LB ill 3.5^ I RHODE ISLAND LAWS I83S RELATIiNG TO POBLIC SCQ Glass JoS2^4^^ Book \.^ • 'l^lK/==^-' ■T..JU^J-.5— .'^^'^=*-^''^*^ RELATING TO pOLS, PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, JANUARY SESSION, 1839. 39965 8 30 LL An act fo revise and amend the several Ads relating to J^"^ ^o, Public Schools. Be It enoicted by the General Assembly as follows : — ^^l^^\ Section 1. The annual income of the money de- posited or that may be deposited with this stateby the United States in pursuance of " an act to regulate the deposites of the public money," passed by the con- gress of the United States, and approved June 23, 1836, shall annually be paid over to the several towns in this state ; to be appropriated for the purpose of maintaining public schools, in manner hereinafter pro- vided. Sec. 2. To the money derived from said source, shall annually be added enough from any money in the general treasury not otherwise specially appropri- ated, to make up the sum of twenty-five thousand dol- lars, to be annually paid out for the purpose afore- said. The money received by the state from the mana- gers of lotteries or their agents, or from auctioneers for auction duties accruing to the state, shall be hereafter annually appropriated, to pay tlie debt now due from the general treasury to the permanent school fund, un- til said debt is paid : After which time the revenue de- rived from those sources shall be applied to the in- crease of said fund. The money paid out by virtue of this act, shall be divided among the several towns in proportion to the respective white population of each town under the age of fifteen years : the color- ed population of such town under the age often years, and five fourteenths of the colored population between the ages of ten and twenty-four years ; computing the same according to the United States census next pre- ceding such annual payments, and excepting Narra- gansett Indians in all cases. Sec. 3. Each town may raise by tax every year so much money as a majority of the freemen may deem proper to be appropriated to the purpose of keeping public schools, not exceeding in any one year double the amount received by such town from the general treasury : provided that notice be inserted in the war- 4 rant issued for calling the town meeting, that such business will then be acted upon. Sec. 4. The money received by each town from the general treasury, shall be applied to pay for instruc- tion, and not for room rent, fuel, or any other purpose whatever. Sec. 5. The general treasurer shall keep a separate account of all monies paid to the state by lottery man- agers, or their agents, or auctioneers as aforesaid, and shall report the same to the general assembly annually, at the May session thereof : particularizing the sums received from each of said sources. Sec. 6. The school committee of each town shall every year certify to the general treasurer, that the money received the previous year has been faithfully applied according to this act. No town shall receive its proportion of the next distribution until such cer- tificate be made. Sec. 7. The money payable by virtue of this act shall be paid to the order of the town treasurers of the several toAvns w^hich shall comply with the terms of this act, on or after the first day of June in every year : And the said town treasurers shall apply for and re- ceive said money from the general treasurer as soon after it is payable, as it may be required for school purposes in their respective towns ; and shall charge and receive no compensation lor their services in col- lecting the same. Sec. 8. Each town shall at its annual town meet- ing for the choice of town officers, appoint a school committee, to consist of not less than five, nor more than thirty persons resident in such town, to act with- out compensation ; and to be engaged to the faith- ful discharge of their duties before entering upon the same. Sec. 9. The school committees shall appoint a pre- sident or chairman and secretary from their number, and shall keep a record of all their proceedings : they shall meet at least as often as once in every three months, and a majority of the whole number chosen shall constitute a quorum ; but any less number may adjourn a meeting, giving reasonable notice of the time and place of the adjourned meeting. Sec. 10. The school committee of each town may direct the books to be used and maiie ail necessary rules and regulations for the good government of the public schools therein : they may suspend or expel any scholar for misconduct ; they shall determine the places where the school houses shall be located, or the school kept, in the different districts, having regard to the accommodation of the greatest number of inhab- itants ; and for satisfactory reasons mav alter the lo-" cation of any school house ; and in case of the death, resignation, or removal of a member of the committee, they may fill the vacancy for the remainder of the year; — and at any regular meeting they may make, alter and repeal such by-laws and regulations for the dele- gating or more conveniently discharging any or all of the duties assigned to them as they shall deem proper : Provided, they are not repugnant to the provisions of this act, nor in violation of any law in this state. Sec. 11. The school committee shall appoint all instructors and instructresses, taking care that they be of good moral character, temperate and otherwise well qualified for the office ; and may dismiss said instruc- tors or instructresses in case of inability, or misconduct ; said committee shall visit all the schools in their re- spective towns, at least as often as once in three months during their continuance, and shall generally superin- tend, w^atch over and provide for the well ordering and governing the same. Sec. 12. The school committee shall allow and cer- tify all bills for compensation for instruction and all other expenses before the same shall be paid by the town treasurer ; they shall also at the annual town meeting for choosing town officers (and oftener if requir- ed) render an account of all their doings for the pre- ceeding year. Sec. 13. All divisions of any town into school dis- tricts, and all alterations of such divisions, whether made by a town or school committee, shall be recorded in the town clerk's office of such town. Sec. 14. The school com.mittee of every town shall hold quarterly meetings on the second Mon- days of January, April, July and October in every year. 6 Sec. 15. There shall but one school be kept in any school district, unless the school committee shall other- wise order. Sec. 16. The school committee of any town, with the assent of the school committee of an adjacent town, may permit such children as will be better accommo- dated thereby, to attend the school in such adjacent town and may pay such portion of the expense thereof, as considering the number of children and other cir- cumstances, may be just and proper. Sec. 17. The money which each town shall re- ceive by virtue of this act, shall be expended among the dilTerent schools and school districts, in such pro- portions as the school committee shall deem most ad- visable. Sec. 18. The freemen of any town, may at any le- gal town meeting, divide their town into suitable school districts, and may from time to time, alter the number and limits thereof. All divisions heretofore made by any town or school committee, shall remain in force until legally changed. Sec. 19. Every school district shall be a body cor- porate, by such name or designation as the school com- mittee shall select, so far as to prosecute and defend in all actions relating to the property or affairs of the dis- trict, and to take and hold such real estate as may be given to or purchased by them for the purpose of sup- porting schools in the district. Sec. 20. The school committee of the several towns and of the city of Providence, shall on or before the first Wednesday of May, annually, make official re- turns to the secretary of state, of all the public schools in