DEAN'S SYSTEM ^^^^| of (IreeBlioiise Heat .,,„..__„ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DOOlblSfllSA Copyright N^ COPyRlGHT DEPOSIT. DEAN'S SYSTEM OF GREENHOUSE HEATING BY STEAM OR HOT WATER FORMULAS FOR OBTAINING DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES TABLES GIVING RADIATION NECESSARY PER SQUARE FOOT OF GLASS. TABLES GIVING GLASS SURFACE, SIZES OF FLOW AND RETURN PIPES, LIST PRICES OF PIPE AND FITTINGS, AND OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION MARK DEffN-j AUTHOR AND PUBLISHER OIj ,,, 'THE STEA/W-FITTERS' COMPUTATION ANlt) PRJcE BOOK. PUBLISHED BY MARK Di£AN, BOSTON, MASS. PRICE, TWO DOLLARS COPYRIGHT IQOI, by MARK DEAN, BOSTON, MASS. THE LIBRARY #F G%NGRESS, Two CoPicA Reoctve* APR. 26 1902 OoratmHT wrtw CH.ASS O^XXft NO. / I Cf U- 1^ oePY > PC u ^3^^ ^^ PREFACE. SAVING been urged by some of my friends to put into book form, for commercial use, the formulas and tables used by me in greenhouse heating, I decided to accept the suggestion and give herein such data as I think will be most useful to any who are required to do greenhouse heating. Like all books of its class, the user will find it more and more convenient as he becomes better acquainted with its contents. It has been the author's desire to limit the tables to such as would cover all ordinary cases and thereby keep the book of convenient size and the price within reach of all. I have endeavored to make explanations to tables so simple that all might understand, and yet, I hope they will not prove tiresome to those well versed in the business. MARK DEAN. PERHAPS no other class of buildings require more even tem- perature than greenhouses because the life of plants and success of the hothouse business depend upon constant heat, and as plant life can only be developed to the limit of its vitality and beauty when in a temperature best adapted to its growth, the subject of heating becomes one of great importance and should, therefore, receive mature consideration. Steam or hot water are generally conceded to be the only systems of practical value for any except small houses, — and are best for them. The relative value of steam and hot water de- pends materially upon the individual requirements of each case ; however, steam is generally acknowledged to be superior for large greenhouses because of its adaptability to sudden changes in temperature, thus off-setting any rise or fall of the outside thermometer. Then too, if properly handled, it should be most economical on account of the peculiar requirements. Even in severe weather, greenhouses need but little or no heat while the sun's rays strike the glass, but must have it quickly as the heat from the sun is being withdrawn. It is self evident that one barrel of water can be heated more quickly, with less fuel, and sent through the pipes faster in the form of steam than can ten barrels of water with only the force of gravity to send it along. When heated, the ten barrels of water will remain hot much longer than one, thus the water becomes a sort of storage for heat which, however, is objectionable because in the morning, when the sun looks upon the glass, there is immediately too much heat, to relieve which, the ventilators are opened and the stored heat is wasted. In other words, the fuel required to heat the extra nine barrels of water is generally thrown away next morning.* For many reasons such as shallow boiler-pit, lack of night fireman, etc., the points in favor of hot water more than off-set the objections already named, and the only way to determine which is best is to consider all requirements and conditions of each individual case. *Tliis of (;oiivse does not apply to or7 1.76 1.88 2.04 2.2 38 4.56 5.07 5.72 6 08 65 7.04 7.6 llj 1..3S 1..-4 1.73 1.84 1.98 2.13 •1.3 38.'. 4,62 5.14 5.79 6 16 6.58 7.13 7.7 12 1.44 1.6 1.82 1 .92 2.07 2 .22 2.4 39 4.68 5.21 5.86 6.24 6,66 7.22 7.8 12 > 1.51 1.67 1.8S 2. 2.14 ■liji 2.5 39', 4.74 5.28 5.94 6 32 6,74 7.31 7 9 13" 1.56 i.;3 1.97 •I08 2.24 2.41 2.6 40 4.8 535 6,02 6.4 6.83 7.4 8. 13J 1.62 1.8 2.05 2.16 2.33 2.5 2.7 40.'. 4.86 5.41 6 1 6 48 6 92 7.49 8.1 U 1.68 1.87 2.12 2.24 2.41 2.59 2.8 41 4.92 5.48 6.17 (! 5t> 7. 7.58 8.2 \i\ 1.74 1.93 2.20 2.32 2.5 2.6S 2.9 41.', 4 98 5..54 6.24 6 64 7.1 7.67 8.3 15 1.81 •J. 2.26 2.4 2. .58 2.78 3. 42 5.04 5.6 6,32 6,72 7.19 7 76 8,4 15J 1.86 2.07 2.35 2.4S 2.67 2.87 3.1 42J 5.1 5.67 6.4 6.8 7 28 7.85 8,5 16 1.92 2.14 2.42 2.56 2.76 2.96 3.2 43 5.16 5.74 (!.47 6.88 7.37 7.95 8,6 1G> 1.98 2.2 2.50 'IXA 2.84 3.05 3.3 43 J 5.22 5.81 6.54 6 96 7.46 8.05 8.7 17' 2.04 2.27 2. .58 I.Vl 2.93 3.15 3.4 44 5.28 5.87 6.61 704 7.. 55 8 15 8.8 17J 2.11 2.33 2.65 2.8 3.02 3.24 3.5 444 5,34 5.94 ().69 7 12 7!64 8.24 8.9 18 2.16 2.4 2.72 2.88 3.1 3.33 3.(! 45 5.4 6. 6.76 7.2 7.72 8,33 9. 18^ 2.22 2.47 2.8 2.96 3.19 3.43 3.7 45.'. 5 46 6.06 6 84 7.28 7.8 8.42 9,1 19 2!2S 2.54 2.88 3.04 3.28 3.52 3^8 4:i' 5.52 0.12 (>.92 7.36 7,88 8.51 9.2 191 2.34 2.6 2.98 3.12 3.31) 3.61 3.9 46' 5..n8 6 2 7. 7.44 7,96 8.6 93 20 2.41 2.67 3.03 3.2 3.40 3.71 4. 47" 5,(;4 6.26 7.07 7.. 52 8 05 8 69 9.4 20J 2.46 2.73 3.11 3.28 3.53 3.8 4.1 47 J 5.7 6.33 7.14 7.6 8 12 8.78 9 5 21 2.52 2.8 3.18 3.36 3.62 3.89 4.2 48 5.76 6.4 7.21 7 68 8.2 8 87 9.6 211 2.58 2.S7 3.26 3.44 3.7 3.98 4.3 48.', 5.82 6 47 7.28 7,76 8 28 8.96 0,7 22 2.64 2.93 3.33 3.52 3.79 4.07 4.4 40" 5.88 6..54 7,36 7 84 § 36 9 06 9,8 9'>1 2.71 3. 3.41 3.6 3.88 4.16 4.5 49.'. 5.94 6.6 7.43 7.92 8 46 9.15 9.9 23* 2.76 3.07 3.49 3.68 3.96 4.2() 4.6 .50 6. 6.66 7.5 8. 8.55 9 25 10. 23J 2.82 3.13 3.56 3.76 4.05 4.:i5 4.7 50i (!.08 6.73 7.57 8 07 8.7 9.33 10, ai' 2.88 3.2 3.64 3.84 4.14 4.45 4.8 51" 6,12 (i.80 7.66 8 16 8,8 9 45 10.2 241 2.94 3.27 3.71 3.92 4.22 4.54 4.9 .51.1 6.19 6.87 7.73 8 24 8 88 9,r>4 10.3 25" 3.01 3.34 3.79 4. 4.31 4.63 5 52 6.25 6.93 7.80 8 32 8 97 963 10 4 25J 3.06 3.41 3.86 4.08 4.4 4.72 ri.i 521 6.30 7. 7.88 8 40 9,05 9.72 10.5 26 3.14 3.47 3.94 4.16 4.48 4.81 5.2 53 0.36 7.07 7.96 8.48 9 13 9.81 10.6 26^ 3.18 3..54 4.01 4.24 4.57 4.91 5.3 531 6.43 7 14 8.04 8.. 56 9 23 9 91 10.7 27 3.24 3.6 4. OS 4.32 4.65 5. 5.4 54 6.48 7 20 811 8.64 9,31 10. 10.8 274 3.31 3.66 4.17 4.41 4.74 5.1 5.5 .54.1 6.54 7.27 8.18 8.70 9,40 10 09 10,9 28' 3.36 3.74 4.24 4.48 4.83 5.19 5.6 55 6.60 7.34 8.26 8.78 9 49 10.18 11. 28J 3.42 3.8 4.32 4.56 4.87 5.28 5.7 551 6.67 7,40 8.34 886 9,57 10.27 11.1 29' 3.48 3.86 4.36 4.64 4.95 5.37 5.8 56 6.73 7.47 8.41 8.94 9,66 10 36 11.2 29J 3.57 3.93 4.46 4.72 5.03 5.46 5.9 5(;.\ (') 79 7.54 8.48 9.04 9.75 10 46 11 3 .30^ 3.61 4. 4.54 4;k 5.12 5. .55 (>. 57" 6.85 7 60 8.55 9 12 9 83 10,55 114 30J 3.66 4.06 4.62 4.88 5.21 5.(55 6.1 57.1 6.91 7.67 8.64 9.20 9.92 10.65 11.5 31 3.73 4.13 4.66 4.96 5.3 5.74 6.2 58 6.97 7.74 8.71 9.28 10 10.74 11.6 •314 3.78 4.2 4.74 5.04 5.39 5.,S4 6.3 .581 7.03 7.80 8.78 9 36 10 08 10,8:3 11.7 32 3.84 4.26 4.82 5.12 5.48 5. IK! i;.4 5'.l 7,0s 7.87 8.86 9,44 10 17 10.92 11.8 32i 3.90 4.34 4.88 5.2 5.57 (■).()'_' (1.5 5; 1,1, 7.1.-. 7.94 S 94 9 52 10 26 1101 11,9 Notp::— If house is ()Oft. wide or over use half the width and double the amount. Copyright 1901 by 10 Mark Dean, Boston, Mass. HOT WATER. RADIATION PER LINEAL FT. OF HOUSE. Opposite " (41ass e(iuiv;ilont over roof" aiul under the desired temperature will be found the square feet of radiation necessary- in zeio weather to heat the house to tliat teniiierature. To olitain tlie total radiation for a liouse multiply tlieniuuher thus found l)v the len{i,th of the liotise, i>lus one-f(airth tlie widtli of the exi)osed ends. When exact width over roof is not fiiven, use next laruer. These tables are based on weather from zero to 15° below. l'()rtem|)eiature; above /.erodeduct -.' per cent for eaelidejp'ee. For temperatures lower than 150 below y.ei-Q add 2 jier cent tor each depee. So TEMPERATURE DESIRED TEMPERATURE DESIRED O 5. 5^ n 3 1' U-l o 40° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70° 40° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70° 6 1~2 1.34 1.5 1.6 1.72 1.85 2. 33 6.6 7.33 8.25 8.8 9.43 10.16 11. (5J 1.3 1.45 l.(B 1.74 1.86 2. 2.17 33A 6.7 7.44 8.38 8.93 9.57 10.32 11.17 1".4 1..56 1.75 1.87 2. 2.16 2.33 34 6.8 7. ,55 8.5 9.06 9.72 10.47 n:.n 7.\ 1.5 1.67 1.88 o_ 2.14 2.32 2.5 34J 6.9 7.66 8.63 9.2 9.86 10.63 11.5 8' 1.6 1.78 2. 2!l3 2.28 2.48 2.67 35 7. 7.78 8.75 9.33 10. 10.77 11.67 8.\ 1.7 1.89 2.13 2.26 2.43 2.63 2.83 35i 7.1 7.89 8.88 9.46 10.15 10.92 11.84 9" 1.8 2. 2.25 2.4 2.57 2.79 3. 36 7.2 8. 9. 9.6 10.29 11.08 12. 94 1.9 2.11 2.38 2..53 2.72 2.92 3.17 .364 7.3 8.11 9.13 9.73 10.42 11.24 12.17 10 2. 2.22 2.5 2.66 2^86 3.08 3.34 37 7.4 8.22 9.25 9.88 10..57 11.39 12.34 lOi 211 2^33 2.63 2.8 3. 3.24 3.5 374 7.5 8.33 9.38 10. 10.72 11.54 12.5 11 2.2 2.44 3.75 2.93 3.15 3.39 3.67 38 7.6 8.44 9.5 10.13 10.86 11.7 12.67 114 2!3 2..55 2.88 3.06 3.29 3.,54 3.84 38J 7.7 8. .55 9.62 10.26 11. 11.85 12.84 12 2.4 2.66 3. 3.2 3.43 3.7 4. 39 7.8 8.66 9.75 10.4 11.15 12. 13. 12.J 2.5 2.78 3.13 3. .33 3. .58 3.85 4.17 39J 7.9 8.78 9.88 10.53 11.29 12.16 13.17 13 2.6 2.89 3.25 3.46 3.72 4. 4.34 40 8. 8.89 10. 10.66 11.43 12.32 13.34 131 2.7 3. 3.38 3.6 3.86 4.16 4.5 40 J 8.1 9. 10.13 10.8 11. .57 12.48 13.5 14 'l8 .3.11 3.5 3.73 4. 4.32 4.67 41 8.2 9.11 10.25 10.93 11.72 12.63 13.67 U.J 2.9 3.22 3.63 3.87 4.15 4.47 4.48 411 8.3 9.22 10.38 11.06 11.86 12.77 13.83 I.'-) 3. 3.33 3.75 4. 4.29 4.63 5. 42 8.4 9.33 10.5 11.2 12. 12.92 14. 15* 3.1 3.44 3.88 4.13 4.43 4.77 5.17 421 8.5 9.44 10.63 11.33 12.16 13.08 14.17 IG 3.2 3..55 4. 4.26 4..57 4.92 5.34 43 8.6 9. .55 10.75 11.46 12.29 13.24 14.34 ICJ 3.3 3.6() 4.13 4.4 4.72 5.08 5.5 43J 8.7 9.66 10.88 11.6 12.42 13.39 14.5 17 3.4 3.78 4.25 4.53 4.86 5.24 5.67 44 8.8 9.7s 11. 11.73 12 ..57 13.,54 14.67 l"4 3.5 3.89 4.38 4.67 5. 5.39 5.84 441 8.9 9.89 11.13 11.88 12.72 13.7 14.83 18 3.6 4. 4.5 4.8 5.15 5.54 6. 45" 9. 10. 11.25 12. 12.86 13.85 15. ISA 3.7 4.11 4.63 4.93 5.29 5.7 6.17 451 9.1 10.11 11.38 12.13 13. 14. 15.17 19' 3.8 4.22 4.75 5.06 5.43 5.85 6..34 46" 9.2 10.22 11.5 12.26 13.15 14.16 15.34 19.'. 3.9 4.;« 4.88 5.2 5. ,58 6. 6.5 461 9.3 10.33 11.62 12.4 13.29 14.32 15.5 '20 4. 4.44 5. 5.33 5.72 0.16 6.67 47' 9.4 10.44 11.75 12..53 13.43 14.47 15.67 •m. 4.1 4.55 5.13 5.46 5.86 6.32 6.84 474 9.5 10.55 11.88 12.66 13.57 14.63 15.83 21 4.2 4.66 5.25 5.6 6. 6.47 7. 48 9.6 10.66 12. 12.8 13.72 14.77 16. 'in 4.3 4.78 5.38 5.74 6.15 6.63 7.17 4SA 9.7 10.78 12.13 12.93 13.86 14.92 16.17 22 4.4 4.89 5.5 5.88 6.29 6.77 7.34 49 9.8 10.89 12.25 13.06 14. 15.08 1(>.34 22 .' 4.5 5. 5.62 6. 6.43 (i.92 7.5 49 J 9.9 11. 12.38 13.2 14.15 15.24 16.5 23' 4.6 5.11 5.75 6.13 6.57 7.08 7.67 50 10. 11.11 12.5 13.33 14.29 15.39 16.67 23 .J 4.7 5.22 5.88 6.26 6.72. 7.24 7.84 504 10.1 11.22 12.62 13.46 14.43 15. .54 16.84 24 4.8 5.33 6. 6.4 6.86 7.39 8. 51 10.2 11.33 12.75 13.6 14. .57 15.7 17. 241 4.9 5.44 6.13 6.53 7. 7.54 8.17 514 10.3 11.44 12.88 13.73 14.72 15.85 17.17 25' 5. 5.55 6.25 6.66 7.15 7.7 8.34 52 10.4 11. ,55 13. 13.88 14.86 16. 17.32 25J 5.1 5.66 0.38 6.8 7.29 7.85 8.5 .52^ 10.5 11.66 13.13 14. 15. 16.16 17.5 26 5.2 5.78 6.5 6.93 7.43 8. 8.67 .53 10.0 11.78 13.25 14.13 15.15 16.32 17.67 26J 5^3 5.89 6.(!3 7.07 7. .57 8.1(5 8.84 531 10.7 11.89 13.38 14.26 15.29 16.47 17.84 27 5.4 6. 6.75 7 72 8.32 9. .54' 10.8 12. 13.5 14.4 15.43 16.62 18. 27' 5.5 6.11 6.88 7!.'S4 7^86 8.47 9.17 544 10.9 12.12 14. ,52 14..52 15..57 16.76 18.16 28^ 5.6 6.22 7. 7.47 8. 8.63 9.34 55 11. 12.23 14.66 14.66 15.72 16.93 18.33 28^ 5.7 6.33 7.13 7.6 8.15 8.77 9.5 554 11.1 12.34 14.8 14.8 15.86 17.09 18.5 29 5.8 6.44 7.25 7.73 8.29 8.92 9.66 56 11.2 12.45 14.93 14.93 16. 17.23 18.67 291 5.9 6.55 7.38 7.88 8.43 9.08 9.84 .561 11.3 12.,56 15.06 15.06 16.15 17.4 18.83 30' (■>. 6.66 7 5 8. 8..57 9.24 10. 57 11.4 12.67 15.20 15.2 16.29 17. .55 19. 30^ 6.1 6.78 7!63 8.13 8.72 9.39 10.17 574 11.5 12.78 15.33 15.33 16.44 17.7 19.16 31 6.2 6.89 7.75 8.26 8.86 9.54 10. .34 58 11.6 12.89 15.46 15.46 16.57 17.85 19. .33 311 6.3 7. 7.88 8.4 9. 9.7 10.5 .581 11.7 3. ■ 15.6 15.6 16.72 18. 19.5 32" 6.4 7.11 8. 8..">:; 9.15 9.S5 10.67 59' 11.8 3.11 15.73 15.73 16.,S6 18.15 19.67 ^321 6.5 7.22 .S.13 S.liC 9.29 10. 10. .S3 .591 11.9 3.22 15.86 15..8(; 7. 18.3 119.83 Note: -If house is iM) ft. or over use half the width and double the amount. Copyright 1901 by n Mark Dean, Boston, Mass. RADIATING SURFACE OF PIPES. To ascertain the luniibcr cif s(niaie feet of ra(' as nivcn at lop of jiani' and opjiositi' Icnjitli (if ]i\n- j;iveu on left hand side of jiafJic: tlie innnber found will l)e the nnnilxT of s(inaie feet of radiation in the pipe. On all lengths over one foot, fractions less than tentlis are added to or dropped and all fractions less than one are added to or dropped on lengths over 61 feet. ■&-S- SIZE OF PIPE. 4 1 u li 2 3. 3 H 4 4^ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 .275 .346 .434 .494 .622 .753 .916 1.055 1.175 1.309 1.455 1.739 1.996 2.257 2.519 2.816 3.14 3.344 "^ .5 ^^ "^ 1. 1.2 Ts Tl 2.1 2.5 2.6 2.9 3.5 4. 4.5 5. 5.6 6.3 6.7 3 .8 l. 1.3 1.5 1.9. 2.3 2.7 3.2 3.5 3.9 4.4 5.2 6. 6.8 7.6 8.5 9.4 10. 4 1.1 1.4 1.7 2. 2.5 3. 3.6 4.2 4.7 5.2 5.8 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.2 12. (i 13.4 5 1.4 1.7 2.2 2^4 3.1 3.8 4.6 5.3 5.8 6.5 7.3 8.7 10. 11.3 12.6 14.1 15.7 16.7 6 1.6 2.1 2^6 2.9 3.7 4.5 5.5 6.3 7. 7.8 8.7 10.5 12. 13.5 15.1 16.9 18.8 20. 7 1.9 2.4 3. 3.4 4.4 5.3 6.4 7.4 8.2 9.1 10.2 12.1 14. 15.8 17.6 19.7 22. 23.4 8 2.2 2.8 3.5 3.9 5. 6. 7.3 8.4 9.4 10.4 11.6 13.9 16. 18. 20.2 22.5 25.1 26.7 9 2.5 3.1 3.9 4.4 5.0 6.8 8.2 9.5 10.6 11.7 13.1 15.7 18. 20.3 22.6 25.3 28.3 30.1 10 2.7 3.5 4.3 4.9 6.2 7.5 9.1 10.5 11.8 13.1 14.6 17.4 20. 22.6 •25.2 28.2 31.4 33.4 11 3. 3.8 4.8 5.4 6.8 8.3 10. 11.6 13. 14.4 16. 19.1 22. 24.9 27.7 31. 34.5 36.8 12 3.3 4.1 5.2 5.9 7.5 9. 11. 12.6 14.1 15.7 17.4 20.9 24. 27.1 30.2 33.8 .37.7 40.1 13 3.(! 4.5 5.6 6.4 8.1 9.8 11.9 13.7 15.3 17. 18.9 22.6 26. 29.4 32.8 36.6 40.8 43.5 14 3.8 4.8 6.1 6.9 8.7 10.5 12.8 14.7 16.5 18.3 20.3 24.3 28. 31.6 35.3 39.4 44. 46.9 15 4.1 5.2 6.5 7.4 9.3 11.3 13.7 15.8 17.6 19.6 21.8 26.1 30. 33.9 37.7 42.2 47.1 50.1 16 4.4 5.5 6.9 7.9 10. 12. 14.6 16.9 18.8 20.9 23.2 27.8 32. 36.1 40.3 45. 50.2 53.5 17 4.7 5.9 7.4 8.4 10.6 12.8 15.5 17.9 20. 22.2 24.8 29.5 34. 38.4 42.8 47.9 .53.4 57 18 5. 6.2 7.8 8.9 11.2 13.5 16.5 19. 21.2 23.5 26.2 31.3 36. 40.6 45.4 .50.8 .5(1.5 60.2 19 .5.2 6.6 8.3 9.4 11.8 14.3 17.4 20. 22.3 24.9 27.6 .33.1 .38. 42.9 47.9 .53.5 .59.7 6: '..6 20 5.5 0.9 8.7 9.9 12.5 15. 18.3 21.1 23.5 26.1 29.1 34.8 40. 45.2 50.2 .56.4 62.8 67. 21 5.8 7.3 9.1 10.4 13. 15.8 19.2 22.1 24.7 27.5 30.5 36.5 42. 47.4 52.8 59.1 66. 70.2 22 6. 7.6 9.6 10.9 13.7 16.5 20.2 23.2 25.9 28.8 32. 38.3 44. 49.7 55.4 62. 69.1 73.5 23 6.3 8. 10. 11.3 14.3 17.3 21.1 24.3 27. 30.1 33.5 40. 46. 52. 58. 64.9 72.3 77. 24 6.6 8.3 10.4 11.9 14.9 18. |22. 25.3 28.2 31.4 34.9 41.7 48. 54.2 60.4 67.6 75.4 80.3 25 6.9 8.6 10.9! 12.3 15.6 18.8 22.9 26.3 29.3 32.7 36.3 43.5 50. 56.4 63. 70.4 78.5 83.6 26 7.2 9. 11.3J12.8 16.2 19.5 23.8 27.4 30.5 34. 37.8 45.2 52. 58.6 65.4 73.2 81.6 87. 27 7.4 9.4 11.7 13.3 16.8 20.3 24.7 28.5 31.7 a5.3 .39.3 47. 54. 61. 68. 76. 84.8 90.3 28 7.7 9.7 12.2 13.8 17.4 21 25.6 29.5 32.9 36.6 40.7 48.7 56. 63.2 70.5 78.8 87.9 93.6 29 s! 10. 12.6 14.3 18. 21.8 26.6 30.6 34.1 37.9 42.2 .50.4 58. 65.5 73. 81.8 91. 97. 30 8.3 10.4 13. 14.8 18.7 22.5 27.5 31.6 35.3 39.2 43.6 52.1 60. 67.8 75.5 84.4 94.2 100.4 31 8.5 10.7 13.5 15.3 19.3 23.3 28.4 32.7 36.4 40.5 45.1 53.9 62. 70. 78. 87.2 97.4 103.7 32 8.8 11.1 13.9 15.8 19.9 24.1 29.3 33.7 .37.6 41.8 46.5 55.6 64. 74. 80.6 90. 100.5 107. 33 9.1 11.4 14.3 16.3 20.5 24.8 130.2 34.8 38.8 43.2 48. .57.4 66. 74.4 83.1 93. l(t:',.(; 110.3 34 9.4 11.7 14.7,16.8 21.2 25.6 31.1 3i-,.8 40. 44.5 49.5 59.1 68. 