Qass. Book (gmigrotit0 to amecita from CiDttpool 1697-1707 LIST OF EMIGRANTS TO AMERICA FROM LIVERPOOL 1697-1707 [Reprinted from The New England IIistohical and Genealogical Reoisteb, Vols. 64, 65] BOSTON PUBLISHED BY THE NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY AT THE ROBElll' HENRY EDDY MEMORIAL ROOMS 19 13 Cilt The Society SEP 30 isi» LIST OF EMIGRANTS TO AMERICA FROM LIVERPOOL 1697-1707' n I find Jno Lealand bound to Virgor Maryland I must write to his father a Tapeweaver in Salford. Richard Hilton Apprentice to m' Bryan Bhmdell for 1 1 veares to Comenrcel from his first Arrival] m Virgiuea Or Maryland, Indenture dated 28 of October 1697. Martin Heyes, Apprentice to Thomas Johnson j"- Esq-- (or Assignes) for 4 Yeares to Comence from his first arrivall in Virginea Or Maryland In- dent[ure] dated y" 27 day of October 1G97. William Mosson Apprentice to Lewis Jenkins for 5 Yeares to Comence from his first Arrivall in Virginea Or JJaryland Indenture dated the 29 day of October 1697 Isabell Conley Apprentice to Lewis Jenkins for 7 Years to Comence from hir first Arrivall at Virginea Or Maryland Indenture dated v" : ^3 dav of October 1697 ^ -^ Margery Blundell to Henry Farar for 4 Years to Virginea Tori Marvl-md Indenture dated y" 11 : day of Novb"' 1697. Law : GillGrist to Henry Farrar for 7 Years to Virginea for] Maryland Indenture dated y« 11 day of Nov''1697 Tho: Sylvester to Henry Farrar for 7 Years to Virginea Or Maryland Indenture dated y" 11 day of Nov"' 1697 Isabel Conley to Lewis Jenkins for 7 Years to Virpinea Or Maryland In- denture date y8 23 day of Nov"' 1 697. J"° Leek to m' Lewis Jenkins for 5 Years to Virginea Or Maryland In- denture dated y^ first day of December 1697 W" Ludloe [?] of Bradfrd in Yorkeshh-e App-- to m"- W° Chantrell for 5 years to Virgin" or Maryland W"' Gibson to Handle Galloway for 4 Years to Virginea or Maryland Indenture dated y« first day of December 1697— J™ Webster to Handle Galloway for 8 Years to Virginea or Maryland ] Green (p^ m^ Parrs order) to W™ Chantrele for 4 yeares. J __ Haddam (p"' ditt order [ ] same. ] 97 Paul Leighmans Indnt to Handle Galloway for 9 yeafrsl J™ Moores Indnt to Handle Gallowa[y] 9 yeares " Jan 3 ) Georg Worrs of y" County of Lancast App. to Ra[n]dle L J b 7 J Galloway for Eight Yeares to Virginea or Maryland [ ] iiow ^f'J'"^ ''"'' ?°";.PT''''"S o^'^'' ISO" "'"nes, is to be found in the back of vols. 5 md 7 of the Records ot the Corporation of Liverpool, deposited in the Town Clerk's Office ^C%^'?l'' '".'"'■ ^T'^^f- Tl.e entries wc'-e originally .arranged clronoloo-fcaU i^'., n I 'J^'?°, ™l^"»"d and the p.>iges have been misplaced. The entries are tZT,!] ll- lr\:^tVr' the':"?'' °^ *" .«-ri-ing can only be^described as scr bb ing! ,,.„■ -A .1 '^'"eis— the entries seemingly being made by three different scribes— l^J.f r"lf ""^ '^•"P'oyed to draw up the indentures. The words ■"pd.''"nd''deHv- ered m the margin to refer to the indentures, and there is one eu".v statins that twenty shillings was paid for four indentures -E F stating the sLn?.f1?'l'°'"'-"'j!''''' •"' .'l'" '"■'' •'"' 1™''''» ^"'^ ''««" "-endered necessary to represent the signs of abbreviation m the original manuscript. 'cpie.eui, drawn pr. Capt Claytns man. ditto "j Rich'' Jones of Caruarvan Apprentice to Randle Galloway die ) for Eight Yeares to Virginia or Maryland this Indent, was drawn p Capt Claytn man. Janu' : 5 ) Maudlin Dauis of Ruthin of Wales App' to m' W" Webster 97 J to Virgin or Maryland for 5 yeares delivered Kathoriue Ferry of Ruthin to him for y° same time, deliverd. Joan Rowland of Bangor in Wales to him for y* same time deliv Richard Jones of Denbyshire for y* same time delid Edward Jones of Willi.son in Cheshire for y' same time deli'd Thomas Cook of Frodsham for y" same time delid Willni Smith of Dover for 4 yeares delid Jan' 8. 97. John White of Cicester in Gloucester shire 4 years [delid] Jno Tonnard of Barbadoes Not p' 8. 97 Hugh GryfYeth of Denby to Randle Gallowai 4 yeares Not p' W"' Grylieth to y' same for y" same time 10 Hugh Partington to Randle Galloway 4 yeares 1 1 James Walker to ditt 4 yeares 10 J"° Thomas of St Asaph to Randl Gall 4 years 20 Hugh Roberts of Anglesay in wales to Jonath Livesey 4 years 20 ^ J° Gryffin of Carnarv 4 years Ann Jones of Anglesey to ditt 6 yeares. To J"". Marshall Mast of Y« Ann And Sarah Henry Ripley of York 4 years. Daniel Showland of Cork 4 years jno Wilson [?] of Nycrofte in Lecestershire 4 years James Eccles of Loughlavin in Ireland 4 years J"° Steward of London 4 years April 19-98 Thomas Evans of Denbyshire Carpent. App"^ 4 years for Pen- sylvania to Rich'' Adams & W" Lewis For Barbadoes or some of y" Barbba' Islands May y^ .5-1 6'J8 Joseph Stile of Talkell Hill'' Staffordshi' bond' 4 years Gm" James Gordon ditto die W" English of Fur in Scotland 4 ye.ares ditto die Samul Wallington of Presbury 4 yeares ditto die Roger Sharpies of Lelan' 4 yeares ditto die Rich'' Hughes of Mould 4 yeares May 1 1-'98 Thorn' : Prichard of Beaumaris 7 yeares ditto die Peter Jones of Flintshire 4 yeares May 16 J"" Prior of Pisor in Flintshire 4 yeares Juno 7-98 W" Russel of Kinsale 4 yeares July 5. 98 Joseph Stile of Staifordshu-e ap' m' Gordon 4 4 yeare' W" English of Scotland 5 4 yeare' 'Talk o' th' Hill. 'This entry crossed out. June 21-98 Jane Horton [or Foster] of Windle Apr. to m' Edw. Tarleton i yeares June 21-98 Rich" Cowlund [?] of Thornton Leicastia app' to m"" Gordon 7 yeares — 16 William Wilson of Langton in s'' County to ditto 8 yeares 15 June 27 Jonathan Davis to ditto 4 yeares 4 yeares 19^ — 27 Augustine Ca [rr ?] 4 yeares 4 yeares 17 — 27 Rich'' Werton to ditt 4 yeares 4 years 18 July 2* 98 J"" Jlason son of J"" Mason of y« Citty of London ■) Marrin'' deceas'' App"^ to m J"" Thomas to Vir- >- 7 yeares ginea or Maryla fr 7 years • Seven Yeares ) W" Mason Apr to y* same fr. 7 yeares 7 yeares July 7 '98 William Holt of Preston o "^ Hill in Cheshire Apr' to m I p' Edward Tarleton to Virgin or Maryland for 4 yeares J p' Georg Oldham to ditto 4 yeares 4 July 8 to m' James Gordon for Barbadoes Humphry Roberts 7 yeares 1 1 Carnarvanshu-e W™ Gryffith Cardiganshire 4 yeares 12 Peter Prier Denbyshire 7 yeares 13 jno Browne of Lincolnshire Stationer 4 yeares 6 Maurice Roberts of Denbyshire 7 yeares 10 Rich'' Merton of Denbyshire 7 yeares 9 J"" Hughes of Merionithshire Sawyer 4 yeares 8 ■Peter Matthew Denbyshire 4 yeares 7 July 8. 98. Henry Dauis son of Charles Dauis of Denby Apr ) to 'm'' Peter Athertou for 4 yeares j jeares Jno Roberts Son of Edw'^ Roberts of Queeklevs. ") , Flintshire | 4 yeares J"" son of J" Lloyd of Abergelly Denbyshire 9 yeares July 19. 98 Laurence Dounes of Maxtield'' to m' Ja : Gordon 4 yeares July 13. 98 Hugh Powell of Dublin; blacksmith to m'' Gordon 4 years 14 July 19. 98 Ann Green of Bretherton to m'' Tarleton for 4 year Mary Smith of Grosli Parish Flintshire to ditto 4 yea' July 22 Ricli'* Evans of Carnarvan to m'' Gordn 4 years 1 Elkana Telson 7 years 2 W" Roberts of Denbyshire 4 years 3 July 27. 98 Thomas Lloyd of Cardiganshire to m' Thomas 4 years 27. 98 Watkin Prier of Cardigan to m' Thomas 4 years July 27. 98 J"" Harrison of Babington to m' J"" Thomas to Virginia 8 yeares W" Chanceller of Harbro in Yorkshire to ditto 7 yeares Rowland Jones of Rutlien to ditto 5 yeares Elin Cook of London Spinster 5 yeares Margarett Daughter of J"" Blake of London to ditt 4 yeares. ' Macclesfield. G July 29. 98 July 29. 98 Aug 13 1G98 Aug' 17 Aug' 23 Aug' 24 2'» Sept Aug« '•27 29 29 29 29 30: 30: Aug*' 31 '' 31 31 Sep' Sep' 2" 5 Sept' 7'^ 7. 7 : 7. 7. Sept' 10 10 13 14 14 14 ' Fadihani. • Oswestrv. J"" Bin] of Preston in Oxfordshire [^sic"] 4 \-eares GaynoUl Thomas of Carnarvon to m' Tarletn 4 yeares Thomas How of Flintshire Taylor apr to m'' Gordon 4 yeares Joseph Trouglnveare of Crosbie in CumUcrland ') Taylor Apr. to m' Henry Brown for Virginia >-4 yeares or Maryland for ) W" Kitchin of Erton in Cumberland Taylor to ditto for 4 yeares John Stedman of Padnam* Lancaster to m' Edw'' Tarlton to Virg for 4 yeares. jno Pi-escott to m' J"° Thomas for 4 yeares J"° Pritchett of Wrexam to m' J"" Thomas 7 yeares Tho : Powell of Wrexam to ditto 7 yeares Hugh Jones of Wrexam to ditto 7 yeares Hugh Lealand of Westhoughton to ditto 7 yeares Ann Blyth of York Citty .Spinst. to ditto 4 yeares Thomas Ellis of Dalirauen in Wales to D" 7 yeares Joseph Reyburne of AVaser in Staffordshire shoo- ) c maker Ajipr. to m' Bryan Blundell for Virginea. j ^ Thomas Duubalin sou of W" Dunbalin to m' Tar- leton 6 yeares John Foster of Bethopricke to ditto for 4 yeares John Kirk App to ditto 4 years J"° Jones of Wrexham Hannah his Wife and i Child Gryffith Thomas Labourer 4 yeares Eliz : Markley of Latliam 5 years. 4 yeares Jonas Dauis of Corke to m'' J"" Thomas Rich'* Owen of Flintshire to ditt Henry Bond son of James Bond near Garstan to ditt Thomas Ellis of Dalmen in Wales to ditt for Eliz : King daughter of Abra' King of Dublin m' Porter Charity Barlor of Kilkenny to ditto for John Thelfell of Preston Gardiner to m' : H : Browne J°° Dobson of Bolton in Lancashir to ditt Ralph Kettle of Warmingham in Cheshire to ditt Henry Bell of Carlisle to ditt James Boudler of Ossesstry' in Shropshir ditt John Owen to John Thomas Edw"' Jones to D° Robert Tongue to m' Henry Browne for Eliz : Wilson of Kirkham in y* fild lo m' Edw** Tarletou EdvN'"' Steele of Westtirlie to m' Thomas J"" Ducker of Tarvin Taylo. to m' Thomas to 4 year 4 year 7 year 4 year ) 4 year 5 years 4 years 4 year 4 year 4 years 4 year 4 Years 4 Years 4 Years. 4 yeares 4 Yeares 4 yeares 14 Rich* Barrel of Chester to m' Tliomas 4 years 14 Eliz Barlow of Knutsfrd to m' Thomas 4 years 14 Hannah Vaughan of Chester to m' Thomas 4 yeares febru' 17 97 William Ertome of y* Citty of London Apprentice to W° Webster to Virginea or Maryland for 4 year Jan 28 Jane Evans Denbyshire to m' Webst 5 years deliv'' Jan 28 Henry Evans Denbyshire 4 yeares deliv** Jan 28 Mary Gryffith of Merionthshire 4 years deliv* Ame Watkins Denbyshire 4 year deliv'' 28 Robert Matthew Denby 9 years deliv* 28 Robert Jones of Denbyshire 4 years delivered Febr 24"" Elizabeth Jones near Ruthen to m' Webt 5 years deliv* Ann Jones of Rixam 7 delivrd Rob' Williams near Ruthen 7 delivrd. Tho : Davies of Denby 7 delivd Mary Tue of Houghtonton [sic'] in Cheshire 5 deliv"* Tho : Babington of Aperton' in Cheshire 9 Joan Williams of Ruthen 5. deliv'' Ellen Hughes of Ruthen 5 deliv** Thomas Owen of Denby 7 deliv"* Katharine Hughes of Buthen 5 deliv'* Feb 28 Rich"* Edward 4 year of Denby deliverd deliv"^ 2 March 4.97 W™ Bennet of Ashburne Darbyshire deliv* Thomas Steward of Widdenbury" Chester 7 yeares deliv* Thomas Whitaker of Eastquein Cheshire 8 yeares deliv* Jno Bright Uibridge Middlesex 4 year deliv* J"° Dauis of Wopping Middlesex 4 year deliv* Georg Baddoe of Clee Shropshire 4 years deliv* Edw* Buckley of Bugleton* Cheshire 4 year deliv* William Dickinson Farn'° Chesher 4 year deliv* Joseph Jmkins of Warton in Chesher 4 year deliv* Samuel Low of Nutsford Chesher 4 yeares deliv* Thomas Farrel of Dublin 4 yeares deliv* March 21. John Baggeley Apr to W" Websf^ his selfe 4 year deliv* 21. Joseph Brosier of London [ ] 5 years deliv* 21. John Stol of Sunhen 9 year deliv* 21. Margery Hunt of Knutsford Cheshir 5 year deliv* March 23 3 Vb Henry Prescott of Wigan to m' W™ Webster 4 years delivr* ' Appleton. ® Wybunburj. ' Buglawton. "> Farndon, probably. March 10. 97 10. 97 10. 97 10. 97 10. 97 10. 97 11. 97 12. 97 March 16. 97 Ifi. 97 8 delv"* 3" March 24 Ann Coulburne of Preston 8 years delv" 4. Peter Fotlin' of Tatnal" in Cheshir 4 years March 24 97 fit Iliijrh Jones of 'Wrixlian to m' W" Webster 9 years deliv* fit J"° Lloy.l of Denhyshire 8 yeares deliv"" fit diaries Webster of Denby 8 yeares deliv** fit William Hughes of Denbyshire fit E 7b' 7b' 20 20 20 7b': 22 7b 27 7bi 27 7b' 27 d» die 27 7b' 28 7b' Tho : Marland to m' Browne John Carncagee of Aberdeene in Scotland to m' Brow' John Harrison of Ashton under Line to * m' Browne 7b 15. 