' '.•'■f-'.i'.- ■ g ^c < < -^-) cc cv^ <« c c CS< ^i^ui tern:: ' 9.85 D'D 1.74 DD' 9.40 CC'+DD' 17.06 ID'DCC 168.0410 DA N.TO-W. 10.00 D'A 3.42 .... DD- 9.40 DD' 9.40 2 ADD' 32.1480 .... 33.66 11.56 11.56 9.40 9.40 56.2424 186.2012 FIELD NOTES. 219 The survey may begin at any corner of the field ; hut in computing the area, the field notes should be arranged so that the ' . .1, , 186.2012 most eastern or most western station will stand 56.2424 first. For the sake of uniformity, we shall always 2 1 129.9588 begin with the most western station, and keep the ^^ |_64^98_sq. ch. ^ fj .1 • 7.4 • • A -^ 6.498 acres, field on the right m passing around it. The field notes occupy the first three of the eleven columns in the above tablet. Columns IV. , V. , VI. , and VII. contain the latitudes and departures corresponding to the sides, and taken from the Traverse Table. The lines represented by these numbers are indicated immediately above each number. Column VIII. contains the meridian distances of the points B, C, Z), and ^, taken in order. Column IX. contains the double meridian distances of the courses. Their composition is indicated by the letters immediately above the numbers. Column X. contains the products of the double meridian distances by the northings in the same line. The first number, 24.0944 = 2.96 X 8.14 = BB' X AB' = 2 area of the triangle ABB'; 32.1480 = 9.40 X 3.42 = DJK x AIT = 2 area of the triangle ADIT. Column XI. contains the products of the double meridian distances by the southings in the same line. The first number, 18.1602 = 10.62 X 1.71 = {BB' + CC) x B'C = 2 area of the trapezoid C'CBB'; 168.0410 = 17.06 X 9.85 = {CC + BIY) X lyC — 2 area of the trapezoid lYBCC'. The sum of the north areas in column X. = 56.2424 = 2 {ABB' + ABIT). The sum of the south areas in column XI. = 186.2012 = 2 {C'CBB' + B'DCC). But {C'CBB' + B'DCC) - {ABB' + ABB') = ABCB. Hence, 2{C'CBB' + B'BCC) - 2{ABB' + ABB') = 2ABCB; that is, 186.2012 - 56.2424 = 129.9588 = 2 ABCB. Hence, area ABCB = i of 129.9588 = 64.9794 sq. ch. = 6.498 acres. (c) To make the plot. The plot or map may be drawn to any desired scale. If a line one inch in length in the plot represents a line one chain in length, the plot is said to be drawn to a scale of one chain to an inch. In this case the plot (Fig. 22) is drawn to a scale of eight chains to an inch. Draw the line NAS to represent the magnetic meridian, and lay off the first northing AB' = 8.14 (§ 12). Draw the indefinite line B'E per- 220 SURVEYING. pendicular to NS and lay off B'B, the first easting = 2.96. Join^ and B; then the line AB will represent the first side of the field. Through B draw BC perpendicular to BB', and make BC" — 1.71, the first southing. Through C" draw C"C perpendicular to BC", and equal to 4.70, the second easting. Join B and C. The line BC will represent the second side of the field. Proceed in like manner until the field is completely represented. The extremity of the last line IX^, measured from JK, should fall at A. This will be a test of the accuracy of the plot. By drawing the diagonal A C, and letting fall upon it perpendiculars from B and D, the quadrilateral ABCD is divided into two triangles, the bases and altitudes of which may be measured and the area computed approximately. Other methods of plotting will suggest themselves, but the method just explauied is one of the best. Balancing the Work. In the survey, we pass entirely around the field ; hence, we move just as far north as south. Therefore, the sum of the northings should equal the sum of the southings. In like manner, the sum of the eastings should equal the sum of the westings. In this way the accuracy of the field work may be tested. In Example 1, the sum of the northings is equal to the sum of the southings, being 11.56 in each case ; and the sum of the eastings is equal to the sum of the westings, being 9.40 in each case. Hence, the work balances. In actual practice the work seldom balances. When it does not balance, corrections are generally applied to the latitudes and departures, by the following rules : The perimeter of the field : any one side : : total error in latitude : correction ; : : total error in departure : correction. If special difficulty has been experienced in taking a par- ticular bearing, or in measuring a particular line, the correc- tions should be applied to the corresponding latitudes and departures, FIELD NOTES. 221 The amount of error allowable varies in the practice of dif- ferent surveyors, and according to the nature of the ground. An error of 1 link in 8 chains would not be considered too great on smooth, level ground; while, on rough ground, an error of 1 link in 2 or 3 chains might be allowed. If the error is considerable, the field meas- urements should be repeated. Example 2. Let it be re- quired to survey the field AB CDEF (Fig. 23). Field Notes. 1 N. 73° 30' W. 5.00 2 S. 16° 30' W. 5.00 3 N. 28°30' W. 7.07 4 N. 20° 00' E. 11.18 6 S. 43°30'E. 5.00 6 S. 13° 30' E. 10.00 243.0888 81.4955 2 1 161.5933 10 1 80.7967 8.0797 acres. Explanation. The first station in the field notes is D, but we re- arrange the numbers in the tablet so that A stands first. The northings and southings balance, but the east- ings exceed the westings by 1 link. We apply the correction to the west- ing 4.79 (the distance BE being in doubt), making it 4.80, and rewrite all the latitudes and departures in the next four columns, incor the correction. In practice, the corrected numbers are written in ^ t?3 b Q to !j^ !^ ^ tq b Q ta 05 1 t2j CQ !^ OQ CB tz| % s s| b b g g g g g g § ^ ^ ^' H H H r 1 -J en Oi O en M S § g S 8 S 7^ ^ ^ ^ *.. * CO CO • 93 to ': '. \ I I I ri . to 05 M vl^ . CO tl^ -fl • ~^ to o • ^ ^ *-tq . oC5 cots . : 3^ : Sb Sq : Co l^^b coO 03 to : : : £^b'^c^^t«' rn oshq mSj *.b ; ; ; i^ ^ to Ky o ; ; ; ; 5 _ wh3 f-tg pb r^o Mb3 CD eg b q b3 w^q ootq !^b S^ ^^ wto »^ tg b Q 22 1 en 1^ ?: ^ CO to CO porating red ink. 222 SURVEYING. The remainder of the computation does not require expla- nation. It will be seen that this method of computing areas is perfectly general. iV § 17. Supplying Omissions. If, for any reason, the bearing and length of any side do not appear in the field notes, the latitude and departure of this side may be found in the following manner : Find the latitudes and departures of the other sides as usual. The difference between the northings and southings will give the north- ing or southing of the unknown side, and the difference between the eastings and westings will give the easting or westing of the un- known side. If the length and bearing of the unknown side are desired, they may be found by solving the right tri- FiG. 23. angle, whose sides are the latitude and departure found by the method just explained, and whose hypotenuse is the length required. § 18. Irregular Boundaries. If a field have irregular boundaries, its area may be found by offsets, as explained in § 14, Prob. 3. § 19. Obstructions. If the end of a line be not visible from its beginning, or if the line be inaccessible, its length and bearing may be found as follows : OBSTRUCTIONS. 223 1. By means of a random line (§ 4, 3). 2. When it is impossible to run a random line, which is frequently the case on account of the extent of the obstruc- tion, the following method may be used : N Let AB (Fig. 24) represent an inaccessible line whose extremities A and B only are known, and B invisible from A. Set flag-staffs at convenient points, C and D. Find the bearings and lengths of A C, CD, and DB, and then proceed to find the latitude and departure of AB, as in § 17. Fig. 24. Example. Suppose that we have the following notes (see Fig. 24): Side. Bearing. DIST. N. S. E. w. AC CD DB S. 45° E. E. N. 30° E. 3.00 3.50 4.83 4.18 2.12 2.12 3.50 2.42 4.18 2.12 8.04 4 1g The northing of AB is 2.06, and the easting, 8.04; which 2.12 numbers may be entered in the tablet in the columns N. and E., 2.06 opposite the side AB. If the bearing and length of AB are required, construct the right triangle ABC (Fig. 25), making AC = 8.04 and BC = 2.06. tan^^C = BC 2.06 AC 8.04 Hence, the angle BAG = 14° 22'. Also, = 0.256. AB = ^AC^ + BC'^ = V8.042 + 2.062 = 8.29. Therefore, the bearing and length of AB are N. 75° 38' E. and 8.29. Note. Keep all the decimal figures until the result is obtained ; then reject all decimal figures but two, increasing the last decimal figure retained by 1, if the third decimal figure is 5 or greater than 5. 224 SURVEYING. Exercise II. In examples 5 and 6 detours were made on account of inaccessible sides (§ 19, 2). The notes of the detours are written in braces. 5. 8. 1. Sta. 1 Bearings, Dist S. 75° E. 6.00 2 S. 15° E. 4.00 3 S. 75° W. 6.93 4 N.45°E. 5.00 5 N.45°W. 5.19^ Sta. 1 Bearings. Dist. N.45°E. 10.00 2 S. 75° E. 11.55 3 S. 15° W. 18.21 4 N.45°W. 19.11 3. Sta. Bearings. Dist. 1 N.15°E. 3.00 2 N.75°E. 6.00 3 S. 15° W. 6.00 4 N.75°W. 5.20 4. Sta. Bearings. Dist. 1 N.89°45'E. 4.91 2 S. 7°00'W. 2.30 3 S. 28°00'E. 1.52 4 S. 0°45'E. 2.57 5 N.84°45'W. 5.11 6 N. 2°30'W. 5.79 Sta. 1 Bearings. Dist. S. 2°15'E. 9.68 r N.51°45'W. 2.39 2] S. 85°00'W. 6.47 S. 55°10'W. 1.62 3 N. 3°45'E. 6.39 4 S. 66°45'E. 1.70 5 N.15°00'E. 4.98 6 S. 82°45'E. 6.03 6. sta. Bearings. Dist. ■{ S. 81°20'W. 4.28 N.76°30'W. 2.67 2 N. 5°00'E. 8.68 3 S. 87°30'E. 5.54 S. 7°00'E. 1.79 4- S. 27°00'E. S. 10°30'E. 1.94 5.35 N.76°45'W. 1.70 7. Sta. 1 Bearings. Dist N. 6°15'W. 6.31 2 S. 81°50'W. 4.06 3 S. 5°00/E. 5.86 4 N.88°30'E. 4.12 Sta. 1 Bearings. Dist N. 5°30'W. 6.08 2 S. 82°30/W. 6.51 3 S. 3°00'E. 5.33 4 E. 6.72 9. sta. Bearings. Dist. 1 N.20°00'E. 4.62^ 2 N.73°00'E. 4.16^ 3 S. 45°15'E. 6.18^ 4 S. 38°30nV. 8.00 5 Wanting. Wanting. 10. sta. Bearings, DIat. 1 S. 3°00'E. 4.23 2 S. 86°45'W. 4.78 3 S. 37°00'W. 2.00 4 N.81°00'W. 7.45 5 N.61°00'W. 2.17 6 N.32°00'E. 8.68 7 S. 75°50'E. 6.38 8 S. 14°45/W. 0.98 9 S. 79°15'E. 4.52 rectangular method. 225 § 20. Modification of the Eectangular Method. The area of a field may be found by a modification of the rectangular method, if its sides and interior angles are known. Let A, B, C, D, represent the inte- rior angles of the field ABCD (Fig. / / 26). Let the side AB determine the direction of reference. The bearing of AB, with reference to AB, is 0°. The bearing of BC, with reference to AB, is the angle h = 180° — B. The bearing of CD, with reference A^ to AB, is the angle c=C-b. ^'''' ^^■ The bearing of DA, with reference to AB, is the angle d = A. The area may now be computed by the rectangular method, regarding AB SbS the magnetic meridian. In practice, the exterior angles, when acute, are usually measured. As the interior angles may be measured with considerable accuracy by the transit, the latitudes and departures should be obtained by using a table of natural sines and cosines. Exercise III. 1. Find the area of the field ABCD, in which the angle ^ = 120°, B = 60°, (7=150°, and D = 30°; and the side ^5 = 4 chains, J5C = 4 chains, CD = 6.928 chains, and Z>^ = 8 chains. Keep three decimal places, and use the Traverse Table. 2. Find the area of the farm ABODE, in which the angle ^ = 106° 19', ^ = 99° 40', C=120°20', i) = 86°8', and JS' = 127° 33'; and the side ^^=79.86 rods, ^(7=121.13 rods, CD = 90 rods, D^= 100.65 rods, and EA = 100 rods. Use the table of natural sines and cosines, keeping two decimal places as usual. 