COF»tIGHT DEPOSm n JESUS, LOVER OF MY SOUL HUGH OSTERHUS BOSTON THE GORHAM PRESS 1918 Copyright, 1918, by Hugh Osterhus All Rights Reserved The Gorham Press, Boston, U. S. A. JUN-3lyl8 ICI.A497590 .^^ I fj.lS'^ To My Wife JESUS, LOVER OF MY SOUL Jesus, Lover of my soul. Let me to Thy bosom fly. While the waters nearer roll, While the tempest still is high! Hide me, O my Saviour, hide. Till the storm of life is past; Safe into the haven guide; O receive my soul at last! Other refuge have I none; Hangs my helpless soul on Thee: Leave, oh, leave me not alone. Still support and comfort me! All my trust on Thee is stayed. All my help from Thee I bring: Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of Thy wing. ****** Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Grace to cover all my sin; Let the healing streams abound; Make and keep me pure within. Thou of life the fountain art. Freely let me take of Thee: Spring Thou up within my heart. Rise to all eternity. — C. Wesley 5'^ JESUS, LOVER OF MY SOUL! Jesus Christ, my only Saviour, Heartily Thy name I laud ; Notwithstanding my behavior Thou hast loved me, Lamb of God. Thou hast died in woe and sadness. Freeing me from great distress; I have hated Thee in madness — Thou hast loved me ne'ertheless. And Thy love will never waver, Never wilt Thou be untrue; Kindly wilt Thou show me favor With each day and hour anew. When life's sorrow like a story That is finished will be o'er. Thou wilt show me, Lord, Thy glory. Thou wilt love me evermore. CONTENTS Page Jesus, Lover of My Soul 6 Our Lord Our Lord I3 The Second Adam H Jesus Our Helper I4 He Loves Us So i5 Our Hero i6 The Lord Is My Shepherd i? The Shepherd Psalm i8 The Good Shepherd x8 Jesus, Shepherd Mine I9 1 Am Satisfied 20 Savior, We Delight in Thee 20 We Are Thine 21 Hail, Thou Lord of Sabaoth 22 Son of God, Hear My Confession 22 Immanuel, Protect Our Helpless Hearts 23 **Lo, I Am With You Alway" 24 For Me To Live Is Christ, and To Die Is Gain 24 Toward Heaven, My Home, I Wander 25 The Rose of Sharon 26 God's Word and the Church Year What the Law Demands 29 The Gospel 30 7 CONTENTS Page Before the Sermon 31 Search Thy Breast 31 Advent Sunday 32 The Sweetest Story Ever Told 33 From Jesse's Generation 34 I Feel Like Crying for Joy 35 Another Year of Grace 35 In Our Savior's Name 36 The New Year 37 New Year's Reflections 38 Alone by Faith 39 The Easter Message 41 Sweet Easter Bells 42 The Lord is Risen 43 When Easter Dawns 44 Easter 44 Christ Returned to Heaven on High 45 Pentecostal Prayer 46 Trinity Sunday 47 Our Assurance 48 Luther Emerged Victoriously 48 The Church's Reformation 49 Four Hundred Years Ago 49 The Time is Drawing Nigh 51 Thanksgiving Day 52 Faith and its Fruits The Folly of Atheism 55 We Shall Understand 56 The Just Shall Live by Faith 56 8 CONTENTS Page The First Psalm 57 The Fruit of Faith 58 Thrice Happy Hearts 59 Because the World Is Money-Mad 59 The Christian Life 60 Lessons for Children 60 Let Us Be True Christians 61 Missionary Hymn 61 Also for Them 62 Rejoice Evermore 62 Again the Night Has Ended 63 Each Day 63 The Lord's Prayer 64 Before They Call, I Will Answer 65 God's Great Eternity 65 My Prayer 66 Believe In God 67 Our Treasures 68 God's Grace 68 Nature and Other Subjects Spring Is Near 71 Snovi^flakes and Roses 71 A Spring Day 72 The Glories of Spring 72 In Springtime 72 So Is a Great Idea 73 Returning From a Walk 73 God's Goodness 73 The Rain Poured Dovv^n Abundantly 74 9 CONTENTS Page With My Wife and Child 75 Home-keeping Hearts Are Happiest 76 To-day I Visited My Friend 76 One Man Is Very Rich 77 The Blessings of Labor 77 Lines Concerning a Work to be Performed. . . 77 To-day We Met in Conference 78 A Prayer for Peace 78 Peace 79 Home 80 10 OUR LORD OUR LORD We would not like to live Without our Lord ; To Him our hearts we give With one accord. We were baptized and learned His grace and love, By which for us He earned A home above. We are His members dear, He is our Head. How sweet it is to hear The words He said! These words which we believe Make us content, And gladly we receive His Sacrament. He leads us every day ; We are His own. Let us commit our way To Him alone! 13 THE SECOND ADAM Rom. V, 15, i8j ig We were reduced by Adam's fall To sin and death and Satan's thrall, Until the second Adam came, Who freed the world from guilt and shame. For as by one all were enslaved^ So by One also all were saved; As sin by one man did abound. So grace and truth in One are found. As condemnation came by one, So One forgiveness for us won; As one caused death with all its woes. So One eternal life bestows. For what was lost by Adam's fall Our Saviour did regain for all When He for all on Calvary Atonement made so graciously. JESUS OUR HELPER We're children here that do not know Their going out and coming in ; Alone our Saviour can bestow True help on us despite our sin. What would all earthly things avail, If Jesus Christ would not be nigh And lend us aid when foes assail, When troubles grieve and multiply? 14 What could poor human reason do To guide us safely through the maze Of baffling tasks, which would undo The labors of our former days? But Jesus leads us in His way, Forgiving our iniquities Until our coming Easter Day Will end this world of vanities. HE LOVES US SO Christ is our souls' Physician Who cures our inmost woe And frees us from perdition — Because He loves us so. To save us He did languish And thus o'ercame our foe; He sufEered deadly anguish, Because He loved us so. In heav'n He will receive us, Yea, even here below He'll never, never leave us, Because He loves us so. True love and consecration This Friend we surely owe And praise and adoration — Because He loves us so. 15 OUR HERO In olden tales of chivalry Of admirable knights we read, Who by some grand heroic deed Great honors won and victory. We read of Siegfried strong and bold Whom Hagen treacherously slew; Of Arthur, Britain's ruler, too. And his round table, famed of old. Of Roland, champion of Charlemagne And star of chivalry, who fought To aid the wronged and great deeds wrought Until he found his death in Spain. And of so many a mother's son These fanciful romances tell Who vanquished dangers thick and fell, Not resting till his tasks were done. But let us from these legends old Turn to our God's unerring Word, To Jesus Christ, our gracious Lord ; He is indeed a Hero bold. He is our truly peerless Knight, Who overcame all bitter foes Of our salvation, and arose. On Easter showing forth His