r? Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/undergroundwaterOOnort DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH, Dikectob Water-supply Paper 293 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA BY W. H. NORTON, W. S. HENDRIXSON, H. E. SIMPSON, O. E. MEINZER, and others PREPARED IN COOPERATION WITH THE IOWA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1912 / DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH, Directob "Water- Supply Paper 293 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA / ^ ^ BY W. H. NORTON, W. S. HENDRIXSON, H. E. SIMPSON, O. E. MEINZER, and others PREPARED IN COOPERATION WITH THE IOWA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1912 U^ h^ D. OF D, FEB 21 !913 -^^ ^^v CONTENTS. Page. Introduction, by W. H. Norton 31 Scope of the work 31 Object of the investigation 32 Cooperation with the Iowa Geological Survey 33 Geological investigation of wells. . , 33 Means of investigation 33 Available data 34 Samples of drillings 34 Collection and storage 34 Study of samples 36 Petrographic investigation 36 Possibilities of error 37 Correlation of rock formations 38 Fossils 38 Lithologic similarity 39 Order of succession 40 Dip of strata 40 Difficulty of demarcation 41 Forecasts 41 Acknowledgments i 42 Chemical investigation of well waters, by W. S. Hendrixson 43 Scope of investigation 43 Acknowledgments 43 Chapter I. — Topography and climate, by H. E. Simpson 45 Topography 45 Relief 45 Drainage 46 Drif tless area 46 Relief 46 Soils 47 Drainage '. 47 Drift area 48 General character 48 Drift sheets 49 Kansan drift 49 Illinoian drift 61 lowan drift 51 Wisconsin drift 52 Summary 53 Climate 54 General conditions 54 Temperature 54 Precipitation 55 Controlling conditions 55 Geographic distribution 56 Seasonal distribution 57 Variations 58 Summary 59 3 4 CONTENTS. Page. Chapter II. — Geology, by W. H. Norton and H. E. Simpson 60 General conditions 60 Pre-Cambrian rocks 61 Arcbean system 61 Algonkian system 61 Sioux quartzite 61 Algonkian (?) rocks 63 Red clastic series 63 Sandstones with intrusive sheets 63 Cambrian system 63 Occurrence and subdivisions 63 Dresbach sandstone and underlying Cambrian strata 64 Definition 64 Distribution 64 Lithologic character 65 St. Lawrence formation 65 Distribution 65 Lithologic character 66 Jordan sandstone , . 66 Distribution 66 Lithologic character 67 Ordovician system 68 Prairie du Chien group 68 Distribution 68 Lithologic character 68 St. Peter sandstone 70 Distribution 70 Lithologic character 71 Rocks between the St. Peter sandstone and the Maquoketa shale 72 Subdivisions 72 Platteville limestone and Decorah shale 73 Galena dolomite 74 Thickness of the Platteville, Decorah, and Galena formations 75 Maquoketa shale 75 Distribution 75 Lithologic character 76 Silurian system 77 Niagara dolomite 77 Distribution 77 Lithologic character 77 Salina (?) formation 78 Lithologic character , . . . 78 Distribution 79 Devonian system 80 Carboniferous system. 82 Mississippian series 82 Outcrops and subdivisions 82 Kinderhook group 82 Osage group 83 "St. Louis limestone" 84 Thickness of Osage group and "St. Louis limestone " 84 Pennsylvanian series 85 Subdivisions 85 CONTENTS. 5 Chapter II. — Geology — Continued. Carboniferous system — Continued. Pennsylvanian series — Continued. Page. Des Moines group 85 Missouri group 86 Permian (?) series 86 Cretaceous system 87 Dakota sandstone and Colorado groups 87 Tertiary system 87 Quaternary system 88 Pleistocene series 88 Nebraskan drift 88 Aftonian gravel 88 Kansan drift 88 Deposits of the Yarmouth stage 89 \ Illinoian drift 89 lowan drift 89 Wisconsin drift 89 Loess 90 Alluvium 90 Chapter III.— Geologic occurrence of underground water, by W. H. Norton, H. E. Simpson, and W. S. Hendrixson 91 Classification of underground waters 91 Waters of the rock formations 92 Artesian field 92 Occurrence of water 92 Quality of water, as related to geologic source 93 Water in pre-Cambrian rocks 94 Sioux quartzite 94 Water in Cambrian and Ordovician rocks 95 Cambrian system 95 Dresbach sandstone and underlying Cambrian sandstones 95 Wells 95 Springs 95 St. Lawrence formation 95 Jordan sandstone 96 Wells 96 Springs. 96 Ordovician system 97 Prairie du Chien group 97 Wells 97 Springs 97 St. Peter sandstone 97 Wells 97 Springs 98 Platteville limestone and Decorah shale 98 Galena dolomite 99 Wells 99 Springs 99 Maquoketa shale 100 Wells 100 Springs 100 Springs from Cambrian and Ordovician rocks 100 Quality of the Cambrian and Ordovician waters 102 6 CONTENTS. Chapter III. — Geologic occurrence of underground water— Continued. Waters of the rock formations — Continued. Page. Water in Silurian rocks 103 Niagara dolomite 103 Wells 103 Springs 104 Salina (?) formation 105 Quality of Silurian waters 105 Water in Devonian rocks 106 Artesian conditions 106 Wells 106 Springs 106 Quality of Devonian waters 107 Water in Carboniferous rocks 107 Mississippian series 107 General conditions 107 Kinderhook group 108 Osage group 108 Wells 108 Springs 108 "St. Louis limestone" 109 Pennsylvanian series 109 Des Moines group 109 Wells 109 Springs 110 Missouri group 110 Wells 110 Springs Ill Quality of Carboniferous waters Ill Water in Cretaceous rocks 112 Dakota sandstone 112 Wells 112 Springs 112 Quality of Cretaceous waters 112 Water of unconsolidated deposits 113 Water in Quaternary rocks 113 Pre-Kansan deposits 113 Residual soil 113 "Nebraskan" drift 113 Af tonian gravel 113 Kansan drift 114 Illinoian drift 114 Buchanan gravel 114 lowan drift 114 Loess 115 Wisconsin drift 115 Alluvium 115 Underground -water provinces of the Quaternary 115 Chapter IV. Artesian phenomena, by W. H. Norton 118 Definition of artesian water 118 Head of artesian waters 118 Definition 118 Measm-ement 119 Factors affecting head 119 Elevation of area of supply 119 CONTENTS. 7 Chapter IV. — Artesian phenomena — Continued. Head of artesian waters — Continued. Factors affecting head — Continued. Page. Elevation of surface at the well - 119 Age of well 120 Hydraulic gradient 120 Ground-water level 121 Relative heads of Iowa aquifers. 121 Yield of artesian wells 123 Measm-ement 123 Permanence of yield 123 Factors 123 Factors relating to the well 124 Casing and packing 124 Diameter of drill hole 125 Factors relating to the water beds 126 Pressure 126 Thickness 127 Texture and porosity 128 Crevices 128 Clogging 129 Overdraft 129 Remedies for decreased yield 130 Statistics of decreased yield 131 Chapter V. Chemical composition of underground waters, by W. S . Hendrixson 135 Introduction 135 Nature of analyses 135 Statement of analytical results 136 Form of analyses 136 Recomputation of former analyses 138 Chemical composition of water by districts 139 Northeast and north-central districts 139 Northwest district 148 East-central district 154 Central district 160 Southeast district 166 South-central and southwest districts 171 Summary 178 Deep wells 178 Quality 178 Distribution of hard and soft waters 181 Shallow wells 183 Chapter VI. Municipal, domestic, and industrial water supplies, by W. S. Hendrixson 184 Som-ces of supply 184 Adequacy of supply 187 Selection of source of supply 187 Well drilling 188 Deep wells 188 Finishing wells in sand, by O. E. Meinzer 190 Incrustation of screens 190 Remedies for incrustation 192 Large diameters 192 Ending in a coarse layer 193 Driving to the proper depth 193 8 CONTENTS. Chapter VI. — Municipal, domestic, and industrial water supplies — Continued. Well drilling — Continued. Finishing wells in sand — Continued. Remedies for incrustation — Continued. Page. Development of gravel screens 194 Independent pumps 194 Frequent renewal of screens 195 Summary 195 Municipal and domestic water supplies 195 Pollution 195 Soiu-ces 195 Town wells 196 Farm wells, by O. E. Meinzer 197 Mineral content 198 River and \veil waters 198 Effect on health 200 Effect on well casings 201 Corrosion 201 Soft-steel vs. wrought-iron tubing 202 Causes of corrosion 203 Pure water 203 Acid water 204 Alkaline water 206 Industrial supplies 206 Importance 206 Boiler water 206 Qualities of good boiler water 206 Boiler scale 208 Deposition 208 Chemical composition 209 Physical properties 210 Scale-forming power of different waters 210 Prevention 212 Water softening 212 Methods of softening 212 Hot softening 213 In feed-water heaters 213 In boilers 213 Away fi'om the boiler 214 Cold softening 214 Limits in removing incrusting matter 216 Cost of softening 217 Summary 217 Corrosion of boilers 218 Nature and location 218 Causes 218 Interpretation of analyses with reference to corrosion 220 Chapter VII. — ^Mineral waters, by W. S. Hendrixson 223 Definition 223 Medicinal value 223 Extent of mineralization 224 Types of mineral waters 228 Scheme of classification 228 Sodic muxiated alkaline-saline waters 229 Sodic mmriated-sulphated alkaline-saline waters 231 CONTENTS. 9 Chapter VII. — Mineral waters — Continued. Types of mineral waters — Continued. Page. Sodic-calcic muriated-sulphated alkaline-saline waters 231 Sodic -calcic sulpliated alkaline-saline waters 232 Calcic sulpliated alkaline-saline waters 233 Calcic carbonated alkaline waters 234 Sodic-calcic carbonated alkaline waters 236 Chapter VIII. — Northeast district 237 Introduction, by W. H. Norton 237 Allamakee County, by W. H. Norton 239 Topography 239 Geology 240 Underground water 243 Source 243 Provinces 244 \ Mississippi Valley 244 " Upper Iowa Valley 244 Minor valleys 245 Uplands 246 Springs 247 City and village supplies 249 Lansing 249 New Albin 250 Postville 251 Postville Jimction 252 Waukon 252 Village supplies 253 Well data 253 Blackhawk Coimty, by M. F. Arey and W. H. Norton 254 Topography 254 Geology 256 Underground water 256 Source and distribution 256 City and village supplies ._ 259 Cedar Falls 259 Waterloo 259 Bremer County, by W. H. Norton 262 Topography 262 Geology 262 Underground water 263 Soiu-ce 263 Distribution 263 Provinces 264 Wapsipinicon Valley 264 Biu:ied channel of ' ' Bremer River " 265 City and village supplies 268 Denver 268 Frederika 269 Plainfield 269 Readlyn 269 Sumner 270 Tripoli 272 Waverly ^ 272 Waverly Junction 275 WeU data 276 10 CONTENTS. Chapter VIII. — Northeast district — Continued. Page. Buchanan County, by M. F. Arey 281 Topography 281 Geology 281 Underground water 282 Source 282 Distribution 282 Springs 283 City and village supplies 284 Independence °. 284 Jesup 285 Winthrop 286 Chickasaw County, by 0. E. Meinzer 286 Topography and geology 286 Underground water 286 Source 286 Springs 287 City and village supplies 287 Fredericksburg 287 Nashua 287 New Hampton 287 Clayton County, by W. H. Norton 288 Topography 288 Geology 289 Underground water 291 Source 291 Flowing wells 292 Springs 294 City and village supplies 294 Clayton 294 Elkader 294 Guttenberg 295 McGregor 295 Monona 296 North McGregor 297 Strawberry Point 298 Minor supplies 298 Well data 299 Delaware County, by W. H. Norton 302 Topography 302 Geology 302 Underground water 303 Source and distribution 303 Springs 305 City and village supplies 306 Earlville 306 Hopkinton 306 Manchester 306 Ryan 309 Minor supplies 309 Well data 309 Dubuque County, by W. H. Norton 312 Topography. 312 Geology 314 CONTENTS. 11 Chapter VIII. — Northeast district — Continued. Dubuque County — Continued. Page. Underground water 316 Source and distribution 316 Permanence 318 Springs 319 City and village supplies 320 Cascade 320 Dubuque 320 Dyersville 325 Minor supplies 326 Well data 326 Fayette Coimty, by W. H. Norton 328 Topography 328 Geology 329 Underground water 330 Source and distribution 330 Springs 332 City and village supplies 332 Arlington 332 Fayette 332 Hawkeye 333 Oelwein 333 Westgate 334 West Union 334 Minor supplies 334 Well data 335 Howard County, by O. E. Meinzer 338 Topography and geology 338 Underground water 339 Source 339 Flowing wells 339 City and village supplies , 340 Cresco 340 Winneshiek County, by W. H. Norton 341 Topography 341 Geology 342 Underground water 343 Soiu-ce 343 Distribution 344 Springs 345 City and village supplies 346 Cahnar 346 Decorah 347 Ossian 348 Minor supplies 348 Well data 349 Chapter IX. — East-central district 351 Introduction, by W. H. Norton 351 Benton County, by H. E. Simpson and W. H. Norton 353 Topography 353 Geology 353 Underground water 354 Source and distribution 354 Belle Plaine artesian basin 356 12 CONTENTS. Chapter IX. — East-central district — Continued. Benton County — Continued. Underground water — Continued. Page. City and village supplies .,„.„.........,. 358 Atkins 358 Belle Plaine 358 Blairstown 359 Keystone 360 Luzerne 361 Mount Aubm^ 361 Shellsbmg 361 Urbana 361 Vanbom 362 Vinton 362 Well data 365 Cedar County, by W. H. Norton 366 Topography 366 Geology - 367 Undergroxind water 367 Soiu-ce 367 Distribution 368 City and village supplies 373 Buchanan 373 Clarence 373 Durant 373 Lowden 373 Mechanicsville 373 Springdale 373 Stanwood 373 Sunbury 374 Tipton 374 West Branch 375 Well data 376 Clinton County, by W. H. Norton 378 Topography 378 Geology 379 Underground water 379 Source and distribution 379 Springs 381 City and village supplies ■ 382 Clinton 382 Delmar 392 De Witt 392 Grand Mound 393 Wheatland 393 Minor supplies 393 Well data 393 Iowa County, by O." E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton 400 Topography and geology 400 Underground water 401 Som-ce 401 City and village supplies 402 Amana 402 East Amana 403 Homestead 403 CONTENTS. 13 Chapter IX. — East-central district — Continued- Iowa County — Continued. Underground water — Continued. City and village supplies — Continued. Page. Marengo 404 Victor 405 Williamsburg 405 Jackson County, by W. H. Norton 406 Topography 406 Geology 406 Underground water 407 Source 407 Distribution 408 Springs 41i City and village supplies 412 Green Island 412 La Motte 412 Maquoketa 412 Miles 415 Monmouth 415 Nashville 415 Preston 415 Sabula 415 Well data 416 Johnson County, by A. O. Thomas 419 Topography 419 Geology 421 Underground water 421 Source 421 City and village supplies 422 Coralville 422 Hills 422 Iowa City 422 Lone Tree 424 North Liberty 424 Oakdale Sanitarium 424 Oxford 424 Shueyville 424 Solon 424 Swisher 425 Tiffin 425 Well data 425 Jones County, by W. H. Norton 428 Topography 428 Geology 428 Underground water 429 Soince 429 Provinces 429 Northeast of Maquoketa River 429 Between Maquoketa and Wapsipinicon rivers 429 South of Wapsipinicon River 431 Springs 431 City and village supplies 431 Anamosa 431 Center Junction 434 14 CONTENTS. Chapter IX. — East-central district — Continued. Jones County — Continued. Underground water — Continued. City and village supplies — Continued. Page. Langworthy 434 Monticello 434 Olin 436 Onslow 436 Oxford Junction and Oxford Mills 436 Stone 437 Wyoming 437 Well data 437 Linn County, by W. H. Norton 441 Topography 441 Geology 442 Underground water 443 Source and distribution 443 Buried channels 445 Springs , 446 City and village supplies 447 Cedar Rapids 447 Central City 449 Coggon , 449 Lisbon 449 Marion 449 Mount Vernon 449 Springville 450 Walker 450 Minor supplies 451 Well data 451 Muscatine County, by W. H. Norton 463 Topography 463 Geology 464 Underground water 465 Source and distribution 465 Springs 466 City and village supplies 467 Muscatine 467 West Liberty 470 Wilton 473 Minor supplies 473 Well data 474 Poweshiek County, by H. E. Simpson and W. H. Norton 477 Topography 477 Geology , 478 Underground water 478 Sorn-ce 478 Belle Plaine basin 479 Springs 479 City and village supplies 480 Brooklyn 480 Deep River 481 Grinnell 481 Malcom 484 Montezuma 484 WeU data 486 COITTEKTS. 15 Chapter IX. — East-central district — Continued. Page. Scott County, by W. H. Norton 487 Topography 487 Geology 487 Underground water 488 Provinces 488 Wapsipinicon flood plain 488 Mud Creek channel 489 Cleona buried channel 489 Niagara province 490 Devonian province ' 491 Carboniferous province 491 City and village supplies 492 Bettendorf 492 Davenport 493 Donahue , 501 \ Eldridge 501 Le Claire 501 Walcott 502 Minor supplies 502 Well data 502 Tama County, by W. J. Miller 508 Topography 508 Geology -. 508 Underground water 509 Source 509 Provinces 509 Springs 510 City and village supplies 510 Tama 510 Toledo 511 Traer 512 Well data 513 Chapter X. — Southeast district 514 Introduction, by W. H. Norton 514 Davis County, by O. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton 516 Topography 516 Geology 517 Underground water 518 Source 518 City and village supplies 518 Bloomfield 518 Des Moines County, by W. H. Norton 520 Topography 520 Geology 520 Underground water 522 Source 522 Springs 525 City and village supplies 525 Burlington 525 Mediapolis 529 Minor supplies 530 Well data 531 Henry County, by W. H. Norton 532 Topography .~. 532 Geology 533 16 CONTENTS. Chapter X. — Southeast district — Continued. Henry County — Continued. Page. Underground water 534 Source 534 City and village supplies 535 Mount Pleasant 535 Minor supplies 537 Well data 537 Jefferson County, by W. H. Norton 539 Topography 539 Geology 540 Underground water 540 Source 540 Springs 542 City and village supplies 542 Fairfield 542 Minor supplies 543 Well data 544 Keokuk County, by W. H. Norton 548 Topography 548 Geology 548 Underground water 549 Source and distribution 549 Springs 551 City and village supplies 552 Keota 552 Sigourney 552 Minor supplies 554 Well data 554 Lee County, by W. H. Norton 556 Topography 556 Geology : 556 Underground water 558 Soiirce 558 Springs 560 City and village supplies 560 Denmark 560 Fort Madison 560 Keokuk 564 Montrose 568 Mooar 568 Mount Clara 569 Minor supplies 569 Well data 570 Louisa County, by W. H. Norton 573 Topography 573 Geology 574 Underground water 575 Source and distribution 575 Springs 578 City and village supplies 579 Columbus Junction 579 Wapello 579 Minor supplies 580 Well data 580 CONTENTS. 17 Chapter X. — Southeast district — Continued. Page. Mahaska County, by H. E. Simpson 583 Topography 583 Geology 583 Underground water 585 Shallow flowing wells 585 Springs 586 City and village supplies 586 New Sharon - 586 Oskaloosa 586 Well data 589 Van Buren County, by W. H. Norton 591 Topography 591 Geology 592 Underground water 593 Source 593 City and village supplies 593 Bonaparte 593 Farmington 593 Minor supplies 594 Well data 594 Wapello County, by H. E. Simpson and W. H. Norton 596 Topography 596 Geology 597 Underground water 597 Source 597 Distribution 599 City and village supplies 601 Eddyville 601 Eldon 602 Ottumwa 602 Well data 609 Washington County, by W. H. Norton 610 Topography 610 Geology 610 Underground water 611 Source and distribution 611 City and village supplies 612 Ainsworth 612 Washington 612 Wellman 616 Minor supplies 617 Well data 617 Chapter XI. — North-central district 619 Introduction, by W. H. Norton 619 Butler County, by M. F. Arey 620 Topography 620 Geology 621 Underground water 622 Source 622 Distribution 622 Springs 625 City and village supplies 625 Allison 625 36581°— wsp 293—12 2 18 CONTENTS. Chapter XI. — North-central district — Continued. Butler County — Continued. Underground water— Continued. City and village supplies — Continued. Page. Greene 625 New Hartford 625 Shellrock 625 Well data 626 Cerro Gordo County, by O. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton 626 Topography and geology .626 Underground water 627 Source 627 Head 627 City and village supplies 627 Clear Lake 627 Dougherty 628 Emery 628 Mason City 628 Rockwell 635 Floyd County, by 0. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton 636 Topography and geology 636 Underground water 636 Source and distribution 636 Springs 637 City and village supplies 638 Charles City 638 Marble Rock 640 Nora Springs 640 Franklin County, by O. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton 640 Topography and geology 640 Underground water 641 Cources 641 Springs and flowing wells 641 City and village supplies 641 Hampton 641 Latimer 645 Hancock County, by 0. E. Meinzer 645 Topography and geology 645 Underground water 646 Source 646 Head 646 City and village supplies 647 Britt. 647 Corwith 648 Gamer 648 Humboldt County, by 0. E. Meinzer 648 Topography and geology 648 Underground water 649 Sources 649 Head 650 Springs 650 City and village supplies 650 Humboldt 650 Livermore 651 CONTENTS. 19 Chapter XI. — North-central district — Continued. Page. Kossuth County, by 0. E. Meinzer 651 Topography 651 Geology 651 Underground water 653 Source and distribution 653 Head 654 City and village supplies 655 Algona 655 Bancroft 655 Burt 656 Swea City 656 Mitchell County, by O. E. Meinzer 656 Topography and geology 656 Underground water 657 Source and distribution 657 Springs and flowing wells 657 City and village supplies 658 Osage 658 Riceville 659 St. Ansgar 659 Winnebago County, by O. E. Meinzer 659 Topography and geology 659 Underground water 660 Source 660 Head 660 Drainage wells 661 City and village supplies 661 Buffalo Center 661 Forest City 661 Lake Mills ,>. 662 Thompson r 663 Worth County, by O. E. Meinzer 663 Topography and geology 663 Underground water 663 Source 663 City and village supplies 664 Northwood 664 Wright County, by O. E. Meinzer 664 Topography and geology 664 Underground water 665 Source .- 665 Head 666 Drainage wells 667 City and village supplies 667 Belmond 667 Clarion 668 Dows 668 Eagle Grove 669 Chapter XII. — Central district 670 Introduction, by W. H. Norton 670 Boone County, by W. J. Miller and W. H. Norton 672 Topography and geology 672 Underground water 672 Source 672 20 CONTENTS. Chapter XII. — Central district — Continued. Boone County — Continued. Underground water — Continued. Page. Springs 673 City and village supplies 673 Boone 673 Madrid 680 Ogden 680 Well data 681 Dallas County,"by 0. E. Meinzer 682 Topography and geology 682 Underground water 683 Source 683 City and village supplies 686 Perry 686 GreeneCounty.byW. J. Miller and W.H.Norton 686 Topography and geology 686 Source 687 Underground water 687 Artesian basins 687 Springs 688 City and village supplies 688 Jefferson. 688 Scranton 689 Well data 689 Grundy County, by W. J. Miller and W. H. Norton 690 Topography and geology 690 Underground water 690 Source 690 Springs 690 City and village supplies 690 Grundy Center ; 690 Reinbeck 691 Well data 692 Guthrie County, by O. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton 692 Topography : 692 Geology 692 Underground water 693 Source 693 Provinces 694 City and village supplies 694 Bagley 694 Guthrie Center 694 Herndon 695 Panora 697 Stuart 697 Hamilton County, by W. J. Miller and W. H. Norton 698 Topography and geology 698 Underground water 698 Source 698 Springs 699 City and village supplies 699 Jewell 699 Webster City 699 Well data , „ 700 CONTENTS. 21 Chapter XII. — Central district — Continued. Page. Hardin County, by W. J. Miller and W. H. Norton 701 Topography and geology 701 Underground water 701 Source 701 Springs 702 City and village supplies 702 Ackley 702 Eldora 705 Hubbard 705 Iowa Falls 706 Radcliffe. 706 Well data 7O7 Jasper County, by H. E. Simpson 708 Topography 708 ^ Geology 708 - Underground water 708 Source : 708 South Skunk River artesian basin 710 ' Colfax mineral water 711 City and village supplies 714 Colfax 714 Kellogg 715 Newburg 715 Newton 715 Prairie City 717 Reasnor 718 Well data 718 Marshall County, by H. E. Simpson and W. H. Norton 719 Topography 719 Geology 719 Underground water 721 Sources 721 Distribution 722 City and village supplies 724 Gilman 724 Marshalltown 724 State Center 727 Well data 727 Polk County, by H. E. Simpson and W. H. Norton '. 730 Topography 730 Geology 731 Underground water 732 Source 732 Flowing wells 734 Gas wells 734 City and village supplies 734 Ankeny 734 Des Moines 734 Mitchell ville 739 Saylorsville 741 Valley Junction 742 Well data 742 22 CONTENO^S. Chapter XII. — Central district — ^Continued. Page. Story County, by H. E. Simpson and W. H. Norton 743 Topography 743 Geology 743 Underground water 743 Source 743 Distribution 747 City and village supplies 748 Ames 748 Nevada 753 Story City 754 Minor supplies 754 Well data 755 Webster County, by W. J. Miller and W. H. Norton 755 Topography 755 Geology 756 Underground water 756 Source 756 Distribution 757 Springs 757 City and village supplies 757 Dayton 757 Fort Dodge 758 Gowrie 761 Well data 761 Chapter XIII. — South-central district 763 Introduction, by W. H. Norton 763 Adair County, by H. E. Simpson 767 Topography 767 Geology 767 Underground water 767 Source and distribution 767 Springs 768 City and village supplies 768 Adair 768 Greenfield 768 Well data 769 Appanoose County, by 0. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton 770 Topography 770 Geology 770 Underground water 770 Source 770 City and village supplies 772 Centerville 772 Moulton 775 Clarke County, by H. E. Simpson 775 Topography and geology 775 Underground water 776 Source 776 Springs 777 City and village supplies 777 Murray 777 Osceola 777 Well data 778 CONTENTS. 23 Chapter XIII. — South-central district — Continued. Page. Decatur County, by O. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton 778 Topography 778 Geology 778 Underground water 780 Source 780 City and village supplies 781 Lamoni 781 Leon 782 Lucas County, by H. E. Simpson 783 Topography 783 Geology 783 Surface water 785 Underground water ' 785 Source 785 s^ Springs 786 ■ City and village supplies 787 Chariton 787 Derby 787 Lucas 787 Russell 787 Well data 788 Madison County, by H. E. Simpson 788 Topography 788 Geology 789 Underground water 789 Som-ce and distribution 789 Springs 791 City and village supplies 791 Winterset 791 Well data 792 Marion County, by H. E. Simpson and W. H. Norton 793 Topography 793 Geology 793 Undergroimd water 794 Source 794 Distribution 795 Springs 797 City and village supplies 798 Flagler 798 Knoxville 798 Pella 798 Pleasantville 801 Well data 801 Monroe County, by H. E. Simpson and W. H. Norton 802 Topography 802 Geology 803 Underground water 803 Source 803 Distribution 804 Springs 806 City and village supplies 806 Albia 806 Buxton 807 Melrose 807 No. 10 Junction : 807 WeUdata 808 24 CONTENTS. Chapter XIII. — South-central district — Continued. Page. Ringgold County, by 0. E. Meinzer 808 Topography and geology 808 Undergroiind water 809 Source 809 City and village supplies 810 Supplies for stock farms 811 Well data 811 Union County, by H. E. Simpson 812 Topography 812 Geology 812 Underground water 813 Source 813 Springs 814 • City and village supplies 815 Afton 815 Creston 815 Minor supplies 815 Warren County, by J. L. Tilton 815 Topography 815 Geology 816 Underground water 816 Soxirce 816 Wayne County, by O. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton 818 Topography and geology 818 Underground water 819 Source 821 Head 821 City and village supplies 821 Corydon 821 Minor supplies 822 Chapter XIV.— Northwest district 823 Introduction, by W. H. Norton 823 Buena Vista County, by O. E. Meinzer 826 Topography and geology 826 Underground water 826 Source 826 Head 827 City and village supplies 828 Alta 828 Marathon 828 Newell 828 Sioux Rapids ._ 828 Storm Lake 828 Calhoun County, by W. J. Miller and W. H. Norton 829 Topography and geology 829 Underground water 829 Source 829 Springs 830 City and village supplies 830 Lake City 830 Lohrville 831 Manson 831 Pomeroy 832 Rockwell City 833 Somers 834 Well data 836 CONTENTS. . 25 Chapter XIV. — Northwest district — Continued. Page. Carroll County, by W. J. Miller and W. H. Norton 836 Topography 836 Geology 837 Underground water 837 Source 837 Springs 838 City and village supplies 838 Carroll 838 Minor supplies 838 Well data 839 Cherokee County, by 0. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton 840 Topography and geology 840 Underground water 840 Somce 840 Head 841 City and village supplies 841 Aiu-elia 841 Cherokee 841 Marcus 844 Clay County, by O. E. Meinzer 844 Topography 844 Geology 845 Underground water ^ 845 Soiu"ce 845 City and village supplies 846 Peterson 846 Spencer 846 Crawford County, by W. J. Miller 846 Topography and geology 846 Underground water 847 Source 847 Springs 847 City and village supplies 847 Denison 847 Minor supplies 848 Well data 849 Dickinson County, by 0. E. Meinzer 849 Topography and geology 849 Underground water 850 Source 850 City and village supplies 851 Lake Park 851 Spirit Lake 851 Emmet County, by 0. E. Meinzer 851 Topography and geology 851 Underground water 852 Source 852 City and village supplies 853 Armstrong 853 Estherville 853 Ringsted 854 Ida County, by W. J. Miller and W. H. Norton 854 Topography and geology 854 \ 26 CONTElsrTS. Chapter XIV. — Northwest district — Continued. Ida County — Continued. Page. Underground water 854 Soiu-ce 854 Springs 855 City and village supplies 855 Battle Creek 855 Holstein 855 Ida Grove 857 Well data 857 Lyon County, by 0. E. Meinzer 858 Topography and geology 858 Underground water 858 Soiuce 860 City and village supplies 860 Alvord 860 Doon 860 Rock Rapids 860 Monona County, by W. J. Miller 860 Topography 860 Geology 860 Underground water 861 Som-ce 861 Provinces 862 Springs 862 City and village supplies 862 Onawa 862 Minor supplies 863 Well data 864 O'Brien County, by 0. E. Meinzer 864 Topography 864 Geology 864 Undergroimd water 865 Source 865 City and village supplies 866 Hartley 866 PauUina 866 Primghar 866 Sanborn 867 Sheldon 867 Sutherland 867 Osceola County, by O. E. Meinzer 868 Topography and geology 868 Underground water 868 Som-ce 868 City and village supplies 869 Ashton 869 Sibley 870 Palo Alto County, by 0. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton 870 Topography 870 Geology 870 Underground water 872 Source 872 Head 872 CONTENTS. 2*7 Chapter XIV. — Northwest district — Continued. Palo Alto County — Continued. Underground water — Continued. Page. City and village supplies 873 Ayrshire 873 Emmetsburg 873 Graettinger 874 Mallard 874 Ruthven 875 West Bend 875 Plymouth County, by O. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton 876 Topography and geology 876 Underground water 876 Source 876 Springs 877 N City and village supplies 877 Akron 877 Kingsley 877 Le Mars 877 Remsen 879 Pocahontas County, by O. E. Meinzer 879 Topography 879 Geology 879 Underground water 880 Source 880 Head 880 Drainage wells 881 City and village supplies -. 881 Fonda 881 Gihnore 882 Laurens 882 Pocahontas 882 Rolfe 883 Sac County, by W. J. Miller 883 Topography and geology 883 Underground water 883 Source 883 Provinces 884 Springs 884 City and village supplies 884 Sac City 884 Minor supplies 886 Well data 886 Sioux County, by 0. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton 887 Topography and geology 887 Underground water 888 Source 888 City and village supplies 889 Alton 889 Granville 889 Hawarden 889 Hull 889 Ireton 890 Orange City 890 Rock Valley 891 28 CONTENTS. Chapter XIV. — Northwest district — Continued. Page. Woodbury County, by W. J. Miller and W. H. Norton 891 Topography 891 Geology 891 Underground water 892 Source 892 Provinces 892 Springs 893 City and village supplies 893 Sioux City 893 Minor supplies ^. 895 Well data 896 Chapter XV. — Southwest district "897 Introduction, by W. H. Norton 897 Adams County, by H. E. Simpson 905 Topography 905 Geology 906 Underground water 906 Source 906 Springs 907 City and village supplies 907 Coming 907 Prescott. 907 Minor supplies 908 Well data 908 Audubon County, by O. E. Meinzer 908 Topography and geology 908 Underground water 909 Source 909 City and village supplies 910 Audubon : 910 Exira 910 Kimballton 911 Cass County, by H. E. Simpson and W. H. Norton 911 Topography and geology 911 Underground water 911 Source 911 City and village supplies 912 Anita 912 Atlantic : 912 Griswold 915 Lewis 915 Mame 915 Massena 9l5 Well data 916 Fremont County, by O. E. Meinzer 917 Topography 917 Geology 917 Underground water 917 Source 917 City and village supplies 919 Hamburg 919 Sidney 919 Tabor 919 Thurman 919 CONTENTS. 29 Chapter XV. — Southwest district — Continued. Page. Harrison County, by O. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton 920 Topography and geology 920 Underground water 920 Source 920 City and village supplies 922 Dunlap 922 Logan 923 Missoiu-i Valley 925 Persia 925 Woodbine 925 Mills County, by 0. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton 926 Topography and geology 926 Underground water 926 Sotnce 926 Springs 927 \ City and village supplies 927 ^ Glenwood 927 Hastings 933 Malvern 933 Pacific Junction 933 Montgomery County, by H. E. Simpson 934 Topography 934 Geology 934 Underground water 935 Source 935 Provinces 936 Flowing wells 937 Springs 937 City and village supplies ; 937 Elliott 937 Red Oak 938 Villisca 938 Well data 393 Page County, by O. E. Meinzer 939 Topography 939 Geology 939 Underground water 940 Som-ce 940 City and village supplies 941 Clarinda 941 Com 943 Essex 943 Shenandoah 943 Pottawatomie County, by O. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton. 944 Topography 944 Geology 944 Underground water 947 Source 947 City and village supplies 949 Avoca 949 Carson 949 CouncU Bluffs 949 Omaha, Nebr., and adjoining towns 952 Minden 958 Neola 958 Oakland 959 Wahiut 959 30 CONTENTS. Chapter XV. — Southwest district — Continued. Page. Shelby County, by O. E. Meinzer 959 Topography and geology 959 Underground water 959 Source 959 City and village supplies 960 Earling 960 Harlan , 960 Kirkman 961 Panama 961 Portsmouth 961 Taylor County, by O. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton 961 Topography and geology 961 Underground water 962 Source 962 City and village supplies 962 Bedford. 962 Index 967 ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. Plate I. Geologic map of Iowa, showing geology, artesian conditions, and elevation of St. Peter sandstone In pocket. II. General columnar section 60 III. Map showing drift sheets In pocket. IV. Map showing mineral character of underground water with reference to geography. 178 V. Geologic section between McGregor and Mason City 238 VI. Geologic section between Dubuque and LeMars 258 VII. Geologic section between St. Ansgar and Vinton 272 VIII. Geologic section between Manchester and Pella 352 IX. Geologic section between Sabula and Vinton 354 X. Geologic section between Green Island and Centerville 374 XI. Geologic section between Clinton and Dunlap 382 XII. Geologic section between Davenport and Keokuk 514 XIII. Geologic section between Des Moines and Burlington 526 XIV. Geologic section between Pella and Letts 548 XV. Geologic section between Davenport and Des Moines 670 XVI. Geologic section between Emmetsburg and Centerville 672 XVII. Geologic section between Sanborn and Holstein 824 XVIII. Geologic section between Bedford and Glenwood 898 Figure 1. Index map showing the location of geologic sections shown in Plates V-XVIII, inclusive 62 2. Map showing division of State into districts and the average mineral content of waters of deep and shallow wells in each district 140 3. Map of artesian field of Wapisipinicon River and of buried channel of Bremer River 266 4. Map showing location of wells marking the position of the buried Stan wood channel 369 5. Map of western Scott County, showing the ancient channel now occupied by Mud Creek and the buried Cleona channel 488 6. Map showing the elevation of the base of the Pennsylvanian in parts of southwestern and south-central Iowa 898 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. By W. H. NoETON and others. INTRODUCTION. By W, H. Norton. ■ SCOPE OF THE WORK. The investigation of the underground water resources of Iowa was planned and carried out along three lines. The artesian waters of the State were studied by W. H. Norton, the waters of the drift and country rock by H. E. Simpson, O. E. Meinzer, and a number of assistants, and the chemical and industrial qualities of all groundwaters by W. S. Hendrixson. Three reports were therefore submitted for pub- Ucation. It was later decided, however, to publish these in a single volume. In the editorial recasting thus made needful the three reports have been combined, so that several chapters are now com- posed of excerpts taken from the work of two or more writers, but throughout the volume each writer is responsible for all statements respecting his allotted field of investigation. In each of the county reports data as to the artesian wells of the district and forecasts of artesian conditions for towns not now supplied with deep wells have been inserted from the report of the senior author. The line of demarcation between artesian waters and waters of the drift and of the country rock — that is, the rock which outcrops at the surface or immediately underlies the drift — though not everywhere exact, is fairly definite and was placed where it would best subserve the uses of the public. The artesian waters of the State, except some of minor importance, rise from a few related formations of early Paleozoic age. These formations underlie practically the entire State and form a well-defined artesian system. The water beds or aquifers of this system are as a rule readily distinguished from those of the country rock as well as from those of the drift, but in one or two of the northeastern counties of the State the artesian aquifers approach the surface and might be included in the country rock. In the investigation of the waters of the drift and of the country rock, the county was made the areal unit, and each coimty in the 551 32 UNDEEGEOUND WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. State was visited and studied. The officials of each town were asked to contribute the facts as to the municipal water supply. From the well drillers were procured data of great value as to the type of wells in common use, their depth in different localities, the materials they passed through, and the sources from which they drew their waters. As an average of less than a week could be given to each of the 99 counties of the State, the investigation was necessarily far more cursory than could have been wished. Fortunately the Iowa Geo- logical Survey had nearly completed its areal work with the county as the unit, and thus a large amount of material was at hand relating to the geologic conditions which control the distribution of ground water, the topography of the State, and the structure and composi- tion of the country rock, and of the Quaternary deposits (ground moraines of successive ice invasions with their outwash sands and gravels and interbedded deposits of interglacial epochs). All this material, both published and unpublished, was generously placed at the disposal of the writers by the late Dr. Samuel Calvin, director of the Iowa Geological Survey, and it has been very freely drawn upon in each of the county reports. OBJECT OF THE INVESTIGATION. The need of the scientific investigation of artesian waters is obvious to all. Many of these deep zones of flow lie far below the surface and below the sources that supply the common wells. The local well driller can not be expected to know either the quantity or the quality of artesian waters or the depth at which they can be reached. Town councils in considering municipal supply often send committees to the nearest towns which have deep wells to obtain such facts as may throw light upon the local problem. Information thus gathered may be useful or it may be misleading ; it is always insufficient and incon- clusive. There is needed the skillful interpretation of data collected from a wide area, a knowledge of the geologic structure and acquaint- ance with the distribution and movements of deep waters. For house wells in towns and for common farm wells, the knowledge of local conditions held by the well drillers of the district is ordinarily suf- ficient. Yet even here a scientific knowledge of general as well as local conditions often makes it possible to suggest new and better sources of ground water or new and better methods of utilizing those already in use. The object of the investigation whose results are here presented is to furnish to each community so far as possible deductions made from the entire body of facts obtainable, showing whether artesian water can be found at that locality, at what depths it may be reached, through what formations the drill must pass, what mineral com- pounds — healthful or harmful — the water is likely to contatp., how GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATION OF WELLS. 33 high it will rise, how large will be its discharge, and how such a sup- ply will compare in cost, purity, permanence, and general availability with that from other sources. COOPERATION WITH THE IOWA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. So far as the investigation concerns artesian waters, it has been carried on jointly by the United States Geological Survey and the Iowa Geological Survey. The State Survey began this investigation at the time of its inception, the work being under the charge of W. H. Norton. The earlier results are published in its annual reports.^ Since 1896 the Iowa Survey has continued to gather data and to fur- nish to towns, corporations, and individuals all obtainable informa- tion relating to deep wells, together with forecasts of local artesian conditions. The cooperation between the State and national surveys has resulted in a more thorough investigation. In the present report free use is made of all material gathered under the direction of both surveys. It seems desirable to collect in one report the entire body of data relating to the subject as a basis for the deductions which may be drawn therefrom. GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATION OF WELLS. MEANS OF INVESTIGATION. The distribution and the quality of artesian waters are so intimately connected with geologic conditions that their profitable study must concern itself first mth the attitude, the texture, and the composi- tion of the deep rocks from which the waters rise. In a general way much may be inferred as to these features from the character of the formations where they outcrop, for here their thickness may be measured and their various physical characteristics may be observed. The dip or mclination of any terrane gives some clue to the probable depth at which it may be found at a given distance from the outcrop. But in an area so large as Iowa formations that dip below the surface may be expected to thicken or to thin, to pinch out, to be replaced by other formations which may have no outcrop, to change their chemical composition or their texture, and to be affected by upwarps and downwarps which may have no surface expression. For all these reasons the investigation of the deeper water beds must be based not only on the surface geology of the State but also on all geologic facts obtainable from drill holes as to the strata through which they have passed as indicated by the logs of drillers and the samples of the rock cuttings of the drill. From these data the attempt is made to correlate the strata penetrated by any well 1 Ann. Rept. Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 3, 1895, pp. 169-210; vol. 6, 1897, pp. 115-428. 36581°— wsp 293—12 3 34 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OP IOWA. with known terranes outcropping elsewhere and found in other wells, to ascertain the geologic formations to which the strata belong, and thus to construct a geologic section at the locality of the well to the depth of the boring. By connecting the sections of different wells in different parts of the State, cross sections may be had which show the geologic structure of many parts of the area to depths of 2,000 and even of 3,000 feet, and which indicate the depth to which new wells in the area must be sunk to reach the deep-lying water beds. Plates V to XVIII supply examples of such sections in different parts of the State. AVAILABLE DATA. The data on which a geologic investigation of deep wells must rest consist of records made and samples of drillings collected when the wells were put down. Necessarily they are largely second hand and are incapable of verification. A report such as this deals with thou- sands of statements and observations made by many individuals, and the writer can do little except to determine the lithologic char- acter of deep-well drillings, and in drawing mferences from these he must accept the reports of others as to the thickness and loca- tion of the strata which they represent. Fortunately, many owners of deep wells and many other citizens realize the scientific and prac- tical value of the facts which can be obtained when a well is being drilled and at that time only, and these persons have placed on record many valuable data as to diameters of the bore and casings, fluctua- tions of water in the tube, depth, discharge, and head of water horizons, and have obtained both the driller's log and samples of the drillings. In practically every place where such data have been gathered and preserved they have been placed at the service and dis- posal of the surveys. Unfortunately, of many wells little or nothing, except the existing head, discharge, and quality of the water, is known or can ever be known. In many parts of the State the writer is quite in the dark as to artesian conditions and is unable to make reliable forecasts for towns desiring to sink deep wells, not because no deep wells have ever been drilled within the area, but because when they were put down no record was made of the essential facts. SAMPLES OF DRILLINGS. COLLECTION AND STORAGE. Since the beginning of this investigation a special effort has. been made to obtain full sets of samples of the drillings of the deep wells of the State, and it is on these samples that the geologic part of this report is largely based. Wliere such samples are taken directly from the slush bucket and labeled at once with the exact depth from which they were drawn, they form the most authentic record possible GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATION OF WELLS. 35 of the strata penetrated. When thus taken, at intervals not exceed- ing 10 feet, and at every "change" in the strata, they afford a Htho- logic record and section inferior in value only to an exposure of the edges of the strata in an outcrop. Such reliable data have been obtained from an exceptionally large number of Iowa deep wells. The value of sets of cuttings from some wells has been impaired by the neglect of precautions which should be obvious. Thus, if the samples are taken only at every "change" of the strata, it is left entirely to the judgment of the workman who empties the contents of the slush bucket to decide whether or not there has there been any change. Several hundred feet of limestone, including two or more geologic formations, may be represented by a single sample. The depth is not always carefully taken, and remeasurements of the well on completion have shown that the driller's estimates of depth placed on samples or in the log were incorrect. If, however, the inaccuracy affects all depths alike little serious error is likely to result. Some samples of drilhngs seem to have been labeled from memory after a considerable lapse of time. This fact affords an explanation of the reported occurrence of drift clays 1,000 feet and more below the surface, and perhaps also of the occurrence of several samples of nonmagnesian limestones of Platteville facies below the St. Peter sandstone. Some samples seem to have been scraped up from the ground instead of being taken in some clean receptacle immediately from the sand pump. The cinders which may be included are easily disregarded, but the admixture of chippings from higher levels is serious. In one or two extreme cases it seems prob- able that at the completion of the well the workmen went over the outwash from the slush bucket, dug up a sample here and there, and labeled it according to their recollection. But even such a record may be of value if nothing better is available. The samples collected under the direction of the United States Survey were sent to Washington in stout canvas bags provided with labels and were there transferred to wide-mouthed glass bottles with screw aluminum covers. In the collection made earlier for the Iowa State Survey most of the samples were taken directly from the slush bucket, put into empty cigar boxes, labeled, and sliipped to the writer at Mount Vernon, where they were transferred to wide-mouthed glass bottles for permanent preservation, each sample being thus kept separate and accessible. Some of the samples presented to the Iowa Survey had been mounted in long glass tubes, in which the chippings of any terrane are supposed to occupy a space proportional to the actual thickness of the terrane. Such a method of mounting has a certain advantage for purposes of exhibition, but its disadvantages are so great that it must be unqualifiedly condemned. The drilhngs 36 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. from different strata settle and tend to mix. They can not be taken from the tube for study, and no adequate inspection can be made through the glass. Sooner or later the long tube is sure to be broken and the record of the geologic section is irretrievably lost. Drillings should not be washed. When the drill is working in a pure limestone washing does httle harm, for it removes only the fine flour of the stone, whose quality is fully represented in the larger chippings. But with some marls and shales and with clayey sand- stones the removal of the finer material in washing leaves a residue far from representative of the rock. In some sets certain samples had been washed and others not, thus making error possible in the determinations, except where the treatment to which the cuttings had been subjected was indicated on the labels or could be told by inspection. For all scientific purposes samples should be taken directly from the sand pump at every 5 or 10 feet, at the end of a cleaning out, and at every change of stratum. They should be placed, unwashed, in wide-mouthed bottles or glass jars (1 to 4 ounce bottles are large enough) and plainly and accurately labeled in india ink with the names of the town or other location and of the owner, the date, and the depth from which each was taken. STUDY OF SAMPLES. PETROGRAPHIC EXAMINATION. The drillings were studied petrographically as an aid in identifying, from well to well, the strata from which they came. With some sam- ples a simple inspection was sufficient, but, as a rule, this inspection was supplemented by other tests. Under polarized fight in the field of the petrographic microscope the minerals making up the meal or flour of the drillings were generally readily determined and their relative proportion in the rock was roughly indicated by their pro- portion in the microscopic field. Crystalfine sifica, ffint and chal- cedony, gypsum and anhydrite, glauconite, pyrite, and calcite — to mention only common minerals of the sedimentary rocks — were thus distinguished. The microscope was used also in determining the texture of such rocks as oolites, fine-grained sandstones composed of angular quartzose particles, sandstones of grains of crystalline quartz of various degrees of rounding and assortment, and sandstones whose grains have been enlarged by secondarily deposited silica. Lime- stones were tested with weak cold hydrochloric acid, free effervescence indicating a small percentage or total absence of magnesium car- bonate, and a slow and feeble eftervescence a liigh percentage of the same carbonate, unless attributable to siliceous or other impurities. Residues after digestion in strong acid determined the argillaceous GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIOlSr OF WELLS. 37 and siliceous contents of impure limestones. The relative amount of magnesium carbonate in some limestones was roughly estimated after a solution in hydrochloric acid had been neutrahzed with ammo- nium carbonate and treated successively with ammonium oxalate and hydric disodic phosphate. Through the kindness of Dr. Nicholas Knight,, professor of chemistry in Cornell College, Iowa, the services of several of his advanced students were placed at the disposal of the writer, and a number of quantitative analyses of samples of terranes of special interest were made in the chemical laboratory of that college. POSSIBILITIES OF ERROR. Mention should be made of certain possibilities of error in any determination of the nature and thickness of the rock by means of drillings. The most serious of these errors is due to fewness of samples. Where, as in some deep wells, samples are taken at regular intervals of 100 feet, little indeed can be determined as to the geological succession. Where samples are taken at irregular or considerable intervals, it may be naturally assumed that each sample represented to the driller a stratum of homogeneous rock and that each sample was taken at the change and thus designates the summit of its own terrane and the base of the terrane above it. This assumption may or may not be correct. Any such sample may possibly be taken midway or at any other point within a terrane instead of at its top, and the assumed tliickness of one terrane may be as much too little as that of the next terrane is too great. This source of error is avoided when a sample is labeled not only with its own depth but with the upper and lower limits of the stratum which it is supposed to represent. In the columnar geologic sections of this report the uncertainty attaching to the thickness of a terrane from this cause is indicated by drawing the terrane over the area of uncertainty as a right triangle with apex downward. (See Tipton section, PI. X, p. 374.) Another source of possible error lies m the fact that the contents of the slush bucket may not correctly represent the rock in which the drill is working. Along with cuttings from the contiguous rock are fragments of other and higher strata. The vibration of ropes and rods and the lifting and lowering of the drill and other implements may detach pieces of rock from any higher stratum. Caving shales and incoherent sandstones furnish a large admixture of shale and sand to the cuttings at the bottom of the drill hole. Thus black coalyshalefrom the coal measures (Pennsylvanian) may be recognized in otherwise clean limestone chips of the Mississippian or inferior terranes ; the fossilif erous green shale of the Platteville is seen mingled with cuttings in the dolomites of the Prairie du Chien group; and 38 UNDEKGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. the St. Peter and Jordan sandstones contribute a large arenaceous content to the cuttings of the dolomites below. Where strata of different character alternate at short intervals the mingiing of cuttings makes the determination of the rocks peculiarly difficult. Drillings from Ordovician and Cambrian strata below the St. Peter in many places contain a mixture of rolled quartz grains and chips of dolomite, and it may be a delicate question to decide whether the sand is wholly foreign, having fallen in from water- washed, loose, overljdng sandstones, or whether it is more or less native — that is, whether the sample represents either a pure dolomite on the one hand or an arenaceous dolomite or a calciferous sandstone on the other. If it is decided that some of the sand is native to the stratum, it still remains to be discovered whether the sand is dis- seminated through the dolomite or exists in tliin interbedded layers. In some samples an interbedded sand grain or mold of sand in some larger cliips of dolomite may decide in favor of dissemination. In some drillings material fallen from above may be distinguished by its lithologic nature or by the size or shape of its fragments. The dislodged pieces from the sides of the drill hole should as a rule be larger than drill cuttings and of diiferent shape. Fragments of easily worn shales fallen from overlying beds soon assume a rounded form. But in many wells, as, for example, where fragments from above have themselves been cut into chips by the drill, these tests are not decisive and the real nature of the bottom rock must be left in some doubt. To keep distinct the facts observed in the study of well drillings from the inferences drawn by the observer, a complete statement of the composition of the drillings should be given as well as an opinion as to the character of rock which they represent. CORHELATION OF ROCK FORMATIONS. The methods in cojTelation and the degree of certainty to be attained must next be considered. If an unbroken series of drillings from the top to the bottom of the well has been obtained, by what methods can the different rocks thus represented be assigned to known formations ? rossiLs. The occurrence of a series of fossils in a given terrane — the sure means employed by the geologist whenever possible in his correla- tions — is lacking in well records and samples. The drill cuts and crushes the harder rocks to fine meal or powder and the softer to small chips. It is the rarest of good fortune that the drill leaves any fossil unbroken into unidentifiable fragments. The smaller the fossil the greater its chances of escape. The minute tests of the foraminifer Fusulina are sometimes obtained intact in considerable GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATION OF WELLS. 39 numbers from certain strata in the coal measures. Rocks fallen from higher strata in the drill hole give fragments of considerable size, and when these are fossihferous and their own horizon can be determined by lithologic identity, they are of the greatest value. Thus the caving green shale of the Platteville is in places highly fossiliferous and its fragments, along with bits of Ordovician brachi- opods characteristic of the horizon, are often brought up when the drill is working in the subjacent strata. But such fossils will be a source of the gravest error if it is assumed that they belong to the same formation as that of the cuttings brought up with them from the bottom of the well. LITHOLOGIC SIMILARITY. The lithologic method employed by geologists in the field in tracing a terrane from point to point is by no means infallible when applied in studies of deep wells, but it is used when other methods are lack- ing. Certain terranes exhibit the same well-defined lithologic characteristics over a large part of Iowa and adjacent States. The coaly shale of the Pennsylvanian can hardly be mistaken for the calcareous (mud rock) shale of the Maquoketa, nor can either be confounded with the glauconiferous shales of the Cambrian. The white crystalUne encrinital limestone and the cherts and oolites and geodiferous beds of the Mississippian are diagnostic, and the same is true of the arenaceous cherty dolomites of the magnesian Prairie du Chien group. The presence of anhydrite or gypsum in certain beds has been used to correlate'rocks in widely separated wells. The magnesian carbonate content of limestones can be used as a means of correlation, but must be used with care. Thus, so far as known, from the Shakopee dolomite down all limestones throughout the State are thoroughly dolomitized. But above the Shakopee the changes in the magnesian content in the same terrane may be rapid and complete. Thus at Dubuque the Galena is a dolomite, but at Manchester, 40 miles west, a deep-well section finds it wholly of ordinary limestone. Similarly, some of the Devonian limestones of east-central Iowa pass into dolomites in the northern counties. The lithologic nature of a terrane may be expected to change over so broadly extended an area as the State of Iowa. One forma- tion may thin and disappear and give place to other formations of the same series. Thus the Niagara dolomite of northeastern Iowa apparently gives place to Silurian sandstones or sandy Hmestone in southeastern Iowa; and gypsiferous beds, perhaps of Salina age. appear in deep weUs at stations as far separated as Mount Pleasant, Des Moines, Bedford, and Glenwood. An entire system may dis- appear; for example, the Silurian in the extreme northeastern parts of the area occupied by the Devonian in Iowa. 40 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. Lithologic similarity may only exceptpnally be used as the sole means of correlation. It is a belief as mistaken as it is prevalent that a geologist can identify a formation simply by means of the phys- ical characteristics of its rocks. In the study of deep wells this means should be used only with the greatest care and in combina- tion with other and better methods. ORDER OF SUCCESSION A third means of correlation is that of order of succession. The terranes of Iowa, for example, do not occur haphazard. They were laid down in a definite order during the long ages of geologic time and for the most part on the floors of ancient seas. The oldest is therefore found at the bottom and the most recent at the top, the strata having suffered no inversive deformation. The application of this method of correlation may be illustrated from the general columnar section of Iowa (PI. II, p. 60), in which the formations are arranged in order of their succession. It is plain that on the areas of outcrop of the Silurian the first heay^ shale which the drill en- counters must be the Maquoketa. In the ^lississippian area a heavy shale found near the surface may be identified as belonging to the Kinderhook, and the Maquoketa will be reached only after passing through the intervening Devonian and Silurian limestones. In the Pennsylvanian area another and still higher body of shales belonging to the country rock is first penetrated and the Maquoketa becomes the tliird heavy shale bed in the descending series. DIP OF STRATA. A fourth aid in interpreting the drillings is the known dip of the strata. A glance at any of the geologic sections of the State, such as that shown in Plate XI (along the Chicago & North Western Railway from Clinton west), shows a general westward downward slope to all terranes. The second body of shale at Belle Plaine may be recognized as the Maquoketa, not only by lithologic simi- larity to the limy shales of that formation over its outcrops to the northeast and by its position in the series, but also by the fact that it occurs at about the depth to which the loiown westerly dip of the strata would carry it from its known position at Cedar Rapids. Local exceptions to prevailing dips may be expected anywhere. Upwarps and downwarps, sags and swells, thickenings and thinnings may bring any formation nearer to or farther from the surface at a given point than would be expected. Thus at Ames (PI. XI, p. 382) an upwarp of the entire body of strata brings each formation higher than the position wliich would have been deduced from the general dip. In southeastern Iowa also the dip of the surface formations is found reversed in the deeper terranes. GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATION OP WELLS. 41 DIFFICULTY OF DEMAECATION. In some deep-well sections insuperable difficulties are found in drawing the boundaries between adjoining terranes. No attempt has been made to discriminate the limestone of the Kinderhook group from the limestones of the Osage group (Burlington and Keokuk) which rest upon it nor the limestones of the upper part of the Maquo- keta shale from the Silurian limestones wliich they underlie. Upper Devonian shales can not be separated with any certainty from the shales of the Kinderhook where the two are in immediate succession. With increasing distance from the outcrops of Devonian and Silurian limestones and with a changing facies in each it becomes m places impossible to draw any sure line between them. It must be under- stood, therefore, that in the interpretation of the sections the assign- ment of formations is not offered with the confidence of the field geologist. In many of the sections there may be a close approach to certainty; in others the reference is made from scanty data and on some slight turn of the scale of evidence. Realizing the nature of the data dealt with, the meager, second-hand, and sometimes untrust- worthy evidence at hand, the difficulties of interpretation, and the possibilities of error, the writer submits his tentative conclusions in a spirit far removed from any dogmatism. FORECASTS. Information is often sought by cities, officials, and representatives of railways and other corporations and by private citizens as to prob- abilities of an artesian supply in their localities. In response to such requests many forecasts have been made as to the depth at which artesian water may be found, its pressure, quantity, quality, and availability for specffic uses. To make this report as helpful as possible, forecasts have been made for all the towns of the State whose population indicates that an artesian supply may be needed, and in which the artesian field has not been already fully exploited. These forecasts will be found in the county descriptions. In using these forecasts as a basis for estimating the depth to water-bearing strata at any given point, it must be remembered that many of the data on which they rest are scanty, some are conffict- ing, and others are no doubt erroneous. Estimates as to the depth to water beds necessarily assume uniform degree of dip and uniform thickness of strata over given areas, whereas in fact the strata vary in thickness from place to place and are affected by local upwarps and downwarps that tend to bring them nearer to or farther from the surface than would be computed on the assumption of an unvary- ing dip. The information given must not be used as if it had the exactness of calculations based on accurate data. 42 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. Nevertheless enough is known of the attitude and nature of the deeper rocks of Iowa to permit forecasts that may be of considerable value and perhaps sufficiently close for the purpose for which they are made. The degree of approximation which the data permit is evident by comparing forecasts already made with the facts later disclosed by the drill. Thus at Osage (PI. VII, p. 272) the St. Peter sandstone was predicted at 700 to 750 feet from the surface and was found at 715 feet; at Charles City (PI. VII) the same formation was forecast at 800 feet and was found at 780 feet; at Fort Dodge (PL VI, p. 258) it was forecast at 1,300 to 1,500 feet and found at 1,408 feet; at Waterloo (PL VI) it was forecast at 835 feet and was found at 815 feet; at Bloomfield it was forecast at 1,230 feet and was found either at 1,190 or, more probably, at 1,445 feet, the records of the weU being very incomplete. At Mount Pleasant (PL XIII, p. 526) the St. Peter sandstone was found within 57 feet of the predicted depth. How far local deformations, entirely unkno"v\Ti before the drilling of a well, may cause an error in forecast is mdicated by the deep well at Ames. No predictions were made, but if it had been assumed that the St. Peter had the same dip west of Cedar Rapids that it is known to have east of that city, the estimates of its depth at Ames would have been 250 feet too low, as the drill disclosed a local up- warp which brought the St. Peter that far above its normal place (PL XI, p. 382). At New Hampton (PL V, p. 238) the St. Peter was found 150 feet below where it would have been predicted on the assumption of an uniform southward dip from Mason City to Ackley. In southwestern Iowa, where data are very scanty, the base of the Pennsylvanian at Bedford (PL XVIII, p. 898) was forecast at 140 feet below sea level. The base of the Pennsylvanian shale was, indeed, found at 82 feet below sea level, but the intervention of a heavy sandstone, which probably should be classed with the Pennsylvanian, brought the base of the latter to 240 feet below sea level (fig. 6, p. 898) . The water horizons of the heavy magnesian limestones of this area were predicted to occur not more than 900 feet below sea level, and were found at Bedford at 850 feet below that datum. Contracts for artesian wells should make provision for drilling at specified rates for several hundred feet beyond the supposedly necessary depth. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The writer is greatly indebted to the courtesy of artesian con- tractors and drillers who have generously placed at his service the well logs made by their foremen as the work was in progress. Unfor- tunately the records of one large firm, which has done much work in the State, were destroyed some years ago by fire, and some other firms seem to have preserved few or no data as to the wells which they have drilled. The opinion of the foreman as to the character CHEMICAL INVESTIGATION OP WELL WATERS. 43 of the strata in which the drill is working is always of value, for he has means of inference as to the strata in the "chuck" and in the wear of the drill as well as in the character of the drillings brought up in the slush bucket. CHEMICAL INVESTIGATION OF WELL WATERS. By W. S. Hendrixson. SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION. In the investigation of the quality of Iowa ground waters the prac- tical aim has been kept in view. No attempt has been made to find exceptional waters containing uncommon mineral matter or common mineral constituents in uncommon proportions. The object has been to determine the inorganic chemical substances in average and repre- sentative well waters in many localities from the three sources, the alluvium, the drift, and the stratified rock. Springs of large flows from known formations have also received attention. Wells supply- ing towns or important industrial estabhshments have been investi- gated in preference to those supplying only a single home or farm. Little attention has been given to shallow wells reaching only a short distance into the clay and supplied from it by seepage, or to wells on river banks which evidently obtain their water from the rivers by percolation through a few feet of sand or clay. The small funds for the work have made it necessary to avoid duplication. One or two wells of about the same depth and casing in a locaUty have been deemed sufficient to indicate the quahty at that place, unless the wells were very deep and reached the extensive aquifers. Wells of the latter type are likely to be of more importance, and as a matter of fact their casings are hkely to be of very different lengths and are frequently defective. It was, therefore, considered desirable to secure analyses of several such wells, even if close together, in order to eUminate the accidental to some degree and to draw more nearly accurate conclusions as to what quahty of water the main sources of supply might be expected to furnish at that point. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. This report contains about 400 analyses of well waters. Of this number nearly one-half have been made by the writer with some assistance in the chemical laboratory of Grinnell College. About 45 analyses have been taken from Norton.^ Most of them were made by Prof. J. B. Weems, at that time of the Iowa State College at Ames. The remainder were obtained through the kindness of the chemists 1 Kept. Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 6, 1896, pp. 353-407. 44 UlSTDEEGEOUKD WATER RESOUECES OF IOWA. of the Iowa railroads, hundreds of pen copies of analyses and blue- print sheets of analyses being sent in. The aid given by these men has been invaluable. The greatest number of analyses was sent by Mr. George M. David- son, engineer of tests of the Chicago & North Western Railway, who also contributed a full statement of the plants and processes used by his road in softening the waters along its lines for use in its engines. Others who have shown the same generous and obUging spirit are Mr. W. D. Wheeler, of the Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad; Mr. W H. Chadburn, of the Chicago Great Western Railway; Mr. M. H Wickhorst, of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad; Mr George N. Prentiss, of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway and Mr. F. O. Bunnell, of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway CHAPTER I. TOPOGRAPHY AND CLIMATE. By Howard E. Simpson. \ TOPOGRAPHY. BELIEF. Iowa has but one primary physiographic form — the prairie plain. Taken as a whole it is a typical prairie State. Here waving grasses once covered the gently rolling uplands and deciduous trees bordered the dark and slowly meandering streams. Now the deep, rich soils, moistened by ample and well-distributed rainfall, offer rich returns for agriculture, and cultivated groves dot the landscape in every direction. The relief of Iowa is slight. The general surface elevation varies from 494 feet above sea level at Keokuk in the extreme southeast corner to 1,551 feet at Ocheyedan in Osceola County near the north- west corner, a range of slightly more than 1,000 feet. The total range in altitude between the low water of Mississippi River where it leaves the State at Keokuk and the highest mound on the great divide in Osceola County is not exactly known, but it does not exceed 1,200 feet, a slight relief for an area of 55,475 square miles. Originally Iowa was an old sea floor. The alternating layers of sands, muds, and lime deposits by which it was underlain were slowly cemented and consolidated into sandstones, shales, and limestones and raised by gentle uplift mto the great interior plain which slopes south- ward from the old lands of Canada and the Lake Superior region. Time did not materially disturb the rock layers of this ancient coastal plain except to bevel off their surface and they still dip away slightly to the southwest, with scarcely a fold or fault to break the unity. The surface irregularities are largely the result of long- continued erosion by weather and runnmg water, the effects of which have been greatly modified and almost obliterated over the larger portion of the State by glacial ice, 45 46 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. DRAINAGE. Though lying entirely withm the Mississippi basin, the rivers of the State, when viewed as a whole, are readily separable into two distinct systems, one of which drains to the Mississippi and the other to the Missouri. The divide between these two systems enters the State a few miles east of Spirit Lake and passes southward through the eastern parts of Dickinson and Clay counties, thence through Buena Vista, Sac, Carroll, Guthrie, and Adair comities. Thus far it is a broad, flat, and inconspicuous ridge. The direct extension of this ridge, somewhat better defined than before, continues southward through Union, Ringgold, and Decatur counties to the Missouri State line. The divide, proper, however, turns eastward through Clarke, Lucas, and Monroe counties, and thence goes southward thi'ough Appanoose County around the headwaters of Grand and Chariton rivers, which turn southwestward after crossing the State line and flow mto Missouri River. The rivers of the !^iississippi system have a south- eastern trend, those of the Missouri S3^stem a southwestern trend consequent upon the original slope of the plain. The direction of the minor streams generally does not depend in any way on the char- acter or structure of the underlying rock. DRIFTLESS AREA. All of Iowa, except a narrow strip lying along Mississippi River in the northeast corner of the State and including Allamakee Comity and the northeastern portions of Winneshiek, Clayton, Dubuque, and Jackson counties, has been overridden by glacial ice. The topog- raphy of this strip is m sharp contrast with that of the drift-covered area and must fairly represent the topography of the entire State before the great ice invasion. Weather and running water have had continuous and undisturbed action on nearly horizontal rocks of varying hardness for a long period of time, and the surface has reached the stage of mature dissection. RELIEF. Chief among the many interestmg topograpliic features of the driftless area is the vallc}^ of the Mississippi. The Mississippi flows from the north through a remarkable steep-sided, rock-walled valley 400 to 500 feet deep and 1 to 3 miles wide, swinging south in great and gentle curves such as could be carved only by an earlier stream of far greater volume. The present Mississippi clearly misfits its valley, flowing through a braided network of sliifting channels and leaving in its changes numerous ponds, lakes, and bayous on the broad plain which now forms its vaUey floor. That the valley has been extensively fifled is evident from well borings, TOPOGEAPHY. 47 which reveal great thicknesses of sand, clay, and gravel; at McGregor, for instance, 187 feet of sediment, evidently of glacial origin, is found above the ancient rock channel. The larger tributaries flow in rock- walled, flat-bottomed valleys 100 to 300 feet beneath abrupt bluffs on either side and 500 to 600 feet beneath the crests of rounded dividing ridges. Near their headwaters they flow through steep-sided rocky gorges, and their tributaries have sharply carved and thor- oughly drained uplands. Farther down the walls retreat, the uplands break into rugged ridges, rounded hills, and flat-topped mounds. Here and there, as between Turkey and Mississippi rivers, they terminate in the sharp points crowned mth picturesque pin- nacles, towers, and long mural escarpments that result from the pres- ence of strong cliff-forming rocks underlain by weaker slope makers. The main valleys have been cut considerably deeper than their present floors and are aggraded with alluvium, probably Pleistocene in age. Thus the wells at New Albin strike rock at 130 to 140 feet below the surface, or more than 100 feet below the present river levels. Moreover, old terraces, remnants of ancient flood plains, standing as high as 60 feet above the rivers, mark the height of the streams of the region when they ceased aggrading their rock-cut valleys and resumed the task of degradation. SOILS. The soil of the area is chiefly residual, resulting from the decay of the country rocks in place. The upland, however, is broadly mantled by loess, a fine, porous clay. Many of the steep slopes characteristic of the region are nearly bare, the loess cover being generally absent. The larger valley floors are commonly filled with water-bearing sands and gravels, overlain by rich soil. DRAINAGE. The drainage system of the driftless area is completely developed except for the lakes and other undrained areas on the flood plains. Underground drainage is not uncommon in the area underlain by Umestones, this being sho^vn by sink holes, limestone caverns in the uplands, and numerous large springs wliich rise in the valleys. The topography of the driftless area has a very marked influence on the underground-water conditions. In the deep dissection of the coun- try the many water-bearing beds, such as limestone and sandstone, are cut tlirough in many places by the stream valleys, and the water is permitted to escape as seepage and as springs from numerous joints and fissures or over shale horizons. The slopes are so numerous and steep that water can not linger on the uplands but is shed rapidly into the streams, affording little 48 UNDEEGEOUND WATEK EESOUECES OF IOWA. opportunity for either evaporation or absorption and giving rise to occasional floods, which cause serious damage to towns Hke McGregor and Decorah, which are situated in the valleys. The residual soil is tenacious and relatively impervious, and so absorbs httle water. The loess is porous but comparatively thin. The broad, flat uplands away from the valleys are the best retainers of moisture. In them the ground-water level stands high, and shal- low weUs may be had in many places, though the supply is scanty, for seepage is slow. The ground-water level, as a rule, however, stands low, owing to natural drainage through deep dissection. Kock wells are most common and depths of from 300 feet to 600 feet are not unusual. In the valleys the ground-water level is but sHghtly below the surface, and the gravels and sands in the filled vaUeys carry a strong underflow, yielding abundant water at sHght depths. DRIFT AREAS. GENERAL CHARACTER. With the exception of the driftless area above described, every portion of the State of Iowa was occupied by an ice sheet at least once during the glacial epoch. The general effect of the ice work was to wear away the more prominent topograploic prominences, to fill the valleys, and to spread rock waste over the area. Portions of the State were several times invaded by ice, which left the sheets of till, varying in smoothness and thickness, that combine to form the present mantle of drift — a mantle averaging in thickness from 100 to 200 feet, with a probable maximum of 600 feet in Louisa County. The topography of this region is young as compared with that of the driftless area, and is generally independent of the geologic structure of the underlying rocks. Only along the margins border- ing the driftless area and in the vaUeys of the larger streams is it influenced by the preglacial topography. The topographic features are chiefly due either to the manner in wliich the ice laid down its load of waste or to the subsequent action of the agents of erosion. On the whole, the surface left on the retreat of the glacial ice was a gently undulating plain. Only near the margins of the drift sheets or at places where long pauses were made in the retreat of the ice front were marked irregularities produced. Here belts of hills with alternating depressions were formed by the irregular heaping up of the drift material, producing terminal or recessional moraines having characteristic knob and kettle topography. The material is cliiefly till, a mixture of clay, sand, pebbles and bowlders of aU kinds, deposited directly by the ice. Associated with tliis are beds of sand and gravel left by streams of running water and fine TOPOGRAPHY. 49 clays deposited in quiet waters. Overlying the drift sheets of the earlier ice invasions over more than half the State is a fine porous clay of peculiar vertical cleavage called loess. This formation is of eolian or aqueous origin and can be readily distinguished from the underlying drift by its lack of pebbles and bowlders. It tended to smooth over the slight inequalities of the drift sheets on which it was deposited. DRIFT SHEETS. At least five difi^erent ice invasions, each of which deposited a sheet of drift, entered Iowa from slightly different directions and at widely separated periods of time during the glacial epoch. The drift of the first invasion, formerly known as the sub-Aftonian or pre-Kansan and more recently named the Nebraskan, was every- where overridden by later ice sheets and is not known to influ- ence the topography of the State. The deposits of the remaining four invasions, the Kansan, the lUinoian, the lowan, and the Wis- consin, are represented on the surface by areas of drift differing only slightly in composition but very greatly in age and topographic form. KANSAN DRIFT. The oldest drift sheet appearing on the surface in Iowa is the Kansan, which heavily mantles the entire State with the exception of the driftless area already described and is exposed in the southern and western portions over an area equal to half the area of the State. A line connecting Fort Madison, Iowa City, Des Moines, Carroll, and Sibley rouglily separates the exposed Kansan area from that to the north and east, which is covered by younger drift sheets. The evidence offered by unaltered remnants of the old Kansan drift leads to the inference that its surface must have been very gently undulating and have been characterized by the absence of moraines, drumlins, kames, and other lulls due to accumulation. The relief of to-day has therefore been developed by the action of weather and running water through long periods of time. So long have these agents of erosion been at work on the Kansan area that, they have in most places drained it and reduced it to a high degree of maturity characterized by a heavily roUing topography. The drainage is so complete that lakes, ponds, and other bodies of standing water are practically unknown except on the flood plains of large streams. The slopes are so steep and the run-off so rapid that little opportunity for absorption or for evaporation is given as compared with the areas of younger drift. On the other hand, the loess cover is so porous as to absorb a slow rainfall very rapidly. The ground water is relatively low, especiaUy on the 36581°— wsp 293—12 4 50 UNDEEGEOUND WATER EESOUECES OP IOWA. higher region about the Mississippi-Missouri divide. It is higher, however, than in the maturely dissected region of the driftless area, where slopes are very steep and soils tenacious. Not all the uplands are so thorouglily dissected. Away from the larger rivers broad flat-topped divides retain many of the surface features of the original drift plain. Long, low swells alternate with shallow swales, through which sharp stream channels have been excavated by storm waters. A few damp sloughs and small patches of marsh grass in gentle depressions indicate that here at least youth lingers in the midst of maturity. In such an upland much of the storm rainfall is absorbed; ground-water level is found close to the surface in the swales; and shallow wells are common, even on the low swells where the houses are located. Nearer the rivers little of the plain remains and the country is sharply broken into hills and valleys. The slopes, though not so steep as in the driftless area, show frequent outcrops of bedrock, from which springs flow in places and seepage is common. The larger streams occupy broad flat-bottomed valleys and meander over well-developed flood plains. So long have they worked that many of them have dis- covered preglacial channels in which they are now flowing. In the val- leys the ground-water table coincides with the surface of the stream and rises in general toward the valley sides. Shallow dug wells reach water a few feet down; where gravels and sands have been deposited in the valley the underflow is strong and is easily obtained by means of driven wells. Owing to the steeper slope of the plain in the southwestern portion of the State, west of the Mississippi-Missouri divide, and the short distance of the headwaters from the master stream, a maturity has been attained beyond that of any other drift-covered portion of the State. The rivers flow through deep, broad, nearly parallel valleys, the floors of which are underlain by gravel, sand, and clay. Most striking of these valleys, perhaps, are those of Nishnabotna and Nodaway rivers. The valley floors of these range from 1 to 4 miles in width and are so terraced that only a narrow belt is exposed to frequent flood waters. Throughout these valleys shallow wells furnish an abundance of good water from the sand and gravel layers of the alluvium. Missouri River, on the western border of Iowa, lies within the area of Kansan drift and meanders tln'ough a postglacial valley partly filled with yellow loess. Its broad flood plain, constantly sliifting channel, muddy waters, and ever-present snags, are among its most striking characteristics' TOPOGRAPHY. 51 ILLINOIAN DRIFT. In the southeast corner of the State a small area of younger drift overlies the Kansan, extending along Mississippi River from Princeton to Fort Madison in an irregular belt 5 to 20 miles in width. The depos- iting ice sheet came from the northeast and the drift is known as the Illinoian. The surface of the whole is thicldy mantled with loess. Several important rivers, among which are the Cedar, the Iowa, and the Skunk, have had a marked influence on the topography in the vicinity, excavating deep, wide valleys in the soft drift. The greater part of the area retains the characteristic features of a young drift plain. Few sloughs remain and the storm waters have washed out well-marked drainage channels, but broad tabular areas of the original plain still persist, forming large, level, floorlike divides. The Mississippi here occupies a narrow channel whose youth is indi- cated by rock-cut portions at Le Claire, Davenport, and Keokuk. At its western margin the Illinoian drift sheet thickens into a low morainal ridge, beyond which a broad, flat channel, roughly paralleling the Mississippi from Bellevue to Fort Madison, marks the temporary channel occupied by that river wliile diverted by the Illinoian ice. In "The Forks" between Cedar and Iowa rivers in Louisa and Muscatine counties lies a level sandy plain, the bed of an extinct glacial lake, whose waters were held between blufi^s bordering Iowa River on the west and the ice front on the east. The diverted j\Iississippi, flowing down from the northeast, was here blocked and ponded until it rose sufficiently to flow away southward over the blufi^s through the channel mentioned. The loess cover of the Illinoian drift readily absorbs water and the general ground-water level stands high except in the broken areas near the larger rivers and at the margins of the drift. In such places the conditions resemble those in the Kansan area. 10 WAN DRIFT. Over the greater jjart of the northeast quarter of the State lies the di'ift left by the lowan ice sheet. Its borders on the south and east are remarkably sinuous owing to the projection of many long, narrow tongues. It is overlain on the west by the younger Wisconsin drift, the margin of which lies near Clear Lake and Eldora. Its southern margin passes near Grinnell, Belle Plaine, and Iowa City. On the east it is separated from the driftless area by a narrow belt of Kansan drift. The topography of the region is characteristic of a youthful drift plain. The irregularities left in the drift by the departing ice sheet still remain. The loess, which so fully mantles the older drift sheets in the southern part of the State, is conspicuous by its absence, being found oifly in irregular patches near the margin. The surface is 52 UNDEKGKOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. gently undulating. Low flat swells alternate with swales, on whose broad floors "sloughs," marshy remnants of glacial lakes, give rise to small creeks which follow a sluggish, winding course toward the master streams. In the northeast portion bowlders strew the surface, especially in sags and swales where some of the drift has been removed by erosion. Near the southern margin of the lowan area the even surface rises into low hills with parallel axes, apparently drumloid in character, but capped with loess. To these hills the name paha has been given. Along the southwestern margin in Tama and Benton counties they become more knobby and much resemble a terminal moraine. The river valleys are not well developed, as in the area of the Kan- san drift, but flow in narrow channels between steep banks of drift and alluvium except where they have found preglacial channels held open during ice invasion. Natural drainage is not complete in the lowan drift area, but the process is being rapidly hastened by artificial mea.ns. In no other part of the State can man so easily aid nature in this respect. The young stream courses are well marked and, when once the sod in theu" bottoms has been broken by the plow, they deepen rapidly and form the outlets for extensive systems of tile drainage. The excess of water which would otherwise form ponds and sloughs in the low flat areas is thus readily drained off, yet so slightly is the ground-water level lowered beneath the surface that the normal moisture is retained during dry seasons, a most favorable condition for agriculture. Throughout the lowan area the ground-water level stands high. The lack of the porous loess cover probably tends to increase evapo- ration and run-off, but owing to the flatness of the surface the run-off is slow. Most wells find water within a few feet of the surface, but owing to the imperviousness of the drift many fail to obtain a large supply until they penetrate the bedrock. WISCONSIN DRIFT. The youngest of all the drift sheets in Iowa, that deposited during the Wisconsin ice invasion, lies in a broad lobe extending from the north boundary of the State to the city of Des Moines, its western margin being near Sibley, Storm Lake, and Panora, and its eastern near Clear Lake, Iowa Falls, and State Center. The area presents all the characteristics of early youth. It is an undissected drift plain in which the drainage remains strikingly incomplete, the topography being practically as the ice sheet left it. Low rounded swells separate shallow basins, in which lie numerous sloughs, lakes, ponds, and peat bogs. The smaller streams wander in narrow, crooked valleys and in many places end in undrained basins. The few rivers are simple consequent streams; some occupy shallow TOPOGEAPHY. 53 channels on the surface of the plain and others have cut deep trenches in the drift, but all lack well-developed systems of tributaries. A feature of this drift area is the accumulation of well-marked terminal moraines on the eastern and western margins, together with several recessional moraines within the area. On the eastern margin a distinct belt of knobs 50 to 100 feet in height enters the State along the north boundary of Winnebago County and passes southward through Hancock, Cerro Gordo, Franklin, and Hardin counties, dying out in the western part of Marshall County. On the west side another belt, partly terminal and partly recessional, enters Dicldn- son County and curves southward through Clay, Palo Alto, Buena Vista, Sac, Carroll, and Greene counties and dies out in the northeast corner of Guthrie County. Well-marked recessional moraines are found in northern Boone and adjacent counties and in Webster County. The Wisconsin drift area is the lake region of Iowa. A few ponds and sloughs occur in the lowan drift area, and lagoons, cut-offs, and bayous are found on the flood plains of all the larger rivers of the driftless area and of the Kansan drift area, but the only lakes of importance in the State are found in the Wisconsin area and are of glacial origin. They lie chiefly within the heavy morainal belt already described and occupy irregular depressions between the kames. Chief among them are Spirit, Okoboji, Storm, Wall, and Clear lakes. The last named furnishes the water supply for the town of Clear Lake, and several are valuable sources of ice. The problem of adequate drainage is more difficult in the Wisconsin area than anywhere else in Iowa. The lakes, ponds, and sloughs all indicate a high ground-water level. The absence of the loess leaves the drift without a porous cover and the tenacious quality of the bowlder clay prevents the entrance of much water into the ground. Wells in swales therefore find abundant water, but on the higher portions they must be driven deep, frequently into rock, to get a plentiful supply. The surface waters are so abundant, however, that fewer stock wells are necessary than in other areas. SUMMARY. The level character of the prairie plain is such as to favor the ready absorption of rainfaU by the soils and to cause the ground water to stand near the surface of the drift or the country rock and to be within easy reach of comparatively shallow wells. The gently rolling char- acter of the topography insures good drainage, thus preventing stagnation of water on the surface, and lowers the ground-water level far enough to permit purification of the downward percolating waters by filtration before they join the great underground system. The topographic conditions, in connection with drift soils such as are 54 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF lOWA. found throughout nearly all of the State of Iowa, insure a supply of underground waters at depths which permit most of the inhabitants outside of the large cities to be supplied at very slight cost. CLIMATE. GENERAL CONDITIONS.' The climatic conditions of the State of Iowa are, on the whole, favorable to a good and constant supply of underground water. Most important of these conditions are precipitation and tempera- ture, both of which, though liable to marked variations from the normal, are shown, by the abundant annual rewards of agriculture, to be favorable to the storage and conservation of the moisture in the soils and country rock. Nothing approaching a failure of crops either by drowning or drought has been experienced in the history of Iowa — a history which now spans more than three-quarters of a century. Climatic observations within the present boundaries of Iowa were officially taken by the medical officers of the United States military posts as early as 1820, and widely scattered, though systematic, records were kept with standard instruments under the direction of the War Department and the Smithsonian Institution until 1870, when the Weather Bureau was established. Since 1890 the State govern- ment has cooperated with the Weather Bureau through the Iowa Weather and Crop Service. There exists, therefore, a series of records covering a period of over 90 years, durmg all of which time much attention has been given to both temperature and rainfall. Though the early records are few and incomplete they are of value in indicating the constancy of the Iowa cHmate and the error of many who have not carefully studied the conditions in beheving that marked changes have taken place. The observed facts make it highly improbable that any important change in the average precipitation of either rain or snow has taken place since the settlement of the region by civiUzed people. TEMPERATURE. The mean annual temperature of the State is 47.5° F. The varia- tion from this figure scarcely ever exceeds 2° ; but owing to the location of the State m the mterior of the continent, exposed alike to cold waves from the northwest and warm waves from the south, the average annual range of temperature amounts to 136°. The highest temper- ature recorded is 113° and the lowest is —43°, giving the remarkable range of 156° between the highest and lowest observed temperatures. 1 Detailed information regarding climatologic conditions in Iowa may be found in the following reports: Sage, J. R., Climate and crops of Iowa: Ann. Rept. Iowa Weather and Crop Service for 1902, appendix. Hem-y, A. J., Climatology of the United States, U. S. Weather Bureau, Bull. Q, 190G, pp. 62G-G58. CLIMATE. 55 The mean annual temperature decreases gradually and uiiifoimly from Keokuk, the lowest and most southerly point in the State, to the higher parts of the north-central region. The table below gives the monthly, seasonal, and annual mean temperatures as recorded at six climatologic stations of the United States Weather Bureau in Iowa and one at Omaha, Nebr. The dis- tribution of these seven stations is such as to represent fairly well all portions of the State. To these are added for comparison the cor- responding mean temperatures for the State as a whole. Monthly, seasonal, and annual mean tem'peratures {°F.) in Iowa and at Omaha, Nebr. Station. 3 d 1-5 03 3 o ft ^ s 3 3 3 W) 3 a 1 o O 53 a > O 32 g o , d S 6 a D So 3 < a to ft a 02 s o o a > o a g a d ft i a 3 ^ f^ 03 3 CI a < Charles City 0.9 1.0 1.7 3.0 4.3 4.6 3.6 3.0 3.1 2.1 1.4 1.1 3.0 9.0 11.2 6.6 29.8 Dubuque 1.5 1.4 2 2 3.0 4.3 4.7 4.7 2.9 4.2 2.6 1.9 1.6 4.5 9.5 12.3 8.7 35.0 Sioux City ..5 .6 1.2 2.,S 4.1 4.0 3.5 3.1 2.4 1.7 .8 .8 1.9 8.1 10.6 4.9 25.5 Des Moines 1.2 1.1 1.6 2.9 4.S 5.0 3.7 3.5 3.0 2.S 1.5 1.3 3.6 9.3 12.2 7.3 32.4 Davenport 1.6 1.6 2.2 2.7 4.4 4.1 3.7 3.6 3.2 2.4 1.8 1.6 4.8 9.3 11.4 7.4 32.9 Omaha, Nebr .(i . ( 1.4 3.0 4.4 5.2 4.6 3.5 2.9 2.5 1.0 1.0 2.3 8.8 13. 3 6.4 .30.8 Keolsuls: 1.8 1.05 1.6 1.06 2.4 1.92 3.2 2.83 4.2 4.50 4.4 4.52 4.2 4.44 3.0 3.99 3.8 2.7 2.35 2.0 1.39 1.8 1.19 5.4 3.30 9.8 9.25 11.6 8.5 7.15 35.1 Iowa 3.41 12.95 32.65 58 UFDERGEOUlSrD WATEE RESOURCES OF IOWA. The bulk of the rainfall occurs during the spring and summer months and little of it during the winter months, the approximate percentages being, winter 10 per cent, spring 28 per cent, summer 39 per cent, and autumn 23 per cent. Only a small proportion falls during the period in which the ground is frozen and absorption pre- vented, and a very large proportion, probably 80 per cent, falls in late spring and summer when absorption is greatest. This natural advantage is greatly increased by the fact that the heaviest rainfall occurs during the seasons for the preparation and the cultivation of the soil, thus very greatly increasing the absorption. This relative increase of precipitation of spring and summer over that of winter becomes more marked as the total rainfall decreases from the Missis- sippi westward. The summer precipitation at Keokuk is 11.6 inches and that at Sioux City is 10.6, a difference of but 1 inch; whereas the winter precipitation at Keokuk is 5.4 inches and that at Sioux City is 1.9 inches, a difference of 3.5 inches, thus compensating to a large degree for the differences in total rainfall. A marked effect of the diminution of precipitation during the winter months is noted in the slightness of the snowfall compared with that of the more eastern States. Though snow falls in all parts the State, the annual average fall for 29 years is but 29.2 inches, less than one-tenth of the precipitation. The effect of geographic differ- ences in precipitation on the imderground-water supply is thus very slight. VARIATIONS. The table below shows that the precipitation for the entire State is subject to marked variations from year to year. Since 1890 the lowest average for the whole State for a single year was 21.9 inches in 1894 and the highest 43.8 inches in 1902. Between these extremes there has been marked variability, but the tendency to one extreme is frequently followed by a tendency to tire other, as illustrated in the dry year of 1901 and the wet year of 1902. The general average has been steadily maintained through all the long period covered by records. Yearly variations of rainfall in Iowa. [In. les,] Year. Average. Variation from normal. Year. Average. Variation from normal. 1890 31.28 32.90 36.58 27.59 21.94 26.77 37.23 26. 97 31. 34 28. 68 34.15 24.41 -0.24 1..38 5.06 -3.93 -9.58 -4.75 5.71 -4.55' - .18 -2.84 2.63 - 7.11 1902 43.82 35.39 28.51 36.56 31.60 31. 61 35.26 40.01 20. 03 31.57 12 30 1891 1903 3 87 1892 1904 3 01 1893 1905 5 04 1894 1906 .08 1895 1907 09 1896 1908 2 61 1897... 1909 7.36 1898 1910 12 62 1899 1911 1.28 1900 Average 1901 31.51 CLIMATE. 59 Deficiency of summer rainfall sometimes produces partial droughts, the effect of which is marked on the streams, sprmgs, and shallow drift wells, producing scarcity of water for stock and for domestic pur- poses. Heavy drains are made for stock on the deeper rock wells when streams are low, and as these rock wells are of small bore they are sometimes temporarily exhausted. The texture of the soil and other physical conditions, such as its condition at the begmning of the dry period, determine its ability to store water under the least loss by evaporation. Rather severe general midsummer droughts occur at irregular intervals once or twice in a decade. Durmg all such droughts, however, many small areas have had practically nor- mal precipitation, and the amount has generally been ample in most parts of the State. The most severe drought on record is that of 1894-95, wliich may be ascribed to slight precipitation and high temperatures for two suc- cessive seasons. The precipitation for July, 1894, was only 0.63 inch, about 15 per cent of normal, and for August was 1.58, about 44 per cent of normal. The departure from the annual precipitation during the year was —9.5 inches. The extreme in the other direction in recent years occurred in 1902, when the precipitation reached 43.82 inches for the year, 12.3 inches above the normal. STJMMARY. The information for a satisfactory discussion of evaporation, humid- ity, wind velocity, and other minor factors in the meteorologic con- trol of ground-water supply is insufficient, but enough data are avail- able m regard to the two chief controlling factors, temperature and rainfall, to show that Iowa, though possessmg the variable character- istics of a continental climate, also possesses the requisite meteorologic conditions for a moderately abundant supply of underground water. CHAPTER II. GEOLOGY. By W. H. Norton and Howard E. Simpson. GENERAL CONDITIONS. The rocks exposed in Iowa belong to four great divisions separated from each other by pronounced unconformities. (See PL I, in pocket.) The oldest division belongs to the Algonkian system and is repre- sented by the Sioux quartzite. This quartzite outcrops over only a small area in the northwest corner of the State but occurs more widely below other formations^ and is also found at the surface over considerable areas in Mmnesota and South Dakota. The second division is represented by rocks of the Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous systems, and includes a basal series of clastic beds that may be of Algonkian age. This great assemblage of sediments rests on an uneven floor com- posed of Sioux quartzite and older crystalline rocks. It consists of beds of sandstone, shale, and lunestone, many times repeated in varymg order. Where these beds come to the surface they have been carefully studied, and the order of then- succession has been determined. (See PL II.) They are for the most part apparently conformable with one another, but important erosional unconformi- ties occur at the base of the Devonian system and between the Mis- sissippian, Pennsylvanian, and Permian series of the Carboniferous system. The oldest exposed rocks of this division are of Cambrian age and outcrop in the northeastern part of the State. The strata dip in general toward the southwest, and in this direction the younger formations become successively the surface rocks. The boundary lines between the formations, at the surface or immediately below the drift, follow in general the strike of the rocks, and, hence, are approximately parallel and cross the State with a northwest-southeast trend. (See PL I.) Where the prmcipal unconformities occur, however, the boundaries depart from this parallel arrangement. The third great rock division of Iowa is represented by Upper Cretaceous sandstones, shales, and limestones, which lap over the 60 U. S. GEOLOGrCAL SURVEY ERA SYSTEM SERIES I Quaternary Pleistocene with patches of Tertiary at base Cretaceous Upper Cretaceous WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 293 PLATE II TER OF STRATA Tertiary age are present at the base of the Quaternary Permian (?) Carboniferous Pennsylvanian Devonian Mississippian Upper Devonian Middle Devonian Dal sandstones ite marls, sandstones Silurian Ordovician Cambrian Algonkian(?i Algonkian Huronian Archean " As used in this report includes at top i * Includes upper part of Warsaw limesi U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 293 PLATE M COLUMNAR SECTION CHARACTER OF STRATA Wisconsin drift (Peorian Jntcrglacial stage) Soil, etc. (Sangamon interglacial stage)_ lilinoian drift 1 gravel ; soii»etc. (Yarmouth interglacial stage) ^ Gravel, sand, peat, etc. (Aftonian interglacial stage) Sub-Aftonian drift Dakota sandstone wl. 'St. Louis limestone" Keokuk limestone Burlington limestone Stony clay, kame, and outwash gravels Soil bed,. Ibesa, etc. Stony clay 3 . Soil and ve g etal accumulations Stony cl&y ,Soil, gravel, sand, and vegetal s Stony clay and outwash gravels Gravel and sand, soil, peat, and forest beds Stony clay ^ Qfn places stiff, plastic, and impei-vious clays of Tertiary age are present at the base of the Quaternary Shales, limestones, chalk " Shales, limestones, some sandstones, and coal Shales, some sandstones and limestones, and coal Limestones, sandstones, shale: Limestones, cherts, geodiferous shales Shales, magnesian and oolitic limestones, and sandstones Middle Devonian Lime Creek shale, Sweetland Creek shale , and State q uarr y' limestone Cedar Valle y limestone Shales and limestone Wapsipinicon limestone Salinai?) formation Dolomites and limestones, gypsum and anhydrite marls, sandstones I I I , I • I ' ' I t I ' I Galena dolomite Dolomites and limestones Platteville limestone Limestones and shalet St. Peter sandstone Shakopee dolomite ±±txi=iriErr±t Sandstone, white rounded grains Prairie du Chien New Richmond sandstone Oneota dolomite . I .1.1 .1 y-r 111111^" Jordan sandstone I . I I I .i~r St. Lawrence formatioa Dolomites, marls, shales Dresbach sandstone Undifferentiated Cambrian Sandstones, marls, shales AlgoDkian(?t ATgonkian Red clastic series Red sandstones Sioux quartzite Gneiss and schist Gneiss and schist " As used in this report inclQdes at top the lower part of the Warsaw Umegtonc ' Includes upper part of Warsaw limestone GENERAL COLUMNAR SECTION. PRE-CAMBKIAN ROCKS. 61 older formations, and cover much of the northwest and west-central parts of the State. The fourth great division includes the drift sheets and associated subaerial, interglacial, and postglacial deposits of the Pleistocene series. These deposits were spread over nearly all of the State except the northeast corner, and in most localities they still cover the older rocks. The distribution of the different Pleistocene forma- tions is shown m Plate III (in pocket) . The rock structure is shown in detail in the geologic sections. Plates V to XVIII, inclusive. The location of these sections is indicated in figure 1 . PRE-CAMBRIAN ROCKS. ARCHEAN SYSTEM. Foliated rocks — schists and possibly gneisses — have been found in several deep wells in the northwestern part of Iowa. At Sioux City they were reached at a depth of 1,260 feet (135 feet below sea level), and continued to the bottom of the drill hole, which is 2,000 feet m depth. At Le Mars a rock called by Todd ''a gneiss (?)," consisting of orthoclase, quartz, and muscovite, occurs at 215 feet above sea level, and crystalline foliated rocks, either gneisses or schists, continued for 500 feet to the bottom of the boring. ALGONKIAN SYSTEM. SIOUX QUARTZITE, The Sioux quartzite (popularly but erroneously called "Sioux Falls granite") outcrops over a very small area in the northwest corner of the State. This familiar building stone of our large cities is an intensely hard, pink, vitreous rock, consisting of rolled sandstone grains cemented mainly with secondary interstitial quartz. Qviartz- ite, presumably of the same age, occurs in the Baraboo region of southwestern Wisconsin. At Lansing, Iowa, the ''granite" noted in a driller's log at 71 feet above sea level may well be quartzite, here sunk nearly 1,500 feet below its elevation at Baraboo, 75 miles east. "Granite" reported at Mason City and Emmetsburg is not confirmed by drillings of any crystalline rock in the sample preserved. At Cedar Rapids an intensely hard, sdiceous rock of reddish color was struck at 1,417 feet below sea level and penetrated for a distance of 75 feet; but at Tipton, in an adjacent county, a well drilled to 1,886 feet below sea level failed to discover quartzite or any other crystalline rock. At Burlington the reported occurrence of "quartzite (?) and slate" at the bottom of the Crapo Park well, 2,430 feet deep (1,745 feet below sea level), is not fully confirmed by the drillings, as the reddish siliceous chips show no signs of fracture across grain and cement, 62 UISTDEEGROUND WATEE EESOURCES OF IOWA. and the "slate," though an mdurated shale, is accompanied with chips of sandstone of Cambrian type. In the not far distant deep well at Aledo, 111., no crystalline rock was found, although a depth of 3,000 feet was attained. CAMBEIAlSr SYSTEM. 63 ALGONKIAN (?) SYSTEM. RED CLASTIC SERIES. Certain deep wells of Iowa reach red sandstones beneath Cambrian terranes. Like the, red sandstones of the deep wells of Minnesota, the red sandstones of Iowa seem to be dry, and they may be of Algon- kian age. At Tipton the drill reached these red rocks at 1,435 feet below sea level, or about the level at which quartzite occurs at Cedar Rapids, and penetrated them for 431 feet to the bottom of the drill hole. SANDSTONES WITH INTRUSIVE SHEETS. The deep well at Hull, in northwestern Iowa, encountered, at 755 feet from the surface (678 feet above sea level), the first of six beds of quartz porph3^ry intercalated between saccharoidal sandstones, the entire series reaching to a depth of 1,228 feet from the surface (205 feet above sea level). In the absence of any physical or lithologic characteristics deter- mining the age of the sandstones, they have been regarded as prob- ably of Algonkian age, on account of the known igneous intrusions of the same nature in the Keweenawan, the dikes of ancient lava in the Sioux quartzite, and the abs^ence of volcanism in Paleozoic strata of the upper Mississippi Valley.^ CAMBRIAN SYSTEM. OCCURRENCE AND SUBDIVISIONS. The Cambrian rocks of Iowa were laid down upon an old sea floor which is now exposed far to the north in Minnesota and Wisconsin. They probably underlie the entire State, but rise to the surface only in the deep valleys of the extreme northeast corner. The younger formations overlie the older in the order of their deposition and become the country rock to the south and west in successive roughly parallel bands, each in turn dipping gradually to the southwest and passing underneath the next younger. The formations of the two oldest sedimentary systems represented, the Cambrian and the Ordo- vician, follow one another in rapid succession and the narrow bands of their outcrop roughly parallel one another in intricate patterns. The Cambrian, a system of massive sandstone formations several hundred feet thick, is an excellent water carrier. At Lansing it was found to have a thickness of 1,000 feet. The Cambrian outcrops or lies immediately below the drift only in the valleys of Mississippi River and its immediate tributaries from the northern boundary of the State to McGregor in Clayton County, in the valley of the Oneota 1 Ann. Rept. Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 1, 1893, pp. 165-169; vol. 6, 1897, pp. 112, 180, 199. 64 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. and its immediate tributaries in Allamakee County, and over an area of less than a square mile in Winneshiek County. It outcrops in all of these valleys only along the base of the liigh bluffs, where it has been exposed by the deep carving of ancient streams. The Cambrian rocks of Iowa consist of certain undifferentiated sandstones, marls, and shales, at the base, above which lie the forma- tions known, from the bottom up, as the Dresbach sandstone, the St. Lawrence formation, and the Jordan sandstone. DRESBACH SANDSTONE AND UNDERLYING CAMBRIAN STRATA. DEFINITION. In the senior writer's early investigations of Iowa deep wells the term "Basal sandstone" was used tentatively to include all Cambrian deposits below the base of the St. Lawrence formation, since no term used by either the Minnesota or the Wisconsin surveys seemed suffi- ciently inclusive, the term Dresbach being employed by the Minne- sota geologists to designate only the upper formation of the series of strata in question. Since that time the term Dresbach has been by some wi'iters used loosely to include all the underlying Cambrian strata, but it is used in tliis report in the restricted sense, that is, for the sandstone exposed at Dresbach, that being the definition adopted by the United States Geological Survey. The Dresbach sandstone, wliich in the type region is a wliite, incoherent fine- grained sandstone, is of Upper Cambrian age, whereas the underlying shales and sandstones are believed by geologists of the United States Geological Survey to belong to the Middle Cambrian. DISTRIBUTION. Sandstones referred by Calvin to the Dresbach outcrop in Iowa, along the base of the Mississippi bluffs in Allamakee County from Lansing north to the State line. It is quite possible, however, that these strata belong to the St. Lawrence formation, and if this is true the Dresbach sandstone nowhere comes to the surface witliin the limits of the State. At Dubuque (PI. VI, p. 258) the Dresbach and underlying Cambrian strata were cut by the drill to a depth of 1,100 feet, the base of the Cambrian not being reached. To the west these strata seem to thin. In east-central Iowa their total thickness is 360 feet at Cedar Rapids (PL XI, p. 382), and 463 feet at Tipton (PL X, p. 374), not including the red clastic series (Algonkian?) aheady mentioned. In north- western Iowa the Dresbach and underlying Cambrian strata prob- ably thin rapidly, as they rise on the western side of the median trough that traverses the State. In central Iowa, at Des Moines and CAMBRIAN SYSTEM. 65 Boone (PI. XVI, p. 672), it is difficult to draw the line separating the Dresbach sandstone from the overlying St. Lawrence formation. LITHOLOGIC CHARACTER. The Dresbach and the subjacent Cambrian strata include thick beds of sandstone of rolled grains of moderate coarseness, ranging in color from white to yellow and buff. These saccharoidal sandstones are pervious, especially in northeastern Iowa. Close-textured beds also occur whose pore spaces have been filled with limy cements. Sandstones are found whose angular grains of quartz are so minute and so closely packed that the rock must be well-nigh impermeable, and with these may be ranged marls, whose fine siliceous grains were mingled with mud and lime as they were laid on the sea floor. These marls and impure sandstones contain many dark-green, round, subtranslucent grains of glauconite. Limestones are unknown. No order of succession has been made out for the beds. In several wells, as those at Dubuque, Manchester, Anamosa, and Tipton (Pis. VI, IX, X), the upper sandstone (Dresbach sandstone) rests on marls or arenaceous limy shales, which are in turn succeeded by heavy basal sandstones. ST. LAWRENCE FORMATION. DISTRIBUTION. On the Dresbach sandstone rests a heavy body of dolomite and shale, known as the St. Lawrence formation, which outcrops as cal- careous and sandy shales in the bluffs of the Mississippi in the north- eastern county of the State. In eastern and north-central Iowa the limits of the formation are usually well drawn in deep-well sections, and its dual nature, dolomitic above and argillaceous below, is clearly seen. To the southwest the limits of the formation become difficult to trace, as the sandstones, both above and below, become more dolo- mitic or more clayey. At McGregor (PI. V, p. 258) the formation consists of a few feet of arenaceous dolomite, left uneroded in the bottom of the preglacial channel of the Mississippi, and by 113 feet of green shale immediately subjacent. At Waverly (PI. VII, p. 272) and Sumner the upper dolomitic beds are respectively 150 and 170 feet thick and the shales and marls beneath reach the surprising thick- ness of more than 300 feet. In each of these places sandy beds occur near the middle of the shales, and if the upper limit of the Dresbach were drawn at the summit of these sands the thickness of the shales left to the St. Lawrence would accord with the thickness reported in other deep- well sections. At Charles City the formation was pene- trated for probably 330 feet. (See PI. V.) Owing to a gap in the record, the upper limit is not certainly known. 36581°— wsp 293—12 5 66 UNDEEGKOTJJ^D WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. At Dubuque an imperfect record allows less than 200 feet for this formation. At Manchester it reaches a total of 242 feet. (See PL VI.) Southwest of Dubuque the massive basal shales and arena- ceous marls fail to maintain themselves. At Anamosa (PI. IX, p. 354) the formation consists (from above down) of 145 feet of dolomite, 55 feet of shale, and 40 feet of dolomite. At Tipton (PL X) the St. Lawrence embraces 120 feet of dolomite resting on 100 feet of marls. At Boone (PL XI) the St. Lawrence is made, with much uncertainty, to include 285 feet of glau coniferous shales and marls and close- grained sandstones reaching nearly to the bottom of the well. At Des Moines (PL XIII p. 526) about 300 feet of similar strata, lying immediately below the Prairie du Chien, may be assigned to the St. Lawrence with much hesitation. LITHOLOGIC CHARACTER. The upper dolomitic member of the St. Lawrence is in places more or less arenaceous and commonly contains a good deal of finely divided angular quartzose material. Glauconite is present in many localities. The shales of the lower member are commonly somewhat calcareous and siliceous. The rocks, designated ''marls," for want of a better term, consist of lime, silica, and clay and give rise to drillings of con- creted gray, greenish, bluish, brown, or pink powder. The friability of the concreted mass indicates roughly the relative proportions of clay and sand, and the reaction with hydrochloric acid shows a large amount of lime and magnesian carbonates to be present in many places. The quartzose constituent is in the form of fine rounded grains and stUl more commonly of impalpably angular particles of crystalline quartz. Noncalcareous, plastic, pink, red, or green shales also occur, and in some places these are hard and fissile. For these marls the characterization of Winchell of outcrops in Minnesota would seem applicable: "Greenish and shaly and yet not a shale; calcareous and not a limestone; magnesian but not a dolo- mite; finely siliceous but not a sandstone."^ JORDAN SANDSTONE. DISTRIBUTION. The St. Lawrence formation is overlain by a sandstone called the Jordan, from the name of a town in Minnesota at which it outcrops. In Iowa it comes to the surface only in Allamakee, Winneshiek, and Clayton counties in the valleys of the Mississippi and its tributaries. In these outcrops it has two phases — a hard sandstone, whose grains are embedded in a dolomitic matrix, as at Lansing, and a soft stone, > Winchell, N. H., Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey Minnesota, vol. 1, 1884, p. 255, CAMBEIAF SYSTEM. 67 SO destitute of limy cement that it can be readily excavated with pick and shovel, as at McGregor. West of McGregor, as far at least as Charles City (PI. V), it forms a well-defined bed about 75 feet thick, and to the southwest, at Waverly (PI. VII) and Sumner, it is still thicker, reaching 110 feet or more. At Manchester (PI. VI) it occurs as 86 feet of clean quartz sand, including 4 feet of highly arenaceous and calcareous shale. At Waterloo (PI. VI) it attains a thiclaiess of nearly 50 feet. At Ana- mosa (PL IX) it reaches nearly 100 feet, including calciferous sand- stones, both above and below the main body of pure quartzose sand- stone. At Monticello the drill penetrated it for 59 feet. At Cedar Rapids (PI. XI) the data are very meager; but a distinct water- bearing sandstone, nearly 50 feet thick, is indicated at this horizon, with closer-textured sandstones in juxtaposition both above and below. At Ackley (PI. VI) it is represented by calciferous sand- stones. A gap occurs here of 100 feet, from which no drillings were saved. In central Iowa either the limestones intervening between the St. Peter and the Jordan greatly increase in thiclaiess, or the Jordan becomes indistinguishable in the rapidly changing assemblages of sandstones, dolomites, and shales which in this area pass downward from the Shakopee dolomite. If the former be true the Jordan is encountered at Ames (PL XI) 600 feet below the St. Peter in a well- marked sandstone, 100 feet thick, composed of clean quartz in well- rolled grains. At Boone (PL XI), however, this horizon is held by sandstones, close textured and for the most part calciferous. At Des Moines (PL XIII) no attempt has been made to divide the Cambrian into the formations seen farther east. In southeast Iowa few deep wells reach the Jordan. At Burlington (PL XIII) the Jordan, if it is present, lies within a space of 300 feet from which no drillings we"'* obtained; above this space the strata are clearly Prairie du Chie^ and below it they are different beds of the St. Lawrence or Dresbap^^ facies. At Centerville (PL X) the magnesian series extends down- ward from the St. Peter for more than 700 feet, without reaching any heavy sandstone comparable to the Jordan nor any glauconifer- ous shales or marls of the St. Lawrence type. LITHOLOGIC CHARACTER. Typically the Jordan is a loose-textured sandstone consisting of rolled grains of clean quartz sand, white or light gray in color. In many places the grains are about as well sorted and as perfectly rounded and ground by abrasion as are the quartz spherules of the St. Peter. In certain beds, however, dolomitic grains appear among the drilhngs, indicating either a calcareous matrix or thin inter- bedded layers of dolomite. The driller recognizes the Jordan by 68 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. these characteristics and by its place as the first heavy sandstone below the St. Peter, from which it is separated by an interval of not less than 300 feet. ORDOVICIAN SYSTEM. PRAIRIE DU CHIEN GROUP. Prairie du Chien group is a term introduced into geologic literatiu-e in 1906 to designate the strata formerly called "Lower Magnesian limestone." This group is divided, from the bottom up, into Oneota dolomite, New Richmond sandstone, and Shakopee dolomite. The New Richmond, however, is in many places ill defuied or absent. DISTRIBUTION. The Prairie du Chien is a distinct cliff maker, and since it is both underlain and overlain by weak sandstones it rises in bold escarp- ments and castellated walls along Mississippi River and all of its tributaries from the northern boundary of the State nearly to Gut- tenberg. Owing also to its resistant quality it is distinctly an upland group of strata, and forms much of the country rock of Allamakee and northeastern Winneshiek counties. In the bold cUffs in which the Prairie du Chien outcrops at Prairie du Chien, Wis., opposite McGregor, and to the north along the Mississippi and its tributaries, it has nowhere been found to measure more than 250 feet. In well sections, however, it appears as not less than 300 feet in thicloiess. In northeastern Iowa, where the dolomites are well demarked by the St. Peter and the Jordan sandstones, the Prairie du Chien varies in thickness between 300 and 400 feet. To the west in northern Iowa it maintains a thickness of 300 feet at Mason City (PI. V) and of 375 feet at Ackley (PI. VI). At Fort Dodge (PL VI) 300 feet may with certainty be assigned to this terrane. In central Iowa it seems to thicken and appears to reach 600 feet at Ames (PL XI) and nearly as much at Boone (PL XI) ; at Des Moines (PL XIII) it is probably 400 feet thick, although its base there can not be accurately deter- mined. In southeastern Iowa, at Burlington (PL XIII), it can hardly measure less than 500 feet. At Centerville (PL X) more or less arenaceous dolomites of Prairie du Chien f acies were still present when the drill had been driven 700 feet below the base of the St. Peter, and neither clean sandstones nor glauconiferous shales were found to indicate that the Cambrian had been reached. South and west of Des Moines no wells have penetrated to this horizon. LITHOLOGIC CHARACTER. In all parts of Iowa, unless it be in the extreme northwest, wherever the drill has reached the horizon of the Prairie du Cliien it has not failed to find it with the lithologic characteristics of its outcrop quite ORDOVlClAlSr SYSTEM. 69 unchanged. Everywhere it is completely and perfectly dolomitized. Drillings are mostly in the form of gray or light-buff sparkling dolo- mitic sand. So hard is the rock that chips of any size are rarely preserved. When such are found they show a characteristic porous or vesicular texture. Heavy beds of dolomite occur which are quite free of arenaceous material, but with them are always to be found sandy dolomites and thin interbedded dolomites and sandstones. When a complete series of drillings is at hand the Prairie du Chien commonly exhibits a rapid alternation of beds differing in their are- naceous content, and sections based on a few widely separated samples can not be reckoned reliable in detail. Quartz sand, native in part but no doubt also in part fallen from the St. Peter, is so common in drillings from strata at this horizon that the rock is designated "sand and lime" in many drillers' logs. Chert is another invariable constituent of the Prairie du Chien. Usually white in color, it is not accompanied by the bluish translucent chalcedony characteristic of the geode beds of the Mississippian. In places a siliceous oolite is found, both in outcrops and in drillings ; in the latter it is recognized by the white, round grains of chert broken from their matrix and showing concentric structure on fractured surfaces. The sand grains of the Prairie du Chien are generally rounded, of clear quartz similar in facies to the St. Peter and Jordan sandstones. The New Richmond sandstone, however, in many places displays, both in outcrops and in well drillings, grains which under the micro- scope show pyramidal secondary enlargements of crystalline silica in optical continuity with the original grains. These crystal facets give a distinctive sparkle to the sand in mass. Along with these typical features of the Prairie du Chien are others that are local and exceptional. Such are marly beds, which yield drillings of whitish-gray or pink powder that effervesces freely in strong hydrochloric acid, leaving a clayey and minutely quartzose residue. Thin beds of green or red shales occur in some places. Especially worthy of note is a sandy shale found in places as the upper part of the Shakopee dolomite immediately underlying the St. Peter sandstone; at Boone (PI. XI) this shale is 10 feet thick and at Anamosa 40 feet (PL IX, p. 354) . The Shakopee is distinctly argil- laceous at Belle Plaine. At Holstein a red caving shale occurs 20 feet below the bottom of the St. Peter; and at Sanborn, according to the driller's log, shale and sand extend for 200 feet below this level. (See PI. XVII, p. 824.) A wholly exceptional facies is that shown in a drill hole sunk for oil near Maquoketa (PI. X), the driller's log of which states that for 241 feet below the St. Peter there extends a brick-red argillaceous sandstone, of fine rounded grains, including seams of red shale. As 70 UNDEEGKOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. only one sample was supplied for the entire 241 feet, it was the writ- er's first impression that the drilling might have been colored by particles resulting from the continuous caving in of a comparatively thin bed of red shale situated near the top of the Shakopee. But the log was made out with unusual care by the foreman in charge of the work, and an inspection of the discharge from the sand pump, made after the work was nearly done, showed so large an amount of the red sandstone as to give much support to the statement of the log. If the unconformity believed by some geologists to exist between the Shakopee" and the St. Peter is found in eastern Iowa, the sandstone in question may be a continental deposit in a small trough or basin, covered on subsidence by the St. Peter sandstone. So unlike is it to any other body of rock belonging to the St. Peter or the Shakopee in Iowa that the writer has not classed it with either terrane. The presence of rocks of reddish color underneath the St, Peter is reported in a number of wells in Minnesota and Illinois, though never to such a thickness as at Maquoketa. Thus in Minnesota the deep well at East Minneapohs shows 102 feet of red limestone at tliis hori- zon,^ and the well at the West Hotel ^ a dolomitic Hmestone 82 feet thick, reddish in color at top. In Illinois a red marl immediately subjacent to the St. Peter is reported as 32 feet tliick at Lake Bluff ,^ 45 feet thick at Winnetka,^ and 40 feet thick at Joliet.^ At the paper mill at Moline ''red marl and hmestone" 316 feet thick is reported at tliis horizon, and at the East Mohne well the St. Peter is underlain by 105 feet of limestone resting on 35 feet of red marl.* If the red argillaceous sandstone at Maquoketa be not a continental deposit, it must be placed with the Shakopee. ST. PETER SANDSTONE. DISTRIBUTION. The St. Peter sandstone, which overlies the Prairie du Chien group, is one of the most remarkable water-bearing formations of the State. Owing to its slight resistance to weathering and erosion it outcrops only in a narrow, sinuous belt about the outer margin of the Prairie du Chien. In the vaUey of Mississippi Piver it is seen in the sides of the bluffs as far south as Dubuque, and in the valley of Oneota River and its tributaries it extends a short distance into Winneshiek County. Its chief exposures are, however, in Alla- makee County. It consists of a bed of sandstone, normally white but in many places stained with iron oxides, which reaches a thick- ness of 70 to 100 feet. The thickness of the formation, as disclosed 1 Hall, C. W., Bull. Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 3, 1889, p. 139. 2 Stone, Leander, Bull. Chicago Acad. Sci., vol. 1, 1886, p. 96. 3 Leverett, Frank, Seventeenth Ann. Kept. U. S. Geol. Survey, pt. 2, 1896, p. 799. * Udden, J. A., idem, p. 848. OEDOVICIAN SYSTEM. 71 by the deep wells of Iowa, differs widely, though not so widely as in Wisconsin, where, owing to the irregular surface of the Shakopee, on which the St. Peter was laid, it ranges in thickness from 200 feet in troughs to an exceedingly thin layer on crests of the underlying dolomites. In the Iowa wells the maximum reported tliickness is 110 feet at Emmetsburg (PI. XVI, p. 872) and the minimum 15 feet at PeUa (PL XIV, p. 548). The St. Peter probably underlies the entire State, except the extreme northwestern part. In the southwestern part it has not yet been reached, but its recognition at Lincoln, Nebr.,^ and at different places in Missouri makes its presence there not improbable.^ The St. Peter reaches its highest elevation in Allamakee County, where it lies not far from 1,200 feet above sea level. It sinks con- tinuously to the southwest, and at Des Moines, where last found in deep drilling (PI. XVI), it lies at 1,114 feet below sea level, or more than 2,300 feet below its elevation in the northeast corner of the State. In northern Iowa it dips both from the east and from the west toward the median line of the great syncline of the Paleozoic strata, and in southeastern Iowa it rises in the Ordovician dome, so that it stands higher at Burlington and Keokuk than at Davenport and Mount Pleasant. The formation is so important, being the first of th^ great series of water-bearing beds which constitute the aquifers of the Iowa artesian system, and it is so easily recognized by the driUer and the layman, that its elevation above sea level is presented on the map (PI. I, in pocket). LITHOLOGIC CHARACTER. In its outcrops the St. Peter is a massive homogeneous bed of sand, so loosely cemented that it is readily excavated with the spade. Hand specimens of any size are difficult to obtain. No traces of lamination or oblique stratification appear, and the few ill-defined bedding planes are 10 to 15 feet apart. The individual grains are exceptionally uniform in size. They are of clear quartz, worn no doubt from the crystalline grains of acidic igneous rocks and representing the survival of the hardest. In this respect they differ from the varicolored grains of the Dakota sand- stone and the sand beds of the drift. They are also remarkable for the perfection of their rounding. The smoothness of these spherules and their "millet seed" appearance suggest that they had suffered long attrition under the winds of ancient deserts before they were deposited in the sea. Their shape distinguishes them from the sub- angular sands of the coal measures and from the faceted grains of 1 Sixth Bienn. Rept. Nebraska Commissioners Public Lands and Buildings, 1888, pp. 59-84. 2 The St. Peter sandstone has been found recently at Nebraska City, Nebr., at 2,783 feet below the surface. 72 trisTDEEGEOUND WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. the New Richmond, as well as from those Cambrian sandstones that are composed of minute angular particles of quartz. The transition from the St. Peter, either to the beds above it or to those below, is not everywhere abrupt. Arenaceous shales may- intervene between it and the Shakopee dolomite, and still more commonly the Shakopee seenas to include thin beds of sandstone. These sandy beds were noted in the field by McGee, and led him to classify the Shakopee as a part of the St. Peter.^ To recognize such sand beds in the drillings of deep wells is far more difficult, but probably the considerable amount of quartz sand m many wells, mingled with dolomitic chips from the Shakopee, comes from inter- calated sandstone beds rather than from above or from sand dis- seminated throughout the limestone. At Boone and Sabula the St. Peter apparently includes intercalated beds of sandy shale. The St. Peter is also in places overlain by transitional sandy shales and limestones, the deposition of which in some areas inaugurated the Platteville epoch. At Des Moines a brown arenaceous dolomite, 30 feet thick, is parted from the St. Peter by a hard green shale 10 feet thick. (See PI. XIII, p. 526.) At Washington (PL X) the St. Peter is overlain by a thin bed of sandy shale. At Charles City (PI. V) a stratum, 70 feet thick, of fine-grained argillaceous sandstone rests on St. Peter of normal facies. At Mason City (PI. V) a yellow, highly arenaceous dolomite 20 feet thick, and at Belle Plaine (PL VIII) a thin bed of arenaceous limestone occupy this horizon. At Postville (PL V) the St. Peter was apparently encountered at 755 feet above sea level; but, after passing through 14 feet of this sandstone, the drill entered limestone of PlatteviUe facies, in which it continued to 689 feet above sea level, when it reached an arenaceous, nondolo- mitic limestone, which continued 13 feet to the bottom of the boring. If studied in the field, it is probable that some of these arenaceous transition beds would be classed with the St. Peter, but for the purposes of this investigation it has seemed better to place them with the superjacent or subjacent formations. ROCKS BETWEEN THE ST. PETEK SANDSTONE AND THE MAQUOKETA SHALE. SUBDIVISIONS. Upon the St. Peter sandstone rests a series of limestones, shales, and dolomites which extends upward to the base of the Maquoketa shale. The upper dolomitized beds of this series have long been knov,rn as the Galena dolomite, while the lower limestone and shales have usually been termed the " Trenton. '^ In the report of the 1 McGee, W J, Pleistocene history of northeastern Iowa: Eleventh Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Survey, pt. 1, 1891, p. 332. OEDOVIClAlSr SYSTEM. 73 senior author on the artesian wells of Iowa ^ the entire series was treated as a single formation, called the ''Galena-Trenton/' whose strata were shown to be affected by dolomitization to varying depths at different places. Since the publication of this report an interme- diate formation, the Decorah shale, has been discriminated. The calcareous beds which overlie the Decorah shale are now known as the Galena dolomite, and the limestones and shales which inter- vene between the Decorah shale and the St. Peter sandstone are termed the Platte ville limestone. These formations rise to the surface in northeastern Iowa in a very broken and irregular area, which extends from the northvv^estern part of Winneshiek County as far south as Bellevue in Jackson County. PLATTEVILLE LIMESTONE AND DECORAH SHALE, In weU sections the Platteville is singularly persistent. It embraces a shale bed immediately overlying the St. Peter — the Glenwood shale of the Iowa State Survey — and an overlying body of limestone. Few well sections in Iowa reach the horizon of the St. Peter without finding either this basal shale of the Platteville or the higher Decorah shale, although in many wells the three divisions can not be made out. The shales of the Platteville limestone and the Decorah shale are typically rather harder, darker, and a brighter green than the Maquo- keta shale. Even where no record or sample of them is preserved, char- acteristic chips, evidently fallen from above, are sometimes brought up from lower levels. At Manchester (PI. VI) both the Decorah shale and the basal shale of the Platteville were found, the Decorah being 5 feet thick and carrying Orthis ferveta Conrad, Stroijhoraena trenton- ensis W. and S., and several Bryozoa. A body of typical earthy blue- gray Platteville limestone, 72 feet thick, here intervenes between the two beds of shale, the lower one of which is only 7 feet thick. In northern Iowa, at Hampton, the basal shale of the Platteville is 40 feet thick; at Charles City (PL V) 70 feet of arenaceous shales are overlaki by 90 feet of more typical shale; at Waverly (PI. VII), Sumner, Maquoketa (PI. X), and Clinton (PI. XI), the Platteville lime- stone and the Decorah shale are well exhibited, their total thickness in the last two places measuring about 100 feet, including the shale at the base of the Platteville. In northwestern Iowa the basal shale of the Platteville reaches 50 feet at Sanborn (PI. XVII), 95 feet at Emmetsburg (PL XVI), 110 feet at Mallard (PL XVI), and somewhat less than 50 feet at Cherokee and Holstem (PL XVII). At Des Moines the basal shale member of the Platteville is also present, and the Platteville and the Decorah have a combined thickness of 50 feet (PL XVI), but the limestone of the Platteville is exceptional in that 1 Rept. Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 6, 1897, pp. 145 fE. 74 UIsrDBEGBOUN"D WATER EESOUKCES OF IOWA. it is dolomitic. In southeastern Iowa the Platteville reaches a thick- ness of 90 feet at Pella and of 100 feet at Burlington. (See PL XIII.) The Decorah shale extends to the extreme southwest corner of the State; for in the deep boring at Nebraska City, Nebr., it was found at a depth of 2,754 feet, and its identification by stratigraphic and lithologic characteristics was amply confirmed by Ulrich's determi- nation of the distinctive fossils Stictoyora angularis and Balmanella subsequata var. minneapolis (?). In a number of places the Platteville limestone includes a brown bituminous shale from which the drill chips fragments that readily give forth long flames when ignited. This is the case at the Platte- vUle outcrops near Dubuque. In southeastern Iowa this bituminous shale occurs at PeUa, Letts, Washington, and Burlington. Its pres- ence is of special interest, for it is from this horizon that the natural gas and petroleum of some large fields in other States rise to be stored in the reservoirs of overlying rocks. The presence of bituminous shale or other bituminous rock as a source is but one of the condi- tions for the accumulation of these illuminants in paying quantities. As no oil or gas has been found in the weUs which reach the Platte- vUle, even where the formation is bituminous, it is evident that some of the other equally necessary conditions do not exist in Iowa in any area yet explored. The limestone of the Platteville is typically compact, blue or gray, more or less argillaceous, and in many places f ossUif erous ; under the drill it is broken to rather large flaky chips of earthy luster. The magnesian content is not sufficient to prevent brisk effervescence in cold dilute hydrochloric acid. In places the Decorah shale is lacking or unreported, and here no definite boundary can be drawn between the Platteville limestone and the overlying Galena dolomite. GALENA DOLOMITE. The Decorah shale is overlain by a heavy body of limestone or dolomite, known as the Galena dolomite, which extends upward to the base of the Maquoketa shale. In its outcrops in Dubuque County, where it is a marked cliff maker along the bluffs of Mississippi River and its tributaries, the Galena is known as the lead-bearing rock, and is a rough, vesicular buff cherty and crystalline dolomite. More or less of the formation is completely dolomitized in other counties of its outcrop in northeastern Iowa, but doiomitization is by no means universal. In well sections the formation varies, at the same horizons, from a rather soft nonmagnesian limestone similar to the Platteville to a crystalline dolomite entirely similar to those of its outcrops near Dubuque. Thus in passing from Dubuque 40 miles west to Man- chester the Galena changes from a homogeneous body of heavily OKDOVICIAN SYSTEM. 75 bedded dolomite fronting the Mississippi in a wall 250 feet high to a series of thin-bedded earthy blue and gray limestones. Dolomite is absent also at Waterloo and Waverly. Where only a part of the formation is dolomitized, as at Sumner, Charles City, and Hampton, it is generally the upper portion. Dolomitic beds are present at Anamosa, Monticello, Clinton, Cedar Rapids, Tipton, Boone, and Fort Dodge. West of Des Moines River only dolomites occur in the samples of the drillings of this terrane. In central Iowa the formation is wholly dolomitic and in southeastern Iowa either the entire forma- tion or the great bulk of it is either dolomitized or is crystalline and strongly magnesian. THICKNESS OF THE PLATTEVILLE, DECORAH, AND GALENA FORMATIONS. In northeastern Iowa the Galena, Decorah, and Platteville forma- tions have a combined thickness ranging from 300 to 350 feet. At Vinton their combined thickness is 401 feet and at Waverly it is 420 feet. In northern Iowa these formations persist far to the west. At Charles City (PL V) they together measure 380 feet, at Mason City (PL V) 405 feet, at Mallard (PL XVI) 375 feet, and at Emmets- burg (PL XVI) hardly less than 300 feet. At Osage (PL VII) they appear to be about 500 feet thick, but the apparent increase is prob- ably caused by including dolomitic portions of the Maquoketa. At Holstein magnesian limestones at this horizon aggregate 500 feet in thickness, and at Cherokee they measure 300 feet. (See PL XVII.) In the extreme northwestern part of Iowa the formations appear to thin and may feather out. At Sanborn (PL XVII) the driller's log places a bed 50 feet thick of "shale with streaks of rock" imme- diately above the St. Peter, and this bed may represent the entire thickness of the three formations, Galena, Decorah, and Platteville. In central Iowa the combined thickness probably attains its maxi- mum, measuring 410 feet at Boone and 508 feet at Des Moines. (See PL XVI.) In southeastern Iowa it thins markedly. At PeUa the beds measure 350 feet, at Burlington 273 feet, and at Mount Pleasant 256 feet. (See PL XIII.) MAQUOKETA SHALE. DISTRIBUTION. The heavy bed of dark bluish-gray clay shale overlying the Galena dolomite is known as the Maquoketa shale. It forms a thin surface cover over the Galena in a broad but broken belt across Winneshiek and Clayton counties, and it outcrops here and there along Mississippi River and its tributaries as far south as Clinton. It disintegrates so rapidly as to allow the massive overlying Niagara limestone to form a bold mural escarpment extending along the entire length of Turkey 76 trNDEEGEOXJND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. River on the western side — an escarpment that clearly marks not only the south and west limits of the Maquoketa as country rock but also fixes the western boundary of formations of the Cambrian and Ordovician rocks. The Maquoketa varies greatly along its narrow outcrop from Clinton northw^est to the Minnesota line. To the southeast it is a heavy body of shale. Thickening to the northwest, it comes to include an upper shale 125 feet thick, a medial bed of cherty magnesian limestone in places 50 feet thick, and lower beds of shales and shaly limestones which may locally attain a thickness of 100 feet; in well sections this triple division, which was perhaps first observed in this investigation, is well demarked. Again, in many wells the formation may appear as asingleundividedbodyof shale, as in its outcrops in Jackson and Clinton counties. The tripartite division obtains in northeastern Iowa and extends west at least as far as Ackley. Thus at Sunmer the upper Maquoketa measures 80 feet, the middle 70 feet, and the lower 50 feet. At Manchester (PL VI) the median bed is represented by a thin bed of limestone situated about 50 feet from the bottom of the terrane. Afc Waterloo (PL VI) the upper beds are 160 feet thick, the middle 75 feet, and the lower 30 feet. At Charles City (PL V) the middle Maquoketa is 30 feet thick, and at Acldey 21 feet (PL VI). At Hampton the main body of shale is as usual the upper Maquoketa, and below it are ranged alternately two beds of limestone and two of shale, each about 20 feet thick. At Fort Dodge also beds of limestone occur at several horizons within the supposed limits of the formation. Southward from northeastern Iowa the Maquoketa appears as an undivided body of shale, as might have been expected from the disappearance of its median limestones along its southern outcrops. LITHOLOGIC CHARACTER. The shales of the Maquoketa are both softer and paler than the Cambrian shales, and they lack the arenaceous content found in many places in the latter. Their bluish rather than greenish tint helps to distinguish them from the Decorah shale. They are not arenaceous, as are some of the Mississippian shales, and the absence of carbon and the presence of lime serve to distinguish them from many of the Pennsylvanian shales. They resemble most nearly the shales of the Kinderhook group (lower Mississippian). Drillers know them by the forcible and not inappropriate term of ''mud-rock" shales, since they appear in the slush bucket as a blue mud. Drillings are preserved in hard molded masses of concreted clay, gritless but calcareous and magnesian. In places the Maquoketa is highly pyritiferous. It includes in some areas bituminous brown shales. These are found near the base of the formation in the wells at Monticello, Tipton, and Anamosa, and in the drill hole near Maquoketa sunk for oil. This SILURIAN SYSTEM. 77 drill hole was sunk because a show of oil was found on the surface of a spring, or sink-hole pool, near the site where the well was after- wards drilled, and if this crude petroleum was derived from any subterranean source it probably came from the Maquoketa shale. At Grinnell (PI. XV, p. 670) bituminous shales 20 feet thick occur 70 feet below the assigned top of this formation. SILURIAN SYSTEM. NIAGARA DOLOMITE. DISTRIBUTION. Among the best water-bearing rocks of eastern Iowa must be ranked the Niagara dolomite, the only formation of Silurian age that out- crops in the State. Beginning at the prominent Niagara escarpment which borders Turkey River along its entire course, filling the great eastern bend of Mississippi River to Davenport, and lying east of a slightly irregular line drawn from West Union to Muscatine stretches the area over which this limestone outcrops or wherein it lies imme- diately below the drift. LITHOLOGIC CHARACTER. Except at one or two localities the Niagara is completely dolo- mitized. Chert is not uncommon, especially in the lower beds. Minor differences in color and texture characteristic of the subdivis- ions of the Niagara can seldom be discriminated in well drillings. Lithologically, the Niagara of wells situated near its outcrops and for some distance west is a light-bufi, gray, or bluish dolomite, commonly subcrystalline and vesicular. Under the drill it may be crushed to sparkling sand and drillers may therefore report it in well logs as "sand rock." Field surveys have shown that the Silurian pinches out in northern Iowa until the Devonian overlaps upon the Maquoketa shale, and the same condition is found in wells. The formation at the Tipton out- crop is 325 feet thick, but at Waterloo it has thinned to 107 feet and at Waverly to 50 feet. (See PI. VII.) At Osage (PI. VII) but 150 feet seems to be left for the combined thickness of both Silurian and Devonian. At Hampton but 80 feet can be allowed for the Niagara. At Charles City (PL V) the Silurian may reach 180 feet, but as the rocks assigned to this horizon are not lithologically characteristic the estimate may be a good deal too large and may include some rocks properly belonging either to the Maquoketa or to the Devonian. West of its area of outcrop the Silurian suffers lithologic changes which make its boundaries in many places difficult to determine. Thus, at Charles City (PL V) it is supposed to include a considerable 78 UNDERGEOU]SrD WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. amount of more or less argillaceous limestones that can hardly be assigned to the Maquoketa, because they would increase its thick- ness beyond probable measures. West of Cedar Rapids, along the line of the Chicago & North Western Railway, the Niagara facies is retained at Belle Plaine, where the formation measures 345 feet. (See PL XI.) At Marshalltown the Silurian is diminished to about 300 feet and includes brown magnesian limestones and nonmagnesian cherty limestones; several samples show more or less gypsum. At Ames and Boone the Silurian includes dolomites, thin shales, and more or less magnesian sandstones and limestones, the upper limit being drawn with great uncertainty, chiefly on stratigraphic evidence. At Ackley the Niagara comprises about 180 feet of dolomite, but at Fort Dodge, farther west, the strata have so changed lithologicaUy that the summit of the Silurian is very uncertain. (See PL VI, p. 258.) In southeastern Iowa the SUurian includes a calciferous sandstone, which at Washington is reported to be 100 feet thick. At Des Moines (PL XVI) arenaceous beds occur near the base of the terrane; at Centerville they are 50 feet thick and are composed of fine grains of clear quartz, moderately well rounded and sorted, many grains show- ing secondary enlargements whose facets give a peculiar sparkle to the drillings. Beneath this sandstone lies 60 feet of sandy limestone. At Ottumwa a sandy limestone is reported at about this horizon. SALINA (?) FORMATION. LITHOLOGIC CHARACTER. West and south of its outcrops the Silurian comprises an assem- blage of limestones and in places red, ferruginous gypsiferous marls and beds of anhydrite, which seem best tentatively referred to the SaUna, although this terrane has not been positively identified west of the Great Lakes. Gypsum and anhydrite are uncommon in the rocks of Iowa. Isolated crystals of selenite are present in some of the shales, and beds of gypsum occur in the Permian deposits of Webster County and in the "St. Louis" strata of Appanoose County. Both of these horizons are too high to be correlated with the gypsum deposits found in the deep wells. Apart from these two horizons drillings from Iowa wells have shown gypsum or anhydrite only at the horizon attributed for good stratigraphic reasons to the Silurian. In tliis system, however, these minerals are in places too conspicuous to escape notice. Bits of white gypsum or of the harder anhydrite are readily noted among the limestone chips. The whole content of the slush bucket may be a whitish mud concreting to tough masses quite unUke marls of similar color. Under the microscope many specimens show a field largely occupied with broken crystals of gyp- sum or anhydrite, whose identity is recognized unmistakably by their SILUEIAN SYSTEM. 79 brilliant colors under polarized light and by their distinctive cleav- ages. Chemical tests confirm these observations. DISTRIBUTION. These deposits are assuredly Silurian at Marshalltown, where the Niagara outcrop is but 75 miles to the east. In central and southern Iowa the presence of the Kinderhook above these beds and of the Maquoketa shale below them limits their horizon to either the Devo- nian or the Silurian. It is most unlikely that they can belong to both, and between the two the choice is not difficult. The absence of such beds from the Devonian elsewhere, their common presence in the Salina of the eastern United States, and other stratigraphic reasons leave little doubt that the beds in question belong to the Silurian and are of Salina age. The presence of a bed of gypsum may therefore be used as a means of correlation. At Des Moines, for example, where 588 feet of limestone lies between the base of the Kinderhook and the summit of the Maquoketa, the presence of gypsum 80 feet from the top and of well-marked beds below leaves not more than 80 feet to the Devonian and more than 500 feet to the Silurian. (See PI. XV.) On the same assumption, the Silurian at Grinnell is assigned 414 feet, the gypsum beds being confined to the upper 247 feet; at Pella it is assigned 255 feet (PI. XIII), and at Mount Pleasant, where the anhydrite beds are especially well marked, about 100 feet. The uncommon tliickness thus allotted to the Silu- rian at Des Moines and Grinnell leads to drawing the boundary between the Silurian and Devonian higher at neighboring points, as at Boone and Ames, than might otherwise be done. (See PL XI, p. 382.) If the sub-Mississippian gypsum of central and eastern Iowa is considered Silurian, the horizon of the gypseous beds found in south- western Iowa below the Carboniferous may also be referred to the Silurian ; but the area is so remote from the outcrops of the terranes below the Pennsylvanian, and deep wells are so few, that the geologic sections in the few deep drill holes that pass below the floor of the Pennsylvanian can be made out only with the greatest difficulty. In the well at Glenwood (PI. XVIII) a 70-foot bed of gypseous lime- stones and shales was struck at a depth of 1,924 feet. If 262 feet of superjacent dolomites and magnesian limestones and an included bed of sandstone are added, the Silurian will have a probable thick- ness of 332 feet. At Bedford, 60 miles southeast of Glenwood, beds of gypseous marl and limestone begin at 2,005 feet from the surface and continue to at least 2,350 feet. It is interesting to note that here ferruginous red and pink limestones occur above the gypseous beds, tending to confirm the suggestion that these beds represent the deposits of the arid climate of the Salina epoch. At Council Bluffs ). 80 UISTDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. fiiagnesian limestones referred to the Silurian and destitute of gypsum form the chief bed. Though the Silurian as a whole thins out in northeastern Iowa, it thickens toward central Iowa, maintaining a thickness of more than 300 feet to the southwestern border of the State. In southeastern Iowa the local upwarp of the lower Ordovician strata causes a notable thinning of the Silurian beds toward the dome. Thus the Silurian at Davenport, 345 feet thick, thins to some undeter- mined part of the 180 feet allotted to the combined Devonian and Silurian at Burlington and to a probable 60 feet at Keokuk. (See PI. XII.) At Pella the thickness of the combined Silurian and Devonian is 420 feet, at Mount Pleasant it is about half that measure, and at Burlington it is compassed within 180 feet. (See PI. XIII.) The thicloiess of the Silurian and Devonian at Centerville is nearly 400 feet (PI. X) ; 80 miles east of Centerville, at Fort Madison, it measures only 142 feet (PI. XII, p. 514). DEVONIAN SYSTEM. The Devonian limestones and shales occupy a wedge-shaped area whose wide base lies along the northern boundary of the State from Winnebago County to Howard County. Pointing southeastward and gradually narrowing, it comes to an apex in Scott and Muscatine counties. The Devonian includes rocks formed during three princi- pal epochs. The uppermost formation, the Lime Creek shale, which is of Upper Devonian age, is typically exposed in Cerro Gordo and adjoining counties, where it comprises blue and yellow shale (the Hackberry substage of the Iowa State Survey) 70 feet thick, overlain by dolomite and shale (the Owen substage of the Iowa Survey) exceeding 50 feet in thickness. In other parts of the State the uppermost Devonian formation is known as the Sweetland Creek shale, and in still other areas it is represented by the State Quarry limestone of the Iowa Survey reports. These three formations have been regarded as more or less contemporaneous. Each rests unconformably upon the Cedar Valley limestone. The medial formation of the Devonian — the Cedar Valley limestone — is of Middle Devonian age, and is the inost widely distributed of the three. It comprises an assemblage of lime- stones varying widely in color and texture and argillaceous content, and in the northern counties includes dolomitic beds, but over most of the area the magnesian content falls far short of that requisite for dolomite. The thickness of the Cedar Valley limestone in Johnson County is estimated at 104 feet by Calvin. The lowest Devonian formation — the Wapsipinicon limestone — is also of Middle Devonian age. It consists of blue and yellow shales, cherty argillaceous lime- stones, local beds of coal and coaly shales (the Independence shale SrLUEIAN SYSTEM, 81 member), gray lithographic Umestones, and breccia beds along with limestone of other types. The lowest beds of the Wapsipinicon are dolomitized and can not always be distinguished in drillings from the Silurian dolomites. These Devonian formations can be distinguished from each other in some deep wells, but as a rule they can not be separated, and it is with considerable difficulty that even the limits of the Devonian as a whole are drawn. Thus the highest shale of the Devonian may be imme- diately overlain by shale of the Kinderhook group. Wlaere this occurs and fossils are absent, the discrimination has been found impracticable even in outcrops. Certain shales in a well at Hampton are classified as Devonian rather than Enderhook, owing to their stratigraphic correspondence with certain heavy shales, apparently Devonian, that outcrop at Sheffield. At Belle Plaine the highest shales of the section are placed with the Devonian only because of the general dip of the strata of the region. (See PI. XL) Apparently there is in central Iowa a strong development of the Lime Creek shale, but it can be separated from the Kinderhook only by more or less arbitrary lines, drawn by the accepted areal distribution and the supposed dip of the strata. In discriminating the dolomitic beds of the Devonian from those of the Silurian, the Silurian beds, except those of northeastern Iowa, are generally considered the more persistent and the heavier. Though the area of outcrop of the Devonian is wide, measuring about 75 miles on the north from east to west, the tliickness of the terrane at any point on the area of outcrop is not large. At Waverly (PI. VII) a well section shows a total thickness of only 70 feet of Devonian rocks, above which the natural outcrops rise some 50 feet higher. The greatest thickness attributed to the Devonian is at Marshall- town (PL XI), Ackley (PL VI), and Hampton, where it seems to reach 300 feet. At Grinnell (PL XV) it is given as about 200 feet and is largely shaly. At Homestead (PL XV) heavy shales below the drift lie at the Devonian horizon, but if there is here a downwarp, the shales may be Kinderhook instead. In southeastern Iowa the Devo- nian nowhere reaches more than 175 feet in thickness. At Washington (PL X) 100 feet can be assigned to it with some certainty. At Letts (PL XIV), Mount Pleasant (PL XIII), and Burhngton the Devonian somewhat exceeds 100 feet, and at Pella and Sigourney (PL XIV) it reaches about 170 feet. In several places, however, the rocks ascribed to the Devonian may include more or less of the basal portion of the heavy shales whose main body is unquestionably Kinderhook. 36581°— wsp 293—12- 6 82 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OP IOWA. CARBONIFEROUS SYSTEM. ^ MISSISSIPPIAN SERIES. OUTCROPS AND SUBDIVISIONS. Mississippian (lower Carboniferous) rocks outcrop along a belt of varying width extending from. Kossuth and Winnebago counties on the north to Mssissippi River on the southeast, and along the river from Louisa County to the Missouri State line. The series embraces a wide variety of rocks. With two or three exceptions its formations are not thick, and in well sections hthologic change is comparatively rapid. The Mississipian of the Iowa State Survey reports, and as used in this report, comprises three major subdivisions which, from the base upward, are known as the Kinderhook group, the Osage group, and the "St. Louis limestone." The Osage group of this report, how- ever, is not exactly the same as the Osage group of the United States Geological Survey, since, for convenience, the former includes at the top the lower part of the Warsaw hmestone, the upper part of the Warsaw being included in the overlying "St. Louis limestone," as that formation is defined in this report. KINDERHOOK GROUP. The Kinderhook group embraces a median heavy shale with lime- stones above and below. In central Iowa the upper nonargillaceous beds are strongly developed and furnish the white oolitic and the buff magnesian lunestones of Tama, Marshall, Franklin, and Humboldt counties. In most well sections it is quite impossible to discruninate any basal lunestones from those of the Devonian, and it is in many places equally impracticable to discriminate the upper limestones of the Eonderhook from the overlying limestones of the Osage group. The main body of shale, however, is one of the best-defined in the State, especially in southeastern Iowa. At Burlmgton, Mount Clara, and Mount Pleasant it runs from 300 to 370 feet in thickness; at Fort Madison it is 268 feet thick, and at Keokuk about 225 feet. (See PI. XII, p. 514.) North and west from its outcrops in the extreme south- east of Iowa, the shales thin somewhat. At Ottumwa (PI. X) they measure 165 feet, at Grinnell (PI. VIII) 170 feet, at Sigourney (PI. XIV) 198 feet, at Pella and at Oskaloosa less than 125 feet. (See PI. XIII.) In central and northern Iowa, as on the uplands of southeastern Iowa, the shales of the Kinderhook generally fail of exposure, as in preglacial time their outcrop formed a belt of weak rock wasting to lower levels than the area of stronger rock adjacent, and during the Pleistocene this trough was deeply filled with drift. The absence of rock expo- sures along a belt of considerable width bordering the line of the westernmost Devonian outcrops may thus be explained. CAEBONIFEEOUS SYSTEM. 83 In central Iowa the chief beds of the Kinderhook which reach the surface are limestones. The section at Marshalltown (PI. XI) dis- closes a thickness of 145 feet for this division of the Kinderhook and of 175 feet of underlying shales. At Ackley (PI. VI) 207 feet of shale seems to belong to the Kinderhook. At Hampton the 108 feet of shales immediately below the drift falls into two divisions and, accord- ing to Wnhams/ the same beds occur at several points in the eastern part of the county, giving rise to a line of springs. West of a line passing through Marshalltown, Ackley, and Hamp- ton the shales of the Kinderhook greatly diminish in thickness. They are so scant at Ames, Boone, and Fort Dodge that the boundaries of the Kinderhook are drawn with greatest difficulty. At Dayton they are wholly absent so far as the record shows, although it is possible that th6 well may have failed of reaching them by a few feet. Both at Boone and at Fort Dodge the base of the Kinderhook is arbitrarily drawn at a bed of thin shales lying underneath argillaceous limestones. (See PL XVI, p. 672.) In southwestern Iowa, at Glenwood, shales 134 feet thick occur at the supposed base of the Mississippian, and at Bedford shales 30 feet thick are found at this horizon. (See PI. XVIII, p. 898.) OSAGE GROUP. The rocks of the Osage group immediately overlie the Kinderhook. The basal limestones of the Osage are well known to all drillers in southeastern Iowa as the Burlington limestone. Under the drill they break into flaky chips, many of which are intensely white. Close examination shows that the apparent crystalline structure of many specimens is due to the crystalline cleavages of the broken plates and stem joints of crinoids. In places the stone is made up almost wholly of crinoidal fragments, and where finer cementing material is wanting the rock becomes full of interstices and permeable to water. The lower strata of the Burlington are somewhat thickly bedded with thin partings. Toward the top they include chert and brown siliceous shales. The overlying beds of the Burlington are less massive and in many places parted by shaly layers. These beds pass upward into cherts (the Montrose cherts of the Iowa Geological Survey), which form the top member of the Burlington and which outcrop along the bed of the Mississippi, giving rise by their hardness to the Des Moines Rapids, which extend from Montrose to Keokuk. Hard and resistant to the weather as these cherts are, they present no special difficulty to the experienced driller, for they are brittle, breaking easily under the stroke of the drill, and their angular white chips do not pack. They occur either irregularly bedded in shattered seams or so disposed 1 Williams, I. A., Ann. Kept. Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 16, 1906, p. 482. 84 UNDEKGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. in nodules that the solution of the limy content of the strata leaves them highly permeable and serviceable as water beds. On account of their purity the limestones of the Burlington are highly soluble. Sink holes along the outcrops indicate where the run-off flows rapidly down to subterranean channels excavated by solution along bedding planes and joints. Above the Burlington limestone the Osage group includes cherty coarse-grained limestone and limy shales (Keokuk limestone), which at their outcrop abound in geodes — hollow shells of chalcedony or of lime carbonate lined with crystals of quartz or calcite. The presence of this formation is in some places indicated to the driller by chips of milky chalcedony and pieces of broken crystals of clear quartz brought up in the slush bucket in some abundance. For convenience the lower part of the Warsaw limestone is included in the Osage group of this report. "ST. LOUIS LIMESTONE." The ''St. Louis limestone," the uppermost division of the Missis- sippian as here differentiated, forms an important part of the country rock over Keokuk, Washington, Henry, and Lee counties, over minor areas in adjacent counties, and over Story, Webster, and Humboldt counties. Its lowest division consists of shale and shaly limestones, wliich properly belong to the Warsaw limestone, but which for con- venience are included in the "St. Louis." A median division consists of gray sandstones, shales, and brecciated limestones, the sandstones predominating. The upper division is made up largely of heavily bedded impure magnesian hmestones with some marls. These differ- ent subdivisions are distinguished in the shallower wells of the region of outcrop, but have not been traced to any distance from their out- crop by means of the deeper wells. THICKNESS OF OSAGE GROUP AND "ST. LOUIS LIMESTONE." The geologic sections (Pis. V-XVIII) show that the combined thickness of the Osage group and the ''St. Louis limestone" as differ- entiated in this report varies witliin wide limits. The upper surface of the Mississippian is everywhere a surface of erosion, not only along its outcrops, but also where it is parted by a strong unconformity from the overlying Pennsylvanian, and for this reason inequalities of hundreds of feet are not unexpected. The change of the Kinderhook from shale to limestone in passing north and northwest from its out- crops in southern Iowa increases the thickness of the Mssissippian above the shabs, but here the upper limestones of the Kinderhook can seldom be discriminated from those of higher terranes. Along the eastern part of the belt of outcrop the terrane is naturally thin because of the absence of the superior members. CAEBOmFEROUS SYSTEM. 85 The thickness of the Mississippian above the Kinderhook amounts to about 300 feet in the southeastern part of the State (PL XIV) where it passes beneath the Pennsylvanian rocks, measuring 270 feet at Pella, 300 feet at Newton, 306 feet at Sigourney, and 320 feet at Dayton. Farther west it apparently thickens, and at Centerville (PL XVI) it measures a httle more than 500 feet. A hke tliickening is observed in central and north-central Iowa. At Ames a tliickness of 445 feet is assigned to the Osage and the "St. Louis," at Boone (PL XI) 485 feet, and at Fort Dodge 500 feet, although at each of these places the base of the Osage is by no means certain. In north- western Iowa the Mississippian maintains a thickness of more than 200 feet at Cherokee. In southwestern Iowa (PL XVIII) it is given 355 feet at Bedford and 280 feet at Glenwood. At Lincoln, Nebr., it seems to have nearly or quite disappeared. PENNSYLVANIAN SERIES. SUBDIVISIONS. Rocks belonging to the Pennsylvanian series (or "Coal Measures") lie at the surface or immediately beneath the drift in most of southern Iowa and immediately beneath the Cretaceous rocks in western Iowa. (See fig. 6, p. 898.) The series is divided into two groups, the Missouri and the Des Moines. The Missouri group ("Upper Coal Measures") occupies the southwestern part of the State and consists of shales and hmestones. The Des Moines group ("Lower Coal Measures") out- crops to the east of the Missouri group, and is composed predomi- nantly of shales, with some sandstones and a few beds of hmestone. Drill cores and natural sections show in each group a rapid vertical hthologic alternation, and not infrequently the slush bucket brings up from the cutting of the churn drill samples of tliin alternating layers of several different kinds of rock. Field exposures show rapid horizontal changes in the strata. Thick lenses of sandstone, for example, thin out in a few miles and are replaced by argillaceous beds. DES MOINES GROUP. The Des Moines group occupies a belt 50 to 80 miles in width, extending from the southern part of Humboldt and Wright counties southeastward to the eastern half of the Missouri State line. An outher of about 80 square miles overlies the Devonian along Mis- sissippi River in the southern part of Muscatine and Scott counties. At the base of the Des Moines is a sandstone which though not everywhere present deserves special mention. In the deep wells of eastern Iowa as far west as Des Moines this sandstone is absent from the deeper weUs; in southwestern Iowa it occurs in aU weUs which 86 XJN-DEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OP IOWA. reach its horizon. At Atlantic it is 50 feet thick, the uppermost half being a gray sandstone of finest grain, succeeded by 5 feet of sandy limestone, 6 feet of brown sandstone, and 15 feet of gray sand- stone. At Glenv/ood gray sandstone of imperfectly rounded grains 107 feet thick, including 25 feet of chert and shale, lies immediately upon the cherts of the Mississippian. At Bedford the sandstone attains 160 feet in thickness. (See PL XVIII, p. 898.) The Des Moines group in southeastern Iowa consists at the base of shales with some sandstones and singularly persistent thin limestone beds rarely exceeding 1 or 2 feet in thickness. These beds are over- lain by a series of persistent limestones with shales and coal seams. At the top is the conglomerate to which Bain applied the name Chariton. On the whole, the well sections of the Des Moines show a large predominance of shales, for the most part gray or blue in color, though heavy beds of dark drab and blackish shales are not uncom- mon, and red shales occur in many places. In composition they range from pure clay shales to limy, or sandy, or carbonaceous shales, and these may shade off horizontally into limestones, sand- stone, or coal. MISSOUEI GROUP. The upper group of the Pennsylvanian, known as the Missouri, occupies the southwest corner of Iowa, extending from the middle of the southern boundary to the middle of the western, but the hypothenuse of the triangle thus formed is overlain in the north- central part by a very broken and irregular extension of the Creta- ceous. The sediments are chiefly calcareous shales interbedded with heavy and persistent beds of limestone. The latter are remarkably evenly bedded and extend over wide areas. Individual beds of lime- stone are much thicker than those of the Des Moines group, in places reaching a thickness of 50 feet or more. About 11 divisions of the Missouri group have been plausibly discriminated by students in the field, but as no attempt has been made to identify them in the deep-well records they need no detailed mention. PERMIAN (?) SERIES. The strata tentatively referred to the Permian occupy so smaU an area that their effect upon the distribution and quality of under- ground waters is insignificant. The gypsum deposits in the vicinity of Fort Dodge and the associated red sandstones and shales which have been tentatively referred to the Permian on lithologic and strati- graphic grounds are imfossiliferous. They lie unconformably upon strata of the Des Moines group or, where these have been removed by erosion, upon the ''St. Louis limestone." An erosion interval of considerable length thus separates the period of their deposition from the Des Moines epoch. UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. 87 CRETACEOUS SYSTEM. DAKOTA SANDSTONE AND COLORADO GROUP. The latest terranes of the country rock of Iowa belong to the Upper Cretaceous. They cover the northwestern part of the State and extend a ragged and broken arm southward almost to the Missouri line in Page County. Over much of the area they occur in more or less isolated patches whose borders can seldom be determined on account of the heavy cover of drift and the infrequent outcrops. On the geologic map of the State the Cretaceous is indicated as a con- tinuous formation over the area embraced by its scattered outcrops. The Cretaceous rocks of western Iowa belong to the Dakota sand- stone and the Colorado group. They overlie the Paleozoic forma- tions with pronounced unconformity. The Dakota is a coarse- grained, ferruginous sandstone, very poorly cemented and locally interbedded with seams of clay. In places it includes beds of very fine incoherent sand. It is of the same age as the great aquifer of the South Dakota artesian slope, but being separated from that area by outcrops of the Sioux quartzite it does not show the high artesian pressure which characterizes the formation in the South Dakota field. Overlying the Dakota sandstone occur shales and calcareous beds of the Colorado group. Drillers in western Iowa should take special pains to discriminate these from the pebbly clays of the drifts. TERTIARY SYSTEM. In a few locahties patches of gravel and sand discovered beneath the drift have been tentatively referred to the Tertiary system. In Tertiary and other preglacial periods the long disintegration and decay of the country rock produced a deep mantle of residual material, which was not wholly swept away by the invasions of the Pleistocene ice sheets. Over the driftless area residual clays remain continuous and heavy. Elsewhere they have been largely removed by glacial erosion and are now found in thin and scattered patches occupying depressions in the rock surface underneath the drift. Formed of the insoluble constituents of the country rock, they spread over the limestone and shale areas of the State as stiff, plastic, and impervious clays colored deep red or brown by iron oxides. Where cherts are present in the parent rock their insoluble fragments may form a large part of the deposit. Decay and disintegration, no doubt in large part preglacial, have affected the country rock in another way which directly concerns the distribution of ground water. Sandstones have been broken down into beds of incoherent sand by the removal of their cements, and heavily bedded limestones have disintegrated into a surface zone of thin spalls by the detachment and fracture of their constituent laminae. Thus has been opened up beneath impervious residual clays and tiU sheets a zone of ready passage for ground water. 88 XJFDEEGROUND WATEE RESOUECES OF IOWA. QUATERNARY SYSTEM. PLEISTOCENE SERIES. The Pleistocene series in Iowa comprises the deposits of five distinct glacial stages and of four interglacial stages. The deposits of the glacial invasions consist of stony clays — the ground moraines of ancient ice sheets — together with beds of sand and gravel sorted and laid by the waters of the melting ice. The stratified and unstrati- fied deposits together constitute the drift. The deposits of the interglacial epochs include old soils, marsh, and forest beds, and sands and gravels laid by the rivers of the time. (See PL III, in pocket.) NEBRASKAN DRIFT. The oldest and lowest glacial deposit is that of the Nebraskan or sub-Aftonian stage. It embraces both sands and gravels laid down on rock by streams deploying in front of the advancing glacial ice, and also a ground moraine of blackish till bearing a large number of greenstone pebbles. AFTONIAN GRAVEL. The Aftonian interglacial epoch derives its name fronf Afton Junc- tion, Union County, Iowa, where heavy deposits of sands and gravels were found lying between the Nebraskan drift and that of the succeeding glacial stage — the Kansan. These type deposits were at first supposed to have been laid down by floods of the melting ice of the Nebraskan glaciers, but the recent discovery at a number of localities in western Iowa of Aftonian gravel carryuig a rich mam- malian fauna proves that they were laid down during an interglacial time whose climate was far from boreal.^ On the uplands these gravels are generally thin and in places are entirely wanting; in the lowlands they form extensive beds, in many places filling the preglacial valleys to depths of 50 to 60 feet. To the same stage belong old soils and forest beds developed on the Nebraskan drift sheet. In the southwestern part of the State these layers bear decaying organic matter known by drillers as ''sea mud," ''stinking clay," and "black muck," which not infrequently renders the waters of deep-bored wells obnoxious. KANSAN DRIFT. The deposits of the second ice invasion consist largely of a clayey till, dense, tough, and difficult to excavate, charged with many small pebbles and sparse bowlders. Little stratified material is inter- mingled or associated with the Kansan drift. The till is blue drab in 1 Calvin, Samuel, Bull. Geol. Soc. America, vol. 20, 1909, pp. 341-356. QUATEEKARY SYSTEM. 89 color where unweathered, but so great is its antiquity that it is reddened by oxidation to a considerable depth. The Kansan drift was spread over all the State outside of the driftless area, and to it belongs the larger part of the stony clays pierced by the drUl in any county. DEPOSITS OF THE YARMOUTH STAGE. In eastern Iowa, where the Elinoian drift sheet overlaps the Kansan, there are found old soils and weathered surfaces belonging to the interglacial stage called the Yarmouth, from the village of that name in Des Moines County. The gravel, that is widely spread over the Kansan drift in Buchanan and other counties of northeastern Iowa overrun by the lowan ice and hence termed the Buchanan gravel, was probably laid down in Yarmouth time. Two phases are discrim- inated by the Iowa State Survey — an upland phase, heavUy rusted and decayed, and a valley phase of sands and gravels more quartzose in character. ILLINOIAN DRIFT. Within the narrow belt of its occurrence along Mississippi River in southeastern Iowa the Illinoian drift consists mainly of a clayey till differing from the Kansan till in the larger proportion of dolomite pebbles which it carries, in a shghtly less compact structure, and in a weathered zone of lesser depth. The upper surface of the drift sheet underneath its cover of loess is marked by a leached gray soil and vegetal deposits of the Sangamon interglacial stage. lOWAN DRIFT. The lowan drift, as discriminated by Calvin, is recognized most readily by the characteristic topography already described (pp. 51-52). It is exceptionally thin. It consists of a light-yeUow clayey till and numerous large superficial bowlders, generally of granite. WISCONSIN DRIFT. The latest ice invasion of the State laid down a ground moraine of clayey till containing a notably large proportion of limestone pebbles. The slight extent to which it has been oxidized and leached of lime marks its recency. The drainage of Wisconsin time was exceptionally vigorous. Gravel hills called kames mark the places where glacial streams reached the margin of the ice and threw down their loads. Outwash sands and gravels cover whole townships in continuous sheets, and deep gravel deposits were laid down by swollen rivers along all waterways leading outward from the area of this drift. 00 UFDEKGEOUND WATEK RESOUECES OP IOWA. LOESS. Loess is a gritless loam intermediate in size of particles between sand and clay. Because of its loose texture it is lughly permeable. Much of the surface yellow loess is underlain by a blue-gray loess supposed by some to be of greater age. In other places it may grad- uate into a reddish loam intermediate in texture and color between loess and the red residual clays or the red weathered clays of the drift on which it rests. ^ About the lowan border and also over wide areas of the Illinoian drift the loess passes downward into sand by interbedded alternate layers of the two deposits. Such deposits are sometimes referred to as subloessial sands. Loess is widely distributed in Iowa, covering practically aU the State except the areas of the lowan and the Wis- consin drift sheets, and being found even upon these in some smaU patches. ALLUVIUM. Alluvial deposits consisting of many feet of sand and gravel alter- nating with clay and covered with silt and loam fill the valleys of most of the larger streams to a considerable depth. Much of this material belongs to deposits already described, but is indistinguishable from the more recent beds. 1 Norton, W. H., Geology of Scott County: Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 9, 1899, pp. 486-487. CHAPTER III. GEOLOGIC OCCURRENCE OF UNDERGROUND WATER. By W. H. Norton, Howard E. Simpson, and W. S. Hendrixson. CLASSIFICATION OF UNDERGROUND WATERS. In a prairie region of uniform and abundant rainfall, such as pre- vails throughout Iowa, the permanent ground-water level may be found at no considerable distance below the surface, and water suit- able both in quality and quantity for domestic, farm, and village supplies may generally be obtained from shallow wells. Many such shallow waters are too meager or too liable to pollution to meet the needs of industrial plants and of towns and cities. Where large suppUes of the purest ground water are needed it has been necessary to resort to artesian waters of the deeper zones of flow reached by wells hundreds and in some places thousands of feet in depth. The underground waters of Iowa fall, therefore, into two groups. The first group, comprising those available for home, farm, or village supply, commonly lie less than 100 feet and rarely more than 500 feet below the surface, and are usually obtained from bored, driven, or drilled wells, or in a few^ districts where the valleys are cut beneath the ground- water table, directly from springs. These waters are frequently termed shallow or local waters, as they are fed directly by local rainfall absorbed through the soils above. Wells drawing their supply from these sources penetrate only the drift or super- ficial deposits and the country rock — the rock terrane outcropping in the area or immediately underlying the superficial deposits. The second group of waters, those belonging to rock strata buried below the country rock and circulating through the more permeable lawyers under greater or less pressure, are termed artesian waters, and wells deriving their supply from such waters are termed artesian wells whether they flow at the surface or not. Many cities and industrial plants resort to these waters, whereas others utilize groups of shallow weUs in alluvial deposits or the surface waters of streams. The line of separation between the country-rock waters and the artesian waters can not be sharply drawn. In the driftless area in northeastern Iowa the deep artesian rock systems rise and 9i &2 TJNDEEGROtJND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. become country rock, and practically all the common wells are of the artesian class, though few exceed 500 feet in depth. Artesian wells are also found in both the drift and the country rock immediately under the drift, many of them at depths much less than 500 feet. And again in some portions of the State ordinary wells pass through the shallow drift and country rock into formations not exposed near the surface. WATERS OF THE ROCK FORMATIONS. ARTESIAN FIELD. OCCURRENCE OF WATER. The artesian field of Iowa is but a part of an extensive area of the upper Mississippi Valley where artesian conditions prevail — an area embracing southern Wisconsin and Minnesota, northern Missouri, and a large part of Illinois. The chief water beds, or aquifers, of the artesian system of this large area outcrop in southern Wisconsin and Minnesota, so that these States include the gathering ground from which the artesian waters are collected. On account of the very gentle inchnation of the strata and the thickness of the chief aquifers, the collecting area is exceptionally large, and this, together with the abundant rainfall of the region, insures the artesian field as a whole against exhaustion. From the intake area, or area of outcrop, the strata of the artesian system have a general southward inchnation. They do not, however, show a uniform artesian "slope" but lie in the form of a shallow trough open to the southwest. The axis of the trough enters the State from the north about midway between the eastern and western borders and leaves it at the southwest corner. In southeastern Iowa the lower beds of the Paleozoic rise in a dome now covered and con- cealed by later Paleozoic formations. It is possible also that in southern Iowa begins the upward rise of the lower Paleozoic strata disclosed in deep weUs in north central Missouri. As the strata of southeastern Nebraska dip also toward the axis of the trough, the Iowa field is somewhat spatulate, and needs only to be closed by a rise of strata to the southwest in order to form an artesian basin. So gentle is the inchnation of the strata that the Cambrian and Ordovici-in water beds remain within reach of the drill and may be profitably exploited over all except the southwestern part of the State, where the dip of the trough carries them so deep that so far no well has reached them. Here, however, higher water horizons of the same system are able in part to take their place. The map (PI. I, in pocket) showing the distribution of artesian wells in Iowa roughly indicates the nearness of the chief aquifers to the surface. Thus, in eastern and northern Iowa, where wells are WATEES OF THE EOCK FOEMATIONS. 93 numerous, the depth to the aquifers is sKght, and toward the south- west, where they are fewer, the distance to the water beds is steadily- increasing. The Cambrian and Ordovician systems contain a number of thick water-bearing sandstones which supply the deep wells in the north- eastern part of the State. These are, in downward succession, the St. Peter, New Richmond, Jordan, Dresbach, and the older Cambrian sandstones. The Paleozoic formations above the St. Peter also con- tain water-bearing members, chiefly limestones and sandstones, but these can scarcely be compared with the sandstones already men- tioned for the quality and quantity of their water. The Cretaceous system contains considerable water in the Dakota sandstone, which is its basal formation and supphes many wells in the western part of the State. The Pleistocene deposits, especially the beds of sand and gravel, yield supplies to innumerable shallow wells in nearly all sections and are the most important source of water in the State. QUALITY OF WATER AS RELATED TO GEOLOGIC SOURCE. To determine with accuracy the quality of water supplied by the different geologic formations seems well-nigh impossible from the data at hand. This is due to several facts: In very few, if any, deep wells are the waters known to be derived from a single stratum. Many wells from 1,000 to 2,000 feet deep are cased only to rock. Some are cased for a few hundred feet; few are cased more than 1,000 feet; scarcely a single very deep well is cased to the lowest water-bearing formation. It is evident that the output of most of the deep wells, therefore, represents a mixture of all flows below the casing. This is true, for example, of the wells at Cedar Rapids, cased to 85 feet; of the well at Hampton, cased to 200 feet; of the well of the Murray Iron Works at Burlington, whose water, according to the owner, represents all flows; and the same may be said of many others. Casings in many Iowa deep wells are short-lived. The casings of well No. 1 at Grinnell, of No. 2 at Centerville, and of the wells at Cedar Rapids (pp. 447-449) illustrate the destructive action of the upper waters on iron tubing. It seems probable that the life of such casing when exposed to the action of the heavily mineralized waters of the Carboniferous may be only 5 to 10 years, and therefore waters shut out when the well is drilled may later enter the well. Casings are often faultily put down and do not shut out the waters they were intended to exclude. Though the wells at Grinnell have been cased with as much care as others, they are good illustrations of faulty casing. In well No. 1 there was known to be a break in 94 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OP IOWA. the casing at about 400 feet, and the well always yielded water con- taining about 2,000 parts per million of solids. The water had the characteristics of the water from several shallower wells in the neighborhood, which are known to derive their waters from the drift just above solid rock and from the Carboniferous. Well No. 2 was provided with a continuous casing for about 840 feet, and while the casing remained in good condition its water contained less than half as much mineral matter as well No. 1, the best analysis showing 881 parts total solids, though even then a small flow of very hard water surely entered at about 1,530 feet. Several years after this well was drilled it was found that the shale had caved, filling the well to 1,700 feet, or just above the St. Peter sandstone, and an analysis at the time, mainly of the flow at 1,530 feet, showed about 5,000 parts of solids. Though several analyses have been made of water from well No. 3, which was drilled and cased to the same depth as well No. 2, none of them have been as low in solids as the 860 parts found in No. 2, the lowest for No. 3 being 1,147 parts. It is prob- able that the casing of this well is not perfect as far as it goes, and it is certain that none of these wells have yielded water from only the St. Peter and the New Richmond sandstones. The water in one stratum may find access to another through fissures or more slowly by seepage. The similarity of the waters from the sandstone strata of the Cambrian and the Ordovician gives some support to tliis view. Though the stratum supplying the greater part of the water can be determined in many wells, the entrance of a small amount of water from another stratum may render such information valueless in a region like Iowa, where many waters are so liighly mineralized. For instance, 90 per cent of a well's yield might come from a forma- tion supplying excellent water, but the other 10 per cent, coming from a formation furnisliing salt water, might render the supply nonpotable. Though the characteristics of the waters from the several aquifers can not be made out with scientific accuracy in all parts of the State, much may be learned of these waters from the data at hand, and there is little doubt as to their quality in general. WATER IN PRE-CAMBRIAN ROCKS. SIOUX QUARTZITE. The close joints which appear in the Sioux quartzite at its outcrops and some little-indurated sandy layers which it includes permit it to contain a considerable quantity of ground water. These joints, however, may be expected to decrease rapidly with increase in depth. It should be clearly understood, then, that the drilling of deep wells WATEKS OF THE EOCK FOEMATIONS. 95 below the summit of the pre-Cambrian of Iowa is not only difficult and costly, but also futile. In no place within the limits of the State can it be encouraged. When the drill reaches these crystalline rocks the work should cease. But the question whether the pre-Cambrian rocks have really been reached can not be left to either the workman or to the citizen untrained in the determination of rocks. It must be decided by an experienced geologist. The Sioux quartzite is known to yield small quantities of water/ and at Sioux City about 3 gallons a minute is reported to be obtained from schist at a depth of 1,480 feet, but it is needless to say that such small supplies do not repay deep drilling through hard rocks. WATER IN CAMBRIAN AND ORDOVICIAN ROCKS. CAMBRIAN SYSTEM. DRESBACH SANDSTONE AND UNDERLYING CAMBRIAN SANDSTONES. Wells. — The porous saccharoidal Dresbach and underlying Cam- brian sandstones yield freely an excellent water in northeastern and eastern Iowa. It is these sandstones which supply the many flowing wells of the valley of upper Iowa River and furnish a large part of the flows of the deeper wells of the immediate valley of the Mississippi as far south as Davenport. West of the Mississippi it has seldom been necessary to drill to these horizons. No water was reported in these sandstones at Cedar Rapids and Anamosa, although this fact does not make it certain that none was found. At Boone these sandstones supply the major portion of the flow. With increasing depth to the west and southwest they become less and less pervious as their pore spaces are increasingly filled with cements, and the water which they contain becomes more and more highly mineralized. Springs. — These sandstones outcrop so slightly as to produce few springs. The high artesian pressure, however, supplies water for a goodly number which flow from joints in the overlying St. Lawrence formation. ST. LAWRENCE FORMATION. The shales and, as a rule, the calcareous beds of the St. Lawrence formation are dry. At Waterloo, however, the latter are said to yield water. In general, the impermeable beds of this terrane serve to separate the water of the Dresbach and underlying sandstones from that of the Jordan sandstone, allowing each to maintain its indivdual characteristics. As already stated, many springs originating in the Dresbach and underlying sandstones find exit through the shales of the St. Law- rence formation. I Hall, C. W., and others, Geology and water resources of soutliera Minnesota; Water-Supply Paper U. S. Geol. Survey No. 256, 1911, p. 49. 96 UNDEKGEOXJND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. JORDAN- SANDSTONE. Wells. — The Jordan sandstone is one of the chief, if not the chief, of the aquifers of the Iowa artesian system. It is reported as a water bed at Dubuque, Chnton, Davenport, Waverly, Waterloo, Vinton, West Liberty, Ames, and Ottumwa. It no doubt furnishes large yields in many other wells whose water horizons are not recorded. The rather coarse, smooth, well-rounded uncemented grains of quartz afford large pore spaces which permit the ready per- colation of artesian water, and the absence of soluble constituents leaves the water with comparatively low mineral content. At few places have any accurate tests been made of the capacity of the Jordan as compared with that of other water beds. At Ames the ability of the Jordan to contribute to the general supply was found to be nearly four times that of the New Richmond and 15 times that of the St. Peter.i In the valleys of the main rivers and their tributaries where the Jordan outcrops it supplies many ordinary wells, some of which give constant flows, but the head is not strong because of the leakage through the many outcrops along the valley walls. The formation is tapped by many upland wells in the northern and eastern portion of Allamakee County, but the head is so low that the wells are com- monly continued down into the Dresbach or underlying sandstones, where no better water is found but where a stronger head is obtained, owing to the presence of the overlying shaly limestones of the St. Lawrence formation, wliich prevent the upward dispersal of its artesian waters, and the very small area of outcrop from which leak- age in the form of springs may occur. Farther from the numerous outcrops the head of the Jordan rises, and many wells in the north- eastern portions of Winneshiek and Clayton counties pass through the Oneota limestone to procure the excellent water of the Jordan. Springs. — Springs are very numerous in the Jordan sandstone owing to the large pore space between its grains and the lack of inter- stitial filling. Many flow freely from the rock where it overlies the limestone of the St. Lawrence formation and from above the scattered shaly or limy bands. Wherever the Jordan outcrops on the valley walls its waters drain away freely in seeps and springs, and wherever its contact with the underlying shaly limestones of the St. Lawrence is exposed the water collected over this impervious floor flows out, frequently in powerful streams. 1 Beyer^ S. W.. Iowa Agricultural College water supply, 1897, p. 11. WATERS OF THE ROCK FORMATIONS. 97 ORDOVICIAN SYSTEM. PRAIRIE DU CHIEN GROUP. Wells. — The Prairie du Chien group is one of the most important of the aquifers of Iowa. Underground waters have no doubt opened passages along joint and bedding planes through their solvent action on the limestone. The sandy intercalated layers, although neither thick nor persistent, offer easy paths for ground water and, communi- cating as they must with the channels of solution, form water beds which the drill seldom fails to tap. The New Richmond sandstone especially is a water carrier and adds materially to the supply at Dubuque, Waterloo, Vinton, Grinnell, West Liberty, Ames, and Des Moines. A still larger number of wells find water in the lower lime- stone, the Oneota dolomite, these being so far as reported, the deep wells at Waterloo, Clinton, Sumner, Anamosa, Cedar Rapids, Home- stead, West Liberty, Ottumwa, Des Moines, and Centerville. A few wells, such as those at Waverly, Waterloo, and Grinnell, are reported to obtain water from the Shakopee dolomite, and as this formation has many sandy layers the number of wells which receive accessions to their supply from this source is probably larger than the records show. The Prairie du Chien in many places seems to offer no impervious floor to the St. Peter, and there appears no reason why the waters of the two should not in general freely mingle; some wells, however, have found shaly beds which lie between the two terranes and locally keep their waters separate. Springs. — Owing to its many open joints and bedding planes and even large solution caverns, the Oneota produces many large springs. The strongest of these are near the base, where its openings permit the escape of artesian water from the Jordan sandstone. From this horizon flow many of the powerful springs of the Mississippi and Oneota valleys in Allamakee County. The New Richmond sandstone gives rise to many small flows and much seepage along its contact with the underlying Oneota. ST. PETER SANDSTONE. Wells. — The St. Peter is easily distinguished by drillers and is per- haps the best known of Iowa's geologic formations. It never fails to yield some water and in many places yields abundantly. The head of the water differs from that in overlymg terranes, so that the inflow of water into the tube at this horizon is readily marked, whereas lower flows, with about the same head as that of the St. Peter, may either escape the observation of the driller or be thought not worthy of record. The list of wells which are reported as drawing water from 36581°— wsp 293—12 7 98 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. the St. Peter is too long for mention, including as it does a large num- ber of the deep wells of the State. The pore spaces of the St. Peter are large, owing to its "millet- seed" structure, and the moderately large, well-rovmded grains, fairly uniform in size, do not pack so closely as do sandstone grains more diverse m size and in shape. The pore spaces are unfilled. No clay was laid down along with the quartz grains on the ancient sea floor. Since the uplift of the formation ground water has seeped freely through it, and, if interstitial deposits were ever made by mechanical or chemical processes, they have long been dissolved and washed away. The smoothness of the grains brings the friction of water in transmission to a minimum. For all these reasons the capacity of the St. Peter for storage and transmission of water must equal that of a bed of ordmary mcoherent sand. On account of the well-nigh complete absence of soluble materials in both the constituent grains and the interstitial cements of the St. Peter, the water seeping through it has little opportunity to take minerals into solution, and it therefore remains of exceptional purity for long distances from its sources. The St. Peter is within reach of farm wells in all of Clayton County, the southern and western portions of Allamakee County, the northern and eastern portions of Winneshiek County, and the eastern portion of Dubuque County. (See PI. I, in pocket.) Throughout this area one of its strikmg characteristics is its low head in comparison with overlying terranes, especially near the areas of outcrop. Wells sunk . through overlying strata with a high head of little water immediately lose 100 or 200 feet of this head on penetrating the St. Peter but find at the same time an abundance of water. The reason may be found in the freedom with which water flows through this very permeable rock both to outcrop and to well holes giving a constant supply but little pressure; whereas in the overlying rocks with small storage and transmission capacity the pressure is relieved and the water is drawn away immediately on pumping. Springs. — The massiveness and the lack of stratification planes and crevices are not favorable to the gathermg of the abundant water of the St. Peter into definite channels and its discharge in copious springs. Nevertheless small springs from it are common and seepage universal, and it is an important contributor to the flow of all streams over its area of outcrop. PLATTEVILLE LIMESTONE AND DECORAH SHALE. The shale of the Platteville limestone and the Decorah shale yield no water and in many borings must be cased to prevent caving. They serve an important office m maintaining the head of the waters of the St. Peter sandstone, whose upward leakage they prevent, and also in separating them from the waters of the Galena dolomite. WATERS OF THE EOCK FORMATIONS. 99 GALENA DOLOMITE. * Wells. — Sealed between two shales, either the Decorah shale or the shales of the Platteville limestone below and the Maquoketa shale above, the Galena forms a water bed of no little value. Where dolomitized and nonargillaceous, it is porous, not indeed sufhciently to permit free percolation, but enough to give rise to incipient waterways along joints, bedding planes, and specially porous layers, and these have developed by solution into definite channels capable of a large yield to wells. Though no assurance can be given that the drill will strike one of these channels, it has done so in a good many of the Iowa wells, as at Clinton, Davenport, Fort Madison, Sumner, Osage, Mason City, Hampton, Webster City, Holstein, Grin- nell, and Pella. At Davenport the Galena water is so nearly identi- cal with that of the St. Peter in quality and head that a rise of the latter through the crevices of the Galena is strongly suggested. The yield from the Galena and Platteville is in some places abundant, amounting in some of the wells in Davenport and Rock Island to 300 or 400 gallons a minute. At Mason City the entu-e city supply is drawn from these formations. In shallow wells the Galena affords excellent water throughout its area of outcrop. Its base at least is saturated, and southward and westward, where it dips under the Maquoketa shale, it continues waterlogged. Thus it remains the chief source of farm wells in large areas of Winneshiek, Clayton, and Dubuque counties, where wells penetrate the Maquoketa shale and are drilled to depths of 300 to 400 feet to reach it. The waters are hard, from limestone dis- solved in passage, and may be in places contaminated by surface drainage, through the numerous sink holes opening into fissures which everywhere traverse the rock. The freedom of circulation and the potency of the Galena waters to carry materials in solution for long distances is shown in the deposits of lead and zinc ores which are found in abundance in the old crevices, fissures, and caverns of the Galena about Dubuque. In West Dubuque there is an area so cut up by labyrinthme passages underground and so full of water that it is known as the McPoland Pond. On one occasion a small skiff was taken down a shaft and used in exploring this ground. Springs. — The springs issuing from the Galena dolomite are among the most copious in the State. This is a direct result of the many channels, some cavernous in size, that have been opened by solution along bedding planes and intersecting joints. The chief horizon is that at the base of the formation, immediately above the impervious Decorah shale. Over the wide areas where the Galena is the country rock, large numbers of sink holes pit the surface and lead the storm waters directly into the fissures and thus furnish a ready supply of water. In some places storm waters are led so directly to a near-by 100 UNDEEGKOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. valley that they form a large part of the supply of some spring, which readily responds to every rainfall by showing a proportional increase in volume and turbidity. Such springs, however, should be avoided, as they are very liable to pollution by organic impurities washed into the sink holes with the water. MAQtrOKETA SHALE. Wells. — The thick impervious clay shale known as the Maquoketa shale not only prevents the rise of Cambrian and Ordovician artesian waters into higher terranes but also forms an impermeable floor for the Niagara waters above it. In this respect it is of especial value over the large area of the Niagara outcrop in eastern Iowa, Avhere, by preventing the downward leakage, it causes the water of the Niagara to accumulate sufficiently for the supply of small towns and villages. The dolomites of the middle Maquoketa, which occur in a few counties of northeastern Iowa, are water bearing, as was found in the deep wells at Sumner and Green Island. Springs. — Although springs from the contact of the Maquoketa and the overlying Niagara derive their water from the latter, their value inures almost entirely to the Maquoketa areas. They are of greatest importance in Clayton, Dubuque, and Jackson counties, where they supply many perennial streams with water, such, for instance, as Little Maquoketa River, which never ceases to bear its contribution to the Mississippi just north of Dubuque, whereas its neighbor. Catfish Creek, which parallels it immediately to the south but is not spring fed, responds to every drought. Two miles north of Strawberry Point a mill is operated by a turbine wheel run by a strong stream piped from a spring of this horizon to the wheel pit. SPRINGS FROM CAMBRIAN AND ORDOVICIAN ROCKS. The area over which Cambrian and Ordovician strata form the country rock is especially noted for its springs. No other part of Iowa is so well supplied, and perhaps in all the other provinces of the State taken together there will not be found so large a number of strong streams of pure water flowing from the bedrock as are found here. The conditions which are so favorable to spring formation in this area a.re these: (1) Several he&Yj, porous beds of sandstone and creviced limestone with large capacity for both storage and transmission of water; (2) beds of impervious clay and shale which check the downward movement of the ground water, causing it to collect in large quantities; (3) many deeply carved vaUeys and innumerable ravines, the bottoms of which are well below ground- water level; (4) a slight dip, which facilitates the movement of the water along the surface of the impervious layers to the outcrops on the sides of the valleys; since tliis dip is to the southwest, springs are commonl}^ found on the north and east sides of the valleys; (5) an WATEKS OF THE EOCK FORMaTIOjSTS. 101 ample rainfall (over 30 inches annually) ; and (6) the exjiosure of the porous beds over a relatively flat surface unsealed by drift, thus permitting them to absorb the rainfall. The chief spring horizons in the Cambrian and Ordovician, named from oldest to youngest, are the contacts of the Dresbach and St. Lawrence, the St. Lawrence and Jordan, the Jordan and Oneota, the Oneota and New Richmond, the Shakopee and St. Peter, the Decorah and Galena, and the Niagara and Maquoketa. All except the first and third are contacts between heavy porous sands or creviced limestone and underljdng impervious shales. The two exceptions, the Dresbach-St. Lawrence and the Jordan-Oneota contacts, occur at the base of heavy limestones that overlie sandstone aquifers, the waters of which are under artesian pressure, the lower beds not outcropping. The open joints of the limestone connect with the porous sandstone over large areas and admit the waters from below, and they flow out through crevices in copious and at times even powerful streams. Owing to the fact that many of the springs emerge through talus and washed soil at the foot of the bluffs and on the valley sides, it may be impossible to determine the forma- tion from which they come. Again, many springs, some very strong, come from local beds Ijdng above shaly layers in the heavy aquifers. Many are, however, readily identified. The economic value of these springs to the residents of the fertile valleys of northeastern Iowa can hardly be estimated. The water power of the many small springs wliich in many places issue a hun- dred feet above the base of the bluffs and fall in cascades has been but slightly utilized. Here and there, however, a mill is operated, and at some of the many farmhouses whose location has been deter- mined by the presence of a spring the stream is so piped as to generate power for separating the cream, churning the butter, and driving small labor-saving machinery about the farm. In a few places, too, a por- tion of the power of the flowing water is utilized in a ram to drive another portion into a system of waterworks for home and farm. The possibilities in these lines have as yet been but slightly developed, but even in its simplest use, where the pure, clear, cold stream flows through the tanks of the spring house, giving the most wholesome kind of water for home use, passes through the simple refrigerator, cooling the milk and preserving the butter, and then flows through the barnyards and pasture, supplying the stock with water that is cool in summer and warm in winter, its value in health and comfort is difficult to estimate in dollars and cents. Because of the large number and the great size of the springs of the area of outcrop of the Cambrian and Ordovician rocks in the north- eastern counties of the State, the streams of this area are exceptional in the constancy of their flow and the purity of their waters. 102 UNDERGEOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. QUALITY OF THE CAMBRIAN AND OKDOVICIAN WATERS. The four great sandstone layers of the Cambrian and Ordovician may be discussed together, since there is generally no essential difference in the quality of their waters. These layers are the water bearers for all the deeper wells in the northeastern part of the State within the area of good water, so often mentioned, extending south and west to about the line of the Mssissippian. With the exception of the very deep park well at McGregor, all deep- well waters within this area have low solids, rarely exceeding 500 parts and averaging about 400 parts per million. In this part of the State there are no formations later than the Devonian, and in a considerable portion of it rocks of the Cam- brian and the Ordovician underlie the drift. Except perhaps in the drift there are no objectionable waters to be cased out or to con- taminate the waters in the sandstones below. Some examples may be given to illustrate the fact that the waters are about the same whether from the St. Peter or from lower strata. On page 142 are given analyses of seven deep waters in Allamakee County, six of which are supposed to be derived from the Dresbach or underlying Cambrian sandstones, and one at Postville from the St. Peter. The six have about the same total solids and their averag-e solids are about the same as those of the water from the Postville well. In Clayton County the 1,006-foot well at McGregor is exceptionally deep and reaches salt water. A much shallower well at the same place also shows the influence of the salt. Six other wells in Clayton County (p. 143) show about the same amount of solids, though their depths are greatly different, and their footings are believed to range from the Dresbach or the underlying Cambrian sandstones to the Galena. In Cerro Gordo County six analyses of well waters show about the same total solids, though two of the wells are supposed to draw from the St. Peter, three from the Platteville, and one from theDevonian (p. 146) . The wells are cased only to rock. No inference can safely be drawn from the analyses of water from the 1,473-foot well as to the character of the water below the St. Peter at this point, as it is doubtful whether the sample of water was collected while the well was in active use. The analysis of water from the well at Hampton shows that the soft- ness of the waters from the lower sandstones is preserved as far south and west as Franklin County. This well is cased only 200 feet, foots in the Jordan, and may draw water from all strata from the Jordan to the Mississippian. The water of the St. Peter is soft as far west as Emmetsburg, for the well at that place owned by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway foots in the St. Peter and gives excellent water. In the same county two shallower wells in the Dakota sandstone give hard water. The low solids in the well at Emmetsburg may be ascribed to the WATEES OF THE EOCK FOEMATIONS. 103 successful casing out of a strong flow of hard water from the Dakota sandstone which probably finds access to the deep well at Mallard, also footing in the St. Peter. Successful casing to preserve from contami- nation the waters of the St. Peter or lower strata has not been accom- plished so far as known in wells located where the surface rock is later than the Mississippian. Owing to the similarity of the waters of the lower sandstones one might be inclined to infer that the waters of these strata mingle, and this may be true. Numerous wells, however, reaching higher levels show, as at Grinnell and Emmetsburg, that strata not far removed from one another in geologic succession may contain very different waters. V WATER IN SILURIAN ROCKS. NIAGARA DOLOMITE. Wells. — ^The Niagara dolomite, like the Galena dolomite, is trav- ersed by irregular channels of solution through which water flows with considerable freedom, and includes porous beds through which it seeps with some difficulty. The ground water which the formation receives over its outcrop area is held within it by the impervious Maquoketa shale beneath and passing down the dip acquires artesian pressure and feeds wells as far distant as Burlington, Keokuk, Cen- terville, and Des Moines. The Silurian sandstones in southeastern Iowa largely increase its water resources, and these are drawn upon freely at Washington, at Ceuterville, and probably at Ottumwa. Throughout its area the Niagara is the almost exclusive source of supply for shallow rock wells, as it ranges from 200 to 400 feet in thickness and overlies the Maquoketa, a bed of impervious shale whose thickness is more than 100 feet. To the south and west, where the Devonian is the country rock, the Niagara is the source of many wells, for the overlying Devonian limestones feather out eastward. The Niagara transmits water very freely, not only through many small cavities, but especially through a large number of joints, cracks, bedding planes, and open crevices formed by solution in the soluble rock, through which an active circulation obtains. In number and size, however, the open cavities are small compared with those of the Galena. The water absorbed over the large intake area of this formation is held by the impervious shale beneath from passing downward, so that at least the base of the limestone is waterlogged and the contact with the shale forms a strong well and spring horizon. The margin along the bold eastern escarpment is so well drained that in many places it is difficult to secure good wells. Farther back 104 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OP IOWA. the ground-water level rises until along the margin of the overlying Devonian the formation is almost entirely saturated and wells obtain an abundance of water soon after penetrating it. Though rarely dry at the base, it is subject to the disadvantage common to other limestones — the possibility that the drill may go a long distance, even through the formation to the shale, without striking one of the crev- ices or water passages. Perhaps the most constant water-bearing bed of the formation is an especially porous, granular stratum lying some distance above the base. The Niagara is commonly saturated immediately below the drift and it is from this part of the formation that many of the large farm- stock wells of its country-rock area draw their supply. The upper portion of the rock is very generally broken and shattered by the glacial ice and the fragments are mingled with the old residual soil and with gravels deposited by waters flowing out in front of the advancing ice. The whole makes a good waterway and a remarkably strong source for wells. The water is perhaps more truly that of the drift than that of the rock, but all drilled wells which draw from it should have casings driven into the rock and should draw from the many crevices therein. The water from the Niagara is usually copious enough for the public supply of towns of 1,000 or 2,000 population or for minor industrial purposes, though in some places it may be unsatisfactory as a boiler water on account of its hardness. Unless it is desired to seek the deep artesian supplies it is not advisable to attempt to drill below the base of the Niagara, as the Maquoketa shale is dry. If the shale is reached without the drill's having found a water crevice and it is decided not to penetrate the artesian aquifers an attempt may be made to open the drill hole to a water-bearing crevice by torpedoing the well with nitroglycerin. This, however, should be done only after it is fully decided to abandon the hole if water is not found m this way, as drilling can not be resumed after the shooting. The drill hole should be filled up to the base of the Niagara and the shot fired on the top of this filling. If this course fails it will be neces- sary to try a new hole. Springs. — Springs are very numerous along the base of the Niagara escarpment and in the heads of the narrow ravines which deeply notch it all the way from the headwaters of Turkey River in Wione- shiek County along the blufts overlooking Volga and Mississippi rivers as far south as Clinton. Owing to the numerous thin shaly layers interbedded with the limestone, springs are abundant well up within the formation. Many are found in Delaware County along Maquoketa River and all its tributaries, which have cut their channels well into the limestone. Among the most notable are the group about the "Backbone," in Richland Township, and the WATEES OF THE KOCK FOEMATIONS. 105 many that supply Spring Creek, in Delaware and Milo townships. The purity and abundance of the waters poured into Spring Creek are attested by the location here of a large Government fish hatchery controlled by the United States Bureau of Fisheries. SALINA (?) FORMATION. The Silurian beds which are tentatively regarded as representing the Salina formation are, wherever found, distinctly deleterious to underground waters owing to their content of lime-sulphate minerals. The presence of sulphate m the form of anhydrite indicates that it has been hermetically sealed from all underground waters since its deposition and can increase their mineraUzation only when new channels are opened by the drill. But the high content of lime sul- phate in deep-well waters when these strata are penetrated indi- cates that much of the gypsum lies in the path of artesian waters. The analyses of the water of the deep city well at Bella show that it contains 4,678 parts per million of SO4 and 444 parts per million of calcium and is entirely unfitted for municipal supply. At Nevada the very heavily sulphated water suggests that the Silurian here, as at Marshalltown, 28 miles east, is gypsiferous, although this can not be proved as no samples were preserved. At Mount Bleasant any seleniferous waters from the well-marked gypsum beds were suc- cessfully cased out from the later wells drilled at the State hospital for the insane. At Grinnell the first well drilled for the city showed an abnormally high lime-sulphate content, but with better casing the quaUty of the waters of the later wells was very much improved. At Glen wood the water veins occur above the gypseous beds, which are apparently dry, as the water contains little calcium sulphate. At Bedford the waters from the supposed Salina horizon showed an enormous increase m lime sulphate and were pronounced unfit for city supply. The presence of these strata in southern Iowa con- stitutes a distinct discouragement to artesian drilluig in that part of the State, though otherwise the Silurian might prove valuable, for it is much more accessible than the Cambrian and Ordovician beds. QUALITY OF SILURIAN WATERS. A number of wells of very moderate depth foot in the Silurian where it is overlain only by the drift or by the Devonian and the drift. Examples are wells at Covington, Mount Vernon, and Lisbon, in Linn County; Morley and Onslow, in Jones County; and Grand Mound, in Clinton County. All except the Covington well have ughtly minerahzed waters, and that well contains only about 700 parts per milhon. All other wells footing in the Silurian are deep, such as Mrs. Ruber's at Tama and the city wells at Farmington, 106 UNDEKGEOUND WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. Centerville, and Bedford. They penetrate water-bearing strata above the Silurian, which are probably not cased out, and their waters can give little indication as to the real character of the Silurian water at those places. WATER IN DEVONIAN ROCKS. ARTESIAN CONDITIONS. Wells. — The Devonian rocks can not be classed among the impor- tant water beds of Iowa, although they contribute somewhat to the general deep-well supply in several places, as at Vinton, Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Webster City, and Ottumwa. In many places they yield sufficient water for hotel and small factory wells, but they can not be relied on to furnish public supplies. In deep wells the Devonian waters should be cased out because their head is lower than that of the Cambrian and Ordovician artesian waters, which will otherwise leak out through the channels opened by solution in the Devonian limestones. In the southern portion of the Devonian area large fissures and crevices exist in many of the heavier layers. Though the limestone itself is compact and impervious, the drill usually reaches some one at least of the many openings which bring the well into communica- tion with the entire system of circulation and supply it with fresh water at a rapid rate not affected by any drought. Throughout the larger northern portion of the Devonian area the overlying drift is generally thin, and very many of the best wells end in the lime rock. Plenty of water of the best quality may be obtained by going a short distance into the rock for it, and a driller should not stop before limestone is reached unless the supply coming from the drift is satisfactory in every respect. The rock water of the whole area is under some degree of artesian pressure and rises within easy pumping distance. The expense of pumping and maintenance is slight, so that it is more and more resorted to for a pure and perma- nent supply. Springs. — The Devonian area is so heavily mantled with drift that springs from the country rock are of little importance. They are not uncommon in the rock-cut valleys in the limestone, but are rarely utilized except for watering stock in the pastures that occupy most of the valley land. For such purposes some of them have been walled and piped out to a tank, but even this care is seldom exercised. Probably the strongest springs of this region are found in Howard and Winneshiek counties, where, owing to the absence of the Niagara, the Devonian limestones overlap on the Maquoketa shale, giving vent to many good streams that feed the headwaters of Oneota and Turkey rivers. WATERS OF THE ROCK FORMATIONS. 107 A spring from the Devonian worthy of special mention is that from which the pubhc supply of Cedar Falls was until recently derived. It is located just south of the city in the valley of Dry Run, a small intermittent tributary of Cedar River. It flows perennially from one of the open channels in the rock common to the Devonian in this region, and was sufficient to meet all the demands of the city, with a waste of many times the amount used. Marion is another city simi- larly supplied by a spring from the Devonian. Water from springs from the Devonian is sold to customers in Cedar Rapids. QUALITY OF DEVONIAN WATERS. Perhaps the best evidence of the good quality of the Devonian water is the fact that many wells located where the Devonian imme- diately underlies the drift and deriving their main supplies from lower strata do not require casings to shut out the hard water of the Devonian. In fact, the Devonian water, as separately known, differs little from the waters of the deep-lying sandstones (pp. 102-103). Several wells footing in the Devonian, as at Jesup, Lake Mills, and Hanlanton, supply water of good quality. They are, however, shallow and probably reach only short distances into the Devonian and may derive their waters largely from the drift. Farther south wells in the Devonian yield hard waters, as at Gowrie, Grundy Center, and Burlington. At all these places the Devonian is deeply overlain by later formations, which may supply the major portion of the hard waters. This source is directly indicated for the city well at Gowrie by the fact that it supplies essentially the same quality of water as the well at Dayton, which is located only a few miles south and foots in the Mississippian. It is not certain that the well at Grundy Center reaches below the Mississippian. Regarding the water from the Devonian, therefore, it may be said, as of the water from the Silurian, that there is little or no evidence to show that it is essentially more heavily mineralized than that of the great sandstone layers of the Cambrian and the Ordovician. WATEH IN CARBONIFEROIIS ROCKS. MISSISSIPPIAN SERIES. GENERAL CONDITIONS. The limestones of the different formations of the Mississippian series no doubt absorb large quantities of ground water along their wide belts of outcrop and carry these beneath the cover of the coal measures as they sink toward the west. Thus, confined between thick beds of shale, the water is under artesian pressure that is sufficient in places to bring it to the surface. The flow, however, is meager, and, as with all limestones, is not rehable. The drill may strike or may 108 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. fail to strike the water channels. The white limestones of the Bur- lington, the lower formation of the Osage group, seem to yield the greatest quantity of water. The only deep wells which report definite water beds in the Mississippian are at Cherokee, Ottumwa, Mount Pleasant, Mitchellville, Des Moines, Bedford, Council Bluffs, and Logan. The two cities last named are situated in an area where the Mississippian yields an exceptionally abundant supply. KINDERHOOK GKOUP. Over the entire north end of the area in which the Mississippian series forms the country rock the Kinderhook is a fuie-grained, heavy- bedded limestone, an excellent water carrier in which all rock wells end and in which they rarely, if ever, fail to secure a large qupntity of excellent hard water under sufficient artesian pressure to place it within easy pumping distance of the surface. In some counties, as Kossuth, Humboldt, and Wright, the artesian head in the Kinderhook is so well developed beneath the impervious clay of the drift that many wells flow (pp. 650, 654, 665). The shale beds of the Kinderhook, so unpromising for wells along their outcrop, are of distinct advantage as they sink below the surface and form part of an artesian system. They prevent the upward escape of waters from the underlying strata and conduct down their dip the waters of the limestones of the Mississippian along their impermeable floor. OSAGE GROUP. Wells. — The drill on penetrating the Osage group (Keokuk and Burlington limestones) rarely fails to find water in some crevice, especially near the base, before reachmg the dry shales of the Kinder- hook. Should the driller reach the latter he has the alternative already presented in the discussion of the Niagara-Maquoketa con- tact (p. 104). He may continue to drill in search of the deep artesian supplies, though this is impracticable for the ordinary farm or village well, or he may make another boring some distance away in the hope of better success in striking some crevice in the limestone. Before beginnmg a new boring it is advisable to fill the hole to the base of the limestone and shoot the well with nitroglycerin in an attempt to so shatter the rock that connection may be made with water-bearing crevices and to enlarge the area of intake. By such means excel- lent wells have been secured from holes practically dry in the Osage. Springs. — Springs are not uncommon throughout the Mississippian area where the valleys have been cut into the country rock. They are commonly small and are miimportant except for watering stock in the valley pastures. The most important in southeastern Iowa come from the base of the Burlington limestone, of the Osage group, where the imper^dous shales of the underlying Kinderhook check the downward movement of the circulating water and cause it to coUect WATERS OF THE ROCK FORMATIONS. 109 in large quantities in the open spaces in the limestone, whencs it flows through some passage to an outcrop. Such springs are common along the base of the Mississippi bluffs in Des Moines and Lee counties and on the lower course of Skunk River, and are of still greater impor- tance farther south in the vicinity of Louisiana, Mo. These springs are frequently used for household and stock purposes. "ST. LOUIS LIMESTONE." The median bed of the ^'St. Louis limestone" is an important water carrier in Keokuk, Washington, Henry, and Lee counties, where it forms the country rock, and in Monroe, Mahaska, Wapello, Jefferson, and Van Buren counties, where it is reached by the drill after passmg through Pennsylvanian rocks at depths ranging from 200 to 500 feet. It is penetrated in many places in the Pennsylvanian areas on account of the dryness of the coal measures or the mineral- ized condition of their waters. It is in this area that it is known as the "white-water sand rock" and is sought for by aU driUers of deep farm weUs when a satisfactory sandstone water is not found above. Farther north it is drav/n on by a few wells in Hamilton, Webster, and Story counties. Locally it produces flowmg wells. The upper and lower portions of the "St. Louis" are, on the whole, very indif- ferent water carriers. PENNSYLVANIAN SERIES. DES MOINES GROUP. Wells. — Owing to the presence of impermeable shales the Pennsyl- vanian is almost dry. Water is commonly found in the seams of coal but, owing to the abundance of iron and sulphur compounds it carries in solution, is never potable. In fact, it is characteristic of the waters of this division that they are strongly impregnated with mineral matter and in most places are unfit for use. The chief water bed of the Des Monies group is the basal sandstone, which has its greatest development in southwestern Iowa. At Council Bluffs it is apparently this terrane which supplies the deep wells of the city, but the yield of these wells is by no means large com- pared with that of wells tapping Cambrian and Ordovician v/ater- bearing beds in eastern Iowa. At Glen wood water from this sandstone rises to a height of 1,006 feet above sea level and overflows at the sur- face in the lowest parts of the town, but the yield is not large. At Bedford the water from the same terrane rises to 1,008 feet above sea level. On the whole, it can not be recommended that deep wells be sunk to this sandstone with the expectation of obtaining any con- siderable amount of water, such as would be required by even a small town. Small amounts of water may also be fomid in the sandstone lenses of the Des Moines and Missouri groups, but as these lenses are not 110 UNDEEGEOUISTD WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. continuous over any considerable area, and as their vertical position can not be predicted, no local forecasts can be based on them. They give rise to numerous small flowing wells. One of the best known lenses of tliis type is the Red Rock sandstone, which outcrops at the village of Red Rock, in Marion County, in a brilliant red cliff 100 feet in height overlooldng Des Moines River. This sandstone occupies less than 30 square miles, but within this area it lies near the surface and furnishes an abundance of good water to all wells penetrating it. It is, however, missed in many wells where it might be reasonably expected, owing to the effects of erosion, which is in part at least contemporaneous . The rapid alternation of impervious shales and porous sandstones underlymg heavy drift clays produces conditions favorable to the formation of small artesian basins which frequently give rise to flowing wells. Especially in the larger and deeper valleys like those of the Des Moines and its major tributaries where the '' bottoms" are depressed well below the upland surface, flowing wells with a head of but a few feet above the surface and a delivery of but a few gallons a minute are not uncommon. Stronger flows may be had from the "St. Louis" and the KJnderhook. The most notable wells of this type are the Colfax Mineral Sprmgs of Jasper County. These are supplied by a ''St. Louis" aquifer. Springs. — Throughout the area where the Pennsylvanian forms the country rock springs are of little importance. Seeps from shales are common but are small and highly mineralized. A few crevices in outcrops of sandstone lenses produce small springs of exceUent water for domestic purposes, but these are rarely strong. MISSOURI GROUP. Wells. — In some places in the area where the Missouri group forms the country rock a scant supply of hard water is found in the lime- stone below 100 to 300 feet of drift. The risk of a dry hole is probably, greater than in any other area, since below the Mssouri group hes the very uncertain Des Moines group, and rock well& in this area are therefore comparatively few. There are some excellent exceptions to these general conditions, but the wells of the region are chiefly in overlying drift. The beds of shale are invariably dry. The heavy hmestones carry a scant supply of water between the shale beds and tills is always hard. The overlying drift is very deep over much of the area, especially on the great Mississippi-Missouri divide, and comparatively few wells reach bedrock. Cities and towns in the western portion of the province are largely located in the broad river valleys, where an abundance of water may be found at slight depths in the gravel. In the eastern part the inter- glacial gravels furnish water most copiously. There is little need to WATERS OF THE ROCK FORMATIONS. Ill resort to the deeply buried rock save on the great divide itself, where in many places any ground water is hard to obtain. Springs. — Small springs are common along the deeper valleys at the contact of hmestone and shale, but the only rock horizons of importance noted in the Missouri group area he along the ragged eastern edge, where the Hmestone rises almost in an escarpment and is thickly overlain with drift. Here in eastern Madison and Clarke counties good stock springs are numerous. QUALITY OF CARBONIFEROUS WATERS. No general statement can be made as to the quality of the waters from the Carboniferous or any of its divisions, save that the quality seems to vary greatly from one locahty to another. In a general way it may be stated that the waters of this system are usually more highly mineralized than those of lower ones, and that the mineral matter is greatest in the upper beds of the Carboniferous. A reason for the waiit of uniformity may possibly be found in the fact that no extensive sand layers or other strata with high power of transmission of water are found in the Carboniferous. It follows that the waters of this system are more local in origin; they are not transmitted from far-away sand plains, as in the lower sandstones, but are derived from the Iowa rainfall, perhaps from the immediate vicinity, and must pass through the drift, in some localities through hundreds of feet of it. There is thus every opportunity for the water to take up any soluble matter that may exist in the drift or immediately under it. (See PL IV, p. 178.) In the area where the Mississippian is the surface rock all wells foot- ing in this series supply soft to only moderately hard water, as far south as Hardin County. Even those in Hamilton County, to the west of Hardin, give hghtly minerahzed waters, though in Hamilton County the Mississippian is overlain by the Pennsylvanian. Farther south, however, well waters from the Carboniferous are hard to very hard. Several good examples are found in Tama County. Their waters are not very different from those of the flowing drift wells of the Belle Plaine district, but the hardness of their waters can not be credited to the drift, as the mineral content seems to increase with the depth. Near Grinnell, in Poweshiek County, all the wells in the Carbonifer- ous which have been investigated supply hard water contaiaing about 2,100 parts per million of total sohds. There are other centers of hard water from this system in Jasper and Polk counties. Wells footing in the Carboniferous in other parts of the State apparently always yield hard waters. It is apparent that wells footing in or passing through the Pennsylvanian yield more liighly mineralized water than most those that are in the Mississippian only (in areas 112 UISTDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. where the Pennsylvanian is absent), though the wells of Tama County, a Mississippian area, yield very hard water. It seems fair to conclude that the waters of the upper Carboniferous are, on the whole, harder than those of the lower Carboniferous. WATEK IN CRETACEOUS ROCKS. DAKOTA SANDSTONE. Wells. — The Dakota is everywhere a good water carrier, yielding copious and permanent supplies, but the water is commonly mineral- ized — as a rule liighly minerahzed. In the northwestern portion of the provuice the overlying drift is very deep and the sandstone water head, though under slight artesian pressure, is so far below the surface as to make pumping difficult. General difficulty throughout the northern end of the Dakota area is found in the very fine incoherent sand wliich enters the well, cements itself in the screens, and wears out the pumps. In the central and southern portions, however, no such difficulties have been reported, and on the whole the Cretaceous sandstone may be regarded as the best shallow-rock water carrier in the western part of the State. Shght artesian pressure is common throughout the Cretaceous area and in the deeper valleys weak flowing wells are not uncommon. Springs. — Sand-rock water strata like the Dakota are prohfic sources of seeps and springs wherever outcrops are found, but as there are few outcrops in the Cretaceous area, because of the deep drift, springs are correspondmgly scarce. The most important spring horizon is at the base of the sandstone formation where it overhes the shales of the Missouri group. The contact is exposed in places in the deep valleys which trench the area in the southwest. It gives rise to strong springs in the vicinity of Lewis, in Cass County, and of Red Oak, in Montgomery County. QUALITY OF CRETACEOUS WATERS. Of the Cretaceous little need be said. Apparently all wells pene- trating it deeply yield hard v/aters. A few wells in the northwestern part of the State which penetrate the Cretaceous for a few feet yield fairly good water, but this water is probably from the drift. As a matter of fact, it has been stated and reiterated by those who have been over the ground that experience does not encourage drilling deeply mto the rock in the northwestern part of the State. UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. 113 WATERS OF UNCONSOLIDATED DEPOSITS. QUATERNARY DEPOSITS. The water-bearing beds in the Quaternary are numerous and their positions are extremely variable. Yet many localities have what the drillers recognize as "first water bed/' "second water bed/' and m some places even "third water bed/' above the country rock. These water beds may in some places be identified by certain well- known sand or gravel beds in the drift, but they vary greatly with locality and in many places are either dry or wanting. The Quaternary water carriers most frequently recognized and reported are as follows, in order of age from the top downward: Alluvium, Wisconsm drift, loess (including subloessial sands), lowan drift, lUinoian drift, Buchanan gravel, Kansan drift, Aftonian gravel, Nebraskan or sub-Aftonian drift, and preglacial residual soU. PRE- KANSAN DEPOSITS. RESIDITAL SOIL. The residual soU, which occurs in the driftless area and which immediately overlies bedrock in the drift area, is not a good water bearer, but is drawn on in some places on the broad, fiat uplands as a source of shallow wells. The supply of water is scant and uncertam and is probably derived in part from the sandy base of the overlying loess. NEBRASKAN DRIFT. The Nebraskan or sub-Aftonian till is of no particular value as a water bed and the old soil and forest beds that accompany it render the waters offensive in some places. The sand and gravel layers, however, buried many feet beneath the surface of the ground, form very valuable aquifers, the water being under artesian pressure beneath the relatively impervious till. AFTONIAN GRAVEL. The water of the Aftonian gravel is generally pure, wholesome, and abundant. In some local areas the presence of decaying organic matter in the old soU and peat beds associated with the gravel imparts a disagreeable odor and taste to the water; in other areas, as in the Belle Plaine artesian basin, the water carries sulphates and other salts m solution in such quantities as to be unsuitable for either boiler or domestic use. Such occurrences, however, are exceptional. Wherever the gravel outcrops in the valleys, as in the vicinity of Afton, it gives rise to springs of no mean proportions. On the whole the Aftonian gravel is probably the strongest Pleistocene water bearer in the State. 