t^ c> O N wH^i Wm. Howell Wiliiams Class _2S_l_ii.^ Rnnk J 5 J- fe S {^ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and sup with him, and he with me. SONNETICAL NOTES ON PHILOSOPHY BY WM. HOWELL WILLIAMS. THE LIBRARY ©F CONGRESS, Two Copifcs Receives APR. 28 1902 CO»>VRI«HT ENTRY 0LA83 «^XX0. No. -1 3; L o OOPY B. Copyrighted by Wm. Howell Williams, April, 1901. INTRODUCTION. Philosophy must knowledge be, Hence knowledge is philosophy. It matters not what savant say If somehow knowledge comes man's way. Supposing can be only fun, And knowledge never so begun. With supposition's wand laid by Hume, Berkley, Kant and Hegel fly. Nay! single, several, or all. Together taken they appall. Philosophers need not agree, Still is philosophy to be. All knowledge is on being cast: The being first and knowledge last. But note, ''The first shall be the last And last shall be the first" ere cast. Such knowledge only consciousness In case of being under stress. All other were mere vanity, Save, sadly, 'tis profanity. Though Being ever is to seem. Existence never is a dream. Condition all existence wake. Sensation for the being take. Conditions are relations blent. So several show single bent. Relations unrevealed compound Conditions that sensation bound. To senses fashioned but to feel . A semblance only can appeal. Existence, hence, persistency Of some conditionality. Persistence, very texture, hence, Of every experience. Conditions only semblance own By well concealed relations shown. The actual in semblance spelt Awake perceptions never felt. Perception we characterize In claiming to philosophize. Sensation having done its part Unseen relation lends its art. Its language never being made The Actual I can't parade. -lo- in fact no language now exists Save tongue to tell of what persists. Relations unfelt feeling blends And ideas existence lends. As semblance of condition they Like semblance of relation stay. Though both as semblance only wrought, A deathless being gains the thought. The realm of all relation can't Recall a thought it once has lent. The mountain, world or universe, But never thought it can disperse. The working part relation's role All being what relation dole. For like conditions old or new Like semblance is forever true. -11 For like relations only speak Why like conditions never freak. Relations ideas, hence, mould, And thus philosophy is told. All Being is on dying bent, And knowledge yields no nutriment. In thought, a stuff of deathless part. Relation works this plastic art. Sensation blent with idea As consciousness it makes appear. Philosophy, all knowledge, hence, Condition of experience. In consciousness experience Is manifesting prescience. In prescience experience Establishes thought permanence. 12- Nor need eventuation solve All prescience assume to prove. Beginning nor the end of time Eventuation need not chime. Time being but persistency Of some conditionality. Sensation notes persistency And time existence gains thereby. Nor length nor breadth nor depth of space Need an eventuation trace. Space being but consistency Whereof there is persistency. So wide, yet narrow still, enough, To mirror all in one brain stuff. Ere Prescience eventuate The Absolute must for it wait. -13- With Absolute Philosophy Awake from dreamless lethargy. With Absolute Philosophy Will end the dream like pageantry. With absoluteness hedging in Sensation must end or begin. On prescience as consciousness The absolute will ever press. As property, we mortals say, Who mystery would put away. As unconditioned it will be Inclusive of Divinity. And out of man's experience Divinity shape prescience. Each perfectly see it is so And yet the fool to logic go. -14- He only taking in as sent Away will reason increment. Woe unto reasoners, said He, Fools, liars, hypocrites to be. A philosophical refrain So perfect, meeting yet disdain. "Come unto me and I will give You rest," He said to all who live. But spoke in vain, for as before The simple truth craft tangled sore. Pride and its speculation take Them all to bell, bead, book or fake. Some Mahomet or may-be church Still teaching leave Christ in the lurch. Look at the lilies of the field Said He, lo! nothing thence did yield. -15- The lilies still are telling plain, Organic things all joining strain. We all are here without dispute By ruling of an Absolute. To-morrow needs no heed, said He, And straight all speculators be. Swear not, and man tried not to curse! While ever vowing to do worse. The idle oath, as bubble burst, Leaves everything as at first. The vowing, as will-power known. Is root of ev'ry evil grown. Not faith but knowledge would lead man, Did he himself but see as can. No argument imposing stay On world from childhood passed away. -16- Blind led by blind, the Christ did say, Will meet disaster on the way. The voice still cries in wilderness: Repent and take a consciousness. To save all men unconsciousness Died John the Baptist in distress. To give mankind a consciousness Lived Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The simple truth to be create And not we ourselves try to make. In Reason man himself preferred, Hence reason finds the truth absurd. never man by Adam fell. But from himself needs saving well. False logic often and again Most monstrous fables long sustain. -17- A Newton like a Moses dreamed, And many fancies real seemed. The poets ever widen breach Through which vain supposition reach. Fair sentiment enthralls them all And hides the truth so well withal. Behold the chemist pry and smile, In fancy knowing as a child. Lord Kelvin fig'ring out the sun. In fancy pulls a temple down. For fancy never room be found Where there is nothing not profound. Ere was condition manifest The unconditioned was at rest. Relations of rest with unrest Hence did condition manifest. -18— To such relation specify We use the word velocity. Velocity sole history Of uncondition's mystery. A mystery sensation feels When to itself for truth appeals. The mystery which consciousness Must grasp in place of nothingness. Relation through condition place The phantom we as matter chase. Not substance but condition we On looking out shall learn to see. As form manifestation take What verily relations make. Sensation's fond reality Existing still in verity. —19- In verity of passing slow To what with greater speed must go. To consciousness reality A manifesting Deity. The proposition absolute: Humanity shall evolute. To act an earthly part is, hence, In conscious being an offence. With wonder any knew of old The mission of the Christ is told. As thought in having deathless part Is free of Deity from start. And image on a consciousness Is able to make deep impress. Impressions of an earthly sort Deface what evolution wrought. -20- 'Twas happy never true to say The devil mischief comes to play. Invention of a reason did What fabled satan said to bid. No deity would reason plan To lead estray its creature man. Nor maker dare his duty shirk And leave to chance what he should work. All know these things are true in fact And yet accordingly none act. .Self-pride with selfishness lie and Uncharitableness withstand. Till worldly kingdom grown so bold Is something fearful to behold. The humble who now sigh for rest A strife, mart, state or church oppress. -21- Still stands a priestcraft militant For what as reasoners they want. While seedling wisdom Christ did plant Stands withered, forgotten, distant. The curse, if be a curse, on man. Is simply to understand. What punishment do they deserve The human reason would observe. The foolish question to repeat What justice so-called sinners mete. Not one, but all, or none at all, Heaven's kingdom must enthrall. A single being left to fate A Heaven's host would give to hate. Bare sufferers, not sinners bare, Dependent creatures like men are. -22 The evil seen, though truthfully Unsought, was wrought by Deity. To Deity will knowledge trace Conditions all of human race. The errant, deathless thought, now free, From Deity get liberty. All evil will in time disperse As evolution works reverse. Though evolution is so slow, An endless time it has to go. One day of Christ's philosophy Would subjugate propensity. The end behold, in knowledge wrought. Is kingdom Heaven long had sought. Who enters here leaves hope behind. And bows his head to what designed. —23- In taking Heaven's kingdom find "All other things" to him inclined. Who thinks will pause, who feels will go, And either travel far, I trow. -24 The lilies still are telling plain, Organic things all joining strain: The end, behold, in knowledge wrought, Is kingdom Heaven long had sought. Who enters here leaves hope behind, And bows his head to what designed. In taking Heaven's kingdom find All other things to him inclined. —25- Sonnetical Notes on Philosophy < -26- I. While man trains up the child in way men go, It goes without the saying that man's way In life convention only will display, As each one by himself can surely know; Hence may these notes that light of rush-light throw Where glares, so-called, civilization's day. Without night's darkness chasing once away. Perchance, as simple truth, for some one glow: If seen the curse, if be a curse, on man Is taxing self to understand, amid Environment that ever keeps its place, What shape may take his life, if any can, That haunting foolishness alone not bid Him to endure, with pain, but for disgrace. —27- 11. Man's place is truth that makes no sign, but is, Which man, who seek a sign where is no sign. Will ever overlook till forced repine In dumb despair since nothingness is his. For other than what is may not say 'tis But to impose on blind a fool's design As thorns about the brow of Christ -define Not him, but those who mock, with emphasis: Less puncto see and pundit silent pass Mankind from truth will ever wander on Since never earthly learned can know the truth. Each for himself must struggle from the mass Less absolute, as absolute, be gone And leave the world to manners all uncouth. -28- III. What is, has been, or may be will comprise What living men know and philosophy As knowledge sum, whatever it may be. But other showing man as knowledge prize And actual of value all deprived. Whence knowledge once a sensibility Of a present conditionality Must helpless self-persistence enterprise: Among a numberless as useless crew Of fancies earthly born that mocking scorn Intrusion of celestially born truth, And true philosophy can little do As struggling light of a dawning morn In lifting darkness from life yet in youth. -29— IV. To knowledge be, the knowing must assize, Some truth that actual persistence holds To an existence in time, young or old: Moreover such persistence must apprise Man's being of condition that arise When unrevealed relations blent unfold The things we as reality behold. And not what human reason may surmise: Whence come as from some hidden source The baseless fabric filling human mind As mummery of knowledge never known. As if in mere supposing lay resource Of knowledge lacking helpless human kind If tardy seem their maker's method grown. —30— The mystery complexity betrayed In harking backward to relations blent In manner several show single bent As semblance of condition on parade That life's reality might be displayed, Resolves to mystery of one intent Found permeating every event For obedience nothing should evade: Wherefore if man evade he gains no end That knowledge can to consciousness propose As worthy suifering its quest insure, Since no philosophy will course defend Of outcast one whom reason make suppose Self-effort only welfare can secure. -31— VI. While being as a semblance of unshown Relation in condition blent impress Sensation, it in turn will being stress And a third being thus existence own; Which, when as conscious state of being known, An endless thirst for knowledge will unbless Till rightful obedience it address To absolute condition whence 'twas blown: To flower into knowing creature man According to design creative will Disclosed in structure of the universe. Whence will philosophy, since knowledge, ban Presumption that by mere supposing fill The world with learning namelessly perverse. 