OFFICIAL IJO>rA1'ION. 710 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS, A. C. TRUE. Director. Ao/ DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT OF rOLLEIiES OF AdlilCllLTlIRE AND MECHANIC ARTS AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS, LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION, ST. LOUIS, MO., 1904. \V. H. BEAU OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING 1004. i oyy^icE. 'K? ^v GOVERNMENT BOARD OF THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION. J. H. Brigiia.m, Assisetant Secretary of Agriculture, chairinaii. Wm. H. Michakl, Chief Clerk, Department of State. Wallace H. Kills, Chief Clerk, Treasury Department. John C. Scofield, Chief Clerk, War Department. Cecil Clay, General Agent, Department of Justice. J NO. B. Brownlow, Clerk, Post-Ottice Department. B. F. Peteks, Chief Clerk, Navy Department. Edward M. Dawsox, Chief Clerk, Department of the Interior. Carroll D. Wright, Commissioner of Labor, Department of Commerce and Labor. F. W. True, Head Curator, National ^Museum, representing Smithsonian Institution and National Museum. W. DR C. Eavenel, Administrative Assistant, National Museum, representing Com- mission of Fish and Fisheries. G. W. W. Hanger, Chief Clerk, Bureau of Lalxjr. Williams C. Fox, Chief Clerk,' Bureau of the American Republics. William V. Co.x, Secretary. Wm. M. Geddes, Disbursing Otiicer. EXPOSITION COMMITTEE OF THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN AGRICUL- TURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. W. H. Jordan, Director New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Chairman. A. C. True, Director Office of Experiment Stations, Secretary. W. T. Harris, Commissioner of Education. H. J. Waters, Dean College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts of the Universitj' of Missouri, and Director Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station. W. M. Hays, Professor of Agriculture, College of Agriculture of the LTni versify of Minnesota, and Agriculturist, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station. W. E. Stone, President Purdue University. T. F. Hunt, Professor of Agronomy and Manager University Farm, Cornell UiwV'er- sity, and Agronomist, New York Cornell Agricultural Experiment Station. C. F. CuKTiss, Professor of Agriculture, Iowa State College of Agriculture a'n