Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/internedmexicansOOunit 63d Congress, ) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. (Document 8d Session. j 1 No. 794. INTERNED MEXICAN SOLDIERS AND REFUGEES. LETTER i i TRANSMITTING COPY OF A COMMUNICATION FROM THE SECRETARY OF STATE SUBMITTING AN ESTIMATE OF APPROPRIATION FOR REIM- BURSEMENT OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE ARMY, FOR THE TRANSPORTATION AND CARE OF INTERNED MEXICAN SOLDIERS AND REFUGEES. February 25, 1914. — Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Treasury Department, Office of the Secretary, Washington, February 24, 191 4- The Speaker of the House of Representatives. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith, for the consideration of Congress, copj' of a communication from the Secretary of State, of January 31, 1914, and accompanying papers, submitting an esti- mate of appropriation for reimbursement of appropriations for the support of the Army, for the transportation and care of interned Mexican soldiers and refugees, as follows: That the expenditure of money appropriated for the support of the Army for the transportation and care of interned Mexican soldiers and refugees is hereby ratified and affirmed, and the accounting officers of the Treasury are hereby authorized and directed to credit by transfer to the various appropriations for the support of the Army such sums as have been or may hereafter be disbursed in transporting and caring for interned Mexican soldiers and refugees, and for this purpose there is hereby appro- priated, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, an amount sufficient to effect such transfers. Respectfully, W. G. McAdoo, Secretary. 2 interned mexican soldiers and refugees. Department op State, Washington, January 31, 1914- The honorable the Secretary of the Treasury. , Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy of a letter from the Secretary of War covering a list of expenditures incident to the maintenance by the Army of Mexicans and their families interned at San Diego, Cal.; Brownsville, Tex.; and El Paso, Tex., and vicin- ity, together with a statement of expenditures which, it is stated, will have to be made in the future to take care of the large number of detained Mexicans at the time en route to El Paso, and a statement of the probable future expenses incident to their detention. These expenditures have been made thus far through appropria- tions for the maintenance of the Army and from supplies purchased for the use of the Army. The Secretary of War asks that steps be taken to reimburse the War Department, and to this end I submit inclosed, with the approval of the President and with a view to its transmission to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, an item of appropriation which I strongly recommend; and which I hope will have the early and favorable consideration of the Congress. I have the honor to be, sir, Your obedient servant, (Signed) W. J. Bryan. War Department, Washington, January 17, 1914. Dear Mr. Secretary: I am submitting herewith a list of expend- itures incident to the maintenance by the Army of Mexican prisoners and their families, detained at the request of the State Department, at San Diego, Cal., Brownsville, Tex., and at El Paso, Tex., and vicinity. I am also sending you a statement of the expenditures which will have to be made in the immediate future to take care of the large number of Mexican prisoners which are now en route to El Paso, and also a statement of the probable future expenses incident to their retention. I have the honor to request that steps be taken to reimburse the War Department for these expenditures, which have been made thus far from appropriations for the maintenance of the Army and from supplies purchased for the use of the Army. Very respectfully, Lindley M. Garrison, Secretary of War. The honorable Secretary of State. War Department, Office of Chief of Quartermaster Corps, Washington, January 17, 191 4- Memorandum for the Chief of Staff, for consideration of the Sec- retary of War: I have the honor to transmit herewith memoranda as follows: FEB 28 1914 INTERNED MEXICAN SOLDIEES AND REFUGEES. 6 (a) Expenditures made or liabilities incurred on account of 420 Mexican internes at San Diego, Cal., to Jan. 17, 1914 $50, 128. 48 (b) Expenditures made or liabilities incurred on account of 5,325 troops of the Mexican federal army, women, children, and camp fol- lowers, amounting to 50, 168. 00 It will be noted from the memorandum (b) that a number of articles were requested by Gen. Scott which have not yet been supplied. If it is decided that these articles are to be furnished, it will increase the amount expended to date by 41, 958. 50 Total to Jan. 17, 1914 142, 254. 98 It "is understood that there are approximately 420 internes at San Diego, and it is therefore estimated that the expenses incident to this camp will be approximately $250 per day. From the best information obtainable as to cost of the rations, expenses incident to the delivery of rations, and other necessary supplies to the camp to be established at Fort Bliss, the cost per day per capita for the 5,325 men, women, and children held at that point is estimated at 40 cents. On this basis the per diem cost for the maintenance of this camp will be $2,130. From this date on it is estimated that the expenses will be about $2,500 per day for the two camps. On this basis the total required to January 31, 1914, would be $37,500; for the month of February, $70,000; and approximately $75,000 for each month thereafter so long as these people are cared for by the United States Government under present conditions. In conclusion, attention is invited to copy of a letter from the Auditor for the War Department dated January 15, 1914, trans- mitting copy of a proposed joint resolution herewith. Should this resolution pass there will be no difficulty in the prompt settlement of the accounts, and corresponding reimbursement of the appropria- tions of the Quartermaster Corps. J. B. Aleshire, CMef Quartermaster Corps. A. January 17, 1914. Memorandum for the Secretary of War: The records in this office, to and including reports received to date, show that the cost of transporting to and maintaining interned Mexican prisoners at San Diego, Cal., is as follows:. Regular supplies |6, 168. 