32- VII. That fair imagination paints a place Delusion haunts, and little wonder ware Poor mortals never of the meager fare They barter birthright for when fancy chase; That absolute condition will not trace Again the pathway none have trodden bare; Nor absolute philosophy declare That ever guidance led a willful race: Perhaps fools, liars, hypocrites ignore, Or pride may shorten sight to present ease, But the ''damned spot" doth not for this eiface, Nor is there here ''a mind disease" to cure, But vanity that silly fancy please. And, lo! ''the poor" is then the human race. -33- VIII. Relation in creative scheme suffice The universal work so well perform That understand none mystery of form, Wherein is unity concealed device That aggregations numberless entice, Obedient creatures all, to swarm Confines wide universal, saving norm Man, sold by self to self for paltry price: voiceless, ever saying wherefrom all Of earth have birth and mirth, or dearth, or worth, Tell wayward man why simple being is. That he too knowing whereto he is called May boldly trusting to his worthy birth Find heaven's kingdom is for taking his. —34— IX. Formation in each aggregation speak For being monody monotonous In ever saying truth is obvious; Yet! Reason, an imagination's freak, Persuading creatures they are strong when weak. And ever making knowledge dubious To prove contention of the curious Who vitals tear from life with preying beak: Not powers, principalities or age, As hypocrites pretend believe prevail O'er man, but only self-pride bite him sore Whose pestilent infection naught assuage Till earth to earth and dust to dust avail Slow evolution wrong to make no more. -35- X. Though aggregation form, as semblance place, Where mere sensation will substantial find Unseen relation force conditioned mind Form aggregation ever set to face Perception shall be as fixed for the case; Then, saving mystery itself defined. Will nothing more be seen by living kind Who portion theirs each take with kindred race: As absoluteness hedging in mankind Is demarkation unmistakable Of bounds that earthly creatures cannot pass, So, likewise, will their knowledge be defined As consciousness indistinguishable Among conditions that each encompass. -36— XL The genesis of consciousness led to A method of relation unrevealed Withholds from pride the self esteem concealed In postulate that so-called reason show, The truth without a motor aid bestow; Moreover would a guideless reason yield A knowledge spurious to lead afield The hapless creature trusting thereto: While amount of false logic man's mind stand Betray besotting influence of sin So-called, against the Holy Ghost, so named, Or, otherwise, mere consciousness demand Implicit be obedience within A scheme designing-will for all had framed. -37 XIL The life of mere imagination rage Where actual condition should subsist And man's entire obedience enlist Where never one its service now engage; And this has been since recollection's age The obvious reverse of aught that wist Creation's care among the stretching list Of generations history can page: Behold! He still stands knocking at the door; If any man will open unto him, Then life will enter in and with him sup. And absolute philosophy before Your mind holds light (that never any trim) That shows held to your lips a poisoned cup. Xlil. If seems Relation and Condition named Causation bidding being to exist And their awaiting pleasure to persist. Infirmity of language be ashamed If thus creative power is defamed While consciousness that reason fails to hist Knows primal one has only cause to list; If need be any praised or any blamed: Whence, one assembly must as whole ordain And vice of reason thus make obvious If nonsense is co-ordinating cause; Since speed no bar receiving rate maintain Self-pride in creature is made dubious, Perchance, pretension never giving pause.. -39- XIV. As mortal being fact of being con It sees all enter life without recourse And all continue it without resource A meaningless as endless, wobegone Procession from and to unknown beyond, Whereas philosophy perceives in force A lawful as an orderly concourse Of being that an Actual lead on: From absolute, whence all conditions come, To absolute, whither all ever go, Without exception, question or a doubt. And consciousness of interval will sum All knowing any being ever know When overgrowth of fancy shall die out. -40— XV. If any saw at any time he saw Cbwn Reason showing consciousness as act Where absolute philosophy gave fact Since truth is once and never more by law: If language that synonymous make flaw And act is fact and fact is act, distract Poor clown, his cap and bells will still attract And pot will boil however gained applause: Since words that will define no state are dead And truth is not sustained by earthly food All living sight, all living truth has lost; In vain imagination o'er all spread A blinding veil the sightless ever brood On what the endless round they tread has cost. -41— XVI. If granted all that Kidd virtually said In Social Evolution, that man vow To super-natural things only bow, Still would imagination be outspread Entangling net wherein man's feet will tread: No nature, hence, nor super-nature row, Where absolute philosophy saw how An unconditioned all conditioned bred: And less to absolute all things man trace He never will be other than the myth That now imagination bids exist: Nor less to absolute all things shall face Will consciousness find actual wherewith To banish imagery that thus persist. -42- XVII. Admit mere reason regulates desire Allays dull care, dismisses idle fear, Restrains vain hope, apprise of danger near, And generally life, that wants inspire, Forwards against whatever bids retire. Defines man's rights, appraises holdings dear, Describes a wrong, forbids a seeking drear. And decks temporal life in best attire: » Lest (sic): "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: "If any man hear my voice, and will open "The door, I will come into him and will "Sup with him, and he with me." Quoad hoc: Is reason sin to sup with self be token That, metaphorically, make life nill. -48- XVIII. While Actual essential mystery In all, no semblance of condition sown Wide broadcast as the Universal Shown Proclaims sensation ever did it see. Where mystery meets sensibility Both cease what seem (or blend we say) and lone Perception from creative hand has flown, To aggregate in time humanity: Flights, never faltering, chance any one Meet mystery and other flights come still, And so on till creation's cup run o'er, Perchance, a flight shall meet like self all's done If aggregates self -pride as mortal will That must forth lonely wander ever more. -44- XIX. Awake, behold! The Actual within Perception, shunning sight as timid hart, Mysterious constituent impart That will a sensibility new coin When meeting humble consciousness to join. Of life above mere animative part Of any creature that creative art Designed to live in world that it see in: Whence seeing humble ourselves all the while As sure mysterious constituent Obedient awaits humility. Alas, self-pride mankind can so beguile That foolish vanity so evident Can under ban put all humanity. -45— XX. Perception came to parting of the ways When ever did ill or well first deride Mankind for one or other to decide Till he forgot how all his many days A leading hand had led, as through a maze, His heedless steps, bent ear to subtle pride Soft whispering that he himself could ride The waves that break in vast eternal haze: And once mankind on portless voyage sail With mystery Perception hid on board, An outcast stow away that none perceive. From age to age are blown without avail Less chance that stow away to sight restored As captain port of consciousness achieve. -46- XXI. Perception, which mankind so highly prize, Not only consciousness, but, sportively, Awoke, existence shown by imagery, So well, where mare perceptions blent apprise Of semblances no creative plan comprise, Though once they led man in idolatry And now lead him in mere profanity Of life creation's plan should enterprise: And thus profane world generation on To generation goes though plainly will Each generation see 'tis mummery. Since life from whence creative purpose gone Is empty mockery that can fulfill No end defined in any summary. -47- XXII. Since images that perception yield mankind Will represent indifferently all, Or any form of semblance, actual Or visionary, as alike, man's mind, As a collection of them, needs must find The worth of its store is provisional On only garnering conditional States, absolute condition has defined: And obviously, even being man, As a creation, corresponds with mere Predominance of the true or false kind Of images in a brain, and only can He be create which actual uprear. Since knowledge only forms the human kind. -48- XXIII. Granted, faltering of human life in course Created plan for it defined is seen As incongruity enough to wean Man's reason from trust that initial source Unfailingly him and all issue forth, Still will a conscious life recoil from scene That independent entity will mean However stioutly reason may discourse: Creation may include as incomplete Full many a scheme, evolution slow Will bring symmetrical development: And greater far than halting human feet As open inconsistency will show While not disclosing growing increment. XXIV. While actual conditions disappear . And prove Relation has mobility, Conditioned once, Idea quantity Becomes, that to perception ever clear Dismemberment of state need never fear. And possible, hence, that perversity Of being now displaces humanity Creation contemplated on earth to rear: A world of living creatures wholly glad To live and do obediently all Its purpose unrevealed to them required. And world would be so now if only had Man knowledge that philosophy will call A consciousness of Truth as it transpired. -50- XXV. Creative contemplation though aside Be set, tomorrow stands as yesterday, But helpless being willfully astray Not only labor of returning stride Endure, but all the pain of wounded pride, And discontent, that only to obey From disobedient will put away, While violated will to do still abide: Were reason attribute to human kind No reasoner would knowingly contend That self-sufficient creature could exist. But logic only serves the wholly blind As pride is to beginning or the end Of life in which awhile it may persist. -51- XXVL, Unseen, Relation burden solely bear Whenever a condition state display That actual existence will betray, Perversity of being, hence, may dare Inquisitiveness face without a care, And whimsical propensity let play Since knowledge never will attempt portray So mythical a feature as despair: That characterize worldly planning man Extemporized but for ascenic scene And not for an abiding entity, Whence vainly spending being on his plan And trusting never strength on which must lean All who go faceward to eternity. -52- XXVll. Within the house of Rimmon manners strange Mankind are making bow, as Naaman did When, knowing that within his breast is hid Dissent which shown a custom would derange, He bowed, lest master's favor he estrange. They bow in mummery, while Truth amid Their multitude the cerenjony bid See the desecration of its earthly grange: A sight, where worldly kingdom earth has grown Displace awhile that heaven planned for time And mumming figures that mumm are self -create, But in a heaven's kingdom overthrown Poor Truth, like manhood wasting all its prime, Sees cast away wherein was all estate. -53- XXVIII. When mindful how no inconsistency Creative plan perplex, man crowding far Within the house of Rimmon maze lest jar The firm foundation of Philosophy. But then recall immovability As propositional all else to bar Till fabrications universal are Bereft of seeming certainty: Forced reconcile anotnalous event Of two and rival kingdoms claiming earth To policy blank opposite in plan Remembering how thought is freedom lent As image unconstrained from very birth By exigency to endower man. •54- XXIX. A proposition: prepositional To imagery of presence in sense felt Of actuality: is ever spelt, By consciousness, as abstract actual: Persisting unperceived as well, withal. As when perceived: an image nothing pelt Against without itself is backward dealt As if by something quite perpetual: Whence seen non-actual relation come As mystery unveiled to simulate In imagery that actual won't deal: And budding thence has blossomed forth till dome Of all creation cannot estimate Imaginary being that existence steal. -55- XXX. Would consciousness to wantonness give pause Mankind might hear despite repressing hush A voice significant speak in mere gush How break and still retake His any laws; Hear fountains say, "We leap not for applause Who wish to kiss the sun," and then to blush And backward fall to where waters flush The pools that overflow and oceans cause: Who, when with force behind rejoice, till find. Resistance greater is before obey, And quickly turn to possibility. And teach that never any of mankind An absolute condition will gainsay. And conscious be of mere security. —56- XXXI. Within the house of Rimmon, an one ween, Is instance of imaginary state, Whereon creation's self bid patient wait. Displacing actual now to be seen: Where vanity in man incites to preen Himself awhile the loitering slow gait Of evolution seeks an open gate In barrier that now from future screen: Whereon worldly wisdom so-called might note How futile efforts be that abiding none But idle break upon eternity. That men in finding themselves so remote From any useful purpose to be done Will turn again to their paternity. -57- XXXII. When propositional pre-absolute Proud worldly wisdom ignore and affront While endless quest according what be wont, Though evident beginning is the root Whence any end whatever be will shoot, It characterize those as blind who shunt Themselves thus, from creative plan, and brunt Of mere existence bear alike the brute: Creative vanity misleading all To trust pride's aimless guidance rather than Endure humility designed for them And choosing thus imaginary thrall Become no less imaginary man Though seeing not themselves alone condemn, -58— XXXIII. As all creation will pause while the man Imaginary riots on its bourse, Philosophy, as knowledge will, of course, Since knowledge only does creative plan. As idle stand, with vacant hands, till clan Imaginary shall expand by force Of inexhaustibleness of its source To myth, and life goes on as it began: Whence knowledge only be the truth exposed And solely truth escapes creative art In execution of creator's plan. Thence while imaginary learning grows As sure attenuation does its part. Till, blossomed, fades imaginary man. -59— XXXIV. If force sustaining imagery, behight Propensity, stay every problem drought, What brought confused vitality about; Philosophy, for problem has no light. Its only gift complete in single sight. All imcomplete, is past its finding out, Lest it become imaginary lout. And darkness prove to be another night: Than rhythm absent, where no sensation find And fell confusion, imagery has found. Spreads over dead persistence like a pall, O'er which, alone, light thought, as something blind Within what may imagination bound. In circling flight flies on without recall. -60- XXXV. A propositional abstractional Remain, that proposition may include An indisputable, as well exclude Disputable, in sphere provisional To stand immovable conditional. Whence comprehension never to conclude But ever know what thereto did intrude Lest venturing become habitual: As in imaginary personage Usurp the functionality bestowed On creature by a providential hand, And rashly venturing themselves engage To journey through their lives without a road That they can see or guide they can command. 