might. Then He ascended gloriously To heaven, where we too shall go, And sits there, freed from cross arid woe. Crowned with eternal majesty* i6 On Whitsunday He kindly sent The Comforter from heaven's throne, That we might not be left alone, And gave us Word and Sacrament. He is our mighty Paladin; Ends of the world, in Him confide And steadfastly in Him abide, Because He saves our souls from sin. THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD; I SHALL NOT WANT My Shepherd cares for me; I am content; Oh, how I love His Word and Sacrament! O'er verdant fields He leads me to my goal; Beside still waters He restores my soul. Yea, though I walk through death's dark shadows, still I tremble not, because I fear no ill. For Thou art nigh ; I put my trust in Thee ; Thy rod and stafif, dear Saviour, comfort me. Anointed with Thy Spirit from on high, I walk in paths of righteousness and joy. Thy table cheers my heart, my cup o'erflows Before the very faces of my foes. Goodness and mercy follow me each day. And in God's temple shall I dwell for aye. 17 THE SHEPHERD PSALM {Another version) The Lord, my Shepherd, feeds me graciously; He makes me to lie down on verdant meads Beside still brooks, supplying all my needs ; He fills my soul with sweet tranquillity. He leads me in the path of righteousness For His name's sake. Yea, though I pass the vale Of death's dark shadow, yet I turn not pale: For Thou- art nigh ; Thy rod and staff I bless. Thou hast prepared a table lovingly Before me in the presence of my foes ; My cup, O bounteous Giver, overflows; With Oil of Gladness Thou anointest me. Goodness and mercy follow me each day, In times of storm or sunshine, weal or woe, Unceasingly, wherever I may go ; And in God's house shall I abide for aye. THE GOOD SHEPHERD A picture in my study speaks to me Of Him who saves the sinner graciously: The Son of God seeks in the wilderness The weary sheep in trouble and distress. It suffers so from hunger, thirst, and frost; And He would save the sheep, for it is lost. i8 Thank God ! He hurries, and His arm is nigh ; He holds the sheep — it need not, will not die. This picture has great power to console, For in the sheep I recognize my soul. When I was born a child of wrath and shame. He found me and baptized me in His name. O JESUS, SHEPHERD MINE (From the German) Jesus, Shepherd mine, 1 follow Thee alone; All strangers I mistrust, They only seek their own. The hireling leaves his post. When danger draweth near; But Thou art kind and true, To Thee I will adhere. O may I evermore Thy gentle voice obey And not distrust Thy grace. Nor from Thy sheepcote stray. But daily cast my load Of sin and care on Thee; For Thou hast proved Thy love On Golgotha to me. 19 I AM SATISFIED On Calvary my Saviour died, And earned eternal life for me, To which He leads me lovingly — Why should I not be satisfied? He also keeps me well supplied With each and every thing I need; He is a glorious Friend indeed — Why should I not be satisfied ? The Son of God is at my side In every trouble, every pain. For no one trusts in Him in vain- Why should I not be satisfied? If I am only with my Guide, Then come what may, I shall not quail, I shall not even fear death's vale — In life and death I'm satisfied. SAVIOUR, WE DELIGHT IN THEE Saviour, Thou art always near us. We delight in Thee ; No one else could ever clear us Of iniquity. Neither men nor angels sought us And redeemed our bitter loss ; Thou alone hast dearly bought us On the shameful cross. 20 Thou hast called us to inherit Heaven's blissful land, And wilt keep us by Thy Spirit Safely in Thy hand. Lord, though we grow weak, and falter In our faith and love, Thou art strong, and dost not alter, — Thou art from above. Neither high nor lowly station, Neither friend nor foe, Neither sin's abomination Nor a world of woe, Neither pleasure nor disaster, Neither heav'n nor earth and sea, — Nothing, nothing, dearest Master, Severs us from Thee. WE ARE THINE (After the German of J. Sturm) Our hearts are in heaven wherever we be ; Lord Jesus, our hearts are in heaven with Thee. For we are Thy own, Thou hast bought us with blood. And pardoned and cleansed us in Baptism's flood. We sat in the prison of darkness and gloom, Our sins made us helpless and hastened our doom ; But Thou hast released us from bondage and cares, Hast filled us with joy, and hast made us Thy heirs. No longer we're naked^ Lord, sightless, and lame; The robe of Thy righteousness covers our shame ; 21 Our eyes are enlightened, Thy gifts we behold, Thy grace and Thy peace, which are better than gold. Thou leadest us, bearing our standard, the cross ; We do not look back to the world with its dross, But follow Thy steps to the city divine To dwell there forever, because we are Thine. HAIL, THOU LORD OF SABAOTH Nazarene, Thou art no dreamer, Thou art truly Man and God, Our Messiah and Redeemer, Abram's Seed and Jesse's Rod. Son of Man, so kind and tender, Present Helper in our need. Far from being a pretender. Thou art very God indeed. Man of Sorrows, pale and gory, Yet almighty God in troth. Prince of Peace and King of Glory, Hail, Thou Lord of Sabaoth ! SON OF GOD, HEAR MY CONFESSION Son of God, hear my confession! — Though my heart is full of sin. Yet a hearing I shall win, For Thy grace is my possession. Great indeed is my transgression; But Thou hast forgiven me All my guilt and levity. Now Thy peace is my possession. 22 Spiritual retrogression Oft my soul has mortified ; Yet my joy and hope abide, For Thy strength is my possession. Scarcely can I find expression For the thoughts that move my heart : Lord, how good and kind Thou art, E'en Thy heav'n is my possession. Never will I let depression Henceforth cloud Thy faithfulness ; I am all unrighteousness, Thou Thyself art my possession! IMMANUEL, PROTECT OUR HELPLESS HEARTS Immanuel, protect our helpless hearts From Satan's anger and his fiery darts. But also from our evil flesh and blood. And from the wicked world's seductive arts. These cruel foes assail us constantly ; But, Lord, we put our confidence in Thee, For Thou art with us every day and hour, Still helping us to gain the victory. We have Thy holy Word and Sacrament ; Especially the blessed days of Lent Have placed Thy cross before our eyes again; And when we see Thy cross, we are content. Be with us, Jesus Christ, by day and night. Teach us to hate the wrong and love the right ; Direct our faltering steps continually. And lead us homeward by Thy gracious might. 