76.7 85.6 95. S KIC.S 113.6 35 9.6 12.1 15.2 17.3 21.8 26.3 32. 36.9 41.1 45.8 .50.9 60.8 70. 79. 88.1 9S.."i 110. 117. 36 9.9 12.5 15.6 17.8 22.4 27. 33. 38. 42.3 47.1 52.4 62.0 72. 81.3 90.7 101.3 113. 120.3 37 10.2 12.8 16.1 18.3 23. 27.8 .33.9 39. 43.5 48.4 .53.8 64.3 74. 83.6 93.2 104.2 116.2 123.7 38 10.5 13.2 Ki.r, is.s •_>:; 7 28.5 34.8 40.1 44.6 49.7 55.2 GCk 76. 85.9 95.7 107. 119.3 127.2 39 10.7 13.5 l(;.;i I'.i.:; ■J4.:'. 29.3 35.7 41.1 45.8 51.1 .56.8 67.8 78. 88. 98.3 109.8 122.5 130.5 40 U. 13.8 17.4,l'.i.s 24.9 !:».l 3(5.6 42.2 47. 52.3 58.2 69.5 80. 90.2 100.7 112.6 125.6 133.8 41 11.3 14.2 17.S 20.5 25.5 30.8 37.6 43.2 48.2 .53.6 59.6 71.3 82. 92.5 103.3 115.5 128.8 137.2 42 11.6 14.5 1S.2 20.8 26.1 31.6 38.5 44.3 49.4 .55. 61.1 73. 84. 94.9 105.8 118.3 1,31.9 140.5 43 ll.S I4.:i IS. 7 ■J1.3 2(i.8 32.3 39.4 45.3 .50.6 56.3 62.5 74.8 86. 97. 108.2 121. 135. 143.8 44 12.1 i.-..-_' i;m -Jl.S 27.4 33.1 40.3 46.4 51.7 57.6 64. 76.5 88. 99.5 110.8 124. 138.2 147.2 45 12.4 i.-..i; 111..-. •2■^A 28. 33.8 41.2 47.4 .52.9 58.9 65.5 78.2 90. 101.6 113.3 126.7 141.3 1.50.5 46 12.7 15.9 20. 22.7 28.6 34.6 42.2 48.5 54. 60.2 67. 80. 92. 103.8 115.8 129.5 144.3 154. 47 12.9 16.3 20.4 23.2 29.2 .35.3 43. 49.6 .55.2 61.5 68.4 81.7 94. 100. 118.3 1.32.3 147.5 1.57.2 48 13.2 ic.r, L'o.s •j:i.7 2!l!9 36.1 43.9 50.6 56.4 62.8 69.9 83.5 96. 108.4 1'20.9 135.2 150.7 160.6 49 13..^. 17. 30.5 36.8 44.8 51.7 57.6 64.1 71.2 85.1 98. lio.r. 1 ■_':'.. 4 138. 153.9 164. 50 13.8 17.:; •J1.7 Jl." 31.1 37.6 45.8 52.8 .58.7 65.4 72.8 87. . KKI. 112.8 I'.'O. 140.8 157. 167.2 51 14. 17.6 22.1 25.2 31.7 38.3 46.7 53.8 60. 66.8 74.2 88.6 102. 115. 1-28.5 143.5 160.1 170.5 52 14.3 18. 22.6 25.7 .32.3 .39.1 47.6 .54.8 61.2 68. 75.6 90.4 104. 117.4 131. 146.4 163.2 174. 53 14.6 18.3 23. 26.2 33. 39.8 48.5 .55.9 62.4 69.4 77.1 92.lil06. 119.6 133.5 149.2 1(;6.5 177.2 54 14.9 18.7 23.4 26.7 33.6 40.6 49.5 57. 63.5 70.0 78.6 94. 108. 121.9 136. 1.52. l(i9.(; 180.6 55 15.1 19. 23.9127.2 :i4.2 41.3 .50.4 58. (i4.7 72. 80. 95.6 110. 124.1 138.5 1.55. 172.7 1S4. 56 15.4 19.4 24.3 27.7 34.9 42.2 51.3 59.1 65.8 73.4 81.5 97.4 112. 126.4 141. 157.5 175.9 187.2 57 15.7 19.7 24.7 28.2 35.4 43; 52.2 60.1 67. 74.5 83. 99. 113.8 128.5 143.2 160.3 179. 190.5 58 16. I'll.! ■jr..! 2S.7 36. 43.7 .53.2 61.2 68.2 75.9 84.4 KMI.s: 115.9 131. 146. 163.3 182.1 193.7 59 16.2 •JO. 4 •_'."..(; •-".1.2 36.8 44.5 54. 62.2 69.3 77.2 85. S 102.5 lis. 133. 148.3 166. 185.1 197.3 60 16.5 ■jo.s •_>(•,. 1 ■_",). 7 37.3 45.1 55. 63.3 70.5 78.5 87.3 104.2 119.8 135.4 151. 169. 188.4 201, 61 16.S 21.1 '26!4'::!0!l 37.9 46. 1.55.9 64.3 71.7 79.8 88.7 i 105.9 121.9 1.37.711.53.5 171.5 191.5 203.8 Copyright 1901 by 12 Mark Dean, Boston, Mass. RADIATING SURFACE OF PIPES.— Continued. , SIZE OF PIPE. 3 4 .275 1 • 346 .434 .494 2 .622 01- .753 3 ■ 916 3i 4 4.1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 055 1.175 1.309 1.455 1.739 1 996 2.257 2., 519 2.816 3.14 3.344 nif 17 "21 ~27 ~^ ~38 Tr> ^56 65 72 81 90 107 124 140 156 174 194 207 63 17 21 27 31 39 47 57 66 74 82 91 109 125 142 1,58 177 197 211 64 17 22 27 31 39 48 58 6? 75 83 93 111 127 144 101 180 201 214 65 17 22 28 32 40 4f 59 68 76 85 94 113 129 146 163 183 204 217 66 18 22 28 32 41 49 60 69 77 86 96 114 131 149 166 185 207 220 67 18 23 29 33 41 50 61 70 78 87 97 116 133 151 168 188 210 224 68 18 23 29 33 42 51 62 71 80 89 99 118 135 1,53 171 191 213 227 69 19 23 29 34 ' 42 52 63 72 81 90 100 120 138 155 173 194 216 230 70 19 24 30 34 43 52 64 74 82 91 101 121 139 158 176 197 220 234 71 19 24 30 35 44 53 65 75 83 93 103 123 141 160 178 199 222 237 72 19 : 24 31 35 44 54 66 76 84 94 104 125 143 162 181 202 226 240 73 20 25 31 36 45 55 67 77 86 95 106 127 146 164 184 205 229 244 74 20 25 32 36 46 55 67 78 87 96 107 128 148 167 186 208 232 248 75 20 26 32 37 46 56 68 79 88 98 109 130 1.50 169 189 211 2.35 250 76 20 26 33 37 47 57 69 80 89 99 110 132 152 171 191 214 238 254 77 21 26 33 38 47 58 70 81 90 100 112 134 153 173 193 216 242 257 78 21 27 33 38 48 58 71 82 91 102 113 135 1.55 176 196 219 24,5 260 79 21 27 34 39 49 59 72 83 93 103 115 137 1,58 178 198 222 248 264 80 22 27 34 39 49 60 73 84 94 104 116 139 159 180 201 225 251 268 81 22 28 35 40 50 61 74 85 95 106 117 140 161 182 204 228 254 271 '82 22 28 35 40 51 61 75 86 0(i 107 119 142 163 185 206 2,30 257 274 83 22 28 36 41 51 (i2 76 87 97 108 120 144 165 187 209 233 260 278 84 23 29 36 41 52 63 77 88 98 110 122 146 167 189 211 236 264 281 85 23 29 36 42 52 64 78 89 100 111 124 147 169 191 213 239 266 284 86 23 29 37 42 53 64 79 90 101 112 125 149 172 194 216 242 270 288 87 23 30 37 43 54 65 79 91 102 113 126 151 173 196 218 244 273 290 88 24 30 38 43 54 (i6 80 92 103 115 128 153 175 198 221 247 276 294 89 24 30 38 44 55 67 81 94 104 116 129 155 177 200 224 250 280 298 90 24 31 39 44 56 67 82 95 105 117 131 156 180 203 226 253 282 300 91 25 31 39 45 56 68 83 90 107 119 132 158 181 205 229 256 286 304 92 25 31 39 45 57 ,69 84 97 108 120 133 160 183 207 231 259 289 308 93 25 32 40 46 57 70 85 98 109 121 135 161 185 209 234 261 292 311 94 25 32 40 46 58 70 86 99 110 122 136 163 187 212 236 264 295 314 95 26 32 41 47 59 71 87 100 111 124 138 165 189 214 239 267 298 318 96 26 33 41 47 59 72 88 101 112 125 139 166 191 216 241 270 301 321 97 26 33 42 48 61 73 89 102 114 126 141 168 193 2i8 244 273 304 324 98 27 33 42 48 61 77 89 103 115 128 142 170 195 221 246 276 308 328 99 27 34 42 48 61 74 90 104 116 129 144 172 197 223 249 278 310 331 100 27 34 43 49 62 75 91 105 117 131 145 174 199 225 251 281 314 334 110 30 38 47 -A 68 83 101 116 129 144 160 191 220 248 276 310 346 368 120 33 41 52 59 74 90 110 126 141 157 174 208 240 270 302 337 397 401 130 35 45 56 64 80 98 119 137 153 170 189 226 2,59 293 327 365 408 435 140 38 48 (50 69 87 105 128 147 164 183 2(M 243 279 315 352 394 440 468 150 41 52 65 74 93 113 137 158 176 196 218 261 299 338 377 422 471 502 160 44 55 69 79 99 120 146 168 188 209 233 278 320 361 403 450 503 535 170 46 58 73 84 105 128 156 179 200 222 247 295 339 383 427 478 533 568 180 49 62 78 81) 111' l.T, 1(>5 189 211 235 262 313 3.59 406 453 506 565 602 190 52 65 82 94 ll.s 143 174 200 223 249 270 330 380 428 479 535 596 636 200 55 69 86 99 124 150 183 211 235 261 291 348 399 451 503 563 628 670 210 57 72 91 103 130 158 192 221 247 274 305 365 ^19 474 528 591 659 702 220 60 76 95 108 136 165 201 232 258 288 320 382 440 496 553 618 690 7,36 230 63 79 99 li:r 143 173 211 242 270 300 334 400 460 519 579 648 722 770 240 (!(•) 83 104 118 149 181 220 253 282 314 349 417 479 .541 604 675 753 803 350 68 86 108 123 155 188 229 263 294 327 364 434 499 .563 629 704 785 836 260 71 90 112 128 161 195 238 274 306 340 378 452 519 586 654 732 816 870 270 74 93 117 133 168 203 247 285 317 353 393 469 540 609 680 760 848 904 280 77 96 121 138 174 211 257 295 329 366 407 486 .5,59 632 705 788 8,H0 936 290 79 100 125 143 180 218 266 306 341 379 422 504 579 654 730 816 910 970 300 82 103 130 148 186 226 274 316 352 392 436 521 ,599 677 754 844 942 1003 310 85 107 134 153 1 193 233 284 327 364 405 451 539 619 699 780 872 973 1036 320 88 111 138 158' 190 241 293 337 376 418 465 556 639 722 806 900 1005 1070 330 90 114 143 k;:! ■JO.". 24S 303 348 388 432 480 573 6,59 744 830 929 1036 1103 340 93 117 147 ICS 211 •ifiC. 312 358 400 444 494 .590 679 766 855 957 1068 1137 350 96 121 151 17:; ■J 17 ■j( ;: ; 321 369 411 458 510 608 700 790 880 986 1098 1170 360 99 124 156 177 ■JL':; 271 330 380 423 471 .524 625 i 7191 812 1 906 1013 1130 1204 Copyright 1901 by Mark Dean, Boston, Mass. RADIATING SURFACE OF PIPES — Continued. ■£ 0) SIZE OF PIPE. cfl. 1572 480 132 166 20S 298 361 440 50(5 ,564 628 698 834 959 108:5 1209 1:350 1.507 1606 490 134 169 212 242 :;ir. 3(;s 449 .51(! 570 (HI 712 850 979 1106 12:5:! 1379 1.5:59 16.58 500 137 173 217 247 311 37(! 458 527 .588 6.54 728 8.59 999 112.S 125,S 1407 1.570 1672 510 140 176 221 252 317 383 467 538 599 667 742 886 1018 11.50 1284 14:55 1(502 1707 520 143 180 225 257 323 391 476 .^8 611 G80 756 904 10.38 1173 1310 14&1 1632 1740 53(' 145 183 230 2()2 329 .398 485 5.59 623 694 771 921 10.58 1195 1:3:33 1492 1664 1773 540 148 1H7 2.!4 267 3:i6 4(h; 495 570 634 706 786 939 1078 1218 13(!0 1.520 1695 l.sd7 550 151 190 271 342 414 504 .580 tU6 720 80O 956 1098 1240 1:584 1.54.S 1727 184(t 560 154 193 243 276 348 421 513 591 658 732 815 973 1118 1264 1410 1577 17.59 1.S74 570 156 197 247 281 3M 429 522 601 660 746 829 991 11.38 128(> 14:35 l(i05 1790 1906 580 159 201 286 361 436 531 612 681 759 844 1008 11.58 1309 1460 v:.;:'. 1821 1940 590 162 204 256 291 367 443 540 622 693 772 859 1025 117.S 13:!0 14.S5 11160 lS.-,2 1972 60(« 165 207 260 296 373 451 550 633 705 784 873 1042 119.S 1:3.53 1510 1690 l.s.'^4 2ddS (!10 177 211 264 :m)1 379 459 559 643 717 798 887 1060 1228 1376 15:35 1717 1916 2040 620 170 214 2()9 306 385 466 568 6.54 738 811 902 1078 1238 1400 1.560 1745 1947 2075 630 173 21S 273 311 392 474 .577 664 740 824 916 1095 12.58 1422 1.5.>^(> 1774 197.S 2108 640 176 222 316 39.S 4«2 .586 675 752 838 931 1112 1278 1444 l(;i(l ISdd' 2d09i 214d 650 179 225 282 321 404 489 .595 ()86 764 8.50 946 1129 1298 1467 l(;:;6 is:;o 2040 2174 660 181 228 286 326 410 496 604 696 775 863 960 1147 1318 1490 1660 1857 2070 2205 670 184 231 2iX) 330 417 504 614 707 787 877 975 1164 1338 1510 1686 1885 2103 2240 680 187 235 295 :?3(; 423 511 622 716 800 890 990 1180 13.58 1534 1710 1912 2135 2270 690 189 23S 299 .•ui 429 519 632 728 811 902 1004 1199 1378 1557 1738 1942 2168 2:508 700 192 242 :«)4 345 4:;5 526 641 738 822 916 1018 1217 1398 1.580 1761 1970 2198 2340 710 195 246 308 350 441 534 650 749 834 929 1033 12;h 1418 1604 1788 2000 2230 2375 720 198 249 312 355 448 541 660 760 846 942 1047 1251 1438 1625 1812 2026 2260 2409 730 201 2."'J :;i7 :ic,o VA r>t9 669 770 858 9.55 1062 1269 1458 1649 is:!8! 20.55 2298 2442 740 -'i-'' ■j.'.i ; :;•_■! :;i;."'i 4i')() 556 678 780 870 968 1076 12S6 147S 1670 ls(;:5 2d.s:', 2:52:5 247S 750: -i"i -'>'. 1 :;7o 466 .564 686 791 881 982 1091 1303 149.S 1692 isss 2110 2:555 2510 760 209 263 330 375 473 572 696 802 893 994 1106 1321 1518 1715 1914 2140 2385 2.545 770 211 266 3.U 380 479 579 705 812 905 1007 1120 1338 1.5:38 1738 1938 21(58 2418 2578 780 214 270 338 385 485 ,586 714 822 917 1020 11:55 1355 1.5.58 1760 1963! 2195! 24.50 2(!10 790 217 273 343 390 491 594 724 833 92.S W.V.; 1149 i:'.72 157.S 17.S2 i;iss 2222 24Sd; 2642 800 220 276 Ml 395 497 602 732 844 940 1047 ik;:; lIV.IO 1598 1805 2012 22.50 2511 2(17K 810 280 351 400 504 610 741 8.54 951 lOW) 1179 1409 1618 1829 2040] 2280 2543 2710 820 225 283 351) 405 510 618 750 865 964 1072 1193 1425 1638 1850 20(>1 2:308 2575 2742 830 228 287 3I!0 410 516 624 760 876 97(> 1086 1208 1442 l(i.58 1872 2090 2:5:55 2605 2775 840 231 290 lifA 41." 522 632 770 88(; 9S,S 109s 1222 1460 167S 1,S95 2115 2:i65 26:59 2Sld 850 233 294 369, 421 528 640 778 89(i IIKMI 1112 1236 1477 l(i9S 191S 214(1 2:!92 2(;69 2S42 860 236 297 373 424 535 647 788 907 1011 1125 1251 1495 1718 1940 21(H 2420, 27(K) 2,H75 87( 239 301 377 429 541 654 797 918 1022 1138 1265 1512 1738 1962 2190 24.50 2730 2910 881 242 304 3Sl' 434' 547 662 806 928 1034 11.52 12S0 1.530 17.58 19S5 221.- 247(> 27(52 2945 89( 244 30!> ■.isa 4:!9 •'•>^ 670 815 939 104.- 1164 129.- 1.547 177S 2(1119 2240 2.-.d5 279." 2978 900 247 311 3901 444 5(1(_ 677 824 9.51 1057 1177 i:>l( l.-.li5 179,s 20: i( 2267 2.5:55, 2S27 .-5010 910 250 314 395 44'j 5661 684 833 960 1069 1190 1323 1580 1818 2053 229(J 2560 2858 .3045 920 253 318 399 454 572 092 843 970 1081 1203 1339 1600 1838 2077 2316 2.590 2890 :5086 930 255 322 40:',' 459' 57s ■ 700' 852 981 lOil.1 1217 13.53 161t 18.5S 210( 2340' 262( 2920 :5110 940 258 325 4()S 41 ;4 5S4 7(t(i SCd 99'_ 1104 I2:i( \:Mu 1634 1S7.S 212( 2:5(16 264.- 2951: 3145 95( 261 328 412 4l'.9i 591 714 S70 1001 UK 1243 13S1 1651 l.Silh 2144 2:591 267- 29,S2' 3180 96C 264 332 417 474 597 722 879 101: 112b 1251 139( 166'. 191b 1 2167 2418 2701 3015 3210 97( 267 335 421 47; 603 7:30 888 1024 1140 1270 1411 1686 1938 1 2191 244C 2730 304.'5 :3245 980 268 33fl 42: 48.) (;oi 7:!S' 897 103,4 1151 ri.'!'. 142.'- 1703 19.5S 22 1( 2468' 2T,5b :5077 :5278 990 27': Ml 42'.i 4S'.i on; 744 9117 1(144 no: 129.- 144< 172( 197S 22; V_ 2492 27S> :ilii'.i' :5:5io lOOol 27f 3461 4:U 4'.M C-JL' T.".:; 91 ( lll.V 117: i:iO! 14.->.- 17:1; I'.l'.l.- 2.-.19 2si(,i :;i4d :5:544 , . . , ■■ .1 t ill one tliousaiul and to the result add the amount given in these tables tor that part ot the number less than one thousand. ,, , ^ „ , Copyright 1901 by 14. Mark Dean, Boston, Mass. FOR CONSERVATORIES A/ND IRREGULAR SHAPED HOUSES. It sometimes happens that conservatories are of such irregular shape as to be inconvenient to estimate by the formulas already given, for such as come under this heading I have com- puted the tables on the following pages so that, at a glance, the amount of glass, or wall surface, in any given space may be obtained. For explanation of tables see bottom of pages 16 and 17. To find the area of a triangle look on following tables under an index number, at top of page, equal to one-half the per- pendicular line and opposite an index number, at side of page, representing the length of base line, the number found will be the area. For areas of circles see pages 28 to 30. Following the tables of glass and wall surface is another giving the square feet of radiation necessary at various rates. Therefore, after having obtained the glass and wall surface it is only necessary to consult these tables to obtain the square feet of radiation necessary. DIVISORS TO USE FOR DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES. STEAM HOT WATER TEMPERATURE DESIRED 70° 1 650 00° 550 50O 4501400 6i 1 7| 1 8J TEMPERATURE DESIRED 700 G50 600 550 50O 4.50 1 400 DIVISR 5 1 5.4 5.8 DIVISOR 3 3i •H 3i L4 4J 5 Reduce all exposed surface to glass or its equivalent and divide by number given under temperature desired, the result will be the number of square feet of radiation necessary to main- tain that temperature. Note : — The divisors given above are for heating good tight houses during zero weather. If houses are old, or if they leak air, allow additional radiation sufficient to annul the extra cooling influence. 15 SQUARE FEET OF GLASS OR WALL Continued on following Feet. 1 2 3 4 Inches 12 14 16 18 20 22 34 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 Ft. In. 1 1^ 1 14 IM 1'4 16 1^4 I'i I'i 18 1'4 194 2 214 20 1?4 8 21.4 2'., 294 22 19i 2Ji 214 29i 3 3^4 2 24 2 2^ 294 3 3'4 394 4 2<; 2Vi 2'4 3 314 31/2 4 414 434 28 214 29i 314 314 4 4M m 5 51 30 2ii 3 3I4 3^4' 414 414 5 514 5% 6H 32 2?.i 3 3;'4 4 41., 5 554 594 6?4 694 7 34 2?i ■dh 394 4I4 4:'4 514 594 6J4 614 7H 8 3 36 3 3'/„ 4 41/, 5 514 6 614 7 7'/2 8 8'/2 9 38 314 39i 414 4»4 514 594 6M 694 7'4 8 8'4 9 91.2 10 40 3U 4 4ii 5 51, 6 694 714 7% 814 9 914 10 1014 11 42 3'., 4 494 51-4 5='4; 614 7 714 814 8% 9M 10 101, 11 11% 1214 44 3?; 4h 5 594 6H 694 7^ 8 8'4 9 9% 1014 11 11% 12^ 12% 1314 46 394 41 i 5 5^ 6'4 7 m 814 9 9'2 lOM 10% 111, 1214 1294 131/2 14 1494 4 48 4 494 514 6 694 IH 8 8^4 9H 10 10'., 1114 12 " 12% 1314 14 14% 1514 16 51 4U 6 594 614 81, 9I4 9% IOI4 III4 12 13% 1310 I4I4 15 15' , I6I4 17 54 4'o 51-4 6 694 7!4 SI4 9 9', 101, III4 12 12% 13' , I4I4 15 15% 16', 17I4 18 57 4i!i 5'i 6I4 7J4 8 8i'4 91 IOI4 11 12 12% 131, n'4 15 15% 16% 171 2 I8I4 19 5 60 5 59ii 69i 71/2 814 914 10 10% 11% 1214 13Vi 1414 15 15% 16% 1714 I8I4 1914 20 64 5M 6 14 V 8 9 9=4 103^ 111,, 121, I3I4 I4I4 15 16 17 17% 1894 191/2 2014 21 H 68 5^4 «'2 ■!''4 81.4 91, 1(|1., IIU I2I4 l^iU I4I4 15 16 17 18 19 19% 20% 21% 22% 6 72 6 7 8 9 10 ' 11 12 13 1 i 15 16 IT IS 19 20 31 22 23 24 7(1 6V4 7'4 8'/j 91/2 101 2 IIU 123^ 1394 14% 15% 17 18 19 20 21 22V4 2314 2414 2514 80 6?4 79i 9 10 11 1214 13V4 141/2 151/2 1694 17% 19 30 21 2214 23V4 2414 251 2 26% 7 84 8I4 9I4 101.; 1194 12^4 14 1514 I6I4 1714 18% 1994 21 22I4 23I4 2414 25% 2694 28 88 IH, 8',, 9-', 11 12I4 lavo 14^4 16 17 ISI4 191, 20-'| 22 23I4 341, 25 3^; 27 28 2914 92 ' "'4 it KIVi 11^4 12^4 14 I5I4 161, 18 19I4 30' , 31'i 33 31I4 3."i' , 36% 28 2914 30% 8 96 8 '-'^4 io:'4 12 1814 143^ 16 17^4 1«94 20 31^4 22'i 24 25 14 36-'_," 28 2914 3094 32 10() 8M 994 11 1214 14 1514 16% 18 1914 20% 2214 2314 25 2614 27% 2914 3014 32 33>4 104 8?4 10 111;, 13 141/0 16 17^4 18% 2014 21% za 24 _" 26 2714 29 3014 3194 3314 34% 9 los i) 101 i 12 1314 15 161 18 191., 31 24 251 17 3S1 ., ^0 311/2 33 34I2 36 112 !tVt n 1214 14 151 17 183i 30I4 iV:' 231.1 >-'' li)^ ., 3S 29' l 31 32% 3414 3594 3714 116 y?4 iiM 13 141/2 16 1794 I9I4 21 2II4 25 '4 27', 29 30% 3214 33% 5514 37 38% JO I'-iO 10 119i 13V4 15 1694 I814 20 2194 iSXi 25 26% 28V4 30 31% 3354 35 36% 38 40 124 10V4 12 13^4 151.4 1-^4 19 20y 221-, 24 25% 271-; 29 V4 31 32% 341/2 3614 38 391/2 4154 12K 10?i l-J'o 14I4 16 I7''.i 191., ~Ml4 33 25 26% 28 1 , i0l4 32 33% 3514 371.4 39 41 42% 11 132 11 12 '4 11^4 Kilo 1«^4 2(|l4 2:'.'i, 2.")''