98 Charles Ellis of Macclesfield to m' Brown Edw'' Thorncroft of Sutton in Cheshir to m' Brown John Davies of Denbygshire Grocer to D° Humphrey Howell of Slerionethshire to D° John Wynn of Denbyshirc to Henry Browne John Walker of Ashton under Line to m' Browne John Beecham of Chester to D° Thomas AValker of Ashton under Line Rob' Rallestr of Leeds to Rich"* Bridg for m' Thomas James Jameson of New Castle to m' Edw* Tarleton Rol)ert PoUet son of Robert Pollett late of Bolton to m' Tarleton John Nichols to m' Edward Tarleton Samuell Hemming to DO. John Price of Merionethshire Chinirgeon to m' Thomas Thomas Wilding of Litchfield to William BusheU to Virginia Rich'' Owen of Carnarvanshire to m' Thomas John Lamb of Levjioole to Ezekiell Parr John Ricketts of Lavanshie in AVales to D" Jonathan Clarke of Little Mesle in Lan' to m' H. Browne Mary Terpin of Lithan in fild to m' W" Porter Mary Floyd of Sliroesbery in Shropshire to m' Eze- kiell Parr Jane Hide of Manchest' Spinst' to m' Nicholes Smith 7b. 30. 98 Matthew Moretown of Presberry in Cheshir to m' Henry Brown for 4 years 7 Y'eares 4 Yeares Yirginea 7 Yeares 5 Yeares virginea 5 yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 5 Yeares 5 Yeares 4 Yeares 7 Yeares 4 yeares Yirginea 4 Yeares 9 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 5 Yeares 4 Years 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 28 7b' '} Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares 4 years 8b. 5. Rob' Voughan son of Thomas Voughan neer Salp. to m' Ajid. Leed 5 years To m' Nicholas Smith to Virginea Or Maryland W™ Hudson 5 Yeares October y« : 13"": 1698 Miles Grimshaw 5 Y'eares ditto die. Mary Boardman 5 Y'eares ditto die .V ,^ 11 8b 17. 98 Tho : Higham of Warrington Tobau [?] to m' Scarburrough 4 year. lyU^y^-iX;^ The Names of y^ : vServants tliat Goes to Virginea in v* Loyalty Cap' Henry Browne Commander Octob'' 19"' 1698 Ralph Kettle of Warmingham in Cheshire 4 Yeares- Eob' : Tongue of Farnoth^^ neare Manchester 4 Yeares John Threlfell of Preston Gardiner 4 Yeares Charles Ellis"* of Macclesfield 5 Yeares Alexd'' Sinkler of Glascow 4 Yeares John Wright of Middlesex 4 Yeares W"' Tayler of Scarbrick 8 Yeares James Streete Tenn Yeares Thomas Walker of Ashton vnder Line 7 Yeares David Tayler of Mottrom in Cheshir 8 Yeares John Beecham of Cheshir 4 Yeares John Walker of Ashton vnder Line 5 Yeares Georg Low of Gawsworth Cheshir Tenn Yeares George Brasfeild Eleaven Yeares John Carneagee of Aberdeene in Scotland 4 Yeares Ch'irles Tayler of Mottrom in Cheshire 7 Yeares John Harrison of Ashton vnder Line 7 Yeares Robert Bower'" of Macclesfeild in Cheshire 7 Yeares James Boukller of Augettree^' in Shropshire 4 Yeares John Dobson of Bolton Lane' 4 Yeares Edw'' ThorniCroft of Sutton in Cheshire 5 Yeares Tho : Marland of Ashton vnder Line 7 Yeares Humphrey Howell of Merionethshire 4 Yeares John Davies of Denbigshire Grocer 4 Yeares Edw'' Perry of Denbigshire 4 Yeares Tlio : Vpton of Presberry in Cheshire Tenn Yeares John Wynn of Ruthin in Denbigshire 5 Yeares Jonathan Clark of Little Messin Lane 7 Yeares Nathaniel Tayler of Mottrom in Cheshre 9 Yeares Tho : Tayler of Mottrom in Cheshre Eleaven Yeares Mathew Moreton of Presberry Cheshire 4 Yeares Joseph Troughweare of Crosby in Cumberland Tayler 4 Yeares W"' Kitchen of Erton'^ in Cumberland Tayler 4 Yeares Joyce Cooper of Carnarvanshire 4 yeares 4 Yeares Henry Bell of Carlisle 4 4 Yeares Tho :"Wiltling of Litchfiekl App. (to W". Bushell Meate of y" \ Loyalty) to serve in Virginea for y" Tearme of J leares Ja: Barton Apprentice to Janes [s(c] Hawkshaw to Mon- serratt 4 Yeares '^ Farnworth. 's A Charles Ellis, son of William Ellis of Macclesfield, was baptized there Aug. 2, 1678. " A Robert Bower, son of Francis Bower of Poynton, was baptized at Prestbury (the mother church of over thirty surrounding townships and chapelries, including Poynton and Macclesfield) 18 Aug. 1678. '» Clearly as printed. May stand for Oswestry. w There is a Huttou in Cumberland, for which this may stand. 12 The Names of all the Servants that Goes to Virginea in the Ship Con- cord J"" Walls Commauder October y'^ 25'" 1G98 Bound to Kzekiel Parr, h Jane Johnson of Wigau Spinster 4 Yeares Isaac Carpenter 4 Yeares John Prescot'^" of Wii;an Tayler 4 Yeares Roger Tayler of Abram in y" County of Lane husband 4 Yeares Oliver Whalley ats Wood 7 Yeares Ali<'e Catterall of Wigan 4 Yeares Elizabeth Ashton of Wigan Spinster 4 Yeares h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h li h h h h h h h li li h h h h h h h h Sarah Heyes 4 Yeares AVilliam Scott of Wigan 7 Yeares Francis Cattarall of Wigan 4 Yeares John Gasway 4 Yeares William Fos 4 Yeares James Exx 4 Yeares James Butterworth'-' Weaver John Leyland of Abram Weaver Mary Moss Joshua Spencer of vpHollaud-- Mary Gibbs of Wigan J"" Wood Alice Heaton Rich** Heaton Edward Heaton IMargaret Kearfoote of Wigan Spinster Eliz : Heaton all bound at Wigan y* Countnsts [s('c] writt here Charles Wilkinson of Burnley in Lancashire 7 liliz : Rollins of Raiby'"' in Cheshii'e 4 Edward AVilson-'' of Tarleton in Lane 5 Joseph Stantlirop of Yorksliii'e Tanner 4 Ann Eccles of Preston 4 Charles Coop^ of Bolton Tayler 4 James Gamljell of Nantwich 4 Thomas Clayton of Preston 7 Martha Lloyd of Sliroesberry in Shropshire 5 James Boardnian"' of Bolton Butcher 4 Thomas Turner of Warrington 4 Hester Ford of Wigan Sinnst'' 4 Dauiel Lyon of Rainford Blacksmith 4 Thursden Mather of lliuly in Lancashire 4 James Dangerfeild of Rapahaiinock River in Virginea 4 Ellen Peatiason of Fild Lane' 4 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 7 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares •» John, s. of Thomas Presscot of Daltoue. b. 16 Nov., bapt. 22 Nov., 1633 at Uphol- land, parisii of Wio^an. *' James, s. of Adam Butterworth, bapt. 22 Aug. 1680 at UphoUand. Adam Butter- wortli bur. 2.5 June 1690 at UphoUand. '^In the parish of Wigan. " Kibliy ( ?) " Edward, s. of John Wilson of Brethorton, bapt. 10 Apr. 1675 at Croston, of which parisli Tarleton was a part. '' Charles C'oope, s. of Laurence and Elizabeth of Bolton, bapt. 25 Dec. 1674 at Bol- ton. "James Boardman, s. of Andrew and Deborah of Little Bolton, bapt. 14 May 1676 At Bolton. 13 h John Lamb of Leverpoole h John Ricketts Joyner h Eliz : Crompton-' of Berry in Lane' h William Tliomas of Carnarvanshire h John Johnson of Ipston in Staffordshr Shoemaker h Edward Houghton of Blacclesfield 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 6 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeai-es servants to M' J" Marsden Here' who went w"" y^ Submission 98 9" Paul Riglie of Hey in Lancashire Jeremiah Jones''* of Berry David Bevis of Burstan in Staffordshire J° Newton of Bolton Wm Fartley of Orrel near Wigan Husband' J" Wiustantly-^ of y" sam husband' Isaac Firth of Bradford in Yorkshire Josejjh Parr of Little Hilton^" Lancashii'e Yeares Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Decern 8 1698 Nath : Fogg bound to M' Abram' Dyson for 4 Years An Ace' of y* Servants to Virgin' that went p y" A.nn & Sarah m' J"<^ Marshall M"' for Virginea & bound to himself^^ Novemb. 4. 98 J"° Bruin of Chester Shumaker 4 years Novemb-'ll. 1698. Tho: Hawkshaw son of George Hawkshaw of Dennam,'^ Cheshire Herbert Son of Tho : Patterson late of Chester Chapman Walter Cramp Son of W™ Cramp of WillLngton in Shropshire J»° Son of J" W"' of Widdenbury^^ in Cheshire Thomas son of Thom^ Jenuison late of Lnut in Lancashire J°° son of J"° Shaw of Congleton in Cheshire An Ace' of Servants that went to Virginea in y'' Ship Lamb of Dublin m' W™ Burnsides Mast"^ 9b. 15. 1698 Judith Butterworth of MidtUeton in Lancas' Sarah Celliam of Manchester Ann Sickley of Chadle in Cheshire Martha Peak of Brodeu in Lancash' Ann King of Cletherou Matthew Newall of AlinchekF'' in Cheshire W" Sheapheard of Manchest o years 7 yeares 7 yeares 5 yeares 7 yeares 7 years o yeares 5 yeares 5 yeares 7 yeares 5 yeares 7 yeares 7 yeares "Elizabeth, dau, of William Crompton, b. 15 Apr., bapt. 23 Apr. 1680 at Bury. Wil- liam, s. of William Crompton, b. 3 Mar., bapt. 12 Mar. 1G56-7. ^Jeremiah Jones, s. of Kiclmrd Jones of the Lees, h. 4 June, bapt. 13 June, 1673 at Bury. ^ John, s. of Henry Winstanley of Billing, bapt. U Apr. IGSO at UphoUand, parish of Wigan. ^ Little Hulton. " This heading and the seven entries under it are crossed out in the original. Vide infra, where the list is repeated in somewhat changed form. ^^ Dunham. ^ Wyl)uubury, «Minshull, 14 9b '17 Jonatli' Precstley of Sneland in the County of York W" Guy of Duckenfitld in Cheshire Juo Penherry of Manches' Rob Leafield of Lanc;ist' Abigail Burnett of IManches' An Ace' of Servants That went to Virginnia in the Shipp Society poole 31'' Jonath Lievsley Jlaster Octob"' •23'\ 'J8 And : Martin of Huttale in Lane John Rimsbotten in County Lane. Novem'' y^ 1*' John Brown of Cledle"' Parisli Nea Stockport 2'' Isaac Taylor of Newton in the County of Lanca' Eliz* : AVilliams of Clutton in y* County of Chester Geo : Wisson of Inglewhite in y* County of Lancaster Mary Clowd of Brewerton" in County of Chester Jane Banks of Chorley in Lancasher John Tayler of Coulden in County of Lancashire Rob' Noblett of Aston Bank in Lancashire Avlev Blackwell of Brewerton in Cheshire 4U1 11" Dec' 30"" 13'" Jn" Briggs of Waddington in Yorkshire 7 yeares 5 yeares 7 yeares 5 yeares 5 yeares of Lever- 9 Yeares 5 Yeares 5 Yeares 5 Yeares 8 Yeares 5 Yeares 6 Yeares 6 Yeares 5 Yeares 6 Yeares 6 Yeares 5 Yeares Ace' of Serv" : y' "Went to Virginnia in y* Globe M' Simpson Master Dec' y* 2^ John Strachine of Scotland 4 Years 3 Alexander Marsh of Aughton Lancasliire 8 Yeares Homer Rodan of Scotland to M' Neilson 4 Yeares James Douglass of Scotland D" 4 Yeares Peter Holland of Middle Witch 6 Yeares James Corry of Scotland 4 Years Pdfor 15 1698 An Ace' of Servants Thatt went to Virginnia Called the S' John Baptest : M' Nicholas Franch. October 24"" John Thompson of Cumberland John Rudd of Liverpoole Webster Peter AVinstanley'' of Oriell Abrairi Rudd of Rachdale Clothier John Gilbiirt of Holtbridge in Essex John Morgan of Apsom" John Fisher of Holmes Chappell Samuell Williams of AVrixham William Collins of Bristoll Jhomas Williams of Wrixham Robert Lewis of Denbyshire John Redding of Canterbury Daniell Child of Whitechappele • Richard Lewis of Branford Robert Finch of Wrixham in the good Shipp 7 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 10 Yeares 4 Yeares 10 Yeares 4 YeSres 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 10 Yeares » Cheadle( ?) * Brereton( ?) "Peter Winstonle, s. of John of Orrel, tiapt. 26 Dec. 1669 at Upholland. John, s. of Thomas Winstanley of Billing, bapt. 13 Sept. 1(H6 at Upholland. " Epsom, Surreyt ?) 