61- XXXVI. Abstractional, as propositional, Is truth which all mankind perceive who know, While being is to seem, condition show: In seeming all they will find actual: But truth hies far beyond that temporal Man, metaphisically, finds where grow, Since aught or naught will equally bestow The absolute's co-eval principle: While truth is evidence condition give Condition evidence it to mankind As mutually other each define. In which is sense, in which is Christ said live. And speak in sense in which a man will find. Or lose a life as gift, or not, devine. -62- XXXVII. See: chaotic abyss Truth only fill; Whence spectral of mere nothingness it chase Away; and then imagination face To scorn its shameful offering: free will. All not true, putting bullish thought to grill, For ever may imagination trace, And lead through nameless misery the race Of man unconscious ever, of truth, still: Rescued: so simple is the problem life Present in living mortal man, none goad Will wait, concerning thing so obvious. Since are pride, selfishness, and will found rife, Where only can imagination load Imaginary creed on curious. XXXVIII. Bare imagery, perception wist of old, Is abstract propositional that man Originate, what seem do under ban, Consideration force relax, less hold An incomplete intentionally bold. Dilemma whence, seems any creature can Presumptuously its creator's plan Exploit, as creature's fancy mind to mold: As testify six thousand years or more Of lean and gruesome history, it know. None philosophically lived or died. If ever will while Reason find encore For silly jest at any board, let flow, That actuality of food deride. —64- XXXIX. In errant imagery vicarious Provisional humanity today, All consciousness of truth by life delay; Excluding rightful being, spurious Impersonation wholly curious, Usurps its office with complacency That nothing will, apparently, dismay; Inexplicable as presumptuous: Assuming function as a property Of all condition that relation place. Mere imagery, itself, its self provides With simulation of that mystery Wherewith, itself, construct its self false-face And all creation utterly derides. —65— XL. Philosophy, as knowledge of the truth, Within the house of Rimmon cannot bow, As Naaman did, preserving scathless brow, By reservation; easily, forsooth, When any broken, willing only ruth. Is simple matter, mending, and endow With former state inviolate;— Or now. Restore to age its long departed youth: But knowledge is to be philosophy; Therefore philosophy is ever true As even to existence it attain; Since knowledge is stress actuality Bestow as consciousness; whatever rue, A definition that leaves it inane. -66- XLI. It is hard, Paul, to kick against the pricks^ And an eternity were all too short, Wherewith imagination to consort, And fly sight of that absolute affix; Were reason else than idle fancy tricks^ A boundless curiosity cavort, Amusing ever self with self-retort. None would ignore plain impress of Physics: Whence: Consciousness will find wherewith to be Condition actual, and not emprise Imagination with a mortal race; Whence: What find consciousness of verity, ''Fools, liars, hypocrites" alone despise, And like you, Paul, will grievous make their case. —67— XLII. Wherewith imagination feeds the flock That know its voice and faithful follows steps, Is question that all knowledge intercepts, Less find it pasturage on sterile rock; Whence: Consciousness shall some day wake with shock To find imagination man accepts And hence imagination man adepts In life, which should with knowledge interlock: That while imagination solecize, Far from an actual condition stray And conscious cannot be of any state: A patent fact that hardly justifies, For absolute philosophy, Christ pay The only life, yet shown, immaculate. —68- XLIIL While vagrant, parenthetically, speak All men to self: "Why spectral purpose haunt My life?"— though many petty purpose flaunt Before their eyes that win aside the weak Attention to a present need;— Or freak Of fancy, that disguise as needful want, A while may exorcise the spectre gaunt. The vision stays, persistent, silent, meek: Wherefore: While Huxley's living found to give A pother troublesome, most others find Delusion is its needful remedy; Since all, by putting purpose off, can live Their lives in peace, perchance, the onward grind Of wheel of time will cease its monody. —69- XLIV. The man abstractional, for knowledge mete, Will come; for him philosophy await, And him, whom im.agery refuse now state, The tables turning will give honored seat, Ignoring imagery by simple feat, That actual man all perception sate, Whose likeness imagery failed imitate Since he alone creative purpose meet: Imperviousness yet is absolute Accretion that persistence give to all, As wealth submission earn, and long retain; Hence imagery may even long dispute An actual's right to be known, withal, But time, in spite of fact, will right maintain. —70— XLV. Dependence, actual man, would alone Distinguish from an imitation race; But mere excluding him from rightful place Proclaims a fact that makes creation groan; Since absolute condition this disown; And wakes to life propensity, that chase Creative purpose from the earth, till trace Of consciousness of it is nowhere known: Now: All mankind both see and know all this. And yet pride, selfishness and love of will Make them all live as if it were not sure; And now: Again, who, or what, fashion bliss That these fools, liars, hypocrites love still. If ever any length of life procure? -71- XLVI. No errant man man-actual shall be Within conditions that relation blend, Except creative plan in faulting end; Withal: Establishing uncertainty, Invalidating actuality, All knowledge, its self to save, jettisoned The phantom ship Creation when freight send Adrift on voyage to Nihility: Enough Philosophy, detecting drift In all pretension to an earthly cult Gleans absolute in Actuality; And even so: Perception as a gift Relation free bestow, sees not result, But a creational activity. -72— XLVir. While "abstract," "absolute" and "actual," Or words equivalent in speech, assign No state sensation ever will devine; The terms, and others like, provisional Place meekly ask; perchance, sensational Insensibility, without design, Symbolical-predicament define For them, to save a labor critical: Departing not, however, by their tact. From obvious position held outside The language of conventional mankind; Where safe as sound in non-semblantic fact Perception never-felt awaiting bide To lead true creature so it truth will find. -73- XLVIII. Condition disappearing with unseen Relation; compound vanishing when to Its elements resolved; discernment slow, As mere sensibles, to arrive; had been Instantly possible as mental scene, Perchance, perceptive-trait allowed to show Created creatures how create things know Without sensation fumbling between: Since abstract, which sensation never felt, As palpably suborn perceptive-trait, As ever object did sensation stress: What has sensation in the object spelt That simply terming sensed defined as state Of knowing that no other shall possess? -74- XLIX. All palpable; oppressive as debris Seen scattered over desert plain, content, Alone, motionless, grave keeping monument Of history^ unknown; humanity. As fragments of creative policy Long since inoperative and ill spent. Is testimony of abandonment By an absent unknown divinity: Witness: Pride, selfishness and errant will. Distrust, uncharitable greed, and care. Desire, hope, wonder, fear, man's soul engage; While vain imagination over spill, No actual makes consciousness aware That else than vanity show space or age. —75- All knowledge is of abstract only cast: As physics is the truth behind each ace That semblance of condition ever place Will shameful-day of prideful-man go past. If physical, what is, as is, stand fast: Philosophy as knowledge of the case, Becoming conscious sight of human race. Will knowledge absolute give man at last: As semblance only will sensation stress Sensation never can the truth proclaim Since semblance only be as other seem; While only will, the truth, perception bless, ■ Perception only will for truth light flame That brighter, longer, than the sun can beam. LI. As dark behind made dark before, will light Before make light behind, so dawning truth, In showing what-is, as is, would uncouth, Imaginary fancies put to flight, By putting what-is, as is, out of sight. One wrote the genesis of doubt, in youth, And, baring every bosom thus to ruth, All following still follow him through night: Whence, genesis of mercy show the age. The year, the day, the hour, when darkness fell, Displacing light, that was and is man's right. beardless youth, whose coming will presage, Or this, or that, awake to rightly spell What is, as is, and put the night aflight. LII. In lan^ age of de sive imagery Art faith," ' alief," ''persuade," ''convince," "assure," And Wo " .v3, that are unable to lure Forth manifesting conditionality'; — Sensation, hence, insensibility; — Which, ever for perception, while demure, A measurable quantity procure Of the one absolute persistency: And were it possible that semblance be Unstamped as fabrication of the hand Creative of the universal w^hole; And, made a human reason possible. Still would its predicate as abstract stand To shame the sapiency of its role. -78- LIII. One able reasoner saw "knowledge" ran, — "Activity of subject;'' and, pardee! "A basis of" possible "certainty": Alack! Such subject never life began. If life according to creative plan Receive endowment of activity For any useful productivity, Presumptive author even dare to scan: If breath is wide and deep enough to say, "Activity of subject," and survive. No wonder logic has its day in court; Nor while unit of a compound play The truant, even so-called reason strive Of serious creation to make sport. -79 LIV. New points of view, however, turn about Whatever objects reasoners believe Unaided reason rightly to perceive; And so: Six thousand years to puzzle out, That active-subject will all darkness route. Require six thousand more to undeceive Possessor of the field, the routed leave, Perchance, activity, strength from without: Since knowledge is activity within A subject 'tis, hence; never of the same. Less equal two each other trouble gave; Not otherwise will certainty be in Activity-subjective than as fame Of actuation, which may it enslave. -80- LV. ''Activity of subject": or perceived Impersonal: no reasoner reforms, While vice of logic still his wit deforms; And pride makes, easily as fool, believe Imaginary power he receive, Which, while as independent action storms, Impotency personified, conforms To nothing that creative mind conceived: Nor ever will: Less fruitless trust in self, Include some Babel tower building high, Till falling crushes vain reason out of him; Or, senseless creature, from mere seeking pelf Awaking to the truth before he die. Abandons living aimless life of whim. -81- LVI. All tactual sensation make aware Aside from vicious reason making free With words that bear no taint of imagery, To creature, that creation let it share In what for purpose sole it chose prepare. Whence: Is the whole extent of certainty That leaves subjective no activity. But properly creation all declare: And just as obviously all creatures hear, Or see, or feel, or know in any way That only which creation shall declare; And just as obviously all creatures fear. Or care, or want, or any burden may In perfect safety let creation bear. -82- LVII. Ere fallacy man's hapless life invade, Invention of vain reason bond mankind Subjective to else than creative mind, And plainly tells that it the race betrayed; — Whence fallacious which reason first displayed As empty blandishment of pride — all find It wholly useless, aimless, stupid, blind, Gross, vicious living, that all good evade: And many specious propositions brief To ever plead enticingly before A creature eaten up with vanity; Till now philosophy, with helpless grief, Sees life mere wreckage amid rush and roar Of waters sweeping to non-entity. LVIII. Unless of absolute intelligent Twofold dismay encounters every life; First: Less be absolute, is nothing rife; And last: Less knowing, never be content: Which any seeing ever evident, Will ever after understand why strife An absolute philosophy must fife, If save mankind from deadly argument: But never woeful message Christ brought man In saying that he must be born again To enter heaven's kingdom of the blest: Since Heaven is to understand the plan That absolute condition will explain And new life consciousness of truth attest. -84- LIX. Philosophy today tomorrow may Not knowledge be; for each, as twinkle