71 E A P T I S K A L R E C R D R F R I: E OPT D D U T H E C H C H 1 J R C H Y S T E R I A T I S L A i 3 A Y, L N G ■I D IJ E W YORK 1741-1846 Copied by Josephine C. Frost (Mrs. Samuel Knapp Frost) 1913 saotl .0 ;5..^.. (J'so'i'i qqsa>i I9i,:iiis3 .3* 't Index to Contents Baptisms, j:amilles_connected with the Church, 1831 j jmilies connected wit h the Church, 1827 Families connected with the Church, 18 45 Marriages, 1826-1847 page 1 " 108 113 117 " 120 w '■-1-'' _ c -' ' *->■■ ■■ •-■ -1- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1741 Daniel Voorhies, Oct. 24 Phebe Bennet. Antie. Cornelius and Antie Voorhies Nov. 19 Gerrit Van Wicklen, Leena Amerman, Jacob, Dec. 20 Hendrick Deye, Maria BrinkerlToff, Jost, 1742 Gerret Snedeker Feb, 21 Maria Van Arsdalen, Gerret, Cornelius Hoo^andt, Sarah WoertmanJ Williao, William Hogeland, Aeltje Brinkerhoff April 17 Jeromus Bennet, Neeltje Hoogelandt, Neeltje April 18, Abraham Van Voorhees, Styntie Vandeveer, Abraham, Lucas Van Voorhees, Steyntie Vanderveer May 9 Thomas Hendrikson, Saertje Heyder, Leisebet, May 30 Jan Haf, Sarah Looyse, Saera^ Peter Luyster, Sara Monfort June 20 Jan Loyse, Neeltye Looyse, Gesiena, Joseph Golder and sister Wyntie Golder .ftj ^,:k .C-Oiii 5r.9iH9l "B- Sate Parent 8 Child Sponsors 1742 Theodore Galjer, July 18 Maria Haviland Peter Aug, 14 Abraham Hogelant, Anatje Derjee, Magdalena Dec, 5 Simon Simonse, Matje Woortman, Harmptje 1742/3 Gerret Nostrand, Jan, 16 Maria Vanderbilt, Geertruy, Jan Vanderbilt, Margaret ie Hogelant Jo St Duryea, Willempie Terhunen Johanis Roelof Terhunen and . Feb, 13 Maurice Simonse, Cornelia -- Catrina Jan Liquer, Janetie Springsteen 1743 Jost Muelener, March 23 Cornelia Knelese, William May 21 Elisabeth. Catryntie. Anetje and Ernie. 4 children- Their father was Cornel is Voorhies and their mother Emie Robins; Witnesses: Jurian Haff and his wife Ana- ITJ "^V 5*®^^^! Janse and wife Caetje; Laurens Haff ad his wife Cornelia; stevi Janse, Jr. and his wife Anetje May 22 Hendericus Hardenbergh, Janetie Borland, Maria Cornel is Hogeland Sarah Woertman, his wife rs^n ■3- Date Parents Child Sponsors, The coniinencement of Isaac Remsen's Record 1743 Joost Dorie, June 24 Sarah Til lit, Sarah Johanis Van Caats, Catrina Sprong Catrina Aug. 7 William Hogelandt, Aeltje Brinkerhoff, Derrick, Different writing from last three coaimences here 1747 Isaac Remsen, Jan Vanderbilt and April 22 Geertruy Vanderbilt, Jan, Llargrita Hogelant his wife. (A query after this suggesting the wife's nasie as Catrina) The next name is still in a different hand from the others, Jon Vanderbilt, Mar gar it Hogelant, Hendrik Jeromus Bennet, Neeltje Hogelant, Neeltje Abraham Hogelant, Anatje Durje, Neeltje, Joost Durye, Geertye Nostrant, Antje Krystoffel Ryder, Elisabet Cile, Aletta^ .4- Data Parents Child Sponsors 1747 Daniel Duryea, April 22 Eitti Rock Abraham Jost Monfort, Catrina Duryea, Jacobus Monfort & Jacobus, wife Dowtye Duryea Mart Rimmelty, El is abet Gritman Johannes. David Karseboom, Sara Van Velser. W, Van Velser and William, wife Janety Jan Voorhes, Lea Springsten, Jost. Johannes Van Kast, Catrina Spron, Marretje Jost Duryea, Sarah Til lit. Jost. Theodore Kalyer, Malle Hefferland. Abraham. Isaac Hendryesen, Willenpe Ryder. npe Ryder, Isaac Dominie Hendricus Gutsgens, """•"""■ Lourits »5. Date Parents Child Sponsors 1747 Johannes Symonsen, April 22 Marytje Stcokholm, 1748 Mart Rimmilti Oct. 27 Elisabeth Gritman Annat j e, Willisun, Johannes Couson, Jr. and Lea daughter of Liouris Simonse Johann Johanis Bennet, Maltye Letten, Gerret. Cornelius Hogelant, Sarah Woertman. William Joost Durye, V/ellempie Terhunen, Gerret Isaac Remsen, Gertruy Vanderbilt, Abraham Jan Luyster, Leisabet Voorhies. Peter Jost Monfort, Catryntie Durye, Elisabeth Nicholas Van Kats, Jannetie Woertman. Jan Woertman and wife Jannetie, Jannetie Letten 1747 Nicholas Van Catts, April 22 Janet ji 7/oertiaan, * Johanis -6- Date ParentB Child Sponsors 1749 Hendriclc Duryee, April 16 Maria Briakelhoff, Abraham Jan Voorhes, Lea Springsteen, Neeltje Jacob CousBon, Lena Stcokholra. Johanis Johania Cousson & wife Uarytje Sinonse Hour is Simonae Cornelia Laquier, Mouris, Simon Simonsen & wife Lattye Wortinem Peter monfort, P.ittie Hardenbergh, Doortje Jacobus Monfort & wife Doortie Monfort Joost de Mulenaer, Knelea Xnelessen, Saertje 1750 Jeronimus Bennet, June 13 Neeltje Hogelant Jeroninus Daniel Voorhes, Feminetie Bennet Thomas Hendreesen, Sarah Ryder, Steven Cornelius Voorhies, Neeltje Hogelant, * Maria Cornelius Hogelant & daughter Eittye Hoge- lant Joost Duyee Sarah Tillet Gerret Hendrik Durye & wife Maria Brinkelhoff -7- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1750 Gerret Nostrand June 13 'laria Vandebilt Jan Jan Vanderloilt Jan Konselje, (Johanis Van Kast] (Father ) Barbara, Tunis Van Kast & his mother Barbaratey Nicholas Van Kats, Jannetie Woertman, Jan, Jan Woertman k wife Janet ie Let ten Johanis Van Zant, Eeletje Letten (Not the mother) BarnarduB, Barnardus Van Zant, and his wife Peter Van Velsen, remmetie- Sara, V/m. Van Velsen & wife Janntie Lose Peter Van Velsen, Pemnietie Annatie Frederick Rynhart & wife Maria Van Velsen Oct/ 3 Jan Luyster, Elizabeth Voorhies, Daniel, Daniel Voorhies, Femmetie Bennet, his wife Frederic Kossou, Hendericus, Mar gar i tie Kar dent erg, Hendrik ?:axdenbergh, Janet je Do riant Lukus Covert, Cornelia Leffersen, Leena 1751 Frederick Rynhart, March 17 Maria Van Velsen, Janet je, Wm. Van Velsen, Janteie Lose ajasiijas. -8- Date» Parents, Child. Sponsors, 1751 Jacob Kg s sou, March 17 Eena Stockholm, Jacob David Karsebloom, Sara Van Velsen Liehitabel, May 12 Hendrick Cnderdonk, Feinetie Tredv/ell, Benjamin, Andris Onderdonk, Sarah Remsen Peter Llonfort, Eittye Hardenberg, Gerret, Jan VanderBilt, Margriete Hogelant Thomas Dodge, Karia Saertje Onderdonk Adrian and Gertry Onderdonk Jacob V'anshart, Doortea Bres. Sarah, Maria Jacob, Doortea. Fred. Rynhart &-. wife Maria Van Velsen; Dortye Vande>Ka,ter, Sarah Bres i^jinetye Lose, The mother also baptized. Henderick, Fennetie, Jannet je, Grietje, Mattye, Sep. 15 Cornelius Voorhis, Neeltje Hogelant, Daniel, Daniel Voorhies, Femmetie Bennet Tunis Van Cats, Barratye Conselye, Tunis, UCCu^i. ,1- ^il^rsB. -9. Date. Parents. Child. Sponsors, 1';'51 Jan Vanderbilt, Sep, 15, Catrinf* ±!rin''P58 Jeb. 5 Gerret Van Velsen, Margaret ie Snedeker, William Wm. Van Velsen Janetye Lose Bernardue Stek, l^Iyme Radgus, Cornelus March 5 Paulis Van Wickelen, Annatye Hendericke Van Wickelen * Jan Remsen Anatie Herasen April 2 Peter Luyster, Femetie Bennet. Peter, Peter Luyster Peter Van Velsen Peine tie April 30 Jan Araerman, Cornelia Araerman, Maregriete May 19 Hendrik Onderdonk Pemetie Tredwell, Sartje Areyan Onderdonk Gertruy Hegeraein July 9 Rem Bennet Catrina Hogelant, Sara Cornelius Hogelant, Sara Wortman July 23 Aug . 20 Jan Bennet Sara Luyster Jan Snedeker Lea 3/mensen, Sara Mart a. Peter Luyster Catrina Lot Predrick Symense -18- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1758 Abm. Snedeker, Sept. 2 llaria Kosson, Abraham Johanis Kosson, Antenet Snedeker Gerrit Gerrit Snedeker, Christiena Lakevir Hendrik Kendiksen, Elisabet Ryder, Sara Sep. 17 Frederick Rynhart, Maria Velsen Iiiaria Win, Van Velsen Oct, 15 Petrus Onderdonk, Elisabet Schenk, Geertruy Nov. 26 Daniel Durye, Ite Kock, Egge David Leten Leena Van Wyckelen, Johanna, Willaim Leten and wife liargrite Minnen Van Sickelen, Adri^ntje St off el sen, Minnen, Dec. 10 Harmanis Reinsen, Frilof Fraest. Annatye, Jan Remsen Anatie Hogelant 1759 Jan Monfort, Jan, 21 Yda Luyster, Peter Peter Luyster Catrina Lot -19- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1759 Garret V/ortman, Jan, 21 Sara Petersen Sara Cornelius Hogelant Sara Wortman Feb. 11 Nicholas Van Xats, Janet ie Vifortman, Tunis, March 4 3Qiiahi4 Boerum, Jannetie Lose Johannis. May 6 Abm. Brinkelhoff, Maria Miller, Anete July 9 Jost Monfort, Catrina Duryea, Joris, Aug. 19 Adrian Cnderdonk Maria Hegeiaan, Sara Joseph Hegeman Sara Llartense Oct. 7 Petrus Onderdonic Elisabet Schenk. Elisabet Jan Vanderbilt, Abraham, Catriena Brickelhoff, Gertry, Isaac Remsen Gertry Vanderbilt Oct. 20 Daniel Nostrant. Peter. Mar grit Hardenberg iJov. 11 Jost Hegeman Gertry Hegeman Madelena Peter Hegeman Antie Hegeman -20- Date Parents Child Sponsors, 1759 Leffert Leffertsen Nov. 11 Anatie Dickinars, Leffert Peter Luyster Catrina Lot Dec, 9 Paulus Van Wickelen, Hendericke Remsen, Gerrit Gerret Van Wicklen, Lena Amerraan 1760 Jan. 6 Isaac Boogert Sara Rapalye, Rense Jan. 20 Jan Luyster Elisabet Voorhees, Jan, Feb, 3 Samuel Wick Catrina Killer. Samuel, Elisabet Haf March 2 Hendrik Onderdonk Femetie Tredwell, Hendrik, Gertry Onderdonk Liay 11, BernarduB Steg, Myrae, Ivlyme Hassis (Rodgers) Jan Monfort, Yda Luyster Peter, Peter Luyster Catrina Lot Gerrit Van Velsen, Peekke Ryder, Cornel is May 25 Gerrit Van Wickelen, Annate Hardenberg, Hen dr ikes. Hendrik Hardenbergh, Saaratie ? Dorlant -21- Date Parents Child Sponsors, 1760 Teys Lane, May 25 Wynte Stryker, Catriena Sep, 14 Isaac Remsen, Lajnmetye Polhemus, Jacob, Harmanus Talinan, Rebecca Snedeker Sep, 28 Johanes Van Sant, Janetye Wortman, Marretje Johanes Symensen, Isaac Mouris Simonson, Cornelia Liqueir Oct, 12 David Laten, Willaim Laton and Lena Van Wickelen, Margrietta, wife Margriete Nov, 2 Abm, Brinkelhoff, Maria Miller, Catrina, Jan Vanderbelt^ Catrina Brinkelhoff Jacob Van llostrant, Cornelia Van Wicklen, Ebbertye Tunis Van Cats, Barbaratye Conselye, Barbarate 1761 Mouris Symensen, June 4 Jannetie Luyster, Frederick. Peter Luyster, Catrina Lot Sarel Symmensen, Femetye Wortman, Merter, Fred, Symensen and daughter Lea -22- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1761 Nicholas Van Cats, June 4 Jane tie Y/ortman Gerrit Gerret Wortraan Sara Petersen Paulus Van Wicklen, Hendericke Heiasen. Jan. Jan Remsen Anatie Hogelant, Benjamin Praest, Adraentje Remsen, Ragel, Jan Remsen, Anate Hogelant Jost Hegeaan, Gertry Hegeman, Maria. Gertry Onderdonk Jacob Kosson, Lena Stockholm, Itye Mynnen