oy ?S2 m/^G^ 4-^ o-< ESSAGE OF (OY ^y/t.^.n-^v^l.-'^ ^ 77l^ IcijLI^^^ 2?"^ Copyright 1887. Hard & Parsons, New York. MESSAGE OF JOY. "( HRIST IS born! from eart[) to [;eaven QcQoes \\)C\\ triumpl}ant sona, ' I eace on eartb, — tbe promise aiven loy tpe rapturous (dnael t^rona. ^till \\)Q strains from glad rjeonts swell, ^till tr^e promise cln^els tell. I eace, sweet peace for ti^e wanderer, Wlonn life s weary road. I eace for tpe care-worn, bendmo Deneatb tbeir crusbma load, y, listen, sad one, raise your voice, ^ino witr) the Wnaels and reioice. V EACEl for '\\)e sorrow laden, I eace for tbe faintma soul, nor t[)e weab and helpless, struaalina ^ Wl}ere the waves of trouble roll. Ror, lo I Me comes, tl^e " I rince of I eace ! rtow sQall all pain and sorrow cease. obnst IS born ! olad voices ^\x/ell tl^e strain aaain (^ell a^am tl^e pronnise : "Peace, aood will toward men. Qet every peart and voice prolong ^be ecl^o of tbe cinael s sona. Annie C. McQueen. GLAD rJDJNGS. '(LQRY to \\)Q new-horn T\ina 1 Marl? ! \\)Q Qeavenly cborus swellina. i^bines \\)Q star of DetQleQem, Qo ! tr^e wondrous story tellina yf a ^aviour born to men. naste ! your adoration bnna. " I eace on eartb, pood will toward nnen, Down tr^e aaes comes tl^e strain yf \\)Q blessed W nael sona ; (^ellina pearts tl^at lona pave loin cln woe, "Wnisel \\)Q OQnst is born, Wwabe to loy aaain. EiH©LD I a ^aviour come to earl'l); cinouse, from selfisb grief and sin. dnbar t[)e closed door of tl;y soul, Wnd let i\)e new oboist enter m. Wnise I and let t^is day enroll W new-found spirit s birtb- 111 alory be to li^od on \)\a\)\ dp, peart and voice, to sinn \)\s praise. Darl? niabt is past, tpe liabt of day Spreads far and wide its cbeenna rays, )o guide and bless tbe beavenly way (a)bat leads from eartb to sl?y. Annie C. McQueen. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 016 165 259 3