SB 341 .T79 Dopy 1 SB 341 .T79 Copy 1 UNITED STATES GRADES FOR BERMUDA ONIONS RECOMMENDED BY THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE HARTLEY E. TRUAX Investigator in Marketing UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT CIRCULAR 97 Contribution from Bureau of Markets GEORGE LIVINGSTON. Chief Washington, D. C. », ,„„„ May, 1920 WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTINQ OFFICE : 19:0 UNITED STATES GRADES FOR BERMUDA ONIONS. Recommended by the United States Department of Agriculture. The Bureau of Markets of the United States Department of Agri- culture recommends the following gTades as a standard for grading and marketing Bermuda onions in the United States. ■ They are the result of investigations by the United States Bureau of Markets covering a period of four years. Grades for Texas Bermuda onions were recormnended in the spring of 1918 by the United States Bureau of Markets, promulgated by the 35th Texas State Legislature, and used as a basis for inspection by the Texas State Department of Agriculture and by the Food Products Inspection Service of the United States Bureau of Markets. For two seasons the operation of these grades was observed by the representatives of the Bureau of Markets and the investigations were extended into California and Florida. As a result of these investigations, some changes have been made in U. S. Grade No. 2, U. S. Grade Boilers, and U. S. Grade No. 3, which, it is believed, will make the grades satisfactory standards for the Bermuda onion trade. U. S. Grade No. 1. U. S. Grade No. 1 shall consist of sound onions of one variety which are mature, bright, well-shaped, free from doubles, splits, bottle-necks, and seed-stems, and practically free from damage caused by dirt or other foreign matter, moisture, sunburn, cuts, dis- ease, insects, or by mechanical or other means. The diameter shall not be less than two inches. In order to allow for variations incident to commercial grading and handling, six per centum by weight of any lot need not meet the foregoing requirements of this grade. In the case of yellow onions, not more than five per centum by weight of any lot may be noticeably pink. If any lot which meets the requirements of this grade contains more than ten per centum by weight of onions with a diameter of three and one-half inches or more, the grade name shall be " U. S. Grade No. 1 Large." U. S. Grade No. 2. U. S. Grade No. 2 shall consist of sound onions of one variety not meeting the requirements of U. S. Grade No. 1, which are free from doubles, splits, bottle-necks, and aegd-stems, and practically free from 2 ' ■'■ 175324°— 20 ^ -^'^ United States Grades for Bermuda Onions. 3 \^ * 1^^ "damage caused by moisture, sunburn, cuts, disease, insects, or me- jt «hanical means. The dianieter shall not be less than two inches. . ^ In order to allow for variations incident to commercial grading and ^iL handling, ten per centum by weight of any lot may be below the re- ^