23 "LO, I AM WITH YOU ALWAY" Our Lord is with us every day; This promise is a blessed ray Of consolation on our way. He's with us in our joy and plight, Yea, even in the darkest night. With His deep wisdom and great might. Alway, He says, I am with you; Then let us labor, dare anew. For all His words are surely true. For the performance of each task His help and favor let us ask And in His love's warm sunshine bask. — Our Lord is with us every hour; This promise is a blessed dower Of comfort full of strength and power. "FOR ME TO LIVE IS CHRIST, AND TO DIE IS GAIN" Phil. 7, 21 Lord Jesus Christ, my Saviour dear. Thy love has rescued me From sin and guilt, from gloom and fear; Now I am glad and free. I need not tremble nor despair Before death's dark abyss. For I'm a child of God, an heir Of everlasting bliss. 24 I thank Thee for Thy sweat, Thy pain, Thy death on Calvary's cross. Thou art my life, death is my gain; Without Thee all is loss. TOWARD HEAVEN, MY HOME, I WANDER Toward heaven, my home, I wander And sing my happy lay; The Saviour's love I ponder, Whatever the world may say. Since He has healed my blindness, I see the light of day And praise His grace and kindness. Whatever the world may say. His holy steps I follow. Though narrow be the way; Its joys are never hollow, Whatever the world may say. The fruit of sinful pleasures Is darkness and decay, But I have lasting treasures, Whatever the world may say. And Jesus has foretold me That I should live for aye; This faith and hope uphold me. Whatever the world may say. 25 THE ROSE OF SHARON Walking through a valley green, I beheld a blossom there Beautiful beyond compare, Such as I had never seen. Since that hour I'm dwelling there. — Never from the place I go. For it satisfies me so To behold the flower fair. Christ, Thou art the thornless Rose, For in Thee, Redeemer kind, My immortal soul doth find Sweetest pleasure and repose. 26 GOD'S WORD AND THE CHURCH YEAR WHAT THE LAW DEMANDS The Law demands that we Should serve our God alone; The only living God is He Who sits on heaven's throne. To Him we are to pray And praise His gracious name; We are to keep His holy-day And spread His glorious fame. The children should obey; Obedience God will bless With length of life and with the ray Of earthly happiness. We should not hate or kill, Commit adultery, Steal, or transgress Jehovah's will By fraud or usury. False witness and all greed, Envy and covetousness We should avoid, and always lead A life of holiness. Alas! we cannot keep The Law of God, our Lord ; We are by nature wayward sheep, And sin against His Word. But when our misery Would drive us to despair. We flee to cross-crowned Calvary, And find true solace there. 29 THE GOSPEL Hark, sinners from each land and clime, Whatever be your fault or crime, You are invited by the chime Of the Gospel. Jehovah's Son from heaven came And died to rid you of all blame, He saves those trusting in His name; That's the Gospel. God's love will never be repealed ; His gracious counsel is unsealed, His highest glory is revealed In the Gospel. Believe what Jesus' words impart, They free you from the devil's smart, Firmly rely with all your heart On the Gospel. Let these glad tidings be your choice And in God's holy place rejoice, Thanking the Lord with joyful voice For the Gospel. But many are left in night and gloom; O save them from eternal doom, In paradise there is still room, — • Spread the Gospel! 30 BEFORE THE SERMON With joy I will portray The Son of God to-day By preaching to my congregation The blessed Word of our salvation. May I perform this art With a believing heart, Sincerity, ability, And with unfeigned humility. O may it be my aim To glorify God's name And serve my hearers, — not myself By preaching for the sake of pelf. May I not preach in vain The Gospel pure and plain, But may it lead the hearers' heart To choose and keep the needful part. Then will I sing each day Christ's praises while I may, Who made the Christians by His Spirit And saves the world without its merit SEARCH THY BREAST! 'Examine yourselves, whether ye be in faith; prove your own selves." 2 Cor. 13, 5 Glad tidings have been preached, The Gospel has been heard, But has thy heart been reached By God's most precious Word? 31 Has Christ's redeeming power, Cheering thy mind and soul During this sacred hour, Saved thee and made thee whole? Or is thy heart like stone, Untouched, unmoved within, Forsaken and alone In the dark realm of sin? O hearer, search thy breast Before it is too late; Be willing to be blessed, And shun the sinner's fate! ADVENT SUNDAY Again Thou comest to Thy own, O Prince of Peace, to-day. Within our hearts ascend Thy throne And ever there hold sway. By Word and Sacrament refresh Thy Christians, hear each prayer. And guard from Satan, world, and flesh Our souls with tender care. Fulfill Thy promises anew: — Our numerous sins efface. With living faith our hearts imbue, And give us grace for grace. Increase in us the flame of love Our joy and hope renew In these last days so perilous When storms around us brew. 32 And, lastly, — make us steadfast, Lord, That when Thou wilt return With rich, unmerited reward Our lamps may brightly burn. THE SWEETEST STORY EVER TOLD (Christmas) The sweetest story ever told Is that of Christ, our Lord, Who came to Bethlehem of old Great help us to afford. Our human brother He became. And JESUS is His gracious name. The sweetest story ever told Is that of Christ, our King, Of whom the shepherds by their fold Heard angel voices sing, "Glory to God, good will to men, And peace shall reign on earth again!" The sweetest story ever told Is that of God's own Child, Who myrrh and frankincense and gold Received from sages mild That from the Orient afar Had traveled, guided by a star. The sweetest story ever told Is that of Jesse's Rod, Who, as the prophets had foretold, Appeased the wrath of God, And, dying for us on the cross. Made restitution for our loss. 33 The sweetest story ever told Should be retold anew Wherever sorrows manifold The hearts of men pursue ; For all that trust this Child rejoice: God's grace is ours and paradise. The sweetest story ever told Will be the glorious theme That will resound a thousandfold Before the Throne Supreme, Where saints with angels evermore Our blessed Saviour will adore. FROM JESSE'S GENERATION (A translation of Es ist ein Rets entsprungen) From Jesse's generation A tender Stem arose, The hope of Judah's nation, And bore a lovely Rose. This Plant so long foretold Sprang forth amid night's shadows In winter bleak and cold. This Plant of which Esaias Did speak in days of yore Was Jesus, whom the pious, Pure Virgin Mary bore At night, in poverty. According to God's gracious Foreknowledge and decree. 