such towns and the city respectively, for the year preceeding the date of the returns ; the amount of school money received from the general treasury ; the amount of money raised by the town or city for sup- porting public schools ; the number of districts ; the number of schools in each district ; the amount of money expended in each school, designating the por- tion paid for furniture, fuel and incidental expenses, and the portion paid for instruction only ; the number of children, male and female, attending each school and their average attendance ; the time and season of keep- ing each school ; tiic nimiber, iiaiiies and salary of in- structors ; tlie branches taught and books used. They shall also the next and subsequent years, report the number of academies and private schools in their re- spective towns ; the length of time and season of the year they are kept ; the names of the instructors ; prices of tuition ; and the average number of scholars attending each of them : Provided hoioever^ that the re- turns aforesaid to be made by the school committee on or before the first Wednesday in May next, shall be conformable to the blank returns already furnished the several towns under the act of June last. Sec. 21. The secretary shall annually furnish every town and the city of Providence, v;ith the blank forms of the returns required by the last section, which forms shall contain a copy of this and said last section ; and the secretary shall annually at the session of the gene- ral assembly first holden after the annual session in May, report an abstract of said returns. No town or city shall be entitled to any part of the money appro- priated to be paid out of the general treasury, to the support of public schools, which shall have failed to make such returns for the year next preceding the time of the appropriation ; and the names of all such delinquent towns or city shall be by the secretary re- turned to the general treasurer, on or before the first Monday in June annually. Sec. 22. There shall annually be paid out of the general treasury to the town treasurer of the town of Charlestown, the sum of one hundred dollars, to be ex- pended under the direction of some suitable person to be annually appointed by the governor, in the support of a school for the use of the members of the Narragan- sett tribe of Indians and the incidental expenses there- of, and in purchasing school books for the use of said school : and an annual account of tlie appropriation of all said money shall be rendered to the general treas- urer, on or before the first Wednesday of May. Sec. 23. Two or more contiguous districts in ad- joining towns, the majority of the taxable inhabitants of each district, at a duly notified meeting agreeing thereto, may unite together for the purpose of keeping «ne school, if they may deem it more advantageous to do so ; and in sucli cases the committee men of the dis- tricts so uniting, may examine and appoint the instruc- tor. Sec. 24. Whenever any persons to the number of iive or more, have associated or shall hereafter associ- ate together for the purpose of building and maintain- ing a school-house, they shall be entitled to all the privileges of a body corporate, by such name and style as they may select, and upon such terms and subject to such regulations as they may have adopted upon the formation of their association ; and may hold, con- trol and convey, by their corporate name, the school house so erected, and the lot of land upon which it may stand ; and the shares or ownership therein, may be transferred in the same manner as personal estate. Sec. 25. Whenever any persons to the number of live or more, have associated or shall hereafter associ- ate together, for the purpose of procuring and main- taining a library, they shall be entitled to ail the priv- ileges of a body corporate, by such name as they may designate, and upon such terms and subject to such constitution and rules as they may have adopted upon the formation of their association ; and may hold, con- trol and convey by their corporate name, estate, real and personal, to an amount not exceeding two thou- sand dollars, exclusive of their books, maps and library furniture. Provided, that in all such cases, the con- stitution or articles of association, and all alterations thereof, shall be recorded in the town clerk's office in the town where such library shall be established. Sec. 26. All general acts heretofore passed relating to public schools, excepting so much of the eighth sec- tion of" an act to establish public schools, passed Jan- uary session, A. D. 1828, Avhich relates to the perman-. ent School Fund, as is not inconsistent with this act, are hereby repealed. Provided, thd^i every thing done under said acts shall be valid, and all things omitted or neglected to be done, shall be punished by the same penalties and forfeitures as if this act had not been passed. Sec. 27. The secretary shall immediately cause to be printed a sufficient number of copies of this act and of all laws and acts in force relating to public schools. 9 or the buildinn^ of school houses in the several towns, and shall sciul a suitable number to the town clerk of each town, for the purpose of distribution. An Ad to establish Public Schools. JqoA^^ 183S. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, ^'^'^ and by the authority thereof it is enacted, That from and after the passing- of this act, all money that shall be paid into the general treasury, by ma,nag-ers of lotteries or their agents ; also all money that shall be paid into said treasury by auctioneers, for duties accruing to the state, shall be set apart and paid over to the several towns in this state in manner hereinafter mentioned, in propordon to their respective population under the age of sixteen years, as exhibited in the census provided by law to be taken from time to time, under the authority of the Unit- ed States ; always adopting for said ratio the census next preceding the time of paying out each annual appro- priation of said money as herein provided, to be by said towns appropriated to and for the exclusive purpose of keeping public schools, and paying expenses thereof ; the sum, however, hereby appropriated to be paid over in any one year, not to exceed ten thousand dollars. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That of the sum now in the treasury, there be appropriated and set apart, the sum of five thousand dollars for the commencement and formation of a permanent fund, for the support of public schools ; and for that purpose the said sum of five thousand dollars shall be immediately, or as soon as may be, invested by the general-treasurer, with the ad- vice of the governor, by purchase or subscription, in the stock of some safe and responsible bank ; to which sum shall be added, and in like manner invested from year to year, all the money that shall accrue as aforesaid, from lotteries and auctioneers, over and above said yearly sum of ten thousand dollars, mentioned in the first section here- of ; and all donations that may be made to said fund for the purposes thereof, and the dividends and interest that shall from Ume to time accrue on said fund, shall in like manner be added thereto and invested ; but whenever, 2 10 in any year, the amount received as aforesaid, fi-om lot- teries and auctioneers, shall fall short of said sum of ten thousand dollars, annually to be distributed, the dividends and interest only of said fund then accrued, or so much thereof as may be necessary to supply such deficiency, shall be added to the said last named sum, and paid over and distributed according- to the provisions of this act. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That whenever, in any year, the money paid into the treasury, from the sources provided in this act, shall fall short of said sum of ten thousand dollars, the deficiency for said year shall be made good from any money in the treasury not other- wise appropriated. Nov. 1836. An act to provide for the disposition of the proportion of the money of the United States to he deposited loith this State, by virtue of an act of Congress, entitled " an act to regulate the Deposites of the Public Money,'' approv- ed June 2Sd, 1836 ; and also to provide for the appro- priation of the interest arising from said money. ^uWk'^*^^ -Be it enacted by the General Assembly, as follows : — deposits. Section 1. The governor, the secretary of state, and the general treasurer, for the time being, are hereby con- stituted commissioners, with power to place in deposit, by drafts or otherwise, the proportion of the money of the United States received by the general treasurer, ac- cording to the act of Congress aforesaid, in such of the several incorporated banks in this state as have complied and shall comply with the laws relating to banks, and shall assent to the provisions of this act, in a rateable pro- portion to their capital actually paid in ; said banks obli- gating themselves in writing to pay interest to the state, on the amount deposited in each, at the rate of five per cent, per annum, and to pay over said amount deposited, or any part thereof, to the order of the commissioners, whenever required in conformity with the provisions of this act. The interest on these deposites shall be paid to the general treasurer on the second Monday in April, 1837, and thereafter annually. The commissioners are empowered at any time, if in their opinion the deposites 11 arc insecure in any bank, to require sufficient security of the bank holding them, or in default thereof, or on failure to pay the interest on said deposites, to demand of the bank payment of the amount of said deposites, and to place the same, when received in some other bank or baiiks. If any bank shall refuse to make payment when said deposites shall be demanded of it, for the causes a- foresaid, the commissioners are authorized to issue a war- rant of distress, directed to the sheriff, or his deputy, in the county where the bank is located, commanding- him to distrain the goods, chattels and effects of every kind be- longing to such bank, and the same to sell and dispose of to the use of the state, to an amount equal to that due from said bank and the costs of such proceedings. The deposites made by the commissioners, agreeably to this act, in any of the banks, shall remain therein, unless vol- untarily relinquished, or unless called for by the secre- tary of the treasury of the United States, or drawn out by the commissioners, by reason of insecurity, or the non- payment of interest, or upon a bank being adjudged by the supreme court, guilty of violating the law concerning banks, for the space of two years from the first day of January, 1837, and until the passage of an act of the general assembly making a different disposition of them. Whenever the money deposited with this state, or any part of it, shall be demanded by the secretary of the trea- sury, notice thereof, as soon as maybe, shall be given by the commissioners to the banks. The deposites, when called in by the commissioners, for repayment to the United States, shall be required of the banks rateably. Sec. 2. The interest accruing to the state on the de- posites of the public money received from the United States, shall be set apart, and annually applied to the support of public schools in the several towns and cities of the state ; to which use it shall be apportioned agree- ably to. the " act to establish public schools, passed at the January session, 1828, and the several acts in amend- ment of it. Sec. 3. The secretary of state shall cause this act, and also the thirteenth section of the act of Congress reg- ulating the deposites of the public money, to be printed and distributed to each of the incorporated banks in this state, within ten days from the rising of this assembly. — 12 The banks are requested within thirty days thei-eafter, to signify to the general treasurer in writing, their readi- ness, if sa disposed, to receive their proportion of the deposites, and to comply with the provisions of this act. Sec. 4. The commissioners shall report to the gene- ral assembly, at the next session, the names of the banks that have assented to this act, together wMth the sums deposited, and also at the ensuing May session, and annually thereafter, the amount which has been de- posited in each bank, the time of deposit, the interest due and received, and also such action relating to the de- posites as has been had by the commissioners in the dis- charge of the duties of their ofRce. 1839/^' ^» act in amendment of an act passed at October session, A. D. 1836, entitled an act to provide for the disposi- tion of the proportion of the money of the United States to be deposited with this state, by virtue of an act of Con- gress, entitled " An act to regulate the deposites of the public money, approved June 23, 1836: and also to pro- vide for the appropriation of the interest arising from said money." Pubuc*^ ^e it enacted by the General Assembly, as follows: — Money. Section 1. Whenever any moneys deposited with any bank under the provisions of said act shall be volun- tarily relinquished by such bank ; or whenever any such moneys shall be withdrawn by the commissioners for any cause specified in said act, except for repayment to the United States ; the commissioners aforesaid are here- by authorized, upon application by the town or city trea- surer of any town or city in this state, duly authorized for that purpose, to loan to such town or city, any portion of such deposite fund so returned or withdrawn as aforesaid ; Provided, such treasurer shall give bond to said commis- sioners, conditioned as follows : To pay interest thereon at the rate of five per cent, on the second Monday of April annually : to pay the whole or such part of the sum loaned as may be required by the commissioners for the purpose of repayment to the United States : to pay 13 the whole or such part thereof as may be at any time re- quired by act of the general assembly : and conditioned also, to employ said money so received to the purposes of education exclusively. Sec. 2. The sum loaned to any such town or city, shall not exceed the proportion to which such town or city would be entided according- to the ratio of popula- tion prescribed in the act entided " an act to establish public schools," and the acts in amendment thereof. Sec. 3. Whenever any moneys returned or with- drawn as aforesaid, shall not be applied for in whole or in part as aforesaid, within five days of the time of re- turn or withdrawal, the commissioners are hereby au- thorized, in their discretion, to place the same or the bal- ance thereof, in deposite with some other bank or banks, subject to the conditions and limitations of the act to which this is in amendment : or to invest the same in the capital stock of some bank or banks within this state. An act explanatory of '^ an act in amendment of an act 'h?.^^^' passed at October session, A. D. 1836, entitled an act to provide for the disposition of the proportion of the money of the United States deposited ivith this state, by virtue of an act of Congress, entided an act to regulate the deposites of the public money, approved June 23d,, 1836, and also to provide for the interest arising from said money. '^ Be it enacted by the General Assembly as follows : — pS^^ Section 1. The second section of the act to which this Money. is in amendment, shall not be so construed as to restrict the loan of any monies in the hands of the commissioners to any city or town in this state, in its proportion of pop- ulation to the amount so in the hands of said commission- ers as aforesaid, but only to the ratio of population of such town or city, to the whole sum on deposit with this state, from the United States. 14 May 4, j^^ ^^f.