THE HISTORY OF THE TOWW OF FLATBUSH, IN KINGS COUNTY, LONG-ISLAND, BY THOMAS M. STRONG, D. D., PASTOR OF THE REFOKMED DUTCH CHURCH, OF FLATBUSH. PUBLISHED BY REaUEST, N E W - Y O R K : THOMAS R. MERCEIN, JR., PRINTER, 240 Pearl street, cor. Burling-slip. 1842. PREFACE. This History was prepared as a part of a course of Lectures by the " Flatbush Litebary Association," during the winter of 1841-2. In yielding to the request which has been made to him from several sources to have it published, the author would remark, that he has made some additions and corrections in it since it was delivered. His object has been to make it as copious and authentic as practicable. He has aimed more at fulness and accuracy of detail than at ornament or display of composition. The great difficulty in accomplishing a work of this nature, arises from the fact, that the early liistory of the town is wrapped up in manuscripts written in the Dutch language, and many of them too in a very small and cramped cha- racter. These but few can decipher and translate. The author has happily been favored with the assistance of two gentlemen of Flatbush, who have aided him very materially in this particular. Several papers of impor- tance relating to the civil and ecclesiastical history of the Town, have been translated by them for the purpose of furthering this work. To these gentlemen, John C. Vanderveer and Jeremiah Lott, Esq's., the author would return his grateful acknowledgments. The latter gentle- man, in addition to several translations and other docu- ments, has also kindly furnished the draft of the map which accompanies the volume. Assistance has also been derived from " Smith's History of New- York," " Thompson's History of Long-Island," and " Furman's Notes, &c.,''of the Town of Brooklyn. " Besides these sources of informa- ation, General Jeremiah Johnson, of Brooklyn, and several elderly persons living in the village of Flatbush, have been consulted. Prom these individuals important facts relative to the scenes which took place during the re- volutionary war and the times immediately preceding and following that great event, have been obtained. The plan of the work now presented to the public, embraces five divisions : The Civil — the Ecclesiastical — the Literary History of the Town — the incidents which transpired therein during the war, which resulted in our American Independence, and a description of some of the changes or improvements which have been introduced in more modern times. The author is conscious that in regard to the earlier history of Flatbush, there is much that is de- fective — arising from the want of sufficient sources of in- formation. These will not probably be fully supplied until the return and publication of the report of Romeyn Brodhead, Esq., who is now in Holland as a Commission- er from the State of New- York, to collect information relative to the settlement and early History of this State. He has already obtained possession of a great amount of valuable facts, which will throw much light upon both the early civil and ecclesiastical affairs, not only of the Dynasty of New-Netherlands generally — but particularly of the west end of Long-Island. When this work shall appear, it will supply all that is defective in the present volume, as far as relates to the early history of the town. In the mean time, trusting to the candor and generosity 6f the public to receive with favor, an attempt to regain and preserve the facts connected with the history of one of the oldest towns in the state, consent has been given to the publication of this work. Flatbush, L. I., April 4, 1842. HISTORY. Long-Island was discovered in the year 1609, by Henry Hudson. He was an Englishman by birth, but was engaged by the East India Company of Holland to discover a passage to the East Indies in a westerly direc- tion from Europe. He had been employed in the same service by the English, and had failed in his entei^risCy and been dismissed from their employ. Upon which he was engaged by the Dutch, and fitted out with a vessel called the Half Moon. After coasting in his third voyage as far south as Virginia, he tui'ned to the north again and saw for the first time the highlands of Neversink. On the 3d of September 1609, he entered the great bay between Sandy Hook, Staten-Island and Amboy. He observed among other things, that the waters swarmed with fish and some of very large size. On the 4th, he sent his men on shore, and relates that he found the soil of white sand and a vast number of plum trees loaded with fruit, and many of them covered with grape vines of different kinds. The natives are represented in general as mani- festing all friendship, when Hudson first landed among them. But on one occasion shortly after his arrival, their bad feelings were from some cause not stated, excited. Hudson sent out a boat under command of one Colman to catch fish, and the Indians attacked the men. One of the arrows which they discharged, headed with a sharp 8 flint stono, struck Colman in the throat and mortally wounded him. The sailors not being able to defend tliemselves, hastened back to the ship, carrying poor Colman dying with them. His body was taken on shore after his death and buried on the island which is now called Coney Island — a corruption of the ori- ginal name Colman, which was given it by Hudson and his company, in commemoration of him who was buried there, and who Mas the commander of the boat which bore the first Europeans through the passage so familiarly known to us all as the Narrotvs. De Laet, a Dutch historian, says, that at this time the natives were clothed in the skins of elks, foxes and other animals. Their canoes were made of the bodies of trees ; their arms, bows and arrows M'ith sharp points of stone fixed to them. They had no houses, he says, but slept under tJie blue heavens : some on mats made of brush or bul- rushes, and some upon leaves of trees. Hudson passed up the river which still bears his name, and left it to others to discover that the land on which he had touched, was an island. This was done by Adrian Block, in 1614. He sailed from New-Amsterdam, now New-York, through the sound to Cape Cod, and visited the intermediate coasts and islands. He appears to have been the first who ascertain- ed that Long-Island was separate from the main land, Long-Island at this time, bore the name of Mattouwake, or MeHowak and Seirauhackcij — the last of which, means the isle or land of shells, and was no doubt given to it in con- sequence of large quantities of seewant or shell money, being manufactured here. The objects of the Dutch being at first chiefly of a mercantile character, but few settlements were made in the country bv them. The first was established on an is- 9 land near the present site of Albany, in the year 1614, where they built a fort, which in honor of their sovereign, they called Fort Orange. It was not however, till the year 1624, that any settlement was made on Manhattan Island. In that year Fort Amsterdam was built and the foundation laid for the city of New- Amsterdam, now New- York. The resources of the country and the prospect of a very lucrative trade with the natives in fur being made known in Holland, soon induced many to emigrate to this new country. The object of the first settlers evidently was trade. But as it soon became known that lands equal in fertility to those of Holland were to be found here, and advantages of no ordinary character were offered to the agriculturist, many familes were induced to leave their father land and settle in this country. The first settle- ment on the west end of Long-Island, appears to have been made as early as 1625, in which year, according to a family record in the hands of General Johnson of Brook- lyn, the first child of George Jansen De Rapalje, was born at the Wallaboght — and it is the tradition among the Dutch, that this was the first white child that was born on the island. It is however not probable, that many emi- grants had yet arrived from Holland with the object of cultivating the soil, as the earliest deed for land in the town of Brooklyn, is a grant to Abraham Rycken, in 1638, and the earliest deed on record, is a grant to Thomas Bes- ker, in the year 1639 ; and the earliest grant for lands in Kings County that has been discovered, was in 1636. The first purchase from the Indians on Long-Island that has been discovered, was in the year 1635 ; and the earliest deed for land to individuals, was from these Indians to Jacobus Van Corlear, for the tract subsequently called Corlear's Flats. The description of this tract in the deed, is as. 10 follows : — " The middlemost of the three flats to them belonging, called Castoleeuw, on the island by them call- ed Sewanhackey, between the bay of the North-river and East-river of the New-Netherlands, extending in length from a certain kill coming up from the sea, mostly north- erly till into the woods, and a breadth of a certain valeye eastward also to the woods." About the same time, a deed was given by the same Indians, to Andries Hedden and Wolphert Garritsen, for what is called the Little Flats ; and another to Wouter Van Twiller the Director, for what has since been denominated Twil- ler's Flats. The deed is dated June 6th,1636. These three latter tracts lie partly in Flatbush and partly in Flatlands. It is not improbable, however, that con- siderable settlements were made before any formal grants or Patents of lands were obtained. It was soon ascertained that the lands in and about Flatlands, were level and free from woods. This was a strong inducement to settlers who came from the level country of Holland, and who had no domestic animals for the plough, to oc- cupy this part of the island. It is believed that as early as the year 1630, a settlement was effected in that town, which was then called New-Amersfort, after Amersfort, a town in the province of Utrecht, in Holland, from which probably some, if not most of the earlier settlers came. It also received the name of De Baije, or the Bay. In 1634, this town appears to have contained quite a num- ber of inhabitants. But about this time, the Dutchmen found that the plain clear land was not so strong and productive as that which bore heavy timber ; this induced many of them to seek a settlement somewhat farther to the north — and from the best account it would appear that about the year 1634, the 11 settlement of Flatbush commenced. It then comprised a tract of woodland bounded on the north by the Hills on the south by Flatlands, and extending east and west in one continual forest. This tract was evidently purchased by the governor of the colony, or by the first settlers, from the native Indian proprietors, but the amount of ^ consideration paid cannot now be ascertained. At the time of the purchase, it was heavily covered with timber (consisting principally of hickory and white and black oak,) with the exception of two small parcels which were clear and destitute of trees, lying to the east of the town, then called by the names of Corlaer's and Twiller's Flats and another on the south of the town adjoining Flatlands' callea the Little Flats. The land thus described, from' Its being prmcipally covered with timber, and from its pe- culiar location, having the hills on the north and Flatlands on the south, was appropriately called by the first settlers, by the name of Midwout, or Middlewoods. The first settlements in the town were made along an Indian path leading from the Hills to New-Amersfort which is now the present highway or street through the village of Flatbush. All subsequent settlements were principally confined to the same path, and will readily account for the crooked direction of the present road. The first settlers were intent upon making agriculture their principal means of subsistence. In order therefore to concentrate their dwellings as much as possible, so as to protect their families from Indian intrusions or other depredations, and to form a village of farmers, they de- termined to layout their farms in narrow oblongs fronting on both sides of the path above mentioned. The farms were accordingly laid out into forty-eight lots or tracts of land, extending six liundred Dutch rods on each side of 12 the Indian path, and having severally an average width of about twenty-seven rods. The lots or farms on the east side of the path, were all laid out in a direction running east and west: while those on the west side thereof, had a south-westerly inclination so as to correspond with the direction of the Hills adjoining the north-westerly side of the town. An allotment was then made between the several proprietors of mostly two lots or more a peice, and for the support of the gospel among them according to their own religious faith, the most central and eligible lots were reserved and set apart for their church. The dis- tribution among the proprietors, was probably made by lot, which appears to have been the almost invariable practice of the Dutch in dividing the lands which they patented. A considerable portion of wood-lands lying on the west, north and east sides of the towns, together with Corlaer's and Twiller's Flats, were left in common and remained for years undivided. There can be no doubt that the existing governor in order to secure the inhabitants of Midwout in the quiet possession of their purchase from the native Indian pm- prietors, confirmed the same to them by his Ground Brief or Letters Patent. But when this was granted cannot now be ascertained v/ith entire certainty. In the year 1684, twenty years after the surrender of the Colony to the English, an order was issued by the Gover- nor and Council, commanding all the inhabitants of the Dutch towns in the provinces of New- York and New-Jersey to bring their Dutch Patents and Indian Deeds into the ; Secretary's Office in New-York. This order was no doubt complied with by this as well as the other Dutch towns on Long-Island, and thus the origi- nal patent with those of the other towns, except Graves- '^ 1^ end, (which being settled chiefly by English emigrants, was favored by the Governor,) was destroyed or sent to England. The object of this arrangement was to cause the towns to take out new Patents, and thus not only acknowledge the English government, but increase the revenue of the English Governor. It is probable how- ever, that the first patent obtained from the Dutch Gover- nor was only for that part of Flatbush which goes under the name of the old town, which was granted about the year 1651 or 1652. The original proprietors according to H. C. Murphy, Esq., of Brooklyn, were Jan Snedecor Arent Van Hatten, one of the Burgomasters of New- Amsterdam, Johannes Megapolensis, one of the ministers of the same city, and others. On the 20th day of June, in the year 1656, a Ground Brief or Patent was granted by Governor Stuyvesant to the " indwellers and inhabi- tants of Midwout," for the Canarsee Meadows, wliich are therein described as " a parcel of meadow ground, or valley, lying on the east north-east of the Canarsee Indian planting lands." This is the only original Dutch Patent of any part of the town which has been discovered. These meadow lands lying at Canarsee, appear to have been divided and an allotment made of them among the proprietors about the time of obtaining this Patent, or ve- ry shortly after, as in some of the Ground Briefs to indi- viduals mention is made of certain portions of these mea- dow lands as appertaining to the farm, and they are desio-. nated by particular numbers. Subsequently to the allotments made by, and between the inhabitants of Midwout, of the several parcels of land to them respectively allotted, many were desirous to have written titles to their lands ; and for this purpose applied to, and obtained from Governor Stuyvesant, Letters Pa- 2 14 tent to secure them in their possession. These Patents to individuals bear different dates, and some as late as within a year or two previous to the surrender of the country to the English. Some of them were recorded in the town books, even several years after the surrender. Flatbush appears to have increased in the number of its inhabitants very rapidly after its first settlement ; for as early as the year 1658, it was the seat of Justice for the County, and a market town. At that time the public officers of the county, the Minister, Sheriff, Secretary or Clerk, as well as a public School-Master resided in it. The courts were held here, and the general business of this section of Long Island was transacted here. Four years previous to this, viz : in the year 1654, the order of the Governor was issued for building the first church. But this we shall more particularly allude to when we come to speak of the ecclesiastical history of the town. Governor Stuyvesant the last of the Dutch Governors, was unquestionably a brave and an honest man. But va- rious causes of discontent arose previous to, and during his administration, which called for the remonstrance of the people. The laws were imperfect, and many of them not at all adapted to the times. The voice of the people was not had in the choice of magistrates, nor in the enac- ment of the statutes, by which they were to be governed. Causes of Justice were too frequently decided from mere wantonness and caprice, and the Governor and Council appeared indisposed to remedy many existing evils in the administration of civil and criminal jurisprudence. The sense of public insecurity in time, produced a spirit of general discontent, and the people with great unanimi- ty resolved to state their grievances to the Governor, and respectfully demand redress. Accordingly the Burgo- 15 masters of New Amsterdam, called upon the several Dutch Towns to send delegates to a convention to be held in that city on the 26th. of November, 1653. At this con- vention delegates appeared from Flatbush as well as from the other towns. The convention adjourned to the 11th. of December following, when after mutual consultation, and discussion of various matters, they adopted a remon- strance, which in an able but respectful manner set forth their grievances. This ancient document is interesting as showing that at that early day the people had intelli. gence enough to understand their rights and know the legitimate objects of civil government. The remonstrance was signed by all the members of the convention. The delegates from Flatbush whose names are attached to it were " Elbert Elbertson, and Thomas Spicer." The Go- vernor and Council gave no formal answer to the remon- strance of the deputies, but entered one on their minutes, in which they denied the right of Flatbush and of Brook- lyn and Flatlands to send delegates, and protested against the meeting, although it had been called at the request of the Governor himself. Entertaining a just sense of the responsibility attached to them, the deputies made anoth- er but ineffectual attempt to obtain a recognition of their rights. On the 13th of December 1653, they presented another remonstrance, in which they declared, that if they could not obtain a redress of their grievances from the Governor and Council, they would be under the necessi- ty of appealing to their superiors, the States General. This so irritated Governor Stuyvesant that he ordered them " to disperse, and not to assemble again upon such a business." In 1654, it appears that the country was much infested with robbers. The inhabitants of this and the neighbor- 16 ing towns were much annoyed by their depredations. To guard themselves against these, the magistrates of Mid- wout united with those of Brooklyn and Amersfort in form- ing a military volunteer company against " robbers and pirates," as they expressed themselves. This company was formed on the 7th, of April, 1654, and determined that there should be a military officer in each town, call- ed a Sergeant, as well as a public patrole in each vil- lage. On the day following the organization of the com- pany, the Governor issued his proclamation against cer- tain robbers, whom he states " had been banished from New-England, and were wandering about on Long- Island." In 1655, a large bedy of Northern Indians, made a de- scent on Staten Island, and massacreed sixty-seven per- sons ; after which, they crossed to Long-Island and in- vested Gravesend, which was relieved by a party of sol- diers from New- Amsterdam. To guard against similar attacks, as well as to defend themselves from the encroach- ments of their neighboring Indians, the inhabitants of Flatbush were ordered by Governor Stuyvesant in 1656, to enclose their village with palisadoes. These fortifica- tions Were required to be kept up under the English govern- ment, as will appear by the following record of the court of Sessions for the West Riding of Yorkshire, upon Long Island, December 15th, 1675. " The Town of Flatbush having neglected the making of ffortifications, the court take notis of it, and reffer the censure to ye Governor." It is further ascertained from traditionary information, that the first church was fenced in with strong pallisa- does, and that the early settlers went out in the day time to cultivate their farms, and returned in the evening and lodged within the enclosure during the night time fop 17 their safety and mutual protection ; and that this practice continued until there was a sufficient number of substan- tial dwellings erected, so as to render the precaution un- necessary. In the original Dutch Patent of the town, there was some reserve of quit rent to be paid to the Governor. But as the Patent cannot be found, the amount, or the kind of this quit rent cannot be ascertained. But on the 6th of June, 1656, Governor Stuyvesant issued a peremptory order, prohibiting the inhabitants of Flatbush, as well as those of Brooklyn and Flatlands, from removing their crops of grain from the fields until the tythes reserved by their Patents had either been taken or commuted for. It is not distinctly known to what branches of agricul- ture our early Dutch ancestors devoted themselves. But as for a considerable time they had to cultivate the ground without the aid of animals, and chiefly by the hoe and spade, it is probable that they turned their attention to that which would yield the most profit from the smallest piece of ground. There is reason to believe that in com- mon with some other places, on the west end of Long- Island, tobacco was raised in considerable quantities in this town during its early settlement. For in addition to that consumed in the Colony, shipments of this article were made from New- Amsterdam to Holland. As early as 1643, a grant for a tobacco plantation at the Walla- bought was made. Tobacco became too, at an early day a standard of value for lands and other property : And in 1638, an Act was passed, commonly called the Tobacco Statute, in which, mention is made of the high estimation in which the tobacco shipped from New- Netherlands was held in the European market, and va- rious regulations are prescribed relative to the manner 2* 18 in which ft shall' be cultivated, inspected, and sold. We have no doubt that the inhabitants of Midwout early engaged in the production; of this article. (See Thomp- son's History of Long-Island for the Tobacco Statute, page 177.) Great attention too was paid to the raising of Barley. Vast quantities of malt liquors were made in New- Amsterdam, and of consequence, a ready market was there found for this article, ft became in some subsequent years almost the staple of this part of Long- Island ; so much so, that 20,000 bushels of Barley were annually sold from Flatbush alone. Van der Donk, in his History of New-Netherlands, which was published in 1655, also states that much atten- tion was paid by the Dutch agriculturalists to the cultiva- tictn of the best vegetables and fruits of various kinds • arid a great variety of beautiful flowers. Nothing of very special interest occurred in Flatbush, from the date which we have last mentioned, until the pe- riod of the surrender of the country to the English, which took place in the year 1664. The number of the inha- bitants in the town, appears to have increased quite rapidly up to this time, when it is supposed it contained a larger population than at the conclusion of the revolu.- tionary war, in 1783. We will be pardoned for digressing here for a few mo- ments, for the purpose of narrating the manner, and some of the terms and conditions, on which the surrender of the country was made to the English authorities. King Charles, by Letters Patent, granted to his brother, James, the Duke of York, his heirs and assigns, Long-Island, all Hudsons' River, and all lands from the west side of Con- necticut River to the east side of Delaware Bay, together with all royalties and right of government. This embra- 19 ced all the countries then governed by the Dutch. Soon after the grant of this Patent, King Charles despatched a small force, for the purpose of subduing the country. The Dutch inhabitants were apprized of the designs of the English, by the vigilance of Governor Stuyvesant, . who had received information, that an expedition was pre- paring against them, consisting of three vessels, of forty or fifty guns each, having on board about three hundred soldiers, and laying at Plymouth in England, waiting for a fair wind. The Dutch authorities were called togeth- er, by their Governor, and they ordered the fort to be put m the best state oi: defence. As soon as the vessels arrived in the outer harbor of New- York, which was in August, 1664, Governor Stuyvesant sent a polite note to the En- glish commander, dated, August 19th, 1664, desiring the reason of their approach and continuance in the harbor without giving the Dutch notice. This letter was sent by John Declyer, one of the chief council, the Rev. John Megapolensis, minister, Paul Lunden Vander Grilft and Mr. Samuel Megapolensis, doctor of physic. On the next day, Col. Richard Nicolls, who was the commander of the expedition, and was clothed with the powers of Governor, sent an answer, and demanded a surrender of the country. In this document he informed Governor Stuyvesant, tliat he had been sent out by the King of England, for the maintainance of his unquestionable rights, and that he had been commanded to demand the surrender of the country, and in his name he now required such surrender. He however assured him, that every Dutch inhabitant who should readily submit to the King of England, should be secured in his estate, life and liberty. He despatched the summ.ons by four persons, through whom he expected to receive an answer. These persons were George Cart- 20 Wright, one of his Majesty's commissioners in America, Captain Robert Needham, Captain Edward Groves and Mr. Thomas Delavall. Governor Stuyvesant promised an answer the next morning, and in the mean time convened the council and BurcTomasters. He was, unquestionably a brave soldier, andliad lost a leg in the service of his country, and was desirous to defend the place by all the means in his pow- er. He therefore refused both to the inhabitants and the Burgomasters a sight of the summons, lest the easy terms proposed might induce them to capitulate. The inhabi- tants were called together at the Staatds House, and informed of the Governor's refusal. On the 2d day of September, 1664, the Burgomasters came in coun- cil, and demanded to see the summons, which the Go- vernor then in a fit of anger tore to pieces. But not- withstanding the yielding disposition of the inhabitants to the British commissioners, which arose, no doubt, from a growing discontent with the Dutch government, which had exFsted for several years in the country. Governor Stuyvesant resolved upon a vigorous resistance, and sent to the English commander a long letter, vindicating the justice of the Dutch claims to the territory which they oc- cupied. While the Governor and council were contending with the Burgomasters and people, in the city of New- Amster- dam, the English commissioners published a proclama- tion in the country, encouraging the inhabitants to sub- mit, and promising them all the privileges of British sub- jects Many, on discovering from Governor Stuyvesant's letter which was then likewise published, that he was avers'e to the surrender, being fearful of the impending storm, resolved to join the strongest party, and began to 21 beat up for volunteers, particularly on Long-Island. The Governor being thus invaded by a foreign foe, and threatened to be deserted by those on whose friend- ship he had depended, perceiving that resistance would only occasion a wanton effusion of blood, agreed to appoint six distinguished citizens on his part, who, in conjunction with an equal number of British commis- sioners should conclude a treaty for the surrender of the country. The commissioners on the part of the Dutch were John D. Deckai% Nicholas Verleet, Samuel Megapolensis, Oleffe Stevens Van Kortlandt, James Cousseau, Cornelius Steenwick, On the part of the English, they were Robert Carr, George Carteret, John Winthrop, Samuel Willys, Thomas Clarke, John Pinchen. This treaty was agreed upon. It consisted of twenty- three articles, of which it is sufficient to give the outlines of some of the most prominent. The Staats General, or the Dutch West India Company were to enjoy all farms and houses except those in the forts, and had liberty with- in six months to transport all arms and ammunition which belonged to them. The people might remain free denizens, and occupy or dispose of their lands, houses and goods, as they pleased. They were to enjoy free liberty of conscience, and retain their own customs respecting 22 their inheritances. No judgment which had passed any of the courts of judicature could be called in question, and all previous differences respecting contracts, were to be determined according to the manner of the Dutch. No Dutchman nor Dutch ships could be pressed to serve in war against any nation whatever, and no soldiers quarter- ed on the inhabitants. luferior civil officers might con- tinue to fill their stations till the customary time of a new election, and the inhabitants were entitled to choose depu- ties, who should have free voices in all public affairs. The soldiers were to march out with the honors of war, and each of them who chose to remain in the country was entitled to fifty acres of land. The Articles were approv- ed by Colonel Richard NicoUs, on the 7th, of September, and on the 9th, of September, 1664, by Governor Stuy- vesant. About the time of the surrender of the country to the Duke of York, there appears to have been a considerable contest as to the boundary line between the towns of Mid- wout and New-Amersfort, which was attended with fre- quent collisions, and particularly so, in the mowing and ingathering of hay on the Canarsee meadows. This even- tually led to an application to Governor Richard NicoUs for the settlement of the subject in controversy, between the contending parties. Governor NicoUs in the year 1666 appointed arbitrators to view and settle the matters in difference between them. The arbitrators thus appoint- ed, accordingly met, for the purpose of viewing the pre- mises and issuing the differences between these towns on the 17th, of October, 1666. They were accompanied by many of the inhabitants, and after a careful survey, a designated line was agreed upon. The line thus consent- ed to was designated by marked trees, wherever practica- 23 ble, and in other instances, by prominent stakes, or a fence set up between the two towns. In the Canarsee mea- dows, which were esteemed valuable at that time, it was described with greater precision, and was designated by an mstrument similar to the mariners compass, and was to run according to the terms of Governor Stuyvesant's Patent, granted to Midwout, in 1656, from the woodland to the mouth of the kill or creek, (now called the first creek, or Vanderveer's mill creek,) with an East line half a pomt northerly, without variation of comnass. The .award and determination of the arbitrators was made to Governor Nicolls, in accordance to the above arrange- ment, and the line being marked, and staked out, in con- formity thereto, the award received his approbation and sanction, on the 20th, day of April, 1667. This controversy being thus happily terminated, and the southern boundary of the town permanently fixed, the mhabitants of Flatbush, in the year 1667, applied to Governor Nicolls for a confirmatory grant, to secure them m their possessions, as he was required to do, by virtue, and in pursuance of the Articles of capitulation. On the 11th, of October, in the year 1667, the Governor granted letters patent, to the freeholders and inhabitants of Mid- wout, alias Flatbush, of which, the following is a conden- sed abstract : " Richard Nicolls, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a cer- tain town within this government, known by the name of Midwout, alias Flatbush, &c. now for a confirmation, &c. Know ye that I have given, ratified, confirmed and grant- ed unto Mr. Johannes Megapolensis, one of the ministers of this city, Mr. Cornelius Van Ruyven, one of the justices of the peace, Adrian Hegeman, Jan Snediger, Jan Stry. ker, Frans Barents Pastor, Jacob Stryker, and Cornelius Janse Bougaert, as Patentees, for, and on behalf, of them- selves and associates, freeholders and inhabitants of the said town, their heirs, successors and assigns; All that tract, together with the several parcels of land, which al- ready have, or hereafter shall be purchased or procured for, and on behalf of the said town ; whether from the na- tive Indian proprietors or others, within the bounds and limits hereafter set forth and expressed, viz : That is to say : The said town is bounded to the south by the Hills, to the north by the fence lately sett between them and the town of Amersfort, alias Flatlands : Beginning at a certain tree, standing upon the Little Flats, marked by or- der and determination of several arbitrators, appointed by me, to view and issue the differences between the two towns, concerning the same, which accordingly they did, upon the 17th, day of October, 1666, and to the east and west by the common woodlands, including two Flats, heretofore called by the names of Corlers and Twillei-s Flats, which lye to the east of the town : As also a par- cel of meadow ground or valley on the east northeast side of the Canarsee planting land, and having to the south the meadow ground belonging to Amersfort, alias Flatlands, according to the division made by an east line "unning half a point northerly, between them, without va- cation of the compass, and so to go to the mouth of the >eek or Kill ; which said meadows were upon the 20th, >f April last, by common consent staked out, and by my i.pprobation allowed of : All which said tracts and par- ;els of land, meadow ground, &c. Dated, October, 11th, .667." * The first settlers of Midwout, or Flatbush, were a bar- !y body of farmers, inured to labor, and acquainted more )r less, with some mechanical trade. This was calculate 25 ed to promote their domestic comfort, to render themselves useful to one another, and make them quite independent of extraneous aid. It is worthy of remark, that it was a ge- neral rule for every parent to cause his sons to be in- structed in some useful mechanical business, although in- tended for farmers, and that this practice was invariably continued until the commencement of the revolutionary war. In the original subdivisimi of the town amongst the different proprietors, it will be perceived, as above -sta- ted, that the allotments of land were made only for those who intended to obtain the means of subsistence by the cultivation of the earth. There was therefore no provi- sion as yet made for mechanics, who might desire to make a permanent residence here. Upon the introduction of a few mechanics, it jvas perceived that from the ability and employments of the inhabitants generally, there was but lii- tie prospect of their be^able to support themselves, and their families in any comfortable way, without the culti- vation of soii^e land, at least for family subsistence. The attention of the inhabitants was directed to this subject, and the church lands were thereupon divided into suitable and convenient parcels, so as to accommodate the mecha- nics, and let to them for low and reasonable rents. A tract of woodland was also purchased and patented, ly- ing to the east of the town and north of what is called Flatlands Neck, expressly for the benefit of the mecha- nics, and appropriately called Renters Hook, or Mecha- nics Hook. The inhabitants of the town were at, and about that time, divided into two classe^^ called Keuiers or mechanics, and Boers, or Farmers ; and this distinc- tion was kept up for years afterwards. The date of the Patent of Keuters Hook cannot now be ascertained with 3 26 precision, but was probably not very long after the sur- render of the country to the English. About this time the court was removed from Flatbush to Gravesend. This was no doubt, in consequence of the latter town being chiefly settled by English emigrants, and the authorities were disposed from this circumstance to favor them. The first records of the court, now in the Clerk's office of the county, are dated at Gravesend, in the years 1668. — 69. Shortly after the surrender of the colony to the English, the towns of Brooklyn, Bushwick, Midwout, or Flatbush, Amersford, or Flatlands, and New-Utrecht, were formed into a separate district, for certain purposes, by the name of the " Five Dutch Towns." For these towns a Secreta- ry or Clerk, was specially appointed, whose duties appear to have been confined to the taking acknowledgments of transports and marriage settlements, and proof of wills, &c. In 1674, this office was held by " Nicasius De Sille, in the absence of Sr. Ffrancis De Brugh." He was suc- ceeded in the year 1675, by Machiel Hainelle, who had been schoolmaster in Flatbush during the previous year. In the acknowledgments which he took, he styles himself " Clerk." In the same year the court of Sessions for the West Riding of Yorkshire,* which then sat in Gravesend, after setting forth the appointment of Hainelle, and call- ing him " Secretary," declared, " It is the opinion of the court, that for what publique or private business he shall doe, he ought to have reasonable satisfacon." iiji^ * The West Riding was composed of the towns of Brooklyn, Bush- wich, Flatbush, Flatlands, New-Utrecht and Gravesend, together with Staten Island and Newtown. 