| i? ' ., 391., UI4 13 34% 163^ 381 _, 1014 42^ 44 136 1114 13^4 15 17 19 ^0^'4 223^ 2)1, 361 „ 3M% 30 14 i2 W 36 3734 393^ 41'2 4314 4514 140 11 ?i 1314 151/0 lTl/2 1914 2114 2314 2514 2714 2914 31 33 35 37 38% 40% 42% 44% 46% i2 144 12 14 16 18 20 22 34 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 14S I2I4 141., 111'., ISi., 201.; 22' ,T 24 14 f-'r' 2H% iO-^i i3 35 37 39 41 4314 45V4 47Vi 4914 152 12 '4 11', 1; 19 21 -•>i.i J.>l-4 !1% 33% 36 38 40 4214 44I4 461, 481., 50% 13 156 13 I5I4 1-^4 191 21^4 .-•->■ 4 26 2Sil i(H4 521 , 34% 36% 39 41J4 4314 451, 4T% 49% 52 160 13Vi 15V2 179i 20 2214 2414 26% 29 31 33J4 3514 37% 40 4214 4414 46% 49 51 53>4 164 1394 16 I814 20>/2 22^4 25 2714 291/0 32 34 361-4 38% 41 4314 4514 47% 50 5214 54% 14 168 14 I6I4 is:'4 21 23I4 2594 28 WI4 32% 35 371.; 59% 42 44 14 46% 49 51 14 53% 56 172 IIU h'li 19 211.; 24 -'i^-i 2S3^ n 331 ., 35% 381, 101, 43 451 ; 47% 5OI4 V31, 55 5714 176 1-1^^4 17 191 22 241, 29 14 31% 34 14 36% 39 11': 44 461., 49 51 14 5394 5614 58% 15 180 15 1714 20 2214 25 2714 30 3214 35 3714 40 4214 45 4714 50 521/2 55 5714 60 184 15M 18 2014 33 2514 28 3094 33I2 3594 3814 41 4314 46 4814 51 53% 56^4 5894 eiy* 188 15''4 I8I4 21 231.; 26 28^4 31I4 U 361, 39 14 iP., 4414 47 491/2 52^4 54% 5714 60 62% 16 1!'2 l(i l^h 2II4 24 263j 29I4 32 34% i-'h 40 42', (514 48 50% 5314 56 58% 6I14 64 196 I6I4 19 il94 24 li 27I4 30 3294 351, 38 40% 43', 4614 49 51% 5414 5714 60 621/2 6514 200 16?i 19V2 2214 25 '-' '4 501 3314 36 39 41% 441/4 47V4 50 529i 5514 5814 61 64 66% 17 204 17 199i229il 2514 2,si4 31^4 34 3694 39% 421/2 4514 48I.4 51 53% 56% 59i'2 6214 3514 68 NOTE: Alwaj's take numbers at the top for the height and numbers at the side for the length. Follow down the column under the heighth until you come exactly oppo- site the length, and where the imaginary lines cross you will tind the number of square feet. No fractions less than V^ are used. For convenience this table is indexed both in 16 SURFACE 12X17 FEET AND SMALLER. pages see note. Feet. 5 — 7 8 9 10 1 12 Inches 51 54 57 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 9e 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 182 136 144 Ft. In. 51 < 17 54 19 20 57 20 21 22 5 60 21 22 23 25 64 22 24 25 26 28 68 84 25 27 28 30 31 6 72 25 27 28 30 32 34 36 76 27 28 30 31 33 36 38 40 80 2S 30 31 33 35 37 40 42 44 7 84 29 31 33 35 37 39 43 44 46 49 88 31 33 34 36 39 41 44 46 49 51 53 92 32 34 36 38 41 4;^ 46 48 51 53 56 58 8 96 34 36 38 40 43 45 48 50 53 56 58 61 64 100 35 37 39 41 44 47 50 52 55 58 61 64 66 104 36 39 41 43 46 49 .52 55 57 60 63 6(i ()9 72 9 108 38 40 42 45 48 51 51 57 60 63 66 69 72 75 78 112 39 42 44 4(1 49 53 5() 59 62 65 68 71 74 77 81 84 116 41 43 46 48 51 54 58 61 64 67 71 74 77 80 83 87 90 10 120 42 45 47 50 53 56 60 63 66 70 73 76 80 83 86 90 93 96 124 43 46 49 51 55 58 62 65 69 72 75 79 82 86 89 93 9(1 100 103 128 45 48 50 53 57 60 64 67 71 74 78 81 85 89 92 9(1 91 ( 103 10(1 110 11 132 46 49 52 55 58 92 66 69 73 77 80 84 88 91 95 99 102 10(i 110 113 117 136 48 51 53 56 60 64 68 71 75 79 83 87 90 94 98 102 105 109 113 127 121 124 140 49 52 55 58 62 66 70 74 77 81 85 89 93 97 101 105 109 112 116 121 125 129 132 12 I'M 51 54 57 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 9I> 100 104 108 112 116 l-_'0 124 1-28 i:;2 13(i 144 148 52 55 58 61 65 70 74 78 82 8() 90 94 9S 102 107 111 115 119 I-'.'! 127 131 135 139 148 152 53 57 60 63 67 71 76 80 84 88 93 9: 1(11 105 io;i 114 US 132 1-J(1 131 13(i 140 144 152 13 156 55 58 61 65 69 73 78 82 86 91 95 99 104 108 112 117 121 125 130 134 138 143 147 156 ItiO 56 60 63 66 71 75 80 84 89 93 97 102 lOfi HI 115 120 134 129 133 137 142 146 151 160 164 58 61 65 68 72 77 82 86 91 95 100 104 10!) 114 lis 123 137 132 136 141 145 1.50 155 164 14 168 59 63 66 70 74 79 84 88 93 9S 1(12 1(17 112 IKi 121 12(1 130 135 140 144 119 1.54 158 168 172 61 64 68 71 76 81 86 90 95 10(1 KCi 110 114 119 124 12it 133 138 143 148 153 157 162 172 176 63 66 69 73 78 83 88 93 97 102 107 112 117 122 127 132 137 141 146 151 156 161 166 176 15 180 63 67 71 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 no 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 180 184 65 69 72 76 81 87 92 97 102 107 112 117 122 127 133 138 143 148 153 158 163 168 173 184 188 66 70 74 78 83 88 94 99 104 lOlt 115 120 125 130 135 141 146 151 156 162 167 172 177 188 16 192 68 72 76 80 85 90 96 101 lot) 112 117 122 128 133 138 144 149 154 160 lti5 170 17(j 181 192 196 69 73 77 81 87 92 98 103 109 114 119 125 130 136 141 147 1,52 158 163 168 174 179 185 196 200 70 75 79 83 89 94 100 105 111 116 122 127 133 139 144 150 155 161 166 172 177 183 189 200 17 '■iOA 72 76 80 85 90 96 102 107 113 119 12-1 130 136 141 147 153 158 164 170 175 181 187 192 204 feet and Inches and they can be used independently or together and the answer found is always square feet. For example, it oiakci's no difference wheth4 493 522 551 580 609 638 667 696 725 7.54 7a3 812 841 870 59 354 383 413 442 472 501 531 560 590 619 649 678 708 737 767 796 826 855 885 60 360 390 420 450 480 510 540 570 600 630 660 690 720 750 780 810 840 870 900 61 366 397 427 457 488 518 549 579 610 640 671 701 732 762 793 823 854 884 915 62 372 403 434 465 496 527 558 589 620 651 682 713 744 775 806 837 868 899 930 63 378 409 441 472 504 535 567 598 630 661 693 724 756 787 819 850 882 913 945 64 384 415 448 480 512 544 576 608 640 672 704 736 768 800 832 864 896 928 960 65 390 422 455 487 520 552 585 617 650 682 715 747 780 812 845 877 910 942 975 18 SURFACE FROM 6X10 FT. TO 25X65 FT. PACES 62 AND 63. 15i 16 16i 17 m 18 18^ 19 19^ 20 201' 21 21J 22 22J 23 23J 24 24i 25 151 16 240 248 256 16i 17' 255 263 264 272 272 280 18 271 279 280 288 288 297 297 306 315 324 18A 19 286 294 296 304 305 313 314 323 323 332 333 342 342 351 19^ 20 302 310 312 320 321 330 331 340 341 350 351 360 360 370 370 380 380 390 390 400 21 325 336 346 357 367 378 388 399 409 420 430 441 22 341 352 363 374 385 39(i 407 418 429 440 451 462 471 484 23 35(i 368 379 391 402 414 425 437' 44s 460 471 483 495 506 517 529 24 372 384 396 408 426 432 4441 451; 4(;s 4S0 482 504 516 528 540 552 564 576 25 387 400 412 425 437 450 462 475; 487 500 512 525 533 550 563 575 587 600 613 625 26 403 416 429 442 455 468 481 494 507 520 533 546 559 572 585 598 611 624 637 650 27 418 432 445 459 472 486 499 513 526 540 553 567 580 594 607 621 634 648 661 675 28 431 448 462 476 490 504 518 532 546 560 574 588 602 616 630 644 658 672 686 700 29 449 464 478 493 507 522 536 551 565 580 594 609 623 638 652 667 681 696 710 725 30 465 480 495 510 525 54t) 555 570 585 600 615 630 645 660 675 690 705 720 735 750 31 480 496 511 527 542 558 573 589 604 620 635 651 667 682 698 713 729 744 760 775 32 496 512 528 544 560 576 592 608 624 640 656 672 688 704 720 736 752 768 784 800 33 511 528 544 561 577 594 610 627 643 660 676 693 709 726 742 759 775 792 808 825 34 527 544 561 578 595 612 629 646 663 680 697 714 731 748 765 782 799 816 833 850 35 542 560 577 595 612 630 647 665 682 700 717 735 752 770 787 805 822 840 857 875 36 558 576 594 612 630 648 666 684 702 720 738 756 774 792 810 828 846 864 882 900 37 573 592 610 629 647 666 684 703 721 740 758 777 795 814 832 851 869 880 898 925 38 589 608 627 646 665 684 703 722 741 760 779 798 817 836 855 874 893 912 931 950 39 604 624 643 603 682 702 721 741 760 780 799 819 839 858 878 897 917 936 956 975 40 620 640 660 680 700 720 740 760 780 800 820 840 860 880 900 920 940 960 980 1000 41 635 656 676 697 717 738 758 779 799 820 840 861 882 902 923 944 964 985 1004 1025 42 651 672 693 714 735 756 777 798 819 840 860 882 903 924 945 966 987 1008 1029 1050 43 666 688 709 731 752 774 795 817 838 860 881 903 924 946 967 989 1010 1032 1053 1075 44 682 704 726 748 770 792 814 836 858 880 901 924 946 968 990 1012 1034 1056 1078 1100 45 697 720 742 765 787 810 832 855 877 900 922 945 967 990 1012 1035 1057 1080 1102 1125 46 713 736 759 782 805 828 851 874 897 920 942 906 9S!1 1012 1035 1058 1081 1104 1137 1150 47 728 752 775 799 822 846 869 893 916 940 963 987 1010 1034 1057 1081 1104 112b 1151 1175 48 744 768 792 816 840 864 8(<8 912 936 900 983 1008 1032 1056 1080 1104 1128 1152 1176 1200 49 759 784 808 833 857 882 906 931 955 980 1004 1029 1053 1078 1102 1127 1151 1176 1200 1225 50 775 800 825 850 875 900 925 950 975 1000 1025 1050 1075 1100 1125 1150 1175 1200 1225 1250 51 790 816 841 867 892 ills 943 96! 994 102( 104(i 1071 1096 1122 1147 1173 1198 1224 1250 1275 52 806 832 858 884 910 936 itOL 9X8 1014 104( 1066 1092 1118 1144 1170 1196 1222 1248 1274 1300 53 821 848 874 901 927 9.W 980 10(17 1033 106( 1086 1113 1139 1166 1192 1219 1255 1272 1298 1325 54 837 864 891 918 945 972 999 W2i 1053 1080 1107 1134 1161 1188 1215 1242 1269 1296 1323 1350 55 85'. 880 907 935 962 990 1017 1045 1072 1100 1127 1155 1182 1210 1237 1265 1292 1320 1347 1375 56 868 890 924 952 9«0 lOOS 103< 1064 10! 12 iia 1148 1171 1202 1232 1260 1288 1316 1344 1372 1400 57 883 912 94( 96! <)!t7 1(12( 1654ii(is:;!llll 114( 1168 1197 1225 1254 12S2 1311 133!l 136S laiil 1425 58 899 928 957 list 1015 1(144 1073 11(12 1131 ii(;o 118; 1218 1247 1276 1315 1334 13(;3 1392 1421 1450 69 914 944 97: KKi: l(t:;2'l(i6i. 1091 1121 115( 1180 1209 1239 1268 1298 1327 1357 1386 1416 1445 1475 60 93C 960 99( 11)21 11150 10S( 1110 114( 117( 1200 1230 1260 1290 1320 1350 1380 1420 144(1 1470 1500 61 94£ 1 ovi; i()(" lo:i7 l(l(;71(»!l^ 112s 115! 118! 122( i25(: 1281 1311 1342 1372 UO.", 1433 1464 1494 1525 62 9<>1 !»'.l'J Idl'.". lii:4 lOS,-, mi;!ll4T IITS 120! 124( 1271 1302 1333 1364 139r 142C 1457 14SS 15111 1550 63 97f ioiisii):!',ii()7J|ii()2ii:;4:iic.5n;iV|i-J2s 12<;( 12!)1 1323 1354 1386 1417 1449 1480 1512 1553 1575 64 ',»',i-. i(v_'4 lor.r, iiissli 1211 iifii' ns4 1-J1IM24N r2K( 1312 1344 1376 1408 1440 1472 1504 1536 1568 1600 65 liK)- l04(jio72liiii:,ii:;Tll7"i2o2i2:;rj!l2r,7 i:i0( 1333 1365 1397 1430 1462 1495 1527 1550 1582 1625 19 SQUARE FEET OF CLASS OR WALL 6 336 6i 361 7 392 420 8 l48 8^ 47b 9 504 9i 532 10 560 588 11 616 644 12 m 13 I3i 14 m 15 15J 56 672 700 728 756 784 812 840 868 57 342 371 399 428 450 485 513 542 570 599 627 656 684 713 741 770 798 827 855 884 58 348 377 400 4:i5' 4 4.S8 520 .553 585 018 050 683 715 748 780 813 845 878 910 943: 9751 1008 1 66 396 429 462 495 528 561 594 627 660 693 726 759 792 825 858 891 924 957 990 1023 67 402 430 469 5a3 536 570 603 637 670 701 737 771 804 838 871 905 938 972 1005 10.39 68 408 442 476 510 544 578 612 646 680 714 748 782 816 850 884 918 952 980 1020, 10,54 69 414 449 483 518 552 587 621 0,50 690 725 759 7W 828 863 897 932 ;ioo 1001 io:;5 1070 70 420 455 490 525 560 595 030 665 700 735 770 805 840 875 910 945 98(1 1015 105(1 1085 71 426 462 497 533 568 604 639 675 710 746 781 817 852 888 923 959 994 1030 1065 1101 72 432 468 504 540 .57(; 012 048 684 720 756 7i)2 828 804! 900 936 972 1008 1044 1080 1116 73 438 475 511 54s' 5S-1 021 (;57 (594 730 707 80;i 840 870 913 949 980' 1022' 10,50 1095 1132 74 444 481 Tir.;. .".'. •_' (;29 (;(;(' 703 740 777 814 851 888 925 SH>2 909 i(i:;»; 1073 llio! 1147 75 450 48S r.L'.-. :.r,:; ooii ii'AS 075 7i;i 750 788 825 803 900 938 975 101:;, 10,50 1088 1125 1163 76 456 494 ;,;, 1 , ,1 IX 046 (i84 722 760 798 836 874 912 950 988 1020 1064 1102 1140 1178 77 4(i2 501 ."): ;; i .■,7s r.ii; 655 693 732 770 809 847 886 924 9(>3 1001 1040 1078 1117 11,55 1194 78 4(;s 507 540 :,s:>. (-,24 OfS 702 741 780 819 858 897 936' 975 1014! 10.53 1002' 1131' 1170 1209 79 474 514 55:; 5'.i:i (^32 072 711 751 790 8:50 8(;'.t 909 948' 988 10271 io(;7 ikk; 1140 1185. 1225 80 480 52(1 500 00(1 040 080 720 700 800 840 880 920 960 1000 1040 1080 1120 Ut;o 1200 1240 1 1 ' ' 81 486 527 567 608 648 689 729 770 810 851 891 932 972 1013 1053| 1094; 1134 1175! 1215 1256 82 492 533 574 615 656 697 738 779 820 861 iK)2 943 984 1025 1066 11071 1148 1189; 1230 1271 83 498 :540 5S1 023 664 706 747 789 830 872 913 955 99(; 1038 1079 1121' 1102 1204' 124.5 1287 84 504 54(; 5SS 030 672 714 750 798 840 882 924 966 1008 1050 1092, 11:54: 117(; 1218 12(;o| 1302 85 510 553 595 (i38 680 723 705 808 850 893 935 978 1020 1063 1 1105 1148 1190 12.;3 1275! 1318 86 510 559 (i02 ()45 688 731 774 817 860 903 94(i 989 1032 1075 1118; 1161 1204 1247 1290 1333 87 522 5(i0 009 053 696 740 783 827 870 914 957 1001 1044> 1088 1131' 11751 1218 1202 1305 1349 88 528 572 016 660 704 748 792 836 880 924 980 17.50 1820 1890 l9(;o 2030 2100 2170 14r. 87(1 94:! 1015 1088 1160 1233 1305 1378 14.50 1,523 15'.1,-. i(;r.8 1740 1813 1.885 1058 2o:;(i 2103 2175 2248 150 '.Hid 9,5 1050 1125 1200 1275 1350 1425 150(1 1575 1(.,50 172,5 1,800 1875 195(1 2025 2100 2175 2250 2325 155 93(1 1008 1085 1163 1240 1318 1395 1473 1,550 1628 1705 1783 1860 1938 2015 2093 2170 2248 2325 2403 160 96(1 1040 1120 1200 1280 1300 1440 1520 1600 1080 1760 1.840 1920 2000 2080 2100 2240 2320 2400 2480 165 99(1 1073 1155 1238 1320 1403 1485 1508 1050 1733 1815 1808 1980 2063 2145 2228 2310 2393 2475 2558 170 1020 1105 1190 1275 1360 1445 15:^0 1015 1700 1785 1870 i;i.55 2040 2125 2210 2295 2380 2465 2550 2635 175 1050 1138 1225 1313 1400 1488 1575 1663 1750 1838 1925 2013 2100 2188 2275 2363 2450 2538 2625 2713 180 1080 1170 1260 1350 1440 1530 1620 1710 1800 1890 1980 2070 2160 2250 2340 2430 2520 2610 2700 2790 185 111(1 1203 1295 1.388 1,580 1573 1605 1758 18,50 1943 20.35 2128 2220 2313 2405 2498 2590 2083 2775 2868 190 1140 1 ■_>:;-, i;'.30 1425 1.^.20 i(;i.^ 1710 ISO.-. 1900 1095 2000 2185 2280 2375 2470 2505 20(;o 27.55 28.50] 2945 lor.'iKo rji;s'i:;i;:, ik;:; i:,(;ii lt;.-,s 17.V. 1 8.",: : 1050 2048 214.5 2-j-i:; 2:; 10 24: ;8 25:!.5! 20:;:; 27:;(1' 2.vj,sj L"!!'.-,] 3023 20(i:iL'ii(i i:;iio;i4(Hi i.")ito;i(;o(i 1700 1800 I'.lOO JOOO 2100 22(10 2:ioo 2400 2500 2000! 2T00 280(ii 2000 300(l| 3100 20 SURFACE 6X56 FEET AND LARGER. 16 S'.h; \6i 924 17 ml 18 lOOS 18A 103(1 19 1004 19J 1092 20 1120 20i 114S 21 1176 22 1232 23 1288 24 1.344 25 1400 26 1456 27 28 i."m;s 29 1624 30 56 952 980 1512 1680 57 012 ',•41 9(;9 99S .021 ; lO.V. lo.s;; 1112 1140 ii(;!i 11! 17 1254 i;;ii i;;6s 1425 1482 15:!!l 15!l(l 1653 1710 58 928 957 use 1015 1044 107:; 1102 ii;;i; IK.O 11S!I 1218 1276 1334 13!t2 14.50 1.508 1566 1624 1682 1740 59 944 974 loo:; lo:;:! io(;2 1002 1121 1151, U.SO 1210 1239 1298 1357 1416 1475 1534 1593 1652 1711 1770 60 960 990 1020105(1 1110 1140 1170 1200 12:30 1260 1320 1380 1440 1500 1560 1620 168(t 1740 180O 61 976 1007 1037101 ;s 109.S 1129 11.59 ll!tO 1220 1251 12S1 1342 140: i 1464 1525 1586 1647 1708 1769 1830 62 992 1023 1054: losr. iik; 1147 117S l2o:i 1240 1271 i;;o2 i;;(;4 1426 1488 1.550 1612 1674 1736 1798 18(50 63 1008 104(1 1071 ii(i:; ii;;4' ii(;(; 11'.I7 122!l 1260 1292 1323 i;;8(i 1449 1512 1575 1638 1701 1764 1827 1890 64 1024 1056 loss 1120 11.