34 This lovely Rose, and fragrant, Dispels the gloomy night Of our transgressions flagrant, And gives us heavenly light. O God-man good and kind, Rescue from sin and sorrow And death in Thee we find. I FEEL LIKE CRYING FOR JOY I feel like crying for joy. When the Christmas-gospel I hear; God's Son became our ally Against the foes that we fear, — O message of love and cheer! The Helper who reconciles The world with His Father is born; In the manger He lies and smiles; O friends, be no longer forlorn. With faith your hearts adorn. The angels in pious mirth Sing glory to God in the air. They herald peace on earth And good will everywhere; O world, forget thy care ! ANOTHER YEAR OF GRACE Another year! God's wondrous love Is ever, ever new; His precious bounties from above Flow on, for He is true. 35 The records of our bygone sins Sink in oblivion's sea; Another year of grace begins, Free grace for you and me. Another year ! The Lord be blessed ! He leads, and we march on, Until we reach th' eternal rest Where time and sin are gone. IN OUR SAVIOUR'S NAME In our Saviour's name We begin the year; He remains the same, Fellow-Christians dear. On His love and power Let us, then, rely Every day and hour As the years go by. True, we do not know What the year may bring, Happiness or woe; Therefore let us cling To our Lord in prayer, Who is always nigh With His watchful care As the years go by. In the future, too. As our Strength and Light He will help us do What is good and right, 36 Pardoning our faults, Foiling from on high Satan's fierce assaults As the years go by. And our hope is this, That when life is past, Everlasting bliss Will be ours at last. When we die, we go To the Lord, our Joy. Oh ! this cheers us so As the years go by. Welcome, then, new year! Whatsoe'er betides, Christ, our Shepherd dear, With His fold abides. On His grace and power Let us still rely Every day and hour As the years go by. THE NEW YEAR Where'er we are in this new year, God and His grace are with us. The Holy Ghost and Jesus dear At every place are with us. Of dangers dark we're not afraid, For angels bright are with us. Celestial hosts with mighty aid By day and night are with us. 37 Our sins condemn us nevermore, The words of life are with us. The truths that stand forevermore, Despite all strife are with us. Thanks be to God! Joy, peace, and hope Of heaven's sweet May are with us. We know our path, we need not grope, The rays of day are with us. NEW YEAR'S REFLECTIONS ^'Let us, then, be up and doing" — Longfellow Christ has led us very kindly During all the bygone days, Though we sinned against Him blindly In so many ways. He has pardoned our transgressions, And has claimed us as His own, Making for us intercession At His Father's throne. And with many a lovely treasure Daily He delighted us, Granting us of gifts a measure Rich and bounteous. When life's grievous imperfection Deeply pained and saddened us, His free grace and warm affection Greatly gladdened us. 38 With His help He will provide us Also on each coming day; With His mercy He will guide us In the narrow way. All the tasks that He imposes He will help us to pursue ; We shall love the Law of Moses In this new year, too. These reflections tend to make us Full of gratitude and cheer, For our Lord will not forsake us; Wherefore should we fear? "Let us, then, be up and doing" Ere our fleeting life is gone, Our endeavors still renewing; — JESUS leads us on! ALONE BY FAITH (Good Friday) Why hast Thou lain upon Thy countenance, Lord, in Gethsemane? Why hast Thou vehemently fought with death, Exceeding sorrowful? Why has Thy agony been so great that drops Of blood fell from Thy forehead? Why hast Thou suffered that ungodly crew To lay their hands on Thee? Why hast Thou suffered them to vex Thy soul With cruel mockery? Why hast Thou, Lamb, allowed Thy foes t' adjudge 39 Thee as a base blasphemer? Why hast Thou suffered to be spitted on, Although Thou wast almighty, And to be scourged and crowned with thorns,— man Of abject misery? — Why hast Thou stood before the furious people Who clamored for Thy death, And why hast Thou allowed that unjust judge His verdict to pronounce? Why hast Thou borne the heavy tree of shame Upon Thy holy shoulder? Why hast Thou willingly, without complaint. Stretched out Thy hands and feet? Why hast Thou tasted all the pangs of hell Unto the bitter dregs, When Thou, enshrouded in the blackest night, Forsaken wast by God ? — Why hast Thou bowed Thy weary head and died. Between two malefactors. While in God's house the veil was rent in twain ?- tell me. Lord, why? — why? — ''Because of thy salvation, sinful man. — 1 have performed the work; Accept this offering of free grace and love By faith, alone by faith!" 40 THE EASTER MESSAGE The rosy dawn proclaims the coming day ; Behold three pious women on their way. They hasten to anoint Christ crucified, Their blessed Master, who, alas! has died. One thought disturbs them ere they reach His grave, "Who will remove the stone before the cave?" But, lo! as they approached the place, they saw The open sepulcher with fear and awe. For in it sat an angel clothed in white, Who said : *'0 women, be not filled with fright ! "Jesus of Nazareth who lay here dead Is risen. Go, these joyful tidings spread." O glorious Easter message full of balm For sinful hearts, thou bring'st us heavenly calm. Now we are sure that faith is not a dream, For He that rose must be the Lord Supreme. Then, too, Christ's resurrection makes it clear That all His words are truthful and sincere. And that the world is truly reconciled To God, who raised our Substitute, His Child; And, lastly, that — O joy! — on Judgment Day We also shall arise and live for aye. Hence let us keep this feast aright forsooth With the unleavened bread of unfeigned truth. 41 SWEET EASTER BELLS Sweet Easter bells, Your ringing tells Of exultation, Of free salvation For every nation, And life and immortality. Ye bells proclaim Our Saviour's fame — The end victorious Of His most glorious And meritorious Self-sacrifice on Calvary. The Christ arose From pain and woes; He ends our misery, He cures our malady, Our sad fatality, And blesses us eternally. Ye bells proclaim That in the name Of Christ, the Crucified, Who for us bled and died, The world is justified And cleansed from all iniquity. Sweet Easter bells. Your ringing tells Of exultation. Of free salvation For every nation. And life and immortality. 