^^4p(A Cdyvf^A^^jCL^ FIFTH Ohio State Conference of the Daughters of the American Revolution ^^- 'f '^ TOLEDO By invitation of the Ursula Wolcott Chapter PROGRAM Odlober tiventy-eighth and twenty^ ninth Nineteen hundred and thret^ {Mrs. Ferdinand H^eloh, "Boody House, Tncsdav Affernoon, October twenty-seventh. Four o\l(kk. Wednesday Morning, Odl. 28, 10 o'clock "The Collingwood" The Lord's Prayer. America. Address of Welcome, - - - Mrs. E. D. Gardiner Reji;ent l^rsula Wolcott Chapter Response, . . . . . Mrs. O. J. Hod<(^e State Regent Music. Roll Call by Chapters. Minutes of Fourth Annual Conference, - - At Cleveland Minutes of Meeting of Ohio Delegates, - At Washington Music. Report of Treasurer — 1902. - - Mrs. Geo. T. Mcintosh Appointment of Conference Committees. Report of Committee on Standing Rules-— 1903. NOON RKCES8 -UUFP'ET LUNCHEON TH K C01.I.IN<»l> Wednesday Afternoon, 1:50 o* clock Music. Report of Committee on Continental Hall, Mrs. William Brooks Maccracken, Chairman Music. Report of Committee on Manila Library, Mrs. James Kilbourne, Chairman Report of Committee upon Organization of Clubs of "Children of the Republic," Mrs. J. A. Murphy, V.P.G., Chairman Music. Five Minute Reports on Chapter Work, - - By Chapter Regents Paper — "The American Soldier" - - Mrs. S. Marion Douglas Reports of Chapter Regents — Continued. 'The Ursula IVolcott Chapter, T>auf[hters of Ifie American Revolution, invites all visiting Daughters to an Illustrated Musical Lecture, ''IVagner and the Bavreuth Festival'^ The Collingucood, IVednesdav Evening, October 28, at 8 o'clock Reception folloicino Lecture. Thursday Morning, Odi. 29, 10 o'clock The lyonl's Prayer. Song — "The Star Spangled Banner." Paper — "Ohio's Centennial," - Mrs. Maria Ewing Martin Music. The Continuation of Reports hy Chapter Regents. Report of Committee on "Roll of Honor," Mrs. Wm. J. Hitchcock, Chairman Presentation and Discussion of Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws of the National Society for 1904. XOOX RKCKSS HUFFKT I.UXCIIEON TU E COLI.INGWOOU Thursday Afternoon, l:30 o'clock Mrsic. IT. S. vSmithsonian Rkport. American Monthly Ma(;.\/,ink. Music. Cknticnniai. Odi-;. Untinishko Business. New Business. Music. Appointment of State Committees. AdJOIKN-MKNT. Former State Regents of Ohio Mrs. A . Howard Hinkle, Cincinnati, . . - . 1S94 Mrs. Elroy M. Avery, Cleveland, - - - - 1895-1S96 Mrs. Estes G. Rathbone, Hamilton, .... 1897-1898 Mrs. Moses M. Granger, Z?nesville, - - - - 1899-1900 Mrs. John A. Murphy, Cincinnati, ... - 1901-1902 nONOlSARV STATE HKGKNT -M«S. KI.UOY M. AVEHV. State Officers for Ohio—I905. Regent, Mrs. Orlando J. Hodge, - - 1096 Euclid .\ venue, Cleveland Vice Regent, Mrs. Henry M. Weaver, - - 19 r W. Park Avenue, Mansfield Secretary, Mrs. Mars E. Wagar, - - 317 Franklin .\ venue, Cleveland Treasurer, Miss Amanda C. Miller, - 406 W. Woodruff Avenue, Toledo Registrar, Mrs. Wm. J. Hitchcock, - - 655 Wick Avenue, Voungstovvn Auditors, Mrs. Helen W. Dimick and Mrs. Charissn G. Huhhard, - Toledo State Jiegent's Council Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Caroline Menzies Murphj', Frances Boatt Moss, - Elizabeth Wynkoop Maccracken, Mary Rllen Gebhart, Eva M. Kite, Lizzie Slade Voris, Abbie May Hedges Tallmadge, Lena V. Grant Armstrong, Mary Green McAbee, Evelvn M. Lyon, Announcement Cincinnati Sandusky Lancaster Da V ton - Delhi Akron Columbus Hebbardsville Painesville Xenia Owing to the loss by death of our esteemed Statk Secretary, Mrs. I'^nmia A. Lang Dority, of Toledo, her place has been filled /././ interim, by the appointment of Mrs. Mars E. Wagar.. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 609 269 6