,-"''Wijte&, MS LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ullmllMIIMlur 000DEbES0b4 ^ ^I' ■^v. *•"■>' y '°^*^••/ 'V'*^*,/ "o^*^-'/ V' o '^ . ^^c!^" -^jm^^. '-^^r^* o'^^^B'- "^-ov* :W^^^ '-n.-o^ 'bV ^a, *i^T'-\,6' ^*- '»:^^'* --^ .•or "^^ - "^0 <> /..i^:'/°o ,//^;^A. >"/^v>- ./y>;i^%\ ^^o^..^'^ • r«5AVi,^'^ >-? *" A^^% ^°WW: /"-^ '. .* «fc*. o jT» .s^^"""- V V A^ ^^-n^. THE TRIBUTE OF A GRATEFUL PEOPLE TO THE FATHER OF HIS COUNTRY. <. V THE WASHINGTON NATIONAL MONUMENT, (HeiffJit. 100 /ivt.) Washington City. (Udi//d of o'ldisk: too /at.) THE YOUNG AMERICAN'S PICTURE GALLERY. r "/irT'H" i rih,; -;■ 'if CAPITOL AT WASHINGTON. PHILADELPHIA: LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. THE YIIOiG I—' 6/i4S. WITH ^i^iNJt\f IHLLUJSTiHitlllNJf. v^"?wV:H!^i2i^ .''^^'** PHILADELPHIA: LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. Entered, according. to fhe Act of Congress, in the year 1S56, by LINDSAY & BIAKISTON, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. STEREOTYPED DY J. PAGAN. PRINTED RT C. SBERMAN A SON. El 13 Prefath Perhaps there is no better way of impressing on the minds of the youth of our country, important events in its history, and in the lives of some of the noble men who took prominent parts in securing the glorious Independence which we all now enjoy, than in doing so by anecdotes and pictures illustrating the events themselves. The example of which have prompted those of a later generation to follow in their footsteps, and in their turn be bright and shining lights to the rising millions of our youth to whom the destiny of our beloved country is hereafter to be entrusted. PHILADELPHIA, July 4, 1856. (5) ContentH ICiGt iif Slhuitnitiiniij WASHINGTON'S MONUMENT Frontispiece. CAPITOL AT WASHINGTON Engraved Title. WASHINGTON AS A SURVEYOR Page 11 WASHINGTON CROSSING THE ALLEGHANY 13 WASHINGTON CROSSING THE DELAWARE 15 WASHINGTON PRAYING AT VALLEY FORGE 17 THE SURRENDER OF LORD CORNWALLIS 19 WASHINGTON'S HOME, MOUNT VERNON 21 WASHINGTON WITH HIS FAMILY 23 WASHINGTON'S TOMB 25 FRANKLIN THE TALLOW-CHANDLER 27 FRANKLIN A PRINTER 29 FRANKLIN'S FIRST ARRIVAL IN PHILADELPHIA 31 FRANKLIN HIS OWN PORTER 33 THE LIBRARY THAT FRANKLIN FOUNDED 35 FRANKLIN A PHILOSOPHER 37 FRANKLIN SIGNS THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE 39 FRANKLIN THE STATESMAN 41 PENN INSTRUCTED BY HIS MOTHER 43 PENN'S MOTHER VISITS HIM IN PRISON 45 PENN LANDING AT CHESTER 47 (vii) viii CONTENTS AND LIST OF ILLUSTRATIOAS. PENN'S TREATY WITH THE INDIANS 49 PENN'S FIRST COTTAGE IN PHILADELPHIA 51 PORTRAIT OF WILLIAM PENN AS A PREACHER 53 PENN'S PRIVATE RESIDENCE, PHILADELPHIA 55 PENN IN CONFERENCE WITH THE INDIANS 57 GENERAL MARION ON HIS FAMOUS HORSE BALL 59 THE LAST SHOT 61 MARION DRILLING THE RAW RECRUITS 63 SERJEANT MACDONALD AND THE OLD TORY 65 THE FAMOUS POTATO DINNER 67 COLONEL CAMPBELL TAKEN PRISONER 69 MACDONALD'S MESSAGE TO WATSON 71 MRS. MOTTE AND THE BOW AND ARROWS 73 LAFAYETTE OFFERING HIS SERVICES TO FRANKLIN 75 LAFAYETTE WOUNDED AT THE BATTLE OF BRANDY WINE 77 LAFAYETTE AT THE BATTLE OF MONMOUTH 79 LAFAYETTE'S LAST INTERVIEW WITH WASHINGTON 81 MAJOR GENERAL LAFAYETTE 83 LAFAYETTE'S ARRIVAL AT NEW YORK 85 TRIU3IPHAL ARCH AT PHILADELPHIA 87 LAFAYETTE'S TOMB, PARIS 89 WEBSTER AT HIS FATHER'S SAW-MILL 91 WEBSTER FISHING FOR TROUT 93 WEBSTER DECLINING A CLERKSHIP 95 WEBSTER AS A STATESMAN 97 BUNKER HILL MONUMENT 99 THE WEBSTER DINNER AT FANEUIL HALL 101 WEBSTER'S LAST VISIT TO ELMS FARM 103 MARSHFIELD, WEBSTER'S RESIDENCE 105 CONTENTS AND LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. ,1X YOUNG JACKSON'S PRESENCE OF MIND 107 YOUNG JACKSON'S ESCAPE ON A RAFT 109 ANDREW JACKSON AS A JUDGE Ill GENERAL JACKSON AND THE ACORNS 113 THE YOUNG INDIAN AND JACKSON 115 THE BATTLE OP NEW ORLEANS 117 PORTRAIT OP MAJOR GENERAL JACKSON 119 JACKSON'S RETIREMENT TO THE HERMITAGE 121 THE BIRTH-PLACE OF HENRY CLAY 123 THE MILL-BOY OF THE SLASHES 125 HENRY CLAY AT THE VILLAGE SCHOOL 127 HENRY CLAY AT THE DEBATING SOCIETY 129 ASHLAND, MR. CLAY'S RESIDENCE 131 HENRY CLAY THE STATESMAN 133 THE BATTLE OP LAKE OKEE-CHOKEE 135 CAPTURE OF GENERAL LA VEGA 137 SIEGE OP MONTEREY 139 CAPITULATION OP MONTEREY 141 GENERAL TAYLOR NEVER SURRENDERS 143 GALLANT CHARGE AT BUENA VISTA 145 GENERAL TAYLOR AS A PRESIDENT 147 BATTLE OP THE KEGS 149 THE OLD BELL OF INDEPENDENCE 150 )^/^ CG ^""^ Vli!j^;2>^yiy '*^' IViUiijinghiii nil n liirnnjnr. George Washington's first teacher was a tenant of his father, named Hobby, who lived to see his pupil commander of the American armies ; and he used to boast that he had "laid the foundation of his greatness." The manuscrij)t school-books of Washington have been joreserved, and they indicate the natural cast of his mind. Soon after he left school, Washington went to reside with his elder brother, Lawrence, at his place on the Potomac Eiver, named Mount Yernon, in honour of the admiral of that name. At the age of sixteen years, he was appointed a private surveyor by Lord Fairfax, then residing in Virginia; and in March, 1748, set out upon his first surveying expedition. It was a most laborious and fatiguing service. The season was stormy, and still cold ; the rivers were swollen by the recent rains, so as to be impassable except by swimming the horses ; and the forests were pathless and trackless. But he performed his duty in such a manner as to give perfect satisfaction to his employer, and established a high pro- fessional reputation. He soon after received a commission as a public surveyor, and for three years was almost constantly engaged in this pursuit, strengthening his habits and constitution by hardships and exposures, and increasing all the while his reputation for integiity, energy, and ability (10) \ty ^-- vay ^Hiiljingfim Crossing tjje lllegjinnii lliiieL Washington had gained such a high character by the time he was twenty-one years of age, that he was selected by the Eoyal Governor of ' Virginia to carry a letter to St. Pierre, the French commander on the Ohio. In the discharge of this duty, he set out on the 15th of Kovember, 1753. The patience and firmness which he displayed on this occasion, merited and obtained a large share of applause. He expected to find the Alleghany River frozen; but it was not, except about fifty yards from the shore. " There was no way of getting over but on a raft, which we set about with but one poor hatchet, and finished just after sunsetting. We next launched it — then went on board and set off; but before we were half over, we were jammed in the ice in such a manner that we expected every moment our raft to sink, and ourselves to perish. I put out my setting-pole to try and stop the raft, that the ice might pass by, when the rapidity of the stream threw it with such force against the pole, that it jerked me out into ten feet water ; but I fortunately saved my- self by catching hold of one of the raft-logs. Notwithstanding all our efforts, we could not get to either shore, but were obliged, as we were near an island, to quit our raft and make for it. The ice was formed so thick during the night that we found no difiiculty in getting off the island next morning, and proceeding on our journey." (12) ^^0^.^^^ il^nsjliiigtnn CrnsHing i\)t Delntnarf. Previous to the Battle of Trenton, "Washington reflected on the dis- persed situation of the English troops, and observed, "Now is the time to clip their wings." Urged on by the necessity of striking a blow that might awaken the energies and revive the hopes of his country, he formed the design of attacking the enemy at the moment he was lulled in the lap of security, waiting for the freezing of the river. The design was executed, so far as the elements would permit, with success. The night was dark as pitch ; the north-east wind whistled along the shores of the Delaware, laden with freezing sleet, and the broken ice came crashing down the stream in masses that, as they encountered the rocks above, shivered into fragments, with a noise that might be heard for many miles. Neither man nor beast was out that night, and the enemy on the opposite shore sought shelter from the storm in the houses of the citizens of Trenton. But Washington was active. In the dead of the night, the boats were launched on the river, and, after incredible exertions, they reached the opposite shore. Without waiting a moment to learn the fate of the other two divisions, which were to co-operate in this daring adventure, he pressed forward towards the foe, and the dawn saw him before Trenton. The guard had no time to fire, so impetuous and unexpected was the attack. Washington advanced upon them and took a thousand prisonei'S, with their arms, and six field-pieces. (14) i^'f^J"^'-^ 'Ji/ r» i^iuil)ingtnn pnnjing nt UnlUij .jForgt In the winter that the American army was stationed at Yalley Forge, near Philadelphia, the hardships endured by the soldiers were almost incredible, and Washington continued to urge on the attention of Con- gress the sufferings of his troops. During this period of suffering and privation at Valley Forge, Washington received a letter from the English Governor of New York, enclosing a resolution of Parliament to propose a reconciliation to the Americans. Offers of pardon were made, but no acknowledgment of independence. Addresses to the same effect were sent by agents of Great Britain to persons of every description throughout the country. The inhabitants of the surrounding country, knowing the condition of the army, were alarmed. One of them left home, and as he was passing thoughtfully the edge of a wood, near the camp, heard low sounds of a voice. He paused to listen; and, looking between the trunks of the large trees, saw Washington engaged in prayer. He passed quietly on, that he might not disturb him; and on returning home, told his family he knew the Americans would succeed, for their leader did not trust in his own strength, but sought aid from the Hearer of prayer, who promised in his Word, " Call on me in the day of trouble ; I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me." (16) ^'<^C^'^ \J^^ C*"vi# €\)^ liirrenhr nf %nxl C0rEinnlli0. After the arrival of the French Admiral, Count de Grasse, from France, with twenty-five ships of the line, Comwallis saw himself be- sieged by a superior army, animated by the certainty of success ; every day increased his difficulties, and diminished his hopes of assistance; new batteries were raised on all sides against him, Avhile his own de- fences fell, one after another ; the Americans and French vied in acts of gallantry, and at the exj^iration of a few days his situation became so desperate that he was obliged to surrender on the terms offered by General Washington, which were accepted by the English General ; and, on the 19th day of October, 1781, the whole British army marched out of Torktown as prisoners of war. General Lincoln was aiDpointed by Washington to receive the submission of the enemy, in the same manner in which Cornwallis had received that of the Americans on the 12th of May, 1780, at Charleston. While the troops of Cornwallis were marching out of the town, with cased colours and driims beating the sad sound of defeat, Washington said to his men, " My brave fellows, let no sensation of satisfaction for the triumph you have gained, induce you to insult a fallen enemy ; let no shouting, no clamorous huzzaing, increase their mortification. It is a sufficient satisfaction to us that we witness their humiliation. Pos- terity will huzza for us ! " (18) 1^ '^' '{P^!i^^ \C.