36581°— wsp 293—12 8 114 UNDERGKOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. KANSAN DRIFT. The great thickness of the Kansan drift over large areas necessitates its use for domestic and farm wells and it probably supplies more wells than any other water bed in the State, whether of the drift or of the country rock. The supply of many of the shallower wells comes from the sands at the base of the overlying loess and from the gravelly phase in the upper portion of the Kansan, but this supply is extremely uncertain in quantity and generally f aUs in dry weather. The deeper wells are supplied by the many small sandy lenses and layers and the ''veins" in small, more or less open tubular channels scattered through the heavy till. The deep-well water is of good quality, provided care is taken to prevent surface contamination, but it is variable in quantity. Though deep wells in the Kansan are not likely to be affected by drought, neighboring wells may differ very greatly in yield. On the flat divides of the Kansan, where ground water stands high, dug wells are not uncommon, and these are constructed of so large a diameter that a large surface for seepage and an ample reservou" for storage are secured. Over the much more extensive area of the dissected Kansan dug wells have been superseded by drilled or bored wells, the greater depth more than compensating for the smaller diameter. The wind- mill or the gasoline engine forms part of the necessary equipment of every farm. ILI.INOIAN DRIFT. The lUinoian drift is penetrated by many wells but is not clearly distinguished from the Kansan, which it resembles in its water- bearing qualities. BUCHANAN GRAVEL. Within the area of the lowan drift the Buchanan gravel lies between the lowan and Kansan drift sheets and forms a most valu- able water carrier, supplying innumerable shallow wells and giving rise to numerous springs wherever it outcrops. Its greatest impor- tance, however, is in the lowlands and in the old filled valleys. On the uplands it is thin and scattered. The Buchanan gravel has been of great importance in the develop- ment of manufacturing in the northeast quarter of the State. Owing, however, to its slight depth and its open texture its waters are easily polluted by organic matter from the surface. They frequently have a slight taste and leave a brown stain due to compounds of iron in solution. lOWAN DRIFT. Water occurs in the lowan drift in small sandy layers and lenses and in the small ''veins" of the till. From these it seeps into the wells slowly but constantly, supplying them with a moderate amount WATEKS OF THE QUATERNAKY DEPOSITS. 115 of hard water, which will be pure provided care is exercised to pre- vent the entrance of surface water and its accompanying contami- nation. Owing to the tliinness of the drift and the strength and purity of the country-rock aquifers below, rock wells are very com- monly replacing wells to the lowan drift. LOESS. The loess was formerxy an important source of supply for farm wells throughout the State, but drainage and cultivation have so lowered the ground-water level as to greatly lessen its importance. The subloessial sands lying beneath the loess and over the till near the lowan margm yield a somewhat more plentiful but very uncertain supply. Many shallow wells dug in sloughs and other moist places still utilize this source for stock water. Both the loess and the sub- loessial sands are extremely liable to contamination from surface waters, cesspools, etc., and should be avoided for domestic purposes, especially in towns or villages and in the neighborhood of barnyards on the farms. WISCONSIN DRIFT, In the Wisconsin drift shallow wells are general, the supply being obtained, as in the other drifts, from sandy layers and ''veins" in the till, but they are especially liable to pollution owing to the preva- lence of surface waters. The better drift wells go below the base of the Wisconsin and draw their supply from underlying beds of the loess or lower horizons. ALLUVIUM. The sands and gravels of the alluvium yield an inexhaustible sup- ply of good water at depths ranging from 15 to 100 feet. They may be reached throughout the ''first bottoms" and in places on the "second bottoms" of the larger rivers and tributaries. Water is generally obtained at slight cost by means of open or driven wells and in larger quantities for city supplies through infiltration beds and collecting galleries. These deposits furnish the chief under- ground water supply for several large cities witliin the State. In towns and cities these alluvial waters are generally contami- nated from the surface or through cesspools. The public supply should always be taken at some point above the city and private wells should be closed. All such supplies, when used for drinking or domestic purposes, should be carefully tested and guarded. UNDERGROUND-WATER PROVINCES OF THE QUATERNARY. The regional differences between the waters of the different drifts are not so characteristic as to form well-defined provinces. The limits of the several water-bearing strata are, however, determined 116 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA, by the limits of drift sheets to wliich they belong or are related as interbedded deposits. These limits do not comcide with those of the districts into which the State has been divided and for specific consideration of drift waters it seems advisable to redivide it on the basis of drift sheets coextensive with the topographic areas already described (pp. 46-53), and known as the Wisconsin, lowan, lUinoian, and Kansan drift provinces aiid as the driftless province. In the driftless province water is obtained from the alluvium, the loess, and the residual soU. The loess and the residual soil supply shallow wells on the broad, flat uplands, but the 3deld of both is so scanty that most good wells are sunk to one of the numerous and excellent country rock horizons, which may there be reached at comparatively little expense. On the flat valley floors shaUow weUs draw an abundance of good water from the gravel and sands under- lying the alluvium. Springs from the outcropping rocks of the vaUey sides are so numerous as to greatly decrease the number of wells necessary. In the Kansan drift province water may be obtained from the allu- vium, the loess, the Kansan drift, the Af tonian gravel, and the Nebras- kan drift. The great thickness of the Kansan drift and the presence of Pennsylvanian rocks immediately underneath a large part of this area causes the Kansan drift to be one of the most fully utilized water- beds of the State, even though its yield is scanty. Owing to the depth of the drift and the scanty yield, deep-bored wells are now becoming common, especially in the vicmity of the Mississippi- Missouri divide. Many wells in the southeastern district penetrate the Af tonian gravel and are abundantly supplied. The base of the drift, where this is sufficiently shallow to be reached by ordinary farm wells, is a favorite source of supply; it probably includes the Nebraskan as well as the Aftonian horizon. Under the broad floors of the vaUeys the flow is ample for the cities of several thousand people located thereon. The waters are obtained by v/ells fitted with drive points and Cook stramers. On the broader uplands many of the shallowest weUs draw a smaU supply from the sandy layer in the base of the loess immediately overlying the impervious tfll. In the Illinoian drift province water is obtainable from the loess, the HHnoian drift, the Kansan drift, and the Aftonian gravel. The Illinoian and Kansan drifts are not clearly differentiated in the weUs; both are used indifferently by wells, and even the loess affords a meager supply for many wells. The better drift wells draw from basal gravels, probably those of Aftonian age. In the lowan drift province water is obtained from the lowan drift, the Buchanan gravel, the Kansan drift, and the Aftonian gravel. WATEES OF THE QUATEENAEY DEPOSITS. 117 The lowan and Kansan drifts are both generally used; but the strongest wells draw from the Buchanan or Aftonian gravels. Such wells are generally best developed on lowlands and in old stream channels. The loess supplies some shallow wells on the margin of the area where it overlies the edge of the lowan drift. In the Wisconsin drift province water is obtainable from the Wis- consin drift, the loess, the Buchanan gravel, the Kansan drift, and the Aftonian gravel. The porous loess is very generally recognized where present and is the best shallow-well aquifer in the area. Owing to the immaturity of the topography the ground-water level is high, wells are generally shallow^ and all not well guarded are liable to sur- face pollution. CHAPTER IV. ARTESIAN PHENOMENA. By W. H. Norton. DEFINITION OF ARTESIAN WATER. The term '^ artesian" has been used with several meanings, but, in accordance with the usage now prevailing, artesian waters include not only the water of flowing wells but also well waters that rise to a considerable height within the tube under hydrostatic or artesian pressure. Thus, in the deeper river valleys of Iowa, the head of the water from the Paleozoic aquifers is higher than the valley floors, and the water overflows in natural fountains, many of which are of considerable height. On the uplands, however, water from the same water beds, rising through the same strata, under the same driving force, and with the same head, fails to reach the surface of the ground. The important and definite fact is that under hydrostatic pressure the water rises to or nearly to the surface. In classifying ground waters it is comparatively unimportant whether the surface of the ground at an.y given point is slightly above or below the level to which the water from the deep source rises. HEAD OF ARTESIAN WATERS. DEFINITION. The water beds of the Iowa artesian slope dip southward from their outcrop on the high lands of the States adjacent on the north. The water confined within these beds is therefore under hydrostatic pressure, much as is the water in a city's mains from the weight of the column of water in the standpipe. Under this artesian pressure it rises in deep wells far above the level of the water bed. It may fall short of reaching the surface of the ground, or it may overflow and in an open tube connected with the well may even rise and maintain itself at a considerable height above the well mouth. The height at which artesian water stands under hydrostatic pressure is called its static level or head. It may be expressed in its relation to sea level, to the level of the water bed, or to the level of the well mouth. As artesian 118 ARTESIAK PHENOMENA. 119 wells may head either above or below the well mouth, they are divided into two classes, flowing and nonflowing. MEASTJIIEMENT. The head of flowing artesian wells may be measured in two ways. The pressure may be measured at the well mouth, in pounds per square inch, by means of a gage, and the head may then be computed in feet. As a column of water 1 inch square and 2.3 feet in height weighs 1 pound, the number of pounds pressure at the well multiphed by 2.3 equals the head in feet. Somewhat less conveniently the head of flowing wells may be measured by tubing coupled water tight and carried up until the water stands at the top but does not overflow. The size of the tube is immaterial. The test is most easily made with a hose of any convenient diameter, carried up a ladder or trestle, since, owing to its flexibihty, it may be lifted or lowered until the exact head is obtaiaed and the cuttings and coupling needed with metal pipe are obviated. To obtain the true hydrostatic balance a day or even several days may be necessary, and for this as well as for other reasons the test is most conveniently made with the pressure gage. FACTORS AFFECTING HEAD. ELEVATION OF AREA OF SUPPLY. The head or static level depends on several conditions, chief among them being the elevation of the intake area, or area of supply, where the water bed or beds outcrop and gather their water from the rain- fall. The area of supply of the principal water beds of the Iowa artesian system — the Cambrian and Ordovician sandstones — Ues for the most part in southern Minnesota and Wisconsin, where it com- prises about 14,500 square miles. The area presents a considerable diversity in elevation but in few places is more than 1,200 feet above sea level. With a gathering ground whose altitude is relatively so low, the water beds of Iowa furnish only a moderate pressure to their artesian waters. The enormous pressure of the South Dakota artesian wells, for example, due to the high gathering ground on the flanks of the Black Hills — pressures which equal heads of 400 feet in places and which can be utilized for power in manufacturing plants or to supply fire protection for a city — are not to be expected in Iowa. ELEVATION OF SURFACE AT THE WELL. The highest heads, relative to the top of the well, are found where the elevation of the ground surface above sea level is least. From Des Moines Eiver eastward the artesian wells situated in the deeper valleys are flowing weUs, and the wells of the deepest valley, that of 120 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. the Mississippi; register the greatest pressure. The following table exhibits the maximum initial head reported from the wells in the Mississippi Valley in Iowa from north to south : Maximum initial head of wells in the Mississippi Valley ir. lo^'.afrom north to south. Town. Head above sea level. Lansing McGregor Dubuque Sabula Green Island Clinton Davenport Fort Madison Burlington (on blufls) Keokuk Feet. 690 694 740 656 665 632 643 638 647 667 On the other hand, on the uplands of the State the water generally fails to rise to the top of the wells, although it generally rises higher (above sea level) than it does in the valleys. AGE OF WELL. Owing to various causes, some remediable and some irremediable, the artesian head in any given well commonly decreases with lapse of time. Any plans to utilize the pressure for fire protection, as at Sabula, or for running dynamos for city lighting, as at Keokuk, should take account of this fact. After the first wells are drilled in any locaUty, it is often difficult to determine the true head. Leaks are liable to develop by wliich more or less of the water escapes laterally from the drill hole, and the head of the water is correspondingly reduced. As other wells are drilled from time to time and are left to discharge freely, the head is further lowered and it is difficult to determine the pressure in any given well, unless all the other wells can be closed for the occasion. In many places the flow of a new well on lower ground has drawn down the head of other wells in the neig-hborhood. HYDRAULIC GRADIENT. Most water-bearing formations are cut at greater or less distances from their outcrops by river valleys, into which more or less of their water escapes. Such leakage necessarily reduces the pressure, or head, of the water, the effect increasing as the point of escape is neared. It has been found that, owing to this and to certain other factors (such as the friction of the rock particles through which the water jiercolates), the height to which artesian water will rise AETESIAN PHENOMENA. 121 above sea level declines more or less uniformly from the intake area to the point of escape. This decline is known as the hydraulic gradient. GROUND-WATER LEVEL. Under certain conditions the height of the ground-water level of the area and the head of minor and higher artesian aquifers tapped by the drill may affect the head of a well.^ The effect of these agencies is illustrated in the map (PL I, in pocket). In Iowa the hydraulic gradient declines from Boone eastward to Clinton on Mississippi River, 310 feet in 190 miles, the surface of the ground falling 550 feet in the same distance. (See PI. XI, p. 382.) RELATIVE HEADS OF IOWA AQUIFERS. When a deep well is being sunk, the question is often asked whether water under greater pressure, giving a higher head, will be found at greater depths or whether the deeper water will be under less pressure, causing the well perhaps to lose its flow. It is greatly to be regretted that the data at hand so seldom permit a conclusive answer to tliis question. When a deep well penetrates several different water beds, the head of each bed should be tested as the drilling is in prog:^ss, but as this testing of flowing wells involves considerable trouble and some expense it is seldom if ever done. In nonflowing artesian wells the fluctuation of water in the drill hole due to the different heads of different aquifers can be readily observed, but in few wells have such observations been made and placed on record. When the head of a well is given, it is seldom known by what particular water vein the pressure is determined or to what extend the head has been lowered by the discharge of other wells. The chief aquifers of the Iowa water system, the St. Peter sand- stone, Prairie du Chien group, Jordan sandstone, and Dresbach sandstone and underlying Cambrian formations, afford considerable evidence that the lowest water beds give the highest head. Thus at Dubuque the original heads of the wells endmg above the Dresbach sandstone seem to have been from 700 to 740 feet above sea level, whereas the head of wells wliich tapped the Dresbach or underlying Cambrian sandstone reached perhaps 753 feet. At Waterloo the head of the water from the St. Peter is given at 865 feet above sea level, and that from the water beds between the St. Peter and the Dresbach at 867 feet, but at Davenport the beds below the St. Peter seem to have a somewhat greater head. In the deep wells at Holstein the waters from the liigher formations, including the St. Peter and probably 1 Chambeilm, T. C, Requisite and qualifying conditions of artesian wells: Fifth Ann. Kept. U. S. Geol. Sui-vey, 1885, pp. 125-173. 122 tflSTDEEGEOUlfD WATER RESOURCES OP IOWA. the Jordan, stood 325 feet below the curb ; when the Dresbach was struck, the water rose to 270 feet below the curb. On the other hand, in some nonflowing artesian wells, as at Pella, Centerville, Burlington, and Anamosa, the water seems to have maintained about the same level while the drill was passing through the various Cambrian and Ordovician water beds. At Ottumwa the aquifers of the flowing wells seem to have a common head at about 700 feet above sea level. At Boone, on the other hand, the head of the water of the St. Peter is 1,080 feet above sea level, but that of the main vein in the deeper sandstone is 940 feet above sea level, 140 feet lower. The head of the water beds above the St. Peter may be either higher or lower than that of the Cambrian and Ordovician beds. In upland wells of northeastern Iowa the head of the water from the Niagara, the middle part of the Maquoketa, the Galena, and the Platteville is higher than that of the water from lower aquifers. Thus at Sumner the waters from the middle Maquoketa and the Galena stood 18 feet below the curb, and those from the Cambrian and Ordovician beds 144 feet below. This difference is especially marked in the extreme northeastern counties, where the main river valleys dissect the St. Peter and even the Jordan and permit water to escape. Thus at Calmar the water from the Galena and Maquoketa rises 76 feet higher and at Postville 170 feet higher than the water from the St. Peter. In wells outside of this area and in valley wells within it the water from the Cambrian and Ordovician aquifers usually rises higher than that from superior terranes. Thus at Vinton the water from the St. Peter rises 38 feet higher than that from the Devonian, and at Davenport it rises 10 feet higher than that from the Galena. At Holstein the water from the St. Peter rose 40 feet and at Osage about 10 feet above that from higher water beds. The head of the Dakota sandstone in northwest Iowa seems to be higher than that of lower water beds, exceeding that of the St. Peter at Cherokee by 120 feet. In fact, the reported high head of many deep wells in this part of the State may be largely due to the Dakota waters. The map showing artesian head (PL I, in pocket) presents the scanty data at hand, but forecasts must not be based on it with undue assurance. The head of any well depends on a number of factors and is perhaps the least predictable matter connected with the subject. In a number of the wells the head probably depends on that of waters of drift or country rock. The map presents, how- ever, the salient facts of the decreasing head with increasing distance from the area of supply and the heightening influence of the ground waters of the uplands in central and northwestern Iowa. AKTESIAN PHENOMENA. 123 YIELD OF ARTESIAN WELLS. MEASUREMENT. No deep-well data are more unreliable than those relating to yield. The reported discharge of flowing wells is seldom more than a loose estimate and often, no doubt, a gross exaggeration. For pumped artesian wells, the amount delivered by the pump can and should be calculated with considerable accuracy and may be assumed to be the capacity of the well when the latter does not exceed the capacity of the pumps. The yield of flowing wells may be estimated by the flow over a weir, by a current meter set in the pipes or by the time necessary to fill a receptacle of known capacity. If the yield is moderate, measures as small as hogsheads may be used for this pur- pose. Slichter ^ describes a very simple method of determining the yield of a flowing well devised by J. E. Todd. Pumping tests should last at least 24 hours and should be conducted with pumps of adequate capacity. PERMANENCE OF YIELD. FACTORS AFFECTING PERMANENCE. The length of time which an artesian well may reasonably be expected to remain in service, the causes which impair or ruin it, and their remedies are questions of vital importance on which some light should be shed by the collated history of the hundreds of deep wells of the Iowa field, some of which have been in operation for a quarter of a century. It may naturally be expected that, like any other mechanism, this apparatus for bringing water from its subterranean sources to the surface is liable to deteriorate with age, to need from time to time repairs of various kinds, and, indeed, to break down from one cause or a,nother and to become altogether useless. To laiow the points of weakness in this mechanism, which is not quite so simple as it at first view may seem, and to know the dangers which threaten it is absolutely necessary if the well is to be so constructed and so cared for as to insure its permanence. A deep well drilled in Iowa for a quarter or half a mile, straight toward the center of the earth, passes through rocks of various kinds. Some are strong and unyielding ; and some are mobile or plastic, creeping under the enormous weight of overlying rocks they carry and thus constricting or closing the drill hole. Some are brittle and fragile, and from such rocks movements of water in the well dislodge fragments which, on falling, leave cavities along the bore hole and, accumulating at the bottom, choke the discharge of the water beds 1 Slichter, C. S., The motions of underground waters: Water-Supply Paper U. S. Geol. Survey No. 67, 1902, pp. 90-93. 124 tJNDESGKOUND WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. situated there. Some are close textured; some are spongy and porous; and some are creviced. Some are dry, and some are water logged, and of the latter class some contam good water and some water so higldy mineralized as to be unpo table or injurious to the health. Of the good waters, some may be under so little pressure that another flow under higher pressure will drive them back and escaj)e through their channels if left free to do so. The main water bed may consist of loose and crumbling sandstone, which with time breaks down and forms a chamber; roofed, perhaps, with shale, which, when left unsupported, caves m and closes the waterway. For some distance from the surface the well commonly penetrates incoherent material incapable of standing in a solid wall. A casmg is therefore inserted and bedded in solid rock. But unless the junc- ture of casing and rock is water tight, the ascending water of a flowing well will in time find a way through it out of the drill hole. Finally, even if the well is perfectly constructed and the supply in the water bed is large, the yield may be diminished through over- draft by other wells put down in the vicinity. Permanence of an artesian jdeld, therefore, depends (1) on the construction and care of the well itself; (2) on the character of the water bed from which it draws; and (3) on the combined draft on the water bed by all the wells in the vicinity. FACTORS RELATING TO THE WELL. CASING AND PACKING. Heavy iron casing is inserted where the well passes through weak rocks liable to cave or creep and where it passes through aquifers containing salt or bitter water or good water under so low head as to permit lateral escape of the main flow. The upper casing is care- fully packed at the base to prevent any escape of water. Where the water bed is of weak rock it is protected with strong casing perforated to admit the entrance of water. All these precautions are taken if the job is thoroughly done. But as casing is costly, as the nature of the rocks to be penetrated is in many places not well known, as the heads of the various water veins are not tested— for all these and for less excusable reasons it is not seldom that some of these points of danger are left unguarded. The upper casing is left unpacked but is simply grounded on bed- rock, which in Iowa is usually limestone. This soluble rock gradually decays about the base of the casing, a thin thread of water escapes into the surrounding overljdng sands or shattered rock, and the open- ing is enlarged by solution until the leakage is sufficient to stop the flow of the well. AETESIAN PHENOMENA. 125 Uncased shales, although to all appearances at first sufficiently firm, may yield to the action of the water passing over their exposed surface and cave withm a few years after the completion of the well. Limestones, although strong enough to stand indefinitely, may con- tain crevices, openings, and porous beds of which the drUler is entkely unaware. Water from other pervious beds under heavy pressure is driven into these 2:>assages until most of it escapes through these leaks and the well ceases to flow. The main water bed may be a loose-grained sandstone, which, if not cased, gradually breaks down and tends to fill the well with its detritus. It may be a fme-grained as well as a loose-grained sand- stone, and even when the well is cased the grains may be fine enough to pass through the perforations of the casing and the strainers, likewise causing the drill hole to fill. Where casing is sunk to pre- vent leakage the pressm'e under which it is driven down may split or break it at the joints, and through these breaks the water may escape. DIAMETER OF DRILL HOLE. Very obvious causes of difference in the yield of artesian wells are differences in the capacity of the drill hole or its casing. The cross section of a tube varies as the square of the diameter; thus, disre- garding other factors, an 8-inch pipe would carry 16 times as much water as a 2-inch pipe. But the larger the diameter the less the frictional resistance; hence the dift'erence in favor of the larger pipe is still greater. Taking into account both cross section and frictional resistance, the discharge of pipes varies as the 2. .5 power of the diameter.^ The 5deld of a deep well is controlled, not by the maximum diame- ter of the bore hole — that at the well mouth — but by the diameter of the hole at the water-bearing stratum. In sinking deep wells it is necessary from time to time to reduce the diameter of the drill hole. The first deep well at Boone, for example, which began with a diameter of 8 inches, was reduced foiu" times, and reached the bot- tom at 3,010 feet with a diameter of 3 inches. The Greenwood Park well at Des Moines, 3,000 feet deep, beginning with 10 inches, reached the bottom with 3 inches. For this reason and because of the rapid increase in the cost of drilling with increase of depth, it may be concluded that the limit of profitable drilhng lies under rather than over 3,000 feet. The cost of tapping a water bed at this distance from the surface with a drill hole large enough to carry its waters is so great that the outlay is seldom warranted. Large holes also have an advantage in that they offer a larger sur- face of transmission within the water rock, and thus give a more 1 Slichter, C. S., op. cit., p. 84. 126 UNDEKGROUND WATEE EESOURCES OF IOWA. generous yield, but this increase is comparatively slight. Thus, of two wells, each sunk 100 feet in water beds presenting similar con- ditions of pore space, pressure, etc., a 6-inch well 3d elded 36 cubic feet a minute and a 12-inch well only 41 cubic feet a minute, although its carrying capacity is four times as large.^ Several small wells will secure a larger inflow than one large well. Furthermore, to secure the maximum efficiency of a number of wells, they should be spaced as widely as practicable so as to interfere as little as possible with one another. FACTORS EELATING TO THE WATER BEDS. PRESSURE. The yield of flowing wells from beds of equal porosity varies with the pressure of the water at the point of discharge, or with the differ- ence between the surface level at the point of discharge and the level to which the water will rise by artesian pressure. The rela- tively large yield of the deep wells of the valley towns of Iowa com- pared with that of upland wells is explained by then* greater head, and the assumption made by some persons that natural cracks and fissures of great extent coincide with river valleys is quite gratuitous. The law is well illustrated in a test made of a flowing well at Hitch- cock, Tex., whose water rose about 30 feet above the curb, the point of discharge bemg taken at different heights and therefore at differ- ent distances below the static level. Wlien the point of discharge was 25.35 feet above the curb the well yielded in a given period 8,022 gallons, and when it was 0.76 foot above the curb it yielded in the same period 95,000 gallons. This change, which was equiva- lent to mcreasmg the head from 4.65 feet to 29.24 feet, increased the flow of the well nearly twelvefold. In the location of wells this law of pressure variations should be considered. Other things being equal, the lowest ground available should be chosen as the site of the well, for here the head and discharge will be the greatest. To the same law is due the greatly increased flow when pumps or air lifts are used. Thus, at Charles City, the yield of the city well, whose estimated natural flow was 200 gallons a minute, was increased by a vacuum of 7 pounds to 900 gallons per minute. At ' Mason City, Waterloo, and Dubuque greatly increased flows are obtained by means of air lifts. Advantage is taken of the same principle when the pumping cylinder is set low in nonflowing wells. At Ames a test made with the cylinder set 270 feet below the ground gave a maximum discharge of 7,400 gallons an hour; at 149 feet, below the surface it gave 5,000 gallons an hour; and 105 feet below the surface it gave only 3,525 gallons an hour. 1 King, F. H., Principles and conditions of the movements of ground water: Nineteentli Ann. Rept. ' U. S. Geol. Survey, pt. 2, 1899, p. 285. ' AETESIAN PHENOMENA. 127 Pressure is a controlling factor in the transmission of water through porous rocks. Experiments have sliown that the yield of porous sandstones varies with the pressure, but doubling the pressure usually more than doubles the amount of water transmitted. The moderate pressures of the Iowa artesian basin suffice to overcome the frictional resistance and to drive the water on its way but are not sufficient to force such immense yields as are reported from wells of the Dakotas. The moderate pressure may also result in a com- paratively rapid lowering of the head in any local area, for the slower the transmission the more rapidly will the area be depleted under a given draft. THICKNESS. Few if any wells yield as much water as would be indicated by the theoretic capacity of their pipes and the velocities due to their pres- sures. This is because the water is delivered to the pipe through porous rock through which water seeps from distant sources under great frictional resistance. The yield depends, therefore, on a num- ber of conditions relating to the rock constituting the water beds. It depends on the amount of surface exposed in the drill hole within the water bed. When the bottom of the hole barely touches the water bed, or an unperforated casing extends to the bottom of the well, this surface is at a minimum and gives a minimum yield, for it is then merely the area of the circle whose diameter is the diameter of the bore. Wlien the entire water bed is penetrated and the hole is uncased, the surface of transmission is at a maximum and gives a maximum yield, for it is then the surface of a cylinder whose height is the thickness of the water bed. Thus a thick water bed will not only hold and carry more water than a thin one, but may also deliver more water to a well. Several water beds will yield more than a single water bed of less than their combined thickness. The thick- ness and the number of the Iowa aquifers therefore constitute one cause of the large flow of the wells. It follows that a deep well should be sunk completely through any given water bed, and that the more water beds it traverses the larger will be its yield, provided of course that certain beds do not drain away the waters of others because of differences in head. Several Iowa wells that have stopped in the St. Peter sandstone would have obtained a much more copious yield if they had been carried through the Prairie du Chien and the Jordan. ■ On the other hand, there are places where the lower waters should be left undisturbed even though the yield would be increased by drilling to them. At Cedar Rapids and at McGregor the first wells drilled encountered salty and corrosive waters in the Cambrian sand- stones^ and wells drilled later in these towns were, therefore, stopped before they reached the horizons at which the deleterious waters 128 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OP IOWA. were obtained. In northeastern Iowa, along the Mississippi Valley, the lowest of the aquifers, the Dresbach and, underlying Cambrian sandstones, is drawn upon^ freely ; but outside of this area the ex- pense of reaching it, and the probability of finding its waters highly mineralized, are so great that it is generally advisable to stop the drill at the base of the Jordan sandstone. In loose, friable sandstone it may be necessary to case through the water bed. In such wells the casing should be perforated through the entire thickness of the water bed. TEXTURE AND POE.OSITT. "field depends very largely on the texture and porosity of the water rock. Gravel 3delds its store of water more freely than coarse sand, and coarse sand than fine sand. Doubling the effective size of grain quadruples the yield. Stratified rocks transmit water most readily parallel to their bedding planes, and this fact gives an addi- tional reason for the large yield of wells which penetrate water beds deeply and are fed from the sides by horizontal currents, as compared with the yield of wells which touch only the upper surface of the water bed and are fed from the bottom by currents rising transverse to the bedding planes. The main sandstone aquifers of the Iowa artesian system include many highly porous beds tlirough which water seeps freely into wells. Their grains are moderately large, are exceptionally smooth and well rounded, and are fairly uniform in size, thus increasing the pore space, as few minute grains are packed in the interstices of the larger grains. Cements filling the pore spaces to a greater or less extent are practically absent in many of these water-bearing beds. In con- sequence of these conditions, the sandstone aquifers of Iowa yield exceptionally abundant supplies. With increasing distance from outcrop and v.dth increasing depth and slackening of the ground-water circulation clogging and filling of pore spaces may be expected in any water-bearing terrane accom- panied by restriction of the water channels to special horizons kept open after the remainder of the rock of the terrane has become impervious by cementation. The yield of aquifers, such as the St. Peter and the Jordan, can not be expected to be as great where they reach great depths in central Iowa as it is in northeastern Iowa, where they lie much higher and their circulation is far more active.^ CREVICES. The yield of the artesian wells of Iowa is increased by the fact that the waters flow not only through the pore spaces of sandstones and loose-textured limestones but tlirough the fissure cracks and crevices 1 The St. Peter struck at Nebraska City, Nebr., at a depth of 2,783 feet, although 64 feet thick, was found dry. AETESIAN PHENOMENA. 129 that are common in limestones and occur even in many sandstones. The existence of these passages might be inferred from general con- siderations and from experience elsewhere, but in the Iowa field it has frequently been proved by the sudden drop of the drill, by the deflection of the drill, and by the underground disappearance of drillings. Many of these passages through limestone are in connec- tion with the sandstone aquifers. Between the St. Peter and the Jordan sandstones lies a heavy body of creviced limestone, more or less arenaceous and in places interleaved "with layers of porous sandstone, and below the Jordan sandstone lie the limestones of the St. Lawrence formation. Through- out this entire body of rock, from the base of the Platteville to the summit of the impervious beds of the St. Lawrence, artesian waters may participate in a common movement. Water sinks or rises from sandstone to limestone, and vice versa. Where its course lies in the solution passages in limestone its velocity is greatly increased, and where the drill penetrates such crevices the flow is -proportionately abundant. Even the delivery of the sandstone is no doubt increased by communication with the more open ways of the limestones. CLOGGING. The yield of some wells diminishes because the water bed becomes clogged. Fine material in the rock is carried little by little toward the well and accumulates immediately about the drill hole in the interstices between the larger grains, thus lessening the porosity and the transmission capacity of the aquifer and lessening correspond- ingly the yield of the well. The danger is believed to obtain espe- cially with incoherent sandstones which have large diversity in size of grain and contain material of siltlike fineness, either interleaved or disseminated through it. In the main water beds of Iowa — the Cambrian and Ordovician sandstones — clogging to any noticeable extent from this cause should be rare. In the artesian wells at Savannah, Ga., an effectual remedy for clogging was found in forcing a strong flow down the well by means of fire engines. Clogging may be the result of the growth of microscopic plant life and gelatinous deposits of iron, as in the Linwood Park deep well at Dubuque, where the obstruction was a fibrous growth, probably of Crenothrix, and where churning an iron rod in the well doubled the diminished flow. OVERDRAFT. Artesian weUs may fail because of overdraft. In many large towns and cities the fact that a copious supply of water, whose purity is above suspicion, can be obtained at moderate cost, leads to the multi- 36581°— wsp 293—12 9 130 UNDEEGKOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. plication of wells beyond the local transmission capacity of the aquifers. The head of old wells gradually diminishes and that of the new weUs drilled from time to time fails to reach the initial head of the wells first drilled. The opening of a well of unusually large yield, resulting from its exceptionally large diameter or from its location on low ground, may cause a sudden fall of pressure in all the wells of the locality. Finally, the artesian head in a locality may be so reduced that all the wells cease to flow and all require pumping. The cause of this lowering of artesian head is simply that more water is being drawn from the water beds at this place than can flow in. The storage capacity of the artesian basin is not overdrawn, nor is there a defi- ciency in the rainfall and absorption over the area of supply of the artesian system. The limiting factor is the transmission capacity of the water-bearing strata at that locality. For such a condition there is obviously no remedy. The most that can be done is to guard against any waste of the water, either above ground or by leakage below the surface. The real overdraft may be due not to necessary consumption but to leakage from a number of wells. In the towns and cities of Iowa where many weUs have been drilled loss of pressure has been noted too generally to be accounted for by deterioration of individual wells. Such a loss, for instance, has occurred at Dubuque, Clinton, Davenport, Burlington, Keokuk, and elsewhere (pp. 132-133). In none of these places has the decrease been sufiicient wholly to prevent artesian flow, though in several pumps are used to increase the yield. REMEDIES FOR DECREASED YIELD. The first step in remedying decreased yield is to discover whether the error is not in the well itself. Even when properly constructed the mechanism of a deep well can not be expected to last indefinitely. Packing may deteriorate with age and leaks develop about the lower end of the uppermost casing. Casings in time rust out, and under the chemical action of certain waters this deterioration may be rapid. The casing may be attacked at the joints, the screw threads becoming so rusted that when the casing is drawn to recase the well each joint has to be lifted separately; or the water may corrode the sides of the casing, perforating it with holes as large, sometimes, as a 5-cent piece, thus causing leakage. The remedy here is to recase the well. In a number of Iowa wells where this has been done the initial yield has been restored. Thus the Atlee well, at Fort Madison, used for a public fountain in the street and for a private fountain on the grounds of the owner, which lost its head of 55 pounds, is said to have had this entirely restored by recasing. Unfortunately a well may be drilled a httle out of vertical and the insertion of a casing is impossible when ARTESIAN PHENOMENA. 131 a need of repairs arises. An example is afforded by the deep well at Monticello, one of the oldest artesian wells of the State, which fur- nished excellent water but had to be abandoned because the crooked bore hole prevented the essential repairs. In wells ending in sand the screen at the foot may become incrusted and the flow of the water stopped. The remedies for this are discussed on pages 192-195. In many oil wells an increase in yield has been obtained by torpedo- ing with nitroglycerin. This method has not been attempted with the Iowa artesian wells, nor, indeed, can it be recommended except as a last resort where drill holes would otherwise be failures. In close- textured limestones the shattering of the rock under the torpedo may not extend to any passageways. It must be remembered that an artesian well is expected to be far more permanent than an oil well. Torpedoing a well usually not only makes it impossible to sink it deeper but also to repair it at any time. Still less excusable is the use of nitroglycerin in repairing drill holes. At Vinton in 1910 two adjacent deep wells needed repairs of the same nature and extent. In attempting to pull a corroded casing in the north well several shots of high explosives were fired and the drni hole was so damaged that the total cost of the repairs exceeded $7,400, whereas the repairs on the south well made by an experienced company cost but $1,600. STATISTICS OF DECREASED YIELD. The following tables present aU the information which has been gathered concerning the deep wells of Iowa which have been aban- doned or whose yield has decreased : 132 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. "f d - r ■-I w B e 4J 03 " " M 3 ' P.S3MM (^ i-:i -a ?^ lO <0 lO CO CO lOOO i-l CO + + + - >i t3 o M Is "fi g 2 CO 050 CO b- CO CM rH ,-( ,-1 00 ■^ lO 00 00 00 l^" OT Ci Oi in 10 00 Ci O O 00 Oi en 00 o ft ^^OO 00 00 00 66 00 CO 'TtH 10 10 000 o i (M lO >0 to HC4T-4r-Hr-i .-1 O ^ O: t 00 »o-^ -^ O O -^ CO O O 1-H 10 t-^ o 05 O i-f »0 O O O O O CD O i-H T-l O .-< (M .-I 1— 1 1— I iO ^ t-T T-T r-Ti-Ti-HC^C^CNi-r 6 8 -S ft § > m g 2 Hfe.,^,'2:5 ARTESIAN PHENOMENA. 133 o CT> >>5 = a s >> TV o as pqt: O O.Ui W I © CD a; p^ fl d a> -22 ■S"^ 0) mtC D 1 o a "3 CD ■s^s is _. ^ S M^.S .s 00 SftM o CD r- 3 B^ — o fl "3 2 2 a'o ^ SJim o2oO !-. O fl 0^:^H:l M c3'3 o S C3 g >> q; O ■^ S o CD ■*^ > flt>; ) »0 CI (N (MO OOi O-^ ?0 CO CO CO Oi "11 CO(NCOt>- O lO i-( W t^ CO CO GO (N GO to »0 OO O.I— ( 00 CO O OS O Oi OO O C5 00 GO 00000500 CO ooo CO CD CO '^lOOfN O lO iO CO O O GO O O GO lO CO O CO (O >0 CO t^ *-i 1— I o cocooo ot^ooj coosi— 1 Oi CO cocn I lO CO CO' "* o 0(M tM 1—1 lOr^CNC (D ^ S^ +J rC; nj P MP t< 5m ?l fn M d d d >> fe ■ c3p d d fl 134 UNDERGEOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. a & 9 ft ® O & ^3 ■? a >, 2 3 0*: o C3 is ^ is © i* £ a Oi ^ o T) o n1 ft CO t>, "^ "^ fe C ,=5 cS-O is§ s> a !> w C9 03 a^ ^ S a » ® S a S g ® ^5 S i-l 1-1 02 o -^ O 03 >>.-So.-H M.-S MO a .. o S So3o S 3 ft fl ^1 15| o^ ^ CQ « s S Sag o o a, a CHAPTER V. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF UNDEKGROUND WATERS. By W. S. Hendrixson. INTKODUCTION. NATURE OF ANALYSES. The analytical work of this investigation has been confined to determination of those mineral or inorganic constituents that are com- monly found in nearly all ground waters and that have an important bearing on the suitability of the waters for municipal and industrial uses. The following: are the substances determined: Silica (SiOa). Iroii(Fe). Aluminum (Al). Calcium (Ca). Magnesium (Mg). Sodium (Na). Potassium (K). Carbonate radicle (CO3). Bicarbonate radicle (HCO3). Sulphate radicle (SO4). Nitrate radicle (NO3). Chlorine (CI). In calculating the averages of the analyses potassium has been included with sodium, as potassium was separately determined in only a few of the waters. In most of the analyses not made by the writer iron and aluminum were determined together as oxides. In a few analyses silica was included with those oxides. It is, therefore, impossible to find true averages of iron and aluminum, and these are omitted from the tables. The proportion of the analyses giving silica separately is large enough to justify including its average in the table, though the average can not be rigidly construed. Where considerable quantities of nitrate were indicated the nitrate radicle (NO3) was determined. Many deep-well waters contain amounts of ammonia that would be sufficient to cause suspicion of pollution if they were found in waters from shallow weUs. The presence of ammonia in water from deep wells is probably due to the reduction of nitrates by pyrite or other reducing substances. Whatever the cause, both the ammonia and the nitrate are to be regarded as due to fermentation long since completed and therefore as without significance from the sanitarian's point of view. 135 136 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Eleven waters are included for which only total solids were obtain- able from the analyses. These are waters analyzed only with a view to their use in boilers, and only the total solids, incrusting matter, and chemicals necessary for softening them are given; they are included in the general tables because there are few available analyses of waters in the regions in which they occur. The 400 analyses that are tabulated represent waters from all but two of the 99 counties in the State. The majority are analyses of waters from weUs of the northeastern part, or deep-well district, of the State. Some counties have no wells of considerable depth which enter sources of water of more than local character. In some this may be due to the absence of easily available sources of large water supplies, as is apparently true in some parts of southern Iowa. In others the existing deep-water resources have not been developed; for example, six counties — Worth, Howard, Chickasaw, Butler, Grundy, and Buchanan — all favorably located in the artesian dis- trict, have, so far as known, no wells penetrating the lower sand- stones. Five others — Mitchell, Floyd, Franklin, Black Hawk, and Delaware — ^have only one such well each. In these counties there are few large towns, and most of the small towns having water systems procure supplies to meet present needs from shallow wells or from streams. As they grow and their demands increase a large development of the deep-water resources may be expected. STATEMENT OF ANALYTICAL RE STILTS. FORM OF ANALYSES. In the statements of results of analyses by other chemists the mineral constituents are frequently expressed in the form of salts and oxides. As the oxides of aluminum and iron are commonly weighed together, it is impossible to separate the iron and aluminum in the recalculated analyses and their combined oxides are therefore given in this report unchanged. The same applies to silica when it was weighed with the oxides of aluminum and iron. Until recently it was customary to represent the results of analyses of water in terms of hypothetical compounds as they were supposed to exist in solution. Many have been the discussions, not to say controversies, as to whether, for example, calcium would combine with the sulphate radicle rather than with chlorine, according to inherent selective affinity. All such discussions have been rendered irrelevant by general acceptance of the ionic theory, for it is now well known that the mineral matter in such dilute solutions as the average well water exists almost entirely as free radicles, with the exception of silica, which is given as SiOj. There is no longer any scientific reason why the results should be represented as compounds, and CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OP UNDEEGEOUND WATEES. 137 there is very little in the way of practical convenience to justify such practice. It is true that if any given water be evaporated to dryness the contained substances separate out as compounds accord- ing to the law of least solubility, and in a definite order according to the relative amounts of the substances present, but the order would scarcely be the same for any two waters. The only logical pro- cedure is, therefore, to give the constituents as radicles, though it may be a little confusing to those who are unaccustomed to this mode of expressing results. In the enumeration of radicles that were determined, two forms of combined carbonic acid have been given. As a matter of fact, Iowa deep-well waters are almost without exception acid to phenol- phthalein and contain free carbon dioxide. The carbonate radicle is regarded, therefore, as HCO3 and is so given in the tabulated results of analyses. It has been thought better m summing up the radicles determined to give the total solid matter as it would be weighed on evaporation to dryness; that is, with the carbonates as normal salts. The change on evaporation is represented by the decom- position of acidic calcium carbonate, Ca(HC03)2 = CaC03 + C02-|-H20. The ratio of 2HCO3 to CO3 is 2.03 to 1, or, with sufficient accuracy, 2 to 1. Therefore, one-half the weight of the bicarbonate radicle, HCO3, is subtracted from the sum of the radicles as they are in solu- tion to obtain a figure representing the probable amount of solids left by evaporation to dryness and heating to 180° C, according to common practice. The amount of mineral matter in solution is given in parts per million instead of in grains per gallon. To avoid any confusion at this pomt the following considerations may be presented with cer- tain simple rules derived from them for changing data in one system mto their equivalents in another: 1. One liter of water weighs 1,000,000 milligrams, and it follows that 1 milligram or 0.001 gram of solids per liter of water is equivalent to one part per million. 2. One grain per United States gallon is equivalent to 17.118 parts per million, or 0.017118 gram per liter. To change from one system to another, therefore, the appropriate rule may be selected from the following and applied to the data at hand. To get grams per United States gallon from parts per million, divide by 17.1 ; or from grams per liter, divide by 0.0171. To get parts per million from grains per United States gallon, multiply by 17.1; or to get grams per liter from grains per United States gaUon, multiply by 0.0171. 138 UNDEKGEOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. RECOMPUTATION OF FORMER ANALYSES. Though there is at the present time very little scientific justifica- tion for representing the mineral matter dissolved in water in terms of compounds, it has been the almost universal custom tUl very recently. From such theoretical combinations the temporary and permanent hardness of waters have been determined, their power to form boiler scale has been calculated, and the nature and amounts of the agents necessary to soften them have been decided. It is not necessary for any of these purposes to assume the existence of com- pounds in waters. (See pp. 136-137.) Many persons, however, prefer to have an analysis of water stated in terms of compounds, and it cer- tainly is necessary in the comparison of the qualities of two waters to have the analyses expressed m the same terms. For these reasons it seems desirable to make certain statements regarding the relations of the two methods of stating results and to give a logarithmic table to facilitate the conversion of the data of one system into those of the other. In the calculation of the results of analysis to compounds the practice is by no means uniform. Perhaps the most common method is as follows: Granting that the water contains the usual kinds of mineral matter and is acid to phenolphthalein, the bicarbonate radicle is calculated to calcium and magnesium in order till it is exhausted. The remaining calcium and magnesium, or very prob- ably magnesium only, is calculated to sulphate. Any remaining sulphate radicle and also the chlorine are calculated to sodium com- pounds, and to potassium if that element is separately determmed. Silicon, iron, and aluminum are commonly reported as the oxides. The calculation must be varied, of course, in accordance with the water in hand. This statement applies to a typical Iowa water of moderate mineralization. In order to facilitate recomputation of analyses of that nature, a table of logarithmic factors is given. It contains all the compounds that have been found in converting the data of old analyses for use in this report. Column A contains the logarithms of the chemical factors necessary to find the radicles on the left from their com- pounds on the right. For example, the factor for computing the amount of calcium in calcium carbonate is 40.1 -^ 100.1, and its logarithm is 0.6027. In column B are the logarithms of the chemical factors plus the logarithm of the factor necessary to convert grains per United States gallon into parts per million. According to a recent determination of the Bureau of Standards, this factor is 17.117967, or, with sufficient accuracy, 17.118, and its logarithm is 0.23345. The logarithm for computing parts per million of calcium from grains per gallon of calcium carbonate is, therefore, 0.8361. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OP UNDEEGEOUND WATEES. 139 As is usual in such logarithmic tables, the characteristics are omitted. It is hardly necessary to state that one may obtain logarithms of compounds corresponding to radicles by subtrpxting the appropriate logarithmic factor from the logarithms of the weights of the radicles. Logarithmic factors nece,\ ary for recomputing analyses. Amount of— Ca. Ca. Ca. Ca. Ca. Mg Mg, Mg, Mg, Mg Mg Na Na, Na, Na, Na, K. K. K. K. K. K. Fe. Fe. Al. In- CaCOa CaS04 Ca(HC03)2. CaCl2 CaO MgCOs MgS04 MgCl2 Mg(HC03)2. MgO Na2C03.... NaHCOa... Na2S04 NaCl NaaO K2CO3 K2SO4 KCl K2O KHCO3.... K2PtCl6.... Fe203 FeC03 AI2O3 Logarithmic factors. A. B. 0.6027 0. 8361 .4691 .7025 .3934 .6268 .5577 .7912 .8542 .0876 .4605 .6940 .3060 .5394 .4077 .6411 .2213 .4547 .7807 .0142 .3399 .5734 .6380 .8714 .4381 .6716 .5109 .7444 .5955 .8290 .8706 .1041 .7529 .9864 .6523 .8858 .7200 .9534 .9193 .5921 .2073 .1528 .8255 .4407 .8449 .0783 .6833 .9168 .7245 .9580 Amount of- 01... CI..., 01..., 01..., S04., S04., S04. S04., S04. S04.. 003., 0O3. 0O3., 003. C03. 003. NH4. NH4. HOO HOO HOO HOO HOO HOO In- CaOla . . . MgClj... NaCl.... KCl OaS04— MgS04.. Na2S04.. K2SO4... BaS04.. SO3 Ca003.. Mg003-. Na2C03. K2CO3. . Fe003.. CO2 NH3.... N Na2C03. K2CO3. . CaCOa... MgCOs-. FeOOs-. CO3 Logarithmic factors. 0.8053 .8717 .7825 .6769 .8485 .9018 .8298 .7411 .6143 .0791 .7777 .8520 .7524 .6373 .7141 .1347 .0248 .1091 .9393 .0545 .9140 .8397 .9777 .6918 0.0388 .1052 .0159 .9103 .0819 .1353 .0632 .9745 .8478 .3126 .0112 .0855 .9859 .8708 .9475 .3681 .2583 .3426 .1727 .2879 .1474 .0731 .2111 .9251 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF WATER BY DISTRICTS. To facilitate the study of well waters in relation to geographic dis- tribution, the State has been subdivided into eight arbitrary districts (see fig. 2), known as the northeast, north-central, northwest, east- central, central, southeast, south-central, and southwest districts. The composition of the waters will be discussed according to these districts, the analyses within each being arranged alphabetically by counties. The tables contain both analyses of well waters made originally for this report and those received from other sources. NORTHEAST AND NORTH-CENTRAL DISTRICTS. The northeast and north-central districts contain most of the slightly mineralized water of the State. The quahty of the v/aters in the two districts is so nearly the same that both may as well be considered together. With two exceptions — those of the deep wells at Bancroft and McGregor — the solids of the deep-well waters do not reach 1,000 parts per million, and in only three waters do they much exceed 500. The McGregor well is unnecessarily deep, for there are several others at the same place and at North McGregor which have only about 140 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF UNDERGBOUND WATERS. 141 half its depth and yet yield an abundance of excellent water. Its excess of solids is due to salt, and it is the only well in these two districts that shows this substance in considerable amount. The following table shows the average amounts of certain con- stituents carried by the deep and the shallow wells in these two sections : Average mineral content of waters in northeast and north-central districts of Iowa. [Parts per million.] Source. Silica (Si02). Calcium (Ca). Magne- sium (Mg). Sodium and po- tassium (Na+K). Bicar- bonate radicle (HCO3). Sulphate radicle (SO,). Chlorine (01). Total solids. NORTHEAST DISTRICT. 10 15 11 18 63 89 87 99 31 32 33 32 28 16 20 253 321 347 328 418 38 83 92 68 24 12 14 8.8 351 20 shallow wells NORTH-CENTRAL DISTRICT. 7 deep weUs 388 439 37 shallow wells 454 a The sum of the constituents minus one-half the bicarbonate radicle. The average solids for the deep wells and for the shallow wells of the districts are nearly the same. The best wells of each sort contain about 270 parts per million of mineral matter. The shallow-well waters are as uniformly good as the waters of the deep wells, the only two shallow wells approaching or reaching 1,000 parts of solids being those at Bancroft and at New Hampton. The waters of a few of the best wells of both classes contain about the same amounts of solids as the waters of Des Moines, Iowa, and Cedar rivers, which rise in these districts. The shallower wells, unlike many in the south- ern and southwestern parts of the State, are not commonly located in the flood plains of rivers. In fact flood plains are less common in this part of the State, the rivers more often flowing between bluffs of considerable height. With the exception noted at McGregor the waters of the districts are entirely normal — that is, they contain for the most part magne- sium, calcium, and bicarbonates, and the harder ones contain notable amounts of sulphates. They are the best boiler waters of the State, as well as the best for general municipal and industrial purposes. 142 UNDBKGKOUlSrD WATEK RESOUECES OF IOWA. -^ s 'S. ."S d fl d d a r^ D ? a 1 E. Smith. S. Hendrixs Do. 3. N. Prentis endrixs Prentis endrixs •i-t a ame' "do S.H Do. Do. Do. S.H Do. 6 w mftfl ft M 'A ^' . . " OCJ 10 /^CO Tf •(^ON) i-HOO eprp^J 9q.BJiTM •(■•OS) COOO HO oom»H 00 CO OiCO ICCO 10 CO00t-( CO rtt^lM i-< iHCO oco co-^ CO . CO apip'BJ a^Bqding ■(^OOH) ^m s§§ a (MOO CO c: t^ 00 "^ 1* C^l tM -^ 05 1^ 00 t^ 01^ (M 01 00 -p-BJ s^BUoqaeoja; mcoTf c- COCOTf CO CO (N OJ ■•*' 1* <>» CO cq ^ 10 o 00 ■(Bjs[) rampog 1-IOlOi •(Sh) CO aio> ■^ t^ COO to CO t~CO(N i-ICO •^ t~ COIN"* (N (MCOTtI 10 10 1-1 1-1 CO -* 01 IM (N ra nisauSBpt lOCD^ 00^05 Oi 00 C-1 •* 01 t- t^ 00 tP •(■BO) ramoiBO t-Hr-IIM 01 r^tMoo TJH ^ "* TT C5 t^ to 00 CO 10 CO 10 ^ •(tv) ninnnnniv CSCOtM ■-^ '^ \^ '-' : (N CO (M •(9^) noJi ^ •(sonv+so=^9j) •mnniraniB pnB IM CO uoJi jo saprsQ 0!00 coco I> 05 0i(M 00 03 o £ .1 e •0 a a p ■^ a3 c3 s =« o d a nag q ,j3 C^ §2 If c ■o ^a-2 ^ ■5 o o w Ofifi s CO COO S' OOCO cc Oio ~^ ooooc 100 c »o •OOCO (N coo 1^ CD ^ OC rH lO c: ■\\s,K\ JO qidaa 0^ IM 1-1 t^ 1-i ir- TPCOCO 10 r^ cc (N &H \ "7!^ 1 —^ ; , _ ;3 s p ', •^ P 5 c4 C3 c3 ' cS 03 ^ ^f^ ^.S ft ki % '> % ss 3 o c C3 ft I kee & Ry. Co Union Sr T. V. Gil Chicago, kee & Rv. Co, 0) s ftg ;=^-! ft 1-5 1 Crean City. A.C. Chica > s 3 ^ li >. 8 o w 1 H c CD 0^ 1 ft "cs g 't-4 ft a 3 & •5 * ft 2 ft i ft 60 _C3 03 5| i 1 3 P ft 1? CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF UNDEEGEOUND WATEKS. 143 .g . t3 w . O ►J II i coco t^ (M05 00 00 2,585 867 429 397 oco -a"oo TJ* CO CO s C-1 g CO ?§ iHT-t N^ t~ irjO in ootD^ro CD '^ CO »0 05 C-l 030 eooo t~ 'J' o i 00 1^ (MCO ^ccg ?3°= ■oirs COCO ira^r COCO CO 00 coco ooo 00 tH I-l to 05CO 00 OJ li^ ii §8S OTfOO rococo CO >H10 I^CO coco CO 00 O CO IMCO CO o g <-l t-oo O OiOO t^ iHCO COOO CO CO O 00 00 t^ CO OSO fico c ii-^a m+3 S^ 13.9 el >?,d S 9 S c3 3 w< all oo 3 3 C3 C3 h3^' ' 03 (V) fcl C3^v "g .2 ft osO n '-.1? so Ha 144 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. ■ m o ft 3 O .^ O^ ^ ^O •Sp!IOSIT3iOi •* t— 1^00 CD t~OTH m OOOiCO CO OO 00 00 Tt* Tf CO "^ OS •(10)8UTJ0III0 i-l --100O c^o icoo •(80N) •(»os) siDipBja^'Bqdins OOt-i (W^OO i-l Q •(^OOH) 9P! ■pBJaiunoqjBotg; ■(x) innissB;o>°S ® ::)^o -o o o , -0°^ .s o g ;-^ dS d ;otf=^as ilsalg ba o 02 S3 2a o-spnos moj, 647 549 1,090 oo 00 •* CO IN CO IM CO 8 o •(10) anuomo o^^ OCO o ■*«5 "3 - S5 «3 00 •(«0N) aptpBJ eiBXfTjst i i : : i : ^ : : : : : : i •(^os) apipBj 8;Bqaing lO^OO cq lo s 1 0(M 00 CO s 00 "5 -pBJ ajBooqiBoig: CO ■*co o s i 00 "ss-a ft ft H a O) CO t:oM-y O J3 O O Mm M. . O O O no w a 36581°— wsp 293—12- -10 146 UNDEKGEOUND WATEK EESOUKCES OF IOWA. Q S ^ "^ S . e fl a d fl .ss V S O V M S g [g S i •1 .s x-S _g 2 .a s X 1 o a P- 1 1 £ a c Woo «^ d^^ Oj g o 6 ^ o' d •t; o . o «d i ajfiO &. Ooj^ M mO !z; "I' b»' ti PO K O ^ O ^ OOOir CO 03C^Ot^C0i-l •spiiosii3:>ox Tj* ^ CO T)< O M "t OJ IMCOCOCOCOCO CO COlO N CO •(10) anpoiqo r^ (NOO^ CN 1-4 * ir CO 00 t^COlO COCO eoTji •C^OM) g aioipBJ ajBJiiN ,^ ^ t^OOlO CO O 1^ 00 OJ rH ,-1 T-H •(»os) c^ O— lo- •J ■* 00-* »— t eioipi3J8:jBiidins •(«O0H) SPI r. 1— t -rfCi CO T ■»**■* IM CM O ■* -p'EiejBnoqjBOig cr co C<3— ■^ CO lOCO •(3) ranissE^Od K — ?5S c 0>7--l,-l CO CM-* CO •(BM) rampos m •(Sh) ^ OiOCO ■^ c-a c^ cs coco COiO tanisauSTJ pf tr OjCOCS •(bo) ranpiBO l^ rt lOOC c 00 CO CO lO l^ 00 00 04 CD 00 •(IV) tanunnniv lO ca -*l CO CO ^^ CD •(a^) noji " tH o-^ao 1^^" c J<)Ph ,«Ph . 03 1 •a ■4^ u b o oo o o oooo o ,• >> o P O o o o c > > o o > 1 o H a; o m o o 5^ ■3 o o O o o § o o o a o ft > a) •c p 5o ft fi O p ■s CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OP UNDERGEOUND WATERS. 147 -U"^ ooor-i osroos OSfi uD COC^ Oi lO CO ic r- 1>- ic— < CO COC^O ■*■* o eo Mius to i-Heoi> «3 U5CO 00 03 0J 55g ■>*JIU5 CO coo 00 CO-* CD-* «-* "5 148 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. NORTHWEST DISTRICT. Hard waters abound in Kossuth and Humboldt counties in the western part of the north-central district of the State, and in Emmet, Palo Alto, Pocahontas, and Calhoun counties in the eastern part of the northwest district. Hard waters are, in fact, the rule throughout the northwest district, the average in total solids for all deep wells within the district being 1,425 parts, and for shallow wells 857 parts per million, as indicated in the following table: Average mineral content of waters in the northwest district of Iowa. [Parts per million.] Source. SUica (SiOs). Calcium (Ca). Magne- sium (Mg). Sodium and po- tassium (Na+K). Bicar- bonate radicle (HCO3). Sulphate radicle (SO4). Chlorine (CI). Total solids..01 •-' IM CO —1 •(■Bjsr) innipos •(Sm) (M Tt*CC CO CO li: ■^ lO(M T-H in nisenS'Bpf '^ *"* l-H .-< i-H coco 00 CD^ CC ^ t^co (M (M lO>OC^CO •(BO) tanpiBO cq CO N ^c^i^ JSS'^S •(IV) nmmniniv - lOlN .H 10 10 tr^ •(aa) noji - r^c^ C<1 CO i-H •(SQZiv+^O'aa) ^ ^ IMCO CO ranimnniB pnB noji JO seppco «5 00 CO S?£ 00 t^ 05 •Cots) 'Boins ■§§ a 1- c c 1 I-; oo 00 00 o o 03 »C •jiaAV JO q:jd9a 1^ •<*' l-l Tt (M (N CO IM 1 t 5 i ^1 ^ S ^ «5 t>. : &Ph S3 S(2 c5 -a MM rt : -£2 P p O c 2^ o~»3o o > c •II > ^ m > . •^ > c c M H^-5 o O Sc3 C (_ p^ L) hJOO >< t E-i h h &■ H ^ H !? "3 8 1 1 c o o 8 o > o o o o > £ 1 c o ^1 1-5 r ■p o w E-i a > ■5 03 8 D = > 8 Jz; "6 > _« s ^ f £ 1 ft rt ft Ul h) s o M S M a i CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OP tJNDEKGEOUND WATERS. 151 5S ft . o o o tig y. ■c! • X a X 03 6 a a a m T3 a W 0. Spaul Hend 0. «!«• d ajfia^ajQ ^H,- O p^' ^ W^ Wfq 1 M ,-1 CO t^ ooo 5 ■* S2 COC-J ooo CO 381 1,378 887 2,003 1,861 to cc fe ss i t~ (M ro - U310 OCO 00 ,-t o ''t* . ! II 1 1 1 1 I o 1 I 1 1 1 ' 1 '*' 1 -I'M CO 00 t^ 5 1— 1 i-H cot i Kg too lO 1 5S r-l -"r 00 t^ Kb CO ^ OOOOOOfO CO oo coco CO CO CO CQ CO CO -^ 00 00 -^ rt CO "5 t U5 T-Hi-H COCO OOOOOOi-l t^ i-Hl«CO- 1>. IMOi-HCO t~ OOIM COOOO t*CO t »0 CO C5 1-t IN t T-H ficC fimP M >t< Qi-H 3 W OOO ;oo i-ico T-HO C0U3 ^ d ; o . o >> • ^ja : o C3 . to-*ico o "* o t^co CO 05 lO lO O 00 00 -^ cooes CD '(TO) Qtnjoiqo 1-i coo '^ CO l>-CO 'sf CO CO 00 CO r^- 1>- •(«0N) 9I0TPBJ 8:>13J^I^ . . . TJI . s 8§ OJO'-H "OTOO 00 1-1 ^icO r-H -^ 1^ !:•* t^ ■^ OOOi § M •(^os) oprpBaa^Bqatng o •(«00H) aP! -pBi eij'Bnoqj'Eoig: ■^ T-H CO CDOi CO C7> Tfi .-HOO^COOO 050COOOO COU3-^MM CO -^ ja (N -^ •(3) inniss'Eio,! •(Bjs[) rampog CO lOTJHi-H U 00 IMCOIN T •(3W) ranis8n3'Bpj; "OO COON CO CO t^CO-Hr-(r-lrtC^ sa . a c3 ^ ^ ^ 5 «3 a W.2te: I ^••^ •" MP a --^ g^ao>. OQOOO «o S -2 ^ ^ OS'S mo Is -§1 o 03 •b "ana's o^ o o CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF XJNDEEGROUND WATEES. 153 a . a a ti -3 '^xJ ■73 a igfi W ^•w^ Xt3 >< O-O CD o lOCO rt-lC^ MCQ i-l rt< ^ CO Oi (Ji ) CS CO Ol CO THtH O -* ■* CD OCT) COOOtH COO CTOOO CO -IMIM 1^ t^ i-( Q-A jj-O OCO > SS^-E'^ -^ a O O ^ CO Sfe: j:3 6 r,u ^ac oS Mm cS a.2te: n5 n>* Iz; a o aS^ K " fioStf ■a 2 3 — c3^ 154 XJNDEEGROUND WATEE EESOURCES OP IOWA. EAST-CENTRAL DISTRICT. The following table of averages is made from analyses showing great diversity in the quality of the waters, in both the deep and the shallow wells, of the east-central district: Average mineral content of the waters of the east-central district of Iowa. [Parts per million.] Source. Silica (SiOz). Calcium (Ca). Magne- sium (Mg). Sodium and po- tassium (Na-)-K). Bicar- bonate radicle (HCO3). Sulphate radicle (SO^). Chlorine (CI). Total solids.a 35 deep wells 10 14 103 177 47 58 182 90 326 364 425 495 83 25 978 45 shallow wells 1,031 a Sum of the constituents minus one-half the bicarbonate radicle. On the Mississippi at Clinton are many deep wells whose waters are among the best, having only 100 parts of solids more than the well waters at Dubuque. The Clinton waters are really not harder than those at Dubuque, as hardness is ordinarily understood and deter- mined by the soap test — that is, their calcium and magnesium are no more abundant and their excess of solids is made up of alkalies, chlorides, and sulphates. The same is practically true of the wells at Davenport, where the watere carry more than 1,000 parts per million of solids, but the calcium and magnesium are actually smaller in amount, the excess over Dubuque being due to the alkalies. The tendency is for the amounts of sodium and potassium in well waters to increase down the Mississippi until at Keokuk these radicles amount to about 900 parts. The deep wells at Tipton, in Cedar County, at Vinton, in Benton County, and at Cedar Rapids, Monticello, and Green Island all yield good water. Vinton may be regarded as about the western limit of the area of good water, since the well at that place yields only lightly mineralized water, whereas those farther south at West Liberty and Wilton contain more than 1,000 parts of solids. The line from Vinton through Iowa City to Davenport forms the southwestern boundary of the district of good deep-well water in the district. This line coincides in a general way with the median line of the strip of Devonian rocks trending northwest and southeast. (See PL I, in pocket; PI. IV, p. 178.) Southwest of this Ime all deep-well waters are comparatively higlily mineralized, as shown by the analyses from Amana, Homestead, Wilton, West Liberty, and Grinnell. The average solids in deep-well water at Grinnell since the first well was drilled 15 years ago have been about 1,200 parts per million, but well No. 2 at its best contained only 881 parts. It is probably true generally that wells penetrating thick layers of Car- boniferous and Devonian formations, as at Grinnell, take from them CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF UNDERGEOUND WATEES. 155 more or less of their waters, owing to imperfect casings, and the waters yielded by such wells rarely or never show the quality of the water of the deeper sandstone formations which they penetrate. The waters of the shallow wells of the east-central district show great variation. Generally speaking, those in the eastern and especially the northeastern portion have low total solids and are to be rated with those of the wells of the northeast district in regard to quality; probably they draw their water from drift having the same origin and the same general character. On the other hand, wells in the western part of the district have, as a rule, hard waters. A well- marked area of hard waters from wells in the drift and upper strata may be considered to center not far from Tama, in Tama County. All waters in Tama County, so far as investigated, are hard with the exception of that from the very shallow city well at Tama, which probably derives its water from the underflow of Iowa River. The area includes numerous wells, many of them flowing, in the noted Belle Plaine neighborhood. As far south and east as Marengo flow- ing wells deliver very hard water. It is possible that the same area may extend as far as Amana and Homestead and may account for the hardness of the waters in the deep wells at those places. Farther south, at WiUiamsburg, the drift wells yield waters that are compara- tively little mineralized. All wells investigated in Poweshiek County, save that at Brooklyn, yield hard waters. It is probably true that the Brooklyn well is not exclusively a drift well but obtains its water in part from river alluvium. 156 UNDEEGEOtrND WATER RESOTJECES OF IOWA. ^« ft g ^ i-SpilOS IG^OX •(10) auuoiqo •(^ON) •(^os) •(^OOH) apip^J a^'BaoqjBOTg •(3) nmissB;o- t— (Ji CO O 00 00 LO 1-H (M t^ (N OS OOCOOC^OCS lO C<» CD O I^ "^ O »0 C^ I— t CO CO t^ Ci I>- CO 00 C^ l>. t^ QO OCO ' 1-H O CO '^ CO rH "* CO CO ir^ CN CO '-^ 00 t^ r-i CO '^J^ CO Ci O 05 -^ lO T-H CO w COrl t-H 00 CTj-— I 0 CO i-l CS| rH T-i 10 1-i ^ 00 00 Clt-b- eoo'^'^cO'-i ioc^^o >J0 Olt^^iO 00^iO(NcO(N ^ coo5'-i CO ^- r- CO Tji 00 CO"^cOOi(N00 0000 ^^OOt^I>-«0 '^ t^ CO coo • (Mt-H 10 "^ T-H cq m THrtrt .-Hrt-Hrt d a ca tt n ft y. d.2-2* ^^ c d oco ■* CO TJi '0^ CO IM J CO T-lC^Cl C000iOC^h' c! <^ S 03 O S •=! c3 ?w PM d 5 H dt ."6 ai 03 a P^ H Ph Iz; ;^ ^ "OOOOOOO OS Ci Tji 05 OS O ^ O Oi ■^COfN CO Otocc^cqiocooococo lOOOOrHOi-HOtNOOCD (M T-H CN(N (©C^ r (NCT> t^ - Tl< lO CO00(N ■o - CO - O COO-H-*OCOOtOO(N 03 CO t^ 00 T-HCM.-I (N t^ s? (M 87 1,274 368 574 1,342 1,429 3,424 1,462 1,052 193 CM N ■* u o CO 9S. CO IN OO 0-- o-* O CO o CO (McOOO-^OQOOOO^CO COCOIO. ic- •r-i CO CO cq (N i-H "^•yDOcoio.— icoot^o* (NT-lT-H; ;5^o T)>CO CM 00 O-^ TJH ■-1COOJ CM ro ,-1 .-( OCOO=^-O OOOOCMOQCOQO^^ ■3 d^ d D 3 S C3 <5c3ajc3a5wc3a;b^ ■ ■^c3 a* o 00 in CM CO O >>'^ o o oO S . TJTS'O ri 3l3^ :o K°s 3 = oS > c3 OJ •95 o o t>j ^ +jP <^ 3 3 Zl "w o o a a S o .-."S doodogoPH S P4 M mo S ft 158 UNDEEGKOUND WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. O 4^* ri a d d a" a d d a o o s (33 OT n OT C'S d g a g a S n ■3 s a £ PL, a 1 ■a c3 a ^W^«m^d pq ^ a"^- ■?-; ^; « 5 S m •02 'CZJX .ft . Qm d 2 ^• M H^^H,-^ft;o f^ 5 ^ s ^ ^ CO ^ CO lO IM t^ 05 ^ ^ looq •* I ■(*os) t-* O (N 00 lO O CSl ■^ epip^ia^BqcIins ■(^OOH) 9PI O OOO t^ -^ CO o m § gs Tj< (M M S f2 00 -pBiai^noqjBoia: CO coco CO _^ •(3) ramssB^^oj 00 (N OJO ■— 1 ^ t>. 00 10 r^ CO >o 5 1 ■(IV) ranmraniY cq CO ;- ^ - Cv •(9j) noji CO ^1 o o" '■< -^^ to .2 afe si "3 S ,i3 ; 03 -a m a 3 1 • a a rS3 c cc l-a i~, ^ •■•$0 C9 ^y C9 o c3 ft ;0 1 c a C C .o ^ lO ir coco CO fQ •n3Avjoq:;d9a 5) ^ "^^ CO k,r-^ ""* '"' ^ .2 o a c ^s X 6 : ! . . 3 3 C3 C3 g cl^ u "c 03 PL( a a c ■£0 ■a IT o o X) ■a 1 3 M 3> 2 \ ^ : : \'6 Pm >- aM 0^ a Sol a 3 C m a 3 5 .a >h" '• '• >< H >, E-i O U c: C c3 PI ^ 1 & •JO O O 12; ■ • . ; -a : Iz; h^l o i £ <1 o o c i o a 1 O ft o m ;? W o c Q 3 . l§ S a-s 3 Sen a d a S d ft d d d CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF UNDEKGKOUND WATERS. 159 c c dc d d 1 c o a o o ^ s ■B ^ >^ o3 S g w c P- "C o3 ^ c a (1 (H d CD 6 « d^d^ W^ ^& c c tr Wd < PajPS pqC ^- mP OM (NTjliOTti 05 N c ■* tc ^SS^ 0.-I "" rt — rt- -(rt NC CS — — i> rr « r- u: — - Tf n- a - CD0 CC oco »-H T-H rH •* IC O W3 CD^ ■^ CO t~ CO co^ ^ -^ CO « ^g CO CO (M IM CO ■^ coco CD Cq ■^c lOO-*-* h- CO^ ot-- IM CO 0:t> OiX OC 00 00 ,h atz ca S O S d cB ca oJoj t: 02 3Ph p ot^ COO-* oc t-C oc- cc t^ CO "^ ^ '"^ '"' T-H T-t i ■^ d 33 ^ • 61 ■ C ^d m „ ^&- " ^ ~ X 3 (V <.J C3 03 1 dl c- 03 1 > i a c n d =- a > i c o o»30 c oi Ji 0.5 o'ii » c > c j T}< C mC 3oo P ffi c c o !«■ c c Is 1 Iz; P o O o > c P c c p a P c P - 1 ' Eh E-< O 1 ' c P c p c P C P c p c 1 ^5 c i 160 UNDEKGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. CENTRAL DISTRICT. The central district of Iowa contains few deep wells, but they are fairly well distributed. The northeastern part falls within the terri- tory of good deep wells. It is an interesting fact that in Hamilton, Hardin, Grundy, and Marshall, the four counties nearest the north- east corner of the district, in all of which the artesian possibilities are probably best, there is only one deep well. There is also a deep gas boring at Webster City, but this probably receives water from aU horizons and therefore can not be used for purposes of prognostica- tion. The one deep well in the northeast part of the district is at Ackley, in Hardin County. Its water contains 605 parts of solids per million and is the best deep-well water in the district, if judged by total solids alone. Fort Dodge has the next best deep well in the order of solids, but not in the order of softness of water. Though the wells at Ames, in Story County, and at Jefferson, in Greene County, supply waters containing more than 1,100 parts of solids, these waters are as low in calcium and magnesium as the waters from the deep weUs at Daven- port, and, as at Davenport, by far the larger portion of their solids consists of sodium chloride and sulphates. The waters of all other deep wells of the district contain large amounts of solids and are also very hard, as rated by their content of calcium and magnesium. The average mineral matter in the waters of the shallow wells of the central district is about half that in the deep-well waters, the ratio being 873 to 1,759. The waters of the shallow weUs are not excessively hard save in Marshall and Polk counties and in the region immediately surrounding Colfax in Jasper County. There is a rather close analogy between the mineral matter of the Colfax waters and that of the waters of shallow v/ells at Des Moines, and the weUs at both places apparently draw then- waters from the same source, the upper Carboniferous or Pennsylvanian. The shallow- well waters of Webster and Hamilton counties are moderately hard. All other counties of the district show shallow-well waters which could, at no great disadvantage, be compared with the waters of shallow wells in the eastern part of the State. Average mineral content of waters of the central district of Iowa. [Parts per million.] Source. Silica (SiOs). Calcium (Ca). Magne- sium (Mg). Sodium and po- tassium (Na-l-K). Bicar- bonate radicle (HCO3). Sulphate radicle (SOi). Chlorine (CI). Total solids.o 10 deep weUs 14 23 174 124 62 44 286 125 262 446 947 344 19 88 1,759 69 shallow wells 873 a Sum of the constituents minus one-half the bicarbonate radicle. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF UNDERGROUND WATERS. 161 The average total solids for the deep wells of the district is 1,759; they vary all the way from the 605 parts of solids at Ackley to the 4,369 parts in the deep well at Newton, which is now abandoned. Newton now draws its water supply from driven wells in the valley of South Skunk River. It is very probable that the four northeastern counties of the district should be included with those of the northeast district. They have no deep wells but from their location should have good deep artesian possibilities, though, of course, as they lie farther to the south and west, they can not be expected to possess water of the same degree of freedom from mineral matter. 36581°— wsp 293—12 11 162 UNDERGKOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. "^ ^ S 3 ';:^ s o'spnos p:>ox •(10) anuomo •(^ON) •(^os) •(«O0H) apip^J •(3) ninissB:joj: •(^N) ranipog (3H)nm!sanSBpi •(■bo) nmpiBO (IV) nmnjuniiv •(9j) noil noji JO saprxo •(^OTS) 'BomS •n8M.joq^d9a ■a Hsa figft .CO . o . o O" O ©5! o w :i w rt -^o a:) 55 O) S S*^ ;^W C^-«J<00 tOt^CC^WCO CO to O 00 CD 00 lO »0 CO O CO (Mt^OC0i-4W t-1-HOO CO r- t>- CO O Ol !>. (M 00 t^ CO "* lO CO 00 05010 iC^ "^-^OO (M ,-H ,-Ii-ItH M»Ot^b-cO'^ -^ ■^ OOiCO OCO CO rH (N !>■ i-l(N (M <-l CI lO CO CO .-t CO OOCO(M (MOM-^i-HCSS !© CD O ■* 1— I CO lO C^ r-H O O (M CO (N OS COh^b- CO -^ r-i t^ lO (M OOiCO -i: -Tj* lO -^ CO CO COtM"^ ^OO"^ i-H lO b- CO CD b- -0l>.05 i-H Tf 05 CO CO i-H 00 COCiWOS OOC^C^ t>. CO Cl C^ OO COr-iCO CDi-^i-H r-tOb-MOOi UO Tt»'- (M 1— I CO C^ T-1 CO rH P iPoPo OP 1^^ f-ll^ cOOi O O CO Oi -* o>ooooo^ CO OC^l C. O r^ 00 ":> o "^ oi i-Hc4 •(M-* Tt5fi a o o . IMOO>0'^ CO 0»0 (NOO- fl O t^O o ^- So .Woo !>iO rfi o g o o 2 1° < W n CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF UNDEKGROUND WATERS. 163 -3 a -U-d q-n XV -S-p a 03 3 =3 S« ^1^ a2g «)o Wo C3 g 03 Oh,"0 ^kO 05 O 0»0 CO lO OCO CO OO'^J^ o O y-f CO 00 00 CO CO CO »0 '<1< CO O •^ to rH CO CO -^ 05 lO (M OlrH OO Oi iQ CO '^ CO -^ Tf CO CD OCO 0<:0 cot-- iH lor^co CO C<1 CO CO (NM< CO ^(M»0 O !>. coo CO CO -^ CO lO Oi CO Oi CO - CO (M'* -^CO ''f -< -•— -H g s s SS55! Ol CO 00 CO COiO am (» CO CO COCO oooo CO(M CD (N>OCO CO r-l CO ■*TflrH (MOO CO 1> fe 1— 1 tH 3 o m OJO s§ lO ocn OOJCO OOIOCO Ir^ CO 00 t~ cocn oo(M en -3- - (M Tf r- - CO^ ^ CD -iiTt< lO - - T-i C01> >o ir CC ■- (N c^ '- ir: 00 OiiO C i o- t- CO u- ■*■* o t^ ^ eq -aio oocc ^ CO OJt^ 1-1 . IM A t4 a ri CD 0) ^ ■ft ft PM Ph 03 1 o 3 a" 03 . a C 2 1 flic >1^ : S V "ST c S =" fc 3 c c c o 1 ^ P S : P we P M I-: a 00 m-*oi T-l CO OO Oi-I oo o>o Or-l (Ni-I o -^ o-^ o >o o ooo rH rlrHOO 05rH t^ ooo O s f^ .ti • .IS O Qi-50 3 3 03 03 O K^ O • d°^S°^S rC d • ■eo : =«« : : IS S . "CO O ID >t>,oaiao3^ -^ o o oo oo o -o . o ^ o ^"S '" Ov^O a I-.0 o'^rt 03 _ S r^o3 g 05 o o .M o o a m O ^ o^-o a ■c fe .s So 3 om« P bfi so S o o . o . o "d ■r'TS a go ^ S^ o o o^ •spnosiB^^ox CO OiO 000 O: CC 00 O 00 OOiCOi-i t^ -^ (M O C5 '^ ^ ^ •(lO)anuoiqo OOiOCO t>- 05 b- »Ob- '^ •(^ON) •aos) aprpBiaiBqains ■* O i-H -^ '^ to '^ 00 »o cc TO CO (M M ■(^OOH) 8PTPT3-I Ci 00 00 (M CO 10 O -O -O ■* CO (M CC O »0 "^ COCO 00 i-H i-Hi-lO IM-^CO •* Q ■(3) nimssBijoj tH C-) 1-H ceo 0x5 (N ■(bn) ninipog (■Sp{)ranis3n:3Gyi iCO "^ CO T-H (M CO IM •('BO) xnnpiBo t^ »o ;Oco O OJCOt-h OCO rH i-H CO tH r^ O h- CO O l-^ ^ CIO] CO (MCOrt IM CO N (ly) ninnrainiv •(a^) noji O ■ 10 .lO •(so'iv+W8>a:) mrrarrani'B prns UOJI JO S9piX0 •(SQIS) T30ins 00>(N CSC , C3 >.<: CD ; fio iSH O O S; — .J c m 013! p •IpAijoqjdaa: :> to CO I:^ CO t^ T)5,-icoa5 T-HtO to CO o o 3 3 c3 c« g O S O to m h CD g o ^O o -^P-O ©P OS CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF UNDEEGKOUND WATERS. 161 9 ^ af^-' 3 fl ^-fe a g COIM e H- P 'S o c ft c 03.2 :^ Sc- as ^ CO CO (MCv c- TP ; 1 s ;t^ td s ,^ fl (2 ^^ §"■§2 '■'^ ,=3 d Sanii NewE Mills City. S oc Ian Ry City. Gran Mem Lot M :2;i^ 166 UKDEKGEOUND WATEE RESOURCES OF IOWA. SOUTHEAST DISTRICT. Both the Mississippian and the Pennsylvanian series, which Ue nearest the surface in the southeast district, as a rule contain highly mineralized waters. The waters of the St. Peter and the deeper aquifers are niuch better but are "nevertheless more highly mineralized than the waters of the same aquifers farther to the north and east. In a number of deep wells the higher mineralization of the water may be ascribed to defective casing which allows the sulphated waters of the country rock to enter. Wlien deep wells are being drilled the waters of each aquifer should be analyzed and all deleterious waters should be thoroughly cased out. Such precautions and the use of inner tubes leading directly to the lower aquifers will probably greatly lessen the danger of failure. The least promismg part of the area is in Keokuk and Mahaska counties. In quantity, the artesian supply of the southeast district is unexcelled within the State. Average mineral content of the waters of the southeast district of Iowa. [Parts per million.] Source. Silica (Si02). Calcium (Ca). Magne- sium (Mg). Sodium and po- tassium (Na-l-K). Bicar- bonate radicle (HCO3). Sulphate radicle (SO4). Chlorine (01). Total solids.a 16 deep wells 15 27 143 165 56 82 463 188 285 367 998 1,040 256 69 1,978 29 shallow wells 1,931 o Sum of the constituents minus one-half the bicarbonate radicle. All deep wells of the southeast district yield hard, heavily miner- aUzed waters. The best are the wells at Ottumwa and the very deep well in Crapo Park, Burlington. All other well waters at Burlington so far as analyzed are very hard. The great amount of solids of the wells reacliing onl}^ into the Devonian may come largely from the Carboniferous, at any rate in the Clinton-Copeland Co.'s well, for this is cased only to a depth of 70 feet. It is evident that this water does not sensibly enter into the Crapo Park well, a fact which is difficult to understand, as the well is cased to 18 feet only. This water is very high in incrusting solids and also contains large amounts of sodium and potassium. Water of about the same amount of total solids but lower in calcium and magnesium and higher in alkalies and chlorides is found in the deep wells at Keokuk. This water as it occurs at either place can hardly be called suitable for any purposes save for extinguishing fires and sprinkling streets. The waters at Ottumwa, Washington, and even at Mount Pleasant, may be used if no better can be obtained and if a great deal of mineral matter is overlooked for the sake of probable organic purity. The wells at Keokuk end in the Silurian and those whose waters have been analyzed have about the same depths, 700 to 769 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF UNDEEGKOUND WATERS. 167 feet. The three deepest ones have about the same amounts of soHds. The Young Men's Christian Association well is cased only to a depth of 56 feet, which is probably to rock, and hence this well, and probably the two deeper ones, receive water from all penetrated strata that are water-bearing, as the quality of their waters is the same. It seems probable also that at both Burlington and Keokuk no serious attempt was made to case out upper waters in the wells whose analyses are here given, though it ought to be easily practicable in wells of such depths. Shallow wells from 100 to 300 feet deep seem to be rare in this section, for few could be found. Apparently, with the exceptions noted, the people are dependent on river water in the larger towns and on very shallow wells in the small towns and rural districts. The number of shallow wells investigated is too small to permit very definite generalizations to be made. With one or two exceptions all drift wells of the shallow sort supply soft water, whereas all wells which penetrate rock supply hard, usually very hard water. 168 UNDERGKOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. g ^ "^^ ^ 4J c a d r •^ c bi S ^ c i . X-c .•-C-a B d fe't^'> '3 fe d> ^ "o a-g £ -^^agS a ■S d d 'o ^ 1 9 d 3 i C c d t: Wd6« n C p fiC oJftQo 6 :z; ••-J a- K'hoc ^" fi f4 CT) t^ ^ M 005 »o 1-^ r^ r^ 01 COO^ ^ CO r^ »'* I- OS tM t^ Ti< 00 c: oc Oi CO t^ o-spiios iB^ox -* « ^ -JH ^ CO (M 1> T— t T— 1 cs CO ut) CI CO ^ CV »0 t^ 00 L'- ^ 10 ^ CO ^ 00 •(10) antioiTio 10 ZO c^ r^ ri 00 i-H •C^ON) aiotpBj 9'iBj;]^ 005C5 c oc r^ c^ CO 00 C7) .- c rt* 00 ^ ■(''OS) -rt (M 0- Ol ^-J - apipBi g^Bqdins f> - 00 r-t »0 00 i-H •C^OOH) apTP^-i S^§2 ? r^ C t^ t^OO t oi r-- or 00 OoO ■* 10 00 CO rH eiBuoqiBOig lOCO ^ 0. ^ -i^ u- -3< -a<0) Tt ** »OCM 01 (M cq ^ Oi05 •(3) iimTsse:jod: ^T-H CTi ir Cv t-- 05C iM .-1 cocr ^ ■^ t^ IM 10 00 b- •(bN) nmtpos ^^ i-H '»< 05 Tl<^ THM^ r>- co 00 00 cniM oo- ~~ c^ C0 05 CO t^ O) •(BO) tunpiBO c^ cor- T-H CO ^- 0: ■0 o- OOOT.^ -fl COOt-HOI •(IV) uinnrnrniv TO.-H!M Cl CO Ci 1-HCO .-1 CO CO C-l rH •(8j[) noji •(sonv+so=^9^) TJH ^ Tin:innnn]['B pnB '"' noJT JO sapixo -r r- -t -t c t^ ^ 1--. •^ i> -fO •(eois) ■BOins c^ c c 2 'Si . a c OJ d M-^ a a> P £ u, ^"3 c c: »-; P c: -4-a -;J a; mM •EsKSS u- ir- OCC 10 -«< c c IM t^t^Ol Q tr? C-l -^ •O t^(M O- tr- CO ^ i-H CM •n8M JO Hide a cs c^ (N^CO i-< X. .E -2^ 1 ^' =S c 2 *+J§ — .-c 1 c §(5 d 2 =^ si ^1 a "? "'s c d d.S c -i 6 d -■« d .,°3 c c C Pi 0: If: 1 s ■xi !> Q 000 >> p g d )>. c d H Iz; & t: (> g C c B i-:i DO ■< w OS G ID 3 |o w 5 d (5 a 3 bj 5 1 u E 23 U c s 1 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OP UNDEEGBOUND WATERS. 169 i<0 »6 " o o O Eh ^' ^ ^ •1 1 (=1.2 2 S s..^ -^t^OOS 00 ^ t^ lO ^ M.-H1-IO C0"!«<'^«)01 .-< r-lt-HT-HO t^ r-t CO CI r-t -* r^ CO »o t^ r-t COC1 •^ rH 03 1^ T-H 05 03CO OOOt^COOO ^ -t^ T-H r-H CO C^ Ol 00 t^O-^t- CMCD^HCOfM 00 OOOt^O iO(MtH t-h CO lOlO'^OO i-H T-H rH 00 lOOOCOt^ IMO'^O 01 O O »C Oi t^ CO ■* c^ »o-»*< r^T-i CO 00 O Ot^(M COCO(N'*-* ■<)0 (MCNCONOO CO lO CO O lO rh CO t^ CT) -^ 03 05 05 01'^ io ai o oo CO ooo cocqco 3-5 a> ; => 03 H "J fl 2 '^ 3 » "?> S 5 ^_, t,- w_5 §^3 •*0 t^-* lOOC io o ^ ^H 00 IOC: o-*o ^< 3 '^ o 5Pd o © n„ c3 . 3^ 0-55 fe r "^ &(^ 03 p M P5 ftT) g a . W Ih o 3SS ■a enS fq' Mt-5 jj.a Oq> 03000 0000 00 POOP O:go 3 tj 0—1 tins J 0.3 rt f-n!^ 170 UNDEEGKOUISTD WATER RESOUECES OF IOWA. 1^ o-sp;|os iB^o J, •(10) anpoiqo •(«ON) •(^OS) atoipBi O'j'Bqding •(^OOH) SPTP-BJ aijBaoqj'Boig; ■(3)rontss'B;0ci ■(BN;)nmipos (SK)uimsan2'Bpi •(bq) ranpi'BO (IV) ranmniniv •(8^) UOJI ninninitiiB puB noji JO sepixQ •(50!S) BOTiis ■IpAijoq^daa Ol t~ 03 o o >0 CO OO lO ^H o o to CO r^ ^ ^ CC CO CO 00 a: C3 CO -^ (N c.(M t»tO Om . O Oi OS Oi o ■ ftO 03 : c3® ^ ■ °P ^3 Jil o .2Ph ^^ 3 S WW o ,§ CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF UNDERGROUND WATERS. 171 SOUTH-CENTRAL AND SOUTHWEST DISTRICTS. There are few deep wells in the southwest and south-central dis- tricts, and the waters of these are without exception hard. Some of them are too heavily mineralized to be used for any purpose. Three wells in Marion County all contain more than 8,000 parts of solids. As shown by the well of Thomas Craig, near Knoxville, which is only 346 feet deep, the hard water probably comes from the upper rock strata, though it may come from the lower beds also. This conclu- sion is reached by comparing the water of this well with the waters from the deep wells at Pella and at Flagler. The similarity of the solids in quality and in quantity indicates that the waters have a common origin. The character of the water at Pella has been used, perhaps justly, to discourage deep drilling in that part of the State. It should be said, however, that this water probably comes from strata lying very little, if any, deeper than those in the Craig well, and not from the St. Peter, in which the well is supposed to have its foot- ing. If this is true, it is not impossible that the hard water could be shut out and a reasonably good supply obtained by using deep cas- ings, carefully put in, in borings of equal or greater depth in this vicinity. The St. Peter alone did not seem to yield enough water in the Pella well, and the casing was raised so as to admit the harder water. The best deep wells in the southwest and south-central districts are at Council Bluffs and at Dunlap, both near Missouri River. Though all are about equally high in mineral content, the wells at Council Bluffs have the advantage of containing only small amounts of cal- cium and magnesium, and on that account they may be rated as soft waters. Two deep wells at Glenwood, about 2,000 feet deep, yield highly mineralized waters but have long been in use, one to supply the city and the other the institution for the feeble minded. The latter well is supposed not to go below the Silurian and its water is better than that of the cit}^ well, which probably enters the Maquoketa, in con- taining less calcium and magnesium. This well has now been aban- doned on account of contamination and insufficiency of water, and a new supply for the institution has been obtained from shallow wells in the alluvium near Missouri River. Tliis water from one of the test weUs contained 460 parts per million of solids. The latest deep well to be drilled in this part of the State is at Bed- ford, in Taylor County, and reaches a depth of 2,000 feet. An analy- sis of water encountered at 1,300 feet showed 4,827 parts per million of solids, mostly salt, chlorine being 2,545 parts. Another vein of very different water was struck at about 2,000 feet. An analysis of water at this depth showed about half as much salt, though the total solids reached 5,373 parts per million. The lower water contains 172 tJNDERGBOUND WATER RESOURCES OP IOWA. large amounts of calcium, magnesium, and sulphate radicle, and the water last analyzed was a mixture in about equal volumes of the flows from the two sources. From the data now at hand the outlook for good deep-well water in the southwest and south-central districts is not encouraging. The Bedford well reaches only into the Silurian at 2,000 feet, and its bottom is probably several hundred feet above the great sandstone formations, which are doubtfully productive of good water in quan- tity in that locality. Their depth is certainly at about the limit of practicable drilhng, not to mention the great difficulties of putting down casings to sufficient depths to shut out the undesirable waters that have been encountered at every point where deep wells have been drilled. Not only are the deep-well waters in this section highly mineral- ized, but the same is true of every water analyzed from a well which is known to enter rock. The Carboniferous and the Cretaceous cover the entire region and seemingly supply hard water. On the other hand, no other region of the State is so well supplied with small rivers having broad valleys that contain water-bearing sand layers. At least a dozen of these rivers or large branches of rivers flow through the south-central and southwest districts, generaUy in a southwesterly direction and enter into the Missouri. Many towns get their water supplies from the sands in the flood plains or valleys of these rivers. Notable examples are Red Oak, Efliott, Griswold, and Atlantic, on the Nishnabotna, and Clarinda, Villisca, and Corning, on the Nod- away. Where obtainable, driven or dug wells in river valleys in this part of the State are the best sources of water. Many districts away from rivers, in Mahaska, Marion, and Monroe counties, find the water problem a serious one. In some localities gravel and sand layers in the drift supply abundant water to driven or bored wells, and this is true over large portions of Mills, Page, Appanoose, and probably Union counties. Union County seems to be particularly well supplied with water; at least four branches of Platte and Grand rivers flow across it, and C. A. White, of Talmadge, writes that it con- tains very many unfailing springs, that there are large areas of sand and gravel which supply abundant water, and that there is probably not a farm in the county that can not easily have a constant supply of good water. Average mineral content of waters in the south-central and southwest districts of Iowa. [Parts per miUion.] Source. Silica (SiOs). Calcium (Ca). Magne- sium (Mg). Sodium and po- tassium (Na-l-K). Bicar- bonate radicle (HCO3). Sulphate radicle (SO,). Chlorine (CI). Total solids.a 13 deep wells 32 26 157 167 66 43 618 374 346 363 1,484 745 556 62 3,657 1,587 37 shallow wells a Sum of the constituents minus one-half the bicarbonate radicle. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF UNDEEGKOUND WATERS. 173 ^ ■(3K)nmtsanSBK o-spiTos I'b:jox •(10) anuomo •(^os) •(^OOH) aprpEJ •(3) nmissB^iod; •(bn) nmipog •(30) umiOT'BO (IV) nminniniv •(8^) uoii nmnraini'B put! noji JO sepixQ •(SQIS) ■EoniS 8 o o 1-1 •naAv JO mdaci CO COCO C^ (M (M »0 CS OOCO CO --< 00" 00""^*" t- IC 00 O 00 QO TP c; o Gooo 00 to 10 CO O (N CO t^ --< O CO tM 0000 t-* O O CO to 00 CO tM CO CS CO IM 0) CO Cfl I>- (M "^ CI OOiO o coco h- OOO1— I o 00 o 000 ooc^ OQ Ci CO 1— I IC CO r .-«C<»T-l CO(N-H r 3 2.g :: t^nP OW O O C^l CO o lO to C^ rji,-Tji O 00 1-H I-^ CO CO »-( 00 "-H «^ ,-^ o W 5, frj • °* c -'^ o o O fc( en M E-i Ph o !->■ 3 6jOO •3^ O wo . " . o w CO O ^ .-H »0 CO ic to ■^ CO 10 rr . 't:3 => g 03 c3 o c3 r- O ^ a3 o 2 S g 174 UjSTDEEGROUND water resources of IOWA. m o ^ w ^^ ■spiios ii3;ox lO >o t^ O "^ 00 •<3HO CO •(10) anuoiqo •(SON) •(^os) o t^t- Q •(^OOH) 9PIP13.I 8:t'Euoqj'Bojg; 00 CO o •(3)ninTSS'B}oa: •(T5N:)rampos (3H)rori]S9nST3ii O 1^ CO ■(bo) ranpiBO (IV) tnnnirnniv •(aj) noji •(EO^^IV+soJaj) TunuiTnniB puB noji JO sapjxo •(=OIS) T3oniS '^ ■g g •IiaAijomdea 0-* o TT1 lO O lO O "^ i-Tim" t" si o +^ o ■a t.^ caa o si '-^ K OM =3 C rt a^^ d % > !5 2 3o3 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF UNDEEGEOUND WATEES. 175 _^ fl c c C C C c 1 o o 0/-. ffl'd 1 c c C j: 0: 9 ~ cs g e So d d fifl 5 c P . "A ^^ WO C ^ ^ EM c ^0 ■^ oc 00 OJ TjllO c- tr o-SpnOS l^'^Oi c^ CO^ TT C c^ ■^ cq COr-H i-H'l' ry- (N •(10) anuoiqo CO(N 0(N 00 <= ,P or 0-*C5CC lOO •(^o) nmiOT^o t> M CO.-( osm " ^ OOCT ex •(IV) nmuiiuitiv cq CO (M (rq(M>-i CO CO •(a^) noil - "C^O^lV+^O^d;) c- CO IMCO IM luimiiuiicy puB '"' noji JO sappco 00 If oc^ -rJH ^ d 33 ■y- U nO nO c fS u !h c >> rt 6 =*' ;^ °« n • S'^a a «? n > c cS II -3^ > > 1 00 00 fi(0 (_- too 00 t ^ !«■ H "A P > g Eh H >> a (K M -3 > ."d >< g; a H 3 S r" ■a t-) s '^ i i c C3 5 P5 « i Q Q m 176 UNDEEGEOUND WATER EESOURCES OF IOWA. Q d' d a 2 s .a JH §12 S das a w =^ ft w ;3 ;3 6^ . d d ^ . 1 ffi'o m M Q «w oJQ fi m w « :z; ^lii W £& s ^ ^ s w^ t- t^ O •SPIIOS IB^OX t^ (M C^ O -^ CO-* CTiO IM -* lO lO ^ (N M IM O 1-1 lO tf TJH lO CO lo cq CO CO.-I CO O •(SQOH) apipBJ 5 O -* c» COO (M ■("^O^IV+^O^a^) lO CO 05 ranuiraniB pm3 ""* noji JO sapixQ rH IM o a t-l -g t-i a.2 o l-I 3 o 3 o 3 -QS 3 c OrH •IieAvjoq^daa r^ ^ o '^ Witt' Mf^ : pR P^S .Sd .S§ ; a „^- ^ fq l§ ; 6 e cfe 3 B 3 a ^ bo o o 12: :z; o^5 : bo OO o o 6 9^'^ t^ ^ >. st: O C3 o a ,c 1 s g " o 3 2^ ii o 0) •1 "^ Q : O s W OS 3 i 3 <1 <{ O « M « > o w ^ CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF UNDEEGROUND WATERS. 177 s a 1 •r- d o c c c n O 900 270 718 4,827 5,273 ofi-T CM Ol (N O «CO 00—1 «oo •^ CO COi-H (M T-l - OOO .0 5 56 GO 62 1,300 2,002 Chicago, Burling- ton & Quincy Ry. Co. do c C ;- a c s o o H c: EI 1 I c i c I • o i i ^ 3 C ! 36581°— WSP 293—12 12 178 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE KESOUECES OP IOWA. SUMMARY. WATERS OF THE DEEP WELLS, QUALITY. In this paper all wells that penetrate at least the St. Peter sand- stone and all other wells more than 700 feet deep are considered to be deep wells. The average mineral content of the deep wells in the various dis- tricts is summarized in the following table: Average mineral content of waters from deep wells in Iowa. [Parts per million.] District. Num- ber of analy- ses aver- aged. Silica (SiOz). Cal- cium (Ca). Magne- sium (Mg). Sodium and potas- sium (Na-l-K). Bicar- bonate radicle (HCOs). Sul- phate radicle (soo. Chlo- rine (CI). Total solids.o Northeast 30 7 9 35 10 16 13 10 11 16 10 14 IS 32 63 87 210 103 174 143 157 31 33 67 47 62 56 66 28 20 181 182 286 463 618 321 328 ^■373 326 ^262 285 346 38 92 719 425 947 998 1,484 24 14 10 83 19 256 556 351 439 1 425 East-central 978 Central 1,759 1,978 South-central and southwest . 3,657 a- Sum of the constituents minus one-half the bicarbonate radicle. The deep-well waters of the northeast, north-central, and east-cen- tral districts are decidedly lower in the amount of mineral matter they contain than the waters of the other districts, and it may be inferred that increase of mineral content progresses from the north- east to the southwest corner of the State. The change in mineral content is, however, abrupt and not pro- gressive. (See PL IV.) This can be strikingly illustrated by tabu- lating the total solids of the deep waters along north-south and east-west lines across the State. In the first tabulation figures for waters along east-west lines are given with the locations and depths of the wells, the sharp transition in amount of dissolved mineral matter on each line being indicated by heavy rules. Column A rep- resents the waters of wells beginning at McGregor, Clayton County, and going west to Missouri River along a line passing through the second tier of counties from the north. Column B contains wells for the most part in the fourth tier of counties from the north, along a line beginning at Dubuque and ending at Sioux City. Column C includes wells mostly in the sixth tier of counties beginning at Chn- ton and ending at Logan in Harrison County. The figure for Grin- nell represents the best deep water found there, that of city well No. 4; the water from most of the Grinnell wells contains about 1,200 WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 293 PLATE IV U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 293 PLATE IV MAP SHOWING MINERAL CHARACTER OF UNDERGROUND WATER WITH REFERENCE TO GEOGRAPHY. Shading indicates area of lightly mineralized water; figures indicate annount of total solids in parts per million. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION^ OF UNDERGROUND WATERS. 179 parts of solids per million, a great change having taken place since the first well was put down in 1894, doubtless owing to the imperfect casing of Carboniferous and Silurian waters. Column D represents wells in the eighth and ninth (the two southernmost) tiers of counties. Fewer wells have been drilled in this part of the State than elsewhere, but these are sufficient to show that all the present wells along the southern line yield waters of high mineral content. Change in total solids in well waters along east-west lines. Location of well. McGregor Calmar Charles City. Mason City a, Algona Emmetsburg Sanborn Hull Depth. Feet. 520 1,223 1,588 651 1,050 874 1,250 1,256 Total solids. Parts per million. 488 306 295 370 647 410 2,186 2,295 n. Location of well. Dubuque 6 , Manchester Waterloo.. Fort Dodge Manson Holstein... Sioux City. Depth. Feet. 1,200 1,870 1,373 1,827 1,954 2,004 2,011 Total solids. Parts per million. 268 309 468 867 651 1,436 1,689 Location of well. Clinton. Tipt on. Homestead Amana Grinnell City well No. 2. Des Moines <= Dunlap Logan Depth. Feet. 1,065 2,696 2,224 1,640 2,002 3,000 1,535 821 Total solids. Parts per million. 451 332 1,016 1,033 881 2,941 1,374 1,578 Location of well. BurUngton < M § u 2q 03 . a g 3 3 Locality and name of water. Analyst. O 1 '5" a o .g s < B O a o m o l! s .a a 1 1 a o Dubuque, Iowa: City Gas Co.'s well W. S. Hendrixson. b 1 1 66 33 4 3 310 12 10 43b Staunton, Va.: (6) -. 12 .3 74 29 4.V 3.4 333 33 3.4 0.1 c4^fi Pleasant Valley, Va.: (b) 20 .14 i)3 29 V.U 2.0 315 1.6 3.4 JSJ. rf43S Harrisburg, Pa.: (6) 12 .3 63 28 3.9 3.1 342 2.8 1.8 T. f:454 o Sum of the constituents without subtracting one-half the bicarbonate radicle. 6 Haywood, J. K., op. cit., pp. 53, 52, 34. c Nitrate radicle (NO3), 3.5 parts per milhon. d Nitrate radicle (NO3), 4.0 parts; ammonium radicle (NH4), .04 part. e Nitrate radicle (NO3), 2.2 parts; ammonium radicle (NH4), .185 part. In the third table four mineral waters are compared with the objectionable well water from Farmington, Iowa. All five are typical hard waters of the calcium sulphate type, a type which should be rejected as a source of municipal supply. A similar parallelism might be drawn between other commercial waters and other more strongly mineralized Iowa waters, but from this table it may be inferred that Iowa is well supplied with mineral waters, according to popular acceptance of that term. The northeastern part of the State has an abundance of organically pure and lightly mineralized water which might legitimately be sold as high-grade table waters. Com'parison of heavily mineralized commercial waters tvith the city tvell water, Farming- ton, Iowa. [Parts per milhon.] Locality and name of water. Farmington, Iowa: Deep v/ell Geneva, N. Y.: Geneva Lithia. . . Elkwood, Va.: Berry Hill Bedford, Pa.: Bedford Tate Springs, Term.: Tate Epsom Analyst. AV. S. Hendrixson, (b) (b) (b) (b) 15 4.0 3.4 4.9 8.2 2 " 1,658 1,520 1, 1,728 1,460 230 204 26 10 9.2 0.1 T. T. .1 3,060 c2, 757 1^2,644 «2,696 /2,383 o Sum of the constituents without subtracting one-half the bicarbonate radicle. b Haywood, J. K., op. cit., pp. 41, 59, 36, 37. c Nitrate radicle (NO3) 0.44 part per milhon; ammonium radicle (NH4) 0.016 part. Alkaline. >Alkaline-saline. Saline. Ucid. Arsenic. Bromie. Iodic. Siliceous. Boric. Lithie. Ferruginous, etc. Nongaseous. Carbon dioxated. Sulphureted. Carbureted. Oxygenated. I Haywood, J. K., op. cit., p. 11. MINERAL WATERS. 229 For the classification of Iowa waters, as analyzed, only a few of the classes m this table, which is elaborate enough to include almost any mineral water, are required, but the table is nevertheless given entire for the sake of completeness. In the analyses no attempt was made to determine unusual substances that might occur in small amounts, such as bronaine, iodine, arsenic, and the common gases of the air, since these substances in the quantities in which they might occur would have little or no relation to the primary practical objects of this study. It should be stated, however, that free carbon dioxide dissolved in water was determined. It was found present in all but two or three samples, in amounts rarely exceeding 25 parts per rnillion. For this reason all waters with the exceptions noted have been regarded as containing their carbonates in the acid form, or, in other words, as HCO3. Hydrogen sulphide, HjS, has often been noted in Iowa well waters, and it has been determined in a few waters. It was rarely apparent when the waters reached the laboratory, and since the small amount that might persist after shipment could give little information as to the amount present m the water as it came from the well, this gas was not determined. In the following arrangement of examples the classification is governed by the prominence or preponderance of certain radicles. Certain constituents are common to nearly all ground waters within the State. All such natural waters contain some chlorine, some bicarbonates, rarely normal carbonates, and nearly all contain nom- inal amounts of sulphates. All contain at least a few parts per million of calcium and magnesium. Such constituents are not taken into account in the nomenclature unless they occur in sufficient amounts to give the waters the distinctive characteristics which they might impart. For example, water is not classified as sulphated unless it contains the sulphate radicle in large amount; that is, 250 parts per million or more of SO4. In the same way a quantity of chlorine less than 100 parts is not regarded as sufficient to justify calling a water "muriated." SODIC MURIATED ALKALINE- SALINE WATERS. Waters in which sodium and chlorine predominate and which are alkaline to methyl orange belong to the class of sodic muriated alkaline-saline waters. The other common constituents may be present in small or moderate amounts. None of the wells in Iowa so far as investigated yields strictly salt water or brine; salt is the largest constituent of the mineral matter in only a few waters. Nevertheless, considerable amounts of chlorine, exceeding 100 parts per million, are of very frequent occurrence in Iowa ground waters. In several weUs the chlorine reaches 500 parts 230 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. or more; in the 1,006-foot well at McGregor and in the deep wells near Knoxville it reaches nearly 1,000 parts, and in the well at Bedford at a depth of 1,300 feet it reached 2,546 parts. Salt-holding waters are generally distributed throughout the State, but such waters are especially common in certain localities. From the northeastern corner of the State southward along Mississippi River chlorine tends to increase. The deep wells of Allamakee County contaiQ about 70 parts of chlorine. It rises to 246 parts in the 520-foot well at McGregor, in Clayton County, and to 968 parts in the 1,006-foot well at the same place, an amount exceeded only in the well at Bedford and the Craig well at Knoxville. At Dubuque the chlorine is scarcely more than a trace, but at Clinton it rises again to about 50 parts in the deeper wells. It increases southward from Clinton, being about 300 parts at Davenport and Burlington and about 600 parts at Keokuk and Fort Madison. Chlorine is present in amounts ranging from 100 to 2,500 parts in all deep wells tested in the southern part of the State. It reaches nearly 1,000 parts in the wells at Flagler, Pella, and Knoxville (Craig well), all in Marion County, and 2,546 parts at Bedford. The deep wells near Missouri River usually contain notable amounts of chlorine, but the quantities are smaller as a rule than those in the well waters along the eastern border of the State. The wells in the central part of the State north of Des Moines do not contain excessive amounts of chlorine and rarely more than 100 parts. More than 100 parts are found in the deep wells at Fort Dodge, Boone, Ames, and Des Moines, and all of these penetrate the Jordan or lower formations. The only essentially salt waters are those of the 1,006-foot well at McGregor and the Bedford well at 1,300 feet. Analyses of sodic muriated alkaline-saline waters in Iowa. [Parts per million.] •k a « ^ . o O ■ffi ^9. 1 T3 cc fl a<< ^ 'hjl o^^ 03_^ o Locality and owner. "3 Lowest geologic division. O a + < 3 WW a a a^ g o cam 1 s a o s & p i 1- 'i a a "3 o I 03 flC- o S -2 .a p< 1 s 3 o 1 "3 o McGregor: City 1,006 rDresbach or 1 underlying 1 Cambrian I sandstones. 1' 6 160 20 706 509 465 968 2,585 Bedford: Water Co 1,300 J'» 2 77 34 1,768 312 235 2,545 4,827 o Sum of the constituents minus one-half the bicarbonate radicle. MINERAL WATEES. 231 SODIC MTJRIATED-STJLPHATED ALKALINE-SALINE WATERS. Waters in which sodium, chlorine, and the sulphate radicle pre- dominate are not common in Iowa. As a rule waters that contain much sulphates also contain much calcium and magnesium. Those given in the next table, as will be readily seen, contain little calcium and magnesium and are to be rated as soft waters. The first and second contain bicarbonates in excess of calcium and magnesium and would commonly be said to contain sodium carbonate. Such waters from deep wells are rare in this State. Analyses ofsodic muriated-sulphated alkaline-saline waters in Iowa. [Parts per million.] >^ a o ^ O ■2 aq J 13 m d a< ^ M o^ 03 • i M.M (_, TO o So o .2 Locality and owner. 1 o geologic division. 2 56 03 m 03 o 3 a 3 a ■0 + a^ 3 03 5 .3 ."2 1 Pi ft a 2 < 6 ^ S ■3 o s _P. 3 3 -2 o Glen wood: Institution for Feeble-minded 1,910 Silurian. 131 16 37 14 647 486 754 185 2,027 Logan: City 821 10 0.3 2 35 15 461 411 728 121 1,578 Ames: State College 2,215 Jordan.. 3 4 35 15 391 204 516 204 1,270 a Sum of the constituents minus one-half the bicarbonate radicle. SODIC-CALCIC MXTRIATED-STTLPHATED ALKALINE-SALINE WATERS. Sodic-calcic muriated-sulphated alkaline-saline waters are much more common than members of either of the preceding classes. This class includes many of the most highly mineralized waters of the State, in which the most abundant constituents are sodium, calcium, chlorine, and the sulphate radicle. None of those enumerated can be regarded as fit for domestic or any other use except street sprinkling and put- ting out fires. In classification of Iowa waters there is no need of mentioning magnesium, as that radicle bears a regular relation to calcium; the Iowa water usually contains about one-quarter to one- half as much magnesium as calcium, and magnesium never has been found to exceed calcium. 232 UKDERGEOUFD WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. ^ Analyses of sodic-calcic muriated-sulphated alkaline-saline waters in Iowa. [Parts per million.] >i . effervescence in cold dilute HCl indicated a very slight per- centage of magnesium carbonate; facies of Wapsipinicon limestone 40 Limestone; as above, with a few chips of flint and some of light-yellow arenaceous limestone 50 Limestone; light buff, earthy, rapid effervescence. 60 Silurian: Niagara dolomite (50 feet thick; top, 860 feet above sealevel)— Dolomite or magnesian limestone; gray; earthy luster. .. . 70 Dolomite or magnesian limestone; in coarse chips, with flakes of bluish-white subtranslucent cryptocrystalline quartz 80 Dolomite or magnesian limestone, ' yellow gray; in fine sand 90 Dolomite; in large chips, gray; earthy luster, with crypto- crystalline silica 100 Dolomite or magnesian limestone, soft, blue, subcrystal- line 110 Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (150 feet thick; top, 810 feet above sea level): Shale, blue; with small nodules of pyrite and fine sand of » bluish limestone chippings 120 Limestone, soft, blue, saccharoidal, of brisk effervescence, pyritiferous 130 Shale, calcareous, bluish or greenish; 13 samples 140-260 Galena limestone to Platteville limestone (420 feet thick; top, 660 feet above sea level): Limestone, mottled, light and dark drab, fine saccharoidal, magnesian 270 Flint, light drab; in large chips; with blue-gray lime- A stone, of rapid effervescence 280 Limestone, blue, gray; of rapid effervescence; soft, argillaceous, with considerable flint; 3 samples 290-320 Limestone, white, light gray and cream colored; in thin flakes; rather soft, somewhat argillaceous; luster earthy; effervescence rapid ; 16 samples ' 360-590 Shale, green; with some fine chips of limestone 600 36581°— wsp 293—12 18 274 UI^DEKGROUND WATEE EESOUECES OF lOV/A. Ordovician — Continued. Galena limestone to Platteville limestone — Continued. Feet. Limestone, soft, earthy, nonmagnesian, light gray, fossil- iferous GIO Limestone and shale; the latter green; two samples for this depth, one of limestone and one of shale, may rep- resent the interval between 610 and 630 feet 620 Shale, green; in angular chips, with some chips of light- gray limestone, as above G30 Limestone, soft, earthy; with much green shale; 3 sam- ples 640-660 Shale, green, bright, plastic; large pieces of dried clay cleaned from drill; 2 samples 670-680 St. Peter sandstone (30 feet thick; top, 240 feet above sea level) : Sandstone, white, soft; grains of pure quartz, moderately well-rounded and rather fine; 3 samples 690-710 Prairie du Chien grouj) : Shakopee dolomite (240 feet thick; top, 210 feet below sea level): Dolomite, gray, cherty; with chips of white sac- charoidal sandstone and much quartz sand 720 Dolomite, hard, crystalline, light gray and cream colored; in chips A\dth much quartz sand; 3 sam- ples 740-780 Dolomite, light, yellow gray; in chips mingled with much white sand 790-920 (Drillings said to have washed away because of over- flow at 840 feet.) Dolomite, white, ciystalline, cherty; with much moderately fine quartz sand ; 2 samples 930-940 Dolomite, cream colored 950 New Richmond sandstone (20 feet thick; top, 30 feet below sea level): Sandstone, white, fine grained, calcareous cement; in small chips, ^vith some pink dolomite and grains of sand 960 Dolomite, light gray, cherty, arenaceous 970 Oneota dolomite (150 feet thick; top, 50 feet below sea level): Dolomite; mostly in clean sand and chips, vesicular, white, gray, pink; some cherty; 13 samples 980-1, 120 Cambrian : Jordan sandstone (110 feet thick; top, 200 feet below sea level): Sandstone, white, soft; of clear quartz, grains rounded, general size of grains of last sample about 0.5 millimeter in diameter; 3 samples 1, 130-1, 150 Sandstone; drillings aj^parently consist in part of angular sand of light yellow dolomite, effervescing freely in hot HCl. Under the microscope it is seen to consist of minute angular grains of limpid crystalline quartz "with calcareous cement; much of the drillings consists of rounded grains of white sand; 2 samples 1, 160-1, 170 BEEMER COUNTY. 275 Cambrian — Continued. Jordan sandstone — Continued. Feet. Sandstone; quartz, moderately fine and well rounded, with chippings of gray dolomite 1, 180 Sandstone, calciferous , 2 samples 1, 190-1, 200 Sandstone, fine grained, white 1, 210 Sandstone, calciferous; with some flakes of dolomite; 2 samples 1, 220-1, 230 St. Lawrence formation (480 feet thick; top, 310 feet below sea level): Dolomite, highly siliceous; with finely divided quartzose matter of angular particles, somewhat arenaceous; with bright green grains of glauconite; 4 samples 1, 240-1, 270 Chert and dolomite and siliceo-calcareous shale 1, 280 X Dolomite, highly argillaceous and siliceous 1, 290 Dolomite, gray, siliceous; silica in form of minute angular crystalline particles constituting a large part of the rock; some green grains of glauconite; 5 samples. 1, 300-1, 340 ■ Shale, bluish green, slightly calcareous; 4 samples. . 1, 410-1, 440 Shale, pink, buff, and green, noncalcareous 1, 450 Shale, blue green, somewhat indurated, noncalcareous; 8 samples 1,460-1,530 Sandstone; rather coarse grains, drillings contain clayey admixture and dolomite chips 1, 540-1, 580 Shale of various colors; yellow and dark-green set thickly with grains of red; arenaceous, Avith small, partly rounded quartz grains 1, 590 Shale, blue green; -with considerable red shale, probably from above; 9 samples 1, 600-1, 720 The water is pumped to a tank with a capacity of 60,000 gallons, and distributed through 8 miles of mains to 52 hydrants and 350 taps. Domestic pressure is 70 pounds, and fire pressure 125 pounds. The excellent artesian supply has largely displaced the house wells of the town. Weils sunk before its introduction found water at vary- ing depths. On the river terrace of Sturtevant's addition driven wells were used 15 to 20 feet deep. On the high liills of the first ward wells were sunk through loess and drift nearly 100 feet to rock. On the east side of the river a former channel of the Cedar is sounded by wells, which on the bottom lands of the fourth ward descend between 90 and 100 feet in river sand throughout, showing that the old rock floor lies scores of feet below the present rock-cut channel of the river through the town, Waverly Junction. — At Waverly Junction (population, 80) wells range in depth from 30 feet (driven) to 100 feet (drilled). Rock is entered at 30 to 40 feet below the surface. 276 UNDERGEOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. WELL DATA. The following tables give data of typical wells in Bremer County: Typical wells in Bremer County. Head Depth above Owner. Location. Depth. to rock. or below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 93 N., R. 14 W. (Polk). Feet. Feet. Feet. R. P. Black NE.iSE. isec. 3 SE. JNE. J sec. 4 75 139 40 lis '"'"i24" M. Carrier Sai 1 to be flowing stream at bot- tom. T. 93N., R. 13W. (Douglas). J. Neuendorf NB. 1 SE. isec. 2 200 190 NE. iNAV. isec. 3... SE. iSE. isec. 6 200 266 170 200 C. Zwanziger Blue clay, 200; soft rock and shale (upper Maquoketa), 60; hard limestone (middle Maquoketa) 6. Republic Creamery.. NAV. i SAAT. i sec. 9 . . . 180 178 A. Hiarniann. . SE.iSAV. J sec. 26... 111 100 Creek bottom. H. AVinzenberg SAA^iSAV. isec. 27... 220 49 Yellow clay, 30; blue clay, 19; limestone (Niagara), 10; shale (upper Maquoketa), 87; "sand- stone" (perhaps sharp yellow sand cut from colomite of mid- dle Maquoketa), 20. L. Burgman SAA^. iSE. i sec. 17.... 65 -10 D. Moler NAV. iNW. i sec. 35.. 196 170 First rock struck a soapstone (shale) at 20; then 6 of gray rock containing water. J. S. Leamon 1 mile SE. Dickey post oJTice. 200 T. 93 N., R. 12 W. (Fredekika and PART OF LEROY). M. Collins SW. isec. 5 100 80 J. N. Johnson SE. iSAV. isec. 6 53 13 M. Mowatt NW. iNE.isec. S ... 105 55 J. Pinierton NE.iNE.isec. 8.... SE. iNE.isec. 8 NAV. iNE. isec. 9.... 72 100 SO 52 92 60 W. J. Meier M. O.Comiell r. AVolfgramm NAV. iNW. isec. IG.. 97 91 C. L. Rima SE. iSW. isec. 18.... 53 13 F. Schultz. SE. iNE. isec. 31.... 103 Yellow clay, 12; blue clay, 86; sand, 5; ends in sand. C. F. Schwem NAV. iNAV. isec. 32.. 87 60 Yellow clay, 10: blue clay, 24; sand, 16; blue clay, 10; rock, 27. C. E. Faleher NW. iNE. isec. 22... 146 136 Upland. Yellow clay, 12; bhie clay, 63; old ill-smelling soil, 20; blue clay, 41; rock, 10. H.J. Pelton NAV. iSE. isec. 1.... 190 -60 Upland. Yellow and blue clay; struck 25 feet of soft jumping clay, 156; water-bearing sand to bottom. T. McConjQell NW. iNE. isec. 3.... 73 -10 Close to East Wapsipinicon bot- toms. J. Leach NE.iNE.isec. 3.... 112 -40 All clay to water-bearing gravel at bottom. LH. Fay NW. isec. 11 (?) 100 F. H. Friedman 3 miles NE. Tripoli... 230 + 2 Ends in water-bearing sand; yields 10 gallons per minute. John McQueeny NAV. i NE. i sec. IS... 283 200 -50 Divide. Drift, 200; shale (upper Maquoketa), 60; lime rock (mid- ble Maquoketa), 23. A. Schmidt NE. iNAV. isec. 18.. . 222 220 Divide. Drift clays, 135; quick- sand (fine dark gray), 60; blue clay, 25; soft shale (Maquo- keta), 2. AV. B. Barnes NW. iNAV. isec. 18.. 158 +4 Near foot of hill by Mentor Creek. Blue clay, 96; quicksand and wood, 60; coarse gravel and water, 2 E. AVebster NE. isec. 19 49 AA''ater in gravel. BEEMER COUNTY. Typical ivells in Bremer County — Continued. 277 Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Head above or below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 93 N., R. 11 W. (Sumner and PAET OF LerOY). P. O'Connell Creamery NW. iNE. Jsec. 8.... SE. JSE. isec. 5 SE. JSE. isec. 9 NE. iNE. isec. 10... SW. iSW. Jsec. 14... NW. JNW. isec. 15.. SE. iNE. Jsec. 17.... SW. Jsec. 21 Feet. 310 128 153 195 141 120 116 138 56 130 (?) (?) 80 102 13S 130 136 112 112 136 287 150 92 236 80 201 385 317 352 236 190 130 240 130 148 141 128 120 30 100 89 110 Feet. 170 116 147 194 136 Feet. -80 High prairie. Yellow clay, 15; blue clay, 155; limestone, 140. J. M. Jenks F. C. Krause C. Shophonster Blue clay, 194; limestone spalls, 1. All clay to rock. Ends in 6 feet of sand. H. Friend 112 G. Hamrnetter. . . Blue clay, 132; sand, 6. T. 92 N., R. 14 W. (Lafayette and PART OF AVaSH- INGTON). T. McCartney W. S. Grover SW. iSW. isec. 2.... SE. J NE. J sec. 3 SW. iNWisec. 4.... NE. iNE. Jsec. 10... NW. J sec. 17 . . 100 29 130 80 30 70 30 90 60 70 75 180 Bottoms of Cedar River. H. S. Bunth C. A. Kingsley W. M. Coltou B. Bennett Upland. Yellow clay, 15; blue clay, 65; white limestone, 80. On upland. Drift, 30; limestone, 25; soapstone, blue soft (Inde- pendence shale member), 30; limestone, 17. Yellow clay, 10; blue clay, 60; SE.JNE. Jsec. 20-..- SE. J SW J sec. 20 NW. JSW. Jsec. 21... Sec. 29 'i E. Chase limestone, 44; shale gray (In- dependence), 10; limestone, 14, containing water. Drift, 30; limestone, 50; limestone and shale, the latter in several beds 4 or 5 feet thick (Inde- pendence), 40; limestone, 10. J. Boglston . SE.JNE. isec. 31.... NW. Jsec. 32 Wm. Cook SW. JSW, J sec. 36... SW. JSE. isec. 4 SW. iNW. isec. 5.... SW. iSW. isec. 0.... SE.JNE. Jsec. 5 SW. iSW. isec. 7.... NW. iNW. isec. 7... SW. iSE. Jsec. 7 SE. JSE. Jsec. 17 SW. JSW. Jsec. 16... NE. iNE. Jsec. 17... SW. JSW. Jsec. 18... NW. JSE. Jsec. 24... NW. JNE. Jsec. 27... SE. JNW. Jsec. 31... SE. Jsec. 32 Drift, 75; limestone (Devonian), T. 92 N., R. 13 W. (Warren). L. Ladage 45; shale (Independence), 2; limestone, 14. Water lowered on drilling of J. Wilkins Wixenburg well, 2 miles north. Ends in water-bearing gravel. Do. J. Alcock W. B. IngersoU L. Armstrong T. E. McCoy 196 (?) 212 210 F. Potliast....(. F. C. Pothast Drift, 212; limestone, 5; shale, 100. Drift, 210; limestone, 5; shale, 135; sandstone mth water, 2. All in drift. n. S. Hoover Bremer County farm. F. Kohagen 18.5 105 -.30' M. Sharp Chas. Gors 70 60 No shale. M. Bsntradt SE JNW. J sec. 32 SE. JSW. J sec. 35.... SW. JNW. Jsec. 36... SE. JSE. isec. 6 NE. JNE. Jsec. 19.... NE. JSE. Jsec. 4 NE. J sec. 23 W. T. Weideman Bottoms of quarter section mn. S. Clausing T. 92 N., R. 12 W. (Fremont). C. F. Davies H. Henniags (?) 12 100 84 100 -30 Blue clay, 128 feet; sand. Flowing well. Lowland, about 2J miles from aa outcrop of Niagara limestone. Miller No sand worth mentioning; A. D. Chapin water in rock. Yellow clay, 7; blue clav. 93. limestone", 10. 278 ■^JNDEKGROUND WATEE RESOUECES OF lOV/A. Typical wells in Bremer County — Continued. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Head above or below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 92 N., R. 11 W. (Dayton). C. Seehase SE. i SW. 1 sec. 8 SW. -i NW. i sec. 14... SW. iSW. i-sec. 24... NE. iSW. isec. 25... NE. JNE.isec. 27.... SW. iSE.Jsec. 2S..-- SW. iSW. isee. 30... SW. iNAV. J sec. 31... NW. JNW. 1 sec. 33.. SW. JSE. J sec. 5 NV^^iNE. isec. 6.... SW. iSE.isec. 7 SW. JSW. isec. 7.... NW. Jsec. 7 Feet. 195 171 183 150 130 148 109 128 150 104 136 95 65 120 327 92 214 (?) 214 214 220 110 132 122 82 90 120 122 95 158 95 80 50 100 100 90 Feet. 190 Feet. Divide between Wapsipiuicon River and Buck Creek. Divide between Buck Creek and J. C. Sell H. Nuss Little Wapsipiuicon; ends in sand. Ends in sand I. Leverton 145 Yellow clay, 30; blue clay, 115; limestone rock, 5. Ends in sand. C. Sch%vahn >v. Mersch PO 120 -30 - 9 - S Ends ia sand. Yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 126; sand, 2; typical of wells in this and adjacent sections. West bank of WapsipLnicon Val- ley. West bank of Wapsipiuicon Val- ley. Yellow clay, 40; blue clay, SO; hard gray limestone, 8. Water at 128. All clay to water-bearing sand at bottom. Yellow clay, 10; blue clav 35" Wm. Franklin Geo. Watts F. Pohler.. T. 91 N., R. 13 W. (Jefferson and PARTS OF Wash- ington AND Jack- son). Washington Cream- ery. F. Soklwisah Hans Christian M. Siuot Chicago Great 81 90 25 40 45 156 60 29 SO -90 Western R}^ (E. N. Perry). Wm. Ilenning L.Cory SW. JNE. isec. 8 SE. iSW. isec. 17.... NE. iSE. isec. 30.... SE. iSE.isec. 30 NW. iNW. isec. 2... SW. iSE. isec. 2 SE.iNW. isec. 2.... NW. isec. 4 limestone, 75. Blue clay, 156; limestone, 75: shale (Maquoketa), 96. Well unsuccessful; on another part of same farm water was found in drifts and at 150 feet. High hill. Geo. Baskins J. Lewis II. A. Knief Drift, 29; limestone (Devonian and Silurian), 87; shale (upper Maquoketa), 95; sandstone, 3. Ends in sand, all blue clay above W. II. Knief... sand. Do. John Knief Blue clay, 210; sand, fine gray and black, with some wood at 10. Wm. Baskins... 100 63 122 W. FaiTis SE. iSW. isec. 23.... NE. isec. 25 NE. iNE. isec. 26.... NW. iNW. isec. 27.. NE. iSE. isec. 33-... NE.iSE. isec. 35.... 1 mile N. and 1 mile W. of Denver. NW. i N W. i sec. 1 . . . SW.iSE.isec.il.... SAV. iSE.isec. 21.... SW. iSW. isec. 22... SE. iNE. isec. 23.... NW.iSE. isec. 24... NE. iNE. isec. 35... Loess and yellow till, 22; blue Julius Wille M. E.Bloeser H.Walter clay, 41; limestone, 69. High hill. Soft yellow clay, 13; blue clay, 69; rock at 82. G. B.Briden M. FaiTington John Dornbush T. 91 N., R. 12 W. (Max FIELD). M. Gauske... 40 110 lis SO — 70 "'"-lo' Drift, 40; rock, 80. Yellow clay and gravel, 30; sand at 30; blue clay, 80; rock, 12. Yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 25; limestone, 50. Yellow clay, 20: blue clay, 98, to rock. A few feet above level of flood H. Olendorf Geo. Knief plain of Crane Creek. Ends in sand. J. P. Ottrogge J. P. Ottrogge P. 0. Klinger Do. BKEMEE COUNTY. Typical wells in Bremer County — Continued. 279 OwTier. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Head above or below cui'b. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 91 N., R. 12 W. (Maxfield)— Con. H. Vv'. Meggerhoff... NE. iSE. Jsec. 14.... NW. J sec. 20 Feet. 86 GO 273 240 275 130 123 128 98 140 130 120 112 Feet. Feet. Yellow clay, 30; blue clay, 40; sand and gravel, 16. Yellow clay, 13; blue clay, 47. All blue clay to bottom, where water was found in sand and gravel. Drift clays, 200; "yellowish sub- stance between rock and clay," 30; solid limestone with water, 10. Clay, 200; sand, gray, very fine, dry, 70; gravel and sand with water, 5. Ends in sand. J. Kolling 230 — 35 -73 -30 -24 II . Poock. . SE. JNE.7isec. 32.... SW. JSW. Jsec. 7.... NE. JSW. isec. 7.... NW. JNE.isec. 19... NE. iNE. Jsec. 13.... NE. iSE. Jsee. 12.... NE.JNE.isec. 12.... SW. JSW. Jsec. 1.... SW. J-NW. Jsec. 1.... NW. JNW. Jsec. 1... SW. JSE. Jsec. 2 NE. J SE. Jsec. 26 T. 91 N., R. 11 V\'. (Feankun). B. Bierie^. J. H. Rohrson G. Vander Walker.. . Orrin Station R. Rundle 98 100 90 120 100 103 108 100 75 80 90 60 45 60 90 80 70 100 40 -40 -30 Yellow clay, 40; blue clay, 58, to rock: water in rock. Clay, 100, to rock; water in rock Shippy and Har- wood. Haas Kahler... Yellow clay, 50; sand, 10; blue clay, 30, to rock. Yellow clay, 30; sand, 10; blue "\Vm. Mundt.. clay, 80, to rock; water in rock. Drift clays, 80; gray sand with mnddy water, 20; rock, 30. Yellow clay, 30; blue clay 58' J. T. Nuss.. Chris. Nieland D. Kerns sand, 15; limestone, 17. Yellow clay, 30; blue clay, 78, to rock; water in rock, no sand in well. T. 91 N., R. 14 W. (PARTS OF Wash- ington AND Jack- son). G. W. Bowman Bowman Bros Geo. Moodv. . . NW. JNW. Jsec. 5... SE. JNE. Jsec.4 NE. JNE. Jsec. 9 SW. JNW. Jsec. 11... NE. Jsec. 13 NE. Jsec. 12 NE. JSE. Jsec. 1 NW. JNW. Jsec. 1... NE. JSW. Jsec. 21... NE. JNW. Jsec. 22... SE. JNW. Jsee. 28... NE. JSW. Jsee. 34... 112 112 136 90 45 89 126 151 126 126 70 40 High ground. Hill. E. Taylor Geo. Curtis Chicago Great 'West- em Ry. (J. Carry). A. S. Mores CM. Barber Allen Sewall.. Sand, 20; yellow clay, 25. Yellow clay, 25; blue claj^, 65.' limestone, 36. 0. Babcock D. Lehman.. School No. 1 Typical wells in the Wapsipinicon Valley artesian field, Bremer County. Owner. Location. Depth. Head. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 93 N., R. 11 W. (Sumner and part OF Le Roy). W. B. Barnes .. NAV SW. NE. Jsec. 18 Jsec. 31 Jsec. 13 Feet. 156 140 120 Feet. 4 - 4 Blue clay, 60, fine soft quicksand some wood at bottom; coarse grave water. Ends in gravel. Overflows. with William Kuker land Hiram Lease 280 UNDEEGKOUND WATEE EESOUECES OE IOWA. Typical wells in the Wapsipinicon Valley artesian field, Bremer County — Continued. Owner. Location. Depth. Head. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 93 N., R. 12 W. (Le Kot). J. Playman SW \ sec 25 Feet. So 110 64 53 16 230 Feet. 12 - 5 - 6 - 9 Near East Wapsipinicon; diameter, ^ inches. Louis Testorff NW. isec. 26 John Barbknecht NW. Jsec. 28 On East Wapsipinicon. Bertha Gericke NW. J sec. 18 Yellow clay, 10, then gravel which grew coarser to bottom. Fred Hahn NW \ sec 21 F. H. Friedman T. 92N.,R. IIW. (Dayton). William Kuker 3 miles NE. of Tripoli. . NW. Jsec. 6 Valley ends in sand and gravel. Flows 10 gallons per mmute. Jacob ITmbrose SW. J sec. 7 Chi-istian Bulir SE. Jsec. IS 30 D. W.Buhr SW. J sec ''0 W. C. Gode SE. \ sec 20 110 75 121 '"'ios' 6 ""io" Water jetted 15 feet from top of 3 -inch pipe. Yellow clay, 10; sand and gravel, 30; blue clay, 25; limestone, 10. P. Wynkoff SE 1 sec 30 N. Traufler NE ^ sec ''9 0. A. McCumber Robert Watts NE.isfiC.31 fcW. -|sec. 31 10 or 12 feet above valley floor. Sand, 4; T. 92 N., R. 12 W. (Feemont). A. P. Chapin SE. \ sec. 13 yellow clay, blue clay"; limestone at 82; water in rock near bottom. C. C. Cook NE i sec 1 Temperature, 47° F. About 10 feet above Wapsipinicon bot- toms. Diameter, 5| inches. Temper- ature, 47.3° F. Sand, 8; blue clay, 94; cemented gray gravel, 18. J.J. Cook SE. 1 sec 1 120 21 J. y. Hazlett SE. \ sec. 24 A. Countryman SW. J sec. 1. Hillside. Flows only when Cook's well is shut off. T.91N.,R. IIW. (Fkanklin). W. Benzow SE. Jsec. 5.... CarlBalte NW. Jsec. 9... Charles Peck NE. Jsec. 7 Peter Watrine NW. Jsec. 27 100 100 93 George Meier NE. Jsec. 5 . Anthony Schmeltzer. SW. Jsec. 22 Hillslope; has now ceased to flow; drilled William Green NW.Jsec. 6 about 1875. Albert Judish NW. Jsec. 8 Frederick Hartman . . SE. Jsec. 8 100 Eugene Hemfseed NE. Jsec. 8 F. H. Schroeder SE. Jsec. 8 Henry Fulu" NE. Jsec. 17 92 98 102 71 107 92 4 12 "■"lo" 36 4 Hillside, 20 feet above Wapsipinicon bottoms. Diameter, 5 inches; drilled in 1903. Diameter 2 inches; elevation, 9 feet above Wniiam Beal SE. Jsec. 17 B. F. Call . . SW J sec 1-5 Wapsipinicon River. Temperature, 48° F. Loam, 2; sand, 28; blue stony clay, 67J; gravel, J. Hillside. Well just overflowed. Diameter, 5 inches. Temperature, 49° F. J. W. Rommell NE. Jsec. 20 Leopold Leistikow. . . George Rommell J. Campbell SW. Jsec. 20 Flow, 2 gallons through |-inch pipe. Yellow sand and clay, 20; blue clay, 51; gravel. Temperature, 47.3° F. Rims 30 gallons per minute through ll-inch pipe plug- ged into square iron rod. Temperature, 49.5° F. Flows 1? gallons per minute tlurough J-inch pipe. NW. Jsec. 21 NW.Jsec. 21 Louis Fettkether NW. Jsec. 29 H . lyeistiko w NW. Jsec. 29. ... 113 Temperature, 49° F. Drill lifted when NW. Jsec. 29 water was struck at base of blue till at 113 feet. Temperature, 49° F. Now a feeble flow. Formerly used for earn ponds. Charles Liebert NW. Jsec. 29 M. E. Perry NE. J sec. 32 . . . . 100 lOfi 138 -20 Grove Hill Creamery. Carl Ha?enow Henry Tiedt NW.Jsec. 22 Slope. S. isec.6 NE. I sec. 18 30 -feet aljovc river. Ends in gravel. UJSTDERGEOUND WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. 281 BUCHANAN COUNTY. By M. F. Arey. TOPOGRAPHY. Topographically Buchanan County does not differ greatly from the other parts of the lowan drift prairie. The inequalities in its surface are a Httle more pronounced in the southern half than in the northern, for the stream courses trend southward. Wapsipmicon River crosses the county from northwest to south- east. Its principal tributaries in the county, the Little Wapsipinicon, Otter, Harter, and Pine creeks, enter from the northeast. Buffalo Creek, which joins the Wapsipinicon in Jones County, flows for about 25 miles of its course in the eastern part of Buchanan County. Tribu- taries of the Maquoketa drain almost all of Madison and Fremont townships, in the northeast corner; Spring, Lime, and Bear creeks, branches of the Cedar, drain the southwest corner. GEOLOGY. The mdurated rocks in Buchanan County are everywhere covered by drift, which attains a maximum tliickness in section 4, Buffalo Township. Well records indicate that the underlying rock surface is very uneven, partly owing to irregularities in the original deposits and partly to preglacial erosion. Over about 190 square miles of the northeastern portion of the county the drift rests on Silurian rocks, the Niagara dolomite. Calvin,^ in his report on the geology of Buchanan County, describes the Niagara here as a "coarse, granular, vesicular, dolomite, inter- bedded at certain localities with large quantities of chert." In the remaining areas the drift rests on the Wapsipinicon and Cedar Valley limestones (Middle Devonian). The Wapsipinicon, which underlies an area of about 140 square miles in the central part of the county, mainly east of Wapsipinicon Eiver, comprises a lower member (Independence shale member) , con- sisting of dark shale alternating with the beds of limestone, and a much thicker and more widespread upper member of brecciated limestones. The lower shale member is ill defined, but it undoubt- edly has an important effect in determining the underground water conditions west of the area assigned to it on the geologic map. The Cedar VaUey limestone, which underlies an area of about 240 square miles in the west and southwest portions of the county, is in large part soft, earthy, and somewhat porous, and on exposure weathers quite readily. The middle beds are firmer and carry much less water. I Aim. Kept. Geol. Survey Iowa, vol. 8, 1898, p. 216. 282 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The ground-water supplies of Buchanan County are obtamed from the Buchanan gravel, which lies beneath the alluvial deposits in the stream valleys and forms local upland deposits; from the Kansan drift; from the sand, gravel, or broken rock underlying the Kansan drift; and from the more or less porous beds of the Devonian a,nd Silurian limestones. A supply of good water ample to meet all existing demands is found in every part of the county, but in some localities wells must be sunk to a depth of more than 200 feet. The deepest wells are in localities where the drift material is deepest. Forty or fifty years ago all the water needed for use in the home or for stock, aside from that afforded by springs and surface streams, was obtained from dug wells, which, m the valleys of many of the larger streams, commonly ended in the Buchanan gravel. The water was plentiful and usually was considered wholesome, but was likely to taste of iron, and such wells were liable to become polluted with organic matter washed from the surface. Fortunately improved dramage facilities have rendered the supply somewhat uncertain in many places, compelling a resort to drilled wells ending in the under- lying rock. On the open prairie some of the early settlers obtained water by wells ending m the upland phase of the Buchanan gravel, or, more commonly, in the pockets or streaks of gravels in the Kansan drift. Nearly all of these wells were abandoned long ago. The layers of sand, gravel, or broken rock underlying the Kansan drift afford a plentiful supply of excellent water, but the water-bear- ing material is variable. In many places it comprises a bed of sand or gravel from 1 foot to 12 feet thick; m others it is a layer of frag- mentary rock mingled with geest or till. In many wells this layer affords the first water, but when the supply obtamed is msufRcient the driller is compelled to continue mto the rock, where second or third flows invariably give ample supplies. So variable, however, is the reported depth to water in rock that it is impossible to refer the source of supply to any particular beds. In the area immediately underlam by the Niagai'a dolomite the drift is in many places thin, and most of the wells obtain water in the rock. The wells range in depth from 100 to 400 feet, and the distances in rock have an equally wide range. DISTRIBUTION. In the SW. I sec. 1, Washington Township, a well 100 feet deep ends in gravel just above the rock. Northwest of the drift well Ij miles a well 110 feet deep is 30 feet in rock. A few rods east of the BUCHANAN COUNTY. 283 drift well another well 110 feet deep is oiil}^ 10 feet in rock. A hun- dred rods southeast of this, m Washmgton Township, a well 104 feet deep is only 4 feet in rock, and another, in Bryan Township, a little east of the last, is 12.3 feet deep, 23 feet in rock. Calvin^ reports a well in section 22, Buffalo Township, 152 feet deep, endmg at the rock in a bed of gravel. In 1898 this well furnished a constant stream of water 1 inch in diameter; it is now reported as no longer fiowmg. In the area in which the drift is immediately underlain by the Wapsipinicon limestone wells range in depth from 45 feet (as at Inde- pendence) to 136 feet. A weU in the NE. I sec. 34, Washington Township, is 73 feet deep and is in rock for 70 feet. Rock outcrops in many places for 15 to 20 mdes not far from the banks of the river and nearly parallel with it. In a well in the NE. I sec. 36, Washington To^\mship, rock was found 20 feet from the surface. The well is 136 feet deep, the last 40 feet being chiefly in a gritless clay called "soapstone" by the well driller — - undoubtedly the Independence shale member of the Wapsipinicon limestone. The well ends m a flinty rock — the Niagara — a good water bearer m all this region. In SE. | sec. 36, a well 80 feet deep^ 72 feet in rock, ends in the ''soapstone," although, of course, the water comes from the rock just above it. In the area immediately underlain by the Cedar VaUey limestone rock weUs range m depth from 85 to 220 feet, and penetrate rock from 5 to 170 feet. North of Wapsipinicon River in this area water is obtamed in the Buchanan gravel and accurate data for rock wells are not available. In Westburg Township, m the SW. | sec. 23, a well 220 feet deepj 140 feet in rock, must reach nearly if not quite to the Independence shale member of the Wapsipinicon. In Sumner ToMnnship a well near the center of section 19 is 155 feet deep, the last 15 feet bemg in graveL No rock occurred anj^where. Another, in the NE. | sec. 22, is 100 feet deep, the last 20 feet being in rock. This well possibl}^ is in the area underlain by the Wapsipmicon. In Homer Township two weUs are reported — one in the north half of section 3 is 85 feet deep, 5 feefe bemg m rock; the other in the SW. | sec. 23 is 95 feet deep, 15 feefe being in rock. In Jefferson Township, in the NE. I sec. 2, a well 220 feet deep, 170 feet in rock, undoubtedly ends at the top of the Independence member of the Wapsipinicon. SPRINGS. Springs are not very numerous in Buchanan County, and most of those found are seep from the drift material. In the SW. i sec. 6^ Westburg Township, however, on G. W. Young's farm near the border 1 Geology of Buchanan County: Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. S, 1S98, p. 253. 284 UjSTDEEGROUND water resources of IOWA. of Spring Creek Valley, a large fissure spring of excellent water emerges at the base of a long, gradual slope 75 feet or more high. No rock outcrops in its immediate vicinity, but the lower beds of the Cedar Valley limestone are exposed in two quarries a mile to the northeast, and it is probable that the water comes from a gravel layer just above the Independence shale member of the Wapsipinicon limestone. A large spring of good water is reported within the corporate limits of Jesup, on the place of J. D. Land; another is reported on the farm of Mrs. Joseph Pa.tten, 2 miles northeast of Jesup. Others are reported at Winthrop, on the land of W. H. Eddy, R. L. Wright, R. W. Adams, and Mrs. A. Mulford; and at Rowley, on land of Theo. Hirsh and Robert Eldridge. An old resident of the county asserts that springs are diminishing in importance throughout the county, many no longer being serviceable. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Independence. — The public well at Independence (population, 3,517) is on Second Street NW., 525 feet west of the river and 10 feet above its level. It is reaUy a cluster of driven wells supplying a common reservoir from wliich the water is pumped. The first wells were put down in 1886 and improved in 1906. The wells end on the rock at a depth of 45 feet and obtain water from the Buchanan gravel. When highest the water from a depth of 35 feet stands within 8 feet of the surface; when lowest, within 16 feet. The strainer is 6 feet long. The temperature of the water taken in August was 50° F. and does not vary greatly. A compound duplex waterworks pump is used. The maximum yield is 600 gallons per minute, and the supply has not perceptibly varied. The water is soft. The cost of the wells was $2,000 and of the pumps $6,000. The water is used for fire protection and for all general purposes, sup- plying homes, schools, railroads, canning factory, and the State hospital for the insane. The daily average demand is 400,000 gallons. In Rush Park, three-fourths of a mile west of the city well, a well to the Buchanan gravel yields an ample supply of water at a depth of 29 feet. One-half mile west of the Rush Park well a well 77 feet deep, 7 feet in rock, obtains an abundance of water; less than one-fourth of a mile west of this is another well about 112 feet deep, of which 12 feet is in rock. Most of the differences in these wells are due to difference in surface elevation. The possibihty of obtaining an artesian water supply at Inde- pendence for the hospital for the insane was considered some years ago at the request of the State board of control, and forecast was made by W. H. Norton substantially as follows: BUCHANAN COUNTY. 285 Independence is 921 feet above sea level (Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway track). After passing the hard limestones of the Devonian the drill will pass into the heavily bedded Niagara dolomite, where water will probably be found in channels opened by solution and will rise to a level of 25 feet or less below the surface. At about 280 feet the drill will enter the plastic Maquoketa shale, here probably somewhat more than 200 feet thick. The Galena dolomite, Decorah shale, and Platteville limestone will then be traversed, their aggregate thickness being estimated at 350 feet. In these terranes the drill may strike water-bearing crevices. The St. Peter sandstone, recognized by its whiteness, should be reached about 850 feet below the surface or about 70 feet above sea level. The water from this sandstone will not overflow at the surface and mil probably not rise to the level of the w^ater in the formations above. A well to be used for city or institutional supply should be sunk to a total depth of about 1,420 feet. Such a well would tap the water veins of the Prairie du Chien group (Shakopee, New Richmond, and Oneota) and the Jordan sandstone. The drills should not go below the beginning of the glauconiferous shales underlying the Jordan except on expert advice. These deeper waters mil also fail to reach the surface. As in all this part of Iowa, artesian water at Independence mil be of good quality. A flowing well situated on a slope in the NE. | sec. 1, Jefferson Townsliip, 65 miles southwest of Independence, owned by J. E. Cook and R. E. Leach, of Independence, was drilled in 1897. It is 6 inches in diameter throughout and enters rock, but neither the depth to rock nor the total depth could be ascertained. The water rises 2^ feet above the surface. A decrease in the supply is attributed to bad casing. The water is used for all farm purposes. Jesup, — The public well of Jesup (population, 697), is 312 feet deep, but the depth in rock is not known. The water is abundant and of good quality. Winthrop. — The well owned by the town of Winthrop (population 529) starts 100 feet above the level of Buffalo Creek. It is 8 inches in diameter at the top, 5 inches at the bottom, and is 400 feet deep, entering the rock at the depth of 193 feet. The water bed is in rock, undoubtedly the Niagara dolomite. Water was also found at the top of the rock and at 260 feet. The casing is 8 inches for 198 feet and 5 inches for 61 feet. Water stands constantly at 120 feet from the surface and is pumped by a gasoline engine at the maximum rate of 35 gallons a minute. The supply has not diminished. The weJi cost $600 and the pump $200. The water is used for all domestic purposes. 286 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE RESOUBCES OF IOWA. . CHICKASAW COUNTY. By O. E. Meinzer. TOPOGHAPHY AND GEOLOGY. The surface of Chickasaw County is part of the lowan drift plain, which is well drained when compared with the areas covered with the j^ounger Wisconsm drift and but slightly dissected when compared with the areas where the older Kansan drift lies at the surface. Numerous small streams cross the county, flowing southeastward m more or less parallel courses. Over most of the county the deposits of glacial drift form a mantle for the most part 100 to 200 feet thick, though in some places itis still thicker and in others, as along Cedar and Little Cedar rivers in Chicaksaw and Bradford townships and along Little Turkey River in LTtica Township, where postglacial erosion has been effective, it is entirely lacking. The bedrock consists of limestone, probably all of Devonian age. Its surface, as shown by well sections, is irregular — not unlike the rugged rock surface found farther east in the State, where the glacial drift is absent. UNDERGHOUND WATEH, SOUECE. The water supply is derived from alluvial and outwash deposits, from glacial drift, from Devonian limestone, and from older lime- stones — probably Niagara or those belonging to the Maquoketa shale. Water could also be obtained from still deeper formations of lime- stone and sandstone. The alluvial and ancient outwash gravels are found at the surface, chiefly in the valleys. As they commonly occur in low areas and rest upon impervious clays, they are usually saturated with water which they surrender freely to very shallow wells and hence are utilized largely. Most of the wells in the county obtain water from the glacial drift — either from the upper layer, which is loosely aggregated and some- what pervious, or from deeper sand and gravel beds which are in fact alluvial and outwash deposits that have been buried beneath bowlder clay. Many wells also penetrate the limestone, the ratio between the number of drift wells and rock wells in different localities varying with the thickness of the drift cover. The wells in Chickasaw County may be grouped m four classes — driven wells, open wells, drilled drift wells, and drilled rock wells. A well of the first class consists merely of an iron pipe with a sand point driven (usually b}^ hand) to a depth seldom exceedmg 25 feet into sand and gravel where these materials lie at or near the surface. CHICKASAW COUNTY. 287 Such wells are very inexpensive and they furnish much of the supply in the villages located near streams where alluvial and outwash deposits are best developed. Shallow open wells were the principal reliance of the early settlers, but they have generally proved unsatis- factory, both as to quantity and quality of water, and have been largely abandoned for deeper wells. Most of the drilled wells derive their water from sand or gravel in the glacial drift. If the sand is fine it tends to come into the well with the water, in which event it should be cased out and drilling should be continued. In all parts of the county some wells extend into the limestone where large and permanent yields of good water are obtained. Experience shows that it is poor economy to stop the drill before limestone is reached unless the supply coming from the drift is entirely satisfactory. In depth the drilled wells range from 50 to 330 feet. Their average depth is perhaps between 125 and 150 feet. In many of the rock wells and deep 'drift wells the water rises nearly to the surface, and where the altitude is especially low may overflow. An example is afforded b}^ a well on the farm of D. W. Lowry, a mile north of Fredericksburg. This well is 94 feet deep, ends in sand, originally had a head of more than 15 feet, and at present flows about 3 gallons a minute. SPRINGS. Springs are foimd along the principal streams, especially where the latter have cut through to limestone. In general, howeA^er, the county is a level prairie without springs of any consequence. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Fredericksburg. — The village well at Fredericksburg (population, 588) is 271 feet deep, the last 10 feet of which are in limestone. Its diameter is 6 inches at the top and 4 inches at the bottom, and the casing extends to rock. The water stands 6 feet below the surface, or about 1,070 feet above sea level. The water is pumped to an ele- vated tank connected to a short system of mains and is used chiefly for fire protection. Nashua. — At Nashua (population, 1,102) the supply for the public waterworks is taken from Cedar River and is pumped by water power. The system comprises 2 miles of mains, 29 fire hydrants, and 162 taps. New Hampton. — The city well at New Hampton (population, 2,275) is 235 feet deep, the last 100 feet being in limestone. (See PL V, p. 238.) The well is 10 inches in diameter at top and 8 inches at bottom, and it is cased to rock. The water is hard but otherwise of excellent quality and stands 40 feet below the surface, or 1,140 feet 288 UNDEKGKOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. above sea level. The well is pumped at about 35 gallons a minute and is reported to have been tested at 125 gallons. The water is raised into an elevated tank from wliich it is distributed through 2| miles of mains to 22 fire hydrants and 198 taps. The daily consumption is estimated to be only 12,000 gallons, although about 500 people, or one-fifth of the population, are reported to be supplied and the water is also used in the locomotives of the Chicago Great Western Railwa}^. According to W. H. Norton, a deep well at New Hampton would probably obtain a moderate amount of water from the St. Peter sand- stone, wliich here lies about 750 feet below the surface, and from the overlying limestones. A more bountiful supply, however, would be obtained by sinking the well to a depth of 1,250 or 1,350 feet, at which depth the shales of the St. Lawrence formation should be reached, beyond which drilling will be unprofitable. Owing to the high eleva- tion of the town (1,159 feet above sea level) a flow need not be expected. CLAYTON COUNTY. By W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. Like other counties of the extreme northeastern part of Iowa, Clay- ton County comprises many geologic formations and has a diversi- fied topography. Measured from the highest divides to the flood plain of the Mississippi, the maximum relief is 650 feet. The massive ridge that divides the valleys of Turkey and Yellow rivers attains an elevation of 1,185 feet between Luana and Monona. The prominent secondary ridge which extends southward between Turkey and Mis- sissippi rivers gradually declines in height from 1,160 feet above sea level near National to 1,060 feet at Garnaville, and to 1,000 feet west of Guttenberg. The wedge-shaped ridge dividing the Turkey from its affluent, the Volga, reaches a height of 1,250 feet above sea leveL South of the Volga the upland reaches the same elevation. The upland south of the Volga is deeply dissected as far west as Strawberry Point and Edgewood, where it passes into undulating prairie. Here, in the southwest portion of the county, lies an area of lowan drift in strong topographic contrast to the remainder of the county. Old valleys have been filled and the surface has been molded to gentle constructional sags and swells. The topography of the remainder of the county is due to long- continued and deep erosion. The northern townships and a belt about 8 miles wide along Mississippi River are included in the driftless area. But outside the small area of lowan drift the older drift forms little more than a veneer and its topographic influence is generally quite neghgible. The topography of the entire county outside of the lowan drift plain, therefore, is that of the driftless area. The ancient base CLAYTON COUNTY. 289 plain of erosion to wliich this area liad been reduced lias been uplifted to more than 1,000 feet above sea level. It has been deeply dissected by its master streams and their numerous tributaries. Nowhere are tabular areas of any width left on the divides as remnants of the ancient erosion level. The flanks of the broad interstream areas have been carved to a maze of steep branching and rebranching spurs. The summits have been worn to broad-shouldered, gently rounding crests, which have been utilized as the sites of towns and villages and followed by the railways and the more important roads. On these ridges ground water necessarily stands far below the surface, as it is held only by friction and capillarity above the drainage levels of the adjacent valleys; wells are deep and windmills are everywhere. GEOLOGY. The Pleistocene deposits comprise the loess, the lowan drift, the Kansan drift, which extends over a large portion of the county, and the blue-black Nebraskan drift, the first deposit of the ice sheets that invaded Iowa. The loess is a fine yellow silt or dust deposit, which mantles the driftless area and the Kansan drift with a maxi- mum observed thickness of about 20 feet. Well records seem to indi- cate that the loess has a thickness considerably greater than 20 feet in places, but it can seldom be. discriminated from other Pleistocene deposits. The drift rests on residual deposits derived by long pre- glacial weathering of the rocks. Where that rock was limestone the deposits consist of red cherty clay ; where it was Maquoketa shale the residual material is clay or "soapstone" differing little in composition from the original shale but softer and reddened by the oxidation of its iron constituents. The Niagara, the youngest of the rock formations in the county (PL V, p. 238), is everywhere a buff dolomite, as a rule cherty and heavily bedded, cutting under the drill to a sharp limestone sand. Like other dolomites of the county it is liable to be called ''sand rock" by the driller, but the cuttings are readily distinguished from the rounded quartz grains of true sandstone by their form and by their brisk effervescence in hot concentrated hydrochloric acid. The Maquoketa, a variable formation, including clay shales 90 to 100 feet, cherty dolomitic beds 30 feet, and basal shales and impure limestones 60 to 180 feet thick, lies beneath the Niagara. The shaly beds are known as mud rock or soapstone by many of the drillers, or, where somewl^^at harder, as slate. The Maquoketa forms the bed- rock over the uplands of Garnavillo Ridge and of Monona Ridge west of Girard Township. In many sections the limestones are dark and more or less argillaceous. 36581°— wsp 293—12 19 290 UNDEEGROUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. The Maquoketa shale rests on the Galena limestone, the term as here used including the entire body of limestone lying between the Maquoketa and the Decorah shale, which, however, may be . locally absent. Beneath the Decorah is the Platteville, consisting I of limestone with a shale bed at its base. The Galena limestone has been changed in whole or in part into dolomite. The thick- ness of the dolomitized portion may reach 200 feet, but the depth to which dolomitization has extended varies greatly. Where dolomitized, the rock is hard, buff, and vesicular, cutting under the drill to yellow sparkling sand or brownish crystalline sand; where undolomitized, both the Galena and the Platteville comprise com- monly light-colored, rather soft limestones that are broken by the drill to flaky chips. The total thickness of the Galena, Decorah, and Platteville at Elkader measures 285 feet. The combined thick- ness of the Decorah and Platteville is 50 to 60 feet. The three formations constitute the bedrock over a large part of the upland of the county. Drillers distinguish as "oil rock" a brown petroliferous shale which is found in many places by the drill and which outcrops near the base of the Platteville; occasionally they report an oily scum in the water when, the drill is working in this shale. The Platteville is underlain by the St. Peter sandstone, a white rock made up of rounded grains of pure quartz, so little cemented that where quarried in the county for glass sand it is readily broken up by the pick and a stream of water from the hose. Even at Picture Rocks, below McGregor, where the sand is highly colored and partly cemented by films of the iron oxides deposited by ground water on the grains, the stone is so friable that it is difficult to obtain specimens of any size. The observed thickness of the sandstone in the county ranges from 40 to 85 feet. The St. Peter is not always recognized by the drillers. Thus it is said to be absent in the narrow wedge-shaped tongue of upland separating the Turkey from the Mississippi near their junction; at a depth corresponding to the horizon of the St. Peter, however, there is reported a "river sand," which may be assumed to be the upper layers of the St. Peter; it underlies a shale, which is probably the basal shale of the Platteville. Next below the St. Peter is the Prairie du Chien group, comprising the strata formerly known as the "Lower Magnesian limestone," and consisting of an upper dolomite (Shakopee), an intermediate sand- stone (New Richmond), and a basal dolomite (Oneota). The total observed thickness measures 230 feet. It outcrops only north of Guttenberg along the Mississippi bluffs and for 4 miles or less up the valleys of the tributary creeks. The dolomites of the Prairie du Chien group are hard, light gray or wliite, and in many places are cut by the drill into fine sharp limestone sand. They may be dis- CLAYTON COUNTY. 291 tinguished by the driller by their lithologic character and also by their position between the St. Peter and the Jordan sandstones. The New Richmond sandstone is inconstant, but quartz sand is not uncommon in the dolomite, either as interbedded layers or as disseminated grains. The Jordan sandstone, the lowest rock outcropping in the county, is made up of pure quartz and is generally of coarse grain. In some layers the grains are firmly cemented with lime carbonate; in others they are incoherent and show little interstitial matter. At McGregor the Jordan is so soft as to be readily excavated with the spade for cellars and vaults in the hillsides. Here it rises 70 feet above the level of Mississippi River, though 2 miles below the city it sinks from sight below the flood plains of the stream. It outcrops only along the bases of the river bluffs in the northeastern townships, but it under- lies the entire county and the waters stored in its pervious layers are accessible to the drill. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. Gravels at the base of the loess locally yield sufficient water for house supply. Gravels lying between the Kansan and Nebraskan tills and probably at other horizons furnish a supply on the prairie areas of the southwestern part of the county, but are little drawn upon elsewhere. In an area of especially thick drift stretching from the southwestern part of Grand Meadow Township northeastward nearly to Postville many wells less than 100 feet deep draw water from drift gravels lying beneath 25 or 30 feet of yellow clay (loess and oxidized Kansan) and then pass into blue till (either unoxidized Kansan or Nebraskan), beneath which sands and gravel are again found on rock, or water is found in broken limestone or residual flints beneath heavy drift. About 160 feet of the lower portion of the Niagara outcrops in the southern townships of the county and on the ridge separating the Volga from Turkey River. In this area water is found above the impervious shales of the underlying Maquoketa. On the more level ground of the lowan plain the entire body of limestone may be saturated with water and yield a good supply to wells that enter the rock a few feet. Thus at Strawberry Point the city supply is obtained from wells drilled only 35 feet into the Niagara dolomite. Here, as in many places in the southwestern part of the county, the porous and creviced limestone forms a reservoir in which waters descending from the heaVy overljdng drift have accumulated. Outside the dissected area covered by the Kansan drift the Niagara forms escarpments on the summits of the ridges and is drained out for a considerable distance back of these outcrops. 292 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUKCES OP IOWA. The limestone beds in the Maquoketa furnish an important water supply to villages and farms located on the outcrops of the formation. The water held in the median limestones of the Maquoketa between the upper and lower shales of that formation is under good head, at National rising within 40 feet of the curb. The Galena and Platteville limestones hold large stores of water in crevices and porous beds, the chief horizons being just above the Decorah shale and above the basal shale of the Platteville. They are utilized by many farm wells in the areas of their outcrops and they form a very important supply on uplands capped with the Maquoketa shale or Niagara dolomite. At Farmersburg water from the Galena rises within 40 feet of the surface. The head of the water in the Galena, Maquoketa, and Niagara is considerably liigher than that in the underlying St. Peter, so that as the drill enters the St. Peter the upper waters often flow through it, and the water in the tube falls. Although the St. Peter water may not staiid high in the well, the supply is copious, permanent, and of excellent quality and is assured to any well in any part of the county which reaches its level. The St. Peter sandstone is the lowest formation reached by wells. It is utilized in the northern townships, in the townships adjacent to Mississippi River, and even in the western and central townships as far south as Highland and Cox Creek townships. The dip of the strata carries the sandstone increasingly deeper south and west from its outcrops along the Mississippi, so that on the ridges of the western part of the county between Turkey and Volga rivers it is entered by wells at depths of about 600 feet. The waters in the underlying Jordan have not yet been tapped in Clayton County. They are, however, everywhere accessible. FLOWING WELLS. In the valley of Turkey River, from Elkader down to Motor, wells sunk into the St. Peter sandstone obtain flowing water. At the fair- grounds at Elkader the St. Peter is reached about 110 feet below the water level of Turkey River, or about 610 feet above sea level; at the James Russell estate farm (sec. 26, Boardman Township) it was reached about 100 feet below the river level; and at Fritz Freitag's, still farther down the valley, at about the same depth. At Motor, 4 miles in straight line southeast of Elkader, the St. Peter is 155 feet below the river, or approximately 525 feet above sea level. The head of water, from 40 to 60 feet above the river, encourages drilling at other points in the area. Statistics of these weUs are given in the appended table; CLAYTOlSr COUNTY. Statistics of flowing wells in the Turkey River valley. 293 Owner. Location. e i o . §2 5 be a 1 Q X2 3 o > S 3 o c3 O 1^ •9° . aa| o o ■2-^ -as ft £| CO 2 1 City of Elkader (2 wells). Elkader Fair Ass'n Between High Street and river. Elkader |l896 186 167 161 155 196 {? 1 70 O740 ti20 d30 d26 / dl7 \o697 20 760 &35 6500 70 75 20 50 155 J 130- \ 135 128 122 James Russell es- tate. Fritz Freitag Louis Klinck Sec. 26, Boardman Township. Sec. 25, Boardman Township. NE. i sec. 6, Read Township. 1905 |l906 5 «75 28 34 753 760 737 35 4 /135 172 a Above sea level. b Both wells. <: Surface. d Above Turkey River. e Of 5-inch. /Of 3 and 2 inch. If the head of the St. Peter water is the same up valley as at Elkader flowing wells should be obtained at water level in the river as far as the south line of section 22, Marion Township. As the head should increase somewhat upstream, wells in the St. Peter may yield flows as far even as the Fayette County line. Down the valley from Elkader flows can probably be obtained from the St. Peter at very moderate depths along the entire valley to its mouth. The large number of springs, the use of open and driven wells tapping alluvial sands and gravels, and the use for stock of the never-failing water of the spring- fed river no doubt have prevented the exploration of the deeper water beds; but the St. Peter sandstone, with its inexhaustible sup- plies, should be found within 200 feet below the valley floor at any point from Elkader to the Mississippi. It is highly probable that in the valley of the Volga flows from the St. Peter can be obtained from Osborne to the mouth of the stream. The exact depth can not be definitely predicted, as the depth to the St. Peter is variable, and local changes or reversals of the dip are hidden from view. The data for prediction include an assumed uniform southwestward dip, the elevation of the summit of the St. Peter at Clayton at 776 feet above sea level, and the elevation of the same horizon at about 600 feet above sea level 14 miles west-southwest of Clayton; these give a dip of about 12.5 feet to the mile. If the same line be extended 10 miles west-southwest from Elkader to the Volga at the mouth of Deep Creek, the elevation of the summit of the St. Peter at the latter point is found to be 125 feet lower than at Elkader, or 475 feet above sea level. As the level of the river is here 800 feet above sea level, the St. Peter would be found about 325 feet below the surface. If the water of this sandstone had no higher head 294 UNDEEGROUKD WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. on the Volga than at Elkader, it would fall short of reaching the sur- face by about 40 feet. The fact that the head of the St. Peter waters increases westward gives ground for hope that as far up valley as Volga flowing wells may be obtained. If a similar section from Clay- ton to Motor is taken and the data are used to calculate the water prospects in the Volga Valley at Mederville, where the level of the river is 710 feet above sea level, the St. Peter should be encountered at 485 feet above sea level, or 225 feet beneath the stream level. The head above the river here should be equal to that at Elkader. SPRINGS. The springs of Clayton County are exceptionally numerous and large, and come from several well-marked geologic horizons. The St. Peter, exposed in a narrow strip along the bluffs of the Mississippi from Guttenberg north, gives rise to oozes and springs where its edges outcrop. The largest springs of the county issue from the base of the Galena limestone. The limestone is creviced and even cavernous; definite channels have been formed by solution by ground water moving down the dip, along the floor of the impervious Decorah shale, to outlets along the valley sides. The same sequence of soluble limestone and underlying shale gives rise to the springs of the limestones of the middle Maquoketa and those at the base of the Niagara. Where, as is often the case, these formations are cut by valleys above their bases, these underground streams issue high above the bottom lands in lateral ravines and can be led down to vil- lage or farm under considerable head, with power adequate for many utilities. Springs are thus found along the entire course of the Mississippi and along the principal creeks whose valleys have been cut in rock. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Clayton. — ^The village of Clayton (population, 145) utilizes two springs issuing from limestone about 75 feet above the level of Mississippi River, leading the water through one-half mile of mains down the principal street. There are six hydrants from which most of the houses obtain their supply. Elkader. — The water supply of Elkader (population, 1,181) is drawn from two flowing wells, 182 and 184 feet deep, 25 feet apart, situated on the bank of Turkey River. They pump 500 gallons a minute. A reservoir nearly 300 feet above the town affords ample pressure. There are 2 miles of mains, 28 hydrants, and 200 taps. If for any reason the city supply should become insufficient it may be greatly increased by drilling to the top of the St. Lawrence forma- tion, which here should be found 600 or 700 feet below the surface at the city water works. CLAYTON COUNTY. 295 Guttenberg. — The water supply of Guttenberg (population, 1,873) is obtained from a dug well on the bank of Mississippi River. The water is liable to be contaminated by sewage, which passes readily downward through the sandy alluvium of the river terrace on which the town is built. Water is" pumped to a reservoir, giving a gravity pressure of 105 pounds. There are 36 hydrants and 4 miles of mains. The elevation at the corner of Herder and First streets is 630 feet above sea level, and an artesian supply might readily be obtained by drilling a well to the Jordan sandstone. The summit of the St. Peter outcrops near the town at the base of the bluffs bordering the Missis- sippi. The thickness of the St. Peter is variable, but a maximum of 85 feet may be assumed. The Prairie du Chien group, which under- lies it, is probably at least 230 feet thick — the maximum thickness where it is exposed along the river bluffs in this vicinity. At 315 feet from the surface the Jordan sandstone should be struck; a well 500 feet deep should draw the available water from this horizon. As the town is situated well out over an ancient channel of the Mississippi, the drill will first pierce 100 or 150 feet of river sands and gravels. The St. Peter sandstone will therefore be cut out, and the bed in which the water-tight casing should be securely packed will be the Shakopee dolomite. If shaly beds in the Prairie du Chien are competent to form a cover for the Jordan sandstone the well should flow under moderate pressure. If a well to the Jordan sandstone should not peld sufficient water by natural flow the supply might be increased by installing an air lift, by sinking other weUs to the Jordan, or by deepening the well to the Dresbach or underlying Cambrian sandstones and tapping the water horizons which supply the McGregor weUs. McGregor. — The water supply of McGregor (population, 1,259) is drawn from a weU 502 feet deep. Water is pumped to a reservoir affording a pressure of 110 pounds. There are 24 hydrants and 2 miles of mains. The first artesian well at McGregor was drilled at the head of Main Street, about 60 feet above the lower part of the town, where the deep wells were afterward sunk. The water reached the surface but did not overflow. The well was about 500 feet deep and ended in sandstone. City weU No. 2 (PL V, p. 238), completed in 1877, is in the City Park and supphes one of the finest fountains in the State. This well is 1,006 feet deep, 6 to 3 inches in diameter, and is cased with 4-inch copper to a depth of 40 feet. The curb is 632 feet above sea level; the water rises 62 feet above curb. The flow is 630 gallons a minute. Water was found at a depth of 317 feet and in aU sandstone beds below to the bottom of the well. At a depth of 520 feet salt water 296 UNDEEGROUND WATEE EESOUECES OP IOWA. was found in 4 feet of white sandstone. The temperature of the water is 54.5° F. City well No. 3, completed in 1890, is not now used. This well is 520 feet deep and 6 inches in diameter; 3-inch casing extends to 215 feet and is packed at the base with rubber gasket. The curb is 618 feet above sea level, and water originally rose 20 feet above curb. In 1895 the head was below curb. Water comes from a depth of 303 feet. Its temperature is 52° F. The log of this well shows sandstone with white roUed grains at 250 feet, dolomite from 400 to 415 feet, and white sandstone with well- rounded grains from 450 to 520 feet. City well No. 4, put down in 1898 by S. Swanson, of Minneapohs, s 502 feet deep and 12 to 8 inches in diameter; 12-inch casing extends to 70 feet and 9-inch casing to 200 feet. The curb is about 618 feet above sea level. Water originally rose a foot above the curb, but six months later it stood below the curb. The tested capacity shows that it is sufficient for the city. No records of the wells at McGregor are available except that afforded by a few samples described below from cursory examination. Description of samples from city well No. 4, at McGregor. Depth in feet. Gravel 35 Sand, yellow, and gravel of pre-Cambrian rocks ' 50 Sandstone, fine grained, yellow 60 Sandstone; as above, but coarser 70 Dolomite, dark bluish, drab, and lighter drab crystalline 74-97 Sandstone, yellow; with yellow dolomitic powder 95 Dolomite, bluish drab, arenaceous; in angular flakes and in sand. 97-143 Shale, light blue 143-158 Sandstone, calciferous, or dolomite, arenaceous, light-gray 160 Shale, fine, greenish 158-220 Shale, light green 185 Sandstone, light gray, medium coarse; grains well rounded, far from uniform in size 305 Sandstone, pure white, medium coarse; grains well rounded, similar in fades to St. Peter 350 Sandstone; as above but fine-grained 400 Sandstone; as at 350 415 Sandstone, light gray, calciferous, very fine 444 J. Goedert's well at McGregor has a depth of 294 feet and a diameter of 6 inches. The curb is 622 feet above sea level and the original head was 22 feet above curb. The weU was completed in 1889. The following carefully kept record of one of the early deep weUs at Prairie du Chien, Wis., illustrates the geologic section at McGregor. This record^ has been modified by assigning the Hthologic subdivisions 1 Wisconsin Geol. Survej^, vol. 4, 1882, p. 61. CLAYTON COUNTY. 297 given in the log as originally published to the appropriate geologic subdivisions, and by adding a column showing the depth, in feet, to the bottom of each Hthologic unit. The Hthologic descriptions have also been transposed, to accord with present survey practice. Another well at Prairie du Chien was sunk to a depth of 1,040 feet without reaching crystalline rocks. Strata in well at Prairie du Chien, Wis. Thick- ness. Depth. [Pleistocene (old channel of Mississippi River 147 feet thick; top, 627 feet above sea level):] 1 . Sand and gravel [Cambrian:] [St. Lawrence formation (115 feet thick; top, 480 feet above sea level):] 2. Clay, fine, light blue 3. Limestone, hard, arenaceous 4. Grit, blue 5. Shale, bluish green, argillaceous [Dresbach and underlying Cambrian strata (697 feet penetrated; top, 365 feet above sea level):] 6. Sandstone, white, friable; alternating with hard streaks [Dresbach] 7. Grit, blue 8. Slate rock 9. Sandstone, reddish and yellow ochery 10. Shaly rock 11. Sandstone, white [carrying brine] 12. Slaty rock 13. Sandstone 14. Sandstone, red. . .• 15. Conglomerate; white waterworn quartz pebbles 16. Sandstone, coarse Feet. 147 2 6 107 118 35 65 6 24 4 75 310 45 5 10 Feet. 147 1471 149 155 262 380 415 480 486 510 514 589 899 944 949 959i] Monona. — The water supply of Monona (population, 792) is fur- nished by two deep wells and a spring. The wells are owned by F. L. Wellman, are 27 feet apart, are under one roof, and supply the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Hallway as well as the town. They were completed in 1885. One is 437 feet deep and the other is 448 feet. The wells are 6 inches in diameter and are cased for 20 feet. The curb is 1,216 feet above sea level and the head 226 feet below the curb. The combined capacity is 70 gallons a minute. The tem- perature is 51° F. The water is lowered full depth by continuous pumping. The water is pumped to a tank affording a pressure of 40 pounds, which is considered insufficient by the town officials. There are 3 miles of mains, 100 taps, and six hydrants. North McGregor. — An artesian well, 585 feet deep, belonging to the town of North McGregor (population, 588), is used for fire protection. The well is 6 inches in diameter and is cased 180 feet to rock; the original head was about 17 feet above the curb. The temperature is 52° F. In 1904 the flow ceased, but was restored with head of 10 feet by recasing. 298 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Driller's log of North McGregor city well. Depth in feet. Dolomite, reddish 300 Sandstones, white 350 Sandstone, grayish white 392 Sandstone, white, pure, medium coarse; rolled grains of similar facies to St. Peter 420 Sandstone, white, fine-gi-ained 423 Strawberry Point.— The water supply for Strawberry Point (popu- lation, 1,052) is obtained from two wells, 160 feet deep and 10 feet apart, penetrating 125 feet of drift and 35 feet of the underlying Niagara dolomite. Water is distributed from a standpipe 110 feet high with a capacity of 800 barrels. There are six hydrants and one-half mile of mains. The sinking of deep wells is not recommended at either Strawberry Point or Edgewood, as the high elevation above sea level of these towns (Strawberry Point 1,217 feet and Edgewood 1,165 feet at Chi- cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway tracks) makes it impossible to obtain a flowing well. The St. Peter sandstone should be found at about 350 feet above sea level, judging from its steep dip of more than 18 feet to the mile from Elkader to Manchester; the Prairie du Chien and the Jordan lie about 500 feet deeper; to reach these waters wells at Edgewood must be sunk to a depth of 1,315 feet from the surface and at Strawberry Point to about 1,365 feet. The water in the St. Peter sandstone would stand several hundred feet below the surface. Minor supplies. — Information in regard to water supplies in the smaller villages and the typical wells used tlirough the county is pre- sented in the following tables : Village supplies in Clayton County. Town. Nature of supply. Depth. Depth to water bed. Source of supply. Head above or below curb. Depth rock. Springs. Edgewood Farmersburg... Froelich Littleport Wells Feet. 12- 16 50-160 }l00-200 ' 15 70-100 50- SO 10-100 Feet. 12 "eo^'go" 75 15 Feet. 6-8 -40 /50- 75 tlOO-175 Feet. 36' ]■ 10-25 Drilled wells /Drilled wells and \ cisterns. Driven wells. ..•. Drilled wells do Galena to St. Peter. Limestone Gravel Small. Large and small. Large. Large and small. Small. Luana Limestone do 60-70 -45 -10 40 20 Volga Dug and driven wells. Sand and gravel. CLAYTON COUNTY. 299 WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Clayton County: Typical wells in Clayton County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to water supply. Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 91 N., B. 3 W. (Malloey). Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. L. W. Flenniken... NW.iSE.isec. 21. 180 40 50 Clay 140 500 feet above river. Diameter, 6 inches. J. H. Brown NW. isec. 28... 589 29 ' 580 Slate rock. 400 500 feet above river. , \ Clay, 29; hme- stone (Niagara); 200; shale (Ma- quoketa), 200; limestone ( Ga- lena), 160. Yields 3 gallons per min- ute. Diameter, 5 inches. T. 91 N., R. 6 W. (Cass). Hugh Mlddleton . . . Near Straw- berry Point. 265 65 Limestone Drift, 65; llm&- etone, 200. R. M. Peck SW.isec.28.... Sec. 21 237 70 SO 24 140 65 180 55 Diameter, 6 inches. W. C. Barnhart Do. T. 92 N., R. 6 W. (Sperrt). F. E. Ambrose NW. i sec. 14. . . 146 31 145. Limestone 31 Water at about 55. Diameter , 6 inches. T. 93 N., R. 6 W. (Highland). C. Dufl Sec. 20 56 25 Sandstone 30 Valley. Diameter, 6 inches. Henry Baars SW.iNE.Jsec. 665 415 Yellow clay, 15; 36. rotten yellow sandstone (Niag- ara), 20; blue shale, 205; Ume- stone, 350; shale, 10; hmestone,35; clear sandstone, St. Peter, 30. About 545 above sea level. JohnRinkerts '.. 1 mile west of Baars. 527 ....do T. 92 N., R. 5 W. (Cox Creek). Henry Jennings Sec. 5 120 25 100 110 20 100 20 Diameter, 5 inches. Town Volga Gravel Flood plain of Tur- key River. Di- ameter, 3 feet. L. Beute SW.iNE.isec. 11. 515 265 Struck St. Peter sandstone. Henry Leubke SE.iNW.Jsec. 4. 689. Sandstone 349 Yellow clay, 60; shale, 140; hme- stone, 371; shale. green, 8; St. Peter sandstone. 10. About 521 above sea level. T. 95 N., R. 6 W. (Grand Meadow). Charles Shult:: SW.iSW.isec. 21. 165 160 160 "Loose flint" residual. Yellow clay, 20; quicksand, 140; loose flint (resid- T.Gordon Sec. 6 66 Gravel ual), 5. Blue-black till from 40 to 60, gravel below. 300 tJKDEEGEOUND WATER RESOURCES OP IOWA. Typical wells in Clayton County — Continued. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to water supply. Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks (log'given in feet). T. 94 N., R. 6 W. (Marion). Feet. Feet. Feet. ■ Feet. NE.iSW.isec. 16. 150 115 Ravine; all lime- stone from curb. SW.^NW.Jsec. 4. 75 20 57 Sand rock at 20; ends in blue clay. NW. i NW. \ sec. 11. 115 80 Sandstone 20 Yellow clay, 40; blue till, 40; sandstone, 35. Mrs. Bowder NW. i NW. i sec. 18. 237 60 Limestone 225 Ridge. Drift, 60; blue shale, 100; sand rock, 77. W. Houg NW. i NW. i 120 ....do 100 Ridge. "Sand- sec. 23. stone" brown, 50; shale, blue, 50; limestone, 20. T. 95 N., R. 4 W. (GiRAKD). J. Smyzer 3§ miles east of Monona. 404 To sandstone, 288. J. W. Tewes NW.iNE.isec. 17. 405 45 Sandstone 375 Water in St. Peter sandstone; temp. 48° F. Diameter, 6i inches. T. 92 N., R. 2 W. (PART OF Jeffer- son). Peter Burr SW.iSW.Jsec. 370 33 370 Sandstone 359 Clav,33;hmestone, 29. 222; St. Peter (shale and sand, clean sand at bot- tom), 115. Water at bottom of St. Peter in large supply. Loess, 40; lime- A. E. Schroeder NW. \ SW. i 275 40 180-225 Limestone 185 sec. 7. on shale. stone, 185; shale blue, fossilifer- ous, 6; limestone, 39; shale, blue, 4; St. Peter sand- stone, 1. Gustav Ditmar NW.iSE.isec. 30. 275 40 270 On shale.. 215 Limestone, 230; shale, 5. Water in shale (large supply). L. Mueller NW.JNE.isec. 31. 257 40 254 Limestone 167 All limestone be- low 40. N. Niehause NE.iSW.isec. 33. 367 349 Curb about, 940 above sea level. Clay, 40; lime- " stone, 250; shale, 10; light-colored sand from 340 to 342; limestone from 342 to 360; shale, blue, 7; footing in red- dish sand and gravel. T. 92 N., R. 3 W. (part of Jeffer- son). J William Ball NE.iNE.isec. 28. ' 403 30 Limestone 183 Oil rock at 380; water above oil rock; a weak vein. P. J. Schmidt N.JSE.isec. 15. 120 80 120 60 Clay, 80; slate, 20; brown hard rock, 20. T. 93 N., R. 5 W. (Boaedman). SE. i sec. 8 449 40 244 Divide. Yellow clay, 40; soap- stone, 40; slate with water, 20; soapstone, lime- stone, St. leter, at 435. CLAYTON" COUNTY. Typical wells in Clayton County — Continued. 301 Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to water supply, Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks (log given in feet). T. 93 N., R. 5 W. (BOAKDMAN) — Con. George Cassuth T. 93 N., R. 4 W. (Read and part or Ganavillo). S. Schmidt T. 95 N., R. 5 W. (Monona). Selder T. 91 N., R. 4 W. (Elk). T. 91 N., R. 2 W. (MiLLVILLE). JohnMinger J. S. Gray Mil John Patrick William Smith A. Brockman J. Beeker L. Troester J. T. ColUns E.Smith A. Andrus P.Hellas T. 95 N., R. 1 W (BuENA Vista). J.Hafel SE.JNW.isec. 21. SE.iSE.Jsec.7 Luana . SW.iNE.-isec. 15. NW.i-NE.isec. 23. NW'.JSE. isec. 23. Nw'.iNE.Jsec. 15. SE.iNW.Jsec. 10. NW. i NW. 1 sec. 16. S. 4 sec. 7 NW.JNE.isec. 17. NE.iSW.isec. 36. SE.iSW. isec. 26. SW.JSW.isec. 26. SW.JSW.isec. 20. Feet. 219 398 SO 213 233 266 66 220 30 290 90 140 330 500 Feet. 30 Feet. 215 Slate. 20 Sandstone Gravel . Hard rock. Rock. Sand Limestone ...do 188 246 18 200 268 30 100 205 Yellow clay, 24; sand with a little water, 4; yellow clay, 2; soap- stone, 35; slate with water, 15; soapstone, 20; limestone to 219. Ridge. Yellow clay, 20; Ume- stone, 210; soap- stone, 70; slate. 30; shell, 8; hard limestone, 40; blue soapstone, 5; St. Peter sand- stone, 15. About 611 above sea level. Water-bed gravel below blue-black till. Hill. Insufficient sup- ply- Large supply. Dug well on bot- toms. Footing in shale (Platteville). 60 feet soUd Galena limestone; house well. Loess, 30; blue clay, 70; black hard slate from 117 to 140. Loess, 24; red flint (residual), 6; limestone, 188; slate, 7. Drift, 24; red flint, 6; soft limestone, 110; light-colored limestone, 185; shale, 5. Shale, 120; lime- stone, 60; oil rock; water in limestone below oil rock. 302 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Typical wells in Clayton County — Continued. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to water supply. Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks (log given in feet). T. 9.5 N., R. 6 W. (BuENA Vista)— Continued. Hafel NW.JSE.isec. 20. NW.JNE.isec. 20. NE.isec. 21.... SE.isec. 22 NW. i NW. i sec. 31. Feet. 243 280 230 220 167 Inches. 38 30 30 30 Feet. Feet. Limestone from 38 Frank Nagel R. Meuth 275 220 Limestone 250 200 180 75 to 235; shale, 5; fine soft sand- stone of white quaUty, 3; water at 170. All limestone; wa- ter in crevice. A. Weeks fhnts; limestone to 220; black rock hard, in chips, with water, 10. Clay,30;hmestone, 130; dark rock, 60. Under bluff; light- colored clay, 60. black slate, 10' dark limestone"' .30; oil rock, 5, limestone, 1; oil rock with black- jack, 5; limestone with pockets of blackjack, 38; glass rock, 18; strong vein. 70 DELAWARE COUNTY. By W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. The topography of Delaware County is somewhat complex. In the northern part lies a rugged upland of loess-covered Kansan drift, dissected in interglacial time by the headwaters of streams tributary to Turkey River. A similar tract of maturely dissected Kansan ex- tends from Earlville and Delhi south along Maquoketa River, and other insular patches of upland occur in Richland and Coffin Grove townships. Bordering or surrounding these areas of rugose uplands lies the plain of lowan drift, its fairly level surface diversified with low, ice- molded swells of stony clay and glacial gravels. GEOLOGY. Three drift sheets are represented in the county. The lowan drift sheet, the uppermost of the three, is comparatively thin. The lowest, the Nebraskan, is revealed in wells where an old soil bed (Aftonian) separates the basal stony clay from the overlying Kansan drift. The Nebraskan and the Kansan tills together make up the great bulk of the drift deposits of the county. The loess, a yellow silt, too fine DELAWARE COUNTY. 303 for sand and too coarse for clay, is spread as a blanket over the dis- sected surface of the Kansan uplands. In well records it is very difficult to distinguish the different deposits of the drift. Even the pebbleless, soft yellow loess may not be set apart from the brighter yellow, hard, and stony Kansan drift on which it lies, although their discrimination on the spot is extremely easy. In the contents of the slush bucket it is hardly possible for the driller to distinguish the oxidized lowan drift from the still more highly oxidized Kansan till, and yet more difficult to separate the blue unoxidized Kansan from the blue Nebraskan drift on which it rests. In places, however, the Kansan till is covered with old, rusted glacial gravel (Buchanan), which separates it from the lowan drift. In some places this gravel has been left heaped in hills; in others it underlies low plains or occurs as outwash in the river valleys. The basement rocks underlying the county belong to three forma- tions. The youngest are Devonian limestones, which are supposed to lie beneath the heavy cover of drift over an area comprising about 7 square miles in the extreme southwestern part of the county. Next in age is the Niagara dolomite, which forms the bedrock over nearly the entire county. It outcrops in many sections and, where con- cealed from view by the mantle of drift, is discovered beneath it by the (irill. The lowest rock exposed is the Maquoketa, a bluish, plastic shale, which outcrops in the deep valleys of Elk Creek and Little Turkey River and is reached by wells in different parts of the county. (See PI. VI.) UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE AND DISTRIBUTION. Drillers in Delaware County, as in other counties of eastern Iowa, report a general lowering of the surface of permanent ground water during the last two or three decades, leaving dry or inadequate the drift sands which in earlier years were sufficient to the needs of the population. Twenty years ago on the lowan drift plains about Manchester ground water stood within 50 to 75 feet of the surface and wells of that depth sufficed; at present most wells in that area exceed 100 feet and penetrate the rock. In many wells which have not gone dry a distinct lowering of water has been noticed, amounting to as much as 20 feet. Exceptions to the present insufficiency of the drift strata may be noted where drift sands are unusually thick, as in buried river chan- nels, where they are unusually extensive overlying the rock, and where outwash sands whose upper surface lies little above the level of a river are well supplied with water from higher ground adjacent. Thus on the east side of Honey Creek, from Manchester nearly to 304 UlS^DEKGKOUND WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. Millheim, driven wells in sand are used. An ancient bed of the Maqiioketa at Rockville, filled to a depth of 80 feet with sand, sup- plies farm wells in that locality. At Manchester, where Maquoketa River now flows over a bed of rock, a wide ancient channel, 100 feet deep and filled with sand, lies but two blocks from the river banks and is utilized for many house wells. At Sand Springs also wells are sunk through sand to a depth of 75 feet, where they reach the Niagara dolomite, and obtain water that rises within 1 foot of the surface. On the prairie southwest of Petersburg wells still find water in glacial gravels overlying rock. A belt of exceptionally thick drift passes east of Ryan through Hazel Green and into south- western Milo Township. Several wells reported from this belt show drift from 200 to 240 feet thick, and each of these wells enters rock for a few feet, probably to secure attachment for the casing. The drift over most of the northwestern part of the county is chiefly of a hard blue stony clay or till, with included sand veins 4 to 6 feet thick. In places it is 15 feet thick, but at present it does not afford a supply of water adequate for the ordinary farm. Most of the wells are sunk to the underlying rock. Over much of the county, especially in the northern and eastern portions, where the Niagara approaches or reaches the surface, water is found at varying though usually moderate depths in the country rock. In the southeastern part of the county wells commonly find water above the base of the Niagara and the summit of the underlying impervious Maquoketa shale. Northwest of Monticello few wells exceed 80 or 100 feet. As the Niagara in the southeast townships attains a thickness, according to some well sections, of 160 to 200 feet, wells not infrequently find water at depths of 80 and 100 feet at a greater or less distance above the floor of the shale. Six miles southeast of Delhi a well entered the Niagara at 40 feet; at 200 feet it encountered loose, caving, shelly rock; and at 280 feet it struck a mud-rock shale, both the caving rock and shale being refer- able to the Maquoketa. The mud-rock shale was penetrated to a depth of 120 feet, the total depth of the well being 400 feet. The boring was abandoned before it reached the Galena limestone, and a new well, located 50 feet from the first, found plenty of good water on the shale. In Delhi Township, occupied largely by an area of Kansan drift, the thickness of the drift varies from practically nothing to 240 feet and wells find water in the subjacent limestone at depths of 60 to 225 feet from the surface of the ground. In the northeastern townships of the county much the same con- ditions prevail as in the southeastern. Wells 100 feet deep draw water from glacial sands on the lowan prairie southwest of Peters- DELAWARE COUNTY. 305 burg, where rock is reached as a rule. In Colony Township, in an area of well-dissected Kansan drift mantled with loess, blue Kansan till is heavy and wells find water in the subjacent limestone. The Maquoketa shale, brought up toward the north and east, by the general southwestward dip of the strata, outcrops at Eockville and in the valleys of Little Turkey River and Elk Creek. Hence the depth of wells in the Niagara decreases toward Dubuque and Clayton counties. In northern Colony and Elk townships the deepest wells penetrate the Maquoketa shale and resemble those described in the adjacent parts of Clayton County. In the four northwestern townships no wells are reported as reach- ing the Maquoketa, all finding water either in Niagara dolomite at different depths or, less commonly, in the sands and gravels of the drift. Wells seldom exceed 160 feet in depth, although some are as deep as 265 feet, penetrating the Niagara to 200 feet. In the southwestern townships the drift thickens toward the south and west. The deep drift east of Ryan, due probably to a buried channel, has already been noted. To the east of this "deep coun- try," as the drillers term it, the rock rises to the surface at Maquo- keta River. A mile west of the buried channel rock approaches within 50 feet of the surface of the lowan drift plain. In southern Prairie Township wells are drilled from 70 to 100 feet and more in the Niagara dolomite after passing through from 80 to 120 feet of drift. In Adams Township the same conditions prevail, except that in the southwest corner of the township the bedrock belongs to the Devonian system. The deeper Ordovician and Cambrian sandstones lie too far below the surface to be reached with profit, except for the water supply of the largest towns. It is from these affluent sources that the supply of Manchester is drawn, the artesian well of that city being 1,870 feet in depth. (See Pis. VI and VIII.) SPRINGS. Delaware County is favored with many large springs in all parts except the southwestern, where the country rock is deeply blanketed with drift and the area has suffered but little dissection. A well-marked spring horizon occurs in the Niagara dolomite below the base of the Pentamerus zone, which lies 150 feet above the summit of the Maquoketa shale along Elk Creek. From this horizon issue the copious springs which supply Spring Creek in southern Delaware and northern Milo townships, and the waters of which are utilized by the large fish hatchery of the United States Bureau of Fisheries near Manchester. Other large springs from the same horizon occur near Hopkinton, near Millhein, and at different points in Honey 36581°— wsp 293—12 20 306 UNDEKGEOUND WATEE EESOUKCES OF IOWA. Creek and Delaware townships along the valleys of the creeks tribu- tary to the Maquoketa. In Richland Township many springs issue from the same beds at the base of the picturesque limestone cliffs north of Forestville known as the "Devil's Backbone." A stUl lower horizon is at the contact of the pervious and creviced Niagara dolomite with the Maquoketa shale. The underlying imper- vious bed of shale collects the water descending through the lime- stone and leads it down the dip to outlets where valley and ravine have trenched the strata. Dissolving little by little the rock through which it seeps, the ground water has developed a system of passage- ways in the transition beds overljdng the shales and issues from its trunk conduits in powerful springs. The many springs along Elk Creek and its numerous branches in Elk and Colony townships emerge at this horizon. A few examples of these fine springs must suffice. The spring of L. Schnittjer, sec. 26, Delhi Township, issues with a temperature of 52° F. from the Niagara. The water is lifted to a convenient level for domestic use and the watering of stock by a hydraulic ram — a device also used by other farms in the vicinity. The Silver Spring Creamery, Delhi, uses two springs issuing from the Niagara dolomite at the bottom of a ravine. Like most of the springs of the county the water carries no sediment, and its flow and clearness are not affected by storms or wind. The water flows through the creamery, where it is used for all purposes. The temperature is stated to be about 50° F. Big Spring, sec. 3, Colony Township, issues from the base of the Niagara, as does the spring of J. D. Chase, of Greely, which flows from 100 to 120 gallons a minute. From the same hori- zon issues the spring of J. C. Odell, sec. 16, Elk Township, whose discharge is 10 barrels or more a minute and whose water is carried by a flume 40 rods long and develops 30 horsepower. It is utilized to run a gristmill. The temperature is stated to be 48° F. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Earlville. — ^Earlvifle (population, 552) draws its water supply from a weU and uses it chiefly for fire protection. The pressure is 39 pounds, and there are 11 hydrants and 1 mile of mains. HopMnton. — Water for Hopkuiton (population, 797) is obtained from a drilled well 83 feet deep and 8 inches in diameter. Water is foimd in the Niagara dolomite, which the well enters at 30 feet. The Maquoketa shale was reached by the well. Water rises within 40 feet of the surface and is lowered but 5 feet under pumping. It is pumped by gasoline engine to a tank, which supplies a gravity pressure of 55 pomids. There are 3,300 feet of mains and 7 fire hydrants. Manchester. — The supply for Manchester (population, 2,758) is drawn from an artesian weU 1,870 feet deep. (See Pis. VI, VIII.) DELAWARE COUNTY. 307 The well is 10 inches in diameter to 260 feet, 7 inches to 890 feet, and 6 inches to 1,650 feet. A 7-inch casing extends from 260 to 890 feet, and a 5-inch casing from 1,300 to 1,650 feet. The curb is 926 feet above sea level and the head is 14 feet below the cm-b; with the Niagara waters cased out the head is 150 feet below curb; the present head is the same. The tested capacity was originally 200 gallons a minute and is now 250 to 300 gallons a minute from depths of 1,200 to 1,296 feet (Jordan). No water was found below 1,500 feet. No repairs have been made. The temperature after 10 hours' pumping was 48° F. The well was completed in 1896 by J. P. Miller & Co. Previous to the completion of tliis well the water supply of Man- chester had been an excellent spring, situated near the business por- tion of the town on the banks of Maquoketa River. A reservoir excavated in solid Niagara rock receives the water of the spring, and to develop the flow to the utmost several wells of moderate depth have been drilled within it. As the water was msufficient to supply the increasing population of the town, it was wisely decided to sink an artesian well, and a site was selected adjoining the reservoir and some 24 feet higher than the water in it. Wliile the drilling was in progress to at least a depth of 1,400 feet, water stood in the shaft at about 14 feet from the surface, and there were indications that this height was due to the influx of water from the spring. When water-bearing strata were reached at 1,200 feet and below, and the well was cased to 260 feet, the water dropped to 150 feet from the surface. On removing the upper casing to a depth of 260 feet, the water again rose within 14 feet of the curb, and on the final pumping test of the well the spring adjacent nearly ceased flowing. The well, therefore, receives a supply of water from the Niagara dolomite from the same som-ce as that of the spring. The St. Peter is cased out, if the record is correct, and it is not known whether or not it is water bearing. The main flow seems to come from the Jordan sandstone, from 1,200 to 1,296 feet. Below 1,500 feet it is reported that no water was found — a remarkable fact, as the driU penetrated the entire thickness of the Dresbach sandstone. The lower flow alone was tested with a pump throwing 75 gallons a minute for 24 hours without lowering the water. On the final test of aU waters with a pump throwing from 160 to 200 gallons per minute from a 7-inch pipe 200 feet deep, the water soon sunk to 33 feet from the surface and there remained during the entire test of 20 consecutive hours. The pumping cylinder is now set 200 feet below the surface in the well and the engines also pump from the spring reservoir. When the deep-well pump is in operation no water flows from the spring and the reservoir is drained. When the pump of the spring is working at its maximum the pump of the deep well jerks as if sucking air. 308 UNDEKGKOUND WATER EESOURCES OF IOWA. The spring alone supplies about 40,000 gallons a day. The deep well pumps from 250 to 300 gallons a minute all day without difficulty. In this connection should be noted the abnormally low temperature of the water pumped from the deep well after 10 hours' pumping and some 20 minutes after the pumping from the spring had ceased. Without question the well receives from the Niagara a large amount of water of low temperature. Record of strata in city well at- Manchester (PI. VI, p. 258; PI. VIII, p. 352.) Silurian: Niagara dolomite (225 feet thiclf; top, 926 feet above sea level)— Dolomite, buff, 6 samples Dolomite, blue gray, highly cherty, 6 samples Dolomite, blue gray, cherty, pyritiferous, slightly argillaceous Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (205 feet thick; top, 701 feet above sea level) — Shale, blue, gray green, and drab; 18 samples Magnesian limestone or dolomite, dark drab, subcrystalline, somewhat argillaceous, in flakes; 2 samples Shale, blue and gray green; 7 samples Galena limestone to Platteville limestone (354 feet thick; top, 496 feet above sea level) — Limestone, magnesian, dark drab, argillaceous Limestone, light gray; earthy luster; briskly effervescent; 16 samples Dolomite, light yellow gray, subcrystalline; stained with ferric oxide in \ minute rounded spots; much of the superior limestone in small fragments. Limestone, light and darker blue gray; generally rather soft; earthy luster; in flakes and chips; 20 samples Shale, bright green, fossiliferous, containing Orthis perveta Conrad, Stroph- omena trentonensis W. and S. and Bryozoa (Decorah shale) Limestone, light blue gray, fossiliferous Limestone, light blue gray, earthy to crystalline; 11 samples Shale, green, somewhat calcareous St. Peter sandstone (33 feet thick; top, 142 feet above sea level): Sandstone, with small chips of limestone, la which no embedded grains are noticed Sandstone, as above, but free from admixture; 4 samples Prairie du Chien group— Shakopee dolomite (65 feet thick; top, 109 feet above sea level)— Dolomite, buff and gray; angular sand, mostly quartz sand, probably from above; 3 samples Dolomite, light gray Dolomite, slightly arenaceous New Richmond sandstone (49 feet thick; top, 44 feet above sea level) — Dolomite, highly arenaceous, grains rounded and some enlarged by crystalline facets; 2 samples Dolomite, gray, arenaceous; some light-drab shale Dolomite, arenaceous; some highly arenaceous shale; 2 samples Sandstone, calciferous Dolomite, gray, arenaceous, with argillaceous powder Oneota dolomite (275 feet thick; top, 5 feet below sea level) — Dolomite, gray; 8 samples Dolomite, light gray, arenaceous; 3 samples Dolomite, gray; arenaceous from 1,100 to 1,103 feet; 27 samples Dolomite, arenaceous, gray Dolomite, highly arenaceous, or sandstone, calciferous; 4 samples Cambrian: Jordan sandstone (90 feet thick; top, 280 feet below sea level) — Sandstone, white; grains rounded and ground, with considerable diversity in size; 7 samples Shale, highly arenaceous and calcareous Sandstone, as at 1,256; 5 samples St. Lawrence formation (242 feet thick; top, 370 feet below sea level)— Dolomite, gray; some sand, probably from above Sandstone, calciferous, or highly arenaceous dolomite Dolomite, light yellow gray Dolomite, gray ; in fine sand mixed with considerable quartz sand; 2 samples Dolomite, light gray; in clean chips; a little sand from above Dolomite, as at 1,346; 2 samples Marl, arenaceous, argillaceous, and calcareous; in fine green-gray powder; 6 samples, all of a pulverulent powder, seen under the microscope to be composed of minute angular particles of quartz, dolomite, and chert, with much argillaceous material; glauconiferous Sandstone, fine grained; in greenish-yellow powder; aigillaceous Thick- ness. Feet. 140 60 25 10 106 10 142 5 8 66 11 6 19 3 10 54 24 170 5 22 153 13 DELAWARE COUNTY. Record of strata in city well at Manchester — Continued. 309 Cambrian — Continued. Dresbach sandstone and underlying Cambrian strata (332 feet thick; top, 612 feet below sea level)— Sandstone, white; grains fine and rounded Sandstone; greenish argillaceous material mixed with drUlings Sandstone, fine; light buff from ferruginous stain Sandstone, fine Sandstone, coarser; uniform roimded, smooth-surfaced grains of limpid quartz Sandstone, white Sandstone, yellow, glauconiferous; said to be argillaceous Shale, light "blue, arenaceous, calcareous, somewhat glauconiferous Thick- Depth. ness. Feet. Feet. 22 1,560 13 1,573 6 1,579 19 1,598 13 1,611 79 1,690 25 1,715 155 1,870 The water is pumped to a standpipe (capacity, 105,750 gallons) and distributed under domestic pressure of 50 pounds and fire pressure of 80 to 110 pounds, through 6 miles of mains, to 38 fire hydrants and 350 taps. Ryan. — ^The water supply of Ryan (population, 511) for fire pro- tection is drawn from a drilled well 258 feet deep, which enters rock at 90 feet. Water was found at 150 feet and rises within 60 feet of the surface. The capacity of the well is 150 gallons a minute. Water is distributed from an air-pressure tank under pressure of 60 pounds. There are 400 feet of mains and five hydrants. Minor supplies.— IidoTm.a.tloB. concerning the water supplies of the smaller communities in the county is presented in the following tables : Village supplies in Delaware County. Town. Nature of supply. Depth. Depth to water bed. Head below curb. Source of supply. Compton Driven and drilled wells Drilled wells Feet. 12-150 75-100 40-250 70-200 65-140 50-125 Feet. Feet. 10-20 65-80 20-40 Delhi. Niagara dolomite. Dundee . . . Wells 70-100 90 90-140 60 Do. Drilled wells Do. Deep wells 50-100 Do. Oneida Wells Do. Sand Springs Thorp Driven and drilled wells i Sand. Drilled and dug wells 15-100 Niagara dolomite. WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Delaware County : Typical wells in Delaware County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 87 N., R. 6 W. (Dams). T. Williamson 4 miles north of Coggon. Feet. 305 Feet. 65 Feet. 55 20 feet away a well sunk to 160 feet found no water, rock being struck at 108 feet. 310 UNDEEGROUKD WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Typical tvells in Delaware County — Continued. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 87 N., R. 6 W. (Dams)— Contd. W. Montgomery . . . R. Flatten T. Henderson A. Swidle Charles Beny T. 87 N., R. 5 W. (Hazel Geeen). William Porter G. Abbey T. 87 N., R. 4 W. (Union and part OF South Fork). James O'Neil T. 87 N., R. 3 W. (PART OP South Fork). Charles Root Jacob Land Mauser T. 88 N., R. 5 W. (MILO). Haynes Charles Thorpe T. 88 N., R. 6 W. (Prairie). LeeM. Smith 4 miles north and 1 mile east of 4 miles northeast of Coggon. 44 miles northeast of Coggon. Silver Creek Northwest of Ryan S. i sec. 35 NE.iNE.isec.23. SW.JSAV.isec.l. SW.iNW.isec.35 3 or 4 miles east of Ryan. NW. iSW.isec.28 NE.iNE.isec.32. NE.iSE.isec.28. Southwest of B.op- kinton. NW. J sec. 18 Northeast of Sand Springs. 2§ miles south of Worthington. NW.iNE.isec. 1. NE.iNE.isec.29, SW. iSW. isec.28 NW. iNW. Jsec. 33. N W. i N W. i sec. 32. N W. i N W. i see. 30. SW.iSW.isec.19 7 miles south of Manchester. SW.iSW.isec.2. NW. JNW. isec. 24. 4 miles southwest of Manchester. Feet. 108 70 350 207 130 160 280 262 205 160 242 200 200 125 208 162 215 190 210 145 70 60 180 85 160 100 Feet. 108 30 200+ 20 120 120 260 200 155 240 200 ± 130 50 60 150 15 Feet. Niagara dolomite. Gravel . 110 108 feet to water bed. 68 feet to water bed. 70 feet to water bed. Sandy soil, 2; clays to 6; soil, 8; Ni- agara, bufl dolo- mite, 130; lime- stone, nearly white, 20; blue shale, Maquo- keta, 40. 207 feet to water bed. Mostly blue clay to rock. All in drift. High ground. Mostly blue clay to rock. Somewhat 1 o w er ground than last. Much lower ground than last two. All blue clay to rock. Limestone. Sand , 20 ; limestone, 140; shale, 2. High ground. Lower ground. Ends in gravel 60 feet lower than the pre ceding and following. Nearly all in drift. Low ground. Low ground; clay from top to rock. Blue clay to rock. Blue clay to rock. DELAWAEE COUNTY. Typical wells in Delaware County — Continued. 311 Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 88 N., R. 6 W. (Prairie)— Contd. Sherman Harris 6 miles southwest of Manchester. NE. iSE. isec.W- NE. iSE. isec.6. NE.isec.18 SE.iNE.isec.l9. NW.iSW.isec.29 NE.iSW.Jsec.31. NW.iNW.isec.22 SE.iNW.isec.22. SE. iSE. isec.l4. S.*sec.l4 W.'jsec. 13 SE.iNW.isec.24. E. J sec. 23 Roekville Feet. 121 185 120 125 185 204 220 65 165 214 150 168 225 141 80 160 130 320 105 75 302 61 92 160 110 80 160 130 Feet. 101 180 118 65 Feet. Blue clay to rock. High knoll; nearly all blue clay to rock. T. 88 N., R. 4 W. (Delhi). 165 50 100 35 100 100+ 140 15 40 46 12 10 90 101 50 104 60 90 102 72 130 122 200 148 150 George Morris T. 88 N., R. 3 W. (North Fork). Mrs. Georgian Frank Kerns Bottom of ravine. Sand and gravel Log feet: Drifter alluvium, 46; dol- omite (Niagara), 75; "shell rock" described also as a "blue clay" (Maquoketa). Maquoketa bot- 2J miles south of 'Dyersville. 2 miles south of Dyersville. 2 miles northwest of Worthington. Manchester SW.iNE.isec.23. Manchester SW.iNW.isec.l5 SE. iSE. isec.31. Centerof sec. 22... SE. iSE. isec.21. Center of sec. 21... SE. iSE. isec.15. SW.iSE.isec.3.. toms. All sand and gravel. Surface deposits. • Harris Limestone 12; limestone, 100; Maquoketa shale, 48. Surface deposits, .do 10; limestone, 119; shale, 1. Ridge; drift, most- T. 89 N., R. 5 W. (Delaware). ly blue clay, 90; limestone, - 70; shale, 150; lime- stone, 10. All blue clay to Limestone rock. Blue clay to rock. School well Sand to rock; Ma- Sand quoketa shale struck at 220 feet from surface; ends in shale. Sand to rock. All blue clay to Gravel rock; on low ground; would overflow years ago in wet sea- sons. T. 89 N., R. 6 W. (Coffins Grove). Ravine. Limestone ! Till to rock; a few streaks of quick- sand. Sand to thin clay, overlying rock; one sand well in locality. 312 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF TOWA. Typical wells in Delaware County — Continued. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Sources of supply. Head below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 89 N., R. 6 W (Coffins Grove)— Continued. Charles Thorpe. Do John Robinson. T. 89 N., R. 4 W. (Oneida). D. B. Bushnell T. 89 N., R. 3 W. (Bremen). Henry Leschy. Groffman. Nachmann . Henry Goertz... Henry Lichtenberg T. 90 N., R. 4 W. (Elk). A. B. Holbert T. 90 N., R. 3 W. (Colony). 90 N., R. 6 W. (Richland). -Wood W. H. Sherwin.... Allix Schaufner . . . NE. JSE. isec.4.. NW.JNW.Jsec.SO 9 miles west of Manchester. 8 miles northwest of Manchester. 6 miles northwest of Manchester. 5 miles east of Manchester. li miles northeast of Earlville. 2fj miles southwest of Petersburg. 5 miles west of Dyersville. do.... 4 miles west of Dyersville. 34 mUes northwest of Dyersville. Greeley . Sec. 19. NW.iNE.isec.26 Near Forestville... Schaufner 4 miles southeast of Strawberry Point. Feet. 120 132 140 120 102 100+ 100+ 99 119 85 206 131 380 230 Feet. 130 100 80 25 60 105 100 30 250 230 Limestone . Gravel Limestone . Sand. . . Gravel . Sand. . . .do. .do. Limestone . Sand. Sand. Feet. Clays, 90; s h e 1 1 rock, 10; solid rock, 20. All blue clay to gravel. Nearly all sand. All sand and gravel. Flowing well from sand under blue till. Do. High prairie; near- ly all blue till. High ground. Drift, 25; lime- stone, 181. Diameter, 6 inches. Ends in sand under heavy pebbly blue till. Yellow clay, blue clay, 92. Blue till, 215. DUBUQUE COUNTY. By W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. The topography of Dubuque County is composite. The eastern part, rising 600 feet and more above Mississippi River, which flows along its eastern border, was deeply gashed by the tributaries of the master river during the long periods preceding the glacial epoch, and the hiUs and valleys thus developed have been accented by erosion DUBtJQUE COUNTY. 313 since that time. The western part of the county, because of distance from the main channels of erosion, was perhaps not so deeply and thoroughly dissected in preglacial time, and it has been blanketed with sheets of glacial stony clays deposited by successive ice sheets from the northwest. Its valleys have thus been partly or wholly filled and the sharp erosion profiles characteristic of the eastern driftless portion of the county have been blurred or quite obhterated. The youngest drift present, the lowan, forms two long lobes, one occupying the summit of the ridge reaching from Dyersville to Epworth, the other stretching from Worthington southeastward down John Creek Valley. These are areas of gently undulating prairie with a local relief on the more level portions of not more than 40 or 60 feet in a square mile. The remainder of the western and southern part of the county is occupied by older drift, the Kansan. Here the relief depends on two factors — the degree to which the preglacial rock-cut valleys were filled with drift, and the degree to which the drift has been removed by streams since its deposition. The time since the deposit of the Kansan drift has been long enough to permit a well-marked and fully developed drainage system to be initiated or restored. Streamways are incised below the upland crests to a depth of 150 feet about New Vienna and to more than 200 feet at Mellary. So broad, however, are the valleys that the local relief in places may not exceed 80 or 100 feet in a square mile. The Kansan drift extends as far east as Bankston and Centraha and southeast to the Jackson County line. It reaches the edge of the main body of upland underlain by the Niagara dolomite, but fails to follow out upon the long spurs which render the escarpment of this upland so strongly digitate. The remainder of the county hes in the driftless area. In this area broad flat-floored valleys have been opened by the larger streams, such as the Little Maquoketa. It may be noted that adjacent to the Mississippi there has been developed a wide upland, now maturely dissected, standing about 240 feet above the river and about the same distance below the Niagara upland to the west. This upland is underlain by the Maquoketa shale, and upon it are located the towns of Asbury, Julian, KicardsviUe, and Key West. The origin of the upland, which is whoUy comparable to that devel- oped on the St. Peter along upper Iowa Kiver in Allamakee County, need not here be discussed. Whether it is due to cliff recession of the overlying Niagara or is a peneplain uplifted and dissected it is of no special importance in the water supply of the county. 314 UNDERGEOUND WATER RESOtTRCES OP IOWA. GEOLOGY. The following geologic formations are present in Dubuque County: Quaternary : Alluvium. Loess. lowan drift. Kansan drift. Aftonian soil. Nebraskan drift. Silurian : Niagara dolomite. Ordovician : Maquoketa shale. Galena dolomite. Decorah shale. Platteville limestone. St. Peter sandstone. Prairie du Chien group. Shakopee dolomite. New Richmond sandstone. Oneota dolomite. Cambrian: Jordan sandstone. St. Lawrence formation. Dresbach sandstone and earlier Cambrian strata. The following hypothetical geologic section is based on the scanty and in places conflicting data supplied by the records of the deep wells of Dubuque. (See PL VI, p. 258.) The thickness of the Galena dolomite is obtained by measurement of its outcrop. General geologic section at Dubuque. Eleva- tion of stratum. Galena dolomite to Platteville limestone: Dolomite Limestone, bituminous shale, green shale St. Peter sandstone: White sandstone, water bearing Prairie du Chien group: Dolomites (Shakopee and Oneota), arenaceous in places, New Richmond sand- stone perhaps at 376 feet, with some shaly beds Jordan sandstone: Sandstone, water bearing St. Lawrence formation: Dolomites and shales; dolomites to sea level, shales, red marls, arenaceous and glauconiferous Dresbach sandstone: Sandstone, water bearing Unnamed Cambrian strata: Shales Sandstone, water bearing above Feet. + 550 -I- 504 + 446 + 136 + 41 - 138 - 359 - 480 -1,248 The lowest formation exposed to view in the county, the St. Peter sandstone, outcrops at several places near Spechts Ferry at the base of the bluffs bordering the Mississippi. In these places the normally DUBUQUE COUNTY. 315 loose white sandstone has been discolored and hardened by iron compounds leached from the rocks above. The drill, however, everywhere throughout the county finds the St, Peter in its normal phase — a soft friable sandstone of round clear grains of quartz. The Platteville limestone overlies the St. Peter and appears along the Mississippi as far south as Eagle Point, Dubuque. It consists of a basal shale (the Glenwood shale of the Iowa State Survey), over- lain by limestones, some magnesian and some fossiliferous, blue and brittle, and cut by the drill into flaky chips. Bituminous brown shales may be interbedded with these limestones. Above the Platte- ville lies the Decorah shale, a highly fossiliferous plastic shale with lenses of limestone. The Decorah is succeeded in ascending order by the Galena dolomite, which as now defined includes all from the summit of the Decorah shale to the base of the Maquoketa shale. The entire body of the Galena may be dolomitized, as at Dubuque, or more or less of the body of rock may have escaped the process and remain in its original nonmagnesian or slightly magnesian state. Wliere dolomitized, the Galena is porous and cavernous. It is the lead-bearing rock at Dubuque, where its thickness reaches 237 feet. The Galena forms the bedrock over a considerable area in the immedi- ate vicinity of the streams in the northwestern part of the county. The Maquoketa consists in Dubuque County of 50 feet of friable shale with earthy limestones overlain by 150 feet of plastic blue shale. These impervious and dry rocks immediately underlie a large upland area in the eastern part of the county (p. 313). The shale is well known to drillers throughout the county. The progress of the drill is retarded in this formation by the fact that the drill hole must be washed out every 2 or 2 J feet. The uppermost geologic formation of the county and the most extensive in its outcrops is the Niagara — a buff dolomite, in many places cherty, especially toward the base. It underlies the super- ficial deposits west and south of the conspicuous sinuous line of cliffs of the Niagara escarpment. As rock, the Niagara closely resembles the dolomitized Galena and could hardly be told from it by the cut- tings of the drill, although the Niagara tends in color to blue-grays and to lighter buffs rather than to the darker buff of the Galena. The two formations are readily distinguished by their surface distri- bution and by the thick shale which parts them. The drift sheets of the county are three. The oldest, the Nebraskan, is separated from the overlying Kansan by the inter- glacial Aftonian deposits, consisting of old forest beds representing an interval during which soils accumulated and forests grew on the older glacial ground moraine. Both the Kansan and Nebraskan drift sheets are tough blue stony clays, although superficially the Kansan is deeply reddened by long weathering. The lobes occupied 316 UNDERGKOUND WATEE EESOUECES OP IOWA. by the thin sheet of lowan drift have already been mentioned, (p. 313). The loess, a yellow or ashen silt or dust deposit, mantles every- where the eroded surface of the Kansan and the driftless area. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOUECE AND DISTRIBUTION. With the wide range of formations exposed in Dubuque County the number of horizons at which ground water may be found is excep- tionally large. The drift water beds consist of different sands and gravels either separating different drift sheets, inclosed within the stony clay of an individual drift sheet, or resting immediately on bedrock. The upper interglacial gravels have long since been left behind by the gradual lowering of the ground water since the country was opened to culti- vation. Drillers state that no water is now found between the yellow and blue clays, and the seepages at the base of the loess have also gone dry. Only the basal sands of the drift supply stock wells at present, and these sands carry little water except where the drift is of considerable thickness. Drift wells drawing their water from this source are naturally most numerous on the slightly dissected lowan drift plains. Thus about Worthington wells are commonly from 100 to 120 feet deep and "just about reach rock;" on the Farley lobe of the lowan drift wells are reported as supplied from gravels 135 and 160 feet below the surface and covered chiefly by blue till. The depth of wells in drift is affected by the varying thickness of this glacial deposit, due in part to the preglacial relief of the country. A strip of "deep country" is reported in Taylor Township, extending from southeast to northwest and running out northwest of Epworth, the drift here being 100 feet and more in thickness. West of Bankston rock may be covered with 70 feet of drift within 1,000 feet of its outcrops. In Epworth rock is reached at 35 feet in places on the low ridge at the west end of town, whereas at the east end the drift is 135 feet deep. In places, as on the ridges about Farley, drillers report a stiff vmctuous clay 5 or 6 feet thick, resting on rock. This is probably the red residual clay to be looked for on ancient weathered limestone surfaces, and to the driller it is a far less desirable formation than the water-carrying glacial gravels that in many places rest directly on the rock. The Niagara is the chief water bed of the county in the southern and western parts. The well records give no section of the formation as more than 135 feet, although the measured outcrops give a thick- ness of somewhat more than 200 feet. No special horizons within DUBUQUE COUNTY. 317 this thick body of dolomite have been noted at which water can be expected. Where local conditions permit its ready drainage, as on the long spurs along its border, water will be found, if at all, only at its base; back from the margin, where, owing to lack of dissection, ground water stands high and the larger part of the dolomite is water- logged, water may be found wherever the drill encounters a crevice or an especially porous layer. Even far mthin the border of the Niagara the drill may occa- sionally fail to strike such a crevice or porous bed and may reach the base of the formation and enter the Maquoketa shale without having found a water supply. If the well is continued it should be with the full understanding that this shale is dry throughout its thickness of 200 feet and more, and it may be necessary to drill some distance into the Galena before finding a good water bed. Wells in the Niagara are reported which thus reached a total depth of 400 and even of 500 feet. On the ancient weather terrace or peneplain developed on the Maquoketa shale about Dubuque, wells do not find water until they reach the basal portion of the Maquoketa, consisting of earthy non- plastic layers, or the upper thin-layered beds of the Galena. In the northeastern parts of the county water is found in the Galena and Platteville at depths depending on the height to which these bodies of dolomite and limestone are locally water-logged and on the success of the drill in striking a water vein. At Linwood, Dubuque, a well which entered the Galena at 40 feet found water within 145 feet of the surface of the ground. Another well at Linwood in the Roman Catholic cemetery was sunk to 312 feet, some water being found at 190 feet. On the bluffs at Dubuque the ground-water level stands about 150 feet below the surface, lowering, however, toward the river, as seen in the Fourteenth Street mine. In this area a number of wells, about 100 feet deep, are used for cesspools, the contents dis- charging freely into the ground water, from which house wells in the same district are supplied. Northeast of Sherrills Mound, an outlier of the Niagara, wells run about 200 feet in depth, finding their supply in the Galena and Platteville. The St. Peter, the lowest water bed except those of the deep artesian wells of Dubuque, is tapped only near Mississippi River in the northeastern portion of the county. Thus, on the Peru bottoms the 160-foot well of William Cavanaugh (SW. i SW. i sec. 35, T. 90 N., R. 2 E.) struck light-yeUow water-bearing sandstone 6 or 7 feet thick, beneath 154 feet of alluvial quicksand and gravel. The alluvial deposits outside of the broad flood plains of the Mississippi are so small in extent that they hardly need mention. An interesting belt of country where water is ob tamed in river 318 UNDEEGROUISrD WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. deposits is that of the Couler Valley, which extends northwest from the city of Dubuque to Sageville. In this ancient abandoned river channel driven wells furnish sufficient water for household and ordinary farm uses. The deep well at the works of the Dubuque Malting Co. shows that the alluvium in this valley is 117 feet thick. At Eagle Point, Dubuque, the well of Amos Baily, on the flood plain of the Mississippi, was sunk through 160 feet of alluvium before striking rock, the total depth of the well being 170 feet. SPRINGS. The two best-marked spring horizons m Dubuque County are at the summits of the Maquoketa shale and of the Decorah shale. At both these horizons ground water is arrested in its descent by an impervious floor of shale and finds way to open air wherever the basal strata of the limestones are trenched by the channels of surface dramage. The large quantity of water gathered and the easy solu- bility of the limestones, which permits the opening of passageways of considerable size, give rise to copious springs. Along each of these horizons the spring may not mark the exact line of junction of two formations; it may lead out through talus cloaking the hill- side to issue from this loose rock waste at some lower level than the summit of the shale; or it may issue at some higher level than the shale, owing to the devious windings of the subterranean passages dissolved in limestone. Of less importance is the Niagara dolomite. Springs are found issuing from its crevices along the North Fork of the Maquoketa. These water beds are cut by the valleys of the streams in almost every section of the northeastern part of the county, and springs are correspondingly numerous. The perennial flow of the Little Maquoketa is due to its supply by springs issuing from the summit of the Maquoketa shale, which takes its name from its outcrops along this stream. On the other hand, the next stream to the south, Catfish Creek, which drains the plain developed in the Maquo- keta shale, goes dry each year for lack of springs within its catchment area, although this area is large enough to give rise to torrential and destructive floods from the run-off of heavy rains. Among the more important of the springs of the county may be mentioned that at Washington Mills, which issues at the exact contact between the Niagara and the Maquoketa; a large spring near Rochester; one in sec. 4, Georgetown Township; and the springs issuing along the bluffs of the Mississippi which supply the villages of Spechts Ferry and Waupeton. DUBUQUE COUNTY. 319 CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Cascade. — Cascade (population, 1,268) pumps water from a spring issuing from the Niagara dolomite to a tank with a capacity of 20,000 gallons. The amount used daily is 70,000 gallons. The gravity domestic pressure is 56 pounds and the fire pressure 100 pounds. The system comprises 1 mile of mains, 52 taps, and 15 fire hydrants. Dubuque. — ^The city of Dubuque (population 38,494) is supplied with water from artesian wells from which 4,000,000 gallons daily are pumped to a reservoir and distributed under gravity pressure of 45 pounds. There are 63 miles of mains, 363 fire hydrants, and 3,300 taps. (See pp. 318 and 319.) Near Dubuaue the chief water beds are the Dresbach and earher Cambrian sandstones, the St. Peter sandstone, Prairie du Chien group, and Jordan sandstone being of minor importance. Wells about 1,000 feet in depth tap all reservoirs except those below the Cambrian shale underlying the Dresbach sandstone, and wells 1,300 feet or more in depth reach the stores found in the Cambrian sandstone underlying this shale. If the conditions reported at the deepest well of the Linwood Cemetery prevail throughout the field, no water need be expected below 1,650 feet. The head of the water of the lower sandstone of the Cambrian just described seems somewhat higher than that of the Dresbach sand- stone, as seen in the well of the Key City Gas Co., where the two waters are kept apart. The first deep wells drilled at Dubuque were put down about 1,000 feet, tapping the Jordan and the Dresbach sandstone. They had a static level of more than 700 feet, heading a little more than 100 feet above the lower ground of the city. Thus the well of the Butchers Association is reported to have headed at 740, the Juhen House well at 724, and the well of the Steam Heating Co., drilled in 1884, at 704 feet above sea level. The enormous discharge of the 10-inch well drilled in 1888 by the waterworks company at Eighth Street reduced very generally the head of the other wells, and later wells from 900 to 1,300 feet in depth showed a distinctly lower static level (Schmidt well, 645 feet above sea level; Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. well, 683 feet above sea level). The latest well of this class, that of the gas company, had a static level of 667 feet above sea level. Of the deeper wells tapping the lower sandstone of the Cambrian the initial head of the Linwood Cemetery well was 742 feet above sea level, but in 1900 this had declined to 661, and the Sixth Avenue well at Eagle Point showed an initial head of but 647 feet. 320 UNDEEGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. The use of compressed air in several wells has caused a sudden loss of pressure in neighboring wells, and this lowering of static level may be expected to widen in area and increase in amount. In 1905 several old wells still held their waters up to from 630 to 645 feet above sea level, and the Julien House well and the gas com- pany well showed heads respectively of 685 and 667 feet above sea level. In 1908 the wells reporting in response to letters of inquiry showed heads not exceeding 625 feet above sea level, except in one or two doubtful cases. The early failure of some of the wells points to defective or dete- riorated casings, but the general loss of head, a loss in several wells sudden and coincident with the completion of new wells of great capacity on low ground or with the installation of air lifts in other wells, finds its cause in a general lowering of static level due to over- draft. For this condition there is no remedy except the partial one of restriction of outflow so far as possible. Wells in plants not in operation should be closed, and lateral escape of waters through defective casing and through channels opened in the rock where the well is not cased should be prevented by keeping all wells effectively cased to the chief aquifers. The Butchers' Association well has a depth of 1 ,000 feet and a diam- eter of 8 inches to the bottom; it is cased to 300 feet. The curb is 607 feet above sea level. The original head was 133 feet above the curb and the head in 1896 was 41 feet above the curb. The original flow was 580 gallons a minute. No record of the present head and discharge has been obtained. Water was first tapped at a depth of 600 feet and gradually increased to the bottom. The temperature is 56.5° F. The well was completed in 1887 by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. The Lorimer House well has a depth of 1,057 feet and a diameter of 5 inches. The curb is 652 feet above sea level. The original head was 57 feet above the curb and the head in 1896 approximately at curb. The original flow of 400 gallons a minute had ceased in 1906. The well was drilled by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. It has not been in use since 1892. The Julien House well had an original depth of 896 feet but was deepened in 1898 to 1,660 feet. Its diameters are 12, 6, and 5 inches, cased originally to 212 feet. The curb is 615 feet above sea level. The original head was 109 feet above curb; head in 1896, 97 feet above the curb; head in 1905, 70 feet above the curb. The original flow was 480 gallons a minute. The well was drilled in 1872 by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. Before the weU was deepened the flow had ceased. The sinking of the city wells had no influence on the flow, but the first night that the air compressor was set working in the city weU, about 1 1 blocks, away, the Julien House well discharged about 2 bushels of sand. DUBUQUE COUNTY. Driller^ s log of Julien Eoitse well at Duhuque. 321 Depth. Loose material Sandstone Marl Sand, marl, and limestone mixed Sandstone Limestone Marl, red Shale, sandy Marl, red Sandstone 210 370 436 486 546 651 691 737 744 The Linwood Cemetery well No. 1 has a depth of 1,765 feet. Its curb is approximately 776 feet above sea level and its original head was 23 feet below the curb. The well is now pumped with a cylinder 200 feet below the curb. The Linwood Cemetery well No. 2 has a depth of 1,954 feet and a diameter of 8 inches to 1,000 feet and 6 inches to bottom; casing to 1,025 feet. The curb is 706 feet above sea level. The original head was 36 feet above curb; head in 1896, 1(?) foot above curb; head in 1900, 45 feet below curb. The original flow was 40 gallons a minute; flow in 1896, 20 gallons a minute; well now pumped. Water from a depth of 100 feet rose nearly to the surface. The first rock flow was at about 1,250 feet and graduaUy increased until drill reached a depth of 1,650 feet, below which no water was found. The weU was completed in 1891 by J. P. Mifler & Co., of Cliicago. TMs well is sometimes obstructed by a "fibrous sediment" which may be Crenothrix and which is removed by churning an iron rod in the tube. At times tliis treatment has doubled the diminished flow. The J. Gushing factory weU has a depth of 965 feet and a diameter of 7 inches to 60 feet, 5 inches to 190 feet, and 4 inches to bottom; cased to bottom. The curb is 642 feet above sea level. The original head was 31 feet above the curb and the head in 1896 at curb. Water comes from 600 feet and lower. The temperature is 60° F. The well was completed in 1888 by J. P. MiUer & Co., of Chicago. The Packing & Provision Co.'s well has a depth of 955 feet and a diameter of 8 and 6 inches; cased to 200 feet. The curb is 607 feet above sea level. The original head was 55 feet above the curb; head in 1896, 50 feet above curb; head in 1905, 23 feet above curb. The original flow was 340 gaUons a minute; the present tested capacity, with pump cylinder 16 feet above curb, is 90 gallons a minute. The well was completed in 1889 by J. P. Miller & Co., of Cliicago. The Consumers' Steam Heating Co.'s weU has a depth of 802 feet and a diameter of 4 inches. The curb is 617 feet above sea level. 36581°— wsp 293—12 21 322 UISrDEKGEOUJSrD WATEK EESOUECES OF IOWA. The original head was 87 feet above curb and the head in 1896 at curb. The original flow of 260 gallons a minute had ceased in 1896. The water comes from depths of 353, 480, and 780 feet. The well was completed in 1884 by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. Driller'' s log of Steam Heating Co.'s well at Dubuque. Depth. Depth to rock [alluvium] Sandstone Sand and shale Limestone, white Limestone, gray Sand and lime [inspection of the tube shows that this Includes a cherty limestone perhaps arenaceous, a gray limestone, and lowest a brown cherty, arenaceous lime stone] Sandstone, brown Marl, yellow Sand and lime Sandstone Lime Marl, red Shale, sandy , green Marl, red Sandstone, cream yellow Feet. 165 171 176 304 346 481 501 504 614 576 594 681 745 755 802 The Schmidt brewery well (W. Weiss Beer Co.) has a depth of 886 feet and a diameter of 8 to 6 inches; 8-inch casing to 80 feet, 5-inch casing to 120 feet. The curb is 630 feet above sea level. The head in 1896 was 15 feet above curb; the present head is below curb; water rises nights and Sundays. The well now pumps 35 gallons a minute with the cyhnder set 16 feet below curb. The water comes from depths of 500 feet, 700 to 800 feet (main flow), and below. The well was completed in 1891 by J. Bicksler, of Dubuque. Record of strata in Schmidt brewery well at Dubuque. Depth in feet. Sand and gravel 25 Sand, yellow 30 Sand, reddish 56 Dolomite, buff; aspect of Galena 60-65 Limestone, dark bluish gray and buff 80 Limestone, magnesian, or dolomite; dark drab, mottled with lighter color; in small angular fragments, residue after solution large; argillaceous, siliceous, and pyritiferous; three samples.. 100-114 Sandstone, white, moderately coarse; grains rounded, smooth, and comparatively uniform in size 126 Dolomite, light yellow gray, nearly white, with much sand in drillings 140 Sandstone, as at 126 feet 156 Dolomite; drillings chiefly chert 189 Dolomite, gray, highly cherty at 250 feet 210-250 Sandstone, white, many grains faceted; some dolomite chips in drillings 254 Dolomite, light buff, in fine sand, with chert and quartz sand 258 DUBUQUE COUNTY. 323 Depth in feet. Sandstone, white, with calcareous cement 267 No samples 267-426 Dolomite, buff, cherty 426 Dolomite, brown; chip pings splintery; mostly of flint with some of drusy quartz 430 Sandstone, cream yellow, moderately fine, calciferous as shown by dolomitic and cherty material in drillings; three samples 465-474 Dolomite, buff; in fine sand, with some quartz sand 478 Sandstone, light reddish yellow, fine, calciferous 535 Dolomite, in fine buff sand and gray chips 581-584^ Shale, highly arenaceous, glauconiferous; in chips which pulverize into reddish yellow powder at 632 feet and reddish brown at 636 feet, quartzose material, microscopic and angular 632-636 Dolomite, highly arenaceous, glauconiferous; in fine brown angu- lar sand at 724 feet and in coarser sand at 726 feet 724-726 Sandstone, yellow; grains moderately fine, the larger rounded and smoothed 730 Sandstone, pure, white; grains rounded, moderately fine 841 The Bank and Insurance Building well had a depth of 973 feet, but was deepened in 1900 to 1,380 feet. Its diameter is 8 to 4|- inches. The casing extends to 150 feet, and also covers 50 feet of shales below 200 feet. The curb is 638 feet above sea level. The original head was 10 feet above the curb; the present head is 3 feet above curb (water pumped to tank on roof). The original flow was 120 gallons a minute, which increased in 1900, after deepening, to 125 gallons a minute. The first flow was at a depth of about 900 feet. Tempera- ture, 61° F. Date of completion, 1894; drillers, J. P. Miller & Co., Chicago. The E. Hemmi dairy well has a depth of 973 feet. The curb is 627 feet above sea level. It was completed in 1895 ( ?). This well stopped flomng on the starting of the air compressors of the malting company. It is now pumped by a windmill. The Dubuque Brewing & Malting Co.'s well has a depth of 999 feet, but was deepened in 1904 to 1,165 feet. Its diameter is 8 to 6 inches. The curb is 624 feet above sea level. The well was completed in 1895 by J. Bicksler, of Dubuque, and was deepened and recased to 450 feet in 1904 by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. No definite facts are obtainable as to head and discharge. The original flow was received in a reservoir from which it was pumped throughout the brewery. The flow ceased when the air compressors of the city wells were in use, and an air compressor was installed to pump the well, whose capacity was estimated at 150 gaUons a minute. The repairs made by deepening and recasing the well in 1904 are reported as having been very beneficial, but the increase in flow or pressure is not stated. In 1908 the head was 6 inches above the curb, the flow being increased by the use of the air compressor. 324 UNDEKGKOUND WATER EESOURCES OF IOWA. Driller^ s log of Dubuque Malting & Brewing Co. well. Thick- ness. Depth. [Surface material] Feet. 117 33 75 225 533 45 2 135 Feet. 117 Limestone 150 Sandstone 225 450 983 Shale 1,028 Marl, red . . . 1,030 Sandstone 1,165 The Key City Gas Co.'s well lias a depth of 1,310 feet and a diam- eter of 10 inches to bedrock (116 feet), 8 inches to 562 feet, 6i inches to 1,070 feet, and 5 inches to the bottom; casing, 10 inches to 116 feet and 4 inches from curb to 1,118 feet. The curb is 619 feet above sea level. The original head was 48 feet above curb; head in 1905, 48 feet above curb. The original flow was 400 gallons a minute. Water comes from depths of 1,000, 1,118, and 1,310 feet. Tempera- ture, 60° F. The well was completed in 1900 by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. The waters of the higher water beds rise through the outer casing and those of the lower through the inner. The lower waters have the higher head, but the difference is variously reported. It is stated that on the completion of the well the flow of other wells in the city was diminished and some of the shallower wells ceased to flow. In 1905 the tv»^o flows had become mingled through corrosion of casing. Driller's log of Key City Gas Co.'s well at Dubuque. Depth. Surface material Limestone, shelly Limestone or shale Shale, sandy Shale, red, and caving rock. Limestone Shale Sandstone Shale, sandy Rock, hard and soft streaks Feet. 67 116 150 470 545 645 690 985 1,100 1,310 The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway wells are two in number, each with a depth of 1,263 feet. The curbs are 607 feet above sea level. The original heads were 76 feet above curb; heads in 1905, 28 feet above curb. The well No. 1 was completed in 1898; it flowed 60 gallons a minute. City well No. 1, Eighth and Pine Streets, has a depth of 1,310 feet and a diameter of 10 inches; casing, 400 feet. The curb is 607 feet DUBUQUE COUNTY. 325 above sea level. The original head was 46 feet above the curb; head in 1905, 23 feet above curb; head in 1908, 3 feet above curb. The original flow is unknown, but the flow in 1908 was 100 gallons a minute. The water came from depths of 500 and 1,310 feet. Date of completion, 1888. The Eagle Point north city well has a depth of 1,308 feet and a diameter of 12 inches; 12-inch casing to 400 feet. The curb is 625 feet above sea level. The original head was 24 feet above curb, and the head in 1905, 20 feet above curb. The flow in 1905 was 300 gal- lons a minute; flow in 1908, 230 gallons a minute; capacity under air compressor acting at 300 feet in depth, 805 gallons a minute. The first flow came from 800 feet. The well was completed in 1899 at a cost of $2,600. The Eagle Point south city well has a depth of 1,306 feet and a diameter of 12 inches to 900 feet, 8 inches to bottom; casing, 8 inches to 1,000 feet. The flow in 1905 was 265 gallons per minute, and in 1908, 120 gallons a minute; capacity under the air compressor, 290 gallons a minute. The head was the same as that of the north well. Date of completion, 1899. The Eagle Point Sixth Avenue city well has a depth of 1,927 (or 1,908) feet and a diameter of 4 inches; 4-inch casing to 450 feet. The original head was 22 feet above curb; head in 1905, 11 feet above curb. The original flow was 135 gallons a minute. Temperature, 61° F. The well was completed in 1900. The use of the air compressor in the north well stops the flow of the south well; in 1905 its use in the north and south wells reduced the flow in the Sixth Avenue well to one-third its normal discharge; the effect on the distant Eighth Street well is said to be slight. An unpublished log of the waterworks well at Galena, 111., is here presented for comparison with the logs of wells at Dubuque. • Driller's log of well of waterworks at Galena, III. Surface material Limestone Sand, white, water, first flow (St. Peter) Marl, red Sandstone, white, water Limestone, sandy Shale, sandy Limestone, sandy Sand, white, water Sand and limestone Sand, white, water Thick- ness. Depth. Feet. Feet. 65 65 95 160 105 265 40 305 222 527 80 607 28 635 50 685 28 913 12 925 645 1,570 Dyersville. — The water system of Dyersville (population, 1,511), owned by the city, obtains its supply from a 5-inch drilled well, 384 feet deep, entering rock at a depth of 2 feet. Water heads 150 feet 326 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOtTECES OP IOWA. from the surface. The chief water bed was found at 136 feet in Niagara dolomite. Water is pumped by gasoline engine to a tank, whence it is distributed under gravity pressure of 45 pounds through 1^ miles of mains. There are 30 taps and 20 fire hydrants. The St. Peter sandstone should be struck at about 260 feet above sea level, or 681 feet below the surface, and the Jordan at about 150 feet below sea level or about 1,090 feet below the surface. A well sunk to 250 feet below sea level, that is, to about 1,100 feet from the surface, should give a supply ample for the town so long as the well is kept in good repair. The water from the deeper beds may be expected to stand about 150 feet below the curb, but the upper waters, which will be found in the Niagara, Galena, and Platteville limestones, will come much higher and increase the head. The cylin- der of the pump should be placed low enough to draw on the deeper waters after the upper limestone waters, which wilt be less in amount, have been pumped off. Minor supplies. — Information concerning the supplies of some of the smaller places is contained in the following table: Village supplies in Dubuque County. Nature of supply. Depth of wells. Depth to water bed. Depth to rock. Head. Village. From — To— Com- mon. Springs. Bernard ... Wells . Feet. 80 30 Feet. 600 135 Feet. 120 130 Feet. 100 Feet. 12 Feet. ■■■-26' None. Cisterns and wells. Large and small. Epworth Farley Drilled wells .do GO 18 120 535 15 25 i "-is" \ -30 Peosta . . 150 jsmall. Spechts Ferry. . . . Placid Springs 24 315 120 120 f 300 \ 135 -16 -80 Waupeton Springs Sageville 100 60 Worthington Drilled and open wells. 30 60 60 25 f -15 I -30 Ismall. WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Dubuque County: Wells in Dubuqu£ County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Head. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 88N.,R. IE. (Vernon). Mrs. King NW.iNE.isec.13 SW.i SW.isec.7. SW iSE isec. 12. Feet. 135 200 400 Feet. Feet. High ground. Peter Broessel -160 J. McMahon Dolomite, Niagara, 60; Maquoketa shale and Galena limes tone,340. DUBUQUE COUNTY. Wells in Dubuque County — Continued. 327 Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock Source of supply. Head. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 90N., R. 2E. (Peru). JohnCoultis T. 89 N., R. 1 W. (Iowa). Clement Meyer. . . L. H. Fangmann. C. Fangmann Keller T. 88N., R. 1 W. (Taylor). — — Bennett Geo. Freeman Aug. Krogmaim . . Geo. Graham. Hams M. M. McDermott. Quirrin N. Bradfleld T. Smith J.Haly Geo. Banerich T. 88N.,R. 2 W. (Dodge). Martin J.N. Crapp F. Funke Aug. Coopman Town. T.90 N., R. 1 W. (Concord). John Frietmann. . Nicholas Smith. . . T. 88N., R. 2E. (Table Mound.) C, Ehrsam U miles southwest Spechts Ferry. Tivoli, sec. 8. Bankston SW.iNE.isec.33 NE.iSW.isec.8. NE.-iSE.isec.S.. Kidder 4 miles northwest of Epworth. 1 mile north of Ep- worth. 4 miles southwest of Epworth. SW. iSE.Jsec. 7. Vf miles southeast 'of Graham. East end of Ep- worth. IJ miles south of Epworth. Sec. 11 Sec. 12 See. 22 Sec. 34 SW.iNE.Jsec.31 2 miles northwest of Farley. IJ miles west of 'Farley. Sec. 11 Sec. 9 2 miles south of Dyersvllle. Worthington. NE.iNE.isec.16 SE.iSE.i sec.32. NW.Jsec. 18. Feet. 150 140 175 160 ICO 208 160 112 155 Feet. Feet. 187 250 140 83 220 135 160 102 154 300 104 200 Limestone . Gravel. ... Limestone . On shale . . . On shale . Limestone . Gravel 190 135 65 190 Limestone . Gravel . do. 102 117 30 Limestone . Sand and gravel. Sand and Gravel. Yellow clay, 10; blue clay, 56; limestone, 74. Drift and Niagara dolo- mite to Maquoketa shale, 175 feet. Rather high ground. All sand to gravel. Yellow clay to rock. Low ground near creek. Reddish sand and clay, 20; limestone, 20; shale, 46. Ridge; Maquoketa shale penetrated, 60. Mostly sand; lime- stone, 5. Yellow clay, 30; blue clay, 60; limestone, 40; shale, 25. High hill. Drift, 60; limestone, 100; shale, 340. No water. Ridge. Yellow clay, 40; blue clay, 26; lime- stone, 110; shale (Ma- quoketa), 254; hard gray limestone, 12; shale, 8. Drift, nearly all sand, 135; Niagara dolo- mite, 52. Yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 87; gravel, 8. Blue till from 40 to 135. Black drift into wood above rock. MatQly yellow till and sandy material to rock with some "black clay." Drift, 85; Niagara dolo- mite, 135. Nearly all blue clay to gravel. Blue clay to water bed. Mainly yellow till. 67 feet of blue-black till on rock. High ground. Drift, 6; Niagara dolomite, 100; Maquoketa shale, 194; ends in shale. Diameter, 5| inches. Depth to water sup- ply, 50. Blue stony clay to wa- ter bed. Reached Maquoketa shale. Valley. Mostly soft quicksand; rock not reached. 