)CZX * 1595 * BROOME COUNTY J/. ILLUSTRATED. BINOHAMTON. N. Y. BELLFLOWER PRESS. 1895. 2L470 1898. BROOME COl'XTY ILLUSTRATED. 2; > s n> -1 Bit ritor aden wsp; i'?^i- "^ (n <' i nton ided usqu Offic i~. a „.-■"• ; "^ ^ £ 3 P 1 .x- ^ ^ i t3 ^ 5' 3. k-3i p; CO r? & ,'3 ' S- p ^ (T! 3' , a- = ^ 3" n re ocn "■ S^ 2. 2- ►ti '"^ " re' ^ cfi ,, m re " p; 5 2 ' «"* 3 Ji, -^ C/; &- re » - — "^ 'j-i !» 7J re ■ a, re ": ^ 5 ?.== s ___ n* "^" "^ 2 1 H•- 3 c re a = > bseq ure s, a latio 3 3 uent was t; Com m of i 2 ^ 5 ^ ^ 00 re re ;; UI 5- " -? 3- 0-. - E ^' ~. c :i 1^ --- r^ ^ ■ l^i-^ ."■ g, 2 H He: " ':^ "X .. 5= ? c^- ~i S- -^ £. re ^ r. S re rr 51 > ^ n R 2 == 03 ~i '"' 3 re re 'J.S. ii n •rj 3 CL < a 3 X RROOME COTNTY ILLl'STR ATE D. in »■ ao -r i- Z o r H o to c o u. z o i- < r o LL o >• fi Q s a. o BROOME COUNTY ILLISTRATED. COURT H0U5E AND MONUMENT IN 1805. BROOMK CorXTV ILLUSTRATED. , S.X lirLi-r-' BINUHAMTON STATE HOSPITAL. 'I'lu- Nrw \ ork State Iii>anc A^vlinn cu' Slate IIo>])ilal. Idrmerlv Inehi iaie Asylinn i> beaiitifull\ .■■iliiated on a eniineiue risiiiir j_|(> feet above tlie river, ami is locateil two and one-halt' miles east of the center of ihe cit\'. This imposing stone struetme overlooks the Siis(niehanna N'alley and the entire city and has al.iout iV"' patients. There arc eleven trustees who act as a boaril ot managers. The present superintentlent is T)r. C. (i. \\'agner. who is assisted bv eight pinsicians and about ^( « > t-mploN ee>. The patients are gi\en good ]ilain food and di\ersiHed occupations at such labor as will best efl'ect a permanent ein'e. A farm of about kkui acres gives chance for manv to be eniplo\ed in agricultural pursuits. The main building is Castellated (iothic sl\U- with massive towers, turrets and but t re^>.es. It is ^fi:; in length, with rooms in the basement nine feel high; llrst slorv foiu'teen feet and six inches; second story lifteen feet and six inches; chapel twentv-six feet, and roomson either side ten feel high. The ceremonies of laving the corner stone took ]ilace September 24, 1S58. .\mong the speakers present were lion. 15. F. Kuller; ]Ion. ICdward ICverett ; lion. Daniel S. Dickinson; J. W. Franci-, M. !).. L. I.. I).; i\|. \V., John L. Lewis and Alford 15. Street. Since the erection of the Main Building several additions and changes have been made in it; niunerous other building- h;i\c been erected, three large houses built or remodelled on t he farms l;i\ ing fai I her up the Su>i|uehanna. BROOME COUNTY ILLl'STR ATED. SUSQUEHANNA VALLEY HOflE. The Siis<|uehanna Valley Home was founded in 1S69. It is pleasantly situated on an eminence overlook in,t,r the City of Binghamton, and commanding a view of the Susquehanna River. Its object, being to "afiord a Christian home for indigent children, and to secure their adoption into families of respectability." The main buildings are three stories in height, surrounded by wide lawns, ample play grounds, and a farm of about forty-five acres under a good state of cultivation, furnishing a large portion of the vegetables consumed. It also provides em- ploymeni for the boys outside of school and play hours. The school, which is under the State supervision, is in charge of tiiree competent, experienced teachers. A Sabbath School is held each Sunday, at 3 \: .\i., conducted in turn by the several Evangelical Churches of the city. It is the aim of the managers to make the Institution a ■■Christian Home" and an ■■Industrial School" in the truest sense, where each shall do his part, and IV receives the reward of his labor. that he BROOME COUXTY ILUSTRATKF). BINOHAiTTON POST OFFICE, (cu. u.\i,i, anh jtenry strkets.) Tliis beautiful structure was erected in i SSg at a cost of about $i5o,iipied on his return. Also about this time (1776) the Six Xations had a great gathering at Oquago near Windsor, an i Col. .lohn Harper went thither to ascertain the meaning. lie was well received and became convinced that the savages would take no action in the war. Brant ap, eared with these Indians some time later and went with a band of warriors to Unadilla. Gen. Herkimer interviewed him there and became convinced !l,.it the Indians would act in concert with the British. The Indians and Gen. Herkimer fought the bloody battle of Oriskany soon after. Brant destroyed the village of Springfield on Otsego Lake, also together with Butler committed the bloody Massacre of (Cherry Valley and later the one at JMinisink. To avenge these CHENANGO RIVER BRIDGE Looking down on the r.ridou whicii connects Ci)Urt ami Main Streot.s. View up location of \hv Ilif^li School at the Icl't, anil I'irst Congregational Clun-cli at the right. this country; this war lasted with varying success for twenty years,but linally terminated successfully for the Iroquois We pass over a very interesting period of over one hundred years of our Nation's early history, because it does not seem to possess any points which in any particular degree can be con- nected with the early history of our county. During the Revolution both armies tried to employ the Indians of the Six Nations as allies. < ren. Schuyler argued that they would cost the colonists more than they were worth and so it proved. Main Street sh<)\^ng the bloody deeds the colonists planed a compaign. In 177i> (ten. Sullivan with 3500 men marched up the Sus(|uehanna from Pennsylvannia, while a divison started by the way of the Mohawk to meet him. They passed down the Susquehanna receiving a reinforcement near the present village of Windsor, and upon arriving at the i)resent siteof Binghamton encamped. In their voyage they did the Indians considerable dam- age. They had a skirmish near Union but the Indians fled. (len. Sullivan's army and the one from the Mohawk met England alone reaped benellt from their em|)loy. .Tosepli Brant on tlie Chemung River making a force of about 5000 men. Brant a prominent Mohawkehief was taken to England where he was made several desperate stands in the vicinity of Elmira but so well received that much uneasiness was felt by the colonists was beaten by the overwhelming forces of his foe. Pursuing i 7 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 13 Sullivan laid waste many villages, de>troyed corn fields, and broke the league of the Six Nations. Brant's spirits still seemed unbroken and he afterward led forces against and plundered many villages. With the possible exception of yindian captives, Sullivan's army was beyond doubt the first white men ever vfithin the present limits of Broome County.^ It may be hard to tell just what tribes at all times owned the county. The Delawares may have held it, but at a time later the Six Nations must have had possession. Oquaga is probably the most noted spot and seemed to be a resting place to cross by Binghamton,Wyoming or Deposit or in order to strike the rivers where these places are now located. Old Indian apples trees of great age were found twenty-five families of Indians. These Indians dressed in shirts and moccasins, their heads veere ornamented with feathers and ofttimes jewels in their noses and ears. Their houses were either of logs locked togeth- er at one end so as to form a s.lantingroof,or four crotcked poles erected so as to form a slant and covered with bark, etc., to exclude rain, one end was left open and a curtain of skins sus- pended which could be lowered or raised at will. The three sides were covered with bark. Their Are was kindled outside,just in front. They had no chairs or tables but sat on the ground or skins inside. The Indians were swindled out of this farm by one Patterson whom the savages it is supposed afterwards murdered. VIEW FROM CORNER OF HAIN AND FRONT STREETS, LOOKING OVER THE BRIDGE TO COURT ST. at Oquago, also trinkets, bones, etc. Over the line in Chenango county toward the present village of Greene is also to be found an interesting mound, some forty feet in diameter, built by Indians, and filled with human bones. Two hundred arrow heads and a large number of Indian trinkets were also found in the pile. Another of these mounds was found at Wyoming, Pa., and filled with bones of warriors, probably slain in the Grasshopper War. In 17fi7, Captain .loseph Draper settled near the site of the County Farm, he and his associates found the Indians of this locality peaceable. Near the mouth of Castle Creek was situated what was called the "Castle Farm," this the Indians reserved when selling the land in this locality. It was a home for about The whites treated the Indians with injustice at many times and may have deserved much of the cruel treatment which in many cases they received. The first perminent settlements in the county were made in 1785 by Cap. .foseph Leonard and others, and were in the present towns of Vestal and Colesville. Leonard settled near the present site of Binghamton. A company was soon after formed which bought the land of the Indians at one shilling per acre. The methods employed when making purchases from the Red Men were substantially, feed the Indians well, give them rum, get on the right side of them, then buy as low as possible. Along the river and in many places the underbrush and small trees were cut out ; this enabled the Indians not only H BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. to raise crops if wanted, but also to see game. The Indians had paths through the forests which, with a little extra chopping could be reasonably well followed by a wagon. The pioneers of Broome County found an almost unbroken forest ; and it took the hardest labor of one generation to remove these and pave the way for another to enjoy the fruit of their labor.*. The first duty of the settlers was to fell some straight trees cut these up into suitable lengths, notch them and build a square cabin with a bark roof; greased paper for windows, if any at all, split planks for floor and doors. This he had to build alone unless he could obtain assistance from one who had be- fore settled in that vicinity ; as to furniture the bed was usually made at the side by boring holes into the logs and building a absent member on such occassions. There was also in these forests an abundance of wild game with numerous animals which not only preyed on the flocks, but often were an an- noyance to the life of a man, among these wolves were the worst and at certain times became such a nuisance that a bounty was placed upon their hides; in 1S22 this bounty was !flO. The lack of Grist Mills was another serious grievance of most settlements and journeys of a week or two were often made to them. One of the earliest located mills was at Tioga Point, about forty miles from Binghamton. The nearest at an early date on the east was about seventy miles distance at Wattles' Ferry. A stump was often hollowed out and the corn or grain pounded in it. Wheat was often boiled and COURT STREET LOOKING EAST little frame which had poles laid over it and a lied made thereon. The ehaii'S were mostly benches nuuieuf a.'^plit slab with legs in it. A few articles of furniture were occasionally brought by the pioneers as a reminder of former eivili/afioii. in (•oinMiunities where neighbors were to be found a bee was made and with four men at the corners, trees were felled, and a hi>use erected in one day; liut, during all this time the jug of whisky wms often passed around to brighten up the spirits of the laborer. Under these rude roofs we doubt not that there was as much happiness and as many ti-ue and devoted hearts as in the palace of to-day. Amid these primitive forests there were many a liappy "Logging Bee" in which the men of a community cleared in a day the field of a neighbor and seldom, if ever, was the jug an FROM COURT HOUSE IN 18S5. eaten with milk nr maple sugar. In the year fTsS Henry Kinch erected a mill at Castle Creek for sawing lumber, this caused a great improvement in the manner of housebuilding; two years later a grist mill was erected in the Town of Kirkwood on what was the farm of the heirs of E. Y. Park. The next year .labesh Winchop built a mill at Union and also Cap. l>ean built a sawmill where the present village of Dejiosit is located to this he added a grist mill the next season. Simon Kogers erected in !7i>5 a grist mill in the present town of Barker and two years later Nathan Lnne started one in Windsor. The year ITWI was one of famine. The hardships, although severly felt in Broome County, was much more severe farther down the river. Every sort of experiment to prevent starvation was resorted to ; roots were dug and ate; drying BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. rye in milk and pounding to a meal and many other things. Five years later, in 1794, occurred the historical "Pumpkin Freshet." The river overflowed its banks during the month of August carrying away and destroying much of the produce of the lowlands on which there was an unusualy large crop of pumpkins. This destruction of crops ushured in another period of privation, following which the story is always told of Major Stowe who gathered together a bushel of wheat.shoulder it and went to mill on foot and returned, a distance of forty miles. On his return there was a festival held by the neighbors who congregated to help him partake of a shortcake made from the bark of the Hemlock became worth more than the lumber, and whole forests were destroyed to obtain it for tanning purposes while the lumber was left to decay were felled. Another thing that deserves passing notice is the early roads. In many places they were made to follow the Indian trails. In nearly every instance they were at first uneven, run- ning over stumps and knolls, down into holes and creeks. These were gradually improved as the county became settled. In 1806 the Unadilla Turnpike ('o. was incorporated which run from what is now Binghamton to Otsego Co. Toll gates were established every ten miles. The capital of the company was fi>>''Cr««.Ce WILLIAM BINGHAM, After whom the City of Binghamton was named. William Bingham obtained large patents of land in 1786, including most of Conklin.Kirkwood, Binghamton, I'nion anil \'c'stal Townships. Hour and shortened with bears grease. Whiskey was a common beverage in pioneer life and dis- tilleries were numerous, yet the people seldom drank enough to become intoxicated. The manufacture of block salts and pot- ash from ashes was another thriving industry which realized considerable gain to the early settlers. One of the greatest sources of wealth was the sale of lumber which was most frequently sent down the river in rafts ; that from the far east of the county going by the Delaware, while the main part went down the Susquehanna, or came down the Tioughnioga and Chenango to the Susquehanna. Later on the to be .fBL'.SOO. One year later the Saline and Chenango Turnpike Road Co- was incorporated,runiiing from Saline,Onondaga Co. to tjhenango Point (Binghamton ). This same year Otsego and Broome Turn- pike Road Co. was incorporated, also near this time the - ■"■! S-.ir .._.. T -,Ci^ VIEW LP THE CHENANGO klVER. seal which he designed. At this time the county embraced the area as now and was divided into three towns, Chenango, r^isle and Union. Chenango embraced the present towns of Chenango Colesville, Windsor, Sarford, Conklin, Fenton and Binghamton. Union embraced Union, Vestal and part of .Maine. Lisle em- braced the balance of the county lying to the north and the northwest. Topography. Broome County is divided into three natural sections; first east of Susquehanna river which embraces the present town of Sanford and the eastern portion of Windsor and ('oles- ville, here the hills are elevated and the declevities abrupt, valleys narrow and precipitous. The timber prevents disin- tegration to a considerable extent and also preserves the water the stream, the current is swift in its general course ; second, the Susquehanna which enters the county from Chenango on the north windin;? its way through the towns of Colesville and Windsor than entering Peiin-ylvannia returning again passing between the towns of 'Kiikwood and Conklin to Binghamton. where it receives the water if tlie Chenango and from thence passing between Union and Vesta). The Chenango river rise< in Oneida County flows through Madison and Chenango Counties entering this county at Chenango Forks at which point it receives the water of the Tioughnioga. from thence it Mows south to meet the Susque- hanna ; the old canal ran alon:^ its eastern bank. The Tioughnioga rises at Ponipey Hill entering the county at the north and flows in a souili easterly course to Chenango Forks ; at the norlh tlie viilley of the stream is wide and fertile while for a few miles above CI.enango Forks the valley is so BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 4 ^ ^ .Ml ".^ ^n \\ s^^S' .^^ I I MP 1 ■.^•"w*: ACKERHAN BUILDING CORNER STATE AND HENRY STREETS. BROOM I-: COUNTY ILLISTRATED. 21 narrow that scarcely is there room for a road without excavat- ing the bank. The Geological history of BroonieCounty is very interesting and is principally compiled from State surveys made near lS-10. The Catskill or old Red Sandstone group of rocks cover the highest grounds on the south side of t lie Susquehanna and the high grounds east of the Clienango. These rooks are red, gray, greenish and mottled red, brown and green, in them testaceous fossils are rare. These stratas are thin, usually from one inch ro three feet in thickness. The Cliemung group of rocks consists of Sandstone and shales more or less slate. The sandstone makes good building Public Buildings. On the northwest corner of Court and Chenango Streets in 1802 was erected the first Couit House. Its dimension was 24x3(5 feet and contained the shf'riff's office, residence and jail below and rooms for courts in the upper floor: the two cells were constructed of logs. The second Court House and Jail were erected in 1828 and 1829 and was bullion its present site. The work was superintended by three commissioners, Ammi Iioubleday, Grover Buel and George Wheeler. The board of supervisors authorized the raising of .$5,000 for that purpose,and later in lS2ii they were authorized to borrow -$4,000 and in 1830 COJRT HOUSE IN i866. Drapccl in mourninfr for Rroomc County's most distinguished citizen Hon. Daniel IS. Dicl^inson. and tiag stone. The shales are usually to soft for any practical use, these stratas are usually thin ^eldonl exceeding two feet, but different layers adhere to each other with great tenacity- The various rocks form themselves an interestiTig si uily, lint be- ing so numerous we can not give space to cnn-^iUering each group, although agriculture depends to a great extent on the composition of rocks. On the formation of stratas depends the questions of springs, drainage, etc. The soil in the valleys is almost entirely made up of disin- tegrated slate and shale with vegetable alliirium. it is usually very fertile and well adapted to agriculture, on the hills it is better for darying purposes. the State Comptroller was authorized to loan the county $4, -iOO to complete the building. The present Ci)urt Hmisi' was erected by -T. Stuart Wells in lXb~ at a co-^t of $32.00ij. The building was then considered a beautiful and m:is-ive structure It has since been extended on both sides w1hi!Ii makes, as can be seen by comparing the two pictures, a mucli better priiiortioii-d building. It stands on a beautiful knold which was once iin unsightly hill. Before the additions were made it was nint.v-six feet long by fifty-eight in width. The front is ornamented by four ionic pillars, each six feet in diameter and thirty-six feet high. The underpinning steps and pavement are Onondaga limestone. The main struct- BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. u re is of brick, sanded and painted. On the first floor are offices of the sheriff, county judge and surrogate, di?tiict attorney, county treasurer and superintendent of the poor, be- sides the supreme court library ; on the second floor is the ccuirc room and adjacent rooms for jurors, etc , also the supervism-s room. The dome is surmounted by a cupoLa. which has lui iron plafforni commanding a fine view of the city and surrounding country. Allusion has just been made to the first jail in Broome County. The present structure was erected in 1858 at a cost of .tl5,000; and being by some considered inadequate at the present there is much discussion upon the subject of erecting a new one. The present structure includes the jail proper, with cells of stone and iron for criminals together with a comfortable residence for the sheriff. The noted humorist, linguist, burglar and murder, Edward II. Unlloff has been among pris:)ners who to themselves and to society. Removed from temptation, and subjected to appropriate treatment; there is every reason to hope that many, at least, will be restored from the drunkard's career and the drunkard's grave. At any rate humanity and religion alike demands the experiment.'' Brief mention was made privously of a few among the many statesmen, philanthropists and orators who honored Bingham- ton with their presence on the occasion of laying the corner ston. In his address. Rev. Henry Bellows, said: "I rejoice, then, to be able to lift to the pedestal of this majestic occasion, and to place before the eyes of the friends of the unfortunate, of the inebriate, and his wretched victims only less miserable than himself, the name of the first man who proposed, advocated, and successfully carried into effect, the project of an Inbriate Asylum — Dr. .1. Edward Turner. May^r. .lohn G. Orton than to any other person. The edifice was designed and erected for a priv- ate residence, but in 1879 it was incorporated as a christian home for the homeless children. Where they were to feel the restraint and enjoy the blesf ing of achristain home and chris- tain instruction. To this end every means that parented care BRUO.ME COUNTY ILLLSTRATED. 23 and wisdom cun devise is employed to keep the little uiifdrtiinate as free from viscious influences as possible; and to nuike of them men and women of whom their benefaptors may be justly proud. All the neccessary facilites are afforded for a(|uiring a good education and many of the children are found nice, com- fortable homes in christian families. This institution is the pioneer of the county having for its primaryvobject the removal of children from the county poor- house ; but it was through its influence and example the law of 1876 was enacted which prohibited the placing of children be- tween the ages three to sixteen in the alms houses of the state- Many of the children are exceptionaly bright and well educated and compare more than favoribly with the children wno atten-l the other schools of the county and show an interest in the Sunday school which is not usually seen in the churches This Sunday school is attended each sabbath by repre?entaiives seventy-five feet, two stores and basement. Female wing and keeper's hou>e, sixty-five by thirty-six feet, and forty by forty- five feet respectively, two stories and thiee stories high. Main biiildiiip. titty by fifty-five feet. County Officers. Following are names of the persons who served as county judges, district attorneys, sheriffs, county clerks, county treasurers, and county officers, and tlie date of their election. County yudges; — .lohn Patterson. April I'd, 1806. Daniel Hudson. March 2d, 1K09. James Stoddard, May 31st, 1809. Stephen Muck, Xuveniber Otli, 1SIl>. WEST ENTRANCE TO BENNETT PARK. of the different city churches who take charge of and teach the children the lesson for that day, giving them the same privileges of^other children more fortunate. The citizens and managers have not been unmindful of the children, and remember them especially at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Broome County Alms- House and Furms. — The county farm is located about two and a half miles north of the city of Bing- hamton on the west side of the Chenango river. It was originaly owned by Seth. Leonard and purchased in ISl'l by Stephen Weed, Vinant Whitney and Marcus Sage, superintendents of the poor of Broome county. It contains about one hundred and twenty acres of fertile and tilable land extending from the river to the slope of the mountain. The buildings are all of wood and the first of the new buildings being built in 1S70. Tliey are as follows; Main building; men's department thirty-four liy John K. Drake, \pril S th. 1815 Tracy Kobinson, .lanuary 31st. 18'J3. William Seymour, April 12th, 1843. Edward (t. Kattel, June. 1847. .Fohn R. Dickinson. November, I8."il. Horace S. Griswold, November, iStih. Benjamin N. Loomis, August isth, 1870. William B. Edwards, November, 1S70. Taylor L. Arms. November, 1888. Names of those who served as surrogates, before the year 1847 at which time they were merged with that of judge. Eleazer Dana, April 3d, 1806, Peter Robinson, February 12th, 1821. George Park, March 27th, 1823. Joseph P. Uugg. February 12th, 1836. Hamilton Ccdlier. Februarv 19th, 1840. BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. John I\. Dickinson, February littli, ls44. District . I itorncya : — John A. Collier, June lllh, 1818 Thomas G. Waterman. Februnry 25tli. 1S22. Mason Whiting, .\pril 10th, 18l'3. Peter Robinson, May 20tl), 1823. ^[asiin Whiting, November SOili, IK31. Joseph Hosworth. 1S37. Hamilton Collier, December 1st, 1887. Ausburn Birdsall, February 12th, 1S42. George A. Northrup, November, 1840. Luther Badger, June, 1847, Jacob Morris, November 28th, 1849. Francis B. Smith, November, 1853. Orlow W. Chapman, September 4th, 1862. Peter W. Hopkins, January 6th, 1868. Theodore F. McDonald, November, ls74. David H. Carver. 1880. George K. Curtis, 1883. Winthrop D. Painter, November, 1889. Sheriffs .— "William Woodruff, April 2nd, ISOfi. Jacob McKiiiney, February 22iid, iNOs. Chester Patter^on, MaySUt, 180!). Thomas Whitney, March 9ili, 1813. Oliver Huntington, February 24tli, 18Ui. William Chamberlain, . I uue loih,lslS. Chauncey Hyde, February 12ih, 1S21. Joseph Patterson, Mrtrcli 2Sili. ISJl. Noah Shaw, November. 1822. Benjamin II Nichols, Nnvenilier, 1S25. Jesse Hinds, jr., November, 1S2S. James Stoddard, November, 1831. Robert O. Kdwards, November, 1S34. Robert llarpur, November, 1.S37. Levi Dimmick, November, 184(i. Joseph Bartlett, -November, 1S43. Usebe Kent, November, lH4fi. Benjamin T. Miller, .January 24th, 1K48. William Kent, November, 1S4K. Mason Wattles, November, 1851. James B. Balch, November, 1854. Erastus Hurghardt, .November, 1857. .lohn li. Bowen, November, IsiiO. Frederick W. Martin, November, 18ti3. Robert lirown, November, 18ti6. Frederick W. Martin, November, 1869. Philotis Edmister, .November, 1872. (ieorge W. Kunn, November, 1S75. L. Chester Bartlett, November, 1878. S. Foster I'.lack, Novenilier I8S1. .lames Brown, November, IKSo. Wintield Stone, November' 18KS. Frederick P. Ockerman, N ivember. I.S91. Urbane Stevens, November. 1S!U Cotnitv i'/rrhs:- .\8hbel Welles, .\pril 2rid, IsOiJ. Jacob McKinney, May 31st, 1809. William Woodruff, February 26th, 1810. ^lason Wattles. February ISth, 1811. William Woodruff, November 9th, 1812. Ammi Doubleday, August 28th, 1817. Latham A. Burroughs, February 14th, 1821. Daniel Kvans, November, 1822. Barzillai ^larvin, November, 1831. .lohn 0. :\loore, November, 1840. Burr (ieorge, November, 1843. .lohn C. Moore, November, 1H46. Kras nius D. Robinson, November, 1849. William C. Doane, November, 1855. Hallan K. Pratt, November, 1858. Charles O. Root, November, 1861. Joseph M. Johnson, November, 1867. Pliny \. Itussell, November, 1873. Marcus W. Scott, November, 1876. Charles F. Tupper, November, 1882. Henry Marean, November. 1888. Frank Newell, November, 1894. County Tritjsitrrrs. — Before the constitution of 1846 was accept- ed the supervisors appointed the county treasurer. Follow- ing are the names of those who have served the county'since then by election : — Richard Matlier, November, 1848. Nelson .1. Hopkins, November' 1854. .\l()iizo C. Matthews, November, 1863. David L. Bruwiison, November 1875 to 1884. .lolin .\. Kider, November, 1885. i\/r////>rrs of Asseml>l\' : — Eleazer Dana. 1808. James Pumpelly, 1810. Chauncey Hyde, 1812. .lohn H. Avery, 1814. .\sa Leonard, 1815. .Mason Whiting. 1816. .loshua Whitney, 1817. John W. Harper, 1818. Chester Patterson, 1819 to 1821 inclusive. Chauncey Hyde, 1822. .lonathan Lewis, 1823. Thomas G. Waterman, 1824. Briant Stoddard, 1825. Peter llobinson, 1826 to 1831 inclusive. Vincent Whitney, 1832-33. David C. Chase, 1834. Neri Blatchly, 1855. Judson Allen, 1836-37. .lanies Stoddard, 1838. .lohn Siou>;lilon. 1839. Cornelius ^lersereaii, 1840. (iiileon llolchkiss 1841. l.'olierl Harper, 1S42. tiill)ert Dickinson. 1S43. John B. h'ogers. 1844. Cyru- .Inlinson, 184."). BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 25 ^ J^ W •fi •!'""-ii iiirT:* ♦ s. ^:., ^ FRONT VEIW OF THE BINGHAMTON STATE HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE. 26 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. Salfronius H. Freiicli. lN4(i. Oliver C.Crocker. 1847. Jeremiah Hull, 1S4S. ,Tohn (I. Whittaker, I.s4!l. Edward Y. I'lirk, 18oU. Hoher \V. Hiiui.-. 1851. William L. Ford. IS5l>. .loseiih F. Kly. Isi3. Robert Harpur, 1854. Charles McKinney, 1855. Walter L. Peck, 1856, Enos Puffer, 1857, .lohn S Palmer, 1858. f)gburne E. Bump, 1859 Edwin (.!. Moody, 1877. .\lexander E. Andrews, 1878. Henry Marean, 187it L. Coe Young, 1880. F. n. Smith, 1881. 1,. Chester Bartlett, IS82, William H. Olin, 1883-84, Isaac Edson, 1885-86. Issael T. Deyo,lS87 to 1891 inclusive, .loseph H. Brownell, 1892-95. Broome County has also been honored in the United (States Congress by the following persons: — Hon. .lohn A. Collier, 1831. Hon. William Seymour. 1835. INTERIOR VIEWS OF THE SUSQUEHANNA VALLEY HOME. Friend H. Burt. IMII (ieorge Bartlelt, 18(;2. Francis B, Siriitb, ls(«. Mulford Northrup, 18r.4. Edward Mersereau, lsi;5. .Mild B. I'lldredgf, Isr.p,. .lames \'aii Valkenburg, I81i7. Chauneey C. Bennett. I8t;s. William Kly, ls(i9 to 1871 inclusive. William I'My. William 1,. I'orcl. 1 v72. William I.. Ford, ls73. <-ieorge ."^herwood. 1874-75. Rodney A. Ford, 187ii. Henry Mather, IWO. lion, .\usburn Birdsall, 1^47. lion. Giles W. Hotcbkiss, I8(i3. lion. S. C. -Millard, 1883. In the State Senate by: — Thomas t^. Waterman, 1827. haniel S 1 lickinsun, IS37. IVler W, Hopkins, IS7S. Edwin (i llalbert, 1S7!). Edmund (('('(inmir. the (jrespiil incumbent. The Legisliitivi' or law making power of Broome County is vested in a B(i:inl of Supervisors consisting of one member from each town and ward of the city, the i)resenl number is twenty- nine. I'ormerly they were elected for one year, the term is now extended to two years. The following are the present BROOiME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 27 members: — Andrew U. Jackson : first ward, city. Leonidas B. Gleason ; second ward. city. John E Stowell; third ward, city. Lemuel A. Clift; fourth ward, city. Harry Khoades ; fifth ward, city. William Kuger; sixth ward, city. Edwin Taylor ; seventh ward. city. Tabor M. Reed; eight ward, city. Lee M. Cafferty ; ninth ward, city. Walter S. Lyon ; tenth ward, city. James K. AVaite ; eleventh ward, ciiy. Ernest 11 Ballon ; twelftli ward, ciiy. .Tasper Smith ; town of Triangle. E. K. Alersereau ; town t)f Union. O.J. White: town of Vestal. W. W. Watrous ; town of Windsor •Tasper Smith, Chairman. A. W. T. r.ack.CUerli. Military History. Broome County has a military recoi-d of which she may justly be proud. In patriotic devotion to her country she has few equals and no superior. Many a brave boy and man threw GE^ERAL JOHN C. ROBINSON. Crosby T Moffat; thirteenth ward, city. M. O. Eggleston ; town of Barker. W. D. Uowley ; town of Binghamton. Wellington Treadwell; town of Chenango. B. B. Badger; town of Colesville. Charles E. Fuller; town of Conklin. John Culter ; town of Dickinson. A. 1). Weed ; town of Fenton. Frank Langdon ; town of Kirkwood. Robert Forks ; town of Lisle. E. L. Vincent ; town of Maine. Michael Woods : town of Nanticake. Joseph AV'hite ; town of Sanford. down his tools, bid adieu to loved ones and home, while he went forth to fight and defeat the common enemy. Beside the many brave privates and otficers of lower rank, three generals went forth from this county. With the return of peace no relaxation of zeal was shown^ a company of infantry and battery was organized which under competent ofticers has reached an enviable degree of excellence* A well appointed state armory has been erected on State street in the city of Binghamton which would reflect credit on any community. Among the pioneer soldiers of early days may be mentioned Major Josiah Stow of Windsor once an officer in the French army. General Orange Stoddard of Union once an Indian 28 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. commissioner. Captain William Kritik. .ludge .loshua .Mersereau of Union a brilliant soldier of the Kevolution, he nearly being captured by the British at New York. After Burgoynes sur- rendered he had charge of the prisoners. In 1842 Jacob C. Robie of Hinghamton assumed command as colonel of the Twenty-first Regiment of New York ^lilitia con- tinuing in command eleven years. He was then assigned the command of the Forty-third Regiment with headquarters in Chenango county. Colonel Robie was an efficient energetic officer. Scarcly had the last field of the Rebellion been won. Than training. At the out breaking of the great Rebellion they rallied from Broome County to defend the county's flag men,who,for bravery ond patriotism the county may justly feel proud. Had it not been for such the tide of rebellion might have swept far beyond its northern limit — Gettysburg. At the first call three companies were organized at whose head was placed Col. Jacob C. Robie who was at that time appointed United States enrolling officer. These three companies composed of the following persons drilled daily in the streets of Hinghamton. Company r.— .foseph .1 Bartlett. major ; Edward I,. Lewis, QENER.\L EDWARD F. JONES. an agitation arose to establish a fund for each regiment ; ^rMXl was first appropriated on condition that a certain amouni of military duty be i)reformed. This in 1870 was so changed that non-com- missioned officers and privates received more benefit and a sum of at least %1 vras to bo paid to each one who had paraded at least seven times during the previous year, later, in 187s, this sum was raised to $8 and to meet the general expenses each regiment was allowed $500. This was, however, aftewards so changed that each division received .$1,000 for expenses and $.500 more to brigade headquarters. There has been a general im- provement in all departments of Military training ; since the im of the training day when all left their work for a general captain; Charles A. Wells, first lieutenant ; Eugene M. I>avis. orderly sergeant; (leorge W. Dunn, second sergeant; James M. Watson, third sergeant; John E. Ronk, fourth sergeant; Eri S. Watson, l-rederick I,. <41eason. Theodore M. Leonard, Martin M.Adams, corporals ; Samuel I >. Crumb, Lewis W.Chichester, musicians.- /•>-/:■iirand, Mi'-liael I'riseoU, George lirtvi?. Samuel Eastabrook, (ieorge W. Fnvd Fanning, .tonal lian French, Thomas M. Gillick, Martin Green, Simeon (Jrout. Orion Harmon, ,lohn Hill, Oliver Hokirk, (ieortje Ilokirk, .loseph Ilanj'i, l.e\ i R, .ronnson, William S. .lay, .lames Kin^.C^lark Lambert, Haniel W. Larkin, Cornelius W. .Maine, Patrick Millmure, .Xorman S .Miller, liobert Martin, Gilbert Mix. ('Iinrlf's il. Perry, William H. Parker. Kdvvin S. Kichnionil. Mt-hiii F. Sterling, ('harles P.. Schramm.. Joseph Short^. Tlirodore Trtichell, William W. Tomp- kins, Thomas W. Tompkin^, .\loiizo (' Taft. William II. Van Alstyne. .loshiia Williams. Sam lel II. Warner. .-Vlbert G. Whit- man. Franklin Whi.ney. jr. Charles Yenny, (•■()«//(;«)■ /'.—I liraii. ('. Ilodgers. captain ; Henry ('. .lack- son, lieutenant ; .\sa Park, ensign; AVilliam II. P.artram. Fd- ward Comstock. (ieorKe Williamson, .\lbert <;. Xorthrup, ser- ford. Zael Paddleford, Charles W. Platf. Cyrus T. Purdee, I'eloss Payne, Oscar Phelps. Edwin s. Reid. Franklin Spencer. Nelson Spen -er. William P. Sampson, William .1. Spendley, Stephen A. Siurdevant. Charles Slater. .lames V. Snedaker, tUiarles Thompson, .loseph T. Tripp, .Vlbert M. Tyler, William Traill, liideon \'aii .\iiken. Fli'ah P. Williains, Benton .\. Wil- son. Charles Webber, .Tohn Wilkins. (ieorge L. Wilcox. Charles Winters. Lewis Walton. Com/'iniY F. — Peter .lay. captain ; William .\. Sheldon, lieu- tenant; \ai Fayette Cross, ensign ; Davalson P. Benedict, Frank K. Xorthrup. Luther N. Hubbard. .Joseph L Ross, sergeants; (ieorge H. Roman, Frederick Itanilall. Harvey 1). Whiting. .John C. .June, corporals; Franklin French, musician — Privates. — .lames Barry, I.,a Fayette Benedict, Ira C. Benedict, George W. Beckford, Charle „,X. Bowker, Hiram Brown, jr., Sanford Brad- ELECTRIC POWER HOUSE A^D BARNS. geanls; William W. Spencer, .Inlni L. I'.aile,\. Cliarle.'; R. Fair- child. Fdward M. Watson, corporals ; William .1. Rundeil. ('has \an Horn, musicians. — I'ri-nl.s. — .Ubert l>. .\rmstroiig. Will- iam l». BoUes, Irving S. Burdge. Francis Rently. William II. Hrainard. .lohn W. Burrows. Stewart .\. Burrows. Ileber Canoll. Clark . I. Cone. I''rank Coleman, Henry M, Crofker. I.'ufsell S. Cole, .lamias Coon,(ieorge Hickson. Cliauncey .1. Hurfee, Reuben 11. Dickinson, Charles X. Elliott, C. Hopkins I'airchild. Patrick Fagan. I'rank P'rancisco, l-'rederick l'"owler. Abial T, l''inch, .\aron W. . Truesdall, William S. Van Valkenbui-gh, Havid Walker, Kdgar H. Warner, Frederick Waterman, Kdwin M Watrous, Albert Welch, William B. Westervelt, Edwin .!. Wil- bur, Henry Williams, l>aiiiel W Witherell. Reuben A. Wright. Theodore H. Yates. The 89th Regiment of N'olunteers was mustered into service in ISIil. The .ollowing are the officers ai d men ut tlie com- panies from Broome tlounty : Harrison S. Fairchild, colonel ; .Jacob G. Robie, lieutenant ; Daniel T. Evarts, major; .John F;. Shepard, ad'utant; Oonelius H. Webster, quartermaster: Truman H. Si|uire. surgeon; ?satbaniel E Pierson, assistant surgeon ; (ieriit \'an liigen. ser- geant-major Coiii/'iniv /y.— .James llazley. ciptain ; .Nathan .V.Newton, first lieutenant ; Ohauncey .1 Keed. second lieutenant ; David C. Durand, Benjamin F. Helley. (ieorge ('. Baker, N'eedick Adam, Ira Scriver. sergeants; William E. Evans, Richard Downs, Thomas (iroody, Charles J,. Campbell, Thomas Durfee. Charles Stringham, George A. (Trove, Jlenjamin F. I.eech, cor- porals ; Samuel 1). Crumb. .John E Manderville. musicians; .Jacob Van .\uken, wagoner. — P//: c/i v.^I.eonard .Anson, Lewis Chester Bartlett, .Tames S. Burr, Byron .M. Badger. .lohn W. Beardsley. Frederick Brown, .\ndrew .1. Brown. Stephen 11. Holies. .Idseph l'>. ISovee, Edward B. Bishop, .lames E. Busby, Chauncy Baker. William Bisley. .lacul) Berger. .Jehiel C'amernn. Azor M. Curtis, Robert W. Crane. .Ufred (Hyde, Sherman N. Cook, (ieorge W. ('arharl, Stephen 1' Cagdin. .John Cluen, Uriah W. Cash. .K.hn Cassidy. Edward .M. Cafferty, ilartin Delano. Daniel Dennison, P^dson .\. Davis. Seneca Duel, Beed F. Francisco, William ('. Fisher, Hiram D. (iould, .Tames Groody, .\rthur ().( Jray, William H Hull, David Harris. .John P. Hunt. William Hamilton. .Tohn Kay, David Lincoln, Hiram D. I^andon, P>arney Lee. .Inhn Maur)shofl, .John W. Mnnn, .Tames Mullon, .lames ()'(_'onner, Francis O'Clary, .Jacob Portsher. I^ewis M. Pierson, Charles Pilhie, William T. Powers, F>iend Pratt, David .\. Patterson, Edward .M. Pierce. Chauncy . I. Reed. Oliver llaunny. .John W. Kulifson. .John W.Rockwell, (ieorge W. Stringham, .lohn Spahn. .John H. Sweet, Richard Smith, ICrnest ]■'. Towner, Henry W. Vanderburgh, .laoob H. Waldron, Charles 11. Williams. Com/'iiny />. — .lohn Brady. Patrick I'itzgibbons. David (•rommell. Company E. — ("harles Ball. ( 'ompany E came from Oxford and Norwich. Capt. Catlin of Owego joined Capt. Bartlett of this city, and with their forces, proceeded to .\lbany, as ordered by the Ad- jutant (ieneral. The three companies started from Elmira. where for some days they were i|uartered for the battle lields of the South, .Inly 10th, IKtJi. They were assigned to the 27th Infantry of New York Volunteers with the following ollicers: Henry W. Slocum, colonel; .Toseph .1. Chambers, lieutenant colonel ; .loseph .1. Bartlett, major. I'he evening of .Tuly llth found them quartered in Franklin Square. Washington, and on the Kith they marched over Mt. Virginia only five days before they participated in the disastrous defeat at Bull Bun, in which Col. Slocum was wounded and the command of the regiment devolved upon -Maj. Bartlett, who displayed great daring and coolness by rallying his regiment and charging the enemy. While the main army was disastrously routed by so doing, he saved many from the pestilence of Rebel prison^. The 27th was badly shattered in this battle, having many in dead and wounded at the mercy of the Rebels. Col. Slocum was sonn promoted to Brigadier (ieneral. and Maj. Bartlett toColoiirl. This regiment was present at Yorktown, West Point, The Seven Days Battle, (iaines Hills, Crampton's Gap, Fredericksburg and Anteitam. At the expiration of their two years they returned to Elmira and were mustered out. Returning to Bijigl.amlon they re- ceived a hearty reception, after which they returned to their respective homes. -Many, however, again enlisted in the regular services as officers and privates. This famous 27th Regiment turned out three Generals — Slocum, Rogers and Bartlett. while the names of several others are prominent as sheriffs and other leading officers and public men of this county. In the fall of 1861 the famous 89th Regiment of New York Volunteers was mustered into service at Elmira. and about that time Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson, through the Secretary of War, obtained permission to raise an independent regiment called "Dickinson's (iuards". Professional business was then suspended at Col. Robie's office, and it was turned into a recruiting ren- dezvous. Four companies were organized in this county, with HarrisoTi S. Fairehild, of Rochester, colonel ; .Jacob C. Robie, of Binghamton, lieutenant colonel ; Daniel T. Everts, major ; .John E. Shepard, adjutant. Co. B was commanded by (.'apt. .James Heazly, of Bingham- ton ; Nathan A.Newton, first lieutenant; (!hauncy .J. Reed, second lieutenant. (^(1. J''^ —Captain, Robert Brown; first lieutenant, Moses Puller ; second lieutenant, William M. Benedict. Co. U. — Captain, Seymor L. .Tudd, of Windsor ; first lieuten- ant, Edward M. Bloomer; second lieutenant, F'rederick Daven- port . Co. II. — Captain, .John B. \an Howe; first lieutenant, Wellington M. Lewis; second lieutenant, Abner Morris. Co. A".