Van Sicklen, Adriantje Stoffelsen, Jan Daniel Henderickse, Elisabet Ryder, jan July 5 Rem Bennet, Catriena Hogelant, Anate, Adrian Hegeman, Anate Eennet Jan Bortes, Maria Remsen, Ebbenites Oct. 23 Jost Monfort, Catriena Durye, Elisabet Slid -23- Date parents Child Sponsors 1761 Nov. 7 Adrian Hegeman Annate Bennet Neeltje Petrus Hegemsin Ante Kogelant Jan amerman, Cornelia Amerman, Jan Johanis Boerum, Jannetie Lose, Simion Dec. 15 Rem Hegeman, Ida Vanderbilt. Elisabet, Jeremias Vanderbilt Lana Van Brunt 1760 Uov. 24 Abraham Hoogland was born 1761 ViTilhelmus Hogelant, Dec. 15 Maria Hegenxan, Abraham, 1762 Jan Van Nostrant, April 4 Jannetie Remsen, Isaac, Abraham Hogelant Isaac Remsen, Gertry Remsen Jan Monfort, Yda Luyster, Sara June 27 Isaac Bogert, Sara Rapelye, Jannete Petrus Hootstrant, El is abet Ajnerman, Daniel -24- Date Parents Child Sponsors, 1762 Jan Luyster, June 27 Elisabet Voorhees, Ante David or Daniel Voorhees and Femmet' Bennet Aug. 1 Garret Van Vels^n Peggy Ryder, * Jannete Sep. 5 David Leten Lena Van Wicklen, Wyllem 1763 Daniel Nostrant, Jan. 1 llargrite Kardenb erg. Ante Wm, Van Velsen, Jannete Lose March 20 Sem Wick, Catrina Lliiler. Joost Isaac Remsen, Jr. Lairuietje Polhemus* Marrptie April 10 Paulus Van Wicklen Hendericke Remsen,* Jacob ^ay 4 Nicolas Van Cats, Jannetje 7/ortiaan| Roods John Monfort, Ida Luyster Sara Wilhelmus Ho gel ant Maria Hegeraan, * Catrina -25- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1763 May 4 Abm, Brickelhoff Maria Miller. Joost June 19 Peter Luyster, Feramete Bennet Catrina Catrina Lot Peter Luyster July 17 Adrian Hegelian, Ebberte Van Nostrant, Doortia, Ad. Hegeman Doortia Onderdonk ICynne Van Sicklen, Adriantje Stoffelsen, Johanis Oct. 5 Fred. Cosson, Hargrite Hartenberg, Frederick Gerret Van ?/icklen, Annate Hartenbergh, Maria 1764 May 23 Jan Bennet, Sara Luyster Jeronimus. Jeroniraus Bennet Neeltje Kogelant Jan Voorhees, Fernet ie Bennet. Daniel, Daniel Foorhees, Femmetie Bennet Joost Hegeman, Gertry Hegeman, Jacobus. Elbert Hegeman Jan Araerman, Cornelia Anierman. Jan .26- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1764 Abm. Kosson, May 23 Sara Donnen, Gerrit Wortnian, Sara Petersen, Johannys, Jan^ Maria Cosson Jan Wortman Jo est Monfort, Catrina Durye. Daniel Jacob Van Nostrant, Cornelia Van Wicklen, Maria John Monfort, Yda Luyster, Sara Aug. 5 Rem Hegeman, Yda Vanderbilt, Joseph, Joseph Hegeman and daughter Susanna Cornelia Van Cats, Marta Stryker, Marta Abm, Symensen, Maria Leten. Cornelia. Mouris Symensen, Cornelia Lekivir Jan Sudam, Lena Symensen, Marigrite, Jacobus Sudam & his mother Marigreta Sudam Oct, 4 Petrus Nostrant, Elisabet Amerman. Johannis -27- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1765 Jacobus Snedeker, April 15 Anate Amerman, Gese Joost Snedeker^ Aeltje Van Wicklen, Gerryt, Gerret Snedeker Carstina Likevir Aug. 4 Jores Nostrant, Ante Remsen. Isaac Isaac Remsen, Gertry Vanderbilt Hendrick Onderdonk yebi Tredwell. Phebe Catrina Onderdonk Nicolas Van Cats Jannetje Y/ortman, Cornelys Isaac Remsen, Lammetje Polhemus, Marts Daniel Nostrant, Margrite Hardenb erg, Daniel Gerrit Van Velsen, Pegge Ryde, Maria Sept, 15 Paulus Van Wicklen, Hendrykke Remsen, Isaac 1766 Gerrit Wortman, March 9 Sara Petersen. Jacob r;^.- ?jr-fi8l -28- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1766 Johannis Van Cats, Marc}a 9 Doortia Fine. Ante Mynne Van Schyklcelen, Adriantje Stoffelsen, Chrystoffel April 6 Jan Voorhe*ts, Johanis Bennet ?einmetie Bennet, liarreteen ? liatte Letten Jan Sudaxn, Lena Symensen^ Maria Abm. Kosson, Sara Dounen, Eme (Dov^nalng ? ) Gerret Van Wicklen, Annate Hartenberg, Ante (Dsuiiel Voorhees heest verder Rechert gegouden) Hay 4 Jan Monfort, ---- Eyda, Jannetje Luyster i::ay 25 Joest Snedeker, Aeltje Van Wicklen, Abraham, Helena Amerman Peter Luyster, Femetye Bennet, Willem Aron Symensen, Johs, Symensen Catrina Hogelant, Johannis, it daughter ilaria -29- Date Parents Child Sponsors, 1766 Jost Hegernan, July 20 dertry Hegernan, Annetje Petrue Hegeman Antye Hogelant Adrian Hegernan, Egberte Van Nostrant, Jannetje Jan Van Nostrant Janteje Remse Abm. Bryckerhof Mary Myller, Meiria Oct. 12 Isaac Bogert, Sara Hapelye Abraham Wilhelmus Hogelant, Maria Hegeman, Leentje Dec. 6 Jan Schenk Johana, Elisabet Let en, David Leten and Marg- ritje Ketels wife of Wm. Leten Dec. 28 Adertljaen Hegeman Annatie Bennet Antje Jan Bennet Sara Luyster, Neeltje Johannes Derye Menni Prett Roelof Jost Durye Willempje Terhunen Johanes Symensen, Jemyme Rogers, Johannes ^j-t'.ni&s i f^A]^ ■riurfisT ?.0l90.. I -30- Date, Parents Child Sponsors 1766 David Leten Jan Leten Dec. 28 Helena Van Wicklen, Jan, Lea Seymense 1767 Laenunert Sudajn, Hendrick Suydam April 13 Sara Hegeman, Henderick, Geertje Heyerse (Jan Monfort heeft verder Recaert gehouden) May 11 Ja«ob Van No st rant, Cornelia Van Wicklen, Garret Abm, Symesse, Jan Laton & his Maria Laton, Johanna, mother Maregriete Ketels May 31 Andreas Hegeman, Maria Symesse, Maria David Van No st rant, Maria Deene, Jacob June 28 Daniel Durye, Margrieta Cocke, Margrieta Daniel Nostrant, Margaretie Hardenborg, Leentje Jan Miller, Lena Stockholm, Cornelia Caristoffel Symens, Aelchie Remsen, Sara, Sara Emane -31 Date Parents Child Sponsors 1767 Jan Sedam Sep, 20 Lena Symease, Cornelius Nov, 14 Gerret Van Velse, Maragrite Ryde, Margrieta 1768 Joost Monfort, Jan. 31 Catrina Durye, Doortye Samuel Weeks, Catreyna filler, Jacob March 27 Teunis Hogelant, Antie Van Nostrant, Cornelius, Cornelius Hogelant, Sara Wortman Steven Schenk, Geertye Coke, Jan. Jan Schenk Maragreta Hegeman Frederick Kussow, Ivlargarite Hardenberg, Rem, Rem Hartenberg and sister Janetje Jan Remsen, Sara Van Lev/en, Jores, Joris Remsen, Catlyna Voorhyes Aron Symesse, Cattryna Hogelant, Rem Bennet, Jeronemus Bennet, Antie Hogelant Johanes Symesse, Jamyma Rogers, Zagaryus, 5>1i -32- Date Parents Child Sponeore 1768 Gerret Woortinan March 27 Sara Peteree, Maratye May 15 Jan Luyster, Elisabet Voorhees. Maria. Jacobus Luyster Maris Woostrant Gerret Van Wicklen, Annatifi Hardenberg, Catryma i Johanies Durye, Anne Prett, Catryna June 12 Christian Snedelcer, Aeltje Van Aersdalen, Gerrit, Gerrit Snedeker July 10 Jan Schenk Elisabet Leton, Elisabet Aug, 7 Jan Monfort, Sara Van Wicklen, Eyda Wilhelmus Hooglandt, Maria Hegeman, Daniel, Catrina Onderdonk Isaac Remsen, Lamethye Polhemus, Cornelia Sep, 4 Petryes Uostrant, Elisabet Amerinan, Gueschye .wDni3J" -33- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1768 Peter Luystac Oct, 2 Peminetie Bennet, Jan Nicholas Van Cats Jannetje V/ortman, Femraetie Schaull Symense, Pemetie Wortman Nov, 27 David Leton, Lena Van Wiciclen, Jacob 1769 Joost Hegeraan, liarch 19 Gertry Hegeman, Petrus, Petrus Hegeman Jan Killer, Lena Stcokholm, Jan, Mattye Stockholm Abm, Symese, Karie Let on, Elisabet Jan Schenk Elisabet Leton Cornelius Sedam, Antje Nostrant, Cornelius Daniel Hendrikse, Elisabet Ryde, Barnardus Johanes Van Cats, Doortje Fyn, Catrina April 16 Abm. Remse, Catrina Probasco, Geertrny, Joseph Hegeman Gertry Vanderbilt -34- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1769, Daniel llostrant, Jores, July 2 Margaret ie Hardenberg Jores Nostrant, Antie Remsen llinne Sudam, Catryna Symesse, Cornelius, Jannetye Sudam ilov. 19 Jan Schenk, Elisabeth Let on, Elizabeth 1770 Adrian Hegeiaan, April 8 Egbert je Van Nostrant, Meucia Jacobus Sedaa^ Adriantje Van Sicklen, Cornelius, Jan Sedcun, Lena Symesse, Maria May 6 Hendrick Vanderbilt, Elizabet Derye, Maragrieta, Daniel Derye, Liargaretie Coke Jacob Van Nostrant, Cornelia Van Wicklen, Aron July 22 Daniel Nostrant, Susana Brush, Gerret, Garret Nostrant Antye Nostrant Aug, 19 Wilhelmus Hogelant, Maria Hegeman, Andrius, Maria Symesse -35- Date Patents Child Sponsors 1770 Abm, Brinkerhoff, Aug. 19 Haria liolenaer, Abram Oct. 14 Jan Luyster, Elisabet Voorhees, Maria Jacobus Luyster Maria No st rant David Leton, Lena Van Wiciclen, David llov. 11 Jores Bennet, Catrina Boorgaerd, Jan, Annatie Bennet Dec, 9 Aron Symesse^ Catrina Hogelant, Maria Jan Schenk Elisabet Leton Maragrieta 1771 Adrian Schenk Feb, 17 Neeltje Bennet, Antye Jan Schenk, Margrieta Hegeaisui Geloyam Symesse, Jannetje Sudam Lea, MouriB Symesse & daughter Lea Symesse April 14 Jan Monfort, Sara Van Wickelen, Helena, Helena Amerman Cornelius Sedam, Antye Nostrant, Maria Gerret Nostrant ViTyntie Luyster -36- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1771 Jeronemus Bennet, June 31 Llaria Schenk, Neeltje, Jeronemus Bennet, Sr, Jan Molenaer, Lena Stcokholm, Catryna Aug. 18 Jost Hegeman, Geertje Hegeman, Elbert Charel Derye, Hanna Van Noetrant, Wellempie, Jost Deye and V.'illempe Terhunen ITov. 7 Minne Sudani, Catrina Simonson, Cornelia, Moures Simonson Gerret Wortman Saertie Peterse, Catrina Jan Remsen, Arreantie Perbasco. Isaac. Gertry Vanderbilt Abm. Rerasen, Catriena J>erbasco, Rynier, Sara Van Lewwen Isaac Remsen, Lammetie Polhemus, Isaac, Jores Hostrant Antie Remsen Dec. 8 Jacob Van Wicklen, Maria Nostrant. Gerret Helena Amerman -37- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1772 Jan Suda^Ti Feb. 26 Lena Simonson. Johannes Daniel Hendreckson, Thomas Elisabet Ryder May 9 Gerret Van Wicklen, Annetie Hartenberg, Gerret Helraus Hogelant, Laria Hegeman, iieeltje Adrian Hegeman, Hendrick Eebortie Van ::^[ostrant. Petrus Nostrant^ Elisabet Amerman, Petrus Samuel Weeks, Catrina Miller, Jan Aug. 20 Joost Snedeker, Altye Van Wicklen, Jan Nov, 22 Jan Konfort, Sara Van Wicklen. Gerret Jacobus Sudam, Adriantje Van Sicklen, Einne -38- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1772 Jacob Voorhies Nov. 22 Geertye Sudarn, Jeui 1773 David Let on, Feb, 4 Lena Van Wicklen, Abraham Jaji Schenk, Elisabeth Leton, Roelof Frederick Symesse, Maria Lott Johannes April 24 Jores Derye, Joost, 7/illemyntie Braainbos, Jost Derye & daughter Maria Derye Jacob Derye Sarah Smith Joost, Jost Derye Willempie Terhunen June 24 Petrus Hegeman, liaria Boomgaert, Adrian Annatie Bennet Jan IdOlenaer, Lena Stockholm, Lena Jacob Leson (Leton ? ) Lena Stockholm