Mot- I Ancestry and Family of Caleb and Sarah Benton- Compiled by CHARLES E. BENTON, New Bedford, Mass. na umiTJ or coMGfsil EDW IRD BEN H IN, • iber 28, 1680. ANNE, his wife. Died Au RICHARD GUI RIDGE. for GOi Died May 7, 1676 DINAH, his wife. , amKI. BENTON, The second of ten children I 1. GOODRICH. 1685. ,, I of five children. GEORGE GRAVE, 1 1 CRUTT1 MM N Died J.uin.m , 1683. MARY, his wife. TONE, 'HO Die. 1 I MARY, Ins wife, Died 1 ru n Died Augusl J, 1669 1 14. 1650 MARY 1 RUT rENDEN, .111 her 1 1, 1669, M.i [OHN Died January 4, TOMASINE FRYE. WILLIAM WI1 1 1 if». wife, D HOP Died J urn try, 1660 ANNE, [I D 1 11VS2. ANN, his wile. 1 HOMAS ROBINSON, Died 1089. his wife. Will [AM ST1 Horn 1630 1 1653. M.\k\ I 111 30. 1703. GB ' 1 . 1, ILWELL, I. 11 , GRAVE. Sr. "' I'. '695 1 ELIZABETH CRUTTENDEN, The fifth of sevcn children. EBENEZER IIENTON, Horn 1663 Died January 22. 175 s ' Honed ;il Guilford. Coon Aii only son, the second of [our children. Married June 14. 1694. ABIGAIL GRAVE, Born March 6. 1670. Died April 13. '753 Hone, 1 ai Guilford, Conn. of her mother's five children. NATHANIEL STONE, 1 rried July 10, 1673 j|ARY BARTLETT, 1655. Died November The second of seven children. CALEB STONE, ■mber 10. 16S5 Died May 25. 1765 Buried al Guilford, Conn. The sixth of ten children. 1 28. 1713 OHN MEIGS, Jh Born Februarj V). 1640. Died Novembi Tb second of five children. .rch 7. 1665. CALEB BENTON, Sr. Born July 25. 1706. Died November 27, 1782. Buried in Guilford, Conn. The fifth of sis children. II. married, second, Thankful Chittenden, great- granddaughtei of Lieul William Chittenden, by which marriage he had two children. He married, third, widow Lucy (Mungei 1 Ha Married September 25, 1740. SARAH STONE, Horn January 22, 1717 Died February 17, 1746. Buried at Guilford, Conn. The second of seven children. LINUS, fhe I Guilford, Conn. t. -.; ', 11 WILCOXSON. Died November 24. I ■■ ;hth ol nine children. SARAH MEIGS, 1 May 4. 17; ried at Guilford, Conn oungest of 1 CALEB BENTON, Jk Born April 17. 1742. Died December 25, 1831. Buried in the family cemetery at Leedsville, New York. 1 eldest of his father's five children, and the only one who lived beyond inl JOEL. Horn May 15, 1772. Died April 13, 1850. Married June 7. 1795. I . '; Daughtei ol Stephi n Sharon, Conn Horn July 10, 1771 Died March 26, 1865. Both are buried in the Leedsville public cemetery. January 29, 1767. STEPHEN BISHOP, Died in June, 1690. The second of three children. Married Ma} 4. 1654. HA U II.KINSON. Of the Bermuda Islands. Died Decembei 21 EBENEZER BISHOP, Sr. cugust 5, 1675. Died February, 1744 Buried at Guilford, Conn The youngest of nine children, Married Novembi 1 ya 1699 JOHN LATIMER, Born January 4. 1651. The fourth of seven children Married 1680. MARY ROBINSON, Horn 1654. The third of seven children. ANN LATIMER, 1 10 ober 6, 1752. luilford, Com i lour childre EBENEZER BISHOP, Jk. rn 1707. Died Octobci 27, 1747. Buried al Guilford. Conn. The fourth of eight children. ROB] 1, ,1 Horn 162; S A R A 1 1 iNIEL STEVENS, Sr. Horn Octohei 29, 1 ' ■' . 1 Died October, 1709. In. 1 seven children SARAH, his wife. -4. '74" JOHN GRAVE. Jr. Horn February 27, 1659 Died Dei ember 1, 1726. Thceldl lour children. 6. 1685. ELIZABETH FOOT, Bom March 3, 1664. Died May 1, 1730. The third of eight children. NATHANIEL STEVENS, Jk, Died May 9, 1 747- The eldesl of three children MINDWELL GRAVE. ,'. Died Februi SARAH STEVENS, Born March lfi, 1722. Died Ocluber 5. 1802. Buried at Richmond, Mass. The third of eight children. She married, second. William Chittenden, brothe of Thankful, who married 1 aieb Benton, by whid marriage she had two children. SARAH BISH Born March 9, 174S Died April 17. |S -S Buried in the family cemetery at I 1 Ne She York. jest ol I" 11 SARAH. temper 17, 1774 Died May 16. 1848. Married May S. 1799. STEPHEN Rl I n Son of James in 1 Reed. Horn September 14, 1, : .ry 9. 1817. Both are buried at South Amenia. N V BETSEY, Born January 10. 1777 Died May 13. 1851. Buried al Married AMOS in 1 1 HER, Sun Ol \ Horn September 12. 1774. Died December 19. 1S19. Conn. JUI.1ANNA. M inied July 8. 1804. WILLI \M 1.1 RMOND, Son of Jol 1. (Filkin) Gi n 1 Horn July [I, 1773 D 1 \ V CLARISSA, .ii 11. 1782 I' Willi. 1 PARNAL, ... ,. [785 Died Augusl J7, 1831 Married 1 LMIN JARVIS, WILLIAM ALFRED, Horn August 30, 1788. Dii Married Februar) JO, 1812. H.I83S Married I : ,N -"' l:|. I I V Kl'l Hon, Februa buried in > N v