27 New Lots, which was originally called Ostwout, or East- Woods, on account of its lying east of Midwout or the Old Town of Flatbush, was no doubt purchased and procured from the native Indian proprietors, by the inha- bitants of Midwout. But at what particular time cannot be distinctly ascertained. It was probably not far from the period when the Patent of Governor Nicolls was grant- ed, which was in 1667. It was a tract of woodland co- vered with the same description of timber as that of Mid- wout. Its situation was also somewhat similar, having the Hills on the north, the Bay, which was then called the Sea, on the south, and extending easterly to the bounds of Jamaica. An extensive tract of meadows was includ- ed in these limits, lying in front of the upland, and ex- tending to the Bay. All this land appears to have been subdivided in the same manner, as Midwout, or the Old Town of Flatbush, and the church also received its share in such allotment, with the inhabitants of the town. The meadow was, without doubt, also subdivided about the same time, and similarly allotted, as the Upland. This opinion appears to be confirmed by the fact, that the first conveyances of land recorded in the town records always include one or more parcels of meadow therewith. The meadows must also have been esteemed valuable, on ac- count of producing spontaneously an annual crop of hay, and that, without previous labor or tillage. This tract of country generally was called the New Lands, and princi- pally settled by the inhabitants of Midwout, or the Old Town, and afterwards assumed the name of the New- Lots. The Patent for this was obtained under the ad- ministration of Sir, Edmond Andros, the second English Governor, to which we shall advert presently. In the year 1665, a meeting of delegates from the seve- ral towns on Long-Island, was held at Hempstead, for the 28 purpose of adjusting any conflicting claims to lands, and settling the boundaries of the several towns, and of receiv- ing and acknowledging the code of laws, which had been prepared by the Duke of York, for the government of the Colony, commonly called the " Dukes Laws." At this meeting the Grovernor himself attended, and the delegates were so much gratified with his manners, and the liberal views which he professed on the occasion, that they drew up, and signed an address to His Royal Highness, the Duke of York, full of gratitude and loyalty, but at which, as soon as their constituents found that they were to have no voice in the selection of magistrates, or a share in le- gislation, they manifested their disapprobation, and censu- red the deputies with so much severity, that the civil au- thorities thought it necessary to interfere. And accord- ingly, at a court of Assize, held in October, 1666, it was resolved that whoever thereafter should detr-act, or speak against any of the deputies, signing the address to His Royal Highness, at the general meeting at Hempstead, should be presented to the next court of Sessions : and if the justices should see cause, they should thence be bound over to the Assizes, there to answer for the slander by plaint or information. The delegates who attended this convention from Flat- bush, and signed the address, were John Stiyker and Hendrick Gucksen. It is not necessary here to give any summary of the Dukes Laws, which were then promul- gated, and continued to be the law of the land until OctO' ber, 1683. There are in them many quite curious provi- sions. There was nothing in them peculiar to any town, except the fixing the mark by which horses were to be branded. Each town was required to have a marking or flesh brand for this purpose. The town mark for Flat- bush was the letter O. 29 It is probable that at this assembly, which fixed the bounds of the several towns, the names of many of them were altered. The town of Rutsdorpe, was called Jamai- ca, Amersfort was changed to Flatlands, Middleburgh to Newtown, and Midwout to Flatbush, or Flakkebos, that is, Flat Woods. This name was given to it from its being situated on an apparently level plain, and surrounded on almost every side by woods. But it is here proper to re- mark, that the ground in and about Flatbush, is far from being a dead level. It is an inclined plane gradually ex- tending and lessening in inclination to its southern boun- dary. Hence, here are no stagnant pools or marshes, but all surplus water from rains and storms, passes off gradu- ally, but yet in a very short period to the ocean. This renders the situation of the town healthful, and hence it has seldom if ever, been visited with any prevailing epide- mic. The tract of country now comprising the town of Flat- bush as we have stated, was originally obtained by pur- chase from the Canarsee Indians, who were the true and original owners. The first Dutch settlers of the town, in their various purchases of the Indian proprietors, dealt fair- ly and honorably with them. They did not drive them from their possessions by force, but gave what was then esteem- ed by themselves to be a valuable consideration, for their lands. This integrity and uprightness of conduct, secured a lasting friendship with the Canarsee Indians, which con- tinued till the total extinction of that Tribe. These purchases were confirmed to the inhabitants of Flatbush by sundry Patents, issued to them by the Dutch and En- glish Governors. The inhabitants continued in the peaceable enjoyment of these premises thus obtained, withoutany claim, hindrance or molestation, from any person or persons, until the year 3* 30 1670, when Eskemoppas, Sachem of Rockaway, and his two brothers, laid claim to the same, as the true Indian owners and proprietors thereof. There can be no doubt, that this claim was ill founded, but the Dutch inhabitants of the town for the purpose of quieting the title to their possessions, consented to take a conveyance from him and his two brothers, for which they paid a valuable considera- tion, which is set forth in a schedule subjoined to their deed. It may be gratifying to some to know tho- terms of this purchase, a-nd the contents of this ancient document. The Deed is as follows : — " To all christian people to whom this present writing shall come : Eskemoppas, Sa- chem of Rockaway, upon Long Island, Kinnarimas and Ahawaham, his brothers, send greeting : Whereas they the said Sachem, Eskemoppas and his two brothers, aforementioned, do lay claim to the land now in the ten- ure and occupation of the inhabitants of Midvv^out, alias Flatbush, as well as to other lands thereto adjacent, as the right born Indian owners, and proprietors thereof: Know ye, that for, and in consideration of certain sums of see. want, a certain sum of wampum and divers other goods (hereinafter specified,) unto the said Sachem, and his bro- thers, in hand paid, and received, from Adrian Hegeman, Jacob Stryker, Hendrich Jorise and Jan Hansen, for and on behalf of themselves and the rest of tlie inhabitants of Mid- wout, alias Flatbush, the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge, and themselves to be fully satisfied and paid : Have given, granted, contracted and sold, and by these presents, freely and absolutely do give, grant, bar- gain and sell, unto the said Adrian Hegeman, Jacob Stry^ ker, Hendrick Jorise and Jan Hansen, for and in behalf of themselves and the inhabitants aforesaid, their heirs and successors : All that parcel and tract of land where the said town of Midwout stands, together with all the 31 lands lying therein, stretching on the east side to the limits of Newtown and Jamaica, on the south side to the meadow ground and limits of Amersfort ; on the west side to the bounds of Gravesend and New- Utrecht, and on the north side along the Hills ; that is to say, all those lands within the limits aforementioned that have not been already purchased by any of the inha- bitants of the town aforementioned, nor is granted to any in their respective Patents. And also excepting such meadow or valley in the possession of the said inhabitants and in their Patent particularly set forth. To have and to hold, all the said parcel and tract of land and premises together with all and singular, every thing thereunto be- longing, or in any wise appertaining, as before mentioned, together with the said valley or meadow ground, unto the said Adrian Plegeman, Jacob Stryker, Hendrick Jorise and Jan Hansen, for, and on behalf of this inhabitants afore- said, their heirs and successors, to the proper use and be- half of the said inhabitants, their heirs and successors for- ever. In witness whereof, the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals, this 20th, day of April, in the 22d, year of his Majesty's Reign, in the year of our Lord, 1670. ESKEMOPPAS, £ mark, (seal.) KINNARIMAS, \ mark. (seal.) AHAWAHAM, ^ mark, (seal.) Signed and delivered in the presence of Thomas Lovelace, Cornelius Van Ruyven. Recorded the day and year within written, Per Mathias Nicolls, Secretary, 32 The payment agreed upon for the purchase herein mentioned, was as follows : viz : 10 Fathoms of black seewant or (wampum.) 10 Fathoms of white seewant or (wampum.) 5 Match coats of Dufiells. 4 Blankets. 2 Gunners sight guns. 2 Pistols. 5 Double handfulls of Powder, (gispen bunches of powder.) 5 Bars of Lead. 10 Knives. 2 Secret aprons of Duffells, (Cuppas of Duffell.) 1 Half fat or halfbarrell of Stronor Beer. 3 Cans of Brandy. 6 Shirts. All the above particulars were received by the Sachem, and his two brothers, in the presence of the persons under written, as witnesses hereof. John Manning, Sylvester Salisbury, John Hough, Jacob Van Cortlandt, i ^i j t i m • T u TT f supposed J udffes or leunis Jacob Hay, > t \ • ^*i d -r^ 1 j^ T 1 t Justices 01 the Peace. Jbdward Carlisle. } Acknowledged before me, the Sachem and his two bro- thers, and the goods delivered in my presence, the day and year within written. FRANCIS LOVELACE." It was one of the provisions of the Duke's Laws, that no purchase of land from the Indians should be valid with- out a licence from the Governor to make such purchase, and the purchaser was required to bring the Sachem or ■ 55.- 33 right owner, before the Governor, to confess satisfaction. It was in accordance with this provision, that not only Jus- tices were appointed to superintend the above purchase, but the Sachem and his brothers appeared before Gover- nor Lovelace, and in his presence the payments were made, and the purchase concluded. The provisions rela- tive to purchases from the Indians, to which we have alluded, were subsequently adopted, and embodied in a specific act, by the first Colonial Assembly, which met in the year 1683, under Governor Dongan. So much of the land thus acquired as the inhabitants of Flatbush had occasion for, they took up, enclosed, and improved. The rest was left in common, until by the in- crease of their population it should be needed. They re- mained thus in quiet possession of all their lands until the year 1675, when Captain Richard Betts laid claim to a certain parcel or tract, lying in the New Lots, for which he said he had obtained a deed from the Indians, of prior date to the one just recited, given in the year 1663. We are not able to locate precisely the premises thus called in question. The matter was tried at the court of Ses- sions, held in Gravesend, for that year, when the deed of Mr. Betts was allowed, and a verdict given in his favor. But an appeal was taken by the inhabitants of the town, to the General Court of Assizes, which was holden in the same year, 1675, in the city of New- York. Hereupon a full and fair hearing of the case, the verdict rendered at the court of Sessions was set aside, and the court ordered, as follows : — " That the land shall lye in common to fflatbush, and the townes adjacent, as it heretofore hath been, and that the towns who have the beneffitof the com- onage shall pay their equall proportion of the purehaso money to the Indyans and costs of this suite," 34 It was probably in consequence of this suit, that the in- habitants of Flatbush sought and obtained a separate pa- tent for that part of the town called New-Lots. This was granted by Gov. Edmond Andros on the 25th day of March, in the year 1677, to Arian Lamberse and others, to the number of thirty-seven persons. This Patent we have not been able to procure. It was probably granted on condi- tion of the payment of a certain quit rent to the Governor, which opinion is confirmed from the fact, that complaint was subsequently made to the court of Sessions, held at Gravesend, against the constable of New Lots, for not ta- king up and paying over the same, upon which diverse or- ders were passed by the court relating thereto. About the time of the settlement of New Lots, several of the in- habitants of Midwout, or Flatbush, also removed to New- Jersey, and formed settlements on the Raritanand Milstone rivers, and also in the county of Monmouth, then called Neversink. Their numerous descendents now occupy these and other different parts of New-Jersey. Shortly after this period, it would appear from some re- cords of the Court of Sessions, held at Gravesend, that there was some dissatisfaction between the towns of Flat- bush and Flatlands, relative to their boundary line. It was fixed under the administration of Governor Nicolls, in the year 1666. But another award and agreement on the subject was made, bearing date the 11th day of May, 1677. What the precise terms of this agreement were, we are un- able to tell, as we have not been able to find the document. But not long after, it appears from the following extracts, from the records of the court, that the town of Flatlands complained of some trespass committed by the inhabitants of the town of Flatbush. At the session of the court held June 1679, we find the following record. "The inhabitants 35 of fflatlands, complayning that the inhabitants of Flatbush have trespassed upon the land belonging to fflatlands aforesaid, contrary to an award made and agreed upon between both towns, and an order of court punctually to observe the same, which being proved by the constable, and one of the oversees of Flatlands, aforesaid, and they not appearing to answer the complaint, and for their con- tempt in not observing the said award and order of court. The court orders that the said inhabitants shall pay as a jfine to the publique, the sum of ten pounds, and to observe the said order of court. They also complayn, that the inhabitants of Flatbush have chopt of the marke of a tree, &c. To be deferred to the next court of Sessions, and they to have notice of it to answer the same." In December of the same year, (1679,) is the following record on the same subject. " The inhabitants of Flat- lands complain of the inhabitants of Flatbush, for trespass- ing on their lands, contrary to an award made and agreed upon as hath formerly been made appear, and the said in- habitants of Flatbush fined the last court, the sum of ten pounds, for not observing the said award and agreement. Severall debates arising about running the line, the court being satisfyed the inhabitants of Flatbush committed a trespass upon the inhabitants of Flatlands, doe order that the said fine shall be forthwith paid, or else execucon to issue forth for the same. The defendants moved for an appeal, which is granted." We might here introduce several somewhat curious ex- tracts from the minutes of the court of Sessions, relative to the town. We will simply present the following : In 1681, it is recorded, " The court doe order, that John Gerritson Van Marken, shall deliver up to the constable and overseers of Flatbush, all the books and writings be- 36 longing to the town aforesaid, which, if he shall refuse to deliver, that then the constable of the said town is hereby- ordered and empowered to take them from the said Mar- ken." In the same year, " There being a strange man in the custody of the constable of Flatbush, and no person lay- ing claim to him, the court order ye man shall be apprais- ed and sold, and if any person shall hereafter lay lawful claim to him, and desire to have him again, he paying what lawful charges are out upon him, may have him again." In the same year, (1681,) is the following : " At the re- quest of some of the inhabitants of Flatbush, this court doe order, that the constable of the town give speedy notice to the inhabitants, that they forthwith fence their cornfields, and after legal warning given, any person shall be found defective herein, that then said person or persons, so offen- ding, shall be proceeded against, according to law, and to be complained against at the next Sessions." In 1682, is the following : "Upon the complaint of the constable of Flatbush, that there are severall persons in the said town, who doe refuse to pay there minister. The court doe order, that such persons who shall refuse to pay their said minister, it shall betaken from them by distress." From the general prevalence of the voluntary principle at the present day, in the support of the gospel, and the abolishing of the unholy union of church and state, we look almost with wonder at such provisions and enact- ments. In the year 1683, there is another record relative to an alleged trespass by the inhabitants of Flatbush, upon the town of Flatlands, of nearly the same import with the one which we have quoted above, but we need not recite it. 37 In 1685, in an action between Derick Storm, and the in- habitants of Flatbush, it is recorded, " An agreement read between Storm and Joseph Hegeman, Cornelius Ber- rian, John Stryker, William Guilliamsen, and others, in behalf of ye town of Fflatbush, uppon which, Storm prayed a sallarry, may be allowed him, for serving the town as schoolmaster to their children. Ordered that Court Steephens and Symou Jansen, exaniine ye accounts, and agreement between them, and these partys to stand to their determination." In the same year, Theodorus Polhemus, for refusing to stand constable for Flatbush, although legally elected, was by the court fined five pounds to the public. On the 7th, of November, 1685, at the session of the second colonial assembly, held under the administration of Governor Dongan, an act was passed for removing the court of Sessions of Kings county, from Gravesend to Flatbush. The cause for this, stated in the preamble of the act, is the inconvenience to which the inhabitants of the county are subjected, in travelling so far as Gravesend. Flatbush is about the geographical centre of the county of Kings, and afforded in this respect the most eligible place for holding the courts and presented the least disadvanta- ges to the inhabitants of the county, who might have ju- dicial business to attend to. It was thenceforth named as the seat of justice for the county, and continued such till the year 1832, when the court-house was destroyed by fire. A court-house was accordingly erected in Flatbush, in 1686, for the accommodation of the county, on the spot of ground which is still called the court-house lot. It re- mained till a larger one was built in the year 1758, an account of which we shall subsequently give. 4 38 A controversy arose as early as 1678, between Flat- bush and Brooklyn, relative the boundary line between the respective towns. The northern boundary of the town of Flatbush according to their purchase from the In- dian proprietors and the patent which they had obtained was described to be by the hills. The inhabitants of Brooklyn, contended that their right of ownership extend- ed to the foot of the hills, and that this was the true and proper boundary line between the two towns, and that the Indian conveyances to both parties would admit of this and of no other construction. The inhabitants of Mid- wout on the other hand, contended, that such a construc- tion of their northern boundary interfered with their just rights, and would lead to great embarrassment, doubt and uncertainty ; nay, that from the general surface of the town of Flatbush, being an inclined plane, gradually slo- ping to the south, such a construction would locate their northern boundary in the town of Flatlands, and perhaps even in the Bay, or waters edge. In consequence of this difference, the matter was submitted to the decision of the Court of Sessions. At a session of that court, held at Gravesend, on the 18th, of December, 1678, the subject of difference was, by consent of both towns, referred to Captain Jaques Cortelyou, and Captain Richard Stillwell, to decide, and it was ordered that their " report should be determinative." Messrs. Cortelyou and Stillwell complied with the requisition of the court, and five years after- wards submitted the following report. " To the Worshipfull Court of Sessions, now sitting at Gravesend, June 21st, 1683. These may certifie, that in obedience to an order from said court, and by consent of both towns, ofBrooklyn and Flatbush, to runnthe line be- 39 twixt the said townes which are we underwritten have done, and marked the trees betwixt towne and towne, as wittnesse our hands, the daye and yeare above written, JACQUES CORTELYOU, RICHARD STILLWELL." One of the trees thus marked by these arbitrators was a large white oak, standing near what is called the Port Road, and mentioned in the Patent granted by Governor Dongan, as one of the boundaries of the town. This tree remained till the time of the revolutionary war, when it was cut down by the Americans, and fallen across the road for the purpose of intercepting the British. A red free stone monument, with a proper inscription has subse- quently been set up, at and near the stump of this tree, (which is yet in existence) by General Jeremiah Johnson, on the part of Brooklyn, and John C. Vanderveer, Esq. on the part of Flatbush. But unfortunately the stone has been so defaced by certain persons, who seem to take de- light in mutilating every thing, that only a few letters of the inscription can now be decyphered. The award of Messrs. Cortelyou and Stillwell, relative to the boundary line, notwithstanding the order of the court, appears not to have been " determinative." For in the next year, 1684, the line was run out by Philip Wells, a surveyor of Staten Island, and Jacobus Cortland, who were appointed for this purpose, by the two towns. The certificate of these gentlemen, is in the words fol- lowing : " To satisffie whom itt may concerne, that I be- ing with Mr. Jacobus Cortland, about the 20th, day off November, 1684, imployed by Breuckland and Fflack- bush, to vew and run out the line betweene the two townes, to the south of the hills, found that the line run 40 fformerly by Capts. Jaques Cortelyou and Mr. Stilwell, is right and just, which wee both being agreed, give in our approbation of the same. PHILIP WELLS, Surveyor:' Staaten-Island, in the County of Richmond, ^ this 4th, day of April, 1687." \ Notwithstanding this, differences continued tO' exist for some years subsequently, but at length they have been amicably settled, upon the following principles, viz : That the summit of the hills or the first perceptible southerly declivity of any hill, should be deemed and taken as the fixed and determined line, and wherever the hills are cut off or interrupted by an intervening valley or hollow, the boundary line should extend in the shortest possible direc- tion, from the summit of one hill to that of the opposite one. In conformity with this determination, proper monuments have been placed on the boundary lines, to prevent, if pos- sible, all future disputes. At an early period distinctive names were given to the several parts of the village of Flatbush. The north end was called Steenraap or Stone Gathering ; the south end, Rustenburgli, or resting place ar borough ; while the centre was denominated Dorp, or the Town. The Dutch words appropriated to either end of the village were appropriate, inasmuch as the ground on the north end of the town con- tains many small stones, on, and just below the surface, while comparatively few of these are found in the south end, which in consequence is more easy to cultivate. In the northern section of the town, on the farm now in posses- sion of the Widow Lefferts, were erected at an early period, two brick kilns, one on the back of the farm, and another near the large pond, not far from the main road, which from 41 this circumstance has obtained the name of the Stein Bakerie Pond. At these kilns brick were burnt for the use of the inhabitants, but only small remains of them are now to be seen. On the 12th, day of November, 1685, the inhabitants of Flatbush applied to, and obtained from Colonel Thomas Dongan, the fourth English Governor of the Colony of New- York, a confirmatory Patent for the whole town, including the several former grants, or Patents of Midwout, or Flat- bush, the Canarsee Meadows, Renters Hook and Oustwout, or New-Lots. This Patent runs thus, to wit : " Thomas Dongan, Lieutenant Governor and Vice- Admiral of New- York, &c., under his majesty James the Second, by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &;c.. Supreme Lord and Proprietor of the Colony and Province of New- York and its dependencies in America. To all to whom these presents shall come, sendeth Greeting : Whereas, there is a certain town in Kings County, upon Long- Island, called and known by the name of Midwout, alias, Flatbush, the bounds whereof, begin at the mouth of the Fresh Kill, and so along by a certain Ditch which lies betwixt Amersfort and Flatbush Meadows, and so running along the ditch and fence to a certain white oak marked tree, and from thence upon a straight line to the western- most point of a small island of woodland lying before John Stryker's bridge ; and from thence with a straight line to the northwest hook or corner of the ditch of John Oakies meadow ; and from thence along the said ditch and fence to the swamp of the Fresh Kill, and so along the swamp and hollow of the aforesaid Kill to the land of Keuter's Hook ; thence along the same to a marked white oak tree; from thence with a straight line 4* 42 to a black oak marked tree standing upon the northeast side of Twiller's Flats, hawing a small snip of flats upon the southeast side of the line ; and so from thence to a white oak tree standing to the west side of Moschito Hole to a small island, leaving a snip of flats in the Flatlands bounds; and from thence to a certain marked tree or stump, standing by the highway which goes to Flatlands upon the Little Flats, about twenty rods from Flatbush Lots, and so along the fence six hundred Dutch rods, to the corner of Flatbush fence, and so along the rear of the lots to a sassafras stump standing in Cornelius Jansen Ber- rian's lot of land ; and from thence with a straight line to a certain old marked tree or stump, standing by the Rush Pond under the hills, and so along upon the south side of the hill till it comes to the west end of the Long Hill,.a-nd so along upon the south side of the said hill, till it comes to the east end of the long hill ; and then with a straight line from the east end of the said long hill, to a marked white oak tree, standing to the west side of the road, near the place called the gate or port of hills ; and so from the east side of the port or gate aforesaid upon the south side of the main hills, as far as Brooklyn Patent doth extend ; and so- along the said hills to the bounds of Jamaica Patent ; and from thence with a southerly line, to the kill or creek by the east of the Plunders Neck, and so along the said kill ta the sea, as according to the several deeds or purchases from the Indian owners, the Patent from Governor Nicolls^ and the awai'd between Brooklyn and the town of Flatbush, Illation thereunto being had, doth more fully and at large appear; And, whereas, application to me hath been made for a confirmation of the aforesaid tract and parcels of land and premises: Now Know ye, that by virtue of the commission and authority unto me given by his majesty,. 