42 THE LORD IS RISEN On Easter Day the Prince of Life, The Victor in the deadly strife, Our Lord, who died on Calvary, Rose from His grave triumphantly. Hallelujah! The human race in bondage lay, But Jesus took its sin away, Led captive our captivity, O'ercame our foes, and set us free. Hallelujah! The Lord is risen, and was seen By weeping Mary Magdalene, By His disciples, one and all, And others, finally by Paul. Hallelujah! He that is risen from the dead Now lives forever as our Head, Nor will His members ever die ; This message fills our hearts with joy. Hallelujah! The Lord is risen that we all By faith might rise from Adam's fall, And henceforth to our Saviour cling, Until in heaven we shall sing: Hallelujah! 43 WHEN EASTER DAWNS When Easter dawns, And snow-white lilies bloom, We stand in triumph at the empty tomb. From which the Victor over death arose, And every heart is filled with sweet repose When Easter dawns. When Easter dawns. We are assured anew That Jesus is the Christ, our Helper true, And that His Father is our Father too. Hence, let the Church its hymns of joy renew When Easter dawns. When Easter dawns, And spring awakes from sleep, We do not, hopeless, stand at graves and weep For Christ brought immortality to light. Then let us praise the Saviour, our Delight, When Easter dawns. EASTER Jesus Christ was declared to be the Son of God with power . . .by the resurrection from the dead. Rom. i, 4. Christ was declared with power God's Son on Easter Day, Our mighty Shield and Tower, Our only Strength and Stay, — 44 The Helper sent from heaven, Whom we can trust indeed, The Lamb for sinners given, The Friend in sorest need. He was declared with power The Life, the Truth, the Way To heav'n's unfading bower. — O blessed Easter Day! CHRIST RETURNED TO HEAVEN ON HIGH Christ returned to heaven on high On Ascension Day That we, too, with heartfelt joy There might wend our way. May we ever set our heart On the things above. Ever choose the needful part Of His tender love. May we walk as heaven's heirs Ever here below; May earth's fleeting joys and cares Not engross us so. May we confidently pray To the Son of God As we tread this earthly way Which He, too, has trod. 45 May we use His means of grace Conscientiously, Till we shall behold His face In eternity. PENTECOSTAL PRAYER O Holy Ghost, Who wast poured out On Whitsunday With fiery tongues On Christ's Apostles, And rearest up The Church's temple Even to-day Of living stones; — Thy power display! O Holy Ghost, Thou Oil of Gladness, Descend from heaven And fill our hearts Despite our sins With faith and love. With life and truth, That we may be Vessels of grace Prepared by Thee. O Holy Ghost, Spirit of Truth, Enlighten us, Remind us of The Saviour's words, Expound to us The mysteries 46 Of godliness, Direct our steps — Uphold and bless! O Holy Ghost, Thou Comforter, Stand by us in The thick of fight, Help us to pray. Teach us to brave Life's somber storms And perilous. And reach th' abode Prepared for us! TRINITY SUNDAY The Father sent His Son from heaven's throne. To save the fallen was our Lord's endeavor; O let us praise such love to sinners shown, And glorify the Triune God forever! The Saviour freed us from our dreadful plight, And will He ever leave us? Never, never! It it our duty, then, and sacred right To glorify the Triune God forever. The Spirit makes us firm in faith and love, Christ and His Church no enemy can sever. In safety we shall reach our home above, And glorify the Triune God forever. 47 OUR ASSURANCE {Reformation festival) The Church will never fall, Nor be reduced to thrall; Our Lord Himself protects His fold, And leads it on to joys untold. The Church will never fall. For God's great Gospel call: "Repent, and trust in Christ alone," Still lives and sounds from zone to zone. The Church will never fall; We need not fear at all ; "God's Word and Luther's doctrine pure Will to eternity endure." LUTHER EMERGED VICTORIOUSLY Luther emerged victoriously From his heroic fight Against the emperor and the pope. Yea, Satan's guile and might. The unadulterated Truth He pointed out to men; The Word that saves immortal souls He brought to light again. As Luther battled valiantly, So we must fight and win The victory o'er unbelief, O'er heresy and sin. 48 For many cast their pearl away, And cling to gilded dross; They are ashamed of Jesus Christ, They stumble at His cross. Oh, let us, then, hold fast our crown, God's pure and precious Word, Till we shall magnify above The mercy of our Lord. THE CHURCH'S REFORMATION The Christian Church was not indeed Reformed by Luther's power; But God Himself performed this deed At His appointed hour. He sent His servant, who exposed The Antichrist's deceit. Proclaimed good tidings, and disclosed The "Lamp unto our feet." Oh, therefore let us celebrate The Jubilee* aright And to our God rededicate Our hearts each day and night. FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AGO A bold monk nailed a message With the Spirit of God aglow To the door of Wittenberg's castle church Four hundred years ago. *The four hundredth anniversary of the Reforma- tion. 49 The blows of his hammer sounded A fearless note indeed ; The Reformation of the Church Was begun by his manly deed. And lo! the precious Gospel Of Christ sent forth its rays, Arousing the world to a new springtime Of Pentecostal days. And the Roman pontiff trembled, For his wickedness was revealed By the Spirit of God ; but the monk was calm God's Word his sword and shield. He opened the Holy Scripture For the people, and broke their bands, /\nd God was served aright again With heart and mouth and hands. Let us thank our God for His own deed Four hundred years ago, And carefully guard our inheritance That frees our souls from woe. But let us also be eager To spread this Message of grace; For only the old, old Gospel truth Can save the human race. 50 THE TIME IS DRAWING NIGH (Twenty-sixth Sunday after Trinity) The time is drawing nigh When we shall see our Lord, Descending to us from on high, According to His Word. Before His awful throne All men of every land, Of every clime and every zone Will congregated stand. The Saviour will divide The godless from His sheep, Who in His grace alone confide, And His commandments keep. And then He will invite His flock to dwell with Him In heay'n, the