I 1> 63? .S 4 SC He. 5" M»y,ffl7 HoUinger Corp. PROCLAIVIATION and WAR PROGRAM The Socialist Party of the United States in the present grave crisis, , solemnly reaffirms its al- legiance to the principle of in- ternationalism and working class solidarity the world over, and pro- claims its unalterable opposition to the war just declared by the gov- ernment of the United States. Modern wars as a rule have been caused by the commercial and financial rivalry and intrigues of the capitalist interests in the dif- ferent countries. Whether they have been frankly waged as wars of aggression or have been hypo- critically represented as wars of "defense", they have always been made by the classes and fought by the masses. Wars bring wealth and power to the ruling classes, and suffering, death and demoralization to the workers. They breed a sinister spirit of passion, unreason, race hatred and false patriotism. They obscure the struggles of the workers for life, liberty and social justice. They tend to sever the vital bonds of solidarity between them and their brothers in other countries, to de- stroy their organizations and to curteil their civic and political rights and liberties. The Socialist Party of the United States is unalterably op- posed to the system of exploitation and class rule which is upheld and strengthened by military power and sham national patriotism. We, therefore, call upon the workers of all countries to refuse support to their governments in their wars. The wars of the contending nation- al groups of capitalists are not the concern of the workers. The only struggle which would justify the workers in taking up arms is the great struggle of the working class of the world to free itself from economic exploitation and political oppression, and we particularly warn the workers against the snare and delusion of defensive warfare. As against the false doctrine of na- tional patriotism we uohold the ideal of international working-class solidarity. In support of capital- ism, we will not willingly give a single life or a single dollar ; in sup port of the struggle of the workers for freedom we pledge our all. The mad orgy of death and destruction which is now convuls- ing unfortunate Europe was caused by the conflict of capitalist inter- ests in the European countries. In each of these countries, the workers were oppressed and ex- ploited. They produced enormous wealth but the bulk of it was with- held from them by the, owners of the industries. The workers were thus deprived of the means to re- purchase the wealth which they themselves had created. The capitalist class of each coun- try was forced to look for foreign markets to dispose of the accumu- lated "surplus" wealth. The huge profits made by the capitahsts could no longer be profitably rein- vested in their own countries, hence, they were driven to look for foreign fields of investment. The geographical boundaries of each modern capitalist country thus became too naiTow for the in- dustrial and commercial operations of its capitalist clasi. D 639 .S6 S6 Copy 1 Si y The efforts of the capitalists of all leading nations were therefore centered upon the domination of the world markets. Imperialism became the dominant note in the politics of Europe. The acquisition of colonial possessions and the ex- tension of spheres of commercial and political influence became the object of diplomatic intrigues and the cause of constant clashes be- tween nations. The acute competition between the capitalist powers of the earth, their jealousies and distrusts of one another and the fear of the ris- king p^wer of the working class iorced each of them to arm to the ieeth. This led to the mad rivalry /of armament, which, years before (the outbreak of the present war, \had turned the leading countries of 'Europe into armed camps with standing armies of many millions, drilled and equipped for war in times of "peace." Capitalism, imperiahsm, and militarism had thus laid the foun- dation of an inevitable general con- flict in Europe. The ghastly war in Europe was not caused by an ac- cidental event, nor by the policy or institutions of any single nation. It was the logical outcome of the competitive capitalist system. The six million men of all coun- tries and races who habe been ruthlessly slain in the first thirty months of this war, the millions of others who have been crippled and maimed, the vast treasures of wealth that have been destroyed, the untold misei'y and sufferings .of Europe, have not been sacrifices exacted in a struggle for principles or ideals, but wanton afferings upon the altar of private profit. The forces of capitalism which have led to the war in Europe are even more hideously transparent in the war recently provoked by the ruling class of this country. When Belgium was invaded, the "•vernment enjoined upon the peo- S6 pie of this country the duty of re- meining neutral, thus clearly dem- onstrating that the "dictates of hu- manity", and the fate of small na- tions and of democratic institutions were matters that did not concern it. But when our enormous war/ traffic was seriously threatened, our government calls upon us to rally to the "defense of democracy and civilization." Our entrance into the European war was instigated by the pr;eda- tory capitalists in the United States who boast of the enonnous profit of seven billion dollars from the manufacture and sale of munitions and war supplies and from the ex- portation of American food stulTs and other necessaries. They are also deeply interested in the con- tinuance of war and the success of the allied arms through their huge loans to the governments of the allied powers and through other commercial ties. It is the same interests which strive for imperialistic domination of the Western Hemisphere. The war 'Of the United State? against Germanj^ cannot be justi- fied even on the plea that it is a war in defense of American rights or American "honor." Ruthless as the