-.2I 11.S4 1210 124S 1280 1312 1344 1408 1472 1536 1600 1664 1728 1792 1856 1920 65 1040 1073 I105ii;is 1170 l2o;; 12;J5 1268 l;j00 1333 1365 14.30 1495 1.560 1625 1690 1755 1820 1885 1950 66 1056 1089 1122 1155 ll.SS 1221 12.54 1287 1320 1353 1386 14.52 1518 1584 1650 1716 1782 1848 1914 1980 67 1072 not; li:v.iii7:; 120(; 1240 127;; 1.3071 1340 1374 1407 1474 1541 1608 1675 1742| 1809 1876 1943 2010 68 1088 1122 115(;il90 1224 125S 1292 i:;26! 1360 1394 1428 1496 1564 1632 1700 1768 1836 1904 1972 2040 69 1104 1139 11731208 1242 1277 1311 i;;4(; i;;,so 1415 1449 1518 1587 1656 1725 1794 1863 1932 2001 2070 70 112(1 1155 11901225 i2«;o 1295 1330 i:.;(;5 1400 1435 1470 1540 1610 1680 1750 1820 1890 1960 2030 2100 71 ii3(; 1172 : 1207 1243 1278 1314 l:!49 1.185 1420 14.56 1491 1562 1633 1704 1775 1846 l!n7 1988 2059 2130 72 1152 liss 1224 121 :0 1290 i;;;'.2 i:;6s 1404 1440 1476 1512 1584 1656 1728 1800 1S72' 1!I44 2016 2088 2160 73 1168 1205 1241 1278 1314 1351 1387 1424 i4(;(i 14!I7 1533 1606 1679 1752 1825 1898, 1971 2044 2117 2190 74 1184 1221 12581295 1332 i;i69 140li 1443 1480 1517 1554 1628 1702 1776 1850 1924 1998 2072 2146 2220 75 1200 1238 1275il313 1 1350 1388 1425 1463 1500 1538 1575 1650 1725 1800 1875 1950j 2025 2100 2175 2250 76 I2i(; 1254 1292 13: !o i:!(;s 140(; 1444 14S2 1520 1558 1596 1672 1748 1824 1900 1970! 2052 2128 2204 2280 77 1232 1271 i;;o'Ji:!4s 13S(; 1425 I*;:; 1.502 1.540 1579 1617 1694 1771 1848 1925 2002 2079 2156 2233 2310 78 124S 1287 132(ii:;(i5 1404 144:; l4.-^2 1.521 l.",{i() 15!)9 1638 1716 1794 1872 1950 2028: 2106 2184 2262 2340 79 1264 1304 134ii:;s:; 1422 141.2 1.501 1.541 15,S0^ 1(;20 1659 1738 1817 1896 1975 2054 2133 2212 2291 2370 80 1280 1320 13601400 144(» 14.S0 1.520 i5(;o i(;oo 1640 1680 1760 1840 1920 2000 2080 2160 2240 2320 2400 81 1296 1337 13771418 145S 149; 1 15:;9 1.5Sfl 1(.20 ICOl 1701 1782 1S(;;; 1941 2025 2106 2187 2268 2349 2430 82 1312 1353 1394 14: ;5 147(1 1517 1.5.5S 1.5!l!) 1(14(1 16S1 1722 1804 ISSIl l!Mi8 2050 2132 2214 2296 2378 2460 83 1328 1370 1411 145:; 1494 15;;(; 1577 1619 1660 1702 1743 1S26 1909 1992 2075 2158 2241 2324 2407 2490 84 1344 1386 14281470 1512 15.54 1596 1638 1680 1722 1764 1848 1932 2016 2100 2184 2268 2352 2436 2520 85 1360 1403 144511488 1530 1573 1615 1658 1700 1743 1785 1870 1955 2040 2125 2210 2295 2380 2465 2550 86 i:;7(; Ul'.i 14(;2150.-. 1.54S 1.591 i(;:;4 1677 1720 17(;:; 1S0(; 18! 12 1!I78 2064 2150 2236 2322 2408 2494 2580 87 i:;:t2 14: k; 1479 152:; l,-.t;(; i(;i(i lij5;; 16! 17 1740 17S4 isi;7 1914 2001 2088 2175 2262 2349 2436 2523 2610 8S 14(18 1452 1496154(1 1584 1628 i(;72 1716 17(10, 1804 1848 1936 2024 2112 2200 2288 2376 2464 2552 2640 89 1424 1469 1513 1558 1602 1047 1691 1736 1780 1825 1869 1958 2047 2136 2225 2314 2403 2492 2581 2670 90 1440 1485 1530 1575 1620 1665 1710 1755 1800 1845 1890 1980 2070 2160 2250 2340 2430 2520 2610 2700 91 1456 1502 1547 1593 1638 i(;84 172! 1775 1820 I8(;c 1911 2002 2093 2184 2275 2366 2457 2,548 2639 2730 92 1472 1518 1564 1610 1656 1702 174S 17! (4 l.-<4( l.S.S( VXVJ 2024 2116 2208 2300 2392 24S4 257 1955 201: 207< 212S 21.S.- 224; 2;;o( 235s 241." 253( 264," 276( 287." 299( ;;ior 322( 3335 3450 120 1920 198C 204( 210( 2ii;( 222( 22S( 2;;4( 240( 246( 2.521 2640 276( 2880 3000 3120 3240 3360 3480 3600 125 2000 2063 212" 218S 2:!i: 2:17." 24;;s 250( 2.563 262." 2750 2875 3000 3125 3250 3375 3500 3625 3750 130 208( 214r 221( 227.- 234( 240." 247( '*5'1." 26(l( 2( ;(;."■ 2730 2860 2990 3120 325( 33S( ;i5io 3(;4( 3770 3900 135 216f 222^ 229r 2: i( '■: 24: ;( 240S 25( ;." 2( ;:;: 270( 2768 2835 297C 3105 3240 337." 351( :;(i4." 37S( 3915 4050 140 224( 231C 23S( 245( 252( 2590 266( 273( 280(. 2S7( 2940 3080 322( 3360 350( ;i64( 37S( o!t2( 4060 4200 i4r 232( 239;^ 240- ■iri: IS 2(;i( 2683 275E 2828 2900 2973 3045 ;ii9C 3,3;;." 3480 362." 3770 3915 400( 4205 4;350 151 240f 247r 2551 2{V2: 270( 2775 285C 2925 300C 3075 315t 330( 3450 3600 3750 3900 4050 4200 4350 4500 I5r 248f 255S^ 263F 271: 279( 2S(;s 294." :;o23 :;10( ;;i7? 3255 .341( 3.565 372( :!S7." 4(i::( 41ii( 41.S." 4:!2( 4;;4( 44S( 44! 1." 4(;4( 4i;.50 4800 25(i( 2(!4( 272( 2S( 1( 28S( ■2'M' 2;i7( :;o.".: :;i:;.- :;2ls :;30( 3:;s: 34(i5 363C 379.5 .3<)i;( 412." 42! M 44.5." 4(;2( 47,8." 4!t50 17( 272( 2S0." 2S9( 297." 306f 314.^: 323f xnr 3401 348." 3570 374C 391(1 408( 4250 4420 4590 4761 49;;( 5100 i7r 280( ■ISSi 297r 30<;: 315t 323^ 332.' 3413 350r 358!' 3675 385C 402.5 420f 4375 4550 4725 490( 5075 5250 18C 2S8f 2970 306( 31.5( 324( :;:;3r :;42( :;5l( :!(;o( :;(;9f 37S( 39(;r 414r 4:!2f 450( 4(;s( 4S(;( 5041 5220 5400 18- 29(;( :j053;;i4f ;i23> :{; i: ;( :!42: :;5i.r :!6n^ :;70( :;7!(; ;" 407( 425." 444( 4(12." 4S1( 4!l!l." 51S( 536," 5550 19( 3n4f 3135 323()'332: ;U2( ;i51£ :;(;i( :;70." :;s(i( ;;s!i.- 399( 41.S( 4;;7( 4.5(1( 475( 4!H( 5i;;( .5;;2( 5.510 5700 I!ir):;i2ii3'jis:::3i:.:;4i: :;.5i( ;;(;(is :;7o." ;iso; :;!io( 399^ 40! t." 42! (f 44s." 4(1S( 487." 507( 52(1C 546( 5C>or 5850 20(i|;;L'ii()|;;3i)iii:mK)l: ;:>()( 'M ;( « :;7(i( :;so( 39()( 400( 410f 420( 440( 4(;of 480( 500( 520( 540f 560C 580(1 6000 21 TABLE SHOWING RADIATION NECESSARY AT VARIOUS RATES per square foot of glass or wall surface. See explanatory note bottom I'age 27. CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING PAGES :3- RATE. < 3 3i li 3J 31 4 li 44 1 5 1 6 7 8 10 15 174 20 224 25 274 30 5 H 6 2 li li 1 li 1 1 7 n 2i 2 2 1 li 14 1 1 8 n 2J 21 2 2 1| 14 li 1 1 9 3 n 24 2A 2i 2 li 14 1 1 1 10 3i 3 2f 2| 24 2i 2 11 IJ li 1 11 33 35 3i 3 21 24 2i 1| 14 14 1 12 4 3J 3J 3i 3 2| 24 2 13 1* li 13 4i 4 33 3i 3i 3 24 2i IJ l| li U 4? 4i 4 3i 34 3 2} 2i 2 1| 14 15 5 43 4J 4 31 3i 3 24 21 2 14 1 i 16 5J 5 4j a 4 34 3i 2} 2i 2 1* 1 17 r.3 ^A 42 4i 3J 34 2} 24 2i 1| li 18 6 5J ■'"'i 4J 4A 4 34 3 24 2i li U 19 Ci 6 ■".* 5 4| 4i 3i 3i 23 24 2 li 20 6J 6i f>4 5J 5 44 4 3i 23 24 2 H li 21 7 6^ 6 5J 5i 4| 4i 34 3 2J 2 14 li 22 7| 6J Gi 6 64 5 4i 33 3i 23 2i 14 li 23 7? 7 6i 6i 6i 5 44 3} II 3 2i 14 li li 24 8 '2 4 6J 6 5i 4} 4 3 24 14 li or, 8.1 73 7i 6J 6i 54 5 41 34 3i 24 li 14 li 26 8.? 8* 7J 7 64 5| 5i 4i 33 3i 2* 1 14 li li 27 9 8.1 73 7J 6J C 54 44 33 34 23 1 14 li 28 9i 8J 8 7i 7 ^\ 54 43 4 34 23 1 14 14 li 29 9J 9 8] 7J 7i ^\ 5| 43 4i 3| 3 2 i| 14 li li it ao 10 91 8^ 8 74 6| 6 5 4i 3| 3 2 13 14 li \\ 31 10} 9J 8J 8i 71 7 6i 5i 44 4 3 2 13 1* 14 li li 32 lOJ 10 9i 84 8 7 64 5i 4* 4 3i 2i 13 14 14 li li 33 11 lOi 9I 8J 8i 7i 6A 54 43 4i 3i 2i 2i li 14 li li *t llj lOJ 9J 9 84 74 6} 53 43 4i 34 2 li 14 li li li ;k 11? lOJ 10 91 8| 71 7 53 5 44 34 2i 2 If 14 14 li li 36 12 11 lOi 9i 9 8 7i 6 5i 44 3* 24 2 13 14 14 li li 37 12i lU lOA 9i ^\ 8i 74 6i 5i 4| 33 24 2 13 13 14 li ij 38 12J Hi lOJ 10 94 84 74 6i 54 43 33 24 2i 13 14 1* li 39 13* 12 Hi 104 9i 8| 7| 64 54 5 4 24 2i 2 li 14 14 H 40 13J 12i iii 105 10 9 8 63 53 5 4 23 2i 2 13 14 14 li 41 13 J 11* 11 lOi 9 8i 63 53 5i 4 23 2i 2 s 13 1* 1 1 42 14 I2I 12 11} lOJ 9i 84 7 6 5i 4i 23 2* 2 li 13 14 1* 43 14i 13 12J 111 lOJ 94 84 7i 6i 54 4i 2| 24 2i 2 13 I5 1 T 44 14| 13i 12^ llj 11 9| 83 7i 6i 54 44 3 24 2i 2 li 14 14 45 15 13a 12^ 12 Hi 10 9 74 64 5| 4* 3 24 2i 2 i| 11 14 46 15i 14i 13i r.'i 114 lOi 9i 73 6* 53 44 3 2i 2 13 13 14 47 15 J 14i 13i 12i iij lOi 9A 73 63 6 43 3i 23 2i 2 2 13 1* 48 16 14J 131 12J 12 lOi 9J 8 63 6 43 3i 23 24 ^t 2 13 H 49 ir-i 15 14 13 12i 11 9| 8i 7 6i 5 3i 23 24 2i 2 li 13 50 16i 15i 14i 13i 124 11 10 8i 7i 6i 5 3i 23 2* 2i 2 13 li 51 17 15| 14i \n 123 Hi lOi 8* 7i C* 5 3* 3 24 2i 2 13 52 17i 16 14 j 14 13 lU lOi 83 74 6* 5i 3* 3 24 2i 2 2 13 53 175 16j 15^ 14i 13i 111 loi 83 7* 63 3* 3 23 2i 2 2 13 .54 IS 16^ 15^ 14^ 134 12 10| 9 7| 63 54 34 3 23 24 2i 2 li .55 .56 18J 1«J 19 lOi 17 . Ml 17| 18i 151 16 16i 16A 16J 141 15 151 13| 12i 11 9i 7| 7 5* 33 3i 23 2* 2i 2 Ij 14 Hi 9i 8 7 5* 33 3i 23 2* 2i 2 li .58 59 14i 12J lU 9* 8i 7i 5| 33 3i 23 24 2i 2 2 14.i 14i 13 13 lU 111 93 93 8i 84 7i 74 53 6 33 4 3i 3i 3 3 24 24 2i 2i 2 CO 20 18^ 17J 16 15 13i 12 10 8* 7* 6 4 34 3 23 2* 2i 2 61 2()i 18| 17i JI^I 15i 13* 12i lOi 83 -1 6 4 34 3 23 2* -5 2 62 20:! 19 171 164 15I 13| 12.4 io| 83 '? 6i 4i 3* 3 23 2* 2i 2 63 21 19i 18 16| 15| 14 12* 10* 9 8 6i 4i 3* 3i 23 ■'* 2i 9 64 2U 19| 18J 17 10 14i 12| io| 9i 8 64 4i 3i 3i 23 2I 2i 2i 65 21s 20 18^ 17i 16i 14i 13 103 9i 8i 6* 4i 33 3i 3 24 2i 2i 2i 66 22 20^ 18f 171 161 14| 13i 11 9* 8i 6* 4* 33 3i 3 23 2* 67 68 22i 223 20| 21 19J 19i 18 18i 16| 17 15 15 13* 13* Hi Hi 9* 9| 84 63 63 4.4 4.4 33 4 3i 3* 3 3 23 23 24 2i 2i 69 23 2U 19J 184 17i 15i 13| 114 n 83 4* 4 3* 3 23 |i 2i TABLE SHOWING RADIATION NECESSARY AT VARIOUS RATES per square foot of glass or wall surface. See explanatory note bottom Page 27. CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING PAGES i < RATE. 3 3i 3* 20 3l 19 4 H 5 6 7 8 10 15 4 20 22J 25 27i 30 70 23 22 18 16 14 12 10 9 5 4 3 3 3 2 71 24 22 20 19 18 16 14 12 10 9 7 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 72 24 22 21 19 18 16 14 12 10 9 7 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 73 24 23 21 20 18 16 15 12 10 9 7 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 74 25 23 21 20 19 16 15 12 11 9 7 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 75 25 23 21 20 19 17 15 13 11 9 8 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 7G 25 24 20 19 17 15 13 11 10 8 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 77 26 24 22 21 19 17 15 13 11 10 8 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 78 26 24 22 21 20 17 16 13 11 10 8 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 79 26 24 23 21 20 18 16 13 11 10 8 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 80 27 ' 25 23 21 20 18 16 13 11 10 8 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 81 27 25 23 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 82 27 25 24 22 21 18 16 14 12 10 8 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 83 28 26 24 22 21 18 17 14 12 10 8 6 5 4 4 3 3 3 84 28 26 24 22 21 19 17 14 12 11 8 6 5 4 4 3 3 3 85 28 26 25 23 21 19 17 14 12 11 9 6 5 4 4 3 3 3 86 29 27 25 23 22 19 17 14 12 11 9 6 5 4 4 3 3 3 87 29 27 -5 23 22 19 17 15 12 11 9 6 5 4 4 3 3 3 88 29 27 25 24 22 20 18 15 13 11 9 6 5 4 4 4 3 3 89 30 28 25 24 22 20 18 15 13 11 9 6 5 4 4 4 3 3 90 30 28 26 24 23 20 18 15 13 11 9 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 91 30 28 26 24 23 20 18 15 13 11 9 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 92 31 29 26 25 25 23 20 18 15 13 12 9 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 93 31 29 27 23 21 19 16 13 12 9 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 94 31 29 27 25 24 21 19 16 13 12 9 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 95 32 30 27 26 24 21 19 16 14 12 10 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 96 32 30 27 26 24 21 19 16 14 12 11) 5 5 4 4 3 3 97 32 30 28 26 24 22 19 16 14 12 10 6 6 5 4 4 4 3 98 33 30 28 26 25 22 20 16 14 12 10 7 6 5 4 4 4 3 99 33 31 28 27 25 22 20 17 14 12 10 7 6 5 4 4 4 3 KKI 33 31 29 27 25 22 20 17 14 13 10 7 6 5 4 4 4 3 110 37 34 31 30 28 24 22 19 15 14 11 7 6 6 5 4 4 4 120 40 37 34 32 30 27 24 20 17 16 12 » 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 im 43 40 37 35 33 29 26 22 19 17 13 "~9 7 7 6 5 5 4 140 47 43 40 38 35 31 28 24 20 18 14 9 8 " 6 6 5 5 l.W ,50 46 43 40 38 33 30 25 21 19 15 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 160 53^ 49 46 43 40 36 32 27 23 21 16 11 9 8 7 6 6 5 170 52 56 49 46 48 43 38 34 29 24 22 17 11 10 9 8 7 6 6 180 60 51 45 40 36 30 20 23 18 12 10 9 8 7 7 6 190 63 59 .54 51 48 42 38 32 27 24 19 13 11 10 8 8 '' U 200 67 62 65 68 71 74 57 54 50 44 40 34 29 25 20 13 11 10 9 8 7 7 210 70 60 63 66 69 56 59 a. 64 53 47 42 35 30 26 21 14 12 11 9 8 8 7 220 73 55 49 44 37 31 28 22 15 13 11 10 9 8 7 2I:J0 58 51 46 39 33 29 23 15 13 12 10 9 8 8 240 80 60 53 48 40 34 30 24 16 14 12 11 10 9 8 2.50 83 77 71 67 63 56 50 42 36 31 25 17 14 13 11 10 9 8 260 87 80 74 70 65 58 52 44 37 33 2(i 17 15 13 12 10 10 9 ;!70 90 83 77 72 68 00 54 45 39 34 27 18 15 14 12 11 10 9 280 93 86 80 75 70 C2 56 47 40 35 28 19 16 14 12 11 10 9 290 97 89 83 77 73 04 58 48 41 36 29 19 17 15 13 12 11 10 300 100 92 86 80 75 67 00 50 43 38 30 20 17 15 13 12 11 10 310 103 95 89 83 78 69 62 52 44 39 31 21 18 16 14 12 11 10 320 107 98 91 86 80 71 (14 53 46 40 32 21 18 16 14 13 12 11 330 110 101 94 88 83 73 60 55 47 41 33 22 19 17 15 13 12 11 340 113 104 97 91 85 76 08 57 49 43 34 23 19 17 15 14 12 11 350 117 lOS 100 94 88 78 70 58 50 44 35 23 20 18 16 14 13 12 360 120 111 lo;'. 97 90 80 72 CO 51 45 30 24 21 18 16 14 13 12 370 123 114 106 99 93 82 74 62 53 46 37 25 21 19 16 15 13 12 380 127 117 109 101 95 84 76 63 54 47 38 25 22 19 17 15 14 13 390 ViO 120 111 104 98 87 78 C5 56 49 39 26 22 20 17 16 14 13 400 133 123 114 107 100 89 80 67 57 50 40 27 23 20 18 16 15 13 410 137 126 117 110 103 91 82 68 59 51 41 27 23 21 18 16 15 14 420 140 139 120 112 105 93 84 70 60 52 42 28 24 21 19 17 15 14 430 143 132 123 115 108 96 86 72 61 53 43 29 25 22 19 17 16 14 440 147 .135 126 117 110 98 88 73 63 55 44 29 25 22 20 18 16 15 TABLE SHOWING RADIATION NECESSARY AT VARIOUS RATES per square foot of glass or wall surface. See explanatory note bottom Page 27. OnNTINUED ON FOLLOWING PAGES *5 RATE. s < 3 liiO 3i 139 3^ 129 31 120 4 4i 5 6 7 8 10 15 17^ 20 22^ 25 27J 30 450 113 100 90 75 64 56 45 30 26 23 20 18 16 15 46(1 153 142 131 123 115 102 92 77 66 58 46 31 26 23 20 18 17 15 47(1 ir)7 145 134 125 118 104 94 78 67 59 47 31 27 24 21 19 17 16 4S(l ICO 148 137 128 120 107 96 80 69 60 48 32 27 24 21 19 17 16 4'JO KB 151 140 131 123 109 98 82 70 61 49 33 28 25 22 20 18 16 50(1 167 154 143 133 125 111 100 83 71 63 50 33 29 25 22 20 18 17 510 170 157 146 136 128 113 102 85 73 64 51 34 29 26 23 20 18 17 520 173 160 149 139 130 116 104 87 74 65 52 35 30 26 23 21 19 17 530 177 1(53 151 142 133 118 106 88 76 66 53 35 30 27 24 21 19 18 54(J 180 167 154 145 135 120 108 90 77 68 54 36 31 27 24 22 20 18 550 183 170 157 147 138 122 110 92 79 69 55 37 31 28 24 22 20 18 5(MI 187 173 160 150 140 124 112 93 80 70 56 37 32 28 25 22 20 19 570 190 176 163 153 143 127 114 95 81 71 57 38 33 29 25 23 21 19 5S0 193 179 166 156 145 129 116 97 83 73 58 39 33 29 26 23 21 19 5;io 197 182 169 158 148 131 118 98 84 74 59 39 34 30 26 24 21 20 COO 200 185 171 160 150 133 120 100 •86 75 60 40 34 30 27 24 22 20 610 2(13 188 174 163 153 136 122 102 87 76 61 41 35 31 27 24 22 20 6'20 207 191 177 166 155 138 124 103 89 78 62 41 35 31 28 25 22 21 630 210 194 180 168 158 140 126 105 90 79 63 42 36 32 28 25 23 21 640 213 197 183 171 160 142 128 107 91 80 64 43 37 32 28 26 23 21 650 217 200 186 174 163 144 130 108 93 81 65 43 37 33 29 26 24 22 660 220 203 189 177 165 147 132 110 94 83 66 44 38 33 29 26 24 22 670 223 206 192 180 168 149 134 112 96 84 67 45 38 34 30 27 24 22 680 227 209 195 182 170 151 136 113 97 85 68 45 39 34 30 27 25 23 690 230 212 198 184 173 153 138 115 99 86 69 46 39 35 31 28 25 23 7(MI 233 215 200 187 175 156 140 117 100 88 70 47 40 35 31 28 25 23 71(1 237 218 203 190 178 158 142 118 101 89 71 47 41 36 32 28 26 24 72(1 240 221 206 192 180 160 144 120 103 90 72 48 41 36 32 29 26 24 73(1 243 224 209 195 183 162 146 122 104 91 73 49 42 37 32 29 26 24 74(1 247 227 211 198 185 164 148 123 106 93 74 49 42 37 33 30 27 25 7r>o jr.o 231 214 200 188 167 150 125 107 94 75 50 43 38 33 30 27 25 7(ai 253 234 217 203 190 169 152 127 109 95 76 51 43 38 34 30 28 25 770 257 237 220 206 193 171 154 128 110 96 77 51 44 39 34 31 28 26 7!S(l 2(10 240 223 209 195 173 156 130 111 98 78 52 45 39 35 31 28 26 7'J(i 203 243 226 211 198 176 158 132 113 99 79 53 45 40 35 32 29 26 800 267 246 229 214 200 178 160 133 114 100 80 53 46 40 36 32 29 27 810 270 249 231 217 203 180 162 135 116 1111 81 54 46 41 36 32 29 27 820 273 252 234 220 205 182 164 137 117 103 82 55 47 41 36 33 30 27 8130 277 255 237 223 208 184 106 138 119 104 83 55 47 42 37 33 30 28 840 280 258 240 225 210 187 168 140 120 105 84 56 48 42 37 34 30 28 Sfid 2S.', 21 12 243 227 213 189 170 142 121 106 85 57 49 43 38 34 31 28 mi '_'S7 •Jd.". 