home of pure delight, And join the angels' hymn. But woe unto the band Of sinners on His left! They'll go to the accursed land, Of joy and hope bereft. Beloved Saviour, hear! Preserve us in Thy grace. That, when Thou shalt as Judge appear, We may not dread Thy face. 51 THANKSGIVING DAY Father, for our clothes and food, For Thy tender, loving care, Rain and sunshine, light and air, We give thanks, for Thou art good. Saviour, for Thy Holy Word, For Thy grace, unique, benign. And Thy Sacraments divine We give thanks with one accord. Holy Spirit, who hast wrought Faith within us, praise to Thee! — Joyfully and gratefully We adore Thee, Triune God! 52 FAITH AND ITS FRUITS THE FOLLY OF ATHEISM An atheist who came to Kircher, the astronomer, With whom he was acquainted, saw a newly pur- chased globe Of splendid execution in the scholar's room, and asked, ''Who made this work? Whence came it?" Quietly the owner said, "It came from no place; no one made it; of its own accord It must have placed itself here in my room for handy use." Excitedly the infidel exclaimed, "Why do you not Insult me in some other way than by such foolish talk?" But Kircher with great emphasis replied, "True, foolish talk You justly call it to assert that this my globe, which is Only a little and imperfect picture of the world. Came into being by mere chance ; but is it not indeed A greater folly to believe that no one made and rules The universe?" — The fool says in his heart. There is no God. 55 WE SHALL UNDERSTAND Now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known. I Cor. 13, 12. Many a doctrine, Christians dear, To our reason seems not clear, This does not perplex us though, Nor our faith o'erthrow. For these glorious teachings far, Far above our reason are; We must own that we but know Little here below. Can we fathom depths unknown, Measure the eternal throne. Or behold our God on high With our mortal eye? What we cannot comprehend We believe, and in the end When we'll be in heaven's land. We shall understand. THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH The pious father Abraham To Canaan out of Haran came. A man of faith was he indeed And proved it by a marv'llous deed : His only son he almost killed And thus Jehovah's will fulfilled ; His sins God freely did forgive, For ''by his faith the just shall live." 56 St. Paul dwells very frequently And likewise very earnestly On this great theme and makes it plain That human works are quite in vain, If they are done God's wrath t' appease And so man's guilty heart to ease, And that this truth alone can give True peace: by faith the just shall live. Under the bushel lay this truth. When Luther, Christian hearts to soothe, Again this sweet old Word proclaimed ; O let us never be ashamed Of it, but openly confess: Christ Jesus is our Righteousness; By grace He doth our sins forgive. O joy: by faith the just shall live! THE FIRST PSALM The man that keepeth not With sinners company Nor with the vile doth plot And scornful men doth flee Shall ever blessed be. God's Law with great delight He studies through the day, Bethinks in stilly night. And has in mind alway, — That man is blest, I say. 57 For he is like a tree, Which by a river-side Bears fruitage seasonably; His foliage will abide And ever shade provide. Success his every plan Attends; — but sinners are Like chaff, which by the fan Is blown, and driven far; Their sins their fortune mar. In judgment they'll not stand Nor in the midst of those That keep the Lord's commands; The just man's way God knows, To ruin the sinner goes. THE FRUIT OF FAITH To serve our Saviour is so sweet ; This world He entered from above, And saved us. Therefore it is meet To prove our faith by love. Oh, let us preach the tidings glad, Point sinners to the home above. Whose hearts are weary, troubled, sad, And prove our faith by love. Before we shall be filled with bliss In yonder glorious world above, We should proclaim Christ's grace in this And prove our faith by love. 58 THRICE HAPPY HEARTS True faith lays hold on grace divine, And makes us branches of the Vine. Hope cheers our spirits in dismay, And points to heaven's blissful day. Love longs to serve our Father dear, And helps the needy neighbor here. Thrice happy hearts which from above These gifts receive: faith, hope, and love. BECAUSE THE WORLD IS MONEY-MAD Because the world is money-mad. It is so sad ; It is without the Christian's joy, The peace of God on high. Because the world loves sin and vice. It scorns the price That Christ has paid for Adam's race. And spurns His saving grace. But we who are the Lord's rejoice ; His gracious voice. His Gospel, cheers us every day, And guides us on our way. How soon life's journey will be o'er. And heaven's door Will swing wide open to receive All pilgrims that believe. 59 Hence we are thankful, triumph, sing, And praise our King, And seek to serve the Lord who bled And battled in our stead. Oh, world, wilt thou be sad for aye? Repent to-day, Accept the Gospel, and enjoy The peace of God on high. THE CHRISTIAN LIFE (After the German of Ph. S pitta) There is no greater beauty, No bliss with less annoy. Than doing all our duty With simple, heartfelt joy. In our dear Lord's communion We lead a peaceful life. Our faith beholds this union Amidst all storm and strife. - And though no words are spoken, We seek His face in prayer. Such blessed hours betoken Our Saviour's love and care. LESSONS FOR CHILDREN Little boys and girls should be Busy like the ant and bee. Like the song-birds they should sing. Praising Christ, their Lord and King. 60 Like unto the lily fair They should bow their heads in prayer. Happy faces they should show Like the stars that twinkle so. And as plants of God above They should grow in faith and love. LET US BE TRUE CHRISTIANS! Let us trust in our dear Master, Who has saved us from disaster. Let us love Him and adore Him, Praying fervently before Him. Let us preach to every nation His most gracious invitation. Let us carry on His labors, Rescuing our poor lost neighbors. Let us cling to Him who won us Until heaven dawns upon us. MISSIONARY HYMN "Go forth in all the world," our Master said To His disciples, "and my Gospel spread." O let us follow this divine decree, And sound the message sweet o'er land and sea! 6i Our hearts should pray for those that stray like sheep Without a shepherd near the yawning deep. Our hands should willingly and freely give, That dying souls may be revived and live. Lord, pour on us Thy Spirit's quickening dew, And make us missionaries live and true. ALSO FOR THEM So many unbelievers And heathen go astray In spiritual helplessness, In sorrow and dismay. The promise of the Gospel Is also meant for thrm; The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, Was also shed for them. Oh, let us, then, have pity On them in their distress. And lead them from those barren wilds To faith and happiness. "REJOICE EVERMORE" I Thess. 