Class LA^^ Book H ^ A ^ '^17 IgjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiimiiM JllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllinillllllllllllliilllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIMMIIIilllllllllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^ - is educational Hmrbep of | | Jtearb Countp i = i = r (J BY M.fL. DUGGAN, Rural School Agent No. 17 UNDER DIRECTION OF THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION M. L. BRITTAIN STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 1917 = ftiuw iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiHiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiuiiiiiiii iiillllliiiliiililliilllir; ^ liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii illinium iiiiiiiiiiiniHiiuiiiiiiii i iihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii m iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iifi? Ponograph. GEORGIA. NOTE: An experience with county- wide local school tax is the most effective argument for it. Counties adjacent to local tax counties, seeing its benefits, most readily vote for it. See map. F. R G I k. /////// /COUHTY-WIDB LOCAL TAX COUNTY- WIDE LOCAL TAX. Bacon Ben Hill, Bibb, Bryan, Burke, Butts, Camden, Chatham, Coffee, Columbia, Crisp, DeKalb, Echols, Emanuel, Fulton, Glynn, Hancock, Henry, Houston, Irwin, Jasper, Jeff Davis, Jenkins, Jones, Lee, Mcintosh, Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Muscogee, Newton, Quitman, Rabun, Randolph, Richmond, Screven, Spalding, Tift, Terrell, Walton, Wayne — 41. Educational Survey of Heard County Georgia BY M. L. DUGGAN, Rural School Agent No. 17 Under the Direction of the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION M. L. BRITTAIN Superintendent of Schools 1917 HEARD COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS To the Citizens of Heard County: I respectfully submil to your careful consideration the following report upon the condition of your white public schools. The majority of them are entirely inadequate to the educational demands of your children. The titles to many of your school lots are doubtful. The sehool grounds at most of them are unimproved and utterly neglected. At some only one toilet is provided, at many the toilets are in bad con- dition, while at others there is no toilet to be found. None of the school houses fully meet the requirements of present day school architecture, nearly all are poorly planned, and some are in bad repair. Comparatively few of the buildings or grounds are "well kept," and so offer no attractions to pupils or passers-by. Many of the schools are uncomfortably seated, and at very few places are the seals properly adjusted to the sizes of the children. As a rule there is practically "no equipment" other than a very poor blackboard or a cheap map or two. The school year of only twenty weeks, especially when divided as it is into separate terms, is not long enough for the children to prop- erly cover the grades expected of them. It is not surprising, there- fore, to find a great lack of thoroughness in their education. The teachers are poorly paid, and therefore in a good many in- stances of inferior scholarship and without training. There are notable exceptions at a few schools, but the best are none too good for Heard county children. Every school in Heard county should be fully as good as the best school in Heard county. Except in a few instances the people of the county are not proud of their public schools, the teachers are not satisfied with their work, and the children are not afforded as good facilities for thorough education as they deserve or as the people are able to provide for them. HOPEFUL SIGNS. The superintendent is willing and anxious to give his whole time and best efforts in the interest of better schools ; the school officials seem to be ready for an advance movement if they could be assured of reasonable support by public sentiment ; it remains for the people, for the education of whose children these schools stand, to demand more adequate educational facilities for their children and support every effort looking to that end. THE NEW EDUCATION. The recent successful introduction of agricultural demonstration work into the county, and the prompt and hearty response on the part of most of the schools, should be an encouragement and assur- ance to all who want to see progress attempted along other lines. Mr. — . — . Jeter, the demonstration agent, deserves much credit for his energy in organizing boys' and girls' clubs, and the teachers and pupils at many of the schools are to be commended tor their co- operation. One school, as will be seen from this report, has ar- ranged to utilize practically all of its school grounds as a demon- stration farm under the supervision of the comity demonstrator. CO-OPERATIVE HELP. Community clubs are organizing or being considered at a few- places in