>n,-5T^ I^ii0l)ingtnn'0 Ihmt, Jlhunt ^ernun. Soon after the final evacuation of New Tork by the British, which occurred on the 25th of ISTovember, 1782, and at the close of the general festivities which followed the entry of the American army into that city, Washington began to prepare for revisiting his home at Mount Vernon, which he had not seen from the time on which he left it to take the command of the army. The mansion is pleasantly situated in the beau- tiful county of Fairfax, Virginia, at the top of a small steep hill fi'om the edge of a wild ravine, on the south bank of the Potomac Eiver. The most impressive and the most painful duty before him was to take leave of his old companions in arms. On the 4th of December, at twelve o'clock, they assembled, by his request, at the hotel in which he lodged, where in a few minutes they were met by their general. Few Avords passed, for their hearts were too full to speak. Washington filled a glass of wine, turned to his fellow-soldiers, and, in a voice almost choked Avith his emotions, addressed them in these noble and affecting words : " With a heart full of love and gratitude, I now take leave of you. I most devoutly wish that your latter days may be as prosperous and happy as your former ones have been glorious and honourable." Having pledged himself to them all, he added, " I cannot come to each of you to take my leave, but shall be obliged if each of you would come and take me by the hand," Avhich Avas complied Avith ; General Knox taking the lead, avIio Avas followed by all the officers present. (20) lllniilliiigtnE luitlj jiis /ninili(. WiiEX Washington had resigned the title of Commander-in-chief, he took that of private citizen, and retired to his peaceful home. The satisfaction he felt in doing so was expressed in a letter to his friend Lafayette, who had returned to France soon after the surrender of Corn- Avallis. "At length," he wrote, "I have become a private citizen, on the banks of the Potomac, and under the shade of my 'own vine and my own fig-tree,' and free from the bustle of a camp and the busy cares of public life. I have not only retired from all public employments, but am retiring within myself, and shall be able to view the solitary walk, and tread the paths of private life, with heartfelt satisfaction." He was at this time fifty-one years of age, with a vigorous frame, and a constitution unbroken by the vicissitudes of a hard service of eight arduous years. His pleasure was in the performance of his duties. His employment was agriculture. Every morning he was abroad in the fields, directing his labourers, and seeing that they had complied with his instructions. His eye was everywhere, and as those who performed their duties never failed of being rewarded by his approbation, so those who neglected them were sure of a reprimand. He considered indulgence to his dependants, when carried to the extent of permitting idleness or offence, as equally unjust to him- self and injurious to them. He was a kind master to the good, a strict disciplinarian to the bad, and he was both feared and loved by all with- in the sphere of his domestic influence. ^ , (22) /S^c^f^ r. \J^ €^t €m[\ iif il^aGJiingliiE. "This structure consists simply of an excavation made partly in tlie side of a steep, sloping hill, which has a southern exposure upon a thickly- wooded dell. The walls are built of brick, and arched over at the height of eight feet above the level of the ground. The front of the tomb is rough-cast, and has a plain iron door, inserted in a strong freestone case- ment ; over the door is placed a sculptured stone panel, upon which are inscribed these impressive words : " I AM THE EESSURRECTION AND THE LIFE ; HE THAT BELIEVETH IN ME, THOUGH HE WERE DEAD, YET SHALL HE LIVE." At a small distance from the walls of the tomb, on all sides, there is a surrounding enclosure of brick-work, elevated to a height of twelve feet, and guarded in front with an iron gateway, opening several feet in ad- vance of the vault door. This gateway is flanked with pilasters, sur- mounted by a stone cornice and coping, covering a pointed gothic arch, over which is sculptured, upon a plain slab, inserted in the brick-work : "WITHIN THIS ENCLOSURE REST THE REMAINS OF GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON." The sarcophagus, which now incloses the sacred dust of the Great Founder, owes its origin to the patriotism and public spirit of a mechanic of Philadelphia. Early in 1837, Major Lewis, surviving executor of Washington's will, applied to John Struthers, to execute a suitable marble coffin to inclose these interesting remains. In answer to this application, Mr. Struthers requested permission to execute, at his own cost, a sarco- phagus which he hoped might be deemed worthy of so honourable a dis- tinction. This permission was cheerfully accorded ; and in August of the same year, the work was most creditably completed. (24) ^#j?^w;^^«^/^A \a-"J- -i^ #'rinikliii a Ciilliuu-Cljiiiiiilrr, Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on the 17th of January, 1706. The name Franklin was most probably assumed by his English ances- tors when others took surnames, all over the kingdom, which was about the commencement of the fourteenth century. Franklin's uncle, Benjamin, after whom he was named, appears tc have been the only one of his father's connexions who followed him tc America. He had a great affection for his little namesake, and as this sentiment on the part of the uncle was reciprocated with respect by the nephew, Uncle Benjamin no doubt had much influence in the formation of the future philosopher. Franklin was originally intended for the ministry ; his early readiness in learning, and the advice of friends, including his Uncle Benjamin, determining his father upon that course with him. He was accordingl} placed at eight years of age at a grammar school, where he made rapid progress ; but the expense of a college education was found to be so great that he Avas taken home by his father to helj) him in liis business, whicl was that of a soapboiler and tallow-chandler. As Benjamin was young and light, he was employed in the easier work, such as cutting wicks, filling moulds, attending the shop, and "going of errands." At this employment, though he very much disliked it, he remained for aboul two years. (26) ^^,^/^(^<^JL. /^ /^i-l^ C-^y-^X jFninlvliii ii printer. The inclination wliieli Benjamin had shown for books and reading, and the failure to fix upon any other occuj^ation for him, determined his father to make him a printer. He accepted the offer of an apprentice- ship to his brother James, as he preferred printing to the business of his father. At the early age of t\velve years his indentures Avere signed, by which he agreed to remain with his brother until he was one-and-twenty. Franklin's time for improvement while in the printing-office was necessarily brief; but, by untiring application during all his sj^are hours, he accomplished wonders — yet no more than any studious youth, so dis- posed, may do. His occupation gave him more access to books than he hitherto enjoyed, both by his acquaintance with other apprentices, and by the friendship of gentlemen, to whom his studious habits and correct deportment recommended him. Of these advantages he was careful to avail himself; and in the selection of books he showed a judgment and wisdom far beyond his years, reading and studying those chiefly which would repair the deficiencies in his education. Among the books which he early read were, Bunyan's Works, Burton's Historical Collections, Plutarch's Lives, De Foe's Essay on Projects, Locke on the Understand- ing, and a treatise of Dr. Mather's, entitled "An Essay to do Good." His brother, in 1721, commenced the publication of a newspaper, the JSTew England Courant, the fourth which had appeared in America. This seemed to ojien a new era in our young philosopher's life. (28) |^ninlvliii\i fir0t ilrriiiEl h ^3j)ihiiirlpl)iiL Franklin, after working some time with his brother James, resolved on leaving him and seeking employment elsewhere. New York being the nearest place where there was a printing-office, he turned his attention towards that city, and arrived there in October, 1723, when only 17 years of age. Failing to find employment there, and being told by a Mr. Brad- ford, who formerly lived in Philadelphia, and carried on tlie printing there, that his son, who was a printer also, had an office in Philadelphia, and had just lost his principal hand by death, our young adventurer pushed at once for Philadelphia, and after a series of mishaps he arrived in the city ; his first appearance is best told in his own words : " I walked towards the top of the street, gazing about till near Market Street, where I met a boy with bread. I had often made a meal of dry bread, and inquiring where he had bought it, I went immediately to the baker's he directed me to. I asked for biscuits, meaning such as we had at Boston ; that sort, it seems, was not made in Philadelphia. 1 then asked for a three-penny loaf, and was told they had none. Not knowing the different prices, nor the names of the different sorts of bread, I told him to give me three-penny worth of any sort. He gave me accordingly three great puffy rolls. I was surprised at the quantity, but took it, and having no room in my pockets, walked oft" with a roll under each arm, and eating the other." (30) /'^ -r <^^ V:>''*'5 v^i^fy^ei^^v^ l-^iinkliii I)i0 niun pnrtet. In the summer of tlie year 1730, Franklin oiDened in the city of Phila- delphia a small stationery store, and offered for sale in it legal blanks of all kinds, the most correct and neat that had ever been got up for the profession. The result of this new business soon enabled him to com- mence paying off a debt be had incurred in the purchase of his printing- ofiice. His habits were industrious and frugal, avoiding every thing that had an appearance of idleness and dissipation, dressed plainly, was never seen at places of idle diversion, wasted no time in hunting and fishing, and was not above trundling his purchase of stock for his store home on a wheelbarrow, when it was convenient or necessary. His favourite source of recreation, books, instructed as well as amused him ; and while reading did not expose him to the public charge of idleness, he took care that it did not really interfere with his industry, and was careful to be punctual in keeping his engagements. In this manner, winning and keeping public confidence, he went on thriving daily. Franklin married on the first day of September, 1730, and commenced his matrimonial life with the old English proverb in view that says, ''He that would thrive, must ask his wife/' who, as good luck would have it, was as frugal as himself, assisting him in folding and stitching pam- phlets, tending shop, and purchasing old linen rags for paper-making, &c. (32) -iv-^ €\)t ICilinirij tijiit .IniEkliri fiiiiuh^t Philadelphia City has become celebrated for its Public Institutes, and none among them has added more to its celebrity than the Philadelphia Library, founded by Benjamin Franklin. This venerable-looking building, with a niche in its front, in which stands a statue of its founder, placed there in 1792, by the munificence of William Bingham, Esq., a citizen of Philadelphia, was the first piece of sculpture of so large a size which had been seen in America. The Sage is represented standing, with his right arm resting upon a pile of books, and holding in his right hand an inverted sceptre, indicating his anti-monarchical and republican principles. This Library aftbrded Franklin the means of improvement, by constant study, for which he had set apart an hour or two each day, and was the only amusement which he permitted himself Although his situation now daily grew easier, his original habits of frugality continued. His father, in his youth, had frequently repeated to him the saying of Solomon: "Seest thou a man diligent in Ms calling f He shall stand before kings, he s/iall not stand before mean men.