Glass BX&2Z>1 Boak__L__ A GLANCE AT THE APTIST By G.L MILES, PASTOR OF THE BAPTIST CHURCH, WEST CHESTER, PA. WEST ~KBST£R : " " printed by tedBr"* EVAsrs. 1880 /sp PKiUFAf!^ The Compiler of this little volume has been im- pressed for a considerable time, with the persuasion that a short history of the denomination to which fa© belongs, and is ardently attached, was loudly and ex- tensively called for by many members of our churches in Pennsylvania and elsewhere. After waiting In vain for some one better qualified than himself to undertake the labor, he has after much hesitation* and with many fears prepared the present volume , and now commends it to such notice and regard as his brethren and others may see proper to bestow. Neitherlionor nor profit has been an object witFt the writer. He has not aimed at originality, but given to a considerable extent the words of others. The substance of the volume is taken from Benedict's valuable "History of the Baptists," while extracts have been made from" Jones' Church History," and "Allen's Register." Aware that many feel unable to purchase a larger work, who are comparatively ignorant of the rise and progress of the denomination, and who are frequently IV. interrogated on these points, the Author feels desi- rous that that ignorance may be removed, and those interrogatories answered, and will feel himself amply rewarded if he shall have hereby contributed any thing to that desirable end. With respect to the selection and the arrangement of the matter contained in this volume, the Author can only say that here was the great difficulty. A large field was to be brought into a narrow compass, and to do it in the best manner has been his aim: whether he has succeeded or not, the reader must judge. If it be thought that the " Triennial Register" is sufficient for the demands of the denomination, the writer begs leave to dissent from such an opinion , while he yields to none in placing a high estimate upon the advantages and excellence of that worko He does believe that these volumes may lie together in more than harmony, that they will be read together, with satisfaction and profit by every one at all inter ested in the subjects they embrace. The writer's extensive acquaintance with the churches in Pennsylvania, leads him to believe that not only a proper construction will be put upon^this effort to advance their interests, but that they will extend to it their cordial welcome. In submitting it to them, he commends it to the blessing of the Great Head of the Church, with the earnest prayer that he may use it to promote in some measure his rising kingdom. G. I. MILES, CHAPTER L AN EPITOME OF ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, The advent of the Lord Jesus Christ into- this Wofld, the introduction of the dispensation of his gospel, and the succession of his heavenly conquests over the influence of Satan and the oppositions of de- praved men, are subjects of intense interest to the mind of man, as they involve his present and future welfare or woe. The first was at a period declared to be the " fulness of time ;" a period of longing ex. pect#ion of an event so glorious. The darkness in which the Jewish nation was shrouded had become gross, when spiritual light rose upon the world, in the introduction of a system of divine contrivance for its universal illumination. The voice of one crying in the wilderness was scarcely heard, until the banks of Jordan witnessed the preparation of the way of the Lord, declared his revealed glory, and gave the blest assurances of the reign of Messiah. There stood one un- a 3 (6) obtrusive and unobserved, to whom, however, at the proper moment the finger of John was directed, as he cried out, " behold the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world !" He had come from Galilee unto John, and was baptised by him in Jor- dan. Upon his coming up out of the water, a voice from heaven was heard, saying this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. Jesus now begins to preach, and gathering around him a few disciples with a crowd of astonished fol- lowers, discourses upon the high mysteries of redemp- tion. Some believed, but more derided. He wrought the most astonishing miracles to confirm his doctrine, but Scribes and Pharisees and the rulers of the peo- ple became enraged ; the populace was inflamed ; Jesus was betrayed, brought before Pilate's bar and condemned, and the streets of Jerusalem were filled with the multitude crying, away with him, crucify him. He was led to Calvary ,*elevated upon the cross, and amid the sympathy of the heavens, the groans of the earth, and the noisy rage of infuriate men he died. But he rose again, visited his friends, aw as- cended up on high leading captivity captive, having obtained gifts for men, even the rebellious. The disciples wondered, wept, but rejoiced again ; assembled at Jerusalem with one accord in one place 5 the prophecy of Joel was fulfilled, the baptism of overwhelming of the spirit was enjoyed, their un- derstandings were illuminated, their love became ar- dent, and their zeal and courage were inflamed* (?) In the well ordered Providence of God there were assembled at Jerusalem, a vast concourse of peo- ple belonging to different nations and tongues, before whom the marvellous transactions of Penta- cost were wrought. These became the pioneers of the truth they had heard the uninstructed Apostles uttef in their own language. Here was the wisdom, here the power of God. That memorable day brought an accession of three thousand souls to the little compa- ny of believers. Emboldened by success, and directed by the Spirit, they preached the word of the Lord successfully throughout Judea and the surrounding countries, God bearing ihem witness both with signs and wonders, so that in a little time the Gospel was borne to a great part of the extensive empire of Rome, which embraced at this period most of the civilized world. Robinson, in his Ecclesiastical Researches has shown that, the Apostles and other preachers gathered churches in between sixty and seventy dif- ferent towns, cities and provinces, and in some in- stances a number in each. TtJle successes were sufficient to inflame the en- mity of both Jews and Pagans, who soon kindled up the fires of persecution, and it is supposed that dur- ing the first three centuries, three millions of Chris- tians were sacrificed to the fury of their enemies, in the ten general persecutions which took place under as many emperors. The priests employed all their eloquence to cast reproach upon the Nazarenes, and to r®uae the storm of hatred against them. They made (8) accusations of the most malicious character, laying > to their charge even earthquakes, famines, and pesti- lences, and the whole list of the calamities with which the nations were visited. Thus was the rage of ma~ ^ gistrates brought upon them in the most cruel formss many were destroyed by wild beasts in the face of thousands of beholders, some were dressed in garments i of combustible materials wjiich were set on fire, some were hung upon crosses, and many thousands suffered by the most excruciating tortures that could be in- ^ vented. Some it is true, who professed to be Chris v tians apostatised, but the number was astonishingly small. True reiigioji never prospered more -than in these perilous times^for as it has been often observed, "the blood of the ijjprtyrs became tfae seed of the > church." In the fourth century the aspect of affairs assumed a totally different character. The Roman emperor Constantine acknowledged the Christian faith, abol- ished the edicts of persecuting predecessors, and established this religion by law. These things were regarded as a most favorable interposition, an^on- sidered the firm foundations of prosperity ; but which, (as will soon be seen,) were pregnant with mischief and injury. It was pleasant to behold the fires of persecution quenched, the worshippers of God unmo- lested, and the monarch offering with them his devo- tions, and the proud and imposing system of paganism falling into contempt; but the legal establishment of religion essentially mars the beauties of the scene. ( 9 ) ' .When princes undertake* in religion, they do too 4 'much for it, or against it." The whole appearance of * Christianity was then excessively splendid, houses of the most beautiful and expensive character were pi*. erected for the worship of God, and the pastors of churches were greatly honored; in a word the muni- ^ licence of royalty was bestowed to support religion. Whilst many were elated, the judicious trembled at the imposing spectacle, the same time that Luther commenced in Saxony. He differed in many respects from Luther, and was more correct in doctrine. He died in a battle fought be- tween the Protestants and Catholics, in Urich, A. Do 1530. The Reformed and Lutheran Churches pre- rail more or less in this country. John Calvin was born at Noyon, France, in 1509, and commenced his career immediately after Luther and Zuinglius. There was at first, a perfect agree- ment between these great men, but its continuance was brief. He was a man of superior talents and learning, and also surpassed his cotemporaries in ob- stinacy, asperity and turbulence. With Luther, he shares most of the glory of the Reformation. His ( 27 ) views have been adopted by different parties, espe- eially the Presbyterians. The names of Melanethon, Carolostadt, Bucer, Eras- mus, Menno, Oecolampadius and others, shed lustre upon the history of those times, and must descend to latest times, in company with those of the more pro- minent instruments of religious emancipation. The Church of England, was founded by Henry VIII. who at first opposed the views of Luther, but because the Pope would not grant him a divorce, re- nounced his authority, and was declared by parlia- ment and people, Supreme Head on earth of the Church of England. This was little more than an exchange of Popes, and the Church was not so much a new Church, as an old one dressed in a new fash- ion. Some improvements were effected in the reign of Edward VI. son of Henry and his successor. The occupant of the throne, whether male or female is the Head of the Church. During the reign of Edward VI. and Elizabeth arose the Puritans, so called from their desire to have the Church purified. Under this name was compre- hended a variety of dissenters of different opinions and practices. From them came the Independents and many of the Baptists of England, Congregation- alists and others. The prominent protestant denominations of our day besides those named are the Methodists, Friends and Seceders. (**) CHAPTER II. Having discovered in our researches a number of sectg maintaining to some extent the principles of the Baptists, even in the dark ages of corruption, and having glanced at the Protestant Reformation, we present in this chapter, A SHORT HISTORY OF BAPTISM* Baptism is in an institution of the Christian Law- giver, and was as ordained by him plain and signifi- cant, but became in the course of time loaded with unmeaning appendages, and in both subjects and mode materially altered. Originally believers were the only subjects, and immersion the mode, but from professing believers it passed to catechumens, and then to infants, and from immersion it was redu- ced to pouring, and then to sprinkling, and now to any thing, provided a part of the person be wet. Its history is therefore, not only interesting but impor- tant, and presents a sufficiency of matter for volumes, Our limits will permit us only to glean a few items Zom Benedict's " Miniature History of Baptism," the (29) substance of which is obtained from Robinson, who wrote extensively upon the subject, but whose work I will not spread out before me lest I be tempted to draw upon it too largely. In the New Testament accounts of Baptism, w« learn that the ordinance was first administered by John the Baptist, to Christ himself, and very many Jews who professed repentance. Every reader will be ready to admit that the subjects of John's baptism were all professed penitents, though some have pre- tended to find infants among them, an opinion so ab- surd that to name it seems sufficient to refute it, and hence very few Pedo baptist writers have advanced it* The Catholics held John in extravagant estima- tion, but modern Pedo baptists go to the other extreme and disparage both him and his ministry, contending that the rite he administered was not Christian bap» tism, but a continuation of Jewish ablutions, and that the gospel dispensation did not commence until after his death* He is thus placed in a forlorn eondi* tion, neither Jew nor Christian, neither an Old Tea* tament Priest, nor a New Testament minister. From the fact that messengers were sent to Joha to enquire who he was, and from the acknowledge ment that the origin of his baptism was unknown, it does seem really strange that he is to be turned over to the Jewish side. His ministry is called by -Mark-, " the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Soa of God," with which statement Baptists agree with- out any difficulty. o2 ( 30) This notion of John being under the law begets ss absurdity respecting the baptism of our Saviour, and a pamphlet was some time ago published, entitled " The Baptism of Jesus Christ not to be imitated by Christians." It makes John a Jewish Priest baptis- ing Christ into his priestly office. These were great discoveries, and appearing to afford some relief to the tottering cause of infant baptism, have gone an extensive round among its supporters. The propositions contained in the above work have been refuted by Baptist writers. The substance of their arguments is that, had Christ been about to be consecrated a Priest, John in his coarse dress was not the person to officiate^ it belonged to the sons of Aaron with their priestly vestments; — the consecra- tion was to be at the door of the tabernacle, and not on the banks of the Jordan ; again, none but the tribe of Levi and house of Aaron could be admitted to the priesthood, and Christ was of the tribe of Judah 5 finally Christ was a priest after the order of Melchi- sedec and not after the order of Aaron. These plain scriptural facts are sufficient to over- turn all the arguments based upon so novel an assumption, and the Baptists have always felt a plea- sure in being buried with Christ according to his com- mand and example, nor have they felt themselves at all guilty of "delusion, superstition or impiety" m so doing. They cannot consent to have John removed from the dispensation of the gospel, and his ministry so lightly esteemed, nor can they resist the impres- (31) &ien that had his name been John the Pedo baptist^ and had he sprinkled children in the Synagogues or the temple, from a cup or basin, that those who speak of him in the manner just named, would esteem him very highly, and find for him an honorable place m the dispensation of the gospel. The whole account of baptism furnished in the New Testament is plain and intelligible. That in the Acts of Apostles, embracing a period of thirty years, shows us believers, both men and women, but not one infant baptised, though it is almost certain that in that time some children were born of believ- ang parents. All attempts to discover the baptism of infants in the Bible, have been and must continue to be in vain, as some Pedo baptists themselves ac- knowledge. In the primitive ages of the Church baptism was confined toprofessingbelievers, and it was not until the third century that there was any innovation upon it. It is true that Irenaeus who lived in the second cen- tury, is represented as saying that the Church receiv- ed a tradition from the Apostles to baptise little chil- dren or infants, but Dr. Gill challenged the literary world to produce such a passage in the writings of this father. Origen of the third, and not Irena3us of the second century, it has been acknowledged was the writer who made the assertion. Tertullian of Africa in the third century makes mention of infant baptism, but as Dr. Gill says, he opposed it. His opposition is considered evidence of its existence, but certainly (32) Hot conclusive, because he may have contended against those who about that time were disposed to introduce it into the church. This does appear to be the tfuth of the matter, as the catechumen state had then reached some degree of maturity, and the tran* sition from the baptism of catechumens to very young persons and thence to mere children seems easy. Catechumens were those who were put into classes to be catechised and instructed in the rudiments of Christianity, and attaining a certain degree of knowl- edge were baptised. Nothing of this is found in the New Testament, and at what period it commenced is uncertain, but is supposed to have originated some time towards the close of the second century at Alex- andria in Egypt. Catachumens were generally* though not always, persons in a state of minority, and in the list we find princes themselves* When a more expeditious way of making Christians was discovered, the catechumen state fell into disuse, and as some sa- gacious priests found out that children came into the world crying for baptism, god-fathers and god-moth- ers were provided for them, who assumed the respon- sibility of their faithfulness and promised what was seldom performed. It is not difficult to suppose that, some among the catechumens would be more forward than the rest, and of course sooner ready for baptism. A French Catho- lic writer observes that he saw a child of seven years of age* who could read and explain the Greek Testa- ment with facility, and heard of two other infants? (29) substance of which is obtained from Robinson, wh« wrote extensively upon the subject, but whose work I will not spread out before me lest I be tempted to draw upon it too largely. In the New Testament accounts of Baptism, we learn that the ordinance was first administered by John the Baptist, to Christ himself, and very many Jews who professed repentance. Every reader will be ready to admit that the subjects of John's baptism were all professed penitents, though some have pre- tended to find infants among them, an opinion so ab- surd that to name it seems sufficient to refute it, and hence very few Pedo baptist writers have advanced it. The Catholics held John in extravagant estima- tion, but modern Pedo baptists go to the other extreme and disparage both him and his ministry, contending that the rite he administered was not Christian bap- tism, but a continuation of Jewish ablutions, and, that the gospel dispensation did not commence until after his death. He is thus placed in a forlorn condi* lion, neither Jew nor Christian, neither an Old Tes- tament Priest, nor a New Testament minister. From the fact that messengers were sent to John to enquire who he was, and from the acknowledg- ment that the origin of his baptism was unknown, it does seem really strange that he is to be turned ove* to the Jewish side. His ministry is called by Mark* " the beginning of the gospel of Jesu$ Christ, the Soa of God," with which statement Baptists agree with- out any difficulty. c3 ( 30) This notion of John being under the law begets m absurdity respecting the baptism of our Saviour, and a pamphlet was some time ago publishod, entitled " The Baptism of Jesus Christ not to be imitated by Christians/' It makes John a Jewish Priest baptis- ing Christ into his priestly office. These were great discoveries, and appearing to afford some relief to the tottering cause of infant baptism, have gone an extensive round among its supporters. The propositions contained in the above work have been refuted by Baptist writers. The substance of their arguments is that, had Christ been about to be consecrated a Priest, John in his coarse dress was not the person to officiate, it belonged to the sons of Aaron with their priestly vestments ;— the consecra- tion was to be at the door of the tabernacle, and not on the banks of the Jordan ; again, none but the tribe of Levi and house of Aaron could be admitted to the priesthood, and Christ was of the tribe of Judah; finally Christ was a priest after the order of Melchi- jedec and not after the order of Aaron. These plain scriptural facts are sufficient to over- turn all the arguments based upon so novel aa assumption, and the Baptists have always felt a plea- sure in being buried with Christ according to his com- mand and example, nor have they felt themselves at all guilty of " delusion, superstition or impiety" in so doing. They cannot consent to have John removed from the dispensation of the gospel, and his ministry %o lightly esteemed, nor can they resist the impres- { 31 ) ^lon that had his name been John the Pedo baptist* and had he sprinkled children in the Synagogues of the temple, from a cup or basin, that those who speak of him in the manner just named, would esteem him very highly, and find for him an honorable place in the dispensation of the gospel. The whole account of baptism furnished in the New Testament is plain and intelligible. That in the Acts of Apostles, embracing a period of thirty years, shows us believers, both men and women, but not one infant baptised, though it is almost certain that in that time some children were born of believ- ing parents. All attempts to discover the baptism of infants in the Bible, have been and must continue to be in vain, as some Pedo baptists themselves ac- knowledge. In the primitive ages of the Church baptism wa# confined to professing believers, and it was not until the third century that there was any innovation upon it- It is true that Irenaeus who lived in the second cen* tury, is represented as saying that the Church receiv- ed a tradition from the Apostles to baptise little chil- dren or infants, but Dr. Gill challenged the literary world to produce such a passage in the writings of this father. Origen of the third, and not Irenaeus of the second century, it has been acknowledged was the writer who made the assertion. Tertullian of Africa in the third century makes mention of infant baptism, but as Dr. Gill says, he opposed it. His opposition is considered evidence of its existence, but certainly (32) sot conelusive, because he may have contended against those who about that time were disposed to introduce it into the church. This does appear to be the truth of the matter, as the catechumen state had then reached some degree of maturity, and the tran- sition from the baptism of catechumens to very young persons and thence to mere children seems easy. Catechumens were those who were put into classes to be catechised and instructed in the rudiments of Christianity, and attaining a certain degree of knowl- edge were baptised. Nothing of this is found in the New Testament, and at what period it commenced ia uncertain, but is supposed to have originated some time towards the close of the second century at Alex- andria in Egypt. Catachumens were generally, though not always, persons in a state of minority, and in the list we find princes themselves. When a more expeditious way of making Christians was discovered, the catechumen state fell into disuse, and as some sa- gacious priests found out that children came into the world crying for baptism, god-fathers and god-moth- ers were provided for them, who assumed the respon- sibility of their faithfulness and promised what was seldom performed. It is not difficult to suppose that, some among the catechumens would be more forward than the rest, and of course sooner ready for baptism. A French Catho- lic writer observes that he saw a child of seven yean of age, who could read and explain the Greek Testa- ment with facility, and heard of two other infants, (33) brother and sister, the one nine the other eleven or twelve years of age, able to speak Greek and Latin perfectly well." A monumental inscription in Italy, informs the reader, that a little girl six months old did most sweetly and freely pronounce the name of Jesus every day, and devoutly adore the images of the Saints. Such superstition, of which there are many instances, had no doubt some influence fin handing baptism down from minors to babes, while other and more powerful motives hastened the prog- ress of this rite. But let us listen to Tertullian ; " the condescension of God may confer favors as he pleases ; but our wish- es may mislead ourselves and others. It is therefore most expedient to defer baptism and to regulate the administration of it according to the condition, the disposition, and the age of the person to be baptised, and especially in the case of little ones.* What ne- cessity is there to expose sponsers to danger? Indeed the Lord saith forbid them not to come unto me ; and let them come while they are growing up, let them come and learn, and let them be instructed when they come, and when they understand Christianity let them profess themselves Christians." Is it not evident that infant baptism had not then obtained, and does not the very existence of the Catechumen state disprove the practice of infant baptism ? * The original word is parvulos, which was then used for minors who might be of any age under twenty-one. (34) Hear also the testimony of two Pedo baptist* upon the subject. A learned divine of Geneva and a professor in the university of Amsterdam in the se- venteenth century says, " Pedo baptism was unknown in the two firstages after Christ, in the third and fourth it was approved by a few ; at length in the filth and fol- lowing it began to obtain in divers places ; and there- fore this rite is indeed observed by us as an ancient custom but not as an Apostolic tradition." The. other, Bishop Taylor calls infant baptism " a pretend- ed Apostolical tradition," but further says " that the tradition cannot be proved to be Apostolical, we have very good evidence from antiquity." About the middle of the third century, that is about 40 years after the account of Tertullian, the people of Africa had succeeded in getting baptism administer- ed to babes. Fidus, a country bishop, wrote to Cy- prian of Carthage to know whether children might be baptised before they were eight days old, as he could not ascertain by his bible ; nor could Cyprian tell without consulting a council. A council of between sixty and seventy bishops met, and the question was brought before them. Fidus reasoned from circum- cision and therefore thought that they should be bap- tised at eight days old. " No" replied the council, "God denies grace to none ; Jesus came not to des- troy men's lives but to save them, and we ought to do all we can to save our fellow creatures. Besides God would be a respecter of persons if he denied to infants what he grants to adults. Did not the prophet ( 35 ) Elisha lie upon a child, and put his mouth upon his mouth, and his eyes upon his eyes, and his hands upon his hands ? Now, the spiritual sense of this is, that infants are equal to men ; but if you refuse to baptise them you destroy this equality and are par- tial." Some other questions were agitated that might do for African bishops, but not so well for modern times. But little more is heard of infant baptism until the fifth century, when in the year 416 a council was held, of which St. Austin was principal director, and it was decreed, " that whosoever denieth that infants newly born of their mothers are to be baptised lei him be accursed." We will hear of another Saint of this name when we come to the history of the En- glish and Welsh Baptists. We have now seen that infant baptism began in Africa, and not in Jadea, and was there determined by an awful anathema in the fifth century. The first ecclesiastical canon in Europe, for it was framed at Girona in Spain, in the sixth century, and the first im« perial edict for its establishment was by Charlemagne in the eighth. The council at Girona, though con- sisting of but seven bishops legislated with effect, because parents were concerned for their children's salvation. One of the ten rules of discipline framed by them was, " that in case infants were ill and would not take their mothers' milk, if they were offer- ed, they must be baptised even though it were the day they were borr." The law of Charlemagne was (36) sieany 300 years after, when the custom had become generally prevalent, and the emperor for political purposes obliged the Saxons, on pain of death to be baptised themselves, and laid heavy fines on those who should neglect to have their children baptised within the year of their birth. Of course, the cause of infant baptism would now succeed, when fire and sword would end the dispute. Here too we see the germ of that persecution, which the Baptists have all along suffered to a greater or less extent. Other causes besides ecclesiastical and imperial de» crees united to hasten the progress of Pedo baptism. The words of Christ to Nieodemus were misunder- stood and misapplied, and an undue reliance was placed upon the rite. It could wash away original sin, and place a person in a state of certain salvation ; and more than this, whoever died without it were;assu- redly lost. Of course it required some time to bring these errors into general belief, and while the process was going on, another error was introduced, which produced an inconvenient collision. It was thought that sin after baptism would destroy its salutary ef- fects, and this principle led many to defer their bap- tism as long as possible. Its duration was short, as the more pleasant belief that the water of baptism was the laver of regeneration obtained the ascenden- cy, and parents were careful to have their children washed in it, and willing to leave their relapsing or father continuing in sin as anothei affair. Thus we have seen the exalted eminence that bap- ( 37> ) tism obtained, and to whom and what it was owing. The law was employed, and the benevolence of priests and parents and nurses was taxed, to prevent man, wo- man or child from going out of the world without this Heavenly passport. The following passage may be found in Robinson's History of Baptism, under the article Aspersion, where the authorities are quotede " The absolute necessity of dipping in order to a valid baptism; and the indispensable necessity of baptism in order to salvation, were two doctrines which clashed, and the collision kindled up a sort of war between parents and priests. The doctrine was cruel and the feelings of humanity revolted against it. Power may give law ; but it is more than power can do to make unnatural laws sit easy in the minds of men. " The clergy felt the inconvenience of this state of things, for they were obliged to attend at a moment's warning, night or day, without the power of demand- ing a fee, and if they neglected their duty were se- verely punished. A great number of expedients were tried to remedy this evil. At first infants were bap- tised with Catechumens in public at two specified times in the year ; when it was observed that some died before the season came, priests were empowered to baptise at any time and place in case of sickness. When it was remarked that a priest was not always at hand, new canons empowered him to depute others to perform the ceremony, and midwives were licens- ed. It happened sometimes while the midwife wa* © 'baptising a child not likely to live many minutes, the mother was neglected and died. To prevent such ac- cidents it was decreed that any body, a Jew or de- graded Priest, a scullion or felon might baptise. Sometimes a vessel large enough or a quantity of water sufficient to dip an infant, could not be procured on a sudden ; and while in the dead of the night and perhaps in a severe frost the assistants were running to borrow utensils or to procure water, the ill-fated in- fant expired. In vain were laws made expressly requiring every thing to be in readiness, the laws of nature defied human control, the evil was in- curable and the anguish intolerable. Some infants died the moment they were born, others before, both unbaptised and all for the comfort of the miserable mother doomed like fiends to descend instantly to a place of torment." " In the year 1751 a doctor of laws of Palermo, published at Milan, in the Italian tongue, a book of three hundred and twenty pages in quarto, dedicated to all the guardian angels to direct priests and phy- sicians how to secure the eternal salvation of infants by baptising them when they could not be born." This is a point in infant sprinkling where modesty compels us to retreat and retire ; as does that of the baptism of abortives. It may be well for some persons to read the ac- counts at which we have just hinted before they de- claim so much against our " unwarrantable stress upon baptism" or our " indecorous" manner of its administration. ( 88) Having traced the baptism of babes to its highest and lowest state, we only say that it has now in all protestant and in most Catholic churches assumed a more rational and becoming character. The baptism of believers we have seen to be an interesting thing, but that of new born babes an unanimating and in- significant affair. And finally, we do believe that infant baptism willln all protestant churches soon be banished, and a return to scriptural authority in sub- ject and mode be hailed with universal acclamation. THE MODE OF BAPTISM, as a disputed point becomes an interesting part of History. Beyond all doubt immersion was the mode in the time of John and the Apostles. A cloud of witnesses appear in proof of this assertion, and their testimony we think places this matter in a light so conclusive that no candid person will gainsay or re- sist it. The baptism of John was performed in Jordan and Enon. The selection of these places must have been made with some express reason, or in plain terms " because there was much water there." As it has sometimes been asserted that Judea could not afford a sufficiency of water for immersion, a brief descrip- tion of the places named will be given. Jordan is a river which rises from the lake Phila, and after running fifteen miles under ground breaks (40) out at Peneum. A little below Dan, the stream forms the lake Samachonites which is about four miles over and seven long. After leaving this lake it runs fifteen miles further and forms the lake or sea of Tiberias, thence at its opposite end it proceeds forward again, and after a course of sixty-five miles falls into the Dead Sea. Morse and Parish in their Gazetteer say, it is generally four or five rods wide and nine feet deep. Robinson says that so far from wanting water it was subject to two sorts of floods, one periodical at harvest time, the other such as all streams in uneven countries are subject to. To one Jeremiah alludes when he says, " Behold the King of Babylon shall come up like a lion from the swel- ling of Jordan." Here John stationed himself not for the purpose of supplying the camels &e. with drink as some say, but for the convenience of immersing the repenting Jews. Enon is not so easily described as Jordan, for histo- rians and geographers are not agreed respecting it. It was at least 50 miles North of Jordan. Some suppose it was a deep spring called the dove spring or dove's eye ; others think it signified the fountain of the sun ; while others are of opinion that it was either a natu- ral spring, an artificial reservoir, or a cavernous tem- ple of the sun prepared by the ancient Canaanites. But one thing is certain, it was a place where there was much water, and this was sufficient for John and every other baptist. The Greek for much water is polla udata, and these little words have furnished mat- ( 41 ) ter for much learned criticism and many futile quib- bles. "Since sprinkling came in fashion" says Ro- binson, " criticism unheard of in former ages hath en- deavoured to derive evidence for scarcity of water from the Greek text of John, and to render polla udata, not much water but many waters, and then by an ingenious supposition to infer that many waters signify not many collected into one, but parted into many little rills which might all serve for sprinkling, but could not any one of them be used for dipping : as if a man would want many brooks for the purpose of sprinkling. It is observable that the rivers Eu- phrates, Tiber, and Jordan, are all described by pol- la udata. How it comes to pass that a mode of speak- ing which on every other occasion signifies much, should in the case of baptism signify little is a ques- tion easy to answer." In John's baptism the evidence of immersion ap- pears conclusive, yet hear what a Pedo-baptist, Dr. Guyse has said ; " It seems to me that the people stood in ranks near to or just within the edge of the river; and John passing along before them threw water upon their heads or faces with his hands or some proper instrument." We suspect this good man will find few to agree with him even in theory and much fewer in practice. Baptism as administered by the Apostles unques- tionably agreed with that of John, nor does a siagle narrative concerning it militate against the idea of immersion. From writers of unquestionable as- *2 (42) ihority, it is evident that tke primitive Christians continued to baptise in rivers, pools and baths, until about the middle of the third century. Justin Mar- tyr and Tertullian represent the candidates as going to a place where there was water, and it was indiffer- ent whether it were a sea, river, lake, pool, or bath. Mosheim says, baptism was administered in the first century without the public assemblies in places appointed and prepared for that purpose, and was per- formed by immersion of the whole body in the bap- tismal fount. Sprinkling for baptism was introduced in Africa in the third