the county, and they will help to create public sentiment lor and lead towards needed educational progress in many ways. Such organized activities should be encouraged and welcomed in every school community, and should enlist men, women, and chil- dren, and if volunteers are tardy in enlisting it might be well to apply the principle of "selective conscription." SOME RECOMMENDATIONS. To School Officials : A considerable increase in the maintenance of each school can be provided by decreasing the number of schools. A number of con- solidations can be effected without unreasonable inconvenience to any patrons. A compliance with the law which contemplates that the schools shall be at least four miles apart would reduce the num- ber by about half, which would practically double the present main- tenance fund for each. Note the location of the schools with refer- ence to each other. Also see map. An eight weeks term in mid-summer (July and August), amid the distractions of picnics, protracted meetings, etc., with the usual irregularities of attendance, is of little benefit to* the children. A continuous term during November, December, January, February and March usually gives better results than a divided term with eight weeks in mid-summer. To the Teachers: No teacher who fails to keep buildings and grounds in good con- dition ought to be retained. This should constitute an important part of the proper training and education of the children, and al- ways has a decided influence upon the community. The spirit that will create wholesome and attractive environment will by contagion affect the entire neighborhood, and deserved aid and co-operation will not be long withheld. interest is a condition to education. The successful teacher must create a condition of interest. To Patrons and Citizens: The State apportions $3.35 per child per year for the education of your children. This very small sum will not buy much education for your children. They deserve more. Five school Districts in Heard county supplements this by local tax levies for the benefit of their children. The balance of the county does nothing, except by tuition fees in a few places, which are always uncertain. A county- wide local school tax levy of four mills against the $1,629,553.00 worth of property in the county would yield an additional sum of $6,518.21, which added to the State school fund of $11,370.79 would give a total for the support of the public schools of $17,889.00. This would be an increase of about 60 per cent., and would immediately more than double the efficiency of the public school system of the county. M. L. DUGGAN, Rural School Agent for Georgia. "i '. "1 j% .», • afiiP i - ' ' riii«iiJM HEARD COUNTY COURT HOUSE. Built in 1894 at a Cost of $30,000.00. Note : Heard County Court House cost the taxpayers more than the combined value of all the school houses in the county to say nothing of the county jail. FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL. PROF. A. H. JOHNSON, Principal. MRS. A. H. JOHNSON, MISS EUNICE JOHNSON, Assistants. Located at the county seat ; high elevation ; grounds undergoing some improvements ; two toilets in fair condition. Building: Value about $1800.00; three class rooms and auditorium; lio cloak rooms ; small building for music room ; building fairly- well lighted; in bad repair. Equipment: Good single and double patent desks; poor black- boards; a few maps; no library. Needing better equipment. Organziation : Three teachers; 150 pupils; ten grades; nine months continuous school year; literary and social clubs; industrial clubs. WAYSIDE SCHOOL, MISS CORA HEARN, Teacher. Franklin, Ga. Location: Two and one-half miles South to Simpson school; two and one-half miles Northwest to Antioch school ; two and one- half miles Northeast to Central Hatchee. Grounds: Two acres, titles in trustees; fine, elevated location; grounds well cleaned off; ample playgrounds; only one toilet, in bad condition. Building 1 : Value $1,200.00; one room, size 32x46x12; well-lighted; no cloak rooms ; ceiled ; unpainted ; well kept. Equipment: Good home-made desks; first-class blackboards; sev- eral maps; no charts, globes, pictures, reference dictionary, li- brary, or other equipment. Organization : One teacher ; seven grades ; 49 pupils ; five months school year, divided into two terms; four members Bovs' Corn Club. CONCORD SCHOOL. MISS WINNIE DAVIS, Teacher. Franklin, Ga. ,vr j*H, |. -fvp |rt : |^i^y/A Location: Two and one-half miles Southeast to Camp Grounds school; three miles West to Texas school. Grounds: One acre, titles in trustees; grove, being cleaned up; ample playgrounds ; no toilets. Building: Value $400.00; one room; improperly lighted; no cloak rooms ; unpainted ;• badly kept. Equipment : Home-made desks and long benches ; very poor black- boards ; no maps ; no charts ; no globe ; no dictionary ; no pic- tures ; no library. Organization : One