— Captain, Frank Burt; first lieutenant, Oliver P. Harding; second lieutenant, Frank W. Tremain. All these companies did valiant service. Broome County had many representatives in the one hun- dred and ninth and one hundred and thirty-seventh regiments, besides in eleven other regiments, and her volunteers were found in every acting departinent of the army. She was also represented in the navy, among whom we deem worthy of special mention were. Commodores William W. MoKean and .J. R. Sands; also Engineers Levi SpafTord, William B.Brooks and Edward O. Robie. .Vnd a number from this county enlisted to serve in the iron clad nictolor, but through a mistake were not assigned. Ihr Drajl.i. — Previous to the Act of Congress, March 3d. 18(53. all enlistments in Broome ('ounty had been voluntary, but under this Act a draft was ordered in the Twenty-sixth Clon- gressional District, to which Broome belonged ; and this draft was inaugurated at Owego, .July 17th, by Capt. Edward O Katlell of Broome (bounty, who was then Provost Marshal of BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 53 ** etc The early inhabitants only purchased articles that were actually necessary The luxuries of now-a-day were to them unknown, both in food and aiiparel, except those dainties of the liunt and stream. Snad were very abundant at certain points in tlie river, and they became <|uite a source of profit to many inhal)itants. These were usually caught in meshes or nets on dark nights, and so abundant were herring that the meshes were made large enough to allow them to escape. Wild animals were also profitably hunted for furs and flesh. Philadelphia was the best market for cattle and lumber. .Anything which could be so sent was usually lloated down the Susquehanna. The canals soon opened up new outlets for trade which were of great benefit to the settlers Among early settlers we might mention Mr. Van Name, whose wife was a daughter of Judge Mersereau, of Springfield, Mass.; a Mr. Cole and Hall, who were connected with the massacres of Wyoming and Nimisink. Many old records of this town have no reference to it as it now is. Originally, it included Binghamton City and most of Dick- inson town. It was set off from Chenango in 1855. The first town meeting was held in the Court House in the village of Binghamton, in 1856, and John 8. Wells was the first supervisor. It was at a special session of the board soon after his election that the County was divided into two school commissioners' districts. The early history of this town would come largely under that of the city of Binghamton and town of Dickinson. The first schools were those erected in the present city limits — one near the site of the Dutch Reformed Church, and another west of the Chenango. Col. Rose was the first teacher. Hawleyton is now the principal point in this town and took its name from Maj. Martin Hawley, who purchased a tract of some 2,500 acres of land in this vicinity. He had been told that this land was worthless, but being an energetic farmer, he soon demonstrated to people their mistake, and after infusing new life and methods into farming in this vicinity he returned to Binghamton. The village is now one which compares favorably with any place of similar size in the County. History of the Town of Dickinson. The history of Dickinson town is so well covered in that of the towns from which it was formed that only a passing men- tion will here be made of it. The town consists almost entirely of the fertile Chenango valley, laying to the north of the city and is very largely "The Market Garden Town." Port Dickin- son is the only place of importance, and this isa suburb of Bing- hamton, being connected by street cars, which ensures to the inhabitants the privileges of city life without city taxation. At first this place was called Carmansville, inhonorof theCarmans who settled thereat an early day. Later it was called Port and Dickinson was added, in honor of Hon. D. S. Dickinson. No post office was established by that name till about 1865, when J. C. Carman was made first postmaster. The canal at an early day was of greater importance to the village than the old remnant of it with its swamp holes is at present, and on it were located several places of business, such as a grocery store and collector's office. Nelson Stowe built a hotel in the place, which was burned in 1872. A paper mill was started in 1855. which was burned and rebuilt later. For other, remarks on this town, see the history of the towns from which it was formed. / History of the Town of Vestai. Vestal is in the southwest of Broome County and takes in that portion of the County lying west of Binghamton and south of the Susquehanna river. On the north it takes in the fertile valley of the Susquehanna, while the main portion lying south is hilly and best adapted to grazing. The soil of the uplands is lilaty loam. The principal creeks are Big Choconut and Tracy, which flow Northward to the Susquehanna. The town contains nearly 23,000 acres of land. Some of the first settlements in the County were made in BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 4" this town, and date back to 1785. Among these the name of Maj David Barney is mentioned. Previous to this the Sullivan expedition had passed through this section and had several skirmishes with the savages, but there was much more done on the Union side of the river Col. Samuel Seymour and his brother Daniel settled on the widow Eliza Olmstead place on or about 1785. Abrams Winans, a Revolutionary War soldier, came just before 1800. The Mer- oereaus have an interesting history and were among ihe early settlers. Asa Camp settled in the northern part. He was a Sergeant in the Revolutionary War and helped to dig the grave of Maj. Andre John Fairbrother came in 1796 and settled about one mile south of Vestal Centre. It is said that he had shot 2,500 deer. John LaGrange came about 1793 and settled on what is known as the Phelps estate. Bethias Du Bois came in 1795 and erected a mill near the mouth of Choconut Creek ; Stephen Pratt settled in Vestal in 1800. At the same time came the first blacksmith of the place, John Yarlngton. Alfred Rounds built a mill on Choconut Creek some time after his settlement. John Baty settled in Vestal in about 1800. Samuel Morse settled on the farm owned by his son, Amos Morse, about 1787. Peter La Tourette came soon after 1800 and was very prominent as an early settler. The foregoing are among early settlers of prominence in the County. As in other sections of the County, they had great hardships to endure and underwent many things which would more than discourage the easy-going man of now-a-day. There were not only wild beasts and perfiduous savages to encounter, but a new county to be cleared and a solitary life to be led in log huts, alone in the wilderness John Locke, a Revolutionary soldier, who was interested in throwing tea over in Boston harbor, was an early settler of the town. He had two sons — Nathaniel and Kdmund. Nathaniel moved to Toledo, Ohio, and was father of David R. Locke "Petroleum V.Nasby",the great humorist and former proprietor of the Toledo Blade. Previous to his moving to Toledo Natha- niel operated a tannery in Vestal, and from there moved to Virgil, N. Y. Other citizens who have figured prominently in the history of the town are; Samuel and John Randall, Dr. Ira W. Peabody, Dr. A. A. Witherell, Samuel Chanberlain, Nathaniel Benjamin, Alvin Langdon, E. D. Brown, Elijah Wheeler, Dr. Samuel B. Foster and many others. The first town meeting was held Feb. 11th, 1823, in the village of Vestal, and the officers elected were as follows: Supervisor, Samuel Murdock; town clerk, David Mersereau ; assessors and commissioners, Daniel Mersereau, James Brews- ler and Nathan Banny ; postmasters, John Layton and Elias Morse ; collector, Nathaniel Benjamin ; constables, Nathaniel Benjamin and Ephriam Potts. Following are the names of the Supervisors of the town from 1855, as far as we can ascertain their names correctly : 1855, Samuel B. Foster; 1856, Daniel M. Layton; 1857-58, Cor- nelius Mersereau ; 1859, Jacob L. Rounds ; 1860, Edward Barton ; 1861 to 1863 inclusive, Samuel E. Weed ; 1864-65, J. L. Rounds ; 1866-67, George E. Ross ; 1868, Washington I. Weed ; 1869, George F. Codswell ; 1870-71, John Wheeler; 1872, J. L. Rounds; 1873. George E. Ross; 1874 to 1877 inclusive, J. L. Rounds ; 1878, George E. Ross; 1879 80, Ducius A. Mason ; 1881, D. H. Plough ; 1882, E. B. Mersereau ; 1883, A. Winans. Vestal village is a small hamlet situated in the northern part of this town, near the mouth of the Big Choconut Creek. The first store opened in this village was built by Jonathan Crane. He was succeeded in this enterprize by Jacob Rounds, but he soon discontinued the business. The first hotel was erected in 1S44 by John and Jacob L. Rounds, but this was also discontinued, when the railroad was built. The largest build- ing in the place was erected by L. T. Safford, in 1882, and Mr. Safford has added much to the business of the village by erect- ing several other buildings. John Yanington was the first blacksmith, and Lorenzo Frisby's the first wagon shop. Churches — The M. E. Society at Vestal is one of the oldest in the County, and formerly embraced a large territory, but at present the one at Vestal village is the largest of the three appointments of the Vestal charge. AV^e can learn very little of this charge, but it was organized some time prier to the year 1830. Rev. Daniel Foster donated the ground for the first building' which was a rude brick structure, but this has been replaced by a handsome brick edifice which was erected in 1882. The other two M. E. Churches are located at Vestal Centre and Tracy Creek, the former being erected in 1868, and the latter in 1871. The church at Tracy Creek cost $2,500, and Rev. S. W. Lindsey was the first pastor. < History of the Town of Conklin. Conklin was originally formed from Chenango in 1824. Since then a part was added to Windsor, and later, in 1859 it was divided, and all the portion east of the river, called Kirk- wood. In its present area it includes all the land lying be- tween Binghamton town and the Susquehanna River. The river valley contains many fine farms ; also a few mar- ket gardens. The hills rise to a height of from 400 to 600 feet above the river valley, and while many are steep, still the most of the land is tillable but preferable as a dairy country. This is one of our smallest town, having an area of less than 15,000 acres. The early settlements were made in 1788 by Jonathan Ben- nett, Ralph Lathrop and Maples Hance ; David Bound and others following soon after. Bound settled near the mouth of Snake Creek, but he found this a treacherous stream, as others have found it since, and it was only at the risk of his life that he and his family escaped its rolling torrents during a spring flood. Hance and a Mr. Burden also settled in this vicinity. Robert Corbett came from Massachusetts in 1796 and settled on the Ira Corbett place. Daniel Lwch was another of the early settlers. Noel Carr and Asa Rood, Jr., were also prominent among those who came at an early date. There were, however, fewer who came to this town than to many others, as its heavily timbered forests repelled many. These were none the less a source of profit to 42 BROOMF-: COUNTY ILLLSTH AI'ED. (- LU U h- O o z < z UJ r o z o UJ Q Z 3 zi $ ^ 01 -C •o c ^ •s u 3 u 3 ^-t X! 00 c ^ 3 E M 0) < t^ C3 r oc t) -C :3 a o 3 K r >^ J2 fr o r, D n .li( lA) o fc 7J X> •a c a3 > 3 H (3 U7 <-*- — V u ■*^ JS ■w .^ ^ n u o ■■c n X ■^ a DO *■" -n •^ ho C o O 4-> c 3 00 c a 'C r 11 -a X) T3 Tl U ni T! BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 43 ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. The first church was erected in 1838. The present church was erected in 1873. The entire cost of everything was about $170,000. Near it stands St. Joseph's Academy which cost $60,000. 44 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. those who utilized the time and put it in marltet. Among saw mills of an early date we might mention Mr. Corbett's, erected on Snake Greek in 1808. Mr Sherwood's on Fitch Creek was built about this time but is now in Kirkwood town, and Theodore Burr's, which was on the river in the north end of the town and was one of the best mills erected in this section and one which sent thousands of feet of lumber down the Susquehanna. In 1826 Luther Thurstin and Virgil Whitney were author- ized to build a dam across the Susquehanna between lots four and seven of Bingham's patent. This dam was to be submitted to three judges of the Court of Common Pleas, and a certificate to be obtained from them that the sluices were properly built so that rafts, etc., could pass down without trouble. The his- tory of schools is one of interest to all and compares favorably with that in other towns of the County. Nearly all were taught at an early day in log school houses, and these were not always as near as might be wished now. The settlers in this vicinity gave early evidence of a deep interest in religious affairs, and it was said that in all the families from the mouth of Snake Creek to Hamony, near Great Bend, prayer was offered every morning and evening. This was probably partially due to efforts of Revs. David Dunham and .John Leach. This state of religious affairs did not exist for a very long period, as in the course of five and twenty years only two or three out of that district could be called pious. Benjamin Horton was one of the early pioneers in this town. He located on Snake Creek and cleared up a farm where he spent the remainder of his life. He died in 1871 and was the first person buried in the cemetery at Conklin Forks. Among the other early settlers in the town were: Daniel Brooks, Ira Gardner, Isaac Bishop and Kdmund Lawrence. The following is the list of Supervisors from the year 1855, as all previous records of the town are lost: Henry Green, 1855 ; Theron Stoutenburg, 1856; T. Thompson, 1857-58; Theron Stoutenburg, 1859; Benjamin Lawrence, 1860; Aaron Van Wormer, 1861 ; Nathaniel Finch, 1862-63 ; E. Wilbur, 1864 ; Ben- jamin W. Lawrence, 1865-66 ; J. S. Corbett, 1867-1864 ; Benjamin W. Lawrence, 1870; Henry N. Watson, 1871 and 1872; .\aron Van Wormer, .Ir., 1873; .1. S. Corbett. 1874; Benjamin W Lawr- ence, 1875; .1. S. Corbett, 1876 ; Charles K. Fuller, 1877 78; J. S. Corbett, 1879 ; Aaron Van Wormer, 1880-82; Benjamin Lawr- ence, 1883. Corbettsville is a small hamlet situated in the southeastern part of the town and near the line of the Delaware, Lacka- wanna & Western Railroad and the Susquehanna river The prosperity of this village is largely due to the Corbett family who built nearly all the buildings of importance in the hamlet. Conklin is the largest village in the town, being a station of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad. The first store was built by John Bayless, in 1840. The largest industry at this point is the American Acetate of Lime Works, wh.ch was established in 1844, by .lohn H. TurnbuU. The Presbyterian Church was organized some time before the year 1sl>6, but where we are unable to ascertain, as there is no record beforg that time, .lohn M. Babitt was the first stated supply. Conklin Forks is located on Snake Creek in the southwest- ern part of the County. Reuben and Benjamin Horton were among the early settlers and built the mill in 1832. .Tesse A- and .lesse J. Coon were here in 1830, and the first store was opened by Frank Van Patten, in 1873. There is a large Acetate of Lime Works here, which was erected by Finch & Ross, in 1879, and it is a rival of the one before mentioned at Conklin- There are two churches at this place — one the M. E. Church' which was organized in 1870, the building being built the same year, and the Baptist Church, which is located on the river near Conklin Centre. It was organized in 1855, with forty-three members, and the house of worship was erected in 1856, at a cost of $1,600. Conklin Centre is the only other hamlet in the town and is located near the centre of the east border. The first settler was Edmund Lawrence in 1813, and he was followed by Edmund Lawrence and Isaac Bishop. There is no business of any im- portance done here Before Conklin was divided it contained over 16,000 acres of improved and over 19,000 acres of unimproved land, the value of which exceeded .$500,000, and was only surpassed by two towns of the County in value — Union and Colesville. It con- tained at this time, ( 1859), a population of over 2,500. There were 465 dwelling houses and 483 families in the town ; 1,032 children were registered in the schools. History of the Town of Chenango. The Town of Chenango was founded February 16th, 1791, it being one of the original towns of Tioga County. It lies west of the centre of the county ,the Chenango river following its east- ern boundary It is bounded on the north by Barker; on the east by Fenton ; on the south by Binghamton ; on the west by Maine. The surface of this town consists of the river intervale and several ridges from three to six hundred feet in height, separat- ed by the creek valleys that run parallel northerly and south- erly through the town The principal of these streams are Castle Creek, Kattell Creek and (lill)ert (!reek which empties into Kattell Creek,both of the former being tributaries of the Chenango Kiver. The town embraces an area of 21,154 acres most of which is adapted for dairying and stock raising, rather than to grain raising. The soil in the northern part is a gravelly loam mixed with disintregrated sand and underlaid by hard-pan. Farther south it becomes a deeper and richer gravelly loam. The first settlements in the town were made near the pre- sent site of Chenango Forks Thomas Galop located here in the year 1787, but he remained but a short time. Among the other early settlers were Jedidiah Seward, Wm Hall, Henry Palmer, and .U)hn Paige In 17S8 a saw-mill was builtattilen Castle by Henry French and it was said to be the first mill in the county. The first school house was finished .January 1st, 1815. BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 45 For a few years the settlers poured into Glen Castle and among them were Nathaniel Lee, Tyrus Page who then settled on the Sylvanus .Tudd farm,James Temple, Franklin and Thomas French, and later came George Port, C. M. Teal, Sylvester Booth. Lent Johnson, and Matter Gary. Castle Creek was also settled early, the village takes its name from the creek and the creek was named from the old Castle Farm which had an Indian Castle built on it and was a sort of an Indian village for years after the whites had settled in the section. We have previously mentioned that a Mr. Patter- son had tried to defraud them out of this place. This farm was then a valuable property of 160 acres The first meetings were held in the School House or in houses and barns which could be obtained. The Methodists built a small meeting house down near the burying ground and in 1810 the Presbyterians built a neat little meeting house near the present site of the Methodist Church. This the Methodists purchased an interest in and it was afterwards a Union Church until it was supplanted by the new Methodist Church. Mr. William Bristol a representive of McKinney & Everts of Binghamton told the writer an interesting story of his mar- raige in this old church. When entering the army Mr Bristol was engaged to ^liss Hetta Blair. In 1864 he was home on a leaf of absence and decided to be married on this occasion at this church. They were to sing as the bridal party marched in. The engagement had been a long one and some one suggested, what if they should sing, "This is the way I long have sought and mourned because I found it not." As they marched in mueh to their surprise the choir broke in singing this piece. The Baptists were not organized here till 1S44, although, they had meetings previous to that. William West was the first store keeper and had his place on or near the Widow Munsell House. Katteville is a small hamlet west of the Binghamton and Syracuse Railroad, among its early settlers we would mention Henry Palmer and Joseph Handy Revolutionary Soldiers. Where the railroad crosses the Chenango and enters this town is Chenango Bridge which is a place of only a few houses. There resided in early days Isaa'j Page, the father of Methodism in this place. Asa Smith also came into this section at an early date. Elias Kattell was an enterprising farmer who settled here at an early date and from him Kettellville derived its name. His son E. C. Kattell was once county judge A history of this town would not be complete without a mention of Lewis Pease, the founder to that great institution for elevating fallen mankind, 'Five Points Mission" of New York City. His brother Morris labored with him in this noble work. The literary writer. Waif Woodland, was their sister and known to the people of this town as Mrs. Edson Blair. The history in this town is of one peculiar interest if we were to give details and anecdotes of early settlers and their privations at an early day no mill was nearer than Tioga Point, fifty-four miles distant. Old Seth, an Indian, often took grists for those who could pay, but later the mill of Simeon Rogers in Barker was patronized. The simple plian methods of home life, with the spinning wheel, have now with many other things fallen in- to disuse. The religeon has changed from Galvanism to the doctines taught by Wesley. Many a solitary stone marks the resting place of a loved one before the grave yards of this sec- tion was known. The year 1854 witnessed the building of the Binghamton and Syracuse railroad, and many in this section had share sin this enterprise which they lost when the road was sold on for- closure. Nevertheless the people received great benefit from the road so that in the end few lost very much more than they gained. Castle Creekis the most important place in the town and is near the northern line. Among the prominent people here dur- ing the history of the place were Josiah West, who was prob- ably the first postmaster ; James Bristol who held the office for about ten years ; a Mr. Benjamin who had a store here at an early date ; C. P. Johnson who was a merchant here for several years ; Darwin Howard who has had a store for many years ; L. B. Smith, Cornelius Dunn, L. Lunn, William West, W. P. Blair, E. A. Roe. Jacob Burrows Richard Townsend who were blacksmiths; Enos Puffer a Methodist Minister ; P. Goodspeed Mr. Green and Ira Keeler who owned separate mills West Chenango is a little hamlet in the western part, it has a postoffice. In 1827 Nathanal Congdon built a saw mill at this place. John Dimmock and two brothers came here at an early date and from them the place was often called Dimmock Settle- ment. John and Amos Wilcox also located here, the former was one of the first blacksmiths. 1884 a M. E. Church was erected and Rev. Addison Abbott was the first pastor. Glen Castle is located about two miles up Castle Creek,thi8 like most other small places has a succession of Store Keepers from 1855. Richard 5Ionroe built a mill there which has been several times transferred ; there is a IMethodist church which was erected about 1850. Chenango Town was formed Feburary 16, 1791. Windsor was taken off in 1807, Conklin in 1824, Binghamton and Port Crane in 1855, a part of Union was annexed in 1808, and a part of Maine in 1856. Castle and Kettle Creek are the principle streams. Before Binghamton was set off in 1855 in was the leading town of the county in every respect and contained then nearly 30,000 acres of tillable land and over 21,000 acres of wood land. In 1855 it grew 6084 bushels of winter grain and Conklin (with Kirkwood) which came second only had 5,182, on spring its yield was over 133,000 or double that of any other town ac- cept Windsor whose yeild surpassed Chenango. In dairy pro- ducts its rank was then second or only surpassed by Sanford. History of the Town of Fenton. This town was formed from Chenango, Dec. 3, 1855, and was first named Port Crane. Since its formation the bound- aries have not been changed, and are as follows: East by Colesville, north by t^henango County, west by Chenango river, south by Kirkwood and Colesville. The east valley of the Chenango laying in this town is 46 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. This edifice now beinj;- erected on Soutli Mountain, when completed, will be one of Binghamton's principal attractions for the visitors. Binjjhamton will be widely advertised, in consequence thereof the public at large are looking forward to October, 1S96. at which time it will be formally dedicated. (This photograph represents the Home MS it is to appear when complcleil. ) COnnERCIAL TRAVELLERS' HOHE. Now in Process of Erection on .South Mountain. According to the accepted plans of Architect tiarnsey, the Home will be a blending of the Parisian and renais- sance styles of architecture, resembling from a distance an eli' ated French chateau. It will be five stories high L-sliaped. the main portion facing the direct center of tlir I ity, to be crowned by a tower, and on the east side there will bean observatory. The principal fronts of the building will be of blue cut stone for the first four stories, the upper story being finished in buff terra- cotta and the roof in red Spanish tiling. The interior walls and partition^ will be constructed of brick and fire-proof tile, and the floors will be built with steel supports and fire-proof steel arches. The ex- terior cornices, panel-work, windows and crestings will be of cold-rolled copper of a greenish tint. That the l)uilding will be indestructible by fire is apparent, as no wood-work enters into the construction. The stairways will be made of wrought-iron and steel from the base- ment to the roof, and the elevators, cars, cages and screens will be hammered iron-work. The heating apparatus and engine-room will be lo- cated in a separate building in the rear, entirely isolated from the Home proper. In the basement will be located baths, barber-shop, bowling alley, billiard rooms, cafe and toilet apartments. Located upon the first fioor will be a spacious concert hall and lecture room, 32x40 feet, and a stage for theat- rical entertainments, 22x42, feet. On this floor will be located the secretary's office, reception room, ladies' parlor, board of managers' room, reading room, library and ct)nservatory, and a large entrance hall and general lobby. All these apartments will be connected and open into the grand hall. The second and third floors will each have twenty-six sleeping rooms and a large parlor, making in all fifty-two dormitories for the occupants of the Home, aside from the servants' quarters. The rooms will be arranged en suite, a.r\A each floor will have baths and toilet rooms. The fourth floor will be used as a dining salon, a large dining hall, and smaller breakfast rooms for the children. The fifth story will be given up to the use of the servants their sleeping and toilet rooms, etc. The working department will be provided with a large main kitchen, pastry kitchen, serving rooms, dish pantry laundry, cold storage, and a number of other smaller rooms. The elevators and stairways will be located at opposite ends of the building. There will be a third stair- way in the center. The general size of the building will be 163 feet on the long of the L and 91; on the other end. There will be a forte-cochere, -t^x-r^ windows, 216 doors, and iS flights of three sets of iron stairways. The cubi- cal measurements of the building will be more than Soo, 000 feel. Its constitutes a plant which can be made to take care of and entertain as many as five hundred per- sons, all that will be necessary to accomplish this being to provide sleeping rooms in additional building for some of them. At the present time the entire real estate of the associ- ation is valued at $50,000, a low estimate. There has al- ready been expended on building and grounds $30,000. BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 47 usually narrow, which means that this town is oiostly upland. The hills are moderately steep and rise 500 to 700 feet above the river. Page brook flows through the centre of the town, divid- ing it into two sections. Osborn creek rises near the tunnell and empties near Port Crane. Pond brook, fishermen's great resort, is also in this town, and the two ponds are separated by a ridge called Hog Back. The soil on the hills is mostly a clay or slaty loam, under- laid with hardpan, and in the valleys is a rich, gravelly loam and alluvium. The Chenango canal was completed through this town on the east bank of the river in 1837, and the town of Port Crane received its name from a prominent engineer, Jason Crane. This name was changed to Fenton in 1867, in honor of Gov. Reuben E. Fenton. The first settlement was made in 1788 by Elisha Pease. His son, Chester Pease, was the first white person born in the town. Mr. Pease erected the first saw mill in the town, but others were soon put in. as most of this town was heavily timbered with valuable pine. On Page Brook a Mr. Jared Page settled, and he was soon followed by Mr. Vining, Garrett Williamson, Isaac Page, .lohn and Elias Miller. Timothy Cross settled in the northern part of the town in 1807. He tells many interesting stories of hunt- ing in the vicinity of Port Crane, which, from its peculiar situ- ation, was a noted hunting ground. North Fenton boasts of being extremely beautiful for situ- ation. It contains as many things of interest as can usually be found in a back hamlet. Its cheese factory has had a long reputation of not only producing a large supply, but fine quality of cheese. In 1867 a post ofliee was established and William Lawton appointed postmaster. In 1862 a store was opened. Henry Cornick started a blacksmith shop in 1828, which has changed hands many times. In 1840 a Methodist Church was organized, and in 1871 a new church edifice erected at a cost of $2,000. Port Crane is the largest place in this town. .Fames Hunt and Samuel Andrews settled here at an early date. Mr. And- rews built the shear mill on Osborne Hollow Creek. Wheeler and Yates had the first store of any importance here, about the same time a hotel was erected, but have since been used as a dwelling house. Mills have been erected on the Eldridge tract and Waite farm. The Baptist Church at Port Crane was organized in 1860 by Mr. Aliburn and its first pastor was Rev. A. P. Menie, the church was erected in 1870 and cost $5,000. The Methodist was organized 1841 with Rev.G.A.Berlingame as first pastor. They built the church in 1870 at a cost of $4,000. The first town officers were elected in 18.56, and were as follows : — Suferviso) — .lohn Hull. Tozun Clerk — Herman Waite. yiistices — John Bishop, Enos Puffer, Thomas Tabor and Ebenezer Crocker. School Supcrintendc/ii — .John B. VanName. Commissioners of Hisrii-vays — .Tames Howland and Benj. A, Potter. Assessors — James A. Barnes. I. I), .\msburg and Geo. P. Miller. Overseers of the Poor—Wm. Slosson and Garry V. Scott. Collectcr — Hiram Silliman. Constables — Henry Hark, Sherman McDaniel, John Jones, Leverett JafTers, AVillet Cross. Inspectors of Election — Daniel Hickox. William Williamson and Simon ,r. Lounsbury. History of the Town of Lisle. Lisle is the north western town of this county and has its northern boundary on Cortland County, and ita western on Tioga, while Nanticoke forms the southern and Triangle the eastern boundaries. This was one of the old towns and was formed in 1800, originally comprising four towns. In its present condition it conprises only a trifle over 25,000 acres. The surface is mostly hilly and broken upland. The Tiou- ghnioga river flows across the east and the Yorkshire Creek through the centre of the town, The Nanticoke Creek raises in the south eastern part^ The hills are very picturesure in many places, the most noted of these is Howlands Glen. The hill soil is mostly of a clay and slaty gravel with hardpan under- neath. The lowlands or creek flats are preferable for cultivation. .fosiah Patterson a brother of Gen. John Patterson was about the first settler in this town and came in 1791 or 1792, purchasing a large tract of land and afterwards run a saw mill. This he afterwards sold and removed to Whitneys Point to keep a hotel. About 1811 Mr. Randall erected a carding machine which was a source of much profit and commerce to the inhabit- ants, his machinery cost $600. Another mill of importance was the pulling mill owned by Samuel Kilburn. The first settler on the site of Lisle village was Ebenezer Tracy, he came about 1793 and erected a log house on the Dr. Orton place Dr. Hunt soon followed him and located on a site in the north of the present village. They were soon followed by Cap. Whittelesey, his son and Jonathan Cowdry at Killawog or as it was early known "Union Village." About 1810 some people came along driving furiously and ran over a child named Abel Hartshorn ; from this the name Killawog was derived. Robert Pierce settled very early on Fern's Hill Farm and opened afterwards a distillery. Cap. William Cook settled in 1798 on the site of the village and just north of the four corners He established a Tannery where the steam mill now stands. Col. Mason Wattles became a partner with him in it. ^[ajor Solomon Owen came in 1798 and settled on Owen Hill. His marriage to Sylvia Cook was the first wedding in town, he was by trade a blacksmith. Rev. Seth Williston, D. D., is another person well known as a preacher and mi' sionary worker. He served the church at Lisle prior to 1810 and was the most influential religous worker there at an early date. We would also note the early settlement made by Stephen Freeman near Major Owens, Wright Dudley on Dudley Creek ; Benjamin Ketchun on Ketchun Hill. He changed 160 acres where the city of Rochester stands for 93 acres on this hill. 48 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. Orange and Solomon Stoddard who settled on this hill near Mr. Ketchum, and only a short time after Joseph Edmister,who took up about 600 acres where the village of Lisle stands and on Owen Hill, W. D. and Philotas Edminster were well known to the citizens of this county are decendents of him. Gen. Sam- uel Coe who settled on the east side of the river at Killawog ; Moses Burghardt who settled below Coe ; Elijah Rose, Deacon Davis, Daniel Hanchett and Elijah Burden who settled on Mount Hungry. Rev. Dr. Azariah Orton, father of Dr. John G. Orton, was from 1S52 to 1860 a prominent citizen and pastor at Lisle. He was educated in the class with William Cullen Bryant, Senator Ashley and Sylvester Lamed, and has figured conspicuously on several occasf ions. Some things of interest in the town are Howlands Glen which is about one-half mile long and the rocks rise in many places one hundred feet ; there are two very beautiful falls near the centre. The bones of a mastodon, some of which were taken to Cornell, others preserved by Mr. D. H. Millens. This animal must have been over ten feet high and twenty feet long. There was a grist mill and an overshot wheel on the creek that runs through the gorge. It was operated by a Mr. Wilson. The people of this town, like those of other towns, took shares in the new railroad which was opened in 1854, and when the road became insolvent and was sold on the mortgage they, of course, lost their interests. Among the physicians of note may be mentioned E.S.Briggs, Thaddeus Thompson, S. H. French, B. B. Brooks, Lewis H. Kelly, Geo. R. Barns, James Allen jr., William J. Orton, S. H. McCall, andH. C. Hall. Lisle village derived its name from a suggestion of La Fayette through his friends General Patterson and Hyde, It is the only place of importance in the town. Alexander McDonell was a prominent attorney of this town and a law partner of Judge Edwards until the firm was disolved by electing Edwards as county judge. He was admitted to the bar in 1815 and was the first President of the Lisle Board of Education Lisle can boast of a Union School, which probably has no superior of its sort in this county. There are eight grades, one year each, and two courses Academic and classical of three years each. It has a library and full chemical laboratory. Rev. Seth Williston, before referred to, founded tha first religous society and was the first pa- tor of the Congregational Church. This church cost about $3,000 and will seat 400 easily. The Methodist society was organized about 1815. In 1857 they built a church which cost about .$2,000. Killawog in the north of the town is seldom mention with- out referance to the names of Mason Watles, Colonel Cook and Nathaniel Bosworlh all of whom were prominent in its early history. This is a fine farming country and contains many natural advantages for a place located so far from any great market. It has a Baptist and Methodist Church, the later cost about iii3,900. Yorkshire or Centre Lisle is a small place in the centre of the town ; reference has before been made to its industries, the principal ones having been the Tannery, Cutter Works and a few saw mills. The Baptist Church is a fine one and cost .$4,400. History of the Town of Nanticoke. Nanticoke was one of the four towns formed from the old town of Lisle. Its history as a town commences at the date of its foundation April 18th, 1831. The surface is almost exclusive- ly rolling hilly upland with narrow valleys along the streams. The principal creeks are the two branches of the Nanticoke The upland has very little soil which is not tillable. It ia composed mostly of slaty loam with hardpan underneath, which is better adapted to grazing than cultivation. In the valleys it is more gravelly. The town has an area of a little over 16,000 acres. This town was settled early, among others was Philip Councilman who located at Glen Albury which was first called Councilman. He came about 1793 and was noted as a great hunter and trapper. Following him were John Beachtle, James Stoddard and John Ames who located on the east side of the Creek. Isaac Lamb settled on the site of Lambs Corner in 1804, and from him the place derived its name. Jophet Hallow was settled by and derived its name from Stephen Jophet. The early inhabitants of this place were of a roving shiftless dis- position. Butler's Corners derived its name from Elijah Butler who settled there about 1822. The first town meeting in Nanticoke was held in 1832 at the house of Philip Councilman, after an exciting time the follow- ing officers were elected : — Snpii-fisor — N. Remmele. To-rn Clerk— n. B. Stoddard. yiistices of the Peace — Silas Hemingway, H. B. Stoddard, David Councilman and Charles Brookens. Oversm-s of lite Poor — Samuel Canfleld and John Council- man. Commissioners of Hifflnvays — F. S. Greggs, H. Walter and James Lamb. Commissioners and Inspectors of Schools — F. S. GreggS. A.N. Remmele and J. L. Smith. Assessors — Charles Brookens, Hiram Rogers and Silas Hem- ingway. Collecter — Philip Councilman. Cons'ables — Aurora Brayman and Isaac A. Griggs. Sealer of IVeiffhIs and Aleasures — Silas Hemingway. Lambs Corners is the principle place in the town. The postofiice was established here in 1860. In 1882 George Little- wood opened a cheese factory here. There has always been from one to two stores here, and as many mills. Washington Johnson and S. E. Monroe are among those most noted with mills. The M. E. Church was erected in 1852 and cost $1,000. The next season the Baptists erected a church costing $1,200. Near Lambs corners is Nanticoke Springs which have been considerably noted for their water. The place has been a popu- lar summer resort. BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 49 Glen Aubrey is the second place of prominence in the town and is only a hamlet, although it was the first place to become settled, There has been a store and postofllce here for many years The Christian church was organized here in 1857. Nine years later an edifice was erected at a cost of $1,800 The Methodist church was erected about 1867, and cost $2,500. History of the Town of Haine. Maine was founded from Union in 1848. Since its formation no change has been made, except in 1856 a small portion was added to Chenango. It boundaries are east by Chenango, north by Nanticoke, west by Tioga County, and south by Union. The town has an area of 27,3i?0 acres. The soil is similar to that of the adjoining towns, being a gravely loam and slate. The hilli rise from 400 to 600 feet above the valley of the Chenango, and are mostly tillable on the high- est points. The valleys are principaly those of the Nanticoke, Bradley and Crocker Creeks. The settlements of this town mostly made by people from New England. One of the earliest was Benjamin Norton who settled above the present village of Maine. Three years later came Alfred and Cussell Gates and settled in the north- western part of the town. Daniel Howard and Nathaniel Slosson are said to be the first settlers in the vicinity of East Maine. Following them was Samuel Stone, Herman Payne and William Hogg. In 1790 James Ketchum came and located three miles southwest of Maine village. Later came Timothy Caswell and settled in "Allen's Settlement," John Marean, Ebenezer and Matthew Allen followed a few years later. Asa Curtis came and settled where the village now stands in about 1800. In the north of the town came Amos Howard as early as 1794. The Marean family are well known in Maine and have been very prominent for many years. Hon. Henry Marean was born here in about 1842, and was supervisor of this town for four years previous to his being elected to the assembly This town boasts of no manufacturies except such as lumber hence, we call attention to its "mill" history ; here was the Old Red Grist Mill built in 1810 on the Nanticoke Greek; the mill built by J. W. Carman in 1856 ; the saw mill in the lower end of Maine village by John Durfee ; the Holden mill built about 1826 ; the Prentice Fuller mill on West Creek built about 1835; Cap- tain Stoddards mill built in Maine village about 1825; the Slosson mill ; the Councilman mill and many others, most of which have been abandoned. The prominent physicians of this town have been Dr. Wm. Butler, Dr. Newell, Dr. Clarke, Dr. S. M. Hunt, Dr. Niles, Dr Noble, Dr. (ieo. Young, Dr. C. Heaton, Dr. 0. H. Gug, Dr. Dwight Dudley. The first town meeting was held in 1S49 and the following are the first town officers ; — Supervisor — A. H. Arnold. Town C/e>-A— John W. Hunt. Superintendent of Schools — Marchall DeLano. yuslices of the Peace — Cyrus Gates, John Blanchard and H. W. Mooers. Assessors — O. H. Arnold, Thomas Young, jr.. and W. H. Tuttle. Commissioners of Highivays — Hanan Payne and Edward Ward. Overseers of the Poor — Dexter Hathaway and Mather Allen Constables — Eustis Hathaway, John B.Smith, Joel Benson and R. T. Gates. Inspectors of Election — Jefferson Ranson, Amasa Durfee and Luke Curtis Sealer of H'eiffhts and Aleasiires — James VV. Carman. Pound Master — Lyman Pollard. Maine village situated in the western part of the town is the most important place. Lyman Pollard figures very con- spicuously in the early history of the place ; and built a store in 1847 which has changed hands many times since. There has been a number of different stores in the place, among which we might mention Wm Lincoln, L. L. Brooks, Taylor Brothers, F.H. Marean and others. In 1832 E. H. Clarke built a Tannery. This has been improved and changed hands many times since. The village also has a hotel, cabinet shop, several lodges and a Young Mens Christian Association. The first Congregational church was erected in 1825. The Methodist in 1847 and cost .