■Hi ■Hi iisNmn ■HnH IBfiaK llii ?t/6 VnoaT?? V^ efface */• ' (m/i/t*> £&stf 'w4 Mr JoccmA) tn- JtctV 7/ccZit. an . JtTu- Jcra-^C a^/ ^< tf£cuc'i tteOSCvaaC tui~/hvjl£ if*x*rar/Ua£- * Cfyt'ct/t VUCVt /urn >& ItrJZ CtctVeScf/fecc'/cu^ a,«J^„ ^L cyfyfes Myyo^L €crO~y °jf (%HV&ecJL JlLcUecct. jytfujt KerttccT. Jac^U^. w!xt^~.,A-te«*itt .fe£*- a^ct^^vruf (%Lc/^ cf-O&Sn. /<<^«/!/*S<»^' ***- <^5w£i"^ Qf^Jc &&L tttmL )tt«J*L ^f^L 'itzm- Jd nines' ■2a /BW/Vw«i Sir S& ^y/iczcv£. edt ■to^j-u* 'itruCin.* Je*c£c**-*-ny , OcuJlc Ml S&U cf/?L J & &H^r /& dc cjfiyct ~ •62/tefe, ^OZ i r "tar^ffi THE BOUNDARY DISPUTES OF CONNECTICUT. 47 due north to Massachusetts. A map * showing the pond in question was drawn up, and the oaths of several old citizens were taken to prove that the pond was really the head of the Pawcatuck River. The allow- ance of such a claim would have left but a strip of territory to Rhode Island on the west of the Narragansett Bay, and therefore she pro- tested t against allowing the pond to be the head of the Pawcatuck. She, however, was willing to let the King decide, and asked Connecti- cut not to make settlements east of said pond until after His Majesty's pleasure was known. The Board of Trade, after hearing all the testi- mony, reported £ to the Privy Council that Rhode Island was morally if not legally right, and suggested that the charters of both Colonies be taken away and the Colonies be annexed to New Hampshire ! Such an idea, no doubt, scared Connecticut into a willingness at once to obey whatever decision the King should make of the boundary dispute. But, before the King's purpose was known, Connecticut and Rhode Island, 1724-26, once more appointed Commissioners with full power to run the Colony line. As usual they accomplished nothing. Meanwhile the business proceeded in London, and the Board of Trade, January 25, 1726, recommended to the Privy Council that the line be run as agreed in 1703. The Privy Council accepted the recommenda- tion and reported to the King. February 8, 1727, the line was so settled. The 1703 line had been run ex parte by Rhode Island, and now remains a boundary for farms in portions of that State under the name of the Dexter and Hopkins line. In 1728 the line was surveyed again and settled. It seems that Governor Jenks of Rhode Island had written to Governor Talcott of Connecticut, § April 12, 1728, saying that as citizens of Connecticut had been cutting timber on Rhode Island land, and that the inhabitants might be quieted in the lawful possession of their lands, he hoped the unhappy controversy would end. Commissioners were therefore appointed. The Connecticut * See Map IX. opposite page. This testimony concerning the head of the Pawcatuck River is a correct copy of original in vol. i. of Colonial Boundaries in the State Library of Connecticut. t Rhode Island to Connecticut, July 7, 1720. See Colonial Boundaries, Hartford RISS., vol. i. Nos. 207 and 209. % 1723. February 15. See Arnold, vol. ii. 72. § See Report of Commissioners of Rhode Island and Connecticut, 1S40. 4 g THE BOUNDARY DISPUTES OF CONNECTICUT. Commissioners wished to run the twenty-mile line from Warwick Neck, but the Rhode Island Commissioners claimed the southwest corner of Warwick had already been established. But, fortunately for Rhode Island, she allowed the line to be run, and, owing to a mistake in a former survey, gained a piece of territory.* After sixty-five years \ of quarrelling, the Colony line was finally settled, September 27, 1728. From the joint report made by the Commissioners, it is seen that a line twenty miles due west from Warwick Neck ended in a cedar swamp, which was the southwest corner of the Warwick purchase. The western boundary of Rhode Island was formed by running a line from said corner north seven degrees east, twenty-three miles and ten rods to the Massachusetts line, and from said corner south, eleven degrees twenty minutes west, fifteen miles and ninety rods to where the Asha- way falls into Pawcatuck River, and thence following the Pawcatuck to its mouth. Monuments were erected along the line, and, owing to a reputed tampering with one of the monuments, the line was not con- firmed by both States until 1742. The stone heaps that formed the boundary monuments becoming somewhat effaced by time, a new line was drawn by Commissioners of both States! in 1840. The line was found to be crooked, and it was thought best to straighten it from one town corner to another, so that now any deviation in the line can hardly be detected upon the map4 An attempt to change the northwest corner of Rhode Island a few rods to the east was not allowed, and the line was run as follows : — " Beginning at rock near the mouth of the Ashawage River where it empties into Pawcatuck River, and from said rock a straight course northerly to an ancient stone heap at the southeast corner of Volun- town, and from said rock southerly in same course with aforesaid line until it strikes Pawcatuck, from the southwest corner of Voluntown in a straight line to stone heap at the southwest corner of west Greenwich, thence to the southwest corner of ancient Warwick, which is now the corner of the towns of Coventry and West Greenwich, * See Map VIII. p. 45. t See Report of Boundary Commissioners of Rhode Island and Connecticut, 1840. % There is now no angle as at B in Map VIII. THE BOUNDARY DISPUTES OF CONNECTICUT. ^q thence in a straight line to the northwest corner of the town of Coventry, thence in a straight line to the northeast corner of Stir- ling, thence in a straight line to the southwest corner of Gloucester, thence to southeast corner of Thompson, and southwest corner of Burrillville, and to a stone heap upon a hill in the present jurisdiction line between Massachusetts and Rhode Island." * Monuments were erected at all these town corners. * Copied from Report above indicated. PART III. CONNECTICUT'S BOUNDARY DISPUTES WITH MASSACHUSETTS. CHAPTER I. THE CONTROVERSY CONCERNING WINDSOR, AND THE SURVEY OF THE INTER-COLONIAL LINE. r I ^HE boundary disputes between the Colony of Connecticut and the Province of Massachusetts should now be described. Refer- ence has already been made * to the quarrel that Springfield had with the towns lower down the river. But as the country became settled, the plantation of Windsor was the scene of conflict. Massachusetts crowded upon Connecticut, and Connecticut crowded upon Massachu- setts. The point at issue was the position of the joint boundary line at Windsor. Massachusetts said the old line t was correct, and com- plained % because Connecticut encroached upon her territory. She proposed a resurvey of the Woodward and Saffery line, and on com- plaint of Connecticut was willing to compromise § by allowing the north line of Windsor to be extended up to the falls in the river within forty rods of the great island, and thence east of the river for four miles, and thence south to the 1642 line. In the Woodward and Saffery map || are indicated the falls and island alluded to. But Con- necticut would not accede to such a Colony boundary, yet she, some years later, May 9, 1678, appointed Commissioners to unite with Mas- sachusetts. If Massachusetts refused,][ Connecticut threatened, 1680, to proceed alone in making the survey. About the same time, 1678, * See pp. 16 and 19. f Line of 1642, p. 19. % See Letter of Massachusetts to Connecticut, June 6, 1671. Colonial Boundaries of Con- necticut, Hartford MSS. vol. iii. § Massachusetts to Connecticut, May 15, 1672; vol. iii. Hartford MSS. || See Map IV. p. 19. ^ Trumbull, vol. i. 356. 54 THE BOUNDARY DISPUTES OF CONNECTICUT. Windsor made a complaint to the General Assembly at Hartford, be- cause Enfield had been separated from Springfield, and incorporated under the government of Massachusetts, and asked to have the boun- dary question settled. Suffield was another town that Connecticut claimed was within the boundaries of her Charter, and therefore the inhabitants of Windsor and Simsbury considered that they had a legal right, as citizens of Connecticut, to settle within this town. Suffield, 1686, and, a few years later, Enfield, 1693, complained of these en- croachments to the authorities at Boston, but before Connecticut made answer, she deemed* it of more consequence that the boundary line between the Colonies be first settled. Colonel John Pynchon of Springfield, in a letter! written to Governor Treat of Connecticut, was of the same opinion. In her anxiety to have the controversy ended, Connecticut determined to survey the line herself, and directed the Commissioners! to proceed according to the terms of the Massachu- setts Charter without reference to any previous survey. Massachusetts also was invited but failed to send any Commissioners with the survey- ing party, and so John Butcher and William Whitney, appointed by the Connecticut Commissioners, made the survey, and handed in their report on the twentieth of August, 1695.1 They made observations at two ponds three miles south of Wrentham Pond, in latitude 42° 3', at the place from which the 1642 line had been started, though Wood- ward and Saffery at that time falsely said that the same place was 41° 55' north latitude. The north line of Connecticut is to-day in latitude 42° 3', yet Butcher and Whitney said that the true line was at Dedham Tree, in latitude 42° 4', for this was the point that according to the terms of the Massachusetts Charter was three miles to the south- ward of the southernmost part of Charles River. Other observations were made by these surveyors, — at Woodstock in latitude 42 1'; at John Bissell's house in Windsor, in latitude 42° ; and at Hartford, in latitude 41° 51'. Massachusetts objected to the above report. She * Letter to Massachusetts, October 14, 1686. Colonial Boundaries, Hartford MSS. vol. iii. f Dated March 8, 1694. Colonial Boundaries, vol. iii. J Letter to Commissioners, July 6, 1695. Colonial Boundaries, vol. iii., Hartford MSS. § See Massachusetts Archives, vol. ii. p. 237. THE BOUNDARY DISPUTES OF CONNECTICUT. 