.1 INDUSTRIAL ll COMMERCIAL AND il CIVIC FEATURES r iar jQi^ef fn^ {a x:^<=3c:>c Uaabinntnn INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL and CIVIC FEATURES of the National (Ha^ttal of ti|P By GEORGE H. GALL Issued by the Special Booklet Committee CHARLES W. CLAGETT - - - Chairman ALBERT SCHULTEIS - - - Vice-Chairman lana (Eltambrr nf (Cnmmrrrr THOMAS GRANT. Secretary ^(T^ — ^o [16] •r--^ as. - » i ' ^j w^aa : ' REMARKABLE GROWTH. The business history of the largest retail establish- ments of the city reads like fiction. One of the largest department stores commenced business fifteen years ago in a one-story, twenty-foot front store, with but a few clerks, and handling dry goods only. To-day their establishment occupies nearly an entire city block, part of the building being four-stories and part five-stories in height. Their stock includes everything ihat can be found in the most diversilied department store, they employ thousands of clerks and the coun- ters are always lined with customers. What is said of this establishment is hardly less true of many others. [17] I B.A^p^^^7:^m: A CROUP OF CLASSIC BANK STRUCTURES. ALL, FACE THE U. S. TREASURY AND HARMONIZE ARCHITECTURALLY WITH THAT BUILDING. [18 : STRONGEST BANK CITY .\PPIL\' peculiar in maiiN- respects Wash- ington (lift'ers from otlier cities of the Urited States no more favorably than in her fmancial equipment and strength. In stability no stronger proof of her exceller.ce could be offered than the ex- perience of the Capital city during the recent panic and hnancial stringcrc}^ as compared to the less favorable experi- ences of other conimunities. were failing and exchanges suspending business in other cer.ters no l)ank of any character in Washington failed or was even en:barrassed. The conh- dencc of the public was so great in local institutions that n( t the slighest uneasiness was at any time evident. The cnl\' indications here that money was scarce were a slight increase in interest rates and a r.atural ccnservativeness in making large loans. W hile bank UNIQUE ADVANTAGE. The pre eminent advantage Washington has over other cities in resjjcct to her fmancial instititions is that they all are under tlie direct supervision of the Comptroller of the Currency. St) far as openness to Government in- spection is concerned and consequent safety all the banks at the Capital are on as sound foundations as National banks. In 1907 a savings bank was closed by order of the Comptroller, whose office assumed immediate charge of its aflFairs. The Comptroller's administration disclosed the fact that it was in a sound condition, and every stock- holder and depositor received dollar for dollar within a surprisingly short time. The writer is indebted to Mr. J. Clinton Ransom, finan- cial editor of the Washington Herald, for a clear and complete compilation of the condition of the Washington banks and trust companies at the close of business. May 22, 1908. It is here given. [19 \o c^ o\ 1 6 " d \£l t^ t^ •^ t^m ^ >^ xn ON^ 0\ " -I o 00 t»5 o ex ■^ rl-io fOOO CI 0\ c^ « •-. w r^ 50 tnvo lil lO Oi fo p< o\ M d\ .-;?- 1 0\ O t^. lO 0\ to 00 00 a.' V5 in I I ooo « ^ 00 VO 0\ ^ >0 ro cjv n o\ o\ ^^ r^ i? '1" ' ■* 0\ O 0^ tM O lo I vo 00 -^ ■+ "^ ^r . (A . 