century, when baptism began to be con- sidered essential to salvation. Many were taken sick before they had been baptised, and fearing destruc- tion if they died without it, did the best they could and were sprinkled as they lay upon their beds. This however, was reputed a very imperfect baptism. Pope Stephen III. in the eighth century allowed pouring in the case of infants in danger of death. The question was proposed to him, whether in case of necessity it were lawful to baptise by pouring water out of the hand or a cup on the infant, to which he answered, that if such a baptism were performed in such a case of necessity in the name of the Holy Trinity, it should be held valid. Here is the origin of private baptism, and of sprinkling or pouring. It did not however extend further than to cases of ne- cessity, and did not alter the mode of dipping in pub- lic baptisms. It was not until five hundred fifty years (43) after, that the Legislature in a council at Ravenni in the year 1311, declared dipping" or sprinkling in- different. We will again let a Pedo baptist speak who will certainly give no testimony in our favor but that which truth and candor require. In his elaborate History of Infant baptism Dr. Wall* says, "Calvin was, I think, the first in the world that drew Up a liturgy that prescribed pouring water on the infant absolutely without saying any thing of dipping. It was his admirers in England, who in Queen Eliza- beth's time brought pouring into ordinary use, which before was used only to weak children. But the suc- ceeding Presbyterians in England about 1644, when their reign began went farther yet from the ancient way ; and instead of pouring brought into use in many places sprinkling ; declaring at the same time against all use of fonts, baptisteries, &c. The way that is now ordinarily used, we cannot deny to have been a novelty brought into this church (of England) by those that had learnt it in Germany or Geneva. And they were not contented with follow- ing the example of pouring a quantity of water, which had there been introduced instead of immersion, but improved it, (if I may so abuse that word,) from pour- ing to sprinkling, that it might have as little resem- blance of the ancient way of baptising as possible." * The History was written in 1705, and a Defence in re* ply to Dr. John Gale in 1720, ( 44) About the middle of the third century baptisteries began to be erected, which at first were simple, but in the end arose to a high degree of elegant supersti- tion. Several are described by Robinson in his his- tory of baptism with considerable precision, but we deem it unnecessary to transcribe his descriptions. The Greeks have always continued immersion* Mush as they have been divided in speculative opin- ions, and numerous as dissenters from the established church have been, there is not a word in all their his- tory in favor of sprinkling. Because they were Greeks they unanimously thought that to baptise was to bap- tist, that is to dip is to dip. Dr. Staughton in his account of the India mission says he was once in the company of a gentleman whose native language was the Greek. Upon being asked the meaning of the word baptizo, he said it meant baptizo, but being in- terrogated more particularly, he signified that it meant immersion. From the little sketch of the history of baptism here presented to the reader, it will be easily perceived that it is a curious and complicated subject. It has been made so by the additions and subtractions ©f men who have forsaken the ground of scripture, and laid other foundations for their practice. The study of infant sprinkling is especially perplexing a3 many know by experience, whilst in believers baptism every thing is plain. (45) CHAPTER III. This chapter will be devoted to a glance at the baptists in several of the countries of Europe, begin- ning with GERMANY; We are assured by Mosheim that baptist principles existed in Germany long before the Reformation. They were maintained by the Waidenses, Petrobrus- sians, and other distinguished sects. In this chapter the baptists are to be considered under three different names, Anabaptists,* Mennon- ites and Dutch baptists. The first was conferred by way of reproach, the second was derived from the celebrated Menno Simon, and the last from the com- mon nature of the people of Holland, where many of the Mennonites settled. *This name signifies one who re-baptises, and was gi- ven according to Robinson by a Swiss pedant who wished the world to know that he understood Greek. ( 48 > We have seen upon the authority of Mosheim, that there were many Christians concealed in almost all the countries of Europe, before the rise of Luther and Calvin. These we have reason to believe were most- ly baptists, and from the concessions of Mosheim and other testimony, were the remains of the ancient Waldenses. The spirits of these dispersed and per- secuted people were revived when the spirit of the Reformation was aroused. They started up sudden- ly under different leaders in Germany, Switzerland, and the Netherlands, with the hope that the primi- tive purity and simplicity of the church would be re- stored. They looked to Luther for the accomplish- ment of great things, and commenced their labors of reform in an open and zealous manner, so thatsucess attended their efforts and very many adopted their views. They soon, however became dissatisfied with the plan of the Saxon reformer. It was beneath the sublimity of their conceptions of reform, and they therefore undertook to carry it forward to perfection; Luther, they seemed to think merely repaired the old house, they believed it should be taken down, the rotten timbers left out, and the building be construct- ed after the model of primitive times. They con- tended that the church should not, like Luther's, be composed of all within certain geographical limits, but made up of professed believers only. They were also dissatisfied with the retention of the Popish cus- tom of admitting infants to baptism, and hoped, though yainlv, for a reformation in the matter. It is asserted ( ** ) On good authority that " infant baptism «._ agnate among the reformers themselves, and that some oi them were for rejecting it." A historian of those times says, "-that the business of Anabaptism began at Wittemberg in 1522." Ca- rolostadt was often charged, even by his own party with favoring the Anabaptists. Zuinglius, who flour- ished about the year 1520 was, according to his own confession, for a time inclined to reject infant bap- tism, but like many others finally gained a victory over his scruples and became a persecutor of the Anabaptists. Luther himself, appears frofi Robin- son's Researches to have suggested some baptistical opinions in a conference with some of the Vaudois, who practised infant baptism. He contended then, that faith and baptism ought always to be connected together. The mode of baptism he has defined to be dipping, and the etymology of the word (baptizo?,) he said, seemed to require that the person should be wholly immersed and immediately taken out. He has indeed, been taxed by Catholics with being the father of the German dippers. No accounts are furnished by which the number who embraced Baptist sentiments in those times can be ascertained. Mosheim makes them a prodigious multitude, but considered them a miserable rabble. The number of real Baptists was no doubt great, but of those who were falsely so called much greater. The papists formerly called all heretics Waldenses, and at this time the protestants classed all who ©p- ( 48 ) posed infant baptism, or sighed for liberty, under the denomination of Anabaptists, and the sword of perse- cution was unsheathed against all who bore that name. It is a painful fact that the popish doctrine that heretics ought to die, was transferred to the protestant creed. " It is true that many Anabaptists suffered death merely because they were judged incurable heretics, for then the errors of limiting baptism to adult persons, and re-baptising such as had received it in infancy were looked upon as flagitious and intol- erable Ijfresies." For a time, the Baptists enjoyed the liberty of defending their sentiments, and public disputes were held in different places from 1525 to 1532, but this liberty was not long allowed. The causs of infant baptism suffered so much from this kind of examination, and Anabaptism prevailed so ex- tensively, that penal statutes were enacted requiring all persons to have their children baptised, and for- bidding re-baptisation under the penalty of fines, im- prisonment, or banishment, and even death itself. An eminent man, Dr. Hubmeierus, who engaged in a public dispute with Zuinglius in 1525, and whose character is highly extolled by Meshovius a Catholic, as a learned and eloquent man, was burnt and his wife drotoned at Vienna, in 1528. In the year 1526 or 1527, Felix Mantz or Mentz, who was of a noble family and a very learned man, was drowned at Zurich. In 1528 two were beheaded at Schwas and one at Augsburg, for opposing infant baptism. At Saltzburg { 49 ) eighteen persons, and at Waltzen twenty-five, were burnt in the same year. In 1529, three hundred and seventy suffered death. The men were generally beheaded and the women drowned. In Switzerland about the same time, the Anabaptists were very hard- ly treated, and several suffered martyrdom. As the fires of persecution thus raged, it is not sur- prising that many who never had entered fully and from principle into the ranks of the baptists, would desert them. Such was the case, but on the other hand, some were constrained to become members of their communion. Among these was the celebrated Menno Simon, who was born in Friesland in 1505, or- dained a Popish priest, and continued such until 1531, when he began to suspect the validity of many Romish doctrines, and among the rest of infant bap- tism. He first made his suspicions known to other priests, and afterwards to Luther, but not obtaining satisfaction from either he engaged in the study of the New Testament and Ecclesiastical History, and brought up as is the general result in such case?, upon baptist ground. In 1536 he publicly embraced the sentiments of the Anabaptists, and in about a year commenced his ministry among them. From this period to his death, (about 25 years,) he travelled extensively, and preached so successfully, that multi- tudes adopted his views. He was a man of genius and considerable learning, who would have carried the reformation farther than Luther or Calvin did, and would have been ranked with the chief reform- E (50 ) era, "had there not been some cross-grained fatality attending the laudable deeds of the baptists." Mesno we claim to be a baptist, although those now called Mennonists are not strictly such. They have adopted pouring instead of immersion, though it is certain that they and the Anabaptists of Germany practised dipping. To proportion punishment to crime, many of them were drowned. Menno himself taught immersion exclusively, for says he, " after we have searched ever so diligently we shall find no other baptism besides dipping in water, which is accepta- ble to God and maintained in his word. Let who will oppose, this is the only mode of baptism that Je« 3«s Christ instituted, and the Apostles taught and practised." The precise time or reason of the change of immersion to pouring cannot be told. Changes have taken place in all parties and subjected them to morlificatior ; instance the state of the Lutheran and Reformed churches of Germany, and that of Geneva, The Dutch baptists it is said, have published ex- tensive histories of themselves, but they have never been translated into English, and very little is known of them. Writers make frequent mention of a folio volume entitled the Martyrology of the foreign Ana- baptists, which is said to contain a numerous list of ancient baptist martyrs. As the history of the people under consider- ation, has been identified with the tumultuous scenes of the sixteenth century, it seems proper here to give the reader a cursory view of the whole matter. Th© (51 ) Munster insurrection has been visited upon the bap- tists by all their enemies who have written their his- tory, as its Alpha and Omega. That revolt took plaee under these circumstances. The condition of the peasants of Germany was truly deplorable. They were under a galling yoke, from which in 1524 they meditated a disenthralment. The execrable feudal system was then in force, having been established in early ages, in the night of barbarism. Its grand prin- ciple, lhat all lands were derived from the crown, was productive of unjust and oppressive consequences; in- somuch that the wretched rustics had before them only the prospect of everlasting slavery* The fire of liberty inherent in the human breast began to burn, and efforts were made by the peasants to gain their freedom. Within their memory there had been insurrections against oppression, which en« couraged them to rise ; they expected also, aid from their Swiss neighbors ; and a third circumstance and one which operated strongly, was the lamentable con- dition of both Church and State. They were earning money by hard labour for unprincipled gentry to con- sume in luxury or war; and as to religious privileges they had none. Another encouragement was the ex- ample and principles of Luther ; he had broken the chains of oppression and in 1520, published a tract on Christian liberty which was eagerly read, and made known to those who could not read. Its contents stimulated the people to assert their rights, and the cause of revolt was espoused by many who were nei- (52 ) ther madmen nor monsters. These rebels were not exclusively Anabaptists, Lutherans, nor Catholics but a mixture of all. In the summer of 1524, the peasants of Suabia, on the estate of Count Lutfen, were the first to revolt, then those of a neighboring abbey. All agreed and declared that, not religion but secular oppression was the cause of their dissatisfaction. The news spread- ing over Germany, brought in the ensuing spring no less th an three hundred thousand men into the fields of Suabia, Franconia, Thuringia &c. consisting of all those who considered themselves in any manner aggrieved. To the Baptist teachers as best acquainted with the principles of liberty, the eyes of the peasants were turned for counsel. One of the most eminent among them was Thomas Muncer, who had been a Romish priest, but afterwards a disciple and great favorite of Luther. His character and manner as a preacher won him the hearts of the rustics. The moment he finished his discourses he retired from the crowd to retirement, a practice so singular, that the people would throng about the door, peep through the crevi- ces, and sometimes oblige him to let them enter. He was called Luther's curate, and Luther named him Absalom, probably because he stole away the hearts of the men of Israel. His enemies say that all this was artifice. It was not suspected however, until he became a baptist. They say he was all this time plot- ting the rustic war, but this is not likely. The truth is that, while Luther was enjoying ease with princes, (53) Muncer was labouring among the people. No doubt he beheld and deplored their bondage, and saw that deliverance could not come from Luther's plans, es- pecially while he was courting the favor of princes and the gentry. Luther became his enemy, and advised the magis- trates to require Muncer to give an account of his call, and if he failed to prove that he acted under hu- man authority, to insist upon a miracle to sustain his call from God. The magistrates and monks fell into this snare, and set about the work, but the people re- sented it, especially as coming from a man who had been loaded with anathemas for the very crime of which he accused his brother, and carried the matter so far that they expelled the monks, then the magistrates, and elected new Senators, of whom Muncer was one. Though Muncer's doctrines all tended to liberty, he had no immediate concern in the first insurrec- tions, nor was it till many months after that he joined the insurgents ; but knowing their cause to be just he drew up for them a manifesto, setting forth their grievances, which was presented to their lords and scattered all over Germany. This instrument has been highly applauded as a master piece of its kind, and as Voltaire has said, a Lycurgus would have signed it. It consists of twelve articles, of such a length as to preclude its insertion here. But the noble sentiments there expressed, are the infernal tenets and damnable Anabaptistical errors, which Pedo baptists of all orders from Luther down e2 ( 54) have thought proper to execrate. This crime of the baptists has been for 300 years visited upon their descendants. It is most evident that the Rustic war was a patrio- tic attempt to throw off the yoke of tyranny, and had it been successful, ten thousand tongues would have celebrated its praise. Like all other struggles of the same kind, it may have been attended with unjustifi- able acts, and it is altogether unnecessary to attempt a vindication* of every circumstance which either friends or enemies may choose to connect with it. That some called baptists, pursued unwarrantable measures may be true, but that as a body the Ana- baptists, (as some will have them termed), acted wickedly or improperly is not true. The particulars of the war we cannot give, suffice it to say, it lasted about eleven years, and cost Ger- many the lives of many thousand men. The number is computed by some at fifty thousand, by others at a hundred thousand, and these mostly Anabaptists. Truly they must have been literally a church mili- tant, for besides that number slain, many thousands were burnt, drowned and exiled. If as some have ig- norantly or wickedly said, the baptists began with the madmen of Munster, their origin is not only peculiar, but their success in making converts during the priva- tions of war perfectly astounding. It may be asked why has the blame of these tumults been cast upon the baptists ? At other times and in other places they have been engaged in similar scenes, ( 55 ) for which they have been pardoned. Why were they not charged with being the promoters of the civil wars of England, of the tumults of the commonwealth and the murder of the English monarch ? Why have not historians dealt as plainly with them in the case of Germany, and proportioned the blame to each par- ty engaged ? The reply seems to be, that all parties are anxious to avoid the reproach of an unpopular and unsuccessful struggle. The Catholics blamed the Lutherans, and the Lutherans, though assured that some Catholics were interested in the enterprise, could not retort upon them as their doctrine of blind submission did not lead to it, and therefore endeavor- ed to make the Anabaptists alone guilty. The first were unfair in charging the matter upon the Refor- mation, though not mistaken in connecting the Lu- therans with the war. The latter here conceded that some of their party misconstrued the Reformers' doc- trine, and joined the rebels, but the papists will per- sist in laying the whole evil at the door of Luther and his followers, saying " this is the fruit of the new doctrine — this the fruit of Luther's gospel." It also appears that the disturbances in Munster were begun by Bernard Rothman a Lutheran minister, be- fore the Anabaptist leaders visited the place. Such were the aspersions cast upon the Lutherans, but as the Anabaptists were the known advocates for liberty, and many did take part in a struggle which they hoped would secure freedom, to themselves and others, it was easy to cast the odium upon them. (56) Having no one to tell their story or put in a plea that would be heard, the whole affair as related by the Lu- theran historians, has been handed down without cor- rection, and held up by thousands as a salutary me- mento for the seditious dippers. It has been made too the dernier resort of every declaimer against them, and the great gun which is kept in reserve for the time of need. But why all this noise and slander, since every body knows that the quarrel was not about baptism, but the feudal system, not for much or little w r ater, but in opposition to oppressive regula- tions. In closing these observations, we remark that the substance of the matter as represented by our oppo- sers is, that the Baptists had no existence until the munster tragedy in the sixteenth century, and that then all at once in the storm of battle, they not only rose but increased so rapidly that they soon led a quarter of a million into the field to defend and pro- pagate their sentiments ! and that a hundred thousand of them were slain. Let those believe this who can. The sum and substance of the matter is, that the Bap- tists did not originate with those tumults, but with John the Baptist in Palestine fifteen hundred years before. It was in a time of tumult it is true, and they eaused tumult afterwards in Jerusalem and many other places, and it may not be wonderful after all, that they are charged with tumult and even with turning the world upside down. (57) BOHEMIA. Wk can give no more than a recapitulation of the history of Baptists in this country. Authentic re- cords assure us that a people of a description answer- ing to Baptists, were driven from France in the 12th century and settled in Bohemia. In about the year 1430, a church composed of Waldenses, Taboiites, and others, was formed at Litiz near Prague. They sent into Austria and there found an old Waldensian preacher, from whom their ministers received what they considered a true Apostolic ordination. They were called United Brethren, and are claimed by those of that name now existing, but let the relation exist or not, " it is certain this ancient church subsisted at the reformation, and afterwards left off baptising adults on their own profession of faith." u The Bap- tists," says Robinson, "ought always to honor this church ; it was a cradle in which many of their de- nomination were cherished, and all allow that the Anabaptists of Moravia proceeded from a schism in it." As before stated, people answering the description of Baptists settled in Bohemia ; these according to Bohemian Historians, were Picards or Waldenses. The account given of them is similar to their history ( 58) in other countries. Waldo, their famous patron, fled from persecution into Bohemia, where he died in 1179. The company just spoken of were no doubt emigrants with him. This was more than two hun- dred years before the rise of Huss aud Jerome of Prague, who though they were not Baptists taught many Anabaptistical errors, and were destroyed by the council of Constance in 1415. The preaching of these great men, carried out to its legitimate results made many Baptists, who continued to increase so much that when the disciples of Luther went into Bohemia and Moravia, they complained that between Baptists and Papists they were very much straitened. Of the number of churches they had, Benedict says he was unable to obtain any information. Like all others, these Baptists had to suffer perse- cution, but to get rid of them was very difficult. The Jesuit who effected their banishment says, " When I thought of proscribing the Anabaptists of Moravia I well knew that it was an arduous undertaking ; how- ever, by the help of God I surmounted many obsta- cles, and obtained an edict for their banishment, though it was against the consent of some princes and gover- nors, who had a worldly interest in supporting these profitable rascals." The Jesuits contrived to have the edict published just before the harvest and vintage came, and three weeks and three days were allowed for their departure. Beyond the expiration of that period it was death to be found even on the borders of the country. (59 ) l{ It was Autumn, the prospect and pride of hus^ bandmen. Heaven had smiled upon their honest la- bors, their fields stood thick with corn and the sun and the dew were improving every movement to give them their last polish. The yellow ears waved an homage to their owners, and the wind whistling through the stem3 of the russet herbage softly said, put in the sickle, the harvest is come. Their luxuriant vine- leaves too hung aloft by the tendrils mantling over the clustering grapes, like watchful parents over their tender offspring : but all were fenced by an imperial edict, and it was instant death to approach. Without leaving one murmur on record, in solemn, silent submission to the power that governs the universe and causes all things to work together for good to his creatures, they plucked up and departed. In several hundred carriages they conveyed their sick, their in- nocent infants, and their decrepit parents whose work was done, and whose silvery locks told every behol- der that they wanted only the favor of a grave." POLAND. But little is known of the Polish Baptists before the Reformation, but from several historical hints it is evident that the Waldenses entered Poland some time in the 12th century, and it has been shown that wherever they went they carried with them Baptist ( 60) principles. This is corroborated by Catholic testi- mony. It is however a sorrowful truth, that the sen- timents of many were such as Baptists cannot approver Arianism and Soeinianism greatly infested the coun- try. The Pinckzovians, so called from Pinckzow, the place where a society who professed to be seeking the truth finally centred, were a powerful sect. They were an assemblage of different characters and senti- ments. Most were natives of Poland, but many had fled from other parts of Europe to escape persecution. They held more or less to the fundamental points of religion, but as all denied infant baptism, they were honored with the. title of Anabaptists. They were properly speaking jfnti Pedo baptists, but not all Bap- tists. They met frequently in assemblies where prin- ciples were discussed and plans of proceeding agreed ypon. They sometimes met by themselves, and at others with other Protestants. In one of these synods held at Brest in Lithuania in 1568, two very able speeches were made against infant baptism. The declarations made in them produced a great deal of reading, conversing, and disputing, and of course many converts to believers baptism. Having gone on successfully for some time, the confederation was finally broken up by persecution. Many left the kingdom, though most remained in a dispersed con- dition until they were again collected at Racow, whence they were called Racovians, under which name they flourished considerably. Racow became ( 61 ) quite a Baptist town, where the principal men taught and held synods. After the decease of their patron, his son James Sieninski, palatine of Podolia, having entertained some doubts of the Lutheran religion, de- sired a conference between them and the Baptists. After he heard the arguments of both sides he thought the truth was on the part of the latter, and following his convictions united with the church. This was a great accession of honor, wealth, and power, and though his munificence continued during his life, there is no instance with all their heresy of their em- ploying power to influence conscience. Many fa- mous characters resorted to them, who by their wealth or abilities contributed to their progress. A school was founded and thronged with pupils. The press with which they were furnished, was employed in printing the works of their learned men. Thus out of the Pinckzovians, originated a new set of churches of a more decided Baptist character, which were called by the different names of Arians, Anabaptists, Racovians, and finally Socinians. They were at first composed of baptized believers, but some of them soon adopted open communion, which no doubt tended to hasten their ruin, as their adoption of the principle is supposed to have been effected by the younger Socinus, who also led them farther into error. He was an Anti Pedo baptist, but not a Bap- tist. He rejected infant baptism but was never bap- tized, nor did he think baptism a necessary ordinance, or if it were to be administered at all, it was to those p (62 ) who were converted from other religions to the Chris* tian. An unexpected event occurred in the midst of great prosperity which blasted all their flattering pros- pects. In the year 1638, some students at the Acad- emy, vented their aversion to popery by throwing stones at a wooden crucifix that stood out of town. A complaint was made, not against the real offender,, but the religion professed by the tutors. The acad- emy and printing office were destroyed, the professors banished, and the places of worship closed. These things so affected the palatine, whom the Senate had often honored with the title of father of his country, that he survived but one year. For twenty years after this event, persecution was carried on against the Baptists in different parts of Poland. The Cossacks invaded the Kingdom, and the Baptists were plundered with the consent of all parties. Next they were harrassed by an army of Swedes. The Catholics were bent upon their des- truction, while the Lutherans and Calvinists, who might have prevented their sufferings, rather helped them forward. But they received their reward, for the kingdom was dismembered, and they enslaved by their more powerful neighbors. TRANSYLVANIA. The principles of the Reformation were first in- troduced into this little State by a Lutheran minister*, (63) who was Chaplain to the prince of the country. He was succeeded in the Chaplaincy, by Francis Davidis. a Seventh day Baptist minister, who afterwards be- came Superintendant of the Baptist Churches in Tran- sylvania. When the Moravian Baptists were ban- ished, some of them went into this country, and it is therefore highly probable that they were scattered through it long before the time of which w T e have spoken. Both Baptist and Unitarian principles appear to have been carried into Transylvania from Poland. In 1583, Blandratta, a celebrated physician, was invited into it by Sigismund, and was accompanied by Davi- dis. In short, a number came by invitation and still more through persecution elsewhere. The hands of the Baptists were strengthened, and in the end they became the most numerous party, and had various honors conferred upon them. A synod was held shortly after this time, at which three hundred and twenty-two Unitarian ministers were present, who unanimously agreed to renounce infant sprinkling, and published thirty-two theses against it. From this time Baptist principles pre- vailed, and many churches were formed. Their prog- ress cannot be described minutely, but we are in- formed that in process of time they adopted open communion, and tolerated infant sprinkling. They were connected with the great by whom they were ensnared. During this time it is probable, there were in obscure places many genuine Baptists, who (64) chose to keep away from the splendor of the great, and so avoided their speculations and snares. The churches being protected by law, enjoyed external tranquility. ENGLAND. Respecting our brethren in this country we pos- sess more authentic records, furnished not by ene- mies but by the Baptists themselves. They afford explicit accounts of their character, progress, and sufferings, for the space of three hundred years, and also many hints respecting the brethren at an early period. The history of the English Baptists would furnish sufficient matter of a deeply interesting char- acter for several volumes. A very brief sketch must be presented in this work. The Baptists of England have been, since soon after the Reformation divided into General and Par- ticular, in consequence of some difference in points of doctrine. This division it is deemed unnecessary to regard particularly in this sketch, as both parties have endured many sufferings and produced a number of distinguished and worthy characters. Christianity was planted in Britain about sixty years after the ascension of Christ, and a number of all ranks were its adherents. The gospel flourished considerably in early times, and its friends also en- dured much persecution from Pagans. Various chan- (65) ges were experienced until about the year 600, when Austin, the monk and famous persecutor, with about forty others, were sent by Gregory the great to con- vert the remaining pagans, and subject the Christians to the dominion of Rome. The enterprise succeeded. King Ethelbert with his court and a greai portion of the people were won over. Ten thousand converts were baptized in the river Swall in one day. It is contended that the first British Christians were Baptists, and maintained universally their principles until the coming of Austin. From this time the church was divided into old and new — the old, or Baptist Church, adhering to their original principles — the new adopting infant baptism and other popish ceremonies. The reason assigned for this belief is satisfactory. Austin did urge upon those who opposed his mission to baptize their children, which was re- fused especially by many in Wales and Cornwall. The inference is that infants were not baptized before by them, and as no account is given of any variance on the subject previously, it is fairly presumed that infant baptism was unknown. Popery was the established religion for nearly one thousand years. During the reign of William the Con- queror which commenced in 1066, the Waldenses entered and began to abound in England, so that by the year 1080 not only the common people, but the nobility and gentry embraced their doctrines, and of course adopted Baptist views, for at this period none of the Waldenses had fallen off to infant baptism. f2 ( 66) For marc than one hundred years, during the rfeigns of five kings they increased and were not molested, but in the reign of Henry III. about 1218, some popish friar3 were sent to suppress their heresies, and many doubtless suffered by their means. In the time of Edward II. A. D. 1315, Walter Lol- lard a German preacher among the Waldenses, and a friend to believers' baptism, came to England and preached with great effect. His followers were called Lollards, and rejected infant baptism. In the reign of Edward III. John Wickliff, the " morning star of the Reformation, 57 became famous, and brought mul- titudes to embrace his doctrine, and to enter into his views of reformation. There is no doubt that Wick- lift taught Anabaptistical errors, and the evidence is strong that he became a Baptist. Dr. Hurd in his history of all Religions says, " It is pretty clear from the writings of many learned men, that Dr. John Wickliff, the first English reformer either considered infant baptism unlawful or at best unnecessary/' Another says, " it is clear from many authors that Wickliff rejected infant baptism, and that on this doctrine his followers agreed with the modern Baptists." " Thomas Walden, and Joseph V. Vicecomes, who had access to his writings, charge him with denying pedo-baptism. The former calls him one of the seven heads that came out of the bot- tomless pit, for denying infant baptism, that heresy cf the Lollards, of whom he was a great ringleader." In the year 1400, Henry IV. ordered heretics to be ( 67 ) burned, and the first who suffered wa3 William Saw* tee, a Lollard. As permission was now given to bloody men to destroy in a legal manner, the sufferings of the dissenters were very great. In about three years one hundred and twenty Lollards were commit- ted to prison, some of whom were burnt alive. 