15 Elizabeth Holding of Lane Spinster Caelia Woods of Bei-ry in Lane Elizabeth Hunt of Wrixham Ruth Davies of Wrixham Spinster Henry Woods of Derry Alexander Challinor of Macclesfield Ann Evans of Wrixham Noveifi yM8 Edward Clark of Uttertter^ in Stafford Edward Williams of Rixam John Taylor of Wellington in Shropshire John Cheetum of Oldham in the County of Lancaster Jain Pye of Lyddgate in the County of Lancaster Marg' Renndle of Pilling, Indent'' to John Fox, Mate of the s'' shipp, Dec"' 5 Newman Steward of the County of Norfolk William Hodgkins to m' Conly of Blackly in Worcetsh' 26* 28 28 29" 5 31 4 Yeares 6 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 7 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares An Aec' of Serv'^ That John Marshall Master Novem : 4* : 98 "Went to Virginnia in the Arm and Sarah M'' 7 11 Dec' 16* 19* 24 26 2 5 7 y 10 16 16"» 20* 22* John Bruin of Chester IMich' Godwin of Winchester Jn° Shaw of Congleton in Chesshire Tho : Jennyon of Lunt in Lancashire Jn° Williams of Chesshire Walter Crampton ^^ of Willington in Shropshire Herbert Patterson of Chester Chapman Thos : Hawkshaw of Dannam *^ In Cheshire Jn° Hoague of Cload in Cheshire Wharton Fallowfield of Pennyroth^^ in Cum- berland William Wood of Tarvin in Cheslm-e Jn° Lloyd of Weppen in Flintshire Jn° Lycni of Himtspear in Somersetshire Jn° Baker of Astberry in Cheshire Jn" Shaw of Millhouse in Lancashire W™ Heaton of Heaton in Lancashire Job : Howard of Sawford by Manchester Ann Dumbile of Middle Witch in Cheshire Sarah Pinkston of D° Jn° Rothell of TodcUngton'*^ in Lancas' : Sam" Mccreky of Carlisle in Cumberland Elis^ : Valentine of Leverpoole Dan : " Walker of Stand of Polkington in Lan- cashire Jose^jh : Brosents of Burnby in Lancashire 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 7 Yeares 7 Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares 9 Years 4 Years 5 Yeares 8 Years 4 Yeares 5 Yejres 4 Yeares 4 Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares 5 4 4 5 5 6 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 39 Uttoxeter( ?) ^The ton of Crampton has been added and crowded in. form of the list. *' Dunham. "Penrith. " Tottington. Vide ante for the original 16 23 Adam Mottershed" of Macclesfield in Cheshire 4 Yeares John Milener of Ilolebrook in Yorkshire 5 Yeares in the Ship Called the 24th 27 October 18 19 22 Novem' 2" An Ace' : of Servants That went to Virginnia Eleanor of Liverpoole Nicholas Reynolds Master Septcm^• 5: 1698 Charles Barber of Kilkenny Elizabeth King of Dublin ^Martha Jackson bound but remaned John Pennant of fliutshire JNIary Terpin of Lathom in field John Posthous of Harding in Wales Ralph Haliwale of Bolton falsified his name it was Thorns Diana Jolinson*^ of Presberry in Chesshire Marg' Bantum of Coppl in Lancashire INIary Smallwood of IJartumlee in Cheshire Peter Sliellom of Presberry in Cheshire Thomas Upton of Presberry d" Gone l^c7-ossed ouQ Martha Jackson*' of Presberry d" John Upton" of D" Elizabeth Upton of D" Susanna Pound of Devon Widdowe John Haggarty Ireland William Beck of Uuderbarraugh in Westmoreland Rob' Lawson of Burnick in Lanccshire Rich** Holmes of Preston in Lanca : Peter Jones of Anglesey Hugh Owen of Anglesay William Owen of Anglesay James Morden of BristoU Elizabeth Wilson of Carleton in Coimty of Lancas : John Hartopp of Coventry John Porter of AVimsley*' Parish in Chesshire Novem"': 17"" : James Barbur bound to John Tyrer Dec"', 2'' Katherine Ritchley of Ayre in Scotland 3 : W" Blundell of Ciieedley Holme*' in Cheshire Q^ Rp"". Relshaw of Lendy in Yorkshire 4th 7th 19'" 22'* 28 29 30 5 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 7 Yeares 5 Yeares 5 Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 7 Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares Yeares An Acc"^ of Servants that went to Virginea in the Ship Barbadoes Merc' and were bound to m' Cuthbert Sharpies 23-9b 98 Josiah Mayeres of Macklesfield in Cheshire 4 Yeares 23 Jane Swindle of Maxfield Mem"* She was bound to Aldem" Houghton 5 Yeares 25 Thomas Yates of Whiston 5 yeares "Adam, s. of Roger Mottersheade of Mottram, bapt. 7 Aug. 1677 at Prestbnry, of which pavisli Macclesfield was also a part. <5 Dyana, dau. of John Johnson of Falibroomc, bapt. 4 Feb. 1678-9 at Prestbury. « Martha, dau. of Peter Jackson, bapt. 1 Feb. 1681 at Prestbury. "John, s. of James Upton of Newton, bapl. 28 Jan. 1679-80 at Prestbury. " Wimbersley. « Cheadlc Hulme. 17 25 25 1 xb 1 : 1: 9b. xb 2. 1. 1 2 28.8b xb. 5 12 Aaron Summers of Kellen in Lancash' W" Davies of Mosteyn in Flintshire J"" France of Huddorsfield in Yorkshire ElizabeUuDickin of Denby in Wales Mary Holme^" of Bolton Joyce Cooper of Carnarvanshire Mary Case^^ of Bolton Sarah Gibbons of Maclesfield Benjamin Roy' ^' of Macklesfield Samuel Dagnell of S' Hellen in Lancash"' W" Cragge of Dent in Yorkshire Rob' Ward of Bolton in Lancashire Bound To M' .John Hughes An Ace' of Serv: '' That Went to Virginnia in the Shipp Submission of Leverpoole Thomas Seacome Master Octob'^ : 7 : 1G98 WUliam Relict of Gatle- mellit in Flintshire John Young of Wandsor in .Surrey William Bradshaw of Long Green in Chesshire 1 2* John Adams of Shotten in Flintshire 1 4"" John Thom])son of Coalrain 1 in Ireland > Bound to Henry W^oods of Chester ) M"' Jn° Hughes 24"" Mary Standish of Stafford, Spinster Mary P^aulkner of Manchester, Spinster Martha Newton of Macclesfield 25* .Joan Witter of Tapperly in Chesshire 28* Philip Finn of Harding Parish in Wales John Finn of D° Novem'' : 2*^ Robert Middleton of Oacks Parish in Derby Shire Ellin Barlow of Macclesfeild in Cheshire , Tho : Williams of Caruarvan in Wales Fran : Glanford of Buckinhamshire And : Hamilton of Edenborough 1 G"" Rich*^ Fin near harding in Flintshire 23 W Oliam Pelkmgton^^ of Brindle 5 yeares 5 yeares 4 yeares 4 yeares 4 yeares 4 yeares 4 yeares 4 yeares 7 yeares 5 yeares 5 yeares 6 Yeares Called the 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 6 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 5 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 4 Yeares 5 Yeares Ace' of Servants that Went to the West Indies in the Ann and Mary, John Dann Master, and bound to him, IGO^/g March the Thomas Roper of Wrightingham in Lancashire 28: lG98/g Aged (19) Yeares bound for 4 Yeares 5" Mary Holme, dau. of Timothy of Little Bolton, bapt. 25 Apr. 1680, Marah Holme, dau. of Jas. and Margaret of Bolton, b. 29 Nov., bapt. 2 Dec, 1677 at Bolton. 6' Mary Care, dau. of Samuel and Martha of Bolton, b. 29 Nov., bapt. 2 Dec, 1677 at Bolton. " Beniamin Royle, s. of Henrv Rovle, bapt. 30 Sept. 1673 at Macclesfield. " William Pilkington, s. of John, bapt. 17 Feb. 16S0-1 at Brindle. John Pilkington and Agues Waring m. 24 July 1676 at Brindle. John Pilkington churchwarden of Brindle in 1679. 18 April! the 4"': Henry Halewood of Omiskirk in Lancashire Aged (25) Yeares bound for 4 Yeares Mem** if Peter Atherton of Cuerdly aged about Ten Yeares Comes to Offer himself he is apjirentice to Tho : Richardson of the same place. A Gray AVastecoat, & Gray Stockings a Jockey Capp : Flaxen liair'd Ace' of Servants bound to M'' "\V"' JIid- y6 West Indies ' ) 18-7 •• Colwyn ( ?) • 21 Servants bound to Thomas Bowling of Exton in Lancashire hushandm' : Octobe 14°: And Went in the EHzabeth for Viginniae or Mary hind : Gil- bert Leivsay JNIaster Octob'' : 1 4° James Hall of Exton in Lancashire 1699 Joshua Holden of Heath Charnock in Lancashire p* Thomas Colson of Chorley William Dickinson of Bluctou in Yorkshire William Conl? of Ouse Walton in Lancashire age 11 12 16 08 18 08 14 08 09 13 Serv'^ : Bound to M' Bryan Blundele Mast' of the Mulberry October the 24°: 1699 f Isaac Scofield of Chatherton^- near Manchester 13 : 11 8ber 24° : 99 < James Scofield his brother 11:11 (_ Edward Luut of Maile^'' in Lane' 13 : 11 8ber26:99 WUliam Scott of Portsui° to M' John Parker 14:07 9ber. 10 Jacob Rylance of Morley in Cheshire to Richard Singleton 24 : 5 Servants Bound to M' Henry Brown Master of the Loyalty bound for Virginnia or Maryland Age 8ber 24°: 99 Francis Boardman of Gorton near Manchester 21-4 Ann AVniiams of Denbyshire 22-7 Jam : Kershaw of Blakely in Lane' 18-7 W" Kinder of disley in Cheshire 16-7 Math Stabbs Sen of Rushton in Staffordshire 44-6 Math Stabbs jun' of Ditto 15-9 Edward Stabbs of Ditto 16-8 Ewen Lommas^* of Bury in Lanc'^ 21-5 An Ace' of Servants bound to M'' W™ Porter of Leverpoole Merchant and went in the Shipp Eleanor for Vu-ginnia or Maryland M' Nicholas Reynolds Master 1699 Jan'y 2"" 1699 Constant Jeoffrys of S' Asaphs in Wales 16-5 3* Elizabeth Edwards of Yarmouth • 18-5 10 Charles Quarry er of Sandbich in Cheshire 25 : 4 «Chadderton (?) "MillorMeols (?) ^'The following items refer to Burv: Owen, s. of John Lommas, b. 19 Apr., bapf. 27 Apr., 1679.^ John, s. of Richard Lomax, Taylor, b. 24 Mar., bapt. 28 Mar., 1650. John, s. of Richard Loniax, Elton, b. 28 July, bapt. 6 Aug. 1648. John, s. of Richard Lomax, Goosford, b. 4 Sept., bapt. 12 Sept., 1647. Wife of Richard Lomax. Taylor, d. 2 Oct., bur. 3 Oct., 1652. Richard Lomax, Taylor, d. 12 May, bur. 13 May, 1651. " Anne, w. of Richard Lomax, Cooper, d. 28 June, bur. 30 June, 1651-2. Wife of Richard Lo- max, Carpenter, bur. 27 Apr. 1661, Richard Lomax, Shipobotham, d. 1.5 Mar., bur. 18 Mar., 1671-2. Izabell, wife of Richard Loniax, d. 5 July, bur. 7 July, 1673. John Lo- max and Esther Iloworth, both of Bury, m. 13 Feb. 1671-2. John Lomax and Kliza- beth Greenhalgh, m. 12 Aug. 1672. John Lomax and An Low of Bury m. 7 Jan. 1672-3. Jo"" Lomax Curate of Bury in 1694. John Lomax Churcliwarden in 1685. Richard Lo- max of Red\vells Clun-cliwardcn in 1651. Esther, dau. of James Howorth of Elton, b. 7 Mar., bapt. 13 Mar. 1650. Elizabeth, dau. of John Greeuhalffh, Catholic, b. 19 Nov., bapt. 24 Nov., 1653. 22 Mary Steele of Beeston Castle in Cheshire 25 : 4 Jane Wiiylit of vSkii)toii in Yorkshire 15:7 INIary Anderton of Lever])oole in Lancashire 20:4 19'" Johil Truvers of Deubvshire 14:7 Jlary .Jones of Carnarvan in Wales 18 : 5 20'" Sannvell Smallwood of London & his Wife iMartha 35 : 27 : Each 4 W"' I luntinjjton of IMiddlewich iu Cheshire 28:4 Ellen Mastemiau of Ornskirk 20:5 Eliz"- Galliburn of Blackbourn 18 : 5 The: llodgkinson of Preston 19:4 ^Math. Thorp of the City of York 24:4) John Thorp of Mosseii near Manchester 13:8 Stepli Thomas of Twissoek in Deiibysliire 15:7 Edward Jones near Wrexham in Wales 20:7 1 : 9 ; Eicluird Dalton of Carlisle in the County of Cumberland 26 : 4 19 David Currau of the City of Dublin 30:4 r 00 1699/ Serv'" : bound to M' John Uimmer Master of the Good Ship Planter bound for Newfoundland Mar : 18": 1699 Mareh y" 18'" James Day of Doublin in Ireland 22-5 James Garnette of Kainhill iu Lane' 22-5 Serv'*: Bound to W" Benn Master of the Elizabeth and Ann bound for Moutserratte in the West Indies March y"^ 19° Lawrence French of Galloway in the Kingdome of ss/t'oo Ireland 26:4 William Sjjeuce of Cambridif 20:5 John Lindsey of Balleumeuough iu the County of Antram Ireland 18 : 9 Eobert Joyce of Tane in the County of Galloway in the Kingdom of Ii-eland 25 : 4 March 26. 1700 W" Thompson of London Marr' 31:4 Thorn' : Pickering of Great Budworth in Cheshire 29 : 4 William Davies ol' Belfast 24:4 Richard JNlessenger of Creeklard^' in Wiltshii'e 31:4 To M' Gravill Parifie Apr'* : 20° : 1 700 Richard Jones"" Bury in Lane' 15:9 An Ace' of Servants Bound to JF Peter Atherton and M'' Richard Bridg for Ace" of s** M' Peter Atherton to go in y" good Ship Laujb to ^'ir giuea or Maryland: and Shipt on board hir this the 8'" day Septem' 1699. July 1 4. 99 W™ Evans of Deubyshire aged 23 yeares 23- 5 yeares Andrew Pritchett of Carnarvanshu-e aged 23- 5 yeares-. Thomas Berkett of Kendall 17-7 «6 Cricklade. ""Kichard, s. of Richard Jones de Leeys, b. 25 Mar., bapt. 1 Apr., 1687 at Bury 23 W" Hubbart of Hilmartin Parisli, "Wiltshire 21- 4 Thomas Barlow of JManchester 19- 5 J°° Jones of Northrop Flintshire 19- 5 Tho: Hughes of Denby shire 14-9 Hugh Eobert of Denby Town 13-10 W" Gryffith of Rathbone near Wrexham 13-10 Peter Evans neer Denby 14-10 Hugh Morris of Little Church in Denby 14-10 Eobert Price of Denby Town 13-11 Peter Dauis of Denby 13-1 1 Henry Parrey of OIky in Flintshii'e 20- 1 J°° Dauis of Denby Town 13-11 W" Roberts of Grandyel in Denbyshire 14-9 W" Williams of Denby Green in Wales 14-10 Tho : Owen of Abergelly"' in Denby- shire 25- 5 J"" Dauis of Denby Town aged 28- 5 Lewis Jones of Beaumauris 30- 5 Jane French of Holme near Lancas' 21- 4 Edw** Guy of Aughton in Lancashire 34- 5 Margarette Lloyd of Denby Town 20- 4 ^ Evans Hughes of Anglesey 13- 8 Edw'' Bumber of Denbyshire 14-10 Ji" Williams of Denbys'hu-e 12-10 Robert Edwards of Merionithshire 22- 5 J™ Morrice of Denbyshire IG- 9 Eich'^' Williams of Denbyshire 12-11 Hugh Pierce of Denbyshire 35- 6 Martha Hughes of Denbyshire 17- 5 Ann SammeU of Meryonithshire 15- 7 Eich'* Jones of Denbyshire Taylor 19-7 David William of Denbyshh-e 21- 5 Joseph Hart of Warwychshire 16-10 Benjamin Bagshaw 12-9 Maurice Jones of Denbyshire 17- 7 Eichard Edwards of Denljyshire 19-6 J"" Gryffith of Denbyshire 17- 7 Aug' 5 Eich'' Stannor of North wich Cheshire 17-8 11 Peirce Hughes of Molleyn 15-9 Margarette Jones of Carnarvanshire 17-5 Auf^' 19 Eich'^ Tomliuson of Waddington in Yorkshire 31- 5 " Mary Taylor of Brurton^^ wood 34- 4 Thomas Howarth of Limb in Suffolk Taylor 21- 4 21 J°° Dene of y'* Citty of London 14- 7 Eich'' Faulkner of LutUow in Shropshire 15-7 Mary Whitaker of Manchester 21- 4 Alice Diggles of Eccles Parish 27- 4 Joseph Crosbie of Nasslnirrough in Yorkshire 24- 5 24 W" Barton of Scazebrick 28- 5 Rich'' Hughes of Denbyshire 14-8 «' Abergele. 