$2,000. The Baptist in 1840. The postoffice was established in 1828. East Maine is only a small hamlet in the east of the town it has a Presbyterian church, organized in 1871 and cost nearly $3,000 ; two miles farther south is the Methodist church which cost about the same amount. This section is often called Hogg Settlement ; there are many decendents of the Hogg family residing in that vicinity. Robert Hogg is one of the most prominent and is a highly re- spected citizen. This place is also noted for being in high elevation. The meadow back of the house of W. H. Perry being one of the highest points in the county, North Maine is a small settlement in the north of the town, it has a store and M. E. Church. History of the Town of Kirkwood. Kirkwood was formed on the 23d of November, 1859, by a division of the town of Conklin. That portion east of the Sus- quehanna being set off as Kirkwood. At the south it is very narrow, but gradually widens out as you go north, till it comes to the town of Fentoii which forms its northern boundary. Its area is 18,437 acres The flats along the river are usually wide and contain much fertile soil suitable for agricultural purposes. Rising from these the slope is less valuable and is somewhat clayey. At the north are many fine farms, on the hills, where dairying and agriculture is extensively carried on. Almost the entire surface of this town was originally covered with valuable pine, and the last vestiges of these may be seen in the enormous stumps which form fences in many sections. The first settlers in the tow n were probably Jonathan Fitch 5«> BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. RESIDENCE OF QEO. A. KENT, 119 COURT ST., BINaHAHTON, N. Y. BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 51 BINQHAHTON HIGH SCHOOL, HAIN STREET, BINQHAHTON, N. Y. Erected in 1S71— 72, at a cost, includinir turniture, of about $100,000. There are 510 pupils registered and an average attendance of 421, with 16 teachers, whose wages for the last school year was $12,559.75. The total expense of the school for the last school year was $16,029.20. 5^ BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. and Garrett Snedeker, the later of whom settled between Kirk- wood and Riverside, his sons were Isaac, David, and James : following bim was the Bounds, who are well known in the vi- cinity of Kirkwood. Fitch was prominent man in this section of the country, and built a grist mill about 1790 on the Fitch creek ; this mill was one of the first in this locality. .John P. Wentz came in 1793 and settled on the Berkalew farm which he held till 1806, before selling to Mr. A Berkalew. Levi Bennett settled a few years after Mr. Wentz and nearly a mile below bim on the river; it is said that Mr. Bennett bought his place from a Mr. Spaulding who at that time resided there. A few years after Mr. Bennett came Cap. Nathaniel Taggart who was an ingenuous man. .John P. Wentz removed to the Park farm on which afterwards his son William set up a store at the Park Tavern in about 1816, this store he was oblige to suspend, whereupon he took up teaching and surveying. Mr. Wentz surveyed the whole of the Bingham patent besides mak- ing extensive surveys in other parts, and for the Erie railroad which company he saved about il50,000 by his plans for the Starrucca viaduct. Among other early settlers we mention Daniel Chapman who settled near Riverside; Asa Rood whose settlement was near Langdon ; Asa Squires who settled on the old Park place ; John Bell whose location was near Squires ; Silas Bowker who settled near the site of Kirkwood ; Joel Lamereaux whose location was on the E. Y. Park's place; David Compton who settled below the Park's place ; Ebenezer Park who located on the old Wm. Bartlett farm : William Jones who settled on the river two miles below Kirkwood ; Thomas Carroll and Benejah Stanley who settled in Stanley Hollow. Late settlers of note are Henry Bayless whose location was near the bridge ; Daniel and Miles Andrews who settled below the village of Kirkwood and erected a grist and saw mill ; Horace Dwight who came in 1830, and died several years ago near where his son-in-law Isaac Bird now lives; Rufus Finch and A. K. Park who reside about midway from Kirkwood to Binghamton ; C. M. Conklin who settled in 1827 ; Gambia Rider whose farm was on what is now "Trim Street"; David Langdon who resided where his son Myron now lives; S H. (Hmse who lived on the hill back of Langdon. The first town meetinj^ was held in 1860, and the following officers were elected :— .S"«;»c/-7/.«o;-— Joseph Bartlell 7'o-cvn Clerk — Daniel Casper. fuslicfsof till- Pi'iiie — Isaai^ Hound. William Park and Benj- amin Duel. Assessors — Sylvester Barnes, Ira Shear, and Rufus Whitney Commlssionrrs of Ilisrii-.vays — B W. Sherwood and David M. Langdon. Uvvrsecrs of the Poor — Park Chamberlain and William H. Middaugh. Collector — (iporge Craver. Inspectors at fileetioii —.iv>\ii\i MilU. Samuel .lones, (-iporge Germond and James .Xinory. Sealer oj Weii^lits and Measures — Ballis Swartz. Constables — Knoch Brown, Henry N'anBuren, Geo. Craver, Wm. W. Jones and Robert Bartlett. Kirk-vood Village. — This is the principal village in the town being located about eight miles from Binghamton on the N. Y. L. E. & W. R. R. Robert Hays at one time owned most of the land where the village is located, he erected the hotel which was soon after purchased by John Wicks. The principal indus- try is the Kirkwood Wagon Works which was established in 1884, principally by J. Emmons. J. W. Berkalew, E. H. Booth, C. A. RiJi r and William West. They are not at present build- ing as many wagons as heretofore. There is also a steam grist mill and two stores. Lewis Jones built a store in 1868, which is owned by E. S. Jones. J. D. Patch started his store in 1857, but his son J. B. Patch has recently gone out of the business. Nicholas Emmons well known by most of the citizens, was for several years post- master and carried a small stock of goods. Bert Alford who carried on a Mercantile business here for a few years has now removed to New Milford, Pa. Erie R. R. has a depot here at which all local trains stop, the present agent is Mr. Elwood, he is a very corteous, enterprising young man. Dr. G. E. Pier- son is a prominent citizen of this place. The M. E. Church was organized in 1860. The first pastor was Rev. J. M. Grimes. It is now in good condition. The Christian Church was organized in 1857, it is located about a mile down the river, its membership is not so strong as it was a few years ago. ' Riverside is in the extreme south end of the town on the Susquehanna River, it is also on the line of the N. Y, L. E. & W. R. R.,but there is no depot, although some trains stop at the Milk Station. Thomas Conklin established a Mercantile business here which he successfully carried on for about thirty years doing a large business. Mr. Brown now keeps a small store here. There is a Christian Church at Riverside which was built by the M. E. society and purchased for the Christians by Alvah Wood of Kirkwood. Kirkwood Centre and Langdon are post-ofiices between Kirk- wood and Binghamton. The former was established by Eli W. Watrous in 1S61 and has been held by him every since. At the later place the pusi-otlice is kept by Myron Langdon. Many trains stop on signal at the milk station here History of the Town of Triangle. Triangle was formed from Lisle in 1S31. It was the first settled portion of the old State of Lisle, and contains the most important village. It is the north-eastern town of the county and is bordered on the north and east by Cortland and Chenan- go Counties ; its area is 24,231 acres. The surface of the town consists mostly of tillable land, the hills being less abrupt than in the routh of the county. The soil is mostly a gravelly loam on the hills, while the valleys are more alluvial and consequently better adapted to crops. The tirst settlement madeintliis town was by General John I'atterson near the present site of the Beach House in Whitneys BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 53 Point, he came about 1891. David 8eymour came the next year and settled near Gen. Patterson. Ira Seymour settled near his brother and married a daughter of Gen. Patterson. John Sey- mour came also in 1792 and settled at Whitneys Point. Anson Seymour was another early settler of this place and a great lumberman. He furnished considerable lumber used in build- ing the National Capital at Washington The point of land between the two rivers received its name from Thomas Whitney. Pottersons Settlement was the first name applied to the place, but after the death of Gen. Patter- son the place was "Tinker Town","Tinker Point" or "The Point." Mr. Whitney kept a tavern here and from him the place received the name of Whitneys Point. A religous society was formed in 1792 by Deacon .loseph Lee, and in 1800 or near that time a block house built to serve the double purpose of a school and church. This was one of the first church edifices, but the one at Lisle was the first one erect- ed anywhere in this section of country. Soon after the settlement, Josiah Patterson set up a hotel near the site of the Beach House. Previous to this there was a school commnced and Martha Seymour taught it for some time The first bridge was near where the lower bridge now stands. Benjamin Morse took up lands east of the river, but this soon fell into the hands of Thomas Whitney ; later Photo Pease came and settled on this place. The Pease family were famous for a daughter of great litirary talent and for a son Lewis the founder of '"The Home for the Friendless" and "Five Point Mission" in New York City, and for another son John Morris a noted Methodist Minister and financial agent for the American Colonization Society. The opening of the Catckill and Ithaca Turnpike occurred in 1796 and was a great blessing to the inhabitants who had suffered much for the lack of gooh roads. .The people at Whit- neys Point could now send to Chenango Forks for mail at least once a week. The scarcity of mail advantages hardly equalled that of many other things. Salt had to be carried on horseback from Syracuse. There are other settlements of note around the town, we would mention Nathaniel Hays who settled east of the present village of Triangle, in the locality long known as Hays's Settle- ment. Later Triangle village became a great centre. Benjamin Gibbs settled here early and set up a blacksmith shop. .\nd rew Woodruff, David i H U. R. depot is on the east side of the river, while the village liesonthe west,a tannery was built here by Lewis Northrop who was also the first store keeper, his tannery turned out 40,(J(J<) to -50,000 sides annualy, it BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 57 was burned twice. There was a distillery here at one time, built by Simon Harpur. Xiiii'xe/i is a small village above llarpursville and near the north line of the town ; this place was settled very early and it is probable that the post-ortice was established before 1810. The site of this village was bought as a speculation at an early day and surveyed into lots, anticipating t'lat the Erie Railroad would pass through here. Mr. Butler built a store at an early period. The most noted manufactory at Xineveh is the llobbs Car- riage \\'orks, which turnout only exira fine vehicles. The hotel has passed through many hands and has always provided good accommodations; there was at one time two hotels. The bridge across the river was built in 1880 at a cost of ^^5,000. Riley Bush has figured prominently in the history of this place. The Presbyterian Church of Xineveli has an interesting his- tory ;it was agreed among the inhabitants that they should have a church at the blowing of a horn. Rev. Ira Smith blew his horn loud and long on a Monday morning and people assembled, cut down trees and by the following Sunday he preached in a new church. The Methodists erected a church in 1K54. Sa/ii/arv S/ri/igs or Osborn Hollow is a station on the A. & s. K. R. in the western part, taking its name from Eli Osborn- At present the principal attractions are the Kilmer Medical Institute and the oil tanks. The pumping house of the oil line has a capacity of 40,000 barrels of oil a day ; two of these tanks were burned several years ago. Mr E. II. Odell commence as a grocer in 1855, and built the hotel in 1S65. Isaac Andrews opened a grocery store the year before Mr. Odell. Beldcn. — This is a small hamlet and station on the A. A S. l;. R. between the Tunnel and Nineveh. The post-office was established in 1868, when the railroad was completed. There has been stores here at various times, the one at present is kept by Mr. Kellogg. There has been several mills, blacksmith shops and a hotel. Ni--.:' Ohio. — Tunnel or Ilolcomb Settlement is just west of the tunnel. It contains few things of importance. A Grange store catches most of the trade in this locality. There is a Meth- odist Church here. \'alli)iiia Spyiiiga is in the extreme east of the town and has nothing of importance, except a summer boarding house. The water here contains sulphur magnesia and iron and is drank for its medicinal qualities, Ouai/iiiii^o is on the Susquehanna river in the extreme south of the town. The post-ottice was established here as early as 1820. Uri Doolittle and Eli Pratt started a store here in 1S23, and there are at present two stores. A Methodist Church was erected in 1S68 at a cost of 4^5,000. The other places in this town are iHiraviUe, which is located on the east side of the river below Centerville. This post-office was established over fifty years ago. There has been a small grocery here. West Colesville or Pickerings Corners in the western part has little of importance. I\Ir. Blatchley for many years did a good business here making and repairing wagons. George Woodward keeps a small grocery. There is a Baptist Church. North Colesville and ('oles Hill contain only a few houses. History of the Town of Union. Union is one of the oldest towns in the county; with Che. nangolown it embraced all of Broome and part of Chenango Counties; it was formed fifteen years before Broome County was organized, while it was still a town in Tioga County. It in- cludes over 20,000 acres, situated on the north bank of the Su.s- quehanna River and northward to the town of !Maine. This is one of the most thickly settled towns of the county and has a wide intervale on the river, besides the hills and creek valleys to the north It also takes in the new and thriving village of Lestershire. The soil of the river valley is a rich mixture of gravelly loam and alluvium and is much used by trucksters and market gardeners; the slope of the hills is less abrupt than in many parts and they are tillable to their summits. The earliest settlements were made about 1785. Colonel Hooper was one of the first to visit this region and obtained a large patent. Joseph Draper settled where Union village is now in about 1785. .leremiah and Benjamin Brown settled east of him about the same time General Orange Stoddard settled here about the same time. N. Spaulding and Walter Sabins came the same year. Captain William Brink settled about the same time, and a little farther down the river than Mr. Stod- dard ; he was noted for his hardihood and courage. Winthrop Roe located in tlie eastern part in 1792. Ezekiel Crocker came in about 1785, he was at one time very wealthy, being one of the sixty proprietors of the Boston Purchase, having made and saved his money by hard work and careful living. An interesting story is related of Lewis Keller who settled here in 1789. While on his way from the east, he had just passed Deposit when he fell into company with a woman going to Lisle. They soon became so intimate that he mounted the horse be- hind her, and they were engaged before reaching Binghamton, and on arriving there were married. .loshua ^lersereau moved in from Vestal in 1781, he was of French origin and a snip carpenter by trade. Mr. Mersereau was an intimate friend of General Washington and was appoint- ed a ilajor by him. Previous to moving to this county he had been in the Assembly and had been an unsuccessful candidate for State Senator; his third son, Lawrence, lived to be one hundred years old, when only fourteen he was commissioned as ensign. .lohn Mersereau a brother of .Toshua, came to the town in 1794, his purchase embracing the present village of Union ;he was the first to introduce a post-mail coach in this country and was employed by Gen. Washington on some very important positions ; he and his brother prevented the British from follow- ing AVashington across the Delaware. John was grandfather of the late Hon. E. (J. ^lersereau who has served our county in the assembly and was so well and favorably known. The Mersereau family have always figured very prominently in the history of the Town of I'nion. The present supervisor is a son of the Hon. E. C. Mersereau, is a very pleasant and able man and greatly esteemed by all. Amos Patterson, another prominent early settler, located in the eastern part of the town, and has served as county judge and was one of the stock holders in the Boston Purchase ; 58 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. besides him were Abner Rockwell, Elnathan Norton, Medad Bradley, E. B. Bradley, Rowland Davis and Rev. Wm, Gates a prominent Baptist minister, and later on many more of promi- nence came in untill the town was well filled up. The high water of the Susquehanna has damaged this town considerably by overflowing its banks, but more especially by taking out the bridges which crossed from Union to Vestal. A company was organized in 1821 to build a toll bridge, and in 1850 a bridge was built which cost $15,000. This was nearly destroyed by a freshet in 1865. In 1870 a new free bridge was erected at a cost of $30,000. The present bridge was built in 1894 at a cost of $50,000, the town of Union paying 65% and Vestal 35",, of this sum. Among the prominent men of the town, not heretofore mentioned are Dr. Ross, the first practicing physician ; Chester Lusk the originator of the Broome County Medical Society; Dr. Daniel Nash who studied medicine with Dr. Lusk ; Dr. Geo. Burr so favorable known to the citizens of this town ; Dr S. W. Adams, dentist; Dr. Ezekiel Daniels, Dr. L. D. Witherell, Jacob Morris. The first lawyers of the place were John Moody and Solomon Judd, attorneys; George Northrup a law partner of Hon D. S. Dickinson; F. B. Smith who has practiced law in Union from 1852 till w iiliin a few years, when he died, having held the office of district attorney and member of assembly, besides a few minor offices ; Ra Jcliff Park who has practiced with F. B. Smith. This town was organized in 1781 with Silas Hutchinson as town clerk. The following is a list of the supervisors of the town, with the exceptions ot a few years where the i-ecords have been lost. .John Whitney, 1791-92. Jonathan Fitch, 1793. Daniel Hudson, 1794. Luke Bates, 1795. (». Stoddard, 1796-97. Samuel Seymour, 1798. Joshua Mersereau, 1799. Charles Stone, 1800. .\mos Patterson, 1801-07. Chester Lusk, 1808-11. Brian Stoddard, 1812-14. Chester Lusk, 1815-21 Chester Patterson, 1822. .Joseph Cliambers, 1823. Chester Lusk, 1824. Joseph Chambers, 1825. .(ohn K. Edwards, 1826-29. Brian Stoddard, 1830-33. John K. Edwards, 1834. Benjamin Balch, 1853. Samuel Whittemore, 1854. Benjamin Halch, 1855. ■I esse Richards, 1856. (;hristopher Mersereau, 1857. E. C. Mersereau, 1857-59. John H. Roswell, 1860. John Wheeler, 1861. David Pitkins, 1862. Samuel Smith, 1863. E. C. Mersereau, 1864-66. E. C. Moody, 1867. Solomon Lashier, 1868. E. C. Moody. 1869-70. Solomon Lashier, 1871. E. C. Moody, 1873-75. Francis B. Smith, 1876-77. Fayette S. Keeler, 1878-81. D. J. Palmer, 1882-85. Alexander Jennings, 1886-91. E. K. Mersereau, 1892. Joseph Howard, 1893. E. K. Mersereau, 1894-95. Union is a very important station on the N. Y.,L. E. & W. railroad. At first the settlement on the Nanticoke creek below this village was almost a rival to the present site, and had a store kept by Samuel Avery. Lewis Keller also conducted a hotel, and later Mark Curtis kept a store. There were men of enterprise at "Union Corners," now Union, who soon transferred the business centre to that place. The fiL•^t store established in the village was that of Ephraim Robbins, located on the site where E. C. Mersereau has since erected his store Following this in the history of the town came ■\I. M. Badger, W H. & C, E. Keller. J. K. Edwards, Mr. Casterline. William Caflerty, L. J. Brown, and many others, The place has at present a large number engaged in mercantile business, among them being E. K. Mersereau, dealer in seeds, lime, cement, wood, real estate, etc ; C. Bowen and S. M. Ben- jamin, hardware; J. M. Warner, groceries; K. M. Witherill and M. Truesdell, dry goods; Wm. Olmstead, stoves, etc. The Union Hardware Co. commenced manufacturing carriage hard- ware and trimmings in 1883 and is still doing business. E. W. Barton has a sawmill and elevator. The village has a well-or- ganized Fire Department, consisting of three companies. The first Methodist church was erected in 1848, giving place to a new church structure, built in 1872, at a cost of $12,000. The first Presbyterian church was erected in lS24and supplanted by a new edifice in 1872. The Baptist church was organized in 1874. The Free Methodists came into existence as a society here in 1870. The Union .\'<:: > was established in lK.51,and has had a good patronage sinceit s establishment. i.i-strrs/tire, while one of the youngest villages in the coun- ty yet is one of the largest and owes its existence chiefly to the Lester Boot i*i Shoe Company, which was established at that place to avoid city taxation. This interest which is one of the largest factories of the kind in the world, has had a varied his- tory. The village, although in Tnion township, fits on very nicely to the western fide of Biiighamton, and can enjoy all the advantages of the city although without the boundaries. Out- side the boot and shoe industry, there is lictle of importance in Lestershire. There are several stores, churches, and other building, all new and in good condition. lloiiiiniriianiton \\ as in iSio. Rev- Daniel Xash was chairman. This was disolved and a new organization made six years h^ter with Hon. Tracy Kohinson as chairman. In iSiS a church was erected, which four years later was sold to the Met hodists.and a new church built wliich stood till the present stoneestructure on Washington street was built in 1S54. The church could be built at that time very chea]) ; it cost only about ^35,000, but at present the chtu-ch property at that place i> valued at more than double that amount. 1 he home ol iheCiood Shepherd, on Conklin avenue, was organized as a second church under the directions of I ln' Society of Mercy of Christ Church. Rev. S. D. Day is the rector (if the cliurcli of ( looil Sliephev ! ami Ke\. K. (1. C^uennell rector of Christ Church. BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. FIRST CONQREQATIONAL CHURCH, FRONT AND HAIN STREETS, BINQHAHTON, N. Y. The First Congregational Society was organized in 1S36 by Rev. John Starkweath- er. At that time nineteen persons entered in covenant as members. The society grew from tlie first so that in about one year the old Academy of Music was used as a church. From time to time this building was enlarged and repaired until 1S63, when it was sold. A chapel was erected in that year, and the church which was then verv weak again be- came prosperous. In 1S69 the present church edifice was erecteil at a cost of nearly .S6o,ooo. Anew chapel was built and the church enlarged in 1SS4 at a cost of $25,000. Rev. Willard B. Thorp is the present pastor. The trustees are Joseph P. Noyes. J. W. Sturtevant, Israel T. Deyo, J. E. Rogers, H. A. Gofl'. J. S. Corbett and W. H. Parsons. The Plymouth Congregational Church is located at the corner of Oak and T,vdia .streets. Rev. W. H. Kephart is the ]iastor. 6» BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. The Shaker Community built a large saw mill east of the river of which Mr. Levi Shaw is the proprietor, and which em- ploys about twenty-five men and furnishes a market for much lumber. The N. v.. L. K. & W. railroad runs through the south east portion of the town, but has no station within the township li m- its. The lielaware & Hud.son Canal Co.'s railroad runs up the east side of the river, witli stations at A\indsor and P^ast Wind- sor. There is a stage line between Windsor and Binghamton, passing througli A\est Windsor. U'l/icisor is the only village of importance in the town, and is situated on the west bank of the Susquelianna river. It con- tains nearly 1,000 inhabitants. At first the post-oHice was sit- uated at Old Oquaga. The office has recently thro\igh the strenuous ellorts of Mr. VanOrsdale become a presidential office. Previous to Mr. VanOrsdale. J. S. Chase was postmaster, suc- ceeding J. M. Chaffee. Elias Whitniore was instrumental in changing the town from Oquaga to Windsor, which happened about 1830. At the time of the change there were three stores and a blacksmith shop at 0(|uaga. In 1831 George Diisenhury opened a store in Windsor which is still running, having been in the possession of that family un- til recently. .James li. Belden opened a siore soon after and continued in business for almiit tliirty years, wlien lils store with several others ivas burned. I. .\. Tompkins coiiunenced his boot and shoe business uvtr thirty years agt), and it is now carried on by his son, Maurice .\. Tompkins. J. M. Chaffee commenced a general mercantile business some years later, but was burned out. He has since been postmaster and a justice of the peace. J. E. Bennett started a general mercantile busi- ness in 1863, has been several times burned out, the last time during the great fire of 1894. W. L. .ludd commenced a gro- cery business about ten years ago and is still doing a thriving business. The principal manufacturing,' industry is that of whips. Mr. A. W. Coburn began the business in 1873, which is now carried on by Goodenough & Kandall. They turn out about .$50,(X)<;) worth of goods annually. The Comstoek Whip Co. also did a large business for several years. The Shaker mill has been alluded to. .1. W. Ilider is the proprietor of the grist mill and being an e.xpert miller does a thriving business. Mrs. T. S Beebe is working up a good trade in llowers, and Ira Flint is pushing along a trade in seeds. There ai-e two hotels, a bakery, and a newspaper, the S/a in/an/, founded by Charles E. Babcock and now owned by W. D. Osgood. Windsor has two lawyers, Wm. Wheeler and H. S. Williams; and several physicians in- cluding Dr. I. C. Edson who has been a member of assembly for two terms, Dr. A. B. Stillson who at the time of his death had a large and lucrative practice, and Dr. N. M. Smith who has re- cently removed to New York city. The Presbyterian church was organized in 1793, and in 1800 a meeting-house was built. A new church was erected in 1826, and in 1840 the church divided, but uniting is now in a prosper- ous condition. .Vt the time of the division a new church was built which was afterwards sold to the Baptists and is now own- ed by the Free Methodists, wlio purchased it for .$1,000. The Methodists have a strong society and a commodious church. The Episcopal society was organized in 18412 and a church edifice erected in 1864 and a parsonage in 1870. The old academy was opened in 1836, as a select school, by Nathaniel Summer. Later the "old academy" building was erected, which has since been replaced by the present brick structure, one of the finest school buildings in the state. IVesf Jl'iiidsor. or Stillson's Hollow, is in the north-western part of the town. A post-office was established here in 1871. A grocery was opened by C. A. Rider, who has been the post-mas- ter for the greater portion of the time. .\ cheese factory was built in 1878 at a cost of $950. This place has two churches, a Baptist and a Christian. Lester, Randolph Centre, or Gregg's Corners, is west of the center of the town. It has two churches and a cheese factory. Tills place was first called Gregg's Corners from Alvin ( iregg an early settler who lived at the four corners of the roads, .loseph Brown was a prominent early settler who lived where S. P. Brown now resides. B. H. Larrabee, a prominent citizen of the town, resides above the corners. L. M. .ludd is the post- master. Flowers is two miles south-east ot Lester, and about four and one-half miles from Windsor. This place was so named from the seed gardens of .1. .1. Bell, which were located at that point. ^Ir. Bell now owns upwards of 300 acres here, and sends trees and seeds to all parts of the world. The post-office here has only been established about ten years, yet it ranked second in the county in amount of mail sent out at some seasons of the year, previous to the removal of .1. .1. Bell's seed business to the city of Binghamton. The office has lately been discontinued. -\ union church is located at Flowers. Edson, or Bartonville, is two miles south-east of Flowers The post-oftice at this place has been established a few years. O. S. Barton is the present post-master. There is a Grange hall and store here, with over fifty active members of the order re- siding in the locality. O. S. Barton is the present Worthy Mas- ter. A. B. Barton has a blacksmith and general repair shop, and Lewis Stannard owns a cider mill and is a justice of the peace. East 11 7«r/j-();- is in the north-eastern part of the town and is a station on the D. it. II. Ry. The post-office was established in 1872. Tiiscarora is two miles south of Windsor, and derives its name from the Indian tribe of that name. A tannery was at one time located here, but there is now little of importance save a saw mill and two stores. Cascade I 'alley is only a post-office on the line of the Erie railroad, in the south-eastern part of the town. History of the Town of Sanford. Sanford was formed from part of the town of Windsor in 1S21, and includes all the territory in the county west of the towns of Windsor and Colesville Its surface is rugged and BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. <'\'5 RESIDENCE OF NELSON CRANE, SANFORL), N. Y. Pleasantly situated in the fertile valley of the Oquaga creek, about six inik-s fioni Deposit, Mr. Crane has a model home. A substantial and commodious house, large and modern staliles and other farm buildings, a well-kept lawn, long rows of stately maples providing plenty of shade, and the broad acres of well-tilled meadow land, all mark the home of an intelligent and progressive farmer. Nelson Crane, one of the most respected and prosperous farmers of Sanford, is the only surviving decendant of .Simeon Crane, a veteran of the war of 1812 who came to this county in 1S44, settling on the farm now occupied bv the subject of this sketch. Nelson Crane was born in Delaware county rn 1828. He received a good education in his early life, and fitted himself for a surveyor. Mr. Crane is one of the be.-)t known men in the county, having represented his town in the board of supervisors for several terms, and held other positions of honor and trust. 64 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. mountainous and the declivities of most of the hills steep. The highest point in the town is some 1,688 feet above the sea level. The town is divided by the Oquaga creek, which flows twelve miles within its limits. The soil is mostly fertile, bat owing to the dillionlty with which it is tilled it is better adapted to grazing purposes, and dairying forms the chief interest of the town. The hills and valleys of the town at the time of its settlement were heavily timbered, and for many years the bark and lumber industry was vigorously prosecuted, the greater portion being sent down the Delaware river in rafts. The first settlement in the town was made by William Mc- Clure, who came on horseback and settled about live miles west of Deposit at what is now called ^McClure Settlement. He built a log cabin which he called " Castle William." At one time while jMr. IMcClure was engaged in surveying, with no companion but his dog, he was stricken with fever and would probably have died had it not been for the faithful dog. With almost human wisdom the animal went to ''Cookhouse," ( Depos- it) and by signs made a trader by the name of Hynback under- stand that something vvai wrong. Nathan Dean, who was born at Taunton, Mass., in 1755, and served as an officer in the revolutionary war, first came to Kort- right, Delaware county, in 17i)0. About a year later he embark- ed on the Delaware and floating down the river landed at "Cookhouse," about half a mile above the present covered bridge. Here he built and occupied a log house, but afterwards built on the old Dean farm, which contained some -100 acres. During their first year at Deposit, he built a saw mill on the site now occupied by the Oijuaga mills, in later years by the old .John Peters grist mill, afterwards called the Shelden mill, and later owned by Whitaker & Austin, and others, and operated by the Deposit Milling Co. at the present date. The mill dam at this site was partially swept away during the flood of 1814. In later years after many of the hills along the Oquaga creek had been stripped of their timber, the supply of water began to fail during the summer months, and Whitaker & Austin conceived a plan of building a dam at the outlet of I'ly pond and using the water thus stored as reciuired, but it was not a success. With this mill Dean sawed out the lumber for a new liouse, a slow and laborious process as the mill had to be "gigged back" by hand, nut being rigged to do so by power. Meanwhile Dean had also built a barn and other buildings, and had cleared some eighty acres of land during the first five years of his life at De' posit. 'I'he mill was partially burned in 17it2, but was at once repaired and a grist mill built by its side in 1794. In recent years the failing water power has been supplemented by steam and the saw mill having disap|ieared the present owner do an immense business in Hour, feed and grain. The first store in the town was opened in 17915 in Nathan J lean's house by Denjamin and .leter (iardner, wlm brought a stock of eight sleigh loads of goods up the Delaware river on the ice from New York city. Squire Whitaker came to "Cookhouse" in 1787, and raised a family of four sons and three daughters. The first Wliitaker home was a very primiiive allair, being make by leaning poles against the upturned roots of a tree. In this shanty occurred the first wedding in the town. Among other early settlers were Jonas Underwood, who came to Sanford in 1800 ; Silas Seward, a revolutionary soldier who settled on the road to Windsor ; David Hempstead, who lo- cated west of Seward ; John Kadeker. who built Dean's mill ; Alfred Corwin, who settled at Gulf Summit; Seth Hall, the father of the late Joel Hall, who located between McClure Set- tlement and Gulf Summit ; James Aplington, who settled at Creek Settlement ; John Pinney, locating at Sanford. and Leman Philly at North Sanford; Nathaniel Blakesley, who settled just west of Deposit ; i\Iajor Gilbert, who located at Hale's Eddy and was afterwards a member of assembly. The first town meeting was held at the house of William McCiure in 1822. Mr. McClure was elected supervisor, Joshua Dean town clerk, James P. Aplington. Nathan L. Dean and \\'illlam McClure assessors, Nathan L. Dean, Alexander Butler and William 3IcClure, Jr., commissioners of highways, John Peters and .lames P. Aplington overseers of the poor, AVilliam McClure, Nathan Dean and Alexander Butler school commis- sioners, Jacob Edick constable and collector, Daniel Evans, Ger- shon Loomis and Mivhael Childs inspectors of common schools, John Pinney, Eli King and Nathan Austin fence viewers. The first school house was built near the present depot at Deposit on the Dean farm, in lsl6. Previous to this Hugh Compton had opened a select school in Hulce's barn. The town was soon well supplied with educational advantages, equal to those in any other portion of the state. The Deposit Cnion Agricultural Society was organized in 1877 and held annual fairs until 1895. It was very successful throughout its early history. The society embraced six of the surrounding towns. Deposit is the only place of importance in the town, and is situated at the confluence of the Delaware river and the Ocjuaga creek, and has a population of about 2,000. In its early history Iieposit was called "Cookhouse,'' from an old Indian shanty which stood there and was used as a camp first by the various Indian fishing parties and later by early white settlers. The village was called Deposit from the large (|uantities of lum- ber drawn there from the surrounding towns during the winter and deposited upon the banks of the Delaware to be sent down the river in rafts during the spring freshets. The village of Deposit is divided by the county line, the eastern part being in the town of Deposit, Delaware county, and the western part in Sanford, Broome county. During the early years of Deposit the principal portion of the village was in Del- aware county, the western end being known as "Deansville." On the completion of the N. V., L. K. Oc W. K. K., nearly fifty years ago, Deansville began to take the precedence, and at the present time the business center is in Broome county. Deposit is an important station of the N. V., L. !<;. iV W. Ky., making large shipments of butter, milk, live stock and bluestone, an an- nual business of about .$200,000 being handled at this station. The settlement of Nathan Dean has been alluded to. John Ilulce came here in 1789 and Philip Pine and his two song two years later. I?K()OME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 65 LEON E. VATET, DEPOSIT, N. Y. THE dry goods trade of Deposit ami vicinity seems lo center largely at one store, which, from a small be- ginning a few years ago. has through the enter- prise of one man prospered until it has probably secured the largest patronage in it,-- own line of any house be- tween Port Jervis and Binghamton. Such growth of a single enterprise is so rare, that we give space ta a brief sketch of its proprietor. Leox E. Vate'i- was born in New "S'ork cit\ Sept. 13, 1855. Since finishing his education he has deyoted his entire life to the dry goods business, at first in Xew York city, where he was manager of a large house, and later engaging in business for himself at Hancock. \. ^'. About four years ago he came to Deposit, and by jiersis- tent effort, coupled with honest dealing, sijuare represen- tations and low prices, has built up his ])resent thriying business. Mr. Vatet is also joint pro])rietor with his brother of a large establishment at Muncie. Ind., and this enables him to buy in large quantities direct from man- ufacturers, doing away with the jobbers" profits, an ad- vantage small dealers cannot enjoy. Mr. X'atel and his brother purchase annually over $200,000 worth of goods, not only buying direct at first cost, but securing a better class of goods than would be possible if they purchased the job lots discarded by the direct dealer and sold to the small retailer. When commencing Inisiness at Deposit, Mr. ^'atet determined to sell goods on their merits and never to al- low misrepresentation. People will always patronize i-eliable merchants, while they shun the dealer who in any way takes advantage or misrepresents. .Mr. \ atet has always been prominent in public af- fairs and takes an active interest in all matters [pertain- ing to the welfare of the village He is upon all occa- sions anil in all places very social and courteous, stand- ing iiigh in the respect of his associates. He is a Mason of high ilegree, and a prominent member of the Knights of Pythias, Knights of Honor, Royal Arcanum and the the (Jrangers. He has a very efficient corps of assistants in carrying out the details of his business, among whom are Mr. H. A. Butler, Mr. Hayes Mosher, Miss Minnie Merrill, .Miss Marie Purl ell and Miss Ida Vatet. 