'u) • O ■ -a c o . P w " o i5 O rt J3 C (U 2 I5S?^ woo 0» O 00 00 w i/l OOP* ir> O O M 0\ o o r^ on o o\o o" o'oo' CO o ^ o» M 00 tM o PI o 0\ M O c. O^ o t^ OO o ^ to <- ON o\ Ov CI ^ M i-i ^ o^ O O IT) O OO CI vo o o vo 2 o\ <1 o> o o^ 1^ o_ o_^ too_^ (Vp 1-1 pmfnr CAPITOL, WEST FRONT, WASIIINC.TOX MONUMENT AND WH ITE HOUSE [49] west. The building contains the Dead Letter Office and museum, and also a museum on the first floor, showing all methods of handling mail in the United States and its possessions. Open from nine until two. The large white building at the corner of Fourteenth Street and Pennsylvania Aveune is the new District Building, in which is housed the government of the Dis- trict of Columbia. It was opened July 4, 1908. The above list includes the places of public interest in the central part of the city, but there are many others on the outskirts and in the suburbs which the visitor should not omit. Among them are the Navy Yard, the Marine Barracks, the Soldiers' Home, the National Zoological Park, Mount Vernon, the home and tomb of George Washington, Alexandria, the National Cemetery, at Arlington, and Fort Myer. INTERESTING SUBURBS. Then, there are many suburban resorts which com- bine pleasant trips with scenic beauty and historic interest. Cabin John Bridge, the longest single-span stone arch in the country; the Great Falls of the Po- tomac, Chevy Chase Lake, the Franciscan Monas- tery, Falls Church and Fairfax and Marshall Hall are all available by trolley or steamer. Trains to salt water on Chesapeake Bay, at Chesapeake Beach, run frequently. Every evening in the summer there are delightful trips down the river to Indian Head and return without stop, and a new excursion line has been opened this year which puts Baltimore and An- napolis and the U. S. Naval Academy practically in the same category as the other places mentioned. Fifty-ton electric cars leave Fifteenth and H Streets, Northeast, every half-hour for both cities, and the city street-cars transfer directly to them. The "Touring Washington" sight-seeing autos are always available and are equipped with competent guides. [50] I I I Gude Brothers Co. | ft * I I I 4 3Flort0ts 9 I I AND: = I I Jffloral ifroratnra * I I S 1214 F St. N.W.,Washington,D.C. I I I I I Fresh Cut Flowers and 7 Floral Decorations ^ f(C -J I FOR ALL OCCASIONS ^ ((c IN ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY | fCc FROM S WE FURNISH OUR OWN GREENHOUSES I Best Stock, Prompt Service ^ Satisfaction Guaranteed or no Pay asked « $ Phone, Wire, or Write us ?: Cable Address : GUDE | 9 '4 [51] IT i§ (dl@ipiiir{Liiini(e]niit §it©ifap caimiLirsilIly focalLedl^ i§ nyiwaSfl stocked wiftlk SOUVENIRS OF WASHKIMGTOM sumd weairmg ^ipprntml ©IF 9 [52] For Further Information write r^ Pi^rPi-^rPi-^^-^Pii AUGUST W. NOACK. President and Treasurer. GEO. A. WII,i,IAMSON, Secretary 331-1333 E STREET NORTHWEST WASHINGTON. D. C )iui§flim©i a 5p®€ INVESTMENTS DWIGHT ANDERSON :(eir 526 -THIRTEENTH STREET. N.W.