teacher ; seven grades ; 48 pupils ; five months school year, divided into two terms ; six members Boys ' Corn Club ; 2 members Canning club. PLEASANT HILL SCHOOL. E. G. FAVER, Teacher. Franklin, Ga., R. 1. Location: Four miles South to Enon's Grove school; one and three- quarter miles to Coweta county line. Grounds: Size and titles of school lot uncertain; situated in grove adjacent to church ; unimproved and neglected ; no toilets. Building": Value $400.00; one room; no cloak rooms; unpainted; improperly lighted ; clean. Equipment: Rough home-made desks; very poor blackboards; no maps, charts, globes, dictionary, library, or other equipment. Organization: One teacher; six grades; thirty-eight pupils; five months school year, divided into two terms. LIBERTY SCHOOL. MISS PEARL KERSEY, Teacher. Franklin, Ga., R. 5. Location: Three and one-half miles Northwest to Union school. Grounds: One and one-half acres; titles in trustees; entirely un- improved ; very small playgrounds ; only one toilet. Building 1 : Value $900.00; one room; no cloak rooms; well lighted; painted and in good order. Equipment: Single patent desks; first-class blackboards; organ; framed pictures ; no maps, charts, globe, library, or other equip- ment. Organization: One teacher; seven grades; forty-five pupils; six months school year, divided into two terms; an organized liter- ary society ; 4 members Corn Club ; 7 members Canning Club ; local tax of three mills. Amount $141.44. ST. CLOUD SCHOOL. MR. G. C. COOK, Teacher. Hogansville, Ga., R. 3. Location: Four miles Southwest to Pearidge school; very near the CoAveta county line. Grounds : Size and titles doubtful ; situated in a very tine oak grove ; grounds neglected ; no toilets. Building: Value $600.00; one room and veranda; no cloak rooms; improperly lighted; painted and good condition; not well kept. Equipment: Home-made desks; medium blackboards; a large flag; no maps, charts, globe, dictionary, library, or other equipment. Organization : One teacher ; seven grades ; thirty-eight pupils ; five months school year divided into two terms. CORINTH SCHOOL. MR. J. S. JACKSON, Principal. MISS IDA MAY CHRISTOPHER, Assistant. Hogansville, Ga., R. F. D. Location: Four miles West to Cooksville school; very near county line of Coweta and Troup. Grounds: Two acres, titles in trustees; ample playgrounds utilized and supervised ; lot well cleaned up ; two toilets in good con- dition. Building: Value $1,000.00; two class rooms; no cloak rooms; fairly well lighted; painted; well kept. Equipment: Single and double patent desks and teachers' desks; sufficient quantity blackboards of poor quality ; two maps, charts; globe; framed pictures; library of 60 volumes. Organization: Two teachers; eight grades; fifty-eight pupils ; six months school year, divided into two terms ; five members Corn Club. 10 HARMONY SCHOOL. MRS. ROSS COSBY, Teacher. Franklin, Ga. Location: Three miles North of Jacksonville. Grounds : Two acres ; titles doubtful ; lot entirely unimproved ; small playgrounds ; no toilets. Building 1 : Value $450.00; one room; no cloak rooms; unceiled; un- painted ; undergoing slight repairs. Equipment : Home-made desks ; poor blackboards ; one United States History map ; no charts, globe, library, dictionary, or other equipment. Organization: One teacher; six grades; forty-two pupils; five months school year, divided into two terms. LIBERTY HILL SCHOOL MISS INEZ RUTLAND, Teacher. LaGrange, Ga., R. 5. Location: Four miles West to Glenn School; five miles North to Liberty school ; near Troup county line. Grounds: Size and titles of lot doubtful; unimproved and neg- lected ; ample playgrounds ; one toilet. Building: Value $500.00 (?); an old two-story building, with un- used lodge room above ; one class room ; no cloak rooms ; insuffi- ciently lighted : unpainted. Equipment: Rough home-made desks; no blackboards; no maps, charts, globe, library, or other equipment. Exhibits of flags and hand work by the pupils. Organization: One teacher; eight grades; twenty-five pupils; five months school year, divided into two terms. 11 GLENN SCHOOL. MISS BIRDIE MAY FLEMISTER, Principal. MISS ROSA FINCHER, Assistant. Glenn, Ga. Location: Four miles East to Liberty Hill school; miles to Grounds: One acre lot, titles in trustees; unimproved; small play- grounds; only one toilet. Building: Value $1,500.00; three class rooms; no cloak rooms; im- properly lighted ; painted inside only ; not well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks and teachers' desks; fairly good blackboards; no maps, charts, globe, pictures, dictionary, li- brary or other equipment. Organization : Two teachers ; eight grades ; fifty pupils ; eight months school year, divided into two terms ; organized literary society; 5 members Corn Club; 11 members Canning Club. Local tax rate five mills. Amount $280.00. STATE LINE SCHOOL. MR. C. S. JACKSON, Teacher. Glenn, Ga., R. 