BMBmMMMHMl Class £f&£$^ < Cl. :■ (■ *]b c 61st Congress) 2d Session I SENATE I Document I No. 657 Martin N. Johnson (Late a Senator from North Dakota) MEMORIAL ADDRESSES Sixty-first Congress Second Session SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES April 2, 1910 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES April 24, 1910 Compiled under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing WASHINGTON : : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : : I«I0 CCT 13 1910 19. ttf & TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Proceedings in the Senate 5 Address of Mr. Purcell, of North Dakota 9 Address of Mr. Carter, of Montana 14 Address of Mr. Nelson, of Minnesota 16 Address of Mr. Dolliver, of Iowa 21 Address of Mr. McCumber, of North Dakota 27 Proceedings in the House 34 Address of Mr. Hanna, of North Dakota 37 Address of Mr. Martin, of South Dakota 45 Address of Mr. Sulzer, of New York 48 Address of Mr. Ellis, of Oregon Address of Mr. Calderhead, of Kansas 56 Address of Mr. Steenerson, of Minnesota 59 Address of Mr. Gronna, of North Dakota ''4 3 Death of Hon. Martin N. Johnson PROCEEDINGS IN THE SENATE Monday, December 6, igog. The Chaplain, Rev. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, D. D., offered the following prayer: Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, who hast given us grace at this time with one accord to make our common supplication unto Thee, we thank Thee for Thy providence which thus brings together from the North and the South and from the East and the West Thy servants to accomplish Thy purposes. We remember with tender and reverent heart him whom Thou hast called from our midst to Thy higher service, and humbly yield ourselves to the mystery of Thy holy will, which can do us no harm. As thus we commit ourselves to the new task, we pray, our Father, that we may evermore be guided bv Thy spirit, and that we may be upheld by the right hand of Thy power, thai Thy kingdom may come and that Thy holy will may be done by us, now and forever more. Amen. Mr. McCuMBER. Mr. President, it is my sorrowful duty to announce to the Senate the death of Senator JOHNSON, of North 5 6 Proi i i dings in the Si note Dakota, who died in the city of Fargo on the 21st day of Octo ber of this year. At scum- future date convenienl to the Senate I shall ask thai an hour be set aside- that proper tribute may be paid to his memory. Mr. President, 1 ask thai the resolutions which I scud to tin desk may be adopted. The Vice-President. The Secretary will read the resolu- tions submitted by the Senator from North Dakota The resolutions (S. Res. 82) were read and unanimously ed to, as follows: , the Senate has heard with profound sorrow <>f the death ol the I!"" Martin Nelson Johnson, late a Senator from the St; t< I North Dakota K, wived, That the Secretary communicate a copy of these resolutions ti> the House of Representatives. Mr. McCumber. Mr. President, as a further tribute of respect to the memorj of Senator Johnson, I move that the Senate do now adjourn. The motion was unanimousl) agreed to; and (at 12 o'clock and 12 minutes p. m 1 the Sena iurned until to-morrow, Tuesday, December 7, 1909, al 12 o'clock meridian. Tuesday, March 7, iqio. Mr. Mc< 1 11 1 Mr. President at this time I wish to ask unanimous consent that Saturday, the 2d day of April next, immediatelj after the conclusion of the morning business, ma\ be set aside in cider that thi may pay just tribute to the memory of Hon. Martin N. Johnson, late Senator from the State of North Dakota. The Vice-President. Is there objection to the request of the Senator from North Dakota? The Chair hears none, and that order is made. Proceedings in the Senate 7 Saturday, April 2, iqio. The Chaplain, Rev. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, D. D., offered the following prayer: Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, who hast loved us with an everlasting love and hast called us to this day of tender and reverent memory; hear us, we pray Thee, as we lift to Thee our prayer of grateful adoration. We remember before Thee Thy servants who have labored by our side, and who, having borne the burden and the heat of the day, have now gone to their reward. We thank Thee, our Father, for these, who were leaders of the people, bv their coun- sels and by their wisdom meet to be rulers. Though their bodies are buried in peace, yet shall not their names be for- gotten. We rejoice that the memorial of virtue is immortal; seeing that when it is present men take example of it, and when it is gone they earnestly desire it. With their strength we are strong, and their faithfulness makes us faithful. Unite us, we pray Thee, with the faithful and true, there and here, and join our hearts with theirs in one fellowship of the Spirit, one beauty of holiness, and one repose on Thee. Amen. Mr. McCumbER. Mr. President, I offer the resolutions I send to the desk and ask for their adoption. The Vice-President. The resolutions will be read by the Secretary. The resolutions (S. Res. 206) were read as follows: Resolved, That the Semite has heard with profound sorrow of the death of the Hon. Martin N. Johnson, late a Senator from the State of North Dakota. A', wived, That as a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased Senator, the business of tin- Senate lie now suspended to enable his as- sociates to pay proper tribute to his high character aiu\ distinguished public services. 8 Proceedings in tht St naU Resolved, That the Secretary communicate a copy "f these resolutions to the H i Representatives and transmit a copy there-, .f to the family of tlit deceased Senator. The Vice President. The question is cm agreeing to the resolutions. The resolutions wefe unanimously agreed to. Address of Mr. Purcell, of North Dakota MEMORIAL ADDRESSES Address of Mr. Purcell, of North Dakota Mr. President: On March i last the Senate, by unanimous consent, set apart to-day to pay its final tribute of respect to one of its members, Hon. Martin Nelson Johnson, United States Senator from North Dakota, who died October 21, 1909, at Fargo, N. Dak. My appearance here as a Senator from North Dakota is due primarily to the death of Senator Johnson, with whom I had a personal acquaintance extending over a period of more than twenty years. Therefore, in accordance with a time-honored custom of this body and at the request of the family, it becomes my duty to speak briefly in commemoration of his life and character. Martin Nelson Johnson was born March 3, 1850, in Racine County, Wis., and during that same year his parents moved to the State of Iowa. He was graduated from the Iowa State University in 1873, and subsequently taught for two vears in the California Military Academy, at Oakland, Cal. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1876, having been elected a member of the Iowa legislature from Winneshiek County during the previous year. He was made presidential elector for the State of Iowa in 1876, and helped to elect President Hayes He was elected a state senator in 1877, but in 1882 removed to the Territory of Dakota, where he located in Nelson County and took up a homestead under the land laws of the United States, adjoin- io Memorial Addresses: Martin N. Johnson ing what is now the town of Petersburg. He served inur ■ • trs as district attorney of Nelson County, Dak. T., from and in June, [889, was elected a member of the consti tutional convention of the State of North Dakota. In this body he took a very prominent part in framing the constitution of the new State. Ik- was chairman of the committee on corporations other than municipal, which, next to the judiciary committee, was the most important com mittee of all. and he served on several other committees. In 1SS0 he was defeated for United States Senator, but the following year was elected a Member of tin- House of Repre- sentatives, serving as a Member in the Fifty-second, Fifty-third, Fifty-fourth, and Fifty-fifth Congresses, during the last two of which he was a member of the Ways and Means Committee. In [898 he voluntarily retired from the House of Repre- sentatives to become a candidate for United States Senator, hut igain defeated in the legislature. For the next eighl years In took no part in politics, giving his time to farming and the -rain trade and living on the homestead which he entered in 1S82. A primary-election law having been passed in North Dakota in 1907, In again became a candidate for the United £ Senate. In the firsl of the two primar) elections luld thai \ear he was one of two who received the largesl numbei of \"ics. and at the second primary received the highest number, thereby becoming the candidate of the Republican party for United Senatoi On January jo. 1909, he was elected by the itun of North Dakota for a term of six years, receiving every Republican vote in both houses itoi JOHNSON was married on Jime id. 1879, to Miss Stella White, who survives him. Foui children were born to them girls and oik bo\ all of whom ate now married, with the exception of one daughter. Address of Mr. Purcell, of North Dakota n I became acquainted with the deceased on July 4, 1889, at Bismarck, Dak. T., where the members elected to the consti- tutional convention met to organize and frame a constitution for the new State of North Dakota. In that convention I served with Senator JOHNSON on the committee on corporations other than municipal, and we became very well acquainted. We often differed on political matters, but I can truthfully say that during our long acquaintance we cherished for each other the highest personal regard. About the middle of October last, in apparent good health, he submitted to an operation on his nose for the purpose of remov- ing a minor difficulty. Neither he nor any member of his family knew that he was afflicted with any serious disease. There was nothing in his appearance, bearing, or manner to indicate that he was in other than the best of health. After the operation that insidious malady, Blight's disease, showed itself in an acute form, and further showed that it had for some time been doing its deadly work. All that human power could do to ward off the fatal end was done, but without avail, and on October 21, 1909, about 7 o'clock in the evening, he passed to his reward. Martin N. Johnson was a descendant of Scandinavian parentage, that race which to-day predominates in the States of Minnesota and North Dakota, and which has settled in large numbers in other Northwestern States. Sir, to that race, together w r ith the sturdy German and the ever-plodding Bohe- mian, is due much of the credit for the wonderful development of the resources of the Northwestern States. These people, together with energetic young Americans, were the pioneers in this section, and by their labor, industry, and thrift have converted a region, a large part of which was at one time styled the Great American Desert, into one of tlu- garden spots of our country. 12 Memorial Addresses: MartinN. Johnson In this development the deceased was always a prominent factor. He possessed a passionate fondness for farm life, was a practical agriculturist, and yet at the same time kept up the practice of liis chosen profession. lie was a thorough student, and his well-trained mind enabled him to grasp quickly and clearly elucidate the underlying principles of any subject to which he gave his attention. To his acquaintances he was uni- formly affable and courteous. So tender of heart was he that in injure i he feelings of anyone gave him the greatest pain. He was so solicitous of the welfare of others that he often deprived himself of necessarj conveniences. As a public speaker In- was the possessor of a style of delivery and expression which was both clear and convincing. His judgment was sound, and lie was able to view a situation with a breadth of vision that is given to but few. lie loved his country with genuine patriotism, served it unsel- fishly, was ever attentive to his duties, and no one was ever more considerate of the wishes and well-being of his constituents. He met every duty fearlesslj and ever followed where conscience led. It was because of these noble traits that he was so implic- itly trusted and so highly esteemed and honored by his constit- uents, lb loved l he common people, and his outstretched hand was extended to the laborer in overalls as graciouls) as it was to the capitalist in broadcloth, lie was a constant and devoted member of the Methodist Church, and was entirel) devoid of hypocrisv and cant. He led an ideal Chirstiau life, rever- < ncing always the things that are pure ami noble and good; ever mplary in habits, conduct, and deportment. He has left to the grief-stricken wife and bereaved children a heritage better than wealth and to the world a splendid example of a life well lived. He was a kind and loving husband and father, ever mind ml of the happiness of his loving wife and children. Their comforl was his lust and last thought. Address of Mr. Purcell, of North Dakota 13 As I stood with many hundreds of others beside his open grave in the little cemetery near the farm whereon he had spent the last twenty-seven years of an eventful life and saw the sorrowful faces and tear-bedimmed eyes of his many friends, I thought, as many others have thought on similar occasions, that "surely this man has not lived in vain." His life was beautiful in its simplicity; his faith in the mercy of Almighty God sublime. 