828 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OP IOWA. Wells in Dubuque County — Continued. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Head. Remarks (logs given in feet. T. 89N.,R. IE. (Center). Centralia Feet. 250 220 120 416 112 92 Feet. Feet. Drift and loess, 30; blue do -190 - 40 -398 shale, 220. .do H. Calahan Sec. 7 Altitude, 1,150 feet; 32 do 60 32 Limestone feet of drift. Yellow and blue clay, 60; limestone, 12. Yellow clay, 12; blue clay, 20; limestone, 60. T. 89 N., R. 2 W. (New Wine). May berry 2i miles northwest "of Farley. do - 52 FAYETTE COUNTY. By W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. As Fayette County lies near the margin of the driftless area, it includes two types of topography, each of wliich exercises a certain control over the distribution of ground water. The northeastern part of the county — the area lying east and north of West Union and Fayette — is a land of hills, some of which are 400 feet high, carved by streams from an upland about 1,200 feet above sea level. Here the Kansan drift is thin and the topography of preglacial time is not effaced or even masked. Over the remainder of the county the pre- glacial hills and valleys have been deeply buried beneath drift, and the latest ice sheet to invade the region, the lowan, has molded the surface to a gently undulating prairie. In this prairie region ground water stands high, feeding the streams of the shallow valleys with oozes along their banks; in the rugged country of the northeastern part ground water stands low and must be sought by wells at levels approximating those of the bases of the hills, where it issues in copi- ous springs. The divide between Volga and Turkey rivers reaches an elevation of 1,280 feet above sea level; the lowest valley floors descend to 775 feet above sea level. The two areas are roughly sketched in any road map of the county. In the dissected area the crooked highways fol- low around hill and up winding valley and along the sinuous ridge tops; on the prairie of the younger drift they adhere to the section lines undeviatingly. The broad, flat valleys of the streams of the dissected area form a topographic type of special interest in this investigation. Their width, which commonly reaches a mile along Volga and Turkey rivers PAYETTE COUNTY. 329 is an expression of an advanced stage of development due not only to their great age but also to the weak rock, the Maquoketa shale, in which they have been worn. GEOLOGY. Pleistocene drift deposits mantle the entire county. In the hilly northeastern part they are thin and almost negligible from the pres- ent viewpoint, but over the prairies of the county they are thick. The great bulk of the drift belongs to the earlier drift sheets, the Nebraskan and the Kansan. The lowan drift forms a veneer on the older drift over about two-thirds of the county. Outside of the lowan area the stony clays of the drift are mantled with a fine yellow silt called loess. The well driller does not distinguish between these superficial deposits, nor is their discrimination easy in the contents of the slush bucket. Yet valuable data may be obtained by noting the depth at which the gritless yellow loess passes into the ashen loess beneath it or into the sands which in a few places underlie it, or into the brighter- yellow stony clay of the weathered Kansan. The place and thickness of the sand beds which locally intervene between the Kansan and the Nebraskan should also be noted. At the same horizon ( Aftonian) will be found in places old soils, deposits of peat, and forest beds, whose dark and ill-smelling products are recognized at once. The driller should also note the depth at which the weathered reddish or yellow Kansan passes into the blue unoxidized and tougher stony clay of the unweathered basal portion of that drift. Several members of the Devonian system, differing lithologically one from another, are exposed in different places in the central and western parts of the county, as in the deep railway cut at Fayette, but their discrimination matters little in tliis investigation. The Niagara dolomite (Silurian) appears in the cliffs along the val- ley of Turkey and Volga rivers and forms the bedrock in parts of lUyria, Dover, Auburn, Union, and Westfield townships. Covered by heavy drift, it is supposed to underlie the southern townships. The rock is for the most part a buff dolomite, although beds of gray nonmagnesian limestone occur locally. The measured outcrops do not exceed 70 feet. Because of its impervious shales, the Maquoketa (Ordovician) ex- erts a strong influence on the distribution of ground water. The formation includes a basal member nearly 100 feet thick, made up of shales and clayey limestones, a middle member about 50 feet thick composed of cherty magnesian limestones, and an upper member, a plastic bluish shale, whose thickness may reach 125 feet. These beds form the surface rock over Clermont and most of Dover townships, and over the northeastern part of Auburn Township. They form the 330 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OP IOWA. bedrock of the valley floor of the Volga to 3 miles north of Lima, of Turkey River to its junction with Crane Creek, and of Otter Creek to a point within 2 miles of West Union, The 70 feet of the upper beds of the Galena (Ordovician) exposed in the county are nondolomitic limestones, light gray in color, and may be recognized by the driller by these characteristics, as well as by their position immediately beneath the easily determined base of the Maquoketa shale. They outcrop only along the valley of Turkey River and its tributaries above Clermont, UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE AND DISTRIBUTION. In the northeastern part of the county water is obtained chiefly in the bedrock. The drift is thin, and the loess seldom affords a large or permanent supply. Wells encounter, immediately above the rock, a stratum of residual flints several feet thick, but this stratum does not form a water bed, as the flints are set in impervious red residual clay. In Clermont and much of Pleasant Valley townships, where the Maquoketa shale forms the country rock, water may be found above the blue upper shale of that formation, but generally the drill must go to the hmestones of the middle Maquoketa, or even into the Galena and Platteville limestones underlying the heavy shales of the lower Maquoketa, As the tliickness of the Maquoketa is estimated at not less than 250 feet, it is not surprising that some of the deeper wells of the area are 400 feet deep. On the high uplands of the northeastern townships, where the Niagara dolomite forms the country rock, water is commonly found at moderate depths, but even here in a few wells the drill fails to strike water in the Niagara, and wells are reported which go to the middle Maquoketa. One west of Wadena passed through 80 feet of "sand rock" (Niagara), 155 feet of "soapstone" (upper Maquoketa), 15 feet of "dark shale in chips," and 32 feet of limestone (middle Maquoketa), finding water in the beds last named. The wide valley floors of Turkey and Volga rivers form a distinct province where shallow wells tap the abundant water of alluvial sands and gravels. In the remainder of the county the chief water beds are (1) sands and gravels of glacial origin, interbedded with stony clays or over- lying the rock at different depths from the surface, and (2) Devonian and Silurian limestones. In the southeastern part of the county, in Fairfield, Smithfield, Putnam, and Scott townships, water is found in the basal glacial gravels and in the Niagara dolomite. Wells vary in depth with the thickness of the drift and with the depth in the FAYETTE COUNTY. 331 Niagara at which a water-bearing crevice or porous layer may be encountered. The data at hand suggest that the drift ranges in thickness com- monly from 70 to 150 feet. Near Scott, however, some wells find water in glacial sands resting on rock at a depth of 170 feet. Four miles west and 1 mile north of Arlington the same water-bearing sands lie in places about 200 feet from the surface. About 4 miles southwest of Arlmgton the average depth to rock is 150 feet, most wells here finding water on the rock or a few feet below the rock surface. Near Taylorsville some wells are sunk about 60 feet below the rock surface. On the high ridge north of Brush Creek ground water in the limestone stands low and wells may need to go through 150 feet or more of rock before obtaining a supply. In the southwestern townships the drift is of considerable thick- ness, although at Fairbank, Maynard, and Randaha the rock ap- proaches close to the surface or outcrops. In Oran and Fremont townships a common range of from 50 to 125 feet is indicated by our reports, wells seldom exceeding 150 feet in depth. At Westgate rock is reached at 80 feet and from Oelwein west to Little Wapsipinicon River wells footing in keel rock are said to range from 75 to 100 feet in depth. In Jefferson Township the drift is thicker than in Oran, and wells which here find water in its basal sands or in the upper layers of the underlying rock commonly exceed 100 feet. At Oelwein on the hills house wells are about 145 feet deep and foot in rock, 5 feet being sufficient for reservoir and anchorage for casings. On the ■other hand, in the northwestern part of the city rock lies at 30 feet. At the Roman Catholic Church a well penetrated sand for 60 feet, whereas wells not 100 feet distant on either side struck rock witliin 3 feet of the surface. This narrow bed of sand runs half a mile southwest to Otter Creek. The steepness of the rock walls of this buried channel is shown by the fact that at a house in the town the excavation for the cellar encountered rock at 4 feet, and a well 5 or 6 feet from the house wall penetrated sand for 60 feet. In Harlan, Center, and Banks townships wells find water in basal sands and gravels or immediately below the rock surface in the Devonian limestones. In Banks township the drift apparently runs deep and a tluckness of 187 feet is reported at one locality. A short distance southeast of Randalia rock comes to the surface, though immediately at the village it is 90 feet below ground About May- nard stock wells run to depths of from 40 to 100 feet, and are com- monly drilled from 5 to 10 feet in rock. In the northwestern part of the county, which is comprised within the limits of the lowan drift plain the general conditions are the same as in the central and southwestern parts. 332 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. A few flowing wells from Pleistocene sands overlain by stony clays are reported from the county but no provinces were found of sufficient importance to deserve investigation. These flows occur on low ground on a branch of Turkey River in Windsor Township and at one or two points along Otter Creek north of Oelwein, and on the Little Wapsipinicon. SPRINGS. springs are numerous and many of them are copious in the north- eastern part of the county along the valleys of Volga and Turkey rivers. A well-marked horizon occurs at the base of the Devonian, whence some large springs issue near Fayette. A still larger contri- bution of spring water is made by the rocks at the summit of the Maquoketa shale, for this impervious clay leads the ground water along its surface to open air wherever it is cut by streamways. At Wadena, on Turkey River, several springs issue on the hillsides, that of Wilham Sargent being said to be 80 feet above the village. The water of one of these springs has been piped to the village, but no use has been made of them for power. In most of the part of the county covered with lowan drift springs are few and small. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Arlington. — At Arhngton (population, 678) water obtained from a well is pumped to a tank supplying pressures of 35 to 45 pounds. There are 2,400 feet of mains. Fayette. — The pubUc supply of Fayette (population, 1,112) is drawn from two 8-inch wells 65 feet deep, situated at the edge of town on the banks of Volga River. Their joint capacity is said to be 500,000 gallons a day, but a run of the pumps for not more than 1| hours a day is sufficient to meet present demands. Water stands 15 feet below the surface, and is drawn down to 17^ feet by pumping a few minutes. The driller's log of the wells is as follows : Log of well at Fayette. Thickness. Depth. Feet. 30 32 3 Feet. 30 62 Sandroek . . 65 The sandroek in which the well ends is probably a coarse-grained magnesian limestone of the Niagara; the imesione aDove corre- sponds with the Wapsipinicon limestone of the Devonian. Water is distributed by direct pressure with domestic and fire pressures of 80 and 100 pounds respectively. There are 1,300 feet of mains and four fire hydrants. FAYETTE COUNTY. 333 The summit of the Niagara dolomite at Fayette (elevation, 902 feet) is exposed along Volga River near the water line. The formation here is probably not more than 75 feet thick. A deep well would pass through the Niagara into the Maquoketa shale, which is here about 200 feet thick and includes middle dolomitic beds that may carry water under a sufficient head to overflow at the surface. Still more water will probably be found in the 300 or 350 feet of the Galena and Platteville limestones, which underlie the Maquoketa. The St. Peter sandstone should be reached about 625 feet below the surface. This estimate, based on the thickness of the formations, is believed to be more accurate than one based on the assumed uniform dip of the St. Peter from Elkader to Sumner, which would bring the St. Peter at Fayette about 470 feet below the surface. The lower waters can not be expected to overflow, although they may rise near the surface. A well or wells sunk to the depth of about 675 feet will probably obtain sufficient water for a pubHc supply, but the far more abundant stores of the Prairie du Chien and the Jordan may be reached by sinking the well 500 to 550 feet deeper. Hawkeye. — ^At Hawkeye (population, 510) the pubhc supply is pumped from a 6-inch well to a tank 100 feet high and thence dis- tributed through 1 mile of mains. There are nine fire hydrants. The well is 180 feet deep and is cased to rock which it enters at 160 feet. Oelwein. — ^The water supply for Oelwein (population, 6,028) is drawn from four wells, 7 inches in diameter and 72 feet deep, connected and pumped wdth a vacuum pump. The capacity of the wells is somewhat less than 240 gallons a minute, as by pumping at this rate the water is lowered from a head of 12 feet below the surface to 25 feet below it, and the pumps begin to pound. The wells are located in the northeastern part of the city on a level with the railway station. Rock was entered at 16 feet, and the main water bed was found in a seam at 40 feet. The wells are adjacent to a deep well drilled for the city but never used. On testing the deep well with a cyhnder set at 150 feet and pumping 250 gallons a minute, the water in the four wells was drawn down below the vacuum pump, the water in the deep well lowering in corresponding measure. The water in the deep well now rises and falls with that of the four wells, according as the vacuum pump is in action or at rest. Water is distributed from a standpipe (capacity, 96,000 gallons) under a pressure of 60 to 75 pounds. There are 8 miles of mains, 55 fire hydrants, and more than 600 taps. The amount used daily exceeds 200,000 galons. The deep well was drilled for the city some years since by J. F. McCarthy, of Minneapolis, but nothing can be learned about it except its depth, 1,000 feet^ and its head, 15 feet below the curb. If the 334 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OP IOWA. dip of the strata in this area is uniform between the nearest deed wells on either side of Oelwein, this well hardly more than reached the base of the St. Peter sandstone. Wliatever the supply of this well may have been, the capacity would doubtless have been increased by drilhng deeper to the Jordan sandstone. Westgate. — A supply used for fire protection at Westgate (popula- tion, 232) is obtained from a 6-inch well, 98 feet deep. Rockis entered at 80 feet. The water bed is limestone at 85 feet, and the head is 30 feet below the curb. Water is pumped by gasoUne engine to a tank 90 feet high, with a capacity of 600 barrels, and is thence distributed through 1,000 feet of mains. There are three fire hydrants. Other drilled wells 20 to 150 feet deep find rock at 80 feet and water at 35 to 40 feet that heads 10 feet below curb. West Union. — Four wells, 68 to 70 feet deep, situated at the base of the north bluff of Otter Creek, supply West Union (population, 1,652) with about 100,000 gallons of water a day. The head of the water is sufficient to carry it over the curb, but overflow is prevented by closing tliree of the wells with cement. The wells are drilled almost wholly in limestone and are evidently closely related to the strong springs of this district, which issue from the lower beds of the Devonian limestone. The temperature of the water is about 51° F. Water is pumped by a compound duplex steam pump to a stand- pipe, from which it is distributed with a domestic pressure of from 40 to 80 pounds through 5 miles of mains to 30 fire hydrants and 375 taps. The fire pressure is 110 pounds. It is improbable that the city will need to seek a deeper water supply for many years, but such a supply is obtainable in the St. Peter sandstone, which should be found about 550 feet below the surface, or in the Jordan, whose base must be at about 1,150 feet. Water may be looked for in very moderate amounts in the Prairie du Chien group and the Jordan sandstone. The water from these deep sandstones would probably stand 100 feet or more below the surface. Minor supplies. — Information concerning the water supplies of the smaller villages is presented in the following table: Village su pplies in Fayette County. Town. Nature of supply. Depth of wells. Depth to water bed. Depth to rock. Head above or below curb. Volume of springs. Alpha . . Wells .. Feet. 20-40 60 40-350 20-120 30-130 40 Feet. Feet. Feet. 16-30 Drilled wells and springs. Wells and springs. . . Bored and drilled wells. Wells and ponds Drilled wells Wells Small. Clermont 80-100 120 100 " Donnan 15 12-60 20 30 70-175 165-210 20 20 Do. 50 Large and small. Eldorado Small. Elgin 16-60 40 Ulyria Drilled wells Wells... 90-312 20-60 30 12-125 20-100 138 40-60 MerliiTm, T/imn. Small. Maynard do Randalia Driven and bored wells. Wells... 90 Waucoma Do. FAYETTE COUNTY. 335 WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Fayette County: Typical wells of Fayette County. Owner. T. 92N.,R. low. (Fremont), Fred Barle Dieperkoph. Town. J. I. Minckler. T. 91 N., R. 10 W. (Oean). G. L. Egan Peter Kanten Edward Dundell . . , Chicago Great West- ern Railway. Do John Gerken T. 91 N., R. 9 W. (Jefferson). Oelweta town wells. Do Catholic Church... Richard Swartz. Julius Talhnan . , Piatt. - Creamery Frank Cragm. T. 92 N., R. 9 W. (Harlan). Barnes Location. 5 miles south- east of Sum- ner. ....do Westgate 2 miles south- west of West- gate. NE.isec.5. SE.iSE.isec.lO 8 miles west and 1 mile north of Oelwein. 1 mile west of Oelweia. 6 mUes west of Oelwein. NW. Jsec. 9 SE. iNE. Jsec. 23. Northwest part of town. Oelwein SE.JNE.Jsec.S 3 miles north- west of Oel- wein on Otter Creek. 1 mile east of Oelweia. At Craft's, east of Oelwein. 2 miles east of Oelweia. SW. J NW. sec. 26. Depth. Feet. 143 60 55 70 120 G4 100 140 145 110 102 70 40 120 Depth to rock. Feet. 139 20 45 67 116 60 138 140 30 38 118 Depth to water supply. Feet. 85 84 Source of supply. Limestone Limestone Sand Limestone Yellow limestone. Limestone Limestone Sand. .do. .do. Gravel . Sand. . . Head above below curb. Feet. -115 - 30 + 25 + 5 60 - 20 60 Remarks (logs given in feet). Used for fire pro- tection only. Di- ameter, 6 inches. A little clay on top; then all sand to bottom. Diam- eter, 5 inches. Valley of Little W apsipinico River. Supplies water for fish- ponds. Yields 15 gallons per min- ute from 5-inch pipe. All clay to rock. Diameter 6 inches. All blue clay to rock. Hill. All sand; wells not 100 feet distant on either side; strike rock in 3 feet. Clay, 60; sand, 20; clay. Overflows. Blue clay, 50; sand, 20. Sand, 2; yellow clay, 10; sand, 26; limestone, 2. Yellow clay, 10 blue clay, 50 quicksand, 25 dark clay and sand, 33; lime- stone, 2. 336 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Typical wells of Fayette County — Continued. Owner. T. 92 N., R. 9 W. (Harlan)— Con. G. Beuzer McMaster. . . Do T.91N.,R. 8 W. (Scott). Peter Kraft Puflet Frank Sherman . . . T. 92N., R. 8W. (Smithfield). Stephen Payne Jesse Paul Charles Smith Tiu-ner W. B. Stevenson.. J. J. Bogert H. H. Smith T. 91 N., R. 7 W. (Putnam). W. C. Gundlach... Location. NE.JNE.isec. 13. NW. i NW. i sec. 15. 1 mile north of preceding. SW.JSW.isec. 36. NW. J SW. i sec. 14. SE. i SE. I sec. 15. SW.iSE.Asec.9. Sec. 15 NW. 1 SW. 1- sec. 20. SW.iSW.-isec. 21. SW.iSW.Jsec. 22 SE.isE.isec.33. S W. i SW. i sec. 34. SW.i sec. 20... NE. J sec. 27. NE.iNE.isee. 24. SE.iSE.}sec.21 4 miles south- west of Arling' ton. SE. 1 sec. 31. Depth. Feet. 40 130 180 171 100 150 150 114 218 100 205 265 Depth to rock. Feet. 32 70 145 158 155 148 114 100 20 205 200 Depth to water supply. Feet. 158 200 260 Source of supply. Limestone Limestone Sand. Sand. Sand and g r a V el on rock. Sand. Crevice in rock. Head above below curb. Feet. - 15 - 90 - 60 -100 Remarks (logs given In feet). A good stock well nn low ground. Clays, 60; quick- sand, 15; brown- ish sand and clay, 50; quick- sand, 20; lime- stone, 5. Drift clays, 100; sand, 30. Clay, yellow, 15; clay, blue, 105; dark soft muck without grit, 30; sand and gravel on rock. High ground; yel- low and blue clay, 155; sand 20. Ends in rock. Dry blue clay 170; sand, 1. Clays, 80; yellow fine sand, 25; blue clay, 37; limestone, 8. Clays, 45; quick- sand, 82; lime- stone, 3. Clays, 40; sand, 115; limestone, 5. Mostly clay to rock. Clays, 135; sand 15. Not strong. Diameter, 5 inches. 58 feet of limestone. Diameter, 6 inches. Blue clay, 20; lime- stone and clay, 40; limestone, 40. Blue clay with thin streaks of sand, 4 inches thick, 200; white sand, 5. Level prairie. Diameter, 5 inches Sand, 10; gravel, 3; blue clay, 57; rock, 3. Casing tapped so that well flows to tank on lower ground. Yields 2i gallons per minute from 6-inch pipe. FAYETTE COUNTY. Typical tvells of Fayette County — Continued. 337 Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to water supply. Source of supply. Head above below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 92 N., R. 7 W. (_Faibfield). George Clough T. 93 N., R. 7 W. (Illyeia). W. Flanegan Alexander Peters. T. 93 N., R. 8 W. (Westfield). J. On- Peter Graft. Bars. WMtely. Dye. NW. isec. 5 NE. JNW. Jsec. 5. NW. i NW. ,1 see. 6. Sec. 22. Feet. 100 150 204 Feet. 80 40 Limestone Crevice in 1 i m e - stone. NE. JNE.isec. 29. SW. |NE. isec. 11. NE. JSW. isec. 25. NW.JNE. isec. 25. NW. iSW. isec. , 4. SW.INE. isec. 21. NE.iNW.isec. 22. 3 miles northeast of Fayette. NW. iSW. isec. 24. SE. i SE. i sec. 26. NE. JNE. isec. 5. NW. i NW. i NW.'iSW. isec. 19. S W. i S W. i see. 32. Sec. 20 Limestone Sandstone 140 Limestone -100 -192 200 288 205 65 100 45 160 190 280 160 "S a n d- roek" Limestone do ....do.... Blue clay, 80; blue limestone, 20. Drift, 40; limestone with crevice, 110. Yellow clav, 20; blue clay, 20; limestone, 60; "sandrock," 9. Diameter^ 5 inches. Hill. Yellow clay, 30; "sandrock," 80; soaps tone, 155; shale, dark, in chips, 15; lime- stone, 32. Yellow claj', 40; 1 i m estone, 60; "sandrock," 40. High ridge. Volga River bot- toms. Volga River bot- toms, about 20 feet above river. All sunk to rock. Yellow clay, 40; blue till, 50: lime- stone, .50. Ridge. No water obtained. Yel- low clay, 30; blue clay, SO; lime- stone, 62; yellow porous 1 i m e - stone, 5. High ground. Yel- low clay, 16; blue clay, 44; rock and clay, 1; gray lime- stone, 149; "sand- rock," 2. Yellow clay, 40; limestone, 150; soapstone, 10. Drift, 30; lime- stone, 100; shale, blue, caving, 150; unkno^^^l, drill- ing washed out, 8. Yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 60 (at 45 feet old black soil, ill-smelling, 5); limestone, 120; "sand rock," 5. Drift, 5: limestone, 60. High level prairie. Blue clay, 80: lime' stone, 20. All limestone; plenty of water. Yellow clay, 15; blue clay, 35; limestone. ilU- Drift, mainly yel- low till, 30"; rock, 100. 36581°— -wsp 293—12- -22 338 UNDEKGKOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Typical wells of Fayette County — Continued. T. 93 N., R. 9 W (Centee). Creamery Clarence Moulton.. T. 93 N. R. 10 W, (Banks). J. J. Cavlin T. 94 N., R. 7 W (Pleasant Val ley). John Brackin Canning Factory. . T. 94 N., R. 8 W. (Union). T. 94 N., R. 9 W. (Windsor). John Wagner Muldownay. T. 95 N., R. 7 W. (Clermont). Wilkes Williams.... William Garvry . . . Creamery. Location. Randalia NW. i NW. 1 sec. 20. NE.JNE. Jsec. 26. SE. \ SE. i sec. 31. SW. iNE.isec. 18. Elgin See. 10 Sec. 18 N. -J NE. i sec. 18. Sec. 35 SE. -isec. 24.... SE. 1 SE. -i sec. 13. SE. i SE. J sec. 17. Clermont. Depth Feet. 300 140 135 130 36 270 42 Depth to rock. 40 50 Depth to water supply. Source of supply. Limestone Head above below curb. 'Sand- rock." Limestone Limestone Shale. Galena or P 1 a tte- V i 1 1 e 1 i m e- stone. Limestone .do. - 93 + 2 + -210 Remarks (logs given in feet). Yellow clay, 10; blue clay, 70; quicksand, 55; limestone, 5. Nearly all blue clay; a little sand on rock. Ridge. Yellow and blue clay, 80; "sand- rock," 55. Yellow clay, 30; blue till, 10; re- sidual flints, 12; limestone, 40; "sandrock"dark brown, soft, 38. Sand, 30; blue soft limestone, 10; "sandrock," 15; limestone, 70. Drift, 1.34; shale, 100; limestone,16. Diameter, 6 inches. Flows strong stream. Water from sand under blue till. Starts in upper Ma- quoketa shale. Diameter, 6 in- ches. Loess, 10; drift, 30; shales and lime- stones, 361. Di- ameter, 6J in- Hill. Yellow clay, 25; blue till, 25; residual flints, 8; blue limestone, 100; "sandrock," 40; limestone, 52; "slate," 20. HOWARD COUNTY. By O. E. Meinzer. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. The greater part of Howard County shows the gently undulating lowan drift plain, all parts of which have a competent drainage, though the streams have not yet cut deep valleys. In the northeast, HOWARD COUNTY, 339 however, the lowan drift is absent and a strong erosion topography has been developed. In large areas near the western border, and especially in Jamestown Township, the total thickness of glacial drift is more than 200 feet and m certain localities it is more than 300 feet; farther east it becomes much thinner, and near the north- east corner the valleys are incised in bed rock which is extensively exposed. Giving to the irregularities of the rock surface, radical differences in the thickness of the drift may be found in wells at points not far apart and at practically the same level. In the outcrops in the northeast, Devonian limestone is seen to rest on the Maquoketa shale, and this m turn on Galena limestone. As the strata are known to dip gently toward the southwest, it is probable that the Maquoketa and the Galena pass to greater depths in this direction and that the indurated limestone which is everywhere found immediately below the drift is as a rule Devonian in age. XJNDERGHOUND WATER. SOURCE. The water supply is derived from the glacial drift and the under- lying limestone formations. The bulk of the drift is impervious bowlder clay which yields no water, but at certain levels are irregular beds of porous sand or gravel, which are generally charged with water under pressure. The limestone is compact and impervious, but con- tains fissures and solution passages that were probably produced by preglacial weathering. These open spaces are filled with water, which is delivered freely to wells that connect with them. In the areas of deepest drift most of the wells end in sand and gravel, but elsewhere the majority enter rock. Many wells end in saturated beds of fine sand that persistently rises with the water. In such wells both water and sand should be cased out and the drilling should be carried into the limestone if necessary. The drilled wells vary greatly in depth. In the area of thick drift many good wells are less than 100 feet deep; on the other hand, weUs between 200 and 300 feet deep are not uncommon. In the northeast- ern part of the county, where the water level is depressed by the presence of deep valleys, it may be necessary to drill several hundred feet into the rock m order to procure satisfactory supplies, FLOWING WELLS. In the valley of upper Iowa River, west and north of the village of Chester, a group of 12 or more flowing wells lie near or north of the State line. They range in depth from 80 to 100 feet and are supplied from gravel beneath a layer of impervious clay. The valley has been 340 UNDEEGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. cut slightly below the level at which the water stands in the drilled wells on the adjoining upland plain, but not deeply enough to impair the clay layer in its function as a confining bed. Hence, in wells drilled in the valley the water rises to nearly the same height as in the upland wells or slightly above the valley level, thus giving rise to flows which range from a mere dribble to 30 or 40 gallons a minute. Indeed, in several of these wells the artesian pressure is so slight that the flow is noticeably affected by changes in atmospheric pressure. A 65-foot flo\vuig rock well was also reported southwest of Cresco in the NE. J sec. 11, T. 98 N., R. 12 W. Wherever the drift is continuous and but little dissected it seems to play a double part, receiving the rain water and in some way trans- mitting it to the deeper porous deposits and eventually to the crevices of the limestone, and yet acting in general as a confinmg bed. Thus, if at any point in the western part of the county a hole is drilled through the dense blue bowlder clay, the underlymg sand, gravel, or rock is mvariably found to be filled with water, which rushes into the drill hole and rises under artesian pressure. As already stated, entirely different conditions prevafl in the northeastern area, where the drift sheet is dissected and the upper pervious formations are drained into the valleys, thereby giving rise to springs but at the same time depressing the water level far below the upland surface. This difference is well shown along upper Iowa River as it flows from the area of deep drift into a rock valley. That the influence of the outcrops is effective as far up as Chester seems to be indicated by the fact that flowing wells are obtamed in the valley above the village but that attempts to secure them in the valley below the village have generally failed. Enough is laiown m regard to the head of water from the deep beds to make it certain that flows can not be obtained by deep drflling at Cresco, Lime Springs, or Chester, and that the water would remain far below the surface. Even where large supplies are required it does not seem advisable to drill more than a few hundred feet into rock. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Cresco. — The public water supply at Cresco (population, 2,658) is obtained from two wells drflled into rock, the one ending at a depth of 196 feet and the other at a depth of 396 feet. The waterworks include a standpipe with a rather extensive system of mains. It is estimated that about 75,000 gallons of water are consumed daily. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway well is 1,045 feet deep, and its curb is 1,298 feet above sea level. It was completed in 1878, but has been abandoned; no satisfactory supply was found. WIKNESHIEK COUNTY. 341 Record of strata (f- in Chicago, Milwaukee d: St. Paul Railtvay well at Cresco. Alluvial deposit and shales Limestone (Devonian, Maquoketa, and Galena) Shale, gray (Decorah) Limestone ( Platteville) Shale, ealciferous, gray (Platteville) Sandstone (St. Peter) Limestone (Shakopee) Sandstone (New Richmond) Sandstone, ealciferous (Oneota) Sandstone (Jordan) a Based on driller's log. Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. 42 42 494 536 40 576 25 601 36 637 65 702 115 817 10 827 160 987 58 1,045 ^ WINNESHIEK COUNTY. By W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. The important topographic features of Winneshiek County are for the most part clue to the deep incision of valleys in an ancient uplifted base-level of erosion now marked by the general accordance of level of the summits of the existing ridges and divides. The edges of a large number of formations, some water bearing and some dry, are thus exposed along the valley side. The maximum relief is not far from 600 feet. The Cresco-Calmar ridge rises to a height of 1,269 feet above sea level, and the high ridges north of upper Iowa River reach a height of 1,360 feet above sea level a short distance west of Hesper. The flood plain of upper Iowa River on the eastern boundary of the county descends to 760 feet. The divides separating the trunk streams and those intervening be- tween their tributary valleys are broad-shouldered, well-rounded ridges, carved by storm water into a multitude of branching and rebranching ravines. The summits of the main divides are gently rolling, but as the trunk streams are approached the incision of the deepening valleys becomes sharp and precipitous bluffs mark the outcrop of the stronger strata. In the western part of the county the drift sheets laid down by ancient glaciers are sufficiently thick to mask in part the erosion topography and to form the gently undulating plain of Jackson, Sum- ner, and Orleans townships, in which erosion has been least and depo- sition greatest. Although the principal streams of the area have reached maturity, the valley floors have not been widened sufficiently to give them importance for agricultvire or as sites for towns. 842 UNDEEGBOUND WATER RESOURCES OE IOWA. GEOLOGY. The geologic formations, from lowest to highest, exposed to view in the county are the following : 1. The Jordan sandstone, a coarse soft sandstone, outcropping only in the eastern part of the county in small areas at the base of the bluffs along Bear and Canoe creeks. About 50 feet of the upper beds of the formation are exposed. 2. The Prairie du Chien group, consisting of (a) the Oneota dolo- mite, a body of light-buff or whitish dolomite, 150 feet thick; (b) the New Richmond sandstone, about 24 feet thick; and (c) the Shakopee dolomite, a dolomite resembling the Oneota, graduating do\vnward by arenaceous beds into the New Richmond and ranging from 50 to 80 feet in thickness. The Prairie du Cliien group is exposed only in the northeastern parts of the county, forming the country rock over most of Highland Township and the eastern part of Pleasant Townsliip and extending up the valley of the upper Iowa as far as Freeport, 3. The St. Peter sandstone, soft and incoherent, white (except where stained with iron by infiltrating waters) without well-defined bedding or lamination, composed of grains of clear quartz, well smoothed and rounded. The sandstone comes to the surface in a narrow belt along the bluffs of the upper Iowa and its tributaries as far west as Freeport. The thickness of the St. Peter in its out- crops is about 60 feet. 4. The Platteville limestone, Decorah shale, and Galena limestone. The lowest of these formations, the PlattevUle limestone, succeeds the St. Peter sandstone; it includes a basal shale (the Glen wood shale of the Iowa State Survey), about 15 feet thick and in places sandy, forming a transition bed to the St. Peter sandstone, and an upper bed of limestone about 25 feet thick. The Platteville is overlain by the Decorah shale, a calcareous greenish shale 30 feet tliick, containing interbedded limestone layers, named from its excellent exposures in the ''Dug- Way" at Decorah. The Decorah shale is in turn over- lain by the Galena limestone, about 225 feet tliick, which in this county is mostly nondolomitic but which, in counties to the south and east, consists chiefly or wholly of massive dolomites. These three formations (Platteville, Decorah, and Galena) form the country rock from Hesper west to the Howard County line and thence southeast to Nordness. They cap the ridges lying between upper Iowa River and Canoe Creek and those extending south of the upper Iowa from Decorah to Washington prairie. 5. The Maquoketa shale, which mcludes a lower shaly limestone 70 feet thick, a plastic blue shale 15 feet thick, dolomites and lime- stones 40 feet thick, and an upper blue shale 120 feet thick. The Maquoketa for the most part outcrops south and west of upper Iowa WIHNESHIEK COUNTY. S'4S River. It forms the bedrock over most of the southeastern town- ships, occupies the long spur leading from the high Calmar-Ridgeway divide to the upper Iowa Valley, and also the valley of Turkey River on the western side of this ridge. 6. The Niagara dolomite, which occurs in a few small outliers in Washuigton Township near the Fayette County line, with a maxi- mum thickness of 75 feet. 7. The Devonian limestone, which forms the surface rock in Jack- son and parts of Sumner, Lincoln, Orleans, and Fremont townships and in a narrow belt capping the Cresco-Calmar ridge as far east as Calmar. 8. Pleistocene deposits, including drift sheets and loess. Two drift sheets have been recognized within the county. The lowest, the Kansan, is a stony clay occurring in patches cliiefly on the up- lands in the eastern part of the county; the upper, the lowan, ds a thin stony clay covering the western third. Between these two stony clays occurs the interglacial Buchanan gravel. The loess, a yellow loam, mantles uplands and valley slopes outside of the area of the lowan drift and attains in places a thickness of 20 feet. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The wide range of geologic formations exposed within the county affords an unusually large number of water beds. The lowest of these is the Jordan sandstone, from which springs rise at Highlandville and elsewhere in the northeastern townships, and to which some of the deeper wells may penetrate. The St. Peter sandstone is entered by the deeper wells in the same townships and affords a pure and plentiful supply, although with a low head requiring a long lift. The Galena and Platteville contain very important water beds, especially in their lower limestones, which in the Galena rest on the Decorah shale, and in the PlattevUle rest on the shale member to which the Iowa State Survey has given the name Glenwood. Over the eastern part of the county they furnish inexhaustible supplies under a head sufficient to bring their water close enough to the sur- face to be easily pumped by the wind engines commonly employed. The limestones of the Maquoketa shale supply some springs and wells. The heavy shales of this formation are dry but serve a most useful purpose in collecting descending ground water above their impervious upper surface either in overlying limestones or in the superficial deposits of the drift. The different drift clays with their interbedded sheets of sand and gravel and the sandy layers forming the base of the loess afford a 344 UNDEEGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. supply often sufficient for house wells, and in the southwestern part of the county where the drift is thickest, for stock wells also. DISTRIBUTION. As the water beds of the county are so numerous and the topo- graphic relief is so great it is difficult to define any water provinces without going into extensive detail. Even the township is too large a unit to permit exact description. In general terms it may be said that on the ridges of the north- central part of the county, from Nordness to Hesper and to the northeast corner of the county, wells find water at the base of the Galena where its waters are held by the underlying Decorah shale. Where this supply is not tapped, because the well may fail to strike a water channel, the St. Peter sandstone, from 60 to 100 feet deeper, is the next source. Water in the Galena has a liigher head than the water in the St. Peter, rising within 70 feet of the surface or even nearer, according to the local relief. Water in the St. Peter rises only a few feet above the water bed; its supply, however, is large. In the extensive area underlain by the Maquoketa shale water is found in the limestones interbedded with the impervious shales of that formation. Thus at Calmar, where the drift at the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway roundhouse is 65 feet thick, water was found at 90 feet in limestone above the first bed of shale, and at 160 feet in limestone below the same bed of shale. Some water was also struck on the rock at 65 feet. The Maquoketa waters rise within 100 feet or less of the surface. Exceptionally it is necessary to go for large supplies to the chief water beds of the Galena above the Decorah shale or even to the St. Peter. First water was reached at Calmar at 520 feet, and second water at 605 feet below the surface. On the high ground between Calmar and Decorah farm wells commonly obtain water in the upper limestones of the Maquoketa at 75 to 100 feet below the surface, the superficial clays here being from 20 to 40 feet in tluckness. Water sufficient for farm wells is not now found in the drift and all wells enter rock. On the ridges about Ossian some wells find water in the upper few feet of the country rock, but many are compelled to go several hundred feet deeper to tap the deeper limestones of the Maquoketa, and even, exceptionally, to descend to the Galena. The diversity and complexity of the conditions are illustrated within the narrow limits of the village of Ossian, where some good house wells obtained water within 30 feet of the surface; several wells go down for 100 to 300 feet; and one reaches a depth of 735 feet. In the ravines and in the valleys of the creeks, ground water stands naturally nearer to the surface, and where the country rock is lime- stone, may be found in rock wells 35 to 40 feet deep. WINNESHIEK COUNT?. S45 On the plain of lowan drift in the southwestern townships water may locally be found in glacial sands and gravels, although not infrequently it must be sought in the underlying Devonian lime- stones. SPRINGS. Winnesliiek County is one of the most favored in the State in the number of its springs and in their generous supply of pure water. In the eastern part of the county springs are found along each valley and ravine, furnishing a perennial supply to the clear running creeks. The chief source is immediately above the Decorah shale. Waters descending by sink holes and through the creviced and cavernous Galena limestone are gathered into definite courses and issue in large springs where these waterways are trenched by the ravines. Among the best-known springs from this horizon are Union Springs, on the farm of Beard Bros., west of Decorah. Strong springs issuing on both sides of a ravine unite in a swift-flowing creek a rod wide, which at one time was utilized to run a feed mill. The August temperature of the water is 47.3° F. Mill Spring, on the side of upper Iowa River at Decorah, is a powerful spring with an August temperature of 48°, issuing from the summit of the Decorah shale well up the steep valley side, thus giving considerable water power, which in past years has been utilized to run a sawmill. At the west of the present debouchure and about 20 feet above the river a heavy deposit of brownish soft porous traver- tine has been laid down by the calcareous waters. Another note- worthy spring from this horizon is Cold Spring, a few mUes north- west of Bluffton. A large cavern, which gives exit to a characteristic underground stream from the Galena limestone is situated in sec. 34, Glenwood Township. The mouth of the cave is described as a pointed arch 40 feet high and 60 feet wide. Most notable, however, is the Decorah ice cave, formed in part by the enlargement of a master joint and in part by the creep of the massive Galena over the underlying shale. This cavern shows the peculiar phenomenon of ice forming on its walls in spring and early summer and melting in late summer and early autumn, the waUs remaining dry and bare in late autumn and winter. The solution of this interesting problem throws some light on the movements of ground water in the miles of crevices in the Galena. The freezing temperature reached by the underground air in early winter is main- tained untU late in the summer. Moisture from the surface is sealed out by frost during the winter, but ice begins to freeze on the cold walls of the cave as soon as the ground thaws enough in spring to permit the entrance of water from above. The ice remains until after the cold dense air has slowly passed from the great labyrinth of 346 tJNDERGKOUND WATEE EESOURCES OP lOWA. underground passages through the openmg and has been replaced by warmer air. By this time the summer is well advanced, and as the rainfall is slight the walls remain relatively dry until the freezing temperature is again reached. Another spring horizon is at the summit of the shale forming the basal part of the Platteville limestone (Glenwood shale of Iowa State Survey), but the springs therefrom are comparatively small. The Jordan sandstone affords springs under hydrostatic pressure where it is cut by the valley of Bear Creek from Highlandville east to the county line. Owing to the local northerly dip of the strata the springs occur on the south side of the valley. Springs issue also from the limestones of the Maquoketa, as in sec. 1, Jackson Township. The base of the Niagara forms a still higher horizon, and supplies a number of springs in Washington Township. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Calmar. — At Calmar (population, 849) the waterworks are owned by the municipality. Water is obtained from a well 364 feet deep and distributed, at a pressure of 50 pounds, from an elevated tank with a capacity of 2,000 barrels. There are 16 hydrants, 1 mile of mains, and 75 taps. Well No. 1 of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway at Calmar has a depth of 1,223 feet and a diameter of 6 inches from 70 to 860 feet and 5 inches to bottom; no casing. The curb is 1,261 feet above sea level and the head 150 feet below the curb. The pumping cylin- der, 3f inches in diameter, is 374 feet below curb. The tested capacity is 80 gallons a minute. The well was completed in 1880 by W. E. Swan, of Andover, S. Dak. Record of strata in deep tvell No. 1 at Calmar {PL V, p. 238). Depth. No record Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (146 feet thick; top, 1,191 feet above sea level) — Limestone Shale Limestone Shale, gray Galena limestone to Platteville limestone (392 feet thick; top, 1,045 feet above sea level) — Limestone (Galena) Shale, green (Decorah) Limestone (Platteville) Shale (Platteville) St. Peter sandstone (67 feet thick; top, 653 feet above sea level)— Sandstone Prairie du Chien group (325 feet thick; top, 586 feet above sea level)— Limestone (Shakopee) Sand and limestone mixed (New Richmond) Limestone (Oneota) Cambrian: Jordan sandstone (120 feet thick; top, 261 feet above sea level)— Sandstone St. Lawrence formation (103 feet penetrated; top, 141 feet above sea level) — Limestone Feet. 76 10 35 25 146 166 191 216 305 47 30 10 521 568 598 608 67 675 98 47 180 773 820 1,000 120 1,120 103 1,223 WINNESHIEK COUNTY. 347 Well No. 2 of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway at Calmar has a depth of 365 feet and a diameter of 10 inches, cased to 66 feet. Its curb is 1,252 feet above sea level and its head 65 feet below the curb. It finds water at 65, 90, and 160 feet. The pump cyhnder, 5| inches in diameter, is set 100 feet below surface. The tested capacity is 115 gallons a minute and the temperature 48.5° F. The well was completed in 1904 by J. F. McCarthy, of Minneapohs. The two railway wells are 50 feet apart, and while well No. 2 was being drilled the water of well No. 1 was turbid. Driller'' s vog of deep well No. 2 at Calmar. Clay, yellow Clay, blue Limestone, soft. Soapstone, soft.. Limestone, soft . Shale Limestone, hard Shale Limestone, hard Shale Limestone, hard Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. 30 30 35 65 53 118 9 127 33 160 28 188 60 248 62 310 48 358 2 360 5 365 Decorah. — Decorah (population, 3,592) is supplied from wells. The well in common use is situated in the valley of Dry Run, about 8 feet above the level of the creek. Its diameter is 15 feet and its depth 40 feet. The water bed is gravel, rock not being entered. Water stands 15 feet below the surface and is lowered 12 feet by pumping. The maximum yield is 468 gallons a minute, the water being pumped by a suction pump run by electric motor. For emergencies there are also used eight 4-inch drilled wells 30 feet deep, located on the bottoms of upper Iowa River, about 8 feet above water level and pumped by steam. The water bed is gravel and the capacity of the wells is 240 gallons a minute. Water is pumped to a reservoir and distributed under gravity pressure of 110 pounds. There are 60 hydrants and 6| miles of mains. The con- sumption is 160,000 gallons daily. The Artesian Well & Water Co.'s well at Decorah has a depth of 1,600 feet and a diameter of 6 inches. Its curb is 877 feet above sea level. It was completed in 1877. This well is reported to have struck water at about 28 feet and to have held it at that level until the drill reached a depth of 1,600 feet, when the water disappeared and the drill was lost. The contractors clamed that they were work- ing in granite and abandoned the well. It is very improbable, how- ever, that crystalline rock was struck at the depth mentioned. Those who observed the drilling found reason to beUeve that the rising water was carried off laterally through a crevice in a limestone. 348 trNDEEGEOUND WATER EESOUECES OP IOWA. Certainly the normal head of the deep artesian water should give at Decorah on low ground a flow under a good head. But lateral escape would need to be guarded against, both through crevices and probably also tlirough the St. Peter, whose water here is under no great pressure. The elevation at the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway depot at Decorah is 862 feet above sea level. The green Decorah shale outcrops and the St. Peter sandstone probably Hes within a few feet of the bottom of upper Iowa River. Five or six hundred feet is an ample estimate of the distance to the Jordan sandstone and the stores of artesian water which it contains. Besides, more or less water should enter the drill hole through crevices and sandy layers of the limestones which intervene between the St. Peter and the Jordan. To tap the aquifers of the Dresbach and earUer Cam- brian sandstones, which supply the wells of McGregor, Lansing, and New Albin, a well should be sunk to about 1,200 feet below the surface. Ossian. — At Ossian (population, 749) the well of E. V. GUbert has a depth of 730 feet and a diameter of 8 inches to 400 feet and 6^ inches to bottom. Its curb is 1,258 feet above sea level and its head 300 feet below curb. Water comes from 680 feet and lowers 100 feet when pumped about 47 gallons per minute. The well was completed in 1903 by F. F. McCarthy, of Minneapolis. Log ofE. V. Gilbert well {PI. V, p. 238). [Supplied by owner.] Thickness. Depth, Surface, white limestone, blue shale, and blue rock. Sandstone, dry Unreported Sandstone, in thin layers Sandstone, coarse Limestone, white Feet. 590 Feet. 590 590 680 698 705 730 This section, showing the occurrence of two sandstones at the level of the wSt. Peter, is comparable with the section of the city well at Postville. The upper sandstone falls in place with the summit of the St. Peter at both Postville and Calmar, but the second, nearly 100 feet below the top of the first, is low for the base of the St. Peter. Unfortunately no samples nor any detailed log exist of this most interesting weU. Public supplies are obtained from bored and drilled wells and small springs. The wells range from 40 to 500 feet in depth, reaching rock at 20 feet. The water heads 40 feet below the curb. Minor supplies. — The following table gives statistics of miscel- laneous village supplies in Winneshiek County: WINNESHIEK COUNTY. Village supplies in Winneshiek County. 349 Village. Nature of supply. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to water bed. Head below curb. Volume of springs. Bluffton Open wells and springs Drilled wells Feet. 15-50 175-200 15-35 60-145 65-200 60 10-50 35-80 35-67 100-300 50-400 Feet. Feet. Feet. 15 Large. 60 35 30 io' 15 50 Canoe Canover Open wells and springs Drilled wells 40' 40 20-30 '""'i75' 100 10 40 SO 20 8 25 20 65 Do. Large and small. Small. do Fort Atkinson WeUs Freeport Open and driven wells Drilled wells Do. Hesper Large. Do. Large and small. Highland ville Springs and drilled wells Wells Ridgeway Wells and cisterns . WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Winneshiek County : Wells in Winneshiek County. Owner. Location. ft s 5 o o ft ft la as ft Som-ce of supply. o o Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 100 N., R. 9 W. (BuRE Oak). Alvin Rollins Do NE.isec.l4.... SE. i-sec. 11 NE. Jsec. 13.... S W.J sec. 36.... SW. Isec. 35-.-. Ridgeway, a t station. 1 mile south of Ridgeway. Sec. 32 Feet. 172 285 70 96 60 80 101 187 276 100 108 In. 6 5 6 4 6 6 6 6 Feet. 12 13 30 Feet. 160 265 60 90 Limestone . . St. Peter.... Gravel Limestone on shale. Sand Feet. 72 265 40 26 L. W. Bennett T. 98 N., R. 10 W. (Lincoln). 0. 0. Rue H. L. Wernark key River. 45-50 40 50 40 18 30 33 Blue clay at 20. T. 99 N., R. 9 W. (Bluffton). John Sexton 162 270 95 Soft rock — Limestone . . 50 64 80 10 feet above level T. Nelson NW. i-sec. 20... NE. isec. 28.... SE. J sec. 19 Sec. 19 of Tenmile Creek. 167 feet of casing. Yields 2J gallons per minute. W. E. Hoyt ota River. Low- ered 50 feet by pumping. Yields 4 gallons per min- ute. Tempera- ture, 50° F. Temperature, 48°F. T. 98 N., R. 9 W. (Madison). B. T. Barfoot Do 200 1 350 UNDEEGKOUND WATER EESOURCES OF IOWA. Wells in Winneshiek County — Continued. Owner. T. 100 N., R. 7 W. (Highland). Julius Selmes T. 100 N., R. 8 W. (Hesper). Frank Darington. . Charles Castei'ton . . T. 96 N., R. 9 W. (Washington). T. 96 N., R. 8 W. (Military). Anthony Bore Public school. John Collins. T. 96 N., R. 7 W. (Bloomfield). T. 98 N., R. 8 W. (Decorah). O. P. Rocksvold. Location. 3 miles east of Hesper. 4 miles southeast of Hesper. 4 miles north of Locust. Fort Atkinson... Ossian . do.. do NE.JSE.isec. 19. SW. i SW. i- sec. 8. NE. i NE. i sec. 3. NE. i NW. sec. 23. SE.JNE.i-sec. 19. SW. i NW. sec. 14. Feet. 177 224 107 100 224 735 134 187 396 ISO 508 In. Feet. 20 100 Feet. 147 194 69 60 32 20 Source of supply. Sandstone. . ..do. ..do. Limestone . Limestone . . Sandstone... Feet. 147 194 69 330 380 Remarks (logs given in feet) . Yellow clay, 35; blue till, 61; yellow clay, 4; limestone; shale; limestone, 300. Water in white limestone under- lying shale. Surface clays, 40; limestone, 25; blue shale with limestone, 124; white limestone, 31. Yellow clay, 15; blue clay, 33; limestone, 22; shale (Maquoke- ta) with inter- bedded hme- stone layers, 115; white limestone, 211. Clay, 20: limestone, 200; St. Peter, 70; magnesia, 90; Cambrian o r Oneota, 117; Cambrian sand, 13. Water also at 175. CHAPTER IX. EAST-CENTRAL DISTRICT. INTRODUCTION. By W. H. Norton. The east-central area fronts on the Mississippi ; it comprises the 12 counties of Benton, Cedar, Chnton, Iowa, Jackson, Johnson, Jones, Linn, Muscatine, Poweshiek, Scott, and Tama. The great Cambrian and Ordovician aquifers he within moderate distances of the surface and dip southwestward. Their waters show increasing minerahza- tion with increasing depth and distance from the area of supply, but are by no means unpotable. From MonticeUo to Homestead the dip averages 10 feet to the mile for the St. Peter sandstone and 12 feet to the mile for the Jordan sandstone. In the western part of the area the southwestward dip of the St. Peter is 9.4 feet to the mile from Vinton to GrinneU. (See PL VIII.) In the eastern part of the district the St. Peter dips 4 feet to the mile, from Sabula to Vinton (PI. IX), but the greatest dip is southward, as shown by the outcrops of the Devonian and Silurian rocks in the southeastern counties. Although the dip of the St. Peter from Maquoketa southwestward to Tipton is but 6.8 feet to the mile (PI. X, p. 374), the southward dip from Maquoketa to Davenport is 11.5 feet to the mile, and from Green Island to Davenport 12.6 feet to the mile. This southward dip is due in part to an upwarp in the eastern portion of the area whose axis seems to run through or near Stanwood. The base of the Maquoketa shale at Stanwood (PI. XI, p. 382) is 150 feet above the level at which it would be found if the dip of the strata were uniform from Clinton to Cedar Rapids. Both base and summit of this formation are lower at CUnton than at Stanwood, 50 miles west. From Cedar Rapids west to Belle Plaine the dip of the Maquoketa is 6.3 feet to the mile and of the St. Peter 5.5 feet to the mile. (See PI. XL) In the eastern part of the district the country rock — that is, the rock at the surface or immediately underlying the drift — is of Silurian age ; in a wide belt passing through the central part the country rock is Devonian; in the western and southwestern parts, including Tama, Poweshiek, and parts of Iowa and Johnson counties, the country rock is Mississippian, In the areas where the country rock is Silurian and 351 352 UNDEEGKOUND WATEK RESOURCES OF IOWA. Devonian the water of these formations may be allowed to mingle with that of the deep aquifers without impairing the quality of the latter, but the Mississippian waters are usually charged heavily with sulphates, and their effect on the deeper waters is plainly indicated by the analyses of the waters of deep wells in the western counties. The Silurian rocks also appear to become gypseous in the western counties, and here their waters may increase the sulphate content of the water from deep wells. To the south and west the aquifers lie deeper and their waters are more higlily mineralized, but in all parts of tliis district the Cambrian and Ordovician rocks furnish potable water. The chief water beds are the St. Peter, Shakopee, New Richmond, Oneota, Jordan, and Dresbach and subjacent Cambrian sandstones. (See PL I, in pocket.) Artesian water may also be found in the Galena and Platteville, as at Davenport, WUton, and Grinnell; in the Niagara, as at Homestead; and in the Devonian, as at Cedar Rapids, Vinton, and Belle Plaine. But none of the aquifers above the St. Peter is dependable, and all contracts for artesian wells should pro- vide for drilling to the base of the Jordan sandstone. The lowest water beds — ^the Dresbach sandstone and the subjacent sandstones of the Cambrian — lie within the limits of profitable drilling along Mississippi River and yield copious supphes of excellent water at Clinton and Davenport. At Anamosa and at Tipton drilling was carried far into these terranes, but no information as to their water beds is available. At Cedar Rapids the first well drilled by the city water company found, either in these terranes or possibly in a higher water bed below the Oneota, a strongly corrosive water, on account of which the well was plugged just above the vein. Wells drilled later were stopped above this zone. As a rule, throughout the east-central district abundant water may be found without drilling as deep as the Dresbach, and it is recom- mended that the drill be stopped at the top of the St. Lawrence forma- tion, or at least at the top of the glauconiferous shales of that terrane. In towns of the Mississippi Valley, however, where the higher forma- tions are overdrawn, wells should be carried to the Dresbach and the first sandstone underneath it. In the extreme southwestern part of the district deep artesian wells are not recommended for the smaller upland towns on account of the expense of drilling and the difficulty in casing out the poorer upper waters. Thus, in southwestern Poweshiek County the St. Peter lies about 750 feet below sea level; in towns situated 1,100 or 1,200 feet above sea level, therefore, drilling would have to be carried to a depth of 1,850 or 1,950 feet in order to reach that formation. Vinto \ WATER-SUPPLV PAPER 293 PLATE VIII GEOLOGIC SECTION BETWEEN MANCHESTER AND PELLA , IOWA By W. H. Norton UNDEEGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. 353 BENTON COUNTY. By Howard E. Simpson and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. Benton County comprises a portion of the undulating prairie plain characteristic of north-central Iowa. Topographically, however, it is divisible into two strikingly contrasted areas coinciding with the surface areas of two drift sheets of different age — the Kansan and the lowan. The Kansan drift area, embracing about 40 square miles in the southwest corner of the county, shows a mature drift plain, thorouglxly drained by streams flowing in deep valleys on broad flood plains. The lowan drift area, comprising the rest of the county, is a very gently undulating plain, broken by few weU-defined stream channels and containing many undrained depressions and small marshy meadows and sloughs, the remnants of glacial lakes and ponds. The marked topographic contrast is ascribed by Savage to the fact that "The surface features over one portion of the area have been developed through the destructive processes of erosion; those over the other part of the region have been molded by the constructive agency of ice". ^ The southwestern tliird of the county drains chiefly through Prairie Creek to Iowa River, which barely crosses the corner of the county. The larger portion of the area drains to Cedar River, which flows across the northeast corner. The divide between Iowa and Cedar rivers passes northwest and southeast through Rogerville and Van Home. GEOLOGY. The surface of Benton County is drift covered except in the broad vaUeys of Cedar and Iowa rivers and their larger tributaries, whose flood plains range in width up to 2 miles or more and are covered with alluvium. Three drift sheets are represented — the lowan, Kan- san, and Nebraskan. Between the lowan and the Kansan occurs in places the interglacial Buchanan gravel, and beneath the Kansan drift the interglacial Af tonian gravel. Loess is also present in places above the drift. Throughout most of the county the drift is underlain by jVIiddle -Devonian sediments. In a small area in the extreme south- west corner, however, the drift rests on Mississippian shale (Kinder- hook group). The Middle Devonian rocks are represented chiefly by the Cedar VaUey limestone, which shows a maximum thickness of more than 80 feet and by the Wapsipinicon limestone, which is exposed along Cedar River and its tributaries, Pratt and Prairie creeks. 1 Savage, T. E., Geology of Benton County: Ann. Kept. Geol. Survey Iowa, vol. 15, 1905, p. 132. 36581°— wsp 293—12 23 354 UNDERGKOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. As a rule the indurated rocks lie in conformable parallel beds dip- ping slightly to the south, this arrangement being modified only by a few slight and unimportant folds. The formations underlying the Devonian are indicated by the geologic sections (Pis. VII, VIII, IX), and by the well sections on pages 359, 363. TJNDEBGROUND WATER. SOURCE AND DISTRIBUTION. Water is obtained from the Buchanan gravel, the lowan and Kan- san drift, the Aftonian gravel, the Devonian limestones, and from deeper artesian aquifers. In the broad vaUeys of Cedar and Iowa rivers and their chief tributaries water is obtained chiefly by sand points driven 25 to 30 feet into the Buchanan gravel, which underlies the alluvium at no great depth and overlies the bowlder clay of the Kansan drift. Bored weUs of about the same depth, in which the water stands not far from the river level, are also common. A few weUs in the Buchanan gravel yield flows, as is illustrated by the 30-foot bored well, on the farm of A. D. Seeley 1 mUe southwest of Benton, and by the weU owned by Joseph Kerling, near the foot of the river bluff in the NW. i sec. 13, T. 85 N., R. 9 W.,the water of wliich tastes slightly of iron and gives the brownish-yeUow stain characteristic of iron-bearing waters. The water ordinarily is wholesome, though it is liable to pollution owing to the easy access of organic matter from the surface. The Buch- anan gravel is found locaUy on the uplands but there it affords an uncertain source of water. A few fine springs issue from the upper limestone outcrops along the bluffs. A very large spring is on land owned by J. E. Wychoff, in the NW. I sec. 9, T. 85 N., R. 9 W. The most common source of water supply in tliis county is the lowan and Kansan drift, whose combined thickness ranges from 50 to 300 feet. It is difficult to discriminate these two drift sheets in ordinary shallow wells, but the lowan is so thin that it is certain that most of the weUs in the lowan region pass through it and end in the Kansan, in which pockets and lenses of sand and gravel afford small but fairly constant supphes of good water. On the upland prairie in the northeast corner of the county, north and east of the Cedar River valley, water is obtained cliiefly by means of shallow dug wells, some of which draw from sand and gravel lenses in the drift, but more from the porous gravelly beds lying beneath the till and resting on the Cedar VaUey limestone. The hmestone is reached at depths ranging from 30 to 150 feet and in most places yields a bountiful supply of exceUent water. A few weUs penetrate the Cedar Valley limestone for a short distance and find in it a good supply of hard water. U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY < 38 r Feet ««)- 100- em- 600- 4d0i- 300- 200- 100- 0- 100- 200- 300- 400- 500- Vinton Alluvium ]/ ^ Devonian : Sea level 1000- 1200- U. S, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY -32 miles ■ WATER-SUPPLY PAPER Z93 PLATE "5 25 miles Maquoketa " ' SI Peter [sandstone. Prairie du Chien g'OuP Jordan StUv^tencetov maVio" Dresbach sar adsVo'^® PV s GEOLOGIC SECTION BETWEEN SABULA AND VINTON , IOWA By W. H. ;Nlorton BENTON COUNTY. 355 In the creek valleys shallow wells easily obtain water near the sur- face of the ground. South and west toward Cedar River the drift is tliinner, and, as bedrock is nearer the surface, rock wells are more common. The well on the farm of William Pitts, in the NW. | sec. 1, T. 85 N., R. 10 W., where water is obtained in limestone at a depth of 76 feet, the drift being 46 feet deep, is fairly typical. Southwest of the Cedar River valley, except in the Belle Plaine artesian basin, bedrock is buried beneath a mantle of drift ranging in thickness from 100 to 300 feet. Most of the wells derive their waters from the sandy layers of the drift but a few enter the Cedar Valley limestone to obtain a more permanent supply. Near Cedar River the surface is deeply trenched by the valleys of tributary creeks in whose banks or bluffs the Devonian limestone outcrops. In Taylor Township, southwest of Vinton, the better and deeper weUs are about 125 feet deep and draw water chiefly from gravel at the base of the drift. At the county farm 1^ miles southeast of Vin- ton, a drilled well 175 feet deep obtains water in the Cedar Valley limestone and supplies a small system of waterworks, the water being distributed by compressed air. In Canton Township, where the limestone is near the surface, stock wells on uplands range in depth from 50 to 300 feet, and obtain water from the overlying gravel or from the limestone itself. A few good springs occur in the broken uplands near the larger streams. One owned by W.J. White, IJ miles northwest of Shells- burg, affords a fair perennial supply for stock. A spring 1^ miles northeast of Shellsburg, owned by Allen Primer, yields a water strongly mineral. At Garrison bored and dug wells 25 to 50 feet deep are common. Throughout Jackson and Monroe townships, farm wells are ordinarily 200 to 400 feet deep and draw hard water from limestone. The wells of Homer, Big Grove, and Eden townships obtain water from gravel beds below the till and from the rock immediately beneath them. The water is as a rule good and soft. In the vicinity of Keystone the common dug wells range in depth from 20 to 30 feet and draw moderate supplies from Kansan drift. On the lower ground, near the streams, a good supply of water for stock is usually found in sandy soils within 8 or 10 feet of the surface. Larger and more permanent supplies are obtained by means of drilled wells, most of which obtain an abundant supply in gravel beds about 100 feet below the surface. One well, however, 2 miles west of Keystone, enters limestone at 250 feet below the surface. The Aftonian gravel, which underlies the Kansan drift at a depth ranging from 100 to 300 feet in the southwestern part of the county, furnishes the waters for the Belle Plaine artesian basin. This gravel occupies the preglacial Iowa channel, which extends across the 356 UNDEEGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. extreme southwest corner of the county and, though by no means contmuous, is found in many of the deep drift wells of the central and southern parts of the county. BELLE PLAINE ARTESIAN BASIN, The Belle Plaine artesian basin ^ includes practically all of Iowa Township and a small portion of Kane Township in Benton County, somewhat larger areas in the adjacent portions of Tama and Iowa counties, and a small corner of Poweshiek County. It embraces a httle more than 100 square miles and occupies a portion of the valley of Iowa River, across which it cuts diagonally at Belle Plaine. The axis of the basin is more nearly north and south than that of Iowa River and their intersection here appears but a coincidence. The basin is 6 or 7 miles wide and the northeast margin, so far as Benton County is concerned, extends from about 2 miles north of Irving southeast to Luzerne and thence south to the county line. Topo- graphically the area includes some of the high rolling uplands margin- ing the lowan drift, the more subdued Kansan plain, and the low, flat alluvial valley of Iowa River. The district became famous by the outbreak of the ''Jumbo" weU in 1886. A brief history of the ''Jumbo" well is given by W. H. Norton,^ who says : The notoriety of "Jumbo" was strictly that of a member of the criminal classes, and began with his resistance to control and lasted only until his final imprisonment. Six artesian wells had previously been drilled in the drift at Belle Plaine. In depth they varied from 210 to 301 feet, and the common head of their water was from 3 feet below the surface to 45 feet above it, according to the lie of the gi-ound. * * * The seventh well, "Jumbo," was drilled on lower gi-ound than any of the others and reached the water-bearing stratum of sand and gravel at 193 feet. Local historians of the well, which they please to term "the eighth wonder of the world," state that the beginning of trouble lay in the fact that the driller attempted to use the force of the flow in reaming out the 2-inch bore, which he had put down for want of a larger drill, to 3 inches, the dimension specified in the contract. This task the water speedily accomplished in the unindurated clays and sands, but hot stopping there went on and soon enlarged the bore to over 3 feet in diameter. Through this shaft the water boiled up in a fountain 5 feet in height — the press reports giving several hundred feet as the height of this fountain were exaggerated — flooding streets and yards and covering them with sand. It is estimated that from 500 to 1,000 car- loads of sand were discharged from the well. The quantity was certainly so great that only with the greatest effort could the ditches be kept open to carry off the water. Gravel and small pebbles of northern drift were thrown out, and some pieces of fossil wood 2 and 3 feet long. The maximum flow of water was variously estimated at from 5,000,000 gallons to 9,000,000 gallons per diem. Two weeks after the well was drilled Chamberlin calculated its discharge at 3,000,000 gallons for the same period. 1 Much of the information contained in this brief account is derived from Mosnat's excellent report on the artesian wells of the Belle Plaine area (Ann. Rept. Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 9, 1899, pp. 521-562). This report contains a large number of well sections and a table giving data for nearly 200 flowing and non- flowing wells in the basin. 2 Norton, W. H., Artesian wells of Iowa: Ann. Rept. Iowa Geol, Survey, vol. 6, 1897, pp. 350-351. BENTOK COUNTY. 357 The enormous flow rapidly drew down the head of the other wells until it sank beneath the surface. The attempts to case and control the well continued from August 26, 1886, the date when water was struck, to October 6, 1887, when the task was successfully accom- plished. During this time the well, 193 feet deep, devoured, as local historians tell us, 163 feet of 18-inch pipe, 77 feet of 16-inch pipe, 60 feet of 5-inch pipe, an iron cone 3 feet in diameter and 24 feet long, 40 carloads of stone, 130 barrels of cement, and an ines- timable amount of sand and clay. It may be of interest to add that in 1906 the entire flow was carried underground by an ordinary 3-inch tile drain and that many teams pass daily over the former well site. Water is obtained in the Belle Plaine area by wells ranging in depth Irom 90 to 360 feet, depending on location, elevation, and nearness to the middle of the basin. Not all wells in the area yield flows. The flowing wells are most numerous and the head is greatest in the southwest corner of the county on the flood plain of Iowa River in the vicinity of Belle Plaine. To the east and north the head gradually lowers until, on the higher uplands toward Keystone and Van Horn, water is found only at such depths and with such low head that its recovery is difficult. The driller's log of the ''Jumbo" well and the interpretation given by Mosnat ^ as typical of all the flowing wells on low ground is as follows: Record of strata in " Jumbo " well, Belle Plaine. Thick- ness. Depth. Interpretation. 6. Soil with humus 5. Sandy clay 4. Gravel and sand 3. Yellow clay 2. Blue clay, with layers or pockets of sand and gravel and occasional hard bowlders. H 1(a) Leaves and wood of an old forest bed \(b) Gravel and sand, water bearing at 0. Nebraskan till. Feet. 4 12 13 172 Feet. 4 16 24 37 209 Recent. >Loess. Weathered Kansan till, or loess. Kansan till. Af tonian interglacial stage. These strata, down to No. 1, do not differ from the usual soil, loess, and Kansan till, except in thickness. Stratum No. 1, which yields the water, is typical of Aftonian interglacial beds found in many places in the State. The old forest bed in the upper portion is generally reported as about 2 feet thick, and in this district overlies the gravel of the Aftonian — the aquifer proper. The thickness of the gravel bed ranges from 2 feet to more than 46 feet, the maximum being unknown as weUs do not pass through it where it is thickest. This gravel bed grades upward into fine sand, the thinner deposits being in places entirely of sand. 1 Ann. Rept. Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 9, 1898, p. 530. 358 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. The aquifer is thicker in the middle of the basin than at the sides. Cross sections worked out by Mosnat show conclusively that the aquifer and the underlying Nebraskan or sub-Aftonian drift sheet lie within an old preglacial valley cut fully 200 feet into the Devonian limestones and shales and that the aquifer dips about 3^ feet per mile southward. The new valley has since been filled by the later drift, on which a new drainage system, independent of the old channels, has been superposed. Unfortunately, the artesian water of the Belle Plaine area is unsuited for general household purposes or for use in boilers or in manufacturing processes on account of the large amounts of calcium and magnesium sulphates and other salts it contains. For watering stock, however, it furnishes an abundant and mexpensive supply, warm in winter, cool in summer, and perennially flowing. It is used on every farm on which it is available. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Atkins. — As Atkins (population, 250) is 583 feet above sea level, the drill may be expected to reach the Maquoketa shale about 250 feet above sea level. Possibly some water may be found both in the Devonian and in the Silurian limestones. The dry Maquoketa shale is between 250 and 290 feet thick. It is underlain by the Galena and Platteville limestones, in which some water beds may be discovered. The St. Peter sandstone, with its assured supply of good water, in this area probably lies about 300 feet below sea level. Any drilling should be carried 300 or 400 feet deeper still in order to tap the large supplies of the Prairie du Chien group and the Jordan sandstone. The depth of a successful well would thus probably be about 1,300 feet. Belle Plaine.— City weU No. 1 (Pis. VIII, XI), at Belle Plame (population, 3,121), has a depth of 1,503 feet, and a diameter of 10 mches to 215 feet, 8 inches to 503 feet, 6 inches to 1,300 feet, 5 mches to bottom of well. Its curb is 810 feet above sea level, and its original head 34 feet below the curb; after three months' use the head was 20 feet below the curb. Pump cylinders are set at 63 and at 174 feet below surface; pumping capacity, 100 gallons a minute. The well was completed in 1907. Water was first found in the Aftonian gravel at a depth of 214 feet. This flow, estimated at 2,000 gallons a minute, gave much trouble and made it impossible to drive the 10-inch casing to bed- rock. A second flow, estimated as at least 75 gallons a minute, was struck at 316 feet from the surface at the base of a blue calcareous shale. An analysis shows that this water contained 149 grains of solids to the gallon, including more than 60 gi'ains of scale-forming salts; magnesium sulphate amounted to nearly 13 grains to the BENTOK COUNTY. 359 gallon and calcium sulphate to nearly 18 grains. On the advice of W. H. Norton, drilling was continued and water was found in the Galena at a depth of 1,140 feet and in the St. Peter at 1,280 feet, within 30 feet of the predicted depth. The principal water bed is reported at 1,486 feet. Ten-inch casing was put down to 215 feet, but it could not be driven to rock. An 8-inch casing was put down to the first limestone, found at 315 feet, and bedded in it without packing. As the water burrowed under this pipe, a 6-inch pipe was inserted to 174 feet, and within this a 5-inch pipe was placed whose base was packed with lead at 503 feet. No casing was mserted below this last depth. The total cost of the well, including pumps and the pipes connecting with the reservoir, was $4,200. It was drilled by the J. P. Miller Artesian Well Co., of Chicago. A complete record of the well was not kept, but some drillings were saved. Record of strata in deep well at Belle Plaine {PI. VIII, p. 352; PI. XI, p. Pleistocene chiefly; no samples , Devonian (142 feet thick; top, 527 feet above sea level): Shale, blue, hard, calcareous, siliceous, pyritlferous; in small chips Shale, greenish, in concreted masses; 2 samples , Limestone, light yellow gray, rather soft; dull luster; in small -flaky chips; rapid effer- vescence; 6 samples No sample Limestone, drab, hard, microscopically quartzose; with much light-blue chert; 3 samples Silurian: Niagara dolomite (305 feet thick; top, 385 feet above sea level)— Dolomite, blue gray, mottled, slightly vesicular; with a little chert; 5 samples. . Dolomite, buff, in crystalliue sand Dolomite, blue, argillaceous Dolomite, bufl, in sand Dolomite, blue gray, hard, siliceous; 3 samples Dolomite, blue gray, suberystalltne, compact; some shale at 545 feet; 7 samples Dolomite, white, minutely arenaceous , Dolomite, gray, in crystalline sand; 3 samples , Dolomite, blue, and white chert; 4 samples Dolomite, v/hite, granular; cherty; with some gi-eenish shale Dolomite, gray; 2 samples Dolomite, gray, with much white chert; 3 samples Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (290 feet thick; top, 80 feet above sea level)— Shale, blue, drab; 24 samples , Shale, brown-drab; 2 samples Shale; drab at 990 feet; greenish below; 3 samples Galena limestone to Platteville limestone (260 feet thick; top, 210 feet below sea level)— No samples Limestone, highly argillaceous; in light-gray concreted powder and meal; residue cherty and minutely quartzose; effervescence slow Limestone; in white concreted powder; effervescence slow; 6 samples Limeston ,; in fine meal, argillaceous residue of minute particles of mottled chert. , Shale, drab , Limestone as at 1,110 feet , No samples , Dolomite, bufl, some chert; in sand; 2 samples , No samples , Dolomite, with chert Limestone, gray, granular; rapid effervescence Limestone, argillaceous, in light-gray concreted powder and meal; rapid effer- vescence; highly arenaceous at 1,260 and 1,270 feet; with minute grains of quartz; 7 samples St. Peter sandstone (40 feet thick; top, 470 feet below sea level)— Sandstone, white, grains well rounded, up to 0.8 millimeter in diameter; some fragments of green shale; 3 samples , Thick- ness. Depth. Feet. Feet. 283 283 12 295 20 315 60 375 10 385 40 425 42 467 8 475 21 496 3 499 26 525 60 585 10 595 30 625 48 673 2 675 30 705 25 730 240 970 20 990 30 1,020 20 1,040 10 1,050 60 1,110 10 1,120 10 1,130 10 1,140 20 1,160 20 1,180 10 1,190 10 1,200 10 1,210 70 1,280 40 1,320 360 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Record of strata in deep ivell at Belle Plaine — Continued. Ordovician— Continued . Prairie du Chien group (183 feet thick; top, 510 feet below sea level)— Dolomite, light yellow-gray, argillaceous; in concreted powder Dolomite, light yellow-gray; highly arenaceous; grains of sand rounded, some sharp with secondary enlargements; 2 samples " Sandrock;" no samples Marl, in powder and small white fragments; slow effervescence; highly siliceous, with microscopic quartz; 2 samples Sandstone; gralos rounded; up to 0.8 millimeter in diameter; clean, slightly yellow from rust films on grains. Thick- ness. Feet. 20 30 100 Depth. Feet. 1,340 1,370 1,470 1,490 Analysis of rock in Belle Plaine city ivell at 555 feet. ^ CaCOs- MgCOj. CaS04. SiOa-.. FeaOj.. AlA-- H,0... 53.89 43.84 .47 1.04 .13 .46 .18 100. 01 Blairstown. — The town of Blairstown (population, 532) depends for fire protection on cisterns and private wells and hand pumps. A small private system, owned by Mrs. M. L. Kirk, supplies 20 families with satisfactory water pumped by a 2^ horsepower gasoline engine from a drilled well, sunk 101 feet deep into "rock sand", into two small elevated tanks from which it is distributed by half a mile of mains. Most of the Blairstown wells are dug or bored in the drift 15 to 30 feet. In some wells gravel is found overlying the hard, shelly limestone at a depth of 100 to 120 feet. H. Lipe, in the western part of town, has a 130-foot well which obtains water in sand below the "blue clay." A few sandy layers occur in yellow clay above but contain little water. The stockyards well evidently penetrates limestone of the Kinder- hook group at 120 feet and it is reported to draw water from that stratum. The section follows: Log of stockyard well, Blairstown. Soil and yellow clay (loess) Clay, blue (Kansan) Soapstone ( Kinderhook) . . Keystone. — Keystone (population, 412) is on an upland prairie. The town water supply is drawn from a large dug well 68 feet deep, in the bottom of which is a drilled hole extending down to 130 feet, all in a Made in chemical laboratory of Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa. BENTON COUNTY. 361 the drift. The water is drawn from several layers of sand and gravel. It stands 50 feet below the surface, but its level is quickly lowered by pumping. The water is forced into an elevated tank holding 1,200 barrels, and gives a pressure of about 45 pounds in the business part of town. The water is chiefly used for fire protection, less than 100 barrels being used daily for other purposes. The water is considered to be of good quality. Under agreement with the Chicago, Milwaukee, & St. Paul Railway, the town may use water from the railway well in case of fire or other emergency. The railway system uses a large open well which is on the lower ground apparently than the town well and has an abundant supply. Luzerne. — At Luzerne (population, 160) the shallow town well is 8 feet in diameter and 25 feet deep. Most of the inhabitants, how- ever, used bored wells, from 15 to 35 feet deep, which furnish an abundance of good, hard water. Mount Auhurn. — At Mount Auburn (population, 228) water for domestic use is commonly obtained from bored drift wells ranging m depth from 20 to 55 feet. Throughout Cedar and Bruce town- ships the stock wells range in depth from 100 to 250 feet, entering Umestone at 75 to 150 feet. These wells furnish a good supply of hard water standing 50 to 100 feet below the surface. They are generally pumped with windmills. In St. Clair Township the deep wells are from 120 to 400 feet deep. SJiellslurg. — Shellsburg (population, 527) is situated on the bottom and north side of the valley of Wildcat Creek. The public water supply is owned by the town and is obtained from an open well, 24 feet deep and 14 feet in diameter, dug on the hillslope. The surface deposits of sandy alluvium, about 5 feet thick, pass into fine white sand, which merges iato a bed of coarse gravel. This gravel overhes the limestone and is saturated with water. The well is bricked and cemented to the bottom, which is in open gravel. Normally it is about half full of water, but the level is lowered rapidly by pumping until it stands only 2 or 3 feet above bottom, where it remains con- stant with the pump drawing 40 gallons a minute. The water is forced into a steel tank (capacity, 13,800 gallons), in which an air pressure of 40 pounds is maintained. In case of fire 240 gallons a minute can be dehvered under 80 pounds pres- sure. The water is apparently wholesome, though little is used except for fire protection, on account of the ease with which water can be obtained from the gravels by a dug well. In the lower parts of the town drive points are successfully used to draw water from the same source. TJrbana. — The town of Urbana (population, 306) has no public supply. The shallow wells are dug to rock at a depth of 30 to 50 362 UNDEBG ROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. feet and find "sheet water" in gravel. A few of the better wells are drilled from 100 to 300 feet, and for the most part find the most satisfactory supply in the limestone at about 150 feet. As this water stands 30 to 50 feet below the surface, a source in common with that of shallower wells is indicated. The well at the Urbana creamery is typical of the better drift wells. Water is obtained from a bed of sand and gravel underlying the blue clay of the Kansan drift and overlying the bedrock at a depth of 180 feet. J. G. Waitman found water at 100 feet under similar conditions in the NE. i sec. 3, T. 86 N., R. 9 W. Van Home. — Van Home (population, 444) is situated on the crest of the divide between Cedar and Iowa rivers. Fire protection is obtained from two large open wells 25 feet deep. The water usually stands 5 to 10 feet from the top and is pumped by hand. At the electric fight plant a well 20 feet deep was dug to obtain water for boiler feed. The water was fairly satisfactory, producing fittle scale though leaving a heavy white sediment. As the supply was, how- ever, insufiicient, a hole 6 inches in diameter was drilled to a depth of 795 feet and cased to rock at 264 feet. The driller's record follows : Driller's log of well at Van Home. Depth. Feet. Soil and yellow clay 30 30 Clay, blue 234 264 Limestone, white 456 720 Shale (Maquoketa), dry; stopped in shale 75 795 The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway dug 136 feet and driUed 111 feet to find water in the rock. The ground-water level is very low. Wells 200 to 300 feet deep are nearly all in drift. Vinton. — The city of Vinton (population, 3,336) owns two deep flowing wells, 400 feet apart. One, 1,287 feet deep, was drilled by W. N. Casey & Son in 1889; the other, 1,425 feet deep, was sunk by A. K. Wallen m 1892. (See Pis. VII, VIII, IX.) Both are 6 mches in diameter and the initial head was 28J feet above curb (800| feet above sea level) ; the flow of the first was 62 gallons per minute, of the second 50 gallons a minute. The temperature of their waters is the same — 56° F. In well No. 1 sulphurous water, rising within 8 feet of the surface, was obtained at a depth of 125 feet; water-bearing strata were also penetrated at depths of 950, 1,230, and 1,280 feet. The casing in this well was carried to a depth of 620 feet. The strata penetrated in these wells are indicated in the following sections: BENTON COUNTY. 363 Record of strata in city well No. 1 at Vinton {PI. VII, p. 272; PI. VIII, p. 352). Thick- ness. Depth. Quaternary: Alluvial and drift deposits in ancient river valley Devonian (20 feet thick; top, 665 feet above sea level): Limestone; hard and compact, nonmagnesian, light cream color; fracture sub- conchoidal Silurian: Niagara dolomite (215 feet thick; top, 645 feet above sea level)— Limestone ; magnesian, light bufl, porous, subcrystalline Limestone; powder, pinkish, argillaceous, cherty; contains some magnesia; associated with some dark clay and light nonmagnesian limestone Limestone; powder, wliite, nonmagnesian, pyritiferous, with white chert and some rounded grains of quartz Dolomite; hard, compact, subcrystalline, yellowish in color, with white chert, inclosiag centers of gray flint Dolomite, powder, white Dolomite; Dluish gray, subcrystalline, with gray flint Clay, light green Sandstone, very fine, white; grains angular Dolomite; cliips soft, light gray, porous, subcrystalline, with a little dark-gray flint Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (269 feet thick; top, 430 feet above sea level) — Shale, green calcareous Shale, fine, bluish, calcareous; soluble portion magnesian Magnesian limestone or dolomite; chips hard, brown, subcrystalline, ferriiginous. Shale, Light and dark gray Shale, light bluish, calcareous Galena and PlatteviUe limestones (401 feet thick; top, 161 feet above sea level) — Limestone; powder, light gray; argillaceous; contains some magnesia Limestone ; powder, cream colored; contains some magnesia Limestone; as above No sample Limestone, gray Limestone, soft gray; chips minute Limestone, bluish gray, nonmagnesian; chips minute Limestone, rather soft, fine-grained, compact, light gray, nonmagnesian; chips thin, flaky .- St. Peter sandstone (55 feet tliick; top, 240 feet below sea level) — Sandstone, with fragments of limestone Sandstone; clean quartz, grains rounded, of moderate and nearly uniform size; vitreous, limpid; surface ground Prairie du Chlen group (212 feet penetrated; top, 295 feet below sea level) — Chert, white; with white dolomite, and greenish slatelike shale Dolomite; chips subcrystalhne, minutely porous, medium dark gray, with much chert Dolomite; powder, fine, white Dolomite; cliips white and light gray, fine-grained, subcrystalline, with some chert Dolomite; hard, medium dark gray, and softer white Sandstone; with considerable dolomite, grains of silica light colored, varying widely in size, largest being about 0.9 millimeter in diameter Dolomite; chips white and light gray, fine-grained, subcrystalUne, with some chert ". Chert with minute calcareous fragments .-. Sandstone; grains mostly rounded, varying considerably in size, largest about 1 millimeter; also considerable dolomite Feet. 115 25 167 23 111 30 47 13 15 65 75 45 20 35 5 15 5 25 50 Feet. 115 15 150 18 1C8 82 250 15 265 10 275 10 285 5 290 5 295 350 375 542 565 574 619 730 760 807 820 835 900 975 1,020 1,040 1,075 1,080 1,095 1,100 1,125 1,175 1,190 1,275 1,285 1,287 Driller's log of city ivell No. 2 at Vinton {PI. IX, p. 354). Depth. Surface material Limestone, white Clay, tough, blue Limestone, brown Limestone, light gray Sandstone, St. Peter Sandstone, brown Sandstone, light (water-bearing) Sandstone, coarse, brown Sandstone, white, coarse (water-bearing) Feel. 100 300 620 820 970 1,020 1,220 1,240 1,410 1,440 364 UNDERGBOUND WATER RESOUECES OF IOWA. The agreements of the log 6f well No. 2 with the record and drillings of well No. 1 are more marked than the discrepancies. In log No. 2 the Niagara is not discriminated; the top of the Maquoketa is 50 feet higher than in the record of well No. 1; the Maquoketa is 52 feet thicker, and the Middle Ordovician limestones (Galena and Platteville) are as much thinner; the Shakopee dolomite is called "brown sand- stone," the drillers not distinguishing the fine sand of angular drill-cut fragments of dolomite from true siliceous sand — a common error. The St. Peter has the same thickness in both sections, but it is placed 50 feet liigher in log No. 2. The thin sandy layer at 1,175 feet in v/ell No. 1 was overlooked in well No. 2. The sandstone at 1,220 feet in well No. 2 is identical with the basal sandstone of well No. 1, and is referred to the New Richmond; "bro\vn sandstone" at 1,240 feet of well No. 2 is taken to be the Oneota dolomite, and the white water-bearing sandstone at 1,410 feet the Jordan sandstone. In 1909 the flow from the wells had almost ceased. The casings of black iron had become so deeply corroded in 19 years of use that they were drawn with great difficulty, and on the north well it was considered necessary to use several shots of high explosives. By exceptional good fortune the drill hole was not completely wrecked and the work of repairing the two wells was then intrusted to other hands and was carried forward to successful completion. Both wells were recased with 5-inch standard galvanized casing to 612 feet — that is, through the Maquoketa shale. In making the repairs it was found that the first flow was at about 600 feet, near the base of the shale just mentioned. The second flow of 13 gallons per minute was from near the summit of the St. Peter sandstone, at 1,270 feet. On completion the flow from each well measured 27^ gallons a minute, with a head of 6 feet above the surface of the ground. An air com- pressor was installed in one well at a depth of 173 feet below the surface and yields 162 gallons a minute. The other well is allowed to flow into the cement-lined cistern holding 2,000 barrels, constructed some years before the repairs were made, but the flow of this well is small when the air lift is at work in the adjacent well. The inefficiency of the supply before the repairs were completed compelled the intro- duction of a second system for which the water was taken from a well 20 feet in diameter and 32 feet deep dug in the sand and gravel 60 feet from Cedar River and fed from the underflow. On hard pumping the water level was lowered rapidly, and it was supposed that at such times the well drew directly tln-ough the sands from the river, the water level in well and river ordinarily being the same. Into this well a feed pipe used only in emergencies led directl}^ from the river. A separate pump forced the water from this well into a distinct set of mains and supplied the railroad, several factories, and the street BENTON COUNTY. 365 sprinklers. This part of the system consumed about 60 per. cent of total amount pumped daily. While the repairs on the wells were in progress and entire depend- ence was placed on the shallow well and river, a considerable epidemic of typhoid fever broke out in the city. The city supply is now drawn entkely from the two artesian wells. Another valuable flowing well 6 inches in diameter and reported as 2,000 feet in depth, drawing its supply from the deeper artesian' sources, is located about 2 miles west of Vinton on W. P. Whipple's farm. . About one-third of the population of Vinton is supphed from shallow private wells sunk in the drift. Such wells in so large a town are very liable to be polluted by water entering from the surface. The Iowa State College for the Blind has a well 160 feet deep, which has not been used for several years because in one summer it failed. The college uses more than 2,500,000 gallons annually from the city supply. A well owned by C. Fee was drilled many years ago in prospecting for oil. The depth is variously reported as about 2,000 and near 3,000 feet. The water still flows with a head 4 or 5 feet above the curb. WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Benton County: Typical wells of Benton County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth of rock. Source of sup- ply- Head. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 83 N., R. 11 W. (Union). John Holler Van Home 4 miles southeast of Urbana. Vinton Feet. 795 Feet. 264 J Feet. T.86N.,R.9W.(PAETS OF Polk and Ben- ton). Joseph Kisling 8 doned. Soil, 4; yellow clay, 26; blue clay, 234; white limestone, 456; greenish shaly limestone, 75; incomplete at 795. T. 85 N., R. 10 W. (PARTS OF Taylor and Harrison). State College for BUnd . . 160 76 40 307 120 130 toms. Failed one sum- W. M. Pitts See. 1 46 15 2 Limestone mer, unused. T. 84 N.,R. 9 W. (Can- ton). M.White NW.Jsec. 11... NE. I sec. 20.... SW. A sec. 21.... SW.isec.il.... do Gravel (z) Gravel Limestone - 12 -147 - 60 Milton Richey William Hatfield James Rife Plenty of hard water. 366 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Typical wells of Benton CoMniy— Continued. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth of rock. Source of sup- ply- Head. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 82N.,R. 11 W. (Le Roy). Blairstown NW. i sec. 27. . . SE.isec. 28 SE.isec. 25 NE. Jsec. 6 SE.isec. 1 SE,isec.23 SE.|sec.l9 NE.isec. 5 NW i sec. 2 NE.Jsec.l NW. isec. 10... SW.isec. 11.... SW.isec. 29.... SE. Jsec. 3 SW. A sec. 35. . . . SE. isec. 28 NE.isec. 34.... Feet. 130 450 92 220 149 202 130 200 125 130 240 400 220 480 250 250 140 250 Feet. 130 Shale Feet. - 20 C. E. Case dark slate rock." Scanty supply. Plenty of good water. H . Llpe 140 Sand T. 85 N., R. 11 W. (Jackson). J. Alchoru Limestone Joseph KUne . ..do William Baldridge do T. 84 N., R. 10 W. (Eden). N. D. Boneshel 130 198 (6) (") 200 Gravel - 90 C. E. Bean John Powers T. 84N.,R. 11 W. (Big Geove). A.W.White do T. M. Anderson .do T.83N.,R. low. (El- dorado). Jacob Schlotterbeck Several holes aban- Adam Kranz do -120 doned. E. S. Thompson T.83N.,R. 9 W. (Fre- mont). A. H. Fawcett.. . (") (a) (a) (a) Gravel Strong well. Plenty of water. T. M. Gregor Sand T. 82N.,R. low. (St. Clair). William Reissers ....do .... ..do a No rock; drift. 6 No rock. CEDAR COUNTY. By W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. Cedar County is an area of low relief ; its highest and lowest eleva- tions differ by only about 325 feet. The strongest topographic con- trasts are presented by the uplands of Kansan drift and the lowan drift plains. The latter comprise two lobate areas. One stretches across the northern tier of townships, its southern boundary coin- ciding pretty closely with the line of the Chicago & North Western Kailway, which chose the even surface and low levels of the plain in preference to the rugged Kansan upland. The second lobe enters the county from the west along the left bank of Cedar River and extends nearly to Tipton. CEDAE COUNTY. 367 The Kansan upland varies in relief according to the degree of its dissection. In Farmington Township its nearly level divides are scored by only the faintest erosion channels; in Faii*field Township it is a gently rolling prairie; but bordering Cedar Kiver in Rochester and Cedar Valley townships it has been cut to a maze of the steepest of hnis. GEOLOGY. The rocks of the county fall into two general divisions. The Niagara, a buff dolomite, forms the bedrock over the northern and eastern parts, and Devonian limestones of differing lithologic characteristics underlie the southeastern part. (See Pis. X, XI.) The drift sheets appearing on the surface are the Kansan and the lowan; a third drift sheet, the Nebraskan, is in places found beneath the Kansan and separated from it by old soils and forest beds (Aftonian) and outwash sands. The loess, a yellow silt, destitute of pebbles, mantles the Kansan areas. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The ground-watf r supplies of Cedar County are, at present, drawn chiefly from deep-lying sources. The shallow wells which at an early date found plenty of water at the base of the loess in ashen silts and basal sands and in sands separating yellow and blue stony clays have been generally either abandoned or sunk deeper, because of both decreasing supply and increasing demands. On alluvial bot- toms, such as the flood plains of the Cedar and some of the larger creeks, shallow wells still are adequate even for farm purposes. Aquifers largely used are the sands and gravels associated with the drift. These water beds occur as discontinuous lenses in the Kansan and Nebraskan, as extensive sheets parting the stony clays of the drift, and in basal sands parting the Nebraskan till from rock. Sands, locally of great thickness, occur in the well-marked buried ancient river valley which traverses the county from north of Stanwood to the southeast corner. Though these sands are, as a rule, saturated with water, they are in many places too fine to to be a source of supply owing to the impracticability of screening them out with present methods. A very valuable water bed is that formed by the basal sands of the drift and the upper few feet of bed- rock, broken and made pervious by preglacial weathering. In the bedrock water occurs throughout the Niagara dolomite, where it accumulates in large quantities owing to the impervious floor of the Maquoketa shale on which the latter rests. Water is also found in the Devonian limestones of the southern and western 368 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. parts of the county. In both limestones it occurs in channels dis- solved by waters seeping along bedding planes and joints in porous layers. DISTRIBUTION. The areas of lowan drift of the northern and northeastern parts of the county can hardly be set off from those of the Kansan drift as a distinct underground water province, for the lowan drift forms but a veneer upon the older drift sheet and can not influence the distribution of ground water. The low relief of the lowan allows ground water to stand high and to exude in swales and wet-weather ponds, but in only a few places is the water thus stored sufficient for farm wells. In places on the Tipton lobe sands store water sufficient for house wells. A well-defined province is that of an ancient rock-cut channel deeply buried by the drift, which may be called "Stanwood channel," as it extends beneath the town of Stanwood. The surface of the ground gives no indication whatever of the topography of the rock surface lying 300 feet beneath. Enough deep wells have been drilled over this "deep country" to outline its general course, although they fail to define accurately either its gradient or its width. The channel (fig. 4) enters the county in Fremont Township and, curving sharply to the east, passes southeast to Stanwood. Trending thence south- ward, it passes east of Tipton and follows along the east side of Sugar Creek. About 2 J miles north of Lime City it turns to the southeast and near Durant joins the ancient buried valley, passing through Scott and Muscatine counties southward. At Stanwood the rock floor of the channel is 544 feet above sea level, if correctly reported; 5 miles southeast of Stanwood rock was struck at 440 feet. In southwestern Scott County the floor of this channel is not higher than 400 feet above sea level. In Cedar County the channel is aggraded with river sand beneath and glacial stony clays above. At Stanwood it is filled with sand to a height of 116 feet above its floor of rock. At Henry Britcher's place sand 144 feet thick is reported overlying rock. In some wells these sands are replaced by glacial pebbly clays and the work of the driller is much lightened. The sand is generally of fine grain, and that in one well is reported as so fine as to sift through a tobacco sack. It contains streaks and beds of coarser sand and even of gravel. It presents a serious problem for the driller, for though it is saturated, it is for the most part too fine for ordinary types of strainers and affords no ground for casing. The water which makes it a quicksand forms an inexhaustible reservoir, supplying the gravels at its base and the upper creviced layers of the bedrock. CEDAR COUNTY. 369 No " deep country" is reported in Pioneer Township, and although the land is considerably diversified in relief, water is found generally Figure 4.— Map showing location of wells (•) marking the position of the buried Stanwood channel Numbers on wells refer to table on p. 372. from 80 to 100 feet from the surface in Niagara dolomite. In the northeastern part some wells are drilled as deep as 140 feet. 36581°— WSP 293—12 24 370 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Outside the deep buried Stanwood channel wells in Fremont Township are of moderate depth. West of this channel rock is gen- erally entered at from 80 to 100 feet. Northeast of Mechanicsville it comes within 30 to 50 feet of the surface and water is obtained in abundance by wells 80 or 90 feet deep. In sees. 21 and 28 rock lies lower than 150 and 170 feet below the surface of the gently-rolling Kansan upland, indicating here a branch of the Stanwood Channel. These wells, like many wells of the main channel, find water at top of the river sand with which these buried valleys have been deeply fiUed. In the northern half of Dayton Township rock outcrops or is found near the surface. In the southern part the drift is deeper, reaching in places a depth of more than 125 feet. Wells commonly find water in the Niagara dolomite within 80 and 90 to 120 feet from the surface, the water rising within 40 feet of the curb. On the loess-covered dissected Kansan upland west of Massillon, in Massillon Township, wells find water within 140 feet, in Niagara dolomite, which here comes within 80 or 90 feet of the surface. Loess is of unusual thickness and drift clays are thin. On the high ridge north of Lowden, extending northwest and south- east through sees. 20-22, 25-28, 35, and 36, wells on the crests are from 150 to 180 feet in depth, finding water in gravels of the drift. In one well on this ridge rock was entered at 85 feet and water obtained in the Niagara, the depth of the well being 144 feet. In Linn, Cass, and Red Oak townships rock lies near the surface, being rarely found more than 70 to 100 feet below it. Water is found chiefly in the Niagara at depths seldom exceeding 100 and 120 feet. At the large stock farm of Alexander Buchanan, a well was sunk to the very exceptional depth of 300 feet, of which 230 feet were in rock, presumably the Niagara. Northwest of Tipton in Center Township rock underlies the lowan drift plain at no great depth, and outcrops are not uncommon. Wells find plenty of water within 50 feet or less of the surface. In and about Tipton a greater depth of weUs is rendered necessary by the deeper-lying rock. Thus at the fair grounds a well was sunk 201 feet, 105 feet being in rock. At A. Birks's, northeast of town, rock was entered at 175 feet, and the total depth of the well is 275 feet. At H. L. Huker's, on the east side of town, a well 197 feet deep found no rock. There seems to be here either a strong descent to the buried Stanwood channel, which lies east of Tipton, or perhaps to the channel of a tributary. Within the city limits the depth to rock ranges from 85 to 130 feet and water is found either immediately upon or in the rock. CEDAE COUNTY. 371 Near, the border of the lowan drift house wells obtain water in the basal sands of the loess. The sands which part the blue and yellow tills also afford a moderate supply. Over most of the southwestern part of Center Township wells find water in limestone, either Niagara or Devonian, within 80 to 130 and 140 feet of the surface. Here the bedrock is in few places covered with more than 80 feet of drift. In the eastern part of the township, beyond the belt of 'Meep country" of the buried Stanwood channel, the drift is from 80 to 130 feet thick, and wells commonly find water in the Niagara at depths of 100 to 150 feet. Concerning Inland Township the facts at hand relate chiefly to wells in the northern part, where stock weUs range from 100 to 170 feet, finding water in rock a few feet below its surface. The drift here is 60 to 170 feet thick. In the maze of steep hills of the Kansan upland of the eastern part of Gower Township water is found in rock from 100 to 180 feet below the surface, the cover of loess and till being 70 to 100 feet thick. In the western part of the township the drift is 170 to 200 feet thick and several wells are 190 to 220 feet deep. In Springdale Township the drift is deep, ranging generally from 100 to 180 feet. In the extreme northeast sections the drift is thinner, and at the viUage of Springdale rock is entered at 50 feet. The wells reported range in depth from 120 to 215 feet, water commonly being found in Devonian limestone. In Iowa and Rochester townships the Devonian limestones appear at the surface or closely approach it. On the upland of Iowa Town- ship rock is found at 40 to 80 feet. In some rock-cut buried valleys the rock lies as deep as 120 feet. In Rochester Township, though rock outcrops east of Rochester, it occurs as deep as 120 and 200 feet in the northeastern sections. The wells reported penetrate the lime- stones to depths ranging from 20 to 100 feet before finding sufficient water, and exceptionally wells are sunk in rock as much as 120 feet. Northeast of Springdale a well 200 feet deep is reported. In Sugar Creek and Farmington townships, outside the course of the Stanwood channel, rock approaches within 40 and 59 feet of the surface between Sunbury and Durant and north of Lime City. North- east of Lime City it lies from 90 to 125 feet below the surface, and one well, which may be on a tributary of the Stanwood channel, is reported to end in gravel at 325 feet. In the western part of Farmington Township the drift appears to be from 80 to 140 feet thick. Water is found in or on the rock, and wells, except in the buried channel, seldom exceed 130 feet in depth. 372 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Wells in the Stamvood channel. No.i Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Remarks (logs given in feet). 1 T. 82 N., R. 3 W. (Fremont). L. Williams SE. } SE. } sec. 3 NW. isec. 10 Feet. 154 162 103 216 257 197 210 192 109 340 250 '230 365 250 185 333 240 295 ■ 198 247 302 298 98 250 302 304 200 300 220 110 196 272 217 Feet. ■ ""'iso' '""296" 220 215 327 220 ""'326' 180 293 177 184 278 233 248 220 302 Yellow clay, 30; blue clay, 100; sand, 24. ?, M. Rigby 3 L. Lehrman SW }sec. 10 . ... Blue clay, 90; dark fine sand, 13. Drift clays, 125; sand and gravel, 91. Water rises within 60 feet of surface. 4 A. Pound NW. J sec. 16 5 John Foley NE 4 sec. 17 6 J. P. Hines Sec 17 Blue clay, 180; sand, 17. Blue clay, 120; sand, 60. Drift clays with streaks of sand (one 7 feet thick), 180; sand, 12. R. A. Bardue S W. i sec. 16 NW. } SW. } sec. 15. . NW. J NW. 1 sec. 15.. SW. J see. 24 8 George Melton q 10 Tile Works, Stanwood . H. S. Hoyman T. 82N.,R. 2W. (Dayton). S. M. Davidson T. 81N..R.2 W. (Fairfield). Henry Britcher 0. T. Johnson Yellow loess, 20; ashen loess, 7; 11 NW.A SE. i sec. 24... SE. |sec. 19 green clay, 1; yeUow, stony clay, 7; blue clay (Kansan), 65; sand with fragments of wood (Aftonian), 15; blue clay (Nebraskan), 65; sand, 116; shale (Maquoketa), 44. 13 14 SE. INE. Jsec.e N W. 1 sec. 5 YeUow clay, 60; blue clay, 123; sand, 144; limestone, 12; blue soapstone, 6; limestone with water, 20. Yellow clav, 30; blue clay, 50; 15 SE. iSW. Jsec. 8 NW. A NW. isec. 17.. SE. Jsec. 17 SW. i sec. 16 SW. }NE. isec. 16... NE. I sec. 20 NE. 1- sec. 21 NW. i sec. 22 fine, wliite sand; limestone, with water rising within 50 feet of surface, 30. 16 17' 18 1<) George Kinney N. and K. Lay E. E. Heltebrielle M. J. Fay Yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 155; a little sand on rock. 20 N. Fay ?1 T. Wingerd •?? Gus Peters Chiefly blue clay; not 10 feet of 23 NW.isec.28 NE. J see. 33 sand. 24 F. H. Milligan Drift clays, SO; fine sand, 160; 25 ?6 T. S0N.,R.2 W. (part of Center). AV. Stubblefield G. W. Gary J. B. Carl J. Helmer NE.iNE. Jsec. 9.... NW.isec. 16 black clay (geest?), 8; porous limestone, 2. Water rises within 30 feet of smface. Yellow clay 40; blue clay, 180; sand. 27 NE.isec. 22 SE.iSE.i see. 23.... NE. \ sec. 1 ?ft T. 79 N., R. 2 W. (Sugar Creek; part OF Rochester). B. Ayres 30 T. 79 N., R. 1 W. (Farmington). John Rice SW. iSW. 1 sec. 5.--. NE. J sec. 27 31 C. H. Nienaber Charles Fitzler Marx Hartz 3^ do 33 NW.isec.33 1 For position of weUs see fig. 4, CEDAR COUNTY. 373 CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Buchanan. — At Buchanan (population, 61) water is obtained from drilled wells 27 to 127 feet deep, a depth of 120 feet being very common. The water in the deeper wells rises within 70 feet of the surface. Springs furnish a small part of the water. Clarence. — The water supply of Clarence (population, 662) is pumped from a well to an elevated tank giving a gravity pressure of 40 pounds. There are 2 miles of mains, 11 fire hydrants, and 100 taps. Many house wells, ranging in depth from 20 to 115 feet, are still used. These wells enter rock at 60 feet, and obtain their largest supplies at about 90 feet. The water of the deeper wells rises within 40 feet of the surface. Durant. — At Durant (population, 720) the public supply is drawn from a well and pumped to an elevated tank, with a capacity of 600 barrels, supplying a gravity pressure of 46 pounds. There are 2 miles of mains and 24 hydrants. House wells ranging in depth from 40 to 50 feet and obtaining water in sand are used largely. Lowden. — In Lowden (population, 584) water is obtained from wells that range in depth from 20 to 200 feet. A small amount is obtained from springs. Mechanicsville. — At Mechanicsville (population, 817) water is pumped from wells into a tank, giving gravity pressure of 45 pounds. There are 4,400 feet of mains and 12 hydrants. Springdale. — At Springdale (population, 125) wells range in depth from 75 to 150 feet. Stanwood. — Open and drilled wells ranging in depth from 20 to 300 feet furnish water at Stanwood (population, 511). The depth to the water-bearing formation in the deeper wells is 120 feet, and water rises within 50 feet of the surface. A well 630 feet deep and ranging in diameter from 10 f to 8 inches was sunk at the Chicago & North Western Railway track in 1905. (See PL XL) The elevation of the curb is 847 feet above sea level. Water was not found in adequate quantity and the well was abandoned in 1907. The record of this well based on driller's log follows : Record of strata in railway well at Stanwood {PI. XI, p. 382). Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. 30 30 80 110 8 118 84 202 98 300 20 320 50 370 250 620 10 630 Pleistocene (300 feet thick; top, 847 feet above sea level): Clay, yellow, soft Clay, blue, soft Clay, sandy, brown, hard Clay, blue, soft Sand and mud, soft; some blue and some yellow Silurian: Niagara dolomite (70 feet tliick; top, 547 feet above sea level) — Streaks of clay and limerock; had to be cased Limerock, Ught colored, soft; a little water Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (250 feet thick; top, 477 feet above sea level) — Shale, light blue, soft Galena limestone (10 feet penetrated; top, 227 feet above- sea level) — Limerock; gray, hard 374 UNDERGEOUKD WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. Sunbury. — In Sunbury (population, 200) water is obtained chiefly from wells and cisterns, A small quantity is also obtained from springs. Tipton. — The water supply of Tipton (population, 2,048) is drawn from a well 2,696^ feet deep. (See PI. X.) The diameter is reported as 8 inches. The well was originally cased to 120 feet and was recased in 1889 to 225 feet. The curb is 810 feet above sea level, and the original head was 65 feet below the curb. The present head is about 80 feet below the curb. The tested capacity of the well is 225 gallons a minute. The water beds are unknown, but the drillers, J. P. MUler & Co., of Chicago, reported no water found below 1,200 feet. The temperature is 57° F. Record of strata in city well at Tipton {PI. X, p. 374). Thickness. Depth. Pleistocene: Drift Silurian: Niagara dolomite (305 feet thick; top, 675 feet above sea level) — Limestone and dolomite, light gray, hard; white chert at 135 feet; dolomite, bufl, at 300 feet; limestone, soft, medium dark gray, argillaceous, slightly magnesian, at 445 feet Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (200 feet thick; top, 310 feet above sea level)— Shale, greenisla; 3 samples Shale, gray green; in fine meal of argUlo-siUceous particles, and grains of dolomite; some rather coarse imperfectly rounded grains of varicolored quartz Shale, blue; in concreted powder Shale, chocolate-brown, slightly bituminous Dolomite, brown, argillaceous, earthy .' Shale, blue Galena limestone to Platte ville limestone (330 feet thick; top, 110 feet above sea level)— Dolomite, bufl and gray; 4 samples Limestone, light buS, soft, magnesian Limestone, soft, grayish white, argillaceous Limestone, white, slightly magnesian Limestone, light gray Limestone, darker gray Limestone, dark blue gray; fossiliferous, argUlaeeous Shale, green (probably Decorah shale) Limestone, dark blue gray, argillaceous St. Peter sandstone (55 feet tliick; top, 220 feet below sea level)— Sandstone, clean, white; grains rounded; 3 samples Prairie du Chien group (377 feet thick: top, 275 feet below sea level)— Dolomite, gray; green shale in drillings Dolomite; some sand ia drillings Marl, white, dolomitic, argillaceous, and minutely arenaceous Dolomite, gray, bufl, and in places white; cherty, especially toward the base; white powder at 1,300 feet; 17 samples Dolomite and sand Dolomite, light yellow Dolomite with sand Dolomite, gray; considerable sand Cambrian: Jordan sandstone (118 feet thick; top, 652 feet below sea level)— Sandstone, calciferous; fine, liglit colored; rounded grains of quartz, some showing secondary enlargements; also many minute angular cuttings of white subcrystalline dolomite Sandstone, bufl; 2 samples Sandstone, fine, white and light yellow; 2 samples Dolomite, highly siliceous, white Sandstone, fme gramed, light yellow St. Lawrence formation (222 feet thick; top, 770 feet below sea level)— Dolomite, yellow Dolomite, dark gray Dolomite, gray; ta fine sand Marl, blue gray. Shale, dark greenish, pyritiferous; much dolomite and chips of fine- grained, argillaceous sandstone Marl, pink , Feet. 135 365 100 Feet. 135 20 620 20 640 20 660 20 680 20 700 40 740 60 800 50 850 35 885 15 900 50 950 40 990 10 1,000 30 1,030 40 1,070 15 1,085 5 1,090 10 1,100 265 1,3C5 .35 1,400 10 1,410 40 1,450 6 1,456 6 1,462 23 1,485 17 1,502 3 1,505 10 1,515 65 1,580 36 1,616 34 1,650 30 1,680 22 .1,702 38 1,740 33 miles WATtR-SUHPLY PAPER 293 PLATE X 17 miles > Green Island .C^<^^^"'^^ US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ^ 32 miles - CenterviUe -42 miles - 33 miles WATIR-SUHPLV PAPER 293 PLATE X — »-■* n miles > PenvisV ,\-^^' ■/gS" Tipton Washington ^. Ov^' 0&^'^ A\a\©' d ^^»■ ,.^.99^^ Sea level 5^ c,*uxv Shakopee dolomite ' New Richmond sandstone ^ Oneola dolomite Prairie du Cliien- group ^w-^o „V^oo\^ ,(0V>9 Oe-J' S*v)t*^' 'S\l' ^'-^-- Pleistocene ^ Pleistocene Maquoketa (oil well) ^w'^*'' ^AaO,^°' )V.e\a sVa^® ,p^ ,M\\\e. rxcW' fttJe .odsVX}!'-'' .'-'SO .,*i^2 ov^e^^ „ovi9 io^° .6-^°" ,0^^* Green Island p-Ca(^ ,W»'' i?^ GEOLOGIC SECTION BETWEEN GREEN ISLAND AND CENTERVILLE ,IOWA liy W. H. Norton CEDAR COUNTY. Record of strata in citij well at Tipton. 375 Thickness. Depth. Cambrian — Continued . Dresbach sandstone and underlying Cambrian strata (443 feet thick; top, 992 feet below sea level)— Sandstone, clean, white, saccharoidal; grains generally rounded but many faceted with secondary enlargements; largest grains 1 mm. in diameter. Sandstone, white, fine; 3 samples Sandstone; in fine, siliceous powder Sandstone, white; grains very fine, mostly angular Marl, minutely arenaceous Sandstone, fine, white; shale in drillings Sandstone, buff, fine Marl, siliceous and glauconiferous Sandstone, pink; in minute angular fragments Marl, siliceous and glauconiferous Marl, pink gray; microscopically quartzose; glauconiferous Marl, reddish; microscopically quartzose; glauconiferous Sandstone, gray; in fuie powder, consisting as seen under the microscope of angular particles of quartz; calcareous cement Sandstone, buff, fine grained Sandstone, fine white Sandstone, white; grains of moderate size, mostly broken; some with sec- ondary enlargements Algonkian (?) (451J feet penetrated; top, 1,435 feet below sea level); Sandstone, clean, pink; 2 samples Sandstone, red and brown; 3 samples Sandstone, moderately fine; grains broken, pink Sandstone, fine, cream colored Sandstone, pink; angular grains and grains with secondary enlargements Sandstone, pink, fine; in angular cuttings, 2,420 and 2,430 Sandstone, light yellow Sandstone, dark bro\vn Sandstone, terra-cotta red, fine Sandstone, reddish; 2 samples Sandstone, buff, fine Sandstone, reddish , Sandstone, light purplish, fine Sandstone, reddish brown, line; 3 samples Sandstone, dark reddish brown; grains angular, 2,600 and 2,610 Sandstone, purplish; 2 samples Sandstone, red, pink, and brown, fine; grains broken; 15 samples Feet. 62 1,802 88 1,890 5 1,895 5 1,900 10 1,910 15 1,925 25 1,950 15 1,965 25 1,990 5 1,995 75 2,070 30 2,100 50 2,150 10 2,160 50 • 2,210 10 2,220 50 2,270 70 2,340 20 2,360 6 2,365 36 2,400 30 2,430 5 2,435 40 2,475 10 2,485 35 2,520 15 2,535 15 2,550 10 2,560 25 2,585 25 2,610 15 2,625 m 2,6961 The water is pumped to a standpipe with a capacity of 27,000 gallons, affording a domestic pressure of 45 pounds. Direct pressure is 100 pounds. There are 3^ miles of mains, 46 fire hydrants, and 320 taps. The consumption averages 45,000 gallons a day. West Branch. — Waterworks were installed at West Branch (popu- lation, 643) in 1906. The supply is from an 8-inch weU, 65 feet deep, with a capacity of 100 gallons per minute. Pumping 13^ hours lowered the water to but 7 feet below the surface of the ground. The water bed is honeycombed limestone of Devonian age. Rock is entered at 6 feet. Water is pumped to a tank with capacity of 30,000 gallons, affording a gravity pressure of 103 pounds. There are If miles of mains and 23 fire hydrants. Village house weUs range from 20 to 50 feet in depth. 376 UNDERGEOtTND WATER RESOURCES OP IOWA. WELL DATA. Information concerning typical wells in Cedar County is presented in the following tables: Typical wells in Cedar County. Owner. T. 81 N,, R. 4 W. (PAETs OF Cass and Linn). Charles Dodds Mary KaufEman B. Wilson Charles Pfafl :'.. Philip Hammond C. Strother Elmer Wallick T. 81 N., R. 3 W. (Red Oak; parts of Cass, Linn, Center). R. Stout Alexander Moffltt Alexander Buchanan . . H. Shank E.H.Carl T. 81 N.,R. 2 W. (Day- ton). H. Dewell George McLeod T. 80 N., R. 2 W. (PARTS OF Center AND Rochester). W. W. Aldrich D. R. Smith G. Wingert C. G.Wright Swartzlander. . . B. Sandy William Ford J. Huddlestone George Wilbur C. W.Carl H.L. Snider E. D. Neirson R. J. Goodale Moses Brunker Adam Birk P. Metz J. Kropelin Fair Grounds, Tipton . T. 81 N.,R. 2 W. (Fair- field; PART OF Cen- ter). L. Haggerty Johnson Spear E.H.Carl J. C. Casford Matt. Fell J. Kroeplene Location. SE. I sec. 25 SE. I sec. 26 Sec. 30 SW. 1 sec. 36 NW. Jsec. 4 . Sec. 12 Sec. 16 SW. \ sec. 18 NW. J sec. 6 . NW. i sec. 18 NE. \ sec. 7 . SW. isec. 17 Sec. 18 Sec. 2.. Sec. 25. Sec. 2. Sec. 3. Sec. 4. Sec. 5 Sec. 6 NE. i sec. 8 Sec. 10. Sec. 12. Sec. 13. Sec. 15. Sec. 16. Sec. 21 . Sec. 22. Sec. 29. Sec. 31 . Sec. 32 Sec. 34 SW. I sec. 36 See.9 NW. 1 sec. 16 Sec. 18 Sec. 21 Sec. 20 Sec. 34 Depth. Depth to rock. Feet. 50 73 118 80 98 300 65 133 160 108 105 220 166 IGO 156 156 100 180 140 190 140 120 156 275 120 121 201 170 198 146 150 133 125 Feet. 25 50 100 16 70 36 100 40 70 35 40 120 60 136 110 150 102 136 73 130 120 54 70 60 131 176 51 118 105 110 177 120 110 118 Remarks (logs given in feet). Nearly all blue clay; bowlders from 20 to 40. Yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 30. Drift clays, 100; limestone, 10; greenish pipe clay (Carboniferous cavern fill- ing) 10; limestone to bottom. Yellow clay, 60; sand, 60. Yellow clav, 20; blue clay, 48; onpaha hill. Blue clay, 20; pebbly hardpan overly- ing quicksand, 20; gravel, 65. On rock was found "red granite," 3 inches thick, which cut drill and was dynamited. GO feet of sand. Strong flow of gas en- countered at 60 feet between clay above and sand; would blow off hat. Yellow clay deep in this vicinity. Yellow clay, soft, 45; blue clay, 55; pebbles, 2. No sand. Yellow clay, 10; blue clay, 63. Yellow clay, 20; sand, 90. Yellow clay, 35; blue clay, 35. Yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 40. Yellow clay, 20; blue clay with a very little sand, 156; solid log or limb of wood at 166; no dark soil; rock, 99. 20 feet of sand on rock. Much sand and gravel. Yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 80; gravel, 10. Nearly all sand and gravel to rock. CEDAR COUNTY. Typical wells in Cedar County — Continued. 377 Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Feet. Feet. 110 114 80 54 46 132 132 100 48 190 160 120 120 87 40 140 65 30 93 93 111 105 168 120 100 220 180 180 75 112 100 190 100 135 95- 138 106 140 140 172 IM 138 00 70 40 160 60 102 80 100 65 100 60 160 60 160 120 70 40 256 50 70 40 177 157 202 102 130 100 200 200 60 50 20 220 Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 79 N., R. 1 W, (Fakmington). Charles Moorehouse. .. J. F. Schroeder Henry Steffen William Miller Johann Klohn T. 82 N., R. 3 W. (Fre- mont). R.M.Carll P. Farrington John Schwalpert G. S.Burleigh J. Studer H. B. Thomas A. M. House Alex. Caldwell 80 N., R. 4 W. (Gowee). J. A. Armstrong... A. H.Fisher T. W. Fitzpatrick. J. Tucker B. Ellison W. W. Totum SW. I sec. 5 Sec.8 See. 12 See. 16 Sec. 23 Sec. 2 SE. \ sec. 4 . S. Asec. 8 ... Sec.9 NE.isee. 18 Sec. 20 Sec. 21 NE. 4 sec. 28 Sec. 4 Sec.9 Sec. 13 Sec. 15 Sec. 27 SE. 1 sec. 36 T. 80 N., R. 1 W. (In- lan^d). A. Dresselhouse. M. Sparks Sec. 3. Sec. 4. E. Bell. Sec. 7. H. Wharton. Sec. 11. T.79N.,R.3W,(Iowa: PART OF Rochester). J. S.Smith E. Hanna ■ Hutchins. Sec. 4. Sec. 4. Sec. 5. B. Ellison I Sec.7. C. D. Stottler. J. P. Stottler. B. Woods.... D-jfle.. W, Kennedy. H. Cress T. 80, R. 2 W, (PARTS of Rochester and Center). A. Anions Thomas Mathews . James Ross J. Fulhrider T. 79 N., R. 2 W. (Sugar Creek; part of Rochester). J. D. Ridenours C. A. Ridenours. Ayers .... Sec.9.. See. 10. Sec. 18. See. 21. Sec. 31. Sec. 34. Sec. 29. Sec. 29. Sec. 31. Sec. 32. Sec. 5 Sec.7. Seel. Black soil, 10; blue clay, 40; sand, 40; gravel, 20. All yellow clay to rock. Yellow and blue clays, 80; sand, 30; blue clay, 22. Blue clay, 100; sand and gravel, 60. Yellow clay, 24; blue clay, 64; sand, 14; muck, 10; blue clay and gravel, 8. Foot of Stanwood paha. Mostly blue clay; 3 sand beds. Yellow clay, 20; blue clay nearly to rock; water in gravel on rock. On NAV. i NE. \, drift clays, 120; sand, 48. On SE. \ NE. \ rock was entered at 98, and the drill stopped at 118. Yellow and blue clay to rock. Drift clays, 140; sand, 40. Hill. Yellow clay, 60; blue clay, 40. Yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 75. 8 feet of sand on rock. Yellow clay, 40; blue clay, 45; sand, 5. Water on rock, head, 40 feet. Yellow clay, 50; blue clay, 50; quick- sand, 40; blue clay to rock. Water in blue limestone. All yellow clay to rock. Water in blue limestone. Yellow clay, 70; blue clay, 86; sand, 1, to rock. Hill. First rock shelly limestone, 3; blue shale, 5; hard limestone, 96. No sand; rock soft and shaly. From 110 to 120 feet "pipe clay" (shale) underlain by 4 feet of coal. Soft blue clay, 50; sand and clay mixed, mucky, black, 100; clean fine sand resting on gravel, 70. 378 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Typical ivells in Cedar County — Continued. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 79 N., R. 2 W.— Continued. Isaac Riser Seel Feet. 245 Feet. 45 84 110 40 160 120 180 30 82 120 50 42 30 70 Across road from Ayers. Clay, 50; muddy sand, 100; clean sand, 75; gravel, 20. Rock full of flint nodules from size of J. W. Rockhaltz Sec. 4 Charles Kiser Sec. 11 124 213 160 hickory nut to baseball. Yellow clay, 74; sand, 10. Pipe clay from 125 to 131. Yellow clay, 20; soft sandy blue clay, 20. Yellow and blue clay to rock. CO feet of sand on rock. T. 79N.,R. 4 W. (Speingdale). E. Halloway. Sec. 3 Samuel Thomas.. Sec. 9 D. Sullivan Sec. 19 Meredith See. 19 D. Wiggins Sec. 31 215 80 112 120 183 174 172 140 143 80 80 88 130 On belt of "deep country" which starts in west of West Branch and runs west of Downey. T.80N.,R.3W.(PARTS OF Center, Roches- tee, Iowa, Gower). O. P. Pratt Sec. 10 T.82N.,R.l W.(Mas- SELLON). L. Vansickle S W. \ sec. 4 J. S. Erbe SE.Jsec. 14 loess, 10; sand, 12, to rock. Hill. Blue clay, 50; sand, 70. Hill. Charles Kramer SE. i sec. 20 Gustave Martens E. Schleuter SE. isec. 21 NW. Jsec. 27 ... Yellow clay, 40; blue clay to bottom; water in streak of sand at 110. Yellow clay, 35; blue clay, 85; rock. Yellow clay, 30; blue clay, 110; river sand, 3. T.82 N.,R.4 W.(Pio- NEEE). Louis Seever NE. i sec. 3 D. Foley Sec. 21.. . Jacob Hammond W. Bennett SE. isec. 32 SW. i see. 34 . W.Elliott SW. i sec. 35 . . . ' David Rhoudes NE. i sec. 36 CLINTON COUNTY. By W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. The upiana of the northeastern townships of Clinton County attains a height of 900 feet above sea level and is deeply and intri- cately dissected. The topography is that characteristic of the drift- less area and the belt of Kansan drift immediately adjacent. The entire area of these townships has been reduced by long erosion to valley slopes. The southern portion of the county consists of a gently undulating plain of lowan drift, diversified, near the edges, with ridges and elongated hills of the older drift, capped with loess, and trending from northwest to southeast. Wide alluvial plains occur not only along the Mississippi but also along the entire course of Wapsipinicon River (except a short rock- CLINTON COUNTY. 379 bound reach at Big Rock), and up the valley of Yankee Run. A broad strip of lowland known as the Goose Lake Channel, crossing the county from north to south, marks an ancient temporary channel of the Mississippi. GEOLOGY. The bulk of the Pleistocene deposits of Clinton County consists of the Kansan and the Nebraskan drift sheets, the lowan drift forming but a veneer on the area allotted to it. The northern dissected Kansan upland is thickly covered with a pebbleless yellow silt or dust, the loess. The foundation rock on which the superficial deposits rest throughout most of the county is the Niagara dolomite; some deep-cut ancient valleys, however, are filled with drift which reaches to the Maquoketa, a blue plastic shale which outcrops along the base of the bluffs of the Mississippi as far south as Lyons. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE AND DISTRIBUTION. Chnton County offers a wide variety of water beds, including the alluvial plains with their shallow ground water, the glacial gravels associated with the different sheets of glacial drift, and the Niagara dolomite. Some of the deepest farm wells of the county tap still deeper horizons, in the Maquoketa shale and the underlying Galena dolomite. The artesian wells of Clinton pass through the Ordovician formations and tap the Jordan and Dresbach sandstones and deeper Cambrian strata. In Sharon Township, on the Kansan upland, the drill strikes the Niagara dolomite at depths ranging from 70 to 120 feet and finds water within 150 feet of the surface. On the lowan drift plain in the southern part of the township wells south of Lost Nation find water in glacial gravels less than 150 feet from the surface. In the northeastern section of Brookfield Township, rock appears at the surface. Water is found in the Niagara at depths seldom exceeding 150 feet. A deep-buried river channel enters the north- western part of the township from Jackson County, passes east of Elwood, and thence trends southwest. The lowest altitude recorded for the rock floor of this buried valley is 470 feet above sea level. This "deep country" passes through a well-dissected Kansan upland and several wells approach or exceed 300 feet in depth. Water is usually found in gravel before reaching rock, but in one or two wells drilling was continued to some depth in the Maquoketa shale. In Bloomfield Township no well reported exceeds 175 feet in depth. Water is usually found in the Niagara, which is generally reached from 50 to 125 feet from the surface. Exceptional wells which failed to reach rock and disclose an ancient buried river channel are reported, one on the aggraded valley of Deep Creek (sec. 32), which passed 380 UNDEEGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. through 144 feet of quicksand and struck rock 171 feet below the sur- face; and two wells in the hilly country north of Delmar (sees. 10 and 11), which reached 200 feet, passing mainly through blue stony clay. In Waterford Township the scanty data at hand indicate that the Niagara is covered but thinly with drift in many places. Water is commonly found in this dolomite at depths of less than 150 feet. The Maquoketa underUes the Niagara at moderate depths; in sec. 3 it occurs not lower than 550 feet above sea level. At Brown, on Sugar Creek, an ancient channel was discovered by a well which passed tlirough 199 feet of drift to the Maquoketa shale, whose summit is about 500 feet above sea level. Most of the wells of Deep Creek Township find abundant water in the Niagara, wliich there lies 150 feet below the surface. In the marshy lowland known as Goose Lake channel, carved and partly aggraded by the Mississippi during one of the great invasions of the State by glacier ice, are many driven and open wells. A drilled well sunk in the channel in sec. 7 passed through 108 feet of alluvial clays and sands without reaching rock. The rock floor of the channel here lies less than 570 feet above sea level. In Elk River, Hampshire, Spring Valley, and Lincoln townships wells commonly succeed in finding water in the Niagara within 50 to 180 feet from the surface. Sand wells prevail along the terraces of the Mississippi. The deepest are those which unfortunately fail to find water in the Niagara and are drilled into the Maquoketa shale, which emerges along the base of the bluffs at Lyons and other locali- ties along Mississippi River and in the valley of Elk Creek. In these townships the depth to the Maquoketa — a matter of great importance to the driller — ranges from 100 to 250 feet. At Eagle Point Park the shale, which was found beneath 20 feet of loess and 140 feet of Niagara dolomite, was 200 feet thick. The well was sunk through the shale and penetrated 104 feet into the Galena dolomite, from which a small supply of water was obtained. A well in Elk River Township, sec. 31, reached the shale after passing through 142 feet of drift and 100 feet of limestone and found some water in the shale after penetrating it to a depth of 157 feet. In Center, Comanche, and Eden townships, which are supplied chiefly from the Niagara, few wells exceed 180 feet in depth. On the Sullivan farm, l^ miles southeast of Bryant, a well 409 feet deep enters rock, probably the Galena, near the bottom. The alluvial sands of Goose Lake channel, a flat-floored valley from 1 to 2 miles wide, now occupied by Brophys Creek, supply many driven wells. Deep wells have been drilled in the channel and have failed to find the rock floor at depths even of 175 feet (485 feet above sea level). So far as reported only alluvial sands and clays occur in this channel. Driven CLINTON COUNTY. 381 wells furnish the supply on the Mississippi and Maquoketa flood plains of these townships. Washington, Orange, Welton, and De Witt townships obtain their supplies from glacial gravels or, niore commonly, from the Niagara dolomite. Few wells exceed 150 or 180 feet in depth or reach the Maquoketa shale. The succession which may be expected in deeper wells is shown by the log of the well of the Chicago & North Western Railway Co. at De Witt. Log of well at De Witt {PI. XI, p. TMckness. Depth. Drift Limestone (Niagara) , Shale (Maquoketa) penetrated. Feet. 40 220 7 Feet. 40 260 267 Driven wells obtain water on the broad flood plain of Wapsipinicon River. Liberty, Berlin, Spring Rock, and Olive townships draw their water supplies from alluAdal and glacial sands and gravels and from the Niagara dolomite. The flood plain of Wapsipinicon River,' which below Toronto is more than 3 miles wide, affords many wells 40 to 60 feet deep. The deeper wells drilled on the flood plain show a filling of the ancient rock-cut valley with 150 and 180 feet of glacial and alluvial deposits and reveal the rock floor at 525 feet above sea level south of Toronto and at 490 feet above sea level northeast of Big Rock. At places near Toronto the Niagara approaches or reaches the surface and affords a supply to wells at depths of 50 to 100 feet. Over the larger part of the area of these townships the drift is 70 to 120 feet thick, and wells find water at less than 150 feet from the surface m the upper strata of the Niagara. In places, however, the drift is far thicker, owing to the filling of preglacial valleys. Thus, north of Bliedorn several wells show drift exceeding 200 feet in depth. This buried valley evidently connects with the preglacial valley which extends from Nashville, in Jackson County, to a point south of Elwood. This channel perhaps makes southwest to the aggraded valley of the Wapsipinicon below Toronto, but the data at hand are not sufficient to trace it. SPRINGS. Springs are few in Clinton County, except in the northeastern part, where Elk Creek and its tributaries have opened their valleys to the base of the Niagara and have thus cut the waterways developed at that horizon near the summit of the impervious Maquoketa shale. Springs from the Niagara occur along Rock Run in Spring Rock Township and on the creek near Grand Mound and De Witt. 382 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Clinton. — The water supply of Clinton (population, 25,577) is notable in that it is drawn entirely from five artesian wells (PI. XI), which yield enough to meet the daily consumption of 2,000,000 gal- Ions. The water from these wells is pumped into a reservoir with a capacity of 10,000,000 gallons and thence direct through 42 miles of mains with a domestic pressure of 60 pounds and a fire pressure of 100 pounds. There are 400 fire hydrants and 3,000 taps. At Clinton the geologic horizon at the surface is somewhat below the summit of the Maquoketa shale, the shale appearing at the base of the bluffs, just north of Lyons, a town now incorporated into Clinton. Some of the wells, however, as for example that of the Clinton Brewery Co., find the lower layers of the Niagara and much of the upper part of the Maquoketa cut away by a preglacial channel of Mississippi River. Water may be found in the Galena and Platteville limestones at numerous levels, but in such small amounts as to be negligible when compared with the large yields to be obtained from deeper terranes. The water in the St. Peter sandstone is now so overdrawn that no large yield can be expected from this formation. The Prairie du Cliien group contributes a good deal of water from its creviced lime- stones and sandy beds to each of the CUnton wells. The main flow of all the Clinton wells except the deepest comes from the Jordan sandstone at depths ranging from 1,100 to 1,290 feet, and at present sufficient water for industrial plants can be obtained from this formation. The Cambrian sandstones underlying the Dresbach, reached now by but three wells, yield far more generously than the upper water beds. Under present conditions they may be expected to furnish more than double the amount supplied by all the higher terranes combined, and in the future the proportion will naturally become still larger owing to the depletion of the upper beds. Fortunately the water of these Cambrian strata at Clinton is of exceptionally good quality and no fear need be felt that it will be salty or highly mineralized. To reach the first sandstone beneath the Dresbach it is necessary to go about 1,650 feet below the level of the Clinton plain. The second sandstone, whose summit is reached at about 1,700 feet, contains two water beds, one within the upper 100 feet, the other between 1,400 and 2,100 feet from the surface. As the overdraft, which has already brought the artesian head down to approximately the surface of the ground, increases, the higher ter- ranes may in time be largely exhausted and the Dresbach and earlier Cambrian sandstones become the chief dependence for artesian water. Waterworks well No. 1 has a depth of 1,400 feet and a diameter of 5 to 8 inches; casing, 135 feet, packed at base with rubber and lead. The curb is 588 feet above sea level. The original head was 44 feet 'Jordan J St. Lawrence formation Ores L CLINTON COUNTY. 383 above the curb and the head in 1896 was 35 feet above the curb. The original discharge was 500,000 gallons a day. Temperature, 64° F. The well was completed in 1886 by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. Waterworks well No. 2 has a depth of 1,246 feet and a diameter of 5 inches. The curb is 588 feet above sea level and the original head, 44 feet above the curb. The original discharge was 500,000 gallons a day. Temperature, 64° F. The well was completed in 1886 by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. Waterworks well No. 3 has a depth of 1,685 feet and a diameter of 8 inches to 1,200 feet and 6 inches to bottom; casing, to 135 feet, packed with lead. The curb is 588 feet above sea level. The original head was 44 feet above the curb and the original discharge 600 gallons a minute, measured on a weir. The first flow was from 335 feet; continuous flow from 1,050 feet; from 625 to 725 feet, 150 gallons a minute, 8-inch bore; from 1,025 to 1,150 feet, 400 gallons a minute, 8-inch bore; from 1,400 to 1,675 feet, 600 gallons a minute, 6-inch bore. Temperature, 63° F. The well was completed in 1890 by J. P. MiUer & Co., of Chicago. Waterworks well No. 4 at De Witt Park has a depth of 1,497 feet and a diameter of 8 inches to 1,279 feet and 5 inches to 1,300 feet; casing to 700 feet to cut off caving sands. The curb is 588 feet above sea level. The discharge was originally 600,000 gallons a day. Tem- perature, 63° F. The well was completed in 1893 by J. P. MiUer & Co., of Chicago. The driller reports that the full flow was reached at 1,100 feet. The well ceased to flow and was disconnected from the waterworks system. Waterworks well No. 5 has a depth of 1,763 feet and a diameter of 8 to 6 inches; 8-inch casing to 125 feet into shale, and 6-inch from 739 to 840 feet. The curb is 588 feet above sea level. A small flow began at 850 feet, and was followed by a considerable increase from 1,140 to 1,160 feet; at 1,230 feet, flow of 165 gallons a minute; at 1,295 feet, 200 gallons; at 1,613 f^et, 238 gallons; at 1,710 feet, 266 gallons; and at 1,763 feet, 303 gallons. Temperature, 64° F. The wefl was com- pleted in 1902 at a cost of $3,506 by J. P. Mller & Co., of Chicago. Log of city well No. 5 at Clinton (PL XI, p. 382). Thickness. Depth. Surface material .. .• . . Feet. 6 125 227 318 14 50 92 308 25 155 93 252 55 43 Feet. 6 Limestone 131 Shale 358 Lim^estone 676 Shale 690 740 Shale 832 Limestone 1,140 Sandstone mixed with limestone 1,165 Limestone 1,320 Shale .. 1,413 Sandstone 1,665 Shale 1,720 Sandstone 1,763 384 UNDEEGROUND WATER RESOURCES OE IOWA. . This log shows the thickness of the Niagara doldmite (6 to 131 feet) and the entire thickness of the Maquoketa shale (131 to 358 feet), as the well was put down at one side of the preglacial channel of the Mississippi. The thickness of the Niagara given in this log is corroborated by the logs of several other wells. The Dresbach sandstone of the brew- ing company well section is included in the sandstone reported from 1,413 to 1,665 feet in the city well No. 5. Apparently the shale at the bottom of the brewing company's well rests on a bed of sandstone, below which is a 55-foot bed of shale, which in turn rests on the water-bearing sandstone that was penetrated to a depth of 43 feet in the city well. The record of the city well shows an increase in flow of about 65 gallons a minute from this basal sandstone. The waterworks well No. 6 has a depth of 2,101 feet and a diameter of 10 feet to rock, 15^ inches to 354 feet, 12^ inches to 870 feet, and 10 inches to bottom; casing to 364 feet; packing, lead. The curb is 588 feet above sea level and the head 14 feet above the curb. The first overflow was from the second Cambrian sandstone beneath the Dresbach. The discharge at 1,940 feet was 70 gallons a minute; on completion, 225 gallons. Temperature. 70° F. The well was com- pleted in 1911 by J. D. Shaw, of Davenport, Iowa. During the drilhng of the well water from the upper artesian horizons stood 14 feet below the surface until the water bed of the second sandstone beneath the Dresbach was reached. The head of this bed is therefore now about 28 feet higher than that of the higher artesian sources. On the completion of this well the first drilled well of the Clinton Gas, Light & Coke Co. is said to have been raised 2 feet. It is reported by the officials of the Clinton Water Co. that the well of the Treitschler & Tiesse Malting Co. at Lyons began to overflow at the same time. On the other hand, no change was observed in the head of the wells of the Sugar Refining Co., the Chnton Paper Co., the Chnton Brewing Co., the Chicago & North Western Railway Co., the Fulton waterworks, and L. Iten & Sons. The officials of the Clinton Waterworks Co. are confident that on the com- pletion of their new well the head of artesian water was fifted about 3 feet over an area extending 2,000 to 3,000 feet from their well.. This implies an enormous leakage from the well and that the water from the second sandstone beneath the Dresbach, with its higher head, finds lateral escape through the higher water beds which feed the other wells and thus increases their head. The volume of water from the sandstones underl3dng the Dresbach must be immense to supply not only the flow of the well but also the enormous supposed leakage into the surrounding strata. It is the intention of the water company to test the well thoroughly mth a current meter, ascertaining the places and amounts of leakage and then to case off the outlet strata above the Dresbach sandstone. CLINTOlSr COUNTY. Record of strata in waterworks well No. 6 at Clinton. 385 Thick- ness. Depth. Alluvium Silurian: Niagara dolomite (115 feet thick; top, 578 feet above sea level) — Dolomite, bufi; 4 samples Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (225 feet thick; top, 463 feet above sea level)— Shale, blue, plastic ; 7 samples Galena dolomite and Platteville limestone (350 feet thick; top, 238 feet above sea level) — Dolomite, gray and brown, crystalline; 8 samples Limestone, brown, hard; rapid eflervescence; 6 samples Shale, dark green, fissile St. Peter sandstone (50 feet thick; top, 112 feet below sea level) — Sandstone, white; rounded grains, fine Sandstone and dolomite; sandstone, white, coarser than above; dolomite, gray (Shakopee?) Prairie du Chien group — Shakopee dolomite (150 feet thick; top, 162 feet below sea level)— Dolomite, brown and gray; 5 samples New Richmond sandstone (35 feet thick; top, 312 feet below sea levels- Dolomite and sandstone; color in mass, buff; all in fine sand; oolitic , Dolomite, arenaceous, cream colored and pink, cherty , Oneota dolomite (230 feet thick; top, 347 feet below sea level) — Dolomite, whitish; in fine sand; 2 samples Marl; in finest argillo-silico-calcareous powder Dolomite, whitish, cherty; some oolitic chert; 8 samples , Dolomite, light gray; 7 samples Cambrian: Jordan sandstone (155 feet thick; top, 577 feet below sea level)— Sandstone, calciferous; or dolomite highly arenaceous; fine grains, moderately well rounded; some chips of dolomite; some fragments show quartz grains in dolomitic matrix St. Lawrence formation (120 feet thick; top, 732 feet below sea level) — Dolomite, gray; in small chips Marl, white; residue after solution, microscopic silica and clay Dolomite, light gray; in sand and powder - Marl , pink, glauconiferous; microscopic quartzose and argillaceous residue after solution Sandstone and dolomite; sandstone, dark red, argillaceous; of finest grain; dolomite, gray, glauconiferous Sandstone , fine-grained ; grains imperfectly rounded ; glauconiferous with some hard fissile green shale Shale, high arenaceous, glauconiferous, fine grained; in light-green flour Sandstone, fine grained; grains imperfectly rounded, highly glauconiferous; in chips; and arenaceous red shale Dresbach sandstone and underljing strata (656 feet penetrated; top, 852 feet below sea level) — Sandstone, white; larger grains reaching diameter of 1 millimeter Sandstone, clean, white, fine grained quartz sand Sandstone, pinkish; larger grains 1 millimeter, some reaching 1.5 millimeters. . Sandstone, white, fine grained; 3 samples Shale, drab, plastic Shale, bright green, highly glauconiferous, arenaceous; driller's log gives shale from 1,510 to 1,550 Sandstone, light pink; larger grains 0.8 miUimeter in diameter, weU rounded . . Sandstone, moderately fine, white Sandstone, pinkish, glauconiferous Shale, light green, fissile, glauconiferous; 2 samples Sandstone, light buff; fine grained, hard Sandstone, white; grains mostly below 0.5 millimeter in diameter Sandstone; as above, but coarser; chips of arenaceous dolomite; 2 samples Sandstone, white, moderately fine, at Sandstone, white; larger grains, about 7 millimeters in diameter, moderately well rounded, fairly uniform; a few show secondary enlargements, at Sandstone; grains less uniform; light pink at 1,910, buff at 1,925, at Sandstone, white; grains moderately well rounded; larger 0.8 and 1 millimeter in diameter; well overflows from this water bed, at Sandstone; as above; white and some buff or red from rusting of drillings; 7 samples, at Sandstone, light buff; larger grains 1 millimeter in diameter, secondary enlarge- ments; some hard green fissile shale, at Sandstone, pink, moderately fine, at Sandstone, darker buff; larger grains 1 millimeter in diameter, imperfectly rounded, at Feet. 10 200 143 7 25 25 Feet. 10 350 550 693 700 725 750 900 25 925 10 935 10 945 5 950 50 1,000 165 1,165 1,320 1,335 1,.345 1,355 1,356 1,370 1.400 1,440 1,450 1,455 1.475 1,510 1,520 1,.5S0 1,570 1,600 1,6.30 1,685 1,720 1,750 1,800 1,840 1,880 1,925 1,940 1,998 2,060 2,065 2,101 36581°— wsp 293—12- -25 386 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. The Chicago & North Western Railway well No. 1, located at the shops, has a depth of 1,159 feet and a diameter of 10 to 4 inches. The curb is 588 feet above sea level and the original and present head 12 feet above the curb. The tested pumping capacity is 500 gallons a minute. Temperature, 56.5° F. The well was completed in 1896 by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. Owing to decrease in pressure and contamination of the water, it was recased in 1905 by insertiag 30 feet of S-inch, 72 feet of 5-inch, 315 feet of 4-inch, and 27 feet of 3-inch casing, and its flow was thereby increased. The Chicago & North Western Railway well No. 2 at the South Clinton roundhouse has a present head of about 20 feet below the curb. The temperature of the water is 57° F. The well was drilled about 1900. It ceased to flow in July, 1908, on the completion of the new Clinton Sugar Refining Co.'s well; it regained its flow when the latter was closed. In the summer of 1910 an au' lift was used on these two weUs from a depth of 300 feet. The discharge from the two wells combined was 1,500,000 gallons a day. The Clmton Gas, Light & Coke Co. well No. 2 has a depth of 1,605 feet and a diameter of 12 inches to 8 feet, 10^ inches to 35 feet, 8 inches to 853 feet, and 6^ inches to bottom. Its curb is 579 feet above sea level and its head is 2 feet above the curb. The pumping capacity is 500 gallons a minute ; temperature, 72° F. The well was completed in 1911 by H. W. Hambrecht, of Sterlmg, 111. Record of strata in Clinton Gas, Light ocation. Depth. Diam- eter. Depth to rock. Depth to water- bed. Water- bearing formation. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 82N., R. 2E. (Berlin)— Contd. Dougherty Estate. . Patrick Conners . . H. Schocker M. J. Pinter P. Peterson. William Rock P. Twogood WiUiamBetts Kohler Bros J.M.Wolfe T. 82 N.. R. 1 E (Liberty). J. Figly J.E.Wolfe T. Horstman T. 81 N., R. 1 E. (Spring Rock). M. Pingel City of Wheatland. K. Jergenson. L. Homrighausen... T. 81 N., R. 2 E. (Olive). C. Reming A. Tumpani O. F. Ludwigson... Bruce Walker T. 81 N., R. 3 E. (Orange and PART or Dewitt), Town of Grand .' Mound. C.Munts ,, Sec. 4 S. J sec. 7 SE.Jsec. 8 SE. JSE.Jsec 12. SE. isec. 13... NE.i^sec. 23. NE. J sec. 26. SE.isec.28.. Center of S. sec. 36. SE.isec.36... See. 5 Sec.14 Sec. 27 SW. i sec. 4. Wheatland.. NE,iNE.isec. 25. SE.JNE.isec. 28. Sec. 5 S.iSE.isec.ll Sec. 20 Calamus Grand Mound. See. 19 Feet. 175 117 242 210 130 100 70 180 100 140 175 130 171 Inches. 287 117 55 230 137 Feet. 170 102 222 Feet. Limestone Sand. 70 110 155 87 180 102 48 228 120 Limestone .-do .do. .do. ..do Gravel . . Limestone Sand Limestone .do. .do. Sand. Limestone Sand High upland. Yel- low clay, 30; blue clay, 50; lime- stone, 95; Sandy soil, 20; blue clay, 20; sand, 120; limestone, 2. Yellow clay, 32; blue clay, 190; limestone, 20. Yellow clay with sand, 50; blue clay, 30; quick- sand, 15; blue clay, 110; lime- stone, 5. Sandy soil, 30; limestone, 40. Sandy yellow clay, 32; blue clay, 40; sand, 10; blue clay, 96; gravel, 2. Sand, 70; lime- stone, 30. Wapsipinic on bottoms. Sand, 110;Umestone,30. Wapsipinicon bottoms. Yellow clay, 35; blue clay, 120; lime- stone, 20. Soil, 1; sand, 120; hardpan, 9. lowan plain. Allu- vium, 5; yellow clay,43; blue clay, 39; limestone, 84. Wapsipinicon bottoms. River sand, 60; blue clay, 80; black hard clay, 40; blue shale, 40; limestone, 9. Bluffs. Soil, 2; sand, 100; Umestone, 15. Yellow clay, 48; limestone, 7. Sand, 100; blue clay, 20; sand, 108; limestone. 2. Yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 100; limestone 17. Soil and gravel, 41; limestone, 47, 400 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. -A ■ Typical wells in Clinton County — Continued. Owner. Location. Depth. Diam- eter. Depth to rock. Depth to water- bed. Water- bearing formation. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 81 N., R. 3 E. (Orange and PART OF De- Witt)— Cont'd. George Jordan Chauncey Herring- ton. T. 80 N., R. 6 E. (PARTS OF Eden AND Comanche). E.B.Wilkes Grand Mound... 1 mile northwest of De Witt. Folletts Feet. 144 130 51 97 172 524 267 47 26 Inches. 4 Feet. 15 130 37 Feet. 125 Limestone Heads, 80 feet be- low curb. High ridge. ...do Maple Grove School C. Van Epps 2 miles west of Folletts. NW. isec. 3 De Witt do Limestone at bot- tom. Gravel Limestone ..do stone, 14. Sand, 40; blue clay 130; gravel, 2. Yields 50 gallons a minute. Soil and sand, 40; T. 81 N., R. 4 E. (part of De Witt). Town of De Witt No. 1. Chicago & North Western Ry. H. E. Vickery 10 40 SW.iNE.isec. 36. NE.JSW.isec. 19. 7 .. do limestone, 220; shale, 7. Gravel IOWA COUNTY. By O. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. The surface of Iowa Comity is well dissected and contains only isolated tracts of relatively level upland. The largest stream is Iowa River, which meanders through a broad flood plain. The bedrock consists of indurated limestones, sandstones, and shales which belong to the Devonian and Carboniferous systems and dip gently southwest. (See PL XV, p. 670.) Though the main body of the Pennsylvanian series (upper Carboniferous) is found farther south and west, there is reason to beheve that thin outliers of this series occur in this county, lying on an erosion surface of the older formations. The unconsolidated deposits, which rest on the bedrock, range in thickness from a mere veneer to more than 300 feet, this difference being due not only to the relief of the present surface but also to notable irregularities in the surface of the bedrock. There is evidence of the existence of two distinct drift sheets, the Kansan and the Nebraskan, separated by the Aftonian gravel.* Throughout most of the county the drift is concealed beneath loess, but in the principal valleys alluvial deposits are at the surface. 1 Aim. Rept. Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 9, 1899, pp. 523 et seq.; vol. 20, 1910, pp. 172 et seq, IOWA COUNTY. 401 UNDERaFvOUND WATER. SOUHCE. Alluvial sand or gravel furnishes generous and permanent supplies of water wherever it occurs, but elsewhere most of the water comes from the drift or associated porous materials. Many of the older wells were dug or bored a short distance into the drift and these furnish only a scanty and precarious supply, but at present many drilled wells range in depth from 50 to more than 300 feet, ending in layers of sand and gravel interbedded with bowlder clay or lying immediately below the drift. Most of these latter wells are 2 inches in diiameter and are finished with screens that become incrusted after a few years of service. On account of the irregularities of the rock surface great differences are found in the occurrence and water-bearing capacity of the drift aquifers and in some localities the drill enters rock before it encounters a satisfactory source of water. The sandstones and some of the limestone strata will yield water but the shales and argillaceous or massive limestones are of little value as aquifers. Many successful rock wells of only moderate depth have been drilled, but in some places the indurated formations have been penetrated for several hundred feet without finding water. Where the drift is underlain by shale it is advisable to finish wells in the drift whenever possible, but in localities in which a good water-bearing sandstone or limestone lies within a few hundred feet of the surface it may be more satis- factory to case out the fine sand deposits that will give trouble by clogging the screens and to end the well in rock. The water from the alluvium and upper part of the drift is only moderately hard; that from the deeper beds of sand differs greatly in mineralization, some being harder than that of the shallow water and some too hard and corrosive for either domestic or boiler use. The water from the rock formations is generally rich in dissolved solids. At Marengo three or four flowing wells end at depths of several hundred feet in what is supposed to be Devonian limestone. Farther up the valley of Iowa River and also in the valleys of Honey Creek and Bear Creek many flowing wells obtain water in the Aftonian gravel and a few are supplied from rock strata. These flows belong to the famous BeUe Plaine artesian basin (pp. 356-358). CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Amaria. — ^At Amana (population, 621), which is located in the wide valley of Iowa River, there is a 1,640-foot artesian well and also a 36581°— wsp 293—12 26 402 UNDEEGEOUlSrD WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. well about 475 feet deep which passes through shale and ends in what is supposed to be Niagara dolomite. The deeper well is 6 inches in diameter. The curb is 730 feet above sea level. The original head was 30 feet above the curb and the head in 1908, 20 feet above the curb. The original flow was 200 gallons a minute; in 1896 the flow was 100 gallons and in 1908 it was 50 gallons. The temperature of the water is 68° F. This well is located in the SW.i NW.i sec. 36, T. 81 N., R. 9 W. From the start in 1881 to the finish in 1883, it was drilled wholly by the labor and skill of the Amana Society. Originally it was cased to a depth of 400 feet with 6-inch pipe which withstood the corrosive action of the water about four years, when a 4-inch pipe of equal length was inserted and made tight at the bottom with secure packing. Water began to flow at a depth of about 400 feet, 330 feet above sea level, about the horizon of the Independence shale member of the Wapsipinicon limestone. Like the flow from this horizon at Daven- port, the yield was very small, not over 8 gallons a minute. A slight increase, raising the discharge to 16 gallons a minute, said to be from the Maquoketa shale, was the only addition met with until the St. Peter, 80 feet thick, was reached at a depth of 1,020 feet, when the discharge rose to 30 gallons. At about 1,200 feet (440 feet below sea level), in the Jordan sandstone, a rapid increase began and the full flow was reached at 1,640 feet. The water is used only for scouring in the woolen mill of the society. Record of strata in Amana well. Depth. Pleistocene deposits Shale (Carboniferous and Devonian) Limestone (Niagara) Shale (Maquoketa) Limestone (Galena and Platteville) . Sandstone (St. Peter) Limestone (Prairie du Chien) Feet. 50 350 550 770 1,020 1,100 1,640 In the shallower well at Amana the water at first rose 7 feet above the valley surface but now stands 6 or 8 feet below the surface. It has been pumped at the rate of 29 gallons a minute. Water diverted from the river and led through a canal to this set- tlement for use in power plants is used in the factory boilers and also supplies the small gravity system of waterworks. As it is softer than the underground water, it is generally employed for washing, but water from shallow weUs is used for drinking and for culinary purposes. IOWA COUNTY. 403 East Amana. — At East Amana a 475-foot well is supposed to end in Niagara dolomite. It is located on somewhat higher ground than the wells at Amana and hence does not overflow. A similar well was drilled at West Amana. At South Amana the waterworks are supphed from a drilled well 600 feet deep, and at Middle Amana from a shallow dug well; at High Amana a spring is largely relied upon. Homestead. — At Homestead the society has a well 2,224 feet deep which is located on higher ground and hence does not overflow, although it yields well when pumped. (See PL XV, p. 670.) It sup- plies a small gravity system of waterworks similar to the one at Amana. This well, which was drilled by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago, is 10 inches in diameter to 340 feet, 7f inches to 750 feet, 6 inches to 1,560 feet, 5 inches to 2,023 feet, 4 inches to 2,224 feet. The curb is 868 feet above sea level. The water originally stood 117 feet below curb, and the present head is 87 feet below curb. Water was found at 600 feet in the Niagara, rising to 150 feet below the curb, and at 1,700 feet in the Jordan, rising to 1 17 feet below curb. Date of completion, 1895. Casing was carried from the top to 340 feet, from 335 to 525 feet, and from 750 to 1,000 feet. No packing was used. The pres- ent yield of this well is 80 gallons a minute. The strata penetrated are indicated by the following log and record: Driller's log (geologic correlation added) of Amana Society well at Homestead (PI. XV, p. 670). Depth. Pleistocene, Carboniferous, and Devonian (505 feet thick; top, 868 feet above sea level): aay Shale Silurian (Niagara dolomite, 245 feet thick; top, 363 feet above sea level): Limestone Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (250 feet thick; 118 feet above sea level) — Shale Galena and Platteville limestone (300 feet thick; top, 132 feet below sea level) — Limestone St. Peter sandstone (100 feet thick; top, 432 feet below sea level) — Sandstone Prairie du Chien group (370 feet thick; top, 532 feet below sea level) — Sandy limestone ; Cambrian: Jordan sandstone (100 feet thick; top, 902 feet below sea level) — Sandstone St. Lawrence formation (230 feet thick; top, 1,002 feet below sea level)— Limestone Dresbach sandstone and earlier Cambrian strata (124 feet penetrated; top, 1,232 feet below sea level) — Sandstone (penetrated) Feet. 300 505 750 1,000 1,300 1,400 1,770 1,870 2,100 404 UNDERGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. Record of strata in well at Homestead. Depth in feet. Shale, greenish yellow; many siliceous pebbles 275 Shale, yellow; numerous small brick-red ocher nodules; ferrugi- nous, arenaceous; practically noncalcareous 285 Shale, light greenish gray, fissile, slightly calcareous; some red ocherous nodules and a few fragments of limestone, chert, quartz, and dark shales 475 Limestone and shale, light blue-gray; chips of light-gray compact limestone of earthy luster and highly argillaceous; in highly calcareous concreted powder 500 Dolomite, blue-gray, vesicular; in small chips 600 Dolomite; in white powder 750 Shale, greenish 805 Sand and gravel, superficial and recent 970 Limestone, drab; in thin flakes; earthy, fossiliferous 1, 010 Shale 1, 030 Shale, calcareous 1, 250 Sandstone, fine, white 1, 345 Sandstone, calciferous; chiefly quartz sand with considerable dolomite and chert 1, 475 Sandstone, cream-yellow; coarser than at 1,345 feet; grains mostly rounded 1, 800 Sandstone; very fine, white angular quartz sand; considerable dolomite and chert 1, 825 Sandstone; in white powder of microscopic quartz 1, 850 Dolomite, gray 2,025 Sandstone, red, highly calciferous; argillaceous and calcareous "from 2,100 to 2,200" 2, 200 The wells at Homestead and Amana are less than 4 miles apart, but their records are greatly inconsistent. The summit of the Maquo- keta in one is at 180 feet above sea level and in the other at 118 feet above sea level; the summit of the first sandstone in one is 290 feet below sea level and in the other is 432 feet below sea level. The record of the Homestead weU, inexact as it may be, is used in the geologic section from Davenport to Des Moines. Marengo. — The public supply of Marengo (population, 1,786) is derived from a well located in the valley and sunk through sand and clay into a bed of gravel lying at a depth of 35 feet. The well is 18 feet in diameter and is cased with brick. Water stands 2 to 12 feet below the surface, according to the season, and it is reported that when this level is lowered 6 feet by pumping water flows into the well at the rate of 350 gallons per minute. The analysis (p. 158) indicates that the water is only moderately hard and is relatively good for boiler use. Before the present well was dug, a system of driven sand points was used but was not satisfactory because of the clogging of the strainers. The water is lifted into a tank elevated upon a tower and is thence distributed by gravity through a system of mains. It is used by IOWA COUNTY. 405 about half of tlae people and by the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway, approximately 65,000 gallons being consumed in an average day. Forecasts for artesian water at Marengo have special interest because of the difficulty usually experienced in getting good water from the shale of the Eanderhook (Mississippian), which forms the country rock in the vicinity. After penetrating this shale the drill will enter the Devonian rocks, which also may be expected to contain considerable shale. Below these lie the Silurian dolomite (Niagara), which probably con- tains some water under a high head but not sufficient to reach the curb. The Silurian here may include the Salina ( ?) formation, which contains some gypsum or anhydrite, either disseminated or in layers or lenses, and the water from this formation may be rather highly sulphated. The dry Maquoketa shale should be next reached at a depth of about 638 feet (about 100 feet above sea level) and may be 250 feet tliick. The next formations in descending order, the Galena limestone, Decorah shale, and Platteville limestone, will yield some water, which may contain sulphureted hydrogen. The St. Peter sandstone lies about 450 feet below sea level (about 1,200 feet from the surface). Drilling should not be stopped at the St. Peter, how- ever, but should be carried a few hundred feet deeper, through the Prairie du Chien group — creviced dolomites with sandy layers — and through the water-bearing Jordan sandstone. The water from the Jordan may be expected to flow with a pressure of about 10 pounds. The well should not be sunk deeper than 1,800 feet except under the advice of a competent geologist who has exam- ined a full set of drillings from the well and to whom all the facts as to the water found have been submitted. The quality of the water will depend in part on how effectively the upper waters — those of the Klnderhook and possibly the Silurian — have been cased out. Analyses should be made of all flows so that deleterious waters may be shut off and good waters with high heads admitted. With due precautions a fair drinking water should be obtained. Victor. — ^Victor (population, 640), situated on the banks of Big Creek, has a system of waterworks that is supplied from an open shallow well. Williamshurg. — ^The waterworks at Williamsburg (population, 1,060) are suppHed from two wells at separate pumping stations — one in the valley of Old Man Creek and the other recently drilled on somewhat higher ground. The old well is 8 inches in diameter and 110 feet deep, and ends with a 20-foot screen in a bed of sand below blue clay, the water rising to about 45 feet from the surface. The new well is also 8 inches in diameter and ends with a long screen 406 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. in what is apparently the same bed of sand. Starting from higher ground, it goes to a total depth of 145 feet with the water remaining at about 85 feet below the surface. With the cylinder at a depth of 128 feet, the well is reported to have been tested at 200 gallons a minute and is usually pumped at about 100 gallons. The water, as shown by analysis (p. 158), is only moderately minerahzed. The water is stored in two compression chambers on relatively high ground and the pressure is supplied in part by gravity and in part by compressed air. The mains have a total length of about 2 miles and there are 24 fire hydrants and approximately 175 points at which the water is used. A large portion of the inhabitants are supphed and an average of 20,000 gallons are consumed daily. The railway supply is obtained from a well which is similar to the two village wells and which has been tested at 250 gallons a minute. JACKSON COUNTY. By W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. The larger part of the upland of Jackson County has been carved by running water to high complex ridges whose rounded crests and gently sloping flanks descend to deep and in many places rock-walled valleys. The topography is that of the driftless area. The earhei" invasions of the glacial ice probably covered nearly the entire county, the northeast corner alone being excepted; but the thinner deposit of the earlier ice sheets only shghtly modified the preexisting rehef, and the thicker ones were afterwards sculptured to much the same form. The thorough dissection of the area is due not only to the length of time in which it has been exposed to weather and running water, but also to its differences in elevation. In the northeastern part of the county the surface stands nearly 1,200 feet above sea level, and at Sabula, in the southeast corner, is only 603 feet above the sea. The lower and more level lands include a small area in Butler Township referred to the lowan drift, one of the same general char- acter extending from Monmouth to Maquoketa and thence into CHnton County, together with the forested or grassy flood plains of the Mississippi and the wide valley floors developed in the weak Maquoketa shale by the broad ancient temporary channel of the Mississippi from Green Island to Spragueville and thence south to the county Hne. GEOLOGY. The drift commonly exposed to view is the Kansan, a stony clay, reddish where weathered but blue-gray originally and where unaf- fected by weathering. Over all the uplands of the area, except in a JACKSON COUNTY. 407 small tract in Butler Township allotted to the lowan drift, is spread the loess, a yellow dust or silt reaching a maximum thickness of 25 or 30 feet. The formations immediately underlying the drift in Jackson County comprise the Niagara dolomite, the Maquoketa shale, and the Galena dolomite. (See PL IX, p. 354; PL X, p. 374.) The Niagara is a hard dolomite, which, except on some small areas underlain by the Maquoketa, forms the bedrock on which the surface materials are spread over all the uplands of the county. The ]\Iaquoketa comprises a blue plastic shale, 150 feet thick, reached by the drill in different portions of the county and at once recognized by its clayey nature and by the fact that it immediately underhes the limestone which forms the country rock of the uplands and is the first shale to be reached by the drill. The Maquoketa forms the bedrock of the valleys of the creeks tributary to the ]\iississippi and of an area of several square miles about Preston. The Galena, a hard dolomitic limestone, cut by the drill into sharp glistening yellow sand, is exposed at Bellevue near water level in the Mississippi (its southernmost outcrop) and forms conspicuous bluffs in the northeast townships of the county. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOUECE. The available water beds of Jackson County are chiefly in the indurated rocks. Drift deposits, such as those at the base of the loess, and the gravels interbedded with stony clay or overlying rock, have generally been left dry, or at least inadequate for stock wells, by the gradual lowering of the ground water. In locaUties where 30 3^ears ago water for domestic purposes could be obtained by wells 100 feet deep it is now necessary to drill to 150 and 175 feet. . The sands of the wide flood plain of the Mississippi between Belle- vue and Sabula, the smaller flood- plain areas along the Maquoketa, and an area a mile wide which extends from Green Island to Sprague- ville, are saturated nearly to the surface and yield water to driven wells. The ancient terraces of alluvium along Mississippi River also afford water at moderate depths. Over the larger part of the county wells are compelled to enter rock to fmd permanent ground water adequate for farm or village supply. The chief water horizon is the Niagara. This dolomite, in changing from its original form of a nonmagnesian limestone, became vesicular and porous, so that water seeps slowly through it, especially in certaui layers. Moreover, percolating water has dissolved out passageways in the s'oluble rock, thus securing an active circu- lation. Furthermore, the Niagara is underlain by an impervious shale bed, the Maquoketa, which by arresting the descent of ground 408 UNDEEGEOUN'D WATEK EESOUECES OF IOWA. water tends to keep the lower portions of the limestone saturated. For this reason water is often found some distance above the summit of the shale. It occurs in porous granular beds cut by the drill to sharp shining fragments the size of sand, thus giving the false impres- sion that the drill is working in sandstone. The layers of limestone interbedded with thin layers of chert or flint which occur near the base of the Niagara are generally water bearing. Abundant supplies may be obtained when the drill happens to strike a crevice or other opened passageway of ground water. DISTRIBUTION. Two areas in which water occurs in the drift are of special interest inasmuch as they mark river channels long since abandoned by the streams which formed them. Goose Lake channel, carved and in part filled by the diverted Mis- sissippi, crosses the southwestern part of Van Buren Township, pass- ing thence into Clinton County. A well in the SW. J sec. 32 of Van Buren Township, probably representative of much of the area, has the folloAving log: Log of well in Van Buren Township. Depth. Soil, black Clay, blue, hard and gritty; old forest bed at 30 feet Quicksand Gravel Feet. A well in Preston, on the same lowland, shows the following sequence: Log of well at Preston. Depth. Soil, dark Soft yellow "stuff" Clay, blue, gritty; 5-foot streak of yellow "stuff" Gravel 10 25 115 125 On the other hand, a well sunk by the town of Preston to a depth of 140 feet on the same ancient channel is reported to have been entirely in sand and gravel. A well at the stockyards at Preston ends in sand and gravel at 128 feet. A second ancient channel forms a plam 1 to 2 miles wide, utilized by the tracks of the Chicago & North Western Kailway from Mon- mouth to Maquoketa, and extending southward from the latter city. To the west it ends abruptly a short distance from Monmouth, where Bear Creek descends to it through a rock- walled gorge. An JACKSON" COUNTY. 409 investigation of the wells of the vicinity has not disclosed any west- ward extension of the buried channel into Jones County. At Mon- mouth, on the south side of the town, wells reach rock within about 70 feet of the surface (670 feet above sea level) and find their supply in the upper 8 or 10 feet- of porous and water-logged limestone, the head being sufficient to bring the water within 10 feet of the surface. But on the north side of town few weUs exceed 50 feet in depth and they reach rock from 2 to 25 feet from the surface. On the plain between Monmouth and Baldwin some wells about 60 feet deep end in gravel, anc" the rock floor is found at 40 feet from the surface. At Baldwin the rock floor is about 650 feet above sea level, wells near the Chicago & North Western Railway station entering it at 90 feet. In the NW. { sec. 25, Monmouth Township, a well is reported as 225 feet deep, reaching rock at 200 feet, but one-fourth mile farther west rock outcrops 75 feet higher than the well curb. In sec. 29, South Fork Township, a well 240 feet deep ends in gravel, the drfll having passed through blue clay and quicksand; the rock floor here lies below 520 feet above sea level. On the section south of that just mentioned the preglacial vaUey is partly covered with heavy drift cut into hills rising to more than 100 feet above the plain. Here wells go more than 200 feet — one goes to 240 feet — without entering rock, the rock floor of the ancient valley being here below 580 feet above sea. Water is obtained m gravels overlain by quicksand 40 feet thick, the whole being buried beneath 200 feet of till. In sees. 33 and 35 wells on this plain 90 and 120 feet in depth end in gravel, the rock floor here not rising above 610 feet above sea. In the southeastern part of the township the rock beneath the plain hes much nearer the surface; weUs are known to reach it at 20 and 40 feet, finding water in the underlying limestone within 80 feet of the surface. At Maquoketa, on the eastern border of this plain, the depth to water and the elevation of the rock surface are both variable. Rock outcrops near the station of the Chicago & North Western Railway and conies within 6 feet of the surface at the station of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Raflway. Six rods west of the last-named station, however, the drill finds rock more than 80 feet below the plain, and southwest of the station does not reach it for nearly 100 feet. In the southwestern part of the town there are wells 140 feet deep which fail to reach rock, whose surface must here lie below 600 feet above sea. The succession of deposits here is as follows: Section at Maquoketa. Feet. Clay, yellow, at surface 20 Clay, soft, blue, gritless 25 Quicksand, blue 100 410 ' UlSTDERGKOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. The quicksand, which is found iii many wells in town, is water bearing, but as it is too fine to afford footing for the casing the wells are continued to gravel or to rock and the sand cased out. How sharp are the descents to this narrow buried valle}^ may be seen from the fact that rock is found at 40 feet on the next street west from the one on which wells go 140 feet without finding rock. On the hill east of the high school a well 84 feet deep penetrated blue clay nearly to the bottom of the well without entering rock, but withm one block rock was found 50 feet below the surface and water in the Niagara dolomite 120 feet below. The depth of wells in the Niagara varies greatly. Wells located in ancient rock-cut valleys obviously need to go a shorter distance to reach the base of the Niagara than wells on the summits or sides of hills. The height of the hills is in many places accentuated by deposits of drift and loess, and the depth of wells therefore depends in part on the thickness of these surface clays. With the dip of the strata to the southwest the Niagara thickens and may reach 250 feet or more in Monmouth Township. It thins to the north and east, and in Tete de Mort Township overlooks the valleys in steep cliffs 40 to 60 feet in height. An upfold of the strata wliicli extends from Sabula northwest for 20 miles, together with subsequent denudation, has thinned the Niagara and brought the Maquoketa shale nearer to the surface over a considerable area in the southeastern part of the county, thus reducing the depth of ordinary wells. In southern Van Buren and Fairfield townships the Niagara has been widely removed by erosion and the Maquoketa forms the country rock. Fortunately the deep valleys excavated in the weak shales in preglacial time have been deeply filled with drift in wliich water is usually found so that it is not necessary for wells to enter the dry shales. In general, wells supplied from the Niagara horizons range in depth from less than 100 feet to 230 or 260 feet. The Maquoketa almost everywhere consists of dry shales, and where water is not found above it the driller must choose between abandoning the drill hole for one in another location or continumg the drilling with the definite expectation of having to pass through the entire body of shale before finding water at a greater or less depth in the Galena dolomite. Inasmuch as the limestones of the middle Maquoketa found in counties lying farther north are absent in Jackson County, there need be no expectation of finding water before reaching the base of the Maquoketa. As examples of the depths needed to get water if it is not found above the Maquoketa shale three wells situated not far west of the Niagara escarpment near Sabula may be cited. One of these (sec. 24, Union Township) gives the following section: JACKSOlSr COUNTY. 411 Section of wellin Union Township. Formation. Thickness. Depth. Drift Feet. 40 154 120 30 Feet. 40 Niagara dolomite 194 Maquoketa sliale 314 Galena dolomite 344 Another well, on the farm of L. P. Hunderad, in sec, 35, Iowa Township, is reported as 450 feet in depth; and a third well, in sec. 34, sanie township, is said to reach a depth of more than 500 feet, the Maquoketa shale being entered at 150 feet. In the valleys of Tete de Mort, Spruce, and Mill creeks, excavated in the Maquoketa shale, wells find water in the Galena dolomite within moderate distances from the surface. SPRINGS. Large springs are numerous along the bluffs bordering the Missis- sippi and the sides of the valleys of its tributaries at the sunimit of the Maquoketa shale. Transitional upper impure limestones of the Maquoketa, 20 to 30 feet thick, and the massive Niagara dolomite serve as a reservoir whose floor is the impervious shale beneath. As examples may be mentioned the springs of George Egan (SE. | SE. I sec. 15, T. 86 N., R. 4 E.), of Nicholas Leg (SW. i SW. i sec. 16), of Peter Schreiner and of John Wagner (NW. I NW. J sec. 29), all on Little Mill Creek west of Bellevue. Some of these springs flow a rip- pling stream 2 feet wide and 3 or 4 inches deep of crystalline clear water. They emerge from talus slopes at the base of the bluffs, about 30 feet below the massive ledges of Niagara dolomite or from near the base of the yellowish, thin, layered beds which form the transition between the Niagara and the Maquoketa. The August temperature of these springs is 50° F. As the valley floor rises above the base of the Niagara up valley the series of springs comes to an end, the last one noted bemg that of Peter Wagner (NW. i NE. I sec. 29, T. 86 N., R. 4 E.). The same description applies to the large springs on Mill Creek up Paradise Valley, the largest being on the farm of L. R. Potter (NW. i SW. i sec. 10) and that of Anton Earnst (SW. i SW. i sec. 6). The springs issuing along the upper reaches of Tete de Mort Creek in sees, 4, 9, and 16, T. 87 N., R. 3 E., have given name to the civil township of Prairie Spring, They emerge low down along the bluffs somewhat above the summit of the Maquoketa shale. In eastern Jackson Township in all the valleys which transect the summit of the Maquoketa shale, springs almost universally take the place of wells. Each farm has its spring house for dairy purposes, and the supply is usually ample for all uses of home and farm. 412 UlSrDERGEOUND WATER EESOURCES OF IOWA. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Bellevue. — At Bellevue the base of the Maquoketa shale is 617 feet above sea level, and a deep well will pass through about 350 feet of Galena dolomite, Decorah shale, and Platteville limestone before reaching the St. Peter sandstone. Water from the dolomite and limestone will probably flow, but in insufficient quantity. The St. Peter should afford water m moderate quantity, but it is recom- mended that the drill should probe also the lower-lying creviced and sandy dolomites and sandstones, all water bearing, to a depth of 850 to 950 feet from the surface. This will give a flow of the purest water beyond all present needs of the town under a pressure at first adequate for fire protection. The well should be situated some rods back from the river front so as to avoid the old channel of the river filled deeply v/ith alluvial sands and gravel and so as to encounter within a few feet the Galena dolomite. As the town is situated on a sand-covered rock bench, the well should be so located and so carefully cased as to reduce the danger of surface contamina- tion to a minimum. Green Island. — At Green Island (population, 128) water is obtained from drilled wells, 30 to 75 feet deep, entering rock at 30 feet, and from small springs. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. has a well 823 feet deep, 8 to 4f inches in diameter, cased with 8-inch pipe to 140 feet, and with 6-inch pipe put down in 1906 (four years after the well was completed) to 180 feet from the curb and packed with rubber. The curb is 601 feet above sea level, and the head is 64.5 feet above the curb. Water was obtained from 60 feet and from 504 to 564 feet. The strata penetrated are indicated by the following table: Record of strata of railway tvell at Green Island (PI. X, p. S74). [Based on drillers' log.] Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (140 feet thick; top, 601 feet above sea level)— Clay, blue, and shale Galena dolomite to Platteville limestone (335 feet thick; top, 461 feet above sea level) — Limerock Rock, gray St. Peter sandstone (106 feet thick; top, 126 feet above sea level) — Sandi'ock Shale Sandrock Prairie du Chien group (242 feet penetrated; top, 20 feet above sea level)— Rock, gray Shale Sandrock Shale Rock, gritty, hard Shale, blue Rock, gray Shale Sandrock Rock, flinty Shale Sand and gi-avel Shale Limestone, shaly Feet. 140 310 450 25 475 25 500 4 604 77 581 25 606 2 608 28 636 5 641 20 661 5 666 45 711 5 716 25 741 20 761 4 765 11 776 5 781 42 823 JACKSON- COUNTY. 413 La Motte. — The waterworks at La Motte (population, 288), used chiefly for fire protection, comprise a well, a standpipe, mains extend- ing for five blocks, and five fu'e hydrants. Drilled wells, in depth from 75 to 100 feet, with some as deep as 190 feet, entering rock at about 40 feet, furnish the domestic supply. Maquoketa. — Maquoketa (population, 3,570) takes its water from a well and from Maquoketa River. The water is pumped to a stand- pipe and is distributed under a domestic pressure of 70 pounds and a fire pressure of 125 pounds. There are 13 miles of mains and 102 fire hydrants. Drilled wells 100 to 160 feet deep are largely used for domestic supply. The possibility of obtaining water from deep wells at Maquoketa is indicated by the record of a prospect hole for oil put down by the Texas Drillmg Co. in 1907 to a depth of 1,716 feet in the SW. I sec. 11, T. 82 N., R. 3 E. (See Pis. IX, X.) The mouth of the hole is about 760 feet above sea level; 10-inch casing was carried to a depth of 277 feet, and S^-inch casing to 1,103 feet. Water was struck in the Niagara dolomite at a depth of 155 to 215 feet, heading 85 feet below curb; at 215 feet, in the base of the Niagara; at 486 to 695 feet, in the Galena dolomite; at 1,110 to 1,190 feet, in the Jordan sandstone; at 1,338 to 1,596 feet and at 1,695 and 1,716, in the Dresbach and underlying sandstones. At 1,716 the water overflowed while the drill was in the well. Record of strata in prospect hole at Maquoketa (PL IX, p. 354; PI- X, p. 374). Residual and recent (6 feet thick): Soil Clay hard yellow Silurian: Niagara dolomite (209 feet thick; top, 754 feet above sea level) — Dolomite Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (225 feet thick; top, 545 feet above sea level)— "Sand and shale in seam, second water" Shale light blue; and limestone blue-gray hard, close textured; slight effervescence Shale blue Shale chocolate brown, fissile; rather hard; petroliferous, burning with strong flame Galena dolomite (255 feet thick; top, 320 feet above sea level) — Dolomite, porous, subcrystalline, gray; in log called "hard white shale". Dolomite, light buff, crystalline; in log, "mixed hme and shale hard"... Dolomite, light buff, cherty; in angular sand Decorah shale (15 feet thick; top, 65 feet above sea level) — Shale, bright green, fissile, fossiliferous; with dark-gray, fossiliferous, non- magnesian pyritiferous limestone; log — "slate and shale" , Platteville limestone (46 feet tliick; top, 50 feet above sea level) — Limestone, gray, earthy, compact, nonmagnesian Limestone, brown, nonmagnesian, hard; in flaky chips Limestone, light gray, soft, earthy Shale, blue, plastic, with some chips of brown limestone; in log "slate soft, blue " ( Glen wood shale of Iowa State Survey) St. Peter sandstone (59 feet thick; top, 4 feet above sea level) — Sandstone, clean, white; grains well rounded, moderately coarse, many having diameter of 1 millimeter or more Beds between St. Peter sandstone and Oneota dolomite (241 feet thick; top, 55 feet below sea level)^ Sandstone, fine, brick-red; considerable red argillaceous or ferric admix- ture; when washed in hot water, drillings remain pink owing to films of ferric oxide on grains of quartz sand; grains rounded, many broken; said by driller to contam seams of red shale; in log "red sandstone" . . . Thickness. Feet. 209 241 Depth. Feet. 215 215i 63| 151 279 430 10 440 46 79 130 486 565 695 15 710 5 7 28 715 722 750 6 756 59 815 1,056 414 UNDEEGEOUlsrD WATEK EESOUKCES OF IOWA. Record of strata in prospect hole at Maquoketa — Continued. Depth. Ordovician— Continued. Oneota dolomite (54 feet thick; top, 296 feet below sea level) — Dolomite, light yellow-gray: with much dark-red and dark-brown hard flne-graiaed shale, some light-green shale, a fine yellow quartz sand, a fragment of red fine-grained sandstone set with pieces of green shale; all except dolomite probably foreign, at 1,056 "Shale, soft gray;" of log; sample supposed to represent this stratum consists of sand grains of St. Peter facies, but with an occasional grain showing secondary enlargement; rather fine, with considerable foreign red and light-green shale and some chert and chips of dolomite Cambrian: Jordan sandstone (80 feet thick)— "Sandstone, soft water;" of log; sample said to represent this stratum consists for the most part of angular sand of light-gray dolomite with some arenaceous admixture; a sample at 1,125 feet is of sandstone, some grains showing secondary enlargements, along with some chert and dolomite • St. Lawrence formation (198 feet thick; top, 430 feet below sea level) — - Dolomite, light yellow-gray Dolomite, purple-brown , Dolomite, light-gray Dresbach sandstone (208 feet thick; top, 628 feet below sea level) — Sandstone, soft, white; grains well rounded, fairly uniform in size, largest 1 millimeter in diameter Undifferentiated Cambrian strata (120 feet penetrated; top, 836 feet below sea level)— Sandstone; in buff sand with the appearance of dolomite to unaided eye, but seen imder the microscope to consist of microscopic gi-ains of crys- talline quartz with dolomitic cement, along with some fine rounded grains of quartz sand and some glauconite at Sandstone as above, with some gray shale Sandstone of same composition as above; white Sandstone, fine grained, light buff; in minute detached grains and in angular chips as above Sandstone, white, clean, fine: grains imperfectly rounded, most grains from 0.0075 to 0.01 inch in diameter; "quicksand" of log Feet. 1,110 1,190 1,300 1,320 1,388 1,696 1,596 1,650 1,695 1,700 1,716 At Maquoketa the drill will probably pass through the country rock (Niagara dolomite) and discover the Maquoketa shale 184 feet below the surface (about 500 feet above sea level) . Some water will probably be found in the Niagara and also in the dolomite beds generally present in the Maquoketa in this part of Iowa. About 200 feet deeper the drill will enter the Galena dolomite, passing thence into the Decorah shale and the limestones and shales forming the Platteville limestone, and the yield should be augmented from these horizons. The St. Peter sandstone should be reached about 35 feet below sea level, or about 720 feet below the surface at the Chicago & North Western Railway station. For industrial enterprises, hotels, liveries, etc., the yield from these beds should be ample, but for a city supply the wells should be sunk about 1,200 feet, or to 500 feet below sea level, so as to secure the full yield of the Prairie du Chien group and the Jordan sandstone, and may indeed profitably go to 800 or 850 feet below sea level to tap the Dresbach sandstone. The limit of 1,500 or 1,600 feet from the surface need not be exceeded, as at about this depth the drill should pass into close-grained dry sandstones or marls underlying the Dresbach. JACKSON COUNTY. 415 A flowing well with a head of about 20 feet is indicated, but is not assured, and to secure the best results the yield should be increased by the use, sooner or later, of deep cylinder pumps or air compressors. Miles. — At Miles (population, 334) water is obtained from drilled wells ranging in depth from 50 to 90 feet and entering rock at 12 feet. Monmouth. — At Monmouth (population, 221) wells, dug and drilled, range in depth from 16 to 100 feet. These wells reach rock 25 feet below the surface. Water stands 10 to 20 feet below the curb. Nashville. — At Nashville wells are 40 to 50 feet deep, and the water level is 20 to 30 feet below the curb. Preston. — At Preston (population, 642) the water-supply system is owned by a private corporation. Water is obtained from a well 108 feet deep and 6 inches in diameter, entering rock at 100 feet, and yielding from a vein in rock 75 gallons a minute. The well is located on a hill 90 feet above the level of the business street, and the water heads 60 to 80 feet below the curb. Water is distributed from a tank with a capacity of 70,000 gallons under a domestic pressure of 50 pounds. The fire pressure is 75 pounds. There are 1^ miles of mains, 10 fire hydrants, and 150 taps. The consumption is 30,000 gallons daily. Sabula. — The water supply of Sabula (population, 918) is drawn from one of the finest artesian wells in the State. (See PI. IX.) The water is pumped directly through 3 miles of mains under a domestic pressure of 28 pounds, and 50 pounds for fires. There are 28 fire hydrants and about 400 taps. This well is 973 feet deep, 8 to 6 inches in diameter, and is cased to 173 feet (rubber packer). The curb is 582 feet above sea level. The original head was 74 feet above curb; in 1905 it was 41 feet above curb. The original flow was 720 gallons a minute. Water was obtained at 400 feet (St. Peter sandstone), at 525 feet, and at 700 feet (Prairie du Chien group); total discharge at this depth, 350 gallons a minute; the strongest vein was struck at 950 feet (Cam- brian). Temperature, 59° F. Drilling was completed in 1895 by J. P. Mller & Co., of Chicago. With the original pressure of 32 pounds, the well furnished fire protection, as well as a superabundant water supply. With the diminution of pressure to 18 pounds, about 1904, it was found neces- sary to install a 32-horsepower gasoline engine and triplex pump, which are used only in case of fire. In 1908 the pumping capacity was reported at 500 to 600 gallons a minute. 416 UN"DEEGKOUND WATEK KESOUECES OF IOWA. Record of strata in city well at Sabula {PI. IX, p. 354)- Quaternary (163 feet thick; top, 582 feet above sea level): Sand, alluvial; in ancient channel of Mississippi River Ordovician: Galena dolomite to Platteville limestone (262 feet thick; top, 419 feet above sea level) — Dolomite, hard, rough, crystalline, buff and gray; some vesicular; 10 samples Sandstone, argillo-calcareous; drillings consist of light green-gray powder, with fragments of dark-gray sandstone; calciferous; grains not so well rounded and uniform in size as is common with the St. Peter Shale, green, fissile, arenaceous, slightly calcareous St. Peter sandstone (25 feet thick; top, 157 feet above sea level) — Sandstone, grains moderately fine, rounded, and ground; a large propor- tion of drillings consists of angular chips of gray dolomite; much green shale, probably from the superior shale , Prairie du Chien group (325 feet thick; top, 132 feet above sea level) — Shakopee dolomite: Dolomite, medium dark gray; in angular fragments, clean except for a few pieces of green shale , Dolomite, highly arenaceous; drillings consist of rounded grains of quartz and minute angular fragments of dolomite, in some of the larger of which quartz sand is embedded Dolomite, gray and light brown; drillings contain sand, probably from above; 2 samples Dolomite, light brown, arenaceous Dolomite, gray and bull; 3 samples , New Richmond sandstone: Sandstone, argillaceous and calciferous Oneota dolomite : Chert; in fine white powder, calciferous; 2 samples Dolomite, gray, cherty '. Dolomite, white, higlily arenaceous, and cherty Dolomite, white, cherty, slightly arenaceous Cambrian: Jordan sandstone and imderlying Cambrian (198 feet penetrated; top, 193 feet below sea level) — Sandstone; white, calciferous, cherty; grains of sand, mostly fragmental, but many rounded; 3 samples Unknown, cuttings washed away; reported by drillers to be no change. . Thickness. Feet. 163 212 35 163 Depth. Feet. 375 400 425 450 35 510 15 525 SO 575 25 600 50 650 90 740 10 750 25 775 810 973 WELL DATA. Information concerning typical wells in Jackson County is presented in the folio wins: table: Typical wells in Jackson County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to water- bed. Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 84 N., R. 1 E. (Monmouth). T. Volker NW. 1 NE. I sec. 20. NW. i NW. i- sec. 21. NW. i NE. i sec. 21. NW. isec. 2 Sec. 7 Feet. 68 48 120 202 173 42 151 Feet. 58 Feet. Feet. 10 Red sand and grav- J. H. Sokol el on rock. Bear Creek; ends in 40 65 65 200 Limestone ...do . .do 192 gravel. Loess, 20; yellow Brown till, 20; Niagara dolomite, 80. Clay to rock. High ground. NW. J SE. 1 sec. 19. NE. } NE. 1 sec. 30. Sand. FUnt from 153 feet to bottom. Low ground John Wood 63 Limestone Black soil, 8; blue clay, 31; sand, 3. High ground. JACKSON COUNTY. Typical wells in Jackson County — Continued. 417 Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to water- bed. Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 84 N., R. 1 E. (Monmouth)— Con. Teeple Amanda Littell. Charles Long Schoolhouse . "Wright. Will Campbell. W. T. Clapp..., Graywich. Walker. . . , T. 85 N., R. 1 E. (Brandon). William Miller T. 86 N., R. 1 E. (Butler). D. Duggan T. 84 N., R. 2 E. (South Fork). H. B. Griflen W. G. Marster. D. Stevens Heming . . Richard Elwood. W. P. Dunlap... Chapman... ■ Wilson . SE. Jsec.2 NW. i NW. i sec. 32. Sec. 34 NW. Jsec. 25... Sec. 31 Baldwin Near railway station, Bald- win. Nashville Milhock SW. J sec. 23.... SW. } NW. { sec. 12. NE. i NE. J sec. 28. NE. i SW. i sec. 28. SW. I SE. J sec. 29. SE. i SW. i sec. 31. NE. 1 NE. i sec. 32. Sec. 26 SE. J SW. I sec. 30. S. J NW. i sec. 13. NE. } NE. i sec. 31. Maquoketa, west side. SW. i SE. i sec. 32. SW. i SW. 1 sec. 32. SE. 1 NE. i sec. 33. SE. 1 SE. i sec. 35. SE. J SE. i sec. 35. NE. i SE. i sec. 36. NW. i NW. i sec. 36. Sec. 11 Feet. 194 128 228 270 126 53 102 73 71 96 60 240 244 217 124 135 76 135 206 120 90 85 82 36 138 Feet. 32 Slight. 60 Feet. 200 Gravel Niagara dolomite. ..do Gravel. Gravel. Porous 1 i m e - stone. 120 Nia g a r £ d o 1 ■ mite. Gravel. -do. .do. .do. Feet. 162 Bluff; water in porous rock. Upland. Valley. Maquoketa shale at 240 feet. Hill. Bear Creek bot- toms. Ail sand and grav- el. Rise above creek bottoms. Creek bottoms, 60 rods from creek. Hollow; mostly yellow clay to rock. Soil 10; black quicksand, 80. Creek. Bottom. Blue clay and quick- sand; ends in gravel. Valley. Black soil, 10; fine white sand, 51. Bluff. Gravelly red clay (till), 63; hmestone, 191. Loess, 2; till, 10; gravel 10 to rock. High hill. East side of deep ravine; rock at surface. Ridge. Sand and sandy clay, 50 feet; hmestone, 85 feet. Drift, mostly blue till, 200; quick- sand, 40; ends in gravel. Ends in gravel. Ends in gravel. Blue till, 82; grav- el, 7; blue till, 1. Level land. 36581°— wsp 293—12- -27 418 UNDEKGKOUND WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. Typical wells in Jackson County — Continued. Ovmer. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to water- bed. Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 84 N., R. 6 E. (Van Buken). Knack Peter Kuhl. Van Buren Prussia H. Gosh Klemm Roe E. A. Clausen T. 85 N., R. 5 E. (part of Wash- ington). Henry Schultz T. 84 N., R. 6 E. (Iowa). Crawford . T. 84 N., R. 4 E. (Fairfield). SW. 1 NW. sec. 25. NE. 1 NE. sec. 12. Center of sec. 15. S. 4 NW. i sec. 14. SW. i SW. i sec. 4. NE. \ SW. i sec. 35. NE. \ SE. I sec. 16. SW. \ SE. 1 sec. 15. NW. i SW. J sec. 16. Sec. 2. Fea. 100 190 75 225 175 175 170 125 202 230 Feet. 10 (o) 30 20 40 40 40 40 36 Feet. On shale. Feet. 125 Limestone On shale. (f') Limestone NE. \ SW. sec. 25. SE. i SW. sec. 32. Green Island NE. 1 NE. \ sec. 34. NE. J SW. i sec. 32. SW. i SW. J sec. 19. NE. i SW. i sec. 24. SE. i SE. \ sec. 23. NE. J NE. i sec. 26. 90 200 Gravel . ...do... 60 .do. 125 190 344 Galena d o 1 - mite. Limestone ..do 320 Galena 1 i m e - stone. Gravel . Drift, 40; Niagara dolomite 85; Ni- agara dolomite, gray cherty, 60; Maquoketa shale, 5. Drift, 30 feet; Ni- agara dolomite, 195 feet. Maquoketa shale not struck. Maquoketa shale at 170 feet. Maquoketa shale at 170 feet. Stony blue clay, 40; Niagara dolo- mite, 85. Yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 20; limestone, 162. Drift, 36; Niagara dolomite to shale at bottom, 194. Mostly gritty blue clay; ends in gravel. Goose Lake chan- nel. Black soU, 10; hard, gritty blue clay, 30; quicksand, 40; gravel, 10. Old forest bed at 30. Bottoms. Soft blue clay, 50; dirty yellow clay, 20; gritty blue clay, pass- ing into gravel, 130. High ridge; 150 feet to Maquoketa shale. About 820 feet above sea level. Drift, 40; Ni- agara dolomite, 154; Maquoketa shale, 120; Ga^ lena dolomite, 30. Yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 20; limestone, 110; shale, 222; Ga- lena dolomite, 301. On rise from creek. Yellow clay, 25; hardpan, 50; gravel, 5. a Near ground. 6 On rise from bottoms. JOHNSON COUNTY. Typical wells in Jackson County — Continued. 419 Owner. Location. Bepth. Bepth to rock. Bepth to water- bed. Source of supply. Head below cui'Jd. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 85 N., R. 2 E. (Farmers Creek). J. W. Sagers Mrs. Rose Stoddard. SW. Jsec. 20.... Sec. 21 Feet. 236 90 136 240 180 190 186 217 223 200 106 100 54 Feet. 00 12 90 26 36 28 40 100 75 96 50 Feet. 200 40 114 150 150 168 150 Feet. 146 30 14 150 150 68 150 102 High ground. All light blue day. Adjacent wells are 180 to 263 feet deep, with only 25 to 30 feet of clay on rock. Emory Button Sec. 20 Limestone ...do ...do ...do ...do Walter Button Sec. 30 Walter Hutt Sec. 21 John S. Burrows. . . Sec. 20 George Willison Robert Wood See. 18 Sec. 35 Sec. 34 Much quicksand. P.W.Tracy T. 86 N., R. 4 E. (part of Belle- VUE). H. Steich W. §sec. 35 Seel Limestone Lime- stone, Galena. A large amount of Golden T. 87 N., R. 4 E. (Tete des Morts). H. Soppe West of city limits of Belle- vue. Sec. 36 sand and gravel beneath loess. Terrace in Mill Creek valley. Loess-capped ter- race 90 feet above Mississippi. JOHNSON COUNTY. By A. 0. Thomas. TOPOGRAPHY. The surface of Johnson County is chiefly of the prairie type. Along the principal streams are belts of rather heavy native timber, much of which is being rapidly cut away. Because of the location of the Territorial capital at Iowa City, Johnson County was one of the earliest west of those bordering Mississippi River to be settled. Its pioneers found an abundant sup- ply of water in the main streams and their tributaries and in shallow open wells, but as population increased more reliable sources of supply, free from contamination and from possible exhaustion dur- ing times of droughts, had to be sought. Now drilled wells pumped by windmills or gasoline engines are a part of the equipment of each up-to-date farm. Far more than half of the county is covered by Kansan drift, which is extensively overlain by loess, although in some areas along Old Mans Creek the loess is so thin that the preloessial topography may still be recognized. Except for the broad alluvial flood plain of Iowa Eiver, which intersects it in a north and south direction, the 420 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. southern half of the county is characteristically Kansan. The ridges and divides are much dissected^ as a rule narrow, and in many places loess covered. Several lobes of the lowan drift sheet cross the northern part of the county. These lobes are characterized by bowlder-strewn fields and rich black loam which covers in a general way the entire surface of the drift. The freshness of the light-colored bowlders, the incom- plete drainage, and the comparatively level surface, free from loess, present a marked contrast to the rougher and much-eroded Kansan drift. One lobe of lowan drift crosses the eastern part of the north- ern boundary of the county and trends southeastwardly to Solon. Its level plains are well developed just north of that town. A second and larger lobe comes down to and a little beyond the village of North Liberty, covers Monroe and parts of Jefferson, Oxford, Madison, and Penn townships. It is crossed m an east-west direction by Iowa River whose broad flood plain blends into the drift plam on the south. The limits of these lobes are not yet defuiitely determined along their entire length. Their terminal moraines, though high and promi- nent in many places, are in others very indefinite, due to some extent to post-Iowan erosion. A broad alluvial plain has been developed along Iowa River from the point where it enters the county to sec. 22, Madison Town- ship where it flows into a narrow, rock-walled, tortuous channel from which it emerges near Iowa City after wmding about for more than 20 miles. Here it again enters a broad valley with extensive flood plains, which continue until it has passed out of the county. A flood plain about 2 miles wide and 6 to 8 miles long extends along Cedar River in Cedar Township. The larger tributaries of Iowa River, like Old Mans, Clear, and Rapid creeks, have developed alluvial flood plains of some extent, especially in that part of their valleys nearest the Iowa. That of Old Mans Creek is the most extensive, bemg 18 to 20 miles long and from half a mile to a mile or more in width. Study of the course of Iowa River through the county shows that a preglacial channel must have existed between the east end of its northern flood plain and the north end of its southern flood plam, for the present course between these two pomts is neither the most dkect nor the most easily constructed.^ Well records are, how- ever, too meager to afford data from which to project the vaUey of this ancient stream. It is certain that the buried channel affects the water supply of the area under which it lies, and it is to be hoped that future borings will clearly establish its approximate limits. 1 Calvin, Samuel, Ann. Eept. Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 7, 1897, p. 48. JOHNSON COUNTY. 421 GEOLOGY. 5^ Indurated rocks are exposed only in the northern and northeastern parts of Johnson County. The rocks dip to the southwest (PL XV, p. 670), a fact of special interest to the well driller, for he must drill through a greater thickness of rock in the southwestern part of the county than in the northeastern part when seeking one of the deep- seated aquifers like the St. Peter sandstone. The character and kind of rocks which underlie the drift in the southern part of the county are indicated by such rock exposures as those along English River in the northern part of Washington County. Silurian rocks (Niagara dolomite) are typically exposed along Cedar River in the northeastern part of the county. Southwest from this Silurian outcrop the lower beds of the Middle Devonian appear at Solon and elsewhere. Rocks of Carboniferous age are exposed in only a few small out- liers belonging to the Des Moines group (Pennsylvanian) . The largest of these outliers is a body of coarse-grained sandstone in the southern part of Monroe Township just north of Iowa River and extending westward into Iowa County. Another is located immediately north of Iowa City and occupies an old deep pre-Carboniferous valley whose course runs at a wide angle to that of the present Iowa River valley and whose bottom is 60 feet or more below the bottom of the latter. The drift of the southern part of the county is probably underlain by the Kinderhook group (Mississippian) of the Carboniferous. No record of well bormgs encountering these rocks has been obtained, but they doubtless have been reached by drillers in southern Washington and Sharon townships. Interglacial sands and gravels known as the Aftonian gravel and the Buchanan gravel are widely distributed, the former beneath the Kansan drift and the latter above; the Kansan, and form aquifers of considerable importance in the county as a whole. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The exceedingly rough preglacial topography of Johnson County precludes expectation of finding extensive well-defined water-bearing formations in the drift deposits, which range in thickness in different parts of the county from an exceedingly attenuated layer to a deposit measuring 300 feet. Nevertheless, the most constant aquifer of the drift is the sand and gravel (Aftonian) underlying the stiff blue clay beds of the Kansan drift. Most of the deeper wells of the county derive their supply from this stratum, though well drillers frequently report failure to obtain water in it and are obliged to try elsewhere or to go deeper. Locally, however, the sand and gravel bed is absent 422 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. and the drill passes directly from the Kansan clay to the hard rock. In the southern and southwestern townships of the county, in parts of Madison and Jefferson townships, and elsewhere in the areas covered by the lowan drift sheet, these sands and gravels (Aftonian and Buchanan) jdeld a fairly abundant supply of good water to wells ranging in depths from 50 to 250 feet. In areas in which the drift is thin and the country rock lies close to the surface, most of the wells penetrate rock to some distance and obtain water either in a rock crevice or in a gritty layer which does not seem to lie at any regular horizon. The expense of sinking wells in these areas is usually greater than in the areas of deep drift and the possibility of failure is greater. The wells along Iowa River west and north of Iowa City are mainly of this type. Another area of this sort is in the vicinity of Solon, where the country rock comes almost to the surface ; the town well of Solon, for example, strikes rock at a depth of 7 feet. In the alluvial flood plains of the principal streams, an abundant supply of water is obtained cheaply by shallow dug wells curbed with cheap lumber, or by "sand points" driven into the earth to a depth of 15 to 25 feet and attached to hand pumps. "Drive wells" are abundant along Iowa River in Liberty and Lucas townships and in the valley of Clear Creek in Clear Creek Township. In the northeast part of Lucas Township the wells average 100 feet and obtain water in the gravel above the rock. Hundreds of shallow weUs on the farms of every community, which are being slowly supplanted by deeper drilled wells, draw principally from the ground water below ground-water level, though some of them are filled by the surface run-off, for which they act as catch basins. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Coralville. — The water supply of Coral ville (population, 151) is taken from shallow wells 15 to 30 feet deep. Hills. — The water supply of HUls (population, 195) is all from shallow wells. Many of them are "driven wells" and these obviously furnish a purer supply than that of the shallow open wells. Iowa City. — In Iowa City (population, 10,091) water for the city mains is pumped from the river to a large standpipe on an eminence in the north part of the city. River water is unfit for drinking unless it is boiled. When the city was visited the water company was installing a filter plant said to be capable of filtering aU the water needed. The homes on the west side of the river obtain satisfactory water from wells sunk into the limestone. Some of the wells are open but most of them are drilled. Many shallow weUs, 20 to 50 feet deep, are still in use. JOHNSON COUNTY. 423 An artesian forecast * is of interest in view of the probability that sooner or later one or more deep wells will be drilled for artesian water for the city or for the State University. The bedrock here is the Cedar Valley limestone (Middle Devonian) . After passing through this formation the drill will enter the Wapsipini- con limestone (also Middle Devonian), which is characterized by brecciated beds, shaly and cherty layers, fine-grained and thin-bedded ' limestones, and magnesian limestones, which overlie the hard Silurian dolomites (Niagara) . In both the Devonian and the Silurian forma- tions water will probably be found in crevices and porous layers. If the head of these waters is higher than that of the main flows to be reached farther down, they may be allowed to enter the drill hole and thus augment that of the deeper flows ; but if their head is less they should be cased out to prevent the escape of the deeper water through their channels. The drill will pass from Silurian rocks into a dry Ordovician shale, the Maquoketa, probably more than 200 feet in thickness, which should be cased to prevent caving. The Galena and Platteville limestones, which lie beneath the Maquoketa, contain large stores of water in irregular channels, crevices, or porous beds, but no assurance can be given that the drill will strike one of the waterways. The head of any inflows from these limestones should be tested and their waters analyzed for comparison with those of the main water horizons underneath. After passing through the basal shale of the Platteville, which will need casing, the drill will enter the St. Peter sandstone at 1,000 to 1,050 feet below the surface (350 to 400 feet below sea level). A good yield is assured although exact estimates can not be made, as the sandstone varies in thickness and also to some extent in size of grains and porosity. It is not at all probable that the water obtained thus far will be sufficient to meet any large demands. The well should be drilled 500 or 600 feet deeper, or to 1,650 feet below the surface, in order to tap the large stores of water carried by the dolo- mites and interbedded sandstone of the Prairie du Chien group, and especially by the subjacent Jordan sandstone (Cambrian). The drill should stop at the heavy glauconiferous shales and marls of the St. Lawrence formation, the next terrane in descending order. A flow may be confidently expected and although estimates of head are notoriously uncertain, it may be said that the head may reach 50 feet above the river. A single well will yield a supply sufficient for such university use as a gymnasium, but for a city supply more wells should be sunk and the installation of an air compressor to increase the yield will be probably found advantageous, as at Waterloo, although the natural 1 By W. H. Norton. 424 UNDEEGROUND WATER RESOURCES OP IOWA. pressure of a well at Iowa City may be expected to considerably exceed that of one at Waterloo. In choosing a location for city or university wells, the possibility of contamination from ground water through leaky or defective cas- ings should be considered, and upvalley sites, other things being equal, should be given preference. Too much care can not be taken to exclude absolutely all soil and subsoil waters. Lone Tree. — The town of Lone Tree (population, 782) has one of the best public water-supply systems in the county. A drilled well, 130 feet deep, penetrates, beneath deep drift, a gravel bed (possibly Aftonian) from which an abundant supply of pure water is obtained. A gasoline engine furnishes the power for pumping. North Liberty . — The village of North Liberty (population, 200) has no public water supply. The shallow wells are 12 to 30 feet deep, the rise of water in them depending on the season. The village greatly needs a drilled well, especially because it is located on nearly level, poorly drained land, and the water in its shallow wells is within a few feet of the surface for the greater part of the year. Oakdale Sanitarium. — Oakdale Sanitarium is an institution main- tained by the State for the treatment of incipient cases of consump- tion. It is located in sec. 25, Clear Creek Township. As a large well-stocked farm is part of the general equipment a considerable supply of water is needed for domestic and other purposes. In the summer of 1909, a 3-inch well was sunk to 360 feet, at which depth water was obtained in a layer of "gritty shale," which underlies about 250 feet of Hmestone. The water rises in this well within 100 feet of the surface and is of excellent quahty. An artesian forecast made by W. H. Norton, in 1906, when the question of good water was a factor in the location of the sanitarium, predicted that the St. Peter sandstone would be reached at a depth of 300 to 400 feet below sea level and that this formation, with other water-bearing beds higher up, would furnish a supply sufficient for the institution, reckoned at 30,000 gallons a day. To obtain a larger supply it was recommended that the well be sunk into the Jordan sandstone, here probably about 700 feet below sea level. Oxford. — At Oxford (population, 614) the water-supply system is owned by the town. Water is pumped from a shallow weU not 50 feet deep and is distributed from a standpipe. Many shallow weUs 20 to 40 feet deep, are in use over the town. Sliueyville. — The town of Shueyville (population, 100) has no pub- He supply, the people dependmg mainly on shallow wells. Judging from experience on near-by farms, a well about 150 feet deep would develop an adequate supply. Solon. — The pubHc at Solon (population, 450) is abundantly sup- plied with water from a 6-inch well, which penetrates the limestone JOHNSON" COUNTY. 425 for 140 feet. The glacial mantle above the limestone is only 7 feet thick. The water is of good quality. Swisher. — The water supply of Swisher (population, 40) is obtained from shallow wells 15 to 20 feet deep. Tiffin. — The water supply of Tiffin (population, 176) is from shallow wells averaging about 30 feet in depth. WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Johnson County: Typical wells of Johnson County. Owner. Loca- tion. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 81 N., R. 7 W. (Jef- ferson; PART OF Madison). F. Novotny Anna Becicka J. Louvar M. Herdlicka William Roberts T. 81 N., R. 6 W. (Big Grove; part of Penn) James A. Ulch J. Pesarek T, 81 N., R. 5 W. (Cedar). John A. Henick W. Verba T. 80N.,R. 7W. (PARTS OF Madison, Clear Creek, and Penn). George Hoover H. Lininger M. M. Snavely J. C. Bowman J. D. Colony J. J. Craig Edw. Craig Walter Cox Charles E. Colony T. 80 N., R. 6 W. (PARTS OF Penn and New- port). Martha Bowman Samuel Green Do Jos. Hemphill James Hotka George Grizel T. 80 N., R. 5 W. (Gra- ham; part of New- port). J. J. Dvorsky James J. Krall Sec. 28 Feet. 74 77 210 156 282 158 160 262 90 115 312 144 213 65 50 100 288 300 140 126 108 220 62 217 Feet. IS 77 70 24 60 No rock. 142 120 100 98 140 Rock Gravel . . . Rock Soft rock . Gravel... Soft rock. Rock Sand. Rock. Rock. Sand. ..do.. Rock. G ravel - Rock... Sand. ..do.. .do. Rock. ...do.... Sand.. . Gravel . Sand... Rock. Yellow sandy clay, 18 feet; very hard rock. Hill. Yellow clay, 20; the rest blue clay; gravel bed thin. Yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 50. High ridge above river; rock hard and bedded except the last 7 or 8 feet. Gravel bed thin. First water at 130, but flow not good. A log struck at 60; loam, yellow clay, blue clay; thin layer of sand on rock. Yellow sandy clav; blue to 145; yellow sandy clay to 200; sand. Well 35 feet in this sand. Reddish clay, 20; blue clay, yellow sandy ciay, and red clay; 2 of black soil at 120; brownish clay and yellow clay to rock. Loam; blue clay; no sand above rock. Same as last, but sand bed thick. Yellow clay; blue clay; water in sand. No sand at bottom of mantle rock; com- pare Hoover's well. Yellow clay; blue clay; gravel bed thin but coarse grained. High ridge; no water in drift; the supply comes from a crevice in the rock. Usual drift, underlain by sand. Drive well; many of this tj^pe in neigh- borhood. Water just above rock. High knoll; no water in drift; rock hard; water band "gritty." Very similar to Bowman well. Water at bottom of drift in thin sand. Yellow clay; blue clay; gravel. Yellow clay; blue clay; no gravel; water in "crevice" in rock. Water in shaly rock, beneath very hard rock; unsatisfactory water bed at 100. 426 UNDEKGROUND WATEE RESOURCES OP IOWA. Typical wells of Johnson County — Continued . Owner. Loca- tion. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 80N., R. 5 W. (Gra- ham; PART OF New- port)— Continued. M. F. D vorsky Sec. 19 6 13 13 12 11 11 11 10 10 17 20 24 22 24 19 25 30 31 36 30 30 9 16 7 7 16 9 17 16 16 8 18 6 ■ 16 17 16 20 20 20 20 20 Feet. 110 140 172 174 170 318 140 2S2 340 126 90 130 100 100 170 179 96 ....400 90 106 205 135 148 122 200 64 190 126 116 200 140 150 108 140 116 124 139 120 120 108 120 Feet. Gravel Yellow clay; blue clay; gravel. G. C. Rossler T. 79 N., R. 7 W. (Union; part of Clear Creek). County poor farm Do 168 166 '"'"i72" 174 100' Rock ...do Sand Sandy rock Sand Rock Shale Sand ...do do . . Yellow clay, about 60; blue clay, over 100; httle or no gravel. Mrs. H. Schnarre Evan Williams Similar to the poor-farm well. Drift very similar to the preceding, but no gravel; three trials to find water at top of rock failed; water bed is shaly brownish-red sandstone or gritty hme- stone. Sand bed thin; the well became dry in a few months. Yellow and blue clays; thin bed of sand; R. Williams Do John Hradek rock well bedded; the drill dropped into a crevice at the bottom and well yields an abundance of water. Similar to Evan Williams well, but with Geo. Wicks shale below the gritty hmestone. Yellow and blue clays. J. R. Breese This well is located in a hollow. Chas. Rohret Yellow clay, about 60; blue, 120; the John Lloyd .. do water seems to run in a "vein" in the sand. Yellow and blue clays. E. T. Davis . do Yellow clav, about 20; blue clay, over 70. Anna Singula 170 Gravel ...do Yehow and blue clays; water on top of rock. On top of rock. On lower ground than the last-named H. E. Edwards Julius Tudor ...do H. Roeland 240 260 well. No water; driller gave it up. Yellow clay, 30 to 40, blue clay, 2C0; S. E. Pate Shale Sand ...do T/iimlpy Tndnr. , , , sand; tough clay to the rock, which is quite hard down to the limy shale. Mrs. Bf. Rowland Water bed loose sand, into which the drill D. W. Jones do sank for some distance by own weight. Yellow and blue clays. Rock hard and well bedded. T.79N., R.6W.(Lucas AND PART OF UNION). Black estate. 2 40 '"■"266' 64 40 126 116 SO 150 108 Shaly rock Rock Sand On rock. . . Gravel Shale (?).. On rock... Gravel .... Rock Gravel Sand Gravel Sand do Wm. Cannon Yellow clay, 40; a little gravel; "bird's- Wm. A. Fry eye" limestone, 40; blue limestone, over 60; water in a crevice. Mark H. Clear Yellow clay, 40; blue clay, over 150; no gravel. Yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 35; coarse gravel to rock. Residual material, mostly loess with some gravel below; water in "honey- combed" shale. Yellow and blue clays; no gi-avel; water bed on the rather friable rock. Clays as in the last, but the gravel is 10 to 15 feet thick. Compare with Byington well. Yellow clay, 30; blue clay, about 100; fine sand; coarser sand. Yellow clay; blue clay; gravel. Yellow clay; blue clay; water on top of rock in gravel. Edw. Rohret 0. Byington... J. Cropley A. R. Payne Mrs. W. Black Edw. Rohret.. Mack Stevens J. K. Hemphill Mary A. Lindsey J. R. Breese. .. H. Garnett do..... On top of rock. Geo. Lewis 139 120 120 108 120 ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do T. H. Morford. W. J. Davis 1 All on same ridge, not over three-fourths Owen Davis of a mile apart. E.P.Jones JOHNSON COUNTY. Typical wells of Johnson County — Continued. 427 Owner. Loca- tion. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Remarks (logs given in feet). T.79N.,R.6W.(LucAS AND PART OF UNION)— Continued. Sec. 20 29 33 32 32 22 26 23 13 13 12 12 East Iowa City. ...do. . Feet. 40 ± 207 140 296 306 40 30± 200 186 62 64 140 62 162 162 200 220 220 180 400 196 260 260 232 104 116 224 220 135 140 140 120 84 100 127 125 120 130 Feet. '"'246' 256 Sand(?).. Sand Gravel Rock ...do "Drive well" along a creek. Yellow clay, 20 to 30; blue clay, over 150; thick sand. No water in gravel above rock; water bed rather shaly. Elias J. Hughes S.C.Jones Jas. McCollester Chas. A. Vogt... 50' 100 62 Sand Soft shale. Rock Sand "Drive well." Alfred Ohl Not enough water on top of rock. Yellow clay; blue clay; thin gravel. ■ Plenty of water. Low part of the farm. Hill. Nellie Swisher Jno. C. Shrader Do 60 57 60 Rock ...do ...do Sand ...do 4-inch we 1; abundant water; yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 37. Water in a shaly rock. W F.Main Elmer Buck 19 30 25 20 18 16 16 34 21 34 35 4 7 6 15 10 16 2 2 1 1 12 32 10 D. H. Hastings On top of rock. Do. ...do T. 79 N.,R.5W. (Scott). Frank Lord 200 175 Rock ...do .do E. Westcott.. Water in friable rock. W. P. TenEyck R. Hunter . ... 190 240 216 232 On rock. . . Soft rock.. Rock ; Sand . .do Water in top layer of rock. Edw. Greer No sand above rock. Benj. Price Soil and yellow clay, 36; blue clay, 180; Geo. H. Bothel no sand; limestone, 16; yellowish clay, 8; hard rock, 20, to water. Yellow and blue clays; the water in sand. Jos. Krellek .... "Quicksand," below blue clay. 4-inch well; plenty of water. Yellow and blue clays. Yellow clay and loam, 45; blue clay, 90. Very similar to the last. Do. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. J. T. Strubble... 116 100 200 Gravel Rock ...do Sand ...do Lemuel Hunter T. 78 N.,R. 8 W. (Wash- ington). J.P.Wagner Jno. Fry C. Swartzendruber ...do T. 78N., R. 7W. (Sharon). Jno. Hughes Sand do Hill. Yellow clay, 20 to 30; blue clay, P. Zahner, sr, , about 90. Foot of Hughes Hill. Soil and yellow T. D. Davis ...do clay, 15; blue clay, about 60. R. R. Hughes... .do Below blue clay. W.J.Davis .do Yellow and blue clays, then sand. T. 78 N., R. 6 W. (Lib- erty; PARTS OF Pleas- ant Valley). John Knebel. , T. 77 N., R. 5 W. (Fre- mont). Town well, Lone Tree . . Sand Sand Yellow clay and soil, 30; blue clay, 85; sand, fine grained. Mr. Knebel re- ports that there are no wells down to rock in the township and that the gen- eral depth is about the same as his own. Along Old Mans Creek and on Iowa River bottom drive wells are about 20 feet deep. Soil and yellow clay, about 30; blue clay, about 95; sand, about 5 to 8, with pieces of wood and bark at top. The driller penetrated a bluish tough clay below the sand to some distance, but with- drew the drill and made the sand the water bed. 428 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. JONES COUNTY. By W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. Alternating belts of upland and lowland, of loess-covered Kansan ridges and lowan drift plains, give to the surface of Jones County a peculiar ''fluted" topography. The trend of these singular belts and of the rivers wliich cross them is northwest-southeast and the streams flow with seeming indifference either tlu"ough wide post- mature valleys adjoining the plains or, leaving the lower lands cleave the ridges lengthwise with deep gorges. Thus, on the right bank of the Maquoketa a bold ridge, loess- covered and fringed with lenticular loess-capped hills of drift, called paha, extends as far southeast as Monticello and its trend is continued by a lower ridge of similar character near Scotch Grove. These ridges overlook to the southwest a belt of prairie 4 or 5 miles wide, diversified in places with low, long swells of drift trending northward. South- west of tliis prairie plam of lowan drift, on wliich are located the towns of Onslow, Center Junction, and Langworthy, rises another upland. Northwest of Langworthy it is narrow, and its pahoid, forest-covered crests rise 100 feet and more above the level of the adjacent lowlands; from Amber southeast to the county line it is more massive, attaining a height of 140 feet above the neighboring valleys. A narrow belt of lowland parts this ridge from a massive upland cut by Wapsipinicon River to a depth of 220 feet, beyond which to the southwest lie other narrow belts of upland separated from one another by long enchained pahoid hills. GEOLOGY. The geologic structure of Jones County is of the simplest. The drift sheets of the county are the lowan, the deeply buried Nebras- kan, and the Kansan. The two last named are for the most part hard blue stony clays called ''hardpan" by many of the drillers. The Kansan, however, may be reddened and loosened in texture by long weathering to a depth of from 10 to 20 feet from the surface. The lowan lies on the surface of the lowlands — a brown sandy and gravelly drift with bowlders or a pale-yellow stony clay. On the hills and ridges the yellow dust or silt deposit known as loess has accumulated to a depth in places of 40 feet, although thin or entirely absent on the adjacent prairies. Tlu-oughout, the rock lying beneath the drift is the Niagara dolomite (PI. IX), except probably over a few square miles in the extreme southwestern part, where the heavy drift may conceal Devonian limestones. JONES COUNTY. 429 UNDERGROUND WATER. SOUECE. The diversified surface, in which well-dissected uplands where ground water stands far below the crests alternate with low young prairie plains only slightly scored by drainage channels where ground water stands high, makes it exceedingly difficult to give any averages as to the depth to water supplies, even in areas so small as townships. The most important water-bearing formation is the Niagara dolo- mite. The water occurs in porous beds and in waterways opened by solution along joints and bedding planes, but not in any definite stratum whose depth at any point can be predicted. Water is found also in drift sands and gravels, both in those contained witliin the drift sheets and in those which separate them. PROVINCES. Northeast of Maquolceta River. — In Highland, Washington, and the northeastern part of Monticello townships the Niagara dolomite lies everywhere at no great distance below the surface and outcrops in numerous ledges on the hillsides and in discontinuous high rock walls along the deeper valleys. North and South forks of Maquoketa River below Monticello flow tlirough narrow winding valleys desti- tute of flood plains. In these valleys wells find rock a few feet from the surface, but must penetrate it deeply to obtain sufficient water. On the uplands the deep and intricate dissection of most of the area allows ground water to sink low. Few wells find it in less than 100 feet, and many are compelled to go more than 200 feet. In a few places the Niagara is found dry nearly to its base, and wells supphed from the water accumulating immediately above the impervious Maquoketa shale must be drilled a little way into the Maquoketa for reservoir. For example, the well of T. Cooper (sec. 20, T. 86 N., R. 2 W.) found clay to 20 feet, Niagara dolomite to 385 feet, and was carried 16 feet into the Maquoketa shale — a total of 401 feet. Even on the high drift prairie of the northwest part of this area wells do not find enough water in the drift, which here ranges from 10 to 65 feet in thickness. Wliere the drift is comparatively thick for this area, reaching about 50 feet, water may be found within the limestone 15 or 20 feet below the rock surface. Where the drift is thin, and locally where it has some thickness, weUs range in depth from 150 to 250 feet. Few wells of this province are less than 140 feet deep. Thus, the well of R. M. Hicks (sec. 2, T. 86 N., R. 2 W.) is 180 feet deep, rock being struck at 5 feet, and the well of J. F. Moore (sec. 5, T. 86 N., R. 2 W.) goes through 40 feet of drift and penetrates 240 feet into the Niagara dolomite to obtain sufficient water. Between MaquoTceta and Wapsipinicon rivers. — The larger part of the belt of country 12 to 14 miles wide, extending from northwest 430 UNDEKGKOUND WATEK EESOUKCES OF IOWA. to southeast across the county between Maquoketa and Wapsipini- con rivers, is a prairie of lowan drift, but it is traversed longitudi- nally and is bounded on the east side by massive ridges of Kansan drift capped with loess. To the northeast, along a zone bordering the Maquoketa, the Niagara dolomite stands high and is covered with a thin mantle of drift. In the northern part of Castle Grove Township, as at Argand, it outcrops as high as 920 feet above sea level. In southwestern Monticello Township the loess and drift of the ridges may exceed 40 or 50 feet in thickness, but the rock outcrops about their bases or is found at slight depth below the surface. Southeast of Monticello the limestone also stands high, outcropping well up to the summits of the hills overlooking the Maquoketa, its height above sea level at Scotch Grove being about 900 feet. Here water is not found in the drift nor on the rock. Wells must be sunk a considerable distance in the Niagara dolomite to find sufficient supply. Locally plenty of water is obtained within 50 feet of the surface, as at the Scotch Grove creamery well, but most wells are 100 feet or more in depth. Even on the wide river valley northwest of Monticello, where rock comes within 15 to 20 feet of the surface, wells are about 100 feet deep, and on the adjacent hills some of them exceed 200 feet. On the high bluffs overlooking the Maquoketa, southeast of Monticello, it may be necessary to go 200 and even 300 feet to find water in the limestone. An exceptional feature of the belt of country bordering the Maquoketa on the southwest is a buried river channel disclosed by wells in the lower valley of Kitty Creek and on the Maquoketa flood plain above Monticello. Thus, in sec. 27, Monticello Township, a well on the Kitty Creek bottoms found rock 70 feet from the surface, 720 feet above sea level. The city well at Monticello on the same bottoms enters rock at 135 feet, 665 feet above the sea, and a well in sec. 16 of the same township on the Maquoketa flood plain is reported as 119 feet deep, with 20 feet of alluvium at top, below which the well penetrated only sand. The rock floor at the last well must be less than 680 feet above sea level. The buried river channel thus disclosed was cut about 125 feet below the present channel of the Maquoketa. That the ancient valley does not coincide with the broad valley of the river above Monticello is seen in the numerous wells on both sides of the river which enter rock at 10 to 20 feet below the surface. From the upland along the right bank of the Maquoketa, where the Niagara dolomite reaches an elevation of about 900 feet above sea level and where the drift is relatively thin, the rock everywhere descends to the southwest to a wide rock-cut valley now deeply filled with drift, on whose farther side the rock again ascends and again approaches the surface along a belt of country stretching along the JONES COUNTY. 431 left bank of the Wapsipinicon. The distance to which wells must be drilled to reach rock varies not only with the depth of this ancient valley and the positions of its numerous branch valleys with their divides of rock buried beneath drift, but also with the height to which the drift has been heaped over the area — whether it has been smoothed to the broad, flat plain which stretches from Castle Grove to Lang- worthy and Onslow or has been piled in the massive ridges which overlook this prairie from the south. The greatest depth to rock naturally occurs where the ridges directly overlie the central trough of the buried valley. In Castle Grove Township (sec. 8) the drift is in one place 190 feet thick, the rock floor being 810 feet above sea level. In sec. 33 the drift is more than 200 feet thick, the rock floor not being reached at 800 feet above sea level. On the ridges from northwest of Amber to Onslow a number of wells are reported which approach and exceed 300 feet in depth, and a few successful weUs are reported as less than 200 feet deep. On the bluffs near the Wapsipinicon, where rock stands high, few wells exceed 150 feet and a number of successful ridge wells from 80 to 120 feet deep are on record. South of Ne'v^ort the Wapsipinicon is bordered by flood plains 1^ miles wide, and here driven wells are entirely adequate. South of Wapsipinicon River. — On the high ridges southwest of the Wapsipinicon the depth of the wells reported ranges from 50 to 150 feet. On the prairie occupying the extreme southwestern part of the county about Morley and Martelle wells find water in the drift, and in few places exceed 130 feet, so far as reported. South of Fair- view a number of successful wells are but 40 or 50 feet in depth. SPRINGS. Springs supplied by underground courses dissolved in the Niagara dolomite emerge in the deep gorges of the Maquoketa and the North Maquoketa. That of J. Kibury, in the NW. i NW. i sec. 30, T. 86 N., R. 2 W., feeds a small creek discharging into Maquoketa River. To a somewhat less extent springs are found along the course of the Wapsipinicon where it leads through narrows cut in the Niagara dolomite. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Anamosa. — The pubHc supply of Anamosa (population, 2,983) is derived from a city well drilled by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago, in 1898. The well is situated a few yards from the bank of Wapsipinicon River, is 1,754^ feet deep and 10 to 6 inches in diameter. It is packed with lead and rubber and carries 100 feet of casing. The head of the water is 30 feet below curb. The water comes from depths of 600, 950; and 1,200 feet. The original and present pumping capacity 432 ITNDEEGKOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA, is 300 gallons a minute. Temperature, 52° F. Water is pumped to a reservoir and the pressures, gravity and direct, are 60 and 120 pounds, respectively. There are 3 miles of mains and 13 hydrants. The only cuttings preserved from this well come from the St. Law- rence formation and underlying Cambrian strata. The following table presents the record : Record of strata of city tvell at Anamosa. Depth in feet. Dolomite, gray, arenaceous; as seen by grains embedded in dolo- mite chips 1, 335 and 1, 345 Dolomite, light yellow gray 1, 370 Marl, light pink; powder contains large residue of minute angular quartzose particles; cement dolomitic glauconiferous 1,375 Marl, bright pink, as above 1, 385 Marl, blue, dolomitic, quartzose, glauconiferous 1, 435 Shale, white, calcareous, siliceous, in powder 1, 440 Sandstone, green gray, grains minute, rounded, slightly calcareous, argillaceous, glauconiferous 1, 525 Sandstone, white, rounded grains; largest, 0.6 mm. in diameter ... 1, 530 Sandstone, gray, fine 1, 660 Sandstone, white, very fine 1, 670 Sandstone, buff, of finest grain, glauconiferous 1, 690 Sandstone, pink, of finest grain, in loosely coherent chips 1, 720 Shale; green 1, 735 Shale, bright green, calcareous, glauconiferous, highly siliceous; with minute quartz particles 1, 750 The water-supply problems of Anamosa seem to have been success- fully solved by the excellent and abundant supply of water from the city well. Domestic supplies are still drawn, however, from many house wells, which on the hUls are not uncommonly 100 to 160 feet in depth. The drift, which is 40 feet deep, is dry, and water must be sought in limestone. In the remote contingency that the present supply from the deep - well may be overdrawn by increasing population, tests might well be made of the amount of ground water available on the low ground west of the town near the mouth of Buffalo Creek, where the conver- gence of drainage lines points to some considerable store. Several wells of small diameter sunk about 320 feet to the horizon of the Maquoketa shale would probably yield a large supply. The State penitentiary weU has a depth of 2,007 feet and a diameter of 10 inches (cased) to 96 feet, 8 inches (uncased) to 290 feet, 6 inches (cased) to 987 feet, 5 inches to 2,007 feet. The curb is 816 feet above sea level. The original head was 760 feet above sea level; the pres- ent head is 768 feet. The original and present pumping capacity is more than 300 gallons a minute, and the amount pumped daily in summer is 135,000 gallons. When pumped at rate of 200 gallons a minute water is lowered 19 feet in half an hour. The water comes JONES COUNTY. 433 from 860 feet and from between 1,070 and 1,215 feet. The well was completed in 1896 by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago, at a cost of SI 1,000. Temperature, 53.5° F. The well yields excellent drinking water. Since its completion no cases of typhoid fever have occurred in the penitentiary, although, from 1875 to 1891, 64 were reported by the prison physician. The water forms much scale in boilers but is not otherwise deleterious. Record of strata of penitentiary ivell {PL IX, p. S54)- Thick- ness. Depth. Pleistocene (78 feet thick; top, 816 feet above sea level): Clay, yellow Clay and sand Quicksand Silurian: Niagara dolomite (282 feet thick; top, 738 feet above sea level)— Dolomite, light bluish gray, crystalline, vesicular; 5 samples; at 145 feet, dark bro^vn gray and more compact , Dolomite, as above, cherty Dolomite, light gray, crystalline; 2 samples Dolomite, cream colored and buff, cherty; 4 samples Dolomite, gray, in flaky chips, argillaceous, luster earthy, with some chert; 2 samples Dolomite, blue gray, highly argillaceous Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (175 feet thick; top, 456 feet above sea level): Shale, green gray, slightly calcareous; 4 samples Dolomite, brown, somewhat bituminous; blackens in closed tube Shale, in molded masses; 2 samples Galena dolomite and Platte vUle limestone (325 feet thick; top, 281 feet above sea level)— Dolomite, buff and gray, hard, rough, crystalline; 10 samples, at 675 feet, cherty. Limestone, magnesian, blue gray, granular, crystalline; 2 samples , Shale, blue and dark brown, bituminous Limestone, magnesian, or dolomite, bufl gray, fine grained, crystalline; samples at 800 and 820 feet; in the latter sample are found fragments of magnesian limestone which may extend from that depth to 852 feet Shale, no sample St. Peter sandstone (55 feet thick; top, 44 feet below sea level)— Sandstone; clean, white quartz sand; gratus well rounded, moderately fine Prairie du Chien group (335 feet thick; top, 99 feet below sea level) — Shale, green, noncalcareous, finely laminated, containing some rounded grains of quartz Dolomite, light yellow gray Shale; tu large fragments, noncalcareous, green, finely laminated Dolomite, gray and white; 5 samples Cambrian: Jordan sandstone (95 feet thick; top, 434 feet below sea level) — Sandstone, light blue gray, calciferous Sandstone, clean, white; grains rounded Sandstone, white, calciferous St. Lawrence formation (235 feet thick; top, 529 feet below sea level) — Dolomite, yellow gray, rough Dolomite, cream yellow; rounded graius of quartz in driliings; 2 samples Dolomite, ranging from white to brown Sandstone, red, argillaceous and calcareous, of microscopic grain, with green grains like glauconite Shale, light green gray, slightly calcareous Dolomite; fragments mottled pink and gray Dresbach sandstone (180 feet thick; top, 764 feet below sea level) — Sandstone, cream yellow, buff and white, fine grained; 4 samples; softest sand- stone in well by driller's log Undifferentiated Cambrian strata (247 feet penetrated; top, 944 feet below sea level) — Shale, green, flssUe Sandstone, buff, very fine, glauconiferous: 3 samples Sandstone, brick-red, very fine grained, argfllo-calcareous, glauconiferous Sandstone, as above, but less calciferous Sandstone, gray and buff, fine; argillo-calcareous at 1,890; 3 samples Sandstone, coarser; with green shale Sandstone, gray; moderately fine grains, angular, hard Sandstone, white, rounded; unbroken grains, soft Sandstone, light pink, sample of rounded grain, mostly unbroken, hard, 2J hours to drOl 5 feet; sample not a quartzite Feet. 30 46 2 137 20 30 60 130 10 35 205 30 30 40 15 20 260 180 10 45 40 20 20 5 50 45 Feet. 216 235 265 325 355 360 490 500 535 740 770 800 852 915 955 970 990 1,250 1,305 1,325 1,345 1,380 1.415 i;485 1,490 1,540 1,580 1,760 1,770 1,815 1,855 1,875 1,895 1,900 1,950 1,995 2,007 36581°— wsp 293—12- -28 434 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Center Junction. — The domestic supply of Center Junction (popu- lation, 199) is drawn from deep wells, which range from 116 to 140 feet in depth and find water in the Niagara dolomite 6 or 8 feet below the rock surface. Here, as at Onslow, a sand mixed with small gravel and reaching a thickness of 50 or 60 feet occurs beneath glacial stony clays, but, on account of difficulties in screening, wells are drilled through it into rock and are cased to a few feet below the rock surface. Langworthy. — At Langworthy (population, 100) shallow wells in sand and gravel are about 15 feet deep; drilled wells range from 50 to 200 feet. Langworthy is on low ground on the lowan drift plain and ground water stands near the surface, heading 2 to 10 feet below the curb in most wells, and in one or two overflowing. Monticello. — The city supply of Monticello (population, 2,043) was originally from an artesian well drilled in 1875, which had a depth of 1,198 feet and a diameter of 8 to 5 inches. The curb was 820 feet above sea level and the head 40 feet below the curb. The tested capacity, original, was 200 gallons a minute; about 1898, with pump cylinder set 45 feet below the curb, it was 25 gallons a minute; and with air compressor working 200 feet below the curb it was 125 gal- lons a mmute. The well was abandoned in 1900. The strata pene- trated are shown in the following table : Record of strata in Monticello city well. Pleistocene 85 feet thick; top, 820 feet above sea level: Depth in feet. Drift 60 Silurian: Niagara dolomite 180 feet thick; top, 735 feet above sea level — Dolomite, light buff 85 Dolomite, lighter in color than above, porous, sub- crystalline; some chert 100 Dolomite, gray; with chert 200 Dolomite, buff, hard, porous 235 Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (195 feet thick; top, 555 feet above sea level)— Shale, greenish, calcareous at 263 and 380 feet 380 Shale, dark brown, strongly bituminous, pyriti- ferous, slightly calcareous 420 Shale, light greenish gray, magnesian 460 Galena dolomite and Plattesville limestone (315 feet thick; top, 360 feet above sea level) — No sample 460-550 Dolomite, gray and buff; much shale powder and foreign coarse quartz sand 550 Dolomite and limestone, soft, white 615 Limestone, blue gray nonmagnesian ; in flaky chips; fossiliferous, rather soft 645 JONES COUNTY. 