55 said that the starting-point was too far north, that Connecticut* was unreasonable, and that the old line should not now be disturbed. Connecticut made no answer, and continued to settle upon lands in Enfield and Suffield, to which Massachusetts again objected.! As there was not yet a mutual settlement of the question, Connecticut appointed $ Commissioners with full power, to agree upon the boun- dary. These Commissioners proposed to Massachusetts to run the line, as in 1642, to within twelve miles of the Connecticut River, thence north a mile, and thence due west to the river. The proposition was rejected by Massachusetts, and is crossed out in the Colonial Boun- dary Manuscript Records of Connecticut, but Massachusetts afterwards said that if the Suffield line be continued sixteen miles west of the river, and the Enfield line eight miles east, and thence south to the ancient line, she would make such an agreement, provided the grant at Woodstock § should remain valid. It seems that part of the Woodstock grant was south of the Woodward and Saffery line,|| and Massachusetts did not wish her claim to jurisdiction over it ques- tioned. She had severely censured Woodstock some years before for daring to ask Connecticut to confirm the grant of such lands of the town-as fell south of the line.^f Connecticut yielded all claim to these Woodstock lands, and then proposed to go to the Woodward and Saffery station in latitude 42 3', and run the inter-colonial line due west, agreeing that the right to jurisdiction over towns along the line should belong to the government that had first settled them. Conse- quently in 1702 James Taylor of Massachusetts, and Messrs. Pitkin and Whiting of Connecticut, made observations similar to those made by the surveying party of 1695. The Connecticut officials reported, 1702, that the real line should be seven miles north of John Bissell's house in Windsor. But, as Massachusetts had failed to give Taylor full power, Connecticut was obliged to again insist ** that the contro- * Letter to Connecticut, December 12, 1695. Colonial Boundaries, Hartford MSS., vol. iii. f 1696; vol. iii., as above. f May 9, 1700; vol. iii. as above. § Settled under Massachusetts in 16S6. || See Map. X. p. 57. 1" Miss Larned's History Windham Company, vol. i. 37. See also Map X. ** Letter of Connecticut to Massachusetts, October, 1702 ; vol. iii. as above. 56 THE BOUNDARY DISPUTES OF CONNECTICUT. versy be settled. Massachusetts now maintained that the old Colony line was well understood before Connecticut* received her Charter in 1662, and that if the boundary were now changed, and if molestations were continued on Suffield and Enfield by the people of Windsor, an appeal to Queen Anne would be made. Governor Winthrop t de- nied i any reports of violence on the borders, and likewise threatened to appeal to the Crown if the true line as run by Taylor and others was not consented to. Massachusetts § yielded a trifle in allowing Windsor to give grants and assume jurisdiction up the river over the borders, but not over the entire towns of Enfield and Suffield, which were claimed by Connecticut. In other respects the line was allowed to stand as before. But this concession was of short duration, for in the following year it was declared || that the inhabitants of the in- dented T[ towns had been insulted, and jurisdiction down to the ancient line was again claimed. Governor Saltonstall of Connecticut, in reply, promised to have the charges investigated, and also hoped that the general boundary dispute would be speedily ended. The people on one side of the line were no better than those on the other side. If persons in Connecticut had insulted persons in Massachusetts, men from Enfield and Suffield had crossed into Windsor and Simsbury to steal timber and turpentine, and even to imprison some whom they found. To end these disgraceful proceedings, the General Assembly at Hartford, appointed, May 25, 1708, Commissioners with full power to meet the Massachusetts Commissioners, and determine the boundary according to the Massachusetts Charter, telling them to begin the sur- vey at the point settled by Taylor in 1702, and thence run due west. If Massachusetts should agree, the old grants should remain good, and meanwhile no action should be taken regarding the lands in dis- pute. If Massachusetts should refuse to make the joint survey, an appeal to the Queen would follow. Massachusetts refused, and memo- rials on the subject were then sent to London by both Colonies. * Letter of Massachusetts to Connecticut, 1705 ; vol. iii. as above. | This was Fitzjohn Winthrop, Governor of Connecticut from 1698 until 1707, the son of Governor John Winthrop of Connecticut, and grandson of Governor John Winthrop of Massachusetts. t Letter of Governor Winthrop of Connecticut to Massachusetts, 1705 ; vol. iii. as above. § Letter of Massachusetts to Connecticut, 1707; vol. iii. as above. I Massachusetts to Connecticut, 170S. 1" Suffield and Enfield. /9 A ^3/*c «W Fojr#&££jf"i ?"T9r**-*t ~«yA3-**-£. C^^/^/,4-^ ^^'■■'■/■■"■"'t.'f^' /-^ / '"' f"- '"■■/""■■J"' .„, „a »a w~ ih-i~*JiM 3 -» -t "■**£» _■•/;■■/■- 'f eg* ;■■ ■ /, To Wrenfham Woodward Saffreu Providence Hartford Podunck CHAPTER II. THE MEMORIALS OF MASSACHUSETTS AND CONNECTICUT TO THE CROWN, AND THE BOUNDARY SETTLEMENT OF 1713. TV l\ ASSACHUSETTS, in her memorial* forwarded to England, told how her line was run in 1642, that Woodward and Saffery's observation was in latitude 41 55', and that Taylor's obser- vation at the same point in 1702 was in latitude 42 2' 30". "Artists alike skilful may differ in a point or some minute thing, but it is very improbable and unlikely the difference can be so great."! She there- fore wanted to let the old line stand, as the one was as likely to be as right as the other, and the old one had been the established line for sixty-six years. Connecticut's memorial was addressed to her agent, Sir Henry Ashurst,:t and gave a full history of the question, and asked that the boundary be fixed as ordered in the Massachusetts Charter. Governor Gurdon Saltonstall also sent a letter to Sir Henry in support of Connecticut's claims, and gave the following facts regard- ing the observations of Woodward and Saffery in 1642, and Taylor in 1702 : _. _ . f Woodward and Saffery 41 ((' First Station j y * " ••Taylor 42° 2' 30" Bissell's House j w °°dward and Saffery 4>° SS' *■ Taylor 41 56' 30" Bissell's house in Windsor was therefore 6' or almost seven miles farther south than Woodward and Saffery's first station ; or, in other words, seven miles south of what the true Colony line should be. * Massachusetts Archives, vol. iii. 115. + Memorial as above. i Colonial Boundaries, Hartford MSS., vol. iii. s g THE BOUNDARY DISPUTES OF CONNECTICUT. But the idea of appealing to the Crown to have Connecticut's wrongs righted was not encouraging. The Colony's trusted agent soon died.* The expense of appealing was great. The Court party in England desired the revocation of the Charters of the Colonies.! The Mohegan controversy was distressing Connecticut, and Connecticut was poor. Circumstances therefore combined to urge the Colony to make peace direct with Massachusetts and avoid the appeal. Connecticut, in 171 3, appointed plenipotentiary Commissioners to meet the Massachusetts Commissioners and come to an agreement.:}: William Pitkin and Wiliiam Whiting were the Commissioners, and John Chandler and Samuel Thaxter the Surveyors. They made, July 13, 1713, a report which was approved February 13, 1714, by each Colony. By the agreement Massachusetts was as before to have juris- diction over her old border towns, though they fell to the south of the new Colony line. For this privilege of jurisdiction Massachusetts agreed to compensate Connecticut. For as much territory as Massa- chusetts governed south of the true line, she agreed to give the same amount of territory to Connecticut in unimproved lands in Western Massachusetts, and in New Hampshire,§ and a further allowance was made by a promise to sell the more distant lands at a cheaper rate. These unimproved lands were therefore called equivalent lands. The small disputed tract at Windsor fell to Connecticut. The lands in Connecticut that Massachusetts governed by the above agreement were as follows : || — In Woodstock 30,419 acres In Enfield 3 6 . 180 " Part of Springfield east of Connecticut River . . . 640 " Part of Springfield west of Connecticut River . . . 