226 surveying. § 21. General Kemarks on Determining Areas. Operations depending upon the reading of the magnetic needle must lack accuracy. Hence/ when great accuracy is required (which is seldom the case in land surveying), the rectangular method (§§ 16-19) cannot be employed. The best results are obtained by the methods explained in §§14 and 20, the horizontal angles being measured with the transit, and great care exercised in measuring the lines. § 22. The Variation of the Needle. The Magnetic Declination, or variation of the needle, at any place, is the angle which the magnetic meridian makes with the true meridian, or north and south line. The variation is east or west, according as the north end of the needle lies east or west of the true meridian. Western variation is indi- cated by the sign -|-, and eastern by the sign — . Irregular Variations are sudden deflections of the needle, which occur without apparent cause. They are sometimes accompanied by auroral displays and thunder storms, and are most frequent in years of greatest sun-spot activity. Solar-Diurnal Variation. North of the equator, the north end of the needle moves to the west, from 8 a.m. to 1.30 p.m., about 6' in winter and 11' in summer, and then returns gradually to its normal position. Secular Variation is a change in the same direction for about a century and a half ; then in the opposite direction for about the same time. The line of no variation, or the Agonic Line, is a line join- ing those places at which the magnetic meridian coincides with the true meridian. In the United States, this line at present (1895) passes through Michigan, Ohio, Eastern Kentucky, the extreme southwest of Virginia, and the Carolinas. It is moving gradually westward, so that the variation is increasing TO ESTABLISH A TRUE MERIDIAN. 227 at places east of this line, and decreasing at places west of this line. East of this line the variation is westerly, and west of this line the variation is easterly. The table on pages 234 and 235, which has been prepared by permission from data furnished by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, shows the magnetic variation at different places in the United States and Canada for several years ; also, the annual change for 1895. § 23. To Establish a True Meridian. This may be done as follows : 1. By means of Burt'' s Sola?' Compass (§ 25). 2. By observations of Polaris. The North Star or Polaris revolves about the pole at present at the distance of about 1^-° ; hence, it is on the meridian twice in 23 h. 56 m. 4 s. (a sidereal day), once above the pole, called the upper culmination, and 11 h. 58 m. 2 s. later below the pole, called the lower culmination. It attains its greatest eastern or western elongation, or greatest distance from the meridian, 5 h. 59 m. 1 s. after the culmination. The following table gives the mean local time of the upper culmination of Polaris for 1895 at Washington. The time is growing later at the rate of about one minute in three years. Month. First Day. Eleventh Day. Twenty-first Day. H. M. H. M. H. M. January . . . 6 35 P.M. 5 55 P.M. 5 16 P.M. February 4 32 P.M. 3 53 P.M. 3 14 P.M. March . . 2 42 P.M. 2 03 P.M. 1 23 P.M. April . . 12 40 P.M. 12 00 M. 11 17 A.M. May . . . 10 38 A.M. 9 59 A.M. 9 20 A.M. June . . . 8 37 A.M. 7 57 A.M. 7 18 A.M. July . . . 6 39 A.M. 6 00 A.M. 5 21 A. 31. August. . 4 38 A.M. 4 00 A.M. 3 19 A.M. September 2 36 A.M. 1 57 A.M. 1 18 A.M. October . 12 39 A.M. 11 59 P.M. 11 20 P.M. November 10 37 P.M. 9 57 P.M. 9 18 P.M. December 8 39 P.M. 7 59 P.M. 7 20 P.M. * Polaris. ^ * * ^ Pole. * I 228 SXTRVEYING. The time of the upper culmination of Polaris may be found by means of the star Mizar, which is the middle one of the three stars in the handle of the Dipper (in the constellation of the Great Bear). It crosses the meridian at almost exactly the same time as Polaris. Suspend from a height of about 20 feet a plumb-line, placing the bob in a pail of water to lessen its vibrations. About 15 feet south of the plumb-line, upon a horizontal board firmly supported at a convenient height, place a compass sight fastened to a board a few inches square. At night, when Mizar by estimation approaches the meridian, place the compass sight in line with Polaris and the plumb-line, and move I ^ * it so as to keep it in this line until the plumb-line also falls on Mizar (Fig. 27). Note the time; then (1895) fifty-one sec- onds later Polaris will be on the meridian. This interval is gradually increasing at the rate of 21 sec- onds a year. If the lower culmination takes place at night, the time may be found in a similar manner. When Mizar cannot conveniently be used, as in the spring, 8 Cassiopeiae may be employed. This is the star at the bottom of the first stroke of the W frequently imagined to connect roughly the five brightest stars in Cassiopeia. In 1895 it culminates 1.75 minutes before Polaris, with an annual increase of the interval of 20 seconds. Instead of the compass sight, any upright with a small opening or slit may be used. Pole Polaris. ^ Fig. 27. TO ESTABLISH A TRUE MERIDIAN. 229 {a) To locate the true meridian by the position of Polaris at its culmination. 1. By using the ai^jjaratus described in finding the time of culmination. At tlie time of culmination bring Polaris, the plumb-line, and the compass sight into line. The compass sight and the plumb-line will give two points in the true meridian. 2. By means of the transit. Bring the telescope to bear on Polaris at the time of culmination, holding a light near to make the wires visible, if the observation is made at night. The telescope will then lie in the plane of the meridian, which may be marked by bringing the telescope to a horizontal position. (h) To locate the meridian by the position of Polaris at greatest elongation. The Azimuth of a star is the angle which the meridian plane makes with a vertical plane passing through the star and the zenith of the observer. A star is said to be at its greatest elongation, when its vertical circle ZN (Fig. 28) is tangent to its diurnal circle, that is, perpendicular to the hour circle PN. Let Z (Fig. 28) represent the zenith of the place, P the pole, and N Polaris at its greatest elongation ; that is, when its vertical circle ZN is perpendicular to the hour circle PN. Let ZP^ ZN., and PN be arcs of great circles ; then N will be a right angle. sin PN - cos (90° - ZP) cos (90° - Z). [Spher. Trig. § 47.] But ZP— the complement of the latitude. Hence, 90° — ZP = the latitude of the place. Hence, sin PN — cos latitude x sin Z. sin PN Hence, sin Z cos latitude 230 SURVEYING. Hence, Z (the azimuth of Polaris) can be found if the latitude of the place and the greatest elongation of Polaris (PiV) are known. The following table gives the mean value of the latter element for each year from 1895 to 1906. Greatest Elongation of Polaris. 1895 i°i5.r 1899 1°13.8' 1903 1°12.6' 1896 1° 14.8' 1900 1°13.5' 1904 1°12.3' 1897 1°14.5' 1901 1° 13.2' 1905 1° 12.0' 1898 P14.r 1902 1°12.9' 1906 1°11.7' The greatest elongation of Polaris, or the polar distance, is given in the Nautical Almanac. The table gives this element for Jan. 1. It may be found for other dates by interpolation. To obtain a line in the direction of Polaris at greatest elongation. 1. Bij using the apparatus for finding the time of culmina- tion. A few minutes before the time of greatest elongation (5 h. 59 m. 1 s. after culmination), place the compass sight in line with the plumb-line and Polaris, and keep it in line with these, by moving the board in the opposite direction, until the star begins to recede. At this moment the sight and plumb- line are in the required line. 2. By means of the transit. A few minutes before the time of greatest elongation, bring the telescope to bear on the star, and follow it, keeping the v^ertical wire over the star until it begins to recede. The telescope will then be in the required line. To establish the meridian. Having the transit sighted in the direction of the line just found, turn it through an angle equal to the azimuth in the proper direction. DIVIDING LAXD. 231 § 24. DiviDixG Laxd. The surveyor must; for tlie most part, depend on his general knowledge of Geometry and Trigonometry, and his own inge- nuity, for the solutions of problems that arise in dividing land. Problem 1. To divide a triangular field into two parts having a given ratio, by a line through a ^ given vertex. Let ABC (Fig. 29) be the triangle, and A the given vertex. 7? J) Divide BC at D, so that -=— equals the given JJO ratio, and join A and D. ABD and ADC will be the parts required ; for ABD : ADC : : BD : DC. Problem 2. To cut ofi from a triangular field a given area, by a line parallel to the base. Let ABC (Fig. 30) be the triangle, and let DE be the division line re- quired. ^/ABC : \/ADE ::AB: AD. , „ JADE Fig. 30. Problem 3. To divide a field into two parts having a given ratio, by a line through a given point in the perimeter. Let ABCDE (Fig. 31) represent the field, P the given point, and PQ the required divi- sion line. The areas of the whole field and of the required parts having been determined, run the line PD from P to a comer 2>, dividing the field, as near as possible, as required. Determine the area PBCD. Fig. 31. 232 SURVEYING. The triangle PDQ represents the part which must be added to PBCB to make the required division. Hence, BQ Note. DQ = Area PDQ = i X PD X DQ X sin PDQ. _ 2 area PDQ ~ PDx sin PDQ 2siYea.PDQ perpendicular from P on DE P on DE may be run and measured directly. Problem 4. This perpendicular from To divide a field into a given number of parts, so that access to a pond of water is given to each. Let ABODE (Fig. 32) represent the field, and P the pond. Let it be required to divide the field into four parts. Find the area of the field and of each part. Let AP be one division line. Run PE, and find the area APE. Take the difference between APE and the area of one of the required parts ; this will give the area of the triangle PQE, from which QE may be found, as in Problem 3. Join P and Q ; PA Q will be one of the required parts. In like manner, PQR and PAS are determined ; whence, PSR must be the fourth part required. Exercise IV. 1. From the square ABCD, containing 6 a. 1 r. 24 p., part off 3 A. by a line EF parallel to AB. 2. From the rectangle ABCD, containing 8 a. 1 r. 24 p., part off 2 A. 1 R. 32 p. by a line JSF parallel to AD = 7 ch. Then, from the remainder of the rectangle, part off 2 a. 3 r. 25 P., by a line GR parallel to EB. 3. Part off 6 A. 3 r. 12 p. from a rectangle ABCD, con- taining 15 A., by a line FF parallel to AB ; AD being 10 ch. 4. From a square ABCD, whose side is 9 ch., part off a triangle which shall contain 2 a. 1 r. 36 p., by a line BF drawn from B to the side AD. EXAMPLES. 