43 James the Second, by the Grace of God, of England, Scot- land, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, Supreme Lord and Proprietor of the Province of New- York, in consideration of the premises and thQ quit rent hereinafter reserved, I have given, granted, ratified and confirmed, and by these presents, do give, grant, ratify and confirm, unto Cornelius Vanderwyck, John Okie, Joseph Hegeman, Aries Jansen Vanderbilt, Lafford Pieterson, William Guilliamsen, Hendrick Williamse, Pieter Wil- liamse, Arien Ryers, Peter Stryker, John Stryker, John Remsen, Jacob Hendricks, Derick Vandervleet, Hendrick Ryck, Okie Johnson, Daniel Polhemus, Peter Lott, Cor- nelius Vanderveer, Derick Johnson Hooglandt, Denise Teunis, John Johnson, Ditimus Lewis Jansen, William- Jacobs, Hendrick Hegeman and Garrit Lubbertse, for and on the behalf of themselves and their associates, all the freeholders and inhabitants of the said town of Flatbush, and to their heirs and assigns forever, all the before recited tract and tracts, parcel and parcels, of land and islands within the said bounds and limits, together with all and singular, the woods, underwoods, plains, hills, meadows, pastures, quarries, marshes, waters, lakes, causeways, rivers, beaches, houses, buildings, fishing, hawking, hunt- ing and fowling, with all liberties, privileges, heredita- ments and appurtenances to the said tract of land and premises belonging, or in any wise appertaining : To have and to hold the said tract of land and premises before mentioned, and intended to be given, granted and con- firmed, unto the said Cornelius Vanderwyck, John Okie, Joseph Hegeman, Aries Jansen Vanderbilt, Lafibrd Pie- terson, William Guilliamsen, Hendrick Williamse, Peter Guilliamsen, Arien ^Ryers, Peter Stryker, John Stryker, John Remsen, Jacob Hendricks, Derick Vandervleet, Hendrick Ryck, Okie Johnson, Daniel Polhemus, Peter 44 Lott, Cornelius Vanderveer, Derick Johnson Hooglandt, Denise Teunis, John Johnson, Ditimus Lewis Jansen, William Jacobs, Hendrick Hegeman, and Garrit Lub- bertse, the said patentees and their associates, their heirs and assigns, forever. To be holden of his majesty in free and common soccage, according to the tenure of East Greenwick, in the county of Kent, in his majesty's king- dom of England : Yielding, rendering, and paying there- for, yearly, and every year, at the city of New- York, unto his majesty, his heirs or successors, or to his or their offi- cer or officers, as by him or them shall be appointed to re- ceive the same, eighteen bushels of good merchantable wheat, on or before the five and twentieth day of March^ yearly and every year. " In Testimony whereof, I have caused these presents to be entered upon record, in the Secretary's office in the said Province, and the seal thereof, have hereunto affixed, and signed with my hand, this twelfth day of November, in the first year of his majesty's reign. Anno Domini, 1685. THOMAS DONGAN." It will be perceived, that by the above recited Patent granted by Governor Dongan, to the freeholders and inha- bitants of the town of Midwout alias Flatbush, that the te- nure by which they held their lands is denominated a te- nure " in free and common soccage," The tenures of lands which were authoratively established in England, in the reign of William the Conqueror, were principally of two kinds, according to the services annexed. They were either denominated tenures by knight service, or tenures in free and common soccage. The tenures by knight service, in which the services were occasionaJly uncertain, were altogether of a military nature, and esteemed highly hono- rable according to the martial spirit of the times. These 45 tenures however, in addition to the obligation of fealty and the military services of forty days in a year, were subject to certain other hard conditions, which we need not here enumerate, but which gradually rendered them more and more oppressive and increased the power of the feudal lords. At length upon the restoration of Charles the Se- cond, to the crown of Great Britain, the tenure by knight service with all its grievous incidents, was abolished by law, and the tenure of land was, for the most part, turned into free and common soccage, and every thing oppressive in that tenure was alsp abolished. A soccage tenure according to which the town of Mid- wout, or Flatbush, was patented, denotes lands held by a fixed and determinate service which is not military nor in the power of the lord to vary at his pleasure. It was the certainty and specific nature of the service, duty, or rend- er, which made this species of tenure such a safeguard against the wanton exactions of the feudal lords, and ren- dered it of such inestimable value in view of the ancient English. It was deemed by them a point of the utmost im- portance, to change their tenures by knight service, into te- nures by soccage. All lands granted by Patent by Governor Dongan, and the other subsequent English governors, were in free and c-ommon soccage, and subject to an annual render or rent charge, called quit rent. In the Patent of the town of Mid- wout, this render or rent charge was fixed at eighteen bush- els of good winter merchantable wheat, to be yielded, ren- dered and paid yearly and every year, at the city of New- York, on or before the 25th, of March, in every year to the king, his heirs and successors, or to such officer or officers as he or they should appoint to receive the same. This render and delivery of wheat, was regularly and annually 46 made by the freeholders and inhabitants of this town, to an officer residing in the city of New- York, appointed to re- ceive the same, and styled " the Receiver General." The quit rent continued to be paid in kind, till it became more convenient for the inhabitants to pay, and the crown to re- ceive money, in the place of wheat. The Receiver General was then authorized and required in equity and good conscience, to estimate the standard value of wheat in money. According to his determination, wheat was valued in money, at four shillings and eight pence a bushel, New- York currency. This appears to have been the standard value thereof for years. From this time onward, the quit rents of the town were regularly paid in money, according to the then estimated value every year, until the 25th, day of March, 1762. Why the payments were not regularly and annually continued, from and after that time, does not appear. The delay may perhaps be ascribed to the agita- tions then existing in the country, caused by events which led to the war of the revolution. Soccage tenures are however considered by Chancellor Kent, from whose commentaries on American laws, the a,bove recited account of tenures is taken, as of feudal ex- traction, and retain some of the leading properties of feuds. But most of the feudal incidents and consequences of soc- cage tenures were expressly abolished in the State of New- York, shortly after the termination of the revolutionary war, and they are wholly and entirely annihilated by the Revised Statutes, which took effect on the 1st, of January ^^ 1830. But soccage lands were not to be deemed discharg- ed of any rents, certain or other services, incident or be- longing to tenure in soccage, due to the people of the State (who were considered to stand in the place of the crown.) Therefore on the 1st, day of April, 1786, the Legislature 47 of this State passed an Act, entitled " An Act for the collec- tion and commutation of Quit Rents." By this act it is provided that it shall and may be lawful to, and for every person and persons, being citizens of the United States, who is, or shall be seized of any lands, or tenements, in this State, charged with an annual quit rent, to commute for the same, by paying fourteen shillings for every shil- ling, of such annual quit rent, at any time on or be- fore the first day of May, 1787, in any public secu- rities receivable in payment on sales of confiscated estates, or in any other securities or certificates, is- sued or to be issued by the Treasurer of this State, and at the same rate, such securities and certificates are re- ceivable in payment for confiscated estates, to the Treasur- er of this State, for the time being, for the use of the people of this State : and the said Treasurer shall, upon such pay- ment, give the person making such payment a receipt or certificate, expressing the sum paid, the annual quit rent in lieu of which the same is paid, and the land on which the said annual quit rent was charged or reserved, and shall enter the same receipt in a book, by him to be kept for that purpose, which receipt or certificate, or the entry thereof, shall be a good discharge of such quit rent forever. Incompliance with the provisions of the Act above recit- ed, the inhabitants of the town of Flatbush purchased pub- lic securities, to the amount of £162. 9. 0. which amount they paid to Gerard Bancker, the Treasurer of the State, on the 18th, day of December, 1786, and upon the payment thereof obtained from him the following receipt, or cer- tificate. '^Patent granted to the inhabitants of Flatbush, in Kings County, dated 12th November, 1685, Quit Rent, eighteen bushels wheat per annum. 48 years. Balance due 25th, March, 1765. 3 12 12. From 25th, March, 1765, to25th, Decern, 1786. y. m. 21 9 (Deduct for the period of revolution,) 8 13 9 at 18 B. Wt. pr. Ann. 247i " Qs. 74 5 14 years commut. 252 " 6^. 75 12 £162 9 0. Received, 18th, December, 1786, from Philip Nagle, of Flatbush, Public Securities, which with the interest al- lowed thereon, amount to one hundred and sixty two pounds, nine shillings, in full, for arrears of Quit Rent, and commutation, for the future quit rents that would have arisen on the above described Patent. GERARD BANCKER, Treasurer/' £162 9 00. The town of Flatbush upon the payment of the above- mentioned sum of money, for arrears of quit rent, and com- mutation of future quit rents became exhonerated from all further exactions on the score of such rents. But to return from this digression, to the regular histo- ry of the town of Midwout, which was brought down to the time in which Governor Dongan administered the Coloni- al Government. The woodlands still remained in common and undivided, because the farms previously allotted, had all along furnished timber sufficient for building, fuel and other needful purposes. But as these resources began gradually to diminish, it became necessary as well as die- 49 tated by prudence, that some oider should be taken on the partition and division of the common woodlands. About the year 1700, these lands were surveyed, and laid off in separate allotments or grand divisions, and these were again severally subdivided into forty-eight smaller allotmentSjCor- responding with the original division of the town. These smaller allotments were all laid out in oblong forms with parallel lines, and usually containing about five acres apiece. Upon the completion of the survey, the several wood lots were allotted to the inhabitants of the town, in proportion to the farm lots by them respectively owned, and the church drew its proportionate share with the several owners. The meadows had been previously subdivided into similar lots, and allotted in like manner, with the excep- tion of one lot in the Canarsee Meadows, which was set apart for the use of the schoolmaster, for the time being. Corlaer's and Twiller's Flats, so called after the names of the original purchasers, Anthony Van Corlaer and Wou- ter Van Twiller, the first Dutch governor, were also pre- viously subdivided, but not fully alloted, with the exception of a small tract of woodland lying between, and adjoining these Flats, which was assigned to some of the patentees, and a lot reserved for the use of the school. About the year 1706, an encroachment was made on the patent of the town of Flatbush, by inhabitants of Newtown, and on the 3d day of April, in the same year, the town unanimously agreed that every patentee should contribute six shilling to carry on and pay the expenses of a law suit, in defending the Patent from this encroach- ment. From this time forth at the annual town meetings, two persons were chosen to guard the interests of the town in regard to their meets and bounds, as set forth in their 5 50 Patent. These were called ''Dorps mannen," or Towns- men, and subsequently Defenders of the Patent. This controversy appears not to have been satisfactorily adjust- ed until the year 1721. Corlaer's and Twiller's Flats, remained unoccupied until the close of the revolutionary war. They were then sold by the proprietors and owners, at the rate of sixteen dollars per acre. The proceeds of the sale of Corlaer's Flats, were chiefly devoted to the erection of "Erasmus Hall Academy," while those arising from the sale of Twiller's Flats, were divided among those who would not consent to i-elinquish their right for the benefit of the academy, in reference to which, chiefly the sales had been effected. The academy was greatly benefitted by this sale, but we shall have occasion to speak more at large upon this, when we come to trace the Literary HivStory of the town. On the 12th of November, 1695, the court made an order requiring each of the towns to cause to be im- mediately erected, a good pair of siocks, and a good pound, by which it seems, they were resolved to keep both man and beast in proper subjection. Whether this order at the time was strictly complied with on the part of the town of Flatbush, we know not. But twenty-nine years after this, on the records of the Board of Supervisors of the county, under date of the 17th of November, 1724, there is the following charge. " To a Stocks for Flatbush, - - £1.9.6." These stocks remained for a number of years. They were erected in front of the court-house, and many will remember to have seen them. There was also about these same premises, a whipping-post, which was used partly for offenders in the town, and partly for the pun- * (. 51 ishment of persons convicted of small crimes ; for there was a public whipper, whose fee was fixed for a year, at three pounds. The fee for whipping one person, was three shillings. These charges frequently appear on the Minutes of the Board of Supervisors. This mode of pun- ishment was not in that day, considered improper or cruel, and was resorted to, probably, partly in consequence of the number of slaves which were then held by the seyeral inhabitants, who were kept in subjection and punished for minor offences, in this summary manner. We have rea- son to be thankful that under the benign influence of mild and wholesome laws, this remnant of the reign of cruelty and terror has passed away. As early as the commencement of the eighteenth century, if not sooner, a public brewery was established in the town. The principle of total abstinence from all that can intoxicate was not then known or practiced, and beer or malt liquor was the common beverage of the inhabitants, and continued to be so until the orchards were planted and came into full bearing, when cider became a substitute. The brew-house was situated in the southern part of the town, a little north of the dwelling-house of the late Jacob Duryee and on the same side of the road. It is presumed by some that there was also another public brewery in the north of the town. It is certain, however, that there were two private ones ; one on the lot of the late Peter Stryker back of the store now occupied by Messrs. Birdsall & Aldworth, and another on the property of Rem Vander- bilt, the proprietor of the farm now in the tenure of Mat- thew Clarkson, Esq. The public brewery was divided into fourteen shares, which were subdivided into halves and perchance quarters. These rights were apportioned to the several farms and considered appurtenant to them, and en- ii^ 52 titled the proprietors to the privilege of brewing in the estab- Hshment. These rights were disposed of by deed or testa- mentary devise. A will is in existence dated as late as 1773, devising the right of the testator in the brewery to his son ; and several wills and deeds of early date are to be found, containing provisions relative to the same subject. So important was the right in this establishment at that time deemed by the proprietors. The public brew-house continued to stand until after the close of the American Revolution. It was then sold, together with all its fix- tures, and the proceeds divided among the shareholders. We may here briefly advert to the style of building, and domestic habits of the early inhabitants of Flatbush. The designs of their houses were probably brought from Fa- derland. They were chiefly built of wood, but some few of brick, which was manufactured in the place. They were of one story, either with an overshot-roof, both in front and rear forming a piazza — or an overshot in front, and the roof in the rear, extending some distance back until it came within a few feet of the ground. A specimen of this last style of architecture may be seen in the house belonging to the heirs of the late Cornelius Antonides, which is probably the oldest house now standing in the village. The rooms inside were not ceiled, but above were the broad heavy oak beams on which the floor of the upper-part of the house was laid. The fire-places usual- ly were very large, generally extending without jambs in width sufficient to accommodate the whole family with a seat near the fire. The chimneys were very large and spacious, sufficiently so to admit their meat to be hung in them, for the purpose of being smoked, which was the usual practice. When jambs were added to any fire- place, they were generally set round with earthen glazed «> 53 tiles, which were imported from Holland ornamented with various scenes, some of which were of a Scriptural cha- racter. Many of these were quite beautiful and gave a very ornamental appearance to the fireside, as well as formed the means of much amusement and instruction to the younger part of the family. The last of these fire- places thus ornamented was removed when the house of the late LefFerts Martense was pulled down, to give place to the spacious mansion now occupied by Judge Garrit Martense. To many of the houses the barns also were quite closely connected. This was generally the case with the Renters. This style of building corresponded with the habits of the earlier inhabitants. These were very simple, unaffected and economical. No people could have been more independent than they. They brought up their children in habits of industry. As has been stated every son was taught some mechanical art, and every daughter was required to become well ac- quainted with all household duties. The farmers burnt their own lime, tanned their own leather, often made their own shoes and boots, and attended to much of their own carpentering, and wheel-wrighting. While the males were engaged in the cultivation of the farms, the females were actively employed in some industrious avocations in the house. The spinning-wheel was set in motion irh every family as soon as flax and wool could be prepared in the fall, and all materials for the clothing of the fam- ily, white as well as colored, were manufactured at home, nor was she considered a suitable candidate for matrimo- ny who could not show her stores of domestic linens and other evidences of industry and economy. So economical were the females of their time, that they almost invariably took their spinning-wheels with them when they went to 54 spend a sociable afternoon with a neighbor. Nor did they even refuse to help the males in the field during the har- vest, the gathering of corn, and other busy seasons. It was a very common thing for them to be seen working side by side with their husbands, fathers and brothers, at such times. The modern invention of a dirt-cover, as it would in those days have been esteemed, vv^hich we now call a carpet, was not then known. The floors were regu- larly scoured and scrubbed, and kept as white and clean almost as the table. They were sanded with beach sand, of which every family always had a sufficient store, it be- ing the rule to go twice a year to the beach for that then, indispensable article. It was put on the floor with great care on certain days, being always laid in small lumps or heaps, and the members of the family were required very cautiously to tread between these heaps so as not to disturb the economy of the good housewife. When on the next day the sand had become dry, it was swept in waves or some other figures, by the broom being drawn lightly over it, and was in truth a good specimen of the general neatness and cleanliness which pervaded the whole premises. When the first imported carpets were introduced we know not, but the first rag carpet was made about fifty years ago. It was wove by Adrian Hegeman for the widow of George Martense, the mother of the present Mrs. Catin. Frugality, economy and industry, characterised all. They lived chiefly within themselves, and knew but little of the dangers and diseases incident to luxury and indolence. And well would it be for the present age, if instead of ridiculing and despising them they practiced more of their simple, unaffected, economical habits. For one I love to dwell upon them, and every thing connected with them is interesting. 55 In the early part of this century a murder was com* mitted in the town, and in fact the only one that we have any account of. It occurred on the farm now in the ten- ure of Mrs. Catin. The dwelling-house of the ancestor of the family of Martense, who possessed a very extensive tract of land, was situated on the rear of the farm. From his owning and cultivating so large a quantity of land, he was called by way of distinction Martin De Boer, (Martin the Farmer.) He built a new house on the main road in front of his farm near the site of the present dwelling of Mrs. Catin. When he moved to this house he left in the cellar of his former old dwelling an Indian. This person it appears had been guilty of killing some person or persons on Staten Island. In consequence of this, certain Indians from Staten Island came toFlatbush, "found him living alone in the cellar of the house which stood separate from the other dwellings, and murdered him — thus glutting their revenge. During the first half of the last century, the inhabitants of Flatbush were chiefly en- gaged in certain difficulties of an ecclesiastical character, and during the latter half were occupied with the troubles growing out of the Revolutionary struggle. These will be made the subject of more extended notice hereafter, and we pass them for the present. The introduction of foreign manures, forms an era in the agricultural history of the town. For more than a cen- tury the farmers depended entirely upon their barn yards to furnish the means of enriching their lands, together with such quantities of shell lime as they could manufacture for themselves. There was a lime kiln, situated not far from the place now occupied by the public pound, at which, large quantities of shells were burnt. The lime thus pro- cured, was spread upon the ground, and tended, no doubt, 56 greatly to increase its productiveness. But a short time previous to the American Revolution, the attention of the farmers was called to foreign manures, particularly to ashes. The first that was introduced into the village was by Jacobus Van Deventer. He brought it up from Brooklyn, in bags. It was tried and found to answer a good purpose, and then three other persons, viz. John LefFerts, Cornelius Vanderveer, and Judge Lott, united with him in carting it from the ferry. It could then be purchased as a very moderate rate. From that time the attention of the farm- ers was more directly turned to the enriching of their lands, and vast quantities of manures of various kinds have since been employed, in consequence of which, the land has been rendered rich and fertile. In the year 1758 a new court-house was erected in the town. The first edifice was quite small, and was a dis- tinct building from the jail. One of these buildings took fire in the winter of 1757-8 and burnt to the ground, the other was saved chiefly by throwing snow-balls upon it. It was however subsequently taken down, and m the new building which was put up, accommodations were made for both the court and jail. It was two stories high. The lower floor was divided by an entry, on the south side of which was a room for the use of the jailor, and on the north a room for the confinement of prisoners. The second story was fitted up in a large room for the accommodation of the courts of the county. During the Revolutionary war the British officers then in the place took out all the seats in this room and converted it into a ball-room. This building which cost £448, remained with some repairs, un- til the year 1792. It being then found inconvenient, too small, and much out of repair, a new one was erected which was placed considerably farther back on the lot, 57 and was of much larger dimensions. It was of two sto- ries, and planned in general after the model of the old one. This plan was drawn by Mr. James Robinson, and is called in the minutes of the Board of Supervisors "the wooden plan," from the fact pro- bably that the erection was to be a frame building. John Vanderbilt, Johannes E. Lott and Charles Doughty, Esqs., were first appointed the Commissioners to superin- tend the building of this court-house and jail. Mr. Van- derbilt having resigned the appointment, Rutgert Van Brunt, was afterwards commissioned in his place. The old building was then sold at public auction. It was pur- chased by Michael Van Cleef, for the sum of seventy-one pounds. The timber was afterwards bought by the Rev. Martinus Schoonmaker, and used in building the house lately occupied by his son, Stephen Schoonmaker. The court-house and jail was completed in the year 1793. It was a very respectable looking frame building, surmount- ed by a small cupola. The jail, however, was not very secure ; several escapes were made from it, although it was often repaired and strengthened. On the 30th of November, 1832, it took fire from some unknown cause, and was burnt to the ground, and from that time Flatbush ceased to be the county town, and the courts and all ju- dicial business, were removed to Brooklyn. The ancient government of the town of Flatbush was si- milar to that of all the towns under the administration of the Dutch authority. In the infancy of the settlements, the Governor appointed magistrates in the several villages, with more or less power, as he judged proper. Usually these public officers were a scout or constable, a clerk and an assessor, all of which, were appointed by the Govern- or. The duties of these officers consisted in preserving 58 the peace, and regulating the police of the town. They appear also to have had power to give judgment in some cases of judicial proceedings. In consequence of a defi- ciency in the records of the town, we are not able to give the names of those who held these offices during the dy- nasty of New-Netherlands. After the surrender of the the colony to the English, in 1664, and the adoption of the Dukes Laws, some alterations were made in the number and character of the town officers. It was then ordered, that in addition to a clerk, each town should elect one con- stable and eight overseers. The duties of the constable were laid down with great particularity. They were to hold town courts, with the overseers, and with them to make assessments, &c. to whip or punish offenders, raise the hue and cry after murderers, manslayers, thieves, rob-' bers, burglars : and also apprehend without warrant, such as were overtaken with drink, swearing, sabbath-breaking, vagrant persons, or night walkers, " provided they be ta- ken in the manner, either by the sighte of the constable, or by present informacon from others ; as alsoe to make searche for all such persons, either on ye sabbath daye, or other, when there shall bee occation, in all houses li- censed to sell beere or wine, or any other suspected or dis- ordered places, and these to apprehend and keepe in safe custody, till opportunity serves, to bring them before the next justice of ye peace, for further examina'con." The constable was chosen out of the number of overseers, whose term of service had expired. The list of the constables will be given subsequently. The overseers were appointed in the following manner, according to the provisions of the Dukes Laws. '' Over- seers shall be eight in number, men of good fame and life> chosen by the plurality of voiyes of the freeholders in each 59 towne, whereof foure shall remaine in their ofhce two yeares successively, and foure shall be changed for new ones, every yeare ; which election shall preceed the elec- tion of constables, in point of time, in regard the consta- ble for the yeare ensuing, is to bee chosen out of that num- ber which are dismist from their office of overseers." The following is a summary of the duties of the overseers, as stated by Judge Furman, in his notes on Brooklyn. They were authorized together with the constable, to hold town courts, for the trial of causes under £5. On the death of any person, they were to repair with the constable to the house of the deceased, and inquire after the manner of his death, and of his will and testament ; and if no will was found, the constable, in the presence of the overseers, was, within forty-eight hours, to search after the estate of the deceased, and to deliver an account of the same, in writing, under oath, to the next justice of the peace. They togeth- er with the constable, made all assessments. If any over- seer died during his term, the rest of the overseers by a major vote, made choice of another in his place : and if the person so chosen, refuse to serve, he forfeited the sum of £10. towards defraying the town charges. They were to settle the bounds of the town, within twelve months after the bounds were granted. They had the power of regu- lating fences. They were authorized, together with the constable, to make choice of two out of the eight overseers, of church affairs. They and the constable were frequent- ly to admonish the inhabitants, '• to instruct their children and servants, in matters of religion, and the lawes of the country." They, with the constable, appointed an officer " to record every man's particular marke, and see each man's horse and colt branded." The constable and two of the overseers, were to pay the value of an Indian coat 60 for each wolf killed ; and they were to cause the wolf's head to be " nay led over the door of the constable, their to remaine, as also to cut of both the eares, in token that the head is bought and paid for." The following is the most complete list of the overseers of Flatbush that could be obtained. 1675. Simon Hansen, and John Roloifson. 1676. Arian Ryers, and Garrit Sneger. 1679. Joseph Hegeman, and Derick Jansen Van Vleet. 1680. Barent Claas, Cornelius Berrian, and Joseph Hegeman. 1681. Cornelius Berrian, Rinier Aeartsen, Barthold Claases and Jan Remsen. 1682. Rynier Aeartsen, Jan Jansen, Jan Remsen and Arian Ryersen. 1683. Aris Janse, Jan Aeartsen, Jan Jansen, and John Auky. In the year 1683, the " overseers," were changed to " commissioners," The act regulating their appointment, and prescribing particularly their duties, was passed by the first General Assembly of this Colony, November 1st, 1683. It is not necessary to recite the provisions of this act. The only list that we have been able to obtain of the commissioners appointed under this act, in the town of Flat- bush, is the following : 1684. Adrian Ryersen, Cornelius Baronson and John Auky. 1685. Stoffle Probasco, and Joseph Hegeman. 1686. Arian Ryers and Pieter Stryker. 1687. Aris Janse, and Stoffle Probasco. 1688. Pieter Stryker, and Cornelius Bardulph. The constables, overseers and commissioners, were sworn before the court of Sessions, before they entered 61 upon the discharge of the duties of their respective offices. The office of " Commissioner" continued until the first Tuesday of April, 1703, when "Supervisors" were elected for the several towns of Kings County. The first meeting of this board, was held on the first Tuesday in October, of the same year. It is probable, that at first they kept no minutes of their proceedings, as the first record is that of a meeting which took place at the court-house in Flat- bush, on the first Tuesday in October, in the year 1714. The Supervisor who then attended from Flatbush, was Ryck Hendrickson. The board at this, their first record- ed meeting, made choice of Samuel Garretson, of Graves- end, as their Clerk, and John Vanderbilt, of Flatbush, as Treasurer of the county. At that time, the ordinary and contingent expenses of the county, (including the per diem compensation of the two members of the Colonial Assembly from the county, for their attendance during the year 1703.) amounted to only £71. 0. 6. or8l77.56. This sum was apportioned among the several towns in the county in the following manner. Brooklyn, £19. 9. 3. Flatbush, 15. 1. 6. New-Utrecht 9.18. 9. Flatlands, 8.14. 9. Bushwick, 9. 3. 0. Gravesend, 8.13. 3. £71. 0. 6.- —$177.56 The following is a list of the Supervisors of the town of Flatbush, from the year 1703, to the present time. 6 62 Names. Dates. Aris Vanderbilt, From Aprilj 1703 to April 1705 Daniel Polhemus, u (( 1705 " 1706 Jacob Plendrick Ryck, a a 1706 " 1707 Aris Jansen Vanderbilt, u u 1707 " 1708 Jan Vanderveer, (< (( 1708 " 1710 Benjamin Hegeman, i<. a 1710 " 1711 Ryck Hendricks, a a 1711 " 1712 Jan Cornelise, a a 1712 '' 1713 Jacob Hendrickson, a u 1713 " 1714 Ryck Hendrickson, a a 1714 '' 1715 John Vanderveer, <.<. u 1715 " 1716 Daniel Remse, li u 1716 " 1717 Jacob Suydam a ii 1771 " 1718 Dominicus Vanderveer, u ii 1718 " 1719 Lieut. Philip Nagle, a ii 1719 " 1720 Cornelius Cornell, a ii 1720 " 1721 Abrabam Lott, a ii 1721 " 1722 Rvck Hendrickson, a ii 1722 " 1723 John Vanderveer, a ii 1723 ' 1724 Cornelius Cornell, a ii 1724 " 1726 Peter Lefferts, a ii 1726 " 1727 Johannes Ditmarse, u ii 1727 '^ 1728 Ryck Suydam, a ii 1728 " 1741 John Van Kerk, u ii 1741 " 1743 Peter Stryker, a 4i 1743 " 1744 John Van Kerk, u ii 1744 " 1749 Dominicus Vanderveer, u il 1749 " 1751 Johannes Lott, Jun. i(. n 1751 " 1759 Jeremias Vanderbilt, a ii 1759 " 1763 Johannes Lott, Jun. a a 1763 " 1782 Philip Nagel, ii ii 1782 " 1787 63 Johannes J. Lott, John C. Vanderveer, John Wyckoff, Isaac Cortelyou, Jacob Rapelje, Isaac Cortelyou, From April, 1787 to April 1804. " " 1804 " 1832. " " 1832 to Feby. 1837. From Febry. 1837 " 1839. " " 1839 toApl. 1841. " April 1841 " 1842. The following is a list of the Town Clerks of the town of Flatbush, from the year 1659, to the year 1842. Na7nes. Adrian Hegeman, Jacop Joosten, Francays De Bruynne, Michael Hainelle, Jan Gerrit Van Marckj( Derick Storm, Johannes Van Eklen, Johannes Schenck, Abraham Lott, Jan Gancell, Adrian Hegeman, Jores Remsen, Jeremias Van Der Bilt, Petrus Van Steenbergh John Lefferts, Philip Nagle, John Van Der Bilt, John C. Vanderveer, Garret Stryker, Abraham Vanderveer Garret Stryker, Adrian Hegeman, Bates. Dm 1659 to 1771. a 1671 ii 1673. i( 1673 a 1674. a 1674 i( 1675. a 1675 (( 1680. i( 1680 (( 1683. ii 1683 (( 1700. a 1700 (( 1711. (I 1711 (C 1716. ii 1716 (I 1719. (( 1716 (I 1741. ii 1741 ii 1754. n 1754 i{ 1762. li 1762 it 1773. 11 1773 a 1776. n 1776 i( 1792. « 1792 a 1794. (( 1794 (( 1804. u 1804 (I 1810. u 1810 iC 1816. n 1816 u 1819. ii 1819 t( 1823. 64 William Ellsworth, From 1823 to 1827 William Hegeman, (( 1827 a 1828, John A. Lott, a 1828 a 1842 The following is the mosi complete list of the Consta- bles of the town of Flatbush, that could be obtained from the year 1669, to the year 1842. Names. Jacob Stryker, From Bartholf Clairesen, " Cornelius Barentse, " Minne Johannes, " Cornelius Jansen, " Joseph Hegeman, " Cornelius Jansen Berrian, " Rien Aeartsen, " Cornelius Barentse, " Rinier Aeartsen, " Jan Ditmarsen " Simon Hanssen " Pieter Stryker, " Daniel Polhemus " Jan Bennem, " Jacob Van Der Boergh " Jan Bennem, " Jacob Van Der Boergh " Jan Bennem, " Hendericus Kip, " John Van Der Veer, ) ^^ John Bennet, Dep. ^ Cornelius Cornell, " Dates. 