435 Ordovician— Continued. Depth in feet. St. Peter sandstone (25 feet thick; top, 45 feet above sea level) — Sandstone, white, grains rounded, fine 775 Prairie du Chien group (340 feet thick; top, 20 feet above sea level) — Dolomite, cream colored; some quartz sand, prob- ably from above 800 Dolomite; as above, but darker 820 Dolomite, light gray 920 Dolomite, light yellow 975 Sandstone, calciferous, or dolomite, highly arena- ceous 1, 025 Dolomite, hard, siliceous, reddish buff 1, 025 \ Sandstone, argillaceous; drillings largely coarse quartz sand, imperfectly rounded 1, 040 Dolomite, gray 1, 085 Cambrian: Jordan sandstone (58 feet penetrated ; toj?, 320 feet below sea level) 1, 140-1, 198 In 1893 the supply was found insufficient for the needs of the town and a well 120 feet deep was drilled a short distance away and con- nected with the pumps. In 1895, 250 gallons (?) per minute could be pumped from the dual supply without lowering the water. A few years later the diminishmg yield was increased by the use of an air lift which discharged from the deep well 125 gallons per minute from a depth of 200 feet, but this increase proved to be but temporary. The loss of capacity was thought to be largely due to defective casing, but on attempting to recase the well it was found that the bore hole was '^ crooked" and a 4-inch pipe could not be driven below 400 feet. As the Maquoketa shale lies at about this depth it is possible that the so-called crookedness was due to creep of the thick body of shale constricting the bore and diminishing its capacity. It is reported that no casing had been placed in the well below 105 feet. In 1902 the municipality abandoned both wells, which were situ- ated near the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway station, and found an abundant supply in a well sunk in the outskirts of town on the flood plam of Eatty Creek near its junction with the Maquoketa. This well, supplying 250 gallons per minute, is 8 inches in diameter and 219 feet deep. The water heads but 15 feet below the curb. The driller's Jog is as follows: Log of well at Monticello. Soil Sand, water bearing Clay, blue, hard Gravel of wMte flint with some water. Limestone (Niagara), water bearing.. . 436 UlSTDEEGKOUND WATEK KESOUECES OF IOWA. The water is distributed from a reservoir under gravity pressure of 65 pounds. For fire protection, direct pressure of 80 pounds is available. The system comprises 4^ miles of mains, 37 fire hydrants, and 536 taps. The depth of the well, the heavy impervious blue clay, and the casing which extends to rock, give assurance that with due care in keeping the casings intact, thus excluding all water in surface sands, the well will remain entirely safe as a city suppl}^, notwithstanding the low ground on which it is situated and the increasing settlement of the area above it. The yield from the Niagara is exceptionally large at other points in town; the capacity of the well of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, for example, which is sunk 40 feet in the Niagara, is 100 gallons a minute; but the supply near Kitty Creek is especially large because of the broad deep sag in the rock surface which under- lies the valley. In this sag the limestone is no doubt saturated with water supplied from the higher rock on either side, and perhaps from a considerable chstance to the north and the south. Olin. — Water at Olin (population, 659) is found in sands of the ancient flood plain of Wapsipinicon River on which the village is built, and in the underlying Niagara dolomite, which is reached at different depths, in places somewhat more than 100 feet. Water rises within 10 or 15 feet of the surface. ' The town is supplied from an 8-inch well 272 feet deep. Water was found in sand at 25 feet, and also in the Niagara, which was entered at 117 feet. Casing shuts out water above that of the lime- stone. Water stands at 13 feet from the surface, and the capacity of the well is 100 gallons a minute. On pumping at this rate water lowers 9 feet. There is a pneumatic storage tank. The pressure is from 45 to 80 pounds. There are 6,400 feet of mains and 16 hy- drants. Onslow. — Onslow (population, 207) is supplied by deep drilled wells, some of which are sunk in the deposits filling an ancient buried valley (p. 430). House wells find abundant water in the Niagara just beneath the drift. Rock is found at different depths from the surface, as the lowan plain on which the town is built here overlies the sloping side of a buried valley. At the south end of the village rock is found at 80 feet; 700 feet north the rock floor has descended to 137 feet and 300 feet north to 206 feet. In some of these wells as much as 70 feet of sand is found beneath heavy glacial stony clays. Oxford Junction and Oxford Milts . — The level plain adjacent to Wapsipinicon River about Oxford Junction (population, 822), and Oxford Mills (population, 233) is underlain by the Niagara dolomite, JONES COUNTY. 437 wliich comes to the surface within the limits of the former town, but is cut with deep ancient channels of the river. Thus in Oxford Mills rock occurs within 4 feet of the surface at the schoolhouse, and a block away a house well enters rock at 11 feet. Stone. — The village of Stone (population, 700), situated on the bluffs of Wapsipinicon River, depends on drilled wells for house supply. On the highest elevations wells are 265 feet in depth and water stands 190 feet from the surface. Wyoming. — The waterworks of Wyoming (population, 733) com- prise a well 78 feet deep, a storage basin, and 2 miles of mains. Water is distributed by gravity and by direct pressure of 55 pounds. There are 15 hydrants. The well is located in the valley of Beaver Creek and is sunk 41 feet into the Niagara dolomite. An 8-inch cas- ing is driven 3 feet into the tock, but is not packed. The material penetrated above the rock is river sand, deriving its water by per- colation from the surface. It may be necessary in the future to prevent the ingress of water liable to contamination by recasing the well to considerably greater depth and by very thorough packing. Water stands within 9 feet of the curb, and is not lowered by pumping 100 gallons a minute. Many house wells are used throughout the town. On the fiat land in the northern part rock is found at about the same depth from the surface as at the city well. On the hills bordering the valley, house wells enter rock after passing through 70 feet of glacial clays and obtain water in the Niagara at depths of 90 and 100 feet below the surface. WELL DATA. Information concerning typical wells in Jones County is presented in the following table: Typical wells in Jones County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Feet. Feet. 125 40 200 190 150 40 80 70 100 126 124 125 115 150 74 90 75 125 SO 220 218 200 175 ieo Source of sup- ply. Remarks (logs given in feet) . T. 86 N., R. 4 W. (Cas- tle Geove). P. Kehoe T. Cashman A. W. Cramer Geo. Henderson Wm. Henderson D. W. Cunningham J. Lukken J.M.King N. Deischer C.Pheil M. Brown N. Nichols A. B. Harms NW. iNW. isec.5. NW. Jsec. 8 SW. 1 NW. 1 sec. 14. ggc 19 N. j NW. isec!"20".V. NE. JSW. ^sec. 21. SW. iSE.isec. 25.. SE. JSW. Jsec. 29.. NW. JNW. Jsec. 29 NW. J N W. i sec. 32 SW. JSW. isec.33. NW. JNW. isec. 33, NW. 1 SW. J sec. 34. Limestone Limestone Gravel Limestone ....do Sand Blue clay to rock. Do. Ridge. Fairly level ground. All blue clay. Blue clay to sand. Mostly blue clay; one 10-foot stratum of sand. 438 UNDEEGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Typical ivells in Jones County — Continued . Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of sup ply- Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 86 N., R. 3 W. (MoN- TICELLO). R. A. Ryerson R.M. Hicks J. McNutt H. Sandhouse P. Meyer J. Joussi J. Mangold Wm. Rolston C. A. Schatz J. Voorhees Mrs. Ferring James Skelly G. H. George P. Byerly T.86N.,R. 2 W. (Rich- land). J. F. Moore Diamond Creamery Wm. Farragher T. Casper M.Allen John Shover T.85N.,R.4W. (Cass), E.Head Mrs. Mayberry A. B. Harms Norman Clark Colton Geo. Watt H. C. Thompson P. Osborne L. H. Darrow John Gerdes A. C. Stickle J. J. Richards George Ketcham R. Stout P. Berryman L. Hartman T. Deming T.Foley T. 85 N., R. 3 W (Wayne). R. Batchellor Langworthy Creamery... H. Himebaugh A. B. Jacobs , S. Woster T.H.Dunn , H.M. Dirks Noah Bigly , William Helgens.. A. G. Zimmerman SE.JNE. Jsec. 1... NW. iNE. J sec. 2.. NW. iNW. isec. 2. W. 4SW. Jsec. 5 NE.'i NE. Jsec. 6... NE. iSW. Jsec. 6... SW. iNW. Jsec. 8.. SW. i NW. I sec. 14. NE. JNE. 1 sec. 15.. SE. iNE. isec. 17.. SW. iSW. isec. 16.. SW. JSE. isec. 22.. SE.iSE. isec. 27..., NW. i NE. i sec. 29. SW. iSE.isec.5... NW. iNE. isec. 19. SE.iSW. isec.l7.. N. ASW. isec. 19... SE.'iSE.isec. 20... E.4SW. isec. 20... SE.iSE. isec. 30... SW. iSW. isec. 1.. SW. iSE.isec. 1... SW. iSW. isec. 2.. SW. iNE. isec. 2.. SE.iSE. isec. 3.... NW. iSW. isec. 3.. SE. isec. 5 NW. iNW. isec. 10 NW.iNE.isec.il. SW. iNW. isec.l3. SE. iNE. isec. 15.- SW. i NW. i sec. 20. SE. iNE. isec. 22.. NE. isec. 24 N. ASW. isec. 25... SE.iSE. isec. 28... SE.iNW. isec. 36.. NW. iNE. isec. 36. SE.iNE. isec. 7. Langworthy SE.iSW. isec. 10... SE.iSE. isec. 12... SE.iSW. isec. 18.. NE.iSW. isec. 19.. NW. i SW. i sec. 20. NW. iSW. isec. 21... SW. iNW. isec. 22... SW. iSW. isec. 22... Feet. 95 180 85 85 105 220 85 55 150 100 119 100 100 150 280 60 100 150 401 219 100 220 185 177 280 200 185 97 160 180 136 185 54 144 127 200 203 200 257 130 120 100 180 240 320 250 100 190 Feet. 10 5 65 15 20 40 15 40 10 200 170 157 260 190 155 60 140 180 104 161 17 93 167 107 197 240 100 20 170 230 300 Limestone ---.do Limestone ...-do -.-.do ---.do Limestone .--.do Sand Limestone -.-.do .--.do Limestone. do do do Sand. River bottom. Do. Hilly ground from river. River bottom. back Across road from Rols- ton well. Dirt, 20; sand, 99. River bottoms. Creek bottoms. Rock; yellow clay, 50. Ions per minute. Clay, 20; limestone, 365; shale, 16. Started in a spring. Sand, 25. Hill. Sand. Do. Do. Much blue clay in lo- cality. Rather low ground. Nearly 100 feet of quicksand on rock. Heads 11 feet above curb. Blueclay, 100; sand, 30. Flowing well; blueclay and sand in alternate strata, 100; rock with water, 20. Yellow clay, 20; sand. Sand and blue clay to rock. From 120 to 190 feet sand; a well on same section, 306 feet to rock, has 100 feet of sand. Blue clay, 50; sand, 30; rock, 20. Blue clay, 100; sand, 90. JONES COUNTY. Typical wells in Jones County — Continued . 439 Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Feet. 170 185 Feet. 160 184 245 200 300 299 200 175 420 415 330 300 328 300 280 320 250 320 245 225 320 225 225 50 170 315 280 213 18 9 34 16 210 120 120 240 110 250 235 100 240 280 260 160 100 111 148 45 100 398 391 311 311 44 10 130 226 123 221 Source of sup- ply- Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 85 N., R. 3 W (Wayne)— Contd. J. H. Hoyen A. Balster H. S. Hartman J. Cunningliam... Aug. Toenges William Rilken... J. Dorsey WilUam Stout. . . . A. B. Hungerford Bigler G. E. Strawman.. J. Schron Amker Creamery. T.85N.,R.2W.(SC0TCH Grove). P. E. Preibilbis A. O. Preibilbis , David Sutherland A. G. Haukea , J. Sutherland P. Kahns R. Williamson R. Livingston. Wm. Mclntyre Wm. Leech... S. Walworth. . G. Overly Elmer Overly. Scotch Grove Creamery . . R, Gunn W. H. Chatterton. SE.JSE.Jsec. 23.. NE. JSE. J sec. 24. NE.J-SW. Asec.26... SE.iSE. isec. 27. SW. iNE.Jsec. 28.. NE.iSW. isec. 29.. SE. iNW. Isec. 29.. S W. i NW. i sec. 30 . NW. iSE.Jsec. 30.. SW. 1 SE. isec. 31. SW. isec. 32 SE. iNE. isec. 33.. Amker. SE.i-NW.isec. 11..-. NE.iNW.isec.ll(?) NW.iNW.isec. 14... NE. iNE. isec. 23.... NW. iNE. isec. 25.. - SW.iSW.isec.27.... SE.iSW.isec.28.. SE.iNW.isec.29. SE. iNE. isec. 31. NW.iNW.isec. 33.. SW.iNE.isec.33... NW. iNE. isec. 34.. SW. iNE. isec. 36... 2 miles east of Center Junction. 2 miles east of Center Junction. Scotch Grove. Limestone. Gravel. White flint. Limestone . SW.iSW.isec.19... SE.iSW.isec.20... Soft 1 i m e- stone. Blue clay with sand streaks 6 and 8 feet thick, 144; gravel; hard clay, 40; rock, 1. Yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 180; limestone and shale in alternate layers about 5 feet thick, 35; limestone with water, 10. Blue clay; sand and gravel; gravel 30 feet thick on rock. Drill dropped 12 inches in rock cavity. Ridge. Yellow clay, 50; remainder sand and blue clay to rock. Yellow clay, 30; blue clay, 160; quicksand with water, 130; lime- stone, 8. High ground. Yellow clay, 60; blue clay and streaks of sand, 175. Yellow clay, 15; sand, 65; hard blue clay; River bottoms. Bluff. Do. Do. Heads 11 feet below curb. Blue clay to rook. Level groimd. Much sand. Blue clay to rock. Sand and blue clay; sand quicksand above growing coarser toward bottom. "Surface," 15; "hard- pan," 135; sand, 98; clay, 12; rock, 20. Low ground near creek; heads 4 feet above curb. Blue clay, 40; sand and gravel, 45; clay, 15; rock, 11. Surface soil, hardpan, sand, old wood, 4; clay rock. In same locaUty wells of Mrs. Van Slyke, 325 feet deep. 317 feet to rock and Wm. Alex- ander, 348 feet deep, 300 feet to rock. 100 feet "hardpan"; 121 feet sand to rock. 440 TJNDEEGKOUND WATER RESOUECES OF IOWA. Typical xoells in Jones County — ^Continued. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of sup- ply- Remarks (logs given in feet). T.85N.,R. 2 W. (Scotch Gkove)— Continued. Neelans T. MacManus R. Haynor Carstens Oar J. Russell Mrs. MacMasters T.84N.,R. 4 W. (Faik- VIEW). L. J. Adair Wm. Bromley.. James Shonflin . Robt. Lister M. Wagener. A. Alspaugh Edward Grimm. . . J. Joslin J. Meeks — Ercanbrack . Allen Stone T. Helberg J. Dumont J. Underwood . Daniel Joslyn. S. E. Bills T. 84 N., R. 3 W. (Jack- son). Frank McNeely P. Cheshire W. Johnson Melvin Strawman. H. Mowerv. J. L. Brown Frank Barly, sr. John McNeely. . Creamery LHay Ben Johnston. T.84N.,R.2W. (Madi- son). J. F. Brown Carlston Kettleson . John McDonald. M. O. Felton..., F. Baily J. V. Smith. G. H. Simpson. B. C. Bromwell SE.iSE.isec.20.. NE.iNE.isec.21. NE.iSW.isec.23.. NW.isec.28 SW.iNE.isec.29.. SW.iNE.isec.31.. SW.iNW.J-sec.32. SW.JNE.i-sec. 1.. SE.iNE.isec. 2. . NW.iNE.Jsec.3. NW.JNE.Jsec.5. SW.isec.9 SW.iSW.Jsec. 15.. NW.i-NE.isec. 16. SW.iNW.isec.22. SW.iNW.isec.24. SE.isec.25 NE.iSE.isec.25.. NE.iNE.isec.27.. SW.iSW.isec.29.. SW.iNE.isec.33.. NE.iSE.isec.35.. SW.iSE.isec.36.. SE.iSE.isec. 1. SW.iSW.isec. 3. NE.iNW.isec.4. NW.iNE.isec.5. NW. iSW. isec. 6.. NE.iNE.isec.il. Sec. 12 NE.iNE.isec. 12. See. 13 NE.iNE.isec. 17. NE.iSE.isec. 19. NE.iSW.isec. 6. SW.isec.7 NW.iNW.isec.8. SW. isec. 11 Center sec. 13 NE.iNE.isec. 13... NW.iNW.isec. 14. NE.iNW. isec. 17. SE.iSE.isec. 20... Feet. 156 205 282 156 130 85 115 165 124 131 215 175 190 142 134 202 188 152 96 70 100 Feet. 150 2 20 150 20 15 2 139 123 91 100 70 52 109 142 128 40 51 290 260 270 143 213 238 160 85 112 245 322 214 324 190 135 120 235 317 Limestone . 289 200 130 262 Gravel . 229 153 210 320 Sand and gravel. Gravel . 30 230 310 5-foot crevice full of water with strong current. Mostly sand to rock. High ridge, nearly all yellow clay to rock. Nearly all yellow clay to rock. 60 to 90 feet clean clay "river sand." Heads 127 feet below curb. 100 feet quick- sand on rock. Yellow clay, 30; stony clay, 110; sand, 100; cemented sand and gravel, 22; rock, 8. Blue clay; quicksand, 30; cemented gravel, 4; rock. Top of ridge. Heads 198 feet below curb. All blue clay to rock. Heads 115 feet below curb. Ridge. Heads 125 feet below curb. Sand at 200 feet; much sand on ridge. Much sand. Heads 177 feet below curb. "Surface," 15; hard blue clay, 25; sand and gravel, 10; hard- pan, 50; sand, 30; clay, 2; rock, 3. "Surface," 10; yellow clay and ' ' hardpan ' ' ; clear sand and gravel 225. Not 50 feet above Bear Creek. LINN COUNTY. Typical toells in Jones Counii/— Continued. 441 Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of sup- ply- Remarks (logs given in feet). T.84N.,R.2AV. (Madi- son)— Continued. J. S. Bromwell NE.iNE.isec.22.... NE.iSE.isec.23.... SW.iNE.isec. 25.... NW.iNW.isec.27... NE.iNW.isec.29.-. SE.iNE.isec.5 Feet. 240 211 165 63 280 Feet. 230 205 160 20 275 80 30 65 70 15 50 202 68 32 53 80 J. L. Finch J. Thompson Sand and gravel to rock. Greek b ot- toms. T.84N.,R.1W.( Wyo- ming). J. Corbit Mostly blue hardpan. Israel Edwards Sec. 11 120 116 162 88 170 214 98 62 86 86 100 132 216 131 159 210 60 76 61 179 78 200 45 160 163 72 42 160 150 J. F. Allen SW.iSW.isec. 13.... E.J sec. 23 Peter Kegly Sec. 24 Hill. J. W. Kegly Sec. 24 T.83N.;R.4W.(Green- field). Geo. Lamb NW.iSE.isec.l SE.iNW.isec.3 SE.iNW.isec.4 NW.iNE.isec.5 NW.iNW.isec.6.... NE.iNW.isec.lO... NE.iSW.isec.l2.... NW.iSE.isec.6..-- NE.iNE.isec.7 SW.iNW.isec.8.... SE.iNW.isec. 10.... SE.iSW.isec. 13..-. SW.iSW.isec. 14.... NW.iSW.4sec.l7... SW.iNW.isec.25... SW.iSW.isec. 36..-. SE.iSW.isec. 1 NW.iNW.isec.7.... SW.iSW.isec. 13.... SE.iSE.isec. 16 SW.iSW.isec. 20.... NW.iSW.isec.22-.. SW.iNE.isec.24--.- NW.iNW.isec.27... All clay to rock. Nearly all sand. Ra- vine. F. B. Hakes J.Ellison J. H. Armstrong Low ground. Wm. Breeds Yellow clay, 20; blue clay to rock. A. D. MacCanahy 99 132 195 95 158 T.83N.,R.3W.(ROME). Jane Gauser R.J. Boots Water heard running H. P. Famham in vein. S. Strong 80 Soil, 4; yellow clay, 71; B. A.Jeffries 12 50 32 70 36 70 20 70 100 26 23 no blue clay. First rock hard gray Thrapp flint underlain with soft porous limestone. Plenty of water. W. R. Vernon Heads 59 feet below J. Rummel curb. Heads 48 feet below T.83N.,R.2W.(Hall). Murray Bros curb. B. Sherman P. W.Mitchell W. &L. Ghck Heads 30 feet below curb. B. Meyers 70 145 G. A. Phillips LINN COUNTY. By W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. The salient topographic features of Linn County are two long belts of dissected upland, consisting of loess and Kansan drift, coincident in the main with the courses of Cedar and Wapsipmicon rivers and hence traversmg the county diagonally from northwest to southeast. Thes^ ridges rise 60 to 100 feet above the bordering drift plains and 442 UNDEEGROUISTD WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. as much as 200 feet above the streams which cleave them. In, places they close in on the rivers from either side and leave but narrow rock- bound gorges for the pathways of the streams, and for long stretches they draw back, leaving space for alluvial plains 1 to 2 miles wide. Here and there the upland disappears on one or both sides of the rivers and the lowan drift plain comes down to the immediate valley of the stream. The remainder of the county is occupied by the plam of lowan drift. To the north of the Kansan upland bordering the Wapsipinicon lies a drift prairie, the only village upon it within the limits of the county being fitly named Prairieburg. To the south of the upland of Cedar River is an area of lowan drift prairie fluted with numerous loess- capped elliptical hills, called paha, which rise in places as much as 120 feet above the adjacent stream ways and whose major axes bear north- west and southeast. The surface is here further diversified by the wide and ancient channel now held by Prairie Creek. Fairfax and Ely are the villages of this area. Between the two river ridges lies a broad plain of lowan drift, on which are built Walker, Center Point, Marion, Springville, Mount Vernon, Lisbon, and several villages. The valleys of a number of southward-flowing creeks trench the prairie to a depth of from 40 to 60 feet. Paha are generally absent from the area except about its margins. Southeast of Springville, however, the plain is divided by a belt of hilly country with pahoid crests, leaving on either side an undulating prairie 3 or 4 miles wide. GEOLOGY. The uplands of the county are mantled, in some places to a depth of 40 feet, with loess, a yellow silt distinguished by the driller from the yellow stony clays beneath by its freedom from pebbles and by its darker and duller tint. The lowan drift, which covers the prairies with its brownish pebbly sands and light yellow till, is too thin to be of importance in this inquiry. The Kansan drift sheet underlies the entire county. To it belong most of the blue and yellow stony clays which the driller finds everywhere. In places the Nebraskan drift is indicated by a dark till, separated from the overlying Kansan by old soils (Af tonian) . In the eastern part of the county the drift rests on the Niagara dolomite — a coarsely granular, crystallme, buff or blue-gray dolo- mite — which presents two phases. The first, the so-called "lime rock," seen at Viola and at the palisades near Mount Vernon, occurs in massive lenses 80 feet thick, almost destitute of structure planes, and also in highly tilted layers which afford easy descent for ground waters. The second phase, a buff, granular, finely laminated stone, is used extensively as a building stone; the strata are approximately LINN" COUNTY. 443 horizontal and the jomts and numerous beddmg planes and porous layers offer ready passageways for the water. In the central and western parts of the county (PI. XI) the drift rests on strata of Devonian age, of which two formations have been distinguished. The upper, a yellowish limestone, in places highly fossiliferous, is known as the Cedar Valley limestone. The lower is an assemblage of strata, chiefly limestones, called the Wapsipinicon lime- stone, which includes a number of members to which names have been given by the Iowa State Survey from places of outcrop in tliis or adjoining counties. At the base of the Wapsipinicon is a soft, granular magnesian limestone (Coggon beds of Iowa Survey) somewhat resem- bling the Niagara, on which it rests. Next in ascending order is a variable brown or drab limestone, in places flinty (Otis beds of Iowa Survey), succeeded by a series of shales and shaly limestones, nor- mally blue but locally black with carbonaceous content, and even containing thin discontinuous seams of coal, to which the Iowa State Survey has given the name Kenwood beds but which are considered as the equivalent of the Independence shale member of Buchanan County. In the latter beds much fhnt is contained in concretionary masses. Upon them lies a heavy bed of broken or brecciated limestone made up of angular fragments (the Upper Davenport and Lower Davenport beds of the Iowa Survey), which may even embrace some of the underlying beds and in places include some of the lower beds of the overlying Cedar Valley limestone. In small areas in the county the bedrock is a sandstone or coaly shale belonging to the Pennsylvanian series. The limestones of the Devonian are exceptionally soluble because of their slight magnesian content, and contain many water passages and some crevices where the drill drops slightly and in which running water is found. As the "Kenwood beds" (Independence shale mem- ber) are more or less clayey, they serve to arrest the descent of ground water and to impound it witliin the overljdng limestones as in a reservoir. In Otter Creek, Wasliington, Spring Grove, and Fayette townships drillers report beds of "soapstone" which are referable to the Independence member. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE AND DISTRIBUTION. On the broad flood plain of Cedar River open and driven weUs 15 to 30 feet deep obtain an abundant supply of water in river-laid sands and gravels. About the margin of the lowan drift the loess graduates downward by interstratification into yeUow sands, which furnish small supplies 444 UN-DEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUKCES OF IOWA., for house and farm wells in the areas bordering paha hills and the Kansan upland, and in some of the towns of the county bring ground water into the cellars of houses located on the flanks of loess-capped liills. The lower portion of the loess, wliich is in many places gray or ashen in color, may become so saturated with water as to form a quicksand in railway cuts and other excavations, and may afford a scanty and inconstant supply for shallow wells. The loess and its basal sands are poor aquifers. The loess is thick upon the summits of the uplands and of the paha liills; but these uplands are deeply dissected and water readily drains out, leaving little stored for the supply of wells; and where the land is low and comparatively level, the loess is either so thin as to be negligible, or is wholly wanting. Wells sunk in loess should, if possible, be located where the subsurface seepage follows along channels cut in the Kansan drift, as, for example, near the foot of a large ravine or where several ravines converge. Beds of sand and gravel occur in the drift clays and may sepa- rate the upper weathered zone of yellow stony clay from the blue unweathered till beneath. The sands immediately beneath the yellow tills may yield small supplies of water, but as a rule wells are compelled to seek deeper aquifers, which may occur in sands and gravels (Aftonian) lying beneath the Kansan drift sheet, in lenses of sand in either of the older drifts, or in gravels lying on bedrock. The gravels above bedrock are in some places found oxidized and even cemented to a hardpan through the seepage of water, wlrile the overlying till retains its normal bluish color. On the lowan drift plain ground water stands high wherever porous beds capable of storing and transmitting water are found near the surface, but even here impervious tliick beds of stony clay may force the owners of wells to drill deep to find water in adequate amounts in interglacial and preglacial sands or in the rock. On the uplands of loess and Kansan drift in the immediate Adcinity of the rivers and creeks the ground-water surface approaches the level of its outlets at the water level of the streams, and wells are necessarily deep. In general, all these Pleistocene beds have been decreasing in value as water bearers, owing both to the progressive lowering of ground water since the settlement of the country and to the continued increase in the drafts upon them. Old soils and accumulations of wood which affect the quality of well water are reported from some wells, but are relatively so few that they do not seem referable to any special horizon. Thus, in sees. 10 and 11 of Washington Township dug wells encounter at about 60 feet from the bottom deposits of wood, like driftwood, with some logs said to show marks of beaver cutting. The forest bed here occurs beneath blue clay which extends upward to within a few feet of the surface, yellow till being absent. LINISr COUNTY. 445 The Niagara dolomite is one of the cliief aquifers of the county. The towns of Mount Vernon and Lisbon draw from it their town sup- ply, and farm wells tap it over all the eastern townships of the county. The formation measures more than 300 feet in thickness and rests upon the tliick and impervious Maquoketa shale wliich effectually prevents any leakage of ground water downward. In the central and western parts of the county the westward dip of the Niagara carries it beneath overlying Devonian strata along a sinuous line extending south from Coggon to near Bertram, and the formation carries with it the ground water received on its broad area ^f outcrop. The lower argillaceous beds of the Devonian here to a large extent prevent upwa,rd leakage from the artesian pressure to which the water of the Niagara is subjected. Wells sunk into the Niagara in tlie central and western townships of the county have fair prospects of obtaining a bountiful supply of water, although in this, as in all other limestone formations, it is never certain that the drill will strike one of the water channels of the rock. BURIED CHANNELS. Some exceptionally deep wells in drift indicate ancient channels excavated in rock in interglacial or preglacial time and later filled with deposits of ground moraine or outwash sands. Thus a belt of "deep country" where a number of wells in drift exceed 275 and 300 feet in depth extends north from Prairieburg to the Delaware County line, embracing sees. 2, 10, 11, 15, 22, and 28 of Bowlder Township. Tliis channel is probably a continuation of that of vfestern Jones County. In several places farm wells have disclosed such buried channels which can not be traced across the country with the little data at hand. Thus 3 miles west of Mount Vernon (SE. J SE. I sec. 12, T. 82 N., R. 6 W.) the following well section is reported. It will be noticed that the depth at which rock was reached is 110 feet below low water in the Cedar River and nearly 100 feet below its rock- cut bed. Section oftvell 3 miles vjest of Mount Vernon {PL XI, p. 382). Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. 14 14 48 62 6 68 66 134 8 142 63 205 6 211 Clay, yellow Clay, hard, blue, pebbly. Soil, dark, and wood Clay, blue, stony , Sand and gravel , Clay, blue, stony River sand to rock 446 UNDEEGKOUND WATEK KESOUKCES OF IOWA. In the northern part of the county (NW. i sec. 17, T. 86 N., R. 6 W.) another buried channel shows the following section : Section of well in northern part of Linn County. Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. 19 19 4 23 190 213 13 226 12 238 3 241 Soil and clay, yellow, pebbly Sand, yellow Clay, blue; changeable from hard to soft every few feet. Sand, fine, white Sand, coarser, with wood Gravel, coarse In towns, house wells are so closely spaced that even narrow gorges cut in rock can be discovered and traced. At Lisbon, where the rock outcrops or is found within 6 to 24 feet of the surface, a gorge half a mile long, 115 feet deep, and about 18 rods wide extends through the town. The drift, which completely fills this ancient channel, leaving no surface indication of it, consists of yellow and blue clays with some beds of gravel. At Central City an old channel of Wapsipinicon River is disclosed by wells on the east side of the village. It is separated from the present channel by a rocky elevation that comes within a very few feet of the surface of the low plain on which the village stands. The channel, which is filled with yellow sand, is 96 feet deep, or 60 feet below water in the river. In Cedar Rapids, on the west side of the river, a buried channel 60 feet deep extends parallel to the river and separated from the present rock-cut bed of the stream by limestone rising nearly to the level of the low, broad flood plain on which this portion of the city is built. SPRINGS. No marked spring horizons are found in Linn County, for in it there are no outcropping planes of contact of limestones with under- lying thick and persistent shales. The most important sj^rings are those which form the main supply of the town of Marion. (See p. 449.) Other springs rise from the Devonian along its outcrops on the valley sides of Cedar River north of Cedar Rapids, and still others along the Wapsipinicon from Central City to Troy Mills, but few, if any, are strong enough to yield a stream of any size. Springs from the Niagara are found in many localities over the outcrop of that formation. Thus the springs in Spring Hollow, at the summer resort of the Palisades of Cedar River, rise from the base of cliffs of the Niagara. A large spring from the same formation is that of Granger, on Wapsipinicon River, 2 miles northwest of Central City. The large spring which supplies Lisbon may in part draw its waters from the Niagara. LINN COUNTY. 447 Small springs and seepages occur in large numbers where the valleys transect the porous sands and gravels of the drift. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Cedar Rapids. — The public supply of Cedar Rapids (population 32,811) is drawn from Cedar River and from three artesian wells located 100 to 200 feet apart at the apices of a triangle. (See PL XI.) The total capacity of the works is 10,000,000 gallons daily and the consumption is 2,500,000 gallons. The domestic pressure is 60 pounds and the fire pressure 130 pounds. There are 53 miles of mains, 4,200 taps, and 310 fire hydrants. The wells are described as follows : The waterworks well No. 1 has a depth of 2,225 feet and a diameter of 5 inches. The curb is 733 feet above sea level. The original head was 28 feet above the curb and the original discharge 250 gal- lons a minute; the present bead is 2 feet above the curb and the present discharge 150 gallons a minute. First water was from 85 feet and first flow from 1,050 feet; water was also found at 1,300 to 1,450 feet and at 2,000 feet. The well was completed in 1888 at a cost of $6,065 by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. Corroded casing was drawn in 1893. In 1894 th'^ well was reamed to 8 inches to a depth of 1,450 feet and plugged there to shut off a lower salty and corrosive water; no increase in flow resulted. The following record of strata is based on only 25 samples, and its accuracy is, therefore, open to question: Record of strata of waterworks well No. 1, at Cedar Rapids (PL XI, p. 382). Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. 10 10 40 50 85 135 40 175 65 240 60 300 30 330 20 350 25 375 45 420 200 620 295 915 5 920 65 985 1 986 50 1,036 114 1,150 270 1,420 88 1,508 42 1,550 140 1,690 100 1,790 IGO 1,950 200 2,150 75 2,225 Alluvium Limestone, Ught buff, rather soft, magnesian, and gray, very hard, nonmagne- sian, compact; somewhat fragmental in structure Limestone, gray, sparry, subcrystalhne Limestone, moderately hard, Ught buff, magnesian Dolomite, pink, minutely vesicular, subcrystalline Dolomite, bright buff, porous Dolomite, hard, Ught gray, porous Dolomite, light yellow; coarser grained than that above Dolomite, hard, light gray, subcrystalline; some white chert Dolomite , yellowish; like above but softer Shale, fine, bluish green, calcareous, magnesian Limestone, magnesian and nonmagnesian Shale Sandstone, sUghtly bluish or greenish gray; grains of quartz rounded; consider- able calcareous powder; some gray shale Shale, dark colored Sandstone; clean, white grains, rounded and somewhat uniform in size Dolomite, light gray, rather hard, arenaceous, fine textured; much finely lam- inated green shale Dolomite, gray; with chert, white, and quart zose sand Sandstone; fine, white, rounded grains with much finely comminuted quartz and many small angular fragments of white dolomite Sandstone, fine, yellowish , water bearing Sandstone, with slight admixture of calcareous powder Shale, tough and hard; small amount of very fine siUceous particles and some dolomite Sandstone; light, reddish grains largely angular; some with crystalline facets Sandstone, cream colored, very fine grained Quartzite, reddish brown; grains angular; rock drilled with great difiiculty 448 UNDEEGKOUND WATEK EESOUECES OF IOWA. The waterworks well No. 2 has a depth of 1,450 feet and a diameter of 5 inches; cased to 85 feet. The curb is 733 feet above sea level. The original head was 28 feet above the curb; present head, 2 feet above the curb. The original discharge was 250 gallons a minute; present discharge, 150 gallons a minute. Water comes from depths of 485 feet, 1,050 feet, and 1,300 to 1,450 feet. Temperature, 62° F. The well was completed in 1888, at a cost of $3,205, by J. P. Miller & Co., of Cliicago. Waterworks well No. 3 is of the same dimensions as well No. 2. It is not now used. The Young Men's Cliristian Association well has a depth of 1,462 feet and a diameter of 5 inches. The curb is 733 feet above sea level and the original head is 2^ feet above the curb. It was at first cased to a depth of 1,372 feet, but as a large part of the flow was thus shut off the casing was drawn and the well left cased to 85 feet. The well was completed in 1894 by A. K. Wallen, of Ottawa, 111. The following record of strata is based on a large number of drill- ings taken at frequent mtervals. Unfortunately, samples were not saved for the first 90 feet, within which space the drill must have passed through the lowest beds of the Devonian system. Record of strata of Young Men's Christian Association well at Cedar Rapids. Thickness. Depth. Devonian (95 feet tliick; top, 733 feet abo.ve sea level) — No samples ; Nonmagnesian limestone, dark, slate-colored; in chips: argillaceous, hard, compact, subconchoidal fracture; pyritiferous; showing junction surfaces with green clay; smaller chips of light buff magnesian limestone; not porous; earthy luster; green clay Silurian: Niagara dolomite (349 feet thick; top, 63S feet above sea level) — Magnesian limestone, or dolomite, light buff; slightly vesicular, earthy luster; samples at 95, 105, 115 feet Dolomites, buff, pinkish, and gray; mostly vesicular, suberystalline and sub translucent; 17 samples ." Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (276 feet thick; top, 289 feet aT)ove sea level)— Dolomite, hard, gray, argillaceous; with argillaceous powder Shale, bluish; intercalated limestones at 525, 565, and 595 feet; 7 samples. Galena dolomite and Platteville limestone (305 feet thick; top, 13 feet above sea level)— Dolomites, rough, hard; 6 samples Limestones, magnesian, some cherty; 8 samples : Limestones; briskly effervescent, earthy; in flaky chips; bluish gray Shale and limestone, brown, petroliferous Shale, blue. Limestone, bluish gray; in flaky chips; briskly effervescent; samples at 990 and 1,000 feet. St. Peter sandstone (20 feet thick; top, 292 feet below sea level) — Sandstone; of clean, white quartz sand; grains rounded and ground Prairie du Chien group (355 feet thick; top, 312 feet below sea level)— Shakopee dolomite (125 feet thick) — Dolomite, gray, cherty; samples at 1,045, 1,080, 1,100, and 1,115 feet.. Dolomite, arenaceous; in fine buff dolomitic powder with some quartzose grains New Richmond sandstone (55 feet thick) — Sandstone; in fine, light yellow quartz sand of angular grains; some dolomite; 3 samples. . . ". Oneota dolomite- Dolomite, gray; 12 samples; at 1,240 and 1,380 feet arenaceous Cambrian: Jordan sandstone (62 feet penetrated; top, 667 feet below sea level)— Sandstone: clean white quartz sand similar to the St. Peter, but coarser; 4 samples; at 1,435 feet slightly calciferous Feet. 25 324 270 65 135 15 15 40 Feet. 120 444 450 720 785 920 935 950 990 1,025 1,045 1,130 1,170 1,225 1,400 1,462 LINlSr COUNTY. 449 This section indicates that the lower strata of water-works well No. 1 may be correlated as follows : St. Lawrence formation, 1,462 (?) to 1,790 feet; earlier Cambrian, 1,790 to 2,150 feet; Algonkian (?) quartzite, 2,150 to 2,225 feet. A number of moderately deep wells, such as those of the gas com- pany, the starch works, and the Montrose Hotel, draw an excellent supply of water from the Niagara. The well at Montrose Hotel is 8 inches in diameter and 235 feet deep. Water heads 11 feet below the curb and can be lowered but 7 feet by pumping. The well is cased to rock about 30 feet below the level of the street. An older well, 95 feet deep, yielded a wholly insufficient supply. Central City. — At Central City (population, 558) the St. Peter sandstone will be found at about 75 feet above sea level or 912 feet below the surface. Possibly this sandstone, together with the water of such veins as might be struck in the Niagara and Galena, would furnish a supply ample for the town at present. Otherwise the well should be sunk about 400 feet deeper, or. to a total depth of about 1,300 feet. Coggon. — ^Water is supplied to Coggon (population, 471) by a well and pumped to an elevated tank affording a gravity pressure of 43 pounds. There are 3,000 feet of mains and nine hydrants. Lisbon. — At Lisbon (population, 848) a spring whose water issues from Niagara dolomite, near the head of a ravine in the northwestern part of town, is pumped to a standpipe. The domestic pressure is 45 pounds and the fire pressure 100 pounds. There are 16 hydrants and 1| miles of mains. Marion. — ^Water for Marion (population, 4,400) is obtained from four large springs, supplemented for fire protection by water from Indian Creek. Four springs — the Bowman, Lower Bowman, Davis, and Riley — are inclosed in stone reservoirs with roofed superstructures and screened openings. They flow 3,000,000 gallons a day from near the base of the Wapsipinicon limestone. The pressure is direct, the domestic being 60 pounds and the fire pressure from 80 to 120 pounds. There are 15 miles of mains, 73 hydrants, and 1,000 taps. The supply from the springs far exceeds the maximum daily consumption. The record of the Cedar Rapids deep wells indicate approximately the prospects for such wells at Marion. Allowing for the difference in elevation and the dip of the strata, a well about 1,500 feet deep would obtain water which would not flow, but wliich should rise nearly to the surface. Mount Vernon. — The water supply of Mount Vernon (population, 1,532) is drawn from a well 328 feet deep, ending near the base of the Niagara dolomite. (See PI. XL) The yield is augmented from 36581°— wsp 293—12 29 450 UlSTDERGKOUND WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. surface gravels whose waters are admitted to the well, so that pump- ing draws the water down in adjacent shallow wells. The well entered rock at 10 feet and the principal supply is said to have been found at 160 feet. Water rises within 6 feet of the curb. The water is distributed under direct pressure and from a standpipe ; the pressure varies, according to location, from 45 to 80 pounds. There are 2f miles of mains, 42 hydrants, and 275 taps. The con- sumption is estimated at 25,000 gallons daily. A statement of the artesian conditions at Mount Vernon was pre- pared by W. H. Norton several years ago, when the city waterworks were built, but was not acted on, as the supply obtained by the city well was considered sufficient. The advisability of a deep well has been again raised, however, as a supply for Cornell College and especially for the swimming pool of the new gymnasium. At Mount Vernon (elevation, 843 feet) the drill will find below the country rock (Niagara) 250 feet or more of a dry shale — the Maquo- keta. This shale rests on a series of dolomites and limestones with some shales, aggregating 300 feet or more in thickness and known as Galena dolomite, Decorah shale, and Platteville hmestone. The St. Peter sandstone will be struck somewhere between 100 and 250 feet below sea level, the exact position being doubtful because of the strong upwarp of the strata whose axis probably lies east of the town, (PI. XI). It is probable that the effect of the uplift extends as far west as Mount Vernon, and the St. Peter is expected to occur nearer the first-mentioned than the last-mentioned depth. The water from the St. Peter and such as may be found in the superior limestones may be found adequate for the college needs. The water will be of good quality and should rise within 50 to 100 feet of the level of the surface at the railway station. A deep well for city supply should be drilled to a depth of 400 or 500 feet below the St. Peter sandstone to obtain the much greater yields of the water-bearing strata underlying that terrane. To tap the Prairie du Cliien and the Jordan aquifers, a well need not exceed 1,600 feet in depth, and a depth of 1,400 feet would probably suffice if the St. Peter lies as high as there is some reason to suppose. The well should be so located as to avoid all ground-water drainage lines passing through the town through surface sands and gravels, and should be so cased as absolutely to exclude such waters. S'pnngville. — The water supply of Springville (population, 588) is drawn from a well of which no report has been obtained. The gravity pressure from standpipe is 62 pounds and the direct fire pressure is 120 pounds. There are nine hydrants and 1 mile of mains. Walker. — Artesian wells at Walker (population, 517) should find the St. Peter sandstone about 965 feet below the surface or 75 feet below sea level. From 540 to 310 feet above sea level (350 to 580 LINN COUlSrTY. 451 feet below the surface) the drill would pass through dry shales (Maquoketa) which should be cased. Water would probably be found in small quantities in the Devonian and SUurian limestones, which overlie these shales, and in the Galena and Platteville lime- stones which underlie them. Probably sufficient water could be found in the St. Peter for the present needs of the town, but if not, the well should be carried to about 1,400 feet below the surface to tap the large stores of the Prairie du Chien group and the Jordan sand- stone. The water will not flow at the surface, as the head in the St. Peter sandstone can hardly be higher than 100 feet below the surface. The upper limestone waters will probably rise higher. Minor supplies. — Details of water supplies of minor towns and villages are given in the following table: Village supplies in Linn County. Town. Nature of supply. Depth. Depth to water- bed. Head below curb. Alburnett. . . Bertram Center Pomt Ely Fairfax Norway Paralta Prairieburg. Palo Viola Drilled wells Drilled and driven wells Drilled wells Open, drilled, and driven wells. No report Drilled wells Wells and cisterns Drilled wells Driven wells Drilled wells and cisterns Feet. 55-100 23-124 15-175 17- 48 Feet. 15-130 20 150-400 25- 50 13-140 18- 24 30- 85 100 "26' Feet. 12- 75 30- 50 10+ 10- 95 3-100 WELL DATA. The following table gives data, largely gathered by the late Dr. M. J. lorns, of the Department of Agriculture, of typical wells in Linn County: Wells in Linn County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to water supply. Source of supply. Head above or below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 86 N., R. 5 W. (Bowlder). T.Cushman L. Gehringer A. McDonald SE. I SE. i sec. 1. SW. Jsec. 2 Feet. 160 Feet. 160 270 160 159 20 150 160 Feet. 155 Sand on rock. Feet. SE.isec.4 SE. 1 NW. 1 SE.JSE.isec.S NE. i NE. 1 sec. 9. SE. JSE. isec. 10. 160 160 45 170 160 L. McEvoy. Limestone -60 All yellow and blue E.G. Bebb clay; no sand. D.Carr Limestone All clav; 10 feet of D. Hennessy red sticky clay (geest) on rock. 452 UNDEEGEOUND WATER EESOURCES OF IOWA. Wells in Linn County — Continued. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to water supply. Source of supply. Head above or below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 86 N., R. 5 W. (Bowlder)— Con. S. McAleer SW.ISW. Isec. 12. NW. 1 sec. 11... Feet. 160 Feet. 308 130 160 160 160 160 40 95 140 130 70 145 100 180 180 313 240 125 150 80 Feet. 125 Sandstone Feet. D. Hennessy Creamery. W. McAleer NE.JNE.Jsec. 13. NW. Isec. 14.... SW. isec. 14.... SE.|NW.|sec. 15. NW.JSE.Isec. 15. NW.|NE.|sec. 17. SE.|SW. Isec. 17. NE.|NE.|sec. 19. SE.|NW.|sec. 20. SW.INE.isec. 20. NW. 1 NE. i sec. 20. SW. 1 SW. i sec. 21. SE.|SE. Isec. 22. NW. i sec. 23 . . . SE.|NE.|sec. 23. SE. ISE.Jsec. 23. SW.ISW. Isec. 23. NW. 1 NW. 1 sec. 24. SW. isec. 24.... NE.iNE.isec. 25. NE.iSE.isec. 25. SW.|SW.|sec. 25. NE.|NE.|sec. 26. NW. 1 NW. 1 sec. 26. SW.|NE.|sec. 27. SW. i NW. 1 sec. 27. SW.|SW.isec. 27. NW. i NW. 1 sec. 28. SE. Isec. 28 NE.|SW.isec. 29. Nw'. isec. 24. 130 160 160 160 160 60 95 303 180 313 240 150 80 35 195 165 50 50 120 50 C. LeClaire J. Franklin W, r}. ZlmTTifirTnan P. Pillard W. McEvoy J. W. Braselton C. Jensen Limestone Sand - 40 - 15 Trace of red geest on rock. Quicksand 35 feet deep to rock. Kimball estate J. Whitney P. McMurtin E . Berlingham Gravel All gravel to rock. J.Sibil G. Cowan 276 Sand On rock. -103 3-foot sand bed, at P.H.Ryan M. A. Leonard...... depth of 25 feet; considerable water from 276 to 303. Sand and gravel with water. 0. Rundall From 220 to 230. J. I. Henderson "soluble" blue clay. J. I. Henderson On rock.. . T. Shaffer n rock . J. H. Holub Sand Dug well. J. Plower 185 190 195 Limestone W. Johanek A.Kula Sand and gravel. Yellow and blue F. J.Kula 128 50 20 120 50 clays, 150; sand gravel, 15. F. Valanta On rock.. . J.Kula Limestone On lime- stone. On rock. Prairieburg All blue clay. J. Walker W.Hill J. Whitney F. L. Williams NW. i NW. i sec. 30. SW.iNE.Isec. 30. SW.|SE.|sec. 30. 120 120 100 120 120 A. Burnside Yellow and blue G. Borsky clays to rock. LINN COUNTY. Wells in Linn County — Continued. 453 Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to water supply. Source of supply. Head above below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 86 N., R. 5 W. (Bowlder)— Con. A. E. Butler M. C. Walker. A. Lawrence.. W. Johanek.. J. B.Holub... M. Holub. F. Stack.. T. 86 N., R. 6 W. (Jackson). Lawton estate W. H. Sherman... T.L.Mam J. H. Ashby L.H.Webb S.N. Joslyn F.M. Phillips D. L. Castle. C.Ellis L.Dix S. M. Dennis. C. Boone R. W. Trumble. H. P. Hanna.. H. Henderson. G. Joslyn. W. McTavish.. H. Henderson. W.J.Woods.. C. Medary A. S. Green C. B. Chesmore. O.Woods.. W.Woods. C. Forest. T.Long.. NW. i SW. i sec. 34. SW. i NW. i sec. 34. SE.JNE.isec. 35. SE. JSE. Jsec. 35. NE.JNE.isec. 36. SE.JSE. Jsec. 36. S W.J sec. 36... NW. i NW. J NW.' i NW. i ne.'Tnw. i sec. 3. NW. 1 NE. i sec. 3. NW. i NE. i sec. 5. SW. JSE.Isec. 5. NW. i NW. 1 sec. 5. SW. Jsec. 6 NE.JSE.isec. 6. SW. iSE. Jsec. 6. NW. i NW. i sec. 7. NW. isec. 7.... SE. J NW. i sec. 8. NW. i NW. i sec. 9. SE.iNE.isec. NE.JSW.isec. SW.JSW.isec. 9. SE. isec. 10... SW.JSE.Isec. 10. SE. JSE. Isec. 14. SW. Isec. 14... NW: I NE. J sec. 15. NE. J sec. 15... NW.iSE.Jsec. sec. 15. NE.JSE.Jsec. 16. SE. JSE. isec. 17. Feet. 188 92 180 180 160 125 52 140 100 242 75 100 232 240 180 202 140 142 Feet. 88 40 198 213 149 185 185 40 40 270 180 40 100 242 50 40 190 230 240 171 116 Feet. 188 Feet. 195 180 Limestone 75 100 200+ 180 Gravel . On rock. Limestone Spongy 1 i m e - stone. On rock. Sand. Sand. Rock. 130 140 On rock. "Shell- rock." - 25 - 10 50 50 -102 Loess, 45; blue clay, 15; sand, 10; blue clay, 18; limestone, 100. All gravel above rock. Yellow clay, 30; solid blue clay, 119. Yellow clay, 15; blue clay to rock. Yellow clay, 20; sand and gravel, 20; blue clay to limestone rock. Yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 160; clear sand, 50; limestone, 2. Yellow and blue clay with layers of quicksand. Yellow and blue clay, 166 feet; sand, 5 feet. All yellow and blue clay. Sandbeds. Blue clay to rock. Blue clay to rock. 454 UNDERGROUnSTD WATEE KESOUECES OP IOWA. Wells in Linn County — Continued. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to water supply. Source of supply. Head above or below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 86 N., R. 6 W. (Jackson)— Con. C. J. Avis NW. J NE. i sec. 18. NE.iNE.isec. 20. SE.iNE.Jsec. 21. SW. iSE.Jsec. 23. NW. 1 NW. 1 sec. 23. SW.JNE.isec. 25. NW. ISE.isec. 26. SW. i NW. i sec. 26. SW.iSW.Jsec. 29. SW. ISE.isec. 30. NW.isec.32.... SW.iSW.isec. 32 SW.'iSW. Jsec. 32. SW.iSW.isec. 35. NW. i SW. i sec. 33. NE.iNE.isec. 36. NE. ISE.isec. 29. SE.iSE.isec.3. SE.iNE.isec. 8. NW. i NE. 1 sec. 13. NW. i SE. i sec. 23. SW.iNE.Jsec. 20. NE.iNE.isec. 22. SE. iSE. isec. 22. NE.iNE.isec. 25. NW. i SW. i sec. 25. SE.iNE.isec. 26. NE.iSE.isee. 26. NE.iNE.isec. 27. Feet. 185 80 35 126 Feet. 35 Feet. 185 Feet. C. Waterliouse P. I. Henderson At 32 feet old soil, J. Cutlers 124 195 145 126 60 8 more layers 3 feet thick. C. B. Chesmore J. Slife Yellow clay with S. N. Krutzer On rock.. . streaks of gravel; blue clay to rock. H. R. Shakespear. . . R. Moles B.T.HaU 70 140 140 70 100 47 200 180 185 40 252 140 109 140 140 40 120 70 70 140 J. D. Moles Limestone B.W.Long At cemetery. B.W.Long Yellow clay, 25; J. Blodgett 70 190 SO 9 20 blue clay with sandy layers, 75 yellow sand Chang i ng to gravel, 6. D.J. Powell Rock bluffs to rock J. R. Stone 100 Limestone on rivers. O. Gilchrist Yellow clay, lime- T. 86 N., R. 7 W. (Spring Grove). J. Peyton -25 stone, blue sand- stone, and shale, 45; a little coal. James McKnight. . . Rock from near G. C. Gardner 35 surface. S.B.MiUs Gravel E.C.Cook 62 20 20 120 245 70 65 Yellow clay, blue W. D. Bucklon clay to rock, small vein. Dark shale (Inde- F. A. Wilson pendence) at bot- tom. W. Forest 138 Yellow clay, 20; E.D. Powers blue clay with bo wider 8,100; very hard blue limestone, 18; yellow limestone 2. So R.Mills J. F. Robinson. F.W. Bleakley 1 LINN^ COUNTY". Weils in Linn County — Continued. 455 Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to water supply. Source of supply. Head above below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T.86 N., R. 7 W. (Spring Grove)— Continued. C. Robinson A. G. McBurney... Sisler estate A. Simon P. W.Mix T. 86 N., R. 8 W. (Grant). J. Wachal M. Darrow W. H. Newland... J. Heverly M. Hazeltine C.Cox C. H.Nietert M. L. Kerly M.A.Hamlin T. 85 N., R. 5 W. (Buffalo; part OF Maine). J. Plower r. Fousek J. Bouchtela M. Holub W. Lawrence W. Johanek (2 welis) . J.Peet J. McNamera Story estate H.Story J. Peet Matsell Bros T.Neilly SE. JSE.Jsec. 32. NE. J sec. 34... NE. 4 sec. 36... SE.Jsec. 19.... SE.JNE.isec. 22. NE. JNW. sec. 21. NE.JSE.isec. 21. NE.JSW.Jsec. 28. SE.iSW. isec. 31. NE. J sec. 32... NW. 1 NE. i sec. 34. NW.iSE.Jsec. 25. N W. 1 sec. 21 . . SE. JSW.isec. 33. NW.JNE.isec. 1. NW. i NW. 1 SW.iNE.isec. NE.JSW.isec. 1. NE.JNE.isec. 2. SW.JNW.Jsec. 2. NE.JSW.Jsec. NE'.JSE.Jsec. 3. NW.JSW.Jsec. 3. SE.JNE.Jsec. 4. SE.JSE.}sec.3. NE.-JSW.isec. 8. NE.JSE.^sec. Feet. 54 150 105 Feet. 54 Feet. 137 117 203 128 240 140 120 213 108 125 140 150 30 130 128 240 140 120 213 30 125 150 140 On rock.. 137 ■Sand- stone." Gravel . ■ Sand- stone." "Sand- stone." On rock. ..do.... Feet. -20 -20 On rock... Gravel Gravel. Gravel. Yellow clay, 16; blue clay, 38, to rock. Rock, very porous. Yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 60; black shale, 25. At 140 feet thin layer of dark shale (Independ- ence). Dug well. Loam, 5; yellow clay, stony, 5; blue clay, 20; rock, 3. Yellow clay, 15; solid blue clay, 25. Yellow Clay; blue clay; sand, blue clay at 130 feet; gravel. Yellow and blue clay to rock. Drift, 130; lime- stone, 40; blue "marble," 16; "sandstone," 17. Yellow clay; blue clay with layers of sand; "sand- stone,' ' water- bearing, at 100 feet. Yellow clay, 25; blue clay to rock. Northern blue clay. Northern blue clay, some sand and gravel. All gravel. Do. All gravel and sand. All gravel to rock. Mostly blue clay. 456 UNDEEGKOUND WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. Wells in Linn County — Continued. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to water supply. Source of supply. Head above below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet. ) T. 85 N., R. 5 W. (Buffalo; part OF Maine)— Con. W. Jackson M. Green J. Anderson W. Ross G. Minehart J. M. Parsons J. G. Denny J. C. Kennedy F. Richards D.C. Peet J.Birk S. L. Bowdish R. Bennett W. Hartsell S.F. Bowdish T. Wilkinson A . Shanklin T 85N., R.6 W. (PAET OF Maine). H.Smith I. Floss A. M. Jayne Harms Bros L.B.Stark G. Nightingale C.J. Church J. H. Summers G. M. Rogers Creamery Martha Taylor SE. iSE.Jsec. 13. SE.JSW. Jsec. 13. SE.iNE.isec. 14. SE.iSW. Jsec. 15. SE. iSE. isec. 15. NW. isec.l7... NW. 1 NW. 1 sec. 19. NW. isec. 20... SE.iNW.Jsec. 23. NE.JNE.Jsec. 25. SE. JSE. Jsec. 25. NE.iSW.Jsec. 29 SW.'iNW.Jsec. 29. NW.iNW.isec. 29. NW.iNW.isec. 32. NW.iNW.isec. 31. NW.|NE.isec. 33. SE.iNE.isec. 2. SE.JSE.isec.4. SE. JNE.isec. 4. NW.iNE.isec. 4. NE.iSE.isec. 4. SW. Jsec. 5 NE.JSE.isec. 6. NE.-JSW. isec. 6. NE.iNE.isec. 7. NE.iNE.isec. 7. SE.iNE.isec.7. Feci. 30 100 140 105 60 120 100 +240 Feet. 30 50 100 140 156 130 30 185 135 185 240 160 80 100 185 162 120 292 289 120 240 160 93 100 172 135 232 245 233 Feet. Gravel Limestone Gravel Feet. Show i n g water in crevice. On rock... 180 Shelly Umestone. 75 On rock.. -95 Creek bottom; all gi'avel. Mostly yellow clay. Mostly sand and gravel. Yellow clay, 30; blue clay to rock. Ridge. Yellow clay, 30; blue clay to rock. Ridge. Yellow clay, 30; blue clay to rock. Mostly blue clay. Yellow clay, 30; sand with some water at 40; blue clay with streaks from 60 and to rock. Yellow clay, 35; blue clay, 100; white sand, 20; blue clay, 134; shell rock, 8. First 40 feet dug; blue clay from 40 feet to bottom. Pockets of very sticky, waxy, yel- low clay. Yellow and blue clay to rock. Do. clay to rock. Yellow clay, 30; blue clay, 170; shell rock and gravel 32; rock, 8. No sand; nearly all blue clay. Yellow clay 30; blue clay, 200; sand, 3. LIFN COUNTY. Wells in Linn County — Continued. 457 Owner. Lacation. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to water supply Source of supply. Head above below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 85 N., R. 6 W (part of Maine)- CJontinued. W. Butters M. A. Benton Fair Ground Goldsberry & Has- kell. , J. Benest C.Jordan E. Finsen L. J. Reed J. McLead L.Smith A.T.Crosby C. Nightingale E. Brewer B.C.Scott M. Stickney Susan Rowley F. Stickney A. M. Noah J. A. Wagor G. L. Jordan A. M. Kennedy.... A. Maag N. Jordan D. Hedges L. C. Clarup I.Miller F. K. Balderson... E.J. Craft SE.iSE.isec.7 NE.ASW.isec. NW. JNE.isec. 10. NW.JSW. isec. 10. SE.JNW.isec. 13. SE. JSE. isec. 14. NW.JSW.isec. 15. NE.iSE.isec. 15. SE.iNW. isec. 15. NW.JNW.isec. 15. NW.JSE.isec. 16. SW. iSW.Jsec. 17. NE.i-NE.isec. 19. NE.JNW.Jsec. 21. SE. |SE. Jsec. 21. NE.iNW.isec. 22. SE.JSW. isec. 22 SW.'jNW.isec. 23 NW'.iSE.Jsec. 24. SW.iNW.isec. 25. NE.iSE.isec. 25. NE.iSE.isec. 26. NE.iNE.Jsec. 26 NE.iNW.isec. 26. NW. JSW. isec. 27. SE. isec. 28 NE.iSW.isec. 29 NE."iNE.isec. 33. Feet. 230 90 100 160 230 146 203 Feet. 190 180 75 30 112 50 100 30 100 118 100 137 70 150 200 229 270 170 70 109 Feet. Feet. Sand and gravel. Sand and gravel. Sand On rock. Gravel . -63 Blue clay from 25 to 160; yellow clay, 25, over- lying rock. All sand and gravel. Do. Yellow clay, 30; blue clay, 75; yel- low clay, 13. Yellow clay, 30; bowldery blue clay to rock. Yellow clay, 40; blue clay, 80; yel- low clay, very stony, 30; yellow rotten limestone, 10. Mostly sandy blue clay. Quicksand; no wa- ter. Yellow clay, 70; blue clay to sand on rock. Yellow clay, 30; blue clay, 90; sticky blue clay, 5; blue clay to thin sand layer on rock. Driftwood on rock. Yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 1 5 ; sand and gravel, 15; blue clay, 50; quicksand, 20. Very sandy clay. Drift, 73; gravel, 15; blueclay,79;sand and gravel, 36. Thin sand streak between yellow and blue clay. Yellow and blue clay to rock. Thin sand layer with a little wa- ter between yel- low and blue clay. 458 UNDERGEOUND WATEE EESOtfRCES OF IOWA. Wells in Linn County — Continued. T. 85 N., R. 6 W. (partofMaine)- Continued. G. W. Anderson... W. McTanst T. 85 N., R. 7 W. (Otter Creek). B. Norris E. Stragsburg C. Lyman P. Bowman G. Dolderer E.E. Fleming E. M. Lanning J. B. Fishel J. Maier M. Karch T.85N.,R.8 W. (Washington; PART OF Fayette). J. R.ElUott H.H. Martin "W. H. Stewart J. Roger Cemetery D. W. Esget M. Wilson H. D.Newland J. Pifer P. McGufE Thompson S. Yakle. Location. NW.iNW.Jsec. 36. NE.iNW.Jsec. 36. SE. JSE. J sec. 1. SE.isec.2 SE. JNE. Jsec. 5. SE. JNE.i-sec. 12. SW.iSW. Jsec. 14. SW. iNW. Jsec 24. NW.JSW. Jsec. 28 NW'.iNE.isec. 32. NW. iNE.Jsec. 33. NE. Jsec. 1.... SW. JSW.isec. 2. NE.JSW. isec. 4. NE.JNW. Jsec, 5. Center Point . . . NE.iSE.Jsec. 10. SW.iSW. Jsec. 14. SW. Jsec. 17.... SW.JNE.Jsec. 15. SW.JNW. Jsec 13. SE. JNE. Jsec. 21. Depth. Feet. 135 75 160 82 24 248 95 76 160 110 130 60 133 80 120 Depth to rock. Feet. 165 150 110 64 100 71 128 95 110 130 60 120 Depth to water supply. Feet. Source of supply. Gravel. 'Sand- stone." "Sand- stone. " ..do In upper layers of rock. On rock.. Gravel and rock. Sand and gravel. Vein in clay. Limestone On rock... Head above below curve. Feet. -66 Remarks (logs given in feet). Sand and gravel from 100 feet down. Sand and gravel throughout; rot- ten wood at 150 feet. Solid blue clay, 90; soft blue clay; solid blue clay to rock. Sandy yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 40; sand giving off strong currents of gas, 5; gray clay, 5; yellow "sand- stone" to 82. Soil, 3; limestone, 71; soapstone (In- dependence). 15; "sandstone," 3. Yellow clay, free from stones, 18; tough blue clay, 50. Much wood at 20 feet. Yellow pebbly clay, 20; blue clay with bowlders, 111. At 220 shell rock and mud seams; poor supply of water. Yellow clay, 30; blue clay, 65. Clay and sand, 35; black muck, 3; sand and gravel. Limestone; streaks of shale, thickest being 10 feet. Yellow stony clay, 20; blue clay, 90; soft limestone. Blue clay, 133; strong water vein; blue clay. Yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 90; hardpan of ce- mented pebbles, 10. LINN COUNTY. Wells in Linn County — Continued. 459 Owner. T. 85 N.,R. 8 W. (Washington; part OF Fayette)— Con. F. P. Kratzer M.B.Thomas J. Ashlock T. Newman M. Schmiekle F. Mobey E. T. Pickerel T. 84 N., R. 8 W. (PAKTS OF Fay- ette AND MON- KOE). S. McClintock A. Elsen J. C. Adair S. B.Mather F. Shurtliff J. Railsboek L. D. Lewis A. McManus W. H. Rahde J. H. Ray L. F. Wright C. Beatty C. Rake P. E. Wilse.... C. Rabe Robert J. HofE D.Roy Location. NW. isec.21. SE. J sec. 22 SW.Jsec. 26.. SW.JNW.isec. 27. NE. isee24. NE. Jsec. 4.. SE. i SE. sec. 31. SW.iSW.isec4. NE.JSE.isecS NE. i SE. i sec. 5. SE. i SW. i sec. 5. NE. i SE. i sec. 6. NE.isee. V.-.- SE. Jsec. 7.... NE.isec.5.... SE. I NE. 1 sec. 8. SE.isec. 8 SW. 1 NE. i see. 9. NE.isec. 19... Sec. 29. NW. 1 SW. i 9.. sec. 2 NE. i SW. sec. 33. SE. i SW. sec. 30. SW. i SE. i sec. 12. SW. i NE. J sec. 12. Depth. Feet. 128 75 178 238 213 100 200 164 262 138 53 97 32 174 135 47 140 48 Depth to rock. Feet. 180 190 75 130 140 138 30 70 20 32 50 Depth to water supply. Feet. Source of supply. Limestone Gravel Sand. Limestone Crevice in Inde- pend- ence shale member. In ere nee in rock. "S a n d - stone." Head above below curve. Feet. -40 -io±' Remarks (logs given in feet). Soapstone, 3 or 4 feet thick at 120 feet. Gravel to reek. Yellow clay with- out pebbles, 15; light blue clay to gravel, 30. Drift, 18; limestone and shale, 8; dirty coal, 6 to 8. Some shale near bottom. Yellow clay, 15; solid blue clay, 180; sand, 30. No sand. Mostly clay and rock. Yellow clay, 10; blue clay to rock; rock sandstone; no limestone. Peat and black clays, 20; quick- sand to rock, on an old lake bed. Yellow clay, 40; blue clay, 100; rock. Almost entirely sand to rock. A little quicksand on rock. On high elevation. Soil, 10; sand, 23; thin bed of yel- low clay; blue clay, 30; lime- stone, 20; shale, 15; rock; coal layer; hard pyri- tiferous stone; sulphur - bearing rockat 165; water sulphurous. A little yellow clay mixed with soil; blue clay to rock; on coal or shale. On hillside, tapped with pipe and flowing. Yellow clay with- out pebbles, 16; sand, 4; blue clay, 20; "sand- stone," 8. 460 UNDEEGEOTJND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. Wells in Linn County — Continued. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to water supply. Source of supply. Head above below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 82 N., R. 7 W. (College). M. Buresh J. Buresh T. 82 N., R. 6 W. (Putnam; part OF Beeteam). J. Cack F. Havlicek F. Bohak J. Bartosh J. Rousar M. Pisarek T. 84 N., R. 6 W. (paetofMaeion). D. J. Simpson E. R. Mason T. 84 N., R. 7 W. (parts of Marion AND Monroe). J. Pahms F. Walser T. C. Marton.... W. Howe. J. Stockey. M. J. Certain. . R. Stinson G. Leidigh.... R. Hagerman. D. MiUer C. A. Coleman SE. i NE. sec. 23. SE. i NE. sec. 35. SW. J NW. i sec. 14. SE. i SE. i sec. 16. NW. i SE. J sec. 22. SW. i NE. i sec. 26. NE. i NE. i sec. 31. SE. i NE. i sec. 32. NE. 1 NW. sec. 3. NE. J NW. sec. 4. SW. i sec. 1. NW. i SE. i SE. i sec. 15. SW. i SW. i sec. 23. SE. J NE. i sec. 24. SE. i NE. sec. 27. NW. -i SW. sec. 26. NW. i NW. sec. 35. SE. i SW. sec. 9. NW. i NE. sec. 14. SW. i SW. sec. 16. NW. i SW. sec. 33. Feet. 116 Feet. Feet. Sand. Feet. .do. 100 170 196 182 50 125 60 75 30 100 Limestone Sand. 123 160 170 50 59 168 62 Sand and gravel. 'Sand- stone." 160± 'Sand' stone." (?) Fissure in 1 i m e - stone. 120 87 165 +200 67 17 15 20 170 15 20 Limestone "S an d- stone." Shelly rock. In crevice. Crevice in rock. + 4 -108 60 Reddish clay; blue clay, 55; black soil, 2; layer of light gray soU; sand to bottom. All sand. Rock bedded at this point. Yellow clay, 15; sand, 35. Dark sand, 100; clean sand grow- ing coarser to bot- tom, 70. Yellow c 1 a y, 15; blue clay, 20; sand and "rock" layers to rock. YeUow clay, 40; hard gray fossil- i f e r o u s flinty limestone, 80; soapstone (Inde- pendence) to near bottom; "sandstone." Sand, 2; very por- ous rock and abundant water with little head. Loess, 15; blue clay; red rock, 10 feet thick at 50; limestone,40;very hard limestone, 17; limestone full of seams and crevices. Yellow and white limestone from 15 to 87. Yellow clay, 6; blue clay to rock. Sand, 20, to rock. LINN COUNTY. Wells in Linn County — Continued. 461 Owner. T. 84 N., R. 7 W. (PARTS OF Marion AND Monroe)— Continued. W. McCreary E. Quass A. Senger T. 83 N., R. 5 W. (Linn). J. Drips . . . F. Martin.. S. Johnson. J. Napier J. Beechley. W. Walm... J. Bovey F. W. Frederick. . . R. Smith T 82 N., R. 8 W. (Fairfax). M. Kilberger F.Bys. Location. SE. isec. 4. Sec. 31 H. Mordorst . T. M. Hunter. A. Delancy... E. P. Taylor.. C. C. Dye NW. i SW. sec. 28. NW. 1 NW. sec. 2. SW. i SW. sec. 2. NW. i SW. sec. 14. NE. i NE. sec. 19. SE. 1 SE. sec. 26. SW. i NE. sec. 31. NW. i NE. sec. 36. SW. i SW. sec. 36. NW. i sec. 8G . NW. I NE. sec. 34. SE. i SW. sec. 27. C. FarrelL. NW. | NW. i sec. 6 E. J. Farrell SE. 1 NW. i sec. G. NW. i SW. 1 sec. 5. NE. 1 SE. sec. 6. NE. 1 SW. sec. 16. SW. i NE. sec. 21. NW. i SE. sec. 20. NW. 1 SE. sec. 30. Depth. Feet. 60 168 106 113 100 100 80 50 200 80 65 130 30 70 117 117 ISO 32 91 Depth to rock. Feet. 20 140 20 100 180 Depth to water supply. Feet. 130 Source of supply. ' S a n d - stone." Crevice in rock. -.do Gravel . Limestone Gravel Sand. Limestone ...do. Sand. . . Gravel . Sand on rock. 'S an d • stone." Head above below curb. Feet. a ±120 90 Remarks (logs given in feet). Sand, 20; lime- stone, 30; "sand- stone," 10. Blue, gray, and white limestone. Log in gravel bed at 100 under- neath blue clay. Yellow and blue clay to rock. Mostly blue clay to 40; log and black soil in gravel bed at 40. Sand 3 feet thick on rock. Ridge; yellow clay, 15; yellow sand, 49; black sand, coarse, with much wood, 1. Yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 80; blue, hard lime- stone, 6. Yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 105; limestone, 5; no gravel beds. Driven well. All sand and gravel. Yellow clay; blue clay; quicksand, 10 feet thick, 50; blue clay; thin yellow clay on rock; rock, 17; be- low it bed of sand full of water. Stony yellow clay, 15; blue clay full of bowl- ders to thin sand layer on rock. a Approximate. 462 UNDEEGKOUFD WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Wells in Linn County — Continued. Owner. Location. T. 83 N., R. 8 \V. (Clinton). L. Lafter P. Lang A. Sisam G. H. Phelps E. L. Lang J. E. Rawson J. Young T. 83 N., R. 6 W. (Bertram; part OF Marion). W. C. Litts. S. Harmon.. J. R. White... J. Hunter F. M. Elrod.. A. P. Knapp . V. Zoback.... S.H. Berry... R. Berry J. Moore J. Bowsh F. Bidderman. J. W. Smythe. G. Smythe R. Calhoun J. R. Grove S. Stambaugh. J. Paul NW. 1 SE. I sec. 2. NE. J SW. i NW.' i NW. i sec. 9. SE. k NW. sec. 9. SW. J NE. sec. 15. SE. J SE. sec. 15. N W. J sec. 9 . SW. I SE. 1 sec. 1. NW. \ SE. i sec. 2. B. F. Parker. SE. I NE. 1 NW. I SE. i NE. i sec. 2. NE. i sec. 3. NW. i sec. 4. SE. i sec. 3. SE. 1. sec. 10. SE. i NW. sec. 11. SW. i NW. sec. 11. SE. J NE. sec. 11. SE. i SE. sec. 12. SW. J SW. sec. 12. SE. 1 SW. sec. 12. NE. J NE. sec. 12. NW. J SE. sec. 24. SW. 1 SE. sec. 21. SE. 1 NW. sec. 21. NE. 1 NW. sec. 22. NW. i SE. sec. 22. Depth. Feet. 180 238 213 277 73 102 175 206 150 125 42 61 45 142 168 210 110 100 203 52 204 85 Depth to rock. Feet. 60 213 277 100 90 42 61 Depth to water supply, Source of supply. 33 168 (?) 20 40 203 27 134 40 Feet. Limestone Sand. Gravel . Gravel . . . Limestone Head above below curb. Feet. - 25 Remarks (logs given in feet). Limestone Limestone Limestone Gravel ...do 26 -104 - 65 Near Cedar River. Sand, 2; blue clay with some bowlders, 58. 30 feet of quick- sand; quick- sand rare in vi- cinity. Mostly blue clay with layers of sand; sandy from 192 to 242; blue clay, 33; sand with water, 2. Clay full of bowl- ders. Drift clays; gravel, 2 feet at bottom resting on clay; clay above gravel very full of bowlders. Streaks of sand and gravel at 13 and 165; bed of gravel at 206. Mostly blue clay to rock, no gravel. All quicksand and gravel. Blue clay throughout. Mostly sand, gravel, and small bovFlders. Sand and gravel to rock. Mostly blue clay. Thin vein of shale (Independence?) in limestone. Blue clay to rock. Few feet yellow clay; blue clay to gravel at bottom. MUSCATINE COUNTY. in Linn County — Continued. 463 Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to water supply. Source of supply. Head above or below curb. Remarks, (logs given in feet). T. 83 N., R. 6 W. (Bertram; part OF Marion)— Con. J Berry SE. J NW. 1 sec. 23. Sec. 24 Feet. 49 124 45 86 137 129 98 135 60 145 170 150 196 181 Feet. 19 90 7 75 130 129 45 135 40 80 170 80 177 181 Feet. Feet. - 30 - 64 Drift, 19; hard r.M. Ham stone, 5; shale, 20; hard stone, 5. Blue clay from soil J. S. Caraway M. Brown NW. 1 SE. 1 sec. 25. SW. J NE. i sec. 27. NW. 1 NW. i sec. 27. NW. J NW. 1 sec. 28. NE. i NW. i sec. 30. SW. i NW. 1 sec. 6. SE. 1 SE. 1 sec 7. Sec. 16 to rock. 86 Limestone Dry gravel at 40 0. Berry feet. Blueclay, 10tol37 R. Berry . . . W. L. Weller T. 82 N., R. .5 W. (Frankun) Lester R. Cook 100 In crevices Sand Sand and yeUow clay to rock. Water at 35; T>. M. West Limestone ....do - 30 -100 "river" sand be- low; yellow and a little blue clay. Dr Kate Mason . . All blue clay ex- cept a little yel- low clay at sur- face. Water on rock in a Elmer Neal. NE. i NW. J sec. 17. NE. 1 NE. 1 sec. 17. NE. i SE. I sec. 20. SE.isec.l8 Sand Charles Platner Ely West. Limestone ....do - 70 - 46 little sand. Yellow clay, 25; sand, 15; blue clay to rock. Yellow cl a y , 30; blue clay to rock. James MilhaUen. do. MUSCATINE COUNTY. By W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. The larger topographic features of Muscatine County are two up- lands and two river plains. Of the plains the more extensive is that of Cedar River, a flat fluviatile or lacustrine floor, aggraded largely in Pleistocene time to its present level, extending across the county from northeast to southwest with a width of 6 or 7 miles. The towns of Wilton, Moscow, and Nichols are situated upon it. This strip of lowland separates the small triangular upland of Kansan drift which occupies the northwest corner of the county from an extensive upland of Illinoian drift which covers the eastern and larger portion of the area. The second lowland is that of the Mississippi flood plain. Up val- ley from Muscatine the river approaches the Iowa bluffs, leaving to this county an inconsiderable flood plain hardly more than one-fourth 464 UNDEKGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. mile wide. South of Muscatine the valley widens. The great river turns sharply southward from its westward course, leaving the cres- cent of its ancient river-cut bluffs far to the west and separated from the channel by alluvial plains 5 to 6 miles wide. Both lowlands are poorly drained and in both ground water stands near the surface. The uplands, while well dissected near their margins, preserve in their central portions flat initial surfaces but slightly etched with erosion channels. GEOLOGY. Over most of the county bedrock is deeply buried by deposits laid down by successive ice sheets and their outflowing drainage. The two lowest of these deposits, the Nebraskan and the Kansan drift sheets, are both dark-bluish stony clays, hardly to be distinguished in wells except when parted by the deposits of the Aftonian inter- glacial stage. The Aftonian deposits consist of peaty beds and old soils and of beds of sand and gravel, which occur still more exten- sively in some townships. The Kansan drift where weathered is oxidized and reddened, and can then scarcely be distinguished by the driller from the yellow stony clay of the overlying Illinoian drift, the uppermost of the drift sheets of the area. The Illinoian and Kansan drifts are not uncom- monly separated by ancient soil or peat beds or by seams of sand and gravel. The upper surface of the Illinoian is in many places leached and bleached by long weathering and the reducing action of ancient soils, and is separated from the overlying loess by peaty soils or thin layers of yellow sand. Outside of small areas negligible in connection with ground-water supplies, the rocks of Muscatine County belong to two geologic sys- tems. (See PL XV, p. 670.) The lower, the Devonian, consists in part of hard gray limestones of numerous types, some fine grained and brittle, made up of angular fragments (Lower Davenport beds of Iowa State survey), some gray and tough (Upper Davenport beds of Iowa State survey), some of shelly limestone, more or less clayey (Cedar Valley limestone) ; and in small part of green-gray or dark- drab shale (Sweetland Creek shale). The upper and later series belongs to the Carboniferous system (the Pennsylvanian series or coal measures), and is variable both horizontally and vertically, consisting of abruptly changing beds of limestone, sandstone, pebblestone, shale, and coal. It is found only in the southern townships of the eastern half of the county (except in scattered patches) and is evidently an outlier cut ofi^ by the trench of the Mississippi from the northern mar- gin of the Illinoian coal field. MUSCATINE COUNTY. 465 UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE AND DISTRIBUTION. Because of the large areas underlain, by river deposits the waters in the alluvial sands and gravels are of exceptional importance in Musca- tine County. Muscatine Island and extensive portions of the Missis- sippi bottoms bounded on the west by Muscatine Slough are supplied by driven wells from 20 to 30 feet in depth. The supply is copious, easily raised to the surface by steam pumps for irrigation, and the water is so slightly mineralized that it is not injurious to crops. The area is thus rendered independent of rainfall in dry seasons, and this fact, together with the warmth of its light soil, has made Muscatine Island and Fruitland Township one of the garden areas of the State and of the upper Mississippi Valley. The wide plain adjacent to Cedar River draws its ground-water supply from driven and dug wells 20 to 40 feet deep, the water bed being a sand underlying the surface loess. Wells deeper than 30 or 40 feet reach horizons wliere the water is apt to be pretty highly min- eralized with iron salts. On some low tracts temporary flowing wells have been obtained by boring through the impervious cover of hardpan. A few deep borings show that the rock floor of the plain Ues more than 250 feet below the surface, but the records are not definite enough to show the character of the materials with which this ancient and wide valley has been so deeply filled. From the records of a single well in sec. 26, Pike Township, it may be inferred that beneath the water-bearing sand, which here extends to 30 feet from the surface, is a clay 10 feet thick, beneath which occurs a water- bearing gravel. It is not known whether this gravel is a sheet deposit formed along a delta front encroaching on a lake, or was deposited by a stream the width of the present plain, or was laid down in long narrow strips in the channels of an aggrading stream perhaps no larger than the Cedar of to-day. At and near Wilton drillers report 90 feet of sand succeeded by 100 feet of blue clay underlain by 1 feet of sand and gravel, the rock floor liere not exceed- ing 470 feet above sea level. On the eastern upland of the county water occurs in sands covered with a cap of loess, forming certain low long ridges directed generally at right angles to the western margin of the upland. Wells on such ridges may obtain adequate supphes at very moderate depths though weUs on the lower ground adjacent would need to go down more than 100 feet before finding water. On both the eastern and the western upland the Aftonian gravel is the chief aquifer. In Lake Township these sands and gravels are 36581°— wsp 293—12 30 466 UNDEEGROUND WATEE EESOUECES OE IOWA. tapped at about 100 feet below the surface. A general section in tlie southwestern part of this township is as follows: Section of Pleistocene deposits in Lake Township. Depth. Feet. Loess and sand 20 20 Clav, blue (lUinoian and Kansan) 100 120 Water sand (Aftonian) 10 130 Clay, blue (Nebraskan) 120 250 The Aftonian is particularl}'^ valuable because of the great depth at wliich bedrock and rock aquifers lie over much of the eastern upland. Here the great bedrock trough which underlies the Cedar River lowland extends for 4 or 5 miles east of the river and the deepest wells go down 250 and even 400 feet without striking rock. For- tunately water is usually found in the Aftonian or, much less comr ijionly, in glacial sands interbedded with or underlying stony clays of the Nebraskan. The Devonian and Silurian (A'iagara) limestones are important aquifers in the northeastern townships and on the western upland, on which latter bedrock is not reported at less than 200 feet below the surface. Most wells find water in glacial gravels, but a few have been drilled into the country rock. In one well a white limestone is reported to extend from 220 to 350 feet, below which lies 17 feet of brown porous rock, which may be assigned to the Niagara. In the four eastern townships drift seldom exceeds 100 feet and numerous wells draw water from the country rock. Where the bed- rock is Devonian hmestone, water is usually found at a moderate depth from the surface, the deepest wells being those in which the drift is underlain by heavy Carboniferous shales. In Sweetland Township two wells found the coal measures to be 97 and 120 feet thick, and after piercing these were compelled to go 100 and 185 feet into the subjacent limestones before obtaining adequate supplies. SPRINGS. The important springs of the county rise from the Aftonian gravel and the Devonian limestone. The outcrop of the Aftonian gives rise to numerous and often copious springs. These are well marked near the base of the bluffs bordering Mississippi River south and west of Muscatine in Fruitland and Seventysix townships. Below the bluffs east of Cedar -River, in Moscow Township, many springs flow from the drift. Several of these, with a July temperature of 55° F., lie south and west of Muscatine, on farmsteads located along the road under the foot of the bluffs, MUSCATINE COUNTY. 467 and their excellent water is therefore available for house and dairy and all farm purposes. Almost every farm is thus supplied. In some places, where the spring issues from 20 feet or less above the base of the bluffs, sufficient power is developed to run a milk and cream separator. The spring of Edwin Wills is estimated to have 1^- horse- power. Its temperature at outflow is 5 1 ° F. Two large springs emerge near Atalissa — one on the farm of David McClure and one on that of Mrs. C. E. Kephart. The latter was leased for several years by the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway for the supply of its locomo- tives before the artesian well was drilled at West Liberty. \ CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Muscatine. — The city of Muscatine (population, 16,178) has had a public supply since 1875, the plant being long owned by the Muscatine Waterworks Co. For about 20 years the raw water of Mississippi River was used, being pumped through a conduit extending 700 feet out into the river. This extremely unsatisfactory supply has recently been completely changed, new works begun in 1904 having been completed and put in use in 1906. The pumping station and wells are situated on the flood plain of the Mississippi, at the south line of the corporation area, three-quarters of a mile from the settled portions of the town. The new supply is drawn from a gang of 13 driven 6-inch wells about 50 feet deep and 150 feet apart, located on a line parallel with the bank of Mississippi River and 500 feet dis- tant from it. These wells are pumped through a 20-inch horizontal suction pipe connecting with vertical pipes, extending in each well practically to the bottom. The capacity of the wells is 2,000,000 gallons a day, twice the amount of the present consumption. The pumps are installed in a building 48 feet square, built of reenforced concrete. The cost of the new installation was $100,000, including $40,000 spent for the extension of mains in the southern parts of the city. The water is pumped to a reservoir with a capacity of 2,000,000 gallons, situated on West Hill, the bottom of the reservoir being 185 feet above low-water level in the Mississippi. Domestic gravity pres- sure ranges in different parts of the town from 20 to 90 pounds. Fire direct pressure is from 100 to 150 pounds. There are 16 miles of mains, 185 hydrants, and 1,500 taps. This very satisfactory supply was chosen at the recommendation of Mr. W. Kiersted, of Kansas City, after an exceptionally thorough investigation of local conditions. Some of the results as given in Mr. Kiersted's report to the council, November, 1903, are of such general interest and wide application that they may be given here in some detail. 468 UN^DERGROUISTD WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. The two sources under consideration were (1) Mississippi River, with proper equipment for setthng and filtration, and (2) the ground water in gravels underlying Muscatine Island. The preference naturally lay with the latter, provided that the supply should be found of suitable quality and quantity. The physical conditions of this large area of flood plain pointed to an abundant and excellent supply. The land is nearly level and lies but slightly above the maximum high- water Ime of the river. The soil is sandy, light, and porous. These conditions make the run-off of storm water slight and dispose of a very large percentage of the rainfall by absorption and underflow as ground water. The permanent ground-water surface, determined by the level of low water in the river, lies within 15 or 20 feet of the sur- face of the ground. Moreover, since the surface of the island lies somewhat above the ground-water level, the porous soil permits rapid alternate circulation of ah* and water and hence affords an efficient natural filtration. These indications were fully confirmed by a series of tests. Nme wells about 65 feet deep were sunk upon the island along a line 3,000 feet in length at right angles to the river and beginning .300 feet from the river bank. The following succession of deposits was found, the thickness of the strata given being that found in the well nearest the river ; Section near Muscatine. Thickness. Depth. Fed. Feet. 3 3 5 8 10 18 10 28 15 43 6 49 2 51 5 5ti 3 59 6 65 Soil, sandy, black Clay, red, tough, hard: not unil'ormly distributed or continuous on island Sand, red, and fine gravel " Gravel, coarse Sand, coarse, and gravel Sand, gravelly Sand and coarse gravel Blue clay; when dry nearly white; without sand Shaly clay or soapstone, hard, laminated, light pink : . . Sandstone The geologic conditions were thus found to be extremely favorable for a large yield of ground water. A bed of porous sand and gravel 50 feet in depth, resting on an impervious floor and water-logged to a depth of 30 feet, was found to underlie the area. The question still remained as to the permeability of the gravels and whether they could deliver a supply adequate to emergencies as well as to the ordinary demands of city consumption. To aid in solving this problem a series of observations extending from Sep- tember 6 to October 26, 1903, were made on the static level of the water in the test wells and in the river, in order to obtain data as to the ground-water slope and the effect of fluctuations of the water level in the river on the ground-water surface of Muscatine Island . MUSCATINE COUNTY. 469 Up to September 13 the river fluctuations of level were small and the ground-water surface was comparatively stable for a distance of 3,300 feet west of the riA^er. The pronounced slope of the ground- water surface toward the river (0.8 foot in 1,000 feet) demonstrated the underflow of the absorbed rainfall toward the Mississippi. Between September 13 and 21 the river rose a little more than 2 feet, causing a rise of 2.1 feet in well No. 1, 300 feet distant from the river, and a rise in the other wells, decreasing in amount with increasing distance from the river, until at well No. 9 the increase was but 0.3 foot. The slope of the ground- water surface toward the river was still well defined. Obviously the rise of the river dammed the under- flow in its riverward movement. From these data it was computed that the water in the saturated gravels to a depth of about 43.5 feet flowed toward the river at a rate of at least 2^ feet a day. About September 23 the river rose a little more than 4 feet. The slope of the ground-water surface was now reversed, and with con- tinued high water so remained until October 9. The average slope inland of tlie ground-water surface was 0.84 foot in 1,000 feet, and from this was computed an average movement of river water inland of 2.3 feet a day. Using the velocity per day and the inclination of the ground-water surface, the average factor of porosity of the medium was obtained by Dupuit's formula. This factor was found to be 5,000 a foot, indicating a very porous subsoil formation com- pared with similar experiments and observations made elsewhere. Continuous pumping tests were made of well No. 1 for 125.5 hours, and simultaneous observations of the water level in the other test wells, in order to procure information as to the porosity and con- tinuity of the gravel deposits. The dehvery of the pump was com- puted at 1,500,000 gallons a day. Durmg the test the water in the river rose over 3 feet, and notwithstanding the large amount of water pumped from the ground, the water of all the wells showed a corre- sponding rise. The zone affected by the pumping extended 700 feet. The data secured by these tests settled most satisfactorily the questions as to the capacity of the supply and there only remained the question of the purity of the water. The geologic conditions pointed to a rapid and effective natural filtration of surface water, with a consequent destruction of pathogenic bacteria. A series of tests of the water of the test wells with sanitary and bacteriological -analyses fully confirmed this inference. Although the chemical analyses showed a high per cent of fully decomposed organic com- pounds, and of chlorine and nitrates, in all the samples, owing to the fact that much fertilizer is used on the cultivated fields of the area, the percentage of undecomposed or partly decomposed organic com- pounds — ammonia, albuminoid ammonia, and the nitrates — was small, showing an effective purification of the surface waters by the natural 470 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. filtration of the sandy soil. The bacterial analyses confirmed the chemical, showing but few bacteria and these of harmless varieties. The question was also considered of the effect which the depression of the ground-water surface by a continuous draft in the area of supply would have upon the underflow of the contaminated ground water of South Muscatine. It was found that even in years of minimum rainfall the natural movement of the ground water of South Muscatine to the river could not be so diverted down valley as to reach the intake area of the city wells. The recent installation of the shallow wells described makes arte- sian forecasts unnecessary so far as the municipality is concerned. But in a city as large as Muscatine and with extending industries, it may be taken for granted that sooner or later information as to artesian possibilities will be useful to manufacturers and other large consumers who for various reasons ma}^ have under advisement an individual water supply. At Muscatine (elevation, 552 feet) the drill will penetrate first the Devonian and Silurian (Niagara) limestones, reaching the Maquoketa shale (Ordovician) at about 500 feet and may fuid small flows in either limestone terrane. These flows will be under low head and should be cased out so as to prevent the lateral escape of the deeper waters through their channels. The Maquoketa strata, which are weak and caving, should be cased. Good flows under moderate pressure should occur in the Galena and Platteville limestones which immediately underlie the Maquoketa, from about 725 to 1,025 feet from the surface, and it is possible that the yield will be sufficient for some industrial plants. To carry these waters a bore of 4 or at most of 5 inches will be ample. For larger drafts the St. Peter sand- stone and the loose-textured sandstones and creviced and vesicular limestones which underlie it must be utilized, and in these an inex- haustible supply of water of fine quality should be found. To tap them the well should be sunk to 1,500 or 1,600 feet. To tap the underlying Cambrian beds drilling should continue about 400 feet deeper still, but it is not apprehended that this will be needed. The pressure should considerably exceed 20 pounds. West Liberty. — The town of West Liberty (population, 1,666) has drawn its water supply from artesian wells since 1888. (See PI. XV, p. 670.) Water is pumped directly through the mains, and also to an elevated tank holding 60,000 gallons, giving a domestic pressure of 40 pounds and a fire pressure of 100 pounds. . There are 7 miles of mains, 27 fire hydrants, and 472 taps. The consumption is 45,000 gaUons daily, and the water is said to be used by 90 per cent of the population. The extension of the waterworks in 1899, involving the sinking of a new artesian well, was financed in an ingenious way, worthy of MUSCATINE COUNTY. 471 record. Owing to the change m the State assessment laws which went into effect in 1897, the valuation of property in the town was reduced many thousands of dollars. The municipal indebtedness, which had been increased by the building of the waterworks and an electric lighting system, was thus brought to near the legal limit and another bond issue for the extension of the waterworks was thus out of the question. In this emergency thirty public-spirited citizens advanced the money for the extension and were paid out of the revenues of the waterworks. The city councU entered into contract for an artesian well to be drilled upon the city's lot, the well to remain the property of the driller and contractor until the annual rentals received by him equaled the cost of the well, when its ownership was to be transferred to the city. The annual rental was fixed at $600 and 6 per cent interest on the cost of the well. Wlien the well was tested and accepted, the driller's lease was purchased by the thirty citizens. The total cost of the well, $3,600, was raised by six promis- sory notes, drawing 6 per cent interest and due in six years, each note being signed, by five persons drawn by lot from among the thirty. All payments, rentals and interest were indorsed pro rata on each note thus keeping them equal in amount until their final liquidation. With the extension of the water system the revenues increased, all payments were promptly met, and at the end of six years the notes had all been paid and, under the terms of the lease, the well passed into the full ownership of the municipality. City well No. 1 has a depth of 1,768 feet and a diameter of 6 to 4y\ inches; casing to 128 feet. The curb is 696 feet above sea level. The head was originally 9 feet above curb; in 1896, at curb or below. The original discharge was 120 gallons a minute. Temperature, 65° F. Date of completion, 1888. Driller, A. K. Wallen. During the drUling the water stood at 40 feet below the curb for more than 1,000 feet. At 1,040 feet, the horizon of the St. Peter, it rose 20 feet. Rising a little higher each day, it overflowed when the drill reached a depth of 1,354 feet and the flow increased as the drill went still deeper. A tube sunk to 1,100 feet and packed at base decreased the flow and was taken out. In 1900 the head had fallen to 12 feet below the surface and the pumping capacity to 75 gallons a minute. Record of strata in well No. 1, at West Liberty (PI. X V, p. 670). Silurian : Depth of Niagara dolomite — fnTe^t Dolomite, light bluish gray 400 Ordovician : St. Peter sandstone — Sandstone, very fine white particles, angular 1, 000 Sandstone, coai-ser, larger grains rounded, "from 1,040 to 1,080". * 1,050 472 UNDER(iROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Ordovician — Continued . Prairie du Chien group — Shakopee dolomite — Sandstone, moderately coarse, white; unusually sharp to the touch; under microscope many grains Depth of are seen to be faceted with secondary crystalline in feet. enlargements 1, 160 Dolomite, gray; considerable arenaceous admixture in drillings 1, 250 "Flint; " 12 inches thick; no sample 1, 260 Dolomite, v/hite; considerable admixture of finest particles of quartz 1, 290 New Richmond sandstone — Dolomite, highly arenaceous 1, 310 Oneota dolomite — Dolomite, white, porous 1, 380 Sandstone, larger grains rounded; mostly angular particles with some dolomite 1, 400 Sandstone; matrix calciferous 1, 450 Cambrian: Jordan sandstone — Sandstone, in fine powder of particles of quartz and a little dolomite 1, 500 Sandstone, saccharoidal, rather coarse, white giuins usually rounded, some faceted 1, 600 St. I.,awrence formation- — Dolomite, hard, pinkish 1, 765 City well No. 2 has a depth of 1,594 feet and a diameter of 12 inches to 202 feet, 8 inches to 1,016 feet, and 6 inches to bottom; casing 96 feet to rock. The curb is 671 feet above sea level; the head was not tested. The original discharge was 225 gallons a minute. Tempera- ture, 66° F. The well was completed in 1900 by W. H. Gray & Bro., of Chicago. Water stood 20 feet below the curb until the St. Peter sandstone was reached at 1,015 feet, with a thickness of 40 feet, when it over- flowed with a discharge of 20 gallons a minute. At 1,411 feet a pumping test developed a capacity of 240 gallons a minute, with the cylinder at 100 feet below curb, and 300 gallons with the cylinder at 135 feet, the natural flow being estimated at 75 gallons. At 1,435 feet the flow had increased to 100 gallons a minute. No perceptible increase occurred during the next 100 feet, but at 1,583 feet, in sand- stone, a sudden increase was noted. At 1,584 feet a crevice was encountered and the flow suddenly rose to 225 gallons a minute at the base of the sandstone. Since 1902 or 1903 a gradual decrease in the head and flow of the well has been observed, the water now barely overflowing. Under continued pumping, the suction pipe extending to 26 feet below the curb, the water is lowered to 20 feet below the surface. MUSCATINE COUNTt. 473 The only record extant is that of three water-bearing sandstones; the first, from 1,015 to 1,055 feet (344 to 384 feet below sea level), the St. Peter; the second, from 1,300 to 1,435 feet (628 to 764 feet below sea level); the third, from 1,535 to 1,584 feet (864 to 913 feet below sea level), occupying the horizon of the Jordan. The Iowa Condensed Milk Co. well has a depth of 1,721 feet and a diameter of 12 inches to 150 feet, 7 inches to 1,000 feet, and 6 inches to bottom; cased to 120 feet; bedrock at 90 feet. The curb is 669 feet above sea level and the head, above curb. The tested capacity is 300 gallons at 1,600 feet. The first flow was at about 1,000 or 1,025 feet and increased to the bottom. The well was completed in 1904 by Gray Bros., of Chicago. Wilton. — At Wilton (population 1,157) the public water supply is pumped from a deep well to a tank whose capacity is 50,000 gallons. Domestic pressure from the full tank is 54 pounds and the direct pressure for fires is 110 pounds. The daily consumption ranges be- tween 15,000 and 25,000 gallons daily. There are 2 miles of mains, 23 fire hydrants, and 180 taps. The well (PI. XV, p. 670) has a depth of 1,360 feet and a diameter of 8 to 6 inches; casing to 900 feet. The curb is 683 feet above sea level. The original head, as reported, was 18 inches above the curb; the present head is 20 feet below. The original discharge was 300 gallons a minute; the present pumping capacity is 120 gallons a minute. The first flow was at 900 feet. Date of completion, 1891. The well w^as reamed to an unreported depth in 1900 without effect on supplv. Driller's log of city well at Wilton {PI. XV, p. 670). Drift Limestone (Niagara) Shale (Maquoketa) Limestone (Galena and Platteville) Sandstone (St. Peter) Depth. Feet. 220 500 680 980 1.100 Minor supplies. — Water supplies at minor villages are set forth in the following table: Village wells in Muscatine County. Nature of supply. Depth. Depth to water- bed. Head below curb. Depth to rock. Town. Shallow wells. Deep wells. Atalissa Bored and drilled wells Feet. 30-180 10-20 120-125 12-217 12-30 20-50 40-180 16-300 16-20 Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Conesville 10 Cranston do .. . 120 12 166 30 Fairport 9 8 20 25 Fruitland Dri ven wells ... ... Moscow do 32 Stockton Drilled and dug wells Sweetland Wells 10 60 Nichols Driven wells i 1 474 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA, WELL DATA. The following table gives data of t3^ical wells in Muscatine County. Wells of Muscatine County. Owner. T. 78 N., R. 3 W. (Goshen; part OF Wapsinonoc). I.ouis Watson Frank Barnes. . W. A. Howell.. John Venatta... Georsie Venatta Isaac Dickenson Remarks (logs given in feet). Yellow clay imder- lain by dry sand 60; blue clay, 42; gray sand with a little water, G; blue clay to rock. Well weak, closed. Another 30 feet away found plenty of water m yellow sand 8 feet thick at 95, under blue clay. Loess, 6; yellow clay, 20; sand, 2; blue clay, 160; sand, 28; cream colored rock at 220. Mostly drift. White limestone from 220 to 350; below this a por- ous brownish rock. Unknown, 40; blue clay, 60; sand, 6; yellow clay, 25; blue clay with muck, wood, and sand, 107; sand, 8. Rock; hard and white above; red- dish and porous below. Loess, 15; blue clay 50; yellow bowl- der clay, 30; soft brown limestone, 43. Drift,50; coal meas- ures, 100; lime- stone, G. Yellow clay, 15; blue clay, 35; sand, 8. Drift, 100; lime- stone, 145. Yellow stony clay, 20; blue clay, 60; brown stony c 1 ay, 15; blue limestone, 80; soft brown ma^ terial, 8; hard 1 i m e s 1 n e, 29; soft limestone, 8: Yellow clay, 15 blue clay, 25 sand, 4;hardpan, 20; soft yellow sandstone. 14. MUSCATINE COUNTY. Wells of Muscatine County — Continued . 475 T. 78 N., R. 3 W. (Goshen; part OF Wapsino- Noc)— Contd. Overman Mrs. Morris. T. 78 N., R. 1 "W. (Wilton; PART OF SWEETI.AND). E. Keimers William Boot Hans Kai W. Felthorn. C.W.Collins Smith. Location. -Vtalissa. 3 miles east and 2 miles north of West Lib- erty. Near north line see. 2. Sec. 26 Sec. 2. Sec. 9. Sec. 10 Sec. 13 Sec. 1-1 Depth. Feet. 136 226 312 101 100 Sec. 1.5. M.A.Roy I Sec. 27. I S. Wintermirte ! Sec. 36. T. 78 N., R. 1 E. (Fulton). J.H. Broders B. Alton H. Stoltenburg c'.woifeV.'.V.V. ".'.'.; Sec. 3. 135 135 Sec. 7.. Sec. 12. Sec. 23. Sec. 31. Sec. 33. 10.5 105 75 121 144 Diam- eter. Incites. Depth to rock. Feet. 80 90 198 100 134 Depth to water supply. Feet. Source of supply. Remarks (logs given In feet). Yellow clay and sand, 42; blue clay, 44; blue limestone (De- V n i a n), 44; brown porous limestone, 6. Yellow clay, 40; dry sand, 2; blue clay, 50; sand with water, 2; blue limestone, 110; shale, 8: white porous rock with water, 14. Sand. Sand and gravel. Gravel . Sand. 98 70 70 ± 116 115 Yellow clay, sand and gravel, 60 blue dirt, 80 quicksand, 60 blue clay, 90 coarse sand, 22. Sand, 90; blue clay, 100; sand aiid gravel, 10. Yellow and blue dirt, 14; brown sana,7;blueclay, 68; sand, 10. Yellowclay,8; blue clay, 32; black "hardpan" (till?), 68; gravel, 5. Sand, 10; blue clav, 20; sand, 30; blue clay, 40; rock, 35. Yellow clay and sand, 20; blue clay, 108; sand, 6; rock, 1. Clay, 48; gravel, 4; blue and yellow pebbly clay, 10; ashen clay, 5; sand. Yellow and blue clay, 70; sand, 8; limestone, 28. Drift, 70; soft white limestone, 35. Drift, 116; rock, 5 Yellow clay, 30: blue clay, 40 quicksand, 7 blue dirt (proba- bly in part shale) 38; rock, 29. 476 UNDEBGEOUND WATEE RESOURCES OF IOWA. Wells of Muscatine County — Continued. T. 77 N., R. 1 E. (MONTPELIER). C. Howard T. 77 N., R. 1 W. (Sweeti.and). Prank Nettlebush . . Daniel Roberts. J. Newman Location. Sec. 9. Sec. 27. Sec. 18. Sec. 4.. P. Brosart Sec. 20 J. Monsen ! Sec. 20. T. 77 N., R. 2 W. (Bloomington; PART OF Lake). J. Greiner j Sec. 3 . G. Parks ! Sec. 5. County I'ann I Sec. .33 T. 77 N., R. 3 W. (PARTS OF Lake AND Pike). r. P. Wood j Sec. 27. C . Humphries \ Sec. 13 . I. Sager i Sec. 25. T. 77 N., R. 2 W. (PART OF Pike). G.N. Aylesworth. . T. 76 N., R. 4 W. (Orona and Ce- dar). William Verink Nichols . J. Fanning.. A. Cone C. Carjjenter T. 76 N., R. 3 W (Seventy-six ; PART of PrUIT- land). Sec. 20. Sec. 14. J. Venatta. Sec. 15 Sec. 24 Sec. 33 Sec. 2. . See. 10. Depth. Feet. 101 200 304 200 115 208 205 100 150 2.50 80 130+ 200+ 126 150 115 Diam- eter. Inches. Depth to rock. Feet. 20 130 90 180 Depth to water supply Feet. Source pf supply. Remarks, (logs given in feet). Limestone Sand. .do. Limestone Sand. Sand. ..do. ..do. Gravel . . .do.. Sand. Sand. .do... Drift, 20; sandrock 80; limestone, 1 . Drift, 40; soft sand- stone, 40; soap- stone, 57; lime- stone, 185. Yellow clay, 3; sand and clay, 77. Yellow clay, 5; blue pebbly clay, 25; forest bed, 10; ashen clay chang- ing to sand, 20. Drift, 130; sand- stone and shale, 65; limestone, 5. Drift,90; coal meas- ures, 120; lime- stone, 94. Loess and blue clay, 105; sand, 10. Clay, 100; sand, 20; clay, GO; lime- stone, 28. No rock; all clay, sand, and gravel; well tubed 250 feet. Sand, 30; clay, 10; gravel, 19. Loess, 15; yellow sand, 40 ; blue clay without p e" b b 1 e s, 10; white sand with gas, 15. Soft till, 130; hard blue till, 60. Loess and yellow sand, blue clay, sand below. Bluff. Loess, 12; old soil, 3; mainly blue till, 100. POWESHIEK COUNTY. Wells of Muscatine County — Continued. 477 Owner. Location. Depth. Diam- eter. Depth to rock. Depth to water supply. Source of supply. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 70 N., R. 3 W. (Seventy-six; PART OF FKUIT- LAND)— Contd. Sec. 10 Feet. 170 80 175 Inches. Feet. Feet. Ridge. Loess, 12; Sec. 11 . . Gravel yellow till, 38; gravelly sand, 25; blue till, 25; yel- 1 w cemented gravel, 10; hard blue till, 60. Sand, blue clav. Patrick O'Brien H. J. Jeffries.. Sec. 17 and gravel. Base of bluff. Sand Sec. 22 94 ! Yellow clay above; red sand, 60; white sand and gravel. Base of bluff. T. 76 N., R. 2 W. (PART OF FRUIT- l.\nd). C. S. Miller 110 44 160 Dershey Creamery . . Sec. 4 Sec. 5 160 POWESHIEK COUNTY. By Howard E. Simpson and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. Poweshiek County is situated slightlj^ southeast of the central por- tion of Iowa. As it has scarcely a stream large enough to bear the name of river, save perhaps the North Skunk, which crosses the southwest corner, its drift plain is a broad rolling prairie of decided upland type. The county is, however, divisible into two distinct topographic areas, coincident in a general way with the surface areas occupied by two drift sheets, the lowan and the Kansan. lowan drift covers about 75 square miles in the northwestern part of the county, its eastern edge being not far east of Sheridan and West- field. Here the plain is gently undulating, broken only by a few swells and by slight sags, in which grassy sloughs may be found The stream channels are neither numerous nor well defined, and, in fact, this area bears all the characteristics of topographic youth; it remains very much as it was molded by the overriding ice. The much larger portion of the county to the south and east belongs to the Kansan drift area and presents evidences of early maturity. The stream valleys are comparatively deep and broad, and the uplands, though still broad, are almost completely drained through a multitude of small V-shaped valleys. The drainage is southeastward through characteristic prauie creeks tributary to Iowa, English, and Skunk rivers. The largest streams, 478 UNDEEGKOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. especially the North Skunk, have well-developed flood plams. Only in the northwest corner is the imperfection of drainage shown by small sloughs and ponds, remnants of old and larger glacial lakes occupying depressions in the drift. Even these are almost extinct, for man is aiding nature in the work of drainage, both by open ditches and by tile. GEOLOGY. The country rock of Powesliiek County (Pis. VIII, XV) belongs to the Carboniferous system, the Osage group and "St. Louis limestone" of the Mississippian series and the Des Moines group of the Pennsyl- vanian series being represented. The Mississippian rocks consist of limestones and some shales, so similar as not to be distinguished in ordinary well borings. They form the country rock over about three-fourths of the county, lying north and east of a line passing near Newburg, Grinnell, Jacobs, Montezuma, and Tilton. The Des Moines group (Pennsylvanian) consists cliiefly of shales, together with some sandstones and limestones, and is the productive coal division. It unconformably overlies the Mississippian west and south of the line mentioned above, except where North Skunk River has cut through and the alluvium rests directly upon the ''St. Louis limestone." The older Kansan drift rests upon the country rock and is overlain in the northeast corner by the younger lowan drift and elsewhere by a thin veneer of loess. In places there seem to be traces of a drift older than the Kansan, but these have not yet been well made out. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. In Poweshiek County water is obtained from the alluvium (includ- ing some outwash gravel), the drift, the Des Moines group, the Mis- sissippian limestones, and deeper strata. Only the drift and the Mississippian limestones are of importance. The alluvium in the stream valleys is comparatively unimportant, owing not only to its small areas, but to its slight depth. However, in the valleys of North Skunk River and of a few of the larger creeks sufficient gravel, probably of Buchanan age, underlies the silt in such a way as to permit a strong underflow, which is utilized in shallow driven and open wells, chiefly in pasture wells for stock. The water beds of the drift are several but are not generally differentiated. In the loess-Kansan area shallow wells obtain a meager, variable, and insufficient supply in the sandy phase at the base of the loess. In the lowan area a gravel corresponding to the Buchanan gravel is not uncommon between the lowan and the Kan- san drifts, but is not easily distinguished on t-he uplands and is vari- POWESHIEK COUNTY. 479 able and uncertain as a source of supply. In the valleys it is more important, but it can not there be distinguished from the alluvial sands and has therefore been classed with them. The persistence and abundance of their waters make the extensive gravel deposits, which lie deep below the surface of the Kansan drift, the most valuable of all the Pleistocene sources. In many places these gravels are double, one bed occurring well up within the drift and another at the base. The former is probably of Aftonian age and the latter is probably residual rock material or rubble from the surface of the bedrock. Whatever their origin, they form excellent waterways and reservoirs. In Poweshiek County these gravels are all deeply buried, lying at depths of 50 to 200 or even 400 feet. Small veins and seeps are found at intervals throughout the drift, and from these by far the greater number of the wells in Poweshiek County draw a somewhat variable supply of good, wholesome water. Only when larger supplies for town or stock-farm use are desired is it necessary to resort to rock wells. The Des Moines group consists chiefly of shales, too impervious and too strongly impregnated with mineral matter to be of value as a water bearer. A few local sandstone beds furnish good water, but these are not common in the thin margin of the formation found in Poweshiek County. The Mississippian limestones have sufficient sandy and porous layers to form a good water bed, wliich is persistent tlu-oughout Poweshiek County. Though deeply buried by drift, tliis bed may well be sought where a moderately large and constant supply is desired. Though hard, it is generally free from obnoxious minerals and is an almost ideal water for stock. Wells of 180 to 200 feet are most common, but some of 400 and 500 feet are reported. Deeper sources are reached by the city wells at Grinnell (p. 481) and by a well on the ' ' Farwell ranch, ' ' near Montezuma ; this last is reported to be about 2,500 feet in depth, but no record of it is obtainable. BELLE PLAINE BASIN. About 4 square miles of the extreme northeast corner of Poweshiek County is included witliin the Belle Plaine artesian basin (see pp. 356- 358). Within this area wells ranging from 200 to 250 feet in depth yield a strong flow. In other near-by wells the water rises close to the curb but does not flow. SPRINGS, A number of strong springs are found in Poweshiek County, espe- cially in the southern and eastern parts. The spring near Montezuma (p. 484) and one on the farm of W. H. Taylor, south of the town, are among the more important. 480 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. BrooTdyn. — The public supply of Brooklyn (population, 1,233) is from a 208-foot well, the water bed being a sand and gravel layer, probably Aftonian, overlying blue clay near the bottom of the well. A higher water bed was found at 80 feet, but the flow was insufficient. This is the fourth well put down to this water bed, the others being abandoned chiefly on account of difficulty with sand. The present well was sunk in 1903, is used without a screen, and no trouble is experienced. The water is pumped by a gasoline engine into an elevated tank; capacity 16,920 gallons. The gravity pressure is 76 pounds in the business district, and in case of fire may be raised to 220 pounds by direct pressure. A large reservoir, having a capacity of 1,000 barrels, is used to supplement the tank and hold the reserve; 2^ miles of mains supply 22 hydrants and 180 taps. Only about 500 or 600 barrels are used daily. An excellent water suppl}' is that of John F. Scott, on Jackson Street, whose well probably reaches at 230 feet the same gravel bed that supplies the city v/ell. The water is pumped by windmill to an elevated tank and supplies some of the neighboring houses. The Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Rafiway uses the water of a small creek in preference to a shallow well. In the vicinity of Brooklyn drift wells are ordmarily dug to about 40 feet, though they range from 15 to 65, and some on the higher lands reach 90 feet. An abundance of good water is ordinarily obtained at this depth in gravel probably of Aftonian age. For larger supplies the gravels and sands at the base of the drift, in places at depths of 200 to 230 feet, are sought. The great depth of the drift and the abundance of w^ter in its lower gravel beds is such that rock is rarely reached. The depth of the limestone is variously reported from 150 feet to the very unusual depth of 400 feet. Water from limestone is hard but very constant in supply. The elevation at Brooklyn is 848 feet above sea level. The drill will probably leave the Kinderhook about 500 feet above sea level, will find the Silurian limestones from 275 above to 75 feet below sea level, the Maquoketa shale to 300 feet below, and the Galena and Platteville limestones to 600 feet below sea level, at which depth the water bed of the St. Peter sandstone should be discovered. Drilling should be carried at least 300 feet deeper, or to 900 feet below sea level (1,750 feet from the surface), in order to secure the flows from the creviced limestones and the sandstones underlying the St. Peter. Water will probably be found in the Galena and surely in an adequate amount in the St. Peter and adjacent terranes. The Silurian is probably here somewhat gypseous, and absolutely water-tight casing POWESHIEK COUNTY. 481 should be carried down to the Galena and securely bedded there with the best of packing. Dee]) River. — The village of Deep River (population, 467) owns a waterworks system in which a deep well is pumped by gasoline, com- pressed air being used to force the water from the storage tank through a mile of mains to 11 fire hydrants and several private taps under a normal pressure of 25 pounds, which is increased in case of fire to 65 pounds. Most wells are in drift and are 30 to 40 feet in depth. Heavy beds of sand are reached at about 135 to 175 feet, and of limestone between 200 and 250 feet. All ground water is hard, but the limestone water is harder than the drift water. Grinnell. — The public water supply of Grinnell (population, 5,036) is obtained from deep wells (Pis. VIII, XV) by an air lift and is emptied into a covered reservoir (capacity, 188,000 gallons) at a rate of 7,500 gallons per hour. From this reservoir the water is forced into the main standpipe by a direct-pressure pump having a capacity of 1,000 gallons a minute. A pressure of 50 pounds is ordi- narily maintained, but this may be increased to 125 pounds in case of fire after cutting off the standpipe. A battery of two boilers of 50 horsepower each furnishes the steam for the station plant. From the standpipe 5| miles of mains distribute the water to 55 fire hydrants and many private taps. A second supply suitable for boiler purposes is obtained from Crescent Lake, formed by impounding the waters of a small branch of Sugar Creek. From this it is pumped into an elevated tank, located at the city station, which has a capacity of 40,000 gallons. Two miles of mains distribute about 40,000 gallons daily, under 25 pounds pressure, to the city waterworks and the electric Hght plant, and to practically all the manufacturing plants of the town using steam power. It makes a very satisfactory boiler supply. The amount available is limited only by the capacity of the pump, approximately 10,000 gallons an hour. City well No. 1 has a depth of 2,003 feet and a diameter of 10 inches to 208 feet, 6 inches to 408 feet, 5 inches to 1,185 feet, and 4 inches to 2,003 feet; lO-inch casing is used to 208 feet, 5-inch from 408 to 958 feet, and 4-inch from 1,145 to 1,185 feet. The curb is 1,028 feet above sea level and the head 230 feet below the curb. The tested capacity is 105 gallons a minute. Strongly mineral water, almost yellow in color, rises from a depth of 212 feet to 90 feet below the curb; water also occurs at 1,530 feet, at 1,700 feet, and lower. The well was completed in 1893 by J, P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. 36581°— wsp 293—12 31 482 UNDEEGKOUND WATER EESOXJECES OF IOWA. Record of strata in city well No. 1 at Grinnell. Thick- ness. Quaternary: Soil, loess, and drift Carboniferous (Mississippian): "St. Louis limestone" and Osage group — Limestone, rather soft, buff; in chips mixed with sand and small pebbles of northern drift Shale, dark gray, fissile; fragments of impure chert; in light-drab argUlo-calca- reous powder Limestone, cherty, arenaceous, argillaceous; after washing is seen to contain man J' mmute crystals of selenite Limestone, gray; as fine sand in argiUo-calcareous powder Limestone, cherty, and shale; as chips in argillo-calcareous powder Shale and limestone; soft, fissile, dark drab; in powder; with a few minute fragments of limestone and considerable chert Kinderhook group- Shale, blue, calcareous; in powder, concreted into readily friable masses con- taining microscopic particles of quartz Shale, hard, green-gray; with compact, light yellow, calcareous, siliceous; angular grains of transparent quartz; the largest 0.09 millimeter in diameter. Shale, fine grained, calcareous, greenish Shale, brownish drab Shale, light blue-gray, somewhat calcareous; 2 samples Shale, brownish drab Devonian: Limestone, fine grained Shale, light blue-gray, seleniferous, calcareous; a few particles of limestone Shale, light drab and bluish, somewhat calcareous; a little finely divided quartz- ose residue after washing; 5 samples SUurian: Limestone, light yellow-gray, granidar, subcrystaUine; brisk effervescence; much shale Shale and limestone; in light blue-gray argillaceous powder containing a few frag- ments of limestone Shale, light blue and green gray; somewhat calcareous; 7 samples, last at 900 Limestone, magnesian, medium dark gray, earthy, argillaceous Limestone, magnesian or dolomite; considerable hard, finely arenaceous, greenish shale Shale, light gray, argillo-calcareous Limestone, highly cherty Limestone, white, soft Limestone, highly cherty; 2 samples Limestone, cherty ! Dolomite or magnesian limestone, light buff; in fine sand Ordovician: Maquoketa shale — Shale, light drab, calcareous Shale, light brown, pyritiferous; 2 samples, last at 1,280 Magnesian limestone" or dolomite, buff; residue cherty and microscopically arenaceous ". . Shale, brown Galena dolomite — Magnesian limestone or dolomite, ferruginous; in dark buff powder; residuary quartzose particles 0.018 to 0. 18 millimeter in diameter; 4 samples No samples Limestone, magnesian, cherty, light yellow; in powder Limestone, light gray, fossUiferous; in flaky chips Decorah shale- Shale, green, noncalcareous, "fossiliferous" PlattevUle limestone- Limestone, magnesian; in buff powder St. Peter sandstone— • Sandstone, calciferous; quartzose particles from 0.018 to 0.18 millimeter in diameter; particles of white dolomite mingled with the quartz in the drUling. Sandstone, white; grains rounded and smooth; usual size about 0.55 milli- meter, largest 0.92 millimeter in diameter Sandstone, light reddish buff; fine grains, mostly broken; many stained with film of ferric oxide; largest 0.28 millimeter in diameter Prairie du Chien group — Shakopee dolomite and New Richmond sandstone — No samples Sandstone, highly calciferous, or limestone, arenaceous; sand grains angular, some rounded; largest 1 millimeter in diameter, matrix of dolomite, white, at Feet. 212 20 20 5 10 100 20 30 200 15 115 75 135 20 10 262 POWESHIEK COUNTY. 483 RecoTd of strain in city well No. 2 at Grinnell {PI. VIII, p. 352; PI. XV, p. 670). Thick- ness. Depth. Pleistocene (209 feet thick; top, 1,028 feet above sea level): No sample Tm, greenish yellow Till, blue Till, blue; darker than above Till, blue; lighter Carboniferous (Mississippian): "St. Louis limestone" and Osage group (191 feet thick; top, 819 feet above sea level) — Limestone, bufl, dense, hard; brisk effervescence; in small cuttings and con- creted powder Sandstone, highly calcareous; grains of clear quartz, coarse, diverse in size, imperfectly rounded No record .' Limestone, light blue-gray; dull luster; slow effervescence; some cuttings of sandstone, dark blue, fine grained No record Limestone, blue, highly cherty, argillaceous, pyritiferous; effervescence slow; also shale Limestone, light gray, fossiliferous, encrinital; brisk effervescence Chert; in large chips; some limestone Limestone, blue-gray and whitish; cherty and with microscopic angular par- ticles of quartz; brisk effervescence Limestone, light gray, cherty, arenaceous; rapid effervescence Shale, light blue-gray; in powder; chert, blue; and limestone, gray Kinderhook group (167 feet thick; top, 628 feet above sea level) — Shale, blue gray; in friable concreted powder; largely composed of microscopic angular particles of quartz Shale, green-gray; in hard concreted masses, quartzose No record Shale, blue-gray and olive-gray, calcareous; in tough concreted masses; 7 samples Devonian (216 feet thick; top, 461 feet above sea level): Limestone, gray; rapid effervescence; crystalline; some chips pyritiferous; much shale from above Shale, light blue, calcareous; in tough concreted masses Limestone, blue-gray; rapid effervescence; also shale, blue Shale; in tough, blue, concreted masses; 2 samples Limestone, drab, hard; rapid effervescence; and shale, blue, in concreted masses.. Limestone, light yeUow-gray, argillaceous, or shale, highly calcareous; in concreted powder Lmiestone, light yellow-gray, lithographic; brisk effervescence. Shale, blue, somewhat calcareous Silurian (414 feet thick; top, 245 feet above sea level): Limestone, brown, crystalline; rapid effervescence; in angular sand; also gypsum, in white cuttings Limestone, light gray, hard, compact, subcrystalline No record Limestone, hght yellow-gray and dark drab; moderately rapid effervescence; much white gypsum Shale, calcareous, hght blue; chert, white; and light-gray limestone of slow effer- vescence . . .• Dolomite, light gray, crystalline; slow effervescence Dolomite, light brown, macrocrystalline; in large chips; a little white gypsum Dolomite, light gray, crystaUine; in small chips Gypsum, white, with shale, hard, dark green, calcareous, and highly arenaceous; fairly large rounded grains and minute angular particles Gypsum and shale; in whitish concreted powder Chert, white, gray, yellow, and black; with limestone, light gray, of rapid effer- vescence Limestone, light yellow-gray, macrocrystalline; rapid effervescence; chert, white; and hard, green, arenaceous shale; cuttings chiefly chert Limestone, hght gray, earthy; rapid effervescence; much white chert Limestone, whitish and light yellow; rapid effervescence; shale, reddish and green; calcareous in molded masses; flint, brown and gray Limestone, whitish, pink, and yellow, with much gray flint; shale, dark green and a little dark reddish; all concreted in greenish argillaceous powder Limestone, whitish and yellow; rapid effervescence; much chert Limestone, magnesian or dolomite, crystalline, light yellow Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (211 feet thick; top, 169 feet below sea level)— Shale, green, shghtly calcareous Shale, green and brown No samples ■. Shale, dark brown, bituminous, burning freely, and rather hard, blue shale, pyritiferous Shale, brown; in calcareous concreted masses Shale, blue, in concreted powder, and limestone, dolomitic, in crystalUne sand; some dark-brown siliceous cuttings Shale, blue Shale, light brown, calcareous; 3 samples Shale, drab Feet. 41 49 85 5 29 142 Feet. 41 90 175 ISO 209 214 26 6 240 246 2 8 248 256 12 32 25 268 300 325 25 25 25 350 375 400 15 5 5 415 420 425 567 25 8 33 67 23 592 600 633 700 723 27 26 7 750 776 783 77 10 5 860 870 875 14 889 26 35 40 10 915 950 990 1,000 25 5 1,025 1,030 10 1,040 40 30 1,080 1,110 10 1,120 30 20 27 1,150 1,170 1,197 23 3 40 1,220 1,223 1,263 2 19 1,265 1,284 6 50 35 33 1,290 1,340 1,375 1,408 484 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE KESOUECES OF IOWA. Record of strata in city well No. 2 at Grinnell. Thick- ness. Depth. Ordovician — Continued . Galena dolomite to Platteville limestone (291 feet thick; top, 380 feet below sea level)— Dolomite, light buff and brown, crystalline, porous; in chips Dolomite; as above; cherty; in sand Dolomite; as above; with greenish, argillaceous and microscopically arenaceous powder; 3 samples Limestone, gray; brisk effervescence; in sand Dolomite, buff and brown; in crystalline sand; 2 samples Limestone, dark drab and Ught gray; rapid effervescence Shale, green, hard, laminated, shghtly calcareous Limestone, yellow-gray, crystalluie; rapid effervescence; some rounded grains of quartz sand • Shale, green, laminated, hard; practically noncalcareous St. Peter sandstone (32 feet thick; top, 671 feet below sea levels- Sandstone, white; grains rounded; largest 0.8 miUimeters in diameter Prairie du Chien group — Shakopee dolomite (169 feet thick; top, 703 feet below sea level) : Dolomite, dark brown and gray, hard; much quartz sand in drillings; dolomite cuttings very sparmgly arenaceous Dolomite, buff, arenaceous; with grains seen to be embedded; in sand and large chips of vesicular dolomite Sandstone and dolomite; in buff sand; quartz sand in excess Dolomite; m buff sand, cherty, oolitic, arenaceous, as inferred from quartz sand in drillings Dolomite, gray, vesicular, crystalline; in large chips Sandstone, white; largest grains 1 millimeter in diameter, showing some secondary enlargements; with chips of finer-grained sandstone, with calcareous cement Dolomite, gray; in large chips New Richmond sandstone (79 feet thick; top, 872 feet below sea level): Sandstone and dolomite; in buff, fine sand; quartz sand in excess; grains of quartz sand and cuttings of dolomite of about same size Sandstone, white, rather coarse; grains with secondary enlargements; some chips showing calcareous cement Sandstone^ buff; finer than above; in chips showing calcareous matrix Oneota dolomite (8 feet penetrated; top, 951 feet below sea level): Dolomite, white; in chips Dolomite, cherty, bright buff; in sand Dolomite, buff; "in sand. Feet. 42 25 75 10 65 25 4 37 32 39 Feet. 1,450 1,475 1,550 1,560 1,625 1,650 1,654 1,691 1,699 1,731 1,770 34 9 1,804 1,813 27 20 1,840 1,860 6 34 1,866 1,900 33 1,933 17 29 1,950 1,979 4 4 1,983 1,987 Mdlcom. — The town of Malcom (population, 377) is provided with a water supply from two wells. An elevated tank furnishes 65 pounds pressure for a niile of mains, supplying nine hydrants and a few private consumers. Montezuma. — The public supply of Montezuma (population 1,172) is from a 300-foot well. The water is pumped by gasoline engines into a 20 by 24 foot tank, elevated on a 100-foot steel tower. Dis- tribution is entirely by gravity, through 2 miles of mains to 17 fire hydrants and 35 taps. Only about 200 barrels are used per day in summer. A pressure of about 45 pounds is maintained throughout the town. The water is hard and deposits a red precipitate on the pipes, showuig that, though some of it may be drawn from the lime- stone, a larg"^ part of it comes from the overlying Pleistocene gravels, which in many places carry much iron. Two miles northeast of Montezuma is a spring which is said to flow in a 2-inch stream from a sand bed into a 12 by 12 foot brick reser- voir, from which arrangement is made for pumping by a gasoline engine. This spring is being considered as a source of public supply. POWESHIEK COUNTY. 485 In the vicinity of Montezuma plenty of water may usually be found in drift sand at depths of 50 to 60 feet or perhaps 80 feet on the uplands. Fine sand has caused some difficulty in pumping and on that account a few wells have been abandoned or extended to lime- stone at depths of 200 to 300 feet. The limestone water is hard and stands about 100 feet below the surface; the supply, however, is certain and very constant. Montezuma is 948 feet above sea level, but an accurate estimate of the depths of the different water beds is difficult because of a hypothetical east-west sag bounded on the south by the up warp of the lower Paleozoic formations of southeastern Iowa. If the dip of the strata from Belle Plaine to Pella is uniform the St. Peter should be found at Montezuma about 640 feet below sea level, a depth nearly coincident with that given on a section from Grinnell to Sigourney. But the sag may carry the St. Peter down to 675 or 700 feet below sea level or at most 1,650 feet below the surface. A deep well should .be drilled at least 300 or 400 feet below the St. Peter into the subja- cent limestones and sandstones, where an abundant supply of water will probably be obtained. The well should be sunk to a depth of 1,950 to 2,050 feet. The upper waters from the Mississippian and probably also any water found in the Silurian will be heavily mineralized and should be shut out. The quality of the lower and main waters is a matter of prime importance which regrettably can not be definitely pre- dicted. In general, it is believed that these waters are of a fair quality, but there are some indications to the contrary for this locality. The experience of Sigourney, where casing carried to the Galena, as reported, still left an unpotable water, is distinctly discouraging, although the probabilities are that at the latter place either the casing leaked or the Galena water was heavily mineralized. On this last supposition a water-tight casmg bedded a short distance above the shales of the lower Platteville should have remedied the difficulty. At Pella the upper waters were found unpotable, but when cased out, the lower or Ordovician waters were insufficient in quantity. The Pella well, however, reaches only to the St. Peter; had it been sunk a few hundred feet deeper fair waters of good yield would have probably been secured. The experience of the second city well at Grinnell, which succeeded in casing out the injurious sulphated waters of the first well and still had an abundant supply, would probably be duplicated at Montezuma with due care in the construc- tion of the well. The water will probably head at about 175 feet from the surface. 486 U]SrDEKGKOUN"D WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Poweshiek County: Typical ivells of Poiveshiek County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 78 N., R. 14 W. (part of Jackson). W. H. Taylor SW. i sec. 34- . . - Feet. 217 300 ± Feet. 177 200 ± Limestone . do Feet. 90 65 Yield, 10 gallons per min- ute; pumped by gas and wind engines. "Iron and sulphxir " taste. First water bed at ISO. Pumped by lO-horsepower gas engine. Hard. Iron taste. L'sed but little. T. 80 N., R. 16 W. (Grinnell). J. W. Fowler Grinnell 434 200 Limeston e and shale. 130 Pure. Water beds at 216 and 300. Pumps 9 gal- lons a minute without lowering. Plenty of soft water. do 183 (a) Fine sand. . 83 T. 80 N., R. 14 W. (Bear Creek). Talbot and Thomp- son. City of Brooklyn . . Sec. 12 605 208 325 Red sand- stone. Sand and 125 Pumps 12 gallons a min- ute. Black soil, 3; red clay, 75; blue clay, 246; sand (dry), 1; blue and gray shale, 225; white clay, 7; limestone, 46; red sandstone, 2. John F. Scott Brooklyn SE. }sec. 2 SE. i-sec. 4 S. J sec. 15 233 575 201 170 fexavel. c^o 100 SO 65 50 Abundant soft water. Soil James Calderwood . Luther Triplet Jos. F. Coulter 400 ± (a) 169 Limestone . Gravel Limes tone(?) and yellow clay, 30; blue clay, 200; fine sand and gravel, 3. Very constant. Red clay, 50; blue clay, 350; lime- stone, 175. Fine well; probably from gravel. Probably from gravel. Strong weU. Soil and yel- low clay, 60; blue clay, 262; gravel and sand (dry), 3; shale (?) slaty color, 247; limestone, hard, gray, 6. Hard and strongly mineral. Pumped by gasoline en- gine to tanks of farm; also of neighbor. S. E. Brush . do 172 578 170 325 Limestone . do 60 75 J. N. Newkirk T. 81 N., R. 14 W. (Madison). NE. Jsec. 16..-. John W. Jones W.J sec. 20 400 (a) Sand 65 T. 78 N., R. 13 W. (Deep River). W. L. Buxton NE. isee. 5 Limestone . do 75 94 Can not pump down. First water at 165 feet in sand and clay; yield 8 gallons a minute. Hard. John Doonan T. 79 N., R. 14 W. (Scott). 1| miles north of Deep River. 194 180 R. F. Hutchinson. . SE. J sec. 28 202 152 do 100 First water bed at 50. Sand andgi'avel. Hard. Drift, 152; slate, 16; coal and fire clay, 2; shale; lime- stone, water bearing. a No rock. SCOTT COUNTY. Typical wells of Poweshiek County — Continued. 487 Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source supply Head below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 79N., R. 14 W. (Scott)— Contd. John Hutchinson . . Wm. T. Hutchin- son. John R. Johnson... \ Do .... SW. i sec. 27. . . . NE. Jsec. 34.... NE. Jsec. 35 NE. isec. 22.... NW. Jsec. 6.... SE. J sec. 3 181 184 412 118 324 180 171 181 131 (a) (a) Limestone . do do Gravel Sandstone . Gravel 68 100 35 40 100 Strong well. Drift, 168; sand, partly cemented, 3; limestone, 9; limestone, very hard, 1. White and milky after storm; hard. Black water at first, bad odor; later cleared. Red clay, 75; blue clay, 50; sand (scant water), 6; limestone, hard gray, 281. Pumped 8 gallons per minute at test without lowering. Strong well. Very strong well. Never pumps lower. Maggie R. Johnson. T. 79 N., R. 13 W. (Lincoln). J. A. Dougherty a No rock. SCOTT COUNTY. By W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. Scott County is an area of faint relief. The larger part is an upland of well-nigh level Illinoian drift, sharply dissected along its margins, but elsewhere drained by shallow though broad waterways. The extreme northwestern part is occupied by a maturely dissected area of Kansan drift. Along the right bank of the Wapsipinicon Valley in Butler and Princeton townships rises a narrow and high ridge composed largely of loess and sand. The recently cut channel of the Mississippi from Princeton south gives room for a narrow alluvial lowland south of Valley City and one somewhat wider below Daven- port. That part of the wide flood plain of Wapsipinicon Kiver which hes south of the channel, an area of about 35 squares miles, falls to Scott County. Across the western part of the county stretches a broad marshy sag once occupied as a temporary channel by the Mississippi and now held by an insignificant stream called Mud Creek. GEOLOGY. Buff and bluish dolomitic limestone quarried at Le Claire and belonging to the Niagara underlies the northern part of the county; higher and younger limestones of Devonian age, of which the Daven- port quarries furnish examples, underlie the drift in Davenport and Blue Grass townships; and shales and sandstones belonging to the Pennsylvanian series occupy the extreme southern part of the county. (See PI. XV, p. 670.) 488 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. UNDERGROUND WATER. PROVINCES. Wapsipinicon flood plain. — Wapsipinicon River, which forms the northern boundary of the county, flows over a flood plain whose p.vye/' 10 Males Figure 5.— Map of western Scott County, showing the ancient channel now occupied by Mud Creek (shown by shading) and the buried Cleona channel (bounded by broken lines). Figures at deep wells ( •) indicate the elevation of the rock surface above sea level. Figiires prefixed by minus sign (— ) indicate depths of wells that did not reach rock. width on the right bank of the stream ranges from half a mile near Dixon to 3 miles at McCausland. On tliis plain alluvial sands and gravels supply abundant water to shallow dug and driven wells. SCOTT COUNTY. 489 Mud Creek channel. — The little stream of Mud Creek drains the northern portion of an ancient channel held by several geologists to have been cut in glacial time by the diverted waters of Mississippi River. The channel floor is about a mile wide, increasing in width at the mouths of the valleys of tributary creeks. Ground water stands high. Much of the area is ill drained and ponds and marshes occur, especially at the col which crosses the flat valley floor at the head of Mud Creek, separating it from the headwaters of another creek, Elkhorn, whose course is in the opposite direction. Along this channel ground water is easily reached by shallow wells. Cleona huried channel. — In the western part of the county a distinct ground-water province exists in the ancient and deeply buried river valley called Cleona channel, from a township tlirough wliich it passes. The depth and width, which considerably exceed that of the present Mississippi Channel contiguous to the county, lead to the inference that it was cut in rock by a stream of large size. Apparently the rock-cut valley is wide floored and bounded by steep bluffs now buried deep from sight. In the village of Plainview wells a few rods apart show sharp descents of the rock surface of about 150 feet, and in Cleona Township the rock surface declines more than 260 feet within a mile. The Cleona channel joins the valley of the Wapsipinicon north of Allen Grove and Donahue, and probably continues down that valley to join the deep preglacial channel of the Mississippi north of Prince- ton. From Allen Grove southwest to Plainview it coincides in part with the broad flat-floored valley of Mud Creek, but from Plainview to Durant it lies mostly on the east side of Mud Creek Valley. In sec. 19, Cleona Township, northeast of Durant, the channel has a depth of more than 300 feet below the surface of the ground. The rock floor is not reached here at an elevation of 399 feet above sea level. This elevation is but 20 feet above extreme low water in the Mis- sissippi at St. Louis, and the fall thence to the Gulf of Mexico is but 3 inches to the mile. The rock floor here is more than 160 feet lower than the present bed of the Mississippi at Le Claire. In this province water occurs in river or giacial-outwash sands with which the channel has been heavily aggraded, and which have been deeply buried beneath stony clays deposited by ancient ice sheets. The formations to be met with by the driller vary considerably, as the following well logs show: Log of well of H. Goettsch, NW. \ sec. 9, Cleona Township. Thick- ness. Depth. Clay, yellow and blue, Kansan Clay, black, iil-smelling, Aftonian. Clay, blue, hard, Nebraskan Quicksand, mostly fine Feet. 102 45 50 134 Feet. 102 147 197 331 490 UNDEKGEOUND WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. Log of well of Henry Roh, NE. \ sec. 26, Allen Grove Township. Thick- ness. Depth. Clay, yellow and blue Quicksand Clay, blue, stony, underlain by 70 feet of river sand resting on blue till Gravel Feet. 100 25 150 25 Feet. 100 125 275 300 Log of well of J. Rathjen, SW. I sec. 12, Cleona Township. Thick- ness. Depth. Clay, yellow Clay, blue... Sand Feet. 35 205 2 Feet. 35 240 242 Log of well of Lena Mumm, NE. J sec. 21, Cleona Township. Thick- ness. Depth. Clay, yellow Clay, blue Sand and gravel Feet. 12 236 30 Feet. 12 248 278 These and other wells show that in places beds of sand covered with stony clays occur at a depth from the surface of about 100 feet. These sands are apt to be too fuie to be available for wells with the methods now in use in well construction. At depths of 200 to 275 feet a body of sand is encountered, which probably rests on bedrock, although, as it has not been drilled through, tliis is not altogether certain. The thickness of tliis bed may reach 130 feet. Because of the fineness of grain over much of this depth, it may be expected to give much trouble to the driller, but there are coarser layers and gravel beds in which a good supply can be obtained. Niagara province. — The Niagara province embraces the two northern tiers of townsliips, where most of the wells are compelled to pass through the drift and find water either in the Niagara dolomite within a short distance from its surface or in overlying gravels. In Liberty Township rock outcrops in the northern sections, as about Big Rock and Dixon, but the southern half is covered with 50 to 140 feet of drift. The depth to water varies widely in wells but a short distance apart; throughout the township water is found in rock within 50 to 150 feet of the surface. In Hickory Grove Township, except along the buried channels of Cleona River and of another preglacial stream which passes through the eastern tier of sections, rock occurs within 30 and 50 feet between SCOTT COUNTY. 491 Plainview and Maysville and within 80 and 150 feet elsewhere, water being commonly found within a few feet below the rock surface. In Winfield, Butler, and Princeton townships, outside of the Wap- sipinicon Valley, water is found but a short distance below the rock surface, which lies within 60 to 170 feet of the surface of the ground on the upland back of the bluffs of ISIississippi River, at whose base rock outcrops. Northwestern Winfield Townsliip, however, lies in Cleona channel, and a series of wells from 190 to 225 feet deep to rock in sees. 15, 26, and 35 indicate a buried channel somewhat less deep and wide than the Cleona, with an approximately south-north course. In Sheridan and Lincoln townships and the western parts of Le Claire and Pleasant Valley townships rock is generally found at 60 and 70 to 150 feet, some wells reaching it, however, at 170 feet or even more. In the eastern sections of Le Claire and Pleasant Valley townships rock occurs at or near the svu-face, and wells passing through 30 to 60 feet of drift find water within 75 to 150 feet of the surface of the ground. Devonian 'province. — In Davenport Township rock is generally entered at 80 to 170 feet, and water is found 10 to 50 feet below rock surface. Along the Mississippi rock outcrops in the side of the bluffs, but is covered with heavy drift and loess. A buried deep channel is suggested by wells in sec. 12 which strike rock at 212 to 230 feet, and by a well in Davenport, on Gains Street, said to be 200 feet to rock. These wells are ahgned with the channel traced near Leroy Grove, in Winfield Township, but there are no well reports from the eastern sections of Sheridan Township, through which the channel connecting the two "deep countries" would run. In Blue Grass Township, Devonian hmestones he 40 to 50 feet below the surface about Walcott, and from 80 to 100 feet below else- where. In sees. 1 and 12, however, two wells, one 230 feet to rock, and the other 275 feet deep, ending in sand, probably mark the southward extension of the buried channel which stretches across the eastern tier of sections of Hickory Grove Township. No data are at hand to trace the channel south of sec. 12. Carboniferous province, — ^The Carboniferous province includes the larger part of Buffalo Township and parts of Rockingham, together with outHers in Le Claire and Sheridan townships. Here beneath the drift the drill strikes the shales and sandstones of the Pennsyl- vanian series or coal measures. As the water contained in these beds is meager in quantity and is, as a rule, highly minerahzed, wells are generally drilled to the underlying hmestones, where water of excel- lent quahty is found in ample amounts and with a head which lifts it high in the weU. 492 TJNDEEGEOUND WATEK EESOUECES OF IOWA. Outside of Buffalo Township the outHers of the Pennsylvanian are small in area, but as they occupy very ancient channels cut in Niag- ara dolomite may reach 200 feet in depth. The following are typical wells in the Pennsylvanian province: Log of well in Buffalo Township, 8E. J SE. \ sec. 16. Clay, yellow Soapstone Slate Coal Fireclay Shale Coal Fireclay Limestone (Devonian) Thick- ness. Feet. 20 25 2J i 2 2 20 2\ 1 66^ Depth. Feet. 20 45 47i 48 60 70 72J 731 140 Log of well of Le Claire Brick & Tile Co., Island City. Thick- ness. Depth. Shale, dark Sandstone, white Shale, blue Sandstone Shale, blue Limestone (Niagara) with water vein beneath the shale; water heads 4 feet from surface, Feet. 90 6 70 9 25 26 Feet. 90 96 166 175 200 226 The White Sulphur Springs well is located in the NW. | sec. 24, Buffalo Township, sulphureted water. Its depth is 800 feet. It has a flow of strongly The well was completed prior to 1870. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Bettendorf. — At Bettendorf (population, 909) the well of the Betten- dorf Improvement Co. has a depth of 1,650 feet and a diameter of 12 inches at top and 9 inches at bottom; casing, 80 feet of 12 inch at top. The principal water bed is from 500 to 650 feet; flow, about 1,000 gallons a minute. Temperature, 65° F. Driller, John D, Shaw, of Davenport. The Bettendorf Metal Wheel Co. well No. 1 has a depth of 400 feet and a diameter of 8 inches; cased to rock, 20 feet. The curb is 585 feet above sea level and the head 15 feet below the curb. Tested capacity, about 30 gallons a minute; water somewhat sulphureted. The Bettendorf Metal Wheel Co. well No. 2 has a depth of 1,539 feet and a diameter of 10 inches to 60 feet, 8 inches to bottom; cased to 60 feet. The curb is 585 feet above sea level; head not reported. The flow is 200 gallons a minute. The well was completed in 1909 at a cost of $2,300 by J. D. Shaw, of Sioux City. SCOTT COUNTY. 493 Davenport. — Davenport (population 39,797) is supplied with water drawn from Mississippi River and filtered. It is distributed by gravity pressure, 65 pounds, and direct pressure, 125 pounds. There are 72 miles of mains and 650 hydrants. The works are owned by the Davenport Water Co. The 30-inch cast-iron intake pipe opens 1,000 feet off shore, the joints being all thoroughly calked with lead. The water flows from the intake pipe into a forebay, w^hich is screened to prevent fish or floating debris from entering, and thence into the well, from which the suction is taken. Well and forebay are cleaned from 20 to 40 times a year. The water is then pumped into a settling basin with a capacity of 5,000,000 gallons, where it remains for 24 hours. This basin is cleaned once a yeap, the sediment collected during this time amounting to about 3 feet at the end of the basin at which the water is dehvered, and 1 foot at the end where it is taken out. From the settling basin the water flows through a flume over a weir into the coagulating basin with a capacity of 300,000 gallons, at whose entrance it is met by the coagulant solution. From 2 to 5 grains of sulphate of alumina to the gaUon is used, the amount depending on the condition of the raw water. The alkalinity is tested daily. The filter alum is dissolved in tanks into which air is blown under pressure through pipes at bottom. The solution flows by gravity to a lead-lined centrifugal pump, by which it is lifted to an upper tank, which overflows into the bottom tanks, from which it is fed by gravity into the water in the coagulating basin. This method is beheved to keep the solution at uniform strength and insure a uniform head. The water in the coagulating basin is given three hours for the completion of the process, and is then pumped under pressure through the filters into the main distribution. Each of the 10 horizontal filter sheUs is 32 feet long and 1^ feet in diameter. Each sheU is divided into two compartments, in each of which are 5 feet of sand. The filter shells are capable of sustaining a pressure of 200 pounds to the square inch. The bacterial efficiency is reported to range from 96 to 99.06, the percentage increasing with the number of bacteria in the raw water. An upper and lower distributmg service is employed. The lower service is supplied from the river station, which is designated station No. 1, and serves, under direct pressure, the business section of the town and that along the. flood plain of the river. At station No. 2 the fUtered water is pumped into a reservoir and the mains are so arranged that the pumps can be brought into commission at time of fire on the lower service to aid the pumps of station No. 1. When fire occurs on the upper service the pumps of station No. 2 supply direct pressure. 494 UISTDEKGEOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. The Davenport waterworks supply the Iowa Soldiers' Orphans' Home, whose daily consumption is about 15,000 gallons, at a cost of 10 cents for 1,000 gallons. The supply had previously been drawn from a well on the grounds of the institution, but the capacity proved insufficient. The sequence of formations at Davenport has been fully treated by Udden ^ and by the writer,^ and the correlations specified in the papers cited have been confirmed, on the whole, by the records of wehs drilled since their publication.^ (See Pis. XII, XV.) The surface rock at Davenport is the Wapsipinicon limestone of the Devonian system, the type outcrops of the Upper and Lower Davenport limestones of the Iowa State Survey being within the city limits near the water level of Mississippi River. The Devonian includes shales (as shown by the Kimball House samples, and by the record of "caving material" of the Malt & Grain Co. well No. 2) which may be assigned to the Independence shale member of the Wapsipinicon. The base of the Devonian may be placed at 475 feet above sea level. The samples from the Kimball House well, confirmed by other well records, define the lower limit of the Niagara and summit of the Maquoketa at about 130 feet above and the base of the Maquoketa at about 100 feet below sea level. The Galena dolomite extends at least to 250 and perhaps to 300 feet below sea level. The undolomitized limestones and accompany- ing shales of the Platteville limestone meet the St. Peter sandstone at about 448 feet below sea level, according to Udden. The records as to the summit of the St. Peter are singularly conflicting, however, varying from 376 to 511 feet below sea level. The base of the St. Peter sandstone is also variously reported, and Udden's estimate of 524 feet below sea level may be accepted as an approximation to its average place. The Prairie du Chien group, on which the St. Peter rests, consists in its upper beds of shales and interbedded dolomites which reach a thickness of more than 100 feet. In several wells red marl is reported from this horizon. The Jordan sandstone, which succeeds the Prairie du Chien at about 800 feet below sea level, is at least 150 feet thick and is continued downward into sandy limestones and limy sandstones of the St. Lawrence formation, from which its parting is ill defined in the driller's logs. The shale from 1,268 to 1,308 feet below sea level may be taken as the basal portion of the St. Lawrence, the latter depth marking the summit of the Dresbach sandstone. The deepest wehs 1 Water resources of Illinois: Seventeenth Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Survey, pt. 2, 1896, pp. 829-S49. 2 Artesian wells of Iowa: Rept. Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 6, 1897, pp. 272-280. 3 Many of the data as to the newer wells were collected by Udden. SCOTT COUNTY. 495 show that the Dresbach is underlain by heavy shales, succeeded below by another sandstone. The first water obtamed at Davenport comes from the Devonian at 440 to 480 feet above sea level. It may represent the natural springs which rise from the Independence shale member of the Wapsipinicon limestone along its outcrops. The water is insignificant in quantity, but is noteworthy because of its corrosive quahties, which eat the casing from the outside, where the drill hole passes through water channels. A second flow is obtained in the Galena dolomite at depths of 108 to 242 feet below sea level. This is the so-called ''upper water" and is noticeably impregnated with sulphureted hydrogen. Aeration and relief from pressure insure a rapid and complete escape of the gas. The water is frequently separated from lower flows. The yield has been generous, amounting in the Witts well to 300 gallons a minute. A third flow comes from the St. Peter sandstone, which has so far furnished the larger part of the discharge of the Davenport basm and is the main water bed supplying wells from 1,050 to 1,200 feet in depth. The analogy of other localities, where observations as to discharge seem to have been more carefuUy made, suggests that the Prairie du Chien group, especially its middle and lower portions, will also con- tribute largely to the flow of weUs, The Jordan sandstone at 745 to 945 feet below sea level may be depended on to yield generously with a head at present more than 20 feet higher than that of the St. Peter. The St.La-vsrrence may be expected to yield little, if any, water, but the underlying Cambrian strata contain a well-fllled reservoir 1,300 to 1,500 feet below sea level. As is commonly the case when numerous artesian weUs are drilled in a small area, the Davenport artesian field has shown from the beginning a progressive loss of pressure, lowering of static level, and diminution of discharge. This has been specially marked in weUs 1 ,200 feet and less in depth, in which the main supply comes from the St. Peter. The initial head of these weUs seems to have reached 651 feet above sea level, as shown by the woolen mills weU driUed in 1890. In 1891 an initial head of 612 feet was reported, in 1892 initial heads of 606 and 631 feet, in 1893 of 610 feet, and in 1905 the initial head (at the Malt & Grain Co. well) of the St. Peter was less than 592 feet above sea level; aU these heads are those of new wells and are therefore affected by no causes other than overdraft. The head of the Jordan and lower waters remains higher than that of the St. Peter. Thus the head of the Park weU, drifled in 1888, was initially 682 feet above sea level and in 1895 had declined to 670 feet. It should be noted, however, that this weU is situated on high ground and is nonflowing. The initial head of the Malt & Grain Co/s well for the Jordan, drilled in 1905, was 612 feet and that of the 496 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. well of the Bettendorf Metal Wheel Co., drilled m 1909, is 606 feet above sea level. In recent years the static level has been lowered by the use of com- pressed air in pumping a number of the wells, and though the dis- charge of the wells pumped has been increased to even more than the initial flows the head of other wells has been so reduced that they no longer flow. Thus the initial flow of the four wells of the Corn Products Kefining Co. is reported at 1,413 gallons a minute. In 1908 the natural flow had declined to 842 gaUons, but with compressed air a discharge is obtained of 1,635 gallons a minute. The weU at the woolen mills yields at present but 25 gallons a minute under its natural pressure, but with compressed air gives 225 gaUons. The two weUs of the Independent Malting Co., which yielded in 1905 but 350 gaUons, now pump 800 gaUons. The well of the Crystal Ice Co., wliich flowed 250 gallons, pumps 240 gallons a minute. The flow from the deeper aquifers still remains fair in new wells. Thus the new well of the Malt & Grain Co. flows 150 gaUons, that of the Davenport Malting Co. and that of the Bettendorf Metal Wheel Co. each 200 gallons a minute. As the static level of the St. Peter waters is now below the surface and the supply overtaxed, it is advised that new weUs be sunk to the Jordan sandstone and to the sandstones underlying the St. Law- rence formation from 1,550 to 2,100 feet from the surface, although weUs of 1,000 and 1,200 feet in depth wiU stUl yield largely under the pump. The glucose factory has four weUs. WeU No. 1 has a depth of 1,500 feet and a diameter of 5 inches. The curb is 562 feet above sea level, and the head in 1896 was 58 feet above curb. The flow in 1896 was 230 gallons a minute; in 1908 it was 60 gaUons a minute; tested capacity, under compressed air, in 1908, 160 gallons a minute. The temperature of the water is 61° F. Date of completion, 1876. Well No. 2 has a depth of 2,101 feet and a diameter of 6 inches. The curb is 562 feet above sea level. The head in 1896 was 81 feet above curb; in 1905 it was 24 feet above curb. The original flow was 380 gaUons a minute; the present flow is 228 gallons a minute; tested capacity, under compressed air, 380 gallons a minute. Tem- perature, 64° F. The weU was completed in 1889 by J. P. MiUer & Co., of Chicago. WeU No. 3 has a depth of 2,105 feet and a diameter of 6 inches. The curb is 562 feet above sea level. The original flow was 400 gal- lons a minute; present flow, 264 gaUons a minute; tested capacity, under compressed air, 530 gallons a minute. Temperature, 64° F. The weU was completed in 1892 by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. Well No. 4 has a depth of 2,107 feet and a diameter of 8 inches. The curb is 562 feet above sea level. The original flow was 400 gal- lons a minute; present flow, 290 gaUons a minute; tested capacity, SCOTT COUNTY. 497 under compressed air, 565 gallons a minute. The temperature of the water is 64° F. The well was completed in 1892 by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. Repairs have been made only on well No. 4, new casing to 650 feet having been inserted in 1906, slightly increasing the flow. In 1905 these four wells discharged into the basin from which the water is pumped. The wells are situated not more than 240 feet apart, but no interference has been noticed. Driller's log of glucose factory wells. Thick- ness. Depth. Surface material Limestone, bluish, at. . Shale, at Limestone, at Shale Sandstone (St. Peter). Limestone, sandy No record Shale Limestone, sandy Sandy rock Shale Feet. 52 30 42 530 258 40 20 160 50 Feet. 52 410 635 970 1,000 1,042 1,572 1,830 1,870 1,890 2,050 2,100 The Park well has a depth of 1,797 feet. The curb is 704 feet above sea level. The original head was 22 feet below curb; head in 1896, 34 feet below curb. The tested capacity is 125 gallons a minute. The well was completed in 1888 by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. Record of strata in Park well at Davenport."' Thick- ness. Depth. "Loess; " no sample "Bowlder clay;" no sample Shale; dark; no sample Limestone; pure, hard, gray, compact, fine textured, nonmagnesian Dolomite; hard, highly vesicular, light pinkish-bufi, with casts of crinoid stems and easts of apex of Platystoma niagarense Hall Dolomite; subcrystalline, cream-colored, highly vesicular, with obscure cast of bryo- Dolomite; hard, bluish gray, subcrystalline Shale; lead colored, argillaceous, very slightly caleareomagneslan, fossiliferous; black- ens in closed tube before the blowpipe; turns white Dolomite; white, arenaceous Dolomite; hard, gray, subcrystalline Dolomite; hard, rough, brownish, white; some fine gray shale Dolomite; lighter in color, with obscure casts of fossils referred to Zygospira Dolomite; light brownish Dolomite; as above, with white chert Dolomite; magnesian limestone, white Limestone; light bluish gray, nonmagnesian, argillaceous; in thin, flaky chips Shale; green, pyritiferous Sandstone; grains rather coarse, rounded, white and pinkish Shale; indurated, slightly arenaceous, fine grained, gray, green, and purplish Dolomite; light gray, arenaceous Dolomite; light buff, arenaceous Dolomite; buff, arenaceous No record . 'Sandstone" " Limestone " Dolomite; in minute fragments, with large admixture of siliceous sand. Feet. 40 60 30 220 30 50 75 SO 125 50 75 ^0 10 75 30 60 50 100 25 10 100 Feet. 40 100 130 350 380 400 490 520 600 650 725 775 900 950 1,025 1,075 1,085 1,160 1,190 1,260 1,300 1,400 1,425 1,435 1,535 1,797 36581°- o From drillings preserved by A. S. Tiffany, Davenport, Iowa, -wsp 293—12 32 498 UNDEEGEOUISrD WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. The Kimball House well has a depth of 1,560 feet and a diameter of 8 inches to 710 feet and 4 inches to bottom. The curb is 579 feet above sea level. The original head (of lower water) was 58 feet above curb; in 1896, 20 feet above curb; in 1908, below curb a flow of sulphur water, 120 gallons a minute from a depth of about 700 feet, was cased out. The well was completed in 1890 (?) by A. K. Wallen. Between 1896 and 1905 the casing became corroded and the upper and lower waters mingled. Record of strata in Kimball House well.'^ Thick- ness. Depth. '• Modified drift" Limestone, magnesian, compact, fine textured, hard, light, and dark gray Limestone, softer, Hghter colored; similar in composition and texture to that above Dolomite, hard, pin-e, subcrystalliae, vesicular, light greenish gray; casts and molds of fossUs . Dolomite; as above, biit darker Dolomite; as at 128 to 175 feet Dolomite, light bluish gray; with white chert Shale, black, pyritiferous,"noncarbonaceous Shale, blue Limestone, blue, argillaceous, fossiliferous Dolomite, hard, rough, subcrystalliae, medium dark buff Sand, fine, buff, largely dolomitic, with rounded grains of quartz; also many grains of pyrite in minute, agglomerated crystals; water bearing " Limestone, soft, yellow, magnesian; " no sample " Limestone, hard," buff, nonmagnesian;" no sample " Limestone, argillaceous, ferruginous; " no sample Feet. 13 67 48 47 130 120 23 27 90 125 40 45 75 50 90 Feet. 13 80 128 175 305 425 448 475 565 ,690 730 775 850 900 990 a From samples supplied by A. S. Tiffany. The woolen mills well has a depth of 1,053 feet and a diameter of S^ inches. The curb is 564 feet above sea level. The original head was 87 feet above the curb; head in 1905, at curb. The water at 85 or 120 feet, at 700 feet, and near bottom, was corrosive, cutting the casing from the outside. The original flow is unknown; flow in 1908, 25 gallons a minute; tested capacity in 1908, 225 gallons a minute. The well was completed in 1890 by A. K. Wallen. New casing was inserted in 1895, in 1901, and in 1906, to 200 and to 280 feet below the curb and each time a higher pressure was obtained. The Witts Bottling Works well has a depth of 780 feet and a diameter of 6 and 3 inches. The curb is 575 feet above sea level. The original head was 82 feet above curb; head in 1896, 59 feet above the curb. The original and present flow is 300 gallons a minute, but is said to diminish when the well of Crystal Ice Co. is used. Date of completion, 1891. Drillers, J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. The gasworks wells Nos. 1 and 2 have depths of 1,200 feet and a diameter of 5 to 4 inches; 5-inch casing nearly to bottom. The curb is 564 feet above sea level. The head of lower water, original, was 48 feet above the curb; head in 1896, 48 feet above the curb; head in 1905, 4 feet above the curb. Temperature, 65° F. The wells were completed in 1891 by A. K. Wallen. SCOTT COUNTY. 499 The Schmidt building well has a depth of 1,200 feet and a diameter of 4 inches. The curb is 576 feet above sea level and the original head was about 30 feet above the curb. Head in 1905, less than the original. The original flow was about 45 gallons a minute. Date of completion, 1892; driller, A. K. Wallen. The Malt & Grain Co. well No. 1 has a depth of 1,076 feet and a diameter of 5 inches. The curb is 592 feet above sea level. The original head was 39 feet above the curb; the head in 1896, 15 feet above the curb; in 1909, 14 feet below curb. The water comes from depths of 700 feet and 1,055 to 1,076 feet. Temperature, 62° F. The well was completed in 1892 by A. K. Wallen. The Malt & Grain Co. well No. 2 has a depth of 1,653 feet and a diameter of 12 to 5 inches; cased from 100 to 120 feet, to shut out caving material, and from 1,100 to 1,135 feet. The curb is 592 feet above sea level and the flow 150 gallons a minute, the water rising 20 feet above the curb. The first flow was from Jordan sandstone at depths of 1,385 to 1,535 feet. Temperature, 64° F. The well was completed in 1905 by L. Wilson, of Chicago. During the drilling of the second well the flow of the first was permanently increased. The two wells are 100 feet apart. Driller's log of Davenport Malt & Grain Co. well No. 2. Thick- ness. Depth. Feet. Feet. 35 35 31 66 15 81 10 91 1^ 92J 6J 99 3 102 9 111 11 122 161 283 15 298 123 421 11 432 74 306 90 596 40 636 25 661 100 761 168 929 2 931 65 996 7 1,003 22 1,025 62 1,087 30 1,117 39 1,156 6 1,162 22 1,184 17 1,201 49 1,250 40 1,290 60 1,350 100 1,450 125 1,575 78 1,653 Sand Hardpan and gravel Shale, sandy Gravel Loose limestone Limestone Caving sand and gravel Limestone, sandy Shale Limestone, white Shale, sandy Limestone, "sandy . . .,. Limestone, brown . .'. Shale, blue Limestone Limestone and blue shale . . . Shale, sandy Shale, gray Limestone Limestone, flinty Limestone, brown Limestone, caving Shale, blue and gray Sandstone Shale and casing rock Limestone Limestone and blue shale . . . Limestone and shale, caving Limestone and shale Marl, red, and limestone Limestone, sandy Sandstone Limestone, gray Limestone, brown Limestone, sandy 500 UFDEEGKOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. The Crystal Ice Co. well has a depth of 1,067 feet and a diameter of 6 to 4 uiches; cased to 1,067 feet. The curb is 590 feet above sea level and the original head 15 feet above the curb. The original flow was 250 gallons a minute; tested capacity in 1908, 240 gallons a minute. The first flow was at about 600 feet. Temperature, 60° F. The well was completed in 1893 by A. K. Wallen. The Tri-City Packing & Provision Co. well has a depth of 1,100 feet and a diameter of 8 to 5 inches; cased to 800 feet. The curb is 564 feet above sea level. The original head was 46 feet above the curb; head in 1896, 46 feet above the curb; head in 1905, 7 feet above the curb. The original flow was 250 gallons a minute. The water comes from 800 and 1,100 feet. Date of completion, 1893. Driller, J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. The Independent Malting Co. well No. 1 has a depth of 1,285 feet and a diameter of 4 inches. The curb is 573 feet above sea level (aneroid). The original head is unknown; the head in 1905 was 20 feet above the curb; in 1909, 9 feet above the curb. The flow in 1905 was 150 gallons a minute; tested capacity in 1909, 400 gallons a minute. Sulphureted water comes from a depth of a little more than 700 feet; other water from a sandstone near the bottom; waters separated. Date of completion, 1896. The Independent Malting Co. well No. 2 has a depth of 1,285 feet and diameter of 6 inches. It is 175 feet distant from well No. 1. The head in 1905 was 12 feet above the curb and the flow 200 gallons a minute. The tested capacity in 1909 was 400 gallons a minute. Date of completion, 1904. The well of the Martin Woods Co. has a depth of 415 feet and a diameter of 12 and 8 inches; casing, 12 inches for 48 feet, 8 inches for 98 feet; space between casings filled with concrete. The curb is 559 feet above sea level and the head is 1 foot above the curb. The pumping capacity is 33 gallons a minute; temperature, 53° F. The principal water bed is at 415 feet. Date of completion, 1910; driller, J. E. Shaw. On completing the well the head was found to be 4 feet below the curb, but in a few days the water had risen within a few inches of the surface. The use of a centrifugal pump has increased the natural flow. The Davenport Maltmg Co. well has a depth of 1,998 feet (also reported as 1,880 feet) and a diameter of 8 inches. The curb is 560 feet above sea level (aneroid) and the head 45 feet above curb. The original flow was 200 gallons a minute; present flow, 150 gallons a minute. The first flow was of sulphureted water at 800 feet; second flow at 1,750 feet. Temperature, 62° F. The well was completed in 1900 by Wilson & Co., of Chicago. The Independent Baking Co. well has a depth of 900 feet and a diameter of 10 inches. Water from depth of 100 feet rises within SCOTT COUNTY. 501 20 feet of surface ; the flow comes from a depth of 873 feet. Temper- ature, 56° F. Driller, J. D. Shaw. To better define the place of the chief water beds there may be added the lower portions of the logs of two wells across Mississippi River from Davenport. Log of lower- fart of Moline Paper Co.'s well at Moline, III. [Curb, 564 feet above sea level.] Thick- ness. Depth. Sandstone (St. Peter) . . . Marl, red, and limestone Sandstone Limestone Feet. 65 16 101 50 Feet. 1,141 1,457 1,578 1,628 Log of lower part of Mitchell & Lynde Building well at Rock Island, III. [Curb, 558 feet above sea level.] Thick- ness. Depth. Sandstone (St. Peter) Limestone Sandstone, compact Limestone Sandstone Limestone, shaly, and shale Sandstone Feet. 145 811 30 35 130 75 97 Feet. 1,104 1,915 1,945 1,980 2,110 2, 185 2,282 Donahue. — ^At Donahue (population, 62) a small water-suppl}^ sys- tem is owned by two citizens. Water from wells is pupaped to a tank with a capacity of 600 barrels. The number of taps is reported as 50. Drilled wells 100 to 300 feet deep find rock from 10 to 300 feet below the surface. Water from 150 feet has a head of 20 feet below the curb. Eldridge. — The waterworks owned by the town of Eldridge (popu- lation, 217) consist of a well 180 feet deep, a tank, about a mile of mains, 16 fire hydrants, and 50 taps. The consumption is 800 gal- lons daily. The domestic and fire pressure is 45 pounds. Eldridge also uses cisterns and dug and drilled wells. The wells are from 103 to 201 feet deep, averaging 130 feet. They find rock at 100 feet. The water heads 90 feet below the curb. Le Claire. — Le Claire (population, 690) draws its supplies from cis- terns, drilled wells, and Mississippi River. The wells are from 30 to 150 feet deep with an average of 60 feet. They tap Niagara dolo- mite at about 60 feet, and are in rock from 20 feet down. There are some small springs in the neighborhood. Le Claire is 580 feet above sea level. An artesian well was recom- mended in 1899 for it by W. H. Norton.^ On account of the steeply Report on the geology of Scott County: Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 9, 1899, p. 505. 502 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. inclined layers of the country rock, which apparently afford open waterways, the surface water may reach the common wells now in use in the town. A deep well will find the St. Peter 900 to 950 feet from the surface and this together with the supplies found in the Galena and Platteville should be adequate. Walcott. — The waterworks in Walcott (population, 416) are owned by the town. They include a well 85 feet deep, from which water is pumped to a tank with a capacity of 2,000 barrels, affording a pressure of 42 pounds. There are a mile of mains, 16 fire hydrants, and 128 taps. House wells in the village range in depth from 20 to 42 feet. The shallower wells find water in gravel and the deeper in limestone, which is entered at 55 feet. Minor supplies. — ^The following table gives data concerning the supplies of minor villages. Village supplies in Scott County. Nature of supply. Depth. M 03 t O p- © ft Source of supply. £ o ft Q Head above or below curb. Town. 1 S 1 2 i d o S S o O ft 1 Springs. Big Rock Dugand drilled wells. Ft. Ft. 14 130 35 90 16 270 50 160 135 180 16 60 Feet. 30 50 24 75 Feet. 60 Limestone . Ft. 8-14 Feet. -14 -25 -16 -30 -40 -10 -25 f-20 \ to 1-50 Feet. "-ho '-io' to -40 Bufialo Open and drilled wells. Wells and cisterns Drilled wells and cis- terns. Wells Limestone . 4-10 Medium Long Grove... 135-170 Limestone . 120 Small. Noel do 30 90-125 Small. New Liberty. . do 80 165 100 Sand 1 WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Scott County: Typical wells in Scott County. Owner. Locality. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth in rock. Rock surface above sea level. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 80N., R. 1 E. (LlBEKTY). L. Riefe SE. JSE.Jsec.2 . Feet. Feet. 100 93 60 150 60 Feet. Feet. Z. Parker NE.J NW.J sec. 7.. SE. J see. 7 113 90 Yellow clay, 18; blue clay, 75. J. Stoltenberg 30 J. L. Andre NE. J NE. Jsec. 8. Yellow clay, 35; 7ellow sand; blue and yellow clay to bottom. -Klahn NW.Jsec.S 118 58 SCOTT COUNTY. Typical wells in Scott County — Continued. 503 Owner. Locality. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth in rock. Rock surface above sea level. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 80 N., R. 1 E. (Liberty)— Con. G. Parker SE.JSE.Jsec.8.... NE. JNW.Jsec. 10.. Feet. 143 Feet. 143 112 23 60 60 60 60 81 18 90 108 50 100 90 60 50 105 110 Feet. Feet. Yellow clay, 40; sand; re- mainder blue clay. Dixon City Hotel . . . J.Holt SE.iSE.isec.l2.... SE. JSE. Jsec. 13... NW.Jsec.lS SW. J sec. 16 73 108 135 50 657 Nearly all fine blue silty quicksand. Yellow clay, 25; black muck, 35. J. Flinker 75 J. Killian P. Mohr.. NE. iNW.isec.l7. - 740 Do SE. iSE.Jsec. 18... NW. JNE. Jsec.9 782 Town of New Lib- SW. J sec. 20 'X SW. J sec. 20 692 Yellow clay, 16; yellow sand, 3; blue clay, 89. Do SW. i sec. 20 A. Weise NW.|NE.isec.20-. Yellow clay, 16; quick- sand, 10; blue clay, 74. Yellow clay, 20; sand, 3; blue clay, 67. Little blue clay. W. N. Lensch SE. JSW.isec.20. Do SE.J SW. i sec. 20.. SW.JSE.isec.22... SW.JNW. 1 sec. 24. SE. J sec. 24 90 115 165 30 65 H. Schmidt Yellow clay, 25: red clay. M. Smallfield . 25; bowlders on rock. J. Flinker H. Quistorf SE. JSW.Jsec.25... Hard blue clay, from 12 to 40; stopped in sand. H. Meinert Sec. 26 48 72 150 150 64 125 74 36 60 E. Moeller SW.iSW.Jsec.32.. SW.JSW.Jsec.33.. NE.JNW.Jsec.35.. SE. JSE.Jsec.16... Sec. 16 Yellow clay, 20; sand, 2; H. Arp blue clay, 38. T. Ketelson 128 8 120 70 22 672 T. Killian. J. Killian J. Ketelson SE. JNE. J sec. 26... NE. JNE.Jsec.l... Thick yellow clay through- out. T.79N., R. IE. (Cleona). D. Boll Wheeler Sec. 2 110 42 162 121 80 45 Wood like decayed walnut, 65 to 75. C. Ginn NW.JNE.isec.4... SW. Jsec. 4 72 163 W, Rheims Do NW.JNW.Jsec.7.. J. Schroder SW.iSE.Jsec.7.... SW.JSW.Jsec.O... SW.JSE.Jsec.lO... 108 113 H. Kroeger 595 All yellow clay. H. Hein F. Kardel NE.tSW.Jsec.il... J. Rathjen SW. J SW. J sec. 12 Yellow clay, 35; blue clay, 205; sand, 2. Yellow clay, 10; blue clay. H, Speth NW. Jsec. 13 A. Franz SE. JNE. J sec. 13.. 193 116; quicksand, 150; ends in gravel. All slushy blue mud to rock, below a little yel- low clay. H. Hein... NW.JSE.Jsec.l4... G. Paustian NE. JNE. Jsec.l4. .. Yellow clay, 10; blue clay, 268; sand and gravel, 2. Juergen Mumm NE.JSW.Jsec.l4.. M. Hoersch. . SE. J S W.J sec. 15 . SW. Jsec. 15 Yellow clay, 15; blue clay, stony, 171; gravel, 2. P. Paulson NE.JNW.Jsec.16.. N W.J SW. J sec. 16. . NW.J NE. J sec. 19.. NE. JNE. J sec. 21. 122 137 331 58 111 Do H. Goettsch Lena Mumm Yellow clay, 12; blue clay, 236; sand and gravel, 30. H. Mumm NW. J SE. J see. 22. . J. Theil NE. J NE. J sec. 22 Yellow clay, 15; blue clay, 129; sand and gravel, 2. Yellow clay, 20; sand, 10; blue clay, 100; gravel, 3. H. Wessel NW.J SE. Jsec. 23. . 504 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Typical wells in Scott County — Continued. Owner. Locality. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth in rock. Rock surface above sea level. Remarks (logs given in feet). T.79N.,R.l E. (Cleona— Contd). S W. I SW. i sec. 30. . Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. W. Rheims . SW. J sec. 4 161 146 J. Tesrow N W. i sec. 24 Yellow clay, 7; red sand, 7; sand, 21; gravel, 25. Yellow clay, 25; sand, 5; Durant blue clay, 109. To rock, 100 to 150 feet. creek. T. 80N.,R. 2E. (Allens Grove). C. Rohwer Sec. 13 Ends in 25 feet of sand. D.Yale NW.iSW.isec.29.. NW.i SE.i sec. 20.. 111 99 155 Yellow clay, 20; blue clay, stony, 70; hard pan, 9. E.Gallegher M.King SE.iNW.isec.20... SE.i SE.I sec. 20... NW. Jsec. 24 75 118 Yellow clay, 20; blue clay. E. Richardson 100 50; hardpan, dry, 5. No water. Blueclay, 70; sand,30. Do 0. H. Walton Sec. 24 Yellow clay; blue sticky Wm. Blythe H. Rohwer SE.iNW,Jsec.25... 246 clay; quicksand; stopped in 50 feet of river sand. NE. iNE.isec.26 .. Stopped in gravel. SE.i SE.I sec. 27... 228 472 J. Hasenniiller NW.J SE.I sec. 28-. Stops in sand. E. O'Neil SE.iNE.isec.28... SW.iSE. Jsec.28 .. 323 312 448 Yellow clay, 50; sand, 50; J. Carter mostly blue clay; coarse gravel. H. Ketelson NE. ISE. |sec.30... C. H. Brockmann. . . SW.i NW. J sec. 31.. H. Schultz . SW. JSE. Jsec.33... 113 240 212 Yellow clay, 16; quicksand; H. Stahft NE.JSW,Jsec.33... NW.i NE. J sec. 33.. 250 440 508 blue stony clay to 60; sand and gravel, 2; blue clay, 61. Mostly quicksand; 100 feet of sand in one bed. H. Latrode R. C. Curtis SE. J SE.isec.34 Struck rock. H. Weise NE. isec.35 Town of Donahue. . . NE. J sec. 36 100 157 Do NE. isec.36 NW.4SW.isec.24.. 160 3 Yellow clay; blue clay; quicksand, 15. Mostly fine sand. Chas. Middlemass. . . T. 79N., R. 2E. (Hickory Geove). H. Klindt SE.iNW.isec.2.... NE.J SW.4sec.4... SE.I NW.Jsec.4... NW.iNE.4sec.4... SE. iSE.Jsec. 5.... SW.JSE. Jsec. 5. . 81 82 150 74 77 71 72 144 70 69 C. Rock F. Rock 6 P. Burmeister D. Wander Joseph Vort Sec. 6 215 Plain view NW.I NW.i sec. 7... Do NW.i NW.I sec. 7.. 232 M. Spelletich NW.i SE.i sec. 7... Do SE.i NW.I sec. 7... 245 55 30 70 80 50 40 80 67 215 190 155 208 Do SE.i SE.i sec. 7 47' 75 85 63 64 95 665 J. Soutter NE.iSE.isec.8.... NW.i NW.i sec. 9... 77 P. Burmeister Do SW.iNE.i sec. 9. H. Arp SE. i SW. i sec. 9 J. Kerker SE.i SE.isec. 9. . P.Meyer NW.i SE.i sec. 10. C. Meyer SW.iSE.isec.il... NE. isec. 12 81 B. Painter 525 550 Ira Burch S W.J SE.i sec. 12... SE.i NW.i sec. 13.. SW.i SE.i sec. 13... 191 157 212 Yellow clay, 40; blue till, Hans Joens 150. Water on rock. J. Steenbock 502 SCOTT COUNTY. Typical wells in Scott County — Continued. 505 Owner. Locality. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth in rock. Rock surface above sea level. Remarks (logs given in feet). T.79N.,R.2E. (Hickory Grove)- Continued. Maysville Do W. Koberg A. Lage H. Klindt G. Golinghast M. Spelletich J. Frauen J. Paustian J. Hamann Th. Karbel M. Gries J. Plambeck W.Fry Schoolhouse E.Smdt C. Haller P. Riessen C. Paustian Geo. Dietz. Schoolhouse A. H. Lamp Maysville Creamery Geo. Deitz J. Plambeck J. Soutter T. 78 N., R. 2 E. (Bluegrass). S.R.Miller Do Do Do Do W. Arp G. Muhl H. F. Strohbeen... Walcott T. Giese J. Franz H. Goering Do H. Meyer Eggert Puck A. Le Buhn H.Wiese H. Schlichting Schoolhouse No. 3.. T. 77 N., R. 2 E (Buffalo). E.James L. Daurer C. Rowan Bamwick , Sec. 15 Sec. 15 NE.iSW.isec. 15.. NW.JSW.isec.16.. SW.JSW.isec.16.. SE. Jsec.l7 SW.JSE.Jsec. 18... NW.iNW.Jsec.19. SE.JNE.isec.l9... NE.JNW.Jsec.20. SE.JNE.Jsec.21.. SW.JSW.Jsec.22. NE.JSE.isec.23.. NE.JSE.Jsec.24.., SE.JSE.Jsec.26... NW.JNE.Jsec.27.. NE.JSE.Jsec.29.. NW.JNW.Jsec.29. NE.JNW.Jsec.30. SW.JSE.Jsec.31.. NW.JNW.isec.32. NW.JNW.Jsec.33. .NW.iSE.Jsec.l5... SW.JSE.Jsec.31... SE. J sec. 36 . NE. J sec. 8 . N W. J sec. 1 SW.JSW.Jsec.l. SE.JNE.Jsec. 1.. NE.iNW.isec.2.. SE.iSW.isec.2.. SW.iSW.Jsec.3.. SW.Jsec.S SW.JSW.Jsec.5.. Sec. 6 SW.JNE.isec.7 NE.JNW. J sec. 8.. NW. J sec. 10 SW.JSW.Jsec. 10. NW.iNE.isec.l2. SE.iNE.Jsec.l2.. NE.JNE.isec.iO.. NW.iSW.Jsec. 19. SE.iNE.isec.23.. NW. i sec. 19 SW.Jsec.S NW.JNW.Jsec.8.. SW.Jsec.lO SE.JSE.Jsee. 16.... Feet. 130 170 208 250 143 90 104 90 89 101 118 256 210 120 200 316 270 Feet. 78 120 105 85 Feet. Feet. 50 270 510 1 110 165 206 215 534 525 90 650 100 40 47 50 26 86 91 90 235 204 78 110 78 504 536 All yellow clay. Ends in rock. Ends in gravel. Yellow clay, 20; sand, 5; blue clay, 105; gravel, 7. All blue till, except gravel at bottom. Below 100 feet all quick- sand and sticky clay. Mostly blue clay. Yellow clay, 17; blue clay, hard, 60; sand, 129. Ends in gravel. Yellow clay, 15; blue clay, 15; quicksand; ends in gravel. Yellow clay, 20; sand, 5; blue clay, 105. Yellow clay, 15; quick- sand, 5; blue clay, 30; gravel, 5. Ends in gravel. Yellow clay, 20; sand, 6; blue clay, 58; gravel, 2. Yellow clay, 16; quick- sand, 10; greenish clay, 64. Yellow clay, 16; sand, 5; blue clay with bowlders; gravel. Quicksand, 60; rock. Yellow clay, 40; blue clay to rock. Yellow clay, 35 ; blue, hard clay to bottom. Did not cave. Ends in gravel. Do. Soft white limestone. Yellow clay, 14; sand, 5; blue pebbly clay, 31. Yellow clay, 20; sand, 5; blue clay, 50; gravel, 5. Yellow clay, 20; sand, 10; blue clay, 48; white limestone, 122. Limestone, 160. 506 UNDERGEOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Typical ivells in Scott County — Continued. Owner. Locality. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth in rock. Rock surface above sea level. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 77 N., R. 2 E. (BXJFFALO)— Con. F. Beh NE.Jsec.lS Feet. 261 305 Feet. 100 35 Feet. Feet. Limestone, 161. J. Murray NW.isec.lO SW.}SW.isec.ll .. No coal; limestone, 160. T. 80 N., R. 3 E. (WiNFIELD). J. Ennis All sand. C. Gillian SE.J SE.Jsec.7 Sand, 20; hard, blue, peb- bly clay, 120; sand, 5; gravel, 5. School No. 4 NW.isec.l4 125 64 190 St. Ann's Church P. Jones SE.iSW.isec.l4... NW.iNW.Jsec.15.. 100 36 530 Sand, 15; yellow clay, 10; blue clay; a little sand. School No. 3 NW.iNW.isec.16. Sand, 70; blue clay, 20; gravel, 4. SW.iSE. isec.18... N. Denklau SW.iNW.isec.l9.. NW.iSE.isec.26... 173 153 220 120 505 J. Robertson NE.iNE.isec.27... SE.iSE.isec.30.... 121 Yellow clay, 50; hard. J. Grill blue, stony clay, 70; sand and gravel, thin. C. Preston NE.iSE.isec.31... 180 225 J.Neil. . . . SW.iSW.isec.35 .. 555 Hotel Long Grove. . . A. D. Brownlee NW.isec.35 Ends hx gravel. Yellow clay, 20; blue clay, i mile north of Long Grove. Southwest of Noel . . . 256 220 190 122 114 100 200 140 120 140 166 127 180 72 90 100 170 270 105 P. E. Jones 140; sand and gravel, 30; blue clay, 30. Blue clay, 100; much sand beneath it to rock. T. 79 N., R. 3 E. (Sheridan). C. Clapp SW.iNE.isec.2... SE.iSE. isec.2.... SW.iSE.isec.4.... NE.iSW.isec.5... SW.iSW.isec. 5... NW.iSE.isec.6 ... 128 118 199 237 145 J. Lensch C. Meier Yellow clay, 25; old soil, 10; blue clay, 65; coal, 2; shale, 97. Shale 37. J. Paustian 560 J. T. Cooper Yellow and blue clay; S. Burmeister gravel on rock. E. Rohwer NE.iSW.isec.6... L. Husted SE.iSW.isec.7.... Eldridge SW.isec. 11 135 201 Yellow clay less than 20; Eldridge Creamery. . Chas. Erhsam. . . NW.iNE.isec.l4.. NW.iNE.isec.20.. 600 658 mostly blue clay; ends in limestone. J. L. Seaman NW.i SW.isec. 27.. H. Stoltenberg NW.iSE.isec.28.. W. Hughes NW.iSE.isec.33.. SW.iSW.isec. 19.. SE.iNE.isec.l.... 180 285 Claus Lamp. . . 470 Mostly hard blue clay. T. 78 N., R. 4 E. (PART OF Daven- port). Chas. Murray W. Untiedt NE.iSW.isec.7... Ends in gravel. School No. 2 NE.isec.7 Yellow clay, 30; sand, 10; Capt. Stahr NW.i NW.i sec. 7.. 160 115 90 blue clay, 80; gravel, 2. J. Carlin SW.iSE.isec.lO... SW.iNW.isec.il.. SW.isec. 12 140 106 G. ConkUn E. Daugherty R.Clay NE-i SW.isec. 12 .. M. Boyle NW.i SW.isec. 13.. 94 245 130 240 200 167 85 202 100 160 155 160 J. Armel Dr. G. T. Maxwell . Schuetzen Park J. Hever SE.iSE.isec.21.... NW.i NW.i sec. 7.. Thos.Sindt SCOTT COUNTY. Typical wells in Scott County — Continued. 507 Owner. Locality. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth in rock. Rock surface above sea live). Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 78 N., R. 3 E. (parts of Daven- port AND Pleas- ant Valley). I. Barr SE.iNW.isec.4... SW.Jsec.4 Feet. 150 115 85 98 94 157 163 138 Feet. 100 90 80 88 79 142 150 120 176 90 70 58 80 90 90 525 100 62 67 Feet. Feet. Sandstone at 65. Ends in limestone. Shale, 210-375; ends limestone. Limerock, 20. Yellow clay, 30; qu sand; blue till; shale, limestone, 30. C Van Evera R. Sehaefer SW.-iSW.isec.4... NW.isec.5 H. Wiese NE-isec. 6 I. Barr NE.iSW.Jsec.7... NW.JSW.isec.9... SE.iSW.isec.l7... NE.JNW. isec. 18.. F.Thomas H Woodford A.J. Partridge NE.}NE.isec. 18... NW.isec. 18 SE.iNE.isec. 18... NE.iSW.isec. 19.. SW.Jsec. 20 106 90 65 93 160 105 I. Barr J. Barr Wm. C. Sehaefer J. L. McCuUough... E. S. Kellog NW.iSEisec.18... Sec. 7 T. 80N.,R.4E. (Butler). NE.iSW.isec.22.. Do NE-iSE.isec. 22... J McCausland NE.isec. 23 Sec. 25 65 130 E. Mueller NW.iNW.isec.35. SW.iNW.isec.2... SE.iSE.isec.7 60 120 140 101 190 160 120 175 55 86 190 210 150 100 120 80 175 60 80 100 169 70 100 100 170 120 150 60 65 61 35 T. 79 N., R. 4 E. (Lincoln and part of Le Claire). D. Arp C. Schneckloth I. Barr NE-i NE.isec. 7.... NE. iSW.isec. 22.. 121 J. H. Barr 550 Thos. Criswell NW.iSW.isec.23.. SE-isec. 23 150 182 75 116 M. Thompson H. Schroeder M. Barr NE.iNE.isec.27... SW.iSW.isec.33.. SW. iSW.isec. 26.. NW.isec. 23 665 Benj. Criswell G. Learner NW.i NE.isec. 25.. SE.i NW.isec. 36.. NE. iSW.isec. 36.. SE-iNE. isec.25... SW.i NW.isec. 36.. NE.i NE.isec. 25... NW.i NE.isec. 30 381 246 121 15 100 305 530 in J. Stafford H. Stafford H. Whitson G. Hyde Porters Comers ■fk- T. 80 N., R. 5 E. (part of Prince- ton). J Carroll 100; T. 79 N., R. 5 E. (parts of Prince- TON AND Le Claire). C. Fulmer NW.i NE.isec. 4 C. Like.. NE.i SE-isec. 4.. 0. Peaslee SW.i SW.i sec. 9... 551 630 W. Florence SW.i SW.i sec. 5... SW.i NE.isec. 17 82 J. Wilson SE.i NW.isec. 21 - J C. McGinnls SE. i NW. i sec. 30. . SE.i NE.isec. 30... SW.i NE.isec. 31 - 250 150 W H. McGinnis M.Miller.. M.Wilson NE.isec. 32 150 75 T. Taylor NE.isec. 32 H.Stone SW.isec.32 J. Suiter NW.i SE.i sec. 33.. 508 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. Typical wells in Scott County — Continued. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth in rock. Rock surface aljove sea level. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 78 N., R. 5 E. (PARTS or Le Claire and Pleasant Val- ley). J. McCaffry NW. isec.4 Feet. Feet. 40 50 40 40 30 Feet. Feet. A. Schurr NW.Jsec.4 NW.Jsec. 5 78 216 225 186 110 Yellow clay, 25; blue clay to rock; shale. Shale, 40 to 206. T. 77 N., R. 3 E. (Rockingham). F. J. Shaeffer Walnut Hill School.. NE.iNW.isec.S..- NW.iNE.isec.5... NE.iSE.isec.7.... Do. J. A. Punt Shale to 10 feet of bottom. Fairview School Shale and blue clay in alternate layers. TAMA COUNTY. By W. J. Miller. TOPOGBAPHY. Tama County may be roughly divided into northern and southern provinces of about equal size. In the northern half of the county the lowan drift forms the surface and its characteristic topography is shown by a gently undulating surface. The hills are low and broad and the drainage is fairly good. Wolf Creek, which flows from west to east across this region, has cut out a broad, shallow valley, modify- ing the generally more level surface. The southern province, includ- mg most of southern Tama County, is loess covered and has a much more hilly and rugged topography. The hills are higher and the region is dissected by numerous small streams, giving a good drainage. Iowa River, the largest stream in the county, enters this province at the west and leaves it at the southeast; its valley is broad and deep. GEOLOGY. The drift formations are represented by the sub-Af tonian or Nebras- kan, the Kansan, and the lowan. The Kansan drift extends over the entire county and is everywhere covered by either lowan or loess. In some localities the Kansan is known to be underlain by small areas of Nebraskan. The lowan drift is spread over three-fourths of the county, everywhere concealing the Kansan, and is, in turn, partly covered by loess. From the northern half of the county, which is all covered by lowan drift, one tongue of lowan extends southward to Toledo, and another southward, on the east side of Salt Creek, to Irving. The southwest corner of the county is also covered by lowan. The loess covers most of the southern portion of the county and a narrow TAMA COUNTY, 509 strip of the northern portion along Wolf Creek. These drift formations, as shown by well sections, range in thickness from 200 to 400 feet. Immediately below the drift and extending over all the county except the extreme northeast corner are Mississippian (lower Carbon- iferous) shales and limestones. (See PI. XI, p. 382.) The northeast corner probably shows some Upper Devonian limestone. Viewed broadly, the drift deposits may be said to be spread over the county in nearly horizontal beds with local thickening or thinning. The old rock formations show a slight inclination westward. UNDERGROUND WATER. \ SOURCE. Water is found in sand and gravel beds in the drift and in limestones in the deeper formations. As a rule, an abundant supply is readily obtained, especially from the deeper drift and from rock wells. All the waters are generally of good quality, but always hard. By far the most important aquifer in the drift is the sand or gravel at the bottom of the blue Kansan clay. This water-bearing stratum is absent in a few places only. Nearly everywhere it underlies a so- caUed hardpan, which is merely a tough compact clay which serves to confine the water in the porous sands and gravels. This aquifer is seldom struck at less than 200 feet or niore than 400 feet below the ground surface. Water obtained from this source is very persistent and abundant. Other aquifers occur as sandy layers higher up in the drift (blue clay), but these layers are local in their extent and water supplies from them are in many places small and not persistent. In many surface weUs in the yellow clays or in the alluvium along the streams the supply fluctuates according to season. A very important water bed in Tama County lies just below the drift in the limestones or shales. Sometimes a good supply is struck soon after entering the rock and at other times the drilling must proceed a hundred feet or more. Many of the recent farm wells are rock weUs with a never-faUing supply of good water. PROVINCES. All the southeast portion of the county may be looked upon as a separate underground-water province. It possesses two types of flowing wells — those which originate in the drift and those which originate in the underlying rock formations. The region of flowing drift wells forms a part of the weU-known BeUe Plaine artesian basin, which extends into Benton, Iowa, and Poweshiek counties. In Tama County this basin extends northward 510 UNDEEGEOUISTD WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. to Elberon and Vining and westward to Chelsea. The flowing wells receive their supply from a bed of sand and gravel which underlies the impervious blue Kansan clay. The drift deposits, which were laid down in the trough cut by the preglacial Iowa River, slope down- ward toward the lowest part of the trough in the vicinity of Belle Plaine, developing sufficient head to cause flowing wells in the lower portion of the drift-filled basin. ^ Closely associated with the flowing wells from the drift are others whose water is derived from rock formations below the drift. Wells of this kind occur within the drift basin of flowing wells and also as far north as Clutier and as far west as Long Point. The source of water is usually a limestone (Devonian), which underlies a thin bed of shale (Carboniferous), the shale acting as an impervious covering. Aside from the region of flowing weUs all of Tama County may be looked upon as a single underground-water province. SPRINGS. Springs in Tama County are of little importance, consisting almost invariably of small seepages from the drift materials, especially along the main waterways. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Tama. — The town of Tama (population, 2,290) is supplied with well water under a domestic pressure of 60 pounds and a fire pressure of 100 pounds. There are 4 miles of mains, 36 fire hydrants, and 160 taps. About 1,400 people consume 200,000 gallons daily. Ordinarily the water is good but hard. A forecast of the local artesian conditions made by W. H. Norton is as follows: Tama is 820 feet above sea level. At about 550 feet above sea level the drill may be expected to enter the Devonian limestone, leaving behind shales of the Kinderhook and shales of the Upper Devonian not easily distinguished from them. The Devonian yields largely, as is seen in the city well at Toledo and in the first rock flow found at BeUe Plaine. The waters of the drift and of the Ejnder- hook are exceedingly poor in this vicinity and should be carefully cased out before a test of the Devonian water is made. Both Devo- nian and Silurian waters should be of good quality, but it is possible that the former may have been contaminated by interior higher waters which have descended to their level, and that the gypseous beds of the Silurian extend tliis far to the east and add a large calcium sulphate content to the water. The Maquoketa shale (Ordovician) may be estimated to extend from sea level to 200 or 250 feet below iMosnat, H. R., Artesian wells of the Belle Plaine area: Kept. Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 9. 1899, pp. 521-562. TAMA COUNTY. 511 it and will be found dry. Passing through the Galena and Platteville limestones the drill will come to the St. Peter sandstone at 475 to 550 feet below sea level. Below the St. Peter the drill will enter the Prairie du Chien group, the upper formation of which, the Shakopee dolomite, a creviced dolomite, should add materially to the supply. The other formations of this group (the New Richmond sandstone and the Oneota dolomite) are also large contributors of artesian water. At 400 to 500 feet below the summit of the St. Peter the main water bed, the Jordan sandstone, should be reached. Drilling contracts should provide for continuing, if necessary, to 1,100 or 1,200 feet below sea level or, in round numbers, to 2,000 feet below the surface. The water should head at about 800 feet above sea level. The excellent water obtained at Grinnell in well No. 2 encourages the belief that at Tama also water of low mineralization may be secured from the Cambrian and Ordovician water beds, provided the heavily mineralized waters are completely excluded. The well of Mrs. A. Huber, near Tama (NE. I sec. 26, T. 83 N., R. 15 W.) has a depth of 816 feet and diameter of 2 inches. The curb is 880 feet above sea level and the head 20 feet below the curb. Water was found at 361 feet and at 450 feet, the latter heading at the curb. Lower veins have lower heads. Rock was reached at 108 feet. Date of completion, 1893. Driller's estimate (generalized), Mrs. A. Huberts well. Thick- ness. Depth. Soil, black Clay, yellow (loess) Clay, blue (Kansan) "Hardpan" (shale and limestone?) . Flint Limestone Limestone, flint, shale, etc Feet. 2 18 64 170 ^ 40 Feet. 2 20 84 254 255J 295i This is the deepest well in Tama County. The water is strongly mineralized. Analysis has shown iron, soda, magnesia, sulphur, etc. The mineral content is said to be decreasing. Toledo. — ^At Toledo (population 1,626) water is delivered under a pressure of 80 pounds through 4^ miles of mains to 36 fire hydrants and 230 taps, supplying 1,500 persons with 60,000 gallons daily. The water is of good quality but is hard. The city well has a depth of 344^ feet and a diameter of 6 to 5 inches; cased throughout except in limestones. The head is 30 feet below the curb, the water coming from 343 feet. The capacity is 500 gallons a minute. The well was completed in 1905. 512 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. Driller^ s log of city well at Toledo. Thick- ness. Depth. Clay and sand Quicksand and water Clay Quicksand Clay Limestone; water-bearing near top Shale (Kinderhook) Limestone Shale Feet. 25 6 50 12 18 32 160 40 Feet. 25 31 81 93 111 143 303 343 344i Toledo is 852 feet above sea level. It is so near Tama that its deep-well forecast may be considered to be identical with that of the latter place. (See pp. 510-511.) The Tama County farm well, which is located 2^ miles north of Toledo, has a depth of 445 or 555 feet and a diameter of 6 to 3| inches. Its head is 150 feet below curb. The water comes from 345 feet in Devonian limestone and from 245 feet in drift sands. It was drilled by McLurk Bros., of Traer, and was completed in 1896 (?). Log of county farm well near Toledo. Thick- ness. Depth. Pleistocene: Clay, yellow, and sand Clay, blue, and bowlders Clay, hard, yellow and blue, and pebbles Sand (water bearing) Carboniferous (Mississippian): Kinderhook — Shale Devonian: Limestone and water Feet. 50 150 40 5 100 100 Feet. 50 200 240 245 345 445 Traer. — ^The Traer town well, 249 feet deep, 54 feet of which is in rock, yields 200 gallons a minute to a steam pump. The water, which is from limestone, heads 189 feet below the curb. It is dis- tributed by gravity with a domestic pressure of 55 pounds and a fire pressure of 160 pounds, through 2 miles of mains to 20 fire hydrants and 150 taps to 800 persons, who consume 25,000 gallons daily. The water is good, but hard. Driller'' s log of town of Traer well. Thick- ness. Depth. Clay, yellow Clay, blue; some water-bearing sand Shale Limestone (water bearing) Feet. 5 190 35 19 Feet. 5 195 230 249 TAMA COUNTY, 513 Though the high elevation of Traer (916 feet above sea level) precludes any hope of a flowing well, water should rise within easy- pumping cHstance from the St. Peter sandstone and the subjacent Ordovician and Cambrian water beds, the static level of whose waters is probably" somewhat higher than 850 feet above sea level, or less than 70 feet from the surface. The St. Peter will be encountered at about 250 feet below sea level, or 1,170 feet from the surface. Small yields may also be expected in the Galena and Platteville limestones overlying the St. Peter. Wells should be sunk 500 or 550 feet below the summit of the St. Peter in order to tap the far larger reservoirs of the Prairie du Chien group and the Jordan sandstone, which underlie the St. Peter. A well about 1,700 or 1 750 feet deep is indicated. WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Tama County: Typical tvells of Tama County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Head. Remarks (logs given iu feet) . Town of Toledo. Toledo Feet. 345 816 380 • 210 366 249 445 307 644 310 Feet. Ill 106 None. 196 365 195 245 300 300± 306 Limestone . ...do Drift sand.. Limestone . Limestoue(?) Limestone . ...do ...do....... ...do ...dc - 30 - 19 -120 + 18 -150 -189 -150 -100 -150 -120 Mrs. A. Huber Tama John Hodecheck . . . Frank Krizek 2 miles north of Vining. Clutier Hill. Yellow clay, 40; bluish clay, 35; sand (water bearing), 1; blue clay, 288; sand and water, 6. Strong flow. Dark soil, 10; sand and clay (wa- ter bearing), 30; blue clay, 156; limestone and water, 14. At well bottom drill dropped 19 inches and water gushed out. Black soil, 3; blue clay and pebbles, 120; sand and some water, 3: blue clay and pebbles, 239; rock (limestone) and water, 1. John Earhart Town of Traer 7 miles north of Toledo. Traer Tama County farm. Fred Praher 2J miles north of Toledo. Crystal Hard water. Yellow and Pete Sclmiidt 2-i miles south of Traer. 3 miles east of Gladbrook. blue clays, 287; "hard- pan" or hard clay, 10; shale and some water, 3; limestone and wa- ter. 7. Yellow and blue clay and "hardpan" or hard clay, 306; lime- stone, 4. 36581°— wsp 293—12- -33 CHAPTER X. SOUTHEAST DISTRICT. INTRODUCTION. By W. H. Norton. The southeast district embraces the 11 counties of Davis, Des Moines, Henry, Jefferson, Keokuk, Lee, Louisa, Mahaska, Van Buren, Wapello, and Washington. If the deeper terranes continued through southeastern Iowa with the same thickness and the same degree and direction of inclination which they hold farther north, they would be carried too deep for profitable well drilling before they reached the Missouri State line. Fortunately a reversal of dip brings the St. Peter and its associated water beds higher in Lee and Des Moines counties than in Cedar and Muscatine counties of east-central Iowa. From Burlington, where the St. Peter reaches its highest recorded elevation in this area, it dips northward at a rate of more than 6 feet to the mile to the Musca- tine County line. The dip to Davenport is 3 feet to the mile (PI. XII). Between Burlington and Letts, the northward dip probably meets the southward in a sag. Northeast of Burlington the dip is to the north, at least as far as Aledo, 111. Between Burlington and Mount Pleasant (PI. XIII, p. 526) the dip is 5 feet to the mile, and to the west, to CenterviUe, it is 4.6 feet to the mile. Where the Cambrian and Ordovician strata of southeastern Iowa are warped up to form a low dome the Silurian and Devonian strata are markedly thinner. For example, between Burlington and Keo- kuk (PL XII) the Devonian and Silurian strata barely exceed 150 feet in thickness; farther north, at Letts, they are more than 300 feet thick; still farther north, at Tipton, the Silurian alone is 325 feet thick; and to the west, at Peila, these formations include more than 400 feet of rocks. (See PI. X, p. 374; PI. XIV, p. 548.) The Maquo- keta shares in the thinning. At Davenport it is 240 feet thick, at Pella 190 feet, at Burlington 100 feet, and at Fort Madison and Keokuk less than 50 feet. (See PI. XII.) The Galena and PlatteviUe lime- stones likewise form a wedge that tapers toward the southwest. At Davenport their combined thickness is 340 feet and at Keokuk only 140 feet. The upwarp of the Cambrian and Lower Ordovician and the thin- ning of the higher terranes up to the Mississippian combine to bring 514 *■< 16 miles *■*— 9 miles -y-« — 9 miles-> ^"•■''"ffto" Mount Clara SOUTHEAST DISTRICT. 515 artesian water from the St. Peter and deeper aquifers within easy drilling distance of the surface. (See PL I, in pocket.) At Keokuk, for example, the St. Peter is reached only about 900 feet below the valley level. The Silurian and the Galena and Platteville limestones in the southeastern district also furnish exceptionally large quanti- ties of water. At Burlington 6 deep wells obtain flows from the Silurian within about 500 feet of the surface, and the same formation, or possibly the Galena, is tapped by some of the deep wells at Keokuk. The wells at Fort Madison obtain their supplies largely from the Galena. The dome of southeastern Iowa is only the northward extension of the upwarp of northeastern Missouri which brings the St. Peter sand- stone to the surface about 50 miles south of Keokuk, in Ralls County, Mo. This upwarp appears somewhat narrower in Iowa than in Mis- souri. Thus, though the St. Peter sandstone lies 613 feet below sea level at Bloomfield it is found at Baring, Knox County, Mo., at 136 feet below sea level, a southward rise of about 13 feet to the mile. For comparison with the sections of southeastern Iowa the record of the Baring weU is appended. It will be noted that the Silurian is arenaceous, that the Maquoketa has pinched out, and that the Galena and Platteville limestones and the Decorah shale combined measure only 79 feet in thickness. Water occurs in the Silurian sandstone, the Galena dolomite, the St. Peter sandstone, and at several horizons in the Prairie du Chien group. Reports have not been received as to the water beds in the Cambrian. Record of strata in the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway well at Baring, Mo. Thickness. Depth. Pleistocene (100 feet thick; top, 808 feet above sea level): Till, blue, predominantly clayey Carboniferous (Mississippian): "St. Louis limestone" and Osage group (365 feet thick; top, 708 feet above sea level) — Chert, with white limestone and chalcedonic and crystalline silica; in sand Shale, green gray, highly arenaceous; with minute irregular grains of crystalline quartz, calcareous , " Limestone, white; " no sample Sandstone, very coarse; very imperfectly rounded grains of quartz and other minerals; water heading at 180 feet below curb Chert; fine sand of particles of cryptocrystalline silica with some white limestone and some crystalline quartz; water at 375 feet Marl, light yellow; rapid effervescence, large siliceous and argillaceous residue Limestone, light drab, fine-grained Kinderhook group (33 feet thick; top, 343 feet above sea level) — " Shale; " no sample " Blue clay ; " no sample Devonian (217 feet thick: top, 310 feet above sea level): "Limestone;" no sample : Limestone, gray; rapid effervescence; earthy, fossiliferous, with joints of crinoid stems and fragments of shells of brachiopods; in flaky chips Silurian (150 feet thick; top, 93 feet above sea level): Limestone and sandstone; Umestone, light yellow gray, rapid effervescence; sandstone, fine-grained, larger grains of "pure quartz and well roimded, a few with secondary enlargements; much cryptocrystalline silica in chips; water at 860 feet. . . " " Sand, white; ' ' no sample Feet. 100 Feet. 100 5 65 280 345 15 3(30 15 375 35 50 410 465 28 5 493 498 12 510 205 715 145 5 860 865 516 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Record of strata in the Atchison, Topeka dL- Santa Fe Railway ivell at Baring, Mo. — Contd. Ordovician: Galena limestone (69 feet thick; top, 57 feet below sea level) — Dolomite or magnesian limestone, cherty; in brown crystalline sand; water at 900 feet Decorah shale (4 feet thick; top, 126 feet below sea level)— "Shale; " no sample Platteville limestone (6 feet thick; top, 130 feet below sea level) — Limestone, light gray; rapid efiervescence; some chert; in small chips.. . St. Peter sandstone (46 feet thick; top, 136 feet below sea level) — Sandstone, light yellow, fine-grained; of pure quartz, gi-ains moderately well rounded, some showing secondary enlargements; 4 samples; water at 956 feet Prairie du Chien group (702 feet thick; top, 182 feet below sea level)— Dolomite, light yellow; in sparkling sand " Slate, blue; " no sample Sandstone, buff, very fine; grains imperfectly rounded Sandstone, coarser, heavily rusted; water bearing Dolomite, bufl and light brown, cherty, highly arenaceous; 3 samples . . . Dolomite, light brown and gi'ay, oolitic, cherty, somewhat arenaceous; 3 samples; water bearing at 1,140 feet Dolomite, light bufl, highly arenaceous Dolomite, light Imfl, somewhat arenaceous Dolomite, light buff, highly arenaceous and cherty Dolomite, buff; some sand in drillings Dolomite, light gray; water heading at 126 feet below curb ' ' Limestone ' ' (doiomite ) ; no sample ; water at 1 ,535 feet Dolomite, cherty, somewhat arenaceous; 2 samples Marl, light bufl, in concreted powder; and dolomite, in fine meal Dolomite, light bufl, cherty Dolomite, light yellow Dolomite, light brown Dolomite, rusted grains; some chert and a few grains of quartz sand Dolomite, buff; some chert, minute grains of quartz sand and a little glauconite; 2 samples Dolomite, buff; cherty; 2 samples Cambrian (150 feet penetrated; top, 8S4 feet below sea level): Sandstone, light yellow; in clean quartz sand; grains well rounded; larger grains reach from 0.6 to 1 millimeter Sandstone, light yellow, coarser; 3 samples Sandstone, light yellow; some green shale Marl, light yellow gray, calcareo-argillaceous Sandstone, whitish Sandstone, bufl; rounded grains with an admixture of marl: 2 samples. Thickness. Feet. Depth. Feet. 934 938 944 990 10 1,000 9 1.009 30 1,039 2 1,041 67 1,108 97 1,205 35 1,240 78 1,318 90 1,408 86 1,494 21 1,515 20 1.535 37 1,572 4 1.576 14 1,590 35 1,625 17 1,642 4 1,646 20 1,666 26 1,692 8 1,700 60 1,760 14 1, 774 S 1,782 11 1,793 49 1,842 DAVIS COUNTY. By O. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. The upland surface of Davis County slopes gently toward the east and m general lies between 750 and 950 feet above sea level. It represents an origmal plain which still exists in extensive remnants as upland prairies, but which throughout most of the county is dis- sected by a complicated system of valleys and ravines that have produced a hill country with a relief of 100 feet and more. The hill topography is best developed near the principal streams, as in the vicinity of Soap Creek, and the prairie topography in the dis- tricts most remote from streams, as on the divide followed by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad. The prairies are sufTi- ciently continuous to have been for the most part preferred to the Ivaleys for railway construction, and hence it has come about that nearl}^ all of the callages are located on the upland. DAVLS COUNTY. 517 GEOLOGY. The vallej^s are excavated almost entirely in glacial drift, only the deepest extending to bedrock. This fact and the information obtamed from well sections indicate that in most localities the drift beneath the uneroded uplands is between 100 and 200 feet deep. S. J. Andrews, a well borer at Pulaski, sharply distmguishes two deposits, both of which are probably glacial drift. The upper deposit he describes as a crumbling clay, ordinarily yellow, and in many places about 50 feet thick, containing pebbles and bowlders; the lower he describes as more tough and "oily," generally black but exceptionally yellow, contaming only a few pebbles and bowlders, but numerous leaves, shells, and pieces of wood. This lower deposit is absent over a large part of the county, but in certain localities it reaches a maximum thickness of more than 100 feet. A large specimen of this deposit was examined and was found to consist of tough, dense dark carbonaceous clay containing fragments and specks of black carbonized wood, minute lime concretions, and a few tiny greenstone pebbles, and showing an mdistinct foliated or nodular structure. Below the lower of these two deposits in most localities lies a bed of white sand only a few feet thick, and this sand or, in its absence, one of the other deposits, generally rests upon a stratum which is locally known as "blackjack" or ''blue daub," but which appears to be shale interbedded with limestone strata. The upper deposit is probably Kansan drift thinly covered with loess or loesslike clay, and the underlying dark deposit may belong to the Nebraskan sheet. The following section is more or less typical in this county. The bowlder clay probably begins at the depth of 15 feet. Section of group oftvells about 4 miles west of Pulaski. Depth. Feet. Soil Clay, yellow. Clay, blue, stiff; without grit 7 15 Clay, yellow, pebbly 40 55 Clay, black, containing oil, wood, leaves, shells, etc 57 112 Sand, white (good supply of water) 2 114 Shale, dark, "blackjack," entered. Throughout nearly the whole of Davis County the bedrock con- sists of shale, sandstone, limestone, and coal belonging to the Des Moines group of the Pennsjdvanian series. Near Soap Creek, in the northern part of the county, and at many places in its north- eastern part outcrops of this bedrock occur. It is also exposed in a few coal mines, and is apparentl}^ reached by wells drilled in all parts of the county. 518 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OP IOWA. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. Water is obtained from several strata, none of which are entirely satisfactory. The chief reliance is placed on shallow wells dug or bored into the loesslike clay and upper part of the glacial drift, the seepage from which is adequate for ordinary purposes in some locali- ties where gravelly beds are found, but is quite inadequate and unreliable in others where the material is less porous. The water table in this upper layer conforms closely to the surface configura- tion, the water in shallow upland wells commonly standing high above the level of deep valleys only short distances away. Especially is this true in rainy seasons. More dependable supplies are in some localities obtained from beds of sand farther down m the drift, such as the white sand that usually lies below the carbonaceous deposit described; but beds of sand are not found everywhere, and in some places where present are not water-bearing, because they have drained into adjacent deep valleys. Moreover, in wells of small diameter the sand causes trouble by rising with the water. A number of wells drilled into the Pennsylvanian rocks to depths ranging from 300 to 400 feet find small or moderate supplies of mineralized water that rises to a level far below the surface of the uplands, but nearly or quite as high as the flood plains of the deepest valleys. A well of this kind may cost more than $500. At still greater depths are formations which yield large quantities of water that is hard but not so strongly mineralized as the average water from the Pennsylvanian coal measures. On the uplands the water from these sources will remain far below the surface, but in the lowest valleys it will closely approach the surface or overflow. For farms and small municipalities the cost of drilling to the deep hori- zons is practically prohibitive. Rain water is largely employed in this county for household use and for watering live stock. It is stored in cisterns and in reser- voirs made by damming ravines. Many of these dams are seen in the hill country, where the drift is thin and is in great measure drained into the numerous valleys by which the upland is dissected. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Bloomjield. — ^The public supply for Bloomfield (population, 2,028) is derived from a well 1,817 feet deep, cased with 12-inch pipe to rock at 320 feet, below which 636 feet of 8-inch pipe extends down to 942 feet, and 519^ feet of 6-inch pipe to 1,445 feet. The curb is 845 feet above sea level and the water rises within 130 feet of the curb, or 715 feet above sea level. Its temperature is about 65° F. Water UAVIS COUNTV. 519 was found at depths of 300 feet, 1,425 feet, and 1,750 feet. The well was drilled in 1900 by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago, and cost S6,500. The strata penetrated are indicated by the driller's log: Driller's log of city well at Bloomfield. Thickness. Depth. Drift Lime; caves badly at 420 feet Lime and shale Hard lime: caves at 670 feet Strealcs of lime and shale; caves~badly at 780 feet. Ijimerock; caves badly at 967 feet Streaks of lime and shale Sandrock Limerock Shale; caves badly at 1,420 feet Sandrock Limerock Sandrock Feet. 320 100 130 120 272 203 45 70 102 83 15 190 167 Feel. 320 420 550 670 942 1,145 1,190 1,260 1,362 1,445 1,460 1,650 1,817 Rock caved more or less all the way down to 1,650 feet. Rocks belongmg to the "St. Louis limestone" and the Osage group (Mississippian) seem to extend to a depth of about 670 feet, and the streaks of lime and shale which are reported from 670 to 942 feet probably represent the Kinderhook. The ''sandrock" from 1,190 to 1,260 feet may be correlated with the Silurian; the shale from 1,362 to 1,445 feet may be assigned to the Decorah shale or to a shale in the Platteville limestone. Tbe water-bearing sandstone from 1,445 to 1,460 feet (613 to 628 feet below sea level) is probably the St. Peter; all the rocks below this level probably belong to the Prairie du Chien group. By means of an air lift with a pipe extending to a depth of 345 feet 250 gallons a minute are ordinarily discharged from the well into an underground reservoir, but in a test this yield has been increased to over 300 gallons a minute. From the reservoir the water is pumped into a tank elevated upon a tower and is thence distributed by gravity through a system of mains whose total length is about 2 miles. There are 28 fire hydrants and 63 taps in the city; somewhat less than one-fifth of the dwellings have service connections, and the average daily consumption of water is about 15,000 gallons. The water is used freely for drinking and other purposes but is very hard, as is showii by the anal3^sis (p. 169), and for this reason is avoided for toilet, laundry, and boiler uses, rain water stored in cis- terns or other reservoirs being used instead. Before the deep well was drilled the public supply was obtained from a 4-inch well that ended at a depth of about 300 feet in a thick bed of sand, from which a generous supply of hard water was obtained. The well was not provided with a screen, and it filled with sand to such an extent that it was abandoned. 520 LrNDERGEOUND WATER RESOURCES OP IOWA. DES MOINES COUNTY. By W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. The topography of Des Moines County is controlled for the most part by a few simple factors. The county is wholly in the area of the Illinoian drift, and by far its larger part is an upland molded to a neitrly level surface by the Illinoian ice. On the east the upland overlooks from a singularly straight and steep escarpment the broad bottom lands of the Mississippi. The interstream areas of the upland, chosen by the railways in preference to the valleys, present to the eye level or slightly undulating floors, with low swells and sags 10 to 20 feet in reUef. The tabular divides are incised along their edges by steep, narrow, young ravines which lead down to the broader shallow valleys of the creeks. Their digi- tate lobes, stUl flat-surfaced, reach even to the escarpment overlook- ing the Mississippi, where the minor water courses break into cas- cades as they descend from hanging ra^dnes. Ground water in an upland so young may very naturally stand liigli, except near the cUssected edges. The Mississippi, which forms the eastern boundary of the county, here passes diagonally across a broad alluvial floor, 5 miles in width, traversed by numerous inosculating bayous and overflowed by the river's annual floods. To the south this strip of flood plain narrows untfl, at Burhngton, where the great river saps the bluffs of the escarp- ment, it is entirely lacking. Skunk River, which bounds the county on the south, flows for most of its course through a narrow valley. Five miles above its mouth it develops a flood plain which opens broadly on that of the Mississippi, since here the river traverses a deep preglacial valley filled with easily eroded drift. GEOLOGY. The country rock of Des Moines County belongs wholly to the Mississippian series of the Carboniferous. (See PI. XIII.) At the base of this series lies a group of shales and shaly limestones, the Kinderhook, measuring, as sounded in the deep well at Crapo Park in Burlington, about 300 feet in thickness. (See Pis. XII, XIII.) Only the upper portions of the Kinderhook are exposed within the county. The bulk of the group consists of soft blue "mud-rock" shale, well known and easily recognized by all well drillers. Toward the top, however, are clayey sandstones and impure limestones — transition beds to the overlying Osage group. BES MOINES COUNTY. 521 The Osage group comprises two formations, the Burlington hmo- stone at the base, and the Keokuk Hmestone at the top. The lower part of the Burlington limestone is characterized by the singular whiteness of the cuttings obtained by the driller and by the fragments- of crinoid stems and plates of which the limestone in places is largely composed. Because of its easy solubility this limestone has been extensively tunneled by subterranean waterways to which numerous sink holes give access. It occurs in two beds separated by about 20 feet of cherty and calcareous shale, and forms the country rock over about one-fourth of the entire county, underlying a broad upland belt along the Mississippi. Upon this basal white limestone lies a well-defined bed of chert or flint about 30 feet thick to which the Iowa State Survey has given the name Montrose cherts. The chert, which composes the upper division of the Burlington limestone, is overlain by the Keokuk limestone, a blue compact limestone con- taining much chert in flinty nodules and irregular bands, passing upward into geode-bearing shales, which furnish cuttings of milk- white chalcedonic silica and crystals of quartz. The "St. Louis limestone" forms the summit of the Mississippian series over southeastern Iowa and forms the country rock in the south- west corner of Des Moines County. The beds include white marl, gray and brown limestones, and a hard, brittle, broken, and rece- mented limestone of fine grain in angular fragments whose inter- stices may be filled with greenish clay. The Des Moines group of the Pennsylvanian series occupies onlj a few isolated areas in the southwestern part of the county. Its rocks consist of buff sandstones and may reach a tliickness of 50 or 100 feet. The surface deposit over the uplands of Des Moines County is the loess — a soft silt or dust, buff above, in many places gray at base, and free from sand, pebbles, and larger stones. Beneath the loess in many places lie as many as three distinct stony clays separated by different water-laid deposits. The uppermost is the Illinoian drift, a yellow or, where unweathered, a bluish, stony clay, generally bleached and leached superficially and supporting an ancient soil developed during the long interval which elapsed after its deposition and the accumulation upon it of the loess. Beneath the Illinoian drift lies the Kansan, a hard, stony clay, blue where not weathered. Lowest of all lies the sub-Aftonian, or Nebraskan, drift, a still darker stony clay. Ancient soils and buried peat bogs and beds of sand and gravel in many places separate the Kansan drift from both the Illinoian and the Nebraskan. 522 UlS'DERG ROUND WATER RESOURCES OE IOWA. TJNDEBGROITND WATER. SOURCE. On the broad flood plain of the Mississippi, sheet water is found in river sands and gravels at depths of 16 to 20 feet Driven wells, con- sisting of li-inch pipe with a sand point, are almost universally employed. On the narrow flood plains of Skunk Kiver and the other streams of the county the alluvium is of little importance except in villages. The village of Augusta, situated on the Skunk River bottoms, draws its house supplies from wells from 16 to 24 feet deep, sunk to rock through river deposits which find a sheet of ground water about 2 feet deep moving riverward in sand resting on the rock surface. Some of the silts at the base of the loess supply water, especially for shallow open wells on the tabular divides in places where ground water stands near the surface owing to the flatness of the land or to local sags. The beds lying between the Illinoian drift and the Kan- san include in places sands of some thickness. Unfortunately these beds also include old soils, muck, and buried wood, which in places injure seriously the quality of the water. Water is also obtained from the sands and gravels which separate the Kansan from the underlying Nebraskan drift and also from the sand and gravels that in some places rest on the country rock. Besides these fairly constant water beds of the drift, irregular and inconstant beds of sand and gravel may occur in any of the drift sheets, and, where of sufficient continuity and extent or sufficient connec- tion with interglacial sands, may form local water beds adequate for small wells. On the whole the drift, where thickest and where least dissected by stream ways, forms an adequate reservoir for ground water and the supply of common wells. But where bedrock comes near the surface and the drift sheets are thin, and where they have been intri- cately cut by streams leaving the steep-sided and narrow divides locally called ''breaks," the di'ift is often found nearly diy and water must be sought in the rock beneath. The drift is specially thick along the terminal moraine of the Illinoian sheet which extends from north to south tlirough Washington and Pleasant Grove townships. Here the ridge of the moraine rises 60 or 70 feet above the level of the adjacent upland plains and the drift has not been found less than 120 feet in tliickness. On this ridge wells find water in drift sands and gravels. Other areas of specially thick drift occur where ancient rock-cut river valleys have been filled with glacial and interglacial deposits. Several deep wells in drift from Sperry to southeast of Latty point to a buried channel which apparently debouches into the Mississippi channel between Flint River and the north line of DES MOINES COUNTY. 523 Burlington Township. A deep drift well a mile south of Kossuth marks perhaps a northeast tributary of this channel although it may point to an independent valley leading to the Mississippi. Thus near Latty, along a north-south line a mile in length, are three deep wells, two of which are nearly 190 feet deep and strike no rock, and the tliird — the most northern — 233 feet deep, finds the blue shale of the Kjnderhook^ at 231 feet. Drillers report ''deep country" from south of Dodgeville, running northwest to between Pleasant Grove and Yarmouth. Other wells of exceptionally deep drift reported from Middletown, northwest of Danville, and east of New London, may mark another buried channel whose rock floor lies at about the level of the present bed of the Mississippi at Burlington. A few flowing wells from the drift are reported on low ground from Danville to south of Middletown. The basal member of the rocks exposed in the county, the shale of the Kinderhook, is dry. Wells finding little or no water before reach- ing this shale have penetrated it to a depth near Augusta of 220 and 257 feet, and near the Mississippi north of Burlington to even as much as 300 feet without success. Unless the owner is prepared to go through this heavy shale and several hundred feet still deeper to tap the Galena waters, the drilling should be stopped on reaching the Kinderhook, and a well sunk in another place. The limestones overlying the Kinderhook are water bearing, the chief aquifers lying in the lower part of the Burlington limestone. Ground water collects in this limestone in the crevices, joints and waterways formed by solution, its downward progress being stopped by the underlying floor of impervious shale. The upper cherty mem- ber of the Burlington ("Montrose cherts") is also water bearing. The "St. Louis limestone" probably carries water in the small area which it occupies m the southwestern townships, as may be inferred from the known water beds along its outcrop farther to the west. At and near Burlington, except for the drift gravels found on the rock and muior veins, the first dependable water bed is the Silurian. It is apparently this bed which supplies wells about 500 feet in depth, affording to somxC of them a generous yield. The initial head seems to have been about 570 feet above sea level, but no exact statements can be made, for requests sent to the city officials for information as to the elevation of the different well curbs have not been answered. A sharp faU of static level was observed in several wells on the com- pletion of the Clinton-Cop eland well. The water bed is evidently overdrawn, and flows from it can no longer be expected, except from the lowest levels. To protect the weUs at Burlington which now draw from it no further drafts should be made, and aU wells drilled 1 Fultz, F. M., Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., vol. 3, 1896, p. 62. 524 UNDEEGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. in the city should not only seek a deeper supply but should also case off the Silurian water. In quality the Silurian water is hard and corrosive. As shown in the analyses (p. 169), calcium approaches 400 parts per million, sodium runs between 700 and 800 parts, and the sulphate ions somewhat exceed 2,338 parts in one of the wells. The total solids were about 4,000 parts per million in the wells analyzed. The reference to the Silurian of the water bed of the 500-foot wells at Burhngton is made with a good deal of hesitation, although no other reference seems possible, as the Crapo Park well record places the base of the Maquoketa shale (Ordovician) below the bot- tom of these weUs. On the other hand the Crapo Park record is supported by but few sample drillings over the critical horizons. Some of the weUs reach nearly to the supposed base of the Maquoketa. Local drillers speak of this water bed as the St. Peter sandrock, a term rather easily applied to the water-bearing Galena dolomite, a rock which crushes under the drill to a sparkling crystalline sand, but which it seems hardly probable would be apphed to any SUurian rock that appears in the samples of any of the Burlington weUs. The Galena forms one of the chief water beds at Fort Madison, and appears in fuU thickness at Mount Pleasant, where again the Silurian contains no water-bearing rock, if the record and the large amount of anhydrite present are reUable guides. It is hoped that the question whether the Silurian or the Galena supplies the water for the 500-foot weUs at Burlington may soon be defuiitely settled by obtaining a complete set of samples of the driUings of a well reaching to the well-defined horizon of the St. Peter. New weUs should not fail to go as deep as the St. Peter, which here lies about 260 feet below sea level. The formation is excep- tionally thick at Burhngton and yields generously. The pressure is much higher than that of the Galena, the static level apparently reaching at present 630 or 640 feet. Because of the marked differ- ence in pressure of the St. Peter and the Silurian waters, the Silurian should be cased off to prevent lateral escape of the deeper waters through its waterways. The quahty of the St. Peter water is much better than that of the higher flows, containing less than one-half the solids in solution, the greatest differences being in the sodium and the sulphate ions, accordmg to Hendrixson's analyses. As but three wells at present draw water from the St. Peter, no overdraft has yet occurred. The water beds lying beneath the St. Peter are tapped by but one well, that of Crapo Park. The water from these beds has about the same static level as that of the St. Peter, but is distinctly superior in quality, the combined waters of all horizons in the park well containing only about half as much dissolved solids as that of the DES MOINES COUNTY. 525 St. Peter and the Galena combined and one-fourth that from the Galena alone. As the static level at Crapo Park is more than 100 feet higher than the lower grounds of the city, wells drilled in the manufacturmg parts of the city situated near the level of the Mis- sissippi will have high pressure and proportionately large discharge. SPRINGS. The chief spring horizon m Des Moines County is at the base of the Burlington limestone; whose massive beds are water logged, owing to their resting upon a floor of impervious shale. As the lower part of the Burlington limestone is easily soluble and is therefore traversed by numerous channels opened by solution, springs along the outcrops of its basal layers are exceptionally abundant and copious. They are found along the escarpment of the Mississippi and along the lower courses of Skunk and Flint rivers. In many ravines the springs emerge above a massive basal layer of the lime- stone and cascade over the cliff formed by the sappmg of the lime- stone by the retreat of the weak shale beneath. These springs are utilized only for stock and dairy and household purposes. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Burlington. — The water supply of Burlington (population, 24,324) is taken from Mississippi River and passed through settling tanks and filters. The water is brought through a 24-inch cast-iron pipe from a point near the center of the main channel of the river and above any possible source of pollution, it is said, from city drainage. The coarser materials are allowed to settle in an extension of the well, 20 feet wide and 125 feet in length. This extension is cleaned with a centrifugal pump whenever the river lowers to within 4 or 5 feet above the low- water stage. From the well the water is pumped by low-service pumps to four steel settling tanks, 30 feet in height and 44, 35, 28, and 22 feet in diameter. The water enters the tanks through several thousand small holes in cast-iron pipes about 6 feet above the bot- toms of the tanks, and passes out over weirs at the top. The tanks are cleaned once each month by opening the sewer valves and wash- ing with a hose. Cleaning requires from two to three hours. From the settling tanks the water flows by gravitj^ to the filters. These are in six units, fully equipped, and have a combined capacity of 3,000,000 gallons in 24 hours. The amount pumped is about 1,800,000 gallons. Each unit is 8 feet mde by 26 feet long, and is of reenforced concrete. The filters are placed at a sufficient height above the clear well and above the controllers in the pipe gallery to obtain the benefit of the "down draft." Each filter bed has 9 inches of gravel from Mount Tom, Mass., and 30 mches of filter sand from Red 526 UNDEKGEOUND WATEK EESOUECES OP IOWA. Wing, Minn. Water strainers are placed on the floors of the filters, and air strainers in the gravel. Water for washing the filters is sup- plied from the clear well by a Lawrence centrifugal pump connected to a Lawrence vertical engine to which is also belted the air com- pressor. There are two coagulant tanks. Compressed au' is employed for their agitation. A specified number of inches is fed per hour, the feed being changed in the event of any change in the demand for water, as for example a large fire or a broken main. Sulphate of alumina is used as coagulant, the solution for the day run being stronger than that for the night. Before preparing the solution the turbidity of the raw water and of the water in the settling tanks is measured with a turbidity rod. From the records is then found the strength of solution which has been found to give satisfactory results with an equal turbidity and pumpage. Three times a week the alkalinity of both raw and filtered water is determined, and the color of the water from each filter is determined with standard disks. The color nor- mally desired is that of disk No. 6, but the color frequently gets as high as that of No. 12. When it rises to No. 18 the strength of the coagulant solution is increased. The average amount of coagulant used is between 3 and 4 grains to the gallon. When the turbidity rises to between 2,000 and 3,000, as much as 7 grains is used. Bac- terial tests are made from time to time. Once a week the filtered water is tested for alum with the logwood test, but none has ever been tested in the filtrate. The coagulant is supplied by gravity to the suctions of the low- service pumps, which lift the raw water from the well to the settling tanks. The distribution is direct, with a domestic pressure of 100 pounds and a fire pressure of from 125 to 150 pounds. In 1907 there were 32 miles of mains, 339 fire hydrants, and 3,170 taps, and the mams were bemg extended about 2 miles each year. The city well at Crapo Park (Pis. XII, XIII) has a depth of 2,430 feet and a diameter of 6 inches from the surface to 1,700 feet and of 5 inches to bottom; cased to limestone at depth of 18 feet. The curb is 685 feet above sea level, and the head 38 feet below curb. The tested capacity is 250,000 gallons a day, the water coming princi- pally from 950 feet below surface. The well was completed in 1898, at a cost of $5,095, by Tweedy Bros., of Keokuk. Later a casing was inserted between depths of 110 and 210 feet, as a result of which water rose to 30 feet below curb. The following record is based on determinations by the writer of samples of drillings saved by F. M. Fultz, superintendent of the Bur- lington public schools. It agrees for the most part with the record given by Mr. Fultz. ^ 1 Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., vol. 6, 1899, pp. 70-74. Peef SOO -| U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Des Moines WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 293 PLATE XU| 34 fTJ^ < 26 miles > 300- 200- PennsylvaniaS ^ 400H 500 600 700- 800- 900- 1000 1100 1200- 1300- 1400- 1500 1600- 1700 1800 1900 2000- 2100 - 2200 leasant Burlington Sea lev| e ShaKoP^® do\ o<^' :\\e ods^^' n ^^o^' \\^^ 96^ --M Trj JO' .tda^ saO' dsiof*® As\o ^,- Oneota dotarnrte Jordan 'sandstone , S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ■ 34 miles ■ -^« 15 miles >• Pes Moines Pella Pennsylvanian Oskaloosa "St. LOUIS -52 miles — limestone "and Osage group Kinderhook group Devonian Silurian 'w\aquoWete_sha\e,-- S^^aV.ol m ipee -- nd ^* NewWoV^r""^'° Oneotad°^°«^'^^® Jordan san ,s\o^® p(a\"^ d\i CWen g'°"P Ga\e'"a 1 , p\atte> ;vWe,'*"=' ;\USVVe ;;ndsw^.,--'- WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 293 PLATE XIH 26 miles * Burlington ^ ptawis ' , CWen 1 s\o«^® >rdaf> GEOLOGIC SECTION BETWEEN DES MOINES AND BURUNGTON , IOWA By W. H. Norton DES MOINES COUNTY. 527 Record of strata in Crapo Park well at Burlington {PI. XII, p. 514; PI. XIII, j). 526). I'leistocene: Loess and drift Carboniferous: Mississippian (422 feet thiclc; top, 667 feet above sea level)— Limestone, bufl; effervescence rather slow; some chert in small chips. . Limestone, buff and white, granular; rapid effervescence Limestone, light yellow; in fine meal; rapid effervescence; some chert.. Limestone, buff; in fine meal and flour; rapid effervescence; some chert. Limestone, magnesian or dolomite, blue gray, crystalline Shale, blue and drab (Kinderhook).. Devonian and Silurian (140 feet thick; top, 245 feet above sea level): Limestone; in light gray, highly argillaceous powder; rapid effervescence... Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (108 feet thick; top, 105 feet above sea level); Shale, light gray, highly calcareous; in powder Shale, drab Galena dolomite and Platteville limestone (257 feet thick; top, 3 feet below sea level) — Dolomite, light bufl, crystalline-granular; with hard brown bitumhaous shale at 868 feet; 6 samples Limestone, buff, finely granular; rapid effervescence Dolomite, light yellow; m sand and powder St. Peter sandstone "(120 feet thick; top, 260 feet below sea level) — Sandstone, fine grained, white; some limestone; grains of considerable range in size, moderately well rounded Sandstone, clean, white; somewhat coarser than above Sandstone; as above; much hard, green shale like the basal shale of the Platteville limestone Sandstone, clean, white; largest grains reach 0.7 millimeter in diameter. Sandstone; as above; largest grains slightly exceed 1 millimeter in diam- eter Prairie du Chien group (565 feet thick; top, 380 feet below sea level)— Dolomite, light gray; some chert Marl, white and pink, highly dolomitic; large residue of fine quartz sand and argillaceous material and flakes of chert; 3 samples Dolomite; in fine, light yellow, crystalline meal Sandstone and pink oolitic chert : Dolomite, arenaceous, or sandstone, calcareous, all in fine yellow sand. . . Dolomite, light yellow, highly arenaceous; angular grains of pure dolo- mite and rounded grains of quartz sand Marl, white; residue minutely quartzose Chert and dolomite Dolomite, buff and light gi'ay ; in fine sand; cherty; 4 samples Unknown; drillings washed away * Dolomite and chert Chert and dolomite, gray Dolomite, gray, cherty, and arenaceous Dolomite, light brown, cherty Dolomite, gray, cherty Cambrian: Jordan sandstone, St. Lawrence formation, and underlying Cambrian strata (800 feet penetrated; top, 945 feet below sea level) — Unknown, drillings washed away Sandstone, clean; grains well roimded; largest reaching 1 milimeter in diameter Sandstone, calcareous, or dolomite, arenaceous, buff; dolomite in angu- lar particles and rounded quartz grains Unkno'wn; drillings washed away Sandstone, light gray; in fine angular meal; minute grains of quartz and of glauconite with dolomitic cement or matrix; 4 samples Dolomite, gray; in fine chips, minutely quartzose, 3 samples Sandstone; as from 2,000-2,095 feet; brownish, highly glauconiferous Sandstone; fine grains of clear quartz, some pink, some with secondary enlargements Sandstone, gray, glauconiferous, calciferous; grains varying in size, some being large and well rounded Sandstone; as from 2,000 to 2,095 feet Sandstone; in loose grains of clear quartz, largest, diameter of 1 millimeter. Unkno^vn; drillings washed away Sandstone, dark bro-wn, glauconiferous; in rounded grains and minute siliceous particles; chips of drillings have rough surfaces (due to .ro- jecting granules) and not the smooth fractures of quartzite Sandstone, yellow; in chips of minute grams of quartz and glauconite and some rounded quartz grains, embedded in dolomitic matrix or cernent; chips crumble easily after digestion in acid; drillings contain consider- able hard green shale Sandstone, bufl, calciferous, glauconiferous; much hard green shale Sandstone, bufl, calciferous, glauconiferous; much green and reddish shale Shale, hard, dark green and reddish, fissile: and sandstone, calciferous and glauconiferous; in angular chips; grains minute and angular Thickness. Feet. 23 41 37 78 19 97 13 110 39 149 291 440 207 31 19 235 15 10 20 20 10 9 56 44 6 20 25 15 45 Depth. Feet. 580 618 688 895 926 945 1.040 1,050 1.065 1.100 1.335 1,350 1,360 1,380 1.400 1,410 1,419 1,475 1,519 1.525 i;545 1,570 1,585 1.630 1,670 1.690 1.725 2.000 2,095 2.130 2,225 2, 235 2.270 2.275 2, 360 2.400 2,400 2,405 2.410 2,420 2,430 528 UNDEEGROUND WATEE EESOURCES OF IOWA. The well of Iowa Soap Co. has a depth of 509 feet and a diameter of 6 inches; casing, 70 feet to rock. The curb is 540 feet above sea level. The original head was 33.5 feet above curb and the head in 1905, 4 feet above curb; the loss was due to the sinking of the Clinton- Copeland well. The flow in 1905 was 15 gallons a minute through l^-inch pipe. Temperature 56° F. The well was completed in 1904 by R. J. Johnson. Record of strata in well of loiva Soap Co. at Burlington. Pleistocene (70 feet thick; top, 540 feet above sea level): Till ; Till, yellow; 4 samples ■. Gravel, coarse, up to li inches diameter Gravel, fine Carboniferous (Mississippian): KiQderhook group (210 feet thick; top, 470 feet above sea level)— Shale, blue, plastic, calcareous; 2 samples Shale, olive gray, fissile Shale, light green gray Shale, brown, hard, bituminous Shale, blue and green gray; 4 samples Shale, liglit brown, bituminous Shale, olive bluish and green gray; 9 samples Devonian and SDurian (160 feet thick; top, 260 feet above sea level): - Limestone, gray, soft, argillaceous; effervescence slow; 2 samples Shale, calcareous, hard, blue; in large flaky chips Limestone, hard, gray, in sand; rapid effervescence Limestone, light yellow; rapid effervescence; in fine sand and argillaceous powder Limestone, yellow gray; fossiliferous, with fragments of brachiopods; soft; in flaky chips Limestone, yellow; rapid effervescence; ui fine meal; 2 samples Limestone, strong blue; fossiliferous; hard, compact; earthy luster; siliceous but not arenaceous Shale and limestone in light yellow gray concreted powder; effervescence rapid Limestone, blue, dense, hard, in part of lithographic fineness of grain and conchoidal fracture; rapid effervescence; in chips Limestone, compact, gray, in sand; rapid effervescence No record Limestone, blue gray, rough; slow effervescence; some chert Limestone, light buff and white, compact, fine grained; rapid effervescence. . Limestone, light yellow gray or white; rapid effervescence; residue quartzose with minute grains and flakes and prismatic crystals of quartz; in fine meal; 4 samples Unknown; no samples Thickness. Dept 1. Feet. Feet 15 15 35 50 10 60 10 70 58 12S 7 135 5 140 15 155 45 200 10 210 70 280 25 305 10 315 10 325 15 340 10 350 10 360 370 380 10 390 5 395 5 400 10 410 10 420 20 440 69 509 The well of George Boeck, at 2-8 North Fifth Street, has a depth of 450 feet and a diameter of 5 inches; casing, 74 feet. The head is 30 feet above bottom of cellar. The well flowed " a full 5-inch stream," with no decrease in 1905. Water was found in white limestone 150 feet below soapstone (Kinderhook). Temperature, 60° F. Effect on boilers, not good. The well was completed in 1904 at a cost of $650 by W. N. Jennings, of Burlington. The well of the Clinton-Copeland Co., at 100 South Fourth Street, has a depth of 465 feet and a diameter of 5 inches throughout; casing, to 72 feet. The head originally was 28 feet above curb, and no change has been noticed. Water is said to have begun to overflow when well reached depth of 440 feet. The temperature, taken after flowing through 175 feet of hose, was 59° F. The well was completed in March, 1905, at a cost of $075 by J. E. Stanly, of Stronghurst, 111. DES MOINES COUNTY. 529 The well of tlie Moehn Brewing Co. lias a depth of 510 feet and a diameter of 5 inches. The original head was 30 feet above curb, but the well had ceased to flow in 1905, and the capacity under pump was small. Water was found in small quantity at 90 feet, but the main supply came from 500 to 510 feet. The well was completed in 1904 at a cost of about $1,000 by W. N. Jennings, of Burlington. The water is too heavily mineralized for use in boilers or for beer, but is used in coolmg and for other purposes in the brewery. The well of the Murray Iron Works has a depth of 831 feet and a diameter of 6 to 4 inches; casing, 120 feet from surface into blue shale. The head is 92 feet above curb. The original flow o'f 300 gallons a minute had not diminished in 1905. The first water was in a gravel just above rock at 75 feet, and the first flow at 450 feet; a strong flow came in at 500 feet and the drillings were washed away from 600 to 760 feet and from 800 to 831 feet. The rock from 800 to 832 feet is said to be like granular sugar. The temperature at tap after water has passed through 300 feet of pipe in foundry was 63.5° F. The water is too hard for use in boiler. The jvell was completed in 1903 at a cost of $1,038 by W. N. Jennings, of Burlington. The weU of the Sanitary Ice Co., near the intersection of Osborn Street and Central Avenue, has a depth of 852 feet and a diameter of 5 inches; casing, 95 feet from surface. The head was 51 feet above curb, and the flow 500 gaUons a minute. Water at 80 feet was shut off; water at 430 feet rose nearly to the surface; the first flow was at 700 feet, and water from the 800-foot level rose 51 feet above curb. Temperature, 64^° F. The water corrodes boilers and is used for condensing. The well was completed in 1908 at a cost of $1,600 by Jennings & Sons, of Burlington. The well of the Sanitary Milk Co. has a depth of 487 feet and a diameter of 6 inches. The original head was 15 feet above level of corner of Third and Court Streets, but the head in August, 1905, was 31 feet below same level; the head lowered on completion of Clinton- Copeland well. The well was completed in January, 1905, at a cost of $700 by W. N. Jennings, of Burlington. The well of Smith & Dalton has a depth of 460 feet and a diameter of 5 inches. The original head was 30 feet above curb. The original flow was estimated at 40 gaUons a minute, but had de- creased in 1905. Temperature reported as 60° F. Date of com- pletion, March, 1905. DrUlers, Jennings & Son, of Burlington, Mediapolis. — Mediapolis (population, 858) depends for its water on drilled and bored wells from 50 to 110 feet deep, aU but 30 to 40 feet of which are in rock. The water heads 20 to 30 feet below the curb. The well of D. Hutchcroft, 2 miles east of Mediapolis, has a depth of 600 feet and a diameter of 5f inches to 360 feet and 5 inches to 36581°— wsp 293—12 34 530 UNDEEGKOUND WATEK EESOUECES OP IOWA. bottom; casing to 360 feet. Water found at depth of 40 feet, in drift, was not cased out. Pumping capacity, 8 gallons a minute. The well was completed in 1905 by J. F. Tweedy, of Keokuk. Record of strata in Hutchcroft well near Mediapolis. Clay, yellow, sandy, calcareous, arenaceous , Shale", drab , or sandstone, argillaceous, in concreted masses Shale, olive-green, hard, noncalcareous Limestone, blue-gray, argillaceous, minutely arenaceous Limestone, light gray, nonmagnesian, argillaceous and slightly arenaceous Limestone, light yeliow-gray, granular, soft, fossiliferous, nonmagnesian Limestone, light blue-gray, and white soft earthy; in thin flakes Limestone, blue-gray and white; earthy; in fine chips Limestone, light yeUow-gray and drab, nonmagnesian; cherty Limestone, light yellow-gray, nonmagnesian; in fine sand; drillings slightly arenaceous Shale, dark blue; in chips; calcareous and cherty Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. 75 75 60 135 213 348 22 370 20 390 22 412 18 430 25 455 20 475 25 500 100 600 The shale whose base is found at 348 feet is evidently the Kinder- hook; below it, the drill, as at Burlington, passed through about 150 feet of limestones, which may represent the Devonian and Silurian, The shale from 500 to 600 feet may be taken as the equivalent of the shale CM^aquoketa) at Burlington which immediately succeeds the limestones below the Kinderhook. The drill therefore seems to have passed through the water bed which supplies the less deep wells at Burlington and yet to have found very little water. Mediapolis is 764 feet above sea level. If an adequate supply is not found in the Mississippian limestones, a well which adventures through the heavy dry shale of the Ejnderhook, here at least 200 feet thick, will probably find water in the Devonian or Silurian. Should the supply still prove insufficient, the drill should proceed through the next considerable shale, the Maquoketa, and tap what water may be found in the Galena dolomite and Platteville limestone. The water bed of the St. Peter sandstone will be encountered at about 1,150 feet from the surface. Minor swpylies. — Minor village supplies are described in the follow- ing table : Village supplies in Des Moines County. Town. Nature of supply. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to water bed. Head below curb. Augusta Wells Feet. 16-24 16-125 60-100 Feet. Feet. 24 75 Feet. 10 Danville 12 Roscoe Drilled wells 40 DES MOINES COUNTY. 531 WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Des Moines County : Wells in Des Moines County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 69 N., R. 3 W. (PART OF Union). County Infirmary . . . George Barnes S. Cartwright Sec. 4 Feet. 235 22 — 42 357 400 100 70 418 135 138 188 140 45 305 135 227 165 250 304 Feet. 20 Rock (limestone) from 20 to 235, 4 miles east and 1 mile north of Augusta. -J mile northwest of above. NE. J sec. 33.... Near Augusta. . . SW. Jsec. 11.... NE. Jsec. 3 Sec. 19 Sand .do where soapstone, with water, was encountered. Main water at 190. Light-blue clay; sand on top of blue-black clay at bottom. Flows. Flow from sand underlying light- 20 blue clay. Soil, 20; limestone, 80; soapstone T. 69 N., R. 4 W. (Augusta). (Kinderhook), 257; Uttle water. Midway between river bottoms and bluffs. Drift; limestone; "soapstone" L. Hilleary 20 164 20 300 66 Limestone. Sand and gravel. (shale) at 180; ends in soapstone at 400; not enough water for windmill. No shale. Water at 98. AlfredWeg T. 70 N., R. 2 W. (PART OF Bur- lington). Wykert Loam and sand, 164; hmestone, 4; William Penrod T. 70 N., R. 3 W. (Flint River). James Graham 24 miles north- 'west of Bur- lington. NW. 1 sec. 28... NW. Jsec. 33.... SW. Jsec. 31.... West Burlington NE. Jsec.8 li miles south of Danville. 