233 5. From ABCD, representing a rectangle, whose length is 12.65 ch., and breadth 7.58 ch., part off a trapezoid which shall contain 7 a. 3 r. 24 p., by a line BjE from B to JDC. 6. InthetriangleJ^(7,^^ = 12ch.,^(7=10ch.,^C=8ch.; part off 1 A. 2 R. 16 p., below the line DU parallel to AB. 7. In the triangle ABC, AB = 26 ch., AC == 20 ch., and BC=16 ch. ; part off 6 a. 1 r. 24 p., below the line DU parallel to AB. 8. It is required to divide the triangular field J 5 6' among three persons whose claims are as the numbers 2, S, and 5, so that they may all have the use of a watering-place at C ; AB = 10 ch., ^C = 6.85 ch., and CB = 6.10 ch. 9. Divide the five-sided field ABC HE among three persons, X, Y, and Z, in proportion to their claims, X paying ^500, Y paying $750, and Z paying $1000, so that each may have the use of an interior pond at P, the quality of the land being equal throughout. Given ^P = 8.64 ch., BC =S.27 ch., CB:= 8.06 ch., HE=Q>M ch., and EA = 9.90 ch. The per- pendicular PB upon AB = 5.60 ch., FB' upon BC= 6.08 ch., FD" upon C^=4.80 ch., FD'" upon HE=6A4. ch., and FD"" upon EA = oAO ch. Assume FR as the divisional fence between X's and Z's shares ; it is required to determine the position of the fences F3f and Pi\" between X's and Y's shares and Y's and Z's shares, respectively. 10. Divide the triangular field ABC, whose sides AB, AC, and BC are 15, 12, and 10 ch., respectively^ into three equal parts, by fences EG and DE parallel to BC, without finding the area of the field. 11. Divide the triangular field ABC, whose sides AB, BC, and AC are 22, 17, and 15 ch., respectively, among three persons. A, B, and C, by fences parallel to the base AB, so that A may have 3 a. above the line AB, B, 4 a. above A's share, and C, the remainder. 234 SURVEYING. ^^ ^ c<^^^^r^uocNOO(^^ooO'*^0'j ^-^ '-h' d d cN ^ T}5 d CO i>^ d i>^ d t^ d d d ■<** (N d -^ a^ CN r.H rH ^ r-H ^ ^ r-^ r-H rH ,-H ^ rH rH rH S (MClrHCO'^i OCi(Mr-l sqCiO t- 00^ CNX)0 0(M gIr-OC:OOOCiCiOOQ0v0rHO'#>0-<#OOO»-0OI>-CCOrHCI rH d d ocj d '^ d CO t-^ d d d d Ti^ d d tjh oi d tih V rHrt^'MCOOt-Ci ClCl^CO r-OCMOO-^rHr-O'OO-^rHtM gOt-OrHO-^TjIOTjHt-^QOOCOCOOOCirHCOOqCtt-rHt-OOt-lOO S) d d d 3; d d d rH* d d d i>^ i>^ -*" d c;C0O(MOC0OOt-CiCC(N00O^C505C0t-C»rH0i-<*it--<:tHOCX)rH 3)dt-^drH(^^rHddddI^^I>^dd(^iddddTJ^rHTli(^^r-^dG4d(^^<^^ j^rHrHrHrH,— IrHrHrHrH ,—1 i—( od ^^OrHO -rflOOO t^rHOOOTq OCO 050iO-OOt-COCiOOTtHrHT^(Mt-CX3S^ '^ (N d d d t-^ t>^ ^' d d d i>^ d t-' d -r' d rn ?q d (M* d d d d r-3 d " l^HrHrH ^ 1 1 : S OlMClO-IOtOClrHrH^rHt-jqir-OOCOOOOrHCqCOOrHO'-lrHCN ' S d d d i>^ d i>^ d i>^ CM* d d "*' t-^ d d d ■>*■ c: -*' cc d d cm* d -* o d d d d d od i>.' oi c4 d c?Tt^Or-i^roTtiOi c: o o 00 o (N !>. c: t- c:; -c GO CO '^^ c; CO O 00 Tf S d)'^ccc6cc^^oicc--:)'*OCCO-':)!MCC j> -^•^'<^-*-*Tti-^'*-r^'<^-^'*'*-*->*iTtiTti'*cccocO'*cccO'*ccccTt<^ . . . _ . . _ (4 Halifax N.S. . . . Eastport, Me. . . . Bangor, Me. . . . Provincetown, Mass. Portland, Me. . . . Portsmouth, N.II. . Boston, Mass. . . . Cambridge, Mass. Quebec, Canada . . Providence, 11. 1. . . Hartford, Conn. . . New Haven, Conn. . Burlington, Vt. . . Williamstown, Mass. Montreal, Canada Albany, N.Y. . . . New York, N.Y. . . New Brunswick, N.J. Cape Henlopen, Del. Philadelphia, Pa. Cape Henry, Va. . . Ithaca, N.Y. . . . Baltimore, Md. . . Williamsburg, Va. . Harrisburg, Pa. . . Washington, D.C. . Newbern, N.C. . . Buffalo, N.Y. . . • Toronto, Canada . . VAEIATIOX OF THE NEEDLE. 235 11 \i . . . f § 1 S C'i cc cc cc* •m' cc -m' t' cc ■ -r' cc "^ 't' »^' ■^' -^^ -^ • t' t' • r: cc" r: — * <— ' C- ir ^ ' 1 s ^ d cc cc f^ -N -N d ^' -h' ^ ^ c{ d — ' ^* — " rf-' ^4 ■*' c6 -^ o o o d r^ d x x ■*" d cc •>« d c-* 2j| 1 1 i{ II II II 1 II II 1 1 TTYYT7 x'^c:c::o'Nt^cc~c:cccc -^c^ -^c: :r^:cctoccciX'MX,-'C; . Cf-T'^C.OOO'MXCCl- — iCCCO-r; cc T -r — cc t^ re cc C5 t^ -M iO — ccc^'r;C:C:0'C:ciC:-^-*ci -C: — tr • -cct^c^ • -re • ^ & 2 cc d d '^' d d ci — ' -?^ "C* d d t-^ d ' t-^ x x' " ' '>i ei c: ' ' ci ' le re 1 1 1 1 11 II 1 1 II 1 : 1 1 1 : : J Y - : : Y : 7 Y i So -cct^^xx^Soi^ •S'— -t^c: • • -re -x • -t^ -ooi 2 •.* * d '^ 1-^ d c4 ^ '^ d d * t-^ d ' d t-^ ' ' * tN ' d ' * ^ * '^" d f 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 : 1 1 : : :y : i : :y -TTI i Degrees. -4.55 -0.40 -1.8 -n*. 1 -0.5 -4.80 -0.84 -5.81 -7.12 -10.00 -16.1 i 1 gXX'*'C;LC<^e^cc--rc?'TCCXCJLCC:cJ'^©^nc:oxccecccc| ?: ic c tc ic ^ x" cc d ci X -t X :c T ^i cc ci -T t-^ tr -*■ t-^ c: cc '3-' 1- '^ 1 t«C500i-i— ^i-HCC-^"«*iiSOOt^t^l>-XOOCi' rn-rcr-cc-^ — e — ccc;c:x-.r:c: — c:c:c:C'Mt-t-o ^CCT'TCC-^Cl'^'TCC-tCC'-CC-T-rCCCJCC-TCI'^CC'NCC'^CCrfCC'^ ... ........ 1 Charleston, S.C. . . rittsburg, I'a. . . . Frie, Fa Savannah, Ca. . . (Cleveland, O. . . . K(\y West, Fla. . . Detroit, Mich. . . Sanlt Ste. Marie, Mich. Cincinnati, (). . . . (irand Uaven, Mich. Nashville, Tenn. . . Michigan City, Ind. . ren.sa(M)la, Fla. . . Chicago, 111. . . . Milwaukee, Wis. . . Mobile, Ala. . . . New Orleans, La. St. Louis, Mo. . . . Duluth, Minn. . . (Jalveston, Tex. . . Omaha, Neb. . . . Austin, Tex. . . . San Antonio, Tex. . Denver, Col. . . . Salt Lake City, Utah San Diego, Cal. . . Seattle, Wash. . . San Francisco, Cal. . C. Mendocino, Cal. . 236 SURVEYING. § 25. United States Public Lands. Burfs Sola)' Comj^ass. This instrument, which is exhibited, on the following page, may be used for most of the purposes of a compass or transit. Its most important use, however, is to run north and south lines in laying out the public lands. A full description of the solar compass, with its principles, adjustments, and uses, forms the subject of a considerable volume, which should be in the hands of the surveyor who uses this instrument. The limits of our space will allow only a brief reference to its principal features. The main plate and standards resemble these parts of the compass. a is the latitude arc. b is the declination arc. h is an arm, on each end of which is a sola)' lens having its focus on a silvered plate on the other end. c is the hour arc. n is the needle-hox, which has an arc of about 36°. To run a north and south line with the solar compass. Set off the declination of the sun on the declination arc. Set oif the latitude of the place (which may be determined by this instrument) on the latitude arc. Set the instrument over the station, level, and turn the sights in a north and south direc- tion, approximately, by the needle. Turn the solar lens toward the sun, and bring the sun's image between the equatorial lines on the silvered plate. Allowance being made for refraction, the sights will then indicate a true north and gouth line, BURT'S SOLAR QOMPASS. LAYING OUT THE PUBLIC LANDS. 239 Laying Out the Public Lands. The public lands north of the Ohio Kiver and west of the Mississippi are generally laid out in townships approximately six miles square. A Principal Meridian, or true north and south line, is first run by means of Burt's Solar Compass, and then an east and west line, called a Base Line. Parallels to the base line are run at intervals of six miles, and north and south lines at the same intervals. Thus N the tract would be divided into townships exactly six miles square, if it were not for the convergence of the meridians on account of the * I I I I I I I ' I E curvature of the earth. The north and south lines, or meridians, are called Range Lines. The east and west lines, or parallels, are called Town- ship Lines. Let NS (Fig. 33) represent a principal meridian, and WE a base line ; and let the other lines represent meridians and parallels at intervals of six miles. The small squares. A, B, C, etc., will represent townships. A would be designated thus: T. 3 N., K. 2 W.; that is, township three north, range two west ; which means that the township is in the third tier north of the base line, and in the second tier west of the principal meridian. B and C, respec- tively, would be designated thus : T. 4 S., R. 3 W. ; and T. 2 N., R. 2 E. 3 Fig. 33. 240 SURTETING. 6 7 18 19 30 31 5 8 17 20 29 32 4 9 16 21 28 33 3 10 15 22 27 34 2 11 14 23 26 35 1 12 13 24 25 36 Fig. 34. The townships are divided into sections approximately one mile square, and the sections are divided into quarter-sections. The township, section, and quarter-section corners are permanently marked. The sections are numbered, beginning at the northeast corner, as in Fig. 34, which represents a township divided into sections. The quarter-sections are designated, according to their position, as K E., N.W., S. E., and S. W. Every fifth parallel is called a Standard Parallel or Correc- tion Line. Let NS (Fig. 35) represent a principal meridian; WU a base line; rp, etc., meridians; ^ and ms the fifth parallel. If Oj) equals six miles, mr will be less than six miles on account of the convergence of the meridians. Surveyors are instructed to make Op such a distance that mr shall be six miles; then mh, hk, etc., are taken similarly. At the correction lines north of ,-^ ms the same operation is repeated. The township and section lines are surveyed in such an order as to throw the errors on the north and outer town- ships and sections. If, in running a line, a navigable stream or a lake more than one mile in length is encountered, it is meandered by W- m r h Jc \ 1 O J P Fig. 35. PLANE-TABLE SURVEYING. 241 marking the intersection of the line with the bank and running lines from this point along the bank to prominent points which are marked, and the lengths and bearings of the connecting lines recorded. Six principal meridians have been established and con- nected. In addition to these there are several independent meridians in the Western States and Territories which will in' time be connected with each other and with the eastern system. § 26. Plane -Table Surveting."* After the principal lines of a survey have been determined and plotted, the details of the plot may be filled in by means of the plane-table ; or, when a plot only of a tract of land is desired, this instrument affords the most expeditious means of obtaining it. An approved form of the plane-table, as used in the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, is shown in the plate on page 243. The Table-top is a board of well-seasoned wood, panelled with the grain at right angles to prevent warping, and sup- ported at a convenient height by a Tripod and Levelling Head. The Alidade is a ruler of brass or steel supporting a telescope or sight standards, whose line of sight is parallel to a plane perpendicular to the lower side of the ruler, and embracing its fiducial edge. The Declinatoire consists of a detached rectangular box containing a magnetic needle which moves over an arc of about 10° on each side of the point. * In preparing this section the writer has consulted, by permission, the treatise on the plane-table by Mr. E, Hergesheinier, contained in the report for 1880 of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. 242 SURVEYING. Two spirit levels at right a^ngles are attached to the ruler or to the declinatoire. In some instruments these are replaced by a circular level, or by a detached spring level. The paper upon which the plot is to be made or completed is fastened evenly to the board by clamps, the surplus paper being loosely rolled under the sides of the board. To place the table in position. This operation, which is sometimes called orienting the table, consists in placing the table so that the lines of the plot shall be parallel to the corresponding lines on the ground. This may be accomplished approximately by turning the table until the needle of the declinatoire indicates the same bearing as at a previous station, the edge of the declinatoire coinciding with the same line on the paper at both stations. If, however, the line connecting the station at which the instrument is placed with another station is already plotted, the table may be placed in position accurately by placing it over the station so that the plotted line is by estimation over and in the direction of the line on the ground ; then making the edge of the ruler coincide with the plotted line, and turn- ing the board until the line of sight bisects the signal at the other end of the line on the ground. To plot any point. Let ah on the paper represent the line AB on the ground ; it is required to plot c, representing C on the ground. 