66 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. Other early iHoneers of Deposit were the Burrows brothers, William Walker, Benjamin Hawley, Isaac (Tillett, (iideon Wiest, Samuel Butler, Thaddeus Benedict, and other, the larger por- tion of whom settled in the Delaware county part of Deposit. The village was incorporated in ISll, at which time there were but twelve houses west of the river. From this time until the building of the Erie railroad in 1845 there was but little growth or mercantile industry. K solitary store was owned by Benjamin and .leter (Tardner. Upon the conapletion of the railroad however, a wave of prosperity came to the village, and and many new business enterprises sprang up. W. L. Ford and .John B Perry formed a partnership and erected a fine store, doing a large general mercantile business for many years. A sketch of Mr. Ford is given on another page. !^. R. Morehouse started a store in 1854. erecting the building now occupied by J. B. Studdert. From this time on it would be monotonous to mention the many who have been engaged in the different lines of mercantile business. We will briefly mention a few leaders. Wrkwikk & KussELL. — This firm consists of .Andrew E. Wickwire and Matthew C. Russell, and the business is under the personal supervision of A. S. Wickwire, ably assisted by Mr. James T. McGill. The firm was established in 1867, and by in- cessant energy coupled with S(|uare dealing has built up a large trade, row occupying a double store from basement to garret. They carry a full line of general hardware, stoves, farm- ing tools, tin and woodenware, paints and oils, and also do a large coal and ice business. The firm not only has but deserves the patronage of the surrounding country. Another Hrm in the hardware business is A. P. Minor & Son, who own a fine block and have an extensive trade. L. E. Vatet, proprietor of the popular New York store, is an enterprising and successful dry goods merchant. A more extended sketch of "Mr. Vatet is given elsewhere. Edick i^ Mastin have a fine dry goods store, and do a pros- perous business. C. I\I Putnam ct Son and William Loder are other dry goods dealers. F. L. Weaver occupies the finest store in the village, carry- ing a large stock of clothing and boots and shoes. H. .[. .\dams handles boots and shoes exclusively ; Barnum A: Tiffany and I,. ,]. Hallock are the principal grocers. The drug trudo is well cared for at the commodious stores of ('. K Krown and S. D. Smith. There are several inilliiiery stores, two bakerit'S, res- taurants, etc. 0. E. Vail iK: (!o. do a large wholes.-ile and retail business in wall ))aper. having al liuii's as many as forty men in tl>eir employ. Walter N'ail opened a jewelry store in 1875, mid allnough entirely burned out a few years ago, has rebuilt and now carries a large and well-selected stock. A. .1. Russell also has a jewelry store, and Itobert llrown a large furniture and undertaking business. De|)osil is essentially a dairying town, and depends almost wholly upon the market furnished by the surrounding farming country, and in rt-lurii is the shipping point for large eposit Marble and (iranite Works, and the Oi|uaga Cycle Co. complete the list of principal manufactories. The Deposit Water Co. was organized in 1884. The village had suffered from several disastrous fires, and after much agitation this company was organized to provide a system of jirofectlon. The first plan was to secure a supply from artesian wells, but this was found imjiracticable ; Oquaga Lake was next considered and abandoned, and the Hutler brook was finally utilized, furnishing a gravtiy system, with a pressure at the hydrnutsor75 pounds persi|uaiv inch. The Deposit Klectric Light t%) .organized some five years ago, furnishes llj;ht for the streets, public buildings, business places and many private residences. Ttie Deposit Telephone Co. has over one hundred instruments in use on a local circuit. Deposit has six churches, all in a prosperous condition. The .Methodist church was organized In 1830, and a building erected In that year al a {'ost of .$9o0. The present edifice was erected In 1872. at an expense of i<15,l)lX). 'I'he church has a membership of about 251) and a Sunday-school attendance of 2ril. l!(!v. Arthur .lamieson is the ]U'esent pastor. The Baptist was the first church in Deposit. It was organized in 1812. The lirst, deacons were Stephen Stiles and .lames .\plington. In 1826 a church was built, which was burned in 1852. The second building was blown down while undergoing repairs in 1856. The following year a third chun'h was built and stood for ten years when for a second time the society was made homeless by lire. ^ BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 6/ The present substantial brick editice was erected in 1881 at a cost of $10,000. There is a present membership of 376 under the care of Rev. 0. L. Percy as pastor. The 8unday-school has KiO members; G. C. Valentine is the superintendent. The Presby- terian society was formed and the first church built in 1818 ; at two periods in its e.xistence it has been under the control of the Congregationalists. The present brick edifice was erected in 1879. Rev. Or. A. Liggett is the pastor. Christ Church (Epis- copal) was organized in 1860 with twenty-nine members. They have just completed one of the handsomest stone churches in this section of the state. Kev. F. S. Fisher is the present effici- ent rector. St. Joseph's Church (Roman Catholic) was estab- lished in 1S4S by Father Hourigan of Bingliamton. A church was built at a first cost of about $1,500. but recent alterations and improvements and the building of a parochial residence has brought the value of the church property up to about $7,000. The church has about 400 members. Rev. Father W. W. I^ounch is in charge of the parish, which also includes the church at Kirkwood Centre. The A. M. E. Zion Church has been a great help to the colored people of the village. They occupy the old Methodist church on lower Front street. Three hotels provide accommodations for the public at De- posit ; the village has an efficient fire department, consisting of two hose companies and a hook and ladder company. The Deposit Union Academy provides first-class educational f acilites for the village, and ranks high as compared witli many other schools. A corps of fourteen teachers is employed and the average attendance is nearly 400. Banking facilities are furnished by the Deposit National Bank, centrally located in a handsome brick block recently erected at a cost of over $20,000. C. J. Knapp of Binghamton is president of the bank, and C. P. Knapp cashier. Its conservative and sound management has made it one of the solidest banks of the state. The legal profession is represented by the well known firm of More & Scott, which has been recently dissolved ; by Charles T. Alverson, the present postmaster, a man whose integrity and professional honor has secured many friends; and by Alonzo Mulford, who has a large clientage. .\mong the physicians are Dr. Oliver T. Hundy, whose father was for years the respected family physician of many Deposit people. Dr. Bundy is a prominent member of the G. A. R., is a coroner of Delaware County, has served several years as pres- ident of the village, and is prominent in many societies and in the affairs of the village. It was largely through his efforts that the handsome soldiers' monument was secured and erect- ed. Dr. B. E. Radaker, a decendant of one of the early settlers of Deposit, has followed his profession for twenty-five years at Deposit. Dr. H. W. Wilcox, although the youngest of Deposit's physicians, is rapidly pushing to the front. Dr. .1. W. Elliot is another physician, well-known all over the county, and witli a large practice. Deposit has many prosperous secret societies, among which are the F. & A. M., K. of P., I. O. O. F., Red Men, G. A. R. and others. It has an aggressive Board of Trade ; a band, organized twenty-five years ago, which has secured a high reputation, and several other social and business organizations. There are five stage routes connecting Deposit with all the surrounding towns for which it is the shipping point. Two newspapers are published at Deposit ; the Courier and the Journal. The Courier was founded in 1848 by M. R. Hulce, and is now owned by C, N. Stow. The Journal was started in 1886 and after having passed through several hands is now published by W. L. Hough. Soon after the completion of the Erie railroad, Alvin Dever- eau.x (1848) located a tannery about one mile below Deposit on the west bank of the Delaware river. For nearly forty years this establishment gave employment to a large number of men and had an annual output of 40,000 sides of leather, or l'0,000 hides. In recent years since the local supply of bark has been exhausted the tannery has been abandoned. Mr. Devereaux has been very prominent in public affairs, having served as a supervisor, and held other offices. McC/urc Sitthment, SO called from its pioneer, William Mc- Clure,is a small station on the Erie railroad five miles west of Deposit. The post-office was established here in 1865 with Charles Hewitt the first post-master. The principal industry of the place is an acid and wood alcohol manufactory. V. P. Mace is the present post-master and the proprietor of a general store. There is one church here, belonging to the Methodists, of which Rev. J. H. Taylor is the pastor. Gk//' ^wwiM/V is a station on the Erie road in the western part of the town, eight miles from Deposit, and on the summit between the Delaware and Susquehanna valleys. Here the Erie railroad after leaving the Delaware at Deposit and climb- ing a heavy grade, passes through a deep cut and decends to Susquehanna. The hamlet has two stores, a creamery, a large acid factory, and is a shipping point for several stone quarries. George S. Williams runs a general store, and is a justice of the peace. S E. Hempstead has been post-master since 1894. Saiiford, or Creek Settlement, is a small hamlet situated in about the center of the township, on the Afton stage route seven miles from Deposit. It is a farming community; George V. Flagler conducts the only store and is the post-master. North Saiiford is located in the north-eastern part of the town, ten miles from Deposit, and in the midst of a rich farm- ingcountry. It has one thriving general store, owned by Broad & Hamlin, two enterprising young men. The Baptist and Meth- odist societies each have a pretty church Rev. B, F. Larrabee is the efficient pastor of the Methodist church. There are two large creameries and cheese factories here. Oquaga I.ak<\, a post-office three miles south of Deposit, is a popular summer resort. Oquaga Lake is a beautiful sheet of water of three hundred acres, wonderfully situated on the top of a mountain two thousand feet above the tide water, and surrounded by perfect woods of beach, maple and pine, decend- ing gently to the indented shore. It is here during the summer season, that you may see boats and barges floating silent as shadows, and as if suspended in the air so clear the Lake is. There are several summer hotels, and many private cottages, all well-filled during the summer months with seekers after rest and recreation. 68 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. OQUAQA LAKE FARH, OQUAGA LAKE, N. Y., E. J.SCOTT, PROP'R. Oqjliac;a Lake Eakm IIoisp: is ti\e huiulrc-d feet from Oquaga Lake, and two thousand feet abo\e the level of the sea. The nearest depot is De- posit, N. \ .. on the X. Y. L. E. & W. R. R. If v<>ii intend speniUnjj the sunnnerinthe countr\-, no better phice can be found. Here nature will offer you comfort of mind and bodv ; pure water. in\ ij^orating air, cool nights no mosquitoes, hay fever nor malaria. Delightful drives about the country, fishing tri])s on the Lake or to the Delaware river, two and one-half miles distant, well stocked with bass and pickerel, or up and dow n the stream far and near, afford plenl\ cit recreation. I'he lie\ ier street scIkioI is located (in l^exier street near Chenango street. The ilistrict is bounded on t he north and east lj% the city limits; (in the south by a line at the intersection of State and Chenango streets, said line being continued east to the S., H. & N. Y. railroad, and west to tlie Chenango river ; on the w est In tbe Cbenango rixer. Grades ist to Jth inclusive. rnA( in;i!s 1(11! riiK Vkvh, lS».5-'9t). — Mr. (ieorse K. W'inslow, principal; Miss Mnrie I.. Heitzniaiin. Miss Klla M. Bailey, Miss Emily A. Furlong, Miss .\nna t5ingener. Miss Florence I. I^ewis, Miss Ida B. Weaver, Miss Cora Mcintosh, Mrs. Cora Weistieitner, kiiiderKarliier. BEVIER STREET SCHOOL NO. ii. BINQHAMTON, N. Y. BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 69 SUSQUEHANNA VALLEY HOME IN iS^s. The number i)f children cared for during- tiie two years onilin;^ Ma\ '^i^t. iSij;. is 2y^ ; admitted during the time. 164: discharged to parent.s or ijuardians on order of Superintendents of the I'oor. (S2 : removed by Super- intendents. 4; ilied, I : taken to other institutions. 1 1 ; jilaced in jirivate homes, jo. I'or the se\enteen vears ending Ma\ :^ist, iSi;;, 1510 ciiildren were received and cared for. 69(1 were placed in private homes, 435 were returned to parentsor guardian>. i 16 were remo\etl b\ Superiiitcndnits ott in- I'oor. c)o were taken to other institutions. i> ran awa\' and 14 ha\e died. BoAUii OK Mana(.ei!s.— .r. r. Noye?. presiilent; -F. S. Wells, vice-president; A.C.Matthews, treasurer; ('. .\. Wilkinson, secretary ; Dr. J. G. Orton, Robert J. Bates, Wni. H. Stilwell, W. . I. Welsh, Hon. Geo. Sherwood. N. W. Edson, superintendent. Board (IP Assistant M wAoKus.—ilrs. C. I». Middlf-brook, president ; Mrs. Geo. -M. Harris and Miss Mary bockwood, vice- presidents: Mrs. L. 1>. Farnham, trr-asurer : Mrs 0. C. Kastman. recording secretary ; Mrs. R. K. iTrisvvold, corresponding ecretary BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. •^*^-Xf; v^,^, ,\^rAf ^ iiiiiii^ CHRIST CHURCH, WASHINGTON STREET, BINQHAMTON, N. Y. HISTORY OF THE CITY OF BINQHAMTON, N. Y. Had the reader been wending his way through the forests which at the close of the eighteenth century covered the tract of country surrounding the confluence of the Susi|uehanna and Chenango rivers, he would have found a road coming down the Susquehanna through the massive pines and near the corner of Court and Liberty streets a fork, one road running west or north of west, and crossing the Chenango below Noyes Island, the other following alnaost the present course of Court street and crossing at a ferry only a little below the present Court street bridge. Another road came down the Chenango, while near Port Dickinson the old Catskill road came over the moun- tain and joined the river road. .lust below the corner stood the old Sawtelle tavern. Below this tavern or opposite the point where Prospect hill projects toward the river, was the place noted as being the spot where the 1786 Indian treaty was made. Imagine yourself coming down on the west side of the Chenango; when you reach the opening just north of Pros- pect hill, you come upon the village of "Chenango Point" or an- cient Binghamton, which at that time consisted of about five houses, built in the primitive style of the early settlers. The road came through this village and swinging at the foot of Mt. Prospect wound its way through the forests to Owego. At the south-east point of the hill near the present inn where the road branclied for the west, anotlier brancli kept its course down the Chenango to meet the roads coming from the east and crossing the river, passing these roads, it kept its course around the Susquehanna through the dense pine forests and soon joined the road which kept along the base of the hill. Such was primitive Binghamton long known as Chenango Point ; Great Bend.Owego and Newton (Elmira) were of even more importance at this date. The history of Binghamton at its present site begins with the interesting story of the "twin elms." (-Jen. .loshua Whitney on his return from a few days' absence, found "the boys" con- gregated at Keelex-'s hotel, and he was jisked for the news. The (General said : '" I have found that a new bridge is to be built across the Susquehanna, and 1 know the exact spot. Now boys, you had better stop clearing here, for the town will be built where that bridge crosses. They agreed with this opinion, and accordingly several embarked the next day in their boats, and with their axes, landed near where the east end of Court street bridge now is, and commenced chopping. They had moored their boat by an elm tree on the east bank of the river. At night they discovered that on the opposite bank and directly across stood another elm, a counterpart of the first, and it was suggested that thes-^ two trees be called the "twin elms." The new location had many advantages over the first. It was wholly in Bingham's patent, while the old site was divided by the pa- tent line. It also afforded much better opportunities for ex- pansion, and was on the line of the great thoroughfare between Kingston and Elmira. (Ten. Whitney was instrumental in thus changing the site of the settlement, as he saw at a glance the advantages to be gained. He was also acting as an agent for Mr. Bingham, and consequently was anxious to have the settle- ment made on the Bingham patent. To accomplish his desire he donated considerable land and assisted in moving buildings to the new site. The oldest house on the new site was a log structure erect- ed in 1788 by Nathaniel Delano, who was a blacksmith by trade. After Mr. Helano left, his cabin was occupied by a l!ev. Mr. Camp. Returning to the old village, we find in the cluster of houses that lined the ro^d. the tavern of Lewis Keller, the residences of t;ol Isaac Sayres a great-uncle of Mr. Keller, who had been a captain in the navy (luring the French war; a printing odiee and newspaper, conducted by Pariiel ('enzer. who afterwards went to the western part of the state and became very promi- nent in politics ; two doctors, l''orbes and Bartholomew; a dis- tillery, and two merchants. .Fudge McKinney began as a mer- chant there. Such was the early settlement of "Chenang I'int,'' which has seemingly sank into insignilicance in the sight of its great child, Binghamton, Binghamton i.-; beautifully situated in the charming valleys of the Chenango and Sus( I uehanna rivers, and rovers the coun- try surrounding their confluence. The city is now linked to- gether by five free bridges, and a net-work of electric railroads affords quick and ample accommodations for rapid transit from one section of the city to another. These bridges vary in length from about 3H0 feet required to span the Chenango, to 70i> feet. 7-2 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. the length of the lower Susquehanna bridge. This beautiful valley, said to be one of the prettiest in this country, is environ- ed with rugged hills, which add much to its picturesque beauty. The primitive uneveness of the citj's site has been to a great extent removed during years of grading, as may be seen by the present gentle elevation occupied by the county buildings, which was once a steep hill where the boys enjoyed the sport of coasting, and whicli is said to have been at least twenty-tive feet above the present Court street grade. The timber in this section was mostly scrub oak and pine. The Indians had kept the underbrush down by repeatedly burn- ing over tlie land, in order that they might more readily dis- cover game at a distance. These frequent fires made the big boulders very conspicuous, and their whitened surfaces were by far the most prominent objects to be seen, wliile a few wild roses and a few other flowers aided in breaking the monotony. It was not long however before the ax of the settler had chang- ed the scene, and even before the city had been thought of fifty acres or more had been cleared. The year 1800 witnessed the birth of a city. Surveys were made and lots laid out; a forest was to be changed into a city ; the rumbling wheels of com- merce were to sound where the Indian had lain in wait for the deer, and the nightly howl of the wolf had been so often heard. Such is progress. The massive mercantile houses and the pal atial residences are but an onward step from the hunting ground in progressive America. We rear cities on our western plains in as it were a day. Binghamton is not like these, of a mushroom growth, but has had a healthy, vigorous and rapid rise, from a solid business foundation, which means that she will go still higher, that she will penetrate new fields in the manufacturing and commercial world, and that within her en- larging limits the workingnian may rear for himself a home and be no longer a tenant. Such true progress can only come where factories can be favorably located, and the laborer receive a liberal recompense for his labor. The early city consisted of two streets. Court and Water. The lots were laid out containing three fourths of an acre, and were sold at an average price of about .tL'O each. Mr .John (4. Christopher was the first to secure a lot and build a house; this was erected in the autumn of ISOO. .Judge McKinney fol- lowed hitn hy putting up a store on Water street, where he took as a partner. Gen. Whitney. McKinney also built a grain warehouse, but very little grain was raised to sell by the set- tlers. The valuable pine was still standing iit tliat time. Gen. Whitney soon erected a residence, and Lewis Keller moved his tavern down from Chenango Point, The lawyers, .lames and halthazar Dellart, came during the same year, ( 1801.) The en- terprising blacksmith, .lolin ^'arrington, came and also built a house and shop. Mason Whiting bought a lot the same year on Water street ; he was afterwards noted as a very able lawyer, .fohn Townley, a practical carpenter, also settled on Water street during this same year. The next year (1802) brought Daniel l^eKoy, an eminent lawyer, who located on Court street. It will be noticed that at this early period Binghamton had a larger percentage of law- yers than at present, although as will be noticed under the head of "Broome (Jounty Bar," she is well supplied in this direction at present The courthouse, built in 1802, has already been al- luded to. ( )ne of the earliest manufactories was a pottery, establish- ed in 1802. by a Mr. Pratt. The same year a tailor named Wild- man came into the place and followed his trade for a number of years. Selah Squires started as a hatter two years later. Samuel Smith, a tanner, was another early settler, .\bout the year 1804 Zenas Pratt built a cabinet shop, and H. T. Shipman a painter and carpenter, settled here. These are a few of tha early settlers who followed some special trade. Other prominent settlers were Judge William Stuart, who came in 1803; Thomas Whitney in the same year; William Woodruff, who came about the same time and became county clerk and sheriff in later years ; Hon William Seymour, who came in 1803; Dr. Elihu Ely. in 1805; Christopher Eldredge, in 1806; Hon. .lohn .\. Collier, who came about 1809 and became so prominent in the county's history ; Col. Oliver Ely and Dr. Tracy Robinson, who followed Mr Collier ; Col. .Joseph Abbott ; Maj. Augustus -Morgan; Hon Thomas iness. Binghamton was incorporated as a village in 1S34 The boundaries were at that time fixed and the city dividt-d into five wards. The first ward included all the territory west of the Chenango river; the second included all east of the Chenango, south of the center of Court and west of the center of Collier street; the third ward included all north of Court street, east of the Chenango river and west of Chenango street ; the fourth ward was made up of the portion of the village east of Chenan- go street and north of Court ; the fifth ward included all the balance of the city. In pursuance of an act, the inhabitants of the village met in 1834, in their respective wards, and chose the following trustees: 1st ward, Samuel Peterson; 2nd. Gteorge Park ; 3rd, Stephen Weed ; 4th, William Seymour ; 5th, William B. Doubleday. These trustees were to form a board for govern- ing the village in everything appertaining to its peace, safety and improvement. At the first meeting of this board, the fol- lowing officers of the village were chosen : President, — Daniel S Dickinson. Clerk, — Erasmus D. Robinson. Attorney, — .Toseph H. Bosworth. Treasurer, — .Tulius Paige. Police Constable and Collector, — Joseph Bartlett. A warden was appointed for each ward as follows : 1st ward, Myron Merrill ; 2nd, George T. Ray ; 3rd, Levi Dimmiek; 4th, Gary Murdock; 5th, Isaac Leavenworth. At the same meeting a committee to draft resolutions for internal regulations was appointed. A resolution was also passed establishing two fire companies. The regulations passed at this time were amended at different times. In 1837 llie part relating to highways and streets was materially changed, and in 1851 other changes were made. Passing from this early history and tracing the development of the city, we find its history to be largely embodied in that of its public men, the manufacturing and business interests, the schools, churches and societies, hence we shall endeavor to treat these subjects in rotation. o PUBLIC SCHOOLS. A passing reference has been made to the Binghamton High School, (page 51) and to the Bevier Street School, (page 68.) The Riverside Seminary was established in 1848 by a Miss Ingails, who successfully conducted it for some twenty years as a boarding school for girls . In 1857 Miss Barton opened a sem- inary for young ladies in the Doubleday block on Hawley street which she maintained for about thirteen years. In 1861 Miss Susan Cook, an accomplished lady who was afterwards in the Parker Collegiate Institute, opened a school for young ladies at the corner of Court and Liberty streets. The Binghamton Female Academy was openrd in 1842. A. J. Wilson was the first principal and Mrs. Wilson had charge of the female department. The Academy building was a three- story brick edifice, with a basement fitted upas a residence for the principal. The building stood on the site now occupied by the county clerk's othce, and stood until 1867, having passed into the control of the Board of Education in 1861. The last principal was Prof. Rodman Lewis. The Susquehanna Semina- ry was establislied in 1854 by the Wyoming Conference of the Methodist Episcopal church. It is an imposing brick structure four stories high, and 161 feet long, situated on an eminence in the western part of the city overlooking the surrounding coun- try. The school became bankrupt after seven years, and the building stood vacant until 1867, when it was fitted up as an asylum for the blind, for which, however, it was never used. A Mr. Place conceived the idea of establishing an institution to be called Place College, but it was only an orphans' home. In 1871 it was transferred to the Griffith Mission. The seminary building was purchased in 1872 by Dean Smith, who start- ed a college for young ladies, calling it Dean College. Mr. Smith was the principal, and labored hard to maintain his school in opposition to the public schools, but failed. He died in 1877, heavily involved, and his son-in-law. Rev. R. A. Patterson, took charge of the institution, managing it until 1880, when it was closed and soon became the property of the Catholics as St. Mary's Orphan Asylum, which is aided by the state. In the seventies Miss Lillian Craige opened the Binghamton Institute, located on Myrtle avenue, which she carried on successfully for several years. The system of minor graded schools was created by an act of the legislature in 1861, and in compliance with that act a Board of Education was elected, consistingof the following gen- tlemen : Hon. D.S.Dickinson, Judge F. B. Loomis, .fudge Horace S. Griswold, William Sprague, H. E. Pratt, W. S. Baird, Joel Fuller and Myron Merrill. Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson was the first president of the board, and Prof. Cruttenden the first superintendent. The school buildings were all brick, with the exception of those at Millville and Brighamville, which were wooden structures. In September, 1861, 850 pupils were in at- tendance ; in 1870, there were 2,097 pupils; in 1880 the number had increased to 3,000, and at the present time there are 6,414, with an average daily attendance of over 5,000. From 1861 to 1881 the total expense of maintaining the public schools of the city was .f 731. 276.42, of which ifl31,00O was received from the state, and the balance raised by tax. During this period Bing- hamton ranked as the third city in the United States in the av- erage attendance out of the total number of children of school age. The following is a list of the Superintendents of Public In- struction in the city since the institution of the graded system: David H. Cruttenden, 1861-64. H. T. Funnell, 1865-66. George T.Jackson, 1867. Norman F. Wright, 1868-69. 74 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. George L. Faniham, 1870-75. R. B. Clark, 1876. (). B. Bruce, 1877. M. L. Hawley, 1878-80. .T. H . Hoose , 1881. M. W. Scott, (present incumbent) 1882- The present graded public school system of the city is under the management of a Board of Education consisting of thirteen members, and the mayor, ex-officio. The members of the board for 1895-96 are : Mayor George E. Green ; president, Julius E. Rogers ; superintendent and secretary, Marcus W. Scott; Dr. Alfred J. Inloes, William G. Trowbridge, Albert H. Bixby, C. W. Smith, Robert V. Bogart, Walter I. Mosher, Homer B. Boss, Theodore B. Schenck, William M. iShapley, William H. Cannon, Dr. D. P. Bailey and Charles .7. Cook. There are fourteen pri- mary schools, one grammar and one high school. During the last fiscal year the sum of :|;110,992.64 was expended for school purposes. The full course of instruction includes a series of twelve " grades," the first, second and third are in the prima- ry department, the fourth, fltth and sixth are in the interme- diate, the seventh and eighth in the grammar, and the ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth in the high school where scholars are fitted to enter any of the leading colleges or universities of the United States. The High School building, located on Main street, (see page 51) was built in 1871 at an expense of .$100,000, and is not sur- passed by any one of its class in the state outside the city of New York. The number of pupils registered in 1895 was 510, with a faculty of sixteen teachers, under the charge of Principal Albert Leonard. $12,559.75 was paid for teachers, and .$8,331.42 for other purposes, a total of $16,991.27. The Grammar School is located in a substantial brick build- ing on Washington street, erected in 1880. The school has live teachers. Miss Nellie ,T. Allen, principal. The amount paid to teachers last year was $2,580; miscellaneous expenses, $945.20; a total of $3,525 20. There were 178 pupils registered with an average daily attendance of 149. In this building is located the city School Library. This library was established in 1861 and is free to all residents of the city. It contains nearly 10,- 000 volumes, and is largely used by the public. School No. 1 is on Oak street. Sixteen teachers are em- ployed at a cost last year of $0751.88, and a total exjjense of $7,747.32. The number of pu|)ils registered was 792; principal. Miss Fanny A. Morey. School No. 2 is located in the Grammer School building on Washington street It has a corps of five teachers, who were paid last year $1,94(1.1.'!. The number of pupils registered was 221. Miss l;\illi K (Uiamberlin is ;principal. S(.-hool No. 3, located on the south side of Robinson street , is one of the large,*t schools in the city. It has a stall' of four- teen teachers, with Mr. M. L. Fowler as principal. The total expense of the school for 1895 was $7,531.32, of whicli $0,llO..5o was paid to teachers. Number registered was 657. School No. 1 is located on Pine street. It has thirteen teachers, who received last year $5,93(i 25. The luiniber register- ed was 575; principal, Mr. IC. <1. 1. ant man. School No. 5 is located on Carroll street, has tliirteen teach- ers at a cost of $5,969.43, and a total expense of $7,098 93, Num- ber registered 557 ; principal, Mr. Herbert .7. Jones. School No. 6, located on New street, has 636 pupils register- ed. Fifteen teachers are employed with Miss R. A Eldredge principal. Amount paid to teachers last year, .$5,97S.,30 ; total expense, $7,015.87. School No. 7 is located on Alfred street. It paid last year to ten teachers, $4,348 93, and a total of $5,296.39. It registered 380 pupils ; Miss Emma J Gaffney is the principal. School No. 8, located on Helen street, had 85 pupils regis- tered. Miss Ella Eldredge is principal, .\mount paid to teach- ers, $720; total expense, $1,153.58, School No. 9, located on Clinton street, has 226 pupils regis- tered. It has five teachers, Miss Ella Follett, principal. Paid to teachers, $2,202; total expense, $2,837 89, y^ ,-:cH0OL NO. 10, L.VUREL .WENUE. School No. 10 is located on Laurel avenue, has -546 pupils registered. It paid to their teachers last year, $6,120.75 ; total expense, $6.676. '23, Mr. C. F. Norton is the principal. School No, 11 is located on Beveir street (see page 68). It has nine teachers who received last year $4,110.20; total ex- pense, $5,187 51. Number of pupils registed, 414 ; principal, Mr. George K. Winslow. School No. 12 is located nt Fairview. It has six teachers. Miss Nettie \', Clark, principal. Number of pupils registered, "238; amount imid to leiichers. $I,KIH); total expense, $5,908 31. School No. \.i is at Uossville. Number of teachers, two ; number of pupils registered, 86; amount paid to teachers, $700; total expense, $897.73. School No. 14 is located on .lervis street. It has nine teacliers, wlio were last year paid $8,073.-50: with total expense of $17,020.78, wliich included $10,883 for a new building, :\Irs. Sarah K. Burrows is the principal : number of [lupils registered :m). -^ BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 75 A SKETCH OF THE FOUNDER OF THE Riley Business College, BINGHAMTON. N. Y. [From the •• Bioj^raphical Review uf Hroome L I'unty.'J J. F. Rilev, A. M., who occupies a foremost position MiiKini;- the educators of the citv of Bing-hainton, N. Y., is the founder and principal of the Riley Business College, located on State street — ail institution in u'/iic/i the most practical commercial training- and comf'lrtc education in stcno^rapli v . t\pe-:iitii(i;. and a 'lioroKs:!' Etigtish course can be obtained. ]. F. Rilev was born at Owego, N. Y., September 7. 1S60. Sn much stress is laid at present on the subject of lineage that a brief historical sketch of this family will he interesting to onr reader.s. His great-great-grandfather. Daniel na\i.s. was a captain in the English army, and was sent to Ireland with his regiment to assist in quelling the Re- bellion of 1798. and being pleased with the country he sold his commission and set- tle 1 on an estate near Bally- ;u;igoovrn, where he resided until his death. His family consisted of two daughters and a son, the latter of a del- icate constitution. But de- spite his delicacy, the son Edward, lived to a good old age. and left a large family of sons and daughters. One of these daughters married William Taylor, who owned an estate in the vicinity, and from this union was born Marv I'aylor, who became the grandmother of the sub- ject of this sketch. The Davis and Taylor fam- ilies were all loyal subjects of England, the men of the former name serving with distinction under Wellington at Waterhxj. and the grand- father Taylor being an offi- cial of the crown for several years in Ireland. They were highlv respected and classed among the best people in England and Ireland. The great - great-g r a n d f a t h e r O'Reillv was an ardent pat- riot of "the Irish cause, and in the Rebellion of 1798 was opposed in combat to the very officer whose grand- daughter afterwards eloped with his grandson. James O'Reilly. Patrick Riley was born in Ireland and came to America while a young man. He was superintendent of construc- tion on the Erie railway and resided in Owego, N. Y. Professor Riley received his early education in the district schools and at the old Owego academy. .\t the death of his father, although then quite voung, he started out for himself, first learning stenography at the Wyckoff Institution at Ithaca. N. Y. He soon became an adept in this art, and secured a position as official stenographer of the A., T. & S. F. Ry. He was sent west with the construction corps, his headquarters being at the different jilaces where the department was stationed. Ever an.xious for a higher education, he availed himself of the facilities aflforded by the colleges of those places. Thus while at Emporia. Kas.. he studietl at the normal school; when in Las \'egas, X. M., attended the Jes- uit College; at Santa Fe, the School of the Christian Brothers; and finallv, at the College of Mines, City of Mexico, was gradu- ated and received his degree of A. M. In iSSo Professor Riley returned east and accepted a position in a Binghamton business college, .\fter several months service as a J. F. RILEY, A. work fc) This teacher, he was called to the famous Jesuit College of St. John's at Fordham, X. Y., where he was four years principal of the commer- cial department and teacher of stenography. His sujierior talent and ability attracted the attention of not only the professors of the institution, but also of the bisho]) and reverend clergymen of New York city ; and he counts to-day among his warmest friends the leading men of his church in that city. In 1886 he once more re- turned to Binghamton and opened the business college which bears his name. His first location was at Xo. 76 Court street, but re- quiring more room he removed to the McXamara block, and after a short time there he estalilished himself in the elegant rooms in the Westcott block on State street, where he occupies five thous- and square feet of space, and has one of the best fitted commercial colleges in any ])art of the country. .Ml the modern conveniences of steam heat, electric lights., elevatm-, good light and ventilation can be found here. Believing with Pope that "A little luiiniilig is u dniiperous tiling; Drink deep, or tusle iKtt the Pierian spring."' the Professor allows no jju- pil to leave his college with a superficial knowledge of his dilferent branches. What they learn they must know thoroughly and well or they get no certificate to aid in securing positions. He gives personal attention to all his classes, employing only such assistants as are absolutely necessary and whom he con- sitlers competent to give in- struction. The majority of his graduates are natives of Binghamton, though he has hundreds of pupils from oth- er places. The Xew York State and .Xational Civil Ser- vice Commissions consider Professor Riley a model teacher, his scholars having passed every e.vamination they have ever entered. In the different departments at Washington, in the New York State Civil Service, in Xew York city and Chicago and other cities, the pupils of the Riley Business College are to be found, and they point xvith pride to the thor- ough teaching there as the secret of the success they have met in their diff'ercut posi- tions. The typewriting de- partment of the college has nineteen standard machines, which the students keej) in constant use from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. A great deal of work is done for outside parties in the city and county, and for all this the student receives full compensation. In 1892 they wrote over ioo,t)00 let- ters for the Binghamton Wagon Co., besides doing a vast anxumt of stenographic ■xceptiou to the iin-tvorthy con- cerns -i^'hich are a blot and a shado-v upon the field of commercial i nstrncliou. drserr'es to be commended for its genuine merit, trust- -.'orthinrss. tuitl its superiority as a high-grade institution of Iearni7ig, Pr(jfessor Riley was married on October 15, 1S87, to Miss Minnie I!. Olds, of Bingamton. and one child, a son, has been born to them. Professor Riley has acted in the capacity of assistant examiner for the Civil ,Ser\ ice Commission at various times. .\s a finished pen- man he has no superior — a fact which is admitted l)y all the busi- ness men of his city. In his large school each pupil finds him a personal friend as well as a teacher; and he evidences a father's in- terest in securing for them the liest i)ossible positions which does not end there, hut also looks after their welfare even when they are beyond his care. Kind hearted, courteous and agreeable. Profes- sor Riley is a thorough gentleman of the genuine type. r man\- oihge bU! zvh, ini'ss lii'uis. ch is a nuirked 76 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. The Lowell Business College. TIILS institution has been identified with the history of Binghamton since the year 1^59, at which time it was established by Daniel W. Lowell, from whom it takes its name. At the time mentioned Binghamton was a mere village, and a Business College was counted a considerable addition to the business interests of the town. But if it had been announced at the time that it was to grow into one of the best patronized and widely known school of the kind in the state ; that it was to be- come almost as prominent a feature of tiie city as its sur- rounding hills, the idea would have been counted chimer- ical. The growth of the school was steady from the tail ami Commission business, etc., in which the pupils transact their business precisely as in the larger commer- cial world. In fact a training in this department is e(_|ui\alent to an apprenticeship in all these lines of busi- ness, with the additional advantage of a positive knowl- edge that the forms and methods are of the best. ^'oung men whose experience in business has been gained solely in the "L. B. G." have in hundreds of in- stances taken responsible positions which they have filled with honor to themselves and credit to the institution. Its stenography department is now an important feature of the school. Graham's Standard Phonography is taught by skilled instructors, and the department is well ecpiipped with the best make of typewriters and everything necessary to produce competent stenographers and typewriters. Legal work of every variety, business start, and after the war, had at one time upwards of 400 young men from different parts of this and surrounding states in attendance. Its course, at that time considered a thorough one, has been strengthened ; new departments added, and the standard of the school as a business edu- cator has been advanced, until now it is counted one of the most thorough and effective schools of its class. The school has been under the management of the present principal and proprietor, J. E. Bloomer, for about fourteen years, and to his untiring efforts and ability as an instructor much of the fine prestige of the school is now due. The Business Department ol the school has many features peculiar to the Lowell Business College, among them the method of presenting business dealings to the student which is ])recisely the same form as is used in actual business life. The department contains a Bank, a Wholesale Office, Real Estate OlVice, Freight Otlice. Re- correspoiiilence as applied to every line of business, busi- ness forms ami office work is presented to the pupils and a graduate of the stenography department of the Lowell College is taken without question as well-fitted for auy kind of stenographic work. The Telegraphy department is in charge of a com- petent telegrapher, whose experience in railroad and commercial telegraphy was gained by actual experience on many of the important telegraph lines in this and other stales. Uusiness, Shorthand and Telegraphy make a strong combination for anv school, and when they are conduct- ed in the manner which has made this school famous are sure to bring the voung men and women who have ad- vantage of such a coiu-e ii( training, a successful career in business life. BROOME COU^'T^' ILLUSTRATED. 