88 Brereton ( ?) 24 J"" Thomas of Mcrionitlisliire lO-I^' Gryflitli Arthur of l)fiil)ysliire 21- 5- W'" p:dimiiKls of Dt'nl)yshire 12-12 Tho : Frauds of Carnarvaushire 24- 5 J"" Morris of Caniarvansliire 20- 6 Thomas Lloyd of Flintshire 13- 8 Margarctte Evans of C'arnarvanshiro 18- 5 Nathaniel Waring of Floor in IS'orthamptonsh 37- 5 7b. i Evan Roherts of Denbyshire 15-10 Ilem-y Owen of Abergellcy ])arisli in Dcnby 38- 5 Elizabeth Thomas of Anglesey 26- 4 Ann Owen of Abergelly 38- 5 Rowland Thomas of Anglesey 34- 4 William Dauis of Cothehvell in Meryonthshire 19- 5 Edw'' Farriugton of Chester Watchmaker 20- 5 J"" Fuller of Market Drayton in Shropshire "f .2p_ , blacksmith and Mary his AVife j Jacob Sherwood of Okingham in Cheshire 13-8 Henry Proctor of Walton 16-7 Richard Barlow of Manchester ran away 20- 6 J"° Cartwright of Manchester ran away 19- 6 Ace' of Serv'' : bound to W John Walls Masf : of the Concord bound for Virginnia or Maryland December the 7°: 1699. 8ber : 25" : 99 Joseph Monk of Clayton i'th Moores in Lauc : Carpcnt' 22 : 4 Jennet Monk his Wife 26 : 4 .- ' Eleazer Fletcher of Leades in Yorkshire 25 : 4 Robert Twidilale of Fixby in d" 23 : 4 Ann Harrison of Scazbrick 19 : 5 Mai-g' Corrwinu of London 20 : 4 Ann Richardson of Wallesley 20 : 4 Elizabeth Cave of Warten Moore near Manchester 27 : 4 Eliza Hunter of St. Albans Denbyshire 12:9 W^" Hall of Rurnlev in Lane' 21 : 4 J"° AValker of Henley 19:4 W" Preston of Wittenborow"' in Chester 22 : 4 Eleanor Drury of Shrewsberry 23 : 4 Richard Slunv of Ratchdale 21:4 Thorn' Connily of London 26 : 4 Jane Bennet of Sutton in Cheshire 23 : 6 John Jones of Llandurneugh in Denbyshii'e 13 : 9 Runn Patk Dunkiu of Sneeton in Yorkshire husbandm' 35 : 4 Marg' Lamb of Dalton in Lancashire 21 : 6 John Leasiter of Hotsfield'" in Cheshire 22 : 4 W'" Snalshaw [«jc]" of uphoUand in the County of Lane' ' 22 : 4 16: xb. 99 Rich" Haddock of Leal and aged 14 yeares 14 : 11 xber 28 Edw"" Warrington of Macclesfeild 27 : 5- «» Wybunlmry ( ? ) '»IIoorieId(?) ■ "Probably Smalshaw, a name frequently found in the Registers of trphoUand. 25 W" Thomas of Carnarvanshire 35 : 5' John Harrisson of Denby shire in Wales 21 : 5 Jan. 3 Tbo Husrhes of Holliweil 25 : & December the first James Ridaway of Prestbury in Cheshire to Cap' W" Clayton for the Island of S' Ivitts Aged 22 : 3 bound ' John Woods (a Poor Cliild) of Aughton in Lancashire by Consent of the Overseers of Aughton af ores'". To Cap' Clayton for Seaven Yeares at S' Kitts in the West Indies Joshua Taylor d° of D° by D" to D° for Tenn Years at S' IGtts Richard Latham and Thomas Marker Over- seers Dec--: 16"':99<^ Maurice Griffith enquired for ye 26 2b 99 James Holme of OrmeskLrke Taylor Bound to IF Jonath Leivsay ^'^^'Tegg' ^^° \ Cli^les Mills" of Bury in Lancashire October 11 Margarett Hughes of Anglesay in Wales d° Katherine IMaddock of the City of Chester Novem' 25° George Holt of Hallifax in Yorkshire d° Robert Reynolds of Clanledon in Deifbysllire d° George Reynolds of d" d° Evan" Edwards of Ebellah in Merryonithshire d" W" Humphrey of Beltvvorth in d° Age Yeares 16 8 22 5 16 8 17 7 19 6 17 6 26 5 16 8 Bound to M"^ WiUiam Fletcher 1699 James Seacome of Preston Patrick in West- xber 20 moreland Jan'^y : 27 Peter Holland of Conway in Denbyshire Feb : 2 Thomas Phithian of Mossen in Cheshire Feb : 6 J°° Lethberrie of Hilton in Darbyshire Carpenter ead die Tho : Lethberrie of y* same husbandm' Bound to M' Lawrence Thompson p Ace' of M'' Houghton Aprill 10'" 1700 Anth° Stuart of Scotland Jonath Crimes of Sandyway in Cheshire Bound to M' Samuel Waring Nicholas Brooke of Stradford in Lane Joseph Munck of Hazleinden" Husbrn 20 8 26 4 28 4 22 4 25 4 34 5 21 5 12 9 22 4 Ace', of Servants That went to Virginia With M'' Gilbert Leivsay [ ]■ the [ ] 1699 in the Elizabeth of Leverpoole "The following items refer to Bury : Charles, s. of John Mills, b. 12 May, bapt. 21 May, 1682. John, s. of John Mills, b. 19 Jan., bapt. 4 Feb., 1657-8. John Mills of Walmersley in the parish of Bury and Sarah Greggory in the parish of Batlife in. at Newhall 19 May, 1656. ™HasIingden. 26 Scrvd Age yciirfi Elizabeth Addison of Kirby Staveu''' in West- moreland 24 - 05 Mary Kin;,' of Leverpoole 24 - 05 James S\ ddale of Ellingborough in Lancashire 18 - 06 Sarah Allison of Cucrdlv d° 24 - 04 Adam Simner" of Lealand 19-04 ■William AVater of AVaitou le dale in d" 17 - 05 Mars' Lavinsley of Wriyhtou 19 - 07 John Brasf'oup of Burnley 18 - 05 AbraiTi Seowlield of Manchester 23 - 05 Ann Kirkome of Gorome Hills 23 - 04 Jaue Willington of Barton 21 - 04 Adam Leasiter of Kersley 15-07 John Liphot of Bolton ' 21-04 George Seddou '« of d" IG - 07 John Smethurst" of d" 13 - 07 John Houseman" of d» 20 - 04 Marg^ Sharpless of Heaton 23 - 05 Sarah Sherwood of Congerton 17 - 05 Elizabeth Nichols of Wiggan 30 - 05 Ales' Jones of Dcnljyshire 12-10 Mars' AVaring of Queens County in Ireland 22 - 04 Elizabeth Ward of Eaton [?] in" Lancashire 40 - 04 AVilliam Ward of d° 13 - 10 Henry Butterfeild of Hallifax 16 - 08 Eober Maurice of Denbyshire 20 - 04 Richard Harris of Denl)y shire 26 - 04 Tho: Kadcliff of Eadcliff hi Lane 21 - 05 Mary Midclare of Macclesfield 24 - 05 Henry Ascroft of Aughton 20 - 04 James Birclienough of AVildbore Clough in Cheshire 25 - 04 John Johnson of Gorsworth in d° 40 - 04 INIary Clayton of Adlingtou in d" 24 - 04 Sarah Hilton of Ilazlinton in d° 25 - 04 AVilliam Pickering of Macclesfield 14 - 07 Henry Turner of Macclesfield 19-04 James Pickering" of Macclesfield 20 - 04 Ann Vavasor of Sporington in Yorkshire 23 - 05 Ralph Smith of Bolton in Lane' 15-07 Ralph Kershaw of Longworth 23 - 04 ''Kii-kbj' Steplien. '^Tlie following items refer to Le}'Iaiul: Adam, s. of Tliomas Somner, ta.vlor, of I^eyland, bapt. 12°0ct. 1680. Thomas Sumner and EUiu Whittle of Leyland m. 6 Dec. 1674. Thomas Sumner and Elizabeth Koehctt, botli of Leyland, m. 23 July 1677. Thomas Somner and EUiu his wife of Leyland Mosside bur. 10 Dec. 1080. '« George Seddon, s. of Thomas and Jennet of Bolton, b. 17 Jan., bapt. 23 Jan., 1680-1 at Bolton. "John Smethurst, s. of James and Alice of Bolton, b. 1 Mar.,b.apt. 6 Mar., 1686-7. "John Houseman s. of James and Mary, bapt. 15 Feb. 1679-SO. ''The following items refer to Maccleslield ; James, son of James Pickering ot Macclesfield, liapt. 27 Sept. IGIH. James, s. of James Pickering of Macclesfield, bapt. 1 June 1676. James Pickering and Frances Ouldlield, both of Macclosficld, m. 22 June 1673. 27 Charles Physick of Latham 8-14 James Gill of Latham 17-05 W" Physick of Latham 17-05 The : Physick of d° 11 - 10 Ellen Physick of d" 37 - 04 James Barnes of Hazledine Parish in d"* 28 — 04 Will Ollerhead of Tervin in Cheshire 21-05 Mar}' Goare of ormskirk in Lane 22 — 06 Margery Fairclough of Chorly in d° 14-07 Marg' Fairclough'of d° 16 - 06 Ann Fairlclough [sic] of d" 37 - 04 W" Fortclough [sic] of d" 12 - 10 Ann Asldey of Boaden in Cheshire 20 - 05 Tho : Robertshaw of Downham in Lancashire 21 — 04 W" Coverly of Downham in d" 25-04 Robert Emett of d° 18 - 05 Tho : Bulcock of d", 22 - 04 Christopher Smith of d° ' 20 - 04 Will Bulcock of d° 17 - 05 Will Sheuock of Downham 16-06 ^Joseph Monk of Clayton in Lane 20 - 04 Will Hertland of Clerk Hill near Burnley 11 - 11 John Home of Bishop"^ of Durham 20 - 04 John Williams of Cryddun in Carnarvanshire 12-10 William Pollard of Burnley in Lane* 21-04 Marg' Coales of y" Isle of Man 16-05 Frances Jackson of City of Chester 17 - 05 Ellen Smith of Sommerset in Lane' 20 - 06 Ann Waller of Winton in Westmoreland 19 - 04 Joseph Wennington [of] Wheales in Cumberland 20 - 04 Jane Whitehead of Tarleton in Lane' 17-04 John Terroy of London 23 - 04 John Walmsley of Ackrington in Lane' 20 - 04 Nicholas Whittle ^ of Lealand 22 - 04 Kath Robinson of Hootown in Cheshire 20 - 04 Eober Turner of Tarleton and his daughter 28 : 4 - 05 : 17 Isabel of d° and Son Thomas 20 : f - 05 : 20| Rich* Snailum " of Bretherton 26-04 Robert Woods of Bretherton 14-06 Account of Serv'^ bound to M' Samuell Smith Since 10"" of Oeto'" 170a Yers Age William Muddiford of Yorkshire 5-27 Serv'^ to M' Thomas Presson 23'' Octo' 1700 Thomas Hamson of Kilton in Lane 5-22 *> Nicholas, s. of Nicholas Whittle and Alice Parker, a bastard, bapt. 19 Apr. 1676, at Leyland. *' Richard Suailem and Anne Porter, both of Bretherton, m.SFeb. 1696-7 at Croston^ 28 An Ace' of Servants bound to m' Ralph W^son 9b. 23. 1699 Eliz.-EUis of Leedes aged 20 yearei - G Aniie Pritchard of Hallywell aged 23 - G James Stewart of Nortliinnlierlan' 12-10 Mary Howard of Right iiifrton Lane' 25-6 Agnes Sherman of Mal.stonn *^ Westmorland 17-6 Jerom' Taylor of Doncasd' Yorksii' 20 — 5 Juo Lipscom of Sudbery near Bristol 27—5 W" Hussy of Wellington Somersetsh' 20-5 Tho: AVilliams of Moiiiuouth in Wales 30 - 4 Ann Ellis*'' of Leeds Yorkshire 23-6 Elizabeth Waters of Westhoughton Lane' 22 - 6 J"" Glave of Hope jjarish in Flintshu-e 19 - 5 Tho: Ascome of Padyani ** in Laucash' 12-12 Arthur Dewhurst of Whiston in Lane' 10-12 Tho : Walker of Barnacre in Lane' 27-4 Mary Walker of Barnacre 22-4 Tho : AVidop of Wadsworth in Yorksh' 17-7 Jno Williams of Mosteyn Flmtsh' 14 - 8 Hush Kenardv of Scotland 35—5 W"" Woolfet ^^ of Bolton Lane 15-7 J"° Johnson of London 22-5 Tho : Robinson of Kichwood Oxfordshr 25-4 Ann Hughes of Deuliyshire 23 — 6 Daniel Kenniou of Berry Lane 18 - 5 J»" Murrough of Nortliumberl' 14 - 10 Josh.' Tuustall of Billing 18-6 Ann Penry of Rochdall 18-6 Adam Auger of Northumberl' 12-11 Charles Mendam of Norridg Citty 19-5 jno mtt Donell [sic] of Scotl' 19-6 J"° Alicer of Taunton Somersetsh' 21 - 5 jno Pennington of Little Emsell in Yorsh' 25-5 Tho: Hudson of Maun in Y'orksh' 19-5 Rob^ South worth of Kinsley Siaffordsh' 16 - 7 J°° Low of Ashtou in Lane 30-4 Mary Statham of Lichiield 20-6 Daniel Burridg of Shrewsberry 26 — 5 Alexand Blandford of Plimouth Devonsh' 22-6 Ellis ScowKeld of Rochdall 25-6 J°° Ashworth of Rochdall 30-5 Xpr. Tyrcr of West- Derby 18-6 James Thelwell of Cuerdley Shoomak' 22-5 Ann Walker of Manchest' " 19-6 Grace Edmund [of] Caruarvansh' 20 yeares - 6 Thomas Ewes of Colehill Warwicksh' 20 - 4 "Mnllerstang. "At St. Peter's Church, Leeds: Anu, child of Samuel EUis of ye Nether Headrow, b. 6 June, hapt. IS June, 1673. Samuel EUis and Elizabeth Threlford of Lower Head- draw ni. 6 Apr. 1669. «PadiIiam. SMVilliam Woolfet, s. of Edward and Elizabeth of Little Bolton, b. 27 Dec, bapt. 30 Dec, 1683 at Jiolton. 29 Margtte Brown of Witham Cumberl' Edw' Grvflin of Carniartheu James Toppin of Garston • Mary Joues of London James Wilson of Cardigan W" Plumb of Hollinfare W"' Sedden of Hinley Eliz : Cotton near Blackburne J™ Wainwriglit of Halewood Sarah Eaton of Budworth Eliz : Marsh of Budworth Tho : Mosse of Budworth Joseph Elwood J°° Beckett Bricklayer of the Citty of York Joseph Briggs of Ratchdale Isaac Harrisson of of [s/c] Ditton Thomas Daw of Birtinwood Lancashire Jeremiah Cronage of Leeds : Yorkshire 18 - 25 - 22 - 20 - 24 - 16 - 20 - 18 - 11 - 20 - 16 - 16 - 19 - 5 5 4 5 4 9 5 7 11 4 6 6 4 30-4 18 - 13 - 25 - 17 - 7 7 5 4 9b. 24 To m' Lund Samuel Sadler of Witt- ( nough -; Cheshir' Milwright ( m' Houghtons friend ) 5 yeares ") 23 yeares y bound for Febre: 22° 1699 Thorn' Parke of Much Hool in the County of Lane, aged 21 Appr to m' Tho : Hayes for Ace', of Thom. Johnson ]■■ Ery [^sicl 4 yeares J"" Sutherland Son of James Sutherland of Elgin in Scotlan' aged ab. 15 to y^ same fr 7 yeares Febru: 27. 