PS 3515 .A862E5 1910 V'^' ..-^'\. EMBERS BY MAURINE HATHAWAY THE LYRIST OF THE PINES PUBLISHED BY GEO. W. PARKER ART COMPANY MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. A Copyrighted 1910 h Geo. W. Parker Art Co. ©GIA 27^iSSi) 5 ^ TO YOU. HE mother loving her child is not blind to its wa5rward- ness, loves it no less for its faults and knowing its short- comings still nestles it to her bosom; flesh of her flesh, life of her life, she cannot but love. A part of herself, she knows that perfection cannot be, but as the twig bears buds that blemish, she nurtures her child, giving to it her life, forget- ting all but **it is mine." My poems are my children, and I have not breathed them "to please.*' They are born of my fancy, guided each by its own pre-natal impulse. Of the reader I ask only the indulgence granted the mother loving her own. It may be that here and there a thought may find welcome lodgment in some kindred heart, that a line may breathe a smile to saddened lips; if this may be, I shall be glad, for I have given these lines from my deepest soul. Where pathos is found, you may beheve my heart was burdened; if written in merry vein the sunlight guided my pen. Each poem tells its story of life as life was then. I give you my children; if censure comes, pray let it come to me, not them. ??lc C3LA.A.yx.^^wu