eye, Condition else, 'tis sure, is passing by; Save one alone that unconditioned stay, Beginning not, nor ever pass away; Whereof to come, whereto return, imply That being only temporal they ply Who to condition hold but for a day: But not as gloom, dense settled down o'er all. Will ever any ending overcast All knowledge philosophy command; Perception, even as some conscious trawl. Lets false escape, while truth still holding fast. And haul of truth philosophy will land. -85- LX. Could Life, demurring human creature poise As occupying attitude desired, If ever, with election, choice expired; What more would gain? Thus imagery employs A method that creative will destroys; And thus to be necessity required All gained by freedom discontent inspired. Than under a creative plan enjoys: Though abstract pose of abstract truth, affright A falsehood quicker than will any fact Imposter openly can imitate; For, lingering hereditary right Of abstract in all fact enforce to act, Conditions all, as one that hesitate. —86— LXI. Since from relation all condition wake And have persistence in existing case, Cessation of persistence is by grace, Returning any fact, without mistake, From whence all came, where to remain, and make It possible that abstract hidden race Await Relation's pleasure to replace, As if again a former state retake: A semblance of condition in life pose; Alike will abstract being indicate Precise phase of a possibility; Whence potency of matter will suppose An abstract able to re-enter state Of sensible conditionality. -87- LXIL If to relation all condition go When cease persistence to existence lend, And one sole abstract prove begin or end Unstable fact that one or any know; That universe, or any atom show, Can mere deception of sensation mend, Orvtrick of fallacy suffice to send, Their instability as truth to know: While mighty truth is germinal, or would Be any terminal of quantity Or quality discernible by man; Profanity, though never any good It bear, excusable when polity To substitute with him creative plan. —88— LXIII. All truth with man is germinal: To know Is stress of growth in consciousness alone; Since letting creature knowing power own, Creation, that creative all bestow. Would independent other overthrow; Hence chaos reign, and order overthrown, From all existence even truth has flown, Or vanished on condition's ebbing flow: But as conditions come and go, so be An abstract state imposed, whereof compound All quantities that are proportionate; Condition, hence, disclose not unity Of compound, since relations new, not bound Of old, attest that abstract all create. —89- LXIV. No law immense or intricate disclose Creation of a universe or part, Or particle thereof, or diverse art In variation ask two ends to close; Beginning of an endlessness impose All sameness but to grow, hence, closing art, Where two old die if one new live, the start Revealed ;— and how creation onward goes: But will philosophy be dull indeed, Nor see, as all perceive, each closing bound Relations, not apart, but present bind. Nor matter be, if mystery or speed A particle, or universe surround. Pervade, or what, if somehow 'tis confined. -90— LXV. Creation of an actual impose An abstract possible whose quality Is non-create or abstract-unity. Hence actual no character expose, Of what constituent may it compose, And, to increase, or to decrease, will be Of combination a sole property. And never variation more disclose: So even will an abstract state declare If actual escape reduction to Non-entity or be perpetual And either of alternatives prepare That further difficulty will accrue How nothing to maintain while actual. -91- LXVI. The crucial prepositional before Unborn posterity, humanity, In order of all being, must deputy Send fumbling on into life no more Than rightly; no more than abstract score; No more than heedless of their ancestry Take humbly, despite propensity, What may creation have for them in store: Depending safely on, so searching out Is truth, the bounty of initial some To guide, direct, govern all aright; So will a being in-apt turn about And blossom into fruitage all welcome Since understanding come to them by sight. -92- LXVII. No more: Than that he understand by sight Is asked of man. This light sheds wisdom old Tradition taught when righteous held, though bold And bad, those ancient ones who saw aright; And ever evolution keep this light, Though dimly burning now in mist and cold, A gleam where worldly darkness all enfold, That still creation lends by day and night: Whence: Weighty consequence awaiting stale, If ever blindly stepping backward bring To goal, that sight-ward going would event, While feather weight of reason turn the scale; And Harlequin and Columbine still sing And dance as if to live were merriment. -93- LXVIII. It pesters not one jot, philosophy That temporal comes as' a morning dawn, As picture darkness leaves behind when drawn, If in relations blent beginning see Apostle of the truth, that knowledge be; Who cannot for rest, mission ever pawn, That bids him ever follow star that v/arn Where infant truth is born to deity: Whence plain the aptitude of sense must stay Proportionate of quantity sense bound To satisfy philosophy and all; While knowledge pushing only quantity Is fact implying quantity is ground. Not quality, whence truth will grow, withal. -94- LXIX. A quantity came when Relation blent; As empty space to any body yield, The unconditioned once gave up a field Whereof condition-space is measurement; Condition, hence, is unit of extent That quantity find ever unconcealed, However, or wherever be revealed. Itself by absolute made evident: And knowledge terminate, and fitly end. As consciousness of all, and what, create. Nor any form imagination hold; For absolute, as abstract, all defend, That unconditioned, as deity great, Initiate and keep as did unfold. -95— LXX. Philosophy, as quantity, be less When knowledge as a quantity be more Than quantity, philosophy can score; Hence quality less quantity possess. Sensation never can put under stress; Since semblance of condition cannot store Shades protean as quality before Proportionate of quantity duress: Since semblance of condition unity Possess by holding unit under stress, As quantity, however, change will stay; While quality as mere diversity. Stress more or less of quality, more or less Enforced, with dying force will melt away. -96- LXXL On pride of earthly creature rests the blame That dubious, truth obvious, is made; Since serving folly's empty masquerade Of only living value robs the fame Of the one actual enduring name Among all temporal, that naught invade In manner whatsoever to degrade, Less life itself fly self from very shame: As well, as also obvious, as not, If given over to supposing vain Of earthly bound, inventive, creature's mind; Mere hapless failures of haphazzard lot Without plan, purpose or design, inane As stick or stone, and hopelessly as blind. -97— LXXII. So loth acknowledge he himself to self, With is, as is, the whole creative plan, And there as merest creature be a man. To writhe as disenvironed worm; as elf. Or nondescript, to mangle air; than pelf Of poor pride yield; had rather he, since can Persuade himself he may, than truth to scan That make of him a piece of common delf : Hence, less himself to self an abstract show, Persuade himself no abstract be, though plain With pride all wind up in non-entity; But is, against not, is enough to know. Whence actual, not empty show, maintain The cause of truth against profanity. -98- LXXIII. But small appears discordant note of pride When in relation mere of quantity Creation seen bear opportunity; Nay, if could be discretion cast aside, Or worBe, its own creation seem deride; For entering in of propensity To break its score and spoil all harmony. And hence admit that reason creatures guide: But never will pliilosophy why ask, And never will philosophy see hence Since sheer correlation of mere to be; What knowledge show philosophy will task. But: Neither ever even make pretence To probe perversion or a mystery. -99- LXXIV. Relation mere of quantity compel Perception semblance of a semblance note As if condition of condition mote The mystery of quantity dispel By history of quality it tell; Or mystery nearby prove antidote For mystery, still hidden and remote, In what primeval darkness all befell: Nor only mystery one more thereby The burden living creature bear increase; Since quality, insatiable, demand Its choice ere even creature venture try, Or trust the mocking forms its sight release, Or want forbid it even to withstand. LofC. —100— LXXV. Less be existence that condition wake Frail structures that relation may recall, A potency of mystery bids all Relation mere of quantity forsake Not willfully a quantity it make; Wherein: Enslaved and impotent befall That creature-will bid come and go, withal, As if an earthly bondage never break: Wherein: A ghastly mockery will lurk If semblance of obedience persuade A man himself a potency display. Wherein: Perception even find a work, Less overlooking mockery degrade Its sight, till falsehood easily betray. -101- LXXVI. As quality: Let stand relation mere Of quality as object to which be As subject you or I, philosophy Thereon awaiting result to appear, Which abstract has long since, ere ever hear The proposition, unmistakably Perceived and put aside unerringly To fill its proper place in proper sphere: In turn as precisely mark even we A quality where naught become a lot, If other one become as none the nonce; For object find a subject verily As subject find an object with no plot Or purpose than each other soundly trounce. -102— LXXVII. "As distance lends enchantment to a view," Will distance great or small unlike relate The object and the subject, both innate, Though change the scene; so quality as true Retain condition abstract naught undo When objective with subjective is mate, In manner neither ever indicate, Though manifest relation of the two: And all activity initiate As thence; and likewise semblance issue forth Since impulse sole within continuous; And hence stability will intimate That unity must certainly bear worth, Since all acknowledge it imperious. -103- LXXVIII. Since single never manifested to sense, In language only will the term attain Provisional import that aught sustain; All "objects" and all "subjects" compounds, hence, Ere ever unit-playing they commence; Relation staying only whence it strain Condition never any unit gain That unto other ever evidence: Hence license of a language will confound All contemplation of creation made By man through stretching ages wearisome; And ever safe to say that no profound Realisation of condition grade The thought that unity assumes the sum. —104- LXXIX. While unity: Sensation seeming trace Make all humanity sensation blind ; Perception: Leaves the truth undefined; Awaiting evolution of a race That actual condition truly face Ere functioning, as once for all designed, As faculty unerringly to find The single pathway to creative grace: And never wishing, praying, preaching, nor Supposing or assuming hide man's shame, That all perceive except himself alone, Who absolute condition will abhor Because it simply must deny him fame That granted would break creature's own backbone. -105- LXXX. Did unity come: Consequences sly- Remote and various enough would shame The sorry jest sensation make its name; Itself made consequent, but multiply The mystery sensation vainly fly; Nor clearer yet disclose whence being came, Nor plainer show whither be going same. Than absolute condition signify: In unconditioned knowledge may begin. As unity indefinite allow. Infinite subdivision easily; Whereas: It, calling, unity find in Will knowledge haste to make departing bow To visit betters of known-unity. 106- LXXXI. While actual to know mark knowledge act, Condition of an actuality Like operation of a faculty Remains as seeming uninvolved fact, Which habit of assuming leaves intact Till fail perception stress, till quietly Fades into unconditionality, And baseless thence assumption thrives; alack: And hence, persistence of condition made Once manifest defines the time and scope Of knowledge that can be of any use; ' yince knowledge of condition not afraid To stake the source of all with all the rope It need, less do itself unkind abuse. —107— LXXXIL While actual not known mark abstract fact, Since actual retain consistency' Persistence of conditionality Impose on all formation while intact; Hence functionality alone seen act, Mark knowledge sharing mutability That characterize functionality Of unity that never any track: Wherefore: Must knowledge, even other grade Of fact than actual-arrayed, accept As propositionally proven proof; ' Thence: As if actual dethroned, parade Reduction to an abstract as concept That mark all fact when seen in tender youth. -108- LXXXIII. Aye, tantamount to time of tender youth, Perception's failure to perceive defeat Man's longing for a knowledge all complete; When dull philosophy suppose, forsooth, Asleep the while in somewhat handy booth Allows important man consider feat He next attempt to finish quite as neat As drawing time's one stump of gnawing tooth: As merrymakers may behind the scene Conduct themselves unknown in manner list While lookerson await their coming jest; Perception saw and knowledge holds, has been And is, may see; and yet to be insist On privacy till duly manifest. -109- LXXXIV. As to abstraction all perception lead, And never will sensation truth invade, And every condition come as made; Relation writes mankind the only creed, If any living willingly will heed, In script of consciousness that never fade, Since evolutionized race it persuade Creative grace suffice for all its need : In one and lonely truth whereof consists Philosophy, or knowledge, or perceived. If either, or all, shall contain what sought. Bare consciousness whereof mankind enlists. Nor any other serving them relieved, Creation doing all that shall be wrought. 