77 (■ i ^^^bmv' 1 - M X l!» i \ ^^^ r i ' .Mr,_^ WM 9|hBI^F'^ ^^^^^I »? VmW '* w \ """^ v'v ^^' '-il" ■' ■ ■''■■^ B)|i ^ jrr" fl J iipp£^^*^^ T3hW • ^ BBW^K fc.' ^^ 'liC NORTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, CHENANGO ST., BINOHAMTON, N. Y. BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. CHURCHES. Binghamton has over thirty churches in which services are conducted. Sketches have already been n ade of several of these under the photographs of the same. Methodist — The Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church is situated at the corner of Court and Centenary street. The society vpas formed in 1817 by Rev. Ebenezer Doolittle, and consisted of a class of five members vpith .Joseph Manning as class leader. Services were first held at Mr. Manning's house, on Main street, and aferwards at the school house and at the court house until 1822 when the chapel bought of the Episco- pal society was removed to the site presented through (Teneral Whitney. Binghamton became a separate charge in 1832, pre- vious to which it was a station on a circuit charge. In 1851 the Second society was formed, an offshoot from the Henry street church. They had their place of worship on the north-west corner of Court and Carroll streets. This church was built by dissenters from the church who called themselves Protestant Methodists, but the new church did not thrive. The building was repaired and used by the society until ISHS, when the two churches were consolidated. \t this time there were 399 members and Rev. D. W. Bristol, 1). U., was the pastor. The society soon took measures to provide a suitable home and in 1866 the corner stnne of the Centenary church was laid. The building was completed within two years, at a cost of about $65,000. and later a parsonage was built, costing $7,000. Rev. .1. H. Race is the present pastor ; salary, including house rent $2,200. The Tabernacle M. E. church is located on the corner of Main and Arthur streets. The church edifice is valued at $65,- 000, and the parsonage at ,$4,000. Rev. E. B. Olmstead is the present pastor, who is paid a salary of $2,200. High Street M' E. church is situated on Conklin avenue at the foot of High street. Rev. Truman F. Hall is the pastor; salary, including house rent, $1,440. Chenango Street M. E. church is situated on North Chenan- go street. The church and parsonage is valued at about $5,000. The church has a membership of some 4.50; Rev. ,T. A. Faulkner is the pastor ; salary, including house rent, $1,180. Clinton Street i\I. E. church is valued at $4,000, Rev. J, W, Nicholson is the present pastor ; salary, including rent, $944. OakStreet :\I. E. church is valued at .$3,500. Rev. W. K. Turner is pastor, salary, including house rent, $821. Bai'tist CiruHcnEs. — The Baptist society was founded in 1827 by ,lohn Congdon, and was re-organized in 1820. In 1831 a new church edifice was erected. The first rental of pews oc- curred in 1K42, and from this tiine on the church was enlarged and repaired until the brick structure was erected in 1S70. un- der the leadership of Rev. Lyman Wright, (See illustration of church and additional statistics on page 42.) Other IJaptist churches in the city are; Conklin Avenue, a pretty structure located at the corner of Conklin avenue and Homer street Rev. Charles C. Mansfield is pastor ; trustees, C. H. Lacy, Amasa Mann, Frank Church, Melville Lawrence, Walter Mosher,. I. W. Lacy, Walter Camp- bell, Charles Bolt and W. I'. Howard. Memorial Baptist church, located at the corner of Main and Chestnut streets; Rev, Frank H, Cooper, pastor. The trustees are; Theo. A, White, A. H. Thompson, R. W. Bowen, W. F. Hulce. Charles Speh and W. S. Hotchkins. Calvary Baptist church, at corner of Chenango and Trues- dell streets. Rev. Stephen Hancock, pastor; trustees, C E. Scudder, S. W. (iuernsey, E. P. Merrill, W, A. Hamlin. R. Wes- tervelt and E, A, (Toodrich. Park Avenue Baptist church, Rev. F. .1. .Johnson, pastor; trustees, A, B, Corby. Charles Bliss, S, J. Piatt, M, T, Dewitt, A, .J. Self and P. Conners. Cn.v(iRi:(;.\TioNAi, — The First Congregational church was organized by Rev. .John Starkweather in the old court house in 1836, with nineteen members. In 1837 they removed to the old academy of music, dedicating and occupying that building un- til 1853, when it was sold and the proceeds used to pay the debts of the society. The church barely survived, but hung resolute- ly together, holding meetings in the upper room of .Job Cong- don's marble shop. In 1863 the society erected a building on the site of their present church, holding meetings in Firemen's Hall during the process of construction. In 1869 the present edifice was built at a cost of .$57,000. Since that date several changes and additions have been made, and a chapel built in 1884, costing $25,000, and the church property is now valued at about $80,000, liev. Willard Thorp is the present pastor. Plymouth Congregational church is located at the corner of Oak and Lydia streets; 1-tev. \V. H. Kephart is the pastor; the trustees are, H. Rorapaugh, .1. W. Cary, .Jesse Hillis, E. H. Sweet, Charles (Tregory. Robert Heroy and W. W. Hinds. Presbyterhn. — The North Presbyterian church was or- ganized in 1869. There had been a growing demand for more accomodations in the First Presbyterian church, and the north side field was selected for a new church. Fifty persons entered into fellowship of whom forty-one came from the First Presby- terian. Rev, C, P, Coit was the first pastor and his salary was $1,400, he was succeeded in 1875 by the present pastor. Rev, John McVey, The First Presbyterian church is a beautiful edifice situated on Chenango street near the centre of the city. It has recently undergone extensive repairs, Dr, Boardman was the well- known pastor of the church when the North Presbyterian society was formed. Rev, G, Parsons Nichols is the present pastor, and Rev, .J, McJjachlan assistant pastor, W^est Presbyterian church is an offshoot of the First church and was organized in 1873 with 65 members. The beautiful brick church was completed in 1873 and cost about $18,000. Rev. Samuel Dunham has served this church as pastor since its organization. The Ross Memorial church is located on Corbett avenue; Rev. 1>. N. lirummon is the pastor; trustees. Ira B. Webster, ti. N. Arnold and Andrew J. Smith. Other Presbyterian churches are: Immanuel Chapel on Chenango street. Rev. .1. McLachan, pastor ; Broad Avenue, Rev. Frederick Perkins, pastor ; and I'loral Avenue, Rev, R, C, Bry- ant, pastor. Ei'isroi'At,. — Christ Church, to which reference has been 1 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. made on page 70, and the new Trinity Church, on page 60. are prosperous churches and their handsome edifices are the pride of the city. Catholic. — St. Patrick's Church, (see page 43.) In 1S35 a Catholic family settled in Binghamton. Rev. Dr. Hurley had visited the place the year before to perform a marriage cere- mony. Rev. Mr. Wainright preached here in 183.5, snd several influential families of the city assisted the Catholics in build- ing their first church soon after, at a cost of about $1,000. Kev. Father .Tames F. Ilourigan labored for many years with this church very successfully, and the church prospered under his care. The present edifice was built on LeKoy street at a cost of $170,000. St. .Joseph's Academy, which stands near by. has also been built at a cost of .ttiO.OOO. The present pastor is the Very Kev. Father John J. McDonald, assisted by Kev. Father Foy. CoLoREii CiiuRoiiEs. — Zion's Church is located on WliiCney street, and was organized in 1836 by Rev. Henry .Fohnson. In 1840 the first church was erected, which was rebuilt in 1874 at a cost of $2,000. The present pastor is Rev. Charles A. Smith. Bethel church was organized in 183S by Kev. Charles Spicer and a church built in the same year. In 1842 the present build- ing on Susquehanna street was erected at a cost of .f850. Kev. W. G. B. Coster is the pastor Other Churches.— There are two German churches in the city, Emanuel Church and Church of the Redeemer, (Lutheran) Emanuel church was organized in 1880 by Rev. .Jacob Vo^eler with a membership of twenty-four. For a few years meetings were held in the rooms of the Y. M. C. A., but in 1885 the pres- ent pretty building on Front street was erected. Rev. H. Koch is the pastor. The Lutheran church is on Washington street ; Rev. W. F. Bacher, pastor. The First Christian church is loca- ted on Clinton street. Kev. E. K. McCord is the pastor. The Free ilethodist church is on Rutherford street. Rev. ;\I. D. Alac- Dougall is the pastor. The Church of the Messiah, (Universal- ist) on Ex'jhange street. Rev. M. Yager, pastor; First Church of Christ, (Scientist,) and a .Jewish synagogue complete the list. RAILROADS. For the first twenty-five years after its settlement Bing- liamton's only means of communication with the outer world was by way of the old "turnpikes," or by boats down the Sus- quehanna river. In 1833 the first move was made towards building a canal from Binghamton up the Chenango valley and connecting with the Erie canal at Utica. This canal was begun in 1834 and completed in 1837, at a total expense of nearly two millions of dollars. The first boat reached Binghamton May 6, 1837, and tlie interests of the young city were greatly built up by the advent. During the first three years over twelve million feet of lumber had been shipped over it from Binghamton. The canal was extended in 1878 to Owego. but with the building of railroads the canal was abandoned in 1872. In 1831 the New York and Erie Railroad Company was chartered and sixteen years later, after a varied experience of delay and partial abandonment, the road was completed from Piermont on the Hudson to Binghamton and finally in 1851 to Dunkirk. The opening of the road so enlarged the commercial facilities of the city that the natural advantage of its situation begun to be more and more apparent, and other roads were projected. A charter had been obtained for the Utica and Susquehanna Railroad as early as 1832, but the road was not completed until 1872. In 1852 prominent Binghamton men realizing the impor- tance of the Pennsylvania coal trade interested themselves in the building of the Syracuse and Binghamton road, which had been chartered twenty-five years before. A new charter was obtained and the road completed, and opened for traffic in the autumn of 1854, the city of Binghamton taking a large amount of the capital stock. ,\mong the Binghamton citizens promi- nent in the construction of this road were Messrs. Daniel 8. Dickinson, Ammi Doubleday, Rodney A. Ford and others. (Treat enthusiasm was felt in the city upon the completion of this road, but its early years were characterized by mismanage- ment and it was not until the road passed into other hands that it became a paying investment Meanwhile the D., L. A W. Ry had elVected a junction with the Erie at Great Bend and in 1868 this company purchased the Syracuse and Binghamton and extending their line from Great Bend to Binghamton, a second great thoroughfare through the city was completed. In the autumn of 1880 the D., L & \V. company began the extension of their road from Binghamton to Buffalo, a distance of 204 miles, and on .May 14, 1883 the new road was opened. The -\lbany and Susquehanna Railroad was completed from Binghamton to Albany in 1869, after being delayed for years in building the tunnel near Nineveh ; this road is now under the management of the Delawai-e and Hudson Canal Co. In 1894 work was commenced on the State Line Railroad which is to form the connecting link of a new line from Bing- hamton to Williampsort, Pa., but the enterprise has been tem- porarily abandoned. At the present time the passenger traffic of the city is trans- acted at two stations, the Erie which is also used by theD. & H. and the D., L. & W. From thence the traveler may depart at any hour of day or night by any one of seven diverging routes, leading to all points of the compass. BRIDGES. FjOcated as it is at the confluence of two rivers, the means of crossing these rivers has always been an important question to Binghamton. .U the present date there are five bridges in the city, two over the Chenango and three over the Susquehanna The first bridge in the city was the old Court street bridge, built in 1808 at a co.st of $6,000, This bridge was 600 feet long, and twenty-five feet wide, and has been replaced by three other bridges during the history of the city The second bridge was erected in 1825, standing until 1865 wlien it was carried away by the great freshet. Up to this time all the bridges in the city were toll bridges, but the spirit of progrees had reached the city and a move was promptly made to have a free bridge on Court street. A special act was passed by the legislature to enable the city to raise $30,000 for the purpose, and after much BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. Young Men's Christian Association. THE Young INIen's Christian Associatiri. was ineoporated December 4th, 1852, and during the forty-three years of its existence has accomplished a robJe work in the oity. The work of the organization, as its name indicates, is iirimarily with the young men, yet the whole city has enjoyed tlie fruits of the labor of the Association. Lecture courses, readings, con- certs andotlier instructive enter- tainments have been provided, a reading room and library estab- lished, a gymnasium provided for the benefit of its members, for whom the association exercises all the care and watchfulness of the home. The first officers of the Associa- tion were : president, Edward Tompkins; vice-presidents, .Sol- omon .Tudd. Charles S. Hall and Edward Z. Lewis; recording sec- retary, James B. Chadwick; treasurer, .Julius P. Morgan; managers. Henry S. West, (ieorge E. Flynt, Hallam E. Pratt and .1. T. Brodt. In 1883 steps were taken toward providing a suitable home for the Association. An appeal was made to the friends of the association, and their liberal response resulted in the purchase of the Lester block, Nos. 7 and 9 (.^ourt street, for which .$20,000 was paid. This building is centrally located, with a frontage of forly-eight feet, and four stories in height. Since its purchase, several thousand dc)llar.s have been expend- ed in improvements, until now a handsome and convenient home has been provided. The ground floor is retued for business purposes. Let us take you fur a moment through the building as it is at present, .\scending one flight of stairs from Court street you enter at the right into a free reading room supplied with all the leading periodicals of the country ; near the door also you find the secretary's deck ; opening from this is the social room where members may spend a pleasant hour with the numerous games that are provided ; beyond this Is the members' parlor elegantly fitted up, while passing still around we come through the boys' room. Ascending another Higtit of stairs wp fii.d the large roini in which is held the Sunday afternoon services; the library which consists of thousands of volumes of selected litt-rature ; the bath rooms and other rooms connected with physical culture. The entire top flour is devoted to the ',, April lSth_ 1.8(i(). He was the assistant pliysical instructor of the Syracuse associa- tion for two years, and coming to the city of Bingliamtoii. ( Ictober 13,\ 1890. he took charge of the local association's gymnasium which was then in a dilapidated condition, since that time the physical work herm.^n rex. has become a very prominent part of the association's work. Mr. Rex is a good all-around athlete, a fine gymnast and a thorough Instructor in physical culture. Hp has proven'him- self to be a very valuable man to tlie association, and he is "also very popular with all who know him. The success of the phys- ical work in this city Is due to his untiring efforts. — .@) — ® — .@ — @® — @- — @- — ® — OAK STREET SCHOOL, No. i. BINGHAMTON, N. Y. BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. Si BRIDGES, continued from page 79, litigation, a substantial bridge was built, the first free bridge in the city. The total cost of the new structure was some •'^38.- 000. This bridge was replaced in 1889 by the present solid iron bridge, with an asphalt Hoor. The Suspension bridge across the Chenango river at Ferry street was built by the city in 1871, at a cost of .i!2K,000. The site had previously been occupied by an old wooden toll bridge which had been taken away by the same flood that removed the old Court street bridge. Hon. Walton Dwight, at that time Mayor of the city, took an active part in securing the construc- tion of the new bridge, having pledged himself to pay all the cost above the estimated .'f28,O0O, and having paid for the abut- ments. The cables of this bridge are composed of seven steel wire ropes two inches in diameter. W. A. Roebling, the famous engineer who afterwards built the Niagara Suspension bridge and the great Brooklyn bridge, was the engineer in charge of the building of this bridge. The first bridge over the Susquehanna river was built in 1808. at what is now the foot of Water street. This structure was replaced in 1825 by a covered toll bridge erected by the Susquehanna Bridge Co., and known for years as the "White Bridge.'' .\bout one-half of this bridge was carried away by an ice- jam in 1873, but was at once rebuilt. In 1874 it was purchas- ed by the city, thoroughly repaired and made a free bridge. In 1882 the roof was removed, and shortly after it was replaced by the present handsome iron stru.:'ture. The first Rockbottom bridge was built in 1865 by a compa- ny who located the bridge near the mouth of the Brandywine creek, but the next year the bridge was bought by the Rock- bottom Bridge Co , who moved it to its present site, where it was used by the public until 1874. In this year the old toll system was abolirlied in the city, and the Rockbottom bridge was superseded by the present iron struetiire. which cost the city .$38,500. In 1847 a temporary wooden foot bridge was erected by a few citizens across the Susquehanna at the foot of Exchange street. This was blown down, and a similar structure soon af- ter built which was carried away by the ice in 1880. The pres- ent bridge was built by the city in 1S82, costing .$6,000. THE POST=OFFICE. The postoftice in Binghamton was established in 1802, and William Woodruff was the first postmaster. The mail at that time was brought overland from Catskill, by .Joshua Whitney, who kept the mail at his house as early as 1795, and it was largely through his efforts that the office was established. Some five years later Orange Stoddard became post-master and the office was transferred to Union where it remained two years, or until the appointment of Woodruff, .ludge Robert Monell was the second post-master, and he was succeeded by Judge McKinney who held the office until the second appointment of Mr. Woodruff. In 1813 .ludge McKinney again took the othce, and established it in Zenas Pratt's store. Pratt was made the post-master in 1817, and was succeeded by .lohn C. Swain in 1821. Virgil Whitney received tlie appointment in 1823 and held the office thirteen years, when he was succeeded by Dr. Tracy Robinson. The post-masters since Dr. Robinson have been : Franklin Whitney, Joseph B. Abbott, Vii-gil Whitney, William Stuart, 1861-70; E. B. Stephens, 1870-82 ; George W. Dunn, 1882-86; E. H. Freeman, 1886-90; George W. Dunn, 1890- 94 ; Charles A. Hull, 1894-95 ; C. F. Terhune, 18!l5. For illustra- tion and description of the new post-office building, see page 8- o CITY WATER WORKS. The excellent system of city water works was constructed in 1868, being authorized by a special act of the legislature, en- titled, "An Act to Supply the City of Binghamton with Pure Wholesome Water." The first board of Commissioners were: W. P. Pope, Gen. Edward F. Jones, Sabin McKinney, J.Stuart Wells, Frederick Lewis and Wm. E. Taylor. At the first meet- ing, held in 1867. Wm. P. Pope was elected president, and Julius P. Morgan, clerk ; Frederick Lewis, treasurer; Thomas Sedg- wick, superintendent. The works are located in the eastern part of the city, tak- ing the water from wells sunk below the bed of the Susquehan- na river, where the water has to be filtered through the sand. These wells are from twenty to thirty feet in diameter. The first pump used was a Holly, with a capacity of 2,500,000 gallons per day. In 1882 a new Holly engine of 60,000,000 gallons per day capacity was put to work, and the cement pipes used at first were replaced by iron. o CEMETERIES. The first burying ground of the city was on court-house hill, and John Crosby was its first occupant. Later the several churches had burying grounds on their respective grounds. The first cemetery laid out was the old Eldredge Street Ceme- tery, which in 1841 became the Binghamton Cemetery, and in which t!harles F. Whitney was the first person buried. ^lany were soon removed thither from the various church burying grounds. This cemetery contains about ten acres, divided into some four or five hundred lots, and at the present time bears an old and dilapidated appearance. Spring Forest Cemetery was incorporated in 1853, with Ed- ward Z. Lewis as president. This is probably the handsomest cemetery in the county. The scenery is naturally beautiful and the arrangements are artistic. Mrs. Azariah .\ngel was the first person buried here. Floral Park Cemetery is situated on the east side of Floral avenue, near Main street. The Catholic Cemetery is on the river bank, in the western part of the city. It contains eight to ten acres, between the river and Riverside drive. The grounds and location are very beautiful. Glenwood Cemetery situated in the extreme northwest part of the city, on a beautiful hillside, contains about 60 acres. About 2,000 people have been buried here. N. M. Hulbert is the present superintendent. The following description of this beau- BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. ST. MARY'S CHURCH, COl'RT ST., BINCiHAnTON, N. Y. BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 83 tiful cemetery is taken from a local newspaper: "Glenwood cemetery, situated on a side hill and commanding an excellent view of the city, is an ideal place for the burial of the dead. A visitor can profitably spend a short time there. Although Glen- wood has not been in use seven years a great many persons have secured lots in that cemetery. A number of handsome monuments mark the resting places of several of Bingbamton's honored dead. The grounds and drives were laid out by Dr. Newton Hulbert. They are an excellent specimen of landscape gardening. A number of new lots are being laid out on the north and west sides which occupy a high elevation. These lots will be more expensive than the other lots. Pipes are being laid to convey water from a spring issuing from the rocks in the northern portion of the cemetery. The water will be used for sprinkling the grounds. Lawn sprinklers can be placed on each lot at the will of the owners. About one hundred sprinklers have been purchased. One important feature of the cemetery is its beautiful ever- green trees. They were grown from seeds which were planted forty-four years ago on Mount Prospect, and at the opening of Clenwood the young trees were transplanted, and under the care which they have since received are in fine condition. The branches have become thickly woven together. An arch of evergreens sixty rods long has been constructed, making one of the most beautiful of sylvan avenues. The cemetery contains no potter's field, but does contain a soldiers' plot in which are buried nearly fifty patriots. In the center of the plot a flag- staff has been erected. The Susquehanna Valley Orphans'Home has a plot in which several have been interred. Along the eastern border of the cemetery i.s a gorge, wild and picturesque. It is a romantic spot. .A small stream winds its way through the rocks and the walls rise to a height of many feet on each side. The trees are so thick it is'well nigh imposs- ible for a ray of sunshine to penetrate between the leaves. The cemetery has been greatly improved in the past two years and the work is being pushed. When completed, Glenwood will be one of the most beautiful cemeteries in Central New York. Much of its beauty is due to the untiring labors of the superintend- ent, Mr. Newton Hulbert." RELiaiOUS AND CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS, The Railroad Department of the Young Men's Christian Association is located on Lewis street. The officers are; Chair- man, Charles Wadsworth ; vice-chairman, W. A.Fleming; treas- urer, H. T. Conklin ; secretary, (i. L. Nichols. The rooms of the association are free to all railroad men, and include a read- ing room, supplied with all the leading newspapers and period- icals, an amusement room, bath rooms and a well-selected li- brary. It is doing a good work among the many railroad men of the city. The Young Women's Christian Association, has convenient rooms in the Strong block, and occupies the [same [field among the young women of the city as the Y. M. C. A. fills among the young men. It has a reading room, a good library, a well- equipped gymnasium, and provides free instruction in various branches of study and practical accomplishments. i:s present officers are : President, Mrs. Alice F. Mills ; secretary, .Miss Car- rie E. Barnum ; treasurer, Mri. Elmer E. Ensign ; general sec- retary. Miss Villa Maccabe ; gymnasium instructor. Miss Har- riet (t. McDougal, and a board of managers comprising many well-known ladies. The Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor is rep- resented in the city by twelve societies, distributed among as many of the churches of the city, each society having its own officers and working in and for its individual church. These so- cieties are united in what is known as the "City Christian En- deavor Union," of Binghamton, which meets at intervals for the discussion of methods of work. The officers of this union are: president, Arthur T. Truesdell ; vice-president, P. A. Gar- ret; secretary, E. A. Goodrich; treasurer, John H. Becker. Other religious organizations of the city are : The Sabbath Association of Binghamton; Dr. J. M. Farrington, president; Rev. Benj. L. Herr, cor. secretary ; C. W. Loomis, rec. secretary. The Christian Science Association; meets at 157 Water street; Walter L. Chapman, president ; Mrs. Annie W. Lamb, secretary and treasurer. The Union llescue Mission holds meeting each evening at 116 Washington street, and is doing a good work among the humbler class. T. P. Gates is the superintendent. The Salvation Army has a strong detachment here, with head- quarters at 91 State street. The Army is accomplishing much good in its chosen field of labor. The city has a large number of charitable institutions, each devoted to some special branch of the work. The Susquehanna Valley Home has been illustrated and described on page 69. The House of the Good Shepherd, a home for aged and infirm women, under the management of the Episcopal Church, is lo- cated at 74 Conklin avenue. It has a board of trustees compos- ed of prominent members of that church, who are assisted by a board of lady managers. St. Mary's Orphan Home is pleasant- ly situated on Chestnut street in the western part of the city, and is under the auspices of the Catholic Church. The institu- tion has at present about 85 inmates. The Kefuge Mission for fallen women is on Front street. POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS. In .lune, 1836 ninty-one citizens of Binghamton presented s petition to the board of aldermen requesting them to raise :)!600 to purchase a fire engine, sixteen young men at the same time presented a petition asking that they might be formed into a. fire company. The next year a party of boys petitioned to be formed into a .Juvenile fire company. The two companies in 1837 were called Pha>nix, with C. L. Robinson as foreman, and Cataract with Waring S. Weed as foreman. The present Me- chanics Hose Company was formed from the old Phcenix. The Fountain Bucket Company was formed in 1842. The l^awyer Hose Company, afterwards called the Crystal Hose No. 1, was founded in 1858 and has been one of the most prominent hose companies of the state. The present officers of the fire department are : Chief Engineer, Charles N. Hogg ; First Ass't, James El- dredge ; Second Ass't, A. H. Lyon ; clerk, Fred Michelback. 84 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. RESIDENCE OF HRS. MELINDA OSBORNE, 179 (RONT SI, BI.NGHAMTON, N. Y. BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. «5 Steamer. City of Binghamton, W. H. lagi-aham, engineer; steamer Bennett, Charles Dimmick, engineer. Cyrstal Hose Co., No. 1 — H. C. Maxwell, foreman. Alert Hose Co., Xo. 2 — Edwin Scrafford, foreman. Protection Hose Co., No. 3 — Charles Everett, foreman. Fountain Chemical Engine Co , No. 4 — C. A. Tucker, foreman Independent Hose Co., No. 5 — .lames Dundon, foreman. ^Mechanics Hose Co., No. 6 — Martin Burke, foreman. Roekbottom Hose Co., No. 7 — B. G. Devaney, foreman. Excelsior Hook and Ladder Co., No. I — Clarence Bullis, foreman . Police Department. — The present Police Department of this city was organized in 1881 ; the first board of commissioners were T. G. Rich, .Tohn S. Wells, iiblica>i llrraltt was Started by .\braham Burrell, and was afterwards owned by Dorephus .\bbey, who was hung at Kingston. Ont., for participation in the Fenian war in 1823. The liroonw County liepultliean first appeared in 1822, under the management of Major Augustus Morgan, and in a short time caused the death of its rival, the M'/wW/rrn/ //(•;-«/(/ and still survives, as the oldest paper in the city, Next in order came the livening Express a daily, started in 1849. The Iris, as well as the .Snsi/iie/iaHna Journal, started in 18.52. in a few years were merged in the liepublican. The Broome County Courier was Started in 1831, and after chanf^ing hands and names several times is now published by Mesrrs. Lawyer Bros, as the Binnliamton Democrat. William S. Lawyer, the senior member of the firm, is the oldest journalist in the city in point of continuous service in Binghamton, having commenced in 1848. The Daily Times was started in 1872, and after continuing one year, was sold to the /Republican. The Leader was started as a weekly in 18(;o by .\. W. ('arl and K. 11 Freeman, and a dailj edition was first issued in 1878. In 1882 the Latest Morning Xe-vs was established by Wales Ot Mantz. but only survived two years. In 1869 the Journal made its ap- pearance, but was only issued for about six months. The Sun- 86 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. day Tribuiif was started in 1879 by Baker Bros, but was sold after a life of eigliteen months. The llluslratcd Post was start- ed in 1894 and suspended after a little less than one year. The only Sunday paper published in the city is the Message, found- ed in 1S94 by O. .1. Coughlin, the present publisher. It is an aggressive, wide-awake paper, with a large circulation. Mr. Coughlin is a veteran pewspaper man, having for bome years been manager of the Binghamton /.eadi-i-, and since the estab- lishment of the Mfssi:o;r has by hard labor and perseverance built up the large patronage of the paper. The Elevator is a small sheet published by the Young Women's Christian Asso- ciation. Tlie P""///-!' il- ',■(/;•(/(■« was started in 1S!)4 by Mott & Luce, and soon after sold to the Ihlt/io-.:, r. a horticultural quarterly, published by .1. ,1. Bell. T/ii- Saturday Call was established in 1887 and has passed through all the experiences incident to a newspaper's earlier struggles. .Fas. W. Ilagar, was its first publisher. E. H. Free- man made an unsuccessful attempt to run it but utterly failed from a business standpoint. In October. 1893, Perry P. Rogers purchased the Call plant and formed a partnership with Arthur .1. Dibble. The paper at once began to show marked improve- ment. The management continued the same for one year, until the death of i\Ir. Rogers. Soon thereafter Mr. Kibble assumed full proprietorship, and so continues at the present time. Un- der his management tlie paper has been prosperous, and is un- doubtedly the largest circulated family weekly in Broome coun- ty. It caters to the better class, both as to readers and busi- ness, and its future is indeed bright. Arthur .1. Dibble is a na- tive of Delaware county, and was educated in the common schools and at the Delaware I^iterary Institue at Franklin. He entered Cornell University and graduated with the class of '87. He has been in newspaper work almost continuously, and is an honor to the profession. The BISUUlAMTO.y E\ENI.\<: HERALD came in- to being Feb. 28, 1889 The gentlemen who were responsible for its advent were .1. B. Briggs, of Elmira. and E H. Bogert, of Binghamton. It did not come to fill a long felt want, and its originators did not have the temerity to announce that it had come to stay. Before the first of September. 1889, it had sunk .$4,0tKX and the fact that it was sinking money at the rate of $150 per week indicated to its owners that perhaps it had not come to stay. They were quite certain that they would not stay with it if they got a good chance to sell it. and when Hiram A. Stanley and Charles H. Turner, employes of another local paper, sought to buy it, they found no dilMculty in bargaining with Messrs. Briggs and Bogert. Its new proprietors were pre pared to lose some money, although they had not much to lose. In the lirst four months of their ownership it sutik about $3,500 and one evening the partners sat down and discussed the mat- ter of further issues of the paper. They were young men who had learned in the hard school of experience that even as an employee of a successful journal the newspaper man's life is a hard one. In the four months that they had own- ed a paper they had been forced to the conclusion that the own- ership of even a small daily, entails burdens and hardships which cannot be borne without discomfort. They looked each other in the face, after going over the books, and saw there battled hope but not discouragement. They said, 'we will make another trial," and they did, and were suc- cessful. On .January 1st, 1890, they found they had 2.750 subscribers. They had enlarged the paper from a five column to a six col- umn folio, and leased a type web perfecting press of the Duplex Printing Co . of Battle Creek. j\lich. The paper had a fair ad- vertising patronage which soon began to grow. The plant when purchased occupied a floor space 16x30 feet, and comprised two cases of brevier type, about twenty-live fonts of well-worn Job type, one imposing stone supported by two soap boxes, a $500 press with a $600 mortgage on it, and a good will, which was more or less. Before six months had passed the mortgage up- on the press had been pa:d, and it was thrown aside to make room for the new web press, which along with its increased speed and complications brought new cares and duties with which the whole office force were hardly able to cope. During the year 1890 a change was wrought, and the new year saw an average daily circulation of 4,150 copies. An eight column folio, with an eight page Saturday edition, and a new $6,500 sterotype web perfecting press, capable of turning out finished pages from a roll at the rate of six thousand copies per hour The advertising patronage had increased, a job office had been added, and the business was established on a firm foundation. . January 1st. 1892. the daily circulation had reached 5,150 copies. The paper contained more advertising matter; had better rates ; the job office was rushed with work, and the busi- ness was literally booming. That the Herald was making great inroad on its local competitors was attested by the fact that they had joined issue and cut their subscription rate from 65 cents and 50 cents a month respectively to 25 cents a month, the price at which the Herald has always sold, and were striv- ing their best to wipe it out of existence. .laiuiary 1st, 1893. the Herald had an average of 6,500 daily circulation, and had increased its equipment of presses, ma chinery, etc. On April loth. 1893, it purchased the circulation list of the defunct Evcitiin;- Times, thereby adding 1,800 copies per day to its circulation. The success of the Herald has been due to the determined efforts of Mr. Stanley in the capacity of business manager, and of Mr. Turner as editor. They built it up in spite of the most vicious attacks of competitors, and had reason to feel proud of the work they had done. On October 1st, 1893, Mr. Turner retired from the editorial chair, his interest in the E-'i-iiiin:- llrrald having been purchased by a stock company, with a capital of $40,000. The new compa- ny was officered as follows : H. A. Stanley, president and general manager. F. D. VanAmburgh, vice-president and advertising manager. H. .1. Mitchell, secretary and treasurer. G. W. Beardsley, managing editor. H. V. Bogert, circulation manager. Since then there has been a change in the official force, F D. VanAmburgh retiring to be succeeded by K. E. Bennett, the BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 87 present advertising manager for the city. The newly incorporated company thought it saw plain sail- ing ahead. The paper was prosperous; advertising patronage was increasing and its circulation, phenomenal for a paper in a city the size of Binghamton, was creeping steadily upward. Late in December of 1893, it was discovered that the web pre- fecting press purchased in 1891 was giving way in the folding apparatus. The damage could not be repaired without disman- tling the press, and taking the worn parts to the factory in Massachusetts. It became imperative that something must be done, and that too, quickly. The company did not contemplate the expenditure of a large sum of money for a new press with any pleasnre, but could not avoid circumstances which admitted of no compromise. Press men in all parts of the country were negotiated with by telegraph, and in a short time the Walter Scott Printing Press Co. of Plainfleld. X. .T., was erecting one of their latest web prefecting presses in the basement of the building occupied by the Evening Herald company, at 217 Washington street. It was a happy day for the proprietors of the Evening Herald when the new press, which, by the way, cost .