^ iq coiiftnii ciH Act of the lown of Newport f 07- cstablisking a i^uhlic School Fund. School Fund Whereas the town of Newport, in town-meeting, on kevvport. iiie 27th day of March last, made and passed the fol- lowing acts and resolutions, to wit : At a town-meeting holden in Newport, March 26, 1SB7. An Act to establish a Fund in aid of the Public School lately established by this town. Resolved^ by the moderator and freemen of the town of Newport, legally assembled at the state-house in said town, this twenty-sixth day of March, 1827, that where- as, by act of tlie general assembly, this town is author- ized to appropriate eight hundred dollars, annually, out of the town tax, for the support of public schools ; and whereas the said amount may prove insufficient for pro- moting the object to the desired extent : Therefore it %8 voted and resolved^ That three discreet and suitable persons be chosen by the town, on the fifth day of June next, to be denominated the Commis- vsioners of the School Fund ; that one of them shall liold ills appointment one year, another two years, and the third three years, to be decided by lot by the commis- sioners ; and in case they neglect so to decide, within three months after their appointment, then to be deci- ded in like manner by the town-council : and that here- after one commissioner shall be appointed every year, on the annual day of choosing town-officers, so that each may hereafter hold, the said office three years ; and in case of vacancy, by death, resignation or other- wise, such vacancy may be filled at any legal meeting of the freemen, (but in case it be at any special meet- ing, the same to be mentioned in the warrant for call- ing the same,) whose office shall expire at the time his predecessor's would have expired. And, he it further i-esolmd^ That the town-treasurer for the time being, shall be treasurer of the commission- ers, and shall receive and pay out all monies belonging to said school fund, under the direction and authority of tlie commissioners, and be liable with his sureties on 15 his bond in the premises, the same as lor all other du- ties of his office ; and shall also act as secretary to the commissioners, if they require it. And be it further resoloed, That the said commission- ers shall commence a fund in the following manner, viz : that they receive all donations and bequests here- after given for the use of public schools in this town, as likewise the bequest of the late Constant Taber, Esq. for that purpose, and they are hereby authorized to re- ceipt to the executors for the same ; that they receive of the town-council all monies by them collected on ac- count of the town for licenses to retailers and others, including also the town's part of what is received from auctioneers ; that they receive of the town-treasurer all the rents of real estates that are now or may here- after come into his possession, by virtue of an act of the general assembly, entitled " An act securing the estates of persons dying leaving real and personal e.s- tates within this state, and leaving no known heir or others entitled to distribution within the United States;" and whenever the town shall sell any such real estates, then the whole amount of sales, after deducting expen- ses, to be paid over for the benefit of the school fund ; that all personal property, derived to the town from the said statute, shall be paid over to the commissioners for the same purpose, after deducting expenses, if any ; and the said school fund shall be liable to refund the same in case the town should thereafter be called on for the same by the owners or heirs : that the town may- hereafter turn over to the school fund any donations which have already or may hereafter come into their possession, given generally for useful and charitable purposes, where the town have a discretionary power. And it is further resolved^ That the remaining New- town lots, being twenty-four in nuniber, be sold, and the proceeds added to the school fund : that the com- missioners shall fund the m.oney received by them in good bank or other stocks, at their discretion, a major- ity agreeing thereto, and may dispose of any stocks for the purpose of exchanging for other stocks, but not un- less the whole agree to such sale ; the interest arising upon the said fund shall be paid over to such person or persons, committee or committees, as the town may 16 authorize to receive the same, for tlie purpose of sup- porting the school or schools established or to be es- tablished on and after the first day of June and the first day in January, in every year, provided the same be wanted for tiiat purpose ; and if any interest or profits remain in their hands unreclaimed as aforesaid, on the first day of January in any year, the same shall be added to the school fund. And he it further resolved^ That Henry Bull, David King and Samuel Whitehorn, be commissioners of the school fund until the fifth day of June next, being the annual day for appointing town officers : that the pres- ent as well as all future commissioners are expected to serve gratuitously. And bcit ficrther resolved, That this act be made per- petual, and that the representatives of this town be au- thorized and directed to obtain an act of the legisla- ture confirming and establishing the same, with such alterations as they in their wisdom may suggest. On the above and foregoing resolutions being read, they were unanimously adopted. A true copy from the records — witness, Benj. B. HowLAND, Town-Clerk, Be It therefore enacted by the General Assembly, and hy the authority thereof it is enacted, That the acts and resolutions of the town of Newport, herein before recit- ed, be and the same are hereby fully sanctioned and confirmed and passed as an act of this general assemb- ly ; and all the powers, capacities and duties therein provided, be and the same are established, confirmed, ratified and enacted. IchJoig Resolved, That the town of Newport be and it is Newport, hereby authorized to appropriate that town's propor- 1828 ^^' ^^^^ of the money which, by the act to establish public schools is ordered to be paid over to the several towns, towards completing the school-house already erected there, and in support of their present school, or in such n other manner to the support of such school or schools, in that town, as said town may think most advisable ; any thing in said act to the contrary notwithstand- ing. An act 111 addition to an act to confirm an act of the june 25 town of Weicport, for establishing a public School i^^*^- Fund. Be It enacted by the General Assernbly, and by the p , ,. authority thereof it is enacted, That the town of New- Schools port, be, and hereby is empowered, to apply so much of Newport. the interest arising on said school fund, and so much of the general auxiliary funds, appropriated by said act to the future gradual increase of said school fund, as shall be necessary for the purchase of a suitable lot of land, and for the erection thereon of such edifice as said town shall think proper, for the purposes of a public or free school. An act m addition to the act entitled " An act to en- Jan. 19, large and explain the powers of the town-meeti7igs ^^^^' and town-council of the town of Providence." Be it enacted by the General Assembly, and by the school authority thereof it is enacted, That the freemen of the Tax, town of Providence, in town-meeting legally assembl- ^Jnce. ed, shall have the power of assessing and collecting taxes from time to time, in the same manner as other town taxes are assessed and collected, and of ap- propriating the same to establish and maintain Free Schools therein, and to defray the expenses incident thereto. 3 18 June 27, ^^ (^^i fo provide for the manner of building School- ^^^ ' Houses in the town of Hopkinton. School Section 1. Beit enacted hij the General Assembly, H^^^kln ^^^ by the authority thereof it is enacted, That each and ton!* '" every school district, located by the school committee of said town of Hopkinton, shall build and provide for the said district, a suitable school-house for the use of such district, and keep the same in repair ; and that no school district shall be entitled to any part or propor- tion of the money appropriated by the act entitled " an act to establish public schools," unless they shall build and keep such school-house in repair ; but such part or proportion shall be divided by the school committee among the other school districts in said town. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the inhabitants of the respective school districts in said town, who are liable to the pay- ment of state or town taxes, to meet, from time to time, at some suitable place in their respective districts, to be appointed by the school committee of said town, and to be notified by setting up notifications in their re- spective districts, in three public places, at least ten days before such meeting, and at such meeting to ap- point a chairman and clerk ; and at such meeting they shall have power to vote and provide for a tax or taxes on the rateable estates in said district, for the building or repairing of the school house therein, which shall always be apportioned and assessed from the estimate and apportionment of the last town tax-bill of said town; and shall have power to appoint assessors and a collector of such taxes ; and such taxes shall be assessed in the same manner, and such collector shall have the same powers in the collection of such taxes, as are given to collectors of town taxes: and at such meetings they shall have power to provide for the building and keeping in repair the school houses in such districts respectively,, in such manner as a majority shall deem expedient ; and to pass all such votes as may be necessary to carry this into effect, 19 An act ill relation to building a ScJiool House m the ^q^{^' eleventh district in the town of Ilojykinton. Be It enacted by the General Assembly, and by the au- School ihority thereof it is enacted, That all the taxable inhab- Ho^JSin- itants of the eleventh district in the town of Hopkin- ton, who neglect or refuse to assist in building a school- house in said district, as located by the school commit- tee of said town, be deprived of the use of the same ; and also of any part or proportion of the money appro- priated by the act entitled " an act to establish public schools," until they shall conform and pay their pro- portional part of the expense of erecting said school house. An axt in addition to and explanatory oj an act entitled ^^l ' " an act to provide for the manner of building school houses in the town of Ho])kinton,^^ Be it enacted by the General Assembly, and by the au- ScUooi thority thereof it is enacted, that when the estate of any Hopkin- person or persons shall lie in different school districts ton. in the said town of Hopkinton, it shall be the duty of the assessors appointed in the respective school dis- tricts under the act entitled " an act to provide for the manner of building school houses in the town of Hop- kinton," to assess the portion of such person or persons, of the tax or taxes which may from time to time, be ordered under said act, on such part of said estate as lies within the school district ordering the same ; hav- ing reference to the proportional value which that part of such estate shall bear, to the whole estate of such person or persons as estimated in the lavSt town tax bill of said town. 20 Jan. 21, 1830. An act authorizing the freemen of the town of Westerly to pass such laics as they may deem expedient for the building of school houses, not inconsistent ivith gener^al laws. School Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, Westerly. ^^^ ^V ^^^ authority thereof it is enacted, That the free- men of the town of Westerly are hereby authorized in legal town meeting, to pass such laws as they may deem necessary for the building and repairing school houses in the respective school districts of said town, with power of laying and collecting, and of providing for the laying and collecting of taxes to defray the expenses thereof, not inconsistent with the laws of this state. June 24, An act to authorize the toimi of Smithfteld to increase 1830 their School Committee. School Be it enacted by the General Assembly, and by the au- Commit- tho7^ity thereof it IS cnactcd. That the freemen of the field. ^ town of Smithfield, at a legal town meeting to be held in said Smithfield, in August, 1830, be and they are hereby autliorized and empowered to appoint not more than nine persons in addition to the persons now ap- pointed for the school committee of said town ; to have the same power and to continue in office the same term with the persons already appointed. Feb. 3, An act to provide for the location of school districts in ^®^ ■ the toion of Smithfteld and for other purposes. School Be it enacted by the General Assembly, as follows: — Smithfield Section 1. The freemen of the town of Smithfield may, at any town meeting legally assembled, divide the town into school districts and determine the limits of said districts. Sec. 2. The inhabitants of the respective school districts in said town, who are liable to the payment of 21 state or town taxes, may hold meetings from time to time, at some suitable place in their respective dis- tricts ; which meetings mitil the inhabitants shall pre- scribe another mode of calling the same, shall be called and appointed by the school committee of said town, and be notified by setting up notices in their respective districts, in three public places, at least ten days pre- vious to any meeting. And the said inhabitants ol each and every district at such meeting thereof, may appoint a chairman and clerk ; and may also choose one per- son resident in the district to be a committee for that district, and to be called the district committee ; and who shall hold his office for one year, and until another be elected in his stead. Sec. 3. The said inhabitants may at any meeting legally notified, provide for building and repairing school houses in their respective districts ; and for this purpose may vote and provide for a tax or taxes on the rateable estates in said districts respectively ; which tax or taxes shall be apportioned and assessed accord- ing to the value of said estates within each district ; and said inhabitants may appoint assessors and a col- lector of such taxes, which assessors and collector shall be engaged ; and such taxes shall be assessed and col- lected in the same manner as is now provided by law for the assessing and collecting town and state taxes ; and such collector shall give bond with surety satis- factory to the town treasurer of said town, for the faith- ful discharge of the duties of his office ; and shall have the same powers in the collection of such taxes, as are given to the collectors of town taxes ; and at such meeting a majority of the said inhabitants present, may determine upon the places where the school- houses in their respective districts shall be located ; and may direct the manner of building and repairing such school-houses ; and pass all such votes as may be necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this act. Sec. 4 The money collected as aforesaid, shall be at the disposal of the district committee, to be by him applied to the building or repairing of school-houses, or to the purchase of land for the sites of school-houses 22 according to the votes or directions of the said inhabi- tants of the district. Sec. 5. The money which shall be paid over in each year, to the said town of Smithfield for the pur- pose of public schools, by virtue of the act entitled " an act to establish public schools," shall be appor- tioned by the school committee of said town, among the several districts thereof, in proportion to their respec- tive population under the age of sixteen years, to be enumerated and ascertained by the school committee ; and the said money shall be placed by the town treas- urer, at the disposal of the district committees, for the use of the schools in their respective districts. Sec. 6. The district committee shall be engaged ; and shall give bond with surety satisfactory to the town treasurer of said town, for the faithful performance of his trust. It shall be his duty to keep the school- house of such district in good order, at the expense and under the direction of the district ; to provide fuel and all things necessary for the comfort of the scholars therein ; to select and contract with a school-master for the district ; and to give such information and as- sistance to the school committee of the town, as may be necessary to aid them in the discharge of the duties required of them. Sec. 7. The said inhabitants of each and every district may, at any regular meeting, prescribe by whom and in what manner all future meetings of the district for the purposes herein provided shall be call- ed. Sec. 8. The provisions of this act shall take effect and go into operation, any thing in the act entitled " an act to establish public schools" and the 'several acts in amendment thereof, ^to the contrary notwith- standing. 