110- LXXXV. As true to truth what is, not other be, Lest false be truth and either be as none And nondescript sole inning had begun. Not speech, but quantity speaks really, Each volume owning volubility; Creation, hence, all or none, if all one And doing all if anything be done. And knowing this is true philosophy: Not fancy, mystery or history. Nor any teacher, preacher, man or saint Avail a being lacking consciousness Of the condition under which it be; Whereof must each himself a picture paint Just as condition him thereto shall stress. Ill LXXXVI. Condition manifesting mystery To consciousness, itself the while makes clear As lying wholly in a mortal's sphere; Whence asking no impossibility That man shall know conditionality; And greatly ease his own position ere A habit of dependence cast out fear And conscious creature wholly trust deity: Great knowledge glow! Perception all agog! And gorgeous philosophy astride! While simple truth, a childhood's toy, is lost. A single needle haystack-fancy clog, While garments wearing with rents gaping wide A stitch or two would mend at little cost. 112- LXXXVII. Aghast as blank with civilization stare When falling scale from self -admiring eyes Disclose to sight that only truth still hies About appointed work, without a care How vanity of vanities may fare, Or how its reason scorns such enterprise, As only colors such as fancy plies Will paint the critic's picture of despair: Were knowledge lowly and perception less And still philosophy beneath the two, Perchance, the truth would not evade man so. Where one is all none other can profess The doing that that one can only do. Yet reason reasons it away will show. -113- LXXXVIII. As Christ is Truth, to man his kingdom stands Still firmer than conceivable of rock If that withstand untottering a shock That other fabrications quite disbands. To be or not, the whole of thought commands And either standing will all other block, And thence can never question be to mock The simple sight that consciousness demands: Not deity, but greater than a god, Since undefined remains beyond confines That be, however great, still less than all. How be one and speak of, or to, a clod? As impudent stupidity defines A civilized humanity, withal. —114- LXXXIX. Aye, civilization tried as other scheme Time and again have been and wanting found, Will after while begin to crumble down, And living man have dreamt another dream; Belike creation jealous guards to seem Whereof it pleased condition only sound, Since else than manifestation would astound And not enlighten finite of a supreme: And any scheme humanity advise Itself about no justification find In face of fact creation stand or fall On adequacy for the enterprise, Humanity attempts, while conscious blind. Itself direct: For ends of self, withal. —115— xc. If man a part somehow become supreme, Of course, a new creation then would be. Perception new and new philosophy, Then sentiment condition only beam And poets pleasing fancy fitting gleam. But never prosy fact have entity, Though all go on somehow contentedly. Unlike, indeed, discarded older scheme: Then ho! for world inventive man prepare. Where vanity bids vanity welcome And Time itself must lend to mockery; When heroes find that plenty zeroes stare And smallest learn that smaller yet become, If cease to bear a part in mummery. -116- XCI. Alas, supposing over-much has won A grist slow turning evolution grind, And never justification creature find For wandering from light of burning sun Of truth that ever on appointed course run, To light the day wherein mere mortals blind By night can see their way to rightly wind The maze of life till length of time be done: Creation one and life a part define The single opportunity and scope Of being any living life embrace; And clear that fact of being will confine Its occupation, strictly barring hope. To course and end creative purpose trace. ■117- XCII. Both supposition and assumption blast The expectation either would inspire Before set forth to satisfy desire By willingness to venture being tasked; While absolute condition gives ere asked All to which any creature can aspire, Or seeing rightly even will admire, And all that ever having may hold fast: Whence: Condemnation come upon the world. That absolute condition is rejected And wide imagination to explore; Philosophy has no black flag unfurled, Nor battles for elated or dejected, But seeing blinded ever must deplore. —118- XCIII. Explore imagination is the fact Wherein fool, liar, hypocrite command Alike imaginary feature stand And for a possible creation act: Thence follows it, Dogberry hath the tact Not write himself down ass with his own hand, Though all intelligence thereby disband As endless dreary mummery exact: The worm responsive turns when trod upon, But self-esteeming man complacently Allows the truth to crush him every day: A bladder full of air bursts when trod on. But mere inflation of thin vanity No known force ever seen to put away. -119 XCIV. As manifestation being puts aside All questions and appears, beyond dispute, As act creative of an absolute; Hence: Supposition idle stay beside Array of semblance universal wide; And hence: Hume, Berkeley, Hegel, Kant stand mute, Eke ilk while phantom truth their wits compute As wanting semblance even to deride: And were all manifestation emptiness. How easily in imagination ride — As witches hie on broomstick horse by night- Mankind post haste on purposeless express. Ho! helter-skelter, hurry-scurry wide. For holy city never any sight. —120- xcv. As semblance only manifestation pose: That absolute inviolate remain Though act creative shall begin to reign; And truth commensurate therewith compose That knowledge of condition will disclose; And being, such as living know, attain Without establishing exhaustive drain That would at length to want the whole expose: And many other linkings evident In chain of a nonsensical because: To blind where absolute is unity! And what a deal of trouble would be sent To limbo did mortality "give pause," Ere lightly they suppose philosophy. -121- XCVI. The vice imagination lends to thought Betray mankind to seek explaining cause, While consciousness of truth exact applause For ordination that once for all wrought; And unity, evading as if naught, Still stress conclusions any thinking draws. And mind with merest stupefaction awes, Without in any case explaining aught: As any act in reason to suppose. The wonder is how ever came the thought To speculate on rather than to take, A being that in being but a close Put out of .sight what ever had it brought Less older never let the new awake. —122- XCVIL As mortal father mortal son prolong: So absolute now is, as heretofore, And change may seem to be, but nothing more; Whence: All temporal seeming only strong, While absolute please semblance do no wrong; Be day, or all eternity, the score An atom, or creation, languish o'er As fancy of an absolute they throng: But now: From fancy other fancies grow. Till absolute shall find, if not discern. That who adventure will must fortune rue; Whence how: At last a world is here that show That mortal fancy can all limit spurn, And mere creative fancy far outdo. -123- XCVIII. "Lead, kindly light," is well; "Lead thou me on" Is not: 'tis not well to have gratified Embodied fancy of mere earthly pride. Instead of man of true creative brawn; However be deformed, or wobegone. He even be. For self-pride, to find guide In man's creator, will wholly deride What man's eventuation holds in pawn: The hymn that here betrays humanity Is barring singer's quite unconscious vice Of pride, as sentiment, confessed sublime. And in exposing personality More obviously chimes the right advice, If justly any creature dauntless climb. —124- XCIX. Ah when: What, never? So!— Yes, brother, yes. Yes, even so; reflecting pause, but clock Was never set to chime the hour when shock Of truth will mortal sense beset; while stress Of fancy and propensity him press. Is man immovable as any rock. Insensible as adamant 'gainst knock; — But after while to Christ will all confess: Slow evolution after while will soothe Propensity; and stress of fancy lead To end of vanity in some far time; But today, and they will hear him, all smooth, And straight, and light, and bright the path to speed Impersonal man from earth's sloughing grime. -125— Mankind impersonal with absolute As personal, so to speak, comprise Idea that from its lair will truth surprise And render mortal consciousness astute; While comprehensive of all attribute. Reciprocal, that either must apprise. If they together ever realize, Creator or created ere evolute: For clear, when may or may not be, the rule Arise invoked by present absolute. Compulsory in either case alike, Adjustment that may seem enforcement fool; But actiilg only as a substitute, Impersonality need not strike pike. 126- CI. Philosophy and knowledge testify They know of absolute beyond their reach By silence that expresses more than speech; Moreover unconditioned specify As mystery that ever will defy The utmost effort, possible to each, To go behind persistency they teach All sensitive existing-entity: As unconditioned, hence, infiltrate all. Without crystalization manifest. Dispersion is the whole of mystery; Attenuation properly, withal, Semblantic manifestation repossess; And all sensation notes is vacancy. -121 CII. To know is not to sense; reduction to Sensation; consciousness, complex of stress And sense, Relation as condition dress And knowledge thus, alone, may come and go: In aggregation consciousness will show The character of semblance in duress. And hence: Intelligent and fool address Alike creative purpose ere it know: The field imagination sowed with tares Shows aggregated fools predominate. But after while another crop will grow. When all imagination's crop of cares Kind harvesting of time eradicate, And consciousness of truth be all men know. -128- CIII. When knowledge and philosophy disclaim To know or teach the absolute the stress Of unconditioned thereby they confess; Like other being neither called the game, To be, or not to be, but found it came; Wherefore existence only they possess When will a power absolute express What either show but neither give a name : Yet signify that being only be Where unconditionality the form Of some conditionality will show; Or, if will any prefer so to see, The case imports persistent potent norm That will formation endlessly bestow. —129- CIV. With father in a heaven need mankind, "As pants the hart for water brook," athirst, Place knowing of immensity as first; Need ever discontent of shallow mind All sallow overcast whatever find? Yet: Wisdom doth account him as accurst, With never aiding hand his bonds to burst, If having sight exploit a life as blind: Him: Danger of supposing should appall; Him: Futile should imagination see; Shall yet the vice mankind forever soil? What is, as is, is all;— and thereto fall. With tooth and nail, and never once let be Till all, as consciousness, each one uncoil. —130— cv. Mere hanging spirit out for pecking daws, While man's absurd inventions only found Where should persistence of condition sound; The water brook might pass; but, wonder pause. Where found mankind supposing ever cause Of an imaginary man; compound Of willful freedom, reason and the ground, Awaiting ever man with open jaws: And never knowledge, or philosophy. Would difficulty find could reason not Inventions of its own insist upon; Inflating all mankind with vanity Till self -pride only leads the sorry lot Whither imagination lures it on. —131- CVI. Were sentiment allowed philosophy, A sure philosopher could only swear Till paled the blue empyreal up there At wantonness of man's calamity. And then redouble his profanity To find imagination even dare To show its face abroad in open air, Where should appear a true Humanity: Alas, but sentiment of even poor Profanity must wholly vanish while Creation of imagination stay. Yet, evolution endless time explore, And sure imagination's fate on file To find ere final closing of its day. -132— CVII. Where absolute within condition dwell Persistence of condition, mystery Disdaining, audibly the history Of absolute declaims, preserving well The golden legend of creative spell, Which as all knowledge is philosophy, Perchance, persuade man from adversity To absolute condition whereof tell: And from the scene imagination fly, ' As some long uncomfortable night's dream Awaking happily has sent away; And with it artful erudition hie That baseless reason wanting even theme No longer on man's wits a tattoo play. -133- CVIII. All be, or not; hence absolute or naught; The task for being set awaits reply, And each Benzonian must speak or die; So simply subtle all semblantic wrought, That vanish quite if only option sought; Seem actual, imaginary fly. Whence: Even in the twinkle of an eye, The living live, the living die, so fraught: Where life is purpose of creative will, Whence failing purpose semblance will be none. Less dreams to pester Hamlet's dead, perchance; And death, where no creative purpose fill. Less idle lagging of formation one, Or sleeping Hamlets still onward