1669 to 1670. 1670 (( 1675. 1675 u 1676. 1676 a 1679. 1679 u 1681. 1681 a ■ 1682. 1682 ii 1683. 1683 a 1685. 1685 a 1686. 1686 a 1687. 1687 (I 1688, 1688 cc 1689, 1689 i( 1690. 1690 1705 a 1707. 1707 a 1708, 1708 a 1709, 1709 u 1710, 1710 a 1713 1713 i( , 1716 1716 li 1717, 1717 a 1718, 65 Johannes Symonsen, Isaac Snedecker, Jan Bennet Jan Walderom, Abraham Lott, Joris Bloom, Peter Luyster, Johannes Lott, Isaac LefFerts, Lawrence Ditmarse, Jacob Remsen, Johannes Ditmarse, Robert Betts, Phillppus Nagel, Nicholas Wyckoff, Gilliam Cornell, Peter Stryker, Nicholas Stillwell, Jacob Boerum, Joseph Benham, Cornelius Suydam, Nicholas Andriesen, Garret Van Duyn, Jeremias Van Der Bilt, Jan Laen, Thomas Doxse, Cornelius Van Cleeff, Leffert LefFerts, Aris MorfFee, Adriaen Hegeman, Vincentius Antonides^ William Merrill, William Allgeo, From 1718 to 1719 1719 (( 1720, 1720 a 1721 1721 a 1722 1722 a 1723 1723 a 1724 1724 iC 1725, 1725 a 1726 1726 u 1727. 1727 u 1728 1728 a 1729 1729 a 1730 1730 . a 1731 1731 • '^ 1732 1732 a 1733 1733 a 1734 1734 a 1735 1735 a 1736 1736 a 1737 1737 a 1738 1738 a 1739 1739 a 1740 1740 a 1742 1742 a 1743 1743 a 1745, 1745 ii 1746, 1746 u 1748, 1748 u 1749, 1749 (( 1751, 1751 a 1769 1769 a 1791, 1791 ii 1792 179a (.1 1794. 6* From 1794 to 1795. 1795 1796. 1796 1797. 1797 1810. 1810 1815. 1815 1840. 1840 1842. 66 William Merrill, William AUgeo, William Merrill, Michael Van Cleeff^ Rem Hegeman, William Allgeo, Suydam Hegeman, From among the inhabitants of the town of Flatbush, the comity have selected at different times many individii- als to fill their comity offices, as well as to represent them in the legislative assemblies of the country. From the year 1714, at which date the first minutes of the Board of Supervisors of the county commence, till the year 1840, the treasurers of the county were, with one exception, residents in the town of Flatbush. The fol- lowing is a list of the individuals who have served in this responsible office : — John Vanderbilt, of Flatbush, from October, 1714, to to October, 1737. Peter Lefferts, of Flatbush, from October, 1737, to October, 1772. Jeremias Vanderbilt, of Flatbush, from October, 1772, to May, 1786. Philip Nagel, of Flatbush, from May, 1786, to June, 1792. Johannes J. Lott, of Flatbush, from June, 1792, to De- cember, 1806. Hendrick J. Lott, of Flatlands, from December, 1806, to October, 1811. John Lefferts, of Flatbush, from October, 1811, to September, 1813. John C. Vanderveer, of Flatbush, from September, 1813, to August, 1837. 67 John A. Lott, of Flatbush, from August, 1837, to August, 1840. John Skillman, of Brooklyn, from August, 1840, to August, 1842. The following is a specimen of the usual Minute of the Board of Supervisors, in the former part of the last century, relative to auditing the acceunts of their Trea- surer. It is full, unique and characteristic of the age. " The Supervisors have examined their Treasurer and called in their warrants, and have taken the reckonings of their Treasurer, John Vanderbilt, and found that he had done as an honest man, and he is acquitted of all reckonings concerning the Supervisors, and is in Cassa or money, the sum of £00. 06. 4." The following is a list of the Clerks of the Board of Supervisors, from 1714 to 1842. 1714 to 1715, Samuel Garritson, Gravesend. 1715 to 1724, J. M. Sperling, Flatbush. 1724 to 1725, Adrian Hegeman, " 1725 to 1727, J. M. Sperling, " 1727 to 1752, Adrian Hegeman, " 1752 to 1775, Simon Boerum, Brooklyn. 1775 to 1782, Johannes Lott, Flatbush. 1782 to 1784, Johannes J. Lott, '' 1784 to 1785, Nicholas Couwenhoven, New-Utrecht. 1785 to 1801, Jacob Sharpe, Jr., Brooklyn. 1801 to 1842, Jeremiah Lott, Flatbush. Among the Judges of this county anterior to the Ameri- can Revolution, we find the following from Flatbush. Cornelius Sebring, from 1715 to 1718. 68 Peter Stryker, from 1720 to 1722. Daniel Polhemus, '' 1722 to 1724. Ryck Suydam, " 1732 to 1739. Johannes Lott, " 1742 to 1745. Abraham Lott, " 1745 to 1749. John Lefferts, " 1761 to 1777. Philip Nagel, " 1770 to 1777. Englebert Lott and > _ ^^^ Jeremiah Vanderbilt, \ "^'^^ ^"^ ^^^^■ After the Revolution, the second first Judge of the county, was Johannes E. Lott, of this town. He remain- ed upon the bench about six years. Beside these several associate judges of the court, have from time to time been taken from Flatbush, which we need not name. But among those who have represented this county in the Legislative Assemblies of the country, we find many who were inhabitants of Flatbush. In the Colonial as- semblies, who met at different periods, from 1683 to 1775, we notice the following names. Johannes Van Ecklen, fr( Henry Filkin, " Cornelius Sebring, " Gerardus Beekman, '• Cornelius Sebring, " Johannes Lott^ " Abraham Lott, " Dominicus Venderveer, " Among the Deputies from the county of King, who met in the city of New-York, in convention, April 10th, 1775, for the purpose of choosing delegates to the Ba'st Continen- tal congress, was John Vanderbilt, who from his being subsequently a member of the Senate of the State, was 1693 to 1698. 1694 to 1695. 1695 to 1698. 1698 to 1699. 1699 to 1726. 1727 to 1761. 1737 to 1750. 1750 to 1759. 69 called Senator John, to distinguish him from Judge Johra Vanderbilt. Among the delegates chosen by this conven- tion, to represent this county in that congress, were na less than three from this town, viz : Johannes Lott, John LefTerts, and John Vanderbilt. These delegates conven- ed at New- York, on the 22d, of May, 1775, and contin- ued to meet at different places, from time to time, till the adoption of the Constitution of the State, in April, 1777. John LefTerts of this town, was also a member of the Pro- vential Congress, from this county, which met on the 30th, day of June, 1776. His son Peter Lefferts, whose wi- dow still survives, was one of the two delegates from this county, to the convention which met at Poughkeepsie, on the 27th, day of June, 1778, to adopt the constitution of the United States. He was subsequently also a member of the Senate of this State, in which he appeared in a suit made entirely of homespun cloth, but of ^o fine a texture and finish, that it attracted special notice. His son, John Lefferts, whose widow is still spared to us, was a member of Congress, from this district, and also a delegate to the convention of 1821, which met for amending the constitu- tion of the State. Several persons have been selected from this town to represent the county of Kings, in the Assembly of the State, since the Revolution. In 1784 Johannes E. Lott, " 1785-6 John Vanderbilt, " 1787-8 Cornelius WyckofF, " 1789-91 Aquila Giles, " 1793 Aquila Giles, " 1802 JohnC. Vanderveer, " 1811 to 1813 John C. Vanderveer, '' 1814 Jeremiah Lott, 70 In 1815 Teunis Schenck, " 1816 & 1817 Richard Fish, " 1819 & 1820 Teunis Schenck, " 1821 & 1822 Jeremiah Lott, " 1829 John Wyckoff, " 1839 Jeremiah Lott, " 1842 John A. Lott. Statement of the population of the Town of Flatbush. including New-Lots, from the year 1810, to the year 1840, inclusive. Years- Population 1810, 1,159. 1820, 1,062. 1825, 1,027. 1830, 1,049. 1835, 1,143. 1840, 1,537. Statement of the aggregate valuations of real and per- sonal estates, in the Town of Flatbush, including New- Lots, as revised and corrected by the Board of Supervi- t.«orsof the county of Kings, from the year 1817, to 1841, inclusive. Year. Real Estate. Personal Estate. AggH Valuation. 1817, ■ 8368.057. 834.399. 8403.056. 1818, 367.107. 32.633. 399.739. 1819, 384.657. 162.904. 547.561. 1820, 363.358. 14L050. 504.408. 1821, 357.238. 115.990. 473.228. 1822, 355.713. 117.795. 473.508. 1823, 320.158. 102.365. 422.523. 71 1824, 301.300. 88.930. 390,230. 1825, 325.402. 93.140. 418 542. 1826, 317.714. 89.330. 407.044. 1827, 331.892, 90.480. 422.372. 1828, 319.840. 84.638. 404.478. 1829, 325.665. 83.580. 409.245. 1830, 321.310. 73.900. 395.210. 1831, 314.301. 62.050. 376.351. 1832, 310.396, 68.300. 384.696. 1833, 319.640. 64.475. 384.115, 1834, 387.601. 62.450. 450.051. 1835, 822.120. 144.850. 966.970, 1836, 833.970. 167.150. 1.001.120. 1837, 830,035. 167.250. 1.003.285. 1838, 860.495. 168.000. 1.028.495, 1839, 877.630. 181.850. 1.059.480, 1840, 880.055. 220.600. 1.100.555, 1841, 899.900. 218.000. 1.118.400, Thus have we sketched some of the leading facts, rela- ting to the civil history of the town of Flatbush. We cannot but mark the good hand of providence in all. He has favored the spot with health ; rendered its soil fertile ; and prospered its inhabitants. The latter have steadily pursued the even tenor of their way, and while they have enjoyed liberally the gifts of a benificent providence, have advanced in wealth and solid comforts. While in other sections of our country, the lands possessed by the original proprietors, have passed from their descendants ; here, but few farms comparatively, have changed hands ; the spirit of roving not having been cherished. Most of the farms are still in the possession of the descendants of 72 the first patentees and proprietors. Numerous families in the town too, can trace back their genealogy to the early settlement of the place. May they continue to em- ulate the virtues of their fathers, and go on in the enjoy- ment of the good land which God has given them, thank- ing Him, that " the lines have fallen to them in pleasant places, and that they enjoy so goodly a heritage." ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. In commencing the Ecclesiastical History of Flatbush, it is proper to premise, that as all the early settlers of this and the neighboring towns, came from Holland, they were united in one religious faith. They all professed the doc" trines, -and order, which were established by the national Synod, which met at Dordrecht, in the year 1618-19. This Synod was summoned by the authority of the Staats General of Holland, and was attended by the most emi- nent divines of the United Provinces, and deputies from the reformed churches of England, Scotland, Switzerland,' Bremen and other places. Seldom, if ever, has a more learned, pious and venerable assembly convened. The early inhabitants of the west end of Long Island, received as the symbols of their faith, the Belgic Confession, the Heidleburgh Catechism, and the Canons of this Sy- nod. But as there was no ecclesiastical organization in this country, at that time, they were placed under the the oversight and authority of the Classis of Amsterdam, to whom the interests of all the Dutch and German -churches in America were confided. A standing com- mittee was appointed by this Classis, called the commit- tee ad exteras and sometimes ad res maritlinas to whom the affairs of these churches were referred, during the in- tervals of session by the Classis. This committee mana- ged all the correspondence with these churches, provided them with ministers, and gave them such counsel as they 7 74 needed. This arrangement continued until the year 1772, when the organization of the present Reforn^^d Dutch Church, in this country took place, and independent Classes and Synods were established, on the model ^T the church in Holland. On Long-Island, each town had its own consistory, or bench of church officers ; but all the churches in Kings county were combined, and constituted one charge, for the period of about one hundred and fifty years. Their ministers were colleagues ; preached in turn in all the churches, and drew their salaries in cer- tain fixed proportions from the several congregations. The place of their residence was Flatbush. *^ Reformed Dutch Church of Flatbush. AWiough it is known that the inhabitants of Long- Island had among them the ordinances of the gospel at a very early date, yet the first account of building a church, is not till the year 1654. On the 15th of December, of that year. Governor Stuyvesant issued an order appoint- ing the Rev. Mr. Megapel ensis, who was one of the min- isters of New- Amsterdam ; John Snedicor and John Stryker, commissioners to build a church at Midwout. On the 13th of October, in the same year, it appears that an order was passed by the Governor, who seems to have exercised a controlling power in ecclesiastical as well as civil and military affairs, permitting the Rev. Johannes Theodorus Polhemus, a minister of the Reformed Church of Holland, to preach at Midwout and Amersfort, (or Flatlands.) The spot selected for the building of the church, was the site now occupied by the present build- ing. The order of the Governor, directed that it should be sixty, or sixty-five feet long, twenty-eight feet broad, and from twelve to fourteen feet under the beams : that 75 it should be built in the form of a cross, and that the rear should be reserved for the ministers dwelling. It is most probable that this building, which was the first church erected in the county, was of wood, and that it was com- menced, if not completed, in the succeeding year. For on the 9th of February, 1655, the Governor ordered the inha- bitants of Brooklyn and Amersfort, which were then con- nected together, with Flatbush, as one pastoral charge, and continued so for a number of years, to assist the peo- ple of Midwout in cutting timber to build their house of worship. The entries in the Deacons book of the church of Flatbush, of collections taken up on the Sabbath com- mence on the first Sabbath of January, 1655, and these entries are regularly continued, at intervals of seven days, from that time forward. From this, it is evident that di- vine service was statedly performed on every Sabbath after that period, in Flatbush. How long previously to this time this was the case, cannot be ascertained. Nor is there any record by which it can be known, when the first Consistory was ordained and the church organized. But it appears from subsequent minutes, that until the year 1681, the Consistory consisted of only two Elders and two Deacons. In September, 1660, those who had the charge of erecting the building, reported that it had cost 4,637 guil- ders, or about 81,800. Of this sum, a very considerable amount was collected by voluntary subscription, in New- Amsterdam, Fort Orange, (now Albany,) and in the dif- ferent settlements on Lons-Island. An account of these several subscriptions, is still preserved in the records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Flatbush. It is as follows : — Guilders. Stivers. 90 50 1,876 3 35 10 112 10 120 17 10 427 , 588 76 " To the building received." From Fort Orange, " Esopus, " New- Amsterdam, " Gowanus, " Brooklyn, " Amersfort, " New-Utrecht, " Midwout, " E. (India probably,) Company, • " the first preaching, (collection probably,) 90 " The Hon. Fiscal, or Attorney General, 30 " Also, in addition, 113 " Marriage Fees, 43 " Hempstead, by bequest, 50 To aid in liquidating the debt which still remained upon the building, the Governor himself, contributed 400 guil- ders, leaving still a balance of 800 against the church. From the Dutch Records in the office of the Secretary of State at Albany, we gather the following facts. " On the 6th, of August, 1655, the Governor ordered the She- riff, to convene the inhabitants of Brooklyn, Flatbush and Flatlands, for the purpose of inquiring whether they were satisfied with their minister, and if they were satisfi- ed, what sallary they would pay him. The Sheriff reported, that they approved of their minister, and would pay him a sum equal to $416.66 per year. This was approved as a good call, and accepted." The minister concerning whom this order was made, was the Rev. Johannes Theodorus Polhemus, who was the first Pastor of these churches. " February, 8th, 1656, the above towns applied to the Governor for an order to raise money by a 77 tax, to pay their minister, Granted." " December, 20th, 1659, the Rev. J. Polhemus represented to the Governor that his church wanted painting, to preserve it, and re- quested assistance from the Governor. Reply, — this re- quest shall be transmitted to the directors by the first op- portunity." " September 18th, 1660, the minister peti- tioned for windows for his church, Ordered that one window be furnished him." It having been reported, that the church was indebted to the amount of 624 guilders, it was ordered to be satis- fied out of the treasury, as soon as funds should be recei- ved. On the 15th of March, 1656, an ordinance was pass- ed by the Governor, on petition, regulating the times and places of public worship on the sabbath. It was directed that the morning service for Brooklyn, Flatbush and Flat- lands, should be held at Midwout, or Flatbush, and the afternoon service alternately, at Brooklyn and Flatlands. The first church at Flatlands was ordered to be erected in the year 1662, and that at Brooklyn, in the year 1666. The Rev. Mr. Polhemus the first pastor, was at this time quite advanced in life, and unable to perform the services appertaining to so extended a charge. In consequence of this, on application to Governor Stuyvesant, permission was granted to the church, of Brooklyn, to call another minister. A request to this efiect was sent to Holland, and on the 16th, of February, 1660, a call upon the Rev. Henry Solyns, or Henricus Selwyn, was approved by the Classis of Amsterdam, and an honorable dismission given to Mr. Solyns, wishing him a safe and prosperous jour- ney by land, and by water, to his congregation, in the New-Netherlands. He was installed in the church at Brooklyn, on the 3d, of September, 1660, in the presence of the Fiscal and Burgomaster Krigier, by the order of 78 Governor Stuyvesant. His salary was six hundred guil- ders per annum, equal to a little rising two hundred dol- lars. Although nothing certainly is known of the services of Mr. Solyns, in Flatbush, it is probable, from the infirmities of Mr. Polhemus, and the friendship which existed between them, that occasionally, at least, he must have preached in Flatbush ; although he was regarded as more especial- ly the minister of the church of Brooklyn, and received as such, from the Rev. J. Polhemus, on the 12th, of Septem- ber, 1660, a list of his members, containing thirty-seven names. Mr. Solyns was a man of more than ordinary ta- lents and learning. This was soon discovered, and in the year 1662, an arrangement was made, by which he preached at the Governor's house, on his " Bowerie," or Farm, on Sunday afternoons. His ministry at this time, in this country however, was of short continuance ; for on the 22d, of July, 1664, he took leave of his congregation, and sailed in the ship Beaver, for Holland. He subsequently returned to this country, and was pastor of the Dutch church, in New-York, from 1682, to 1700. He was a man of classical taste and learning, and highly esteemed in his day. He prefixed a Latin poem to Cotton Mather's " Magnalia Christi Americana," bearing date, October, 16th, 1697. After the departure of Mr. Solyns, the churches were left to such services as the Rev. Mr. Polhemus, in his old age could confer upon them. He appears however to have been assisted at this period by the Rev. Johannes Megapolensis, one of the ministers of the city of New- Am- sterdam. This arrangement continued till the year 1676, on the 8th, of June, in which year, Mr. Polhemus died. Application was then made to the Classis of Amsterdam. 79 for another minister, by whom the Rev. Caspar us Van Zuren who had been settled at Gouderack, was sent out. He was installed on the 6th, of September, 1677. It is probable, that about this time, the church of New-Utrecht was organized, and received into the combination : for the first election of Elders and Deacons in this church, took place in the month of October, 1677. The record in the hand writing of the Rev. Mr. Van Zuren, under date 1677, which gives the account of the change of Elders and Deacons in the several churches of Brooklyn, Amers- fort, Flatbush and New-Utrecht contains the following minute relative to the last named church " At New- Utrecht, while there has never heretofore been an election of Elders and Deacons, the assembled congregation have now chosen for Elders Jan Gysbertse and Mainderd Courtes ; for deacons, Auris Williamse Brower and Jan Hanse, and this has all taken place in the beginning of October, and they have been ordained about the same time and at the same place."' In the year 1681, the Consistory of the church of Flat- bush was enlarged, by the addition of one Elder and one Deacon, chosen from among the members at New-Lots. None of the consistories of the churches on the island as yet, consisted of more than two Elders and two Deacons, and this appears to have been the case for some years subse- quent to this period, with the exception of the church of Flatbush. The minute relative to the enlargement of the Consistory of the church of Flatbush is as follows : " N. B. In consequence of the increase of the commu- nicants and housekeepers, at Oostwoud, together with that of the children (where for the instruction and edification of the young and aged, a schoolmaster is required.) It is unanimously ordained and approved of by the Honora- ble Consistory of Midwoud, that at Oostwoud, under the 80 jurisdiction of Midwoud, there ought to be chosen an Elder and a Deacon, who shall be members of the Consis- tory of Midwoud, to have the oversight of the members of Oostwoud, in particular and over those of Midwoud in ge- neral, and in matters of importance, whenever the mem- bers of the Consistory are assembled, they must ah\ays be requested to meet with them to obtain their advice as well as that of others. And to that end, are chosen for Elder, William Jacobse Van Boerum ; for Deacon, Rem Rem- sen. Concluded in Consistory of Midwoud, on the 6th of January, 1681. The above elected persons having been several times proclaimed, were ordained at Midwoud, on the 30th, of January.'' Little is known with regard to the Rev. Mr. Van Zu- ren's ministry or character. He appears to have been a man of great industry and system. He has left the most copious minutes of the services which he performed. In addition to the lists of the members of the churches, and the records of baptisms and marriages, he has noted the times and places of administering the Lord's Supper, together with the texts of scripture from which he preached, and the election of new Elders and Deacons in the several churches in each year, together wuth the time of their induction into their respective offices. His record of bap- tisms commences on the 16th of September, 167T, and of marriages on the 29th of September, 1677. He contin- ued to serve these congregations till the year 1685, when he received a call from his former church in Holland, and returned to his native land. He was succeeded by the Rev. Rudolphus Varick in the same year. He continued till the year 1694, when the Rev. Wilhemus Lupandus was called, who officiated until the time of his death, which occurred in the year 1701 or 2. Of these two gentlemen nothing now is known. 81 In the year 1698, a subi^ription was taken up for the purpose of erecting a new church. This subscription, which was confined to the inhabitants of the old town and New-Lots, amounts to 15,728 guilders and 5 stivers, which reckoning a guilder at forty cents, is equal to $6,291.20. The precise time at which the church was built, is not known ; but it was no doubt during that year or the one that succeeded. The committee to whom the erection of the church was entrusted, were, Captain Daniel Polhemus, Captain Aries Vanderbilt, Adrian Ryers, Rem Remsen, and Rem Aertson. This building, which was located on the spot on which the first church stood, was a stone edifice, fronting the east, with a large arched double door in the centre, having a steep four-sided roof coming nearly together at the top, on which was erected a small steeple. The building was wider in front then in depth, being about sixty-five north and south, and about fifty feet east and west. The roof rested on the walls, and was partly supported by them, and partly by two large oak columns, standing in a line within the building, in a northerly and southerly direction, and at a suitable distance from each other. The two columns supported a plate in the centre of a lofty arched planked ceiling, the north and south ends of which, rested on the wall, in conse- quence of which, the north and south walls of the build- ing were considerable higher than those of the east and west. There were two large and broad braces extending from each column to the plate. The roof appeared to be badly constructed. Its pressure on the walls was so great, that in process of time, the upper part of the north- erly wall was pressed out more than a foot over the foun- dation, and the four braces attached to the columns within the building, were considerably bent from the weight and 82 pressure above. The pulpMiH^s placed in the centre of the west side of the building, fronting the door, having the Elders bench on the right, and the Deacons bench on the left. The male part of the congregation were seated in a continuous pew, all along the wall, which was divided into twenty apartments, with a sufficient number of doors for entrance : each person having one or more seats, in one or the other of these apartments. The residue of the interior of the building, was for the accommodation of the female part of the congregation, who were seated on chairs. These were arranged into seven different rows, or blocks, and every family had one or more chairs in some one of these blocks. This interior arrangement of the seats, was called by the significant Dutch term "De Gestoeltens." Each chair was marked on the back by a number, or by the name of the family or person to whom it belonged. The windows of this church were formed of small panes of glass ; and those on either side of the pulpit, were painted, or ornamented and set in lead. It is probable that about the year 1698, when the first church was pulled down, in which as we have seen, there was accommodation for the minister and his family, the first parsonage house was built. This is the south part of the present building now occupied by L. L. Van Kleeck, Esq. which has undergone so many important improvements under his hands. About the time of the building of this second church, a certain paper was drawn up and adopted, entitled " Ar- tides, Laws and Ordinances, by which the church of Flatbush shall be governed and occupied, by the inhabi- tants and builders." This document contains certain provisions : — 1st. Concerning the occupancy and posses- sion of the seats . 2d. Concerning the tenure of the seats 83 whenever the owners remove ; and 3d. Concerning in- torments in the church. These provisions are all wise and prudent, but some of them appear at the present day- somewhat curious. We shall only extract from this do- cument, the articles concerning "interments in the church." They are as follows : — "1. Those who are inclined to be interred within the church, are required to pay for an adult corps of sixteen years and upwards, £4 ; for a corps under sixteen years, to six years of age, £3; and for a child of six years and under, £2 ; and this shall be paid to the Church Masters, for the profit of the church. 2. "Those who are inclined to be permitted to be interred in the church, are required to pay the expense of every person : for a corps of sixteen years and upwards, the sum of 27 cruilders : for one under sixteen vears to six years, 22 guilders : for a child of six years and under, 19 guilders, for the profit of the schoolmaster, for the time being, who shall be required to see that the graves are to be dug so deep that two coffins can be placed therein, one above the other, and that the grave for the under coffin is seven feet deep, and that he shall remove all dirt out of the church." From this time, the practice of burying under the body of the church, became quite general. All the ministers who died after this date, (1701,) during the standing of that church, were interred under the building ; and this indeed was the case with all whose friends could afford to pay the extra expense connected with this privilege ; and this accounts for the fact, that the grave yard now contains so few tomb stones of ancient date. Vast numbers of human bones were dug up when the earth was removed for the foundation of the steeple to the present church. 84 These were all carefully preserved, and subsequently again buried. In front of the church, and under it have been interred the bodies of nearly three or four genera- tions. At the time of the building of this church, the Rev. W. Lupardus, was pastor. After his death, which occurred towards the close of the year 1701, or in the commence- ment of the year 1702, the congregations of the county made an effort to call the Rev. Bernardus Freeman, then pastor of the Reformed Dutch Church of Schenectady. Three men were chosen in each of the four towns, of Flatbush, Brooklyn, Flatlands and New-Utrecht, for the purpose of prosecuting this call, in accordance with the provisions of the government, which then exercisd control over the church. An application was made to Lord Cornbury, the then. Governor of the Colony, for permis- sion to call Mr. Freeman. This request was, on the 23d of October, 1702, denied by the Governor ; and the four congregations were directed to send to Holland for a min- ister, in conformity with their previous custom. It would appear that another effort was made to obtain the Rev. Mr. Freeman, in the year 1703. On the 27th of April, in that year. Lord Cornbury, issued a warrant granting full liberty to call Mr. Freeman. The congregation of Schenectady, however, remonstrated against the proceed- ing, and sent a petition to Governor Cornbury, requesting that the calling of Mr. Freeman should be interdicted. But this petition was denied by Lord Cornburv in an or- der issued by him bearing date June 24th, 1703. A call was accordingly presented to the Rev. Mr. Freeman, who in a letter date August 2d, 1703, consents to accept the same, provided -^rtain conditions which he names are complied with. I n the 19th of Aufjust, 1703, these con- 85 ditions were acceded to by the congregation of Flatbush. Previously however to this, it would appear that certain difficulties had arisen relative to this matter. Some, if not all, the persons who had been deputed from the seve- ral congregations to call the Rev. Mr. Freeman, for some cause which does not appear, became disaffected towards him. In consequence of this, they did not comply with the instructions which they had received— but not only neg- lected to answer the letter of Mr. Freeman, informing- hirn that the congregation had complied with his stipulations, but addressed a letter to the Consistory of Schenectady, stating that the most part of the congregation were in favor of sending to Holland for a minister — but that only some " stiff heads," as they term them, had enjoined them to make a call upon Dom. Freeman. Eventually, Mr. Freeman visited the island himself, and having ascertain- ed the true state of things, consented to accept the call. The matter, however, appears to have been in agitation for more than two years before he came. For he was not installed until the year 1705. This took place by procla- mation of the Governor, in the church at New-Utrecht, in November of that year. The service was performed on the occasion, by the Rev. Mr. Dubois. In the mean time, however, the disaffected persons v/rote a letter to the Classisof Amsterdam, bearing date, December 10th, 1703, requesting that a minister should be sent out to these churches from Holland. This letter was received by the Classisof Amsterdam, on the 2d, June, 1704, and on the 6th, of October, 1704, they commissioned the Rev. Vin- eentius x\ntonides, to proceed to America, for the purpose of becoming the pastor of the church of Flatbush, and of the Dutch churches adjoining. He was at the time pastor of the church of Bergen, in Friesland. In their letter to 8 86 the churches, the Classis of Amsterdam, speak of him as a man of great learning, and of fine talents. He arrived in this country, and in connection with the Rev. Mr. Freeman, entered upon his duties in the year 1705. But a very unhappy controversy, which had its origin previ- ously to his arrival, continued to agitate the churches. We need not enter into the particulars of it. It is sufficient to state that the contest was so warm between the friends of these respective ministers, that the civil authority had to interfere, and one or two orders were passed on the sub- ject, by Lord Cornbury, the Governor. Some of these are curious, as exhibiting the powers which the Governor and his council exercised in the affairs of the church. These differences continued to agitate these several congrega- tions, until the year 1714, w^hen they were harmoniously reconciled. On the 27th, of December, in that year, a meeting was held in Flatbush, composed of delegates from the churches of Flatbush, Brooklyn, Flatlands, New- Utrecht, Bushwick and New-Jamaica, (as it is called in the document which gives the account of this meeting,) or the Reformed Dutch congregation of Queens County, which was then about being organized, and was supplied by the ministers from this county. This meeting was as- sembled in good friendship, as they state in the pream- ble to their transactions. They all agreed to lay aside their differences, and to receive the Rev. Messrs. Free- man and Antonides, as their pastors and teachers. They fixed the proportion of salary, to be raised by the several churches for their support, and the times and places of ad- ministering the Lord's Supper and of preaching. In re- gard to the communion, it was agreed, that Buskwick, Brooklyn and Flatbush, should commune together ; Flat- lands, Gravesend and New-Utrecht, together; and the con- gregation of Queens County, should form another com- 87 munion. In regard to preaching, it was agreed, that one minister should preach on one Sabbath in Bushwick, and the other in New-Utrecht ; that on the next Sablmth, one in Brooklyn, and the other in Flatlands ; and the third Sab- bath, one in Flatbush and the other in Jamaica, and thus on in regular rotation. From this time forth, for a num- ber of years the churches enjoyed peace. The unhappy controversy to which we have alluded, was, by Him, who causes the wrath of man to praise Him, overruled for good. For, from that time forward, the churches of the county enjoyed the services of two ministers of the gospel who in addition to their pulpit ex- ercises, performed all the usual parochial duties ; such as visiting the sick, catechising the youth, pastoral visita- tion of families, and the like. All of which, had hereto- fore been attended to by one individual, who from the extent of the charge, could not possibly have rendered all the services which were needful and proper. To accommodate these pastors, it became necessary to provide another parsonage. Accordingly, in the year 1711, the congregations purchased of Johannes Johnson, the house owned by Mr. John H. Hess, and recently oc- cupied by Mr. Michael Schoonmaker. Deeds for this property, in proportion to their several rights were given to the respective Dutch congregations in the county ; this church being entitled to the fourth equal part. This building was used as a parsonage, until the year 1809, when it was sold, an account of which will be subsequent- ly given. In this and the other parsonage adjoining the church, the Rev. Mr. Freeman, and the Rev. Mr. Antoni- des were accommodated, but we are not able to tell in which house they severally resided. 