1| miles west of Middleton. 2 miles west of Danville. Gravel Gravel Sand Gravel Limestone. Rock Sand Sand and gravel. Limestone. shale, 250. Head, 31 feet above curb. Drift, 20; fine sand to gravel at bottom. No yellow or blue clay; all dirt and gravel; white soapstone at bot- tom. Yellow clay; white clay; blue clay Joseph Saters Fair Ground to sand or rock at bottom. Yellow clay, 40; blue clay to gravel at bottom. Water in crevice. T. 70 N., R. 4 W. (Danville). Thomas Grant Hurlburt Yellow clay; white clay; blue clay with sand at 150 feet; 300. Largely blue till. Yellow clay, 54; light-blue clay, 12; Hunter no record, 111; dark-blue clay, 48; sand and gravel on rock, 2. Head, 20 feet below curb. Yellow T. 71 N., R. 2 W. (Benton). clay, 42; light-blue clay, 12; sand with water, 2; dark-blue clay, 10; rock, 99. Water from upper sand heads at —5 feet. Sand and mud; sand, fine, dark. Fred Kaster Sec. 33 Sand No water. Bones found at 188. Loam; sand; black mud; sand; wood and coal; old soil; mussel shells at 257; blue till, 20, over- lying sand bed at bottom. 532 UNDEEGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Wells in Des Moines County — Continued. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 71 N., R. 4 W. (Pleasant Geove). Anton Totemeir Sec. 19 SW. isec. 34.... NearSperry Sec. 31 Feet. 276 50 400 462 159 127 120 147 56 360 110 180 98 24 Feet. Yellow till (niinoian), 30; blue till (Illinoian), 10: reddish brown till (Kansan), 12; blue till with thin beds of sand (Kansan and Ne- braskan),224. Well in valley; yields 2 to 3 gallons per minute; diameter, 4 inches. Head, 5 feet above curb. No hard rock struck, but perhaps entered Kinderhook in lower part. Casing, 360 feet. Entered hard rock at 342; some shale may have been penetrated. Water at 40. Well weak; 1 gallon per minute. Largely yellow till. John ShBpherd T. 71 N., R. 3 W. (Franklin). Coarse gravel. T. 72 N., R. 2 W. (PARTS OF Yellow Spring and Hu- ron). W B. Dutchcroft Sec. 4 Sec. 10 Sec. 20 Sec. 27 95 118± 40 42 90 Limestone. ...do ...do Sand ..do Mediapolis Linton shale was struck. Diameter, 5 inches; yield, 5 gallons per minute; main water at 55; water at 23. Other wells find black mucky soil under the loess. Soil and loam, 4; yellow till (Illi- noian), 20; gray till (Ilhnoian), 10; peat bed, twigs, and bones, 15; gray sandy clay with wood, 12; fine sand, 16; yellow sandy till (Kansan), 33. Yellow till becoming gray below (Ilhnoian), 36; sand with thin bed of blue clay and of cemented gravel, 73; black muck with wood, 6; sand and gravel, 8: gray peb- bleless silt, 15; blue till (Kansan), 42. Head, 30 feet bfelow curb. W. J. Cumings T. 72 N., R. 4 W. (Washington). William Steiter F. Smith Yarmouth 1 mile south of Yarmouth. IJ miles south of Roscoe. Roscoe M. T. Evans 55 20 Rock Limestone. J. Mehmken 35 feet below railway station. Yield, 3 gallons per minute. Heads 5 feet above curb. HENRY COUNTY. By W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. Henry County lies almost wholly on the Kansan drift plain of south- eastern Iowa. This upland, which once had a nearly level surface, retains its original features over much of the northern and central portions of the county, where the drainage is stiU imperfectly devel- oped and the tabular divides present the appearance of level plains, scored only by shallow swales of little-concentrated wash. In the HENEY COUNTY. 533 southern townships the deep-cut valleys of Skunk River, Cedar Creek, and Big Creek permit a much greater dissection of the adj acent uplands, and here the interstream areas are cut to a maze of ridges with narrow level crests whose even sky line marks the common level of the ancient upland plain. The southeastern townships, Baltimore and New London, are ridged with the low long swell of the terminal moraine, which marks the limit to which the Illinoian ice here invaded Iowa from the east. A wide channel excavated by glacia,l waters in the Kansan drift lies along the northern border of the county and turning abruptly south follows the west county line, along which it has been occupied and deepened by the waters of Skunk River and Cedar Creek, passing thence through Lee County by Grand Valley and the valley of Sugar Creek to the Mississippi. Both Cedar Creek and Skunk River are bordered by wide flood plains where they hold to this ancient channel, the entire width of the Skunk River bottoms here ranging from three- fourths to 1| miles. Over the remainder of their courses these two streams, like the others of the county, flow through comparatively narrow valleys destitute of any flood plains of sufficient width to be of importance in this investigation. GEOLOGY. The Nebraskan, the lowest and earliest drift in Henry County, is not exposed so far as known, but is encountered in different wells as a dark-blue stony clay or tUl, resting on bedrock or separated from it by tiiin inconstant streaks of sand and gravel. The upper stony clay, the Kansan, is parted from the Nebraskan by sheets of sand and gravel or by old soils, peat, and forest beds (Aftonian interglacial deposits). The Kansan drift includes over nearly all the county both the yellow tUl immediately underlying the loess and the unweathered blue tUl from wliich the yellow tiQ has been derived by long leaching and oxidation. On and east of the north-south ridge passing through New London and recognized as a terminal moraine a third till appears, the yellow stony clay of the Illinoian. Over the entire county, except the river flood plains, has been spread the tliin mantle of the loess, a friable sihceous sUt. In color the loess is gray on the level prairies where overlain with deep humus, but yeUow on hill slopes or where it attains some thickness. The bedrock of Henry County, with the exception of smaU and negligible outliers of Pennsylvanian shales and sandstones, belong to the Mississippian series. (See PI. XIII.) Immediately beneath the drift the driller finds from 60 to 100 feet of limestones, sandstones, and shales belonging to the **St. Louis limestone." The succession from above downward is light-gray limestones, variable beds of sandstones, shales, broken or brecciated, limestones, and massive 534 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OP IOWA. impure magnesian limestones. Below these lies the Osage group, the uppermost formation of which, as exposed in the county, is the Keokuk limestone, consisting of geode-bearing limy shales 30 feet thick, underlain by about 25 feet of limestone interleaved with bands of bluish shale. No lower rocks than the Keokuk are exposed within the county, but the drill of the well driller has explored to some depth the underlying formations of the Mississippian. Beneath the Keokuk lies the white Burlington limestone, composed in part of crinoidal remains and seamed by water-bearing porous beds and crevices. The deeper wells pass through the Burlington and reach the heavy shale of the Kinderhook, which forms the base of the Mississippian series. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The flood plains of Skunk River and its larger tributaries, such as Cedar Creek, afford abundant water to shallow wells from stream-laid sands and gravels. In Skunk Valley above Rome the alluvium is of agricultural importance owing to the breadth of the flood plains. In the narrower vaUey below Rome it is important chiefly for supply- ing towns and villages. Thus the village of LoweU obtains v/ater from open and driven wells in the aUuvium, although the rock bottom of the narrow valley is reached at from 20 to 30 feet from the surface, the water being found in a sheet said to be 2 feet deep on the rock. On the flat cUvides ground water stands high, and collecting in the porous silts at the base of the loess and in the reddish sands and gravels wliich occur in seams and lenses in the Kansan till, usuaUy affords a supply to shallow, open, bored, and driven wells. Larger and more permanent supplies are drawn from the sands overlying the Nebraskan drift and those which part it from bedrock. From these strata most of the weUs in the county are supplied. In places the lower drift sources he deep below the surface. WeUs in sections 1 and 11 of Marion Township pierced the drift to depths of 190 and 250 feet without reaching either bedrock or the sands and gravels which overlie it, indicating a channel cut in deep rock by some pregiacial river and afterwards fifled with drift; the course of this buried valley is, however, entirely uncertain. Even on the wider tabular divides the drill or auger may find the water-bearing drift sands absent or too thin to convey enough water for stock wells, and the well must then be sunk into solid rock. Bed- rock must also be probed where the drift is thin, and where, owing to the dissection of the region by the streams, ground water readily drains out to the lowest levels. The sandy layers of the ''St. Louis limestone" and also the strata between its shale beds form water beds HENRY COUNTY. 535 of value. The chief resource, however, is the white porous and creviced Burhngton limestone of the Osage group. Drillers report that the main water bed is a white porous and spongy but hard lime- stone separated from the Kinderhook below by some 20 feet of blue- gray limestone. The Kinderhook no doubt acts as an impervious floor on which water accumulates in the overlying strata where porous or in passages opened up by solution. At Mount Pleasant the Kinderhook was found a little less than 250 feet below the surface and was about 300 feet thick. On reaching this dry shale drilling should stop for all ordinary farm wells. \ CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Mount Pleasant. — The succession at Mount Pleasant (population, 3,874) is shown by the following records of the wells drilled for the State Hospital for the Insane: Wefl No. 1 has a depth of 1,125 feet. The curb is about 719 feet above sea level, and the head 30 feet below curb. The tested capacity is 165 gallons a minute, the water coming from 990 feet. Temperature, 62° F. Date of completion, 1862. The well was aban- doned years ago because the water was so corrosive that it destroyed a battery of boilers and all the steam radiators of the institution. Driller's log of well No. 1, Iowa Hospital for Insane. Thick- ness. Depth. Lunestones Shales, soft, passing into hard. Limestone No samples Sandstone Feet. 295 300 295 100 135 Feet. 295 595 890 990 1,125 Well No. 2 has a depth of 1,267 feet and a diameter of 12 inches to 123 feet, 10 inches to 723 feet, and 6 inches to bottom; casing, 12 inches, 123 feet to rock, 10 inches to 733 feet, 6 inches to 1,153 feet; packing ring at junction of 10-inch and 6-inch casing. The curb is about 719 feet above sea level, and the head 70 feet below curb. Pumping capacity, 70 gallons a minute. The well was completed in 1898 by L. Wilson & Co., of Chicago. From it 40,000 to 50,000 gallons a day are now pumped without exhausting its supply. Well No. 3 has a depth of 1,203 feet and a diameter of 12 to 6 inches; casing, 71 feet of 12-inch, 610 feet of 9-inch, 635 feet of 6-inch. The head is 71 feet below curb and the tested capacity 70 gallons a minute. The water comes from 250 feet and is very good for drinking but destructive to boilers; other water-bearing strata were not recorded. The yield is 70 gallons a minute. Date of completion, 1903; cost 536 UNDEKGEOUND WATER EESOUECES OP IOWA. $4,700. From this well 120,000 gallons a day are now pumped. Except for boiler water, which is supplied from a reservoir, the entire institution is supplied by wells Nos. 2 and 3. Driller's log of well No. 3, Iowa Hospital for Insane. Soil, clay, and some sand Slate Limestone Slate Limestone (G inches of slate at 125 feet) Slate Limestone Slate Rock (" Trenton") Rock (St. Peter) Thick- ness. Depth. Feet. Feet. 68 68 7 75 29 104 4 108 107 215 10 225 20 245 360 605 511 1, 116 87 1,203 Record of strata in well No. 3, Iowa Hospital for Insane {PI. XIII, p. 526). Thick- ness. Depth. Pleistocene (68 feet thick; top, 719 feet above sea level): Drift, no sample Carboniferous (Mississippian): "St. Louis limestone'' and Osage group (182 feet thick; top 651 feet above sea level) — Shale, light blue, calcareous Limestone, yellow; drillings chiefly foreign sand Limestone, light blue, highly argillaceous; rather hard in chips Chert, white; much sand in drillings No record Shale, blue, plastic, calcareous No record Limestone, light gray, nonmagnesian, soft, earthy Limestone, as above; also bluish-gray, highly calcareous shale and considerable dark flint Limestone, mottled dark gray and white, crystalline, encrinital; residue arena- ceous and cherty ; some white chert; 3 samples Chert, light-blue cherty limestone, and light-blue shale , Chert, white; in small chips Limestone, light yellow and white; encrinital, earthy to crystalline; some chert; 4 samples Chert, white; some cherty limestone Chert, white; includes chips of dense, subtranslucent opaque-white and blue- white cryptocrystalline silica with conchoidal fracture; also irregularly shaped cuttings of a dull-white, earthy chert, or less friable; limestone, light yellow gray Shale, light buff, calcareous; in concreted powder Shale (diiUer's log); no sample Dolomite, blue gray, rather hard, subcrystalline, vesicular Limestone, magnesian; moderately rapid effervescence, drab, earthy Kinderhook group (360 feet thick; top, 469 feet above sea level) — Shale, blue, hard; highly siliceous with minute quartzose particles; calcareous; 2 samples Sandstone, blue, fine grained, argillaceous and somewhat calciferous, composed of minute angular particles of quartz in chips; 4 samples Shale, blue, calcareous Shale, blue, and sandstone, argillaceous; thinly laminated, 2 samples Shale, blue, calcareous; 7 samples Shale, blue, and sandstone, yellow-gray; grains up to 1 millimeter in diameter; calcareous cement Shale, blue and gray; 2 samples Shale, olive gray; yellow and reddish chert in coarse sand, perhaps foreign Shale, blue; 15 samples Devonian and Silurian (210 feet thick; top, 109 feet above sea level); Limestone, crystalline, buil and gray; rapid effervescence; in fine sand; 3 samples... Limestone, blue, argillaceous, soft, highly fossiliferous; rapid effervescence; in small chips Limestone, yellow-gray and blue-gray; rapid effervescence; in sand Limestone, light blue-gi-ay, dense, fine grained, laminated; in flaky chips; fossilifer- ous, containing fragments of crinoid stems and small brachiopods; 3 samples Limestone, white, fine grained, rather hard, and blue-gray with some shale Limestone, light yellow-gray, nonmagnesian; in fine sand; 2 samples Anhydrite; some siliceous gray limestone in powder, and snow-white granules easily friable to crystalline powder; some anhydrite in chips of pure mineral; 2 samples. . Feet. 68 20 40 10 20 70 10 20 10 160 Feet. 75 80 90 100 104 108 110 114 118 140 150 160 200 210 215 220 225 230 250 310 320 340 410 420 440 450 610 650 660 690 700 730 750 HENEY COUNTY. 537 Record of strata in well No. 3, Iowa Hospital for 7wsane— Continued. Depth. Devonian and Silurian (210 feet thick; top, 109 feet above sea level)— Continued . Limestone, drab, nonmagnesian; a few chips of anhydrite and of anhydrite and lime- stone Anhydrite, white, and limestone, drab; in meal and powder Limestone, gray, nonmagnesian; some anhydrite; in meal; 2 samples Anhydrite and gypsum, white, and shale, dark drab, hard, noncalcareous, and siliceous; all in chips and saad; 3 samples Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (40 feet thick; top, 101 feet below sea level)— Shale, blue, hard, siliceous, slightly calcareous; some minute grains of crystalline quartz; 2 samples Shale, light blue, hard, calcareous; 2 samples Galena dolomite and Platteville limestone (256 feet thick; top, 141 feet below sea level)— Dolomite, mostly in bufl, fine crystalline sand; 25 samples Samples from Well No. 2.a St. Peter sandstone (136 feet thick; top, 397 feet below sea level) — Sandstone, white, finegrained; grains about 0.3 millimeter in diameter Feet. 760 770 790 820 1,100 1,120 a Samples of the drillings of this well were shipped in open wooden trays and became much mixed. The compartments of the trays were marked as St. Peter from 1,120 to 1,250, and all of these contained quartz sand of St. Peter fades; some contained green shale and brown bituminous shale, assumed to be foreign and perhaps Platteville. Samples marked 1,250 to 1,267 show chiefly sand of dolomite. Minor supplies. — Information concerning local village water sup- plies is presented in the following table : Village supplies in Henry County. Nature of supply. Depth of wells. Depth to rock. Depth to water bed. Head below curb. Town. From — To- Com- mon. Shallow wells. Deep wells. Bored and drilled wells Open and driven wells. Open bored, and Feet. 15 15 20 15 16 28 40 30 Feet. 150 35 ""366' '"'360' 200 100 Feet. 35 25 32 25 25 35 100 40 Feet. 60 25 70 100-200 Feet. 40-100 25 30 Feet. Feet. — 30 -18 - 28 Mount Union.. - 20 Open and drilled wells. —100 Aids . . . 25 40 200 — 5 Salem. Wells 35 60 50 -20 -20 -30 Swedesburg Dug, bored, and - 20 Winfield Drilled and bored wells — 30 WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Henry County: Typical wells in Henry County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to water bed. Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T.70N., R.7W. (Salem.) Near Hillsboro. Feet. 318 Feet. 104 Feet. 260 FcH. 2G5 Yellow clay, 45; soft light-blue tUl, 27; dark hard tiU, 32; limestone, 154; soft white sandstone, water bearing, 41; limestone, 19. 538 UNDERGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OP IOWA. Typical wells in Henry County — Continued. Owner. T. 70N.,R. 7W. (Salem)— Con. F. McNeely Thos. Campbell.. T. 70N.,R. 6 W. (Jackson). John Abraham . . Beckwith... T. 71N.,R. 5 W. (New London). Greenlee Location. Andrew Johnson. . John Shipley William Orndauf , T. 72 N., R. 5 W. (Canaan). John A. Wicks . . T. 72N.,R. 6W. (Marion). August Wicks . . . E. June. T. 72N.,R. 7 W. (Trenton). Oscar Fitch T. 73 N., R. 6 W. (Wayne). S. isec. 15 E. i sec. 26.- SW. 1 NW. i sec. 24. Sec. 19. New London. IJ miles south of New Lon- don. New London. ....do Detith Depth Feet. 270 SE. J sec. 15.. SE. 1 sec. 28.. SE. Jsec. 1.... See. 11. NE. isec. 20. 1 mile east of Swedesburg. 290 290 Depth Source of 'Tr -PPiy Feet. 35 80 Feet. 180-200 270 220 260 200 blfovvl Remarks (logs given in curb! feet). Limestone . .do. Limestone . Limestone . Sand. Rock. White por- ous lime- stone. Limestone . . Feet. 40 30 Rock all limestone ex- cept some shale; flinty rock below the shale. Upland drift, 35; lime- stone, 55; limestone alternating with shale, 100; limestone cherty. First rise above Skunk River. Drift, 80; Umestone, 55; shale, 35; limestone, 70; shale, 20; limestone, 25; shale, 5 (Kinder- hook?). Drift, 80; limestone, 60; shale, 35; Umestone, 115; shale. Pumping 15 gallons per minute reduces water level to 140 below surface. 3-foot sand bed at 100, weak water; another at 110, some water; third at 132, yields 2 gallons per minute. Loess, 6; vellow till, 20; sand, 3; blue till, 12; peat and wood, 4; gray gummy clay with few pebbles, 10. Drift, 80; limestone, 35; shale, 25; lime- stone, 84. Drift, 14; limestone, 7; blue shale, 25; lime- stone with water in crevice, 54. All in drift, ■well fail- ure, struck bowlder at 190 feet and bore hole abandoned; black cement clay, 160 to 190. All in drift; abandoned. Drift clays, etc., 145; dry blue sand, 5; blue limestone, 20; shale, 25; gray lime- stone, white toward bottom, 65. Lower 50 feet blue till. JEFFERSON COUNTY. Typical tvells in Henry County — Continued. 539 Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to water bed. Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 73N.,R. 5W. (Scott). W i n field or Fairground. Zh miles east 'of Winfield. 8 miles north- west of New London, .do Feet. 123 110 200 120 52 70 Feet. 115 100 Feet. Feet. Loess and yellow till, 40; hard blue tni, 30; gravel, 30; hard blue till, 15; white sand- stone, 3; shale, 4; cherty limestone at bottom. Sand on rock 60 feet J. England Lehart Sand ....do thick. Drift clay, 30; sand, 170. Alda Delashrnitt. . 105 Rock Sand T. 70N.,R. 7 W. (Salem). Salem . . Yellow clay, 35; light- blue clay, 15; sand, 1; blue-black clay, 1. Yellow clay; blue clay; rock at bottom; war ter on rock. T. 71N.,R. 6 W. (Center). Chas. Leedham. . 4J miles south- east of Mount Pleasant. 69 JEFFERSON COUNTY. By W. H. Norton.. TOPOGRAPHY. The surface of Jefferson County is a plain of ancient drift dissected by streams from 50 to 150 feet below a once level surface, remnants of which remain throughout the county in tabular divides whose flat surfaces have been estimated to constitute about one-fourth or one- fifth of the entire area. These remnants are naturally widest along the main divide between the two master streams, Skunk River and Cedar Creek, where they form a featureless prairie plain extending diagonally across the county from northwest to southeast. Before the settlement of the country wet-weather marshes and shallow ponds occupied slight original depressions, but these, for the most part, have disappeared with the lowering of ground-water level con- sequent on sod cultivation. Near the larger streams the country is deeply ravined, and here, as throughout southeastern Iowa, the intimately dissected areas are known as "breaks." The maturel}'' developed valley of Skunk River affords bottom lands more than a mile in average width. The flood plain of Cedar Creek varies in width from a mile where cut in easily eroded glacial drift and one-half or one-fourth mile where cut in the shales of the Pennsylvanian and to a narrow gorge bearing all the marks of youth where the valley is incised in the more resistant limestones of the Mississippian. 540 UNDEEGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. GEOLOGY. Beneath the dark soil or later humus of the surface lies a mantle of fine yellow silt — the loess — which on the uplands has a thickness of 12 to 15 feet or more. On the slopes it is somewhat thinner, owing to rain wash. The loess rests on the Kansan drift, which is normally a blue stony clay, but which has been changed, under the oxidizing influence of long weathering, to yellow, and is known to drillers as ''true red hardpan." The upper surface of the Kansan may be modified to a sticky noncalcareous clay — the gumbo — through wliich water can not pass, or in places may consist of pervious sands. Beneath the Kansan, and separated from it in places by layers of sand and gravel (Aftonian), is a lower stony clay, the Nebraskan drift, a tough dark-bluish deposit, which is rather difficult to drill and which generally contains splinters and bits of wood and fragments of coal. Over most of Jefferson County the rock beneath the drift sheets belongs to the Pennsylvanian series (coal measures) of the Carbonif- erous, and consists of a variable succession of shales and sandstones, with an occasional tliin bed of limestone and some seams of coal. (See Pis. X, XIII.) The thickness of these strata ranges from a few feet to 150 feet and attains its maximum in the southwestern part of the county. In the northeastern part of the county, in Walnut and in parts of Penn townships, the coal measures have been stripped off by the tributaries of Skunk River, and the underlying "St. Louis limestone" of the Mississippian series is exposed to view. The total exposed thickness of the "St. Louis" amounts to 80 feet. Beneath the "St. Louis limestone" lies the Osage group, 30 feet or more thick. The most easily recognized of the different beds of the Osage are the basal white limestone and the overlying flinty cherts ("Montrose cherts"), both of which belong to the Burlington lime- stone. The Osage rests on shales of the Kinderhook group, here about 1 50 feet thick. The rock formations of the area below the Kinderhook have not been penetrated by the drill within the county. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. On the bottom lands of Skunk River and of its larger branches river-laid sands and gravels, saturated with water, are encountered near the surface. On these open wells and driven wells suffice, and in places plenty of water is obtained within 10 to 20 feet of the surface. JEFFERSON COUNTY. 541 Water in greater or less quantity is obtained at the base of the loess, in the yellow Kansan drift, especially near its base, and in or at the base of the Nebraskan drift. On the level ill-drained uplands, where the run-off is small and niuch of the storm water is either evaporated or sinks to feed the stores of water underground, the base of the loess silt is in many places saturated, and under favorable conditions water may still be obtained by wells of moderate capacity at depths of 25 feet or less. These conditions obtain especially in Polk and the west half of Black- hawk townships. On the tabular divides, where the loess is dry, water may in many places be found by the well borer in the less clayey portions of the Kansan drift, especially at or near its base. In Fairfield and Locust Grove townships, along the flat divide extending northwest from the town of Fairfield, a large number of wells find water above the blue stony clay within 40 feet of the surface. In the town of Fairfield many house wells do not exceed 30 feet in depth, but the well borer can not depend on striking water at this depth. Here, as elsewhere in the county, the ground-water surface has gradu ally lowered and shallow wells must now be bored 10 to 15 feet deeper than was necessary in the early history of the town. On the level prairies, where 15 years ago water could almost universally be obtained with a 40-foot auger, it must now be sought at deeper horizons. On the breaks or belts of dissected country along the streamways shallow wells have quite generally failed. Well borers lose an increasing number of holes, and the driller who is able to carry his quest for water into solid rock has an ever-increasing advantage. Water-bearing sands and gravels are encountered in the yellow Kansan drift. The sand may be but a pocket, in which case it is easily pumped out, or it may be a seam or bed sufficiently thick and extensive to supply a good stock well. No layer of sand and gravel within the blue stony clay is marked enough to impress the memories of well makers, though the water-bearing sands resting on bedrock at its base are often mentioned. In the west half of Penn Township, and in the northeastern part of Des Moines Township, water is found beneath the blue stony clay at about 100 feet from the surface. Two wells drilled in the town of Fairfield are said to have found abundant water in fine sand lying on bedrock at a depth of 195 feet but were abandoned as the sand could not be screened out. In general, how- ever, the sands beneath the Nebraskan drift are not reliable in this county. The Pennsylvanian series is extremely variable in character. Beds of sandstone thin out rapidly and may be replaced by shales. The succession of strata in one township or even in one section may not be maintaiaed in the one adjacent. For these reasons each well 542 UNDEKGROUJSTD WATER RBSOUECES OF IOWA. drilled in the coal measures is largely experimental, and the experi- ence derived from other wells serves only as a general guide indicating probabilities. In places the Pennsylvanian contains considerable bodies of sandstone and supplies a soft but often highly mineralized and usually sulphurous water. In many of the rock wells of the county it has been necessary to go through the coal measures to the water-bearing limestones and inter- stratified sandy beds composing the "St. Louis limestone." The distance to which the drill must go to reach these beds in any locality is difficult to foretell. The overlying coal measures vary greatly in thiclvness, for they were laid on the deeply eroded surface of the "St. Louis limestone" and have also an uneven eroded upper surface of their own, now deeply buried beneath the drift. In some part of every township except Fairfield and Locust Grove the Pennsylvanian has been entirely swept away, usually along the streamways ; in Walnut Township it is found only over about 6 square miles in the southwestern and the northwestern parts. The following township data from Udden,^ gi'^g the average thickness of the coal measures in each township, may be of some help to drillers if it is remembered that in any section their tliickness may be several times that given, or, again, may be much less than the average stated for the township. Thickness of Pennsylvanian rocks in Jefferson County townships. Feet. Polk 20 Locust Grove 80 Des Moines 50 Blackhawk 15 Fairfield 75 Liberty 50 Feet. Penn 30 Buchanan 20 Cedar 20 Walnut 10 Lockridge 40 Round Prairie 20 SPRINGS. Few noteworthy springs are reported from the county. In the southwest corner of sec. 1, Walnut Township, a number of springs emerge from glacial or preglacial gravels resting on bedrock. Large springs are said to occur near Merrimac on Skunk River. Near Perlee in Penn Township some sulphur springs, rising from the coal measures, yield 5 to 10 gallons per minute. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Fairfield. — The city supply of Fairfield (population, 4,970) is drawn from ponds and is not satisfactory. The distribution is both direct and from standpipe, the domestic pressure being 24 pounds and the I Ann. Kept. Iowa Geol. SiKvey, vol. 12, 1902, p. 414, JEFFERSON COUNTY. 543 fire pressure 140 pounds. There aTe 15 miles of mains, 55 fire hydrants, and 440 taps. The daily consumption is estimated at 250,000 gallons. In forecast of artesian possibilities it may be said that the shales of the Kinderhook group should be found about 350 feet from the surface. Any highly mineralized water found in connection with them should be carefully cased out, although it may be potable. The thickness of these heavy shales is variable and can not be fore- cast with any certainty, but it probably will not 'exceed 200 feet. The Devonian limestones and shales below the Kinderhook may contain water, and water will in all probability be found in the underljring Silurian limestones and sandstones. Before leaving the Silurian strata the water of the well should be analyzed, as the Silurian may include beds of gypsum which may have added a large lime sulphate content to the water. Should such beds of gypsum or anhydrite be disclosed, it would be well to case out all Silurian waters. The Maquoketa shale should next be reached, lying within 950 feet of the surface. Water will be found probably in the Galena and Platteville lime- stones, underlying the Maquoketa, and its quality should also be tested by analysis. The St. Peter sandstone should be reached within 1,260 to 1,350 feet of the surface and should contain a liberal supply of water. If the supply should fall short of the probable needs of the city, the well may be sunk several hundred feet deeper to a depth of at least 2,000 feet in order to obtain more water. The water in such a well will probably stand about 100 feet below the curb. Its quality will depend largely on the care with which the upper waters of the Mississippian and Silurian formations are cased out, and would probably be improved by going deeper than the St. Peter sandstone. Minor supplies. — Information concerning the water supplies of other towns and villages is presented in the following tables: Town and village supplies in Jefferson County. Nature of supply. Depth of wells. Depth to rock. Depth to water bed. Head below curb. Town. From— To— Shallow wells. Deep wells. Abingdon Wells Feet. 25 12 25 20 Feet. 45 300 250 130 Feet. Feet. 45 Feet. 15 Feet. 20 County Line Open, bored, and drilled wells. . Wells and cisterns . . ... German ville 100 10 3 Glendale Bored and drilled wells Lockridge Cisterns, bored weUs Merrimac Dug wells 16 12 20 28 15 18 18 50 250 40 75 30 16 'sd^iso' 25" 35' 10 12 6-20 20 10 10 Packwood Perlee Springs, cisterns, and wells Open and bored wells. .. 50 Pleasant Plain . . Veo do Woolson 544 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Jefferson County: Typical wells in Jefferson County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to wa- ter bed. Source of supply. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 72 N., R. 8 W. (Lock Ridge). G. B. Parsons KalifE.... M. R. Cullins. U- miles west of "Glendale. 5 miles north of Glendale. Salina Feet. 125 290 79 Feet. Feet. 115 Sand. Limestone. Sand T. 71 N., R. 8 W. (Round Praieie). Thomas Raines ■ Spratt , 3i miles southwest "of Glasgow. BE. J SW. I sec. 8.. SE. \ sec. 28. 130 100± 317 Limestone . . Sandstone. T. 71 N., R. 9 W. (Cedar). Hosette SE.J SW. J sec. 26. 230 105 T. 71 N., R. 10 W. (Liberty and PART OF Fair- field). L. Howard... G. P. Spratt. Seel NW. isec. 11. 185 265 115 70 E.R.Smith. SW. JNW.Jsec. 2.. Sandstone... Yellow clay, 35; blue clay, 60; black "ce- ment" clay, darker and harder than blue clay with few pebbles and no sand, 20; sand, gray- ish yellow, 10. Soil and yellow clay, pebbly, 45; blue clay, 20; dry sand, 5; blue clay, 3; blue sand, 3; shale and coal, 3. Drift, 80; rock, 40; shale, 30; limestone, 167. Heads 175 feet below curb. Drift, 105; drift, grav- el, and sand, 25; white limestone with bands of shale, 187; sandstone, 2. Heads 85 feet below curb. Yellow clay, 40; dark clay, 50; not known, 12; limestone, 98; chert, f; 2 feet of shale in other mate- rials, 15; hard j'ellow sand rock with balls of hard material, 40. About 30 feet above creek. Drift, 105; shale, 3; limestone, 119; sandstone, 3; lime rock. Upland. Joint clay, 20; blue tm, 50; shell rock, bastard lime- stone and coaly shale, 38; limestone, 152; sandstone, 5. Red tni, 45; blue till, 50; coal and slate, J; white limestone, 100; brown lime- stone, 20; sandstone, with a little water, 2; white limestone, 85; sandstone yield- ing 10 barrels an hour, 4; water soft and a little salt. Heads 67 feet below curb. JEFFERSON COUNTY. Typical wells in Jefferson County — Continued. 545 Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock, Depth to wa- ter bed- Source of supply. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 71 N., R. 10 W. (Liberty and PART OF Fair- field)— Contd. Charles Webb. P. H. Heston. 1 mile east of Liber- tyville. NE. \ sec. 9 Feet. 368 438 Feet. Feet. 50 420 T. 71 N., R. 11 W. (De3 Moines). E.McCleary NAV. J sec. 1. 230 64 T. 72 N., R. 11 W. (Locust Grove). Brookville. 241 W. C. Ball. T. Z. Gillett. NW.iNE. i sec. 25. S W. \ sec. 3 . Sandstone. 218 T. W. Gobble L. A. Patterson . . . T. W. Hill . NE. I sec. 5.. NE. \ sec. 10. Batavia. T. 72 N., R. 10 W. (PART OF Fair- field). Patrick Kennedy . F. J. Shearer SW.iSW. Isec.9... NW.JSW.isec. 14. 160 200 76 165 140 108 120 Gravel . (?) Water salty. Water also in sand- stone, 70; water low- ers on pumping to —170. Well 4 inches in diameter; capaci- ty^ 10 gallons per minute. Sandy loess. 20; till, yellow and blue, 44; iimestone, 2; shale?, 32; limestone, 4; grit- ty shale, 20; yellow arenaceous rock, 108. Water salty. Yellow till and blue till, 85; sand, water- bearing, 10; lime- stone with beds of sandstone, 142; sandstone, hard, 4. Loess, 25; blue till, 25; "blue granite" (sili- ceous rock), 12; brown sandstone, 93; limestone and sandstone, 17. Wa- ^, ter soft. Loess and yellow till, 60; dark till, 80; black shale with much pyrite, 40; bluish black carbo- naceous material, 8; sandstone, shale, and fine clay, 30. Yellow drift, 30; dark till, 60; gravel, 18; black shale, 80. Loess, 10; gumbo, 10; yellow till, 40; dark till, 60; sandstone, mostly fine, but somewhat coarser below, 40. Creek bottom; marl at 60; coal at 115; hard sandstone at bot- tom. Valley. Flowing well. Water from sand be- low blue clay. Loess, 10; joint clay or gumbo, 20; red till, 30; dark till, 30; white shale, 20; some arenaceous material. 36581°— wsp 293—12- -35 546 UNDEEGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Typical wells in Jefferson County — Continued. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to wa- ter bed. Source of supply. Remarks (logs given in • feet). T. 72 N., R. 10 W. (PART OF Pair- field)— Con. J.W.Wilson Sec. 17. Feet. 143 Feet. 95 Feet. J. F. Seahill. Near center sec. 17. G. W. Ball. L. Snider . . S. Sackett. SW. 1 sec. 19 SW. JSE. isec. 21.. NW.iNW. isec.23. 145 186 146 200 Sand and gravel. B. T. Raines. Fairfield . .do. C. W. Whitam. J. B. Steever. NE.i SE.isec. 28., SE. J sec. 28. 230 D. W. Manning... T. 72 N., R. 9 W. (Buchanan). M. Fordyce SE. 1 sec. 31. Wayne Green . T.H. Clover.. J. P. Manatry. SE.JSW. 1 sec. 23. 3 miles west of Sa- lina. SW. \ sec. 27 SW.iSW.isec.35.. 185 200 237 100 97 186 240 Sandstone. Joint clay, 10; red hardpan,3;bluetill, 82; limestone, 48, with crevice in which drill dropped 4 feet. Water con- tains sulphureted hydrogen; laxative, soft. Heads 60 feet below curb. Loess and yellow till, 60; sand and gravel, 10; dark till, 40; sandstone, in bot- tom. Mineral wa^ ter. "Soil," 10; red till, 80; white and brown limestone, 50; "slate," black, 2; coal, 4. Loess, 10; red till, 30; blue clay, 155; sand and gravel, 5; rest- ing on bedrock. Loam, 5; brown "joint clay," 10; yellow till, 30; dark till, 78; gravel and sand, 28, resting on shell rock. Drift, 120; black shale, fixe clay, and sev- ■ eral small coal seams alternating, 45; coal, 6; alternations of shale, sand rock, and fire clay with dark sandstone be- low, 59. Drift,80; shale and fire clay with thin seams of 'coal, 50; sand- stone, 20; coal, 4; limestone at bot- tom. Drift, 100; dark sand- stone, 20; common sandstone, 80. Loess; 20; yellow till, 25; blue till, 50; sand and a little water, 2; limestone, 88; sand- stone, 2; yielding 2 barrels of water per hour; limestone, 46; brown sandstone, 4. Joint clay, 6; yellow till, 40; black hard- pan, hard and irony, 20; dark till, 24; old soil with wood, 3; sand with water, 4; limestone. Loess and gumbo, 25; yellow till, 20; dark till, 141. Drift, 129; limestone, 30; bastard rock and sandstone, 51; lime- stone, 30. JEFFERSON COUNTY. 547 Typical wells in Jefferson County — Continued. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to wa- ter bed. Source of supply. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 73 N., R. 11 W. (Polk). 1 mile west of Ab- ingdon. Feet. 165 Feet. 165 Feet. Gravel . Abingdon. Sandstone. L. K. Wallace Geo. E. Estes T. R. Smith A. T. Downey T. 73 N., R. 10 W (Blackhawk). T.A.Webb SW.i SW.Jsec.2 W. J sec. 16 SE. \ sec. 20 Sec. 33 NW. 1 sec. 6. 300 186 SW. i sec. 27. Sandstone. A. Freshwater. SW. i sec. 28. J. L. Knight. SW. \ sec. 37. Gravel. T. 73 N., R. 9 W. (Penn). J. Pascha Sec. 1 . M. Polus. NW. 1 sec. 24. T. 73 N., R. 8 W. (Walnut). C. Shaffer E. i sec. 26. 60 Loess, 20; yellow till, 20; brown soft clay sandy streaks, 117; gravel, 8, on bed- rock. Heads 40 feet below curb. Loess, 30; yellow till, 30; dark till, 80; bed- rock with pyrites, 10; black shale, 4; coal, 6; fire clay; white limestone to 247; coarse sand- stone, 3. Drift, 160; dark shale, 30; cherty limestone, 110. Limestone with some chert at 104; sand- stone from 144 to 186. Drift, 76; shale, 3. Drift, 70; shale and • coal in bottom. Upland. Loess and yellow till, 60; dark till, 70; red shale, 10; some black shale. Yellow till, 50; dark till with inclusions of sand, 35; shale; sandstone, 4, to bot- tom. Loess, 25; yellow till, 20; dark till, 115; red ocherous clay, 5; sandstone? 12; shell rock, 2; shale, 4; limestone with crev- ice, IJ feet deep, 44. Water contains sul- phureted hydrogen. Loess, 20; soft sandy yellow till, 140; grav- el, 10. Loess and yellow till, 60; some sand; dark till, to 100 from curb; limestone with some sand- stone, 30. Loess and yellow clay, 50; dark till, 53; gravel, 3. Drift, 60; "rock and shale," 180; "hard rock" (limestone) in bottom. 548 UNDEKGKOUND WATEK EESOUECES OE IOWA. KEOKUK COUNTY. By W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. The surface of Keokuk County is an upland plain scored with the channels of numerous converging streams. The sky line as seen from the summits of the divides is everywhere even and horizontal. Exten- sive remnants of the ancient level surface, which must have been singularly flat and featureless, still exist on the main divides and extend to the rather steep slopes of the valleys of the larger streams. Even in the southern part of the county, where North and South branches of the Skunk flow in parallel and adjacent courses and where the upland is most dissected by their tributary streams, there are remnants of the original plain 3 or 4 miles wide, with a maximum relief of less than 12 feet. In this part of the county the valleys of the major streams have been worn to a depth of 100 to 200 feet below the upland level and have been widened by long lateral erosion and the action of the weather. The valley of the Skunk, for example, has been planed and filled to a flat alluvial floor 2 to 6 miles wide. GEOLOGY. The surface deposit over the entire county, except on the river flood plains, is the yellow or ashen pebbleless silt known as the loess. It mantles valley slopes as well as level uplands and is in few places more than 8 or 10 feet thick. Below the loess is a yellow clay that is distinguishable from the loess by its brighter tint, by the presence in it of sand and gravel, and by its greater hardness. This yellow stony clay or till is the weathered upper portion of the Kansan drift sheet, the unaltered portion being normaUy bluish gray in color. Beneath the Kansan lies another tough stony clay, the Nebraskan. It is hardly to be distinguished from the Kansan in weU drilling, unless it should be separated from it by ill-smelling soils, by peat and forest beds, or by the more welcome water-bearing sands and gravels which not infrequently mark tliis horizon. The Nebraskan till rests either on bedrock or on thin sand and gravels which separate it from the rock. The rocks of Keokuk County belong to two great series of the Carboniferous system, the Pennsylvanian and the Mississippian. (See PI. XIV.) The Pennsylvanian is exposed to view or is found by the drill immediately below the drift over large areas in the western townships and in several scattered outliers over the remain- der of the county. The rocks of the Pennsylvanian series consist of shale ("soapstone" or "slate"), with seams of coal and beds of fire Feet 90O- 8nu- 700- fiOO- 600 400- 300- 200- U, S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Pella ^ V^®^"^ DesMo ■ St Lou»s V\m« 100 Sea level 400- 500- fiOO U, S, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY - 37 miles 27 miles W^TER-SUPPLY PAPER 293 PLATE XIV ->< 23 miles > GEOLOGIC SECTION BETWEEN FELLA AND LETTS , IOWA By W H. Norton KEOKUK COUNTY. 549 clay, and lenticular bodies of sandstone. These rocks lie on a deeply eroded surface of Mississippian strata. The outcrops of the Mississippian series in this county present only its higher subdivisions. The "St. Louis limestone," with its variable beds of limestone (some fine grained and compact, some magnesian, some sandy, some interbedded with sandstone layers, and some made up of angular fragments) and of sandstone which in places may attain a thickness of 40 feet, underlies the greater portion of the area. The total thickness of the "St. Louis" may reach 150 feet. The Osage group underlies the "St. Louis limestone." Its expo- sures in the county show a subcrystalline limestone locally made up of crinoidal fragments in many places pure white. It occurs in layers commonly less than a foot thick, separated by bands of chert or of clay. The Osage underlies the drift northeast of a line drawn diagonally across the county from a point 3 miles south of Keota through South English. The thickness of the Osage in the deep well at Sigourney is 168 feet. The Osage rests upon the heavy shales of the Kinderhook. Every- where throughout the county these shales lie too deep to be shown by even the deepest valleys. Some of the deeper wells of the county reach them, however, and their total thickness, shown by the Sigour- ney boring, measures 229 feet. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE AND DISTRIBUTION. On the broad bottom lands of Skunk River "sheet water" is found in river sands and gravels at a depth of 24 to 30 feet. The water derived from this formation by some wells is said to have a slight odor of organic matter. The chief water supply of the county is obtained from the drift. Ground water beneath the level prairies stands high. Under favor- able local topographic conditions the basal silts and sands of the loess yield a supply sufficient for house use, and in certain localities, at least in wet years, sufficient for stock wells. Thus near Richland a well 33 feet deep, dug in 1906, struck water at 12 feet, the quantity increasing to the bottom; this well, which supplies 30 head of cattle, probably obtains water from sands in Kansan drift as well as from the basal loess. There are several well-marked water-bearing beds in the drift. At Sigourney these are reached at depths of 25 and 55 feet in loose gravelly beds, and at varying depths in gravels immediately over- lying the "St. Louis limestone," which here occurs 35 to 70 feet from the surface. The following section of the drift at Sigourney is given by a driller: Depth. 550 tJNDEEGROUND WATER RESOURCES OP IOWA. Section of drift at Sigourney. Joint clay, without pebbles (loess) Clay, sandy, loose, yellow, pebbly, caving; containing water toward base Clay, blue, with streaks of yellow; hard, with smaU pebbles, many of them white in color; penetrated to a suiScient distance for reservoir At Delta, in Warren Township, the section of the upper portion of the drift is given as follows : Section of drift at Delta. Depth, SoU, black Clay, yellow, with black streaks Clay, yeUow, caviag, soft; with sand streaks; water bearing in basal portions Feet. On the upland about South English a different section is given: Section of drift near South English. Clay, yellow (loess) Soil, ashen, dry (Kansan) Clay, blue, tough, with small white pebbles. SoU, old, ill smelling, and wood Sand, clean, coarse, white, with water Depth. Feet. 12 17 27 28 In Steady Kun Township, on the flat prairie about Martinsburg, the succession is said to be as follows: Section of drift near Martinsburg. Depth. Soil, black Clay, yellow, ashen at bottom Clay, yellow Clay, blue, stony Sand, with water. Feet. Other sections showing drift deposits and water sources, as noted by the drillers, will be found in the list of wells (pp. 554-555). These sections seem to show that the upper weathered zone of the Kansan tiU is still water logged under favorable topographic conditions, and that it furnishes water at very moderate depths from its sandy beds; they show also, however, that a more dependable source of supply is to be found in the sands beneath a sheet of blue till which in many places KEOKUK COtJNT\'. 551 is probably the unweathered Kansan, the sands being those which immediately overlie the Nebraskan drift. The tliickness of the drift and the depth to its different water beds varies greatly. In the town of Sigourney the depth to bedrock ranges from 35 to 70 feet; a mile north of town, wells 190 feet deep find water in gravels without reacliing rock. In the southeastern sections of Lafayette Township rock is struck witliin 30 feet of the surface; in the western sections the drift is 130 to 160 feet thick and in the northeastern sections from 100 to 130 feet. On the uplands in the vicinity of South English the average thickness of the drift is about 100 feet; about Webster it is from 90 to 100 feet thick. In the area about Haysville rock is struck in wells 50 and 60 feet deep. Until the series of dry years in the nineties it was rarely necessary to sink wells into the indurated rocks for water, except in the well- dissected areas where drift is tliin and ground water normally stands low. The Pennsylvanian suppHes good water in but few localities, a fact which causes serious difficulty in the mining regions of the western townships, where most of the water obtained is drawn from the drift. The '"St. Louis limestone" usually yields a good supply of water from the soft sandstones that He between the limestone beds, as, for example, in the wells at Keswick. Where the Osage group forms the country rock, as in Liberty and Lafayette townships, wells which fail of finding water in the drift are drilled a considerable distance in this limestone before finding water. Of the wells reported from these townships, more than one-half exceed 200 feet in depth. In the southeastern townships, Richland and Jackson, a number of deep wells have been sunk. The deepest of these, 548 feet deep, passed through 150 feet of drift, 8 feet of flinty, pjnitiferous rock, and 50 feet of ''clay" (shale), wliich may be either coal measures or "St. Louis limestone"; then 200 feet of solid limestone (the Osage and perhaps the lower part of the "St. Louis"); and finally 140 feet of shale, evidently the Kinderhook. Whenever the thick and dry shale of the Kinderhook is struck, drilling should cease unless the owner is prepared to smk liis well to the much-deeper formations reached by the deep well at Sigourney (p. 551). In other counties where like conditions exist the experiment of shooting a well with nitroglycerin at the top of the shale when water has not been found above it is successfully made as a last resort. SPRINGS. Only in the western townships are noteworthy springs reported. A number of unfailing springs, the water of which is said to rise from gravel and from sandstones, emerge along Richland Creek north 552 triSTDEKGEOUND WATEE RESOURCES OP IOWA. of Richland, the measured discharge of one being 3 gallons per minute. Other springs are reported northeast of Harper in Lafayette Township. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Keota. — The water supply of Keota (population, 988) is taken from a well 180 feet deep. The amount used daily is 13,500 gallons. The water is distributed from a tank having a capacity of 68,000 gallons. The fixe and domestic pressure is 65 pounds. There are If miles of mains, 21 fire hydrants, and 150 taps. The well reached rock at 70 feet. To this distance it was excavated to a diameter of 10 feet, to serve as reservoir, the casing of the drilled well occupying the center. The supply, however, is insufficient for the needs of the town, and at times of greatest consumption the well can be pumped dry several times each day. Sigourney. — The water supply of Sigourney (population, 2,032) is drawn from a well 14 feet in diameter and 20 feet deep, situated 1^ miles from the town on the flood plain of Skunk River and about 150 feet from the river bank. The water is distributed by gravity from a tank holding 50,000 gallons. The domestic pressure is 50 pounds; the fire pressure, 100 pounds. There are 7 miles of mains, 41 fire hydrants, and 100 taps. Besides supplying water for its own use the town furnishes water to the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific and the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railways for use in their engines. The amount of water consumed by these companies and the objectionable qualities of the water of the deep well for use in boilers, may, it is said, have had something to do with the abandonment of the deep well drilled for the city by Hopkins & Gordon in 1882. (See PL XIV.) The depth of the well is 1,888 feet and the diameter, 6 inches to 1,091 feet, and 4^ inches to bottom; casing to 1,091 feet. The curb is 756 feet above sea level, and the head 30 feet below curb. At 1,320 feet, in the St. Peter sandstone, mineral water with strong odor was found; at 1,360 feet, a crevice was encountered in which the drill dropped 2 feet and a current of water carried off the cuttings. The supply of water increased to 1,388 feet, when it flowed over the top of the well while the drill was in and stood witliin 30 feet of curb when the drill and rods were removed. No water was found below 1,388 feet. On account of the poor quality of the water the weU has never been used. It is also stated that its capacity was insufficient, but if any pumping tests were ever made they have not been reported. KEOKUK COUNTY. Record of strata in city well of Sigourney {PI. XIV, p. 548). 553 Thick- ness. Depth. Pleistocene: Drift Carboniferous (Mississippian): "St. Loiiis limestone" and Osage group (306 feet thick; top, 706 feet above sea level)— Shale, blue; a few drift pebbles fallen from above Clay, brown, fine, noncalcareous; in flakes; disaggregates in water with about ten times the difficulty of blue till; quartzose and clierly residue; some glacial pebbles Limestone, brown-gray, arenaceous Limestone, gray, arenaceous, cherty; 2 samples Shale, calcareous; much gray flint in flakes Limestone, highly siliceous, highly argillaceous; much flint and blue shale; drillings largely chert Limestone, bluish gray; drillings mostly chert of the same color I^imestone, bluish gray, or shale, highly cherty, quartzose, and argillaceous. . . Shale, blue, calcareous, highly siliceous Limestone, blue-gray, highly cherty Limestone, soft, blue-gray Limestone, blue-gray; much chert Limestone, light bluish; earthy luster, in large flakes, highly siliceous Limestone, blue-gray Limestone, drab, granular Limestone, brown, somewhat cherty Chert, blue-gray Limestone, brown, somewhat cherty Limestone, light gray, soft, angular, crystalline Shale, hard, greenish, calcareous, microscopically siliceous; in fragments; 2 samples Shale, dark greenish; in large fragments; calciferous; so liighly siliceous with microscopic particles of limpid quartz that it might perhaps be called sand- stone; 3 samples Limestone, light and darker blue-gray; in flaky ctiips; argillaceous and micro- scopically arenaceous Kinderhook group (198 feet thick; top, 400 feet above sea level) — Shale, greenish, soft, slightly calcareous, fuie grained; 4- samples Devonian (171 feet tliick; top, 202 feet above sea level): Limestone, green-gray, argillaceous Shale, indurated, calcareo-siliceous Shale, calcareous, or limestone, argillaceous, higUy fossiliferous; drillings largely fragments of Splrifer, Orthis, and perhaps other brachiopods, and of crinoid stems Limestone, blue-gray; earthy luster; fossiliferous Limestone, brown and bull; earthy luster; fossiliferous Limestone, soft, yellow; earthy luster; 4 samples Limestone, gray, cherty Limestone, white; in powder Silurian (146 feet thick; top, 31 feet above sea level): Limestone, magnesian, buff; in sand; 2 samples Dolomite, gray buff; in cliips; subcrystalline, much white chert; 2 samples Dolomite, yellow, buff, and gray; mostly chert .v; 5 samples Limestone, magnesian; mostly white and translucent chert, with interbedded cubes of pyrite, and a large number of minute rounded grains of limpid quartz. . Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (159 feet tliick; top, 115 feet below sea level)— Shale, blue, green, gray, and drab; 7 samples Galena and Platteville limestones (283 feet tluck; top, 274 feet below sea level) — Dolomite, brown, hard, argillaceous Limestone, light, yellow-gray Dolomite, brown Limestone, magnesian, cherty, white, gray, buff, and brown; all effervesce more rapidly than Galena dolomite Chert Limestone, light yellow-gray, cherty Limestone; a little shale Shale, green, soft, calcareous Limestone, gray Limestone, magnesian, brown St. Peter sandstone (115 feet thick; top, 557 feet below sea level) — Sandstone, fine grained ; white and light gray in mass; mostly angular fragments with some rounded grains; 7 samples Prairie du Chien group (458 feet thick; top, 674 feet below sea level) — Dolomite; 2 samples Same (reported) Feet. 20 Feet. 30 98 22 120 15 135 20 155 10 165 5 170 17 187 3 190 5 195 10 205 5 210 15 225 15 240 10 250 6 256 14 270 15 285 25 310 12 342 14 356 198 554 31 585 21 606 12 618 12 630 13 643 25 668 5 673 52 725 5 730 56 786 79 865 1,030 25 1,055 34 1,089 149 1,238 17 1,255 5 1,260 15 1,275 6 1,281 9 1,290 25 1,315 115 1,430 398 1,828 63 1,888 554 UlSTDEEGEOtJiq-D WATER BESOtTECES OF IOWA. Minor supplies. — Information concerning the water supplies in the smaller towns and villages is presented in the following table: Village supplies in Keokuk CoUnty. Nature of supply. Depth. Depth to water bed. Depth to rock. Head below curb. Town. Shallow wells. Deep wells. Delta Feet. 22-470 Feet. 100-300 Feet. 50 Feet. 12 4-15 15 12 Feet. 50 Wells Haysville Dug, drilled, and bored wells ■. . Wells . . l(>-40 15-55 55 25 45 Kinross Open wells Nugent Dug, bored, and drilled wells Open and drilled wells 18-180 10-60 20-230 20-50 15-30 18-45 90-180 20-60 20 20 15 40 South English . . Tallyrand . . . do 50-75 55 Thomburg Open wells 35 10 and 18 25 3 5 8 What Cheer 90 35 WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Keokuk County: Typical wells in Keokuk County. Owner. Location. ft 1 s p M f o ft'" o . Source of supply. Remarks (logs given in feet). T.77N.,R.10W. (Liberty). W. Oliver SE. isec. 6 NW. J sec. 31.. SW. isec. 31... SE. isec. 32.... Southeast of Kinross. NE. sec. 13.... SW. i NE. i sec. 32. NE. isec. 5.... NW. isec. 5... Feet. 253 290 232 240 220 41 Inches 2 Feet. 230 170 160 155 130 Feet. Feet. 20 feet of sandstone and Daniel Coflman . some gray soapstone below drift. All limestone below Graham . . drift. Casper Trout- man. Albert Dill T.77N.,R.12W. (Adams). J. O. McBride... 40 Gravel +1 Foot of hill. Soil and yellow clay,20; yellow pebbly clay , a little water at bot- tom, 30; hard, black pyritiferous shale, 16. T.76N.,R.10W. (Lafayette). Ephraim Bouz- loz. 220 325 92 208 260 150 147 202 175 no 70 155 160 Creamery Cook Sand -16 Soil and loess; yellow NE. i sec. 6... NE. isec. 7.... NW. isec.9... SE. isec. 11.... SW. isec. 12... NE. isec. 13... SE. isec. 2 SE. isec. 36.. . 150 100 120 97 130 120 109 30 pebbly clay, 12; hard blue clay with wood, 60; sand. David Clyde.... Scott Kirkpat- rick. Sand Shale 1 foot, at bottom. Ed. Van Fossen. KEOKUK COUNTY. 555 Typical wells in Keokuk County — Continued. Owner. Location. p. ft ■ a a 5 2 ^^ C o P.'-' IS ft o . IS a; 03 Source of supply. a> o o m Remarks (logs given in feet). T.75N.,R.11W. (parts of Ger- man AND Lan- caster). J. F. Doensing . . NW. Jsec. 6. .. NE. isec.2.... Sec. 34 Feet. 1.56 60± 224 230 190 180 130 170 54 156 120 180 170 302 213 113 548 418 118 105 125 250 Inches Feet. Feet. Feet. Sand Yellow clay, 40; blue ^ 120 180 120 134 175 -90 clay, 20; sand. Capacity, 1 J gallons per minute. Teuscher . SE. 1 sec. 14.... SW. i sec. 26... About 1 mile southwest of Harper. About 1 mile northwest of Harper. Near township line northeast of Sigourney. SE.iNE.Jsec. 36. Southwest part. H. Brain T.76N.,R.11W. (PART OF Ger- man). Limestone . . Ends in quicksand; abandoned. Gravel -50 Loess, 20; yellow clay, E. W. Mohne... 6 6 48 5 J to 3^ 6 6 6 6 4 141 60 105 130 70 26 150 85 50 48 38 60 15; blue clay, 16; fine gravel, 3. Rock outcrops on T.75N.,R.10W. (Clear Creek). Rufus Carris neighboring creek 65 feet lower than curb. John Wright NE. Jsec.5.... SE. Jsec. 11.... Sec. 18 -75 -70 -30 -78 —92 -60 -106 -40 -40 -60 T.74N.,R.10W. (Richland). John W. Lemly. F. H. Heilman. . 70 Capacity, 1 gallon per do minute. Capacity 30 barrels a Jerry Reddig Samuel A. Alt- Sec. 29 105 400 102 Gravel Limestone . . day; easily lowered to -100 feet. Soil, 2; yellow clay, 10; See. 30 yellow joint clay, 48; blue till, 35; yellow sandy clay, 9; gravel 8; soapstone, 1. Water lowers to —200 man. T.74N.,R.11W. (Jackson). .Tohn AltPTihnfpTi Sec. 1 feet. Drift, 150; flmty rock, pyritiferous, 8; clay, 50; solid rock (limestone), 200; shale, Kinderhook, 140. Capacity, 3i gallons a minute; lowers to -275 feet. Drift, 102; limestone, 58; flint, slate, pyrite, 65; soap- stone, 193 with water at 410. Mostly limestone; some sandstone and a little black rock. Capacity, 12 gallons a minute; can not be lowered. Drift, 48; sandstone, 10; hard, white flint rock, 47. Can not be lowered. See. 12 Isaac Shelly C. C. Bottyer... Pierce Hollings- worth. See. 13 103 125 ■•'St. Louis" 2J miles from Ollie. Near Ollie 556 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. LEE COUNTY. By W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. Lee County, occupying the southeast corner of the State, and bounded on the southeast by the Mississippi, on the northeast by the Skunk, and on the southwest by the Des Moines, may be described as an upland overlooking its boundary rivers from a height of 100 feet and more. From Montrose to Keokuk the ]\iississippi flows through a narrow rock-bound valley. From Montrose north to Fort Madison a wide, crescentic flood plain on the right bank has been opened in the drift on either side of the lower course of Sugar Creek, and north of Fort Madison a still broader alluvial plain has been opened on either side of Skunk River. These two patches of the Mississippi flood plain and a plain of similar character along the Des Moines at Sand Prairie are the only lowlands within the county. A low ridge, sufficiently prominent to give name to Pleasant Ridge Township, rises above the general level of the upland plain and extends nearly north and south from the Henry County Hne through West Point to Sugar Creek. East of this broad swell — the terminal moraine of the IlHnoian ice sheet — the upland is overlain with lUinoian drift; west of it the upland is formed of the older drift sheet, the Kansan. A broad shallow depression, a temporary drainage channel of Pleis- tocene times, entering from Henry County on the north, is known as Grand Valley until, trending to the southeast, it is occupied by Sugar Creek. With these exceptions the entire upland may be regarded as a plain once nearly level and now etched with the valleys of a drainage system as yet immature. The divides are in the main tabular and are still so wide as to allow a high ground-water surface. GEOLOGY. The lowest drift sheet of Lee County is the Nebraskan, a dark stony clay, in places separated from bedrock by outwash sands and from the overlying Kansan drift by forest beds, old soils or still more commonly by sands and gravels of special importance to the well driller. The Kansan drift sheet is a dense, tough stony cl&j, weather- ing to reddish yellow, but bluish in its unweathered deeper portions. East of a hne drawn north and south through West Point from the Henry County line to Sugar Creek is a third drift sheet, deposited by a still later ice invasion, the Illinoian. Over the area of the Illinoian ddft an old soil (Yarmouth) in many places separates it from the underlying Kansan. LEE COUNTY. 557 The rocks under the drift in Lee County belong entirely to the Pennsylvanian and Mississippian series of the Carboniferous. (See PL XII.) The rocks of the Pennsylvanian series or coal measures lie on an ancient land surface eroded in the rocks of the underlying Missis- sippian series. They consist chiefly of drab clay shales, not commonly associated here with coal, and yellow friable sandstones. As out- liers of the Iowa coal field they occur in the western part of the county and are found in four tracts, occupying more or less of Pleasant Ridge, Marion, Franklin, Cedar, Harrison, and Van Buren townships. The Mississippian series of this area includes the ''St. Louis lime- stone" and the Osage and Kinderhook groups. The term "St. Louis limestone" of the Iowa State Survey reports and as employed in this report includes the upper part of the Warsaw limestone, the lower part of the Warsaw being included in the underlying Osage group. The Osage group of the United States Geological Survey, however, excludes the Warsaw limestone. The "St. Louis limestone" forms the country rock over perhaps one- third of the county, with a thickness of hardly more than 30 feet. It is variable, including magnesian and nonmagnesian lime- stones, sandy limestones, and blue sandstones. Much of it consists of breccia, a rock that has been broken into angular fragments. The sandstone beds of the "St. Louis" should yield a moderate amount of water. The "St. Louis limestone" rests on the Osage group, which includes as its basal formation the Burlington limestone, the lower part of which is characterized by its brilhant whiteness, its crystalhne tex- ture, and its numerous fragments of crinoid stems and plates. Upon the lower division of the Burhngton lie the "Montrose cherts," well exposed along the Liississippi from Montrose to Keokuk, where their resistance to corrasion has given rise to the Lower Rapids of the Mississippi. This chert constitutes the upper division of the Bur- lington Umestone. As flint or chert is considerably harder than steel it might be supposed that these beds of chert would be difficult to drill, but the thin, brittle layers break easily under the heavy stroke of the drill and the chips do not pack. The Osage group also includes the Keokuk limestone, the lower part of which is bluish and cherty, about 25 to 40 feet thick, and the upper part is a shale about 40 feet thick containing many geodes lined with banded chalcedony or crystals of quartz. The lower part of the Warsaw limestone, consisting of alternating sandy limestones and sandy shales, about 30 feet thick at Keokuk, is, for convenience, also included in the Osage group. The Kinderhook group underHes the entire area but is exposed in a few places only. 558 UNDEKGEOUND WATEB RESOUKCES OF IOWA. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOUBCE. The river-laid sands and gravels of the broad Mississippi bottom lands and those of the narrower flood-plain strips along Skunk and Des Moines rivers yield abundant water of excellent quality to shallow open or driven wells. The uplands of the county are mantled by the loess, a soft friable silt that is too fine to be called sand and too coarse to be called clay, and that furnishes water to shallow wells that reach its base wherever conditions bring ground water near the surface. Water is obtained from thin sandy streaks in the Illinoian drift, and especially from sandy layers of the interglacial deposits separating the Illinoian and the Kansan drift sheets. These interglacial_ beds, known as the Yarmouth, from their occurrence at the village of that name, comprise not only sandy beds in places but also old soils that contain wood and beds of peat or muck. The water from the Yar- mouth is therefore likely to be ill smelling and available only for stock. The depth to the Yarmouth ranges from 20 to 40 feet in the north- eastern part of the county. Along the ridge of the terminal moraines of the Illinoian drift sheet the increased thickness of this drift increases this depth to 40 to 70 feet. The deeper water beds in the drift are sands in Kansan and Nebraskan tills, water-laid interglacial deposits (Aftonian) which separate them, and sand and gravels which overlie the bedrock. None of these horizons are altogether dependable. In Washington and Green Bay townships, for example, little or no water is found from the top of the blue till (unweathered Kansan and Nebraskan to its base, although at Fort Madison it reaches a thickness of 260 feet. The quicksand below it, however, about 100 feet deep at Fort Madison, yields generously. On the thick drift of the Illinoian ter- minal moraine water is found within 70 feet of the surface. An ancient drift-filled channel of the Mississippi contains 300 feet of Pleistocene deposits, including heavy sands and gravels. At Mount Clara and west and north of Summitville, weUs in this old channel encounter 50 to 125 feet of sand containing more or less driftwood and in places overlain with an ancient soil. In one well dry reddish sand above was succeeded by gray sand underlain by water-bearing gravel. In northern Lee County, in the area from Denmark to St. Paul, the drift is comparatively thin. Water is commonly found on or above the rock, but many wells seek deeper sources. The water from the Pennsylvanian is likely to be highly mineralized and sulphurous. The sandstones yield some water, but as dry clay shales form the bulk of the series and as the lenses of sandstone are LEE COUNTY. 559 exceedingly variable and rapidly thin out laterally, the occurrence of sandstone water-bearing beds at any given point within the area of the coal measures can not be predicted. Water occurs in the Mississippian limestones in quantity ample for house supply, and is utilized by a large part of the population. The geologic horizon of the strata that yield the strong flows at depths ranging from 700 to 800 feet below the surface remains in some doubt. Local drillers, as at Burlington and at Fort Madison, speak of the water bed as the '^St. Peter sandrock," a term as easily applied to a water-bearing dolomite which is cut by the drill into sparkling crys- talline sand as to a true sandstone. If the samples of the Young Men's Christian Association well at Keokuk are reliable, this well and all others of Hke depth find their water far above the St. Peter sand- stone. No sandstone of any kind appears in the drillings of the Young Men's Christian Association well, the basal stratum and water bed being a brown dolomite, belonging to the Silurian or to the Ordovician (Galena). According to several logs it is sandy, as the Silurian is known to be at Washington and Centerville. By the log of the Hubinger wells at Keokuk a shale referable to the Maquoketa and separated from the St. Peter by the Galena and Platteville limestones is found beneath it. On the other hand, supporting the reference to the Galena is the facies of the brown dolomite itself. At Mount Pleasant, where alone in southeastern Iowa there is a complete record of samples to below the St. Peter, dolomite is absent from the Silurian, whereas precisely such a brown dolomite constitutes the bulk of the Galena. At Fort Madison a similar brown dolomite, covered by the Maquoketa, forms the water bed. If the water bed is the Galena, the Maquoketa is absent and the shale of the Hubinger wells found below the water bed is difficult to account for. In other counties of similar geologic structure the ' ' Montrose cherts ' ' (upper part of Burlington limestone) jdeld considerable water, but the main water bed in the Osage group is the lower part of the Burling- ton limestone, especially the part near its base, where descending ground water finds its farther downward progress stopped by the impervious shale floor of the Kinderhook. The water occurs in irregularly spaced and quite unpredictable crevices and passages dis- solved along bedding planes by percolating underground water. Hence, a well may be drilled even to the Kinderhook and fail to find an adequate supply because it has missed a channel, perhaps by only a few feet or yards. In this event, access to any near-by channels in the limestones may be gained by ''shooting" the well with nitro- glycerin a short distance above the top of the shale. If this experi- ment is a failure, it remains to try the chances at some other place. The shale of the Kinderhook group underlies the entire area but for several hundred feet below the top carries no water. The deeper 560 UNDERGEOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. water-bearing strata have been tested at a number of points, as at Fort Madison, Keokuk, Mount Clara, Mooar, and Montrose. On the whole, the larger supply of the county is still drawn from the drift, and that, too, from its higher horizons, but as these have been found less and less adequate, more and more wells of recent years have been drilled to the water beds of the country rock. SPRINGS. Good springs occur in almost every township of the county, those which issue from the Mississippian limestones along the escarpments fronting the larger streams being especially copious. Small springs of highly sulphated waters occur in areas underlain by coal measures rocks. Springs and oozes are also numerous in the drift. The springs on the east bank of Sugar Creek, near its mouth, issue from sands and gravels interbedded between blue and yellow tills. Large springs are reported from near Belfast, Overton, West Point, and Augusta. CITY AND VILLAGE WATER SUPPLIES. Denmark. — The following information in regard to Denmark (pop- ulation, 350) is taken mainly from notes by Frank Leverett : The K. B. Quinton well, located 1 ^ miles northwest of Denmark, has a depth of 1,715 feet. The curb is 7 15 feet above sea level and the head 54 feet below curb. The supply is stated by driller to be ''plenty." Drift continues to 80 feet. The first sandstone, at 900 feet, was rather fine and was called by driller the St. Peter. A second sand- stone was reached, but no change in head of water was noticed. Date of completion, 1890. The Isaac Bell well, located in sec. 21, Cedar Township, has a depth of 1,220 feet. The curb is 700 feet above sea level and the head 28 feet below curb. Date of completion, 1890. Record of strata in Isaac Bell well at Denmark. Thickness. Depth. Loess Gumbo, gray Yellow till Cemented crust Sand Coal, thin bed of shale, limestone, etc Sandstone, white, water bearing; water overflowed for nearly a day and then dropped to about 23 feet below surface; a few feet thick at Limestone, mainly Sandstone, yellow' Sandstone, white, to Feet. 7 4 79 2 18 706 Feet. 7 H 90 92 110 816 816 1,200 1,220 Fort Madison. — Fort Madison (population, 8,900) is supplied by a water system owned by the Fort Madison Water Co. Water is drawn from the Mississippi and pumped to a reservoir with a capacity of LEE COUNTY. 561 6,000,000 gallons. The consumption amounts to 1,500,000 gallons a day. The domestic pressure is 60 pounds and the fire pressure from 120 to 130 pounds. There are 130 fire hydrants and 750 taps. The geologic horizon of the chief water bed at Fort Madison is doubtful. (See PL XII.) The rock is called by drillers of south- eastern Iowa the "St. Peter sandrock," but all samples submitted are a sparkling brown dolomite sand. Such cuttings have often been supposed to represent sandstone, even when, as at Fort Madison, quartz sand is entirely absent. The rock yields a bountiful supply of water, and probably on this account was designated the St. Peter by drillers. In this part of the State, however, few wells reach that famous sandstone aquifer. The water-bearing dolomite has the characteristics of the Galena. It is overlain by a shale which, when compared with the sections of neighboring deep wells, appears to represent the Maquoketa. For these reasons it is assumed to be the Galena. The large yield may be compared with that from the same bed at Davenport. It is not impossible, however, that the dolomite is Silurian and that the so-called Maquoketa shale is really a basal shale of the Devonian. In support of this theory is the fact that Silurian rocks yield largely at Keokuk and supply the less deep wells at Burlington. The lime- stones above the so-called Maquoketa are nondolomitic, but at Bur- lington the Silurian contains little dolomite. Artesian water at Fort Madison is exceptionally destructive to cas- ings, so that the wells soon lose pressure and cease to flow because of leakage. The latest well drilled, however, registered 30 pounds in 1908, indicating that the local field is still far from depletion. Assum- ing that the water bed supplying the wells is the Galena, there remain untouched the large stores of water in the St. Peter and underljdng formations. The S. Atlee well is 740 feet deep and 6 to 4^ inches in diameter; 6-inch casing to rock at about 110 feet and 4^-inch to water bed near bottom. The curb is 553 feet above sea level. The original head was 85 feet above curb and the present head is stated to be the same. The temperature of the water is 64° F. Date of completion, 1889. The water is so corrosive that the casing lasts only a few years. Thus, in 1901, the well had ceased to flow, but a pressure of 35 pounds was reestablished by recasing. It was recased again in 1904. The water supplies a fountain at Mr. Atlee's residence, a public fountain in the city park, and a drinking fountain on one of the principal streets. The S. and J. C. Atlee lumber mill well is on ground about 20 feet lower than the house well of Mr. S. Atlee and is 20 feet shallower. In other respects the wells are apparently similar, 36581°— wsp 293—12 36 562 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. The Ivanhoe Park well is 670 feet deep and 6 inches in diameter. The curb is approximately 563 feet above sea level and the head more than 12 feet above the curb. The well was completed in 1888 by Tweedy Bros., of Keokuk. In 1896 the well had stopped flowing. It was then recased with 4-inch pipe and the flow was restored. Still later it became clogged, but on treatment discharged considerable black muddy sediment and flowed freely as before. In 1905 it was plugged up. The Brown Paper Co. well No. 1 is 689 feet deep and 6 inches in diameter; casing, 175 feet. The curb is 528 feet above sea level. The original head was 20 feet above curb and the head in 1895 was the same; head in 1905, at curb. The original flow was 600 gallons a minute, the water coming from about 680 feet. Temperature, 62° F. Date of completion, 1888. Drillers, G. W. Adams & Co. In 1894 a 4-inch casing, inserted as the outer casing, had given way. Some time after 1905 the casing again gave way, the well caved in, and was abandoned. The Brown Paper Co. well No. 2, located 12 feet from well No. 1, has a depth of 689 feet and a diameter of 8 to 6 inches; cased to bed- rock. The head in 1905 was 20 feet above curb. The water comes from depths of 100 .and 679 feet. The well was completed in 1903 by Haggerty & Skog, of Keokuk. The Brown Paper Co. well No. 3 has a depth of 681 feet, and a dia- meter of 8 inches to 153 feet, 7 inches to 165 feet, and 5 inches to bottom. The curb is 528 feet above sea level. The head is variously reported at 20 and at 80 feet above curb and flow variously reported at 200 and 600 gallons per minute. The water is from a depth of 607 feet; temperature, 65° F. The well was completed in 1907 by Haggerty & Skog, of Keokuk. To obviate the difficulty experienced in well No. 1 from the rusting of the casing and the caving of the alluvial sands through which the well passes, a method of casing hitherto unused in Iowa was employed. The well was cased with an 8-inch casing to bedrock at 153 feet. A 5-inch pipe was then inserted to the base of the 7-inch hole, 165 feet from the top, and there packed with rubber spring packing. To hold the inner pipe, central stud bolts, extending out so they barely sHpped inside the outer casing, were placed on the inner pipe at intervals of 30 feet. Cement, composed of one-half pure Portland and one-half sharp sand, made thin enough to flow through an inch pipe was then poured into the space between the inner and the outer casings, the pipe being gradually withdrawn as the filHng progressed. To the depth, then, of 153 feet the well is lined with a shell of Portland cement 1^ inches thick, held between two iron casings. LEE COUNTY. 563 Drillers^ log of Brown Paper Co. well No. 3, Fort Madison. Thick- ness. Depth. Feet. 23 62 143 163 203 215 362 368 454 589 599 607 681 Sand Clay, blue Sand and coarse gravel. . Flint rock, white Limestone, gray FUnt, blue Limestone, brown Sandrock Shale, black Reddish rock, very hard Flint, blue Shale, blue Sandrock, water bearing. Feet. 23 39 81 20 40 12 47 6 86 135 10 The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway hospital well had a depth of 764 feet, but was deepened in 1903 to 865 feet. Diameter 6 to 4 inches; 6-inch casing to 184 feet; 200 feet of 4-inch casing. The curb is approximately 553 feet above sea level. The head in 1905 was 6 feet above curb; head in 1908, a few inches above curb. The well was completed in 1892 by Tweedy Bros., of Keokuk. The pressure was originally sufficient to carry the water to the third floor of the hospital. In 1902 there was a sudden loss of head, and the deepening and recasing of the well in 1903 made but slight im- provement. The well discharges through a fountain into an arti- ficial lake on the grounds of the hospital. Drillers' log of railway hospital well at Fort Madison. Depth. Sand Clay, black. ^ Sand Limestone Shale Limestone Shale Limestone, white Shale Limestone Sandstone (St. Peter) Feet. 50 112 177 184 189 228 494 661 669 692 756 The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway shops well is 700 feet deep and 8^ to 6^ inches in diameter; 8|-inch casing to rock at 80 feet; 150 feet of 6i-inch casing. The curb is 522 feet above sea level and the original head and head in 1908, 69 feet above curb. The flow is 300 gallons per minute, water coming from about 650 feet. The well was completed in 1906 at a cost of $1,500 by Haggerty & Skog. The water flows into a tank over the well, the top of the pipe being 38 feet above the ground; thence it is piped to the various buildings and the yard of the Santa Fe shops. .- ^ 564 UNDERGKOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Record of strata in railway shops well at Fort Madison (PI. XII, p. 514). Depth. Pleistocene in old channel of Mississippi River (148 feet thick; top, 522 feet above sea level): Clay, brown, sandy Sand, gray, coarse, and gravel Till, drab, predominantly clayey Sand, coarse, yellow Sand, as above, and gravel Carboniferous (Mississippian): Osage group (62 feet thick: top, 374 feet above sea level)— Sandstone, blue, argillaceous; minute, angular, quartzose particles Limestone, white, soft, nonmagnesian; some chips of blue shale Limestone, drab, nonmagnesian; in fine sand Limestone, light gray, fossiliferous, with blue, laminated shale Kinderhook group (268 feet thick; top, 312 feet above sea level) — Shale, blue, calcareous, plastic Devonian and Silurian (142 feet thick; top, 44 feet above sea level): Limestone, drab, earthy; rapid effervescence Limestone, soft, blue %x2,j, nonmagnesian, argillaceous; 3 samples Limestone, blue and yellow gray, soft, earthy luster; rapid efiervescence; in thin flakes Limestone, light brown gray, soft, compact, fine-grained; in minute chips Limestone, light yellow gray, compact; fracture subconchoidal; lithographic; efier- vescence rapid; in flaky chips Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (18 feet thick; top, 98 feet below sea level)— Shale, blue, somewhat calcareous Galena dolomite (62 feet penetrated; top, 116 feet below sea level) — Dolomite, light bufl; in fine sand; 2 samples Feet. 18 24 66 102 148 156 170 200 210 478 484 554 580 600 620 638 700 The State penitentiary (439 inmates) is supplied from a well 100 feet deep and 4 inches in diameter. One hmidred thousand gallons are used daily for all purposes. The maximum supply which can be drawn is 400,000 gallons in 24 hours. The water does not corrode the boilers, but gives some trouble where hot and cold water come together in pipes. The well was drilled in 1905 and is cased with 4-inch wrought-iron pipe to the water bed, quicksand at 98 feet. Water rises within 18 feet of the surface, which is 21 feet above the level of Mississippi River. The temperature of the water in August is 54° F. Water is lowered on continuous pumping to 21 feet below the surface. Keokuk. — Keokuk (population, 14,008) is supplied with water drawn from Mississippi River and filtered, the system being owned by the Keokuk Waterworks Co. The daily consumption is 900,000 gallons. The distribution is direct; the fire pressure is 140 pounds, and the domestic pressure 60 pounds. There are 28 miles of mains, 142 fire hydrants, and 1,700 taps. The well of the Kertz Brewery is 700 feet deep. Its curb is 600 feet above sea level. Temperature, 65° F. This was the first arte- sian well drilled in Keokuk and it is still flowing, but has not been used for about 25 years. The J. C. Hubinger & Co. well No. 1 is 2,230 feet deep and 10 inches in diameter. The curb is 637 feet above sea level. The original head was 30 feet above curb; the present head is unknown. The original discharge was 300 gallons a minute. , Temperature, 65° F- LEE COUNTY. 665 The J. C. Hubinger & Co. wells Nos. 2, 3, and 4 are 2,000 feet deep and 12 to 10 inches in diameter. The curb is 637 feet above sea level. The origmal head was 30 feet above curb ; present head, about at curb. The original discharge of the three wells combined is 1,700 gallons a minute. These wells are situated on a bluff overlooking Mississippi River and discharge into an artificial lake which covers the top of at least two of the wells. From this lake the water was originally car- ried in a chute down the face of the bluff about 130 feet and was utilized in running two dynamos for furnishing electric light to the city. In 1894 the discharge of the four wells had fallen from the original amount of 2,000 gallons to 1,500 gallons a minute and in 1894 to 900 gallons. At an unknown date, but earlier than 1905, well No. 1 had ceased to flow and had been closed. The other three wells stiU supplied the artificial lake in 1905, the surface of the water being practically on a level with the top of the casing of one of the weUs. In 1908 it was reported that the water level of the lake was graduaUy falling. The head of water necessary to supply the lake is somewhat more than 140 feet above high-water level of Mississippi River at Keokuk, so that wells of this depth drilled on low ground would stiff develop enormous pressure. Record of strata in Hubinger wells {PI. XII, p. 514)."' Thick- ness. Depth. Pleistocene (28 feet thick; top, 637 feet above sea level): Bluff (loess) Bowlder clay Carboniferous (Mississippian): " St. Louis limestone " and Osage group (262 feet thick; top, 609 feetabove sea level)— Limestone Sandstone Limestone Shale Limestone Shale Limestone Kinderhook group (270 feet thick; top, 347 feet above sea level)— Shale , calcareous Limestone Shale Devonian and Silurian (177 feet thick; top, 77 feet above sea level): Limestone Sandstone Limestone, sandy Sandstone Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (63 feet thick; top, 100 feet below sea level) — Shale Galena and Platteville limestones (140 feet thick; top, 163 feet below sea level)— Limestone; sandy below St. Peter sandstone (110 feet thick; top, 303 feet below sea level)— Sandstone Prairie du Chien group and underlying Cambrian ? (755 feet penetrated; top, 413 feet below sea level) — Limestone, alternating with sandstone Feet. 6 5 12 58 62 10 110 65 10 195 05 20 55 37 63 140 110 Feet. 33 38 50 108 170 180 290 355 365 560 625 645 700 737 800 940 1,050 1,805 a Gordon, C. H., Am. Geologist, vol. 4, 1889, p. 238; assignment of strata to formations by author. 566 UlSTDEEGKOUND WATEE RESOURCES OF IOWA. The Hubinger Tile Works well is 800 feet deep and 6 inches in diameter. The curb is 620 feet above sea level and the original head 47 feet above curb. Temperature, 50° F. The Rand Park well is 1,800 feet deep and 5 inches in diameter. The curb is 637 feet above sea level. The temperature of the water is 60° F. This well seems to have been driUed earlier than the Hubinger wells and on their completion it nearly ceased to flow. It is now pumped by a Rider-Ericsson engine. The Keokuk Pickle Co. well is 710 feet deep and 4 inches in diam- eter; casing to 611 feet, packed with rubber. The original and the present head are 35 feet above curb, and the original discharge was 250 gallons a minute. Water comes from 530 feet, flowing from 635 feet. Temperature, 64° F. Date of completion, 1892. The Keokuk Poultry Co. well is 700 feet deep and 6 inches in diam- eter; casing 60 feet, with rubber packing at base; repaired in 1900, replacing casing which had rusted out. The curb is 541 feet above sea level; the original head was 4 feet above curb; the present head is reported to be 40 feet. The original flow was 250 gallons a minute; present flow, 1,000 gaUons. Date of completion, 1895. Drillers, Tweedy Bros., Montrose. Record of strata in Keokuk Poultry Co. well."' Depth. Drift, promiscuous material Limestone, magnesian Dolomite (magnesian limestone) in which lime carbonate predominates Dolomite, cherty Dolomite, in which magnesium carbonate predominates Limestone, slightly sUiceous Limestone, rather highly siliceous Limestone, light colored: rather pure; slightly siliceous Limestone, gray; rather highly siliceous Limestone, gray; slightly mixed with shale Dolomite; large amount of chert Chert, mostly, and fossil limestone Limestone and white sand (siliceous limestone) Limestone with chert; slightly siliceous Shale, almost pure Shale, blue; highly siliceous -. . . Shale, almost pure Limestone, gray, quite pure Dolomite, in which magnesium carbonate greatly predominates Limestone, light colored, almost pure Shale, blue, would weather into a tenacious clay Shale, bituminous Shale, gray; would weather into a tenacious clay Limestone, light colored; altnost pure; two samples Limestone, gray; almost pure Limestone, siliceous Sandstone, gray, calcareous; yields traces of iron Feet. 5 7 12 17 35 60 68 98 121 135 146 165 182 187 197 203 208 225 271 290 363 402 496 521 581 628 701 The Young Men's Christian Association well has a depth of 769 feet and a diameter at top of 6 inches ; casing to 56 feet. The curb is 580 feet above sea level and the head 50 feet above curb. The original dis- charge was 350 gallons a minute; discharge in 1905, 60 gallons amin- a Record made by Mr. George M. Crofts, Keokuk. LEE COUNTY. 567 ute. The principal water bed is at 700 feet. Temperature, 64° F, The well was completed in 1902 at a cost of $1,600, by D. W. Hag- gerty, of Keokuk. The water is used for drinking and to supply a swimming pool. Driller's log of Young Men's Christian Association well at Keokuk. Clay Sou, light Soapstone, blue Limestone, gray Limestone, black Limestone, white Flint; solid bed Flint and blue lime Lime, white, and flint Lime, gray, and flint Lime, blue Lime, black Shale, blue Sand, black Lime, white Sand, gray, and flint Shale, blue Shale, black Shale, white or light brown Limestone, black Limestone, gray Sandrock with water St. Peter Feet. 15 30 50 60 76 82 90 116 162 200 215 220 224 232 260 302 314 404 529 545 645 675 769 Record of strata in Young Men's Christian Association well at Keokuk. Thick- ness. Depth. Clay, somewhat sandy yellow, noncalcareous Sand, yellow, clayey _ Shale, light blue, calcareous, some broken pieces of milky quartz in concreted powder. . Shale, blue; in fragments; flint, white, in angular chips; limestone, very soft, white Limestone, white, soft, crystallme, in large flaky chips; cuttings of shale Limestone, as above; 2 samples; encrinital Chert; sand of light-yeUow limestone Limestone, light yellow; moderately slow efiervescence; soft, earthy, in large chips; much blue-gray fhnt Limestone soft, nonmagnesian, white and drab mottled; earthy to crystalline; en- crinital; some flint Chert, white; some crystalline quartz ." Chert, white; light yellow limestone Chert, bluish white; sand of light colored nonmagnesian limestone Limestone, white, encrinital, cherty ; 3 samples Limestone, white, minutely granular, soft; composed of minute loosely cemented cal- cite crystals: some chert Limestone, white, encrinital; much chert Chert, blue-white; some white limestone Chert, white, and siliceous limestone; 2 samples Limestone, soft, white; earthy to crystalline Limestone, drab, nonmagnesian, soft; encrinital Shale, calcareous, blue, plastic Sandstone, blue-drab, earthy, fossiliferous, slightly calcareous; composed of microscopic angular quartzose particles Limestone, white, soft, nonmagnesian, earthy; residue siliceous; some darker lime- stone and shale Sandstone, drab, argillaceous, calcareous, soft; in flaky chips, chiefly composed of microscopic angular particles of quartz Shale, blue-gray, hard, siliceous, calcareous; in chips Shale, brown, somewhat calcareous, bituminous Shale, blue-gray, plastic, calcareous Limestone and shale; small chips and sand of nonmagnesian limestones, some crystal- line and yellow or drab, some dark and argillaceous, many fragments of blue-gray and oUve-gray shale in large flaky chips; pyritiferous, fossiliferous; driller's log: "404-529, white or Ught-brown shale" Limestone, light blue-gray, nonmagnesian, compact, fine grained; in thin small cuttings . Dolomite, brown, hard, crystalline; in coarse sand but containing no quartz grains; "sandrock" of driller's log: 2 samples Feet. 112 108 60 Feet. 100 116 122 132 150 162 176 182 205 215 220 224 268 302 314 390 420 532 640 700 568 UNDEKGEOtTNi) WATEft EESOUKCES OF lOWA. The S. C. Carter Co. well has a depth of 661 feet and a diameter of 6 inches; casing, 12 feet. Rock at 16 feet. The flow is 5 gallons a min- ute, and the pumping capacity 30 gallons a minute. Water was found at 130 feet, but the main horizon was in basal in sandrock. Temperature, 61° F. The water is unfit for use in boiler. Date of completion, 1903. Driller, D. W. Haggerty, of Keokuk. Driller's log of S. C. Carter Co. well at Keohuk. Depth. Clay and soil Shell rock Limestone, blue Limestone, brown Limestone, white Lime, blue, and flint Lime, white, and flint Lime, gray, and flint Lime, blue Sandrock, dark, yielding 5 gallons of water a minute Shale, blue Sandrock, dark Lime, white Shale, blue and black Shale, white Lime, black Lime, gray or light Sandrock! Feet. 16 22 42 52 60 86 132 170 190 195 199 207 249 366 601 536 The log of the Popel-Miller Brewing Co. well, 3 miles south of Keokuk, is given to assist in the elucidation of the difficult geologic section in southeastern Iowa. The information was secured by J. A. Udden. The curb is about 523 feet above sea level. Log of Popel-Miller Co. well, Warsaw, III. Depth. Soil and clay drift Lim.estone, blue, and shale Lime rock, blue Lime and gi'it Grit and flre clay Limestone, gray Soapstone, blue Sandstone Lithograph rock, light Lithograph rock, dark Limestone, bastard Soapstone Shale, brown Shale Limestone Sandstone Montrose. — At Montrose (population, 708) water is obtained from driven wells ranging in depth from 20 to 50 feet. At Bluff Park is a well 1,960 feet deep. The curb of the well is 680 feet above sea level and the water originally rose 9 feet above the curb; in 1896, the water stood 10 feet below the curb. The original discharge was 200 gallons a minute, the water coming from a depth of 800 feet. Mooar. — At Mooar (population, 250) the E. I. du Pont de Nemours Powder Co. well is 800 feet deep and 6 inches in diameter; casing to LEE COUNTY. 569 600 feet. Water from 110 feet, heads 3 feet below curb; from 240 feet, 5 feet below curb ; and from 800 feet, overflows. The discharge, original and present, is 165 gallons a minute. Temperature, 67° F. Date of completion, 1901. The well is about 5 miles northwest of Keokuk and no doubt draws its copious supply from the same bed that yields so generously to the Keokuk wells of the same depth. It is said to deliver a good stream of water, which is used for watering stock on the farms through wliich it passes for 4 miles to Des Moines River. Mount Clara.— The W. J. R. Beck well at Mount Clara is 939 feet deep and 6 inches in diameter. The curb is 679 feet above sea level. The original head was above curb; the present head is 12 feet below curb. Original discharge was 200 gallons a minute, capacity being limited to that of the pumps. The main water bed extends from 889 to 939 feet, the water being sufficient for farm purposes by pumping; other beds are from 250 to 343 feet, 660 to 793 feet, and at deeper levels. The well was completed in 1890. Record of strata in well at Mount Clara {PI. XII, -p. 514). [Based on drillers' log.] Depth. Feet. 250 305 Pleistocene (305 feet thick; top, 679 feet above sea level): Clay Sand .- Carboniferous (Mississippian): Osage group (38 feet thick; top, 374 feet above sea level) — Limestone, white Shale, white Limestone Kjnderhook group (325 feet thick; top, 336 feet above sea level) Devonian, Silurian, Ordovician (?): Limestone Do Limestone, flinty Limestone Limestone, hard Samples washed away Minor supplies. — Information concerning water supplies in the smaller towns and villages in Lee County is presented in the follow- ing table: Village supplies in Lee County. 330 338 343 668 783 793 818 Nature of supply. Depth of wells. Depth to rock. Depth to water- bearing stratum. Head below curb. Town. From— To— Shallow wells. Deep wells. Belfast Dug and drilled wells Feet. 16 20 25 14 15 18 20 14 20 18 20 Feet. 275 200 225 20 500 300 50 200 60 400 350 Feet. 30 Feet. Feet. 6 15 Feet. 45 Charleston.. Wells and cisterns . . Cottonwood Wells... Croton 12 95 20 '"'ioo' 20 La Crew Bored or drilled wells . . 6-20 16 13 4-20 6 12 12 30-90 Overton Open wells. . . 30 18 50 20 Primrose Open and bored wells . 20 Sawyer Bored and drilled wells 50 RnmmitviUp 20 Warren Wells... 70-100 90 60 West Point Bored and drilled wells 20 570 UNDEKGEOUND WATEK RESOUKCES OP IOWA. WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Lee County: Typical wells in Lee County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to water bed. Source of supply. Head below curb Remarks (logs in feet). T. 65N.,R.5 W. (Jackson). Hollings- worth. Merritt Keokuk Cooper- age Co. Pechsteui& Nagel L. Nelson Baker Mediciae Co. H. H. Trimble.... James Jones H, H. Trimble..-. Joseph Bloundies . L. E. McCrary.... Applebaum Henry Rein . Henry Reters... Hinman . County farm. Do. T. 65 N., R.6W. (PARTS OF Jack- son AND Des Moines). Sandusky West Keokuk. Soap Creek, Keokuk. Keokuk. do... do.. ImUe northwest of city limits, Keokuk. 3 miles north- west of Keokuk. 3 miles north of Keokuk. 5 miles north- west of Keokuk. NE.isec. IS.... N W. \ sec. 10 . . . SE. \ NE. i sec. 33. SE.iSE.isec.27 SW. i NE. 1 sec. 23. SE. \ NE. 1 sec. 16. NW. \ SE. J sec. 28. NW. i SW. I sec. 27. NE. i SE. i sec. 19. SW. i NW. J sec. 20. SW. i NW. \ sec. 27. NE. J NE. 1 sec. 29. I mile southeast ofSummitville. .do. Feet. 160 420 215 114 300 118 140 272 200 110 225 116 265 265 136 250 254 154 130 244 175 300 Feet. 36 Feet. Feet. 100 16 98 165 100 115 250 200 95 260 Sandstone. Crevices in limestone. Sandstone. do.... 60 Gravel . Gravel and sand. Sand. 126 NE.J-SE.isec.l4 120 Sand.. do. Sand. Sand and gravel. Gravel . 100 Bluff, about 150 feet above Des Moines River. Diameter, 6| Inches; soil, 10; limestone, 180; white hard rock (cuts drill, could drill but 3 feet in 10 hours ) . 34; limestone; sand- stone, shale (Kinder- hook), from380to420. Capacity, 8 gallons per hour(?); diameter, 6 inches; soil, 20; brown limestone; white limestone and shale; white limestone (at bottom), 20. Blue clay; sand; coarse gravel. Clay; sand; limestone; flmt; sandstone. Clay; sand and gravel. Des Moines River bot> toms. Sand from 100 to 136. Hill. Valley. Diameter, 6 inches; ca- pacity, 20 gallons per minute; yellow clay; blue clay; sand and gravel. Yellow and blue clay to 125; dry, reddish sand, 125-212; gray sand; gravel; water soft. LEE COUNTY. Typical wells in Lee County — Continued. 571 Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. th to water bed. Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks (logs in feet). T. 66N.,R.6 W. (Des Moines). A. J. Walters Lowry. T. 66N.,R.5W. (MONTEOSE). Tweedy Brothers. William Fowler. NE. J NE. i sec. 12. SE. i NW. -i sec. 22. Sec. 22. Thomas Joyce... T. 67N.,R. 4W. (Madison). High School NW. i SE. i sec. 6. NW. i SE. i sec. 17. NE. i SW. i sec. 20. NW. i SW. i sec. 15. 12 miles north of Keokuk. Fort Madison... Canning factory. .do. Feet. 208 190 235 112 145 265 240 272 134 181 Feet. Feet. Feet. Limestone Sand. .do. 200 120 132 77 Sand and gravel. Sand and State Peniten- tiary. Hoffmaster Mrs. Heitz. .do. Near penitentia- ry, Fort Madi- son. Fort Madison . . . T. 68N.,R. 4W. (WASmNGTON). John Cook 2 miles south of Denmark. T. 69 N.,R. 4W. (Denmark). James Conaro William Sloat. Mill. S.VanTuyl. Dr. Randall. Denmark . do.... .do. Sec. 30. South Augusta. 152 315 418 Gravel . 59 438 55 90 Sand. Gravel . Sandandclay,20; alter- nate strips of sand and blue till, 40; sand at 140; ended in sand. Water comes in grad- ually in 20 feet of limestone at bottom of well. Foot of bluff. Upland. Creek bottom. About 50 feet above Mississippi River. Blue clay; sand and gravel. Loam and sand, 24; blue till, 108; sand and gravel, 2. Diameter, 4 inches; sand, 20; blue clay, 57; quicksand with water, 4; blue clay, 14; rock to bottom. Till, 10; sand, gravel, and blue till, 65; sand and gravel, 25. Soil and sand, 12; blue till, 123; gravel and sand, 6; limestone at bottom, 11. Yellow drift, 27; blue till, continuous with the exception of one thin sand bed, 260 feet; gravel, 28; on bluff. Drift, 100; limestone, 155; alternate lime- stone and shale, 10; shale (Kinderhook), 153. Loess, 9; brown tUl, 10; old soil, 5; yellow till, 25. Loess, 6; yellow till (lUinoian), 20; gray mucky clay, 15; yel- low till (Kansan), soft; dark blue till with beds of sand, bearing water, 5. Loam, 2; yellow clay, 38; dark-blue hard till, 14; gravel, 1, to limestone. Loess, 7; lUinoian till, 28; mucky soil with wood, 2; "yellow and blue till (Kansan), 18; limestone, 4. Drift, 80; limestone and flint, 85; shale (Kin- derhook), 273. 572 UNDEBGBOUND WATEK KESOUKCES OF IOWA. Typical wells in Lee County — Continued. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to water bed. Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks (logs in feet). T. 69N., K.4 W. (Den mark)— Continued. Ed. Marsh 3 miles east, 1 mile south of Denmark. 3 miles north of Denmark. 3 miles north- west of Den- mark. West Point St. Paul 1 mile east of St. Paul. 2 miles east, f mile north of Houghton. h mile east of Houghton. 3 miles west, 1 mile north of Denmark. Sec. 16 Feet. 230 82 205 375 165 85 105 95 40 131 52i 72 102 Feet. 94 14 eo 115 94 35 Feet. 124 Sandstone. . . Feet. Drift, 94; limestone, 30; G. Adimeier Limestone . . sandstone, 9; lime- stone, 84; shale, 13; well a failure. Skmik River bottom D.Klophenstein.. T. 68N.,R. 5 W. (West Point). Axhandle factory. T. 69 N., R. 6 W. (Marion). do near high- water level; dry sand and gravel, 14; limestone, 68. Drift, 60; limestone, 200 and 300 Limestone . . 65 205. Yellow clay, 40; blue till, 40; sand and gravel, 20; hard, dark- blue till, 15; lime- stone, 260. Yellow clay, 65; dark- blue till, 29; lime- stone and flint, 71. Yellow clay, 33J; .do Henry Schind- Sand "hardpan" from ce- ment, li; limestone, 50. Yellow clay, 45; light- stalk. Garrett Sanders . . Sand blue clay, 45; sand, I' ; dark-blue till, 13 J. Yellow clay, 94; sand T. 69 N., R. 5 W. (Pleasant Ridge). S. Kennedy Andrew Foggy... T. 69N.,R. 7 W. (Cedar). Old soil bed with abundant water, 1. Yellow clay, 37; old 119 soil, wood and leaves, 14; blue hard till, IJ; water in old soil, ill- smelling, used only for stock. Loess, 6; old soil, 4, Cottonwood 5 miles south- west of Cotton- wood. 3 miles south of Laurel. do yellow till, 20; sand alforduig weak vein of water, 6; blue till; 33; sand and peat imderlain by fine gravelly sand, 50; limestone, 12. Yellow clay, 40; light- .do blue clay, 12; sand on dark-blue clay, 1 J. Yellow clay, 36; light- Thaddeus Church 100 90 00 blue clay, 35 J; sand on hard dark-blue clay, h. Yield, 2 gallons per minute; rock, lime- stone; diameter 5 inches. LOUISA COUNTY. Typical wells in Lee County — Continued. 573 Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to water bed. Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks (logs in feet). T. 68N.,R. 6W. (Frankun). Chas. Blocksuth . . 3 miles west of West Point. 2 miles east of Locheen. 1^ miles north of "Franklin. Feet. 100 110 120 Feet. 32 50 40 Feet. 70 80 98 Limestone . . do Feet. 60 30 60 Yield, 2 gallons; water lowered 20 feet when pumped at that rate; yellow clay, 32; lime- stone, 68. Yield, 10 gallons per Henry Tempsay.. minute: yellow clay, 50; shale on fire clay, 20; limestone, 38. Yield, 2 gallons per minute; water low- ered 12 feet when pumped at that rate; yellow clay and sand, 40; limestone, 80. LOUISA COUNTY. By W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. Louisa County includes on the east a continuous belt of lowland, tlie Mississippi flood plain, from 1 mile to 5 miles wide. A second lowland, traversed by Iowa River and for a sbort distance by the Cedar, crosses the county diagonally from its northwest to its south- east corner where it joins the Mississippi bottoms. The second low- land is more than 6 miles wide at Wapello and more than 4 miles wide at Columbus Junction; it comprises the present flood plains of the rivers and also a broad alluvial lowland, which stands 20 to 40 feet above the river flood plains and is built of sand and gravel covered with a thin mantle of loess. The flood plain of the Iowa has been cut in the once continuous upland of the county and divides it into two areas, the eastern upland and the western. The surface of the former consists entirely of loess-capped lUinoian drift; that of the latter consists of both Illi- noian and Kansan drift, each veneered with loess. The two drift sheets of the western upland are divided in part by a marked topo- graphic feature— a flat-floored valley 1 to 3 miles wide and 40 feet deep, cut in Kansan drift from Columbus Junction to the southwest corner of the county, and standing at an average height of 120 feet above the higher terraces of the flood plain of Iowa River. The gently undulating surface of the eastern upland is diversified by the shallow troughs of the minor streams and by a few long, low swells whose major axes run northwest and southeast. A singularly 574 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. straight and unbroken escarpment, as mucli as 150 feet Mgh, over- looks the Mississippi flood plain. The western upland, about equal in height to the eastern, is ridged by two parallel broad swells which run north and south near Cairo and are believed to be the terminal moraines of the lUinoian ice sheet. GEOLOGY. The Pleistocene deposits of the county comprise the loess — a yel- low silt which covers the uplands and the higher parts of the river plains — and beneath the loess three massive sheets of stony clay. The Kansan, a thick, tough blue stony clay, weathered deeply to yellow and reddish, rests on a bed of sand and gravel 2 to 10 feet thick, known as the Aftonian, which separates it from the dense dark-bluish stony clay of the underlying Nebraskan drift. The uppermost stony clay — the Illinoian drift sheet — appears on the eastern upland, where it is separated from the underlying Kansan drift by sands and old soil beds of the Yarmouth interglacial stage. The upper surface of the Illinoian drift sheet may be either weath- ered to a reddish yellow or, where overlain by the decaying vegetable matter of ancient soils, may be bleached to a whitish clay. Unlike the drift sheets on which it rests, the loess is soft and very easily drilled, and is quite devoid of pebbles and larger stones. In passing from the loess to the weathered stony clays the color distinctly changes to a brighter yellow. The Pleistocene deposits are underlain by rocks belonging to the Mississippian series of the Carboniferous, except over an area cover- ing about 15 square miles in the northeastern corner of the county, where Devonian rocks may be expected beneath the superficial deposits. (See PL XIV, p. 548.) The highest beds outcropping consist of a succession of limestones and cherts and alternating beds of shale and limestone — the Osage group — the thickness of the whole reaching 50 feet. The lime- stones belong chiefly to the Burlington limestone and form per- sistent beds recognized by the driller by their clean white color. The lowest beds outcropping belong to the Kinderhook group and comprise (1) limestones 15 feet thick which form a natural highway for ground water, (2) a less pervious, soft, bluish, fine-grained sand- stone 16 feet thick, and (3) a blue-green basal shale or soapstone, practically impervious, the total thickness being as much as 180 feet. In the southwestern part of the county wells have encountered sandstones belonging to small outliers of the Pennsylvanian series. LOUISA COUNTY. 575 TJNDERGROTJND WATER. SOUECE AND DISTRIBUTION. On the lowlands bordering Mississippi River water is obtained from driven wells ending in heavy alluvial sands and gravels. Sand points sunk 15 to 20 feet find abundant soft water in what is called the first sand, and if bored or jetted to about 50 feet, enter a second sand. So abundant is the water drawn from these sands that at Wapello 5-inch driven wells about 20 feet deep are used as fire hydrants. Wells on the uplands draw water from several beds. The eastern upland, south of Letts, is traversed by a number of low east-west loess ridges with sandy nuclei that furnish water to wells of very moderate depth which supply near-by farmsteads. Locally, on ill- drained areas on both uplands shallow wells find water in the basal layers of the loess, but as a rule these beds are wholly unreliable and inadequate. Interglacial gravels underlying the lUinoian drift, the Kansan drift, and the Nebraskan drift constitute the main aquifers of both uplands, the most important being the Aftonian, which underlies the Kansan drift. On the eastern upland these mterglacial gravels are the only source of water supply for deep wells. Here rock lies far below the surface and no wells are known to have reached it. A wide, buried valley underlies the eastern upland and both lowlands, the rock bed of which does not rise higher in places than about 400 feet above sea level. The deepest drift wells on this upland exceed 200 feet in depth and show a suc- cession of as many as three tills or stony clays parted by old soil beds and water-bearing sands and gravels. At only one point on the eastern upland, at its southern end, near Toolsborough, has rock been reported, and this one was at a depth of about 212 feet below the surface or 443 feet above sea level. On the western upland the same drift aquifers occur, but by no means continuously. In the southern tier of townships and in Mar- shall and Elm Grove and parts of Columbus townships the drift is relatively thin, rock outcropping in many ravines and being reached by the drill on the divides at 40 to 120 feet. Some wells which show much deeper drift are supposed to indicate ancient buried valleys, though none of these have been definitely traced. It is suggested by Leverett that the lower course of preglacial Washington River may probably cross the western tier of townships north of Colum- bus Junction. On the bluffs about Columbus Junction wells range in depth from 80 to 140 feet and find water in glacial gravels without reaching rock. Two or three miles west of town the drift is about 140 feet thick, and in the extreme northwest section of Columbus Township wells from 135 to 150 feet deep end in water-bearing sands. 576 UK'DEKGEOUlSrD WATEK KESOUECES OF IOWA. In the southern townships many wells find water in the limestones overlying the impervious floor of the shales of the Einderhook group. The limestones of the Osage group are exceptionally pure and readily dissolved by seeping waters. Sinkholes on different outcrops, as north of Morning Sun, indicate well-defined underground waterways along joints and bedding planes. The perfection of the underground drainage and its confinement to definite channels renders the finding of such a channel by the drill somewhat uncertain. Several wells not finding water above the Eanderhook have gone deep into the dry shale of that group, reaching total dei^ths of 300 and 400 feet. Where a well enters the shale without fincnng water it would probably be less expensive in the end and give better results to abandon the drill hole and sink another well at a convenient location near that of the first well. Where the limestones are lacking owing to erosion, and the shales form the bedrock, the case is far more difficult, and a careful search is necessary for the best location for a drift well. This may in some places be found where the converging of ravines brings an unusual amount of seepage. The succession of strata and the probability of obtaining water from the deeper formations is indicated by the record of a prospect hole for gas on the land of W. W. Wagner, one-half mile west of Letts. (See PI. XIV.) The depth of this hole was 1,135 feet, and the elevation of its curb 698 feet above sea level. Water was noted at depths of 818 and 850 feet, heading 65 feet below curb; at a depth of 1,025 feet the water raised the tools in the well, heading 42 feet below curb. The well was completed in 1903. Record of strata in deep boring at Letts (PI. XIV, p. 648). Depth in feet. Quaternary (285 feet thick; top, 698 feet above sea level) : Old soil, brown, clayey; empyreumatic odor 90 Sand, white, coarse; grains mostly quartz; a few of lime- stone and green rock 100 Sand and gravel 140 Sand and clay, drab; in powder and compact lumps 175 Sand, buff; most grains less than 1 millimeter in diameter. . 206 Sand, orange, moderately coarse; gravel pebbles of chert, greenish quartzite, brownish quartzite, and shale 247 Gravel; pebbles large, of brownish limestone, greenish quartzite, and a black siliceous rock 250 Sand and coarse gravel 280 Carboniferous (Mississippian) : Kinderhook group (41 feet thick; top, 413 feet above sea level) : Shale, brown, rather hard, laminated, slightly calca- reous, somewhat bituminous; in flaky chips 285-290 Shale, blue, calcareous 306 LOUISA COUNTY. 577 Carboniferous (Mississippian) — Continued Kinderhook group (41 feet thick; top, 413 feet above eea level) — Continued. Shale, as above; drillings mostly of coarse yellow sand; Depth in feet. small pebbles of Archean rocks 308-310 Sand, quartz, bright buff; finer than above 312 Shale, blue, calcareous, siliceous 315 Sand, coarse, buff; with chips of compact, hard, dark reddish-brown limestone of slow effervescence, ap- parently pre-Cambrian 318 Shale, green, calcareous, rather hard; in chips 319 Same as at 318 feet 320-325 Devonian (137 feet thick; top, 372 feet above sea level): Limestone, blue-gray, porous; effervescence moderate; nests of calcite 326-332 Limestone, mottled gray, crystalline earthy, rather soft; brisk effervescence; much sand 342 Limestone, gray, fossiliferous; rapid effervescence; soft crystalline to earthy 357 Limestone, buff, highly fossiliferous; brisk effervescence... 359-362 Limestone, light gray, highly fossiliferous, soft 373 Limestone, white and blue-gray; soft; crystalline to earthy. 378 Limestone, blue-gray, hard; in flaky chips; nonmagnesian, dense, earthy luster; fine-grained; slightly siliceous 383 Limestone, light gray, fossiliferous; fragments of Brachio- pods, Bryozoa, and a few crinoid stems 388 Limestone, light drab, nonmagnesian, hard, crystalline 425 Limestone, blue-gray, hard, argillaceous, pyritiferous 435-440 Sandstone, light yellow-gray; calciferous; grains fine, of crystalline quartz 446 Limestone, yellow-gray, cherty 443 Silurian (157 feet thick; top, 235 feet above sea level): Limestone, buff, magnesian; in fine sand. 463 Limestone, magnesian or dolomite; brown, crystalline; in sand 468 Limestone; as above, very hard, siliceous 480 Dolomite, white, and light blue-gray; crystalline, vesicu- lar; four samples 500-578 Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (198 feet thick; top, 78 feet above sea level) : Shale, drab; in rounded cuttings, with fine yellow quartz sand (from above) 620 Shale, olive-gray; in hard, siliceous, calcareous cut- tings 657 Shale, olive-gray, hard, calcareous, siliceous; at 790 feet brown, green, and highly siliceous 720-810 Galena dolomite to Platteville limestone (317 feet thick; top, 120 feet below sea level) : Dolomite, buff, crystalline; in fine sand; four samples . . 818-855 Dolomite, light buff, cherty; rounded grains, mod- erately fine, of clear quartz, apparently native 875 36581°— wsp 293—12 37 578 UlSrDEEGKOUISrD WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Ordovician — Continued. Galena dolomite to Platteville limestone (317 feet thick; top, 120 feet below sea level) — Continued. Depth in feet. Limestone, light buff, cherty 918-935 Limestone, magnesian, dark buff 950 Limestone, dark and light yellow-gray; rapid effer- vescence 960 Limestone, gray, earthy, and brown, crystalline; rapid effervescence; cherty 1, 000 Limestone, light brown; rapid effervescence; crystal- line 1,025 Shale, brown, highly bituminous 1, 048 Shale, green, and limestone, gray, fossiliferous 1, 063 Limestone, gray; nonmagnesian; hard; in sand 1, 088 Limestone, buff, hard, with rounded grains of crystal- line quartz in drillings 1, 095 Sandstone; clear quartz, fine grains, many well rounded; but an unusual number ill-rounded or chipped ; some gray limestone 1, 105 Shale, green, hard, fissile, noncalcareous 1, 125 St. Peter sandstone (top, 437 feet below sea level): Sandstone; grains well rounded, largest 0.75 milli- meter in diameter; drillings red from superficial staining grains with ferric oxide 1, 135 Analyses ofrockfrovi boring near Letts."' At 833 feet. At 545 feet. CaCOs- MgCOs- CaSO^. SiOa... FeO... FeaOs-. AI2O3.. H2O... 51.93 42.02 3.24 1.20 52.42 41.85 .21 2.68 1.42 .37 2.34 .16 100. 50 100. 03 a Made in chemical laboratory of Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa. SPRINGS. As the chief water-bearing formations are cut by the major stream ways, springs are by no means uncommon in the county. The alluvial gravels underlying the abandoned flood plains of Cedar and Iowa rivers discharge large amounts of ground water into the rivers and their tributary creeks by means of springs and seepages. Strong springs emerge from glacial gTavels along the bluffs bordering the river valleys. In the southern tier of townships the creeks are fed by springs discharging from the country rock, the leading horizon here being the top of the shale of the Kinderhook group. LOUISA COUNTY. 579 CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Columbus Junction. — At Columbus Junction (population, 1,185) water for the city supply is obtained from a well 16 feet in diameter and 20 feet deep, sunk in the sand and gravel of the flood plain of Iowa Kiver a short distance below its junction with the Cedar. Although distant about one-fourth mile from the channel, the water of floods overflows the area of the well. The supply is large and a distinct inflow is noticed from the up- valley side. The pumping does not affect two wells about 200 feet away. When the well was dug water could not be pumped out through a 64nch pipe as fast as it came in. The water is found in a bed of clean gravel and is pumped to a tank with a capacity of 57,000 gallons. The gravity pressure is 95 pounds and the fire pressure 140 pounds. There are 2 miles of mains, 15 fire hydrants, and 120 taps. The consumption is 18,000,000 gallons a year, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway being a large consumer. The waterworks are owned by the town. Wapello. — Water for domestic supply of Wapello (population, 1,326) is obtained from city wells from points driven 20 feet in the sands and gravels of the flood plain on which the town is built. So large is the supply that driven weUs placed at intervals along the streets afford fire protection, being pumped by steam as from so many hydrants. Five drive points are attached by a 5-inch pipe along the top. The depth of the principal water-bearing formations below Wapello (588 feet above sea level) can not be closely predicted because of the deformation of the strata. The southward dip of the strata is unin- terrupted to the north county fine, but south of this fine the dip is reversed and the deeper strata are so upwarped that at Burlington they stand higher than at any point south of Cedar County. The limit of the southward dip, the position of the bottom of the trough, at which the ascent toward Burhngton begins, has not been deter- mined. The dip of the St. Peter sandstone from West Liberty to Letts is 11 feet a mile. If the dip continues at this rate as far south as Wapello the St. Peter should lie about 615 feet below sea level, or 1 ,203 feet below the surface ; but it is possible that the dip is reversed north of Wapello and that the St. Peter may be found 100 to 200 feet nearer to the surface. The depth of the old drift and alluvium-filled valley in which the channel of Iowa River lies is unknown. Possibly it may cut deep into the shales of the Kinderhook group, whose base here should be about 200 feet above sea level provided the southward • dip continues this far south of Muscatine County. Between the base of the Kinderhook and the top of the next heavy shale, the Maquoketa, there are about 300 feet of Devonian and Silurian limestones in whose 580 UlSTDEEGEOUND WATEK EESOUECES OF IOWA. crevices water may be foimcl should the drill fortunately strike them. Beneath the Maquoketa shale, the base of which lies here about 298 feet below sea level, are limestones with some shales (Galena to Platteville) , which will probably yield some v^^ater. The yield will be increased b)^ water from the St. Peter sandstone, which in this area seems to be exceptionally thick and may afford a supply adequate for the town. If it should not it may be necessary to sink the well to formations lying 500 to 600 feet below the summit of the St. Peter, or to a total depth of 1,800 or 2,000 feet, in order to augment the supply materially. The waters will probably be strong in sulphates, though by no means beyond the limits of potability. The waters of the St. Peter and the deeper formations should be better in quality than those of higher strata. The closed pressure of the well should be 20 to 30 pounds. Minor supplies. — Information concerning minor village supplies in Louisa County is presented in the following table: Minor village supplies, Louisa County. Nature of supply. Depth of v/ells. Depth to water bed. Depth to rock. Head below curb. Town. From— To— Com- mon. Shallow wells. Deep wells. Feet. 25 8 16 4.5 18 18 20 Feet. 100 52 22 55 26 120 200 Feet. 75-100 9- 15 16- 20 45 Feet. 75 50 18 36 Feet. Feet. Feet. Elrick Driven and bored wells. . Driven wells Dug and bored wells Wells Drilled and open wells. - - 8 -16 -33 Fredonia Newport Wyman 80-120 25 20 75 40 70-200 -10 -10 -40 WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Louisa County; Typical wells of Louisa County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 73 N., R. 2 W. (PARTS OF Jef- ferson, Elliot, AND Wapello). W.Clark Sec. 8.. Feet. 60 127 210 107 Feet. Sand do.... Slope of bluff of Iowa River. See. 11 Yellow clay, 30; sand 30. Upland. Yellow clay, 40; blue clay, 80; sand. Upland. Yellow clay, 30; sand, 6; blueclay, 80; sand, 14; blue clay, 25; sand, 25; blue clay, 30; rock at bottom. Second bottoms, loam, sand. Sec. 11 Dr. Parsons Sec. 23..... Sand and gravel, 31; blue clay, 60; wood and black loam, 10; sand with water, 6. LOUISA COUNTY. Typical ivells of Louisa County — Continued . 581 Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 73 N., R. 3 W. (parts of Wa- pello and - MoBNiNG Sun). Concord School NE. J sec. 18 NE. -1 sec. 20 NW. 1 sec. 22 NW. Jsec. 29 NE. iNE. Jsec. 2. NW. isec. 9 SW.iNE.Jsec. 12 SE. JSE. isec. 16. SW. isec. 20 Morning Sun E. Isec. 31 Sec. 24 Feet. 300 140 300 76 152 126 110 141 126 162 70 247 123 150 176 ISO 124 180 120 209 60 115 Feet. 8 135 Upland ravine. Drift, 8; lime- stone, 15; "soapstone," 148; dark shale, 30; "soapstone," 99. Upland. Drift, 135; shale, Kin- derhook, 5. Drift, 90; shale, 210. Sand W. D . Jamison Cyrus Hewitt T. 73 N,, R. 4 W. (PAKTS OF Morn- ing Sun and Marshall), 73 95 104 118 40 65 Drift, 73; limestone, 3. Sand Yellow clay, 22; blue clay, 1 16; sand, 14. Drift, 95; limestone, 31. Yellow clay, pebbly, 25; dry yellow quicksand, 5; blue clay, 74; broken limestone, 6. Drift, lis; limestone, 23. Drift, 40; rock, 86. D. C. Marshall Limestone . . do J. K. Brown Town Limestone. . Sand Sand ....do.... Drift, 65; limestone, with some T. 74 N., R. 2 W. (PARTS OF Jef- ferson AND Port Louisa). P. B. Stetson T. 74 N., R. 3 W. (PARTS OF WA- p E L L , Port Louisa, Grand View, and Jef- ferson). Joseph Schofleld Average of several wells. T. 74 N., R. 4 W. (parts of Wa- re l l , Mar- shall, and Co- lumbus). shale, 97. Yellow clay, 8; blue clay, 42; sand, 5; blue clay, 10; sand, 5. Yellow clay, 10; blue clay, 8; old soil, 3; blue clay with sand at 70 and old soil at 160; sand at bottom. Low upland. Soil 4; loess and yellow clay, 40; blue clay, 76; sand, 3. Yellow clay, 80; blue clay, 58; NW. i NW. i sec. 35. SE.isec.8 SW.iSW.isec.27. Cairo Sand do Lyman Blufi sand, 12. Water head, 110. Upland; all drift. do All drift. 150 45 Gravel Soil, 8; yellow clay, 25; blue SW. isec. 29 SW. isec. 32 E. isec. 33 SE.i SE. isec. 20. NE. isec. 28 clay, 83; gravel, 8. Drift, 150; with sand at 120; R. S. Cummings Jos. Bates Limestone . - shale, 30. Drift, 45; limestone, 75. Yellow clay, 70; blue clay, 68; T. 74 N., R. 5 W. (Elm Grove; PART OF Colum- bus). L. M. Sampson Evan Paris 53 95 sand, 1; blue clay, 25; sand and clay, 23; dark drift, 22. Loess, 10; bowlder clav, 40; sand 3; rock, 7. Drift, 95; sandstone, 20. 582 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Typical wells of Louisa County — Continued. Owner. liOcation. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 75 N., R. 3 W. (PART OF Grand View). Joseph Wagner. NE.iNW. isec.3. Sec. 6. FeH. 265 Feet. Sand. W. W. Wagner. M. A. Gray. L. S. Gresham. Roy Letts. B. W. Hafl. John Sneider . T. 75 N., R. 4 W. (Concord; parts OF Columbus and Oakland). C. Estle , M. A. Turklngton. . . D. Overholt. T. 75 N., R. 5 W. (PARTS OF Colum- bus and Union). General section Ruben Stapp J. W. Garner D. W. Overholt Martin Schaum T. 76 N., R. 5 W. (parts of Oak- land AND Union). Edward Murdock.. J. Lucky .do. SW. J sec. 6. ..do... N. * sec. 22. W. J SW. \ sec. 27. NE. JNE. Jsec. 9. SE. \ sec. 14 SE. iSE. I sec. 19. NE.iSW.Jsec.24. SE.iNW.isec.35 Near Letts 150 84 100 78 153 300 .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do.. SW. iNW.isec.3, S. 4 sec. 10 150 215 Sand. . , do. SE. i sec. 29. .do. Near Columbus Junction. Sec. 16 Cotter Station. Columbus City SE.isec.25... Sec. 27 .do. NW. Jsec. 6.. NW. isec. 18. 400 136 170 166 152 133 150 133 Sand Sand and gravel. Ridge. Yellow clay without pebbles, 28; red sand, 30; blue clay, 38; quicksand with water 4; blue, pebbly clay, 158; sand with water, 7. Yellow clay and sand, 15; blue clay, 60; coarse gravel, 2; sticky blue clay with wood be- low, 47; sand, 13. Loess, 2; yellow sand, 16; bowlder clay, 40; quicksand, 20; old soil and wood, 4 inches; dark blue stony clay, 2; sand with gas and water. Soil, 6; yellow clay, 50; quick- sand, 40; white and blue clay mixed, 74; sand with gas and water. Loess, 12; peat, 3; blue clay, 65 quicksand, 1; blue clay, 3 quicksand, 1; blue clay, 55 sand, 10. Yellow clay, 20; blue clay clear of pebbles, 14; peat, 1; quick- sand, 4; blue clay, 6. Head of water, 16. High knoU. Loess, 22; yellow sand and pebbles, 42; blue clay, 1; gray sand with water, 19. Yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 60; sand with water and gas, 20. Foot of Mississippi bluff. Yel- low clay, 4; blue clay, 28; white sand, 26; red clay, 1; red sand with water, 19. Yellow clay, 34; yellow sand 8; blue clay, 96; sand with wa- ter and gas, 15. Yellow clay, 18; quicksand, 3; blue clay, 70; yellow clay and gravel, 20; blue clay and gravel 30 (?); sand to bottom. Water and gas in basal sand. Loess, 5; yellow till, 16; yellow sand, 3; blue " sand," 26; white sand, 80; dark bluish hard "sand," 45; light soft sand, 40. Bottom. Alluvium, 8; blue pebbly clay, 72; sand, 2; blue clay, 14; sand, 68. Yellow clay, pebbly, 15-20; blue pebbly hard clay, sand 2-15 at from 125 to 150 feet from surface, with water; blue clay. Drift, 150; shale, Kinderhook, 250. Drift, 133; sandstone, 3. Loess, 13; blue till, 157; sand. Loess and yellow tiU, 35; blue till, 125; sand and gravel, 6. Drift, 65; sandstone, 3. All drift. Do. UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. 583 MAHASKA COUNTY. By Howard E. Simpson. TOPOGRAPHY. Topographically Mahaska County comprises an upland plain, sloping from an elevation of about 900 feet in the northwest to about 800 feet in the southwest, across which Des Moines, Skunk, and North Skunk rivers flow southeastward in approximately parallel courses and into which they have carved their valleys to depths ranging from 100 to 200 feet. Between these valleys broad, flat, remnants of the former rolling drift plain remain. In places the streams are bordered by sharp rock terraces, but as a rule they have gradually sloping valley sides wliich rise from floors half a mile to 3 miles wide. Only near the borders of the larger valleys, and particularly near the Des Moines Valley, is the topography rough and broken, but the tributary streams extend into all parts of the area, draining it so completely that ponds and lakes exist only on the flood plains. GEOLOGY. The bottom lands of all the larger streams are covered with alluvial deposits consisting of alternating layers of sands and silts that afford an abundant supply of water to drive point wells, few of which exceed 30 feet in depth. The water is usually good, though in some wells it has a slight odor or taste due to organic matter deposited in the silts. Except on the flood plains of the streams, the entire surface is covered, in places to a depth of 10 feet, with the light yellow clay called loess; and everywhere beneath the loess is a deposit of uncon- solidated clay and gravel in heterogeneous mixture, though showing in many places definite layers and lenses of stratified sand and gravel, the whole forming the glacial drift of Kansan age. Old soils, peat, and forest beds found locally beneath the Kansan drift, accompanied by weU-defined layers of sand and gravel and in places resting on tiU, give evidence of an older drift, the Nebraskan. The whole drift commonly rests on layers of coarse sand and gravel immediately overlying the bedrock. The drift yields moderate quantities of water to dug and bored wells from 15 to 30 feet deep; small pockets of sand at depths ranging from 100 to 200 feet supply many wells, the largest suppHes being obtained from the thick deposits of gravel at or near the base of the drift. These gravels can not be traced as a dis- tinct bed over large areas, but wherever found they yield an unfailing supply of water which is generally hard but is satisfactory for domestic and farm use. In many places large open wells are dug down into the shale below in order to form a reservoir for water from gravels 584 UNDEKGROUND WATER RESOURCES OP IOWA. resting on the shale and thus maintam a large supply. Such wells should be carefully protected from pollution by surface drainage. From southwestern Oskaloosa an old preglacial valley extends northwest and southeast, crossing Spring Creek Township and enter- ing Harrison Township about the middle of its north line. The H. Crookham well (E. ^ SW, i sec. 29, Spring Creek Township) passes through 40 feet of soil and till and then 80 feet of fine yellow sand, which changes to coarser sand and gravel below without striking rock. Water began to come in at 45 feet and increased downward. Abundant good soft water stands 85 feet below the curb of the well. To the northwest this old valley passes underneath the farm of J. B. Cruzen (NE. i sec. 34, Madison Township), whose well passes through 196 feet of drift, chiefly sand, to bedrock. Across the road, T. J. Ferree's well reaches bedrock at 172 feet after passing through 90 feet of drift and 82 feet of sand. At a depth of 167 feet woody mat- ter was found mixed with the sand. The rock underlying the drift consists chiefly of Carboniferous shale, with a few beds of sandstone, limestone, and coal belonging to the Des Moines group of the Pennsylvanian series. (See PL XIII.) In narrow strips along the three principal streams, however, the rocks have been eroded away, and the underlying hard Mississippian lime- stone ("St. Louis limestone") becomes the country rock. The "St. Louis limestone" unconformably underlies the Pennsylvanian coal measures throughout the county and is readily distinguished in drilling by its hardness, its thin, soft, interbedded marly layers, and its thickness, 20 to 40 feet being common. The shales of the Des Moines group are comparatively dry; only the coal and sandstone layers are water bearers, and the coal waters are always, and sandstone waters usually, impregnated with iron, sul- phur, and other minerals. In a few places, however, thick local lenses of sandstone furnish excellent water. Chief among these is the brownish red sandstone underlying New Sharon and other portions of the northeastern part of the county, from which the New Sharon Electric Light Co. well and several farm wells in the vicinity draw their supply. The granular white sandstone of the "St. Louis" yields water of such quantity and quality as to give it locally the name of the "white water sandrock," Even above this thin sandy layers alternating with heavy limestone beds in many places yield a moderate quantity of water, which as a rule is hard but is rarely mineralized if the water from the coal measures is properly cased out. On the whole, the "St. Louis" is the most satisfactory aquifer in the county. Only a few weUs passing the upper limestone have failed to find the sandstone, but three such have been reported ; two in Scott Township — that of Fred Oswandle (SW. { sec. 2), 250 feet deep and that of the Wil- liams Brothers (sec. 13), 317 feet in depth— and one at the AUandale MAHASKA COUNTY. 585 stock farm (NE. | sec. 22, Union Township). These wells probably all draw their supply from the limestone which immediately underlies the "St. Louis limestone;" and two of the three, the Oswandle and Allandale wells, jdeld water that is very strongly mineralized. Unless the deep aquifers are to be sought, drilling below the sandrock layer of the "St. Louis limestone" is to be discouraged. In general, the upper limestone of the "St. Louis" is reached about 120 feet below the uplands, and the sandstone about 20 to 40 feet deeper. The depth, however, varies greatly. Between Skunk River and the Des Moines the "white water sandrock" is found at depths ranging from 150 to 250 feet, and the water is everywhere repoi^ted good. South of Des Moines River it lies somewhat deeper and in many wells is strongly mineralized. Between Skunk and North Skunk rivers, many wells draw from this bed at depths of 150 to 175 feet. The bed thus rises to the north and east, though perhaps not so often drawn upon in that direction, owing to the fact that the drift waters there are better and that there are numerous sandstone layers in the overlying Des Moines group. The quality of all these waters unfits them for use in boilers, for which purpose it is, as a rule, necessary to impound rain water. UNDERGROUND WATER. SHALLOW FLOWING WELLS. In Mahaska, as in the adjoining counties, the drill used in coal pros- pecting may strike a vein of water under such pressure as to cause it to flow from the top of the hole, though, as a rule, without much force. Most of these holes are located in low valleys or draws, and the aquifer is ordinarily a gravel layer low in the drift or a sandstone or coal seam of the Des Moines group. Many of these holes are aban- doned and forgotten, but when advantageously located with respect to pasture lands they are cased and retained for stock supplies. Such are the two flowing wells on the farm of C. A. Coryell, 1 mile southeast of Olivet, Scott Township. One well, 80 feet deep, yields about two-thirds gallon per minute of strong ixiineral water flowing from a coal vein; the other well, one-fourth mile south, is 52 feet deep, enters sandrock at 40 feet, and jdelds 6 gallons per minute of excel- lent water; the water rises 8 feet above the surface. A third well, 167 feet deep, also in Scott Township, on the farm of Con Ellis, 1^ miles southeast of Tracy, is drilled on a valley side, and reaches its aquifer in rock described as "dark limestone with flint" in the Des Moines group; the water has a strong mineral taste. On the farm of Ed De Long (NE. i sec. 26, Scott Township) a 47- foot weU yields a 2|-gallon flow with head 18 feet above the surface; the aquifer is a heavy bed of sand beneath the till. This is an excel- lent stock well. 586 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. SPRINGS. Many springs issue on valley sides, most of them flowing from the Des Moines group, but a few from drift deposits. The impervious stratum which collects the downward percolating waters and brings them to the surface, where it outcrops on the valley sides, is com- monly a shale bed. Many of these waters are mineralized, and some of the springs yield sufficient water to form a permanent supply for stock. If such springs are advantageously located in pasture land they are piped into tanks. The most interesting spring reported is on the farm of Edward Edris, 2| miles northeast of Oskaloosa. This spring is said to have formed 10 or 12 years ago after the closing of a coal mine in the vicinity, where underground waters gave so much trouble that the mine was abandoned. It flows about 75 gallons per minute, and the water has a local reputation for its medicinal properties. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. New STiaron. — The public supply of New Sharon (population, 1,122) is obtained from a well drilled to a sandstone horizon in the Des Moines group. Three wells have been drilled, all reaching the same aquifer, but only one is now used. The well, which is 9 inches in diameter and cased 80 feet to the sandstone bed, has yielded 35 gallons per minute. Tlie water is pumped by a gasoline engine into an elevated tank, having a capacity of 43,000 gallons, and is distributed by gravity through 2 miles of mains under pressure of about 45 pounds. Twenty- one fire hydrants and 160 taps utilize about 15,000 gallons daUy. Shallow drift wells are common in the city, but an excellent water, like that used by the city, may be found in the same or similar lenses of reddish-brown sandstone near the base of the Des Moines group at depths ranging from 40 to 175 feet. The water is very pleasant to taste, neither hard nor soft nor mineral. Should the drill pass through shales of the Des Moines without finding this water, the sandstone horizon of the "St. Louis limestone" might be found 40 to 50 feet below. Oskaloosa. — The public supply of the city of Oskaloosa (popula- tion, 9,466) is owned by the Oskaloosa Water Co. and is operated under a 20-year franchise, dating from November 12, 1899. The supply is obtained from 15 driven wells, 6 inches in diameter and about 50 feet deep, put down to bedrock in the alluvium and sands underlying the flood plain on the north side of Skunk River, 3^ miles north of the city. Each casing carries a 7-foot Cook strainer MAHASKA COUNTY. 587 and is connected with piping in such a way that all siphon into an open well, 34 feet deep and several feet in diameter, in the bottom of which are 11 other drive points. The wells on the north and farthest from the river end in coarser sand and supply much more water than those nearer the river. The pumping station is on the south river bank immediately oppo- site the wells. A cable from this plant runs a centrifugal pump in the main well, raising the water to a cistern from which it is forced into the mains by two steam pumps. A large open reservoir has been cut into the bank on the south side in such a way as to impound some storm waters, and into this water from the river is pumped directly in order that sedimentation may take place. In emergencies water can be pumped from this reservoir. An ordinary pressure of 110 pounds is maintained at the plant, and a fire pressure of 185 pounds is obtainable. A large main leads from the pumping station to the filtration plant at the north edge of the city, where six Hyatt filters (two with a capacity of 250,000 gallons and four with a capacity of 150,000 gal- lons), and one Jewell filter (capacity 500,000 gallons) are utilized to filter the water through sand before it passes into the standpipe and mains of the city. It is estimated that about 1,300,000 gallons a day are filtered, and only in case of emergency is the water passed directly into the mains. The ordinary pressure on the mains from the filter plant is 35 pounds, but a pressure of 100 pounds or more may be had' for fire engines. A standpipe 20 feet in diameter and 130 feet high connected with the city mains stores the reserve and equalizes the pressure and flow. The greatest objection to the use of this water is that the mains are flooded with unfiltered water with every serious fire. An artesian well, 2,517 feet in depth, was sunk by the city in the center of the city square about 1875, partly for the purpose of obtain- ing a flowing well for city supply and partly to prospect for coal and other mineral. No record has been preserved and little is now known of the well, save that at 800 feet a strong aquifer was reached which gave a head only 40 feet below the curb. This was tested by a steam pump throwing a 4-inch stream for 48 hours without lowering, but the water was so strongly mineral as to be unfit for drinking. Tlie well has never been utilized. Some time previous to 1888 a well was sunk to a depth between 2,800 and 3,000 feet. Two or three companies were engaged in drill- ing this well, litigation ensued, and the well was abandoned after a cost to the city of $2,800 or $3,000 — an extraordinarily small sum for so deep a weU, if the depth is correctly reported. 588 UNDEEGKOUND WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. Record of strata to 1,200 feet in city well at Oskaloosa (PI. XIII, p. 526). [Based on drillers' logs. Assignments to formations by W. H. Norton.| Thick- ness. Depth. Quaternary (50 feet thick; top, 843 feet above sea level) : Soil, black Clay, joint Sand and gravel Clay, blue Carboniferous: Pennsylvanian series — Des Moines group (111 feet thick; top, 793 feet above sea level) — Fire clay Slate, black Coal Sulphur (pyrite) Limestone Soapstone Sandstone, gray Plumbago, traces (?) ' Sandstone, gray Mississippian series — "St. Louis limestone" and Osage group ('M9 feet thick; top, GS2 feet above sea level) — Flint Limestone Sandstone Plumbago, traces (?) Sandstone Slate, black Slate, white Porous rock Limestone ICinderhook group (110 feet thick; top, 233 feet above sea level) — Slate Devonian and Silurian (356 feet thick; top, 123 feet above sea level): Marble, hard Limestone, very dark, hard; with streaks of sandrock, and mica; also fossils at 935 feet Sandstone, hard, gray Gypsum and magnesia Feldspar (calc-spar?) Sandrock, porous No samples Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (124 feet penetrated: top, 233 feet below sea level) — Slate, black Slate, blue Limestone Slate, blue Feet. 5 33 3 9 19i 12" 12 4 15 9 1 10 50 20 10 330 110 Feet. 5 38 41 50 63 97 107 1075 127 139 1485 149 161 165 180 189 190 200 250 270 280 610 870 100 970 7 977 5 982 15 997 5 1,002 74 1,076 19 1,095 20 1,115 25 1,140 60 1,200 Outside of the city water, which is generally used, the chief supply comes from shallow drift wells, which, with few exceptions, are unfit for domestic use, owmg to unavoidable contamination from the sur- face, cesspools, coal mines, and open wells. MAHASKA COUNTY. 589 WELL DATA. The following table gives details of typical wells in Mahaska County: Typical wells of Mahaska County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Feet. Feet. 217 360 63 182 40 179 25 140 27 120 220 38 124 30 170 134 600 S5 135 80 128 128 Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 75 N., R. 16 W. (Gaefield AND PART OF Speing Ceeek). Sewer Pipe Man- ufacturing Co. Oskaloosa. Sandstone ("St. Louis")- Feci. 35 Oskaloosa Light & Power Co. Blake Wilson. . J.W.Hunt Oskaloosa. .do. J. K. Hook. SE. isec. 28... 4i miles south- west Oska- loosa. SE. isec. 29... do Sandstone (Des Moines). Sandstone ("St. Louis"). 143 59 T. 75 N., R. 15 w. (parts of Spring Creek AND Adams). H. Crookham... Spring Creek Coal Co. A. H. Rogers T.76N.,R. 15W. (parts Adam,s AND Spring Creek). Moses Barr Sec. 29. Drift sand. W. G. W. An- derson. SE. isec. 11.. NVf. isec. 3. SE. isec. 19... SYi. i sec. 19. . Sandstone ("St. Louis"). Sandstone (Des Moines). Sandstone (Des Moines?). Chiefly "St. Louis." 85 100 J, N. Allgood.... J. A. Reynolds.. NE. isec. 35. Sec, 15 Sandstone ("St. Louis"). Sand 6 inches diameter; good clear water. Clay, yellow and blue, and slate and soapstone shale, lOO-f; gravel, some water, 5; limestone, solid, 60-1- ; sandstone, white po- rous, water-bearing, 50-1- ; limestone, shaly, 2; test 1|- inch stream one-half day; curb 5 feet below Minneap- olis & St. Louis R. R. Unused account mineral. Yields 6 to 8 gallon flow un- der pump. Clear; pleasant taste. Test 1544- barrels per day. Slightly mineral. Soil and clay and sand, red, 27; slate, chiefly coal, fine clay, lime- stone, 46; sandstone "white water rock," 37; soft porous sand, 30. Good water in SO-foot beds; sand and gravel. 4 inches diameter. Pumps 2J gallons only. Bowlder clay, 60; blue clay, soft, 65; wood fragments com- mon, log 1 foot thick at bot- tom; sand and gravel, 9; white sandstone, 35-I-. Clay, yellow, bowlder, 35; clay, blue, bowlder, 50; shale, 23; coal "blossom," 1; clay shale, red, 18; limestone and white clay interbedded, 38; sand- stone (fine water), 10; lime- stone, 331; clay shale, light colored, 4; sliale, thin, 2; limestone and shale, 88. Head, 100 feet; lowered to 180 feet on heavy test ; 4-inch casing to sandstone, which is fine water bearing and yields 45 barrels in 24 hours. All water united below. Prob- ably ends in Kinderhook, 73 590 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Typical wells of Mahaska County — Continued. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 76 N., R. 16 W. (Madison). BenCruzen J. B. Cruzen. . . . S. J sec. 28 SE. isec. 34... Madison SW.Jsec. 5... Feet. 216 196 172 225 Feet. 50 19; Sandstone (' Louis"?). Sand St. Feet. Soft water; yields 3 gallons per minute. T J Ferree ... do To bedrock. Wood in sand at Bert Stiger 150 Lime stone sandstone. Sand or 85 base. Good, hard water. C. W. Bartlett... NW. Jsec. 9.. 120 282 175 198 "m" 115 85 + Mrs. R. H. Davis Sandstone (' Louis"). ■'St. Louis" Sandstone (' Louis"). 'St. "stV 92 90 Good water. Strong test. Strong test without lowering. Strong well. W. B. Stiger.... C L. Steddon NE. isec. 8... Lacey . . T. 74 N., R. 15 W. (Harrison). Pekay Mine MissLullis Owen Mobley... T. 74 N., R. 17 W. (PART OF Jefferson). NW. J sec. 20.. 6 miles south- east Oska- loosa. 5 miles south- east Oska- loosa. 225 225 188 35 26 20 Sandstone (' Louis"?). Sandstone (' Louis"). Limestone.. 'St. 'St. 135 4 gallons per minute on test. Walter Jones W. T. Knowles.. 5 miles east Bussey. 105 203 100 15 20 24 Sandstone (Des Moines). do Catherine Strain T. 75 N., R. 17 W. (Scott; PART of Jef- ferson). SE.isec. 14... Sandstone (' Louis"). 'St. Good hard water. J. H. Evans E. S. Godfrey, W. isec. 25... li miles south- 171 167 90 15 Sandstone (' Louis")- Limestone . . 'St. Soil and clay, 38; sand, 4; blue clay, 48; slate, 10; limestone, 40; sandstone, 31. Cased to limestone. Flows mineral. J. J. Henry W. R. Lacey.... east Tracy. SE. isec. 13... NE.isec.l... 177 198 19 Sandstone (' Louis"). "St. Louis" 'St. 120 Soft water. Strong well. Clays, 19; slate, 51; coal, 3h; soap- stone, etc., 644; limestone, 16; sandstone, 23. Cased 142 feet to limestone. Strong well, test 3484- gallons per minute. Surface, 50; blue clay, 6; slate, gray, 8; sand, 2; sandstone, U; coal, J; bowlder (?),§; coal.f; fire clav, 1; gray slate, 9; fireclay, i; slate, black, 50; sandstone, 2; limestone, 27; sandstone, 39. Plenty of good water. Wra. Velthuzen. N W. i sec. 1 . . SW. isec. 23.. 102 145 '""2!"' Drift sand.. Abe Bartlows... "St. Louis" T. 74 N., R. 14 W. (Cedar). R. Parsell T.74N.,R.16W. (Des Moines). NW. i sec. 5 . . 207 Sandstone ("St. Louis"). Base of Des Moines at 97 feet. D. M. Covey Fred Oswandle. . SE. isec. 3.... S W. i sec. 2. . . 215 250 40 38 Sandstone (' Louis"). Osage (?)... 'St. Good soft water. Soil and clay, 38; slate, 22; limestone, 20; slate and soap- stone, 110; hard blue lime- stone, 60; sand. Water very salty and mineral. Head varies with rainfall and pumps down rapidly. "White water rock" (sand- stone in "St, Louis"). VAN BUEEN COUNTY. Typical wells of Mahasha County — Continued. 591 Owner. T.74N.,R.16W. (Des Moines)— Continued. D. D. Davis Williams Bros... T. 77 N., R. 16 W. (Prairie ). Town of New Sharon. Minneapolis & St. Louis R.R. New Sharon Electric Light Co. C. G. Tice W. Hite T. 77 N., R. 15 W. (Union). Allan Bros Location. S W. i sec. 29. Sec. 13. New Sharon.. New Sharon.. Sec. 19. Southwest of New Sharon. NE.Jsec. 22.. Depth. Feet. 118 246 150 170 256 Depth to rock. Feet. 32 123 110 100+ Source of supply. Sandstone ("St. Louis"). (?). Sandstone (Des Moines). Drift sand. Sandstone (Des Moines). do Drift sand. Osage (?).. Head below curb Feet. 95 Remarks (logs given in feet). Surface, 32; slate, 8; coal, 2; slate, 28; limestone, 25; sand- stone, 23. Water stands at top of sandstone. Cased to limestone. Surface, 42; slate, 58; coal, 5; slate, limestone, and shale alternating, 212. Gradual in- crease of water in limestone layers. Weak head, may be pumped out. Test, 35 gallons per minute. Soil, 2^-; clay, yellow above, blue below, 77|; sandstone, red and white, 70; shale, black and gray, 5. Test 35 gallons per minute, 9-inch casing to sandstone. Water scanty. Soil and yellow clay, 25; sand, 50; shales, 22; coal, 2; fire clay, 3; shales, 8; light shales, 25; sandstone, white shales, 40. Pumped 23J hours per day for six weeks during drought, yielding constantly 5 gallons per minute without lowering. Water from white sandstone at 135 feet. Used chiefly for boilers. White sandstone with FeSa concretions. Plenty of water in sand over shale. Clay and sand, 75; limestone, solid, 20; slate, 12; limestone, thin layers, 100; sandstone, 15. Tastes very strongly of mineral salts. Pouring in test: 7 barrels without rise of head. VAN BUREN COUNTY. By W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. Van Buren County consists of a once continuous and well-nigh level plain modeled by glacial ice, now deeply and intricately carved by running water so that only remnants of the initial surface remain in the broad flat and imperfectly drained prairies of the north- ern part of the county and in the narrow flat-topped divides which separate the more closely spaced streamways of the south. Des Moines River has trenched the upland to a depth of 100 feet or more, crossing the country diagonally from northwest to southeast. Fox and Little Fox rivers hold courses parallel with that of the De§ 592 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. Moines and have widened their valleys to a greater degree propor- tionately than has the larger river. GEOLOGY. The lowest beds exposed in the county belong to the Osage group of the Mississippian series. They include at the base the upper part of the Burlington limestone, consisting of chert with a few thin beds of limestone or of luny shale (the "Montrose cherts" of Iowa Survey reports). The chert, although too hard to be cut by the drill, is for- tunately brittle and is readily broken by the impact of its blows. On this chert rests the lower division of the Keokuk limestone, a blue- gray, coarse, subcrystallme, and thinly bedded limestone. Next in ascending order comes a bed of shale 40 feet thick, distinguished by the geodes which it carries. Broken by the drill, these hollow balls furnish to the slush bucket crystals of quartz or calcite and chips of mUky white translucent chalcedony. Hardly to be distmguished from the geode-bearing shales in well records is a bed of overlying blue shale and interbedded limestone layers. The Osage group is overlain by the "St. Louis limestone," which consists of sandy magnesian limestones, shattered limestones made up of sharp angular fragments, and compact granular limestones, the total thiclaiess reaching nearly 90 feet. The larger part of the county is covered by the Pennsylvanian series, with its beds of shale, «sand- stone, and coal, underlying fine clay. Not exposed within the county, but underlying the "Montrose cherts" is the lower part of the Burlington limestone, which forms a valuable water bed. This limestone rests on heavy shales (Kinder- hook group), which are entered by some of the deeper wells. Near Utica these shales lie about 400 feet below the surface of the upland. Resting on bedrock or separated from it by stratified sands and gravels lies a massive, tough, blue, stony clay, known as the Ne- braskan drift. Upon the Nebraskan lies another stony clay, kno^vn as the Kansan drift. These two drifts may be parted by sands and gravels (Aftonian). The Kansan in its unweathered portions is a blue hard till hardly to be told in drillings from the Nebraskan except that the latter is usually of a darker tint. In its weathered portions the Kansan is a yellow or reddish stony clay, in places 40 to 50 feet thick. Both drift sheets contain lenses of sand and gravel laid down by water from the melting ice. The entire county, with the exception of the present flood plains of the rivers, is covered with loess, a yellow or gray sUt 2 to 10 feet thick. VAjST BUEElsr COUNTY, 593 UNDERGBOUND WATER. SOURCE. Sheet water is found so near the surface m river sands and gravels on the flood plains of the larger streams that it is tapped by driven and open wells. Such wells form the chief domestic supply for the towns located on Des Moines River. On Fox River the alluvial area is still more extensive in proportion to the size of the stream. In places the base of the loess supplies house wells. The chief water beds of the drift, however, are sands interbedded between the successive sheets of stony clay, beneath the earhest tUl, parting it from bedrock. These beds supply very many wells on the more level uplands. Where drift sands fail to furnish sufficient water there is a good prospect of finding it at moderate depths in some of the Mississippian limestones or cherts. A number of wells to the Mississippian are reported, however, which range from 270 to something more than 400 feet in depth. The deepest of these are sunk a few feet into the Kinderhook, but so far as known no wells in the county have failed to find water above this heavy shale. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Bonaparte. — The waterworks at Bonaparte (population, 597), owned by the town, are used for fire protection and street sprinkling only. Water is pumped from Des Moines River to a standpipe. The pressure is from 65 to 125 pounds. There are 2 miles of mams and 28 fire hydrants. Bonaparte (and also Keosauqua) is about 644 feet above sea level and hence the base of the Kinderhook should be reached at 275 to 300 feet above sea level. The drill will then pass into 200 to 300 feet of Devonian and Silurian limestones, the latter possibly includ- ing a water-bearing sandstone near its base. The underlying dry Maquoketa shale rests on heavy Hmestones (Galena and Platteville), in which water should be obtained above the bituminous shales which here occur near the base of the Platteville limestone. The St. Peter sandstone should be reached at about 500 feet below sea level or 1,100 feet below the surface. A well 1,300 feet in depth should obtain an adequate supply of water of fair quahty with a head of perhaps 50 feet. As security against the possibihty of the St. Peter sandstone faihng to yield enough for a city supply, the contract should provide for drilhng, if necessary, to 1,600 feet. Farmington. — Farmington (population, 1,165) draws its pubHc supply from Des Moines River. Water is pumped raw into a reser- voir with a capacity of 300,000 gallons and distributed thence under 36581°— wsp 293—12 38 594 UNDEKGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. a pressure of 80 pounds. There are 16 fire hydrants and 2 miles of mains. The water is not used for domestic purposes, open or driven house wells being still utilized for this purpose. The waterworks are owned by the town. A flowing well, 705 feet deep, is reported by C. A. Wliite ^ at Farmington (elevation, 567 feet). Its depth would take it to the Silurian sandstone beds, and it was probably from these that the flow occurred. Large flows may be expected here from about 350 feet below sea level or about 920 feet below the surface, and a well for city supply should be sunk to this depth not only to get more water but also to improve its quahty. This depth would take it to either the crystalhne Galena dolomite (which in this area is often erroneously called by drillers the St. Peter sandstone) or to the St. Peter sandstone. The water should head at from 670 to 700 feet above sea level, and should be entirely potable, although its mineral content will not be low. Minor supplies. — Supphes of minor villages are summarized below: Town and village supplies of Van Buren County. Nature of supply. Depth. Depth to rock. Depth to water bed. Head below curb. Town. Shallow wells. Deep wells. Birmmgliam Wells Feet. 20-65 20-60 15-20 20-n2 1&-30 15-60 70-100 10-40 Feet. 150-200 26' 40 Feet. 60 30 20 112 Feet. Feet. 25 Wells and cisterns Douds Leando Kilboume Driven, bored, and open wells Cisterns, open, and drilled wells.. 12 15 15 8 40 6 Open wells Mount Sterling Mount Zion Wells and cisterns 100 45 46' 60 Stockport Wells WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Van Buren County : Typical wells in Van Buren County. Owner. T. 67 N., R. 10 W. (PART OF Des Moines), William Teter.. W.C. Fritz.... T. 67N., R. 11 W. (PART OF Jackson). A. U. Benson.. 01 s-^ Location. ^ si ^1 ft ^° rS fi fl « «^ Feet. In. Feet Feet. Sec. 8 83 82 12 4 65 62 5 miles south- east of Can- tril. NW.-lsec.l2.. 290 4 280(?) 290 Source of supply. Gravel and sand. Sand Sandstone... MS Feet. 35 Remarks (logs given in feet). Yields 50 barrels a day. Yields 20 barrels a day; water iron bearing. Yields 2 gallons a niinule; water suli)hur bearing. 1 White, C. A., Rept. Iowa GgoI. Survey, vol. 2, 1870, pp. 272, 355. VAN BUREN COUNTY. 595 Typical wells in Van Buren County — Continued. Owner. T. 68N., K. 10 W. (part of DesMoines). Edwin De Ford J. M. Silver.... Manning. T. 69N.,R. 10 W. (part of Van Buren). L.R. Plowman. Siegel Britt. Drum- in ond. T. 70N.,R. 10 W. (Lick Creek). T. 70N.,R. 11 W. (Vil- lage). S. E. McGrew.. James Elerick. T. 68N.,R. 11 W. (PART OF Jackson). Holland. T. 69 N., R. 8 W. (Harris- burg). Cresswell Enderby. Location. Sec. 27 NW.isec.29.. NW.isec.31.. Kilbourne. SE.isec. 28. NW. isec.13.. SE. i sec. 32... Pittsburg . SE. i NW. 1 sec. 26. SW. Jsec. 21. Sec. 20 SW. isec. 8... SW. isec.ll. SE. Jsec. 12... Feet. 350 290 151 112 405 400 121 In. Feet. 200 (?) 63 110 40 100 -2 -a Feet. 270 250 110 2051 Source of supply. Limestone . do Gravel and sand. Limestone . .do. ...do. .do. Limestone. Siliceous rock. Gravel . Limestone. Feet. Remarks, (logs given in feet). Yields 5 gallons per min- ute. Yields 2 gallons per min- ute. Yellow clay, 50; blue till, 60; water-bearing gravel and sand, 41. Hill slope; water salty, flowing when first drilled. Upland. Yellow clay, reddish clay, light-blue clay, dark-blue clay, all without sand, 63; lime- stone, 87; shale, 3. A little caving yellow sand under yellow clay, with a little water. Rock hard limestone with some flint. Drift clays, 80; black sand with foul water, 10; shale, black 30; limestone and shale, 100; limestone, shale at bottom. Water pumps down 6 to 200 feet. Des Moines River bot- toms. Alluvium, 16; shale, 10; limestone; shale at bottom. Creek bottom. Drift, 110; limestone, 84. Water lowers under pumping to 47 below curb. Upland. Yields 5 gal- lons per minute. Most- ly limestone, except 4 feet of water-bearing stone at 250, and sili- ceous rock ("quartz rock") near bottom. Yellow clay, 23; dark- blue clay with some sand 65 feet from top, 181; "rock," rather soft, 1|; water-bearing clay and sand with some gravel, 12. Yellow clay, 92; lime- stone, yellowish to white, 6; limestone, white, in thin strata, water bearing, 34. Yellow clay, 50; blue clay with gravel 90 feet be- low curb, 70; lime- stone, 1. 596 UNDEKGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Typical wells in Van Buren County—Continued. Owner. T. 69 N., R. 8 W. (Hauris- bueq)— Con. C. Davis T. 69 N., E. 9 W. (Wash- I N G T O N , PARTS OF Henry and Van Buren) C.Miller H. B. Edmun- son. T. 70 N., E. 8 W. (Cedar). George Watson. William Brooks Location. Sec. 8. 1 J miles north- east of Keo- sauqua. SE. J sec. 26.. 1 J miles north 'of McVeigh. Utica Feet. 318 50 400 In. ft Feet. 85 111 Feet. Source of supply. Sand. as Feet. Eemarks. (logs given in feet). Yellow clay with some sand, 35; blue joint clay, 5; yellow clay with layers of sand and some water, 16; hard blue till, 29; coal meas- ure shales, 17: white limestone, 15; blue limestone with some pyrite, 70; shale, 58; limestone, cherty and sandy, 3; limestone, gray, piuk, and black, 38; rock, hard, gray, cuts the drill, 32. Gray clay, 8; sand, 32; gravel with water, 2; coal, 3; white lime- stone, 8; lime and sand, 8; gray limestone, 30; reddish sandstone, 3; gray sandstone, 12; blue shale, 56. Yellow clay, no sand, 90; blue clay into 3 inches of sand at base, 21; blue shale, 55; ocher, 3; brown limestone, 10; shales alternating with limestone, 41; rock, very hard, dark, could not penetrate it (most all chert?) 4. Water from white sand beneath light-blue clay. Yellow clay, 56; light- blue clay, 23; dark-blue clay, 29; limestone, 257; alternate shale and limestone, 25; shale (Bjnderhook), 10. WAPELLO COUNTY. By Howard E. Simpson and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. Wapello County lies about midway between the center and tbe southeast comer of the State. Owing to the deep dissection of the Kansan tUl plain by the tributaries of Des Moines River the surface is generally rough and irregular, the only notable exception being in the northeast quarter, where the upland plain is but slightly rolling. This area is drained by Cedar Creek and its tributaries into Skunk River. These master streams conform to the general southeasterly WAPELLO COUNTY. 597 trend of the more important streams in the eastern part of the State. The Des Moines enters at Eddyville, in the northwest corner of the county, and leaves just below Eldon, in the southeast corner, flowing the entire distance through a broad, deep valley of preglacial origin, on the floor of which it has developed a flood plain a mile or two in width. The drainage is complete. The relief, though broken, varies only from about 625 feet in the Des Moines Valley at its point of exit from the county to about 900 feet near the southwest corner. GEOLOGY. Save where removed by stream erosion, the surface of the entire county is covered with a fine light-gray clay, in few places more than a few feet thick, which is easily identifiable with the southern loess. On the floors of the deeper stream valleys this loess is replaced by darker alluvial silts. These are especially prominent on the bottoms of the Des Moines Valley, where they cover not only the present flood plain, known as the ''bottom," but also form several terraces, the most conspicuous of which is known as the ''second bottom." Underneath the loess and resting unconformably on the country rock is a thicker layer of Kansan drift, composed of mixed clay, sand, and gravel. The country rock consists chiefly of Carboniferous shale, including some beds of sandstone and coal, and belongs to the Des Moines group of the Pennsylvanian series. (See PL X, p. 374.) In the deeper valleys in the northeast corner of the county, and m the Des Moines VaUey for more than half the distance across the county, the streams have cut through the Pennsylvanian shales and sand- stones to the "St. Louis limestone" of the Mississippian series. Below the upper limestones of the "St. Louis" a soft sandstone, belonging to the same division and popularly known in this region as the "white water sandrock," occurs in a few places. All the strata have a very slight southern dip, and in working for coal gentle folds and a few small faults have been noted. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. Water in Wapello County is obtained from the alluvium, the drift, the Des Momes group, the "St. Louis limestone," and from deeper rocks. Each is an important source of water in some localities, though the first three vary greatly in both quantity and quality. The only distinct water province is that formed by alluvial deposits of the Des Moines Valley and its chief tributaries. In the belt of alluvium half a mile to 2 miles wide lying along the Des Moines River valley floor and in very much narrower strips in 598 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. the lower ends of the tributary valleys bands or belts occur, in which water may be found in sandy or gravelly layers, usually withm a few feet of the surface. Such water is commonly obtained by means of drive points, though dug and bored Vv^ells are numerous. The most common source of water in the county is the drift. Rarely are any wells now found which secure a supply of water from the loess, though in earlier years the sand near the base of the deeper portions of loess 3delded a supply sufficient for the scanty needs of the pioneer. The drift wells are generally dug or bored to 20 to 30 feet, though some reach 120 to 130 feet before striking abundant water. The shallower wells find a meager supply m sand pockets and small veins in the bowlder clay. The most prolific source is, however, in a heavy layer of sand and gravel at or near the base of the drift. This layer, when found directly overlying the shale, is in some places cemented into a ferruginous conglomerate and is so similar to the Aftonian gravel as to suggest an older drift sheet. The drift waters when uncontaminated are of good quality and, being comparatively easy of access and comparatively free from dele- terious mineral matter, are generally used for domestic purposes. Most of them contain carbonate of lime, and occasionally a fer- ruginous precipitate forms in them when they are exposed to the air, but neither of these is particularly baneful. In villages and in the vicinity of the coal mines these shallow waters are subject to pollution and should be used with caution. The quantity supplied from the gravel bed at the base of the drift is in some places sufiicient for all demands of even large stock farms, but generally the drift wells are insufficient except for household use or for small farm supplies. Large open wells must be dug to increase inflow, and to form suitable storage reservoirs, or the drill must be resorted to and a rock well be tried. The Des Moines group (or ''Lower Coal Measures," as it is popularly called) is composed chiefly of shales with a few beds of sandstone and coal. The shales are of no value as water bearers, as they are very impermeable and therefore comparatively dry. Water is com- monly found in the coal beds, but it is not potable, owing to the abundance of iron and sulphur compounds it carries in solution, this being characteristic of most of the waters of this group. Some sand- stone lenses are so free from mineral as to afford satisfactory supplies, but these are local and uncertain. Many of the best farm wells of the northern and western portions of the county penetrate the coal measures and enter the ''St. Louis limestone," the upper part of which consists of a compact, even- bedded wliite limestone 20 to 30 feet thick, with cherty and marly layers. In some wells a good supply of hard water is found in the joints, and in the underlying calcareous sandstone of the "St. Louis," WAPELLO COUNTY. 599 known as the "v/hite water sandrock," a supply of good liard water is obtainable in quantities sufficient for all wells for stock. Tliis water is rarely mineralized, and it wnll probably prove to be the most satisfactory source in the county. It is not much used except in the northwest corner on account of the depth at which it lies and the expense of drilling to it. Whatever doubt may exist as to the correlation of the deeper sand- stones (see p. 605) there is fortunately no doubt as to the abundant store of water in the upper of the two. It supplies the wells of the Ot- tumwa Iron Works and the first well drilled by the Morrell Co., whose initial flow is reported at 800 gallons per minute with a 5|-inch bore through the water bed. The Young Men's Christian Association well did not reach tliis horizon if its depth is correctly reported. In the Morrell well No. 4 a small flow was obtained from 975 to 1,190 feet; when the well pierced the lower strata of tliis aquifer from 1,190 to 1,240 (1,260 ? feet), a flow of 1,100 gallons was tested. DISTRIBUTION. At Larson (formerly Marysville) bored wells draw their supply from the sand and gravel layers of the drift at depths ranging from 20 to 40 feet, though at one point a mile south of the village a drift weU 130 feet deep is reported. A typical deep drilled well is reported by J. P. Hawthorne, 2 miles southeast of Larson. Tliis well penetrates about 100 feet of drift and at 200 feet found a strong water-bearing sandstone. The water tastes of sulphur, but is a good stock water, yielding strongly to windmill with only slight lowering below the 30-foot level. It probably draw^ from a sandstone lens in the Des Moines group. One of the deepest stock wells of the county is on the farm of Nor- man Reese, 4 miles south and 2 east of Larson. The record as reported by A. G. Leonard is given to show the relations of the drift, the Des Moines group, and the ''St. Louis limestone." Record of ivell of Norman Reese. Thick- ness. Depth- Feet. Drift clay 60 Sand 3 " Soapstone" 15 Shale, gray 30 " Soapstone" 20 Shale, black carbonaceous 7 Coal 3J Shale, blue 15' "Soapstone" I 10 to 15 Shale : 8 Soapstone 10 to 14 Shale, black I 100 Limestone ("St. Louis") alternating with thin, blue layers of "sandstone" { 182 Feet. 60 63 78 108 128 135 1384 153i IG?" 175 188 288 470 600 UNDEEGROUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. The record shows the characteristic sand horizon at the base of a 60-foot layer of drift. No sandstone lenses are reported in the Des Moines group (coal measures), of which 222 feet were penetrated; the ]\Iississippian was entered to a depth of 182 feet. Higliland wells about Dahlonega are chiefly bored and dug in the drift from 20 to 40 feet. The well of George D. Robertson (sec. 19) is typical. It is 40 feet deep and 4 feet in diameter and does not reach bedrock. The water enters from sand at 18 feet and stands ordina- rily about 10 feet below the surface, but in dry weather the well may be pumped out by the windmill. The best drift aquifer evidently lies very deep here, for in several places in the northeastern part of the township the heavy sand layer at the base of the drift is reached only at 120 feet. On the farm of F. J. Remir, 2 miles northeast of Dalilonega, several wells indicate two quite persistent water beds. The composite sec- tion follows : Record of tuells on farm of F. J. Remir, near Dahlonega. Thick- ness. Depth. Soil Clay, yellow, and loess with light-colored sand. Clay, black, with gravel; drift Sand and gravel Feet. 2- 3 10-12 10-20 Feet. 2- 3 12-15 22-35 Temporary hillside springs not uncommonly issue from the sand at the base of the loess. A few wells are drilled into rock. Among these the most noted is that at the county farm in the SE. J sec. 32, Highland Township (T. 73 N., R. 13 W.), 462 feet in depth, which reached limestone of the ''St. Louis" at 200 feet and its water-bearing sandstone at about 230 feet. The head is very low, standing about 200 feet below the surface and requiring a gasoline engine and force pump. The J. Haines farm well, a mile southwest of the village of Kirk- ville, draws its supply from the "St. Louis" at a depth of 177 feet. A strong flow of water was procured in sandstone of the Des Moines group at a depth of 110 feet, though caving prevented its utilization. The average well about Kirkville is 20 to 40 feet deep in drift, though wells are drilled deeper on stock farms. Shallow drift wells are common in the vicinity of Eddyville and many in the valley utilize the sand and gravel underneath the allu- vium. Good rock wells are, however, more common than in any other part of the county, owing to the proximity to the surface of the sandstone of the ''St. Louis," the best water bed of this region. The limestone of the "St. Louis" is quarried in the bluffs a mile south of Eddyville and the sandstone is exposed immediately underneath. WAPELLO COUNTY. 601 Among these rock wells may be mentioned that of A. J. Gardiner on the upland (SW. i sec. 19, T. 73 N., R. 15 W.), 220 feet in depth, wliich enters the rock at 55 feet and the sandstone at 214. The well of G. F. Glass, 3 miles southeast of Eddyville on the river bottom, enters rock at 25 feet and the sand rock at 50 feet, the total depth being 75 feet. The C. H. Leander well, 3 miles north of Dudley, 185 feet deep, reached coal measures at 24 feet and the sandstone of the "St. Louis" at 157, after passing but 7 feet of limestone. The well of George Stevens, 2 miles northwest of Dudley, is 205 feet in depth; that of James Harris, 1^ miles southwest of Kirkville, is 177 feet; and that of Joe Johnson, 2h miles south of Eddyville on the river bluff, is but 120 feet. One of the most interesting wells in this vicinity is that of Stephen Lewis, just south of Eddyville (sec. 7, Columbia Township). It is a characteristic blowing well. As stormy weather approaches the water becomes turbid and the well rumbles and roars with a rush of air which jars and rattles the pump. Although the water is derived from the sandstone of the "St. Louis" at a depth of 80 feet, the air apparently issues from the limestone at a depth of perhaps 60 feet. The well was drilled in 1903, and at that time the phenomenon was most pronounced, but it has gradually decreased since. A. J. Leonard, 2 miles northeast of Munterville (sec. 9, Polk), reports water at a depth of 124 feet, beneath 24 feet of limestone. Another well 1^ miles east of Munterville reached the ''St. Louis" at 210 feet and penetrated it 20 feet, when an abundant supply was found. Near Blakesville the limestone was struck at a depth of 360 feet. A well in the NW. J sec. 27, Green Township, reached the "St. Louis" at 350 feet and its water-bearing sandstone at 370 feet. Owing to the thickness of the drift, the slight probability of secur- ing satisfactory water in the coal measures, and the depth to the "St. Louis," few wells have been drilled in the southeastern part of the county. In the vicinity of Agency some bored wells reach a depth of 100 feet or over, though depths of 20 to 35 feet are most common. A small flowing well was secured in the SE. J sec. 24, Agency Township, the flow coming from the Des Moines group at 44 feet. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Eddyville. — Eddyville is 676 feet above sea level and wells there should find the same artesian waters as at Ottumwa, but at greater depths. The water-bearing sandstone found at 417 feet below sea level at Ottumwa was presumably the St. Peter and should be found at Eddyville at about 550 feet below sea level or about 1,225 feet below the surface. The logs of the Ottumwa wells are conflicting and no set of drillings has ever been preserved. It is possible that the 602 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. lower sandstone is the St. Peter, and this would be found at Eddyville at about 1,375 feet from the surface. It is quite probable that a well 1,500 feet deep would suffice for the town, but more copious flows can be had by drilling deeper, the supply increasing to 2,000 feet at least. The static level is such as to bring the water to the surface with a probable pressure of 20 pounds. In quality it should be a good potable water of the sodic-magnesic sulphated class, provided that the upper waters of the Carboniferous and Silurian are cased out. In all probability gypsum or anhydrite will be found in the Silurian, and water-tight casing should be driven to the Galena. Eldon. — The location of Eldon (elevation, 630 feet) in the Des Moines Valley gives it an elevation so low that artesian water will be found within moderate distance of the surface and wUl rise to the curb under a good pressure. The Des Moines Valley extends here approximately along the line of strike of the strata, and the Ordo- vician dome of southeastern Iowa causes a slight rise toward the southeast, the dip from Keokuk to Ottumwa measured on the St. Peter being 1.6 feet to the mile. At this rate the water bed supposed to be the St. Peter at Ottumwa (PL X) would be encountered at Eldon at 400 feet below sea level, or about 1,030 feet below the sur- face; but the absence of complete and reliable data both at Ottumwa and at Keokuk makes accurate estimates impossible. Above the supposed St. Peter, water may be expected in the limestones of the Devonian and SHurian; below the St. Peter, for several hundred feet, the flow should be largely increased from creviced and porous dolo- mitic beds and intercalated sandstones. If the upper Mississippian waters are cased out the well should supply a potable water of fair quality of the sodic-magnesic sulphated class. Sodium sulphate may be the chief mineral m solution, but some sodium chloride, or common salt, wUl also be found. The pres- sure of the water at the curb may reach 20 to 25 pounds. Ottumwa. — The public water-supply franchise for Ottumwa (popu- lation, 22,012) was granted to the Public Water Co. in December, 1903, for a period of 25 years. The water was formerly drawn from a power canal leading from Des Moines River opposite Turkey Island down past the main pump house in the city, 1^ miles below. Dams across the two channels of the river connected with a levee divert the water into the canal, and this stiU furnishes the greater part of the power necessary to operate the plant. The water is now obtained in part from a well 20 feet in diameter and 25 feet deep, sunk on the island just above the levee. An infil- tration gallery, 250 feet long and 7 by 8 feet in cross section leads into the well. As this supply is inadequate tlie additional amount necessary is taken direct from the river through an 8-mch intake pipe. WAPELLO COUNTY. 603 A pumping station at the well on the island is equipped with two electrically driven pumps, each having a capacity of 5,000,000 gallons a day, which force the water against a head of 44 pounds through the two 24-inch pipes leading to the main pumping station. To avoid danger of accident during high water these pumps are set in a steel tank 18 feet square and 15 feet deep, the top being well above high-water level, and the suction of both connected with a header through which water may be drawn from the well, the river, the sedi- mentation basin, or all of them. The main pumping plant is in a modern fireproof station 67 by 90 feet. Water and steam are both provided for power, the former through the canal, which operates five turbines under a head of 7^ feet. These furnish sufficient power for most of the year. Four horizontal boilers supply the steam power. Two water-power pumps, one having a capacity of 2,000,000 and the other of 3,000,000 gallons, are connected with a 125-horsepower Corliss engine m such a way that they may be operated by steam if necessary. There is also a steam turbine pump having a capacity of 5,000,000 gallons. Two electric generators, one driven by water and the other by steam, gen- erate the current needed to operate the pumps on Turkey Island and the pumps at the auxiliary station at the reservoir and light the company's buildings. The city is built on two levels, the business district being on the "second bottom" of Des Moines River and the modern residential district on the bluffs, about 180 feet above. It therefore requires two waterworks systems. The lower level is supplied with water under a head of 210 feet, from a reservoir of 2,000,000 gallons capac- ity, receiving its supply directly from the pumps of the main station. The higher part of the city is supplied with water under the same head by a motor-driven pump located at the reservoirs. Two standpipes, each 56 feet in height and 6 feet in diameter, located on the 24-inch mains, one at either pumping station, regulate the flow in the pipes and give head to operate an old series of Jewell filters when the river water is in such condition as to require filtering. A new sedimentation basin at the island station and a clear-water reservoir at the nearer station are contemplated at an early date.^ On the "second bottom" of Des Moines River, a terrace about 20 feet above low water, driven wells have generally replaced the older open dug weUs. These average between 15 and 20 feet in depth between Main Street and the river and have a maxunum of about 30 feet in the vicinity of the fair ground. The water occurs in alluvial sand so fuie that ordinary screens are of no use, and 60 to 120 gauze is required with large exposure. 1 Eng. Record, vol. 53 (1906), No. 13, p. 430. Fire and Water Eng., Feb. 3, 1906, p. 54. 604 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Between Main Street and the foot of the bhiflfs bored wells fitted with 6-inch drain tiles are common. The fineness of the alluvial silt and sand causes the water to be somewhat turbid. On the bluff dug wells are still used though the supply there is from the drift and is meager and of poor quality. Cisterns are frequently used for domestic supply. A sprmg worthy of mention is that of William Wheaton in the northeastern portion of the city, from which 75 to 100 barrels per day flow. The water is stored in a tank by means of wind and gas engines and sold for household use throughout the city. On the south side of the river practically all the wells are driven, the only exceptions being in the west end where the sandstone of the ''St. Louis" is found within 15 or 20 feet of the surface and is occa- sionally utilized; the well of B. A. Williams enters it to a depth of 80 feet. The average well is about 24 feet in depth. The water- bearing sand is here overlain by 10 to 12 feet of yellow clay and is generally coarser than on the north side. The water is generally good though hard, and is inexhaustible. After a time the point is coated over with sand cemented into a conglomerate with lime and iron. The fact that but a few feet of loamy clay separates the city from its water supply makes tliis sand a questionable source of supply. The Wabash Railroad Co. uses for boiler supply a battery of 17 driven wells wliich reach the rock. The water is pumped into a 30,000-gallon tank, from wluch about 10,000 gallons a day are used without ever running short. Though somewhat hard, the tliin scale which forms breaks easily and the water does not cause foaming. Similar results are obtained at the Dam Manufacturing Co. plant, where all of the water used comes from the alluvial sands. In the open heater a slight yellow iron precipitate is formed and a thin flaky scale forms. The water stands 10 to 12 feet below the surface. The country rock at Ottumwa is the Des Moines group. (See PI. X, p. 374.) For the nature and tliickness of the deeper formations dependence must be placed entirely on the identifications of the driller's logs, in the absence of any drillings from any of the wells. In a number of important points these logs are in substantial agreement, and correlations may be made with considerable assurance. But the real natures of several strata and their places in the geologic column remain in doubt because of the total lack of direct lithologic evidence. After passing through tliin superficial deposits the drill penetrates the rapidly alternating hmestones, cherts, shales, and sandstones of the ''St. Louis limestone" and the Osage group. The shales of the Kinderhook are reached at about 200 feet above sea level and appar- ently extend to about 40 feet above sea level or even lower. Leaving the Eanderhook, the drill passes into a complex of limestones with more or less shales interbedded at different horizons, the whole WAPELLO COUNTY. 605 attaining a tliickness of 300 to 375 feet. The lower 125 to 150 feet of tliis complex is described by one log as ''limestone/' as "caving rock" by a second, and as ''shale" by a tliird. The drill next encounters a sandy limestone from 75 to 125 feet thick. As at least some of the drillers seem to have had wide experience, and as they speak of the arenaceous dolomites of the Prairie du Chien group in the same terms it is quite probable that it is here a true arenaceous limestone rather than a hmestone which crushes under the drill into crystalline sand. All logs agree that this sandy limestone rests on a water-bearing sandstone from 75 to 100 feet thick, whose top may be reckoned at about 430 feet below sea level by an average of proba- bilities, although variously placed in the logs. Below tliis lies 100 feet of limestone from wliich the drill passes into 20 feet of green shale overlying a white sandstone 40 feet tliick whose summit stands at about 630 feet below sea level. Either the first or the second of these sandstones is the St. Peter, but which of the two it is must be left in doubt, although the question could be settled at once by inspection of cuttings if these had been preserved. Favoring the theory that the lower sandstone is the St. Peter is the fact that it is called a white sandstone and that it is over- lain by a shale definitely stated to be green. We seem to have here the association of the St. Peter sandstone and the green shale of the Platteville found in all near-by deep wells, as indeed it is found in almost all the deep wells of the State. The fact that no shale is reported overlying the upper sandstone favors tliis reference. The upper sandstone and the sandy limestone wliich rests upon it, then, fall to the Silurian and may be taken as the equivalent of the water- bearing Silurian sandstones found at Centerville and Washington and certified at these two stations by cuttings of the strata. Bearing against this reference is the thinness of the beds interven- ing between the two sandstones, which must represent the entire thickness of the Maquoketa, Galena, and Platteville. At Centerville these beds are about 290 feet thick, at Washington about 450, and at Pella upward of 500 feet tliick, and at Ottumwa the logs allow for them only about 120 feet. (See PI. X, p. 374.) The fact that the Maquoketa is absent from the section, as no shale underlies the upper sandstone, is not decisive, since it is also absent at Centerville, although present in force at points north and west of Ottumwa. If the upper sandstone is assumed to be the St. Peter, the shale reported in one well at from 137 to 307 feet below tide must be referred to the Maquoketa, but as tliis rests directly upon the "sandy limestone" and as less than 150 feet intervene between the shale and the sandstone the same difficulty recurs as to the thinning out of the Galena and Platteville. 606 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. If it be assumed that the lower of the two sandstones is the St. Peter, the drill at about 1,300 feet passes out of it into the Prairi-e du Chien group, with perhaps still lower terranes undistinguished from it with the evidence at hand, the whole formhig a complex of lime- stones, sandy limestones, and sandstones extending, according to the logs, to the bottom of the deepest well, 1,562 feet below sea level. The description of these strata as given in the Ottumwa well logs is altogether similar to that given of the Prairie du Chien wherever found. In a general way the Prairie du Chien at Ottumwa tallies with the beds below the St. Peter at Centerville. From 800 to 1,250 feet below sea level these beds are generous in their yield. The Ottumwa Iron Works well is 1,150 feet deep and 6 inches in diameter; casing to 600 feet packed with lead at bottom. The curb is 648 feet above sea level. The original head was 50 feet above curb; the present head is above curb. Water comes from 1,040 feet. Tem- perature, 62° F. The well was completed in 1888, at a cost of $3,000. This well has shown loss of pressure. It still overflows and is used to supply water-closets at the works. The lessened flow is attributed to defective packing and to the loss in the well of a smaller pipe that was being inserted. The sinking of other weUs has not affected the discharge. The strata penetrated are said to be mostly limestone to the water bed at 1,040 feet, and below that sandstone. The Artesian Well Co. weU No. 1 has a depth of 2,047 feet and a diameter of 8 inches; cased to 1,200 feet. The curb is about 648 feet above sea level. The original head was 108 feet above curb by pres- sure; the present head is 103 feet above curb. The original and present flow is about 700 gallons per minute. Water comes from 1,015 feet. The temperature is variously reported as 70° F. and 67° F. Date of completion, 1889. In 1904 the well was repaired by recasing to 30 feet below the curb, where a leakage was found to occur. Driller's log of Artesian Well Co. {well No. 1) at Ottumwa. Thick- ness. Depth. Loam Feet. 21 21 14 30 60 19 41 30 195 160 380 96 110 200 19 319 332 Feet. 21 Limestone 42 Shale 56 86 Limestone 146 Shale 165 Sa.nrlstnnfij flinty 206 Sandstone . . . . . 236 431 Shale 591 Limestone 971 1,067 Sandstone, white. , 1,177 1,377 Slate 1,396 Limestone . 1,715 2,047 WAPELLO COUNTY. 607 The Artesian Well Co. well No. 2 is 1 ,552 feet deep and 8 inches in diameter; cased to 1,200 feet; packed down 100 feet with concrete. The curb is about 648 feet above sea level and the head about 76 feet above curb. The flow is about 300 gallons a minute, the water com- ing from 1,250 feet. Temperature, 70° F. The well was completed in 1897 by J. F. Kearns, of Ottumwa. The Young Men's Christian Association building well is 800 feet deep. The curb is about 648 feet above sea level and the head, by pressure, 9 feet above curb. The flow is 33 gallons a minute; tem- perature, 65° F. The well is used to supply a swimming pool and baths. The packing house well No. 1 of John Morrell & Co. (Ltd.) has a depth of 1,110 feet. The curb is 643 feet above sea level. The first flow came in at 280 feet, and increased at 710 feet, the main flow being struck at 1,015 feet. The well was completed in 1888. It was reamed out in 1892 by the original drillers, J. P. MUler & Co., to a diameter of 12 inches to 19 feet, 8 inches to 518 feet, and 5f inches to bottom. The flow was then 800 gallons a mmute. The pumping capacity in 1908 was 207 gallons a minute. The head in 1895 was 35 feet above curb; in 1896, 32 feet above curb. The loss of flow was gradual and was attributed to fUhng with sediment. No repairs have been made since 1892. Driller's log of packing-house well No. 1 of John Morrell & Co., Ottumwa. Depth in feet. Surface 80 Slate 100 Slate and lime 110 Lime and sand 215 Solid lime 255 Water flowed 280 Lime 312 Lime and streaks of sand 330 Lime 360 Shale 440 Solid rock 625 Flow increased 710 Sandstone (water l:)earing) 1, 015 Sandstone 1, 100 Packing-house well No. 2 of John Morrell & Co. (Ltd.) has a depth of 1,554 feet and a diameter of 10 inches to 25 feet, 9f inches to 97 feet, 8 inches to 540 feet, 6 inches to 994 feet, 5 inches to 1,320 feet, and 4 inches to bottom; casing, from surface to 25 feet, from 437 to 540 feet, from 842 to 994 feet, from 1,244 to 1,320 feet. The curb is 643 feet above sea level. The original head was 57 feet above curb; the head in 1893, 49 feet above curb. The original flow was 608 UNDERGKOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. 1,000 gallons a minute, and the tested capacity in 1908, 214 gallons a minute. No repairs. Loss attributed to filKng with sediment. The water comes from 1,085 feet. Temperature, 64° F. The well was completed in 1892 by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. Driller's log of packing-house well No. 2 of John Morrell & Co., OttUTnwa. Thick- ness. Depth. Surface Limestone Shale Limestone Caving rock Sandy limestone Shale Limestone Caving rock Limestone Sandstone Limestone Sandstone Shale and sand.. Limestone Sandstone Sandv limestone Feet. 71 344 90 150 35 140 130 65 65 110 15 70 170 50 24 Feet. 17 25 96 440 530 680 715 855 985 1,050 1,115 1,225 1,240 1,310 1,480 1,530 1,554 Packing-house well No. 3 of John Morrell & Co. (Ltd.) has a depth of 1,702 feet and a diameter of 10 to 6f inches; casing, 8 inches from surface to 1,360 feet, later, 10 inches from surface to 76 feet; from 1,360 to 1,702 feet uncased. The curb is 643 feet above sea level and the original head was 50 feet above curb. The original flow was 1,500 gallons a minute; pumping capacity, in 1908, 244 gallons a min- ute. No repairs. Temperature 67° F. The well was completed in 1898 by J. P. Kearns, of Forrestville, N. Y. It was first bored to 1 ,702 feet with a diameter of 8 inches below 425 feet. As some trouble was experienced with caving rock at from 1,210 to 1,360 feet, and as the well yielded only 900 gallons a minute, it was reamed to 10 inches to a depth of 1,360 feet and an 8-inch pipe inserted to tliis depth, when the discharge was increased to 1,500 gallons a minute. Packing-house well No. 4 of John Morrell & Co. (Ltd.) has a depth of 2,205 feet and a diameter of 12 to 6| inches; casing to 1,310 feet, with hemp packer. The curb is 643 feet above sea level. The head, in 1905, was 46 feet above curb. The original flow was 1,450 gallons a minute; tested capacity in 1908,1,500 gallons a minute. A small flow came in at 1,190 feet; a flow of 1,100 gallons, tested, at 1,260 feet, and of 1,450 gallons, tested, at 1,896 feet; all rocks were water bearing between 1,451 and 1,896 feet; no increase at 2,205 feet. Temperature, 70° F. The well was completed in 1905 by J. P. Mller & Co., of Chicago. WAPELLO COUNTY, 609 Driller's log'^ of packing-house well No. 4 of John Morrell & Co., at Ottitmwa {PI. X, p. 374). Siu'face Small stone and rock Limestone and shale, mixed Shale and limestone ■ Limestone, solid Streaks of shale and stone Limestone Shale Sandy limestone Sandstone and limestone, small flow Water rock (1 ,100 gallons flow) I^imestone (water bear ng) Shale, green Sandstone, white Limestone, with streaks of shale Sandstone, white Limestone Sandstone Limestone Sand or sandy limestone Limestone with crevices Sandstone, white Limestone with streaks of sandstone Limestone Limestone, sandy Limestone Sandstone, white Limestone, sandy, with crevices Limestone Limestone, sandy, or hard sandstone Limestone Limestone, sandy, or hard sandstone Sandstone L mestone, hard Sandstone, with streaks of limestone Same as above, but thicker streaks (15 to 20 feet) Limestone, hard Limestone, sandy Feet. 22J 63J 334 205 35 50 60 170 125 115 50 20 16 38 11 5 25 10 58 28 34 58 22 57 10 33 15 65 45 45 15 27 19 129 73 62 30 15 Feet. 22^ 96 430 635 670 720 780 950 1,075 1,190 1,240 1,240 1,276 1,314 1,325 1,330 1,355 1,365 1,423 1,451 1,485 1,543 1,565 1,622 1,632 1,665 1,680 1,745 1,790 1,835 1,850 1,877 1,896 2,025 2,098 2,160 2,190 2,205 0- Log below 1,240 feet sent by driller to the Survey. Log above this depth supplied by the company, probably from the log of another driller. WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Wapello County: Typical wells of Wapello County. Owner. John Curtis James Harris George Stevens. . . C. H. Leander... Joe Johnson S. H. Lamis A. J. Gardiner. . . J. P. Hawthorne. G. F. Glass Location. 3 J miles east of 'Eddyville. 14 miles southwest 'of Kirkville. 2 miles northwest of Dudley. 3 miles north of Dudley. 24 miles south of "Eddyville. 2J miles east of Eddyville. 3J miles south of Eddyville. 2 miles south of Farson. 3 miles southeast of Eddyville. Depth. 165 177 205 185 120 80 220 217 75 Depth to rock. 91 9 20 40 16 25 55 100 25 Source of supply. Sandstone ("St. Louis"), do .do. .do. Sandstone (Des Moines?). Sandstone ("St. Louis"). Sandstone (Des Moines). do Sandstone ("St. Louis"). Head below curb. 100 125 Hemarks. Hard water. A good well. Good soft water. Good water. A blowing well. Hard water. " Sulphur taste." 36581°— wsp 293—12- -39 610 UNDEKGEOUND WATER EESOUKCES OF IOWA. WASHINGTON COUNTY. By W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. Washington County is situated in the third row of counties north of the Missouri hne and in the second west of Mississippi River. Its relief is due almost wholly to the dissection of an ancient plain of glacial drift molded by a continental glacier to a well-nigh flat and even surface. The rivers of the area have cut their valleys in this once continuous upland to depths of 175 feet and more. Bordering the larger streams the country is "broken" into a succession of ridges and closely spaced ravines. The interstream areas, however, are still largely uncarved by any sharp or well-marked channels and form tabular divides traversed by shallow swales that mark the beginnings of the tributary streams. The area may thus be divided into fiat uplands, called "prairies," and slopes, called "breaks" where somewhat rugged. Iowa River forms part of the eastern boundary of the county, but as it saps the right-hand valley bluffs its bottom lands lie outside the county limits. Skunk River flows over a wide alluvial floor. English River has developed a flood plain 1^ miles wide for nearly 6 miles from the western county line. GEOLOGY. Washington County lies wholly within the area of outcrop of the Mississippian series, of which the Kinderhook group, the Osage group, and the "St. Louis limestone" are exposed to view. The lowest group, the Kinderhook, includes heavy shales overlain by earthy magnesian limestones and gritstones, the total thickness being esti- mated at 200 feet. Upon the Kinderhook rests the Osage group, made up of massive coarsely crystalline limestones. In the southern and southwestern parts of the county the Osage is overlain by the "St. Louis limestone," consisting of limestones, shale, and sandstones. Some of the limestone is a breccia; that is, it is composed of angular fragments cemented together. Small isolated patches of coal meas- ures are also found in this county — outliers of the coal fields of the Des Moines group. (See Pis. X, XIV.) The Pleistocene of Washington County includes but two drift sheets. Immediately upon the country rock lies the Nebraskan drift sheet — a tough, hard, dark-blue stony clay, in many places con- taining small fragments of coal and bits of wood, and in some places at its base glacial gravels. Directly upon the Nebraskan or sepa- rated from it by stratified sands and gravels and in a few places by an old soil or forest beds — interglacial deposits known as the Aftonian — lies the Kansan drift sheet. Tliis stony clay is normally blue in color but is oxidized and turned yellow for a considerable distance below WASHINGTON COUNTY. 611 its surface. Upon the Kansan lies the loess — a thin, yellow, or gray gritless silt or dust deposit, which everywhere mantles the uplands of the county. The average depth of the Pleistocene over the county probably exceeds 100 feet. ~ UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE AND DISTRIBUTION. The water-bearing beds of Washington County consist of the allu- vial sands and gravels of the flood plains of the rivers, the glacial sands and gravels of the Pleistocene, and the limestones of the Mississippian. The first named are Hmited to portions of the valleys of Skunk and English rivers and their larger affluents. The second forms a province as wide as the entire county. The third, or Missis- sippian, also includes all the county with the exception of a deep buried river channel extending from northwest to southeast through the town of Washington, and hence designated the Washington channel. Along the line of this ancient river valley the limestones have been cut away to great depth and water is sought and found in glacial sands. On the flat uplands ground water stands high, and house weUs and wells adequate for small farms with little live stock may be obtained in many places within 50 feet of the surface. A soft gray silt, underlying the yellow loess and attaining in places a thickness of 15 feet, supplies many shallow wells. A second water bed, consisting of streaks of reddish sand and gravel varying in thickness from 2 to 3 feet up to 20 and even 30 feet underlies the yellow pebbly clay of the area. A portion of this sand is often cemented to "hardpan"; and a good roof of hardpan overlying water-bearing sand and gravel may be reckoned as distinct good fortune to the well maker. A third water bed is found in layers of reddish sand and gravel underlying the blue pebbly clay of the drift (either the Nebraskan or the unaltered Kansan) and resting on the country rock. This sand is said by driUers to be thin and seldom supplies water in adequate amount. Washington channel supplies many deep wells from its buried sands. In the town well of Washington a large amount of water was struck at 235 feet in these sands, and a number of farm wells tap them at depths exceeding 200 feet. The chief water beds of the county are those of the bedrock. The upper rock layers broken by preglacial weathering into spalls, caUed ''shelly rock" by drillers, constitute a waterway of much importance. The limestone of the Osage group, which is found immediately underlying the drift over the larger part of the county, yields copious 612 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECBS OF IOWA. supplies from porous layers and from seams separating massive beds. Some drillers report that the cherts and flinty beds interleaved with the limestones of the Osage are especially reliable as water carriers. Water-bearing crevices, where the drill drops a foot or more, are said not to be uncommon in this easily soluble limestone. Water may also be found in the "St. Louis limestone" which forms the country rock over the southwestern part of the county. The thick shales of the Kinderhook group wiU be found dry. When they are reached without obtaining a sufficient supply of water the question of going deeper should be carefully considered. If this is decided against, the well may be shot with nitroglycerin at the top of the shale, the well having been filled up to this height if the drilling has been continued below it. The well of Mr. L. Stout, in Brighton Township, reached a depth of 425 feet, having been sunk 215 feet in the Kinderhook. The well was then plugged at the top of the shale and shot with nitroglycerin, the flow being trebled in amount by the operation. In case tliis heroic treatment is not successful, the only course remaining is to abandon the drill hole and drill again in some other place, as torpedoing a well makes it impossible to sink it deeper. Some notes may be added as to conditions in different townships. In Brighton Township wells about Verdi are from 80 to 120 feet in depth and draw their water from a blue flinty limestone with some streaks of shale which may be referred to the Osage. In Marion Township a highly mineralized corrosive water is found in drift sands and gravels, rock not being reached. In West Franklin, Duck Creek, and Seventy Six townships weUs find the rock usually at about 100 feet, and obtain water in the ''shelly rock" immediately beneath the drift. In the latter township, however, a strip of "deep country" extends from the Keokuk County line for 5 or 6 miles on the north side of Crooked Creek and parallel with it. There rock is said to lie from 200 to 400 feet from the surface and most wells are "sand wells." CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Ainsworth: — At Ainsworth (population, 408) the waterworks are owned by the town. Distribution is made by compressed air under a pressure of 65 pounds. There are three-fourths of a mile of mains, 7 fire hydrants, and 60 taps. The capacity of the system is 12,000 gallons daily and the consumption is but 4,000 gallons. Washington. — The town of Washington (population, 4,489) draws its supply from deep wells. The consumption per diem is 200,000 gallons. The domestic pressure is 47 pounds and the fire pressure from 90 to 100 pounds. There are 9 miles of mains, 73 fire hydrants, and 600 taps. The waterworks are the property of the city. WASHINGTON COUNTY, 613 Record of strata of a well drilled in Washington previous to 1888 {PI. X, p. 374; PI. XIV, p. 548). a Pleistocene (350 feet thick; top, 738 feet above sea level): Sand, gravel, blue clay; forest bed with peaty naatter and in teet. cones of Abies nigra at 115 feet 115 Carboniferous (Mississippian): Ktnderhook group (108 feet thick; top, 388 feet above sea level) : Shales, dark; in part calcareous; samples to 432 Devonian (74 feet thick; top, 280 feet above sea level): Limestones and shales; at 458 feet, limestone light colored magnesian, with fragments of Atrypa reticularis Linn, and Athyris vittata Hall; samples to 500 Silurian (170 feet thick; top, 206 feet above sea level): ■ Sandstone; calciferous at 532 feet; purer at 585 feet; continu- ing to 632 Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (101 feet thick; top, 36 feet above sea level) — Shale; bluish or greenish, some with sand; some with calcareous matter ; samples continuing to 793 Galena and Platteville limestones (297 feet thick; top, 65 feet below sea level): Limestone, grayish; samples 803-963 Limestone and dark fine-grained, carbonaceous shale.. 1,020 Limestone; facies of Platteville 1, 059 Sandstone 1, 082 Shale, arenaceous 1, 084-1, 095 St. Peter sandstone (128 feet thick; top, 362 feet below sea level) : Sandstone, pure white, granular; resembling refined sugar; some drillings changed to reddish or brownish by atmosphere and moisture; samples from 1, 100-1, 200 Shale, bluish 1, 228 Prairie du Chien group: Shakopee dolomite (2 feet penetrated; top, 490 feet below sea level) : Sandstone, gray 1, 230 City well No. 1 has a depth of 1,611 feet and a diameter of 10 to 4| inches; casing, 10-inch to 244 feet, 6J-inch to 461 feet, 5|-inch from 563 to 818 feet, 4i-inch from 1,400 to 1,468 feet. The original head was 44 feet below curb; head in 1896, 54 feet below curb; head in 1907, 133 feet below curb. The well is now pumped with air lift; capacity, 95 gallons per minute. The temperature is variously reported as 72° and 74° F. The well was completed in 1891 by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. City well No. 2 (Pis. X, XIV) has a depth of 1,217 feet and a diame- ter of 12 to 6 inches. The head is 58 feet below curb. Water was found at 300 feet, but was cased out, the present supply coming from 1,105 feet; capacity, 62 gallons per minute. The well was completed in 1897 by O. G. Wilson. a Adapted from report by Calvin: Am. Geologist, vol. 1, 1888, pp. 28-31. 614 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. City well No. 3 has a depth of 1,808 feet; casing, 14 inches to 256 feet, 10 inches to 610 feet, and 8 inches to 1,470 feet. The curb is 738 feet above sea level; the initial head was 100 feet below the curb; head in 1911, 70 feet below curb. The capacity under com- pressed air is 300 gallons per minute. The water comes chiefly from 1,808 feet. The well was completed in 1908 by C. B. Brant, of Indianapolis, Ind., at a cost of $10,000. Water levels in Washington city well No. S while well was being drilled Geologic division. Depth. Head below curb. 500 563 1,215 1,365 1,670 1,808 200 Silurian . 120 110 95 83 St. Lawrence formation 80 Description of strata of city well No. 3 at Washington. Depth in feet. Quaternary (235 feet thick; top, 738 feet above sea level) 235 Carboniferous (Mississippian?): Sandstone, buff and reddish buff; microscopic angular grains; flint of same color 242 Carboniferous (Mississippian): Kinderhook gi'oup (198 feet thick; top, 503 feet above sea level) : Shale, light blue, plastic, gritless 265 Shale, hard, brownish drab, fissile 360 Shale, hard, green gray, calcareous; in rounded chips; washed 385 Devonian (101 feet thick; top, 305 feet above sea level). Silurian (29 feet thick; top, 204 feet above sea level): Dolomite, light buff; siliceous, with microscopic quartzose particles, and cherty, with white calciferous sandstone; grains fine, imperfectly rounded; chips show microscopic quartz crystals 534 Dolomite, dark drab mottled; light-gray, pyritiferous, slightly quartzose residue ; with white chert ; some quartz , as above . . 563 Ordovician : Maquoketa shale (147 feet thick; top, 175 feet above sea level): Shale, light gi'een, plastic; noncalcareous; in molded masses 563 Shale, drab, hard noncalcareous 615 Shale, green, hard, noncalcareous 620 Galena dolomite to Platteville limestone (398 feet thick; top, 28 feet above sea level): Dolomite, dark brown, granular crystalline, argilla- ceous, of Galena facies; and yellow, earthy; 3 samples 710-790 Limestone, light gray; rapid effervescence; cherty; 7 samples 900-980 Limestone, light drab and yellow-gray; with brown, and highly inflammable shale 1, 030 WASHINGTON COUNTY. 615 ( )rdovician — Continued. Galena dolomite to Platteville limestone (398 feet thick; top, 28 feet above sea level) — Continued. Shale; as above; with light brown and gray lime- I'epth in feet. stone 1, 037 Shale ; hard green ; and limestone as above ] , 043 Limestone, light yellow-gray and brown; rapid effervescence; 4 samples 1, 050-1, 085 Dolomite, brown, hard, crystalline Shale, hard, green, fissile; and sandstone; white rolled noncalcareous grains; larger grains about 0.8 millimeter diameter (in log of earlier well this horizon is given as sandstone 2 feet, arena- ceous shale 16 feet) 1, 090 St. Peter sandstone (103 feet thick; top, 370 feet below \ sea level): Sandstone, white; well rounded grains, larger up to 1 millimeter diameter; 2 samples 1, 115-1, 117 Sandstone, fine; grains imperfectly rounded, rusted, native color, white; 7 samples 1, 150-1, 208 Prau'ie du Chien group: Shakopee dolomite (142 feet thick; top, 473 feet below sea level): Shale, light green; in hard molded masses; some quartz sand 1, 211 Dolomite, gray, cherty; some oolitic, highly arenaceous chert; drillings largely sand; grains reach 1 millimeter in diameter; 2 samples '. 1, 215-1, 230 Dolomite, light yellow-gray, crystalline; con- siderable quartz sand and green shale 1, 235 Dolomite, gray-bui^, arenaceous; some chips show embedded grains 1, 250 Dolomite, light gi'ay, arenaceous; some em- bedded grains; some sand 1, 280 Sandstone; as at 1,165 feet; sample misplaced. 1, 310 Dolomite, light drab, arenaceous; some sand and embedded grains 1, 320 New Richmond sandstone (27 feet thick; top, 615 feet below sea level) : Sandstone, white; grains imperfectly rounded, secondary enlargements; larger grains of 0.8 millimeter diameter 1, 360 Dolomite, pink; considerable quartz sand in drillings 1, 370 Sandstone; as at 1,360 feet; cherty; some oolitic chert 1, 380 Oneota dolomite (210 feet thick; top, 642 feet below sea level) : Dolomite, pink, and buff; a large part of drill- ings quartz sand 1, 390 Dolomite, light gray-buff 1, 415 Chert, white; in large chips, some oolitic; 2 samples 1, 420-1, 425 Dolomite, light gray, clean of sand; and whitish, pink, and brown; with siliceous oolite in places; 2 samples 1, 445-1, 590 616 UNDERGBOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA, Cambrian: Jordan sandstone (150 feet thick; top, 852 feet below sea level) : Sandstone, white, fine; grains imperfectly rounded; Depth in feet. 2 samples 1, 595-1, 600 Sandstone, white; larger grains reach 1 and 1.2 millimeters diameter 1, 612 Sandstone, fine, white 1, 620 Sandstone, white, hard; in chips and detached grains; secondary enlargements; 2 samples 1, 625-1, 650 Dolomite, gray; much sand 1, 670 Sandstone, white, fine 1, 705 Sandstone, as above, and light-gray dolomite 1, 730 St. Lawrence formation (68 feet penetrated; top, 1,002 feet below sea level): Dolomite, light gray and whitish; drusy pyrite at 1,745; 2 samples 1, 745-1, 770 Dolomite, light pink 1, 808 Driller's log of city well No. 3 at Washington. Thick- ness. Depth. Subsoil, white and blue clay Quicksand Clay, blue Quicksand Clay, blue Quicksand Shale, white Shale, brown Shale, blue Limestone, brown Limestone, gray Limestone, brown Limestone, giay Shale, blue. ..." Shale, brown Shale, blue Shale, brown, sandy Shale, blue Limestone, brown, shelly Limestone, brown, hard Limestone, gray Limestone, brown, hard Limestone, gray Limestone, blue, and sandstone Sandstone, white, hard Shale, blue Limestone, red, shelly, hard Limestone, gray, hard Sandstone, white, soft Limestone, red Sandstone, white, soft Limestone, gray Limestone, gray, soft Limestone, white, hard Sandstone, white, soft Limestone, gray, hard Sandstone, white, soft Limestone, gray, hard J^imestone, pink, hard Feet. 65 5 35 12 118 7 118 25 50 40 62 7 29 42 35 28 27 10 228 22 40 18 103 4 15 123 12 10 5 20 80 110 80 30 40 63 5 Feet. 65 70 105 117 235 242 360 385 435 475 527 534 563 605 620 700 735 763 790 800 1,028 1,050 1,090 1,108 1,211 1,215 1,230 1,353 1,365 1,375 1,380 1,400 1,480 1,590 1,670 1,700 1,740 1,803 1,808 Wellman. — The public supply of Wellman (population, 724) is drawn from eight 3-inch wells 70 feet deep, located 50 feet apart and joined to a single steam pump. Their combined yield more than equals the capacity of the pump— 225 gallons per minute. The two best wells yield 149 gallons per minute and one of these alone can supply WASHINGTOlsr COUNTY, 617 80 gallons. The wells are situated about 10 feet above the level of Smith Creek and head 4 inches below the curb. Rock was here reached at 30 feet from the surface. Water is distributed from a tank, whose capacity is 3,500 barrels, through more than a mile of mains. There are 12 fire hydrants and 54 taps. The domestic pressure is 60 pounds and the fire pressure 100 pounds. The daily consumption is 6,500 gallons. The works are the property of the town. Minor supplies. — The water suppHes of minor villages are described in the following table : Minor village supplies in Washington County. \ Town. Nature of supply. Depth. Depth to water bed. Depth to rock. Head above or below curb. Shallow wells. Deep wells. Crawfordsville Dug, bored, and drilled wells Feet. 15-140 20-150 20- 62 30-190 18- 55 18- 50 Feet. "'"ioo" Feet. 60-100 55 Feet. -10 - 6 Feet. -20 Wells + 6 Rubio .. Driven, bored, and drilled wells. . 50 25 35 -20 -35 -10 -30 to —60 West Chester -30 WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Washington County : Typical wells in Washington County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Remarks. T. 77 N., R. 9 W. (part of Lime Creek). George G. Sigler Carris SW. i NW. i sec. 25. NW. isec.32 IJ miles south of Nira. 1 mile south of Nira Northeast of Eeota do Feet. 92 168 180 90 Feet. 78 140 179 89 100 125 Limestone. . Sandstone... Valley. Diameter, 2J inches. Water also in sand at 60 feet; discharge J gallon per minute. Heads 2 feet above curb. Ends in shale. Creek bottom. Flowing well; T. 76 N., R. 9 W. (Seventy Six). 0. K. Stoutner now failing. SE.isec. 18 SW. isee. 17 Sec. 19 450 450 551 136 113 270 130 " Depth of drift, 450 feet. " Tallman Do. P. H. Tallman Joint and dark brown clay, 60; SW.Jsec.34 SE.isec. 35 SE.isec.27 NE.isec.27 100 100 170 114 sand, 10; clay, 70; rock, h; clay, yellow and brown, and changeable, mixed with some gravel, 60; shale light gray, gritless, with a bed of bluish rock 30 feet thick, and bed of rock in the middle, 250; sul- phur, very hard, 4; rock, softer, to 551 feet, where water was struck; water salty and laxa- tive. D. Monroe.. D. Fisher Limestone . . do Heads 70 feet below curb. D. Fisher Same level as preceding well. Heads 30 feet below curb. 618 TJNDEEGKOUND WATER EESOUKCES OF IOWA. Typical ivells in Washington County — Continued. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to roplc. Source of supply. Remarks. T. 76 N., R. 9 W. (Seventy Six)— Continued. 2i miles southwest "of Lexington. Feet. 330 130 1.30 90 160 100 140 220 Feet. No rock except a shell of soap- stone at 100. No water. William Hamilton. 100 105 75 120 100 Limestone . . Charles Kreger A. S. Tuft NW.i-sec.Sl SW.J-sec.SO SW. Jsec. 5 2 miles southwest of Lexington. S Isec. 12 William Stoutner... Limestone . . Plenty of water in shell roek. T. 75 N., R. 9 W. (PART OF Dutch Creek). Curtis Wells James Brinntng NW. isee.35 NE. J sec. 32 130 ,T. W. Augustine W. Horning B. Engle Drift, 110. About 2 miles southwest of Grace Hill. About 1 mile southwest of Grace Hill. Sec. 13 230 130 80 100 220 '"'ioi' Drift; limestone; shale; lime- stone. Heads 90 feet below curb. T. 76 N., R. 8 W. (Cedar; part of Franklin). D. Monroe NW.isec.31 NE.isec.31 SW. isec.6 90 102 Gravel McCurdy T. 75 N., R. 8 W. (parts of Frank- lin AND Wash- ington). Charles Guy Drift, 190. Alexander Houk 3 miles west of Washington. See. 7 236 425 150 313 110 T. 75 N., R. 7 W. (PART OF Wash- ington). County poor farm.. John Graham Wood and seeds at 236, below IJ miles east of Washington. Sec. 22 Sec. 6 250 20 125 50 113 37 160 blue clay. T. 74 N., R. 8 W. (Brighton; part OF Marion). L. Stout Limestone . . Sand and gravel. Sand Foot of bluff, Skunk River bot- T. 74 N., R. 7 W. (PART OF Ma- rion). William Hamilton. . toms; clay, 20; limestone, 190; shale, 215. Upland. Red clay, 30; bastard T. 70 N., R. 7 W. (Jackson). George Foster Sec. 23 shale, a blue clay with few if any pebbles, 100; sand and gravel, 20. Ends in sand under 200 feet of See. 26 soft blue clay. Same altitude and place as pre- T. 75 N., R. 6 W. (Oregon). ceding. 20 feet above railway station. 2 miles south of Ainsworth. Richland 168 240 T. 74 N., R. 9 W. (Clay; part of Dutch Creek). John Fleig Limestone. . Water in rock at 165. Heads, Henry Lewers NW.Jsec.3 120 feet below curb. Heads 100 feet below curb. CHAPTER XI. NORTH-CENTRAL DISTRICT. INTRODUCTION. By W. H. Norton. The north-central district comprises the 11 counties of Butler, Cerro Gordo, Floyd, Franklin, Hancock, Humboldt, Kossuth, IMitchell, Winnebago, Worth, and Wright. The predominant dip of the Paleozoic strata is southward. (See PI. VII, p. 272.) In the northern part of the area the strata dip gently toward the east, the axis of the trough lying apparently in Floyd County. In Floyd and Butler counties a strong southwestward dip is evident. The gradient of the St. Peter southwest from Osage to Fort Dodge is about 9.5 feet per mile and from Mason City south to Hampton is nearly 20 feet per mile. The rocks immediately underlying the drift in JVIitchell, Worth, and Floyd and most of Butler and Cerro Gordo counties are Devo- nian; in the remainder of the area, except in western Kossuth County, where Cretaceous formations appear, the rocks are Mississippian. The geologic and artesian conditions in the eastern half of the area are fairly well known through the records of wells at Osage (PI. VII, p. 272), Charles City, Mason City (PI. V, p. 238), and Hampton; but in the western half the only well reaching the Paleozoic sandstones is that at Algona, of which practically nothing is known. The Paleozoic rocks thin rapidly toward the west and north, and some of the formations probably disappear. Thus, at Ermnetsburg, a few miles beyond the western boundary of the area, from the bottom of the Cretaceous to the top of a rock called granite by the drillers, is but 632 feet. (See PL XVI, p. 672.) If the Algonkian or Archean rocks were really reached at this depth, the entire Paleozoic is here comprised within little more than 600 feet, though at Des Moines it exceeds 3,000 feet; if the bottom of the well is in dolomite, as the drillings indicate, and this belongs to the Prairie du Chien group, the same narrow hmit is set to a body of rock which in eastern and central Iowa ranges in thickness from 1,700 to 2,000 feet. Pennsylvanian rocks appear only in a few townships of Humboldt County. The Niagara is probably present only in greatly attenuated 619 620 UNDEEGKOUIsrD WATEE RESOURCES OF IOWA. beds, and the Devonian may thin out before it reaches Kossuth County. The Maquoketa may persist throughout the area, and the Galena and Platteville probably underlie it all, although they seem to become increasingly shaly toward the west. If the deeper sand- stones have been correctly correlated, the St. Peter maintains a thickness of about 100 feet to the extreme northern and western boundaries of the area — a fact of prime importance in the matter of artesian supphes. In the eastern counties the divisions of the Prairie du Chien group are well marked, and the Jordan, St. Lawrence, and Dresbach formations are also distinguishable. In the south- western counties the dolomites of the Prairie du Chien group may become increasingly arenaceous and give place in part to sandstones. If the ^Minnesota well records are correctly interpreted, the St. Peter sandstone should be found in the northern tier of counties at about 600 feet above sea level, and in the southern tier, along the south line of Wright and Franklin counties, at about 300 feet below sea level. Thus, it is so near the surface that its waters, together with those of the limestones and sandstones immediately below, can be exploited at no very great expense over the entire area with fair chances of success. Wells carried 400 or 500 feet below the base of the St. Peter will in most places tap the water beds of the Prairie du Chien and Jordan or their western equivalents, and should reach the shales of the St. Lawrence formation. It will hardly be advisable to drill through these shales to the Dresbach sandstone. The red clastic beds (Algonkian ?) found in Minnesota may occur also in this area, but as these beds yield Httle water their exploitation is hardly more warranted than is that of granite or quartzite. The artesian waters of this area are of high grade. (See pp. 139- 141, 145-147.) BUTLER COUNTY. By M. F. Arey. TOPOGRAPHY. In Butler County the soil is everywhere fertile and tillable and agriculture is the principal occupation. There is no large city in this county, but there are eight or nine towns and villages, with population ranging from 400 to about 1,150. With two exceptions, Alhson and Bristow, which are on the prairie level, the towns are in the valleys of the principal streams. The area is crossed from the north and west by three tributaries of Cedar River. Shell Rock River traverses the northeast corner for a distance of 20 miles or more, its drainage area comprising about three-eighths of the county. West Fork of Cedar, draining an equal area, flows in a somewhat more easterly course through the south- BUTLER COUNTY. 621 central part of the county for more than 30 miles. The rest of the county, embracing principally the south row of townships, is drained to Beaver Creek. These streams and their larger tributaries, with two or three minor exceptions, have broad flood plains of alluvium, which constitute fully one-tliird of the area of the county. Between West Fork of Cedar and the Beaver is a ridge of Kansan drift, which begins in the southern part of Madison Township (T. 91 N., R. 18 W.) and the northern part of Washington Township (T. 90 N., R. 18 W.), and extends to nearly the central part of Mon- roe Township (T. 90 N., R. 17 W.). Another ridge begins in the west-central part of Albion Township (T. 90 N., R. 16 W.) and extends east on through Beaver Township (T. 90 N., R. 15 W.), reaching its maximum height about 80 feet above the valley of the Beaver, not far from New Hartford. There is also a beautiful clus- ter of wood-crowned hills of Kansan drift in sees. 26, 27, and 35, Madison Township. The lowan drift plain is 10 to 15 feet above the valleys of the smaller streams and 30 to 40 feet above the valleys of the larger streams. The natural drainage is better developed than in most counties where lowan drift prevails. GEOLOGY. Throughout the northern and eastern portions of the county, com- prising three-fourths of its area, the drift rests on the Cedar Valley hmestone of the Middle Devonian series (PL VII, p. 272) ; in nearly three-fourths of the remainder it lies on the Lime Creek shale of the Upper Devonian; in scarcely more than one township in the south- west corner is it shown by outcrops to rest on the Kinderhook group of the Mississippian series. The Cedar VaUey Hmestone in this county shows at the top a layer characterized by thin plates with conchoidal surfaces. Predomi- nantly and characteristically, however, it consists of an inferior hth- ographic rock which is much jointed, shows numerous thin clay part- ings, and usually yields no water. At the base of the hthographic layers is a soft, earthy limestone which shows water-worn channels of considerable size. The outcrops of the Lime Creek shale, so far as observed in the county, belong chiefly to its upper beds, described by Calvin as the Owen substage,^ the lower part (Hackberry substage of Calvin) being seen in but one locahty. The upper beds in the main are readily pervious to water, as are the sandstone and much-jointed limestone of the Kinderhook group. lArm. Rept. Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 1, 1897, pp. 162-166. 622 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA, UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. Water is obtained from the Buchanan gravel, from the sandstone of the Kinderhook group, from the base of the upper division of the Lime Creek shale (Owen substage of Calvin), from the shelly rock layers of the Cedar Valley limestone, and from the earthy limestone just below the lithographic beds of the Cedar Valley limestone. DISTRIBUTION. In the part of the county northeast of the valley of the Shell Rock, and including all of Fremont and the northeast halves of But- ler and Dayton townships, the drift is everywhere thin and rock reaches the surface in many places. Several kettle holes and small ponds occur along the northern border. Little trustworthy informa- tion concerning the wells of this district could be obtained, but a drilled well in the north half of Fremont (sec. 22, T. 93 N., R. 1 5 W.), which was completed in 1904, is beheved to be typical. The well is 5 inches in diameter and 87 feet deep and ends in soft limestone underlying the lithographic beds. The water is medium hard and plentiful. Log of well in Fremont Township. Material. Soil and drift (lowan), followed by gravel (Buchanan) Clay, yellow, and shelly stone Lirnestone (Cedar Valley); some clay partings In the valley of Shell Rock River, a tract about 20 miles long and 2 to 3 miles wide, the wells range in depth from 10 to 30 feet, are dug or driven, and obtain an abundance of good water in the Buchanan gravel, which everywhere a.nd to an unusual depth underhes the alluvium. The towns of Greene, Clarksville, and Shell Rock are in this district. Part of Greene is on an elevated bench where the wells are about 50 feet deep, but the wells in the plain have an average depth of 25 feet and are mostly driven. Greene has a public well located one-haK mile north of the railroad station, on top of a gravel ridge 30 feet or more above the river plain; this well is wholly in sand and gravel and is 25 feet deep; water stands in it constantly to a depth of 10 or 12 feet. At ClarksviUe many wells enter the shelly rock about 5 feet, although many stop in the gravel. At Shell Rock, at a point where rock is found in the river bod, wells are drilled to a depth of 50 to 80 feet, 50 to 60 feet being in rock. The water is hard as compared with that in the driven wells BUTLEE COUNTY. 623 in the southeast part of the town, which are 20 to 30 feet deep. The water is of excellent quality. In the northeastern part of the elevated lowan plain lying between the Shell Rock and West Fork of Cedar the drift is thin, but in the southwestern part it ranges from 100 to 200 feet. The wells on this upland range in depth from 65 to 207 feet. The shallower wells end in drift, the deeper penetrate rock to distances ranging from 15 to 140 feet. In West Point Township (sec. 32, T. 92 N., R. 17 W.) a well 200 feet deep is 40 feet in rock; water is plentiful but hard. Most wells in tliis vicinity are 160 to 180 feet deep. In east half of sec. 22, same township, a weU 80 feet deep wholly in drift, yields good water in abundance. In Bennezette Township, in the NE. i sec. 19, T. 93 N., R. 18 W., is a well 207 feet deep. The owner reported 60 feet of drift, 39 feet of loose rock, and bottom of well in solid rock. The loose rock is believed to belong to the upper division of the Lime Creek shale. The owner reports a little water in this material. A part of the material below this is believed to belong to the lower division of the Lime Creek shale, the well ending in Cedar Valley limestone. Another well one-half mile south gives good water at a depth of 189 feet. Another a mile north is but 75 feet deep. In Pittsford Township, in the NE. i sec. 5, T. 92 N., R. 18 W., is a well 106 feet deep, the lowest 6 feet in loose rock, believed to be the Cedar Valley limestone. At Dumont driven wells find water at 15 to 50 feet. Rock occurs at 60 feet in the town, but on a hill to the north the drift is 95 feet deep. On the alluvial plain of West Fork of Cedar River is a tract 2 to 3|- or 4 miles wide and about 30 miles long, on which water is obtained by driven or dug wells ranging in depth from 10 to 30 feet, the differences being due largely to the great thickness of the Buchanan gravel, any part of which ordinarily yields water. The western end of the upland region between the plain of the West Fork of Cedar and that of Beaver Creek is wide and is more varied in elevation and character than are other parts of the county. This district narrows toward the east until it is occupied almost exclusively by the Kansan morainic hills. Accurate data for wells in the western part were not generally obtained, but it is reported that most wells in this region are shallow and end in gravel. Two miles north of Austinville, in sec. 10, T. 90 N., R. 18 W., a well 40 feet deep, 3 feet in limestone of the Kinderhook group, yields a plentiful supply of hard water. A broad valley of a tributary of the Beaver shares with the latter the most of the northern area of Monroe Township (T. 90 N., R. 17 W.) in which the wells are all driven and shallow. 624 UNDEKGKOUND WATER KESOUECES OF IOWA. In the eastern third of tliis district the ridge of loess-crowned Kansan drift hills dominates the topography almost wholly. Wells in tliis area range in depth from 55 to 190 feet and most of them end in gravel. Near the center of sec. 27, Beaver Townsliip, a drilled well, 101 feet deep, penetrates rock to an unknown extent. In the NW. | sec. 27 a drilled well on top of a hill 70 feet above the creek valley is 190 feet deep and obtains a plentiful supply of water in gravel beneath blue clay. In sec. 15 a drilled well 122 feet deep passes 10 feet into limestone. The alluvial plain of Beaver Creek is narrower than the other valley plains but is in other respects similar, except that in the first 2 or 3 miles of the course of the creek through the southwest corner of the county it is much constricted by steep stony bluffs which are held up by limestone of the Kinderhook group. Most of the wells in this valley are driven to depths of 10 to 16 feet. The deeper gravels are more heavily stained with iron and give to the water a taste so disagreeable that many prefer the shallower wells. New Hart- ford, Parkersburg, Aplington, and AustinviUe, towns on the Illinois Central Railroad, are situated wholly or in part in this valley, and obtain their water supply largely from the gravels just below the alluvium. In the narrow strip of upland south of Beaver Creek water is obtained by drilled or driven wells. In the southeast part of Parkersburg, at an elevation of 30 or 40 feet above the railroad station, a well 142 feet deep ends in gravel just above the rock. In South Parkersburg a drilled well gives the following section : Section of drilled well in South Parkersburg. Thick- ness. Depth. Drift Limestone; water bearing, but not suilicicntly so Soapstone; described by driller as a greasy, solid clay. Limestone; iirm; water plentiful, good, but hard Feet. 142 28 87 5 Feet. 142 170 257 262 No rock outcrops in this vicinity. The nearest exposure is a limestone belonging to the upper division of the Lime Creek shale (Owen substage of Calvin), 3 miles northeast. It is believed that the limestone above the "soapstone" belongs to this upper division and that the "soapstone" belongs to the lower division of the Lime Creek shale (Hackberry substage of Calvin). The limestone in which the well ends must be the Cedar VaUey limestone. BUTLER COUISTTY. 625 Three miles due west of Parkersburg a drilled well is 65 feet deep, the last 5 feet being in rock, undoubtedly the upper division of the Lime Creek shale. In the east half of sec. 32, Washington Township, a drilled well 30 feet deep is 14 feet in rock. This well is in the Kinderhook area and the surface is at least 40 feet above the creek level. The water is somewhat iron tainted. The nature of the rock could not be ascer- tained. SPRINGS, Small springs are not uncommon in some portions of the county, many having their source in the drift and issuing from slopes where the interglacial gravels or sands chance to be exposed. A few springs issue from limestone or sandstone beds, exposed by stream erosion. Such a spring is in the SE. J sec. 11, Pittsford Township, near a quarry in the Cedar Valley limestone. Another is near the center of sec. 31, Washington Township. The rock is limestone of the Kinder- hook group. Yet another spring is in the SW. | sec. 28 of the same township. The rock is sandstone of the Kinderhook group. Springs of the type first mentioned are in the SW. J sec. 29, Fremont Town- ship, and in the NE. I sec. 11 and the SW. | sec. 15, West Point To^vnsllip. Several springs in Shell Rock Township afford water for the stock in the pastures. A. Best,, of Clarksville, obtains a good supply of excellent water from a hillside spring piped to his buildings. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Allison. — ^Allison (population, 495) pumps its supply by gas engine from an 8-inch well drilled to 180 feet, reacliing rock at 40 feet. The water bed is limestone. The well was completed in 1899. A deep well would probably reach the St. Peter sandstone at 1,000 feet (50 feet below sea level), and a well 1,100 feet deep should give a supply ample for the town. Greene. — Greene (population, 1,150) pumps by steam from a dug well 20 feet in diameter and 25 feet deep, all in sand and gravel. The well is walled with limestone. The head is 10 feet below the curb and does not lower on pumping. The well was completed in 1900. New Hartford. — New Hartford (population, 482) obtains a supply by windmill from a driven well 2 J inches in diameter and 28 feet deep, wholly in gravel. The curb is on a slope 10 feet above the river. The well was completed in 1896. Shell Rock. — The town of Shell Rock (population, 741) obtains its supply from a dug well 10 feet in diameter and 15 feet deep, 5 of which is in limestone. A force pump run by water power is used. The water is used for washing and for stock. There are 35 taps. 36581°— wsp 293—12 40 626 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. The curb of the well is 10 feet above the river level. It was com- pleted in 1900. WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Butler County: Typical wells of Butler County. Owner. Location. Date of comple- tion. Elevation of curb. Diameter. Depth. E. IT. Stewart Chicago Great Western Railway. Private Electric Light, Heat & Power Co. Bristol; on lowan drift plain. . do Dumont; on alluvial plain. Parkersburg; in valley 1906 1906 Feet. Inches. 5 10 Feet. 10 feet below rail- way station. 122 300 15-50 90 Owner. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Casing. Head below curb. Pumped by— Use. R. H. Stewart Feet. 48J 40' Limestone Feet. 48.5 Feet. 52 Hand . . Chicago Great >Vestem Railway. Private Electric Light, Heat & Power Co. 14 Limestone 20 76 Steam; Bell pump; lowers slightly. General; 120 taps. CERRO GORDO COUNTY. By O. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. Cerro Gordo County is divisible into two distinct topographic provinces. An area nearly coextensive with the western tier of townsliips shows a thick deposit of Wisconsin drift, typical morainic topography, poor drainage, and numerous lakes, ponds, and swamps; the rest of the county shows a much thinner layer of drift (lowan) and a smoother topography. The drainage system in the lowan area is, however, well developed, many of the streams havmg cut into the bedrock. The formations exposed in the county ^ include glacial drift (Wis- consin and older), Mississippian limestone, and Devonian strata consisting of limestone at the top, shale in the middle, and limestone at the base. The rock formations dip gently to the southwest; hence, if the drift were removed, they would outcrop in parallel bands crossing the county with a northwest-southeast trend. Thus the Devonian shale lies next below the drift in a belt that extends 1 Calvin, Samuel, Geology of Cerro Gordo County: Ann. Rept. Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 7, 1897, pp. 144 et seq. CEREO GOEDO COUNTY, 627 through Mason City (PI. V, p. 238) ; toward the southwest it passes beneath younger strata of limestone, and farther northeast it is absent and the underlying older Devonian strata are found immedi- ately below the drift. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. Water is obtained from the glacial drift, the limestone above the Devonian shale, the limestone immediately below the shale, and deeper limestone and sandstone formations. The Wisconsin drift is so imperfectly drained that where it occurs the ground-water table is near the surface and nearly all the porous beds are saturated. Many of the wells are very shallow, but some draw from beds of sand and gravel at greater depths. Where the Wisconsin drift sheet is absent (PL III) , the drift is too thin and well drained to be a reliable aquifer. In the western part of the county, the limestones above the Devonian shale will furnish large supplies, but farther northeast, where the shale is near the surface, these limestones fail as a source of water, and the Devonian limestone that lies stratigraphically below the shale constitutes the most important water bearer. In the western tier of townships dug and bored wells are common but there are also numerous drilled wells, which either end in drift or enter rock. Elsewhere in the county drilled wells are the dom- inant type, and several have been sunk to considerable depths. HEAD. Water from the Galena dolomite and the St. Peter sandstone rises at Mason City to a little over 1,100 feet above the sea, which is slightly above river level, but at that place is about 140 feet below Clear Lake, 130 feet below Burchmal, and 90 feet below Thornton. Drilling by the municipality a.nd by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- way at Mason City seems to show that the water in the still deeper sandstones is under less head. In the west, the water from the limestone immediately underlying the drift will probably rise considerably higher than 1,100 feet above sea level, but if a deep well were drilled the head would probably be lowered as greater depths would be reached. In the relatively low area at the east base of the high morainic belt, the water from drift and from the limestone below the drift is under good pressure and wdl flow in certain tracts, as along West Fork of Beaver Creek. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Clear Lake. — At Clear Lake (population 2,014) about one-half of the residents depend on the city waterworks, the supply for which is taken from the lake; the rest use private wells, most of which are 628 UNDERGROUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. shallow and end in drift. The distribution system consists of a standpipe, more than 3 miles of mains, 35 fire hydrants, and about 140 taps. The average daily consumption is estimated at 60,000 gallons. Dougherty.— The railway well at Dougherty (population, 171) ia 417 feet deep and ends in shale which probably is the Maquoketa, It is reported to have been pumped at 90 gallons a minute and to have a normal water level of 135 feet below the surface. Emery. — The well at Emery, owned by the electric railway company, was drilled into shale, but gets its supply from higher horizons. In this well the water stands only 5 feet below the surface and the yield is large. Section of electric railway xvell at Emery. Thick- ness. Depth. Drift Limestone Sandy transition bed Shale (entered) , Feet. Feet. Mason City. — The public supply in Mason City (population, 1 1,230) is furnished by flowing wells that discharge into 2 large underground reservoirs. City well No. 1, which was drilled in 1892 by Henry F. Miller, of Chicago, is 1,350 feet deep and 8 inches in diameter. The elevation of the curb is 1,077 feet above sea level, water level at curb. The water beds are variously reported at 426 and at 537 feet above sea level. As the supply at 426 feet above sea level was far from sufficient, drilling was continued to 1,350 feet, where the drill encountered a crevice in the St. Lawrence formation and the flow was lost. The well was then plugged at 651 feet. City wells Nos. 2, 3, and 4 are 651 feet deep and 5 inches in diameter. The curb is 1,077 feet above sea level and the water level is at curb. Water is obtained at a depth of about 600 feet in a porous limestone, said to be 40 inches thick, lying above the Decorah shale. The tem- perature of the water is 49° F. City wells Nos. 5 and 6, located about 500 feet from the reservoir, are 616 feet deep and 10 inches in diameter, and are cased to a depth of 50 feet. Normally the water flows above surface, but is lowered 80 feet by pumping. City wells Nos. 2, 3, and 4 were drUled in 1892 at the corners of a parallelogram 60 feet long and 40 feet wide, the other corner being occupied by city well No. 1. This space, excavated in rock to the depth of 16 feet, forms the reservoir into which the wells discharge. The natural flow of wells 1 to 4 combined was 60 gallons a minute. CERRO GORDO COUNTY. 629 In 1894 the wells were cased and an air lift was installed, 200 feet below the surface, increasing the discharge to 150 gallons a minute, from the four wells. All six wells still flow and furnish under com- pressed air an average of 400,000 gallons a day with a maximum of 650,000 gallons. The water is pumped from the reservoir directly into the mains, the combined capacity of the three pumps being 2,100 gallons a minute. There are 15J miles of mains, 108 fire hydrants, and about 1,000 taps. Approximately one-half of the people are supplied froin the city waterworks; the other half depend on private wells, most of which are drilled only a short distance into rock and furnish only small amounts of water. Record of strata in Mason City waterworks well No. 6. Thick- ness. Depth. Devonian and Silurian (?): Dolomite, light yellow-gray , subcrystalline; in sand Dolomite, brown, crystalline; in small chips Limestone, blue-gray, rapid effervescence; crystalline; much yellow-gray flint Dolomite, brown, crystalline; considerable calcite Limestone, light gray and blue mottled; rather slow effervescence; some brown dolomite Limestone, brown; rather slow effervescence; considerable calcite Dolomite, light gray, crystalline, vesicular, fossiliferous Limestone, blue-gray, crystalline; of rapid effervescence; and dolomite, light yel- low, hard, in small chips and sand Dolomite, crystalline, brown; 2 samples '. Ordovician: Maquoketa shale — Limestone, brown; of rapid effervescence; dark-brown inflammable shale; and blue-gray limestone of rather slow effervescence Shale, medium dark blue-gray, highly calcareous; in large chips Limestone, blue-gray, argUlaceous; rather slow effervescence; some brown dolomite Limestone, medium dark blue-gray, argillaceous; in fine chips; 2 samples Shale, medium dark blue-gray, highly calcareous; in chips; 2 samples Galena dolomite to Platteville limestone — Limestone, light gray and whitish, dense, fine-grained; rapid effervescence; in large flakes Dolomite, gray, crystalline; chips of drab clay shale Dolomite, dark brown, vesicular, cherty; 2 samples Chert and dark-gray dolomite Limestone, as at 315 feet Chert, gray; and dark-gray dolomite; 2 samples Dolomite, brown; much chert Limestone, yellow-gray, earthy; rapid effervescence \ Limestone, blue-gray; and chert Limestone, earthy, whitish, and light-yellow; Trenton facies; 16 samples Feet. 15 5 25 15 4 21 33 15 7 140 Feet. 10 50 80 110 140 150 167 175 200 215 220 226 265 300 315 320 345 380 364 385 418 433 440 580 City well No. 7 has a depth of 865 feet and a dimeter of 10 inches; casing, 10 inches from surface to 50 feet, 8 inches from 620 to 750 feet. The curb is 1,109 feet above sea level; the head at a depth of 220 feet was 40 feet above the curb ; after passing the St. Peter it was about the same as in the wells in the reservoir. The only water bed men- tioned is at 70 feet. The well is 470 feet from the wells in reservoir and 700 feet from well No. 6. It was completed in 1910 at a cost of $2,579 by W. L. Thorn, of Platteville, Wis. 630 UNDEEGKOUND WATEK EESOURCES OF IOWA. Description of strata in well No. 7, Mason City waterworks. Devonian (and Silurian?) (210 feet thick; top, 1,109 feet above sea level) : Limestone, cream-yellow, finest grain; subconchoidal frac- Depth in feet. tiire ; rapid effervescence ; in large chips 25 Limestone; as above; and dark blue-gray compact, non- magnesian limestone ; in small chips 50 Dolomite, drab, crystalline; in flaky chips; light-gray lime- stone of rapid effervescence ; some dark-blue fissile shale. 75 Limestone, brown -gray; subcrystalline ; rather slow effer- vescence; in large chips 100 Limestone, light gray; rather slow effervescence ; in sand . . 110 Limestone, drab, subcrystalline, vesicular; rather slow effer- vescence; 3 samples 140 Dolomite, light brown-gray; in sand 150 Limestone, buff, vesicular, with molds of fossils; rather slow effervescence, with lighter nonmagnesian limestone 160 Dolomite, buff, compact 170 Limestone, drab, brownish, compact; rather slow efferves- cence; with limestone of lighter tint and rapid efferves- cence 190 Dolomite, drab and brown ; in coarse sand 200 Ordovician : Maquoketa shale (90 feet thick; top, 899 feet above sea level): Shale, light blue-gray, calcareous, laminated; in large chips; also some buff dolomite 210 Dolomite, buff, saccharoidal 220 Shale, light blue-gray, calcareous; in chips; 2 samples. 240 Dolomite, drab and brown, vesicular; some brown inflammable shale 250 Shale, blue-gray, highly calcareous; in large chips; 4 samples 290 Galena dolomite to Platteville limestone (450 feet thick; top, 809 feet above sea level): Dolomite, gray ; in coarse sand 300 Limestone, gray and buff; considerable calcite; rapid effervescence 310 Limestone, gray, soft; in large chips; rapid efferves- cence 320 Limestone, fine saccharoidal, greenish gray; rapid effer- vescence; in sand with powder of shale 330 Dolomite, gray, vesicular; in places cherty, crystalline; 5 samples 380 Chert, light gray ; and blue-gray shale 390 Chert, light gray; shale; and hard argillaceous dark- gray limestone 400 Dolomite, dark gray, vesicular; and chert 410 Dolomite, dark buff-gray; disk of crinoids 420 Limestone, dark gray, saccharoidal; moderately rapid effervescence; in large flakes; 3 samples 450 Limestone and shale; limestone of Trenton facies, earthy, grayish-buff; in chips; fossiliferous; efferves- cence rapid a 460 CERRO GORDO COUNTY. 63X Ordovician — Continued . Galena dolomite to Platteville limestone (450 feet thick; top, 809 foet above sea level) — Continued. Depth in feet. Limestone, buff, nonmagnesian 470 Limestone, whitish or light gray, earthy, nonmagnesian; in flaky chips often of considerable size; in places fossiliferous; 12 samples 590 Limestone, as above, but blue-gray 600 Limestone, green-gray; and shale 610 Limestone, cream-colored 620 Limestone, blue-gray; crystalline; in coarse sand 630 Limestone, blue and yellow-gray; in flaky chips; 2 sam- ples 650 Shale, green; in molded masses, calcareous; 2 samples. 