14 Memorial Addresses: Martin X. Johnson Address of Mr. Carter, of Montana Mr. President: Hon Martin N. Johnson, late a Senatoi from the State of North Dakota, told the story of his life in simple and unaffected style in the Congressional Directory. He was born in Wisconsin in 1850, graduated from the Iowa State University in 1873, taught school for a time in California, studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1876, served one term in each branch of the Iowa legislature, was a presidential rhetor in 1876, and from his settlement in North Dakota, in [882, until the time of his death was engaged in farming opera- tions. His services as a member of the constitutional conven- tion of his adopted State and in the National House of Repre- sentatives, and even his period of service in tin- Senate, were events which merely kept him apart for a time from his chosen occupation. He was a farmer of superior intelligence; and while he was known to be a lawyer of ability and a skillful leg- islator, he always regarded the farm as his home and farming as his litVs work. Digressions into polities and the holding of public office he did not permit to absorb nor to deflect his life. As a good citizen, deeply impressed with the obligations of citizenship, he attended public meetings, conventions, and gath- erings of all sorts having to do with the betterment of the soda! and political life of which he was a part. Like most of the members of the sturdy race from which be sprung, our lamented colleague was of .1 conservative disposition. He was little af- fected by temporary excitement or the passions of the passing houi : he directed the forces of his keen, calculating mind to the studv of every question, so thai when he reached a conclusion it was safe to assume that his position was based upon what he deemed correct fundamental principles Address of Mr. Carter, of Montana 15 The political career of our deceased colleague furnishes a strong additional illustration of the unlimited possibilities open to every worthy young man in this free country of ours. With- out influential connections, Martin N. Johnson forged his way from obscurity to prominence and from poverty to affluence by employing only such means as are at the disposal of every voung man possessed of good health, fair intelligence, and solid integritv. The lesson will be of but little avail to those who pretend to believe that there is a royal road to eminence. That dream must always lead to an awakening in the midst of failure and disappointment. Johnson was, to begin with, an honest, square man; he was of the dependable sort. To use a phrase coined by one of his neighbors, " He would stand out in a storm without hitching." He was reliable because he was a man of conviction, and not given to taking positions in a frivolous way, but only as the result of sober thought. As a member of the Ways and Means Committee of the House of Representatives he ranked high as a student of economic questions and a fearless advocate of any cause he thought proper to espouse. Some ten years later he appeared in the Senate, and in this forum very soon became known as a staunch, reliable, clear-headed man, possessed of deep and abiding con- victions. In all relations he met life's duties and difficulties fearlessly, and bequeathed to his family and his friends the imperishable heritage of an untarnished name. The perpetuitv of our institutions and the well-being of our great eountrv will always be assured as long as avenues to the highest positions in the councils of state are open to men of the sterling charac- ter of him whose death we note in sorrow to-day. 16 Memorial Ac Martin X. Johnson Address of Mr. Nelson, of Minnesota Mi President: Ii is not so much because 1 was an ;i«>- ciate as a Senator in this body that 1 feel impelled ii> paj a brief tribute to his memorj as because of the fact that in a certain sense and to a large extent Senator Johnson and my- self have been associated as pioneers in the work of building up and developing the great Northwest. I recall the fact that when I was a schoolboj years ago in Wisconsin what now constitutes the great St a lis of Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota was marked on the map as "the Great American Desert." That country is no longei a desert; it has been settled and is occupied by a class of energetic, industrious, and progressive pioneers, who have carved and created in that reat States of the Union. Senator Johnson was born in Wisconsin in 1850. the same year I came to the State from Illinois. Shortly after his birth he moved with his l'.mhh i.. northeastern Iowa. My first recollection of Senator Johnson was in the middle fifties -1 think in [856 01 [857. His father was 1 Methodist minister, and for one or two \ears two years, I think ned as ;i minister in charge of a congregation in the little village near where I lived. Senator JOHNSON was then a <> 01 7 year old boy, and 1 about seven years his senior. 1 saw him several times with his parents at church, and recall him as a ill, and sedate lad. who seemed even then to take a serious view of life, lie Kit Wisconsin with his fathei in 1- and went back to Iowa, then former home, and I did not meet him again until I met him in North Dakota in the earl) eighties, when he had become one of the pioneers of that Mate Address of Mr. Nelson, of Minnesota 17. I came into the northern middle part of Minnesota in 1871, when it was a sparsely settled and frontier country. Senator Johnson came into North Dakota somewhere about 1S81 or 1882. North Dakota was then a virgin prairie, with but f ew settlers. He was one of the leading pioneers of that State, one of the men who helped to build it up and make it one of the great Commonwealths in the Mississippi Valley. I met him occasionally in those early years. As pioneers of adjoining States, there was a bond of sympathy and fellow-feeling be- tween us. In Iowa, before coming to North Dakota, Senator Johnson had secured a collegiate education, been admitted to the bar, been active in politics, and had served one or two terms in the state senate and had held other positions of trust. All this I knew of him, but it was as a pioneer of North Da- kota I first got really acquainted with him and first really learned to know him and became acquainted with his noble character and true worth. As I came to know him more inti- mately, I found how just, how conscientious, and how candid he was on all occasions and under all circumstances, and these traits did not at all times make him popular with a certain class of politicians. There was one trait in Senator Johnson's character that endeared him to the people of North Dakota and the North- west, and that was, Mr. President, that the people believed, and justly so, thai he was honest, and always trustworthy and reliable; and while some criticised him and said that he was possessed of a little undue vanity and all that, yef everybody, even his political enemies and those who were opposed to him, always conceded that In- was n conscientious and honest man. Mr. President, he was not only conscientious ami honest, but lie was progressive and possessed of the true spirit of reform. While not an extreme radical, he, nevertheless, belonged to 50560 — S. 1 >'" 657, " i - -' 2 Mt menial Martin N. Johnson that nobli the world owes so much — who believe that then much to cure, much to mend, and much struct in the social fabric. When a wn men always seek to find a remedy. Whi •■ Johnson had the confidence and good will of the masses of the | i State, he was not always in . with the active and controlling politicians. By he was regarded as rather untractable and as a little too inde- pendent . His political career in the State illu his. Twi is finally elected Senator he came near I The line, in a caucus ived a total 'id. although his party had a large maioritv in t! ture, yet he failed of election. The next time a fair majority of the legislature under tin > or implied promi .port him foi he and his f H- and yet this time, he failed of election. It was not till North Dakota had adopted a primary law thai \' finally came to his own. for then tin te rather than the politicians liar portunity to express their opinion in his behalf I the peculiar primary law prevailing in that State he twice ran the gantlet of the primary and was indorsed and finally elected, and came to this ; ;" its men His career in ti. brief and limited, but in the where he served for a numb rominent place and served on the Com s when the Dingley law v. - can hope to make in th( when tl high. ker, and tudenl of public affail ; i with the ebb and How of the • much to court • Address of Mr. Nelson, of Minnesota 19 larity as to gauge the conscience of the public. He aimed to faithfully represent rather than control the apirations and hopes of the people, and he was thoroughly conversant with their wants and needs. I can not recall any public man in that State who was more in touch with the rank and file of the people during his life- time than was he. North Dakota has had a great many able and progressive men, but he was in the front rank of those men. In the course of the development and upbuilding of our newer and younger States the flower of the youth of our older States have borne an active and leading part. We of the Northwest owe much to these men. In the State that I have the honor in part to represent we have had much help from this class of men. They were among our pioneers and state builders, great nun who have built up our State and made it what it is to-dav. The flower of the youth of New Kngland and of the Middle States have come out to our great western country, and they have not only aided us in the settlement and development of our country but in Americanizing our large foreign-born popu- lation and infusing into them American energy and enterprise and the spirit of loyalty to the institutions of this country. Thus in the great State of North Dakota, while their immigra- tion has been extensive, especially from the countries of north- ern Europe, they have also had among their immigrants the flower of the people of the older States, who came there and helped to make it the mighty Commonwealth which it is to-day. I think it can be truly said of the people who have settled there, whether they are native or foreign born, that they arc- all infused with a spirit of devoted loyalty to and profound faith in the institutions of this country. Mr. President, Senator Johnson, if liis life had been spared. would not have figured as a great orator in this body, but he would haye proved himself a good debater and a mosl thorough, 20 Memorial Addn m< ?: Martin N, Johnson faithful, and energetic worker in committees, in formulating and preparing legislation. In short, he would have proved himself one of those faithful nun who perform the drudgery of legislation, and who are more essential to legislativi than tin.