1699 Evan Owen of or near Ossestry in Shropshr' ag* 20 yeares - 4 27 : 1699 Tho : Williams of Carnarvan in Wales 12 yeares - 9 To m' W™ Benn. March 21. 1699 Rob' Jayes of Tuam County of Galloway in Ireland To Cap' Clayton March 26-1700 " W™ Thompson of Lonilon Mason ag"* 31 who went also in y'' ship w"' m' W" Benn Bryan Blundell Servants to Henry Williams of Cornarvanshire John Thomas [of] Cornarvanshire November 7"^ 1700 Serv*^ to M"' John Henry of Maryland John Key of Yorkeshire William Jackson of Lancashire 9 6 4 16 19 25 27 30 Samuel Simpcock to John Cocke G - 24 «b. Y-^ ghr 210 IG 15. 1700 . Ann Buckley of Salford to m' Rob' Moon 6 yeares aged 22 Ilrnrv Williams of Flintshire Beni'dictus Chcstain of Manclieste Jane Buckley of Salford Thomas Bradbury AVeston Mary Pye Kuowsley Serv'^with John Charters Octo'' 16- 1700 francis Fauco' [of] Norrmondy John Wilson [of] Uenliishire John Rowlands [of] DiMibishire Henry Grithn [of] Denbishire 9 yeares ag* 15 6 18 6 19 5 24 5 30 4 25 4 21 4 24 4 20 17 October 1700 Serv'" to M'' Basnett Johh Nutter of Yorkshire 8-14 Servants bound to M'' Augustine Woodward to Virginia Octo"^ 1700 in the Vu'ginia Mereh'. Elizabeth Leafield of Lancashii-e Mary Jlasson of Cheshire Margarett Vpton of Cheshire Anne Wharton of Cheshire John Coloet of Nottingluunshire Martha Kilshaw of Cheshire Elizal)eth >saylor of the City of Chester Jeremiah Boucker of the Citty of London Thomas Po])e of the Citty of London Elizalieth Hughes of Flintshire in Wales John Griffith of Denbishire in Wales Rich'' Owens of Cardiganshire in Wales ]\Iary Williams of Anglesie in Wales Henry Roberts of Flintshire John Thomas of Flintsliire Jolin Robert of Flintshire Thomas Roberts of Fhntshire Evan O'nens of Carnarvanshire aged AViiliam Robinson of Nortliumberiand AVilliam Stafford of Che;-hire John Spooner of I)erl)yshire John Balie of Laneasliire Kath : Thomas of Wales Evan Evans of Wales lie 12'' day of T»old Yeares 20 ■ - 7 20 - 5 18 - 4 17 - 5 11 - 11 18 - 4 18 - 5 20 - 4 20 - 4 20 - 7 12 - 9 IS - 7 11 - 11 21 - 7 11 - 11 12 - 10 14 - 8 11 - 11 16 - 7 17 - 6 32 - 4 20 - 4 22 - 5 25 - 4 Servants bound to M'" William Part to Virginia the Nineteenth day of ifovember in tlie Kliznlii-th ifc Judetli John Mathews of A\'hiteliaven 17-5 John Medley of Yorksldre 19-7 31 Nicholas Butterworth of Yorkshr* 19 - 7 Henry Walbanck of d° 24-5 Rob' Ratt[ ] D" 22-5 William Boy D° 22-5 Eab"". isic'] Shaftin 21 - 5 Servants bound on board M^ Jonathan Leivsay Edm"* Knowles of Boulton aged 15 - 7 xb 16 1700 Servants bound to M"^ Henry Browne John Oglebie [of] Edenboraugh, Aged 19 Yeares, According to the Custome John Horsbell of the Same Aged 16 Yeares D° William Maddock of Chester 21 - 5 Charles Edw'*^ of Wales 12-12 John Loyd of d" 11-13 W"' p;dwards d° 10 - 14 Tho : Mathews d" 9-15 Michal Hughes d" 15-7 Tho Owens d° 17-7 Edw"* Jones d° 15-9 Sam. W^so' d» 14-10 Jo^«h Griffith d° 17-7 Servants bound To m' Daniell Murphy To Virginia in the Shill [sic'] John Baptist the Twelfth of December 1700 Elizabeth Thompson of Chester Isabella Sellors of Liverpoole John Mills of Lansh John Barroms of Kent Thomas Duglas of Northumberland James Johnson of Lane' \ym pjicijg of Elesmore Richard Style of Cheshire Timothy Hicks of Elesmore Samuell Breerely of Lane Edward evans of denbishire Jonie Fletcher of Staffordshire Ellen Foster of Namtwich Aged John Morgan of Wales Margrett Hebbett of Cheshire Sarah Clough of Holywell Elizabeth Rogers of Cheshire Aged Hester Jones of Cheshire Howell Jones of Cheshire An Account of Servants bound to M' Thomas Leskonby for Virginia on board the Shipp Globe the Twenty Third day of January 1700 Alexander Harginson of Newcastle aged 5-8 John Gage of the Citty of London 22-4 Daniell Steward of the Citty of London 15-8 28 - 5 24 - 7 12 - 9 16 - 5 29 - 4 21 - 4 22 - 4 19 - 4 16 - 4 15 - 7 12 - 7 22 - 4 27 - 4 13 - 7 21 - 4 17 - 6 18 - 6 18 - 6 23 - 4 32 Mary Booth of Lancashire Anne Birch of Lancashire Richard Rowlands of Westmoreland Elizabeth Pamwitt of Cumberland Henr_v Justice of Chester Ramuell Gurdain of Lane Thomas Fenne of Lancashire Anne llumplirys of Herefordshire Robert Whitacre of Lancashire Robert Sidtlall of Whitliington neare Manchester 23 R : : Edw'' Fitchgerrard of London aged 30 Yeares 22 - 4 20 - 4 24 - 4 22 - 5 21 - 5 28 - 4 24 - 4 22 - .") 19 - 4 23 - 4 4 Servants bound to IVF Henry Smith for Virginia on board the Anne & Sarah the Twenty Third day of January 1700. William Morris of Lancashire Mary Morris of the same vx"" Richard Simons of Liverpoole Mary Boucker of Lancashire Elizabeth Lunt of Lancashire Richard Abraham of Lane' James Hall of Northumberland James Wilson of Northamptonshire John Bowker of Lancashire Abraham Bowker D" William Brings of Lane' 36 - 4 30 - 4 21 - 4 22 - 4 23 - 4 20 - 5 26 - 5 20 - 5 24 - 4 18 - 4 22 - 4 Servants bound to Virginia on board of the Robert and Elizabeth to M' Ralph Williamson 27th January 1700 Elizabeth Naylor of Exiter Henry Scoffield of Lane' Andrew Bird of Shropshire John Whitacre of Lane'' Nathaniell Lidnescey of Hampshire Peter Gowen of Yorkshire Mary Mills of Lancashire Thomas Thorulcy of Cheshire Owen Jones of Anglisie Barbury Lensey of Yorkshire John Frankland of Middlesex Elizabeth Briggs of Hull Richard Radley of Manchester Thomas Most of Lane' James Maddock of Lane' Christopher Marsden of Lane' Samucll Browne of Winston in Lane' Susan Lea of Cheshire Anne Edward of Wales Elizabeth Camell of Lane'' Elizabeth Davies of Shrowsbury Hun away ^^iana Molyneux of Chester ^'-''"'^ Sarah Bridg of Cheshire James Cartwright of Shropshire Bridgnorth 26 - 4 40 - 4 18 - 4 30 - 4 26 - 4 20 - 4 23 - 5 16 - 7 20 - 4 20 - 4 21 - 5 19 - 4 37 - 4 19 - 4 30 - 4 20 - 5 16 - 7 29 - 4 25 - 5 16 - 8 24 - 20 - 5 25 - 5 30 - 5 33 i Thomas Pearson of Newcastle Darnell Williams of Herefordshire Kob' Goodwia of Lane"' John Harrison of Liverpoole Thomas Hardman of Lane'' Evan Evans of Mountgomeryshire Margarett Evans of d° William Wright of Rudlandshire Elizabeth Wright D° Rachell Pattison [of] Cheshire Martha Marchie Jonathan Plowman of Yorkshire Peter Harrison of Lane' paid by M'' Marsden W" Pers of Lancashire Rich" Rustin of Chalk in Weltshii-e Tayl' J" H^al of Cireucest' in Glowstershir Tay' J°° Gath of Carlisle 5 year 21 - 4 24 - 4 22 - 4 21 - 4 30 - 4 40 - 5 30 - 5 30 - 4 30 - 5 19 - 5 19 - 5 12 - 10 24 - 4 21 - 4 21 - 4 21 - 4 20 - 5 Servants bound to M' William Everard the Eleaventh day of February 1700: on board of the Shipp the Lambe of Liverpoole Richard Lewis of jNIereonithshire William Davies of Dorsetshu-e aged -^ Thomas Jones of Denbishire William Dayies of Denbishire " Joseph Gibson of Travellin in Wales Thomas Wocrall of Nantwich Thomas Davis of Denbishire ~ Robert Morris of Shropshire Robert Hughes of Carnarvanshire John Hodgkinson of Liverpoole aged Randle Carters of Cheshire James Towuing of Lodg.*" Christopher Parkinson *' of Chipping. John Peares of Flintshire Randle Fidians of Cheshire Jolin Dod of Denbyshire David Jones of Deubislure Griffith Hughes of Wales Thomas Briscoe of Chester Run David Williams of Mountgomeryshu-e 11 - 7 24 - 4 29 - 4 21 - 4 16 - 7 20 - 4 21 - 5 22 - 4 15 - 9 9 - 11 20 - 6 17 - 5 17 - 5 18 - 7 22 - 4 30 - 4 19 - 7 18 - 5 22 - 4 35 - 4 rememb. Hugh Topping of Waringh' Servants boimd to to \jic\ M' John Hughes the Tenth day of February 1700 Mary Owery of Denbishire aged 15 - 8 Margarett Nicholls of Flintshire 26 - 5 88 Lodge, Yorks, or The Lodge, Shropshire ( ?) **'The following items refer to Chipping: Christopher, s. of Robert Parkinson of Chepin, bapt. 5 Mar. J681-2. JJobert, s. of John Perkinson of Cock hill, l>apt> 12Jiay 1681. Robert, s. of Eichard Perkinson of Chippin, bapt. 26 Sept. 1655. 34 Serv** to M' John Charters on board the Lambe of liverpoole 11"" Feb-'y 1700 Robert Oglebie of Lane' 17-4 John Brittin of Lancashire 22 - 4 Serv" bound to M' The : Heyes To Antego this 8 day of March 1700 Paid f John Low of Lane' Aged 16 - 6 1° Apr 1701 ( William Lealand of Boulton in Lane 13-7 Nov l" 1701 Serv'» to M^ Tho : AVilliamson Joshua Rycroft of Cheshire Aged 1 2 - 8 Nov : 1° 1701 Servants bound to M' William Part Ralph Cockett of Dunyan '' Aged Elizabeth Stansel [A]ged 21 Yeares Robert Jackson of Lane' A[ged] Ellen Roson of Lane' Aged Mary Harefoote of Ormshire November 8'" 1701 Serv" bound to M^ John Gore Elizabeth Wright of Cheshire Aged ab* " Ship7 Serving Joseph Tagg of d° men p** Michaell Aldridg of Yorkeshire per J° : Richard Pearson of Northampton Cockshutt Easter Miers of Lane'' Mary Oragehead of Cheshire Abigail Bradshaw of d° No : Eighth : Servants bound to M'' Samuell Medgley Eliz Oakes [of] Cheshire p' Alice Slator d° Jane Robinson [of] Lancaster 25 Octo'"'1701 Tho Buttler Son of W" Buttler to Ganther Carefoote for 7 Yeares 15 - 7 21 - 4 15 - 7 20 - 4 19 - 4 21 - 5 20 - 5 40 - 4 26 - 5 20 - 5 20 - 5 27 - 5 18 - 4 20 - 4 20 - 4 Serv" to M' Edw'' Tarleton 21 of November 1701 Walter Richards of Herefordshire 33 Serv" to M'' Basnett Eliz Voughan of the Citty of London 20 4" Decem"^ 1701. Serv" to M"' John Greene AVilliam Peares of Carnarvanshire 12 4 Decern'' 1701 Servants bound to William Gurdon aged James Small wood [of] Cheshire Aged 27-4 Ann Goodwin d° 22-4 9 Rich* Dinsdall of Wenswide in Yorkshire 32-4 «« Dunham ( ?) , * This and the six Items foUowing it are crossed ont in tbc original. 35 Serv" to M' Nehemiah Jones 4 december 1701 Joseph Gregg Apprentice of Ashton 22 - 5 Servants bound to m' Michael Wentworth 28"' 9b 1701 Thomas Greene of Yorkshire aged between 27 yrs for 6 yeares Joshua Thompson of Yorkshire aged about 20 yeares for 6 yeares Jan 3 1701 John Medecine App to m' Andrew Clark for 9 yeares, y* s** John Medecine aged about 13 yeares Janu' 5 1701 Serv" to m' Henry Brown John Patience of Wiltshire husband' aged about 34 yeares James Hamer of Acper in Lancashire near Wigan is sus- pected to go abroad & I am Oblig'' to Stop him. Serv** bound to John Ball Y John Whitehead of Wrixen in Lane' Aged 15 - Servants bound to Thurstan Brachall Mary Allam of Warrington 20 - 12*^ February 1701 Serv" bound to M'^ Augustine Woodward W"> Beniford of Cheshire John Askie of Cheshire Sarah Heanes of London Spinst' 21 Feb Melicent Astly aged 12 years Mary Taylor of Staffordshire Eliz : Thomas of Wrexam Eliz : Morris of Leverp' Spinstr 24 Jan' Mary Jones of Brecknockllin James Feshel of Cheshire Margtte Hughes of Whitby in Cheshire Ann Hardgrace of Lancashir W™ Brindley of London Shoomakr Hannah Yales of Chester Spins' March 5 1701 Margarette Welsly of Speak To m' Edw' Smalley Feb 26 Ann Pugh of Much Woolton Feb 4 Tho : Chorter of Manchest to Adam Oldfiel 2 : [sic'] Age time 15 - 9 14 - 9 21 - 5 12 - 7 18 - 5 30 - 5 25 - 4 17 - 5 30 - 4 13 - 9 22 - 4 25 - 4 20 - 5 19 - 6 20 - 4 ncl - 5 Servants to m' W"" Benn M' of y« Eliz & Ann to Virgin' Feb"' 19 J"° Howard of Witherilach Lancashir 28-5 Feb 24 William Gedlin of Lancashir 18-5 36 June 29 1702 Servants to m' Thomas Jameson of Maryland Edw"* Jaspers of Namptwich in Cheshire Tayl'' 21 - 4 July 1 Alexanil'' Tyror to ni' Thos Jameson 19-9 July 1 William Hoyl of Ilallifax in Yorkshire 12-11 July 3 Richard Andcrton of Knowesley 13 - 9 July f) W™ Edge of Manchest^ Serv' to W" Evrard 1 7 - 7 14 Jane Chadwick of Clievland near Yorkshire 24-5 To m' Smalwood & m' Everard Aprel 19"' 1702 Teare« Abraham Su[ ] of Leeds Yorkshire to m' Smalwood aged 15 - 9 June 19 1702 Moses Rithwell of Chester 16 - 7 June 27 Juo Marshall [of] Southampton 15-8 July 6 Ann Ileward^^of Berry Laucashire 20 - 7 6 Jane Knight of Congleton 30 - 7 6 Anna Croslield of Cartmell Lancar 18 - 7 Aug. 14 1702 Luke Perrey to m' [blank] to m' Stephen II [h/oUed] 8b. 6 1702 John Eartliead of Briuly in Lancashire 18-7 8b y* 10 1702 James Burl of Westmoreland Ag' 27 - 4 Bg' time 8b. 15 1702 Henry Wilson Servant to m' W" Peters 14-7 Servants to m' Nehem. Jones Janu' first Thoui' Hart of Ash ton 17 - 7 Mary Morris of Ashto 18-6 J no Tyrr of Liverpoole 18 — 6 9b 17th 1702 Richard Peliug Son of Georg Peling late of y' Citty of Chester Shoomaker aged about 16 Yeares hath bound himselfe a Serv to Barbadoes or any other of y" Charyb- bee Island for 7 yeares, after his Arrival at Barbadoes or one of y'' s** Islands ago yrs xb. 7. 