670 \ Shale, as above; some chips of hard dark limestone of rapid effervescence 680 Shale, green; in molded masses; 2 samples 710 Shale, green; fine, gritless, noncalcareous ; in splintery chips 720 Limestone, blue-gray; rapid effervescence; some hard noncalcareous green shale 730 Shale, hard, green, noncalcareous; in large chips; some limestone 740 St. Peter sandstone (77 feet thick; top, 359 feet above sea level): Sandstone, white; rounded grains, rarely exceeding 0.7 millimeter in diameter; 2 samples 760 Sandstone, as above, but slightly finer; 2 samples 780 Sandstone, as above; largestgrains attainO.8 millimeters in diameter; some light-yellow limestone and green shale ; 2 samples 800 Sandstone, clean; as at 780 feet 810 Sandstone, white; with calcareous cement 820 Prairie du Chien group: Shakopee dolomite (40 feet penetrated; top, 285 feet above sea level) : Dolomite, light gray and light brown; in fine sand; considerable quartz sand; 3 samples 824-850 Sandstone, calciferous; or limestone, highly arena- ceous; grains fine, about 0.6 millimeter in diam- eter; white, well rounded 860 Driller's log of city well No. 7, Mason City. Thick- ness. Depth. Sand. Lime, Lime, Lime, Lime, Lime, Lime, Lime, Lime, Shale Lime, white blue and white... gray white brown brown, and shale . fray bluish rownand gray., in soft thin layers . brown Feet, i 26 19 40 6 5 5 10 8 Feet. 4 30 49 89 95 100 105 115 123 22 146 632 UNDEEGROUND WATEE RESOUECES OF IOWA. Log of city well No. 7, Mason Cify— Continued . Lime, brown, and shale Lime, gray Lime, brown and gray Lime, brown and gray, and stiale Lime, blue Lime, blue, with shale Lime, blue Lime, blue and gray Lime, gray and white Lime, gray, and shale Rock, gray brown Rock, gray and white Lime, gray and white Lime, gray and bluish Shale and clay Shale, clay, and brown lime Shale and clay Sandstone (St. Peter) , Lime, gray and white Thick- ness. Depth. Feet. Feet. 15 160 22 182 28 210 15 225 13 238 7 245 64 309 14 323 23 346 61 407 135 542 46 688 6 594 31 625 93 718 20 738 9 747 73 820 44 864 The Lehigh Portland Cement Co. has two wells located in sec. 33, Lime Creek Township, just north of city limits. They have a depth of 405§ feet and a diameter of 12 inches to 14i feet and 10 inches to 405i feet. The head is within 10 feet of the surface. On bailing with sand pump for 1 hour at a rate of about 45 gallons a minute the water fell to 30 feet below surface. The well was completed in 1911 by J. B. Lowe & Co., of Mason City. These wells were sunk as a reserve supply in case the Calamus Creek reservoir supply proved inadequate. Description of strata, well No. 2, Lehigh Portland Cement Co., at Mason City. Depth in feet. Soil, black; no sample 4 Devonian (and Silurian?): Limestone, light colored ; no sample 20 Limestone, light buff and blue-gray compact; rapid effer- vescence ; in large chips 20 Limestone, light gray, dense; earthy luster; rapid efferves- cence 30 Dolomite, crystalline, buff; in sand 40 Dolomite, drab, crystalline ; in small chips 50 Dolomite, darker drab ; rather slow effervescence; with drab fissile shale and some nonmagnesian light-colored lime- stone ; 2 samples 70-80 Dolomite, dark gray, hard, vesicular; with casts of fossils; in large chips 90 Limestone, nonmagnesian, yellow-gray, compact, litho- graphic; conchoidal fracture 100 Limestone, gray buff, hard; rather slow effervescence; sub- crystalline ; in sand and small chips 110 Dolomite, blue gray, crystalline; in small chips 120 Limestone, light brown -gray; in thin flakes; moderately rapid effervescence 130 CEEKO GOEDO COUNTY. 633 Devonian (and Silurian ?) — Continued. Limestone, light brown-gray; in sand at 140 feet; in large Depth In feet. flakes at 150 feet; rather slow effervescence; 2 samples 150 Limestone; rather slow effervescence; gray buff at 160, 180, and 190 feet; drab at 170 feet; hard; in small chips; 4 190 samples Dolomite, brown, crystalline; 2 samples 210 Limestone, light yellow, lithographic; nonmagnesian con- choidal fracture 220 Ordovician : Maquoketa shale : Limestone, brown; moderately rapid effervescence; con- siderable brown and black inflammable shale 230 Dolomite, drab, hard; some blue shale; 2 samples 250 Shale, blue, pyritiferous; highly calcareous; in sand; 4 \ samples 290 Limestone, highly argillaceous; or shale, highly calca- reous, blue 300 Gralena and Platteville limestones: Limestone, drab; rapid effervescence; 2 samples 320 Limestone, light buff, saccharoidal, minutely vesicular; moderately slow effervescence ; in large chips 330 Limestone, as above, but cherty ; 3 samples 360 Chert, white 370 Chert, white, with hard drab dolomite; 3 samples 400 The well of Jacob E. Decker & Sons has a depth of 604 feet and a diameter of 10 inches. The elevation is about 1,092 feet above sea level and the head 8 feet below the curb; cased to ISJ feet. The capacity is 225 gallons a minute, the water coming from a depth of 100 feet; temperature, 50° F. The well was completed in 1911 at a cost of $1,850 by W. L. Thorn, of Platteville, Wis. Description of strata in Jacob E. Decker & Sons' well at Mason City. Depth in feet. No samples 220 Limestone, hard, fine grained, brown, nonmagnesian 220 Maquoketa shale : Shale, blue-gray, laminated; in large chips; some brown inflammable shale 230 Limestone, light blue-gray, argillaceous; 2 samples 250 Shale, and highly argillaceous blue-gray limestone; 5 sam- ples 300 Galena dolomite to Platteville limestone: Limestone, brown, crystalline, nonmagnesian 310 Shale, blue; some white macrocrystalline nonmagnesian limestone 320 Dolomite, blue-gray; 3 samples 350 Chert; some limestone and shale; 5 samples 400 Limestone, yellow-gray, crystalline; mostly of slow efferves- cence, with chert and shale; 2 samples 420 Limestone, nonmagnesian, yellow-gray and whitish, earthy; 16 samples 600 634 UNDEKGEOUND WATER EESOUECES OP IOWA. The Chicago & North Western Railway well, located 1 mile north of the station, has a depth of 862 feet and a diameter of 10 inches to 53 feet, 8 inches to 650 feet, and 6 inches to bottom; casing, over the shale of the PlattevUle from 660 to 749 feet. The curb is 1,124 feet above sea level and the head 24 feet below the curb. The tested capacity is 6,500 gallons an hour after 10 hours' continuous pumping with cylinder set 200 feet below the surface. Water comes from 650 feet, above the shale, rising within 16 feet of the surface and supplying 1,000 gallons an hour, and from 746 feet, with rise of water 2 feet in tube and testing (at 756 feet) 1,440 gallons an hour. The main supply is in the St. Peter at 862 feet. The head of this lower water is reported at 117 feet below the curb. Date of completion, 1900. Driller's log of railway well, near Mason City. Loam, clay, and gravel Limestone Shale Sandstone Mud Depth. Feet. 16 676 765 859 862 The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway well No. 1 has a depth of 1,473 feet and diameter of 8 to 6 inches. The curb is 1,128 feet above sea level. The original head was 2 feet below curb and the head in 1896 was variously reported at 30 and 75 feet below curb. The capacity is small, being insufficient to keep a small steam pump running. The well was completed about 1879 by Swan Bros., of Minne- apolis. The well has long been abandoned; in 1896 it was used — or misused — as a depot sewer. The water was not found inadequate in quantity, but its quality as a boiler water was inferior to that supplied by the city. Record of strata in Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway well No. 1 (PI. V,-p. Thick- ness. Depth. Pleistocene and Recent (28 feet thick; top, 1,128 feet above sea level): Black loam Clay ^ Devonian and Silurian (276 feet thick; top, 1,100 feet above sea level): Limestone, brown, soft, argillaceous Dolomite, hard, light bluish gray, granular, subcrystalline; some lighter and softer, briskly effervescent limestone Dolomite or magnesian limestone, hard, brown Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (57 feet thick; top, 824 feet above sea level)— Shale, blue 70 119 57 Feet. 217 304 361 CEEEO GORDO COUNTY. 635 Record of strata in Chicago, Mihvaukee & St. Paul Railway well No. 1 {PI. V, p. 238) — Continued. Thick- ness. Depth. Ordovieian— Continued. Galena dolomite (350 feet thick; top, 767 feet above sea level) — Limestone, magnesian, hard, pale buff Limestone, magnesian, flinty, impure, bluish gray; earthy luster Platteville limestone (75 feet thick; top, 417 feet above sea level) — Shale, green, slightly gritty; with chert and particles of magnesian limestone. . Dolomite, highly arenaceous, yellow St. Peter sandstone (85 feet thick; top, 342 feet above sea level) — Sandstone, fme, white; grains rounded and ground Prairie du Chien group (308 feet thick; top, 257 feet above sea level)— Shakopee dolomite- Dolomite, white New Richmond sandstone— "Mixed lime and sandstone" (no sample) Oneota dolomite — Dolomite, light gray Cambrian: Jordan sandstone (70 feet thick; top, 51 feet below sea level) — Sandstone, buff and white St. Lawrence formation (174 feet thick; top, 121 feet below sea level) — Dolomite, hard, gray; flakes of rather hard, green shale Shale, greenish, highly arenaceous; fragments of dolomite Dresbach sandstone (45 feet thick; top, 295 feet below sea level) — Sandstone, gray; larger grains, rounded; many smaller angular fragments; with some greenish shale Cambrian or pre-Cambrian (?) (5 feet penetrated; top, 340 feet below sea level): "Granite." The sample so labeled consists of sandstone similar to the above, rounded grains about 0.25-0.35 millimeter in diameter, with some dolomite, chert, and shale; none of the constituents of granite are present except quartz Feet. 50 300 55 20 113 50 145 116 58 Feet. 411 711 766 786 871 984 1,034 1,179 1,249 1,365 1,423 1,468 1,473 The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway well No. 2 has a depth of 816 feet and a diameter of 6 inches. The curb is 1,135 feet above sea level. The original head was 30 feet below curb; head m 1908, 126 feet below curb. The tested capacity is 120 gallons a minute. Driller's log of Chicago, Milwaukee &. St. Paul Railway well No. 2, near Mason City. Thick- ness. Depth. Clay Limestone Shale Limestone Sandstone Shale. Feet. 36 659 30 35 56 Feet. 36 695 725 760 816 The American Brick & Tile factory has a well 207 feet deep, and the Mason City Brick & Tile factory one 304 feet deep. The water rises within about 20 feet of the surface in the former and about 30 feet in the latter, or to about 1,100 feet above sea level in each. Both wells yield large supplies. Rockwell. — The city well at Rockwell (population, 700) passes through glacial drift, limestone, and shale, and ends at a depth of 236 feet in limestone beneath the shale. The water stands 20 feet below 636 UNDEKGEOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. the surface, or 1,110 feet above the sea, lowering about 25 feet on pumping for 12 hours at 60 gallons a minute. The water is pumped into an air-tight cylinder from which it is deUvered by air pressure. The total length of mains is one-half mile, and there are 10 fire hydrants. Only a few homes have service connections, and the total daily consumption probably does not exceed 5,000 gallons. FLOYD COUNTY. By O. E. Meinzer andW. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. The smooth surface of the lowan drift plain extends over Floyd County but is moderately dissected by a number of small parallel streams which flow southeastward The thickest drift is found in the northeast in an area which includes the eastern and central parts of Cedar, nearly all of Niles, and the extreme eastern or northeastern part of St. Charles townships. Here many wells have penetrated more than 200 feet of drift, and in one well (NW. { sec. 29, T. 97 N., R. 15 W.) a thickness of 365 feet is reported. Throughout most of the remainder of the county the drift is relatively thin, the average thick- ness probably being less than 50 feet, and along the streams rock outcrops are common. The numerous irregularities in the rock surface on which the drift rests account for the radical differences in the thickness of the latter noted in drilling wells at points not far apart and on nearly the same level. The rock wliich lies immediately below the drift is probably all Devonian in age and consists for the most part of indurated but somewhat cavernous limestone. (See PI. V, p. 238; PL VII, p. 272.) In the southwestern part of the county, including the southern part of Scott and the southwestern part of Union Township, the distance to limestone is commonly 75 to 100 feet, but it is not clear from the data at hand whether this depth is due entirely to glacial drift or in part to the Devonian shale, which is known to be well developed in the next county to the west. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE AND DISTRIBUTION. Water is obtained from (1) alluvial and outwash gravels, which are practically restricted to the valleys, where they yield freely to some shallow wells; (2) glacial drift, which ui most parts of the county is too thin and well drained to be a satisfactory source of supply; (3) Devonian limestone, which constitutes the best and most largely utilized aquifer; and (4) lower formations reached in at least one well — the deep well at Charles City. FLOYD COUNTY. 637 In Cedar and Niles townships there are many shallow open wells that end in the upper part of the drift, and perhaps even more drilled wells that extend to an average depth of nearly 200 feet and draw unfail- ing supplies of good water from the lower part of the drift or from the limestone. In many of the deepest wells the water level is low, in some being 100 feet below the surface. In St. Charles and Floyd townships some wells end in alluvial sand and gravel and some in porous drift beds, but the best penetrate the limestone and have an average depth of more than 100 feet. In Riverton Township, where the drift rarely exceeds 60 feet in thickness and is in some localities very thin, most of the satisfactory wells penetrate limestone and are commonly between 120 and 160 feet in depth. In Pleasant Grove Township, where the drift ranges in thickness from less than 10 feet to more than 140 feet, the wells are generally drilled into limestone and have an average depth of perhaps 100 feet. In Rock Grove and Rudd townships the rock is near the surface and is penetrated by practically all wells. The most common depths are between 50 and 150 feet, but in the northern part of Rock Grove Township wells approaching 300 feet in depth are reported. Many of the shallow^est wells, such as those common in the village of Nora Springs, do not yield much water, but abundant supplies are usually found if the rock is penetrated some distance. In Rockford and Ulster town- ships the drift is also thin and in many places wells must be sunk many feet into the rock before obtaining large and dependable sup- plies. Depths ranging from 30 to 180 feet were reported. In the northern parts of Scott and Union townships, where the limestone is generally near the surface, most of the wells are between 50 and 125 feet deep, but in the southern parts, where the distance to lime- stone is greater, most of them are between 100 and 200 feet deep. From the head of water in deep wells at Mason City and at Charles City it appears probable that flows with slight pressure could be obtained from deep wells on the lowest levels in the valley at Marble Rock, Rockford, Nora Springs, and elsewhere, but so much excellent water can be obtained by drilling a few hundred feet into the lime- stone that it would seem unnecessary to sink to greater depths even for municipal or industrial supplies. SPRINGS. The largest springs issue from crevices in the limestone at places where the streams have removed the overlying drift. A good example is afforded by the spring of C. F. Beelar, in the valley of Shell Rock River^ at the south edge of the village of Marble Rock, where a stream of several hundred gallons per minute pours from a solution channel in the limestone. 688 UNDEKGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Charles City. — The city water supply of Charles City (population, 5,892) is obtained from a well 1,587 feet deep (PL V, p. 238; PI. VII, p. 272), drilled by J. F. McCarthy, of Minneapolis, in 1906, at a cost of $3,591. The well is 10 inches in diameter to 800 feet, 8 inches to bottom, and is cased from top to 250 feet and from 600 to 800 feet; no packing was used. The curb is about 1,013 feet above sea level and the head of water 10 feet above curb. The natural flow is 200 gallons per minute; with vacuum of 7 pounds, 900 gallons a minute. Temperature, 53° F. The strata penetrated are shown in the follow- ing table: Record of strata of deep ivell at Charles City (PL V, p. 236; PI. VII, p. 212). Thick- ness. Depth. Devoniau (120 feet thick; top, 1,013 feet above sea level): Feet. Limestone 14 Limestone, yellow; rapid effervescence 36 Limestone, light brown-gray, rather soft, fine granular, crystalline; moderately rapid eiTervescence 10 Limestone, yellow; rapid effervescence 10 Limestone, like that at 50-60 feet; some fragments of yellow, soft, argillaceous lime- stone, probably fallen in 10 Limestone, highly argillaceous, la light-blue chips, and lunestone hard, gray, of moderately slow effervescence; 2 samples 20 Shale, blue, plastic, calcareous; 2 samples 20 Silurian? (180 feet thick; top, 893 feet above sea level): Limestone, gray, soft, granular, argillaceous; earthy luster; slow effervescence Limestone, blue-gray, argiUaceous; some nodules of pyrite; moderately slow effer- vescence; 3 samples 30 Shale, and soft, gray argillaceous limestone 10 Limestone, blue-gray, argillaceous; rapid effervescence; 3 samples i 30 Limestone and shale, limestone yellow with sUght quartzose residue; shale blue, calcareous; in chips 10 Dolomite, gray, porous, rather bard, with blue-gray shale; in chips 10 Dolomite, gray, hard, in part vesicular; ■\\ath molds of fossils 20 Shale, blue, calcareous; in chips and powder; and limestone, blue-gray, some crystalline and of rapid effervescence, some hard, compact, and of slow efferves- cence 10 Limestone, blue-gray, rather hard; moderately slow effervescence; earthy luster... 10 Lunestone and shale, blue-gray; lunestone varying in rate of effervescence 10 Dolomite, gray; earthy luster; 2 samples 20 Dolomite, gray, minutely saccharoidal; some yellow limestone, probably fallen from above 10 Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (110 feet thick; top, 713 feet above sea level) — Shale, blue, calcareous, in powder 10 Shale and limestone; shale blue; lunestone gray, cherty; slow effervescence. .. 20 Limestone, gray; moderately slow effervescence, rather hard; in sand 20 Shale, hght biue-gray; calcareous; in powder with sand of gray dolomite; 4 samples 40 Limestone, light gray, hard; rapid effervescence; somewhat siliceous 10 Shale, blue-gray; with limestone of rapid effervescence 10 Galena limestone to Platteville limestone (380 feet thick; top, 603 feet above sea level)— Lunestone, argillaceous, yellow-gray, somewhat siliceous; rapid effervescence.. 10 Limestone, gray, earthy luster; rapid effervescence; in thin flaky chips; 5 samples SO Limestone, light yeUow-gray, hard, somewhat siliceous, magnesian; cherty at 500 feet; 4 samples 40 Shale and limestone, gray 10 Limestone, light yellow-gray, crystalline, minutely porous, somewhat silice- ous; slow effervescence 20 Limestone, yellow-gray and blue mottled; crystalline; rapid effervescence 10 Limestone, gray; moderately slow effervescence 10 Limestone, gray, soft; earthy luster; argillaceous; rapid effervescence; 4 sam- ples 40 Dolomite, hard, crystalline, light gray; effervescence slow; cherty 10 Limestone, light gray; rapid effervescence; 2 samples 20 Shale, blue, calcareous; in masses of concreted powder; 3 samples 30 Shale, buff, calcareous; residue, ocherous, cherty, and minutely arenaceous... 10 Shale, blue; as at 630 to 6G0 feet 20 Shale, hard, green, fossiliferous; in chips 30 Sandstone, highly argillaceous, gray, slightly calcareous; grains fine, rounded, of considerable diversity of size; the largest more than 0.5 millimeter in diameter; 8 samples ! 70 Feet. 100 120 130 160 170 200 210 220 240 250 260 270 290 300 310 330 350 390 400 410 420 470 510 520 540 550 560 600 610 630 660 670 690 720 790 FLOYD COUNTY. Record of strata of deep well at Charles City — Continued. 639 Ordovician— Continued. St. Peter sandstone (80 feet thick; top, 223 feet above sea level) — Sandstone, white; clean quartz sand grains well rounded and sorted; largest 1 millimeter in diameter Sandstone and dolomite; quartz sand of rounded grains with much white chert and gray siliceous dolomite and green shale; granular; 4 samples Sandstone, white; clean grains of quartz; fine grained Sandstone, white; grains mostly 0.75 millimeter in diameter; calcareous ce- ment Sandstone, white , Prairie du Chien group (300 feet thick; top, 143 feet above sea level)— Shakopee dolomite: Dolomite, light yellow-gray; in meal; little quartz sand in drillings Dolomite, blue-gray and yellow-gray; 2 samples Sandstone and dolbmite;'sandstone white, moderately fine grained; dolo- mite blue-gray; in fine sand Dolomite, blue; shale, white, in powder; and sandstone, white; largest grains 1.2 millimeters in diameter New Richmond sandstone: Sandstone, white; finer than above; with admixture of dolomite in lower part; 2 samples Sandstone, white; largest grains 1 millimeter diameter; 2 samples Oneota dolomite: Dolomite, blue, and sandstone; drillings largely quartz sand; 2 samples. . Dolomite, brown, drab, and gray; finely arenaceous and cherty; 7 samples Marl, white, calcareous; residue argillaceous and quartzose Dolomite, white and gray; highly cherty at 1,070 feet; 11 samples Cambrian: Jordan sandstone (80 feet thick; top, 157 feet below sea level )^ Sandstone, clean, white; well-rounded grains; many 1 millimeter in diameter . , Sandstone; as above, but finer Sandstone; as above, coarser; largest grains 1.5 millimeters passing at bottom into highly arenaceous dolomite represented in drillings by blue-gray chips. Sandstone; as above; clean quartz .sand; 2 samples Sandstone, finer, calciferous St. Lawrence formation (337 feet penetrated; top, 237 feet below sea level) — Shale, green-gray, calciferous, arenaceous; 2 samples Sandstone, white, moderately fine grained; chips of dolomite No samples Shale, greenish, calcareous, glauconiferous, arenaceous; fine rounded grains of quartz; 4 samples Shale, blue-gray, calcareous, glauconiferous; in easily friable concreted masses; arenaceous; 2 samples Shale; as above; and greenish, fine-grained, argillaceous, and glauconiferous sandstone; 7 samples Shale, green-gray, glauconiferous, calcareous, and arenaceous Shale; as above; with flakes of hard, dark, greenish-drab shale, noncalcareous and nonglauconiferous; very slightly siliceous; 2 samples Shale; green-gray, glauconiferous, calcareous, and arenaceous Thick- ness. Depth. Feet. 10 Feet. 800 40 10 840 850 10 10 860 870 10 20 880 900 10 910 10 920 20 20 940 960 20 70 10 110 980 1,050 1,060 1,170 30 10 1,200 1,210 10 20 10 1,220 1,240 1,250 20 10 120 1,270 1,280 1,400 50 1,450 20 1.470 70 10 1,540 1,550 20 17 1,570 1.587 The following chemical analyses of drillings from the deep well at Charles City were made in the chemical laboratory of Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa : Analyses of drillings from Charles City well. 600-610 feet. MgCO, CaCOs re203 AI2O3 SiOj H2O CaSOi..... Total 100. 05 640 TJNDERGEOUND WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. The waterworks system consists of a standpipe, 6 miles of mains, 56 fire hydrants, and about 450 taps. The water is used for domestic purposes by perhaps 1,800 people, or one-tliird of the population, and for boiler supplies by both railway companies and by other industrial concerns. The average daily consumption is estimated at 200,000 gallons. Marble Rock. — The village well at Marble Rock (population, 480) is 154 feet deep, nearly all of wliich is in rock. It has been pumped for 12 hours at the rate of 65 gallons a minute without noticeable effect. The water normally stands about 60 feet below the surface. The system comprises an elevated tank, half a mile of mains, six fire hydrants, and about 35 taps. About one-fifth of the people use the public supply. Nora Springs. — The public well at Nora Springs (population, 985) is 8 inches in diameter and 197 feet deep, nearly the entire depth being in limestone. It is pumped at the rate of 45 gallons per minute without appreciable effect. The water rises to a level 20 feet below the surface, or about 1,050 feet above the sea, and is pumped to an elevated tank, from wliich it is distributed through three-fourths of a mile of mains. There are 14 fire hydrants. Only a few of the inhabitants use the public supply; about 4,000 gallons are said to be consumed daily. According to Norton, a supply of good water could probably be obtained from a deep well sunk to the Galena and Platteville limestones, or from these and the St. Peter sandstone combined. The summit of the St. Peter should be found at about 300 feet above sea level, or at about 775 feet below the surface. A well 800 or 900 feet deep should be ample. FRANKLIN COUNTY. By O. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. Franklin County is divisible into two distinct topographic, geologic, and ground-water provinces, the area of Wisconsin drift occupying the western part, and the area of lowan drift occupying the eastern part. The former has deep drift, a morainic topography, many undrained swamps and ponds, and numerous drift wells; the latter has thin drift, a nearly level but well-drained surface, and a predom- inance of rock weUs. Except in certain localities, the dividing line between these two areas is well defined. It crosses the north bound- ary about 9 miles east of the west margin, trends southeast, and crosses the south boundary about 4 miles west of the east margin of the county. The rocks upon which the drift rests are chiefly limestones belong- ing to the upper part of the Devonian and the lower part (Mssissippian TEANKLIN COUNTY. 641 series) of the Carboniferous. Apparently they dip gently to the southwest, so that the oldest formations are found in the north- eastern and the youngest in the southwestern part of the county. In the northeastern part of Franklin County and also in Cerro Gordo County a shale formation is interbedded between Devonian limestones. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. Water is obtained from the glacial drift and underlying limestone, and in the deep well at Hampton from the lower sandstone forma- tions. In the western morainic area the drift is in general between 65 and 1 50 feet thick, and because of the poor drainage the pervious por- tions are filled with water nearly to the surface. When this area was first settled, the water supply was nearly all obtained from shallow wells that ended in the upper part of the drift, but many wells have recently been sunk to the lower part of the drift and into the subjacent limestone, thus obtaining more sanitary, more plentiful, and more reliable supplies. In the eastern area, where the drift is thinner and a Httle more dissected by streams, it is generally necessary to drUl into rock in order to obtain supplies that are at all dependable. Most of the wells end in the upper limestone at depths ranging from 30 to 100 feet, but a few pass through the Devonian shale and end in the underlying limestone at depths between 200 and 400 feet. In aU weUs that are sufficiently deep the supply is abundant and perma- nent. The water from all beds is hard, but is otherwise of good quahty unless polluted from the surface. SPRINGS AND FLOWING WELLS. In the vaUey of Iowa River in the southwestern part of the county, in the vaUey of West Fork of Eed Cedar River in the northeast, and in a number of low tracts especially at the east base of the high morainic area, the water in the ordinary drilled wells rises nearly to the surface or, in a few wells, overflows. In other locafities east of the morainic belt, the water-bearing beds have been exposed by erosion or otherwise, allowing the water to escape in rather large springs. The head of the city well at Hampton indicates that the water from the deeply buried formations will remain at a lower level than that from the formations reached in ordinary drilling. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Hanffpton. — The pubHc supply of Hampton (population, 2,617) comes from a group of springs and from a deep well. The springs discharge into two reservoirs at about 100 gaUons a minute; and the 36581°— WSF 293—12 41 642 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. well has been tested at 160 gallons a minute. There is a standpipe and system of mains with about 225 taps. The average daily con- sumption is about 150,000 gallons, the water being used for domestic purposes by over 1,000 people and for boiler supphes by both railway and industrial companies. The well is 1,709 feet deep, is cased with lO-inch pipe from surface to 190 feet, 8-mch from 588 to 642 feet, 7-inch from 196 to 1,139 feet, and 6-inch from 1,139 to 1,191 feet; the casing is split to let in water. The curb is 995 feet above sea level. The normal head is 50 feet below curb; under pump the water stands 160 feet below curb. The principal water supply is obtained from a depth of 1,100 feet. The well was drUled in 1900 by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. The strata penetrated are indicated by the following log and section : Drillers^ log of city well at Hampton. Depth. Surface Shale Lime, hard . . . Shale, caving. Limestone Shale. Mixture of lime and shale and coating material. Very hard rock, which batters drill Mixture of rock and soapstone Limestone Sandy material Shale Sandstone Limestone Sandy limestone. Hard limestone . . Sandstone Description of strata in city well at Hampton. Pleistocene (52 feet thick; top 995 feet above sea level): Till, pale yellow Sand, ocher-yellow; witli ociierous clay Carboniferous (Mississippian): Kinderbook group (108 feet thick; top, 943 feet above sea level): Shale, blue Limestone, bluish gray, subcrystalline ; of rapid effervescence; in coarse chips; fragments of calc spar and sparry surfaces indicate that the rock is geodiferous; platy fragments of drusy pyrite, in some of which the pyrite alternates with laminse of black coaly shale Shale, blue; 3 samples Devonian (360 feet thick; top, 835 feet above sea level): Limestone, dark green-gray, earthy; brisk effervescence; argillaceous residue; in large chips; some fragments of white fine-grained, crystalline limestone Depth in feet. 20 40 60 100-140 160 FEANKLIISr COUNTY. 643 Devonian (360 feet thick; top, 835 feet above sea level — Con. Depth in feet. Limestone, dark drab, fine grained, crystalline, hard; residue black; moderately brisk effervescence; microscopic grains of crystalline quartz 180 Limestone, white, compact; earthy luster; also gray and cream-colored; saccharoidal, in small chips; much argillaceous admixture; effervescence moder- ate; residue large, argillaceous, and microscopically quartzose 200 Shale, greenish 220 Limestone, white, earthy; brisk effervescence; in fine sand; some cuttings of shale 240 Shale, greenish; 2 samples 260-280 Limestone, white; brisk effervescence; crystalline, in \ fine sand masked by argillo-calcareous powder 300 Limestone, varicolored, dark bluish, saccharoidal, with moderate effervescence, and argillaceous residue ; and buff, sub crystalline, fine grained, compact, with brisk effervescence and little residue 320 Limestone, light gray, fine grained, subcrystalline, sub- translucent; rapid effervescence; in large flakes 340 Limestone, drab; large dark argillaceous residue; effervescence moderate 360 Limestone, light gray, dense, fine grained, subcrystal- line; brisk effervescence; some chips of soft greenish saccharoidal limestone 380 Limestone, light buff, soft, compact, earthy; efferves- cence brisk 400 Limestone, light blue and light buff; hard; brisk effer- vescence 420 Limestone, light brownish, soft: earthy; brisk efferves- cence; argillaceous residue 440 Limestone, blue-gray; earthy luster; fine grained, com- pact; brisk effervescence, dark argillaceous residue. . 460 Limestone, blue-gray; effervescence rather slow; large clayey residue; fragments of fossUiferous green shale. 480 Limestone, gray, subcrystalline; in angular sand; effer- vescence brisk 500 Silurian (78 feet thick; top, 475 feet above sea level): Limestone, cream-colored, very soft; earthy; efferves- cence moderate; some drab, argillaceous 520 Limestone, light blue-gray, soft; rather large clayey residue; effervescence moderate 540 Limestone; as above, but with chips of chert siliceous limestone, and drab argillaceous limestone 560 Limestone, white, soft; rapid effervescence; subtrans- lucent 580 Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (172 feet thick; top, 397 feet above sea level) : Shale, light chocolate brown, calcareous 600 Shale, reddish; no reaction for carbons or hydro- carbons in closed tube 620 Shale, light greenish, calcareous 640 644 UlSTDEEGKOUKD WATEK KESOUKCES OE IOWA. Ordovician — Continued. Maquoketa shale (172 feet thick; top, 397 feet above sea level — Continued . Limestone; moderate effervescence; much argil- Depth in feet. laceous powder 660 Gray chert, greenish shale, and red calcareous shale; probably fallen from above 700 Shale, greenish 720 Limestone, varicolored, in sand; brisk efferves- cence ; much greenish shale 740 Shale, dark greenish, calcareous 760 Galena limestone to Platteville limestone (410 feet thick; top, 225 feet above sea level): Limestone, white; brisk effervescence ; much shale 780 Limestone, buff, and shale, chocolate-brown; con- siderable yellow chert , 800 Limestone, gray and white; brisk effervescence; much white chert and argillaceous powder; 2 samples 820-840 Shale, green and brown; gray chert 860 Limestone, gray; l^risk effervescence 880 Limestone, cream colored; brisk effervescence; in fine sand; much argillaceous powder 900 Limestone, light yellow; highly argillaceous; 2 samples 920-940 Shale, light brownish, calcareous 960 Limestone, light gray; some fossiliferous; cherty; brisk effervescence ; in chips; much argillaceous powder in some samples; 6 samples 980-1, 080 Limestone, gray, brisk effervescence; 2 samples.. 1,130 Shale, green; and gray limestone 1, 140 Shale, green, indurated; in fine chips 1, 160 St. Peter sandstone (68 feet thick; top, 185 feet below sea level) : Sandstone; white grains of clear quartz, well rounded, comparatively uniform in size, surfaces smooth, with green shale from above; 4 samples. 1, 180-1, 240 Prairie du Chien group : Shakopee dolomite (172 feet thick; top, 253 feet below sea level) : Dolomite, gray, hard, cherty 1, 260 Dolomite, gray, cherty, arenaceous 1, 280 Sandstone, fine grained, white 1, 300 Dolomite, light buff and gray, cherty; 2 sam- ples 1, 320-1, 340 Dolomite, light buff, arenaceous; considerable quartz sand in drillings 1, 360 Dolomite, blue-gray 1, 400 New Richmond sandstone (70 feet thick; top, 425 feet below sea level) : Dolomite, blue-gray, and sandstone; large part of drillings quartz sand 1, 420 Dolomite, gray; small fragments of arenaceous dolomite and some quartz sand 1, 440 HANCOCK COUNTY. 645 Ordovician — Continued. Prairie du Chien group — Continued. New Richmond sandstone — Continued. Sandstone and dolomite; sandstone of St. Peter Depth in feet. facies; dolomite gray 1, 460 Sandstone, white, fine grained, hard 1, 480 Dneota dolomite (145 feet thick; top, 495 feet below sea level) : Dolomite, gray and white, cherty; 2 samples. . 1, 500-1, 520 Dolomite, gray; residue of cryptocrystalline quartz 1, 540 Dolomite, blue-gray; residue as above 1, 560 Dolomite, gray; 3 samples 1, 580-1, 620 v^ Cambrian — ' Jordan sandstone (74 feet penetrated; top, 640 feet below sea level) : Sandstone; of clean, white, well-rounded grains of pure quartz, of moderate size; 3 samples 1, 640-1, 680 Sandstone; as above, but somewhat harder, as indicated by larger number of fractured grains; 2 samples 1, 700-1, 709 Latimer. — The village well at Latimer (population, 378) is 6 inches in diameter and 150 feet deep, the last 50 being in hmestone. The water rises within 45 feet of the surface, and the well is reported to have yielded 300 gallons a minute continuously during a 12- hour test. The water is brought out of the well by an air hft and is then forced by a rotary pump into a cyhndrical air-tight tank, from which it is carried through the mains by air pressure. The total length of the mains is less than half a mile, the number of fire hydrants 6, the number of taps 14, and the average daily consumption is estimated at 6,000 gallons. Only a small proportion of the inhabitants use the pubhc supply. HANCOCK COUNTY. By 0. E. Meinzer. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. The drift-covered surface of Hancock CQunty is in most locaUties only gently undulating. It has been but little modified by stream erosion and consequently its natural drainage is imperfect. The glacial material forms a continuous blanket, 75 to 250 feet thick, beneath which the older rock formations are completely concealed. In the northwestern part of the county (Bingham, Crystal, Orthel, and part of Britt townsliips) the drift has its greatest development, depths of 200 to 250 feet being common; and in the southern tier 646 UNDEEGKOUND WATEK RESOURCES OF IOWA. of townships (Major, Amsterdam, Twin Lake, and Avery), it is also rather deep, ranging in general between 125 and 200 feet and averag- ing deeper in Twin Lake than in Avery Township; in parts of Britt, Garfield, Concord, Ell, German, Erwin, and Boone townsliips it is relatively thin, depths of 75 to 125 feet being common. The bedrock upon which the drift rests consists of indurated lime- stone with a minor amount of interstratified shale, and probably belongs in part to the Mississippian series of the Carboniferous and in part to the Devonian system. The general succession of the upper formations is indicated by the following section of the village well at Britt: Section of village well at Britt. Thick- ness. Depth. Drift 1 Feet. 127i 40| 17 15 Feet. 127i 168 Shale 185 Limestone (entered) 200 UNDERGROUND WATER. SOUHCE. The water supply is derived from the glacial drift and the under- lying hmestones. On account of the poor drainage, the porous parts of the drift are usually filled with water nearly to the surface; hence there are many shallow wells which are liable to fail in dry seasons when the water level lowers. Better wells are drilled to deeper parts of the drift where they receive more dependable supphes from sand and gravel beds that contain water under pressure. The best drilled wells, however, pass through the sand and gravel beds and tap the limestones, from which are obtained copious supphes of water that is lifted by artesian pressure nearly or quite to the surface. The water from both drift and Umestone is hard, but is otherwise good. Throughout the county the blanket of drift, with its undrained surface and its water-bearing beds of sand and gravel, hes on top of the same kind of bedrock, with its large water supplies under good pressure. The two variable factors are (1) the thickness of the drift and consequent depth to rock, and (2) the altitude of the sur- face and the resulting depth at which the water remains in the wells. HEAD. In most parts of the county the water in drilled wells rises nearly to the surface and in some areas it overflows. The following table shows the head at several points : HANCOCK COUNTY. Head of water in and near Hancock County. 647 Locality. Altitude of surface above sea level. Height to which the water rises. Above or below surface. Above sea level. Forest City (Winnebago County). Gamer Klemme Belmond (Wright County) Britt Hutchins Wesley (Kossuth County) Corwith Feet. 1,180 1,220 a 1,210 1,180 1,230 1,208 1,246 1,178 Feet. Above. -14 -10 Above. -18 -18 -80 -20 Feet. 1,180 1,206 a 1,200 1,180 1,212 1,190 1,166 1,158 a Approximate. Flowing wells have been obtained along the several branches of Boone River in Magor, Amsterdam, Boone, and Erin townships, and also in the low tracts adjoining several creeks in Bingham and Orthel townships. They have also been obtained in the valley of Iowa River near the south Hne of the county, and, judging from the flow- ing well at Forest City, it seems not improbable that they could be obtained in parts of Lime Creek Valley near the Winnebago County hne. The deepest well reported is the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway well at Britt, wliich extends to a depth of 684 feet, and in which the water rises to 16 feet below the surface, or 1,220 feet above the sea level, this being practically the same head that is found in the ordinary drilled weUs of the vicinity. At Algona to the west and Mason City to the east the water from the deeply buried formations does not rise much higher than 1,100 feet above sea level, and the general experience in deep drilling in this region indicates that the head tends to become lower with increasing depth. In view of the generous yield and good head of wells sunk relatively short distances into the rock, probably little or nothing would be gained by deep drilling. In certain areas where the water in rock weUs stands some distance below the surface, it may be feasible to drain smaU swampy tracts, remote from streams and large ditches, by conducting the water through wells into the cavities of the rock, but throughout the greater part of the county the head of the well water is too high to permit this method of drainage. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Britt. — The pubhc well at Britt (population, 1,303) is 8 inches in diameter and 200 feet deep. The first limestone yielded 60 gallons a minute and the finished well, ending in the hmestone beneath the 648 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. shale, has been tested at the rate of 400 gallons a minute. The water- works consist of an elevated tank, about 2 miles of mains, 16 fire hydrants, and approximately 200 taps. A majority of the people use the water, the average daily consumption being estimated as 30,000 gallons. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway well has a depth of 684 feet and a diameter of 7 inches. The curb is 1,236 feet above sea level. The head is 16 feet below the curb and the tested capacity is 125 gallons a minute. Corwith. — The village well at Corwith (population, 455) is 125 feet deep and ends in limestone. The water stands 20 feet below the surface, or 1,158 feet above sea level, and has been pumped at the rate of 70 gallons a minute. The distribution system comprises an elevated tank, somewhat more than half a mile of mains, 8 fire hydrants, and 17 taps. Only a small portion of the total population uses the public supply. The average daily consumption is reported to be approximately 10,000 gallons. Garner. — ^The pubhc water supply of Garner (population, 1,028) comes from two wells, one of which was dug to a bed of gravel at 48 feet, and the other was dug to 55 feet and thence drilled to 145 feet, where it ends in limestone. The water in each well rises within 14 feet of the surface, but pumping at the rate of 80 gallons a minute from the two combined lowers the water level about 25 feet. The system comprises an elevated tank, about one-half mUe of mains, 11 fire hydrants, and approximately 75 taps. It is estimated that less than one-fourth of the people are supplied from this source and that the average daily consumption is about 13,000 gallons. HUMBOLDT COUNTY. By 0. E. Meinzer. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. Nearly all of Humboldt County is drift covered and much of it is poorly drained, but East and West forks of Des Moines River, which cross the county and unite near the south line, have in many localities cut into the bedrock, and, with their numerous short tribu- taries, have drained some of the swampy tracts. In the eastern part of the county the glacial drift forms an uninterrupted sheet, com- monly between 100 and 200 feet thick, but in most of the central and western parts it is thinner and in some places is only a veneer over the rock surface. Near the northwest and southwest corners (PI. XVI, p. 672) beds of loose sand, which are believed to represent HUMBOLDT COUNTY. 649 the basal Cretaceous deposit, appear to lie immediately below the drift, but elsewhere, as far as is known, the drift rests on Carbonif- erous rocks which, according to T. H. Macbride,^ consist of shale and sandstone belonging to the Des Moines group of the Pennsyl- vanian and of the "St. Louis limestone" and Kinderhook group of the Mississippian. The shale and sandstone are probably not widely distributed, for in most sections limestone constitutes the first rock recognized by drillers. The succession is indicated by the following section of the Cliicago & North Western Railway well at Renwick: Section of railway well at Remoick. Thick- ness. Depth. Soil, yellow and blue clay. Clay, hard, blue Sand Shale, red Shale, white Limestone Feet. 40 100 10 20 4 38 Feet. 40 140 150 170 174 212 UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. Most of the water used in Humboldt County is obtained from the glacial drift and the Carboniferous limestones. In the eastern tier of townships relatively few wells have been sunk to rock, but many end in the lower part of the drift at depths of more than 100 feet. In the vicinity of Livermore the drilled wells average perhaps 100 feet in depth, and possibly half of them end in rock; in the vicinity of Humboldt they average somewhat deeper and a larger proportion enter rock. In the west-central part of the county limestone wells are also numerous, but in certain locahties, especially near the north- west and southwest corners, all drilled wells end in sand. In general the rock wells are the most satisfactory and yield the largest supphes, but where the drift is thin and the water level is low it is in some places necessary to drill considerable distances in the rock, and even where the latter lies entirely below the water level a generous yield is obtained only after a good crevice has been tapped. Although the upper part of the limestone is the most broken and fissured it occasionally happens that compact rock must be penetrated for many feet before an opening is found which will freely. conduct water to the driU hole. 1 Geology of Humboldt County: Ann. Kept. Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 9, 1899, pp. 122 et seq. 650 UNDEKGEOUND WATER EESOURCES OF IOWA. HEAD. In the eastern part of the county water in the drilled wells rises nearly to the surface, and several flows have been struck in the valley of Prairie Creek and elsewhere. In Boone Valley, immediately east of Humboldt County, flows are obtained over an extensive area, but in Des Moines Valley, which lies at a lower level, none exist. The difference is due to the fact that in the first valley there is a continu- ous thick blanket of bowlder clay which is so impervious that it acts as a confining bed, holding under pressure the water in the porous beds beneath; whereas in the second valley the stream has cut through the confining bed into the water-bearing strata, thus allow- ing the water to escape freely. The result is that one valley has flowing wells but practically no springs, and the other has numerous springs but no flowing wells. In some locaHties in the western part of the county the water in the drilled wells remains at rather great depths and the conditions are unusually favorable for draining swamps into the underlying limestone. No deep drilling has been done in Humboldt County, but the wells in Algona, Mallard, and Webster City indicate that the water from the deep formations will rise to approximately 1,100 feet above the sea and that weUs may possibly flow with shght pressure in the Des Moines Valley. The highest head would probably be obtained within a few hundred feet of the surface; no additional pressure would be gained by sinking to still lower horizons. SPRINGS. Springs are abundant in the valley of West Fork of Des Moines River, and also in the valley of East Fork near the junction of the two streams. They issue mainly from the Hmestone, where the impervious cover of bowlder clay has been removed by erosion. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Humboldt. — About half of the people of Humboldt (population, 1,809) are said to use the pubhc supply. The water comes from a spring that flows into a reservoir, from wliich the water is carried, by gravity, through a pipe that passes under the river into a second reservoir, and is then pumped into a standpipe and system of mains. The total length of mains is 3 J miles, the number of fire hydrants is 21, and the number of taps is about 180. Approximately 60,000 gallons of water are consumed daily. At Humboldt the drill (according to Norton), after passing the Mississippian limestone and shales, wiU enter the limestones and KOSSUTH COUNTY. 651 shales of the Devonian, below which some Silurian Umestones may possibly be found. Next are shales 100 to 200 feet thick, correlated with the Maquoketa, although they may in part represent the Galena. Probably some water will be found in the Galena hmestone. Below the Decorah shale and the Platteville hmestone the drill will enter the St. Peter sandstone, about 1,300 feet below the surface. This sandstone may easily reach 100 feet in thickness and should afford a good yield of excellent water. The supply may be largely increased by going deeper, say to 1,700 feet, to tap the stores held by the lime- stones and sandstones lying beneath the St. Peter. Livermore. — ^The village well at Livermore (population, 578) is 163 feet deep, the last 31 feet of which are in hmestone. The water is said to stand about 55 feet below the surface (or about 1,080 feet above sea level) and to have been pumped at the rate of 60 gallons a minute. KOSSUTH COUNTY. By 0. E. Meinzer. TOPOGRAPHY. The surface of Kossuth County forms a north-south trough, the southern and central portions of which are drained southward through East Fork of Des Moines River and the northern portion northward through Blue Earth River. These two rivers are con- nected across the divide between the Des Moines and Minnesota River basins by a swampy area known as the Union Slough. The entire area is covered with glacial drift and exhibits a typical ground- moraine topography. The drainage is imperfect and swamps and ponds are numerous. GEOLOGY. If the layer of drift, wliich in most localities is over 100 feet thick, could be removed the surface on which it rests would probably com- prise an erosional topography exposing a geologic section of consider- able thickness and diversity. In the eastern and most of the central part of the county and also in a small area in the extreme southwest the drift hes upon indurated Paleozoic limestone, the age of which can not be definitely ascertained because outcrops are lacking. In a tract adjoining Des Moines River and throughout most of the western third of the county a wedge of soft shale and sandstone with a maximum known thickness of about 200 feet intervenes between the drift and the limestone. The upper beds of shale and sandstone are beheved to be Cretaceous, but some of the lower beds probably belong to the Pennsylvanian series and possibly in part to the Permian. The following well sections, as reported by the 652 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. drillers, show to some extent the character and relations of these strata: Generalized well section for the vicinity of Wesley. Depth. Soil and yeUow clay Clay, blue Clay, black, sand, and gravel with fragments of wood Clay, blue Clay, black, with fragments of wood Clay, yellow, sandy Clay, blue Clay, yellow, and broken limestone Limestone (entered). Section of well immediately north of Luverne. Clay, blue Sand Clav, red "Flint" Sandstone Shale Limestone (entered) Feet. 53 58 103 105 112 195 197 Depth. Feet. 80 90 140 146 166 176 178 Section of well at the Algona steam laundry. Depth. Clay, blue , Sand Shale or clay, yellow. Shale or clay, red Shale or clay, blue. . . Limestone Sandstone Limestone (entered). Feet. 90 215 220 227 Section of abandoned village well at Whittemore. Thickness. Depth. Clay, etc Feet. 115 40 3 Feet. 115 Sand, etc 155 Shale 158 Sandstone (entered). The section at Wesley suggests three distinct drift sheets whose deposition occurred at intervals sufficiently long to enable a soil to form and some weathering to occur at the top of each before it was covered by the next. The section at Bancroft (p. 656) likewise sug- gests either two or three distinct drift sheets. The red clay or shale reported in a number of the sections in Kossuth, Humboldt, and Palo Alto counties may represent the red shale found in the vicinity of Fort Dodge. KOSSUTH COUNTY. 653 UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE AND DISTRIBUTION. Water is obtained from glacial drift, Cretaceous sandstone, and Paleozoic limestones and sandstones. In the northeastern part of the county, where the drift rests upon limestone at depths ranging from about 100 feet m the vicinity of Germania to much more in certain other locahties, many drilled wells pass through the entire tliickness of drift and find water after penetrating only a short distance into the limestone. Farther west, in the vicinity of Swea City, a few wells reach limestone at about 200 feet, but in general the rock hes much farther below the surface and the wells are finished either in the drift or in the Cretaceous sand. Similar conditions prevail in the central portion of the county. Thus, at Ramsey post office, near the Union Slough, limestone occurs and is reached by many drilled wells at about 100 feet; at Bancroft it lies 240 feet below the surface and is reached by only a few wells; and at Ringsted, 3 miles west of the county line, it occurs at 364 feet and is almost never reached in drilling. In the southeastern part of the county many bored weUs end in the drift at depths of less than 100 feet but a large proportion of the drilled weUs enter rock, although in some localities this lies at con- siderable depths. In a very general way it may be said that the most common depths of the drilled wells are between 150 and 190 feet in the region south of Titonka, between 200 and 230 feet in the vicinity of Wesley, about 175 feet in the vicinity of Sexton, between 200 and 260 feet in the high area surrounding St. Benedict, and between 75 and 200 feet in the vicinity of Luverne. In much of the region south of Wesley and east of Luverne the drift is deep and drilled rock wells are proportionately rare. In the vicinity of Algona there is a wide range in the depth of wells, some of the drift wells being very shallow and some of the rock weUs going down more than 300 feet. An average for drilled weUs is probably between 1 50 and 200 feet. In the high area north of Whitte- more the driQed weUs range in general between 200 and 330 feet and end either in the drift or in the subjacent beds of sand. South of Whittemore the range in depth of wells is between 70 and 200 feet and most of the wells end in sand, except in a small area near the south- west corner of the county, where Hmestone is sometimes reached by the drill. Of the several sources of water in this county the limestone is the most satisfactory. Its upper portion is generally creviced — a condi- tion probably due to preglacial weathering — and hence it supplies water very freely. On the other hand, sand at higher levels causes much trouble by rising in the wells or by clogging screens. Only 654 UlSTDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOXJECES OF IOWA. 6-inch wells should be sunk and, except in those areas where the depth to rock is great, drUhng should be continued until limestone is reached or a satisfactory sand or gravel bed is encountered. As the ordinary- rock wells yield generous quantities of good water, little if anything is to be gained by drilling to the deeper formations. HEAD. The upper part of the glacial drift is more or less porous and as a rule is saturated almost to the surface, the water table closely follow- ing the topographic irregularities. But the bulk of the drift con- sists of dense bowlder clay which appears to be quite impervious to water and which serves in a sense as a confining bed that holds under pressure the water in the creviced limestone, in the sand strata, or in the sand and gravel deposits within the drift itself. Hence, when a hole is drilled through the bowlder clay, the water from the underly- ing formations rises under pressure to a certain definite level, which is generally higher (above the sea) in elevated than in depressed regions, but which does not follow the topographic irregularities nearly as closely as does the surficial ground-water table. Hence it is that in the highest areas the water remains far below the surface and in the lowest areas it may rise above the surface. The following tables shows the head of the water at several points in or near this county : Head of water in and near Kossuth County. Locality. Altitude of surf ace above sea level. Height to wMcli water rises. Above or below surface. Above sea level. Buffalo Center (Winnebago County). Germania S wea City Armstrong (Emmet County) Bancroft Burt Ringsted (Emmet County) Wesley Sexton St. Benedict Algona Wbittemore Corwitb. (Hancock County) Luveme Livermore (Humboldt County) West Bend (Palo Alto County) Feet. 1,183 1,174 1,240 1,210 1,170 1,251 1,240 1,218 1,206 1,193 1,200 1,178 1,169 1,140 Feet. - 14 Above. - 15 - 68 - 60 - 30 - 76 - 80 - 70 -125 - S3 - 35 - 20 - 40 - 55 Above. Feet. 1,169 1,145 1,159 1,172 1,150 1,140 1,175 1,166 1,148 1,141 1,140 1,165 1,158 1,129 1,085 1,156 Wells obtam flowing water in a tract of considerable extent adja- cent to Blue Earth Kiver, chiefly in Hebron, Springfield, Ledyard, and Lincoln townships, and also in the valleys of Buffalo, Mud, Prairie, and Lotts creeks, all of which drain into Des Moines River. KOSSUTH COUNTY. 655 Throughout the entire northeastern part of the county the water rises nearly to the surface, but in the high areas in the northwestern and west-central parts, and in the region about St. Benedict, it remains at considerable depths. To the south the head is lowered by the leakage that takes place farther south where the rocks out- crop along both forks of Des Moines River. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES, Algona. — ^The pubHc water supply pf Algona (population, 2,908) is taken from two deep wells: City well No. 1, drilled by S. Swanson, of MinneapoHs, which is 1,050 feet deep, and city well No. 2, which is 818 feet deep. The curb of well No. 1 is approximately 1,202 feet above sea level, and the water level is 69 feet below curb. The driller's logs follow: Driller's log of city well No. 1, Algona. Material Sandrock Limerock Sandrock Shale and streaks of sandrock Thick- ness. Feet. 235 75 125 300 315 Depth. Feet. 235 310 435 735 1,050 Log of city well No. 2. Depth. Soil Clay, yellow Clay, blue Sancl Shale, blue; shale, white; flint shale, light blue Limestone The water in the first well lowers notably when pumped 50 gallons a minute; the second yields 150 gallons by the use of an air lift. There are a standpipe, about 5 miles of mains, and 39 fire hydrants. It is reported that about 1,600 people are supplied and that an aver- age of 60,000 gallons is consumed daily. Bancroft. — The public supply of Bancroft (population, 830) is taken from a rock well, 242 feet deep, which has been tested at 40 gallons a minute. The system comprises an elevated tank, about one-half mile of mains, eight fire hydrants, and 28 taps. Approxi- mately 5,000 gallons of water is used daily and perhaps 125 people are supplied. A well at one time drilled for the railway company is said to be 500 feet deep with the water rising within 2 feet of the surface. 656 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. which would be 1,187 feet above sea level. The well stood a good test, but the water is so hard that it is not used in locomotives. Section of village well at Bancroft. Thick- ness. Depth. Soil and vellow clay Clay, blue Sand containing wood, snails, etc. Clay, blue Sand Clay, red and yellow Gravel Limestone, entered Feet. 15 50 6 20 5 138 6 2 Feet. 15 65 71 91 96 234 240 242 Burt. — The village well at Burt (population, 495) is 175 feet deep and has been pumped at the rate of 40 gallons a minute. The water rises within 30 feet of the surface. Waterworks with nearly a mile of mains and 10 fire hydrants have been installed. Swea City. — The public well at Swea City (population, 402) is 1 17 feet deep and ends in sand from which the water rises within 15 feet of the surface (1,160 feet above sea level). It has been pumped at the rate of 30 gallons a minute. The water is pumped to an elevated tank and is to be distributed through a system of mains. MITCHELL COUNTY. By 0. E. Meinzer. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. Mitchell County exhibits few topographic irregularities. The deep-drift area, however, is higher than the shallow-drift area, a fact that has an important bearing on ground-water conditions. The bedrock in all parts of the county probably consists of lime- stone of Devonian age, upon the irregular surface of which rests a mantle of glacial drift. In the southeast the average thickness of the drift is perhaps 200 feet, and m certain localities it exceeds 300 feet. In much of the northeastern part it is also thick, but its aver- age is less. Thus in the northern part of Jenkins Township and in much of Wayne Township the drift is only about 50 feet thick, though in the southern part of Jenkins and in some places in the northeastern section of Wayne it is much heavier, locally exceeding 200 feet. In the second tier of townships from the east the drift is thinner than in the first tier; in most places in the western half of the county it is less than 25 feet thick and limestone outcrops are abundant, especially along Red Cedar River. MITCHELL COUNTY. 657 UNDERGROUND WATER. SOUBCE AND DISTRIBUTION. Water is derived from alluvial and outwash deposits, glacial drift, Devonian limestone, limestone below the Devonian, and St. Peter sandstone. Deposits of alluvial sand and gravel occur locally in the valleys of the principal streams and afford large quantities of water to wells from 15 to 25 feet deep. Within the body of the glacial drift there are many water-bearing beds of sand and gravel, the shallowest of which can not, however, be relied on to yield water in dry years. The limestone everywhere yields an unfailing supply and is the most valuable water bed in the county. The city well at Osage extends through the St. Peter sandstone, which was encountered at a depth of 715 feet. In the southeastern townships most of the drilled wells end in beds of gravel and sand far down in the drift, many wells being more than 200 feet and a few more than 300 feet deep. In the northeastern townships most of the drilled wells end in limestone at depths aver- aging about 100 feet in the localities of thinnest drift and about 200 feet in the localities of thickest drift. In the second tier of townships from the east drilled wells commonly range in depth between 100 and 150 feet, some ending in limestone and others in drift. In the western half of the county by far the greater number of good wells are drilled into rock and obtain an abundance of water at depths ranging from about 50 to 150 feet. SPRINGS AND FLOWING WELLS. In the western part of Mitchell County, especially in the valley of Red Cedar River, some rather large springs issue from the limestone, the spring in the park south of Osage being typical. In the eastern part of the county smaller seeps come from gravelly beds in the drift; the spring at Riceville may be cited as an example. In a belt running north and south through the western part of Wayne, Jenkins, and Burr Oak townships the water in the drilled wells rises nearly to the surface and in some wells overflows with shght pressure; farther west it does not flow, even though the altitude is lower. The explanation of this distribution of flowing wells appears to be as follows: Along the east margin of Mitchell County and the adjoining parts of Howard County the surface is relatively high and the pervious por- tions of the drift are filled with water nearly to the surface. To some extent these pervious members are in communication with the under- lying limestone, which they thus keep supplied with water under 36581°— wsp 293—12 42 658 UNDEEGKOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. considerable head. The limestone may be regarded as a continuous water-bearing formation, and consequently, if farther west, where the altitude is lower, a well is drilled into the limestone or into sand or gravel in communication with it the water will rise under pressure and a flowing well may result. The drift thus plays the double part of a porous formation through which the water enters and an imper- vious layer under which it is confined. A short distance farther west, however, no flows are obtained, although the surface is still lower, the rapid reduction of the artesian pressure evidently being due to leakage through the thin drift cover and through rock outcrops. Altogether there are in this belt probably several dozen flowing wells grouped in clusters along streams or in depressions. The well on the farm of James McCarty, in the SW. | sec. 9, T. 98 N., R. 15 W., is locally famous for its unusually strong pressure and flow. It ends in gravel at the depth of 174 feet and is reported to flow about 300 gallons a minute. In the Osage deep well the water from the St. Peter sandstone rises to about 1,110 feet above sea level. According to the railway surveys the altitude at Osage is 1,168 feet above sea level; at Riceville, 1,229 feet; at Mclntyre, 1,279 feet; at Stacyville, 1,208 feet, and at St. Ansgar 1,175 feet. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Osage. — At Osage (population, 2,445) it is reported that 40,000 gallons are pumped from the city well daily and about 1,500 people are supplied. The water is lifted into an elevated tank and thence distributed through nearly 4 miles of mains to 42 fire hydrants and about 400 taps. The city well (PI. VII, p. 272) is 780 feet deep, 12 to 10 inches in diameter, and is cased to a depth of 192 feet without packing; the curb is 1,168 feet above sea level, and the water stands 60 feet below curb. The tested capacity is 200 gallons a minute. Water horizons are reported at 110 feet, with water heading 70 feet below curb; and at 650 feet, heading 60 feet below curb; water is also reported at 780 feet. The temperature of the water is 48° F. The weU was drilled in 1899 by J. F. McCarthy, of Mmneapolis, and cost $2,400. Driller's log of city ivell at Osage. Thick ness Depth, Drift Limestone Gumbo shale Limestone (water at 650 feet) . Shale and sandstone mixed . . , Sandstone Feet. 20 160 20 460 60 60 Feet. 20 180 200 660 720 780 WINNEBAGO COUNTY. Record of strata in Osage city well {PI. VII, p. £72.)"' 659 Depth. No sample Dolomite, light buff, crystallme; beginning at 490 feet; "4 samples Limestone, light gray; effervescing freely in cold hydrochloric acid; 6 samples Limestone, yellowish; with pyritic crystals and small nodules; 2 samples Limestone, light gray; with pyrite; 1 sample Limestone, dark gray; small chips of lighter gray from above; some grams of pyrite; 1 sample Limestone, dark gray, shaly, pyritic; 1 sample Limestone, dark gray; chips of green shale Shale, greenish Shale, slaty gray; some small flakes of limestone and crystals of pyrite; 2 samples Shale, dark green; a few small bits of limestone and grains of clean water-worked quartz sand Quartz sand, clean, clear, water worn; some chips of green shale from above; Ssamples; sand at 750 feet a little finer than that above Sand, yellowish: finer than any in the above Shale, greenish, marly; some sand grains and small chips of limestone Sand, fine, gray; well-rounded grains; some shale Feet. 490 540 625 640 645 655 660 670 675 695 750 760 770 780 a Calvin, Samuel, Ann. Kept. Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 13, 1903, p. 336. Calvin refers the sandstones from 725 feet to the bottom of the well to the St. Peter, and all the rocks above it to the Galena, Decorah, and Platteville formations. The occurrence of water above the Decorah shale — the source of powerfid springs in the northeastern counties of the State — should be noted. Riceville. — The public svipply of Riceville (population, 844) is taken from a spring which issues from a seam of sand in the drift at the bank of the river and yields about 20 gallons a minute. The water is allowed to flow into a reservoir from which it is pumped into an elevated tank and thence distributed through a small system of mains to 4 fire hydrants and 15 taps. St. Ansgar. — The city well at St. Ansgar (population, 747), put down in 1902 by Emil Sedlacek, of Thief River Falls, Minn., is 240 feet deep and 10 inches in diameter. (See PI. VII, p. 272.) The curb is 1,175 feet above sea level and the water stands 20 feet below the curb. This well was in process of boring when the county was surveyed by the Iowa Geological Survey. The drill had then reached a depth of 160 feet, the last 60 feet being in the Maquoketa shale. WINNEBAGO COUNTY. By 0. E. Meinzer. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. Winnebago County is covered with glacial drift to a depth, in most localities, of 100 to 200 feet. The upper layer is of Wisconsin age and has a gently undulating and poorly drained surface. The highest land and the deepest drift are found in a north-south belt which passes through the central part of the county. Beneath the drift is an irreg- ular limestone surface not known to outcrop within the county. 660 UNDERGKOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOUECE. Water is obtained from the glacial drift and from the underlying limestone. The drift is tapped by a large number of dug, bored, driven, and drilled wells, and furnishes the greater part of the supply; the limestone is reached by a smaller number of drilled wells, but the supplies are very satisfactory. Driven wells are successful only over small tracts where coarse material has been deposited at the surface. Bored wells are common throughout the county, but many of them are filthy and their yield is frequently small and uncertain. Drilled drift wells penetrate deeper and reach beds of sand and gravel from which water is delivered under pressure. Where the water-bearing material is sufficiently coarse, they are satisfactory, but in some of them the sand is so fine that it rises when the water is pumped. Drilled rock wells extend through the entire thickness of the drift and communicate with the system of joints and solution passages which ramify through the limestone, and which are charged with abundant excellent though hard water that is everywhere under pressure. Drilled rock wells are most common in the western part of the county and least numer- ous in the central part where the drift is deep. The good features of rock wells can be summarized as follows: (1) They contain no sand to cause trouble; (2) their yield is usually large and permanent; (3) the water is under enough pressure to rise high above the bottom of the wells, thus requiring a comparatively small lift; and (4) if they are properly cased their water is pure. As at all points the limestone is within easy reach of the drill, it is advised that, where the yield from the drift is not abundant or the sand causes trouble if not screened, drilling should be continued until limestone is penetrated and free communication is established with its water-filled crevices. It is poor economy to stop with an unsatisfactory sand well when a little deeper drilling would result in a good limestone well. HEAD. The water in the limestone and deeper parts of the drift is invariably under a pressure which lifts it far up in the wells. The lowest head, relative to the surface, is found in some of the highest areas in the central part of the county, but even here the lowest head reported was only 75 feet below the surface. Near the west margin of the county flows are obtained in the creek valleys and other low-lying areas. In the well at Forest City a light flow was struck in gravel at a depth of 80 feet and stronger flows were obtained at lower levels. Other flowing wells could probably be obtained in the valley of Lime WINNEBAGO COUNTY. 661 Creek. The following table shows the head of the water from the lower part of the drift or the subjacent limestone at several points: Head of water in Winnebago County. Locality. Altitude of surface above sea level. Height to which water rises. Above or below sur- face. Above sea level. Lake Mills Forest City (in valley) Thompson Buffalo Center Rake Feet. 1,265 1,180 al,275 1,183 1,154 Feet. -30 Above. -75 -14 -10 Feet. 1,235 1,180 a 1,200 1,169 1,144 a Approximate. Wells which, like the Forest City well and the Lake Mills railway well, have been sunk to some depth into the limestone, yield so generously, have eo good a head of water, furnish such a fair quality of water, and are in every respect so satisfactory that it does not seem advisable to drill deeper even where large supplies are required. From tiie deep-well data in this region it may be inferred that the water from the lower sandstones would not rise so high as that in the imestone underlying the drift. DRAINAGE WELLS. Where the water in rock wells stands at some depth below the sur- face, it is possible to drain ponds and swamps through them into the rock, though it is not certain that tliis method of drainage can be made profitable. Where the water rises nearly to the surface, as along the west margin, drainage through wells is not feasible. In other sections of the vState wells discharging into sand have not proved as successful as those which discharge into creviced limestone, and the same condition would probably exist in Winnebago County. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Buffalo Center. — The village well at Buffalo Center (population, 456) is 168 feet deep, the last 44 feet of which is in limestone. The water stands 14 feet below the surface, or 1,169 feet above sea level. There is an elevated tank, and new mains are being laid to replace the old ones which have become corroded. The people depend almost entirely on private wells, many of which are sunk only a short distance into the drift. Forest City. — The well which furnishes the public supply at Forest City (population, 1,691) is 4 inches in diameter and 300 feet deep, the last 180 feet of which are in limestone. It is located in the vaUey, 662 UNDEEGROUlSrD WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. and the water rises a few feet above the surface, or to about 1,180 feet above sea level. It yields several hundred gallons per minute by natural flow at the surface and discharges into the bottom of an underground reservoir at a rate of about 800 gallons a minute when the water level in the latter is lowered to 7 feet below the surface. Approximately two-thirds of the inhabitants of Forest City are reported to use the public supply. The water is pumped into a standpipe and delivered through 3^ miles of mains to 33 fire hydrants and about 140 taps. It is estimated that an average of 90,000 gallons of water are consumed daily. According to a forecast of artesian possibilities made by Norton, the St. Peter sandstone is estimated to lie only 700 or 800 feet below the surface, or between 400 and 500 feet above sea level. Water may be found in considerable quantity above the St. Peter, in the Galena limestone, and in the Platteville limestone above its basal shales. These basal green shales of the Platteville, which rest on the St. Peter, may be expected to be heavy and to need casing. The St. Peter sandstone should exceed 50 feet m thiclaiess, and may be more than double that. The limestones and sandstones underlying the St. Peter would add largely to the supply, and sinking for less than 500 feet below the base of the latter would test their possibilities. The quality of the water should be excellent, its chief mineral ingredients being calcium and magnesium carbonates. Lake Mills. — The well which furnishes the public supply at Lake Mills (population, 1,214) is 233 feet deep and enters limestone at 105 feet. The water rises to 30 feet below the surface, or about 1,235 feet above sea level, and has been pumped at 35 gallons a minute. The well of the Cliicago & North Western Railway Co. at the same place is 334 feet deep, and enters limestone at 120 feet, with the water rising within 21 feet of the surface, or about 1,245 feet above sea level. In this well pumping at the rate of 125 gallons a minute for 10 hours did not perceptibly lower the water. The public supply is pumped to an elevated tank, which connects with more than a mile of mains and 11 fii'e hydrants. Most of the people use water from private weUs, but a few are supplied from the public waterworks. Approximately 17,000 gallons of water is used daily. No deep weUs have been drilled within a considerable distance of Lake Mills, but the dip of the strata, as estimated from the sections at Easton, Minn., and Mason City, indicates, accordmg to Norton, that the St. Peter sandstone lies 500 to 600 feet above sea level, or about 700 to 800 feet below the surface. If any deep well is drilled it should be sunk to the bottom of this formation, which may be 100 feet in thickness. WOETH COUNTY, 668 Thom-'pson. — The public supply at Thompson (population, 500) is derived from a drilled well 6 inches in diameter that ends in lime- stone at the depth of 300 feet, the water rising to a level 75 feet below the surface. The waterworks consist of an elevated tank with less than a quarter of a mile of mains and four fire hydrants. The people rely chiefly on private shallow drift wells, using only 2,500 gaUons daily of the pubhc supply. WORTH COUNTY. By 0. E. Mei:tzer. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. The outer margin of the terminal moraine of the Wisconsin drift sheet crosses Worth County diagonally from northeast to southwest. West of this margin the topography is irregular and morainic and the drainage is poor; east of it an older drift lies at the surface, which, although only slightly dissected, has a well-developed drainage system. The total thickness of the glacial drift is greatest in the northwest- ern morainic townships, where over extensive areas it measures between 100 and 200 feet, and in the extreme northeast, where in many places it exceeds 100 feet. Throughout the rest of the county its average thickness is probably 50 feet or less. The drift is for the most part underlain by Devonian limestone, which is exposed m many places along Shell Rock River and other streams. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The water supply of Worth County is obtained from alluvial and outwash deposits, glacial drift, and limestone of Devonian age or possibly older. There are many drilled wells in all parts of the county, although shallow dug, bored, and driven wells are numerous in the morainic area and in the areas where alluvial and outwash sands and gravels lie at the surface. The drilled wells end in the lower parts of the drift or in the subjacent limestone, the average depth, as well as the pro- portion that end in drift, being greatest where the drift is thickest. In general the wells ending in limestone are the most satisfactory, and, as in nearly all parts of the county this rock is within easy reach of the drill, it is usually unwise to depend on the drift for either farm or village supplies. One of the deepest wells in the county is that of the Chicago & North Western Railway, at Hanlonton, which enters limestone at a depth of 23 feet and extends to a total depth of 260 feet. The water in this well is reported to rise within 23 feet of the surface and to have been pumped at the rate of 100 gallons a minute. 664 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Northwood. — The city well at Northwood (population, 1,264) is 10 inches in diameter and 92 feet deep, the last 50 feet being in limestone. The water rises within 18 feet of the surface, or to about 1,204 feet above the sea, and has been pumped continuously for 15 hours at 100 gallons a minute without noticeable effect. It is lifted from the well into an elevated tank and is thence distributed by gravity through about If miles of mains to 20 fire hydrants and approximately 70 taps. It is estimated that 400 people are supplied and that about 18,000 gallons of water is consumed daily. Nearly all the private wells are less than 100 feet deep. Northwood is 1,222 feet above sea level. According to a forecast of the artesian conditions of the locality made by Norton, the drill, after penetrating the cover of drift clays and sands, will pass through Devonian limestones and shales with possibly some Silurian lime- stones, the whole, however, being less than 175 or 200 feet thick. The Maquoketa shale, here rather thin, will then be penetrated, and below it several hundred feet of magnesian limestones maybe expected. As these last are underlain by a heavy shale belonging to the Platte- ville limestone, considerable water will probably be found in their crevices and porous beds. A dependable supply will be found in the St. Peter sandstone immediately below the heavy shale mentioned, which may be expected at about 600 feet above sea level, or about 625 feet below the surface, although it may lie 100 feet deeper. WRIGHT COUNTY. By O. E. Meinzer. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. All of Wright County is covered with glacial drift. Extending across it, somewhat east of the center, with a general north-south trend, is a high morainic belt which contains several lakes and other undrained depressions and forms the divide between the basin of Iowa River, which flows through the eastern part of the county, and the basin of Boone River, which flows through the western part. In this belt is found the deepest drift, the average depth probably being not less than 200 feet; at one point, 2 miles south and 2 miles east of Clarion, a depth of 367 feet is reported. In much of the eastern part of the county, on the other hand, the depth of the drift is only about 100 feet, and in the Iowa Valley it is generally less. Throughout all or nearly all of the county the drift rests upon a surface of indu- rated Paleozoic limestone. WEIGHT COUNTY. 665 UNDERGROirND WATER. SOURCE. The water supply is derived from the glacial drift and the under- lying limestone. The upper layer of drift, owing to its loosely con- solidated and somewhat gravelly condition, is to a certain extent porous, and because of the poor drainage it is normally saturated nearly to the surface with water which it yields slowly to shallow dug or bored wells ; but in times of protracted drought this surflcial water largely disappears and leaves the wells without adequate supply. In certain small districts, where beds of sand or gravel lie at the surface, as in parts of the Iowa Valley, inexpensive wells with large yields are obtained by driving points only a short distance into these porous water-filled deposits. Deeper in the drift beds of sand and gravel are interbedded with dense blue bowlder clay, and these beds are almost invariably saturated with water under pressure. Numerous drilled wells are supplied from this source. The limestone below the drift is hard and impervious but more or less broken and cavernous, and it is this condition, probably pro- duced by preglacial weathering, that renders it an excellent aquifer. The openings in the rock are charged with water under considerable head, and when they are encountered by the drill the water surges into the well and rises rapidly to a level determined by the head. That large supplies can be obtained by drilling some distance into the limestone is shown by the village wells at Forest City, Britt, Latimer, and Clarion, each of which will furnish several hundred gallons a minute without any great lowering of the water level. Moreover, wells ending in rock do not give trouble as do so many of the sand wells, and the yield does not deteriorate with time as is fre- quently the case in wells ending in fine-grained unconsolidated mate- rial. Though it is not always necessary to drill to rock, yet there is much ill-advised economy in finishing wells in unsatisfactory sand beds when a little deeper drilling would reach rock and result in a much better and more permanent well. Another mistake frequently made, especially where large supplies are desired, is in stopping the drill before the limestone has been penetrated a sufficient depth. The farther the drill hole enters the rock the more water-filled crevices it taps and the more chances there are that a large fissure or cavern will be encountered. The village wells mentioned above penetrate rock to depths ranging from 20 to 180 feet. 666 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. HEAD. The following table shows the head of the water from the limestone and lower parts of the drift at several points in or near Wright County: Head of water in and near Wright County. Locality. Altitude of surface above sea level. Height to which the water rises. Above or below surface. Above sea level. Belmond Gait Dows 3 miles east of Clarion Clarion Florence Goldfield Eagle Grove Corwitli (Hancock County).. Luverne (Kossuth County). . Renwick (Humbolt County) . Feet. 1,180 1,200 1,140 a 1,240 1,170 1,130 1,108 1,109 1,178 1,169 11,130 Feet. -50 -97 -28 Above. Above. -20 -40 -30 Feet. 1,180 1,150 1,140 o 1,143 1,142 1,130 1,120 1,120 1,158 1.129 "1,100 a Approximately. In the high central belt the water in the drilled wells remains far below the surface, lifts of 50 to 100 feet being general. On the lower ground east of this belt the water usually rises near the tops of the wells, and in the lowest parts of the valley of Iowa River, at Belmond, Dows, and elsewhere, flows are obtained. West of this belt over an extensive area the water rises above the surface or remains only a few feet below, flows being obtained all along the immediate valley of Boone River and far up the valleys of Otter, Eagle, and White Fox creeks and their tributaries. James Rowe, an experienced driller in Eagle Grove, estimates that a flow can be obtained at some low point on approximately half of the farms in the western half of the county. The table shows that the head of the water is relatively independent of the surface configuration, the water rising to nearly the same level above the sea in the high central area, where it remains far below the surface, as in the valleys, where flows are obtained, the wells being as truly artesian in principle in one area as in the other. The table shows, however, that the head gradually lowers toward the south and west, a condition due to leakage at rock outcrops in the Des Moines Valley to the west and in the Iowa Valley and other localities to the south. Information gained from deep wells drilled at several places near Wright County indicates that the water from the sandstone forma- tions below the limestone will rise to approximately 1,100 feet above the sea. The supply from the rock immediately beneath the drift is so satisfactory in quantity, quality, head, and other respects that WRIGHT COUNTY. 667 nothing would probably be gained by drilling to tlie more deeply buried sandstones. DRAINAGE WELLS. In the high central area, where the water in rock wells remains a considerable distance below the surface, it is possible to drain swampy tracts by conducting the surface water into drainage wells, but in the lower parts of the county, where the water from the limestone rises nearly or quite to the surface, this method can not be employed. Where it is possible to drain into stream channels or large cooperative ditches, drainage into wells will probably not be profitable, but it is possible that, where conditions are favorable, small isolated swamps, remote from any ditch or stream channel, can be profitably reclaimed by wells. The two favorable conditions in the central part of this county are (1) the low head of the well water and (2) the creviced character of the limestone, both of which increase the capacity of a well for receiving water; the one unfavorable condition lies in the thickness of the drift, which, of course, increases the cost of the wells proportionately. Thus far drainage wells have not proved very successful even where the physical conditions are the best, the chief difficulty being the rapid deterioration in the. capacity of the wells, which is believed to be due to the clogging of the pores and crevices in the rock by sediment carried in with the water. This deterioration takes place more rapidly in sand and gravel deposits, whose pores readily become sealed, than in the limestone which has larger open- ings that are not so easily clogged. If drainage into wells — even into limestone wells — ^is to be made successful, it will be necessary to devise methods for lengthening the Hfe of the weUs used for this pur- pose, and this can probably be accomplished only by preventing sedi- ment from entering with the water. An experiment that might be worth trying is to excavate a reservoir of considerable size in which the water could stand for some time, thus allowing the suspended matter to settle before the water is taken into the well. Such a reservoir would also greatly augment the potential capacity of the well in that it would receive the water from a heavy rain and supply it to the well gradually, thus draining the land before the crops were damaged and yet allowing the well to be functional during a large part of the time. Where the drainage is effected by an underground system of tiles, the difficulty with suspended matter is much less than where the water is led to the wells in ditches. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Belmond. — The public supply at Belmond (population, 1,224) was untn recently taken from a dug well 14 feet in diameter and 25 feet deep and from 8 driven wells 27 feet deep, the water coming from^a 668 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. surface layer of sand. There is an elevated tank, 1^ miles of mains, 16 fire hydrants, and 56 taps. It is estimated that about 225 people, or one-fifth of the population, are supplied and that about 18,000 gallons is consumed daily. The city well recently completed has a depth of 500 feet and a diameter of 10, 8, and 6 inches; casing 10 inches to rock at 130 feet, 8 inches to about 250 feet. The curb is 1,180 feet above sea level and the head 16 feet below the curb. The depth to the principal supply is 500 feet; another water bed is at 25 feet. Date of comple- tion, 1911; driller, W. L. Thorn, of Sparta, Wis. Driller's log of city tvell at Belmond. Thick- ness. Depth. Gravel and clay (drift) Limerock (Mississippian) Shale (Lime Creek, of Devonian). Limerock Shale Limerock (to bottom) Feet. 130 100 40 ? 20-30 Feet. 130 230 270 ? ? 500 The well penetrates deeply the Devonian and perhaps the Silurian limestones, but does not reach the Maquoketa shale, although that formation should be found within 100 feet of the bottom. The St. Peter sandstone is estimated by Norton to be about 1,150 feet below the surface. Clarion. — The village well at Clarion (population, 2,065) is 280 feet deep and ends in limestone from which the water rises to 28 feet below the surface, or 1,142 feet above sea level. It has been tested at 500 gallons a mmute. An elevated tank has recently been erected and a system of mains laid. Clarion is 1,170 feet above sea level. According to Norton, a deep well passing through the cover of glacial drift should find limestone with some shales extending to a depth of about 750 feet, below which lies a bed of mud-rock shale, the Maquoketa (Ordovician), wliich effectually parts the waters above it from those below. The Maquoketa shale rests on 300 to 350 feet of dolomitic limestones (Galena), below wliich the drill will enter the heavy green Decorah shale and then the limestones and shales of the Platteville, which together may exceed 75 or even 100 feet in thickness. The top of the St. Peter should be reached at about 1,270 feet from the surface, but any contract for a deep well should provide for going to a depth of 1,500 or 1,600 feet if necessary in order to insure against contingencies. Bows. — The public supply at Dows (population, 892) is taken from an 8-inch well 85 feet deep, in which the water rises to 15 feet below the surface, or to 1,146 feet above the sea. There are an elevated "WEIGHT COUNTY. 669 tank, five-eighths of a mile of mains, 9 fire hydrants, and 15 taps The water is used by only a small part of the population and the average daily consumption is reported to be approximately 5,000 gallons. Eagle Grove. — Only a few people in Eagle Grove (population, 3,387) use the public supply; the rest have private wells, most of which overflow. The public supply is taken from two wells, one of which is a 20-inch bored well that ends in gravel and is cased with tile, the other a 6-inch drilled well with iron casing, extending to a depth of 168 feet and penetrating limestone, from which the water rises above the surface. The two wells will together discharge 500 gallons a minute into an underground reservoh* tln-ough an orifice 25 feet below the surface. There are a standpipe, 3 miles of mains, and about 35 fire hydrants. It is estimated that approximately 40,000 gallons are consumed daily. Norton estimates that if the dip of the strata from Mason City to Fort Dodge is uniform the St. Peter sandstone occurs at Eagle Grove at very nearly 1,300 feet below the surface, and that it and the formations immediately below it would yield a large quantity of wholesome water. In order to get the largest yield it is recom- mended to sink to 600 or 700 feet below sea level, or to 1,700 or 1,800 feet below the surface. As soon as the shales of the St. Law- rence formation appear, at 1,700 feet or lower, the drilling should be stopped except under expert advice to the contrary. No special difficulties in drilling need be apprehended. Shales may be expected to occur among the limestones of the upper 800 feet, and heavy shales will be found between 800 and 950 feet, and again between 1,200 and 1,300 feet. These should be cased to insure against caving. CHAPTER XII. CENTKAL DISTRICT. INTRODUCTION. By W. H. Norton. The central district comprises 12 counties situated in central Iowa — Boone, Dallas, Greene, Grundy, Guthrie, Hamilton, Hardin, Jasper, Marshall, Polk, Story, and Webster. By far its larger part, including all the central and western portions, is underlain by Pemisylvanian rocks, which here consist predominantly of shales; the eastern part is- underlain by the Mississippian, which also includes heavy shale beds. The presence of these heavy beds of shale make the question of the deeper water supply of special importance. The Paleozoic terranes continue their southwestward dip well toward the western part of the area. From Waterloo to Ackley the average fall of the St. Peter sandstone is 8 feet per mile ; from Ackley to Fort Dodge the fall decreases to 2 J feet per mile (PL VI, p. 258). The section along the Chicago & North Western Railway shows a descent of the St. Peter from Belle Piaine to Boone averaging 4 feet to the mile (PI. XI, p. 382), but this dip is interrupted by the Ames anticline, discovered by Beyer and demonstrated by his section of the deep well at the Iowa Agricultural College. By this singular upwarp the St. Peter at Ames stands 275 feet higher than at Boone, 15 miles farther west. From Boone a very gentle descent of about 3 feet to the mile continues to Ogden, but from Ogden the strata rise at the rate of 8| feet to the mile as far as Jefferson. Along the main line of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway the St. Peter dips west from Grinnell to a point 12 miles north of Des Moines at the rate of 6 feet to the mile. (See PL XV.) West of Des Moines the strata probably continue their westward dip through or nearly through Dallas County, beyond which a very gentle ascent probably occurs. From Waterloo to Des Moines the St. Peter descends 1,143 feet, or a little less than 12^ feet to the mile. The deep-water beds of this district are the St. Peter sandstone, the Prairie du Chien group, and the Jordan sandstone. The Jordan, however, may not be found well defined in the southern and south- western parts. In the sections at Boone and Des Moines the terranes 670 -*< 15 miles WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 293 PLATE XV 25 miles — ^ Davenport U S GEOLOGICAL SURVEY . 18 miles -1 9 miles -47 miles 34 miles - WATER-SUPPLV PAPER 293 PLATE XV -15 miles — >< 25 miles ^ Davenport GEOLOGIC SECTION BETWEEN DAVENPORT AND DES MOINES, IOWA By W. H. Norton OENTEAL DISTRICT. ■ 671 below the St. Peter are not well demarked, even the boundary between the Prairie du Chien and the Jordan being indistinct. Though water-bearing sandstones will undoubtedly be found below the St. Peter, their place can not be predicted and their correlation is not always determinable. In the central and southwestern parts of the district these sandstones are to be found only at great depths and the cost of reaching them should be well considered before a deep well is decided on. The history of the Boone wells is exemplary in this respect. In the northern tier of counties the St. Peter seems to be unusually thick and the terranes immediately underlying it are apparently markedly arenaceous. They lie within profitable drilling distance of the surface and may be expected to yield exceptionally large supplies of water. Moderate amounts of water may be found in the Galena and Platte- ville limestones, but generally wells should be carried through the St. Peter or the underlying water beds. The Herndon supply seems to come from the Galena, and it is quite possible that had the well been drilled a few score feet deeper the St. Peter would have been encountered. The waters of the country rocks, especially those of the Pennsyl- vanian, are apt to be so highly mineralized as to be unpotable. The gypseous beds of the SUurian also furnish highly mineralized waters at a number of places. Special care should be taken to case out these upper waters from deep wells. The high mineral content of a number of the deep wells leads to a strong suspicion that their waters are derived in part from upper horizons, yet the lower waters — those of the St. Peter and the subjacent beds — have come far, they have sunk deep, their circulation has no doubt become sluggish, and they have had opportunity to take up far more minerals in solution than have the waters of the same beds farther to the north and east. Taking all factors into consideration deep wells can not be recom- mended for the extreme southern part of the district, including the southern half of Guthrie, Dallas, Polk, and Jasper counties, except as experiments and where other sources are unavailable. The depth of the Ordovician formations along the axis of the downwarp from Boone southward renders deep-well drilling here also of doubtful expediency. Except in these parts of the district, however, weUs may obtain water of fair quality without being carried to excessive depths. Other sources of supply should, however, be carefully con- sidered before decision is made in favor of artesian weUs. 672 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. BOONE COUNTY. By W. J. Miller and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. The surface of Boone County is rather flat, although very gently rolling areas are not uncommon. The most striking modification of the general flatness is the broad, deep valley cut by Des Moines River from north to south across the middle of the county. A smaller depression is formed along Beaver Creek in the western part. Wisconsin drift and Kansan drift are spread over the whole county except along Des Moines River, where both have been completely eroded. The drift appears to be thinner on the west side of the river than on the east. It rests immediately on the Des Moines group of the Carboniferous, which has been well exposed by erosion along Des Moines River The drift formations show rapid variations in thickness, but are generally horizontal. The rock formations dip rather strongly to the west in the eastern part of the county and lie about horizontal in the western part. (See PI. XI, p. 382.) UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. Most of the wells in Boone County obtain water in the sand or gravel beneath the Wisconsin drift, at depths ranging in different districts from 50 to 120 feet. Where the gravels fail to yield sufficiently, deeper wells must be drilled. Along Des Moines River the Wisconsin is altogether absent, and it also appears to be absent or very thin along the other watercourses. Where the Wisconsin drift is very thin or absent, especially along certain watercourses, first water is obtained in the sand or gravel beneath the blue clay of the Kansan drift, which affords a persistent and satisfactory supply and is tapped by a good many wells. Because of rather rapid and local thickening and thinning of the Kansan, the depth to this water varies greatly even in any one part of the county. Depths ranging from 100 feet to nearly 300 feet have been noted, the most common being 150 to 200 feet; the greatest depth appears to be in the vicinity of Boone. Along Des Moines River the Kansan has been completely cut through. Unless a well has been sunk into the underl5dng rocks, it may be difficult to tell whether the water comes from beds below the Kansan or below the Wisconsin. Local good supplies are found in sandy layers in the blue clays of either the Wisconsin or the Kansan drift sheets. A number of wells obtain water from Carboniferous sandstones (Des Moines group). A few very deep weUs, as at Boone and Ogden, get water in Cambrian sandstone. Prairie du Chien group < 'c,ha\^opee New Richmond Oneota EZE U S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Feet «-10miles^< ■ < n miles - Emmeteburg Mallard WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 293 PLATE XVI Centerville GEOLOGIC SECTION BETWEEN EMMETSBURG AND CENTERVILLE , IOWA By W. il, Norton BOONE COUNTY. 673 On the low lands along stream courses the water in the drift may be under sufficient head to overflow at the surface. The most impor- tant flowing basin in Boone County is along Beaver Creek and its branches. Flows are also obtained along Big Creek in the south- eastern part of the county, and at least one flowing well exists in the northeastern part of the county in the valley of Squaw Creek. A flowing well has been reported in the northwestern part of Boone and another 5 miles north of Boone. The available data are not sufficiently accurate to determine deffi- nitely the source of these fl.ows, but the best evidence indicates that those along Beaver and Big creeks are derived from the gravels beneath the Kansan drift, and the others from the sand and gravel beneath the Wisconsin. The flowing well in the northwest part of Boone and the one 5 miles north of Boone are almost certainly from the Wisconsin. SPRINGS. A few springs are found along Des Moines River and some of the smaller streams, but none are of notable size. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES, Boone. — Boone (population 10,347) derives its water supply from four wells, 3,010, 2,900, 297, and 264 feet deep. (See Pis. XI, XVI.) The water is pumped by air lift to a reservoir and thence to an elevated tank, from which it is distributed by gravity with a domestic pressure of 40 pounds and a fire pressure of 100 pounds. Boone has 10^ miles of mains, 46 fire hydrants, and 500 taps. The system serves 2,500 people with 300,000 gallons a day. The water is plentiful but hard. City well No. 1 has a depth of 3,010 feet and a diameter of 8, 5f , 4^, 3^, and 3 inches; casing, 5f inches to 1,400 feet, 4^ inches from 1,300 to 1,875 feet, and smaUer from 1,975 to 2,073 feet. The curb is 1,140 feet above sea level and the head 200 feet below the curb. The pump cyhnder is set 276 feet below the curb; pumping at the rate of 70 gallons a minute produced no noticeable effect on water level. Water from depths of 45 feet and 195 feet rose to 35 feet below the curb and yielded 40,000 gallons a day; water from the St. Peter sandstone at 1,875 feet rose to 60 feet below the curb; water from beds at depth of 2,700 feet stood 200 feet below the curb but gave largest yield. Date of completion, 1890. Temperature, 68° F. The water is corrosive and scale forming; new water pipes in boil- ers are eaten out sometimes in six months; scale deposits at the rate of about 1 inch a week in heater and one-sixteenth of an inch in boiler tubes. 36581°— wsp 293—12 43 674 UNDEKGEOUND WATEK RESOUECES OF IOWA. Record of straLa in well No. 1 at Boone} Pleistocene (200 feet thick; top, 1,140 feet above sea level): feet. Clay, yellow, sandy, variegated 10 Clay, light blue; mixed with angular gravel 24 Clay, light blue; gravel more conspicuous 34 -► Clay, yellowish gray, slightly arenaceous; and containing fragments of wood closely resembling red cedar; gravel persists but is less angular 45 Clay, gray blue; more even in texture than preceding, but still containing a considerable percentage of arenaceous material ; strongly calcareous 60 Clay, yellow-gray; changes gradually to yellow at 140 feet; f 100 even textured, almost free from gravel, but slightly arena- < 110 ceous throughout; 3 samples [ 140 Clay,, grayish yellow; containing angular sand and gravel. . 150 Gravel, coarse; embedded in matrix of blue clay; gravel of quartzitic, cherty, and basic igneous rocks; many pebbles faceted 155 Clay, deep brown 165 Clay, blue, massive 175 Sand, quartz; fine uniform grain, containing a few grains of calcareous chert 185 Gravel, coarse; composed chiefly of granite, vein quartz, basic igneous rocks, quartzite, and nodules of clay iron- stone. The latter two bespeak strongly a coal measure origin. The rounded forms of many of the constituents bear evidence of prolonged attrition 195 Pleistocene (?) (70 feet thick; top, 940 feet above sea level); may belong to Des Moines group of the Pennsylvanian : Shale, buff, arenaceous; containing a small amount of fine gravel probably carried down from overlying strata; slightly calcareous, loesslike in appearance, and with dis- tinct soil odor; samples at 240 and 260 feet clay, drab, sandy, and pebbly; not molding readily when wet; sample at 230 feet effervesces freely in acid, and slightly calcareous below; appearance of old soil at 240 feet; a little wood at 250 feet; 7 samples 200-260 Carboniferous: Pennsylvanian: Des Moines group (175 feet thick; top, 870 feet above sea level): Shale, blue, compact, brittle 270 Shale, blue; a little coal; 2 samples 275, 308 Shale, blue, calcareous, and slightly arenaceous . . . 325 Shale, light blue, strongly calcareous; more arena- ceous than the preceding 335 Shale, black, bituminous, fissile; 2 samples 345, 353 Shale, bituminoxis, mixed with ash-colored fire clay, coal, iron pyrites, and clay ironstone 355 Shale, black, noncalcareous, brittle; containing an abundance of iron pyrites 370 1 Adapted from Beyer, S. W., Geology of Boone County: Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 5, 1896, pp. 194-198, The assignment to formations follows closely that of Dr. Beyer. BOONE COUNTY. 675 Carboniferous — Continued. Pennsy Ivanian — Continued . Des Moines group (175 feet thick; top, 870 feet above sea level) — Continued. Shale, gray-blue; slightly arenaceous at 400 feet but practically noncalcareous thorughout; 4 samples Shale, ash colored, brittle, calcareous Mississippian : ' ' St. Louis limestone " and Osage group (155 feet thick; top, 695 feet above sea level): Shale, gray; a little black shale; much flint partly in the form of geodes; some limpid quartz; 2 samples Shale, grayish black, calcareous, and arenaceous . . Limestone; rhombs of calcite Limestone, slightly oolitic; 4 samples Shale, blue; strongly calcareous; 3 samples , Depth in feet. 380 390 400 415 430 445 450 455 460 470 475 490 500 515 525 540 550 552 560 562 580 590 600 Shale, gray-blue; more marly than preceding Limestone, blue-gray, close textured, brittle; sharply angular Limestone, conchoidai or hackly fracture Limestone ; abnormal amount of chert Limestone, oolitic facies, slightly quartzitic; not angular Sandstone, friable, fine grained Kinderhook group (215 feet thick; top, 540 feet above sea level): Shale, green-gray, slightly arenaceous Shale, slightly calcareous; 2 samples 610, 620 Shale, more marly 630 Limestone, gi'ay; 2 samples 640, 650 Limestone, gray, marly 660-777 Limestone, blue, compact, brittle 790 Limestone, apparently brecciated 800 Shale, gray 805 Devonian and Silmian (520 feet thick; top, 325 feet above sea level): Limestone, subcrystalline, gray; 2 samples 815, 830 Limestone ; shows numerous reddish-brown spots, probably due to oxidation of iron pyrites; 2 samples 849, 920 f 930 Limestone, magnesian, light buff; 2 samples \ Limestone, more or less argillaceous; fragments of a dark- f 1, 028 colored shale; 2 samples I 1, 040 Shale, sligntly calcareous 1, 050 Limestone, magnesian, light buff; 2 samples -j ' 676 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. Devonian and Silurian (250 feet thick; top, 325 feet above sea 1,080 level)— Continued. infeet. Shale, gray -blue, slightly calcareous; sand present; 3 . ^"^Pi"^ 1 lilOO Shale, arenaceous; many sand grains larger than those above 1, 120 Limestone, gray, dolomitic; bituminous shale at 1,130 feet; J ^' -.^r. 3 samples 1 ' ^ i 1, 150 r 1, 160 Limestone, magnesian, buff, saccharoidal ; 3 samples | 1, 170 [ 1,180 Limestone, magnesian; some quartz grains 1, 190 Limestone, dolomitic, marly; 2 samples < ' " ^' ^ I 1,210 Shale, greenish gray 1, 220 Limestone, dolomitic, marly; 2 samples < ' " Limestone, argillaceous 1, 260 Quartz, varicolored, chalcedonic 1, 280 Clay, residual; a red ocherous substance, charged with white calcareous grains 1, 282 Sand, quartz, varicolored 1, 290 Limestone, crystalline, purplish; some fissile green shale . . 1, 298 Limestone, buff; considerable green shale 1, 305 Dolomite, gray, fine even texture, brittle, reduced to fine f 1, 315 sand by drill; 2 samples I 1, 325 Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (105 feet thick; top, 195 feet below sea level): Shale, green, soft, plastic, only slightly calcareous s ' I 1, OOO Shale, black, carbonaceous 1, 395 Shale, buff, magnesian; 2 samples \ ' ,„^ Galena dolomite and Platteville limestone (405 feet thick; top, 300 feet below sea level): Limestone, agrillaceous 1, 440 1, 450 1,480 Limestone, argillaceous, marly 1, 490 Limestone, gray, magnesian; 2 samples I -i ' ci^ Limestone, buff, magnesian, finely granular 1, 537 Limestone, slightly cherty 1, 545-1, 560 Limestone, buff, magnesian, containing flakes of f 1, 580 gray limestone and small cleavage plates of gypsum; ■I 1, 590 3 samples [ 1, 600 Dolomite, brownish yellow, marly 1, 610 Dolomite, becoming progressively lighter colored; 2 J 1,620 samples I 1, 630 Dolomite, buff 1, 640 Dolomite, saccharoidal Ij 650 Limestone, gray, magnesian; 2 samples < BOONE COUNTY. 677 Ordovician — Continued. Galena dolomite and Platteville limestone (405 feet thick; in feet, top, 300 feet below sea level) — Continued. Dolomite, buff; 2 samples -j ' Dolomite, ehaly 1, 690 Dolomite, bluish gray, marly, argillaceous 1, 700 1,710 Dolomite, buff; 3 samples . 1,720 1, 730 Clay, residual, with some fine-grained quartz sand .... 1, 740 Shale, greenish gray 1, 750 Dolomite, brownish 1, 760 Shale, greenish gray with dolomite sand 1, 770 Dolomite, deep brown 1, 780 Dolomite, color changes gradually from buff to green- ish gray and texture becomes shaly 1 , 795-1, 810 Shale, bluish gray 1, 830 Shale, green, noncalcareous 1, 835 Shale, bluish 1,840 St. Peter sandstone (55 feet thick; top, 705 feet below sea level: Sandstone, clear white, grains well rounded 1, 845 Shale, green; small amount of sand 1, 850 1,860 Shale, arenaceous; 2 samples Sandstone, clear-white, even-grained quartz sand; samples 1,870 1,880 1,890 1, 895 Prairie du Chien group: Shale, arenaceous 1, 900 Dolomite, gray; fine quartz sand 1, 910 Dolomite, greenish gray, marly 1, 915 Dolomite, gray; with quartz; sand finer and much more / 1, 940 angular than that at 1,880 feet; 2 samples I 1, 950 Dolomite, cream-colored, slightly shaly 1, 955 Dolomite, gray, shaly , 1, 975 Shale, red, noncalcareous 2, 075 Shale, buff, highly calcareous, slightly arenaceous 2, 165 2,200 2,250 Shale, dark-blue, and marl, light gray 2, 310 Cambrian: Jordan sandstone : Sandstone, highly calcareous, buff, fine grained; 2 f 2,510 samples I 2, 515 St. Lawrence formation and earlier Cambrian strata: Shale, yellowish green, highly calcareous 2, 560 Sandstone, yellowish, fine grained, mostly subangular or rounded; many angular grains 2, 585 Sandstone, light bluff; grains fine, mostly angular; 2 j 2, 640 samples \ 2, 660 Sandstone, brown, calciferous, fine grained 2, 700 Alternating bands of shale, red marl, and soft red sand- f 2, 700 stone, without limestone; 2 samples l 3, 000 Shale, green; 2 samples I 678 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. City well No. 2 has a depth of 2,914 feet and a diameter of 16 inches to 195 feet, 12 inches to 294 feet, 10 inches to 500 feet, 6^ inches to 1,973 feet, below this not reported. The curb is 1,140 feet above sea level; water at 195 feet rose to 35 feet below the curb; water at 1,870 to 1,885 feet rose to 100 feet below the curb; the largest yield came from 2,846 to 2,900 feet. The capacity of the pumping appa- ratus is 70 to 80 gallons a minute. Temperature, 62° F. The cost, including casing, was $15,000. The well was drilled by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. Both deep wells were abandoned in 1906 in favor of supply from shallower wells. Driller's log of deep well No. 2 at Boone. Depth in feet. Soil 0-4 Clay, blue 13-45 Sand; with water 60 Sea mud 86 Clay 98 Sand; with water 185-195 Clay 200 Stone, light blue 355 Shale, black 370 Sandstone ~ 430 Gravel and slate 450 Fire clay 457 Hard rock, gas 471 Limestone 520 Soapstone 610 Limestone 642 Stone, red, hard 1, 282 Marl, red, sticky 1, 290 Hard limestone 1, 315 Shale, blue 1, 335, 1, 435 Limestone 1, 735 Kock, light brown 1, 752-1, 800 Shale, blue 1, 840-1, 868 Sandstone; well tested; amount of water small 1, 870-1, 895 Sand, shale, limestone 1, 900-1, 975 Crevice 2, 075 Limestone 2, 140 Chalk 2, 190 Limestone 2, 200 Shale and limestone 2, 360, 2, 650, 2, 800 Shale, blue 2,815-2,835 Sandstone, water bearing 2, 846-2, 900 Shale, blue, soft and sticky 2, 914 Record of strata {below 2,009 feet) in well No. 2, at Boone. Depth in feet. Dolomite, cherty ; much quartz sand 2, 009 Dolomite, highly arenaceous, or sandstone, calciferovis 2, 035 Sandstone, brown; grains imperfectly rounded 2, 045 BOOHE COUNTY. 679 Depth in feet. Dolomite, arenaceous; 2 samples < o tik Dolomite, arenaceous; much shale 2, 150 Shale, buff, highly calcareous, slightly sandy 2, 165 Dolomite, arenaceous; much shale 2, 170 Marl, drab, calcareous, argillaceous, and minutely arenaceous and cherty 2, 190 r 2 218 Dolomite; with shale and sand; 2 samples I ^' Shale, green 2, 250 Dolomite, highly arenaceous 2, 257 Marl, drab, calcareous, argillaceous, minutely arenaceous and cherty 2, 285 Sandstone, calciferous 2, 292 Shale, dark blue, and marl, light gray 2, 300 r 2,315 Marl, greenish yellow and blue, 4 samples { ' I ^j obo ^ 2,395 Sandstone, fine grained; calcareous cement; glauconiferous; f 2,425 much argillaceous material; 2 samples I 2, 435 Sandstone; rounded grains; highly argillaceous; green fissile shale. 2, 445 Sandstone of minute angular grains held in calcareous cement, with some greenish cryptocrystalline silica, argillaceous 2, 460 Sandstone; fine rounded gi'ains, calcareous cement, glauconifer- ous; considerable green shale in the drillings 2, 620 Shale, hard, slate colored; in chips; greenish yellow marl in concreted powder 2, 685 Sandstone, buff, calciferous; disintegrating under acid into fine angular particles; much hard green laminated shale 2, 700 Dolomite, glauconiferous; much shale 2, 705 Sandstone, greenish, hard, fine grained, califerous, highly glau- coniferous; in laminated chips; also chips of siliceous gray dolomite and much hard green shale 2, 727 Shale, slate colored, hard; in chips; much greenish argillo-cal- careous and microscopically quartzose powder 2, 730 Marl, light green-gray, quartzose; constituents microscopic; / 2, 750 slightly glauconiferous; 2 samples I 2, 755 Dolomite, arenaceous, glauconiferous; much shale 2, 780 Dolomite; as above; in buff meal; marl in green-gray concreted powder 2, 800 Marl, green-gray 2, 811 Marl, green-gray, glauconiferous, and dark slaty shale 2, 817 Marl, green-gray, glauconiferous, and hard shale 2, 840 Sandstone, buff; clean quartz grains, imperfectly rounded, very diverse in size, the largest reaching or exceeding 1.5 millime- , ters; water bearing 2, 846 Sandstone; as above, but coarser; many grains reaching or ex- ceeding 1.5 millimeters 2, 855 Sandstone; as above, but somewhat finer grained than at 2,846 feet '. 2,862 680 tlNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OP IOWA. Sandstone; as above; 3 samples. Shale, light drab, slightly calcareous; drillings highly arenaceous Shale or marl; in concreted powder, highly arenaceous; and hard, drab laminated shale Driller's log of well at Boone. Depth in feet. 2,870 2,877 2,890 2,900 2,914 Depth. Soil, black, and yellow clay Clay, blue, and pebbles Sand, white, and water Sand (cleaner and coarser than above) and water Gravel and water , Clay, blue, and pebbles Clay, gray, hard Sand and lignite Shale, gray Shale, black Shale, bluish black Feet. 20 48 115 125 143 210 230 280 290 295 297 Madrid. — ^Madrid (population, 1,191) pumps its water from a well 100 feet deep by a double-action electric motor. The supply is furnished by gravity, with a domestic pressure of 42 pounds; the fire pressure is greater. The town has 1^ niiles of mains, supplying 17 fire hydrants and 10 taps to 70 people. The water is plentiful, but fairly hard. Driller'' s log, Madrid well. Thick- ness. Depth. Soil, black and yellow clay Clay, blue Clay, yellow, and sand; water Clay, dark, hard (hardpan) Gravel and water; light clay or sliale Feet. Ogden.^T\\Q town of Ogden (population, 1,298) draws its supply from a well 2,507 feet deep by steam pump and force pump combined. The water is distributed by gravity, with domestic pressure of 42 pounds and fire pressure of 42 + pounds. There are four-fifths mile of mains, 10 fire hydrants, and 26 taps. All business houses and four residences use the water, consuming 7,750 gallons daily. The supply is plentiful, but hard. The city well (PL XI, p. 382) is 2,507 feet deep and 10 to 3 inches in diameter. The original head was 125 feet below curb. The head in 1905 was 140 feet below curb. The capacity is 26 gallons a min- ute, the water coming from 110, 1,650, and 1,820 to 1,851 feet. Date of completion, 1897. Drillers, J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. BOONE COUNTY. 681 Record of strata in city tvell at Ogden {PI. XI, p. 382). [Based on driller's log.] Depth. Pleistocene: Clay Sand Carboniferous: Pennsylvanian: Des Moines group (top, 1,029 feet above sea level): Shale; with coal at 190 and 290 feet Mississippian: "St. Louis limestone" and Osage group (top, 684 feet above sea level): Limestone Kjnderhook group (top, 539 feet above sea level) Carboniferous? (Mississippian?), Devonian and Silurian (top, 444 feet above sea level) Limestone Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (top, 171 feet below sea level): Shale and red marl Galena dolomite (top, 226 feet below sea level) , Platteville limestone (top, 666 feet below sea level) St. Peter sandstone (top, 726 feet below sea level) Prairie du Chien group (649 feet thick; top, 757 feet below sea level): Limestone Limestone and shale Limestone and sand Feet. 555 650 1,265 1,320 1,760 1,820 1,851 2,085 2,160 2,500 It is also noted that the ''lime rock had mud veins in it from 150 to 1,265 feet and was the same from 1,320 to 1,760 feet." 'The rock caves more or less down to the top of the sand rock about 1,820 feet; from that down to 2,460 feet (depth when noted) the rock stands up." WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Boone County. Typical ivells of Boone County. No. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth of rock. Source of supply. Head above or below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). 1 P. Miller 8 miles south and 4 miles east of Ogden. Buckley Feet. 102 126 205 297 75 371 101 108 Feet. (?) Shale (?).... Sand Sandstone. . . Shale(?) Gravel Sandstone . . Gravel Sand Feet. - 45 + 30 - 30 - 55 + -140 - 40 + 25 Bored well. 9 J. Phralin J. Wilson Plowing well. No rock. Bored and drilled. 3 Ogden 190 ± 280 4 City Boone Steam air lift used. >, G. Tifler do... Bored well. No Fr Charles Pilcher... Dodge Cooperar tive Creamery. W. Abraham 3 J miles northwest of Boone. 3|- miles southwest of Mackey. 5 miles southeast of Luther. rock. 7 Pumped by .steam 8 for creamery uses. Black soil, 5; yel- " low clay and blue clay, 35: "sea- mud.," so-called, 10; blue clay, 10; sandy layer and water (weak flow), 1; blue clay and "sea-mud," sand and water (flow), and fossil wood and gas, 47. No rock. 682 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Typical wells of Boone County — Continued. Head No. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth of rock. Source of supply. above or below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). 9 G. B. Abraham... Town 3 miles southeast of Luther. Madrid. . Feet. 160 100 62 215 135 Feet. Sand Gravel do Feet. - 4 -36 - 20 - 80 -118 Formerly flowed in 100 +6 feet. Black soil, 3; yellow clay, 12; blue clay, 45; sand (gray) and water, 1; blue clay, 15; soft blue clay or "sea - mud," 83; greensand and water, 1. No rock. 11 Blake farm E. Ball J mile south of An- gus. Near Napier 7 miles northwest of Madrid. Bored well. No n Sand Gravel rock. Black soil and yel- 13 J. Nolan low clay, 20; blue clay, 60; yellow clay, 20; blue clay (hard and dark), 111; sand and water, 4. No rock. Bored well. No rock. DALLAS COUNTY By 0. E. Meinzer. TOPOGRA PHY AND GEOLOGY. Dallas County is just south and west of the center of the State. Along its south margin, principally south of Middle Raccoon River, the old loess-covered Kansan drift at the surface has been so pro- foundly eroded that the topography is rugged; but the rest of the county, including much the greater part of the total area, is covered with Wisconsin drift so recently deposited and so slightly eroded that it forms a typical youthful drift plain, with gently undulating topography and numerous undrained tracts. The entire drift mantle probably averages rather less than 100 feet in thickness and in certain locahties is much thinner. Although the Wisconsin drift is superimposed upon the Kansan, it does not seem to increase the total depth to bedrock, probably because of the abrasion of a part of the Kansan drift by the Wisconsin ice sheet. Over extensive areas, especially in the north- western part of the county, a layer of gravel Ues between the drift and the bedrock. Thick accumulations of alluvial and outwash materials are found along the principal watercourses, not only below the flood plain levels but also underlying the terraces which border the valleys. The rocks lying below the drift and outcropping at many points in the southern part of the county belong to the Des Moines group DALLAS COUNTY. . 683 of the Pennsylvanian and consist of several hundred feet of alter- nating beds of shale, sandstone, and coal. (See PI. XVI.) In Dallas County the predominant rock is shale, but sandstone seems to be more abundant than is usual for this series. If traced laterally the sandstone strata show rapid changes in thickness and porosity. The approximate section shown by a well in the vaUey of South Raccoon River, on the farm of Calvin Marshall in the SE. | sec. 7, T 78 N., R. 29 W., is reported by A. G. Leonard ^ as follows: Section of the Marshall flowing well. Pennsylvanian : Shale, red and blue Sandstone Shale and slate, bituminous. Sandstone, white Mississippian; Limestone, penetrated UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. In both the Wisconsin and the Kansan drift areas most of the wells are dug or bored and depend on seepage from the more or less porous seams in the drift. The weUs in the Wisconsin area ordinarily yield the larger and more permanent supplies. In m_uch of the Wisconsin area the gravel at the base of the drift will furnish large amounts of water to drilled wells; and other beds of sand and gravel at different levels in the drift will also yield generously to drilled weUs; but in some localities the drill passes into the bedrock before water in sufficient quantities is found. In the Kansan area drilled wells are much less successful, chiefly because of the radical difference in the head of the water, which results directly from the difference in the topography. In the Wisconsin area the surface is so nearly level and the drainage so imperfect that practi- cally all porous deposits are saturated, and the water in the deeper beds is under sufficient pressure to rush forcibly into the weUs that penetrate them and rise nearly or quite to the surface. In the Kan- san area, on the other hand, the drift is deeply dissected and the porous deposits are either drained completely or their water is under such slight pressure that it will flow only sluggishly into wells. In accordance with this general difference, flowing wells are found in a number of low-lying tracts in the Wisconsin area and springs are plentiful in the vaUeys of the Kansan area. 1 Geology of Dallas County: Ann. Kept. Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 8, 1898, p. 75. 684 UNDERGROUKD WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. The Pennsylvanian sandstone strata are water bearing and furnish the supply for a number of wells within this county. They are, how- ever, so inconstant in character that drilling mto bedrock always involves some uncertainty. The Marshall well (p. 683) was drilled in 1879 and has overflowed ever since. The water comes from the sand- stone at the bottom, and the natural flow at the time it was visited was about 3 gallons a minute. The diameter of the well is 1^ inches. The flowing well in the vaUey at Redfield (p. 685) was carried to a total depth of 1,384 feet, but it is reported that the first flow was struck at the depth of 280 feet. In the wells located on higher ground the water does not risB to the surface, but it is generally under better head in the Wisconsin than in the Kansan area. In the former area it is not unusual for drilled wells to get their sup- plies from sandstone that lies a short distance below the bottom of the drift. Two-inch sand weUs require screens, which give trouble by becom- ing incrusted, but most weUs of larger diameter, if not pumped rapidly, can be finished without screens and are more satisfactory (pp. 192-193). The drift water and some of the water from near the top of the Pennsylvanian is only moderately rich in calcium, magnesium, and the carbonates and does not generaUy contain large amounts of sulphates, but the water from the lower part of the Pennsylvanian, here as elsewhere in the State, is rich in sodium and the sulphates. Water may be found below the coal measures in the Mississippian limestones, but in no large amount and perhaps of poor quality, although with good head. As Dallas County lies in the trough of the Paleozoic strata the depth to the Ordovician and Cambrian water beds is probably too deep for profitable drilling. At Adel the St. Peter sandstone need not be expected at less than 2,000 feet below the surface (1,100 feet below sea level) and the yield from it wiU hardly be enough for city supply. The water horizons below the St. Peter are uncertain, but within 500 or 600 feet below the St. Peter the supply should be largely augmented. A drill hole made at Redfield, in search for oil or gas, is of special interest, as it shows the position of several water beds. The water, which is highly chalybeate, runs unused into Middle Raccoon River. The elevation of the curb is about 900 feet above sea level. DALLAS COUNTY. 685 Record of strata in prospect hole at Redfield. [Based on driller's log.] Thick- ness. Depth. Feel. Feet. 18 18 15 33 37 70 75 145 20 165 3 168 28 196 7 203 3 206 28 234 19 253 40 293 40 333 9 342 20 363 10 373 15 388 10 398 27 425 13 438 12 450 13 463 25 488 10 498 30 528 30 558 50 608 8 616 14 630 25 655 10 665 43 708 20 728 40 768 20 788 13 801 22 823 27 850 10 860 8 868 15 883 22 905 32 937 23 960 48 1,008 17 1,025 12 1,037 12 1,051 5 1,056 8 1,064 18 1,082 11 1,093 7 1,100 8 1,108 20 1,128 23 1,151 17 1,168 65 1,233 10 1,243 15 1,258 19 1,277 13 1,290 12 1,302 11 1,313 7 1,320 12 1,332 9 1,341 9 1,350 5 1,355 14 1,369 15 1,384 Quaternary: Surface material Sand and pebbles Pennsylvanian: Sandstone Soapstone or fire clay; red between 85 and 105 feet Cave rock Slate, dark, caving Coal, 18 inches; also 27 feet of sandstone, limestone, and cave rock. Mississippian, Devonian, and Silurian: Glass rock Mixed rock Mixed limestone Sand and lime streaks, bearing mineral water Sand rock; bearing water, which comes to the surface Limestone No record Limestone, dark Limestone Sticky cave rock Sand; bearing water Peculiar limestone Rock, hard; traces of sand Sand, hard; bearing water Sand, hard; changing to limestone No record Sand; bearing heavy pressure of mineral water Limestone, variegated Cave rock Limestone '. Rock, hard; breaking into sand Sandrock; bearing strong water No record Slate, light Limestone Cave rock ^ Limestone and water sand Hard drilling Easy Umestone Brittle limestone Traces of oil rock Close and hard Very hard, gray marble Close sand; bears water Close Hme Hard stone Hard limestone Water sand Limerock Dark lime Light lime Traces of sand and water Drilled hard Limestone Pronounced asphaltum Sandrock Limestone Lime, dark Lime, white Lime, dark Lime, soft, variegated Radical change in lime ( ? ) water Limestone Water sand No record Very fine water sand Sandstone Sandstone Sandstone Stone, hard Traces of lime and sand; water broke in Rock, red Rock, red, softer; at 1,376 feet water broke in 686 UNDERGEOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Perry. — The public supply for Perry (population, 4,630) is drawn from seven wells, of which three are reported to be 4 inches in diame- ter and 110 feet deep, one 7 inches in diameter and 117 feet deep, and three 10 inches in diameter and 117 feet deep. They pass through 11 feet of sand and gravel and then through blue clay to a total depth of 84 feet, below which they penetrate a 45-foot bed of gravel that rests upon sandstone. In making the wells, rocks as large as 4 inches in diameter were brought up — some glaciated, others consisting of soft brown sand- stone obviously of local origin. All the wells are finished with screens except one wliich ends with perforated casing. At first they over- flowed, but now the water level is said to be 34 feet below the surface. By the application of an air lift they together discharge 2,000 gallons a minute into an underground reservoir, from which the water is lifted into a standpipe by means of duplex pumps. The system includes about 11 miles of mains, 80 fire hydrants, and 835 taps. The analy- ses given in the table (p. 164) show that the water is only moderately hard and is not otherwise heavily mineralized. It is used for domes- tic purposes by nearly the entire population, and is also utilized extensively in locomotive and stationary boilers. It is estimated that altogether an average of about 750,000 gallons is consumed daily. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Kailway has five 6-inch wells similar to those that furnish the public supply, and the Van Camp Milk Condensing Co. has two wells of the same type, one 6 inches and one 10 inches in diameter. In all these wells air lifts are used. GREENE COUNTY. By W. J. Miller and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. The general flatness of surface so characteristic of all areas covered by the Wisconsin drift is in Greene County considerably modified by the broad valleys, with long gentle slopes to the stream bottoms, cut and occupied by North Raccoon River and its few branches, which flow in a general southeasterly direction across the county. Earlier drift than the Wisconsin is found over the entire county, but the combined thickness of these deposits is in most places less than 200 feet. In the western part of the county rocks of Cretaceous age, here very thin, immediately underlie the drift; in the eastern part the underlying rocks belong to the Des Moines group of the Pennsyl- vanian series. From Jefferson a tongue of the Des Moines, without GEEENE COUNTY. 687 Cretaceous above it, extends some distance up North Raccoon River. (See PI. XI, p. 382.) So far as known none of tlie formations show any great departure from horizontahty. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. Nearly all of the water used in Greene County is derived from wells in the drift. Most of these wells strike the important water-bearing sandstone or gravel stratum beneath the Wisconsin drift. The thick- ness of the Wisconsin, and therefore the depth to this aquifer varies a good deal over the county, well records showing differences of 20 to 150 feet or more. The greatest depths, as a rule, are found in the western part of the county. Water from this bed is very satisfactory and is practically unaffected by the weather. Another important aquifer lies beneath the blue clay of the Kansan drift at depths ranging from 72 to 270 feet, the greatest depth being in the western part of the county. Although this is the most impor- tant and persistent water bed in the drift, comparatively few wells are deep enough to reach it. As the Wisconsin and Kansan drift sheets are not always clearly separable in a single section, it is some- times difficult to tell with which one is dealing. Sand or gravel beds of considerable thickness are found locally within the Wisconsin or Kansan drift sheets, and a good many wells undoubtedly get their water supply from such deposits. ARTESIAN BASINS. In several places in the county wells in the drift yield flowing water. One of these local artesian basins is in the southwestern part along the Willow Creek bottom, where flows are easily obtained by wells ranging in depth from 26 to 100 feet or more. The water probably comes from gravel beneath the Wisconsin drift. Another basin is in the vicinity of Jefferson, where a number of wells along North Raccoon River and Hardin Creek bottoms yield flowing water. The aquifer from which the water comes has not been definitely determined, but it is probably the gravel beneath the Wis- consin drift at depths of 100 to 125 feet; west of Jefferson at least one well, 270 feet deep, derives flowing water from gravel beneath the Kansan drift. A third important basin lies along the principal stream bottoms in the northeastern part of the county. Good well records are not available to show the source of the water, but in some places, as in the vicinity of Grand Junction, the water seems to come from the base of the Kansan drift. In other places the wells are much shallower, and the water horizon appears to be at the base of the Wisconsin drift. 688 UNDERGKOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. A number of deeper wells have penetrated the drift and have gone into the Des Moines group, obtaining water chiefly in sandstones. The deepest well (2,026 feet) in this county, that at Jefi^erson, derives its supply from Cambrian sandstone. SPRINGS. Springs of small size drawing water from the drift deposits are rather common along the main stream courses. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Jefferson. — The city well (PL XI, p. 382) at Jefferson (population, 2,477) has a depth of 2,026 feet and a diameter of 8 inches; cased to 1,400 feet. The curb is 1,110 feet above sea level, and the head 40 feet below curb. The capacity is 200 gallons a minute, the water coming from 1,400 feet. The well was completed in 1886 by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. The water is pumped by compressed air to a reservoir, from which it is forced to an elevated tank. It is dis- tributed by gravity pressure of 60 pounds through 3^ miles of main to 22 fire hydrants and about 200 taps. About 1,200 persons use the supply, and the daily consumption is 50,000 gallons. The water is hard but is otherwise good. The strata penetrated by this well are shown in the following record : Record of strata in city well at Jefferson {PL XI, p. 382). Carboniferous: Pennsylvanian : Sandstone, dark buff; moderately fine grains, imper- in feet. fectly rounded 260 Shale, dark, unctuous, noncalcareous 270 Mississippian : Sandstone, argillaceous, slightly calcareous; grains of pure quartz, from fine to coarse and but little rounded by attrition 340 Chert, gray; large to small grains of limpid quartz, prob- ably from above, and a little white limestone 350 Limestone, white, nonmagnesian; highly arenaceous, with minute quartzose particles and some rounded grains. . . 355 Limestone, dark and light drab ; hard 525 Shale, green-gray, pyritiferous, calcareous (Kinderhook). 700 Devoman(?): Limestone, light buff, crystalline, pure 800 Siltu'ian and Galena (Ordovician): Limestone, magnesian; in white powder; piu-e 1, 000 Limestone, magnesian, or dolomite; some shale in brown powder; residue cherty 1, 100 Limestone, magnesian, brown; in fine sand; effervescence rather rapid 1, 200, 1, 300 Limestone, magnesian, light blue-gray; luster earthy 1, 350 Dolomite, light buff; in fine sand; highly cherty 1, 450 •Dolomite or magnesian limestone, brown, cherty; slow effervescence 1, 500 GREENE COUNTY. 689 Ordovician: Platteville limestone : in feet. Shale, green, slightly calcareous 1, 670 St. Peter sandstone : Sandstone, fine, white, clean; rolled grains, 50 feet thick. 1, 700 Prairie du Chien group : Dolomite; in fine sand, deep brown; some chert 1, 745 Sandstone; in yellow powder and sand of angular particles of quartz with a few round grains 1, 800, 1, 880 Scranton. — The water supply of Scranton (population, 845) is derived from a well somewhat over 200 feet deep. The water is pumped to an elevated tank from which it is distributed by gravity through about a mile of mains to 5 fire hydrants and 45 taps. The domestic pressure is 50 pounds and the fire pressure 100 pounds. About 250 people use the supply, the daily consumption averaging 15,000 gallons. WELL DATA. Information concerning typical wells in Greene County is pre- sented in the following table: Typical wells of Greene County. Head Owner. Location. Depth. Source of supply. above or below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). Feet. Feet. D. Fitz. 8 miles west of Churdan. 190 Sand -60 Minneapolis & St. Grand Junction... 325 Sandstone... -13 Engine supply. Black soil, Louis Ry. yellow clay, blue clay, fire clay (white), shale (white), iron pyrites layer, 120; shale (dark) and blackjack, 30; coal, IJ; fire clay, 64; sandstone and water, at bottom shale, 110. Dr. Arthur ... 6 miles south of Ralston. 6 miles southeast 26 192 Sand Gravel + 2 -80 Flowing well. William Anderson. . of Jefferson. Electric-light plant. Albert Head 134 Sand.. .. -60 1 mile west of Jef- 270? do -1- 3 Boiler use. Black soil, 10; ferson. yellow clay, 15; sand and water, 15; clay (dark brown and tough), 16; potter's clay (white), 12; blue clay, 100; sand (hardened) and water, 50; sand, 52. Mr. Weant 2 miles west of Paton. 159 Sand and gravel. -30 R. Townsend 5 miles east 2 miles north of Chur- dan. 146 do -13 R. Adamson 2 miles north of Bayard. 127 Sand -30 Black soil, 16; sand, 80; blue clay, black "muck" and fossil wood, 16; sand and water, 15. John McCarthy 2 miles north of Jefferson. 105 Gravel and sand. +20 Hard, iron bearing. Town of Grand Grand Junction. . . 75 do +25 Public well. Junction. William Diamond 7 miles northwest 103 Sand + 4 farm. of Jefferson. Ed. Jones 4 miles northeast of Grand Junc- 390 Sandstone... -40 tion. Chas. Reidel 1 mile south of Rippey. 160 Sand -60 36581°— wsp 293—12- -44 690 UNDEEGKOUND WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. GRUNDY COUNTY. By W. J. Miller and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. Grundy County comprises an area of low, broad hills which give its surface a slightly undulating appearance. As a rule the hills are just high enough to cause the land to be fairly well drained. There are no large streams to produce noteworthy topographic irregularity. lowan drift deposits underlain by Kansan drift extend over the whole county. In some small areas loess may be present. Beneath the drift are sedimentary formations — limestones and shales — belong- ing to the Mississippian series (lower Carboniferous). These extend over the whole county except in the extreme northeast corner, where the drift rests on Devonian rock's (PI. VI, p. 258), and in the middle western portion, where it lies above shale and limestone of the Des Moines group of the Pennsylvanian series (upper Carbon- iferous). The drift deposits are practically parallel to each other except for local thickening or thinning and there appears to be a general slight eastward dip of all. The underlying rock formations dip shghtly westward. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The most important aquifer in the drift is the sand or gravel bed at the bottom, which nearly everywhere yields a good supply of water. The depth to this aquifer ranges from 125 to 230 feet, according to the thickness of the drift sheets in different parts of the county. This aquifer is rarely Jacking in Grundy County. Higher up and within the blue clay there are some local water-bearing sandy layers. In many localities, however, the water supply from these is small and may fail altogether after a time. Surface wells in the drift fluctuate with the seasons and very few farmers depend on them. In the rock formations below the drift water is obtained by the deeper wells, many of which have been sunk in recent years. SPRINGS. Springs of any considerable size are not known in the county. Those that do exist are merely seepage flows from the drift deposits. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Grundy Center. — The water supply of Grundy Center (population,, 1,354) is obtained from a well 469 feet deep, driUed in 1897(?) by P. Pfiffner, of Traer. The well is 8 to 4 inches in diameter and iss cased to the bottom. The water level is 80 feet below the curb,^ GRUNDY COUNTY. The strata penetrated are indicated by the following log : Driller's log of city well at Grundy Center. 691 Depth. Pleistocene : Clay, yellow Clay, blue, and some water-bearing sand Carboniferous (Mississippian): Limestone Shale, some water Limestone Shale, some water Devonian: Limestone Feet. 10 190 195 199 205 285 469 The water is distributed by gravity, under a pressure of 56 pounds, through 0.26 mile of mains, to 21 fire hydrants and 120 taps. About 600 people use the supply. It is reported that about 5,000 gaUons are used daily. A larger supply might be obtained by sinking wells through the Devonian and Silurian limestones to the Maquoketa shale (Ordovician), which here lies 675 to 725 feet below the surface. The Galena and Platteville limestones would also probably yield some water. The St. Peter sandstone should be reached at 270 to 350 feet below sea level or at a depth at most of 1,325 feet below the surface. Probably these formations would give sufficient water for the needs of the town for many years, but a very large supply may be had from the Prairie du Chien group and the Jordan sand- stone, which would be reached by a well a little more than 1,800 feet deep. The water should be of good quality. Reinbeck. — The town well at Reinbeck (population, 1,205), 339 feet deep, yields a good supply of hard water. The section reported by the driller is as f oUows : Driller's log of Reinbeck town well. Clay, yellow Clay, blue, and sandy beds; water Shale Limestone; water The water is pumped by steam pump and is distributed under gravity pressure of 43 pounds through 3 miles of mains to 13 fire hydrants and 140 taps. About 700 persons are suppUed; the daily consumption is estimated at 24,000 gallons. 692 UNDERGEOUlSrD WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. WELL DATA. Information concerning typical wells in this county is presented in the following table : Typical wells of Grundy County. o o Owner. Location. ft Source of supply. Remarks (logs given in feet). Feet. Feet. Feet. Geo. Findlay- 7 miles north of 242 202 Limestone. . 60 Pumped by windmill Yellow son. Morrison. clay, 12; sand (some water), 190; shale, 20; limestone and water, 20. Henry Muller.. 5 miles southeast of Grundy Center. 580 200 do 60 Yellow clay, 8; blue clay, full of pebbles in sand layers, J.92; limestone, some sandy, 377; shale, J; limestone and heavy flow of water, 2. Pumped by windmill. John Gange 3 miles east of Rein- 273 140 do...... 100 Black soil, yellow clay, and blue shale with some sand, beds and beclc. water, 140; shale, dark hard rock, and iron pyrites, 60; limestone and water, 18 to 20. L. G. Benken.. 3| miles northeast of Grundy Center. 344 277 Sandstone... 140± Yellow clay, 37; blue clay and some sand, 220; sand and much water, 20; shale, 60; sandstone, red, 7. Mickley Bros... 6 miles southeast of Aekley. 4 miles southeast of Aekley. 152 146 Gravel 70 Enters limestone 6 feet. S. Sinneng 393 215 No water Abandoned. Yellow clay and sand, 32; yellow clay, 58; blue clay. 70; hardpan, 10: yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 18; black clay, 7; sandrock (yellow), 2; soapstone or hard shale, 35; soapstone or soft shale, 6; soft soapstone or shale, 85; very hard blue shale, 60. GUTHRIE COUNTY. By 0. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. The topography of Guthrie County is of two strikingly different types. South and west of Middle Raccoon River the old loess- mantled Kansan till lies at the surface and is thoroughly dissected and perfectly drained; northeast of that stream the much younger Wisconsin till overlaps the Kansan and presents a typical gently undulating drift plain, almost untouched by stream erosion and hence poorly drained, marked with abundant ponds, swamps, and sloughs. GEOLOGY. Several formations differing widely in age and character overlap in Guthrie County, making the geology peculiarly interesting and the ground-water conditions more varied than in most of the other counties of the State. The oldest rocks exposed are of Carbonif- GUTHRIE COUNTY. 693 erous age and belong to the Des Moines group of the Pennsylvanian series, wliich underhes the entire county, with a thickness of several hundred feet, consisting of shale alternating with numerous thin beds of limestone, sandstone, and coal. Near the south margin of the county the Des Moines is capped by the basal limestone of the Missouri group, also of the Pennsylvanian series. Upon the eroded surface of these old formations lie Cretaceous sandstones and shales, well developed and nearly continuous m the western half of the county, but thin or entirely absent in the eastern half. Finally, Cretaceous and Carboniferous alike are in general deeply buried beneath the glacial drift. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The Pennsylvanian series includes some sandstone strata that yield moderate amounts of mineralized water under sufficient head to rise nearly or quite to the level of the deepest valleys, but these sandstone strata are so scarce and so readily give place laterally to impervious beds that attempts to tap them are very liable to failure. In the western half of the county the Cretaceous is a fairly reliable aquifer, but in the eastern half it is commonly too thin and irregu- larly distributed to be of consequence. In the former section it is found with considerable regularity about 250 feet below the upland surface, and its less cemented beds supply water freely, though the water is not under much pressure and does not rise many feet in the weUs. Wells of 4 or 6 inch diameter with independent pumps are more successful than 2-inch ''tubulars." The upper part of the Kansan drift is sufficiently porous to allow a slow seepage of scanty water to weUs of large circumference. Associated with this drift are also beds of sand and gravel whose value as water bearers is entirely different where the Wisconsin drift is present from that where it is absent. Where it is absent, they are either drained or contain water under slight pressure only, and hence do not generally supply drilled wells; where it is present, they are charged with water under sufficient pressure to flow freely into a drilled well and to fill it nearly to the top or even to rise above the surface. The village well at Stuart (p. 697) is supplied from a bed of sand beneath Kansan till. Its head is low and its yield not great, but if this same bed of sand occurred in the area of Wisconsin drift the water would be under much greater pressure, would rise much higher in the weU, and could be recovered at a much more rapid rate. 694 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. PROVINCES. In respect to ground water the county is divisible into three pro- vinces — one in wliich the Wisconsin drift is at the surface, one in which the older loess-covered Kansan drift is at the surface and is underlain by water-bearing Cretaceous beds, and one m which the older drift is at the surface and is not underlain by water-bearing Cretaceous beds. Very roughly, the first province may be said to comprise the area northeast of Middle Raccoon River, the second the western part of the area southwest of that stream, and the third the eastern part of this last area. The first province has the most favorable ground-water conditions. The porous parts of the drift are saturated almost to the surface and flowmg wells are frequently obtained, as, for example, m the village of Bagley and in Richland Township between Yale and Herndon. Water-bearing beds are likely to be encountered at any level in the drift, and many of the flows come from wells less than 100 feet deep. In the second provmce seepage from the drift is largely relied on, but the drilled wells go to the Cretaceous and obtain supplies that are not influenced by drought. In the thu'd province the Cretaceous is lacking, shallow drift wells are everywhere in use, and successful drOled weUs are scarce. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Bagley. — In Bagley (population, 488) there are 12 or more flowing drift wells. A public system of waterworks has recently been installed. Guthrie Center. — The public supply of Guthrie Center (population, 1,337) is derived from seven wells located in the valley 12 feet apart. The wells consist of 3i-foot holes dug through sand and other loose materials to the Cretaceous bedrock at a depth of 28 feet, below which they are drilled to a gravelly stratum at about 50 feet. The water rises within 18 feet of the surface and the pumps are placed about 8 feet below the surface and draw by suction from all the wells simul- taneously. Pumpmg at the rate of 200 gallons a minute for several hours produces no noticeable effect except temporarily to lower the water level somewhat. The weUs are finished with open ends and no difficulty with sand has been experienced. The water is only moder- ately hard and is preferred to the shallow well water. There are two standpipes situated on high ground, and about a mile of mains connect with an extensive system of smaller pipes leading to about 300 points of consumption. The water is used by nearly the entire population and also by the railway company for locomotive supplies. According to the records, the average daily consumption in 1908 was only a little less than 60,000 gallons. The Mississippian limestones would probably yield a small supply of highly mineralized water under a head sufficient to bring it within GUTHRIE COUNTY. 695 easy pupiping distance of the surface. Other and presumably better suppHes can be had in the heavy beds of limestone which intervene between the Mississippian and the St. Peter sandstone, but, as in all limestone beds, the water will occur m crevices and solution passages whose depth can not be predicted and which may not be struck by the drill. The St. Peter sandstone probably lies about 1,000 or 1,100 feet below sea level, or about 2,100 to 2,200 feet below the surface. Apparently the subjacent sandstones are less well defined than in eastern Iowa, but a well sunk 2,750 feet below the surface should test their capacity. Herndon. — Little except the depth is known concerning the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway well at Herndon. It was drilled by W. H. Gray & Bro., of Chicago, to a depth of 1,700 feet (?) from a curb elevation of 1,062 feet above sea level. The well does not appear to have found water. The record of the strata, as made out from drillmgs furnished to the United States Geological Survey, is as follows : Record of strata in Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway well at Herndon. Thick- ness. Depth. Feet. Feet. 534 534 20 554 20 574 40 614 20 634 20 654 20 674 40 714 100 814 20 834 20 854 20 874 126 1,000 50 1,050 25 1,075 50 1,125 25 1,150 25 1,175 25 1,200 50 1,250 75 1,325 75 1,400 25 1,425 25 1,450 25 1,475 25 1,500 25 1,525 25 1,550 25 1,575 25 1,600 40 1,640 20 1,660 20 1,68U 20 1,700 No samples Shale, drab, calcareous; a few chips of Umestone and a Uttle white chert Shale, drab Shale, greenish; 2 samples Shale, blue Shale, green, sUghtly calcareous Limestone, blue-gray; in small chips; effervescence slow; some shale from above Liipestone, light blue-gray; crystalline; in large flaky chips; moderately rapid efferves- cence: 2 samples Limestone, blue-gray; effervescence slow; 5 samples Limestone, blue-gray; slow effervescence; some chert Limestone and shale; limestone, Ught blue-gray, with slow effervescence; shale, hard, dark blue Limestone, blue-gray and bufi; slow effervescence Limestone, light buff; slow effervescence; in chips; 6 samples Limestone, drab; slow effervescence; 2 samples Limestone, buff; slow effervescence; drillings contain an unchipped flshtooth (of Mis- sissippian age) apparently from some higher horizon Limestone, buff, crystalUne; slow effervescence, 2 samples Limestone, blue-gray and buff; slow effervescence Limestone, drab; slow effervescence Shale or marl; highly calcareous; much anhydrite; in concreted powder Limestone, hard , drab; slow effervescence; 2 samples Shale, drab; facies of Maquoketa shale; 3 samples Shale, light yellow, highly calcareous; in concreted powder; 3 samples Limestone, white; but driUings stained with ferruginous films so as to be buff in mass; in fine sand; slow effervescence; with considerable chert and crystalline quartz in irregular grains and with some secondary enlargements Limestone, white, crystalline; slow effervescence; drillings stained deep ocher yellow; in fine sand Chert, in small chips; white and gray Chert and shale, blue; in large concreted mass Limestone and chert, in fine sand; buff in mass; effervescence slow Limestone and chert; as above; some microscopic quartz particles and some imper- fectly rounded small quartz grains Limestone, argillaceous, or shale, calcareous; white; in concreted masses; gritty with lime particles; residue argillaceous and sihceous with microscopic crystalhne quartz Limestone, gray; in fine chips; slow effervescence; much gray chert Limestone, buff in mass, in fine sand; much chert; residue of microscopic crystalline quartz; 2 samples Limestone and shale; Umestone, dark drab, argillaceous, crystalUne to earthy, slow effervescence; shale, in chips, hard, green, fissile Limestone and shale; Umestone Ught buff or gray, crystalUne to earthy; rapid efferves- cence; in flaky chips; shale as above Limestone, gray and buff; rapid effervescence; in sand; some drab flint and minute imperfectly rounded grains of quartz 696 XJNDEKGEOXJND WATER EESOUECES OP IOWA. Analysis of rock from depth of 794 to 814 feet in railway ivell at Herndon} CaCOg 48. 10 MgCOg 35.51 SiOg.. ■ 13. 55 ALjOg 1. 74 FezOg 59 99.49 The National Refilling & Manufacturing Co. well at Herndon has a depth of 895 feet and a diameter of 13 to 8 inches. The curb is 1,052 feet above sea level and the head 60 feet below curb. The water comes from 20 feet, 165 feet, and between 720 and 895 feet, in rock reported as ''honeycombed limestone." Date of completion, 1908. The water is heavily charged with sodium and foams so much as to prevent its use in locomotive boilers. Record of strata in National Refining & Manufacturing Co. well at Herndon. Thick- ness. Depth. Unknown Till, blue, clayey Sand, gray; grains angular, almost loessial in fineness, with some coarser; this is the "gas sand" of the region and blows out with the gas by the wagonload when not drowned with water Sand, yellow, coarse, and gravel, glacial Sand, orange, coarse Shale, blackish, fissile Shale, red Limestone, argillaceous and finely arenaceous, dark buff or drab; rapid effervescence; and chert, dark drab, with much chalcedonic siUca in large chips and a little drusy quartz; chalcedony reported as " water granite " Limestone, drab, highly argillaceous, microscopically quartzose; with chert and chal- cedony; shale of same color, calcareous Chert, dark drab and blackish; highly conchoidal fracture; a little milky white trans- lucent chalcedony Limestone, gray, highly argiUaceous; milky white chalcedony and white chert Limestone, blue-gray; rapid effervescence; argillaceous; crystalline-granular; much white chalcedony Limestone, almost white, coarse, crystalUne-granular; and Umestone, light cream- colored, soft, in flaky chips; effervescence rapid, considerable blue-gray flint Limestone, dark buff and drab, finely crystalUne; effervescence moderately rapid; with embedded, irregular, minute masses of blue flint; residue contains minute grains of quartz Limestone, whitish, macrocrystalline, soft; rapid effervescence; some joints of crinoid stems and oolites or perhaps tests of foraminifers almost too minute to be seen with naked eye Shale, green, plastic, fissile, noncalcareous Dolomite or magnesian limestone, blue-gray, hard, subcrystalUne; effervescence slow. Shale, pinkish gray, shghtly calcareous Limestone, magnesian, blue-gray, subcrystalline; effervescence rather slow; 2 samples. Limestone, yellow-gray, hard, fine grained; some lithographic, subconchoidal fracture; rapid effervescence No samples Feet. 20 116 Feet. 20 135 145 160 170 260 270 280 305 360 390 420 430 160 600 20 620 20 640 15 655 40 695 25 720 175 895 The sets of drUlings from the two wells at Herndon are, fortunately, complementary and afford a fairly complete section. It will be noted that the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway well stopped near the summit of the St. Peter sandstone in shale resembling much the Decorah shale. Had drilling been carried a few hundred feet farther into the dolomite of the Prairie du Chien group, an abundant water supply would probably have been obtained. I Made in chemical laboratory of Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa. GUTHEIE COUNTY. 697 Geologic section at Herndon. Well of National Refining & Manufacturing Co. Geologic division. Thickness. Elevation above sea level. Pleistocene series Feet. 180 100 254 Feet. 882 782 528 Well of Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. Kinderhook shale 120 590 75 381 408 Devonian (?) and Silurian. -182 Maquoketa shale -257 Galena and Platteville Itmestones -638 Panora. — :The public well at Panora (population, 1,080) is 16 feet in diameter and 40 feet deep and ends in sand. At present it furnishes about 9,000 gallons a day, but its maximum capacity is much more than this amount. The water is pumped by means of water power transmitted through an electric current. It is lifted into an elevated tank and is thence distributed by gravity through about 2 miles of mains to 10 fire hydrants and 75 taps. It is used by perhaps one- third of the people. Stuart. — The well that furnishes the public supply of Stuart (population, 1,826) is 6 inches in diameter and 92 feet deep. It is on the upland, extends through clay, and is finished with an open end in a bed of sand or gravel from which the water rises to a level 76 feet below the surface, or 1,130 feet above sea level. With the cylinder placed 3 feet above the bottom, the well has been pumped continuously for three weeks at 16 to 20 gallons a minute; this rate of pumping lowers the water to the bottom of the cylinder and the well can by no device be made to yield more. Wells ending with screens in the same bed of sand were at first used, but the screens became clogged and the wells were lost. The water from this source is of good quahty, though it contains considerable calcium carbonate, which gives it a temporary hardness. (See analysis, p. 164.) The waterworks include a small tank set on a low tower and con- nected with about one-fourth mile of mains. In spite of the small service, the consumption at present approaches the maximum capacity of the well. As the system in pressure, reserve of water, and exten- sion of mains is inadequate for fire protection, a number of large wells have been dug in different parts of the town and a portable fire engine is kept in readiness. 698 IJNDEKGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OP IOWA, HAMILTON COUNTY. By W. J. Miller and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. The surface of Hamilton County shows the topography charac- teristic of the Wisconsin drift areas and is for the most part so fiat and poorly drained that ponds and lakes are numerous. In the northeastern part of the county this topographic monotony is some- what relieved by the valley of Boone River. South Skunk River, wliich rises in the east-central part and flows southward, is the only other stream of any importance. The drift sheets, Wisconsin and Kansan, which extend over the whole county, rest on Carboniferous rocks belonging to the Des Moines group of the Pennsylvanian series except in the small area along Boone River from Webster City northward, where they are underlain by the Mississippian. As a rule the drift deposits lie flat except along Boone River, where they follow the slopes toward the stream bottom. The deep rock formations show little or no variation from the horizontal. (See PL VI, p. 258.) UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. By far the greater number of the wells in Hamilton County obtain water from the Pleistocene deposits, which here contain two principal water beds of about equal importance — one in sand and gravel beneath the Wisconsin drift, and the other in sand or gravel beneath the blue clay of the Kansan drift. Well data indicate that the depth to the gravels beneath the Wisconsin drift ranges from 90 to 120 feet below the ground surface. Many wells, however, fail to find water at this horizon and must be sunk deeper. The sands and gravels beneath the Kansan drift are reached at depths of 150 to 200 feet. They are lacking in but few places and form the most satisfactory aquifer in the Pleistocene deposits. In some wells, however, the water is not good because charged with organic matter. Some wells appear to derive their supply from local sand or gravel pockets within the drift sheets, but such supplies often fluctuate or even fail. Little dependence is placed on very shallow surface (dug) wells. A few wells obtain water in the older rock formations — limestones or sandstones — the water coming from different depths. Along the bottoms of the principal streams the water is under suffi- cient head to overflow at the surface. A number of flowing wells are located along Boone River, as, for example, the 13 wells owned by Webster City. Other flowing wells are found along South Skunk River in the southeastern part of the county. As far as could be learned the water in these wells comes from the sands and gravels HAMILTON COUNTY. 699 beneath the blue clay of the Kansan drift, the Wisconsin drift sheet in the localities named being thin or absent. SPRINGS. In the high level parts of Hamilton County springs are almost entirely lackmg, but a few emerge from drift deposits along Boone River. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Jewell. — The public water system of Jewell (population, 941) is used only for fire protection and by business houses. The water is pumped by steam and is distributed under direct ah pressure of 50 pounds through three-fourths of a mile of mains to 12 fire hydrants and 18 taps. The water is hard. Webster City. — The water supply of Webster City (population, 5,208) is obtamed from 13 wells, ranging in depth from 90 to 110 feet, ending m gravel beneath the blue clay of the Kansan drift. (See PI. VI, p. 258.) The water is distributed under pressure of 55 pounds through 6 miles of mains to about 350 taps. For fire protection pressure can be increased to 150 pounds. About 1,600 people use the supply, which is ordmarily sufficient. The gas company well has a depth of 1,250 feet and a diameter of 8 to 6 inches; casing to or near to bottom. The curb is 1,048 feet above sea level, and the head 16 feet above the curb. The water comes from 675 feet and 1,200 feet, and the original flow was 70 gallons a minute. The well was completed in 1888. The water has both the odor and taste of sulphur and so rapidly corrodes iron that the best galvanized pipe withstands it for only about two years. For these reasons the well has never been used except to supply a public watering trough. Record of strata in well at Webster City {PI. VI, j). 258). Depth. Soil, clay, sand, thin layers of rock, etc Limestone, light yellow; earthy luster; much quartz sand, yellow, pink, and black, grains imperfectly rounded Limestone, light gray, soft, earthy, in flaky chips; fossUtferous Shale, blue Limestone, dark drab ; mottled with white calcite; crystalline Limestone, magnesian, hard, brown, crystalline Shale, calcareous, dark gray, siliceous; microscopic particles of quartz Dolomite or magnesian limestone, dark brown, compact crystalline Limestone, dark blue-gray, crystalline; effervescence slow Limestone, light yellow-gray, soft, crystalline; effervescence slow Dolomite or magnesian limestone Limestone, light gray, saccharoidal Limestone, close-grained, blue-gray Limestone, brown, crystalline Limestone or shale, highly argillaceous, blue-gray; white concreted masses of anhydrite I'der , pow( Shale, drab, calcareous Limestone, magnesian, brown, crystalline. . Limestone, in pure, white, crystalline sand. "Limestone (?), pure white;" no sample Limestone, light buff; Ln fine sand Feet. 180 200 350 360 460 SOO 520 530 595 650 680 775 820 1,000 1,075 1,090 1,130 1,250 1,250 700 UNDEEGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. The record is based on but 20 samples and entries, and is difficult to interpret. The Mississippian probably extends to the base of the shale at 520 feet (528 feet above sea level). No line can be drawn between the Devonian and the Silurian, and the latter seems to include the anhydrite-bearing limestone and shale, stated to extend from 880 to 1,000 feet, the 75 feet of subjacent shale falling in with the Maquoketa shale. From 1,075 feet to the bottom of the well the drill seems to have been working in the Galena and Platteville lime- stones. Had the drilling been continued 150 feet deeper the St. Peter sandstone would probably have been struck, and 400 to 600 feet deeper the creviced limestones and the sandstones which yield the chief supply for the Iowa wells would have been tapped. A well about 1,850 fe^t deep would have given a largely increased yield of much better water, the sulphate content being greatly lessened. Hence the failure of the well to get a good water need not deter other enterprises. WELL DATA. Information in regard to typical wells in Hamilton County is presented in the following table: Typical wells of Hamilton County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Head above or below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). Jewell... Feet. 105 183 328 95 295 155 181 1T6 181 167 68 Feet. None. 116? 107 None. 105 None. 181 None. None. (?) None. Sand or gravel... Limestone Feet. -30 -40 -50 + 15 -35 -25 -50 -34 -30 -40 +25 Peter House . . Ole Litre.. 3i miles northeast of Jewell. 6 miles southwest of Jewell. 2 mOes south of Jewell. 7 miles northeast of Jewell. 6 miles southeast of Stanhope. f mile west of Webster City. 2 mOes northeast of Buncombe. 2 miles north of Homer. 2 miles west of BlaLrsburg. 2 mDes south of Webster City. E. Challey.... A. Bloom 0. Brudos Sand and gravel. Limestone Gravel Flowing well. Black soil, 5; yellow clay, 15; blue clay, 30; blue clay, putty-like, 15; sand and gravel, 30. J. E.Olmstead. M. Mahoney.. Jos. Welch do do do Black soil, 4; yellow clay, 14; blue clay, 83; yellow clay, 40; black muck with leaves, etc., 40; gravel; limestone. Black soU, 4; yellow clay, 10; blue clay, 16; sand and some water, 3; "hardpan" (hard blue clay), 17; sand and some water, 50; tough black clay, 75; sand and gravel and water, 6. Water bed at 156 feet. G. Robinson. . Sand S. Bateman... Gravel Flows 10 gallons per min^ ute; pamped by steam. Yellow sand, 8; blue clay, 27; sand and water (flow 30 gallons per miuute, but too much sand), 3; blue clay, 28; gravel and water (flow, 10 gallons per min- ute). Flows 10 to 15 gallons a min- M. H. Brinton. Ellsworth 91 Sand and gravel. + 14 Lars Severson. 6 miles northwest of Radcltffe. 3| miles north of Roland. 240 108 162 30 -45 +25 ute. N.E. Waugh.. Limestone Flows 13 gallons a minute. UNDEKGEOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. 701 HARDIN COUNTY. By W. J. Miller and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. An area of loess-covered Kansan drift in the southeastern part, a smaller area of lowan drift in the northeastern, and a much larger area of Wisconsin drift in the western parts are the controlling factors in the topography of Hardin County. The surface of the Kansan drift area is well drained. The larger streams have deposited some alluvium, and their tributaries have cut well back toward the divides. The lowan area is part of the great lowan drift plain and is comparatively flat. The Wisconsin drift area comprises more than four-fifths of the entire county. Its eastern margin is marked by a chain of hills and knobs that rise 30 to 60 feet above the adjoining uplands. Back of this ridge the general surface is characteristically a plain, marked by many saucer-like depressions and knob-like eminences. Dramage lines are few and broad areas are almost wholly undrained. The most striking feature of the eastern part is Iowa River channel, which has been cut down well below the general level. In the vicinity of Iowa Falls, Iowa River cuts through ledges of solid limestone. Except very locally along Iowa River, where it has been eroded away, the Kansan drift sheet is probably present throughout the region, extending beneath the lowan sheet in the northeastern part and beneath the Wisconsin in the western. From the northern part of the county to a little south of Iowa River, and probably also in the extreme southeast corner of the county, the drift rests on limestone belonging to the Mississippian series of the Carboniferous. (See PL VI, p. 258.) Throughout the remaining and larger part of the county the underh^ing rock is the shale or limestone of the Des Moines group of the Pennsylvanian series. The drift formations lie in general nearly horizontal; the under- lying rocks show a slight westward dip. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The most important and persistent aquifer in the drift deposits of the county appears to be the sand or gravel beneath the blue clay of the Kansan drift. As the drift formations vary in thickness from a few feet to a maximum of 300 feet, this aquifer may be found at any depth up to 300 feet; nearly everywhere, however, it lies between 100 and 200 feet. 702 TJISTDEEGROUND WATEE RESOURCES OF IOWA. The next most important aquifer in the drift is the sand or gravel beneath the Wisconsin drift. Well data indicate that this aquifer, where present, lies at a depth of less than 100 feet. In many places, however, the sands or gravels are absent or they do not yield sufficient water. Some wells obtain water from local sand or gravel pockets in one or the other of the blue clays, but such supplies are rarely satisfactory. Nearly all the very shallow surface (dug) wells show seasonal fluctua- tions. Some wells have passed through the drift into the shales, sand- stones, and limestones below, obtaining water from the limestones and calcareous sandstones. Many wells sunk in the depressions obtain water under sufficient head to flow at the surface. All such are comparatively shaUow, ranging in depth from 25 to 75 feet; their water comes from sands or gravels, thought to be at the base of the Kansan drift, below a blue clay, which acts as a retaining layer. Such local basins are found in the western portion of the county along the more important streams between Iowa Falls and Hubbard. A number of wells along Rock Run near Iowa FaUs and others southwest of Iowa Falls in the vicinity of Buckeye and Cottage yield flowing water. Several wells obtain flows from the underlying rock formations, for example, the city well of Iowa Falls and a well 3^ miles west of Hubbard. SPRINGS. Many springs emerge from both the drift and the underlying formations along the course of Iowa River. The water of the springs north of Eldora comes from the coal measures and carries iron and sulphur. Small springs are common along other streams, especially in the local artesian well basins. The Sfloam mineral springs, owned by Mr. E. E. Cannon, of Iowa Falls, are on Maplehurst farm, 1^ miles northwest of Iowa FaUs. The springs emerge near the stream bottoms along a small branch of Iowa River, and the water apparently comes from limestone, which is here near the surface. The water is used both for drinking and as a medicine. About 50 families in Iowa Falls are supplied. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. AcTcley. — Two wells are owned by the city of Ackley (population 1,244), one 2,032 feet deep, the other 119 feet deep. The deep well, which was put down some time prior to 1894, was abandoned because it did not yield sufficient water. The curb of this well is 1,110 feet above sea level; the head is reported to have been 82 feet below the curb, or 1,028 feet above sea level; another report gives the head as HAEDIN COUNTY. 703 25 feet below the curb. Water was recorded as occurring 50 feet from the top; other veuis were not recorded. The strata penetrated are mdicated by the followmg section : Record of strata in city well at Achley (PI. VI, p. 258). Thick- ness. Depth. Quaternary (100 feet thick; top, 1,110 feet above sea level): Alluvium, or drift Carboniferous (Mississippian)- Kinderhook group (207 feet thick; top, 1,015 feet above sea level): Shale, fine, blue, somewhat calcareous; 2 samples Limestone, coarse, buff, vesicular Shale, blue, fine, slightly calcareous; 2 samples Sandstone, fine, bluish white, friable No samples Shale, fine, blue, slightly calcareous; 3 samples Sandstone, fine, bluish white, friable Shale, blue-gray; with black ferruginous concretions; calcareous ShalCT fine, blue, somewhat calcareous Devonian (328 feet thick; top, 803 feet above sea level): Limestone, magnesian, light buff, highly pyritiferous; contains a little chert Shale and limestone; shale, blue, calcareous, with a few particles of black carbona- ceous shale; limestone, blue, argillaceous, some gray and purer, fossiliferous Limestone, dark gray, magnesian, at No samples Limestone, argDlaceous, nonmagnesian; small fragment of brachiopod resembling Atrypa reticularis Linn Limestone, light gray; some green shale, at No samples Limestone, light gray Limestone, light yellow-gray, argillaceous and slightly siliceous, at No samples Limestone, blue, argillaceous; 2 samples Limestone, brown, slightly magnesian; 3 samples Silurian (180 feet thick; top, 475 feet above sea level): Limestone, magnesian, light brown; 30.74 per cent MgCOs, at No samples Dolomite, bro^vn and buff; much white chert; 5 samples Dolomite, light gray; some chert Dolomite, cherty ; 5 samples Dolomite; with green shale and chert; 3 samples Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (160 feet thick; top, 295 feet above sea level): Shale, green Dolomite, brown, hard, crystalline, cherty; 2 samples Dolomite and shale, dark drab; much green shale m drillings Dolomite and shale; chiefly shale, at No samples Shale, green and buff; in cuttings, as if washed; 2 samples Galena and Platteville limestones (385 feet thick; top, 135 feet above sea level): Limestone, light gray, cherty; 2 samples Limestone, light gray, soft; fossiliferous at 1,205, 1,230, and 1,238 feet; 10 sam- ples Limestone, light buff, dark gray, and light gray; 3 samples Limestone, highly argillaceous; fine blue-black calcareous sand, highly pyritif- erous, with much clayey matter and minute particles of quartz Shale, green and bright green, indurated, slaty, highly pyritiferous; 3 samples. St. Peter sandstone (85 feet thick; top, 250 feet below sea level): Sandstone; grains white, well rounded, somewhat uniform ia size; 3 samples. . Prairie du Chien group — Shakopee dolomite (120 feet thick; top, 335 feet below sea level): Dolomite, white subcrystalline, oolitic; much quartz sand, at No samples Dolomite; in fine light-yellow meal Dolomite; considerable light-green shale; much quartz sand Dolomite, bufl; quartz sand and shale Dolomite, white; some chert, quartz grains, and green shale; 2 samples Dolomite, light yellow; a little quartz sand Dolomite, hard, gray, subcrystalline; some sand grains Dolomite, white Dolomite, hard, rough, light buff New Richmond sandstone (80 feet thick; top, 455 feet below sea level): Sandstone, calciferous; white rounded grains; numerous minute chips of dolomite Sandstone; as above, but vrtth much less dolomite Sandstone, light colored, friable; grains rounded and varying widely in size, the largest reaching 1 millimeter in diameter Sandstone, light gray, hard, moderately fine grained; much green shale (probably from above) and considerable dolomite Sandstone, white; grains rounded and resembling St. Peterta general uni- formity of size; many from 0.7 to 0.9 mOlimeters in diami^ter, largest grain over 1 millimeter .^,, .^.,. .,^ Fed. 100 235 50 Feet. 100 135 140 163 163 225 260 265 290 307 320 335 335 400 410 410 460 473 473 500 570 635 635 730 757 759 797 815 875 904 915 915 940 975 1,015 1,250 1,300 1,325 1,360 1,445 1,445 1,480 1,490 1,500 1,505 1,530 1,540 1,548 1,550 1,565 1,580 1,595 1,610 1,635 m-- 10 I 1,645 704 UNDEKGEOUND WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. Record of strata in city well at Achley {PI. VI, p. 258) — Continued. Thick- ness. Depth. Ordovician — Continued. Prairie du Cliien group — Continued. Oneota dolomite (175 feet thick; top, 535 feet below sea level): Dolomite, buff; drillings chiefly quartz sand Dolomite; much quartz sand Dolomite; drillings chiefly quartz sand. If sand is native in this and the two samples above, the rock should be called calciferous sandstone Dolomite, hard, gray, subcrystalline, pyritiferous Dolomite, light gray, at No samples Cambrian: Jordan sandstone (210 feet penetrated; top, 710 feet below sea level) — Sandstone, white; fine-rolled grains with some dolomite sand and chert, at Sandstone, calciferous; mostly quartz sand, well rounded, rather coarse; some dolomite and grains of chert-oolite; some quartz grains seen in dolomitic matrix, at Sandstone; as above; grains reach 1 millimeter in diameter; detached grains and chips of sandstone vsdth dolomitic matrix and minute cuttings of dolo- mite, some arenaceous, at Feet. Feet. 1,660 1,675 1,685 1,720 1,720 1,820 1,820 1,950 2,000 Chemical analyses of well drillings. C' Sample from depth of- 835 feet. 787 feet. 6 1,540 CaCOs MgCOs CaSO^ Si02 AI2O3 re203 H2O Total 60.45 30.74 .58 4.99 2.56 .58 .37 60.97 34.85 .62 2.07 1.11 .37 50.96 43.82 1.06 2.47 .59 .33 .79 100. 27 100.02 a Chemical laboratory, Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa. b SOica, which formed about one-third of sample in the form of chert, discarded from analysis. The section of the shallower well, which furnishes the present abundant supply of medium hard water, is reported by the driller as follows : Driller's log of AcHey city well. Thick- ness. Depth. Clay, yellow Sand, yellow Clay, blue Sand Clay, blue Gravel and sand , Sandstone and water Feet. 10 12 35 37 45 64 119 The water is pumped by an electric motor and distributed by gravity under pressure of 40 pounds through four-fifths of a mUe of mains to 59 taps and 11 fire hydrants. About 300 people use the supply. The daily consumption is estimated at 10,500 gallons. HAKDIiq- COUNTY. 705 Eldora. — The public water supply of Eldora (population, 1,995) is obtained from two wells — one 200 feet, the other 250 feet deep — that end in limestone. Tlie water stands 135 feet below the curb and is pumped by steam to an elevated tank, from which it is distributed under gravity pressure of 35 pounds. A fire protection pressure of 105 pounds is available. The distribution system comprises 3^ miles of mains, 30 fire hydrants, and 193 taps. Practically every- body uses the city water, the consumption of which is estimated at 6,000 gallons daily. Long pumping is required to keep up the supply. The water is medium hard. The strata penetrated by the shallower well are indicated by the following log : Driller^ s log of Eldora toivn ivell. Thick- ness. Depth. Clay, yellow Clay, blue Black "muck," with logs 1 foot in diameter. Sand, yellow, and water Clay, blue Shale, black Fire clay Limestone and water Feet. 30 10 20 8 40 17 10 65 Feet. 30 40 60 68 108 125 135 200 Eldora is 1,060 feet above sea level, and a deep well will reach the base of the Kinderhook group about 400 feet below the surface. The drill will then pass through Devonian and Silurian limestones in which some water may be found. A heavy dry shaie, the Maquo- keta, possibly exceedmg 100 feet in thickness, will be encountered at about 970 feet from the surface. Below the Maquoketa the Galena and Platteville limestones may be found to contain water, especially toward the base of the Platteville. The St. Peter sand- stone, the first reliable water bed, should be reached at about 1,500 feet from the surface, but to obtain a large supply drilling should be carried 500 or 600 feet deeper still through creviced limestones and porous sandstones, which will yield an ample supply. If a thoroughly water-tight casing is carried down somewhat below the base of the Eonderhook group, the waters from the lower aquifers should make a very fair drinking water. The quahty of all inflows above the St. Peter should be tested. Hubbard. — The town of Hubbard (population, 568) obtains a good supply of medium-hard water from a well 325 feet deep. The water is pumped by gasoline engine and distributed under gravity pressure of 30 pounds through one-half mile of mains to 11 taps and 7 fire hydrants. About 100 people use the water. The daily consumption is estimated at 3,000 gallons. 36581°— wsp 293—12 45 706 UNDEKGEOUND V/ATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. The strata penetrated by this well are indicated by the following log: Driller's log of Hubbard well. Thick- ness. Depth. Clay, yellow, and sand Clay, blue ' Clay, yellow, hard; with sand layers. Limes'tone Sandstone Limestone, white Feet. 75 150 25 25 25 25 Feet. 75 225 250 275 300 325 Iowa Falls. — The water supply of Iowa Falls (population, 2,797) is derived from two flowing wells, one 276 feet, the other 240 feet deep. (See PI. VI, p. 258.) The water is pumped by two steam pumps and distributed under gravity pressure of 55 pounds through 4 miles of mains to 300 taps and 31 fire hydrants. About 1,700 people use the supply; the daily consumption is estimated at 70,000 gallons. The water is hard. The city wells end near or at the base of the Kinderhook group (Mississippian). If a well is sunk below these shales, the drill will first penetrate heavy limestones of Devonian and Silurian age, wliich probably continue with little interruption to a depth of about 850 feet below the surface, where they give place to the Maquoketa shale (Ordovician), here about 150 feet thick. The Devonian and Silurian limestones will probably 3deld some water. Near their base thin beds containing more or less of gypsum or anhydrite may be encountered, the water from which should be cased out. The Maquoketa shale will of course be dry. Below the Maquoketa shale will be found the Galena and Platteville limestones, which extend to about 1,475 feet from the surface and should contain considerable water under a head which should bring it within easy pumping distance of the surface. The water so far encountered will considerably increase the present supply, but will not improve its quality, and the well should be sunk to the St. Peter sandstone or to about 300 feet below that formation in order to obtain the large supplies which are to be found in the deep formations. To obtain the largest amounts of the best waters, therefore, the well should be sunk to a depth ranging from 1,900 to 2,100 feet. Analyses of the different waters will show wliich ones should be cased out because of their poor quahty. Radcliffe. — The public water system of Radcliffe (population, 660) is obtained from two wells, the older 130 feet, the newer 95|^ feet deep, which yield a good supply of hard water. The system is equipped with two steam pumps and the water is distributed by gravity under pressure of 35 pounds through two- HAKDIN COUNTY. 707 thirds of a mile of mains to 40 taps and 11 fire plugs. About half the population use the town water. The daily consumption is esti- mated at 8,000 gallons. WELL DATA. Information in regard to typical wells in Hardin County is pre- sented in the following table: Typical Wells of Hardin County. Owner. Location. 2 o .a ft Source of supply. k 4 do K Remarks. (Logs given in feet.) Feet. Feet. Feet. Mr. Lake 3 miles east-south- east of Buckeye. 58 56 Sand at 53 feet. + 2 Flows good stream. Yellow clay, 15; blue clay, 38; sand and water, 3; limestone (?), 2. M. Thompson 2 miles north of New Providence. 250 250 Drift sand... -100 Limestone under water-bearing stratum. Mr. Bump 5-J miles south of Iowa Falls. 172 160 Sandstone... - 80 Yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 97; sand, gravel, and water, 3; blue clay, 25; sand, 5; "hard- pan" (tough yellow clay), 10; sandstone (soft) or sand and much water, 2; shale, 6; Ume- stone, 4. J. B. Parmelee... T.89N.,R.20W. 56 No rock. Sand and gravel. + 16 Temperature, 47°; flows 80 gal- lons per minute. Black soil, 3J; sand, 2; blue clay, 54; fine sand, 34; blue clay, 'sand, gravel, a'nd water, 4l|. Fred Silas 3 mUes southeast 236 236 Limestone. . - 96 Yellow clay, gravel, bowlders, and sand at top; blue clay and of Ackley. 1 foot hardpan at depth of 90; sand at 194; clay at 197; rock (probably a bowlder) at 198; blue clay at 234; limestone and water at 236. State Industrial 1 mile west of El- 250 92 Limestone - 40 Steam pump. Black soil, 6; School. dora. (?)• yellow clay, 15; blue clay, 40; very soft coal (?), 7; sand, 20; white clay, 4; sandstone, 1; black shale, 5; sandstone and water, 5; white clay, 2; black shale, 15; gray limestone and sandstone and water alter- nating, 130. D.M. Leach 2 miles southwest of Abbott. 245 (?) Limestone . . -170 Water-bearing stratum at 239. Yellow clay (sandstone and water, 10 feet), 15; blue clay, 35; yellow clay, 40; blue clay, 107; hard rock (bowlder), 1; blue clay, 36; hard sandstone (bowlder), 4; soft clay, 1; rock (bowlder), U; sandstone and much water, 5. William Haynes . Steamboat Rock.. 265 225 do -110 Limestone, 40. Pumped by windmill. Water in sand over rock. J. Smuck 3 miles north of Hubbard. 70 70 + 16 Mr. Ledge 3A miles west of 'Hubbard. 350 29S Limestone. . 4- 1 Flowing well. Yellow clay, 15; blue clay and pebbles, 240; sand and gravel, 43; Umestone and water, 52. 708 UNDEEGKOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. JASPER COUNTY. By Howard E. Simpson. TOPOGRAPHY. Jasper County exhibits two distinct phases of erosional topography. By far its greater part shows the well-drained, maturely dissected surface of the Kansan drift sheet ; the remainder, comprising a small area in the northwest corner of the county, including most of Clear Creek Township, the west half of Poweshiek Township, and the north- west quarter of Wasliington Township, shows the imperfect drainage and level surface of the latest drift sheet, the Wisconsin. The area is drained chiefl}'' through South Skunk River and its tributaries, the larger streams flowing in a general southeasterly course. A small area in the southwest corner, however, is drained southward through the tributaries of the Des Moines. All the larger streams meander through broad, deep valleys floored with alluvial deposits. The divides are also rather broad and flat topped, showing less complete dissection than is characteristic of the Kansan plain farther south and nearer the larger rivers. The upland plain slopes gently southward from a maximum of about 1,050 feet above sea level in the north and about 950 feet in the south to 750 feet in the bottoms of the greater valleys. GEOLOGY. The entire area of Kansan drift is covered by several feet of loess, a pebbleless gray clay easily distinguished from the drift clay, the latter being in places 100 to 200 feet thick and containing much sand, gravel, and even bowlders, locaUy stratified but generally unstratified. In the Wisconsin area the bowlder clay overlies the loess, which m turn rests on the older Kansan. All the larger stream valleys contain aUuvial deposits of inter- bedded silt, gravel, and sand, those in the valley of the Skunk being especially deep and from 1 to 3 miles wide. So far as known, the unconsolidated surface deposits of the county everywhere rest on Carboniferous rocks belonging to the Des Moines group of the Pennsylvanian series. (See PI. XV.) Sandstones are more common in the shales of this group than in counties farther south. These coal measures are underlain in the northeastern part of the county by the Kinderhook group and in the southwestern by the "St. Louis limestone," both of which belong to the Mississippian series. UNDEBGROITND WATER. SOUECE. The water supply of Jasper County is derived from alluvial deposits, loess, drift, sandstones of the Des Moines group, sandstones in the ''St. Louis limestone," and from deeper formations. JASPER COUNTY. 709 Alluvial sands and gravels are important aquifers only along South Skunk River and its two chief tributaries in this county, Indian Creek and North Skunk River, where they have accumulated to considerable depths and are sufficiently loose and porous to permit a very strong underflow. Most of the wells in the alluvial deposits are shallow, as a rule less than 40 feet in depth. Over large parts of the loess-Kansan area the loess mantle is several feet thick and the basal portion is so sandy that it furnishes a water supply that is utihzed by shallow wells to an extent greater than in any other county. The loess on the uplands produces conditions favorable to shallow water supplies such as are used for the public supply of the town of Eddyville, on Des Moines River. In the region of the Wisconsin drift the underlying loess becomes an important aquifer, for owing to the imperfect surface drainage the ground-water level is high, the younger bowlder clay forms an excellent protecting covering, and the sandy loess is a suitable reser- voir. The seepage springs favored by such conditions are unusually common in the valleys crossing the margin of the Wisconsin drift area and are not uncommon from the base of the sandy loess over- lying the Kansan, but those from the latter horizon are unsatisfactory as a supply for stock owing to the certainty that they wiU dry up just when they are most needed. Few loess wells exceed 25 feet in depth. The Wisconsin drift in this county is thin, yet, because of the un- drained character of its surface, it yields a supply of water to many shallow wells. The water is chiefly from small seeps and veins and is closely akin to surface water in quality. Seeps from sand pockets and small veins in the Kansan clay supply many wells, and an abundant supply of good water is found in beds of sand and gravel beneath the Kansan drift and above the underlying- shales. The great thickness of the drift in this region makes it expen- sive to reach these sands, as in some places they lie 200 to 300 feet below the surface. Flowing wells from these sands are not uncommon in the valleys. The coal measures as a rule furnish unsatisfactory water. Water is everywhere found in the seams and beds of coal, and is locally so abundant as to interfere seriously with mining operations, but this water is never potable. The shales which compose the greater part of the coal measures are comparatively dry and unimportant as water bearers. Limestone lenses are common. The only avail- able water of importance is found in the thick lenses of sandstone, which are more common in this county than in the coal region farther south; but this water, like most water of the coal measures, is fre- quently so strongly impregnated with iron as to be unfit for use. One of the most striking exceptions to this rule is afforded by the Red 710 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Rock sandstone, a channel deposit consisting of coarse, friable gray to purplish-red ferruginous rock, which has been found in an area 2 to 4 miles wide extending from the southern boundary of the county east of Monroe to a point some distance northeast of Kellogg. Its precise area and extent are, however, very uncertain. Wells in this sandstone furnish an abundant supply of excellent water and good springs from it are found in several places. Regarding the coal measures as a source of springs, I. A. Williams * says : Springs issuing from the coal measures strata are not uncommon. The water is, however, often so charged with sulphuric acid as to make it valueless, where it comes from beds associated with coal seams. Two instances may be cited of springs which come from coal measures strata and furnish never-failing supplies of good water. In the NE. ^ NW. I sec. 9, Rock Creek Township, is such a spring, flowing from near the base of the Red Rock formation. A spring on the farm of Mr. P. W. Mowry in sec. 34, Des Moines Township, furnishes an abundant supply of excellent water. The "St. Louis limestone " is an important aquifer in Jasper County as elsewhere, supplying the most famous wells in the State, the Colfax artesian wells known as the Colfax Mineral Springs. From observa- tions elsewhere the "St. Louis limestone" is believed to wedge out in the northeast part of Jasper County; elsewhere other hard limestones, known as the Kinderhook group, directly underlie the Pennsylvanian or the drift. SOUTH SKUNK RIVER ARTESIAN BASIN. The lower portion of the valley of South Skunk River and its more important tributaries, including practically all of the present flood plain, the terrace known as the "second bottom," and in places the lower slopes of the valley sides, forms an irregular artesian basin, rang- ing in width from 1 to 4 miles and extending from the middle of the west county line to the middle of the south county line. Nearly all the wells in this basin range in depth from 250 to 350 feet and are sup- plied by the same aquifer, the "St. Louis limestone." Two of the wells however, are shallower. One on the farm of Bert Furch, 6 miles west of Newton, in sec. 34, T. 80 N., R. 20 W., is but 150 feet in depth, is reported to end in " a crevice in rock," probably limestone, and has a natural flow of three-fourths of a gallon a minute and a head of 20 feet above the valley floor; the water is not reported as mineral, but simply as "hard," and is in general use for domestic and farm pur- poses. The other well, 163 feet deep, is on the farm of John Raitchner, 2h miles southwest of Metz; the flow comes from sandstone at a depth of 150 feet, and the well yields 1^ gallons a minute under a head more than 10 feet above the valley floor; the water is reported as only slightly mineral. I Ann. Kept. Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 15, 1905, p. 360. JASPER COUNTY. 711 The deeper wells are generally less strongly mineral than the Colfax wells (pp. 713-714), but none are cased through the Des Momes group, and all probably receive a mixed supply of water. Detailed data of several of these wells are presented in the table of typical wells (pp. 718-719). Near North Skunk River in the southeast corner of Malaka Town- ship is a small area in which several wells yield small flows under low head. Two of these wells are on the Riverside stock farm in sec. 35. COLFAX MINERAL WATERS. The Colfax mineral water was discovered in 1875 by parties pros- pecting for coal. The drill, located on the south bank of South Skunk River about a mile east of town, had reached a depth of 315 feet when water began to flow from the top of the hole. Drilling was discon- tinued, and this coal prospect hole became the first of the "mineral springs" wliich furnish the water now so widely known as Colfax Mneral Water. Since the original well, known as the "Old M. C. spring" or the Colfax Hotel well, was put down, at least 14 other wells have been sunk to depths differing but slightly from this one and all obtain a very moderate flow from the same aquifer — the "St. Louis hmestone," of the ]\iississippian. Some of the wells are 4 inches and others 6 inches in diameter; the diameter of some is reduced to 2 or 3 inches at the bottom. Until the fourteenth well was drilled, in 1905, no record was kept. The driller's log of this well, as recorded by the owner, C. W. Mills, is as follows: Record of artesian well at Mills House at Colfax. [DrUled by M. Neff.] Depth. Surface and yellow clay Sand and gravel (heavily water bearing) Sand rock Slate, black (shale) Coal Clay, fine Sandstone Soapstone (shale) Sandstone (water bearing) Soapstone, hard (shale) Sandstone Rock, white, porous (water bearing) Flint rock Sandstone Soapstone, hard (shale) Sandstone Iron band rock Sandstone (water bearing) Magnetic rock (?) Chert, white 712 tJNDERGROtJJSrD WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. To a depth of 61 feet the formations are Pleistocene; from 61 to 283 feet they belong to the Pennsylvanian series (Des Moines group); the lowest formation is probably Mississippian C'St. Louis lime- stone"). The natural yield of the wells has decreased as the number of wells has increased, the maximum now being about 3 gallons a minute. The intimate relation of the wells is shown by the fact that when the Colfax Botthng Works well was flowing at the rate of 8 gallons a minute, before casmg was inserted, tiie Mason House well, near by and up the slope from it, practically ceased to flow and all other flows were somewhat weakened. The log of the Mills House well harmonizes with the various reports given from memory by those who had most to do with the earher wells, all placing the mineral-water aquifer at between 285 and 315 feet below the surface. The samples preserved by Dr. Tanner of the water-bearing rock of the fifteenth and latest well — that of the Turner Sanitarium — are of hard magnesian limestone. All of these facts indicate the upper limestone beds of the "St. Louis Umestone" as the mineral water horizon. Several other aquifers are reported in each of these wells, including the sand and gravel bed at the base of the drift, and one to four of the sandstone layers of the Des Moines group (Pennsylvanian). Not only must the water from these upper formations be cased out, but the well must be carefully sealed by means of a seed bag or rubber packing about the base of an inner and smaller tube put down to the aquifer itself in order to obtain the proper mineral flow. Although the sympathetic variation of many of the wells indicates a uniform source a fairly decided difference in the taste and color, especially in those of a sulphurous character, suggest that some of the wells may draw a portion of their supply from the Pennsylvanian rocks, the lowest of which is reported as causing an artesian flow in at least one well. The rise of the water above the surface varies with the elevation of the well site. The highest level reported, 17 feet, has been since reduced by the drilling of new wells. Probably the water of none of the weUs will rise more than 8 or 10 feet above the surface, and some of the wells on the hillside have ceased to flow except as piped out below the surface to a lower level. It is an interesting fact that the surface relations are so delicately adjusted that changes both of flow and pressure are affected by the changes of the weather. The decrease of barometric pressure before a storm brings an increase of flow and pressure from the wells, which is easily noticed in certain wells carefully controlled by bottling macliinery. Especially hard storms produce a milky or oily color, such as water ordinarily carries after standing in the open air, and the water tends to "sour" more quickly than usual; both facts JASPER COUNTY. V13 indicate loss of the natural supply of CO2 with the lessening of the atmospheric pressure. A complete list of the mineral wells in the town of Colfax, together with the fullest data obtainable, is presented in the following table. ^ The results of chemical and sanitary studies of the water are discussed on page 160. Statistics of the Colfax mineral wells. Oivner. Location. k ,rj o 4J O o° 03 Remarks. uS V> o •rt tZ .d c3 Ch a ft^i c3 tH 3 o. (U " CD ^ a O O >^ fi a W O Gal- lons a min- Feet. Feet. Feet. ute. Hotel Colfax 1 mile east of Col- fax. 1875 325 Old "M. C. Spring." Former discharge, 3 gallons a minute. Diameter, 3 inches. Curb 12 feet above level of Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Temperature, 54 °. Water bed at 306. Colfax Bottling Second bottom, 1 J About 300 ± 35 + 6 2+ Diameter, 3 inches. Former Works. blocks southeast of plant. 1880 flow, 3 gallons a minute. Curb 10 feet above level of Chicago, Rock Island & Pa- cific Ry . ' • First water at 140 feet, head 25 feet below curb; second water at 225 feet, head at surface; third water at 245 feet flow; all cased out." Bottled and sold. Grand Hotel Sani- About 1880 312- - 1- 2 No flow. Former head of 6 feet tarium. has fallen to 1 foot below curb, and well is now pumped by hand. Curb 36 feet above level of Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Diameter, 4 inches and 3 inches. Used for medicinal and table pur- Mason House 1881 357 + 3 4 poses. Diam°ter, 4 inches. Tempera- ture, 54 J °. Curb 2 feet above level of CMcago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Used for baths, table, and medicinal D. C. Frye & Co. (Inc.). 1882 315 + 8 2 purposes. Diameter, 3 inches. Curb 3 " "•' feet above level of Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Temperature, 51°. Pumped by rotary pump, 5 gallons a minute. Bottled and sold for medicinal and table pur- poses. Water bed at 310. Purox-Colfax Co . . 1890 350- + 10 IJ Flow decreased from 3J to If gallons a minute, and head from 12 to 10 feet. Diameter, 4 inches. Odor more sul- phurous than others. Bot- tled and sold for medicinal and table purposes. Town of Colfax 300 200+ 3 Decrease of flow from 4 to 3 gal- city park. lons. Diameter, 4 inches. Temperature, 52°. Level with Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. The Centropolis . . + 4 Used for medicinal purposes and for bathing. Sold to patrons. Decreased from 2 to IJ gallons a Thos. E. Jordan . . 350 47 l-i minute. Bottled and sold for medicinal and table pur- poses. 1 See also Norton, W. H., Artesian wells of Iowa: Ann. Rept. Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 6, 1897, pp? 293-294; also Williams, I. A., Geology of Jasper Coimty: Ann. Rept. Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 15, 1905 pp. 307,363-366. 714 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Statistics of the Colfax mineral wells- —Continued. Owner. Lo cation. a 8-6 ft o 11 » o o 6 .a 5 Remarks. Corner Montgom- ery Street and Broadway. At plant Feet. Feet. + 18 +20 Gal- lons a min- ute. 3 5 li i i Diameter, 3 inches. Flows Colfax Bottling 1901 300 294 391 365 291 100 without control. Used only for watering stock. Decrease of head from 20 to 18 Works No. 2. Hotel Colfax No. 2 feet. Diameter, 4 and 2 inches. Other water at 150 feet and 225 feet. Curb 3 feet below level of Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Flow increases after being shut off for a time. Bottled and sold for medicinal and table use. Water bed, lime- stone. "Second M. C. well." Victoria Sanato- 1903 1906 1905 SO 95 - * -12 + 5 Flows from pipe through hill- rium. Turner Sanita- Side hill side. Used for medicinal purposes and for bathing. Sold to patrons. Diameter, 4 to 3 inches. Curb rium. Mills House about 36 feet above level of Chicago, Rock Island & Pa- cific Ry. Heavv water at 235 feet. Water hft. Used for medicinal purposes and for bathing. Sold to patrons. Water bed, porous magnesian limestone. Curb aljout 22 feet above level of Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Temperature, 53*°. Curb sunk into 5-foot pit for better flow. Pumping Turner well while drilling decreased this flow. Used for medicinal purposes and for bathing. Sold in bulk to patrons. Water bed, lime- stone. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Colfax. — The public supply of Colfax (population, 2,524) is drawn from the coarse gravels underlying the flood plain of Skunk River, by means of a series of Cook well points, 6 inches in cUameter and 36 feet long. The sands and gravels are reached at a depth of 23 feet and are overlain by a heavy black clay. The water stands between 5 and 17 feet below the surface in these points, and is pumped by steam into a steel standpipe, 13 by 80 feet (capacity about 92,000 gallons). This standpipe is so situated on the bluff that the base is about 160 feet above the source and the main portion of the town. From it the water is distributed by gravity through about 2 miles of ma,ins. The pumping capacity is about 750 gallons a minute, and about 60,000 gallons are used daily. The domestic pressure of about 80 to 104 pounds is sufficient for fire protection, except in the residential section in the bluffs, where direct pressure may be used if necessary. Owing to the fact that this water forms a rather sohd scale in boilers, the JASPEK COUNTY. Yl5 railroads and the boilers at the pumping station use river water for making steam. Kellogg. — The public water supply of Kellogg (population, 610) is from two drilled wells 120 and 160 feet deep, drawing their supply from the shales of the Des Moines group and the underlying limestone, respectively. The water of the 120-foot well is pumped by windmill, and though the head is but 30 feet below the surface the supply is scanty, a characteristic common to all shale wells. Tliis well is used only as a reserve supply. The 160-foot well is much stronger, but the water is somewhat turbid, probably because of improper casing in the shaly beds. The well is pumped by gasoline engine, the water being forced to a cistern on the hill about 50 feet above the level of the town. Tliis cistern is 10 feet in diameter and 20 feet deep and is walled with brick and cemented. From tliis reservoir the water is distributed through a 4-inch main about one-fourth mile in length to four fire hydrants and 20 private taps. Most of the private wells m the town are either open or driven and range in depth from 25 to 35 feet. The gravels at this depth are open but grade into fine sand above, overlain by yellow clayey alluvium and deep soil. The supply is abundant and the water exceptionally good for use in boilers. No treatment is required before it enters the boilers, only a slight flaky scale or soft white precipitate being formed. The Gould Balance Valve Co. and the Patten Grain Co. use the water from driven-point wells. Newburg. — Practically all wells in Newburg (population, 200) and the extreme northeastern corner of the county are dug or bored in the drift at various depths. The railroad supply comes from four 26-foot wells in a ravine below the town. The best supply comes from gravels in the lower part of the Kansan drift. Newton. — The water supply for the city of Newton (population, 4,616) is taken from eight gravel wells on Skunk River bottom, 6 miles southwest of the city, in the NE. J sec. 13, T. 79 N., R. 20 W., 170 feet below the level of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Rail- way station (elevation, 944 feet above sea level). These wells were put down in 1904 by drilling to depths ranging from 43 to 56 feet, and then inserting in each hole an 8-inch strainer, 8 to 10 feet long, attached to the lower end of the casing. The wells are distributed over an area of about 130 feet radius, and so connected that any number or all may be pumped at the same time. A pumping station, located at the wells, is equipped with a low- service suction pump, capacity 700 gallons a minute, which pumps into an 11,000-gallon reservoir, walled with brick, cemented, and arched 716 UNDEEGEOUND WATER RESOTJECES OF IOWA. over. From the reservoir two liigh-pressure duplex pumps, capacity 250 gallons a minute each, lift the water 190 feet into the supply tank on a stone tower in the city. The tank has a capacity of 90,000 gallons and the tower is 56 feet high, giving a domestic pressure from gravity of about 25 pounds. The fire pressure is, however, direct and may be raised to 115 pounds. An 8-inch main leads from the wells into the city, and the 75 fire hydrants are suppUed through 6-inch and 4-inch mains. Probably more than one-third of the population is supplied thi'ough over 400 taps from this source. The daily consumption is estimated to be 70,000 or 80,000 gallons. The meter system is in general use. The water is clear, abundant, and excellent, and is used for all public and domestic purposes and very extensively by the manu- facturing plants of the city and the railroads. Slight scale forms in the boilers, and the supply has proved in all respects satisfactory. The city supply was formerly taken from two deep wells, described as city wells Nos. 1 and 2. City well No. 1, completed in 1890, is 1,400 feet deep and 5 inches in diameter, and the water stood 90 feet below the curb. Rock was entered at 90 feet and water was obtained at depths of 550 feet and 1,300 ( ?) feet. (See PL XV, p. 670.) The water of tliis well is described as a poor potable water and bad in its effect on boilers. It is apparently derived from the Osage group (Mississippian) a short distance above the summit of the Kinderhook (Mississippian), and is augmented by water coming in above the Maquoketa shale (Ordovician), which caved badly and caused the loss of a drill. As the drill could not be extricated, the hole was abandoned and a second was sunk a few feet distant. In this well also a drill was lost at about the same depth, and the attempt to carry the boring deeper was abandoned. In 1895 the supply was said to be abundant, continued pumping failing to lower the level of the water; but some years later the well was given up and another sunk. City well No. 2, 705 feet deep and 10 to 8 inches in diameter, has also been abandoned. The water in this well stood 50 feet below curb, coming from a depth of 500 feet. Driller's log of city well No. 2 at Newton. Depth in feet. Gravel 70 Gravel and cla_, 150 Rock and shale 172 Shale 202 Rock, white, hard 214 Limestone 240 Through limestone 470 Shale 500 Limestone 575 Well completed 705 JASPER COUNTY. 717 It should be noted that the very scanty data for these wells seem to indicate that they stopped a good deal short of the main artesian supplies of Iowa, going little if any below the Maquoketa shale. If any other deep weUs are sunk they should be carried not only to a depth of 1,750 feet from the surface, where the St. Peter sand- stone should be reached, but to as great a depth as 2,050 feet in order to tap the still larger supply of the formations underlying that well- known sandstone. Prairie City. — The water supply of Prairie City (population, 764) was originally taken from a well 85 feet deep ending in sands and gravels at the base of the drift. The supply was ample, but so much trouble was caused by quicksand that it was found necessary to drill deepei* and case the well throughout. During 1904 and 1905 the well was deepened to 390 feet; the approximate record is given by I. A. Williams as follows: Log ofivell at Prairie City. Thick- ness. Depth. Loess and drift Coal measiures shales and sandstones . Limestone Sandstone, coarse, white Shale, compact Limestone, dense, gray, magnesian . . Feet. 85 140 65 2 63 35 Feet. 85 225 290 292 355 390 The limestone from 225 to 290 feet probably belongs to the ''St. Louis limestone" (Mississippian) . This well was not used, as it was said to be impossible to shut out sand and mud in the Pennsylvanian (coal measures) at depths of 180 to 190 feet, though water was abun- dant below this level. The well in present use was drilled in 1905 to a depth of 390 feet. The ''St. Louis limestone" was entered at a depth of 220 feet, and the water-bearing sandstone from which the chief supply of water comes at about 65 feet lower. The well is cased to the limestone with 8-inch casing; below this a 6-inch bit was used and at the bottom a 4-inch bit. The well is pumped by steam, and the head varies from 80 feet below the surface to about 140 under the pump. The water is distributed by gravity from a 2,200-barrel tank ele- vated on an 80-foot steel tower, through about 2^ miles of mains. The water used is chiefly for fire protection, a few private taps taking only a few barrels per day in addition to that used by the 12 fire hydi'ants. The water is unsatisfactory for drinking on account of its mineral taste, and it is too hard for use in boUers. 718 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OE IOWA. Reasnor. — Reasnor (population, 250) is located on the bottom lands of Skunk River, where sand point wells may be had at depths of 30 to 40 feet. Small flowing wells may be had in this viciiiity on the bottom of the river with depths of about 250 feet in sandstone in the ''St. Louis limestone," and good wells may be obtained at about half that depth in the Red Rock sandstone. The town well, sunk only 30 feet on the flood plain of the river, flows slightly, the water probably being derived from the Red Rock sandstone. WELL DATA, Information concerning typical wells in Jasper County is pre- sented in the following table: Typical wells of Jasper County. C' Owner. Location. Source of supply. 03 & Remark.? (logs given in feet). T. SON., R. IS W. (Kellogg). Town of Kellogg.. Do Geo. B. Kelton. Ed. Craven Gifford Rogers. A. B. Craven... Joe Pierce Ed. Mershon.. Albert Harrab . 1 mile southeast of Kellogg. 1 mile north of Kellogg. 3 miles north of Kellogg. 5 miles north of Kellogg. 3 miles north and 1} miles east of Kelloeg. NE. isec. 6 SW. J sec. 36 Feet. 120 160 104 245 174 265 175 325 1.35 Feet. 85 110 15 200 Shale (Des Moines) C a r b o n if erous limestone. Red Rock sand- stone- Limestone below shale. do Feet. - 30 .do. Over limestone. Limestone . Sand T. 80 N., R. 17 W. (Rock Creek). A. J. Simpson SE. 1 sec. 31. Sandstone. -130 T. 81 N., R. 19 AV. (Malaka). Mrs. Cassie Preston. Christ Wehrman . . . T. 81 N., R. 18 W. (Mariposa). S. Morrison Henry Korf Do NE. J sec. 2.. SW. i sec. 14. NE. Jsec. 34. Sec. 11 do T. 80 N., R. 19 W. (Newton). L. M. Baker NW. J sec. 20. T. 79 N., R. 20 W. (Mound Prairie) L. A. Greenleaf G. W. Miller John Kartchner. . Mrs. M. L. Slaugh- ter. SE. J sec. 15 Jmileeastof Metz. 2J miles southwest "of Metz. Sec. 8 300 200 254 400 175 140 360 300 163 Sand Limestone . 100 100 22 50 -100 30 A weak well. Water somewhat roily. On "bottoms." Good. Good farm well. Good. Plenty. High hill. Bottom. Flows. No rock. Sand interferes. No rock. Hard and mineral. Limestone . Limestone . Sandstone Sandstone (Des Moines). "Gravel"(?) - 56 + 9 + 10 + 17 Strong well. No water. Strongly mineralized. Hard water. Flows J gallon a minute. Slightly mineralized. Flows li gallons a min- ute. Slightly miner- alized. a For Colfax mineral wells see table on pp. 713-714. JASPER COUNTY. 719 Typical wells of Jasper County — Continued. Owner. Location. Source of supply. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 80 N., R. 20 W. (Sherman). W. J. Leeper. . Lawson Walt . BertTurck.... E. W. Bodley T. 78 N., R. 21 W. (part of Des Moiiras). R. W. Bmbaker... T. 78N., R. 20 AV. (PARTS OF Des Moines and Fair VIEW). Sam. Scharf. . . S. F. Oldham. Jas. Fouche. T. 78 N., R. 19 W. (parts of Fair- viE w , Elk Creek, and Palo Alto). Robt. Marshall. J. A. Oldham . . Lester Vaugh Townof Reasnor. J. H. Loar Chicago, Rock Is- land & Pacific Ry. Oscar Efnor T. 79 N., R. 19 W. (parts of Palo Alto and Fair- VXEW). George Lisle George Lisle Jas. A. Oldham . . . J. M. Woodrow . . . F. H. Griggs. Ed. Ross NE. J sec. 2.. SW. i sec. 16. Sec. 34 NE. J sec. 26. NE. 1 sec. 36. NE. isec. 36. SE. 1 sec. 22.. SE. J sec. 9... 6 miles east of Monroe. Sec. 16 Sec. 28. Sec. 27.. Monroe . 1§ miles west of "Reasnor. Sec. 32 SW. isec. 32. Sec. 16 NE. J sec. 29. NE. isec. 20 5 miles south of Newton. Feet. 159 204 150 90 268 376 209 260 312 130 250 300 252 252 260 233 Feet. 30 95 160 100 117 54 60 100 ± Gravel . "Solid rock' Sandstone... Limestone . Sandstone . do Sandstone. .do. Sandstone . .do. .do. .do. .do. Red Rock sand- stone. White sandstone. "White sand"... Sandstone do Feet. +(?) - 80 + 20 - 30 -1.37 -125 + 10 -160 + 2i -f- 22 -I- 22 + 10 -t- 8 100 Limestone . -f 16 Slight flow. Mineral. Mineral. Flows f gallon a minute. Hard. Abandoned. Very weak well. Strong well. Strong well. Fine water. Good well. Flow 1 gallon a minute; water slightly miner- alized. Mineral. Bottom land. Flows into tank at present, 1 galkin a minute. Scales boilers some. Good well. Bottom land. Temper- ature 52°. Mineral. Flows 1| gallons a min- ute. Mineral. Flows 1 gallon a minute. "Hard and salty." Mineral, similar to Col- fax. Flowing well. Flows 1 gallon a minute. MARSHALL COUNTY. By Howard E. Simpson and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. Marshall County lies immediately east of Story, the central coimty of the State. Though its prairie plain does not, to the casual ob- server, differ materially from that in other portions of central Iowa, 720 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. the careful student will recognize in the topography as many as three distinct types of plain, the distinctions being chiefly the result of different periods of time during which running water has worked upon the till. The youngest drift, the Wisconsm, overlaps a narrow strip on the western edge of the county, varying in width from practically nothing on the southern border to 3 J miles on the northern border. Here is found the knob and kettle topography characteristic of terminal moraines, though in rather subdued form. Small ponds and sloughs are common and the region is generally one of poor and undeveloped drainage. The area does not exceed 50 square miles. Almost filling the triangle in the northeast, separated from the remainder of the county by Iowa River, is an area of drift of lowan age. The slight sag and swell topography and the lack of marked stream dissection away from the master streams indicate the topo- graphic youth of the area, though the lack of ponds and undrained tracts suggests a later stage of dissection than the Wisconsin. This area contains approximately 100 square miles. Except for the Iowa River valley, the remainder of the county, nearly 400 square miles, possesses a more undulating topography in wliich stream vaUeys are broad, divides much more clearly marked, and drainage complete. This area covered by the Kansan drift is, therefore, in topographic maturity. The broad, flat flood plain of Iowa River is the most striking topograpliic feature of the county. On the vaUey floor the river meanders widely and from it many smaller flat-bottomed valleys extend to every part of the county save the southwest corner, which is drained to the south by tributaries of North Skunk River. GEOLOGY. All the country rock of Marshall County is of Carboniferous age. Underlying the entire county is a thickness of about 150 feet of the Kjnderhook group, consisting cliiefly of a heavy limestone overlain by tliin shales and underlain by thin sandstones and shales. Over- lappmg this in the western tWo-thirds of the county lies the Des Moines group, consisting here chiefly of shales with some sand- stones. (See PL XI, p. 382.) The general surface relations of the drift sheets have already been indicated. The depth is variable, but in the uplands 100 to 200 feet is common and 400 feet has been reported. This latter thick- ness is so great as to indicate a preglacial channel. The Kansan drift, everywhere present, is the most important of the superficial deposits, but distinct evidence of the earlier Nebraskan drift is found in the presence of a dark blue-black till in places beneath MARSHALL COUNTY. 721 heavy beds of sub-Kansan sands and gravels which are evidently of Aftonian age. These gravels are reported in beds locally 30 feet thick. In many places between the later deposits and the Kansan are found other sand and gravel beds of Buchanan age. These, how- ever, are tliinner and less important than the Aftonian except in the stream valleys, where, as valley trains, they underlie and are interstratified with alluvium. The lowan till in the northeast and the Wisconsin till in the west overlie the Kansan, The lowan is very thin and relatively unimportant, but the Wisconsin, because of its morainal character and undeveloped drainage, has a marked effect on ground-water conditions. Throughout the Kansan area and in places underlying the Wisconsin is a mantle of yellow loess passing below into sand. As this reaches thicknesses of 15 to 20 feet over some portions of the uplands it is of importance in shallow wells. The alluvium which fills the Iowa Valley and the narrower valleys of all the larger creeks of the county includes extensive valley- train deposits, chiefly of Buchanan age. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The gravels of valley trains of Buchanan age and those beneath the drift and interstratified with it form the chief sources of the abundant waters of the alluvium. Though not so pure as those of the deeper drift and the rock, these waters are not often seriously contaminated, and their abundance and softness render them espe- cially valuable. The public supply for the city of Marshalltown is drawn from the alluvium. The drift beds are so numerous and in general so prolific of good water that they form the chief source of supply for Marshall County. Dug, bored, and drilled wells reach all the subhorizons at such different depths and with such different results that it is usually impossible to identify the age of the water bed. Depths of 30 to 40 feet are most common and, in general, the greater the depth the greater the supply. For domestic purposes very shallow wells suffice and are satisfactory if not contaminated from the surface, but for stock many of 100 to 250 feet are drilled with good results. In many of the deeper wells the Aftonian gravel is the water bed. Owing to the lack of drainage shallow wells on the western margin of the county may find water closely akin to surface water in the Wisconsin till. The lowan till is too thin to afford any important source of water for even the shallowest wells, but the loess attains depths of 15 to 36581°— wsp 293—12—46 722 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OP IOWA. 20 feet in many places on uplands, and its sandy base forms storage for shallow ground waters. Formerly this base was more important, but drainage and cultivation have generally reduced the ground- water level far below it, and it can now be used only by the shallowest wells and is very susceptible to drought. Where the Buchanan gravel underlies the loess and the later till sheets on the upland in scattered patches, it is unimportant, but where associated with the alluvium it forms an important source of water. The Kansan till is very thick; open wells sunk into it expose so much surface to seepage and small veins and afford so large a reser- voir that it is one of the most important sources of water. A few gravel and sand layers furnish bountiful supplies, but, in general, wells to it are easily pumped out and are liable to fail in extreme drought. Wells reaching the Aftonian gravel are abundantly supplied with pure and wholesome water. Depths of 100 to 150 feet are not uncommon. The Nebraskan drift is too vague and indefinite to be of impor- tance. Sands and gravels below the Kansan or at the base of a pre-Kansan till suggest the Nebraskan, and are generally water bearing just above bedrock, as is any drift in such a position. The shales of the Des Moines group are so dry and the water they bear is so mineralized that the rock is valueless except for a few sandstone lenses from which excellent water may be obtained. Wells deriving water from these sandstones are common in some parts of Marion and Jasper counties, but rare in Marshall County. Wells penetrating the rock in the western portion of the county are liable to find 30 to 50 feet or more of dry shale. Practically all rock wells in Marshall County draw their supply from the Kinderhook group, in sandy layers that generally underlie a heavy bed of limestone, which in turn may underlie a few feet of shale. Some excellent deep wells are had in these layers, though in many the water is not abundant. The flow is, however, very con- stant and not subject to drought. The water is generally hard, though pure and wholesome and excellent for stock. Depths of 150 to 200 feet are common. DISTRIBUTION. Two ground-water provinces may be distinguished in this county — (1) the Iowa valley floor, including the lower valleys of several of the larger creeks, in which the alluvium only is used; (2) the remain- der of the county, in which the drift and Kinderhook are used. Water in abundance may be had near Le Grande and Quarry. In the river valley the alluvial gravels supply it to driven wells, and on MARSHALL COUNTY. 723 the adjacent uplands the shallowness of the drift, especially to the north, brings gravel and sand beds near the surface, from which a good supply may be had at 30 or 40 feet or less. To the south, in Le Grande Township, extreme depths of drift are found; 100 to 200 feet to limestone is common and 300 feet or more in drift wells is not unusual. The sand well of O. Beyngelson is 355 feet in depth. Rock wells 80 to 120 feet deep are common, but 200 to 300 feet is not an unusual depth south of the river, where excellent water is obtainable. Near the edge of the river bluffs the upper limestones give rise to some fine springs. Near Green Mountain the greater depths of the drift make sand and gravel wells somewhat expensive and uncertain. Drift wells 100 feet or more deep are not uncommon, but the chief dependence for larger stock supplies is in the limestone, where water is obtained at deptlis of 125 to 300 feet. The flow is scant in a few places for large stock supphes, but the quahty is good. The alluvial gravels yield abundantly along the river bottoms at Liscomb, Albion, Marietta, and vicinity, in some places giving rise to flowing wells. A well on the farm of C. E. Asney, located on the Iowa River bottom, in sec. 35, Iowa Township, was dug as an outlet for drain tile, but proved a flowing well. On uplands near the river drift wells are most common at depths of 30 to 50 feet, and the lime- stone supphes are unfailing, generally from depths of 80 to 200 feet. None of these villages are provided with waterworks. West of the river in Marietta Townsliip most of the deep wells are in drift and have depths of 200 to 300 feet. Some reach linestone at similar or greater depths. In the Wisconsin drift area near St. Anthony and Clemons shallow drift wells are generally relied upon. Driven wells are found all along the broad bottoms of Minerva Creek and its southern tributary, which flows through Clemons. Excellent water for stock wells is found in limestone at reasonable depths, 100 to 200 feet being common. Near State Center wells 20 feet deep were formerly abundantly supphed with water; at present drift wells are more commonly 50 feet and a few are 100 feet deep. Reports generally indicate the presence of the Nebraskan till below the Kansan here, but good beds of Aftonian gravel are few and, except in very deep drift wells, do not afford strong supphes. Not uncommonly quicksand and mud are found above shales of the Des Moines group, making drilling difficult. These shales are 10 to 40 feet thick and overhe limestones; in only a very few wells is water found in thin sandstone beds at this horizon. Whenever a considerable quantity is desired drilled wells drawing from the limestone at depths of 100 to 250 feet are put down. These are not very strong, but are constant in supply, 3 to 15 gallons a minute being common. 724 UNDEEGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. At Rhodes and Melbourne shallow wells generally furnish abundant water from drift and alluvium. On all the creek bottoms, however, good flows may be had. Three aquifers are reported at approxi- mately 150, 200, and 250 feet. From the last, wliich underhes the Des Moines group, a head of 27 feet above the surface is sometimes obtained. The water is mineral, closely resembling the Colfax water) and may come from the same aquifer, the "St. Louis limestone," though this bed has not been positively identified in this county. At Melbourne the brick-factory well draws its supply from a lens of sandstone in the Des Moines group at a depth of 230 feet. Other deep wells are in limestone of the Kinderhook group at similar depths. The well of H. Knoll, sr., 4 miles north of Haverliill, is reported to draw water from a sandstone of the Des Moines group at a depth of 170 feet. Near Van Cleve, Haverhill, and Laurel hmestone wells in the Kinderhook group are common at depths of 200 to 300 feet. Drift waters are commonly used for small supphes, but these do not hold out in dry weather, as the location on the upland divide between Iowa and Skunk rivers is not favorable for shallow wells. Near Oilman and Ferguson bored wells to depths of 100 feet are common, and drilled rock wells are rare. A few stock wells on uplands draw from the limestone at about 300 feet. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Gilman. — Oilman (population, 430) has a small waterworks system supplied by springs. The plant is owned by a canning company. An elevated tank supphes water to one or two fire hydrants at low pressure. The water is reported to be soft and of excellent quality. MarshalUown. — The water supply of the city of Marshalltown (population, 13,374) is drawn from the gravel beds underlying the flood plain of the Iowa River valley opposite the city near the junc- tion of Asher Creek (SE. { sec. 22, T. 84 N., R. 18 W.). The water is collected by 40 wells, averaging 32 feet in depth, arranged in a straight north-south line 50 feet apart. Twelve-foot Cook strainers are used on the bottom of a 6-mch casing. The gravel immediately overlies the limestone in at least one well. The general section is reported to be as follows : General section of Marshalltoiun shallow wells. Thick- ness. Depth. Loamy soil Gumbo Gravel, fine, and sand. Gravel, coaxse , Sand, fine, white Limestone Feet. 4 I2 3i 4 14 Feet. 4 5i 9 13 27 32 Marshall county. 725 All wells feed by a closed pipe into a 2-foot main which leads across the river to . the pumping plant on the south side, where a storage reservoir holding 1,000,000 gallons receives all of the water for aeration. At present rate of consumption this is replaced once each day. A low-service triplex Worthington pump draws the water from the reservoir for a distance of 4,720 feet, discharging it by gravity into the pump well. At times the ground-water level in the field is reduced below the top of the strainers and, in order to avoid breaking the vacuum, suction is had through inner pipes inserted to the middle of the strainers. Even with this precaution, the vacuum is sometimes broken in case of drought, and then the consumption is limited or water must be drawn direct from the river through the intake pro- vided for emergency. Such an emergency should be nothing short of a conflagration, on account of the foulness of this water. Means are provided for cleaning the well strainers by fiushmg backwater through them under high pressure, this being done once each month to insure the best flow. Two Gordon duplex pumps, with an easy working capacity of 5,000,000 gallons daily, supply the mains directly at an ordmary pressure of 65 pounds, which may be increased to 135 pounds in case of fire. This pressure at the plant is decreased about 40 per cent in the business portion of the city. Twenty-eight miles of mains supply 200 fire hydrants besides may private consumers. The large number of rock wells in the city are supplied by the waters from the limestone of the Kinderhook group a,t depths ranging from 75 to 200 feet, and when properly cased and protected from surface contamination these deep-seated waters are of excellent quality and many are of almost ideal purity. They are superior even to the city water for domestic purposes and should be used wherever convenient to do so. The hardness of the water renders it unsuitable for boilers and many manufacturing purposes, except after artificial softening. Excellent examples of the wells reaching this horizon are the two wells of the Iowa Artificial Ice & Refrigeration Co. The water is very hard but of almost ideal purity. The mineral present m all other waters of this vicinity found above bedrock is absent in this, and the ice manufactured from it is clear and brilliant. The two wells have furnished 75,000 gallons m 48 hours without any apparent depletion. During the season 30 tons of ice are made daily from this water, and large amounts are used in the refrigeration process and also, after softening, in the boilers. Supplies from private wells in the sands and gravels of the drift underlying the city may be pure and wholesome, but they should be looked upon with suspicion because of the ease of surface and sewer 726 TJK&EilGSOlTiTD WATEfi HESOUSCES Of IOWA. contamination and should be used only after bacteriologic examina" tion by competent authority. Such wells in rural regions are gener- ally wholesome if properly guarded at the surface. All of the water obtained above the rock contains some carbonate of iron, which, on standing, oxidizes to the brown hydrated oxide of iron, and the water becomes milky and precipitates a brownish sedi- ment. In all large supplies this may be removed by aeration, and for domestic use on a small scale it is not objectionable except to the esthetic sense. A prospect hole for coal and gas, drilled on the bank of Iowa River near Marshalltown (W. * NW. J sec. 25), has a depth of 1,020 feet. Its curb is about 885 feet above sea level. Record of strata in jprospect hole at Marshalltown {PI. XI, p. 382). Depth. Carboniferous (Mississippian): Kinderhook group (320 feet tliick; top, 885 feet above sea level)— Limestone, light gra.v; in fine sand; many angular fragments of limpid quartz at 68 feet Limestone, light yellow, compact, earthy luster; 3 samples Limestone, brown, crystalline, cherty at"ll5 feet Shale, soft, light-green, calcareous Devonian (300 feet thick; top, 505 feet above sea level): Limestone ( ?); no samples Limestone, hard, brovv-n-gray, and brown; crystalline; rapid effervescence; sam- ples at 465 and 560 feet Silurian (305 feet thick; top, 265 feet above sea level): Dolomite, yellow, gypseous and cherty 55 675 Limestone, magnesian, brown, three samples; cherty at 675 feet 95 770 Dolomite, cherty, gypseous; mostly of white and translucent chert 30 800 Chert, white and translucent, at 800 No samples 75 875 Limestone; rapid effervescence; drillings almost wholly chert; some gypsum; 2 samples 40 915 Dolomite, white, in powder; some chert and gypsum | 10 925 Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (95 feet penetrated; top, 40 feet below sea level) — Shale, blue and green-gray; noncalcareous in sample at 925 feet Marehalltown is 890 feet above sea level, and, according to the boring just given, the top of the Maquoketa shale was found at 925 feet below the surface, or 40 feet below sea level. Had the boring been continued the drill would have entered the Galena limestone vrithin about 80 feet of the bottom of the drill hole, and considerable water might have been found in its cracked and porous layers. The St. Peter sandstone may be expected at about 550 feet below sea level, or 1,440 feet below the surface. The drill should encounter below the sandstone dolomites, more or less sandy, with interbedded sandstone layers, and below the dolomites well-marked water-bear- ing sandstones. A very generous supply should be obtainable from these horizons by a well carried to a depth of 2,000 or 2,200 feet. The water at each water horizon above the St. Peter should be analyzed, and it may be found advisable to drive water-tight casing to the Galena to shut out deleterious veins. MARSHALL COUNTY. 727 By drilling several 8-inch, or lO-inch wells and by the use of com- pressed air to increase the discharge it may be possible to obtain a supply sufficient for a city as large as Marshalltown. The water will hardly be good boiler water, a matter of importance in a manu- facturing town. A forecast, essentially the same as this, was made for the city on the request of the council in 1899. State Center. — The town of State Center (population, 898) is pro- vided with a waterworks system, used chiefly for fire protection. The water is pumped from wells into an elevated tank, capacity 60,000 gallons, whence it is distributed by gravity and direct pressure through a mile of mains to 16 fire hydrants. Only 12 private con- sumers use the water, and not more than a thousand gallons is pumped daily. WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Marshall County: Typical wells of Marshall County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Head above below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 84 N., R. 18 W. (Linn; parts of Taylok and Iowa). Iowa Artificial Ice Co . Marshalltown . Feet. 188 Feet. 34 Limestone Feet. - 57 Brittain & Co. .do. 71 Oolite lime- stone. Strong well, hard water, but no iron. Water at 38, easily exliausted. Principal water bed 131 feet. Pumpetl by steam and used in manufacture of artificial ice. Soft- ened for boiler. Heavy precipitate, indicating very hard water; curb 20 feet above Chicago & Northwestern Railway. Diameter, 6 inches; temperature, 52°. Sur- face and yellow clay, 22; blue clay, 12; soft lime- stone, 60; harder lime- stone, 94. Principal water bed, 138; minor bed at 7 6. Pumped witli steam suction pump vnthout lowering. Hard. Used for general packing pur- poses; curb 25 to 30 feet above Chicago Great Western Railway. Yel- low clay, 24; sand, 4; blue clay, 40; sand, 3; limestone (blue above, white below streaked with hard layers), 79; shale, 12. Diameter, 6 inches; cased, 71 feet. A second well dupli- cates this, except 10 feet shallower. 728 UNDEEGROUND WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA, Typical wells of Marshall County — Continued. Head Depth Source of above Remarks (logs given in feet). Owner. Location. Depth. to rock. supply. or below curb. T. 84 N., R. 18 W. (Linn; paets of Tayloe and Iowa)— Contd. Feet. Feet. Feet. Merritt Green Marshalltown 169 71 Shaly lime- stone. - 80 On slope 30 feet above Iowa Central Railway; water bed in shaly lime- stone at 98. Pumps 15 gallons per minute with little lowering. Diam- eter 4\ inches; cased, 71 feet. Yellow clay, 20; sand, 10; blue clay, 41; limestone, 29; shaly limestone, 69. do 119 43 Hard blue limestone. - 9 Curb 10 feet below Chi- cago Great Western Railway, on Linn Creek bottom. Water bed 100 feet. Minor bed at 25 , in sand. Pumped by steam, lowers to —23 feet. Clay, 20; sand and blue clay, 23; blue and gray limestone, 76. Di- ameter, 6 inches; cased 43 feet. .do 70 82 145 98 86 79 156 20 35 45 60 62 33 80 Limestone . Water bed at 67 feet. Diesing Bros ...do .do. ... Water bed at 50 feet. Fourth Ward School. do ..do Second Ward School. . do ....do Arnold School do do Third Ward School. do do Woodbury School ..do do Anson School do 106 300 33 19 do Glucose Manufactur- do do - 19 10 other wells simDar, ing Co. except average 200 feet deep. Curb 6 feet above Chicago & North West- ern Railway. Second bottom. Open wells all • through limestone. 3,000,000 gallons have been pumped in 24 hours. Used In manu- facturing glucose. Di- ameter, 4 inches; cased, 20 feet. Soil, 4; yellow clay, 14; sand and gravel, 1; limestone, 180; shale, blue and buff, 101. Very strong flow. Frank Graham IJ miles east of 154 120 do -100 Albion. B. H. Kokel.. 2 miles northeast of Marshalltown. 110 70 .do. 30-gallon test lowered 10 feet. W. B. Beeson 3 miles north of Marshalltown. 128 88 Gray lime- stone. - 90 Good and strong. Not lowered. Yellow clay, 45; blue clay, 43; lime- stone, 40. T. 84 N., R. 17 W. (Maeion). L. Mickley 4J miles east of 246 Sand No rock. Marshalltown. L.H.Wallace North Gr een Mountain. 190 170 Limestone . . Water bed in sand with wood at 100. W.M.Stewart 3 miles northeast of Marshall- town. 198 190 Blue sand. . . - 80 Chief water in 30-foot bed of sand. L. Mickley 303 300 — 140 Strong well. Water, hard. Yellow clay, 90; blue Marshalltown. stone. clay and muddy sand, 210; oolitic limestone, 3. D. Yetley 1 mile northeast 162 150 Limestone. . -100 Very strong. Yellow clay and sandf, 60; blue clay of Marshall- town. and sand, 90; limestone, 12 i MARSHALL COUNTY. Typical wells of Marshall County — Continued. 729 Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Head above or below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 83 N., R. 17 AV. (Le Grande). Col. Dougherty D. Holken. 2 miles north of Le Grande. SE.Jsec. 21 6 miles southeast of Marshall- town. 2 miles north of Ferguson. Le Grande . . .do Feet. 92 306 260 56-! 355 337 232 306 325 280 281 170 183 236 180 308 210 231 258 232 255 109 346 Feet. 9 300 408 Limestone. . Soft lime- stone. Gravel and sand. Shale and sandstone. Sand do Feet. - 80 -140 -120 -180 -135 -137 -132 -156 -150 -40 -100 -120 -140 -110 -140 -130 -150 -140 - 18 Hard rock exposed in Le Grande quarry, near by. Strong well. Water very hard. Yellow clay, 9; limestone, 83. Lowers 100 feet on pump- ing. Yields 5 gallons per minute. Yellow clay, 60; blue clay, 190; quicksand, 56. No rock. Chas. Lodge. F. B. Brenecke 0. Bryngelson E. Harem Test of 5 gallons lowers water 20 feet. Yellow clay, 35; blue clay, 85; sand and clay, 70; blue clay, 110; soft shale, 108; slate and limestone, 40; shale and sandstone, 114. No rock. Do. J. Hanks do 225 300 "'i20' 120 130 120 140 140 207 132 190 205 190 192 Limestone . . do Sand Limestone and shale. Shaly lime- stone. Sandstone (DesMoines) Shaly lime- stone. do Limestone. . OoUtic hme- stone. Limestone and shale. Sand in shale (Des Moines). Shaly lime- stone. Limestone. . do Sand and gravel. do D. Wolken do S. R. Piper . do Do. J.J. Mote ....do... T. 83 N., R. 18 W. (Timber Creek). John Goshon. . . 3i miles south of Marshalltown. 4 miles northwest of Haverhill. Northeast Haver- hill. 2 miles east of Luray. J mile south of Haverhill. N.J sec. 32 3 miles southeast of Lamoille. NE.Jsec. 5 NE.isec. 1 6 miles south- west of State Center. W. Jsec. 15 NW. Jsee. 15 State Center Not a strong well. H. Knoll, sr J. F. Cooper Pumping 5 gallons a min- ute lowers water 50 feet. H. Mesinesse T. 82 N., R. 18 W. (Jefferson) . T. Breekweg First water bed at 140. T. 82 N., R. 17 W. (Green Castle). Chas. Coulbrom T. 83 N., R. 19 W. (Washington). J. H. Harff... Strong well. T. 82 N., R. 19 W. (Logan). Poflamburger & Walker. William Fort Used in manufacture of brick and tile. Capacity 10 gallons a min- ute without lowering. T. 83 N., R. 20 W. (State Center). Mrs. Bishop Louis Ricker C. H. Lehman sediment. Good gravel well. No rock. Pumps dry li hours by steam. 730 UKDEEGROtJNr) WATER BESOtTECES OP lOWA. Typical wells of Marshall County — Continusd. Head Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. above or below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 84 N., R. 19 W. (Maeietta). Feet. Feet. Feet. W. E. Tomlins S. i-see. 22 5 miles southwest of Albion. 225 320 No rock. Gravels and sand. Strong water in sand at 300. No rock. T. 85 N., R. 20 W. (LiBEETY). Thos. Andrews SE.isec. 22 223 180 Limestone . . - SO Yellow clay (seep water), 30; blue clay (streaks of sand with little water), 143; soapstone, 30; shaly limestone. 