2. MRS. C. S. JACKSON, Assistant. Glenn, Ga., R. 2. Location: Three miles South to Glenn school; two and one-half miles North to Oak Grove school. Grounds: One acre, titles in trustees; slightly improved; good playgrounds; well kept yards; no toilets. Building: Value $700.00; one class room; front veranda; no cloak rooms ; sufficiently, but improperly, lighted ; ceiled ; unpainted ; well kept and in good repair. Equipment: Single patent desks; poor blackboards; no maps, charts, globe, pictures, reference dictionary, library or other equipment. Organization: Two teachers, seven grades; fifty-seven pupils; six months school year, divided into two terms: (One month sup- ported bv tuition); debating club organized; eleven members Corn Club. 12 JACKSONVILLE SCHOOL. MRS. A. J. LANE, Teacher. Franklin, Ga. Location : Three miles South to Harmony school ; four miles North to Franklin. Grounds : Area and titles doubtful ; unimproved ; yards swept clean ; very small playgrounds ; no toilets. Building: Value $300.00; one room; no cloak rooms; insufficiently lighted ; unpainted ; clean. Equipment: Home-made desks; no blackboards; no maps, charts, pictures, dictionary, library, or other equipment. Organization: One teacher; seven grades; thirty-eight pupils; five months school vear, divided into two terms. MASON SCHOOL. MR. B. F. WEATHERS, Teacher. Franklin, Ga. Location: Immediately on the line between Georgia and Alabama; 3 miles North to Ridgeway school. Grounds : Area and titles doubtful ; situated in grove in the rear of a church ; small playgrounds ; one toilet. Building: Value $400.00; one room; no cloak rooms; improperly lighted; ceiled; unpainted, fairly well kept. Equipment: Home-made desks; poor blackboards; no maps, charts, globe, pictures, library or other equipment. Organization: One teacher; seven grades ; thirty-two pupils (mostly from Alabama) ; five months school year, divided into two terms. 13 OAK GROVE SCHOOL. MISS LUCILE WOODWARD, Principal. MISS CELESTIA WOODWARD, Assistant. Franklin, Ga., R. 4. A STANDARD SCHOOL. Location: Three miles East to Texas school; three miles Southeast to State Line school. Grounds: Area one acre, titles in trustees; grounds well improved, and well kept; playgrounds small, but improved; play super- vised ; school gardens ; two toilets in sanitary condition. Building: Value $1,500.00; two class rooms; cloak rooms; well lighted ; painted ; floors oiled ; well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks; first-class blackboards; several good maps ; two globes ; framed pictures ; reference dictionaries '> library of 300 volumes; organ; flag above building; display of native woods, etc. Organization: Two teachers; eight grades; 103 pupils; programs posted; seven months school year, divided into two terms; lit- erary clubs, sewing and cooking clubs; 6 members Corn Club; 4 members Canning Club. RIDGEWAY SCHOOL. j MR. A. T. ARRINGTON, Teacher. Frelona, Ga. Location: One and one-half miles Northwest to High Point; two miles North to Walnut Hill; two miles North to Frelona. Grounds: Four acres; titles probably in Methodist conference; large grove, unimproved ; small playgrounds ; no toilets. Building: Value $600.00; two rooms; insufficiently and improperly lighted ; no cloak rooms ; in bad repair ; badly kept ; unpainted. Equipment: Home-made desks; very poor blackboards; no maps; no charts; no globe; no pictures; no dictionary; no library. Organization: One teacher; seven grades; 56 pupils; five months school year, divided into two terms ; 6 members Boys Corn Club. 14 TEXAS SCHOOL. MISS MARTHA PITTMAN, Principal. MRS. W. B. ECTOR, Assistant. Texas, Ga. Location: Two and one-half miles East to Camp Grounds school; three miles West t oOak Grove school ; three and one-half miles Southeast to Union school. Grounds: Three acres, titles in trustees; unimproved, but well kept grounds ; ample playgrounds ; play supervised ; no gar- dens; only one toilet; average condition. Building 1 : Value $5,000.00; two story, frame; three class rooms, and auditorium ; well planned ; ivell lighted ; ceiled ; unpainted ; well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks and teachers' desks; first-class blackboards ;one State map; one chart; small globe; framed pictures; library of about 150 volumes in good case; large flag; reference dictionaries. Organization: Two teachers; seven grades; eighty-five pupils; pro- grams posted ; debating clubs ; five months school year, and sometimes a private term ; 4 members Corn Club. RED OAK SCHOOL. MISS CONNIE COMBS, Teacher. Frelona, Ga. MR. TALMAGE COMBS, Assistant. Frelona, Ga. Location: Two miles South to High Point; two miles East to Wal- nut Hill ; four miles North to Ephesus. Grounds: Area and titles doubtful; large grove; unimproved and neglected ; fairly good playgrounds ; no toilets. Building: Value $800.00; one large room, improperly lighted; no cloak rooms ; well kept ; ceiled ; unpainted. Equipment: Home-made desks; very poor blackboards; no maps; no charts ; no globe ; no pictures ; no dictionary ; no library. Organization: Two teachers, seven grades; 45 pupils; five months school vear, divided into two terms; 2 members Boys' Corn Club. 15 LOFTIN SCHOOL. MR. W. C. HILL, Teacher. Frelona, Ga. Location: Two miles South to Rockalo; two miles West to Ephesus ; two and one-half miles East to Friendship. Grounds: Area and titles doubtful; unimproved and neglected; ample playgrounds ; no toilets. Building : Value $400.00 ; one room ; fairly well lighted ; no cloak rooms ; fairly well kept ; ceiled ; unpainted. Equipment: Home-made desks; very poor blackboards; 1 United States History map; no charts; no globe; no pictures; no dic- tionary; no library. Organization: One teacher; seven grades; 33 pupils; five months school year, divided into two terms; 6 members Boys' Corn Club. EPHESUS SCHOOL. MR. J. L. COSPER, Teacher. Roopville, Ga., R. 2. MR. H. U. DENNEY, Assistant. Roopville, Ga., R. 2. Location: Two miles East to Loftin; three miles Southeast to Rock- alo ; four miles South to Red Oak. Grounds: Area and titles doubtful; adjacent to a church; yards in good condition; ample playgrounds; two toilets in fair condi- tion. Building: Value $800.00: one large room; insufficiently and im- properly lighted; no cloak rooms; building in bad repair; well kept ; ceiled ; unpainted. Equipment: Home-made desks; poor blackboards; no maps; no charts; no globe; no pictures; no reference dictionary; no library. Organization: Two teachers; seven grades; 89 pupils; five months school year, divided into two terms; 7 members Boys' Corn Club. h; HIGH POINT SCHOOL. MR. J. S. GORE, Teacher. Frelona, Ga. Location : One and one-half miles Southeast to Ridgeway ; two miles East to Frelona ; two miles North to Red Oak. Grounds: Two acres; titles in trustees; bare and unimproved; am- ple playgrounds ; one toilet only. Building: Value $700.00; one room, size 38x50x12; improperly lighted; no cloak rooms; building new and in good condition; badly planned; unpainted. Equipment: Long benches; no blackboards; no maps; no. charts; no globe; no pictures; no dictionary; no library. Organization : One teacher ; seven grades ; 5 pupils ; five months school vear, divided into two terms; 4 members Boys' Corn Club. FAIRVIEW SCHOOL. MR. J. W. BEDSOE, Teacher. Franklin, Ga., R. 6. Location: Two and one-halt* miles Southwest to Walnut Hill; three miles North to Rockalo ; three miles Southeast to Simpson; three miles Northeast to Antioch ; two and one-half miles South to Frelona. Grounds: Two acres; titles in trustees; grounds being improved for a farm demonstration ; ample playgrounds ; no toilets. Building: Value $450.00; one room, size 26x40x9: new building; no eloak rooms ; lighting medium ; not well kept ; ceiled ; unpainted. Equipment: Rough home-made desks; fairly good blackboards; no maps; no charts; no globe; no pictures; no dictionary; no li- brary. Organization: One teacher: seven grades; 54 pupils; five months school vear, divided into two terms; members Boys' Corn Club. * 17 WALNUT HILL SCHOOL. MISS CASSIE HAMRICK, Teacher. Frelona, Ga. Location: One mile South to Frelona; two miles West to Red Oak ; two miles Northeast to Fairview. Grounds : Half acre, titles in trustees ; grounds bare, but well sodded in grasses ; ample playgrounds ; only one toilet, in good condition. Building : Value $900.00 ; one room, size 30x48x9 ; lodge rooms over- head ; fairly well lighted ; no cloak rooms ; in good condition and well kept ; ceiled ; unpainted. Equipment: Single patent desks; poor blackboards; no maps; no charts ; no globe ; no framed pictures ; no reference dictionary ; no library. Organization : One teacher ; seven grades ; 28 pupils ; five months school year, divided into two terms; 4 members Bovs' Corn Club. MT. SALEM SCHOOL. MISS LOIS WHATLEY, Teacher. Franklin, Ga. Location: Two and one-half miles Northwest to Simpson; two and one-half miles North to Wayside ; four miles Southeast to Franklin. Grounds: Area ( ?) ; titles ( ?) ; located on hillside; yards well cleaned off ; small playgrounds ; no toilets. Building : Value $450.00 ; one room ; well lighted ; no cloak rooms ; ceiled ; unpainted ; well kept. Equipment: Home-made desks; very poor blackboards; no maps; no charts ; no globe ; no pictures : no dictionary ; no library. Organization: One teacher; six grades; 34 pupils; five months school year, divided into two terms; 2 members Boys' Corn Club; 1 member Girls' Canning Club. 18 GLENLOCH SCHOOL. MR. A. L. KOUGLAR, Principal. Roopville, Ga., R. 1. MISS ANNIE STEPHEN- SON, Roopville, Ga., R. 1. MISS WILLIE B. WORTHAM, Assistants. Roopville, Ga., R. 1. Location: Two miles Southwest to Bethel; three miles East 1o Riv- erside ; 3 miles South to Central Hatchee. Grounds: Three acres, titles in trustees; large grove in rear badly neglected ; ample