- mere speechmakers. For some years he had been imbued with the laudable ambition to become a Member of the Senate, and when success finally crowned his efforts and he was chosen for a full term of six years death came upon him in the firs! year of his term after a single session. And thus ii came to pass that in the midst of that life to which he had looked forward to with so much hope eternity claimed him as its own. To us who still linger lure, with our eyes and thoughts fixed on mundane affairs, his death at the time and under the circumstances seems pathetic. Bui let us remember that that Miss which we here seek for in vain is only found in the realms of immortality. Address of Mr. Dolliver, oj Iowa 21 Address of Mr. Dolliver, of Iowa Mr. President: It is a very melancholy duty which we per- form to-day, in memory of one of our number who at the very beginning of his career in the Senate was summoned to the larger activities which lie beyond the life which we live in this world. I had an opportunity for a great many years to be associated with our departed friend and to know him with some degree of intimacy. He was not born in Iowa, but his people were among the earlv settlers of that State. They came from Wisconsin when Senator Johnson was only a youth, so that his whole life and education was among my constituents. From his bovhood he was a student and a man of ambition and enthusiasm in all the work which he undertook. He had the struggles which nearly everybody has had with the narrow surroundings of life in a new country, But these did not prevent him from securing a broad and liberal education. He began his 'studies in one of our little Iowa colleges near his home, the Upper Iowa University, and in 1873, with a very remarkable record for diligence as a student, lie graduated from our state university. From his early manhood he was a power in the community in which he lived, both by reason of his character and also by reason of his unusual equipment for the labors and responsi- bilities of public life. He served with distinction as a member of the senate in the general assembly of Iowa when he was a young man. He was a partisan, I reckon as well settled in his convictions, and even in his prejudices, as any man whom 1 have ever known; but that did not prevent him from being popular with all parties in every better sense of that won! He 22 Memorial Addt XIartinN.) was more than onci sentative of his party, while he remained in Iowa, in the conventions, local and national, which determined its polic) and presented its candidates; and his departure from cur State to a new and, as he thought, a field left behind him a multitude of friends whom no man could number. lie was one of the advance guard that went from Iowa into the Northwest. In. this country we an mgely nomadic people. I think the most startling peculiarity of our population is the facl thai hardly anybody has felt bound to live per- manently where he first located. The old sense of the homestead which once dominated life in States like Virginia and Massachusetts, one of the traits of our inheritance, has practically disappeared, and there are State which have poured out the wealth of their citizenship, their young men, and their able men, to lav the foundatii »ns < if si >cict y in unsettled communities afar off, which present the glamor of opportunity to the imaginations of the strong The State of Iowa in the last (uent\ years has contributed probably more than any one settled community in the United to the -low th of the newer States lying toward the West and toward the Northwest. He was a pioneer of that peculiarly American movement, because while Senator Johnson andinavian ancestry In was American, as his people were iii even true sense- of that word. IK- was a pioneer in the emigration which took so many to the prairies of North Dakota when that section of the United States was practically a wilder- • I vilderness in tin old sense of the word, for there la\ that boundless meadow waiting only for the industry and skill ■ us men and women to develop r< tically without limit II. became a farmer in the actual sense of that word We ha 1 mam Meml - ingress who h Address of Mr. Dolliver, of Iowa 23 mended themselves to our favorable attention as farmers. Onlv a very few of them, however, have lived on their land within recent years. Senator Johns* in was a man whose home was his North Dakota farm and whose life work outside of his public service was that most ancient and most honorable occu- pation of man. I remember a few years ago when I was traveling across the State of North Dakota — I think it was in the presidential cam- paign of 1904 — with a very distinguished party, including the former Vice-President of the United States, then a candidate" for that office, the train passed the homestead of Martin N. Johnson, and we enjoyed the sight, at 60 miles an hour, of seeing our old friend out in front of his barn, waving an imple- ment of husbandry, as a sort of passing welcome, to the travel- ers through his domain. Notwithstanding the fact that his labors were engrossed with the cultivation of this North Dakota farm, he never altogether li isl his taste for the public service. My first intimate acquaint- ance with him was when we came, near the same time, to Con- gress; and I will say, in passing, that men who served together their first terms in Congress, when this familiar machinery of government seemed new and strange, have had an experience which, whatever may be the vicissitudes of life, is never likely to be reproduced in any exigency of their service. Young men who came for the first time to the Capitol as Rep- resentatives and fell into the storms which used to rage in the Hall of the House of Representatives week after week received impressions which made fast friends of those who enjoyed the experience together. I remember that I came here with very definite ideals and a very high notion of the dignity and of the solemnity of Con- gress. I recall that once while the storm of insurrection against tin- newly elected Speaker, Mr. Reed, was at its height I lost 24 Memorial Addresses: Martin N. Johnson faith in free institutions. I said t<> myself, this howling mul- titude can not be the Government of the United States. I came over to the Senab as .1 sorl of relief to excited feelings. I came in here timidly, having jusl learned of my pried, this Boor, and our venerable friend, the late Senator Morgan, was making a speech on the Nicaraguan canal. Everything seemed to he quiet. His speech moved like the steady stream that you find in a book — no inflections, no efforts at eloquent outbursts, hardly any punctuation, a flowing river of the most perfect English speech that I have ever heard spoken on this floor. 1 noticed, however, thai everybody seemed to 1 ike il foi granted that Senat in knew exactly whal he was about and needed very little assistance from his audience in order to secure the necessary enthusiasm to proceed with his remarks. I said to myself, How can it be possible that the Government of the United States can be conducted by a mob in one end of the Capitol and a deserted Senate in the other? I went into the chamber of the Supreme Court, and th< found a man reading a brief to the court in a patent ease; and that spot alone filled the ideal that was in my mind of the dignity, the solemnity, and the safety of our institutions. Senatoi Johnson and I shared these feelings together in the liisi years of our service. We sat near each other, and when afterwards we were appointed together on the Ways and Means Committee we formed one with another that bond of sympathy which always arises between two good people, both of whom occupy !>aek seats. We sat on the committee during the Ion- winter of 1896 07. when the Republican members were pre- paring the tariff law which has just disappeared under trying circumstances from our statute books. Johnson was one of the hardest workers upon the committa Address of Mr. Dolliver, of Iowa -';> No detail of the business escaped him. He was never absent. He was never late. He always wanted to know. He tired some of the members of the committee — I may say all of them — by this zeal to know, and the absolute determination which was in his mind that nothing should be done without being fully explained. It was a hard winter. Every man who worked on the committee that winter was bound to every other man in the ties of a friendship which has been broken only as one after another has gone to his reward. When he came to the Senate it was only the natural fruition of a career of unwearied devotion to the people he was called to represent. He stood for them in every sense of the word. He had borne with them the burdens of pioneer life. He had shared with them the labors of breaking up the tough sod. He had fought with them the good fight of the frontier and had come into the possession with them of the rewards of prosperity and success. He was a man of inflexible conscience; a man who feared God and kept His commandments; a student of public ques- tions, with mind and heart open to the problems of the times; a man faithful always in the discharge even of the humblest duties; and I felt with all of you a sincere sense of sorrow when, without notice even that he was sick, I heard that, in the very prime of his life, in the midst of public labors which promised new trophies of honor and distinction, he was stricken down. We do well in the Senate and in the countrv to pay tribute to the memory of such a man. He had not a wide celebrity in any of the work which he had done. He was a modest man- a man who overestimated in no way either his talents or the importance of his service. He did good work with scant adver- tisement. But when he came here, in common witli everybody who had ever known him, I made the prediction and indulged the constant belief that if his service was continued for any 26 Memorial Add\ Martin N. Johnson h of time he would not only impress his personality upon this greal assembly, but that he would have recognition among all his countrymen for g 1 work well d< Such a man is entitled in more ill sing word on such an occasion. We can not do anything to add to his reputation. We can not do anything to light rief of his peo] diction of those who were mar and dear to him. But we only discharge a dut) -nol a formal duty, but a duty which ought never to be neglected— by setting aside this hour ! this peculiarly American career and for a tribute to this peculiarly useful public servant. Address of Mr. McCumber, oj North Dakota Address of Mr. McCumber, of North Dakota Mr. President: In the strength of his manhood, in the noonday of his vigor, and in the fullness of his intellectual power, when seemingly 'best prepared by learning and experi- ence to serve his country and his State in that high official position to which he had been so recently elevated by the voice of a people, death has removed Senator Johnson from the field of this world's labors. He died in the city of Fargo on the 21st of October last, after a very brief illness. Senator Martin Nelson Johnson was born in Racine County, Wis., on the 3d day of March, 1850. He was married to Miss Stella White on June 16, 1879, and is survived by her and by his daughter Edith (Mrs. S. G. Skulason), his daughter Nellie (Mrs. S. M. Hydle), his daughter Florence, and his son Ralph. Senator Johnson's father and mother were both natives of Norway, the former emigrating to this countrv in 1839. In the year of his birth his family moved to the State of Iowa, where he was reared to manhood. After attending the Upper Iowa University, at Fayette, he entered the State University of Iowa and graduated therefrom in the year 1873. Then fol- lowed two years as instructor in the California Military Acad- emy, at Oakland. In 1875 he returned to the Stale of Iowa. The same year he was elected to the slate legislature. This was his first entry into political life. Since that time he has held the following official positions: In the year 1876 he was presidential elector on the Republican ticket. From 1877 to [881 he was a member of the state senate of Iowa. From (886 to [890 lie was district attorney in North Dakota. In 1889 ' u 28 Memorial Address* s: Martin N. Johnson was a member of the constitutional convention which framed the constitution of the Stab of North Dakota. From [890 to 1898 he was Congressman ai lar^i- from the State of North Dakota. At the primary election of 1908 he received the nomination foi United States Senatoi and was elected by the legislature on the 20th day of January, 1009, and held that position from March 3, 1909, to October 21, the day of his death. His public services to the State of North Dakota were most important. A firm believer in the cause of temperance, he was the strongest advocate for, and the most potent four in secur- ing, constitutional prohibition against the manufacture and sak- of intoxicating liquors in the State. Later, when an attempt was made to transfer the Louisiana Lottery to the Statl of North Dakota, Mr. Johnson was the leading figure and power in the battle against that attempt. In polities he was a Republican, a firm believer in the pro- tective policy of that party and an earnest advocate of its sound-money principles. In the Fift) fourth and Fift) fifth Congresses he was a member of the Ways and Means Com mittee of the House, and was an influential and an important factor in framing the Dingle) tariff law. As a Membei of ( on gress he introduced as