5, 1 6 We sometimes blunder so, Poor mortals that we be. That things are often here below Replete with misery. 62 But Christ our griefs allays With mercies numberless; Then let us magnify His praise By constant happiness. AGAIN THE NIGHT HAS ENDED Aginn the night has ended, Again I leave my bed ; My God, Thou hast defended Thy child from harm and dread. And now there is before me My work, the day's demand ; Dear Father, I implore Thee, Lend me a helping hand! EACH DAY A little while each day I love to steal away To poetry; It sheds its blessed ray On me and makes me gay, Just like a child in May, Prom sorrow free. A little while each day I love to sing a lay Of Jiature sweet, Of work and happy play, Of flower and shady way, Of fruit on golden tray. And many a treat. 63 A little while each day I love to kneel and pray- To God on high. Though man is only clay The Lord says never nay, He helps without delay; To Him I fly. THE LORD'S PRAYER Our Father in heaven, we pray to Thee, Who sittest in eternity On Thy great white throne of infinite fame, O grant us Thy Spirit to hallow Thy name By holy doctrine and godliness Amidst the strife and artfulness Of the wicked world which is ever erecting A tower of Babel, Thy grace rejecting. — Increase on earth Thy Kingdom of grace, Let Thy Word run swiftly from place to place To the distant heathen that droop and pine; Lord, let Thy countenance on them shine And hasten the coming of Eden's cheer. — Grant that we may not only hear Thy Word but also do Thy will; With daily bread Thy children fill. Forgive our transgressions, — so will we Forgive our debtors heartily. — When the temptations of life surround us And Satan, world, and flesh would confound us. Bruise the old serpent under our feet With its allies, and after the heat And toil of the day, when we long for rest. Take us to heaven, the home of the blest, Where neither sin is found nor ill. 64 O faithful God, our prayer fulfill; For Thine is the Kingdom, great King of kings, Who rulest with wisdom and kindness all things, And Thine is the power and the praise. — To all eternity, Ancient of days, Thou shalt be glorified by us ; Amen, yea, yea, it shall be thus! BEFORE THEY CALL, I WILL ANSWER Is. 65, 24 Along the wire with lightning's speed The message flies in hour of need. But faster wings the prayer its flight Which flees to God from sorrow's night. And even ere that ardent sigh Has left the heart the help is nigh. GOD'S GREAT ETERNITY Music, poetry, and art Beautify my way. But pure rapture fills my heart When to God I pray. Radiance from paradise Draws my thoughts above ; Solemnly my words arise To the throne of Love. From life's storms so cold and bleak I repair to grace. In the name of Christ I seek My Creator's face. 65 From the mansions of the blest Kind Jehovah hears; To His arms I fly — and rest, Free from doubts and fears. Earthly mists depart from me, And I breathe the air Of God's great eternity In the hour of prayer. MY PRAYER Son of God, Thy face I seek. Make me patient, mild, and meek, Willingly the evil bearing. And Thy holy name declaring. Gracious Saviour, hear my prayer! Son of God, Thy face I seek. Nearer to the mountain-peak Of true holiness direct me; Jesus, more and more perfect me, Guiding me with watchful care. Son of God, Thy face I seek. When this mortal life seems bleak. Let Thy mercy shine around me; Lead me on, for Thou hast found me Be Thou with me everywhere. Son of God, Thy face I seek. I am full of sin, and weak. Ever teach me Thy love's story, And receive me in Thy glory; Heavenly joy will greet me there. 66 BELIEVE IN GOD! Believe in God, For He is ever thine; However dark the path which thou hast trod, There is no reason why thy heart should pine And with deep gloom anticipate the morrow, Thou mak'st thy load but heavier by such sorrow ; Rely on Him who is forever near thee; He knows a thousand ways to help and cheer thee For Jesus' sake thou art His child and heir; Abandon torturing doubts and anxious care' And seek in daily earnest prayer His face, Enduring willingly His chastening rod. For thou wilt yet behold and taste His erace- Believe in God ! Believe in God And listen to His voice, His promise is no empty, withered pod. But thou wilt taste its kernel and rejoice ; Be still; His hour will come; perhaps to-morrow Or e en to-day His hand may turn thy sorrow; Rely on Him who is forever near thee; He knows a thousand ways to help and cheer thee; Cry in our Saviour's name and persevere; Thy heavenly Father counts thy every tear' And sigh, with great compassion. Christ will guide And guard thee ever with His "beautious rod"* And lead to heaven thee at eventide ; Believe in God ! *Zech. ID, 7. 67 OUR TREASURES When tears of pain drop from our eyes, It is so helpful, good, and wise To view our treasures which we prize: Our Saviour's grace, our Father's love. The presence of the Holy Dove, And our inheritance above. How fleeting is our earthly woe! We're only wanderers here below. To our beloved home we go. GOD'S GRACE O God, how great and glorious is Thy grace Which Thou bestow'st on Adam's fallen race! Great joy transports me, as the time goes by. Because Thy Judgment Day is drawing nigh. From that day forth our earthly pain will cease, But perfect bliss will reign and heavenly peace. For when we shall have entered Thy abode, Our life will be an everlasting ode. 68 NATURE AND OTHER SUBJECTS SPRING IS NEAR Winter, thy breath is cold And pierces like a spear Thrown by a robber bold Or cruel buccaneer — But happy spring is near. The trees look bare and brown, The fields forlorn and sear, All nature wears a frown. And yet I'm of good cheer, For gentle spring is near. True faith lifts up our hearts Into a higher sphere. And when earth's sorrow smarts, Hope takes away our fear. For heaven's sw^eet spring is near. SNOWFLAKES AND ROSES The snowflakes are in winter-time What roses are in spring, As messengers, God's messengers, Their lovely songs they sing. The snow proclaims His purity. The roses red. His love. O messengers, God's messengers. Direct our thoughts above! 