playgrounds ; two toilets. Building: Value *2,000.00 ; two-story building; two class rooms, and auditorium used as class room; a good building badly planned ; improperly lighted ; no cloak rooms ; painted outside. Equipment: Home-made desks, one room seated with benches: very poor blackboards; no maps; one chart; one small globe; no pictures; no reference dictionary; no library. Organization: Three teachers; seven grades; 145 pupils; eight months school year, divided into two terms; an organized debat- ing society; sixteen members Boys' Corn Club; twelve members Girls' Canning Club. BETHEL SCHOOL. MR. J. P. JACKSON, Teacher. Roopville, Ga. Location: Two miles South to Central Hatchee; two miles North- east to Glenloch. Grounds: Area doubtful, titles probably in a church; large grove, neglected ; ample playgrounds ; no toilets. Building: Value ( ?) ; one very large room; no cloak rooms; im- properly lighted; badly kept; unpainted : Primitive Baptist church. Equipment: Long benches; very poor blackboards; 1 United States History map; no charts; no globe; no pictures; no dic- tionary; no library. Organization: One teacher; six grades; 32 pupils; five months school year, divided into two terms; 3 members Boys' Corn Club. 1!) SIMPSON SCHOOL. MISS ALBIA KELLY, Teacher. Franklin, Ga. Location : Grounds : Two acres, titles probably in local trustees ; elevated lo- cation ; grounds well cleaned up and being improved; ample playgrounds ; school gardens ; only one toilet, in good condition. Building: Value $800.00; two large rooms; insufficiently lighted; no cloak rooms; in good repair and well kept; ceiled; un- painted. Equipment: Good home-made desks; plenty of fairly good black- boards; two maps; no charts; no globe; no framed pictures; no reference dictionary; no library; a large flag; covered water coolers ; individual cups. Organization: One teacher (an assistant for part time paid by the principal); seven grades; 65 pupils; five months school year (two months tuition term); 7 members Boys' Corn Club; 5 members Girls' Canning Club. RIVERSIDE SCHOOL. MR. J. H. HUFF, Teacher. Roopville, Ga. Location: Two miles West to Central Hatchee ; three miles North- west to Glenloch. Grounds: Area and titles doubtful; lot and yards neglected; very small playgrounds ; one toilet in good condition. Building: Value $400.00; one room; no cloak rooms; insufficiently and improperly lighted ; unpainted ; badly kept. Equipment: Rough home-made desks; very poor blackboards; no maps; no charts; no globe; no pictures; no dictionary; no li- brary. Organization: One teacher; six grades; 44 pupils; five months school vear ; two members Bovs' Corn Club. 20 1 / PINE GROVE SCHOOL. MR. J. C. LEE, Teacher. Franklin, Ga. Location : Three miles Northwest to Central Hatchee ; three miles North to Riverside. Grounds : Area and titles doubtful ; fine oak grove unimproved ; ample playgrounds ; no toilets. Building 1 : Value .$300.00; one large room (built for a church) ; in-» sufficiently lighted; no cloak rooms; unglassed windows; un- ceiled ; unpainted ; not well kept. Equipment : Home-made desks ; very little blackboard of any kind ; no maps; no charts; no globe; no pictures; no dictionary; no library. Organization: One teacher; seven grades; 26 pupils ; five months school year, divided into two terms ; no clubs. CENTRAL HATCHEE SCHOOL. MR. JOSEPH BAGWELL, Principal. Roopville, Ga., R. 1. MISS WILMER HAMRICK, Assistant. Roopville, Ga., R. 3. Location: Two miles East to Riverside; two and one-quarter miles North to Bethel; two and one-half miles West to Wayside. Grounds: Large area, titles ( ?) ; very fine oak grove; unimproved; ample playgrounds ; two toilets. Building: Value $1,000.00; two class rooms insufficiently lighted; no cloak rooms; in good repair and well kept; additions being planned ; painted. Equipment: Single patent desks; very poor blackboards^ no maps; no charts ; no globes ; no framed pictures ; no reference diction- ary ; no library. Organization: Two teachers; seven grades; 113 pupils; five months school year (tuition for two months^ ; ten members Boys' Corn Club. 21 YELLOW DIRT SCHOOL. MISS DAISY JACKSON, Teacher. Franklin, Ga., R. 2. Location: Three miles "West to Glenloeh; three miles South to Riv- erside. Grounds: Area doubtful; titles in an adjoining Baptist church; lot unimproved ; playgrounds ample ; no toilets. Building : Value $450.00 ; one room ; improperly lighted ; no cloak rooms; ceiled ; in good repair and well kept. Equipment: Home-made desks; very poor blackboards; no maps; no charts ; no globe ; no dictionary ; no pictures ; no library. Organization: One teacher; eight grades; forty-nine pupils; five months school vear, divided into two terms ; 3 members Corn Club. ROCKALO SCHOOL. MR. C. A. LOFTIN, Teacher. Frelona, Ga. Location: Three miles East to Antioch ; three miles South to Fair- view ; three and one-half miles West to Red Oak. Grounds: Two