84 Incidental expenses 93. 56 Barracks and quarters 409. 29 Army transportation 244. 05 Water and sewers, military posts 742. 49 Subsistence of the Army 21, 118. 73 Clothing and equipage -. 1, 337. 44 Disposition of remains, etc 12. 40 Total 30, 126. 80 Army transportation, for transporting prisoners and guard 20, 001. 68 Grand total ". 50, 128. 48 4 INTERNED MEXICAN" SOLDIERS AND REFUGEES. There are 420 interned Mexican prisoners at San Diego, Cal., and from report of expenditures rendered by the quartermaster at that station it appears that the cost of maintaining these prisoners is, approximately, $150 per day. J. B. Aleshire, Chief Quartermaster Corps. January 17, 1914. Memorandum for the Secretary of War: 1. The records of this office show that the following expenditures have been made or authorized in connection with the supply of the interned Mexican prisoners and refugees now at Marfa, Tex., or en route to El Paso, Tex. 2. Reports show that we are supplying 513 officers, 3,198 enlisted men and civilians, 1,081 women, and 533 children, making a total of 5,325. 3. In response to a telegram from Gen. Bliss, dated January 14, a copy of which was furnished this office by The Adjutant General, the following supplies have been shipped from St. Louis, Omaha, Jeffer- son ville, and Philadelphia depots: Depot from which ordered. Quan- tity. St. Louis Do 5,000 100 300 200 300 100 50 100 50 600 600 100 50 300 Do Do Do Do... Do Do Do Do Jefiersonville. . . Philadelph ia . . . Do.....'.... Articles. Value. Bed sacks Axes with helves Mess pans Camp kettles Washbasins Stable brooms Rakes Shovels Conical tents, complete Pins, common tent, set Common wall tents, with poles. Lanterns Tent stoves Joints stovepipe for conical tent; Total S3, 200 43 36 60 75 68 25 51 1,829 144 8,832 75 44 24 14,506 4. Transportation from Marfa to El Paso of the persons enumerated in paragraph 2, at a cost of $3.50 per head, has been authorized. Total cost $17,702. 5. There has also been authorized for necessary supplies at the detention camp for purposes as follows: Appropriation, " Roads, walks, wharves, and drainage," for preparing camp site, etc $360 Appropriation, ' ' Barracks and quarters, ' ' for construction of wire stockade 700 Appropriation, "Water and sewers at military posts," for construction of pipe line for water supply 2, 500 Total 3, 560 6. The records of this office also show that troops and other persons enumerated in paragraph 2 have been under the care of the military authorities of the United States operating along the border since January 12, and it is estimated that the cost of subsisting and caring for these prisoners and refugees, in addition to the cost reported herein, INTERNED MEXICAN SOLDIERS AND REFUGEES. 5 will be approximately SI, 600 per day from January 12 until these prisoners and refugees reach the detention camp at El Paso, a period of nine days, making the total cost about $14,400. It is further estimated that when these prisoners and refugees are interned in the detention camp the cost will be approximately 40 per cent per day per person, a total of $2,130 per day. 7. In this connection attention is invited to the fact that of the articles estimated for by Gen. Bliss in his telegram of January 14, the following have not been supplied, it not being considered essential that these articles be furnished at this time: 50 field ranges, No. 1 $1, 288. 50 10,000 blankets 30, 500. 00 4,500 cots 10, 170. 00 Total. . -41, 958. 50 If these articles are to be supplied, the amount indicated above will be in addition to the cost herein reported. Summary of the expenditures authorized and liabilities incurred in connection with interned Mexican prisoners and refugees now at Marfa, Tex., or en route to El Paso, Tex. Paragraph 3, Clothing and equipage $14, 506 Paragraph 4, Transportation of the Army and its supplies 17, 702 Paragraph 5, Roads, walks, wharves, and drainage 360 Paragraph 5, Barracks and quarters 700 Paragraph 5, Water and sewers at military posts 2, 500 Paragraph 6, Subsistence of the Army 14. 400 Grand total 50, 168 In addition to the above it is estimated that it will cost to subsist these interned prisoners and refugees after arrival at El Paso approxi- mately $2,130 per day for such period as they are detained in the detention camp at that place. J. B. Aleshire, Chief Quartermaster Corps. JOINT RESOLUTION Making appropriation for reimbursement of appropriations for the support of the Army for the transporta- tion and care of interned Mexican soldiers and refugees. Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the expenditure of money, appropriated for the support of the Army, for the transportation and care of interned Mexican soldiers and refugees is hereby ratified and affirmed, and the accounting officers of the Treasury are hereby authorized and directed to credit by transfer to the various appropriations for the support of the Army such sums as have been or may hereafter be disbursed in trans- porting and caring for interned Mexican soldiers and refugees, and for this purpose there is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appro- priated an amount sufficient to effect such transfers. o LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 015 829 186 1 «