DD 51 .5 .B2 Copy 1 ROMAN' AND PRE-HISTORIC REMAINS IN CENTRAL GERMANY. BY EDWIN SWIFT BALCH. Reprinted from the Journal of the Franklin Institute, January, 1903. PHILADELPHIA THl£ L.BR/*i-!Y OK CONGRESS, Two Copies Received j JAN 15 1903 Copyiiglit Entry [ cuss ^X^ XXo, No. COPY^ B. ' J V- ,. Reprinted from the Journal of the Franklin Institute, Janu.ary, 1903. Mechanical and Engineering Section. Stated Meeting, held Thursday, December 4, igo2. Roman and Pre-Historic Remains in Central Germany/ By Edwin Swift Balch. In Central Germany, in the province of Hesse Nassau, there are numerous remains of the Romans and some even more interesting ones of the primitive Germans. German archaeologists have given a good deal of attention to these remains during the last quarter of a century; and they have brought to light many facts in connection with the early history of man in Germany.^ Passing over the times of feudalism, when the barons planted their strongholds on many a steep hill, and going back to the beginning of the Christian era, one finds that about the middle of the first century a.d., the Romans invaded the plains of Hesse Nassau, then inhabited by Germanic tribes, and established themselves south of the Taunus. The Romans soon found the need of protecting themselves in their new " sphere of influence " and they erected a line of fortifications from the Rhine to the Danube. The peasants formerly called this ' Copyright, 1902, by Edwin Swift Balch. ^This paper is based partly on considerable personal observation and partly on the books, papers and verbal statements of the Koniglich Baurat L, Jacobi, who has devoted his life to the exploration of these remains, and whose writ- ings are a mine of information. I wish to express my indebtedness to this distinguished German archaeologist. Among the publications about Roman remains in German}^, are : Jacobi, L. Baumeister : " Das Romerkastell Saalburg bei Homburg vor der Hohe," Homburg vor der Hohe, 1897. One volume, with maps and plates separate. This book includes an exhaustive bibliography. Cohausen, A. von: "Der Romische Grenzwall in Deutschland," Wies- baden, 1884. Cohausen, A. von, and Jacobi, L.: "Das Romerkastell Saalburg," Hom- burg vor der Hohe, Staudt & Supp, 1902. Guide Book. Bliimlein, Karl : "Die Saalburg," 1901. Schulze, Dr. P>nst : " Romisches Soldatenlebeu in den Taunus Kastellen," J-.ankfurt A.M., H. Berchtold, 1898. .t The Saalburg. From the maps of Baurat L. Jacobi. o U a o d 'A cd w