advance. —134— CIX. Though plain as pike staff ever truth be seen O'er human thought, since Thales till to-day Impossiblest fancy has held sway, And never field has sown whence knowledge glean; Example: Huxley nihil bonum screen; How: Medley of mere swish-swash of byplay, The human understanding steal away From seeing what creation might have been: Let every scientist pause, for a law Of all creation doth him dominate; Whence truth, save hypocracy, naught obscure; Let chemist but admit the well known flaw In his process to duly lend its weight, And never more, as chemist, be he sure. -135- cx. As absolute condition should appear Self evident truth ever self display And never suffer argument array; Indeed, from voice of reason flies in fear, Since heeding seeming question would uprear; As consciousness created can only stay Where actual put imagery away, And worldly kingdom hence came never near: Where vanity of speculation call Down darkness deeper, gloomier, than night. As condemnation on ignoring truth; Whereof a saying even goes, withal, "That man loves darkness rather than the light," On aptly classing him as fool, forsooth. -136- CXL If conflict seem within creation range, A temporal must situation view As order that the actual pursue; Not suffer momentary phase to gage Eventuation of a stretching age; For sure humanity some day will sue For approbation become justly due, Ere history shall close its final page: But still philosophy and knowledge fret Without avail to see the ''Much Ado About Nothing" that mortal being raise; In minding matters they in nowise beget That go themselves, as easy as an old shoe, Alone, when only they obey and praise. -137- CXII. Save absolute condition indurate, Is knowledge possible, and also no Cohesion of proportion be to show; All language babbles nothing, soon or late, However self-pride of men sayings rate; All's hoisted by its own petard, not slow, If try ideal of idea blow From any bubble fancy free inflate: To fill a physical sensation need A physical to be, while neither can Less absolute condition ever be; Mere consciousness, unwittingly, hence heed Where stress of absolute condition scan. No other presence than consistency. 138- CXIII. Creation absolute by absolute Of absolute for absolute imply What self-pride primes mere mortals to deny; Nor other fluting for its fluting flute, But idle tooting idle fancy toot That never any being satisfy But leaves all hungering, without supply Of peace that life itself should constitute: But never can till come within the bounds Of possibility that will exclude The proud or selfish man's propensity; That absolute on reason's baseless grounds Displace without a herald or prelude, That mortal pride may wear complacency. -139- CXIV. But what about it all concerns no man, For written with clear circumspection: ''Judge You not less you be judged," but less a grudge Against philosophy await to ban; Philosophy explains the case as can; Whence: Folly for a part the whole to nudge If one community can ever budge, Till change the order of existing plan: And in for penny even in for pound, Philosophy may further saying state Perception cannot judgment signify. Indeed, Philosophy case never found Where mortal judgment any estimate, Since absolute time and space occupy. -140- cxv. "Fools, liars, hypocrites." . . . Since pride of self Christ saw had led dependent organism Till vastness, casting off as phlegm, Let mortal being go on seeking pelf. Whence scientist, as even cunning elf, Can start man along as protoplasm To end at length before a yawning chasm^ Less deftly puts the question on the shelf: Since reason like will also him endow. The lowly, gladly maybe, will perceive,. Fool, liar, hypocrite class scientist. If church, or state, or mart mankind allow^ Their fruits at length the lowly undeceive And absolute philosophy give rest. —141- CXVI. And lo, the poets come, hence knowledge fly; The throes of chaos suffered thence for naught; All order, labor long enduring, wrought. Mythology and Jewish history, The Chinese ever biding mystery. E'en absolute that other being sought In vain till semblance of contentment brought, All are by poets imagery laid by : Stern was, grim is, and trembling to be, All fly away before a fancy's breath As very chaff withstanding hurricane. For what this tempest in a teapot see? For any earthly thing weave laurel wreath, If after all the storms but peace again. -142- CXVII. A waste imagination will explore To find a desert-haunting, brooding sphinx That past and future meaninglessly links In endless chain of silence ever more. As well: If idle fancy's picture bore Mankind, in form of preying, hungry lynx, That through an endless darkness prowling slinks Intent as happy seeking ever gore: Still passing strange, intelligence that see That two and two are four will freely leave The absolute that is for baseless dream. Can vanity become propensity So fixed that consciousness but seem deceive While truth alone reside in earthly scheme? —148- CXVIII. The fool can say, as well as not, there's naught, But liar himself cannot yet deceive, The hypocrite alone that feat achieve When into one are fool and liar wrought. But still imagination, nor word, brought The hypocrite a meaning that reprieve From absolute investment they receive, When semblance of formation being taught: Whence all civilization vainly boast, While hapless pining only man employ For lacking consciousness of simple truth; In foolish lying hypocrisy lost. The church, the state and mart alike decoy Man's vanity with never thought of ruth. -144- CXIX. Not absolute creation wide has spread; But: A mere moment, or a particle Imagination make; an article Of pharmacy, whereof, as might be said. Take you so much of this ere go to bed, To dose all consciousness; hysterical With fear less medicine empirical That fact with fancy treacherously wed: Nor absolute imagination wake To find that willful being somehow be Of any fashion reason may decide. Woe unto reasoners, saw he that spake Philosophy that never learning see. Nor any mortal effort man provide. -145— cxx. All propositions absolute begin That ever absolute solution end; To be or not, as any wish contend, But ever choice involved solution win. Philosophy no open question din. Nor knowledge ever vision will amend, And learning hence incontinently wend To imagery man's reason flounder in: A Christ spoke true philosophy untaught. Whom taint of earthly learning never touched Or hope of man were now as never one; A proposition quite within terms brought Of absolute solution herein vouched, That propositions only answer won. -146- CXXI. And: "Thou shalt have no other god but me" Rolls meaninglessly over every tongue While sheer imagination binds the throng To see as wont and not as ever be; Since anthropomorphic as with irony Explains the scientific matter long That trained unconscious parrots caw among A concourse stupefied with vanity: But: "Marvel not that I say unto you: Ye must be born again," we will suppose Is not hence anthropomorphically meant. But never anything so very true As birth imagination doth impose On all of human being now extant. -147- CXXII. The deed betoken consciousness, or none; A world once conscious of philosophy Like Christ's, whence simple Christianity, As water, gravity obeying, run; While act of any, not a conscious one, Is merely following propensity Importing neither source or destiny; The fruit of imagery, and not of sun: In vagary of imagery man's will Is commonly supposed from habit not Outworn to have monition of its own; Wherewith those lacking consciousness can fill To their self-satisfaction empty spot, And feel as full as any overflown. 148- CXXIII. As absolute condition man embrace A voice still crying in a wilderness Repeats: ''Repent and take a consciousness," And thus philosophy entreats his race. And till they hear and will perceive their case Is under mere imaginary stress No end can ever be to their distress, Nor hope, himself, and maker cease disgrace: And absolute condition will enforce That consciousness be knowledge, nor admit An affectation of mere faith instead; Unconscious, not alternative in course That absolute condition can permit. Hence the unknowing as now be as dead. -149— CXXIV. For what: Suppose imaginary state Less can delusion consciousness disdain; Or yet, unconsciousness will thought restrain That would infatuation estimate. For what: Exchange sheer knowledge for mere fate, When self-importance any ever gain Is stark impossibility to feign That actual condition dissipate: And still for what: Shall self-importance stand If sure no actuality will share With it profusion of complacency. But still, behold: Mankind are rather grand, And absolute condition loth to wear Without it gratified their vanity. -150- cxxv. A consciousness of terms, whereof to be, Will shame imagination off the earth And leave a simple being to have birth And fix foundation of philosophy. A shadow of a cloud in autumn's day Is absolute, as all of any worth, And all imagination's wealth of dearth Defames in momentary entity: A simple atom, semblance though at best. Sustained by absolute disposing might, Is something true, and fancy only naught. Come unto me and I will give you rest. Said Christ, who knew whereof he spoke by sight. And truth of all philosophy men taught. 151- CXXVI. Come unto me and I will give you rest, Says actual to all sensational, That undertake to feel, what be it all; Whose ceaseless pushing will forever pest. Come unto me and I will give you jest. It hears imagination also call, And doing naught less wearisome, withal. Thus touches button that ''does all the rest:" Aladdin's lamp with childhood goes away But worldly kingdom touch awoke still stand While age on age of manhood rise and fade Creation naught, and being without day, While all imagination choose command. Without demur obedient parade. -152— CXXVIL The truth, as proposition, once aside Let monstrous fancy wantonly uprear Till history of the human race appear, And mortal man's intelligence deride; And thus to stand: Till Christ, who first applied: **Fools, liars, hypocrites" to them, they hear. And save slow evolution task so drear As sheer enforcing consciousness betide: Since conscious being, conscious that it be. It follows that it conscious will be, too, That absolute condition actuate Its undertakings, knowing certainty As gradually it unfolds, is true. Enduring occupation of its state. —153- CXXVIII. Fool, liar, hypocrite, the Christ address To man who dare pretend truth can't perceive, While pride and selfishness with ease deceive To sell his birth-right for a pottage mess; Yet absolute philosophy assess Mankind as still potential to achieve A worthy end if only they receive From absolute condition conscious stress: From whence come all created entity; If from relation that originate, Or evolution that continue, is one; Since absolute condition only be So being, whatsoever be its state, And mere imaginary case be none. -154- CXXIX. As absolute philosophy implies Intelligence of conscious being, it Implies that such intelligence be fit An implication true, and hence assize Intelligence that only shall arise In consciousness of absolute, to-wit: Exclude the liar, fool and hypocrite; Whence: Christ's denunciation no surprise: But: Nevertheless such philosophy Fact of denunciation announces not; Nor can intelligence become aware Of what denunciation may imply; Whence: Cross each t as well as each i dot, Less knowledge all shall vanish into air. -155- cxxx. Length absolute philosophy will go May actual condition bare explore So-much and nothing whatsoever more; Created its self, creation only know, Creation knowledge so much hence bestow; So-much, or nothing, consciousness may store, Take, measure sense as well, or want deplore; So-much all life seem hazzards on the throw: Man's consciousness with other semblance show Unseen relation, absolute in sphere That rule, no fugitiveness manifest; Which absolute philosophy make known. In postulate of power to appear Or disappear formation oft attest. -156- CXXXI. While baseless reason that inventive want Of wild desire to reach beyond its state Supplied mankind, persuade they dominate, Somewhat, the scene existence merely haunt; So long will absolute truth in vain flaunt Before man's eyes the one and single fate That only can his longing satiate, And vagary triumph ever vaunt: Whence fool on color argue as if were An abstract thing and, Tyndall-like, ignore The only abstract possible to be; Or, broadly, man pretend without a fear To put behind himself what lay before His eyes and blindly search non-entity. -157 CXXXII. To postulate the unconditioned case From the conditioned will young truth awake That once aroused will mortals not forsake; Self-evident all evidence embrace And question never more mankind disgrace; Nor pretence postulate courageous fake To war against and into fragments break Each state of consciousness creation place: To postulate the truth yet never need, As absolute ere any scrutiny Will draw all roads to self, as Rome once did; And save to be, or not, attends its speed, Will ever absolute philosophy Await the sanction any ever bid. -158- CXXXIII. To be, or not to be, nor question what Shall pester ever being manifest By form of unconditioned one's unrest; And absolute philosophy speak not To questions that mere vanity besot, Like those wherewith man meaninglessly jest, Or haunting imagery that Hamlets pest But ever what, and never less, it wot: And yet, and yet; how characterize the scene No fond recollection presents to view Of horror hallowed human life display. In world as imagery will have it seen, When heaven's kingdom on earth undo, And silence absolute philosophy. -159— CXXXIV. "Seek ye the kingdom which is heaven first "And all things shall be added unto you," Puts absolute philosophy askew; Since: Absolute will be asunder burst When creature freedom finds to do as durst; Since: Christ's philosophy scarce trickles through Man's vanity with any meaning true, In testament his imagery rehearsed: That still sets forth essential truth of life, Since makes its single opportunity Conformity with a creative plan; That needless make the care and toil and strife, Self-pride and selfishness wring ruthlessly From generations of deluded man. 160- cxxxv. In absolute philosophy: to seek, To wish, to ask, to do, is vanity Immeasurable as all imagery; Whereof, as being not, it nothing spake; ''Take no heed of tomorrow" is the beak That tears the vitals of humanity, Fast bound on barren rock profanity, The victim of imagination's freak: Imagination turns on what it breed As appetite stay limitless its food At length can only find in progeny; And human vanity shall prove the creed, When vain experience exhausts the mood To live on nothing but apology. 