Him and He could not fail. He is ever a Pilot true. THOUGHTS OF JUNE 103 In Memoriam Though the soul is crushed with sorrow, In the darkness of grief's night To uplift the heart, there shineth From on High a Beacon Light; 'Tis the smile of One so tender, Bidding us accept the rod. She so dear to us was needed To adorn the realms of God. CONTENTS PAGE June 11 Her Mission 14 The Long Highway 16 The Great Sorrow 18 The Voyage 20 "Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice" 22 Take a Neighbor's Hand 24 Two Kinds of Mortals 26 Words of Cheer 28 The Dark Day 29 Change 30 The Wonderful City 32 The Lesson of Faith 34 The Choice Child 36 The Dark Rose Feels the Loss of Thee 37 A Star of First Magnitude 39 Wafted 40 Recollection 41 Take a Widened View 44 Adios 46 The Reward 47 Thoughts of You 50 The Regions Fair 53 Together 54 The Complete Life 56 I Feel Thee Near 58 The Disguise 59 Celts, Be Free 61 True Wealth 63 Saddened Hearts 65 In Life's Garden 67 The Two Roses 69 Dear One! 70 I Wonder Why 72 The Deepest Sorrow 73 In the Dusk 75 Looking On 76 My Memory 78 A Friend of Irish Freedom 80 The Weavers 82 They Are Not Gone 84 The Pathway Through Erin 86 The Vision of Beyond 88 The Poem of Life 90 The Gleaners 92 Death and Life. 94 As Years Roll By 90 Dreams 98 Gethsemane 100 The Farewell 102 In Memoriam 103 H. \ A'S^-S. ./.-;«>>. .//afe--v. %<>■ • ^^^^^ «^ /% \W*^ /% ^^»f • /%^^*\/ ^ o y-^^^ **^^\/ V*^^*\°'' "''<>*-^"'\**' .. -^^ ^*^'^'\. 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