88 Both these ministers appear to have been men of more than ordinary acquirements and talent. The Rev. Mr. Freeman, was a very learned divine. He wrote and pub- lished several works. Among others, one entitled, " Tri- al of Grace," or the " Ballance," containing a series of sermons ; and another, entitled, " Apothems," which has been translated from the original Dutch, by General Je- remiah Johnson. The latter work discovers a vast amount of learning, and a mind of the deepest research. It is a treasure of truth. In the year 1737, a meeting of ministers was held in New- York, for the purpose of taking measures to organize a Csetus or Assembly of Ministers and Elders, subordi- nate to the Classis of Amsterdam, with powers some- what similar to those now exercised by the Classes of the Reformed Dutch Church, in this country. At this meet- ing the Rev. Mr. Freeman attended, on behalf of the churches on Long-Island. A plan was adopted for the organization of such a body, and was submitted to the churches, for their approbation. On the 27th, of April, 1738, the meeting again convened, in the city of New- York, for the purpose of hearing the reports on this subject. At this meeting the churches on Long-Island were repi'esented by the Rev. Mr. Freeman, and the Elders Pe- ter Nevius and Dirk Brinkerhoff. The plan having been approved by the churches generally, it was now ratified and adopted, and immediately sent over to the Classis of Amsterdam, for their approval. But for some cause not known, the approbation of the Classis did not reach this country until the j^ear 1746. It was brought over by the Rev. Mr. Van Sinderen, of whom we shall presently speak. Mr. Freeman died in the year 1741. He was succeeded by the Rev. Johannes Arondeus, in the year 1742, who 89 Was the colleague of the Rev. V. Antonides till the year 1744, when the latter died. On the death of Rev. Mr. Antonides, the Rev. Ulpianus Van Sinderen was called. He came from Holland, and entered upon his duties, in 1746, and continued to serve the congregation in connection with the Rev. Mr. Aron- deus until the year 1754, when Mr. Arondeus was called to his final account. Mr. Van Sinderen was the bearer of the letter from the Classsis of Amsterdam, containing their approbation of the plan of the Coetus which had been agreed upon in the meeting, held in New- York, in the year 1738. Shortly after his arrival in this country, a meeting was called to receive this letter. This meeting was held in the city of New-York, in the month of May, 1747. The Rev. Mr. Van Sinderen, is named first among the six ministers who attended this meeting. Little more was done at this time than receive the letter of concurrence in the plan from the Classis of Amsterdam, and appoint the second Tuesday of the following September, for the meeting of the first Csetus, to be held in the city of New- York, under this new plan. On that day, the representatives of the churches met in Castus, and organized the first judicatory (if it can be so called) higher than a consistory, that was established in the Dutch Church in America. The Rev. Mr. Van Sinderen attended as a member of this body. The plan was how- ever opposed by several ministers, and churches, and eventually gave rise to very serious troubles, which it would be inappropriate here to narrate in detail. Mr. Van Sinderen, though a man of talents, was quite eccentric in his manners. He was short in statue, but very active. 8* m Though endowed with learning, he appears to have been deficient in sound judgment. He was too much in the habit of introducing the occurrences of the week pre- vious in his sermons, on the Sabbath, and often would al- lude to very trifling circumstances. Some amusing an- ecdotes, are told of him, relating to this practice. On one occasion, a good old Eider, who had borne with the Do- mine in this particular, till his patience was exhausted, very injudiciously, under the excitement of his feelings, rose in his seat, during divine service, and interrupted Mr. Van Sinderen, hy saying, they had called him to preach the gospel, and not to detail to them such matters. The Domine, indignant at being stopped in his discourse, lean- ed over the pulpit, and replied, " You, Phlip Nagle, if j^'ou can preach the gospel better than I can, come up here and try." After the death of the Rev. Mr. Arondeus, the Rev. Anthony Curtenius was called. He commenced his min- istry in this place in the year 1755. But in the succeed- ing year, on the 19th. of October, he died, being in his 58th, year. About this time, or probably, a little while before, this church was greatly agitated, in common with the whole Reformed Dutch denomination, with what was called the Coetus and Conferentie differences. This was a contest which excited great warmth. It related principally to the question of the right of ordination, and the exercise of church authority. The Cietus party contended that in consequence of the inconvenience of sending to Holland for ministers, and the increase of the churches in this coun- try, it should be exercised by the ministers of the church, already in America, and that for this purpose, there should be a regular organization of the churches into Clas- 91 ses, and Synods, as was the case in Holland, to whom should appertain all the rights and privileges belonging to such ecclesiastical bodies, in the mother country. The Conferentie party, on the other hand, maintained that all ministers should be ordained in Holland, and sent forth un- der the authority of the Classis of Amsterdam, or by their permission. The controversy was a very unhappy one, and continued to trouble the churches until the year 1772. This congregation was not exempt from the general dif- ficulties. So divided and embittered against each other were many on this subject, that the different parties would not worship together, nor even speak to each other. Sometimes they would not turn out when they met on the road. On one occasion, it is said that two of these re- doubtable opponents belonging to Flatbush, meeting each other in their waggons, and both refusing to give the road, they each deliberately took out their pipes, and began to smoke ! How long they continued at this very pacific em- ployment is not stated, nor is it said whether the difficulty between them was lost sight of by the cloud of smoke ob-, scuring their vision, or whether their pipes w^ere ever turned into the calumut of peace. In August, 1759, the Rev. Johannes Casparus Rubel, was called, who continued as colleague with the Rev. Mr. Van Sinderen, until the year of his death. The old or second church, which we have above des- cribed, continued without material change until about two years previous to the war of the American Revolution, when it was thought necessary to remodel or improve the seats, by introducing pews. Consequently, on the 6th of October, 1774, the church masters prepared a subscription paper, detailing the plan by which this desirable object should be accomplished. This paper was signed by every 92 male adult person of the congregation who had an interest in the church. This document exhibits in a striking man- ner, the wisdom, foresight, sound discretion and piety of the men of that day. In this too, as well as in almost every other public ecclesiastical document, they refer to the arti- cles of their faith, as established in the National Synod of Dordrecht, in the year 1618, 1619. The assent of the whole congregation having been thus prudently obtained, they commenced in the year 1775 to remodel the seats. The chairs were removed, and sixty-four pews, containing six seats each, were introduced. The work having been com- pleted on the 2Sth, day of September, in the same year, the pews were drawn for, by the members of the congre- gation, and assigned to the respective owners by lot, and a record of the same accordingly made. The expense incurred by this improvement, amounted to .£290. IG. 9. or 8727.09, of which sum, the respective pew holders paid £190.4.6. equal to 8475.56. John Bennan, Thomas Lane, Isaac Martense, Adrian Martense and Vincent An- tonides, were the carpenters who performed the work, and the painting was done by William Post. There were two galleries along the easterly side of the church, divided by the door ; the one was occupied by the whites, and the other by coloured persons. The benches below, under these gal- leries were free, and usually occupied by non-residents. On each side of the church were two windows, and one upper window in each of the ends, at the north and south. These were all provided with shutters. The bell rope hung down in the centre of the church, was easy of access, and often used to give alarms, during the revolutionary war. Here were two benches with backs, one called the "Ye- frows Bench," and the otherthe "Blue Bench." The former^ was for the accommodation of the minister's wife and fam- 93 i'ly and the other was let out to other individuals, and from its position, was regarded as an honorable seat. Boards on which the first Psalm to be sung was noted, were hung upon the walls of the church, for the benefit of such as were not present when it was announced. The Dea- cons were furnished with long rods, at the ends of which, were velvet bags, in which to take up the collection, and they usually stood for a few moments with their poles in their hands in front of the pulpit, till the minister briefly reminded the congregation of their duty to the poor. The Rev. Messrs. Van Sinderen and Rubel, continued to officiate in the church, until the close of the revolu- tionary war, in 1783. With regard to these individuals, several unpleasant difficulties arose in the five congrega- tions of the county, who were under their pastoral charge, — and as their residence, as that of all the previous min- isters had been, was at Flatbush, the inhabitants of this town took a warm and active interest in these differences. The particulars of these, it would not be edifying to re- late. In regard to politics, which during the revolutionary struggle, was a matter of deep interest ; the Rev. Mr. Van Sinderen appears to have been in favor of the Ameri- can cause, and the Rev. Mr. Rubel, strongly opposed to it. On a fast day which was ordered to be kept by the Provincial Congress, the latter preached in Flatbush, from the text, "honor the king;" when among other things, he said, " people could do as well without a head as without a king." This gave great offence to those who were in fa- vor of throwing off" the British yoke. At the close of the war, in June 1784, at the request of the united Consistory, the Rev. Mr. Van Sinderen resign- ed his charge, and on the 12th of July, in the same year, was declared Emeritus and a certain salary voted to him 94 as such, which was regularly paid him, until the day of his death, which occurred on the 23d of July, 1796. He was interred in the grave yard at Flatlands, to which place he had removed some {"ew years previously. The Rev. Mr. Ruble, was for certain causes, which it is not ne- cessary to mention, deposed from the office of the sacred ministry, by the Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church, in the early part of the year 1784. He remained under this censure, till the time of his death, which took place in 1799. His remains lie interred in the public cemetery of the Reformed Dutch Church of Flatbush. In the year 1785, a call was made on the Rev. Marti- nus Schoonmaker, then officiating at Gravesend and Har- leam. He having accepted the call, the congregation of Gravesend was admitted formally into the combina- tion. On the 28th of October, 1787, the Rev. Peter Lowe, a native of Ulster County, who had completed his theological studies under the Rev. Dr. Livingston, was installed colleague pastor with Mr. Schoonmaker. These two continued to preach alternately in the old church, until it was taken down, in the year 1794. All the ser- vices of the above named ministers, were performed in the Dutch language, until the 10th of April, 1792, when it was resolved that the service in the afternoon, in the congregations of Brooklyn, Flatbush and New-Utrecht, should be held in the English language, on such days as the Rev. Mr. Lowe should preach in those places. In the year 1785, the church became incorporated. As this introduced an important change in the manage- ment of the fiscal concerns, it may be proper here to present the following statement, of the manner in which the temporalities of the church had been previously ad- ministered, and the steps taken to obtain the incorporation. 95 The landed estate and general financial interests of the Church of Flatbush, from the time of its organization, were entrusted to the care and management of Church Masters, similar to the mode and usage practised by the Reformed churches in Holland. The Church Masters were three in number, elected by the '• Gemeente," or assembled congregation, out of the Consistory, and held their offices for two years, corresponding with the official term of the Elders and Deacons. When the Church Masters were first chosen, they were divided into two classes, and the seat of the member of the first class be- came vacant at the expiration of the first year, and the seats of the two members of the second class, at the ex- piration of the second year, so that thereafter, one or the other members of each class might be annually chosen. They were required to render an annual statement of their receipts and expenditures, and the correctness of the accounts of the retiring Church Master, or Church Mas- ters, as the case might be, was always certified on the church books. The temporalities belonging to the church, and consisting of real and personal estate, appear to have been prudently and judiciously managed and preserved by the Church Masters thus chosen, down to the close of the year, 1784, a period of nearly one hundred and seventy years. The last Church Masters, were John Vanderbilt, Isaac Snediker and Johannes E. Lott, whose accounts were examined by the Trustees of the church, and by them found satisfactory : whereupon the following certifi- cate was entered upon the church books. "John Van- derbilt, Isaac Snediker and Johannes E. Lott, Church Masters, having come .together, and rendered an account of their receipts and expenditures to the Trustees who are chosen in their place, and the Church Masters have been ^6 found faithful in their trust, are thanked by us, the under- written Trustees, for their services." On the 6th day of April, in the year 1784, the Legis- lature of the State of New- York, passed an Act, entitled " An Act to enable all religious denominations in this State, to appoint Trustees, who should be a Body Corpo- rate, for the purpose of taking care of the temporalities of their respective congregations, and for other purposes therein mentioned." As the revolutionary war was now just closed, and peace again restored, the inhabitants of the tov/n of Flatbush, at once saw the advantages which their church might derive from this Act authorizing the incor- poration of religious societies. Accordingly, on Sunday the 26th day of December, 1784, public notice was given by the Rev. Martinus Schoonmaker, the minister of the church, by a publication therein, immediately after divine service, and before the congregation was dismissed, notify- ing all male persons who statedly worshiped in the said church, to meet therein, on the 17th day of January, then next ensuing, at one o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, for the purpose of electing Trustees to take care of the temporalities of the said church, pursuant to the provisions of the above-mentioned Act. The same notification was again made, in the said church, by the same minister, on the 2d day of January, 1785, in manner aforesaid. In pursuance of which notifications, the male persons who statedly worshiped in the said church, accordingly met at the time and place appointed, and in the presence of Jere- mias Van Der Bilt and Joris Martense, Elders and Judges of the election, did then, and there, by plurality of voices, elect Phlip Nagel, Cornelius WyckoiT, Hendrick Suy- dam, Peter LefFerts and John R. Vanderbilt, Trustees to take care of the temporalities of the said church, pur- 97 suant to the directions in the said Act mentioned and pre- scribed. The style, name and title, by which the said Trustees and their successors should forever thereafter be called, known and distinguished, was designated to be, " The Trustees of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Flatbush." These proceedings were all certified under the hands and seals, of Jeremias Vanderbilt and Joris Martense, the above-named Elders and Judges of the elec- tion, and duly acknowledged and recorded in the Clerk's office of the County of Kings, on the said 17th day of January, 1785. Upon the organization of the Board of Trustees, Philip Nagel was appointed their Treasurer, and they made a record of all the real and personal es- tate belonging to the church. The church of Flatbush continued under the above- mentioned Act, providing for the incorporation of religious societies generally, until the 19th day of December, 1804. Some few years anterior to this time, the Legislature of the State, passed a special Act providing for the incorpo- ration of the Reformed Dutch Churches, and therein desig- nated who should be the Trustees of every Dutch church, and the manner of their appointment. By this Act, it is provided that the '"minister or ministers, and elders and deacons, and if during any time there be no minister, then the elders and deacons during such time, of every Reform- ed Protestant Dutch Church or congregation, now, or hereafter to be established in this State, and elected ac- cordins: to the rules and usages of such churches within this State, shall be the Trustees for every such church or congregation. The Act then prescribes the mode in which the Trustees and their successors shall become a body corporate, and the name or title of such incorpora- tion. In the same Act, further provision is made that it 9 98 shall be lawful for the Trustees of any Reformed Protes- tant Dutch Church or congregation, elected by virtue of any former law of this State, by writing under their hands and seals, duly proved and acknowledged, and also re- corded in the office of the clerk of the county, to declare their will, not to continue any longer a body corporate under such former law, and thereupon such body corpo- rate shall cease, and all the estate, real and personal held by them, shall pass and be vested in the Trustees of the church or congregation made a body corporate, in the manner provided for the Dutch churches. Under the provisions of the Act last above-mentioned, John Hegeman, Johannes E. Lott, Court Van Brunt and Andrew Suydam, " The Trustees of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Flatbush," elected ac- cording to the provisions of the Act, entitled " An Act to enable all religious denominations in this State, to appoint Trustees, who shall be a body corporate, for the purpose of taking care of the temporalities of their respective congregations, and for other purposes therein mentioned," Passed April 6th, 1784, did on the 19th day of Decem- ber, 1804, by a certificate executed under their hands and seals, certify and declare, that they would not continue any longer a body corporate, under the said recited Act ; which certificate was duly proved, acknowledged and re- corded, as the Act requires. On the same day, (Decem- ber 19th 1804,) Martinus Schoonmaker and Peter Lowe, ministers, Peter Stryker, John Williamson, Johannes E. Lott and Hendrick H. Suydam, Elders, and Joseph Hege- man, Cornelius Stryker and Lawrence Voorhees, Deacons elected according to the rules and usages of the Reform- ed Protestant Dutch Church of Flatbush, did by a certifi- cate, executed under their hands and seals, also certify and declare, that they and their successors, forever should 99 be known and distinguished as a body corporate, by virtue* of the Act entitled " An Act, to provide for the incorpora- tion of religious societies." Passed March 27th, 1801, (see Revised Laws of the State of New- York, by Kent and RadclifT, vol. 1, page 336,) by the name or title of "The Trustees of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the Town of Flatbush, in Kings County." This certificate was also duly proved and acknowledged, and recorded in the Clerk's office, of the County of Kings. And the minister or ministers. Elders and Deacons of the church, have ever since been continued, under the provi- sions of the last mentioned Act, as a body corporate, by the name or title expressed and set forth in the original certificate now remaining of record. On the 19th of August, 1793, the inhabitants of the town of Flatbush, assembled in public meeting at the church, and having again declared their adherence to the doctrines and order of the Dutch Church, as ratified by the National Synod, held at Dordrecht, unanimously re- solved to erect a new house for public worship. Certain conditions and stipulations were agree upon, and a build- ing committee, consisting of the Trustees of the church, then five in number, and five Commissioners were ap- pointed to carry their design into execution. The names of these Trustees and Commissioners, were Cornelius Vanderveer, John Bennem, Johannes J. Lott, Peter Stry- ker, John Vanderveer, John Vanderbilt, Hendrick H. Suydam, Johannes E. Lott, John Williamson and Adrian Martense. This committee immediately proceeded to their work. They engaged Thomas Fardon as the architect and master builder, and Simeon Back, Frederic Cleaveland, Abijah Baldwin, Gideon Seaman, and other carpenters under him. The master mason was John Sanford, who was assisted by his two brotherc .and others under him. 100 The painting of the church, when completed, was done by Matthew Hall, the father of George Hall, the fir&t Mayor of the city of Brooklyn. This edifice, which is the one now standing, was three years in building. It was commenced in December, 1793, and finished in De- cember, 1796. It is- most saibstantially built — all the stones of the former church being placed in its founda- tion, which is at least six feet broad. Most of the stones for the walls, were quarried at Hurlgate. They were brought by water to Gowanus and Denton's mill, by Je- remiah Van Dyke, from whence they were carted to Flat- bush, by the inhabitants. The brown stone which forms the three upper courses just above the foundation, were broken out of the Brooklyn woods. The brick around the doors and windows, which by the way, is almost the only matter of bad taste about the building, came from Hol- land, as ballast, in one of the ships belonging to the Ho- norable John Vanderbilt. The cost of this edifice was £4873. 7. 7. equal to $12,183, 44. exclusive of the labor and cartage perform- ed by the members of ihe congregation, which was an item of very considerable amount. On the 6th day of December, 1796, the pews in the church amounted to nine- ty-seven, exclusive of those reserved for the Elders and Deacons, the Pastor, the Justice of the peace, and a few for strangers, were sold at public auction, for the aggre- gate sum of £2013. 7. 9. equalto$5.033, 47. which did not meet the expense of the building by more than $7,000. A suitable register of the pews was then made, and of their respective owners. At the completion of the church, in the year 1796, a fine bell, imported expressly from Holland, was presented fo-r its use, by the Honorable John Vanderbilt, for which a vote of thanks was passed by the Consistory, a copy of w^ioh was ordered to be transmitted 101 to the liberal donor. The vessel in which this bell was shipped, was captured by the British, on her passage to this country, and carried into Halifax, — and from the fact that the bell had on it, this inscription, " Presented to the Reformed Dutch Church of Flatbush, by John Vander- bilt," it was presumed that both vessel and cargo, belong- ed to a Holland merchant, and she was on the point of being condemned, when Mr. Charles Clarkson, the son-in- law of Mr. Vanderbilt, went to Halifax and testified that he was a citizen of the United Spates. It is something of a remarkable fact, that the second or third time that this bell was used, was on the occasion of the funeral of this noble spirited man. Although we shall have occasion hereafter to mention this distinguished individual, we trust we shall be pardoned for here stopping for a moment, to render the tribute of respect to his memory. He was a man of great nobleness of mind, of liberal views, and of enlarged public spirit. He died on the 18th of No- vember, 1796, in the fift^^-seventh year of his age. His monumental stone, bears the following testimony to his worth. " He was a merchant of distinguished probitj' — a real patriot — an affectionate relative — a sincere friend, and a worthy man. Blessed with affluence, he displayed a spirit of munificence in promoting the interests of his country, of religion and virtue. The moderation and conciliatory disposition which accompanied and conducted his virtues, secured him through life, an esteem almost unrivalled, and rendered his death, a great loss to the public, and to his family irreparable." The church after its completion, was dedicated to the service of Almighty God, in the month of January, 1797. The Rev. Martinus Schoonmaker, preached a sermon in the Dutch language, on that interesting occasion, and the 9* ia2 Rev. Peter Lowe, preached in English in the afternoon of the same day. The combination between the six congregations of the county, to which we have alluded, continued until the year 1805, when the church of Brooklyn, called the Rev. Selah S. Woodhull, as their pastor exclusively. In the year 1808, the churches of Flatbush and Flatlands, united in a call upon the Rev. Peter Lowe, to become their pastor, which was accepted, and he continued in that relation, until the time of his death, which occurred on the 10th day of June, 1818. He was much beloved by the people of his charge ; a man of fervent piety and of active usefulness. His death was that of the triumphant Christian. His remains lie interred in the public ceme- tery of this church. In the fall of the year 1818, the churches of Flat- bush and Flatlands-, made a call on theRev. Walter Monteith, who was installed their pastor in the year 1819. He continued his connection with this people only for a little more than a year, — for on the 13th of April, 1820, he resigned his charge, having accepted a call to the Presbyterian Church in Schenectady. After the resignation of the Rev. Mr. Monteith, the congrega- tions remained vacant for upwards of two years. In the month of May, 1822, a call was made out by the church of Flatbush alone, on the present pastor, which was accepted by him, in August of that year, and on the 17th day of November ensuing, (1822,) he was installed by the Clas- sis of Long-Island. The combination between the six Dutch churches in the county, was not however finally dissolved, until the death of the Rev. Martinus Schoon- maker, which took place on the 20th day of May, 1824, when he was at the advanced age of eighty-seven years. This venerable man was eminent for his faithful perfor- 103 mance of duty, and his devotion to his Masters work. He continued to preach until within a few months of his death, — after having served the people of his charge for nearly forty years, he was gathered to his fathers, and his end was peace. In the year 1830, measures were first taken for the erection of the Consistory Room of the Reformed Dutch Church of Flatbush. The want of accommodation for religious services, other than those on the Sabbath, and particularly of a suitable place in which to hold the Sab- bath Schools, had been long felt ; one of the school rooms in the Academy, had been used for the former purpose, and the church for the latter. But neither was such as circumstances called for. Arrangements were according- ly made for the erection of a seperate building, which was completed in 1831, at the expense of 81,195.82. To meet this, a voluntary subscription, amounting to about $600, was taken up among the members of the congrega- tion, and the balance was paid by a donation from the Ladies' Sewing Society, and by the Consistory, who contri- buted nearly 8400. During the winter of 1836-37, some important im- provements were made in the interior of the Reformed Dutch Church in Flatbush. We need not particularly specify them, as they are all well known to the present inhabitants. The pews on the ground floor, were all re- modelled, and rendered more comfortable, and a gallery was erected across the east end of the church. Reformed Dutch Church at New-Lots. In the year 1823, measures were taken for the erec- tion of a church edifice in New-Lots. The building was 104 commenced in that year, and finished in the succeeding spring. It was dedicated to the service of Ahuighty God, in July 1824, on which occasion the Rev. John Alburtis, then a minister of the Presbyterian Church, officiated. During the period when the building was erecting, efforts were made to have that part of the congregation of Flat- bush organised into a separate church. But they had been ineffectual. On the 12th of August 1824, however, the Classis of Long-Island resolved that they should be- come a distinct congregation, and took measures ac- cordingly, to organize them into a church, which took place in the latter part of that month, the late Rev. David S. Bogart, by order of the Classis, officiating on the oc- casion. During the succeeding winter, they united with the church of Flatlands in making out a call upon the Rev. William Crookshank, a licentiate from the Theolo- gical Seminary at New-Brunswick, who in February, 1825, was ordained by the Classis, and installed pastor of the churches of New-Lots and Flatlands. He continued his connection with this people, for a little more than ten years. In April 1835, he resigned his charge and re- moved to the village of Newburgh. On the 22d of March 1836, the Rev. J. Abeel Baldwin, having accepted their call, was installed pastor of these churches, who is still officiating among them with much acceptance and useful- ness. Episcopal Church at Flatbush. In June 1836, incipient steps were taken to oi'ganize an Episcopal Church in Flatbush. The first service pre- paratory to this, was held by the Rev. Dr. Cutler, of Brooklyn, in the Consistory Room of the Reformed Dutch 5ftgS3S3i£''i'- w^S t , Vi>^ rfV'.v- J^-«?J 4 (-i 105 Church, which had been offered for the occasion, by the Consistory. In reference to this enterprize, although it was the first attempt to introduce the services of another denomination of Christians in the town, the kindest feel- ings were entertained and expressed, and such facilities were afforded to further it as Christian courtesy dictated, on behalf of the officers and members of the Reformed Dutch Church. On the 11th of July, 1836, the follow- ing persons were chosen to constitute the first Vestry, viz : Matthew Clarkson and Robert J. Crommelin, Wardens; David Johnson, James Mowatt, George Cornell, C. Du- rand, Charles Waldron, A. Norrie, William H. Story and Samuel Richards, Jr., Vestrymen. The corner stone of the church was laid in accordance with the forms and provisions of the Protestant Episcopal Church, on the 13th day of August, 1836, by the Right Rev. B. T. Onderdonk, Bishop of the Diocese of New- York, when it was named the "St. Paul's Church of Flat- bush." An address was delivered on the occasion, by the Rev. Benjamin C. Cutler, D. D. The building, which will well compare with any of its size, for beauty, neat- ness and symmetry, was finished in the fall of the same year. The cost of this edifice, including certain improve- ments around the church, and the organ, was $8,480. To meet this, a subscription was taken from sundry indi- viduals, amounting to f 2,398. The balance, which was 86,082, was generously contributed by Matthew Clark- son, Esq. On the 23d of December, 1836, the Rev. Thomas S. Brittain, was chosen the first rector. The church was consecrated to the service of Almighty God, by the Bishop of the Diocese, on the 29th day of December, in the same year. The instrument of donation was read by the Rev. 106 Mr. Brittain, the rector, and the instrument of consecra- tion, by the Rev. John F. Messenger, assistant. From that time forth, services were regularly held in the church on every Sunday ; the Rev. Mr. Brittain the rector, offi- ciating in the afternoon, and the Rev. Mr. Messenger, the assistant, in the morning. On September 1st, 1837, the Rev. Mr. Messenger resigned, and on the 3d of the same month, the Rev. James Coghlan commenced officiat- ing in his place. The Rev. Mr. Brittain resigned his rectorship, on the 29th of March, 1838, and on the 6th day of April, in the same year, the Rev. Mr. Coghlan succeeded as rector. He continued to officiate as such, until the fall of the succeeding year, when, in conse- quence of his removal to England, he resigned. This took place on the 21st of October, 1839. On the 30th of March, 1840, the Rev. William Barlow, the present worthy rector, was elected to that office, with whose excel- lencies of mind and character, the inhabitants of the town are well acquainted.