1. By intersection. Place the table in position at A (Fig. 36), plumbing a over A^ and p making the fiducial edge of the ruler :t-v^ pass through a; turn the alidade / "-.^ about a until the line of sight / ""v^ bisects the signal at C, and draw a line along the fiducial edge of the ruler. Place the table in position at JB, plumbing h over B, and repeat the operation just described, c will ^ be the intersection of the two lines Fig. 36. thus drawn. -^'c THE PLANE-TABLE. tLANE-TABLE SURVEYING. 245 / / / N \ / / "-V / / ■'-^ b — a B A 2. By resection. Place the table in position at A (Fig. 37), and draw a line in the direc- tion of C, as in the former case ; then remove the instrument to C, place it in position by the line drawn from a, make the edge of the ruler pass through 6, and turn the alidade about b until B is in the line of sight. A line drawn along the edge of the ruler will intersect the line from a in c. 3. By radiation. Place the table in position at A (Fig. 38), and draw a line from a toward 0, as in the former cases. Measure A C\ and lay off ac to the >v, same scale as a6. ^^^ To plot a field ^^Ci) 1. By radiation. Set up the table at any point P, and mark p on the paper over P. B Draw indefinite lines from p to- _ Fig ward A, B, C Measure PA, PB, , and lay off pa, pb, , to a suitable scale, and join a and 6, b and c, c and d, etc. Fig. 37. 2. By progression. Set up the table at A, and draw a line from a toward B. Measure AB, and plot ab to a suitable scale. Set up the table in position at B, and in like manner determine and plot 6c, etc. 3. By intersection. Plot one side as a base line. Plot the other corners by the method of intersection, and join. 4. By resection. Plot one side as a base line. Plot the other corners by the method of resection, and join. 246 SURVEYIXG. The Three Point Prohlem. Let A, B, C represent three field stations plotted as a, h, c, respectively (Fig. 39) ; it is required to plot d representing a fourth field station Z>, visible from A, B, and C. Fig. 39. Place the table over D, level and orient approximately by the declinatoire. Determine d by resection as follows : Make the edge of the ruler pass through a and lie in the direction aA, and draw a line along the edge of the ruler. In like manner, draw lines through b toward B and through c toward C. If the table were oriented perfectly these lines would meet at the required point d, but ordinarily they will form the triangle of error ^ ah, ac, he. In this case, through a, b, and ab', a, G, and ac; and b, c, and be, respectively, draw circles; these circles will intersect in the required point d. Eor at the required point the sides ab, ae, be must subtend the same angle as at the points ab, ae, be, respectively. Hence, the required point d lies at the intersection of the three circles mentioned. The plane-table may now be oriented accurately. Note. The three point problem may be solved by fastening on the board a piece of tracing paper and marking the point d representing J), after which lines are drawn from d toward A, B, and C. The tracing paper is then moved until the lines thus drawn pass through a, 6, c, respectively, when by pricking through d the point is determined on the plot below. CHAPTER III. TRIANGULATION.* § 27. Introductory Remarks. Geographical positions upon tlie surface of the earth are commonly determined by systems of triangles which con- nect a carefully determined base line with the points to be located. Let F (Fig. 40) represent a point whose position with refer- ence to the base line AB is required. Connect AB with F by the series of triangles ABC, ACD, ADE, and DBF, so that a signal at C is visible from A and B, a signal at D visible from A and C, a signal ^^^- ^• at E visible from A and D, and a signal at F visible from D and E. In the triangle ABC, the side AB is known, and the angles at A and B may be measured ; hence, AC may be computed. In the triangle ACD, AC i^ known, and the angles at A and C may be measured ; hence, AD may be computed. In like manner DE and EF or DF may be determined. DF, or some suitable line connected with DF, may be measured, and this result compared with the computed value to test the accuracy of the field meas- urements. * In preparing this chapter the writer has consulted, by permission, recent reports of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. 248 SURVEYING. Three orders of triangulation are recognized, viz. : Primary, in which, the sides are from 20 to 150 miles in length. Secondary, in which the sides are from 5 to 40 miles in length, and which connect the primary with the tertiary. Tertiary, in which the sides are seldom over 5 miles in length, and which bring the survey down to such dimensions as to admit of the minor details being filled in by the compass and plane-table. § 28. The Measurement of Base Lines. Base lines should be measured with a degree of accuracy corresponding to their importance. Suitable ground must be selected and cleared of all obstruc- tions. Each extremity of the line may be marked by cross lines on the head of a copper tack driven into a stub which is sunk to the surface of the ground. Poles are set up in line about half a mile apart, the alignment being controlled by a transit placed over one end of the line. The 'preliminary measurement may be made with an iron wire about one-eighth of an inch in diameter and 60™ in length. In measuring, the wire i's brought into line by means of a transit set up in line not more than one-fourth of a mile in the rear. The end of each 60°" is marked with pencil lines on a wooden bench whose legs are thrust into the ground after its position has been approximately determined. If the last measurement exceeds or falls short of the extremity of the line, the difference may be measured with the 20"" chain. The final meas%irement is made with the base apparatus^ which consists of bars 6"^ long, which are supported upon trestles when in use. These bars are placed end to end, and brought to a horizontal position, if this can be quickly accom- plished ; if not, the angle of inclination is taken by a sector, or a vertical offset is measured with the aid of a transit, so that the exact horizontal distance can be computed. MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES. 249 A thermometer is attached to each bar, so that the tempera- ture of the bar may be noted and a correction for temperature applied. The method of measuring lines varies according to the required degree of accuracy in any particular case, but the brief description given above will give the student a general idea of the methods employed. § 29. The Measurement of Angles. Angles are measured by the transit with much greater accu- racy than by the compass, since the reading of the plates of the transit is taken to minutes, and by means of microscopes to seconds, while the reading of the needle of the compass is to quarter or half-quarter degrees. In order to eliminate errors of observation, and errors arising from imperfect graduation of the circles, a large number of readings is made and their mean taken. Two methods are in use ; viz., repetition and series. The method of repetition consists, essentially, in measuring the angles about a point singly, then taking two adjacent angles as a single angle, then three, etc. ; thus " closing the horizon," or measuring the whole angular magnitude about a point in several different ways. The method of series consists, essentially, in taking the readings of an angle with the circle or limb of the transit in one position, then turning the circle through an arc and taking the readings of the same circle again, etc. ; thus read- ing the angle from successive portions of the graduated circle. On account of the curvature of the earth, the sum of the three angles of a triangle upon its surface exceeds 180°. This spherical excess, as it is called, becomes appreciable only when the sides of the triangle are about 5 miles in length. To determine the angles of the rectilinear triangle having the same vertices, one-third of the spherical excess is deducted from each spherical angle. CHAPTER IV. LEVELLING. § 30. Definitions, Curvature, and Refraction. A Level Surface is a surface parallel with the surface of still water ; and is, therefore, slightly curved, owing to the spheroidal shape of the earth. A Level Line is a line in a level surface. Levelling is the process of finding the difference of level of two places, or the distance of one place above or below a level line through another place. The Line of Apparent Level of a place is a tangent to the level line at that place. Hence, the line of apparent level is perpendicular to the plumb-line. The Correction for Curvature is the deviation of the line of apparent level from the level line for any distance. Let t (Fig. 41) represent the line of apparent level of the place P, a the level line, d the diame- ter of the earth ; then c represents the correction for curvature. To compute the correction for curvature : ^2=.c(c+f^).(Geom.§348.) Therefore, c = — ; — ; = — G-\-d d approximately, since c is very small compared with d. and t = a without Fig. 41. . , , appreciable error. Since d is constant (= 7920 miles, nearly), the correction for curvature varies as the square of the distance. THE LEVELLING ROD. 251 81 Example. What is the correction for curvature for 1 mile ? By substituting in the formula deduced above, a^ 1^ . „ . ^=^ = 7920^^'^^ ^^- Hence, the correction for curvature for any distance may be found in inches, approximately, by multiplying 8 by the square of the distance expressed in miles. Note. The effect of curvature is to make an object appear lower than it really is ; and the effect of refraction of light, caused by the greater density of the atmosphere near the surface of the earth, is to make an object appear higher than it really is. AVhen both effects are taken into account c is more correctly expressed by c = f of — • § 31. The Y Level. This instrument is shown on page 253. The telescope is about 20 inches in length, and rests on supports called F's, from their shape. The spirit level is underneath the telescope, and attached to it. The levelling-head and tripod are similar to the same parts of the transit. § 32. The Levelling Rod. The two ends of the Philadelphia levelling rod are shown in Fig. 42. The rod is made of two pieces of wood, sliding upon each other, and held together in any position by a clamp. The front surface of the rod is graduated to hundredths of a foot up to 7 feet. If a greater height than 7 feet is desired, the back part of the rod is moved up until the target is at the required height. When the rod is extended to full length, the front surface of the rear half reads from 7 to 13 feet, so that the rod becomes a self -reading rod 13 feet long. |gS Fig. 42. 