an amendment to the military appro priation bill a provision for abolishing the canteen in the United States Army, and thus planted the seed of a sentiment which grew until it became a law upon our statute books. During the campaign of 1896 he made man) addresses m favoi ol the gold standard, and his presentation of the subject had much to do with lining up his own State in favor of that policy. Although for nearly nine years he held no public position, he nevertheless took a leading part in every political campaign in his Stati Address of Mr. McCumber, of North Dakota 29 His previous experience in tariff legislation was a valuable asset, and had its influence upon his actions and votes in the last Congress, where, after securing what he considered the best bill that could be passed, he supported bv his vote on all occasions the report of the Committee on Finance, and gave his hearty adherence to the present administration. Thus his public career has been ever one of high ideals and unflinching fidelity to principle. But, Mr. President, T doubt very much if the public career of any man, however great, is ever so potent in its influence for good upon future generations as is a private life well and honorablv lived: Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things in which smiles, kindness, and small obligations given habitually are what preserve the heart and secure comfort. The political life of President McKinley is one that challenges the admiration of every citizen in the land. His fortitude, his wisdom, his zeal, and his patience give special luster to his political actions. But, after all, that element of his character which will live longest and sink deepest into the hearts of the American people is the grandeur of his private life, its fidelity, its sympathy and tenderness, and the serenitv of its close, when forgotten were the duties of state and his whole life's work found expression in his last words, "Nearer, my God, to Thee." President Lincoln faced a mightier public calamity and was confronted by greater and more complex political problems than have ever been faced by any other American official. He met them all with a wisdom and skill and with a courage and faith unsurpassed and unequaled in the world's long history. But that which will make the life of Abraham Lincoln immortal, not only in the history of his own country, but throughout all countries, are his homely virtues, his great heart, his sympath) and tenderness, his mercy and forgiveness. 30 Memorial A ddr i VI ar tin N. Johnson Mr. President, the firmament of the world's history is alread} studded with stars of the first magnitude, each with a brilliancy reflecting its own special virtues, each with its ray touching into activity some noble emotion or ambition. : i portraying our ideal of the soldier, the statesman, the philanthropist, the poet, the scientist, tin- inventor, the gn and good of all ages. Their numbers are sufficient to fill the world with inspiration and engender laudable ambition in every heart susceptible to their influence. But the influence of a mighty name of some past age upon the individual is slight when compared with that of the living presence, the com- radeship of the great and wise and good of oui own day. Each distant star may be a sun that warms a hundred worlds. Inn it is tlie fire of our own hearths whose glow must ever warm into being those nobler impulses that shall give strength and charactei to each succeeding generation. To have made the life of one woman a jo) and a comfort, to have raised a family of boys and girls upon whose character he has left the impress of his own integrity and courage and honor and lofty purposes qualities that die not with the in, but ate transmitted through generation after geiii tion sureh this is the apex of all true greatness. Measured by that standard the private life of Senator Johnson eclipses even the fait record of his public services. His home life was ideal. He was husband, father, instructor, and companion. Those who knew him well tell me that no matter how dark tin- clouds might gather around him, lie brought nothing but sunshine into his own home surround ings. Hi^ heart was ever kind and generous. Neither rudeness nor ungraciousness ever found a place in his nature. Conscious of the uprightness of his motives, his mind was evei serenit) itself. In political defeat or private misfortune Address of Mr. McCumber, of North Dakota 31 he was ever in a happy frame of mind. Bright and quick in repartee, his wit was that "which loved to play, not wound." He had few enemies, because he would be no man's enemy. He forgave without the asking. His heart was big enough to house the world in its good will, but in it was no room to harbor the memory of a wrong. As an advocate of a principle, his addresses were always clear and logical. He talked to the people and with them. In all his debates no one ever heard a word of bitterness against an opponent. Senator Johnson was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church — not an idle, but an active, member of that body. As a coworker in that church, his foremost thought was ever concerning the young, the coming generation. Many a church assembly has' heard him plead for childhood's rights: Start the children right; surround their younger days with helpful and healthful environments; engender in their nature fidelity to principle and courage to battle for it; teach them patriotism and temperance in all things. These were the principles he advocated; and that which he advised others he also carried out by example. To most of the Senators he was a comparative stranger. Their acquaintance with him was confined to the single special session which closed August 5; and yet, though a new man in their midst, though self-repressed by a natural sense of mod- esty and that unwritten rule which expects but little participa- tion in debates by a Senator during the first session in which he serves, Senator Johnson was rapidly winning the esteem and confidence of his fellow-Members and was already impress- ing the Senate with the sturdiness of his character. Those who had previous service with him in the House knew that he would in the Senate maintain his excellent political record. 32 Memorial Addn w< r. - Martin N. Johnson Mr. President, in these days when the spirit of commercialism dominates a larger portion of our press than ever before, when ationalism is rampant over all the land, when false issues, shamelessl) arrayed in words never intended for ignoble use, are manufactured for selfish ends, when temptation to ride into places of trust on some tidal wave of popular error created for that purposi and which may be as transient and ephemeral as the mist , is so prevalent, we need not so much past ideals to guide and strengthen us as men <>f to-day with courage invin- cible for truth, living examples that it is better to be right at all times than to be popular some of the time. Senator JOHNSON had that courage, that fidelity that would deem defeat a victory if in the right cause. That is the record not Only of his public rain i . but as well of his private life His desire was to benefit humanity. It was his ambition foi twentv years to become a Member of the United States Senate, to carry that desire into effective legislation; and when that ambition was a t last realized, no man was happier than he 01 more ready to take upon his shoulders all the burdens and duties of that high office. Upon the trestle board of hope he had long before traced the design of his own life's edifice a structure which should be useful, and fair, and true, and lofty. Patiently and faithfully had he builded along those lines until its fair proportions fore- shadowed its future grandeur. And when it had reached that I completion from whence he could clearly discern the culmination of his endeavors, the fruition of his ambition, and his heart's fairest hopes, the stroke of death fell upon him. uid noble resolutions and loft) purposes were as a dream that is pa We are unable, Mr President, to comprehend that edict of Providence which cut short a promising career at a time that Address of Mr. McCumber, of North Dakota 33 seemed to him and to those who knew him to be so propitious for good. Yet through all we know that this tangled skein is in the hands of One who sees the end from the beginning He shall yet unravel all. In a little mound overlooking his own home, the scenes of his labors and joys for more than twenty years, he sleeps to-day, dead, but living still in the influence of his past life, living in the lives of friends and neighbors, living in the lives of his own children, and to live again in lives that are vet to be. For, as a fountain disappi ir To gush again in future years So hidden blood may find a day, When centuries have rolled away, And fresher lives betray at last The lineage of a far-i iff p 50560 — S. Doc. f>57. 61-2 3 34 Proceedings in the House PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE Thursday, Man h .■ <. i<>io. The I [i mse mel at \ 2 o'clock m. The following prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Rev. Henry X. Couden, D. D.: ( >ur Father in heaven, we bless Thee for the goodl) heritage which lias come down to us oul of the past, enriching our lives, making the world a better dwelling place for mankind. Help us in realize thai it is not what a mat oul of the world, bul what he puts into it. thai counts in the dispensation of Thy Providence. May we be inspired to use the talents which Thou hast bestowed upon us to enrich mankind and leave the world a little better than we found it, in the Spirit of the Lord, Christ. Amen. Mr. Hanna. Mr. Speaker. 1 desire to offer th< following resolution. « The Speaker. The gentleman from North Dakota asks unani- mous consenl to offer the following resolution. The Clerk read as follows: in ..1" the House on Sunday, the 24tl ( ,f April ipirt for addresses on the life, chai and public services of the late M irti . \ Johnson, late .1 Senator from te ol \ T orth Dal The question was taken, and the order was agreed to. Sunday, 1 j-> il 2 The I louse- mi 1 lock m. The Chaplain. Rev. Henry \. Couden, D. 1' . delivered the followinj () Thou Great Spirit, Father Soul, ever present in the soul of man to inspire and encourage to nobler life. We thank fhee Proceedings in the House 35 with all our mind and heart and soul that the spirit of the Christian religion is surely coming into the hearts of Thy chil- dren; that the creeds and dogmas which enthralled are passing away; that the Christian religion is no longer regarded as a riddle to be solved, but a life to be lived for the good of human- ity. We are assembled here to-day in memory of one who lived for his home, which he loved with all his heart, the purity of which he regarded as the bulwark of civilization; for his coun- trv, which he held sacred and worthy of noblest effort and per- sonal sacrifice. He recognized behind all we perceive with our physical senses a supreme intelligence, a moral order, and spiritual realm, and lived and died a consistent member of his chosen church. His fellow-countrymen were quick to recognize the qualities of mind and heart which marked him a superior and called him to public service. Wherever he was placed he satisfied their expectations in a service of industry, courage, honestv, and efficiency. Long may his memory live in the hearts of those who knew him, and to inspire coming generations. And now, O Father, comfort those who knew and loved him, especially be very near to the faithful wife, who was ever an inspiration and a solace in victory or defeat; to the children whom she bore him; may the blessed hope of immortality encourage them to look forward to the bright beyond with perfect faith, where Thy children shall be gathered in the bonds of love forever. And pa-ans of praise we will ever give to Thee through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Speaker pro tempore (Mr. Hanna). The Clerk will read the order of the dav. The clerk read as follows : ( hdered, That there be a session of the House on Sunday, the 24th day of April, at 1 1 o'clock, to be set apart for addresses on the life, character, and public services of Hon. Martin N. Johnson, late a Senator from the State of North Dakota Proceedings in the Ho The Speaker pro tempore. The Chair would ask the gentle- man from North Dakota [Mr. Gronna] to kindly take the chair. Mr. Gronna assumed the chair as Speaker pro tempore. Mr. Hanna. Mr. Speaker, I respectfulh offer the folio resolution, and ask t hut it be read. The Speaker pro tempore. The gentleman from North Da- kota offers a resolution, which the- Clerk will rep The Clerk read as follows: When thofHon Martin \ Joh nator of the Uni Dakota: . the House be tun;' N 1 ility and distinguis transmitte tor Martin \ immunicate 'flu' Speaker pro tempore. The question the resolution. The quest :en, and the resolution was unanimously Address of Mr. Hanna, of Notth Dakota 37 MEMORIAL ADDRESSES Address of Mr. Hanna, of North Dakota Mr. Speaker: On March 24 last, by unanimous consent, to- day, Sunday, April 24, 1910, was set apart by this House for addresses on the life, character, and public service of Hon. Martin - N. [ohnson, late a Senator from the State of North Dakota. Senator Johnson was born March 3, 1850, in Racine County, Wis. He died October 21, 1909, at Fargo, Cass County, N. Dak. His father was the Rev. Nelson Johnson, who came to this country in 1839 and who was a Methodist Episcopal clergy- man for more than twenty-live years. The Senator's father was also a farmer and kept close to the soil. The family moved to Iowa in 1850, and it was in that State that Senator Johnsi in was reared to manhood and educated for his life's work. He prepared for college and entered the Upper University of Iowa at Fayette. From there he went to the state university and took the full classical course and was graduated in 1873. After his graduation he became a teacher and taught in the California Military Academy at Oakland, Cal. In 1875 he returned to Iowa, studied law, and was admitted in the bar. He entered politics at the age of 25 years and was elected a member of the legislature. A Near after his election to the legislature he was a presidential elector on the Repub- lican ticket and helped to elect Rutherford B, Hayes President of the United States. 