$9,500, began to turn out printed and folded eight page, eight column copies of the Binghamton Evening Herald at the rate of 12,000 an hour, It is permissable to the state at this juncture, that the press which prints the Evening Herald is one of the finest pieces of printing machinery which can be manu- factured. It weighs seventeen tons, and contains 7,000 parts, and is charge of three men who devote their time and attention to keeping it in condition ready for each afternoon's run As soon as the new press was in operation, the one which had become temporarily disabled was rebuilt, and is now held as a i-eserve machine in case of an accident to the fast Scott press. The Evening Herald Company is the only newspaper in this city having two fast web press, and it is therefore the only company absolutely certain that it will be able to commence the printing (if its papers at the moment when they should be issued. The Evening Herald plant, as it stands to-day, consists of a battery of Thorne type setting machines of the latest model and presided over by expert workmen. The type setting ma- chines cost $2,000 each, and are ingenious pieces of mechanism, djiiig rapidly and aemirately the work of setting type, wliich. until within a few years, has been performed slowly and labor- ously by liand labor. The composing room is provided with the most modern of form tables, chases, and all the incidental ma- chinery and fixtures which go to make up an e()uipment for the composing room where forms are prepared to be stereo- typed. The press room contains a boiler furnishing steam to a large double table in which the matrices are dried; a retort con- taining a ton of hot metal, saws, trimming horses and the ma- chinery requisite for producing stereotype plates to be placed on the fast presses. Of the presses nothing further need be said, except that they have a combined speed of 10,000 complete folded and printed papers per hour, and are therefore capable of meeting any demand that may be made upon them. It is a sight which cannot fall to please a mechanic's eye, when the ponderous presses, at the bidding of the head pressman, com- mence their work of manufacturing and delivering papers as fast as several men can handle, count and deliver them, to the army of waiting news boys and carriers who quickly distribute them to all parts of the city ; or, who hasten with huge bundles to out going trains which quickly carry them to all the towns within a radius of one hundred miles, and In some instances to the most distant states in the union. The book and job room, located on the ground floor, Is the most perfect equippment of its kind in the southern tier. It is provided with five book and job presses of the latest pattern, capable of doing the finest of press work. The book bindery, located on the second floor of the build- ing, is equipped with machinery of the most approved design, consisting of ruling machines, wire stitchers, numbering ma- chines, presses, cutters, trimmers, retorts, and the thousand and one things which go to make complete a book binder's work shop. Eveniug Herald. — It is to the Evening Herald itself that this article has particular reference. It is with that product of the Evening Herald Co. that the people of Binghamton and vici- nityare best acquainted. It is therefore fitting to speak of its achievements, its principles, and the men who have contributed to make it what it is, an independent newspaper, dealing fear- lessly with all questions relating to the weal or woe of the pub- lic. It has always condemned wrongdoing, and has striven hon- estly to promote the growth of the city in which it Is publish ed. It has never condoned a wrong, even in a friend. It has never refused to recognise a right act of even its bitterest ene- my. It is conducted by men who have consciences, and who believe in upholding right principles, going on the hypothesis that in the end a greater financial success will accrue to the Evening Herald if editorially it approves right and condems wrong. It has saved the taxpayers of this city thousands of dol- lars by breaking up a city printing ring which five years ago was taking more than three times as much from the city treas- ury for the city printing than is paid to-day for a better service. It was the only paper in the city that did show up the Colesville appeal case and expo-e its true nature. When the banking troubles of last winter came it was the single daily paper of the city to tell tlie I ruth and re-assure a startled community that the financial disasters were not the result of business depres- sion in Binghamton, but of poor investments and dishonesty on the |)art of bank otficials. The Herald is a politi<'al free lance, and by its plain, unvar- nished statement of facts, has done much to set the voters of Binghamton and Broome cou-ity thinking along what it believes to be right lines. It does not hold that any political party Is bad, but it has no use lor the professional politi<'ian of so-called " practical " methods, who, in bringing discredit upon himself succeeds in emasculating the principles of the party he claims tn't fail to see what we can do for you. Drop a card, or come to the office of — .© — ® — ^ — @ — -®@ — ©- — @. — (^ — ©. — Life Insurance. Tin-: MUTflAL RESERVh: FUND LIFE ASSOCIATION stands fourth to-ilay in the list of tirst-cla.ss com- |ianies. It writes insurance at about one-half the usual rates. It has paid .'(ij^.ooo.Ddo to willows and orphans. It has over §300,000,0(10 insin-ance in force, and its Reserve I'Tmd is o\ei' $ (..ood.ooo. It has about $2,000,000 in force in Binghamton. It has paid over .'fioo.ood in claims in Bin;;liamlon alone. We are writing from $5o,i>< I'.kOOME CUUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 89 MISCELLANEOUS, continued from page 87. the head of ail important dejiarlm»nt. In this connection it is interesting to sketcli briefly the life liistory of each member of the company. HIRAM A. ST.WLEV. Hiram A. Stanley, president ani general manager of the Evening Herald Co., was born February 12th, 1859, in VestaL Broome county, N. Y., and the early years of his life were spent there, in Centervillage and in Binghamton. He is a self-made man whose life has been full of toil and hardships. It was only by supreme effort that he was able to satisfy his longing for knowledge. He was obliged to work early and late, and there- fore found little time to cultivate his mind. He was by turns a newsboy, a man-of-all-work, a school teacher, a railroad brake- man, and then a newspapt-r man. He has tried his hand, and successfully too, at all parts of the newspaper work, and i< just- ly accounted as being a far-seeing business man, of honest methods. He is an indefatigable worker. The success he has acheived in building up the Herald is proof positive that he is the possessor of qualifications which bring success. He has a wife and three children, and a beautiful home on the south side in this city in the vicinity of Ross Park. Personally Mr. Stan- ley is one of the most agreeable of men, usually retiring and un- demonstrative, but a gifted conversationalist. He is a great stickler for what he believes to be a good principle, and has never been known to falter in the performance of any under- taking, whether it be the twisting of a railroad brake or the building up of a newspaper. HOMEU .T. MITCHELL. Homer .1. Mitchell, treas- urer and chief clerk of the Evening Herald Co , was born in Sonoharie county, where the scenery is beautiful and the farm laii:l stony and barren. He had ideas aljove the soil, and early left the farm of his parents to seek his fortune in the city. After a course in a business college, he entered the employ of Joies of Bing- ton in iSS7. He soon became an expert accountant. In the latter part of 1893, he accept- ed a position with a Xew York insurance company, where he remained but a short time, returning to thiscity to accept a po- sition with Charles E Lee. From there he went to the Herald office, being recommended as an expert accountant, and such he is beyond doubt. He is a young man, thoroughly alive to the responsibilities of his position, and well liked wherever he is known. He possesses a vein of quaint humor which renders him a most companionable man, and he contributes not a lit tie to the social gaiety of life in the Herald office, where his athlet- ic young figure may be seen every day in the week, and some nights too, for that matter, bending over the ponderous ledgers. Guy W, Beardsley, man- aging editor (if the Evening Herald, has been a potent fac- lor in its phenomenal success. Mt. Beardsley was born in the hamlet of North Colesville, Broome Co , N. Y., May 8lh, 1S68. He was reared and partly educated in the district schools, which gave him but limited opportunities, as II ey open only a few weeks in the winter season. His home was on a farm and he had to lake his part in the work which come to every country boj's life. He was thus eiigaped until he reached his tuenty-first J'ear ; but having, by hard study qualified himself for the profession of teaching, he passed a thnrough exami'^'ation successfully, and received a certilicale which enalilnd liin to get a school. Desiring to fill a hijiher po itioii, lie iiK)vi-(l to Binghamton in 1889, and after looking ovjerlhf Held of journalism, in January 1890, entered the office of the Evt-ning Herald, beginning as a reporter, and remaining with the paper until the early part of August 1893, when he re- tired from the same. Later, when Mr. C. II. Turner sold his interest In the Herald, and the incorporation of the company took place in September 1893, Mr. Beardsley returned to the office, became a stock holder and managing editor of the paper. (iUy W. liK.AUDSI.KY. 90 IJROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. REV. EDWARD TAYl.OI^, D. I) Dr. Taylor was bom at Lee, Mass., in 1S21. He was oradua- ted from Williams college in 184;. after wliicli he laiiohi school at I^ittle Falls. N. Y.. for one year, anti thfii cntcro.l the Auburn The- ological Seminars, (iraduating from this institution in i,S|6. he at once accepted a call as pastor ot the Congregational chm'ch at Hinsdale, IVIass. From tluii' he went to 1 .ansingburg, N. \'., and in 1855 acce])ted a call to the Congregational church at Kalamazoo, Mich., where he remaineil eight years, and where, while a trustee of the ()li\(.'t Colk-ge, lie receixed the degree of I ). D. In iSs^ lie acce])fed the pastorate of the South Congregational cfiurch, Brook- lyn. \. ^'.. where his installation sermon w'as preached by the Rev. Hein\ Ward 13eecher. While here he was appointed chaiilain of Thirteenth Regiment. In iS6^ he acce|)fi-d a call to the Eirst Congregational clun-ch of 15inghamton, where he hiboii-d for ten years, aftei' which his health demandeil a rest of four \ears. .Since that time he has occupied the Congregational pulpit at .Norwich. Newark \'alle\. ( li eenc' and Cortland. In all of these places the work has been signalh blessed through his untiring elTorts. and the church membership has increased rapidU. .\l priseiit his work is the supplying of \acant ])ulpits. Dr. Ta\ loi- is clear, logical and practical, going at one to the heart of his siiljject. As a .^unday- .school w'orker he has lew ecnials. BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 9' positions he holds to-day, and which reflect much credit up- on his ability. He is an earnest and industrious worker and is fast winning his way to the foremost ranks of modern journal- ists. He is progressive and ambitious and his e.xcellent judg- ment is shown in the impartial and independent editing of his newspaper. On April 30th, 1895, Mr. Beardsley was married to Miss Sara Davies of Onarga, 111., a most estimable young lady, and their home on Brevier street is a model one, and one that any man might be proud of. the principal feature being an extensive library in which Mr. Beardsley spends a large portion of his time. In closing this biographical notice, it need only be added that he is a ready and fluent writer ; crisp in his style and concise, going to the heart of his subjects without unneces- sary verbiage, making his editorials by these very qualities in- telligible to the dull and attractive to the most critical reader Harry V'. Bogart, the vit'e- president of the Evening Her- ald Co., was born in Brooklyn. N. Y., and came to Bingham- ton in the spring of 1874, en- tering the Binghamton city schools. He is not a man of many words, but rather of deeds, and the phenomenal success he has achieved in hi> chosen part of the newspaper- work, bespeaks a well-disci plined mind and a determina- tion which never falters. He is the youngest newspaper cir- culator in the city, and the ii aukv \. iidi.Aur. men associated with him be- lieve him to be the best He is as accurate as the multiplication table, and so methodical that he never forgets anything which {8 in his line of duty, and he has many tilings to think about. Mr. Bogart has been more than moderately successful, and a bright future stretches before him and his young wife, who oc- cupy a cosy little home in what is known as Dwightville, this city. Ralph E. Bennett the ad- vertising manager of the Evening Herald, was born at Smyrna, Chenango County, N. Y., October 24th, 1871, and is the son of Rev. E. L. Ben- nett and Latie J. Bennett. Mr. Bennett was educated in the Lisle .\cademy and in the Binghamton public schools, leaving the Binghamton Cen- tral High School to commence work in the oflice of a well known real estate dealer of this city. His venture for him- self was when he formed a partnership with his father, RALPH E. BENNETT. E. L Bennett, under the novel firm name of 2 Bennetts 2 Ross Block, which became a house-hold word. He gave up his real estate business to accept the position as advertising manager of the Herald, a place he was well calculated to fill Mr Ben nett is a handsome young man, of most agreeable address, and that he possesses sound business sense is attested by the fact that the columns of the Herald teem with advertising, which under his careful direction is made to yield handsome returns t(i those mercriants who are fortunate enough to own and occupy the space. Mr Bennett is proverbially good natured. He has no bad habits, and commands the respect and esteem of all who know him He has been phenomenally successful in his last chosen field of work, and it is all due to his persever- ence and sagacity. Is it necessary to ask why the Herald has been successful? Why it to-day enjoys the distinction of being one of the leading papers in the interior of the state? Is it not a foregone con- clusion that a paper officered and engineered as is the Herald must be successful ' The average daily circulation of the Herald is now more than 8,200 copies, and it has weathered the financial storms of the last two years without losing anything it had gained prior to that time, but on the contrary, gaining new friends, new pat- ronage and great strength and vitality. It is not too much to predict that the Herald has yet to meet great measures of pros- perity. THE BINGHAMTON l)A/T }■ LSADEff is one ot the foremost journals of the Southern Tier, of extensive circulation and commanding influence It was established in 1878, and was an outgrowth of the Democratic Weekly Leader, which had en- joyed a prosperous existence of ten years, when the first issue of the daily saw light. Since the inception of this enterprise, nearly eighteen years ago, the progress of the Binghamton Leader has been uninterrupted, but during the last three years its strides have been positively gigantic. During that time the publication house has undergone material changes in the line of enlargement and improvement. Every modern appliance for the simplification of newspaper making and for the amplifica- tion of resource has been added to the plant, until its equipment is fully equal to the great demand its extensive business imposes on it. The L.eader is now printed on Merganthaler lino- type machine and its thousands of impression are made on a rapid perfecting press of the Goss pattern. Its resources for supplying the general news of the day are embraced in its owner- ship of two valuable franchises, those of the United Press and the New York Associated Press, and it is a fact that it is the only evening paper between New York city and Buffalo, selling for one cent, that can boast of these franchises and the splendid facilities they aff'ord for supplying the public with a complete report of all the happenings of the day in all parts of the world In the vast territory covered by the Leader it is absolutely without a rival in the evening field as a purveyor of telegraphic news. Its local news service is unsurpassed, and every city and vicinity event is covered with a minuteness of detail that insures the utmost satisfaction to its numerous constituency. 92 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. The New York Building Loan Banking Company. Wealth is obtained by I.abnr; it is preserved by Saving, and increased by Judicial Investment. Invest your earnings where thev will increase threefold in twelve jears. ]f you want your child to have a piano when she is twelve years old, the New York Building Loan Banking Co. will guaran- tee it. If you wish to retire from ac- tive business in a few years, call on us. By investing !f!5.oo per month you can have a fortune of $2,000 ; if :. 00 per month will give $|oo cash in twelve years ; $3^.00 per month for twelve years will guarantee $10, ijoo cash; ijio.on per month for twelve years will give you $1,000 cash. A young man 20 years of age earning $10.00 per month, can have $2,(«)o cash when he is 32. Any bri;;ht and smart paper boy can have f-i-oo when he is 21 years of age. NiiiL'tv-nine out of a hundred people would say that savings; banks pay a certain rate of interest, but on the con- trary they are paid a heavy interest for taking care of tlieir depositors' money. Take the case of ten men who save and intrust to savings banks .$10,000. Upon this the bank is said to pay 4%, or .'f400 annually. liut the bank loans the Ifio.ooo to a builder, at The CHARLES W. FUIJJ.R "T'HE New York Building Loan Banking Co. was organized in ■ 1S90, and is one of the solid financial institutions of the coun- try. It was organized under the banking laws of the state of New York, which makes an investigation every year as to its standing. Building and Loan associations are not new. There are over 6,000 associations in the United -States, having about two million mem- bers, and over .$500,000,000 in assets; more than the comliine.l cap- ital of the national banks, and also more tlian one-half tlie assets of all the life insurance companies in the United .States. .\l>out 500. 000 homes have been paid for through the.se associations, and about 500,000 more are being paid for in this manner. Manv of the lead- ing bankers in this country are not only officers in ihese associa- tions but large investors, for they know that a Building and Loan A.ssociation is more solid than any bank in the world, and that they are earning large rates of interest. During the panic of 1S93 when over two hundred banks were forced into bankruptcy, not a build- ing and loan association clo.sed its doors. These associations are not alone for the wealthy, but the jioor man stands on equal foot- ing, has as much to say and earns as large a profit as the rirh man. You who place your money in savings banks do not realize that you are making the rich richer, but such is the case. The late P. T. Barnmu used to say and with much reason that the American people deliglited in being humbugged. lie was correct; but hum- bugs did not l>egin with liarnum's career, nor are thev buried in his grave. The lish-and-monkey mermaid, the white-washed ele phant and the wooly horse were innocent delusions com])ared with the great savings banks which cost the people of this countv manv millions of dollars every year, and in which implicit trust is placed. builder adds a little of his own money and erects a ten-apartment tenement, which he rents to the ten men who put tlieir money in the savings bank. The tenants pay as rent 10% of the cost of the building. Thus the earnings of the $10,000, is $1,000 of which the bank gets $100, the builder $500, and the rightful owners $400. The ten depos- itors pay $1,000 and get back $400, so that the actual cost to them is $600 or f>%. That is what it costs them to have the bank take care of their mon- ey, though it is no safer than if they invested it directly in real estate by the medium of building and loan as- sociations. There may be in round numbers .$600,000,000 in New York savings banks, probably a little less since peo- ple have become suspicious of their safety, and the times are so hard. It costs 6"„ tu li.i\e llii.s money "taken care of,"or $36,000,000 per an- num ; legitimate profits diverted from the depositors. In the en- tire United .States this ainoimts to some $117,000,000 per annum. Thus are the the rich growing richer and the poor poorer. The very institutions that are supposed to encourage thrift are practi- callv absorbing the profits of that thrift. That people persevere in their efl'ors to get along in the world under such discouraging circumstances speaks volumes for their splendid qualities of cour- at^L' and prrsi-tent si-jf-denial. The Huildiug Loan system accomplishes no miracles, although to those ground between the upper and nether millstones of the bank and the landlord it seems to do so. It simply wipes out the middlemen, and makes the depositor his own banker and landlord. We have four kinds of stock that are sold on small monthly pay- ments which earn 16 ])er cent, if left for the period; and paid up stock which pays 7 per cent, annually, guaranteed semi-annaully ; also fully paid stock which pays S per cent, guaranteed in class B. The stock is sold for $1.00 per share per month, upon which there is a guaranteed interest of 6 per cent for So months, after which piivments cease iuui interest is paid at 6 per cent, for 176 months on the ])ar \alue of the stock, which has nowincreased to $100 per share. N'ou can witlulraw your money at any time on thirty days notice, receiving all you have paid in, with interest. We want vou to come to our office and investigate. We assure vou that you won't be l>orc'd. We want five good business men to represent us. Cti/i Of (tthh'rs.-i, Charlies W. Fuller >S: Co., No. S Strong Block. BINOHAMTON, N. V. BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 93 As an advertising medium it has been fully and convincing- ly tested, and periodical enlargement of its paper lias been found necessary in orded to enable it to meet the great and growing demand that the business interests of this vast and progressive community are steadily making on its space. Ad- vertisers have found by experience that for prompt and fruitful returns the Leader has no superior in its field. Tlie establish- ment in which this paper makes its home, also embraces an ex- cellent job depatment, where the best work of this kind is turned out in the finest style by expert printers. New and splendid facilities have recently been added to this department and the resources are now equal to any demand, either as to volume or quality of work that may be made upon them. As has already been stated, the Lender circulation is great and growing. It is daily served to readers in ten counties in New York and Pennsylvanna, and the territory it covers is rapidly widening. It has double the circulation of any evening paper in its field, and the qualitj' of its patronage is as fine as it is extensive. It is this feature of its circulation that makes the Leader's colums so valuable to ad i'ertisers. Such is the B'ntf^Iiam- toii Lender whose career has been co-incidental with Bingham- ton'shistory as a city. The first mayor of Bingliamton and the first Lender were contemporaneous and in all the years tliat both have lived, they have been mutually helpful and sympathetic. The debts of each have been canceled by a corresponding obli- gation on the other, and there is no reason to doubt that Bing- hamton and the Lender will continue to pass hand in hand up the steep where progress points the way. The Biiighamton Rejucblican, the oldest newspaper in the city, completes the list. A sketch of this paper is given on an- other page. Tlie Lhillstead Tempereiice League named in honor of the general manager of the D., L. & W. Ry.,W. F. Hallstead, is com- posed of about 100 employes of that railroad. They organized about one year ago and have done some very good work to pro- mote the cause of temperance. Woman's Christian Temperance Union has its headquarters at 93 State street and has under its management the CoflFee House, which has grown rapidly in favor as a cheap place to secure meals. This Union has a large meinbership in the coun- ty ; it includes in its work moral and social reform, and has been instrumental in establishing the Refuge or Rescue which is a home for women, is situated on Front street and is govern- ed by a board of eighteen lady managers. This is a diOicult mis- sion and is supported by contributions. Burean of Associated Charities is composed of represent- atives from the benevolent societies of the different churches. It designs to help only the worthy poor and do away with begging. It furnishes food aid lodgingto respectable strangers who are without means to secure such. It has an adjunct called the City Employment Society which has proved of incalculable benefit to many needy poor. Home for Aged Women is under the management of a board consisting of ten ladies and five men, and a board of twenty-five ladies. Its object is to furnish a comfortable christian home for women over 60 years of age, and who have been residents of the county for at least ten years. The admission fee is .$200. The organization owns its building and two acres of land. St I'incent VePnul Society, U acharitible Catholic organ- izati II founded on solicitude, and its object is to provide for indigent membership - City Hospitnl on ilitchell avenue, in the fifth ward, is built on the pavillion system which is the best approved style. The building is adequate for present need. It is under control of a board of management. Protection Temperance Club has rooms at 164 Court street, where the youth can enjoy recreation and reading; it is non- political and non-sectarian and has for its object the protection of the youth from contaminating influences and drink. The club has at pn-.-ent over 1,000 members. Binghainton Athletic Association, although not a year old, has a membership of sonit^ 600, its object is to encourage athletic sports and phy^ical culture. Tlieir headquarters are now lo- cated ill a new building on Noyes' Island. A profes.-ional in- structor is employed and each afternoon the members can en- joy full athletic si'Orts. Oilier clubs are numerous; nearly every profession or busi- ness has somrtliing connected with it. Some of the most prom- inent of these are the Dobson Club, Biiighamton Club, Nauga- tuck Club and Monastary Club The order of Red Men have seven tribes, and a membership of nearly 2,000. Masons have the Binghainton and Otsenidgo Lodges. The total membership of the regular Masonic and the .\uxiliary bodies is over 2,000. The Board of Masonic Relief assists all worthy indigent master masons, their widows or orphans. Independent Order of Odd Fello-vs has two lodges, the Calu- met and Parlor City. These with the Canton Encampment and Auxiliaries have a membership of about 1.200, and paid last season .$2,000 in beni-flts. They contemplate the ^erection of a new building. Knights of Pythias, have a lodge of about 100 members. Other societies are Knights of the Mystic Chain, Iron Hall, Royal Arcanum, Knights of Honor, Sexennial League, American Legion of Honor, Order of Tonti, Ancient order of Hibernians, Patri-^tic Order of/the Sons of America, Catholic Knights of of .-Vmerica, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, New Eng- land Society, German JIutual Benefit Association, Cigarmakers' International Union, Trades and Labor Federation, and other minor organizations. Bingliamton Academy of Science, although not a year old, boasts of a large membership, which includes many of the prom- inent literary people of the city. Its object is scientific attain- ment in all fields of mental, physical and natural Science. It has already secured some fine talent from abroad. It has free use of the High School building, and a promising future. The Citizen's Relief Corps opened its headquarters in 1893, and has since received generous support from the people of the city. It consists of seven men selected by the mayor from the prominent business men of the city. They investigate cases ot poverty and furnish relief, but give no aid where the applicant 94 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. JAMES H. BARNES, BINQHAriTON, N. Y. JAMES H. BARNES is one of the solid husiiiL-.-^ men of the city of Biiiyhaintun. l"or more than half a century he has been enga{j;ecl in tiie granite and marble business, being for many years associated with Job N. Congdon. In recent years Mr. Barnes has succeeded to the entire business, and his workshop and show rooms at 94 and 96 Chenango street are a source of pride to the people of the city and an honor to the pro- prietor. There may be seen the evidence of the finest skill of the workman and the highest art of the desijriier as devel(i])ed by this age of inventi\e genius in the cav\- ing and tinishing of stone for inonumeiital purposes. The stock carried is large and embraces every variety of Scotch, Swedish and American granites, and Italian statuary marble, the former being imported direct by Mr. Barnes in such quantities as to enable him to successful- ly Compete with any similar concern in this country. A visit to the warerooms of Mr. Barnes and an inspec- tion ol the beautiful specimens of both foreign and do- mestic monuments carried by him, will bring speedy con- viction of the fact that Mr. Barnes is thoroughly conver- sant with all branches of the business in which he is en- gaged, and that he spares no effort to supply his custom- ers with the very best obtainable in any market. He employs none but the most skillful workmen, all artists of ]ironounced ability, as proven by the elegance of fin- ish and the beauty of the carving displayed on his work, rirsonallv Mr. Barnes is a clear-headed, liberal and enterprising man, who by the equity of his business meth- ods has won many friends in the city with wiiich he has so long been identified. BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 95 has a right to obtain it elsewhere. Their problem is to find work for the unemployed, and often improvements are made in the city to furnish work for the poor. The Itinerant Poor, or tramps, have been few or many, ac- cording to the policy of their treatment. Their objection to la- bor is shown by the fact that their number has increased since the abolishment of the stoneyard. Income and Expense.. The total expense of the board of education for the year ending July 31, 1895, was .$102,392; for general city expense, $322,225, which is met by an income of less $22,225 from licenses, fines and delinquent taxes, leaving over $400,100 to be raised by direct taxation. The result is that the people in the city pay two or three times as much tax on the same valuation as those living outside the city limits. Such is city government, or city expense. Tlic Health Department, has many ditlicult tasks to per- form. Several swamp places have been filled and there still remain others which should be looked after. Private places have to be watched in some cases to see that no contagion starts or spreads. The death rate is very low in Binghamton when compared with many other cities Streets and Pai'ements. — There is nearly 100 miles of street-! in Binghamton and few cities boasts of as good streets or sidi^- walks. Old ones are constantly being replaced by new In 1894 nearly 17,500 square yards of asphalt pavement were con- structed and, although, the city has over 50,000 square yards of chestnut block pavement, nearly 100,000 square yards of asphalt and 3,481 square yards of brick, nearly half a million dollars has already been spent in paving the streets. City Engineer's De/'artment will compare favorably with that of any city. The force in this department has recently been increased, and good work accomplished in all the necessa- ry mechanical constructions, especially in the sewer system and ventilation. The city has seven miles of brick sewers, over eighteen miles of vitrified pipe, and over 1,500 of iron sewers, making a total of over twenty-five miles, with over 750 catch basins, 450 man-holes and about 60 flushing tanks. The total cost of constructing this system was nearly half a million dol lars. The cost of lighting the ciiy is, for the electric arc lights about 30 cts. per night, for 183 naptha lamps 63^ cts. per night, and for seventy gas lamps T'o cts. per night, making a total for the year of about $3,700. A proposition is now before the city for the construction of a viaduct over the railroads at Chenan- go street, at a cost of $100,000. MANUFACTURINQ AND WHOLESALE INTERESTS. In considering the wholesale intei-ests of Binghamton we mention here only some of the early business men of the city, leaving those of the present day to be mentioned under the appropriate heads. Binghamton, by virtue of her position as a railroad centre, and proximity to the coal fields is peculiarly adapted for manufacturing purposes. In its early history, how- ever, this interest was not largely developed. Flouring mills, lumber mills, foundries and machine shops were the first to open up. Dr. Klihu Kly established the first furnace and plow manufactory at Millville. In 1842 this shop was removed to a site near the canal, and after changing hands several times, was owned by Benjamin H. Overhiser, and burned in 1857. M. W. Shaplt-y, (if the firm of Shapley & Wells, was a foreman in this shop, and afterwards started the shops on Hawley street, now owned by that firm. The Empire Iron Works were established in 1847 on Washington street, by Lewis & Morris. This firm built many stationary engines, at one time sending many to Cuba. Tliis establishment was also burned. The Binghamton Iron Works, Shapley & Wells, was estab- lished in 1854, by W. M. Shapley, under the name of the '•\'alley Iron Works" and the firm has done a large business in the manufacture of heavy milling machinery, engines, etc. The Shapley engine has become famous. Charles Sedgwick had a machine shop in the early fifties, and I S. Matthews owned a jilow factory, located on (^anal street, where as many as 1,.500 plows were turned out in a year. Matlliews afterwards handled a general line of agricultural implements, and thn same business is now conducted by his sons. In 1862 Tallman & Crofutt commenced the inanufacture of the Cejitmnial Flue and Furnace. In 18(i(j the William Scott macliine shop was started ; Mr. Soott was not in the concern until 1869. The Commercial avenue Foundry and shops belong- ing tu .J. Herald, and the Kennedy Hot Air Furnace Works on Court. Street were established soon after; .Tones' Scale Works, noted later, was established in 1865. Boots and Shoes are among the principal manufactures. Lester Bros. & Co. started the business here in 18.54. Hon. Horace N. Lester was head of the firm until his death in 1882, when his son (t. Harry Lester took his place. They occupied the building at the corner of Henry and Washington streets, until the removal of the business to Lestershire. The firm meet with financial troubles a few years ago. They were one of the largest boot and shoe manufacturing firms in the United States and their pr.jduots ajigregated several hundred thousand dol- lars annually. H. E Smith & Co. commenced the manufacture of Boots and Shoes here in 1852. This firm's sales here amounted to as high as $140,000 annually. Chas. S. Case established a factory for fine boots and slioes on Court street in 1875. Stone, Gofl' & Co. opened their business in 1865. They now have a large factory on Water street. They are one of the oldest surviving firms of the boot and shoe trade of this city and do a business of upwards of half a million dollars annually. C^regg & Son for many years did a very large business in this industry. B. S. Benson & Co., and Mead it Benedict have done an extensive business in the manufacturing of boots and shoes. Furniture, there are at present several firms engaged in the manufacturing and retailing of furniture. We mention es- pecially Stickley & Brant and the Binghamton House Fur- nishing Company and several Chair companies; the history of this business at an early day suggests the name of the Parlor City Furniture Company, Binghamton Chair Company and McElroy i a son of Dr. S. F. McFarland, the oculist. For nine years Dr. McFarland has been making a reputation for himself by strict attention to business, honest dealing and good work. When he began his business the grind- ing of lens was not done in this city, but Dr. McFarland now has a fully equipped laboratory for the grinding and drilling of lens for both ordinary and frameless specta- cles, thus enabling him to fill all optical prescriptions and do all repairing promptly. His office is at 76 Front St., where he gives his attention to the accurate filling of op- tical prescriptions from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. HOTELS. A passing allusion has already been made to the old Lewis Keller Inn, which was built in 1801 and previous to that date was kept at "Chenango Point's" first site. Two years later Thomas Whitney opened a hotel in the LeRoy building on Court street. This building which also contained the store of Whitney & Woodruff was destroyed by fire two years later. The most noted of these early hotels was the one erected in 1809 by David Browrson and known as ''Peterson's Tavern," from its landlord Samuel Peterson who kept it many years. It was afterwards called Chenango House, and was located where the Congregational church now stands. This hotel was destroy- ed by Are in 1859, having enjoyed a period of prosperity and patronage for fifty years. Colonel Abbott and Lewis Squires built the Broome County House in 1828. This stood where the present Exchange Hotel is now located. It was burned in 1838, and was soon after rebuilt and called the Phcenix Hotel until 1842 when the name was changed to Exchange Hotel. Since that time it has received many improvements. The old Binghamton Coffee House was built in 1819 with Dr. Tracy Robinson and Mr. Augustus Morgan as first proprie- tors. Later the name was changed to the American and from that to the Cafferty House. The building stands on the south- east corner of Court and Water streets. The present Coffee House is located on State street and is under the management of the W. C. T. U. The old Ways Hotel was located on Court street opposite the Centenary M. E. Church. The name was changed to Cran- dall House and the old building has been replaced by a hand- some brick building. The Franklin House was built in 1867 on Washington street and has been since replaced by a handsome brick block. The Chenango House on Water street was first called the Cafferty House ; it has been built over thirty years and recent- ly been largely improved. Around this are located many other hotels, some of which have been built for many years. This locality contained the first principal residences of the city. Washington street at an early day was aback lane and consid- ered of no importance. The Mersereau House was the first one built near the de- pot. This was rebuilt into the Spaulding House which will be remembered by the most of our citizens. It was removed to make way for the D. L. & W. Ry. in 1883. The Lewis House was built in 1849 or soon after the Erie railroad was opened. William Shanley bought the property in 1873 and has improved it somewhat. Hotel Bennett was built by Hon. Abel Bennett in 1881. It is a large well fitted up hotel. There are over 60 other hotels in the city, many accomodating only a few boarders and depend- ing largely on their bar. Five of the first-class ones have nearly all the patronage of the travelling public. HOTEL BENNETT, W ASHINOTON ST., BINQHAMTON, N. Y. THE "COSY CAFE." This pleasant little hotel is located at i6 Ferry street and is conducted on the Euro- ean plan. Mr. C. S. Fowler is the pro- prietor, and has established a restaurant second to none in the city. His tables are provided with all seasonable delicacies, game etc., and the establishment is rightly named, the "Cosy Cafe." BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. . . . The Arlington, . . . BINQHAHTON, N. Y. The I^eading Hotel of the City. This new ami elegant hotel is pleasantly loca- ted at the corner of Chenango and Lewis sts., where its convenience to the depots and to the business portion of the city makes it a favorite with the traveling public. The proprietors, Messrs. Kennedy & Tierney, have spared no ex- pense in fitting up their house, and everything demanded by luxurv or comfort has been pro- vided, lis rates are from $3.00 to !i!3.oo per day. . . Hotel Crandall, . . BINGHAMTON, N. Y. Hotel Crandall is located on Court street, in the business centre of the city, and has long been a most popular hostelry. It has recently been newly fitted up by the pro- prietors, Ferguson & Scanlin, who are \ ery popular among their patrons. (Juests are taken to and from all trains in a free 'bus. and every elTort is made by the courteous proprietors to provide for the comfort and pleasure of tlie public. Rates $3.00 per day. $1,35 to theatrical people. BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 103 RESIDENCE OF Q. A. BARLOW, 56 FRONT STREET, BINOHAMTON, N. Y. -I04 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED, RESIDENCE OF HIRAM H. PECK, 98 HAIN STREET, BINQHAMTON, N. Y. BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. The Wholesale Paper Trade. •05 STEPHENS & COMPANY'S PAPER STORE, 85-87 STATE STREET, BINGHAMTON. N. Y. THE wholesale paper business in Binj^hamton was established in iSSi by ex-mayor F. H. Stephens, who in that year organized the firm of Stephens & Miller. Mr. Stephens had been conne'ted with the ac- tive business interests of the city since 1859, and since 1862 had conducted a retail book and stationery store on Court street. The business of jobbing paper and station- ery which now occupied his attention, opened a success- ful Held through New York state and northern [Pennsyl- vania, and after moving twice to accommodate the de- mands of increasing business, was in 1SS9 located in the present commodious quarters at 85 and 87 State street. Here the firm was succeeded by the present firm of Stephens & Company, composed of Hon. F. H. Stephens, and his son, Henry A. Stephens, who had been connected with the concern since 1884. The splendid store in the Kent block, double store, five floors and basement, has made a commodious and convenient home for the estab- ment, and the rapid growth of State street with its fine modern blocks, has made the location one of the finest in the city. The first floor of the store contains the office, and is devoted largely to the retail department, the firm hand- ling wall paper largely, and making a specialty of fine styles of paper hangings, as well as the cheaper grades which are now largely in demand. Window siiades and room mouldings are sold in connection with the wall pa- per, and these lines make up a considerable business in themselves. Blank books and office supplies of all de- scription, typewriter paper and material, .school books and school supplies, and an immense line of stationery, embracing the latest styles and tints of fine writing pa- pers, are all to be found on this floor. The big basement is tilled with wrapping papers, building and roofing pa- pers, news and printing papers, and twines of all kind, which close relations with various mills enable the firm to handle at mill prices. The upper floors are occupied by a stock of paper sacks, butter trays, oyster and ice cream pails, and grocers' supplies ; book paper, poster paper and the various papers demanded for the printer's trade, and one floor is almost entirely taken up with the stock of wall paper and window shades. Holiday goods and novelties, base ball goods, flags, etc., are handled in their season, and go to make up a business which has been closely identified witii the growth and prosperity of the city, and is a credit alike to the town and to the en- ergy and enterprise of this firm. JO>> BROOME COUNTY ILLU.STRATED. The BOSTON STORE, Binghamton, N. Y. 11 <\', fe "FIFTEE/S gEAT^S HAVE WE LABQ-RE-D." IN 1880 the Boston Store entered as a competitor tor the patronage of traders in Binghamton and every surrounding town and hamlet. Tn 1895 it is the largest dry goods store in this section. Business integrity, capital and experience have com- bined in creating a popular impression and making this the general trading centre of the people. It is everybody's store, and all have learned to be at home, to feel at ease and roam around at will. For many reasons this store is interesting. It illustra- tes in full tlie advanced methods of merchandising, un- surpassed values, liigh standard (|ualities, variety of goods and remarkable low prices on evt'r\ article. Make us a visit ; you are welcome as sightseers with- out being purchasers. You will recognize the merit of our stock and be introduced to lower prices than would be possible to picture in your imagination. Every department represents a stock full to overflow- ing, and styles up to date. \\'ith the changing seasons you can watch every line of merchandise grow in magnitude, later diminish, then wonder how it is possible [to maintain^ so interested a crowd of busy buyers over three hundred days in every year. I'^xperience is the most reliable teacher, and we lia\e learned the lesson well. mil- FOWLER, DICK & WALKER,-ill Leaders of Low Prices and Latest Creations in Dry and Faincy Goods, NotnoMs, Cloaks, Maaiiinery,-^^-^-^^ #^#"^#^^^065, Wall Paper, Books, Stataonery amd IKotcll-seoware. BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. '07 RESIDENCE OF B. R. PIKE, 5 QOETHE STREET, BINCiHAMTON, N Y. 