287 " InSuffield 22 > l l 2 " In Westfield 5.549 " Governor Dudley's lands i,5°° Honorable William Stoughton's lands 818 "' * Sir Henry Ashurst died in 1710. t Trumbull, vol. i. 446. I Colonial Boundaries, Hartford MSS., vol. iii. See also Map X, opposite. This map is a copy of original map on parchment in the State House, Boston. § Trumbull; vol. i. 447, and vol. iii. as above. II Colonial Boundaries, Hartford MSS. vol. iii. Longmeadow , Munson I Soufh Bnmfield Stafford 1 Mas sac r : u s e,t t s * 1 Holland J Srurbrid Union ■I s South | 1 J bridg Hd£her/Pond Muddq fy-ojok Pond WOODSTOCK i\ c Ch&ubu'oMlunEr&mug Pond t DudlzL) \^Mord Gore Thompson Connecticut Plan of Sun/eq made bu, Moses Warren Esq of Connecticut and S.las Holmak of MassAchusetls, fn June and October last of the Line between fhe'5tate of Massachusetts and Connecticut under direction ol Commissioners from each Shale wiii Hon George BUs Nahum Mitchell and Edward H.Robbins EsqfT* of Ma: ■' srfs and Hon Zaphaniah Swiff, Daniel Burrows a zer Sloddard of Connecticut Scale of Rods 200 roan inch. THE BOUNDARY DISPUTES OF CONNECTICUT. eg Robert Thompson's lands 2,000 acres Colonel William Dudley's lands 2,000 " Colonel William Whiting's lands 1,000 " The half of Sir Richard Saltonstall's ) > 1,000 " tract on borders of Enfield * J And other smaller lots, making in all 107,793 " The equivalent lands were sold by Connecticut in April, 1716, for ^683 New England currency, or #2,274, and the money was given to Yale College. The north line of Connecticut, west of the Connecticut River to the New York line, or to within twenty miles east of the Hudson's River, was settled by Commissioners of Massachusetts and Connecticut in 1717.1 * See Map X. t Vol. iii. as above. CHAPTER III. THE CONTROVERSY CONCERNING WOODSTOCK, ENFIELD, AND SUFFIELD. ~T*HE next controversy Connecticut had with Massachusetts was with regard to the border towns above alluded to. They de- sired to change the jurisdiction to Connecticut. In 1724 Enfield (March 9) and Suffield (March 12) asked to be brought under Con- necticut. The General Assembly appointed a Committee to examine the question, but they reported that the agreement of 171 3 with Mas- sachusetts would prevent, and Connecticut should now stand by her agreement.* In 1732 Massachusetts appointed a Committee to peram- bulate the boundary as fixed in 171 3, so that its position might not be- come doubtful. In the following year Connecticut did the same. In 1734 the Commissioners made reports to their respective governments. A mistake had apparently been made in 1 7 1 3 at the northwest corner of Woodstock. In 1739! Ashford and Union complained to the General Assembly of the mistake alluded to, and so Commissioners were appointed by both Colonies to examine the case. They reported,:}: making the northwest corner of -Woodstock eighty-seven rods east of course named by the Committee of 1734, and forty-four rods south of the Colony line. The northeast corner of the town of Union was, therefore, farther north than the Woodstock corner, and the Colony line continued to be crooked at this point.§ The town of Woodstock had been settled by -Massachusetts people * Vol. iii. as above. t See Colonial Boundaries, Hartford MSS., vol. iii. Nos. 72 and 73. J May 3, 1740, ib. ; and also " Town and Lands," Hartford MSS. vol. viii. 234. § See Map XL p. 59. ^ f **.*-*> «/shwk> !(<*Ca.*tc& faff. ' /rYs?- THE BOUNDARY DISPUTES OF CONNECTICUT. 5 1 from Roxbury, and as their associations had always been friendly with the mother town * and the government at Boston, they were satisfied with the agreement of 171 3. Trumbull t seems to have made a mis- take in calling this agreement a " great grievance " to Woodstock and the other indented towns, and Hollister^: has made a similar error in copying Trumbull. In fact, though not consulted about the agree- ment, the people were contented enough until some years later they thought that their taxes, which had been increased owing to the French and Spanish wars, § would be lighter, and their privileges greater, if they followed Suffield, Enfield, and Somers, "in trying to get off to Connecticut." So on March 31, 1747, Woodstock ap- pointed Colonel William Chandler, " to lay the affair before the Gen- eral Assembly of Connecticut," || and at the May session following the towns in question sent in a memorial.^ They asked that they be admitted within the Patent of Connecticut, denied the right of the State to transfer the jurisdiction conferred by the Charter, and claimed that the agreement of 171 3 had been made without their consent. A Committee was appointed to investigate and report at the next session. At the same time Commissioners were appointed to meet the Massa- chusetts Commissioners, but Massachusetts refused to open the con- troversy. Encouraged by Connecticut, Woodstock appointed, May 7, 1747, Thomas Chandler and Henry Bowen to proceed with the work, and if not successful at Hartford to "send to ye great Court of Eng- land."** They addressed, October, 1747, the General Assembly, urging that as the agreement of 171 3 had not received the royal confirmation in England, it was void, and the Colony had no right to transfer towns within her chartered bounds to the jurisdiction of Massachusetts. The towns were persistent, and Connecticut was * Woodstock when first settled in 16S6 was called New Roxbury. f Benj. Trumbull's History of Connecticut, vol. ii. 295. t Hollister's History of Connecticut, vol. ii. 463. § See Hutchinson's History of Massachusetts, vol. iii. 6-8 ; vol. ii. 363-396 ; Historical Collections of Holmes Ammidown, vol. i. 297, and Miss Larned's History of Windham County, vol. i. 48S. || Woodstock Records. If Memorial dated May 20, 1747 ; vol. iii. as above. ** Woodstock Records. 6 2 THE BOUNDARY DISPUTES OF CONNECTICUT. anxious to secure them. R. Bradley the Attorney-General, William Smith and Richard Nichols sent a written opinion from New York* stating that Massachusetts and Connecticut had the power of deter- mining the right to lands, but could not change the limits of govern- ment without consent of the Crown, and therefore the jurisdiction of the towns south of the boundary belonged to Connecticut. In view of this opinion, and after mature deliberation, the Colony voted May 1749, to receive the towns, declared the agreement of 17 13 not binding, and appointed Commissioners to unite with Massachusetts in determining the line, and in case of refusal to appeal to George II. Massachusetts sarcastically answered, June 28, 1749, that the pro- ceedings of their Legislature had been regularly sent to the King, and if anything had been done contrary to the royal will, it was to be presumed that such an act would be noticed. As Connecticut surmised that Massachusetts had written to her agent in London to have the agreement of 171 3 confirmed, she asked her own agent to have the confirmation delayed until a full statement of the case could be forwarded. Woodstock was delighted at being received into Connecticut, and at a memorable town meeting t made Thomas Chandler and Henry Bowen the first members of the General Assem- bly. Massachusetts became indignant at such action, and in a letter to Connecticut maintained her authority over the disputed towns.! But Governor Law replied that he did not see how Massachusetts could maintain her authority outside of her colonial limits. Massa- chusetts now proposed that Commissioners be appointed by both Colonies, and asked Connecticut not to encourage the revolting towns, but Connecticut insisted upon a settlement according to the Charters. Petitions, letters, threats, and even the violence that followed on the part of Massachusetts, seemed useless. An appeal to the Crown was thought to be the only remedy. Rhode Island, whose northern boundary was likewise unsettled, offered to join Connecticut in the appeal. A Committee that was appointed by * Dated April 13, 1749; vol. iii. as before. t July 2S, 1749. J August 7, 1749; vol. iii. as above. SHEFFIELD NEW MARLB( SALISBURY CANAAN N THE BOUNDARY DISPUTES OF CONNECTICUT. 63 these two Colonies, April 4, 1752, to look up evidence, reported that the Woodward and Saffery first station was seven miles and fifty-six rods, instead of three miles, south of the southernmost part of the Charles River, and therefore, Massachusetts held a tract of over four miles which did not belong to her, the whole length of the line. This report with other facts about the case were sent to England in 1753* Within the next two years, Massachusetts and Connecticut each made surveys of the line, which, with other evidence, were sent abroad. Lord Mansfield, at that time the Attorney-General, said regarding the dispute : — " I am of opinion that in settling the above bound, the Crown will not disturb the settlement of the two Provinces in 1713." But England was engrossed in the Seven Years' War, and there is no evidence to show that the controversy was ever brought before the Crown. Though Massachusetts would not openly recede, Con- necticut continued to govern Enfield, Suffield, and Woodstock. Mas- sachusetts continued until the Revolution to levy taxes without collecting them, and to send notices of fast days and elections to the three towns; and as late as 1768 claimed that she had not given up jurisdiction, and warned the towns not to pay taxes to Connecticut. Woodstock f sent a petition May 2, 1 77 1 , to the Gen- eral Assembly, stating that her north line or the Colony line should be about four and a half miles farther north, according " to the manifest intent of the Province Charter," and asked that the boun- dary might be fixed. But as Connecticut had the towns, she refused to reopen the question.