^' From this saying, early impressed upon his mind, Franklin considered industry as a means of obtaining wealth and distinction, which encouraged him ; though he did not think that he should literally stand before kings, which afterward happened. Franklin stood in his life before /fe, and sat down with one, the king of Denmark, to dinner. (34) 'T^ ^ ■-^■^'^^^'^'^W .ifninklin a pjiilnGiijitier. In 17-19, Franklin first suggested his theory, explaining the phenomena of thunder-gusts and the aurora-borealis upon electrical principles ; and, in the same year, conceived the bold and grand idea of actually drawing down the lightning by sharp-pointed rods. His original design was, to place an insulated pointed rod upon some high tower, for the trial of the experiment ; but there w^as at this time no tower in Philadelphia which w^ould serve the purpose. At length the thought of a kite occuri-ed to him. He prepared one of silk, as better adapted to withstand the rain than paper. To the upright stick of the kite an iron rod A\as affixed. The string was hempen twine, except the lower end, which was silk, and where the twine terminated a key was attached. With this apparatus he proceeded to the fields, when he perceived a thunder-gust approaching. He was accompanied only by his son ; for the experiment was one so daring, and, if it failed, would be pronounced so foolish, that he was reluctant to disclose his purpose. The experiment was to test the truth of what he had long taught, relative to the theory of electricity, and its identity with lightning. The kite was raised. A thunder-cloud passed over it — still there were no signs of electricity. Doubts and despair of the result which he had been labouring to establish came over him, when suddenly he observed the fibres of the hempen string bristling up in an erect position. Ho presented his knuckle to the key, and repeated sparks were drawn from it. The experiment was completely successful, and the theory established which made Franklin's name immortal. (36) J /»^ rp /^^ }h\\Mm dgn-i tlje Ilrrlanitiim iif ^nifrjifniirnre. In the controversy between Great Britain and her Xortli American colonies, Franklin was, from the first, one of the advocates of early action, and was appointed, with Jefferson, John Adams, Sherman, and Livingston, upon the committee that drafted the Declaration of Independence. The paper was from the pen of Jefferson, and received in committee only a few verbal alterations, suggested by Franklin and Adams. Congress debated upon it three days, and in that time made nearly a hundred verbal and other alterations, and struck out two entire clauses. The curious reader who desires to compare the Declaration as reported, with the jiaper as adopted, will find the original draft, as preserved by Jefferson, printed in a parallel column with the Declaration, in the notes to the first volume of Marshall's Life of Washington. There is a letter of Franklin, written in 1775, which is remarkable, no less for its strong American and patriotic feeling, and its sacrifice of pri- vate friendships to the public cause, than for the epigrammatic neatness of its conclusion. It was addressed to his old friend, Mr. Strahan, and is as follows : "P/iilada. Juhj oth, 177o. " Mu. Strahan : — " Ton are a Member of Parliament, and one of that majority which has doomed my country to destruction. You have begun to burn our towns, and murder our people. Look upon your hands ! They arc stained with the blood of your relations ! You and I were long friends ; you are now my enemy, and I am " Yours, " B. Fraxkun." C38) Vgi/ --' si.-^ I^rniiklin tlje Itiiteiiinnn. In October, 1776, the United States gave another proof of the wisdom which guided their councils in the appointment of Dr. Franklin at the head of a commission to transact the business of the United States at the Court of France. He embarked for France in the sloop of war Reprisal, Captain "Wickes, on the 27th of October, taking with him his two grandsons, William Temple Franklin, and Benjamin Franklin Bache. Before leaving Philadelphia he raised all the money he could command, between three and four thousand pounds, and placed it, as a loan, at the disposal of Congress. This was indeed a signal mark of his patriotism, and of his confidence in the success of the stand taken by his countrymen. In his 71st year, he might reasonably have pleaded age and infirmity as reasons for remaining at home. A sea voyage was not, in 1776, the every-day affair that it now is ; and to the ordinary dangers and inconveniences of the passage, were to be added the risk of capture, and the ignominious treat- ment which the "factious fellow," Franklin, would have received, had he fallen into the j)0wer of the enemy at this early period of the "rebellion," as it was, as yet, universally termed. In the autumn of 1778, the commission to France was dissolved, and Franklin, in his 73d year, was appointed Minister Plenipotentiary, with- out a Secretary of Legation, so that the multifarious duties of the office had to be done with such assistance as could be rendered by his grandson. (40) ^S^*^is=-<^5 l^tnn iHstrurleJi h] \)k Jtintliei. WiLLiAAi Penn was born in London, October, 1644; his father was a naval officer, his son being born about the date of his first promotion, and growing in years as the father increased in reputation and advanced in honour. At the age of fifteen [1659], he was entered a gentleman-commoner at Christ's Church, Oxford. He was, even at this tender age, ripe in intel- lect and forward in his classical attainments. But he had enjoyed, pre- viously to his entering at Oxford, superior advantages for improvement ; first at Chigwell Grammar School, and then by the joint benefit of a private seminary near his father's residence, and a special tutor in his father's house. And it is worthy of notice, that the sound sense and discretion which appeared in William Penn's after-life were early de- veloped ; for while his progress in his studies proves his application to his books, he secured and promoted his health by due attention to inno- cent recreation, and manly out-door exercises. Indeed, in all respects, his character may be said to have been early formed by his niother. Serious and thoughtful even from infancy, he was the subject of strong religious impressions before his twelfth year ; and these appear never to have been effaced, or even to have been dimmed, during an after-life marked by so many labours, so many various scenes, and so prominent a place among the illustrious men of his times. (42) t^^i>Kl2^-'.!^ riH^ ' \&/ -<^'vt^,'>a PiMiifjj 3Untljrr iiinitij jjim in prison. Shortly after William Penn had attained his majority, and with the natural feeling of youth, upon reaching what is generally looked forward to with more impatience than any era in life, he chose serious companions, and shortly afterwards became a patron and advocate of the society of Friends, and hesitated no longer what he believed to be his duty on the one hand, and the dictates of expediency on the other. He visited Cork, where his old friend, Thomas Loe, was then preaching, and attended on the religious meetings of the Friends whenever opportunity presented ; but he does not yet appear to have assumed their costume, or to have adopted all their peculiarities. A further event was necessary to confirm him, as an absolute and uncompromising " Quaker," and it was not long Avanting, in the circumstance which has confirmed the new members of almost every sect, since sects began persecution. In the month of September, 1667, William Penn was present at a meeting of the Friends, which was broken up by the police ; and Penn, Avith a number of others, committed to prison under the proclamation against "tumultuous assemblies." He was shortly released, but soon commenced a controversy with a Presbyterian minister, and the attempt was made to conduct it publicly in the congregation ; but as the Friends deemed they were not allowed a fair hearing, Penn published his views through the press ; but that part of his book relating to the Trinity, gave ofience to the authorities, and Penn was committed to the Tower. Here he spent seven months, and was not allowed to hold personal intercourse with his friends. Pen and ink were however granted him. t ^^enn liniiiiiig iit Cljester. L\ October, 1682, William Penn embarked at Deal for his North American possessions, in the ship Welcome ; there were, besides himself, about a hundred passengers, principally of his own religious denomination. The passage occupied about two months, Penn arriving at Newcastle on the 27th of October, 1682. Some historians have given other dates, but that the above is correct appears from the record of JSTewcastle. The entry there is: "On the 27tli day of October, 1682, arrived before the town of New Castle from England." This place was laid out by the Swedes fifty years prior to Penn's arrival, and was originally called Stockholm ; and it received four or five other titles under diflerent dpias- ties, before the present name was adopted. As Penn landed, he was received with acclamations by the people, to whom through his connexion with West Jersey he was already well known by reputation, and beloved for his peaceful and just character. The ship, with its other passengers, proceeded up the river : Penn remained at Newcastle, and on the day after his arrival, the 28th, called a meeting of the magistrates and others in the Court House, and took formal possession of the town and the country. From Newcastle, Penn soon proceeded to Upland, now Chester. This place was originally peopled by Swedes, but many Friends had found their way to it from New Jersey. The first General Assembly was called here, and indeed the opinion and msh were prevalent among the early emigrants, that it should be the seat of government of the Colony. (46) priiE'0 €ud[\ mitj) \\)t ^nVniu. This celebrated treaty with the Indians, (the only one between these })eople and the Christians which was not ratified by an oath and that was never broken), took place in 1682, in Philadeljihia, at a place then called Shackamaxon, The leaders on both sides apjDroached the great elm, afterward celebrated as the Treaty Tree. William Penn wore a sky-blue sash of silk net-work, not unlike a military ofiicer's, except in colour. Before him were carried various articles of merchandise, which, as they approached the Sachems, were spread upon the ground. On his right hand was Colonel Markham, his secretary, who had preceded him to this country; and on his left, his friend Pearson. A company of Friends followed, and the deputation on the part of the white man bore thus to the Indians the noble aspect of peace and confidence. Penn held in his hand a roll of parchment, containing the Confirma- tion of the Treaty of Purchase and Amity, as Clarkson terms it. The Treaty Tree stood until the 3d of March, 1810, when it was blown down in a gale. The girth or circumference of the trunk was twenty- four feet, and its age, as indicated by the circles of wood, was 283 years. The Penn Society caused the site of the tree to be marked by a marble monument, which bears the following inscriptions: " Treaty Ground of William Penn and the Indian Nations, 1682. Unbroken Faith." — "Wil- liam Penn, Born 1644, Died 1718."—" Placed by the Penn Society, A. D. 1827, to mark the site of the Great Elm Tree." — "Pennsylvania, Founded, 1681, by Deeds of Peace." (48) ciVv^"-^^^^^ fy ^ * .2>C>Wf ^^j ^/^rWX2?'^J^M.'^ ^K^"^ l^hnn'B prinate lUsihiir^ pijiliiiieliiljia. "William Penn laboured untiringly for the improvement and increase of Philadelphia. The beautiful metropolis of Pennsylvania bears the impress of his well-ordered-mind in traces which time can never efface. Penn seems to have been one of those sagacious and far-seeing men who anticipated and adopted principles which were only dimly seen by the best of his contemporaries. In advance of the age in which he lived, his improvements on ancient customs have been endorsed by the experience of succeeding generations ; and, as the city grows older, its inhabitants will strive rather to restore what Penn designed than to obliterate. The distinctive characteristics of Philadelphia have ceased to be its peculi- arities, because other cities and towns adopt its model ; as the highly respectable society, of which he was so distinguished a member, have ceased to be so distinctly marked as a body, since many of their leading points, now universally admitted, are held in comtnon by all good citizens. In "circumstances" as he advised his Legislature they may yield to "essentials," but the essential "peace on earth and good will to men," is every day bringing classes and sects more into union. And, to adopt their own phraseology, " Friends have borne able testimony to it." Penn's private mansion was erected prior to 1700, for we find by history that he and his family occulted it during his second visit in that year. In it, John Penn, "The American," was born. (54) ^'^^^^^S^^' pniii IE niiifnture mitlj tlje Sniiiniis, In 1701, Penn had two conferences or treaties with the representatives and chiefs of Indian Tribes, one of which was held at Philadelphia, and the other at Pennsbury, his country-seat. At these treaties the old terms of friendship and kind intercourse were revived. The best evi- dence of the sincerity and fair dealing of the Founder with the Indians, is afforded in the fact that " Onas," as they translated his name, ever held a high place in the regard of the Red men, both contemporary and traditional. His friends were no less their favourites, and the moral influence which he exerted over the races, and the benefit and advantage of the rules he established for their intercourse, have preserved Pennsyl- vania's early annals from the Indian Wars which figure so prominently in other colonial histories. It was not until a later period, when the government of Pennsylvania passed into other hands, and when a less scrupulous race of settlers came into contact with the Indians on the borders of the commonwealth, that scenes