38 Memorial Addn ■>■ r; Martin N, Johnson In 1877 he was elected state senator in the state legislature and served four years in that capacity. In 1882 he came to what was then the Territor) of Dakota and settled a shorl dis tance west of the cit) of Grand Forks, near what is now the village of Petersburg, in Nelson County. Senator Johnson for the first four years after his arrival in the Territory of Dakota devoted all of his attention to farming. In [886 he was elected district attorney of his county and again in [888, serving four years in that capacity. In [889 the Dakotas, with other Territories, were admitted as States, and Senatoi [ohnson was sent as one of the delegates to the con- stitutional convention held at Bismarck, the state capital, and there, as a member of that convention, he was one of the hard- working and faithful members of that important body, He was chairman of the committee on corporations other than municipal, and he had largely to do with the shaping of legis- lation on prohibition and education. In that year, when the legislature of the new State met, la- was a candidate foi the United States Senate, and it is believed by many of his friends that he should have been one of the first Senators from the State of North Dakota. In 1890 he was elected a Member of the National House of Representatives and was three times thereafter renominated by acclamation and elected a Member of Congress and so served hi Mats in this body, with credit to himself and honor to the people of the State which he represented. He served on 1 ral of the most important committees in this House, among them being the Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures and the Committee on Ways and Means and was a member of the Committee on Ways and Means at the time the so called tariff law was enacted He married Miss Stella White, who survives him. in 1879. She was the daughter of Amos White, and her ancestors have Address of Air. Haniia, of North Dakota 39 lived in America for more than two and one-half centuries. Senator Johnson and his wife were the parents of four chil- dren — three daughters and one son — all of whom are now living. The eldest daughter, Edith, is the wife of S. G. Skulason, a prominent young attorney of the second judicial district. Mr. vSkulason served as private secretary during Senator Johnson's service in the United States Senate. Mr. Skulason and his wife are the parents of two children. The second daughter, Nellie, is the wife of Mr. S. M. Hydle, of Williston, N. Dak., who is in the banking business in that city. They have one child. The third daughter, Florence, is a young lady about 17 vears of age and is at home with her mother. The only son, Ralph, is married, in business and doing well at Bronson, Minn. In the summer of 1907, Senator Johnson announced himself as a candidate for the United States Senate and at the state- wide primary election in June, 1908, he received the second highest vote for the Senatorship in a field of four candidates. Under the law in the State of North Dakota, where no candi- date receives the majority of all the votes cast for Senator, or at least 40 per cent, it is necessary for the two highest candi- dates to run again at the regular election in November; and at the second primary election Senator Johnson received the highest vote, and when the legislature met in January, 1909, he was elected by a large majority of that legislature as United States Senator from the State of North Dakota I personally knew Senator Johnson for a little over twenty years, and in looking back over his life can not help but feel that it is one which must appeal to everyone who is interested in tin- possibilities that lie before a man who has the stead fastness of purpose, (he resolve to accomplish, tin- good judg- 40 Memorial Addt Martin N. Johnson ment, ilu- high integrity, and the confidence of the people in I measure which Senatoi Johnson had. In the constitutional convention he was one of its best mem- bers, always standing for that which was right, sound, and conservative, and he had largely to do with the fact thai North Dakota has prohibition against the sale of liquor stamped into the constitution of th<' State. When he was first defeated for United States Senator, in i 889, many men in his place would, perhaps, have felt aggrieved, as he certainly had a right to feel, and would, perhaps, have halted in their loyalty and in their work for the party; but not so with him. lie was an optimist, always looking to the future, and while he may have hit that he had not been treated rightly, \et he never halted in his allegiance to the party of which he was a member and which he believed represented that which was best for his Stale and Nation. In 1890 he was nominated and elected to Congress and served continuously for eight years. These were the years when the whole countr) was under a very serious state of depression; hard times, panics, and the prices of everything, ami especiall) those products which the farmer produces, were at the very lowest point. Senator JOHNSON was a member of the \\ and Means Committee here in this House in 1896. He made a stud) of the tariff question. He believed that protection was nee. make this country a -teat manufacturing nation a home market to the farmers for their produi IK- '.vent befon the peopli of North Dakota upon this ; tion and upon the question of ,1 sound currency, and the) turned him as Representative in Congress as long as he w candidal In 1898 he again became a candidate for the United States .ate, but was defeated in the legislature the following winter. although In.- was the leading candidate in a field of a number Address of Mr. Hanna, of North Dakota 41 of candidates for the position. He went back to his farm cheer- fully, optimistically, and just as good a Republican as he had ever been. In the campaigns in the years that followed he was always ready to go to any place in the State and to speak for the ticket, and did so; and finally, after all the years and after a long struggle in the primaries, in the winter of 1909 he was made the unanimous choice of the Republicans of the state legislature of his State and was elected to the position which he had long and honorably sought — that of United States Senator. He came to Washington and here met many of his oldc om- rades, with whom he had served in the old davs when he was a Member of this body. He was here during the special ses- sion of this, the Sixty-first, Congress, while the tariff bill was under discussion, and by reason of his long service in this House and his sen-ice on the Ways and Means Committee at the time of the passage of the Dingley tariff law he was con- sulted by the leaders in the Senate many times upon the sched- ules that went to make up the new tariff law. He voted for the law, and was prepared, as I have heard him state, to go out before the people of his State and to defend his position and vote. Senator Johnson was always a man who was never afraid to do that which he believed was the right thing to do, regard- less of the effect that it might have upon his own personal political fortunes or ambitions. The question that was always uppermost in his mind was whether a proposition was right or not, and if he believed it was right he never hesitated or fal- tered in his course. When the money qu« stiorj came up in 1896 it looked as though the State of North Dakota would espouse the cause of free silver. Senator Johnson- believed in sound money. It did not seem to be a popular thing for him to do, but lie went out over 42 Merhorial Addresses: Martin N. Johnson the State, regardless of his own political fortunes, and stood solidly, tl mil \ , and true for sound money and a sound currency, and time has proven that he was right. I heard him express himself many times last summer, and again last fall, while he was in Fargo, just before his death, stating that he was looking forward ti> the time when he could go upon the stump in his State and take up the question of the new tariff law with his constituents, as he believed that he could convince the people of North Dakota that he had voted righl and in their interest upon that question. He was a man of the very highesl character, and had a very strong hold upon a large majority of the people of his State. The reason for this, I believe, was the fact that everyone, whether they were with him or against him. believed that he ibsolutely honesl in his views and convictions; and think- ing of him to-day, remembering him as I knew him. it seenis to me that no higher tribute could he paid to him, that I could say nothing better 01 stronger in his favor, as [ speak to you now, than to sav that the rank and tile of the people of the State of North Dakota believed absolutely in the honesty, in the sincerity, and in the integrity of Senator JOHNSON. He was a Christian man and lived the life of a Christian in its fullest sense. He had been a member and an active member of the Methodist Church his whole life. lie was always ready to lend a helping hand to every need and to (.