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IN ONE ACT, — BY — James F. Parsons. -0- TO WHICH IS ADDED A DESORIPTTON OF THE COSTUMES— CAST OP THE CHAR AC TERS— ENTRANCES AND EXITS— RELATIVE POSITIONS OF THE PERFORMERS ON THE STAGE, AND THE WHOLE OF THE STAGE BUSINESS •X- Eiifered accordin long have you known dis lady? Long, (loud) Whafs that? Yes— yes, my name is Long, Silas 8 JUDGE OFFERHEIMER'8 FIR8T CASE. Lon». Judge, (very loud) How long have you known dis lady? Long. How long is tliis lady? Wall, abeout five feel, five inches, I recon — not any longer. Judge, {yelling) How long vas you been knowin' her? Long. Oh! abeout ten months and t«n days. Judge. Do you know anyding aboud dis case? Long. Do I know Mr. Case? Oh! yes, I know Mr. Case. You mean Mr. Case? He and 1 wuz in jail together — 1 mean we went to skewl together. Judge. Do you know anydings about Mrs. Bod veil's case against Mr. Pickvick's case? Long. Some — Jedge — some. Judge. Do you vas believe in capital bunishment? Long. In some cases, Jedge. Judge. In vat case vould you vouldn't bave der belief? Long. If I wuz sentenced to be hung myself, Jedge. Judge. Do you vas know Mr. Vickpikidy? Long. I do. Jedge, your honor. Judge. Vat is der color of his hair? Long. Red. Judge. Face? Long. Red. Judge. Hands? Long. Red. Judge. Character? Long. Red— dark blue. Oh— character— black— Jedge. Judge. How does he dress? Long. Puts on his shirt and then his pants. Judge. I mean vat kind of clothes does he vear? Long. His own clothes. Judge. Did Mr. Vickpick visit Mrs. Bodvell von dime in July ot dat year? Long. To the best recollection of my memory, Jedge, he did. Judge. How could you brove it? Lo/ig. 1 saw tracks in tlie snow. Judge. Vat did der dracks look like? Long. Mule tracks. Judge. How did you know dot dey vas his dracks? Long. He wuz bow legged and walks jigjag. Judge. How long vas der dracks in length? Long. Twenty-four inches long. Judge. Vy don't you say dwo feet long? Long. Because that wuz the measure of one foot. Judge. l->id der dracks lead to his house? Long. They did, Jedge. Judge. Did you saw any dracks coming avay from her house? Long. No, the tracks wuz there when 1 left— none came away. Judge. Vat vas you doing dere? Long. I sold 'em a load of wood. Judge. Vat recollections have you of der case? Long. Wall Jedge, my recollection is that neither of the blamea critters paid me fur the wood. - - .. . Judge. Is dot all you know? JUDGE OFFERHEIMER'S FIRST CASE. 9 Long. By gum! that's enough! Jiidge. You could go. Ber Clerk vill swear a little at der next vitness. Baldwin. Bridget Murphy is the next to be sworn. {exit Sprout r. b. Re-enter Strovt B,. e., icith Bridget Mvupiiy, tc7io takes tcMness cliatr and raiseis right hand. Bahhctn. You promise on your word of honor to tell all you know about til is case? Bridget. Faith, I do thin. Judge. Vhat is your name? Bridget. Bridget Murphy. Judge. How old is your ages? Bridget. Shure that's a delicate question to be askin' a lady. Judge. How old vas you? Bridget. Twenty foive years and nointeen months old. Judge. Vas you married? Bridget. I am — thin — Judge. First or second husband? Bridget. The fourth, your honor! Shurel have lost (c^'^mr/) three of the foinest men that ever lived. Judge. Vat did your first husband die mit? Bridget. He died wid me sister Mary, she waz the only one wid him whin he died. Judge. Vat disease dook him off? Bridget. It waz the undertaker took him off? Judge. Vat disease did he died mit? Bridget. It waz either the brain fever or the delirium trimbles— T forgit which. Me second husband died wid tlie spinal menjerious, and me third husband didn't die at all, but waz kilt, and me fourth husband is still livin', bad luck to him. I couldn't stand him and he got a divorce from me. Judge. Have you got any childrens? Bridget. I have lV)ive. Judge. Boys or girls? Bridget. Half b'ys and half girls. Judge. Vas you remember von day last July dot Mrs. Board veil entertained Mr BricUvick und Mr. Brickvick vas holding Mrs. Boardvell in liis arms? Bridget. Oh! musha, is it a scandal you are trying to start? What day in July waz it? Judge, per thirty-fifth. Bridget. Let me see, that must have bin the la.sht of the month, very near August. The twenty-seventh I wint to Tim Finnigan's wake. The twenty-eighth I wint to his funeral. The twenty-ninth I wint to see me Moike, who waz in jail, and the next four days I waz out of town, and whin I came back 1 wint to see Mrs. Bodwel! Yes, Judge. 1 remember very indisiincMy it waz in July. Judge. Did you saw Mr. Vickpick hugging Mrs. Bodvell? Bridf/et. Shure [ don't loike to be givin' away private sacrets, but, I niver in all meloifesaw anyone git such a Iiuggiu' as Mrs. Bodwell got thot day. Ye see T waz jist com in' fi-cnn Mr. Gilligan's, where they had a terrible accident. Mr, Gilligan's goat-billie kicked Mr, to JUDGE OFFERHEIMER'S FIRST CASE. Gillian's boy, Tiddy, in the stnmick and give him an awful cramp. and I waz aftei- goiu' down to Gilligan's to take them some lumbago liniment furtlie boy. Well, as 1 waz comin' up Mrs. Bodwell's back stoop I heard a soft cooing like two doves. Oh! such a cooing and a cooiu"- I nivei- heard- since me second husband used to come to see me of a^'vVednesday night. Says I to meself, it's not h)i:4 349 285 296 259 395 M. I*. 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