HI9 F 257 N45 919 opy 1 STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF FARMS AND MARKETS DIVISION OF FOODS AND MARKETS DR. EUGENE H. PORTER, Commissioner ALBANY PROVISIONS of Article III of the Agricultural Law Sees. 55 to 61 inclusive relating to MILK DEALERS' LICENSES J919 ARTICLE 3 \ f Dairy Products Section 55. Licensing of milk gathering stations where milk is bought. 56. Power of commissioner to investigate. 57. Granting and revoking licenses. 58. Certiorari to review. 59. Records to be kept. 60. Right of review. 61. Offenses. § 55. Licensing of milk gathering stations where milk is bought. On and after September first, nineteen hundred and thirteen, no person, firm, association or corporation, shall buy milk or cream within the state from producers for the purpose of shipping the Regulation same to any city for consumption or for manufacture unless such in re pur- chase of business be regularly transacted at an office or station within the milk and ° ^ cream. state and unless such person, firm, association or corporation be duly licensed as provided in this and the ensuing sections of this article. Every such person, firm, association or corporation be- ucense. fore engaging or continuing in the business of buying milk or cream for the purposes aforesaid, shall, annually, on or before August first, file an application with the commissioner of agri- Appiieation culture for a license to transact such business. The application menta?" shall state the nature of the business, as hereinabove set forth, the full name of the person or corporation applying for the license, and, if the applicant be a firm or association, the full name of each member of such firm, or association, the city, town or village and street number at which the business is to be conducted, and such other facts as the commissioner of agriculture shall prescribe. The applicant shall further satisfy the commissioner of his or its character, financial responsibility and good faith in seeking to License tec. carry on such business. The commissioner shall thereupon issue to such applicant, on payment of ten dollars, a license entitling the applicant to conduct the business of buying milk and cream from producers for the purpose aforesaid at an office or station at a. of -- SEP A°:1919 ; .T- the place named in the application until the first day of Septem- Duration of ber next following; provided, however, that if the application be presented in the month of July, and if the applicant so elects, such license may be granted to begin on the first day of September next following and run for a term of one year. A license shall ^""ng f t r not be issued, however, to any applicant if during the year pre- ud^e. ceding the filing of the application a complaint from any pro- ducer and seller of milk or cream shall have been filed with the commissioner against such applicant for any of the grounds speci- fied in section fifty-seven hereof, and such complaint shall have been established as true and just to the satisfaction of the com- missioner after such complaint shall have been investigated by the commissioner in the manner provided by section fifty-six hereof. A license shall not be issued as provided in this section, on and after the taking effect of this section, unless the applicant for such Bond, license shall file with the application a good and sufficient surety bond, executed by a surety company, duly authorized to transact business in this state, in a sum not less than five thousand dollars, or shall be relieved from such requirement as provided herein. Such bond shall be approved as to its form and sufficiency by the commissioner of agriculture. Such applicant may in lieu of such bond deposit with the com- m no U ' •••i'ii ot bond - missioner of agriculture money or securities in which the trustees of a savings bank may invest the moneys deposited therein, as provided in the banking law, in an amount equal to the sum secured by the bond required to be filed as herein provided. The bond required to be filed hereunder shall be given to the of bona. commissioner of agriculture in his official capacity and shall be conditioned for the faithful compliance by the licensee with the provisions of this chapter, as hereby amended, and for the pay- ment of all amounts due to persons who have sold milk or cream to DispogI such licensee, during the period that the license is in force. The *£» J n * e . money or securities deposited with the commissioner of agricul- curltles - ture, as above provided, shall constitute a separate fund and shall be held in trust for, and applied exclusively to, the payment of claims against the licensee making such deposit, arising from the sale of milk or cream to such licensee. Default In payment by licensee. Creditor may file verified claim or transcript of judg- ment with com- missioner. Time of Ming. Action by commis- sioner. Enforce- ment of judgment. Proof of claim in judgment. Applica- tion of proceeds of bond. First. Applica- tion of money aniS securities. First. Upon default by the licensee in the payment of any money due for the purchase of milk or cream, which payment is secured by a bond or the deposit of money or securities as hereinbefore pro- vided for, the creditor may file with the commissioner of agri- culture, upon a form prescribed by him, a verified statement of his claim. If such creditor shall have reduced such claim to judg- ment or shall thereafter and before the commencement of the action by the commissioner of agriculture, as hereinafter pro- vided for, reduce such claim to judgment, a transcript of such judgment shall also be filed with such commissioner. Such statements may be filed at any time during the period of the license for purchases made during such period and within ninety days from the termination of such period. After the expiration of ninety days from the termination of any license period the commissioner of agriculture shall, by proper ac- tion wherein all