- 526 Thos. Grant, Scc'y, Chamher of Commerce 9 Pioneer Manufacturer of Washington W P JAMES S. TOPHAM MANUFACTURER OF Tavelers' Goods and Fine Leather Wares OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Trunks Bags Satchels ^Si Suit Ca^es ^?V- ^M Straps . _^^pfe' i^H ^^^^^1^1^ ^flH^v Cases k v|PW Rugs, etc. k. .,1 : :..; ^^■^■W^' "'^^^ Purses Arm Bags Bill Books Card cases Flasks Portfolios Music Rolls Toilet Cases Established 53 Years WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Phonograph Record Cases Tobacco and Sample Cases of Every Description Repairing and Ordered Work a Specialty i On F Street, 1219, Washington, D. C [54] For Further Information icr 4 I ite Pi^^rPi'^cPi^m'^^'^ p-^^^rPi^Pi-k>Pi^ p-'kkP^^Pi^^cPi'^cPi 9 W. S. HOGE. Pres't HOWARD h. WII.KINS, Sec'y AlyBERT F. McDOWEIvIy. Vice-Prest THE HOGE » Mcdowell co. I (Incorporated) p)) I MILLERS I t Wholesale Flour and Feed Dealers I and Commission Merchants is 5! f(C Hay-House— Capacity. 200 Cars ': Manufacturers of -^j I MCDOWELL'S PURIFIED MEAL I I Mill and Elevator: $ 9, Eckiiis:toii Place and Q Street '^ £ Opp. B. & O. Kreijjlit Yds. :^ if: Commission House: p)j J 915 I^ouisiana Avenue ^ LARGEST FLOUR. HAY. AND GRAIN * ELEVATOR IN THE DISTRICT WASHINGTON, D. C. T Thos. Grant, Scc'y, Chamber of Commerce [ ^^ ] When you visit Washington visit the I ((c i: 3? » » BON MARCHE Olorr^rt ir^sB for ^f" OMit©irgairinni(giniit§ Mffllmeiry ^^^ a: a: Uiffidleirwcsair A A ?)) — c 314-316-Seventh Street, N.W.-3 1 4-3 1 6 | ^ i f(C "STRICTLV RELIABIjE QUALITIES" V^ I 0)1 iXt^3^&sCs {\ 1862 E.STABI^ISHED 46 YEARS 1908 4 I Exclusive Novelties in it \ o f I annd Fimirimiilbiiinigi i i ^« I . -I ^ Mail Orders will receive prompt attention v I WM. H. McKNEW CO. | ^ 933 Penna. Avenue Washington, D. C. [ 56 1 For Further Information write 'a I JULIUS OARFINKLE & CO. 9. f(c 5^ f(c 9 I 9. I I I F STREET, CORNER 13ih ©mmeini^g Wear The fact that a garment is purchased here is a full guarantee for G^ U A L- I T" Y ©"rYL.E AND VAL-UE WM. IIAHN cSi. CO^S Main Shoe House, Cor. Seventh and K Streets TWO BRANCH STORES One of the Greatest Shoe Houses in the U.S. Thos. Grant, Sec' y, Chamber of Commerce [57 ^--fer^-^ ^'^r^'^ Pi^rP;^ Pi^PiUr Pt i It is a Clean Fuel Use Coke for Cooking I An Economical Fuel. t Always Gives Perfect Satisfaction* We'll Supply You, 25 Bushels Large Coke, delivered, $2.50 40 " " " " 3.70 60 " " '' '' 5.30 25 " Crushed " " 3.00 40 " " " " 4.50 60 " " " " 6.50 I Washington Gas Light Co. f 4l3Ter)tb Street N. W. TheOfte I Hot Water! Radiator 9. f(c Heated by Gas V^: Sanitary Perfect Heat 1 No Odor i^r Send for Catalog ^ Dept. C f(c Of te Radiator! ((c 9 I 509 Ninth St. N,W. I Washington, D. C. | ((c ,^ ^.5«^.^ ^.^^.^ ^.^^.<* ^.>#^.^ Foy Further Information write s^Co^Jno ^^hPi^ ^'^r^'Ur ^'^^"^ Pi^rPi'^ P'^Pi'^ P'^P'^ Pi^P'^m 9 4" I OPEN A RESERVE ACCOUNT WITH t K^* "The Strongest Financial Institution 9. Soi th of Philadelphia and East of * ^f : : : : : St. Louis" : : : : : :J t AMERICAN SECURITY I AND TRUST COMPANY | Capital, Surplus, and Stockholders .