252 SURVEYING. The target slides along the front of the rod, and is held in place by two springs which press upon the sides of the rod. It has a square opening at the centre, through which the division line of the rod opposite to the horizontal line of the target may be seen. It carries a vernier by which heights may be read to thousandths of a foot (§ 7). § 33. Difference of Level. To find the difference of level between two places visible from an intermediate place, when the difference of level does not exceed 13 feet. Let A and B (Fig. 43) represent the two places. Set the Y level at a station equally distant, or nearly so, from A and Fig. 43. B, but not necessarily on the line AB. Place the legs of the tripod firmly in the ground, and level over each opposite pair of levelling screws, successively. Let the rodman hold the levelling rod vertically at A. Bring the telescope to bear upon the rod (§ 8), and by signal direct the rodman to move the target until its horizontal line is in the line of apparent level of the telescope. Let the rodman now record the height AA' of the target. In like manner find BB'. The difference between AA' and BB' will be the difference of level required. If the instrument is equally distant from A and Bj or nearly so, the curvature and the refraction on the two sides of the instrument balance, and no correction for curvature or refrac- tion will be necessary. ilTT"^^^ '-W I " ' H III ^^ THE Y LEVEL. DIFFERENCE OF LEVEL. 255 If the instrument be set up at one station, and the rod at the other, the difference between the heights of the optical axis of the telescope and the target, corrected for curvature and refraction, will be the difference of level required. To find the difierence of level of two places, one of which cannot be seen from the other, and both invisible from the same place ; or, when the two places difier considerably in level. Let A and D (Fig. 44) represent the two places. Place the level midway between A and some intermediate station B. Fig. 44. Find AA' and BB', as in the preceding case, and record the former as a back-sight and the latter as a fore-sight. Select another intermediate station C, and in like manner find the back-sight BB" and the fore-sight CC ] and so continue until the place D is reached. The difference between the sum of the fore-sights and the sum of the back-sights will be the difference of level required. For, the sum of the fore-sights = BB'-\-CC^-{-DD' = BB" -^ B'B" -\- CC" -{- C'C" -\- BD'. The sum of the back-sights = AA'-\-BB"-\-CC". Hence, the difference = B'B" + C"(7" + BB' — AA' = AA"-AA' = AA". 256 surveying. § 34. Levelling for Section. The intersection of a vertical plane with the surface of the earth is called a Section or Profile. The term profile, how- ever, usually designates the Plot or representation of the section on paper. Levelling for Section is levelling to obtain the data neces- sary for making a profile or plot of any required section. A profile is made for the purpose of exhibiting in a single view the inequalities of the surface of the ground for great distances along the line of some proposed improvement, such as a railroad, canal, or ditch, and thus facilitating the estab- lishment, of the proper grades. The data necessary for making a profile of any required section are, the heights of its different points above some assumed horizontal plane, called the Datum Plane, together with their horizontal distances apart or from the beginning of the section. The position of the datum plane is fixed with reference to some permanent object near the beginning of the section, called a Bench Mark, and, in order to avoid negative heights, is assumed at such a distance below this mark that all the points of the section shall be above it. The heights of the different points of the section above the datum plane are determined by means of the level and levelling-rod ; and the horizontal length of the section is measured with an engineer's chain or tape, and divided into equal parts, one hundred feet in length, called Stations, marked by stakes numbered 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. Where the ground is very irregular, it may be necessary, besides taking sights at the regular stakes, to take occasional sights at points between them. If, for instance*, at a point sixty feet in advance of stake 8 there is a sudden rise or fall in the surface, the height of this point would be determined and recorded as at stake 8.60. LEVELLING FOR SECTION. 257 The readings of the rod are ordinarily taken to the nearest tenth of a foot, except on hench marks and points called turning 2^oints, where they are taken to thousandths of a foot. A Turning Point is a point on which the last sight is taken just before changing the position of the level, and the first sight from the new position of the instrument. A turning point may be coincident with one of the stakes, but must always be a hard point, so that the foot of the rod may stand at the same level for both readings. To explain the method of obtain- ing the field notes necessary for making a profile, let 0, 1, 2, 3, 11 (Fig. 45) represent a portion of a section to be levelled and plotted. Establish a bench mark at or near the beginning of the line, measure the horizontal length of the section, and set stakes one hundred feet apart, numbering them 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. Place the level at some point, as between 2 and 3, and take the reading of the rod on the bench = 4.832. Let PP^ rep- resent the datum plane, say 15 feet below the bench mark, then 15 + 4.832 = 19.832 will be the height of the line of sight AB, called the Height of the Instru- ment, above the datum plane. Now take the reading at = 5.2 = 0^, and subtract the same from 19.832, whicli 258 SURVEYING. leaves 14.6 = OP, the height of the point above the datum plane. Next take sights at 1, 2, 3, 3.40, and 4 equal respec- tively to 3.7, 3.0, 5.1, 4.8, and 8.3, and subtract the same from 19.832 ; the remainders 16.1, 16.8, 14.7, 15.0, and 11.5 will be the respective heights of the points 1, 2, 3, 3.40, and 4. Then, as it will be necessary to change the position of the instrument, select a point in the neighborhood of 4 suitable as a turning point (t.p. in the figure), and take a careful reading on it = 8.480 ; subtract this from 19.832, and the remainder, 11.352, will be the height of the turning point. Now carry the instrument forward to a new position, as between 5 and 6, shown in the figure, while the rodman remains at t.p. ; take a second reading on t.p. = 4.102, and add it to 11.352, the height of t.p. above FF' ; the sum 15.454 will be the height of the instrument CD in its new position. Now take sight upon 5, 6, and 7, equal respectively to 4.9, 2.8, and 0.904; subtract these sights from 15.454, and the results 10.6, 12.7, and 14.550 will be the heights of the points 5, 6, and 7 respectively. The point 7, being suitable, is made a turning point, and the instrument is moved forward to a point between 9 and 10. The sight at 7 = 6.870 added to the height of 7 gives 21.420 as the height of the instrument EF in its new position. The readings at 8, 9, 10, and 11, which are respectively 5.4, 3.6, 5.8, and 9.0, subtracted from 21.420, will give the heights of these points, namely, 16.0, 17.8, 15.6, and 12.4. Proceed in like manner until the entire section is levelled, establishing bench marks at intervals along the line to serve as reference points for future operations. As wind and bright sunshine affect the accuracy of levelling, for careful work a calm and cloudy day should be chosen ; and great pains be taken to hold the rod vertical and to manipu- late the level properly. A record of the work described above is kept as follows .• LEVELLING FOR SECTION. 259 Station. + s. H.I. -s. H.S. Remabks. B 4.832 15. Bench on rock 20 ft. 19.832 5.2 14.6 south of 0. 1 3.7 16.1 2 3.0 16.8 3 5.1 14.7 3 to 3.40 turnpike road. 3.40 4.8 15.0 4 8.3 11.5 tp. 4.102 8.480 11.352 5 15.454 4.9 10.6 6 2.8 12.7 7 6.870 0.904 14.550 8 21.420 5.4 16.0 9 3.6 17.8 10 5.8 15.6 11 9.0 12.4 B Bench on oak stump 12 27 ft. N.E. of 12, etc. etc. The first column contains the numbers or names of all the points on which sights are taken. The second column con- tains the sight taken on the first bench mark, and the sight on each turning point taken immediately after the instrument has been moved to a new position. These are called Plus Sights {-\- S.) because they are added to the heights of the points on which they are taken to obtain the height of the instrument given in the third column (H.I.). The fourth column contains all the readings except those recorded in the second column. These are called Minus Sights (— S.) because they are subtracted from the numbers in the third column to obtain all the numbers in the fifth column except the first, which is the assumed depth of the datum plane below the bench. The fifth column (H.S., height of surface) contains the required heights of all the points of the section named in the first column together with the heights of all benches and turning points. 260 SURVEYING. To find the difference of level between any two points of the section, we have only to take the difference between the numbers in the fifth column opposite these points. The real field notes are contained in the first, second, fourth, and last columns ; the other columns may be filled after the field operations are completed. The field book may contain other columns; one for height of grade (H.G.), another for depth of cut (C.) and another for height of embankment or fill {F.). To plot the section. Draw a line PP' (Fig. 45), to repre- sent the datum plane, and beginning at some point as F, lay off the distances 100, 200, 300, 340, 400 feet, etc., to the right, using some convenient scale, say 200 feet to the inch. At these points of division erect perpendiculars equal in length to the height of the points 0, 1, 2, 3.40, 4, etc., given in the fifth column of the above field notes, using in this case a larger scale, say 20 feet to the inch. Through the extremities of these perpendiculars draw the irregular line 0, 1, 2, 3 11, and the result, with some explanatory figures, will be the required plot or profile. The making of a profile is much simplified by the use of profile paper ^ which may be had by the yard or roll. If a horizontal plot is required, the bearings of the different portions of the section must be taken. A plot should be made, if it will assist in properly under- standing the field work, or if it is desirable for future reference in connection with the field notes. § 35. Substitutes for the Y Level. For many purposes not requiring accuracy, the following simple instruments in connection with a graduated rod will be found sufficient. The Plumb Level (Fig. 46) consists of two pieces of wood joined at riglit angles. A straight line is drawn on the SUBSTITUTES FOR THE Y LEVEL. 