23 An act in amendmmt of an act^ entitled " an act to pro- ^*l^- ^' vide for the location of school districts in the town of Smithfield, and for other purposes." Be it enacted by the General Assemhly, asfolloius : — Imithfieid The fifth section of the act aforesaid is hereby repeal- ed. An act authorizing the town of East- Greenwich to pass ^§32^^' an act for the building and repairing School-Houses in said town. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, School and by the authority thereof it is enacted, That the free- e^sT^^ men of the town of East-Greenwich be, and they are Green- hereby authorized in legal town meeting* to pass such ^'^*^*^' laws as they may deem necessary for the building* and repairing- school houses in the respective school districts of said town ; and to lay and collect, and to provide for the laying" and collecting" of taxes to defray the expenses thereof by laws, not inconsistent with the laws of this state. An act to provide for the manner of building School- ^q^^ ^' Houses in the town of Cumberland. School Houses Be it enacted by the General Assembly, and by the au- dumber thority thereof it is enacted, that it shall and may be law- land. ^ fulfor the inhabitants of the respective school districts lo- cated by the school committee of said town of Cumber- land, who are liable to the payment of state or town taxes, to meet from time to time at some suitable place, in their respective districts, to be appointed by the school committee of said town, and to be notified in their re- spective districts in three public places at least, ten days before such meeting, and at such meeting to appoint a chairman and clerk ; and at such meeting, they shall have power to vote and provide for a tax on the ratable es- tates in said district, for the building and repairing of the school house therein, which shall always be apportioned 24 and assessed from the estimate and apportionment in the last town tax bill of said town ; and shall have power to appoint assessors, and a collector of said taxes, which assessors and collector shall be eng-ag-ed as is now pro- vided by law for the assessing- and collecting- town and state taxes ; and such taxes shall be assessed in the same manner, and such collector shall have the same powers in the collection of such taxes, as are given to collectors of tov/n taxes — and at such meetings they shall have power to provide for building and keeping in repair the school house in such district respectively, in such manner^as a majority shall deem expedient ; and to pass all such votes as may be necessary to carry this act into effect. An act i7i addition to an act providing the manner of building School Houses in the town of Cumberland. Be it enacted by the General Assembly as follows : — It shall be lawful for each and every school district in Cumberland, to purchase a school house already built, in the same manner and under the same regulations as are provided for building and repairing school houses in an act passed November 1st 1834, of which this is in amendment. 1835.^^' -^^ cict to provide for the manner of building school houses in the town of Richmond. hSTsc Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly ^ Richmond and by the authority thereof it is enacted, That each and every school district, located by the school comnait- tee of said town of Richmond, shall build and provide for the said district, a suitable convenient school house for the use of said district, and keep the same in repair ; and that no schooljdistrict shall be entided to any part or proportion of the money appropriated by the act entitled " an act to establish public schools," unless they shall build and keep such school house in repair ; but such part or proportion of money forfeited by neglecting to 25 build such school house, shall be divided by the school committee among the other school districts in said town. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, that it shall and may be lawful for the inhabitants of the respective school districts in said tov^^n, who are liable to the payment of state or town taxes, to meet from time to time, at some suitable place in their respective districts, to be appoint- ed by the school committee of said town, and to be notifi- ed by setting up notices in their respective districts in three public places, at least ten days previous to such meet- ing- ; and that the inhabitants of each and every district when so assembled, may appoint a chairman and secre- tary, and have power to vote and provide for a tax or taxes on the rateable estates in said districts for building" and repairing- the school house therein ; which tax shall be apportioned and assessed from the estimate in the last town tax of said town, according' to the value of said estates lying- within each district. And they shall have power to appoint assessors and a collector of such taxes; and such taxes shall be assessed and collected in the same manner, and the collector shall have the same pow- ers as other collectors of taxes. And a majority of the inhabitants of such districts liable to pay taxes may di- rect the manner of building and repairing such school house as they may deem expedient ; and pass all such votes as may be necessary to carry this act into effect. An act in' amendment of an act entitled " an act to pro- fgse^' vide for the manner of building School Houses in the toion of Richmond y Be it enacted by the General Assembly, and by the au- School thority thereof it is enacted, that the first section of the Rrchmond act aforesaid, passed at the June session, A. D. 1835, be so amended, as that the operation of the same be sus- pended until the first day of September next ; and that all forfeitures if any, incurred under the provisions of the act aforesaid, be and the same are hereby remitted. Richmond 2G Nov. s, Upon the petition of Caleb Barber and ethers, praying* ^^^^' for certain reasons therein stated, tiiat ihey may be ai> Schooi thorized and empowered to build a school-house on the House sDot located by the town school committee in the eighth n,.i,.^.