Hendrik Vanderbilt, Elisabet De^e, Femmetie, Gabriel Derye, Feme tie Hogelant Christoffel Tyraes, Aeltje Remsen, Aeltje -39- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1773 Joost Hegeman, Sep, 14 Gertruy Hegeman, Adrian 1774 Jan. 7 Gerret Wortman, Sara Peterse. Ferae tie Frederick Symesse, Maria Lot, Adriantje Abm« Symesse, Maria Let on. Frederick, Gelyara Symense May 24 Jacob Van Wicklen, Maria Nostrant. Maria. Gerrit Nostrant Wyntie Luyster Gerret Van Wicklen, Anatie Hardenberg, Gerret Jores Bennet, Catrina Bogert Isaac. Isaac Bogert Sara Hapelye Jan Hardenbergl:i, Melle Birchem, Hendericke. Hend'k Hartenbergh Jane tie Dorlant Jan Sedam, Lena Symesse, Eyda Cornelius Sedam, Antye Nostrant, Gerret, Gerret Mostrant -40- Date Parents 1774 Daniel Nostrant, May 24 Susana Brush, Child Liar i a. Sponsors Antye IJostrant Andreus Kisschou, Anne Valentine Janatie. Jacob Kisschou Lena Stockholm Garret Van Velse, Pagge Ryde, Anatie, Anatie Brush June 3 Jeromus Bennet, Maria Schenk. Jan Jan Schenk Margritie Hegeman Abm. Remsen, Catrina Probasco, Isaack, Gertry Banderbilt Oct, 11 Jan Schenk Sara Nostrant, Jan, Jan Schenk Margritie Hegeman Jost Snedeker, Altie Van Wicklen, Joost Gabriel Derye, Femetie Hogelant, Daniel Daniel Derye Margriete Cock, Nicolas Bennet, Maria Durye, Mar at ye Johanes Bennet Maratie Van Letten Jacobus Sedam Adriantje Van Sicklen, Vernant Date -41- Parents Chdld Sponsors 1774 Gerret Monfort, Oct, 11 Elda Ryde Daniel Nostrant Maragriete, Iklargritie Hardenberg 1775 Andries Hegeman April 21 Doortie Monfat, Jacobus, Gertry Ondeaionk Jacob Rynhardt, Johanes Frederick Catina I^ecen (Mason ? ) Maria Van Velsen Wilhelmus Hooglant^ Maria Hegeman "^ Maria Jan Schenk Elizabeth Laton, William Laton Hendreck Wanser, Marya Nostrant, Gerret Petrus Nostrant Elizabeth Amerman Minne Sedam, Catrina Simesse, Maragrieta, Adreantje Sedam Stoffel Times, Aeltie Remsen, Catlyna Johanes Van Catt, Eester Allen, Willum, Janatie Wortman July 2 ileil^rik Hendricksen, Catrina Hegeman, Elisabeth, Daniel Hendriksen, Elizabeth Ryder -42- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1775 Jores Derye Wm, Braambos, V/m. Braambos July 50 (Willemyntie Brambos, Catrina Van Cats (She baptized at Bushwick, Aug. 23, 1753) (The Sponsors, her parents) David Laton, Helena Van V/icklen, Helenai, Oct, 11 Petrus Hegeman, Llaria Boomgard, Isaac. Sarah Rap el ye Isaac Boomgard Dec, 10 Jacob Voorhees, Geertie Sedam, Cornelia, Cornelius Sedam Antie Nostrant 1776 Isaac Remsen, Feb, 11 Lametie Polhemus, Jores, Syn dochter Aeltie Remsen Jan Hardenberg, Melle Bur c hem. Jo sua. Anatie Hardenberg Jores Bennet, Catrina Boomgard, Antie Tuynes Boogert, Feme tie Luyster, Isaac Isaac Bogart Sara Rapelye April 7 Adrean Hegeman, Egbortee Ilostrant, Geertruy, Gertruy Hegeman Jacobus Sudam, Elizabeth Adreantye Van Sickelen -43- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1776 Abm. Simese, April 28 Llaria Leton, William Leton June 15 ( Abraham Kosson, his name not given) Johanes Kissow Sara Downnen, Abraham, daughetr karia Kissouw 1777 Scharell Derye, Oct. 26 Hanna Van No st rant, Jores, Willempie Terhunen David Laton, Helena Van Wicklen, Isaac Helmus Hooglant, Maria Hegeman, Elbert Jan Schenk, Elisabet Leton, Heeltje Andreas Hegeman, Karie Symerse, Elbert. Elbert Hegeman Abm. Rerasen, Catrina Probasco. Jan, j£in Rerrsen, Schrel Symesse, Fernet ie Wortman. Janatie, Jane tie Wortman Jan Sedam, Lena Symesse, Frederick -44- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1777 Christoffel Tymes, Oct, 26 Aeltie Remsen. Catrina Gerret Monfort, Eyda Ryde, Maycke, Jacobus Ryde, Maycke Willimse 1778 Adrian Onderdonk, Oct. 19 Marie Hegeman, Andrius Andrew Hegeman, Doortie Monfort, Peter Petrus Hegeinan, Maria Boogert^. Daniel Tunis Bogert, Femetie Luyster, Elisaloet, Albert Van Nostrant, Sara Hegeman, Aron, Elizabeth Voorhees Abram Symesse, Maria Let on, Scharell Jan Miller, Lena Stockholm, Joost Menne Sudam, Catrina Symesse, Lea -45- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1778 Jacobus Sudaifi, Vernandus Oct, 19 Adriantje Van Stookholm, 1779 Elbert Hegeman, June 13 Mary Smith, Jane, Maria Symesse Jores Derye, Willemintie Braamboos. Roelof Jan Sedam, Lena Symesse, Hendick, Hendick Sedam, Adriantje Sedam Jan Ryde ilargrieta Nostrant, Willum, Jacobus Ryde Kayke Willemse Jan Schenk Elisabeth Laton, Jan Nicolas Schenk, Sytie Emans, Cornelius, Margreite Emans De midder van June omtrent dryer Kinders gedoopt, viz; Richard Lasen, Feme tie, Janet ie Rynhard, Frederick, Sara June 27 Christoffel Times, Aeltie Remsen, Erne 1730 June 4 Hendick Iilabe, Antie Van Cat. Nicklaes, Janet ie Wortman ■^. ■ -46 Date Parents Child Sponsors 1780 June 4 Jan Voorhees, Pemetie Bennet. William, » Tuynes Boogert, Feme tie Luyster, Sara, Jores Bennet, Catina Bogert, Sara, Isaac Bogert Sara Rapalye Isaac Bogert, Sara Rapalye Peter monfort, Sara Luyster, Catrina. Catrina Derye Thomas Burlock, Maragreta Laton, Dav i d. David Leton, Helena Van Wicklen Gelyam Symesse, Janatie Sudam, Moure s. Moure s Symesse & daughter Catrina Cornelius Sedam, Antie Nostrant. Eieta Garret Monfort, Eyda Hyde, Peter Abm« Rerasen, Catrina Probasco, Abrara Nicolas Bennet, Maria Derye, Fernet ie -47- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1780 Jacob Voorhees, June 4 Geertie Sudam. Sytie Sep, 24 James Moore, Geertie Hendickse, Grietie, Antony Van Uostrant, Llerse Hendrikse Gabriel Durye, Fernet ie Hoogland, Abram Wilhelmus Snedeker, Marie Cussow, Catlyna 1731 Isaac No strand, llarch 18 Ivlarta Simesse. Janat ie, Jan Nostrant Janet ie Remsen Jan Schenk, Sara Nostrant. Wynt ie Janet ie Van Wicklen, Anatie Gardenberg, Femnetie, Msiretie Bennet, Johanes Bennet. Jr., Johanne s Petrus Hegeman, Maria Bo^art, Magdalene Albert Van No strand, Sarah Hegeman, Antye, Annatie Bennet -48- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1781 Cornelius Hogelant, May 27 Elizabeth Luyster, Sara, Sara Wortman Jores Derye, Willemptye Willemyentie Braambos, Jan Ryde, Maragrieta Nostrant, Daniel Nostrant, Daniel, Llaragrieta Hardenberg July 8 Allebortys Vandewater, Elisabeth Skillman, Elisabeth Samuel liott, Maragreta Kussow, William, Aug. 26 Jan Rouw 7 Egbertie Van Nostrant, Frederick Richard Ilasen, Maria Rynard, Johannes, liaria Van Velsen. Gerrit llostrant, Cornelia Derye, Geertye Nov, 20 John Covert, Catrina Hogelant, Wilhelmus. Abraifl Hogelant, Liar i a Hegeman Sep, 28 Abram Monfort, Rencie Monfort. Catrina. Catrina Derye -49- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1782 Jacob Hemsen, Feb, 24 Rebecca V/ortman. Isaac Aeltie Remsen llarch 24 Llarta Schenk, Angenietie Rapelye, Angenletta, Sara Rapalye, Nicolas Schenk, Sytie Emans, Eva. Maragriete Emans April 21 Minne Sudam, Catrina Simesse, Moure s. Lea Simesse Jeronius Bennet, Karia Bchenk, William, Jan Schenk, Elisabeth Laton. Maria, Susanna Laton, John McQueen, Janatie Hegeman, Adreyaen, July 14 Jacob Van Vv'icklen, Maria IToetrant, Abram Christoffel Tymes, Aeltie Remsen, Aris, Henry Maybe, Antye Cat, Eenry, Jacob Mabe -60- Date Parents Child Sponeors 1782 Jacob Kissow, July 14 Gara probasco, Jacob, Maragrite KIbbow Kaeparie Tymee, nelle ]I.i:i s. Seartye, Jan Backus, Ae]tle Rerason, PetruB. Sep, 8 Gerrit llonfort, Eyda Ryde, Aeltle, Cornel iue Sedam, Antye lloetrant. Jan I Oct. 6 Nov. 3 Peter Konfort, Gara Luysterpi Elisabeth, Peter Luyster, Elifiabeth, Geertie Onderdonlc, Jan Luyeter, Elieabeth Voorheee. Jan Luyeter, Elieabeth Voorhepc Frank Armetrong, Sarah Luyeter, Femetye, Peter Luyster Fernet ie Bennet Dec, 1 Abm, Snedeker, Janatie Remeen. Isaac. Isaac Remsen, Liarift Snedeker Gelyam Symesse, Janteile Sudam. Sytie -51- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1782 William Braambos, -Jr., Dec, 29 Willimpie Perye, William, Wm» Braambos, Catrina Catt 1783 Isaac Bt^rt, Jr,, April 20 Annatye Hogelant, Isaac, Isaac Bdgart Sara Hapalye Iday 18 Cornelius Hogelant, Elizabeth Luyster, Jan, Jan Luyster ElisabethVoorhees Johannia Tevers, Catrina Becker. Johannes July 13 Abm. Konfort, Jacobus, Rensie Monfort, Maria Eliaabet Monfort Anatie Eennet Oct. 5 Petrus Hegeman, Maria Bogert, Rensie. Isaac Bogert Sara Rapalye Nov, 2 William Remsen, Emye ? Durye, Maragrieta, Daniel Derye Jan Ryder, Maragrieta Nostrant, Jacobus, Jacobus Ryder, llaeyke Will erase, J ores Derye, Maria Willemientye Braambos, 1784 Gerret Eennet, Eeb. 22 Sara Bennet. Jan Jan Bennet Sara Luyster -52- I'ate Parents Child Sponsors 1784 Elbert Kegeman, Feb. 9.2 Mary Smith, Catrina John Covert, Catrina Hogelant, Abram, Abra» Hogelant, Jre I March 21 Richard Mason, Janet ie Rynhart, Maria, April 18 Samuel Mott, Maragreta ?;«ssow, Johanes May 16 Williaoi Braambos, Jr., Williiaple I'urye, Willimpie Maria Van Velse June 13 Hendrik Sudaxa, Antie Kostrant. Jan. Janatie Sedam Albortus Van de Water, Elizabeth Skillmer. Janatie Oct. 3 Jacob Van Y/icklen, Maria L'ostrant, Helena, Annatie Hardenbergh Nicolas Schenk, Sytie Emans, Steven Tuynes Bogart, Feraetie Luyster Fernet ie ,,t\, , -*^3«- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1784 Peter Luyster, Oct, 3 Gertery Onderdonk, Karia, Adrian Onderdonk Jan Remsen, Areyantye Probasco, Sara, Sara Probasco Thomas Borlock, Karagrieta Leton, V/illiam, 1 785 Isaac Bogert, March 13 Annatie Kogelant, Helmus, liaria Kegeinan nee Onderdonk Jan Schenk, Sara Van llostrant, Aron, Jores llonfort, Phebe Eur t is, Henery, Sara Luyeter June 5 Thomas Mitchell, Doortye Hegeman, Adrian, Isaac Nostrant July 3 Gilliam Symesse, Janet ie Sedam, Gilliam Abm. Snedelcer, Janatie P.emsen, Anatie and Maria Maria Keschow Jacobus Sedam, Rebecca Wright, Jacobus, i^xeyaertye Sedam AM'.: 1., -54- Late ParentB Child Sponsors 1785 Richard Kason, July 31 Janatie Rynhart, WilLbm Aug. 28 Juryan Kof Antony and Eetorah Thompeon, Cornelius Sep. 25 Jan Backus, Aeltie Remsen, Isaac Jan Remsen Kov. 13 Joseph ITeers, Janatie Van Kates, Catrina Cornelius Kogelant, Elisabet Luyster, Sara 1786 Petrus Hegeman, Feb. 19 Maria Soger t, Anatie, Anatie Bennet March 19 Thomas Mitchell, Do or tie Hegeman, Sara Joseph