1m 1535, twenty-two Baptists were put to death, and in 1539 thirty- one were banished, and going to Holland were beheaded or drowned. Nearly at the same time, seven were burned. From a speech of Henry ¥111. m 1545 it appears that many of his subjects went under the name of Anabaptists ; and Bishop Latimer in a sermon before his successor, Edward VI. mentions one town in England containing more than five hun- dred of these heretics. A great change took place when Henry VIII. re- nounced the authority of the Pope and became Head of the Church; the fetters of popery were broken, and the scriptures in the English language sanctioned. Soon the Puritans arose and pushed the reformation somewhat farther. But persecuting laws still exist-' ed, and the ruling party seemed to have no objections to enforcing them, and though protestantism was es- tablished, the Baptists soon found that their ruin was still intended. In 1549, a sort of Inquisition was erected with the Archbishop of Canterbury at the head, who were instructed to examine and search after all Anabaptists, heretics &c. Two persons, it is certain out of many who were apprehended, were buret. One was Joan Boucher, or Joan of Kent, a ( S8 ) woman of distinction who was compelled by her Bible and conscience to become a Baptist. Great exertions were made to save her but in vain. The famous John Rogers said to one (supposed to be Fox — author of the Book of Martyrs,) who entreated for her life, that burning alive was no cruel death but easy enough, to which Fox replied, " Well perhaps it may so happen that you yourselves shall have your hands full of this mild burning," It did so happen, and Rogers was the first w T ho was burned under the reign of Queen Mary. Without dwelling upon the circumstances of the Baptists during this period of suffering, it may be sufficient to say that, they were every where through- out the kingdom persecuted and distressed. In 1612 Edward Wightman was burnt at Litchfield. He was the last who suffered death by a direct course of law. It appears therefore, that upon the Baptists has been conferred the honor of leading the van and bringing up the rear of the noble army of English Martyrs. We come now to notice the formation and progress of Baptist Churches as such. Ivimey, in his History, produces a passage from the writings of Dr. Some, which state'sthat as early as 1589, " there were several Anabaptist conventicles in London and other places. Some personsof these sentiments have been bred atour Universities." These are supposed to have been General Baptist Churches, as they founded several before the Particular Baptists had any. Crosby, who wrote a History of the English Bap- ( 69) lists, gives this account of the establishment of (Par- ticular) Baptist Churches : " In the year 1633 the Baptists who had hitherto been intermixed with other Protestant dissenters began to separate themselves and form distinct societies of their own." Concern- ing the first of these, he says upon the authority of William Kiffin ; there was a congregation of the In- dependent persuasion in London gathered in 1616, In this society there were several who were convinced that baptism should not be administered to infants, and desired to be dismissed to form a distinct congre- gation. This permission was granted, and the church constituted Sept. 12, 1633. As they looked upon the baptism they had received as invalid, most or all of them were baptized upon a profession of their faith. Their minister was John Spilsburg. In the year 1638 William Kiffin, Thomas Wilson, and others, were dismissed to this church. In 1639 another congre- gation was formed. As our brethren in this country were constantly reproached from both pulpit and press, they put forth a confession of their faith for the purpose of self vin- dication. It was published about ten years after the first churches were founded, and signed in the name of seven congregations in London. It was put into the hands of many members of Parliament, and some of their greatest adversaries were constrained to ac- knowledge its excellence, excepting only the articles on infant baptism. In 1646, the churches had increased to forty-six ia (70) and about London. The Anabaptists, said Robert Bailie in this year, in a work entitled, " Anabaptism the true fountain of error," have lifted up their heads and increased their number above all the sects in the land. In 1689, under the government of William, Prince of Orange, when the Toleration Act was passed, we find delegates from upwards of one hundred churches in England and Wales, met in London. These were not however all in the Kingdom at that time ; to them must be added a large number of General Baptist Churches, and some who for particular reasons did not unite in this great association, From a list of the churches made out about the year 1768, their number then was 217. Dr. Rippin pub- lished a list in 1790 which makes the number three hundred and twelve, and eight years after another, giving three hundred and sixty-one* In 1832 the number of churches was nine hundred and twenty- six. From the Report of the English Baptist Union whieh met in June 1885, we learn that there were then in England and W T ales, eight hundred and two associated and five hundred unassociated churches. Their affairs seem prosperous, and their charities are truly extensive. The report just referred to, presents the brethren in the pleasing attitude of sustaining their Literary and Religious institutions at an ex- pense of nearly two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The association of General Baptists which met in 1834, comprised one hundred and thirteen churches, {11 ) and eleven thousand seven hundred and sixty- three members. Arrangements were made for the estab* lishment of a minister's fund, a register of their trust deeds, the management of the General Baptist Re- pository, and for the republication of the select works of Rev. Dan. Taylor. They reported favorably of the state of the Academy at Wisebeach, approved of the objects and principles of the Temperance So- ciety, and resolved to correspond with the Conference of their brethren in America. We will now present some short accounts of the sufferings of our Baptist brethren in England since the time their first Churches were founded. Under the government of the bigoted Archbishop Laud they particularly, with dissenters in general, experienced a scene of continual vexation* About 1638 many ministers were imprisoned ; one Baptist by the name of Brewer for fourteen years. Subsequently their meetings were frequently disturbed and broken up ? and many ministers fined and imprisoned* Slanderous publications appeared against them ; one by the famous Richard Baxter, whose name is entitled to high respect, and who was afterwards him- self violently persecuted, contained the most aston* ishing accusations against the dangerous and indeco* rous dippers. " My sixth argument," said he, " shall be against their manner of baptizing, that is by dip- ping over head. The ordinary practice (of dipping,) and in cold water, as necessary, is a plain breach of the sixth commandment, therefore it is no ordinance (72) of God, but a heinous sin. And as Mr. Cradoek shows in his book of gospel liberty, the magistrate ought to restrain it to save the lives of his sub- jects. Apoplexies, lethargies, palsies, and all other comatous diseases would be promoted by it. So would cephalalgies, hemicranies, phthises, debility of the stomach, crudities, and almost all fevers, dysen- teries, diarrhoeas, cholics, iliac passions, convulsions, spasms, tremors and so on. In a word, it is good for nothing, but to despatch men out of the world that are burdensome, and to ranken church-yards, it' those who would make it men's religion to murder them- selves, and urge it upon their consciences as a duty, are not to be suffered in a CommonwealtJh, then judge how these Anabaptists are to be suffered. If the min- ister must go into the water with the party, it will certainly tend to his death, though they may escape that go in but once,"* &c. &c. " Poor man," says Mr. Booth, " he sees to be af- flicted with a violent hydrophobia. For he cannot think of any person being immersed in cold water, but he starts, he is convulsed, he is ready to die with fear. Immersion, you must know, is like Pandora's box, and pregnant with a great part of those diseases * An argument similar to this was used by Mr. Mc- Calla, in his debate with Mr. Campbell on baptism. Mr. C. pointed to the bench of Moderators ; one of the three "was a Baptist, and another a Pedo baptist minister. The first had baptized several hundreds, but weighed nearly three hundred pounds, while the latter who perhaps had sever immersed any, was a perfect contrast. ( 73) which Milton's Angel presented to the view Of our first father. A compassionate regard therefore, to the lives of his fellow creatures, compels Mr. B. to solicit the aid of magistrates against this destructive plunging, and to cry out in the spirit of an exclama- tion once heard in the Jewish temple. Ye men of Israel help ! or Baptist ministers will depopulate your country. What a pity it is that, the celebrated his- tory of cold bathing by Sir John Floyer, was not pub- lished half a century sooner. It might perhaps, have preserved this good man from a multitude of painful paroxysms occasioned by the thought of immersion in cold water." In 1646 Samuel Oates, by whom many hundreds were baptized, was really indicted for the murder of Anne Martin, who died some weeks after her baptism; but though great exertions were made against him, the jury pronounced him not guilty. He was after- wards, dragged out of a house and thrown into a ri- ver, his persecutors boasting that they had thoroughly dipped him. After the protectorate of Cromwell when the Bap- tists enjoyed a respite from trouble, Charles II. was restored to the throne in 1660. His promises were fair, but like those of many other kings, not sacredly observed. The first who suffered under his reign was the celebrated John Bunyan, author of the Pilgrim's Progress, &c. a popular Baptist preacher, though he followed his business as tinker. He was retained in prison at Bedford twelve years ; seven of which he G (74) was kept so close that he could not look out of the door. In 1670, a congregation of Baptists to the amount of five hundred, met for worship near Lewes, in Sus- sex. They were observed, information was lodged against them, and the minister and above forty hear- ers were convicted. The minister was fined £20, and the rest of the company five shillings each. At the same time, a meeting was held in Bright- helmston, at the house of William Beard, who was fined £20. At Chillington, Nicholas Martin was con- victed of having a meeting at his house, and fined to the same amount. In all these cases, property to the amount of double or treble that of the fine wa3 seized. At Dover, the Magistrates showed their zeal against the Baptists, committing to prison many who had been violently taken from their meeting-house. These hardships induced them to petition, but no relief was afforded. By virtue of a dormant statute of the reign of Elizabeth, Mr. Stephen Dagnal of Aylesbury, and eleven of his people, were sentenced to be hanged. Their goods were then seized and destroyed, but by the intercession of Mr. Kiffin, they were pardoned and set at liberty. In Gloucestershire, the most eminent cavaliers, em- bittered persecutors, rode about armed with swords and pistols, ransacked their houses, and abused their families in a violent manner. In the county of Wilts, and diocese of Salisbury, Bishop Ward often disturbed (75) their meetings in person, and encouraged his clergy to follow his example. Informers attended their meetings in disguise and levied large sums of money on ministers and people. The Church at Calne suffered much ; having been often disturbed at their meeting-house, they some- times met at Moses' Mill, and at others under a large white-thorn bush, about two miles from town. The bush has ever since been called Gospel bush ; but only some small branches of it remain. In Lincolnshire the Baptists were bitterly persecu* ted. Not less than one hundred of them were im- prisoned. Many by heavy fines were impoverished, and others driven from home. Mr. Robert Shalder was long confined in prison, and soon after died, and was interred in the burying ground with his ancestors. The day on which he was buried, his grave wasopen* ed, the body taken out, and dragged to his former residence, and there left unburied. We cannot pursue any farther, this painful recital of wrong and outrage, and suffering. We may just observe that, while the Baptists suffered the greatest opposition and cruelty, other dissenters had a share of trial, and that all parties took gladly the spoiling of their goods, and went cheerfully to prison and to death for the sake of Christ. We cannot leave this interesting country, without introducing to a more general acquaintance than has been enjoyed, a few of the most distinguished char- acters among the Baptists. (76) Soon after the Particular Baptists had founded se- parate churches Mr. Hansard Knollis, a graduate of Cambridge formed one in London, and presided over it upwards of fifty years. About the same period Mr. Francis Cornwell M. A. of Emanuel College embra- ced Baptist sentiments and became pastor of a church at Marden in Kent. Before this Mr. Benjamin Coxe, a bishop's son, and a graduate of one of the Univer- sities, had joined the Baptists, by which he lost all the preferments he might have enjoyed. Henry Denne, Christopher Blackwood, Daniel Dyke, Francis Bampfield and others were distinguished for their learning and usefulness in the reign of Charles the First. Of John Tombes B. D. even his enemies speak in terms of high commendation. Dr. Wall says " of the professed Anti pedo baptists, Mr. Tombes was a man of the best parts in our nation, and perhaps in any other." Henry Jesse was for several years pastor of the first Independent Church, but being convinced of the error of infant baptism, was baptized in 1645, and was a very useful minister in London for many years. He began, and almost completed a new translation of the Bible. Charles Maria Duveil a man of great reputation was a Jew. He united first with the ©atholie, after- wards with the Episcopal, and finally with the Bap- tist Church in Grace church Street, London, of which he was Pastor. He was supported by many of the (77) dignified clergy even after his change of sentiments ; among whom were Drs. Stillingfleet, and Tillotson. He published expositions of Mark and Luke, of the Acts and the minor prophets. John Gosnold, pastor of a church in London, was eminently learned, and a very popular preacher. He was esteemed and valued by men of note in the es- tablished Church. Dr. Tillotson was frequently his hearer. William Kiffin was distinguished as a minister, and also at the courts of Charles II. and James his suc- cessor. It was currently reported that when Charles wanted money he sent to Mr. Kiffin to borrow forty thousand pounds ; that he pleaded in excuse he had not so much, but that if ten thousand would be of any service he would present it to his Majesty ; which was accepted and Mr. K. afterwards said, he had saved thirty thousand pounds. He had great influence at court, and rendered essential service to his persecuted brethren He was nominated for one of the Aldermen of London, by James II. Though an honor he by no means desired, he was constrained to accept it. Cros- by says that four other Baptists were made aldermen at the same time. The famous Benjamin Keach, was the author of the Scripture Metaphors, and other valuable works. In 1664 he was prosecuted and sentenced to the pil- lory. He was the author of eighteen practical works, sixteen polemical, and nine poetical, besides a num- ©2 (IB) ber of prefaces and recommendations for the works of others. Dr. Gill was afterwards pastor of the same church. He was the author of more than sixty different works. Dr. Kippin assures us that had his writings been uni- formly printed in the size of the Exposition of the Old and New Testament, they would have made the astonishing total of ten thousand folio pages of divini* ty. The title of Dr. Voluminous was given him by Mr. Shrubsole. Besides those named, there were among the skilful defenders of the Baptists in England, Piggott, the Stennetts, the Wallins, the Wilsons, Evans, Brine ? Day, Beddome, Francis, Ryland and Gifford. Benedict says " but few of the American Baptists know that John Canne, author of the marginal refer- ences in the Bible, Dr. Ash, author of a Dictionary and other classical works, Thomas Wilcox, author of an excellent piece entitled A diop of Honey from the Rock Christ, and Winterbottom, author of the View of America were of their sentiments. Miss Steele, the author of those excellent hymns in our collections,* was the daughter of a Baptist minister in the county of Hampshire." * Many of them are cojned into other collections, as also some written by Beddome, Francis and Stennett and by Rippon himself* The well known hymns commencing with u Come thou fount of every blessing/' " Come humble sin- ner in whose breast," and " On Jordan's stormy banks I stand," were composed by Baptists. ( 79 ) To those named we may add, Pearce, Fuller ; Carey, Jones, Hall, Foster the Essayist, and Hughes the originater of the British and Foreign Bible So- ciety, and Rippon.* There are at present in England many ministers and others of the Baptist denomina- tion, who have acquired considerable celebrity. A correspondent of the Editor of the American Baptist, speaking of Bristol says, " Here, for many years, the excellent Ryland labored as the Christian pastor and faithful tutor ; here, at his death, came Robert Hall, who so happily demonstrated to the world, that genius, though accustomed to drink Cas- taliah dews need not shrink from a Baptism in Jor^ dan ; and here still lives another Baptist, the venera- ble Essayist, the glory of the land — John Foster." The same writer says of the successor of Robert Hall, (Mr. Somers,) " he is known as one of the best preachers in England." He speaks also in terms of high commendation of Mr» Roberts, pastor of the church in King street, and favorably of Dr. Crisp^ President of the Baptist College. In the seventeenth century, several public disputes were held by appointment between the Baptists and Pedo baptists on the subject of baptism. Mr. Tombes, Dr. Rus3ell and Mr. Jeremiah Ives, were famous dis- putants on the Baptist side, and Dr. Featley, Mr. Baxter, Mr. Chandler, and others for the Pedo baptists. * Recent accounts from England mention the death of Dr. Rippon, and Dr. Newman, President of the Baptist College, Stepney. ( 60) There is a pleasant anecdote related of Mr. Ives, which we transcribe from Benedict. He became so noted, that Charles II. sent for him to dispute with a Romish Priest. The debate was held in the presence of the King and many others ; Ives habited as a cler- gyman. " Ives pressed the priest closely, showing that whatever antiquity they pretended to, their doc- trine and practices could by no means be proved apostolical, since they are not to be found in any writings which remain of the Apostolie age. The priest after much wrangling, in the end replied ; " That this argument of Mr. Ives' was of as much force against infant baptism, as against the doctrines and ceremonies of the Church of Rome." To this Mr. Ives answered, " that he readily granted what he said to be true." The priest upon this broke up the dispute, saying that he had been cheated, and that he would proceed no further, for he came to dispute with a clergyman of the established church, and it was now evident that this was was an Anabaptist preacher. This behaviour of the priest afforded his majesty and all present not a little diversion." There was another dispute held, between a Baptist and a minister of the established church. The latter insisted that the debate should be in Latin, but the Baptist in English, that the audience might be edified. The clergyman still persisted, and laid down his ar- guments in Latin. Fortunately the Baptist was an Irishman, and answered in Irish. Surprised at the learning of his antagonist, the priest confessed that he (81 ) did not understand Greek, and therefore desired" him- to reply in Latin. " Well" said the Baptist, " seeing you cannot dispute in Greek, I will not in Latin, let us therefore dispute in English, and leave the com- pany to judge." The clergyman still plead for an un- known tongue and the debate was frustrated. Some differences of opinion have also existed among the Baptists themselves. Laying on of hands, singing in public worship, and the terms of commu- nion, have ail been subjects of controversy. The first is not generally practised, the second prevails, per- haps universally, and on the last there is still a dif- ference in opinion and practice. The withering ef- fects of what is termed open communion, have been plainly seen by many and the contrary practice is gain-ing ground, and we doubt not will soon become universal. The Baptists in England commenced at an early period, the promotion of learning among the minis- ters, and have now several academies under their con- trol and supervision. That at Bristol has obtained considerable celebrity. Its foundation appears te h&ve been laid in 1689. The incipiency of its con- stant usefulness and present greatness, may be said to have existed in its very first student, Richard Sampson, who was much esteemed by Sir Isaac New- ton. So strong was his memory that one day when the conversation turned upon depriving good men of their bibles, Sir Isaac said, " they cannot possibly (82) deprive Mr. Sampson of his, for he has it all treasured up within him." Besides these institutions the English Baptists have " the Baptist Fund" for the purposes of assistingpoor churches, educating pious young men, and of furnish- ing ministers with books ; the " Home Missionary Society" which employs about one hundred agents in publishing the gospel; the " Continental Society'' whose object is primarily to win souls to Christ ; the " Baptist Irish Society," intended for the instruction of adults and children in the Scriptures; the "For- eign Missionary Society," and the " London Baptist Building Fund," designed to assist poor churches in erecting meeting houses. The cause of Sunday Schools meets with an efficient advocacy and support ; in a word, our English brethren seem as if they do " expect great things," and they therefore " attempt great things." May the blessing of the Great Head of the Church rest upon them. WALES. We learn that Britain received the gospel about sixty years after the ascension, and that many to avoid the persecutions of the Saxons retired into Wales, where they were visited by the bloody St. Austin, who requested them to receive the commandments of the Pope, and baptize their children. They are upon ( 83) the best grounds, believed to have been Baptists. They enjoyed tranquility for a short time, and religion flourished among and around them. Two large so- cieties were formed, one at Bangor in the North, and one at Carleon in the South, which were broken up about the year 600 by the army of Saxons, sent by the sanguinary Austin for that purpose. For many centuries after, the history of Wales is involved in great obscurity. The Welsh brethren are inclined to believe that Baptist principles lived in this country through all the dark ages of popery, though those who maintained them did not remain in a congregated state. We know that Wales has been for a long time a nursery of Baptists, and that our churches, in this country have from it been supplied with many useful ministers. The few particulars concerning the Welsh Baptists we will here present, are taken from their History by J. Davis, which work we recommend to those who feel interested in the subject. We have nothing of importance to communicate respecting them from the year 63, to the year 180, when Faganus andDamicanus, natives of Wales, who had been converted and become ministers in Rome, were sent to assist their brethren in Wales. They were faithful men and remarkably successful in win- ning souls to Christ. In the same year Lucius, the Welsh King, and the first monarch in the world who embraced the Chris- tian religion, was baptized. Finding the means of < 84) propagating the gospel very inadequate, he sent a most earnest request to Eleutherus for assistance, so that the Macedonian cry vibrated from the Welsh throne at Carludd, as well as the cabin at the foot of Caderidris, or Plimlimon. About the year 300, the period of the tenth Pagan persecution, the Welsh suffered considerably. The number of persons, meeting-houses, and books that were burnt, was very great. Dioclesian gave orders to burn up every Christian, every meeting-house, and every scrap of written paper belonging to the Chris- tians, and no doubt many valuable and interesting documents were then destroyed. God has in a remarkable manner honored the Welsh nation. Prom among them he raised up a deliverer from persecution, Constantine the great. He was born in the Isle of Britain, his father was a Roman, his mother, a Welsh lady of the name of Ellen, the daughter of Coelgodebog, Earl of Gloucester. This lady was very pious, and filled the whole Roman Em- pire with her benevolent acts in support of religion. Baptism by immersion, was the unanimous senti- ment and practice of the Welsh nation from the time they embraced the Christian religion until after the year 600, when Austin came from Rome to convert the Saxons. Having succeeded in a great measure in England, he tried his experiments upon the Welsh, but was disappointed. At this period the Welsh were intelligent Christians. Their ministers agreed to meet Austin in an association held on the borders ( 85 ) of Herefordshire. He was to make these proposals* the first was infant baptism ; but was immediately an- swered by the Welsh that they would keep the ordi- nances as they had received them from the Apostolic age. Upon hearing this Austin became enraged, and persuaded the Saxons to murder 1,200 of the Welsh Ministers and delegates. Many more were afterwards put to death because they would not adopt infant bap- tism, but the leading men being now dead, King Cad- walader and the majority of the people submitted to popery. " The vale of Carleon, says Davis, is our valley of Piedmont, where the ordinances of the gospel have been administered to this day, in their primitive mode, without being adulterated by the corrupt Church of Rome. No wonder that Penry, Wroth and Er« bury, commonly called the first reformers of the Bap- tists in Wales, should have so many followers at once, when we consider that the field of their labors was the vale of Carleon and its vicinity. Had they never bowed the knee to the Baal of Rome, it is probable we should never have heard of their names; but as they were great men, and left the establishment and join- ed the poor Baptists, their names are handed down to posterity by both friends and foes. The vale of Olchon, also, is situated between moun- tains and almost inaccessible. How many hundred years it had been inhabited by Baptists before Erbury visited it, we cannot tell. It is a fact that cannot be con- troverted, that there were Baptists here at the com- ii (86) oseneement of the Reformation* Whence came these Baptists? At the time of the Reformation in the reign of Charles I. they had a minister named Howell Vaughan, differing from Erbury and others, who had not reform- ed to the extent considered necessary by the Olchon Baptists. This was not however to be wondered at, as they had dissented from the Church of England and probably retained some of the errors, while the moun- tain Baptists had never belonged to the establishment The reformers were for mixed communion, but the Olchon brethren received no such practice. In short these were plain, strict, Apostolical Baptists, who would have order and not confusion, with the Word of God for their only rule. They were truly a separate people, maintaining the order of the New Testament, from the year 63 to the present time. Wales has produced a number of great men, whose history we would gladly give did our limits permit, but as they do not, we again refer our readers to the History of the Welsh Baptists, and merely name a few. Walter Brute was cotemporary with Wiekliff, shortly after, David Black and Dr. John Kent, dis- tinguished themselves as steady and successful refor- mers. In the year 1586 John ab Henry, an Episcopa- lian minister of liberal education, dissented from the church and became an eminent Baptist. In 1620 Erbury and Wroth dissented from the establishment. Vavasor Powell left the Church in 1636, and became one of the most zealous and useful preachers among the Baptists. Many others at various periods of time (87 ) followed the example of these worthies, and chose to suffer affliction with the Baptists for Christ's sake. Persecutions of the mostcruelkind have been borne at different times by our Welsh brethren with chris- tian fortitude and patience. They are now entitled to the privileges of dissenters, and are enjoying much prosperity. The Churches are following under able and zealous ministers. The number of Churches and members will be given in our summary. g IRELAND. This catholie country has never contained many Baptists, though a few respectable churches have ex- isted in it for nearly two hundred years. The first were founded probably, about the year 1650, as it appears by a letter from Ireland in 1653, there were then ten churches. The Baptists appear to have flourish- ed during the existence of the Commonwealth, but, on the restoration of the persecuting Charles II. were exceedingly troubled and reduced. They are at pre- sent in circumstances of promised prosperity. The Baptist Irish Society in England will n© doubt accomp- plish much. Rev. Stephen Davis agent of the Socie- ty visited this country in 1833 and obtained consider- able aid towards its funds. Nearly ten thousand child- ren, and seven or eight hundred adults, are taught the word of life by about fifty readers employed wholly, ( 88 ) or on the Lord's day alone. Six English ministers su- perintend the operations and preach the gospel in ex- tensive districts. Ireland has produced a number of great men. It gave birth to a famous Baptist, the champion of non conformity, Thomas Delaune, who spoke what has been styled, an " immortal plea for the non conform- ists." SCOTLAND. It was long thought that there was no Society of Baptists in Scotland before the year 1765, but this was a mistake, as was ascertained by the discovery of a book, entitled " A Confession of the several con- gregations or churches of Christ in London, which are commonly (though unjustly) called Anabaptists, pub- lished for the vindication of the truth &c. Printed at Leith 1653." To this there is a preface by some Baptists at Leith and Edinburgh, declaring their agreement in faith and order with the Churches in London. Of whom this church was composed or its members is not known. It has been supposed to ex- ist until the restoration, when it was dispersed; but be that as it may, there is no trace of any Baptist church for more than one hundred years from that period. It was not till 1765 that the Baptists made a public ( 89 ) appearance in that country, though their first use may be traced to a little earlier period. In 1763 Robert Carmichael and Archibald M'Lean, conversing to- gether upon the subject of infant baptism, for which they were at a loss to find scriptural grounds, agreed to consult the scriptures and communicate to each other the result. As is very frequently the case, both were led to renounce the sentiment. The first had been pastor of an Independent Society in Edinburgh but with seven others had separated from that society before he became a Baptist. To receive baptism in a regular way, Mr. Carmichael went to London, and Was baptized by Dr. Gill, and returning to Edinburg administered that ordinance to five of the seven per- sons mentioned before, among whom was Robert Walker, a surgeon .Mr. M'Lean was not baptized for some weeks after. While at Edinburg he was solici- ted to write an answer to Mr. Glass ' dissertation on Infant Baptism, which he did in the spring following. A publication of this nature being new in Scotland, awakened serious attention to the subject, Mr. M'Lean removed shortly after from Glasgow to Ed« inburg, and was chosen Colleague to Mr. Carmi- chael. Soon after this the church increased consi- derably. In 1769 Mr. C. left Edinburg and settled at Dundee. About the same time, Dr. Walker was chosen joint elder with Mr. M'Lean at Edinburg. In the same year, several persons came from Glasgow and were baptized. In 1770 a small society arose at Mon- trose. From this time Baptist sentiments extended and societies were formed in different places. h2 ( 90) In Scotland many Pedo baptist ministers have es- poused the Baptist cause, so that the interest of th@ denomination has become more prosperous. The converts have been mor« from the Independent con- nexion than the fast bound Kirk. Among those who have embraced Baptist sentiments, are men of distinc- tion for talents and wealth, and whose influence is very sensibly felt. The Independents and Baptists are nearly related. Their views of Chuieh goverment are alike ; in doc- trine they generally agree, and it is only for an Inde- pendent to go into the water and he becomes a Bap- tist at once. The Churches of the Independents have always been nurseries for the Baptists. We may therefore confidently anticipate a still greater preva- lence of our principles in the Scottish realm, and at no very remote period a very general adoption. We have thus glanced at the Baptists in foreign countries, and have found their history full of interest. We regret that more extensive information is not af- forded us, and also that more of that in our possession could not be given in this work. We sincerely hope that the Baptists will endeavor to become more gen- erally acquainted with the rise and progress of the denomination in other countries as well as our own, ami if this little work will in any degree tend to such a result, the author will have accomplished one par- ticular object in presenting it to his brethren. (91 ) CHAPTER IV. The discovery and settlement of America, with its- continuous history are most deeply interesting sub- jects, and especially so in respect to their religious aspect. We are of those who believe that it is the religion of a country which gives to its history, either its glory or shame. This will be illustrated in our " glance at the Baptists " in this country, identified as their history is with the most important events in the records of the nation in its early days. Suffice it here to say that the name of Roger Williams, and that of his persecutors, form a striking contrast of glory and reproach, the principles of one being the admiration, and those of the others, the abhorrence of all. Nor let the reader be surprised if we here assert that, upon the prevalence of pure Baptist principles depends tho stability and glory of our government. When we come to treat upon those principles we believe w* will make good the assertion. (92) A GENEBAL VIEW OF THE AMERICAN BAPTISTS. The discoverer of America was Christopher Colum- bus, a Native of Genoa, engaged in the service of Spain. It was in October 1492, that the " new world ? 5 burst upon the delighted vision of this bold adven- turer, and brought him in humble prostration before his God to express his gratitude for the long sought favor. The success of Columbus inspired the Spanish, French and English with a strong desire, to promote discoveries, and extend their dominious. The views of the Spanish seem to have been principally confined to the rich mines of South America. Various expe- ditions were fitted out by each nation, attended in some cases with disastrous results to the parties them- selves, though perhaps in all with profit to the govern- ments by which they were supported. Temporary settlements only were effected until 1608, when that ©t the French in Canada became permanent. The first permanent settlement of the English, was in Vir- ginia by Lord De la War in 1610, from which period we proc^sd to our subject. Most of the original settlers of America were men who sought temporal advantages merely, while there were some in process of time swayed by religious motives* A large portion had been residents of Eng- ( 93 ) land, and were for the most part attached to the Epis copal Church, yet among them were dissenters of <\i( ferent names. A (ew Baptists no doubt came intc the country soon after settlements were made, al- though as we shall see, there were no organized church until 1639. Establishments of religion were founded at the first in some of the colonies, but none carried their acts of in^ tolerance to any extent except those of Virginia, Mas- sachusetts and Connecticut. The Episcopal church was established in the Carolinas,but had not the spirit or power of carrying persecution to any great extent. Mr. Benedict says he is" inclined to think that, Epis- copacy was for a time the established religion of New York, as a Mr. Wichenden of Providence Rhode Is- land was imprisoned there four months for preaching sometime before 1669 ; and in the year 1728 the Bap- tist meeting-house then newly built, was licensed and entered as the toleration act required. These things scent of Babylon, and indicate an ecclesiastical es- tablishment." Maryland was founded by Roman Catholics,, who were there always tolerant and mild. Rhode Island has from first to last maintained liberty of conscience in the strictest sense, without any qualification. * * Without particularly intending it, I have placed these states in close connection, and in doing sol am reminded of the contention that has existed in regard to their claims to the honor of first establishing religipus liberty. I aiji also reminded of an incident involving this dispute in which. ( M ) Pennsylvania was founded by Friends, (or Quak- ers,) who like the Baptists of Rhode Island were op- posed to any establishment of religion by law. New Hampshire and Vermont, have done but little in the business of persecution, the New States have done nothing in this unrighteous labor* In Massachusetts and Connecticut, ecclesiastical establishments were more firmly planted than in any ether portion of our country, as will be seen in the history of our brethren in these states. In Virginia persecution raged at times with violence, but itseema to have been carried on chiefly by unprincipled pro- fessors whose main object was the disturbance of re- ligious meetings. The capital mistake of the Congregationalists, of New England, consisted in regarding the laws of I bore a part. The assertion was publicly made by me whilst residing in Harrisburg, that Roger Williams was the first Legislator who proclaimed the doctrine of liberty of conscience in matters of religion. Some Catholics were on that evening observed in our place of worship. Early next morning T received a note from a distinguished Priest then'in town, requesting an interview, and permission to see my library, to ascertain my authority for the assertion, as he had said on the afternoon of the Sa'obath that the Catho- lics of Maryland had set the example of religions tolera- tion. I refered to Goodrich, he to Grimshaw. In short the controversy between us was altogether upon the meaning of the terms, liberty and toleration. The dates of the charters were not matters of dispute, that of Maryland be- ing unquestionably a few years earlier than that of Rhode Island. This subject wiil be noticed in the Biography of R, Willams, in this work. { 95) Moses as their rule and blending the Jewish and Christian dispensation together. From this source in fact, have arisen all the evils which have agitated and distracted the Christian world, and stained its annals with blood. While the fathers of New England were certainly men of understanding, some of their Legislative acts and ecclesiastical proceedings were extremely absurd and ridiculous. In 1638, the Massachusetts assembly passed a law that, " Whosoever shall stand excom- municated for the space of six months, without la- boring what in him or her lieth to be. restored, such shall be presented to the Court of Assistants, and then proceeded with by fine, imprisonment, banish- ment, ©r further for the good behavior, as their con- tempt and obstinacy upon full hearing shall deserve. 