1702 Mary Fish of Whittle in y° AVoods Lancas App' to m' Gilb : Eden Or his Assigns to Virg. or Maryland «' 29 - 5 xb. 8. 1702 Jane Morgan serv': to m' J"" Lancast 14 - Age year xb. 16. 1702 Richard Hatton of Tarbook to sd Andr' Clarke of Belfast 29 4 9V\t Burv : " An," dau. of Roger Hewood, b. 20 Nov., bapt. 10 Dec, 1682. Roger Hayward of Moorside d. 22 Mar., bur. 23 Mar., 1698. s* This eutrj crossed out iu the original record. Vide uifra for duplicate entry. 37 xb"' 21 W°> Philips of Cork in Ireland to m' : J"° Lancst 48 4 xb. 26 1702 J°° Fooles of Cabin in Lancast husbnflm' 25 4 Jan: 8. 1702 Rosjer Preswicke of Manchr Taylor to RancUe Piatt ' 20 4 Jan: 9 : 1702 Ralph Bate of Croft bus to Capt. Henry Brown 22 Jan 13 1702 Timothy Dickinson of Stockport Chap' 35 Jan. 16 1702 Alice vSteel of Knutsford in Cheshire 21 Jan. 20 20 20 1702 Rob' Buckley of Cronton 15 Ann Steed of Sephton 25 Mary Woods «- of Bolton 23 To Tho W™son March 5th 1702 Richard Forber of AVhiston 17 To m' Ralph W-nson March 17 1702 Kather' Williams of Abborgnelley '^ iu Wales 18 : 6 17 W" Parrey of Ridgland'-iin Wales 18: 6 To m W" Robinson March 17: 1702 jno Mercer Son of J"° Merce' of Eurton Shoo- make' 15 : An Ace' : of Serv'^ : in y° Tabitha and Priscill Capt W" Tarleton Comand"^ " Age Year 28: Ja' 1702 Jno Harrison of Liverpoole Assign"* to m' James Tildesley 24 4 Feb 3 Jno Humphrey of Denbyshire to m' Geo' : Tyrer & Assign"* to m' Tildesly 12 : 9 7 xb. Mary Fish of Whittle in y* Woods in Lancaste' Spins' to m'. Eden Ap. to m'. Tildesley 29-5 18 xb. Rich" Webb son of Edw'. Webb of London In- keep, to m' Geo: Tyrer assign" to m' Tildesly 16 : 7 9 Ja' Jane Granth' of Olringham in Cheshire 23 : 4 1 Jan' Ann Tool of Fingall in Ireland Spinsf to m' W" Tarleton & by him assign" to m' James Til- desley 21 : 4 6 : Feb James Hatton of Boughton in Cheshir 14: 7 29. Jan' Eliz : Valentine of Liverpoole 21 : 5 March 20 : 1702 Ellen Hughes of Denbishire to Daniel Faurell Carpen' of y' Brittania 21 : 5 ^^ Mary Wood, dau. of Samuel and Dorothy of Breightraet, b. 27 Jan., bapt. 29 Jan., 1682-3, at Boltou. '^ Abergele. "Raglan (?) 38 An Ace' of Serv' Bound to m' : J""* Charters Anno 1702 January 20. James Low of Prescott 28. Mary Robinson of Thornton of Dalamores" in Cheshire Spinst Feb 20 : Eliz : Wri^'ht of Liverpoole Spinsf 17: Jiuuet Roy' of Preston in Lancash' Spins' Jan 18 : Eliz : Dixon of ye Town of Lanes'' Spins' 18 : Mary Fletcher'" of Macclesfield in Cheshire Spinst 29 : James Brown of Carleton in Cumberland March 10 James Aklorsou of Helig in sueidale in y* County of York 10 J" Hunter of Askrigg in Yorkshire Apr' 9. 1703 Eliz: Hughes of Wrexam 9 : Marg" Gaylen of Ruthin To m' : Samuel Sanford Feb. 15. 1702 Peter Wilson of Carlisle 25 Thom' Rawsou of Wrexam in Wales March 27 W" Heyes To m' Joseph Briggs Janu' 19. 1702 Thorn' : Elleson of Preston on y* HUl in Cheshire 20 : Eliz : Johnson of Macklesfield in Cheshire 12 : Ezekiel Holms of Frodsham 6 : W™ Hamlet of Wavetree ARe Yeares 15 4 20 4 15 4 19 4 20 4 16 4 21 4 22 4 18 4 21 5 36 5 12 9 14 6 16 7 To m' : J"° Gore Ap' 2. 1703 ><> Ashton of Whiston Anne Steed of Jure Lan Rich'' Jakeman of Skipton brawn Yorksh Mary Woods of Bolton Rob' Buckley near Preston March 17 Rich* Ronell of Livrpoole 3 [Wa«/t] Penkell Feb. 27 Peter Penkell Pieer [last two words crossed oul^ 12 : 11 12 9 25 4 15 7 10 11 20 5 21 5 22 4 22 5 13 . 9 20 4 20 5 To m'. Richard Lathom age year April 6. 1703 Rich" Ingam" of Wood Plumpton in Lauc 30 : 4 Ap'. 10. 1703 John Jackson son of Rich'' of Preston Inkeep' — 4 To m' Thos Leavins April 7 W" Isherwood of Bolton Lancast 16: 7 April 12. 1703 to m' J™ Gore John Pelton of [blank] in Lancashire 13 : 9 "Thornton-Ie-More or, as it was proliablv called at that time, Thornton de la More. •8 Mary, dau. of Alexander Fletcher of Miicclesficld, bapt. 1 May 1687 at Macclesfield. •' Richard Ingham and Ellin Porter, both of Wood Plumpton, m. 18 Sept. 1692. 39 15. 1703 Easter Deakin of Toxteth Park in Lancashire 21: 1703 James Johnson 26: 1703 Ann Linacre of Livrpoole 22 18 38 Servants bound to m' Thomas Hughes xb. 17. 1702 Eclw'> Tatlocke of ChOdwall in Lancashire 22 March 23. 1702/3 Kath' Frier of Carmarthenshire Ap'. 1. 1703 Pemberton Proudlow of Sandwich in Cheshire 15 Steph' Christian Ap'. 20 : 1703 J""" Evans of Anglesy in Koskallin^' Parish To m' Henry Brown April 26. 1703 J™ Poston Off Shrewsberrey April 26. 1703 Ruth Lingard to m' Joseph Briggs AprU 26. 1703 Evan Jones of Carnarvansh to m' J° Charters April 29. 1703 Thorn' Wharton of Eurton to m' Rich" Wright in y^ Brittan to Vu'gin' 19 Servants bound to M' Nathn' Hughes 2 Aug' 1702 Dorathy Tipping of Garston Lancasr 16. April 93 [_sic'\ Mary Adrick of Barton Lane 17. Feb. 1702 Mary Bloor of Aughton Lan' 28. 8b. 1702 Eliz : Sharp of Pelton Lane 23. 8b. 1702 Margar" Taylor of Ratelffe Lancast 16 Feb. 1702 Ellen Owen of Farnith Lane' 7 March 1702 Georg Burgesse of Preston 20 Janu' 1702 Hem-y Lea of Pickdell mem there is one & half more Owing for. 5 7 4 21 5 15 9 30 4 12 9 17 5 18 4 30 4 Octob 9 1703 AV^Watsou^^Sonof Sam' Watson late of Macclesf in Cheshire gent Serv' to m' Bryan Brundell 21: 4 21 4 25- 4 18: 4 18: 5 20: 4 22 4 14 6 yearea 1 4 An Ace' of Servants bound to m J°° Smalwood to go in y^ Lamb Aug" 13 1703 Philip Stockton of Clayton Parish Lane 14 .James Dawson of Lealand 7b , 17 Sarah Johnson [of] Pontefract in Yorksh' 20 Tho : Slater of Manches' 30 Alice Chadwyck of Brindle Lancasr' 13 Ellen Hodgson of Thornton "Rhoscolyn. ""Gulielmus Watson filius Samuelis Watsou generosi et Sarae vxoris Eius natus fuit Primo Die Martij Baptizatusq in Capella Parocliiali lie Macclesfeild Decimo Tertio die Die Ejusdeni mensia Annoque domi 1672-3." From the Church Registers of Mac- clesfield. This Latin entry, which is in a large and elaborate hand, covering half a page, in contrast to the carelessly written and abbreviated form used in other entries, shows the social importance of the family. age years 14 7 14 8 22 5 20 5 20 5 5 40 9 Henry Lloy'' of Conway in Wales 15 : 8 8b 1 Juo Living of Manchest' 4 Mary Piatt of Preston on y^ Hill Chesh 23 8 Eliz Lewis of Foodild Parish CLeshir 23 Mary Stewart of Loudon 25 [ ] of Cheshire To m Peter Man Janu : 25thl703 Mary Fletcher of Whiston Spinst aged 21 To m' : Nathaniel Hughes to go in y* : great Eliz : AprU 5 Eliz : Cooper of Hanfarth Spinst : in Cheshire 24 5 Ann Liugard of M'^^lestield in Cheshire 24 5 Mary Williams of Holywell Spinst 16 5 Mary Lawrence of Liverpoole Spr 24 5 Ann Bowland of Chester Spr 20 22 Hanna Croswell of Livrp Spr 22 M' 5 Thomas Hughes of Walton [ jwithems 15 To m' Jno Birch 9b. 1 1703 Thom Prestidg of Vardy Green, near Manches' 15 : 7 To m' J"" Lam-ill Janr 12 1703 Kath' Hughes of Arlslie iu the County of Salip Spinst 22 ead die Margtte Dickinson of Wavertree Spinst 22 Feb 7 1703 Alice Bertinsh' of Manch' Spinst 21 Fbr ead die Hannah Hairclipe of Hallifax in y*^ County of York Widow 27 : 4 Feb. 4. 1703 William Yates of Prescott husbandm' 18 : 4 2. 1703 Ellen Whitlisse of Hinley Spinst. to m Kich'' Gil- dart but Assign' to Cap' Lancst' 15 : 7 Febr. 9 1703 Sam' Hartless of Saubycb iu Cheshire to m' : Thom' Williamson but assigned to m' J° Lancast' To m' Peter Hall March'31. 1704 William Strickland Appr. to m' Peter Hall 14:10 4 4 5 4 4 4 5 To m' William Par' age years July 15. 1704 Marth' Wilson of Macclesfield in Cheshire Spinst 21 : 5 Aug' 1. 1704 Jane Richson of Workington in Cumberland Spinst 25 : 5 Aug' 10: 1704 Jane Miller of Maccleslield in Chestr Spinst 22 : 5 10:1704 Ralph Langley of Tamouth'"" in Warwyckshire 16: 4 10:1704 Elizabeth Mcakin of Dublin Spins' 16: 5 19 : 1701 Jane Clements of Dublin Spinst 21 : 4 7b 11 : 1704 Elizabeth Butler d.aughter to Eliz : Watkinson ) a . lO of York Widow p her Mother Consent ) 11.1704 Eliz : Watkinson herself 27: 4 '<* Tanworth. 41 7b. 13 : 1704 To [ ] Blundell Esq ; & sent to his Broth.' m.' Rich* Bhindell in Virgin.' and hee went in y« Ship w* W" Part. J"" Blundell of Crosbie . Parva 20 ; 8b. 17 : 1704 Jonath' Tapley of Norley in Cheshire Taylor to m' Low 22 ; To m : Joseph Parr. 9b. 16. Eliz : Actin of Tunbridg Spinstr (in Kent 18 : 4 To m' : J"" Lancst' 16 : 9b. 1704 Richard Berrey of Dalton in Lancashire 16 : 20 : 9b. 1704 To m' : Thorn' : Leekenber Thorn : Dickinson of or near Leeds in Yorkshire 15 : 6 to m' J™ Bamster age yeiLT Decemb. 18. 1704 Ann Wainwright of Famworth 20 : 5 To m' : Ezekiel Parr Decemb'' 20. 1704 Mary Woolley of Bishops Castle in Shropshire 26 : 4 ead die Kath' Woodier of Rigat in Surrey 24 : 4 To m' W" Williamson for ace' of m'. Johnson xb. 27. 1704 Mary Mills of Leeke^" in Shropshire 16 : 4 ead Die Grace Robinson of Heptonstall in Yorkshire 21 : 4 To Aid" : John Cockshutte xb. 28. 1704 Hannah Bridg of Manchester Spinster 20 : 4 30 : Kath Arch-Deacon of Bramhall town in y" County of Kilkenny In Ireland Sp. 19 : 4 To Aid-": Rich* Houghton xb. 30. 1704 J"" Bonns of Oustan in y« County of Lincoln Taylor To m' : Thomas Williamson age Janu: 5. 1704 Roger Finch of Staudish House""" Carj^enter 45 : 4 ead die W" Finch of y" same and son to Roger Finch 16 : 7 To m"^ : Randle Piatt. Thomas Taylor of Liverpoole 14 ; "'Lake. '"^Is this Standish Hall in the parish of Staudish ? 42 To m' J"" Wright April 27. 1705 J"° Aspiuwall sou of Heury Aspinwall of Ashton in y" Coimty of Lancast to S : xprnos'"* or auy age time other of y" Char'ybbee Islands 17 4 To m' : Edward Rochdale Ap. 27. 1705 Eliz : Parker Daughter of Thomas Parker late Bolton iu Yorkshire 20-5 May 1. 1705 Ilanuah Ilewitte of Heplinsdale in Yorkshire spinster 21 - 4 ead die Ann Booth^"^ of Bradford in Yorksliire spinster 10 - 4 ead die Mary Heywo(Kl of Great Newton in Staffordshire 18- 5 May 22. 1705 Ellen Ilolmu"'^ of Manchester in f County of Lane Spinst 19 - 4 June 1 : 1705 Mary Cooper of Prescott iu y" County of Lane Spinst 5 : Jane Stewart of y® City of London Spins' 14 Ellen Croston of Westhoughton in y" County of Lane Spins' 18 : Isabel Jones of Rigland^"* in Wales Spinst"^ 20 : Roger Son of Roger Prestidge of Manchs' in y" County of Lane 15 : 7 21 : Thomas "llough of Middle Hilton^" in y« County of Lane 14 - 7 Kath' : Langdon of AVliittle in y" County of Lane 21 - 5 Ann Brown of Leland in Lancashire 21-5 Mary Heap of Blackbourne in Lancashire 21 - 5 17 - 6 14: 6 17 - 5 25: 4 27 July 3 3 To m' : Joseph Preem 7b. 1 1 Mary Thornton of y* Parish of Stoke in Cheshire Spins' 17 - & 7b. 11 James Brown of Sheilds in Northumberland 17-6 7b. 8 Joaunah Meredith of Much-wenlock in Shrop- shire Spn 21 - 5 7b. 8 J°° Hughes of Langadwin in Montgomeryshire in Wales 14-7 To m' : Henry Smith to y" Charybbee Islands Virgin' or Maryland. 9b. 3. 1705 Thomas Mere of Hulton in y* County of Lancas'' husbandm' 5 -1& To m' : E County of Lancas' & Son of Andrew Hilton w4- 7 Husbandm ) '" St. Christopher. '"•At Bradford: Ann, (laii. of James Booth of Heaton, bapt. 29 Dec. 1689. Ann, dan. of .I:\m<'s Bootli of Shiplty, bapt. 'M Duo. 1689. .James Booth and Ann Pollard m. 7 Feb. 16S8-9. ">* Ellen, ilau. of John Hulnie, Shrewfold, bapt. 26 Dec. 1684 at Didsbiiry, in the parish of Manchester. '"SRaghm. '<" Middle Ilulton. ""Andrew Hilton of Middleton had eleven children b, betw. 1668 and 1689, when there is a break in the records nntil 169.5. lie was bnr. 25 Feb. 1696-7. This emigrant was b. abt. 1691. He may ha\e been a sou, lecitimale or illegitimate, of the abov». Andrew, eon of Willianrililton, bapt. 6 Aug. 1613 at Middleton. 43 9b. 29. 1705 Jane y" Daughter of Henry Ellison of West Derby husban' 17-5 xb. 8. 1705 To M' : J°° Marsden Edwd Ashton of Winwyck Parish 21- 4 xb. 10. 