acres, titles ( 1) ■ elevated location in fine grove; un- improved ; very small playgrounds ; two toilets in good condi- tion. Building: Value $400.00; one room, with front veranda; insuffi- ciently and improperly lighted ; no cloak rooms ; ceiled ; un- painted ; very badly kept. Equipment: Home-made desks; very poor blackboards; 1 United States History map; no charts; no globe; no dictionary; no pic- tures ; no library. Organization: One teacher; seven grades; fifty-seven pupils; five months school vear, divided into two terms; 3 members Corn Club. •79 FRIENDSHIP SCHOOL. MR. N. E. DENNEY, Teacher. Roopville, Ga. Location: Two and one-half miles South to Antioch; two and one- half miles West to Lofthi; three miles East to Welcome. Grounds: One acre, titles in trustees; bare and unimproved; small playgrounds ; one toilet in good condition. Building: Value $700.00; two-story, with Lodge rooms overhead; one class room ; no cloak rooms ; ceiled ; unpainted ; fairly well kept. Equipment: Home-made desks; poor blackboards; 1 United States History map; no charts; no globe; no pictures; no dictionary; no library. Organization: One teacher; seven grades; fifty pupils; five months school year, divided into two terms; five members Boys' Corn Club. UNION SCHOOL. MISS MARY COOK, Teacher. Franklin, Ga. Location: Three miles Southeast to Liberty school; 3 miles West To Texas; 2 miles North to Camp Grounds. Grounds : Area one acre ; titles in trustees ; lot unimproved ; play- grounds small; one toilet in good condition. Building: Value $600.00; one class room; improperly lighted; no cloak room ; ceiled ; painted ; fairly well kept. Equipment: Home-made desks; poor blackboards; 1 United States map; 1 Georgia map; no charts; no globes; no pictures; no dic- tionary ; no library. Organization: One teacher; seven grades; fifty-seven pupils; five months school year, divided into two terms; 7 members Boys' Corn Club; 4 members Girls' Canning Club. WELCOME SCHOOL. MR. HOMER LOFTIN, Teacher. Roopville, Ga., R. F. D. Location: Three miles West to Friendship school; three and one- half miles East to Central Hatchee ; three miles Southwest to Antioch. Grounds: Two acres; titles in trustees; hare and unimproved; ample playgrounds ; two toilets in good condition. Building: Value $750.00; one room, size 32x40x32; fairly well lighted; no cloak rooms; new building in good condition, but badly 1 planned ; badly kept; unpainted. Equipment: Home-made desks; poor blackboards; no maps; no charts ; no globe ; no dictionary ; no pictures ; no library. Organization: One teacher; seven grades; 72 pupils; five months school year; no clubs. ANTIOCH SCHOOL. MR. L. L. BLEDSOE, Teacher. Roopville, Ga., R. 3. A. L. WALLS, Assistant. Roopville, Ga., R. 1. Location: Two miles Northwest to Friendship; two and one-half miles Southeast to Wayside ; three miles Northeast to Welcome. Grounds: Two acres, titles in trustees; grounds in good condition, but unimproved ; ample play grounds ; two toilets in good con- dition. Building: Value $600.00; one room; size 30x46x10; insufficiently lighted ; no cloak rooms ; badly kept ; unpainted. Equipment: Rough home-made desks; poor blackboards; no maps; no charts; no globes; no pictures; no reference dictionary; no library. Organization: Two teachers; seven grades; 70 pupfrS; five months school year, divided into two terms; (?) members Boys' Corn Club; (°0 members Girls' Canning Club. 24 CAMP GROUNDS SCHOOL. MRS. W. P. BROWN, Teacher. Franklin, Ga. Location: One and one-half miles South to Union School; two miles Northwest to Concord school; three miles West to Texas school. Grounds: Area and titles doubtful; adjacent to a Camp Ground; hare and unimproved; small playgrounds; only one toilet, in medium condition. Building 1 : Value $4.">0.00; one room; insufficiently lighted; no cloak rooms; ceiled; unpainted. Equipment: Home-made desks; poor blackboards; no maps; no charts; no globe ; no dictionary; no pictures; no library. Organization: One teacher; seven grades; thirty-five pupils; five months school year, divided into two terms; 4 members Corn Club; 4 members ('aiming Club. FRELONA SCHOOL. MR. B. F. GORE, Teacher. Frelona, Ga. Location: One mile North to Walnut Hill school; one and three- fourths miles South to Ridgeway ; one and three-fourth miles West to High Point. Grounds: Two acres; titles in private party; hare and unimproved; ample playgrounds; only one toilet, in bad condition. Building: Value $600.00; one room, 36x48x14: no cloak rooms: well lighted; unceiled; unpainted; badly kept. Equipment: Home-made desks; poor blackboards; no maps; no charts; no globe; no pictures; no dictionary; no library. Organization: One teacher; five grades; 51 pupils; five months school year, divided into two terms; 5 members Corn Club. 25 COOKSVILLE SCHOOL. MR. OLIN OLIVER, Teacher. Cooksville, Ga. Grounds: Size of lot one acre; titles in trustees; situated in a nat- ural