5$ In 1656, a great dispute arose upon the question of the baptism of children whose parents were not im- mediate members of the church. Twenty one ques- tions were sent by the Connecticut people to those of Massachusetts respecting it; an ecclesiastical assem- bly was called which sat fifteen days, to deliberate upon this very weighty matter. The dispute not set- tled by them, existed for some years and divided some churches. One party contended that, if such parents would own the. Covenant their parents made for them when they were initiated into the churchy they should have the privilege of getting their children baptized. In this way originated what is called the half way covenant. While the dispute was carried on, ( 96 ) some found a way to remove the difficulty by having the children baptized on their grand parents' account; but in such case others said they must take charge of their education. These were frivolous controversies arising not from want of ability in those concerned, but from the absurdity of the principles they had adopted. Ministers in New England were at first voluntarily supported, but in 1638 a law was made, compelling their support by assessment and distress to be levied by the proper officers. This was the beginning of the iniquitous policy which caused the Baptists so much vexation and suffering. The first Church of the Baptist denomination in America was founded by the illustrious Roger Wil- ham3, at Providence, R. I. in 1639; the second, at New r port in 1644, by Dr. John Clar-ke, the third in the same town in 1656, the fourth in Swansea, Massachu- setts in 1663 by John Miles, and the First Boston in 1665, founded by Thomas Gould, was the fifth. In forty years from the last date there were twelve others constituted, making in almost a hundred years after the settlement of America, only seventeen Baptist churches tobefound in it, Mr. Benedict commences the same epoch or gen- eral division of his history in 1707, the date of the constitution of the last of the twelve churches men- tioned above. In this year the Philadelphia Associa- tion was founded with five churches ; it is the oldest in the United States. Its history would furnish mat- (97) tef of interest sufficient for a large volume. Prom 1707 till 1740, about twenty new Churches were rais- ed up in different parts of the United States. In 1740 a powerful work of grace began in New England, and prevailed also in some other parts, un- der the ministry of the famous Whitefield, and called by way of derision the New Light Stir. The work began among the Fedo baptists, and where they op- posed it, separation ensued. The separates as they were termed, took the Bible for their guide and of course Baptist principles advanced. Pedo baptists wete seen persecuting their brethren for being too religious. The Clergy of Connecticut detirmined that the New Light Stir was not according to law, and therefore stimulated their rulers to attempt its regula- tion by law. As before observed, the New Light doctrines tend- ed to Baptist principles, and those who followed them were led to embrace believer's Baptism. Many Bap- tist Churches arose out of the separate societies, and the late venerable Backus, # Hastings, and a number of other Baptist Ministers were at first of their con- nexion. Towards the conclusion of the revolution extensive revivals of religion were enjoyed in different parts of the country, and the Baptists increased. According "* Mr. Backus wrote a history of the Baptists. Bancroft in .his Mstory of the United States says of him '« he de- serves more reputation than he has had. " I ( 98 ) to Backus, there were in 1780 not less than two thou- sand persons baptized in the New England states alone. In ten years, beginning with 1780 and end- ing with 1789, there were over two hundred churches organized in the United States. In 1780 John Asplund published his first Register* He had travelled in eighteen months, about seven thousand miles, chiefly on foot, to collect materials for the work, from which we learn that there were then in the States and Territories, eight hundred and sixty-eight churches, one thousand one hundred and thirty-two ministers, and sixty-four thousand ninQ hundred and seventy-five members. In 1794 he pub- lished a second Register, by which it appears that the number of churches had considerably increased. Since the termination of the War, not many of our brethren have suffered for their religious opinions. In Connecticut and Massachusetts however, they have since been subjected to the mortifying requisition of furnishing certificates of membership to exempt them from taxation and distress. The law of Massachusetts was made in 1811. Out of the New Light Stir arose many churches, which adopted open communion, but very few of these remain ; some were torn to pieces by the embarrass- ing policy, and others commune with baptized belie- vers only. Baptist views of the ordinance of baptism have spread rapidly in the United States, within twenty ytars, and many of other denominations have conde- ( 99 ) seended, or been obliged to go into the water with those who would not be satisfied with any thing short of immersion. But within a few years we have been subjected to painful divisions, especially in the wes- tern states by the sentiments of Alexander Campbell. He is a resident of Brooke County, Virginia, a man of fine talents and education and of pleasing address, and has on these accounts insinuated himself into the esteem of many of the churches and spread over them his plausible errors. The errors with which he is charged are, an undue stress upon baptism, and a de- nial of the necessity of the spirit in regeneration and faith ; in fact, he has come out with denunciations of the Baptist community so sweeping as to reach nearly all their sentiments, and to make them appear if not wholly wrong, altogether deficient. But the Baptists have endured so many trials, that they need only to stand upright in their confidence in their Master and 'practically and legally^ the op- posite counsel continued his plea against them be- cause they did not ordinarily attend their own meet- ing. While the lawyers were disputing, the Judge who was an Episcopalian, inquired how 7 long a man who was a Baptist, practically, sentimentally, and le- gally must stay at home to become a Presbyterian. His Honor's logic produced the desired effect, and the Baptists obtained the case. In May 1791 a law was passed, requiring the cer- tificate to be signed by two magistrates before it could become effectual. This set the dissenters in motion, and memorials and remonstrances poured in from all quarters, so that the act was repealed in Oc- tober and the present certificate law adopted. This law is perhaps as good as such a thing can be, as a dissenter has nothing to do under it but write his own ( 129 ) certificate and he becomes of another sect. No man however can be neutral; unless he gives a certificate he is known and dealt with as a Presbyterian or Con- gregationalist. To this law our brethren object, principally because it presupposes a subordination and obliges them in Leland's phraseology, to lower tkeir peek to the Na- tional Ship. In one of the petitions of the Baptists dated 1803 is this clause. ({ We are frequently told that giving a certificate is a mere trifle ; if it be so, we would desire that the law would not intermeddle with such a trifling business, or that those, who con- sider it a mere trifle, may be the persons to do this trifle themselves, and not the dissenters, who consider it in a far different point of light." Some will not give a certificate, and very few meet with trouble at present whether they do or not, the Pedo baptists having found that to push their measures is to affect their own cause injuriously. HEW YORK. The first appearance of Baptists in this great state , was in the city of New York; the second on Long Island, and the third in Dutchess county. When the Baptists began to preach in the city is not known precisely, but it must have been previous to 1669, as in that year Mr. Wickenden of Rhode Island died, who was at one time imprisoned there ( 130 ) for four months. From this time we hear nothing of Baptists here, until 1712, when Mr. Wightman of Groton entered the place and visited it for about two years. His preaching place was the house of a Mr. Nicholas Eyres who with six other men and five wo- men were hopefully converted. Some time in 1714 Mr. Wightman baptized the five women in the night, while the men stood by. The words " no man doeth any thing in secret, when he himself seeketh to be known openly," arrested Mr. Eyres' mind and accor* dingly he and the other men put off their baptism un- til morning, when he waited on the Governor (Burnet) and solicited protection, which the Governor promis- ed; He was faithful to his promise and in company with many of the gentry came to the water side and the rite was performed in peace. These twelve per- sons called ifjfr Eyres to preach for them; under his ministry the audiences-increased so much that a pri- vate house would not hold them and a lot was pur- chased and a house built upon it in 1728. The church was constituted in 1724, and existed about eight years when it was dissolved. The present church, (First or Gold street) origina- ted through the instrumentality of Mr. Jeremiah Dodge, a member of the church at Fishkill, who set- tled in New York in 1745 and opened a meeting for reading, praying and singing, to which some mem- bers of the church mentioned above resorted. They were favored with preaching, and after various changes their number had reached twenty-seven who having ( 131 ) been during this period connected with the church at Scotch-Plains (N. J.) applied tor dismission, and were constituted a regular church on the 19th June 1762. This Church has enjoyed an able ministry, and sent out various branches. Its number in 1832 was four hundred and thirteen, under the pastoral charge of Mr. William Parkinson. As both the city and state contain such a multitude of churches, we cannot do more than notice two or three particularly. The Fayette now Oliver street has shared so largely the favor of the Lord, and is now so prominent in the history of the Baptists for charity and zeal, and fruitfulness, that we must refer to its origin and progress. It arose out of a division of the Bethel, (formed 1770,) both parties claiming the name of second until 1802, when they mutally agreed to take the names they now bear. Their first pastor was Benjamin Montange, and his successor Mr. John Williams a native of South Wales, who landed in New York in 1795. Under his ministry former dif- ficulties were adjusted and the church greatly flourish- ed. Before his death their present pastor S. H. Cone was associated with him in the Ministry of the church. It contained seven hundred and forty-four members in 1832, since which period it has sent out its branches through the city, which it is hoped will never disgrace their origin.* It affords a very liberal * In 1832 a colony of forty-three members was sent out from this church and constituted a church on the 17th December. Their pastor isW. R. Williams, son of Mr. John Williams, and formerly a Lawyer. ( 132 ) support to its pastor and contributes annually not less than three thousand dollars to the various institutions of benevolence. The Mulberry street church was originated under peculiar circumstances, and we therefore notice it here. Their present Pastor Mr. Archibald Maclay arrived in New York from Scotland in 1805. He was then an Independent, commenced his labors as such and collected in a few months a small church, which increased in three years to a very affectionate band of forty. Mr. M. after a thorough investigation of the subject was led to embrace the sentiments of the Baptists, and was baptized by Mr. Williams in De- cember 1808. Four days after seventeen more of the church were baptized. On the third Lord's day in February following, these eighteen were formed into a Baptist Church. From that period they have ob- served the Lord's supper every Lord's day. Another peculiarity of this church is the rejection of creeds and covenants, which, though they will not condemn those who have them, they have never used. 41 As a church they have enjoyed much prosperity, having received since their organization, including the original members, six hundred and sixty-two by baptism and one hundred and seventy-four by letter, making in all three hundred and thirty-six. Their number at present (1832) is about three hundred and fifty. The first Sunday School it is believed in New York, was established by two members of this church sooi* £ 133 ) after its organization, Both are now useful preachers of the gospel. The school is now very large and un- der the best regulation perhaps of any in the country- Associations were formed in this state in 1791 ,° these have become quite numerous and many of them very efficient. The state contains more churches and members than any in the Union. According to Benedict there were in 1812 between two and three hundred churches, and probably over sixteen thousand members. In 1832 the state contained thirty-two as- sociations, six hundred and five churches, and sixty thousand communicants. Nearly or quite eight thou- sand were baptized during the associational year. NEW JERSEY* Among the first settlers of this state were some Baptists who came from New York, New England, &c 9 About 1683 a company of Baptists from Ireland ar- rived at Amboy, and proceeded thence to the interior parts. In 1733 some Tunker Baptists from Holland settled in Amwell, Hunterdon County, and in 1734 the Rogerene Baptists took up their residence neat Schooly Mountain, Morris County. This state has always contained some very respec- table churches, which have been supplied by minis- ters of eminence, not only those who were emigrants, but such also as were born in the country and raised ( 134 ) up in the churches. And besides these, a number removed to other parts of the vineyard and labored honorably and successfully. The oldest church in the state is at Middle town, Monmouth County, and was constituted in 1688 with eighteen members. For a period of twenty-four years their history is unknown. In 1711 some difficulties arose and parties were formed, one of which ex- cluded the other and imposed silence on two minis- ters. The matter was referred to a council in May 1712, whose advice to them was "to bury their pro- ceedings in oblivion and erase the record of them;" accordingly four leaves are torn out of the church book. "To continue the silence imposed upon the brethren the preceeding year: to sign a covenant re- lative to their future conduct, &c." Forty two did sign the covenant and twenty-six refused, and the first were then declared to be the church; most of the others came in afterwards, the church proceeded in harmony and subsequently enjoyed the ministry of faithful men. Its number in 1812 was one hundred and ihirty-twjO. The church of Piscataway is next in point of age having been constituted in the spring of 1689 of six men.* It is thought that som? of these were from Piscataqua in Maine, as there were a number of bap- tists in that place at this time, and it also appears that this part of Jersey was written New Piscataqua in * The early records of this church and of that at Middle- town present the names of the male members only. { 135 ) their town book. The records of the church w^.. ; destroyed during the revolutionary war. The next in order is. the church of Cohansey, form- ed in 1690, in part, of the company of Irish Baptists before mentioned. The church at Tiperary, Ireland, was, when Mr. Benedict wrote, still extant and known by the name of Cloughketin. The churches in this state were for about a hundred years connected with the Philadelphia association. When the one at New York was formed, those near that city united with it. In 1811 the New Jersey association wa3 organized and snore recently the Central and Sussex, composed altogether of churches in the state. Others however are connected with the Central Union, Pa. and the New York, Hudson river, and Warwick, N. Y. In 1792 the number of churches in the state was twenty-three, in 1813 thirty-six churches, with two thousand eight hundred and sixty-three members, and in 1832 there were sixty-one churches, and three thou- sand nine hundred and eighty-one members. It af- fords us pleasure to say that, the brethren in this little state are generally engaged heartily and efficiently in the cause of Missions, Education, &c. PENNSYLVANIA. The first Baptist Church formed in this Common- wealth was at Cold Spring, Bucks County, between ( 136 ) Bristol and Trenton, in 1684, by Thomas Dungan, on- ly three years after William Penn obtained his char- ter from Charles II. It was however broken up in 1702. The oldest church now in existence is the Penne- pek, or Lower Dublin, situated about ten miles from Philadelphia. It was organized in 1688 with twelve members. Soon after the few Baptists in this pro- vince and West Jersey united with them. They were all one church w r ith Pennepek the centre of union, where as far as practicable they all met to celebrate the Lord's supper, though for the sake of distant members the ordinance was administered quarterly at Burlington, Cohansey, Chester and Philadelphia. This practice was continued for several years, or un- til the brethren in these places had gained sufficient strength to establish distinct churches. This church like all others has at different times experienced sore trials and some divisions, though its general course has been prosperous. Its first minister was Mr. Elias Keach, son of the famous Benjamin Keach of London. He came to this country about the year 1686, a wild youth, dressing in black and wearing a band in order to pass for a minister. Many resorted to hear the young London Divine. He succeeded very well until he had ad- vanced considerably in his sermon, when he sudden- ly stopped. The audience supposed he had been seized with some disorder, but on inquiry received from him a trembling confession of the imposture. His ( 137 ) distress was pungent but ended happily, for from tnis period he dated his conversion* He repaired to Mr* Dungan and was baptized : he then came to Pennepek in 1687 a-nd settled the church. He travelled consi- derably in Pennsylvania and Jersey, preaching with acceptance and much success, and may be considered the Chief Apostle of the Baptists in those parts. In 1692 he went with his family to England and be- came a famous and successful minister in London. The church has enjoyed a succession of able min- isters, a large proportion of whom were from Wales. Their last regular pastor was David Jones, an estima- ble man, whose departure is still sensibly felt by the church. Since his death the church has been supplied by various ministers, and at present by Nathan Stetson, a young brother, recently ordained in the Great Valley. He was brought to, the knowledge of the truth whilst engaged in the study of the law in West Chester, during a gracious season enjoyed there in November, 1833. The first church of Philadelphia is, Mr. Benedict says>"in reality as old as Pennepek and its history will lead us almost to the founding of the city." In 1686, one John Holmes, a Baptist, settled in the neigh* borhood and being a man of property and learning he became a magistrate, in which capacity he was favor- ed with a singular opportunity of carrying out the principles of religious liberty held by the Baptists.* * See the particulars in the account of the Keithian Baptists. ( 138 ) By the year 1698 the number amounted to but nine, who coalesced into a church for the communion of saints. From that period until 1746, they increased by emigration and the occasional labors of several ministers to the number of fifty-six. In consequence of a question agitated by the brethren which was " whether Philadelphia was not a branch of Penne- pek, and whether the latter had not a right to part of the legacies bestowed on the former," the brethren for fear the design of their benefactors should be frustrat- ed were formally constituted on the 15th May, 1746. The place where they first met was at a house in Barbadoes lot at the corner of Chesnut and Second streets. In this house (which had been occupied by the Barbadoes company as a store house) the Baptists and Presbyterians met whenever a minister was in town, for neither had any stated pastor; but when Jedediah Andrews came to the latter, the Baptists were in a manner driven away. The brethren re- monstrated with the Presbyterians for this unkind conduct, but in vain. They next held their meetings at a place R nearthe drawbridge, known by the name of Anthony Morris' brew house where they continued to meet until March 1707, when by the invitation of the Keithians they removed to their place of worship in Second street where they still meet. The Keithian house of worship was a small frame building erected in 1692, which the Baptists took down in 1713 and on the same spot raised a neat brick building forty- two feet by thirty. In 1763 this was taken down and { 1S9 ) another, sixty-one by forty-two feet in dimensions? erected in its stead, which in 1808 was enlarged to sixty-one by seventy-five feet, It has very recently un- dergone a thorough alteration in the interior so as to comport with modern architecture, and also with con- venience. The ministers which this church has had since 1746 may be named here ; Jenkin Jones, Ebenezer Kin- nersley,* Morgan Edwards, William Rogers, Thomas Ustick, William Staughton, Henry Holcombe, and William T. Brantly their present pastor. This church possesses very ample endowments, received by legacy from different individuals. It has sent out various branches through the city, and many of its members by removal to other places have built up the Baptist cause in the state and elsewhere. The number of members in 1818 was four hundred and live, in 1832, five hundred and fifty-two, and in 1834 3 six hundred and thirty-five. In 1824 soon after the death of Mr. Holcombe a division took place in this church and a number with- drew and worshipped together under the name of the First Baptist church of Philadelphia They were formally excluded by the majority and the subject be- came one of painful agitation which resulted ia law * In 1754 he was appointed a Professor in the College of Philadelphia. He was a companion of Dr. Franklin in philosophical researches. He declined the office of the ministry before, but continued a firm Baptist until his death, although it has been asserted that he joined th$ Episcopal church. . ( 140 ) .Suits and their usual concomitants. Both parties obtained charters under the title of First Baptist church and continued their hostilities until recently when matters were so adjusted that it is hoped all hard feelings will soon cease to exist. The seceding brethren purchased a lot in Spruce near Fifth street on which they erected a commodious and convenient house. They were received into the Philadelphia association as the First Baptist church, though called in their last minutes the Spruce street. They have enjoyed considerable prosperity since the completion of their house their number being in 1832, one hun- dred and eighty-two, and in 1835, one hundred and ninety-six. For some time previous to the last men- tioned date they were destitute of a pastor. Rufus Babcock, formerly President of Waterville College, has recently taken charge of the church. The second church (Northern Liberties) was con- stituted in 1803 out of twenty members from the church in Second street. Its first minister was Wil- liam White, who by his conduct gave the church much trouble. They afterwards enjoyed the labors of James M'Laughlin, and now have for their pastor Thomas J. Kitts. They numbered in 1835, four hundred and lorty-seven members. The third church, (Southwark,) was constituted of thirty members mostly from the First, in August, 1809. John P. Peck worth one of the constituents was their first pastor, next to him was William E* JUhton, who by a mysterious Providence has bees ( HI ) recently disabled from performing ministerial duties. Philander D. Gillett is now their pastor. Number in 1835, two hundred and sixty-three. The Sansom street church also originated from the ancient community in Second street. The constitu- ents were ninety-one, and were recognized as a dis- tinct church in January, 1811. Dr. Staughton be- came their Pastor soon after, and under his eloquent ministry the church enjoyed a large share of prosperi- ty, marred, however by a cumbrous debt incurred in the erection of a spacious and elegant house. After him was John L. Dagg who continued in the pastoral charge until within a little more than a year past when physical inability obliged him to resign, much to the grief of his devoted brethren and a very large portion of the Baptist community. The present number of the church is nearly five hundred; Abra- ham D. Gillett is their pastor. The New Market street church after several pain- ful vicissitudes occasioned by the conduct of its min- isters, has latterly enjoyed great prosperity under the ministry of Joseph H. Kennard, and numbers at pre- sent nearly six hundred members. To these churches we add the names of the Cen- tral, North 7th street, Mariners, and Moyamensing. There are besides' two African churches in the city. In the neighborhood of the city are the following ancient churches ; Great Valley, Brandy wine, Mont- gomery, Southampton, Vincent, New Britain, Hill- town, Marcus Hook and Roxborough. Some of these ( 142 ) churches have been prosperous and efficient, especi- ally the first, under the charge of Leonard Fletcher, who has baptized several hundreds, and the Vincent 5 under the pastoral care of the yenerable Charles Moore, who in his declining years has been permitted to lead many into the baptismal stream, and to see a new vine planted within four miles, called Windsor, con- stituted in 1833 and now consisting of about one hundred and fifty members under the care of Josiah Philips. In other parts of the state are some churches which have existed a number of years, the oldest of which is at Uniontown, organized in 1770 under the min- istry of John Sutton, and then called jGreat Bethel. William Brownfield is its present pastor. George's Creek church is Fayette County was con- stituted in 1790, and is the largest church in Western Pennsylvania, numbering nearly if not quite three hundred members, at present under the ministry of B. Allen. The venerable John Patton their former pastor, I believe is still living among them. We can but name the churches of Beulah, Shamo- kin, Chemung, Forks of Yough, Loyalhanna, Turkey Foot, and Merrittstown all constituted before the year 1800. From this date the churches increased slowly until within about five years since, when a stronger impulse was given to the Baptist cause in the state, so that we safely assert that there have been more churches raised up and more persons baptized in that time than had been during at least the prece* ( m ) ding ten years. Should the materials come to hand in time, a list of the churches in the state with their respective numbers will be inserted in this volume. As we have already seen, the Philadelphia assoeia» lion is the oldest in America, being organized in 1707. It has been all along an efficient body. In former times "its ministers were sent for, and travelled to assist in regulating churches in trouble, in the lower parts of Virginia and even to the Carolinas. Its in- fluence was exerted with good effect among the turbu* lent churchmen of Virginia, and also among the fleec- ing Pedo baptists of New England." In it originated the design for the Rhode Island College, and by it have been projected many other plans for the welfare of the Baptist interest in America." The Redstone association was formed in 1776, the Chemung in 1796. There are also the Beaver, Abing- ton, Northumberland, Susquehanna, Bridgewater, French Creek and Juniata, which all existed prior to the year 1830. In 1831, the Centre association was formed with three churches who ceceded from the Juniata, on account of its opposition to Missionary and other efforts. It was found that nearly all the additions made to the churches in the Juniata associa- tion were made to those three churches, and they have since been much enlarged. The association has since had an accession of seven Churches ; three of these had also been connected with the old body, which we fear is withering away, having at its last meeting for some reason resolved to print no minutes. ( 144 ) The Central Union association was formed in Phil- adelphia in July, 1832. Its proposed object is to pro- mote the cause of true religion within its several churches, by domestic missions, the education of pious young men for the ministry, aiding weak churches tc support their ministers, and by other benevolent plans. It also proposes to extend its regard to all the benev- olent objects of Christians. The meetings of the body are intended to be devotional and are designed to promote the interests of the ehurches with which they may be held. Two associations have since been formed after this model, the Sussex, New Jersey, and the Salem Union, Virginia. The Monongahela association was formed in Sep* tember 1832. It originated out of the Redstone, under circumstances somewhat similar to those which gave rise to the Centre. This body contains some efficient ministers and other members, and it is hoped will aid the Baptist interest in that region very essentially. In a word the Baptists of Pennsylvania appear to be moving, and we entertain a hope that their inter- ests will speedily rise, so that every county will have churches planted in it. The Baptists in the state numbered in 1812, sixty-two churches and a little over four thousand members, in 1832, thirteen asso- ciations, one hundred and seventy-five churches, and over eleven thousand communicants. There were no doubt as many baptized in the years 1832-3-4, as all the churches contained in 1812* ( 145 ) DELAWARE «, This state is small, containing but three counties 5 New Castle, Kent and Sussex. la the first of these there was a Baptist Society as early as 1703. It was called the Welsh Tract Church, from a large tract of land of the same name surrounding the meeting-house. The church had its beginning in Wales, where it was constituted in 1701, and maybe styled a " church emigrant. 5 ' The brethren upon their arrival at Phil- adelphia went to Pennepek where they remained about one year and a half, their church increasing in that period from sixteen to th They then took up land from Messrs. I and Willis^ (who had purchased it of William Penn to the amount of thirty thousand acres) in New Caslle county, and removed thither in 1703 and built a place of worship. In removing to this place they left some of the bre- thren who had come from V/aie's at Pennepek, and took with them some of the Pennepek members. This occasioned some diffic u U; -among them, as they were not agreed respecting the laying on of hands and some other particulars. The difficulty was ad- justed finally to the satisfaction of the r gi iai mem- bers, who appear to have be* >uslj in favor of the sentiments occasioning the dispute* if { 146 } This church was supplied by great and good mefa of Welsh extraction for about seventy years. Their names wereJThomas Griffith, Elisha Thomas, Enoch Morgan, Owen Thomas and David Davis. After these were John Sutton, John Boggs, Gideon Ferrell, S. Woolford, Samuel Trott and Mr. Robinson their pre- sent pastor. Duck Creek, or Brynsion (Mount Sion,) was con- stituted in November 1781, with thirty members. In 1785 the church at Wilmington was formed. It seems to owe its existence in a great measure to Mr. Thomas Ainger who settled in the place in the spring of 1783. He was himself a Presbyterian, and his wife a Baptist. He constantly maintained family worship without any apparent good effect, until one Lord's day evening when he felt a strong impulse to comment upon a portion of scripture, (20 Rev. parti- cularly the 12 v.) which he did to the evident awak- ening of some of his family. In May, 1784, he became a Baptist, in 1786 commenced preaching, and in 1788 was ordained pastor of the church, in which office he continued until his death which was in 1797. After this event the church remained in a measure destitute for about five years when Daniel Dodge (now at New- ark N. J.) was settled as pastor. Under his ministry the church prospered, and considerably over a hundred persons had been baptized by him in 1813. The church has been for several years, and is now, sup- plied by John P. Peckworth. In August of last year a new church was formed with thirteen members wto ( 147 ) were dismissed for the purpose from the old church. The Baptist interest in this state has been for some time upon the decline, and as the writer-supposes, in consequence of their hostility to the efforts made by their brethren in other places. In 1812 there were six churches associated, and four hundred and eighty members, in 1832 six churches, and only three hun- dred and twenty-eight members. MARYLAND. This state, as before mentioned, was settled first by Roman Catholics who gave toleration to all religious sects. About the year 1709 one Henry Sator a Bap- tist, who came from England settled in the northern part of the state near Chesnut Ridge. By his invita- tion, Baptist ministers occasionally preached at his house, and through their labors a church was constitut- ed of fifty-seven members in 1742./ This was a General Baptist church, out of which grew the first of Particular Baptists called originally Winter Run, now Harford, and constituted in 1754. This church has been the mother of a number of others, among which are First Baltimore, Taneytown, Gunpowder and Sators. About 1770 Richard Major, and William and Dan- iel Fristoe of Virginia, began to preach in the South West borders of the state with considerable success. ( 148 ) Many were baptized, who united with the churches in Virginia belonging to the Ketocton association. The first church in Baltimore was constituted in 1785 with eleven members, among whom was Lewis Richards who became its pastor and continued in that office a number of years. Successor to him was Edmund J. Reis. He was succeeded by John Fin- lay a man of popular talents but whose views of doc- trine have become erroneous. The church has since the removal of Mr. Finlay been prosperous. Pro- tracted meetings have been held and a number have been added to the church, at present under the charge of S. P. Hill. The second church of Baltimore is of an origin somewhat singular. " In 1794 three families of us, viz: John Healey and wife, Matthew Hulseand wife, and William Lynes and wife all members of the Bap- tist church in Leicester, England, which was called the New Connection, determined to emigrate to the United States and to remain together as a religious community." They arrived in Baltimore in the spring of 1795 and were kindly treated by Dr. Bend of the Episcopal church, who gave them the use of a house to meet in for three weeks in a month rent free. They began to travel in church capacity in June 1797 and in that year built a brick meeting-house twenty-seven by forty feet. This house was sold in 1811, and their present house at Fell's Point was erected, which is forty feet by fifty. The substance of this account ( 149) is taken from a letter from Mr. Healey, (the paste? Qfthe church,) to I. M. AUen ? in 1832. The Ebenezer church was formed in 1821 of twen- ty-seven persons who left the First Church on account of the alleged departure of Mr. Finlay from the truth, The church being unable to pay the debt incurred in the erection of their meeting-house were obliged to suffer its sale. It has been purchased by two brethren by the name of Crane, merchants of Richmond, Virgi- ma, one of whom has removed to Baltimore for the pur- pose of supporting an interest which will engage in the benevolent efforts of the day. Success has already measurably attended the laudable act of those brethren* There are two associations in this state; the Balti- more and Salisbury, the first constituted in 1792 and the latter in 1782. In 1812 there were in these bodies twenty-three churches, and over one thousand two hundred communicants, in 1832, thirty-four churches r sad her branches far and wide, so that it beeaih mother, grandmother and great grandmother to fc vo churches from which sprang one hundred and -five ministers." It became ( 158 ) however much reduced by dispersions occasioned bf grievances and oppression. The church at Little River was no less remarkable. It was constituted in 1760, and in three years had increased from five to five