b* Class F ■" \- ' Book_JL5(li Goipghtl^" COPYRIGHT DEPOSrr. %{&y''^^^ The Jews of Iowa A COMPLETE HISTORY AND ACCURATE ACCOUNT OF THEIR RELIGIOUS, SOCIAL, ECONOMICAL AND EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS IN THIS STATE; A HISTORY OF THE JEWS OF EUROPE, NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA IN MODERN TIMES, AND A BRIEF HISTORY OF IOWA. RABBI SIMON GLAZER Published by KOCH BROTHERS PRINTING CO. Des Moines, Iowa fwu Copies ffuCuiveu I MAY 31 »y05 i ^ sc y- COPYRIGHTED 1904 ALL RIGHTS RESF.RVED BY THE AUTHOl In Hurrible Obedience to tt^e Men\ory of My Fattier Abralyam Elttalj (Blnzn Born in Erz^ilKen. Russia, 5598 (1838) and tlriere Gatl:iered to His Fatl:\ers Nisson 16, 5563, (Hpril 13. 1903) I DEDICATE THIS VOLUME The Author PREFACE, This volume contains a history of the development of the modern Jews as well as an account of a small group of Ameri- can Jews — The Jews of Iowa. The student, or reader, will easily be able to discover the mode of Israel's adventure dur- ing the sublimest epoch in the world's history and, subsequent- ly, will readily discern the enigmatic tangles which are creat- ing Jewish problems upon every continent. Besides, the gen- eral public will find in this work useful facts aboiut a misunder- stood class which seems toi be struggling upon the waves of * Time without interruption, and a mutual benefit is, therefore, inevitable. This work is divided into three parts, treating practically three difTerent subjects, but without knowing the first two the main object in view, in issuing this work, would have been futile. A short story of the groavth of Iowa was necessary X PREFACE prominent and are important as potent factors in Iowa citizen- ship as their brothers and sisters who are classed with the rank. The apology for this work is the preservation ol the an- nals of a handful of pioneers who were the offspring of the greatest history-making people under the sun, whose tri- umph in every walk of human effort demonstrates the fact that America and Americanism stand for equal opportunities to rich and poor, humble and lofty, and to prove that Israel, if only let alone, is capable of contributing every- thing good to the common cause of mankind, that verey ac- cusation against himi was prompted by bigotry and narrow mindedness, that anti-Semitism has no footing in this country and^that the West is still in its process of development, and many are its opportunities for homeless who are willing to work, for oppressed who crave for liberty and know how to enjoy it. January 30, 1905. Des Moines, Iowa. CONTENTS CHAPTER I Discovery of the Mississippi Valleys. — DeSoto— Discovery of the Mississippi. — Jesuitic and Franciscan Discoveries — Marquette and Joliet in Iowa— Indian Toast— Savage Menu— La Salle— His Adven- tures—Rediscovery of the Mississippi— Father Hennepin Passes Through Iowa— Death of LaSalle— First Colony— Slavery— Coloni- zation— English Predomination i — 13 CHAPTER II Progress Prior to Civil War — Thomas Jefferson and Napoleon — Louisiana Purchase— Iowa Indians— Their Heroes — Taylor, Davis and, Lincoln in Iowa— Iowa Ceded to the United States— Julien Dubuque — Early Settlements— Iowa Becomes a Territory — Political Strength of Pioneers— Constitution Adopted— Des Moines Becomes Capitol City— Prosperity of Young Iowa 14— 19 CHAPTER III Iowa in Struggle for Preservation of the Union— Washington and Lincoln— Champions of Liberty — Governor Kirkwood— Iowa in War Time— Civil War Opens— Potomac Army— MacClellan's Failure —General Grant— Iowa Soldiers— General Rosecrans— General Lee — General Meade Redeems Potomac Army— Copperheads in Iowa — Tally Army— General Hooker— Surrender of Richmond— Assassina- tion of Lincoln -20— 35 XII CONTENTS CHAPTER IV Iowa's Period of Evolution — Constitution Amended — President Johnson— Iowa's Congressmen on His Impeachment — Rapid Recon- struction in Iowa - Grasshoppers— State Politics— Grant's Adminis- trat on— Iowa Gypsum— Growth of Population— Horace Greely— Woman's Suffrage— Grange Law— Hayes and Tilden— Prosperity in Iowa — Assassination of Garfield 36— 49 CHAPTER V Golden Age of Iowa— Rapid Progress in Iowa — Issues— Liquor Problem— Governor Boies — Iowa Legislation— Cleveland and Hard Times— Iowa Statistics — Iowa Statesmen— Senator Allison — Triumph of Republicans— Governor Cummins Ardent Friend of Isreal 50— 61 CHAPTER VI Jews in Modern Times-1492-1600— Expulsion of Spain — Navarre, Genoa, Naples, Rome, Fez, Portugal and Northern Africa— Fate of Refugees — Brabauel — Turkey, Palestine and Poland — Germany — The Talmud and The Dominicans— Luther's Reform and the Jews — Jewish Learning— Kabalah—Sulchan Aruch— Beginning of Spain's Ruin 62—74 CHAPTER VII Jew Pioneers in America— Tidings In the Old World-1600-1700 — Jews With Columbus— Brazil— Mexico— Peru — Portugese Jews in America — Fate of Pioneers— Amsterdam— M'nasseh ben Israel and Cromwell— Pseudo—Messianism— Sabbatal Zebi— Jews in Europe —Dutch in Brazill— Exodus of the World— Scholars of the Seven- teenth Century— First Jews in New Amsterdam— Levi and de Lucean — Jews in Newport 75 — 87 CHAPTER VIII Ante-Indepedence Period in America and Pre-Emancipation Years in Europe Among the Jews- 170071776— Conditions in Europe Kabalah and the Rabbi's— Judah Chassid— Querid Zbi— Chayim Malach — Moses Chayim Luzzato — Jews in New York, Newport, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New England, South Carolina — Three Stars in Europe— Reconstruction of Judaism— The Frankists. . 88 —99 CONTENTS XIII CHAPTER IX Israel's Naturalization Amongthe Nations-1776-1825— Declaration of Independence and the Jews— George Washington, Israel's Friend— His Letters— European Jews— Their Emancipation in Austria- Equalization in France— Germany— Napoleon and Synhedrion— Judaism in America— The War of 1812— Mardecia Emanual Noah. .100— 113 CHAPTER X Days of Regeneration and Activity in Israel-i825-i885 — Causes of Anti-Semitism— Judaism in England, France,Germany and Austria — Rushian Hashkalah and Political Conditions Among the Jews of the Czardom- Transition of Judaism in America — The Philadelphia Platform — A Reply 113— 130 CHAPTER XI Exodus of Russia and Immigration to America-1880-1900— Pro- gress in Russia— May Laws— Anti-Semitism— Progress of Russian Jews in America— Yiddish Journalism. Poetry, Drama and Preaching —Judaism in America— Orthodoxy and Reform 131— 151 CHAPTER XII Jews in the Days of Territorial Organization-1833-1846— A Jew Among the Founders of the First White Settlement in Iowa— First Jewish Farmers — Pioneers on Jewish Women — Appearance of Peddlers— First Jewish Office-Holder in this State— Pioneers Admire the People of Israel— First Naturalized Citizen in Iowa is a Jew- Intermarriage in the Early Days 152— 1 70 CHAPTER XIII Jews During Early Days of Statehood-1846-1855— The Peddler — Mr. Levi of Dubuque — A Jew Among the Founders of Des Moines — William Krause's Story of Early Days— Jews in Keokuk, Burling- ton, Fort Madison, Muscatine, Davenport and Sioux City— Foundation for Future Jewish Organizations— List of Pioneers 171— 185 XIV CONTENTS CHAPTER XIV Struggles of First Jewish Organization in Iowa, 1855-58— First Passover observed in Iowa — Benevolent Cliildren oi Jerusalem — Tiie Keokuk Gentiles Contribute to Jews Society — First Mynion in Iowa — Congregation B'nai Israel Founded — Chassidien and MisnagdiKi — Disagreement— Temporary Dissolution of B'nai Israel Congregation'i86— 195 CHAPTER XV Jews Become Potent Factors in Iowa Prior to Civil War, 1854- 1861— Signs of Prosperity Among Jewish Pioneers— Peddling a School of Experience— Early Settlers of Davenport— Arrival of Mo^es Bloom to Iowa — Burlington Center of Peddlers— List of Jewish Merchants, Artisans and Professional Men in Iowa Prior to 1861.. .,196—208 CHAPTER XVI The Jews of Iowa in War Time, 1861-1865- The Jew in War- Jewish Patriotism Displayed During Civil War— List of Iowa Jewish Soldiers— Davenport Jews Establish a Congregation— B'nai Israel of Keokuk Revives — Inaugurate Novel Orthodox Custom — Services for Lincoln 209—224 CHAPTER XVll Events Among Iowa Jews During and After the War Prior to the Establishment of Permanent Organizations, 1860-1873 — McGregor, "Newport of Iowa"— Isaiah Frankel— Jews Begin to Settle in Des Moines— Germans and Russians— How First Peddlers of Amon? the Russian Jews Came to Des Moines— List of Prominent Men— First Mynion in Des Moines— Keokuk Advancing— Burlington Awakens 225 — 239 CHAPTER XVIII Adventures of the Jews in Iowa's Metropolis, 1873-1885— Life Among the Ghettoites— Religious Spirit Predominative Power of Pioneers— Social Life During Early Days— West Des Moines Jewry — Struggle at the Departure of Orthodoxy- Splendid Work of Jewish Ladies— Congregation Bnai Yeshurun — Congregation Bnai Israel— Progress of Both Divisions— Charity on the East Side — Synagogues Planned for on Both Sides 239—254 CONTENTS XV CHAPTER XIX Growth of the Des Moines Jewry and Its Present Condition- 1885-1903— Re-enforcement of the Des Moines Jewry— Gentiles As- sist Religious Efforts of the Jews— Remari