^ The strip of land§ in Woodstock north of the Colony line, as fixed in 171 3, was lost after Woodstock revolted and became Province territory of Massachusetts. It was known as * Miss Lamed, vol. i. 493. j Woodstock Records. J In the Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, is a copy of a map of New England published in England by Thomas Jeffreys, in 1774, in which the towns of Suffield and Enfield are represented to be within the bounds of Massachusetts. This error was owing to the fact that the map of "Koneknikut" was taken chiefly from the survey of Gardner and Kellock, made in 1737, at which time the above-named towns belonged to Massachusetts. § About 3,000 acres. See Map X., page 57. SHEFFIELD SALISBURY NEW MARLBOROUGH 50UTHF1ELD CANAAN NORFOLK COLEBROOK ThlHillolJp Pilntfnj m'VKMfi S.8W*n. # 1 < - ru p„, *^*— - 1 i D ] 6 4 THE BOUNDARY DISPUTES OF CONNECTICUT. the "Middlesex Gore," for forty-five years* and in 1794 was annexed to Dudley and Sturbridge. Connecticut has been blamed for taking back the towns for which Massachusetts had paid her. But, as Massachusetts had settled the towns when she had no right to do so according to her Charter, it was right that she should pay Connecticut for the advantages accruing to her from such settlements, and it was perfectly right for Connecticut now to assume jurisdiction over the towns, for they had always strictly belonged to Connecticut. * Holmes Ammidown's Historical Collections, vol. i. 304. CHAPTER IV. POINTS AT ISSUE BETWEEN MASSACHUSETTS AND CONNECTICUT FROM 1774 UNTIL 1826. T N 1 774 Connecticut attached land in Southwick, south of the Colony- line * and ten years later a Committee was appointed to establish the bounds at this point ; but it took a score of years to settle this tri- fling matter, so tenacious was each Colony of every inch of territory. In 1793 both States appointed Commissioners to ascertain the bounda- ries of Southwick, Sandisfield, New Marlborough, and farther west to the New York line ; and four years later, joint Commissioners were appointed to examine the line east of the Connecticut River. They reported that the line was nearly all t correct except a tract of about two and a half miles square at Southwick, which Massachusetts thought she should have to compensate for the towns she had lost. Connecti- cut refused, 1801. Massachusetts, however, 1803, was willing to com- promise. So, in 1804, it was arranged that Connecticut should keep a- slice of Southwick,!: and Massachusetts should hold the land west of the pond in Southwick, § the same indentation into Connecticut she holds to-day. In May, 18 10, Connecticut appointed another Committee to examine the line east of the Connecticut River, but no report can be found * See Map XIV., opposite page. Copied from Colonial Boundaries of Connecticut. Hart- ford MSS., vol. iii. p. 171. t " Nearly all " probably refers to the jog at Union and Woodstock corners. J I.e., portion marked B in Map XIV. § I. e., portion marked A in Map. XIV. See also Map XIII., page 63, which is a copy of Map LI I., in State House, Boston. This survey is similar to the survey that Nathaniel Spencer made in 1803, a copy of which is in the State House, Hartford. 65 THE BOUNDARY DISPUTES OF CONNECTICUT. until May 13, 1822* when Commissioners agreed in all points, as in 1 71 3, with the exception of the Gore at Union. As the northeast corner of Woodstock had extended into Massachusetts one hundred and twenty rods, and the northwest corner forty-eight rods,t a jog had been left in the Colony line between Woodstock and the corner of Union. This was the only point at issue in the report. The jog was corrected in 1826, November 3,$ when a report was agreed to by both States, and the long-contested controversy with Massachusetts was ended. * See Map XI., page 59. Copy of Map L., in State House, Boston. This survey is similar to the survey made by Silas Holman in 1821, a copy of which is in State House, Hartford. t See Map XII., page 61. Copy ot plan of Woodstock, in Connecticut State Library in " Town and Lands," vol. v.'ii p. 237 (1762). This map is similar to the map of Woodstock in the State House, Boston, made in 1713, when Woodstock belonged to Massachusetts. See " Ancient Plans " (Town Plans), vol i. 244. J See Map XV., opposite page. Copy of Map LIIL, in State House, Boston. £?S£S5":v3L?4*&" ■^T-VfA- Enfield Somers [if rHTHf^H-+i^H r H!li^^ Staffed f ft-Hg . Wood stock & * \\ '«. i 1:.- A ^/-|1 \ii ■ I fiompson Sraffcrd w i 5 MS ifi I IV HolioiynPnn&w 0> illTraiumt St.Bosta M, Sh&KerVill&ge Bit Enfield Som ers PART IV. CONNECTICUT'S BOUNDARY DISPUTES WITH NEW YORK. CHAPTER I. DISPUTES BETWEEN NEW YORK AND CONNECTICUT FROM 1664 UNTIL 1731. ' I "HE boundary dispute that Connecticut had with New York was very long, very tedious, and very bitter. The early quarrels with the Dutch, and the provisional treaty of 1650,* have already been spoken of. Soon after the Royal Charter to Connecticut had been granted the King gave, March 12, 1664, a Patent to his brother, James, Duke of York, of an extensive tract in North America, which included " all that island or islands commonly called by the general name or names of Meitowax or Long Island . . . and all the land from the west side of Connecticut River to the east side of Delaware Bay," &c. The receipt of this intelligence filled New England with fear, and especially alarmed Connecticut. A fleet was fitted out in England, and under the command of Colonel Richard Nichols sailed across the ocean and surprised the Dutch. New Amsterdam surrendered, August 27, and the settlement was called New York in honor of the Royal Duke. At the next meeting of the General Assembly, Connecticut t thought it expedient, October 13, 1664, to send Commissioners to New York to congratulate His Maj- esty's Honorable Commissioners, and to establish the boundaries between the Colony and the Duke's Patent. One agreement was written out and very nearly made, declaring that Connecticut should not come within twenty miles of the Hudson River,:}: but as it did not receive the signatures of the contracting parties it had no force. New York historians, like * Ante p. 17. t Connecticut Public Records, 1636-1665, p. 435. t November 30, 1664. New York Colonial MSS., vol. Ixix. 4. 7o THE BOUNDARY DISPUTES OF CONNECTICUT. Brodhead, are therefore wrong when they declare : " It was well known that it had been settled in 1664 that the boundary should be everywhere twenty miles from Hudson's River." * The agreement actually made t declared that Long Island belonged to New York, and " that the creek or river called Momoroneck which is reputed to be about thirteen miles to the east of West Chester, and a line drawn from the east point or side where the fresh waterfalls into the salt at high water,^ north-north- west to the line of the Massachusetts, be the western bounds of the said Colony of Connecticut ; and all plantations lying westward of that creek and line so drawn to be under His Royal Highness' government, and all plantations lying eastward of that creeke and line to be under the government of Connecticut." It has been stated § that the boundary line should have started near Stamford, or twenty miles from the Hud- son River, and run due north to the Massachusetts line, but there was no phrase about twenty miles written in the agreement really signed, and it appears that Connecticut has been unjustly criticised for the part she took in the agreement of 1664. Yet she yielded everything and gained nothing. The line running north-northwest crossed the Hud- son River near Peekskill and touched the boundary of Massachusetts near the northwest corner of Ulster County in New York State. But the boundary was never surveyed, though Connecticut asked New York to join her in 1670; || and in 1674 appointed a Committee "to runn the lyne . , , from Momoroneck River to Hudson's River." *\\ Though a few settlements were made up the Hudson by Connecticut people in virtue of the treaty of 1664,** yet the agreement was never confirmed by the Crown, and New York refused to abide by it. When the English by the treaty of Westminster again took possession of New York a new Patent was granted to the Duke of York, June 29, 1674, like the one executed ten years before, and he 'Seemed deter- * See Brodhead's History of New York, vol. i. 253. f December 1, 1664. New York Colonial MSS., vol. xxii. 5 and vol. lix 5. t See line A B, Map III., page 17. § Brodhead's History of New York, vol. ii. 56. || Connecticut Public Records, 1665-1677, p. 144. IF lb., p. 242. ** Connecticut Public Records, [67S-16S9, p. 100. THE BOUNDARY DISPUTES OF CONNECTICUT. 71 mined to preserve the utmost limits prescribed in his charter.* A copy of the new Patent was sent to Connecticut, and, when submission to it was asked, reference to the 1664 arrangement was made. But this agreement — so the Governor of New York said — was not binding; for even if it had been confirmed the new Patent would set it aside. Connecticut was now said to be in a state of "rebellion." When, a few years after, May 11, 1682, a settlement was made above Tarrytown by a New-Yorker, and warrants for arrests had been issued by the New York Governor for people in Rye, Greenwich, and Stamford, Con- necticut objected, and the boundary question was revived.! The Gov- ernors of the respective States in long letters to each other explained their rights. New York claimed twenty miles east of the Hudson River, and said the Royal Commissioners had been verbally told by the Connecticut Commissioners in 1664 that the Mamaroneck River was " twenty miles everywhere from the Hudson's River," as credible wit- nesses could testify.:]: If Connecticut would not allow this, New York threatened that all the territory as far as the Connecticut River would be claimed. The issue of the correspondence was the appointment of Commissioners by each Colony in 1683 to settle upon the line. They met and concluded an agreement November 28. The Byram River, between the towns of Rye and Greenwich, was established as the westernmost bounds of Connecticut ; or from Lyon's Point, at the mouth of the Byram River, up the stream to the wading-place, thence north-northwest eight English miles, thence twelve miles eastward parallel to the Sound, and thence in a line parallel to and twenty miles from the Hudson River north to the Massachusetts line.