261 upright perpendicular to the upper edge of the cross- head. The instrument is fastened to a support by a screw through the centre of the cross-head. The upper edge of the cross- head is brought to a level by making the line on the upright coincide with a plumb-line. Fig. 46. -feEE-EEi Fig. 47. Fig. 48. A modified form is shown in Fig. 47. A carpenter's square is supported by a post, the top of which is split or sawed so as to receive the longer arm. The shorter arm is made vertical by a plumb-line which brings the longer arm to a level. The Water Level is shown in Fig. 48. The upright tubes are of glass, cemented into a connecting tube of any suitable material. The whole is nearly filled with water, and sup- ported at a convenient height. The surface of the water in the uprights determines the level. By sighting along the upper surface of the block in which the Spirit Level is mounted for the use of mechanics, a level line may be obtained. Exercise V. 1. Find the difference of level of two places from the fol- lowing field notes : back-sights, 5.2, 6.8, and 4.0 ; fore-sights, 8.1, 9.5, and 7.9. 2. Write the proper numbers in the third and fifth columns of the following table of field notes, and make a profile of the section : 262 SURVEYING. Station. + s. H.I. -s. H.S. Remakks. B 0.944 20 Bench on post 22 ft. 7.4 north of 0. 1 5.6 2 3.9 3 4.6 tp. 3.855 5.513 4 4 4.9 5 3.5 6 1.2 •3. Stake of the following notes stands at the lowest point of a pond to be drained into a creek; stake 10 stands at the edge of the bank, and 10.25 at the bottom of the creek. Make a profile, draw the grade line through and 10.25, and fill out the columns H. G. and C, the former to show the height of grade line above the datum, and the latter, the depth of cut at the several stakes necessary to construct the drain. Station. + S. H.I. -s. H.S. H.G. c. Remarks. B 6.000 25 Bench on rock 10.2 20.8 0.0 30 feet west of 1 5.3 5.3 stake 1. 2 4.6 3 4.0 4 6.8 5 4.572 7.090 6 3.9 7 2.0 8 4.9 9 4.3 10 4.5 10.25 11.8 Horizontal scale, 2 ch. = 1 in. Vertical scale, 20 ft. = 1 in. TOPOGRAPHICAL LEVELLING. 263 § 36. Topographical Levelling. The principal object of topographical surveying is to show the contour of the ground. This operation, called topographi- cal levelling, is performed by representing on paper the curved lines in which parallel horizontal planes at uniform distances apart would meet the surface. It is evident that all points in the intersection of a horizontal plane with the surface of the ground are at the same level. Hence, it is only necessary to find points at the same level, and join these to determine a line of intersection. The method commonly employed will be understood by a reference to Fig. 49. The ground ABCD is divided into equal squares, and a numbered stake driven at each intersec- tion. By means of a level and levelling rod the heights of the other stations above m and D, the lowest stations, are deter- mined. A plot of the ground with the intersecting lines is then drawn, and the height of each station written as in the figure. Suppose that the horizontal planes are 2 feet apart; if the first passes through m and D, the second will pass through p, which is 2 feet above m ; and since n is Z feet above m, the second plane will cut the line mn in a point s determined by the proportion mn : ms : : 3 : 2. In like manner the points t, q, and r are determined. The irregular line tsp qr represents the intersection of the second horizontal plane with the surface of the ground. In like manner the intersections of the planes, respectively, 4, 6, and 8 feet above m are traced. The more rapid the change in level the nearer these lines will approach each other. CHAPTEE V. RAILROAD SURVEYING. § 37. General Remarks. When the general route of a railroad has been "determined, a middle surface line is run with the transit. A profile of this line is determined, as in § 34. The levelling stations are com- monly 1 chain (100 feet) apart. Places of different level are connected by a gradient line, which intersects the perpendic- ulars to the datum line at the levelling stations in points determined by simple proportion. Hence, the distance of each levelling station, above or below the level or gradient line which represents the position of the road bed, is known. § 38. Cross Section Work. G' f ly Excavations. If the road bed lies below the surface, an excavation is made. Let A CDB (Fig. 50) represent a cross section of an excava- tion, / a point in the middle surface line, /' the corresponding point in the road bed, and CD the width of the excavation at the bottom. The slopes at the sides are commonly made so that AA' = iA'C, and BB' = ^DB'. ff and CD being known, the points A, B, C, and D' are readily determine'd by a level and tape measure. RAILROAD CURVES. 265 If from the area of the trapezoid ABB' A' the areas of the triangles AA'C and BB'I) be deducted, the remainder will be the area of the cross section. In like manner the cross section at the next station may be determined. These two cross sections will be the bases of a frustum of a quadrangular pyramid whose volume will be the amount of the excavation, approximately. Embankments. If the road bed lies above the surface, an embankment is made, the cross section of which is like that of the excavation, but inverted. Fig. 51 represents the cross section of an embankment which is lettered so as to show its relation to Fig. 50. 39. Eailroad Curves. When it is necessary to change the direction of a railroad, it is done gradually by a curve, usually the arc of a circle. Let AF and AO (Fig. 52) represent two lines to be thus connected. Take any convenient distance AB = AE= t The inter- section of the perpendicu- lars BC and EC deter- mines the centre C, and the radius of curvature BC =^r. The length of the radius of curvature will depend on 266 SURVEYING. the angle A and the tangent AB. For, in the right triangle ABC, tan BAC = -r^ > or tan ^A = -• Hence, r=^t tan ^A. The degree of a railroad curve is the angle subtended at the centre of the curve by a chord of 100 feet. If D is the degree of a curve and r its radius, 50 sin^i) = — and r = 50csc-^i>. For example, a 6° curve has a radius of 955.37 feet. To Lay out the Curve. First Method. Let Bm (Fig. 53) represent a portion of the tangent. It is required to find mP, the perpendicular to the tangent meeting the curve at P. mP = Bn=^CB—Cn. But CD = r. and Cn = ^'CP'-Pn Fig. 54. Hence, mP = r — V/^ — t^. Second Method. It is required to find mP (Fig. 54) in the direction of the centre. mP = mC — PC. But mC='^~BC''-\-lBm=-J^i^^. Hence, mP = VrM^ — n RAILROAD CURVES. 267 Fig. 55. Third Method. Place transits afc B and E (Fig. 55). Direct the telescope of the former to E, and of the latter to A. Turn each toward the curve the same number of degrees, and mark P, the jjoint of intersection of the lines of sight. P will be a point in the circle to which AB and AE are tangents at B and E, respectively. Fourth Method. If the degree D of the curve is given and the tangent BA at B (Fig. 56), place the transit at B and direct toward A. Turn off successively the angles ABP, PBP', P'BP'\ each equal to -J-Z), and take DP, PP\ P'P", each 100 ft., the length of the tape. Then P, P', P", lie on the required curve. If the angle A and the tangent distance BA = t are given, D can be found from the formulas Fia. 56. sin^i>== — J r = ttain^A, 50 '. sin|-i>^ — cot -J- J. TRANSIT WITH SOLAR ATTACHMENT. The circles shown in the cut are intended to represent in miniature circles supposed to be drawn upon the concave surface of the heavens. SURVEYING. 1. 8 A. 64 p. 2. 29 A. 7f p. 3. 4 A. 5^^ P. 4. 115^ p. 1. 2 A. 26 p. 2. 20 A. 12 p. 3. 2 A. 54 p. 4. 2 A. 151 p. Exercise I. 5. 3 A. 78 p. 9. 13.0735, 6. 13 A. 6rV p. 10. 2 A. 58^ p. 7. 11 A. 157 p. 11. 4 A. 35 p. 8. 7.51925. Exercise II. 5. 8 A. 54 p. 8. 3 A. 122 p. 6. 5 A. 42 p. 9. 6 A. 2 p. 7. 2 A. 78 p. 10. 9 A. 40 p. Exercise III. 1. 2 A. 12^ p. 2. 98 A. 92 p. Exercise IV. 1. AE = 3.75 ch. 9. EM {on EA) = 2.5087 ch. 2. AE = 3.50 ch. ; AN (on AB) = 6.439 ch. 10. LetEQ>DF, EG = 3.42 ch. AE = 4.55 ch. rAE = 12.247 ch. 4. ^£' = 5.50ch. \aG= 9.798 ch. 5. CE = 4.456 ch. *^^^ 1 AD = 8.659 ch. 6. AD = 2.27 bch.; [ AF = 6.928 ch. BE = 1.S2 ch. 11. Let DG > EF, 7. AD = 4.51 ch. ; rCG= 14.862 ch. ii£: = 3.61ch. I Ci)= 13.113 ch. 8. The distances on AB are 2, 3, ^^^^ ] CF = 11.404 ch. and5ch. I C^= 10.062 ch. ANSWERS. 25 Exercise V. 1. 9.5 feet. 2. Third column : 26.944 opposite ; 25.286 opposite 4. Fifth column: 20, 19.5, 21.3, 23, 22.3, 21.431, 20.4, 21.8, 24.1. r'" il Datum Level. V. 1 2 3 4 5 6 3. Column a^.G^. 20.8, 20.4, 20.0, 19.6, etc. Column C. 0.0, 5.3, 6.4, 7.4, 5.0, 5.1, etc. cq lo o o c<« O 8 9 10 10.25 70 TABLE VII.- -TRAVERSE TABLE. Bearing. Distance 1. Distance 2. Distance 3. Distance 4. Distance 5. Bearing. o f Lat. Dep, Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. O f 015 1.000 0.004 2.000 0.009 3.000 0.013 4.000 0.017 5.000 0.022 89 45 30 1.000 0.009 2.000 0.017 3.000 0.026 4.000 0.035 5.000 0.044 30 45 1.000 0.013 2.000 0.026 3.000 0.039 4.000 0.052 5.000 0.065 15 1 1.000 0.017 2.000 0.035 3.000 0.052 3.999 0.070 4.999 0.087 89 15 1.000 0.022 2.000 0.044 2.999 0.065 3.999 0.087 4.999 0.109 45 30 1.000 0.026 1.999 0.052 2.999 0.079 3.999 0.105 4.998 0.131 30 45 1.000 0.031 1.999 0.061 2.999 0.092 3.998 0.122 4.998 0.153 15 2 0.999 0.035 1.999 0.070 2.998 0.105 3.998 0.140 4.997 0.174 88 15 0.999 0.039 1.998 0.079 2.998 0.118 3.997 0.157 4.996 0.196 45 30 0.999 0.044 1.998 0.087 2.997 0.131 3.996 0.174 4.995 0.218 30 45 0.999 0.048 1.998 '0.096 2.997 0.144 3.995 0.192 4.994 0.240 15 3 0.999 0.052 1.997 0.105 2.996 0.157 3.995 0.209 4.993 0.262 87 15 0.998 0.057 1.997 0.113 2.995 0.170 3.994 0.227 4.992 0.283 45 30 0.998 0.061 1.996 0.122 2.994 0.183 3.993 0.244 4.991 0.305 30 45 0.998 0.065 1.996 0.131 2.994 0.196 3.991 0.262 4.989 0.327 15 4 0.998 0.070 1.995 0.140 2.993 0.209 3.990 0.279 4.988 0,349 86 15 0.997 0.074 1.995 0.148 2.992 0.222 3.989 0.296 4.986 0.371 45 30 0.997 0.078 1.994 0.157 2.991 0.235 3.988 0.314 4.985 0.392 30 45 0.997 0.083 1.993 0.166 2.990 0.248 3.986 0.331 4.983 0.414 15 6 0.996 0.087 1.992 0.174 2.989 .0.261 3.985 0.349 4.981 0.436 85 15 0.996 0.092 1.992 0.183 2.987 0.275 3.983 0.366 4.979 0.458 45 30 0.995 0.096 1.991 0.192 2.986 0.288 3.982 0.383 4.977 0.479 30 45 0.995 0.100 1.990 0.200 2.985 0.301 3.980 0.401 4.975 0.501 15 6 0.995 0.105 1.989 0.209 2.984 0.314 3.978 0.418 4.973 0.523 84 15 0.994 0.109 1.988 0.218 2.982 0.327 3.976 0.435 4.970 0.544 45 30 0.994 0.113 1.987 0.226 2.981 0.340 3.974 0.453 4.968 0.566 30 45 0.993 0.118 1.986 0.235 2.979 0.353 3.972 0.470 4.965 0.588 15 7 0.993 0.122 1.985 0.244 2.978 0.366 3.970 0.487 4.963 0.609 83 15 0.992 0.126 1.984 0.252 2.976 0.379 3.968 0.505 4.960 0.631 45 30 0.991 0.131 1.983 0.261 2.974 0.392 3.966 0.522 4.957 0.653 30 45 0.991 0.135 1.982 0.270 2.973 0.405 3.963 0.539 4.954 0.674 15 8 0.990 0.139 1.981 0.278 2.971 0.418 3.961 0.557 4.951 0.696 82 15 0.990 0.143 1.979 0.287 2.969 0.430 3.959 0.574 4.948 0.717 45 30 0.989 0.148 1.978 0.296 2.967 0.443 3.956 0.591 4.945 0.739 30 45 0.988 0.152 1.977 0.304 2.965 0.456 3.953 0.608 4.942 0.761 15 9 0.988 0.156 1.975 0.313 2.963 0.469 3.951 0.626 4.938 0.782 81 15 0.987 0.161 1.974 0.321 2.961 0.482 3.948 0.643 4.935 0.804 45 30 0.986 0.165 1.973 0.330 2.959 0.495 3.945 0.660 4.931 0.825 30 45 0.986 0.169 1.971 0.339 2.957 0.508 3.942 0.677 4.928 0.847 15 10 0.985 0.174 1.970 0.347 2.954 0.521 3.939 0.695 4.924 0.868 80 15 0.984 0.178 1.968 0.356 2.952 0.534 3.936 0.712 4.920 0.890 45 30 0.983 0.182 1.967 0.364 2.950 0.547 3.933 0.729 4.916 0.911 30 45 0.982 0.187 1.965 0.373 2.947 0.560 3.930 0.746 4.912 0.933 15 11 0.982 0.191 1.963 0.382 2.945 0.572 3.927 0.763 4.908 0.954 79 15 0.981 0.195 1.962 0.390 2.942 0.585 3.923 0.780 4.904 0.975 45 30 0.980 0.199 1.960 0.399 2.940 0.598 3.920 0.797 4.900 0.997 30 45 0.979 0.204 1.958 0.407 2.937 0611 3.916 0.815 4.895 1.018 15 12 0.978 0.208 1.956 0.416 2.934 0.624 3.913 0.832 4.891 1.040 78 15 0.977 0.212 1.954 0.424 2.932 0.637 3.909 0.849 4.886 1.061 45 30 0.976 0.216 1.953 0.433 2.929 0.649 3.905 0.866 4.881 1.082 30 45 0.975 0.221 1.951 0.441 2.926 0.662 3.901 0.883 4.877 1.103 15 13 0.974 0.225 1.949 0.450 2.923 0.675 3.897 0.900 4.872 1.125 77 15 0.973 0.229 1.947 0.458 2.920 0.688 3.894 0.917 4.867 1.146 45 30 0.972 0.233 1.945 0.467 2.917 0.700 3.889 0.934 4.862 1.167 30 45 0.971 0.238 1.943 0.475 2.914 0.713 3.885 0.951 4.857 1.188 15 14 0.970 0.242 1.941 0.484 2.911 0.726 3.881 0.968 4.851 1.210 76 15 0.969 0.246 1.938 0.492 2.908 0.738 3.877 0.985 4.846 1.231 45 30 0.968 0.250 1.936 0.501 2.904 0.751 3.873 1.002 4.841 1.252 30 45 0.967 0.255 1.934 0.509 2.901 0.764 3.868 1.018 4.835 1.273 15 16 0.966 0.259 1.932 0.518 2.898 0.776 3.864 1.035 4.830 1.294 75 o r Dap. Lat. Distance 1. Dep. Lat. Distance 2. Dep. Lat. Distance 3. Dep. Lat. Distance 4. Dep. Lat. Distance 5. O f Bearing. Bearing. 