of bloodshed and conflagration, such as were not uncommon with the adjoining settlements from a very early epoch, sullied also the annals of this once peaceful State — not, perhaps, because her rulers were dis- posed to oppress the Indians, but by reason of the greater difiiculty of controlling the rough pioneers who advanced into the wilderness so far as to be in a manner beyond the reach of law. (56) )J^^(p\ (Benernl ^Uiiriini nn jjio fiiinoiin \)mt 'Ml Francis Marion, whose name is as intimately connected with the romance and adventure of the American Eevolntion, as that of Bruce or of "Wallace with the marvels of the Scottish annals, was of French extrac- tion, born in Winyah, near Georgetown, in 1732, was a puny little fellow, very delicate and insignificant until he reached his twelfth year. In that year, either the lad's own love of adventure, or the desire of his parents that he should try change of scene for the improvement of his health, or both causes combined, led to his attempting a trip to the West Indies. After the result of the voyage he abandoned all idea of becoming a sailor. For the next twelve or fourteen years he was content with the tranquil life of a planter, though when the occasion and opportunity for more active life presented, he was not backward in improving them. Marion first appeared as a warrior in the Indian campaigns of 1759 and 1761, and was an active participant in many of the Indian battles of that time ; from then till the breaking out of the Revolution, we hear nothing of the life of Marion, except that he was jointly engaged as a planter on the reception of the news of the battle of Lexington. He takes an active part, and finally becomes one of the leading spirits of the war. Marion rode, during a great part of his campaign, a famous horse named "Ball," in compliment of his former owner, a loyalist, Cap- tain Ball. (58) '/^-.ni> ^^^^i t-llf ITttst 11) lit. In March, 1776, the second regiment, under Col. Moultrie, was ordered to take post on Sullivan's Island, at the entrance of Charleston Harbour. The fort, when the regiment entered, existed only in name, though un- finished Avhen the British fleet appeared at the entrance of the harbour. The garrison of the fort consisted of four hundred and thirty-five men. The cannon mounted were thirty-one in number ; nine French twenty- sixes, six English eighteens, nine twelve, and seven nine-pounders. The British fleet consisted of nine vessels, under command of Sir Peter Parker. Of these, two were fifty-gun ships, five carried twenty-eight guns each, and one twenty-six; the other was a bomb-vessel. On the 20th of June, these vessels anchored before the fort, with springs on their cables, and commenced a bouibardment. The Americans, on 'this, as on other occasions, conducted themselves like men who were in arms not for hire, but in defence of their country. The last shot on this day is ascribed to Marion. Just at sunset, as the British ships were slipping their cables, and moving out of the range of fire from the fort, a cannon having just been charged, Marion took the match, and caused the piece to be aimed at the Commodore's ship. The ball entered the cabin, where two young officers were taking some re- freshment, and killing both, glanced thence upon the main deck, where, in its course, it killed three sailors, and then passed through the side of the vessel into the sea. This remarkable occurrence was narrated by some sailors who deserted from the commodore's vessel on the ni^'ht following the engagement. (60) ^^J^cplj^ Blurinn Drilling tlie lUiti fxerriiits. In January, 1780, the greater part of the American troops were with- drawn to Charleston, South Carolina, a place which it was considered of great consequence to preserve from the enemy. As it ^vas now seriously threatened with attack, a camp was established at Bacon's Bridge, on Ashley River, for the reception of the militia, who had been summoned for the defence of the capital of the State. Hither Marion was despatched to drill and discipline the new recruits ; for in this description of service he was unexcelled. He could enter into their feelings, and appreciate their conduct ; and, while he did not exact impossibilities of them, he led them to perform feats which, at this day, seem almost incredible. He knew, understood and reconciled himself to the difference between citizen volunteers and regularly trained soldiers ; and was celebrated for what was called his ''patience with the militia.'^ In other words, he treated them as men ; while it is generally the case with military officers that they regard the militia with contempt. It is related by Major Horry, that when, at one time, he complained of his men, Marion answered with a smile : " Pshaw ! It is because you do not understand the management of them. You command militia; it will not do to expect too much from this sort of soldiers." (62) .-^-..^ ^^^*;%^ \sS/ --■ SiC^ lerjeant Jttnrhnnlii iniii tl)e (Dlii iiui}. Sometime during the American Eevolution, artifice or plunder was resorted to against wealthy Tories on private account. Such was the trick played by a serjeant in Marion's Brigade, a young Scot named Macdonald. He went to a wealthy and well-known Tory, who resided near Tarleton's encampment, and, rei^resenting himself to be a serjeant in Tarleton's legion, bearing a message from his commander, was received with a profusion of compliments, and great civility. It was considered a high honour by the wealthy loyalists to be remembered in so dis- tinguished a manner by the British officer. Macdonald then, with un- blushing effrontery, stated that Colonel Tarleton, knowing the excellent character of his stables, had sent, with his compliments, for one of his best horses, for the Colonel's own riding. This was a testimonial alike to his loyalty and to his " knowledge in horse-flesh," which the loyalist could not withstand ; and, as the serjeant took pains to make the mes- sage sufficiently adulatory to the distinguished devotion of the Tory to the royal cause, the dupe gave him his very best, his own favourite steed, and added a new saddle and splendid equipments. The serjeant was furthermore feasted with a hot and comfortable breakfast — a rare treat to one of Marion's men — and then despatched with a message to Tarleton, full of the heartiest thanks for his consideration. (64) €\)t finnmui pntntn Diiinrr, It was at the American encampment on Snow's Island that the famous Potato dinner took place. The account of this is one of the most pleasant legends of the Kevolution, and has been celebrated throughout the land in song and story. It forms the subject of one of our most agreeable national pictures. It has been circulated in various forms as an engrav- ing, being first published by the Art Union, and never fails to please. The story is, that a British officer arrived at Marion's encampment with a flag of truce, to negotiate an exchange of prisoners. His business finished, he Avas about to depart, when Marion joressed him to remain and share his dinner. The guest looked round, and perceived a fire, but no tokens of anything in the way of a banquet. Curiosity, or politeness, or both motives, induced him to accej)t the invitation ; and Marion then directed one of the men to serve the repast. The plate on which the American general's dinner was served was a clean piece of bark, and the viands themselves, which the man proceeded to unearth from among the glowing ashes, were tolerably simple, being neither more nor less than sweet potatoes, baked to a nicety. The General ate heartily, pressing his guest to follow his example. The stranger was at once awed and surprised at what he had seen, and for- gave the dinner in the pleasure he received at being the guest of a soldier so renowned as General Marion. (66) /'^■^(^ £^(^>^-.t'- ^"-^ CnUriel Cnni|ilirll tiikrii |hi0iinrr. Previous to the battle of Cowpens, one of the most important victories to the Americans during the Revolution, a plan was laid to capture Georgetown by surprise at midnight; the troops under Marion were moved near the town unperceived. At midnight the various bodies rushed into the town according to the plan concerted ; but as some of them were not in time to make the attack simultaneous, the enemy retained possession of the fort or citadel. The Americans had no ord- nance to carry the defences ; and nothing Avas left them but to retreat, after having driven the enemy into their works. Several of the British were killed, and among them one or two officers. One of the British officers, named Crookshanks, was saved by his betrothed. He had rushed out into the piazza of the house in which he lodged, and discharged his pistol among the assailants. At the moment when their weapons were directed against him, the young lady rushed into the fray, and throwing her arms round his neck, cried out, •' ! save Major Crookshanks !" Crookshanks surrendered himself a prisoner, and his parole was taken upon the spot ; and the Americans pushed on to further surprises. Colonel Campbell, the commander of the post, was taken prisoner in his bed, and admitted to parole. Had the fort at the first onset been carried by the bayonet, before the enemy had time to prepare themselves for resistance, the victory would have been signal and complete. (68) ^■■^'^''^Sl^^ii* /Ttx }J^M.^^ >^..^'f^';:i 31iiirhinalii'0 JlUHsnge tn l^iitHin, Serjeant Macdonald, who was attached to Marion's Brigade during the American Eevolution, had the misfortune, in the hurried movements in those days, to leave a knapsack, containing his entire wardrobe, where it fell into the hands of the enemy. It so happened that about that time a flag of truce came from Colonel Watson requesting a passport for Lieutenant Torriano, a wounded officer, to Charleston; this General Marion readily granted by the same flag which carried back Torriano's passport. Serjeant Macdonald sent a curious message to Watson, which was, that unless his wardrobe was returned to him he should, in retalia- tion, kill eight of his men ! Colonel Watson was disposed to treat the message with contempt; but from what he had heard of the Serjeant, and from the representations of his officers of the daring character of the man, the British commander was induced to comply with the request. When the clothes appeared, Macdonald, to amuse himself still fm'ther with the irritation of the British officer, directed the bearer to say to Colonel Watson, "Now I will only kill four." It is not, however, to be supposed that any American officer would really have carried into execution so barbarous an act as was here threatened. The incident only shows what an impression was made by the determined character of the man upon the British officer. (TO) Mui. Jllntte nnii tlje %m iinli Irr0m0. In the montli of May, 1781, General Marion was engaged in the reduc- tion of Fort Motte. This was an important depot on the route from Charleston to Camden, and was a mansion-house belonging to Mrs. Motte, appropriated by the British, and surrounded with defences. It had a garrison of about two hundred men. On the 20th of May, Marion sum- moned it to surrender ; and the British commander. Colonel McPherson, declared his determination to stand a siege. He was the more encouraged to do this, as Lord Eawdon, having abandoned and fired Camden, was advancing to the relief of the fort. Nay, his fires at night, as he encamped, were discerned. Marion saw that there was no time for battering down the defences with his single six-pounder. He resorted to the expedient of firing the house. To the immortal honour of the lady who owned it, Mrs. Motte, it is related that she not only cheerfully assented to the destraction of her house, but furnished the implements, a bow and arrows, with Avhich it was effected. They were shot at the roof, with combustibles attached, and the building was fired in three places. McPherson sent parties to the roof to stay the flames; but these were soon driven down by Marion's six-pounder, and the garrison begged for quarter, which Avas accorded to them. (72) Unfiujrttr iiftking Ijis Irrnirc.ij tn |nmkliii In 1774, Lafayette married Anastasie, Countess of Noailles, and the union proved in every respect a most happy one, the lady being in all things worthy of the hero to whom she was united. His rank, and illus- trious family and connections, with his personal merits and favour with the Court, opened to him a ready path to royal preferment. But for a life of inglorious pageantry he had no taste ; and early as he was exposed to