§ As the first part of the above bounds brought a part of Connecticut less than twenty miles from the Hudson River, it was further agreed that New York should receive from Connecticut along the remainder of her western boundary as much territory as Connecticut took from * " Boundaries of the State of New York : " letter of Duke of York to Governor Andros ; New York Colonial Documents, vol. iii. 230, 235, 236, 238. t Report of New York Boundary Commissioners, 1857, p. 42, 43, 105, 106. X Connecticut Public Documents, 1678-89, p. 329. § New York Colonial MSS., vol. lix. 10. Connecticut Public Records, 1678-89, p. 330. See Map III., page 17, and Map XVI., page 74. 7 2 THE BOUNDARY DISPUTES OF CONNECTICUT. New York at Greenwich and along the Sound. This agreement deprived Connecticut of Rye, a fact that was severely felt by the inhabitants of that town. In the tract along the Sound, Connecti- cut to-day has Greenwich, Stamford, Darien, New Canaan, Norwalk, and part of Wilton, to which New York yielded all claim. In return, New York received a strip of territory a mile and three quarters and twenty rods wide along the side of Connecticut, which, as before stated, was parallel to and twenty miles distant from the Hudson River. This land was called the Oblong or the Equivalent Tract,* and was estimated to be about 61,440 acres. It was perfectly right for Connecticut to continue to exercise juris- diction over Greenwich and adjacent towns, for she had settled them and they were within her chartered bounds. The fact that they came within twenty miles of the Hudson River allowed Connecticut no less to govern them. What virtue was there, therefore, in the quitclaim that New York gave of these towns, and what right had she to demand in return the Oblong ? For giving away something she never possessed she received something to which she had no claim. The so-called "Equivalent Lands" seem then a misnomer. Part of the survey, as far as the Ridgefield Angle, was made according to the terms of the above agreement, and the Commissioners referred it to the two governments for confirmation and ratification, t Connecticut wished the entire line surveyed, and appointed Surveyors for that purpose,:): but there is no evidence that it was at that time done. The Governors, however, signed the agreement ; but there was a fifteen years' delay before the Crown confirmed it. Meanwhile disorders occurred in Rye and Greenwich.§ Rye was settled by the English, but by the agreement of 1650 was governed by the Dutch. It was claimed by Connecticut in 1662, and formally became a Con- necticut plantation in 1665. Until 1683 it was under the jurisdiction of that State, when it was transferred to New York. From 1683 until 1697 Rye's submission to New York was not loyal; and in January, * See Maps III., page 17, and XVI., page 74. f October 10, 1684. New York Senate Documents, 1857, No. 195, p. 114. t May 8, 16S4. Connecticut Public Records, 1678-S9, p. 141. § Charles W. Eaird's History of Rye. THE BOUNDARY DISPUTES OF CONNECTICUT. 7, 1697, the town revolted to Connecticut, under whose protection she continued for nearly five years, or until the agreement of 1683 was confirmed * by the King, when Connecticut, much against her own inclination and the wishes of the people of Rye, again gave the town up to the State of New York. It might be added, that, as late as October 12, 17 10, Captain Clapp, of Rye, asked Connecticut for a patent of land in the town bought of the Indians, but was refused on the ground that Rye belonged to New York;t and, in May, 1717, Rye petitioned the General Assembly of Connecticut in reference to the boundary dispute between Rye and Greenwich, £ and was answered that the line had been already settled. The town of Bedford had also belonged to Connecticut, and by the agreement of 1683 would have been transferred to New York had not the King's death occurred soon after. § In 1688 Bedford voted to raise money to take out a Patent under Connecticut, which she received in 1697. When Rye and Bedford were threatened by New York, in 1696, Connecticut agreed to protect them, and even assisted in the following year with fifty armed men. But the old agreement having received the approval of William III., Connecticut ceased quar- relling, and proposed, October, 1700, that New York should join with her in "running said' line and erecting boundmarks." j| But New York was dissatisfied with the boundary, and refused. After several applications ^[ Connecticut finally appealed to the King. New York yielded, and on June 25, 17 19, appointed Commissioners to survey the line and erect monuments. The following year, April 2, 1720, Connecticut appointed Commissioners to survey the line " with all convenient speed," ** but as New York delayed to " join them upon that service " Governor Saltonstall again wrote, March 11, 1723, saying that Connecticut "is very desirous [the survey] may not any longer be delayed, since it's necessary for the * March 28, 1700. f Bolton's History of Westchester. J Towns and Lands Hartford MSS., vol. iii., document 106. § Charles II. died, February 6, 16S5. || Connecticut Public Records, 16S9-1706, p. 335. If 1713, 1718, &c. Connecticut Public Records; Hollister, vol. i. 348. ** Connecticut Public Records, 1717-25, p. 170. 74 THE BOUNDARY DISPUTES OF CONNECTICUT. quiet of the Borders and improvement of their lands." But a long and tedious correspondence continued between the two States until 1725, when articles of agreement were made and concluded at Green- wich, April 29, which were substantially the same as the old agreement of 1683* The survey was partly made when a disagreement arose. The Connecticut Commissioners said that the Oak Trees t marked in 1684 should be considered as a bound-mark, but the New York Commissioners held that the line should be resurveyed to correct mistakes if any had been made.ij: In consequence of this dispute the party broke up after the survey along the Sound had been finished, and the work was left incomplete. But in 1 731 a joint survey was made; and the controversy seemed at last to be settled. The survey was continued from the point where it was left unfinished in 1725, but in marking off the Oblong a mistake was made which has never since been corrected. Instead of surveying the line IK, § the line PG, twenty miles distant from the Hudson River, was surveyed, and from this line surveys were made at right angles at 47, 42, 40, 37, &c, eastward a mile and three quarters and twenty rods, where monuments were erected. A line drawn through these monuments was fixed as the boundary between New York and Connecticut. But owing to the hilly nature of the country and the variations of the compass, the line was a crooked one and bulged still farther into the State of Connecticut instead of being straight from / to K as was intended. Yet for the next hundred and twenty-five years there was no dispute respecting this crooked boun- dary line. The Oblong, according to the agreement of 1731, was formally ceded to New York. The very day after the agreement was ratified, a Patent was passed in London for the purpose of giving the whole tract to parties in England. || But the right to hold the lands continued with the old owners, though the British patentees brought a bill in Chancery to uphold their claims. * New York Colonial MSS., vol. Ixix. 51. Connecticut Private Laws, vol. ii. 1527. t Or Duke's Trees. See Map VII , page 41. t New York Colonial MSS., vol. Ixix. 53. § See Map XVI., opposite page. Copy of diagram in State House, Hartford. || Bolton's History of Westchester County. (Jffice, J fir-re/a ry of, ffa/c 'jOf/S AT OS/Of. -S/777('/5i. (f '/}/e> £?z> /His f////r# . mvcWnjn' >f»*"W Scale of Miles J31A€rRAM iilusl-rttti ng IrJne- pur ueus made in 172A" and 1731 to establish Vr\c.Bou«\cVuTyLint teVwteii. JfeW YotK auk C(mnwV\&\xY ; UY\kstawv\^ Vht'uujjvAo^ \V\es s\ V\\t Vjtmw&tvruoA ftw en\arafc& scuta. ThelieliotyfePnntms Cb lllTremoiit St.Bostar CHAPTER II. THE CLAIMS OF CONNECTICUT TO WESTERN LANDS AND TO ISLANDS IN THE SOUND. TT should be distinctly understood that Connecticut did not mean by the agreement of 1731 to give up all claim to Western lands which according to her Charter extended to the Pacific Ocean. As the Duke of York had claimed as far east as the Connecticut River, it seemed politic to effect a compromise as far as New York was con- cerned. In the letter that Governor Saltonstall sent to the Board of Trade in London in 1720, referred to in the dispute with Rhode Island, he said : * " On the west New York have carried their claim and government through this Colony from south to north and cut tcs asunder twenty miles east of Hudson's River." t This is proof that Connecticut's claim to lands west of New York was not, as has been said, a new claim asserted in 1754 in connection with the "Susque- hanna Company," an association that planted a new Colony with the approval of the General Assembly west of the Delaware River in the Wyoming Valley 4 Connecticut, despite the protests of Pennsylvania, assumed the jurisdiction of the Wyoming settlement, which was incor- porated under the name of Westmoreland, and annexed to Litchfield County. Titles to these Connecticut lands were afterwards con- firmed § by the State of Pennsylvania, though Connecticut had been obliged to give up || the right of jurisdiction. * Dated New Haven, September 14. See copy of letter in Colonial Boundaries, Hartford MSS., vol. i. The original is in State Paper Office, London. f See also in Map VII. that the so-called western line of Connecticut was claimed by New York as the eastern line of New York ; but such claim was not allowed by Connecticut. % Hildreth's History of United States, vol. ii. 445. 