161— CXXXVI. But: Being only is the habit of A disposition since aught will persist If naught be able to ask it to desist; Hence hope of all humanity is love. Not: Forbid it, Almighty God above, In form fools, liars, hypocrites attest. While they unwholesomely the earth infest, But disposition wholly truthward hove: Where hope is merely possibility. That baseless reason will at length yield man To inclination consciousness shall guide; And disposition actuality That has escaped imagination's plan Of boundless devastation to abide. 162- CXXXVII. Biit marvel not that I say unto you: Ye must be born again, was also said To man whom imagery had so long led, Whence, if to be, he must be made anew. Hence: Absolute philosophy will view Unconscious being as one that is dead, And absolute creation bow its head When else than semblance it condition true: While wisdom found in Christ an open speech. An absolute philosophy is dumb, Since absolute condition does but act; All consciousness therefore mankind will reach As other being into being come And ever mutual concurrence lack. -163- CXXXVIII. Blessed are the meek, said Christ, for they the earth Inherit shall; and correspondingly Is fact of absolute philosophy That consciousness of truth make life of worth; While pride and selfishness, receiving birth Of casual spasmodic imagery, Are not created actuality, But passing shadows of an earthly mirth: Which one, by taking thought, to stature can One cubit add, He asked when wishing teach That all receive who anything possess. And made dependent by creative plan On what he may receive, it follows, each : Is creature of dependence he confess. -164- CXXXIX. Be still, Mirth; ''Blessed are the meek." — Be meek; Till billows never wreckage strand ashore, Nor Babel towers crumbling deplore. Await inheritance you cannot seek; So absolute philosophy hear speak, Though billows heaving wreckage as before And Babel towers crumbling fall o'er, . Still mighty absolute upholds the weak: 'Tis meek to be the greatest thing on earth, A being wholly conscious of its state As part of absolute reality; 'Tis proud to be the smallest sight engirth, A creature impudently roving fate Unconscious of its wanton vanity. -165- CXL. Blessed are the low in spirit, also said The Christ to man, whom strange propensity Of pride turned from created entity To shapes imagination only shed; If ever being voice of Christ had led, Today would witness not humanity, The idle plaything of mere imagery. Unconscious, aimless, full of fear and dread: And absolute philosophy rejoice To hear on earth a tongue that truly speak Its meaning clear to living creature there; But short its joy, indeed; soon finding voice Is into silence seeking, far too weak To rout bold imagery from earthly lair. —166- CXLI. Since actual condition constitute Precise philosophy that can prevail, And Christ affirms both it and what entail, No question earthly imagery might moot Till every star from out the heavens shoot, Would even in the slightest sense avail One jot or tittle of it to assail, And first as last 'twere well if it be mute: While absolute philosophy perceive An earthly imagery mischievous It hold no man therefor responsible; Since thus confess it knowingly deceive. As one creation in all obvious One author of all is ostensible. -167- CXLII. As absolute is, consciousness as sure Will be of absolute, none are deceived, And pride's deceptions never are believed; Whereon fools, liars, hypocrites innure: With Christ himself imagination lure Mankind, by church and state and mart conceived Alone to foster pride, that well perceived His truth made all created things demure: None are deceived; fool, liar, hypocrite Each one, himself, as clear as noon-day sun Perceives himself to be, yet pride allure; Whence absolute philosophy befit Mankind, less evolution force become At length what it today will him assure. —168— CXLIIL While quantity is merely sensible, Formation cogitable also be; Though limit of all possibility Makes only semblance comprehensible; To render cogitable sensible And mere formation mirror truthfully Invoked the faculty of imagery; And man became an ungovernable: - If fatal mishap of creation may Attempt at making conscious being seem Eventuation only can decide; But certain man does not make imagery And absolute philosophy hence deem Him creature that creation must abide. 169- CXLIV. Where semblance of condition shall relate Bare quantity will sensible attain, Which cogitable as formation train If any semblance thence emancipate; Such consciousness attempt discriminate, Since will relation not the whole restrain. Against infinite imagery in vain, As worldly kingdom seem doth demonstrate: Hence: Mission of a Christ alone avoid Slow evolution from predicament It seems creation has itself got in. Since all philosophy at once destroyed By mere look of an imaginary bent; But: Evolution will wind even sin. —170- CXLV. The crucial thing for man on earth is what To see, whatever be predicament; To know whereof life gives a testament, Since vain emotion teaching turns to rot; Hence, absolute philosophy case spot Where thinnest possible environment The mortal tonsorial integument Protect against what him has surely got: In plainest language man what is must know, Which absolute philosophy lays bare To all who pride and selfishness despise; For pride and selfishness on man bestow The badge fools, liars, hypocrites seen wear By every other creature that has eyes. -171- CXLVI. Resist not evil, said man's true Messiah, Resist not evil, says philosophy; Since even openly propensity Dare absolute condition, and desire Mere creatures independently inspire, And vainest imagery hypocrisy Impose on man as actuality, And falsity as consciousness attire: They toil not, neither do they spin, who live The life creation plan, said the Messiah; But vanity bids millions toil in vain; For what: The suffering and labor give . That pride and selfishness alone inspire And never even earthly peace attain . -172— CXLVII. The imagery hypocrisy attire Will evolution patiently displace, And mortals try again the truth to trace, Less heed, perchance, the message of Messiah; For absolute philosophy require The very truth in absolutes one case, And that creation not itself disgrace By leaving helpless creature to desire: Twixt evolution and desire man In absolute philosophy will find Decision for occasion mete as sound, But absolute philosophy bar plan That foster pride or selfish leave mankind. And follows Christ as one alone profound. -173— CXLVIII. Resist not evil nor seek benefit An absolute philosophy expose As terms condition absolute impose When consciousness of being shall permit; Hence: ''Stiff-necked" Jewry proved itself unfit, As living creature, for enduring throes All being whatsoever undergoes. And insubordination published it: A rigid fact existence interpose That absolute condition satisfy, Whence question only fancy ever ask. If absolute condition more enclose Than find an absolute philosophy, Sure only fancy ever can unmask. —174- CXLIX. The terms of absoluteness are for all, Not only bind, but openly pronounce, As quantity and quality announce. Precisely what creation disenthrall; That none more than another ever call; Wherefore: Condition found may none renounce, Nor may condition other find denounce, But waiting each to take what shall befall: And truly only in a v^^orld unknown, Or in a dream may being seem exist Without a method or excuse to give; The phantom life that imagery has grown On earth awhile continue to persist, But still without excuse or method live. -175— CL. Evading all, hypothesis uplift, As spectre from imagination loom From depth unknown of vast primeval gloom, As imagery's one solitary gift To mortal man wherewith himself to rift Impending cloud of fate, ere startling boom Of crack of ever onward coming doom, Make needless for him and all any shift: Against this absolute philosophy Asks simply that man open-eyed perceive And nothing whatsoever ask of hope; Since argument can only mystify. And any faith but man himself deceive Where actual is all within his scope. 176- CLI. Resist not evil, said the Nazarene, To whom as absolute philosophy- All life is power of infinity That self-willed man is prone to contravene, Since pride or fear will human creature wean From one existing opportunity To follow his own ingenuity And quench in folly life's celestial sheen: Hence absolute philosophy finds voice Of Christ speaks truth and truth alone will speak That all who heed shall know the voice they hear. And also find that man who makes a choice Is bound without a chance of any freak To waste a life if ruled by pride or fear. -177- CLII. Before the world was I am, said the Lord; And unequivocally Jewish myth Brought consciousness of man to face wherewith All understanding must be in accord; Thence: Absolute, by imagery abhorred, As light of day from darkness issue th To be of all philosophy the pith, And whatsoever else man's life afford: But still is imagery a faculty Imaginary being lend to man, While he imaginary life try live; And vain be absolute philosophy Against imagination that can plan How pride and selfishness can bounty give. -178- CLIII. ''Thou shalt" and "Thou shalt not," through Moses speak; But Imagery know Imagery thus spoke, And sleeping consciousness in none awoke, And ever round slow evolution creak At grinding ages of poor earthly freak; And will go round without a missing stroke Till absolute philosophy man yoke With truth and dawning light long night's haunts seek: Since: Never with imagination cope Till consciousness creation give and guide For absolute deny to man a deed. In absolute philosophy not hope But certainty for man is waiting wide. If Christ, not priest nor poets, he will heed. -179- CLIV. No system will the truth of Christ enclose And pride of man's attempt thereon to found A church, or plan salvation, but astound As if the unconditioned to expose, Will not emotion shown for Christ disclose To all the licking tongue of cringing hound Far rather than a muscular rebound From false to true that through all times re-echoes: "Be not deceived" — indeed none are deceived; Far better say, "I go not," and still go Than to say, "I go," and still go you not. On every hand by all of all perceived. That pride compels hypocrisy bend low To Christianity itself begot. 