Korton, Jan and Janatie Probasco, Feme tie May 14 Jan Luyster, Elisabeth Rapalye, Daniel, Jem Luyster Elisabeth Vo or hies June 4 Isaac Van Nostrant, Marten Symesse, Jan -55' 1786 Parents Child Sponsors 1786 Garret Bennet, July 2 Sara Benr.et, Llaretye William Covert, Janatie Tymes, Aeltje, ChriBtoffel Tymes Aug. 13 Jores Derye, Cornelia Willemientie Braainbo8c]i, Sep, 10 Peter Lionfort, Sara Luyster, Jores Janes Dekker, Jacob Egbortie Van Xo strand ITicholas Schenk, Sytie Emans, Maregrieta Oct. 8 Joseph Hegeman, Janet ie lepalye, Jeremyae, Rem Kegeman, Ida Vanderbilt Peter Luyster, Geertie Onderdonk, Sara Nov. 3 Nicolas Bennet, Maria Derye, Johannes Dec, 31 Albert Van IJostrand, Sara Eegeman, Adrian, Annatie Bennet Jl-f Jot:-: .; .Bxlerrr . " ansQ Date Parents -56- Child Sponsors 1786 Render ick Sudani, Dec, 31 Antye Nostrant, Daniel Daniel Koetrant Margriete Eiartentergh 1787 Jacob Van V/icklen, March 26 Maria Nostrant, Daniel John Covert, Catrina Hogelant, Johannef5, Abm, Hegel ant April 22 Abm. Hogelant, Phebe Crocker, James. Catrina Hogelant St off el Tymes, Aeltie Remsen, Fernet ie. May 20 Jan Hardenbergh, Mella Burcharn, Josua, Anatie Hardenbergh Jan Bemsen, Arreyantie Probasco, JoreB July 1 Thomas Burlock, Margrieta Laton, Kery Jores Monfort, Phebe AlBurtis, Joost, Catrina Durye July 29 Jacobue Monfort, Antie Vanderbilt, Jan. Jan Vanderbilt Catrina Brinkerhoff Jnfi Lb: 2 910 -jnlnifiO *•''" -57- Eate Parents Child Sponsors 1787 Isaac Bogert, July 29 Anatie Kogelant, Daniel Richard LlaBon, •Janteie Rynhart, Joseph Aufc. 26 Gelyam Symesse, Janet ie Sudani. Jajiatie Aug. 7 Cornelius^ Hogelant, Catrina Luyster, Tuines, Tunis Kogelant, Antie Van Ko strand Jan Luyster, Elisabeth Rapelye, Elisabeth Abram Monfort, Rencie Monfort, Catrina. Catrina Duryea Thomas Mitchell, Do or tie Kegeman, Geertuy, Dec. 9 Thomas Doxey, Magdeleentie Hegeman, Jacobus 1786 Cornelius Hoogelant, Jan. 20 Elisabeth Luyster, Antye March 16 Jan Vanderveer, Jane Osburn, Antenette -58- Date Parents Child Sponsore 1788 James Kore» April 15 Gertie Henderickse, Jan, born Feb, 28 June 8 Peter Luyster, Geertie Onde^ionk, Jan Sep, 7 Samuel Ivlott, Maragrieta Kusbouw, Hannah George Kustin, Maretye Van Catt, Antyc Oct, 5 Jacobus Sudam, Rebecca Wright, Jan, Geertie Sudam Rem Kessoew, Hendericke Kegeman, Maragrieta, Janet ie Kardenbergh, Nov. 30 Abm. Hogelant, Phebe Crocker, Marya, Maria Hegeman James Dekker, Egbert ie Van No st rant, Sara Joseph Korten, Janetie Probasco, Gerret Dec. 25 Williem Erambosch, Willimpie Derye, Catrina -59- pate Parents Child Sponsors 1789 Rem Kostrant, Jan, 11 Maria V/oortman, Sara Garret V.'ortiuan Sara Peteree Eefe. 8 Henderik Sudan, Antye Nostrant, William, Geertie Sudam Nicolas Bennet, Maria Durye, Roelof. April 5 Daniel Rapelye, Sara Hegeman, Rem Rem Hegeman Eida Vanderbilt Gerret Llonfort, Eida Ryder, Jacob Hicolas Schenck, Sytie Emans, Feme tie, Marya Schenck Richard Mason, Jane tie Rynhart, Jacob May 17 William Covert Janatie Times, Elisabeth Chistofel Times June 28 Jacob Van V/icklen, Maria Host rant. Isaac Jores Derye, V/illeyntie Sraaiabos=ch, Ueeltje -60- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1789 Cornelius Hogelant, Oct, 18 Catrina Luyster, Pemetie Peter Luyster Femitie Bennet llov, 16 Abm, Bogert, ITeeltJe Hoogland, Sara, Isaac Eogart &. dau. Janetie Bogart Dee. 12 Thomas Llitchell, Doutie Kegeman, Jan 1790 Jan Yanderveer, Jan. 24 Jane Osborne. Elisabeth Feb. 21 Joseph Kegeman, Janetie Rapelye, Jores Rapelye l»;arch 21 Jan Schenk, Sara Van Nostrand, Hoses Thomas Eurlock, Margrietie Laton, Helena, Helena Van Wicklen James More, Geertie Hendrickse. Abram kay 2 Jan Woibtman, Catrina Berye Gerret, Gerret Wortman Sara Peterse Hay 28 Peter Luyster Gertry Onderdonk Adriaen 'risjjflx -61- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1790 Jan Covert Daniel and May 28 Catrina Hogelant, l,:aria Maria Hegeman Isaac Bogert, Anatie Koogland, Abraci Peter Monfort, Sara Luyster, Jan May 29 Abm, Hogelant, Phebe Crocker, Willum June 27 Anderyus Hegenian, Doortie Monfort, Elbert Jores Monfort, Phebe Burt is, Anneh ? Margrieta Burt is July 25 Jan McQueen, Janet ie Kegeman, Anderyus, born Dec, 3, 1789 Oct, 17 Garet Bennet, Sara Bennet. Sara 1791 Jan Luyster, Feb. 13 Elisabeth Rapalye, Jores Daniel Rapelye, Sara Plegeman, Elisabeth .alJ-tju -62- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1791 Hendrik Sudam, May 1 Antie Noetrant, Daniel, Daniel KoBtrant Margarieta Hardenbergh Jacobus Sedam, Rebecca V/right, William Kay 29 Jacobus Eonfort, Antie Eanderbilt, .^nnatje. Sara Sennet Hendrik Brinkerhoff, Eli Babe th Hegeman, ■piisabeth Nicolas Bennet, Maria Derye, Maragrietie June 26 Cornelius Remsen, Ante Van Wickelen, Helena, Anatie Hardenbergh July 24 Abm. Eogert, Neeltje Hogelant, Helmue, Maria Hegeman Albert Kostrant, Sara Hegeiaan, Jeromua Uicclas Schenk, Syetye Emans, Jacobus, Margarieta Emans Cornelius Hogelant, Elisabeth Luyster, Cornelius -63- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1791 Jan Vandeveer, July 24 Jane Osburn, Jan Aug, 21 Petrus Hegeman, Maria Bogert, Sara, Isaac Bogert Isaac Nostrand, Mart a Syraesse, jCa Jacoo Reuiesen, KeuBuuct Wortman, Jacob Oct, 16 Jacob Van WxCAcleii, Maria Nostrant, Eenderick Atm, Eerye, Susana Bevoyos, Jores Jan Van Brunt, Maragritie Sudajn, Jan 1792 Isaac Bogert, Jan» 8 Anatie Hooglant, Sara, Isaac Eogart April 1 Jores Derye, Roelof Willimyntie Braambockes, May 27 Jacob Laton, Jajnnetye Bogert, Isaac Bogert, Sarah, (Vem Nest's first entry) -64- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1792 Abram Remsen, Aug. 19 Catharine Probaeco, Sarah, Geertruy Remsen Rem Bennet Symeneon, /jitye Hegeman, Aaron, Aaron Symonsen, Cathrenia Hogeland, Isaac Nostrand, Cornelia Remsen, i^jitye Sep, 23 Abm, Konfort, Rensye Monfort, Hendrick, Sara Hegeman, wife of Albert Van Koetrand Jan Luyster, Elizabeth Rapelye, Pemirtetye Thomas Eurlock, Margrieta Laton, Esther Thomas Doxey, Kagdelena Hegeman, Petrus Oct. 21 Peter Luyster, dertruy Onderdonk, Antye 1793 William Laton, Jan. 1 (Sarah Brinkerhoff, ) Sarah (deceased) Lena Laton, Peb. 24 Jacob Remsen, Jorie, Rebecca Wortman -65- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1793 Johannis Keshow, Jr., April 21 Pemetie Kirk, Johannis, Johanis Keshow, Antenette Snedeker John McQueen, Jean Hegeman, Peter July 7 Abm. Bcgart, L^eeltye Hogelant, Maria, Maria Hogelant, Wid, Cornelius Remsen, Antye Van Wicklen, Annatye, Wid. Annatye Van V/icklen, Hendrik Suydam, Antye Nostrand, Minne Johannes Joris Nostrant, Aeltje Stymes, Daniel, Daniel Nostrand Margrieta Kardenbergh Johanies Sudani, Elisabeth Symeson, Maxia Carl Van Seis, Keeltje St il well, Carl, Cornelius Van Seis, Rhode Vaul, Cornelius Aug, 4 Daniel Eoogland, Sarah Latton, Andrias, Maria Koogland, wid. -66- rate Parents Child Sponsors 1793 Aug. 31 Sarah Latton, wife of Daniel Koogland Sep, 29 Jacobus Cudam, Antie llostrand, v?ife Rebecca Wright, Antye, of Cornelius Suydam Jan Bennet, Jr., Maria Hegeman, Joris John Covert, Cathrina Hoogland, Neeltje Oct, 27 James Koore, Charity Hendrikson, William, John Vandeveer, Yannetie Osborne, Maria Cornelius Ho gland, Cathrina Luyster, William 1794 Isaac Bogert, Feb, 2 Annatie Hoogland, Andrias March 30 Jacob Laton, Jannetie Bogart Lena Abram Duryea, Susanna Debevoise, Neeltye Thomas Mitchell, Doortie Kegeman, Geertruy -67- Date Parents Child Spooaere 1794 Jaxjobus Luyster, March 3o Sarah Bennet, Feimnetye April 27 Joseph Hegeman, Yannetie P.apalye, Jan Vanderbilt I July 20 George Lionfort, Phebe Burtie. Elisabeth Dodge Caty, Cooper' B first entry Aug, 17 Isaac Van Ko strand, Martha Simonson, Isaac John Schenk, Sarah Van Ko strand, Margaret, Aug, 31 John V/ortman, Cathrina Durye, Annatye, Cornelia Bogert, wid. Nov, 9 JaJi Luyster, Elisabeth Rapalye, Susanna Dec, 7 Cornelius Remsen, Antie Van V/ick3en ? Catrina, Nate Hardebergh Gerret Van V/icklen, Jannetie Simeson, Jacob Dec. 28 Daniel Erinkerhoff, Maria Luyster, John, Antye Luyster -68- Date Parent e Child Sponsors 1795 Peter Luyster, Jan. 6 Gertery Onderdonk, Gertery Hicolas Schenk, Sejytie ErrianB, Sarah Feb. 16 George Remsen, Sa-rah Vi'alters, ? John, Jannetie Remsen April 12 Jeromus Luyster Maretie Bennet, Peter Abni. Bogert Neeltye Hoogland, Neeltye May 24 Daniel Hoogland, Sarah Latten Henrietta Charles Van Seys, Neeltje Stilwill, Anne July 5 Garret Bennet, Sarah Fort en, Anne Aug. 29 Rem B. Simoneon, Anthe Hegeman, Geertruy Sep. 24 John Covert Oct. 11 Gabriel Deryea, Femmetie Hoogland, William -69- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1795 John Suydam Aug, 29 Elisabeth Simesson, Johannes Oct, 25 Jacob Laton, Jannetie Bogart, .David Nov. 8 Cornelius Sedaan, Rachel Van Velsen, Antye, Antie Sudam, wid. of Cornelius Sudam Nov. 22 John Covert, Catherine Koogland, Jane Dec. 6 Abram Snedeker, Jannetie Remsen, Jan 1796 Cornelius Durye, Jan. 4 Maria Suydam, letye, Antie Suydam, v/id, Jan. 31 William Bennet, Cornelia Duryea, Neeltje Feb. 13 Jacobus Suydam, Rebecca V^right, Rebecca April 10 Kendrick Suydam, Anthe ilostrant. Hendrick June 4 James Moor, Charity Hendickson, Hannah -70- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1796 Abram Duryea, June 19 Susanna Debevoise, Daniel July 17 Jan VajideVeer, Jannetie Qeborn. Jaji Oct. 23 Wtlhelmus Snedeker, Maria Keshow, Maria Nov. 21 SwrretlMonfort, Ida Rider, Dorothy 1797 Jacobus Hegeman, Jan. 1 Cathrina Onderdonk, Geertruy, Peter Luyster, Geertruy Onderdonk, Jaoobus March 26 Joseph Eegeman, Yannetie Rapelye, Joseph liiay 7 Daniel Duryea, Cathrina Duryea, George Jacobus Luyster, Sarah Bennett Cathrina June 4 Daniel Hoogland, Sarah Latton, Daniel -71- Date Parents Child Sp'Onsors 1797 Isaac Boagert July 2 Annathe Ho o gland. Mar ia John McQ.ueen, Jane Hegeman Williaoi Aug, 27 George Nostrand, ri.y.the Stimes, Althe Oct. 22 Rem. B. Simonaon, Anthe Hegeman, George Oct. 23 Jacob Laton, Jane Bogert, Grace Hertell Nov. 16 Cornelius Remsen, Anthe Van Wicklen, John Jan Luyster, Elisabeth Rapalye, Antye Tec. 17 Jacob Van Wicklen, liar i a Kostrant, liaria John