hundred, and built five meeting-houses, but was also reduced by the dispersion of the inhabitants. These churches were of the Separate Baptist order. The Baptists in this state have never suffered much by persecution, though there were some attempts made to harass them. About 1768, when the brethren in Virginia were suffering so severely, a number were apprehended belonging to the Kehukee association, and about seventy were accused of heresy, blasphemy and riots, and brought before the Court. In the course of the trial the complaints proved to be ill founded, so that the Court appeared ashamed, (as well they might be,) of the prosecution, and the violence of their per- secutors returned upon themselves. This state contained in 1812, eleven associations, about one hundred and eighty churches, and upwards of twelve thousand communicants, and in 1832, there were nineteen associations, three hundred and thirty- two churches, and nineteen thousand communicants* SOUTH CAROLINA. The first settlement of Baptists was in 1683. There have always been a number of eminent persons em- braced in the denomination in this state, though it in- ( 159 ) creased slowly for a considerable time, so that when the Charleston association was formed in 1751, there were but four churches to compose it. Soon after this, Baptist sentiments began to spread and prevail; the Separates from North Carolina began a successful career, and in 1772 there were twenty churches, and about eleven hundred communicants, with upwards of forty meeting-houses. Of the early settlers a considerable portion were Baptists, who camejn separate colonies, from England and the District of Maine. Those from England carne with Lord Cardross and a Mr. Blake, whose wife and her mother, Lady Axtell, were Baptist members, and settled some about Ashley and Cooper Rivers, and some about the mouth of the Edisto. Those from Maine were led by William Screven, a minister who with many of his brethren fled from the persecutions of the New England Pedo baptists and settled on Cooper river near where Charleston now stands, and into which most of them soon removed and formed the Charleston church. This church occupies a pro- minent place among the southern churches and con- tained in 1832, one thousand one hundred and four members. The Ashley River and Ewhaw churches were branches of the Charleston. The first was constituted in 1736, but became extinct during the revolutionary war. The latter had its foundation laid in 1683, but was constituted a distinct church in 1745. In 1832 their number was eight hundred and thirty-two. ( 160 ) The Welsh Neck church was formed of brethren from the Welsh Tract church, in January 1738, and has enjoyed good preaching and some prosperity. It numbered in 1832, three hundred and seventy -four. The Charleston association was organized in 1752, and in 1755 entered into missionary operations. The valuable services of Mr. John Gano were obtained, and his ministrations were crowned with remarkable success. The subject of education began also at the same time to engage their attention, and a beginning was made to obtain the necessary funds. We need only say that this body has been blessed in its deeds. The history of other churches and associations in this state would be interesting to the reader, as it evinees the zeal and success of the brethren compos- ing them and teaches .the propriety of despising not the day of small things. Upon a review of the whole, it appears that, for more than one hundred and thirty years the Baptists have held a respectable standing in South Carolina, and have rapidly increased within at least the half of that period. The great increase had been, when Mr. Benedict wrote, in those parts of the state which were formerly immoral and irreligious to a proverb. In 1806, there were in the state about one hundred and thirty churches, and upwards of ten thousand communicants, and in 1832, two hundred and seven- ty-three churches, and twenty-eight thousand four hundred and ninety-six members, more than seven ( 161 ) thousand having been baptized within the associa- tional year. Though the Baptists never suffered much persecu- tion in a legal form in this state, yet a number of ministers and others have individually suffered from the improper interference of the magistrates, and un- authorized and bigoted persons. GEORGIA. Although among the first settlers of this state in 1783 were a few Baptists, yet their interest was very small for forty years afterwards. In 1772 there were but four churches, not large and but newly formed. A little before this period the zealous Separates em- igrated hither and great success attended their labors, so that many churches soon after sprang up, and the Baptist cause had in many instances a rapid preva- lence. The oldest church in Georgia is that on Kioka, creek, about eighteen miles above Augusta. It was gathered by Daniel Marshall (of whom mention has been already made,) and organized in 1772. It has been an important establishment; the nursery of sev- eral useful ministers and the mother of many churches. The founder of the the church was remarkable for encouraging ministerial gifts and often said, "I would o2 (162) that all the Lord's servants were prophets. " During the war many of the Baptists among others, fled, but Mr. Marshall maintained his post and with few ex- ceptions held meetings regularly. This church has experienced some precious seasons of revival. In 1787, about one hundred were baptized by Abraham Marshall, the worthy son and successor of DanieL The next remarkable ingathering was in 1802, in the time of the great revival which prevailed in many parts of the state. Two or three camp meetings were from necessity held in the neighborhood, in which some of the most affecting scenes of joy and sorrow, of depression and transport were witnessed. Mr. Mar- shall baptized at this time about one hundred more. The first association formed in this state is called the Georgia, and was organized in 1784. It has abounded with ministers who were either nurtured within its bounds, or received from other parts. It increased very fast for a number of years, containing m 1786, ten churches, and in 1790, thirty-four church- es, and two thousand eight hundred and seventy-sev- en members. In 1796, eighteen churches w r ere dis- missed to form the Hephzibah, in two years after seven more, which united under the name of the Sarepta, and in 1810, another detachment of twenty, to form the Oakmulgee association. These associa- tions increased and divided also like their parent, though she seemed still to grow and thrive, contain- ing in 1832, fifty churches and seven thousand one hundred and sixty two members. (163) In looking over this state it appears that the Lord has prospered the Baptist interest in it to a great ex- tent. The church of England was established before the war, but dissenters have enjoyed liberty, and Mr* Benedict says, " I do not find that any Baptist was ever molested in a legal way for preaching the gos- pel, excepting Daniel Marshall and he was soon dis- charged." The great increase of Baptists has been occasioned mostly by the extensive revivals of religion which have been experienced in almost every part of the state. In addition to the two already mentioned there were precious seasons enjoyed in the years 1809 and 1812, in the last of which there were three thousand eight hundred added to four associations. Georgia contains more of our denomination toge- ther with its adherents than of any other, and more than any of the Southern States excepting Virginia. Virginia contains the largest association, Dover; Georgia the largest church in the United States, the first African, Savannah, containing in 1832, twenty- seven hundred and ninety-five members. In 1812 the state contained five associations, one hundred and seventy-one churches, and upwards of sixteen thou- sand communicants; in 1832 these had increased to eighteen associations, five hundred and nine churches, and over thirty-eight thousand members. ( 16* ) TENNESSEE. The first settlements in this state, were made on the Holston river and its waters in East Tennessee, and here were the first Baptist churches established. It is supposed that two churches were gathered here before the Indian war of 1774, and by that broken up, but no precise information exists concerning them. The beginning of the churches which had a perma- nent standing was in 1780, when several ministers from Virginia and one from North Carolina removed into the Holston country while it was a wilderness and exposed to the depredations of the Indians. They were accompanied by a number of brethren, and soon fol- lowed by a number of other ministers and brethren, among which were some who had left home in the capacity of a church. This is now called Buffaloe Ridge church. In 1781, five or six churches had been established, which met together in conference twice in a year: this conference was soon organized into a temporary association placed unden the patronage and direction of the Sandy Creek association in North Carolina. In 1786, the churches were erected a distinct body called the Holston association, containing then seven church- es. In 1802, a division of the body took place for the formation of the Tennessee association. The settlements in West Tennessee were not made ( 165 ) till Hhose of the Eastern part had become large and flourishing. Tne first gathered in it was at Sulphur Fork in 1786, but it was not till 1790, that the denom- ination began to flourish. In 1796, five churches were embodied in an association called Mero District, which has become the 9 mother of some others, but which was dissolved or nearly so in a singular man- ner. Some difficulty occurred in the association with a minister by name of Dorris, against whom charges of a criminal kind were made but could not be fully sub- stantiated. The majority wfculd have been glad to dismiss him and his church, but he seemed a3 deter- mined to maintain his seat, the association therefore in 1803, resorted to the singular expedient of dissolv- ing their body and forming a new one into which they would not receive him. The new association thus formed was called Cumberland. Three churches besides the one to which Dorris belonged, continued to meat under the former name, but Mr. Benedict says, it never prospered or increased, and the name I dp not find at all in Allen's Register for 1833. Tennessee has shared largely in revivals, and the Baptist interest has been considerably promoted and enlarged, and though there are many now opposed, yet the churches are taking a more decided stand in favor of religious effort. A more enlightened and efficient ministry is beginning to be enjoyed, and the efforts of the A. B. Home Mission Society are sensibly felt, so that the hope may be entertained that tbe denomination will flourish extensively. ( 166 ) The number of churches in 1811 was upwards of one hundred and fifty, and the communicants nearly twelve thousand. In 1832 there were twenty asso- ciations, four hundred and thirteen churches, and more than twentv thousand members. KENTUCKY. About the year 1799* some Baptist ministers visited Kentucky, among them John Taylor, and Lewis Luns- ford, called the wonderful boy. They found a few brethren scattered through the settlements, to whom they preached. About 1781, some preachers and many members began to settle in the State, so that as early as 1785, three associations were organized. In some instances the baptist emigrants were formed into churches previous to their leaving Virginia, and while on the way through a dreary country and ex- posed to the assaults of the Indians, might be, " like the children of Israel, styled the chureh in the wilder- ness." By rapid emigration Kentucky soon abound- ed with Baptists. The Elkhorn association wa3 formed in 1785, and for a considerable length of time enjoyed a large amount of prosperity, receiving at the annual meeting in 1801, an addition of more than three thousand mem- bers. From it have gone out many other associations. But it has since experienced severe trials, one in ( 167 ) 1802, in the case of a minister by name of Easton, and James Gerrard a member of the same church, and at that time Governor of the State, who began to dis- close some speculations of an Arian or Socinian cast., and another about two years after, by the introduc- tion of the subject of slavery, and subsequently b^uj by personal disagreement, and still more recevitH' jf^> Campbellism. It is now however a respectable body. In 1832 it contained twenty churches, with three thousand four hundred and twenty-seven members. This notice of the Elkhorn association may suffice as a specimen of the history of most others in the state, all having been subjected to similar vicissitudes. Some account of the great revival in Kentucky will be given in the chapter devoted to the subject. In 1812 according to Mr. Benedict and the state- ment of another, the sum total of the denomination in Kentucky was, thirteen associations, two hundred and sixty-three churches, and between seventeen thousand and twenty thousand members. By Allen's Register, there were in 1832, thirty-four associations, four hundred and eighty-four churches, with thirty-four thousand one hundred and twenty-four communi- cants. OHIO. Some ot the first settlers here were Baptists, and the interests of the denomination have considerably ( 168 ) prevailed. The oldest church in the State was formed in 1790, with five members, by the] late Stephen Gano. It was originally called Columbia, now Duck Creek, containing in 1832, one hundred and eleven * members. It has enjoyed several revivals and has g? -tout a number of ministers. * 'rht^-st association called the Miami, was formed in 1797, of only four churches in which were proba- bly not more than one hundred members. Its cir- cumstances have been generally prosperous. From it was formed the White Water in Indiana, and the East Fork of Little Miama in Ohio, which two bodies numbered in 1832, forty-seven churches. The old body in 1832, comprised twenty. six churches and twelve hundred and forty-five members. The brethren in Ohio are now to a considerable and increasing extent engaged in forwarding the benevo- lent plans of Christian operation, under the. judicious direction of several enterprising ministers and other brethren. The whole number of members in 1809, was about twenty-five hundred, since which they have increased considerably. In 1832 the sum total was twenty-one associations, two hundred and eighty churches, and ten thousand four hundred and ninety- three communicants. INDIANA. In this State the Baptists are numerous and ca* pable of accomplishing much if they were properly ( 169 ) excited to religious effort, which some recent move- ments indicate will be the case ere long. Tho churches have been seriously disturbed by the senti- ments of the self styled Reformer, A. Campbell, and also by the influence of Daniel Parker. Mr. P. has written several philippics against missions &c. and published two pamphlets on what he calls the " two seeds," in which he maintains that there is an Eter- nal and self subsistent devil— that the non elect never fell in Adam and did not proceed from him, but were begotten by the Devil, Eve being their mother but Adam not their father, that there is no repentance nor provision of salvation for them &c. &c. Both these men have been industrious in propagating their sentiments and have succeeded in drawing maay away after them, but it is believed that their influ- ence is on the decline. Several of the associations and many of the church- es are decidedly hostile to mission and other socie- ties, but some feel and act for the glory of God and the enlargement of Zion, and a redeeming spirit be- gins to prevail in the state which will undoubtedly slace the Baptists of Indiana on the eminence to phieh their numbers &c. entitle them. From im- perfect returns furnished in 1832 we learn that there were twenty-one associations, two hundred and nine- ty-nine churches, and upwards of eleven thousand members. p ( 170 ) ILLINOIS. The first Protestant preacher who ever visited Il- linois was a Baptist preacher by name of James Smith from Kentucky, in 1788. The first Protestant •hurch was a Baptist church at New Design, the field of Mr. Smith's labors, in 1796. In this State the Baptists are not so numerous as in Indian?; though in other respects they are similar. They arc. becoming we trust, moulded into a closer resemblance to the primitive saints in their zeal for the Lord of Hosts. The State is beginning to enjoy the labours of more such men as J. M. Peck, the Home Mission society is aiding them to a good de- gree, and the old leaven of Antinomianism &c, hav- ing produced so bad a fermentation is discovered, to be condemned. Their infant yet rising institutions, will be noticed in the proper place. The sum total of the denomination in the State so far as could be ascertained in 1332, was sixteen asso- ciations, one hundred and sixty-one churches, and four thousand six hundred and twenty-two members. Tt is evident from this statement that the churches are small, averaging but about thirty members, yet they are scattered throughout the whole State, which containing forty-eight counties, would give to each county more than three churches. If the churches be ( 171 ) thus divided, circumstances are afforded for the indul- gence of a pleasing vision of the future, when the churches will arise and shake themselves from the dust, and the converts be multiplied. 21IS80UEX. Mr. Peck in the Pioneer says, that "as early as 1796 and '97, a number of Baptist families emigrated from North and South Carolina and Kentucky, to Upper Louisiana, now Missouri, and lived for several years under the Spanish government." " These all lived without church privileges for se- veral years. Thomas R. Musick now living, the late pious John Clark, a preacher by the name of Brown, and perhaps others, sought out these scatter od sheep in the wilderness, visited and preached to tirem by stealth, and were frequently threatened with the calaboza (the Spanish prison) but through the lenity of the commandants were permitted to escape. Their little meetings were quite refreshing to these pil- grims, surrounded as they were by the laws and rites of Romanism. Thomas R. Musick removed his fa- mily and settled in this country in 1808, being the first Protestant minister that settled in the country. Thus the Baptists were the pioneers, and have an undoubted ' preemption right' to Missouri. A church ( 172 ) was not formed until 1805, which still exists in Su Louis county, and has a large brick meeting house." There are some energetic associations and churches in thisgrowing state. The Franklin association, will not receive any church that is opposed to systematic efforts for the enlargement of the Redeemer's king- dom. In this new body composed often small churches, there were eighty-two baptized in 1832. The Clark's River association is opposed to benevolent operations, such as mission Societies, Sunday School Unions &c. It comprises seven churches, and received by baptism two in the same year. Other instances might be given of the practical effects of these opposite prin- ciples. The sum total of the denomination is given in Al- len's Register at thirteen associations, one hundred and forty-six churches and four thousand nine hun- dred and seventy-twocommunicants, which falls short of the real number, as but few of the minutes for 1832 were received* ALABAMA. Respecting the time of the first establishment of Baptist churches here, we are not informed. In look- ing at the minutes of two associations for 1832, we find the earliest date to be 1818, in which year sever- al were constituted. Most of the churches are small* (173 ) the largest in 1832, containing one hundred and six- ty-three members. The average for the state is less than forty-six. But the little ones will become thou- sands, because many of the brethren in Alabama are working men, and their labor cannot be in vain. In 1832, there were in the state thirteen associa- tions, two hundred and fifty churches and eleven thousand four hundred and forty. five members. MISSISSIPPI. An association was formed called the Mississippi, about 1807, of churches composed of persons who had emigrated mostly from Georgia and South Caro- lina. In 1832, there were eighty-four churches in the state, comprised in four associations, with three thousand two hundred members. LOUISIANA* Protestants in this state are not, comparatively nu- merous, but increased exertions are now in operation for the enlargement of their interests. The Baptists are doing something in the enterprise, and share par- tially in the success. The churches, are generally small, the largest being that at Feliciana, of which we present the following statement. * c This church s-2 ( 174 ) was gathered by J. A. Ronaldson, its present pastor* He was educated a Presbyterian, and was a member of a Pedo baptist ghurch ; but from strong convictions of the truth, he embraced the sentiments of believers baptism, and joined the Baptist church, contrary to views of worldly interest, and the wishes of his best friends. He arrived in New Orleans in December 1816, where he labored seven months with encour- aging prospects, but for want of funds retreated to the next important station, on the east bank of the Mis- sissippi, where in 1817, he constituted the Feliciana Baptist church, with eight members. It contained in 1832, two hundred and twelve members, and was then the largest Protestant church in the State. There is one association composed wholly of churches in this state, twelve in number, with three hundred and forty-five members^ the remaining four churches with three hundred and eighty-three mem- bers, belong to the Mississippi association. This was the statement furnished in 1832; since then stations have been occupied in New Orleans and other places. ARKANSAS. No information can here be given of the rise of Baptists in this region, it was no doubt by emigration from older settlements. The Little Rock association contained in 1828, eight churches and eighty-eight I ( 175 ) members. The Spring River in 1831, nine churches and ninety-three members. For these seventeen churches there were but seven ministers. Through the efforts of the Home Mission Society, it is hoped the destitution will be supplied and the wilderness soon flourish. MICHIGAN. The first church in this territory appears to be the Pontiac, constituted in 1822. Since then up to 1832, there were sixteen more formed, making in all seven- teen churches, and seven hundred and eleven mem- bers, composing one association, called the Michigan The Baptist interest is in rather flourishing circum- stances. The church in Detroit is beginning to ex- ert a favorable influence there, and the support ren- dered the churches in the country by the Home Mis- sion Society, together with the emigration of brethren from other states, can but inspire the hopes of Zion's continued enlargement. CANADA. An association was formed here in 1804 of only three small churches, which had been built up chiefly by missionaries from the states of Vermont and New ( 176) York. In 1832 there were four associations, thirty- seven churches and about two thousand members. During the last year (1835) extensive revivals were enjoyed in some of the churches, in which the prin- ciples of the Baptists, commended themselves to many who had been educated in opposition to them. This statement refers to Upper, the interest in Lower Can- ada is more feeble.* Having thus glanced at the Baptists in this widely extended country, so far as known by that name they are associated together, we cannot perhaps, do better than present a summary view of other societies called Baptist, but holding sentiments diverse from those of the Regular Baptists. CHAPTER VI. CHURCHES WHICH HOLD TO WEEKLY COMMUNION. The old church at Sandy Creek, North Carolina, for some years practiced weekly communion, but has re- linquished it. Some years ago, a number of ministers came from Scotland as Independents, who after travelling a short * From the Report of the A. B. Home Mission Society, we learn that in Upper Canada, there are sixty churches and in Lower, an association has been formed of eight churches and seven ministers. Revivals have been enjoy- ed, and prospeets are cheering. ( n* ) time through the United States, were led to embrace 1 Baptist sentiments. About 1809, four of these min- isters were baptized, and about the same time sever- al other Pedo baptist preachers were immersed. But as the Scotch Independents had generally practiced week- ly communion, these new converts to believers baptism were tenacious on that point. Some small churches were gathered in different places, of which we can give no very particular information. None it is be- lieved, are associated with us excepting the church in New York, under the charge of Mr. Maclay, whose successful and commendable course has been noticed. In fact, the doctrinal sentiments of these persons are different, and in the order of their churches there has been no uniformity, nor do they seem to have main- tained much fellowship with each other. Perhaps here may be a suitable place to assign the Campbellites, if our good brother Maclay will allow it. We would gladly assign to him their supervision. A little com- munity of these pleaders for the " ancient order of things," exists in Philadelphia, and hold their meet- ings in Bank Street, the former session room of ths First Presbyterian church. FREE WILL BAPTISTS. Though from the beginning of Baptists in this country, there have been some who dissented from ( "8 ) their views of the doctrines of grace, no considerable party was formed until abGUi. 1780, when one was founded by Benjamin Randal, of New Hampshire. A number fell in with his views, and broke off from the other churches. They are now found in many parts cf the United States. Their distinguishing tenets, will be known from their name. Their numbers were estimated by Mr. Benedict at one hundred and fifty churches, and ten thousand members. In October 1832, their sixth General Conference met at Meredith, New Hampshire, when reports were presented ma- king their sum total, eight yearly meetings, thirty-six quarterly meetings, five hundred and forty-six church- es, and twenty-five thousand two hundred and seventy- six members. With this people may be associated, those calling themselves Christians, who have a number of churches, in some of the Western States. They are, however, said to be Socinians or Arians, and they are no doubt one or the other, or perhaps there are some of both. Their strength is not particularly known. It is per- haps on the decline, in consequence of the more re= cent speculations of Alexander CampbelL SEVENTH DAY BAPTISTS. This sect differs in nothing particularly from the "Bap- tists," but in their views of the Sabbath, holding that ( 179) the ten commandments are still binding upon Chris- tians, and of course that the Seventh day of the week, and not the First, should be observed as the Christian Sabbath. They admit that the early christians paid respect to the first day of the week on account of the resurrection, yet contend that they then, and in after ages, observed the ancient Sabbath, and that the practice of observing two days was continued to the time of Constantine, when by an imperial law, the First was established in preference to the Seventh day. Their sentiments seem to have been maintained by some as early at least, as the twelfth century. Fran- cis Davidis as we have seen in the history of Tran- sylvania, was of this denomination. There have been persons of these sentiments in England for a considerable period, among them the fa- mily of the Stennett's for three generations. Edward Stennett is the first of the family of whom we have any information. In the time of the civil wars he took the side of the Parliament. When he left the established church and united with the Baptists, he fell under the oppression of the ruling party, and be- ing deprived of the means of subsistence, studied and practised medicine. Joseph, his son, became an emi- nent minister, whose learning and abilities were very great, and who rendered essential service to the Bap- list cause. His son Joseph, D. D., retained his opin- ions of the Seventh day, but became pastor of a church of anothfc belief. The fourth in descent was the late Samuel Stennett, D. D. (author of several hymns in ( 180) e>ar collections) of London ; and the fifth, Joseph Stennett, of Oxfordshire. Francis Bampfield, one of the most eminent ministers of his tme, was of this persuasion. In the time of Edward Stennett there were nine o? ten churches in England, but when Mr. Benedict wrote, he could not learn that there were more than three. The first Sabbatarian church in America, was form- ed in Newport, R. I. in 1671. The Hopkinton church was founded in 1708, and contained in 1812, about nine hundred members; though in 1832, the number was six hundred and seventy-two. In the State of New York, there are several flourishing churches, there are also a few in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Virginia and Ohio. The Seventh day Baptist Conference was formed in 1808, with eight churches and about eleven hundred members. In 1832, there were connected with it thirty-two church- es, forty-two ministers, and four thousand two hundred and fifty-eight members. What the population now is, under their influence, we cannot determine. When the number of their communicants was less than two thousand, it was supposed by Mr. Clarke their histo- rian, that the Seventh day was observed by a popula- tion of not less than fifteen thousand. More than half the whole number of members, are comprised in the churches in the State of New York. { 181 ) &EITHIAN OR QUAKER BAPTISTS* Soon after the settlement of Pennsylvania, a differ- ence arose among the Quakers about the sufficiency of the light within, some affirming, some denying* The latter were headed by George Keith, and there- fore called Keithians. The difference rose to a divi- sion in 1691, when separate meetings were establish- ed and a confession of faith was published. About the same time, and afterwards, other pieces were published, among other things to complain of the un- fair treatment, slanders, fines, imprisonments, and other persecutions they endured from their brethren* In regard to this dispute there is one circumstance which we have promised to notice. John Holmes, the only Baptist magistrate in Philadelphia at the time, refused to act with the Quaker magistrates against the Keithians, alleging " that it was a reli- gious dispute, and therefore not fit for a civil court." He also openly blamed the court for refusing to admit the exceptions, which the prisoners made to their jury. This is another proof that the principles of the Baptists will not admit of persecution for con- science' sake. However, the current was against them, and the Keithians declined. Their leader went over to the Episcopalians. Many persisted in the separation and a ( 182) by resigning themselves to the guidance of the Scrips tures found water in the commission, and bread and wine in the command, &c. In a few years the most of them united with the Seventh day, and tho Regular Baptists. We have seen that the meeting house of one of their societies occupied the site of that of the First Baptist church in Philadelphia. The church of Brandywine was formed by Abel Morgan with fifteen of this sect, and some united with the South- ampton, and others with the Lower Dublin church. Thus we have seen that the Keithian Quakers be- came transformed into Keithian Baptists. They were called also Quaker Baptists because they retained the language &c. of the Quakers. TUNKER BAPTISTS. They are called Tunkers in derision, but as the terra signifies Dippers they may rest contented with the nickname, since it is the fate of the Baptists, in all countries to bear some cross or other. Their first appearance in this country was in 1719, when about 20 families landed in Philadelphia and dispersed themselves to Germantown and other places. Ano- ther company arrived in 1729. These had been bred Presbyterians, excepting one who was a Lutheran, and being neighbors they consorted together to read the Bible and edify one another in the way they had ( 18? ) been brought up; for as yet they did not know there were any Baptists in the world. However believer's, baptism and acongregational church soon gained upon them, insomuch that they were determined to obey the Gospel in these matters, which they did. By persecu- tion they were scattered through Germany, &c and fin- ally these two companies sought refuge in America. Thus from a little one of seven souls has sprung a thousand. The main body of Tunker Baptists in America is in Pennsylvania. By a statement of Morgan Edwards in 1790, it appears that there were at that time 1 church in Jersey, 15 in Pennsylvania, 7 in Maryland, and in the more Southern States 10, with about 1500 communicants, and a population of about 4000. It seems they have always been shy of the English, and it has been said that they will make no commu- nication to others concerning themselves. Some churches mentioned by Mr. Edwards have become extinct, others have removed to the Westward, and on the whole we believe them to be on the decline. It is difficult to say what are the definite doctrinal sentiments of the Tunkers ; it is said that they hold the doctrine of universal salvation and hence they are often called Universalists. The writer can testify that some of them preach universal restoration. They prac- tice trine immersion, the candidate kneeling. They maintain a, great degree of simplicity, are meek and quiet in their deportment, and had at one time acquir- ed the name of the Harmless Tunkers 6 ( 184 ) MENNONITES. This people take their name from Menno Simon, (of whom mention has been made) who was a man of learning and zeal andearried the Reformation farther than Luther and Calvin. He would have been rank- ed with the chief Reformers, had there not been some cross grained fatality attending the deeds of the Baptists to prevent their deserved praise. He was willing for the truth's sake, to encounter the odium, that their enemies attempted to cast upon the Baptists in consequence of the Munster affair. We may say here, that the contrivers of that insurrection were not Baptists though three of them became conspicuous in it ; one on account of his wealth, and two by their su- perior skill and courage in contending with the ty- rants who opposed them. We have stated Menno's views of baptism ; he was a Baptist. He was immersed and did immerse only. His successors did the same for a long time, except when they made proselytes in prison or were pre- vented from going to rivers, which they excused as cases of necessity. But with them as in the case of Catholics, &c. what was at first done cut of a suppos- ed necessity became afterwards a matter of choice. No necessity now exists in this country for pouring, and as the Mennonists maintain their integrity with regard to the subjects by confining the ordinance to { 185 ) professed believers, it is hoped that they will return to follow Menno in an affair wherein he was so emi- nent a follower of Christ and his Apostles. We feel dis- posed to commend them as far as they go, because while they require repentance and faith previous to baptism they keep up the distinction between the church and the world, which those do not who act upon the contrary principles of infant membership. Their doctrinal sentiments are for the mest part orthodox. They will neither swear nor fight, nor bear any civil office, nor go to law, nor take interest for the money they lend. Some of them yet wear their beards, and practice feet washing. They use great plainness of speech and dress. Their church government like that of al! Baptists, is wholly demo- cratic or republican. Some families of this people were in Pennsylvania as early as 1692, and in 1708, there was a church set- tled at Germantown consisting of 52 members. What the total number of this sect now is we cannot tell, they are not however, upor the increase. As they have changed the administration of baptism from im- mersion to affusion, they are wholly left out inthe enumeration of American Baptists. SIX PRINCIPLE BAPTIST3. In Rhode Island and some other places in the ear- ly settlement of churches there were some, who very q2 ( 186 ) rigidly contended for the six principles of the doctrine of Christ as laid down in the 6th chapter of Hebrews, and hence derived their name. Some it appears opposed singing in public worship. Their sentiments generally are those of other Baptists. In 1832 there were 23 churches, and 2,137 members. CHAPTER VII. Thi3 chapter will be devoted to Biographical no- tices of some distinguished ministers and others in the Baptist denomifiation. These for the most part will be selected from Benedict's History, because we presume that they are the least familiar to the mass of readers, especially those who are in the habit of perusing the periodicals of the day, in which occasional notices are taken of deceased and living ministers and others* Further, there are many who are constrained to ad- mit that the Society now wields in its ministry a large amount of talent and influence, but w r ho seem un- willing to concede the same to have been always the case. Again, the writer may be permitted to express his humble opinion, that nodenomination has ever been honored with a more devoted and efficient ministry