um-estricted submarine war policy of the German government was and is, it is not an invasion of the rights of the American people as such, but only an interfei*ence with the opportunity of certain groups of American capitalists tt> coin cold profits out of the blood and sufferings of our fellow men in the warring countries of Europe. It is not a war against the mili- tarist regime of the Central Pow- ers. Militarism can never be abol- ished by militarism. It is not a war to advance the cause of democracy in Europe. Democracy can never be imposed upon any country by a foreign power by force of anns. It is cant and hypocricy to say I « that the war is not dinected against the German people, but against the Imperial Government of Germany. If we send an armed force to the battlefields of Europe, its cannon will mow down the masses of the German people and not the Im- perail German Government. Our entrance into the European conflict at this time will serve only to multiply the horrors of the war, to increase the toll of death and destruction und to prolong the fiendish slaughter. It will bring death, suflfering and destitution to the people of the United States and particularly to the working class. It will give the powers of reaction in this country the pretext for an attempt to throttle our rights and to crush our democratic institu- tions, and to fasten upon this coun- try a permanent militarism. The working class of the United States has no quarrel with the working class of Germany or of any other country. The people of the United States have no quarrel with the people of Germany or any other country. The American people did not want and do not want this war. They have not been consulted about the war and have had no part in declaring war. They have been plunged into this war by the trick- ery and treachery of the ruling class of the country through its representatives in the National Ad- ministration and National Con- gress, its demagogic agitators, its subsidized press, and other servile instruments of public expression. We brand the declaration of war by our government as a crime against the people of the United States and against the nations of the world. In all modern history there has been no war more unjustifiable than the war in which we are about to engage. No greater (iishonor has ever been forced upon ^a people than that > which the capitalist class is forcing upon this nation against its will. In harmony with these princi- ples, the Socialist Party emphatic- ically rejects the pronosal that in time of war the suspend their stru conditions. On th acute situation ci calls for an even moi«. prosecution of the class .» and we recommend to the w and pledge ourselves to the ing course of action : 1. Continuous, active, a. lie opposition to the war, t demonstrations, mass pe and all other means withii. power. 2. Unyielding opposition ^ proposed legislation for n- or industrial conscription, such conscription be forcec the people, we pledge oursel continuous efforts for the ri of such laws and to the suppo: all mass movements in opposit„un to conscription. We pledge ovur- selves to oppose with all, ciur strength any attempt to rmse money for payment of war expense by taxing the necessaries of life or issuing bonds which will put •^he burden upon future generation.'^. We demand that the capitalist class, which is responsible for the war, pay its cost. Let those who kindled the fire furnish the fuel. 3. Vigorous resistance to all re- actionary measures, such as cen- sorshop of press and mails, restric- tion of the rights of free speech, assemblage, and organization, or compulsory arbitration and limita- tion of the right to strike. 4. Consistent propaganda against military training and mili- taristic teaching in the public schools. 5. Extension of the campaign of education among the workers to organize them into strong, class- conscious, and closely unified politi- cal and industrial organizations, to enable them by concerted and har- monious mass action to shorten this war and to establish lasting peace. 6. Widespread, educational pro- paganda to enlighten the masses ■^ relation between war, and to rouse em for action, not jsent war evils, but ^vention of future wars the destruction of the of war. "^o protect the masses of the \n people from the pressing )f starvation which the war >pe has brought upon them, lich the entry of the United , has already accentuated, we nd: The restriction of food ex- '0 long as the present short- linues, the fixing of maxi- -rices, and whatever meas- aay be necessary to prevent ood speculators from holding the supplies now in their n^ ids ; (b) The socialization and demo- cratic management of the great industries concerned with the pro- duction, transportation, storage, and the marketing of food and oth- er necessaries of life ; (c) The sociahzation and demo- cratic management of all land and other natural resources now held out of use for monopolistic or spec- ulative profit. These measures are presented as means of protecting the workers against the evil results of the pres- ent war. The danger of recur- rence of war will exist as long as the capitalist system of industry remains in existence. The end of wars will come with the establish- ment of socialized industry and in- dustrial democracy the world over. The Socialist Party calls upon all the workers to join it in its struggle to reach this goal, and thus bring into the world a new society in which peace, fraternity, and human botherhood wdll be the dominant ideals. 9 = MAY, 1917 Tliis is No. 5 of the Series of ORGANIZATION LEAFLETS to be issued monthly by THE NATIONAL OFFICE, SOCIALIST PARTY Price 20c per hundred $1.50 per thousand. IF THIS INTERESTS YOU, PASS IT ON. Subscribe to The American Socialist, published weekly by the National Office, 803 West Madison Street, Chicago, 111., 50c per year, 25c for six months. It is a paper without a muzzle. 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