5; limestone, blue and nard, 20. C. M. Smith SW. isee. 4 NE. isec. 14 235 132 .....do W. E. ElUott 129 do No shales. T. 85 N., R. 19 W. (Bangor; parts OF Iowa and Lis- COMB). Susan J. Brown SE. J see. 9 130 100 Limestone . . Very strong vein in crev- ice in limestone. Yel- low clay, 35; blue clay, 55; sand and gravel (seep water), 10; blue clay, 100; sand, 20; blue clay, 105; shaly, Hght- eolored rock, 25; hard hmestone, 10; quick- sand (?), 3; limestone, 2. Carrie E. Arney NW. Jsec. 35 208 204 do - 40 Yellow clay, 30; sand and clay, 10; blue clay, 35; sand, 10; blue clay, 65; sand, 6; blue clay, 99; soapstone, 35; coal, 1; white clay, 2; lime- stone, 10. T. 84 N., R. 20 W. (Minerva). Henry Busse SW. isec. 13 SW. J see. 34 365 303 325 225 Limestone . . do -150 Joe Goodman Yellow clay, 20; sand and clay, 5; blue clay, 75; sand, 10; blue clay, 72; gravel and sand (heavy water), 10; shalv rock, 10; hard limestone, 53. POLK COUNTY. By Howard E. Simpson and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. Polk County is located immediately south of the geographic center of Iowa, and the location of Des Moines, the capital and chief city of the State, within its borders, has made it the political and commercial center. The surface is that of the gently rolling prairie plain characteristic of northern and central Iowa, modified only by its stream-carved valleys. The general elevation of this plain is approximately 1,000 feet above sea level. POLK COtTFTt. *73i Two distinct phases of the drift plain are present, difTering chiefly in maturity of dissection and topographic age. The line separating the younger Wisconsin plain on the north from the older Kansan on the south passes just south of Mitchellville, Rising Sun, Des Moines, and Valley Junction. About five-sixths of the county is therefore within the area covered by the latest glacial invasion, the Wisconsin, and this line marks its southernmost extension in the United States. The Wisconsin area is remarkably level, only slight sags and swells being noticeable. The former are frequently saucer- shaped and hold sloughs and shallow ponds. The latter are but gentle rises of land between the sags. The stream valleys are narrow and shallow, and the whole area has the appearance of extreme topographic youth. The Kansan area, on the other hand presents narrower, flat-topped divides and broader, deeper stream valleys, the whole showing the well-drained, maturely dissected topography of a much older type. Polk, like the counties of southeastern Iowa, is crossed by master streams flowing southeastward through broad preglacial valleys. The most important is the Des Moines, meandermg in its broad valley from the northwest to the southeast corner, 150 to 200 feet below the upland, and dominating almost the entire drainage. Of less importance is South Skunk River, paralleling the Des Moines to the northeast, in a valley only slightly less broad and deep. Raccoon River furnishes a marked exception to the general trend of master streams and enters Des Moines River at Des Moines from a direction somewhat south of west. GEOLOGY. Alluvial deposits are found on the broad flood plains of Des Moines, Raccoon, and South Skunk rivers and on some of their leading trib- utaries. These deposits are especially thick south of the line marking the limit of the Wisconsin ice, comprising heavy deposits of gravel in the form of valley trains in valleys leading southward. These are so covered with alluvium that they can not be distinguished and will therefore be classed with the alluvial deposits. The limits of the Wisconsin drift have been outlined in discussing its topography. The loess forms a thin veneer over the uplands Ijdng outside of the Wisconsin limits and underlies the Wisconsin in places. The Kansan drift underhes the Wisconsin drift and the loess and controls the topography of the latter. It is the most important Superficial deposit in this area. Beneath the Kansan extensive gravel deposits and buried soil beds and an older drift have been noted in places. The gravels are believed to belong to the interglacial Afto- nian stage and the drift to the Nebraskan stage. •732 UNDERfiBOuND WATEB HESOUECES OF IOWA. The country rock beneath the drift of Polk County everywhere belongs to the Des Moines group of the Pennsylvanian series. Shales and sandstones, with a few limestones and here and there a coal seam, constitute the chief rocks. The Des Moines group rests unconform- ably upon a very uneven surface of ''St. Louis limestone." (See Pis. XIII, XV, XVI.) UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The aquifers utilized in Polk County are the alluvium and valley train gravels, the loess, the drift, and the sandstones of the Des Moines group. Polk County is well supplied with shallow drift waters. Country- rock water, however, is very variable and is generally of poor quality, owing to the large amount of mineral matter it holds in solution. A valuable water horizon is that of the gravels and sands inter- stratified with alluvium and underlying the flood plains of Des Moines, Raccoon, and South Skunk rivers and other smaller streams of lesser importance, such as Beaver, Big, Fourmile, Mud, and Camp creeks, tributaries of the Des Moines; Walnut Creek, a tributary of the Raccoon; and Indian Creek, a tributary of the Skunk. Drive points and open wells find an abundance of good water at very shallow depths in these valleys. The deposits are especially valuable in the southern part of the county, owing to the large amount of gravel spread out upon these valley floors as valley trains by streams from the melting Wisconsin ice. The public supply for Des Moines is secured from these beds by a series of infiltration galleries built into the gravels of the Raccoon River valley. Valley Junction also derives a small public supply from the same source by means of an open well. In the area south of the Wisconsin ice front the thick deposit of fine porous clay, known as the loess, is an important source for shallow wells from which but a small supply is needed. The chief importance of the loess lies in the fact that it grades downward into a fine sand, becommg coarser and overlying the relatively impermeable till sheet of Kansan age. The common depth of loess wells is 10 to 20 feet; one well, that of J. G. Berryhill, in sec. 19, T. 78 N., R. 25 W., has a depth of 70 feet, but this is exceptional. This loess in the Kan- san area is a very uncertain source for water — except in the certainty with which its wells go dry during droughts. Within the area occupied by the Wisconsin drift many wells pene- trate the loess and draw excellent water from it, but owing to the difficulty of distinguishing it from the drift, the two are better classed together. The water is plentiful because this porous deposit, lying POLK COUNTY. 733 between the two till sheets, forms a good storage reservoir and does not dry out so readily as it does where it is exposed, as in the surface overlying the Kansan. This is a condition usually favorable for seepage springs, and such springs are common in the valleys cutting the margin of the Wisconsin drift. The drift furnishes water for the great majority of wells in Polk County. The wells are so variable in depth and the drift sheets so variable in thickness that it is difficult to distinguish the different water beds, though several are worthy of mention. The Wisconsin drift is thin, yet owing to the undrained character of the surface, it yields much water to shallow wells which may be obtained almost anywhere by means of a spade or an auger. The water comes from small seeps and veins associated with sand pockets or from thin layers of sand and gravel. With the usual depression of the ground-water level in dry summer seasons many of these fail and the wells have to be dug deeper. A better supply may be found in the sandy lower portion of the loess wherever this is present between the Wisconsin and the Kansan. Even in the absence of the loess this horizon is frequently marked by a gravel or sandy layer which is a strong water bearer and source of springs. The Kansan is the most commonly used of all the drift horizons, the water being found, as in the Wisconsin, in small seeps and veins. The Aftonian gravel, underlying the Kansan drift, forms a most valuable source of well water where it occurs, but in this region it can not often be found unless the gravels immediately overlying the country rock are of this age. The Nebraskan is not clearly distinguished, but where found it generally consists of a thin layer of gravel and sand lying on the bedrock beneath the Aftonian gravel, thus adding another possible source of water. The drift is present everywhere throughout the county, except where replaced in river valleys by the alluvium, which is in itself an even better aquifer. It is therefore rarely necessary to enter country rock except for a larger supply than the drift affords. Although water can be found in the sandstones and coal seams in the Des Moines group, it is rarely potable on account of its impregna- tion with many minerals. The only available sources in this group are the tliick lenses of sandstone, some of which usually carry excel- lent water. Unfortunately such thick and persistent lenses are rela- tively uncommon in this area. Some beds exist in the southeast corner and to the north of Ankeny, but nowhere are they more than local as compared with the Ked Rock sandstone of Marion and Jasper counties. 734 UNDEEGEOUKD WATEK RESOURCES OP IOWA. FLOWING WELLS. Of the several deep wells the deepest and best known is the Green- wood Park well in Des Moines, with a depth of 3,000 feet; water now stands 45 feet below curb, though at first there was a small flow from the St. Peter sandstone. Others are the courthouse well in Des Moines, 381 feet deep, flowing from the Des Moines group, and the well on the river bank in front of the Des Moines public library, 461 feet deep, flowing from a sandstone bed at 360 feet. A flow on the farm of M. R. Sadler, near Mitchell ville, from a coal prospect hole 100 feet in depth, is an example of another class of shallower wells, some in the drift and some in the coal measures. GAS ^\:ells. Gas has been reported in several of the drift wells near Saylorville and in the northern part of the county; one opening owned by Louis Brendel furnishes it in sufficient quantit}^ to operate a gas burner. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. AnTceny. — On the uplands about Ankeny (population, 445) drift wells 40 to 60 feet deep are common, though some go down 150 feet. These are supplied from layers of sand and gravel and are variable. Not uncommonly the drift supply is insufficient, and rock wells are drilled. As the highest rock (the shales of the Des Moines group) is in many places 150 to 230 feet deep, it may be necessary to sink to depths ranging from 200 to 400 feet, the last hundred feet being m the "St. Louis limestone." An excellent sandstone water is not infrequently found among the coal shales of this vicinity, but no well-defined sandstone layer occurs in the "St. Louis limestone," as it does in the counties to the south and east. Des Moines. — The public water supply of Des Momes (population, 86,368) is owned by the Des Moines Waterworks Co. The supply is derived from the gravel beds of the Raccoon River valley on the inside of the great bend opposite the intersection of Nineteenth and Walnut streets, in the southwestern part of the city. The water is collected in infiltration galleries built 25 or 30 feet below the surface in such a way that the water flows from the bottom only. A section consisting of loam, river-washed sand and gravel, silt, sand, and gravel, potter's clay, and sandstone is reported. More than half a mile of galleries are constructed in a layer of coarse, clean sand and gravel fine and free from silts. They lead by gravity through a 36-inch cast-iron main into a large pump well, 48 feet in diameter and 34 feet deep, located on the station grounds northeast of the river. This is bricked and cemented and arched like a great cistern. An old gallery 1,450 feet long extends from a small pump well in the station yard westward along the railroad tracks, and at its west end a short branch leads directly to Raccoon River. In times POLK COUNTY. 735 of great emergency water may be taken directly from the river, but this has been done only a few times. The estimated capacity of the present system of collecting galleries is 10,000,000 gallons a day at the lowest stage of water. At an ordinary stage it is inexhaustible with the present pumping plant. The actual consumption for the year 1911 was 5,258,770 gallons daily. Within the pumping station three pumps — an 8,000,000-gallon Holly, a 7,000,000-gallon Gaskill, and a 6,000,000-gallon Worthmg- ton — give a daily capacity several times that yet required. The Worthington pump is held in reserve and with one of the others may be connected direct to the river intake in case of conflagration. The three, are supplied with steam from a battery of five boilers of 110 horsepower each, by which a head of 100 feet is constantly main- tained, a pressure ample for any fire. A direct pressure of 100 pounds for the business portion and 140 pounds for the higher north- west portion of the city is maintained. The lower pressure may be increased to 140 pounds in case of fire, though this is rarely neces- sary. About 130 miles of mains supply 1,303 fire hydrants and 12,315 taps, the latter through meters. Probably 80 per cent of the population depend on the public water supply. The Des Moines Linseed Oil Co. and the Des Moines Manufactur- ing & Supply Co. have abandoned drive wells as unsatisfactory for steam purposes on account of boiler pitting and use the public supply. Both of these companies, together with the Des Moines Gas Co., treat the water with 2 or 3 pounds of soda ash for 1,000 gallons and find the results very satisfactory. The Edison Electric Light Co. and the Des Monies Incubator Works, as well as many other manu- facturing plants near Des Moines River, take their supply direct from the river. The Des Moines Ice Co. secures its supply from four 26-foot point wells, drawing 40 gallons a minute at a temperature of 64°, for use in the manufacture of ice and for the condensers. River water is used for the boilers. The Des Moines Hosiery JVIills uses a supply from eight points varying in depth from 12 to 34 feet, in allu- vium and gravel. The water stands 8 to 10 feet below the surface. The longer points furnish water carrying increasing amounts of iron salts in solution. The water is hard and requires the use of a com- pound to prevent boiler scale. Points are generally renewed every year or two, on account of ferruginous and calcareous cement collect- ing on the screen. A storage reservoir having a capacity of 10,000 gallons is used. At the plant of the National Starch Works Co., 1^ miles south of the fair grounds, a supply of 300,000 gallons daily was obtained from 50-foot collecting galleries. The plant is now aban- doned, so the water system is not in use. A large private water-supply system is that of the Agar Packing Co. This company uses the public water supply for washing and 736 UNDEEGKOUND WATEK RESOURCES OF IOWA. cooking, but does not find it economical for all purposes. Two sources are used. The first consists of a battery of seven 4-inch Cook points, with 5-foot screens, driven 40 feet into alluvium and gravel. The general section is as follows: General sectioii at factory of Agar Packing Co. Feet. Filling 6 Clay, yellow 10 Gravel and sand 24 Clay, hard, blue. 40 Water stands 15 feet below the surface, and the wells average 16 pounds vacuum while pumping. The water yields some scale and rust. This water is used first as a condenser of ammonia in the refrigeration plant and afterward for washing and scrubbing. About 500 gallons a minute is constantly pumped, except in freezing weather. The second source is a well 18 feet in diameter by 16 feet deep, connect- ing directly with the river by means of a 12-inch pipe opening with screen in the channel. About 900 gallons a minute may be thus obtained and is used for boilers, the other waters being too hard, and for spraying hog pens and similar work. The river water scales but slightly, and this tendency is easily removed by the use of a small amount of boiler compound. Fire protection for the plant is had by the use of all the pumps and of water from the city system. The courthouse well has a depth of 381 feet. Its curb is 805 feet above sea level. It flows at the surface from a depth of 370 feet. It was completed by George Garver in 1888. Driller's log of well at courthouse at Des Moines. Depth. Sand and gravel Slate, black Coal Fire clay Slate Sandstone Slate Iron pyrites Slate Coal blossom Sandstone and granite Shale with pyrites; shale layers 2 to 4 feet thick , Sandstone .' Slate Sandstone, with two bands of flint, 18 inches and 9 inches thick, respectively Sandstone Feet. 63 81 84 89 113 123 133 134J 138J 139 240 300 339 345 362 381 The Greenwood Park well (PL XVI) has a depth of 3,000 feet and a diameter of 10 to 3 inches. Its curb is 872 feet above sea level, and its head 45 feet below the curb. The tested capacity is 400 gallons per minute. Sulphureted water from depths of 498 and 668 feet POLK COUNTY. 737 (Mississippian) rises within 30 feet of the surface. Water beds were indicated by changes of level of water in the tube at several depths between 1,011 and 1,208 feet (Silurian) ; water from depth of 1,425 feet (Niagara) rose above surface; water was found at 2,025 feet (St. Peter) ; at 2,208 feet (New Richmond) ; and at 2,330 feet (Oneota). Date of completion, 1896. Drillers, J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. T. Van Hyning, who supervised the drilling of the well, reported that ..when the drill entered the St. Peter the flow of water increased until it amounted to H gallons a minute; pumping 52 gallons a minute for 18 hours lowered the water level 125 feet; when the pump was stopped the water rose within 6 feet of the top but did not flow again. When the drill entered the New Richmond the water level fell to 50 feet below the surface; in the Oneota it fell to 80 feet below the surface. Probably other water beds were struck, for on the comple- tion of the well the water stood 45 feet below the curb. It still main- tained this level when, in 1902, the city water mains were extended to the park and the well was closed. Record of strata in Greenwood Park well at Des Moines {PI. XIII, p. 526; PI. X V, p. 670; PL XVI, p. 612). Thick- ness. Depth. Pleistocene (14 feet thick; top, 872 feet above sea level): Till, bvifE, sandy, with a few pebbles; noncalcareous Carboniferous: Pennsylvanian: Des Moines group (484 feet thick; top, 858 feet above sea level): Shale , black, brittle, carbonaceous Shale, gray, "fossiUferous" Shale, black, carbonaceous, calcareous, highly pyritiferous Shale, gray Shale and limestone, bluish gray, highly fossiliferous Shale, varicolored Shale, bluish gray, highly and finely arenaceous, hard Shale, bluish gray, slightly calcareous Shale, dark drab and black, carbonaceous Shales, gray, drab, and purplish; practically noncalcareous; 1 foot of gray chert at 284 feet Mississippian: "St. Louis limestone" and Osage group (200 feet thick; top, 374 feet above sea level): Chert and shale; heavy bed, very hard to drill; most of the sample is an argillo-calcareous powder; the shale is reported as caving in from above, but its calcareous nature indicates that it is in part interstratifled with chert and hmestone Limestone and chert, brownish gray Kinderhook group (160 feet thick; top, 174 feet above sea level): Shale, light blue and gray Shale, terra cotta red, highly calcareous Shale, light blue-gray Shale, light gray, highly calcareous; fine cherty residue Devonian (80 feet thick; top, 14 feet above sea level): Limestone, light buff; much gray chert Silurian (507 feet thick; top, 66 feet below sea level): Limestone, light blue-gray, crystalline, saccharoidal; effervescence slow; consider- able white gypsum Limestone, chsrty, crystalline, blue-gray; effervescence moderately rapid , Limestone, cherty, crystalline, saccharoidal, dark blue-gray and bifl; effervescence indicates magnesian limestone, but not dolomite Gypsum and shale; gypsum gray and white, in flakes; shale green, perhaps from above Limestone, light blue-gray, highly seleniferous; some flakes of gypsum Limestone, cherty, arenaceous; grains of sand, minute rounded; much shale in rounded fragments, perhaps from above Dolomite, buff, crystalline, granular with much chert and some chalcedonic silica; 3 samples 36581°— wsp 293—12 47 Feet. 14 Feet. 1 15 1 16 3 19 4 23 15 38 67 105 10 115 60 175 11 186 170 30 668 698 40 10 25 85 738 748 773 858 80 938 2 53 958 1,011 97 1.208 15 145 1.223 1,368 22 1,.390 55 1,445 738 UNDEKGEOUND WATEK KESOUECES OF IOWA. Record of strata in Greenwood Parh well at Des Moines {PI. XVI) — Continued. TMck- ness. Depth. Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (33 feet thick; top, S73 feet below sea level): Shales; in large fragments; purplish yellow and green; noncalcareous; finely laminated Galena dolomite and Platteville limestone (508 feet thick; top, 606 feet below sea level): Dolomite; in yellow-gray powder; cherty Dolomites, yellow, bufl and brown; mostly cherty; residue finely quartzose; 5 samples Shale, green, very slightly calcareous Dolomite, brown, arenaceous Shale, dark green, hard, "fossiliferous''; practically noncalcareous St. Peter sandstone (39 feet thick; top, 1,114 feet below sea level): Sandstone, fine, white; grains moderately well rounded Prairie du Chien group: Shakopee dolomite (124 feet thick; top, 1,153 feet below sea level): Shale; greenish powder of dolomite, chert, fine quartz sand, green shale, andpyrite Dolomite, arenaceous, cherty Shale, drab, calcareous; in finest powder; grains of bufl, cherty dolomite. . . Dolomite, gray Dolomite, gray; minute rounded vesicles resembling matrix of oolite from which grains have been dissolved Dolomite Shale; as at 2,085 feet; "exceedingly hard to drill " New Richmond sandstone (94 feet thick; top, 1,277 feet below sea level): Dolomite, arenaceous, gray; 2 samples Shale, drab, calcareous Sandstone, white, fine, calciferous Dolomite, bufl Sandstone, clean white quartz sand; grains rounded Dolomite, bufl Sandstone, bufl; grains broken, much dolomite Sandstone, friable, white, fine Shaie, drab, slightly calcareous Sandstone, white Dolomite, bufl, white; much quartz sand Shale Sandstone, gray and bufl, calciferous; most of grains broken Shale, light blue Oneota dolomite, (175 feet thick; top, 1,371 feet below sea level): Dolomites of various tints, many cherty; argillaceous at 2.250, 2,272. 2,333, 2, 340 feet; arenaceous at 2,270 and 2,333 feet; at 2,305 feet there is 17 feet of white, blue, and green chert; 32 samples Cambrian (582 feet penetrated; top, 1,546 feet below sea level): Sandstone, white; fine grains, mostly rough surfaced; some dolomite Dolomite, brown; in chips Sandstone Dolomite, rough, gray, and brown Sandstone, fine, white and reddish; 3 samples Shale, light blue-gray Sandstone, calciferous, bufl Dolomite, arenaceous, gray, bufl, and brown; 6 samples Shale, light blue-gray Dolomite, gray and bufl, siliceous Sandstone, gray, fine, calciferous Marl, highly quartzose, dolomitic, argillaceous; yello^vlsh powder; 2 samples Sandstone, calciferous, gray and white; 3 samples Sandstone; in sand and small chips superficially resembUng dolomite; calciferous, glauconitic, close grained; grains white, gray and bufl; 10 samples Shale and dolomite; shale hard, bright green, slaty; dolomite white, highly sili- ceous, with much greenish, translucent amorphous silica, 2 samples; over one- half of the second sample soluble in acid Sandstone, bufl; in powder, glauconiferous; rock is termed sandstone although composed chiefly of light-colored particles which effervesce freely In acid; frag- ments of crystalline quartz form but a small proportion of the drillings Sandstone, saccharoidai; dark with purpUsh tinge, dark color due to numerous grains of glauconite, purpUsh tinge to ferruginous stains on quartz sand; sand grains of crystalUne siUca, rough surfaced, imperfectly rounded, many fractured. Dolomite, dark gray, greenish, macrocrystalline, glauconiferous; sparingly arenaceous ." Sandstone, greenish; grains microscopic Shale, dull gray, fine grained, and exceedingly finely laminated Sandstone, glauconiferous, calciferous; grains imperfectly rounded, with hard, dark-green slaty shale Marl; in bufl flour; microscopically arenaceous; calciferous; glauconiferous Marl, pink; calciferous; arenaceous; one-third of drillings by weight insoluble in acid ; to bottom of weU Feet. 33 260 200 8 30 10 39 20 130 POLK COUNTY. 739 Mitchellville. — ^The State Industrial School for Girls at Mitchell- dlle is supplied with water from several wells. (See PI. XV, p. 670.) Water is forced into a tank of 1,600 barrels capacity, elevated on a 90-foot tower, from which 10 fire hydrants and taps in each building are supplied at a pressure of 45 pounds. The school consumes about 8,000 gallons of water a day, less than one-fifth the capacity of the plant. Well No. 1 has a depth of 865 feet. The water is strongly saline and is not potable and the well was abandoned. Driller, F. J. McCarthy, Minneapolis. Well No. 2 has a depth of 470 feet and a diameter of 8 inches to 103 feet, 6 inches to 350 feet, 4^ inches to 370 feet, 3^ inches to the bottom; 6-inch casing to 103 feet, and 4^-inch from 348 to 360 feet to shut out a foot of soapstone. The curb is 987 feet above sea level, and the head 102 feet below curb. Water came in at 100 feet but was cased out; also from 320 to 350 feet, heading 50 feet below curb, but the supply was small and easily reduced by pumping ; also from 440 to 452 feet in porous rock; tested capacity 20 gallons a minute. Date of completion 1901. By August, 1904, this well had filled with sediment to 340 feet above its base, or nearly 200 feet above the working barrel of the pump. Well No. 3 has a depth of 625 feet and a diameter of 10 inches to 107 feet, 8 inches to 317 feet, and 6 inches to the bottom; casing, 4^ inch, from 477 feet to bottom. The curb is 987 feet above sea level and the head 63 feet below curb. Tested capacity 15 gallons a minute at completion of well; present capacity 45 gallons a minute; water at depth of 550 and 563 feet. Temperature, 60° F. The well was diilled by J. H. Shaw, of Sioux City, and was completed in January, 1907. Driller's log of well No. 1 of the State Industrial School, Mitchellville. Thick- ness. Depth. No samples Shale Rock Shale, green Limestone and shale . Feet. 296 269 45 75 180 Feet. 296 565 610 685 865 Record of strata in well No. 2 of the State Industrial School, Mitchellville. <^ Thick- ness. Depth. Soil, black Clay, yellow , Sand Clay, blue , Clay, gravel, and small stones Clay, yellow d Driller's log to 352 feet; from 352 to 470 feet description of samples. Feet. 4 10 3 35 2 30 Feet. 4 14 17 52 54 84 740 UISTDEEGEOUISTD WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Record of strata in well No. 2 of the State Industrial School, Mitchellville — Contd. Thick- ness. Depth. Clay, cobblestones, and gravel. Clay, yellow Clay and sand mixed Sandstone Soapstone. Rock, red Rock, hard, with layers of flint. Soapstone and slate Rock, blue Slate and soapstone Rock, hard, gray Soapstone with hard layers of slate (dark). Rock, hard, gray Soapstone Rock, hard Soapstone, hard Rock, hard, gray Soapstone. Rock, hard, with 1 foot of iron pyrites. Slate Rock, hard, with bands of flint Soapstone, hard Slate, hard, gray Sandstone Iron pyrites Sandstone, hard Slate Sandstone Slate, gray Sandstone, hard, with crushy layers. Slate, gray Sandstone, hard Iron pyrites Sandstone, very hard Limestone Sandstone, hard Soapstone Limestone Limestone, brown, crystalline, vesicular; with large masses of blue-gray chert , Limestone, brown; with irregular blue shaly masses Shale, blue, calcareous, nearly gritless Shale, blue-gray; with disseminated siliceous nodular masses Limestone, brown, vesicular; effervescence moderately slow; crystalline; fossiliferous . Shale, blue-gray and buff mottled, massive, calcareous; highly siliceous, with minute quartzose particles Limestone, blue, crystalline, somewhat vesicular; efiervescence rather slow , Limestone, blue, crystalline, porous; fossiliferous, with casts and molds; minutely are- naceous, argillaceous Limestone, mottled gray; much disseminated chert in grains and with geodic cavities with chaicedonic and crystalline quartz Limestone, yellow and dark gray; mottled like diorite; rather slow effervescence; ar- gillaceous, minutely arenaceous Limestone, blue-gray, argillaceous, and green-gray, saccharoidal; macrocrystalline Limestone, light brownish gray^ saccharoidal^ macrocrystalline; rapid effervescence Limestone, mottled dark and light gray, vesicular; effervescence rather slow; macro- crystalline-earthy, siliceous, with green disseminated particles of clay Limestone, blue-gray, vesicular, with cavities lined with chaicedonic and crystalline drusy quartz; with disseminated green clay as above Feet. 3 5 10 3 7 10 2§ 12 2i 10 6 18 8 2 12 5 10 2 12 5 7 5 10 15 2 4 2 15 5 24 2 7 2 5 10 5 1 2 4 2 Feet. 87 92 102 105 112 122 124J 1361 139 149 155 173 181 183 195 200 210 212 224 229 236 241 251 266 268 272 274 289 294 318 320 327 329 334 344 349 350 352 356 358 360 361 366 380 400 410 420 430 445 450 460 470 Record of strata in well No. 3, State Industrial School, Mitchellville." Thick- ness. Depth. Sandstone, fine , gi-ay ; some effervescence in hot hydrochloric acid, indicating magnesian cement; some carbonaceous shale in coarse grains Sandstone, similar to the above; brisk effervescence in hot hydrochloric acid, none in cold acid; a few crystals of pyrite Shale, blue-gray, fine, rather hard, no grit Limestone, suberystalline, gray, fine grained; some dark carbonaceous shale, also some similar to that at 174 feet Shale, dark, fissile, fine textured Shale, light to dark gray; light colored is hard and fine textured; dark gray is gritty and crumbles more easily; some calcareous content is indicated by effervescence in cold hydrochloric acid; a little sandstone Shale, gray, fine textured Feet. a Description of driUings by James H. Lees, assistant State geologist of Iowa. Feet. 120 174 186 191 207 211 240 POLK COUNTY. 741 Record of strata in well No. 3, State Industrial School, Mitchellville — Continued. Thick- ness. Depth. Shale, variegated, gray, red, green; sample shows some crystal grams which probably- come from magnesian limestone; slight effervescence in hot hydrochloric acid Limestone, blue-gray, fine grained, subcrystalline; some fragments of gray fine-tex- tured shale like that at 211 feet Shale, dark gray, fine Clay shale, dark gray, no laminae evident; darker than the above; slightly gritty, hard, clay concretions Limestone, light gray, fine grained, pyritiferous, crystalline; brisk eflervescence in cold hydrochloric acid Clay shale, gray, fine textured; effervesces slightly in cold hydrochloric acid Limestone, light to dark gray, subcrystalline; grains of vesicular pyrite present; brisk effervescence in hydrochloric acid Limestone, as above, containing water Chert and limestone; chert gray, fine grained, one fragment being part of a quartz geode; limestone, gray calcite and dark -gray granular limestone; effervescence brisk with cold hydrochloric acid Limestone, magnesian, light to dark gray; finely granular; some grains of quartz Shale, blue-gray, fine Limestone, white and crystalline to dark gray; brisk effervescence in cold hydrochloric acid; considerable dark sand and some quartz crystals; water Limestone and chert; chert, milk-white, with numerous well-formed quartz crystals; limestone, gray, granular No record , Feet. Chert and limestone; chert predominates in sample, in small, angular, blue-gray chips; limestone in light yellowish-gray powder and fine sand; abundance indicated chiefly by brisk effervescence in cold hydrochloric acid. Large residue of clay and chert, with a few sand grains, after thorough digestion. Sample contains some blue-gray shale which may have come from above Chert and limestone, in about equal amounts; chert similar to that in sample above; limestone subtranslucent, crystalline-granular, somewhat iron stained. Residue after digestion in acid chiefly chert with some quartz grains and ferruginous granules; at. Limestone with some chert; limestone in crystalline gramiles and yellowish powder; chert as above. Residue almost entirely chert, some fine, light-gray silica, a few pyrite grains. Sample lighter gray than preceding; at Limestone in fine, clear, granular sand, brownish gray from coating of calcareous pow- der; some chert and a little shale, the latter possibly from above. Effervesces read- ily, residue small, chiefly chert, with some small grains of translucent quartz; at Limestone^ similar to above, but less chert, pyritiferous, eflervescence more rapid than that of higher strata. Residue small, chiefly quartz; at Limestone, similar to above, little chert, cleavage faces of calcite give sparkling appear- ance. Residue small, chert and quartz grains, with some clay, as in previous sam- ples; at. Limestone, in fine gray and subtranslucent sand; digestion in acid reveals presence of much quartz in fine grains, also a little blue-gray chert. Some shale and numerous small masses of limestone fragments held by ferruginous cement; at 6 125i Feet. 240 250 260 327 330 340 357 370 419 420 434 440 5651 574J 575 579 595 610 615 620 A combination of the data of wells 2 and 3 gives the following section: Combined section of wells 2 and 3 (PI. X V, p. 670). Depth. Quaternary (987 to 885 feet above sea level) Carboniferous: Pennsylvanian: Des Moines group (885 to 670 feet above sea level) Mississippian: "St. Louis limestone" and Osage group (670 to 517 feet above sea level) Probably same as last (517 to 377 feet above sea level) Kinderhook group (377 to 302 feet above sea level) Feet. 102 317 470 610 685 742 XJNDEBGEOXJND WATEK EESOUECES OF IOWA. Below the green shale from 610 to 685 feet "the limerock and shale," extendmg, according to the log of well No. 1, to 865 feet (122 feet above sea level) may be in part Kinderhook, but in all probability it includes also some upper Devonian. If the saline water of this well is considered as native to the lower sources, it is possible that the drill penetrated to the Salina ( ?) formation of the Silurian, Another well at MitchellvUle, 95 feet deep, draws from a gravel layer at 80 feet. The water is excellent and is used for all purposes. The supply may, however, be readily exhausted by hard pumping. Saylor. — A boring 1,800 feet deep is reported from the vicinity of Saylor, in sec. 12, T. 79 N., R. 24 W., but no rehable data regard- ing it are available. Saylorville. — A flowing mineral well, less than 400 feet deep, near Saylorville, in sec. 3, T. 79 N., R. 24 W., is said to discharge about 5,000 gallons an hour. The source of the water is probably in or immediately above the Mississippian. Valley Junction. — The public supply of Valley Junction (popula- tion, 2,573) is owned by the Valley Junction Water & Light Co., which owns two wells that furnish the supply. One is a flowing well 278 feet in depth which receives its water from a sandstone bed near the bottom and has a head 16 feet above the curb. The water is strongly mineral and is permitted to flow into a cistern, whence it is pumped for fire and m emergency. The common supply is taken from a large open well 24 feet in depth, which draws its waters from the alluvial gravels found at depths of 12 to 24 feet anywhere in the town. Water stands within 12 feet of the surface, but it may be pumped out. Water is pumped from the second well into a tank 22 feet in diameter and 16 feet high, elevated on a 75-foot tower from which it is distributed by gravity through 2 miles of mains to 17 fire hydrants and 30 taps; 90 pounds pressure is generaUy maintained. Driven wells may be had almost anywhere in the lower part of town at depths of 12 to 25 feet. The water stands so near the sur- face that in case of flood in Raccoon River the ceUars are filled and water occasionally breaks up through the streets. The open sands and gravels lie immediately under the surface soils, except where they are covered with a layer of gumbo, and the ground water rises and falls with the river. Thus water is easy to get but Hable to be contaminated. On the hill bored wells 40 to 50 feet in depth are the rule. STOBY OOTJIfTY. '748 WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Polk County: Typical wells of Polk County. o §1 Owner. Location. J3 AM Source of Remarks (logs given in feet). a P.2 supply. M t. 3 a> o o P P W Feet. Feet. Feet. Mrs. Jennie E.Day. 3 mUes south of Des Moines . + 20 Coal prospect. Water bed, 250 (?). Ankeny. Fort Dodge, Des Moines & South- 150 Sand and gravel. - 20 75 to 125. em R. R. W. M. Donnaghy . . 6 miles north of Ankeny. 274 290 do - 70 Filled to 274; other water beds 150 to 200, m fine sand. F. H. Himter 2 miles northeast of Ankeny. 265 140 Sandstone (Des Moines). - 80 Other water beds, 150 to 200. Henry Wagner J-mile from An- keny. City Library 380 240 Sandstone... - 60 City of Des Moines. 461 44 Gray sand- + 7 Till (alluvium), 44; soapstone, stone. 10; sandstone, 7; flme clay, 111; slate, 17; coal, 4; sand- stone, 80; sandstone, striped, some water, 30; sandstone, 120; sandstone, hard, striped, water bearing, 38. Principal water bed at 360; another at 225; flows freely as a park well. Girls Industrial Mitchellville 470 102 Sand and -102 Other water beds in rock. School. gravel. Do do 865 At 350 feet. . — 60 Very hard water. Do. .do 95 220 T. S. Sayre NW. i sec. 20, T. Sand. .' — 80 No rock. Slight sulphur taste. 79N., R. 22W. , J.O.Lee SW. k sec. 16, T. 78 N., R. 22 W. 175 do - 25 No rock. Hard water. Drift 25; blue clay, 25; yellow clay, 20; hard black clay. 100; yellow clay, with gravel, 5; gravel and water. No rock. Hard water. Drift Beaver Township . . NE. } sec. 25, T. 79 N., R. 22 W. 65 do or soil, 21; blue clay, 44; soft blue sand rock (drift con- glomerate); sand and water. Valley Junction Valley Junction. . . 24 Gravel and - 12 10 feet in diameter. No rock. Water & Light Co. Do quicksand. .do 278 Sandstone... + 16 Flows §-inch stream; mineral. STORY COUNTY. By Howard E. Simpson and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. Story County is at the geographic center of Iowa. Its surface, as a whole, is so nearly level, compared with the southern and eastern parts of the State, that it appears nearly flat — a condition due to the drift deposited over it by the last great ice sheet. Since this depo- sition too Httle time has elapsed to permit much modification of the gently rolling surface, and the area remains one of physiographic or topographic youth. Swales and shallow saucer-shaped basins are very common, but only the largest streams have developed weU- marked valleys. The hills are inconspicuous low sweUs, save in a few places where kames and morainal ridges are well developed. Local relief is slight, and the maximum difference in elevation, 744 UNDBRGEOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. between the highest point on the moraine hills near Summit^ with an altitude of 1,075 feet, and the point where South Skunk River leaves the county, is less than 250 feet. South Skunk River, which drains the western half of the county, and Indian Creek, which drains the eastern half, both flow southward through fairly well developed preglacial valleys. Their tributaries, however, are few and poorly developed, and ponds, small sloughs, and undrained areas are common. Many smaller tributaries and most ponds are intermittent, disappearing in dry seasons. GEOLOGY. The glacial drift is thickly spread over the surface of the entire county except in the valley floors of South Skunk River and its chief tributaries. Squaw and Indian creeks, where it has been eroded away or covered with alluvium. In the South Skunk River bottoms below Ames and along Indian Creek at Maxwell these deposits have been found to be from 50 to 100 feet thick, showing the preglacial character of the lower portions of the valleys. Two drift sheets at least are present, the Wisconsin and the Kansan. They are separated by the loess and in many places by sands and gravels (the Buchanan), beneath the loess. Beneath the Kansan another gravel bed (the Aftonian) is locally present. The bedrock is everywhere the coal measures (Des Moines group), except in the west- central portion about Ames, where South Skunk River and Squaw Creek have cut through them into the ''St. Louis limestone," the cut- ting being made possible by a decided arching of the strata. Surface exposures of the bedrock are comparatively rare. Aside from the low antichne which elevates the ''St. Louis lime- stone " along South Skunk River about Ames and the minor irregularity of the surface, Story County shows no structural features worthy of mention. The Des Moines group has a maximum thickness of about 200 feet, is of varying character, and dips slightly southeast. (See PL XI, p. 382.) The thickness of the drift layers is extremely variable. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. In Story County water is drawn from the alluvium, the Wisconsin drift, the loess, the underlying interglacial sands and gravels (Buchanan), the Kansan drift, the sands and gravels (Aftonian) beneath the Kansan, the Des Moines group, the "St. Louis lime- stone," and deeper beds. AUuvium in quantity sufficient to form a water bed is limited to the valleys of South Skunk River and Squaw and Indian creeks. Here, not only beneath the flood plain but under the weU-marked terraces STORY COUNTY. 745 which lie from 20 to 30 feet above it, coarse gravels and sands of glacial and fluvial origin alternate with clay and silt for depths of 50 to 100 feet and form a fairly distinct water province, whose importance is enhanced by the fact that several towns, including Ames and Cam- bridge on South Skunk River, and Maxwell and Iowa Center on Indian Creek, are situated within it. All these towns draw their supplies from these deposits, which yield a satisfactory quantity of good water. The creamery weU at Cambridge ^ shows the nature of the strata. Record of creamery well at Cambridge. Depth. Loam and yellow clay Sand and gravel Clay, blue Sand, fine Gravel, coarse , The alluvial area is about half a mile wide on each stream, except on South Skunk River south of Ames, where it is about 2 miles. As in all the other areas covered by the Wisconsin drift sheet, the drainage of the Wisconsin area in this county is immature and the ground-water level so near the surface that the chief source of under- ground water for all purposes has been shallow bored and dug wells. The depth of the Wisconsin till, 20 to 80 feet over the general upland, is so great that in the earlier days comparatively few wells penetrated it even to the loess. Cultivation and artificial drainage have, however, lowered the ground-water level and this, together with the increased demand for water for stock, has necessitated the deepening of old wells or the sinking of new ones, and the latter as a general rule have been bored or drilled. Most of them draw their supplies from the sand and gravels between the two great drift sheets, which still remain the source most commonly utilized in the county. These beds give rise to many springs where they are exposed in the stream valleys; many are perennial and form an excellent supply for stock pastures. Deeper drift weUs reach a fairly persistent and satisfactory bed beneath the Kansan, in the sands and gravels immediately overlying the bedrock, though many good wells are obtained in local sand layers higher up. The depth is variable owing to the great variations in thickness not only of the Kansan but of the overlying Wisconsin; 100 to 130 feet is common in the western portion of the county, and 150 to 300 feet is not uncommon in its eastern portion. The general relations are shown in a well section given by S. W. Beyer ^ and interpreted by Norton. 1 Beyer, S. W., Geology of Story County: Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 9, 1899, p. 206. 2 Idem, p. 197. 746 WHDEBGSOUND WATER RESOURCES OP IOWA* Log of Larson well in the NE. \ sec. 5, Lafayette Township. Depth. Wisconsin drift: Soil and yellow clay Clay, blue Loess: Quicksand Kansan drift: Clay, blue and yellow mixed Quicksand Clay, blue Aftonian gravel: Sandstone, gravel, water bearing Des Moines group: Sandstone Chert Shale, blue and black; coal; fine clay; and shale, black Feet. 10 15 20 25 26 103 159 161 176 The heavy deposit of sand and water-bearmg gravel is somewhat anomalous and may signify a preglacial channel. In some portions the Kansan is so thin that it is difficult to distinguish its upper beds. The record kept in the sinking of the Iowa State College well is of value in showing the relations of the drift horizons. Record of Iowa State College well, at Ames. Depth In feet. Till, yellow and gravelly; upper portion modified into soil 1-16 Till, blue, sandy 16-32 Till, blue ; some yellow clay 32-35 Sand, yellow 35-40 Till, bluish green, contains an abundance of gravel 40-50 Silt, ash-brown; with greenish tinge, loesslike, but finer 62-97 Silt, slightly arenaceous, at 102 Sand, very fine, light yellow, at 105 Sand; with coarse gravel; water bearing 110-120 Shale, light bluish gray, calcareous, and cherty, at 126 A gravel layer about 16 feet below the surface is the probable source of a spring which furnished the earlier water supply of the college. A sand and gravel bed 10 feet in thickness at a depth of 40 feet and the coarse sand and gravel near the base of the well all indi- cate excellent supplies sufficient for ordinary use, though they have in late years proved insufficient to meet the demands of the college. A few weUs penetrate the entire drift and, entering the bedrock, find a satisfactory supply in sandstone lenses in the coal measures (Des Moines group) . These layers are so local and variable that no general prediction can be made concerning them, and their water is in places too highly impregnated with sulphur salts to be valuable for domestic use. As a rule, this group is here chiefly composed of shales and therefore practically dry. These beds are absent in the small area about Ames & Soper's mill, but reach a maximum thickness of 200 feet in the southwestern portion of the county. A driller's log indi- cates the type of well. STOEY COUNTY. 747 Log of Tildes, well, in the NE. \ sec. 1.2, Franklin Tovmship. Soil and yellow clay (Wisconsin) Sand and clay (loess) Clay, blue (Kansan) Slate Sand; with coal and water The "St. Louis limestone" lies so deep over most of the county as to be beyond the reach of ordinary wells, and its shaly character makes it less certain as a water bearer than it is farther south. How- ever, sandy layers mingling with the shaly beds beneath the heavy upper limestone supply a number of wells ranging from 130 to 400 feet in depth. At the Iowa State College, at Ames, and at Nevada, the deeper beds have been drawn upon. DISTRIBUTION. In the eastern part of the county the stock wells are generally deeper than in the western part. Depths of 200 to 300 feet are not uncommon, the water being drawn mostly from sandstone beds of the Des Moines group. Bored wells in drift are sufficient for ordinary household purposes and small farms. Throughout the southwestern portion of the county farm wells 200 to 400 feet in depth are most common, but few of them enter bedrock, abundant water being supplied by heavy gravel layers in the base of the drift. Cambridge, Maxwell, and Iowa Center, in the southern portion of the county, draw their supplies from the alluvial sands interstratified with the silts of South Skunk River and Indian Creek. WeUs 200 to 300 feet deep are common in the southeastern section. One of these is utilized for a small town supply at Collins. Several small and well-defined flowing-well basins are found in the northern part of Story County, in the bottoms of valleys, and have their origin in the drift. Beyer ^ describes these basins as follows: Of these, Keigleys Branch, Zearing, and Dyes Branch constitute the most note- worthy artesian basins in the order of their importance. Watkin's well is the strongest well in the Keigleys Branch basin and may be considered typical of the area. The sequence of strata passed through is as follows: k Soil, 3 feet; clay, yellow, 17 feet; clay, blue, 35 feet; gravel and sand, water bearing, 7 feet; blue clay penetrated. It is reported that the drill dropped 9 feet on reaching the gravel and that water carrying gravel with it spouted out with great violence. Bowlders of several pounds weight were thrown out. The water contains much suspended sediment. Tempera- ture, 48° F.; rate of flow, 28,000 gallons per hour. 1 Geology of Story County: Iowa Geol. Sun^ey, vol. 9, 1899, pp. 230-232. 748 IJNDEEGROUND WATER RESOURCES OP IOWA. There are numerous other flowing wells in this vicinity, but all of small flow. In the majority of instances the temperature is 2° or 3° higher than in the case of Watkin's well and about 5° higher than in ordinary shallow wells in the same locality, which show a temperature of about 45° to 46° F. In the Zearing basin all of the wells are located on the bottom land along Minerva Creek, within a radius of a mile from the town of Zearing. All are of small capacity and vary from 60 to 90 feet in depth. Along Dyes Branch several flowing wells have been developed. The water-bearing stratum is reached at from 80 to 120 feet below the surface, the depth depending upon the position of the mouth of the well. The water is of good quality, but, as in the case of the preceding basins, it carries considerable ferruginous matter, as evidenced by the taste and by the brownish rust which coats all vessels in which the water has been allowed to stand. Several other flowing wells are known at widely separated points in the county, but in every case they are of small capacity and possess Httle of general interest. The Skunk Valley at Story City and the Bear Creek Valley at Roland are also noteworthy artesian basins. In the former is located the city well of Story City. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Ames. — Tlie location of Ames (population, 4,223) on the terraces of South Skunk River and Squaw Creek insures an abundant supply in the alluvial sands at no great depth. The city supply is drawn from a well 10 inches in diameter, drilled within the casing, which was driven as fast as the well was drilled to a depth of 99 feet, and finished with a 10-foot screen. The water is thus drawn from coarse sands and gravels at a depth beyond danger of surface contamination. The head is usually about 48 feet below the surface. Tlie Chicago & North Western Railway uses a similar well in which a Cook strainer was sunk to a depth of 104 feet, the water standing 30 feet below the surface. The log is of interest in this connection. Record of Chicago & North Western Railway well at Ames. Loam, sandy Sand, blue, and clay. Gravel, coarse Sand, water bearing. Depth. One of the most important wells in this vicinity is that of the Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. (See PI. XI, p. 382.) Formerly an abundant and excellent supply had been obtained from the gravels underlying the Wisconsin till, but this source faUed entirely in the dry summers of 1894 and 1895. The well has a depth of 2,215 feet and a diameter of 12 inches for 120 feet, 10 inches for 300 feet, 8 inches for 648 feet, 6f inches for 362 feet, 5f STORY COUNTY. 749 inches for 505 feet, and 5 inches for 280 feet, to the bottom. It is cased within 280 feet of the bottom; no repairs made. The curb is 1,000 feet above sea level, and the present head is 20 feet below the curb. The original pumping capacit;% was 100 gallons a minute; present yield, 100 gallons a minute; yield can be materially increased by speeding the pumps. The well was completed in 1897 by Gray Bros., of Chicago. The water beds are stated by Beyer to be the Jordan, the New Richmond, and the St. Peter. Pumping tests indicate that the water-yielding ratio of these formations is 15 to 4 to 1, respectively,^ The temperature observations made of this well by Beyer ^ are of especial value. When the tests were made the well was practically fuU of water and had not been disturbed for more than a month. No corrections were made for convection currents nor for conduction. A Miller-Casella self -registering maximum- minimum thermometer was used. The instrument was lowered and the depth measured by a steel wire which passed around a calibrated drum. Readings were taken every 100 feet. The mean annual temperature at Ames is 47.2° F.; the temperature at 2,100 feet below the surface is 63.4° F.; and the average gradient is 1° F. for every 129.6 feet of depth. Record of strata in deep well at Ames (PI. XI, p. 382).^ Pleistocene (120 feet thick; top, 1,000 feet above sea level) : Till, yellow, sandy to gravelly; upper portion modified Depth in feet. into soil 1-16 Till, blue, sandy 16-32 Till, blue; some yellow clay 32-35 Sand, yellow 35-40 Till, greenish blue; abundance of gravel and cherty limestone pebbles; matrix effervesces freely with dilute hydrochloric acid 40-50 Silt, ash-brown; with greenish tinge, calcareous and absorbent, loesslike but finer 62-97 Silt, slightly arenaceous 102 Sand, very fine, light yellow 105 Sand; with coarse gravel, waterbearing; quartz pebbles abundant; limestone fragments present 110-120 Carboniferous (Mississippian) (300 feet thick; top, 880 feet above sea level) : Shale, light bluish gray, calcareous, cherty 126 Limestone, blue-gray, argillaceous, pyritiferous 151 Limestone, gray, argillaceous; some quartz 160-170 Limestone, light gray, soft, even textured, cherty; effervesces very freely with weak hydrochloric acid. . 185 Limestone, slightly argillaceous 200 Limestone and shale - 210 1 Beyer, S. W., Iowa Agricultural College water supply, Ames, 1897, p. 11. 2 Idem, pp. 13-14. 3 Idem, pp. 6-9. 750 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Carboniferous (Mississippian) (300 feet thick; top, 880 feet above sea level) — Continued. Depth in feet. Shale and limestone 240 Shale, blue, noncalcareous, pyritiferous 310 Limestone, argillaceous; 'tending toward an oolitic facies; effervesces strongly with dilute hydrochloric acid 315 Shale, with fragments of white limestone; fossiliferous and pyritiferous 320 Shale, earthy blue, arenaceous 325 Shale, light reddish brown; some green shale, slightly calcareous 330 Limestone, blue-gray; some green shale and brown limestone 375 Limestone, brown, pyritiferous 385 Limestone, brown; fragments of white cherty lime- stone and angular quartz grains. 395 Limestone, brown, argillaceous 400 Shale, light gray, highly calcareous 415 Shale, gray-blue, calcareous 416-420 Devonian (310 feet thick; top, 580 feet above sea level) : Limestone, yellowish gray; some carbonaceous matter. . 420 Limestone, white, compact 440-456 Shale, light bluish gray 460-475 Shale and limestone 495 Shale and limestone 540 Limestone, white, and shale, greenish blue, noncal- careous 550 Shale, ash-blue, calcareous 560 Limestone, gray-blue; fragments of brown limestone and green shale 570 Limestone, gray-blue 580 Limestone, gray, and shale, blue and green 590 Limestone, fossiliferous 600-610 Limestone, gray-brown, subcrystalline 615-640 Limestone, gray-brown, and shale 645-660 Limestone, buff, subcrystalline 660-680 Silurian (150 feet thick; top, 270 feet above sea level): Limestone, buff; earthy luster; soft; effervesces mod- erately with hydrochloric acid 690 Limestone, blue and buff; the latter in part vesicular and magnesian 700 Limestone, drab, highly argillaceous 710 Limestones; several kinds; one a buff earthy limestone, finely laminated, effervescing slowly, the laminae marked by dark-gray bands 720 Dolomite, light gray 730 Dolomite, brown and gray, subcrystalline; varying in hardness and color 740 Limestone, buff 750 Shale, olive-green 755 Limestone, buff 775,815-830 Shale and limestone 840-850 Dolomite, ash-gray 860 Dolomite, white 870 STOEY COUNTY. 751 Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (160 feet thick; top, 120 feet above sea level): Depth In feet. Shale, green, plastic, noncalcareous 880 Shale, brown; slightly or not at all calcareous; 2 samples 890, 900 Shale, blue and green, noncalcareous 930 Shale, brownish, slightly calcareous 940 Shale, brownish; white fragments 950 Shale, blue, noncalcareous 960 Shale, earthy brown, calcareous 970 Shale, blue, calcareous 980-1,030 Galena and Platteville limestones (380 feet thick; top, 40 feet below sea level) : Limestone; sharp drillings in an argillaceous pow- der 1,040 Limestone, white 1, 050-1, 060 Limestone, white; much argillaceous material 1,080-1,090 Limestone, gray-blue, with blue shale and white chert 1,100 Limestone, gray-blue, compact; white chert in abundance; drillings sharply angular 1, 110-1, 130 Limestone; as above, but less chert 1, 140-1, 170 Limestone, slightly earthy, gray-blue 1, 180-1, 190 Limestone, gray-blue, marly 1, 200 Limestone, buff, magnesian, marly 1, 210-1, 230 Limestone, ash-gray 1, 240-1, 260 Limestone, ash-gray; fragments of noncalcareous black and green shale 1, 270 Limestone, brown, soft 1, 280 Limestone, gray and brown, cherty 1, 290 Limestone, gray; considerable reddish brown resid- ual material 1, 300 Limestone, cherty 1, 310 Limestone gray, with green shale 1, 320 Limestone, gray, siliceous 1, 330-1, 380. Shale, green, fissile, noncalcareous, fossiliferous and pyritiferous; fossils identified, Dalmanites pygidia and Isotelus (Asaphus) pygidia resembling some forms of /. gigas DeKay; Rafinesquina alter- nata, Orthis subequata, 0. fissicosta, and other Orthidse 1, 385-1, 410 St. Peter sandstone (70 feet thick; top, 420 feet below sea level) : Sandstone, fine textured, white; grains even and well waterworn 1, 420-1, 460 Sandstone, calciferous 1, 470-1, 480 Prairie du Chien group (610 feet thick; top, 490 feet below sea level) : Dolomite 1, 490-1, 500 Dolomite and sandstone; some doubly terminated quartz crystals 1, 510 Sandstone 1,520 Dolomite 1, 530 752 UNDERGEOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Ordovician — Continued. Prairie du Chien group (610 feet thick; top, 490 feet below sea level) — Continued. Depth in feet. Dolomite, coarse sand, and green shale 1, 540 Sandstone and dolomite; sandstone varying in size of grain 1, 550 Sandstone; grains angular 1, 560 Dolomite 1, 570 Dolomite, arenaceous 1, 580 Dolomite, arenaceous and cherty 1, 590-1, 600 Sandstone, fine grained, angular, calcareous ce- ment 1, 610 Sandstone, yellow; much siliceous dolomite 1, 620 Dolomite, highly arenaceous 1, 630-1, 640 Dolomite, white, finely quartzose 1, 650 Dolomite, arenaceous 1, 660-1, 680 Marl, yellow; in argillo-calcareous powder, cherty, quartzose 1, 690 Dolomite 1,700-1,710 Dolomite, highly arenaceous 1, 720-1, 730 Dolomite 1, 740-1, 750 Dolomite ; chert and sand 1, 760 Sandstone 1, 770-1, 790 Dolomite 1, 800-1, 830 Dolomite, arenaceous 1, 840 Dolomite, argillaceous and arenaceous 1, 850 Dolomite 1, 860-1, 880 Dolomite and sand 1, 890-1, 910 Dolomite, highly arenaceous 1, 920 Sandstone 1, 930 Dolomite 1, 950-1, 960 Dolomite, arenaceous; grains well waterworn 1, 970-1, 990 Dolomite, arenaceous ; some green shale 2, 000-2, 010 Dolomite 2, 020-2, 040 Dolomite, highly arenaceous 2, 050 Dolomite 2,060-2,070 Dolomite, argillaceous 2, 080 Shale, blue, noncalcareous 2, 090 Cambrian: Jordan sandstone (115 feet penetrated; top, 1,100 feet below sea level) : Sandstone; with dolomite and a little blue shale. . . 2, 100 Sandstone, white and waterworn; a small per- centage of the grains contained iron 2, 110 Sandstone, white ; grains fine, sharp 2, 120 Sandstone; as above, with coarser well-rounded grains 2, 130 Sandstone, white; grains fine, even, well worn 2, 140-2, 175 Sandstone, white; texture variable 2, 185 Sandstone; grains stained red with ii-on oxide; red and gi-een shale; grains larger than above and more angular; iron pyrites and a black metallic mineral present 2, 195 Shale, brownish red, arenaceous 2, 205 Shale, green 2, 215 STORY COUNTY. 753 Nevada. — The city of Nevada (population, 2,138) has two distinct sources of supply, a shallow open well 25 feet in depth, drawing its water from a coarse gravel bed, presumably at the base of the Wiscon- sin, and a drilled well 980 feet in depth, reaching the Silurian aquifers. Water is pumped chiefly from the shallow well and the deeper one is held in reserve, because of the expense of pumping the latter from a depth of 300 feet and because its water is strongly mineral. The shallow well yields only about 500 barrels a day and is easily pumped out in dry summers. The water is distributed by gravity from a tank, capacity 35,000 gallons, elevated on a 90-foot tower, and a pressure of 50 pounds is maintained on the main streets. Mains 5 J miles long supply 35 fh^e hydrants and about 140 taps. About one-fourth of the population use the city supply, and all others are provided with shallow wells from the same aquifer. The drilled well (PI. XI, p. 382) has a depth of 980 feet and a diame- ter of 11, 8, and 6 inches; casing to 810 feet. The curb is 1,005 feet above sea level and the original head 103 feet below curb. The water bed is at 940 feet (Silurian), a,nd the tested capacity 200 gallons a minute. Date of completion, 1895. Drillers, Palmer & Sandbo, of Caledonia, Minn. Driller's log of city ivell at Nevada {PI. XI, p. 382). Depth. Clay, yellow Clay, blue Clay, yellow Sand Clay, tiU Shale Clay, black Slate Coal and slate Clay, light gray Shell limerock Limetock, white, mixed with flint Granite, blue Limestone, blue Shale, red Limestone, blue Soapstone Limestone, white Limestone, blue Clay, blue Limestone, blue Limestone, white Sandstone, dark Sandstone, white Sandstone, red Sandstone, white Sandstone, red Limestone, white Feet. 30 36 46 101 121 171 246 249 252 267 282 432 482 575 583 663 671 769 801 804 859 899 934 944 956 964 968 980 The clay shales and coal from 101 to 267 feet may be interpreted as the Des Moines group. The Mississippian includes the "limestone mixed with flint" and the so-called "granite," and the Kinderhook may be represented in at least the upper part of the blue limestone 36581°— wsp 293—12 48 754 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. from 482 to 663 feet. Under this interpretation the Umestones from 671 to 899 feet may be Devonian, and the sandstone beneath them may be dolomites of the Silurian. Certainly no sandstone is to be looked for at this horizon. Nevada is 1,005 feet above sea level. The artesian water used for city supply is so highly mineralized that it is important to know whether a better water could not be had by drUhng deeper. This question may be answered in the affirmative. The records of the present city well are regrettably incomplete and inconclusive, but the very scant data seem to show that the supply is drawn from the Silurian and higher strata. Had the weU been drilled deeper it would have found a much better water and the supply would also have been increased. Should the present well be deepened or another drilled, the Maquoketa shale may be expected within 50 or 100 feet below the bottom of this well, and this dry shale may reach a thickness of 150 feet. The Galena and PlattevUle limestones, underlying the Maquoketa, should yield some water, especially above the green shale at or near the base of the Platteville, but the drill may fail to find water by failing to strike a crevice. The St. Peter sandstone, the first reliable water bed, would normally be encountered at about 600 feet below sea level, or about 1,600 feet below the surface, but the presence of an upwarp of the strata in this vicinity, as shown by the deep well at Ames, may bring this sandstone 100 or even 200 feet higher. Below the St. Peter abundant stores of water will be found in the Prairie du Chien group and the Jordan sandstone, and the well may be sunk with advantage to 2,300 or 2,400 feet, although a supply sufficient for present needs may be found within 2,000 feet. The weU should be cased water-tight to the Maquoketa or to the Galena. Story City. — The public supply of Story City (population, 1,387) comes from a flowing well which just reaches rock at 100 feet, the aquifer being the Aftonian gravel at the base of the Pleistocene. This overflows at the surface at the rate of about 50 gallons a minute into a cistern from which it is pumped into an elevated tank which furnishes a pressure of about 40 pounds on the mains. The flow has slightly decreased. The same aquifer is generaUy drawn upon by the deeper weUs in this vicinity. In many wells on lowlands the water flows and in all it rises nearly to the surface. The supply from these wells is abundant and good. Where but a moderate quantity is needed, it is obtained at depths of 25 to 30 feet. Minor supplies. — Though shallow bored wells are common near Gilbert (population, 235) for household purposes, drifled weUs 100 to 200 feet in depth are generaUy necessary for stock, and both the lower drift gravels and the country rock furnish the water. MaxAvell (population, 754) has two wells 80 and 100 feet in depth; a WEBSTER COUNTY. 755 tanK witn a capacity of 1,300 barrels, elevated 60 :eet from the ground, receives the water from the pumps, and from this it is distributed by gravity to the few fire hydrants and taps necessary for the vUlage. Direct pressure is available in case of fire. WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wens m Story County: Typical wells of Story County. Head Owner. , Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. above or below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). Feet. Feet. Feet. H. C. Wickham... SW. \ sec. 10, T. 85N., R. 21 W. 365 120 Rock (Des Moines). - 60 R. D. Tresseler 2 miles southwest 98 90 -f-4-f Flow 16 gallons a minute. of Gilbert. J. Weigle 7A miles north of 'Gilbert. 386 150 Rock ("St. Louis"?). - 40 Pleistocene: Yellow clay, 18; sand, 12; blue clay, 120. Des Moines: Slate, 50. "St. Louis:" Fine clay mingled with streaks of hard rock, 186. City Ames 108 Sand and gravel. - 48 10 inches diameter 9J-foot screen. Henry Byal 5| miles south of 420 200 Sandstone -180 Soil, 2; yellow clay, 25; blue clay, 53; sand, 2; blue clay, Collins. ( ' ' St. Louis"?). 118; slate, 10; sandrock, 8; slate, 2; sandrock, 12; slate, 1; sandrock, 20; slate, 1; rock, various changes, l76. No water above 418. Jos. ©linger 2J miles northeast of Maxwell. 288 125 do -138 "In altematmg hard rock and sandrock." Sam MDler 2§ miles northwest of Maxwell. 118 100 do - 6 Frank Fish Collins 298 180 Brown sandstone. - 90 G. Elliott 3 miles east of Col- 60 AftonianC?) — 20 Soil and yellow clay (Wis- consin), 12; Sand (loess?). lins. sand. 6; sand, coarse (Buchanan), 8; clay, yellow (Kansan), 8; clay, blue (Kansan). 23; sand and water (Aiton- ian?), 3. B. Olson Z\ miles north of Slater. 100 - 60 Bored. Cased with 12-inch tiling. Soil and yellow clay, 16; blue clay, 50; yel- low clay, sand and water, hard dark clay, 34. Good supply of hard water. Chicago & North Ames 104 Sand and - 30 Cook well strainer. Western Rail- gravel- way Co. City Nevada 25 Coarse gravel. - 10 12 foot diameter; capacity, 500 barrels a day. Do do 980 100 Silurian sandrock. -150 Mineral. Poor boiler water. Sand water beds at 25 and 100 feet. WEBSTER COUNTY. By W. J. Miller and W. H. Norton. TOPOGBAPHY. Webster County is situated in the middle of the Wisconsin drift and in most parts shows the almost perfectly flat surface configura- tion so common to all the counties covered by that drift sheet. One 756 UNDEKGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. very marked deviation from the generally flat country is the deep valley cut out by Des Moines Kiver, which enters the north-central portion of the county and passes out at the southeast corner. Several tributaries of the Des Moiaes in the northwest have also considerably modified the flat country. GEOLOGY. The drift is represented by both the Kansan and the Wisconsin sheets, each of which extends over practically the whole county. The rock formations under the drift are represented by the Missis- sippian, Pennsylvanian (Des Moines group), and Permian (?). The Des Moines group extends over all except the northern part of the county, which is underlain by the Mississippian. The Permian ( ?) , which carries gypsum, occurs in isolated areas on either side of Des Moines River in the vicinity of Fort Dodge. The drift deposits have been for the most part laid down horizon- tally, although abrupt thickening and thinning of the beds are shown. Along Des Moines River they appear to foUow the slopes of the river bottom. Little is known regarding the structure of the older rocks, but they are probably nearly horizontal. (See Pis. VI, p. 258; XVI.) As is generaUy the case in counties of central Iowa that are covered by the Wisconsin drift, Webster County has two important drift- water horizons, one beneath the Kansan and the other beneath the Wisconsin. Some wells have gone through the drift and into the underlying rocks, where they have obtained water from limestone or sandstone. In Webster County comparatively shallow drift wells are numerous and yield good supplies of water. Rock wells are scarce. Nearly all water is rather hard. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. So far as the existing supply of water is concerned, the most important aquifer in this county is the sand or gravel beneath the Wisconsin drift, which in most places lies withui 100 feet and in some places within 35 to 50 feet of the surface. Except along the stream bottoms the sand or gravel beneath the Kansan drift is reached at not less than 100 feet and in places at not less than 200 or 230 feet. Locally the Wisconsin has been completely removed by erosion along the main waterways and the first important aquifer to be reached is that beneath the Kansan instead of that beneath the Wisconsin. This is particularly true in the vicinity of Fort Dodge. Locally water-bearing sand beds may occur within either the Wisconsin or the Kansan drift. WEBSTER COUNTY. 757 Some wells have gone into the rock formations below the drift, as along the river north of Fort Dodge, where the ''St. Louis limestone'* is reached, and farther south along the river near Lehigh, where the coal measures (Des Monies group) have been reached. A few deeper wells in the high-level country have also gone through the whole drift and into the coal measures, where water is obtained either from lime- stone or sandstone. DISTRIBUTION. No distmct water provinces exist in Webster County. Conditions are very similar over the entire county, except along the principal drainage lines where some flowing wells occur, as along Des Moines River near Fort Dodge and along the tributaries of the Des Moines near Lehigh and Dayton. It is thought that the source of water in these flowing wells is at the base of the Kansan, the Wisconsin having generally been stripped along the streams. SPRINGS, Springs are uncommon m Webster County, except along drainage lines — the Des Moines and its branches. Several large springs occur along Lizard Creek near Fort Dodge. A mineral spring is utilized at Kalo and many small springs may be found along the larger streams. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Dayton. — Dayton (population, 717) pumps its water by gasoline engine from a well about 688 feet deep and distributes it by gravity with a pressure of 45 pounds. There are \\ miles of mains and 16 fire hydrants; 400 persons use 10,000 gallons daily. The water is hard. The well (PI. XVI) has a diameter of 10 to 6 inches. The curb is 1 ,089 feet above sea level and the head 111 feet below the curb. The water, which comes from 570 to 688 feet, is lowered 100 feet by pumping. The well was completed in 1895 by J. H. Shaw, of Sioux City. Driller'' s log of well at Dayton. Soil and yellow clay Clay, blue Sana, white, and bowlder. Clay, blue, or shale Clay , yellow , or shale Clay, blue, or shale Coal Clay, blue, or shale Clay, black, or shale Clay, blue, or shale Limestone, brown Limestone, white Limestone, blue Limestone, white 758 UNDERGEOUND WATER RESOURCES OP IOWA. Record of strata in tvell at Dayton {PL XVI, p. 672). Thick- ness. Depth. Quaternary (163 feet thick; top, 1,089 feet above sea level): Soil Clay, stiff, Ught gray, calcareous Till, blue; 3 samples Sand, coarse Till, blue Till, yellow, and fine gravel Till, blue; 3 samples Carboniferous : Pennsylvanian: Des Moines group (207 feet thick; top, 926 feet above sea level): Shale, di-ab, calcareous; 4 samples : Coal and coaly shale Shale, hard, drab Shale, dark reddish-brown, nearly black Shale, drab Shale, black; 4 samples (from 300 to 350 feet) Mississippian: "St. Louis Umestone"and Osage group (155 feet thick; top, 719 feet above sea level): Sandstone, light gray, fine grained; in chips Limestone, brown, and chert, drab; some chips of black shale from above. Limestone, light yellow-gray; brisk effervescence; in part oolitic, in part encrinital; 5 samples Kinderhook group (163 feet penetrated; top, 564 feet above sea level): Dolomite, haid, light brown, crystalline, porous; in sand; 2 samples Limestone, magnesian, drab, crystalline; moderately slow effervescence; in thin cnips; 3 samples Chert, light gray; siliceous oolite, drab; some brown limestone; 3 samples. Chert, light gray, and brown limestone Limestone, gray, cherty; slow effervescence; some fine quartz sand; fine sand Feet. 4 21 50 8 22 20 20 28 107 30 45 65 15 Feet. 4 25 75 83 105 125 163 208 211 235 260 300 370 390 418 525 555 600 66,) 688 Fort Dodge. — The water supply of Fort Dodge (population, 15,543) is obtained from a deep well and is distributed by direct pressure and by gravity. The domestic pressure is 100 pounds and the fire pressure 125. There are 20| miles of mains, 122 fire hydrants, and 1,359 taps. The daily consumption in summer is 1,600,000 gallons and in winter 900,000 to 1,200,000 gallons. The city well at Fort Dodge (Pis. VI, XVI) has a depth of 1,827^ feet and a diameter of 15 inches to 278 feet, 13^ inches to 328 feet, 12 inches to 499 feet, lOJ inches to 1,056 feet, 8^ inches to 1,390 feet, 6 inches to 1,421 feet, and 5 inches to the bottom of the well. It is cased between l,036i and 1,056 feet, 1,332 and 1,390 feet, and 1,375 and l,438f feet. The curb is about 1,011 feet above sea level. A flow from ''gravel" at 328 feet was 144 gallons a minute; at 1,497 feet it had increased to 316 gallons a minute; at 1,535 feet it measured 314 gallons a minute; at 1,578 feet it had risen to 484 gallons a min- ute; and at the completion of the well supplies from still lower beds raised the total amount to 571 gallons a minute. Temperature, about 55° F. The well was completed in 1907, at a cost of $8,000, by the Miller Artesian Well Co., of Chicago.^ 1 Since 1908 two additional wells have been drilled for city supply. Well No. 2 has a depth of 670 feet and a diameter of 20 inches at the top and of 13§ inches at the bottom. It is a flowing well and discharges 150 gallons a minute. Well No. 3 is located 1,000 feet from the other wells. It is 215 feet deep, 8 inches in diameter, and flows 600 gallons a minute. The combined flow of the three wells in March, 1912, was reported at more than 1,500,000 gallons in 24 hours. WEBSTER OOUJiTTY. 759 Record of strata in city well No. 1 at Fort Dodge (PI. VI, p. 258; PI. XVI, p. 672). Thick- ness. Depth. No samples Carboniferous (Mississippian} (450 feet thick; top, 913 feet above sea level): Limestone, buff; slow eftervescence; in sand Sandstone, yellow-gray, calciferous, and argiUaeeous Shale, tough, greenish No record Limestone, light yellow-gray, in finest meal, residue argillaceous and siliceous; and shale, greenish gray, minutely sandy and limy Shale, tough, greenish; 3 samples Limestone and shale Shale, bluish : Shale and limestone Shale; two samples '. Limestone, oolitic, white or light-yellow, soft; rapid effervescence; 2 samples Limestone, minutely arenaceous and pyritiferous Limestone; rapid enervescence Shale Feet. Feet. Limestone; rapid eflervescence; light colored; 3 samples Limestone, maf^nesian Limestone, white, crystalline Limestone, buff; slow effervescence Limestone, yellow, crystalline; rapid eflfervescence Limestone, buff, moderately slow eflfervescence No samples Limestone, cherty Limestone, buff; moderately slow effervescence Limestone, buff, hard, vesicular; considerable caleite; slow effervescence Limestone, as above; drab, cherty , Limestone; rapid effervescence; in large chips Limestone, as above; cherty Limestone; slow eflervescence; cherty Limestone; di'ab; rapid effervescence Shale; in concreted powder; light blue-gray; calcareous Shale and limestone; shale, gieen, noncalcareous; limestone, yellow; rapid effer- vescence Dolomite, dark blue-gi'ay ; in fine sand Dolomite, dark-drab, porous, subcrystalline; in chips Limestone, in fine drab sand; slow effervescence; residue pyritiferous, argillaceous, and minutely quartzose Shale, greenish-gray; in concreted calcareous powder Limestone, blue-gray; slow eflervescence; some yellow limestone of rapid efler- vescence; some chips of calcareous greenish shale Shale, hard, green, finely laminated; somewhat calcareous Devonian and Silurian (310 feet thick; top, 463 feet above sea level): Limestone, bufl and light yellow, soft; rapid effervescence; some shale from above. Limestone; in fine white rneal; rapid eflervescence Limestone, light buff and drab; moderately slow eflervescence Dolomite, light blue or light yellow gray; in fine sand; at 598 macrocrystalline; highly vesicular; in large chips; 5 samples Limestone, blue-gray; rapid effervescence Dolomite, hard, compact, subcrystalline, yellow and blue gray; 2 samples; some greenish shale at 648 feet Limestone, yeUow and gray; rapid effervescence; some greenish shale Limestone, buff, compact; slow eflervescence; some shale Dolomite, blue-gray, compact, subcrystalline; in large chips; some shale Dolomite, light and darker blue-gray; 2 samples; in fine sand Shale, highly calcareous, in light gray loosely concreted powder; some dolomite. . . Shale, as above; light blue Dolomite; bufl Dolomite and shale; dolomite drab, rough; shale, blackish, bituminous, burns with flame Dolomite; drab, earthy Dolomite; light bufl, dense Dolomite; drab; considerable blackish shale; 2 samples ■ Shale, blue, clayey, and bufl dolomite; chips of both rusted on surface to ocher yellow Xiimestone, magnesian, or dolomite; drab, earthy Dolomite; drab or bufl; mostly in crystalline sand; 5 samples Ordovician: Maquoketa shale (250 feet thick; top, 153 feet above sea level): Shale, blue; in calcareous, concreted powder; 4 samples Limestone; rapid eflervescence; bufl and ^ray, soft Shale and limestone; shale, green, pyritiferous; limestone, light bufl, fine crystaUine, granular; slow effervescence Shale; m highly calcareous, blue-gray concreted powder Limestone or dolomite, buff, hard; in sand, some greenish shale, probably from above Limestone and shale; limestone, light gray, rather soft, moderately slow effer- vescence, fine crystalline granular; in sand; shale, in blue powder 98 108 128 138 148 178 188 198 208 228 248 258 268 278 308 318 328 338 348 358 388 398 408 418 428 438 448 458 468 478 508 518 528 538 548 558 568 578 C28 638 678 688 708 718 728 738 748 758 768 918 928 938 948 760 UNDEKGEOUND WATEE RESOUECES OF IOWA. Record of strata in city mell No. 1 at Fort Dodge (PI. XVI) — Continued. Thick- ness. Depth. Ordovician— Continued Maquoketa shale (250 feet thick; top, 153 feet above sea level — )Continued. Shale; in light blue-gray, highly calcareous powder, concreted; 15 samples; some white chert at 958 feet, much white chert at 968 and 9SS feet; limestone, gray magnesian at 988 feet, cherty from 1,058 to 1,098 feet Shale, bright green; in chips; chips of white nonmagnesian limestone and white chert Galena dolomite (170 feet thick; top, 97 feet below sea level) Dolomite and chert, light gray Shale, in gray concreted powder, calcareous Dolomite, gray; in fine sand, mingled with powder of shale; 2 samples Shale or marl, in light-yellow concreted powder; highly calcareous; residue cherty and argillaceous Limestone, gray; in sand; much chert Dolomite, crystalline, vesicular, yellow-gray and blue-gray; 4 samples Dolomite, light bufli; much white chert Dolomite, light bull and drab; 2 samples Dolomite, gray and buff, subcrystalline; much chert; effervescence slow; 3 samples .' Platteville limestone (130 feet thick; top, 267 feet below sea level) Shale, highly calcareous; in greemsh-gray, loosely concreted powder; residue cherty and. minutely arenaceous; 5 samples .* Dolomite or magnesian limestone; bufi; hke that at 1,258 feet Shale, green-gray, calcareous; chips of argillaceous limestone at 1,338 feet; 4 samples Shale, bright-green, hard, fissile Shale, dark brown, fissile, bituminous; burning with flame; with limestone of rapid effervescence Shale, as at 1,378 feet, a few fragments of brown, bituminous shale St. Peter sandstone (50 feet thick; top, 397 feet below sea level) Sandstone, light gray; largest grams 0.8 millimeter diameter Sandstone, white and light yellow, clean; 4 samples Prairie du Chien group (310 feet thick; top, 447 feet below sea level) Dolomite, gray, hard; some quartz sand; 3 samples Sandstone, clean, white; grains rounded; 5 samples Dolomite and oolitic chert and quartz sand Dolomite and quartz sand; 5 samples Sandstone Dolomite, gray, crystalline; arenaceous in chips Sandstone and dolomite; white fine-grained sandstone; a very little admixture of dolomite; 3 samples No samples Dolomite, gray, hard, crystalline; in fine clean sand; 2 samples Sandstone, white, and dolomite; chiefly quartz sand with a few grains of dolo- mite Dolomite, in small chips; with much white quartz sand Sandstone and dolomite; as at 1,738 feet Cambrian: Jordan sandstone (59 feet penetrated; top, 757 feet below sea level) Sandstone, clean, white; 2 samples Dolomite and chert with sandstone; mostly sand Sandstone, clean, white; 2 samples Dolomite and sandstone; dolomite, gray; sandstone, white; drillings chiefly sand Feet. 150 Feet. 1,098 10 1,108 10 10 30 1,118 1,128 1,158 10 10 40 10 20 1,168 1,178 1,218 1,228 1,248 30 1,278 50 10 1,328 1,338 40 10 1,378 1,388 10 10 1,398 1,408 10 40 1,418 1,458 30 50 10 50 10 10 1,488 1,538 1,548 1,598 1,608 1,618 60 40 20 1,678 1,718 1,738 10 10 10 1,748 1,758 1,768 20 10 20 1,788 1,798 1,818 1,827 Analyses of drillings from city well at Fort Dodge fl Depth of samples, in feet. 628 938 1.228 CaCOs. MgCOs CaS04. SiOs... AI2O3.. re203.. H2O... 56.35 39.49 .11 2.16 .39 .25 .94 49.24 40.01 .92 1.65 7:37 .37 47.09 40.63 1.00 2.01 8.54 .33 .61 45.48 31.25 17. 60 .96 1.50 3.21 100. 04 100. 21 100. 00 47.05 41.26 .67 7.69 2.42 .30 .65 100. 04 a Made in chemical laboratory of Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa. A flowing well at Fort Dodge has a depth of 127 feet. WEBSTER COUNTY. Driller's tog of Fort Dodge flowing well. 761 Thick- ness. Depth. Black soil, yellow clay, and blue clay Limestone Shale, blue Limestone Sandstone, white, and water Sandstone, white Limestone (no water) Feet. Feet. 31 37 64 70 72 112 127 Gowrie. — Gowrie (population, 829) pumps its public supply from a well 620 feet deep, and distributes it by gravity with a pressure of 40 pounds through one-half mile of mains to 10 fire hydrants and 10 taps. Sixty persons use the water, consuming 15,000 gallons daily. The water is hard. The well has a diameter of 8 inches to 200 feet and 6 inches to bottom; casing to about 350 feet. The head is 50 feet below the curb and the temperature 45° F. The well was completed in 1902, at a cost of $1,150, by Mattock & Louke, of Jefferson, Iowa. According to the driller's log, soil, yellow clay, blue clay, and shale prevail to a depth of about 155 feet, limestone from 155 to 315 feet, and water-bearing sandstone from 315 to 620 feet; according to another report, the well is mostly clay and shale to the depth of 200 feet. WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Webster County: Typical wells of Webster County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Head above or below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). Charles Daniels W.H. Goodrich.... 3 miles east-north- east of Lehigh. 4 miles east of Le- high. Fort Dodge 4 miles west-south- west of Fort Dodge. Feet. 235 120 127 366 Feet. 187 112 31 85 Sandstone... Sand Sandstone... Limestone . . Feet. - 55 + 15 + 3 - 75 to -100 Black soil, 2; yellow clay, 15; blue clay, 170; black- jack or shale, 30; sand- stone, 15; very white sandstone and water, 3. Flow from drift sand. Black soil, 2; yellow clay, 28; blue clay, 36; sand, 40; blueclay, 3; fine sand and water (flow), 3; lime- stone, 8. Pressure, 12 pounds; water- bed, 72. Pumped by gasoline en- gine. Black soil, 5; yel- low clay, 15; blue clay, 65; gypsum, 10; light-colored shale, 11; coal, 4; lime- stone, 5; shale and lime- stone alternations, 91; limestone, 59; potter's clay, 2; limestone and water, 99. County farm UHDIBGROXJND WATEK SESOUROEB OF IOWA. Typical wells of Webster County — Continued. Owner. Location- Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Head above or below curb. Remarks (logs given In feet.) A. W.Hawley Peter Nelson Z.W.Thomas 2 J miles east- southeast of Pioneer. 3 miles northeast of Vincent. 5 miles southwest- southofBarnum. 8 miles east-north- east of Fort Dodge. IJ miles southeast of Fort Dodge. Feet. 227 125 219 68 Feet. 112 Sandstone.. Sand .... do Feet. - 40 - 50 - 40 - 8 First water in drift sand at 100 feet. Black soil, yel- low clay, blue clay, 100; sand and water, 12; black jack or shale, 114; sand- stone and water, 1. No rock. Do. J. Mann . do.... Bored well, 12-inch tiling. No rock. Plymouth G y p - sum Co. Minneapolis & St. Louis R. R. Town of Dayton . . . 54 625 688 68 54 41 208 do....... Sandstone. . . Limestone. . "Soft muck" (?). - 12 - 60 -111 + 2 Bored well to gjrpsum. Steam pump for locomo- tive. Black soil, 3; yel- low clay, 8; blue clay, 30; shale, 70; harder shale, 45; limestone, 160; sandstone and water at bottom, 309. Gasoline engine pump (see p. 757). Flows, used for locomo- Dayton Chicago & North do Western Ry. tive. No rock. Yellow clay, blue clay, sand, gravel, 60; clay or soft shale, 7; soft mucky clay or shale and water, 1. CHAPTER XIII. SOUTH-CENTKAL DISTRICT. INTRODUCTION. By W. H. Norton. The south-central district embraces the 12 counties of Adair, Appa- noose, Clarke, Decatur, Lucas, Madison, Marion, Monroe, Ringgold, Union, Warren, and Wayne. The entire area is underlain by the Pennsylvanian series, the Des Moines group forming the country rock over the eastern counties and the Missouri group that over the larger part of the six western coimties. Deep wells have been drilled at but six points — Centerville (PL XVI) , Pella (PI. VIII, p. 352), Flagler, No. 10 Junction, Corydon, and Osceola. Of the first five wells drillmgs, or at least the drillers' logs, have been preserved ; but four of the five are situated along the eastern border of the area, and of the Osceola well nothing is known except the depth. Both geologic structure and artesian conditions are thus left largely to inference. The deeper strata of southern Iowa form a trough whose axis extends from Des Moines to the southwestern counties of the State. In south-central Iowa the water-bearing beds of the early Paleozoic terranes dipping toward this axis reach their maximum depth in the southwestern counties of the district. The surface, moreover, rises toward the west. For these reasons the St. Peter sandstone lies more than 2,000 feet beneath the surface, except along the eastern border. (See PL XVI, p. 672.) The sandstone at the base of the Pennsylvanian series is not per- sistent in the eastern part of the district, but the meager facts at hand indicate that it thickens to the west. It yields water at Glen- wood and at Bedford, in the southwest district of the State. In the eastern counties, where the cover of the Pennsylvanian is thin and is cut by the major river valleys, the base of the Pennsyl- vanian is found to vary widely in elevation. This is due not only to local upwarps and downwarps of the strata but also to the strong unconformity that parts the Mississippian series from the Pennsyl- vanian. The map (fig. 6, p. 898) exhibits the conjectural elevation above sea level of the base of the Pennsylvanian in south-central and southwestern Iowa. The data on which the map is constructed consist of a few drill holes, sunk in search of coal, and deep wells at 763 764 UNDEKGEOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. several points in Iowa and northern Missouri. From Polk County southwest to Bedford the Mississippian descends about 650 feet; from Polk County due south to Chillicothe, Mo., it falls in the aggre- gate but 250 feet. From Centerville west to Bedford it falls 733 feet; from Bedford west-northwest to Glen wood it rises 140 feet (PI. XVIII, p. 898) ; and west to Nebraska City it rises 150 feet. From the map it will be seen that the Mississippian floor forms a shallow trough extending from near Des Moines to the southwest corner of the State. The line of the maximum depth may not coincide with the Des Moines to Bedford axis, although it is necessarily so drawn, as these two points are those of maximum known depth. The sag may also be narrower than represented and be bounded on each side by more level surfaces. In the eastern counties the contours bend somewhat sharply southward, and as shown by the depth to the Mississippian at Chillicothe, Mo., they must bend to the southwest before reaching that town. To the west the contours also extend southward, as shown by the gentle dip of the floor from Lincoln, Nebr., to Glen- wood, a dip averaging some 3 feet to the mile. In using the map (fig. 6, p. 898) it should be remembered that the known points are far apart and between them may intervene minor sags and swells entirely unknown. Erosion valleys cut into the Mississippian before the Pennsylvanian was deposited may lower the floor in places 100 or 200 feet below the estimate. In southeastern Iowa the Mississippian series, especially the wliite limestone of the Burlington and the sandstones in the "St. Louis limestone," are aquifers of local value, but although these beds con- tinue under this area they yield small and uncertain supplies. A sandstone of Silurian age is known to occur at Pella and at Center- ville, and sandstones apparently too high for the St. Peter and probably to be placed m the Silurian are reported at Ottumwa, Bloomfield, and No. 10 Junction in Monroe County. How far west these sandstones may extend is altogether problematic; but the Silurian continues to be a water bearer by means of its limestones beyond the western limits of the district. The heavy magnesian limestones assigned, because of their anhydrite beds, to the Salina(?) formation of the Silurian yield water at both Bedford and Glenwood, and will probably also yield water in this area at depths nowhere exceeding 1,000 to 1,100 feet below sea level. The water at Bed- ford, however, is so highly mineralized that it is worthless. Soon after well No. 3 at Centerville was drilled in 1904 its water contained 1,228 parts of solids, but the solids regularly increased to 2,545 parts in 1908, probably due to the deterioration of the casing and the entrance of the upper harder waters. Well No. 2 reaches only into the Silurian and, according to the analysis by Dr. J. B. SOUTH-CENTRAL DISTRICT. 765 Weeins, contains a very much larger amount of mmeral matter than the other Centerville well. The Maquoketa shale may not extend far into the south-central district, and probably to the south and west the Silurian and Galena merge into an unbroken series of magnesian limestones. These lime- stones should be water bearing, but at what particular levels can not be predicted, nor is it certain that any given well will find a water- bearing crevice. Moreover, the quality of the water is unknown, but very probably, in the western part of the area at least, it is too highly mineralized for an acceptable city supply. In the eastern counties the St. Peter and the water beds subjacent are to be reckoned as dependable artesian assets, and here artesian wells can be recommended, though the water is as a rule highly mineralized. The failure of the deep city well at Pella (PI. XIII, p. 526) to secure potable water has had a discouraging effect in its own and adjacent counties — an eft'ect not wholly counteracted by the successful wells at Bloomfield and Centerville (PI. XVI, p. 672). The Pella well was sunk only about 60 feet below the St. Peter. The mineralized waters of the higher formations were first cased out, but as the supply from the St. Peter proved insufficient, the casing was pulled and all watera allowed to mingle. No analysis was made of the St. Peter water while it alone was admitted to the well. Had the casing been retained and the well drilled a few hundred feet deeper, an abundant supply of good water would probably have been ob- tained, as at Ottumwa (PI. X, p. 374). Except in the eastern tier of counties the depth to the St. Peter and the water beds below it is so great that the sinking of deep wells to these deeper formations is not recommended. Nowhere south and west of Des Moines have these deep terranes been reached by the drill. ^ At Chillicothe, Mo., almost due south of Des Moines and a little more than 50 miles beyond the State line, a deep well found at 250 feet below sea level a sandstone referred by Shepard to the St. Peter,^ the overlying Ordovician and the Silurian bemg supposedly absent. If this reference is correct— and it is corroborated by the rise of the sandstone southward from Chillicothe to outcrops near iVIis- souri River — there ma}^ be a gentle rise of the St. Peter from Polk and Warren counties due south as well as southeast. As the Chilli- cothe section is made up from a driller's log, it is possible that the sandstone in question is the Silurian sandstone found at Centerville and elsewhere in southeastern Iowa. In this case there is still a rise of the strata southward from Des Moines, but one much more gentle. To the west the first accurate data obtainable as to the St. Peter are > A deep boring at Nebraska City, Nebr., reached the St. Peter sandstone in 1912 at a depth of 2,78.3 feet below the surface, or of 1,853 feet below sea level. * Underground waters of Missouri: Water-Supply Paper U. S. Geol. Survey No. 19.3, 1907, p. 07. 766 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. from the deep well at Lincoln, Nebr., where the St. Peter was reached at 127 feet below sea level. The wells at Council Bluffs, Glenwood, and Bedford, as well as those of Forest City and Burlington Junction, Mo., all fail of reaching this terrane. The drill hole at Nebraska City, Nebr., reached the summit of the Decorah shale at 1 ,824 feet below sea level and the St. Peter was reached at a depth of 1,853 feet below that level. These facts point to a wide trough in the older Paleozoic rocks, whose axis extends southwest from Des Moines to the southwestern counties of the State. The descent of the axis is probably very gentle, being much less than the southwestern dip of the strata of northeastern Iowa, unless the strata below the Penn- sylvanian thicken toward the southwest. From the axis the rise of the strata to the east is exceedingly gentle ; to the west and north it seems considerably steeper. The hypothetical elevation of the St. Peter is seen in the map (PL III) , which is based on several assump- tions — that the St. Peter descends from Des Moines to the southwest as other terranes are known to do as far as Forest City, Mo.; that it descends from Glenwood eastward, as other terranes are found to do as far as Bedford (PL XVIII, p. 898) ; that the upwarp of the strata seen at Chillicothe, Mo., deflects the contours somewhat to the south- west in the southern counties of the district; that along the axis of the trough the strata between the base of the Mississippian and the St. Peter maintain and somewhat increase the thickness which they show at Des Moines. The table below shows the elevation above sea level of the chief towns of the district, and the estimated depths to the base of the Pennsylvanian and that to the top of the St. Peter. These estimates are not so accurate as those made for the eastern and northern parts of Iowa, but even if they are as much as 300 feet in error, they will serve to indicate in a general way the depth to which wells must be sunk to reach these horizons. Another unfavorable condition is the high altitude of towns along the divide between the Missouri and the Mississippi, on account of which the water will stand low in the wells. Artesian estimates for towns in the south-central district of Iowa. Town. Elevation above sea level. Hypothetical depth- To base of Pennsyl- vanian. To top of St. Peter. Albia Chariton.. Corydon. . Creston. . . Greenfield Indianola. Knoxville Leon Osceola. . . Feet. 959 1,042 1,105 1,312 1,368 976 909 1,019 1,137 Feet. 575 750 1,225 1,150 450 820 875 Feet. 1,700 2,100 2,050 2,900 2,650 2,175 1,850 2,325 2,550 UN-DBRGEOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. 767 ADAIR COUNTY. By Howard E. Simpson. TOPOGRAPHY. Adair County is in the south-central district of the State. Its sur- face is a high, sUghtly rolling drift plain, across which runs the "great divide." The crest of the divide passes southeastward through Adair. North of Greenfield it divides and a secondary branch goes southward beyond the State line. West of this branch the drainage is southward to the Missouri through tributaries of the Nodaway. The drainage of the small triangle between the two branches passes southeastward to Grand River, another tributary of the Missouri. The northeast third of the county is drained into the Mississippi through Middle and North rivers, tributaries of the Des Moines. The county contains no ponds or undrained areas. GEOLOGY. Loess mantles the uplands of the entire county, in the eastern part with the fine, light, clayey type typical of southern Iowa, and in the western part with the darker, less clayey kind, characteristic of the Missouri Valley. The Kansan drift thickly covers the area, and well sections in many parts of the county indicate that heavy beds of Nebraskan drift are general. The drift is very thick, especially in the western half of the county. The Dakota sandstone underHes the drift in the western third of the county, and is in turn underlain by Carboniferous rocks (Missouri group). The Mssouri group, wliichlies beneath the drift in the east- ern two-thirds of the county, comprises heavy limestones, inter- bedded with thin, light shales. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE AND DISTRIBUTION. Few wells in the county fail to obtain water from the drift. In many places sandy beds are found beneath the loess, beneath the Kansan, and beneath the lowest drift sheet, and as a rule all of these are water bearing. Many shallow wells rely entirely on seepage from the loess, but such wells are likely to fail in dry seasons. On the uplands the entire drift yields so scantily that many stock farms resort to ponded rain water. in wells passing through the drift into the soft, porous Dakota sandstone find, at depths ranging from 150 to 300 feet, an abundant supply of good water that rises within 100 to 230 feet of the surface. Neither dry holes nor undesirable water have been reported. In the area underlain by the limestones of the Mssouri group the drift is a 768 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. little thinner. The wells in that part of the county range in depths from 100 to 250 feet, and the water is invariably hard. No deep wells have been bored in this county. The southeastern portion of the county is the most favored in the matter of ground water. Bored wells, ranging from 20 to 50 feet, are common, and a few are much deeper. Drilled wells obtain excellent water from the Dakota sandstone at depths ranging from 200 to 300 feet. SPRINGS. The sandy layers of the drift supply water to seepage springs, but few such springs yield sufficient water for a stock farm. A few stronger springs, whose waters may come from the Dakota sandstone on the adjacent divide, are reported in the southwestern part of the county along the valley sides of the East Nodaway and its tributaries. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Adair, — Adair (population, 900) is situated on the crest of the Mississippi-Missouri divide, a region where the drift is so thick that it is difficult to obtam a satisfactory supply of water. An unsuccess- ful well was sunk by the city to a depth of several hundred feet, but unfortunately no complete record exists. Most of the residents are suppHed with water by wells dug or bored into the loess or by cisterns. Five cisterns, with a capacity of 200 to 350 barrels each, a gasoHne fire engine, and 900 feet of hose furnish the fire protection for the city. Greenfield. — In Greenfield (population, 1,379) drift wells 30 to 60 feet in depth afford the general supply. A public supply used for drinking and for fire protection is obtained from 30 dug wells 8 feet in diameter. A city well drilled some years ago into limestone of the Mssouri group to obtain boiler water for the electric-light plant was abandoned because the water contained so much sulphate of lime and magnesia that it was unfit for the purpose. The well was 221 feet deep and was sunk 13 feet into the limestone. The water rose within 75 feet of the surface. The strength of this well suggests a supply from the lower drift rather than from the limestone. Since abandon- ing this well the lighting plant has used storm water collected in an artificial surface reservoir. A well on the farm of W. W. Whittams, Ih miles west of Greenfield, was abandoned at a depth of 274 feet, the last 34 feet of which was in limestone of the Mssouri group ; the well was quickly pumped dry. ADAIR COUNTY. 769 WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Adair County: Typical wells in Adair County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks. T. 74 N., R. 33 W. (Washington). J. A.Hulbert T. 76 N., R. 32 W. (Prussia). il miles southeast of Bridge water. Feet. 286 Feet. 276 Sandstone (Dakota). Feet. 100 Strong; slightly min- eral. John Montgomery.. T. 77 N., R. 33 W. (Summit). \\ miles southwest of Canby. 187 180 do 127 Hard; roily before storms. William Turner T. 75 N., R. 32 W. (Summerset). IJ miles west of Adair 345 307 Fine sand- stone. 230 W. W. Whittams.. Henry Hida John Mangle H. W. Adams. . li miles west of Greenfield. 3 miles south of Fontar nelle. 2 miles west of Fonta- nelle. NW. i see. 21 274 316 315 254 240 300 299 240 Limest one (Missouri). Sands t on e (Dakota). do Limest one (Missouri). 137 146 125 75 Scanty supply; aban- doned. Slightly mineral. Hard water; strong well. T. 76 N., R. 33 W. (Eureka). Frank H. Seers T.75N.. R.33 W. (Jackson). 6 miles northwest of Fon- tanels . 282 260 Sands tone (Dakota). Strong well. Truman Lewis Henry Rose Al. Bowers 5 miles north of Bridge- water. 2 miles north of Bridge- water. 3 miles north of Bridge- water. 317 286 270 300 270 260 do Limestone . . Sandstone... 120 176 160 Strong well. Fine hard. T. 75N., R. 31 W. (Greenfield). City of Greenfield.. Electric-light plant 221 208 Drift and limestone (Missouri). 75 Strong well. T. 77N., R. 30 W. (Lincoln). G.D. Whittams... W. H. Barnett Sec. 19 SE.Jsec. 23 148 78 136 Sands tone (Dakota). Drift sand... lOS Soft water; strong well; 20 gallons per minute. Plenty; good. T.76N., R.30 W. (Harrison). William Wallace . . SE. J sec. 23 135 82 56 36 Limest one (Missouri). do 78 No water. David Johnson NE.isec. 19 Good hard water. T. 76N.. R. 31 W. (Grove). Harriet Guthiel... NE.isec.l4 ,.... SE. Jsec. 12 .. 134 200 122 do Abundant fromblack Nate Brinton Gravel shale; bad taste. Insufficient; aban- doned. 36581°— wsp 293—12- -49 770 UlTDEEGKOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. APPANOOSE COUNTY. By O. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. The surface of Appanoose County consists essentially of a much- eroded drift plain sloping very gently toward the east. Chariton River, the principal stream, enters at the northwest corner and flows southeastward diagonally across the county in a flat-bottomed valley approximately 150 feet deep and several miles in maximum width. From the west it receives a number of relatively long tributaries, all of which, with their branches, have cut into the upland plain, but from the east it is fed by very short streams, the divide that separates its drainage system from that of Soap Creek and Fox River being only a few miles east of the Chariton. Apparently the minor streams tend to flow in the direction of the general upland slope. GEOLOGY. The following formations are exposed within the county: (1) Allu- vium, which is confined to the principal valleys; (2) loess, which is only a few feet thick, but which lies at the surface over much of the region; (3) glacial drift, which is generally found at the surface or immediately below the loess; and (4) Carboniferous rocks belonging to the Des Moines group of the Pennsylvanian series, which crop out at many points along the principal streams. In a large part of the county the drift sheet is thin, but in places, especially near the east margin, it is more than 100 feet thick. The irregularities of the rock surface produce many corresponding local irregularities in the thickness of the overlying drift. The glacial material is reported to contain a large amount of wood, leaves, and shells. The Pennsylvanian is several hundred feet thick and con- sists of shale with minor amounts of limestone, sandstone, and coal. Below it lie the rocks of the Mississippian series, which consist chiefly of limestone. (See Pis. X, p. 374; XVI, p. 672.) UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The rocks of the Pennsylvanian series furnish water to a few wells, but in general they are unsatisfactory as a source of water. They consist chiefly of impervious shale with porous beds few and far apart, and therefore yield meagerly; also their water is undesirable for many purposes, because of its high mineralization. Below the Pennsyl- vanian are formations that yield more freely, but the cost of drilling to these is so great that it can be undertaken onl}^ by municipalities or by railway companies or other large industrial concerns, and as far APPANOOSE COUNTY. 771 as exploration has gone the water is so high in different dissolved solids that it is ill adapted for use in boilers and is not desirable for public supplies. Moreover, its head is so low that in many places it would have to be lifted several hundred feet to bring it to the upland surface. In some of the largest valleys the alluvial materials yield abundant and reliable supplies of only moderately hard water to shallow and inexpensive dug or driven wells, but many of the settlements and a vast majority of the farms are remote from valleys, and their prin- cipal underground source of supply consists of irregularly distributed sandy and gravelly deposits associated with the bowlder clay- Wliether these yield a sufhcient amount is very much a matter of hit and miss. In some localities gravel beds occur that will furnish enough for waterworks and locomotive supplies; in others it proves difficult to extract enough water from the drift to meet the con- sumption on an ordinar}^ stock farm, and in years of severe drought the lack of water for household and stock purposes may become an acute problem. The shallow water is rich in calcium and the bicar- bonate radicle, but is usually superior to the water from the Pennsyl- vanian or deeper formations for both domestic and boiler use. One of the largest supplies secured from glacial material is that of the Chicago, Kock Island & Pacific Railway Co. at Centerville. The well is situated on the upland, which is trenched, at no great distance from the well, by deep ravines that lead to • tributaries of Chariton River a few miles away and at a level 150 feet lower. The well was dug to a depth of about 37 feet and ends in a bed of sand, from which about 3,500 gallons of water an hour are obtained. Because of the unsatisfactory status of underground sources, Appa- noose County has come to depend to a great extent on surface water for household, stock, and boiler supplies. For the household, rain water is stored in cisterns ; for stock, the wash from rains is collected by constructing dams across ravines; and for boiler feed, different plans are employed, as, for example, the reservoir of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. at Mystic, into which surface and spring waters are gathered. In resorting to surface supplies, quality is the chief consideration for the household, soft water being desired ; quantity is the chief consideration for live-stock supplies; and both quality and quantity are factors in railway and other industrial enterprises. In the many villages of Appanoose County the water for drinking is drawn mainly from shallow private wells in close proximity to a variety of contaminating agencies. The situation is especially bad in valley towns, where shallow wells on the bottom lands at the foot of populated slopes are peculiarly exposed to pollution. It is not easy, however, to find a feasible means of improving the conditions. 772 UNDEKGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. Something would be gained if each householder would protect his own well, but a really adequate remedy requires a system of waterworks drawing from a source safe from pollution. In spite of difficulties it is probable that systematic search will discover a sufficient sani- tary and otherwise satisfactory source of public suppUes for most of the villages. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Centerville. — Information concerning the three deep wells that have been sunk in Centerville (population, 6,936) is presented in the fol- lowing paragraphs : City well No. 1 is 2,495 feet deep. Its diameter is 12 inches to 55 feet, 10 inches to 95 feet, 9 inches to 155 feet, 8 inches to 335 feet, 7 inches to 492 feet, 6 inches to 616 feet, 5 inches to 2,335 feet, and 4 inches to bottom of well. It is cased to 804 feet. Its curb is 1,017 feet above sea level, and its head 260 feet below the curb. It obtains water at 1,200 and 2,450 feet. Tested capacity at completion, 200 gallons a minute. It was completed earlier than 1893 by J. P. MUler & Co., Chicago. The strata penetrated are indicated in the following table: Record of strata in deep well No. 1 at Centerville {PI. X, p. 374 ; PI. XVI, p. 672). Thick- ness. Depth. Quaternary (top, 1,017 feet above sea level) Carboniferous: Pennsylvanian (436 feet thick; top, 927 feet above sea level): Shales Coal and coaly shale Shale, with a few thin seams of limestone, none more than 5 feet thick; sample of calcareous shale at 500 Mississippian: "St. Louis limestone" and Osage group (515 feet thick; top, 491 feet above sea level): " Rock; " probably limestone Shales, variegated, arenaceous toward bottom • Limestone, rough, gray, siliceous; 2 samples Shales, seleniferous, with some limestone and chalcedony; 7 samples Limestone, nonmagnesian, blue gray, highly cherty; shale, arenaceous; in concreted powder; 4 samples Shales, cherty; limestone; 4 samples Limestone, white; rapid effervescence; much white flint and chalcedony; 3 samples Limestone and shale; limestone, brisk effervescence, soft, white, dark, brown, blue gray, in places clayey, siliceous, and pyritiferous; shales, in places arenaceous; shale marked at 855, 895, and 915; 18 samples, in con- creted powder Kuiderhook group (59 feet thick; top, 24 feet below sea level): Shale, blue and green gray; 6 samples Devonian (260 feet thick; top, 83 feet below sea level): Shale, with white and gray nonmagnesian, soft, limestone; 6 samples Limestone, gray, rather soft; rapid effervescence Shale, arenaceous Limestone, gray, rapid effervescence; siliceous; water bearing Shale; arenaceous at 1,210 feet Umestone, argillaceous Limestone, light gray, argillaceous; brisk effervescence Limestone, compact, fine grained, light blue gray Shale, calcareous; or limestone, argillaceous, light yellow Limestone, hard, somewhat argUlaceous, light yellow Limestone, white (some gray), compact, moderately hard, nonmagnesian; much shale in flakes Limestone and shale, in gray concreted powder; limestone, yellow and gray, crys- talline, soft, in fine meal; nonmagnesian; cherty residue; at 1,350 residue of fine, rounded quartz grains; 6 samples ....... 90 67 1 368 40 20 60 157 158 526 34 560 50 610 30 640 65 705 55 760 55 816 855 1,041 1,100 60 1,160 8 1,168 21 1,189 11 1,200 20 1,220 10 1,230 10 1,240 20 1,260 10 1,270 10 1,280 1,300 1,360 APPANOOSE COUNTY. Record of strata in deep well No. 1 at Centerville — Continued. 773 Thick- ness. Depth. Silurian (ISO feet thick; top, 343 feet below sea level): Limestone, buff, magnesian; argillaceous at 1.360 feet; 2 samples Shale, blue, and limestone; in concreted powder Limestone, soft, blue, nonmagnesian, with some white chert and much shale Limestone, blue gray, hard, compact, fine grained, nonmagnesian Limestone and shale, blue, calcareous, in light gray powder and meal Sandstone; grains fine and only fairly well rounded; many pointed with secondary enlargements; in ime powder containing also particles of light-colored limestone. Sandstone, hght gray, calciferous; as above Sandstone, buff, calciferous Sandstone, white, fine; grains fairly uniform in size and well rounded, mostly smooth, but many show crystalline secondary enlargements, giving the sand a sparkling appearance .' Sandstone, calciferous, with some fragments of blue shale in drillings Limestone, in gray meal; moderate effervescence; highly siliceous with rounded quartz grains and chips of chert; 4 samples Ordovician: Galena dolomite and Plattevllle limestone, 200 feet thick; top, 523 feet below sea level: Dolomite or magnesian limestone, buflE and gray; many drillings have cherty and arenaceous residues Limestone, dark and light gray; moderate effervescence; much green shale in drillings Limestone, buff; moderate effervescence Shale, blue, soft, unctuous, noncalcareous St. Peter sandstone, 40 feet tliick; top, 723 feet below sea level: Sandstone; white, clean, quartz sand; rounded grains, moderately fine; 4 samples •. Prairie du Chien group (715 feet penetrated; top, 763 feet below sea level): Shakopee dolomite: Dolomite, buff and gray; arenaceous at 1,820 feet; 6 samples New Richmond sandstone: Sandstone and dolomite, light gray and white; drillings consist of rounded grains of quartz and angular chips of dolomite; 8 samples Sandstone, light yellow gray, in fine angular grains; a little white dolomite and green shale in drillings " No samples Oneota dolomite: Dolomite, light gray and white, highly cherty from 2,140 to 2,185 feet; somewhat arenaceous at 2,125 and 2,240 feet; 9 samples No samples Sandstone, calciferous, or dolomite; arenaceous; grains rounded, smooth, of moderate size; chips of hard gray dolomite No samples Dolomite, gray; buff at 2,455 feet; somewhat arenaceous from 2,440 to 2,465 feet Feet. 60 40 110 135 92 Feet. 1,380 1,390 1,400 1,410 1,430 1,440 1,450 1,460 1,470 1,480 1,540 1,700 1,720 1,730 1,740 1,780 1,890 1,995 2,060 2,125 2,260 2,352 2,352 2,420 2,495 This well was drilled in the public square of the town long before waterworks were installed; and was never pumped except at the driller's test. When waterworks were built it was thought best to drill another well in a convenient location rather than to erect the pumping station in the public square. City well No. 2 is 1,540 feet deep. Its diameter is 10 inches to 368 feet, 8f inches to 480 feet, 71 inches to 630 feet, 61 inches to 826 feet, 5inches to 1,160 feet. Uncased from 1,160 feet to bottom of weU. The curb is 1,017 feet above sea level; and the head is 280 feet below the curb. Water is obtained from 1,439 feet to bottom; tested capacity, 350 gallons a minute. The weU was drilled in 1895 by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. The driller reported a sand rock extending from 1,470 to 1,510 feet and yielding water that rose within 60 feet of the surface; beneath the sand rock the drill passed into a fissured rock, and the water sank to 280 feet below the curb, and the drillings were washed away. 774 XJNDEEGKOUND WATER EESOTJECES OF IOWA. City well No. 3 is 2,054 feet deep. Its diameter is 16 inches to 73.25 feet; 12 inches to 180 feet, 10 inches to 500 feet, 8 inches to 733.25 feet, 6-inches to 118.15 feet, 4| inches (uncased) to bottom. The curb is 1,017 feet above sea level, and the head 286 feet below curb. The tested capacity is 200 gallons a mmute. The well was drilled by L. Wilson & Co. of Chicago and was completed in 1904, at a cost of $10,000. The casing of this well is admirably designed to keep out the upper waters. The 10-inch pipe extends to the curb, and it and all other piping of smaller diameters are sealed at bottom with lead. Driller's log of well No. 3 at Centerville. Thick- ness. Depth. Clay, yellow . Clay, blue... Gravel Cap rock Soapstone and shale Shale of different colors Shale streaked with rock No record Coal blossom Shale, at Soapstone, at No record Soapstone with some sand No record Soapstone and shale No record Shale, at 361, 3S0, 425, 450, 475, 500, and. Sand, white Shale Rock and shale, shale caving badly Shale, blue, hard Limestone and shale, at Limestone, at Limestone and shale, at 860, 900, 925, 950, 9S0, 1,015, and Solid limestone; traces of natural gas in black rock at 1,190 feet. Shale, blue Limestone Sandstone Limestone Sandstone Limestone Streaks of sand and limestone Sand Feet. 213 100 10 46 256 40 108 50 100 Feet. 50 60 70 74 125 150 159 165 170 185 200 260 280 293 340 361 585 600 630 650 745 790 830 1,127 1,340 1,440 1,450 1,496 1,752 1,792 1,900 1,950 2,050 The water is lifted from this well into a surface reservoir and thence pumped into a standpipe from which it is distributed, by gravity pressure, through 8^ miles of mams to 74 fire hydrants and 352 serv- ice pipes. It is estimated that about one-fifth of the homes are connected with the waterworks and that an average of 63,000 gallons of water is consumed daily. The chief disadvantage of the water of well No. 3 is its heavy mineralization. The water, as shown by analysis (p. 174), is so hard that it is undesirable for toilet, laundry, or boiler uses; its iron content CLAEKE COUNTY. 775 discolors vessels in which it is used; and it is so salty that it is some- what unpalatable. If, as seems not improbable, enough w^ter can in years of normal rainfall be obtained from a system of wells or infil- tration galleries in the drift gravels known to exist in the vicinity of the city, this source would be preferable to a deep well, as the water is better and would probably be much more extensively used by the people. The pumping lift would also be much less. The deep well could be held in reserve to furnish a supplemental supply when needed. A third possible source of water for Centerville is filtered water from Chariton River. Moulton. — The Electric Light Co. well at Moulton has a depth of 538 feet and a diameter of 6 to 3^ inches. It is cased to 498 feet. The curb is 987 feet above sea level, and the head is 230 feet below the curb. It yields 16 gallons of highly mineralized water a minute from 40 feet of hard white sandstone at 530 feet depth. It was completed in 1905 by F. D. Tuttle, of Cedar Rapids. Driller's log oftvell at Moulton. Thick- ness. Depth. Clay Sand, fine, at No record Shale, dark, sticky . Limestone Sand, white, fine.. Limestone Feet. 100 300 63 24 43 2 Feet. 100 100 400 463 487 530 532 CLARKE COUNTY. By Howard E. Simpson. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. Clarke County is in the south-central portion of the State, on the divide between Mississippi and Missouri rivers. The crest of the divide has here an easterly trend and pitch, so that though the drain- age of the northern slope is toward Des Moines River and that of the southern slope toward the Missouri, the dramage of the main eastern slope is divided between the two. The area is primarily a drift plain into which the stream valleys have been carved, and all parts of it are well drained by open valleys separated by broad flat-topped uplands. The entire surface is mantled with loess and Kansan drift which, in many places, is 100 to 150 feet thick. Throughout the county the drift rests on Carboniferous rocks, for the most part belonging to the Missouri group and consisting of 776 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. limestone, shales, and some thin coal seams. The Missouri group thins eastward and is absent in the vallej^s of some of the larger creeks on the eastern and northern borders of the county, thus bringing the rocks of the Des Moines group directly beneath the drift. The Des Moines group consists chiefly of shales and sandstones with some limestone and beds of coal and is the productive coal formation in the State. Though well-marked local dips occur, the strata are in general practically horizontal. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The water supply of Clarke County is obtained chiefly from shallow wells in the drift, which are in general satisfactory for domestic and stock use but are inadequate for public supplies. Two important water horizons occur in the drift, one in the sand immediately underlying the loess, locally known as first sheet water, and the other in the sand and gravel beneath the Kansan, locally known as second sheet water. In some localities other water- bearing sands and gravels are found higher within the drift, but the water is likely to be so polluted with decaying vegetable matter as to have a disagreeable taste and odor. On the lower ground in the county water is obtained as a rule from shallow wells dug and bored to the first horizon, though many of the stock-farm wells reach the second. On upland divides the water from the first horizon, though fairly satisfactory in quality, often fails in dry seasons, owing to the general lowering of the ground-water level. The depth at which it is reached ranges from 10 to 40 feet, depending on the thickness of the loess. Where suflicient water is not obtained from the subloessial sand, wells are bored or drilled to the sand and gravel just beneath the drift, which horizon may be within 50 feet of the surface or may not be within 250 feet; the supply, however, seldom fails. Water from this deeper sand and gravel is obtained on the farm of Adam C. Rarick (SE. J sec. 18, T. 72 N., R. 26 W.) from a well 163 feet deep, in which the water level is but 16 feet below the sur- face. The water is hard and slightly mineral. Local failures to find water in the drift have resulted in the sink- ing of a few wells into the bedrock. Those reported range in depth from 250 to 300 feet, and probably draw supplies from the limestone of the Missouri group. The water is said to be very satisfactory for stock, but the data are insufficient to warrant very definite conclusions as to the general value of this limestone as an aquifer. From evi- CLARKE COUNTY. 777 dence obtained in the surrounding counties, however, it is known to be generally unsatisfactory on account of hardness of the water and its meager quantity. One of the deepest and best wells of this type is that of Louis A. Brown, 3 miles northeast of Murray (SE. J sec. 35, T. 73 N., K. 27 W.). This well is 298 feet deep, enters rock at a depth of 189 feet, and draws its chief supply from the limestone of the Missouri group at a depth of 260 feet. The water is hard and stands 80 feet from the surface. R. Arnold, 7 miles southwest of Murray, failing to find a satisfactory supply of water by digging 90 feet, drilled 340 feet to water; and John Diehl, 4| miles northeast of Osceola, drilled 320 feet to find water. Drilled wells are more common in the west- central part of the county. SPRINGS. In the more hilly portions of the county many good stock springs are found on steeper slopes, where the sand and gravel layers of the drift outcrop. Shallow wells dug on hillsides tap similar strata and are made to flow into cattle troughs by means of pipes let into the lower side a few feet below the surface. For a fuller discussion see Lucas County (pp 786-787) . CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Murray. — Murray (population, 796) has no public system of water supply. Fire protection is afforded by a half dozen open wells 30 feet deep, pumped by hand. Osceola. — The public supply of Osceola (population, 2,416) is secured from an artificial reservoir, 2.72 acres in area, which collects the surface drainage of 280 acres of pasture land. A triplex pump (capacity 250 gallons a minute) raises the water from the intake well to a 60,000-gallon tank elevated on a 90-foot tower. The water is distributed by gravity through about 4 miles of mains to 27 fire hydrants and 50 taps. In case of fire direct pressure of 120 pounds may be applied by pumping. The average consumption is 10,000 gallons daily, sold at rates ranging from 35 to 20 cents a thousand gallons, according to the amount used. The Osceola Light, Heat & Power Co., which pumps the water, finds it satisfactory for use in boilers. It is customary to treat it with a small quantity of kerosene. The city system is connected with the Chicago, Burling- ton & Quincy Railroad tank, so that in case of emergency either system may supply the other. Sediment is removed from the water by a mechanical filter. The supply is sufficient to meet all demands and is fairly satisfactory. Unfortunately information regarding the underground-water supply of this county is exceedingly meager. A well is said to have 778 UNDEEGEOUND WATER EESOURCES OF IOWA. been sunk at Osceola to a depth of 1,953 feet, diameter 8 to 4 inches; but no further information was obtainable. WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Clarke County: Typical wells in Clarke County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks. A. C. Rarick William Beebe... L. A. Brown SE.Jsec. 18,T.72N., R. 26 W. SE.isec.29,T. 71N., R. 27 W. SE.isec.35,T.73N., R.27W. Feet. 163 250 298 Feet. 250 189 Drift sand Sand above bed rock. Limestone Feet. 16 100 80 Hard and slightly mineral. Water bed at 260 feet. DECATUR COUNTY. By 0. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. The upland level in Decatur County lies 1,100 to 1,200 feet above sea level, and is cut by numerous southward-trending stream valleys into parallel ridges and trenches that must be crossed by east-west railways and wagon roads. The principal stream, Grand River, occupies a broad fiat-bottomed valley 200 feet below the flat-topped ridges and plateaus. GEOLOGY. Beneath the uplands and, to some extent, beneath the valley sides, is a thin but widespread deposit consisting of loess and a related gray- blue plastic clay, in some places partly oxidized to yellow. This plastic clay is nearly free from grit but includes locally some tiny pebbles, as can be seen in the railway cut at Lamoni. In fineness of grain and imperviousness to water it differs sufficiently from the typical loess to influence profoundly the agricultural value of the land. Over the wide flood plains of the principal streams the surface formation consists of alluvium. Next below the loess and clay, or in many locahties lying at the surface, is an accumulation of bowlder clay with minor amounts of sand and gravel. The bowlder clay is weathered and yellow at the top, but is darker, more compact, and quite unweathered at some dis- tance below the surface. The upper part is Kansan in age, but there is reason to believe ^ that the basal deposits belong to an older drift 1 Bain, H. F., Geology of Decatur County: Ann. Rept. Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 8, 1898, pp. 283-292. DECATUR COUNTY. 779 sheet. Beneath the uplands the average thickness of the drift and associated material is probably not far from 200 feet, but in many places the streams have cut through to the bedrock. The rocks upon which the drift rests belong to the Pennsylvanian series of the Carboniferous. Throughout most of the area the upper rock is predominantly limestone, well exposed in a quarry 1^ miles southwest of Davis City; it marks the base of the Missouri group of the Pennsylvanian and overlies the Des Moines group of the same series. The latter consists of several hundred feet of strata that are predominantly shale, though they include numerous thin beds of sandstone, limestone, and coal, with heavy beds of sandstone near the bottom. Shales belonging to the Des Moines group outcrop in the valleys in the southern part of the county. The sandstone near the bottom of the Des Moines group is shown in the lower part of the sec- tion of the Biggs or Hazelett well (p. 783). Its occurrence is note- worthy, as no sandstone corresponding to it has been reported in the counties directly east. A higher bed was penetrated in the Sharp boring: at Leon. Section of Sharp prospect hole at Leon, in the NW. i NE. \ sec. 32 T. 69 N., R. 25Wfi [Altitude of surface, about 1,050 feet.] Thick- ness. Depth. Bowlder clay Feet. 23 3 274 5 34 2 41 7 19 i 20i 14 1 2 2 221 li 2i 4i 8H I! 4 2 3.V 2' 2 23§ Feet. 23 Sand (dry) 26 Glacial drift 300 Sand (with water) 305 Shale 339 Limestone or calcareous shale 341 Shale 382 Sandstone, fine grained'. ... .. .. 389 Shale 408 T/imest,nnp.. . . . 408| Coal 410 Shale 430J Coal 431i Shale 4451 446 Tiime.-^ 18 miles > Holstein Cherokee ,eo' -^^.X ^^%; iVN^ 'y/va Q '«/=> ^v^c '^^n ^-^^V wm GEOLOGIC SECTION BETWEEN SANBORN AND HOLSTEIN, IOWA By W. H. Norton NORTHWEST DISTRICT. 825 In the counties bordering on Missouri River, so much difficulty is felt in making artesian forecasts that general statements must suffice. The chief water-bearing strata are hundreds of miles from their nearest outcrops in the State in the eastern counties bordering Mississippi River, and though they have been carefully traced from one deep well to another far to the west the deep wells of western Iowa are so few, and so httle is known of them and the line of stepping stones is so broken that httle more than general stratigraphic considerations remain for guidance and support. Fortunately artesian water may be found in the Cretaceous sandstones under the drift, so that the question of a deeper supply is not so pressing as it otherwise would be. In Lyon, Sioux, and Plymouth counties the Sioux quartzite and pre- Cambrian schists underlie the region at depths rapidly increasing southward and eastward. Unquestionably above these pre-Cambrian rocks lie the older Paleozoic rocks, but their lithologic nature is largely a matter of conjecture and it is possible that in these counties they contain few or even no beds so constituted as to carry artesian water in considerable quantities. At Sioux City, for example, the weU of the Sioux City Water Co. penetrated the Paleozoic rocks to a depth of at least 700 feet, but failed to find artesian water in paying quantity. The deep well at Hull found water below 700 and 800 feet, and the supply was stated to be unlimited, but Mr. Meinzer was informed that the casing of the well had been cut at about 350 feet from the surface and that most of the water of the weU came from this horizon in the country rock, a statement which finds some support in the head of the well as compared with those of other wells in the Cretaceous of the vicinity. The texture of the saccharoidal sand- stones found at Hull at 755 feet to 1,263 feet would allow them to yield copiously, but at Hull they are interbedded with impervious sills. Outside the area of these igneous intrusions, an area that is probably small, these sandstones, if not indurated, may yield artesian water. Thus wells drilled below the Dakota sandstone in these three counties may be considered experimental. The geologic conditions are not strongly adverse to such experiments, but the two or three deep wells already sunk do not encourage them. In Woodbury and Monona counties the Paleozoic rocks are no doubt thicker than they are in the northern counties bordering the Big Sioux and the possibility that they may include water beds is greater. The general geology of the deeper strata, so far as it can be inferred, is somewhat encouraging to deep-well digging in eastern Monona and Woodbury counties, but ah artesian wells must be largely experiments and can not be definitely recommended. The lower Paleozoic water beds, if found, should occur at Onawa above 600 feet below sea level or within 1,650 feet of the surface, and a well of this depth should be sufiicient to test possibOities at this station. 826 UFDERGEOUND WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. BUENA VISTA COUNTY. By 0. E. Meinzer. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. The surface of Buena Vista County consists essentially of a gently undulating drift plain containing numerous undrained depressions, the largest of which is occupied by Storm Lake. This plain ranges in altitude from less than 1,300 feet above sea level, in the southeast, to more than 1,500 feet in the vicinity of Alta. The only striking break in the topography is caused by Little Sioux River, which enters from the north and flows westward near the county line for some miles, occupying a gorgelike valley over 150 feet deep. Beneath the thick and continuous mantle of glacial drift lies a strati- fied series of shales, sandstones, and limestones, supposed to be Cre- taceous in age. (See PI. VI, p. 258.) UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The water supply of Buena Vista County is drawn chiefly from alluvial deposits, the surficial portions of the glacial drift, sand in the deeper portions of the glacial drift, and Cretaceous sandstone. The alluvial deposits are practically confined to the valley of the Little Sioux in which they supply shallow wells; the surficial portions of the drift are penetrated by several thousand shallow bored wells, most of which yield only small supplies and many of which fail in dry seasons; the sand deposits in the deeper portions of the drift are reached by many drilled wells; and the Cretaceous strata have apparently been entered in a few places. Beneath these formations are other water-bearing formations not yet reached by the drill in this county, but some knowledge as to what is to be expected from these sources can be gained from tlie deep wells in the surrounding towns of Mallard, Emmetsburg, Sanborn, Cherokee, and Holstein. The only source of water below the surficial deposits and within reach of ordinary drilling consists of beds of incoherent sand. In times of severe drought the shallow wells on many farms failed and wells were drilled to these beds of sand, but they proved so unsatis- factory that most of them have been abandoned and reliance again placed upon shallow wells. The water is under low head, is highly mineralized, and is separated from the fine-grained and incoherent sand with great difficulty. Screens of fine mesh have been used, but the sand packs around these and becomes firmly cemented by pre- cipitates from the water, and thus effectually closes the inlets, com- pelling the substitution of new screens or the abandonment of the wells. This incrustation has given so much trouble in so many wells that it has been generally concluded that the deeper sand strata are not practicable sources of water supply. These deeper sources are, BUENA VISTA COUNTY. 827 however, greatly needed, and much of the failure m the past has been due to miproper methods of drillmg and finishmg the wells. For the most part, 2-mch "tubular" wells have been sunk and the pump valves have been fitted into the casing itself. For several reasons (see pp. 192-193) wells of this type are ill adapted to the conditions found in this region. Six-inch wells should be drilled and fitted with independent pumps. Then if the water is lifted slowly— for example, at the rate at which a windmill operates — the suction will be slight and regular, and in many wells screens can be dispensed with. But even where screens are found necessary, they are likely to last longer, and they can be drawn up with less difficulty through the large casing. HEAD. In general the water does not rise so near the surface in the deepest drilled wells as in those that end at higher levels. Owing to the indefinite character of the well data it is impossible to state to what extent the wells having low head are to be correlated with the Cre- taceous sandstone and those haviag a higher head with the drift, but it seems evident that water from the Cretaceous rises to approxi- mately 1 ,200 feet above sea level and water from most of the moder- ately deep drift beds rises much higher. In the following table the wells of the first group are believed to have a head of about 1,200 feet and those of the second group a higher head, but the head of the farm wells is uncertain because the surface altitude is not definitely known. Head of water in and near Buena Vista County. Location. Altitude of surface above sea level. Depth of well. Height to which the water rises. Above or below surface. Above sea level. Group 1. Fonda (Pocahontas County) Aurelia (Cherokee County) Peterson (Clay County) T. 90 N., R. 35 W. (Newell): Newell T. 93 N., R. 36 W. (Lee): S. isec.2 NE. isec.5 T. 92 N., R. 38 W. (Elk): SE. isec.34 T. 91 N., R. 38 W. (Nokomis): SE. isec. 28 SE. Jsec.35 T. 90 N., R. 38 W. (Maple VaUey): SW.Jsec.l SW. isec. 25 SE. isec. 29 Group 2. Rembrandt creamery well , T. 93 N., R. 35 W. (Poland): Marathon village well , T. 91 N., R. 37 W. (Washington): SE. isec. 30 Feet. 1,234 1,387 1,238 1,264 1,335 1,394 Feet. 331 301 90 285 417 320 338 330 360 350 360 300 161 216 Feet. + 14 -190 - 30 - 65 -160 - 60 -285 -270 -300 -290 -280 -240 Feet. 1,220 1,197 1,208 1,199 1,270 1,320 828 XJNDEEGEOUND WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Alta. — The public water supply of Alta (population, 959) is pumped from two dug wells, 80 feet deep, one 8 feet and tlie other 3 feet in diameter. It is distributed by gravity from a tank elevated upon a tower. About 9,000 gallons are said to be used daily and this is nearly the maximum yield of the wells. The inhabitants rely chiefly on shallow bored wells, many of which yield small and uncertain supplies. Marathon. — The following section of the village well at Marathon (population, 532) was furnished by the drUler: Section of village well at Marathon. TMck- ness. Depth. Soil and yellow clay; blue clay , Sand Clay, blue Feet. 70 10 70 11 Feet. 70 150 161 The water is reported to rise within 74 feet of the surface, or 1,321 feet above sea level, and the well has been pumped continuously for 8 hours at the rate of 100 gallons a minute. The waterworks consist of an air-pressure system with 1| miles of mains, 6 fire hydrants, and 17 taps. Only a small portion of the people use the public supply and only about 2,000 gallons are consumed daily. Newell. — The public supply for Newell (population, 728) is pumped from a drilled well, 285 feet deep, into an elevated tank, from which it is distributed by gravity through approximately 1 mile of mains. There are 14 hydrants. The daily consumption of water is estimated at 12,000 gallons. Sioux Rapids. — The public supply of Sioux Rapids (population, 868) is obtained from a well 10 feet in diameter and 27 feet deep, sunk into the gravel of the river bottom. The water is pumped to an elevated tank from which it passes to the mains. There are 15 fire hydrants. The average daily consumption is reported to be about 30,000 gallons. Storm Lalce. — The public supply of Storm Lake (population, 2,428) is taken from the lake, from which it is pumped into a standpipe and is thence carried by gravity through about 5 mues of mains to 28 fire hydrants. The water is used extensively in boilers and for various other purposes and is led through private pipe lines to several farms near the city. The culinary supplies are obtained chiefly from shallow private wells. According to Norton a deep well drilled at Storm Lake would first pass through the drift clays and sands, then through heavy beds of CALHOUN COUNTY. 829 Cretaceous shales and sandstones, and possibly through still lower shales of the coal measures (Carboniferous), below which it would have a long run through limestones. After penetrating the shales of the Platteville limestone (which may need casing) the drill would enter the St. Peter sandstone at about 120 feet above sea level, or about 1,300 feet below the surface. To obtain the largest yield the well should be sunk to about 1,700 feet below the surface, at which depth it should tap the Jordan sandstone, if that formation preserves its identity so far to the west. On account of the high surface elevation, no flow can be expected, but the water should rise within pumping distance. CALHOUN COUNTY. By W. J. Miller and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. Calhoun County presents a level surface over which many ponds are scattered. The only important stream that modifies this flat topog- raphy is North Raccoon Eiver, which cuts across the extreme south- west corner of the county, receiving from the north Camp and Lake creeks, much smaller streams. Wisconsin drift covers the entire region, resting on the Kansan drift, which presumably also extends throughout the county. Except in a narrow strip on the eastern edge of the county occupied by the Des Moines group (Carboniferous), the drift rests on Cretaceous rocks. The drift deposits lie horizontally on the rocks, which in turn either lie flat or dip slightly eastward. (See PL VI, p. 258.) UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. In Calhoun, as in the neighboring counties, there are two important water beds m the drift, one at the base of the Wisconsin drift and the other at the base of the Kansan drift. A large number of weUs obtain good supplies of hard water from the drift and are as a rule so satisfactory that comparatively few wells go into the rock formations below. The avaflable data show that the sand or gravel at the base of the Wisconsin drift has not been struck at a depth of less than 45 feet and that in all but a few localities it is more than 160 feet below the surface. Though most of the wells of the county derive water from this source, it does not everywhere yield water and in places the supply is not satisfactory. 830 UISTDEKGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. The sand or gravel lying at the base of the Kansan drift almost invariably affords a good supply of water, seemingly unaffected by the seasons. Well records show that this aquifer has not been struck at a depth of less than 108 feet or more than 280 feet, the most com- mon depth being from 200 to 230 feet. Occasionally a good water supply is obtained from local sandy layers in one of the blue clays. Some deep wells have obtained water from shales, sandstones, and limestones of the Cretaceous and older rocks. Only two flowing wells have been noted in this county, one near Somers and the other near Lohrville. Both are situated near small streams or slough bottoms. The horizon from which the water comes is not known. SPRINGS. Springs of any consequence are very scarce in Calhoun County. A few seep from the drift along the sloughs. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Lake City. — The public water supply of Lake City (population, 2,043) is taken from two wells 229 feet deep. The water is pumped to a standpipe and distributed under gravity pressure of 30 pounds to 172 taps. About 35,000 gallons is used daily by 600 people. The water is hard. The driller's log of these wells shows the following section: Driller's log of Lake City ivell. Thick- ness. Depth. Soil, black Clay, yellow Clay, blue Sand (water) , Clay, blue ' ' Hardpan " Clay, hard Clay, yellow; hard blue clay; fine sand (water) Feet. 4 20 36 6 20 6 18 ng Feet. 4 24 60 66 86 92 no 229 The chief water beds of the Iowa artesian system lie deep below Lake City, the uppermost, the St. Peter sandstone, hardly less than 300 or 350 feet below sea level, or from 1,550 to 1,600 feet below the sur- face. As the Paleozoic hmestones overlying the St. Peter yield more or less water a well 1,700 feet deep might obtain an adequate supply, but to get the largest supply a well 2,000 feet deep may be necessary and any contract for a deep well should provide for a depth of 2,200 or 2,300 feet. CALHOUN COUNTY. 831 In sinking such a well below the drift the drill will pierce Creta- ceous and Carboniferous shales. The quality of any waters found in accompanying sandstones should be tested, as they may be so heavily impregnated with various mineral substances as to make it desirable to case them out. In theMississippian limestone and the dolomites which extend thence downward to the shales of the Platteville limestone some water of fair quality should be had under good head; but the main supply is to be looked for in the St. Peter sandstone and the creviced dolomites and porous sandstones underlying it. Lohrville. — The town well of Lohrville (population, 674), 180 feet deep, furnishes a good supply of hard water. The water is pumped to a tank, from wliich it is distributed under gravity pressure of 35 pounds through one-fourth mile of mains to 20 taps and 5 fire hydrants. About 3,100 gallons is supplied daily to 100 persons. No log is available. Manson. — The public supply of Manson (population, 1,236) is obtained from a well 1,250 feet deep, put down in 1905 by J. F. McCarthy, of Minneapolis. (See PI. VI, p. 258.) The well is cased with 10-inch pipe to 290 feet, 8-inch pipe to 834 feet, and 6-inch pipe to 1,250 feet. The curb is 1,245 feet above sea level and water stands 25 feet below curb. The tested capacity, original and present, is 300 gallons a minute. Water comes from 1,250 feet (according to another report from 1,050 feet) and from other depths unrecorded. The temperature of the water is 56° F. The water is pumped through 3 miles of mains to 25 fire hydrants and 75 taps. Domestic pressure is 50 pounds and fire pressure 80 pounds. About 400 persons are sup- plied daily. The daily consumption is 30,0C0 gallons. The water is said to be soft. Driller's log of Manson city well (PI. VI, p. 258). Soil and yellow clay Clay, blue Gravel and water Clay, blue Shale or slate; some hard; some soft; some red. Sandstone Shale, red Granite-Uke rock. Thick- ness. Depth. Feet. Feet. 23 23 187 210 3 213 97 310 740 1,050 170 1,220 30 1,250 A citizen of the town asserts that no rock of any kind was struck until the drill reached a depth of 1,050 feet, when it entered porous sandrock, from which water flowed in immense volume. Another citizen who had much to do with the well attempts to support the theory that this sandstone is the St. Peter by stating that it was "as hard as flint and as white as snow, and ground up into fine dust or 832 UNDEEGROUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. powder." The driller states that he believes ''that it was the true quartz rounded white sand rock." Literally construed this log would revolutionize the current concep- tion of the deep geology of the region. Although but 18 miles dis- tant from Fort Dodge, Manson is reported to find a heavy sandstone 600 feet higher than the first sandstone at Fort Dodge — the St. Peter. The St. Peter undoubtedly rises from Fort Dodge toward Manson, but according to the average dip from Cherokee to Fort Dodge the St. Peter would not be encountered at Manson within 1,500 feet of the surface — 450 feet below the summit of the sandrock of the Manson well. If there are no local sharp deformations of the deep-ljdng strata in this region the aquifer at Manson is Silurian or Ordovician (Galena). Dolomites from these formations are not infrequently termed sand- rock, because of the sparkling crystalline sand to which they are crushed by the drill. The description of the Manson water bed as "a rock hard as fhnt" in no way fits the St. Peter, which is uniformly one of the softest of rocks, but seems to point to cherty layers that occur in both the Silurian and the Galena. As to the granite-like rock at the bottom of the well, it is improba- ble that any deformation exists in this area sufficient to bring the floor of crystalline rocks so near the surface. The sample of this gran- ite submitted for examination was a granitic pebble of glacial drift, about 3 inches in diameter. The Manson well, with its exceptionally large supply of water of unusual softness and high head and its exceedingly peculiar log, emphasizes the need and value of keepmg samples of the cuttings at frequent intervals as the well is drilled. There are few locahties where the lack of such information is more severely felt. If the weU should fail and repairs should prove ineffectual, a larger supply may be obtained by sinking the well deeper. Assuming an uninterrupted dip of the terranes from Cherokee to Fort Dodge, the St. Peter sandstone lies about 250 feet below the bottom of the drill hole. DrOhng not only to the St. Peter but also to the sandstones of the Prairie du Chien group and the Jordan sandstone should give an inexhaustible supply within 1,900 feet of the surface. Porneroy. — The public supply of Pomeroy (population, 815) is obtained from a well 149 feet deep, from which it is pumped by direct pressure (air) through 1^ miles of mains serving 40 taps and 20 fire hydrants. The domestic pressure is 40 pounds and fire pressure 60 pounds. About 300 persons use the city supply. The daily con- sumption is 9,000 gallons. The water is rather hard. The strata penetrated by this weU are indicated by the following log: CALHOUN COUNTY. Driller's log of Pomeroy town well. 833 SoIl,black Clay, yellow Clay, blue Sand (some water) Clay, blue Clay, yellow Clay, blue Sand and gravel (water) Rockwell City. — Rockwell City (population, 1,528) owns two deep wells — one 1,475 and the other 950 feet deep. The water is pumped to a standpipe, from which it is distributed under gravity pressure of 40 pounds domestic and 75 pounds fire through 2.6 miles of mains to 70 taps and 19 fire hydrants. The 950-foot well, which until lately supplied the town and two railways, is 12 inches to 6| inches in diameter and is cased with 10-inch pipe to 264 feet, 8f-inch pipe to 355 feet, and 6i-inch pipe to 490 feet. The water stands 200 feet or more below the curb and has been pumped at rate of 105 gallons a minute. The well was completed in 1904 by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. Driller's log for city deep well No. 1 at Rockwell City. Drift Shale and streaks of rock, caving Lime, hard, and shale, caving. . . Lime, hard Lime, shaly Lime, hard Shale, sandy, to bottom of well. . The deeper well was completed in 1910. The geologic section, so far as it can be made out from the samples saved, is as follows: Record of strata, city deep well No. 2, Rockwell City. Quaternary (161 feet thick; top, 1,223 feet above sea level): Soil Clay, yellow, sandy Till, blue Till, light yellow Carboniferous: Pennsylvanian (160 feet thick; top, 1,062 feet above sea level): Shale, dark drab Sandstone, white; grains very imperfectly rounded; calcareous cement; much pyrite Shale, blackish Shale, dark drab, pyritiferous Shale, light drab 36581°— WSP 293—12 53 Thick- ness. Depth. Feet. Feet. 2 2 20 22 133 155 6 161 90 251 3 254 50 304 5 309 12 321 834 UNDERGEOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Record of strata, city deep well No. 2, Rockwell City — Continued. Thick- ness. Depth. Carboniferous— Continued. Mississippian (499 feet thick; top, 902 feet above sea level): Dolomite, dark bufl, with finely disseminated white silica in granules; also dolomite, blue-gray, hard, compact, in larger chips Dolomite, dark, buff, coarse crystalline-granular Shale, light blue, calcareous but nonmagnesian, pyritiferous; also much bufl and drab dolomite, in chips Devonian and Silurian (160 feet thick; top, 403 feet above sea level): Limestone or dolomite; rather slow effervescence; light bufl, fine crystalline-granu- lar, in small chips Dolomite, light yellow-gray; in sand Dolomite, bufl; in small chips; crystalline granular Limestone, dark-blue gray; slow eflervescence; rather small argillaceous residue; some hard green shale and well-rounded grains of quart/,, at Ordovician (495 feet penetrated; top, 243 feet above sea level): Galena dolomite and Platteville limestone: Dolomite, brown, crystalline Dolomite, brown, fme-grained, compact Dolomite, light blue gray,saccharoidal, cherty Dolomite, light yellow, in fine crystalline sand Dolomite, buff, granular crystalline Dolomite, cream colored, iri fine sand Limestone, whitish, rapid effervescence Shale, greenish, fades of the Decorah shale St. Peter sandstone: Shale, sand, white, with much brown bituminous shale in drillings Feet. 615 600 820 893 900 50 1,030 10 1,140 50 1,190 75 1,265 30 1,295 43 1,338 75 1,413 59 1,472 Analyses of drillings from city deep well No. 2, Rockwell City.<^ CaCo3 MgCos SiOj FcjOs and AI2O3 H2O 56. 583 41. 189 .857 .877 .109 69. 608 21.416 6.987 1.893 57.742 32. 187 6.841 3.140 99. 615 99. 910 a Made in chemical laboratory of Cornell College, Iowa. 1, Stratum at depth of 515 to 600 feet; 2, stratum at depth of 1,190 to 1,202 feet; 3, stratum at depth of 1,265 to 1,295 feet. It had been estimated that the St. Peter sandstone would be found at 300 feet below sea level (1,525 feet below the surface). In May, 1910, the formation was reached at 1,472 feet below the surface. Somers. — The Chicago Great Western Railway track well at Somers (population, 169) has a depth of 1,483 feet and diameters of 12 inches to 152 feet, 10 inches to 200 feet, 8 inches to 339 feet, and 6 inches to bottom; casing to 660 feet. The curb is 1,157 feet above sea level, and the head 60 feet below the curb. The capacity is 100 gallons a minute, the water coming from 1,000 to 1,200 feet (small amount) and from 1,470 feet (main flow). The well was completed in 1904 by C. A. Stickney, of St. Paul. Two sets of samples of the drillings have been examined, one having been sent to the United States Geological Survey at Washington and one directly to the senior writer by a contractor. The two are confhcting and several of the labels are evidently incorrect. CALHOUN COUNTY. 835 Record of strata in railway well at Somers. Till (U. S. Geol. Survey sample): Limestone, yellow; slow effervescence; hard, dark drab, calcareous and siliceous in feet. shale, all in fine sand 60 Limestone, gray; slow effervescence 70 Till, blue (U. S. Geol. Survey) 76 Till, blue (U. S. Geol. Survey): Limestone, light buff; slow effervescence; much white chert 106 Shale, dark, carbonaceous (U. S. Geol. Survey); limestone, crystalline, light yellow gray, hard; slow effervescence.. 155 Shale, blue (U. S. Geol. Survey) ; limestone, light buff, hard ; slow effervescence 210 Shale, dark drab, carbonaceous (U. S. Geol. Survey); shale, blue, noncalcareous, pyritiferous, minutely arenaceous. . . 220 Dolomite, buff, porous, crystalline, in sand at 508, 520, and. 566 Limestone, gray, cherty; slow effervescence 680-689 Dolomite, crystalline; gray; much white and gray chert and some rather fine rounded grains of quartz sand 1, 315 Dolomite, buff; much white chert 1, 320 Dolomite, drab and white; a few grains of quartz sand 1, 335 Dolomite, buff; with white chert 1, 340 Dolomite, light yellow gray (U. S. Geol. Survey) ; shale, dark drab, black when wet, apparently from coal measures and evidently misplaced 1, 345 Dolomite, white, crystalline ; in fine sand 1, 350 Dolomite, buff ., , 1, 355 Dolomite, white and gray; 1,360 and 1, 365 Dolomite, light gray; with white shale 1, 370 Dolomite, light yellow 1, 375 Dolomite, gray (U. S. Geol. Survey); limestone, light yel- low, rapid effervescence, compact, earthy luster; some lithographic with conchoidal fracture, probably mis- placed 1, 380 Dolomite, light yellow, crystalline 1, 385 Dolomite, Ught gray (U. S. Geol. Survey); drab till, evi- dently misplaced 1, 390 Marl, light pinkish yellow; large residue of cryptocrystalline and crystalline quartz particles 1, 395 Dolomite, buff; cherty, at 1,400, 1,410, and 1, 415 Dolomite, light and dark gray 1, 420 Marl; as at 1,395 feet 1,425 Dolomite, white, gray, and buff; some chert; 6 samples 1, 430-1, 470 It may be added that the driller who had charge from 660 feet to the completion of the well reports that for this distance the drill appeared to be working in one solid mass of hard "limerock." The dolomites from 1,315 to 1,470 feet evidently belong to the Galena. (See Fort Dodge section, np. 759-760.) 836 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. WELL DATA. The wells listed in the following table may be considered typical for the county: Typical wells of Calhoun County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). Feet. Feet. Feet. Frank Casey . . . 4 miles southwest of Mauson. 162 Sand 20 Bored well, 12 inch. Black soil, 3; yellow clay, 22; sand (some water), 6; blue clay, 129; sand and water, 2; no rock. G. Haney 2 miles north of Rock- 12.5 ...do •- 40 Bored well, 22 inch. Black well City. soil, 3; yellow clay, 15; blue clay, 106; sand and much water, 1; no rock. Sam Ness 3 miles northeast of Somers. 300 230 Sandstone 90 Black soil, 4; yellow clay, 20; blue clay, 106; gravel (no water), 5; blue clay, 93; sand, 2; sandstone (water at bottom), 70. Henry Arnold. . 2i miles east of Man- son. 196 Sand and gravel. 60 Black soil, 3; yellow clay, 17; blue clay, 60; sand (no water), 3; blue clay, 107; sand and gravel and water, 6; no rock. Charles Dun- 14 miles south of Man- 223 Gravel 20 Black soil, 3; yellow clay, 15; nonn. son. blue clay, 60; yellow clay, 25; blue clay, 65; clay (harder), 50; "hardpan"— hard clay, 1; gravel (water), 4; no rock. J D Hunt \ mile east of Manson. . 4 mile south of JoUey . . 198 17 Water in rock (?) at base. Moody& Davey 145 129 Shale (?).. 22 R. S. Middle- 2 miles south of Lohr- 53 Gravel 15 No rock. ton. ville. George Linvil- linger. 5 miles east-northeast 209 . do 100 Black soil, 3; yellow clay, 10; blue clav, 62; sand and of Lake City. gravel (Hry), 75; yellow clav, 4; sand and gravel (dry), 46; sand and gravel and water, 9; no rock. - -■ AVork- 3' miles south-south- east of Lake City. 126 do. . 60 No rock. man. CARROLL COUNTY. By W. J. Miller and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. Carroll County comprises two topographic provinces, separated by a line extending from the northwest to the southeast corner. The line of separation is, however, not sharp. The southwestern area is made up of low rounded hills and intervening valleys like those in Crawford County lying to the west, and it is crossed by the high land of the Iowa divide. It is cut by many small streams, of which Brushy Creek, on the east side, is the largest. The northeastern area is primarily a flat country, poorly drained except in the vicinity of the main waterways and showing only very broad, gentle undula- tions; North Raccoon River crosses its northeastern corner and Middle Raccoon River flows along its western border. Branching streams are few. CARROLL COUNTY. 837 GEOLOGY. The loess covers half of the county, but thins eastward. In the southwestern half of the county it rests everywhere on Kansan drift. Wisconsin drift extends over all of the northeastern half and causes the level land of that region. The Kansan drift, under the loess or under the Wisconsin, is spread over the whole county. The drift is exceed- ingly thick in the western part along the Iowa divide and gradually becomes thinner toward the east. Rocks of Cretaceous age, lying flat or dipping very gently eastward, everywhere underlie the Kansan drift. (See PI. XI, p. 382.) \ UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. At least three well-defined water horizons are found in the drift deposits of Carroll County — one in sand or gravel just below the loess at depths ranging from 10 to 50 feet below the ground surface; one in sand and gravel beneath the Wisconsin drift at depths ranging from 70 to 150 feet; and the third in sand or gravel just below the blue clay of the Kansan at depths ranging from 150 feet to 400 feet. The beds at the last-named horizon are the most widespread, per- sistent, and satisfactory, almost everywhere yielding water in large supplies, unaffected by seasons. The greatest depths to water are found in the western part of the county along the Iowa divide, where the drift is deepest. In some wells water has been struck in sandy layers within the blue clays of either the Wisconsin or the Kansan drift. Little is known regarding the sources of water in the rock forma- tions underlying the drift, but a few wells have been drilled through the thin Cretaceous beds, and derive their water from the upper coal measures (Missouri group). In the loess-covered southwestern half of the county many dug wells obtain water from the sands and gravels below the loess and below the blue clay of the Kansan. In the northeastern half of the county, where Wisconsin drift overlies the Kansan, many drilled wells obtain water at the base of the Wisconsin and at the base of the Kansan. In the northeastern area, especially toward the east side of the county from Lanesboro southward to Coon Rapids, the drift deposits, like the gi'ound surface, slope gradually downward from the Iowa divide, and low ground along the stream courses affords conditions favorable for flowing weUs. A number of such wells are found along North Raccoon River or Middle Raccoon River and its tributaries and on low land near them, where the head of water is great enough to cause overflow. The gathering ground for this water is probably 838 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. on the higher land farther west. The water in most of these wells is thought to come from gravel under the blue clay of the Wisconsin at depths ranging from 25 to 130 feet according to location. Along Willow Creek, in the extreme southeastern part of the county, flow- ing wells are easily obtained at depths ranging from 25 to 40 feet. SPRINGS. In the eastern part of the county along the principal stream bot- toms, such as North Raccoon River and Middle Raccoon River, are many small springs, most of them from the Wisconsin drift. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Carroll. — Carroll (population 3,546) is supphed from tliree wells 113, 116, and 120 feet deep. The water is pumped to a standpipe, whence it is deUvered by gravity through 4^ miles of mains to 38 fire hydrants and 300 taps. Three thousand people use 150,000 gallons daily. The domestic pressure is 85 pounds and the fire pressure 100 pounds. The drilling of a deep well at CarroU (elevation, 1,251 feet) is not discouraged, but it should be definitely understood that the quantity and quality of the water in the deeper rocks are not certain. Some water will be found in the drift, in the sandstone interbedded with the heavy shales of the Cretaceous and the Pennsylvanian, and in the underlying Mississippian limestones. Water should also occur in the dolomites (Galena), hundreds of feet thick, that intervene between the Mississippian and the Decorah shale. If the general attitude of the deep strata assumed for western Iowa prevails here, and there is no local deformation, the St. Peter sandstone lies about 400 feet below sea level, or 1,650 feet beneath the surface. For a town the size of CarroU a well should be sunk through the St. Peter and the underlying creviced dolomites and porous sand- stones, which as a rule yield far more generously. When the drill reaches any considerable thickness of glauconiferous shales or marls, driUing should be stopped. The water may be expected to belong to the sodic sulphated class. If the upper waters from the Creta- ceous and Carboniferous are admitted to the well the water wiU probably be distinctly more highly mineralized. Minor supplies. — Small village supplies are summarized in the table following: CAEEOLL COUNTY. Minor supplies in Carroll County. 839 Pressure. a 1 ft 6, S Town. Nature of supply. Pumping system. Distribution. 6 i i 1 03 03 3 a o i2 O o >> 03 Q s a h H Ph fi Pounds. Pounds. Miles. Galls. Coon Rapids. WeU 90 feet deep. Steam pum p, do uble acting. Gravity from tank. 40 (?) 1 15 40 350 12,000 Glidden 2 weUs 122 and 132 feet deep. Ga s line e n g ine and deep well Direct (air) pressure.!! 20-70 70 n 12 140 700 30,000- 40,000 Itlanning 17 driven wells with sand points. 6 Steam pump, d uble action. Gravity from tank. 60-80 80+ 1.1 18 161 1,200 30,000 a One tank in reserve for fire. b One well dug for fire only. WELL DATA. The foUowing table gives data of typical wells in Carroll County: Typical wells of Carroll County. Owner. Location. a o a; Source of supply. 11 0)0 M Remarks (logs given in feet). J. Shrower Town 2 miles east of Ar- cadia. Glidden Feet. 400 122 175 426 316 435 400 400+ 158 70 248 238 250 Feet. 360 175 (?) Sandstone Sand Feet. - 75 - 76 - 80 Drift, 360; sandstone, 40. Soil and yellow clay, 40; Mrs. C. J. Brown. 0. C. Dutton 7 miles southeast of GUdden. 5 miles south, 2 miles east of GUdden. 5J miles north, 2 miles west of Glidden. 1 mile northwest of Carroll. 5 miles northeast of Arcadia. 6 miles south of Arcadia. Carroll Gravel and sand. blue clay, 50; sand, 32; no rock. 20 -foot bed water-bearing sand at bottom. Gaso- line engine pumps 90 gallons a minute. No rock. Unsuccessful well. Black Chas. Stuteman . Gravel - 4 -100 soil, yellow clay, blue clay, gravel (no water), 175; sandstone, 25; shale (hard and black) and sandstone layers, 218; coal, 8. Flows through pipe out of M. J. Hieres W. Anderson H. Ekiers Sand and gravel. Sandstone or ce- mented sand. Sandstone side well. No rock. 8-foot sand bed at bottom. No rock. Sandstone or consolidated Chicago & North Western Ry. Mr.KeUy Y. Moore Sand sand. Steam pump for railway. 3 miles south of Lanesboro. 2 miles northeast of Lidderdale. 1 mile west of Lid- derdale. Coon Rapids Gravel No rock. Flows at elevation of sev- Gravel and sand. Sand - 40 - 40 -190± eral feet. Yellow clay and pebbles, gravel, 20, blue clay, 35; sand, grav- el (water), 15; no rock. No rock. Mr. Ameal Do. G.W. Stout Sand or sand- stone. Do. 840 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. CHEROKEE COUNTY. By O. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. Cherokee County occupies a gently undulating upland plain, most of which is more than 1,300 feet above sea level and a part more than 1,400 feet. Intrenched in this upland is the valley of Little Sioux River, whose flood plain throughout most of its course is less than 1,200 feet above the sea. The upland surface is covered by a thick layer of glacial drift, whose upper portion is somewhat yellowish and gravelly, but whose deeper portions consist chiefly of a denser and darker bowlder clay. In the valleys water-laid deposits of gravel, sand, and clay are found at the surface. Below the glacial drift is a stratified series of soft blue shale and poorly cemented sandstone, supposed to be Cretaceous in age, and below this are older sedimentary formations. (See Pis. VI, p, 258; XVII.) The Cretaceous strata have apparently been entered by the driU in a number of weUs, and the underlying older formations have been deeply penetrated at the hospital for the insane at Cherokee, in a weU sunk from the upland level to a depth of 1,070 feet. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The water supplies are derived from the alluvial sand and gravel, glacial drift, Cretaceous sandstones, and pre-Cretaceous sandstone (deep well at the hospital for the insane). The alluvial sands and gravels are practically restricted to the valley of the Little Sioux, where they yield copious quantities of water, which is of excellent quality where the wells are protected from pollution. The clay and gravel that constitute the upper layers of glacial drift are tapped by several thousand shallow wells and furnish nearly all of the water used for culinary, stock, or other purposes on the extensive upland tracts. The abundance and permanence of the supply from this source vary with different localities according to the amount of gravelly material and the depth at which it is found and also accord- ing to the topographic relations that determine the ease with which the water may be drained from these porous beds. Where conditions are favorable the supply is ample at all seasons, but where they are adverse serious difficulty is experienced durmg dry years. The wells are generally sunk in low places, the conditions being so local that radical differences are found in different parts of the same farm. The water is hard, but is otherwise generally of good quality. CHEROKEE COUNTY. 841 A small number of drilled wells end in sand and gravel at or near the base of the drift, and most of these wells are giving satisfactory service. In some localities, however, water-bearing deposits have not been found in the deeper portions of the drift. Only a few wells extend to the Cretaceous. Some of these are successful, but in others there is difficulty in separating the water from the fine incoherent sand. The water from this source rises to about 1,200 feet above sea level. Thus on the uplands it remains 200 feet, more or less, below the surface, but in the Little Sioux Valley in some places it overflows. It should not be supposed that because flows are obtained in the vaUey they can also be obtained by deep drilling on higher ground. HEAD. The following table gives approximate data as to the head of the water in some of the deepest wells in the county: Table showing head ofiuater in Cherokee County. Description. Altitude of surface above sea level. Depth. Height to which the water rises. Above or below surface. Above sea level. Aurelia village well Group of farm weUs near Aurelia Thi-ee Cherokee city wells Two hospital wells at Cherokee Group of wells between Cherokee and Quimby Feet. 1,387 1,390± 1,180 1,350± 1,190-1,200 Feet. 301 300-375 165-200 343 100 Feet. -190 -190± +0 -150 +0tO-10 Feet. 1,197 1,200± 1,180 1,200± 1,190 CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Aurelia. — The well which furnishes the public supply of Aurelia (population, 625) is 301 feet deep and ends in sand from which water rises within 190 feet of the surface, or very nearly 1,200 feet above the sea. It has been tested at 50 gallons a minute. The water is lifted fi'om the well into a cistern from which it is pumped into two air-tight tanks and thence distributed by air pressure through more than a mile of mains to 14 fire hydrants and 23 taps. A small portion of the people use the water, and it is reported that about 6,000 gallons are consumed daily. Cherokee. — About half of the people of Cherokee (population, 4,884) are supplied from the city waterworks and the other half from private wells, most of which are shallow. The public supply is obtained from three flowing wells 165 to 200 feet deep, situated in the valley and apparently ending in sandy Cretaceous strata. The artesian head is about 1,180 feet above sea level. The water is allowed to discharge 842 UNDEEGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. into an underground reservoir from which it is pumped into a stand- pipe and distributed through the mains by gravity. There are 40 fire hydrants and approximately 400 taps and it is estimated that 115,000 gallons of water are consumed daily. At some date preceding 1890 a deep well was drilled at Cherokee m the center of the town. The following record is given by Todd:^ Old city well at Cherokee. Pleistocene and unknown Limestone, light blue Shale, blue, orsoapstone. Well No. 1 of the State Hospital for the Insane has a depth of 1,070 feet. The curb is 1,338 feet above sea level and the head 150 feet below curb. The tested capacity is 60 gallons a minute. Water was found at 240, 435, 470, and 725 feet (rising within 180 feet of the curb), and from 1,012 feet to the bottom (rising within 150 feet of the curb). Dateof completion, 1902. Driller's log of State Hospital well No. 1, at Cherokee. Loam, black Clay, light yellow Clay, dark yellow Clay, blue-gray; gravel : Clay, light blue; gravel Clay, dark blue Clay, blue-gray; gravel Clay, dark blue Quicksand Gravel Quicksand Clay, gray-blue Clay, pink and blue Clay, blue-gray Clay, dark blue Sandrock '. Slate Slate, pink Gravel Slate, gray Slate, pink and red Limestone, gray Slate, gray Limestone Slate, light Limestone Sandrock Slate Sandrock Limestone, crevice of 10 feet at 735 feet Slate Sandrock Shale, soft, criunbling. Thick- ness. Depth. Feet. Feet. 4 4 36 40 20 60 20 80 40 120 10 130 30 160 80 240 15 255 5 260 10 270 10 280 10 290 50 340 15 355 20 375 10 385 15 400 5 405 5 410 20 430 20 450 20 470 10 480 10 490 15 505 6 510 15 525 10 535 430 965 50 1,015 55 1,070 ' Todd, J. E., Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., vol. 1, pt. 2, 1892, p. 14. CHEROKEE COUNTY. 843 Record of strata in State Hospital well No. 1, at Cherokee (PI. VI, p. 258; PI. XVII, p. 824). Quaternary (160 feet thick; top, 1,338 feet above sea level): Soil Clay, pale yellow, calcareous; with sand and small pebbles; a till, 2 samples Clay; as above, with flakes of drab siltlike clay, the dark color disappearing before blowpipe Till, yellow; sightly darker than at 10 feet; calcareous Till; as at 30 feet Till, greenish drab, calcareous Till, blue Till, drab Clay, fine, yellow drab, dense; nodules of lime; limestone pebbles numerous; drillings eontaia pebbles of northern drift, and soft, lignitic coal; 3 samples , Clay, drab, dense; reddens before blowpipe; destitute of pebbles; calcareous, gritty. . Clay; as at 90 feet Cretaceous (275 feet thick; top, 1,178 feet above sea level): Shale, dark drab, gritty; few if any pebbles present; very sightly calcareous; in tough cemented masses; 8 samples Sandstone, fine, green-gray Sandstone, coarse, yellow Sandstone, fine, yellow Sandstone, light gray, fine, argillaceous , Shale, light gray, noncalcareous, gritty Shale, drab; in molded masses with no cuttings of fissile shale; gritty, practically noncalcareous; less argillaceous than Maquoketa and Pennsylvanian shales; 10 samples Sandstone, light gray, fuie; grains but slightly rounded; mostly of clear quartz; 4 samples Sandstone; as above, somewhat argillaceous Shale, white, highly arenaceous; grains minute; noncalcareous Shale, ocher-yellow; as above Shale; as at 380 feet Sandstone, yellow, coarse, argillaceous Shale ; as at 380 feet Sandstone, fine, brown Shale, pink, noncalcareous 1 Shale, yellow gray Carboniferous (Mississippian) (220 feet thick; top, 903 feet above sea level): Chert, white Limestone, dark and light drab; granular-crystalline, rather soft; rapid efferves- cence; in flaky chips Limestone, gray, argillaceous; minute fragments in the midst of powder; large quartzose residue with some chert Shale, blue, calcareous Limestone, dark drab, hard, crystalline; moderately slow effervescence Limestone, earthy; light yellow-gray; rapid effervescence; In large flakes Sandstone; grains irregular in form, varying widely in size, mostly of clear quartz, but some of reddish cryptocrystaUine silica; considerable shale Limestone, light gray, nonmagnesian, fine-grained; much sand and shale; 3 sam- ples Sandstone, grains subangular Limestone, Tight yellow and drab; nonmagnesian Sandstone, gray; grains irregular, mostly of clear quartz, but some green and red. Shale and limestone; large fragments of green shale; small chips of limestone with quartz sand Sandstone, gray; as at 610 feet Chert, white, and some light-gray nonmagnesian limestone Limestone, lightgray; brisk effervescence; soft; with considerable chert; 3samples Limestone, light gray; moderately effervescent Limestone, dark drab , argillaceous, soft; in large flakes; brisk effervescence; cherty Limestone, dark brovm, cherty Limestone, dark brown; moderate effervescence; some chert Limestone, gray, cherty; moderate effervescence Limestone and chert; drillings largely quartz sand, probably from above Limestone, drab; effervescence slow; cherty Limestone, blue gray, highly argillaceous Limestone, brisk effervescence; granular drillings consist largely of fine quartz sand Ordovician: Galena and Platteville limestones (360 feet thick; top , 683 feet above sea level) : Limestone, magnesian; in fine powder; 4 samples Dolomite, blue-gray; some chert in places; 64 samples Dolomite and shale Shale, blue; 9 samples St. Peter sandstone (55 feet thick; top, 323 feet above sea level) : Sandstone, white; 6 samples Sandstone; no samples Prairie du Chien group: Shale (Shakopee), soft; no samples. Feet. 20 375 5 380 10 390 5 395 5 400 5 405 10 415 10 425 5 430 5 435 Feet. 10 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 120 130 160 240 255 260 270 280 290 440 10 460 10 470 5 475 5 480 5 485 15 500 5 505 6 510 5 515 10 525 10 535 5 540 15 555 10 565 10 575 10 585 10 595 5 600 10 610 15 625 6 630 25 655 20 675 2S.5 960 5 965 50 1,015 20 1,035 35 1,070 844 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. Analysis oj drilling at 165 feet} CaCOs 50. 29 MgCOs '41.47 SiOo 4.92 FeaOa 89 AI2O3 67 H2O 2.68 100. 92 Well No. 2, at the State Hospital for the Insane, located 80 feet from well No. 1, has a depth of 343 feet and a diameter of 12 inches; 12-inch casing to 335.5 feet. Water enters between 330 feet and the bottom. The maximum daily yield is reported to be 125,000 gallons. The well was drilled a few months after the completion of well No. 1. Its water is said to be much the better, but it contains sediment which varies considerably in quality from time to time. For weeks together the water will remain so clear that it can be used in the pipes and flush tanks of the institution without trouble and for all domestic purposes; it may then suddenly become so filled with silt as to wear the pump leathers and deposit sediment in the flush tanks, and a week or two of pumping may be required to clear it. Marcus. — The public supply of Marcus (population, 896) is derived from two dug wells, each 10 feet in diameter and 20 feet deep; they seem to furnish an adequate and dependable supply. The waterworks include IJ miles of mains, with which are connected 16 fire hydrants and 67 taps. It is estimated that the water is used by approximately one-third of the population, CLAY COUNTY. By O. E. Meinzer. TOPOGRAPHY. Clay County is bordered on the east by a belt of high land charac- terized by irregular morainic topography, with numerous lakes, ponds, swamps, and sloughs. Farther west the surface is more gently undu- lating and somewhat better drained. Little Sioux River flows irregularly southward through the central part of the county; after crossing the southern boundary it turns northwestward, reenters the county, and cuts across the southwest corner. Its valley is wide and shallow in the north, but becomes deeper and narrower downstream. The highest parts of the county are along the east and west mar- gins, where the general altitude is between 1,400 and 1,500 feet above sea level; the lowest point is where the Little Sioux crosses the west boundary, below the village of Peterson, at an altitude of scarcely more than 1,200 feet. 1 Made in chemical laboratory of Cornell College, Mount Vemon, Iowa. CLAY COUNTY. 845 GEOLOGY. The surface deposits of Clay County comprise outwash materials and bowlder clay. The outwash materials consist of stratified gravel and other sediments. They occur along Little Sioux River and are well developed in the vicinity of Spencer. The bowlder clay, which has an average thickness of several hundred feet, is yellow and grav- elly near the surface but denser and darker at greater depths. Inter- bedded with it are a few lenses of sand and gravel. Beneath the bowlder clay there is a stratified series of soft shales, limestones, and sandstones of probable Cretaceous age. The following is the driller's log of the deep well of D. C. Wliite: Section of deep ivell of D . C. White at Webb. Depth. Clay, yellow, etc Clay, blue Sand Clay, blue Clay, yellow Clay, dark blue Clay, light blue, and sand. Quicksand and gravel Limestone and sandstone, Soapstone. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The horizons from which water is taken may be grouped as outwash sands and gravels, surficial portions of the glacial drift, sand and gravel deposits in the deeper portions of the drift, and Cretaceous sand strata. In the valley of Little Sioux River, and also in a rather extensive low-lying area associated with Little Sioux and Ocheyedan rivers east of Spencer, the outwash deposits furnish an abundant and permanent water supply to very shallow driven wells. Elsewhere most of the supply is obtained from shallow wells bored or dug into the upper part of the unstratified glacial drift, from which they receive seepage. The drilled wells, which constitute a very small percentage of the total number, are supplied from deeper horizons that probably belong to the drift, although the sections of only a few wells were obtained. In depth they range from less than 100 feet to at least 550 feet. In the Little Sioux Valley, especially in the lower portion, the water in these wells rises nearly to the surface, but on the uplands it remains at considerable depths. Thus in the village well at Peterson, situated 846 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. in the valley, the water comes within 30 feet of the surface, whereas in the deep well of D. C. White at Webb it stands 180 feet below the surface, though m both wells it rises to approximately the same level, about 1,200 feet above the sea. The deepest water-bearing formations have not been reached by the drill, but successful deep wells have been sunk at Emmetsburg and Mallard, about 12 miles east of the east boundary. (See pp. 873- 874.) In Clay County the head of the water from these deep forma- tions would probably not be higher than in the deepest wells already drilled. At Spencer the surface elevation is 1,315 feet above sea level and the deep water would probably not rise higher than 1,200 feet. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Peterson. — The village well at Peterson (population, 480) is 90 feet deep, the last 20 feet being in sand and gravel. It is pumped at 20 gal- lons a minute and is giving satisfactory service. The water is lifted into a surface reservoir on the top of the valley cliff and thence distributed by gravity. There is a small system of mains with 5 fire hydrants and 20 taps. The average daily consumption probably does not exceed 1,500 gallons. Spencer. — The public supply of Spencer (population, 3,005) is obtained from three 16-foot wells, one 40 feet, one 16 feet, and one 8 feet in diameter, dug in outwash sand and gravel. The wells will fill within 5 feet of the top and furnish 1,000 gallons of water a minute. The water is pumped to an elevated tank and distributed through 4^ miles of mains to 21 fire hydrants and about 200 taps. Approxi- mately 1,000 people are supplied, and 100,000 gallons is consumed daily. CRAWFORD COUNTY. By W. J. Miller. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. Crawford County lies just west of the Iowa divide and its prin- cipal drainage slope is toward the southwest. The surface is made up of low rounded hills, the roUing contours being somewhat more pronounced in the western portion than in the eastern. The region is thoroughly dissected by many branching streams, the largest of which, Bo3^er River, flows across the county from northeast to south- west. Soldier River and its branches flow across the northwestern part. Both the loess and the Kansan drift are well represented, the combined thickness on the Iowa divide being 450 to 550 feet, much above the average for the State. Both the loess and the Kansan are spread over the entire county. Over much of the county the CKAWFOED COUNTY. 847 Kansan drift rests on rocks of Cretaceous age, chiefly sandstones. In places, however, heavy limestones, probably of Missouri age, immediately underlie the glacial deposits. Except for variations in the thickness, the drift deposits are horizontal. The Cretaceous rocks probably dip slightly to the west ; the older rocks lie nearly flat or dip slightly to the east. (See PI. XI, p. 382.) UNDERGROUND WATER. SOUECE. The water supply of Crawford County is largely obtained from shallow dug weUs and the supply in general is not altogether satis- factory, because many of the wells are affected by the seasons and fail altogether in times of extreme drought. There are two important water horizons in the drift deposits. One is found in sand or gravel just below the loess and is reached by weUs that range in depth from a few feet to 75 feet, depending on the thick- ness of the loess; this is the so-called "first water" level. The second horizon is found in sand or gravel just below the blue clay of the Kansan drift. Though much more satisfactory than the first com- paratively few wells extend to it, as it lies 140 to 500 feet below the surface, the greater depth being in the eastern portion of the county. Wherever tapped, however, it yields a never-failing supply. A few wells obtain a good water supply from local layers of sand or gravel within the blue clay, but as a rule these layers are either dry or yield little water, and in some of them the water is so heavily charged with decomposing organic matter as to give off a disagreeable odor. A few wells have passed through drift deposits into the underly- ing Cretaceous sandstones or limestones of the Missouri group. Most of the deeper rock wells are in the eastern part of the county. SPRINGS. Springs are not common in this county. Small springs or seepages from the drift are found along the chief stream courses. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Denison. — Denison (population, 3,133) draws its supply from two wells 25 feet deep, which it pumps by steam, delivering the water by gravity from a standpipe with a pressure of 45 to 90 pounds. There are 6^ miles of mains, 42 fire hydrants, and 600 taps. Three thousand people use the water, consuming 98,000 gallons daily. The supply is apt to run short in dry weather. 848 UNDEKGEOUFD WATEK KESOUKCES OF IOWA. According to Norton, any deep well forecast for Denison must be based on the supposed general succession of formations deeply buried below the surface and pierced by no wells witliin scores of miles. Whether the St. Peter sandstone extends this far west is uncertain though probable. The drill may be expected to pass first through heavy Pleistocene deposits of stony clays and sand and gravel beds and through heavy Cretaceous and Pennsylvanian shales with some sandstones; below these beds it will find Mississippian limestones, probably in part cherty. These limestones may be expected to rest on dolomites of uncertain age, accompanied by much argillaceous limestone and considerable shale. It is quite possible that the shale of the PlattevUle will be found to rest directly on the arenaceous dolomites of the Prairie du Chien group at about 200 feet below sea level; or the latter may be absent and the Ordovician sandstones may not be found higher than about 1,350 feet from the surface. From a level about 1,350 feet below the surface the drill will very probably pass through several hundred feet of sandy dolomites and sandstones which carry water; and a well 1,500 or 2,000 feet in depth is not Hkely to fail of moderate success. Water will not flow from these deep formations but should rise within pumping distance. Minor supplies. — The following table summarizes minor village supplies : Minor supplies. Nature of sup- piy- Pumping sys- tem. Distribution. Pressure. 1 3 i2 03 .2 % ft 3 i o ft a ■ o a '3 City or town. S o O .§ f^ Remarks. Well 40 feet deep. 10 driven wells and 1 dug well (22 feet deep). Dug well 2 wells 64 and 68 feet deep. Dug well 30 feet deep. 8 driven wells and 2 dug wells 30 feet deep. Gasoline engine. Steam pump, duplex. Gasoline engine. Steam pump, compound. Gasoline engine. Gasoline engine and windmill. Gravity from reservoir on high hill. Gravity from tank. Direct air pressure. Gravity from tank. Direct air pressure. Gravity from tank. Lbs. 100 50-60 Lbs. 100 90 2 2 1 1.7 (?) (?) Galls. Good sup- ply- Good sup- ply- Plant re- Charter Oak. Dow City.. Manilla Schleswig.. Vail 800 25-40 70 65 100 26 8 22 65 40 30 300 150 200 9,000 18,000 8,000- 10,000 cently in- stalled. Good sup- ply. Shortage in dry weather. Good sup- ply- DICKINSON COUNTY. 849 WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Crawford County : Typical wells of Crawford County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). G. Sehelon H. Planggie 6 miles south of Charter Oak. 3 miles west of Charter Oak. 5 miles west of Dow City. li miles north- west of Dun- lap. Dow City 6 miles north of West Side. Denison . Feet. 104 104 325 264 Feet. Feet. Gravel ...do Feet. - 46 - 72 -265 -224 Dug well. No rock. No rock. Charles Reynolds. Mr. Dunham Sand Sand and gravel. Abandoned on account of quick- sand. Yellow loam (water toward bottom), 45; bluish- black clay (bad odor),. 50; blue clay, 216; "hard pan," 4; sand (water), 10; no rock. No rock. W.Butterworth.. McCaffrey Bros. Henry Munt Jonathan Miller. . 82 662 180 492 "'356' 460 Sand Sandstone. Sand - 76 -365 Do. Yellow loam and blue clay, 35; sand and blue clay, 45: sand- stone, limestone,' sandstone (water), 312. Unused on account of lack of 7 miles north- east of Deni- son (E. A SW. i sec. 16, Mil- ford Town- ship). 3^ miles east of Denison. 4a miles south- east of Vail. 6 miles north- west of Deni- water. No rock. Loess, 20; till, bowldery, 55; blue clay, bowldery, 385; limestone, blue-gray, 30. - D.C. Franklin... J. Barnhoff George Span 404 572 85 380 552 Sandstone. ...do Sand 30+ -360 - 35 Sandstone at 380 feet. Loess, 20; clay, blue and yel- low, pebbly, 80; clay, blue, 100; "potter's clay," 350; sandstone, gray, 22i. Water has bad odor. Auger was lifted by water. No rock. Town of Manilla. . 68 515 393 Gravel and sand. ...do - 12 -260 -323 Pumped by steam. No rock. Yellow clay, 75; sand (water), 2; Clayton Baker. . . 4 miles north of Manilla. 1 mile east of Schleswig. Henry Naeve Sand, blue clay and pebbles, 408; "hardpan," 20; sand and gravel (water), 10. One of the deepest drift wells in Iowa. No rock. No rock. DICKINSON COUNTY. By O. E. Meinzer. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. Dickinson County is wholly drift-covered. Its topography ranges from gently undulating in some locahties to irregularly morainic in others. The surface is imperfectly drained, and the county contains several large lakes, such as Spirit, Okoboji, and Silver lakes, besides innumerable smaller lakes, ponds, and swamps. According to rail- way surveys the altitude is 1,469 feet above sea level at Lake Park, 1,413 feet at Spu-it Lake, 1,441 feet at Milford, and 1,417 feet at Terrill. 36581°— wsp 293—12 54 850 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. The glacial drift is so thick in this region that the drill has very seldom reached the soft blue shale and white sand of the Cretaceous, upon which the drift is supposed to rest in all parts of the county. In the following approximate section of the deep well drilled for the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway at Lake Park the drift probably extends to the depth of 250 feet : Section of deep railway well at Lake Park. Thick- I r,^-r^+i, it ness. I ^SP*"!- 1 Soil, yellow clay, blue clay, black and yellow clay. Shale, clay, sand, etc Feet. Feet. 250 250 £54 804 UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The outwash deposits have small distribution but exist to some depth in the valley of the Little Sioux, where they are filled with excellent water that is recovered chiefly by means of driven wells. On account of the lack of drainage the upper part of the drift is usually saturated nearly or quite to the surface, and hence most of the wells are very shallow. At some distance below the surface the bowlder clay is compact and impervious, but at certain horizons it includes sand and gravel that are charged with water under pressure. The wells that extend to these artesian aquifers have a much more copious and reUable supply than the shallow seepage wells. In the deepest wells, especially in those which penetrate the strati- fied formations below the drift, the artesian pressure is not sufficient to raise the water near the surface, and the pumping lift is therefore much greater than in the shallow seepage wells or in the wells that stop in deposits of sand and gravel at depths of 100 to 200 feet. At no point in the county are there prospects of obtaining flows by deep drilling, the water from deep sources probably everywhere remaining far below the surface. Conditions in wells in surrounding counties make it improbable that water will rise higher than 1,200 feet above sea level, which would be between 200 and 300 feet below the surface in most localities. In the deep well at Lake Park, the section of which is given above, the water is reported to stand about 300 feet below the top of the well, or about 1,170 feet above sea level. This well is unsatisfactory because the head is low, the water is highly mineralized, and fine sand enters the well and impairs the pump. The water is not used in locomotives. EMMET COU]N'TY. 851 CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Lake Park. — The waterworks in Lake Park (population, 552) consist of an air-pressure system with about half a mile of mains, 9 fire hydrants, and 8 taps. The two wells upon which the system depends are both unsatisfactory. One is 6 feet in diameter and 50 'feet deep and has a yield which varies greatly with the season but is always smaU. The other is a 6-inch drilled well that ends at 98 feet in fuie sand which tends to clog the screen and thus shut out the water. At the time the plant was visited the maximum combined yield of the two wells was very small. Spirit Lake. — The city well at Spirit Lake (population, 1,162) ends at about 100 feet in a bed of fine sand from which the water rises within 50 feet of the surface. This well furnishes the entire public supply, but when pumped at 300 gallons a minute it soon shows signs of exhaustion. The water is lifted into a surface reservoir from which it is forced by direct pressure through 1| miles of mains. There are 15 fire hydrants. A considerable portion of the people are supplied from this source. Spirit Lake is 1,413 feet above sea level. According to Norton, after passing through the thickened drift of the moraine on which the town is situated, the drill will encounter shales and then enter sandstones of the Cretaceous, from which a large supply of water may be drawn. Should it be thought advisable to sink the well deeper dolomitic Umestones will next be encountered, and at a depth of 600 to 700 feet the St. Peter sandstone may be expected. A 6-inch well 700 or 800 feet deep will test the capacity of this sand- stone, and if the yield is inadequate it can then be determined whether a sufficient increase can be obtained by reaming the hole to 8 or 10 inches, whether the well should be sunk deeper in exploration, or whether a small group of 6-inch wells, of 700 or 800 feet depth, would be preferable. The water of the St. Peter should be of excellent quality, belonging to the calcic-magnesic alkaline class but containing no large amount of mineral matter. EMMET COUNTY. By O. E. Meinzer. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. Most of Emmet County consists of a gently undulating and poorly drained drift plain interspersed with numerous lakes and ponds. West Fork of Des Moines River flows through the western part, where it has developed a rather wide flood plain. Westward from this river the altitude increases rapidly and the topography becomes irregular and morainic. 852 UNDEEGKOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. The surface formation consists of glacial drift, except in the valley of the Des Moines, which is partly filled with outwash and alluvial deposits. Beneath the drift is a tliick series of shale, sand, and sandstone which is not known to outcrop in the county and whose age therefore remains a matter of conjecture. It is probably Cre- taceous but ma}^ in part be older, and it rests upon a Hmestone formation which is believed to belong to the Mississippian series. The general character of the Cretaceous (?) shale and sandstone is indicated by the driller's logs of the well on the property of Mrs. Allen, in Estherville, and of the village well at Ringsted. Section of -well of Mrs. Allen, Estherville. Thick- ness. Depth. Gravel Clay, blue, and sand Shale, blue Hard quartz rock Sandstone, white (entered) Feet. 15 195 77 i Feet. 15 210 287 287i Section of village well at Ringsted. Depth. Clay, blue Shale, sandy Sand, blue, and gravel Sand, yellow Clay and shale Sand and shale Shale, white Shale, dark, sandy Shale, sandy Limestone (entered). . In the Estherville well the formations recorded below a depth of 210 feet are probably Cretaceous; in the Ringsted well the Cretaceous apparently begins at a depth of 147 feet. The limestone in the Ring- sted well is undoubtedly Paleozoic and is probably Mississippian. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The water supply of this county is derived from outwash and allu- vial sands and gravels, glacial drift, sand and sandstone strata (Cre- taceous?), and limestone (Mississippian?). The outwash and alluvial sands and gravels, which are practically restricted to the valley of Des Moines River, are very porous and are so situated that they are filled with water nearly to the surface. EMMET COUNTY. 853 Hence they constitute a very accessible source of supply and are tapped by numerous driven wells. The conditions, however, are such that contamination may easily occur, especially in a large settle- ment such as Estherville. The water is somewhat less mineralized than that from other aquifers. Outside of the valley of the Des Moines the water supply is drawn chiefly from the glacial drift, though some of the deepest wells extend into the underlying stratified formations. The drilled wells diirer greatly in depth and also in the height to which the water rises. In the vicinity of Estherville they range in depth from less than 100 feet to at least 446 feet, 160 feet perhaps being an average; in the vicinity of Gruver they range from 75 feet or less to 275 feet or more, most of the wells near Ryan and Swan lakes being less than 100 feet deep and those near the village of Gruver averaging deeper; in the vicinity of Armstrong they range from about 75 to 250 feet, 135 feet perhaps being an average. In many of the 2-inch tubular wells much trouble is caused by the incrusting of the sand screens, but this difficulty can be largely overcome by drilling weUs of greater diameter and using independent pumps. (Se© pp. 192-193.) In the Allen well at Estherville the water rises within 120 feet of the surface, or approximately 1,180 feet above sea level, and the well has been pumped at about 30 gallons a minute. In the deep well at Ringsted the water rises within 76 feet of the surface and is not greatly lowered when pumped at 40 gallons a minute. It is reason- ably certain that below the limestone penetrated in the Ringsted weU are older sandstones which would yield large amounts of water that would rise to a level 1,100 to 1,200 feet above the sea, but would prob- ably not come nearer the surface than the water in the deepest wells that have thus far been drilled. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Armstrong. — The village well at Armstrong (population, 586) is 160 feet deep and ends in a bed of fine sand. The water stands 68 feet below the surface, or 1,172 feet above the sea, and pumping at 50 gallons a minute is reported not to lower it greatly. It is lifted from the weU into an elevated tank from which it is forced by gravity through 1 mile of mains to 24 fire hydrants and about 40 taps. It is estimated that about 200 people are supplied and 7,000 gallons of water is consumed daily. The rest of the population depend on shallow private weUs. Estherville. — The people of EstherviUe (population, 2,404) depend for their domestic supplies on private wells, most of which are shallow. The public supply is taken from the river and is not considered safe for domestic use, though it is employed in large quantities for other 854 UNDEEGKOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. purposes. There is a rather extensive system of mains with 24 fire hydrants. The pressure is applied directly by the pumps. According to Norton a deep well at Estherville (elevation, 1,287 feet) would reach the base of the Cretaceous at 300 to 400 feet from the surface and would then enter Paleozoic dolomites. From these it would pass into the heavy blue and green shales of the Decorah and Platteville formations. The St. Peter sandstone should be reached about 800 feet above sea level, or about 500 feet below the surface, but it may lie 100 or 200 feet deeper. In exploration the well may be drilled a few hundred feet deeper than this estimate demands but should be stopped when the drill strikes heavy glauconiferous shales indicating the St. Lawrence horizon, the Algonkian (?) red shales, or crystalline rocks such as granite, quartzite, or schists. Ringsted. — The waterworks in Ringsted (population, 313) consist of an air-pressure system. Water is obtained from the deep well already described (p. 852). Most of the people still use private wells. IDA COUNTY. By W. J. Miller and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. Ida County, lying well west of the fiat country of the Wisconsin drift, is characteristically hilly, the western portion being a little more rugged than the eastern. The region is thoroughly dissected by many branching streams. The principal one, Maple River, enters from the northeast and leaves at the southwest. Little Sioux River cuts across the extreme northwest corner and Soldier River rises in the southern part. The Kansan drift extends over the whole county and is completely covered by the loess. The total thickness of these two formations is unusually great, being in places almost 500 feet. The drift rests directly on rocks of Cretaceous age. Except for local variations in thickness the drift deposits lie nearly horizontal. Of the underlying rock formations the Cretaceous beds are thought to dip noticeably to the west; the still older rocks are nearly horizontal or show a slight easterly dip. (See PI. XVII, p. 824.) UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The most clearly defined water horizon is at the base of the Kansan. The source of the water in many wells, however, is within the loess. Very little can be said about the water of the older rock formations, as but one well is known to extend into them. IDA COUNTY. 855 So far as existing wells are concerned, the most important source of water in the county is either within the loess itself or in sands or gravels at its base. By far the greater number of farm wells in Ida County are dug and are only from 15 to 30 feet deep. A few bored wells reach a depth of 50 to 100 feet. The dug wells are especially likely to be unsatisfactory in very dry seasons, because their water often either greatly diminishes or fails altogether. Although but few wells in the county reach it, the most persistent and satisfactory aquifer at a moderate depth consists of the sands or gravels at the base of the Kansan. The available well records indi- cate that this aquifer lies 300 to 480 feet or more below the surface and seldom fails to yield a large supply of good water. Locally good supplies of water are obtained from sand beds in the blue clay. The well at Holstein (2,004 feet deep) is the only one known to enter the older formations to any extent. SPRINGS. Springs are of little consequence in Ida County, though small seepages occur here and ther'e along the low valley lands. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Battle Creek. — The town water supply of Battle Creek (population, 527) is taken from 10 drilled and driven wells, ending in gravel at depths ranging from 42 to 48 feet. The wells yield a good supply of medium hard water which is distributed by gravity (domestic pres- sure 35 pounds, fire pressure 80 pounds) through somewhat more than a mile of mains to 30 taps and 13 fire hydrants. About 150 people use the city water. The daily consumption is estimated at 6,000 gallons. Holstein.— T\ie city well (PI. XVII) at Holstein (population, 936)' is 2,004 feet deep and is 8 inches to 4 inches or less in diameter; it is cased with 8-inch pipe to a depth of 387 feet, 5-inch pipe to 722 feet, and 4-inch pipe to 1 ,465 feet. The original head was 270 feet below the curb; in 1908 the head was 300 feet below the curb. When drilling reached a depth of 1,500 feet a 26-hour test pumped 75 gallons a minute without lowering the water; on completion the well yielded 60 gallons a minute; in 1908, 75 gallons a minute. Water came from 390 feet in quicksand, from 1,200 feet, and from "below 1,500" feet; at 390 feet it stood 200 feet below the curb, at 900 feet 365 feet below the curb, at 1,590 feet 325 feet below the curb, and on completion 270 feet below the curb. The well was put down by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago, in 1897. 856 UNDEEGEOUND. WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. The water is pumped to a steel tank and is forced under gravity pressure of 40 pounds (domestic) or 100 pounds (fire) through 2^ miles of mains to 53 taps and 19 fire hydrants. The city water is used by about 300 people. The daily consumption is estimated at 9,000 to 12,000 gallons. The water is hard. Record of strata in Ilolstein city ivell, based on driller's log (PI. XVII, p. 824). Thick- ness. Clay Quicksand Carboniferous: Pennsylvanian (?) — Shale Mississippian (?) and Devonian (?) — Limestone Shale Limestone No samples; limestone Ordovieian: Galena dolomite to Platteville limestone- Dolomite, gray; much chert and some rounded moderately coarse grains of quartz sand No samples; limestone (?) Limestone, magnesian, or dolomite; brown, with about 2 feet of red shale at 1,300 feet; shale noiicaleareous, highly arenaceous, with coarsi. imperfectly rounded grains of limpid quartz No sample Shale, dark greenish gray, slaty, nonealcareous; caving badly after drill had pene- trated the underlying sandstone St. Peter sandstone- Sandstone; described as white, clean, very soft, and caving; called by driller St. Peter Prairie du Chien group — Limestone (?), marly, arenaceous; described by driller as a "sandy rock which wears the drill;" sand grains brought in slush bucket; other drillings very light and float up on water; rock drills about 1 foot an hour and does not cave. Shale, red; "at about 1 ,520 red marl was coming in and could not tell much about the formation from there down to 1,890 feet, as it was caving very badly all the way, and caved more or less from there down to 2,000 feet" Sandstone; fine grained, blue-gray, dolomitic cement Sandstone and dolomite; quartz sand, considerable red shale and some green shale from above, and a Uttle gray siliceous dolomite Chert, dark reddish brown, ferruginous; in small chips, slightly arenaceous, with minute particles of crystalline quartz; as similar chert and reddish argillaceous powder are found in nearly all the drillings below, this may have fallen in from 1,520 Sandstone and chert; sandstone, fine grained, in detached grains of clear quartz; many imperfectly rounded and minute white cuttings, showing quartz parti- cles in dolomitic cement; chert dark, brown, ferruginous, dolomitic Marl; in buff, slightly concreted masses; dolomitic, arenaceous, and argillaceous; quartz grains moderately fine, many imperfectly rounded; red chert, as above, with a few chips of yellow siliceous dolomite Shale, blue, plastic, calcareous Marl; chiefly quartz sand, with dolomite, yellow-gray, and white, soft, glau- coniferous; some red chert Marl, gray, dolomitic Shale, blue, plastic, calcareous Dolomite, gray, highly siliceous; microscopic particles of crystalline quartz, glau- coniferous; considerable fine quartz sand Marl or calciferous argillaceous sandstone Dolomite, hard, dark gray, saccharoidal; possibly from above Marl, arenaceous Shale, blue, calcareous, slightly glauconiferous, minutely quartzose Shale, green, hard, fissile, slightly calcareous Dolomite and shale; dolomite, saccharoidal, mottled greenish gray and pink, interlaminated with hard green calcareous shale; quartzose and glauconiferous, in large chips Marl, arenaceous, with fine rounded grains; chips composed largely of quartzose particles Cambrian (?): Dresbach (?) sandstone- Sandstone, yellow, saccharoidal, soft; rounded grains of about 0.5 millimeter Feet. 390 50 20 100 100 300 37 35 IDA COUiTTY. 857 Ida Grove. — Two wells, each 24 feet deep, furnish Ida GroTe (popu- lation, 1,874) with a fairly good supply of hard water. The water is pumped by steam and is distributed by direct pressure (70 pounds domestic and 125 pounds fire) through If miles of mains to 200 taps and 20 fire hydrants. About 700 people use the city water. The daily consumption is estimated at 45,000 gallons. The success of the deep well at Holstein, 10 miles north of Ida Grove, is distinctly encouraging. The succession of rocks is prob- ably the same at both places, but any given formation or water bed may be expected to lie about 100 feet deeper at Ida Grove than at Holstein. Thus at Ida Grove (elevation above sea level, 1,225 feet) the St. Peter sandstone will be found at about 100 feet below sea level, or 1,325 feet below the surface. The drill may fail to strike the water vein reached at Holstein at 259 feet above sea level in Galena dolomite, but it may find other water-bearing crevices in this formation. Sufficient water may probably be found about 300 feet below sea level (somewhat more than 1,500 feet below the surface), but if not, drillmg may be continued to about 1,900 feet to tap the lowest sandstone found at Holstein. The fact that Ida Grove stands more than 200 feet lower than Holstein not only brings the deep for- mations somewhat nearer to the surface, but also gives a higher head to the artesian water, which should come within 50 or 100 feet of the curb. In quality the water may be expected to be rather high in sulphates, but to be well within the limits of potability. The waters found above 700 feet should be carefully tested for quality, and pos- sibly should be cased out on account of excessive mineralization. WELL DATA. Information concerning typical wells in Ida County is presented in the following table : Typical wells of Ida County. Owner. Location. Depth. Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks. Mislow Bros M. Martin. oh miles east of Ida Grove. 4 miles southwest of Ida Grove. 2 miles southeast of Ida Grove. 4 miles north of Ida Grove. Feet. 210 115 215 300 Gravel and sand. do do .....do Feet. 160 40 115 No rock. Water bed at 81 feet. No rock. A. Harper. Black loam, 4; yellow clay, 40; sand and clay and some water, 70; gravel and water, 3; yellowish clay and sand, 85; gravel and water, 13; no rock. No rock. W. K. Van Wayne. 858 UJSTDEKGKOUND WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. LYON COUNTY. By O. E. Meinzer. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. Lyon County is much better drained than the counties farther east. The gently undulating upland, whose general altitude is more than 1,400 feet above sea level, is somewhat dissected by water- courses that lead to Big Sioux River, which forms the west boundary of the county and occupies a well-defined valley about 200 feet deep. The following geologic section is revealed in outcrops and wells: Glacial outwash and Recent alluvium (in the valleys). Loess (on the uplands). Glacial drift. Cretaceous shales and impure limestones. Cretaceous sandstone (Dakota). Sioux quartzite. The Cretaceous formations outcrop in Big Sioux Valley south of Lyon County, and are penetrated in many drill holes in this county. The Sioux quartzite outcrops in small areas in the extreme north- western part of the State and probably underlies the entire county, though its surface is so irregular that within a short distance from an outcrop it may lie several hundred feet below the surface and hence it is not generally encountered even in the deepest wells. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. On the uplands the shallow wells end in glacial drift, the depth to the Dakota sandstone is relatively great, and the water from all deep formations remains far below the surface when tapped by wells; in the valleys the shallow wells end in alluvial and outwash sand and gravel, the depth to the Dakota sandstone is not great, and the water from deep sources rises nearly to the surface. The valleys include only a small portion of the total area and grade into the uplands along the minor streams. All the geologic formations except the loess and the Cretaceous shale will yield some water, but those most heavily drawn on at present are the glacial drift and outwash gravel. The latter is found in the principal valleys, where it furnishes large quantities of good water to shallow wells and constitutes the source from which all public supplies are obtained; the glacial drift everywhere underlies the upland, where it yields most of the private supplies on farms and in villages remote from streams. The loosely consolidated beds of drift near the surface are commonly saturated and yield a certain LYON COUNTY. 859 amount of water to shallow bored and dug wells; and seams of sand and gravel embedded in the impervious blue bowlder clay at greater depths contain water under considerable pressure, which is recovered by means of bored and drilled wells. The deep drift water is notably harder and more ferruginous than the water in the vallej^ gravels. The Dakota sandstone contains a large store of mineralized water and supplies a few of the deepest wells. It is very imperfectly cemented and gives some trouble because of the tendency of its fine sand to rise with the water, especially when rapid pumping is attempted. The Sioux quartzite yields small supplies to wells in South Dakota and Mnnesota, the water occurring in joints and also in the less cemented portions of the rock, but on account of the expense and difficulty of drilling through this formation, it is properly avoided in Iowa as much as possible. In some parts of the county water-bearing beds may exist between the Dakota sandstone and the Sioux quartzite, but, so far as known, no such beds have yet been reached by the drill. In all sections of the county most of the wells are bored and com- monly range between 15 and 50 feet in depth, but there are also many drilled wells between 70 and 500 feet deep, wells 150 to 160 feet deep being common east of Rock Rapids and wells of 190 to 300 feet west of that city. The difficulty with fine sand can to some extent be overcome by drilling wells of larger diameter and using inde- pendent pumps that will allow the water to flow into the wells under uniform pressure. (See pp. 192-193.) The water from the Dakota sandstone is lifted by artesian pressure to approximately 1,225 feet above sea level, which brings it nearly to the surface in the Sioux Valley but leaves it about 100 feet below the surface at Rock Rapids and more than 200 feet below on much of the uplands. According to railway surveys, the altitude of Beloit, in the Sioux Valley, is 1,242 feet above sea level; of Rock Rapids, in the val- ley of Rock River, 1,345 feet; of George, in the valley of Little Rock River, 1,377 feet; and of Granite, Larchwood, and In wood, all upland towns, 1,407 feet, 1,426 feet, and 1,473 feet, respectively. Drilling below the Dakota sandstone is not advised in this county, because it is improbable that much would be gained in quantity or quality of water or in artesian pressure. The Sioux quartzite would probably be encountered before the drill reached a depth of many hundred feet. Near the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway station at Lester there is a 10-inch well, 70 feet deep, from which the water rises above the surface and flows several gallons a minute. 860 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Alvord. — ^The village well at Alvord (population, 283) is 8 feet in diameter and is sunk to a depth of 30 feet into the gravel of the creek valley, obtaining great quantities of good water. The waterworks system consists of an air pressure tank with about half a mile of mains, 8 fire hydrants, and 8 taps. Only a few homes have service connections and the consumption is small. Boon. — The village well at Doon (population, 581) is 10 feet in diameter and 28 feet deep and ends in gravel, from which a large amount of relatively soft water can be drawn. The distribution system comprises an elevated tank, about a mile of mains, 12 fire hydrants, and 42 taps. Perhaps 200 people are supplied, and approximately 7,000 gallons is consumed daily. Rock Rapids. — The public supply of Rock Rapids (population, 2,005) is derived from a well 18 feet in diameter and 20 feet deep ending in the valley gravels. The waterworks consist of a standpipe with about 3 miles of mains, 28 fire hydrants, and 250 taps. It is reported that a majority of the people are supplied and that about 30,000 gallons of water is con- sumed daily. MONONA COUNTY. By W. J. Miller. TOPOGRAPHY. Topographically, Monona County is clearly divisible into two por- tions. The western tliird is occupied by the Missouri River bottom, where the land is low, very level, and much of it swampy. Little Sioux River and its West Fork flow along the eastern border of this lowland. The eastern two- thirds of the county is characteristically very hilly and rugged. Important river channels are cut by Soldier, Maple, and Little Sioux rivers. The hilly and the lowland regions are sharply separated. GEOLOGY. Of the upper or surface formations three types are to be found. The lowland region is covered by alluvial or river deposits, consisting of sands, gravels, and clays. The hilly region is completely covered by the loess except locally where the principal streams have cut through it. Below the loess, in the hilly portion, comes the Kansan drift. The Kansan drift and the loess have been practically all removed by erosion over the lowland area. MONONA COUNTY. 861 Of the old rock formations, both the Cretaceous system (shales and sandstones) and the Pennsylvanian series (shales, sandstones, and limestones of the Missouri group) are represented. The Missouri group immediately underlies the alluvial deposits in the southern half of the river-bottom area; and the Cretaceous spreads over the remainder of the county. Along the river bottom the alluvium rests directly upon the older rock formations. So far as known all the strata of the county are in a general way horizontal. UNDERGROUND WATER. \ SOURCE. The sand and gravel layers of the river bottom afford an abundance of water. In the hilly country water is found in sand or gravel below the loess and in sand or gravel below the blue clay of the Kansan drift. Important water beds are doubtless present in the older rock forma- tions, although little is known about them, as but two wells in the county are known to have extended into these formations. By far most of the water of the county is obtained from shallow dug or driven wells, but the supply is often not as constant or satis- factory as it is in central Iowa, and in particularly dry seasons is considerably affected. The water, as a rule, is of good quality but hard. Practically all of the water in the river-bottom district is derived from sand or gravel beds in the alluvial deposits. There is no single clearly defined water-bearing stratum of widespread extent, the alluvial deposits being very local. Nearly all the wells in this district are driven and range in depth from 15 to 80 feet, the average depth being about 30 feet. The head usually responds more or less to the rise and fall of water in Missouri River. In the region around Onawa the water in the deeper wells (60 to 80 feet) is heavily charged with oxide of iron. This water seems to come from under a hard yellow clay or "hardpan" whereas the water above the "hardpan" is softer and free from iron oxide. In the hilly loess-covered region many of the dug wells extend into water-bearing sand or gravel below the loess, the depth to this so-called "first-water" level being between a few feet and 100 feet. Generally the water supply is not large and fluctuates according to seasons, even failing in some very dry seasons. A larger and more constant supply of water is to be found in the sands or gravels beneath the blue clay of the Kansan drift. Well records show that this aquifer has been struck at depths ranging from 35 feet along the stream bottoms to a maximum of 300 feet or 862 UNDERGROUIirD WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. more on high ground in the eastern part of the county, but compara- tively few wells reach it. Some wells appear to derive water from sand layers witliin the blue clay. A few drilled wells enter the deeper rock formations. Satisfactory records, however, are lacking to show the source of water in these wells. PROVINCES. Monona County may be divided into two underground-water provinces — the river bottom, on which the water is found in the alluvial deposits and also in the deep-lying rock formations, and the eastern hilly region, where the water occurs in sand or gravel beneath both the Kansan drift and the loess and also probably in the deep rock formations. ■■ At least two flowing wells are known to derive theu' water from the older rocks below the alluvial deposits. One of these wells, 863 feet deep, is at Onawa, and flows a large stream under considerable head. The other, more than 400 feet deep, is near Blencoe. A very general record of the Onawa well shows the source of water to be in limestone. No record of the Blencoe well could be obtained. The head of water is sufficient to permit an overflow on the lowland only. Some flowing wells are known in the drift along the Maple Eiver bottom near Castana. The river has here cut through the loess, and a well extending 30 to 40 feet downward into the blue Kansan clay strikes a bed of gravel with water under sufficient head to cause an overflow in the river bottom. SPRINGS. Springs of small size are numerous along stream courses where the bottom of the loess is exposed. The water emerges from the sand or gravel below the loess, as along Maple River in the vicinity of Castana. Thus these springs furnish examples of natural flow from the so-called "first-water level." CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Onawa. — The Onawa city supply is drawn from a flowing well is forced by direct pressure by two steam duplex pumps through two- fifths of a mile of mains to 18 fire hydrants and 42 taps. Domestic pressure is 40 pounds and fire pressure 100 pounds. The supply is sufficient, but constant pumping is necessary. The water is hard. It is used by 200 people. The well has a depth of 863 feet and a diameter of 12 to 8 inches; casing to 563 feet. It is located on the river bottom. The head is MONONA COUNTY. 863 15 feet above curb, and the flow 75 gallons a minute. Water beds were struck at 863 and 300 feet. Driller, J. H. Siiaw, of Sioux City; date of completion, 1905. Driller's log of city well at Onawa. Thick- ness. Depth. Dark loam and clay. Gravel, coarse Clay, blue, or shale.. Sandstone, soft Shale, blue Sandstone, hard Shale Clay or shale, soft; thin layer Shale Limestone (small flow of water) Shale Limestone with flow increasing to bottom of well. Feet. 50 16 100 Feet. 50 130 144 148 164 180 280 300 350 Minor supplies. — Minor supplies are summarized in the table below : Minor supplies in Monona County. Town. Castana . . Mapleton Ute Nature of supply. Well 66 feet deep 12 driven wells 20 feet deep. Wells (driven) 60 ± feet deep. Pumping system. Gasol i n e engine. Steam du- p 1 e X pump. Gasol i n e engine. Distribu- tion. Direct air pressuie. Gravity or direct. Gravity. . . Pressure, a a S •S T) '& J3 s o £ bo £ fe J Ix, Pownds. Pounds. Miles. 40 40 0.7 12 70 100 2 16 38 38 li 14 90 Town. Persons supplied. Daily consump- tion. Remarks. Castana 350 400 450 Gallons. 8,000 15,000 Ordinarily sufficient but hard. Mapleton Fair supply, but hard. Deep well contemplated. Good supply, but hard. New mains being laid. Ute 864 UNDEKGKOUND WATER EESOURCES OF IOWA. WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Monona County. Typical tvells of Monona County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Head above or below curb. Remarks. Robert Seton 5 miles south- east of On- awa. Onawa Castana do Feet. 64 863 115 45 150 52 265 58 85 Feet. 130 Sand Feet. - 8 + 15 - 60 + - 40 - 34 -100 - 44 Town. ... Limestone Gravel and sand, do . Flowing well, 75 gallons a minute; pumped by steam for city purposes. No rock. Dr. Creik Narcross Mill Flowing drift well. No rock. 20 feet of dry shale below water bed. Mrs. Janess 1 mile east of Ticonic. 4i miles south of Mapleton. Ute 130 Drift sand Gravel do . Mr. Cloud R. Perkirs Do. F. Shanahan 3 miles south of Ute. Onawa do 4-foot open bricked well. No rock. Steam-pumped for locomo- tives. No rock. Chicago & North do Western Ry. O'BRIEN COUNTY. By 0. E. Meinzer. TOPOGRAPHY. The surface of O'Brien County consists, essentially, of a gently undulating plain which in most of the county is more than 1,400 feet above sea level and in the north-central part reaches an altitude of more than 1,500 feet. Little Sioux River, which crosses the south- east corner of the county, has cut a deep trench into this plain and flows at a level of only a little more than 1,200 feet above the sea. The smaller streams have not yet dissected the plain to any great extent but occupy broad, shallow, and rather indefinite valleys through which they habitually meander lazily. GEOLOGY. The entire county is underlain by an accumulation of glacial drift, which was found to be 200 feet thick at Sanborn and which appar- ently is of considerable thickness at all points beneath the uplands. The upper portion of the drift consists of a loose, gravelly, more or less yellowish clay, but the greater part is a compact blue bowlder clay, containing in some localities embedded sheets and lenses of sand and gravel. In the principal valleys porous, gravelly water-laid deposits lie at the surface. BRIEN COUNTY. 865 Below the drift are strata of soft blue shale, soft white sandstone, impure limestone, etc., the shale being niuch the most abundant. At least the upper of these strata are supposed to belong to the Creta- ceous system. (See PI. XVII.) The following sections show to some extent the character of the drift and of the underlying stratified formations. Both are reported by the drillers and are in part approximations. Section of Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway well at Sanborn. Clay, yellow Clay, blue Shale, blue Shale, blue and green, with strata of limestone Sandstone, soft, white, with some shale Shale, gray, and streaks of rock Sandstone, white Shale, blue and green, mixed with sandstone. . Shale, green and white Depth. Section of village well at Sutherland. Depth. Clay, yellow.. Clay, blue Sand, and clay Sand Gravel, flue... ■UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. At present nearly the entire water supply of the county comes from the upper part of the drift and the gravel deposits in the valleys. The upper part of the drift is sufficiently porous to furnish a slow seepage to dug or bored wells but can not always be relied on in dry seasons. At greater depths the drift consists chiefly of impervious blue bowlder clay, from which no water can be procured. Many deposits of water-bearing sand or gravel embedded in this blue clay form a reliable and satisfactory source of supply, but unfortunately such deposits are not everywhere found. In some wells, therefore, the drilling has been carried through the entire thickness of the drift and a certain amount of the soft bluish shale, and the wells have been finished in sandy strata which are apparently Cretaceous in age. These deep wells, as also some of the deepest drift wells, have not 36581°— wsp 293—12 55 866 UlSTDBEGKOUND WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. proved satisfactory because the water is liighly mineralized and gen- erally remains so far below the surface that the lift is great and because the fine incoherent sand in which they end is usually troublesome. Hence many of them have been abandoned and supplies from very shallow sources have again been resorted to, with the result that in seasons of drought there is on many farms a shortage in water for stock. Some farmers have dug large open wells in low-lying and poorly-drained localities where the supply from the surficial deposits is not readily affected by drought, and a number have extended pipe lines from these wells to the barnyards where the water is wanted. In many places such an arrangement is more satisfactory than a deep sand well would be. For suggestions in regard to finishing sand wells see pages 190-195. CITY AND. VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Hartley. — The village well at Hartley (population, 1,106) is 130 feet deep and has been tested at 30 gallons a minute. The water is pumped into an elevated tank, from which it is distributed through the mains by gravity, only about 2,500 gallons being used daily. The total length of mains is about half a mUe, and there are eight fire hydrants and 17 taps. Paullina. — In PauUina (population, 796) the public supply is drawn from a shallow dug well which will supply 300 gallons a minute. The water is lifted into an elevated tank and thence distributed by gravity through If miles of mains to 18 hydrants and 93 taps. A large portion of the people are supplied, and it is estimated that approximately 6,000 gallons is consumed daily. Primgliar. — The public supply at Primghar (population, 733) was formerly obtained from a drilled well 420 feet deep, in which the water stood about 250 feet below the surface. This well proved so unsatisfactory that it has been abandoned for a dug well 15 feet in diameter and 15 feet deep, which ends in gravel with the water normally standing only 6 feet below the surface. The water is stored in a cyhndrical air-tight tank from which it is forced through the mains by compressed air. The system is not extensive and supplies only a small portion of the population. In the vicinity of Primghar a number of weUs go to depths of about 100 to 140 feet, the water rising within 50 feet of the surface. They all end in sand or gravel, and most of them are giving satisfactory service. As examples of this group of wells may be mentioned those of G. B. Slocum (SE. i sec. 25, T. 96 N., K. 41 W.), George Ward (NE. i sec. 24, T. 95 N., E. 41 W.), L. Strangland (NW. i sec. 19, T. 95 N., R. 40 W.), F. Scac (NW. I sec. 6, T. 95 N, E. 40 W.), and the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway (at Calumet). o'beien county. 867 Among deeper wells in the same vicinity may be mentioned the old village well at Primghar, which is 420 feet deep; a well on the county poor farm (N. ^ sec. 5, T. 95 N., R. 40 W.), which is 408 feet deep; a well in the SE. i sec. 1, T. 95 N., R. 41 W., which is 414 feet deep; a well in the NE. i sec. 1, T. 95 N., R. 40 W., which is 370 feet deep; and a well in the SE. i sec. 33, T. 96 N., R. 40 W., which is 380 feet deep. These wells end in fine-grained incoherent sand which causes trouble, and the water in them remains about 225 to 275 feet below the surface. Some of them have proved so unsatisfactory that they have been abandoned. In the abandoned Primghar village weU the water is said to stand 250 feet below the surface (about 1,250 feet above sea level). Sanhorn.— -The public supply of Sanborn (population, 1,174) is obtamed from two dug weUs, one of which is 56 feet and the other 62 feet deep. They end in gravel and yield about 60 gallons a minute. There are an elevated tank, about 2 miles of mains, and about 200 taps. The average daily consumption is estimated at 16,000 gallons. The railway well at Sanborn (see p. 865 for section) goes to a depth of 1,256 feet, piercing the entire thickness of the Cretaceous and probably extending far into the subjacent Paleozoic formations. (See PL XVII, p. 824.) Its diameter is 8 inches to 436 feet, 6 inches to 721 feet, 4^ inches to the bottom; casing to 815 feet. The curb is 1,552 feet above sea level and the head 350 feet below curb. Water comes from 494, 503, 633, and 857 feet; capacity, 100 gallons a min- ute. Driller, S. Swanson, Minneapolis. Date of completion, 1896. The water in this well contains large amounts of mineral matter. In some drilled wells about 150 feet deep in the vicinity of Sanborn the water rises within less than 100 feet of the surface. In a few between 300 and 400 feet deep the water remains farther below the surface. Sheldon. — The public supply for Sheldon (population, 2,941) is drawn from shallow deposits of gravel, sand, and clay which are tapped by two wells 18 feet in diameter and 26 feet deep, two other weUs 12 feet in diameter and 14 feet deep, and about 1,100 feet of tile laid 14 feet below the surface. There are an elevated tank, 6^ mUes of mains, 35 fire hydrants, and 238 taps. Approximately 1,000 people are supplied and 70,000 gallons of water is consumed daily, but most of the inhabitants still depend on shallow private wells. In the vicinity of Sheldon several weUs have been sunk to beds of fine sand at depths of 300 to 350 feet, and in these the water rises within 200 feet of the surface, or perhaps 1,225 feet above sea. In one well, which was sunk to a depth of 470 feet, the water is reported to remain 350 feet below the surface. Sutherland. — The public supply at Sutherland (population, 664) is derived from a weU 212 feet deep (see p. 865 for section). The water 868 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. rises within 50 feet of the surface, and the well has been pumped at 100 gallons a minute. The waterworks consist of an air-pressure system. Nearly aU the inhabitants have private wells, and the consumption of the public supply probably does not exceed an average of 2,000 gallons a day. OSCEOLA COUNTY. By O. E. Meinzer. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. The northeastern part of Osceola County is occupied oy a pro- nounced moramal belt of Wisconsin drift. In this area the drainage is very imperfect, lakes, ponds, and swamps being interspersed in the most chaotic manner among irregular gravelly hills, mounds, and ridges. Here, also, is found the highest land in Iowa, the cul- minating point probably beuig Ocheyedan Mound, a massive accu- mulation of glacial material which stands in prominent relief onthei plain southeast of the village of Ocheyedan and reaches an altitude of approximately 1,670 feet above sea level.^ Bordering this morainic belt on the southwest and sloping gently away from it is a plain underlain by a sheet of gravelly glacial-outwash material which apparently thins out as the distance from the moraine increases and eventually, in the southwestern part of the county, gives way to the attenuated deposit of yellow claylike loess which is generally spread over the older drift sheets throughout the State. Below the surface deposits lies a thick bed of glacial drift which consists in the main of a matrix of compact blue clay in which bowlders and pebbles are promiscuously embedded. At depths of several hundred feet occurs soft blue shale with some interbedded strata of fine-gramed sand or sandstone which are believed to be Cretaceous in age. In no place in the county has this shale and sandstone series been found at or near the surface, and in only a few of the deepest wells has it been penetrated by the drill. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The glacial outwash material is largely so gravelly and porous that it is well adapted for absorbing and yielding water, and in the belt in which it occurs it supplies many shallow wells. Where the deposit is thin, however, or is so situated that it is readily drained, its supply is liable to fail in seasons of prolonged drought. In the morainic belt the material near the surface is also somewhat porous, being more or less gravelly and not closely packed together, and, owing 1 Macbride, T. H., Ann. Rept. Iowa Geol. Surrey, toI. 10, 1900, p. 195. OSCEOLA COUNTY. 869 to the general absence of deep drainage channels, these semiporous deposits are saturated nearly to the surface, and hence supply water to wells that are dug or bored a short distance into them. In the deeper portions of the drift are found beds of sand and gravel which are generally filled with water under sufficient artesian pressure to flow into the wells rapidly, the yield being only slightly affected by variations in rainfall. The Cretaceous sand strata supply a few of the deepest wells, but up to the present time they have proved of little value as water horizons. As nearly as it is possible to interpret the well data in terms of geologic formations, it seems that the most satisfactory drilled wells are those which end before penetrating the Cretaceous rocks. Little is known about the water-bearing formations below the Cretaceous, but the evidence at hand indicates that nothing would be gamed, either in the quality of the water or in the artesian head, by drilling to these formations. On account of the high sur- face altitude the water from any of the lower horizons would remain several hundred feet below the surface. The wells of the county can be grouped, rather arbitrarily, into four classes, as follows: (1) Wells that are dug, bored, or driven into the outwash gravels or upper loosely aggregated accumulations of glacial drift to a depth sHghtly below the normal ground-water level, and that depend on the seepage from these materials. This class includes perhaps four-fifths of the wells of the county. (2) Wells that are bored to depths of about 50 to 150 feet and reach beds of water- bearing sand or gravel or at least extend far enough below the ground- water level not to fail in dry seasons. (3) Wells that are drilled to depths between 75 and 225 feet, extending to deposits of sand or gravel from which the water rises under artesian pressure. These wells are tightly cased and depend entirely on the water-bearing beds in which they end; they are relatively few in number but have several advantages over the other types which recommend them for general use. (4) Wells drilled to greater depths and also tightly cased to the bottom. They are for the most part less satisfactory than the shallower drilled wells because they end more commonly in fine sand (probably Cretaceous) that interferes with the pump, limits the yield, and frequently fills the well, and their water is generally harder and more ferruginous and remains at greater depths below the surface. The diSiculty with the sand can in a measure be overcome by drilling wells of larger diameter and using independent pumps. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. - Askton. — ^The village well at Ashton (population, 518) is 6 inches in diameter and 65 feet deep and is cased to the bottom. It ends in a bed of sand from which the water rises to the surface, and it is 870 UJSTDEEGKOUlSrD WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. reported to have been tested at 800 gallons a minute. The water is pumped into an air-tight tank from which it is forced through the mains by compressed air. Nearly all the inhabitants have shallow private wells and make small use of the public supply. Sibley. — The waterworks at Sibley (population, 1,330) are supplied from a well 16 feet in diameter and 26 feet deep; they comprise an elevated tank, about 3 miles of mains, and about 25 fire hydrants. The average daily consumption is estimated at 11,000 gallons. The well furnishes sufficient water for present demands but is liable to fail in dry seasons. Sibley is 1,502 feet above sea level. According to Norton, its high elevation and its nearness to the old land of pre-Cambrian crystalline rocks seen in the outcrop of Sioux quartzite a few miles west render the success of an attempt to obtain artesian water from the Ordovician and Cambrian water beds problematic. Beneath the exceptionally heavy drift of this region — reported at Ollendorff as 515 feet tliick — the driU will find thick beds of the Cretaceous, comprising the shales and marls of the Colorado group and the underlying Dakota sandstone — the last furnishing an abundant supply of water. Whether the St. Peter sandstone extends tliis far to the west and north is unknown. According to the general lay of the formations, it should be found, if at all, within 600 or 800 feet from the surface, the depth depend- ing not so much on the dip of the strata as on the depth to which the upturned edges of the gently inclined strata were worn down during the erosion periods before the Cretaceous submergence and on the thickness of the Cretaceous beds and drift deposited upon them. PALO ALTO COUNTY. By O. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. West Fork of Des Moines River flows diagonally through the cen- tral part of Palo Alto County, occupying a wide but shallow alluvium- filled valley, on either side of which extends a monotonous and poorly drained drift plain. Westward from the valley this plain rises con- siderably, so that along the west margin of the county it is decidedly higher than elsewhere. GEOLOGY. The glacial drift rests upon a series of soft shales and poorly ce- mented standstones believed to be Cretaceous in age, beneath which lie limestones and other indurated Paleozoic formations. Both the glacial drift and the Cretaceous rocks seem to tliin out somewhat toward the southeast corner of the county, thus allowing the Paleo- zoic limestones to come relatively near the surface. (See PI. XVI, PALO ALTO COUNTY. 871 p. 672.) The following well records throw light upon the geologic section of tliis region. Section of abandoned city well at Emmetshurg. Thick- ness. Depth. Soil, yellow clay, gravel Clay, blue Sand, gravel, and yellow clay Clay, blue Gravel and sand Clay, blue Hafdpan "Quicksand" Feet. 25 20 5 65 2 8S Feet. 25 45 50 115 117 205 Section of Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway well at Emmetshurg. Thick- ness. Depth. Drift, etc Incoherent sandstone Shale, red Dolomite Shale, sandstone, limestone, etc Feet. 225 109 22 32 484 Feet. 225 334 356 388 872 Section of village well at Ayrshire. Thick- Total ness. depth. Feet. Feet. 160 160 2 162 58 220 80 300 73 373 Soil, yellow clay, sand and blue clay. Sand - Clay, blue, with sand Shale Sand; with seams of shale Shale, red (entered) Section of village ivell at West Bend. C\a.y, yellow and blue Sarid, fine white, and blue clay "Flint" Sand (entered) Thick- ness. Feet. 81 22 Total depth. Feet. 81 103 103J 1104 Section of the abandoned village well at West Bend. Thick- Total ness. depth. Feet. Feet. 94 94 112 206 20 226 43 269 23 292 89 381 Drift (similar to above section) . Sand "Red marl" Chert, etc Sandstone, etc Limestone Shale, blue (entered) 872 UNDERGKOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. The "quicksand" in the first Emmetsburg well, the incoherent sandstone in the second, the 73-foot bed of sand in the Ayrshire well, and the 112-foot bed of sand immediately below the drift at West Bend apparently represent the Cretaceous — probably the basal Cre- taceous deposit. In each of the three localities this formation rests upon a bed of red shale which may be the red shale formation found in the vicinity of Fort Dodge. According to the sections, the thick- ness of the glacial drift is a little over 200 feet at Emmetsburg, about 220 feet at Ayrsliire, and approximately 100 feet at West Bend. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The water supply of Palo Alto County is drawn from outwash and alluvial deposits, glacial drift, Cretaceous sand or sandstone, Missis- sippian (?) limestone, and older formations. The outwash and alluvial deposits, which are virtually confined to the valley of Des Moines River, furnish water freely to shallow wells, and this water is generally not as hard as that from other sources. Outside of the valley most of the supply is obtained from the upper part of the drift or from beds of sand that lie at greater depths between deposits of bowlder clay, but many drilled wells end in the Cretaceous sand. In the southeastern part of the county a few end in the underlying limestone, and two — the railway well at Emmets- burg and the village well at Mallard— draw from still deeper sources. The drilled wells have the greatest average depth on the high ground along the west margin of the county. Thus in the southern part of Lost Island Township and the northern part of Highland Township they are commonly about 300 feet deep; in the western part of Silver Lake Township many are about 250 feet deep; and in Booth Township depths up to 377 feet were reported. In Vernon Township depths of 250 to 300 feet are also common, but in general throughout the central and eastern parts of the county the depths are less. In the vicinity of Cylinder 100 feet is perhaps an average, and near the river many drilled wells end at considerably less than 100 feet. Much difficulty has been experienced in finishing wells in the Cre- taceous sand strata. This difficulty and its remedies are discussed on pages 190-195. HEAD. The depth at which the water stands in the wells varies with the altitude of the surface, being generally greatest in the deep wells in the western tier of townships, in many of which it stands from 100 to 175 feet below the top of the well, and least in the valleys and other PALO ALTO COUNTY. 873 low-lying areas farther east, where it may rise nearly to the top or in a few locaUties may flow. In the railway well at Emmetsburg the water rises within 33 feet of the surface, or 1,197 feet above the sea, and in the abandoned city well it rose within 40 feet of the surface, or 1,197 feet above the sea. At Cylinder it rises within 12 feet of the surface. Between Ruthven and Emmetsburg several flowing wells that end in the glacial drift evidently derive their head from the high area immediately west. Another group of flowing wells, apparently supplied from Cretaceous sand, is found in the valley of Prairie Creek in the vicinity of West Bend. To judge from the 1,050- foot well at Mallard and other deep-well data, no additional head would be gained by drilling to formations below the Cretaceous. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Ayrshire. — The village well at Ayrshire (population, 337) is 373 feet deep, ends in Cretaceous sand, and has been tested at 120 gaUons a minute. (See p. 871 for section.) The waterworks, which consist of an air-pressure system, are not yet extensively used. Emmetsburg. — In Emmetsburg (population, 2,325) it is estimated that about 1,600 people are supplied from the city waterworks. The pubhc supply is taken from a dug weU, 13| feet in diameter and 25 feSt deep, and the system consists of a standpipe, more than 8 miles of mains, 37 fire hydrants, and 320 taps. The average daily con- sumption is approximately 40,000 gallons. The Cliicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway well (PL XVI, p. 672) has a depth of 874 feet and a diameter of 6 inches. The ciu'b is 1,230 feet above sea level and the head 33 feet below the curb. The water comes from the St. Peter sandstone, the water of the Dakota sand- stone having been cased out. Driller, W. E. Swan. Driller'' s log ofraihvay well at Enmietshurg . Thick- ness. Depth. SoU Clay, yellow Clay, blue Sand, dark Sand, gray Marl, red Limestone, broken Limestone, sandy , Shale, black Limestone Shale, gray Limestone, magnesian. Shale, gray , Shale, blue Sandstone, white Granite Feet. 5 1.6 204 30 79 22 10 22 4 30 15 224 65 30 110 Feet. 5 21 225 255 334 356 366 388 392 422 437 661 726 756 866 874 874 TJNDEEGEOUlsrD WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. Record of strata of railway well at Emmetsburg (PI. X VI, p. 672). Quaternary (225 feet th-iek; top, 1,230 feet above sea level): Soil Clay, bright yellow, calcareous; with drift pebbles Clay, blue, pebbly; more strongly calcareous than above Cretaceous: Dakota sandstone (109 feet thick; top, 1,005 feet above sea level): Sandstone, moderately coarse, gray; mostly of clear quartz but contains many grains of pink and dark-gsay quartz, jasper and flint Sandstone, very coarse; similar in composition to the above; sample contains fragments of fine white kaolinic clay Carboniferous (Permian?): Clay, fine, bright red; slightly sandy, noncalcareous Undifferentiated strata: Dolomite, hard, gray and bufE, fossiliferous; fragment of impression of one valve of a square-shouldered brachiopod; rough; subcrystalline Shale, blue Dolomite, light buff; the larger part of the sample consists of sand as at 225 feet Shale, light blue, soft, calcareous Ordovician: Galena limestone (224 feet thick; top, 793 feet above sea level) — Limestone, magnesian, gray Dolomite, light buff, soft Limestone, magnesian, hard, gray Platteville limestone (95 feet thick; top, 569 feet above sea level) — Shale, blue, soft, highly calcareous Shale, as above but darker and less calcareous St. Peter sandstone (110 feet thick; top, 474 feet above sea level) — Sandstone; grains of clear quartz, smooth, well rounded, mostly 0.55 to 0.7 millimeter in diameter Prairie du Chien group — Shakopee dolomite: Dolomite, light gray, subcrystalline Thick- ness. Feet. 5 16 204 50 90 104 65 30 110 Depth. Feet. 5 21 225 255 334 356 392 422 437 487 577 661 726 756 866 874 Graettinger. — Most of the people of Graettinger (population, 556) get their water from shallow wells that end in alluvial deposits, but perhaps one-fifth are supplied from the public waterworks, which include an elevated tank and a short system of mains. An abundance of water for the public supply is obtained from a dug well sunk 28 feet into alluvial deposits. Mallard. — The waterworks at Mallard (population, 331) are sup- plied from a well 1,050 feet deep. (See PI. XVI, p. 672.) They consist of an elevated tank, one-fourth mile of mains, 4 fire hydrants, and 6 taps. The average daily consumption is estimated at 3,000 gallons. The well has a diameter of 8 to 4| inches, casing to 1,000 feet. The curb is 1,228 feet above sea level and the head 66 feet below curb ; capacity, 76 gallons a minute. Water was struck at 260 feet in fine sand and agam at 1,000 feet in white sandstone. Driller, Swanson, of Minneapolis. Year completed, 1903. Record of strata in Mallard city tvell (PI. XVI, p. 612). Thick- ness. Depth. Feet. Feet. 380 380 119 499 11 510 90 600 . 45 645 100 745 30 775 25 800 80 880 30 910 20 930 60 990 20 1,010 40 1,050 Drift Unknown Limestone, argillaceous Sandstone Shale, blue, calcareous Dolomite and limestone Limestone with seams of shale Dolomite Limestone Shale, light colored, calcareous Limestone Shale, blue, calcareous ( Platteville) .... Shale, hard, calcareous Sandstone, white, noncalcareous (St. Peter) PALO ALTO COUNTY. 