the atmosphere of temptation, the boy resisted its wiles with the prudence of the sage, and declined appointments tendered to him un- solicited, which others would have made every sacrifice to win. The circumstance which first drew Lafayette's attention to the cause of freedom in America, has been left on record by the hero himself. While stationed in the citadel of Metz, being then only eighteen years of age, he was thrown into the society of an English nobleman, the Duke of Gloucester, who was at that time an exile from England on account of a marriage which he had contracted. The information which Lafayette received from the Duke of Gloucester, respecting the state of the noble contest in which the Americans were engaged, fired his mind with a strong sympathy in the cause, and a desire to participate in the contest. Leaving Metz for Paris, he sought an interview with Dr. Franklin, who had just arrived, and after a full conference ofiered his services to the American cause, the result of which is known to every reader of history. riifiujrtte muM at tlje liittlr nf Ininhjiuine. The battle of Brandywine took place on the 11th of September, 1777. Intelligence having been received that the British army was in motion upon the direct road to cross Chadd's Ford, on the Brandywine, the Americans were immediately posted to dispute that passage. After some skirmishing, the British troops under Cornwallis fell on the Ameri- cans with great impetuosity, and the latter defended themselves for some time with such resolution that the result was quite doubtful. The American troops, after breaking, were several times rallied. In this retreat, the French officers, and Lafayette particularly, rendered excellent service. With a disregard of life which amounted almost to a fault, he exposed himself in rallying the troops, and encouraging them by his example ; and notwithstanding he received a wound in the leg, he con- tinued at his post, cheering the troops by his conduct as a soldier, and by his voice as a general, as long as resistance could be of any service. The British troops engaged in this battle could not have been much less than eighteen thousand veteran soldiers. The American force has been stated at fifteen, but on account of the badness and deficiency of arms and munitions, the effective American force was between eleven and twelve thousand men only. (76) Uiifinjrtte at i\)t Inttle nf JlUninntitl). An interesting incident occurred during the Battle of Monmouth, which was fought in June, 1778, which reflects high honour upon Sir Henry Clinton, as well as upon the courage and humanity of Lafayette. The Marquis, with twenty men, advanced toward a British battery to reconnoitre. A shot killed his aid-de-camp at his side. The party broke and fled precipitately ; but Lafayette did not leave the wounded man till he had ascertained that his wound was mortal, and received his dying words. Sir Henry, who knew Lafayette by his white horse, prevented the gunners from firing upon him, and thus preserved his life. Lafayette, strong perhaps in the consciousness of a great mind, which challenges the forbearance of an enemy while in the performance of the duties of humanity, slowly followed his party, who had retreated beyond the reach of the pieces. It was in the early part of the year that news arrived of a treaty being concluded between France and the United States. Lafayette was, of course, one of the first in the American army who received the intelli- gence, and with the eloquent enthusiasm of his countrymen, he embraced Washington in a transport of joy, mingled with tears : " The king, my master, has acknowledged your independence, and entered into an alliance with you for its establishment!" (78) €^^.5,^ /f^. ICiifiujrlte'0 hist Sntrriiiriu m\\) i^jjliingtim. In the summer of 1784 Lafayette determined to pay America another visit, to observe the fruits, in peace, of the political independence which he had aided to secure. To this he was moved by his private friend- ships, as well as by his public attachments. After the establishment of peace he had not intermitted his disinterested labours, not only for the national interests of America, but for the advantage of individual citizens, whenever opportunity presented. Lafayette arrived at New York on the 4tli of August. As soon as his arrival was known, all the officers who had served under him during the war, the citizens who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, and the thousands who knew him by reputation, hastened to meet and bid him welcome. On the day after his arrival, he was invited to a splendid entertainment, at which the officers appeared in the uniform which they had laid aside with the war. Anxious early to exchange congratulations with his beloved friend Washington, Lafayette left Philadelphia on the 14th, and hurried through to Mount Vernon, where he arrived on the 19th — a rate of travel expeditious in those days, though it would be deemed dilatory now. After passing twelve happy days with Washington, he left for Balti- more. This was the final interview between these two great and dis- tinguished men. (80) SsS^ 3}lnjnr (Renenil ITiifiujrtth Lafayette Avas, in April, 1792, made one of the three major-generals Avho commanded the French armies, and soon after was named lieutenant- general and marshal of France. Had the counsels of Lafayette and other moderate men and true friends of France j^revailed, the commence- ment of hostilities would have been thrown upon Austria, instead of France, which had been compelled by the Jacobin faction to declare war against Austria. JNTevertheless, Lafayette did not hesitate to accept the command which had been tendered to him, and repaired to his post, where early opportunities occurred, to render signal though not brilliant services to his country, in the resistance of the invasion which followed the declaration of war. Lafayette is the author of the following memorable sentence : — ''Insur- rection against tyrants is the holiest of duties^ This served in Europe as the theme of endless denunciation against its Author. Probably, as suggested by John Quincy Adams, Lafayette borrowed the sentiment from the mouth of Jefferson — "Eebellion against tyrants is obedience to God." How Lafayette understood the maxim has been shown in his conduct. He was not, by any means, one of those fanatical Jacobins who stained the holy cause of Liberty by needless cruelty. He was ever the foe of tyranny; and when the mob of Paris grew furious and bloodthirsty, Lafayette withdrew and separated himself from their cause. (82) ^_!^?.'^Rf^. c«m\ -•^Tn CO {?3S 7\ f.^ /'^yf>\ffi,'1 Cafaijrtte'0 Irriiuil at Hem ^^nrk. Lafayette having expressed liis intention of revisiting the United States, Congress unanimously passed, in February, 1824, a resolution directing the President to assure him of the grateful recollection of the American people, and tendering him a national ship for his passage hither. But with his consistent love of true republicanism, he preferred to take his passage in a private ship ; and on the 16th of August, 1824, arrived at New York in the Cadmus, Capt. Allyn. He was accompanied by his son, George Washington Lafayette, M. Auguste de Vasseur, and one servant. Lafayette's reception in New York formed a splendid pageant. The whole community united in the grateful effort to testify the nation's esti- mation of its early champion and constant friend. He landed on Staten Island on the 15th of August, where he passed the night. On the day following, a fleet of steamboats went down to the Island, to convey and escort him to the city, including the war-steamer, Eobert Fulton; and on board of these were over six thousand persons, besides the committee of the corporation, members of the Society of the Cincinnati, revolu- tionary officers and soldiers, a deputation from West Point, and many other distinguished guests and official personages. On shore, hundreds of bells were ringing, and the very air seemed vocal with the music of welcome. As the fleet arrived off the Battery, at two o'clock, P. M., the scene was most impressive. (84) Sei/ - - vsp' '(?Crium|ilnil Irrl) \n ^IjihihlfiljiiL The day of the arrival of tlie nation's guest, General Lafayette, in Philadelphia, Avas the most enthusiastic that was ever seen in that city. Thousands of visitors, and numerous military companies, from all the surrounding country, repaired to the city, to witness the grand display. The procession exceeded three miles in length, and every step of its pro- gress was tlirough a dense crowd of people, whose faces, radiant with joy and welcome, made the spectators not the least delightful part of the pageant. The doors, windows, and balconies were all alive with graceful forms and happy faces ; the decrepit with age, and the babe in arms, all estates and conditions acknowledged their common interest in the welcome to the friend of his race, the benefactor of America, the adopted son of Washington. The nation's guest, on reaching the old State-House, passed under a magnificent arch into the Hall of Independence, where, amid patriotic objects and decorations, the officers and citizens deputed to welcome him were assembled. The city was brilliantly illuminated in the evening ; and magnificent transparencies took the place of the various objects which had attracted, during the day, the admiring gaze of the hundreds of thousands who kept holiday. The arches thrown across the streets at various points were very numerous, and in ingenuity of construction, and tastefulness of design, were truly unique and appropriate. (8G) T^;^>,<^p rt5s ^, ,j ,<£?\ r^ffi^,!^ '"'^ -.■ ^.^--'V^a ICafinjrttr^i (l^nnili, l^huvL Lafayette died at his hotel in Paris, on the 21st of May, 1834, at the age of seventy-seven. On the 18th he had followed on foot the remains of the patriot Diilong to Pere le Chaise, and, in consequence of the ex- posure took a cold, which in less than a week thereafter led another mournful j^ageant to the Garden of Tombs. A moment before his death the attendants were putting a blister upon his breast. " It is of no use," he said, and falling back into the arms of his son George Washington, breathed his last. The funeral was a mournful pageant, in which all the people of Paris participated. No oration was spoken, no formal eulogy was attempted ; for the aspect of the city, and the faces of the people were more eloquent than words. Thus was a man beloved in death — thus was he honoured, who always dared the right, whether for the moment it pleased or dis- pleased — who, in the period of buoyant youth and gay prosperity, was willing to leave the delights of Paris to combat in a distant land for the cause of freedom, — and when that cause triumphed, was anxious that his own countrymen also should taste of liberty, but when they fell into errors and excesses, had no participation in their crimes, but pre- ferred a foreign dungeon instead. If for this he forfeited popularity for an hour, his constant adherence to principles has made his good name immortal. The children, who, ten years before, assisted in the fetes at his recep- tion, in 1834 aided, as men and women, in the solemnities of his funeral honours. (88) ^j^:^(^^S-^ ll^eliiitrr in Ijis /ntljer's liini-JiiilL Many anecdotes of Webster have been published, of his incaimcity for manual labor, or of his aversion to it. The testimony of his early com- panions and neighbors contradicts, in general and in particulars, all stories of his idleness. " He was an industrious boy. He labored to the extent of his strength. He was the youngest son, and, perhaps, on that account received some indulgences. Men are now living who labored with him, in the field and in the mill — who shared his toils and his sports. They athrm that he always ' worked well and played fair.' Boys in those days were usually trained to hard service. " In the bed of a little brook, near where Daniel Webster was born, are the remains of a rude mill which his father built more than sixty years ago. The place is a dark glen, and was then surrounded by a majestic forest, which covered the neighbouring hills. To that mill, Daniel Webster, though a small boy, went frequently to assist his father. He was apt in learning anything useful, and soon became so expert in doing everything required, that his services as an assistant were valuable. But the time spent in manual labor was not misspent as regarded mental progress. After 'setting the saw' and 'hoisting the gate,' and while the saw was passing through the log, which