than the Fathers of our churches constituted. They won many to righteousness, and while they shine as stars in the firmament of heaven, let them ever oc- cupy among us, the beneficiaries of their labors and ( 187 ) successes, the eminence of dazzling reflection to which their virtues entitle them. The chapter will not however, be devoted entirely to them, but will embrace others in this country and some in Europe* Their names will be presented neither in reference to preeminence nor date, but in alphabetical order. Isaac Backus, A. M. was born at Norwich, Con- necticut, January 9th, 1724. In the New Light Stir he was brought to the knowledge of the truth, when in the 18th year of his age. He united with a Pedo baptist Church, and began the ministry in 1746. In 1751 he embraced Baptist sentiments. From this time he took an active part in favor of the Baptist cause and the welfare of his country, as an ardent advocate for religious liberty. A list is given in Benedict made out by himself, of 36 pieces published by him, to which others may be added. He finished his course, Novem- ber 2Gth, 1806, in the 83rd year of his age, and 60th of his ministry. To him the denomination is greatly indebted for his untiring efforts in theirv ehalf. He wrote a his- tory of the Baptists in 3 vols. As a historian, Ban- croft says, he is not sufficiently esteemed. It may be truly said of him u he was a burning and a shining lights William Cakey, D. D. " We can picture to our- selves no human being in an attitude of mind partak- ing more of moral grandeur, no human intellect more sublimely occupied in view of the angels, than Wil- ( 188 ) Hani Carey, the obscure village school master, con- ceiving the project of going forth, single handed, to make an inroad into the very heart of the kingdom of darkness, in the distant East. While yet a youth, struggling with penury, his mind was first visited with that strong impression of solicitude for the sal- vation of the Heathen, which it would be impiety to ascribe to any other source than the immediate sug- gestion of Him who had designed and separated him for the work." William Carey was born at Hackleton in Leices- tershire, England ,on the 17th August, 1761. The circumstances of his parents were extremely narrow, and he had few T advantages of education, except those which his own active and enquiring mind obtained for him. He was brought up as a journeyman shoe- maker; and a boot made by him is still preserved by one of his friends as a relic. It was about the year 1779, that young Carey became the subject of a decid- ed religious change. Up to that time, he had dis- covered no piety, and hf ; d even ridiculed ^religious people." "When in his nineteenth year," says his sister "my dear brother used to speak at a friend's house in the village, when he came to see us. I recollect a neigh- bor of ours, a good woman, the first Monday morning after he had spoken before a few friends, came in to congratulate my mother on the occasion; when with some surprise my mother said: What! do you think ( 189 ) be will be a preacher? "Yes, our friend replied, and a great one too if he lives." u In 1783 Mr'Carey united himself to the Baptist church at Olney, under the pastoral care of Mr. Sut- cliff. In 1785 he was called to the work of the min- istry; and was ordained pastor over the infant Baptist Society in the village of Moulton in 1787." He af- terwards went to Leicester and became in 1791, pas- tor of the church over which Robert Hall presided many years. Here his ministry was greatly blessed, and here he introduced the monthly concert of prayer, a practice first adopted by some ministers at Notting- ham, upon the suggestion of Mr. Sutcliff in 1784, and now become general throughout the christian world. About the year 1793 a Mr. Thomas, who had visit- ed Bengal and witnessed the wretchedness of the idolatrous people, greatly strengthened Mr. Carey's mind in the purpose he had formed to attempt the improvement of the heathen world. These two com- municated with Mr. Fuller and Dr. Ryland and other leading members of the denomination on the subject. A society was formed which commenced its labors with between £13 and £14 as the whole amount of its disposable funds! With a firm and unbending faith and a resolute purpose, Dr. Carey agreed to go out to India and there support himself as far as possi- ble, whilst he qualified himself for his missionary duties. The circumstances under which he quitted Eng- land were singular and interesting. His wife refus- ( 190 ) iilg to accompany him after every entreaty had besn employed, he and Mr. Thomas were compelled to sail without her. After they had proceeded a short dis- tance a circumstance occurred on board the ship, which induced the Captain to put them on shore. This was for a moment a severe disappointment, but having secured a passage on board a Danish vessel, and being furnished by the liberality of Dr. Rippon and others, with the funds necessary for the increased expense of travelling to which they were subjected, they hastened to visit Mrs. Carey. She again turned a deaf ear to their entreaties, and they with heavy hearts took as they thought a last farewell and left her. When they had proceeded about two miles, Mr. Thomas insisted upon turning back and making one more attempt. Mr. Carey objected and entreated to have his feelings spared but Mr. Thomasseemed so resolutely bent on this renewed effort, that they did turn back. They succeeded in the effort, but fcot a moment was to be lost, and they with Mrs. C. and her sister and four children were hurried off to Deal. On their arrival there the vessel was discovered under sail, and but little hope was entertained of overtaking her. The attempt was made and by dint of persever- ance they were all received on board and conveyed to their destination. On their arrival Dr. Carey and Mr. Thomas engaged in secular employments, which enabled them to acquire and become familar with the language of the natives. Mr. Carey was soon called to an account, and upon admitting that his design { 191 ) ^ as to evangelize the heathen, he was told that he iirast forthwith embark for England. This proceeding drove him to seek refuge in the Danish settlement of Serampore, 13 miles from Calcutta, where he was joined in 1800 by Ward, Marshman and others, all of whom, except Dr. Marshman and his son, have enter- ed into their rest. Dr. Carey was indefatigable in his labors to acquire the languages of the East. We present our readers with a view of his engagements for one day, which he describes himself in a letter to a friend. " I rose this morning at a quarter before six, read a chapter in the Hebrew Bible, and spent the time till seven, in pri- vate addresses to God, and then attended family prayer with the servants in Bengalee. While tea was getting ready, I read in Persian with a moonshi who was waiting when I left my bed room; read also be- fore breakfast a portion of scripture in Hindostanee. The moment breakfast was over, sat down to the translation of the Ramayuna from Sungskrit, with a Pundit, who was also waiting, and continued this translation till 10 "o'clock, at which hour I went to College, and attended the duties there till between one and two. When I returned home, I examined a proof sheet of the Bengalee translation of Jeremiah, which took till dinner time. I always when in Cal- cutta, dine at Mr. Rolt's which is near. After din- ner, translated, with the assistance of the chief Pun- dit of the college, the greatest part of the eighth chapter of Matthew into Sungskrit. This employed ( 192 ) Hie till six o'clock. After six sat down with a Tel* inga Pundit to learn that language. At seven, I be* gan to collect a few previous thoughts into the form of a sermon, and preached in English at half past seven. After sermon, got a subscription of %,63 10s towards erecting our new place of worship. Preach- ing was over and the congregation gone by nine. I then sat down and translated the eleventh of Ezekiel into Bengalee, and this lasted till near eleven, and now I sit down to write to you. After this 1 conclude the eyening by reading a chapter in the Greek Testa- ment and commending myself to God. I have never more time in a day than this, though the exercises vary." From his early youth he discovered a fondness for botanic studies, which accompanied him to India, and his delight in the works of God may be considered as tending in a great degree both to his health and fine flow of spirits, for which be was distinguished. "Ris- ing before five in the morning, he rode out for an hour, and after this was to be found among his trees and plants. In process of time his garden became perhaps the best private garden in India." In 1812 he printed at Serampore the Hortus Bengalensis, or catalogue of the plants growing in the East India Com° pany's Botanic garden at Calcutta. The Flora Indica was also published by him. In the Botany of India two trees and an herb bear his name — the Careya Arhorca, — Spherica, — -and Herbacea. The Agri* ( 193 ) cultural and Horticultural Society of India, owes its origin to Dr. Carey. 11 Nor was it to the vegetable world only he direct- ed his leisure moments, if leisure he ever knew. «I have for a long time,' says he in 1811, i been descri- bing the birds of Asia, and have already accomplished almost one half of them, and some of the quadrupeds, and a few of the insects.' In a few words, besides his valuable lectures on divinity, lectures on astronomy and geography, as well as natural history, and in Ben- galee as well as English, were delivered by him for many years." But his aptitude for acquiring languages, was Dr. Ca- rey's most wonderful natural endowment. Before he left his native country for India, he had under many difficulties, made himself sufficiently master of six languages besides his native tongue, to read the bible in each ; viz: Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, Italian and Dutch. In the language?,.of the East he made the same'progress, so that " God most graciously pro- longed the years of his servant, until he lived to see more than 213,000 volumes of the Divine word, in forty different languages, issue from the Serampore press." Speaking of his " enlarged humanity," one remarks that " long familiarity with the miseries of Hindoo- ism has hardened by degrees the heart of many a Eu- ropean in his day ; they never could the heart of Ca- rey." His exertions first led to the prevention of in- fanticide, and that of persons devoting themselves to (194) death in the mouth of the Hooghly. He also contri- buted most powerful aid in procuring the declaration by the Governor General in council, of the illegality of the burning or burying aliye the Hindoo widows. In the attempt to establish a leper hospital in Calcutta, Dr. Carey took an active part. The Bqnevoleat Insti- tution for the education of the indigent and neglected Portuguese children in Calcutta, was established by the senior brethren at Serampore, and they were the first who commenced the education of the Hindoo fe- male* " The little church that he at first formed, has branched out into 26 churches now connected with the mission, in which the ordinances of the Gospel are regularly administered. Often did he exclaim in astonished thankfulness, "what has God wrought." " The career which Dr. Carey has run, is worthy ef most honourable notice. He was a man who stood prominently forward from the mass of the several ge- nerations of men with whom he lived, and both for his private and public character, deserves to be had in everlasting remembrance/' He has been termed" the Protestant Xavier,"" and the Apostle of Modern missions" and we hesitate not to affirm that, a greater than he, has not lived in the present century. He departed to his eternal rest, having not a doubt, and as he often said with not a wish left unsatisfied, on the 9th June, 1834, aged 73 years. Nathaniel R. Cobb. It is to the principles of Mr* ( 195 ) Cobb rather than the incidents of his life that our at- tention is to be directed. He has taught how a Chris- tian merchant can live, and how he can die. He was born in Falmouth, near Portland, Maine, on the 3d of November, 1798. His childhood and youth were passed at Plymouth, Mass., until 1814, when he went to Boston as a clerk to Messrs. Ripley & Freeman. In May 1818, he was baptized by Dr. Sharp and be- came a membor of the Charles street Baptist Church. In February, 1819, he commenced business with Mr* Freeman, under the firm of Freeman & Cobb. He died on the 22d May, 1834, leaving a widow and an only son to survive him. Mr. Cobb resolved at the commencement of his re- ligious life, that he would serve the Saviour with all his power, in that sphere which seemed to be parti- cularly assigned to him. He had not an opportunity to acquire extensive learning, and he could not serve the church to any considerable extent by his voice or by his pen. But he possessed visual talents for bu- siness, which he regarded as the instrument he ought to employ for the glory of his Saviour* He felt it to be his duty to use this instrumentality in earning money for the cause of God, on precisely the same principles that it is the duty of the minister, to devote his talents for preaching to the service of the Lord Jesus. He accordingly in November 1821, drew up and subscribed the following remarkable document : " By the grace of God, I will never be worth more than $50,000." ( 196 ) " By the grace of God, I will give one-fourth of the nett profits of my business to charitable and religious uses." "If I am ever worth $20,000 dollars, I will give one-half of my nett profits; and if I am ever worth $30,000, I will give three-fourths ; and the whole af- ter $50,000. So help me God, or give to a more faithful steward, and set me aside.' 1 "N. R. COBB." " To this covenant he adhered with conscientious fidelity. He distributed the profits of his business, with an increasing ratio, from year to year, till he reached the point he had fixed as the limits of his property, and then he gave to the cause of God all he earned. He always felt, that God had bestowed on him a rich blessing, in enabling him thus to serve his cause. On his death bed, he said to a friend "By the grace of God — nothing else— by the grace of God, I have been enabled, under the influence of those re- solutions to give a^y more than 840,000. How good the Lord has been J> me." The services of Mr. Cobb, as a member of nume- rous benevolent societies, were highly valuable. His sympathies and liberality were not confined to his own denomination ; but he justly felt that as a Baptist he could best advance the Redeemer's kingdom, by upholding Baptist interests and institutions. The last days of his life were brightened by chris- tian hope. While he was able to converse, he ex- pressed his humble yet firm reliance on the Redeem* { 197 ) er. He spoke with grateful joy of the Saviour's love and faithfulness, and of his desire to depart and be with Christ. Mr. Cobb steadily acted upon the principles of th© duty of every Christian to serve God with whatever kind and degree of talent he possessed. While he served the Saviour by personal activity, by his sound judgment, and by his skill in managing the temporal concerns of Zion ; his peculiar talent was that of earning money; and he faithfully employed it for the glory of God. Why should not other Christians fol- low his example ? Why, for example should not the merchant; or farmer or mechanic, in America, consi- der it to be as much his duty to spend his life in la- bour to maintain some missionary in Burmah, as it is the duty of that missionary to go abroad, and preach the Gospel to the heathen ? Mr. Cobb resolved that he never would retain as his own property more than 50,000 dollars, consider* ing that as large a sum as any ClK"~:ian has a right to possess. But, he did not wait until he had acquired that amount, before he began to devote his money to religious uses. There are many Christians, who think that, if they could accumulate a certain sum, they would then be generous. Mr. C. did not act thus, but from the beginning gave to the Lord, who amply re- paid him. Mr. Cobb acted on a settled plan. He had estab- lished a principle and he adhered te it. His benevo- lence was not an occasional overflow, at the impulse S3 ( 198 ) of excitement ; it was a steady stream. He would not trust to his feelings. He said that he sometimes gave money from principle, when, if he had consulted his feelings alone, he might have withheld it. Mr. Cobb resolved to distribute his money himself while he lived. There is a very common delusion among Christians on this subject. They resolve that, in their last will and testament, their money shall be judiciously and liberally appropriated to benevolent purposes, and thus appease their consciences for their penuriousness while they live. He was his own ex- ecutor, and the 40,000 dollars which he gave away during his short life, may have done more good than half a million had it been bequeathed in his will. Mr. Cobb was an evidence, that a man may be most actively engaged in business, without losing the vigor of his piety. He may be found in the count- ing room, or on the exchange ; in the bank or in the insurance office, without compromising his Christian principles, or diro^jrg the brightness of his example. Not the least of th^ervices which Mr. C. rendered to the cause of truth, was his daily exhibition of the pure influence of Christian principles, by which he compelled the mercantile men, with whom he associ- ated to acknowledge and reverence the power of that religion which so obviously reigned in his bosom* " Help, Lord, for the godly man ceaseth." Joseph Cook. Mr. Cook was born of pious parents in the city of Bath, England, and converted under ths ministry of Whitefield, who became exceed- ( 199 ) ingly attentive and kind to him. As he soon gave evidence of the possession of ministerial gifts, La- dy Huntingdon sent him in the 19th year of his age to her college at Trevecka, South Wales. Here he applied himself closely to his studies, and made considerable improvement. He was much esteemed by his tutors and fellow students, especially for his lively spiritual turn of mind, and his readiness to help and comfort those who were in trouble of soul. In the villages around the school his labors were at- tended with success. Subsequently, at Dover and other places, his preaching was blest to the conver- sion of a number, several of whom became members of Baptist churches. When the mission to America was formed, Mr. C. (with others) freely offered himself for the service. Early in 1776, he found it his duty to change his sen- timents, and was accordingly baptized, and united with a Baptist church. He soon became the pastor of the church at Ewhaw, S. Carolina. His preaching continued to be blest to the conversion of many. He died on Lord's day morning, September 26th, 1790, as the righteous die. His character is thus sum- med up by one of his friends; "his mental powers were good, and had received improvement by an acquaint- ance with the liberal arts and sciences, though his education had not been completed. As a preacher he was zealous, orthodox, and experimental. He spoke with animation and much fervor ; though his talent lay so much in the persuasive, that at the end of his ( 200 ) sermon, he frequently left the audience in tears. He was taken from his labours at a time when his charac- ter had arisen to considerable eminence, and a spa- cious field of usefulness was opening all around him.' 1 Lemuel Covel, was it is believed a native of the State of New York. He commenced his ministerial labors under great disadvantages, being both poor and illiterate. But notwithstanding he was obliged to la- bor almost constantly for his support, such were the astonishing powers of his mind, that he became one of the most distinguished preachers in the Baptist connection. His talents were far above mediocrity, his voice was clear and majestic, and his address man- ly and engaging. The doctrine o£ salvation by the cross, was the grand theme on which he dwelt with peculiar pleasure; and his preaching was of the most solid, perspicuous and interesting kind. He lived the religion he professed, and exemplified by his conduct the rules he laid down for others. As an itine- rant preacher, his zeal and success were equalled by few ; and perhaps exceeded by none of the American preachers. While travelling as a missionary in Upper Canada, in October, 1806, he finished his eartnly course. Isaac Eaton, A. M. Mr. Eaton was born in 1725, and died July 4, 1772. He was pastor of the church at Hopewell, N. J. about 24 years. His funeral ser- mon was preached by Samuel Jones, D. D. of Penne- pek ; who thus briefly portrayed his character. " The ( 201 ) natural endowments of his mind ; the improvement of these by the accomplishments of literature ; his early and genuine piety ; his abilities as a divine and a preacher ; his extensive knowledge of men and books; his Catholicism, &c» would afford ample scope to flourish in a funeral oration, but it is needless." Mr. Eaton was the first man among the American Baptists, who set up a school for the education of youths for the ministry, and his labor in this department of ministerial usefulness, will certainly obtain for him a high regard in the estimation of the advocates of education. Morgan Edwards, A. M. was born in Wales, on May 9th, 1722. He entered on the ministry in the 16th year of his age. He arrived in this country in May, 1761, and shortly afterwards became pastor of the first church in Philadelphia. The College and Academy, of Philadelphia, at a very early period, honored him as a learned man and a popular preacher, with a diploma constituting hirn Master of Arts; this was followed by a degree ad eimdem, in the year 1769, from the College of Rhode Island. In this seminary he held a Fellowship, and filled it with reputation, till he voluntarily resigned it in 1789. Mr. Edwards wrote several pieces, among which was " materials t®wards a Histery of the Baptists in Pennsylvania." The Baptist churches are much in- debted to him, and will long remember the time and talents he devoted to their best interests, both in Eu- ( 202 ) rope and America. The College of Rhode Island is ateo under obligations to him, tor his vigorous exer- tions, at home and abroad in its behalf. This he deem- ed the greatest service he ever did for the honor of thq Baptist name. He died in January 1795 in a good old age, and with the utmost composure closed his eyes on all the things of time. His becoming a Baptist was the effect of previous examination and conviction, having been brought up in the Episcopal church, and though he retained a particular regard for that church while he lived, yet the Baptist interest was ever uppermost with him. He labored to promote it, because he be- lieved it to be the interest of Christ above any in Christendom. Benjamin Foster, D. D. was born at Danvers, Mass. June 12th, 1750. His parents were Congrega- tionalists. At the the age of eighteen they placed him at Yale College, where he soon distinguished himself for a religious life, and assiduity and successive classical literature. About this time several tracts relative to the subject of baptism, made their appear- ance. The matter was agitated in College, and fixed on as a proper subject for discussion. Mr. Foster was appointed to defend infant sprinkling. To pre- pare himself for the dispute, he used the utmost ex- ertion. The result, however, was very different from what had been expected; for when the day appointed for discussion arrived, he was so far from being pre- pared to defend it, that, to the great astonishment of ( 203 ) the officers of the College, he avowed himself a deci- ded convert to Baptist sentiments. He graduated about the year 1772, and was soon after baptized by Dr. Slillman, of Boston. Shortly after his baptism, he took charge of the church at Leicester, where he continued several years, when he removed to Newport, R. I. where his sphere of use* fulness was enlarged. He remained at Newport until 1788, when he received and accepted a call to the First Baptist church in New York, where he labored till 1798. He died in the 49th year of hisrage. In September 1792, the degree of D. D. was con- ferred upon him by the College of Rhode Island, in consequence of a learned publication of his, entitled, " A dissertation upon the seventy weeks of Daniel &c." As a scholar, particlarly in the Greek, Hebrew, and Chaldean languages, Dr„ Foster left few superiors-. The following inscription in marble over his grave, written by an eminent Presbyterian clergyman of New York, is an encomium justly due to his memory; "As a scholar and divine he excelled; as a preacher he wa^ eminent; as a christian he shone conspicuously; in his piety he was fervent; the church was comforted by his life, and it now laments his death." Daniel Fristoe, was born in Virginia in 1739, was bred an Episcopalian, but embraced Baptist sentiments soon after they began to prevail in Virginia. He re- ceived a liberal English Education. When about 2$ years of age, his curiosity led him to go a considerable ( 204 ) distance to hear a Baptist preacher. While at the meeting his horse strayed away and he was obliged to tarry all night at the place. He returned home with much seriousness and solicitude, and after laboring a while under great distress of mind, was brought into the liberty of the gospel. He began to exhort, and was soon called to the ministry. His course was short and rapid, and the success of his labors unusually great. He died in the 35th year of his age. His biography has been much neglected. We give a short extract from his own journal. "This day, June 15, 1771, I began to act as an ordained minis- ter and never before saw such manifest appearances of God's working, and the devil's raging at one time and in one place. Sixteen persons were judged to be fit subjects for baptism. The next day being Sunday, about 2,000 people came together ; many more offered for baptism, thirteen of whom were judged worthy. As we stood by the water, the people were weeping and crying in a most extraordinary manner ; and others cursing and swearing,, and acting like men possessed. When the ordinance was administered and I bad laid hands on the parties baptized, we sang those charming words of Dr. Watts, ' Come we who love the Lord, &e.' The multitude sang and wept and smiled in tears, holding up their hands and coun- tenances towards Heaven, in such a manner as I had not seen before. In going home I turned to look at the people, who remained by the water side, and saw some screaming on the ground, some wringing their { 205 ) hands, some in ecstaeies of joy, some praying, others cursing and swearing, and exceedingly outrageous. We have seen seen strange things to day." Andrew Fuller, D. D. # was born at Wicken, in England, ©n the 3th February, 1754. After his con- version, he lived a life of devotion to his God and Sa- viour, and the cause of truth and humanity, and died the death of the righteous. He entered into his rest on the 7th May, 1815, aged 61 years. The eloquent Robert Hall has said in one of his works, " I cannot refrain from expressing in a few words, the sentiments of affectionate veneration with which I always regarded that excellent person while living, and cherish his memory now that he is no more; a man, whose sagacity enabled him to penetrate to the depths of every subject he explored ; whose conceptions were so powerful and luminous, that * what was recondite and original appeared familiar; what was intricate, easy and perspicuous in his hands; equally successful in enforcing the practical, stating the theoretical, and discussing the polemical bran- ches of theology. Without the advantage of ear- ly education, he rose to high distinction among the religious writers of his day ; and in the midst of a most active and laborious life, left monuments of his piety and genios which will survive to distant pos- terity." *This degree was conferred by the college of New Jer- sey though never appropriated. ( 206 ) u It may be doubted, whether since the time of John Knox, any man could be found on this side the globe, who laboured more to cultivate and extend the know- iedge.of the truth than Mr. Fuller; and to that eminent reformer he bore a striking likeness, both in his excel- lencies and defects. Nor can there be any hesitation in subscribing fully to the sentiment that has been expressed by his venerable friend the late Dr. Ry- land, that he was probably " the most judicious and able theological writer that ever belonged to the Baptist denomination ,* and that he will be highly esteemed for his able defence of the truth as it is in Jesus, and for his zeal for the propagation of the Gospel, not only by his cotemporaries of various religious persuasions, but by posterity, as long as the English language, and the history of the Baptist Mission to India shall en- dare. 5 ' — Morris' Memoirs. " It is pleasing to reflect," says Dr. Newman, " that a spontaneous homage was paid to him by persons of all ranks and degrees. Men of education and learn- ing, men of distinction in wealth and office, the poor and illiterate, Christians in the establishment and out of it, of all denominations, hung delighted upon his lips," and when those lips were sealed in death, they poured out their tears upon his grave. And as long as the spiritual achievements ia India are recollected, it cannot be forgotten, that Fuller lived and died a martyr to the Mission. To the energy and labours of Fuller, the Baptist Mission to India owes much of its prosperity and ( 207 ) grandeur, and the names of Carey and Fuller will be transmitted together to the most distant posterity. John Gano was one of the most eminent ministers in his day. In point of talents he was exceeded by few, and as an itinerant he was inferior to none who- ever travelled the United States, unless it were the renowned Whitefield. He was born at Hopewell, N. J. July 22, 1727, was converted soon after he arrived at manhood, and was ordained in 1754. His mother was a Baptist, and his father a Presbyterian. Every thing attending his profession among the Baptists, was conducted with prudence on his part and tender- ness on that of his friends. He was at first much in- clined to join the Presbyterians, but having some scruples on the subject of infant baptism, he determi- ned to give it a thorough investigation. He not only read books, but had frequent conversations with Pres- byterian friends, among whom was the famous Mr. Tennant. After some suspense, he became fully es- tablished in those principles, which he through life maintained with so much ability and moderation. His mind was soon led to the ministry. One morn- ing after he began ploughing in his field, this pas- sage, " warn the people, or their blood will I require at your hands" came upon him with such force that he drove on till 11 o'clock utterly insensible of his employment. When he came to himself, he found he was wet through with the rain, his horses were excessively fatigued, and the labor he had performed astonishingly great. ( 208 } Mr. Gano was peculiarly qualified for an itinerant preacher. He had a sagacity and quickness of per- ception which but few possess ; he had also a happy facility in improving every passing occurrence to some useful purpose. He could abash and confound the opposer, without exciting his resentment ; and administer reproof and instruction where others would be embarrassed or silent. His memory was retentive ; his judgment good; his wit sprightly and always at command ; his zeal was ardent, but well regulated ; his courage undaunted ; his knowledge of men was extensive : and to all these accomplishments were ad- ded a heart glowing with love to God and men, and a character clear and unimpeachable. It is said that Hervey's servant declared his master could make a sermon out of a pair of tongs ; and probably not much inferior to his were the inventive powers of Mr. Gano. He was cordially esteemed and honored by the wise and good of all denominations. A clergyman of the Episcopal church in New York, heard him frequent- ly, and noted in his journal " that he thought Mr. Gano possessed the best pulpit talents of any man he had ever heard." He died in Kentucky in 1804, in the 78th year of his age. Robert Hall is too well known to need more than a passing notice here; indeed to transcribe the eulo- giums upon his character that have been presented to the community would occupy this entire volume. ( 209 ) England is proud of her son, and wherever the Eng- lish language is known, the wise and good pay him the homage of grateful acknowledgment, for the be- nefactions of his piety and talents. Truly " he was a luminary of the first order, and it is delightful to feel the influence of his beams," as they fall upon the intellect and heart. Ensign Lincoln, was born at Hingham, Mass., on the 8th January, 1779. At the age of 14 he came to Boston, where he attended the ministry of Dr. Bald- win, from whom he received those instructions which were blessed to his conversion. He was baptized in 1799, and maintained through life a uniform Chris - tian deportment. In September, 1811, he began to preach, and continued to do so frequently, though he would never consent to ordination, desiring no dis- tinction beyond that of usefulness as a lay preacher, in connexion with the business of a very extensive book store. He was of a kindred spirit with Cobb, and not only aided the churches by preaching and counsel, but by his gold and silver also. His last hours were those of the Christian- By his death, as well as his life, he glorified God. " It was," as his physician said, u a glorious scene" The event oc- curred on the 2d of December, 1832. Of his character we will let Dr. Wayland speak. " He was one of those pillars of our Zion, which we thought could not be removed. Every one, and eve- ry thing leaned upon him, and no one felt that he s3 (210) would soon change. A chasm has been made, which I do not expect soon, if ever, to see filled. A standard bearer has fallen ; who shall take his place? Since his death was mentioned to me, I have been striving to think of one who was of more value to the church as a layman. I could not think of one. I have thought of clergymen ; and the result was the same. I know of no man to fill up his place." His memory will long be cherished as a benefactor of the churches. Lewis Lunsford, in point of talents as a preacher, was never excelled in Virginia; and by many it is doubt- ed whether he ever had a superior any where else. He was born in Stafford county. His parents being in indigent circumstances he received but a slender ed- ucation ; nor had he the means to enlarge it. But the God of nature furnished him with powers to surmount all obstacles. At an early stage of life he was happily arrested by Divine mercy. He was but a boy when baptized, but immediately began both in private and public to advocate the Gospel of Christ. His talents command- ed attention, and procured for him the appellation of the Wonderful Boy. It is hardly probable that any man was more belov- ed by a people than he. During the last several years of his life, he was much caressed and his preaching more valued than that of any other man's in Virginia,, He was a sure preacher, and seldom failed to rise high. In his best strains, he was more like an angel ( 211 ) than a man* His countenance lighted up by an inward flame, seemed to shed beams of light wherever he turned. His voice, always harmonious, now seemed to be tuned by descending seraphs. His style and manner were so energetic, that beseemed like an am* bassador indeed, sent down to command all men to repent. This great, this good, this almost inimitable man died when only about forty years of age. It seemed to be a mystery to many why God should have called away one so useful in the bloom of life, though they were generally agreed that his popularity had risen too high, as the people wherever he was, or was ex* pected to be, appeared to have lost all relish for any other man's preaching. James Manning, D. D. The following inscription is from the monument which covers the dust of this departed worthy : " He was born in New Jersey, A. D. 1738; became a member of a Baptist church in 1758; graduated at Nassau Hall, 1762; was ordained a minister of the Gospel, 1763 ; obtained a charter for the college, (R. I.) 1765, and was elected president of it in the same year ; was a member of Congress 1786. His person was graceful and his countenance remarkably expressive of sensibility, cheerfulness and dignity. The variety and excellence of his natural abilities, improved by education, and enriched by science, raised him to a rank of eminence among lite« rary characters. His manners were engaging, and his voice harmonious, His eloquence, natural and pow- ( 212 ) ; 3rfuib His social virtues, classic learning, eminent patriotism, shining talents for instructing and govern- ing youth, and zeal in the cause of Christianity, are recorded on the tables of many hearts. He died of apoplexy July 29, A. D. 1791, aged 53 years." Daniel Marshall. His birth was in 1706 in Windsor, Connecticut. When about 20 years of age he joined the Presbyterians, and first served as a dea- con in the church." At the age of thirty. eight, he heard Whitefield, caught some of his fire and eommen* ced a missionary tour to the Mohawk Indians, among whom he labored eighteen months. When the war broke out among them, he removed to Conegocheague, and thence to Winchester, Va. Here he was led to examine the sentiments