1705 To M' W" Tarleton Thomas WhaUey of Middleton 15- 7 To Thomas Fawsette xb. 6. 1705 Lawrence Cockshutte of Ecclesell in Lancashire Fustian Weaver 20- 5 To m' Henry Schofield in Potomock in Maryland Age Tears 9b. 21. 1705 Jno Lucas of Eccles in Lancash' Webster 17 : 5 28 Thorn': Hayes of Huddersfield in Yorkshire Chandl"^ 30: 4 To m' J"^" Smalwood 9b. 9. 1705 J" Millard in Wedgberryi''^ in Staffordshr NaUr 14 8 : George Lord of TatneU'-'*' in Cheshire White Cooper 6 : J°° Bradburd of Bradley near Frodsh' in Chesh' 7b. 3 J°° Walmesley of Lievsay in Lancast' husband' was returnd' 3 Saml Berrey of Aston iu Cheshire Husband 18 Francis Vandery of Colchestr' in Essex husb' 18 J°° Bricknell of Colches' hus' 18 J"" Bow of Colches' husb' 3 Thorn' : Chaddock of Pendleton Pole husband Jan'' 4 To m'. J"" Marsden, but m' : Smalwood pays for ] i j^ _ q them. Jonathan Heendrey of Eccls Parish j 30 4 22 5 13 7 13 7 18 6 20 6 19 6 12 7 1705 Memo. That when M' Thomas Preeson went in y^ ship called y'' Augustine but now called y^ Thomas and Elizabeth, bee ow** me for drawing the 4 Lad Indentures ; and three shil- lings six pence besides. To m'. jno Wright Jan'. 4. 1705 W™ Roberts of Beau mauris Shoomaker p"* 21-4 ^,^To m'. Matthias Gibson Jan'. 4. 1705 J°° Taylor of Bedford in y" County of Lancst Agd. p" 16-5 To m'. J° Crane 22'* 9" 1705 James Woods of Derby in Derbyshire aged — to be allowed on Ace' 12-9 To m'. Ealph W^son Jan 4. 1705 Ellen Roberts near Holywell Sjjins' 19-4 Ann Whitacre near Clitherou 21-4 Eliz : Dene [of] Great Sankey 27-4 i(WWednesbury(?). ""Tattenhall. 44 Jan' 19. 1705 John Hougland of Kelson"' in Cheshire to m' J"' Periesel for Virgin or y* Chary bben 16 : To m'. Hugh Patten Age Yean Janu'2'2''170r)JacobJackimof Haughton in y" County of Chester 15-8 Jau'. 22. 1706 Ailain Mosley of Mackelesfield Forrist in Cheshire 15-8 To M^ John Percivall Febr 2 : 1705 Febuy y" 21' Rob' Harrison"- of Brethcrton in Lane aged about Fifteene yeares to serve in y"^ : Plantations for Seaven Yeares Feb: 2: 1705 To M'^ Tliomas Amery Ellen Low of Hay near Wigan aged about sixteene yeares to serve in Virginea or Maryland seaven Yeares p"* March 6 1705/6 Margtt Cholmondeley of Coat Cales in Lansh' p" ag" 20 7 yeares Feb: y« 5 : 1705 To M'' WUliam Oliver, Elizabeth Brookes of Bridgwater in Somersetshire aged about Thirty Yeares to serve in Vir- ginea or Maryland for Fowr Yeares p** Ditto Die To W" Oliver Sarah Needham of Buxton in Darbishire aged about 19 Yeares to Serve in Vii'ginea or Maryland for 4 Yeares. To M' Lancaster Age Time of Service Tearel Feb. Elizab Stanley of Leverpoole Spinst aged 26-7 1705 Mary Wmstanley"' of Upholland in y" : Co : Lane' 17-5 Elizabeth Yeoman of Anglesey in Wales 20-5 Alice Crompton of Freckeleton in Lane' 25-5 Elizabeth Fauster of Samsberry"'' in Lane' 21-5 Mary Greenlialgh of Chorley in Lane' 15-5 Ann Greenhalgh of Chorley in Lane' 20-5 Ellen Bradshaw"^ of upholland in Lane' 14-7 Annas Liniare of Leverpoole in Lane' 30-4 Ellen Leed of Sawick"^ in Lancashire 26-5 Jane Vexon of Houghton in Lane 16-5 Sarah Reed of Wrixham in Wales 20-5 John M<'''Gee of Scotland 15-5 ""KelsalK?). '" Robert Harrison, " son of a Beggar Woman," bapt. 17 Apr. 1692 at Croston, part of wbich parisli was Brethcrton. "•At Upholland, parish of Wigan ; Mary, of James Winstanley of Winstanley, bapt. 23 Dec. 1C84. Mary, dan. of John Winstanley of Orrall, bapt. 11 Jan. 1690. John, ». of John Winstanly of Orrell, bapt. 1 May 16G4. '" Samlesbiiry. "> Eline, dau. of John Bradshaw of Upholland, Senior, bapt. 16 July 1692 at TTphoI- land. "•Sahviek. / / 45 Margaret Griffith aged about Eleven years of Carnarvanshire to serve 7 Yeares to M'' Lancaster or Assignes To M' Ralph Williamson February ") Ann Cuquith of prescot in Lancashire 1705 J Dorithy Davies of Den by in Wales Age yearea of Service 22-4 20-4 To IVr Edward Tarleton February 1705 ( Ralph Banckes of Bold in Lancashire ■< Robert Evans and Ann his wife of Dodleston ( Cheshire March 6 1705/6 Georg Robinson of Astick in Yorksliire 6 Thorn' Hill of Hollingworth in Lancash 21 W™ Fallar of or near Chedel in Cheshir 23 Ralph Collier of Rochdale Cloathworker 14 13 16 17 25 4 6 7 5 4 March 23. 1705/6 ead die ead die To m' The : Button Narrgat' Jane Piatt of SropenhalP" in y* : County of Chestr Singlewoman 18 - Martha Piatt of y^ : same place Single' 14 - James Piatt of y" : same 12 — April 6. 1706 Eleoner Holford of Croton in Cheshire February ) 1705 I To m"^ Parr and Worthington Ellen Sedden Robert Benson Mictf Hogg Alex Orrell Alice Steele Alice Monding Ann Chandler Ellen Pierson Mary Worrall mem'd Sarah Mere 9 15-6 February ) 1705 ; To M' Jn° Lancaster Ann Cooke of Wales aged about 18 yeares to serve 5 years. To M' Ezekiel Parr Margaret Tongue of Manchester Spinster Ellen Taylor of Mchester Margtte Roberts of Merionetshire in Wales Mary Thornton of Stanney in Cheshire Prudence Smalwood of Malpus in Cheshire To m' Tho : Williamson Merch' March 26. 1706 Roger y** son of James Rigby of Heay in y° County of Lan' Time of Service years - 5 - 5 age 19 19 - 5 18-5 20-5 11 '" Plainly so in the original, but probably meant for Gropenhall. 46 March 26. 1706 To m'': J"" Smalwood w' : goes in y': J"" &" Thomas) W" Sharpies"* of Lealand in y" : J- 25 - 4 County of Lancst Taylor ■: J"" &■) id in y° : [• : March 28. 1706 to m' Thorn' Williamson Jonath' Delnow of Trafford in y'' County of Chester pd 11 To m' W" Everard April 1' 1706 Tho : Edge Son of Thorn' : Edge of MUton Green in Cheshire pd 16-7 To m' Georg Battersly April 12. 1706 Thorn': Brown of Mansfield in Nottingham- shire pd 15 To Capi Tarlet April 15. 1706 W" Lucas of Worseley in Eccls Parish in Ches- hire pd 19:4 To m' ,T"° Tunstall April 18. 1706 Elizabeth Brining of Samsbery"' in Lancashir 17 : 7 Ann Harrison of Frodsham in Cheshire 18 : 7 W" Robinson of Wimerley^'" near Garston in Lacast 17 Apr'. 22. 1706 Rich'^ Glouer 22 April 27. 1706 Mary Greaues of Halton in Cheshr Singlewoman 27 Ann Whalley of Broughton in Lane. 23 Ann Kerchin of Scazbricke 26 29. 1706 Ellen Fisher of AVrightlington 18 To Thomas Johnson Esq'' : for y* use of y* Own" June 21. 1706 of Richard Rogerson of Bunbery in Cheshire »ge Time pd • 18 07 To m' Thorn' Woodward July 20"' 1706 Ambrose Wynne of Mould in Flintshire 20 : 06 To m' : Gilbert Lievsay, g Cap' Edward Rochdale July 16 Thomas Jackson of Millam in y'' : County of Cum- berland Taylo' 18 : 04 Aug' 3 Jane Lievsay of Samsbury'-' in y* : County of Lanes' Spins' 20 : 05 6. Mary Taylor of Burnley in y'' : County of Lanes' Spinst"^ 17: 05 8. Jane Williams of Denbigh in Wales 29 : 04 '"AtLeyland: William, 9. of Roger Sharpies of Leyland, bapt. 30 Nov. 1679. Roger Sharpies ami Anne Fareclough, both of Leyland, m. 18 Dec. 1677. "» Samlesbury. '•"Winibersley. '" Samlesbury. 47 7b. 9. Elizabeth Willson of Ellell in y« County of Lancastr .Spinstf^ 19 : 05 16. Eowland Evans of Lang Geily^^^ in Wales Age 12:07 8b. 3. Ellis Da vies of Keabban^^'' near Wrexham in Wales 20: 04 8. Eliz : Eccleston of Polton in Lancashire Sjiinsf 20 : 05 14: Joannah Meredith of Much Wootton in Shrop- shire Singlewom' 22 : 05 15, J°° Jordan of Sheffield in Yorkshire pd 15 : 08 To Cap' J"" Wright for Virgin', Maryland, or any of y** Charybbee Islands age yeares December 9 1706 Tho : English of Cresleton'^* in Cheshire 14 7 To m' : Andrew Moore or Manchs' Jan'. 25. 1706 William Dale son of James Dale Late of Manches' Age Tcarea Taylor 15 5 Tho : Morley Son of W"" Morley late of Walden in Kent Brickmk"' 16-5 John Heyes Son of George Heyes of Manchester Schoole Mast' January y" 28"' 1706 p" 15-5 To M'' Thomas Hughs of Liverpoole Jan'' 28 1706 Eoger Ellors of Rochdale a father and Mother- less ChUd 14-7 John Walker of Cockerham, a Fatherless Childe 12-9 John Grene of [ ] 14-7 Margaret Jones of HoKwell in Flintshire 16-7 These 4 Serv' were bound g Ad™ J"° Clievelands oi-der to m' : Thomas Hughes and the charg'. (being Twenty shil- lings) place" to s"* Aid™. Clievelands Ace' : 21. xb: Margtte Smith of Lowton 16-5 21 ib: Mary Brown of Langton 19-5 To m' : Thomas Williamson Merch' Febr: 4 : 1706 Rebeccah Shaw^^^ of Macclesfield in y* County of Chest"^ 20-5 Aarron ThornIey"° of Macclesfield p' 15-6 To m' Georg Tyrer Janu'. 4. 1706. Rob' Dixon of UlfalP^' in Cumberland 16-7 Feb. 12. 1706 Thomas WUd of Polton Taylor 20-5 12 : 1706 Gilbert Periew' Son of James Periew' of Lymme Cheshire 15-7 '" Llangwyllog. '" Ruabon. >■•" Christleton. '" At Macclesfield; Rebecca, dau. of Edward Shaw of Crooked yard, bapt. U Mar. 1671-2. Rebecca, dau. of Samuel Shaw of Macclesfield Forest, bapt. 7 May 1672. "^ Aaron, sou of John Thornley of Macclesfield, bapt. 6 May 1691. 'S'Ulpha. 48 To m' : J"" Molyneux Merch' Edmund Atherton of Bolton Smith 20 : 4 Feb. 21" 1706 M' Andrew More of Manchester Mary Williamson Daughter of Sam" Williamson late of Manceser 15-6 Feb. 27. 1706 To m' Tliomas Preem Kather' Robinson of Wrexham Dcnbyshire 20-5 Martha Lloy" of Wrexham p-^ 20-5 March 17. 170G/7 To m' : Auth^ Booth J"° Davies of Wrexham in Denbyshire but to serve in a sloop or to y** : Charybbees 17-5 W™ Robinson Son of Tho : Robinson late of Dunfreeze in Scotl' 18-5 Henry Wainwright Taylor Son of J"" Wain- wright late of Rainh'ill p"* 18-4 March 21. 1706/7 to m Georg Duddell, W" Leatherland of Sut- ton Weaver 20-7 Alice Leech^''' "8 This entry, with the first name crossed out, is at the extreme lower edge of the page, and is the finul entry. INDEX fbraham, Richard f> feres, EHeu 19 ™ ^^ Adams, Jojin ji^ '^ A am, Mary 35 A iison, sarali 26 Anderton,jlia,.y " f«W<^y,Ann /? Asliton, fidward 43 ■Klizabetli 12 Aspiowail, Henry 43 ii^^!^dS|-^^" „ Jolin 35 Sarlor, Charity e B»rlow, J.;i,3abeth r J^Jlen 17 Ricliard 'H n, John J8 Burton, James 1/ Basnett ^^'''1''"" 83 Bate Rai^Thl;- '° =*^ Battersiy, Georee 48 fi™,''*'^ John If^ ^^ Benf&f ^";> " Bennet, jifLi'- ^« ^^ Benson, A^o'^i^-/ Birch, Anne 32 Rl,.„i. "'"'"i 4o' B->tl''ffe''^t2'"^^^« Blalie, ,Tohn 6 ^ * |Birstec4f^^>..3o Margery 3 ftcliard 41 B'yfh, Ann^e'"""" '« Boardman, Andrew 12 i^fborah I2 Francis 21 James 12 Bole Peter yr^^O Bond, Henry 6 P Jiiniea 6 Bonns, John 41 Booth, Ann 42 Anthony 48 James 42 T> . Mary 30 g°""on, Jacob 9 Bow, John 43 Bower, Francis H n^ . Robert U Bowker, Abraham 3' Bowljnrr TU B"y Wii,i?