usually occupied from ten to fifteen minutes for each board, Daniel was reading attentively some book, which he was permitted to take from the house. He had a passion, thus early, for reading history and biography." (90) ■%^ "x^; <^C 4 il)rli0ler 1-14^^9 ^^^^ I'rniit. In early life Daniel "Webster was of slight form, and had the appear- ance of a person of feeble constitution. He was a brunette in complexion ; his hair was black as jet, and, when turned back, displayed a forehead Avhich always excited great admiration. His dark eyes shone with extraordinary brilliancy. In his youth, among other soubriquets, Mr. Webster had that of "All Eyes." With this delicacy of constitution, we may readily suppose that the out-door recreations, invigorating yet not violent, in which Mr. Webster indulged, were as necessary to the health of his body as to the strength of his mind. Probably, to them, and to his habit of early rising, and devoting the morning to study, he owed that renovation of his physical strength, which made him in after years as remarkable for his iron constitution, as in youth he had been for an opposite appearance. He was quite an adroit swimmer and skater, and a very good marksman. In the pursuit of anything he was an enthusiast. The brooks on his father's farm were, in those early days, famous for trout, and young Daniel knew all their haunts and habits. With his fishing-rods, cut from the bushes, and his horse-hair lines, of his own manufacture, he was ready, at every proper moment of leisure, while at home, in college, and even to the last days of his life, to follow the streams, and take the fish which can only be captured by skill and patience. ^ (92) f^^^i^ il^didrr iirrliniiig a Clrrluijiiii. In early life, Daniel Webster, after he had studied the law, was offered the clerkship in the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Hillsborough, New Hampshire; the office was worth $1500 per annum. The circum- stances of the case were as follows : — Mr. Webster's father was one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Hillsborough. He had only to express a wish that his son should receive the appointment, and that wish was gratified. Delighted with his success, he at once advised his son of it, who coun- selled his friend, Mr. Gore, and was astonished to hear him peremptorily and vehemently interpose his dissent to the acceptance of it, by remark- ing, " Once a clerk, and you will always be a clerk, with no chance of obtaining a higher position. Live in no man's favor ; what bread you do eat, let it be the bread of independence ; pursue your profession ; make yourself useful to your friends, and a little formidable to your enemies, and you have nothing to fear." With this view of the case, he declined the appointment to his father. For a moment, Judge Webster seemed angry. He rocked his chair slightly ; a flash went over his eye, softened by age, but even then as black as jet; but it immediately disappeared, and his countenance resumed its habitual serenity. "Well, my son," said the Judge, "your mother has always said that you would come to something or nothing, she was not sure which. I think you are about settling that doubt for her." (94) rr>^»^ i^^^fAff \r^ •^- ^^- il)rli0ter u ii Itntciunnn. Mr, Webster took liis seat in Congress at the extra session of 1813. He had prepared himself for his post as a legislator, as he was accustomed always to prepare himself for any new position, by careful examination of the duties it would impose, their nature, and his capacity for them. His first speech in Congress was made in introducing a series of resolu- tions, requesting the President to inform the house when, and by whom, and in what manner the first intelligence of the repeal of the decrees of Berlin and Milan was given to the government of the United States. His opening was simple, unaffected, and without pretension ; gradually gaining the confidence of his audience by its transparent sincerity, and freedom from any attempt at display. As the orator continued, and grew animated, his words became more fluent, and his language more nervous ; a crowd of thoughts seemed rushing upon him, all eager for utterance. He held them, however, under the command of his mind, as greyhounds with a leash, till he reached the close of his speech, when, warmed by the previous restraint, he poured them all forth, one after another, in glowing language. The speech took the House by surprise, not so much from its eloquence, as from the vast amount of historical knowledge and illustrative ability displayed in it. (96) ^'•^y>^- ^f^J > i^ehnter's hist Uisit h (Elms jfnrm. •/ " Elms Farm " is the name of the place in Franklin, New Hampshire, where Mr. Webster spent the greater part of his youth. It is about three miles distant from his birthplace, and, altogether, contains about nine hundred acres. It descended to Ezekiel and Daniel from their father, and was retained by the latter from filial affection. It is almost exclusively a grazing farm, and here Mr. Webster indulged his taste for the rearing of herds of the finest cattle. Upon tliis farm he had a tenant, or yeoman, whose name is John Taylor. Hither he was wont annually to repair, to refresh himself amid the scenes of his youth, and visit the graves of "the dear kindred blood" whom he loved so well. The scenery is romantic, and every part of it is sacred to the early associations of the subject of our memoir. The most elevated spot upon it has a touch of the Puritan character of the family, in the name which it bears — " Pisgah's Top." At this point the view is magnificent, and from this spot Mr. Webster was wont, at his annual visits, to survey the scenes of his youth. The last visit which he paid to this place was in 1851. While there, some twenty men were engaged in making hay, and the aged statesman, then in his 70th year, declared that "he could jjitch more hay in an hour than any man in the crowd," and throwing aside his coat, he showed that the dexterity of his youth had not forsaken him. (102) r f!^ -^ /^^ ' ~^ ^^'<^ yHiirjjIjfielt iBehtcr'0 llriii^Mire. Agriculture was a passion with Mr. Webster ; but the chief part of his science and experience he exhibited on his estate at Marshfield. Under his culture the quality of the soil was so much improved that its jjroducts were increased an hundred fold ; ride or walk in what direction you choose, and everywhere is visible the evidence of care and culture. As to cattle, the raising of which was his favourite agricultural amuse- ment, he had hundreds of the choicest stock; and even a few South American lamas added variety to his assortment. Mr. Webster was no " exclusive " improver. Many who have a passion for such things, have a pride, also, in keeping their choice varieties to , themselves. He had none of this small vanity; but scattered with a liberal hand among his neighbors, the benefits of his experience, and the advantages of his improvements. At Marshfield, his tenant, or superintendent, was Mr. Porter Wright ; his fisherman, Mr. Seth Peter- son. The latter was no unimportant personage ; holding the same post of honor that the huntsman held in the olden time. Mr. Webster was not only admired, but beloved by his neighbors and townsmen ; and the feeling of the void that his loss created, was Avell expressed by one of them, who said, when the great statesman was laid in his grave, " How lonesome the world seems !" (104) \>jj.( ■-'.' \^.' ^^lutiig SiuluuiE^i prriu^nre nf JHini In 1775, when the revohitionaiy war broke out, Andrew Jackson was but eight years old. Although it was some years afterwards when its bloody footsteps a]iproached his residence, he heard of its battles and its horrors from afar, and may be said to have grown up amidst war's alarms. All around him the men were training themselves for battle. Boys, big enough to carry muskets, incurred the dangers of men. Andrew Jackson and his brother had their guns and their horses, and were almost always in company Avith some armed party of their kindred and neighbours. Men could not sleep unguarded in their own houses, with- out danger of being surprised and murdered. Such were the scenes continually presenting themselves to the atten- tion of our young hero, while as a boy he sojourned at the Waxhaws. Such was the school Avherein he was fitted for the important part which he afterwards played in the history of his country. It was upon one of these occasions, that Andrew Jackson gave the first illustration of that quickness of conception, and readiness of action, which afterwards placed him in the highest rank of military chieftans. A patriot captain, named Lands, desired to spend a night with his family. A party of tories, apprised of the fact, attacked the house, and but for the presence of mind displayed by young Jackson, that night all the inmates would have been murdered. General Jackson was then only fourteen years old ; but who does not recognise in the boy of 1781 the general of 1814? (106) ^*s^^»s*^<^ ^^ining Siuluutii'jj Csnijir mi a lliift. On one occasion, with three companions, he was on his way from Jonesborough to the settlements on the Cumberland. When arriving, just before dark, on the east side of the Emory, where it issues from the mountains, they saw the fires of a large party of hostile Indians on the opposite bank. Still continuing their journey, they kept up the stream during the whole night, guided by the noise of its current, and in the morning attempted to ford it, but found that it was too much swollen to be waded, and too rapid to be swum. Still fearing pursuit, they kept on until two o'clock, when they came to a place where the stream pre- sented a smooth surface with a cataract below, and another fall above. Still anxious to get the river between them and their late trail, they set about forming a raft. This being constructed from rude logs, bound together by hickory withes, and having made two oars, as well as a rudder, they commenced the passage across, which was attended with many perils, all of which were overcome by him and his companions, and the opposite shore attained, and the journey continued until they reached their destination in safety. They had many nights to sleep out under the open sky, and not unfrequently to pass whole days without eating, while fat turkeys and pheasants and deer were on every side, which they dare not kill, lest the report of their rifles might alarm the lurking savages. (108) i'^ Tn f^^ ^.iiiinnu Siirknoii iiij a Siiiige, In 1798, the Legislature of Tennessee appointed Jackson a Judge of the Supreme Court. His first court was held at Jonesborough. An incident occurred during the sitting of this court, which is illustrative, both of the rudeness of the times, and of the firmness of Jackson. A man named Eussel Bean had been indicted for cutting oft" the ears of his infant child in a drunken frolic. Bean was in the court-j^ard ; but, from his well-known ferocity of character, and from his threats to shoot any one who would dare to take him, the sherifi" had made the return to the court, that "Eussel Bean will not be taken." "He must be taken," said the Judge, "and if necessary you can summon the posse comitatus.'" The mortified sheriff retired, and waiting till the court adjourned for dinner, summoned the Judges themselves as jmrt of the posse. Conceiving that this was a ruse on the part of the sheriff" to avoid a dangerous piece of service. Judge Jackson replied, "Tes sir, I will attend you, and see that you do j^our duty." — Learning that Bean was armed, Jackson requested a loaded pistol, which was instantly put into his hand. He then said to the sheriff', "Advance, and arrest him — I will protect you from harm!" Beau, armed with a dirk and a brace of pistols, assumed an attitude of defiance ; but when the Judge drew near, he began to retreat. "Stop, and submit to the law!" cried the Judge. The culprit stopped, threw down his pistols, and replied, "I will sur- render to you, sir, but to no one else ;" and so saying, he quietly permitted himself to be taken prisoner. (110) f^'^ji \^ t-J S£^ pnrtniit of 3Hnjnr (Beiienil Sarlunnu After the battle of New Orleans General Jackson returned to the city, where he was received as a deliverer — every mind was kindled to enthusiasm from the consideration of the evils which he had averted, as well as of the victories which he had gained. The most solemn and lively demonstrations of public respect and gratitude succeeded each other daily, until the period of his departure for Nashville, soon after the