246 230 215 191 172 143 123 108 86 57 49 43 38 34 31 29 87(1 2; 1(1 2(18 249 232 218 193 174 145 124 109 87 58 50 44 39 35 32 29 880 293 271 251 235 220 196 176 147 126 110 88 59 50 44 39 35 32 29 890 297 274 254 238 223 198 178 148 127 111 89 59 51 45 40 36 32 30 900 300 277 257 240 225 200 180 150 129 113 90 60 51 45 40 36 33 30 910 m:i 280 260 243 228 202 182 152 130 114 91 61 52 46 40 36 33 30 920 307 283 263 246 230 204 184 153 131 115 92 61 53 46 41 37 33 31 930 310 286 266 249 233 207 186 155 las 116 93 62 53 47 41 37 34 31 940 313 289 269 251 235 209 188 157 134 118 04 63 54 47 42 38 34 31 950 317 293 271 254 238 211 190 158 136 119 95 63 &4 48 42 38 34 32 96U 320 25)6 274 257 240 213 192 160 137 120 96 64 55 48 43 38 35 32 970 323 299 277 260 243 216 194 162 139 121 97 65 55 49 43 39 35 32 980 327 302 280 262 2'iO 218 196 163 140 123 98 65 56 49 44 39 36 33 990 330 305 283 265 248 220 198 165 141 124 99 66 57 50 44 40 36 33 1000 333 308 280 268 250 202 200 167 143 125 100 67 57 50 44 40 36 33 102(1 340 314 291 272 255 227 204 170 146 128 102 68 58 51 45 41 37 34 1040 347 320 297 277 200 231 208 173 149 130 104 69 59 52 46 42 38 35 1060 353 326 303 283 265 236 212 177 152 133 106 71 61 53 47 42 39 35 1080 360 332 309 288 270 240 216 180 154 135 108 72 62 54 48 43 39 36 1100 367 338 314 293 275 244 220 183 157 138 110 73 63 55 49 44 40 37 1120 373 344 320 299 280 249 224 187 160 140 112 75 64 56 50 45 41 37 1140 380 351 326 304 285 253 228 190 163 143 114 76 65 57 51 46 42 38 116(1 387 357 331 309 290 258 232 193 166 145 116 77 66 58 52 46 42 39 1180 303 363 337 315 295 292 236 197 169 148 118 79 67 59 52 47 43 39 TABLE SHOWING RADIATION NECESSARY AT VARIOUS RATES per square foot of glass or wall surface. See explanatory note bottom Page 27. CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING PAGES ^ RATE. 3 <1 3 3i 370 3J 343 31 4 300 4* 267 5 240 6 7 171 8 10 120 15 17i 20 22* 25 27^ 30 1200 400 320 200 150 80 69 60 53 48 44 40 1220 407 376 349 326 305 271 244 203 174 153 122 81 70 61 54 49 44 41 124( 413 381 354 330 310 276 248 207 177 155 124 83 71 62 55 50 45 41 12i;( 420 388 360 336 315 280 252 210 180 1.58 126 84 72 63 56 50 46 42 1280 427 394 366 342 320 284 256 213 183 160 128 85 73 64 57 51 47 43 130f 433 400 371 347 325 289 260 217 186 163 130 87 74 65 58 52 47 43 1320 440 406 377 352 330 293 264 220 189 165 132 88 75 66 59 53 48 44 1340 447 412 383 357 335 298 268 2-.'3 191 168 134 89 77 67 60 54 49 45 1360 453 418 389 363 340 302 272 227 194 170 136 91 78 68 60 54 49 45 1380 460 424 394 368 345 307 276 230 197 173 138 92 79 69 61 55 50 46 1400 467 430 400 374 350 311 280 233 200 175 140 93 80 70 62 56 51 47 1420 473 436 406 379 355 316 284 237 203 178 142 95 81 71 63 57 52 47 1440 480 442 411 384 360 320 288 240 206 180 144 96 82 72 64 58 52 48 1400 487 448 417 389 365 324 292 243 209 183 146 97 83 73 65 58 53 49 1480 493 455 423 394 370 329 290 247 211 185 148 99 85 74 66 59 54 49 1500 500 461 429 400 375 333 300 250 214 188 1.50 100 86 75 67 60 55 50 1520 507 4G8 434 406 380 338 304 2.53 217 190 152 101 87 76 68 61 55 51 1540 513 474 440 411 385 342 308 257 220 193 154 103 88 77 68 62 56 51 1560 520 480 446 416 390 347 312 260 223 195 156 104 89 78 69 62 57 52 1580 527 486 451 421 395 351 316 263 226 198 158 105 90 79 70 63 57 53 1600 533 492 457 427 400 356 .320 267 229 200 160 107 91 80 71 64 58 53 1620 540 498 463 432 405 360 324 270 231 203 162 108 93 81 72 65 59 54 1640 547 504 469 437 410 364 328 273 234 205 164 109 94 82 73 66 60 55 1060 5.54 510 474 443 415 369 332 277 237 208 166 111 95 83 74 66 60 55 1680 560 516 480 448 420 373 336 280 240 210 168 112 96 84 75 67 61 56 1700 567 522 486 453 425 378 340 283 243 213 170 113 97 .85 76 68 62 57 1720 573 529 491 459 430 382 .344 287 246 215 172 115 98 86 76 69 63 57 1740 .580 535 497 464 435 387 348 290 249 218 174 116 99 87 77 70 63 58 1760 .587 .541 503 470 440 391 352 293 251 220 176 117 101 88 78 70 64 59 1780 593 547 509 475 445 396 356 297 254 223 178 119 102 89 79 71 65 59 1800 600 553 514 480 450 400 360 300 257 225 180 120 103 90 80 72 65 60 1820 607 559 520 486 4.55 404 364 303 260 228 182 121 104 91 81 73 66 01 1840 613 5^5 526 491 460 4(19 308 307 263 230 184 123 105 92 82 74 67 61 1860 620 572 531 496 465 413 372 310 266 233 186 124 106 93 83 74 68 62 1880 627 578 537 502 470 418 376 313 269 235 188 125 107 94 84 75 68 63 1900 033 584 543 507 475 422 380 317 271 238 190 127 109 95 84 76 69 63 1920 ()40 590 o49 512 480 427 384 320 274 240 192 128 110 96 85 77 70 64 1940 047 ■596 554 518 485 431 388 323 277 243 194 129 111 97 86 78 71 65 19(;o (153 603 560 .523 490 436 392 327 280 245 196 131 112 98 87 78 71 65 1980 660 609 566 528 495 440 396 330 283 248 198 132 113 99 88 79 72 66 2000 607 615 571 534 500 444 400 333 286 250 200 133 114 100 89 80 73 67 2020 673 621 577 539 505 449 404 337 289 253 202 1.35 115 101 90 81 73 67 2040 680 628 583 ,544 .510 453 408 340 291 2.55 204 136 117 102 91 82 74 68 2060 687 634 589 550 515 458 412 .343 294 258 206 137 118 103 92 82 . 75 69 2080 693 640 594 555 520 462 416 347 297 260 208 139 119 104 92 83 76 69 2100 2120 2140 700 646 600 560 525 4«7 420 350 300 263 210 140 120 105 93 84 76 70 707 652 606 565 530 471 424 353 303 265 212 141 121 106 94 85 77 71 713 658 611 571 535 476 428 357 .306 268 214 143 122 107 95 86 78 71 2100 2180 720 6(54 617 576 540 480 432 360 309 270 216 144 123 108 96 86 79 72 727 670 623 582 545 484 436 363 311 273 218 145 125 109 97 87 79 73 2200 733 676 629 587 2220 740 682 634 593 550 489 440 367 314 275 220 147 126 110 98 88 80 73 2240 747 688 640 .598 603 608 5.55 493 444 370 317 278 222 148 127 111 99 89 81 74 2200 7.53 695 646 560 498 448 373 320 280 224 149 128 112 100 90 81 75 2280 760 701 651 565 502 452 377 323 283 226 151 129 113 100 90 82 75 570 507 456 380 326 285 228 152 130 114 101 91 83 76 2300 2320 2340 2360 2380 767 773 780 787 793 708 714 720 657 663 669 674 080 613 619 575 511 460 383 329 288 230 153 131 115 102 92 84 77 580 516 464 387 331 290 232 155 133 116 10,3 93 84 77 624 585 520 408 390 3.34 293 234 1.56 134 117 104 94 85 78 726 732 630 590 524 472 393 337 295 236 157 1.35 118 105 94 86 79 635 595 529 476 397 340 298 238 159 136 119 106 95 87 79 2400 800 738 686 640 600 533 480 400 .343 300 240 160 1.37 120 107 96 87 80 2420 807 744 691 646 605 538 484 403 346 303 242 161 138 121 108 97 88 81 2440 813 irM 697 651 610 542 488 407 349 305 244 163 139 122 108 98 89 81 2460 820 758 703 656 615 547 492 410 351 308 246 164 141 123 109 98 89 82 2480| 827 764 709 662 620 551 496 413 354 310 248 l(i5 142 124 110 99 90 83 TABLE SHOWING RADIATION NECESSARY AT VARIOUS RATES per square foot of ghiss or wall surface. See explanatory note bottom Page 27. CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING PAGES' *s RATE. 1 3 3i ^ 31 4 4^ 556 5 500 6 7 8 10 15 17J 20 22^ 25 27A 30 2r)0€ 833 770 714 666 625 417 357 313 250 167 143 125 111 100 91 83 2r>20 840 776 720 672 630 560 504 420 360 315 252 168 144 126 112 101 92 84 2541 847 782 726 678 635 564 508 423 363 318 254 169 145 127 113 102 92 85 2.'')»)(; 853 788 731 684 640 569 512 427 366 320 256 171 146 128 114 102 93 85 258(1 8(30 794 737 689 645 573 516 430 369 323 258 172 147 129 115 103 94 86 2600 807 800 743 694 6.50 578 520 433 371 325 260 173 149 130 116 104 95 87 262(1 873 806 749 699 655 582 524 437 374 328 262 175 150 131 116 105 95 87 2640 880 812 7.54 704 660 587 528 440 .377 330 264 176 151 132 117 106 96 88 26(50 887 818 760 709 665 591 532 443 .380 :«3 266 177 1.52 i:i3 118 106 97 89 2680 893 824 766 715 670 596 536 447 383 335 268 179 153 134 119 107 97 89 2700 900 8.32 771 720 675 600 540 450 386 338 270 180 1.54 1.35 120 108 98 90 2720 907 838 777 725 680 (j(t4 .^.44 4.33 389 340 272 181 1.55 136 121 109 99 91 2740 913 844 783 731 685 (109 548 457 391 343 274 183 157 137 122 110 100 91 2760 920 8.50 789 736 690 613 5,52 460 394 345 276 184 1.58 138 123 110 100 92 2780 927 856 794 742 695 618 556 463 397 348 278 185 159 139 124 111 101 93 2800 933 862 800 747 700 022 .560 467 400 350 280 187 160 140 124 112 102 93 2820 940 808 806 752 705 627 .564 470 403 353 282 188 101 141 125 113 103 94 2840 947 874 811 757 710 631 5(;8 1 473 406 3,55 284 189 162 142 126 114 103 95 2860 9.53 880 817 763 715 636 572 477 409 3.58 286 191 1(J3 143 127 114 104 95 2880 960 886 823 768 720 640 570 480 411 300 288 192 165 144 128 115 105 96 2900 967 893 829 773 725 044 580 483 414 363 290 193 166 145 129 116 105 97 2i)20 973 899 834 778 730 64; 1 584 487 417 365 292 195 167 146 130 117 106 97 2940 980 905 840 784 735 6,5.-t 588 490 420 368 294 196 168 147 131 118 107 98 2960 987 911 846 789 740 65s 5; 12 493 423 370 296 197 169 148 132 118 108 99 2980 993 917 851 795 745 662 5;»6 497 426 373 298 199 170 149 132 119 108 99 :«I0<) 1000 923 857 800 750 C67 (100 500 429 375 300 200 171 1.50 133 120 109 100 ■Mm 1017 939 871 813 763 678 610 508 436 381 305 203 174 153 1.36 122 111 102 ■Sim 1033 954 886 826 775 689 620 .517 443 3S8 310 207 177 155 138 124 113 103 3150 1050 970 oai 840 788 700 6.30 525 450 394 315 210 180 158 140 126 115 105 3200 1067 985 914 853 800 711 640 533 457 400 320 213 183 160 142 128 116 107 3250 1083 um 929 867 813 722 650 542 464 406 .325 217 186 163 144 130 118 108 3300 11(M» 1015 943 880 825 73.3 660 550 471 412 330 220 189 165 147 132 120 110 3;',r.ii 1117 lo.iO 957 893 838 744 670 558 479 419 335 223 191 168 149 1.34 122 112 3400 n.;:; 1045 971 907 a50 756 680 567 486 425 340 227 194 170 151 136 124 113 34rAl 1150 1060 986 920 863 767 690 575 493 431 345 230 197 173 153 138 125 115 3500 1167 1076 1000 933 875 778 700 583 500 438 350 233 200 175 156 140 127 117 355(1 1183 1092 1014 947 888 789 710 592 507 444 .3.55 237 203 178 158 142 129 118 3(>(X) 12(K) 1107 1029 960 900 800 720 600 514 450 .■;(;i) 240 206 180 160 144 131 120 3650 1217 1123 1(U3 973 913 811 730 608 521 4.56 305 24.3 209 183 162 146 133 122 3700 1233 1138 1057 987 925 822 740 617 529 462 370 247 211 185 164 148 135 123 3750 12.50 1153 1071 1000 938 833 750 625 536 469 375 250 214 188 167 150 136 125 3800 1267 1170 1086 1013 9.50 841 760 633 543 475 380 2.53 217 19) 169 1.52 138 127 3850 12s:i 1185 1100 1026 963 856 770 642 550 481 385 257 220 193 171 154 140 128 39(MI i:;(ii» 1200 1114 1040 975 867 780 050 557 488 390 260 223 195 173 156 142 130 3950 1317 1215 1129 1053 988 878 790 658 564 494 395 263 226 198 176 1.58 144 132 4000 1333 1231 1143 1067 lono 889 800 667 571 500 400 267 229 200 178 160 145 133 4050 13.50 124(! 1157 1080 1013 900 810 675 579 506 405 270 231 203 180 162 147 135 4100 13()7 1261 1171 1093 1025 911 820 683 586 512 410 273 234 205 1.82 164 149 137 4150 1383 1277 1186 1107 1038 922 830 692 593 519 415 277 237 208 184 166 151 138 4200 1400 1292 1200 1120 1050 933 840 700 600 525 420 280 240 210 187 108 153 140 4250 4300 4350 1417 1433 1450 1308 1323 1338 1214 1229 11.33 1146 1160 1173 1186 1063 944 850 70S 607 531 425 283 243 213 189 170 155 142 1''43 1075 956 8(;o 717 614 538 430 287 246 215 191 172 1.56 143 4400 4450 1467 1483 1353 1370 1257 1271 1088 9(i7 870 725 621 544 435 290 249 218 193 174 158 145 1100 978 880 733 629 550 440 293 251 220 196 176 160 147 1113 989 890 742 636 556 445 297 2.54 223 198 178 162 148 4500 1500 1385 1286 1200 1125 1000 900 750 643 5C2 450 300 257 225 200 180 164 150 4.551 1 4600 1517 1400 l.'.OO 1213 1138 1011 910 758 650 569 455 303 260 228 202 182 165 152 15:):! 1415 1314 1227 11.50 1022 920 767 657 575 400 307 263 230 204 184 167 153 4650 15.50 14:j(J 1329 1240 1163 103:( 930 775 664 581 465 310 266 233 207 186 169 155 4700 1507 1445 1343 12.53 1175 1044 940 783 671 588 470 313 269 235 209 188 171 157 4750 1583 1461 1357 1267 1188 10.56 950 792 679 594 475 317 271 238 211 190 173 158 4S011 llJOo 147(1 1371 1280 1200 1067 960 800 686 600 4.S0 320 274 240 213 192 175 160 48i"ill ii;i7 14; 12 1386 1293 1213 1078 970 808 693 606 485 323 277 243 216 194 176 162 4900 1033 1508 14 8571 7500 (;667 (jOOO 5000 4286 3750 3000 2000 1714 1500 1333 1200 1091 1000 4(KHIII i:;;i:;:i ii'noo 1142'.! 10000 .SSS'J 8000 6667 5714 5000 4000 2667 2286 2000 1778 1600 1455 1333 5(MX) i(i(it;(i;ir)o75 14286 12500 mil 10000 8333 7143 6250 5000 3333 2857 2500 2222 2000 1818 1667 60000 20000 184:50 17143 15000 13333 12000 10000 8571 7.500 6000 4000 3429 3000 2667 2400 2182 2000 70000 23333 21525 20000 17500 15556 14000 11667 10000 8750 7000 4667 4000 3500 3111 2800 2545 2333 S(HKKI 2(;r>(;r. ■j4i;(M) _'2Sn7 _'0000 17778 ICOOO [■.\:r.v:. 11429 10000 8000 5333 4571 4O00 .'!55('i .3200 2909 2667 ',){ H H M 1 :mkkii» '_'7r.7r. J.J7U JLTiIMI JOOOO ISOOO 1 501 10 12s:.7 llL'.-.O 000(1 (;(ioo 514:; 4500 4000 : ;( ;oo ;3273 3000 lIKKHHI .■;:;:;:;;; :;ii7.'>(i -'s:>7l _',"llll«l L'"J_'2l.' 20000 l(;i;i;7 HL'SC, 1 L:r.i)o 10000 (;('.( '.7 .".714 5000 4444 4000 •M;m .3333 2t K M H K ) (iliC.I)(i r.l.MM) "i7l4:; '.000(1 44444 40000 .'s:.7i ^TiOOO JOOOO I: I.".:;.". 1 llL'O 10000 ■^SS' t ,"^(100 -.>-.. 6667 300(KH.) KUKMKI '.IL'lT.O s,J714 7r.oon )t;i ',{',' OOIIOO ".0000 }Js,-,7 JOddO 1714:; 15000 1 :;:;:;:; rjooo loooo 10000 EXPLANATION TO TABLE ABOVE. The eolumn of figures at the left of eacli page represents either S(iuare feet of glass sur- face, square feet of wall surface, or cubic feet. The row of ligiires at the top ai-e the rates. The colunin of figures under each rate is the product of the colunni of figures on the left divided by tliatrate. To ascertain the amount of radiation necessary to heat any given number of .sciuare feet of glass, wall surface, or cubic feet, turn to the number in the lefHiand coluimi (under "Amt.") representing the amount to be warmed; look opposite tliis, and under the desired rate you will find the amount of radiation required at that rate. CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES. Diam. Circ. Area. Diam. Circ. Area. Diam. Circ. Area. Diam. ClFC. Area. sS - .0981 .00076 Ti- 23.56 44.178 16 — 50.26 201.06 24J- 76.96 471.43 i^ .1903 .00306 23.95 45.663 50.65 204.21 77.36 476.25 ? - • .3926 .01227 7} - 24.34 47.173 16i - 51.05 207.39 24| - 77.75 481 10 A .5890 .02761 24.74 48.707 51.44 210.59 78.14 485.97 I- .7854 .04908 8 — 25.13 50.265 16^ - 51.83 213.82 25 - 78.54 •490.87 5 .9817 .07669 25.52 51.848 52.22 217.07 78.93 495.79 a 1.178 .1104 8i - 25.91 53.4,56 161 - 52.62 220.35 25i - 79.32 500.74 t- 1.374 .1.503 26.31 55.088 53.01 223.65 79.71 505.71 1.570 .1963 8i - 26.70 56.745 17 - 53.40 226.98 25h - 80.10 510.70 A 1.767 .2485 27.09 58.426 53.79 230.33 80.50 515.72 1 - 1.963 .3097 8| - 27.48 60.1.32 17i - 54.19 233.70 251 - 80.89 520.70 Ih 2.159 .3712 27.88 61.862 ,54.58 237.10 81.28 525.83 I - 2.35(J .4417 9 — 28.27 63.617 17i - 54.97 240.52 26 — 81.68 530.93 u 2.552 .5184 28.66 65.396 55.37 243.97 82.07 536.04 \ - 2.748 .6013 9i - 29.05 67.200 n| - 55.76 247.45 26J - 82.46 511.18 .''