Covert, Catherine Koogland, David 1798 Isaac Van ITostrand, Jan. 14 Martha Simonson, Carell, Charel and Pemmetie Simonson -72- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1798 George Remsen, Ixlarch 11 Saragi Walters, George April 8 James Moore, Charity Eendickson, Joshet ? John Vandeveer, Jane Oeborn, Abraham May 6 Jacobus Hegeman, Catherine Onderdonk, Petrus Onderdonk Johanis Simonson, Maria Van Wicklen, Catharine July 3 Angelhart Oerstaat, Crectina Frances, Crestina Gerret Eennet, Sarah Eorten, Gerret Nov, 22 John V«ortman, e_ Cornelia Luryea, wife Catharine Duryea, Cornells, of Wm, Bennet Oct. 25 Garret Van Wicklen, Jannetie Simonson, Fernet ie Nov, 6 Elbert Hoogland, ^/illempe Duryea, Welhelmus -73- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1759 Cornelius Duryea, April 7 Kime Van Kostrand, Hendrick, Gabriel Duryea Fernet ie Hoogland Isaac Bogert Annathe Hoogland, Tunis Rem Kashow, Maria Bennet. ITicholas June 2 Isaac Kostrand, Cornelia Remson. Isaac July 28 Williaja Bennet Cornelia Duryea, Annatie William P. Kuypers, Cornelia Suydam, Minne Johanis Aug. 25 Hendrick Suydam, Cornelius and Anthe Nostrant, Margrieta Thomas Mitchell, Do rite llegeraan, Do re the Sep, 22 Johannes Simonson, Maria Van V.'icklen. Gerrit Roelof I. Schenk, Phebe Mitchell. Rebecca v iOtiiOr:C -74. Date Parents Child Sponsors 1799 PetruB Luyster, Oct. 20 Geertry Onderdonk, Peter 1800 Jacobus Hegernan, Jan. 5 Catrina Onderdonk, i^aria John Miller, Maria Kartlings, John Aug. 17 Isaac Van Nostrand, Kartha Simonson, Laria Pec, 28 George ilonfort, Phebe Burt is. Thomas Dodfee 1801 Gerrit Suydam, Jan. 18 Maria Valentine, Eliza Ann ( In penc il the name "Antie" is suggested) Feb. 15 Jacob Van V/icklen, Uancy Snediker, Maria, Maria Van Wicklen Isaac Bogert, Annatie Hoogland, Albert Cornelius Durye, Mime Van ITostrsjid, Sarah, Fernet ie Duryea John Luyster, Elisabeth Rapelye, John -75- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1801 Cornel iuB Suydam, March 15 Ida Rapelye, Catherine Vanderbilt April 12 Garret Van Hostrand, Sarah Valentine. Maria. Ant he Van No strand June 7 John Bennet, Maria Hegeman, Sarah Floyd July 5 David Laton, Helena Hegeman, Wilj Urn V/ il 1 i am Dury e cj. Mime Rodger s. Anne Aug. 2 Johanis Simonson, Maria Van Vt'icklen, Maria Jacobus Luyster, Sarah Bennet. Jan Bennet Aug. 30 Isaac Ludlum, Helena Miller, Greorge, Cornelia Miller Oct. 25 Hendrick Suydam, Anthe Kostrant, Peter Elbert Hoogland, Willempie Durye, Maria, who married Samuel C. Thorne, Q,uaker preacher, near Locust Valley, L. I, -76- Date Parents Child Sponeore 1801 John Voris, Oct, 25 Phebe Eennet, Maria Dec, 20 Cornelius Suydam, Gretie, Rachel Felseir, (Van Velser) Maria Van Nostrand John Miller, Maria Marti ing. Eleanor 1802 Abm, Durye, Jan, 3 Cynthia Voris, Phebe March 28 Jacob Van Wicklen, Annathe Snedeker, Jannetie, Jnnne tie Snedeker ThoraaeMitchell, Dorothy Hegeman, An dries May 23 Peter Luyster, Gertry Cnderdonk, Susannah Onderdonk June 20 Joseph Hegeman, Jannetie Rapalye, Ida Vanderbilt George Durye, Nelly Schen^, William Schenck Sep, 12 James Eegeman, Catherine Onderdonk, Daniel -77- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1802 Daniel Terye Dec. 5 Catharine Durye, John Bennet 1803 Johanie Bennet, March 27 Phebe Armstrong, Peter Armstrong; Gerret Wostrant, Sare-h Valentine, John Cornelius Durye, Mime Van Nostrajit, Anne, Ann Van Nostrant April 23 John Van Kostrand, Phebe Van Wicklen, Isaac April 24 Rem Kaehow, karia Bennet, Hendick July 10 Thomas Mitchell, Do re the a Hegeman, Thomas Isaac Bogert, Annatye Ho o gland, Joris John Vooris, Phebe Bennet. Jacobus Sep, 11 George Monfort, Jenay Hegeman, Elbert Hegeman -78- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1803 John Bennet, Sep, 11 Maria Hegeman, Anney Thorn Oct, 9 Gerret Suydam, Mary Valentine, Annatie Will iajTi Bennet, Cornelia Duryea, William George Duryea, Elisabeth Luyster, Phebe Nov. 6 Garret Van Wicklen, .Tannetie Cimonson, Maria 1804 John Suydarn, Peb, 26 Abigail Kilee, Jure ? Elbert Hoogland, Willempie Duryea, George 7/illiam Durye, Jemima Rogers, Maria. 1SC3 George Durye, June 17 Uelly Schenck, Elisabeth Co^rnelius Guydaifi, Ida Rapalye, Sarah Ann -79- Date Parents Child Sponsors 18C4 James Hegeman, April 22 Catharine Onderdonk, Elisabeth July 15 Abm, Durye, Cynthia Voorhees, James Voorhees Gerret Nostrant, Sarah Valentine. Elisabeth George Bennet, Susan Tra.via, Maria., Maria Bennet Aug. 6 Hendrik Suydam, Anche Nostrand, Andrias Kegeman John Van Wicklen, Elisabeth Monfort, Cathrina Oct, 4 John Van ITostrand, Phebe Van V/icklen, C-arret 1805 John Siroonson, Jan. 27 Maria Van V/icklen, Aaron, Anthe Simonson March 24 Gerret Van Wicklen, Jane Simon son. Jane John McQueen, Jane Hegeman, David -Bo- rate Parents Child Sponsors 1805 John Vooris, March 24 Phebe Eennet, Phebe April 21 Moure 6 Simonson, Lary Durye, Llary Jane, Cyntia Siii:onson May 26 Cornelius Duryea, Miir.e Van No strand, Hannah, Cathrine Luyster George Bennet, Susan Travis, Nicholas, Mary Bennet June 16 Daniel Hoogland, Phebe Coles, Sarah Ann Aug. 11 V/illiam Durye, Jemima Rogers, Sarah, Abm. Duryea, Cynthia Voores, Daniel Nov. 2 George Monfort, Kellen Van Wicklen, Sarah Sarah Luyster ITov/ 3 Isaac Snedeker, Sarah Spriner, Hannah, Maria Snedeker Dec. 1 James McQ,ueen, Ann Horten, Jane -81- Date Parents Child Sponsore 1805 James Kume, Dec, 1 Mart}aa Remsen, V/alter 1806 Isaac Bogert, Jan. 12 Anathe Koo gland, Nancy April 6 Daniel Duryea^ Catherine Duryea, Roeloff George Ducyea, Nelly Schenclc, Jane George Duryea, Elizabeth Luyster, Maria June 1 John Van Nostrsnd, Phebe Van Wicklen, John June 29 George Monfort, Jane Kegeman, Abraham July 27 Gerrit Nostrant, Sarah Valentine. Daniel James Hegeman, Catherine Onderdonk, Elbert Sep. 21 William Bennet, Catherine Miller, Stephen Schenjck -82- Pate Parents Child Sponsors 1806 Johannes Eennet, Nov, 16 Phebe i^rmstrong, JamesLuyster 1807 John Van Wicklen, Jan 1 Elisabeth Lonfort, Anne Jan. 25 Cornelius Suydam, Ida Rapelye, Cornel is Laquier March 22 John Suydam, Abigail Kilsey, Nathaniel Kilee Cornelius Duryea, Jemima Vair. No strand, Cathina, Cathine Hoogland Kay 17 Adrian llitchell, Catherine lieers, Joseph W il 1 i am Dury e a, Jemima Rodger s, Nelly May 18 Jol-un Remsen, Cornelia Deryea, Isaac July 12 George Bennet, Susan Travis, Susannah Sep, 6 John Lionfcrt, Nelly Duryea, Ann Mi;:; Ui^ •83- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1807 Abm. Duryeft, Dec. 25 Cynthia Voris, Charity Tunis r>uryea, Zilphe Hide, Gabriel Dec, 9.1 John McQueen, Martha Starkene. Jane, Albert Van No strand 1808 Jacob Van Vificklen, March 13 Nathe Snedeker, Sarah John Van Hostrand, Phebe Van Vv'icklen. Cornelius Remsen May 8 Helmus Bogart, Sarah Waters. Isaac George Duryea, Elisabeth Luyster Ann Luyster Jeremiah Hegeman, Rebecca Kegeman, Mary Smith June 5 John Voores, Phebe Bennet, John July 3 V/illiam Eennet, Catherine Miller, John Lliller -/*;h- -84. 1808 Isaac Snedeker July 31 Sarah Spriner, George Remsen, Ann Snedeker Aug. 28 Isaac Eogart, Maria Monfort, Atm. Monfort, 18C9 Feb, 1? Adrian Mitchell, Catharine Meers. John April 9 Isaac Bogart, Ann Hoogland, Belly Mourice Simonson, Catharine Monfort, VTilliam May 7 Cornelius Sudani, Ida Rap 81 ye. Daniel Rapelye June 4 George Monfcfit, Helena Van Wicklen, John John Monfort, Nelly Duryea, James Madison Cornelius t)uryea, Jemima Van Nostrand, John Van llostranc James McQ,ueen, Ann Horten, Eliza Ann -85- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1809 George Bennet^. June 4 Sueanah Travis, Sarah, Maria Bennet July 30 Johannes Bennet, Phebe Armstrong, Nicholas Laton, Sep, 24 Daniel Van V/icklen, Sarah Luyster, John Luyster John Van Nostrand, Phebe Van Vi'icklen. Thomas Oct. 22 Helmus Bogart, Sarah V<'aters. Pe^er Pec. 17 Jacob Van Wicklen, Hannah Snedeker, Hannah 1810 George Duryea, Feb. 11 Elizabeth Luyster, Peter Luyster Ldarch 11 John Van 7/icklen, Elizabeth Monfort;- Peter April 8 William Bennet, Catherine Miller, Nelly Tunis Duryea, Zilpha Hyde, John Hyde, Catherine Duryea -86- Pete Parents Child Sponsors 1810 Isaac Bogert, Sep. 23 Maria Monfort, George Jeremiah Hegeman, Rebecca Eegernan, Joseph Rem Oct. 14 Abm. Puryea, Cynthe Vooris, Elisabeth 1811 Garret Kostrant, L'ay 5 Sarah Valentine, Ann John llcC^ueen, Martha Starkins. John Jay June 1 YiTilliajrt. Duryea, Jemima Rogers, Catherine Jane July 88 Tunis Hoogland, AnnlJonfort, Cornelius Hoogland, Annathe Honfortpatharine Luyster Aug. 25 Cornelius Duryen, Jemima. Van Xostrand, Keiam, Sep, 22 Aaron Van ITostrand, Sarah Hoogland, Albert Oct. 20 George Monfort, Ellener Van t/icklen. Garret Van Wicklen -87- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1811 Daniel Van Wicklen, Oct. 20 Sarah Luyster, Abraham Nov/ 19 John Van Nostrant^ Phebe Van Wicklen, George 1812 Moses Begel, April 19 Jane Remsen, Margaret Ann, Adrian No strand, Sarah Laton, William Laton, June 14 Gerret Monfort, Elisabeth Luyster, John, Jacob Van Wicklen, Ann Snedeker. Gerret. George Eennet, Susan Travis, George July 12 Nicholas Mayby, Sarah Monfort, Kenry John Monfort, Nelly Duryea, George Duryea, July 30 George Monfort, Jane Hegenan, Kary Ann -ae- rate Parents Child Sponsors 182)2 Aug. 9 James McQueen, Ann Horten, Andrew David Sanunis, Phebe Hoogland, Cornelius Hoogland, Mary Ann, Catherine Luyster Oct. 14 Isaac Bogart, llaria Monfort. Natie Oct, 21 Cornelius Suydam, Rachel Van Felzer, Maria, Abigail Gilsey Dec. 25 Roelof Bennet, Elizabeth Kendikson, Abrahaam, Phebe Voris 1813 Isaac Snedeker, Jan. 24 Sarah Springer, Maria, Hannah Van Wicklen April 18 Adrian Mitchell, Catherine Meere, George Abm. Bogart, Ann Luyster, Isaac Abri. Duryea, Cynthia Vooris, Mary Ann Jeronimus Van Vooris, Hannah Hendikson, John Bennet Mfjtl -89- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1815 Cornelius Duryea, April 18 Jemima Kostra.nd, Willaim Hoogland iiay 16 George Duryea, Elisabeth Luyster, George Liouris Suyc?am, Sarah V/ortman. Catherine Ann Hammon July 18 Garret Monfort, Elisabeth Luyster, Elisabeth (Bogiart's first entry) Aug. 15 