571 ; vol. iii. 471. § March 28, 17S7. || November, 17S2. 76 THE BOUNDARY DISPUTES OF CONNECTICUT. The tract in Ohio on Lake Erie known as the " Connecticut Re- serve " also belonged to Connecticut under the terms of her Charter, but was sold in 1795, for $1,200,000, which sum has since been a fund for supporting the Common Schools of the State. A quitclaim deed given by Connecticut to these lands in 1800 also ended a long dispute regarding a piece of territory along the southwest part of New York State called the " Connecticut Gore." There has been some controversy between Connecticut and New York regarding the jurisdiction of a few islands in Long Island Sound. New York said that the southern boundary of Connecticut extended along the shore and no farther, and therefore islands along the coast belonged to New York. Fishers' Island, discovered by the Dutch in 16 14, was granted by Massachusetts to John Winthrop in 1640, and the grant was confirmed by Connecticut the following year. But the island was included in the Duke of York's patent in 1664, and has ever since belonged to New York. New York attempted about the year 1750 to grant letters-patent for Calves Island near the mouth of the Byram River, but the owner, Joseph Banks, a citizen of Greenwich, protested, and Connecticut now holds the island.* From 1761 to 1765 there was a lawsuit respecting the jurisdiction of Great Captain's Island, and Little Captain's Island,! also near the mouth of the Byram River, which was decided in favor of Connecticut. It seems that John Anderson, a citizen of New York, owned these islands under a New York Patent, and was sued for trespass by Justus, David, and William Bush, and by John Gregg, all citizens of Connect- icut. Cadwallader Colden, the Lieutenant-Governor of New York, asked X Governor Fitch of Connecticut, to settle the dispute by refer- ring it to George III., in his Privy Council. Connecticut refused. But meanwhile the suit against Anderson had proceeded, and the final judgment § was that the islands belonged to Connecticut. Yet the * September 29, 1750. New York Land Papers MSS., vol xiv. 85. f See Map XVII. page 79. % See letter written February 12, 1765. § Justus Bush et al. v. John Anderson. Decided in favor of plaintiffs, February 23, 1765. See Records of Superior Court of Connecticut, and Boundaries of the State of New York. Also Blatchford's Circuit Court Reports, vol. ix. p. 41. THE BOUNDARY DISPUTES OF CONNECTICUT. 77 dispute again arose, for the Commissioners appointed by New York in 1855 say: " There is also a controversy respecting the jurisdiction over Captain's Island." But Connecticut has never yielded the claims she had to these small islands in the sound near her shores. In 1871 the question was raised regarding the jurisdiction of Goose Island,* a small island lying a mile off Nonvalk and about two miles to the east- ward of Captain's Island. As a stench had proceeded from the island to the house of John H. Keyser, on the main land, Enoch Coe the owner of the island was sued. The defendant held that the island belonged to New York, and that therefore the Connecticut Judge had no jurisdiction in the case. But New York in fact had never claimed Goose Island, and the judicial decision was that the island belonged to Connecticut.! * See Map XVII., page 79. t See Blatchford's Circuit Court Reports, vol. ix. p. 32. CHAPTER III. DISPUTES BETWEEN NEW YORK AND CONNECTICUT FROM 1855 UNTIL FINAL SETTLEMENT IN 18S0. A FEW words more should be added about the boundary line between New York and Connecticut. In 1S55 as most of the old bound marks had been removed or destroyed, and as the people along the line had been evading the payment of' taxes to both States on the ground that they did not know to which State they belonged, it was thought best by Connecticut to appoint Commissioners " to ascertain the boundary line . . . and erect suitable monuments* " New York appointed Commissioners, and a joint line was run to the last angle,! but from this point fifty-two miles north to the Massachu- setts line a difference of opinion arose. The New-Yorkers, differing from the Commissioners of 1725 from their own State when a similar point was raised, thought the old or traditionary line should be found and new monuments placed thereon. But the Connecticut officials said that the old landmarks could not be found, and a new straight line should be surveyed. A straight line was accordingly run, which differed considerably from the traditionary line. The amount of land between the two lines i: was found to be about twenty-six hundred acres, and the tract at its greatest breadth was forty-two rods wide. § If the mistake were corrected, Connecticut would gain several hundred inhabitants and a small village, called " Hitchcock's Corners," on the borders of the town of Sharon. New York refused to yield, and the * Connecticut Resolves and Private Laws, vol. iv. 841. t See Map XVI., page 74. t Between black and dotted lines from I to K, Map XVI. § Report of New York Commissioners, April 10, 1857. THE BOUNDARY DISPUTES OF CONNECTICUT. 79 matter rested until 1859, when new Commissioners were appointed by each State. The survey was again made, but Connecticut insisted that the straight line should be the boundary, which was not allowed, and the party broke up as before. The following year New York em- powered the Commissioners of 1859 "to survey and mark with suit- able monuments the line between the two States as fixed by the survey of 173 1." The Connecticut Commissioners refused to join them unless her claims as above stated were allowed, and so New York ran an ex parte line, erecting monuments a mile apart. Still unsettled, the question again came up by Connecticut threaten- ing to contest her claims, and in 1878 and 1879 both States appointed Commissioners to establish the boundaries. An agreement * was made whereby the western boundary of Connecticut was fixed as the ex parte line surveyed by New York in i860, which was the old line of 1 731. Connecticut therefore gave up her claim to the twenty-six hundred acres in dispute, in exchange for which her southern boundary was extended into the Sound.t — " beginning at a point in the centre of the Channel, about six hundred feet south of the extreme rocks of Byram Point, thence running in a true southeast course three and one quar- ter statute miles, thence in a straight line northeasterly to a point four statute miles true south of New London light-house," thence through Fisher's Island Sound, and on " so far as said States are coter- minous." The above agreement was ratified by the Legislatures of both States, and Congress, during the session of 1880-81, confirmed the ratification. * December 5, 1879. Report published by New York in 1880. f See Map XVII., opposite page. This is the first published map showing the complete boundary lines of the State of Connecticut. INDEX. INDEX. Acres claimed by New York, 78. Acres lost to Massachusetts, 63. " Affaires " of Plymouth Council, 14. Aggressions of Rhode Island, 34. Agreement of 1713, 61. Agreement, the Winthrop-Clarke, 39. Agreement with New York, 74. Ammidown's Historic Collections, 19, 61, 64. Ancient Plans, 66. Anderson, John, 76. Andros, Sir Edmund, 43, 71. Angle with New York, 74. Anne, Queen, 26. Annexation to New Hampshire, 47. Appeal of Connecticut and Rhode Island, (ch. in.), 43- Appeal to the Crown, 62. Arbitrators for Winthrop and Clarke, 33. Archives, Massachusetts, 19 Arnold, Governor Benedict, 37. Arnold's History of Rhode Island, 31, 43, 46, 47- Arrest in disputed territory, 44. Arrests by New York in Connecticut, 71 Arrests in Wickford, 34. Ashawage River, 48. Ashaway River, 45. Ashford, 26, 60. Ashurst, Sir Henry, 26, 44. 57, 58. Assembly, General, of Connecticut, 43, 46, °9- 73- Atherton, Captain, 31. Atherton Company, 32, 33, 39. Atherton, John, 38. Atherton, Mr., 41. Atherton purchase, 33. Attorney-general of England, 44. Atwater's History of the Colony of New Haven, 24. Baird's History of Rye, 17, 72. Bancroft's History of the United States, 13, 21. Banks, Joseph, 76. Bartlett, John R., iii. Bay, Delaware, 69. Bay, Greenwich, 17. Bay, Narragansett, 20, 32, 35, 46, 47. Bay, Oyster, 17, 27. Beardsley's Life of Johnson, 25. Bedford, 73. Bellamont, Earl of, 44. Bissell's House, 54, 57. Blatchford's Circuit Court Reports, 76, 77. Block, Adrian, 13. Block Island, 13. Board of Trade, London, 44, 45, 46, 47, 75. Bolton's History of Westchester, 73, 74. Bolton Notch, 26. Boston, 61. Boston State House, maps in, 65, 66. Boundaries, movable, 9. Boundary Commission, Connecticut and Rhode Island, 46. Boundary disputes with Massachusetts, (Part III.), 51. Boundary disturbances with Rhode Island, (Part II.), 29. Boundary of Rhode Island, western, 48. Boundary of 1728, 48. Boundary, southern, 15. Boundmarks, 73. Bowen, Henry, 61, 62. Bradley, R., 62. Brenton, 44. Brodhead's History of New York, 13, 70. Brookhaven, 27. Brooks, Lord, grant made to, 15. Brown, John Carter, 22. Burrillville, 49. Bush, David, 76. Bush, Justus, 76. Bush, William, 76. Bush lawsuit, 76. Butcher, John, 54. Byram River, 17, 41, 71, 76, 79. Cabots, the voyagers, 13. Canada line, 13. Calves Island, 76. Captain's Island, 77. Carlisle, Earl of, 21. Carr, John, 37. Carter-Brown library, 22. Caulkins's History of New London, 13, Chancery, Court of, 74. Chandler, Colonel William, 61. Chandler, John, surveyor, 58. Chandler, Thomas, 61, 62. Channel of Long Island Sound, 79. Charles I., 14, 20, 21, 26, 27. Charles II., 20, 40, 41. Charles II., dead, 73. Charles River, 14, 19, 54. Charter of Massachusetts, 54. Charter of Rhode Island, 33, 43, 46. Charter, ,£500 for, 20. Charters, revocation of, 58. Cheseborough, William, 31. Choate, Rufus, 9. Circuit Court Papers, Blatchford, 76. Claims, Narragansett, 39. Claims of Connecticut to islands in Long Island Sound, (ch. 11. ), 75. Claims of Connecticut to Western Lands, (ch. 11.), 75. Claims of Connecticut upon Rhode Island, (ch. 1.), 31. Cliims of Massachusetts upon Rhode Island, (ch. 1.), 31. Claims, the Mohegan, (ch. v.), 25. Claims to Connecticut soil, (Part I.), 11. Clapp, Captain, 73. Clap, President of Yale College, 15. Clarke, Dr. John, agent of Rhode Island, 33- Clarke, in London, 36. Clark, Joseph, 41. Clove, Captain Anthony, 28. Cod, Cape, 13, 19. Coe, Enoch, 77. Colden, Cadwallader, Lieutenant-governor, 76. " Colonial Boundaries," 31, 33, 34, 37, 43, 45, 47, S3. 