- 2.945 .6902 29.45 69.029 56.16 250.94 82.85 546.35 3.141 .78,')4 9i - 29.84 70.882 18 - 56.!54 2.54.46 26J - 83.25 551.54 3.534 .9940 30.23 72.759 56.94 258.01 83.64 556.76 li - 3.927 1.227 9} - 30.63 74.062 18.i - 57.33 261.58 2(ii - 84.03 562.00 4.319 1.484 31.02 76.588 57.72 265.18 84.43 567.26 1* — 4.712 1.767 10 — 31.41 78.539 m - .58.11 268.80 27 - 84.82 572.55 5.105 2.073 31.80 80.515 58.51 272.44 85.21 577.87 IJ - 5.497 2.4115 mi - 32.20 82.516 m - 58.90 276.11 271 - 85.60 583.20 5.890 2.761 32..59 84..540 ,59.29 279.81 86.00 588.57 2 — 6.283 3.141 loi — 32.98 86.590 19 — 59.69 283.52 27i — 86.39 593.95 6.675 3.546 .33.37 88.664 60.08 287.27 86.78 599.37 2i - 7.068 3.976 lOJ - 33.77 90.762 19i - 60.47 291.03 273 - 87.17 604.80 7.4*11 4.4.J0 34.16 92.885 60.86 294.83 87.57 610.26 2J — 7.854 4.908 11 — 34.55 95.033 19.J - 61.26 298.64 28 - 87.96 615.75 8.246 5.411 :J4.95 97.205 61.65 302.48 88.35 621.26 2| - 8.639 5.939 lU - 35.34 99.402 19J - 62.04 306.35 28.i - 88.75 626.79 9.032 6.491 35.73 101.(;2 62.43 310.24 89.14 632.35 3 — 9.424 7 . 068 lU - 36.12 103.86 20 - 62.83 314.16 28^ — 89.. 53 637 94 9.817 7.669 36.52 106.13 (13.22 318.09 89.92 643.54 3i - 10.21 8.295 111 - 36.91 108.43 20.i - 63.61 322.06 28| - 90.32 649.18 10.60 8.946 37.30 110.75 64.01 320.05 90.71 654.83 3^ - 10.99 9.621 12 — 37.69 113.09 20J — 64.40 330.06 29 — 91 . 10 660.52 11.38 10.320 38.09 115.4«> 64.79 ,334.10 91.49 666.22 3| - 11.78 11.044 12.'i - 38.48 117.85 20| - 65.18 338.16 29i - 91.89 671.95 12.17 11.793 38.87 120.27 65.,58 342.25 92.28 677.71 4 — 12.56 12.566 12i — 39.27 122.71 21 ~ 65.97 346.36 29.^ - 92.67 683.49 12.95 13.364 39.66 125.18 66.36 350.49 93.06 689.29 4i - 13.. 35 14.186 12J - 40.05 127.67 21i - 66.75 354.65 29J - 93.46 695.12 13.74 15.033 40.44 130.19 67 15 3,')8.84 93.85 700.98 4^ - 14.13 15.904 13 — 40.84 132.73 2U- 67. ,54 363.05 30 — 94.24 706.86 14.52 10.800 41.23 135.29 67.93 367.28 94.64 712.76 4| - 14.92 17.720 13i - 41.62 137.88 21J - 68.32 371.54 30} - 95.03 718.69 15.31 18.665 42.01 140.50 68.72 375.82 95.42 724.64 5 — 15.70 19.635 13J — 42.41 143.13 22 - 69.11 .380.13 30i — 95.81 730.61 16.10 20.629 42.80 145.80 69.50 384.46 96.21 736.61 5i - 16.49 21.647 131 - 43.19 148.48 22J - 69.90 388.82 30| - 96.60 742.64 16.88 22.690 43.58 151.20 70.29 393,20 96.99 748.69 5^ - 17.27 23.758 14 — 43.98 153.93 22J — 70.68 397.60 31 — 97.38 754.76 17.67 24.850 44.37 156.69 71.07 402.03 97.78 760.86 51 - 18.06 25.967 14J - 44.76 159.48 22| - 71.47 406.49 31 i - 98.17 766.99 18.45 27.108 45.16 162.29 71.86 410.97 98.56 773.14 6 — 18.84 28.274 14i — 45.55 165.13 23 — 72.25 415.47 31i — 98.96 779.31 19.24 29.464 45.94 167.98 72^64 420.00 99.35 785.51 6i - 19.63 30.679 141 - 46.33 170.87 231 - 73.04 424.55 31J - 99.74 791.73 20.02 31.919 46.73 173.78 73.43 429.13 100.1 797.97 6i - 20.42 33.183 15 — 47.12 176.71 m — 73.82 433.73 32 — 100 5 804.24 20.81 34.471 47.51 179.67 74.21 438.30 100.9 810.54 6| - 21.20 35.784 15i - 47.90 182.72 231 - 74.61 443.01 321 - 101.3 816.86 21.57 37 122 48.30 1»5 66 75.00 447.69 101.7 823.21 7 - 21.99 38.484 15J — 48.69 188.69 24 - 75.39 452.39 32J - 102.1 829.57 22.38 39.871 49.08 191.74 75.79 4.57.11 102.4 835.97 7i - 22.77 41.282 151 - 49.48 194 82 24i - 76.18 461.86 32J - 102.8 842.39 23.16 42.718 49.87 197.73 76.57 466.63 103.2 848.83 28 CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES. CONTINUED. Diam. Circ. Area. Diam. Circ. Area. Diam. Circ. Area. Diam. Circ. Area. 33 — 103.6 855.30 41i - 130.3 13.52.6 50 — 157.0 1963.5 58i — 183.7 2687.8 104.0 861.79 130.7 1360.8 157.4 1973.3 184.1 2699.3 334 - 104 4 868.30 41} - 131.1 1.3()9.0 50J - 157.8 1983.1 58} - 184 5 2710 8 104.8 874.88 131.5 la77.2 158.2 1993.0 , 184.9 2722.4 m — 105.2 881.41 42 — 131.9 1385.4 50* - 158.6 2002.9 59 — 185.3 2733.9 105.6 888.00 132.3 1393.7 159.0 2012.8 185.7 2745.5 33| - 106.0 894.61 42i - 132.7 1401 9 50} - 159.4 2022.8 59i - 186.1 2757.1 106.4 901 . 25 133.1 1410.2 159.8 2032.8 186.5 2768.8 34 — 106.8 907.92 42^ - 133.5 1418.6 ' 51 — 160.2 2042.8 59^ — 186.9 2780.5 107.2 914.61 133.9 1426.9 160.6 2052.8 187.3 2792.2 34i - 107.5 921.32 42} - 134.3 14.35.3 51i - 161.0 2002.9 59} - 187.7 2803.9 107.9 928.06 134.6 1443.7 161.3 2072.9 188.1 2815.6 34i - 108.3 934.82 43 — 135.0 1452.2 51^ — 161.7 2083.0 60 - 188 4 2827.4 108.7 941.60 1.35.4 1460 6 1 162.1 2093.2 188.8 2839.2 34J - 109.1 948.41 43i - 135.8 1469.1 51} - 162.5 2103.3 60i - 189.2 2851.0 109.5 955.25 136.2 1477.6 162.9 2113.5 189.6 2862.8 35 — 109.9 962.11 43i - im.6 1480.1 52 — 163.3 2123.7 ooi — 190.0 2874.7 110.3 968.99 1.37.0 1494.7 163.7 2133.9 190.4 2886.6 35i - 110.7 975.90 43| - 137.4 1.503.3 52i - 164.1 2144.1 OOJj, - 190.8 2898.5 111.1 982.84 137.8 1511.9 164.5 2154.4 191.2 2910.5 35i — 111.5 989.80 41 — 138.2 1520.5 52J - 164.9 2164.7 61 — 191.6 2922.4 111.9 990,78 138.6 1529.1 165.3 2175.0 192.0 2934.4 351 - 112.3 1003.7 44i - 139.0 1537.8 52} - 165.7 2185.4 61i - 192.4 2946.4 11-2.7 1010.8 139.4 1.546.5 166.1 2195.7 192:8 2958.5 36 - 113.0 1017.8 «^- 139.8 1555.2 53 — 166.5 2206.1 61^ — 193.2 2970.5 113.4 1024.9 140.1 1.564.0 166.8 2216.6 193.6 2982.6 36i - 113.8 1032.0 44} - 140.5 1572.8 53i - 167.2 2227.0 61} - 193.9 2994.7 114.2 1039.1 140.9 1.581.6 167.6 2237.5 194.3 3006.9 36i — 114.6 1049.3 45 — 141.3 1.590.4 53* — 168.0 2248.0 62 — 194.7 3019.0 115.0 1053.5 141.7 1.599.2 168.4 2258.5 195.1 3031.2 361 - 115 4 1060.7 45i - 142.1 1608.1 53} - 168.8 2269.0 02i - 195.5 3043.4 115.8 1067.9 142.5 1617.0 169.2 2279.6 195.9 3055 7 37 - 116.2 1075.2 45^ - 142.9 1625 9 .54 — 169.6 2290.2 62J- 196.3 3067.9 116.6 1082.4 143.3 1634.9 170.0 2300.8 196.7 3080.2 37i - 117.0 1089.7 45} - 143.7 1643.8 54i - 170.4 2311.4 62} - 197.1 3092.5 117.4 1097.1 144.1 16.52.8 170 8 2322.1 197.5 3104 8 sn — 117.8 1104.4 46 — 144.5 1661.9 541 - 171.2 2332.8 63 — 197.9 3117.2 118.2 1111.8 144.9 1670.9 171.6 2343.5 198.3 3129.6 37J - 118.6 1119.2 m - 145.2 1680.0 54f - 172.0 2354 2 63| - 198.7 3142.0 118.9 1126.6 145.6 1689.1 172.3 2365.0 199.0 3144.4 38 — 119 -.i 11.31.1 46^ — 146.0 1698.2 55 — 172.7 2375.8 63*- 199.4 3166.9 119.7 1141.5 146.4 1707.3 173.1 2386.6 199 8 3179.4 38i - 120.1 1149.0 46} - 146.8 1716.5 55i - 173.5 2397.4 63} - 200.2 3191.9 120.5 11.56.6 147.2 1725.7 173.9 2408.3 200.6 3204.4 38h - 120.9 1164.1 47 — 147.6 1734.9 55* - 174.3 2419.2 64 - 201.0 3216.9 121.3 1171.7 148.0 1744.1 174.7 2430.1 201.4 3229.5 38| - 121.7 1179.3 47i - 148.4 1753.4 55} - 175.1 2441.0 64i - 201.8 3242.1 122.1 1186.9 148.8 1762.7 175.5 24.52.0 202.2 3254.8 39 - 122.5 1194 5 47J — 149.2 1772.0 56 — 175.9 24('3.0 64* - 202.6 3267.4 122.9 1202,2 149.0 1781.3 176.3 2474.0 203.0 3280.1 39i - 123.3 1209.9 47} - 150.0 1790.7 56J - 176.7 2485.0 64} - 203.4 3292.8 123 7 1217.6 1.50.4 1800 1 177.1 2496.1 203.8 3305.5 39J - 124 1225.4 48 - 1.50.7 1809.5 56* — 177.5 2507.1 65 — 204 2 3318.3 124 4 1233.1 151.1 1818.9 177.8 2518.2 204.5 3331.0 391 - 124.8 1240.9 48i - 151.5 1828.4 56} - 178.2 2529.4 65i - 204.9 3343.8 125.2 1248.7 1.51.9 1837.9 178.6 2540.5 205.3 33.56.7 40 - 125.6 12.56.6 m - 152.3 1847.4 57 — 179.0 25.51.7 65* — 205.7 3369.5 126.0 1264.5 1,52.7 1856.9 179.4 2562.9 206.1 3382.4 40i - 126.4 1272.3 48} - 153.1 1866.5 57i - 179.8 2574.1 65} - 206.5 3395.3 126.8 1280.3 153.5 1876.1 180.2 2585.4 206.9 3408.2 m - 127.2 1288.2 49 — 1.53.9 1885.7 57*- 180.6 2.596.7 66 - 207.3 3421.2 127.6 1291.2 154.3 1895.3 181.0 2608.0 207.7 3434.1 40} - 128.0 1304.2 49i - 1.54.7 1905.0 57} - 181.4 2619.3 mk - 208.1 3447.1 128.4 1.312.2 1.55.1 1914.7 181.8 2630.7 208.5 .3460.1 41 - 128.8 1320.2 49^ — 155.5 1924.4 58 — 182.2 2642.0 66^- 208.9 3473.2 129.1 1.328.3 1.55.9 19.34.1 182.6 2653.4 209.3 3486.3 41i - - 129.5 13.36.4 49} - 156.2 1943.9 58i - 182.9 2664.9 66} - 209.7 3499.3 129.9 1.344.5 156.6 1953.6 183.3 2676.3 210.0 3512.5 29 CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES. CONCLUDED Diam. Circ. Area. Diam. Circ. 1 Area. Diam. Circ. Area. Diam. Circ. Area. 67 — 210,4 3525.6 75J — 237.1 1 4476 9 84 — 263.8 5541.7 92i — 290.5 6720.0 210.9 3538.8 237.5 4491.8 264.2 5558.2 290.9 6738.2 67i - 211.2 3552.0 751 - 237.9 4506.6 84J - 264.6 5.574.8 92} - 291.3 6766.4 211.6 3565.2 238.3 4.521.5 265.0 5591.3 291.7 6776.4 6U — 212.0 3578,4 76 — 238.7 4536.4 m- 265.4 5607.9 93 — 292.1 6792.9 212.4 3591.7 239.1 4551.4 265.8 5624.5 292 5 6811.1 671 - 212.8 3ti05.0 76i - 239 5 4566.3 84} - 266 2 5641.1 93i - 292,9 6829.4 213.2 3618.3 239.9 4.581.3 266.6 5657.8 293,3 6847.8 68 — 213.6 3631.6 76J - 240.3 4.596.3' 85 - 267.0 ,5674.5 93J - 293.7 6866.1 214.0 3645.0 240.7 4611.3 267.4 5691.2 294.1 6884.5 68i - 214.4 3658.4 761 - 241.1 4r,26.4 85i - 267.8 6707.9 93} - 294.5 6902.9 214 8 3671.8 241 5 4i;41.5 268.2 5724.6 294.9 6921.3 68^ - 215.1 3685.2 77 — 241.9 4(i.^,(;.(i 85* — 268.6 5741.4 94 — 295.3 6939.7 215.5 3698.7 242.2 4671.7 268.9 57.58.2 295.7 6958.2 681 - 215.9 3712.2 77i -. 242.6 4686.9 851 - 269.3 5775.0 94i - 296.0 6976.7 216.3 3725.7 243.0 4702.1 269.7 5791.9 296.4 6995.3 69 — 216.7 3739.2' "n- 243.4 4717.3 86 — 270.1 5808.8 94i - 296.8 7013.8 217.1 37,'52.8 243 8 4732.5 270.5 5825.7 297.2 7032.3 69i - 217.5 3766.4 77i - 244.2 4747.7 86i - 270.9 5842.6 94} - 297.6 7060.9 217.9 3780.0 244.6 4763.0 271.3 58,59.5 298.0 7069.5 69J — 218.3 3793.6 78 — 245.0 4778.3 86^ — 271.7 5876.5 95 - 298.4 7088.2 218.7 ,'«07.3 245.4 4793.7 272.1 5893.5 298.8 7106.9 69| - 219.1 3821.0 78i - 245.8 4809.0 86} - 272.5 5910.5 95i - 299.2 7125.5 219.5 3834.7 246.2 4824.4 272.9 5927.6 299.6 7144.3 70 — 219.9 3848.4 78J - 246.6 4839.8 87 - 273.3 5944.6 95* - 300.0 7163.0 220.3 3i-'62.2 247.0 48,55.2 273.7 ,5961.7 300.4 7181.8 70i - 220.6 3875.9 78| - 247.4 4870.7 87i - 274.1 ,5978.9 95} - 300.8 7200.5 221.0 3889.8 247.7 4.S86.1 274.4 ,5996.0 301.2 7219.4 70J — 221.4 .3903.6 79 — 248.1 4901.6 87^ - 274.8 6013.2 96 — 301.5 7238.2 221.8 3917.4 248.5 4917.2 275.2 6030.4 301.9 7257.1 70| - 222.2 3931.3 79i - 248.9 4932.7 87} - 275.6 6m7.0 96| - 302.3 7275.9 222.6 3945.2 249.3 4948.3 276 . r)(iiu.8 302.7 7294.9 71 — 223.0 3959.2 79J- 249.7 4963.9 88 — 276 4 0082, 1 96J — 303.1 7313.8 223.4 3973.1 250.1 4979.5 276.8 0099.4 303.5 7332.8 7U - 223.8 3987.1 79J - 250.5 4995.1 88i - 277.2 6116.7 96} - 303.9 7341.7 224.2 4001.1 250.9 ,5010.8 277.6 61.34.0 304.3 7370.7 nh- 224.6 4015.1 80 - 2.51.3 ,5026.5 88J - 278 6151.4 97 — 304.7 7389.8 225 4029.2 251.7 ,5042.2 278.4 (ii(;8.8 305,1 7408.8 71| - 225.4 4043.1! 80i - 252.1 ,5058.0 88} - 278.8 6186.2 97i - 305.5 7427.9 225.8 4067.3 252.5 5073.7 279.2 6203.6 305.9 7447.0 72 — 220.1 4071.5 80J — 252.8 5089.5 89 — 279.6 6221.1 97* - 306.3 7466.2 226.5 4085.6 253.2 5105.4 279.9 6238.6 306.6 7485.3 721 - 226.9 4099.8 80} - 2.53.6 ,5121.2 89J - 280.3 62,56.1 97} - 307.0 7504.5 227.3 4114.0 254.0 5137.1 280.7 6273 . 6 307.4 7523.7 72J- 227.7 4128.2 81 — 254.4 5153.0 89^ - 281.1 6291.2 98 — 307.8 7542.9 228.1 4142.5 254.8 ,5168.9 281.5 6308.8 308.2 7562.2 72J - 228.5 41.56.7 8U - 255.2 5184.8 89| - 281.9 6326.4 98i - 308.6 7581.5 228.9 4171.0 255.6 5200.8 282.3 6344.0 309.0 7600.8 73 — 229.3 4185.3 81^ — 256.0 ,5216.8 90 - 282.7 6361.7 98* - 309.4 7620.1 229.7 4199.7 256.4 5232.8 283.1 6379.4 309.8 7639.4 731 - 2.30.1 4214.1 811 - 256.8 ,5248.8 90J - 283.5 6397.1 98} - 310.2 7658.8 230.5 4228.5 257.2 ,5264.9 283.9 6414.8 310.6 7678.2 73J — 230.9 4242.9 82 — 257.6 5281.0 90i — 284.3 6432.6 99 — 311.0 7697.7 231.3 4257.3 258.0 5297.1 284.7 6450.4 311.4 7717.1 731 - 231.0 4271.8 82i - 258.3 5313.2 90} - 285.1 6468.2 99i - 311.8 7736.6 232.0 4286.3 258.7 5329.4 285.4 1486.0 312.1 7756.1 74 — 232.4 4300,8 82^ - 259.1 5345.6 91 — 285.8 6503.8 99J - 312.5 7775.6 232.8 4315.3 259.5 5361 . 8 286.2 6521.7 312.9 7795.2 74i - 233.2 4.329.9 82} - 259.9 5378,0 9U - 286.6 6539.6 99} - 313.3 7814.7 233.6 4:i44.5 260.3 5494.3 287.0 6557 . 6 313.7 7834.3 ■m- 2.34.0 4359.1 83 — 260.7 5410.6 91i — 287.4 6575.5 100 — 314.1 7853.9 234.4 4.373.8 261.1 5426.9 287.8 6593.5 314.5 7874.0 741 - 234.8 4388.4 83i - 261.5 5443.2 91} - 288.2 6611.5 lOOJ - 314.9 7893.3 235.2 4403.1 261.9 54,59.6 288.6 6629.5 315.3 7913.1 75 — 235.6 4417.8 83i — 262.3 5476.0 92 — 289.0 6647.6 lOOJ — 315.7 7932.7 236.0 44.32.6 262.7 5492.4 289.4 6665.7 316.0 7942.4 75i - 236.4 4447.3 83} - 263.1 5508.8 m - 289.8 6683.8 100} - 316.4 7972.2 236.7 4W-.2.1 263.5 1 5,525.3 290.2 6701.9 316.8 7991.9 30 SQUARE FEET OF DIRECT STEAM OR HOT WATER RADIATION SUP- PLIED IN GREENHOUSES BY MAIN SUPPLY PIPES, TWO-PIPE SYSTEM, LOW PRESSURE STEAM HEATING AND OPEN TANK HOT WATER HEATING * STEAM. HOT WATER. Size of Flow Pipe. Square feet of Radiation ; Supplied. Size of Keturn Pipe. Size of Pipe. Square feet of Eadiatioii supplied by Flow and Return Pipe. 1 35 i 1 40 U 80 i l» 90 U 140 1 I'. 130 2 300 1 2 250 2J 460 11 21 350 3 670 n 3 50O 3J 920 n 3J 700 4 1200 u 4 900 4J 1650 ij n 1150 5 1875 2 5 1400 6 2700 '> 6 2100 7 3700 n 7 3000 8 4800 8 4000 9 6100 3 9 5000 10 7500 3 10 6000 11 0100 3^ 11 7400 12 11000 31 12 9000 * See page 32 carrying capacity of pipes. EQUALIZATIOIN OF PIPE AREAS. Pipe Sizes. h 1 1 1 11 n 2 2h 3 3> 4 H 5 6 7 8 9 10 h 1. 1.7 2.9 4.9 6.6 11. 15.7 24. 32.4 41.8 52.4 65.6 94.8 127. 164. 205. 259. i 1. I.e. 2.6 3.8 6.3 9. 13.8 18.5 23.9 30. 37.5 54.2 72.6 94. 117.5 148. 1 1. 1.7 2.4 3.9 5.5 8.6 11.4 14.7 18.5 23.1 33.5 44.8 58. ■ 72.6 91.4 IJ 1. 1.4 2.3 3.2 5. 6.6 8.5 10.6 13.3 19.3 25.9 33.4 41.9 52.« n 1. 1.6 2.4 3.6 4.9 6.2 7.8 9.8 14.1 19. 24.5 31.4 38.7 o 1. 1.4 2.2 3. 3.8 4.7 5.9 8.6 n.5 14.9 18.6 23.5 1. 1.6 2.1 2.7 3.3 4.2 6. 8.1 10.4 13.1 16.5 3 1. 1.4 1.7 2.1 2.7 3.9 5.2 6.8 8.5 10.6 'H 1. 1.3 1.6 2.2 2.9 3.9 5.6 6.3 8. 4 1. 1.2 1.5 2.3 3. 3.9 4.9 6.2 ■ij 1. 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.1 3.9 4.9 5 1. 1.4 1.9 2.5 3.1 3.9 6 1. 1.3 1.7 2.2 2.7 ( 1. 1.3 1.6 2.3 8 1. 1.2 1.6 9 1. 1.2 10 1. Note. — For transverse areas of pipes — external, internal and metal, see page 37. RELATIVE CAPACITIES OF PIPES FOR CONVEYING OR DISCHARGING LIQUIDS AND CASES. E E .2 ? 1 u 11 2 21 3 31 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 « Q Q 3 1 2.05 3.57 5.66 11.61 20.40 31.98 i 1 j j f 1 1.00 1.74 2.75 5.66 9.87 15.57 23. (1(1 32 .00 ri(;.(K» l2',).(iolisi.(Ki 24:;.(io :!i(;.0(i 49S.O(( 1 1} 1.00 1 .57 3.21 5.06 8.95 i:;.2l IS.:;;* ."/J. 12 50. (IT 74.0(1 104.(10 i:;'.i.o(i'isi.(i(i 'jsc.oo 1| 11 1.(K) 2.05 3.57 5.6t; s.;;',i ll.c.l 20. 2S 32. IS 47.()4i (;(;.oo SS.OO ll.").0() 1S2.(KI 1* 2 1.00 1:74 2.75 4.06 5.66 9.87 15.57 22.90 31.98 42.93 55.86 88.13 2 2.1 1.00 1..57 2. .32 3.24 5.66 8.93 13.13 18.33 24.61 32.02 50.52 2J 3 1.00 1.47 2.05 3.57 5.6() 8.39 11.61 15.57 20.28 32.18 3 31 1.00 1.39 2.43 3.83 5.66 7.91 10.57 14.10 21.69 -^h 4 1.00 1.74 2.75 4.06 5.66 7. .59 9.87 15.57 4 1.00 1.57 2.32 3.24 4.24 5.66 8.93 5 6 1.00 1.47 2.05 2.75 3.57 5.66 6 1.00 1.39 1.88 2.43 3.83 7 8 1.00 1.33 1.74 2.75 8 9 1.00 1.20 2.05 9 10 1 1.00 1.57 10 The capacity of a pipe is in inverse proportion to the s(iuare r( Doubling the diameter of a pipe increases its capacity 5.66 tinn )ot of its length, times. 31 Equalization of Pipe Radiation. Values, or quantities, can be represented by space, or distance, and, if the divisions be in exact proportion, each to the other, diagrams can be made from which results are read off at a glance, and by having parts of the diagram movable, many examples can be quickly performed without mental calculations. The column of figures on the scale in centre of diagram on this page represents square feet of surface subdivided into tenths. The figures on the upright lines represent the number of pipes, each one foot long, required to make the amount of radiation shown on the scale opposite said figures. When the number of pipes of two or more sizes appear opposite the same amount on scale, their radia- tion is equal," or is proportionally equal as they come proportionally opposite the same amount of radiation.' The diagram hereon was made principally for de- termining the number of pipes in a greenhouse, and as this can be accomplished easier with a moving scale, I send a separate diagram with each book, so that the scale on same can be cut out and the two sides fastened to a thin piece of wood so as to allow the scale to be moved between them. HOW TO USE THE SCALE. If pipes are all to be of one size, look on line rep- resenting size of pipe to be used, exactly opposite the amount of radiation required, the number "found will be the number of pipes required. In all cases where the amount of radiation required comes between two numbers use the next larger number of pipes. If pipes are to be of different sizes, move the scale downward a distance equal to the radiation of all the large pipes, and opposite the total amount of radiation to be used will be found the number of small pipes necessary. Thus if a house 100 ft. long requires 4.8 sq. ft. per lineal ft. in which you wish to use one, 2 in. flow pipe, one 2^ in. flow pipe and 1^ in. returns but do not know how many, — Move the scale downward equal to the radiation in one 2 in. pipe — See Figure 1. Again move it downward, but this time equal to the radiation in a 2^ in. pipe — See Figure 2. Without moving the scale again look opposite 4.8 and you will find eight, the required number of li in. pipes 32 J^"= — ^ // zriSir" ^- 10- ^ 0-i ^ 6 4-^ rr i -r:- r\^Wr\ ' '*' IU0IAT1OM ' ^H Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Maximum lengths for pipes in coils for low pressure steam and open tank hot water heating.