oak grove of many acres available for play grounds, etc. ; only one toilet ; condition bad. Building: Value $1,000.00; one class room; front veranda; no cloak rooms; fairly well lighted; painted. Equipment: Double patent desks; poor blackboards; two small maps ; organ ; no charts, globe, library, reference dictionary, or other equipment. Organization: One teacher; nine grades; 18 pupils; seven months school year, divided into two terms. Two months maintained by local tax, amount $305.50. Local tax rate 3^ mills ; 4 mem- bers Corn Club; 6 members Canning Club. ENON GROVE SCHOOL. MISS FLOSSIE MILLER, Principal. Franklin, Ga. MISS BLANCHE MILLER, Assistant. Franklin, Ga. Location: Four miles North to Pleasant Hill school ; four miles East to St. Cloud school. Grounds: Two acre lot, titles in trustees; yards well cleaned up, but lot otherwise unimproved ; well on lot in good condition ; no toilets; ample playgrounds across the public road from school lot should become the property of the school. Building: Value $800.00; one room, 30x40x10; no cloak rooms; well lighted ; ceiled ; but unpainted ; clean and well kept ; cov- ered water coolers and individual cups. Equipment: Good home-made desks and teachers' desks, first-class blackboards ; a large globe ■ a reference dictionary ; no maps, charts, pictures, or library. Organization: Two teachers eight grades; 66 pupils; six months school year, divided into two terms ; daily program posted j two literary societies organized ; 14 members Corn Club ; 13 mem- bers Canning Club; local tax rate 5 mills. Amount $174.56. 26 PEA RIDGE SCHOOL. MISS MINNIE MINICK, Teacher, Franklin, Ga. Location: Five miles distant from any other school. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles ( ?) ; fine grove unimproved; no toilet. Building : Value, $450.00 ; one class room ; no cloak rooms ; im- properly lighted; unceiled ; unpainted; well kept. Equipment : Good home-made desks ; very poor blackboards ; one small State map ; no charts, dictionary, library, or other equip- ment. Organization: One teacher; six grades; 39 pupils; five months school year, divided into two terms ; no clubs. 27 THE STANDARD COUNTY SCHOOL. Educational results and good teaching generally are not often secured in a shiftless-looking building in which neither patrons, pupils, nor teachers take any pride. Indefiniteness has been removed at this point through the standard school. In the larger towns and cities pressure of public senti- ment and the comment of visitors will sooner or later force good educational conditions — and they are improving constantly. Rural communities need to be shown and inspired by educational leaders and we have sent diplomas to more than two hundred county schools where the superintendents have certified to the fact that they have measured up to the standard in every particular. There are a number of localities in the State where the feeling is that no community in the county is able to bring its school up to these very reasonable requirements. I cannot help but think that this is a mis- taken view and that some standard schools could be secured in every county in Georgia and that these would serve to inspire the others to pro- gress. Superintendents have written that the use of this efficiency test has developed more progress in the past 12 months than for years previous in the way of improvement. The plan is of no value, however, where it is not used or applied and I earnestly hope we will have the effort at least of every superintendent in the State to have his county represented on this roll of honor. The list will be published in the next Annual Report. The standard is not unreasonably high and no more than the Georgia parent has the right to expect. Copies should be posted in every county school room in the State and can be secured for this purpose at any time on application to the State Department of Education. To be entitled to a diploma a school should measure up to the standard in the following particulars: The Teacher. 1. Good Teaching. 2. Good Order and Management. 3. First Grade Certificate. 4. Full, Neat, and Accurate School Register. 5. Daily Program Posted in Room. 6. Teacher's Manual on Desk. II. Grounds. 1. Good Condition. 2. Playgrounds. 3. School Garden. 4. Two Separate Sanitary Closets. III. Building. 1. Painted Outside. 2. Plastered, or Ceiled and Painted. 3. No Leaks. 4. Windows without Broken Panes. 5. Cloak Rooms. 6. Good Doors with Locks and Keys. 7. Clean and Well-kept. IV. Equipment. 1. Patent Modern Desks. 2. At least 20 Lineal feet of Black- board per Room. 3. Building Comfortably Heated and Ventilated. 4. Framed Pictures on the Wall. 5. Dictionary, Maps and Library. 6. Sanitary Water Supply. V. Associated Activities. 1. Manual Arts, Corn, Canning, Pig, Poultry, or Cooking Club. VI. Salary of Teacher. At least $40 per month. VII. Term. At least seven months. 28 PAT. JAN. 21. 1908