Garret Nostrand, Sarah Valentine. Sarah Aug. 22 Johannes Bennet, Phebe Armstrong, Margaret Ann Nov, 7 Tunis Duryea, Zilpha Hide, Samuel, Nov. 21 John Van Nostrand, Phebe Van Wicklen, Martha Jane Dec. 25 Adrian Luyster, Fhebe I=uyster, John Bennet 1814 Rem C as how, Feb. 13 Hary Bennet, Abraham -90- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1814 George lionfort, April 24 Helena Van V/icklen, Mary Ann Jeromus Van Voorhee^ Hannah HendiokHon, 31iza.oeth i^Alef Bennet, Elizabeth Hendickson, Nicholas David Sammis, Phe"be Koo^land, 77illiam Hoogland June 19 George Bennet, Susan Travis, John Travis July 17 Garret Tionfort, Elisabeth Luyster, Sarah Sep, 25 Nicholas Mabee, Sarah Monfort, John Monfort, Nov. 20 Adrian Van Nostrand, Sarah Laton, Ann 1815 Abm. Duryea, Jan. 1 Cynthia Voorhis, Jane John Bennet, Ann No strand, Sarah Ann -91- Dote Parents Child Sponsors 1815 Petfir Luyster May 21 Phebe Luyster Mary Bennet June 11 Cornelius Duryea, Jemima No strand, George July 16 Isaac Bogart, Maria Monfort, Ann Aug. 27 John Van Wicklen, Elisabeth Monfort. Daniel Dec5, 24 George Monfort, Jane Hegeman, Elbert Hegeman 1816 John Van No strand, Jan, 21 Phebe Van Wicklen, Leah Ann Feb. 11 Jchjn Van D. B. Hegeman, Catharine Remsen, Jane Rapelye Garret Monfort, Elizabeth Luyster, Abraham April 7 Tunis Koo gland, Catherine Luyster, Sarah Ann April 21 Rulef Bennet, Elizabeth Hendrikson, Margaret Ann, Mary Bennet .J'ro'^rto- : p.i' -92- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1816 John Bennet, June 30 Phebe Armstrong. John Armstrong Helmus Bogart, Sarali Walters. Mary Sep, 5 John jicQ,ueen Martha Starkena. Andrew Kegemaoi Sep. 29 William Hoogland, Maria Vernon, John Vernon, Catharine Koogland Oct, 27 Nicholas Mabee, Sarah Monfort, Ann Eliza Dec. 1 Daniel Bogart, Maria Luyster, Annata Dec. 15 Minna Rapelye, Phebe 7/right, Sarah Ann 1317 George Llonfort, April 27 Helena Van V/icklen, Elisabeth June 22 Peter Luyster, Phebe Luyster, George Rapalye Joseph Kegeman, Leah Van IJostrand, Elisabeth Schenck -93- Iiate Parents Child Sponsors 1317 Elbert Hegeman, July 20 Maria Onde^donk, Joseph Sep, 14 John Van No strand, Phebe Van Wicklen, Henry 1818 George Monfort, March 29 Jane Hegeman, Jane Elizabeth April 12 John Van D. B. Hegeman, Catherine Remsen, Cornelius Remsen, June 21 George Duryea, Elisabeth Luyster, Susan July 8 Helmus Bogart, Sarah Walters, Helmus, (The Mother also baptized) Aug. 2 Abm. Duryea, Cynthia Voorhees, Cynthia Voorfeiees John Van V/icklen, Elizabeth Monfort„ John Sep. 27 John K. Cashow, Elisabeth Underhill, Daniel Johannes, Joha.nes Cashow Dec, 21 Nicholas Maybe, Sarah Monfort. Genlt Monfort -94- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1319 William Hoogland, Jan, 17 Mary Vernon, Alfred A-pril 25 Joseph Hegeman, Jr., Leah Van Nostrand, Charles Simonson June 13 Peter Luyster, Phebe Luyster, Elisabeth July 25 George Remsen, Gertrude Luyster, John Nostrand Andris Bogart, Susan Luyster, Mary Williau Duryea, Elseny Witmore, Alonzo Sep. 12 John Van Nostrand, Phebe Van Wiciclen, Phebe Elisabeth Oct. 31 George Tionfort, Jane Hegeman, Catharine Nov, 21 Johannes Bennet, Phebe Armstrong, David Schuyler Bogart Dec, 25 Jeromus Van Nostrand, Maria Cornell. Jane -95- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1820 Thomas Hyatt, March 26 Catharine Ivlonfort, Thomas John Bennet, Ann Nost^and, George Nostrand May 21 John Llonfort, Nelly Duryea, Mary June 4 James Luyster, Maria Van No strand, Susan June 13 Daniel Bogart, Maria Luyster, Daniel George Duryea, Ann Suydam, Townsend Oct. 1 Garret Monfort, Elisabeth Luyster, Daniel Oct. 22 Tunis Hoogland, Jr., Catharine Luyster, Catharine Jane Dec, 31 George Duryea, Elisabeth Luyster, Andrew Qnderdonk 1821 Jan, 21 Jacob Van Wicklen, Hannah Craft. Louisa .r.:r:0 ?J-r*s'iJ-; ZBlii&d ^ifii Qi^i'l. -iiit&xiSBl >'h3 nn aur 6S vfjj -101- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1330 Andris McQueen, July 4 Catherine Simonson, Albert Sep. 12 Joseph Hegeraan, Leah Van Nostrand, George Rapelye Oct, 21 Mouris Simonson, Catherine Monfort, James 1831 Daniel Hegeman, May 27 Matji Jane Simonson, Peter Aaron Simonson, Leah Simoneon Mary June 12 William Hoogland, Mary Nostrand, Susan Elizabeth Aug. 28 Peter B. Luyster, Phebe Luyster. Peter 1833 Garret Simonson, May 17 Juliana Smith, Andrew Karia Cock, an adult Nov/ 8 Daniel Hegeman, Mary Jane Simonson, Mary I ■Sid':'' r.i:,r,'r.f^ 3fiSl, !{?- izn\ wv'.rI\.A -102- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1833 John Jay Cott, Nov, 8 Mary Voorhefts^ Elbert 1834 Andris Bogart, Jan, 19 SuBan Luyster, Jolm Luyster larch Aaron Simonson, Leah Simonson, Hour is Aug. 5 Peter B. Luyster, Phebe Luyster, Andrew iJov. 21 Rulef Duryea, Hannah Suydaa, Catharine Garret Suydam 1335 Garret Simonson, Oct. 30 Julia Ann Smith, William David kciiueen, Mary Ann Duryea, William Daniel Van Wicklen, Elizabeth Ann Bailey, Mary 1836 John Van Cott, l/Iay 27 Maria Voorhies, Garret June 5 Daniel Hegeman, Mary Jane Simonson, Elbert :s\'j ■.-.iar-'ir-.-i .vtj-. ,'■1 i: ir ,it-' l: ; i-^ .i. -103- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1336 Abm. Dtaryea, June 5 Phebe H. Hicics, V/illiam Hicks Oct. 28 Phebe Duryea, wife of Abm. Duryea 1837 Margaret Laton, wife of Ebenezer Close, on a sick bed liay 14 at N. Hempstead, Sep, 6 John B. Luyster, Ann Simonson, Sarah Oct. 1 John Van Cott, Maria Voorhees, John Henry Oct, 15 Peter B. Layster, Phebe Luyster, --- 1838 James M. Monfort, April 1 Elizabeth Luyster, John DeWitt Daniel Hegeman, Mary J. Siraonson, Catherine Ann April 11 R. A. Q,uin, Mary E. Stout enburgh, Agnes 1839 William T. Stoutenburgh, Aug, 13 Mary Monfort, William Augustus •.r'A sriis/iJjeO ,nof;i 3onsA -104- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1839 Henry llabee, Oct. 12 liary Almira Mott, Nicholas, Nov. 1 aoiitt Van Cott, Maria Voorhees. Sarah Maria 1340 Daniel Hegeman, June 10 Mary Jane Sinonson, Elbert David McQueen, Mary an Durye, Catharine Jane Oct, 25 William Simonson, Mary Jane Kaybee, V/illisun Henry July 1 James U, konfort, Elizabeth Luyster, Mary 31iz:*Eth Sep, 15 R, /^. Q,uin, Mary Catharine Mary Elizabeth Stoughtenburgh, 1841 Lawrence Proudfit, Dec, 10 Louisa H. McCready, Charlotte Rhodes Henry Maybee, Mary A. Maybee, Margaret ta Mott 1842 John Van Cott, April 1 Maria Van Cott, Catharine Jane eio«rK>(j-. •^rij 'ihrrtj ,9X;auu :i£siLiL ©Juol- -105- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1842 James Madison Monfort, Aug. 5 Elizabeth Monfort, Peter Augustus Aug. 27 Thomas Coger, Sarah Ann Coger, Catharine Louis Nov, 18 Daniel Hegeman, Hary Jajie Hegeman, Ann Eliza Dec. 30 Townsend Franklin, V/alter (Elizabeth Franklin, born, Aug. 28, 1807) Townsend Franklin, Elizabeth Franklin, Letitia Jane, born, Dec. 20, 1838. David Nostrand, ---- «._- Isaac T. George Weeks, Isaac Mary Weeks, born, Jan, 1, 1801 Garret Van Cott, John James Bond, evidently an adult Elizabeth Ann, v/ife of Daniel Van Wicklen, born, Aug, 24, 1809 Martha Ann, wife of Albert Nostrand Julia Ann Bond, an adult 5 liii .riiocf ^i. :u':0'^ iM^.f n:- Xaiasd "io a'i. -106- Dats Parents Child Sponsors 1843, Jan. 1 William Henry Horton, an adult Jan. 22 George R, Luyster, Margery Baylis, Mary Prances June 30 Thomas Cock, Margaret Ann Cock, Mary Almira July 9 Lawrence Proudfoot, Louisa R, McCready, James Van Antwert, 1344 John Van Cott, Jan. 5 Maria Van Cott, Beorge Sidney Jan. 19 Albert Van ITo strand, Martha Ann Van Nostrand, Sara|i Emily Peb. 29 James Voorhies, Catherine Voorhies. Phebe Ann Oct, 5 Peter A. Stoutenburgh, Sarah J, Stoutenburgh, Henry Augustus Peter A. Stoutenburgh, Sarah J. Stoutenburgh, Mary Adelia Henry Mabee, Mary A, Mabee, Jacob Samuel Mott Charles Luyster, » ___- James V. STXir fiilQf -107- Date Parents Child Sponsors 1844 Thomas Coger Oct. 5 Sarah Ann Coger Susan Harriet, adult daughter of Hewlett Townsend Nov, 17 James Madison llonfort, Elizabeth lionfort, Ann Amelia 1845 Thomas Cox, Oct* 5 Margaret Ann Cock, Thomas Alvin Nov. 24 John Smith, Ann Barker, John 1847 Henry Mabee, April --^ Mary A. liabee, Christiana, (End of Oakey) ri-s : . j5J;I?iaA r.fui. -108 Families of the R eformed Du tch Churc h at Oyster Bay in 1831 Llerabers in Congregation Coirmunion East ?/oods District Jacobus Luyster and wife; Adrian Luyster, wife and son, 5 4 Peter B, Luyster, wife, eight children and niece 11 2 Jeroraus Bennet, niece and her husband, Aaron Schenk, Mouris Suydam, 2 daughters and 2 sons William Armstrong, wife and 3 children John Schenk, wife, son and daughter-in-law James Voorhies, wife, 2 children and mother Garret Suydam, wife, 2 children and jL grand-children 6 1 . Cornelius Suydam, wife, George Duryea, son in law, etc/ 9 Garret No strand, wife and 5 children Jeromus Voorhis, wife and 3 children 5 / eOI- .j SB r ■''Jij^l b' d J CXI -'2 id 8000W jar. ba£' 91 iv/ ,51 :oe .3' nsiblirvo K .sixw hna iis'iblixi I 95.109c ,9ll ,-eJav b. ^ ©Ixv? hn.«- ;i9ibIli\o £ tna sliw ,eiriiooV atinroieo -109t East Woods District, Continued, Congregation, Ivlembers in Communion Andris Bogart, wife 2 children, mother and niece 6 3 Wolver Hollow District; John Simonson, wife, son's wife, son, wife's mother and grand- son. 6 William Duryea, wife, daughter and John Voorio son-in-law and son 5 John iIcQ,ueen, wife, 4 children and brother David 7 Widow Charity Moore William kott, daughter-in-law, Llary, 4 children and son 6 Stephen Remsen, wife, mother-in-law and child 4 George Llonfort John Van Cott, Daniel Van Wicklen cind 2 sons Jacot Van Wicklen, wife, daughter, son-in-law, 3 children, e^c 8 John Remsen, wife, 4 children noxn^'niincr ,aoa ^eilw s'nos ^s^hv ,«oe«oflua n. f;n.-- i...^'i v''i-,;o ^i, ^c-liw ,i.e> 3T00M xiitRdO woi ax^o ^ ii cu t I I 6 . '0 ^ .sliv.' .a^- -110- Congregation Members in Communion Wolver Hollow District; Cont'd. Seorge Remsen, wife, 2 children Jane Mears, daughter, son-in-law, 5 children Nicholas Mabee, wife, 3 children, brother and sister- in- lav/ Jacob Mabee, wife, son and daughter- in-law Rem B, Siraonson, wife, son, daughter- in-law, 5 children 9 Isaac Host rand, son, daughter, grand-child Aaron Simonson. wife, child Thomas Cock, wife, son and daughter Norwich District; Tunis Hoogland, wife, 4 children Rulef Duryea, 5 children iiOlHi;. ...:*. .