annunciation of the peace concluded at Ghent, between Great Britain and the United States. On his return to Nashville (a journey of eight hundred miles) he saw on every side marks of exultation and delight. It must be within the memory of most of our elder readers, what was the sensation produced throughout the Union by the tidings from New Orleans, and what the popular enthusiasm concerning the merits of " Old Hickory." For two years afterwards he remained on his farm, retaining his rank in the army; but chiefly occupied with rural pleasures and labors, until again called into the active service of his country to operate against the Indians, who had commenced hostilities and perpetrated many acts of heart-rending barbarity. Under these orders he displayed all that zeal and promptness which had ever marked his career, and repaired to the post assigned, and assumed the command. (118) 3arluuiii'0 llrtirriiirnl ta tjje i(3erniitnge. Ggneral jAcksoN, upon retiring from the Presidential chair, in 1836, returned to his quiet home at the Hermitage, near Nashville, Tennessee, whence his influence was silently exerted upon our politics for the resi- due of his life. He continued, till the end, to be recognised as the chief of the great party over which he had so long presided, and wag consulted almost as an oracle apon all important questions. In person, General Jackson was tall, and remarkably erect and thiii His weight bore no proportion to his height, and his frame, in general did not appear fitted for trials such as it had borne. His features were large ; his eyes dark blue, with a keen and strong glance ; his eye-brows arched and prominent, and his complexion that of the war-worn soldier. His demeanour was easy and gentle : in every station he was open and accessible to all. The irritability of his temper, which was not denied by his friends, produced contrasts in his manner and countenance leading to very diflbrent conceptions and representations as to both : but those who have lived and acted with him bear unanimous testimony to the general mildness of his carriage and the kindness of his disposition. His amusements consisted chiefly in the management of his domestic concerns, the sports of the turf, and social intercourse. He was temperate in his diet, and in all respects enjoyed a good private reputation. (1-20) ^d' €\)t lirtji-pliire nf lenni Claij, Henry Clay was bom in Hanover County, Virginia, April 12th, 1777 ; and thus entered the world at a time when his first perceptions and thoughts would arise from the new order of things, or be drawn toward the republican usages of the new era. By this training he became, in after years, a fit successor to the statesmen who had guided his native country through a long and weary struggle, terminating in a dearly purchased peace, the proclamation of which was among his earliest re- collections. There were many things in the circumstances of his birth, which were conducive to his future usefulness and success. Upon the foundation of a house depends the strength of the structure ; and upon the child- hood of the man is built his future character. To learn how from obscurity and without the aid of wealth, connections, or what are usually deemed the advantages of life, it is possible to rise to the highest degree of estimation in the minds of his countrymen, the young American must study the history of this distinguished patriot and statesman. Our young readers should be stirred to generous emulation, by the example set them by this illustrious man's life, although they may never receive that highest political reward which is regarded as the summit of the American's ambition. (1-22) '"^ Ssg^ i5?\^' fi €\it m'^\\-f^^ nf tjif ii(i0!)P0. A FAVORITE symbol during the election, when Henry Clay was a candi- date for the Presidency, was a ruddy lad, mounted upon a horse, with a sack for a saddle. This referred to his early boyhood, when, in common with thousands of his young countrymen, he performed his part in the labors of the house and the homestead. A cardinal requisite to success in life is industry ; and a right understanding of what is honorable and what is dishonorable, will lead young and old never to be ashamed of necessary labor. Far less will the truly honorable boy or man save his own fancied dignity by imposing undue labor upon a mother or a sister. There is no more noble trait of character than generosity ; and he who sacrifices pride, or overcomes indolence for the assistance of others, is more truly generous, in his self-denial, poor though he be, than if he could throw away, with lavish hand, money which he need not count. And the lad Henry Clay, when a bare-footed messenger between the house and mill, as the mill-boy of the Slashes, no doubt felt more content than when in later years he occupied high places, and was the admiration of countless thousands of his fellow-countrymen. Perhaps his ardent devo- tion to the system of " Home Industry" may have had its origin in the Slashes of Hanover, where he early learned what economy and industry can accomplish with small means, and against adverse fortune. (124) 16ennj Clin| nt tjie iJilUge Irjinnl. The early school advantages of Henry Clay appear to have been very small. His teacher's name was Peter Deacon, and Mr. Clay often referred to him with respect and affection. It does not appear that Henry had any school opportunities after the age of fourteen years. The school- house in which he acquired the elements of reading, writing, and arith- metic, was a rude log structure, having no glass windows — if indeed it had any window whatever. It is said that the only aperture through which light entered was the open door. Henry went forward in his arithmetic as far as " Practice," a rule which, in the old style of teaching, was just far enough from " units under units, and tens under tens," to enable the pilgrim among figures to see " through " the book. No doubt Henry was very studious under Mr. Deacon's tuition ; and probably his father's library, or what remained of it after his decease, was useful to him. His mother and elder brothers and sisters, for Henry was the seventh child, must have aided him in his progress. Home education does often more than can be accomplished in the few hours daily spent in school. Many hours every day under a strange instructor, will do little, if the familiar voices at home do not cheer and encourage the beginner; and apparently small opportunities, if home influence is favorable, will produce great results. (126) =rr;v.i»^ r'^^Ji'^ (,, w ^- ^- Hhnu] Claij at tl)i^ DHuitiug |iirieti|. An amusing anecdote is related of an incident that occurred at a debating society in Lexington, Kentucky, of which Mr. Clay was a member. His purpose in life and liis associations were such as would naturally lead him to embrace all helj^s to the acquirement of experience in speaking, and no opening was to be neglected which Avould enlarge his circle of acquaintance, and introduce him to those most likely to be of benefit to him. One evening, as a debate was about to close, Mr. Clay remarked to those who sat near him, that "he did not think the subject had been exhausted." The observation was overheard, and by universal consent, Mr. Clay was called upon to speak. "Mr. Clay will speak!" said one or two members to the chairman ; and as he had hinted that there remained something yet to say, he was placed in a dilemma from which he could only escape by saying it. The chairman nodded to the new member — all eyes were turned upon him in expectation, and all voices were hushed as he rose. " Gentlemen of the jury" — Mr. Clay commenced, and ashamed of his ludicrous error, could not proceed. But the politeness of the chair- man, and the courtesy of the members, who withheld even the pardonable mirth which such a mistake might well occasion, reassured him. But he began, " Gentlemen of the jury " — erring thus again. But having risen, he persevered, and convinced his hearers that the subject was not, indeed, yet exhausted. Many who heard him that night, and others who heard of the awkward commencement of a brilliant speech, were in the habit, while they lived, of contrasting this maiden effort with his unconstrained and brilliant speeches in after times. (128) ^lnljlanft, 3\h ClinfG Ulesih^nrh Our young friends, we presume, will not be displeased to learn some- thing of Ashland, the residence of Mr. Henry Clay. " Ashland, com- prising the house, gardens, and park, is situated a mile and a half south- east from the court-house in Lexington. The whole estate consists of between five and six hundred acres of the best land in Kentucky, which, for agricultural purposes, is one of the richest States in the Union. Ash- land proper was projected for an elegant country-seat. The house is a spacious brick mansion, without much pretension in architecture, sur- rounded by lawns and pleasure-grounds, interspersed with walks and groves, planted with almost every variety of American shrubbery and forest trees, executed under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Clay. Mr. Clay appears to have delighted in gathering around him the plants and trees of his own country, there being among them few exotics. As the domicil of the great American statesman, Ashland is one of the household words of the American people. Having been deeply lodged in their affections, so long as the memory of the great proprietor is cherished, it cannot fail to have a place in history." The domestic arrangements of the household under the guidance of Mrs. Clay were perfect and various. When General Bertrand was a guest at Ashland, he was much astonished at the extent and variety of duties discharged by Mrs. Clay, and at the activity and system with which they were accomplished. (130) t^ ^yKi^- ^i>- lUnni Cliiij i\)t §hUmn. In 1806, Henry Clay, after serving his own State in her Legislature, was appointed to fill a vacancy in the United States Senate, and thus commenced his career as a statesman, which position he continued to fill to the day of his death, with some short intervals of retirement from public life. In 181 1, shortly after Mr. Clay had been elected to the House of Representatives, President Madison summoned Congress to meet a month earlier than usual, on account of the disturbed condition of our foreign relations. Mr. Clay appeared in his place on Monday, November 4th, and was at once elected Speaker of the House. He received seventy- five votes out of one hundred and twenty-eight. On taking the chair, he acknowledged the honor done him, briefly and pertinently as follows : — " Gentlemen, — In coming to the station which you have done me the honor to assign to me — an honor for which you will be pleased to accept my thanks — I obey rather your commands than my inclination. I am sen- sible of the imperfections which I bring along with me, and a conscious- ness of these would deter me from attempting a discharge of the duties of the chair, did I not rely confidently on your generous support. Should the rare and delicate occasion present itself, when your Speaker should be called upon to check or control the wanderings or intemperance of debate, your justice will, I hope, ascribe to his interposition the motives only of public good, and a regaixl to the dignity of the House. And in all instances be assured, gentlemen, that I shall with infinite pleasure, afford every facility in my power to the despatch of public business, in the most agreeable manner." (13-2) €\)t Inttle nf fnkr (Dkee-rljiikrh In December, 1837, the battle of Lake Okee-cliokee was fought between the Americans, under Colonel Taylor, and the Indians under Alligator. The action was a severe one, and continued from half-past twelve until after three, P. M., a part of the time very close and severe. There were twenty-six killed and one hundred and twelve wounded, among whom were many valuable officers. The hostiles probably suffered, all things considered, equally with ourselves, they having left ten dead on the ground, besides, doubtless, carrying off many more, as is customary with them when practicable. The day after the battle was occupied in taking care of the wounded and burying the dead. On the morning of the 27th of December, Colonel Taylor commenced his return, and reached Fort Gardner, whence he had started, on receiving the orders of General Jessup, who was the Com- mander in Chief of the Florida campaign. The results of the engagement were most important ; and it may in- deed be said that it finished the Florida war. General Taylor — by that title we shall henceforward designate him — was no less active after the battle of Okee-chokee than before. He remained at his post until the beginning of the year ISiO, when, at his request, he was relieved, and Brigadier General Armistead took his place. (134) Ciiptiirf nf (f^rnrnil tn iJrga. During the battle of Eesaca cle la Palma, in the late Mexican war, the enemy's artillery was served with a coolness and precision which did the highest honor. As it was perceived that the weight of the battle was here in the centre, and that until the enemy were there dislodged, all other efforts, however brave and brilliant, were but a useless expenditure of the lives of brave men. Colonel May, with his dragoons, was ordered to charge this battery. It is said that General Taylor delivered the order in something like the following words: "Sir, your command has done nothing yet — you must take that battery." " Men," said Captain May, "we must take that battery. Follow!" On went the squadron, their leader several yards in advance, sweeping down the ravine. As they passed Lieutenant Eidgely, a word was exchanged, and he fired a volley to draw the attention of the enemy. The squadron dashed onward, receiving a discharge from the enemy's batteries which killed or disabled full one-third of the squadron. A wild hurrah went up as the gallant horsemen cleared the breastwork, and charged entirely through the enemy's battery of seven pieces. When Captain May gained the rising ground in the rear, he could rally but six of his men ; but with these he charged the Mexican gunners, who, swept for a moment by his furious riding over breastwork, guns, and men, had now regained their pieces. The Mexicans were again driven ofij and General La Vega, who was found gallantly fighting in person at his battery, surrendered himself a prisoner to Captain May. (136) r^-»-^ ^ -^?