180— CLV. But neither sentiment nor any creed Will absolute philosophy allow Man, whom condition absolute endow, Lest mere imagination should him lead; Hence vanish poets as an idle breed And priestcraft useless made for never vow Without impiety bare any brow, When truth of Christ all living men shall heed: For absolute, or naught, hence absolute; Perception simply all mankind confront. About which never question can there be; Thence follows certainty without dispute To end as should, as did begin as wont. An absolute that rules eternity. -181- CLVI. If seem the world a scene of chance and strife Where imagery's poor invocations strand Not even trying being understand, While only is intelligence true life; An absolute philosophy, as knife. Cuts gordian knot, imagery command, If mere imaginary form disband And leave reality there only rife: But absolute philosophy ply knife In vain if none intelligence can boast. That will its operation ever test; As Christ heard say, "I am the way and life," While imagery but see a guiding post To one of many ways, perchance, the best. -182- CLVII. Since consciousness without propensity Intelligence in him originate, Man is what consciousness assimilate And ever fashioned thus proportionally; Whence: Cannot ever speak soliloquy That Hamlet spoke less he annihilate With foolish logic what initiate Eventual as originality: Which as condition absolute abide, If any being shall perceive or not, And thence ariseth all uncertainty; Wherein imagination, roaming wide, Is vainly seeking for some other lot Than be creation for humanity. —183- CLVIII. The forms that shapelessness allow it make, Though boundless shall imagination show, If man condition of existence know Of absolute sole consciousness partake; N'er absolute, n'er anything awake And from bare vacancy however grow, Whereof whatever be forever flow, And wrecked philosophy trail in its wake: brother man far better understand The simple facts that you, and I, and all Are nothing less of absolute a part; And if be absolute wherefore command Imagination that wormwood and gall Alone we drink for all the days we art? 184- CLIX. The hope and fear and care that burden man Are fruit of that imaginary state Where aimless pride his vanity inflate Till puts himself without created clan; Where consciousness, that ample might lead van, Imagination wholly abrogate; For sphere on sphere are safely going gait Obediently their creator plan: Wherefore: When living on the earth Christ said, Come unto me and I will give you rest. Imagination gibberish but heard; Whence: Absolute philosophy right read. Still urge mankind to cease an idle quest And simply take creation at its word. -185- CLX. With consciousness that ample power hold All actuality within its grasp And ever careth for all it will clasp, The conscious life of man begins unfold; Thus finding Christ and getting rest is told, While absolute philosophy's last gasp Bids man beware of deadlier than asp, When vain imagination make him bold : It follows that if any think they do. Their deeds are naught and they still in the dark, For pride in man snuffs out all conscious life. Since seeking even heaven's kingdom true Sufficed imagination to light spark That burned up truth and filled the world with strife. -186— CLXL The Jewish history with sequel in Fiasco man calls Christianity, Will show conclusively that imagery Will never let man's conscious life begin. And show imagination cobwebs spin In vain to hide an inconsistency Like usurpation of God's potency To save man's pride while yet renouncing sin: And future history will never more Disclose unless mankind shall sometime take The conscious life creative plan provides; For absolute philosophy with sore Distress finds man unwilling to forsake The system that alone allows him pride. ■187- CLXII. A selfish wish, though hope of grace be one, Will absolute philosophy deny. Since power absolute creation ply That on the earth God's will alone be done. But baseless reason having their trust won, Men, like fools, liars, hypocrites, defy The truth, and each with other vie Which faster after selfishness can run: Though absolute philosophy imputes No fault to them, it notes their woeful plight In missing life's one opportunity; And since for ages past, like praying brutes. They have loved darkness rather than the light, That evolution must bring sanity. -188— CLXIII. As if a father were in heaven, man Can wish that hallowed be his name as worth And kingdom come and will be done on earth As pre-supposed in heaven of the plan. But to wish for his daily bread none can, Less truth give place to vanity and dearth And absolute philosophy engirth But emptiness imagination span: When told Christ taught to wish for daily bread We hear the language of one listening Who still believes "tomorrow" he must heed; For plainly so-called living things are dead, If power absolute be not the spring Of mechanism that nothing shows but speed. -189- CLXIV. Though absolute philosophy bar will To every being but the absolute That knowledge only shall the truth compute, Man's pride will find him reputation still. Whence: He has chosen to bear any ill Life shall bring rather than the disrepute Of creature like dependence of the brute. Wherefore imagination his days fill: Which, baseless reason also selfish make. Though losing self finds only certainty Conditional existence ever gain; Since, where* condition all existence wake, Save unconditioned that gives entity, One or the other only can pertain. -190— CLXV. Would argument give rest to imagery Still actuality will none parade, Perceived or known, by evolution made Is light of absolute philosophy; That light, if man take conscious entity, Abides unceasingly him to persuade Ere ruthless might of evolution grade Down opposition of propensity: They seek, said Christ, a sign where is no sign, As child, or stick, or stone, or idiot Might know, but not man bound by imagery; Who dream imagination will define For blind humanity some random lot Beyond confines of actuality. ■191— CLXVL All things adroit in self -persistence prove Less actual condition fickle seem; Whence imagery once getting life to dream Finds law at hand to keep it in a groove. Though from propensity man slowly move, Since consciousness of truth is still supreme, If once thereof mankind received a gleam No other light would him again behoove: So: "Thou Shalt have no other God but me;" Whence evolution pester Jewry sore Found not the jew, because he saw not truth. And, likewise, modern Christianity That will abandon imagery no more Than jew, await impossible of ruth. -192- CLXVII. While imagery on argument depend, The whole of absolute philosophy • Is ''Thou shalt have no other God but me;" That never other argument extend Than certain woe that disputant attend; Which: Will, however slowly, surely be Triumphant over man's apostacy Before all things come to their final end: Were reason else than imagery 'tis sure Mankind would not abide prolonged distress When but a moment's thought will give him ease; But reason being imagery assure To imagery the kingdom it possess, Till evolution cures this mind disease. —193— CLXVIII. Mere reason only will assure mankind So long as faith will pay it deference, But either with creative plan dispense That clearly consciousness of truth outlined. Whence: When to either state man be resigned, Mankind's condition is a gulf immense That must be crossed ere conscious life commence If man become the conscious life designed: Nor reason even dare attempt refute That conscious stress, continual in man, Of vanity of all persuasion heard; Does not dominion over him dispute With all imagination bid him scan. Though consciousness of truth not a by-word. -194- CLXIX. In possibility designed is end, Development becoming so complete That consciousness fair actual will meet And heaven's kingdom to the earth descend; Wherefore: Creative plan no aid amend And pride of man at length, as thing elf ete, Will with imagination vanish fleet, Since actual will neither comprehend: Nor reason point a tale where created man Shall absolute withstand as vanity And mock with imagery the actual; A little while deride creative plan, But sometime absolute philosophy, Abiding still, will vagrants all recall. -195- LCXX. When reason sleeps and conscious life awake A father may in heaven be whose will On earth- be done and daily bread may fill, Forgiving may forgiving others make, And spoliation all mankind forsake. Temptation cease, nor any finding ill, Since glory of the father evil kill Ere actual man actual life take: And reason even will forever sleep If once imagination man evade And consciousness of absolute receive; And man will cease to seek, or wanting weep, Nor hope, nor fear, will consciousness degrade If Absolute as absolute perceive. —196— CLXXI. When be imagination put aside From seeming chaos still will order flow And seeming halting steps still onward go And consciousness attend no other stride; And unconditioned still itself safe hide, And manifested condition only show; For all revealed make vacant long ago Where wantonness of fancy lone abide: Whence: Alsolute philosophy content When knowledge of condition will define As consciousness what absolute shall stress; Whence, absolute or nothing be extent That even supposition will confine And consciousness hence absolute possess. 197- CLXXII. While imagery of Christ madfe testament It nothing understood of what he said; Hence merely more imagination fed Unconscious man in guise of blandishment Of fanciful rewards and punishment; Whence: Pride and selfishness have blindly led Man into a condition Christ called dead, And absolute philosophy unblent: Since consciousness save absolute awake Sensation to state of intelligence Will stay a dormant unused faculty; Whence: Till imagination man forsake, All seeming consciousness is mere pretence And life of man not yet an entity. —198- CLXXIII. Pride by imagination only fed Self-consequence finds in mere blandishment Of possible rewards and punishment That selfish living safely may seem to tread; Whence absolute philosophy is said To find mankind himself makes testament To living in condition called unblent, Or as more aptly called by Christ that's dead: And reason has to face this truth each day, And all imagination cannot find A place or time wherein it to hide; And never shame put mortal life away Till ceasing willfully to wander blind In absolute philosophy abide. -199- CLXXIV. The mournful shall be comforted and are blest, But pope, priest, layman or evangelist Who may with righteousness by choice enlist In vain expect to find anointed one's rest. Perchance, Brethren of the Cup, we test. Though none to do us reverence insist. While pride and selfishness and will persist. Of all the world 'tis sad to think the best: Not here and now, but therQ when bare and poor The scattered fragments of infirmity Are gathered with the pseudomorphs and judged. None are deceived; each one knows furthermore That fooling, lying and hypocrisy Will nowhere in futurity be lodged. 200- CLXXV. Shall each one live to stress but mite of mold, While seeing never will wrong's theme exhaust, Or patient tracing find aught pay its cost And end slow evolution will unfold; But heayen's kingdom bring to world that's old, When absolute philosophy has tossed Aside all barrier between the lost And day when conscious man shall truth behold: • To absolute philosophy as truth That Christ alone exposed to sight of man Will man and maker owe the end when one; . For never old be world of wayward youth, Enough while evolution slow lead van To see pride, selfishness and will have done. —201— CLXXVI. "Come unto me and I will give you rest," Says absolute philosophy to man Since voice of Christ he did not understand And still encumbers earth, an idle pest; And streams of tears that ever flow attest How pride and selfishness have led the van Of life away from wise creation's plan To do imagination's vain behest: Except a man be bom again, said Christ, He cannot enter into heaven's life, Which in imaginary life is lost, And wandering, if even with a priest. Save guiding light, as Moses had, is strife Without an end, whatever be its cost. —202- CLXXVIL. Since consciousness and life together fare And sheer imagination reigned on earth, Christ said, mankind awaits another birth To be the creatures of an ample care. Since consciousness is even thin as air Imagination easily ape its worth, Though absolute condition it engirth As pseudo-consciousness of men declare j. Since from unseen relations ever flow i ;?~ All sensibles that consciousness can stress, It comes as cometh thief by night, Christ said. Since even lilies of the valley blow, ■ So aiding hand a single flower dress Creation ends and life from all has fled. -203- CLXXVIII. Perchance: Imagination ever doubt From Whither back to Whence be absolute, Though else be nothing even to compute And self Imagination also rOut; Nor Logic other than a henchman stout To blow Imagination's windy flute That aggregations wantoning en route To thin Attenuation whistles out: And thus all being will attenuate Till Vanity itself alone display Triumphant, gravely, over Entity; Thus, aimless Hope denied, Life aggravate To put all Actuality away And find in Emptiness Satiety. 204— CLXXIX. Perchance, Pride, Selfishness and Will persist From whence to whither will be absolute For naught; since thence Imagination loot Mankind of consciousness that Truth exist; Nor Faith be other than Will-o'-the-Wisp Wherewith Imagination deftly suit The Idiocy of those Self-Astute Whom knowingly no leadership enlist: Thence: Consciousness of Truth give place to pride, And Folly, Lying and Hypocrisy Life far and wide and long despoil of worth; But Absolute Condition will abide. And patient Absolute Philosophy Await the day when Conscious Man have birth. -205- . CLXXX. The lonesome individual man spurns A homogeneity for fancied form Of heterogeneity his warm Imagination out of nothing turns; Hence through sensation never being learns And some day will awake with just alarm In vacancy that nowhere shows the norm Of conscious life for which creation yearns: A lookeron in Verona till then An idle occupation plies and jests With seriousness if marks what passes by. I am the way, the life, says Christ again. And still again, and ever truth attests Through him an absolute philosophy. —206— CLXXXI. Unspun the textile waits on coming deft, And warp and woof in thread abide till drawn, For individuality is spawn Of Rock of Ages never for it cleft. Each individual has wholly left A seamless past behind to spend its brawn In keeping face to ever breaking dawn Of day that never yesterday bereft: All consciousness will therefore find its scope On seamless rock of ages cleft for none While watching dawn of ever coming day. In vain imagination rises hope That other consciousness will still be won That leads mankind in waywardness astray. -201 CLXXXII. Lord, arise, help and deliver us For Thy name's sake. We have heard with our ears As have declared our fathers through the seers. And know the mighty works that Thou enforce; Lord, arise, help and deliver us From pride and foolish faith and idle fears That baseless phantom Hope in man uprears Since Eos woke his eons dolorous: Lord, arise, help and deliver man, According to Thy greatness sow and reap. Nor wait on Evolution's harvest slow. Lord: According to Thy good old plan Have living man his life alive to keep And consciousness of truth to ever show. n ^8 1902 ICOPVBEL. TGCAT.D«V, APR. 28 1902