-'.'wt.-v LJ;-ii.;^ , ;S8CI9H 9S109€ ,'■-".; 1 — i'.i -r. ;:c:. ,*: .-■J. , i.'^>C i^ ,ii03 ,?i.'..v ,nosnomJ:ci .d .-.is:. ns-rb CifCo 5 .WBl-nx .19 3T'-:.>.vi- fiOB nlixic .s'iiw .r!C3no*::JJl avis :Joxn»T3ia: rioiwao. -Ill- Congregation, Members in Communion Norwich District, Cont'd: Daniel Hegeman, wife, 3 children 5 Abm. Duryea, wife, 2 daughters, 4 Isaac Nostrand, wife, daughter- in-law, son and 2 grand- children 6 William Hoogland, wife, 7 children and mother 10 George Monfort, wife, daughter and son-in-law 4 1 John Van Wicklen, wife, 4 children 6 1 Jeremiah Waldron, wife, 5 children 7 Cedar Swamp District: John Luyster, wife, son, daughter, daughter-in-law, 2 grand- children 7 Joseph Hegeman, wife, son, daughter, sister-in-law 5 Joseph Hegeman, Jr., wife and 2 children 4 5 r.sib Cxi(o-f)fji3ia S j'X9J.':ij,ijJ3& ,nc8 ,9'txw ,n, a -112- Congregation Llembers in Communion Cedar Swamp District, cont'd: Andris McQ,ueen, wife, child and great-uncle 4 John Hegeman, wife, son, daughter 4 Dr. Townsend, wife and child 3 James Hegeman, son, 3 daughters 5 Vifidow of John lionfort, 2 sons and daughter 4 Jacobus iilonfort, wife and grand- daughter 3- Peter Luyster, Jr., wife and 2 children Peter Luyster and wife 2 James Luyster, wife, 6 children 8 Aaron No strand, wife, 2 children and sister 5 George Lionfort, wife, 7 children and mother 10 Mouris Simonson, wife, 3 children and grand- child 6 -:>/£_ nclni,inxDoO :',B faXXfio , C". r:X.a-ic bos 9*ii7; .fcrfsEm. ? ,n03 ,XXBCI9S9l-i Ado I 1o ns'.-;!: fiifo f. ^r>J.ivi ^nosnocaiQ alii. -113- Hermance's List of Families of the Dutch Church in 1827 Congregation Members in Communion East Woods District: John Schenk 4 2 Jeromus Van Voorhees 8 Mouris Simonson 10 Aaron Schenck 3 Cornel and Garret Suydam 10 1 James Voorhees 5 1 Garret Monfort 4 John Monfort 5 1 Andris Eogert 5 2 Jeromus Luyster 9 3 Jacobus Luj'Bter 6 4 Norwich District: George Duryea 5 George Duryea 10 OL ftoonc.T -114- Norwich District^ Cont»d« Egbertie Rowe, Garret Bennet Isaac T. Nostrant, Isaac Nostrant, Isaac L. Miller Tunis Hoogland Williain Hoogland John Van Wicklen Jeremiah Waldron, Wolver Hollow District; John McQueen William Duryea John KcQueen Charity Moor Mary Mott Congregation, Inerabers in Communion 0£S8l fcitJBlgOC n--ojOo -115- Wolver Hollow District, cont'd. Congregation, Members in Communion Williaia V.ott 1 Stephen Remsen 6 John Nostrant 4 1 George Monfort 2 Thomas D. Lonfort 4 Sarah Van Cott 3 Daniel Van Sicklen 4 2 Jacob Van Wicklen 9 2 John Remsen 4 ^eorge Remsen 3 2 Nicholas Mabe 7 2 James Waldron 5 Ginny Mears 6 1 Sarah Van Wicklen, 7 Jacob Mabee 4 ni ft I. .1 lo. Ji-o*^. nel>'oic. ix U"&.[> -116- Wolver Hollov/ District, cont'd: Congregation, Members in Conununion John Van No st rant, 8 Rem E. Siinonson, 7 1 John Simonson, 5 2 C edar Swamp District; Joseph Hegeman, 10 3 John V. Hegeman 4 Peter He^an, 8 Joseph Hegeman, Jr., 5 James Hegeman, 8 George M. Monfort 7 John Monfort 6 Jacobus Monfort 2 2 Peter Luyster 4 2 Peter Luyster, Jr., 5 1 -arj. ,noanoiflia nr. on c , 9H 19 J- 3 -117- Cedar Swamp District, Cont'd. John Luystftr Aaron Van Nostrand, George Honfort Mouris Simonson Congregation, Members in Communion 6 6 10 5 List of Me mbers, (Families) in 1845 East Woods District; peter B. Luyster Garret Suydam, David He Queen, Abm. Durye, Garret Nostrand, Borwich District: Adrian Luyster, Widow Hoogland, John Weeks, Widow Suydam, James Voorhies John Schenk V/idow Mouris Suydam, George Durye, William Horton, Jerome Bennet George Luyster John Luyster Wm, Hoogland, Dr. Stoutenburgh John Van Wicklen die -118- Norwich District. Cont'd. Isaac No strand, Thomas Coger. Wolver Hollow District: Benjamin Hall, Law, Bortevie, Thomas Cox, Sr. i Jr., Isaac Cox, Townsend Franklin, James lautty, George Mitchell, John Van Cott, John Kc^ueen, George Underhill, V/idow Baker, Aaron Siraonson, Charles Cox Widow Simonson, George Siraonson, Jacob liabee, Henry Llabee, Widow V/aldron, Daniel Van Wicklen, Isaac Remsen. And. McQueen, Isaac Weeks, Cedar Swamp District; John Hegeman, Daniel Smith, John or Thomas Van Nostrand, Widow Mabee. Isaac T. Van Nostrand, Stephen Remsen, Hegeman liabee. AnS, McQueen, Joseph Hegeman -eij- siii8\,r\^L Joltiei ,.1 r,J. .xoO oaae ltoti<) -119- Cedar Swa mp Distr ict, cont » d. Hewlett Townsend, Elbert Monfort, James Luyster, J, Madison Konfort, Judge Hegeman, Henry Smith, George Monfort, Epenetas Nostrand, George Luyster Charles Luyster, Elbert Nostrant, George D. Llonfort, \Vm, Simonscn, Daniel Hegeman, Singleton Llott, Isaac Nostrand, Henry Nostrand ? Smith Underhill ? William Pecure ? Pastor's Family ? -cx.!:- ,ric-xm3 \iiisd , uwol J-aIW0K 95!l09i. ;.'co1 nBll -120- Marriages Dutch Church of Oyster Bay "1826-1847 *" Garret Bennet, Maria Van Wicklen, Married, Dec. 16, 18C5 Daniel Titus, A.nnVan Wicklen, Harried, Jan, 2, 1827 Peter Nostrand, Hannah Burt, Married, March 11, 1827 Aaron Simonson, Leah Simonson, Married, June 2, 1828 William Dunhain, Mary Ann Cornell, Married, June 2, 1828 Darius Clark, Anne Hicks, Married, Dec. 33), 1828 Henry Mabee, Ann Monfort Hoogland, Married, Feb. 10, 1829 Garret Simonson, Juliana Smith, Married, March 11, 1829 Elbert Ketcham, ?anny Ann Carpenter, Married, May 10, 1830 i*2 : ,~ r r 2S. .bftifji Of." -121- William Hoogland, Maria Nostrand, Married, May 13, 1830 Isaac Mott, Diana Tappan, Married, Nov, 20, 1330 William Verity, Sarah Totten, Married, March 14, 1331 Abra, Duryea, Phebe E. Hicks, Married, Sep. 11, 1831 JoJin Van Wicklen, Anne Nostrand, Married, Dec. 2, 1831 Daniel Bayley, Lydia Snedeker, Married, Nov. 27, 1832 Jacob S. Jackson Jones, Rebecca T. Jackson, Married. March 6. 1833 Peter V. D. V/ater, Gloria^cna Mott, Married, April 6, 1833 James Bond, Ellen Covert, Married, May 4, 1833 Daniel Smith, Leah Ann Van No strand, Married, May 25, 1833 ':c.c. i ..:. D -122- Hiram Deryea, Mary Backus, Married, Sep, 3, 1833 Garret Van Wicklen, Phebe Bond, Married, Oct, 12, 1833 George Rogers, liary Bond, Married, Oct. 19, 1833 Hour is Suydara, ■pl ether Weeks, Married, Nov, 23, 1833 Robert I. Gilbertie ? Sarah Ann Laton, Married, Dec, 12, 1833 Thomas Squire, Elisabeth Prutten, Married, Dec. 21, 1833 Samuel Weeks, Jeanette Bailey, Married, Jan. 5, 1834 Daniel Van Wicklen, Elizabeth Ann Bailey, Married, Sep, 21, 1334 Jacob Van Wicklen, Alleti Rodman, Married, Oct, 26, 1834 Henry Mabee, Jtary Almira Mott, Married, Sep, 21, 1835 ov ,:)r!i'r'i;jB„i 'l-I SI. . 09!j. .fjsii' i^sai ,a ,rij=?.. f-fBI .02 .100 .b^iiii rntimsl cg6I ,i^ «q3ci ^Ciii'i^ -123- Theophilus Taylor Turrell, Martha Llott^ Married, March 2, 1335 John B. Luyster, Ann Simonson, Married, April, --?, 1835 Abm, Schenk, Sally Davis, Married, April 20, 1835 James Q,uinl3y, Sarah V/inans, Married, May 5, 1)335 John Jay Livingston, Nathe A. Mullineux, Married, Oct. 13, 1835 Jacob C. Valentine, Sarah E. Whitney, Married, July 17, 1836 Henry Van Nostrand, Pamelia Piatt, Married, Nov. 24, 1836 James Davis, Jemima Waldron, Married, Nov. 31, 1836 Oliver Terril, Mary B. Laton, Married, Dec. 7, 1836 James Madison Monfort, Elizabeth Luyster, Married, March 28, 1837 Ci-'Jcf , :-- ,r,' :r ,i59iT1Xl... r,c,8.r \j ■'■..•ijd. 'i^iiL ,■ r'*'^;ttl ,-.; .voH ^F i.l-;iJ=^i -124- Williain I, Stoutenburgh, Mary I^onfort, Married, March 29, 1337 Jacob Hawkhurst, Eliza Hicks, Married, May 10, 1837 James Onderdonk, Jane R. Hegeman, Married, May 15, 1837 Daniel Laton, Phebe Elizabeth Van Nostrand, Married, May 18, 1837 V/illiam Henry Horton, Mary Duryea^ Married, July 11, 1837 Peter Sho^ell, Phebe McGregor, July 22, 1837 Isaac Waldron, Sally Hegenian, Married, Sep, 3, 1837 James Hall, Ann Bailey, Married, Oct. 3, 1837 Thomas A. Cock, Margaret Ann Cock, Married, Bov. 2, 1837 Daniel Van Wicklen, Hannah Cheshire, Married, Nov. 23, 1837 1-6 d -125- George Dovming, Eliza Snedeker, Married, Nov. 23, 1837 William Henry Allen, Sarah D. Remsen, Larried, Dec. 3, 1837 V/illiam Underhill, Phebe Taapan, Married, Dec. 13, 1837 George Downing, Eliza Lewis, Married, Jan. 4, 1838 Albert Nostrand, Kirby, Married, Jan. 10, 1338 George D. Monfort, Louisa Van Winkle, Married, Feb. 7, 1838 David Laton, Mary Mott, Married, May 17, 1838 William S. Hicks, Esther Springer, Married, March 12, 1839 Absolom J, Barrett, Elizabeth R. Underhill, Married, May 27, 1838 V^nM JJifl'..1' < X.A -126- Vvilliaai L« Downing, Lydia H. Laton, Married, Aug. 15, 1838 Gideon Franklin, Eliza L, Hegeman, Married, Oct, 3, 1838 E. B. Wiggins, Jane S. Duryea, Married, Feb, 5, 1840 Cornelius C, Johnson, Jane Dickerson, Married, Sep, 8, 1839 George Snedeicer, Hannah Bomstead, Married, Nov, 25, 1840 Jacob Smith, Elisabeth Winfield, Married, Oct, 10, 1840 Cornelius V/ood, Susan V/. Soper, Married, Oct, 24, 1840 John Rodman, Mary Hall, Married, — - --, 1840 Kirby, Sarah Elizabeth Nostrand, Married, --- --, 1840 George B, Luyster, Margary F. Bailey, Married, Dec. 29, 1840 O^ai ,*S .^oO .ijsxiaeil I .xv!?x-;'.ti -127- Peter Augustus Stoutenburgh, Sarah Jane Luyster, iilarried, April 7, 1841 Daniel Wright, Zerviah licCoun, Married, April 11, 1841, Cornelius Hegeman, Sarah Croft, Married, April 15, 1841, William Philip, Mary Jane Laton, Married, May 19, 1841, Perry Mac key, Margaret Hill, Married. Feb. 27. 1842 Jordan Hall, Louisa Stephens, Married, April 6, 1842 Elbert H. Monfort, Merthe Mott, Married, April 27, 1842 George Downing, Emeline Lewis, Married, May 25, 1842 Daniel Hav/khurst Sarah Hull, Carried, Aug. 6, 1842 Francis Van Liew, Isabella Cain, Married, Aug. 27, 184J >^.;ji fr' 'fol If-SI .c!r rjtTa,- ^S.i'Sl ,0 JI'SI ,TJJ ,d9l ,h •81 ,6 Xiri qA ^sxi^jbm -128- Abel Thomas, Elisabeth Wanser, l^arried, Sep. 3, 1842 Sainuel T. Bayley, Karv A. WickB, Married, Dec. 7, 1842 Patrick Donohue, Ellen Egelte, Married, Dec, 29, 1842 V/ebley Korton, Susan Valentine, Married, Nov, 1, 1843 Townsend Jackson, Margaret Ann Nostrand, Married, Hov. 15, 1843 Charles Luyster, Elizabeth Voorhies, Married, Nov. 22, 1843 Singleton M, Mott, Jane Elizabeth Monfort, Married, Jan, 10, 1844 George W. To'wnsend, Susan E, Underhill, Married, Oct. 23, 1844 Edward Vail, Eliza Ann Peacock, Married, Nov. 7, 1844 William Remsen, Matilda Banks, Married, Feb. 2, 1845 nnA J> -129- John L.Oakey, Adrianna D. Wykoff, Married. Jan 8. 