\, ff Liability I I $7,700,000 I 9 * ((c INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS 9, SUBJECT TO CHECK AT WILL ■L Inquiries in person or by mail, regarding the banking, C .0); safe deposit or trust departments are invited. ^j ^ New Banking Building: ^ fTc N. W. Corner of Fifteenth and Pennsylvania :^ ^ Avenue, Opposite U. S. Treasury. * i^ CHARLES J. BELL, : : President i * 9 Washington's LEADING GROCERY HOUSE Ar * . Washington's LEADING GROCERY HOUSE I 416 NINTH STREET N. W. f Telephones Main | ^^^ 4^ 9 9 9 Coffee Roasters % J. C. ERGOOD (£ CO. I % it ((c I Heavy and Fancy Groceries | I The Best Satisfaction Means Money Saved | 2h^.^^.^ ^.^^.^ <^.^'r^.^ ^.^^.^ -^.^^.^ -^.^^.^ ^.5#^? r/(o.s'. Grant, Scc'y, Chamhcr of Commerce [ 59 ] WilLiam a. Hill Charles F. Wallraff ^ ,/-^. Piesident Sec. and Treas. T ^ RiONALD W. BeaLl William A. Boss Vice-President Asst. vSec. I MOORE S HILL INCORPORATED 1333 G Street. Northwest I If: 9. I St I 9 Everything in Real Estate in tlie Natlooal Capital f i I ?t Homes $2,500 to $250,000 J, « Ik ^: Business Properties and Apartment Houses .■))) ^ $5,000 to $500,000 ic WAS H INGTON, D. C 9, Gilt Edged First Trust (Mortgage) notes 5 5-^ to 69r I ON THE GREAT FALLS AND OLD DOMINION 'i , HOMES, HOME SITES I AND ACREAGE | I On the Virginia Hills, overlooking Wash- .•)) ing-ton. Best Car Service * is ONE FARE I r(c S! I I I — — * 1 CRAIG & EVANS | *. I I HIBBS BUILDING | <#^.« ^S€^S4 ^.^♦^.^ ^.^*^Si $ Pays Interest on Deposits Rents Safes Inside Burglar- Proof V'aulis THE NATIONAL SAVINGS & TRUST CO. CAPITAL $1,000,000 Corner 1 5 th Street and New York Avenue WASHINGTON, D. C. Acts as Administrator, Executor, Trustee, Etc. I 9. ((c 9. 9 I 9 I 9 $ $ I 9 i 9 r(c f(c 9 I I I $ ? WASHINGTON. D. C. Thos. Grant, Scc'y, Chamber Real Estate at the National Capital the Safest Investment WRITE OEOItGE Y. WORTHINGTON SIuanH a«5 ilnjsuranre 1410 G Street, N.W. GREATER WASHINGTON REALTY CORPORATION 61 I Colorado Building Phone Main 4874 We handle only the heSt suburban lots and acreage for investment and speculation :: :: T. C. H. Vance, President J. F. Smiley, Vice-President F. A. Vance, vSecy.-Treas. INVESTMENTS in the National Capital If you wish to make a large or small Invest- ment WRITH US. Our Stock and Bonds are protected by first- class Washington Real Estate, all on an Income- Producing Basis. We have S9r Invest- ments with Complete Security. Write for Booklet and full information. Consult us about Rent and Sale of City and Country property I Realty Company 706 11th Street, N.W. WASHINGTON, D. C. [61] f of Commerce I HENRY T. OFFTERDINGER I | I 504 Ninth Street N. W. |; I ^. Manufadurer of the j|j I 9. I .#^ .Ml^ DEER HEAD 5r AND After Dinner CIGARS LARGEST FACTORY IN WASHINGTON, D. C. D. FRANK PARKER it i. 9 it it 9 % it JOHN C, PARKER'S SON Stationer % it * 1335 G Street, N.W. Washington, D. C % 55 Telephone Main 455 C SOIvE AGENT FOR THE \ . . H y^ Edison Mimeograph and Supplies v, ^ Rotary Neostyle and Supplies ^ 9. Automatic Paper Folding Machines, expressly for office use oping and Printing Everything You Need or want done in PhotORraphy Phone Main 767 420 NINTH STREET Branch vStore, 459 Pa. Ave. I 'c I I High-Grade Shoes t In the Building Devoted '(L to Shoe SelHng 5 WASHINGTON, D. C. | T. C. L. PARKER Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor of Patents vSuite 34, Deitz Building 639 F Street Washington, D. C. Telephone, Main 3376 Patents Secured Trade-Marks Registered Patent Suits Conducted [64] For Further Information write $ I Time is Money | 5 r ((c 31! I » .a^^^^^Ka The Underwood J^ saves you TIME, in {(c fact,lotsof it. Busi- J; neSvS men apprcci- V * .'"H^^ ^n^tdMi^^ ''^^^ ^^^^■'^ — that is 1 ?)