of the Baptists, and upon the full conviction of duty was immersed in the 48th year of his life. After this he itinerated considerably and was made the instrument of bringing many from the power of Satan unto God. He died in Novem- ber, 1784, in the 78th year of his age. Silas Mercer was carefully instructed in the ca- techism, &c. of the Episcopal church. Until after his conversion he was most violently opposed to all dissen- ters, and to the Baptists in particular. He would on no account hear one preach, and endeavoured to dis- suade others from attending their meetings. But his ingenuous mind could not long be restrained by the shackles of tradition, and he began a course of inqui- ries which led him from his traditionary, on to Bap- ( 113 ) tist ground. In first resolving to follow strictly the- discipline of the church, he found that it enjoined immersion, unless the weakness of the child requi- red a milder mode, and therefore had two of his chil- dren immersed. The first* in a barrel of water at the minister's house, and the other in a tub at the church. He labored for a time to reform the church, but finding the building too far gone to be repaired, he receded from it with reluctant steps, and became a Baptist when about 30 years of age. Few men have had more severe conflicts in renounc- ing the prejudices of education than Mr. Mercer. His father threw in the way many obstacles, and the whole Episcopal community around him, with the minister at the head, used the most assiduous endea- vors to prevent his going among the heretical Bap- tists. He went however by stealth to hear Mr. Thomas, and found him to be not such a dangerous deceiver as he had been led to suppose. When his father found that he had been at the Baptist meeting, he burst into tears and exclaimed, "Silas your are ruined." Shortly af- ter this he removed to Georgia, was baptized and uni- ted with the Kioka Church, by which he was soon called to preach. In this state he labored abund- antly and successfully and was justly esteemed one of the most exemplary and useful ministers in the south- ern states. *His son Jesse, now a worthy Baptist minister in Geor- gia. (214) Samuel Pearce. The memoirs of this saint of God were written by A. Fuller, and are in the estimation of many, the best ever presented to the public. They may be obtained in a cheap form, at the Baptist Gen- eral Tract Society's Depository. u We have sometimes read, and sometimes heard of a few such men as Mr. Pearce; but it is so rare a thing to see so much real excellence embodied in a living character, that some have even doubted whe- ther these memoirs exhibit a correct and impartial delineation. Those, however, who were best acquaint- ed with Mr. Pearce, have the most ample assurance that a truer description was never given of any man, than is to be found in the pages of this interesting work. Partiality did nothing; it added no flattery to the portrait, gave no coloring to a faded countenance, . nor concealed any of its defects. Samuel Stillman D. D. was born in Philadelphia. When about eleven years of age he removed with his parents to Charleston, South Carolina, where he re- ceived the rudiments of his education, and exhibited such improvements as presaged his future worth. He was impressed with divine things at an early age. Af- ter finishing his classical education, he spent one year in the study of divinity with Mr. Hart. His first ser- mon was preached in 1758, and in 1759, he was or- dained. In 1765 he was-installed pastor of the First Church of Boston, with which he remained until his death. As a minister of Christ his praise was in all th8 ( 215 ) churches, and wherever his name has been heard, ail uncommon degree of sanctity has been connected with it. As a public speaker and pulpit orator he was per- haps second to none. His eloquence was of the pow- erful and impressive, rather than of the insinuating and persuasive kind, and so strikingly interesting, that he never preached to an inattentive audience. The University of Cambridge conferred on him the honorary degree of Master of Arts, in 1761, and the College of Rhode Island in 1788, gave him a diploma of Doctor of Divinity. Roger Williams, was a native of Wales, born in the year 1598, and had a liberal education under the patronage of Sir Edward Coke. Mr. Williams soon entered on the study of the law with this celebrated man; but finding it uncongenial with his taste he turned his attention to divinity, in which he made such proficiency that Sir Edward obtained for him Episcopal orders. Embracing the sentiments of the Puritans, he was exposed to such suffering as induced him to embark for America, where he arrived in February, 1631. Here he continued to preach with acceptance, until he broached what were called ana- baptistical errors, when he suffered persecution again, was banished in the depth of winter, but found a home among the Indians. He died in 1682, aged 84 years. The most we will present concerning this great man, will be extracted from Bancroft's History of the United States, vol. 1 — Mr. B. styled him the Apostle ( 218 ) of "intellectual liberty" and the " Apostle of soul liberty." After noticing his arrival in this country, he says, "He was thea but a little more than 30 years of age; but his mind had already matured a doctrine, which secures him an immortality of fame, as its application has given religious peace to the American world. He was a Puritan, and a fugitive from English persecu- tion, but his wrongs had not clouded his accurate un- derstanding; in the capacious recesses of his mind he had revolved the nature of intolerance, and he, and he alone, had arrived at the great principle which is its sole effectual remedy. He announced his disco- very under the simple proposition of the sanctity of conscience. The civil magistrate should restrain crime, but never control opinion; should punish guilt, but never violate the freedom of the soul." " At a time when Germany was the battle field for all Europe in the implacable wars of religion, when even Holland was bleeding with the anger of venge- ful factions, when France was to go through the fear- ful struggle with bigotry, when England was gasping under the despotism of intolerance, more than forty years before William Penn became an American pro- prietary, Roger Williams, asserted the great doctrine of intellectual libert) r . It became his glory to form a state upon that principle, and to stamp himself upon its rising institutions, in characters so deep that the impress has remained to the present day, and, like the image of Phidias upon the shield of Minerva, ( 217 ) can never be erased without the total destruction of the work. He was the first person in modern Christ- endom, to assert in its plenitude the doctrine of the liberty of conscience, the equality of opinions before the law, and in its defence he was the harbinger of Milton, the precursor and the superior of Jeremy Taylor. For Taylor limited his toleration to a few Christian sects ; the philanthropy of Williams com- passed the earth. Taylor favored partial reform, com- mended lenity, argued for forbearance, and entered a special plea in behalf of each tolerable sect; Williams would permit persecution of no opinion, of no religion, leaving heresy unharmed by law, and orthodoxy unpro- tected by the terrors of penal statutes. Taylor still clung to the necessity of positive regulations enforc- ing religion and eradicating error; he resembled the poets who in their folly, first declare their hero to be invulnerable and then clothe him in earthly armor ; Williams was willing to leave Truth alone, in her own panoply of light, believing that if in the ancient feud between Truth and Error, the employment of force could be entirely abrogated, Truth would have much the best of the bargain. It is the custom of mankind to award high honors to the successful inquirer into the laws of nature, to those who advance the bounds of human knowledge. We praise the man who first analyzed the air, or resolved water into its elements, or drew the lightning from the clouds, though the condition of physical investigation may have ripened the public mind at the time for the advancement in T (218) science. A moral principle has a much wider and and nearer influence on human happiness; nor can any discovery of truth be of more direct benefit to society, than that which establishes a perpetual reli- gious peace and spreads tranquility through every community and every bosom. If Copernicus is held in perpetual reverence, because on his death bed he published to the world that the Sun is the centre of our system, if the name of Kepler is preserved in the annals of human excellence for his sagacity in detec- ting the laws of the planetary motion; if the genius of Newton has been almost adored for dissecting a ray of light, and weighing heavenly bodies as in a balance, let there be for the name of Roger Williams at least some humble place among those who have advanced moral science and made themselves the benefactors of mankind." " The annals of Rhode Island if written in the spirit of philosophy, would exhibit the forms of society un- der a peculiar aspect; had the territory of the state corresponded to the importance and singularity of the principles of its early existence, the world would have been filled with wonder at the phenomena of its history." "The most touching trait in the character of the founder of Rhode Island was his conduct towards his persecutors. Though keenly sensitive to the hard- ships whiclrhe had endured, he was far from harbor- ing feelings of revenge towards those who banished him, and only regretted their delusion. In all his (219 ) writings on the subject, he attacked the spirit of in- tolerance, the doctrine of persecution; and never his persecutors or the Colony of Massachusetts." The Indians at one time conceived the purpose of destroying the English, and " the design could be frustrated by none but Roger Williams, and the exile, who had been the first to communicate to the Gover- nor of Massachusetts the news of the impending conspiracy, encountered the extremity of peril with magnanimous heroism. Having received letters from Vane and the council of Massachusetts, requesting his utmost and speediest endeavors to prevent the league, neither storms of wind nor high seas could detain the adventurous envoy. Shipping himself alone in a poor canoe, every moment at the hazard of his life, he hastened to the house of the Sachem of the Narra- gansetts. The Pequod ambassadors reeking with blood were already there; and for three days and nights the business compelled him to lodge and mix with them ; having cause every night to expect their knives at his throat. The Narragansetts were. wavering; but Roger Williams succeeded in dissolving the formidable conspiracy. It was the most intrepid and most successful achievement in the whole Pequod war; arc action, as perilous in its execution, as it was fortunate in its issue.'* The principles of Roger Williams are more correct and glorious than those of the colony of Maryland. The latter had by their charter tolerated all religious sects. In 1639 however, they secured in the sessien ( 220 ) of the Legislature, their own rights and liberties, though no more than the tranquil exercise of the Ro- mish worship. In 1649, an act for the religious free- dom, which had ever been sacred on their soil, was placed upon their statute book. " The clause for li- berty in Maryland extended only to Christians." A blasphemer, or one who denied Christ's divinity, or the Trinity &c, was to be punished with death. The reader is left to his own reflections upon the differ- ence. To Roger Williams as a Legislator, belongs the honor of first asserting the doctrine of liberty of con- science in matters of religion — of first acknowledg- ing the right of the Indians to the soil, in preference to any foreign monarch or government, ( though through ignorance it has been by many awarded to William Penn,) and as a Baptist, of establishing the First Baptist church in the new world. We cannot extend our biographical department farther, however interesting it might be, and in clos- ing it we shall just present the names of a few others who have been honorable and useful in the church; Baldwin, Furman, Harris, Hart, Holeombe, Lane, Ro- gers, Semple, Staughton, Stanford, Thurston, Thomas, and Waller. To these we may add those of Boardman, Ward, Rippon, Rostan, Hughes, Mrs. Judson, Mrs* Jones, and Mrs. Malcom. { 221 ) CHAPTER VIIL A full account of the persecutions, suffered by the Baptists in foreign nations and our own country, would fill a large volume. This Chapter will be con- fined to those endured in America, and of those, but a few only can be given. The following, is the act passed by the General Court of Massachusetts, in 1644, for the suppression of the obnoxious Baptists. "For as much as experience hath plentifully and often proved, that since the first rising of the Ana- baptists, about one hundred years since, they have been the incendiaries of commonwealths, and the infectors of persons in main matters of religion, and the troublers of all places where they have been, and that they, who have held the baptizing of infants un- lawful, have usually held other errors or heresies therewith, though they have (as other heretics use to do) concealed the same, till they spied out a fit ad- vantage and opportunity to vent them, by way of question or scruple; and whereas divers of this kind have, since our coming into New England, appeared amongst ourselves, some whereof (as others before them) denied the ordinance of Magistracy, and the lawfulness of making war, and others the lawfulness of magistrates, and their inspection into any breach of the t2 ( 222 ) first table; which opinions, if they should be connived at by us, are like to be increased amongst us, and so must necessarily bring guilt upon us, infection and trouble to the churches, and hazard to the whole com- monwealth; it is ordered and agreed, that if any per- sons, within this jurisdiction, shall either openly con- demn or oppose the baptizing of infants, or go about secretly to seduce others from the approbation or use thereof, or shall purposely depart the congregation at the ministration of the ordinance, or shall deny the ordinance of magistracy, or their lawful right and authority to make war, or to punish the outward breaches of the first table, and shall appear to the Court wilfully and obstinately to continue therein af- ter due time and means of conviction, every such per- son or persons, shall be sentenced to banishment, 79 Two charges which this act contains are true; the denial of infant baptism, and the ordinance of ma- gistracy; or as a Baptist would express it, the use of secular force in religious affairs; the others are with- out foundation. And Mr. Backus after a diligent search, could find no instance of any real Baptists in Massachusetts being convicted of, or suffering for any crime, exeept the denying of infant baptism, and the use of secular force in religious affairs. Mr. Hubbard, one of their own historians, informs us, that, "at a General Court in March 1645, a peti- tion was preferred for suspending, (if not abolishing,) a law made against the Anabaptists the farmer year. But some at this time, were much afraid of the in- ( 223 ) crease of Anabaptism. This was the reason, why the greater part prevailed for the strict observation of the law, although peradventure a little moderation as to some things, might have done very well, if not a lit- tle better." In 1644, we are told by Mr. Hubbard, that a poor man by the name of Painter, having a child born, would not suffer his wife to carry it to be baptized. He was complained of to the Court, and enjoined by them to suffer his child to be baptized. But, poor Painter had the misfortune to dissent both from the church and court. He told them that infant baptism was an anti-christian ordinance, for which he was tied up and whipt. Governor Winthrop tells us, he belonged to Hingham, and says, he was whipt, "for reproaching the Lord's ordinance* Mr. Backus judi- ciously inquires," did not they who whipt this poor conscientious man, reproach infant sprinkling by tak- ing such methods to support it, more than Painter did? Remonstrances were offered again and again, but disregarded. And, lest the exterrninatinglaws should fail, the press was set to work to prevent the progress of error. In 1645, three pieces were written for this purpose, by Messrs. Cotton of Boston, Cobbett of Lynn, and Ward of Ipswich. Mr. Cotton says, Satan despairing of success by more powerful arguments "chooseth rather to play small game, as they say, than lose all. He now pleadcth no other argument, than may be urged from ( 224 ) a main principle of purity and reformation, viz. That no duty of God's worship, nor any ordinance of reli- gion, is to-be administered in the church, but such as hath just warrant from the word of God, And in urging this argument against the baptism of child- ren, Satan transformed himself into an angel of light," and so on. Mr. Cobbett, accuses Satan of having a special spite at the seed of the church. He says, "it is one of Satan's old tricks to create scruples in the hearts of God's people about infant baptism." Mr. Ward, does not so much blame Satan, but ac- cuses the Baptists of a " high pitch of boldness, in cutting a principal ordinance out of the Kingdom of God," and of "dislocating, disgooding, unkallow- ing, transplacing) and transtiming, a stated institution of Jesus Christ." He further says, "what an inhuman- ity it is, to deprive parents of that comfort they may take from the baptism of their infants, dying in their childhood." Their successors, with a few exceptions, have made great improvements in arguing the point; the Baptists none at all, for what was their main principle then, is their main principle now. Had the Pedo baptists of Massachusetts, assaulted them with no weapons more powerful than their pens, no fears would have been excited. But if the arguments of Divines, were weak and contemptible, those of the magistrates, w T ere strong and cruel. In 1644, Roger Williams published his " Bloody ( 225 ) Tenet," a piece intended to open the eyes of his old neighbors and associates, to the tendency of their maxims. But all remonstrances were vain. In July 1651, Messrs. Clark, Holmes and Crandal, were ar- rested by two constables with a warrant, while the first was preaching from Rev. III. 10. at a private house, about two miles from Lynn. They were sent to the prison in Boston, when after about a fortnight they were sentenced, Mr. Clark to a fine of twenty pounds, Mr. Holmes of thirty, and Mr. Crandal, of five, or be publicly whipped. Some of Mr. Clark's friends, without his consent, paid his fine. Mr. Cran- dal was released, on condition of his appearing at the next Court. Mr. Holmes was kept in prison until September, when the sentence of the law was executed upon him, in a cruel and unfeeling manner. His own account of his sufferings is given in Benedict's History, and is strongly expressive of ardent piety. Among other things he says, "as the man began to lay the strokes upon my back, I said to the people though my flesh and my spirit should fail> yet my God would not fail. As the strokes fell upon me, I had such a spiri- tual manifestation of God's presence, as the like thereof 1 never had nor felt, nor can with fleshly tongue express. When I was loosed from the post, having joy fulness in my heart, and cheerfulness in my countenance, I told the magistrates, you have struck me as with roses; and said moreover, although the Lord hath made it easy to me, yet I pray God it may not be laid to your charge." ( 226 ) In a manuscript of Governor Jenks, he says, u Mr. Holmes was whipped thirty stripes, and in such an unmerciful manner, that in many days, if not some weeks, he could take no rest but as he lay upon his knees and elbows." During the infliction of the sentence upon Mr. Holmes, some emotions of pity were elicited from the bystanders, and warrants were issued against thirteen persons for this crime. Two only were apprehended, who were required to receive ten lashes, or pay forty shillings each. The latter they could not conscien- tiously do, and were preparing to receive the former, when some one without their knowledge paid the fine. One of them was upwards of sixty years old, and died in a few days after he was released. The first church of Boston gave the rulers of Mas- sachusetts considerable employment for several years. For the " heinous offences, of forming a church with- out their permission, and meeting in their own bous- es to worship "they were incessantly stunned with the harangues of the priests and lawyers, and distressed, and ruined by courts, legislatures, forfeitures and prisons." In 1765, a church was organized in Haverhill, by Hezekiah Smith, D. D. a graduate of Princeton col- lege, and a companion of President Manning, and who " as a preacher was equalled by few." He was at first treated with much rudeness, personally insulted, and his life endangered. On one evening, a beetle was cast at him in the street, and after he was in bed, ( 227 ) a large stone was thrown through the window. His horse also was maltreated, as many others had been that belonged to Baptist ministers. He was once a3* saulted at a house in Bradford, by a sheriff and his gang. The Kingston Church, (Mass.) was formed in 1805, and for about six years, its members were annually harrassed for the support of the parish preacher. A number of them had their property attached, and sold at auction, and as late as 1810, one was dragged from his house, bound fast, and carried to prison. Until the year 1811, the most grievous and wanton treatment was suffered by them. In Connecticut, at one lime, every man who opened his doors for a dissenter to preach, was liable to a fine of five pounds ; the preacher of ten shillings, and every hearer of five. Joshua Morse, a zealous and success- ful preacher, was during a number of years often op- posed by law and by mobs. In one of his meetings, a reverend gentlemen came in, put his hand on his mouth, and bid a companion to strike him. At ano- ther time, a man came in while he was preaching, and struck him with such violence on the temple, that it brought him to the floors At another meeting, he was knocked down while at prayer, seized by the hair, Sragged down high steps to the ground, .and so se- verely bruised in his head and face, that he carried some of the scars to his grave. In Virginia the clergy often attacked the Baptist preachers from the pulpit ,* called them false prophets, ( 228 ) Wolves in sheeps clothing, and many other hard names equally slanderous. The magistrates and people also, were ready to embarrass these " over much righteous" Baptists. Outrageous mobs and individuals, frequent- ly assaulted and disturbed them. They were pulled down while preaching, and dragged out of doors in a barbarous manner. Snakes and hornet's nests were thrown in among them while at worship, and in some instances fire-arms were brought to disperse them. The first instance of actual imprisonment, we be- lieve, was in the county of Spottsylvania. In 1768, John Waller and others, were seized by the Sheriff and bound in a penalty of one thousand pounds, to appear at court two days after. They were arraigned at the court as disturbers of the peace, and sent into a close prison, where they continued forty-three days. While in jail, they constantly preached through the grates to the people who would assemble near them. The preachers were often insulted during the time of the administration of baptism, by men riding into the water, and making sport for the multitude around. In a word, many seemed determined to treat the Bap- tists, with as much rudeness and indecency as possi- ble. As they would preach from the prisons, some would be at the expense of erecting a high wall around them, and others would employ half drunken fellows to beat drums, &c. to prevent the people from hearing. About thirty preachers, and some others, were ho- nored with a dungeon. Some of them were impri- ( 229 ) soned four times, besides all the mobs and perils they went through. Their persecutions, however, so far from impeding, promoted their cause. The patient manner in which they suffered persecution, raised their reputation for piety and goodness. Their num- bers increased in a surprising degree. They were so fortunate in their attempts to obtain liberty of con- science, as to enlist in their behalf the celebrated Patrick Henry, in whom they ever found an unwa- vering friend. Through his exertions, and the efforts of others, they were eventually delivered from their oppression, and allowed to worship God without mo- lestation. From this sketch of the persecutions endured by the denomination, in this country,- together with those of our brethren in other nations, we can but consider the Baptists as occupying the front rank in the noble army of those who have suffered for the truth's sake. And if the fires be rekindled, we maybe assured that our principles, as they have ever done, will expose their possessors to the hottest of the flames. CHAPTER IX, This chapter will present a few incidents in the history of the Baptists, which will, we hope, prove in- teresting to the reader. v ( 3S0 } Bamuel Heaton was bred a Pedo-baptist. Whilst he resided in New Jersey he had a son born, whom he was very anxious to have christened by the Rev. Samuel Sweesy, a Presbyterian minister of the sepa- rate order ; to which christening his wife objected, adding, "if you will show me a text that warrants christening a child, 1 will take him to Mr. Sweesy." Mr. H. offered several texts, but the, wife would not admit that infant baptism was in any of them* He consulted Mr. Sweesy, who owned there was no text which directly proved the point, but that it was prove* able from many texts. This chagrined Mr. II., as he had never doubted that infant baptism was a Gospel ordinance. He went home with a resolution to act the part of the noble Bereans, and soon met with con- victions'; after which he went to Kingwood, and was baptized by Mr. Bonham. " This transaction coming to the knowledge of Ro- bert Calver, a Rogerene Baptist, induced him to pub- lish an advertisement in the newspaper, offering twenty dollars reward to any that would produce a text to prove infant baptism. Rev. Samuel Harker took him up, and carried a text to the advertiser. Calver would not allow that infant baptism was in it ; Harker sued him, but was cast and had the court charges to pay. After that, Mr. C. published another advertise- ment offering a reward of forty dollars for such a text, but none took him up, as Mr. H*s. attempt failed. " Infant baptism has been ten thousand times con- ( 231 ) demned by argument, but this is probably the first time it was ever condemned in a^court oflaw." In 1765, one Allen Wiley of Culpepper, hearing of i\te Separate Baptists, travelled into Pittsylvania to get one or more of them to preach in his county. He providentially fell in with one of Mr. Harris's meet- ings. When he came into the meeting house, Mr. H. fixed his eyes upon him under the impression that he had some extraordinary message, and asked him whence he came, &c. Mr. W. told him his errand, upon which after some deliberation, believing him to be sent of God, Mr. H. agreed to go. Taking three days to prepare, he set out with Wiley, exhorting and praying at every house. Arriving in Culpepper, his first meeting was at Wiley's own house. He preached for some time with success, although he met with much opposition. He returned home, but in the year 1766, three persons travelled to Mr. H's. house, in order to procure his services in Orange and the adjacent parts, to preach and baptize new conyerts. They found that he had not been ordained to the administration of the ordi- nances. To remedy this inconvenience he went with them about 60 miles into North Carolina, to get James Read, who was ordained. There is something singular in the exercise of Mr. Read about this time. He was impressed with an opinion, that he had frequent teaching from God ;and indeed from the account given by himself, we must ( 232 ) either doubt his veracity or admit that his impressions were supernatural. He declares that respecting his preaching in Virginia, for many weeks he had no rest in his spirit* Asleep or awake, he felt his soul ear- nestly impressed with strong desires to go to Virgi- nia to preach the Gospel. In his dreams he thought that God would often shew large congregations of Virginians assembled to hear preaching. He was sometimes heard by hi3 family to cry out in his sleep, "O Virginia, Virginia, Virginia!" Mr. Graves, a member of his church, a good man, discovering his anxiety, and believing nis impressions to be from God offered to accompany him. Just as they were prepa- ring to set out, Mr. Harris and the three messengers mentioned above, came for him to go with them. The circumstances so much resemble Peter's call from Joppa to Caesarea, that we can hardly for a moment hesitate in placing implicit confidence in its being a contrivance of Divine wisdom. In Exol and Piscataway, where John Walter preach- ed, great congregations attended, while very few went to the parish churches. The zealots for the old order were greatly embarrassed. Sometimes the rector of the parish would give notice that on a certain day, " he would prove the Baptists deceivers, and their doctrines false." The attempt was frequently made, but the churchmen uniformly injured their cause. Their arguments were generally drawn from the ex- travagancies of the German Ana-baptists. To this ( 233 ) the Baptists replied " that they disclaimed all connec- tion with the Ana-baptists, and felt themselves no more responsible for their irregularities, than the Episcopalians could feel for the fooleries of the Pa- pists, that the Bible was their criterion, and by that they were willing to stand or fall." Not unfrequent- ly their leading men would attend the Baptist meet- ings, and would enter into arguments with the preach- ers. They insisted that their church was the oldest^ and consequently the best, and that the Baptists were wolves in sheep's clothing. To these arguments Waller and the other preachers boldly and readily replied, that if they were wolves in sheep's clothing, and their opponents were true sheep, it was quite unaccountable that they were per- secuted and cast into prison. It is well known that wolves would destroy sheep, but never till then that sheep would prey upon wolves. They added that their coming might indeed, interrupt their peace, but certainly if it did, it must be a false peace bordering on destruction, and to arouse them from this lethargy was like waking a man whose house was burning over him. Mr. Nicholas Bedgegood came from England to America, in 1751, and was for some time, Mr. White- field's agent in the Orphan House, for which employ- ment he was well qualified, as he had received a classi- cal education and had in his younger days studied law three years. He was brought up an Episcopalian, v2 ( 234 ) but embraced the sentiments of the Baptists a few years after he came to America, and was baptized at Charleston, by the Rev. Oliver Hart. The means of determining his suspense about the validity of infant baptism, was a sermon by Dr. Watts, intended to es- tablish the point. He concluded that the Dr. had said the best that could be said on the subject, and if so, he saw that the best only proves that, sprinkling child- ren is an unscriptural practice. James Fowler was an eminent minister in South Carolina. Part of his history is as follows; Sometime previous to the year 1789, he and two other men by the name of Rogers, were pursuing the same occupa- tion, in a situation, remote from any of the Baptist denomination. They were brought up Presbyterians, and emigrated hither from one of the northern states. Their minds were awakened to religious concerns, and regardless of the traditions of their fathers they took the bible for their creed, and from it according to the best of their understanding, they formed a religious system of their own. They at length heard of a Bap- tist preacher, who lived about 20 or 30 miles from them, and to him they delegated one of their number, to ascertain how far his religious tenets and theirs would agree. When the messenger returned, he in- formed them that the minister's principles and theirs were exactly alike, and that he had a large church of the same mind. Having thus found a people with whom they could associate in the communion of saints, ( 235 ) they immediately repaired to them, were baptized, and admitted into their community. A pleasant anecdote is related of one of the con* verts in a revival which took place in South Carolina. A Mr. F , who had been famous for hilarity and worldly amusement, was brought under concern of mind. His associates were very unwilling to give him up, and tried various methods to divert his atten- tion from what they termed a needless anxiety, but all their efforts proved ineffectual. At length they con- trived a shooting match, and as Mr. F. valued him- self on his skill with the rifle, they laid a considerable wager against him, and doubted not but their plan would succeed. Two gentlemen, waited on him with much gravity, and explained to him the object of their visit. He saw at once through their design, he hesi- tated at first, but on the whole manifested a willing- ness to exert his skill, provided they would let him use his own rifle, and load it himself. This they deemed very reasonable, and seemed much pleased that they had obtained his consent. Mr. F. then stepped up to his book case, and taking down his Bible said, " This is my rifle." Then turning to Acts XIII. 10, he handed his Bible to one of the men and said, " There is my load." The astonished gentleman read as follows: "O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteous- ness! wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?" Conviction from that time fastened ( 236 ) - on his miod, his brother also and both of their wives were convicted, and in a short time were hopefully con- verted, and united with the tempted but faithful man in a profession of religion. This was called F's buck load. Mr. Botsford while he labored in Georgia, was once travelling to the Kioka, where he had appointed to preach, and being unacquainted with the way he call- ed at a Mr. Savidge's to make some inquiries. Mr. S e was then a bigoted churchman, but was hopefully acquainted with the truth. After the proper directions -had been given, the following conversation ensued: "I suppose you are the Baptist minister who is to preach to-day at the Kioka." "Yes sir, will you go?" "No, I am not fond of the Baptists; they think nobody is baptized but themselves." "Have you been baptiz- ed?" "Yes to be sure." "How do you know." "How do I know? why my parents have told me I was." "Then you do not know only by information." Mr. Botsford then left him, but "How, do you know?" haunted him, till he became convinced of his duty. He was baptized by Mr. Marshall, and began to preach on the same day he was baptized. Botsford's " How do you know?" says Mr. Savidge, first set me to think- ing about baptism. In the parts of Georgia where Mr. Botsford labored, the inhabitants were a mixed multitude of emigrants from many different places, most of whom were "des- titute of any form of religion, and the few who paid ( 237 ) any regard to it were zealous churchmen and Luther- ans, and violently opposed to the Baptists. In the same journey in which he fell in with Mr. Savidge, he preached at the court house in Burk County. The assembly at first paid a decent attention; but towards the close of the sermon, one of them with a great oath cried out, the rum is come." Out he rushed, others followed, the assembly was soon left small, and by the time Mr. B. got out to his horse, he had the unhappi- ness to find many of his hearers intoxicated and fight- ing. An old gentleman went up to him, took his horse by the bridle, and in his profane dialect most high- ly extolled him and his discourse, and swore he must come and preach in his neighborhood. It was then no time to reason or reprove, and as preaching was Mr. B's business, he accepted the old man's invita- tion and made an appointment. His first sermon was blessed to the awakening of the old man's wife, one of his sons also became religious, and fifteen others, were brought to the knowledge of the truth. The old man himself became sober and attentive to relig- ion, although he never made a public profession of it. Mr. Button Lane was once preaching at a place call- ed Meherrin, in Maryland, when Mr, Joseph Williams a magistrate, charged him before the whole congre- gation not to come there to preach again. Mr. Lane mildly replied, as there were other places where he could preach without interruption he did not know that he should come there again shortly. After wish- ( 238 ) ing peace to the rest of the company, he gravely ad- dressed Mr. Williams and said, "Little Sir as you now think it, my impressions tell me that you will be- come a Baptist, a warm espouser of that cause which you now persecute." This prediction was fulfilled, for in about twelve years, Mr. W. was baptized and became a zealous member and useful deacon in the church, that was afterwards formed in that place. One William Locker had conceived such malignity against the Baptists, that he was v accustomed to say that he would rather go to Hell than to Heaven, if going to Heaven required him to be a Baptist. But