'o8 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. The Board of Trade of Binghamton, N. Y= By E. M. Tierncy, President of the Board. The advantages of a live, up-to-date Board of Trade to the municipality cannot be very vfell systematically enumerated in a limited space, but this much I will say, that there are innu- merable ways in which a Board can materially increase the financial and business interests of the people of any town or city where an active and harmonious Board is successfully or- ganized. The usefulness of a Board must not be altogether measured by its activity in fostering and developing new in- dustries. There is a generally accepted belief that this phase of its work is usually considered its chief function, and it is very often reckoned as the only gauge for its effectiveness in promoting the welfare of a place. This is not, however, always true, for the province of the Board can be extended so as to admit of its interference or cooperation on all mutters of local interest which are in any way destined to promote the weal and pros- perity of the whole people. The Board can work a wholesome influence in shaping the proper administration of muiicipal affairs: in advocating need- ed improvements ; in regulating local taxation; in adjusting transportation rates for merchandise and manufactured com- modities generally ; in settling all controversies arising out of labor disturbances, and in adjustingdifferences among its mem- bers ; in disseminating, far and wide, the attractions and facili- ties of the town for manufactories, etc , with a view of inviting foreign capitalists to locate their business there. All these subjects are proper and relevant for the consider- ation of a Board of Trade. Another very commendable feature growing out of a prosperous Board, is to be found in the per- sonal associations engendered among its members, which is productive of closer friends-hips and a higher regard for in- dividual interests as well as for the social and business welfare of the entire community. The Board of Trade may by conservative action become an influential factor in sustaining a high order of municipal gover- ment. There is a growing conviction that the enforcement of law, the conduct of municipal business and the improveinent of the city are at all times up to the standard set by public opinion. The Board of Trade should have no aim that is not consis- tent with and contributory to the advancement and solidarity of the public welfare and its influence and usefulness should de- velop and expand in keeping with the progress and extension of our beautiful and prosperous city. With the progress of time, the Board should become more and more an inseparable part of the commercial, industrial and educational interests of our city, at least to the extent of con- tributing to and receiving from them all,as their representatives baing iheir experience and thought into its councils and there- in evolve many new ideas of utilitarian propensity, only to again return to their pursuits enriched through a more liberal enlightenment, resulting from the interchange of opinions with their fellow members. The persistent energy of the Board can accomplish much toward crystaliiing a sentiment among our citizens in favor of a wider interest in progressive local measures, a stronger faith in the advantage to the city of united work and action, and the necessity of having and maintaining an organization so well es- tablished that it will invite the active and earnest interest of every business man. Individual interest can do something, but organized effort alone will accomplis-h the desired results. The frequent meeting together of any intelligent and patri- otic body of citizens to propound and discussbusiness questions, to investigate business propositions, and to consider the effect of public measures on the well-being of the city, is of itself of great importance, and has an influence for the general good of the whole people If our business men would take a more lib- eral and unselHsh view of these questions, and devote more thought and time to public affairs, they would not only contrib- ute to individual success in business, but they would also help to increase the value of properly investinent. The present generation must plan for a greater Bingham- ton in the future than our forefathers had any conception of. The future greatnes-i of our Board of Trade, as well as that of our city, will be largely measured by the degree of energy, en- terprise and self-sacrificing spirit of the men of to-day. The high duty rests upon us of working out and evolving the desti- ny of our beloved city. We have a magnificent city, the Parlor City of the world, whose phenomenal and brilliant past is only to be transcended and eclipsed by its glorious future. With its central location as a shipping point; its widely di- versified wealth ; its fine public buildings ; its present and con- stantly increasing material possibilities ; its freedom from en- tangling municipal controversies that cause unrest and suspi- cion among the people ; its high health standard ; its low death rate ; its insigniflcant bonded indebtedness; its low tax rate ; its clean and well-paved streets, which have gained for us an enviable reputation for thrift and cleanliness, and which are being constantly improved; its unsurpassed and modernly equipped and efficient fire department; its superb educational facilities for the instruction of the youth ; its high public credit at home and abroad : its high standard of intelligence, integrity and morality ainong her whole people, which can always be re- lied upon as the bulwark of patriotic institutions and American citizenship. All these features and many others too, surely give to Binghamton the proud distinction of being one of the great- est cities on earth, and as we take a horoscope of its future we can neither see nor imagine of anything to prevent it from pro- gressing even beyond the horizon of the most sanguine expec- tations of its most enthusiastic inhabitant. The Board of Trade should at all times strive to uphold this high standard of poi)ularity for our city, through aggressive and original enterprise aloiig the lines of greater industrial im- provement and increased municipal wealth. BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 109 While much is expected from the Board by our citizens point out the way to our citizens wliere they and our city can they should themselves not lose sight of the fact that the Board be mutually benefited by pursuing the course outlined by the of itself will not be able to accomplish much without their co- Board. operation and liberal financial support. This fact is very patent The Board of Trade should not be allowed to wane and and is undeniably true, for the Board has not the right or retrograde, but it should be stlitngthened and suj ported by the authority to enter into any business transaction that would in- citizens of Binghamton in whose interests its work is always volve a legel or monetary responsibility upon its members. So applied with more or less success, therefore, as the Board cannot execute, it can only direct and BINQHAMTON AS A CITY. Binghamton was incorporated by a special act of the legis- lature passed April 9th. 1867. The first charter election was held in May of the same year. Abel Bennett was elected may- or, and the following aldermen were chosen : — 1st ward— Geo. W. Lester and John T. Whitmore. 2nd " — Amos G. Hull and Frederick A. Morgan. 3rd " —Henry B. Ogden and Thomas AV. Waterman. 4th " — Hiram Sanders and Isaiah Dunham. 5th " — Daniel Lyons and Charles Stuart. Frederick A. Morgan was president of the council; Julius P. Morgan, clerk ; \V. W. Elliott, treasurer ; Stilomon Judd, fire marshall ; James Dillon, superintendent of streets. The following named gentlemen have served as mayor since the incorporation of the city: Abell Bennett, 1867. Jabez F. Rice, 1S6S. Job N. Congdon, 1869-70. AValton Dwight, 1871. Sherman D. Phelps, 1872. Benj. N. Loomis, 1873. D. M. Ilalbert, 1871. Charles McKinney, 1875. John Rankin, 1876. Charles Butler, 1877-78. Horace N. Lester, 1880. Duncan R. Grant, 1881. James K. Welden, 1882. John S. Wells, 1883. George A. Thayer, 1881-85. Joseph M. Johnson, 1886. George C. Bayless, 1887. Tracy R. Morgan, 1888. Frank H. Stephens, 1889-90. Benajdh S. Curran, 1891-92. George E, Green, 1893-97. James H. Bartlett, 1879. The board of city goverment is as follows: Mayor, Geo. E. Green. President of Common Council, William Mason. Board of Alderman : 1st ward — Frank E. Slater. 2nd " — James E. Northrup. 3rd " —William ]\Iason. 4th " —Paul A. Malles. 5th " — James L. Talbot. 6th " — Daniel Lyons. 7th " — George L. Harding. 8th " —Michael T. Garvey. 9th " —Schuyler C. Brandt. lOlh ■' —James H. Tobin. ilth '■ —Edgar L. Bennett. I2th " —Reuben B. Jum.p 13ih '• — Irving C. Hull, City Clerk, Lewis Seymour. City Attorney, Frank Stewart. City Treasurer, Ghas. P. Radeker. Recorder, James H. Roberts. Supt. of Streets and City Property, C. H. Montrose. City Engineer, S. E. Monroe. Chief Engineer Fire Department, Chas. N. Hogg. Sealer of Weights and Pleasures. M. W. Seeley. Janitor, John S. Woodrufif.l City Sexton, Michael Lloyd. Constables, George H. Hermans, Hiram D. Stoddard, Jabez J. Lewis. Assessors, C. D. Aldrich, John E. Wentz, Robert Brown. Justices of the Peace, Albert S. Barnes, W. E. Roberta, BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. Excelsior Clothing Co., Bin^hamton, N. Y 103 and 105 Collier Street, (Old Post=()ffice Block 1 INTERIOR VIEW OF STORE DURING BUSINESS HOURS. THE Excelsior Clothinfj; Co. is om- of l^ingliaiiiti>n's most flourishing mercantiit- enterprises and is tiic leader in its own line. The firm occupies the com- modious store, Nos. 103 and 105 Collier street, and also has a large branch store at 325 East Water Street, Elmi- ra, N. V. The growtii ot the Excelsior Clothing Co. is merely a question of how far thev can impart knowledge, and when the people of l^roome county learn of the fair dealing of this firm, much of its present advertising will be unnecessary ; the more the public learns of its method of business, the more rapid will be its growth. Although this firm has only been located in Hing- hamton eighteen months, yet it has reached the front rank among the clothiers, and iin])artial observers give them the credit of leaders. Thev em])loy more salesmen in their men's and children":- departiiu-nt s t lian any other tirm in the city. The firm concentrates all its energy in handling of clothing, doing both a wholesale and retail business. They are very heavy purchasers, always em- bracing opportunities of buying large stocks when offered at low figures, and often buying the entire stock of a mamifactiirer. This fact enables the firm to offer many unsiupassed bargains to the public, saving their patrons money. All goods sold bv the Excelsior Clothing Co. ari" guaranteed as represented, or the cost is cheerfully refunded. .\nother popular feature introduced by this firm is the keeping in repair of all clothing sold by them under a guarantee, for the term of one year free ^of any char;;e. BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. The Bartholomew Portrait House. 54=58 Eldredge Street, Binghamton, N. Y. THE above cuts represent two well-known liusines,- men ot Binghamton, Messrs. (j. ). and ). \. Bartholomew proprietors of the Bartholomew Portrait House, located at 54-5S Eldredge street. These two gentlemen are natives of the Empire state, having been born at Etna, N. Y., and are the sons of Jesse and Nancy Griswold Bartholomew. They established their present business November ist, 1893, and have made for themselves an ex- cellent reputation for the high quality and superior finish of the work turned out by them. They emplov only the best artists, skilled in crayon and pastil work, and are doing a verv successful business. lyf^ --/Si^ FEW men are more closely connected with the growth and improvement of the " Parlor City " than Mr. Edward W. .Seymour, the well-known contractor and builder, and many monuments of his skill are scattered about the city in the shape of some of its most substantial structures. Edward W. Seymour is the son of Charles and Julia Bergeron Seymour, and was born at Albany, N. Y., July i^th, 1846. He received his education at the Albany Normal School, and em- barked in business in this city in 1S93, with an office and shop at 191 State street. Among the buildings erected by him are the Mt. Prospect Mill.s, on Water street, owned by S. Mills Ely, the Bayless Paper Mills, etc. Mr. Seymour is a most energetic and enterprising man, and a citizen of whom his city may well be proud. EDWARD W. SEYMOUR, BINOHAMTON, N. Y. BROOME COUNTY I LLUSTRA ri:i ). George L. Harding, Buyer of Hides, Skins, Haw Furs, Tallow, and Manufacturer of Fertilizers, aOS WATER STREET, BINGHAMTON, N. Y. ONE of the commercial landmarks of this city is the above mentioned enterprise, which for over half a century has contributed greatly to the wealth and reputation of Binghamton. It was founded in 1S36 at Albion, Mich., Mr. Lowell Harding removing to this city in May, 1S39, since which time it has been continuously conducted by Mr. Harding and his sons, Theodore and George L. Harding, the former having been as- sociated with his father from 186S to 1876, the latter having been admitted to an interest in the business during the year 1S7S. The premises occupied for the business are embraced in one of the most complete and convenient establishments of its kind in the country. It is a handsome four-story and basement building, 32x100 feet in dimensions, erected in 1S91 and owned by Mr. Harding. In 1892, after an honored and eventful business career of over fifty years, the elder Mr. Harding retired, leaving the whole business to his son, George, who wilh enlarged facilities is prepared for business from the i;round floor up. The operations ot the house embraec the collection and purchase of hitles and skins of all kinds, raw furs and tal- low, which are procured from the producing centers of the country and are shipped to the trade in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Tren- ton chiefly. The highest market prices are paid for anything in these lines and consignments from merchants and others are solicited. Mr. Geo. L. Harding covers a large territory, transacting an annual business that would do credit to much larger cities. In the buying and handling of raw furs, this house stands among the largest and best known in the state. Soon after assuming tull control ot the above mentioned business, Mr. Harding purchased a farm just west of the city, on the Vestal road, erecting thereon a num- ber of substantial buildings tui the manu- facture of fertilizers. Onl\ the very best and most modern machinery has been pur- chased. The result of this last venture is tliat Mr. Harding is now prepared to fur- nish the farmer or gardener with a high grade vegetable fertilizer made from the ["" very best material and warranted a first class crop producer Anyone contemplat- ing the purchase of fertilizers would con suit their own interest bv calling at the store, J()5 Walii -treet and be satisfied as to the merits of this grade of goods. Bone- meal, grouiul bone and chicken feed also prepared at the alxne factory and on sale at reasonable prices. GEO. L. HARDING'S FERTILIZER WORKS. BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. "3 The Binghamton "Republican," The Republican is an iJistltution Uiat has grown up with the oountry. The weekly Kepuhlicaii was stai-ted in 18:22, up- on the western idea llmt every cross-roads ought to have n post office and newspaper, and Iry t ) be a county seat Broome county, like Chemung, is ati offshoot of Tioga county. Bing- hamton got its court liouse, which was a little frame building in the woods, in 1806. Elmira had to « ait until ISSti, notwith- standing she was an Indian capital when Columbus discovered America. The first daily published from the Republican office was the evening Express in 1848 In that year William Stuart purchased the Republican, and in connection with his brolher- in-law, Edwin T. Evans, started the daily Iris, which was after- wards called the daily Republican. Whether the name of the Express was changed to Iris, or whether the Express had gone to that newspaper bourne, etc., before the Iris was started, is now knov%n only by those old-time editors who have gone over to the majority. William Stuart was a native of Binghamton and like all Binghamtonians of his youthful days — he was born in his youth — had to be born in the woods or postpone the event until the land was cleared. As soon as he grew up he "went west, young man," settled on the prairie at a place called Chicago, got a post-office and started a daily paper called the American. But he was a man of a level head and didn't have much faith in the future of Chicago So he came back to Bing- hamton, wenti nto the newspaper business and prospered by the aid of the post-office which he found time to run for several years in connection with his printing business. In 1864 Mr. Stuart, who was sole proprietor, leased the Republican to Carl Brothers ct Taylor under circumstances that were some- what peculiar. The Carls and Taylor who were printers in the office, and wanted a raise of salaries and regular pay days. War times were hustling prices up, and it took a precious wad of spot cash in forty-cents-in-a-dollar greenbacks to enable an economical family to flag the grocer and butcher for a week When the printers waited upon Mr. Stuart with demands that were quite uncommon enough now, he told them to take the d — d thing and pay themselves if they could pay more than he could. They took it and did well with it. They made it a charter member of the State Associated Press, increased the value of the plant and enabled Mr. Staurt to sell to good advan- tage to Mallette & Reid, who came here from New York in 1867. The Republican prospered in a conservative way under Mallette & Reid until 1876, when Mr. Mallette's health failed and he was obliged to retire. Then the Republican had its ups and downs which were principally downs, until 1878, when it was downed by mortgages and the sheriff in consequence of financial em- barrassments and other unpleasantnesses principally due to the fact that the men in control were not built for running news- papers. Charles M. Dickinson became the head and principal stock- holder of a new organization that took a bill of sale from the sheriff. Mr. Dickinson is a ma i of superior executive ability, which soon showed itself in a thorough reorganization of the Republican. Tlie balance sheet which had been so slauted that more ran out than came in. was set upon a new angle, so that more came in than went out. .\ccordiiig to the appearances of things the balance sheet remains very much upon that angle yet. The new building is one of the evidences, a fine and ex- pensive lithographic plant is another, ai;d a new Bullock per- fecting press will be another. The general growth of the paper and plant to accommodate its growing business, which has gone on without a break for twelve years, is evidence of skillful management and solid good work. Mr. Dickinson is sole pro- prietor, and has been for several years. The other stockholders parted company with him on the issue of building up the plant. They wanted dividends and he wanted growth. He bought them out at par, after they had paid ten per cent, dividends for several years, and they went their way rejoicing. He has man- aged the business to suit himself, and seems to be satisfied with the practical working of his newspaper ideas. The sole proprietor is editor-in-chief and chief business man- ager, and runs generalities and details through thorough organ- ization. He is a positive man, quick to make conclusions and firm in his decisions. A suggestion, whether fromhisown mind or the mind of another, is handled quickly and either adopted or shot on the spot. His lawyer education to think enough of his own opinions to fight for them is strong. His mind is a rare make-up of strong qualities of opposite directions, but well har- monized at the center. His first live was literature, for which he has excellent natural ability well cultured. His second turn was to the to the law. He read with Daniel S. Dickinson and was admitted to practice in 1865. In this profession he was suc- cessful, but owing to failing health from office confinement he was obliged to quit it. His attention was then turned to farm life to grow a new crop of health, and he was again successful. His home on South Mountain, a paradise of magnificent distan- ces and a well-appointed farm of 320 acres, is one of the results of his laying off to repair his health. The Muse which he wooed in his youth, or rather the Muse which wooed him, insists upon being courted. A volume of 150 pages, published a few years ago, is the result of this long intimacy which the man of many business affairs finds it difficult to abandon. His poems, which were passing under review by the press a year ago, contains more than the usual number of gems for a volume of its size. The famous "The Children," which was for a long time errone- ously credited to diaries Dickens, finds its home here as the chaperon of the younger children of the author's fancy. In prose work and editorial comments and arguments, Mr. Dick- inson is vigorous in thought and positive in expression. The lawyer education of arguing one side at a time asserts itself, though he always aims to be fair and candid, and above all things just. ,iJ4 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. The Seed Trade. Binghamton, like other centers of a farming country, must necessarily handle more or less seed, and in this line it far sur- passes most cities of its size. Farm seeds until last season have been largely in the lead. Ahout one year ago (1894) the seed establishment of J. J. Bell was moved to this city from Flowers, N. Y., and being the only one in the city handling a full line of everything and issuing a catalogue for the general trade, we mention it first. J. J. Bell started his mammoth seed business while a boy attending school. As with many other farm boys, pennies were hard things to get, and he would gather at spare minutes flow- er seeds and when sent on long errands would sell a few to the people living along the road. In this way he accumulated suf- ficient to insert a two-line advertisement in the Sunday School Times, paying 60 cents for the same, and realizing in return several dollars. Elated with this success each succeeding sea- son he used still more advertising space, and when about six- teen years of age commenced to teach school during ihe win- ters. The putting up of seeds to fill the.^e orders in enrly years was done after the close of the day's work, whi^h wns usually J. J. BELL. BINdHAMTON, N. Y. after nine o'clock at night, and the work was carried on In his bedroom while the rest of the family were asleep. Each suceed- ing year marked a growth in the business and nearly every year it has more tlian doubled. From a few circulars and a small newspaper advertisement at first, the advertising depart- ment this season has printed over 175,000, catalogues and placed advertisements in several hundred of the leading papers and magazines of this country, Canada, Australia and New Zea- land. The shipping business has mostly been removed from Flow- ers, N. Y., and is now located at 15 Ferry St., Binghamton oc- cupingthe entire block The seed farms are still retained at Flowers. Everything new which possesses merit and every old Stan- f,- '^ 'If if v: -f -f" "1 ft_-.'- dard variety of seed will be found in his catalogue, mailed free to all who apply. For example last season they listed over fifty varieties of Sweet Peas, forty varieties of Asters, thirty varieties of Pansies and other things in proportion. In vege- tables nothing worthy of notice is omitted, their entire list covering about 1,400 varieties. These seeds are all grown with special care in the sections where they develope the most per- fectly, the greatest of care is used to offer only the best and perhaps the whole secret of success is explained in this motto: "Highest in (Quality, Lowest in Price." Mr. Bell went to work at first believing that he could se- cure the people's patronage if he sold them for three or four cents a package as good or better seeds than they could secure elsewhere at five cents a package. Most of the seed in his catalogue i;- listed from two to five cents a package and are guaraniet-d to be at least equal to and in most cases better than those which customers pay double the amount for in other places. An invitation is extended to all to look at the stock and prices before buying or a catalogue can be had free by sending your address on a postal card to J. J. BELL, BINGHAMTON, N. r.KooMi-: L"()l'^■'I•^■ illustrated. "5 The W hitney=Noyes Seed Company, Binghamton, N. Y. (31^1 1 (re ..,| f If BINGHAMTON is the center of a very extensive- trade in Timothy and Clover seeds, and is one of the leading markets of the country for both do- mestic and export business. This fact is largely due to the extensive enterprise ui The Whitney-Noyes Seed Company. This company was incorporated in 18S3 and besides dealing largely in field seeds at wholesale, con- ducts a special business of cleaning Timothy and Clover into uniform grades that in purity are unequaletl, The complete separation of weed seeds involves processes so difficult, and machinery so original and various, that the business is necessarily a special and exceptional one. The World's Columbian Exposition gave this com- pany the "highest awards for Purity, Vitality and Per- fection of Grain, for both Clover and Timothy seeds," with special mention in the Judge's Report as follows : "Although The Whitney-Noyes Seed Company did not exhibit their seed cleaning machinery, and of course cannot be given an award on things not exhibited, yet from the appearance of the resulting clean seed (really X.\\e: finest and best of all exhibited aX. the Exposition) I judge that they have made -a. marked and decided advance in Seed Cleaning; dnd deserve special mention thereof." The company handles large quantities of seeds in car load lots, receiving them direct from the principal growing sections of the country, and distributing them to merchants in the eastern anil middle states and largely in Europe. Its chief specialty, however, is the produc- tion and sale of pure and uniform grades of seeds, and its brands are known as indicating the highest possible excellence in Field Grass Seeds, and are now so accept- ed by dealers and consumers. Until the institution of this company's business it was not possible to procure in any market Timothy or Clover seeds in quantities free from weed seeds, because until then such seeds were on- ly procurable by hand gathering. This company believes that its products areabsolute- 1)- unequalled in the world ; that " the best goods are the cheapest," that "there is room at the top," and its aim is to command increasingly the patronage of tiie most intelligent buyers of seeds. Binghamton possesses great advantages as a favor- able location for the prosecution of an enterprise of this character, and with its trunk line railways, reaching out into every part of the great west, the seeds of all producing sections may naturally be shipped here and distributed to consumers in the most direct and favorable way. ii6 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. BARLOW, ROGERS & CO , Cigar Hanufacturers. Tins firm is one of the most widely known manufac- turers of cigars in the country, and stands at the head of the many concerns of like kind in the city. The house was founded in iSS:; and from the very start ha.s been a leader, both in (|ualily of L;oods and quantity man- ufactured. Mr. (j. H. iSarlow is now the sole proprietor of the business, the junior member of the firm, Mr. R. J. Rogers, having died in May. 1.S05. The tinn name is still retained, but is merely nominal. Barlow, Rogers & Co. have t'>.tablished a re|,utation for excellence that is recognized far and near, a fact that is shown by the history of several popular brands of their cigars. Introduced some twelve years ago, these brands have never been allowed to deteriorate from the original standard, but on the contrary, have been improved in all possible ways, with a result that at the present time near- ly the full capacity of the lirm is kept busy in the manu- facture of these brands. This is a feature of the trade that can be etiiuiUed by few firms. This firm's goods are so'd in nearly every city ii; llu- union, from Portland, Me. to .San I'rancisco, and lioin C'liica};o to New Orleans. Among their leading brands are the "Ked Seal," "Fire Brigade," "Cow Hoy," "Dispatch." "Ked Snapper," "Two Orphans" and ''CouiitrN Parson." BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 117 QAYLORD & EITAPENC, Steam and Hot Water Heating, state and Henry Streets, Binghamton, N. Y. THE well-known firm of Gaj'lord & Eitapenc, whose establishment is the largest of its kind in this sec tion, was instituted in 1SS9 by its present proprietors. The firm occupies a large building at the corner of State and Henry streets, equipped with the latest and most improved machinery for the manufacture of everything pertaining to their business. Constant employment is given to about thirty mechanics. This firm has made a study of all systems of heating, and has made many im- provements in the furnaces and boilers used for hot air, steam or hot water heating. They have had erected the heating plants in hun- dreds of large build- ings in this city and neighboring places, and in many private residences. Estima- tes are promptly fur- nished on all work of this kind. This firm also carries a full line of plumbers' supplies, and are dealers in all kinds of iron piping, valves, gauges, engine ^applies, etc. Hiii J Y^ £^ iiii \ •T if 'ii WW. HEMINGWAY, 175 and 177 Washington street, is the proprietor of one the largest plumbing, steam and gas fitting establishments in the city. The business was founded in iSSo b)' Mason, Root & Co., who were succeeded by 1. W. Doubleday & Co., of which firm Mr. Hemingway was a member, and in 1S89 he assumed sole control of the business. The headquarters of the business are embraced in a double store and basement 4'5xi3o feet in dimension'^, which is handsomely fitted up and attractively arr.anged anil contains a large and varied stock of goods, embracing parlor heating stoves, furnaces, ranges, tinware and kitchen furnishing goods, gas fixtures, plumbers' materials and supplies, and indeed everything in these various lines required by the public. ^ The house has the agency in Binghamton lor the Pease Economy Furnace, which is undoubtedly the best furnace for heating and ventilating dwellings, >chools, churches, stores, or other buildings. Mr. Hemingway has executed the plumbing, steam and gas fitting in very many private residences and public buildings in this city, and his trade in stoves and ranges is widely recognized as being a most important one. As a representative progressive house this one is a feat- ture of the trade resources of Binghamton, and is justly entitled to the prominence it has achieved in the exercise of its liberal business policy. ii8 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. F'^'^ HARRY F. LOWE, H. E , Rooms S7-S9 Wescott bid'g, and 42 Ackerman block, BINQHAriTON, N. Y. I'ake t?k-ViU(M. HARRY F. LOWE, mechanical engineer and certified teacher of mechanical drawing, steam engineering and short-hand, having graduated at the Wigan Mining and Mechanical College, Wigan, Lancashire, England. Previous to his arrival in New York, June 24, 1893, he had filled the position of Assistant Mchanical Engineer four years with one of the largest engineering companies in England, (the Wigan Coal & Iron Co., limited,) having been in their employ for over eight years. Air. Lowe is now permanently located in Binghamton, and is principal of the Parlor City's mechanical school, and also a con- sulting engineer. His school is open from 9 a. m. to g. p. m. Lessons given on ascertaining the horse power of engines. Why work for twen- ty or thirty dollars a month when situations open up daily paying from $75 to $i-'o per month to men having the theoretical as well as practical knowledge of their trade .' He has every facility for assisting his students in obtaining situations. Terms reasonable. For particulars address him, or call and examine some of his students' drawings; they are his best recommendations. Lessons given by mail to out- iil-tn\s'n students. His numerous friends wish him every success. TA. CARMAN, the proprie- o tor of the above shoe shop, is a lifelong resident of Bingham- ton, having been born in this city May .50th, 18.15. He learned the boat and shoe trade in early life, and first established a business for himself in 1870, at 23S Court street. From here he moved to 180 Court street, and finally in 1893 to his present location on Chenango street opposite the Opera House. cakman's snoe snop, cmhnanuo si., binumamio.n, n. y. UKOUME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. "9 Binghamton's Laundry Business. i ^ l^,-.-.',--"7)/v<;.^>^ J. W. BROWN, LAUNDRVV.AN, BINOHAMION, N. V. T I III liistory ot' the Laundry business of this city properly begins with Mr. J. VV. Brown, who now owns and operates the largest laundry in tiio city. At various times in past years from ten to fifteen Chinese laundries have been located here, but they received but little patronage and at present only two or three remain. The Binghamton Steam Laundry and the Otsen- ingo Shiit Factory, of which Mr. J. \V. Brown is the founder and proprietor, together form the chief indus- try ot the kind in Binghamton. It is also one of the oldest establishments, the laundry department having l)eeii instituted in 1S72, and the shirt factory added in 1S74. The business was started in the old Henry St. cliurch building, which stood where the Republican building now stands. The premises now occupied are the first floor and basement of the substantial four- story brick building erected by Mr. Brown in 18S7. The ct|uipment embraces all useful modern laundry machinery, and is operated by a 25-horse power steam engine. Employment is given to about twenty oper- atives. From the inception of the business the aim has been to do only first-class, honest work, and every detail and operation of the business has always been under the careful supervision of the proprietor in person. The result has been the establishment of a trade which is annually increasing, and which includes all the discriminating members of this community. Branch agencies have been established in nearly all .■,111 rounding towns. 'mm THE BATES STEAM LAUNDRY, 115 Comt street, was opened in January, 1890, and has since built up a large and growing trade. The proprietor, Mr. (). ]. Bates, has had an experience in the business of over twenty years, and has recently added to his establishment all the modern improved machinery, over which he exercises personal supervision, with the result that only perfect work is turned out. This laundry makes a spec- iality of shirts, collars and cuffs, and have established a high reputation in this line. A comparison of the work with done here that of many others will result in making any investigator a permanent patron of this laundry. BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. Prominent Citizens. Joseph P. Noyes. — In the year 1865 Mr. Joseph P. Noyes came to Binghamton, bringing with him a new industry. This may fairly be said to have been the beginning of that class of industries in Binghamton which require the use of the more delicate and finer class of machinery. Born in West Newbury, Ma?s., of Puritan stock, in direct descent from the party of settlers who first settled that town in 1630, he inherited the traits that were prominent in that an- cestry. The manufacture of combs was first begun in America, so far as we have any record, by the great-grandfather of Mr. Noyes, and the trade has been followed thus far in each genera- tion since. While the present Mr. Noyes was still a child however, his father removed to Newark, N. J., and after his father's death he came to Binghamton. In company with his older brother, Mr E. M. Noyes, he purchased mill property here, and in addition to bis manufacturing business, has made prominent improve- ments along the Chenango river front. While prominent in church and charitable organizations, he has never sought public office, but was for four years a mem- ber of the Board of Education. His natural tastes tend very strongly toward the production of fine machinery, and a visit to his shops is regarded as a treat by those who obtain the privi- lege. In financial matters he is very conservative, holding to a high standard of honorable dealing; while conservativeness with him does not mean want of liberality in helping on all good causes Ho.v. Abel Bennett, the Hist mayor of the city of Bingham- ton, was born November I6th, 1818, at Benneltsville, Chenango county, N. Y. Notwithstanding the fact that he received only a common school education when a young man, he showed him- self to be a shrewd financier. He was married to Miss Adelaide Johnson in 1847, she being the eldest daughter of his friend and partner, James W. Johnson. Mrs. Bennett died Dec. 13, 1854, leaving one child, Helen, wife of Hon. S. C. Millard. Mr. Ben- nett married a second time his wife being Miss Eugenia Griffith Lathrop, daughter of William Lathrop. of Albany. To this mar- riage were born two sons, Charles and Fred. Mr. Bennett, be- sides giving a large amount of his property to the various be- nevolences of the city of which he was justly proud, erected a large block on Washington street and Hotel Bennett adjoining it. He was also the first president of the First National Bank of Minghamton Mrs. Bennett died Dec. 24, 18S6, and after the death of his beloved wife, Mr. Bennett's health gradually failed until his death June lllh, 1889, which occurred at Glen Haven, a resort for invalids. His grave is in beautiful Spring Forest Cemetery, in this city. B. U. Pike, of 5 Goethe street, whose handsome .residence is shown on page 107, was born in the town of Sanford, Broome county, N. Y, June 21, 1858. He was educated in district school and at the Windsor academy. After teaching several terms of school in various towns of the county, he embarked in the drug business at Windsor, forming a partnership with the late coro- ner, A. B. Stillson. After some years of success as a druggist, he sold his interest in that business and opened a crockery, tin and glass store, which was burned, he losing nearly everlhing he had. Not discouraged by the seeming unkindness of provi- dence, he rebuilt, and afier a few years spent in various enter- prises, he engaged in the stone business. In 1889 he came to Binghamton, since which time he has conducted a very success- ful flag, curb and general bluestone business. He is a thorough believer and active worker in the cause of prohibition, and is now the chairman of the Prohibition county committee, having been unanimously elected to that position at the county con- vention of 1895. M.\.ior-Gen. John C. Kobinson was born in this city in 1817, where he has since lived, being one of the most influential and prominent citizens. Gen. Robinson served his country with honor and distinction through the late war, and lost a leg at the post of duty. In 1872 he was elected by the Republicans as Lieutenant Governor of the state. Two years previous to this he had been elected as commander-in-chief ot the Grand Army of the Republic of this state. Col. Walton Dwight, formerly one of Binghamton's dear- est and most enterprising citizens, and a gallant soldier in the iBte war, was born in the town of Windsor, Dec. 20th, 1837. It is said of him that he looked upon every man as a brother, and found his most intimate friends among the poor. He first em- barked in the lumber business in western Pennsylvania, but left that to enter the army After being refused permission to raise a regiment, he went to work on his own account and did it. He was wounded at Gettysburg. In 1868 he came to Bing- hamton and purchased the "Orchard," the late home of Daniel S. Dickinson, now popularly known as Dwightville, with the fa- mous Dwiglit block and about fifty cottages, which now stand as a monument to him. The Dwight home at that time was the finest appointed residence between New York and Buffalo. In 1871 Col. Dwight was elected mayor of the city by au almost unamimous vote. His death occurred in 1878, when rich and poor, white and black bowed down in sorrow at the end of a kind and honorable friend. Horace H. CRARY,one of Binghamton's wealthiest and best known citizens, was born in 1824 at Liberty, N. Y., where he re mained until about twenty years of age. He spent many win- ters in New York city, where he rented the privilege of running a small stand at six cents per day. From this Mr. Crary carried on other speculations and finally went into the tanning business at Hancock, N. Y. This enterprise he extended and increased, adding large interests in western Pennsylvania. Mr. Crary was one of the busiest men in the country until 1876, when caused by overwork his eyesight failed and he was obliged to take a rest. In 1892 he was directly interested in nine tanning and milling firms. Mr. Crary owes his success to his keen insight, superior qualifications and close application, having realized that people will pay more for a good article. El.meu S. Brigham, deceased, was born in Northboro', Mass., May 27th, 1809, and moved to Binghamton in 1830. He was very successful in business, and was court crier for about forty years. MROOME COllN'r\- ILLl'STRATED RESIDENCE OF A. W. CLINTON. 