( d^^^^^^^^^ ^ why we are so busy. * _ Send your order to 'tk P)/ ^ Underwood\ i Typewriter Company \ » /20tf F Jfreei? Northwest % % - I J; f(c « E. S. AIvVORD, M. H. ACHESON, 5^ "^ President. Vice-Pres. and Treas. [t |j ((C I Llttlefield, f I Mvord Sr Co. | 9. I General Transportation 26th, 27th, D and E Sts. N. W. 0); Washington, D. C. Wharfage. vStorage, Stevedoring, and Rigging •■JJ Branch Office: Colorado Building, .^^.^ ^.^^S^ ^.^^.^ ^.^^.^ -^.#^.<4 66 1 For Further Information write rPi-^ Pi'^rPi'^ PiU^'^ Pi^cPi^ Pi^^''^ Pi^^'^ Pi'^rPi'^ The National Hotel i is one of the lead in g hotels of the National Capital. Its location , ni i d w a y between the Capitol — — -. .- - and White House o n the famous Pennsylvania Avenue, in front of which all street car lines pass, renders it most desirable and accessible. It has just been modernized at a cost of $75,00 '. marble floors and stairways, ek'ctric elevators, telephone, electric light and heat in every room, new furnshingrs and equipment through- out. The only old time home-like hostelry in the city. SCHBDUi^H OK RAXHS American Plan— $2.50 to $4.00 per day each per.son. European Plan— Rooms $1.00 to $2 50 per day. G. F. SCHUTT - . - . t I I I « « 4 '% 4 I Post Office Corner, Washington 0^ Manager I WASHINGTON, ALEXANDRIA & MT. VERNON I RAILWAY COMPANY i I ((c I ((<■• 3? Faft Electric Trains to T every hour on the hour from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. inclusive |L An Expert Guide on all trains for t Alexandria and Arliiig^toii National Cemetery every twenty minutes ^^^^Jt — Hmtl 'gsssaaaMMMJ^- ^^^ ws^ ssszsSm. ::-"-,.— . ...1 9. re <«^.«*^.^ ^.«#^.5« ^^^^ ^.^^.^ ^.^#^. I iFattrit O^rnrprtpa t % % I WINES AND LIQUORS 'h 9 'ti I 1412,1416,1414 & 1418 Pennsylvania Avenue | I WASHINGTON, D. C [ 68 ] For Further Information write I Pi-UrPiUrPi'^rPi-UrPi'^ r)'>yr^'^»i-^^-^ P^'^ Pi'UrPi'^PiU^'^ THE George W. Knox Express Co. Office: 1417 Pennsylvania Ave. N. W. Hanlinyofall Descriptions. Iron Safes, Boilers, and IVIa- chinery Placed in Position. Kstiinates Furnished. 1-iir- niture, Pianos, and Household (roods Moved in Upholstered Kurniture \'ans. Solicitors and SHIPPERS OF FREIGHF OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Freight Delivery Agents Pennsylvania R. R. Omnibuses and tCxcursion Wagons for Picnics, etc.. on Rea- sonable Terms. Baggage Called for and Delivered to Railroad Depo s, vSteamboat Wharves. Hotels, and Private Residences. Heavy Hauling, Moving Iron Safes. Boilers, etc. a Specialty STORAGE General Storage in Separate Spaces. Household Goods and Pianos Stored in Private Rooms. Furniture, Pianos, and all Kinds of Goods Packed for Shipment Telephone Main 320 I Ask For • i "The-Velvet-Hind" PURE ICE CREAM !9 If !l ,(r Thos. Grant, Sec'y, Chamber of Commerce Only PASTEURIZED CREAM Used Telephone— Lincoln 390 I 9 ESTABLISHED 1862 GOLDEN & COMPANY I Bacon I I 9. ((c I Commission