„,i ^j^^^^i district in Richmond, and receive the quota of free school money now apportioned to said district for the free schools, and that those who refuse to pay their taxes as- sessed according to the act entided " an act to provide for themanner of building school houses in the town ofRichr mond" be excluded from deriving any benefit from said house, or any part of said school money mitil they shall pay their taxes assessed, and the interest thereon : Voted and resolved, that the prayer of said petition be, and the same is hereby granted ; and that said petitioners be, and they hereby are authorized and empowered to build said school house on the lotlocated by the town committee in the eighth school district in said Richmond, and furnish the same ; and receive the quota of free school money now or here- after apportioned to the said eighth district for the sup- port of the free school in said district ; and that all those who shall neglect or refuse to pay their taxes assessed according to said act, for the erection of said house, shall be excluded from the use of the same, or drawing any benefit therefrom ; and also of any paYt or proportion of the free school money that is or shall be appropriated by the act entitled " an act to establish Public Schools," or any acts in amendment or aid thereof, until they shall re- spectively pay the taxes assessed as aforesaid for the building and furnishing said house, and the interest that shall accrue thereon : Provided, that the school commit- tee of said town shall have power to relocate the school house in said district, within thirty days from the rising of the general assembly. Nov. 3, An act in addition to an act to provide for the manner of 1837. , building School Houses in the toivn of Richmond. School -Se it enacted by the General Assembly as folloivs : — house ^ Section 1. The eleventh school district in said town may assess a tax for the expense of building their school house, at any meeting of the inhabitants thereof hereafter Richmond legally called, and appoint the necessary officers and col- lect the same, in the manner provided for in the act to which this is in addition ; notwithstanding- any assess- ment heretofore made, the validity of which may have been rendered doubtful, by the omission of the necessary forms: Provided, that no person who has paid any as- sessment heretofore made against him for the building of said school-house, shall be compelled to pay again for the same purpose. Upon the petition of Nathan LillibridgCj Nathan W. Nov. 2, Lillibridge and Pardon Olney, inhabitants and residents ^'^^^• in the ninth school district in the town of liopkinton, rep- School resenting that it would be more convenient for them to be ^^pj^'^^o^j annexed to the seventh school district in the town of Richmond, adjoining the said district in Hopkinton in which they reside, and praying the passage of an act transferring them to the said seventh school district in tlV3 town of Richmond : Vof.ed and resolved, that the pray- er of said petition be, and the same is hereby granted so far as relates to the said Pardon Oiney, and that the said Pardon Olney be, and he is hereby transferred to the seventh school district in the town of Richmond ; and shall have all the rights and privileges, and be subject to all the liabilities which are now or hereafter may be al- lov/ed or imposed upon any inhabitant of the said seventh school district so far only as relates to the public schools in said district : and the said Pardon Olney and his es- tate adjoining" said seventh school district, shall be tax- able for school purposes in said last mentioned district only, and not in the district in which he now resides : Provided that the inhabitants of each of the aforesaid dis- tricts v7ho are liable to the payment of town and state taxes, shall at legal meetings called for that purpose agree thereto. Nov. 3, Upon the petition of sundry inhabitants of the fourth i^^s. school district in the town of Richmond, and the seven- Mumford toenth school district in tho town of South Kingstown, ^nis ^ sin inn School. Feb. 9, 1836. 28 and for the reasons therein stated, due notice having- been g-iven. Voted and resolved, that the inhabitants of said districts be authorized to unite together, (the majority of the taxable inhabitants of each district consenting thereto) and appropriate the proportion of school money belonging to each district, to defray the expense of keeping a free school in the school-house now erected in the said seven- teenth district, for the common benefit of both said dis- tricts ; and that the said fourth district in Richmond be authorized to receive its proportion of the free school money, in the same manner as if they had erected a school-house in said district : Provided, that no part of the public money be taken to pay for the rent of such school-house. An act to provide for the manner of building School- Houses in the second district in the town of Burrill- ville. School Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, BuSm- ^^^^ ^y ^^^ authority thereof it is enacted. That it shall viiie. and may be lawful for the inhabitants of the second school district located by the school committee of said town of Burrillville, who are liable to the payment of state or town taxes, to meet from time to time at some suitable place in said district to be appointed by the school com- mittee of said town, and to be notified in three public places in said district, at least ten days before such meet- ing, and at such meeting to appoint a chairman and clerk; and at such meeting they shall have power to vote and provide for a tax on the rateable estates in said district for the building and repairing of the school house therein ; which shall always be apportioned and assessed from the estimate and apportionment in the last town tax bill of said town. And shall have power to appoint assessors, and a collector of said taxes ; which assessors and col- lector shall be engaged ; and such taxes shall be asses- sed in the same manner as is now provided by law for the assessing and collecting town and state taxes. And such collector shall have the same powers in the collection of such taxes as are given to collectors of town taxes. And 29 at such meeting- they shall have power to provide for building- and keeping" in repair the school house in said district, in such manner as a majority shall deem expe- dient ; and to pass all such votes as may be necessary to carry this act into effect. Upon the petition of Stephen Bartlett and others, Feb. i, inhabitants of the second school district in the town ^'^■^'^• of Burrillville, representinar that the school-house in o , , !• • I 11 1 bchool said district has not been properly located, and pray- district; ing that a committee be appointed to locate the same : ^.^J^"^i- Voted and resolved, that the prayer of said petition be so far granted, as that the school committee of said town shall be and they hereby are authorized and em- powered to appoint three suitable and disinterested persons belonging to said town, and who are not resi- dent in said district, to be a committee to visit the same, and determine upon the place therein, where the said school-house shall be located ; and their deter- mination shall be final. An act relating to the building and repairing a School ^°^- ^» House in the School District, No. 1, in North Provi- dence. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, as follows : — school Section 1. It shall and may be lawful for the inhab- ^- ^'°^*" itants of school district No., 1, located by the school committee of said town of North Providence, in the village of Pawtucket in said town, who are liable to the payment of state or town taxes, to meet from time to time at some vSuitable place in said district, to be appointed by the member or members of the school committee residing in said district, or in default there- , of by the school committee of said town, and to be no-^ tilled in three public places in said district, at least ten days before such meeting ; and at such meeting to ap- point a chairman and clerk ; and at such meeting they shall have power to vote and provide for a tax on the , 30 rateable estates in said district for the building and repairing of a school house therein ; which tax shall always be apportioned and assessed from the estimate and apportionment in the last town tax bill of said town ; and to appoint assessors and a collector of said taxes, which assessors and collector shall be engaged ; and such taxes shall be assessed in the same manner as is provided by law for the assessing and collecting town and state taxes. And such collector shall have the same powers in the collection of such taxes as are by law given to collectors of town taxes. And at such meetings said inhabitants shall have power to provide for building and keeping in repair the school house in said district, in such manner as a majority present at such meeting duly notified shall deem expedient ; and to do all such acts as shall be necessary to carry the powers herein granted into effect : Provided^ the same be not repugnant to the laws of this state or of the U- nited States. May 5, Au act