42 FRONT STREET. BINQtIAMTON. N. Y. BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. missing but two days at court during the time. He was loved and honored by all who knew him, and passed away peacefully in 1894. Rev. Horatio R. Clark, D. D , at one time Presiding Elder of the Wyoming Conference, was born in Candor, N. Y, Aug. 23rd, 1813. He received his education at Newark and Oswego, and Cazenovia seminary. He made himself quite well known by his electrical researches and was also pastor of many of the best churches in this vicinity. DR. OLIVER T. BUNDY, DEPOSIT, N. Y. Hon. Daniel S. Dick iNsciN. - Probably no one ever lived who was as much respected and loved by every good citizen of Broome county as the subjei't of this sketch. Mr Dickinson was born in Goshen, Conn., Sept 11,1800, and moved with his parents to Guilford, Chenango county, in 1806, spending most of his time on his father'? farm yet embracing every opportu nity to receive an education. Most of the time from the 20-25th year of his life he spent in teaching school and entered the law firm of Clark & Clapp at Norwich in lsi.",5. He was admitted to the bar in 1828, and commenced his legal practice at Guilford, where he held his lirst public ollice, that of postmaster. From this time on he gradually received all the honors that the state and nation could give him, until he was mentioned for president in 1812, but declined to accept owing to his deep sense of honor and love for his friend, Gen. Cass, whom he had promised to support in the canvass. He moved to Binghamton in 1831, and always lived and worked for the best interest of the city, but his last sickness overtook him while engaged as United States District Attorney in New York City. His burial was in Spring Forest cemetery, and an obelisk of granite marks his last resting place. Oliver T. Bundy, M. D., a prominent phy- sician and citizen of Deposit, was born in Wind- sor, March 3, 1837, and was the son of Dr. 0. T Bundy, Sr„ at that time one of the most promi- nent physicians of the county. Dr. Bundy was fitted for his profession at the Philadelphia College of Medicine, and studied with his father He served with honor through the late war as surgeon of the 144th N. Y. Volunteers. In later yeai's he has successfully followed the practice of his profession in Deposit, and has taken a lively interest in all public aflfairs. He is prom- inent in G. A. R. work, and his labor in obtain- jng the handsome soldiers' monument for De- posit has been mentioned. He has served as Coroner for Delaware county for several terms and has been considered as a prominent candi- date for Member of Assembly. Aloxzo Mulford, a leading member of the bar of Deposit, was born in Prattsville, N. Y. October 31, 1853, and has been a resident of Broome Cc^nly since he was seven years of age. In early life he followed the occupation of a school teacher, and afterwards having studied law, was admitted to the bar May 9, 1870. He at once began the practice of his profession in the village of Deposit, and by hard work has received merited success. .IciiiN M. Ki;i!i!.one of the leading citizens (if in pdHl. Mas hcirii ill New York cily, May 4, 1S24, Lefi all orplian ill his youth lii.- life has bfHi one of vicifsilude and s-terii reality. He began \i(f on a farm, afterwards learning the blacksmith's trade, and liiially enieriiig the employ of the Erie railroad which he served as a conductor for many years. In 1882 he retired from active life, and coming to Deposit built himself a handsome home He takes an active interest in all the afifairs of the village, and holds the respect of the entire com- munity. Hon.Wm. ly. FoKii.of Keposlr.was born In Middleville, Herki- mer County, N. V., March 12. 1820 Removed to Binghamton in 1841 and clerked it for his brother, Hon. K A. Ford until 1846, when he went to Deposit, N. Y. and entered the mercantile business. He was elected of Member Assembly in 1852,and again In 1872 to iill a vacancy cause by the death of Hon. Wm. M. Ely, BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. «23 also in 1873. He has also served as supervisor of the town. He has DOW retired from active business. Walter Vait., of Deposit, was born in the town of Vernon, Sussex county, N. J., in the year 1843. He received his educa- tion in school houses with slab seats out in the country. When old enough he worked on a farm until about twenty years of age. In 186.5 he began the learning of the watchmaking and jeweler's trade, serving an apprenticesliip of about live years He embarked in business for himself at Cochecton, Sullivan county, N. Y., and in the spring of 1874 removed to Westtown, Orange county. In 1875 he came to Deposit, at which place he still carries on his trade at 123 Front street. Gallatia C. Valextixe of Deposit, was born in .Meredith, Delaware county, in 1819, and with his parents removed to San- ford in 1851. In 1874 he was married to F. Ellen Lovelace of Deposit and to this union five children were born, Raymond G. Ina L., Roland D., Shirley A., and Maurice G G., Mr. Valentine's parents, Matthias G. G., and Mary A. (Landen) Valentine, are still living ;t he former was born in New Burnswick in 1823, was married in Meredith in 1818 ; his wife was born in Delhi, in 1828, James M. Fletcher, a prominent farmer and dairyman of the town of Sanford. was born June 6, 1836, in Preston, Pa., and came to Sanford in 1873. He has been prominent in the affairs of the town, having been Assessor and Commissioner of High- ways at various times. As a progressive dairyman he is in- terested in all matters pertaining to that industry. He was married in 1862 to Laura Wheeler, and they are the parents of seven children. Ho.N. Giles W. Hotchkiss, one of the most prominent fig- ures in the history of this county, and one of the men who help- ed mould its history, was born in Windsor October 21, 1815 In simplicity, directness of methods, quick and broad grasp of sit- uations, accurate sense of right, pleading, interpretation and making of law, he had few equals The Windsor and Oxford Academies only set ablaze the natural fuel in him, which hy hard study at all spare moments developed into a rich store- house of knowledge. He studied law at first with F. G Wheel- er of Windsor, and afterwards with Hon. B. N. Loomis. After being admitted to the bar he became popular very rapidly, and for nearly forty years was one of its ablest members. Early in his profession he took as a law partner Lewis Seymour, Esq., and soon after Hon. Ranson Balcom. This was finally broken up by Mr. Balcom being elected to the bench of the Supreme Court, and by the death of Mr. Seymour. He then formed a partnership with Hon. S. C. Millard, which was terminated by the death of Mr. Hotchkiss in 1878. As a politician he may be called one of the fathers of the Republican party, and was one of the delegates to the convention which nominated Lincoln. As a law maker he represented this district from 1862 to 1872 in Congress, where he was a recognized leader and a warm friend of the late Senator Conklin, being employed as an attorney for him in the celebrated Frye investigation. At the close of his term in Congress, he returned to his law practice, refusing nu- merous honors, such as the U. S. District Attorneyship for the southern district of Ndw York, [^United States Judge for the northern district of New York, and the Circuit Judgeship for southern district. Gen. Joshua Whitney, the efficient agent of William Bing- ham, was born in Columbia county, N. Y., in 1773. Gen. Whit- ney went to Philadelphia in 1791 with a drove of cattle, where he met William Bingham. After becoming agent for the lat- ter he used his influence to divert the attention of people from settling at Chenango Point, and succeeded in convincing them that the town would be built at the confluence of the two riv- ers. Gen. Whitney was agent for Mr. Bingham for forty years, and discharged his duties with the utmost fidelity and precision. He was a faithful Episcopalian, and Christ church owes much to him. He lived until 1845, having seen his little hamlet grow to a large and thriving town Nat KiNYON,of tne town of Barker, was born in The Sapbush three miles north of Chenango Forks. Sept. 27, 1844. His pa- rents were Nathaniel and Hannah (Smith) Kinyon. He was married Jan. 7, 1864, to Electa Taft, daughter of Amos and Louisa Taft. Mr. and Mrs. Kinyon have been blessed with three children, Edmund Amos. Lillian J. and Willian W., of whom only the youngest is living. William W. was married to Geneveive Rummer, Feb. 22, 1895. HoMEU A. HiiRLBERT, of Barker, was born in that town July 19, 1846, the son of Charles and Phidelia (Kinyon) Hurlbert. He was married Jan. 5, 1870, to Lucy Jackson, daughter of Eber and Eliza Jackson. Six children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Hurlbert, Alice Frank, Lydia, Leroy, Howard and Perry, of whom the three youngest are living. Edwin J. Jo.nes, of Binghamton, was born at Chenango Forks, June 3rd, 1855. His parents were John K. and Calista Jones, and in 1876 he was married to Marian S. Hall, daughter of Elijah and Caroline Hall. To this union two children were born, Ilobart E., and Leon A. aged seventeen and thirteen years respectively. Mr. Jones was formerly a resident of the town of Windsor, coming to Binghamton in 1885, and is a member of the police force of the city. Maurk!e A. Tompkins was born in the town of Windsor,, in 1857, where he still resides and carries on business. He re- ceived his education in the common schools at East Windsor and Ouaquaga and at Windsor academy. In early life he learn- ed the jewelry business which he has carried on successfully for the past fifteen years. On the death of his father in 1886. he assumed the boot and shoe store owned by him, and has con- ducted the same in connection with his jewelry business up to the present time. In 1890 he was elected town clerk, and has held that office up to the present time to the satisfaction of the people of the town and all who have business with the oflice. Ci..w!K \V. Greene, M. D , of Binghamton, was born in Wil- let, Cortland county, Oct. 30, 1848, the son of Gilbert and There- sa Greene, who trace their ancrstry back to the illustrous Gen. Nathaniel Greene. Dr. Greene graduated from the Albany Normal School in 1870, and began the study of medicine with his uncle. Dr. Gilbert Newcomb, of New York city. He gradua- ted at Bellevue INIedical College in 1873, and began the practice at Chenango Forks, moving to Binghamton in 1894. He is very popular and successful in his profession, and held many posi- tions of honor and trust. J24 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. Thomas Blunden, was born in Toronto, Ont.. eighty years ago. His father was Cyrus Blunden, a prominent English phy- sican, who was tha father of twenty-two children. The subject of this sketch served eight years in the British army. He now resides at Willow Point, and is the father of two sons, Charles and Edward, both of Cortland county. 8. L. NoosBicKLE, now in business at Willow Point, was born in the town of Barker in 1856, and is the son of Geo. Noos- bickle, of Warren, Pa., a large farm owner. He has a sister, Mrs. William H. Brown, residing at Vestal Centre. Benjamin and Riason Willis, of Willow Point, have lived on one of the largest farms in this county since 1812, and their grandmother owned the farm in 1796. They were both born and raised at that place. Benjamin is 83 years old, and enjoys the distinction of being one of the oldest inhabitants of Broome county. Riason was born Nov. 19, 1820. Howard Birdsall has been a resident of Broome county for fifty-one years. In 1883 he was married to Miss Laura M. Babcock. Mr. and Mrs. Birdsall can trace their ancestry back as far as 1610, and in their home at Willow Point they have the portraits of their grandparents, who were descendants of a Huguenot family who settled in Queens county in 1640. Miss Sabra P. Willls is an old resident of Vestal, having been born in that town in 1816. She is a cousin of Benjamin and Riason Willis, and her father was a prominent farmer and land owner. The name of Willis is popular throughout all the county. J. J. Barton has been a resident of Willow Point for eigh- teen years, and is the father of Dr. A. A. Barton, of Plains, Pa., and Dr. S. T. Barton, of Wyoming Pa. Previous to coming here Mr. Barton owned a large farm at .\palachan. He also has a son in Binghamtnn, F. L. Barton, who owns a creamery on Sem- inary avenue. His wife was Miss Katherine Lane, and they celebrated their fiftieth anniversary last September. Frank D. Siieud, of Willow Point, was born in Peasetown. moving to Xorth Fenton when six years old, and from thence at the age of thirteen to Binghamton, wh-ire he is well known, having lived there eighteen years. Ilij father was the archi- tect of the Elmira Reformatory building, where he was severely injured by the fall of a crowbar. His uncle, Charles Rookwpll, a brother of the famous horse-trainer, is the proprietor nf the American Hotel at Oneonta. Fred Si'RiNciEU has been a rasidfiit ot Willow Point for two years. He was born in this county, and married Miss Het- tie .J. Wescott, of Binghamton, to which place she had come from her old home in Chenango county. Mrs. Springer's uncle, II. Wescott, is a well-known property owner of Biiij;hiunton The Wescott children and grnndchildreii meet at Mr. Springer's on the 3rd of eacli October, for a family reunion. Mrs. Laura .\. Headv, of 59 Pennsylvania avenue, Bing- hamton, is lifty years old. She was a daughter of Woodbridge G. Barker, a prominent fanner and land owner of Chenango county. .Mrs. William 11. M.ikejjeace, whose husband is a prom- inent druggist of Norwicli, Is her sister, and she has a brother, Sylvanus, who i.s a mechanic at Norwic^h, and also a brother in New York city. She has three daughters, Mrs. Charles Church of Passaic, N. . I., and Misses Wealthy and Gertrude, who live with their mother. C. H. Conklin, 77 Pennsylvania avenue, Binghamton, was bom in Jonesville, Saratoga county, in 1835. He married Miss Jane Dexter, daughter of Jester Dexter, a well-known resident of Utica. Mr. Conklin is a veteran of the late war, and h»s liv- ed in Binghamton since 1859. His father was known all over Saratoga county as "Uncle Joe." Mrs. Conklin has won consid- siderable fame as an authoress. A. J. LiLLKv, of RossviUe, was born in Dansville, Pa., forty- live years ago, and married Mary J. Simons, daughter of Greorge Simons. He is a brother of I. C. Lilley, the well-known musi- cian of Rockton. Dr. Chittenden, of this city, who well-known throughout the county, is an uncle of Mr. Lilley. He has a son Oscar, fourteen years of age, who tips the scales at 232 pounds. \ second son, Roy C, is one year old. E. A. BouQHTON, 74 Pennsylvania avenue, Binghamton, is an old soldier, and has resided in this city since the close of the war. He was married twenty-eight years ago to Jane Snow, a daughter of William H. Snow, also a veteran of the war. His first wife died in April, 1891, and he married Miss Sarah Head, on Nov. 14th, 1891, who was the daughter of John M. Head, of Owego. Mr. Boughton has invented a device for sweating to- bacco, which has proved a great success. He is a carpenter by trade, and has been in the employ of one man for twenty-six and is a very popular citizen. He is the father of nine children, three of whom are mirried and live in Binghamton. A. J. Ferry, of Hotchkiss street, was born in Friendsville, Pa , in 1812, and coming to this city at the age of thirty-two has won many friends and made himself well-known during his res- idence here. Charles P. Ferry is a promising and well-to-do son who lives in .Montreal, Canada. Three other sons reside in this city. C. E BoiioHTON, 90'.2 Liberty street, Binghamton, has been eight years a resident of the city. His wife was Mame E. Nor- ris, daughter of W. F. Norris, an old soldier and well-known carpenter of this city. Mr. Boughton's father, C. D. Boughton, is a prominent citizen of Hornellsville. He is the father of two boys, Pliny, aged live, and Floyd, aged three. S. F. Tu.iKiTi", 141 Peniisy I Vrtiiia avenue, was born in this city twenty-one years ago. His father, Joseph B. Talbott, has been for many years in business on Water street. Alderman J L. Talbott, of the 5th ward, is an uncle of Mr. Talbott, and J. A. Brown, the well-known fruit dealer, is a brother-in-law. Mr. Talbott marrir-d Miss Leona Norris, daughter of W. F. Nor- ris, of Binghamton. Leroy .\. SiiERMVN, 14(! Pennsylvania avenue, Binghamton, was born at Nineveh, in I81S. He spent twenty years in the state of Pennsylvania and has resided in this city six years. In 1863 he was married to Miss Delia Vincent, daugnter of David Vincent, at that time a prominent farmer of this county. Mr. Sherman is now the night watchman at the Sturtevant-Larra- bee carriage factory. He is well known throughout the coun- BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 125 ty, especially among his old army comrades, having been a membar of Co. A. ■25^h New Vork Cavalry. Almira Pettis, of 1.53 Pennsylvania avenue, was born in Schoharie, Albany county, in 182J. Shj has lived in this city twenty-Bve years, and is well-known all over the county in which she has spent sixty years of her life. Her husband, Steph- en V. Pettis, who died in 1894, was a lumberman well-known in this city and county, where he had lived for nearly sixty Mrs. Pettis is the mother of thirteen children, only two of whom are living in this city. Mrs. Eliz.\ D. FARyH.iM, 23 Rush avenue, Binghamton, was born in Pennsylvania in 18-57, and is the daughter of Eben Wood, a well-known farmer. She became the wife of Mr. Farn- ham in 1883. They have three children, two girls and a boy. Her grandmother, Tryphenia Wood, widow of Collins Wood of Silver Lake, is 92 years of age and enjoys good health. Mrs. Robert Smith, 148 Vestal avenue, Binghamton, has resided in this city forty-six years. Her father, William Flynn, was a farmer and stonemason residing in this city from 1830 until his death in 1882. Mr. Robert Smith is an employee at Weed's tannery, vphere he has worked since his arrival from England in 1870. They are the parents of four children, the eldest, Joseph, being nineteen years of age and an upholsterer T. J. Sf.\rrow, 140 Vestal avenue. Binghamton, has been a resident of the city for five years, and is employed by the city. He is well-known in the county, having lived in Lisle for thirty- six years. He was born at Whitney's Point in 1835, and moving to Lisle, married M-iry E. Eichenberg, whose father was a lum- ber dealer in Orange county. Their daughter married a Mr. Cady of Lisle. L. A. Weeks, 87 Park avenue, Binghamton, came to this five years ago, from Chenango county, where his father and the father of Mrs. Weeks, P. E. Whitney, still reside. Mr. Weeks is a carpenter, and is the father of two bright boys, Fred and Alfred, E. K. Pettis, 20 Bayless avenue, Binghamton, was born at Port Crane, in 1810, has always lived in this county and for the past twenty years has been a resident of this city. In 1887 he was married to ^liss Florence Watkins, and to this union one daughter has been born. Mr. Pettis is a laboring man who has the respect of many friends. He is a veteran of the late war, a member of the G. A. R. and the U. V. U. K \' lIu.V(iERFORi), 22 Bayless avenue, has been a citizen of Binghamton for over thirty years, twenty of which have been spent in the plumbing business. .A.fter the death of his first wife who was the m'">lher of his two children, Mr. Hungerford married iliss Francesca Whittemore, of Union. Mr. Hunger- ford's father andiTDther, aged 76 and 73, respectively, live in this city in the enjoyment of good health. Cii.viu,ES D. Ali.e.n, 16 Sherwood avenue, Binghamton, has resided here thirty-live years. His wife was .Margaret Robbins, daughter of Stephen Robbins of II inesdale, I'ii., and they are the parents of live children. Mr. .\llen is successful contractor and builder, WiLLi.VM Lawrence, 14 Sherwood avenue, moved to Bing- hamton in March, 1895, from Metuchan, N. .1., where he had lived eight years. He is a native of Ireland, has been married eight years, and is the father of one child, Margaret, aged six. Charles ToRRV, 21 Brook avenue, moved to Binghamton from Cortland some seven years ago. He is actively engaged at his trade, carpenter and cabinet-maker. Ear-vest R. Gates, of Willow Point, was born at Whitney's Point, this county, removing to his present home twenty-eight years ago. His father, Lee C. Gates, who died a short time ago at the age of 65, was born in Schoharie county. His mother, Ruth Loomis, was born in the village of Maine, and is still liv- ing. Mr. Gates, who is a practical and energetic farmer, has two brothers and three sisters living with him, and together they own about three hundred acres of land. He.nrv HtiYCK, of Saiiford, was born in Westerlo, .\lbany county, in 1831, and came to Sanford three years later, where he married Richel Whitney. He became a very successful farm- er, which occupation he followed until the death of his only child. .Miss Ida, in 1884 Since that time he has lived a retired life. He.nry W. WiLro.v:, M. D., of Deposit, was born in that place in 1868. He attended school at the Deposit academy, after which he learned the drug business. Having decided upon the medical profession for a life work, he entered and graduated at the Baltimore Medical College in 1891, obtaining the college prize for excellence in medical and surgical knowledge. He first located at Lake Cjmo, Pa., where he obtained much need- ed experience, removing from there to the lumber woods of western Pennsylvania, where he gained valuable surgical ex- perience. He settled in Deposit in 1831, where he has since re- sided. He has a handsome office in the new bank building, and is health officer of the village of Deposit and town of Sanford. N. S. B.ATiiRioK,of Deposit, was bjrn in Kortright, Delaware county, Feb. 7, 1823. When seven years of age he moved to Bloomville, where he resided until he was twenty-two. In 1848 he was married to Catharine Whitney, and moved to Broome county in 1850, where his wife died in 1883. He then married Mary J. Oonklin, and has since resided at Deposit. He has been a successful farmer, but has now retired from active life. .TdsEi'ii A. White, the present supervisor of the town of Sanford and ex-postmaster of Deposit, was born in Jersey City, in 1854, and when two years of age moved ^with his parents to Deposit, where he has since resided and proved himself to be a competent and persistent worker for the welfare of the village. Many of the important businevs enterprises which go to make a village a success are largely due to him. From 18S6 to 1890 he was one of the managers of the Deposit Journal and under him the paper gained a fair circulation. In 18S3 he was commissoned postmaster of Deposit, and held the offise over four years; he has also been connected with the New York Condensed Milk Co., and secretary of the Deposit Savings and Loan Association. I2fi UROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. HILLS, McLEAN & HASKINS, Importers and "Retailers of Dry Coods, Carpets, Millinery, Etc., Court and Chenango Streets, Binghamton, N. Y. S.J./<£J.'.£). 3'^^<-; AN important, feature of the dry goods trade of Biiiglixinton is tbe house of Messrs. Hills, McLean & Ilaskins, uhich in all that goes to imiUe Dp a modern mercantile estab- lishment, is surpassed either in extent of stock or quality of goods by few, if any, similar houses in the state outside of New York City. This great lndi(-s' baznar h.ns been an iinportant factor in the commercial re.-oun'es nf thi>c'ity for the past four- teen years, and its facilities, resiHiri'f-s iiiid trade have grown until to-day they are surpasseil l>y iiont- other in the city. Three floors of the handsome iron biiikiini; iit the corner of Court and Chenango streets, an illustration of which ac^-ompanies this ar- ticle, are occupied. An elevator connects the sever il floors, and the whole is divided into numerous department.* for the orderly display of the varied and comprehensive slock fiirried. About seventy employes here find constant occupatidn uiidiT tbe supervision of competent heads of departments, tach of whom in return is responsible to the members of the firm who personally direct all the operations of the enterprise. Visitors vrill find the salesrooms elegantly appointed and decorated and completely fitted up with every modern improvement that will in any way save time or facilitate the making of selections. In the retail transactions of the house the cash system is in vogue ns also the one price plar, which prove of mutual advantage to purchaser and salesman, as nil goods are marked at lowest possible prices. The stock embraces adiver^ity simply impos- sible to describe in dry goods, fancy good.-*, carpets, draperies, lace curtains, millinery, cloaks, furs, notions, trimmings, linensj and cottons, silk*:, VHJvets, ladies' and gents' furnishing goods, lingerie and bijouterie, hosiery and gloves, parasols and um- brellas, and ill :-lMrt every conceivable article of modern luxu- ry, fashion mid necessity that would properly be included un- der these general headings. The house caters to no particular class, but vveli'DMies all and provides for all, and the establish- ment is truly a popular one. The splendid success of this house may be attributed to a strict adherence to every representation made, an honest system of advertising and the provision for every want of the ladies at lowest possible prices. All through the hard times by their enterprise and energy they have in- creased their business instead of letting it fall back, as has been the case with many houses. At the present writing the outlook for this large and well-managed establishment ij very bright and promising UKOOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. 127 The Corwin Sanitorium, For the Treatment of Chronic Diseases. While special ai trillion is given to surgery in its relations to chronic diseases, different methods of treatment ate employed as indicated. Patients are provided with the comforts of a home and conve^ience^ of a sanitorium. For further information address, eO-RWIN SA/NITO'Ria/v\, 104 MAIN STREET, BINGHAMTON, N. Y. . . O. A. STOUTENBURQ, Af ember of I ' nion I'efini ns' ( 11 foii , Commander of Pmin't .Vc UK l-iin'^h>tinfon. .V, )\ Raiser & Hover of Buildings, 127 Hawley Street, Binghamton, N. Y. All work done in workmanlike manner, with promptness and dispatch. C. W. HA WKES, .\ proiiiinent Liinjjhamton inerchmit at 76 Clinton street, lia~ hocniiu- thiMoughly known througliout Broome coun- i\ uhhiii till' past few years through his extensive adver- 1 -ini; of Wall Capers, I'aints, Drugs, etc. Mr. Ilawkesis ■A ih'Moiii^h j;<)-ahead business hustler, and by his fair deal- iufij has stained the confidence of the public. It was by his efforts that the price of wall pajiers were so reduced that the iioor as well as the rich could alTord the handsome patterns upon tlu-ir walls. He also carries a large line of readv mixed paints, oils, lead, etc., and a complete line of drutis, i)atent medicines and chemicals. B. E. CONRAD. PHOTOGRAPHER, Photographs, Crayon Work, Interior Work, Tin Types. STUDIO AT 86 CMENANOO St.. BINOMAMTON. 128 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. Broome County Grange. On the 2nd day of February, 1874, a few of the inhabitants of Kirkwood were met at the Lome of H. P. Alden. near Kirk- wood Centre, by George Sprague, of Loekport, then secretary of the New York State Grange, and the first Grange in Broome county w as organiztd, then ai.d now known as Kirkwood Grange No. 96. Its charter members were: Samuel Bajlegg, Abram R. Park, Virginia Park, Mr.' and Mrs. E. W. Watrous, John H. Watrous, Mr. ana Jlrs. Adam Hays, Mr. and l\Irs. C. P. Brink, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Alden, j\lr. and J\lrf. I'rencis llobbins, and Leonard Gaige. At tliat meeting E. \Y. Walrous was chosen Master, and Samuel Baj less i-ecretary. In the autumn of that same year. Hon. T. A. Thompson, of ]\li(higan, Lecturer of the National (irange, being on a visiting four in this state, it was decided by the members of Kirkwood Grange to hold a picnic and invite Mr. Thcmpson to sj-eak. Invitations were sent to i/ii^'.''^ ""<■,/■.■/_ SAMIIKI, liAYI.KSS. Samuel Bayless was one of the charter members of the first Grange organized in this county. At present he is treasur- er of the County Pomona (irange and a prominent citizen of the town of Kirkwood. the most proininent farmers in this section of the county, and a general in\itation to all to attend the Grange picnic. The grounds chosen were near the residence of Mr. Robbins, one of the members of the order. The day was one of those warm and pleasant days in the latter part of September, and scores turn- ed outen masse. The speaker, a tall, well-formed man a little past the middle age and a fluent speaker, showed his hearers the advantage of organization of the farmers, the advantage of the Grange and what it hopes to accomplish. The seed thus sown began to bear fruit, and in a short time a Grange was or- ganized at East Maine, another at East Union, and in k-ss than a year others at Hawleyton. Tracy Creek and in the city of Binghamton. The National (irange in the meanwhile, seeing the need of better work and a more cordial and fraternal feeling among the Granges of counties, urged and sanctioned the formation of Po- mona or County (Tiranges. The Granges of Broome county responded and chose dele- gates to attend a meeting at East Union on September 4, 1875, at which time the Broome County (irange was organized, with A. K. Park, of Kirkwood, as Worthy Master; and Gerard Bid- well, of East Union as A\'orthy Secretary. But the (irange like all other organi. itions, had its times of prosperity and its times (i.M.I.ATI A C. VAI. i:\ll\K. (iallatia ('. \'alHMtine, of I lei osil, the present Overseer of Broome County I'omona Grange, was botn in Meredith, Dela- ware county, in lS-1!), lie is a practical farmer and dairyman. In 1887 he was elected supervisor of the town of Sanford. He is active in Grange work ; was a charter member of Deposit Grange, No. 582, of which he is the present Master. KKOOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. of adversity. New Granges were organized during the next few years, while some of the old ones became dormant. In the fall of 1882 the State (Grange sent its Lecturer, J. B. Whit- ing, into the northern portion of the county, and several new Granges were organized. The history of the organization dur- ing the next ten years was that of prosperity, (iranges have been organized in all parts uf the county, ami the membership has reached the thousand line, and Broouif has become one of the banner counties of the state in Fomona membership. In its membership it includes Lieut. Gov. Edward F. Jones, and many others of note. John Moses, of Hawleyton, is Worthy Steward of the State Grange. A recent election has placed G. A U'atrous, of North Colesville, in the chair as Worthy Master. Arrangements are now being made to hold a session of the Si. lie iTfange in Wnghamton, February 4-H, 1898. ABK \M R. I'ARK. Abram R. Park, the first Master ol the Broome County Pomona (irange, is a high- ly respected and influential resident of the town of Kirkwood. He was one of the charter members of the first Grange organ- ized in the county, and has always been prominent in Grange work, having for many years been secretary of the Pomona Grange. Greenhouses and Plants. Binghamton boasts of a considerable number of greenhouses Afhich vary from those of the first class down to the prival e con- ervatories, There are eight to ten of these which sell , lants ind cut Howers Among the number we would mention: JamesB.Tui.lv who is located at the entrance of Sp:ing . Forest Cemetery. Mr. Tully has served the people for many years with plants and cut flowers and his numerous custom, rs are his best recomendations. Here are to be found at all sea- sons of the year the best varieties of greenhouse and hard^ plants, as well as ornamental shrubs. Mr. Tully also makes a specially of cut flowers and bouquets for funeral, wedding or social purpo^es. The Spring Forest electric cars take you to the greenhouse and wait while you buy. GuAiiAM Bros., although a new firm have gone rapidly to the front. They are what is termed "hustlers." Their green' house is located at West End, and is well worth going to see. Here they have a full line of all cloice plants, grown both for foliage and cut flowers To accommodate the public more ful- ly they have, in addition to this establishment, a branch office for the sale of cut flowers, plants, ect., which is located in Otis' drug store, corner of Court and State streets. They invite a comparison of stock and prices with those of any other firm. JAHES B. TULLY'S OkHHNhOUSES. BINUHAriTON. N. Y. 130 liltOOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. JOHN H. SHAFER. The above gentleman, located at 143 Washington street, conducts one of the leading grocery stores in the city. The premises occupied comprise the first Hoor luid basement of a building 25x70 feet in dimensions, where a choice assortment of fine groceries, vegetables, fruits et(v is con-tiritly kept on hand He makes a special fenture of Hin' imiioried and domestic goods and enjoys a large ati'l mcrt-asin^' patronage. Four courteous assistants are emplojt-d and «ll cii.-t'Mnt^rs nceivf prompt and careful attentioi. Mr Snaft-r e.*i nldi^lieil ilie Inisiness three years ago and the succe.'^s he Ims nti'iined i^ j islly merited. He is a native of New York, and uii f iit'Tiirisnit,' liusiii^.sa man. S. L. NOOSBICKLE. GROCERIES I GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WILLOW POINT. W. RAUL M OS HER, Mr. MosliLT has recently succeeded Ins lallier in the well-establisiied grocery house of \V. A. Mosher, 44 Court street, where for many years he hail been employ- ed as bookkeeper. Mr. Mosher is a tlioroughly energet- ic young man, who understands his business, and is sure to meet success. He was born in this city, educated in the high school, and before entering the grocery mas- tered every detail of the business. He is a scrutinizing buyer who handles only the best goods, and holds the custom of all who patronize him. As an artist and a musician Mr. Mosher lias few equals in the city. A. W. ALEXANDER. The grocery business in Binghamton has a worthy repre, sentative in the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. Mr. Alexander has been identified with this line of trade for the past eight years, and now operates two stores, one at 38 Carroll street and one at 40 Exchange street. He reports a constantly increasing trade, and even during the late financial depression has been favored with a business that shows a marked improve- ment over the preceeding period. . The services of nine em- ployes are required, and a specialty is made of fine poultry dress- ed on the premises. .\ large trade is enjoyed with the best ho- tels and restaurants in the city. The stocks carried at both stores are complete, and the store at 3S Carroll street is said to have the Ije.-t st-ler.ted and hirge-t >inck in the ciiy. E. A. WILLIAMS. Mr. \\ illiams is a proirres-ive ami enterprising grocer, locateil at 1 | l'\-rr\ slrrel. IK- in.iki's a |)oint of hand- ling only thi' ln-sl class ol goods, and the pri)ni|)l lielivery of the sanir to all p.irts ol the cit\. lie has a good pat- ronage, anil iustl\ HU-rils the success he has attained. BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. '3' W. J. WA LS H, HALF=TONE ENGRAVINGS Made from Photographs. Wolcott Block, State Street, = BINQHAnTON, N. Y. W. M. OUIRK, The Leading Druggist, Prompt, Accurate, Reliable. 45 COURT STREET. - BINGHAMTON We a re in it ! When speaking of first-class groceries, at prices that speak for themselves, we are right in it, and can fill your order as well as any of our competitors. If you don't believe it, come and be convinced. STARR 6s. MUNQLE, s Ferry St., BINGHAMTON, N. Y % Abbott Bros.,i ^c© 291 CLINTON STREET. ii^ The west side "H UStlers" are always glad to see you and will give sixteen ounces to every pound, and deliver it to any part of the city. Give them a call. BARNES, SMITH & CO., Cigar Manufacturers. I7«, i«o, 182 Water Street, BinKhamton, N. Y. Makers of the eelebrated "CRAAID eOMMAAJDEH" 10 cent Cigar, ALSO THE "DRUGGISTS' STRAIGHT FIVE. • THE BEST SC. CIGAR ON THE MARKET. '32 BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. "THE OAKS," 109 OAK ST., BINQHAnTON, N. ^ In the growth of the city of Binghamton it is with pride that we point to -'The Oaks.'" This apartment house is the property of A. & F. A. Morey and is one of the finest in the city, situated as it is in one of tlic best locaHties, with fine surroundings. It has pleasant flats finished in the best of mechanical skill with all modern improvements. BROOME COUNr\ ILLUSTRATED •33 ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEHY, 21 LeROY ST., BINOHAMTON, N. Y. '.M KKOOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. NORTH SIDE HOTEL, BINQHAMTON, N. Y. eHA-RLES S. WALES, - Proprietor. Al this pleasant hotel will be tOund tlie best accommodation, and most cduileoiis treatment. It is locateil within live minutes' walk of the depots;, aiul electric cars pass its doors every titteen minutes. Its rates are $1.00 pi 1 day to transients, special rates to regular boarder. Warner Plumbing Company, 38 state Street, Binghamton, N. Y. Wl 1.1.1. \.M ^. ll()rc'llKl\, a prominent citizen ami real estate dealer of 1 !i iijfliamloii. was liorn in Ot- sego county in iSj'^.aiid lame Id !>inghamton in 18S3. For the past ten \iMrs he has been our of the most re- sponsibli' and reputable real estate dealers in tiie city* His son, Charles, is associateii with him, and the firm is centrally located at ifv^ Washington street. BROOME COUNTY ILLUSTRATED. INDEX. Abbott Bros Ackerman Block Alexander, A. W Arlington Hotel B Banks Barker, Town of Barlow, G. H., residence Barlow, Rogeri & Co . Barnes, J. H Barnes, Smith & Co Bartholomew Bros., Bates, O. I. Bayless, Samuel . Bell, J J Bennett, Hon. Abel Bennett Hotel Bennett Park Bijou Theatre Bingham, William ... Binghamton, city town. High School Board of Trade. Boston Store Bridges Broome, Lieut. Gov. .John Broome County Grange Brown, J. W Bundy, Dr. O. T C Carman, T. A Carpenter, Dr. Charles W Cemeteries. Chenango, Town of Churches, Baptist " Centenary " Congregational " Christ " North Presbyterian St. Mary's " St. Patrick's " Tabernacle Trinity . Church History, Cobb, Dr. John Wesley Colesville, Town of Commercial Travelers' Home. Conklin, Town of Conrad, E. E Oorwin Sanitorium Cosy Cafe County Officers Court Houae Page 131 20 130 102 97 38 103 116 94 134 Ul 119 128 114 120 101 22 34 15 71 109 89 108 106 79 16 128 119 122 118 100 81 44 42 37 61 70 77 82 48 36 60 78 100 . 53 46 41 . 127 . 127 101 23 5, 21 Court Street, 9, 10, 11, 14 Clinton, A. W., residence 121 Crane, Nelson 63 Crandall Hotel 102 D Dickinson, Town of 40 " Hon. Daniel S. 123 E Early Settlements Excelsior Clothing Co 11 110 F Fenton, Town of 45 Florists , . 129 Ford, Hon. Wm. L. 122 Fowler, Dick & Walker. 106 Fuller, Charles W. & Co 92 Q Gaylord & Eitapenc 117 H Haiding, (lenrge L 112 H««kes,C. W. 127 Hemmingway, \V. W 117 Herald, Evt- nin^ ... 86 Hills, McLeiin A Ha^kins . L26 Indians .[ones, Gen. Fidward F K Kent, George A., residence Kirkwood. Town of L Leader, Binghamton Lisle, Town of Lowe,' H. F Lowell lousiness College M McF'arland, Dr. F. H Maine, Town of Manufactures and Wholesale Medical Profes>ion Military History Miscellaneous Monroe, S E., residence Mosher, W. Paul Mulford, .\lonzo N Nanticoke, I'owii of. Noosbickle, S. L, North Side Hotel Noyea, Joseph P O Oaks, The Opera Houses Orton, Dr. .lohn G Osborne, Mrs. Melinda. residence P Park, A. R 11 96 50 49 91 47 118 76 100 49 9.T 99 . 27 86 55 . 180 122 4« I8u 134 . l«l . 132 29, 34 98 84 129 1.^5 Peck, HiiHin H , residence 104 Pike, H. H 120 ' " residence 107 Police and Fire Department 83 Post office 8, 21 Prominent Citizens 120 Public Buildings 21 R Railroads 16, 79 Religious and Charitable Instit'ns 83 Republican, Binghamton 113 Riley's Business College 75 Koad.s 15 Kosr Park, views 81 S San ford, Tou n of 62 Schools 73 Scott, E.J 68 SeyiiK.ur, Dr Charles W . 98 Edward W Ul >liatlVr, John 11 130 Shore?, Charles E 88 Slater, Dr. Frank E 98 Sociel les . 93 St. Joseph's Academy 133 Starr A Mungle 131 State Hospital 6, 25 Stephens & Co ^05 Stoutenberg, U. A 127 Susquehanna Valley Home 7, 69 T Taylor, Rev. Edward D 90 Tompkins, Maurice A 123 Topography 19 triangle, Town of 52 rniiiian, James C, residence . -54 U I'iiit.ii, Tuwn of o7 V Valenune, (.allatia (' 128 Valri, Leon E 65 WjImI, Tow n of 10 W Warner Plumbing Co 134 Water Works si Webster, Dr tUiarles K KX) West, Dr. Silas 99 Whitney-Noyes Seed Co 112 White, J. A 125 Wilcox, Dr. Henry W 125 Williams, E. A 130 Windsor, Town of .59 Y Young Men's Christian Ass'n 80 J 92fi