-very good enter- prise and was one of the most kindly and approachable men that I have ever known. He died in my home city. 1 saw him only a day or two be- fore his death, and he had no thought, and 1 had none, that the end was so near. He wis sure he would be out again within a ! two and would be all ri^ht and as Strong and as well as ever, and I can not describe to you th hock that the Address of Mr. Hanna, of North Dakota 43 news of his death was to me. Death is always sudden at the very best. His funeral was held in the little village where he had lived and been its foremost citizen for so many years. It had been storming for some days previously; the roads were bad, and the day was bleak and cold. The leading men of the State were present to attend the funeral — the governor, United States Sena- tor, Congressmen, members of the legislature, and men of promi- nence in every walk and avenue of life; but of all those who were present that which appealed to me most was to see gath- ered there such a large number of his old friends and neigh- bors who had come from miles around, the men and women who had gone into that part of the State as he had In the early- days, who were, like him, pioneers, and who had seen and suf- fered with him the hardships and the trials of the early years, those hardships and trials so incident to the opening up of a new country, when crops were bad, when frost and hot winds and drought had ruined many times the expectations of their efforts and of their labors, and when sometimes it had perhaps seemed as though the struggle was too hard and could not be kept up; and then, with that "Hope that ever springs eternal from the human heart," they and he had struggled again and again, until at last God in His infinite mercy had crowned and re- warded their efforts with success. It mattered not to these old friends, who came driving in from far and near, how raw and cold the day or how rough and muddy the roads were. They had come to tender to him who was dead the tribute of their respect and of their love. The little church could not half accommodate the people, but those who could not get inside patiently waited outside, that after the service they might follow the remains to their last resting place. An eloquent and touching sermon was preached 44 Memorial I Martin N. Johnson by tin- presiding elder of the Methodisl Church of thai district, an old friend of i he Senator. The coffin was covered with flowers, and I could nol help but wish that those flowers, with their petaled lips, might have had ih« pow< i in speak and, whispering, tell to him the story of the nd respect which his friends and neighbors had for him. It is hard to understand in this life why men struggle lor power all their lives and at last, perhaps, reach the very height of their ambition, and then death comes and cuts the brittle l of life and launches them into eternity. We can not understand these things. We can only say that One who is greater than we decides the question of life or death for us. His laws are immutable, and we can not and we must not question. T is said that — All tlie world's a stage, and all the men and women merely pi Phej hav< their exits and their en t ranees, and one man in liis time plays Senator foHNSON had his part, and he played it nobly. He has Ki't behind him an unsullied name, a splendid record, and while we may wish that he might have lived on and continued to serve his Stale and Nation, yet the example which he has set ii young men and young women, his exemplary life, as we look back over it to-day, is a splendid heritage for his wife and children and for his children's children in the years to come. To me he was not only a political associate; he was more; he ;v friend; and I am -lad to stand here to-day and I mv testimony with others to the memory of this upright and honorable man. Friend after friend departs. Who has not lost a friend ? There is no union here of hearts that finds not here an end. Address of Mr. Martin, of South Dakota 45 Address of Mr. Martin, of South Dakota Mr. Speaker: My personal acquaintance with Senator Johnson was of short duration, but it was long enough to at once recognize the type and quality of the man. He was friendly, companionable, public spirited' and full of zeal in the performance of the labors of every day. His service in the House of Representatives terminated two years before mine began. My opportunity to know him person- allv was confined to the special session of the present Congress, when he came again to Washington as Senator from a sister State. He was a frequent visitor upon the floor of the House. He seemed to have a fondness for the old arena of legislative debate where he was a participant in the earlier years of his congressional service — a sentiment quite common among Sena- tors who began their national careers in this, the people's legis- lative body. While having but a short personal acquaintance with our departed friend, I have entire familiarity with the region and conditions in which he lived his honorable and useful life. His youth was spent in Iowa. He moved to Dakota Territory in 1882. The organic act creating two States in 1889 out of the Territory of Dakota left him in the northern State. There is much in common between these two young Commonwealths. Vasl stretches of virgin prairie attract the ambitious home builder. Mineral wealth slumbers beneath the surface, to be awakened by the touch of development. A northern latitude, high altitude, and a bracing climate are proofs against ennui and inaction. Nature is new and undeveloped and potential, and fairly urges to labor and conquest. It is a poor man's 4<> Memorial Addresses: Martin A". Johnson country, with certain reward for industrious, frugal toil. Con- ditions like these have always attracted a hardy, honest, depend- able citizenship. Ii was in this region of enterprise and oppor- tunity that Martin V JOHNSON found a congenial field for the growth and fruition of his strong, courageous, and kindly man- hood Here he lived and wrought successfully, a man among men. Senator [OHNSON was a product of the new West. His parents before him, and he in his turn, met obstacles only to overcome them. The daily hardships of the frontier life only di vi loped skill for other conflicts and added fiber and quality of character to the manhood and womanhood of the frontier. Che pioneers are the real heroes of American progress. From the time that our Puritan fathers landed at Plymouth and began the conquest of a continent, we have been a nation of pioneers. Difficulties, dangers, and obstacles have been encountered on every hand. But they have been met and vanquished, and the national character has grown strong in the conflict. This has been our national experience as settle- ment has pushed on over the Alleghanies, across the valleys of the Ohio, the Mississippi and the Missouri, sealed the Rocky Mountains, and touched upon the Pacific coast. The pioneer conditions that contributed strength and independence of character to our colonial forefathers are still a factor in tin- new life of the intermountaiu and Pacific Wist. But our virgin territory is fast disappearing. Soon, like Alexander, we will have no more worlds to conquer. Wealth and luxury will he our portion, with all tin- insidious temptations to idleness and ease. Will the nation be Strong and brave and honest in affluence as it has been in privation and hardship? And what nati experience may we hope will supply the loss of the discipline and educational qualit) of the frontier 5 Address of Mr. Martin, of South Dakota 47 The death of a typical, able, successful man of the West sug- gests the observations which I have made. Senator Johnson belonged to the common people, of whom Abraham Lincoln said that "God must love the common people or He would not have made so many of them." In the death of such a man the nation sustains an inevitable loss. But his memory will abide — a bright and undying legacy to his family and friends. Memorial Addresses: Martin N. Johnson Address of Mr. Sulzer, of New York. Mr. Speaker: The countrj lost an able and a fearless and faithful public servant in the sad and sudden death of Senator Johnson. He was a man of the people and lor the people. He had an inherent n or justice; the courage of his con- victions; a fine sense of honor; a rugged, sunshiny nature; a gem irgiving disposition; the respect and admiration of all who knew him; and an intense love of our fret.' institutions and devotion to country thai was patriotism personified. When I can ongress, nearh sixteen years ago, Mr. Johnson was one of the stalwart leaders in this House from the great Northwest and a useful and prominent member of the Ways and Means Committee. He took a leading part in the legislative work that culminated in the enactment of the Din-lev tariff law, and the Record shows that he was alert and active in framing and shaping many good laws for the benefit of all the people. He had an attractive personality and manifested fraternal interest in the welfare of a new Member. At all events, it was so in my case, and in the very inning of thi ited first session of the Fifty-fourth Congress, in 1895, we became fast friends; and that friendship wing stronger am U the time, and ripened by the years that have come and -one, lasted until the untimely summon- of death called Senator Johnson to the great beyond and checked in the midst of his busy life, at the summit of his career, and on the threshold of his opportunities Lrtbly endeavors for his State and his country and his fellow num. The story of the life of Martin N. I 1- illustrative of the Republic, aw\ accentuates what has Address of Mr. Sulzer, of New York 49 frequently been said about so many great men who have achieved eternal fame in our legislative history. He was eminently a self-made man — the architect of his own career. He was born on a farm in Racine County, Wis., on the 3d day of March, 1850. The same year his parents removed to a farm in the State of Iowa. He attended the district school, did the usual farm work, and lived the life of a country boy on the frontier. Being of a studious disposition, he was sent to the Iowa State University, from which institution he graduated with high honors in 1873. He then went to California and taught for two years in the California Military Academy at Oakland. He studied law there and was admitted to the bar in 1876. Then he returned to the State of Iowa and served a term in each branch of the state legislature. He was a Haves elector from the Dubuque district and voted for Hayes in the electoral college of 1876. He moved to Dakota in 1882 and took up a home on government land, on which he resided up to the time of his death. He was elected district attorney in Dakota in 1886 and reelected in 1888; was a member of the constitutional convention of North Dakota in 1889; and chair- man of the first Republican state convention the same year. He was elected to the Ffty-second, the Ffty-third, the Fifty- fourth, and the Fifty-fifth Congresses, and served on the Ways and Means Committee in the Fifty-fourth and Fifty-fifth Con- gresses while Nelson Dingley, of Maine, was the distinguished chairman. Thomas B. Reed was the Speaker, and Dingley and Reed and Johnson were great friends. He came very near getting the nomination for United States vSenator in 1889. He retired from Congress that year after his defeat for the United States Senate, and for the next eight sears devoted his time almost exclusively to his farm. He did not, however, lose interest in matters of public moment. 50560 — S. Doc. 657, 61-2— 4 5 p cted, was a grievous Mow t.> us all and a national loss to the people of the countiN generally. Life is but a day, at most . Sprung from night, in darkness 1' 1 To-day, on this sad occasion, when we meet to pay tribute to the virtues and to recount the good deeds of our departed friend. I come with others friends and admirers of this good and true man l" place on record my tribute to the enduring memory of my congressional associate for many years — the Hon. Martin X. Johnson. Words al best ate feeble at a time like this; lmt how I wish they could he potent enough to call him hack to his stricken and bereaved family; to his innumer- able and sorrowing friends; to tin- plain people of tin- country faithful servant he always was, in Congress and out of ress hut, ala-' u can not he— no words can bring him Address of Mr. Sulzer, of New York 51 back to those he loved and to those who loved him; no earthly power can now call back this fearless friend of the oppressed— this champion of the right — to finish the work here he had planned and had so much at heart. Martin X. p >n\s< in was a believer in the good of humanity — he was the friend of the distressed and of the cause that lacked assistance. He stood for the eternal right, for fair play, for equality before the law, for exact justice, and for charity to all. He was liberal in his views; broad in his ideas. He trusted the people, and he believed the world was growing better. He was an optimist and not a pessimist. He hated cant and despised hvpocrisv. He was a plain, honest, modest man, who loved his fellow-man. He was true to eternal principles, and always dared to do the right as he saw it, regardless of conse- quences. He was the friend of the poor and the oppressed, and struggled all his life to lift humanity to a higher plane and push it forward a step in the grand march of progress and of civilization. He was a loving husband, an indulgent father, a sincere friend, a believer in the greatness and the destiny of the Republic — proud of the land of his birth — and he gloried in the grandeur of its flag. He believed in the present and never faltered in his hope for the future. He was a faithful official, true to every trust, loyal to every principle, and died in the service of his country — a distinguished Senator in Congress — loved and honored and mourned by all who knew him. sj Memorial Addresses: Martin N. Johnson Address of Mr. Ellis, of Oregon Mr. Speaker: I know full well thai there is nothing I can sa\ to-day that will add to the essential worth or meril of our departed friend, Senator Johnson. He exemplified perhaps as much as am man within mv knowledge the possibilities under our form of government foi promotion and going forward in 1 1 lis. life by those without fortune. His early life and opportu- nities were not without hardships. He had to meet the adver sities of life as many others have had to do. He made haste slowly, going step by step, conquering one obstacle after another, with his eye ever upon the main object of his life, and as he went forward honestl) and conscientiously, discharging every duty, he achieved one success after another until he reached the crowning ambition of his life. As lias been well said l>\ the gentleman from New York [Mr. Sulzer], he was one of those who took a profound interest in a new Member. When I came as a Member of the Fifty- third Congress he had preceded me by one term of service, and naturally I sought those who seemed most inclined to give aid. comfort, and information to the new Member. As In- and I came from tin- same school in low a and had both passed our boy- hood days in that State, and had in our earh manhood moved on farther west. I sought the company of the then Represent ative, afterwards Senator, Johnson, and 1 found him always willing to go out of his way to aid and help me in any of the which devolved upon me as a new Member of the House. 