such creditors and any surety upon any bond given as hereinbefore provided for and the licensee shall be parties, proceed to determine the amount due each such creditor, and the judgment rendered in such action shall be enforced ratably for such creditors against the surety on the bond, if one there be, or against the moneys or securities deposited as hereinbefore pro- vided for. If any such creditor shall have reduced his claim to judgment such judgment shall be presumptive proof of the amount due such creditor in any action brought by the commissioner of agriculture as hereinbefore provided for. Every bond given pursuant to the provisions hereof shall be ap- plicable, in the first instance, to the payment of all claims arising during the license period for which such bond shall continue, and filed either during such period or within ninety days after the expiration thereof. If all such claims shall be paid the balance available upon such bond shall be devoted to the extinguishment ratably of claims arising during such license period, but for which statements shall not have been filed until after ninety days after the expiration of such period. All moneys and securities, deposited as herein provided for, shall be applicable, in the first instance, to the extinguishment of claims, properly filed, arising during the license period for which such moneys or securities were originally deposited and if, after the extinguishment of such claims, there shall be a surplus remain- ing such surplus shall be devoted to extinguishment of claims aris- econ ' ing during any preceding license period which were properly filed as hereinbefore provided, all claims for any one license period to be of a parity. Any surplus remaining after the extinguishment of surplus, of such prior claims shall be added to the moneys or securities then on deposit with the commissioner of agriculture or, if there be at that time on file with such commissioner a bond given pursuant to this section, or if there be then on deposit with such commis- sioner additional moneys or securities deposited as herein provided for, and if such bond or such moneys or securities, as the case may be, shall, in the opinion of the commissioner of agriculture, be sufficient, such surplus shall be returned to the licensee. A person or corporation licensed hereunder shall make a veri- f f at d e " ent fied statement of his or its disbursements during a period to be buIS -' ment8 - prescribed by the commissioner of agriculture, containing the names of the persons from whom such products were purchased, and the amount due to the vendors thereof. Such statement shall be submitted to the commissioner of agriculture when requested by him and shall be in the form prescribed by such commissioner. If it appears from such statement or other facts ascertained by £°™ment. the commissioner of agriculture, upon inspection or investigation of the books and papers of such licensee as authorized by section fifty-six of this chapter, that the security afforded to persons sell- ing milk and cream to such licensee by the bond executed or de- posit made by such licensee as herein provided does not adequately protect such vendors, the commissioner of agriculture may re- quire such licensee to give an additional bond or to deposit ad- £ o a ^ tl o ° r nal ditional money or securities, to be executed or deposited as above ^ uri ^ provided, in a sum to be determined by the commissioner, but not re( J u "' 6d - exceeding by more than twenty-five per centum the maximum amount paid out by such licensee to sellers of milk in any one month : Provided, however, that the maximum amount of the Maximum ' ' . amount. bond or deposit required from any applicant under the provisions of this section shall be one hundred thousand dollars; and that any applicant filing a bond or depositing money or securities in such maximum amount shall be exempted from filing either the Exception. statements of milk purchased, or the statements of disbursements in this section provided for. 6 Excep- tion as to bonu. On com- plaint or by his own motion. Examina- tion of documents. AdJllSt- ment. Service of complaint. Time and place of serrlce. If the applicant for a license under this section he a person or a domestic corporation, the commissioner of agriculture may, not- withstanding the provisions of this section, if satisfied from an investigation of the financial condition of such person or domestic corporation that such person or corporation is solvent and pos- sessed of sufficient assets to reasonably assure compensation to probable creditors, by an order filed in the department of agri- culture, relieve such person or corporation from the provisions of this section requiring the filing of a bond. The term " station " or " milk gathering station," as used in this and the ensuing sections of this article, shall include an estab- lished office where the business of buying milk or cream as herein provided is carried on, with or without a place or premises in connection therewith for the physical handling of milk or cream. (As amended by chapter 651 of the Laws of 1915.) § 56. Power of commissioner to investigate. The commissioner and his assistants shall have power to investigate upon the com- plaint of any interested person, or of his own motion, the record of any person, firm or corporation applying for or holding a li- cense, or any transaction involving the purchase by such applicant or licensee or attempted purchase of milk for shipment as pro- vided in section fifty-five; and for such purpose may examine the ledgers, books of account, memoranda or other documents of any such person, firm, association or corporation applying for or hold- ing a license and may take testimony therein under oath; but information relating to the general business of any such person, firm, association or corporation, disclosed by such investigation and not relating to the immediate purpose thereof shall be deemed of a confidential