71 A SPRING DAY Let him who will, be worried, But, friends, let us be gay. Let grief and fear be buried — The sky's so blue to-day! Why not enjoy the weather And drive dull care away? Let's just be glad together — The suns so bright to-day! THE GLORIES OF SPRING O the colors of the world Are so fair, When its banners are unfurled Everywhere. O these early days of spring Are so bright, That they make a person sing With delight. IN SPRINGTIME Hear my little ditty: — - My delight is great; Nature looks so pretty In her robe of state. At this festal season I proclaim her fame; And this is my reason: She's a sunny dame. 72 so IS A GREAT IDEA The sun with royal splendor Transforms the sea and land And makes a laughing picture E'en of the desert sand. So is a great idea; — Pervading us, it throws Poetic charm and radiance On ordinary prose. RETURNING FROM A WALK Returning from a walk In good old summertime, I had a pleasant talk And then I penned this rime. The sunshine, land, and air, The hue of woods and sky Had freed my heart from care And filled my soul with joy. GOD'S GOODNESS We justly call thee queen. Sweet rose; how fair thou art! Our God prepared thy fragrant sheen With truly wondrous art. Dear birds, in forest bowers You chirp your glad refrain; Your Maker gave you songs and flowers And built your green domain. 73 You fish in waters blue, You beasts upon the land, The Lord our God created you, Sustains you with His hand. And so He cares for us, His sons and daughters, too. With goodness free, magnanimous. And ever, ever new. THE RAIN POURED DOWN ABUNDANT- LY The rain poured down abundantly Upon the thirsty soil. Supplying our necessity And blessing human toil. Our God be praised ! The drought is gone. Rejoice, O world of men. The field that languished, bush, and lawn Appear refreshed again. And now the sun with smiling rays The earth, our mother, woos. And nature as in vernal days Displays its brightest hues. Behold the rainbow in the sky, More beautiful than gold ; The Lord who hears our every sigh Is faithful as of old. 74 WITH MY WIFE AND CHILD When my work was done to-day, Evening breezes mild Wafted peace and joy to me, For I sat beneath a tree With my wife and child. Care and din had fled away, Turbulent and wild. And my heart was light and free As I chatted merrily With my wife and child. Pleasant talk and laughter gay Hour by hour beguiled ; Fond affection on me beamed. And the sweetest dreams I dreamed With my wife and child. O how kind is God alway. Who in mercy mild Thus befriends and blesses me; May His blessings also be With my wife and child! 75 HOME-KEEPING HEARTS ARE HAPPIEST The autumn leaves have fallen weeks ago, The wind is prowling like a hungry wolf, Cold winter sways his scepter out-of-door, Now is the time of joy and rest within. How calmly every day is gliding by ; This afternoon seems like a happy dream, My wife is making little Christmas gifts, Our boy is playing with his colored toys, And I am studying an Advent text; Tranquillity pervades our thoughts and hearts, O quiet home life full of poetry. TO-DAY I VISITED MY FRIEND To-day I visited my friend. We understand each other, Our souls harmoniously blend, I love him like a brother. I talked till late at night with him. And all my joy and sorrow I freely did confide to him. Relief from him to borrow. He too poured out his heart to me. And so our conversation Became a mutual ministry Of precious consolation. 76 ONE MAN IS VERY RICH One man is very rich, but also very sad ; Another's purse is light, and yet his heart is glad. The one on horseback rides, the other on Shank's mare ; Is this a great mistake upon the earth so fair? Oh no! — How much you have, my friend, is all the same ; But how to use it right should be your earnest aim. THE BLESSINGS OF LABOR After laboring strenuously You will relish life Calmness and ability Follow toil and strife. War on indolence declare, Worthy tasks pursue; Then will blessings choice and rare Still descend on you. LINES CONCERNING A WORK TO BE PERFORMED Saviour, for this deed Thy advice I need. Anxious nervousness Causes but distress. Real health impart To my inmost heart. 77 Trust in God provide; — Foresight be my guide. Teach me industry, Grant ability. Like a pioneer Let me persevere. My endeavors bless, Crown my eagerness! TO-DAY WE MET IN CONFERENCE To-day we met in conference. It was a treat for me ; I did not feel the slightest Displeasure or ennui. Discussions proved instructive, A help in time of need ; The brethren's chat was also Enjoyable indeed. A PRAYER FOR PEACE {Written i?i 191 5) O Lord of Hosts, who makest wars to cease, Have mercy on the world, restore its peace! O Thou that visitest with punishment The evil-doers that they might repent, And raisest them again, if they deplore Their fall, have faith, and henceforth sin no more, 78 Incline the rulers' hearts to peace! Extend Thy helping hand again. The conflict end, And with it devastation, loss of life. And all the horrors of this awful strife! Especially our country dear preserve. And do not deal with us as we deserve. As heretofore, bless us continually With peace and undisturbed prosperity. O God and Father, grant our prayer in grace, For in the name of Christ we seek Thy face. PEACE Yesterday I was depressed, But to-day I'm glad again. For we earthborn people are To continual change subjected, — And yet I carry Abiding peace. The sweet peace of JESUS, Within my heart; — And this is my motto: — To weep o'er my faults. To trust in Christ's grace, To live not unto self And sin, But to serve my God and my neighbor In love; To devote myself To art, in my sphere. And to limit my endeavor 79 To what God has given me As my talent, Utilizing it well ; Bringing forth fruit With patience, And waiting For eternal life. HOME Whether I work or whether I pray, When I am sad and when I am gay. Withersoever I roam, When I was young, when I shall be gray, Ever and ever I am on the way, I'm on the way to my home. Dear are the faces I love here on earth. Golden the hours of contentment and mirth Under the heavenly dome, But the most happy and glorious day Shines not on earth, for I am on the way, I'm on the way to my home. I'm on the way to God's garden of light. Where I shall pick thousand flowers of delight Not to be found on earth's loam ; Heaven's bliss and beauty will never decay, Never grow older; I am on the way, I'm on the way to my home. 80 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS .0 018 348 532 5