* Size OF Pipe STEAM Hot Watek Two Pipe System SlN( ;i.E Pipe System 1 inch U " u • O 1 . 2^ ■' 100 feet 170 " 275 " 475 " 625 •' 60 feet 110 " 160 " 250 ' ' 300 •' 120 feet. 200 " 250 " 400 " 600 " « Under favoruble conditions, good pilch in pipes, etc., greater lengths for steam can be used by carrying more than 5 lbs. pressm-e, but it is not advisable. 33 GUIDE POSTS. The suggestions given below are not intended to cover the ground of pipe fitting, but are simply to guard against errors ■which are common and which can be avoided. BOILER ROOM AND CHIMNEY. Geographical conditions often determine the location of boiler room, but when equally convenient its position should be such as to prevent the chimney from casting shadow on the houses. Good chimney draft is imperative to the success of the boiler (boilers do not make draft) . The diameter of the chimney can be obtained from the boiler makers and generally from their catalogues. The height should be sufficient to prevent surround- ing houses, trees or other obstacles from interfering. MAIN SUPPLY PIPES. If you want a good working job, put in large mains. I have known many cases wnere small steam mains have caused suffi- cient water to leave the boiler to seriously damage same. RADIATING SURFACES. Never depend upon forcing your heating system in severe weather. Put in sufficient radiation to easily do the work in extreme weather and you will save the extra cost of piping in fuel in a short time. LOCATIOM OP RADIATIO/N. To secure a uniform temperature throughout the house, the radiation should be distributed as evenly as possible. Bunching the radiation is liable to cause drafts, detrimental to the best development of plant life. SIDE COILS vs. FLAT COILS. Water will circulate more evenly through coils laid flat (ooo) than it will through upright coils ( ° ) ; the tendency of hot water in upright coils is to pass through the top pipes only, especially is this true if the supply pipe is too small, there- fore, plan larger branches to supply vertical coils. GRADI/\G THE PIPES. Special care should be exercised in grading the pipes so as to give an even pitch, because pockets in the pipes interfere with the circulation of either steam or hot water. An upward bend followed by a downward bend in a line of hot water pipes forms an air pocket. A downward bend followed by an upward bend in a line of steam pipes forms a water pocket. 34 EXPA/\SIO/S A/\D CO/NTRACTION. The force exerted in cast or wrought iron pipes when heated is great enough to move a boiler or push the end out of a Green- house (I have known both to happen) ; therefore, support all pipes on expansion hangers and allow at least Ij^ inch for expansion for each one hundred lineal feet of pipe. " Expansion joints" are to be avoided whenever possible on account of repairs. " Swing joints " which answer the same purpose, are preferable, whenever they can be used. BRANCH PIPES. Branch pipes from steam main should be taken from top, side or midway between top and side, preferably the latter. Branches from hot water supply pipe should be taken off at side or at an angle of 45 '^ above the side. HOT WATER PIPES. Flow and return pipes should always be the same size. Never abutt two return pipes but bring them together through a twin elbow, Y, or one into the side of the other. TWINNING STEAM BOILERS. Whenever steam boilers are connected two or more in a battery there should be, in addition to the regular flow and return pipes, an independent connection above the water line, running from boiler to boiler and an independent connection below water line near bottom of boiler, for equalizing the water line. The steam connection for equalizing the pressure should be about i^ the capacity of the main steam pipe and the water connection should be about ^ to i^ the capacity of the main return pipe. REAMING PIPES. In cutting pipe there is often a burr left on the inside caused by the pressure of the cutter. It reduces the capacity materially, therefore to get the best results, the ends of the pipes should be carefully reamed out before placing them in position. VALVES. It is important in either steam or hot water heating to have full size, frictionless openings, therefore, as far as possible avoid the use of globe valves by using either angle or gate valves. Angle valves are cheaper and can often be arranged to dis- place an elbow, thus saving a fitting and an extra cut in the pipe, 35 AIR VALVES. Steam coils or radiators should each be supplied with an air valve placed low down on the return end in a place least liable to catch water from condensation. The end of each return from steam main should be supplied with an automatic air valve placed as high above water line as convenient. All hot water mains, branches, coils or radiators should have an air valve at highest point except when the arrangement of pipes is such that the air will pass out through them. EXPANSION TA/NK. The expansion tank should have capacity equal to 5% of the total contents of boiler, radiators, pipes and fittings. It should be located at a point above the highest pipes or radiators and should be connected to boiler without any valve between. If, instead of using an expansion tank, connection is made to a large supply tank it will be necessary to have a shut-off- valve in the expansion pipe to close in case of a leak . Whenever this is done, connect to the expansion pipe on boiler side of the shut-off-valve and extend a pipe back to and turned over top of the large tank so that if the valve is accidently left closed the water from expansion can escape and thus prevent damaging the apparatus. COVERING PIPES. Flow and return pipes should be covered except when act- ually needed for radiating surface. Covering the pipes not only saves fuel, but insures quicker and better service throughout the entire system. AUTOMATIC WATER FEEDER. The cost of an Automatic Water Feeder is so small and the advantages so great that they should be applied to every steam or hot water plant that is to be left over night without an attend- ant. I have known of many cases where a slight leak running several hours drained the boiler after which it was spoiled by fire, causing hundreds of dollars worth of damage, whereas, an Automatic Water Feeder would have kept water running in and prevented any damage. AUTOMATIC LOW WATER ALARM. Boilers that are to be left over night without attention, should be provided with an Automatic Alarm. Accidents do happen, therefore, it is but the part of wisdom to prevent as much damage as possible. 36 UNDERGROUND PIPES. <* Never allow heating pipes to come in contact with the earth because the moisture in the soil forms an excellent con- ductor of heat and in the course of a season will rob you of considerable fuel. Carefully cover and box all underground pipes. A thick coat of tar should be applied to the external sur- face of the box, and if there is liable to be standing water in the ground the box should be water-tight. RIGHT AND LEFT COUPLINGS. For pipes 2-inch and smaller, right and left couplings are preferable to unions with packing and are more reliable, if properly put together. To make a tight joint, screw the coupling onto one of the threads, mark it, back it off, counting the number of turns to unscrew it, then screw it onto the other thread, mark that end, unscrew it as before, counting the revolutions. Gen- erally it will screw onto one thread more than the other. Screw the coupling onto the long thread the number of turns it took in excess of the short thread, then get the pipes in perfect align- ment, press them together, turn the coupling and it will make up tight. If the coupling screws onto both threads the same number of turns, start it on both at the same time. ATTENTION TO SMALL THINGS. In many Greenhouse plants insufficient attention is given to caring for the details of the heating apparatus. Heating sur- faces of the boilers should be kept clean, the water in the boilers should be changed, valves kept packed, etc. Dirt, either on the outside or inside of the boiler decreases the absorption of heat, requires more coal and renders the boiler more susceptible to rust. Steam or water escaping from the valve stems cuts them out and requires more fuel. It requires but very little attention at the proper time to keep these things in good condition and owners should pay strict attention thereto. Several times during each heating season the safety valve should be lifted to make sure that it is in proper working order. Special attention should be given to the grate bars, because if the ashes are allowed to accumulate up under them so as to shut off the cold air and there is a good fire above, they will melt down in a very short time, whereas, if the ash pit is always kept clean they will last many years. 37 WROUGHT IRON WELDED STEAM, Adopted April 2, 1900. TRICE LIST AND TABLE (i3 .921 .182 34.906 1.900 28.a)6 2.375 22.665 2.876 17.802 3.500 15.371 4.(M1(» 13.2S9 4.5(HI 11.8(17 5.(MM1 10.476 5.563 8. 660 6.625 7.425 7.625 6..50O 8.625 5.768 9.625 5.125 10.750 4. .571 12.(HI0 4.246 12.7-,(l 3.809 14.II(NI 5..''.40 I'l.lKHI 3.295 16.0011 1.611 2.007 2.468 3.067 3.548 4.026 4..''>08 5.045 6.065 7.(123 7.ils2 S.937 10.018 11.250 12. (11 Ml 13.2.-IO 14.250 15.250 .145 .154 .204 .217 .226 .237 .246 .259 .280 .301 .322 .344 .366 .375 .375 .375 Nov., 1901. CONDENSED LIST PRICE OF FITTINGS FOR WROUGHT-IRON PIPE. Diameter of Pipe y/^VxyA ViVM 1 \Vx\ 15 2^ ZYi ^% Ellbows— M. I Tees " Crosses " Elbows— Cast Iron R. & L. &R"(iC. I. 45° Mall. Iron .... 45° Cast Iron Tees " " Rednc'g " — Crosses " '* Reduc'g " Bushings Caps, Cast Iron " IMall. Iron Couplings, W. I.— K. H w. \. i;.& I M.I.,1MI M. I., K.& L.... LockniitSjCast Iron " Mall. Iron Long Screws Nipples, Close and Shld " R. &L " I>oiig " R.&I 50 60 l.(H) 28 32 82 34 41 47 75 83 14 26 32 28 50 35 52 1.70 18 24 80 1.05 1.75 U\ 60 1.60 60 73 83 1.30 1.45 21 40 45 40 85 50 40 2.70 39 1.50 1.70 3.00 85 2.10 90 1.10 1.25 2.00 2.20 30 54 85 (iO 1.20 1.00 34 2.25 '1.50 3.25 1.05 1.20 3.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.70 3.00 40 75 1.50 80 1.60 1.00 1.05 1.40 3.00 3.40 1.20 1.40 4..50 1.45 1.75 2.00 3.15 3.50 5f) 87 2.(H1 1.00 2.00 64 6.(H) 85 1.15 1.2(1 1.60 1 2.00 2.9: 4.60 5.10 1.25 1.70 2.00 2.30 2. .50 3.00 3.50 5..50 6.00 93 1.20 l.Oi 1.55 2.45 2.75 3.15 3.45 4.(X) 4.()0 7.25 8.00 1.25 1..55 2.40 1.30 1.8.5 2.90 GAS, AND WATER PIPE. OF STANDARD DIMENSIONS. Circumference. Transverse Areas. Length of Pipe per Sq. Foot of 0) aj CP^ Si ISO am O . d "3 eS OJ "3 oj a c a □ 5 i4 si X 3 n2 o 15 a: 3S tHtM o_ Inches. Inches. Sq. Ins. .Sq. Ins. 0573 Sq. Ins. 0717 Feet. Feet. Feet. Lbs. 1 272 848 129 9 44 14 15 2513 211 27 21-64 1 696 1 114 229 1041 1249 7 075 10 49 1383 3 42 18 29-64 2 121 1553 358 1917 1663 5 657 7 73 751 2 559 18 19-32 2 639 1957 554 304« 2492 4 547 6 13 473 4 837 14 23-32 3 299 2 589 866 5333 3327 3 637 4 635 270 1 115 14 15-16 4 131 3 292 1 358 8626 4954 2 904 3 645 166 9 1 668 11V„ 1 3-16 5 215 4 335 2 164 1496 668 2 301 3 768 96 25 2 244 l]i/„ 1 15-32 b M 5(tel 2 835 2 038 797 2 01 3 3^1 70 66 2 07S 11', 1 2:3-32 7 461 6 494 4 443 3 356 1 074 1 608 1 848 42 91 3 m> 11', 3 3-16 9 032 7 753 6 492 4 784 1 703 1 328 1 547 30 1 5 739 8 '^ •a 10 996 9 636 9 621 7 388 2 243 1 091 1 245 19 5 7 536 8 3 M 12 566 11 146 12 566 9 887 2 679 955 1 077 14 57 9 001 8 3 Ji 14 137 13 648 15 904 12 73 3 174 849 949 11 31 10 665 8 4 ^i 15 708 14 162 19 635 15 901 3 674 764 848 9 02 12 34 8 4 % 17 477 15 849 24 306 19 99 4 316 687 757 7 2 14 502 8 5 5-16 20 813 19 054 34 472 28 888 5 584 577 63 4 98 18 762 8 6 5-16 23 955 22 063 45 664 38 738 6 926 501 544 3 72 23 271 8 7 % 27 096 25 076 58 426 50 04 8 386 443 478 2 88 28 177 1 8 8 Vi 30 238 28 076 72 76 62 73 10 03 397 427 2 29 33 701 8 9 19-32 33 772 31477 90 763 78 839 11 924 355 382 1 82 40 065 8 10 13-16 37 699 35 343 113 098 89 402 13 696 318 339 1 456 45 95 8 40 055 37 7 127 677 113 098 14 579 299 319 1 27 48 985 8 43 982 41 626 153 938 137 887 16 051 273 288 1 04 53 921 8 47 124 44 768 176 715 159 485 17 23 255 2(i8 903 57 893 8 50 265 47 909 201 062 182 655 18 407 239 259 788 01 77 8 FITTINGS FOR WROUGHT- IRON PIPE - CONTINUED. '/ ..^1 1^ K 1 .K 1 U o 2/2 3 3/. 4 41/; r 6 A ."1 ... 1/2 1 - 4/2 1 . Return Bends, C. P., C. I... 18 21 13 24 28 20 22 23 20 25 35 2(; 30 30 35 as' 42 .. 26 .. 26 08 9 24 30 36 45 \\ 2 27 33 4(! 52 2 3 37, 50 28 34 33 40 45 70 67 105 90 140 3 4 G 8 ..1 .. 10 1(> ,50 55 28 33 50 40 46 60 33 33 10 48 70 3 40 64 4 77 54 62 l.(K) 1..50 2.00 i) 20 60 40 46 5!5 64 80 57 66 1.00 80 92 1.15 1.20 1.40 1.70 1.95 " C.P.C.1.K.& L. C. P., M. I. C. I., Open 1.35 1..55 2.00 2.20 2. ,50 3.00 " C.I.,op.K.& L. " Cl. I.op. B. (). " r.P.C.Lpitfhed " C.P.C.I.K.&L. i5 <)9 ' 35 1.50 2.25 i.".55 1.25 "45 2.25 3.25 2.10 1..50 Side Outlet Elbows, C. I. . . . " Tee, CI Tinned Straps, S. Iron 1 18 2?,' 37 1 18 18 'l 40 u 28 20 23 GO 84 90 1.25 4| 5 581 75 78 1.00 5i 6 1.12 1.65 66 94 7C>1.08 1.20 1.80 1.80 2.70 2.40 3.{>0 7 10 11 1'^ 3.15 4..50 3.(>5 1.80 3.60 5.25 4.35 2.10 5.25 7.65 2.70 6.00 8.25 9.00 12.00 3.15 3.95 \V I Hooks 1 W. \. Service Bends Y Brandies, 0. I " IteduciuK Offsets, to set off 4 in 1.06 1.90 3.00 4. ,50 6.00 18 60 70 1.50 2..50 2.90 4.(M) O.IM) 8.(10 25 "so 1.00 2.40 3. .50 4.(H» 5.(H) 7.,50 10.00 .,38 l.(X) l.,50 3.(M) 4.00 4.iW 6.(M) 9.(H) 12.00 42 1.30 l.:i5 1.85 4.fH1 5.90 6.80 65 l'.,S5 V.OO 9.20 8.00 10.60 " 6 " " 8 " 2 2 2 4 5 12.00, 15.(K) Ki.OO; 20.00 88 1.20 Beducing Coupling, C. I. .. . Offset!! 3 •• 3 28 70 43 45 1.00 2.00 6.00 2.70 koo Kight and Left and Left Hand Fittings not s|)ecilied above will be cliarged 15 per (rent, more than Kight Hand Fittings. 3 9 CAPACITIES OF BOILERS. FOR HOT WATER HEATING APPARATUS. And capable of maiatainingr the temper- ature of the water in the Apparatus at 180° Fahr. over night without attention. (G. E. Dixon.) FOR LOW PRESSURE STEAM HEAT- ING APPARATUS. And capable of maintaining steam over night without attention. (G. E. Dixon.) Boiler Surface in Square Feet. Total Direct Radiation in Square Feet. Direct Radi- ation Per Sq Foot of Boil- er Surface. Boiler Sur- face in Square feet. Total Direct Radiation in Square Feet. Direct Radiation Per .Square Foot of boiler surface 20 110 5.50 JO 168 4.20 30 181 6.03 50 218 4.36 40 257 6.42 60 272 4.53 50 338 6.76 80 384 4.80 GO 425 7.08 100 504 5.04 70 512 7.46 120 62G 5.21 80 G03 7 54 140 752 5 37 90 695 7.72 152 830 5 46 100 792 7.92 172 962 5.60 120 991 8.26 194 1114 5.74 140 1198 8.56 211 1232 5.84 159 1400 8.80 252 1522 6.04 199 1842 9.25 292 1816 6.21 225 2142 9.52 295 1840 6.23 279 2788 9.99 347 2240 6.45 323 3332 10.31 399 2642 6.62 372 3970 10 68 421 2820 6.69 453 5065 11.18 482 3321 6.89 517 5938 11.48 1 541 3818 7.05 The quantities of radiation in the above table are cxclusiv^o of all piping. One sqviare foot of Indirect requires the same boiler capacity as I'-j square feet of Direct Radiation. From John Davis Company's catalogue, by permission. TEMPERATURE OF STEAM, PRESSURE OF AVATER AND CAPACITY OF TANKS. Degree of Heat Per Pressure per Sq. in. per ft. Head of Lb. Pressure of TANK CAPACITY. Steam. Water. Pounds Pressure. D egrees. Feet Head. Equals Pres- sure per sq. in. Diameter. Gallons Per Foot of Depth . 