Merchants * I Beef and Pork Packers and | ^1 Lard Refiners. Butter, Eggs, *i i|| Poultry, Live Stock, etc., etc. *^ 4 Sole agents for 4^ ^ Elk Grove Butter | ?: The best produced. Curers * ? of the celebrated ;^; 9 Golden Rod Hams and ^ p> is ^f- Refiners of | I Golden Leaf Lard | I f SALESROOMS p); I 922 to 928 Louisiana Ave. N. W. | k y Packing House and Lard Refinery ^ |- Columbia PiHe, Alexandria County, Va. J^ [ 70 ] For Further Information icrite 5 =A WASHINGTON HNDUSTEY= 4; 9 i I The A. LOFFLER i I SAUSAGE and PROVISION CO. ^ , Home 'Dressed Beef, i| Veal, Sheep, i Hog Products, and i i i. Sausage %fJi I • Washington, D. C. stands in All Markets Tho.s. Grant, Scc'i/, Clianihcr of Commerce .ti I I I f I I I I '1] I Carter | I Twin-Engine Car I f. PATENTED ^^ I I .1^ 9. ». ^f ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE | I ECONOMICAL POWERFUL SPEEDY (£ I The Carter Twin-Engine Car | ? marks the highest attainment ? j^ in motor car construction | J TheTwIn-Engine Principle is adopted by the Navy j? '.^: Departments of the world, and endorsed by l-^ ^ the leading scientific publications 5I £ of the land J V(J "The advantages of twin-engines have long been ^ •^ recognized for marine service, and the safeguard ^ d: against absolute breakdown which a division of ((?' ^ power insures is as valuable on an automobile as on ^ t a steamship. — Sciciitijic .hnei-ican. I ABSOLUTE RELIABILITY. ECONOMY, DURABIL ^ ITY, POWER and SPEED are the merits found in ^ if all CARTER TWIN-ENGINE CARS '''■ f^' Catalogue forwarded on request .r^ I Carter Motor Car Corporation | ^ 409-410 Munsey Building | t WASHINGTON. D. C. | ^. Factory, Hyattsville. Md. .V 'i if I 72 1 For Further Information write I I NATIONAL ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO. WASHINGTON, D. C toatbr0 Olnntrartors f(c SEND FOR CATALOGUE 1330 NEW YORK AVE. 'Ik Eledrical Supplies Machinery and Mill Supplies Automobile Accessories ., Dynamos and Motors | Engines and Pumps | Contradors for Complete | I Power and Electrical Plants | ? a; a; * 9. ^^.'*^.<;«^.<*^.'^ ^.<4^.^^.^*^.<;«^.^ ^.-fer Pi'^r^'^^-^PiUr^'^ Pi^Pi'^rPi-^ The Washington Loan and Trust Co. Capital, $1,000,000. Surplus, $700,000 ^^\r]L-^ Allows interest on deposits, the same being subject to check, Acts as executor, administrator, trus- tee, guardian, etc. Buys, sells, rents, repairs, and insures real estate. Rents safe deposit boxes and stores valuables. Issues letters of credit and travelers' checks to persons traveling abroad. This company is organized un- der act of Congress, and is under the supervision of the Comptroller of the Currency of the United States. OOR. eTH AND F 8T8. JOHX jov KnsON, President 300 1-lb. loaves to the barrel « Cream Blend Flour — Is a true blended flour. — Is absolutely pure. — Is richest in nutriment. — Is best for bread. — Is best for cakes. — Is best for pastry. — Is cheapest because best. — Insist on having it. AX YOUR GROCHR^S. B. B. Earnshaw & Bro. Wholesalers 1105. 1107. 1109 Eleventh St. S. E. 1000. 1002 n Street Setttheait Thos. Grant, Sec' y, Chamber of Commerce ^.^^."