relating to the building and repairing a School 1838. House in school district No. 7, in North Providence. School Be It enacted by the General Assembly, asfolloics : — SiTcr'' Section 1. It shall be lawful for the .freemen of the town of North Providence residing in school district No. 7, located by the school committee of said town to meet from time to time at some suitable place in the district, to be appointed by the member or members of said school committee residing in said district, or in de- fault thereof by the school committee of said town, and to be notified in three public places in said district at least ten, days before such meeting ; and at such meet- ing they shall appoint a chairman and clerk, and shall have power to vote and provide for a tax on the rate- able estates in said district for the building and repair- ing a school house therein : which tax shall always be apportioned and assessed from the estimate and ap- portionment in the last town tax bill of said town : and to appoint assessors and acollectorof said taxes, which assessors and collector shall be engaged ; and such 31 taxes shall be assessed in the same manner as is pro- vided by law, for assessing and collecting town and state taxes. And such collector shall have the same powers in the collection of such taxes as are by law given to collectors of town taxes. And at such meet- ings said freemen shall have power to provide for build- ing and keeping in repair the school house in said dis- trict, in such manner as a majority present at such meeting duly notified shall deem expedient : and to do all such acts as shall be necessary to carry the powers herein granted into effect : Provided the same be not repugnant to the laws of the state, or of the United States. An act to provide for the building School Houses in the ^ggg^' toivn of Exeter. Be it eyiacted by the General Assembly^ as folloivs : — School Section 1. Each and every school district, located by Exeter. the school committee of said town of Exeter, shall build and provide for the said district, a suitable and convenient school-house for the use of said district, and keep the same in repair ; and no school district shall be entitled to any part or proportion of the money ap- propriated by the act entitled " an act to establish public schools." unless they shall build and keep such school-house in repair ; but such part or proportion of money forfeited by neglecting to build such school- house, shall be divided by the school committee among the other school districts in said town. Sec. 2. It shall and may be lawful for the inhabi- tants of the respective school districts in said town, who are liable to the payment of state or town taxes, to meet from time to time, at some suitable place in their respective districts, to be appointed by the school committee of said district, and to be notified by setting up notices in their respective districts in three public places, at least ten days previous to such meeting ; and the inhabitants of each and every district when so as- sembled, may appoint a chairman and secretary, and have power to vote and provide for a tax or taxes on 32 the rateable estates in said districts for building and repairing tbe school-house therein, and also for pur- chasing land for the site of said house; which tax shall be apportioned and assessed from the estimate of the last town tax of said town, according to the value of said estates taxable within each district. And they shall have power to appoint assessors and a collector of such taxes ; and such taxes shall be assessed and collected in the same manner as is now provided by law for the assessing and collecting town and state taxes ; and the collector shall have the same powers in the collection of such taxes, as are given by law to collectors of town taxes. And a majority of the in- habitants present of such districts liable to pay taxes, may direct the manner of building and repairing such school-houses as they may deem expedient and pass all such votes as may be necessary to carry this act into effect. Sec. 3. In case the location of the school-house in any district, by the school committee shall not be sat- isfactory to all the said inhabitants thereof, it shall be the duty of the school committee of said town, on the written request of any three inhabitants of said dis- trict, who are liable to pay taxes as aforesaid, to ap- point at least three suitable and disinterested men as a committee, to visit said district and determine on the location of said house ; and their determination shall be final. Sec. 4. Each district in said town may at any reg- ular meeting thereof, appoint a suitable person who shall, under the directions of such district, purchase any land that may be necessary for the location of said houses, and receive a deed of the same in his name, for the use and benefit of such district; which shall con- vey a good title, and shall forever secure the said land to such district, for the use of a school-house. Sec. 5. All districts in said town which now have convenient school-houses located in proper places in said districts, shall have and receive their equal pro-^ portion of public money, in the same manner as other districts which may build school-houses hereafter by virtue of this act ; and one year from the passing of this act, shall be allowed to all districts in said town, to 33^ build and provide said honses, before any forfeiture of the public school money named in the lirst section of this act shall take place. An act in amendment of an act, entitled " an act to pro- \^q^^' vide for the manner of building School Houses in the town of Exeter." Be It enacted hii the General Assembly as folloivs : — pcJiooi llOUSGS Section 1. One year from the passage of this act is Exeter. hereby allowed to the several school districts in said town, within which to build school-houses therein, ac- cording to the provisions of the act hereby amended, before any forfeiture of the ptblic school money named in the first section of said act shall be incurred. Sec. 2. So much of said act as is inconsistent here- with is hereby repealed. An act to provide for the manner of building School Houses j^^e 24, inthetownofCharlestoivn." Be it enacted by the General Assembly as follows : — School Section 1. Each and every district located by the chaiies- school committee of said town of Charlestown, may t°^^" build and provide for such district a suitable and con- venient school house, and keep the same in repair. Sec. 2. The inhabitants of the respective school districts in said town who are liable to the payment of state or town taxes, may meet from time to time at some suitable place within their districts, to be appoint- ed by the school committee of said town, and to be no- tified in such manner as said committee shall direct, for at least ten days preceding the time of meeting ; and when so assembled they may appoint a chairman and secretary ; and adjourn from time to time ; and shall have power to provide for a tax or taxes on the rateable estates in their respective districts for building or repairing school houses therein ; which tax shall be 34 apportioned and assessed from the estimate in the last town tax of said town, according to the value of said estates lying within such districts. And they may ap- point assessors, and a collector of such taxes, who shall be engaged in the usual form. And the taxes shall be assessed and collected in the same manner, and the collector shall have the same powers as collectors of town and other taxes. And a majority of the inhabit- ants of each district liable to pay taxes, may direct the manner of building and repairing school houses, and may pass all votes necessary to carry this act into ef- fect. State of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations. Secretary's Office, Maij 8, A. B. ""SSQ, The foregoing is a true copy of the several acts now in force relating to Public Schools : duly compared, HENRY BOWEN, , Secretary of State. Ekratum.— Side note top of page 23, for 1837 read 1838.