nature by the commissioner, his assistants, rep- resentatives and employees. When a complaint is filed with the commissioner, he shall attempt to secure an explanation or adjust- ment, and, failing this within ten days, he shall cause a copy of the complaint, together with a notice of the time and place for a hearing thereon, to b* served personally or by mail upon said ap- plicant or licensee. If served by mail, such complaint and notice shall be directed to the applicant or licensee at his place of busi- ness, with postago fully prepaid thereon. Such service shall be made at least seven days before the hearing. At the time and place appointed for such hearing, the commissioner or his as- sistants shall hear the parties to the complaint, shall have power to administer oaths and shall enter in the records of the office of the commissioner of agriculture a decision either dismissing such Hearing, complaint or specifying the facts which he deems established on such hearing. (As added by chapter 408 of the Laws of 1913.) § 57. Granting and revoking licenses. The commissioner of agriculture may decline to grant a license or may revoke a license already granted when he is satisfied of the existence of the follow- ing cases or either of them : 1. Where a money judgment has been secured by any milk agff™ t ent producer and has been entered against such applicant or licensee appllcnnt - and remains unsatisfied of record. 2. Where there has been a failure to make prompt settlements intent to defraud to persons from whom he buys milk, with intent to defraud. vendor. 3. Where there have been combinations to fix prices. 4. W T here there has been a continual course of dealing; of such Combina- tions. nature as to satisfy the commissioner of the inability of the ap~ intent to plicant or licensee to properly conduct the business or of an in- customers. tent to deceive or defraud customers. 5. Where there has been a continued and persistent failure to Failure keep records required by the commissioner or by law. (As added records by chapter 408 of the Laivs of 1913.) § 58. Certiorari to review. The action of the commissioner of agriculture in refusing to grant a license, or in revoking a license granted under section fifty-five, shall be subject to review by writ of certiorari, and if such proceedings are begun to review the revocation of license, the license shall be deemed to be in full force and effect until the final determination of certiorari pro- ceedings and all appeals therefrom. (As amended by chapter 651 of the Laws of 1915.) § 59. Records to be kept. Every proprietor of a milk gathering station shall keep, in such form as the commissioner of agricul- ture may prescribe, a record of transactions of purchases of milk or cream by him and he shall, at least semi-monthly, deliver to somi- each person from whom he receives or purchases milk or cream, statements. and in the unit of measure used in computing the amount due therefor, an itemized statement of the several amounts or quan- tities of such milk or cream so received or purchased at such milk station from such person during the prior half month or, if state- ments are delivered more frequently than semi-monthly during that period of time which has elapsed since the delivery of such last prior statement. If the milk or cream is purchased or re- LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 8 li 000 895 716 2 ceived on a butter fat basis, such statement shall include the per- centage, or average percentage of butter fat contained in said milk or cream as determined by tests periodical or otherwise. Every such proprietor of a milk gathering station shall post in a conspicuous place in such milk station, a schedule of the prices being paid for milk or cream including the premiums paid or de- ductions made, if any, for milk or cream containing milk fat either in excess or in lesser amount than the agreed standard, and shall keep a correct account of all the milk or cream daily received or purchased from each person at such milk station which account shall be open to inspection by said person. (As amended by chapter 651 of the Laws of 1915.) Dissatis- § 60. Eight to review. If either party to the transaction of fled party x •/ may apply purchase and sale between a milk producer or a milk seller and a for investi- A ■*■ gation. licensed buyer of milk shall be dissatisfied relative to any trans- action of purchase and sale of milk between a milk seller and a licensed buyer of milk, he may apply to the commissioner of agriculture, in writing, within sixty days after the delivery of such milk to the licensed buyer, for investigation. The commis- sioner of agriculture shall treat such application as a complaint, and shall cause a full investigation of the transaction complained of to be made either by himself or one of his assistants, in the manner provided by section fifty-seven. (As added by chapter 408 of the Laws of 1913.) § 61. Offenses. Any person who, being a buyer of milk for shipment for the purposes set forth in section fifty-five, whether such person be licensed or whether his business be transacted at a station or otherwise, shall (a) fail to make prompt payments for milk purchased, with intent to defraud, or (b) shall make any false or misleading statement or statements enumerated in sec- tions fifty-five to fifty-nine inclusive, with intent to deceive, or (c) enter into any combination to fix prices, or (d) not being licensed, shall conduct the business of buying milk for shipment as provided in section fifty-five, or (e) being licensed or otherwise, engages in such business without having a station or office there- for, or (f) fails to conform to any requirement of or violates any provision of sections fifty-five to fifty-nine, inclusive, with intent to deceive a seller of milk, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (As added by chapter 408 of the Laws of 1913.) 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