1 owe much to the adviee that he gave me and the assistance that he afforded whenever 1 called upon him. Address of Mr. Ellis, of Oregon 53 Senator Johnson came of that rugged race of Scandinavians who possess the maximum amount of the desirable qualities of life and the minimum amount of the undesirable. He was hon- est, upright, and had a desire on all occasions to do the right thing, as those of us know full well who came in contact with him when questions were before this House upon which he might well have wavered. As has been already referred to by one who has spoken here to-day, when the great monetary ques- tion was before Congress-, and the State which he represented was thought to be leaning strongly toward the policy of free silver, Senator Johnson took advanced ground in favor of the gold standard and made one of the strongest arguments that was made upon this floor in behalf of sustaining the same. And when it was suggested to him that perhaps he would find disfavor at home by the course he had adopted here, he said it mattered not to him; that he had the approval of his own conscience and believed that he was right, and was willing to undertake the job of squaring himself before his constituency upon any question which his own conscience approved. He was emphatically a man of strong convictions and he had the courage to maintain them. Would there were more men to-day in public life who possess these essential qualifications of strong and sturdy manhood. I met him again when he returned here as Senator at the begin- ning of the Sixty-first Congress. We renewed our acquaintance, recounted many pleasant instances that had transpired in the six years we had served together in the House, and I found him the same sturdy, straightforward, loving friend I had left when we parted in 1899 at the close of the Fifty-fifth Congress. I was, indeed, shocked when I picked up the morning paper in October last and found that he had passed away, kittle did I dream I would not meet him again when I came back to resume 54 Memorial Addresses: Martin N. Johnson my duties al the second session of the Sixty-firsl Congress. This only illustrates, however, the uncertaint) of life and cer- tainty of death. Senator Ji phnson was a man in every sens the word. He measured up to the full standard of Christian manhood, acting ou1 in even sens< of the word that which he professed, and thai trait of his character is what impressed his personality so strongly upon his friends. There was no kind of hypocrisy about him. He was a man who, if he believed a thing, was willing to advocate it. He was one of the strongest advocates on the lloor of this House in doing away with the sale of liquor in public buildings, all over the country, and especially within the Capitol of the United States. 1 have heard him often speak of it. He thought that it was something that we as legislators could not ird i" give our sanction to by allowing n to remain here I have talked with him after his return and know how gratified he was to sec that tins had been brought about. I know there are many things about the life and characti i oi Senator Johnson that might be recalled here, but I do not feel myself competent to add anything to what ha- alread) been said. 1 desire only to say this, I am proud of the fact that he was my friend. He was a man to whom I could go for counsel and advice, and when he gave it he gave it in that way that impressed me with the idea that he was not seeking to assume the attitude of superiority, hut that what he said came from a heart overflowing in a desire to do good, lie was a believer in the common people, and had little use foi tin so called houses. He had implicit confidence in the people at large, and to them he looked for preference and promotion. In this he was not deceived; when his case was properly placed before them they responded to his desire. He hail in his election as Senator reached tin- highest ambition of his life, Address of Mr. Ellis, of Oregon 55 a seat in the United States Senate, and it is to be regretted that he could not have lived to till out his term, which no doubt would have been followed by another and another, by the will of a grateful people of the State that he represented. But he was called and answered the summons, and he went forth, as described by the poet, as one who— Sustained and soothed By an unfaltering trust, approached his grave Like one that wraps the drapery of his couch About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams 56 Memorial Addresses: Martin N. Johnson Address of Mr. Calderhead, of Kansas Mr. Speaker: 1 have but a few words to add to the jusl tributes that have been paid to the memory of Senator John- son. My acquaintance with him was only during the term of the Fifty fourth Congress. He had already served two terms, and at the time I came in he was a member of the great Ways and Means Committee. During that Fift) fourth Congress 1 served upon other committees, and I came in direct contact with him only upon the floor of the 1 louse. I found him then just as he lias been described by those who have spoken, and who had longer acquaintance and more familiarity with him, a sterling man, mastei of his passions, and dominant over his own soul, fearless in the expression of his convictions concerning every- thing that was done here, kind and generous to those who dif- fered with him. It was evident from his manner of speech that he was an example of the great American manhood that grows up in this Republic. I did not recognize in him the feelings of ambition for honor. There was in him a sterling devotion to duty. He did not appear at any time to be conscious of his great ability or even of his -real capacity for work. He seemed to be seeking for tin- truth, and when he found it he was without ten in proclaiming it. It was eas) t" see by his manner of speech that he was one of the men who had battled with life for opportunity from his childhood up, and he had upon him the maiks of that battle. Somehow 01 othei he seemed to be unconscious of the great cities and of their population and of their habits and customs. He hail about him the ail of a man who knew the vast breadth of tlie countrx and the vast objects of the nation. He was Address of Mr. Calderhead, of Katisas 57 familiar with the home life of his people, and with the things that they needed, and it seemed to him that the purpose of this great Government and all its work was not so much the build- ing up of a great commerce as it was the building up of a worthy citizenship and the true development of the individual. He was one of the men who seemed instinctively to know the truth of the words of our Savior, when he said, "Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it, and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it." That seems to be a paradox, a con- tradiction in terms. The best illustration of its true meaning is in the life of the great Apostle Paul, who, when he went to Athens, seemed, even to himself afterwards, to have been seek- ing honor as much as proclaiming faith. Upon Mars Hill he stood among the poets and philosophers of that great civiliza- tion and first introduced himself by showing his familiarity with the great poets of that people, as if by that display of learning he would attract the attention of the splendid audience who had assembled to hear him, but when he came to proclaim the central truth of his message, the resurrection of the Savior, the audience broke up in a babble. And he went away, and the only remaining record of that visit to Athens is in the words "and he founded no church there." Then in humiliation he took up his abode in what was known as the richest and wickedest city among men. For two whole years he toiled with his own hands for his own support, and then said that it was with fear and trembling that he did it. Afterwards he came to the knowledge that it was not his to seek honor, that it was not his to seek fame, that it was not his to seek power, but his to lose his life in the great service of pro- claiming the truth. And so in that wicked city of Corinth the man who feared no other thing in all his history, except that he might be seeking self-honor instead of the honor of his Mas- ter, began our great western civilization. And from his time to s v .\L worm! Addressi s: Martin N. Johnson this th( doctrine upon which our civilization has been built has been the doctrine of self sacrifice. There are some things that are better than life, and • ese an love, honor, com elity, and a noble sell Senator Johnson, while I knew him, appeared to be uncon- scious of the fact thai he was brave, unconscious of the facl thai he was able, and unconscious of the facl thai at any time lie might be sacrificing the honors of men by doing his duty here. He did his daily work as if h was a duty, an obedience which he owed, and by it honor came to him. The words that we say hen- will be more of benefil to us than they can be to his memory, and more of consolation to the be reaved famih than they can be to us. The words we sav here in memorial of him serve also to place us undei a further bond to maintain the standard of life thai he kept high before him self and before us. To his wife and children our words beai witness to our high regard for him and that amongst us he indeed was worthy. I can not look upon death and memorial services as the most unfortunate or sad occurrences. There are many other things that are worse. In fact, a life of self-sacrifice and death in the sublime faith which he had, that beyond the grave was the nobler life and the higher purpose of the Infinite Creator, these are things we are reminded of l>\ our speeches here to-day. These things prompl us to a highei accomplishment of the duties that lie before us. i if the man who in two years endeared him- self to me by main- kindnesses, as he did to so many other Mem bers of the House, we call but speak our word in honor and say fart well till the morning. Address of Mr. Steenerson, of Minnesota 59 Address of Mr. Steenerson, of Minnesota Mr. Speaker: The State of North Dakota is not only next- door neighbor to the State of Minnesota, but its history and development is so closely related to our own that we feel almost as deep an interest in her affairs and in her public men and in the progress of her people as if she were a part of our own Commonwealth. When Minnesota was created a Territory, in 1849, its western boundary extended to the Missouri River and the White Earth River, so that the greater part of North Dakota was a part of Minnesota Territory from 1849 until the latter became a State, in 1858, with its western boundary fixed along the Red River of the North. We are also reminded of the fact that when the great Terri- tory of Dakota made its protracted fight for admission to the Union as two States it found a champion in the distinguished Senator from Minnesota, the great, eloquent Cushman K. Davis, who took the lead and successfully brought that struggle- to a close. The settlement of North Dakota did not really begin until the advent of railroads, in the early seventies, but since then her development has been rapid and continuous, until it is to-day one of the wealthiest and most progressive States in the Union. The biographer of Senator J< >hns< in tells us that he was born in the State of Wisconsin in [850, and with his parents moved to Iowa in that vear, where they settled at Decorah, in Win- neshiek County; that he graduated from the University of Iowa, and taught in a military academy in