76°-90^ o°- -16° 71 Bearing. Distance 6. Distance 7. Distance 8. Distance 9. Distance 10. Bearing. o f Lat. Dep, Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. O f 15 6.000 0.026 7.000 0.031 8.000 0.035 9.000 0.039 10.000 0.044 89 45 30 6.000 0.052 7.000 0.061 8.000 0.070 9.000 0.079 10.000 0.087 30 45 5.999 0.079 6.999 0.092 7.999 0.105 8.999 0.118 9.999 0.131 15 1 5.999 0.105 6.999 0.122 7.999 0.140 8.999 0.157 9.999 0.175 89 15 5.999 0.131 6.998 0.153 7.998 0.175 8.998 0.196 9.998 0.218 45 30 5.998 0.157 6.998 0.183 7.997 0.209 8.997 0.236 9.997 0.262 30 45 5.997 0.183 6.997 0.214 7.996 0.244 8.996 0.275 9.995 0.305 15 2 5.996 0.209 6.996 0.244 7.995 0.279 8.995 0.314 9.994 0.349 88 15 5.995 0.236 6.995 0.275 7.994 0.314 8.993 0.353 9.992 0.393 45 30 5.994 0.262 6.993 0.305 7.992 0.349 8.991 0.393 9.991 0.436 30 45 5.993 0.288 6.992 0.336 7.991 0.384 8.990 0.432 9.989 0.480 15 3 5.992 0.314 6.990 0.366 7.989 0.419 8.988 0.471 9.986 0.523 87 15 5.990 0.340 6.989 0.397 7.987 0.454 8.986 0.510 9.984 0.567 45 30 5.989 0.366 6.987 0.427 7.985 0.488 8.983 0.549 9.981 0.611 30 45 5.987 0.392 6.985 0.458 7.983 0.523 8.981 0.589 9.979 0.654 15 4 5.985 0.419 6.983 0.488 7.981 0.558 8.978 0.628 9.976 0.698 86 15 5.984 0.445 6.981 0.519 7.978 0.593 8.975 0.667 9.973 0.741 45 30 5.982 0.471 6.978 0.549 7.975 0.628 8.972 0.706 9.969 0.785 30 45 5.979 0.497 6.976 0.580 7.973 0.662 8.969 0.745 9.966 0.828 15 5 5.977 0.523 6.973 0.610 7.970 0.697 8.966 0.784 9.962 0.872 85 15 5.975 0.549 6.971 0.641 7.966 0.732 8.962 0.824 9.958 0.915 45 30 5.972 0.575 6.968 0.671 7.963 0.767 8.959 0.863 9.954 0.959 30 45 5.970 0.601 6.965 0.701 7.960 0.802 8.955 0.902 9.950 1.002 15 6 5.967 0.627 6.962 0.732 7.956 0.836 8.951 0.941 9.945 1.045 84 15 5.964 0.653 6.958 0.762 7.952 0.871 8.947 0.980 9.941 1.089 45 30 5.961 0.679 6.955 0.792 7.949 0.906 8.942 1.019 9.936 1.132 30 45 5.958 0.705 6.951 0.823 7.945 0.940 8.938 1.058 9.931 1.175 15 7 5.955 0.731 6.948 0.853 7.940 0.975 8.933 1.097 9.926 1.219 83 15 5.952 0.757 6.944 0.883 7.936 1.010 8.928 1.136 9.920 1.262 45 30 5.949 0.783 6.940 0.914 7.932 1.044 8.923 1.175 9.914 1.305 30 45 5.945 0.809 6.936 0.944 7.927 1.079 8.918 1.214 9.909 1.349 15 8 5.942 0.835 6.932 0.974 7.922 1.113 8.912 1.253 9.903 1.392 82 15 5.938 0.861 6.928 1.004 7.917 1.148 8.907 1.291 9.897 1.435 45 30 5.934 0.887 6.923 1.035 7.912 1.182 8.901 1.330 9.890 1.478 30 45 5.930 0.913 6.919 1.065 7.907 1.217 8.895 1.369 9.884 1.521 15 9 5.926 0.939 6.914 1.095 7.902 1.251 8.889 1.408 9.877 1.564 81 15 5.922 0.964 6.909 1.125 7.896 1.286 8.883 1.447 9.870 1.607 45 30 5.918 0.990 6.904 1.155 7.890 1.320 8.877 1.485 9.863 1.651 30 45 5.913 1.016 6.899 1.185 7.884 1.355 8.870 1.524 9.856 1.694 15 10 5.909 1.042 6.894 1.216 7.878 1.389 8.863 1.563 9.848 1.737 80 15 5.904 1.068 6.888 1.246 7.872 1.424 8.856 1.601 9.840 1.779 45 30 5.900 1.093 6.883 1.276 7.866 1.458 8.849 1.640 9.833 1.822 30 45 5.895 1.119 6.877 1.306 7.860 1.492 8.842 1.679 9.825 1.865 15 11 5.890 1.145 6.871 1.336 7.853 1.526 8.835 1.717 9.816 1.908 79 15 5.885 1.171 6.866 1.366 7.846 1.561 8.827 1.756 9.808 1.951 45 30 5.880 1.196 6.859 1.396 7.839 1.595 8.819 1.794 9.799 1.994 30 45 5.874 1.222 6.853 1.425 7.832 1.629 8.811 1.833 9.791 2.036 15 12 5.869 1.247 6.847 1.455 7.825 1.663 8.803 1.871 9.782 2.079 78 15 5.863 1.273 6.841 1.485 7.818 1.697 8.795 1.910 9.772 2.122 45 30 5.858 1.299 6.834 1.515 7.810 1.732 8.787 1.948 9.763 2.164 30 45 5.852 1.324 6.827 1.545 7.803 1.766 8.778 1.986 9.753 2.207 15 13 5.846 1.350 6.821 1.575 7.795 1.800 8.769 2.025 9.744 2.250 77 15 5.840 1.375 6.814 1.604 7.787 1.834 8.760 2.063 9.734 2.292 45 30 5.834 1.401 6.807 1.634 7.779 1.868 8.751 2.101 9.724 2.335 30 45 5.828 1.426 6.799 1.664 7.771 1.902 8.742 2.139 9.713 2.377 15 14 5.822 1.452 6.792 1.693 7.762 1.935 8.733 2.177 9.703 2.419 76 15 5.815 1.477 6.785 1.723 7.754 1.969 8.723 2.215 9.692 2.462 45 30 5.809 1.502 6.777 1.753 7.745 2.003 8.713 2.253 9.682 2.504 30 45 5.802 1.528 6.769 1.782 7.736 2.037 8.703 2.291 9.671 2.546 15 15 5.796 1.553 6.761 1.812 7.727 2.071 8.693 2.329 9.659 2.588 75 o r Dep. Lat. Distance 6. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. o f Bearing, Distance 7. Distance 8. Distance 9. Distance 10. Bearing. 76° -90' 72 15°- -30° Bearing. Distance 1. Distance 2. Distance 3. Distance 4. Distance 5. Bearing. o f Lat. Dep, Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. O f 15 15 0.965 0.263 1.930 0.526 2.894 0.789 3.859 1.052 4.824 1.315 74 45 30 0.964 0.267 1.927 0.534 2.891 0.802 3.855 1.069 4.818 1.336 30 45 0.962 0.271 1.925 0.543 2.887 0.814 3.850 1.086 4.812 1.357 15 16 0.961 0.276 1.923 0.551 2.884 0.827 3.845 1.103 4.806 1.378 74 15 0.960 0.280 1.920 0.560 2.880 0.839 3.840 1.119 4.800 1.399 45 30 0.959 0.284 1.918 0.568 2.876 0.852 3.835 1.136 4.794 1.420 30 45 0.958 0.288 1.915 0.576 2.873 0.865 3.830 1.153 4.788 1.441 15 17 0.956 0.292 1.913 0.585 2.869 0.877 3.825 1.169 4.782 1.462 73 15 0.955 0.297 1.910 0.593 2.865 0.890 3.820 1.186 4.775 1.483 45 30 0.954 0.301 1.907 0.601 2.861 0.902 3.815 1.203 4.769 1.504 30 45 0.952 0.305 1.905 0.610 2.857 0.915 3.810 1.220 4.762 1.524 15 18 0.951 0.309 1.902 0.618 2.853 0.927 3.804 1.236 4.755 1.545 72 15 0.950 0.313 1.899 0.626 2.849 0.939 3.799 1.253 4.748 1.566 45 30 0.948 0.317 1.897 0.635 2.845 0.952 3.793 1.269 4.742 1.587 30 45 0.947 0.321 1.894 0.643 2.841 0.964 3.788 1.286 4.735 1.607 15 19 0.946 0.326 1.891 0.651 2.837 0.977 3.782 1.302 4.728 1.628 71 15 0.944 0.330 1.888 0.659 2.832 0.989 3.776 1.319 4.720 1.648 45 30 0.943 0.334 1.885 0.668 2.828 1.001 3.771 1.335 4.713 1.669 30 45 0.941 0.338 1.882 0.676 2.824 1.014 3.765 1.352 4.706 1.690 15 20 0.940 0.342 1.879 0.684 2.819 1.026 3.759 1.368 4.698 1.710 70 IS 0.938 0.346 1.876 0.692 2.815 1.038 3.753 1.384 4.691 1.731 45 30 0.937 0.350 1.873 0.700 2.810 1.051 3.747 1.401 4.683 1.751 30 45 0.935 0.354 1.870 0.709 2.805 1.063 3.741 1.417 4.676 1.771 15 21 0.934 0.358 1.867 0.717 2.801 1.075 3.734 1.433 4.668 1.792 69 15 0.932 0.362 1.864 0.725 2.796 1.087 3.728 1.450 4.660 1.812 45 30 0.930 0.367 1.861 0.733 2.791 1.100 3.722 1.466 4.652 1.833 30 45 0.929 0.371 1.858 0.741 2.786 1.112 3.715 1.482 4.644 1.853 15 22 0.927 0.375 1.854 0.749 2.782 1.124 3.709 1.498 4.636 1.873 68 15 0.926 0.379 1.851 0.757 2.777 1.136 3.702 1.515 4.628 1.893 45 30 0.924 0.383 1.848 0.765 2.772 1.148 3.696 1.531 4.619 1.913 30 45 0.922 0.387 1.844 0.773 2.767 1.160 3.689 1.547 4.611 1.934 15 23 0.921 0.391 1.841 0.781 2.762 1.172 3.682 1.563 4.603 1.954 67 15 0.919 0.395 1.838 0.789 2.756 1.184 3.675 1.579 4.594 1.974 45 30 0.917 0.399 1.834 0.797 2.751 1.196 3.668 1.595 4.585 1.994 30 45 0.915 0.403 1.831 0.805 2.746 1.208 3.661 1.611 4.577 2.014 15 24 0.914 0.407 1.827 0.813 2.741 1.220 3.654 1.627 4.568 2.034 66 15 0.912 0.411 1.824 0.821 2.735 1.232 3.647 1.643 4.559 2.054 45 30 0.910 0.415 1.820 0.829 2.730 1.244 3.640 1.659 4.550 2.073 30 45 0.908 0.419 1.816 0.837 2.724 1.256 3.633 1.675 4.541 2.093 15 25 0.906 0.423 1.813 0.845 2.719 1.268 3.625 1.690 4.532 2.113 65 15 0.904 0.427 1.809 0.853 2.713 1.280 3.618 1.706 4.522 2.133 45 30 0.903 0.431 1.805 0.861 2.708 1.292 3.610 1.722 4.513 2.153 30 45 0.901 0.434 1.801 0.869 2.702 1.303 3.603 1.738 4.503 2.172 15 26 0.899 0.438 1.798 0.877 2.696 1.315 3.595 1.753 4.494 2.192 64 15 897 0.442 1.794 0.885 2.691 1.327 3.587 1.769 4.484 2.211 45 30 0.895 0.446 1.790 892 2.685 1.339 3.580 1.785 4.475 2.231 30 45 0.893 0.450 1.786 0.900 2.679 1.350 3.572 1.800 4.465 2.250 15 27 0.891 0.454 1.782 0.908 2.673 1.362 3.564 1.816 4.455 2.270 63 15 0.889 0.458 1.778 0.916 2.667 1.374 3.556 1.831 4.445 2.289 45 30 0.887 0.462 1.774 0.923 2.661 1.385 3.548 1.847 4.435 2.309 30 45 0.885 0.466 1.770 0.931 2.655 1.397 3.540 1.862 4.425 2.328 15 28 0.883 0.469 1.766 0.939 2.649 1.408 3.532 1.878 4.415 2.347 62 15 0.881 0.473 1.762 0.947 2.643 1.420 3.524 1.893 4.404 2.367 45 30 0.879 0.477 1.758 0.954 2.636 1.431 3.515 1.909 4.394 2.386 30 45 0.877 0.481 1.753 0.962 2.630 1.443 3.507 1.924 4.384 2.405 15 29 0.875 0.485 1.749 0.970 2.624 1.454 3.498 1.939 4.373 2.424 61 15 0.872 0.489 1.745 0.977 2.617 1.466 3.490 1.954 4.362 2.443 45 30 0.870 0.492 1.741 0.985 2.611 1.477 3.481 1.970 4.352 2.462 30 45 0.868 0.496 1.736 0.992 2.605 1.489 3.473 1.985 4.341 2.481 15 30 0.866 0.500 1.732 1.000 2.598 1.500 3.464 2.000 4.330 2.500 60 O f Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. O f Bearing. Distance 1. Distance 2. Distance 3. Distance 4. Distance 5. Bearing. 