* Reformed Dutch Church at East New- York. In the year 1838, a new Reformed Dutch Church was built at East New-York, a settlement of some considera- ble extent, which has grown up in the north west part of New-Lots, bordering on the turnpike. This church was dedicated to the service of God, in the spring of the suc- ceeding year, and in the month of May, of that year, 1839, the Rev. William H. Campbell, was installed as their pas- tor. He continued his connection with them until the fall * The Rev. Mr. Barlow, resigned his rectorship, on or about the 1st of April, 1842, 107 of 1841, when he removed to Albany, to take charge of the Third Reformed Dutch Church of that city. Thus, in the good providence of God, have churches been multiplied within the bounds of the town of Flat- bush. Twenty years ago there was but one edifice for the accommodation of all the community. Now we have four respectable churches, besides a building which a few years ago was put up in the woods, between this and New- Lots, for the use of the colored population, particularly of the Methodist denomination. Would, that while these fa- cilities for divine worship are afforded, and the various ministers in our bounds are from Sabbath to Sabbath pro- claiming the unsearchable riches of Christ, all our inha- bitants may become wise unto salvation. LITERARY HISTORY. Village School. No principle was more deeply engraved upon the heart of the Hollander than that " the church and the school must be maintained ;" a principle of the soundest wisdom, and of the most practical utility. For, without education, morality and religion, there can be no foundation for so- cial order and prosperity. These are the great safeguards of the community, and where these are fostered and en- couraged, we have reason to expect not only intelligence and virtue, but a due respect to the laws of the land, and to all the rights and privileges of those who are associated in any one community. Accordingly, the early Dutch settlers in Flatbush, imbued with the principle which has just been mentioned, soon after their settlement, took mea- sures for the education of their children, and the mainte- nance of suitable schools. Among the first records of the town, we find notice of the employment of a schoolmaster. Much care seems to have been taken, not only in the se- lection, but in the agreements formed with the teachers of their children. The first schoolmaster of whom we have any knowledge, was Adrian Hegeman. He was one of the original proprietors of the town, and was the owner of the farm lying immediately north of the property now in the tenure of Mr. Isaac Cortelyou. He was the ances- tor of the widow of the late Peter Lefferts, and probably 109 of the whole family of Hegemans, now living. He was engaged as schoolmaster from 1659, to 1671. From the records of the town, it appears that the schoolmaster acted as Town Clerk, and as the rates of tuition were low, previously to the American re- volution, the offices of sexton, and " Foresinger," or chorister, of the church, were conferred upon him, with a view to increase his emoluments. He receiv- ed all interment fees, for infants and adults, accord- ing to a scale of established prices, and for his services as chorister, he was paid an annual salary by the Consisto- ry of the church. The chorister, in addition to his duty of taking the lead in setting und singing the Psalms and Hymns, was also required to ring the bell for all public ser- vices, to read the commandments at the commencement of the morning worship, and the Apostles creed, in the after- .noon. These latter services were all performed in the Dutch language, and uniformly continued so until about t4ie year 1T90, at the time when Mr. Gabriel Ellison, the first English schoolmaster left the village. The following is a list of the schoolmasters of the town of Flatbush, from the year 1659, to the year 1802, when the village school was removed into the Academy. Adrian Hegeman, from Jacop Joosten, " Francays De Burynne " Michael Hainelle '• Jan Gerrit Van Marckje, " Derick Storm, " Jan Tiebout, " Johannes Van Eckkellen, '• Johannes Schenck, " Jan Gancell 1659 to 1671. 1671 1673. 1673 1674. 1674 1675. 1675 1680, 1680 1681. 1681 1682, 1682 1700. 1700 1711. 1711 1719. 10 110 Adrian Hegeman, f rom 1719 to 1741. Jores Remsen, a 1741 1762. Petrus Van Steenburgh, a 1762 1773. Anthony Welp, a 1773 1776. Gabriel Ellison, a 1776 1790. John Rubell, a 1790 1793. Michael Schoonmaker, a 1793 1798. Patrick Dillon, u 1798 Patrick Noon, a 1802. Specific and very particular agreements were made with these several schoolmasters, which are entered at large, upon the town records. It may be interesting to pre- sent one or two of these, to show the duties which these persons formerly were required to perform, and the man- ner in which they were to instruct the children. The fol- lowinc: is a translation of the asrreement made with Johan- nes Van Eckkelen, who commenced his duties as school- master, in Flatbush, in the year 1682. "Johannes Van Eckkelen, a young man from New- Alba- ny, is hereby called and accepted, on the first day of Oc- tober, 1681, with the advice and consent of the Honorable Magistrates, to perform the duties heretofore required of JanThibaud, in manner following: (1.) He shall serve the Church and School, according to the existing ordinances, in the same manner, as they have been heretofore perfor- med by the above named Jan Thibaud, and as hereunder written. — (2.) This contract shall take effect, from the first day of October, Inst, and continue to the first day of /V r3 ,;i:-: CO , ,- -f- ■> ; ■<' •> M •i ■ i -^ 'J ^■:.5' ''^v?5?' '^ '•^ :^- ■*«>( 123 Erasmus Hall. Not long after the peace, measures were taken for the founding a respectable Academy in the town of Flatbush. The projectors .of the enterprize were the Rev. Dr. John H. Livingston, who then residing in Flatbush, and Sena- tor John Vanderbilt. The latter was a man of s^reat pub- lic spirit, and of large and liberal views. He took an ac- tive part in accomplishing the noble design, and soon oh- tained the active co-operation of several other distinguish, ed persons. At length, in the year 1786, Jacob Lefferts, Joris Martense, Peter Lefferts, Johannes E. Lott, Corne- lius Vanderveer, John Vanderbilt, William B. Gifford, Pe- ter Cornell, Matthew Clarkson, Aquila Giles, John J. Van- derbilt and Garrit Martense, inhabitants of the town of Flatbush, associated together, and took the necessary measures, for the erection of a large and commodious building, for an academy. A subscription paper was ciu- culated in the village, and handed to some friends in the city of New- York, by which the sum of £915. was raised towards the object. This subscription is as follows. " Whereas, this county experiences the greatest incon- venience, from the want of a Public School being erected, in which, the English, Latin and Greek Languages, with other branches of learning, usual in Academies are taught, and considering the preceding regulations and proposals for erecting the same, in the township of Flatbush, highly beneficial and honorable to said county : We the under- written, agree to pay towards erecting the same, such sum as is annexed to our names, the one half on the first day of April next, the other half on the first day of August fol- lowing, and we further take the liberty to solicit from the friends of Literature, dn New-York, their encouragement, 124 to enable us to carry into execution this laudable attempt. Kings County, Flatbush, February 22d, 1786. (Signed,), John Vanderbilt, £100. Adriantie Voorhies, 30. Peter Lefferts, 60. Hendrick Suydam, 25. John VanderbiUr 50. William B. Gifford, 20. Garrit Martense, 50. Philip Nagel. 15. M. Clarkson, 50. Peter Cornell, 15. Joris Martense, 50. Johannes Waldron, 5. Aa. Giles. 50. George Clinton, for any Jacob Lefferts, 50. place in Kings Co. 15. Johannes E Lott, 50. John Jay, 15. Cornelius Vanderveer, 50. Robert R. Livingston 15. James Duane, 15. John Sloss Hobart, 5. Richard Varick. 10. James Giles, 5. Brockholst Livingston, 10. John H. Livingston, 5. Alexander Hamilton, 10. Comfort Sands, 20. William Duer, 15. Samuel Franklin, 10. Walter Rutherford 10. Fraiitiis Childs, 5. Carey Ludlow, 10. Pvichard Piatt, 10. Edward Livingston, 10. W. Edgar, 5. William Wilcocks, 10. Sampson Fleming, 5. D. C. Verplanck, • 10. Aaron Burr, 10. Mc Coombe, 10. During that year, 1786, the building which was one hundred feet in front, and thirty-six feet in depth, was erec- ted. We 'need not here give any particular description of it, as the inhabitants are all familiar with its appear- ance. The expense incurred in the completing of this edifice amounted to $6250. The money obtained by vo- luntary subscription, was first applied, but proved to be in- suflicient to defray the expenditures. The founders and 125 benefactors of the Institution then turned their attention to another source. There was at that time a considerable tract of land lying east of the village, belonging to the in- habitants of Flatbush, and held by them in common. This is what was called Twillers and Corlear Flats. The pro- prietors of the town held rights in these Flats, which were specified in their deeds, but no one could locate his par- ticular part. It was held in common, and hence consent was obtained for the sale and disposition of the same. The founders of the Academy held proportionate rights in these commons, and agreed that their respective proportions should be applied towards paying the debt they had con- tracted. These Flats, as we have heretofore stated, were sold at the rate of 816, an acre. The proceeds of the sale of Corlears Flats chiefly were devoted to the benefit of the Academy. The whole amount by which the Academy was benefited by this sale was about 81500. The resi- due of the amount of sales was divided among those inha- bitants of the town who would not relinquish their right in favor of the Academy. As things where now in a considerable state of forwardness, and the building ready for its intended purposes, the fouifders above named, the more fully to carry their designs into effect, did, on the 18th day of May, 1787, make application to the Board of Re- gents of the University of the State of New- York, that the Academy erected by them, might be incorporated by that Honorable Body, and become subject to their visitation. On the 20th, of November, 1787, a charter of incorpora- tion was granted to John Vanderbilt, Walter Minto, Peter Lefferts, Johannes E. Lott, Aquila Giles, Cornelius Van- derveer, George Marttnse, Jacob LefTerts, William B. Gif- ford, Hendrick Suydam, John J. Vanderbilt, Martinus 11* 126 Schoonmaker, Philip Nagel, Peter Cornell, John H. Liv. ingston, James Wilson, Samuel Provost, John Mason and Comfort Sands, as Trustees of the said Academy, by the name and style of " The Trustees of Erasmus Hall, in Kings County." The name given to the Academy was in honor of Desiderius Erasmus, of Holland, the distinguish- ed patron of literature, in the 16th, Century. Only two academies had been incorporated by the Regents previous- ly to this, so that it is the third oldest Academy in the State. It may be proper to state, that James Wilson, Samuel Provost, John Mason and Comfort Sands, four of the Trus- tees named in the Charter of Incorporation, in consequence of not living in the town, never attended any of the meet- ings of the Board, and their places becoming vacant, the Rev. Peter Lowe, Garrit Martense, Peter Stryker and Cornelius Bergen were elected members of the Board. The seminary was, from its commencement, opposed by many of the inhabitants of Flatbush, who entertained a strong and decided attachment to the village school, and consequently their influence and means had a great ten- dency to retard the rise and progress of Erasmus Hall. Several amusing anecdotes might be told touching this. Some were disposed to ascribe all their misfortunes to the erection of the Academy. One worthy old gentleman, when unloading some bags, unfortunately slipped, and fell from his waggon. He rose greatly incensed, and cried out, " that Academy will never do." The Trustees of the Institution however, though labor- ing under a heavy debt, and incumbered by various diffi- culties, were assiduous in their duty. They devised a system of instruction, rules and regulations by which the Hall should be governed, and employed the ablest and best teachers in the different departments of instruction. 127 This last measure however, while it lessened the spirit of opposition, consumed the whole income of the institution, as all was annually expended in paying the salaries of these teachers and other expenses incidental to all literary establishments. The debt of the Hall, notwithstanding the most persevering exertions on the part of the Trustees, amounted still to $1,250. The Trustees by farther vo- luntary contributions, reduced somewhat this amount, so that on the 12th of September, 1789, it was $1,064.94. On the 17th day of June, 1794, application was made to the Trustees, for the purchase of the remaining part of the commons which had not been disposed of at the first sale. The proposals were accepted, and the conveyances ac- cordingly executed. With the money arising from this sale, the debt of the Hall was reduced to $900. In this situation it remained till the year 1808, when a donation of $100, was granted by the Regents of the University to the Trustees of Erasmus Hall, and the same was ap- plied, in conjunction with other exertions of the Trustees, towards discharging the debt, and on the 13th of May, 1809, it was reduced to $668. It remained nearly at this amount, till the year 1825, when the debt was entirely liquidated. At a session of the General Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church, held at Albany, in June 1794, they resolv- ed to locate their Divinity Hall in Flatbush. Their pro- fessor of divinity, the Rev. Dr. Livingston, had previously resided here, and had given instruction to such students in theology as put themselves under his charge. It is to be regretted that the General Synod of the church ever re- moved their Theological School from this place, and lo- cated it in New-Jersey. Had it been continued in Flat- bush, Erasmus Hall would long ere this, have grown into 128 a flourishing college, under the auspices of the State of New- York, and the literary as well as theological inter- ests of the Reformed Dutch Church, have been prospered in a far higher degree than they have yet been. The Rev. John H. Livingston, D. D., who then resided during the summer seasons, in the house now owned by Dr. Vanderveer, was appointed the First Principal of the Hall. The office at that time, was chiefly honorary, as he performed no part of the instruction in the Academy, and so it continued to be as late as the year 1814. Mr. James Todd, was chosen the First Classical, and Jo- seph Turner, the First English teacher. Very shortly afterwards, John Gibson, Edward Shepherd, John Ter- hune, Albert Oblenis and Michael Schoonmaker, were employed in succession, as assistant teachers. In the year 1792, Mr. Todd resigned, and the Trustees appoint- ed Peter Wilson, afterwards known as Dr. Wilson, then Professor of Languages in Columbia College, the first or chief teacher in the Hall. During the period of the ad- ministration of this distinguished linguist, the Academy flourished rapidly. A large number of young men from the city of New-York, not only, but from Georgia, North and South Carolina, Virginia and the West-Indies were sent here to be educated, most of whom, boarded in the respective families of the town. Among these, some have been quite distinguished in the several professions, both in church and state. We may mention the following : William A. Duer, now President of Columbia College. John Duer, one of the revisers of the Revised Statutes of this state. John Berrian, late Attorney General of the United States, and now a member of the Senate. Henry Jackson, Secretary of Legation to France, under the Hon. Mr. Crawford. 12^ George M. Troup, for several terms Governor of Georgia. John Hunter, now a member of the Senate of New- York. Rev. Jno. Blair Linn, the eloquent minister of the Re- formed Dutch Church, of New- York, and a distinguished American poet. Rev. Jno. H. Meyers, pastor of the church of Schenec- tady. Rev. Jacob Schoonmaker, D. D., pastor of the church of Jamaica. Rev. Peter Labagh, pastor of the church of Harlingen, New-Jersey. Rev. Peter Van Pelt, D.D. pastor of the church of West- chester. Rev. Philip Duryee, D. D., pastor of the church of English Neighborhood, N. J. Morris Miller, formerly member of Congress and First Judge of Oneida County. We might enlarge this list to a considerable extent, but we forbear. On the 28th of November, 1792, the Rev. Dr. Living- ston resigned the office of Principal of the Hall. His letter was received by the board, on the 5th of December in that year, and at a subsequent meeting held on the 8th of the same month, an answer was agreed upon, which reflects the highest credit upon the heads and hearts of the Trustees. In it a most flattering, but entirely just tribute, is paid to the general character of Dr. Livingston, and especially to his zealous efforts in behalf of the Academy. Teachers of suitable qualifications were from time to time employed, to assist in the instruction of the pupils in the English and French languages. These we need not enu- merate. On the 29th of June 1797, Dr. Wilson having 130 been again called to the professorship of languages in Columbia College, resigned his post as chief teacher in the Academy. He appears, however, to have retained nominally, the office of Principal, until December 14th, 1804, and during this interval, attended the semi-annual examinations, exercised a watchfulness over the institu- tion, and lent his aid in the procuring of suitable teachers. At his resignation, in 1797, he presented to the Trustees, the sum of £25, to be appropriated towards defraying the debts of the Hall. Mr. Albert Oblenis, was appointed First teacher, in the place of Dr. Wilson. He continued his connection with the institution, until the year 1806. In the year 1797, an attempt was made on behalf of the Trustees to obtain from the Legislature of the State the privilege of raising the sum of £1,200 by Lottery, with the view of liquidating their debt. A similar effort was made in the year 1809, but no law was passed by the Legislature for the purpose, and the project was aban- doned. An arrangement having been effected by exchange of property, by which the Trustees of the Reformed Dutch Church of Flatbush came in possession of the lot of land on which the academy is erected, they, on the 29th day of December, in the year 1797, executed a lease of the same in perpetuity to the Trustees of Erasmus Hall, for a certain consideration, which is named in the instrument. Dr. Wilson finding it inconvenient to hold the office of Principal of the Hall, resigned the same in the year 1804. His letter of resignation was received at a meeting of the board, held February 9th, 1805, when his resignation was accepted, and the Rev. Peter Lowe appointed Principal. A most respectful letter was addressed to Dr. Wilson on the part of the Trustees, and their acknowledgments ten- dered to him for his faithful services in the institution. 131 A little previous to this, viz., in the year 1803, the vil- lage school was removed into the academy, and Mr. Patrick Noon the last schoolmaster who was employed in the old school house was discharged. From that time to the present, being a period of about thirty-nine years, the children of the village have been regularly taught in Erasmus Hall. The instruction in the Academy after the resignation of Dr. Wilson, continued to be conductpd by Messrs. Oblenis and Schoonmaker. The latter gentleman re- signed in 1805, and was succeeded by Mr. Richard Fish. Adrian Hegeman, Cornelius Van Cleef and John Wyckoff, were assistant teachers about the same period. In the month of Septiember, 1806, Mr. Oblenis resigned the office of First teacher. He was succeeded by Mr. Joab Cooper, who has since become extensively known as the editor of an edition of Virgil. He continued his connection with the Hall, for about two years; when upon his resigna- tion, Mr. Valentine Derry was appointed First teacher. In August 1809, Mr. Derry resigned, and was succeeded by Mr. Richard Whyte Thompson, who had charge of the institution for the next five years. Mr. Thompson was a man eminently qualified for this station. He was a thorough classical scholar, and possessed of eminent gifts for instruction. Under him the Academy rose again to considerable eminence, and many were taught by him who are now ornaments in the several professions. Dur- ing his connection with the Academy, a number of assis- tant teachers were in succession employed. They were John Brannon, Edward Cassidy, Ava Neal, Nicholas Morris, Adrian Hegeman, and some others. Mr. Thomp- son resigned his situation as First teacher, in December, 1814. From this time forward, for a number of years, 132 there were numerous changes in this department. Wil- liam Thayre was appointed in December 1814. He was succeeded in 1815, by William Ironside. In 1816, Mr. Joab Cooper was again temporally employed ; and in 1817, Mr. Andrew Craig took charge of the institution. Mr. Craig resigned his situation in June 1819, in conse- quence of the feeble state of his health. On accepting his resignation, the board adopted the following minute : '• In consequence of the high opinion entertained by the board in the talents and usefulness of Mr. Craig, as the able instructor of youth, and the valuable member of so- ciety, his resignation was accepted by the board with sen- timents of extreme regret." In August 1819, the Rev. Joseph Penney was chosen Principal of the Hall. He was associated with the Rev. John Mulligan. These gentlemen continued their con- nection with the Academy until the year 1821, when upon their I'esignation they were succeeded by the Rev. Timothy Clowes, D. D. He remained but about two years. In May 1823, the institution passed into the hands of Mr. Jonathan W. Kellogg, who continued to have charge of it till May 1834. During this period the Academy flourish- ed. A large number of pupils from abroad were board- ed in l!he Hall, and the Board of Trustees in 1825, were enabled to liquidate entirely the remains of the debt, un- der which the Academy had labored from its foundation. Upon his taking charge of the institution, Mr. Kellogg divided the English, or common school department, into male and female, and employed separate instructors for each. Previously to this, the boys and girls were asso- ciated in one room, and taught by one teacher. The se- paration introduced by Mr. Kellogg, and which was a very great improvement, has continued to this day. Not only r \ \ 1S3 separate and distinct apartments, but separate entrances have been provided for the males and females. The first Instructress under this new arrangement, was Miss Maria Jones. She was succeeded in 1829, by Miss Julia De Forest. She remained but about one year. Mrs. W. W. Maltby then taught for about six months, and was suc- ceeded in 1831, by Miss Almira Meach, who taught for two years. A short time previous to Mr. Kellogg's leaving the institution. Miss Rudd had charge of the female depart- ment, assisted by Miss Ely. The male assistants under Mr . Kellogg, were Jonathan B. Kidder, John Frey, Theodore Morrell, William Allgeo, William H. Campbell, Isaac Grier, J. W. Thompson, J. J. Prentice and' seme others. We need not specify the precise times, during which these gentlemen taught. Miss Geib, Miss Philomela Roila, Miss Emma Gillingham, and some others, were employ- ed in giving instruction in music. During the period in which Mr. Kellogg had charge of the Academy, many improvements were made to the building and grounds. In the former, in addition to a front piazza, a full suit of d^ormitories was finished in the attic, besides other important changes. The campus, which was bare of trees and shrubbery, excepting two rows of decaying poplars ex- tending in a diagonal direction, from the corners of the build- ing to the road, was greatly improved. The heart, which lies in front of the entrance, was laid out and planted with flowers and shrubs. Besides the Balm of Gilead, in the centre of the heart, many ornamental forest trees, con- sisting of the tulip, the button ball and the sugar maple, together with a line of flowering shrubs, all around the front and sides, were set out. In addition to these, a row of button-ball trees was planted on the front walk. All 12 184 these are now in a flourishing condition, and have added very greatly to the appearance of the Hall. In the winter of 1826-7, an additional wing, of fifty feet in depth and twenty-five in width, was added to the main building, for the accommodation of the schools. The cost of this was #1500, but in the course of about four or five years, this new debt was also paid. In May, 1834, the Rev. William H. Campbell, who had opened a select school in the village the previous year, took charge of the Institution. Though his superior qualifications as a teach- er are well known, it is due to him, to say that while he gave the highest satisfaction to his employers, he infused a desire in the bosoms of parents in the village, to give their children a liberal education, to a degree that had ne- ver before existed. During his connection with the Aca- demy, the standard of education in the town was much raised. In consequence of feeling that it was his duty to return to the ministry, which he had been forced to leave, in consequence of impaired health, he resigned his office as Principal of the Hall, and left it in the spring of 1839. He had employed, as his assistants, John W. Thompson, James Campbell, C. B. Raymond, John Mc Alpin, John Skellie, Mark Hopkins Beecher, Jacob Gillet, Ambrose Leet ; and as instructresses in the female department An- na F. Vose and Laura Mc Elwaine. On the 20th, of January, 1835, the Regents of the University determined to establish a department for the instruction of common school teachers in Erasmus Hall, in conformity with the provisions of an act of the Legisla- ture, which had passed the previous session, which autho- rised the Regents to endow a department of this character, in some one academy in each of the eight senatorial dis- 135 tricts of the State. Erasmus Hall was chosen for the Southern District. The Trustees on the 10th, of Februa- ry, 1835, agreed to accept the trust, and made all the ne- cessary arrangements to carry out the views of the Legis- lature and of the Regents. It was soon found however, that in consequence of the high price of boarding in and about the city of New- York, the department would not be furnished with pupils. Only one or two applications were made, and the Trustees perceiving that it would be imprac- ticable to maintain snob a department, with any degree of success, in the Southern District, did, on the 31st, of De- cember, 1836, resign the trust ; upon which, the Re^-ents transferred the department for this district to the Salem Academy in Washington County. Mr. Campbell was succeeded as Principal, in May, 1839, by the Rev. Dr. Penney, late Pi'esident of Hamilton College. He however continued in the Institution, as classical teacher for nine months longer. In addition to him. Dr. Penney employed Mr. Beecher, Mr. Rowle, Mr. Davenport, Mr. Willis and Mr. StoothofF. The females were taught chiefly by Miss Mc Ilwaine and Miss Palmer. Dr. Penney continued in charge of the Hall until November, 1841, when James Ferguson, A. M. the present worthy incumbent, entered upon his duties, whose character and assistants are well known. Attached to Erasmus Hall, is a library, philosophical and chemical apparatus, and a mineralogical cabinet. The latter is not large, but yet contains a goodly variety of specimens. The apparatus, both philosophical and chemical, is not in a very good state of repair. Some of the articles are comparatively new, and in good order. But the greater part are quite old and need to be replaced by others. The library has gradually increased until it 136 has attained a very respectable size. It was commenced together with the philosophical apparatus, by a liberal do- nation from the board of Regents of the University of the State, in the year 1791. By the prudent andjefficient ma- nagement of the Trustees, the library has been fostered and gradually enlarged, until at present it numbers fif- teen hundred and thirty-four volumes, and is the second academical library in size in the State. It is in general also well selected. It contains most of the standard authors in English Literature, and for history, will compare with any library of its size in the country. It affords not only the means of recreation to the pupils, but of sound and use- ful knowledge. The whole arrangements of the Hall, in- deed, are now such, and have in fact almost always been as to furnish to all who are connected with it, the opportu- nity of obtaining a good, substantial education, sufficient indeed, to give the promise of high standing to those who may engage in any of the learned professions, and of use- fulness and respectability, to such as may pursue the ordi- nary avocations of life. It is unquestionably an institu- tion of pre-eminent value to the village, and in fact, to all the surrounding country. We trust it will ever continue to flourish as one of the brightest ornaments of the town, and be a healthful fountain from which shall flow forth many streams to fertilize and bless both the churcii and the State. Since the establishment of the Academy, several private schools have from time to time been set up in the village. Some of these were of a high classical character, and were for a season flourishing. But we need not now enu- merate them. Connected with the literary history of the town, it is proper to state that about the year 1807, a very large print- ing-office was established in the village, by Mr. Isaac 137 Riley. This was located in the present elegant lawn of Matthew Clarkson, Esq. The edifice was planned by- Pope, the celebrated architect, and was put up at great cost. The establishment of Mr. Riley was very exten- sive. In connection with his printing-office he had a large bindery, at the head of which was Mr. James 01m- stead. The printing department was superintended by Mr. Charles Wiley. In conducting the whole establishment, a large number of hands, male and female, were employed. It continued in operation for about seven years. The house was subsequently taken down, removed to Brooklyn, and rebuilt on the Heights opposite the city of New- York, where it is still standing. Some men of high literary attainment have been edu- cated in this place, and the remains of Richard Alsop one of the poets of America, lie entombed in the public ceme- tei-y. None of the inhabitants of the town, however, have devoted themselves exclusively to literary pursuits, and of course we cannot boast of any distinguished author. It is due to the memory of Mr. Alsop that we state the cir- cumstances of his death in this place. He came to Flat- bush in August 1815, to visit his sister, the wife of Mr. Riley. He had retired on a certain day to his room in the house now occupied by Mrs. Schoonmaker, and was subsequently found dead sitting in a chair by the window. It is presumed he had been struck with apoplexy. The tomb-stone which marks the place where his remains lie interred, bears the following inscription : — " In memory of Richard Alsop, Esq., of Middletown, Conn. Distin- guished by genius and poetical talents, respected for in- tegrity, and beloved for his amiable simplicity of charac- ter. He died suddenly, when on a visit to this place, on the 20th of August, 1815, aged fifty-four years." 