212 1 .43 2 Feet Inches 23.5 1 215 2 .87 2 *• 6 36.7 o 219 3 1.30 3 " 52.9 3 222 4 1.73 3 " 6 72.0 4 2-^ 5 2.16 4 " 94.0 5 227 10 4.33 4 " 6 119.0 6 230 15 6.49 5 " 146.9 7 232 20 8.66 5 " 6 177 7 8 235 25 10. h2 6 " 221.5 9 238 30 12.99 6 " 6 248.2 10 240 35 15.16 7 " 287.9 15 250 40 17.32 7 " 6 330.5 20 259 45 19.49 8 " 376.0 25 267 50 21.65 8 '* 6 424.5 30 274 55 23.82 9 " 475.9 35 281 60 25.99 9 " 6 530.2 40 286 65 28.15 10 " .587.5 45 292 70 30.33 11 " 710.9 50 298 75 32.48 13 " 846.0 55 303 80 34.65 13 " 992.0 60 307 85 36.82 14 " 11.51.5 65 312 90 38.98 15 " 1321.9 70 316 95 41.15 20 " 23.50.1 75 320 100 43 31 25 " 3670.0 80 324 115 49.50 30 •' 5387.7 85 328 130 55.90 35 '• 7197.1 90 331 150 64.50 40 " 9400.3 95 334 175 75.25 100 338 200 86.15 40 MEMORANDA MEMORANDA USEFUL INFORMATION. STEAM. A CUBIC inch of water evaporated under ordinary atmospheric pressure is converted into 1 cubic foot of steam (approximately). The specittc gravity of steam (at atmospheric pressure) is .411 that of air at 34^ Fahrenheit, and .0006 that of water at same temperature. •27,'222 cubic feet of steam weigh 1 pound ; 13,817 cubic feet of air weigh 1 pound. Locomotives average a consumption of 3,000 gallons of water per 100 miles run. The best designed boilers, well set, witli good draft and skilful firing, will evaporate from 7 to 10 lbs. of water per pound of lirst-class coal. In calculating horse-power of Tubular or Flue boilers, consider 15 square feet of heating surface equivalent to one nominal horse-power. On one square foot of grate can be burned on an average from 10 to 12 lbs. of hard coal, or 18 to 20 lbs. of soft coal, per hour, witli natural draft. With forced draft nearly double these amounts can be burned. Steam Engines, in economy, vary from 14 to 60 lbs. of feed water and from It to 7 lbs. of coal per hour per indicated H. V. See table below for duty of high grade engines! Condensing engines require from 20 to 30 gallons of water, at'an average low temperature to condense the steam represented by every gallon of water evaporated in the boilers' sup- plying engines — approximately for most engines, we say, from 1 to li gallons condensing water per minute per indicated'horse-power. Surface Condensers should have about 2 square feet of tube (cooling) surface per horse- power for a compound steam engine. Ordinary engines will require more surface according to their economy in the use of steam. It is absolutely necessary to place air pumps below condensers to get satisfactory results. RATIO OF VACUUM TO TEMPERATURE (FAHRENHEIT) OF FEED WATER. 00 inches, Vacuum 212° 11 „ „ 190° 18 „ „ .. ..ITOo 22J^ inches. Vacuum 150° *25" „ „ 135° 27* „ „ 112° 28i inches, Vacuum 92° 29 „ 72° 29i „ „ 52° •Usually considered the standard point of efficiency — Condenser and Air Pump being well proportioned. WEIGHT AND COMPARATIVE FUEL VALUE OF WOOD. 1 Cord Air-dried Hickory or Hard Maple weighs about 4,500 lbs., and is equal to about 2,000 lbs. coal. 1 ,, „ White Oak weighs about 3,850 lbs., and is equal to about 1,715 lbs. coal. 1 ,, ,, Beech, Red Oak, and Black Oak weighs about 3,250 lbs., and is equal to about 1,4.50 lbs. coal. 1 ,, ,, Poplar (whitewood). Chestnut, and Elm weighs about 2,350 lbs., and is equal to about 1,050 lbs. coal. 1 ,, ,, Average Pine weighs about 2,000 lbs., and is equal to about 925 lbs. coal. From the above it is safe to assume that 'Z\ lbs. of dry wood is equal to 1 lb. average quality of soft coal, and that the full value of the same iveir/ht of different woods is very nearly the same — that is, a pound of hickory is worth no more for fuel than a pound of pine, assuming both to be dry. It is important that the wood be dry, as each 10 per cent, of water or moisture in wood will detract about 12 per cent, from its value as fuel. DUTY OF STEAM ENGINES. A well-known engineer of high authority gives the following comparative figures showing the economy of high grade steam engines in actual practice : Type of Engine. Lbs. of Water Temperature i Evaporated per of Feed Water. > lb- or Cum- berland Coal. Pounds of Steam per 1 H. P. used per hour. cTrbe'iU^d ^!z}^ Coal u^ed per '^iHi^^i^lir hour ''^ *''-^ per ton. Non-Condensing 210° 100° 100° 100° 10.5 9.4 94 9.4 29. 2.75 $0.0073 Condensing Compound Jacketed Triple Exi)ansion Jacketed. 20. 17. 13.6 2.12 1.81 1.44 0.0056 0.0045 0.0030 *#*The effect of a good condenser and air pump should be to make available about 10 lbs. more mean effective iiressure than the same terminal pressure; or to give the same mean effective pressure with a corres])ondingly less terminal pressure. When the load on the engine requires 20 lbs. M. E. 1"., the condeiLser does half the work; at 30 lbs., one third of the work; at 40 lbs., one fourth, and soon. It is safe to assume that practically the condenser will save from one fourth to one third of the fuel, and it can be applied to any engine cut-oft', or throttling, where a suflicient supply of water is available. THE ABOVE IS FROM WALWORTH MFG. CO.'S POCKET PRICE-LIST BY PERMISSION. WATER. TROUBLING the diameter of a pipe increases its capacity four times. Friction of liquids ^-^ in pipes increases as the square of the velocity. The mean jtressure of the atmosphere is usually estimated at 14.7 Ihs. per square inch, so that with a perfect vacuum it will sustain a column of mercury 29.9 inches or a column of water 33.9 feet high at sea level. To find the pressure in pounds per square inch of a column of water, multiply the height of the column in feet hy .434. Ai)iirer hour. Gallons per minute x 7.9 = cubic feet per hour. One cubic foot of anthracite coal weighs about r,:i lbs. One cubic foot of bituminous coal weighs about 47 to 50 lbs. One ton of coal is equivalent to two cords of wood for steam purposes. One ton of anthracite coal occupies abont 36 cubic feet of space. One ton of bituminous coal occupies about 41 cubic feet of space. Cast iron weighs 450 lbs. per cubic foot, and castings of crucible steel about the same. Wrought iron weighs 48{i.C jjounds per cubic foot. A i)late of wrought iron one foot square, one inch thick, may be reckoned at 40 pounds, but 40.55 pounds is more exact. A cubic inch of cast iron weighs .2(1; tin, .24(;: wrought iron, .281; brass, ..311: copper, .321 and lead, .411 pounds. To find circumference of a circle multiply diameter by 3.1416. To find diameter of a circle multii)ly circumference by .31831. To find area of a circle multiply scjuare of diameter by .7854. ' To find area of a triangle multiply base by one-half of the perpendicular Una. To find surface of a ball multiply square of diameter by 3.1416. To find solidity of a sphere multiply cube of diameter by .5236. To find side of an equal square multiply diameter by .8862. To find cubic inches in a ball multiply cube of diameter by .5236. The hypotheinise of a right angle triangle is equal to the square root of tlie sum of the squares of the two sides. There are many different boiler comi)ounds prepared and sold by various makers, nearly all of which are effective in certain kinds of water. Among the best is one composed of: Sal Soda 40 lbs. Catichu 5 " Sal Ammoniac 5 " One of the best varnishes for smoke-stacks or steam-pipes is good asphaltum dissolved in oil of turpentine. Oxalic acid dissolved in soft water, say K aste composed. of % oz. cyanide potassium, ]4 oz. castile soap, 1 oz. whiting, and enough water to make a paste. Then wash the steel in a solution of % oz. cyanide of potassium in 2 ozs. of water. Kust Joint.— (For quick setting.) Sal ammoniac powdered, 1 lb; flour of sulphur, 2 lbs; iron borings, 80 lbs; mix to a paste with watei'. (Slow setting.) Sal ammoniac, 2 lbs; suli)hur, 1 lb; iron borings, 2(K) lbs. The latter is best if the joint is not needed for use at once. To Brighten Tarnished IMass and Copper. — Clean the brass by warming it, ana dipping in water charged with washing soda, then into clean water to remove the grease. Next dij) it in a bath of one i)art, by me;isure, of sulidiuric acid, oiu' part s;il ammoniac, two parts nitric acid, ;iiid four i)arts water. Dip for a moment, then xalic ai-id dissolved in soft water, say J^ ounce to a. pint, is oiii- of the best kiu)wn means for cleaning and brightening brass work. To Cut a (ikvss-gauge Tube. — If a glass-gauge tube is too long, take a three- ur thumbs as fulcrnms, ;ind it will break at the mark which has weakened the time. To Keep Machlneiy from IJusting. — Take one ounce of cami)hor, dissolve it in one pound of melted lard: take off the scum and mix in as much tine black lead as will give it iron color. Clean the niachineiy and smear It with this mixture. After twenty-four hours rub with a soft linen "cloth until clean. It will keep clean for months under ordinary circumstances. To Clean Brass (F. S. (ioveinmeiit ^Method.)— Make ;i, mixture of one i>art eonunon nitric acid and one-half ]iart siilphiiiic ai'id in ;i stone jar, having also a pall of fresh water and a box of sawdust. Dip the articles Into the acid, and then soak them in the water and liiially rub them in the sawdust and they will take on a brilliant color. If file l>rass is greasy, it must he liist diiiped Into a strong solution of iiotash and soda in water, and then' rinsed, so that tlie grease may be removed leaving the acid free to act. To find tlie diameter of a iium]) cylinder to move a given iiuantity of water per minute, divide the iiiinil)er of gallons by 4, then extract the .s([uare root, and the product will be the diameter in inches of :'i imnip cyliiuler required to do the work at a piston travel of KM) ft. per miiuite. "When yon have to repair your boiler furnace and can't get any fire clay, take common earth mixed with water in which you have dissolved a little salt; use same as lire clay. How to Write Iuscrii)tions on :\letals. — Take 4 ozs. of nitric acid and 1 oz. of muriatic acid, mix and shake well together, and it is ready for use. Then cover your metal surface to be engraved witli beeswax or soap, write vour Inscriijtion plainly in .he wax clear to the nietal, then a|)|ily the mixed acids with a feather or a stick of wood, carefully filling eacli letter, let it remain from five to ten minutes, according to appearance desired, then throw on water, which stops the etching jirocess, and the inscription is completed. Cement to Fasten Iron to Stone. — Take 10 parts of fine iron filings, 30 jiarts of plaster of paris, and % part of sal ammoniac; mix with weak vinegar to a flmd paste and apply at once. 46 Advertisements THE reputation of those whose advertisemements appear on the following pages is too well estab= lished to need comment, therefore I commend them to your confidence. It will be a kindness to them, as well as myself, if when writing them you will make known the fact of having seen their business card in this book. Greenhouse Cypress RELIABILITY DURABILITY QUALITY LARGEST STOCK of air-seasoned, strictly clear Cypress. Bright, as well as stained sap all cut out. Twenty Years Experience, Jhmple Facilities, Enable us to give the COMMERCIAL GROWER better material, workmanship, and service than any other manufacturer. WRITE FOR ESTIMATES. PLANS FURNISHED WITHOUT CHARGE PRIVATE GROWERS can safely trust their work to us, as this class of Greenhouse construction always receives our special attention. Plans for each individual requirement without charge. Lockland Lumber Co. HOT BED SASH. RED CEDAR POSTS. Lockland, Ohio. STUDY HEATING BY MAIL. YOU can obtain a thorough knowledge of the principles of Steam, Hot Water, and Hot Air heating, and their practical application, through our course in Heating and Ventilation, which is taught entirely by Mail. WE ALSO TEACH Mechanical, Steam, Electrical, Telephone, Telegraph, Civil and Mining Engineering ; Shop and Foundry Practice ; Mechanical Drawing ; Archi- tecture ; Plumbing ; Sheet Metal Pattern Drafting ; Chemistry ; Orna- mental Design ; Lettering ; Bookkeeping ; Stenography ; Teaching Eng- lish Branches ; Locomotive Running ; Electrotherapeutics ; German ; Spanish; French. Circular FREE. State subject that interests YOU. International Correspondence Schools, SCRANTON, PA. 4-8 Samuel S* Pennock Wholesale Florist WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF FLORISTS' RIBBONS 1612-14-16-18 Ludlow Street, PHILADELPHIA. FOR HOT WATER HEATING IN GDEENHOUSES L. 0. KOVEN & BROTHER'S ANTI -WASTE EXPANSION TANKS should always be used. Expansion Tankst Galvanized Iron Range Boilers, Filters, Water Tanks, Riveted Pipe, Mixing Tanks, Smoke-stacks and Sheet Iron Work of Every Description ^ L. O. KOVEN iSh BROTHER 50 Cliff St., NEW YORK 49 For Twenty Years The ^^MINNEAPOLIS^^ Heat Regulator has been PROFITABLE to DEALER and CONSUMER,— suitable for hot water, hot air, steam or combination heat, street steam, and natural gas. Installed at any time, — automatic, operates on a change of 1° Thermostat changed from one temperature point to another instantly. Thousands in use in Greenhouses. Satisfaction guaranteed, — sold subject to approval. Price and illustrated booklet upon application. Electric Heat Dcgulator Company First Ave. and D St. - - MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. the... Underwood Cvpewritcr "WRITING ALWAYS IN SIGHT." FIRST PRIZE Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. FIRST PRIZE at Venice, 1901. Send for Catalog. WAGNER TYPEWRITER CO. 206 Devonshire SI. cor. FranKlin, BOSTON, MASS. TELEPHONE MAIN 3001. 50 "Ma says there ain't no use doin' nothin' fer nobody that don't do nothin' fer you."— SIS HOPKINS. SIS HOPKIN'S Ma was right. Advertisers who wish to reach the PItimbing and Steam and Hot Water Heating: trade, and are tired of ** doin* somethin' fer somebody that don^t do nothin' fer them/^ will be gratified by the results obtained from regularly adver- tising in •••»•>»>£'<• 4a •• |l\^JiM lil^^; 11 fi 1^1 1 kK :,iiii 1^ ^S^-5-=C^ C^^^Sfj fj tm\mmmm%mrt\ Its always ** doin* '* something for you. Postal us for a sample copy and look over the list of manufacturers and jobbers who are reaping the benefit of our large and exclusive circulation. P. S- — Incandescent Lighting Specialties are also advertised in our columns, and li/ceivise Acetylene goods. Cbe Plumbers' Craac journal 61 Bcckman Street, NEW YORK, 51 AUTOMATIC BOILER FEEDERS, STEAM TRAPS, Automatic Cellar Drainers. THERMOMETERS, AIR VALVES, VALVES, RADIATORS, GAGES, SEAMLESS FLOATS, ENGINE INDICATORS, ALL SPECIALTIES and a full line of Tools and Materials for Steam Fitting, Gas Fitting and Plumbing Gilbert H. Aymar G. W. A. Bradlee Aymar & Bradlee, Stationery rypeWfltSt ....Printing SUPPLIES TREMONT BUILDING, ROOM 226 Telephone, 769, -.-^^^^^-r-f.^-, •, ■»■»•. ^^ Haymarkel BOSTON, MASS. Book for Heating ENGINEERS DEAN^S STEAM FITTERS COMPUTATION and PRICE BOOK=^ = Has Tables of Cubic Contents. Tables Giving Amount of Radiation. Ratings of Boilers, Radiators, etc., etc. Saves ^f r.r^ ^ ^^ $5.00 MARK DEAN BOSTON, MASS. 53 ,pH ^a Zv APH. 2B 1902 MAY 3 1902