„°™[« -^ John 44 Bramwale, .j^'o "^ " /f-tSo:^,7o'irii' g:i-;l'"el), John 43 Bndg, Hannah 41 K'l-liard 10 22 „„. &arah 32 Bnggs, Elizabeth 32 John 14 fePlj 29 38 3& T*..'rh ' ^ nomas 1^ S'"?". John : 4 Weary 9 "losier, Joseph ? Browne 1*''?,V''"^'3J Ja.mes 38 42 John 5 14 Margaret 29 Mary 47 Samuel 32 Bn,in,j„,\homa3 46 Brundeli i„^ 01 Buckle;;'/f,^,'^3'„"'' Ann 27 Eairiclough I Anne 40 Faredough j Margery 27 Eortclongh ) William '27 Kallar, William 45 Kallowlield, Wharton 15 Kanco, Francis 30 Farar, see Farrar Kareclough, see Fairolougn Farrar j ^^^ry 3 Farar I ■' Farrel, Thomas 7 Farrington, Edward 24 Farllev, William 13 Faulkner, 5Iary 17 Kichard 23 Faurell, Daniel 37 Fauster, see Foster Faux, see Fox Fawsette, T'homas 43 Fenne, Thomas 32 Feshel, James 35 Fidians, Randle S3 Fin, see Finn Finch, Robert 14 Roger 41 William 41 Finn (John 17 Fin i IMiilip 17 Kichard 17 Firth, Isaac 13 Fish, Marv 36 37 Fisber, Ellen 46 John 14 Fitchgerrard, Edward 32 Fleetwood, Robert '20 Fletcher, Alexander 33 Eleazer 24 Jonic 31 Mary 3H 40 Stephen 19 William -25 Floyd, Mary 10 Fogg, Nuth. 13 Fooles, John 37 51 Forber, Kiohard 37 Ford, Hester 12 J'ortclougli, see Falrclough Foster j lilizabetU H Fauster ( Elleu ai Jane 6 Johu S Fox, Edwurd 19 Johu 15 Robert 9 William 12 France, Johu 17 Freuch | Elizabeth 8 Francli j Jaue 23 Lawreuce 22 Nicholas H Francis, Thomas 2i Frankland, Johu o2 Fuller, Johu 24 Mary 24 Gage, John 31 Galliburu, Elizabeth 23 (iallovvay I jjg„jn^ 3 4 ballowai S Gambell, James 12 Garuette, James 22 Gasway, Johu 12 GatU, Johu 33 Gayleu, Margaret 38 Gedliu, WclUam 35 Gibbous, Sarah 17 Gibbs, Mary 12 Gibsou, Joseph 33 '^ MattuiBS 43 William 3 Gilburt, Johu 14 Gildart, Kiohard 40 Gill, James 27 Gillgrist, L.awrence 3 Glauford, Francis 17 Glave, Johu 2» Gleddale, Mary 18 Glover ( Edward 19 Glouer S llichard 40 Goare, see Gore Godwin, Michael 15 Goodwin, Ann 34 Kobert 33 Gordon, James 4 5 6 Gore j Jolin 34 38 Goare ( Mary 27 Goweu, L'cter 32 Greaues, Mary 40 Green 1 3 Greene 1 Ann 5 Grene ) Johu 34 47 Tliomas 35 GreenUalgh, Ann 44 Elizabeth 21 John 21 Mary 44 Gregg, Joseph 35 Greggory, Sarah 25 Grene, see Green Griffin j Edward 29 Gryffin ] Henry 30 John 4 Griffith 1 Elizabeth 8 Gryffeth [ George 2U Gryfflth ) Hugh 4 John 23 30 Joseph 31 Margaret 45 Mary 7 Blaurice 25 Wiliiaiu 4 5 33 Grirashaw, .Mlle^^ 10 Gryflfeth, see Griffith -'"'>''18 Sleakm, Elizabeth 40 Medecine, John .35 Medgley, .Sanmel 34 Medley, John 30 Meudam, Charles 28 Mercer I ^ , „_ Merce i ■'''''" 37 Mere, Sarah 45 Thomas 42 .Meredith, .loanna 42 47 Merton, Richard 5 .Messenger, ISichard 22 l^Iidclare, Mary 26 Middleton, Robert 17 William IS MIers, Esther 34 Milborn, Mary 19 Milener, John 16 Millard, John 43 Miller, .lane 40 Mills, Charles 25 John 19 25 31 M:iry 32 41 Sarah 25 Molyneux, Diana .32 John 48 Monding, Alice 45 Monk I Janet 24 Munck I Joseph 24 25 27 Moody, John 19 Moon, Kobert 30 .Moore 1 Anilrew 47 48 Moor [ John 3 More ) JIury 39 Thomas 8 Willihm 9 Mooreton, see Moreton Morden, James 16 More, see Moore Moreton i Mooreton [ Matthew 10 11 18 Moretown ) Morgan, Jane 30 John 8 14 31 Morley, Thooins 47 William 47 Morris ( Kliz:iheth 35 Morricc ( Finlh 8 Hugh 23 John 23 24 Mary ,32 .36 Kobert .33 Tlu>tn!ls S Williiini J2 Mosley, Adam 44 53 / ■Moss ) Mary 12 / Mosse i Thomas 29 Mosson, William 3 Most, riiomas 32 Motter^Iieade I Adam 16 Mottprshed ( Roger 16 Muddiford, William 27 Blunck, see 'ilonk Murphey I Daniel 31 Murfey j Richard 20 Murrough, Jolin 28 Naylor, Elizabeth 30 32 Needham, Sarall 44 Neild, John 10 Neilson, — Mr. !4 Newell j Matfhcw 13 Newall j Richard 10 Newton, Jolin 13 Martha 17 Nichols ( Elizabeth 26 Nicholls i .Jolin 10 Margaret 33 Nicholson, John 20 Noblett, Robert 14 Norman, Mary 9 Nutter, John 30 Nuttes, James 18 Nuttong, John 20 Oakes, Elizabeth 34 Oglebie, John ;n Kobert 34 OldHel j Adam 35 Ouldfield i Frances 26 Oldham, George 5 Oliver, William 44 Ollerhead, William 27 Oragehead, Mary 34 Orrell, Alexander 45 Ouidfield, see OldBel Owen i Ann 24 Owens j Ellen 39 Evan 18 29 30 Henry 24 Hugh 10 Jolin 6 8 Jones B Richard 6 10 30 Robert 20 Thomas 7 23 81 William 16 Owery, Mary 33 Pamwitt, Elizabeth 32 Parifle, Gravill 22 Parke, Thomas 29 Parker, Alice 27 Elizabeth « John 21 Thomas 42 Parkinson ( Christopher 83 Perkinson ] John 33 Richard 33 Robert 33 Parr, — Mr. 3 Ezekicl 10 12 41 48 Joseph 13 41 Parrey, Henry 23 William 37 Part, William 30 34 40 41 Partington, Hufth 4 Patience, John 35 Patrick, Christopher 18 Patten, Hugh 44 Patterson I Herbert 13 15 Pattlson t Rachel 33 Thomas 13 Peak, Martha 13 Peares, seP Pierce Pearson I Ellen 45 Pierson ) Richard 34 Thomas 33 Featlason, Ellen 12 Pcling, George 36 Richard 36 Pelkington, see Pilklngton Peltou, John .38 Penberry, John 14 Penkell, 38 Peter 38 Pennant, John 16 Pennington, John 28 Penry, Ann 28 Percivall, John 44 Feriesel, John 44 Perkinson, see Parkinson Perry ( Edward 11 Perrey \ Henry 8 Katharine 4 Euke 36 Thomas 8 Pers, see Pierce Peters, William 36 Philips, William 37 Phithian, Tiiomas 25 Physick, Charles 27 Ellen 27 Thomas 27 William 27 Pickering, Frances 26 James 26 Thomas 23 William 26 Pierce ) Hugh 23 Peares J John 33 Pera ) William 33 34 Pierson, see Pearson Pilkington / Agnes 17 Pelkington ! John 17 William 17 Plnkston, Sarah 15 Plaise, Margaret 20 Piatt, James 45 Jane 45 Martha 45 Mary 40 Handle 37 41 Plowman, Jonathan 38 Plumb, William 29 Pollard, Ajan 42 William 27 f olle't't i Rob"' 10 Pope, Thomas 30 Porter, — Mr, a AnuG 27 El leu .-iS John Iti William 10 21 Fosthous, John 16 Poston, John 39 Pound, Susanna 18 Powell, Henry 18 Hu^rii 5 Robert 20 Thomas 6 Preem, Joseph 42 Thomas 48 Preeson, see Preston Preestley, Jonathan 14 Prescott ) Henry 7 Prescot > John 6 12 Presscot) Thomas 12 Preeson, see Preston Frestidge i Roger 42 Pregtidg \ Thomas 40 Prieson! Thomas 27 48 Preawicke, Roger 87 Price, John 10 Robert 23 Prirhard, see Pritchard Prior ( John 4 Prier ( Katharine 89 Peter 5 Watkin 5 William 9 Pritchard (Amy 28 Prichard ( Thomas 4 Pritchett, Andrew 22 .John 6 Proctor, Henry 24 Proudlow, Pemberton 89 Pugh, Ann 35 Pye, James 16 Mary 30 Quarryer, Charles 21 Radcliff I Jane 18 19 Ratleife j Thomas 26 Radley, Richard 32 Rallestr, Robert 10 Ramsbotten, John 14 Ratleife, see Radcliff Rawson, Thomas 33 Redding, .John 14 Reddish, Hugh 18 Reed, Sarah 44 j" Relict, William 17 Relshaw, Ralph 10 Reundle, Margaret 15 Reyburne, Joseph 6 Reynolds, George 25 Nicholas 16 21 Robert 25 Rhodes, John 20 Richards j John 20 Rich.ard ( Walter 34 Richardson, Ann 24 Thomas 18 Richson, Jane 40 Kicketts, John 10 13 Riduway, James 25 Rigby, James 45 Roger 45 Riglie, Paul 13 Rimmer, John 22 Riplev, Henry 4 Ritchiey, Katharine 16 Rithwell, Moses 36 Roadly, John 19 Roberts ( Edward 5 8 Kobert Elizabeth 8 Ellen 43 Evan 24 Gabriel 8 Henry 30 Hugh 4 23 Humphry 5 John 5 30 Margaret 45 Maurice 5 Thomas 8 30 William 5 23 43 Robertshaw, Thomas 27 Robinson, George 45 Grace 41 Jane 34 Katharine 27 48 Mary 38 Thomas 28 48 ■William 30 37 46 48 Rochdale, Edward 42 16 Rochett, Elizabeth 26 Rodan, Homer 14 Rogers, Elizabeth 31 Rogerson, Richard 46 Rollins, Elizabeth 12 Ronell, Ilichard 38 Roper, Thomas 17 Roson, Ellen 34 Kothell, John 15 Rothett, John 19 Row, Thomas 6 Rowland I Joan 4 Rowlands ) John 30 Richard 32 Royle j Benjamin 17 Royl i Henry 17 Janet 38 Kr 54 Rnild, Abrnham H .Tohu 14 Kiimi, (111 ^0 UuBhtoii, Elli'n 30'l, WilHnm 4 Rustin, KicliarJ 33 Kycl■of■t,.lo^lllla 34 William 9 Eyiancp, Jacob 21 Sadler, Samuel 29 Salsbury', Humpliry 19 Mary 19 Sammell, Ann ys Sanford, Samuel 38 Scarhurroiifjli, — Mr. 11 Schnticid ) Abraham 'i& Scoffield > Ellis M ScowfieldJH.nry 32 45 Isaac 21 thuneh 21 Scotland, Lawrence 19 Scott, William 12 21 Scowlield, »<"€ Scliofield Seacome, «lanie8 25 Tlionias 17 Seddon j Kllen 46 Redden \ George 26 Janet 20 Tiiomas 26 William 29 Sellers, Isabella 31 Shaftin, Rabm. 31 Sharp, Elizabeth 39 Sliarpless j Anne 40 Sharpies ( Cutbbert 16 Margaret 26 Uoger 4 40 William 40 Shaw, Edward 47 John 13 15 Kebeeca 47 Richard 24 Samuel 47 Sheapheard, William 13 Shelly, Charles 8 Shellom, Peter Ifi Slienock, William 27 Sherman, Agnes 28 Sherwood, Jacob 21 Sarah 26 Showland, Ilaniei 4 Sickley, Ann 13 Sidihill ( Jiiines 26 Syildale \ Kobert 32 Siinner, see Sumner Simons, Uicbard 32 Simpcock, Samuel 30 Simpson, — Jlr. 14 Singleton, Ann ly UicliarJ 21 Sinkler, Alexander 11 Slater I Alice 34 SIntor i Tliomas .39 Smalley, Edward 35 SmiiUwood ( James 34 Smaiwood i Jotin 36 39 43 46 Martha 22 Jlary 16 rrudence 4fi Samuel 22 irillmwh^''""™24 Smaiwood, sec Smallwood Smetliur6t, Alice 26 James 26 John 26 William 42 Smith, Christopher 27 Ellen 27 Henry 20 32 42 John 19 Margaret 47 Uury & Smith ) Nicholas 10 cont'd \ Ralph 20 Saninel 27 ^Villiam 4 Snailem i Anne 27 Snaihim \ Uichiird 27 Siial^baw, sec smalshaw Soiiiner, see Mininer Southworth, Kobort 28 Speaknian, Mary 20 Spence, William 22 Spencer, Joshua 12 S|)Ooner, John 30 Stabbs, Edward 21 Matthew 21 Stafford, William 30 Standish, Maiy 17 Stanley, Elizabeth 44 Stannor, Kiuhard 23 Stansel, Elizabeth 34 Stanthrop, Joseph 12 Statliam, Mary 2» Staton, John 9 Stednian, John 6 Steed, Ann 37 Anne 38 Steel Alice 37 48 Steele ( Edward 6 Wary V 22 Stewart 1 Anthony 25 Steward I l^aiiiel 31 Stuart ) James 28 Jane 42 John 4 Mary 40 Newman 16 Thomas 7 Stile j Joseph 4 Style ) Richard 31 Stuck, Joiin 18 Stockton, I'lillip 39 Stol, John 7 Stracililie, .lohu 14 Streele, James 11 Strickland, William 40 Stringer, 'J'honias 19 Stuart, see Stewart Stvle, see ^tiIe Sumner ■) Aaron 17 Simner (Adam 20 Somner ,' Elizabctii 26 Summers J Ellen 20 Thomas 26 Sutherland, James 29 John 29 Swindle, Jane 10 19 Syddale, see Siddall Sylvester, Thomas 8 Tagg, Joseph 34 Tapley, Jonathan 41 Tai leton 1 i;j„.ard 5 6 10 18 34 Tarlet I 4., 45 Kr'lton r^""''"' •■" « " Tatlocke, Edward 39 Taylor ( Charles 11 Tayler ) IJavld 11 Ellen 45 Isaac 14 Jerome 28 John 14 19 43 Joshua 25 Margaret 39 Mary 19 23 35 46 Nathaniel 11 Roger 12 Thomas 11 41 William 11 Telson, Elkanah 5 IVrpin, Mary 10 10 Terror, John 27 Thellell ( , , „ ,, Tlirellell i ''"''" " " ThelwcU, James 28 Thomas / EMzabeth 24 35 Thorns j U;iyniild Grvinth Jolin 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 20 24 29 30 Katharine 30 Ralph 10 Richard 19 Rowland 9 24 .Stephen 22 William 13 25 Thompson, Elizabeth 31 James 18 John 14 17 Joshua 35 Lawrence 25 William 22 29 Thorns, gee Thomas Ti;s;:!;icr"o'"M''"'""i»<'" Thoruley, Aaron 47 John 47 Thomas 32 Thornton, Mary 42 45 Thorp, John 22 Matthew 22 Threlfell, see Thclfell ThreKord, Elizabeth 28 'I'lckle, Jane 19 I'eirce 19 Tlldesley j , „. ,- Tildesb- i ■"""*' ^^ Tipping, Dorothy 39 Todd, Jlargaret 19 Tomliuson, Richard 23 Tongue, Margaret 45 Robert 11 Tonnard, John 4 Tool, Ann .37 Toppiii, James 29 Topping, Hugh 33 Towuiug, James 33 Travers, John 22 Troughton, Isabel 9 Troughweare, Joseph 6 11 Tucker, James 18 Tue, Miiry 7 Tunstall, John 40 Joshua 28 Ttirner, Henry 20 Isabel 27 Robert 27 Thomas 12 27 Twiddale, Robert 24 Tyler, Thomas 20 Tyrer / Alexander 39 hristopher 28 eorge 37 47 John 10 30 \ Tyrer 1 Ale: Tyror I < lir lyrr ) Geo Upton Vpton Elizabeth 16 I James 10 John 10 Jlargaret 30 Thomas 11 16 Valentine, Elizabeth IS 87 Vaudery, Francis 43 Vaugliaa I Elizabeth 34 Voughau i Hannah 7 Robert 10 Thomas 10 Vavasor, Ann 20 Vexon, Jane 41 Voughan, see Vaughaa Vpton, see Upton Walnwrlght, Ann 41 Henry 48 John 2U 48 Walbanck, Henry 31 Walker, Ann 2S Daniel 15 55 Walker ( James 4 cont'd ! John 10 II 18 24 Mai-y 28 _ „ Thomas 10 11 28 " aller, Anu 2" Walliiigton, Samuel 4 Walls, John 12 24 Walmeslty ) , , Walmsley \ •'"'"^ '^ ^3 Ward, Elizabeth 26 Kobert 17 William 2« Waring, Agnes 17 Jlargaret 26 Nathaniel 24 Sumuel 25 Warner, Hubert S Warringlon, Edward 24 Waters I lilizabeth 28 Water S William a6 Watkins, Amy 7 Ann 8 Watkinson, Elizabeth 40 Watson, Sanmel 39 William 39 Webb, Edward 37 Kiuhard 37 Webster, Charles 8 John 3 _. William 4 7 8 9 Welsly, Margaret 35 Wennington, Joseph "7 Wentworth, .Michael 35 Werton, Richard 5 Whailey, Ann 40 Oliver 12 Thomas 43 Wharton, Anne 30 Elizabeth 20 Thomas 39 Whltaker ( Ann 43 Whitacre ) John 32 Mary 23 Robert 32 -_, . Thomas 7 White, John 4 Whitehead, Jane 27 John 35 Whitlisse, Ellen 40 47 Whittle, Alice 27 Ellen 26 Nicholas 27 Widdop I Paul 18 Widop j Thomas 28 Willi, Thomas 47 Wilding, Tllomas 10 11 Wilkinson, Charles 12 Williams ( Ann 21 William j Daniel 33 David 23 33 Edwiird 15 Elizabeth 14 Henry 29 30 Jane 4G Joan 7 John 9 13 15 19 23 27 28 Katharine 9 37 Margaret 8 Maiy 9 30 40 Matthews 19 Richard ^3 Robert 7 Samuel 14 Thomas 14 17 18 ■JS 29 „,.„. William 18 23 Williamson, Marv 48 Ralph 28 32 37 43 43 Samuel 31 48 Thomas 34 37 40 ^■„. ■*' ■i'' *•' 1' Wilhngton, Jane 2() Wilson ( Edward 12 Willson j Elizab'.-th 6 10 47 lU-nrj' 36 Jjiines 29 32 John 4 12 30 Mai tha 40 Peter 38 William 5 Windsor, WiUiiim 19 Winstanley \ Henry 13 Winstiinly ( James 44 Winstantly f Jnhn 13 14 44 I Wiustonle J Mary 44 Winstanley I Peter 14 cont'd j Thomas 14 Wisson, George 14 Witter, Joan 17 Wood, Dorothy 37 John 12 18 Mary 37 Oliver 12 Samuel 37 William 15 Woodier, Katharine 41 Woods, Caelia 15 Henry 16 17 James 43 John 25 Mary 37 38 Richard 9 Robert 27 Woodward, Augustine 30 35 ,„ Tiiomas 46 Woolfet, Edward 28 Elizabeth 28 William 28 Woolley, Miiry 41 Worden, Richard 8 Worrall, Mary 45 Richard 19 Thomas 33 Worrs, George 3 Wright, Elizabeth 33 34 38' Jane 22 John 11 42 43 47 Richard 39 William 33 Wynu ( Ambrose 46 Wynue j John 10 11 Tales, Hannah 33 Yates, James 8 Thomas IS William 40 Yeoman, Elizabeth 44 Y'ouug, John 17 Bertinsh[ J Alice 40 Fothn[ f Peter 8 Granih[ ] Jane 37 INCOMPLETE NAMES IVriewir j Periewlf J ] Stephen 36 " Gilbert 47 James 47 Ratt[ Su[ 1 Robert 31 I Abraham 36 / "l/u^