12* EVENTS DURING THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. We would now turn back your attention to the era of the great struggle for American Independence. As the battle of Long-Island, which was the first contest in which the two great armies met, occurred in and about Flatbush, and as from that period it was the scene of more or less interest during the revolutionary war, it is proper that we should devote a separate space to this part of the history of the town. After the commencement of hostilities in the year 1776, the city of New- York in consideration of the advantages which from its location it would afford, was selected by the British as the first grand point to be obtained. The city was then in the possession of the Americans, under the command of General Washington, in person. In the latter part of June, 1776, the first division of the British army landed on Staten-Island, and was followed about the middle of July, by the grand armament under Lord Howe, consisting of six ships of the line, 'thirty frigates with smaller vessels, and a great number of transports, vic- tuallers and ships with stores of ordnance. Lord Howe at that time, first attempted by what he conceived to be conciliatory measures, to bring back the American Colo- 139 nies to their allegiance to King George. We need not detail these, as they are not immediately connected with our subject. We cannot, however, omit to notice, that on the 14th of July, he sent a flag to New- York, with a let- ter under the superscription of " George Washington, Esq.," Indignant that Lord Howe had not recognised his rank and title and his connection with the American Congress, Washington, very properly, refused to receive the letter, for which he was applauded by Congress as an act of becoming dignity^ On the 20th of July, Lord Howe attempted a second time to open a correspondence with General Washington. He sent another letter by the hands of Adjutant General Patterson, addressed to " George Washington, &;c. &c. &;c." The General treated the Adjutant with all politeness, but notwithstand- ing all he could say, Washington refused to receive the letter, telling him, " it is true the et ceteras imply every thing, but it is no less true, they imply any thing." A noble answer to this repeated insult to himself and his country, and a clear presage of the practical wisdom, courage and firmness of him to whom America, under God. had committed her cause. Not knowing at what point the British might make their first attack, Washington sought to fortify the city and obstruct the passage into the harbor of New- York. Fie also threw up certain fortifications in Brooklyn and Flatbush, to guard the approach to the city, by Long- Island. His army at this time, amounted to 17,225, of whom only 10,514, were fit for duty. These too, he says, in one of his letters, were little other than raw troops, and much scattered, some being fifteen miles apart. It soon became evident that the British meditated a landing on Long-Island. Troops were accordingly thrown over from 140 the city of New- York, and extended in different posts from the highlands near the Narrows, to Wallaboght Bay. The command of all these posts had been entrusted to General Greene, who had studiously made himself ac- quainted with the location of all the surrounding country, so as to be able to defend the American army not only, but take all advantages which the various defiles would afford to attack the British. But unfortunately only a few days before the battle, General Greene was taken very sick, and the command devolved on General Putnam, who although one of the bravest of the brave, was not suffi- ciently acquainted with the face of the country. Put- nam had two brigadiers under him. General Sullivan, who had command of the troops not immediately within the lines, and General Lord Stirling, who was stationed in and about Gowanus Bay and the Narrows. To pre- vent property falling into the hands of the British, an order was issued commanding the farmers on the west end of Long-Island, to drive away their cattle and take their grain which had just been harvested, from their barns and stack it in the fields, that it might be the more readily destroyed. Accordingly, all the cattle in Flatbush and the towns adjacent, were driven first as far east as the woods, in and about New-Lots, and subsequently into Queens County. Some of these were recovered, but great numbers of them were lost ; the American Govern- ment, however, made honorable reparation for all such losses. The grain also, in conformity with the order, was taken out of the barns and put on stacks. Some of these were subsequently set on fire by the American army on their retreat, to prevent their falling into the hands of the British ; but a few of these stacks of grain were saved, particularly those in the southern section of the village. 141 An entrenchment was thrown up in Flatbush across the road leading through the village, a little south of the present residence of Judge Martense. It was in the form of something like a half moonj lying diagonally across the road, and extending on the land of Lefferts Martense on the west, and of Isaac Cortelyou on the east — having a ditch of sufficient depth on the north. A small redoubt on which a few pieces of artillery were mounted, was also put up at the Valley-Grove, to guard the passage through the port road, and by the direct route to Brooklyn. Here stood a large white oak tree, mentioned in the pa- tent of Governor Dongan, as one of the boundary lines of the town of Flatbush. This was cut down and thrown across the road ; and in consequence of the then dense woods on the south, and the swamp on the north, it formed a very considerable abattis. The late Mr. Simon Voris assisted in cutting down this tree. During this time, preparations were making by the British, to effect a landing on Long-Island. They were frequently visited by persons from the shore and surround- ing towns, who no doubt gave them every information con- cerning the positions of the American army, and furnish- ed materials for a draft of the whole adjacent country ; for they were well acquainted with the position of the hills, and the three roads or defiles by which they could be passed. On the 22d day of August, a landing was effected by the British troops at Bath, under cover of the guns of their fleet, without opposition. Gen. Howe established his head- quarters at New-Utrecht. The American troops who were stationed along the coast, consisting of a regiment of Pennsylvanians under Col. Hand, retired to Flatbush, with the view of guarding the principal pass to Brooklyn. Lord Cornwallis pushed on immediately with the reserve 142 and some other forces to the same place, but finding the Americans strongly entrenched, and the pass through by the port or Valley Grove defended, in compliance with his orders he did not risk any attack. In the meantime the inhabitants of the town had generally forsaken it. We who have been so long accustomed to the sweets of peace know but little of the consternation occasioned by an ap- proaching invading army. The inhabitants had reason to apprehend that should they remain at home they would be cruelly treated, and perhaps massacred. They were regarded as rebels, to whom but little quarter would be shown. Hence as expeditiously as possible after the landing of the British troops, the inhabitants of the village either sent or carried off the females and children, pro- viding them with what littl-e furniture and conveniences they could. Some were sent to New-Jersey, but the greater proportion took refuge in Queens County. It was a scene of great confusion^ and of no ordinary distress. Compelled to leave their homes and the greater part of their property, and not knowing what might befal their persons or their families, they committed themselves to the good providence of their God. Some had not gone far before they saw the smoke ascending from the neighborhood of their farms, and knew not but their dwellings were already in flames. With one family, indeed, this was the case. The American riflemen, on the approach of the British towards the evening of the 22d, set fire to many of the stacks of grain, particularly in the northern part of the iown, and also fired the house of Peter Lefferts. Other houses in that section of the village were also burnt, but not at that time, of which we shall presently speak. The main body of the American troops stationed in about Flatbush, then retired to the woods on the north of the town. 143 The British army then under command of LordCornwallis, took post at Flatbush. They encamped in a diagonal direc- tion across the village. Their tents extended from the little lane over the farms of Hendrick Vanderveer, of J. C. Bergen, of Jacobus Vandeventer, and so on, in a north- easterly line towards the road leading to New-Lots. The main body however, were on the south of the church and west of the main street. They soon possessed themselves of the intrenchment which had been thrown up by the Americans, in the north of the village. To defend them- selves against an expected attack from the American troops, who, from the woods, kept up a scattered firing, they knocked out large port holes in the house of Adrian He- geman, which stood on the spot where Mrs. Cynthia Lef- ferts is now living. This house was built of stone, and the object of making the holes in the wall, was to enable them to fire their cannon at the Americans under cover. The house of Mr. Lefferts Martense, on the opposite side of the road, was also taken possession of, and prepared as a sort of fortification. It was built of wood, fronting south, and having a roof on the north side, which extended to within a few feet of the ground. In this roof they cut many holes, through which they could discharge their muskets. Still farther to defend themselves, or rather to render their fir- ing upon the Americans more effective, they set fire to the houses which stood between them and the woods, and from behind which, often the American riflemen would dis- charge their guns, to the no small annoyance and injury of the British. These houses were those of Jeremiah Van- derbilt and LefFert Lefferts, on the west, and Evert Hege- man, on the east side of the road. On what day these were burnt we know not, but they were destroyed by the Bri- tish, probably on the second or third day after their encamp- ment in this place. 144 On the first or second evening of their arrival in Flatbush, a drunken revel took place among the Bri- tish. In rifling the houses, they were directed by John Rubel, to a quantity of wine, which had been left in the house of Mr. David Clarkson, who lived in the dwelling now occupied by Mr. J. C. Bergen. Mr. Clarkson was a strong whig, and after they had vented their spite at him, and his principles, by destroying his furniture, and abusing his premises in a shameful manner, their attention was called, under the direction of their guide, to his wines. These, the greater part of which were specially imported and were very choice, Mr. Clarkson had bottled and stored away in an upper apartment, in the wing of his house, and had built up a partition to conceal them. Rubel had seen this, and was well acquainted with the store thus concealed, and being friendly to the British cause, he gave them information of the fact, and actually guided and as- sisted them on the occasion. The wine and other liquor was of course procured, and the officers and men indulged freely in the use of it. The back piazza and yard of Mr. Clarkson's house, exhibited a complete drunken frolic. Had the Americans indeed been awa!l'e of the situation of the British at this time, a very serious check might have been put to their advance, if not their whole plan sub- verted. The Hessian troops under General de Heister, having landed on the 25th, were sent forward on the same day to Flatbush, to compose the centre of the army. The plan of attack was now fixed. The right wing of the English army was committed to Major General Grant, and was designed to operate against the left wing of the Americans, under Lord Stirling. The centre was committed to Gen- eral de Heister, and was to attempt the pass defended by 145 General Sullivan, at the Port, while the left wing of the British under General Clinton and Lords Percy and Corn- wallis, were, by a circuitous route to reach the right wing of the American army, which was under command of Colonel Miles, and stationed a little to the eastward of Bed- ford, on the Jamaica road. The principal hope of success was u\yDn this wing. The plan was well laid, and proved successful. It was, that while General Grant and the Hessians of General De Heister should disquiet and divert the Americans on the right and in the centre, the left wing should surprise them by a circuitous route, and thus fall upon them in the flank and rear. The English hoped that as this post was the most distant from the centre of the ar- my, the advanced guards would there be found more fee- ble, and perhaps more negligent, and that at all events, they would not be able to defend themselves against a force so superior, as this right wingof the English, was very numerous and entirely composed of select troops. Nor did they judge incorrectly. In order to put this plan thus wisely formed, into execution, on the evening of the 26th, of August, about 9 o'clock. General Clinton commanding the van guard, which consisted of light infantry : Lord Percy the centre, where were found the grenadiers, the artillery and cavalry, and Lord Cornwallis the rear guard, followed by the baggage, some regiments of infan- try and of heavy artillery, moved from Flatbush, with ad- mirable silence and order towards Flatlands. They were seen by Captain Cornelius Venderveer, who stated, that although h» was near the fence fronting his house, on the road, he could scarcely hear them. With such silence and order did this large body of men move, being covered by the darkness of the night. They were on this occasion aided by certain guides, who conducted them till they reach- 13 146 ed the point of attack. These were N******* w*********, J**** ^******^ Q^jrid J******* j^*****^ j|. j^g^g been said in defence of the conduct of these persons, that they were forced to act in this capacity, and that their lives were at stake. This may all be, but their agency on this occa- sion was most disastrous to the American cause. The British had as we have intimated, drafts of the country. They marched to Flatlands village, then took the road leading to Flatlands neck, and came out at Shoemakers Bridge. Here N. W. their chief guide at this place, was expressly cautioned, that if he led them wrong he would be shot. He appears to have conducted them from this spot across the fields to what is now called Howard's. They arrived two hours before day, on the morning of the 27th, within half a mile of the Jamaica road. Colonel Miles, of Pennsylvania, who had charge of the right wing of the American army this night, performed his ser- vice with but little exactness, and did not perceive the approach of the enemy. They had marched several miles, and were now in fact two miles in the rear of his guard, without his being knowing to the fact. Nor had General Sullivan, who had charge of all the troops in ad- vance of the camp at Brooklyn, any advice of what was passing in this quarter. One of his patrols, on horseback had been fallen in with by General Clinton during the night, and made prisoners. But though disappointed in not hearing from this patrol. General Sullivan neglected to send out fresh scouts, probably expecting that the En- glish would direct their principal efforts against the right wing, under Lord Sterling, as that was nearest to their head quarters. Thus he suffered the American army to be surprised, and almost before the battle commenced, the fate pf the day determined. General Clinton having hal- 147 ted for a few hours, and refreshed his troops, and learning from the prisoners whom he took, that the road to Jamai- ca was not guarded, hastened to avail himself of the cir- cumstance, and occupied it by a rapid movement. With- out loss of time, he immediately bore to his left, towards Bedford, and seized an important defile, which the Ameri- cans had left unguarded. From this moment the success of the day was decided in favor of the English. Lord Percy came up with his corps, and the entire column de- scended by the village of Bedford, into the more level ground, which lay between the hills and the camp of the Americans. In the mean time. General Grant, in order to divert the Americans from the events which took place upon the route through Flatlands, and the attack to be made on their left wing, endeavored to disquiet them on his right. Accordingly, about midnight, as if he meant to force his way through, he put himself in motion and attacked the militia of New-York and Pennsylvania, who were station- ed along the Gowanus road. They at first gave way, but General Parsons, who had command of them, having arrived, and having occupied an eminence, renewed the combat, and maintained his position until Brigadier Gene- ral Lord Stirling came to his assistance with fifteen hun- dred men. The action was extremely animated, and victory favored neither the one side nor the other. But it was all in vain, as in fact, the choice of the British army were already in the rear of the American troops on the left. As soon as firing was heard from the right wing of the English, under General Clinton, who, as we have sta- ted, had now gained possession of Bedford, which was not long after the break of day, on the 27^th, General De Heister with his Hessian troops, moved forward with the 148 centre of the army from Flatbush, and commenced an at- tack upon the Hne in command of General Sullivan. The attack was valiantly sustained by General Sullivan, in person, but they soon found that their situation was very critical, for General Clinton fell upon their left flank, and they now discovered to their great surprise, that they were in fact surrounded by the enemy. As soon as they were apprised of their danger, they sounded a retreat, and retir- ed in good order towards their camp, bringing off their ar- tillery. But the royal troops, under General Clinton, who occupied the ground on their rear, charged them furious- ly. They were compelled to throw themselves back in- to the neighboring woods, lying between Flatbush and Brooklyn. Here they met again with the Hessians, who repulsed them upon the English, and thus they were driv- en several times by the one against the other, with great loss. They continued for some time in this desperate situation, till at length, several regiments animated by an heroic valor, opened their way through the midst of the en- emy, and gained the camp of General Putnam, at Brook- lyn : some few escaped through the woods, but the re- mainder, together with their commander. General Sulli- van, were made prisoners. The left wing and centre of the Americans being dis- comfited, the English, to secure a complete victory, made a rapid movement against the rear of the right wing, which in ignorance of what had befallen the other corps, was engaged with General Grant. As soon as they re- ceived the intelligence of this disaster, they retired. But now they encountered the English, who had cut off their retreat. They had been engaged from 8 o'clock in the morning, until 2 o'clock in the afternoon, in maintaining their post and charging the enemy. On ascertaining their 149 perilous situation, they were greatly disconcerted. Some of these brave men betook themselves to the woods. But a large number of them endeavored to make their way to the camp at Brooklyn, through the marshes and mill- ponds of Gowanus Cove. Unfortunately many of them were here drowned or perished in the mud : a very small number only escaped the hot pursuit of the victors, and reached the camp in safety. Lord Stirling himself, who had charge of this wing, was taken prisoner. Almost the entire regiment of Maryland, under Colonel Smallwood, consisting of young men of the best families in that pro- vince, was cut to pieces. No less than two hundred and fifty nine men of this regiment were destroyed. The fate of the battle wa^ now decided. The total loss of the Americans in killed, wounded and prisoners, according to Dr. Gordon, was about fifteen hundred, but some have estimated the loss as high as three thousand. Among the prisoners, besides the two Gene- rals whom we have mentioned, were many officers of high rank. The unfortunate issue of this battle, was doubtless to be ascribed in part to the illness of General Greene. He had superintended the erection of the works, and was thoroughly acquainted with the ground. In hope of his recovery. General Washington had deferred sending ovfer a successor, till the urgency of afiairs rendered it abso- lutely necessary, and then General Putnam took the com- mand, without any previous knowledge of the posts be- yond the lines which had been fortified, or of the passes by which the enemy could make their approach. Nor had he the time to acquire this knowledge before the ac- tion. Had General Greene been on the ground, all the roads or passes would have been so secured and defended as that the royal army in attempting or gaining them, 13* 150 would have been so crippled as to have been arrested with regard to all future successful operations. General Sulli- van was also too inattentive and confident. He exercised no watchfulness over the tories and royalists, who were around him, but sutTered them to go back and forth as they pleased. One of the American Chaplains, fearing that the British would make a circuitous march and take to the Jamaica road, asked him whether he had sufficiently guarded that pass, when Sullivan replied, in his vain con- fidence, " Yes : so that an angel cannot force it ;" ajid yet to his neglect in this particular, the whole disasters of the day are to be attributed. The British after this victory encamped in front of the American lines, and on the 28th, and 29th, frequent skir- mishes occurred between the two armies. At lencrth, on the 29th, Washington, at the suggestion of General Mif- flin, who had been on Long-Island, and knew the situa- tion of the troops, called a council of war, and a retreat was agreed upon. General Mifflin offering to command the rear. This was a wise council, inasmuch, as in front of the army was a numerous and victorious enemy, with a formidable train of artillery. The British fleet indicated an intention to pass up the East River, and cut off all hope of a retreat. The troops at Brooklyn were lying without shelter from heavy rains, and were moreover, fatigued and dispirited. This difUcult movement was effected with great skill and judgment, and with complete success. We should be glad had we time, to narrate all the circum- stances connected with it. But we can only give a very general account of it. After dark, on the evening of the 29th, orders were received and communicated to the several regiments, to hold themselves in readiness for an attack upon the enemy, to take place in the course of the night. 151 This excited much speculation among the officers, who knew not the immediate design, and no little concern among the soldiers, whose arms were much injured from exposure to the rain. The embarkation of the troops was committed to General Mc Dougal. It was to commence at 8 o'clock, in the evening, but a strong north east wind and a rapid tide, caused a delay of several hours. At 11 o'clock, the wind sprung up from the south west, which greatly favoured the enterprize, as it enabled them to use the sail boats, which they had, as well as the barges. Pro- vidence further interposed in favor of the retreating army, by sending a thick fog about 2 o'clock in the morning, (August 30th,) which hung over Long-Island, while on New- York side, it was clear. The fog and wind contin- ued to favor the retreat till the whole army, nine thousand in number, with all the field artillery, such heavy ord- nance as was of most value, ammunition, provisions, hor- ses, cattle, &;c, were safely over. The water was so re- markably smooth as to admit of the row boats being load- ed within a few inches of the gunnel. General Wash- ington, though often entreated, would not leave the Island till General M ifHin with his covering party, left the lines at about 6 o'clock on the morning of the 30th. The se- crecy and skill, with which the whole movement was ef- fected, may be conceived, from the fact that the enemy were so nigh, that the sound of their pickaxes and shovels were distinctly heard by the Americans. Only about half an hour after ^the lines were finally abandoned, the fog cleared off, and the British were seen taking posses- sion of the American works. Four boats were on the ri- ver, three halfway over, full of troops : the fourth, within reach of the enemies fire from the shore, was compelled to return. But she had only three men in her, who had tar- 152 ried behind to plunder. The whole army was safely landed on the north side of the river, and never was there a retreat better conducted, or a more signal interposition of a kind providence. Had not the wind changed, not more than half of the army could possibly have crossed, and the remainder must have fallen, with all the artille- ry and stores, into the hands of the Efiglish. And had it not been for the fog, their movements would all have been discovered in time, greatly to have discomfited them. But we must now return to Flatbush, Here, after the battle, were many American prisoners. Lord Cornwallis appears to have established himself for a little while at least, in the place. Among the prisoners taken previous to, and during the battle, was Cornelius Venderveer,the father of the present John C. Vanderveer, Esq. He was the cap- tain of the militia of the town of Flatbush. Having sent off his family to New- Jersey, he attempted to secure his furni- ture, while he remained in and about his premises. He had hid his arms and accoutrements in a thicket, near the house, and having observed on a certain evening how the guards and pickets of the British were placed, he went in the dead of the night, accompanied by a faithful servant, called Adam, to regain them. They approached the place where they were concealed, by a circuitous route, and having possessed himself of his arms, he put them on, the more easily to carry them. He then proposed to his colored man, to take a nearer and more direct route back. But in doing so, he came unexpectedly upon a guard, which had been placed after dark, in a position of which he was not aware. The consequence was, that he was made a prisoner, and being taken with his accoutre- ments on, and his arms in his hands, he had not much mercy to expect. He was carried to the captain of the 153 guard. Here he was told by several, that there was no hope for him, he must be hung, and they actually put the rope around his neck. In the morning he was taken to the church, before Lord Cornwallis, who sent him with some others, under guard to New-Utrecht, where he was confined in a barn, with a number of other prisoners. Here he was in various ways basely treated and insulted. But while there, a Captain Miller, with whom he had been on terms of intimacy, happened to pass by, and inquired of him how he came there, and after being informed of his case, he said he would try and effect his release. A few minutes after, a file of soldiers came and took him before one of General Howe's Aids, by the name of Cuyler, who was from Albany, who inquired and questioned him about his situation. He asked him if he would take a protection and go home on his farm. Captain Vanderveer answer- ed that he would, provided they would not compel him to fight against his country. Cuyler replied, with an oath, that they had fighting men enough, but as he had promis- ed him a protection, he would give him one. He present- ed it to him accordingly, and said he might go to the re- bels again, for what he cared. Captain Vanderveer took the protection and remained on his farm, but v/as abused and robbed by the Hessians, who paid no respect to his protection, and took the last shirt he had from his back, so that he was compelled to walk about with an old great coat, which he found, to cover his nakedness, until he could get other clothes. His faithful colored man Adam, continued with him all the while. Flatbush was now in the hands of the British, and con. tinned within their lines until the close of the war. During the short tarry of the army in the village, they committed many depredations. They pillaged the houses and des- 154 troyed as much property as they well could. It was sad indeed to the inhabitants to witness this on re-visiting their homes. As soon as the British had taken possession of New- York, and the army had left the Island, the inhabi- tants of Flatbush began to return. Some were absent on- ly a few days, but others did not reach their homes until nearly mid-winter. The scene presented to the view of those who came back soon after the battle, was distress- ing indeed. The place where the encampment had been, was strewed with feathers, straw, papers and pieces of furniture, which had been taken from the houses. In the street, which was grown over with high grass, in conse- quence of the frequent rains, which occurred at that tim*e, and the interruption of nearly all travelling, were to be seen, in addition other things, skins of hogs, which had been slain, and heads of cattle, with their horns on them, presenting a frightful picture of the haste and waste which had characterized the army. On visiting their houses, they found the greater part of their furniture broken and almost everything valuable about their premises injured. So wanton had been the waste, that feather beds had not only been ripped up, and the contents scattered, but in some instances the feathers had been emptied into wells. The best rooms in the houses had been used as stables for the horses, while the drawers in their cupboards and bureaus had served as mangers and feeding troughs. As we may well suppose, the whole town exhibited a scene of wide spread desolation. On their return the males were obliged to take the oath of allegiance to the British crown. This most of them did. It was administered in the church. It may be here asked, why did they not join the American army and fight in be- half of the country. The answer to this question is found 155 in the fact, that all their property — their families and their homes were in the hands of the British. By returning and submitting to their authority, they would be able to preserve these from destruction ; whereas, had they connected themselves with the American army, no doubt every thing they had on the earth would have been swept from them, a sacrifice which we believe few, if any, made during that eventful struggle. But we are not to sup- pose that there were no friends of the American cause at that time, and during the war, in Flatbush. We shall presently see that in a most important way they aided in achieving our national independence. After the battle on Long-Island, the church and the old school-house were used for the accommodation of the pri- soners and the sick. Three private houses were also em- ployed as hospitals. The house now occupied by Mr. J. C. Bergen, the house belonging to the heirs of Cornelius An- tonides, and the dwelling of Mr. Rem Vanderbilt. In this latter house, in which Mr. Seymour now resides, and which then stood on the opposite side of the road, the wounded American officers were brought. The principal hospital for the soldiers was the old school-house. Many of these wounded prisoners appear soon to have died ; for when one individual returned, who was absent but thirteen days, she counted twenty-eight new graves in the church- yard, and it is probable that most of these contained more than one body. After the capture of Fort Washington, which took place in November of this same year, (1776,) a great number more prisoners were brought to Flatbush, and billetted on the inhabitants. It is supposed that no less than four hundred were kept in the southern towns of Kings County. 