54, 57, 58, 60, 65, 75. Colonial Charter, necessity for, 19. Colonial Records of Connecticut, 27, 31. Colonial Records of Rhode Island, 45. Commissioners, Federal, 32. Commissioners for Connecticut, 54, 74, 75. Commissioners from New York, 73, 77. Commissioners of Massachusetts and Con- necticut, 61, 65. Commissioners of Rhode Island and Con- necticut, 36, 47. Commissioners of the United Colonies, 19, 22, 34, 39, 40. Commissioners of 1702, 45. Commissioners of 1793, 65. Commissioners of 1859, 79. Commissioners of 1878, 79. Commissioners of 1879, 79- Commissioners, Rhode Island, 46. Commissioners, royal, 22, 23, 41. Commissioners sent to New York, 69, 71. Commission of 1713, 38. Commission of 1719, 73. Commission of 1724, 47. Commission of 1725, 78. Common Schools of Connecticut, 76. Company, Atherton, 39. Compensation to Massachusetts, 58, 65. Conference at New London, 37. Congress, final decision by, 79. Connecticut and Mohegan Indians, 25. Connecticut claims in Rhode Island, (ch. I.), 3°- Connecticut, " Colonial Boundaries," 65. Connecticut Commissioners, 54. 71, 74, 79. Connecticut compensated by Massachusetts, 58. Connecticut, Eastern, 22. Connecticut, General Assembly of, 43. Connecticut ''gore," 76. Connecticut Patent, 15. Connecticut Patent, old, ,£1600, 16. Connecticut Plantation, 72. Connecticut " Private Laws," 74. Connecticut Public Documents, 71. Connecticut Public Records, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73- Connecticut refusal in 1801, 65. Connecticut Reserve, 76. Connecticut Resolves, 7S. Connecticut River, 17, 19, 26, 59, 65, 69, 71, 75- Connecticut River Falls, 53. 85 Connecticut River Island, 53. "Connecticut, River of," 21. Connecticut River Rock, 25. Connecticut, royal charter granted to, 69. Connecticut sheriff, 44. Connecticut State Library, 66. Constables from Connecticut, in Massachu- setts, 31. Constables of Stonington, 43. Controversy concerning Windsor and the Intercolonial lines, (ch. I.), 53. Controversy concerning Woodstock, Enfield, and Suffield, (ch. in.), 60. Controversy, long standing of, 9. Controversy of Connecticut and Massachu- setts, 1774-1826, (ch. tv.), 65. Corners of towns, 49. Council of Plymouth, 14, 21, 22. Council of Trade, 23. Council, Privy, 23. Coventry, 48, 49. Covvesett, 39. Cranston, Governor, 40. Danielsonville borough, 26. Darien, 72. DeCosta's discovery of Hudson River, 13. Dedham Tree, 54. Deed, Indian-Atherton, 41. Deed, Indian-Hutchinson, 39, 41. Deed, Indian-Winthrop, 41. DeForest's History of the Indians in Con- necticut, 16, 25. Delaware Bay, 69. Delaware River, 75. Denison, George, a Connecticut sheriff, 44. Dexter & Hopkins line, 47. Disputes with Massachusetts, (Part II.), 51. Disputes with New York, from 1855 to 1S81, (Part IV.), 67, 69, 78. Disputes with Rhode Island, from 1700 to 1840, (ch. iv.), 45. Disturbances with Rhode Island till 1865, (ch. 11.), 37. Douglas's History of North America, 13. Dudley, 64. Dudley, Colonel William, 159. Dudley, Governor, 25, 58. Dudley, Governor, his Connecticut lands, 58. " Duke's Trees," 41, 74. Duration of controversy, 9. Dutch at Hartford, 15 Dutch, controversy with, 13. Dutch in Western Long Island, 27. Dutch map, 14. Dutch merchants, 13. Dutch, purchase of, 15. Dutch quarrels, 69. Dutch, the, 19, 72. Dwight's History of Connecticut, 13. Eastern boundary, 39. Eastern Connecticut, 22. East Greenwich, 39. Easthampton, 27. Eaton, Governor, 16. Eight grants, 21. Endicott, John, 14, 32. Enfield, 41, 54, 58, 59, 60, 63. England's claims, 13. English interest in Connecticut, 14, ) " Equivalent Lands," 72. " Equivalent Tract," 17, 59, 72. Erie, Lake, 76. Falls, Connecticut River, 53. Falls, Ouinebaug, 26. Federal Commissioners, 32. Fenwick, Colonel George, 16. First house in Connecticut, 15. First Rhode Island Charter, 31, 32. Fisher's Island, 13, 76. Fisher's Island Sound, 79. Fitch, Governor, 76. Flushing, 27. French War, 61. Gain from New York, 78. Gardner survey, 63. General Assembly at Hartford, 54. General Assembly of Connecticut, 43, 54, 60, 61, 63, 69, 73, 75. General Assembly of Rhode Island, 46. George II., 62. George III., 76. Gloucester, 49. Gookin, Daniel, 35. Goose Island, 77. " Gore, The," at Union, 66. " Gore, The Connecticut," 76. Gorges, Lord Edward, 21. Gosnold, Bartholomew, 13. Grants, eight, 21. Grants, Haven s History of, 21. 86 Grant, the Hamilton, 22. " Graunt," Rhode Island, 33. Great Captain Island, 76. Greenwich, 24, 71, 72, 73, 76. Greenwich Bay, 17. Greenwich, East, 30. Greenwich, inhabitants of, IS. Greenwich, West, 48. Gregg, John, 76. Gubernatorial letters, 71. Guilford, 24. Gustavus Adolphus, 21. Haddam, East, 26. Hamilton claims, (ch. III.), 21. Hamilton, Duchess of, 22, 23. Hamilton grant, 22. Hamilton, Marquis of, 21, 22. Hamilton title, 23. Harris, arguments by, 34. Harris, William, 40. Hartford, 15, 16, 17, 18, 40, 54, 61, 65. Hartford, General Court at 41. Hartford MSS., 31, 34, 53, 73. Hartford, State House at, 45. Harvard College, 35, 36. Harvard College land in Wickford, 36. Haven, Samuel F., 21. Haven's History of Grants, 21. Hebron, 26. Hell Gate, 13. Hempstead, 27. Hildreth's History of United States, 75. Historical Collections of Holmes Ammidown, 19, 61, 64. Historical statement about the Dutch contro- versy, 13. History of Connecticut, Dwight, 13. History of Connecticut, Hollister, 13, 61, 73. History of Connecticut, Trumbull, 13, 25, 53, 58, 61. History of England, Ranlce, 21. History of Grants, Haven, 21. History of Long Island, Thompson, 27. History of Massachusetts, Hutchinson, 13, 61. History of New England, Neal, 13. History of New England, Palfrey, 13, 42. History of New Haven, Atwater, 24. History of New London, Caulkins, 13, History of New York, Brodhead, 13, 70. History of New York, Smith, 13. History of North America, Douglas, 13. History of Rhode Island, Arnold, 31, 43, 46, 47- History of Rye, Baird, 17, 72. History of the Indians, DeForest, 16, 25. History of United States. Bancroft, 13, 21. History of United States, Hildreth, 75. History of Westchester, 73, 74. History of Windham County, Larned, 6r. Hitchcock's Corners, 78. Hoadley, Charles J., iii., 41. Holland's claims, 13. Holland, war in, iS. Hollister's History of Connecticut, 13, 61, 73. Holmes, William, 15. Hopkins (see Dexter), 47. House, first in Connecticut, 15. " House of Good Hope," 15. Hudson, a Mr., 34. Hudson, Henry, 13. Hudson River, 13, 17, 22, 41, 69, 70, 72, 74. Hudson's River, 59, 70, 71, 75. Huntington, 27. Hutchinson, Captain, 34. Hutchinson, Edward, 39, 41. Hutchinson's History of Massachusetts, 13, 61. Indentation of Massachusetts in Connecti- cut, 65. Indented towns, 61. Indian Patent in Rye, 73. Indians in Connecticut, history of, 25. Indians, land bought from, 14. Indians, Mohegan, 25. Indians, Pequot, 16. Indians, trade with, 13. Island, Block, 13. Island, Calves, 76. Island, Captain's, 77. Island, Connecticut River, 53. Island, Fisher's, 13, 76. Island, Goose, 77. Island, Great Captain, 76. Island, Little Captain, 76. Island, Long, 7, 13, 17, 24, 27, 2S, 69, 70. Jamaica, 27. James, Duke of York, 69. James I., 13. Jenks, Governor, 47. Jeffreys' map, 63. Jeffreys, Thomas, 63. 87 Jog of Woodstock in Massachusetts, 66 Johnson, William Samuel, 26. Joint survey, 74. Jurisdiction, Colonial, 43. Kellock survey, 63. Keyser, John H., 77. Kieft, Governor, 16. King Philip, 39. King Philip's War, 38, 40. King's Commissioners of 1665, 32, 34> King's Province, 32. Killingly, 26. " Koneknikut," 63. " Land of Steady Habits," 9. Lands of Colonel William Dudley, 59. Lands of Colonel William Whiting, 59. Lands of Governor Dudley, 5S. Lands of Hon. William Stoughton, 58. Lands of Robert Thompson, 59. Lands unimproved in New Hampshire, 58. Lands unimproved in Western Massachu- setts, 58. Larned's History of Windham County, 61. Latitudes, 57. Law, Governor, 63. Lawsuit, Bush versus Anderson, 75. Lawsuit, Mason versus the Mohegans, 26. Lawsuit, "stench," 77. Leete, Governor, 40. " Legalized robbery," 34. Lennox, Duke of, 21. Letters between Connecticut and Massachu- setts, 53. Letters between Rhode Island and Connecti- cut, 38, 39, 40, 43. Library, Carter-Brown, 22. Library, Connecticut State, 66. Limitations, statute of, 22. Line north of Connecticut, 54. Line of Dexter & Hopkins, 47. Line of 1664, 17. Line of 1703, 47. Line of 1713, 62. Line of Woodward & Saffery, 53. Litchfield County, 75. Little Captain Island, 76. London, 20. London arbitration, 35. London board of trade, 44, 46, 47. London merchants, 13. London, Rhode Island represented in, 44. Long Island, 7, 13, 17, 24, 27, 2S, 69, 70. Long Island annexed to Connecticut, 28. Long Island, controversy concerning, (ch. VI.), 27. Long Island