^^^'^ liege iif jUuiitrrfij. On the third day of the siege of Monterey, in the Mexican war, General Quitman's brigade entered the town, and were successfully forcing their way towards the principal plaza. The second regiment of Texas mounted volunteers, who entered the city, dismounted, and, under the immediate orders of General Henderson, co-operated with General Quitman's brigade. Captain Bragg' s battery was also ordered up, supported by the third infantry ; and after firing for some time at the cathedral, a portion of it was likewise thrown into the city. Our troops advanced from house to house, and from square to square, until they reached a street but one square in rear of the principal plaza, in and near which the enemy's force Avas mainly concentrated. This advance was conducted vigorously, but with due caution, and although quite destructive to the enemy, was attended with but small loss on the part of the Americans. Upon occupying the city, it was discovered to be of great strength in itself, and to have its approaches carefully and strongly fortified. The town and works were armed with forty-two pieces of cannon, well supplied with ammunition, and manned with a force of at least 7000 troops of the line, and from 2000 to 3000 irregulars. The loss in this affair was twelve officers and one hundred and eight men killed ; thirty-one officers and three hundred and thirty-seven men wounded. That of the enemy is not known, but is believed considerably to exceed that. The whole of the operations were conducted with ability, and crowned with entire success. (138) '■^J^'?^^ \ii.' ^- v^iy Ciipitiilntiiiu nf 3Unnteret|. 1 The terms of capitulation by which Monterey surrendered to the American commander were, briefly, as follows : That the officers should be allowed to march out with their side-arms ; that the cavalry and in- fantry should be allowed to march out with their arms and accoutre- ments ; that the artillery should be allowed to march out with one battery of six pieces and twenty-one rounds of ammunition ; that all other muni- tions of war and supplies should be turned over to a board of American officers appointed to receive them ; that the Mexican army should be allowed seven days to evacuate the city, and that the American troops should not occupy it until evacuated ; that the cathedral fort or citadel should be evacuated at 10 A. M. next day, the 25th. The Mexicans were then to march out, and the American garrison to march in. The Mexicans were allowed to salute their flag when hauled down ; that there should be an armistice of eight weeks, during which time neither army should pass a line running from the Rinconada through Linares and San Fernando. A large volume might be prepared out of the incidents that occurred during the single affair alone, of the siege of Monterey, during the late Mexican Avar, in which General Taylor performed so conspicuous a part. (140) -ol^^.^^^^ ^.. i^'^'jkU''- Vie,' '^ ^^^?W'^ (BiMienil C'lUjiiu Jlriier lurrriiiierin The Cominander in Cliief was sitting quietly on his white charger watching the movements of the enemy, when a Mexican officer was pre- sented, and in a very courteous and graceful manner stated that "he had been sent by his excellency, General Santa Anna, to inquire what he (General Taylor) was waiting for?" General Taylor replied, "Only for General Santa Anna to surrender." In this battle General Taylor was often expostulated with by his staff, for exposing himself; especially as the color of his horse (white) afforded so conspicuous a mark for the enemy. But the General refused to change his charger — alleging that as the horse had missed the glory of Monterey he was resolved that he should have his full share at Buena Yista. Another flag sent on the 22d was despatched by General Taylor to a detached body of Mexican infantry, who were contending with fierce resolution against a destructive fire. The officer by whom it was sent, Mr. Crittenden, who acted as General Taylor's Aid, was carried, in spite of his remonstrances, to Santa Anna, blind-folded. The Mexican general asked his mission. He replied that he had no message for the commander, but being sent to ask a detached force to surrender, to save the effusion of blood, and as his errand was unsuccessful, he demanded to be sent back to his general. It was then that Santa Anna requested him to tell General Taylor that if he would surrender he would be protected and well cared for. Mr. Crittenden replied that he had no commission to speak with him (Santa Anna) upon that or any other matter. " It is, however," he added, " of no use to send any such message, as General Taylor never surrenders.^ ^ C142) ■SSS rn 1^^ (foiillniit CJiargr nt liirnn UidE. DuRixG the memorable battle of Buena Vista, with what absorbing interest must the commander have watched the movements on various parts of the field, as he despatched, now in one direction and now in another, orders or reinforcements, thus, by the operations of a controlling mind, giving unity to efforts which appeared divided and partial, while they were in reality working out one great whole ! At one time the 2d Kentucky regiment, which had been ordered to support a column hard pressed by the enemy, were obliged to cross a ravine, and in avoiding gulleys and obstructions, presented all the appearance of confusion and disorder. "This will not do," said Taylor, who was watching the field intently, "this is not the way for Kentuckians to behave themselves!" But in a few moments the Kentuckians had crossed the uneven places, and were seen ascending the slope of the valley, shoulder to shoulder, and with the firm and regular step of veterans of a hundred fields. As the Kentuckians emerged from the valley, the countenance of the old general, who was regarding them with the intensest interest, gradually relaxed the bitterness of its expression. Forward they moved under his riveted gaze, whose feelings became more and more wrought up as they approached the scene of carnage. "WTien they opened their fire, the old general could no longer restrain his admiration, but broke forth with a loud huzza — "Hurrah for old Kentucky!" ^T^ - -. f*"^ (Seni^riil 'iS^nijliu 00 preijiiieiit. While yet in Mexico, the spontaneous voice of the American people had nominated Greneral Taylor for the Presidency of the United States. He heard of the honor intended him with the modesty which w\as his char- acteristic ; and took no steps whatever to secure or to obtain public favor. In the spring of 1848 he was formally nominated for the suffrages of his countr}Tnen ; and in November of the same year he was elected, receiving 163 votes in the electoral college, his opponent, General Cass, receiving 127. He was inaugurated on March 5th, 1849 ; the fourth of that month, which is the legal day, falling upon Sunday. The victories of the war in which General Taylor was engaged, and the questions growing out of the large accessions of territory, caused the opening of his administration to be attended with contests — peaceful, it is true — -but more perplexing to the soldier than the strife of the battle field. He distinct-ly, but mildly and modestly, indicated the policy which he proposed to follow ; but declared that he should defer to the wisdom of Congress, in all questions of a legislative character. In the early part of July, 1850, a little more than one year after his inauguration. President Taylor was taken ill, and died on the 9 th. The intelligence flew with the lightning speed of the electric telegraph, and every where the voice of mourning was heard : for no public man since Washington, had more endeared himself to the American people. (146) g7^ >-?^^^'^ Q^yry\ f,"j^>?S -i ^^■< N=^ ":? ■ta*'-vi?''i^;vi €\}i %hiih nf tijf lugs. During the Eevolution, some very ingenious articles of submarine machinery were made, for the purpose of destroying the British vessels stationed in the Delaware. Among them was one by a Mr. Bushnell, charged with a number of kegs of powder, arranged so as to explode on coming in contact Avith anything while floating along the tide. This contrivance Avas launched at night on the Delaware river, above the English shipping ; but, unfortunately, the proper distance could not be well ascertained, and it was set adrift too far from the vessels, so that it became obstructed and dispersed by the floating ice. On the following day, however, one portion of it exploded, occasioning the greatest con- sternation among the British seamen. The troops were aroused, and, with the sailors, manned the wharves and shipping at Philadelphia, dis- charging their cannon and small-arms at everything they could see float- ing in the river during the ebb tide. "The scene must have been a very ridiculous one, and we cannot wonder at Judge Hopkinson making such comic use of it, in writing the celebrated battle of the kegs, a verse or two of which we annex. " Gallants, attend, and hear a friend A soldier stood on log of wood, Thrill forth harmonious ditty : And saw a sight surprising. Strange things I'll tell, which late befell . . , . i , _ 2,, .,,',, . . As, in amaze, he stood to gaze, — In rhuadelphia city. „, , ., i. j • j o- '^ •' The truth can t be denied, birs, — 'Twas early day, as poets say, He spied a score — of kegs, or more. Just when the sun was rising, Come floating down the tide, sirs. (148) i5?\ , ,<^ €'\}t (Dili Itiite-HkiiGe lell. The Bell (of which the engraving is a correct sketch) is memorable as being the first to proclaim the glad tidings of Liberty in the United States. About 2 o'clock P. M., on the 4th of July, 1776, its joyous melody floated clear and musical on the air, announcing the fact that Independence had been declared. Independence Hall, in the city of Philadelphia, has recently been fitted up, and the " Old Bell" is there among the relics of the past, and is one of the chief objects of attraction to the stranger who has never before visited this sacred spot. (150) LINDSAY & BLAKISTON PUBLISH THE YOIG IMERIClfS LIIMY i^a y A USEFUL AND ATTRACTIVE EMBRACING EVENTS CONNECTED WITH THE EARLY HISTORY OF OUR COUNTRY, AND fib^ n! ih f irfiitgm^foit Pnt, WRITTEN WITH MUCH CARE, AND IN AN ENTERTJiiNING AND INSTRUCTIVE MANNER With Illustrations of Important Events. THE LIBRARY EMBRACES THE FOLLOWING WORKS : LIFE OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. LIFE OF GENERAL LAFAYETTE. LIFE OF GENERAL MARION. LIFE OF HENRY CLAY. LIFE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. THE YANKEE TEA PARTY. LIFE OF GENERAL WASHINGTON. LIFE OF WILLIAM PENN. LIFE OF DANIEL WEBSTER. LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 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