156 The only regiment left in Flatbush after the battle, was 42d Regiment of Highlanders. They however soon re- moved, and were succeeded by a guard of fifty men under Lieut. Dalrymple. These continued for some time, when upon their removal. Col. Axtell, who resided in the house now owned by Mr. Mowatt, and who was a violent Tory, collected a company called the Nassau Blues. The command of this was committed to his ne- phew Capt. Depeyster. They appear to have been taken from the lowest ranks, and were mostly persons of bad moral character. Col. Axtell wished that they should be united with the militia of the town, but the militia opposed it, and would by no means give their consent to such a measure. These Nassau Blues, from their low and gen- erally miserable appearance, were nicknamed by the in- habitants the " Nasty Blues." They were not billetted upon the town, but had possession chiefly of the court- house. Of so bad a character were they, that in their blasphemy, they called themselves " the Holy Ghosters." After the return of the inhabitants of Flatbush to their houses, in the fall of 1776, an epidemic broke out among them, arising as was supposed from the effluvia connected with the Hessian and British encampment, and which in consequence was called the camp-fever. It seized great numbers, and proved fatal to many ; and among others, to some of the most respectable and influential persons in the town. We should be glad to furnish a list of all the American prisoners who v/ere billetted in Flatbush during the war, particularly the names of the officers, but this is impos- sible. Among the latter were Gen. Silliman, Col. Raw- lings, Col. Magaw, Col. Miles, Col. Atlee, Col. (after- 157 wards Gen.) Williams, Col. Barby, Capts. Fitzhugh Randolph, Bailey, Biles, Patton, the subsequent Post- master of Philadelphia, and a number of others. Bui we cannot forbear a special notice of Major David Lenox. He was billetted upon Mr. Bateman Lloyd. During his residence as a prisoner, he was visited by his brothers Robert and William, with a view to bring him to abandon the American cause. They tried every motive, and pressed him by considerations the most tender. The in- terview was had under the large linden-tree near the house. On their leaving him, he was met by the present Mrs. Lloyd, who observing him to be bathed in tears, asked what was the cause of his distress. He told her that his brothers had been endeavoring to prevail with him to forsake the Americans and join the British. But said he with Roman firmness, " I will never do it." The circumstances which led to the removal of Major Lenox from Flatbush, show his noble daring and firmness, and at the same time the spirit of oppression which distin- guished the officers of the British army. The news of the capture of Burgoyne in 1777, having reached the American prisoners paroled on Long-Island, Major James Hamilton and Dr. Stewart repaired to Flatbush to cele- brate together with Major Lenox an event so propitious to the cause of their country, and so congenial to their best hopes and most sanguine wishes. The night was passed at the festive board, but their conduct was in no way cal- culated to offend ; no extravagant symptom of exultation was shown, for bolstering mirth would have degraded a feel- ing of delight, silent but sincere. In the morning, a fish-car filled with shad, passing through the village. Major Lenox asked the proprietor if he would sell a part of his load : " not 14 158 to a rebel scoundrel," he replied, " though he be starving." The offensive answer was no sooner given than resented. Major Lenox struck the speaker to the earth. A fray was the immediate consequence, in which the American offi- cers, as might have been expected, were overpowered and severely beaten. But this was not the last of their suffer- ings. Charged with an assault and conducted upon the testimony of their adversary, before General Pigot, Ma- jor Lenox, in a plain unvarnished representation of facts, stated the provocation, and asked " if it were possible to have withheld punishment from a rascal, who so wanton- ly sought and so richly deserved it." " It is our busi- ness," replied the General, " to protect and cherish such of your countrymen as seek our protection. You must submit therefore to ask pardon for the outrage committed, or take the consequences that must inevitably follow." " Ask pardon of that scoundrel," said Lenox, "never" ! " Will you, sir," said the General to Hamilton : " May I perish if I do," was the reply. The question Mas then put to Dr. Steward, and answered with equal indignation., " You must be introduced then" said the irritated Gene- ral, " to the Provost Marshall. Mr. Cunningham, they are your prisoners, you know your duty." Six months of close and rigorous confinement in the Provost, (a place of misery, second only to the celebrated prison ship, Jer- sey,) was the consequence of an act, that a generous ene- my would not only have thought just, but commendable. The American prisoners had the liberty of all the southern towjis. They were required to report them- selves at certain times and places. When the French fleet, under Count De Estaing was expected, and when af- ter their arrival they laid off the shore, these prisoners 159 went daily to the top of Vanderbilts hill, to view them. And with regard to this hill, we may remark, in passing, that General Clinton, once rode down it so rapidly, that his Aids could not follow him. Among the prisoners in the county was Capt. William Marriner. He was quartered on parole, at Mr. Rem Van Pelt's, at New-Utrecht. In the exercise of his privilege, he often visited Flatbush. Dr. Van Buren's tavern, the house now occupied by Duryee Wiggins, was a place of great resort. Here he met among others, with the lead- ing tories in the place. These were Colonel Axtell, Co- lonel Matthews, the Mayor of New-York, Major Sher- brook, Mr. Beach and Major Moncrief. On one occasion, probably in consequence of the too free use of his sarcas- tic wit, he was insulted and ill treated by this clan, par- ticularly by Major Moncrief. After Captain Marriner's exchange, in 1780, he determined to visit Flatbush, and capture, if possible, all these abusive tories, who were ve- ry obnoxious to the American officers. He was a brave and daring man. For the purpose of carrying his design into[execution, he repaired to New-Brunswick, and procu- red a whaleboat, which he manned with twenty two vo- lunteers. With this he crossed the bay, and landed at Bath, about half-past nine o'clock in the evening. He made prisoners of three black men, who were fishing, and then leaving two persons in charge of his boat, he march- ed off with the rest of his party towards Flatbush. On his way, he stopped at the house of Rem Van Pelt, his old quarters, and also at his fathers', in consequence of which, these persons were afterwards apprehended and confined in Provost, in New- York, on suspicion of being concerned with him. Marriner reached the Flatbush church without molestation. Here he divided his men into 160 four squads, assigning a house to each. Each party had a heavy post, for the purpose of breaking in the doors. The village was all silence. The houses were all known, and it was agreed, that when the party detached for Colonel Axtell, whose dwelling was farthest from the church, struck his door, each party should do the same at the other houses. Captain Marriner selected the house of George Martense, the father of the present Mrs. Catin, where his friend Major Moncrief quartered for himself. Time was given for the parties to arrive at their several houses, and then, at the concerted signal, the doors were all burst open, nearly at the same time. The first stroke at the door where Major Moncrief resided, alarmed him, and he fled to, the garret, and hid himself behind the chimney. " I entered his room," says Marriner, " and finding his bed warm, I ordered aunt Jannetie to bring a candle. We ran to the garret and found our prize shivering behind the large Dutch chimney, with his breeches in his hands. We took him to the church, our place of rendezvous, where we put on his smallclothes." Mr. or Major Beach, who resided in the house lately vacated by Mr. Michael Schoonmaker, was also seized, as well as Colonel Sher- brook, who lived in the old house belonging to Garret Mar- tense, Esq. which stood in front of Mr. Seymour's, and has been divided as we have heretofore stated, and made into two small barns. But Colonel Axtell and Colonel Mat- thews, the mayor of New-York, who resided in the house belonging to Jacobus Vandeventer, which stood where the dwelling of Judge Lott now stands, escaped, in conse- quence of their being that night in New- York. The se- veral parties having assembled again at the church, they marched off with their prisoners, unmolested to their boat* 161 although it was a fine moon-light night, in the middle of summer. In his account of the matter, Captain Marri- ner says, that Dom. Rubell rung the alarm bell, before we were half a mile from the church, and Dr. Van Samp- er, who lived at Mr. Martense's, sung out, " Goedt luck, Goedt luck : not me, not me." The spirits called from their sleep by the alarm bell, did not pui-sue Captain Marriner, and he arrived safe at his boat, and carried his distinguished prisoners to New-Brunswick. Time will not permit us to pursue this affair farther, and give an ac- count of the taking up and imprisoning of certain persons in New-Utrecht, on suspicion of being connected with Marriner in the enterprize*. The inhabitants of Flatbush during the war, particu- larly those who were supposed to be in favor of th-e Ame- rican cause were subject to a variety of exactions from the British authorities. Their property too was often sto- len, cattle were taken from the fields, hogs from their pens, and horses from their stalls. The hen roosts were frequently robbed, and almost every kind of plundering and thieving committed. When horses were wanted by the British for any service, they were seized without ce- remony. On one occasion, Colonel L***, of Flatlands, attempted to take the horses of Captain Vanderveer, while he was ploughing with them in the field. The Captain * In the account heretofore pubhshcd of this incident, the name of Major Moncricf does not appear, while Colonel Sherbrook is repre- sented as the principal object of capture by Marriner. But this is incor- rect. It was Major Moncrief who had principally insulted him, and he was the person whom he desired chiefly to take. The account given above, contains the true statement of the whole affair. 14* 162 refused to give up his horses, and showed his protection, and orders from Captain Dalrymple. This so disconcert- ed the Colonel, that he was quite enraged, and in a violent manner exclaimed, " You, Flatbushers are always med- dling." He went then and seized the horses of Judge Lott and of Judge Vanderbilt, who had no protection. During the greater part of the war, a guard was kept up in the village. For a considerable time this was done by the militia of the town. The object was, not so much to watch the prisoners, as to detect sailors and stragglers, who would leave their vessels off the beach and come through the village, on their way to New- York, for the purpose of escaping being taken by the press-gang, who were coasting on the waters, in and about the city. The guard detailed for duty consisted usually of seven, of 'whom two were sent out on patrol. Several amusing anecdotes occurred relative to this guard, but we have not room to narrate them. In 1781, a regiment of new recruits, under Colonel Hewlett, raised chiefly in Queens County, came to Flatbush and were billetted on the inhabitants. After these, a re- giment who had been taken prisoners in the West-Indies, from Waldack in Germany, commanded by Colonel De Horn, were sent to the place, and billetted upon the inha- bitants to a certain extent. They were obliged to find them quarters, but not provisions. The officers had their own rooms, and the soldiers generally occupied the kitch- ens of the houses. This regiment behaved well ; no de- predations were committed by them. We cannot refrain from giving an account of one of them. His name was Raymond. He was desirous of joining the American army ; for this purpose he deserted, and at great risk, got 163 on board of an American merchant ship, — unfortunately for poor Raymond, this ship was soon captured by the British, and the deserter was sent back to Flatbush to his regiment. A court-martial was held upon his case, and he was sentenced to pass through the gantlet, as it was called, ten times, and each time to be whipped. He was prepared with bare back accordingly, and the regiment being arranged in open file, poor Raymond passed with a file of soldiers before him to prevent his going faster than such a gate, through the long line, while every man on either side was required to give him a cut with a whip. At the end of each turn, a sei'geant passed through the line with a fresh supply of whips, and every soldier drew from the bunch a new rod, with which more severely to punish Raymond This was enacted ten times — and one would have supposed that at the end of it, Raymond would have fallen down dead. His back, as might have been sup- posed, was dreadfully lacerated, almost every whip drawing blood ; but as if by a miracle, the poor fellow survived, and eventually got well. But all this whipping did not drive out of him a love to the American cause. He de- termined again to desert ; but before doing so, wished to revenge himself by killing his Colonel. But his asso- ciates would not agree with him in this undertaking. He however, with some few others, eventually deserted and got safely within the American lines, and on visiting Philadelphia and making his story known, he was treated with such signal attention, as almost to compensate him for his past trials and sufferings. Among others who were billetted in Flatbush, were the soldiers who had fought in Canada, in the French war. Of these nothing particular is told. For accommodating 164 these, as well as the regiment of the Waldeckers, no compensation was allowed to the inhabitants. Among the many troops belonging to the Biitish, who from time to time were in Flatbush, many were desirous of going over to the American army, and several desertions took place. Among others, a Captain Lyman of Boston. He became involved in debt and sold his commission in the British service. He was soon greatly reduced in his circumstan- ces, and had to sleep in the open air under the stacks. The American prisoners hearing of his situation, made a collection for him — had a suit of coating made for him at the house of Captain Cornelius Vanderveer, and furnished him with means to escape beyond the British lines. He travelled safely towards the east end of the island, passed over to Connecticut, and eventually joined the Americans. Near the close of the war, a Saxon regiment, who were dressed in French clothing, came to Flatbush, and were quartered upon the inhabitants. Many of these, and in fact the whole regiment, was desirous of going over to the American army. One of the soldiers who was billetted at Captain Vanderveer's, came to the present J. C. Van- derveer, Esq. one morning very early, before he had left his bed, and told him their wishes, and offered him money if he w^ould pilot them. Mr. Vanderveer told him of the entire impracticability of the enterprize, on account of the distance of the American lines, and the waters which they would have to cross. He was induced in conse- quence of this, to leave him. But next morning he brought one of his officers to Mr. Vanderveer, who told the same story — that the whole regiment were ready to join the Americans, and pressed him to guide them. He told them again that the matter was utterly impossible ; that 165 if they attempted it, there was no escaping detection and death, and accordingly they desisted. But the soldier and some others did attempt to desert, and were taken and put on board a man-of-war. After a short time, the whole regiment was removed. The incident is interest- ing and important, as showing how popular the cause of the Americans was, even with many who were brought here to fight against them. AID AFFORDED TO THE AMERICAN CAUSE DURING THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. We now open an interesting chapter in the History of Flatbush. It relates to the pecuniary aid afforded by this, in common with some of the other towns in Kings County, to the advancemeixt of the American cause, during the struggle which eventuated in our independence. While from the circumstances in which the inhabitants of this part of the country were placed, they could not personally enlist in the army without sacrificing their all ; many of them furnished money, appropriately called the sinews of war, with which to carry on the contest. This, in view of the situation of the country at various times during the revolutionary conflict, was exceedingly important. The currency of the country consisted chiefly in continental paper. This had become so much depreciated, that it was of little value, and it was absolutely essential to the success of the American cause, that specie should be ob- tained. It was therefore contrived to borrow money for the use of the army, from the whigs, on the west end of Long-Island, who had in their possession large sums of 167 gold and silvef. The agent in effecting these loans, was Major Hendrick WyckoiF. He was the only son of Mr. Cor- nelius Wyckoff, of New-Lots, in this town. His father was a staunch whig, and his son the Major, early enlisted with all his heart, in the cause of his country. He left Long- Island with the American army, in September, 1776, and remained in the service, and virtually an exile from his home, till the British left the country, in 1783. He was a confidential friend of Governor George Clinton, and a brave discreet and enterprising officer, a man of sterling integrity and honesty. His country's enemies were his enemies, and her friends his friends. Being well acquainted with the inhabitants of the west end of Long-Island, and who among them were true friends of American Independence, after the plan of obtaining money from them was sugges- ted, the execution of it was committed to him. The loaning of money appears to have originated with Lieutenant Samuel Dodge, who was taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery, in October, 1777. The officers who were captured in the Fort at that time, were brought to New- York, and distributed on parole in Kings County. Lieutenant Dodge and Captain Gilleland, were quartered at the house of Mr. Barent Johnson, the father of the present General Jeremiah Johnson, of Brooklyn. He was ex- changed in the early part of the following November. On his return, Mr. Johnson, who was a firm and devoted whig, loaned him a small sum of money, and probably suggested the idea of obtaining specie in Kings County. Colonel Ellison, who was a prisoner in New-Utrecht, on parole, was advised on the subject, and when he was ex- changed in December, 1777, he obtained a loan of £700, to the State from Mr. Barent Johnson, which he carried with him. This was the first loan, for which a simple 168 private receipt on account was given. Several receipts of the like import, amounting to 85000, were taken by Mr. Johnson before his death in 1782, a noble testimony to his devotedness to the interests of his country. The practicability of obtaining money in King County being thus manifest, the whole conducting of the affair was intrusted to Major WyckofF. It was an enterprize attended with imminent danger, and one which required great skill and secrecy in its execution. The plan usual- ly pursued by the Major, was to cross the sound from Con- necticut, and conceal himself at Cow Neck. The house in which he was usually secreted, was that of Peter On- derdonk, a warm friend of the American cause. He was entrusted by Governor Clinton, with blank notes, signed by him, which the Major was to fill up to certain indivi- duals, for such sums as he received from them. He had his agents in this part of Kings County, who obtained mo- ney for him, and took it to him. Judge Cowenhoven of New-Utrecht, the father-in-law, of Mrs. Catin, was one of these. He carried to the Major, the chief part of the mo- ney raised for this object, in Flatbush. Major WyckofT would occasionally venture himself within the British lines. He visited his father's house in New-Lots, and in the winter of the year 1780, he was several days at the house of Mr. Remsen, at the Wallaboght, in sight of the prison ship, Jersey. In the evening they rode out, when Mr. Remsen would borrow money, with which they would return at night. In the day they would count it on a blanket, and bag it. When the Major had as much as it was safe to take, Mr. Remsen took him and the cash to Mr. Onderdonk's, at Cow Neck. In effecting this service for his country. Major WyckofT ran many risks of his life". On one occasion he was concealed for two or more days 169 and nights in a thicket of briar bushes, from which he could see the men wlio were in pursuit of him. The amount of money loaned to the State by the whig inhabitants of Flatbush cannot be fully ascertained. We should be glad to name all who thus favored their coun- try's cause, but strange to say, no record of these trans- actions has been made or preserved. We can only men- tion such as have come to our knowledge, without design- ing to cast any reflection upon others. The mother of the present old Mrs. Lefferts advanced £500, equal to $1250. On one occasion, when counting out the money to the person who was about to take it to Major WyckofF, a Bri- tish officer entered the house, and she came near being discovered and apprehended. Captain Cornelius Van- derveer and Judge Lott, united in advancing on a certain occasion, a sum of money. What the precise amount was we know not. But they received the simple note signed by Governor Clinton. To preserve this voucher, they en- closed it in a bottle. This being well corked, they buri- ed it under one of the post of Mr. Vanderveer's barn. At the close of the war, they dug up the bottle, but on open- ing it they found that all the writing on the note was ob- literated, except the signature of George Clinton. When the State repaid these loans, this note among others, was presented. The Governor inquired into the cause of its being so defaced, and at first hesitated to honor it. But on being told the circumstances connected with it, he hono- rably discharged it. Mr. George Martense, the father of Mrs. Catin, probably advanced the largest amount of money of any individual ip the town. He loaned first and last, £2200, equal to $5500. This was the more commendable on his part, as 15 170 he was regarded by the British as favorable to them. He had not fled when they entered the town, and they injured no part of his property. At his house too, the British offi- cers often visited, and Major Moncrief had his quarters. All these sums were given in specie, and when the loans, after the revolution were paid, it was in the same currency. When Mr. George Martense went for his money, he took a cart, it is said, and the silver completely filled it. The process of loaning money continued till the peace.. Many timid whigs ventured as the prospects of the coun- try brightened, and loaned their money. They knew the purpose and the danger in aiding the American cause. To tell was death. A combination in what was esteem- ed treasonable acts, bound them strongly together. It is supposed that before the war terminated, not far from 8200,000, in specie, had been loaned and carried out of the British lines, by this devoted band. And what is remarkable, not a single person who aided in this busi- ness was discovered. It is to be regretted, that a public record of these transactions, so honorable to the whigs of Kings County, is not in existence. " I have searched," says General Johnson, in a communication to the author, " the records and public papers, of the war, at Albany, but no entries of this matter can be found." Major Wyckoff* after the peace engaged in mercantile business, with Judge Smith (also an exile) under the firm of Smith and Wyckoff*, New- York. He died in the year 1791, at his fathers' house in New-Lots, being about fifty years of age. His funeral was attended by a large con- course of people, desirous of paying their last respects to a man, who had braved danger and difficulty, in the ser- vice of his country. Among these, were the military offi- 171 cers of the city of New- York, and his personal friend, George' Clinton, the Governor of the State. At the close of the war, a liberty pole was erected in Flatbush. It was near the spot where the present one stands. The occasion was one of great joy and hilarity. Materials for the flag having been procured, a party of ladies assembled at the house of Mr. John C. Vanderveer, for the purpose of making it. Several young persons gathered together in the evening, and much dancing and merriment were indulged in. But it was interrupted by a sensation of an earthquake, which was then very strong- ly felt. The flag however, duly formed, with its stripes and stars was completed and a time was set for the putting up of the pole and displaying for the first time in Flatbush, the American signal. A large concourse assembled on the occasion. It was celebrated with the firing of cannon, and other demonstrations of joy. An unfortunate acci- dent occurred, however, which greatly marred the plea- sure of the scene. Mr. Henry Van Beuren, the brother of Courtland Van Beuren, the father of the present Mrs. Hasbrook, was severely wounded. He was engaged in ramming down a charge in the cannon, when from some cause the piece discharged itself. The ramrod was driv- en with great violence from the cannon, and severely la- cerated the hand and arm of poor Van Beuren, and also passed along his thigh and laid open the flesh almost through its whole extent. The wound was a very dan- gerous one, and it was feared at the time, that it would prove fatal. He however, after a very long confinement finally recovered. The evening of the day on which the liberty pole was erected, was spent in festivity. A large public ball was 172 held, the company using for the occasion the court room, from which the British officers had previously removed the seats and benches, to render it suitable for similar amuse- ments on their part ; little dreaming that they whom they reorarded as dastardly rebels, would use these accommoda- tions to celebrate, in the same place the achievement of their independence from foreign oppression. ^- 7»««K»Ww«S<5l«6' r f ^ ^*' 4S^ 5^ MODERN CHANGES AND IMPROVEMENTS. During the period immediately succeeding the termina- tion of the revolutionary war, no very material events took place in Flatbush, except the building of the Acade- my, the Church and the Court House, all of which we have already noticed. But presently the attention of the inhabitants was directed to their side walks and front fences. The first fences in front of the farms, were formed of stone, surmounted with earth, on which were planted shoots of primrose. These were kept properly trimmed, and when in full growth were very handsome. Lining the village, almost entirely on both sides, they presented a very pictu- resque appearance. This was the case about seventy or eighty years ago, and had been so, for probably a century before. But from some cause, either the severity of the winter weather, or the ravages of an insect, these prims all died in one season. Some then took down the stone foot and substituted ordinary posts and rails. This how- ever, had but an unsightly aspect. Picket fences were then resorted to. In front of two farms these had been put up previously to the war, viz : by Colonel Axtell and Mr. David Clarkson. One after another of the inhabitants substituted these in the place ofthe old stone fence, or the posts and rails which had been used. And now there is one continued picket or panel fence on both sides of the 15* 174 village from one end to the other. The last link in this chain was completed some four or five years ago. Locust trees were formerly planted on the side walks of the village. Some of these, perhaps seventy-five or one hundred year of age, were standing not many years since. The last of them stood in front of the premises oc- cupied by Dr. Vanderveer, and Mr. John C. Bergen, and were removed when these gentlemen regulated and form- ed their side walks. Some few of the more modern of these locust trees are still standing before the property now in the possession of the widow Gertrude Stryker, on the walk of Matthew Clarkson, Esq. and in front of the jiouse belonging to the heirs of Cornelius Antonides. As these trees decayed, which occurred between thirty and forty years ago, they were succeeded by the Lombardy poplar. Quite a spirit existed in the place in favor of this tree. They were planted in great numbers, on either side of the road, and when they had attained their full growth, they presented certainly a very beautiful appear- ance. It was at this time, about the year 1815, that the author first knew the village. These trees, on either side, gave it the aspect of a spacious avenue, or a beauti- ful vista, indicative of the comfort, peace and prosperity which generally reigned within the village. It was soon found, however, that these trees were infested with a loathesome worm, that they gave but little shade, and were not durable. The proprietors generally, removed them, and none are now left standing, except in front of the dwelling of L. L. Van Kleeck, Esq. Some planted lo- cust trees again in the place of these poplars. But these were found to be attacked with worms, and not to grow with rapidity, or beauty. Since this a great variety of or- namental forest trees have been set out, which we need not 175 enumerate. In this connection, we must speak of four ve- nerable trees, three of which are still in existence. These were English Lindens. One of them is now standing in front of Mrs. Catin's, another on the corner of Dr. Zabris- kie's, and the third, on the opposite corner, in front of the house of Mr. Michael Neefus. These were planted very many years ago. The two last particularly, affording a fine shade, were often resorted to by the neighbors, in the summer season. Many a social pipe, and happy hour have been enjoyed under them. The fourth of these vene- rable trees, stood in front of the house which was taken down to make room for the present dwelling of Judge John A. Lott. This tree was very large, and very highly prized. About the period of the American Revolution, a limb of this tree, from some cause, became broken, and Colonel Matthews, the Mayor of the City of New-York, who then lived on the premises, had it leaded up, and it grew again. But after a while it was split again by the wind. x\nd he actually sent to New- York for riggers, who bound it up with ropes, and" so preserved it. On one occasion the court of the county sat under this tree. It was in consequence of the large number of persons attend- ing, who could not be accommodated in the court house. The regulating of the side walks in the village was commenced about fifteen years ago, by M. Clarkson, Esq. At a very considerable expense he levelled and gravelled his walk, and put up a railing in front. Small pieces of railing before a few doors had been made previously, but none extended in front of the whole premises. The be- nefit and the beauty of this improvement were soon seen, and several others followed the example, so that now we have a regulated walk through the greater part of the vil- lage, and a railing or chain in many cases in addition. 176 Soon after the close of the war of the American Revolu- tion several new houses were put up, some in the place of those that had been burnt, and some on the sites of other old dwellings, which were pulled down. Within the last few years, several beautiful and spacious dwellings have been erected, and nearly all the houses which were stand- ing during the Revolutionary war are removed. We have not space to specify all these buildings, which com- bine the elegance and conveniences of modern improve- ment. David Johnson, Esq. erected the first, about fif- teen years since, when he moved to the village, and put up the noble edifice in which he resides. Matthew Clark- son, Esq. a few years afterwards built the magnificent mansion which now adorns his property, and in which he lives. The old wretched building formerly owned by Mr. Van Courtlandt has been succeeded by the two beautiful houses now occupied by Mr.. Prince and Mr. Crommelin. The very ancient house of LefFert Martense, has given place to the stately edifice of Judge G. L. Martense. In- stead of the small uncouth dwelling which formerly stood upon the very edge of the road, we have the spacious house now inhabited by Mr. Seymour, with its Grecian front, and the comfortable dwelling in which Mr, St. John resides. The old brick structure belonging to the Stryker family, which but a few years ago, stood near the corner, venerable for its age, and bearing upon its front, the figures 1696, has been removed, to make room for the modest, but neat cottage of Mrs. Gertrude Stryker. The long gloomy looking, but time honored house of Barent Van Deventer, has given place to the commodious edifice of Judge John A. Lott. In the room of the unsightly and delapidated hovel of Mr. Jacobus Van Deventer, with its large duck pond, and falling fences, we have Vernon avenue, and the nice and ^ ^-wi^vy Higp M'txi ' 177 tasty building in which Mr. Beekman resides. The old house of Hendrick Vanderveer, has been succeeded by the hand- some, well finished and convenient dwelling of Mr. Sam- uel G. Lott. And though the last, not the least, in the north of the village, Mr. Willink has erected the splendid mansion, into which he has recently removed, together with its beautiful barn and stables, surmounted with a cupalo, all of which, he has enclosed with a costly panel fence. In addition to these, to some other houses Grecian fronts have been added, and various improvements made, which give to the whole village an air of beauty, pleasantness, richness and comfort, which are surpassed by but few others. A distinguished gentleman of Pittsburgh, Penn- sylvania,* on his first visit to the place, called it a village of palaces. Besides these more conspicuous houses, ma- ny more have been put up in various parts of the village, some of which too, are beautiful and neat. Quite a con- siderable settlement has grown up, a little east of the Aca- demy, and also one in the. north of the village, on which spots a few years ago, not a house was to be seen. Indeed within the past twelve or fifteen years, more than sixty new buildings have been put up, besides those which have been erected in the place of old ones, which have been re- moved. It no doubt will appear strange to some, that a village so contiguous to the great emporium of our country, and combining the advantages of health and means of educa- tion, with the absence of many temptations to the young should not have grown with more rapidity. But the rea- son is to be found in the fact that until within a very few years, not a building lot could be purchased in the town. * Hon, Robert C. Grier, 178 The owners of property, living in comfort, and gradually- adding to their estates, felt no inducement to part with their lands. But of late, some few farms have been purchased, and Flatbush property is now in the market. Had the village been laid out regularly in streets and building lots, some thirty or forty years ago, it would we have no doubt by this time have rivalled some of our largest inland towns. But notwithstanding the present aspect of neat- ness and comfort, which it presents, it is susceptible of still greater improvements. These we trust, will in due time, be made, and the village become, what it is capable of be- ing made, the pride and beauty of Long-Island. We had intended to give some account of the genealo- gy of most of the older families of Flatbush. Materials to a very considerable extent have been collected with this view, but as they are not sufficiently full, especially in regard to some families, we deem it proper to waive this part of our subject. ■ From a review of the history of their little home which we have taken, truly the inhabitants of Flatbush have abundant cause to admire the goodness of that God who in his benign providence has smiled so graciously and so con- stantly upon them. Their cup has overflowed with blessings, and still the same mercy of the Lord is crown- ing their families with peace. With adoring gratitude let us lift up our hearts to his throne and with fulness of love to him let us show the fervor of our thankfulness by lives devoted to his glory. Committing to his guardian care, the interests of our village, and praying his blessings to rest upon it, let us aim to make it as eminent for morality, for intelligence, for pure religion, as it is now for health, beauty and temporal prosperity. >* POSTSCRIPT. Since the foregoing was in type, we have met with the following obituary notice of the Rev. Johannes Theodo- rus Polhemus, the first pastor of the Reformed Dutch Churches of Flatbush, Brooklyn and Flatlands. It is extracted from the records of the Church of Brooklyn. " It has pleased the Almighty God, to remove from this world of care and trouble, our worthy and beloved pastor, Johannes Polhemus, to the abode of peace and happiness in his heavenly kingdom : by which, our Church is de- prived of his pious instructions, godly example and evan- gelical ministrations, particularly in the administration of the holy sacrament of the Lord's Supper." o.