accidentally going into the place where Mr. Lane was preaching, he was struck down with deep con- viction, from which being delivered by converting grace, he became a pious Baptist. After Mr. John Gano had preached at a certain time in a notoriously wicked place in Virginia, two young fellows supposing he had levelled his censures against them, came up and dared him to fight them. " That is not the way," said he " in which I defend my sentiments, but if you choose it, I will right you either both at once, or one after the other, but as I have to preach again very soon, I shall wish to put it off till after meeting." To this proposal the young men agreed. When the meeting was closed, Mr. G. told them he was ready to fight them. The eyes of all were fixed upon the presumptuous youths, yet they had the hardihood to present themselves for the com* ( 239 ) bat. " If," said he, " I must fight you, I shall chooge to do it in a more retired place, and not before all these people." With that he walked off and bid the young men follow him. He then commenced the attack in the following manner ; 4< young gentlemen, you ought to be ashamed of your conduct ; what rea- son have you to suppose that I had a particular re- ference to you? I am an entire stranger here, and know not the names or characters of any. You have proved by your conduct, that you are guilty of the vices which I have censured, and if you feel so much disturbed at my reproofs, how will you stand before the bar of God /" " I beg your pardon," said one, " I beg your pardon, I am sorry," said the other. " If you are beaten, gentlemen, we will go back," and thus ended the battle. While this singular man resided in New York, he was introduced to a young lady as the only daughter of Esquire W — — . " Ah !" replied he, " and I can tell a good match for her, and he is an only son." The young lady understood his meaning, and was not long after united to this son, and has for forty years been an ornament to his cause. Shubael Stearns preached at Sandy Creek, in North Carolina. Many stories have been told respecting the enchantments of his eyes and voice, of which we will give two. The subjects of them became Baptist min- isters. " When the fame of Mr. Stearns' preaching, (said ( 240 ) Mr. Lane) had reached the Yadkin, I felt a curiosity to go and see him. Upon my arrival, I saw a venera- ble old man sitting under a peach tree with a book in his hand, and the people gathering about him. He immediately fixed his eyes upon me, which made me feel in such a manner as 1 had never before felt. I turned to quit the place, but could not proceed far. I walked about, sometimes catching his eye as I walk- ed. My uneasiness increased, and became intolera* ble. I went up|lo him, thinking that a salutation and shaking hands would relieve me, but it happened otherwise. I began to think that he had an evil eye and ought to be shunned, but this I could no more ef* feet than a bird could shun a rattlesnake when it fix- es its eyes upon it. When he began to preach, my perturbations increased, so that nature could no long- er support them, and I sank to the ground." "Elnathan Davis had heard, that one John Stew- ard was to be baptized on a certain day by Mr* Stearns. Stewart being a very large man, and Stearns of small stature, Davis concluded there would be some diversion if not drowning, therefore he gather- ed about eight or ten of his companions in wicked- ness, and went to the spot. Mr. Stearns came and began to preach. Elnathan was no sooner among the crowd, than he perceived some of the people tremble as in a fit of the ague; he felt and examined them, in order to find if it was not dissimulation. Elnathan. perceiving that one man leaning on his shoulder and weeping, had wet his new white coat, pushed him off ( 241 ) and ran to his companions who were sitting on a loir at a distance. When he came, one said, " well E!na- than what do you now think of these people ?" af- fixing to them a profane and reproachful epithet. He replied "there is a trembling and crying spirit among; them, but whether it be the Spirit of God or the de- vil, I don't know ; if it be the devil, the devil go with them, for I will never more venture myself among them.' 5 He stood awhile in that resolution, but the en- chantment of Stearns' voice drew him into the crowd once more. He had not been long there, before the trembling seized him also, he attempted to withdraw, but his strength failing and his understanding being- confounded, he with many others fell to the ground. His dread and anxiety bordered on horror. He con- tinued in th'13 situation some days, and then found relief in Christ. John Waller was born in Spotsylvania. As he grew up he addicted himself to all manner of vice, so that he acquired for himself the appellation of swearing Jack Waller. It was frequently remarked by the common people that there could be no deviltry among the people, unless swearing Jack was at the head of it. He was sometimes called the devil's adjutant to muster his troops. To his other vices, may be added his fury against the Baptists. He was one of the grand jury which presented Louis Craig for preach inir, Mr. Craig, at the dismission of the jury, addressed them affectionately. From this time he attend ' I w ( 242 ) the Baptist meetings, where he saw and felt that he was a sinner. Then for the first time, except in blas- phemy, he began to>call upon the name of the Lord. His convictions were deep and pungent for about eight months, when he found peace in believing on a crucified Redeemer; soon after which he was bapti- zed and began to preach that men every where ought to repent. A fevv years since, a lady residing in the interior of Pennsylvania, a member of a Pede-baptist church, in a conversation with her sister, who was a Baptist, de- clared among other things, " when you can remove yon mountain and place it where that creek runs, you may see me a Baptist, and not till then : I will go to the stake or the flames, before I will give up the privi- lege of having my infants baptized." She was led, however, to examine the subject more closely, and in a few months, in the presence of most of the church she left, was baptized and admitted into the Baptist church. In my subsequent visits to that neighbor- hood, 1 found the mountain and creek in their accus- tomed places, and Mrs. , a Baptist, In A— county, Vd, is. a Baptist church, in the constitution of which I assisted, and for which I [reached and administered the cdinances for one year, in the face of considerable opposition. Subse- quent to this^the P minister, justly fearing that some of his flock would desert, thought it expedient to indoctrinate them thoroughly, both \>y preaching ( 243 ) and private conversation. In a visit to an official member of his church, he remarked that, he supposed he understood and was able to defend infant baptism. Oh ! yes. Suppose then I take the Baptist side of the question, and see how well you can defend your positions. The proposition was agreed to, and a de- bate ensued, which resulted in a perceptible diminu- tion of the member's confidence. The minister, alarmed, undertook himself the defence, and urged the necessity of a further examination of the subject. The subject was examined, and (as in innumerable other cases,) the conclusion was that the man and his wife became Baptists. Others, also, followed their example. CHAPTER X. This chapter will close the work, and will be de- voted to a variety of articles, intended to set forth the sentiments and operations of our denomination. Principles* — We are happy to have found in the "Triennial Register/' a well written article on this subject, which at the suggestion of a friend we in- sert. It formed originally, a part of the circular let- ter of the Midland Association, (England,) and was written in 1832. It is an important fact " that liberal and indepen- dent principles, with a devoted opposition to every spe- ( 244 ) eies of usurpation over the conscience and religion of mas, whether arising from Pope or King, generally cha- racterised the Baptists, and for this they suffered. Such principles were avowed by the Redeemer himself; they are essentially connected with the history now under consideration, and eminently distinguish the Baptist denomination at the present period. Dr. Mosheim,a Lutheran divine, who wrote a valuable work on Church history, states that the following position was main- tained by the ancient Waldenses: " That the king- dom of Christ, or the visible church he had establish- ed upon earth, was an assembly of real saints, and ought therefore to be inaccessible to the wicked and unrighteous, and also exempt from all those institu- tions which human prudence suggests to oppose the progress of iniquity, or to correct and transform trans - pressors. " " This principle," says Mosheim, " is the true source of ail the peculiarities that are to be found in the religious doctrines and discipline of the Bap- lists in Holland;" and I may add, of the Baptists in every part of tiie world at tin's moment. Thus, then, we are connected with the ancient confessors, not only in agreement of opinion on the subject of baptism, but in rational and enlightened views of the rights of men, and the claims of God. It is the privilege of man to investi- gate truth for himself; "Judge ye-what is right," said the Saviour : God therefore does not exercise his author- ity in arbitrary dictation over the judgment and con- science of man, but appeals to the reasoning faculty of his creatures for the truth and justice of his claims. (245 ) Doctrines and ordinances have to be examined, and the appeal is to the intelligence of accountable be- ings. On this the Baptists of ancient times rested their arguments in opposing legalised and established opinions. They maintained that man cannot be born in- to a system of faith, nor surrendered in infancy or age to a form of religion, but may assert his right to judge for himself; to examine and decide, under the lofty conviction that God has not made him a slave. They acknowledged no clerical or secular domination, but scorned with becoming indignation every attempt t© subdue reason, by enforcing the dogmas of a party, and held, with determined fidelity, the high vantage ground assigned them by their Creator. From those ancients we boast our descent, for we inherit their principles — principles which, from the high authority which sanctioned them, and the sacred channels through which they have been transmitted, arecommended to thechristian feelingand enlightened judgment of all who bear the Christian name ; princi- ples which are venerable for theirantiquity, and, hav- ing passed through many regions, and survived innu- merable perils, come to us associated with all that is pure and triumphant in the history of the church — with the names of apostles, of confessors, of martyrs ; and from us they are to travel down to that Millenni- um day, when truth will sway its sceptre over the millions of the regenerated creation. In the constitution of a Baptist church, conversion is essential to membership; for no child can be born w2 ( 246 ) a Baptist, and no adult can be admitted to communion until the Christian character is formed; membership is then matter of choice. This unfettered freedom of judgment and will, exists in the appointment of ©iti- cers, and in the modes and seasons of public worship* With these things no external power can interfere, no general standard is recognised ; so that a wide dif- ference is perceivable between the Baptists and the churches of Rome and England. The whole appara- tus of a systematic priesthood; of catechisms, creeds, and books of prayer; of laws and formularies, formed for the very purpose of trampling on the right of in- dividual judgment; together with the acts of unifor- mity and courts of Inquisition, which religious des- potism had formed, have always been regarded by Baptists as an unhallowed innovation on the intellec- tual and moral property of man. Against such innova- tions they always loudly protested, and still protest." The denomination at large maybe said to hold that, man is a totally depraved creature, and that unless he be born again, and live a holy life, he is unfit for the communion of saints on earth, or in Heaven ; that there is an election of Grace, effectual calling, &t\ that the saints shall be kept unto life eternal, and that the happiness of the righteous, and the misery of the wicked, will be everlasting. That each church is in- dependent of any and all others, &c. " Why," we may then ask, " were the Baptists so cruelly treated in every age and by every power? It was not that at any period they were, in a political ( 247 ) sense, of such importance as that their existence might be deemed dangerous, and their extinction ne- cessary to the safety of a state, but there was, as when Christian truth commenced its march, a mysterious power that acted on the fears of rulers, and they were alarmed, they knew not why. Let it be observed that the element of freedom is identified with the doctrine of adult baptism, for on the free exercise of judgment and choice, it has its foundation. A Bap- tist, therefore, cannot coerce the will of another; and on the same principle, if placed under civil or reli- gious despotism, he will be found panting and strug- gling for liberty; his profession of Baptism is a pub- lic avowal of the rights of man to liye unfettered, and consequently a public condemnation of oppression. Here, then, we find the source of the wrongs which they have endured : " What has the Emperor to do with our religion? What have the Bishops to do at court ?" were inquiries urged by some of the ancients, and such sentiments have at all times been uttered by the Baptists. Wherever they are found, whether on the page of history, or mixed up with existing events, they will appear the champions of freedom, the free- dom of truth and humanity — hated by tyrants, but ad- mired by the enlightened and the free. With the progress of liberty in England, they have steadily ad- vanced. In America only, have they found a soil ful- ly congenial, and there their triumphs have been glo- rious. Their cause is thus identified with Christian- ity, which secures, wherever it has dominion, liberty ( 248 ) of conscience and of action ; and which, though often " cast down, could not be destroyed." Missions, — We have seen that to the Baptists in the person of Dr. Carey, and the self-denying labors of Fuller, Sutcliff* and others, belongs the honor of lead- ing the way in the Foreign Missions of modern times. The work of translating the Scriptures, and that of evangelizing the benighted inhabitants of the East, still receive the patronage of our English brethren, and enjoy the benedictions of the Head of the Church. \ From the last report of the Baptist Missionary So- ciety in England, it appears that it has 16 stations, occupied by 14 missionaries, besides several native preachers. At these stations are 10 or 12 churches, to which oQ persons have been added by baptism since the former report. The Serampore Mission, embraces 18 mission sta- tions and 11 out stations, extending over a very large portion of country. At these, there are about 50 Eu- ropean and Asiatic laborers, and the number is con- tinually, though gradually increasing. In our own country, the " Baptist Foreign Mission Society" formed in Boston, in 1813, in consequence of the change of sentiments in brother and sister Jud- son, and brother Rice, is the oldest of this character except one, the Salem Bible Translation and Foreign Mission Society, formed in the year 1812. From this society originated the *With this lamented brother the Monthly Concert of Prayer (so generally observed) originated. ( 249 ) Baptist Triennial Convention* — This Convention was formed in 1814. It is composed of delegates, not exceeding one for every one-hundred dollars contribu- ted annually to the general fund. During its recess, the business is transacted by a Board of Managers, whose duty it is to employ missionaries, determine the field of their labors, and their compensation, and in general to conduct the executive part of the mis- sionary concern. There are under the direction of the Board, 22 mis- sions, 3(? stations, 23 preachers, 5 printers, 4 teach- ers and assistants, 85 female missionaries and assis- tants : 15 native preachers, 22 native teachers and as- sistants: Total 109. On their way to missions, 9 preachers, and 9 female missionaries and assistants. Whole number of missionaries and assistants, 127; churches, 21 ; members, 1,406 ; schools, 20, with nearly 1,000 scholars. The income of the convention for the last year, was $60,000; expenditure 870,900. The stations occupied by the Board are, in Asia, 11, in Europe, (France and Germany)*], in Africa, 2, in our own country, among the Indians, IS, and one at Hayti. Other places are about to be occupied, among them, long neglected Greece. The Roberts' Fund Society was organised in Louis- ville, Ky. in May last, for the purpose of sustaining a mission in China. A Board of 30 Directors was chosen, to which brother I. J. Roberts made over a large es- tate, and by which he was appointed a missionary to China, The whole sum surrendered bv Mr. Roberts ( 250 ) is $31,000. Additional subscriptions and pledges were given by others, amounting to $4,715. There are two other brethren ready to accompany brother R. and two others, who wish to enter on a course of stu- dy preparatory to the same work. Brother R. having left all for Christ's sake and tho Gospel's, will no doubt in this life and that to come, enjoy a glorious reward. The propriety of an organ- ization separate from the Board of tba Convention, is yet to be tested. We venture, however, to predict that the unusually noble deed ot Mr. Roberts, will be properly directed by Him for whose ^lory it was done. The American B. Home Mission Society was organ- ised on the <,7ih April, 1832. Its last meeting was held in Philadelphia in June. Their operations and success are rapidly extending. Tneir receipts for the last jear were nearly $16,000. The number of mis- eionaries 114. Several new churches were formed and a considerable number baptized. " Comparing the reports of the American Home Mission Society with our own, we appear to do little, but it should be understood that they have a different mode of reckoning — all that is done by auxiliaries, is considered as done by the parent society. From a recent calculation, it has been estimated that, the number of Baptist missionaries supported by the pa- rent and local societies is 425. The New York Con- vention supports 70; the Massachusetts 40 ; Pennsyl- vania 17, and all the States more or less. The money expended, is not less than 55,000 dollars." ( 251 ) The oldest and most considerable domestic mission organization among the Baptists in America, is the society formed at Boston in 1802, now a component part of the Massachusetts convention. The Philadelphia Association set on foot a mission- ary plan, about the year 1800. By the Charleston Association, S. C. a missionary society was begun in 1303, One of the most efficient bodies in our country, is the New York convention, formed in 1821. Its re- ceipts for the last year were upwards of $14,000 ; 10,- 000, were paid to the A. B. II. M. Society. Nineteen States have organised Conventions or General Associations, and the others will, no doubt, soon possess the same. In a word, the spirit of Home, as well as Foreign Missions is rising higher and higher. The B. General Trad Society was instituted in Washington in 1824. In 1826, the seat of its ope- rations was removed to Philadelphia, The business of the Society, is transacted by a Board of 21 mana- gers, in addition to those elected annually. The re- ceipts of the society in 1824, were $373 80, and in 1835, $8,000 30. Extensive and extending efforts are made in behalf of the West, and about $300 have been subscribed, for the purpose of publishing Mrs. Judson's memoirs, and some temperance tracts in Germany. The society has been instrumental in the accomplishment of much good, and demands from the denomination a more liberal patronage. ( 252 ) The writer begs leave to say (hat, he agrees with those brethren who think a " Publication Society," or "Book Concern,*' a desirable and necessary organiza- tion, in the present slate of our affairs. Let him further suggest the propriety of rendering the most efficient support to our periodicals, and of obtaining and circulating the productions of Baptist authors. Some of the best books in our language, are from the pens of our brethren. Education. — Literary establishments have all along enjoyed more or less patronage from the Baptists. The oldest among them in this country, is Brown University, in Providence, R. I., incorporated 1765, and is one of the most respectable institutions of the kind.* It has enjoyed the presidency of distinguish- ed men, and a faculty of no ordinary character. Dr. Way land is now at its head. Besides this, we have under our control the Water- ville college, Maine, the Columbian, Washington, D. C. the Brockport, New York, the Haddington, Pa. the ShurtlefF, Illinois, the Georgetown, Ky. and ore in Granville, Ohio. In addition to these there are several literary institut'ons of a high order. There are ten, either wholly, or in part theological ; one wholly theological, at Alton, Illinois, founded in 1835, and having now 25 students, one at Newton, *An unsuccessful attempt was made by Dr. Ezra Styles and others, to deprive the Baptists of this institution, by drawing' the charter in so artful a manner as to give its control to Congreg'ationalists. ( 253 ) Mass. with 42 students, and one at Covington, Ry. just going into operation. The whole number of colleges &c. is 35. Should not the Baptists patron- ise their own institutions, in preference to others? We think there can be but one answer to this ques- tion. In England, the education of pious ycung men claimed the attention of the Baptists, as early as 1704, and in the year 1715, the charity school upon Horsc- ley-down, was founded by the Protestant dissenters, in which the Baptists sustained an equal share. Here we may notice the subject of Sunday School instruction. In a brief history of the Seventh day bap- tists, of Ephrata, Lancaster county, Pa. by Dr. W. M. Fahnestock, it is said that " it is not known in what year exactly, the Sabbath school was commenced. Hcecker came to Ephrata in 1739, and it is presumed that he began it soon after he took up his residence there." This school precedes that begun in England by Robert Raikes, at least 40 years. The American Sunday School Union, has to a con- siderable extent been supported by the Baptists. In Massachusetts, is a Baptist Sunday School Union, whose receipts during the last year were over 8,000 dollars. A New England S. S. Union has been recently commenced. In other States they are projected, and the writer hopes soon to see a general Union of the denomination upon this subject. The number of our schools in the United Stales, is x ( 254 } computed at 3,000 with perhaps 200,000 children f in many of the churches, are flourishing bible classes. Bible Societies. — The British and Foreign Bible So- ciety, the oldest in existence, originated with a Welsh Baptist minister. The denomination in England have through this society done much good, and have also been honored by the unparalielled labors of their la- mented Carey, in the work of translating the Scrip- tures into many of the Eastern languages. In this country, we have until recently been con- nected with the * American B. Society,' in both its home and foreign operations. Their decision made lately, to withold aid from those versions, in which the original word for immersion is translated, and not transferred (as in the English version now in use) has been considered a just reason for the separate action of the Baptists, in the great work of giving the pure scriptures to the nations; and as they have already translated the bible into more languages than all the other sects of chris- tians,* and their resources are ample, they have no *So long ago as 1815, it was announced by the Seram- pore brethren, that they had translated the Scriptures into the languages spoken by more than half the inhabitants of the globe. The first translation of the New Testament into the Chinese language was effected by them into 1814, though for want of funds, the whole bible was not comple- ted until 1822. Why has this work been covered up and Morrison's version pressed upon our patronage. A correspondance has recent!} been carried on between the American B. Society, and Mr. Dyer, a Pedo-baptist missionary, upon the subject of printing the Chinese lan-_ guage upon metal types instead of wooden blocks. In a { 255 ) doubt, that their secession will be fraught with abund- ant benefit. A new society has been formed, called " the American and Foreign Bible Society ." It is a provisional organization effected in New York, sub- ject to the revision of a general meeting to be held in Philadelphia in April next. Several thousand dol- lars have been already furnished for its treasury.* Auxiliaries will multiply, until the whole denomina* tion shall tender its most liberal support. In Connec- ticut an auxiliary state society has been formed. The formation of the A. and F. B. Society, consti- tutes a new era in our history. We are thrown upon our own resources in the Bible cause, and under a weighty responsibility to the destitute. We further conceive it to be the first step in the desirable seces- sion from all those compacts, into which we have en- tered with a very charitable consent to keep back a part of the truth. Let the whole denomination come up to this enterprise, in a spirit of love to God and the souls of men, and a blessing large and rich must rest upon it. Periodicals. — These are numerous and respectable, memoir of 1814, printed at Serampore, is this statement, " preparations are making for printing the Bible in the Chinese with moveable metal types, &c." How is it that the labors of Baptists are left S3 much out of view ! * An appropriation has just been made of $2,500, to the Baptist Miss, society, London, for the printing of the Ben- galee bible, translated by brother Yates, who is said to he one of the best oriental scholars now living. The Bengalee is spoken by about thirty -two millions of people. ( 256 ) (some of them of the first order) both in this country and in England. Among us, there are 1 triennial, 1 quarterly, 7 monthly, and 16 weekly publications. Though a few are pretty well supported, they do not generally re- ceive the support they justly claim. The Christian Review edited by Professor Knowles, is a valuable quarterly. The Boston Recorder says, "the amount of Baptist matter in it will diminish its circulation among other sects and men of no sect." On this the American Baptist remarks/" we presume it will, for it is a rare thing that a Pedo-baptist ever reads, certainly that he ever subscribes for a Baptist periodical. Baptists are to a great extent, subscri- bers for Pedo-baptist works. Is it because- Baptists are really more liberal, less sectarian than other de- nominations? Such we religiously believe to be the fact, &e." It is to be hoped the Review will be li- berally patronised by Baptists, for whose instruction it is specially designed. Revivals. — On this subject we proposed a separate chapter, but as the volume has already swelled to an unexpected number of pages, we can offer but a few remarks upon it. And, first of all, revivals of re- ligion are no new thing among Baptists ; they follow- ed the labours of our fathers, almost wherever they went, and they were powerful too. In Kentucky, Tennessee, &c. some of the most wondrous displays of Divine power have been witnessed. Again, the usual attendants of late revivals, are tlie same as those (257 ) of former times. Sudden conversions were also fre- quent. In a word, we question whether any preach- ing has been attended with more of the manifest power of God, than that of the Baptists, especially in this country. Protracted, and even camp meetings* were often held, in some of which hundreds wero converted. We will only add that, we cannot justly be accu- sed of a sectarian spirit in our revivals, as ministers of other Evangelical denominations are, as a general thing, invited to participate, and the preaching is of that kind, which is calculated to awaken and convert. Observations and suggestions, — Those who have un- dertaken to prepare a full history of our denomina- tion, have experienced great difficulty, for want of proper records. We would suggest to associations and churches, the propriety of exercising great care and judgment, in the preservation of all the facts con- nected with their origin and progress. And, to ob.- tain the most complete history, let some suitable per- son be appointed by the associations in each State ; then when that of the States respectively is furnished, a general history can be compiled without difficulty. Again, it has been found that many brethren in the old^churches, not only aided them while living, but made provision for them when gone. Is it not the bounden duty of members of churches to do the same now 1 And, if more would regard this matter proper- *Camp meetings had their rise with the Baptist cuid Presbyterian Churches, in the Western States. x2 ( 253 ) ly, or if the churches would see (hat all the members gave their proportion for their support, foreign aid would not be so often necessary. Further, churches that are small and feeble, too frequently become disheartened, and of course make little or no effort to extend their borders. Let such remember and consider the cases of the Sandy Creek, and Little River churches, mentioned in this work. Besides, when members of churches have removed to places where there are no Baptists, or but a few scat- tered ones, they have become discouraged, yielded to the entreaties of others, and relinquished their prin- ciples. Persons similarly situated, should rather imitate the example of Mrs. Scammon, ".who after living 40 years a solitary life, as to communion with her brethren, was finally the means of spreading Bap- tist sentiments, and laying the foundation for some of the oldest churches in the New Hampshire associa- tion." She laboured diligently in the midst of re- proach. She purchased more than one hundred co- pies of " Norcott upon Baptism," and distributed them through the neighborhood. She did not live to see the fruits of her labor, but shortly after her death, a Pedo-baptist minister, a physician, and a majority of a congregational church, and many others were bapti- zed, and four churches formed. In view therefore, of the force of truth as displayed in this instance, and many others every year, of the conversion of the mi- isters and members of other denominations to our sentiments, (whilst well informed Baptists rarely yield) ( 259 ) we suggest the propriety of each family being Well supplied with books written by Baptist authors, not only on the subject of baptism, but on theology in general. Conclusion.— u & striking particular observable on the face of our history is the existence of a denomination apparently so disjointed and multifarious. So large a body, in tolerable consistency and co-herence, without the ordinary coercives of creeds and confes- sions, of synods, councils and judicatories, of presby- ters, bishops, and ecclesiastical authorities, is a rare combination — a singular example of what the world would deem a fortuitious consent. There is among us no spiritual legislation, no mandatory ordinations issuing from Conventions, nor conferences, rror gene- ral assemblies : So that whatever of good understand- ing or harmony of feeling may exist among us, is a state of things, the origin and success of which, must be sought in principles of union other than those or- dinarily exhibited in church history. Do we arrogate too much to ourselves, or derogate too much from others, when we intimate the belief that our general consistency, as a body, is the result of a conscientious adherence to the Gospel Standard?" That there are faults among us we do not deny i that some walk in a manner unworthy their vocation is a lamentable truth. But while some are deplora- bly anti-practical, we may say that they are unbap- tisllike, for our baptism is a holy assumption of reli* gious faith and duty, ( 260 ) Finally, brethren, let us thank God for the abun- dant blessings bestowed upon us, and press forward in increasing harmony, in holy action, and in a near- er assimilation to the example of our blessed Master and his holy Apostles, so shall our numbers still more rapidly increase, in this world we shall enjoy the love of Christ, and so shall an entrance be ministered to us in the everlasting kingdom above. Amen. Note. — We proposed in the body of the work to give at the conclusion, a list of the churches in Pennsylvania, but want of room compels us to omit it. ( 261 ) APPEN-DIX; €* EBTE&AL SUMOTAf&IT. STATES: Associ- Church- Minis- Licen- Bap- Mem- ations. es: ters: tiates: tisnis bers: Maine 10 237 149 28 643 15,965 N. Hampshire 6 • 93 63 22 1,110 7,885 Vermont 9 133 91 14 855 10,352 Massachusetts 11 189 170 62 1,105 21.396 Rhode Island 1 33 22 2 218 5,003 Connecticut 6 98 80 17 683 10,774 New York 38 648 531 136 4,304 68,231 New Jersey 3 67 64 8 593 6,426 Pennsylvania 12 200 115 31 1,101 13,750 Delaware 1 8 3 4 378 Maryland 2 36 23 93 1,460 D. of Columbia 4 2 6 492 Virginia 25 484 238 50 3,483 59,470 North Carolina 25 425 177 45 1,391 26,299 South Carolina 14 336 lo8 55 1,985 33,486 Georgia 23 572 236 69 2,370 42,949 Alabama 16 333 157 31 607 15,630 Mississippi 8 122 48 * 6 136 4,287 Louisiana 2 11 7 4 370 Arkansas 2 23 16 1 17 592 Tennessee 27 514 266 53 1,240 27-245 Kentucky 34 524 195 36 1,314 35 570 Ohio 26 363 199 20 952 14-290 Indiana 24 358 162 40 357 13,058 Illinois 21 250 150 22 259 7,112 Missouri 16 6 99 30 454 7,831 Michigan 3 252 28 3 44 1,699 Total in 1835 365 6319 3449 790 25,224 452,000 Total in 1834 322 5888 3110 701 24,386 424,282 Increase. 43 431 339 89 838 27,718 ( 262 ) Associa- Church- Minis- Licen- Bap- Mem- lions. es. ters. tiates tisms. bers. Free Will Baptists Seventh Day Baptists 750 481 131 5,808 33,882 42 30 16 349 4.503 Six Principle Baptists IQ 9 236 1,943 Tofol in ia35 808 520 147 6,394 40,328 Regular Baptists 365 6,319 3,449 790 25,224 452,000 Total in the U. States - 7.127 3,969 937 31,617 492,328 Total in British Amer. 7 ' 172 106 29 1,491 25,195 Total in the U. S. and British Possessions. 372 7,299 4,075 966 33,108 517,523 England 29 950 780 *100 4.261 106,000 Wales 6 280. 250 *50 1.034 35.000 Scotland and Ireland 1 *120 *100 * LO',000 General Bap. in England 1 117 *100 816 11,763 Continental Baptists *150 * 100 ' * 10,000 Burmah 21 53 221 1,406 Other parts of Asia 40 78 *3,000 Africa 1 8 10 '*2,000 Grand Total 410 8,985 5,546 1,116 39,440 696,692 ^Computed. From the statements presented in the preceding pages, it will appear that we have in the U. States •365 associations, 252 of which reported 25,224 bap- tisms within 12 months, and a clear increase of 27,- 718 members. In 6,319 churches, we have 452,000 members. The- Free Will Baptists are not included in this enumeration. In 750 churches they have 33,882 members. In British America we have 172 churches with 25,195 communicants* It is probable that we have not less than 250 church- es, whose numbers we have not ascertained. The number of their members may be computed at 10,000. And if in the 113 associations from which no returns have been recently received, there should have been an increase proportionate with those whose minutes of last year were furnished, we should have in the U. S. and British Posessions about 7,600 churches, with ( 263 ) 540,000 members. The number baptised in the year would be about 35,000. Supposing 7 adherents to one communicant, the Baptist population in the U. S. alone, will be about four millions. The total number of members in 1812, was a little over 200,000. Brief view of other denominations, Methodist Episcopal Church. — Founded 1729, by John Wesley, 22 annual conferences, 2,608 travel* ling preachers, 652,528 members. Increase in the year 13,744. In the total number are included all who are upon trial, and who form a large proportion, Protestant Methodists.— Members computed at 30,- 000. Presbyterians.-— -25 synods, 120 Presbyteries, 1973 ordained ministers, 274,048 communicants. Cumberland Presbyterians. — 450 ministers, 50,000 members, *^^ Other Presbyterians. — 437 congregations, 28,000 members. Congregationalists. — 1,100 churches, 150,000 mem- bers. Episcopalians. — The number of ministers is 802, congregations computed at 830. Lutherans. — Ministers 267, congregations 750, communicants, 62,266. German Reformed Church. — 180 ministers, 600 congregations, 30,000 members. Reformed Dutch Church. — 192 ministers, 21,044 members. ( 264 > Friends. — 8 yearly meetings in the United States, and 2 in Europe ; the whole computed to include about 150,000 members. Number of Societies in the U» S. 450 or 500. Christians.— They immerse, and only on a profes- sion of faith. Churches 1000, members 30,000. The Tankers are said to have 40 or 50 churches ; the Mennonites 200. United Brethren.- -33 ministers, 24 congregations, 5,745 members. Unitarians. — About 200 congregations : Universal- ists, about 600. The Roman Catholics are variously estimated at from 500,000, to 1,500,000, embracing the entire population. Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: April 2006 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724)779-2111