California two years, in) Memorial Addresses: Martin N. Johnson when he returned to Iowa and read law and was admitted to the bar in 1876. He served ;h a presidential elector in that one term in each branch of the Iowa legislature, and practiced law in Decorah until he removed to North Dakota, in 1882, and settled on a homestead in Nelson County. He was elected and served foui years as prosecuting attorney of his county, and in [889 he was elected a member of the ion stitutional convention which framed the constitution for the new Stai<- of North Dakota. He also tells us that he presided over tin- Inst Republican state convention held in the State, and in [890 was elected its Representative in Congress, in which capacity he served six years, and during his last term was a membei of the Committee on Ways and Means that helped to frame the Dingley tariff law. When lie completed Ins service in Congress he retired to his farm until lie was elei ted United Slates Senator, in January, [909., by the unanimous vote of the Republican members of the legislature pursuant to a mandate of the direct primary vote of the people. He died October, 1909, at the very beginning of his senatorial career. Although 1 had known Senator Johnson by reputation ever since the beginning <_• in number, and settled in Kendall, Orleans County, X. Y. Another party came a few years later and settled in Illinois, and still another in [836 and settled in Wisconsin. The Muskego settlement where Johnson, senior, settled iii [839 was, therefore, among the earliest N Address of Mr. Steenerson, of Minnesota 63 wegian settlements in the Northwest. That it required great courage and fortitude to penetrate the wilderness and brave the privations of pioneer life and endure the hardships incident thereto is not fully appreciated in these days, when railroads precede the pioneer. That the parents of Senator Johnsi in could give him, under the primitive conditions and circum- stances of these early days, the excellent education that he received, showed that they were not only brave and courageous, but endowed with that energy and self-sacrificing spirit so characteristic of the early pioneers everywhere. The career of Senator Johnson was a most honorable one, and he leaves to posterity the best legacy that any man can leave — an honored and honorable name. The influence of his work and of his good example as an upright man and a sincere Christian will increase as time rolls on. It may be that some will not concede him greatness in the usual sense of that word, but he was a man of the people, and his influence for good was great. He who through the channels of the state Conveys the people's wish is great His name is pure, His fame is free. 64 Memorial Addresses: Martin N. Johnson Address of Mr. Gronna, of North Dakota Mi. Speaker: We arc met here to-day to <1<> honor to the memory of a late Senator from my State, and a former Membei of the House, Martin X. Johnson, laic United Stales Senator from North Dakota. MARTIN X. JOHNSON was horn in Racine County, Wis.. Match 3, [850. Tlie same yeai his parents moved i<> Iowa, settling on a farm near DeCOrah Here the future Senator spent his child- hood and boyhood days, receiving, like so many of our noted men. his early training on a farm and learning there the need of earnest effort and the honor residing in honest toil. Mis early education was received in the public s< fiools in the vicinity. Later In- attended the Upper Iowa Universitj for a while, and then entered the State University of Iowa, from which institution he graduated in 1873 with the A. B. degree lie now accepted a position as instructor at the California Military Academy, at Oakland, Cal., where he remained two years. He again becami a student .it his alma mater, this time in the law department, lie graduated in 1876 and wis admitted to the bar the same year. He now engaged in the practice of law in his home town. Decorah, white he followed his practice foi six years He early became interested in politics and the questions of government. In 1875 he was elected a membei of the house of representatives of tlii' Iowa legislature, and in [877 he was elected a si senator. In [876 he was elected a presidential electOI "ii the Republican ticket and east his vote foi Hayi Address of Mr. Gronna, of North Dakota 65 In 1879 he was married to Miss Stella White, and to her aid and inspiration was due in a large measure the success which he achieved in life. In 1882 Mr. Johnson moved to what was then the Territory of Dakota and entered a homestead near Petersburg, Nelson Countv, where he continued to reside until his death. In 1886 he was elected state's attorney for Nelson County, and was reelected in 1888. In 1889 the Territory of Dakota, which had been knocking at the doors of Congress for a number of years, was admitted as two States, North and South Dakota. Realizing his fitness, his neighbors elected Mr. Johnson a member of the constitutional convention called to frame a constitution for that part of the Territory that was to become the State of North Dakota. He took an active part in the deliberations of the convention, and was influential in shaping the organic law of the new State. He was a candidate for election as one of the first United States Senators from the State, but although he was nominated in the Republican caucus, he was defeated by a combination of Republicans and Democrats. At the same session of the legis- lature occurred the memorable lottery fight. Mr. Johnson was not a member of the legislature, but the people of his county met in mass meeting and selected him to go to the capital of the State and oppose the attempt to sell the honor of the State. In the fall of 1890 Mr. Johnson was elected a Member of Congress, and was reelected in 1892, 1894, and 1896. During the latter years of his service in the House he was a member of the Ways and Means Committee, and as such had a hand in the shaping of the Dingley tariff law. In 189S he declined a renomination for the House, and announced his intention of being a candidate for United States Senator before the next legislature. He was undoubtedly the 50560 — S. Doe. 657, 61-2 5 66 Memorial Addresses: Martin N. Johnson strongest candidate, l>ut he was defeated by a combination among the followers of the other candidates. Accepting his defeat with his usual cheerfulness, he retired to his farm, where he spent the next few years. In 1906 he again became active in state politics, and his name was presented to tin- Republican state convention as candidate for governor. He failed of nomination, however. In 1908 he- was for the third time candidate for United States Senator, under a state wide primary law providing for an expression by the people of their choice for Senator. He received the popular vote, and in January, [909, he was elected bj the legis- lature. He took his seat in the Senate March 4. 1909, and served through the extra session. He died during the recess, < ictober 21, [909, at Fargo, X. Dak., where he had gone for a minor operation for throat trouble. He is survived by his wodow, one son. and three daughters. It is difficult to form a true estimate of a man's work until some years have passed since he ceased from his efforts. That part of his work which is apt to impress us most in a retrospect is that which he was engaged in last, and our view of his last work is apt to influence our judgment on his former work. Further, if a man is personally known to us. we will remember his personality more than his work, and this will influence our judgment. And, finally, it sometimes takes years before it is possible to see what the results will be of anyone's efforts, and things that we approve of may be condemned by the seasoned judg ment of history. A true estimate of any man's work can be formed only when the years have mellowed our prejudices and events have shown the result of his efforts. It is not for us to pass on the work of the late Senator John- ; we cm only say what his efforts were and what his ideals Address of Mr. Gronna, o) North Dakota 67 were. I did not always agree with him. I believed that he sometimes advocated wrong policies and that he at times was mistaken in his judgment of men and measures, but we can not all agree; we should not be human if we could! There is no man whose judgment is not fallible, and sometimes even history hesitates to judge men and policies. But though men might question his judgment and disagree with him as to meas- ures, his integrity and honesty of purpose was never impeached. Even in the fiercest campaigns the charge was never made that he had ever, in the slightest degree, been influenced in his actions by unworthy motives. As a legislator he was faithful, diligent, and enthusiastic. His ideals were high and his stand was always for civic honesty and political righteousness. Of the constitutional convention that framed the constitution of the State of North Dakota he was one of the leading members. He was especially active in securing the adoption of a provision prohibiting the manu- facture and sale of intoxicating liquors in the new State, thus adding another star to the galaxy of States that had -had the courage of their highest ideals in dealing with this question. He did effective work in defeating the attempt of the Louisiana Lottery Company to secure a foothold in the State. During his service in Congress he was instrumental in securing the passage of the anticanteen measure and prohibiting the sale of liquor in the Capitol and on the Capitol grounds. His service in the Senate was too short to allow of any esti- mate as to what he might have accomplished if his life had been spared, but it was long enough to convince all with whom he came into contact of his faithful industry and his loftiness of purpose. As a speaker he was clear and forceful, leaving no doubt in the hearer's mind that he had given the matter under discus- 68 Memorial Add), wi r: Martin N. Johnson sion careful consideration and had come to a definite conclusion ml i" it, and thai he would not forsake his conviction unless it was proved to his satisfaction that hi- was in the wrong. As a politician he might be said to be one of the highest type. He liad unbounded faith in the correctness of the popular judg- ment, and was never afraid to submit his anions ami conclu- sions to the public for its approval. He was never defeated in any popular election, and always maintained, when defeated in his various attempts to secure election as United States Sena tor, that if the people had an opportunity to express their pref- erence, he would be sun of election. Even though it might appear at linns that his constituents did not approve of his at I i tude on certain questions, he had supreme confidence that the sober second thought of the people would vindicate him and the policies for which he stood. His great ambition was to become a member of the United States Senate, and it is a noble ambi- tion when it arises from a desire to serve the people. His splendid optimism was perhaps his greatest political asset. He accepted victory and defeat with equal equanimity, and never sulked in his tent, but was always willing to accept the result, whatever it might be, and bury personal differences in consid- eration of the welfare of the party. 1 lis personal character was abo\ c reproach. Even in t hi' heat of strenuous campaigns there was never any aspersions cast tending to reflect on his character or integrity. His family life was most beautiful and was not marred by a single shadow. He was a member of tin Methodist Episcopal Church, and not only took an active part in all chinch affairs, but also showed ith in his life and the work that he did. He had an abid- ing faith in tin- triumph of goodness, and bt In ved not so much in the punishment of evil as in its final elimination From human Address of Mr. Gronna, of North Dakota 69 lives and the realization of the highest and noblest destiny both of the individual and the human race. He believed that — Religion is a necessary, an indispensable element in any great human character. And held that — Dim as the borrowed beams of moon and stars To lonely, weary, wandering travelers, Is reason to the soul ; and as on high Those rolling fires discover but the sky, Not light us here; so reason's glimmering ray Was lent, not to assure our doubtful way, But guide us upward to a better day. And as those mighty tapers disappear When day's bright lord ascends the hemisphere, So pale grows reason at religion's sight; So dies, and so dissolves in supernatural light. o ^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 785 539 2*