^' [75] Established 1874 k (H "^HE F. P. MAY HARDWARE I i i. I I I I I CO. has been very closely identified with and largely contributory to the jj great commercial activity and progress shown by the National Capital during the pa^ few years. This company of importers and jobbers, founded thirty odd years ago, has grown from a purely retail establishment until today it stands as one of the foremo^ and moft influential whole- sale hardware houses of this sedion of our country. With their corps of courteous and efficient salesmen, their large and varied stock of depend- able merchandise, and with an earned reputation for prompt shipment, right prices and excellent service, they have come to enjoy a very large local business and a very extensive shipping trade. Their traveling representatives canvass the neighboring States of Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, and Southern Penn- sylvania. The special line of Beaver tools and cutlery, marketed solely by this firm, enjoys great popu- larity throughout their territory by reason of the^r uniform high quality and finish. The F. P. May Hardware Co. have their offices and salesrooms at 634 Pa. Ave. N. W. I ,^^.^^.^- [76 J For Further Information write The U. S. Naval Academy and Historic Colonial Annapolis are now easily accessible to Washington via The Electric Line One Hour's Run. $1.25 Round Trip. Palace Cars leave White House Station, Fifteenth and H Sts. N. E., Hourly from 6.30 A. M. Tickets at Station or at City Ticket Office, Fourteenth Street and New York Ave. N. W The Monumental City BAL TIMORE is also connected with Washington by The Greatest Double - Track Electric Interurban Railway in the world Cars from same Station Every Half Hour. Seventy Minutes. $1.25 Round Trip, Baggage ChecKed Free Washington, Baltimore and Annapolis - Electric Railway Company Thos. Grant, Sec' y, Chamber of Commerce [77 - PiUrPi-y^rPi'^rPi'^rPi I THE R. P. ANDREWS PAPER 9 COMPANY AND LOOK FOE THE HOUSE WITH 9. ^ UUiTlliiill « I f I WHERE YOU CAN FIND * I ANYTHING YOU NEED IN I Paper ©r ^-^ ^) — ^^=> I I 625-627-629 | } LOUISIANA AVENUE | « I 626-628-630-632 | I D STREET, N.W. * J THE YELLOW FRONT [ 78 ] For Further Information ivrite I U/>e HYDRAULIC | I PRESS BRICK CO. i I ■ 5 Furnish over 90 per cent, of I T Vc f Ae Press Brick used in the Dis' | * 5 I trict of Columbia, in addition to | J! /,500 cars shipped annually * I I from their Waterloo, Va,, plant I to Eastern States — from Maine J to Florida. i I Hydraulic Press BricK I I \ I are specified by the best archu % ft |. tects. i ^ I I WASHINGTON BRANCH i * I Colorado BIdg., Washington, D. C. I 9. * «<^.^^.^^.^ -^.^#^.<<^.^«^.^#^.^#^. <#^.^^?.^^>.^ r?;^^^.^' J/jps. Grant J Scc'y, Chamber of Commerce [ 79 ] ^••UrPi^rPi^^-^^'Ur Pi^rPi^rPi^^'^^-Ur Pi^rPi'^^'^cPi^ ORGANIZED JANUARY. 1814 £ I * NATIONAL I !f AND C I METROPOLITAN | I BANK I I = I «f FIFTEENTH STREET f I OPPOSITE U. S. TREASURY * I . .. I SI Capital and Undivided Surplus * I $1,500,000.00 i ?: E. S. PARKER, President .•))) RALPH W. LEE | I I ffital Eatatf I I llnsuratitE I i 1406 G STREET NORTHWEST f ^^ ^ * CONSULT US ABOUT YOUR INSURANCE AND « i SECURE THE BEST CONTRACTS i I AND LOW RATES I i(c 5 "<#^.<*^.^*^.^^.^ ^.^^.^#^.<*^.^^.^ ■^.^^.^^.<*^.^#^.^ [80] LIBRARY OF CONGRESS