60° - 75^ 16°- -30 O 73 Bearing. Distance 6. Distance 7. Distance 8. Distance 9. Distance 10. Bearing. o r Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. O f 15 15 5.789 1.578 6.754 1.841 7.718 2.104 8.683 2.367 9.648 2.630 74 45 30 5.782 1.603 6.745 1.871 7.709 2.138 8.673 2.405 9.636 2.672 30 45 5.775 1.629 6.737 1.900 7.700 2.172 8.662 2.443 9.625 2.714 15 16 5.768 1.654 6.729 1.929 7.690 2.205 8.651 2.481 9.613 2.756 74 15 5.760 1.679 6.720 1.959 7.680 2.239 8.640 2.518 9.601 2.798 45 30 5.753 1.704 6.712 1.988 7.671 2.272 8.629 2.556 9.588 2.840 30 45 5.745 1.729 6.703 2.017 7.661 2.306 8.618 2.594 9.576 2.882 15 17 5.738 1.754 6.694 2.047 7.650 2.339 8.607 2.631 9.563 2.924 73 15 5.730 1.779 6.685 2.076 7.640 2.372 8.595 2.669 9.550 2.965 45 30 5.722 1.804 6.676 2.105 7.630 2.406 8.583 2.706 9.537 3.007 30 45 5.714 1.829 6.667 2.134 7.619 2.439 8.572 2.744 9.524 3.049 15 18 5.706 1.854 6.657 2.163 7.608 2.472 8.560 2.781 9.511 3.090 72 15 5.698 1.879 6.648 2.192 7.598 2.505 8.547 2.818 9.497 3.132 45 30 5.690 1.904 6.638 2.221 7.587 2.538 8.535 2.856 9.483 3.173 30 45 5.682 1.929 6.629 2.250 7.575 2.572 8.522 2.893 9.469 3.214 15 19 5.673 1.953 6.619 2.279 7.564 2.605 8.510 2.930 9.455 3.256 71 15 5.665 1.978 6.609 2.308 7.553 2.638 8.497 2.967 9.441 3.297 45 30 5.656 2.003 6.598 2.337 7.541 2.670 8.484 3.004 9.426 3.338 30 45 5.647 2.028 6.588 2.365 7.529 2.703 8.471 3.041 9.412 3.379 15 20 5.638 2.052 6.578 2.394 7.518 2.736 8.457 3.078 9.397 3.420 70 15 5.629 2.077 6.567 2.423 7.506 2.769 8.444 3.115 9.382 3.461 45 30 5.620 2.101 6.557 2.451 7.493 2.802 8.430 3.152 9.367 3.502 30 45 5.611 2.126 6.546 2.480 7.481 2.834 8.416 3.189 9.351 3.543 15 21 5.601 2.150 6.535 2.509 7.469 2.867 8.402 3.225 9.336 3.584 69 15 5.592 2.175 6.524 2.537 7.456 2.900 8.388 3.262 9.320 3.624 45 30 5.582 2.199 6.513 2.566 7.443 2.932 8.374 3.299 9.304 3.665 30 45 5.573 2.223 6.502 2.594 7.430 2.964 8.359 3.335 9.288 3.706 15 22 5.563 2.248 6.490 2.622 7.417 2.997 8.345 3.371 9.272 3.746 68 15 5.553 2.272 6.479 2.651 7.404 3.029 8.330 3.408 9.255 3.787 45 30 5.543 2.296 6.467 2.679 7.391 3.061 8.315 3.444 9.239 3.827 30 45 5.533 2.320 6.455 2.707 7.378 3.094 8.300 3.480 9.222 3.867 15 23 5.523 2.344 6.444 2.735 7.364 3.126 8.285 3.517 9.205 3.907 67 15 5.513 2.368 6.432 2.763 7.350 3.158 8.269 3.553 9.188 3.947 45 30 5.502 2.392 6.419 2.791 7.336 3.190 8.254 3.589 9.171 3.988 30 45 5.492 2.416 6.407 2.819 7.322 3.222 8.238 3.625 9.153 4.028 15 24 5.481 2.440 6.395 2.847 7.308 3.254 8.222 3.661 9.136 4.067 66 15 5.471 2.464 6.382 2.875 7.294 3.286 8.206 3.696 9.118 4.107 45 30 5.460 2.488 6.370 2.903 7.280 3.318 8.190 3.732 9.100 4.147 30 45 5.449 2.512 6.357 2.931 7.265 3.349 8.173 3.768 9.081 4.187 15 25 5.438 2.536 6.344 2.958 7.250 3.381 8.157 3.804 9.063 4.226 65 15 5.427 2.559 6.331 2.986 7.236 3.413 8.140 3.839 9.045 4.266 45 30 5.416 2.583 6.318 3.014 7.221 3.444 8.123 3.875 9.026 4.305 30 45 5.404 2.607 6.305 3.041 7.206 3.476 8.106 3.910 9.007 4.345 15 26 5.393 2.630 6.292 3.069 7.190 3.507 8.089 3.945 8.988 4.384 64 15 5.381 2.654 6.278 3.096 7.175 3.538 8.072 3.981 8.969 4.423 45 30 5.370 2.677 6.265 3.123 7.160 3.570 8.054 4.016 8.949 4.462 30 45 5.358 2.701 6.251 3.151 7.144 3.601 8.037 4.051 8.930 4.501 15 2T 5.346 2.724 6.237 3.178 7.128 3.632 8.019 4.086 8.910 4.540 63 15 5.334 2.747 6.223 3.205 7.112 3.663 8.001 4.121 8.890 4.579 45 30 5.322 2.770 6.209 3.232 7.096 3.694 7.983 4.156 8.870 4.618 30 45 5.310 2.794 6.195 3.259 7.080 3.725 7.965 4.190 8.850 4.656 15 28 5.298 2.817 6.181 3.286 7.064 3.756 7.947 4.225 . 8.829 4.695 62 15 5.285 2.840 6.166 3.313 7.047 3.787 7.928 4.260 8.809 4.733 45 30 5.273 2.863 6.152 3.340 7.031 3.817 7.909 4.294 8.788 4.772 30 45 5.260 2.886 6.137 3.367 7.014 3.848 7.891 4329 8.767 4.810 15 29 5.248 2.909 6.122 3.394 6.997 3.878 7.872 4.363 8.746 4.848 61 15 5.235 2.932 6.107 3.420 6.980 3.909 7.852 4.398 8.725 4.886 45 30 5.222 2.955 6.093 3.447 6.963 3.939 7.833 4.432 8.704 4.924 30 45 5.209 2.977 6.077 3.474 6.946 3.970 7.814 4.466 8.682 4.962 15 30 5.196 3.000 6.062 3.500 6.928 4.000 7.794 4.500 8.660 5.000 60 o r Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. O f Bearing. Distance 6. Distance 7. Distance 8. Distance 9. Distance 10. Bearing. 60° -76' 74 30° -45 o Bearing. Distance 1. Distance 2. Distance 3. Distance 4. Distance 5. Bearing. O f Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat, Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. O f 30 15 0.864 0.504 1.728 1.008 2.592 1.511 3.455 2.015 4.319 2.519 59 45 30 0.862 0.508 1.723 1.015 2.585 1.523 3.447 2.030 4.308 2.538 30 45 0.859 0.511 1.719 1.023 2.578 1.534 3.438 2.045 4.297 2.556 15 31 0.857 0.515 1.714 1.030 2.572 1.545 3.429 2.060 4.286 2.575 59 15 0.855 0.519 1.710 1.038 2.565 1.556 3.420 2.075 4.275 2.594 45 30 0.853 0.522 1.705 1.045 2.558 1.567 3.411 2.090 4.263 2.612 30 45 0.850 0.526 1.701 1.052 2.551 1.579 3.401 2.105 4.252 2.631 15 32 0.848 0.530 1.696 1.060 2.544 1.590 3.392 2.120 4.240 2.650 58 15 0.846 0.534 1.691 1.067 2.537 1.601 3.383 2.134 4.229 2.668 45 30 0.843 0.537 1.687 1.075 2.530 1.612 3.374 2.149 4.217 2.686 30 45 0.841 0.541 1.682 1.082 2.523 1.623 3.364 2.164 4.205 2.705 15 33 0.839 0.545 1.677 1.089 2.516 1.634 3.355 2.179 4.193 2.723 57 IS 0.836 0.548 1.673 1.097 2.509 1.645 3.345 2.193 4.181 2.741 45 30 0.834 0.552 1.668 1.104 2.502 1.656 3.336 2.208 4.169 2.760 30 45 0.831 0.556 1.663 1.111 2.494 1.667 3.326 2.222 4.157 2.778 15 34 0.829 0.559 1.658 1.118 2.487 1.678 3.316 2.237 4.145 2.796 56 15 0.827 0.563 1.653 1.126 2.480 1.688 3.306 2.251 4.133 2.814 45 30 0.824 0.566 1.648 1.133 2.472 1.699 3.297 2.266 4.121 2.832 30 45 0.822 0.570 1.643 1.140 2.465 1.710 3.287 2.280 4.108 2.850 15 35 0.819 0.574 1.638 1.147 2.457 1.721 3.277 2.294 4.096 2.868 ^^ 15 0.817 0.577 1.633 1.154 2.450' 1.731 3.267 2.309 4.083 2.886 45 30 0.814 0.581 1.628 1.161 2.442 1.742 3.257 2.323 4.071 2.904 30 45 0.812 0.584 1.623 1.168 2.435 1.753 3.246 2.337 4.058 2.921 IS 36 0.809 0.588 1.618 1.176 2.427 1.763 3.236 2.351 4.045 2.939 54 15 0.806 0.591 1.613 1.183 2.419 1.774 3.226 2.365 4.032 2.957 45 30 0.804 0.595 1.608 1.190 2.412 1.784 3.215 2.379 4.019 2.974 30 45 0.801 0.598 1.603 1.197 2.404 1.795 3.205 2.393 4.006 2.992 15 37 0.799 0.602 1.597 1.204 2.396 1.805 3.195 2.407 3.993 3.009 53 15 0.796 0.605 1.592 1.211 2.388 1.816 3.184 2.421 3.980 3.026 45 30 0.793 0.609 1.587 1.218 2.380 1.826 3.173 2.435 3.967 3.044 30 45 0.791 0.612 1.581 1.224 2.372 1.837 3.163 2.449 3.953 3.061 15 38 0.788 0.616 1.576 1.231 2.364 1.847 3.152 2.463 3.940 3.078 52 15 0.785 0.619 1.571 1.238 2.356 1.857 3.141 2.476 3.927 3.095 45 30 0.783 0.623 1.565 1.245 2.348 1.868 3.130 2.490 3.913 3.113 30 45 0.780 0.626 1.560 1.252 2.340 1.878 3.120 2.504 3.899 3.130 15 39 0.777 0.629 1.554 1.259 2.331 1.888 3.109 2.517 3.886 3.147 51 15 0.774 0.633 1.549 1.265 2.323 1.898 3.098 2.531 3.872 3.164 45 30 0.772 0.636 1.543 1.272 2.315 1.908 3.086 2.544 3.858 3.180 30 45 0.769 0.639 1.538 1.279 2.307 1.918 3.075 2.558 3.844 3.197 15 40 0.766 0.643 1.532 1.286 2.298 1.928 3.064 2.571 3.830 3.214 60 15 0.763 0.646 1.526 1.292 2.290 1.938 3.053 2.584 3.816 3.231 45 30 0.760 0.649 1.521 1.299 2.281 1.948 3.042 2.598 3.802 3.247 30 45 0.758 0.653 1.515 1.306 2.273 1.958 3.030 2.611 3.788 3.264 15 41 0.755 0.656 1.509 1.312 2.264 1.968 3.019 2.624 3.774 3.280 49 IS 0.752 0.659 1.504 1.319 2.256 1.978 3.007 2.637 3.759 3.297 45 30 0.749 0.663 1.498 1.325 2.247 1.988 2.996 2.650 3.745 3.313 30 45 0.746 0.666 1.492 1.332 2.238 1.998 2.984 2.664 3.730 3.329 15 42 0.743 0.669 1.486 1.338 2.229 2.007 2.973 2.677 3.716 3.346 48 15 0.740 0.672 1.480 1.345 2.221 2.017 2.961 2.689 3.701 3.362 45 30 0.737 0.676 1.475 1.351 2.212 2.027 2.949 2.702 3.686 3.378 30 45 0.734 0.679 1.469 1.358 2.203 2.036 2.937 2.715 3.672 3.394 15 43 0.731 0.682 1.463 1.364 2.194 2.046 2.925 2.728 3.657 3.410 47 15 0.728 0.685 1.457 1.370 2.185 2.056 2.913 2.741 3.642 3.426 45 30 0.725 0.688 1.451 1.377 2.176 2.065 2.901 2.753 3.627 3.442 30 45 0.722 0.692 1.445 1.383 2.167 2.075 2.889 2.766 3.612 3.458 15 44 0.719 0.695 1.439 1.389 2.158 2.084 2.877 2.779 3.597 3.473 46 15 0.716 0.698 1.433 1.396 2.149 2.093 2.865 2.791 3.582 3.489 45 30 0.713 0.701 1.427 1.402 2.140 2.103 2.853 2.804 3.566 3.505 30 45 0.710 0.704 1.420 1.408 2.131 2.112 2.841 2.816 3.551 3.520 15 45 0.707 0.707 1.414 1.414 2,121 2.121 2.828 2.828 3.536 3.536 45 o t Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. o r Bearing. Distance 1. Distance 2. Distance 3. Distance 4. Distance 5. Bearing. 46° -60' 30°- -45 o 75 Bearing. Distance 6. Distance 7. Distance 8. Distance 9. Distance 10. Bearing. o f Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. O f 30 15 5.183 3.023 6.047 3.526 6.911 4.030 7.775 4.534 8.638 5.038 59 45 30 5.170 3.045 6.031 3.553 6.893 4.060 7.755 4.568 8.616 5.075 30 45 5.156 3.068 6.016 3.579 6.875 4.090 7.735 4.602 8.594 5.113 15 31 5.143 3.090 6.000 3.605 6.857 4.120 7.715 4.635 8.572 5.150 59 15 5.129 3.113 5.984 3.631 6.839 4.150 7.694 4.669 8.549 5.188 45 30 5.116 3.135 5.968 3.657 6.821 4.180 7.674 4.702 8.526 5.225 30 45 5.102 3.157 5.952 3.683 6.803 4.210 7.653 4.736 8.504 5.262 15 32 5.088 3.180 5.936 3.709 6.784 4.239 7.632 4.769 8.481 5.299 58 15 5.074 3.202 5.920 3.735 6.766 4.269 7.612 4.802 8.457 5.336 45 30 5.060 3.224 5.904 3.761 6.747 4.298 7.591 4.836 8.434 5.373 30 45 5.046 3.246 5.887 3.787 6.728 4.328 7.569 4.869 8.410 5.410 15 33 5.032 3.268 5.871 3.812 6.709 4.357 7.548 4.902 8.387 5.446 57 15 5.018 3.290 5.854 3.838 6.690 4.386 7.527 4.935 8.363 5.483 45 30 5.003 3.312 5.837 3.864 6.671 4.416 7.505 4.967 8.339 5.519 30 45 4.989 3.333 5.820 3.889 6.652 4.445 7.483 5.000 8.315 5.556 15 34 4.974 3.355 5.803 3.914 6.632 4.474 7.461 5.033 8.290 5.592 56 15 4.960 3.377 5.786 3.940 6.613 4.502 7.439 5.065 8.266 5.628 45 30 4.945 3.398 5.769 3.965 6.593 4.531 7.417 5.098 8.241 5.664 30 45 4.930 3.420 5.752 3.990 6.573 4.560 7.395 5.130 8.217 5.700 15 35 4.915 3.441 5.734 4.015 6.553 4.589 7.372 5.162 8.192 5.736 55 15 4.900 3.463 5.716 4.040 6.533 4.617 7.350 5.194 8.166 5.772 45 30 4.885 3.484 5.699 4.065 6.513 4.646 7.327 5.226 8.141 5.807 30 45 4.869 3.505 5.681 4.090 6.493 4.674 7.304 5.258 8.116 5.843 15 36 4.854 3.527 5.663 4.115 6.472 4.702 7.281 5.290 8.090 5.878 54 15 4.839 3.548 5.645 4.139 6.452 4.730 7.258 5.322 8.064 5.913 45 30 4.823 3.569 5.627 4.164 6.431 4.759 7.235 5.353 8.039 5.948 30 45 4.808 3.590 5.609 4.188 6.410 4.787 7.211 5.385 8.013 5.983 15 37 4.792 3.611 5.590 4.213 6.389 4.815 7.188 5.416 7.986 6.018 53 15 4.776 3.632 5.572 4.237 6.368 4.842 7.164 5.448 7.960 6.053 45 30 4.760 3.653 5.554 4.261 6.347 4.870 7.140 5.479 7.934 6.088 30 45 4.744 3.673 5.535 4.286 6.326 4.898 7.116 5.510 7.907 6.122 15 38 4.728 3.694 5.516 4.310 6.304 4.925 7.092 5.541 7.880 6.157 52 15 4.712 3.715 5.497 4.334 6.283 4.953 7.068 5.572 7.853 6.191 45 30 4.696 3.735 5.478 4.358 6.261 4.980 7.043 5.603 7.826 6.225 30 45 4.679 3.756 5.459 4.381 6.239 5.007 7.019 5.633 7.799 6.259 15 39 4.663 3.776 5.440 4.405 6.217 5.035 6.994 5.664 7.772 6.293 51 15 4.646 3.796 5.421 4.429 6.195 5.062 6.970 5.694 7.744 6.327 45 30 4.630 3.816 5.401 4.453 6.173 5.089 6.945 5.725 7.716 6.361 30 45 4.613 3.837 5.382 4.476 6.151 5.116 6.920 5.755 7.688 6.394 15 40 4.596 3.857 5.362 4.500 6.128 5.142 6.894 5.785 7.660 6.428 50 15 4.579 3.877 5.343 4.523 6.106 5.169 6.869 5.815 7.632 6.461 45 30 4.562 3.897 5.323 4.546 6.083 5.196 6.844 5.845 7.604 6.495 30 45 4.545 3.917 5.303 4.569 6.061 5.222 6.818 5.875 7.576 6.528 15 41 4.528 3.936 5.283 4.592 6.038 5.248 6.792 5.905 7.547 6.561 49 15 4.511 3.956 5.263 4.615 6.015 5.275 6.767 5.934 7.518 6.594 45 30 4.494 3.976 5.243 4.638 5.992 5.301 6.741 5.964 7.490 6.626 30 45 4.476 3.995 5.222 4.661 5.968 5.327 6.715 5.993 7.461 6.659 15 43 4.459 4.015 5.202 4.684 5.945 5.353 6.688 6.022 7.431 6.691 48 15 4.441 4.034 5.182 4.707 5.922 5.379 6.662 6.051 7.402 6.724 45 30 4.424 4.054 5.161 4.729 5.898 5.405 6.635 6.080 7.373 6.756 30 45 4.406 4.073 5.140 4.752 5.875 5.430 6.609 6.109 7.343 6.788 15 43 4.388 4.092 5.119 4.774 5.851 5.456 6.582 6.138 7.314 6.820 47 15 4.370 4.111 5.099 4.796 5.827 5.481 6.555 6.167 7.284 6.852 45 30 4.352 4.130 5.078 4.818 5.803 5.507 6.528 6.195 7.254 6.884 30 45 4.334 4.149 5.057 4.841 5.779 5.532 6.501 6.224 7.224 6.915 15 44 4.316 4.168 5.035 4.863 5.755 5.557 6.474 6.252 7.193 6.947 46 15 4.298 4.187 5.014 4.885 5.730 5.582 6.447 6.280 7.163 6.978 45 30 4.280 4.206 4.993 4.906 5.706 5.607 6.419 6.308 7.133 7.009 30 45 4.261 4.224 4.971 4.928 5.681 5.632 6.392 6.336 7.102 7.040 15 45 4.243 4.243 4.950 4.950 5.657 5.657 6.364 6.364 7.071 7.071 45 o f Dap. Lat. Bep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. O f Bearing. Distance 6. Distance 7. Distance 8. Distance 9. Distance 10. Bearing. 46° -60^ SUEVEYIN(t AND TRAVERSE TABLE G. A. WENTWOKTH, A.M. 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