lost to Connecticut, 28. Long Island Sound, 17, 71, 72, 74, 76, 79. Lyme, 25. Lyon's Point, 71. Mahmunsqueeg, 26. Mallett, Rhode Island sheriff, 44. Mamaroneck River, 17, 71. (See Momoro- neck.) Mansfield, Lord, 63. Maps in Boston State House, 65, 66. Martha's Vineyard, 13. Mason, Deputy-governor John, 25, 26, 37. Mason heirs, 26. Mason, Major, 32, 34. Massachusetts agent in London, 62. Massachusetts, Archives, 19, 54, 57. Massachusetts Bay, emigrants from, 15. Massachusetts Bay, Province of, 45. Massachusetts Charter, 54. Massachusetts claims upon Rhode Island, (ch. I.), 31. Massachusetts Colony, line, 19. Massachusetts, compensation to, 63. Massachusetts, disputes with, 15. Massachusetts Historical Society, 63. Massachusetts lands in Connecticut, 58. Massachusetts Patent, 14. Massachusetts Province, 53. Meitowax, 69. Memorials of Massachusetts and Connecti- cut, (ch. II.), 57. Merrimack River, 14. Middlesex "gore," 64. Minor, Thomas, 37. Mohegan claims, (ch. v.), 25. Mohegan controversy, 58. Mohegan Country, 25. Mohegan lawsuit, 26. Momoroneck River, 70. (See Mamaroneck.) Monuments, boundary, 48, 49, 78. " Morhicans," 14. Murderer sheltered in Rhode Island, 37. Murphy's "Voyage of Verrazzano," 13. Mystic, 32. Mystic River, 31, 32. NarracTansett, 34, 40, 41. Narragansett (Wickford), 33, 38, 40. Narragansett Bay, 20, 32, 35, 46, 47. Narragansett claims, 39. Narragansett Country, 22, 31, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39. 4'. 42- Narragansett River, 15, 20, 21, 33, 35, 41, 45. Neal's History of New England, 13. Nehantics, Western, 16. New Amsterdam surrendered, 69. Newburgli, 17. New Cambridge County, 22. New Canaan, 72. New England coast, 13. New Hampshire annexed, 47. New Haven, 15, 16, 17. New Haven, colony of, 15, 24. New Haven, controversy with, (ch. IV.), 24. New Haven Records, 24. New Jersey coast, 14. New London, 26, 36, 37. New London conference, 36, 37. New London light-house, 79. New Marlborough, boundary of, 65. New Netherland, 17. Newtown, 27. New York, 15, 28. New York boundary, 76. New York, captured by English, 28. New York Colonial MSS , 70, 7r, 74. New York, disputes with, 67, 69. New York land papers, 76. New York line, 59. New York named, 69. New York Patent, 76. New York, report published by, 79. New York Senate Documents, 72. New York strip of territory, 72. Nichols, Colonel Richard, 62, 69. Nipmunk, 25. North Carolina, 13. Norwalk, 72, 77. " Oak Trees," 74. " Oblong, The," 74. Oblong Tract, 72. Observation by Taylor, 57. Observation by Woodward & Saffery, 57. Oestcr Riviertjen, 14. Ohio, 76. Old landmarks, 78. Oyster Bay, 17, 27. Pacific Ocean, 9, 14, 16, 20. Palfrey's History of New England, 13, 42. Parchment map, 19. Parliamentary Charter, 31. Patent, Connecticut, 15. Patent granted, 70. Patent, Massachusetts, 15. Patent, New York, 76. " Patuket," 39. Pawcatuck, 32, 34, 41, 46. Pawcatuck River, 31, 32, 33, 35. 36, 38, 39, 41, 43, 46, 47, 48- Pawquatuck (Narragansett) River, 43. Pawtuxet, 40. Pawtuxet Proprietors, 40. Peekskill, 17, 70. Pemberton, Sir Francis, 23. Pennsylvania protests, 75. " Pequats," 14. Pequot Conquest, 36. Pequot Country, 31, 40, 41. Pequot Indians, 16. Pequots, 15. Pequot War, 22, 31. Philip, King, 39. Pilgrims, the, 14. Pitkin, William, commissioner, 58. Plymouth, 14, 39. Plymouth, Council of, 14, 16, 21, 22. Plymouth merchants, 13. Point Judith, 15. Pomfret, 26. Posse from Stonington, 37. Poughkeepsie, 17. Pratt, Daniel J., iii. Privy Council, 23, 42, 47, 76. Proclamation, Rhode Island, of 1676, 39. Providence, State House at, 45. Province charter, 63. Province of Massachusetts Bay, 45. Public Records of Connecticut, 69, 70. Pynchon, Colonel John, 54. Quarrels with the Dutch, 69. Queens County, 27. Quinebaug Falls, 26. Quinebaug purchase, 33. Quinebaug River, 26. Quitclaim deed of 1800, 76. Quitrents, 23. Randall, John, 35. Randolph, Edward. 22. Ranke's History of England, 21. Rebellion in England, 16. Rent refused by Indians, 35. Report of Boundary Commissioners of Rhode Island and Connecticut, 47, 48, 49. Report published by New York in 18S0, 79. Reserve, Connecticut, in the West, 76. Restoration, the English, 16. Revocation of Charter, 5S. Revolution, the American, 26, 63. Revolutionary taxes, 63. Rhode Island and Connecticut, letters of, 40, 43- Rhode Island Colonial Records, 45. Rhode Island Commissioners, 48. Rhode Island line, 33. Rhode Island's demands, 35. Rhode Island sheriff, 44. Richards, John, 36. Richardson, Stephen 40. Ridgefield angle, 17, 72. Ring given by Charles I. to Winthrop, 20. River, Byram, 17, 41, 71, 76, 79. River, Charles, 14, 19, 54. River, Connecticut, 17, 19, 26, 59, 65, 69, 71, 75- River, Delaware, 75. River, Hudson, 13, 17, 22, 41, 59, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75- River, Mamaroneck, 17, 70, 71. River, Merrimack, 14. River, Narragansett, 15, 20, 21, 33, 35, 41, 45- " River of Connecticut," 21. River, Pawcatuck, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 43, 46, 47, 48. River, Ouinebaug, 26. River, St. Lawrence, 14. Rivier van Siccanemos, 14. Robert, Earl of Warwick, 15. Rock, Connecticut River, 25. Roxbury, 61. Royal Charter, 22, 25, 38. Royal Charter granted to Connecticut, 69. Royal Commissioners, 41, 71. Rye, 71, 72, 73- Saffery, Solomon, 19. Saffery & Woodward, 57. (See Woodward.) Saffin, Hon. John, Narragansett agent, 39, 40. Salem, 14. Saltonstall, Governor, 46, 73. Saltonstall, Governor Gurdon, 57. Saltonstall letter, 75. Saltonstall, Sir Richard, grant made to, 15, 59- Sandisfield, boundary of, 65. Say and Seal, Lord, 15. Saybrook, 15, 16, 19. Schools of Connecticut, 76. Seal, Royal, 32. Second Charter, 32. Settlement of 1713, (ch. 11.), 57. Settlement with New York, (ch. in.), 78. Settlers arrested, 32. Seven Years' War, 63. Sharon, 78. Sheffield, Captain Joseph, 44. Simsbury, 54. Sing Sing, 17. Slice of Massachusetts in Connecticut, 65. Smith, Richard, 34. Smith, William, 62. Smith's History of New York, 13. Somers, 61. Sound, islands in the, 77. Southampton, 27. Southerton, 32. South Kingston, 46. Southold, 24. South Sea, 15, 20. Southwick, 65. Spanish War, 61. Springfield, 15, 16, 19, S3, 54, 58. . Stamford, 17, 24, 70, 71, 72. Stanton, Thomas, 31. State House, Hartford, 45. State House, Providence, 45. State-paper Office, 22, 41, 46, 75. Stations of Woodward & Saffery, 63. Statute of limitations, 22. " Steady habits, land of," 9. Stench, lawsuit about, 77. Stiles, Ezra, 21. Stiles's MSS. in Yale College Library, 21. Stirling, Earl of, 27. Stirling Island. 27. St. Lawrence River, 14. Stone heaps, 48. Stonington, 26, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 41, 43, 44 45- Stonington, constable of, 43. Stoughton, Hon. William, 58. Sturbridge, 64. Stuyvesant, Peter, Governor-general, 17. Subdivisions of Connecticut, 9. Suffield, 41, 54, 56, 60 6t, 63. Suffolk County, 27. go Superior Court Records, Connecticut, 76. Survey by Connecticut, 53. Survey, joint, 74. Survey of 1731, 74, 79. Survey of 1737, 63. Survey of 1859, 79. Survey of 1S60, 79. Surveys in general, 74. Susquehanna County, 75. Talcott, Governor, 47. Tarrytown, 71. Taxes evaded, 78. Thaxter, Samuel, surveyor, 58. Thirty Years' War, 21. Thompson, 49. Thompson's History of Long Island, 27. Thompson, Robert, 59. Tolland, 26. " Town and Lands," Hartford MSS., 60, 73. Town corners, 49. Town Memorial, 61. Trade, Council of, 23. Treat, Governor, 43, 44, 54. " Trees, Oak," 74. Trumbull's History of Connecticut, 13, 25, 53, 58, 61. Ulster County, New York, 70. Uncas, sachem of the Mohegans, 25. Unimproved lands in New Hampshire, 58. Unimproved lands in Western Massachu- setts, 58. Union Corner, 65. Union (town), 60, 65. United Colonies, commissioners of, 40. Verrazzano, Giovanni da, 13. Versche Rivier, 14. Virginia, 13. Voluntown, 48. Vriesche Rivier, 14. Wabbaquassett, 25. Ward, William Hayes, D.D., iii. War, French, 61. War in Holland, 18. War, King Philip's, 38, 40. War, Pequot, 22, 31. War, Seven Years', 63. War, Spanish, 61. War, Thirty Years', 21. Warrant from governor of Rhode Island, in 1700, 44. Warwick grant, 45. Warwick Neck, 45, 46, 48. Warwick purchase, 45, 48. Warwick, Robert, 15. Wekapang Brook, 41. West Chester, 70. West Line of Rhode Island, 32. West Point, 17. Westerly, 35, 36, 38, 41, 43, 44. Westerly, letter of, 43. Western Nehantics, 16. Westfield, 16, 58. Westminster treaty, 70. Westmoreland, 75. Wethersfield, 15. Whetstone country, 26. Whiting, Colonel William, 59. Whiting, William, commissioner, 58. Whitney, William, 54. Wickford, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 41. Wickford, or Narragansett, 33. Wilcox, Stephen, 36. William III., 73. Williams, Roger, 31. Willington, 26. Willis, Samuel, 34. Wilton, 72. Wilton angle, 17. Windham County, 26. Windsor, 15, 53, 54, 57, 58. Winthrop, 41. Winthrop, Captain John, 34. Winthrop, claims of, 16. Winthrop-Clarke agreement, 33, 39. Winthrop, Fitz-John, 56. Winthrop, Governor, 15, 34, 37. Winthrop, John, 17, 20, 30, 33, 76. Winthrop, portrait of, iii., iv. Winthrop, Robert, iii. Woodstock, 41, 54, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66. Woodstock Corner, 65. Woodstock Records, 61, 63. Woodstock Revolt, 63. Woodward, Nathaniel, 19. Woodward & Saffery, 54, 57, 63. Woodward & Saffery's line, 53. Woodward & Saffery's map, 53. Woodward & Saffery's survey, 19. Wrentham Pond, 54. Wyoming Valley, 75. Yale College, 15, 21, 59. York, Duke of, 24, 27, 70, 71, 75. York, James, Duke of, 69, 70. York Patent of 1664, 69, 76. York Patent of 1774, 71. J 928* LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 007 550 097 A mm II I Hi nMwlMlinlil 1HI llHi H Bi m Mr Wm shh m BfiHtsiiil ™BB8§a HUE ml ism