1845 Andrew Remsen, Martha Peters, Married, March --, 1845 James Luyster, Ida Van liegeman, Married, Sep, 22, 1845 Joshua T. V/right, Susan Luyster, Married, Oct. 15, 1845 Peray Vernon, Sarah Van V/icklen, Married, Dec, 14, 1845 Jacob Van V/icklen, Martha Luttp, Married, Dec. 14, 1845 John R. Duryea, Sarah P. Hubbs, Married, Dec. 16, 1845 Willet Seaman, Martha T. Van Nostrand, Married, Feb. 24, 1846 .*T? J"^''J.fJ e^^c-r ,S2 .gaa ^b^iitaJ oi'Sr ,r).[ .o«:;I ,5 silt/- dl'SI >S , Alburtis, Allen, Araerman. Armstrong, BackUB, Bailey, Baker, Balden, Banks, Barker Barrett, Bay ley, Baylis, Becker, Begel, Bennet, Bergen Bevoyes, B ire hem, Bogart, Bogert, Index -1- 56 Bomstead, 41, 125 Boogert, 1, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 23, 25Booingaerd, 26, 27, 28, 32, 35Boomgaert, 36,37,41 Boomgard, 50, 77, 82, 85, 89Borlock, 92,94,97,108 Bortis, Bond, BorteviB, 50,54,122 Bouram, ) 102, 122, 124, 126, Boerura 118 12/ 128, 107 125, 121,128 106 51 87 1.3.5. 6 7. 8. 9. Bourum, ) Braarabockes, Braaanboos, Braambosch, Braajnbos, Brambos, BrainboBch, Bres, Brickelhoff, Brinkelhoff. 10, 11, iS, 14, 15Brinkerhof f, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 31,33, 35Brush, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42Bryckerhof, 46,47, 48, 49, SOBris, 51, 54, 55, 59, 60Bur chain, 61, 62, 66, 67, 68Burcheni, 69, 70, 72, 73, 75Burlock, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80Burt, 81,82, 83, 85, 87Burtis 83, 39, 90, 91, 92 94, 95, 96, 97,100 Cain, 108,114,117,120 Caljer, 96 63 39 ll| 16, 23,39, 42 44, 46, 47, 51, 52 54, 57, 60, 61, 62 63, 65, 66, 67, 68 69, 71, 73, 74, 77 81, 83, 84, 85, 86 88, 89, 91, 92, 93 94, 95, 98.100. 102,109, 113, Carpenter, C a show, Casseboom, Cat Catt, Cile Clark, Close, Cheshire, Cock Cocke. 126 20, 29, 42, 44, 46, 53 35 38 42 53 25 105, 121,122 118 10,19,23, 11, 15 63, 45 55, 59 36, 51, 58 42, 48 58 8 11, 1)9, 25 6, 9,10,13,19, 21 1, 3,35, 56, 62 64, 67 34,40 29 11, 56 42 46, 56, 60, 64 119 53, 61,67, 74, 99 127 2 120 89, 93 10,13,16 15, 49 51 3 120 103 124 40,101,106 107,110,124 30 .■■I '^^" fyi lo! ,€ L .i.- •-> -5 S.N ^ r r r f J Coger, Coles, Coke, Conselye, Cooper, Cornel, Cornel] , Coaon, I Cosson, ) Cossou ) Couson, Cousson, Covert. Cox, Craft Crocker, Croft, Croker, CUSBOW. Davis, Debevoise, Deene, Dekker, Perjee, Derye, Deryea, Deje Dickerson, Dickmara, Podge, Dcnnen, Donohue, Doric, Dorland, Dorlsnt Dounen, Downing, Index -2- 105,107,118, Downen, 80 Doxey, 31, .-54, Dunham, 8,11,21, Dur J e 67,97 Durye, 11, 10, 94, 120 10,12,16, 25, 26 5 6 Duryee 7, 48, 52, 55, 56 Durye a. 59, 61, 66, 68, 69, 71,121 107,118 95 56, 56,61 127 X12 47 Duyee, 12?, 66^ 70 30, 55, 58 2, 34, 36,38, 40, 42 43, 45, a6, 48, 51 55, 58, 59, 60, 62 63, 77 82,122 1,36,38 126 20 8,13,16, 67 26 128 3 2 7, 14, 20, 39 28 28,125,126,127 43 57, 64 120 3 3.5,6,9,10,12 13,18, Ti?,, 26, 29 30, 31, 32, 40, 47 51, 52, 56, 59, 67 69, 74, 75, 76, 77 78, 79,80, 104 117 6 2, 4,19, 57, 66, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100,102, 103, 109,110,111, 11», 114,121,124,126, 129 6,10 Egelte, 128, Emans, 45, 49, 52, 55 59, 62, 68 Emons, 15 Felseir, 76 Fine 28 Foorhee&SIL 9,25 Praest, 18, 22 Prances, 72 Frankl in 105, 118,126 Fyn, 33 Gilbertie, 122 Gileey^ 88 Colder, 1 Goolder, 9 Gritman, 5 Gurley, 97 Gutagens, 4 ^' r .^8 r,VDi .«!■;. ./lO • c Index -4- Kalyer, Karsebloom, Kermen, Keschow, ?[eshoWj KesEoeWj Kessow, Ketchanij Ketels, Kirk, Kilse, Kilsey, Kirby, Kisschou, Kissouv; Kissow, Knelese Kneleseen, Kock, Konselje Kook, Kool, Kosou, K08S0U, Kouk, Kossou«, KOBSOW, Kuypers, Lakevir, Lane, Laquer, Laquier, Laten, Laton, Latten. 4, a 73, 77 15 53 55, 70 53 52 120 29, 30 65 78 82 125,126 40 43 43,50 2 6 16,18 7 13 9 16 7,8,18,22,26, 28, 43 58 31,48 73 18 21 14 6,10 21 21,30, 41,42,43 44, 45, 46, 49, 56 60, 63, 64, 66, 69 71, 75, 87, 90, 103 122, 123,124,125 126,127 68 Latton, Leffersen Lefferteen, Leson, Leten, Leton, Letten, Lewie, Lekivir, Y Likevir, ) Llqueir, Liquer Livingston, Looyse, Lose. Losee, Lot, Lott, Ludlao, Luie, Luister, Luyster, 65, 66, 70 7 20, 38 18, 24, 26. 29 30,32 32, 33, 34, 35, 38 39, 43, 46, 53 5, 7,10,13,28 125,127 26,27 21 2 123 1 '''.8,10,11.15 17,19, ?!3, 24 9 17,18,20, 21,25 38 75 12, 100 1. &. 7, 10, 11,12 13,14,15,17,18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25* 26,28,28,32:33 35,39,42,44,46. 48, 50. 51, 52, 53 54, 55. 57, 58, 60, 61, 62. 64. 66 67 68,70,71,74,76, 76, 78, 80, 81, 63 85,86,67,88,69. 90, 91, 92, 93. 94 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 100,101, .102, 103 vv .; r I p .<: r Vv IS ■)J,"\ Index -3- Haf. 1?,0. Hendryeeen, 4 Haff, 2 Hermance. 99 Hall, 118, 124, 126, 127Hicks 103,120,121 Kardenberg, 7,8,11,12,14, 124,125 16, 20,24, 27, ?1, Hide, 83, 89 52, 34, 39, 41, 42 Kill 127 47, 48, 56 Hils, . 50 Hardenbergh, 2, 6, 7,39, 52, 58 Kof, 54 62, 6567 Hogeland * 2, 23, 64, 99 Har dent org, 30 Hogel£.ntj^, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9. Hartenberg, 28 10,12,14,15,17 Hartenbergh, 25,3 7,39, 56 18,19,22,23, 24 Haviland, 2 25,28,29,31,34, Hawkhurst, 124, 127 35, :^7, 38, 40, 48 Hefferland, 4 51, 52, 53, 54, 56 Kegeman, 9,13,14,15,16 57, 58, 61, 62, 65 3 7,19,22, 23, 24 Koygland e>6 25,26,29,30,31, Hogelandt, * 3 32,33,34,35,36 Hoogelandt, 1 37,38,39,40,41 Hoogela-nt, 41,57 42,43, 44, 45, 47 Ho gland, 47, 60ja61, 65, 66 48,49, 5J, 52, 53 68, 69, 70, 71, 72 54, 55, 57, 58, 59 73, 74, 75, 77, 78 60, 61, 62, 64, 65 80, 81, 82, 84, 86 66, 67, 68, 70, 71 88, 90, 91, 92, 94 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 85, 96, 97, 98, 100 77, 78, 79,81, 83 101,110,111,114 86, 8'?, 91, 92, 93 117,120,121 94, 96, 97, 98, 99 Hooglandt 1 32 100, lol, lo2, 103 Kooglant, 43, 63 104, 105, 111, ll2Hoogeland, 99 1 1 6, 118, 119, 124Horten. 58, 68, 72, 80, ^ 126,1271129 84,88 Hendrickae, Henaik&em, 22, 58 Korton, 54, 106, 11 '79)124 18, 128 128 Hendikson, 88 Hubbs, 129 Kendick&e, 47 Hull 127 Kendickson, 69, 72, 90, 97, 99 Hume 81 Hendreesen, 6 Hasten 56 Hendrekson, « 37 Hyatt 95 Hendrickse, 60 Hyde, 85 Hendricksen, 41 Hendrikse, 33,47 Jackson, 121,128 Hendriksen, 14,41 Janse, 2 Hendrikson, 1, 66,91,97 Johnson, 126 Jones 121 I It » ,l'i I < « • f- • r .cii.orx.roj S ^rir |fJor. ^i-oi ^' f r !- r r ■•• ' r ii'-:l 6;-; J. I' -' r ce .do , Index Mabe, llabee, Lackey, Llarten^e, LI art ling, LartlingB, kason, Maybe Kaybee, Mayby, McCoun, McC ready, licGregor, kcQ,ueen, 45,49,99,115 Lloor, 90, 92, 104, 106, 110, Moore, 115, 118, 120, 122More, 127 Mott, 19 76 74 45, 48, 57 Muelnaer, 41, 52, 54, 59 Mull ireux. 49,93 Mutte, 104, Mutty, 87 Myller, 127 104,106 124 Noorstrant Mears, 110,11 Mecen, 41 Meers, 54, 82, Miller, 19,20, 30,31, 74, 75, 35,97, Mitchell, 53, 54, 73, 76, 88,118 Molenaer, 35,36, Monfat, 13,15, Monfort, 1. 4, 5, 11,13, 22, 23, 30,31, 41, 44, 51, 53, 59, 61, 70, 74, 86, 87, 95, 96, 49, 61, 65, 71, 79 Koostrant, 80, 83, 64, 86, 88 Nostrand, 92, 96, 97,101, 102, 104, 1C9, 112 114,117,118, 84, 88 21, 24, 25 33, 37, 44 Kostrant, 76, 81, 83 99,114 5'?, 60, 66 77, 82,84 38 43. 6,8, 9,10 18, 19,20 2a, 26, 28, 32j35, 37,0akey, 46, 48, 50 Oerstaat, 55, 56, 57,Onderdonk, 62, 64, 67, 77 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94 97, 98, 99,100,103 104, 105, 107, 109, 111, 112 113, 115, 116, 117, 119, 123 124,125,127,128 69, 114 47, 66, 72, 109 58, 60, 48, 52, 58, 1C4 109,114,115, 119,121,122 123,125,127,128 MueleRe.e3Pr2 6 123 129 118 29 23 32 2, 7, 9, 63, 64, 65 66, 71, 73, 79, 87, 89, 90, 91, 95, 96 97, 99, lOJ., 114 105,108,110,111 112,11 7,118,119 120,121,125,126, 128 3, 9,11,12,13,14 15,16,19, 24,26, 27,30,31,32,33 34,35,36,37,39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 52, 53, 56, 59, 62, 63, 65, 69, 71, 73 75, 77, 79, 81, 86 115,119 129 72 8, 9,13, 14,15,16 17, 18,19, 20, 22, 25, 27, 32, 41, 44 50, 53, 55, 58, 60, 64, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 79, 81, Q3, 124 .i-Jf Indfx Caborn, Ouborriw, Ooburn, Pecure, Peter*, PetitrnA, P«it«r»w'n, Phi] Ip, Pltfrii«ri, Piatt, Po] hfrnu»», Prett, proudf It, I'ruuCT'jfji, Prut ten, Pryn», C^uln iiuirby, R»d(ru0, Radnuc, Rftpelyt, BaselK, Rej/iBft, 70, 7:;, eo, 66, 67, W lift 3fl 15'.9 H«;ruion, ItMpMl y«, H'-ydor, HnyrriiP.^ lUder lilrnnml ty Hltmriil 1, Hot) l/iii, Z'ri,:*>6, 7)U, b'.t, CO J(0'Jk 16. i^7 JtOUj/KlfJ, :'jJi. i;'7 I'^.S ;?i.;m,^?7, , :y.',, 40, 4:5, 46, no 62, f>4, C^r;, t)b, C-4 Hyd#.r, J. 04 106 1(0UW Kyrt^, 1 ^2 10a, 104, i;»;^ Rynttrfi, Hynijird, Rynhtirat, Rynhiirt, l/chanoK, 17, i^ '1*, 14 1 ), ;,'0, 'i'., 4'^, U t4, 0] , ^//, 7] , 7ft boh^rjk, 7>i, ^4 16, ?.?>, Ji',i, 7/rf, 4^ 4'rf, r>7, r/^, (50, ^.1 C4, 70, 74, 76, ^?., VJ>< VXj 2W,»5J I.chykk^lwr. , 3, 5, ^, V, 1 ^., ] 7». ) f/ i^HMfiiut , ] 7, lei, I'rf, ^0, iJl, ^^Led/wr, J^.2, ^^.4, V7, ;;0, 7>],J'>i'' iS4, 36, Zh, 40, 4J, 4;i! 4?., 44, 4t, 4ft, 47, 4V, JiJ'iOtw*! j , r>0, &J , '>?-, ^4, f)''/, '//", Mw««« , 63, ';4 ',r,, C7 ^>',^ c/^ I' Ifi.mtifjr,, 7] , 72; >-, J , >}2/ r'/', Ul '', \it.t krP. , Vi, V4, -f'- VV, 1 OV, i' !«<•!•'»•. or, , n 0, ] ] t, n 6, 1 5i», i'' iw"'/-' >'•« « ai,;5?/,^4,y>t,2l',^ 40,41 ,4V,4^,4r, 46,tO,tJi,fc^,C.^,^.V )24 )24 42 C7 4/ ,/.7,/.',j '■/.> e xBbal OS oa .6A OS ,31 re ,J i^ d s C.SSI .... .i^lne d^ .55 ,If. .V2 ,9^ ,a^ ,i^^ >^a,£a . .ra ,5e e ,L& ^^S ,dV .sa, . T9&XH •■ij IsxrjrniH ,xIXJniyi-.-i .sax: oa ,?a 621 Gli . . -J^ „., TSI a'iSaOH '^^ .t^;! oSI .^5,rs;,^5^,f5 t ' < 1 ■" ■ « ''■ 1 '' " t^' -' ,i9b\fi l^b ,8a ,9 a .^a ,5a feOI aui ::js:i 9.x ,t'OI .SOI f.'" r ,3xaiiuSf3 iV JS-^ ,V9 ,I& ,i»G ,i?S ,5S ^d I ,ea ,rd ,9^ >V .07 .-E^S 15 ,0d e ,, ;;£ 1 a t -' '^ 3tS. r^*\ ^ - ■ ■' " vo ,aoa e^,v>tXi* ,93? eri I ''' a^s.-s t o , r:^ . . J ,nean AiBbaa.'^s ,is ,ot; ,ei ,sj. ,v i s