875 Ruthven. — The waterworks at Ruthven (population, 655) are supplied from a dug well, 20 feet in diameter and 20 feet deep. The water is pumped into an air-tight tank, from which it is forced by- air pressure through about haK a mile of mains to 7 fire hydrants. The water is very Httle used except for fire extinction. There are many shallow private wells from which the domestic supplies are obtained. West Beiid. — The pubhc supply at West Bend (population, 679) comes from a 110-foot flowing well. (See p. 871 for section.) The water will rise 3 feet above the surface, or 1,156 feet above the sea. It overflows at the surface at the rate of several gallons a minute, but is drawn down to 30 feet below the surface when pumped at 100 gallons per minute. It is lifted into an elevated tank and dis- tributed by gravity through about a mile of mains to 10 fire hydrants and 20 taps. About 100 people are supphed and approximately 2,500 gallons are used daily. An old city well at West Bend has a depth of 381 feet and a diam- eter of 6 inches to 284 feet and 4|- inches to bottom. The curb is 1,197 feet above sea level and the head 31 feet below the curb. The water is from 290 to 381 feet; capacity, 20 gallons a minute. The well was completed in 1895 by C. P. Thomas, of West Bend, and was abandoned some years later on account of the insufficiency of its supply. Record of strata in city well No. 1 at West Bend. [Based on driller's log.] Thick- ness. Depth. Quaternary: Soil Clay, yellow Clay, blue Sand and gravel Clay, blue; and hardpan, blue Cretaceous: Sand, yellow Marl, red Carboniferous (Mississippian): Chert, white, slightly pyritiferous; some fine green clay Sandstone, in fragments of limpid quartz, with considerable chert, and some blue- gray limestone Dolomite, white, somewhat arenaceous Limestone, blue-gray Dolomite or magnesian limestone, blue crystalline Dolomite, crystalline, light blue gray, blue gray, and yellowish; 3 samples Dolomite, blue and light gray, hard, compact, finely crystalline, argillaceous; 2 samples Limestone, from hght yellowish to dark blue gray; often mottled; in thia flakes; soft, earthy luster Limestone, brown and buff, soft and argillaceous at 350 feet; crystalline and cherty below; 3 samples Limestone, magnesian, gray, hard, compact; some shale; 3 samples Shale, blue. Feet. 112 20 Feet. 5 21 62 71 94 206 226 269 292 298 302 306 331 339 350 362 381 876 UNDERGEOUKD WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. PLYMOUTH COUNTY. By O. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. The upland surface of Plymouth County consists of a gently undu- lating prairie which descends gradually toward the southwest and is trenched by a number of valleys that trend southwestward, their du^ection no doubt being determined by the original upland slope. Big Sioux River, which occupies a rather wide valley, forms the west boundary of the county. The surface deposits consist of alluvial and outwash deposits, loess, and glacial drift. In the Sioux Valley, in Sioux and Plymouth coun- ties, a series of Cretaceous rocks, consisting in downward succession of shale and impure Umestone (Benton) and sandstone (Dakota), is exposed. Between the glacial drift and the underlying Cretaceous lie sands of doubtful age.^ (See PI. VI, p. 258.) UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE, Water in Plymouth County is derived from alluvial and outwash sand and gravel, glacial drift, sand of uncertain age, and Cretaceous limestone and sandstone. The alluvial and outwash sand and gravel are confined to the prin- cipal valleys, where they constitute a valuable source of supply. The glacial drift, which has a much wider distribution, is rehed on chiefly in the upland districts and furnishes most of the water used in the county. A number of drilled wells end in sand which lies at or near the base of the drift and may, at least in some places, be identical with the sand deposit of uncertain age in the Sioux Valley between the Cretaceous deposits and the drift. The Cretaceous limestone crops out near Akron, where it gives rise to strong springs. It also suppUes a number of drilled wells in the western part of the county. Though drillers do not recognize it farther east, it seems probable that if they would watch for it after the drill had penetrated shale, they would find it more widely dis- tributed than it is at present known to be, and might fmd it a valuable source of water. No screens would be required in wells ending in this formation, and its depth is not great. The Dakota sandstone outcrops in the Sioux Valley in the south- western part of the county, where it supphes many drilled wells. The head of the water lowers toward the outcrops, as is shown by the fact that at HuU, Sheldon, and Primghar the water rises to about iBain, H. F., Kept. Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 8, 1898, pp. 326, 327. PLYMOUTH COUNTY. 877 1,225 feet above sea level; at Hawarden to 1,150 feet; at Le Mars to 1,142 feet; and at Hinton only to 1,120 feet. In some sections of the county the water remains so far below the surface that it will perhaps never be extensively utihzed, but in other parts it rises nearer to the surface and would be a valuable and rehable source of supply if it were not for the sand which tends to rise in the wells. Another disadvantage is the hard and ferruginous character of the water. In the northeastern part of the county nearly all farm weUs are bored or dug, are very shallow, and are commonly situated on low gTound. Farther east and south most of the wells are drilled and many end in the Dakota sandstone at depths of 100 to 200 feet. In the Sioux Valley driven wells about 25 feet deep are widely used. SPRINGS. Many rather large springs emerge along Big Sioux River, the water in most of them coming from the limestone that outcrops in the valley. One spring of local note about a mile south of Akron yields several hundred gallons a minute; another occurs 4 J miles north of Akron, along the river. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Akron. — ^The public supply of Akron (population, 1,130) comes from 8 driven wells, each 24 feet deep. The water is pumped into a reservoir on the top of the valley chff and is thence distributed by gravity pressure through about 1^ miles of mains to 9 fire hydrants and 62 taps. The average daily consumption is approximately 15,000 gallons. Kingsley. — ^The pubhc supply of Kingsley (population, 977) is furnished by 3 dug wells, each of them 16 feet in diameter and 20 feet deep. The water is pumped into an elevated tank and thence dis- tributed by gravity through 1|- miles of mains to 24 fire hydrants and 63 taps. It is reported that about one-third of the population are suppUed and that approximately 6,000 gallons of water are consumed daily. Le Mars. — ^The waterworks in Le Mars (population, 4,157) are owned and operated by a private corporation. The water is obtained from 22 driven wells and is pumped directly into a system of mains about 12 miles long, wliich is tapped by 94 fire hydrants and about 850 service connections. It is estimated that approximately 750,000 gallons are consumed daily. A well at Le Mars (PI. VI, p. 258), owner unknown, has a depth of 1,560 feet, starting at an elevation of 1,275 feet above sea level. 878 UNDEKGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. Record of strata in deep well at Le Mars {PI. VI, p. 258).o- Thick- ness. Depth. "Soil" "Clay, yellow" "Clay, blue" " Sand and gravel " ; hardened above "Soapstone and slate" "Sandstone, clays, and some lignites; in alternating strata" "Sandstone; with some shale" Sandstone, micaceous; of broken grains; noncalcareous Sandstone; as above, many grains pink, reddish, and yellow Gneiss (?); constituents orthoclase, quartz, and muscovite; reddish in mass. Gneiss (?j; chiefly feldspar and mica Schist, micaceous; brown in mass Feet. 7 13 44 27 89 138 147 Feet. 7 20 64 91 180 318 465 860 960 1,060 1,325 1,560 a Strata below 560 feet were determined by the writer; all other statements are taken from Todd, J. E., Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., vol. 1, pt. 2, 1892, p. 14. The base of the Cretaceous may be placed at a depth of 465 feet, or 810 feet above sea level. The floor of crystalline rocks was unques- tionably reached at 1,060 feet, or 215 feet above sea level. The sand- stone at 960 feet may be compared in the number of pink, reddish, and yellow grains to the sandstones at Hull, which are found asso- ciated with intrusive sheets of quartz porphyry and may be pre- Cambrian in age. A drill hole owned by C. R. Woodward (sec. 15, T. 92 N., R. 45 W.) east of Le Mars has a dejDth of 381 feet. Record of strata in Woodivard drill hole near Le Mars. Thick- ness. Depth. Drift - Clay, bluish black, with bituminous matter and gypsum Bituminous matter and gypsum Soapstone and clay, organic matter colored by iron oxide, and carbonate of lime and magnesia Sandstone, very hard, ferruginous, slightly calcareous Calcareous sandstone, hon oxide; first seam of lignite, linchj also sulphate of magnesia Stone, arenaceous, chalky, calcareous; marly partings contain nearly pure calcium car- bonate Marl, calcareous Calcareous fragments Slate, rotten, bituminous, calcareous Slate, slightly calcareous Shale, calcareous Slate, rotten, bituminous; and shale Soapstone and slate Shale, calcareous Shale, calcareous and siliceous Shale Shale, very hard Limestone, in bands; hard, bituminous Slate, bituminous, and shale, with streaks of coal and limestone Shale; hard slate and shale; wind vems blow sand out of top of well Slate and shale; with limestone bands and openings Conglomerate, hard , Sandstone, hard, ferruginous, calcareous, with slate streaks Sandstone, reddish brown, ferruginous Rotten siliceous rocks, slate and blackjack Slate and fire clay, with streaks of hard coal Sandstone, micaceous, with streaks of fine clay Fire clay and slate Sandstone, hard, micaceous Slate, bituminous Upper coal Feet. 25 25 10 19 3i 2i 1 1 6 11 1 12 6 1 5 8 1 12 4 13 4 2 6 8 6 4 6 4 5 2 21 Feet. 25 50 60 79 83 85i 93 94 95 101 112 113 125 131 132 137 145 146 158 162 175 179 181 187 195 201 205 211 215 220 222 224i POCAHONTAS COUNTY. Record of strata in Woodward drill hole near Le Mars — Continued. 879 Depth. Fire clay (6 inches) and sandstone (12 inches). Sandstone, dark; organic matter Shale, bituminous Coal Fire clay, fine coal Soapstone and slate; limestone and coal streaks , Shale, arenaceous; coal in streaks Black oxide of iron (magnetic), hard, solid Same; ■with soapstone Gypsum and soapstone Soapstone, hard, ferruginous, with gypsum Coal and slate Slate and fire clay; pyrite Soapstone Chert Soapstone. Slate, bituminous; with pyrite Slate, bituminous, siliceous; with pyrite Slate, fine grained ; with pyrite ". Sandstone, brown, ferruginous; streaks of coal and slate . Sandstone, brown, ferruginous; with heavy spar Shales, quartz crystals Shale, ferruginous, calcareous Quartz rock and spar Sandstone, ferruginous; Avith fluorspar Shales, siliceous, with streaks of carbonaceous matter Coal (solid vein) Feet. 226 2.31 234i 236 237 242 242f 248i- ?52i 2588 263J 2631 268 283 2831 300 306 315 323 334 340 350 364 370 376 381 All these strata are referred by Bain to the Cretaceous, although he would entertain the theory of a Pennsylvanian outlier in which the drill was still working at the bottom of the drill hole. Remsen. — The waterworks in Remsen (population, 1,076) draw from two dug wells a supply which, though not great, is sufficient for the present requirement of approximately 13,000 gallons a day. There is an elevated tank, about a mile of mains, 15 fire hydrants, and 22 service connections. POCAHONTAS COUNTY. By 0. E. Meinzer. TOPOGBAPHY. The surface of Pocahontas County is a monotonous, slightly undu- lating, poorly drained drift plain which has been modified to a minor extent by stream erosion. It rises gradually toward the west. GEOLOGY. The glacial drift appears to have a thickness of approximately 200 feet in the western part of the county, but it becomes thinner toward the east «,nd especially toward the northeast, where in certain locali- ties it is very attenuated, the underlying rock coming to the surface in at least one place. Cretaceous deposits, consisting chiefly of beds of loose sand, lie below the drift in perhaps all parts of the county except in a small 880 UlSTDERGEOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. irregular area in the northeast, where the drift rests upon limestone of Mississippian age. (See PI. XVI.) The Cretaceous deposits are not known to outcrop anywhere in the county, though they are con- stantly encountered in drilling, but Mississippian limestone is exposed in the quarry near the railway northwest of Gilmore and perhaps elsewhere. It is not improbable that remnants of the Pemisylvanian also exist in the county. The small area in which the limestone is near the surface and the Cretaceous deposits are absent occupies the northern and eastern parts of Clinton Township (T. 92 N., R. 31 W.) and some adjoining territory. Its margin passes through the village of Gilmore, north- westward to a point west of Rolf e, and thence turns northeast. Along this margin the limestone surface descends with relative abruptness, passing beneath the Cretaceous accumulations to depths that are never reached in ordinary wells. In Gilmore this limestone surface was found to drop 80 feet between two wells 150 feet apart, and other similar evidence suggests that in some localities there may be a buried limestone escarpment. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The glacial drift, the porous Cretaceous sand strata, and the fissured Mississippian limestone are aU three drawTi upon for water. The first supplies numerous shallow wells, in many of which the yield is small and easily affected by drought; the second contains an abundance of good water, but yields it with difficulty because of the sand (for reme- dies, see pp. 192-195) ; the third has a large supply of water and is very satisfactory throughout the small area over which it lies sufficiently near the surface to be reached in ordinary drilling operations. Near Fonda the drilled wells have an average depth of perhaps 200 feet, though some extend to more than 300 feet; near Laurens they range from less than 100 feet to approximately 375 feet and average perhaps 250 feet; near Pocahontas they average about 200 feet, but some are much deeper; near Palmer their average depth is between 100 and 200 feet; and near Rolfe they range from about 60 to 300 feet and average about 140 feet. Two of the deepest weUs in the county are the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway well at Laurens, which is reported to enter sand at 190 feet and to end in sandstone at 490 feet, and the old Blanden well, in regard to which no information was obtained. HEAD. The water remains farthest below the surface in weUs on the rela- tively high area in the northwest and comes nearest to the surface in those on the lower ground in the southeast, where indeed in the valley POCAHONTAS COUNTY. 881 of Lizard Creek several flows have been struck. Relative to sea level, however, the water rises highest in the northwest area and remains lowest in the northeast, where it is drained from the limestone mto the Des Moines Valley. These conditions are shown in the following table, which is based on wells that end in the lower part of the drift or in the subjacent sandstone or limestone: Head of the water in Pocahontas County. Altitude of surface above sea level. HeigM to whicli the ■water rises. Location. Below sur- face. Above sea level. Feet. 1,312 1,234 1,232 1,225 1,244 Feet. - 65 - 14 - 25 - 20 - 30 + - 40 -100 Feet. 1,247 Fonda 1,220 Havelock 1,207 Pocahontas 1,205 1,214 PfllTTlRr. Lizard Creek Rolfe ... . 1,160 1,207 1,120 flilmnre , . , 1,107 DRAINAGE WELLS. In the area of limestone wells a number of small swamps on the drift surface are being drained downward through wells into the under- lying limestone. This method of drainage is of course possible only in areas where the head of water from the limestone is considerably lower than the ground-water table of the drift, but because of the leakage from the limestone in the valley of Des Moines River this is here the usual condition. Drainage wells have not proved entirely successful because of their rapid deterioration, which is probably due to the sediment that is carried into them with the water. Wells dis- charging into the sand strata have been less successful than those which empty into limestone, because the pores between the grains of sand are much smaller than the crevices in the limestone, and hence they conduct the water away less freely and are more easily choked with sediment. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Fonda. — The village well at Fonda (population, 978) ends in sand- stone at the depth of 331 feet. It has been tested at the rate of about 400 gallons a minute. The water rises within 14 feet of the surface, or approximately 1,220 feet above sea level. It is pumped mto an elevated tank from which it is distributed by gravity through about 3 miles of mains to which are attached 16 fire hydrants and 95 taps. It is estimated that about 600 people are supplied, and that 50,000 gallons of water are consumed daily. 36581°— wsp 293—12 56 ^ 882 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. Section of village well at Fonda. Thick- ness. Depth. Soil and yellow clay; clay, blue Sand and gravel Clay, hard, blue, with gravel , Sandstone , Shale, blue and red; limestone, sandstone, etc.; sandstone (entered) Feet. 197 23 53 7 51 Feet. 197 220 273 280 331 Beneath the strata reached by this well sandstones and shales of the Pennsylvanian may be expected, and shales which will merge into the great dolomitic series extending with little interruption to the shales of the Platte ville immediately overlying the St. Peter sand- stone. Norton's estimate places the St. Peter somewhat more than 1,300 feet below the surface. No flow can be expected, but by casing out the upper waters a less heavily mineralized supply than the present could, according to Norton, be obtained. Gilmore. — The village of Gilmore (population, 689) has a public well but no waterworks. The well is 244 feet deep and enters lime- stone at the depth of 200 feet. Laurens. — The village well at Laurens (population, 817) is 229 feet deep; the beds for the first 190 feet are reported to consist mainly of clay and for the last 39 feet of sand. The water rises within 65 feet of the surface, or 1,247 feet above sea level, and has been pumped at the rate of 35 gallons a minute. It is raised into an elevated tank, whence it is distributed by gravity through about a mile of mains to 6 fire hydrants and about 40 taps. It is estimated that 200 people are supplied, and that 12,000 gallons of water is consumed daily. Pocahontas. — Perhaps one-third of the people of Pocahontas (popu- lation, 987) use water from the public supply, and the rest depend on private wells, many of which are shallow. The village well ends in sandstone at the depth of 248 feet, and has been pumped at the rate of 150 gallons a minute, The water rises within 20 feet of the surface, or about 1,205 feet above sea level. The waterworks con- sist of an air-pressure system with nearly 2 miles of mains, to which are attached 18 fire hydrants and about 40 taps. The average daily consumption is reported to be approximately 20,000 gallons. Section of village well at Pocahontas. Thick- ness. Depth. Clay Sand Soft sandstone (entered) Feet. 120 108 20 Feet. 120 228 248 SAC COUNTY. 883 Rolfe. — The village well at Rolfe (population, 954) is 108 feet deep, all but the first 8 feet of which is in limestone. The water stands 40 feet below the surface, or 1,120 feet above the sea, and has been pumped at 40 gallons a minute. It is lifted into an elevated tank from which it is distributed by gravity through a system of mains, about 7,000 gallons being used daily. SAC COUN-TY. By W. J. Miller. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. Sac County may be divided into eastern and western topographic provinces. The eastern province is covered by Wisconsin drift and has the generally level surface characteristic of that deposit. North Raccoon River flows through it in a southerly and southeasterly direc- tion, cutting its valley to a considerable depth below the general level. The western province is loess covered and is distinctly more hilly than the eastern. Boyer River flows across it from north to south. The western boundary of the Wisconsin drift practically constitutes the drainage divide in this part of the State and it is a region of unusually high land. Of the drift formations, the Kansan extends over the entire county, being overlain by the Wisconsin in the east and by the loess in the west. Rocks of Cretaceous age may be found beneath the drift in all parts of the county. The drift deposits are in general horizontal, and the older rock formations lie either flat or dip slightly to the east. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. There are two important water horizons in the drift, one at the base of the Wisconsin and the other at the base of the Kansan. A large number of wells sunk to these horizons furnish a good supply of water of excellent quality except for its hardness. The Cretaceous and older rocks afford a third source of water. Over the whole county the most certain and satisfactory aquifer in the surface deposits is the sand or gravel at the base of the Kansan drift. The drift is unusually deep over the region and this aquifer is known to be at a maximum depth of at least 480 feet, and has nowhere been struck at a depth of less than 130 feet. As a rule it lies deeper in the western part of the county because of the greater thickness of the drift there. In some wells, as in the abandoned wells at Odebolt and Schaller, water from this deposit is so highly mineralized and so full of organic matter as to be unfit for use. 884 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. In the eastern or Wisconsin drift-covered region an important water bed is the sand or gravel at the base of the Wisconsin. This aquifer ranges in depth from 50 to 100 feet, but in many places is missing. A few wells obtain a fair supply of water from local sand or gravel pockets within the blue clays of the Kansan or the Wisconsin drift. In the western or loess-covered region water is obtained in some places from a sandy layer within or at the bottom of the loess. Many shallow wells derive water from this source, but the supply is often seriously affected by varying seasons. As compared with the counties of central Iowa, Sac County con- tains but few ''rock" wells. Such wells receive their water mostly from Cretaceous sandstone. PROVINCES. Sac County may be divided into two underground-water provinces — the eastern or Wisconsin drift-covered area and the western or loess- covered area. The chief difference between the two is that in the former there are two clearly defined water horizons, one at the base of the Wisconsin and the other at the base of the Kansan; whereas in the latter there is but one, at the base of the Kansan. A few flowing wells are to be found in the eastern province. These weUs, south of Sac City, are on low ground along a tributary of North Raccoon River, where the head is great enough for overflow. Good well records are not available, but it is thought that the water comes from the important aquifer at the base of the blue Kansan clay. SPRINGS. Some springs of considerable size are found along North Raccoon River, the most noteworthy ones being those leased by Sac City for a water supply. Other springs occur along the river, such as that on the Wilham Harrold farm across the river from Sac City and a so-called "sulphur" spring on the M. Judd farm, 2 miles south of Sac City. All these spring waters are heavily charged with carbonate of lime and are locally called ''petrified" springs because their waters incrust objects thrown into them. Some smaller springs or seepages are found along other stream courses. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Sac Cikj. — The water supply of Sac City (population, 2,201) is drawn from springs. The water is led into a tank whence it is pumped by steam to a standpipe. The direct and gravity pressure is 80 pounds. There are 3 miles of mains, 27 fire hydrants, and 327 private hydrants. About 1,800 people use the water, which is plentiful but hard. SAC COUNTY. 885 Tile springs, four in number, are located along a small branch of North Raccoon River about a mile north of the city. They emerge from the slope of the small branch stream of North Raccoon River, the water apparently coming from a gravel layer in the yellow Wis- consin clay. The flow is about 1,000 barrels a day, the supply being only slightly diminished in very dry weather. The temperature of the water ranges from 52° to 56°. The water incrusts boilers consider- ably. Each of the four springs has been carefully cleaned out, built up with cement tiling, and is kept covered and locked. A pipe leads from each spring into a 4-inch main which in turn extends about three-fourths of a mile southward to a reservoir at the pumping plant. From the reservoir the water is pumped into a standpipe. The well of the Chicago & North Western Railway has a depth of 379 feet. It was completed before 1900 by William Burge, of Lisbon, Iowa. Driller's log of well at Sac City. Thick- ness. Depth. Till, yellow Sand o" d coarse gravel, mixed Clay, blue; mixed with cobblestones Sand, gray and fine (water bearing) Clay, blue; mixed with coarse gravel Sand, gray; fine, ending coarse (water bearing) Gumbo, hard, black; will not mix with water; will burn Clay, dark blue and varying to a light color, but the last 5 feet mixed with coarse gravel and very hard Coal, burns well Hard substance; coal churned with it, so could not tell what it was Clay, hard, blue, and gravel mixed Sand, blue, fine at top, coarse at bottom; full of water; water rose 230 feet in pipe and the sand forced up 100 feet Sandstone, compact, hard Coal Sandstone, light Slate Feet. 15 12 85 5 77 133 1 3 5 IJ 144 Feet. 15 27 112, 117 194 202 205 338 339 342 347 353 361 362J 377 379 Sac City is 1,196 feet above sea level. Its artesian forecast by Norton is rather favorable on the whole, although a well tapping the chief water beds of the Iowa artesian system must necessarily be a deep one. The drift with its clays and sands may be expected to be thick, and below it occur various strata of Cretaceous and Carbon- iferous age, chiefly shales. Limestones and dolomites of the Missis- sippian and lower terranes extend with some interruptions of shaly beds for more than 700 feet to the shale of the Platteville. This green shale, which in many places is fossiliferous, caps the St. Peter sand- stone, which should be here found at 100 to 200 feet below sea level, or 1,300 to 1,400 feet below the surface. For a town as large as Sac City the drill hole should be carried a few hundred feet deeper, or to 1,600 or 1,800 feet, in order to tap the large supplies usually to be found in the dolomites and sandstones underlying the St. Peter. The contract should be drawn for several hundred feet more than the 886 tTNDEKGEOUND WATEE RESOURCES OF IOWA. most liberal estimate of needed depth, but drilling should be stopped on reaching the glauconiferous shales of the St. Lawrence formation. Casing may be needed in the shales of the Carboniferous, the Cre- taceous, and the Platteville, and also in the Maquoketa shale, should this formation extend so far to the west; but below the Pennsylvanian the drill hole will be mostly in solid limestone to the Platteville, which immediately overlies the St. Peter. Minor supplies. — Minor water supplies in Sac County are sum- marized below: Minor sujp'plies in Sac County. Nature of supply. Pumping system. Distri- bution. Pressure. a 6 ■a 13 T3 5 1 P. D Pi P. i« §•2 i- ft Town. 6 t ft Remarks. Early Odebolt Sehaller Wall Lake. Well 15J feet deep. 2 wells 25 feet deep. Well 12 feet deep. Well 25 feet deep. Gasoline en- gine and windmill. steam en- gine. Steam pump Gasoline en- gine. Tri- plex pump. Gravity. ...do ...do ...do Lbs. 35 48 40 37 Lbs. + 35 100 + 40 Miles. 1 ±2 24 11 12 12 40 100 30 140 200 300 175 750 Thou- sand gals. + 4.0 18.0 9 to 15 51.0 Good sup- ply of me- dium hard water. Good sup- ply of hard wa- ter. Fair supply of medium hard wa- ter. Good sup- ply of me- dium hard water. WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Sac County: Typical wells of Sac County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth and rock. Source of supply. Head. Remarks (logs given in feet). A. J. Masteller F H Woods Southwest of Sac City. IJ miles west of Sac City. Odebolt Feet. 180 203 356 Feet. Sand Sand and gravel. Sand - 90 Yellow clay, 25; blue clay, 25; black mud with very bad odor, 22; dry sand, blowing out air, 58; blue clay, 44; sand and water, 6. Town Soil and muck, 10; sand and gravel, 1; blue clay, 80; yellow clay, with bowlders at bottom, 50; blue clay, with streaks hardpan and gravel, also struck "sea mud," 192; sand and water, 23, SIOUX COUNTY. Typical wells of Sac County — Continued. 887 Owner. Location. Depth. Depth and rock. Source of supply. Head. Remarks (logs given in feet). Feet. Feet. Mrs. C. M. Hopkins 5J miles east of Wall Lake. (>2 Gravel.... - 30 Town Odebolt 25 80 84 ...do - 5 - 15 - 25 Open well, steam pump. Bored, 2 feet tiling. Chas. Hecthner 7 miles southeast of Sac City. Similes east of Sac City. 5J miles southwest ...do Walter Sneering. . . Dan Rowe ...do Do. 57 Sand and + Bored well, 2 feet tilmg. of Sac City. gravel. Flows IJ-inch stream. Geo. Speck 2J miles north of 350 ...do -240 CO. Porter Early. miles southwest of Sehaller. 432 ...do -266 Black soil, 4; yellow clay (some gravel), 75; sand, 2; blue clay and some gravel, 272; dry sand, 18; ocher clay and blue clay. 19; hardpan, 12; sand and gravel (water), 30. J.C. Bodine 5 miles southeast of Sehaller. 402 Sand - 68 F. Fravert 3J miles north of Odebolt. 129 Gravel - 40 Mrs. E . Murrey . . . Sehaller 351 345 Shale (?).. -242 Black soil, 4; yellow clay, 70; dark (blue) clay, 50; yellow clay and blue clay, 216; hardpan, 5; shale (water), 6. C.N. Search 2 miles south of Nemaha. 400 390 Sandstone -140 Pumped by windmill and gas engine. Yellow clay (some gravel), 30; blue clay, 70; sand and some water, 15; yellow clay, 45; blue clay, 230; sandrock and water, 10. Frank Smith 4 miles north of Early. 480 468 (?) -240 Water bed unknown, con- tains pyrites. Yellow clay, 40; blue clay, 60; yellow clay and sandy layers, 60; blue clay, 75; W. D. Holdridge.. 9 miles southeast 260 240 Sand -140 of Early. sand and water, 6; shale. 18; coal, IJ. "Wall Lake City 16 ...do -6and- Maximum yield 147 gal- 16 lons per minute; de- creased account sand. Chicago & North Auburn. 124 116 Sandstone Western Ry. SIOUX COUNTY. By 0. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY, The gently undulating upland surface of Sioux County is trenched by the valleys of several southwestward-trending streams leading to Big Sioux River, whose deep and wide valley forms the west border of the county. The uplands are underlain by glacial drift with a thin veneer of loess, and the principal valleys contain deposits of glacial outwash and recently formed alluvium. Beneath the drift and the valley deposits lie Cretaceous shales, sandstones, and impure lime- stones, some of which are exposed in the Big Sioux Valley farther south. 888 UNDEKGEOUND WATER RESOUBCES OP IOWA. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE, The water supply is obtained from glacial outwash and recent alluvium, glacial drift, Cretaceous strata above the Dakota sand- stone, Dakota sandstone, and lower formations. The glacial outwash consists in large part of beds of coarse clean sand and gravel wliich, because of their great porosity, their favorable situation for receiving drainage and seepage from the uplands, and the impervious formations beneath them, contain a large and per- manent store of water, of high vame by reason of its abundance, its excellence, and the ease with which it can be obtained. Although this outwash occurs over only a small part of the county, the water is largely available for municipal supphes, because most of the cities and villages are located near streams. Though normally of good quahty especial precautions are necessary to prevent its pollution, because, in most cases, the city is built on the valley slope which drams into the valley flat where the well is located. The glacial drift furnishes most of the water used in the county and is reUed on almost exclusively in the upland districts. Many bored wells end in the surficial portion of the drift, from winch they derive supplies that are small m amount and that frequently fail completely in diy seasons. Deeper bored or drilled wells, however, reach seams of sand and gravel in the lower portions of the drift and thus tap water that is under considerable artesian pressure. Unfor- tunately in some parts of the county these deeper water-bearing beds are not found in the drift. The deepest drilled wells penetrate the Cretaceous formations and are supphed from the Dakota sandstone, or perhaps in some places from liigher sandstones or limestones. The Dakota contains large and permanent supphes but the water is hard and ferruginous and the sand causes trouble by entermg the wells, especially if the latter are of the small "tubular" type or are pumped rapidly. In the northeastern part of the county the water rises to about 1,225 feet above sea level. In the creamery well at Hull it rises to 1,228 feet and in the deep weUs at Primghar (O'Brien County) to about 1,225 feet. Farther southwest the head is lower, evidently because of outcrops of the formation in this direction and consequent leakage. At Hawarden the water rises apparently to only 1,150 feet above the sea, and at Le Mars to only 1,14L feet; farther southwest it remains still lower. In the northeastern part of the county the level to which water from this formation rises is about 200 feet below the upland surface. In the valley of Big Sioux Kiver the artesian head is only slightly below the flood-plain surface, but there is no evidence that flows can anywhere be obtained. SIOUX COUNTY. 889 The only well known to penetrate formations below the Dakota is the deep well at Hull, which obtained unfavorable results. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Alton. — The waterworks at Alton (population, 1,046) are supphed from large open wells sunk 20 feet into the saturated materials in the valley of Floyd River. Until recently the supply has not been adequate but a large new well has been dug which will probably yield more than sufficient to meet present demands. The system consists of a standpipe, 2 miles of mains, 20 fire hydrants, and ap- proximately 100 taps. A large proportion of the inhabitants use the public supply. Granville. — ^The village well at Granville (population, 400) is 4 feet in diameter and 40 feet deep. The waterworks consist of an elevated tank with a short system of mains and 3 fire hydrants. The water is used almost exclusively for fire protection, the domestic supply being drawn from numerous private wells. Hawarden. — The public supply of Hawarden (population, 2,107) is derived from sixteen 2-inch driven wells 23 feet deep, which penetrate a layer of alluvial gravel. The water is pumped directly from these wells into about 2 miles of mains, with which are con- nected 16 fire hydrants and 159 taps. Approximately 800 people are supplied, the average daily consumption being about 50,000 gallons. Hull. — ^The waterworks at Hull (population, 658) consist of a tank elevated upon a tower and one-fourth nfile of mains with 4 fire hydrants. Little use is made of the water. The city well is 1,263 feet deep, and the diameter is 10 to 6 inches. The well is cased to 800 feet, and the water is reported to come in part from about that depth and in part from 340 feet, where the casing is said to have been opened. The curb is 1,433 feet above sea level, and the water stands at 230 feet below the surface, or about 1,205 feet above the sea, which is nearly the level to which the water from the Dakota sandstone rises in this vicinity. The supply is "abundant," the capacity being 29 gallons a minute. Temperature 58° F. The well was completed in 1892 by Rodgers & Ordway, of St. Paul, and was repaired in 1907 by inserting 306 feet of new casing. Little is known of the sequence of strata except that the drift extends to at least 190 feet and that at 755 feet there begins a suc- cession of alternating beds of sandstone and quartz porphyry whose record is given by Beyer.^ » Arm. Rept. Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 1, 1893, p. 168. 890 UNDERGKOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Description of strata below 755 feet in city loell at Hull. Depth in feet. Quartz porphyry, compact olive-green 755-800 Sand rock, fine-grained 800-802 Quartz porphyry 802 Sandstone, coarse-grained 825 Quartz porphyry 832-840 Sandstone, fine-grained 840-860 Conglomerate 866 Sandstone, fine-grained 880-900 Quartz porphyry; the drillings contain also angular frag- ments of quartz 900-930 Sandstone, fine-grained 930 Pebbles, waterwom; fine sand adhering 930-935 Quartz porphyry, decomposing 935-940 Quartz porphyry, perfectly fresh 944 Quartz porphyry, decomposing 949 Quartz porphyry 975-990 Sandstone 990 Quartz porphyry 1, 194-1, 220 Sandstone, fine-grained 1, 228 The entire section is regarded as pre-Cambrian. Ireton. — The waterworks at Ireton (population, 631) are supplied from 4 wells 3 feet in diameter and 12 feet deep. The water is pumped by a windmill from the wells into a reservoir, and by an engine from the reservoir into an elevated tank. About a mile of mains supphes 12 fire hydrants. The water is not considered fit for domestic use, and the people depend largely on rain water, which is stored in cisterns. Orange City. — -Until recently the public supply for Orange City (population, 1,374) was taken from a drilled well 215 feet deep, but difficulty with the screen made it necessary to abandon the well, and two shallow dug wells, whose combmed yield is only about 4,500 gallons a day, were temporarily brought into service. There is an elevated tank and about a mile of mains with 9 fire hydrants and 28 taps. A deep well was sunk in 1911 for city supply to a depth of 562 feet, by G. L. Savidge, of Sioux City. The diameters are 8 inches to 331 feet and 6 inches thence to the bottom. Water was found at 300 feet and in sandstone from 410 to 562 feet. The head is 25 feet below the surface. The pumping capacity at completion is stated to have been 20 gallons a minute. It is also stated that the well ''will hold out at 75 gallons." The cylinder is placed at 321 feet below the surface of the ground. The well is cased with 8-inch casing to a depth of 331 feet, below which is 144 feet of 6-inch and 110 feet of 4^-inch casing, 60 feet of each of the latter sections being perfo- rated with one-half inch holes to admit water. No packing was used. WOODBURY COUNTY. 891 The cost of drilling was $2 a foot. Unfortunately it proved impossible even with the cooperation of the town officials to secure any samples as the drilling progressed or any accurate log. A sketch of the well made by the driller indicated the following sequence: Log of well at Orange City. Thick- ness. Depth. Unknown, probably largely drift. Rock Clay, blue Sandstone; not very much water . Clay Sandstone, white, soft Clay, blue. Feet. 331 8 73(?) 30 70 50 Feet. 331 339 412(?) 442 512 562 Bock Valley. — The village well at Rock Valley (population, 1,19^) is 10 feet in diameter and 30 feet deep, ends in gravel, and has been tested at 300 gallons a minute. The waterworks include an elevated tank, 1 \ miles of mains, 18 fire hydrants, and about 80 taps. Approxi- mately 400 people, or one-third of the population, use the water, an average of 25,000 gallons being consumed daily. WOODBURY COUNTY. By W. J. Miller and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY. Woodbury County may be divided into two topographic provinces — the Missouri River bottom, which occupies the western side of the county, and the rugged highland region, which extends eastward from the Missouri River bottom. The line of separation between the two is rather sharp, the flat swamp^ lands of the river bottom coming abruptly against the characteristically very rugged hilly region. The largest stream in the county is Little Sioux River, which flows across the eastern end. West Fork of Little Sioux River flows across the central portion of the county from north to south. Both these streams have numerous branches which greatly dissect the region. GEOLOGY. Of the drift formations, the Kansan and the loess are both well represented, each extending over the whole county except along the Missouri River bottom, where both are mostly eroded away. Clays and soft sandstones of Cretaceous age lie immediately beneath all of the drift, and good exposures may be seen along Missouri River. As far as known, all the geologic formations of the county lie approxi- mately horizontal. 892 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OP IOWA. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. Water is obtained by shallow wells from the alluvium of the Mis- souri River bottom and from the loess. Deeper wells strike the aquifer beneath the Ivansan or the Dakota sandstone. A well at Sioux City extends far into the Algonkian. Except in and about Sioux City, most of the wells of the county are shallow surface wells, though there are a few deeper drilled wells. The numerous wells furnish a good supply of water, which is almost always hard. In the drift deposits there are two water horizons — one in sand or gravel below, or sometimes within, the loess, and the other in sand or gravel below the blue Kansan clay. The combined thickness of the Kansan and the loess is much less in Woodbury County, as a rule, than in the next county to the east (Ida), and these water horizons are proportionately nearer the surface. The loess appears to range in thickness from nothing to 60 or 70 feet, and most of the wells of the county are shallow (20 to 80 feet) dug weUs, whose water comes from the loess itself or from sand or gravel just below it. Many of these shallow-well supplies fluctuate according to seasons. A much more clearly defined and persistent water horizon is that of the sand or gravel at the base of the Kansan, although compara- tively few wells are deep enough to reach it, its depth ranging from less than 100 feet along stream bottoms to 300 feet in the high land. Locally, water-bearing sands may be struck within the blue clay itself. Along the Missouri River bottom many shallow driven wells are obtained by going from 15 to 45 feet in the alluvial deposits, in which many sand or gravel layers are charged with water. The head of water in the wells generally responds to the rise and fall of water in Missouri River itself. The Cretaceous rocks below the drift or alluvial deposits contain some important water-bearing beds, especially in the vicinity of Sioux City. The rocks and soft sandstones yield large supplies of water in numerous places at depths ranging from a few feet to 500 feet. PROVINCES. Woodbury County may be divided into two underground-water provinces — the Missouri River bottom, where many shallow wells derive water from Cretaceous sandstones, and the larger provinces east of the river bottom, where water is obtained largely from the loess and the Kansan drift and where a few deeper wells obtain water from the Cretaceous rocks. No flowing weUs have been noted in the county. WOODBUEY COUNTY. 893 SPRINGS. Many small springs emerge from the loess or the Kansan drift along the main stream courses. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Sioux City. — Sioux City (population, 47,828) draws its supply from two groups of wells. The water is pumped by steam and is distributed under gravity and direct pressure of 110 pounds. The wells at the Main Street station are 97 in number, comprising 90 driven wells from 90 to 100 feet deep and 7 drilled wells more than 300 feet deep. Those at the Isabella Street station are 19 in number, 1 drilled to a depth of 371^ feet, and 18 driven to between 75 and 78 feet. The wells yield a good supply of medium hard water; 1,680,000 gallons are used daily. There are 58 miles of mains, 325 fire hydrants, and 4,500 taps. The 371^-foot well at the Isabella Street station has a diameter of 10 inches. The water heads 24 feet below curb. Record of strata in city waterworks well, Sioux City. [Based on driller's log.] Depth. Pleistocene: Sandy clay Fine gravel and water Cretaceous: Gray shale or clay Sandstone, fine grained, light colored, and water. Sandstone, yellow; with layers of shale Shale, pink and blue Shale, gray and blue Sandstone, coarse Sandstone, finer, light gray Pyrite and lignite Sandstone, fine, light gray Sandstone, white, fine grained Sandstone, darker and coarser Sandstone, coarse; limestone fragments Sandstone, etc., as above but coarser Sandstone, very coarse; water The well of D. A. Magee has a depth of 2,011 feet and a diameter of 6 inches to 1,270 feet; casing, 6 inches for 444 feet, and 4 inches for 230 feet more. The curb is 1,125 feet above sea level and the head at curb. Water beds lie at 65 feet (drift gravel), at 120 feet (yielding 120 gallons a minute), at 570 feet (heading 12 feet below the curb), at 1,250 feet (flowing 3 gallons a minute), and at 1,480 feet (pre-Cambrian) . The discharge is 6 gallons a minute; tem- perature, 70° F. The well was completed in 1882 by Marrs & MiUer, of Chicago. The water of the well is strongly mineralized, containing large amounts of the sulphates of calcium, magnesium, and sodium, and has been sold for medicinal purposes. 894 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Driller's log of Magee well {Sioux City Waterworks Co.) at Sioux City. Thick- ness. Soil and clay Gravel Shale Sand, white Sandstone, brown Sandstone, white No samples Sandstone, gray. Sand and limestone Limestone, gray Sand and limestone Limestone, white Sandstone, light colored Limestone, gray Shale Limestone Shale Limestone Shale Limestone Shale, sandy No samples Limestone Shale Shale and limestone Limestone, gray _. Marl, red; with sand Sandstone, porous (St. Peter) Sand and marl Marl, sandy Sandstone, micaceous, very hard; crevice giving water Sandstone, b^o^vn, micaceous; and lime, very hard. . . Limestone, light colored Sandstone and lime, very hard Feet. 60 25 54 2 34 100 155 110 30 50 35 100 30 20 98 10 12 10 5 5 35 50 70 60 30 60 5 15 25 20 165 380 5 146 Feet. 60 85 139 141 175 275 430 540 570 620 655 755 785 805 903 913 925 935 940 945 980 1,030 1,100 1,160 1,190 1,250 1,255 1,270 1,295 1,315 1,480 1,860 1,865 2.011 Record of strata in Magee well at Sioux City. Cretaceous : Sandstone, light yellow; of fragmental quartz grains. . . Undetermined Paleozoic: Dolomite, light yellow gray; much fissile, green shale, in rounded lumps, and some quartz sand, both prob- ably from above Sandstone and limestone; mostly quartz sand, grains of moderate size, imperfectly rounded; also considerable limestone, light yellow gray, in small fragments, chips of hard crystalline gray-dolomite, and shale as above Dolomite, gray; in sand; drillings largely chert Dolomite, light buff; in sand, drillings chiefly white pyritiferous chert Cambrian : Sandstone, bluish gray, argillaceous, pyritiferous, slightly calcareous; grains microscopically fine, sub- angular, 2 samples Sandstone, white; some grains rounded and polished but most of them broken Dolomite, highly arenaceous ; embedded grains rounded, pyritiferous, and glauconiferous; pyrite in minute nodules Sandstone, calciferous, pyritiferous, glauconiferous Sandstone, light gray; grains minute, not rounded Depth in feet. 210 530 540 645 780 840-855 970 1,000 1,010 1,030 WOODBURY COUNTY. 895 Cambrian — Continued. Depth in feet. Sandstone, gray, calciferous; many rounded grains 1, 035 Sandstone, medium dark blue gray, calciferous; grains minute; glauconiferous 1, 070 Sandstone, highly calciferous, gray; minute angular particles of quartz, highly glauconiferous, with con- siderable green shale 1, 160 Pre-Cambrian : Schist, soft, fine grained ; speckled with white and dark green gray; so friable that a microsection could not be obtained; when pulverized it is seen to be composed of quartz and chlorite 1, 260 Schist or gneiss; contains quartz, feldspar, white and pink feldspar, black ferromagnesian mica; and a trans- > lucent apple-green mineral, probably chlorite; 2 samples 1, 320-1, 350 Schists or gneisses, gray, brown, and black; micaceous, usually with biotite; much hornblende; 32 samples; at 1,860-1,865 samples are chiefly feldspar and quartz. 1, 727-2, 000 The well of the Sioux City Brewing Co. has a depth of 215 feet. Record of strata in well of Sioux City Brewing Co. Clay, brown, difBcultly friable Shale, dark drab; carbonaceous inclusions from 30 to 56 feet; minutely quartzose from S6 to 98 feet No record Sandstone, yellow; grains little rounded, seldom exceeding 0.4 millimeter in diameter Sandstone, as above, but coarser; largest grains 1 mm. in diameter Shale, drab, calcareous Thick- ness. Feet. Depth. Feet. 6 104 21 125 15 140 75 215 Minor supplies. — The following table summarizes the smaller sup- plies of Woodbury County : Village supplies in Woodbury County. City or town. Nature of sup- piy- Pumping system. Distri- bution. o ft -si a o 3 £ ft .§ .3 E "o be C 3 1 s ft ■6 .2 ft ft S ft Daily consump- tion. Sufficiency of supply. QuaUty. Anthon 98-foot well. 18-foot well. 32-foot well. 13 driv- en wells.i Gasoline engine. Electric motor; duplex pump. Gasoline engine Steam pump. Gravity ...do... ...do... .do... Pounds. Pounds. Miles. M gal- lons. Good sup- piy- ...do Fa i r 1 y good supply. Good sup- piy- Hard. Correc- tion- ville. Moville Sloan . . 45 42 100 12 H 1 20 8 50 51 350 420 75-90 15.3 Do. Medium hard. Hard. 1 For Ore use only. 896 UNDEEGROUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Woodbury County : Typical wells of Woodbury County. B o Owner. Location. si ft Source of supply. 2« Remarks (logs given in feet). 0) ft Feet. Feet. Feet. H. Dolan 5 miles nortlieast Smitliland. 24 Sand 147 No rock. Oscar Button. . 11 miles north Smith- 'land. 120 ...do 70 Do. Town Anthon 98 Gravel and 20 Gas engine pump. Black soil, 4; yellow clay and some sand. gravel, 20; gravel and water, 20; bluish-black clay, 20; gravel, sand, lignite and water, 34; no rock. Henry Hein 4 miles northwest Cor- rectionville. 400 350-1- Sandstone 200 Yellow clay (gravel toward bottom), 35; blue clay, 250; gravel and water, 25; blue clay, 30; sand and shale, 52; sandstone (hard and white) and water, 8. B. Delmater. . . IJ miles southwest Cor- " rectionville. 337 302 ...do 200 Hans Lahan. . . 4 miles southeast Cor- rectionville. 285 240 ...do 210 Yellow clay with gravel at bot- tom, 40; blue clay, 200; shale, sandstone, and water, 45. Margeson. . 7 miles west Moville . . . 175 155 ...do 95 City Sioux City 371 J 136 Coarse 24 Well not now used but will be sand. cleaned and used again. Omaiia shops. . do 72-75 Gravel 28 3 weUs driven along river bot- tom. Filling, 12; black soil. 34; blue clay and yellowish sandy clay, 38; gravel and water, 20-22; blue clay; no rock. Oudahy Pack- do 355 170 Sandstone. 19 Air lift. Gravel, 30-40; light- ing Co. colored clay; white sand- stone, 170; shale or clay, 202; sandstone, 205; white chalk rock, 300; sandstone (water), 325; light-colored shale, 350; shale, 355. Logan Park 3 miles north of post 120 110 ...do 60 Black soil and water, 40; blue Cemetery. office, Sioux City. clay, 47; sand and water, 3; yellow clay, 25; sandstone (soft), and water, 10; blue clay. Gas engine. Feed yard. Macx Dreyfus. . 4 miles east of post 87 80 Shale SO office, Sioux City. Sioux City Harriford Prod- 120 Gravel 20 Steam pump. Cold storage. uce Co. Alluvium, 35; fine sand, 15; blue clay, 6; fine gravel, 14; hard blue clay, 4; coarse gravel, 2; clay and gravel alternating (water in last gravel layer), 44; jio rock. Town Sloan 30 Sand 5-10 Driven; steam pump. No rock. CHAPTER XV. SOUTHWEST DISTRICT. INTRODUCTION. By W. H. Norton. The southwest district includes 11 counties — Adams, Audubon, Cass, Fremont, Harrison, Mills, Montgomery, Page, Pottawattamie, Shelby, and Taylor. Over the northern counties the Cretaceous deposits lie immediately below the drift ; over the remaining counties the drift is underlain by the Missouri group of the Pennsylvanian series. At Atlantic the Pennsylvanian shales, limestones, and sandstones are 725 feet thick and extend to 300 feet above sea level, where they give place to highly cherty limestones of the Mississippian series. At Council Bluffs, however, a distinct upwarp reduces the thickness of the Pennsylvanian to about 500 feet. At Glenwood the base of the Pennsylvanian can not lie more than 1,235 feet below the surface, 103 feet below sea level; at Bedford it occurs 1,340 feet below the surface or 242 feet below sea level; in the section of the driU hole at Nebraska City, Nebr. , it is placed at 90 feet below sea level. (See PI. XVIII. ) At Clarinda a drill hole 1,002 feet deep failed to reach it. The map showing the elevation of the base of the Pennsylvanian (fig. 6) indi- cates a gentle downwarp whose axis extends from Polk County to Fremont County. If this interpretation of the data at hand is correct, the Pennsylvanian series on the uplands near the Missouri State line may attain a thickness of about 1,400 feet. Of the Paleozoic terranes underlying the Pennsylvanian series very little has been disclosed by deep wells. At Bedford the Mississippian series appears to be at least 300 feet thick, not including a basal shale which is probably Kinderhook but which may be Devonian. Below the shale are about 200 feet of argillaceous limestones, red or pink in the lower portion, which rest on water-bearing dolomites and anhy- drite marls that continue to a depth of at least 2,400 feet from the surface. Like the gypseous beds of eastern Iowa, they are referred to the Silurian. At Glenwood the succession is similar. Below the sandstone at the base of the Pennsylvanian lie the cherty limestones and basal shales of the Mississippian, resting on water-bearing dolomites. At Dunlap, on the north line of this area, a deep well 36581°— wsp 293—12 57 897 898 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Feet. 1100 - loon- 900- 800- 700- 6004 1 500- 400 4 300- 2011 - 100 4 0- 100- 200- 900 • 1000- uoo j 1200 ■ U. S GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Glenwood ®S^-ii Pleistocene - 60 miles WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 293 PLATE 600- 500- ■j-rt-r c Missouri group Des Moines group Sea level Mississippian Devonian (?) Silurian GEOLOGTG SECTION BETWEEN BEDFORD AND GLENWOOD, IOWA Bv W. H. Nortorv SOUTHWEST DISTRICT. 899 reached the Mississippian at 569 feet above sea level, and at 416 feet below sea level a calciferous sandstone or arenaceous dolomite which may be referred either to the St. Peter or to some lower terrane. The presence at 194 feet below sea level of a green shale resembling the green shales of the Platteville favors the latter reference; but the fact that the dolomite intervening between the shale and the supposed St. Peter is not arenaceous lends some countenance to the former hypothesis. At Lincoln, Nebr., the State well, 2,463 feet deep, left the Pennsyl- vanian at 40 feet above sea level and entered the St. Peter at 827 feet below sea level, the intervening strata being largely magnesian lime- stones. The southwest strike of the St. Peter mapped for southwestern Iowa (PI. I) thus appears to continue into Nebraska. On the other hand, there is in south-central Iowa a south-southwest strike of the St. Peter into Missouri. In the deep weU at Forest City, Mo., accord- ing to the interpretation of the Missouri geologists, the Pennsylvanian extends to 760 feet below sea level and the base of the shales referred to the basal shales of the Mississippian in the Nebraska City section lies at 1,181 feet below sea level. The Paleozoic terranes reach their greatest known depth in territory adjacent to southwestern Iowa. All of the facts at hand support the theory graphically shown in Plate I that the deeper Paleozoic strata of southwestern Iowa form a trough whose axis extends southwestward from Des Moines. Just where the axis of the trough crosses the southern boundary of the State is unknown. The fact that the base of the Mississippian is lower at Bedford than at Nebraska City leads to the inference that the axis may lie as far east as Page or Taylor County. The great thickness of the Silurian at Bedford leads to the same conclusion. If at Bedford the distance from the base of the Mississippian to the St. Peter is as great as at Nebraska City, the St. Peter would be reached at Bedford at about 2,000 feet below sea level. The hypo- thetic contours of the summit of the St. Peter in southwestern and south-central Iowa have been drawn by spacing the rise of the St. Peter from its assumed depth at Bedford to Nebraska City, Dunlap, Des Moines, Pella, and Centerville, assuming some increase in steepness toward the southwest. The water-bearing beds of the drift and of the Cretaceous are described in the reports of the individual counties of this district. The sandstone at the base of the Pennsylvanian series wiU afford moderate supplies of water which in the deeper vaUeys may rise near the surface. The Mississippian limestones supply moderate quantities of water at Council Bluffs, Logan, and probably at Woodbine, where they lie from 600 to 900 feet below the valley levels. 900 XJISTDEKGEOUND WATER EESOUKCES OF IOWA. The magnesian limestones referred to the Silurian yield copious supplies of heavily mineralized water. At Glenwood the water is used for city supply; at Bedford it is not fit to drink. The quality of the water is probably best in the northern counties of the area, where the strata stand the highest. At Nebraska City there is a large flow of fresh water from the dolomites underlying the Kinderhook; at Council Bluffs dolomites referred to the Silurian yield copiously, and these and subjacent dolomites should afford generous supplies for scores of miles up the Missouri Valley and the valleys of its tribu- taries. Water may possibly be found in the St. Peter (PL I), but the depth to this formation is great — over most of the district too great for profitable drilling — the casing out of the mineralized waters of the Carboniferous is difficult, the quality of the water of the St. Peter is uncertain, and on the uplands the head of the water would be low. In the northern tier of counties the Silurian and Ordovician water beds are within a not excessive distance of the surface. At Logan, for example, whose elevation is 1,033 feet above sea level at the Illinois Central Railroad station, the St. Peter should be found about 1,650 feet below the surface or about 650 feet below sea level. A well 2,250 feet deep would thoroughly test the capacities of the chief water beds associated with the St. Peter. Water may be expected here in heavy arenaceous dolomites probably of Ordovician age. The capacity of the present well at Logan, which draws its supply from the Mississippian series, would no doubt be greatly increased if it were deepened to reach the horizons which furnish the main sup- plies at Council Bluffs. At Harlan the St. Peter is estimated at about 1,900 feet from the surface and the required depth for a deep well would range from 2,000 to 2,500 feet. At Audubon the St. Peter will probably be found about 2,000 feet below the surface. Information of great value in interpreting the geology of south- western Iowa is afforded by a drill hole sunk in 1911 and 1912 in search for oil and gas at Nebraska City, Nebr., by IngersoU Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa. Through the efforts of Dr. George L. Smith, of Shenandoah, Iowa, who has long studied the geologic problems of this section of the State, a log made out with special care was secured and a number of samples of the drillings were sub- mitted for examination. Driller'' s log ofhoring at Nebraska City, Nebr. Thick- ness. Depth. Soil Feet. 4 25 2 5 15 Feet. 4 Limestone 8 Shale 33 Limestone 35 Shale, red 40 Shale, blue 55 SOUTHWEST DISTKICT. Driller's log of boring at Nebraska City, Nebr. — Continued. 901 Thick- ness. Depth. Feet. Feet. 5 60 22 82 5 87 32 119 6 125 2 127 73 200 9 209 6 215 5 220 30 250 15 265 9 267 15 282 8 290 45 335 2 337 17 354 2 356 9 365 15 380 35 415 20 435 20 455 3 458 10 468 25 493 15 508 12 520 10 530 40 570 5 575 40 615 2 617 60 677 5 682 3 685 5 690 10 700 10 710 15 725 25 750 10 760 25 785 8 793 20 813 5 818 5 823 10 833 10 843 20 863 17 880 20 900 25 925 15 940 20 960 60 1,020 4 1,024 5 1,029 21 1,050 190 1.240 200 1,440 20 1.460 1 1,461 4 1,465 48 1.513 4 1.517 82 1,599 6 1,605 65 1,670 5 1,675 13 1.688 38 1,726 35 1,761 56 1,817 5 1,822 30 1,852 153 2,005 Shale, red Shale, blue Limestone Shale, blue Red rock Sandstone Shale, blue Limestone Shale, black Limestone, blue Limestone, white Limestone, blue Shale, black, with oil Limestone, white Shale, blue. Limestone, white Shale, blue Limestone Shale, blue Shale, black Limestone Sandstone with mineral water, artesian Shale, blue Limestone, white Red rock Shale, black Limestone Shale, blue Sandstone, with artesian mineral water Shale, black Limestone, white Red rock Limestone, bottom sandy, with water Shale, blue Limestone, white .- Shale and limestone Shale Limy shale Limestone Shale, black Sandstone, limy ; Limestone Limestone, blue Shale, limy Sandstone, very hard Limestone Sandstone Limestone, very hard Shale Limestone Shale, blue Wanting Limestone, blue Shale, blue Shale, black Limestone, white Shale, red Rock, hard flinty Soapstone, white Sandstone, white; with big flow of water, saline between 1,040 and 1,050, passing grad- ually into limestone below Limestone, cherty; with several small layers of shale toward bottom, none over 2 feet thick Shale, blue; in last 50 feet hard thin shells of pyrite Unknown, hole caving badly Shale, white; casing set here Sand, white Sand, and lime, brown; big flow of fresh water rising to within 100 feet of surface Sand, gray Lime and' sand, white Shale, green and black Limestone, sandy, white Shale, green blue Limestone, brown; show black shale Limestone, brown; turning to white Limestone, buff, sandy Sandstone, white, hard, sharp Limestone, white Limestone, brown Limestone, white. 902 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Driller'' s log of boring at Nebraska City, Nebr. — Continued. Limestone, white, sandy Shale, black Limestone, white, sandy : Limestone, white Limestone, blue, white, sandy Limestone, white Limestone, dark and shale Limestone, shaly, dark; showed some sand Limestone, buff; showed some mineral Limestone, blue, hard Limestone, browm, very hard Limestone, white Limestone, blue, white, sandy; drills into chips and cuts steel badly Limestone, white, sandy, medium hard ." Limestone, white Limestone, blue white and darker, hard Limestone, blue white, sandy Limestone, black, hard " Limestone, dark, very sandy .> Limestone, dark ' Limestone, brown, sandy Shale, black; alternating with limestone shells; wet sample gives odor of petroleum Limestone, brown, very hard Limestone, gray, sandy, very hard Limestone, blue, very hard Limestone, brown, very hard Limestone, blue white, hard Shale, black and blue; with shells, alternating hard and soft, fossiliferous. Description of strata of boring at Nebraska City, Nebrfi Thick- ness. Carboniferous: Pennsylvanian (1,020 feet thick; top, 930 feet above sea level): No samples Mississippian (420 feet thick; top 90 feet below sea level): Chert, white, sparingly pyritiferous; in large fragments; 1 fragment of non- magnesian, light gray-brown, fine crystalline-granular, compact limestone, and 1 diorite pebble from drift; 1 sample Shale, light blue, plastic, argillaceous; somewhat calcareous, finegrained, mas- sive; some fragments of light blue, finely arenaceous laminated shale, laminae \ inch thick Devonian and Silurian (720 feet thick; top, 510 feet below sea level): Dolomite; in fine yellow powder; crystalline grains; very small admixture of minute grains of quartz ." ". Limestone, magnesian; or dolomite; effervescence moderately slow; buff in mass, in fine sand and powder; some minute quartz grains; 4 saraples Dolomite, light brown; in fine sand; a little chert, at Limest6ne, magnesian; or dolomite; dark buff; moderately slow effervescence; in fine crystalline sand, at ^ Limestone, magnesian; or dolomite; as above; 1 sample Shale, hard, light blue green, and darker, blue gray; slightly calcareous, at Limestone; in light bufi powder, rather brisk effervescence; with minute grains of quartz and flakes of cryptocrystalline silica, at Limestone, magnesian; or dolomite; lightbufE; in sand; effervescence rapid at first, then slow; more or less residue of irregular and broken minute grains of quartz and cryptocrystalline silica; 3 samples, at Dolomite, light buff, cream color, and whitish; in fine crystalline sand; residue of minute, irregular grains of quartz and flakes of cryptocrystalline silica; in some samples large residue of cryptocrystalline silica; 1 sample contains fragments of hard granular-crystalline Vesicular dolomite; cavities drusy: 8 samples Dolomite, light buff and light brown; in sand and powder; highly cherty below 2,060; 7 samples Feet. 1,020 220 200 27 130 a On March 25, 1912, the drillers reported that after passing through 29 feet of the Decorah shale the drill entered, at 2,783 feet from the surface, a white sandstone 64 feet thick, evidently the St. Peter, the Platteville limestone unexpectedly being absent. The top of the St. Peter here lies 1,853 feet below sea level. The St. Peter was found to be underlain by red rock and shale 22 feet thick and this in turn rested upon sandstone. The St. Peter and the strata below it were dry. SOUTHWEST DISTRICT. 903 Description of strata of boring at Nebraska City, Nebr. — Continued. Thick- ness. Depth. Ordoviclan: Maquoketa shale (114 feet thick; top, 1,230 feet below sea level): No samples Galena dolomite (480 feet thick; top, 1,344 feet below sea level): Limestone, light gray and whitish, minutely granular-crystalline; oxidized on surface to buff; rather slow effervescence; contains minute cubes of pyrite and some gray chert, in chips; also limestone, soft, buff, minutely crystal- line-granular; rather rapid effervescence at first immersion, but crystalline grains attacked rather slowly; considerable blue-gray flint in fine sand: fragment of pygidium of trilobite noted on one chip of same; much shale (2,274 feet); caving from above; blue green, hard, fissile, noncalcareous, non- arenaceous, nonglauconiferous Chert, blue gray, mottled, and light bufl; in small chips; a little soft crystal- line-granular "limestone, buff, of rather rapid eflervescence; some hard green and gray fissile shale and pjTite Dolomite, light gray, highly cherty, pyritiferous; some minute irregular grains of quartz; in fine" sand, at No samples Dolomite, light buff, crystalline, granular, vesicular; in places cherty; in fine sparkling sand; 5 samples Dolomite, buff and gray, cherty; a little hard fissile greenish shale, somewhat calcareous; 2 samples No samples ^ Dolomite, buff, impure, considerable microscopic siliceous and argillaceous residue (described by driller as alternating layers of lime and dark shale). . . Dolomite, dark buff, crystalline, granular; in sand; 3 samples Limestone, mottled buff and gray, compact; rapid effervescence; pyritiferous; 2 samples Decorah shale (top, 1,824 feet below sea level): Shale, dark green, hard, fissile, fossiliferous; Stictoporella angularis and Dalma- nella subsequata var. minneapolis, identified by Ulrich. Feet. 114 43 159 24 Feet. 2,274 2.309 2,313 2,322 2,365 2,524 2,575 2,620 2,644 2,690 2,754 Analysis of drillings from. 1,982 to 1,993 feet.o- MgCOj 36. 63 CaCOg 47. 00 FeCOs 2. 38 SiOa 13. 97 99. 98 Omitting the silica, which occurs largely as chert, it will be noted that the percentages of magnesium carbonate and calcium carbonate are respectively 42.5 and 54.6, or nearly those of these constituents in dolomite. The fu'st 1,020 feet of the boring is clearly Pennsylvanian. The age of the large body of limestone between 1,020 and 1,240 is of special importance. In reamings there was found a fossil identified by the late Dr. Samuel Calvin as a thick, short-liinged variety of Spiriferina Tcentuckiensis, a species most common in the Pennsyl- vanian, but not unknown in the Mississippian. Reference of the bed to the Mississippian is favored by the occurrence of entirely similar thick cherty limestones at about the same horizon at Bedford and at Glenwood. At Nebraska City they underlie the shales of the Des Moines group and are with little doubt the westward extension of the cherty limestones of the Mississippian of southeastern Iowa. a Made in chemical laboratory of Cornell College, Iowa, under direction of Dr. Nicholas Knight. 004 UNDEEGEOUi^D WATEE EESOTJECES OF lOWA. The absence of any body of cherty limestone of like thickness in the Missouri group in Iowa makes for the same reference. Assuming, then, that the limestone in question is Mississippian, it will be noted that the Pennsylvanian section at Nebraska City is almost wholly of the Missouri group, the Des Moines group having thinned to a few feet of shale at base. The same assumption gives the summit of the Mississippian at Nebraska City as 90 feet below sea level, practically the same as at Glenwood, and 150 feet higher than at Bedford. The base of the coal measures at Lincoln, Nebr., is about 100 feet higher than at Nebraska City. Apparently then the floor of the coal measures lies nearly horizontal over this area mth the axis of the slight synchne lying between Bedford and Missouri River. On the other hand. Dr. George L. Smith, of Shenandoah, Iowa, who has given much study to the Missouri group of southwestern Iowa, finds a considerable dip southward along IV'Iissouri River, a dip of at least 400 feet from the railway bridge at Plattsmouth to Nebraska City, and largely on this account he is convinced that the limestone in question is the Bethany limestone. Beginning at 1,240 feet the drill passed through 200 feet of shale. This is correlated with the 130 feet of shale immediately beneath the Mississippian limestone at Glenwood and with a much thinner shale at the same horizon at Bedford. It may be referred to the Kinder- hook, but in part may be Devonian. On the other hand, if the cherty Umestone overlying the shale is the Bethany limestone, this shale represents the Des Moines group. Unfortunately no succession of samples of the shales were saved, so that their lithologic affinities are unknown. When the well had reached a depth of 1,330 feet, the driller described this shale as light blue and states that ''in places it gets sandy and hard, but is practically one body of shale so far as we have gone." At 1,385 feet the same description, practically, is given. There is no evidence of the alterations in color which are common in the Des Moines. From 1,440 to 2,160 feet the drill continues in magnesian limestones and dolomites. This body of limestone, 720 feet thick, nowhere so far as the drillings are in evidence carries gypsum or anhydrite as at Bedford and Glenwood. At 1,460 feet a parting of 1 foot of shale is recorded and at 1,665 another parting less than 10 feet in thiclaiess. This body of limestone is assigned to the Devonian and the Siliu-ian without any attempt to draw a division line between them. The base also of the Silurian is in doubt, for the reference of the strata between 2,160 and 2,274 feet to the Maquoketa shale rests only on the statement of the driller's log, reporting here ' ' alternating limestone ADAMS COUNTY. 905 and shale." From 2,274 to 2,754 feet extends an unbroken body of limestone and dolomite, which may be assigned to the Galena dolomite, since it overlies a shale which extends from 2,754 to 2,783 feet and wliich contains fossils proving it to be the Decorah. In the Decorah shale, at 1,824 feet below sea level, a definite and certain geologic datum is evident. As the drill hole was sunk as an oil prospect no quantative or qualitative tests were made of the waters found at different horizons. To 400 feet the hole was dry. From the Pennsylvanian water-bearing beds were reported from 400 to 415 feet, from 508 to 520 feet, and at 615 feet. Small flows occurred also in the same terrane between 615 and 900 feet at intervals not exceeding 50 feet. A larger flow of salty water was encountered at the summit of the Mssissippian at 1,040 feet. These waters rose slightly above the surface and yielded not to exceed two gallons a minute. They are described by Dr. George L. Smith as bitter, saline, purgative, and unpotable. At 1,050 feet casing was placed which shut them out, and all waters below this depth are said to be fresh. Between 1,461 and 1,480 feet, a flow was reached in the limestones underl3dng the shale referred by the writer to the Kinderhook, but which is the apparent equivalent of that at Forest City which the Missouri geologists have placed with the Devonian. This flow is described by the drillers as "immense;" at least it was not lowered by them in their work. The temperature is said to have been colder than spring water; the head was 125 below the siu-face. A measurement was kept of the height' of the water in the drill hole, but no changes occurred below 1,480 feet to indicate that other veins had been reached. Below that level, however, the bailer brought up water which after going through the cold water of this flow was still a little warm. ADAMS COUNTY. By Howard E. Simpson. TOPOGRAPHY. Adams County comprises a portion of the old drift plain wliich slopes from the crest of the jVIississippi-^NIissouri divide southwestward toward Missoiu-i River. Though well up on the slope the plain is maturely dissected and thoroughly drained by the numerous tribu- taries of Nodaway River. The larger streams flow through broad, flat, preglacial valleys which are carved deeply into the underl3dng rocks and are partly refilled by drift and alluvium. 906 XTNDEEGEOUKD WATEE EESOUECES OP lOWA. GEOLOGY. The drift mantles all the country rock to depths of 15 to 150 feet, and is in turn overlain by the loess. Broad strips of alluvium, con- sisting of sands, gravels, and clays overlain with fine silt, border the larger streams, and sand and gravel fill the valleys beneath to a depth of 40 feet in many places. In the northwest corner of the county the drift is underlain by heavy beds of soft, porous, brown sandstone — the Dakota sandstone of the Cretaceous. Over all the rest of the county the Dakota is missing and the drift is directly underlain by the Missouri group (Carboniferous), which consists chiefly of heavy beds of hard limestone alternating with shales and, rarely, a thin seam of coal. Below, these rocks grade into those of the Des Moines group. The lime- stone decreases, whereas the shale, sandstone, and coal increase. The whole has a thickness of several hundred feet. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The alluvial sands and gravels afford a plentiful supply of water to inexpensive driven wells ranging in depth from 15 to 50 feet. Most of the wells of the county, however, obtain their water from the drift. Many very shaUow wells, 15 to 20 feet deep, are scantily supplied by surface waters seeping through the porous loess, and others reach the sandy layers which lie beneath. The water in all of these wells is scanty and is subject to pollution from organic matter washed in from the surface. As the quantity of ground water near the surface has decreased as a result of more perfect drainage and the cultivation of the land, it has been found necessary to sink many of the wells into the sands and gravels which usually he at the base of the drift and which furnish good water freely and permanently. These wells are hned with 18-inch tUing and will probably prove the best source of supply for upland farms over all the limestone region. Other wells obtain an ample supply in the local sandy layers above the base of the drift. The Dakota sandstone yields the best and purest water obtainable in the county. Unfortunately, this soft sandstone underlies the drift only in the northwest corner of the county, and in some places it is too thin to furnish water abundantly. The water is only moderately hard and is free from undesirable minerals. It makes an excellent domestic and stock water. The limestones and shales of the Missouri group underlie the entire county, but because of their compact texture they afford only a scanty supply of hard water, and are penetrated only by wells which fail to find a suitable supply in the drift. Fortunately, this failure is rare, for though the limestone beds ADAMS COUNTY. 907 between shaly layers in many wells yield a supply of good hard water, several holes drilled to depths of 200 to 500 feet have been abandoned because of scantiness of supply. In such wells waters from the drift may be combined with those from the limestone by puncturing the casing opposite the higher beds. In the coal-prospect hole drilled at Carbon heavy water-bearing sandstone was found at a depth between 70*^ and 800 feet. The hole was 873 feet deep and, except for 16 feet of drift, was entirely in Permsylvanian strata. The sandstone lenses, however, lie so deep and their occurrence is so uncertain that drilling for them is not warranted except where artesian wells are sought. No flowing wells of importance are reported. A few weak flows are obtained on low ground, one such being on the farm of J. Mercer (sec. 28, T. 71 N., R. 33 W.). SPRINGS. Several good stock springs flow from margins of Dakota sandstone on the sides of the Nodaway River vaUey, typical ones being found on the farms of Joe Houcks and Peter Curry, 1 mile and 3 miles, respectively, north of Carbon. Other springs from sandy layers of drift occur at different points in the county, but none are important sources of water supply. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Corning. — Corning (population, 1,702) has one well, 169 feet deep, extending 131 feet below the alluvial deposits of East Nodaway River into the shales and limestones of the Missouri group. The weU yields a scanty supply of hard water and is unused. A large open well sunk on the river bottoms 38 feet to bedrock is walled with brick laid in mortar. This well is 25 feet in diameter and furnishes the present town supply. The water comes in at the bottom from gravels overlying bedrock, stands at a level varying from 3 to 28 feet below the curb, and may be entirely withdrawn by heavy pump- ing. Two steam pumps having a capacity of 10,000 gallons each force the water into an elevated tank, from which it is distributed under gravity pressure of 60 pounds through 5 miles of mains to 27 hydrants and many private taps. Driven wells, ranging in depth from 30 to 100 feet, are common on the bottoms, whereas most wells on the slopes and in higher portions of the city are dug or bored. All these wells are in drift, and many of them draw from sands immediately overlying bedrock. Prescott. — Prescott (population, 426) has a small public supply for fire protection. The water is obtained from shallow wells and dis- tributed through a few hundred feet of mains to three or four hydrants located on the principal street. 908 tlNDERGEOUND WATEK EESOURCES OF IOWA. Most of the wells at Prescott are bored and lined with tile to depths ranging from 15 to 40-feet, the alluvial and subloessial sands furnish- ing the water. On uplands the wells extend to the deeper drift sheets. Minor supplies. — At Nodaway 30-foot sand points are common on all of the lower lands. Wells on uplands are bored 50 to 200 feet in drift. Near Carbon 40-foot points obtain plenty of water in the Nodaway bottoms. In Nodaway Valley, outside the alluvial belt, all 50-foot wells find abundant water in the drift. At Brooks and Nevmville wells range in depth from 20 to 70 feet, many being 35 feet deep. Mount Etna gets its water supply from driven and bored wells ranging in depth from 16 to 50 feet and averaging 30 feet. A clay overlies the water-bearing sandstone. WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Adams County : Typical wells in Adams County. O^vner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). Feet. Feet. Feet. J. A. Mason NE.Jsec.5,T.71 N.,R.35W. 276 150 Sandstone (Dakota). 106 Yield 3 gallons per minute for one- halt day without lowering. Drift (Pleistocene), 150; sandstone (Da- kota), 40; shales and limestone (Missouri), 86. W. C. Day NE. i sec. 2, T. 72N.,R.35W. 403 68 do A little water in Dakota sandstone, none below. Abandoned. Drift (Pleistocene), 68; sandstone (Da- kota), 6; shale and hmestone ( Mis- souri) 329. Corning River bottoms... • 169 38 Lime stone (Missouri). 30 6-inch drilled well cased to rock; put down for city supply but unused on account of hardness and scan- tiness. AUuvium, sand and gravel (Pleistocene), 38; shales and limestone (Missouri), 131. Coming River bottoms.. 3S 38 do 3 to 28 Chief city supply; diameter, 24 feet. Soil and loam, 8; gumbo, 8; blue clay, 10; gravel, 12 ; lime- stone. Coming 35 35 Gravel AUDUBON COUNTY. By O. E. Meinzer. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. Audubon County comprises a well-dissected upland over which are interspersed a number of rather wide alluvium-iilled valleys. The generalized upland section as reported by R. S. Gransbury, driller at Exira, is as follows : Yellow clay containing lime concretions and pebbles, with hardpan and a little sand near the bottom. Light-blue clay. Hardpan. Blue-black clay. ATJDUBOlsr COUNTY. 909 "White hardpan. Yellow hardpan. Yellow and white cemented sand. Limestone, shale, and sandstone. The interpretation of this section seems to be as follows : The yellow clay is loess and weathered Kansan drift; the light-blue clay is unweathered Kansan; the blue-black clay is Nebraskan; and the overlying hardpan Aftonian; the white and yellow hardpan and sub- jacent cemented sand are Cretaceous, and the series of limestone shale and sandstone is Pennsylvanian. The Cretaceous "hardpan" is said to be between 1 foot and 20 feet thick, and the ''cemented sand" has about the same range but aver- ages less than 10 feet. The Cretaceous deposits have not been found in all parts of the county. Drillers report them best developed near the eastern margin and generally wanting in the vicinity of Audubon and farther north. They consider them most likely to be reached by wells located on the divides between the principal drainage lines. The "cemented sand" is found at depths of 300 feet and more on the highest ground and at correspondingly less depths on lower ground near the valleys. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. Water can be obtained from the alluvium, the drift and associated deposits, the Cretaceous sandstone, and the lower formations. Of the lower formations the upper Carboniferous strata are predomi- nantly nonwater bearing, but their deeper beds are likely to furnish at least small amounts of water. Still lower formations yield larger supplies. Though the Cretaceous sandstone yields more freely than any of the drift deposits, its water is under little pressure and flows into the wells at only a moderate rate, and must be lifted a great distance to be brought to the upland level. Two wells, reported by E. L. Gransbury as ending in the "cemented sand," may be cited as typical: The well of F. Hays, located in sec. 13, T. 79 N., R. 34 W., has a depth of 340 feet and a diameter of 3 inches. Its water bed is 6 feet thick, and its head is 290 feet below the surface. Continuous pump- ing at the rate of 3 gallons per minute lowers the water level 20 feet. The water is hard and ferruginous. The well of George McClain, located in sec. 35, T. 79 N., R. 35 W., has a depth of 218 feet and a diameter of 3^ inches. Its water bed is 5 feet thick, and its head 148 feet below the surface. Pumping at the rate of 6 gallons a minute lowers the water level 20 feet. Many weUs drilled to the Cretaceous on ridges in this and adjacent counties in years of extreme drought have on the return of more 910 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. normal conditions been abandoned on account of difficulties arising from the depth, low head, mineralized water, and the iacrusting of the sand screens. Two-inch tubular wells are not so successful as wells of larger diameter with independent pumps. In many places larger wells can be finished without screens by sand pumping and putting down fine gravel which tends to keep back the sand. Most of the wells at present in use are of the shallow bored and dug types, are located on the lowest ground feasible, and depend on a slow seepage from the drift. They are fairly satisfactory except in dry years or where large supplies are required. Much of the difficulty resulting from inadequate yield could be overcome if, instead of a single hole, a series of holes were bored. If the wells are spaced about 25 feet apart and are not less than 2 feet in diameter they can be con- nected by boring horizontal holes an inch or two in diameter from the bottom of one well to the bottom of the next, so that the water con- tributed by all can be lifted by means of a single pump placed in any one of the weUs. These horizontal holes can be bored most conven- iently with an auger consisting of detachable links which can be added as the boring progresses. The links should be attached to each other like the links of the chains used in pipe tongs, so that the auger can be withdrawn without disconnecting them. The horizontal holes should be provided with iron pipes, to make sure that the connections are kept open; but if these pipes are small enough to fit loosely the seepage on the outside of them will, in some weUs, add materially to the total yield. In the valleys generous supplies can commonly be obtained by sink- ing inexpensive open or driven wells into the stream deposits. This source is utilized largely in settlements located along streams. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Audubon. — The city waterworks of Audubon (population, 1,928) are at present supplied from 5 shallow wells located in the creek valley. The principal well is 27 feet in diameter and 35 feet deep, and receives its water from sand and gravel near the bottom. The wells fill within 15 feet of the surface, and are frequently pumped at the rate of 10,000 gallons an hour for 5 consecutive hours. The water has a large amount of permanent hardness, as is shown by the analysis (p. 175). Boring was at one time carried to a depth of 95 feet and ended in dark-blue clay without water. The distributing system comprises an elevated tank and about 2 miles of mains, with 125 taps. The average daily consumption is 30,000 gallons. Exira. — The village well at Exira (population, 787) is sunk in the river bottom to a depth of 28 feet, the last 2 feet of which are in gravel. It is 10 feet in diameter, is cased with brick, and fills with CASS COUNTY. 911 water to within 8 feet of the surface. Approximately 8,000 gallons are used each day, but the well would easily provide several times this amount. Wlien the waterworks were installed, a series of 2-inch wells were driven to the same bed of gravel, but were not as satisfac- tory as the large well used at present. The waterworks include a standpipe, three-fourths mile of mains, 10 fire hydrants, and about 35 service connections. The water is said to be very hard and is used by only a small portion of the inhabitants. Kimballton. — The village of Kimballton (population, 271) has a system of waterworks which draws from a well and includes one-fifth mile of mains, 4 fire hydrants, and 12 taps. CASS COUNTY. By Howard E. Simpson and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. Cass County is near the southwest corner of the State, well up the western slope of the Missouri-Mississippi divide. Topographically it is a drift plain, sloping gently south westward, cut in every direction by the channels of minor streams. Nishnabotna and Nodaway rivers flow southwestward across it in wide, deep, preglacial valleys, which they have cut in the underlying rocks and recut in the soft drift cover. The upland slopes to the north and east grade into gently rolling prairies; those to the south and west show more complete dissection and more mature drainage than those on the eastern side of the divide. In the vaUeys of Nishnabotna and Nodaway rivers the drift rests on Carboniferous strata, here chiefly a series of heavy shales alternating with thinner beds of hard limestone (Missouri group). Over a large part of the county the drift rests on Cretaceous sandstone, known as the Dakota, which rests unconformably on the Carboniferous. On the uplands the drift has an average thickness of perhaps 200 feet, and consists of heavy beds of till overlain by a comparatively thin mantle of loess. Heavy deposits of sand and gravel are found in the bottoms of the larger valleys. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The water-bearing beds utilized in Cass County are the alluvial sands and gravels, the loessial sands, the drift sands, the Dakota sandstone, and the limestone of the Missouri group. In few other parts of Iowa can so satisfactory supplies of water be obtained so cheaply as in the gravel-filled valleys of the southwestern part of the State. The sands and gravels that flll the valley 912 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. bottoms of Nishnabotna and Nodaway rivers and their larger tribu- taries to depths of 50 to 100 feet afford an inexhaustible supply of good water at depths ranging from 20 to 100 feet. The water is generally obtained by driving 1^-inch pipe shod with a 3-foot point covered mth No. 60 gauze mesh. The expense of such a well complete, with pump, is $15 to $25. Rarely is the sand so fine as to fill the point and thus destroy the well. Wlien it does, the pipe may be drawn, the point cleaned, and the whole again driven. On the uplands, especially in the eastern part of the county, where the loess is comparatively thin, many shallow wells obtain water from sands under the loess. In the western part, where the loess is thicker, many wells do not pass through the loess, but depend entirely on the slow seepage from this porous clay. Wells in the loess and its under- lying sands are very likely to be contaminated by drainage from the surface. In all parts of the county an excellent supply of water may be obtained from the gravels at the base of the drift at depths of 100 to 225 feet. The head is relatively low but strong. Many wells obtain a scant but wholesome supply from seepage and from local sand layers that he at different depths wdtMn the till. Where cultivation and artificial drainage have lowered the ground-water level, dug wells have been dug deeper, and bored weUs filled with large tiling or sewer pipe extending down to lower gravels of the drift are very common. The gravel between the drift sheets also yields water. The Dakota sandstone is an aquifer of the first order and rarely fails to yield excellent water at depths ranging from 150 to 300 feet. The limestone of the Missouri group affords a scant supply of hard water that is seldom utilized. It is important only on the slopes of the larger valleys, where the Dakota sandstone has been eroded away. It is rarely reached within 250 feet of the surface. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Anita. — The public water supply of Anita (population, 1,118) is obtained from a 207-foot well, which draws excelleijt water from the Dakota sandstone. It is somewhat hard and is said to pit the boilers. The water is pumped by gasoline engine into elevated tanks, from which it is delivered over the entire town under direct pressure of 50 pounds. Atlantic. — The public supply of Atlantic (population, 4,560) is owned by the city. It is drawn from 30 drilled and driven weUs, ranging in depth from 52 to 86 feet and in diameter from 4 to 6 inches, located in the "bottoms" of Nishnabotna River. The drilling is done inside a tube, the well being pumped out and the tube driven a few inches or feet at a time until it reaches a suitable aquifer, into CASS COUNTY. * 913 which drilling is continued a foot or two to form a collecting pocket. A Cook strainer is pushed to the bottom and fixed on the end of the driven pipe. The wells are connected with T's to air chambers and so connected in groups and series that any individual or group may be cut off, the caps may be removed, and the sand pumped out at will. One of the 30 wells never produced at all, and this well and two others whose casings were broken in cleaning have been cut off. The water-bearing bed, a sharp white sand with some gravel, lies 50 to 86 feet below the surface. Above it are many layers of clay sUt alternating with beds of sand and gravel, some of which are water-bearing. Several years ago fifty 3-inch drive points penetrat- ing some of these gravel layers were utilized, but they were abandoned on account of the insufficiency of the supply. The series could be pumped dry in about one hour. When not pumped the water in the present wells ordinarily stands 13 feet below the surface, but the level varies with weather and rain- fall. The wells respond within 24 hours to heavy rainfall or rise of river near by, but the water level lowers much more slowly than it rises. Under emergency pumping the water level has been lowered to 28 feet below the surface. The water in these wells is distributed by direct pressure through 13 miles* of mains to 104 fire hydrants and more than 1,200 taps. Four-fifths of the inhabitants of the city are supplied. The daily use is 500,000 gallons; the daily capacity of the plant is 2,500,000 gallons. The water pumped at night in excess of that used overflows into a reservoir where it is held in reserve for emergency. In case of fire the water from this pond is forced directly into the mains and the pressure is raised from 80 to 155 pounds. The contamination of the city mains ■v^dth stale water from the pond is the unsatisfactory feature of this otherwise excellent system. The water has been used in boilers and for manufacturing purposes by the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway, the electric light company, laundries, canning factories, starch factory and others, and is, on the whole, very satisfactory. It precipitates, on standing, a small quantity of the red sediment that is commonly found in drift-gravel waters, and some firemen find it helpful to use a small amount of boiler compound. A prospect hole, drilled in 1888 by the Rust Artesian Well Co., of Ithaca, N. Y., for the Atlantic Coal & Mining Co., goes down 1,310 feet. The elevation of the curb above sea level is 1,1 50 feet. No record was preserved of water-bearing beds, as the contract required a dry hole at all times. It is said that drilling was stopped because the pressure became so great that it caused the casing to collapse. The hole is situated a short distance east of the railway station. 36581°— wsp 293—12 58 914 UNDEJIGROUI^D WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. Samples of the drillings of this boring were placed at the disposal of the Iowa Geological Survey by Seth Dean of Glenwood. In the following record the determinations of strata are supplied by Mr. Dean and Mr. E. H. Lonsdale. Record of strata in deep well at Atlantic. Thick- ness. Pleistocene? (no sample) Carboniferous: Pennsylvanian (725 feet thick; top, 1,025 feet above sea level): Shale., blue Shale, gravelly Shale, red and blue, gravelly Limestone, gray, sandy Shale, red and blue, with soapstone. Shale, gravelly Shale, purple, dark drab, and green, fine, unctuous; with pebbles (5 lime- stone, 1 vitreous sandstone, 1 coal) Shale, gravelly Clay, mottled red and blue Shale, blue Shale, red and blue, with gravel.. Shale, blue, with slate Sandstone and shale ., Slate, black; soapstone, blue and green Shale, varicolored, green, and reddish; fissile, practically noncalcareous Sandstone Shale Shale and limestone Shale, varicolored, green, and reddish; fissile, practically noncalcareous Clay and soapstone Sandstone Shale, blue Shale, dark gray, very finely laminated, somewhat calcareous Sandstone, or sandy limestone Shale, dark gray Shale, dark brown gray, noncalcareous, arenaceous, pyritiferous Sandstone, brown, highly ferruginous Sandstone Shale, sandy Sandstone, very fine Shale and slate Shale, iron gray, finely laminated, noncalcareous Sandstone, white, very fine Clay, blue, with gravel Shale, sandy Sandstone Shale, finely arenaceous, ocherous; some black Shale, black, carbonaceous Shale, blue, and slate Shale, yellow, gravelly Sandstone, gray, of finest grain, with much black shale; samples at 800 and 815 . . Limestone, sandy Sandstone, brown Sandstone^ gray Mississippian (420 feet thick; top, 300 feet above sea level): Limestone, white, nonmagnesian; white chert constitutes the bulk of the sam- ple Limestone, blue gray, argillaceous; quartzose residue, with large fragments of dark shale; probably from above Limestone, yellow gray; sample chiefly dark-brown flint with somechalcedonic silica; a very little quartz sand Flint, brown "gray, calcareous; some chalcedonic silica; much shale in frag- ments Flint, gray and black chalcedony; drusy quartz; some shale Flint, brown, calcareous: some chalcedony; a little shale. Flint and chalcedony; 5 samples; drillings largely milk-white, translucent chalcedony, with brown calcareous fUnt and some limestone Limestone, nearly white; much white chert; 2 samples Chalcedony and flint: drillings remaining after original washing made up of chalcedonic silica and blue-gray and yellow siliceous fragments which eiler- vesce in cold dilute hydrochloric acid, but do not disaggregate; pure limestone practically absent ..'. Shale and flint; shale, blue gray, somewhat calcareous Limestone, soft, light yellow gray; with silica as above, and some fragments of shale; 4 samples Limestone, brown; much white chert Limestone, lighter colored; drillings chiefly chert; only finest sand is limestone and even this is siliceous ". CASS COUNTY. Record of strata in deep well at Atlantic — Continued. 915 Depth. Carboniferous— Continued. Mississipian (420 feet thick; top, 300 feet above sea level)— Continued. Limestone, light yellow, nearly pure; considerable shale in small fragments Limestone; as above; much chalcedony and chert Limestone, white, chalky, and light yellow Chert; drillings of chert and chalcedony; at 1,145 feet a few rounded grains of crystalline quartz and particles of fine-grained sandstone; 4 samples, all of which in mass eflervesce freely in acid Flint; black, yellow, and red flint and jasper, with sand of rounded grains of quartz; fragments of limestone, chert, and chalcedony Limestone, blue gray, cherty, and argillaceous Chert, white and brown; some shale in sample Limestone, cherty; gray in mass Limestone; siliceous material constitutes one-tenth of sample by weight Chert and shale, buff; chert eflervescent; shale pink in fine grains, but slightly calcareous Limestone, highly arenaceous and siliceous; chert and chalcedony; two-fifths of sample by weight insoluble Sandstone, highly calciferous; limestone arenaceous; quartz in minute angular particles; white and yellow-gray; 2 samples Devonian? (40 feet penetrated; top, 120 feet below sea level): Shale, fine, light gray, calcareous Limestone, cream yellow, rather hard; in angular sand Feet. 1,135 1,140 1,145 1,170 1,180 1,190 1,200 1,225 1,245 1,255 1,260 1,270 1,285 1,310 Griswold. — The town of Griswold (population, 949) is supplied from a 200-foot drilled well which draws its water from drift within 70 feet of the surface. A standpipe is used for storage and the water is distributed through 1^ miles of mains at pressure varying from 35 to 100 pounds. Lewis. — The water supply of Lewis (population, 603) is chiefly from wells ranguig in depth from 40 to 70 feet. The public supply is drawn from a dug well 7 feet in diameter and 68 feet deep, in which the water stands 50 feet below the surface. The well ends in sand and gravel overlain for almost the entire depth by clay. The water is distributed from an elevated tank under direct pressure of 43 pounds through nearly 1 mile of mains. A well drilled on a vaUey slope in 1900 as a prospect for coal and artesian water passed through 7 feet of Dakota sandstone, probably the edge on the valley side, and continued down through coal meas- ures to a depth of 562 feet, where it was abandoned. An excellent spring flows from the sandstone outcrop in the bluffs bordering Nish- nabotna River and furnishes water for drinking and bathing at a sum- mer resort established by D. W. Woodward. Marne. — At Marne (population, 266) domestic wells are sunk 30 to 60 feet to sand layers in the drift. Many of the stock wells, demand- ing a larger supply, are sunk to the lower gravel layers, about 200 feet. The city well supplies an elevated tank from which water is distributed by direct pressure of 25 pounds for fire, street, and domes- tic purposes. Massena. — At Massena (population, 490) there are few deep wells, most of the people relying on bored wells 20 to 60 feet deep. The city has no other supply than that afforded by open cisterns and hand pumps. 916 UNDEKGROUND WATEE RESOURCES OF IOWA. WELL DATA. Information in regard to some of the typical wells in Cass County is presented in the following table : Typical wells of Cass County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks (logs given in feet). T. 76 N., R. 35 W. (Franklin). R. R. Bell T. 76 N., R. 37 W. (Washington). W. B. Berry W. J. Copeland. Julius Kirkpat- rick. T. 74 N., R. 37 W. (Pleasant). Town Do T. 75 N., R. 36 W. (Bear Grove). Sam Deverns T. 76 N., R. 36 W. (Grove). F. C. Schain Bert Frost PolkByrd C. V. Wilder. T. 77 N., R. 35 W. (Benton). Thomas Kelly T. 77 N., R. 37 W. (Brighton). L. S. Allen T. 77 N., R. 36 W. (Pymosa). Winfleld Wilbur. T. 75 N., R. 34 W. (Massena). W. S. Shields.... T. 74 N., R. 34 W. (Victoria). John Holste. T. 77 N., R. 34 W. (Grant). Town T. 75 N., R. 37 W. (Cass) . Town SW. -1- sec. 24. NE. Jsec. 7.. SE.isec. 11.. NE. i-sec. 10. Griswold. do. . . 6 miles south of Atlantic. SE. i sec. 29.. NE. Jsec. 19. NE. Jsec. 6.. 5 miles south of Atlantic. 4 miles southeast of Bray don. NW, } sec. 30 7 miles north of Allautic. NW. isec 32.... NE. i sec 20 Anita Lewis. Feet. 226 150 180 100 200 110 218 150 295 247 283 324 240 207 562 Feet. 100 70 245 250 207 171 Sand. Fine sand. Drift sand. ....do Feet. 179 150 "Blue rock". Drift sand . . . No water. Drift sand Sand Sandstone (Da- kota). Drift sand and gravel. Sandstone (Da- kota). ....do Sandstone (Mis- souri). No water. .do. Sandstone (Da kota). Limestone (Mis- souri). 30 163 166 200 171 Upper water bed at 40. Very hard water. VaUey. No water below drift. In limestone and shale. \ Good strong well. Drift, 124; white sandstone, 4; red sandstone, 18; shale, 4. Abundant water in sand and gravel over limestone. Strong well, good water. Limestone (Missouri) at 247 feet. Water in crevice of limestone. In limestone (Mis- souri). Do. Hilltop: Pleistocene, 171; Dakota sand- stc-ie, 36; lime- stone (Missouri) at 207 feet. HiUside: Pleistocene, 70; Dakota sand- stone, 7; Carbonif- erous, 485. Water in limestone at 82. Abandoned be- cause of caving; drilled for coal. UNDEEGKOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. 91? FREMONT COUNTY. By O. E. Meinzer. TOPOGRAPHY. Fremont County is divisible into two distinct physiographic provinces: (1) The uplands, consisting of rugged hills and ridges separated by innumerable sharp ravines, and (2) the lowlands, con- sisting of broad valleys with flat, monotonous bottoms that include nearly one-half of the county's area. Between Missouri River, which forms the west boundary, and the abrupt margin of the uplands, stretches a flood-plain belt nearly 6 miles in average width; and the valleys of both forks of the Nishnabotna are also in most places several miles wide. GEOLOGY. The bedrock, composed of alternating strata of shale and limestone belonging to the Missouri group (Pennsylvanian) , was at one time deeply buried under glacial drift which seems to include two distinct till sheets — a lower, dark, dense bowlder clay (Nebraskan) and an upper yellow and pale blue crumbling bowlder clay (Kansan). In certain locaHties beds of sand and gravel are also found between the two sheets, at the base of the drift, and perhaps at other horizons. Since its deposition much of the drift has been removed by erosion, for not only were countless ravines and gullies carved out of this material in the upland areas, but the wide, deep valleys were also excavated in it. After weathering and dissection had progressed far, the region was mantled with yellow homogeneous silt known as loess, which, accord- ing to Udden,^ has an average thickness in Mills and Fremont coun- ties of about 60 feet and which along the ridge bordering the Missouri Valley attains a maximum thickness of 100 to 150 feet. Since the loess was deposited it, too, has been vigorously attacked by stream erosion. In the valleys the rivers have laid down considerable quantities of alluvium, which consists largely of fine silt derived from the loess, but which includes also beds of sand and gravel, especially at some depth below the surface. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOUBCE. In this region much of the drilling into bedrock has been done for the purpose of finding coal, and such explorations for water as were made have generally yielded unfavorable results. At Hamburg a > Udden, J. A., Geology of Mills and Fremont counties: Ann. Rept. Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 13, 1902, p. 167. 918 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. hole was drilled into the Missouri strata to a depth of 180 feet, accord- ing to current reports, without findmg water, and there are other indefinite reports of unsuccessful wells sunk into the upper part of this series. The deep wells at Glenwood (see pp. 928-932) discovered supplies in formations far below the surface. On the lowlands hard but otherwise satisfactory water is obtained without difficulty from beds of alluvial sand and gravel that lie at very moderate depths and from which the water rises nearly or quite to the surface. The driven wells, which are here in common use, are inexpensive and f anly satisfactory, although some trouble is caused by the incrustmg of the screens. On the uplands supplies are obtained principally from the seepage out of the loess and glacial drift. Water-bearing deposits of sand and gravel exist in certain localities but seem to be too largely wanting to be generally relied upon. The loess is homogeneous in texture and so constituted that it allows the water to percolate through it very slowly. Hence, where it is thick its lower portion is saturated even on hUls and ridges near deep valleys, and if wells are sunk into this saturated zone they receive a sure though meager seepage supply, the amount varying with the area of the infiltration surface, which, of course, depends upon the depth and diameter of the well. The glacial drift, especially in its upper layers, behaves in a somewhat similar manner, but since it is more heterogeneous m its structure it is also more diverse in its water-bearing capacity. An ordinary dug well which extends through loess or drift to a short distance below the water level will usually furnish enough water for the small demands of a household, but will seldom supply a windmill continuously, and will frequently prove inadequate for stock farms. The yield can be indefinitely augmented by increasing the number of wells or projecting drifts out from the bottom of a well, the best method probably being to bore with a well auger a sufficient number of holes, perhaps 25 feet apart, and to connect the latter at the bottom with small pipes placed in holes bored with a link auger. (See p. 910.) The difficulty of obtaining enough water from these sources for muni- cipal supplies is illustrated by the experience at Tabor and Sidney, but the solution here also seems to consist in increasing the infiltra- tion surface. Throughout the uplands many ravines and valleys have been cut below ground-water level and hence receive a slow seepage which gives rise to rivulets and creeks that are extensively utilized for stock and domestic supplies. Numerous springs also issue at the base of the cliff along the east margin of the Missouri Valley. FREMONT COUNTY. 919 CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Hamburg. — In Hamburg (population, 1,817) the public supply has in the past been obtained from (1) a huge dug well situated at the edge of the valley and ending in fine sand, and (2) a spring which issues from the cliff that borders the valley. The total daily yield from these two sources is reported to be only about 20,000 gallons a day, which has not been enough to meet the demands. A system of 2-inch driven wells is to be installed at a point farther from the cliff, where the alluvium is thicker and yields more freely. The water is pumped into a large cement reservoir situated on the loess ridge back of the city, 170 feet above the valley, and is thence distributed through 2 or 3 miles of mains to 22 fire hydrants and about 110 taps. Sidney. — In Sidney (population, 1,019), located in the upland area, several unsuccessful attempts have been made to obtain an adequate supply for the pubHc waterworks. There are two dug wells, one 15 feet in diameter and 55 feet deep, the other 6 feet in diameter and 58 feet deep, both ending in a bed of fine sand and connected at the bot- tom by a drift. The normal water level is said to be 20 to 25 feet below the surface, but the wells fill to a depth of less than 10 feet in 24 hours and together furnish only about 15,000 gallons a day. Two holes were also drilled to bedrock, at about 200 feet, without finding water except a small amount at 80 feet. The waterworks include a standpipe and about 2 miles of mains with 15 fire hydrants and 40 taps. Tabor. — Tabor (population, 909) is on the upland nearly 300 feet above the Missouri Valley. Its public supply is taken from a dug well 12 feet in diameter and 114 feet deep. The first 80 feet appears to consist of loess and the rest of yellow "joint clay," which is prob- ably drift. The clay in the last 2 feet is somewhat sandy. The well receives seepage from all levels below about 40 feet and will fiU to within this distance of the surface. Its yield has not been definitely ascertained, but it is apparently small, though adequate for present needs. The water is only moderately hard and is considered otherwise good. The system of waterworks consists of two compression tanks, about one-half mile of mams, 7 fire hydrants, and 31 taps. TJiurman. — Thurman (population 336), like Hamburg, is located at the foot of the Missouri Valley cliff and gets most of its water supply from the alluvium. The waterworks, which are owned by a private company, depend on a 4-inch well that ends with an 8-foot screen at the depth of 92 feet. The water rises to within about 30 feet of the surface and has been pumped for long periods at the rate of approximately 20 gallons a minute without noticeable effect. 920 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. There is less than a mile of mains, with 8 lire hydrants and 12 taps. The pressure is obtained from a storage reservoir on the bluff about 100 feet above the village. The water is good, though somewhat hard, and it is estimated that an average of 7,000 gallons is con- sumed daily. The village well has about the same depth as the one that supplies the waterworks, but most of the private wells are driven to depths of only 15 to 30 feet. HARRISON COUNTY. By 0. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. A striking contrast to the rugged and thoroughly dissected upland that occupies most of this county is presented by the broad expanses of flat, swampy lowland formed by the Missouri Valley in the western part, and by its largest branches, which extend diagonally south- westward across the county. This entire region is underlain by Pennsylvanian rocks (upper Carboniferous), which consist essentially of a succession of shale and limestones, aggregating several hundred feet in thickness. These rocks outcrop at a few points and have been pierced by the drill at Logan, Woodbme, and Dunlap. Over an indefinitely known area, especially in the northeast, they are cov- ered by Cretaceous sandstone and shale; elsewhere they are overlain directly by glacial drift or alluvial deposits. The drift comprises two sheets, the dark Nebraskan below and the lighter Kansan above, separated in some localities by Af Ionian gravel. On the weathered surface of the Kansan till rests a thick cover of loesslike clay. In the lowlands the alluvial deposits of clay, sand, and gravel are exten- sively developed. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. Ground-water supplies in Harrison County are derived from allu- vial deposits, loess, drift and associated gravels, Cretaceous rocks, and lower rock formations. The deeper formations reached in the public wells at Logan, Wood- bine, and Dunlap, have a certain value for municipal and other sup- phes, but their yield of water is not entirely satisfactory either in quantity or quality. The Pennsylvanian strata, though not totally destitute of water-bearing members, are generally so disappointing that it is not advisable to penetrate them unless it is the intention to drill to the lower aquifers. A few wells in this region probably draw water from Cretaceous deposits. In some wells shale or "soapstone" was found below the HAREISOlSr COUNTY. 921 drift, and beneath the ''soapstone" a bed of sand or sandstone satu- rated with water; other drilled wells have not passed through shale, but have been finished in sand or sandstone at depths ranging from a hundred to several hundred feet — most commonly about 250 feet; still others have entered shale and limestone of the Pennsylvanian series without finding a satisfactory water-bearing bed. The drilled wells are 2 to 6 inches in diameter and are mostly finished with sand screens. Wells of small diameter are, however, not adapted to the conditions found in the uplands, both because of the limitations in yield and because of the rapidity with which their screens become incrusted. Cretaceous wells and other drilled sand wells should have a diameter of 4 or 6 inches. In the uplands the two principal water horizons above the Creta- ceous are at the contact zone between the loess and the Kansan and in the Aftonian gravel between the two drift sheets: Neither of these generally supplies water readily enough for drilled wells, although they furnish a satisfactory yield for bored wells. The upper of the two beds is characterized by white calcareous accumulations of ''chalk," so commonly found near the bottom of the weathered zone of the Kansan drift, and also by sandy and gravelly seams that are frequently cemented into a "hardpan." The water which perco- lates slowly downward through the loess saturates the sandy and gravelly material at this level and is hindered from descending far- ther by the impervious unweathered drift. The Aftonian gravel is only vaguely recognized in wells and, indeed, is reached in few. Where sufficiently developed it ought to furnish more water than any deposit at a higher level. In the lowlands generous supplies of hard but otherwise good water are obtained by means of inexpensive wells, the best type of which are driven or drilled and end in screens. The most copious yield is secured from the coarsest materials and these are most common near the bottom of the alluvial filling, but the amount of dissolved iron is generally greater in this deeper water than in that near the surface because it is less accessible to the oxygen of the atmosphere. The water from all parts of the alluvium rises to within a few feet of the surface and can be pumped at small cost by means of suction pumps. Examples of large supplies obtained from this source are afforded by the railway and city wells at Missouri Valley and the railway well at Dunlap. The wide distribution and great importance of the alluvium as an aquifer will be realized when it is remembered that the Missouri Valley wells are located on the Missouri bottoms 6 miles from the river, and that the Dunlap well is located near the northeast corner of the county, many miles from where the Boyer Valley opens into the Missouri. 922 UFDEKGROUND WATER EESOURCES OF IOWA. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Dunlap. — ^The public supply of Dunlap (population, 1,155) is obtained from a well l,535f feet deep, 6| inches in diameter, cased to 400 feet. The curb is 1,151 feet above sea level; original and present head, 47 feet below curb. The tested capacity is 80 gallons a minute. The well was completed in 1887 by J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago, and was repaired about 1903 by inserting smaller casing. The strata penetrated are indicated by the following section : Record of strata in Dunlap city well {PI. XI, p. 382). Pleistocene : Depth in feet . Unknown 0-50 Sand , 50-70 Gravel; pebbles of northern drift and sand 70-95 Gravel; pebbles of northern drift, at 150 Cretaceous and Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) (307 feet thick (minimum); top, 926 feet above sea level): Shale, drab, at 225 Shale, pink, at 300 Sandstone, grains varying widely in size and imperfectly rounded, at 392 Shale, dark drab, at 400 Shale, black, noncalcareous, at 450 Shale, pink and purplish, at 480 Carboniferous (Mississippian) (288 feet thick; top, 619 feet above sea level) : Limestone, white, soft, chalky; with gray -green shale, at. . . . 532 Limestone, white, hard ; of finest grain 600 Limestone, light yellow-gray, cherty, at 650, 703 Limestone, gray, finely crystalline; fracture subconchoidal, at. 797 Devonian (?), Silm'ian, and Ordovician (715| feet penetrated; top, 331 feet above sea level) : Limestone, magnesian or dolomite, brown and buff; 3 sam- ples 820, 875, 890 Shale, light green-gray, calcareous; 2 samples 970, 980 Limestone, magnesian, light yellow-gray and shale, green; all in concreted powder, at 1,006 Limestone, highly argillaceous, yellow; in almost white pow- der; 3 samples, at 1,010, 1,050, 1,093 Shale, gray-green, calcareous, at 1, 150 Limestone; as at 1,010 feet; 2 samples, at 1,184, 1,241 Shale, bright green, noncalcareous, at 1,295 Dolomite, buff, pyritiferous, slightly arenaceous, at 1,375 Dolomite, buff; much chert carrying disseminated crystals of pyrite; a few grains of limpid quartz, some of which are rounded; a little chalcedonic silica, at 1,400 Dolomite, highly arenaceous; or calciferous sandstone; grains varying in size, many coarse, imperfectly rounded, at 1,517 Dolomite, white; in fine powder; with arenaceous rounded grains, quartzose and cherty residue; at bottom of well, at . 1,535J HAREISON COUNTY. 923 The arenaceous dolomite at 1,517 feet possibly represents the St. Peter, but it is also possible that the St. Peter is absent, and that the shales and clayey limestones from 1,010 to 1,295 belong to the Platteville, and the dolomite from 1,375 down to the Shakopee. The samples are said to have been taken at every "change" of rock. The water is lifted into a standpipe and thence distributed by gravity through one-half mile of mains. It is used by a small pro- portion of the people and the daily consumption does not exceed 10,000 gallons. The water is very hard. Large supplies of less mineralized water are available in the valley at no great depths below the surface. The Chicago & North Western Railway well at Dunlap is sunk into the stream deposits of Boyer River valley. The section is as follows : Section of Chicago & North Western Railway well at Dunlap. Thick- ness. Depth. Clay , sandy Sand Sand, coarse (water bearing) . Clay, blue (entered). Feet. 20 12 23 Feet. 20 32 55 This well is 12 inches in diameter and ends with a 14-foot screen. With the suction pipe extending 40 feet below the surface, it is reported to be pumped at the rate of 300 gallons a minute and to furnish about 100,000 gallons daily. Logan. — The public waterworks at Logan (population, 1,453) were until recently supplied from two wells — a shallow open well and a deep drilled well — both located in the valley. The open well is 20 feet in diameter, is cased with brick, and ends at a depth of 32 feet in a bed of sand resting upon rock. It fills with water within about 10 feet of the surface but its yield is not great. The water is hard, though otherwise good. The public supply is used by most of the inhabitants, and the daily consumption is estimated at 30,000 gallons. The pressure is secured from a reservoir located on the upland. The supply for the Illinois Central locomotives is taken from large dug weUs in the valley. The drilled well is 840 feet deep, 10 to 6 inches in diameter, is cased with 30 feet of 8-inch pipe to rock, and 570 feet of 6-inch pipe, heads 30 feet above the curb, and has a natural flow of 13 gallons a minute. The water bed is shale at a depth of 650 feet. The weU was drilled m 1902 at a cost of $2,000. The water is called "mineral." It is generally liked by the people and is said to be soft and wholesome and to have a mild laxative effect. 924 UNDERGEOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. Fortunately for the interests of science one of the citizens of Logan Mr. C. N. Wood, obtained at his own expense from the drillers a fairly complete set of samples of the drillings, and submitted them to the Survey for examination. The following table presents the inter- pretation of the samples: Record of strata in city well No. 1 at Logan. Thick- ness. Depth. Carboniferous: Pennsylvanian: Unrecorded Limestone, blue-gray, eartliy, soft, and light buff, harder; in large chips; rapid effervescence Shale, greenish, practically noncalcareous; some yellow and red shale; chips of light yellow limestone; in molded masses Shale, copper red, calcareous; a few cuttings of limestone Limestone, light yeUow and blue gray, compact; and sandstone, micaceous, fine grained, light blue-gray Shale, drab and blue or greenish gray Limestone, grayish bufi, very fine grained, compact; smooth fracture; fossilif- erous; in large flakes Limestone; as above, with greenish crystalline limestone and some reddish clay staining surfaces of limestone cutttags Shale, red and greenish, hard, calcareous; in cuttings; some limestone chips. . . No samples Shale, blue gray and drab; some yellow limestone cuttings; some flne-graiaed greenish laminated sandstone Limestone, blue-gray, close textured, earthy; in rather large chips; fossilif- erous; with some reddish-brown shale from above (?) No sample Limestone, highly argillaceous, blue-gray, earthy, soft Shale, highly calcareous; in chips; cemented by rusted Iron cuttings, evi- dently from tools dropped in the well Shale, reddish Shale, black, coaly Shale, light greenish gray, somewhat calcareous, plastic; in molded masses Limestone, dull luster, light gray Shale, drab, fissUe, calcareous; some limestone cuttings Shale, dark drab and green-gray, hard, fissile, calcareous Sandstone, gray, micaceous, fine grained; grains imperfectly rounded Shale, yellow, plastic; in molded masses; a little ocherous limestone Limestone, yellow, argillaceous; in fine cuttings; fragments of joints of crinoid stems; chips of shale of various colors Shale, orange and other colors, plastic No samples Mississippian: Limestone, drab, argillaceous, slightly gritty; much translucent milky-white chalcedonic silica; in smaU cuttings; some grains of crystaUlne quartz Limestone, gray; in fine sand; much chalcedony; some quartz grains imper- fectly rounded Limestone, gray, yeUow-gray, and light drab; fine crystalline, granular; some white cryptocrystalhne silica and some shale in powder and smaU cuttings. . Limestone, light bull in mass; fine crystalline granular; some crjrptocrystal- line silica and some quartz sand Limestone; as above; and some white; in coarse sand Limestone, whitish and light yeUow gray; some rounded quartz grains Limestone; as above; a very httle cryptocrystaUine with white silica and some quartz sand .'.... Limestone, pure white, fine grained No samples Limestone, blue-gray and light yellow-gray; in fine sand (sample labeled "to 770") Limestone, white; in fine meal Limestone, light grayish white; in fine sand; this and aU other limestones of the samples effervesce rapidly in cold dilute hydrochloric acid No samples, but reported to be no change in strata Feet. 4 IS 6 15 40 15 15 5 6 4 IS 20 2S SO 15S (?) (?) Feet. 70 no 125 130 155 169 184 190 205 245 260 275 280 286 290 305 325 350 400 555 580 595 610 620 635 655 (?) 770 V80 821 840 Another city well has recently been drilled at Logan. The depth is 954 feet and the diameter 6 inches; casing, 6 inches to bottom of well. The curb is 1,033 feet above sea level and the head 80 feet above curb. The flow is 2Q0 gallons a minute, the principal supply HARRISON COUNTY. ^ 925 being at 940 feet; other water beds are at 36 and 454 feet. The well, which cost $5,000, was drilled by L. E. Nebergall, of Omaha, Nebr., in 1911. Missouri Valley. — The public supply of Missouri Valley (population, 3,187) is obtained from four 6-inch wells located a short distance from the margin of the valley. The wells pass through clay, ''hardpan," etc., and end with 10-foot to 14-foot brass screens at a depth of 85 feet in a bed of gravel from which the water rises within 4 to 5 feet of the surface. By means of a suction pump at the surface, the wells are usually made to yield 550 gallons a minute, but they are reported to have been pumped for 17 hours continuously at about 600 gallons a minute. The water is rather hard and in time seals the screens with chemical precipitates. A dug well with a group of sand points was at first installed but was not so satisfactory as the wells now in use. The water is stored in a large cement reservoir on the top of the bluff and is delivered under considerable pressure through about 6 miles of mains to 60 fire hydrants and 500 taps. It is used by a large propor- tion of the people, the average daily consumption from November 1, 1908, to November 1, 1909, havuig been 170,500 gallons. The Chicago & North Western Railway owns two wells, about 25 feet apart, sunk through the alluvial deposits to a depth of 90 feet and fin- ished with screens in a bed of gravel that is said to rest on rock. The water rises within 5 or 6 feet of the surface, and the pump cylinders are placed 14 feet below the surface, with suction pipes extending lower. According to the man in charge, nearly 200,000 gallons of water are taken from these wells every day. Persia. — The waterworks at Persia (population, 358) consist of a tank elevated upon a tower and connected with about 1 mile of mains. The supply is at present drawn from a well 4 feet in diameter, sunk about 50 feet into clay from which it receives a seepage of hardly more than 2,000 gallons per day. A hole bored to a depth of over 100 feet discovered a bed of quicksand at about 60 feet which yielded only a small amount of water. There is, however, little question that an adequate supply for the waterworks can be obtained without deep drilling. Woodbine. — The public supply of Woodbine (population, 1,538) is derived (1) from an 840-foot flowing well whose small natural flow (12 gallons a minute) is augmented perhaps threefold when an air lift is appUed; and (2) from a dug well, 18 feet in diameter and 26 feet deep, which ends in a bed of sand and gravel but does not seem to furnish much water. The deep well, which was put down by J. Shaw in 1905, IS 12 to 6 inches in diameter. Altogether about 25,000 gallons of water are consumed each day, requiring the operation of the air lift 926 UNDEEGKOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. for 6 hours. The waterworks include a standpipe and about 3 miles of mains. The deep water is said to be very hard and to produce much scale in boilers. No record of the strata has been preserved, but the succession is probably closely that of the Logan deep well (p. 924) and the water bed is Mississippian. MILLS COUNTY. By 0. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. The surface of Mills County consists of hilly upland areas separated by broad tracts of flat lowland through which the principal streams meander. The unconsolidated deposits consist of glacial drift, loess, and alluvium; the bedrock, to a depth of 670 feet in the deep well at Glenwood (PL XVIII), consists almost exclusively of alternating strata of shale and limestone belonging to the Missouri group of the upper Carboniferous. In some localities thin beds of sandstone, referred to the Cretaceous, lie between the Missouri strata and the drift.i UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The thick Missouri group contains so little water, and that little is so highly mineralized, that wells should not be sunk into it unless it is intended to go to great depths for artesian supplies, as in the Glenwood wells (pp. 928-932) . Ordinarily, water must be obtained from surface sources or from the deposits above the Missouri. The lowland and upland ground-water conditions differ radically. In the lowland areas abundant quantities of hard but other\vise good water are obtained by driving inexpensive points to beds of alluvial sand and gravel at slight depths; in the upland areas more meager amounts of equally satisfactory water are obtained from large wells dug or bored into the loess or drift. In the former areas large supplies can be developed by driving a sufficient number of sand points, comiecting the wells at the top, and drawing from all simultaneously ; in the latter it is difficult to obtain large supplies, but the yield can be increased indefinitely by expanding the infiltration surface. In some localities layers of sand or sandstone (either Af tonian or Cretaceous) are encoun- tered and copious supplies obtained, but such water-bearing layers are not everywhere found. 1 Udden, J. A., Geology of Mills and Fremont counties: Ann. Rept. Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 13, 1903, p. 161. MILLS COUNTY. 927 SPRINGS. Springs are abundant in Mills County. Seeps which give rise to rivulets occur in many of the deep ravines that have been cut into the uplands below the surficial water level, and many springs also issue from the cliffs bordering the main valleys, the water coming from Aftonian gravel, from the base of the drift, or from more or less porous materials at other levels. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Glenwood. — The public supply of Glenwood (population, 4,052) is pumped from a deep drilled well (PL XVIII, p. 898) having a depth of 2,000 feet and a diameter of 10 to 4f inches, cased to 1,773 feet. The curb is 1,132 feet above sea level. The original head was 171 feet below curb; head in 1909, 180 feet below curb. The original tested capacity was 60 gallons a minute; tested capacity in 1896, 83 gallons a minute; tested capacity in 1908, 108 gallons a minute. The well was completed in 1891 at a cost of $7,265 by the American Well Works Co., of Aurora, 111. Character of water in Glenwood city vjell. Depth of water bed. Head below surface. Fresh Feet. 154 716 825 1,008 1,210 1,668 1,794 1,836 Feet. Salt 176 Salt 15 Fresh 40 Fresh 126 Fresh 100 Fresh 40 Fresh 171 The following data concerning pumping tests have been supplied by Seth Dean: On January 28, 1890, the pump was started at 10 a. m., pumping 50 gallons a minute. The temperature of the water rose from 60° F. at 10.15 a. m. to 66° at 11.30 a. m., to 68° at 12 m., and to 69° at 3.15 p. m. A second test was made July 26 and 27, 1892, after the salt water had been cased out. The pump was started at 4.30 p. m., pumping 60 gallons a minute. The temperature of water rose as follows: 4.50 p. m., 60°; 5 p. m., 62°; 5.40 p. m., 66°; 6 p. m., 69°; 8.17 p. m., 72°; 2.45 a. m., 72^°; 9.45 a. m., 72^°; and 11 p. m., 72i°. Probably the gradual rise in temperature is caused by the increasing proportion of water drawn from the lower vein. The well was repaired about 1904 by replacing some joints of casing, but mthout effect on the discharge. The cylinder (not more 928 UNDEBGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. than 6 inches in diameter) is set about 280 feet below the curb. The pump is run continuously 16 hours a day, at a speed of 16 to 17 revolutions a minute; running the pump faster does not increase the yield. Record of strata in city well at Glenwood {PI. XVIII, p. 898). Thick- ness. Quaternary (175 feet thick; top, 1,132 feet above sea level): Soil Loess Gravel and coarse sand (water bearing) Sand, coarse Till, yellow; greenstone, and other pebbles Carboniferous: Pennsylvanian: Missouri group (670 feet thick; top, 957 feet above sea level) : Limestone, soft, light and darker gray, cherty Limestone, dark blue, argillaceous, pyritiferous " Shale, black carbonaceous" Clay, blue, shaly Shale, iron gray Limestone, gray; earthy luster Shale, dark blue-gray, flssUe, disks of crinoid stems and fragments of a Productus LimestoiKS, gray; luster, earthy; compact, moderately hard; with crinoid stems, echinoid spines, and fragments of brachiopods Shale, black, carbonaceous Limestone, soft, yellow-gray, with Fusuhna Shale, blue Limestone, light yellow, fossUiferous Shale, dark red Limestone, brecciated; sample consists of two large unfractured masses of very hard limestone breccia; limestone gray or reddish; matrix greenish gray and argillaceous, but hard Sandstone Limestone, argillaceous, bluish gray Shale, blue Limestone, compact Shale, greenish gray, arenaceous, calcareous Limestone, hard, gray; highly cherty at 358 feet Shale, hard, greenish gray, highly calcareous Limestone, Ught greenish gray, highly argLUaceous Limestone, light yellow-gray, compact, fine grained Shale, black, carbonaceous; and greenish gray, hard " Marl, wliite" Limestone, hard, gray Shale, gray; and hmestone, argillaceous Shale, varicolored Limestone, gray, close textured Limestone, hard, blue, highly argillaceous; crinoid stems and fragments of brachiopods Shale, black, carbonaceous; impure gray limestone Sandstone Limestone, white and light gray, close textured; earthy luster Slate, black Limestone, yeUow-gray, fossillferous, crystaUine to earthy , Shale, dark and greenish gray; with Chbnetes Limestone, light yellow-gray, soft, fossillferous Shale, green, calcareous Limestone, white, soft, crystalline to earthy •: Shale, gray, highly calcareous, fossillferous Shale, black, carbonaceous, dark drab Lunestone, white and light colored: in places fossUiferous, with 1 foot of "coal?" at 612 feet, and brown chert at 635 feet; 9 samples Shale, varicolored, arenaceous; with minute angular particles of limpid quartz; 2 samples Sandstone, greenish gray, close and fine grained, argillaceous and calcare- ous; some siliceous limestone, hard, subconchoidal fracture; with much shale at 706 and 711 feet; vein of salt water at 716 feet Coal and black shale Shale, blue Limestone, gray, liard; fracture subconchoidal; close textured; fossiUfer- ous and flinty at 732 feet; 4 feet of blue shale at 730 feet Slate Limestone, arenaceous Shale, dark blue, calcareous; and black, carbonaceous Sandstone, dark brownish gray; calcareous; ferruginous; argillaceous; fos- sUiferous, with Chonetes and other brachiopods •. Limestone, lighter yellow-gray; highly fossUiferous in places; shale at 783 feet Feet. 2 152 6 5 10 2 10 1* 6J 8 24 MILLS COUNTY. 929 Record of strata in city well at Glenwood {PI. XVIII, p. 898) — Continued. Thick- ness. Depth. Carboniferous— Continued . Pennsylvanian— Continued. Missouri group (670 feet thick; top, 957 feet above sea level)— Continued. Shale, black, slaty Shale, gray Limestone with shale " Shale, blue with sandstone band " Sandstone, fine grajs micaceous; vein of salt water Des Moines group (390 feet thick; top, 287 feet above sea level): Shales; some fossiliferous, in places carbonaceous; mostly noncalcareous; of various colors; limestone at 868 and 885 feet, and 956 feet; coal at 956 feet; pyrite at 901 feet; 17 samples Limestone Sandstone and shale, fossiliferous Sandstone, gray, soft, argUlo-calcareous, fine grained Shale, hard, brittle, noncalcareous, green and brown Sandstone, gray, water bearing Shale, hard, brittle; of various bright colors; finely laminated; fracture splintery; noncalcareous Shale, arenaceous Shale, black, carbonaceous \ Fire clay, gray; in molded masses ■ Shale, black and gray; some sandstone Limestone Shales, varicolored, hard, brittle, noncalcareous Sandstone, fine grained; with shale; 2 samples Shale; mostly black, brittle, splintery Sandstone; 4 samples Shale, black, hard, flssUe Chert, gray, with shale, limestone, and sand Sandstone, gray; grains of moderate size; imperfectly rounded; 2 samples. Mississippian: Chert; with limestone, chalcedonic silica, and quartz sand; the latter some- times seen embedded in the chert; 5 samples Sandstone, argillaceous; in dark-gray powder Chert; with chalcedony, limestone, and at 1,305 feet much shale; 5 samples Shale, highly calcareous; in blue-gray concreted powder; residue after wash- ing, pyritiierous chert, quartz sand; a little glauconite, and nonmagnesian limestone; 3 samples Limestone, cherty, argillaceous; blue gray; 3 samples Limestone, gray; 2 samples Shale, highly quartzose and calcareous, in light blue-gray powder; 3 samples; quartz particles minute ; Shale, green, massive Limestone; in flakes; some light yeUow-gray; some soft and white; nonmag- nesian; compact; some chert at 1,649 feet Limestones, magnesian, or dolomites, crystalline; drab, bull and brown; largely in sand; effervescence slow; 4 samples Limestone, brown and gray; considerable green shale at 1,720 feet Limestone, magnesian; or dolomite, brown, rough crystalline; 4 samples Sandstone, gray; grains of limpid quartz imperfectly rounded, with some crystals Limestone, magnesian; or dolomite, buff and yeUow; 3 samples Limestone, somewhat magnesian; moderately rapid effervescence; in brown and buff crystalline sand; 2 samples Limestone, magnesian; and dolomites, crystalline, vesicular, brown and buff.. Dolomite, light yeUow-gray, cherty; 3 samples Dolomite, greenish gray; argillaceous residue Dolomite, light gray; much gypsum; water bearing Gypsum; in light-yellow concreted powder; now highly indurated Dolomite, gray; flakes of gypsum and selenite; 4 samples Limestone, gray, somewhat magnesian, seleniferous, argillaceous Shale, soft, greenish, calcareous Dolomite, gray; in powder; highly seleniferous Shale, hard, green, very slightly calcareous. Feet. 2 7 15 10 20 117 3 24 9 10 17 20 36 7 6 8 3 23 22 10 30 5 10 30 Feet. 793 800 815 825 845 962 965 1,008 1,025 045 081 088 094 102 105 128 150 160 190 195 205 235 280 300 370 405 465 510 600 644 733 765 832 900 924 930 938 941 980 990 995 000 The distribution system consists of two standpipes and about 3 miles of mains with 16 fire hydrants and 146 taps. The water is rich in sulphates and chlorides, but is freely used for drinking and culinary purposes and is also employed in several stationary boilers with fairly satisfactory results. It is estimated that 50,000 gallons are con- sumed in an average day, which requires the operation of the pump during a large part of the time. 36581°— wsp 293—12 59 930 UNDEKGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. The supply for the State Institution for Feeble-minded Children at Glen wood was formerly obtained from a well 1,910 feet deep which was similar to the city well. The curb is 980 feet above sea level; casing, 8 inch to 822 feet, 7 inch to 1,011 feet, 6J inch to 1,103 feet, SyVii^ch to 1,515 feet, and 4^ inch to 1,640 feet; casing perforated at 1,450 and 1,600 feet. The original head was 5 feet below curb; head at present, 10 feet below curb. Temperature, 66° F. The well was completed in 1897 at a cost of $4,800 by F. M. Gray, of Milwaukee. The driller's log, which evidently does not record all the strata passed through, is as follows : Driller'slog of well No. 1 of the Iowa Institution for Feeble-minded Children at Glenwood. Drift Limestone Shale, black Limestone, blue. Limestone Shale, red Limestone Shale Shale, red Limestone Shale, black Shale, blue Limestone Slate, black ., Rock, soft, white Shale, blue Shale, red Limestone Shale, black, coaly Sandstone ■. Sandstone, with salt water Shale, blue Limestone Limestone with pyrite (approximate base of Missouri group in city well) . Shale, green Shale, red Miner's slate Soapstone Miner's slate with pyrite Shale, sandy, with salt water Sandstone Limestone Sandstone Sandstone (approximate base of Des Moines group in city well) Limestone, brown Quartzite, red Limestone, magnesian Limestone, gray Sandstone, white Soapstone Soapstone (approximate base of Mississippian in city well) Limestone Limestone, gray Soapstone Soapstone Limestone, sandy Gypsum. Limestone, gray Limestone, bastard Limestone, hard, gray . Bottom of well ". . Thick- ness. Feet. 10 15 20 30 10 4(?) 20 30 10 1 7 7 10 5 2 10 20 Depth. Feet. 35 40 45 65 100 140 200 256 280 305 340 360 430 445 475 479 499 529 549 550 575 625 640 655 690 715 732 780 820 865 990 1,010 1,032 1,065 1,103 1,115 1,198 1,226 1,361 1,410 1,460 1,509 1,535 1,580 1,600 1,700 1,750 1,772 1,850 1,896 1,910 The first water bed was struck at 570 feet. The water was salty and stood at 6 feet below the curb. The capacity was about 30 gal- lons a minute. At a depth of 1,008 feet another water bed was found, whose water rose within 60 feet of the surface and yielded 75 gallons MILLS COUNTY. 931 a minute. At a depth, of 1,160 feet the water rose to the surface and 70 gallons a minute were pumped. At a depth of 1,356 feet the water fell to 6 feet below the curb. Water was also found at depths of 1,668 and 1,836 feet and at the latter depth stood 5 feet below the surface and was pumped at the rate of 70 gallons a minute. During the early part of the winter of 1897 a pump was placed in the well and operated by electric motors. These proving unsatis- factory, a Fairbanks-Morse steam pump was installed in 1900, the cylinder being placed 500 feet below the curb. Breakage of the rods necessitated frequent repairs, and in August, 1901, the working bar- rel worked loose and dropped to the bottom of the 6-inch casing. On August 22, 1901, the cylinder was replaced at a depth of 100 feet, but 10 minutes' pumping lowered the water below the foot valve. When the cylinder was placed 163 feet below the surface, pumping 20 strokes to the minute lowered the water below the foot valve in 1 hour; pumping at 13 strokes to the minute the pump delivered 40 gallons of water a minute. Early in September the cylinder was set at 228 feet below the surface; by running the pump at 18 strokes a minute for 10 hours 54 gallons of water a minute were obtained, but at the end of this period the water stood below the foot valve. From this date until March, 1902, the well was used only to supply drinking water, the general supply being taken from Keg Creek, In March and April, 1902, it was found that 54 gallons a minute could be obtained by operating the pump at 19 strokes a minute. On May 5, the cylinder having again worked loose, it was reset 266 feet below the surface. During the summer the pump delivered 45 to 50 gallons a minute, according to the conditions of the leathers and the length of time the pump was run. In February, 1903, a new and larger cylinder, 5f inches in diameter, with a discharge pipe 6 inches in diameter, was set 294 feet below the surface. At 18 strokes to the minute this cylinder gave 50 to 75 gallons of water a minute up to January, 1906, with the following interesting exceptions: On June 13, 1905, the water began to fall noticeably. The leathers were found in fair condition. The failure continued until on July 20 no water could be pumped. On August 1 the yield was but 5 gallons a minute and the water contained a large amount of sediment. At the same time the city well of Glenwood was able to furnish but a small supply of water. After August 4, however, no sand or sedi- ment was noted in the well, and running 10 hours a day the pump delivered about 60 gallons a minute. In January, 1906, it was found that with a stroke of 18 a minute and running continuously for 24 hours a yield of 50 gallons was obtained. With the exception of a period of some six weeks in 1905, maximum pumping did not exhaust the supply, and the pump was run in 1906 for 24 hours a day. The needs of the institution, however, had become much larger than the well could supply. Furthermore, the 932 UNDEEGKOUlSrD WATER RESOUKCES OF IOWA. well became infected with the germs of typhoid fever. Water taken directly from the discharge pipe was found by the State bacteriolo- gists to contain the colon bacillus in large quantities and to have been contaminated by surface drainage, evidently through corroded or otherwise leaky casings. The location of the well is favorable for such contamination. It was decided to sink an additional well to the water bed at about 1,000 feet to obtain a larger supply and to shut out the surface water finding access to well No. 1 by recasing it to 120 feet. The second well was carried to a depth of 975 feet and was then abandoned. It had a diameter of 15 to 6 inches ; casing, 15 inches to 124 feet, 12 inches to 557 feet, 10 inches to 769 feet, 8 inches to 860 feet, and 6 inches to bottom. The curb was 1,060 feet above sea level. The log follows: Driller's log of well No. 2 of the Institution for Feeble-minded Children at Glemvood. Thick- ness. Depth. Clay, yellowish Clay, reddish, very hard and dry Clay, yellowish, as from 2-12 Clay, dark yellow, moist; easy to dig Gravel and fine white sand, water Limestone, white; imder which was 2 inches of yellow clay Shale, blue-black Limestone, white, very hard Shale, black Limestone, blue, hard Shale, black Limestone Shale, blue Ijimestone, white Clay shale, red Shale, white slate Limestone, hard, gray Limestone, hard Shale, blue Limestone, very hard Gravel and shale Limestone, soft Shale, red Limestone, white Shale, blue Limestone, hard Shale and lime Slate, blue Slate and lime Shale, blue Limestone Lime and shale Slate and shale Limestone, blue Shale Shale, blue Coarse sand and limestone Slate, black, white, and red Shale Limestone, soft Sandstone; salt water rising to 175 feet below curb Shale, blue Slate, black Shale, blue, and sand Shale, black Shale, blue, and slate Shale and limestone Shale Shale, dark, and 1 foot of limestone Clay, red, and some limestone , Sand Shale, dark blue Feet. 10 13 20 50 5 1 29 2 5 10 5 23 20 20 15 35 30 15 10 25 10 5 25 25 10 10 5 5 25 10 40 10 35 5 15 30 10 15 35 5 30 30 10 30 60 20 30 20 25 15 5 20 Feet. 12 25 45 95 100 101 130 132 137 147 152 175 195 215 230 265 295 310 320 345 355 360 385 410 420 430 435 440 465 475 515 525 560 565 580 610 620 635 670 675 710 740 750 780 840 860 890 910 935 950 955 975 MILLS COUNTY. 933 Because of the failure to obtain a sufficient amount of water in well No. 2 to supplement that of the first well, the second was also aban- doned and a supply found in shallow wells on the Missouri River flood plain about 2| miles from the institution. Though no pumping test seems to have been made of the capacity of well No, 2, there is little or no doubt that sufficient water was not obtained. The drilling was stopped at 85 feet above sea level, and the water beds of the sandstone at the base of the Pennsylvanian were not reached in well No. 1 until the drill had gone 28 feet below sea level. Had the well been drilled 113 feet deeper probably 75 gallons a minute would have been obtained from this sandstone. Water for the institution is now obtained from a system of eight 6-inch driven wells in the Missouri Valley about 1 mile east of Pacific Junction. The eight are spaced about 26 feet apart, and end with 8-foQt screens in alluvial sand at a depth of 32 feet. The casings are all connected at the top, and the water, which normally stands about 7 J feet below the surface is drawn by two duplex suction pumps 4 feet below the surface. The pumps are usually operated at the rate of 450 gallons a minute without producing any noticeable effect upon the supply. The water is only moderately hard but contains an undesirable amount of dissolved iron that is successfully removed by aeration. Hastings. — The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad well at Hastings (population, 393) is 24 feet deep and apparently ends in the alluvium of the valley. It is said to yield about 32,000 gallons in 8 hours. Malvern. — The public supply of Malvern (population, 1,154) is drawn from 14 driven wells located in the valley only slightly above the level of Silver Creek. Some of the wells are 3 inches and others 4 inches in diameter. They pass through about 24 feet of soil and clay and end with 3i-foot screens in a bed of sand, reported to be fine grained and between 2 and 13 feet in thickness. It seems that the yield, which was originally not great, has decreased gradually by the incrusting of the screens until the enthe system will not yield over 100 gallons a minute when pumped continuously. A dug well, which was 22 feet deep and ended at the top of the sand stratum, was origmally used but was abandoned for the present system because of its meager yield. It is also reported that the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad at one time drilled to a depth of about 300 feet without success. The waterworks consist of an elevated tank and approximately 4 miles of mams, with 18 fire hydrants and about 65 taps. The average daily consumption is reported to be 9,000 gallons. Pacific Junction. — The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad has a pumping station in the valley between Pacific Junction and the 934 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. asylum wells. The water is drawn by suction from six 4-inch driven wells 35 feet deep. The pump usually lifts about 200 gallons a minute, which amount the wells ar^ reported to yield except during very low water in the summer. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. By Howard E. Simpson. TOPOGRAPHY. Montgomery County lies near the extreme southwest corner of Iowa. Its surface is an old drift plain carved into broad parallel ridges and valleys by the streams that flow across it in a direction slightly west of south, toward the Missouri. The broad, flat bottoms of the valleys and the mature dissection of the ridges indicate that a long time has elapsed since the whole was a broad level plam sloping in the direction now followed by the master streams. These streams, the Walnut, East Nishnabotna, Tarkio, and West Nodaway rivers, and their tributaries thoroughly drain the county, so that it contains no stand- ing surface water. The drift thickly covers the entire county except some areas in the large valleys whose bottoms are filled with sand and gravel and sUt and on whose sides it has been here and there eroded away, exposing the bedrock beneath. That this till is very old may be inferred from the facts that it is deeply leached, that many of its igneous bowlders are entirely disintegrated by weathering, and above all that its surface is maturely dissected. Well records do not indicate its division into Kansan and Nebraskan, as they do in counties north and east; whether the drift is Kansan or Nebraskan has not been positively determined. The uplands are mantled with the fine gray- ish yellow loess that is characteristic of the Missouri Valley region. GEOLOGY. The bedrock immediately below the drift on the uplands and ridges is the soft, porous Dakota sandstone (Cretaceous). 'This is wanting in all the river valleys, the preglacial streams which occupied these having cut deeply into the shales and limestones of the Missouri group (Pennsylvanian) , which lies just beneath. The result is that sandstone under the uplands alternates with shale and limestone under the valleys in parallel belts running almost north and south ■across the county. This fact, together with the presence of heavy alluvial deposits over the shale and limestone, is of prime importance in a consideration of underground water in this county. The strata of the county dip slightly west of south. MONTGOMEEY COUNTY. 935 XJNDERGIIOTJND WATER. SOURCte. The most clearly defined water-bearing beds are the alluvial sands beneath the valleys and the Dakota sandstone beneath the uplands. Together these afford an abundant supply of good water for most of the county. Besides these the entire county is underlain by the drift and limestone horizons. Only on upland slopes that are not underlain by sandstone nor overlain by alluvium and in places where, owing to deep dissection, the drift is well drained, is there lack of good underground water in Montgomery County. Most important of all aquifers are the deep beds of sands underly- ing the till of both the first and the second bottoms of each of the sev- eral rivers. These afford an mexhaustible supply of water at depths of 20 to 100 feet over belts ranging in width from a few hundred yards to 2 J miles and extending across the county from north to south. The water is medium hard and locally carries sufficient iron com- pounds in solution to form a red precipitate on standing, yet is on the whole very wholesome where not contaminated by organic matter in towns and cities. Water is generally obtained from this bed by means of driven wells sunk at very slight cost. Ordinarily there is sufficient clay above the sands to seal out immediate surface waters and prevent contam- ination. In the cities and towns, however, a 4arge amount of sewage enters through the cesspools dug into or through the surface soil and clay and through open wells which mingle surface waters and the sand waters. Pollution may be easily determined by analysis, and where found all private shallow wells should be closed and the public supply taken from some point above the city where it is free from contamination. Over the uplands many shallow wells obtain a supply for domestic use or for small farms from the waters that gradually seep through the porous surface clay, the loess. The lower portion of the loess generaUy consists of fine sands, and these are the more common sources of supply for wells 10 to 20 feet deep. Loess wells are usually of the dug type and are unsatisfactory, as their supply greatly dimin- ishes or fails entirely in dry seasons. In recent years bored wells drawing on the sands and gravels at or near the base of the drift are replacing the shallower wells. These wells range in depth from 30 to 75 feet and obtain a larger and purer sup- ply. A few wells obtain a supply from local lenses of sand or gravel in the bowlder clay. Where found beneath the uplands the soft brown sandstone imme- diately under the drift is a most excellent aquifer, the purest and 936 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. best. It ranges from a few feet to 100 feet in thickness and is found at depths ranging up to 150 feet. Only on the margins of the uplands is it inadequate. Wlien this water is obtained care should be taken to case out all others. The limestone of the Missouri group is everywhere present under the sandstone or directly under the drift and affords a very scanty supply of hard water. This should be sought only when higher beds fail or are contaminated. Failure to procure ample supply from higher sources will rarely occur except on the lower upland slopes and uplands in the western edge of the county — that is, where the drift is deeply eroded and well drained and is neither overlain by alluvium nor underlain by sandstone. In such places it will proba- bly be necessary to utilize waters from all sources by casing to lime- stone and by puncturing the casing opposite each horizon. PROVINCES. Montgomery' County comprises several underground-water prov- inces. The first, or valley bottoms, consists of the first bottoms, the part now flooded in times of high water, or the flood plain; and the second bottoms, the terraces of the old vaUey floor, now above aU ordmary floods and occupied by splendid farms and in many places b}" towns and villages. These second bottoms vary in width from a few hundred yards to 2 or 3 miles. On them the entire supply of water comes from driven, dug, or bored wells, which draw water from the alluvium. In the deeper portions, where silt is underlain by heavy beds of sand, driven wells are chiefly used, and such wells should be used wherever possible, as they prevent the mingling of surface waters with the supply used. In cities and towns on the bottoms care should be taken to determine by frequent analysis whether such wells are contaminated, and if contaminated, the pri- vate wells should be closed and free public w^ater provided from a location above the town or from some source too deep for contami- nation. The higher uplands underlain by sandstone constitute the second province. These are not all continuous or even connected, but this sandstone is one of the best aquifers in the State. Most wells in this region are shallow and obtam water from the drift, but where a large, pure, and permanent supply is desired the sandstone is sought. The third province, that of the limestone, occupies the higher low- lands and the lower uplands of the western edge of the county and lies in general on the slopes between the other two. Though the limestone is everywhere present, it is sought only where the alluvial and sandstone aquifers are wanting and where the drift is so broken and dissected as to be thoroughly drained. The limestone is a last MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 937 resort and the water is frequently so scanty as to require a careful combining of the waters of all beds to make the supply sufficient, when the quality may not be satisfactory. The shales of the Des Moines group, lying underneath the Missouri group, are very impervious and therefore dry in this part of the State. FLOWING WELLS. Several small flowing wells have been reported, the aquifers of which are the drift or the Dakota sandstone. The best is that of A. Monson on very low ground ui the NE. J sec. 19, T. 72 N., R. 36 W.; at a depth of 50 feet it obtains a fairly good flow from a conglomerate layer of the Dakota sandstone. Another well, drawing its supply from drift sands, is on J. P. Maben's farm near the center of sec. 21, T. 72 N., R. 36 W. Water flowed for a time from the tubular well on the farm of J. R. Jones (NE. I sec. 16, T. 73 N., R. 39 W.), but soon ceased. The source is unknown. A flow was also struck in the 35-foot test hole put down on the slope 15 feet south of the new city well at Red Oak. This comes from the Dakota sandstone. A flow was not obtained, however, in the larger well. Small flows may usually be found m Dakota sandstone on low slopes. These may be of value in a small way for stock wells, and may be classed as artificial springs. No important flows can be expected from shaUow weUs. SPRINGS. Where the deeper valleys cut tlu-ough an excellent aquifer, such as the Dakota sandstone, and leave it exposed over the valley sides, a number of excellent springs are found. Some are of the usual drift variety and are formed at outcropping edges of sand and gravel beds in the heads of ravines and on valley sides. The stronger, how- ever, come from the Dakota sandstone where it overlies the shales and limestones of the Missouri group, and flow perennial streams of pure cold water. The best known of this class are the "Sand Springs" just south of Red Oak (N. i sec. 33, T. 72 N., R. 38 W.). CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Elliott. — All weUs at Elliott (population, 528) are driven, the average depth being 30 feet. A good cover of soil and clay overHes the sand, which occurs at a depth of about 20 feet. The valley bot- tom in which such wells may be obtained is three-fifths mile wide. On the uplands beyond, wells are bored, dug, or drilled. Most com- mon are the wells bored 60 to 80 feet to sand and gravel and lined with 12 to 18 inch sewer pipe. Others penetrate the sandstone. The public supply is obtained from a battery of twelve 2-inch drive points connected in series by 4-inch pipe to a 12-horsepower 938 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. gasoline pump with a capacity of 200 gallons a minute. Mains 900 feet long connect the pump with 5 hydrants. The system is used only for fire protection, when a pressure of 20 pounds is obtained. Red Oak. — Drive points are the common wells on the lowland por- tion of Red Oak (population, 4,830), the usual depth being 25 to 40 feet, though a few reach 60 feet. On the upland portion tubular wells are in very general use. The water heads at 10 to 12 feet below the surface; in wet weather at 4 feet. A section is as follows: Section of well at Red Oak. Depth in feet. Soil 1-6 Gumbo 6-10 Clay, yellow 10-20 Sand, ferruginous (first water) 20-25 Clay. Gravel (second water) 40-50 Villisca. — Driven wells on lowlands all about Vilhsca (population, 2,039) find sheet water in sand at 15 to 35 feet. On the higher land wells 35 feet deep in alluvium or drift obtain an abundance of water. Few deep wells are reported. Sheet water in sand would probably not be found in Jackson Township except in the western tier of sections. The public supply is obtained from a sprmg weU at the bottom of the slope between the town and the river. This well is a large, square hole 20 feet deep walled with rock, pointed up with mortar, and roofed over. From this a tile extends into the source of a spring wliich is evidently in the drift of the hill. The water is pumped into a tank by a triplex electric engine having a capacity of 100,000 gallons a day. A steam pump of equal capacity is held in reserve in such a way as to give gravity pressure of 55 pounds on the main business streets and 68 pounds at the plant. In case of fire 125 pounds direct pressure by electric and steam pumps may be obtamed. Mains 2| miles long connect with 22 fire hydrants and about 120 taps, supplying one- tenth of the people. A small tank is maintained for the city electric-light pumping plant and for street-sprinkling It draws its supply from the river, since the city water scales boilers badly and is low in dry seasons. In emergency the tank supply may be cvit off and after the well is drained the river may be drawn upon for unlimited supply. Tliis has, however, been found necessary but once or twice in the history of the plant. The water is so unfit for domestic use and so unsatisfactory for boilers and the supply furnished in dry seasons is so scant that a new system is contemplated. PAGE COUNTY. 939 WELL DATA. The following table gives data of typical wells in Montgomery County: Typical wells of Montgomery County. Owner. Location. Depth. Depth to rock. Source of supply. Head below curb. Remarks. T.73N., R.36W. (Douglas). R. W.Corbin.. W. Gardner T.73N., R.37W. (Pn-OT Grove). Mrs.G.Halbert S.Tripp SE.i-sec.8 NE. J sec. 17 N.Jsee.ll SW. J sec. 26 1 mile northwest of Stennett. NW.i-sec. 27 W.4sec.7 NW.isec.21 NE.|:sec.l2 SE.i-sec.26 NV\^.isec. 35 NW.isec.l NW.isec. 3 S. Jsee.l4 SW.isec.22 SE.isec. 15 NE. J sec. 19 Feet. 220 210 180 278 178 270 50 161 160 245 175 140 177 125 175 212 50 Feet. 50 149 100 100 27 40 40 Coal (Missouri)... Limestone (Mis- souri). Sandstone (Da- kota). Feet. 160 150 160 Hard water. Fine water. No water; limestone T. 73N., R.38 W. (Sherman). J. W. -Griffith.. well. Do. D.L.Rush Do. D. W. Bricls... J. E. Good T. 73N., R.39 W. (Lincoln.) J. H. Aridn.... T. 72N., R.39 W. (Gaeheld.) Mrs.M.E.Tol- Sandstone (Da- kota). Sand and gravel.. do.... Sand 81 140 100 75 115 Plenty of water. No rock. Do. Plenty of water. No man. G.W.Buchan- an. T.71N., R.39W. (West). T. G.Haag Sandstone (Da- kota). ....do rock. Strong well; no rock. Strong weU. Plenty of water. J. Larsen do J. E.Frank 60 90 do Soft water. T. 71N., R.38 W. (Grant.) S. Anderson do T.72N., R.38W. (Red Oak.) J. A. McLean... T.72N., R.36 W. . (Washington.) A. Monson do.. do Flowing well. PAGE COUNTY. By 0, E. Meinzer. TOPOGRAPHY. Page County is crossed by several streams, all of which meander through wide, flat-bottomed valleys that are nearly parallel and have a general southward or slightly southwestward trend. The two largest are Nodaway and East Nishnabotna rivers. Between the valleys extend intricately dissected upland belts, having a relief of about 200 feet. GEOLOGY. The entire county is underlain by the Missouri group (Pennsyl- vanian), which consists essentially of shale with numerous thin strata of hmestone and a few coal seamSj the total thickness of the 940 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OP IOWA. series, as determined by deep drilling at Clarinda, apparently being nearly 700 feet. (See PI. XVIII.) Below the Missouri is the Des Moines, another thick series belonging to the Pennsylvanian and con- sisting predominantly of shale but differing from the Missouri chiefly in containing less limestone and more sandstone. The upper surface of the Missouri group lies for the most part below the valley level and is encumbered with a heavy deposit of glacial detritus, out of which the valleys have been excavated, and the hill topography of the interstream belts, with their 200 feet of relief, more or less, has been carved. At a number of places a thin layer of sandstone has been found between the glacial drift and the shale or limestone of the Missouri group, and this is considered by Prof. Calvin as probably Cretaceous.^ The upper surface of the drift is thoroughly weathered and is widely overspread with a few feet of loess. The broad valleys are filled with alluvium, in some localities to depths of more than 50 feet. The alluvium, especially near the top, consists chiefly of fine-grained loesslike sediments, but it also includes beds of sand and gravel. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The alluvial deposits are the most reliable source of water in Page County. They are very important, not only because they occur over a considerable part of the county, but also because they are available to the principal cities and villages. They furnish the public supplies at Clarinda, Shenandoah, and Essex, the locomotive supplies for both the Wabash and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad companies, the hospital supplies at Clarinda, the industrial and domestic suppHes in essentially all the valley to'wois, and the domestic and stock supplies on a large number of farms. The bulk of the alluvium consists of clay and silt that ^^dll not yield water, and much of the rest consists of fine sand that gives up its water slowly, but fortunately there also exist, commonly at consid- erable depths, beds of gravel, through which the water percolates more freely. A large number of the private wells end in sand and provide only scanty supplies, but where the demands are greater, as for pubhc and industrial uses, the gravel beds are utilized, although even these are sharply limited in their yield. It needs to be said, however, that the small capacity of both private and public wells is, to a certain extent, due to the chronic clogging of the screens by fine sediment and by precipitates from the water. For domestic and stock purposes, driven wells are largely employed. A pit is commonly dug nearly to the water level and the pump cylin- 1 Calvin, Samuel, Geology of Page County: Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 11, 1901, p. 439. PAGE COUNTY. 941 der is placed at the bottom, where it will be protected from frost. Many pits are sunk some depth below the water level, so that the water rising in the driven well overflows into the pit, from which it is pumped. The manifest advantage of such an arrangement is that a reserve of water accumulates during the intervals that it is not drawn upon, and hence water can at times be pumped more rapidly than the rate at which the well will yield. A serious disadvantage of such an arrangement, or of any that estabhshes communication between the well and pit, is that the water is always in danger of contamina- tion, especially in the settlements, where cesspools and privies are in common use. In the upland areas, between the streams, the ground-water condi- tions are more precarious. The drift contains beds of sand and gravel, but if these He above the valley level they have been drained of their water wherever they are widely distributed and are freely porous. If the drill or auger penetrates to the valley level it may perhaps discover a stratum of drift sand or of Cretaceous sandstone that is filled with water, but it is more likely to encounter the shale and limestone of the Missouri group, which is an unpromising source of water, as to both quantity and quality. The imperfectly porous parts of the drift, such as are commonly found in the uncompacted upper portion, do not readily lose their water by leakage into the valleys, and hence it is that in spite of their meager yield they are relied upon for supplies on most of the upland farms. Many of the shallow wells in the hilly areas are in large ravines, where the prospects of procuring sufficient seepage are better than on valley sides or hilltops. The leakage from the sandy and gravelly seams in the drift produces numerous springs, some of which are found in the smaller draws near the tops of the divides. The water from the drift, especially from its upper part, is, like that from the alluvium, of good quality except that it is hard. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Clarinda. — The public supply at Clarinda (population, 2,832) is drawn from five 6-inch wells, aU of which are situated in the valley and end with screens in a 9-foot bed of gravel that lies below about 50 to 60 feet of clay and sand and rests upon shale. The water is hard but otherwise good. It rises within about 20 to 30 feet of the surface, and the wells "will furnish an average of about 50 gallons a minute each. It is reported that either of the two wells at the Lee electric-light plant, situated 75 feet apart, wUl yield 100,000 ga^ons in 24 hours, but that together they will yield only 130,000 gallons. The aquifer seems to be entirely reliable and not to be affected by dry seasons, but the weUs deteriorate rapidly and must be renewed every few years. A system of small driven wells, previously used for the public supply, was not satisfa>ctory. 942 UNDEKGBOUND WATEK KESOUECES OF IOWA. The water is pumped by the electric-Hght company into a stand- pipe, from which it is carried to the consumers by gravity. About 175,000 gallons are used daily. . At the State Hospital for the Insane three 6-inch wells start from slightly higher ground than the city wells and go to a depth of 77 feet, evidently ending in the same bed of gravel below alluvial clay and sand above Carboniferous shale. The gravel is here said to be a little over 7 feet thick. The three wells are reported to have a maximum capacity of 106,000 gaUons, 96,000 gallons, and over 100,000 gallons, respectively, in 24 hours. The average daily consumption is about 110,000 gallons. The water is considered excellent for drinking and for general domestic use and serves very well for boilers, though it is somewhat hard. A boring at Clarinda was carried to a depth of 1,002 feet in search of coal. Water flowed from the boring for a short time during the progress of the work. The driller's log, which seems to have been carefuUy kept, contains 40 entries, including records of shale of various kinds, limestone, marl, and coal. The drill seems to have passed from the Missouri group into the Des Moines at about 700 feet, but apparently did not reach the Mississippian. An accurate and detailed log (109 entries) of a diamond-drill hole at Clarinda, 840 feet deep, is published by the Iowa Geological Survey.^ From this log and an inspection of the core, Leonard places the base of the Missouri group at about 715 feet. The driller's log first mentioned is given below: Driller^ s log of coal prospect at Clarinda. Thick- ness. Depth. Feet. Feet. i 50 50 SO 100 20 120 5 125 20 145 5 150 1 5 155 15 170 25 195 20 215 85 300 20 320 20 340 4 344 36 380 120 500 20 520 72 592 28 620 10 630 30 660 8 668 11 679 21 700 5 705 5 710 10 720 Clay and gravel Shale, with thin streaks of rock Shale, brittle Marl, black Shale, black Shale, blue -.. Limestone Shale, light Limestone, very hard Shale Soapstone, changing to shale Limestone Shale, black Marl, red Soapstone, impure, red Shale, blue Limestone « Shale Shale Stone, dark colored Shale Coal, impure Limestone Rock and shale Coal Shale Shale ' 1 Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 12, 1902, pp. 29-31 PAGE COUNTY, Driller's log of coal prospect at Clarinda — Continued. 943 Depth. Shale and coal Shale Shale Coal Limestone Shale, black and blue Slate and shale Slate, gray Shale, white Shale "Drift" Shale, blue and black Soapstone Coin. — The Charles Schick well at Coin (population, 591), a pros- pect hole for gas and coal, has a depth of 888 feet, casing from 800 feet to bottom. Salty water is said to flow from well. Below a depth of 62 feet the rocks penetrated probably belong to the Pennsyl- vanian series. Driller'' s log of Charles Schick well at Coin. Thick- ness. Depth. Material containing wood, at. Gravel. Feet. Feet. Limestone, very hard Limestone and black shale, alternating every 2 to 4 feet . Caving rock and water, at Shale and coal blossom Limestone Coal. Shale and limestone, alternating every 2 to 4 feet Shale, black, tarry Shale, etc.; rapid alternations Coal and slate Stopped drilling to case well on account of caving; casing broken and tools lost; well abandoned, at 12 8 2 153 4 456 190 217 225 227 380 384 840 849 Essex. — ^The public supply at Essex (population, 776), as at Clarinda and Shenandoah, is drawn from alluvial gravel. A 6-inch well passes through 40 feet of clay and sand and ends with a 6-foot strainer in a bed of gravel from which the water rises to a level 12 feet below the surface. According to estimates made the maxi- mum yield does not greatly exceed 20 gallons a minute. The water is reported somewhat hard but otherwise good. It is stored in two com- pression tanks, from which it is delivered by air pressure through over a mile of mains to 12 fire hydrants and 41 taps. It is used by perhaps one-fifth of the people, who consume approximately 4,000 gallons daily. SJienandoah. — ^The city waterworks at Shenandoah (population, 4,976) are suppHed from one 10-inch and six 6-inch weUs, which pass through about 45 feet of alluvial clay and sand and end with 944 UNDERGEOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. screens in a bed of gravel. The water level fluctuates somewhat but is commonly about 16 feet below the surface. The casings of the seven wells are connected with a pump placed in a pit approxi- mately at water level, and this pump draws by suction from all the wells simultaneously at the rate of about 200 gallons a minute, which approaches the maximum capacity of the system. It is probable that this small yield is largely due to the deterioration of the 6-inch wells, which have been in service for a period of years. Before the wells at present in use were put down, a series of small driven wells was used. The water is pumped into a standpipe from which it is distributed through 9 or 10 miles of mains to a large number of fire hydrants and taps. It is extensively utihzed for domestic purposes and is also used in the locomotives on the Wabash Railroad. The total daily consumption is about 125,000 gallons. The well of M. W. Smith in the NW. I sec. 21, T. 69 N., E. 39 W., is 710 feet deep and 4 to 2 inches in diameter. It is cased to rock. The curb is 1,024 feet above sea level and the head is above the curb. The flow is now 1,000 gallons a day, but was greater, the yield having dhninished. The water is salty and is used for stock. The well was completed in 1887. POTTAWATTAMIE COUNTY. By 0. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton. TOPOGBAPHY. Most of Pottawattamie County consists of an upland carved by stream erosion into mnumerable steep hills and ravines, but Mis- souri River, which forms the west boundary of the county, and Nish- nabotna River and other affluent streams, which cross the county in a southwest direction, occupy wide valleys whose broad, flat, monot- onous bottoms are in striking contrast to the rugged topography of the uplands. GEOLOGY. The region is underlain by Pennsylvanian strata, consisting cliiefly of shales and limestones that outcrop at several localities but are commonly buried under 100 to 200 feet of unconsohdated materials of Pleistocene and more recent age. At a few points ia the eastern part of the county a Cretaceous formation, mainly sand- stone, has been found in exposures and wells between the Pennsyl- vanian and Pleistocene series. On the uplands the Pleistocene consists in downward succession of loess, yellow clay somewhat resembling loess, Kansan drift, Aftonian gravel, and Nebraskan POTTAWATTAMIE COUNTY. 945 drift.* The numerous wide valleys all contain thick deposits of alluvium. The deep geology of the western part of the county, near Council Bluffs and Omaha, Nebr., has been almost entirely unknown. A very few samples of the drillings of the deep well of the Willow Springs distillery at Omaha, examined by Norton in 1896, showed that a magnesian Umestone series begins about 1,055 feet from the surface, or about sea level, and continues thence to the bottom of the boring at a depth of 1,780 feet, interrupted, so far as shown by the samples, only by a thin shale at 1,250 feet and a white sand- stone at 1,430 feet. The logs of several wells at Council Bluffs and Omaha are on record but are vague and contradictory. The great depth of the Pennsylvanian in southwestern Iowa has led to a beUef that at Council Bluffs, as at places farther to the east and south, the coal measures might well extend down to sea level. The drillings at Miller Park, Omaha, and at Fort Crook (see pp. 954-958) agree in testifying that at about 550 feet above sea level there begins a series of limestones and cherts, 500 feet thick, contain- ing in many places milk-white translucent chalcedony. In view of its nature and its thickness this series can hardly be attributed to any higher terrane than the Mississippian, At least this hypothesis seems preferable to the hypothesis that the Des Moines group changes from clay shales to limestones of Mississippian f acies on nearing Missouri River at this latitude. Apparently, then, there is in this area a rather sharp upwarp that brings the Mississippian floor of the coal measures 650 feet higher at Omaha than at Glen wood, 18 miles to the southeast, so that they have a dip of 36 feet to the mile. The southward dip is corroborated by the testimony of well drillers, who report a much greater dip. The heavy shales of the Kinderhook group, which are regarded as the base of the Mississippian at Glenwood, are absent at Omaha and Council Bluffs, so that it is difficult to draw any line of separation between the Mississippian and the Devonian, and it is quite possible that more or less of the limestones assigned to the former really belong to the latter. The thickness of the Mississippian is not excessive, for at Glenwood it measures somewhat more than 400 feet. At Logan, also, farther north, where it should be thinner, the Mississippian extends from at least 478 feet above sea level to 212 feet above sea level, giving a minimum thickness of 266 feet. The Mississippian at Logan, however, may begin 150 feet higher up, there being a gap in the record; moreover, its lower limit does not seem to have been attained. > Udden, J. A., Geology of Pottawattamie County: Ann. Rept. Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 11, 1901, pp. 233 et seq. 36581°r-wsp 293—12 60 946 UNDERGKOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. At about 50 feet above sea level at Fort Crook a series of dolomitic limestones begins. At 70 feet above sea level at Miller Park, Omaha, dolomites are first encountered, although limestones, more or less magnesian, are found 100 feet higher. These magnesian limestones and dolomites are the uppermost beds of a thick series of rocks that are widely spread over western Iowa and eastern Nebraska. They probabl}^ represent different formations, but in the absence of fossils any identification or even demarcation seems impossible. In excep- tion, it may be noted that a thick body of magnesian limestone and dolomite occurring at Glenwood and at Bedford well up toward the summit of the series may be referred with some confidence to the Salina ( ?) formation of the Silurian, on account of its content of gyp- sum and anhydrite. In the Council Bluffs section these minerals are absent, and the upper beds may be assigned to the Silurian solely on account of their place in the series. At Fort Crook the magnesian series is interrupted by limestones of slight magnesian content from 1,070 to 1,125 feet. At 1,220 feet (150 feet below sea level) occurs a hard, bright green shale inter- bedded with dolomite, the whole being 30 feet thick. All limestones below this shale are thoroughly dolomitized. At 1,340 feet (270 feet below sea level) they are slightly arenaceous. At the Willow Springs distillery, Omaha, a white sandstone occurs about 400 feet below this. At Miller Park, Omaha, a red arenaceous shale with thin layers of sandstone intervenes at 75 feet below sea level. This may represent the hard green shale found in the Fort Crook well at 150 feet below sea level. The formation to which the dolomites below the green and red shales belong is quite uncertain. In facies they resemble the dolo- mites of the Prairie du Chien group except in their generally non- arenaceous nature. But the Silurian dolomites at Bedford are of great thickness. The drill was still in them at 2,400 feet, which would give them a minimum thickness of 575 feet. There seem, therefore, to be no data by which the lower limit of the Silurian dolomites at Council Bluffs can be determined. It would not be inconsistent with some of the data to refer the bright-green and the red sandy shales found from 75 to 150 feet below sea level to the base of the Platteville. This would imply an upwarp of the lower Paleozoic in the Council Bluffs area of far greater steepness than any known in the State. It would correspond with the already inferred upwarp of the Mississippian floor of the coal measures, but it would be considerably steeper, lifting the St. Peter about 1,000 feet higher than the general stratigraphy would indicate. At Lincoln, Nebr., where the St, Peter is fairly well identified in the State well, it occurs nearly 900 feet below the summit of the mag- nesian limestones, and if the green shale at Fort Crook at 150 feet POTTAWATTAMIE COUNTY. 947 below sea level marks the top of the St. Peter, it occurs at but 100 feet (or at most at but 200 feet) below the same datum, although the Mississippian has thinned out to the west from Omaha to Lincoln. For this reason it would seem somewhat more probable that the St. Peter lies below the lowest terranes pierced by the Omaha wells. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. " Water is found in (1) the alluvium; (2) in the loess, drift, and associated deposits; (3) in the Cretaceous deposits; and (4) in the lower formations. In the lowland tracts water can be secured from alluvial sand or gravel in sufficient quantities for all ordinary purposes. When not polluted tliis water is of good quality, though it contains rather large amounts of calcium and magnesium. Driven wells are in common use and the water rises nearly or quite to the surface. Two 12-inch wells drilled in the Missouri Valley at Council Bluffs for the Cliicago & North Western Railway have the following section: Section of Chicago & North Western Railway wells at Council Bluffs. Thick- ness. Depth. Clay, soft, yellow Mud, soft, gray Sand, soft, gray, muddy. Sand, gray Sand, coarse, and gravel . Feet. 24 20 20 16 16 Feet. 24 44 64 80 96 These wells were finished with 10-inch screens in the basal sand and gravel from which the water rose within 10 feet of the surface, and was lowered 15 feet 4 inches by pumping 300 gallons a minute for nine hours. The loess and the upper part of the bowlder clay are slightly porous and contribute a slow seepage to dug or bored wells sunk below the ground-water level. Beds of sand and gravel are numerous. The Aftonian gravel appears to be widely distributed, and in some places attains considerable thickness. Along the cliffs north of Council Bluffs, where it is especially well developed, it gives rise to numerous good sprmgs. According to Andrew Graham, park commissioner, 31 springs in this vicinity, presumably all issuing from the Aftonian, together yield 1,250,000 gallons a day. Sand and gravel also occur in certain localities between the drift and the bedrock. Most of the water in the numerous sand and gravel deposits is not under much pressure and generally does not flow readily into drilled wells of small diameter, though it may constitute a very satisfactory 948 UISTDEKGKOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. source for large bored wells. The difficulty with many of the bored wells is that they fail to reach water because well augers can not bore into gravels that are firmly cemented, as they are in many places. In seeking municipal, industrial, or stock suppHes in the upland regions, explorations should if necessary be carried to the Pennsyl- vanian strata, which can easily be recognized. The conditions found in drilling in Fairmont Park, on the loess- covered uplands at Council Bluffs, may be regarded as typical. The first hole was sunk through 125 feet of loess and bowlder clay, 2 feet of yellow sand, and finally through about 13 feet of red or yellow rock, stopping at 140 feet (about at the valley level) without water. The second hole was started on ground about 20 feet lower than the first and was carried through about 100 feet of loess and bowlder clay, 2 feet of gravel, 8 feet of red or yellow rock, and 155 feet of rock, con- sisting of alternating shale and limestone strata. Finally, at a depth of 265 feet, it was ab^doned, for it did not find sufficient water to supply a well of small diameter, although in the first 100 feet there were seeps that would probably have sufficed for a well of large diameter. The third hole was started on ground perhaps 110 feet higher than the first and was sunk to a depth of 280 feet. Near the bottom the drill passed through 2 feet of brown sandstone, 10 or 15 f«et of yellow clay, and 3 feet of clean white sand and gravel, ending in a few feet of red or yellow rock. The water from the sand and gravel rose about 40 feet in the well, and with the cylinder at the bottom it can be pumped at about 6 gallons a minute. It is apparently of good quality. A fourth hole encountered 6 feet of sandstone instead of 2, and 4^ feet of gravel instead of 3; its maximum yield is 8 gallons a minute instead of 6. Locally the Cretaceous sandstone will yield freely, but it is so generally absent that for the county as a whole it is not of much consequence. The deep beds, which have been tapped by a number of wells in Council Bluffs and Omaha, yield moderate amounts of water rich in sodium sulphate. Between them and the water-bearing beds that are nearer the surface lie several hundred feet of Pennsylvanian strata, which are unpromising as a source of water, although a few wells seem to draw from them. The thick body of limestones referred to the Mississippian carries artesian water at several levels. In the Missouri Valley at Council Bluffs small flows may be expected at depths between 620 and 740 feet and stronger flows between 800 and 815 feet (245 to 235 feet above sea level). The magnesian limestones and dolomites referred to the Silurian (often called sandrock in drillers' logs because of the sharp sparkling crystalhne sand to which they are crushed by the drill) are tapped by POTTAWATTAMIE COUNTY. 949 most of the artesian wells of the area. Water is found in them at 950 feet to 1,150 feet below the Missouri Valley at Council Bluffs. Other water is found in deeper dolomites referred with great uncertainty to the Silurian. Like the water from the Silurian dolo- mites at Bedford, these deeper waters are highly minerahzed. These beds are the source of the main water at Fort Crook (1,560-1,580 feet) and were tapped also at Willow Springs distillery (1,600-1,700 feet). CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Avoca. — The public supply at Avoca (population, 1,520) is derived from four 5-inch driven wells which stand 30 feet apart on the Nish- nabotna bottoms and end at a depth of 28 feet with 6-foot screens in a 13-foot bed of sand and gravel, from which the wacer rises to within a few feet of the surface. The combined yield of the 4 wells was roughly estimated at 250 gallons a minute. The water is hard and the screens become incrusted in about 2 years. Before the present wells were put down a less successful system of small sand points was used. The water is pumped by the electric-light company into a standpipe and is deUvered through about 4^ miles of mains to approx- imately 100 buildings. It is used by one-third of the people and 25,000 gallons are daily consumed. Water for the boilers at the electric- hght plant and mill is drawn from the river; that for the railway loco- motives is taken from a large dug well on the river bank; that for the boiler at the brickyard is drawn from rain water stored in a cistern ; and that for the canning factory is taken from a well similar to the village wells. Carson. — Carson (population, 640) is located at a place where the Nishnabotna Valley is greatly constricted, apparently owing to out- cropping bedrock. The waterworks, which are in private ownership, draw from a dug well about 6 feet in diameter and 40 feet deep that extends largely through fine sand from which the water is with diffi- culty separated. The yield is between 10 and 15 gallons a minute. The supply is pumped by water power into a small tank on high ground and distributed by gravity through a system of mains with hmited service. The railway locomotives are suppHed from a well that is similar to that at the waterworks. Council Bluffs. — Water at Council Bluffs (population, 29,292) is obtained from four distinct sources: (1) Missouri Eiver, which supplies the public waterworks and most of the railway companies, and furnishes the most satisfactory boiler water; (2) alluvial sand and gravel, which in the valley yields generous quantities of hard water that is widely used for a variety of purposes; (3) loess and drift materials, which on the uplands furnish meager supplies of good water that must generally be lifted from near the bottoms of the 950 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. wells, as at Fairmont Park; and (4) rock formations at greater depths, which provide moderate amounts of sodium-sulphate water that in some cases rises above the valley level. The deep water is used at the State School for the Deaf and at several industrial estab- lishments, but it is avoided for locomotive boilers. For the pvibhc supply the water is lifted from the river by a cen- trifugal pump into sedimentation basins and is thence elevated by duplex pumps into a storage reservoir, from which it is distributed by gravity. The system consists of about 34 miles of mains with 288 fire hydrants and 4,500 service connections. The water is mdely used by the people and by the railway companies, and approximately 2,500,000 gallons is consumed daily. Well No. 1 of the school for the deaf is 1,012 feet deep and 3 inches in diameter. The curb is 1,010 feet above sea level. The original head was 50 feet above curb, but the present head is only 10 feet above. The original discharge was 50 to 60 gallons a minute; the discharge in 1889 was 11 gallons a minute; the discharge in 1908 was 3 gallons a minute and the present pumping capacity is 15 gallons a minute. The well was completed in 1885. In 1894 several hundred feet of new casing was inserted, with the effect of temporarily increasing the flow. This well now flows into an artificial pond and furnishes auxiliary supply for fire protection. Record of strata ofivell No. 1 at school for the deaf, Council Bluffs.^- Shale,, red, calcareous ^ Shale lavender colored, noncalcareous Shalei bluish, calcareous; some small chips of limestone Shale) dark gray, fine grained, sUghtly tmcaceous, noncalcareous Shale, blue, tough, calcareous Shale, blue, calcareous; some chips of limestone Shale, light gray to green, pyritiferous; a few chips of limestone Shale, reddish brown, calcareous Shale, dull red, siliceous, noncalcareous; 2 samples Shale, blue gray, very weakly calcareous; 2 samples Sandstone, white, transparent; quartz grains rather sharp; some calcareous particles. . Limestone, white; much quartz sand Shale, greenish; some fragments of limestone; calcareous, slightly pyritiferous Sandstone, fine, calciferous T Limestone, dark; mixed with some shale and sand Sandstone, very fine; some calcareous grains Shale, green gray, sUghtly calcareous o From descriptions of drUlings by J. A. Udden and by a member of Iowa Geological Survey. Well No. 2 at the school for the deaf has a depth of 1,080 or 1,100 feet and a diameter of OJ inches to 482 feet, 5| inches to 618 feet, and 4 inches to bottom. The casing is 4-inch pipe to 482 feet. The original discharge was 40 gallons a minute; discharge in 1908, 6 gallons; pumping capacity, 30 gaUons a minute. Date of completion, 1889. The well is pumped and furnishes 35,000 gallons a day. POTTAWATTAMIE COUNTY. 951 Log of well No. 2, school for the deaf, Council Bluffs. Thick- ness. Depth. Surface material Feet. 90 300 80 100 250 100 40 50 30 35 25 Feet. 90 Shale , 390 Sand. . . . 470 Limestone 570 Shale . 820 920 Sandstone 960 Limestone ... 1,010 Sandstone 1,040 Shale 1,075 Sandstone 1,100 The Geisse Brewery well is 1,114 feet deep and 9 to 3 inches in diam- eter. The curb is 1,047 feet above sea level and the original head was 55 feet above curb. The original discharge was 175 gallons a minute. The water comes from limestone. Date of completion, 1886(?). The weU of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway at the roundhouse is reported to be 750 or 860 feet deep. The curb is 980 feet above sea level and the present discharge 3^ gallons a minute. A gradual lessening of flow has been noted. No pumps are used. DriUer, W. H. Gray & Bro., Chicago. Driller's log of well of Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Thick- ness. Depth. Drift Feet. 70 100 480 100 Feet. 70 170 Shale 650 750 The J. G. Woodward & Co. candy factory well was 830 feet deep. It obtained a flow of 15 gaUons a minute from water bed at 725 feet, which had decreased to 5 gallons a minute by 1904. The well was deep- ened in 1904 to 847i feet and the flow increased to 12 gaUons a minute. Water at present is pumped at the rate of 60 gallons a minute with cylinder 140 feet below surface. Date of completion, 1901. The Bloomer Ice & Cold Storage Co. well is 1,280 feet deep and 12 to 8 inches in diameter. The head is 80 feet above curb. A slight flow of ferruginous water at 700 feet was cased out, the mam flow coming from 1,000 to 1,100 feet. The original discharge was 105 gallons a minute; the discharge in 1909 was 75 gaflons a minute; the temperature was 62° F. The weU was completed in 1906 at a cost of $5,500, by L. E. NebergaU, of Omaha. The owner of the well states (from memory) that limestone was struck at 95 feet, beneath 3 or 4 feet of blue shale. A coal seam 2 or 3 952 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. inches thick was found at about 700 feet, with shale above and below it, and a very coarse conglomerate gravel with flattened pebbles at about 1,100 feet. From 1,150 feet to the bottom the well is in lime- stone. Omaha, Nebr., and adjoining towns. — Some assistance in the inter- pretation of the difficult section at Comicil Bluffs is afforded by records of wells at Omaha, Lane, and Fort Crook, Nebr. These records were collected by J. H. Lees, assistant State geologist of the Iowa Geological Survey, and by correspondence. Driller's log of Riverview Park well at Omaha, Nebr. Thick- ness. Depth. Drift Limestone . Shale Limestone Caving slaale; streaks of limestone : Limestone Streaks of lime and shale, caving badly, at ... . Caving shale to Lime and shale Sandy shale, caving badly in places Limestone Shale, caving considerably Limestone, with streaks of shale caving badly. Limestone Sandstone Shale streak, at Limestone; streaks of shale Feet. 41 132 108 149 101 58 72 Feet. 94 164 174 260 347 395 460 669 610 742 850 999 1,100 1,158 1,230 1,233 1,380 Log of Young Men's Christian Association well, Omaha, Nebr. [Elevation of curb, 1,070 feet above sea level.] Thick- ness. Depth. Earth Limestone Shale, red and black Limestone Shale, black Limestone Shale and limestone. Limestone Sandstone Feet. 102 198 200 20 50 170 50 284 60 Feet. 102 300 500 520 570 740 790 1,074 1,134 Log of Booth Fisheries Co. well, Omaha, Nebr. [Elevation of curb, 1,045 feet above sea level.] Depth in feet. Loam and clay 40 Clay, blue, struck blue rock 50 Bedrock 61 Shale 78-88 Limestone and shale 93 Shale 98 Shale; trace of red rock 115 POTTAWATTAMIE COUNTY. 953 Depth in feet. Clay, blue; trace of red rock 125 Kock 130 Limestone 180, 200 Clay, blue 210 Shale, red 260, 280 Clay, blue 290, 315 Shale, gray 370 Shale, red 380 Shale, red and gi-ay 400, 410 Shale 412 Shale, reddish 420 Rock ■. . .- 428 Shale, red, and clay 440 Shale, gray 520 Limestone 550 ^imestone and clay; a small overflow 620 More -water 740 Limestone 792 Limestone ; more water 805 Through limestone; more water 812 Shale; flow 46 gallons a minute 815 Limestone, milky 850 Bad cave 950 Limestone, hard; water somewhat milky; 60 gallons a minute. . 970 Hard rock; 67 gallons a minute 1, 047 Bottom of well (flow of 110 gallons a minute) 1, 094 Log of Union Pacific Bailway well, Lane, Nehr. [Curb, 1,091 feet above sea level.] Thick- ness. Depth. Clav, sandv Feet. 50 2 53 45 13 20 2 15 2 48 4 7 159 295 10 10 15 10 6 146 8 26 4 41 9 318 67 33 7 8 10 Feet. 50 Sand. . . 52 Shale, blue 105 150 Shale, black. . . 163 Limestone 183 Shale 185 Limestone 200 Shale 202 250 Sandstone 254 Limestone 261 Shale 420 T.iTnpRtnnp, . . 715 Shale 725 Limestone 735 Shale.. 750 Limestone . 760 Shale 766 912 Shale . - 920 946 Shale 950 Limestone 991 Shale 1,000 Limestone . 1,318 1,385 Limestone 1,418 Shale 1,425 Sandstone 1,433 Shale 1,443 954 UlSTDEKGEOUND WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. Log of Union Pacific Railway well, Lane, Nebr. — Continued. Sandstone. . Shale Sandstone.. Limestone., Sandstone. . Limestone.. Sandstone.. Limestone.. Shale, green Sandstone.. Record of strata of deep well at Fort CrooJc, Nebr. [Furnished by Frank Phillips, Government engineer.] Thick- ness. Unrecorded Sand, coarse Sand; gravel up to three-fourths inch diameter; pebbles of quartzite, greenstone, gran- ite, etc Till, blue; small pebbles, some of coal; facies of Kansan drift Gravel; up to 1 inch diameter; well rounded; cuttings of gray crystalline limestone; rapid effervescence in cold dilute hydrochloric acid .». Limestone; as above, some grayish white fossiliferous cuttings Limestone, light yellow gray; rapid effervescence; subcrystalline; FtosuUna cylin- drica Limestone, gray-white; in small chips Limestone, blue gray, soft, earthy; large irregular chips, fossiliferous; erinoid stems and joints and Fusulina cylindrica; some shale Limestone, gray, subcrystalline, encrinital; some green shale Limestone, green gray, hard, fossiliferous; rapid effervescence Shale, black, fissile Limestone, grayish white, encrinital; in flaky chips Shale, black Limestone, light gray, earthy; some black shale from above Limestone, white, fossiliferous; in large flaky chips; some blue shale Shale, green, small particles of white limestone Limestone, gray and white, soft, earthy Limestone, blue-gray, fossiliferous, compact , Shale, red, slightly calcareous Sandstone, blue-gray, fine grained, micaceous, calciferous, in chips; some red shale . .. Limestone, blue-gray, highly argillaceous; some pyrite , Limestone, blue-gray; shale, black, reddish, and yellow; fragments of Productus Limestone, cream colored, earthy; rapid effervescence Limestone, light gray, earthy Shale, black, coaly Shale, light green, calcareous Shale, blue, calcareous, plastic Sandstone, dark blue-gray, calcareous, micaceous, laminated, fine grained; in chips. . . Limestone, light buff and gray; rapid effervescence; blue shale ., Shale, varicolored, blue, gray, yellov/, red Shale, gray; some coal; in thin flakes Sandstone, light gray, micaceous; grains minute and highly irregular in shape; in fine sand Limestone, sandstone, and shale; limestone and sandstone in fine sand; shale, black fissile, in flakes of some size and perhaps from above Chert, white Chert, white, and limestone; some sand and shale Limestone, light buff and white; chert; some sand in drillings, rapid effervescence. . . Limestone, light buff and white; rapid effervescence; chert; some sand Limestone, white and gray; rapid effervescence; some chert and chalcedonic silica. . . Chert and chalcedony; some limestone, of rapid effervescence; 3 samples Limestone, hght gray; rapid effervescence; chalcedony and chert; all in fine sand; all samples below the sandstone at 500 contain more or less quartz sand of irregular and minute grains Chert, white and gray ; limestone, light gray; limestone in sand, chert in large chips Limestone, white and light gray, compact; rapid effervescence; some chert Limestone, light gray and white; some laminated, compact; rapid effervescence; some crystalline darker; some chert Limestone, white and light gray, macrocrystalline, soft, fossiliferous Limestone, compact, wmte, rather soft; rapid effervescence; larger part of water-worn chips of shale of various colors and some gray sandstone, both evidently from above. Feet. 65 4 6 28 10 2 7 12 4 2 13 5 22 15 5 13 10 60 27 13 5 10 5 5 15 5 5 10 70 30 10 37 3 15 10 5 10 50 POTTAWATTAMIE COUNTY. 955 Record of strata of deep ivell at Fort Crook, Nebr. — Continued. Limestone, white and light gray; in small flaky chips Sandstone, light gray; grains diverse in size and irregular in shape; considerable white limestone; all in tine sand; 2 samples Shalti, blue, plastic Limestone, hght gray; rapid effervescence; sample consists of limestone, some quartz sand and chert, and black shale and pyrite; all in fine sand Limestone, white, soft and dark gray, subcrystalline, hard; in flaky chips Limestone, light gray, dense; in small angular cuttings Limestone, light gray ; rapid effervescence; some chert Limestone (?), cuttings of limestone, chert, shale of all colors, and grains of quartz; probably due to caving Limestone, light-buff, some white; considerable chert and quartz sand in drillings Chert, blue, mottled; limestone of rapid effervescence; some quartz sand , Limestone; light buff; much blue chert; slow effervescence, indicating large content of magnesia Limestone, light gray and white, compact; in flakes; rapid effervescence Limestone, light buff and light gray, subcrystalline; effervescence slow; some parti- cles rapid (see analysis below) Dolomite, dark brown, crystalUne; in sharp sand; effervescence slow Dolomite, light buff; in fine sand Dolomite; as at 1,055 feet Shale, blue, plastic, calcareous Dolomite, light buff Limestone, buff, in mass; rapid effervescence; much white and light-gray limestone; some black shale and quartz sand; resembles upper limestones Limestone, dark and light gray; rapid effervescence; in minute cuttings; black shale from above ._ Dolomite, light buff; in finest crystalline sand, without shale, and with negligible quartz sand; 3 samples Shale, bright green, hard, noncalcareous, nonarenaceous; in sand; many chips of dolo- mite Dolomite, gray; in finest sand; 2 samples (see analysis below) Dolomite, white; in finest sand; some quartz sand in drillings, grains fairly well rounded, some with secondary enlargements; many broken; quartz sand from 5 to 10 per cent of drillings Dolomite, light gray and whitish; in finest sparklmg crystalline sand, almost free from quartz sand . ., Dolomite, white, macrocrystalline; in coarse sand (see analysis below) Dolomite, light buff; cherty in fine sand practically free from quartz Feet. 23 65 100 20 185 Feet. 793 866 872 887 900 926 950 980 1,000 1,004 1,015 1,018 1,055 1,058 1,060 1,065 1,070 1,080 1,125 1,220 1,250 1,340 1,460 1,560 1,580 1,765 Analyses of drillings from deep well at Fort Crook, Nebr. [Made in chemical laboratory of Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa.] 1,018 feet. 1,340 feet. 1,580 feet. Silica (Si O2) .... Iron(FeO) Water (H2O) Calcium (CaO) , Magnesium MgO) Carbon dioxide (COj) 5.41 1.37 2.26 26.20 21.06 43.73 100. 03 17.92 1.23 2.08 19.64 20.65 38.18 99.70 11.46 2.60 2.01 20.73 22.73 41.21 100. 74 A complete set of samples of the drillings taken from the deep well in Miller Park, Omaha, was preserved by the drillers, J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago. The surface at the well as reported by the city engi- neer is 1,007 feet above sea level. The depth to the principal water bed is 810 feet; another water bed is at 1,150 feet. The natural flow is about 150 gallons a minute; temperature, 60° F. 956 UNDEEGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. Record of strata in deep ivell at Miller Park, Omaha, Nehr. Thick- ness. Silt, light, greenish yellow, calcareous, argillaceous; mainly fine, angular quartzose particles; some hard chips of white limestone, at Limestone, light, blue gray, and light yellow, earthy, subcrystalhne; rapid efferves- cence in cold dilute hydrochloric acid; in large cuttings Shale, red, according tolabel Limestone, white, soft, earthy; in large chips Limestone, white, soft; in tliin flakes; with green shale Limestone, white, earthy Limestone, white and light gray, compact, fine grained, earthy; in flaky chips Shale, blue; and limestone, white, soft, earthy, blue-gray, fossiliferous Shale, red; and Umestone, light blue-gray, hard, fine grained; some hthographic with conchoidal fracture, some partly crystalline Limestone, blue-gray and pinkish, earthy; some fine grained, conchoidal fracture; reddish shale , Limestone, drab, conchoidal fracture; reddish and greenish shale Shale, drab, argillaceous; calcareous nodules Shale, red Feet. Shale, blue - Shale, blue, plastic Shale, blue, plastic, calcareous Limestone, gray; in fine angular sand Shale, red; some green plastic shale Shale, blue, plastic, slightly calcareous. Limestone , blue-gray , fossiliferous; crinoid stems; in small chips in mass concreted with drab and black shale Shale, blue, plastic; 2 samples Limestone, buff; in fine angular sand Shale, black Shale, red; some green, at Shale, green and purple; some hard silico-calcareous cuttings Limestone, gray; some pinkish; a Uttle colored flint, with yellow, green, and reddish shale Shale, reddish and yellow; and sandstone, blue gray, fine grained Limestone, gray; in fine angular sand Shale, greenish yellow; 3 samples Shale, blue, plastic Shale, blue, somewhat calcareous Shale, black and yellow-green Shale, black and reddish Limestone, white and gray; some white chert Chert and Umestone, white and gray - - Limestone, blue, highly argillaceous, hard and white, saccharoidal; some chert Limestone, white and light gray; much white chert Limestone, light gray; in fine sand; with powder of shale in light blue-gray concreted Chert and chalcedonic sihca; much black, drab, and reddish shale from cave Shale, drab; gray limestone and chert Limestone, medium dark blue-gray, dense, earthy; in rather large chips; some fUnt, and crystalline quartz, apparently geodic; also blue shale Limestone, light 3^ellow-gray ; some greenish gray; in fine sand, at Chert, Ught gray, in small chips; a little Umestone of same color Chert, gray; a little light gray or whitish Umestone Chert, gray, drab, and white; a little chalcedonic siUca and gray Umestone Limestone, Ught gray; much chert; some fine grains of clear quartz, partly rounded Limestone, light gray and yellow; considerable chert and bluish chalcedony and some quartz grains Shale, blue and light green; in molded masses; small, hard, dark blue-gray, nodular masses at 035 feet; calcareous and argillaceous Limestone, light yellow-gray; and hard blue argillaceous Limestone, light yellow-gi'ay , dense, fine grained; in flaky cuttings .'. Limestone, white, soft, earthly; some hard crystalline; with rare fragments of crinoid stems, white and bluish-white chert, and small quartz crystals; in medium-sized chips Limestone, cream colored, hard, fine grained; in coarse meal Limestone, white and light gray; soft; in small flakes Lfmestone, Ught yellow gray Limestone, white and Ught gray; 2 samples Limestone, white and cream colored; dull luster; in flakes; soft Limestone, white, subcrystalline; in sand; minute rounded grains suggest ooUtic or foraminiferal tests; with shale, green, noncalcareous Limestone, gray, of rapid effervescence; some subcrystalline limestone of slow effer- vescence. Latter is the first Umestone whose slow effervescence indicates any con- siderable magnesian content; shale green, practically noncalcareous; in chips Limestone, white and yellow gray; with chert, and some quartz sand; and shale, green, pyritiferous; in chips Limestone, white; rapid effervescence; with shale in chips; much fine quartz sand; shale, from 785 to 825 feet, probably due to caving Limestone, white and light yellow, crystalline; effervescence rather slow; with shale, blue gray, highly pyritiferous Limestone, white" or "light yellow-green, crystalline, and in part saccharoidal; much blue-gray noncalcareous shale POTTAWATTAMIE COUNTY. 957 Record of strata in deep well at Miller Park, Omaha, iVeSr.— Continued. Limestone, buff; slow effervescence; much white chert; fine cuttings Limestone, gray; with whiite chert; effervescence slow; in fme cuttings Dolomite or magnesian limestone, light gray; in very fine crystalline powder; slow effervescence; 2 samples Limestone, light brown; moderately slow effervescence; in crystalline sand; a few fine rounded grains of quartz Limestone, brown; in sand; effervescence rather rapid Limestone, light yellow, crystalline; some of moderately slow and some of rapid effer- vescence -. Limestone, light yellow-gray, subcrystalline; in fine cuttings; effervescence rapid Limestone, light yellow and brown, crystalline; effervescence moderately slow Dolomite or magnesian limestone, buff, crystalline, compact; effervescence slow; in small cuttings; 3 samples Dolomite or magnesian limestone, crystalline, cherty, light gray; slow effervescence; 2 samples Limestone, light gray and yellow; in fine sand; effervescence moderately slow Limestone, light gray, blue-gray, and drab; hard; effervescence rather slow; much quartz sand of rounded grains Limestone, light gray; rather slow effervescence; cuttings of hard, white, calcareous shale; all in sand; 4 samples Shale, bright green, hard; m small chips; calcareous; with limestone, buff; effervescence rather slow; some calcite; in fine sand Shale, green, plastic, in molded masses but with individual fissile fragments embedded; calcareous Shale; as at 1,065 feet; some chips of light-gray limestone; rapid effervescence Limestone, buff; some mottled with dark drab; rather slow effervescence; some green shale Dolomite or magnesian limestone, clean, bright yellow, fine, crystalUne, granular; effervescence slow; with embedded minute ill-rounded grains of silica; a little white chert; 2 samples Limestone, light yellow and whitish; moderately rapid effervescence; much green shale; all in fine sand; 2 samples Sandstone, white, fine; well-rounded grains of crystalline quartz; some pink Umestone of rather rapid effervescence Limestone, ptakish and light buff, subcrystalline; moderately rapid effervescence; some gray, of much slower effervescence; in chips, and shale, dark red, very slightly calcareous, arenaceous; in chips; and sandstone, of grains as above, with dark-red matrix of shale Limestone, light gray; rapid effervescence; some white chert; and sandstone, of fine well-roimded grains Dolomite or magnesian limestone, light blue and yellow-gray, compact, with white chert; effervescence slow; some quartz sand and green shale, probably from above; Feet. Feet. 855 865 885 895 905 915 925 935 965 995 1,005 1,015 1,055 1,065 1,075 1,085 1,105 1,125 1,145 1,165 1,175 1,185 1,269 Driller's log of Miller Parle well, Omaha, Nehr. Clay, soft Hardpan and gravel Hard limestone Shale and streaks of limestone Limestone Shale Limestone Shale, red Limestone, hard Shale, blue Limestone Limestone, hard Shale Limestone, hard Shale Shale, black , Limestone Shale, yellow, and limestone. . Shale, blue , Limestone , Shale, white , Limestone Shale, black Limestone, hard Shale, blue , Thick- ness. Depth. Feet. Feet. 30 30 40 70 25 95 12 107 13 120 5 125 10 135 40 175 5 ISO 45 225 5 230 3 233 62 295 20 315 35 350 15 365 7 372 38 410 45 455 20 475 12 487 20 507 10 517 14 531 6 637 958 UlSTDEKGEOUND WATEE EESOUECES OF IOWA. Driller'' s log of Miller Park well, Omaha, Nehr. — Continued. Depth. Limestone Shale, blue Limestone Shale Limestone Shale Limestone Shale Limestone Shale, white Limestone, hard Caving rock Limestone Sand (water-bearing) Limestone Shale Limestone Shale Limestone Shale Limestone, hard Shale Limestone Sandstone Marl, sandy, red Limestone Feet. 542 554 557 562 585 590 615 619 639 672 720 724 840 842 849 855 940 952 1,060 1,067 1,075 1,105 1,125 1,129 1,144 1,269 Minden. — In Minden (population, 423) there are two pumping stations each \vith two wells, none of which supply much water. The first well is 8 feet in diameter and 40 feet deep, is cased with brick, passes through clay and gravelly streaks from which it receives seepage, and furnishes about 5,000 gallons a day. The second is 16 inches in diameter and 60 feet deep, is cased with tile, penetrates a bed of quicksand, and yields perhaps 10 gallons a minute. The two new wells at the pumping plant recently installed are 20 inches in diameter and 58 or 60 feet deep, are cased with tile, and also end in quicksand. There is a standpipe, IJ miles of mains, 22 fire hydrants, and 41 service connections. The water is liked by the people and is widely used for domestic purposes. The average daily consumption is estimated at 10,000 gallons, which amount is now easily provided by the wells. The Chicago Great Western Kailway has in the past utilized a spring and a shallow well that have not been satisfactory. It is reported that the railway company at one lime drilled to a depth of several hundred feet without success. The well at the canning factory is similar to the village wells. Neola. — The public supply at Neola (population, 926) is obtained from one 5-inch and about fifteen 2-inch wells that end with screens in a thick bed of alluvial sand and gravel at depths of 45 to 50 feet, from which the water rises within about 14 feet of the surface. With a suction pump placed 6 feet below the surface this system of wells has been made to yield 145 gallons per minute. Some of the small wells have been in service a long time and their supplies have prob- ably been shut off or greatly diminished by the incrusting of their SHELBY COUNTY. 959 screens. The water is of good quality though it has considerable temporary hardness. There are 2 miles of mains, 24 fire hydrants, and numerous taps. The pressure is obtained from a storage reser- voir situated on high ground. The water is used extensively for domestic purposes and it is estimated that 50,000 gallons are con- sumed daily. Both railway companies draw locomotive supplies from the valley gravels. OaMand. — Oakland (population, 1,105) is located in the Nishna- botna Valley and has a gravity system of waterworks that derives its supply from a series of driven wells that end in alluvial sand at a -depth of about 22 feet. Walnut. — In Walnut (population, 950) two wells were drilled to a depth of about 200 feet into a bed of incoherent fine-grained water- bearing sand. Numerous unsuccessful experiments were made to separate the water from the sand, but the wells were finally aban- doned. At present the supply comes from a reservoir formed by damming a ravine at the south margin of the village and from four shallow wells in the same locality. Three of the wells are bored to about 60 feet, where they are said to strike gravel ; the other is a dug well 10 feet square and about 30 feet deep. The supply from this system is small and precarious and is not considered satisfactory. The waterworks include a standpipe and 2 miles of mains. Only small use is made of the water, the consumption being perhaps not over 3,000 gallons a day. SHELBY COUNTY. By O. E. Meinzer. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. Shelby County consists of a hilly but fertile loess-covered upland interrupted by several wide alluvium-filled valleys that trend south- westward. The hill topography, with a general relief of 100 to 200 feet, is carved out of a thick accumulation of glacial drift and asso- ciated deposits, below which is hidden a thin layer of Cretaceous sandstone and shale and a much thicker series of Pennsylvanian shale, limestone, and sandstone. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. The water-bearing formations underlying the county are the allu- vium, the loess, drift, and associated deposits, the Cretaceous sand- stone, and the lower formations. The Pennsylvanian strata will furnish little water, but moderate quantities can be secured from formations at greater depths. The Carboniferous and deeper waters are rich in sodium sulphate. 960 UNDERGKOUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. The Cretaceous beds, which consist of poorly cemented sandstone and soft shale or "soapstone," where present, lie next above the Pennsylvanian. They have apparently been reached in a number of wells, but since most of these wells are old and a large proportion have been abandoned little definite information in regard to them remains. The sandstone contains water, which, however, is not under much head and hence does not enter the wells rapidly and must be lifted from considerable depths. Moreover, the sand screens that are used readily become incrusted, shutting out the supply. From the meager data at hand it seems that the water is harder than that from more shallow sources but is less mineralized than the deeper water. In future work it should be understood that better results can be expected from 4-inch and 6-inch wells than from small 2-mch wells, which are poorly adapted to this region. The bulk of the county's water supply is obtained from bored and dug wells, whose advantage lies in their large circumference and resultingly extensive infiJtering surface. These wells are commonly sunk at low points into the unconsolidated materials, from which they derive meager contributions at several levels, the most water probably being obtained (1) at the contact between the loess and the subjacent gravelly and weathered drift and (2) at the contact between the two drift sheets that appear to exist here. In the principal valleys fairly abundant supplies can be obtained by sinking inexpensive open or driven wells into the alluvial sand and gravel, and it is from this source that a large part of the water for public waterworks and locomotives is obtained. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Earling. — The waterworks at Earling (population, 323) are supplied from two pumping plants, each of which draws from two dug wells. The four wells, all situated on low ground, range in depth from 21 to 51 feet and depend chiefly on slow seepage from clay. They fill each day to a level within about 8 feet of the surface and will together easily supply 15,000 gallons, which is about two and one-half times the average daily consumption at present. The water is only moderately hard and is used by nearly one-half of the people. The waterworks include a tank elevated upon a tower on high ground, one-half mile of mains, 8 fire hydrants, and 40 taps. Harlan. — The public supply of Harlan (population, 2,570) is drawn from eight 6-inch wells located in the valley near the river. They extend through yellow clay, tough blue clay, and fine sand into coarse sand and gravel, in which they are finished with 12-foot screens at a total depth of 43 feet, and from which the water rises to a level 20 to 24 feet below the surface. The pump, which is in a pit TAYLOR COUNTY. 961 8 feet below the surface and therefore has a vacuum of 12 to 16 feet before pumping is begun, has been operated rapidly enough to lift 275 gallons a minute and is usually run at the rate pi 175 gallons a minute for about 18 out of every 24 hours. It is propelled by water power. The water is stored in a standpipe situated on high ground and is delivered by gravity through about 4 miles of mains to 41 fire hydrants and 380 service connections. It is used by most of the inhabitants and by the three railway companies. About 200,000 gallons are consumed daily, one-third of which goes to the railway locomotives. The water is only moderately hard and is fairly good for use in boilers (see p. 175 for analysis), Kirkman. — Kirlonan (population, 180) has an air-pressure system of waterworks supplied from a dug well 6 feet in diameter, which extends through clay to a depth of 47 feet and ends in a bed of gravel. The well fills to a level about 25 feet below the surface. It furnishes approximately 2,000 gallons a day and would yield con- siderably more. The water is only moderately hard and is used to some extent for domestic purposes. Panama. — ^The waterworks at Panama (population, 232) consist of a gravity system with limited service supplied from a 6-foot dug well that extends to a depth of 43 feet and depends on clay seepage. In the driest season the yield of this well was reduced to 2,000 gallons a day, but it normally yields several times this amount. Portsmouth. — The public supply of Portsmouth (population, 347) is obtained from four driven wells located in the valley. They end with screens in sand and gravel at a depth of about 50 feet, the water rising to within 16 feet of the surface. Two of the wells are together pumped at the rate of 50 gallons a minute by means of a suction pump at the surface. The water is lifted into a tank on the upland and is distributed by gravity through 1^ miles of mains to 10 fire hydrants and about 30 service connections. It is used by nearly one-half of the people, and approximately 7,500 gallons are daily consumed. TAYLOR COUNTY. By O. E. Meinzer and W. H. Norton. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. Taylor County is deeply trenched by numerous valleys that trend in general southwestward, between which are hills, ridges, and iso- lated tracts of comparatively level upland. The glacial drift, where not dissected, is of considerable thickness. At the bottom it is very dark and at the top it has been colored yellow by oxidation. At intermediate horizons are found "hardpan" and a few beds of sand 36581°— wsp 293—12 61 962 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA. and gravel. The base of the drift has been so little exposed that it is not known to what extent sand exists between the bowlder clay and bedrock. Widely spread over the weathered drift is a coat of clay, rarely as much as 25 feet thick, and apparently averaging much less, which is essentially free of pebbles and grit and which is ashy and plastic at the bottom, but is generally yellow and loesslike at the surface. In some of the valleys the alluvial deposits are well developed. As far as is known, the bedrock belongs to the Missouri group (Pennsylvanian), and consists chiefly of limestone and shale. In the deep well at Bedford (PI. XVIII, p. 898) this group is supposed to have a thickness of 722 feet, the total thickness of the Pennsyl- vanian being considered to be 1,300 feet. UNDERGROUND WATER. SOURCE. Almost the entire water supply for Taylor County comes either from surface sources (streams, cisterns, and artificial 'ponds") or from shallow wells sunk into the upper layer of drift or mto the valley deposits. Some wells have been drilled to the deeper parts of the drift and a few into the underlying rock strata, but the information concerning such wells is exceedingly scant. Some have been finished successfully, but a large number were failures. Since no reliable and satisfactory deep-water bed has yet been discovered beneath this county, it seems advisable for domestic, stock, industrial, and even public purposes to seek to develop supplies near the surface. The method of boring a number of shallow wells of large diameter and connecting them at the bottom with drifts is being exnployed on stock farms with good results. CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. Bedford. — -The supply for the public waterworks in Bedford (popu- lation, 1,883) is from several wells of large diameter, located in the valley and sunk through about 28 feet of clay into a 10-foot bed of sand that rests upon limestone. The sand is saturated with water but it is so fine grained and incoherent that there is difficulty in sepa- rating the water from it, and the total yield of the system of wells is consequently only about 6,000 gallons a day, an amount that is entirely inadequate. The water is pumped into a standpipe and thence distributed through the mains by gravity pressure. A 2,400- foot hole was drilled at Bedford (PI. XVIII) without finding a satis- factory supply, and plans are now being considered for further develop- ing the supply from the bed of sand at present utilized, or for installing a filtration plant for purifying the river water. Without much doubt the yield from the sand bed could be indefinitely augmented by boring more wells or in other ways increasing the infiltration surface. TAYLOE COUNTY. ^63 The well of the Bedford Developing Co. is 2,400 feet deep and 10 inches in diameter to a depth of 2,008 feet. The curb is 1,098 feet above sea level and the head 265 feet below the curb. Water was found at 1,180 to 1,228 feet in sandstone; and water which had previously stood at from 15 to 30 feet below the curb dropped to 90 feet. A strong flow of water was struck at 1,560 to 1,580 feet, water rising to a point 298 feet below the ciu-b. Water struck at 1,920 to 2,005 feet rose to a level 284 feet below the curb and, after pumping test, to 265 feet (a pumping test at 2,009 feet gave 150 gallons a minute). Water was also struck at 2,020 to 2,168 feet. Driller, J. P. JVIiller Co., of Chicago; date of completion, 1909. The water was too salty for drinking. In all tests the pumps drew fresh water for about 40 minutes until upper veins of uncertain loca- tion were exhausted. The water at 1,177 or 1,180 feet, in the basal sandstone of the Pennsylvanian, was supposed by the owners to be salty, but by the drillers the salt water was located at the 1,580-foot vein. The test at the 1,661-foot vein also brought up water not fit for any city use. In order to test the lower water beds the well was reamed to 2,008 feet and a 3-inch pipe was inserted and packed to this depth. The pumping test gave 100 gallons a minute through this pipe, but the water was extremely salty. It is much to be regretted that .the water of the basal Pennsylvanian sandstone was not tested as to both quality and quantity. Record of strata of deep well at Bedford {PI. X VIII, p. 898). Thick- ness. Depth. Pleistocene: Drift, no samples or record Carboniferous: Pennsylvanian: Missouri group (722 feet thick; top, 1,060 feet above sea level): Limestone, light gray, nonmagnesian, soft; earthy luster; permeated with minute ramifying smooth-sui'faced masses of caleite Limestone, argillaceous, light gray, soft; earthy luster; and shale plastic. Shale, drab, unctuous, noncalcareous; 8 samples Ghale, bluish drab, calcareous Limestone, earthy, light blue-gray Shale, drab, calcareous; 3 samples Limestone, light blue-gra3% soft, argillaceous; with shale Shale, drab, calcareous Limestone and shale; limestone, soft, whitish; rapid effervescence; numerous Fusulina; encrinital; 5 samples Limestone, light gray, soft, earthy; a little chert Shale, greenish drab; some limestone with crinoid stems Shale; as above; some black carbonaceous and a Uttle blue-gray limestone. Limestone, light brown, white, gray, hard, compact; and greenish shale. . . Limestone; light blue gray, argillaceous; and light yellow-gray with crinoid fragments; greenish shale Limestone, yellow, gray, hard , Shale, dark brick red, calcareous; 2 samples , Shale; greenish drab, calcareous, siliceous; and ocher yellow, hard, silice- ous, calcareous; 2 samples Shale, hard, greenish drab; so highly siliceous with minute particles of quartz that it might be termed an argillaceous sandstone Shale, greenish drab, plastic, pyritiferous; some hard yellow fossiUferous limestone Shale, blue drab, soft, laminated; harder siliceous layers Shale, drab, laminated; 6 samples Shale, drab, with some lamlnfE of black coaly shale Shale, green, fossiUferous Feet. Feet. 6 44 6 50 40 90 5 95 n 100 15 115 5 120 5 125 25 ISO 5 155 10 165 5 170 5 175 ^ 180 5 185 10 195 10 205 5 210 15 225 25 250 30 ■ 280 5 285 5 290 964 UKDEEGEOUND WATER EESOUECES OF IOWA. Record of strata of deep well at Bedford {PI. XVIII) — Continued. Thick- ness. Carboni ferous— Continued . Pennsylvanian — Continued. Missouri group (722 feet thicli; top.l ,060 feet above sea level — Continued. Shale, green, fossiliferous; some drab limestone and chert Shale, hard, red; 2 samples Limestone, hard, drab, with shale Shale, drab, fossiliferous Limestone, hard, fine grained, siliceous Limestone, yellow-gray; and white, soft; earthy luster; 3 samples Shale, green and black, carbonaceous Limestone, soft, yellow, macrocrystalline Shale, drab; 5 samples Shale, drab; some drab limestone Shale, drab; with sand of flinty drab limestone Shale, reddish; with dark, green-gray argillaceous Umestone Shale, red; a little brown siliceous limestone Shale, drab; 4 samples , Limestone, light yellow-gray; crystalline in sand; 4 samples Shale, greenish drab Limestone, light yellow-gray; much shale Shale, greenish; some drab limestone, flinty Limestone, light yellow-gray Shale, drab; 4 samples Limestone, white; large fragments of shale Shale, drab; some black at 516, with Umestone at 525; 4 samples Limestone, white and gray Shale, black, fissile, combustile; and hard, gray limestone Shale, dark drab Shale, greenish; with white limestone in concreted powder Sandstone, white; microscopic grain; calciferous; with shale Limestone, white and Ught gray Shale, dark drab Limestone, hard, gray, siUceous; shale Shale, dark drab Limestone, yellow-gray, rather hard; much shale in large fragments Shale, dark drab; nodules and masses of gray chert Shale, Ught brown, calcareous Shale, greenish; with gray Umestone and chert Limestone, gray; much shale Shale, drab; black at 645; gritty at 650 and 655; with Umestone at 670; sandy at 670, 675, 695, 700; coaly at 705 Sandstone, fine, gray; 3 samples Shale, dark drab; some black; fissile Limestone, gray, finely arenaceous Shale, drab and reddish brown; 2 samples Limestone, Ught gray Des Moines group (.580feet thick; top, 338 feet above sea level): Shale, varicolored; highly arenaceous at 765 and 770: reddish brown at 785, 790, 940, and 1,065; black at 855, 1,045, 1,055, and 1,060 Sandstone; drillings mostly shale Shale, black Sandstone, fme, white; much shale in drilUngs; 8 samples ; Shale Sandstone Sandstone, in fine gray meal, the particles of which resemble flint macro- scopically but are composed of minute quartzose grains with consider- able yellow chert at 1,250, with considerable shale in all drilUngs; 10 samples Sandstone, clean, fine, yellow-gray, composed of minute irregular grains. . Sandstone, coarser; sorne grains reaching 1mm. in diameter ' Sandstone, green-gray, fine grained Sandstone, yellow-gray, coarser; grains irregular in shape and far from uniform in size Sandstone, fine, gray; shale in drilUngs probably from above Mississippian (355 feet thick; top, 242 feet below sea level): Lirnestone, gray; rapid effervescence Limestone, yeliow-white, soft; earthy; 4 samples Limestone, gray, rather hard, conchoidal fracture; Uthographie texture Limestone, soft, gray, earthy, argillaceous Limestone; as above; and gray, fine-grained sandstone Limestone, light drab, argillaceous Limestone and chert; drillings largely chert and chalcedonic silica Limestone, drab; less chalcedony Cherts, white and gray; in places brown, and limestones, often siliceous; 17 samples Limestone, soft, gray, earthy; a little chert Limestone, soft, white, and "light gray; saccharoidal; some chert Cherts and limestone; limestones nohmagnesian; 14 samples Limestone, buff; slow effervescence; much gray chert Limestone, brown; moderate effervescence Limestone, brown; rapid effervescence; calcite crystals Fett. 5 5 10 10 5 15 5 10 25 5 5 5 10 15 20 10 5 10 10 20 21 19 15 5 10 5 5 10 5 5 5 15 15 5 5 5 65 IS 10 10 10 5 400 5 15 40 5 10 TAYLOR COUNTY. 965 Record of strata of dee'p well at Bedford {PI. XFJ/I)— Continued. Carboniferous— Continued. Mississippian (355 feet thick; top, 242 feet below sea level — Continued. Limestone, gray, oolitic; rapid effervescence; 4 samples Shale, blue, fine grained, gritless, calcareous; in concreted powder; 6 samples ( Kinderhook ?) Devonian (130 feet thick; top, 597 feet below sea level): Limestone, light gray; rapid effervescence Limestone, light blue-gray, compact, fine grained; in thin flaky chips Limestone, yellow; in sand; rapid erfervescence Shale, drab, clayey, highly calcareous Limestone; white and mottled gray at 1,735; gray from 1,740-1,755; buflf at 1,755 and 1,760; light gray, subcrystalline, dense at 1,765 and 1,770; all of rapid efferves- cence Shale, or highly argillaceous limestone; gray, in nonconcreted power Limestone, bun; in fine meal; rapid effervescence Limestone, gray; infmemeal; rapid effervescence; argillaceous at 1,810; 5 samples. Silurian (575 feet thick; top 727 feet below sea level): Limestone and shale; limestone, gray in meal, rapid effervescence; shale, brick red, highly pyritiferous, in fine meal and powder not concreted; some fine ill- rounded quartz grains at 1,830; color of mass of drillings, brick red Limestone, yellow; drillings pink from admixture with fine meal and powder of red shale, probably from 1,825; limestone in meal and sand, crystalline; rapid effervescence; some irregularly rounded quartz grains in drillings which also may be from above; 14 samples Dolomite, dark gray; in fine crystalline meal; some calcite Dolomite, buff Dolomite, dark gray, argillaceous Unknown; drillings washed away , Dolomite, light brown; in crystalline meal , Marl, in fine white powder, not concreted; caleiferous, argillaceous; large amount of anhydrite , Dolomite, as at 1,970; calcite rhombs and a few crystals of anhydrite , Dolomite, light yellow; in finest crystalline meal; numerous crystals of anhydrite. Dolomite, light brown; in floury meal; residue of anhydrite Dolomite, light greenish gray, argillaceous; much anhydrite and dolomitic marl. Dolomite, light gray, less argillaceous; considerable anhydrite Dolomite, bright yellow; in meal; considerable anhydrite Dolomite, brown; in coarser meal , Dolomite, light brown; in much finer meal; anhydrite rather plentiful Limestone; somewhat magnesian, judging from effervescence; light yellow and buff; argillaceous; some anhydrite in drillings , Dolomite, buff; in fine crystalline, sparkling meal - ,. Dolomite, light gray, argillaceous; in finest powder, not concreted Dolomite; in fine brown or yellow meal, not concreted; some anhydrite Anhydrite marl; in light cream colored or whitish powder; 10 samples Anhydrite marl; in bright-buflf powder; dolomite Anhydrite marl, cream colored; 9 samples Dolomite and anhydrite; in fine buff meal Anhydrite marl, argillaceous; in yellow powder Shale, slightly calcareous and gypseous; in gray powder. Dolomite, light buff; in fine meal Shale, calcareous; in gray powder Dolomite; in fine buff meal Limestone, magnesian, or dolomite; in gray powder and meal; residue argillaceous and cherty and with considerable anhydrite Dolomite, buff; in angular sand , Shale, calcareous; considerable anhydrite Dolomite; some gypsum. Thick- ness. Feet. 20 Depth. Feet. 1,665 1,695 1,705 1,715 1,730 1,735 1,775 1,785 1,800 1,825 1,845 1,915 1,935 1,945 1,950 1,970 2,009 2,015 2,035 2,070 2,075 2,085 2,100 2,105 2,105 2,160 2,168 2,170 2,205 2,260 2,280 2,325 2,340 2,350 2,355 2,360 2,365 2,370 2,385 2,395 2,400 Analyses of drillings from Bedford deep well."' Depth. 1,830 feet. 1,920 feet. 2,100 feet. 2,240 feet. 36.07 11.- 63 32.92 .34 .82 5.10 11.53 2.48 2,300 feet. 2,400 feet. CaCO, 45.42 17.32 53. SO 44.18 53.23 37.38 11.76 3.12 76.53 .61 2. 72 36.71 MgCOs 44.75 CaSO^ 5.20 AI2O3 1.70 1L07 .73 2.02 .07 re203 .81 MgO SiOo 21.30 2.05 4.29 1.66 1.29 3.73 2.22 H2O 9.69 Total 98.86 1 99,31 100. 89 99.76 99. 45 a Made in chemical laboratory of Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa. INDEX. A. Page. Abbott, well near 707 Abingdon, wells at .- 543, 547 Ackley, geology at 67, 68, 76, 78, 81, 83 water supply at 702, 704 wells at and near 134, 692, 702-704, 707 record of 703-704 plate showing 258 rock from, analyses of 704 water of, quality of 160, 161, 162, 181, 235 Acknowledgments to those aiding 42-43; 43-44 Adair, water supply at 768 wells at and near 768, 769 Adair County, city and village supplies in . . . 768 geology of w 767 springs in 768 topography of 46, 767 underground water of 767 wells in 767-769 water of, quality of , 173 Adams County, city and village supplies in. 907-908 flowing wells in 907 geology of 906 springs in 907 topography of 905 underground water of 906-908 wells In 907-908 water of, quality of 176 Adel, well at 684 Afton, water supply at 815 wells at 815 log of 815 Aftonian gravel, occurrence and character of. 88 water in 113 See also particular county descriptions. Afton Junction, geology at 815 Agency, wells near 601 Ainsworth, water supply at 612 wells at and near 618 Air lift, use of 126 Akron, geology near 876 spring near 877 water supply at 877 Albert City, wells at, wa.ter of, quality of 151 Albia, geology at 766,805 water supply at 806 wells at and near 805, 806 record of 806 Albion, wells near 723, 728, 729 Albumet, wells at 451 Aids, well at 537 Aledo, 111., geology at 62, 514 well at, record of, plate showing 514 Page. Algona, water supply at 655 wells at and near 619, 650, 653, 655 record of 652, 655 water of, head of 654 quality of 145, 179, 181 Algonkian rocks, occurrence and character of 60, 61-63, 619, 620, 892 Allamakee County, city and village supplies in 249-259 flowing wells in 244-245 geology of 64, 66, 68, 71, 240-243, 246 springs in. 247-249 topography of 46, 239-240 underground water of 238, 243-259 wells of 97, 98, 243-247, 249-259 records of 246, 250, 251, 252 water of, quality of 142, 230 Allison, water supply at 625 Alluvium, occurrence and character of 90 water of 115, 263 use of, for water supplies 184, 185, 263 Alpha, wells at 334 Alta, water supply at 828 wells at, water of, quality of 151 Alton, water supply at 889 Alvord, water supply at 860 Amana, wells at 402-403 record of 402 water of, head of 132 quality of. 154, 155, 159, 179, 182, 233, 402-403 Amber, wells near 431 American Railway, Engineering and Main- tenance of Way Association, standard of quality of water of . . . 7 Ames, geology at 40,42,67,68,78,79,83,85,670 wells at 96, 126, 744, 747, 748-752, 755 records of 746, 748, 749-752 plate showing. .^ 382 water of, quality of.... 160,163,181,230,231 Amker, well at .' 439 Ammonia in deep waters, cause of 135 Analyses, form of 136-137 nature of 135-136 recomputation of 138-139 logarithms for 139 Anamosa, geology at 65, 66, 67, 69, 75, 76, 243 water supply at 431-432 wells at 95, 431-433 records of 432, 433 plate showing 354 water of, head of 122 quality of 157, 180, 432^33 967 968 INDEX, Page. Angus, wellnear 682 Anita, water supply at 912 wells at 912, 916 water of, quality of 176 Ankeny, wells at and near 734,743 Anthon, water supply at 895 wells at 895, 896 ApliQgton, wells at 624 Appanoose County, city and village supplies in 772 geology of 770 topography of 46, 770 underground water of • 770-775 wells in 172, 771-775 records of 772-775 plates showing 374, 672 water of, quaUty of 174 Aquifers, overdraft on 129-130 Aquifers, Iowa, relative heads of 121-122 texture and porosity of 128 thickness of, dependence of yield on 127 Arcadia, wells near 839 Archean rocks, occurrence and character of. . 61, 619 Arey, M. F., county descriptions by 281-286, 620-626 Arey, M. F., and Norton, W. H., county de- scriptions by 254-262 Argand, wells at 430 Arion, water supply at 848 Arlington, water supply at 332 wells near 331, 336 Armstrong, water supply at 863 wells at 853 water of, head of 854 Artesian field, geologic conditions in 92-93 wells in 92-93 location of, plate showing In pocket. Artesian phenomena, discussion of 118-134 Artesian water, definition of 118 depth to 92 discrimination of, from other ground wa- ter 31,91-92 distribution of. See Wells. head of, definition of 118 factors affecting 119-121 measurement of 119 possible pollution of, by surface drainage. 196 quality of. See Water, chemical com- position of. relation of, to geology 93-94, 121-122 plate showing Pocket. rocks carrying. See Aquifers. See also Flowing wells; Wells; Water. Ashton, water supply at 869-870 AtaUssa, springs near 467 wells at 473, 475 Atkins, wells at 358 Atlantic, geology at 86 spring at, water of, quaUty of 225 water supply at 912-913 wells at and near 912-914, 916 record of 914-915 water of, quality of 176 Attica, geology near 797 Audubon, geology at 900 water supply at 910 water of, quaUty of 175 Page. Audubon Coimty, city and village supplies in 910-911 geology of 908-909 topography of 908 xmderground water of 909-911 wells ia 909-911 water of, quality of 175 Augusta, spriags at 560 wells at and near 530,531 Aurelia, water supply at 841 wells at and near 841 water of, head of 827,841 quality of 149, 151 Austinville, wells at and near 623, 624 Avery, wells near 806 Avoca, water supply at 949 Ayrshire, water supply at 873 well at, record of 871-872 water of, quality of 151 B. Baars, well near 299 Bagley, water supply at 694 wells at 694 water of, quality of 164 Baldwin, wells at 409 Bancroft, watersupply at 655 wells at 653, 655-656 record of 652, 656 water of, head of 654 quality of 141,145,234 Bankton, geology near 316 Baraboo, Wis., geology at 61 Baring, Mo., wells at 515 record of 515-516 Bamum, well near 762 Basal sandstone, correlation of 64 Batavia, well at 545 Battle Creek, water supply at 855 wells at, water of, quality of 152 Bayard, well near 689 Bedford, geology at 42, 79, 83, 85, 764, 897, 899, 903, 904, 946 watersupply at 962 wells at 106,108,109,962-965 record of 963-965 plate showing 898 rock from, analyses of 965 water of, quality of 105-106, 171-172, 177, 179, 230, 232, 900 Belfast, springs at --. 560 wells at 569 Belle Plaine, flowing wells at and near Ill geology at 40,69,72,78,81 water supply at 358 wells at and near 352,356-360 records of 357,359-360 plates showing 352,382 water of, quaUty of 111» 113,156,180,234,358-359 Belle Plaine artesian basin, description of. 356-358, 479,509-510 Bellevue, springs near 411 wells near : 412, 419 Belmond, water supply at 667-668 weUsat 667-668 record of 668 INDEX 969 Page. Belmond , wells at, water of, head of 047, 660 wells at, water of, quality of 147 Benton, wells near 354 Benton County, city and village supplies in.. 358 geology of 353-354 springs in 354, 355 topography of 353 imderground water of 354-366 wells in 354-366 records of 356-366 water of 359-360, 362, 363 quality of 156 Bernard, wells at 326 Bertram, wells at 451 Bethany limestone, occurrence of 904 Bettendorf, wells of 492 Beyer, S. W., on Story County 747-748 Big Rock, geology near 490 wells at 502 Birmingham, wells at 594 Blaekhawk County, city and village supplies in 259-262 geology of 256 springs in 257, 259 topography of 254-256 UJiderground water of 256-262 wells of 136, 256-262 records of 257, 260, 261-262 water of, quality of 143 Blairsburg, well near 700 Blairstown, wells at 360,366 BlakesviUe, well near 601 Blencoe, well near 862 Bliedom, wells near 381 Bloomfield, geology at 42 water supply at 518-519 weUs at 518-519 record of 519 water of, quality of 169 Blue Grass, weUs at 502 BlufEton, springs near 345 wells at 349 Boilers, corrosion in, causes of 218-220 corrosion in, interpretation of analyses in regard to 220-222 nature of 218 water softening in 213-214 Boiler scale, composition of 209-210 deposition of 208-209 prevention of 212-218 properties of. 210 Boiler water, improvement of 212-218 requirements for 206-207 scale-forming powers of 210-212 Bonaparte, water supply at 593 Boone, flowing weUs at 673 geology at ... . 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 72, 75, 78, 79, 83, 85 water supply at 673 wells at and near 95, 125, 134, 671, 672-681 weUs at, records of 673-680 records of, plates showing 382, 672 water of, quality of 163, 230, 673 Boone County, city and vlUage supplies in. 673-681 flowing wells in 673 geology of 672 springs in 673 Page. Boone County, topography of 672 underground water of 672-682 wells in 672-682 record of. 674-681 water of, head of 673 quality of 163, 181, 235 Brainard, wells at 334 Braydon, well near 916 Bremer County, buried channel in 265-267 buried channel in, figure showing 266 city and village suppUes in 268-275 geology of 262-263 topography of 262 underground water of 263-280 wells of. 263-280 records of 268-275 water of, lead of 264-265 quaUty of 143 Bremer "River," buried channel of 265-267 buried channel of, figure showing 266 Bridgewater, weUs at and near 769 weUs at and near, water of, quality of 151 Bristol, well at 626 Britt, water supply at 648 weUs at 647-648, 666 record of 646 water of, head of ; 647 quahty of 146 Brompton, weUs near 806 Brooklyn, water supply at 480 weUs at 480-481, 486 water of, quahty of 155, 157, 236 Brooks, weUs at 908 Brookville, well at 645 Brown, geology at 380 wells at 393, 395 water of, quality of 158 Bryant, geology near 380 wells at 393, 394 Buchanan, weUs at 373 Buchanan County, city and village supplies in 284 geology of 89, 281 springs in 283-284 topography of 281 underground water of , 282-285 wells of. 136, 284-285 water of, quality of 143 Buchanan gravel, occurrence and characterof. 256, 343,353,421,721,744 water in 114, 256-257, 282-283, 354, 422, 478, 622, 722 Buckeye, weUs near 702, 707 Buckingham, weUs at, water of, quality of.. 156 Buckley, well at 681 Buena Vista, wells at 393 Buena Vista County, city and vUlage sup- phes in 828-829 geology of -• 826 topography of 46, 826 underground water of. 826-829 wells in 826-829 water of, head of 827 quality of. 151 Buffalo, wells at 502 Buffalo Center, water supply at 661 970 INDEX. Page. Buffalo Center, wells at 661 wells at, water of, head of 654, 661 Bunnell, F. O., aid of. 44 Buried river channels, descriptions of 379- 380, 381, 408-409, 420, 430, 445-446, 491, 522, 558, 584, 816 location of, figures showing 266, 369, 488 See also Bremer channel; Stanwood chan- nel; Cleona channel. Burlington, flowing wells at 515 geology at 61, 67, 68, 71, 74, 75, 80, 81, 82, 514 water supply at 525-529 weUs at 515, 523-524, 526-529 record of 526-528 plates showing 514, 526 water of, head of 120, 122, 132, 515 quality of 107, 166-167, 169, 179, 180, 230, 232 Burlington limestone, occurrence and charac- ter of 83,534,540,557,574,592 springs from 108-109, 525 water in 108-109, 523, 535, 559 Burt, water supply of 655 wells at 655 water of, head of 654, 655 quality of 145 Bussey, weUs at and near 590, 797 Butler County, city and village supplies in. 625-626 geology of 619, 621 springs in 625 structure in 619 topography of 620-621 undergi'oimd water of 622-626 wells in 136, 622-626 records of 622, 624 water of, quality of 147 Buxton, geology near 804 water supply at 807 Cairo, well near 581 Calamus, well at 398 Calcic carbonated alkaline waters, distribu- tion and character of 234-235 Calcic sulphated alkaline-saline waters, dis- tribution and character of 233-234 Calhoun County, city and village supplies in. 830 flowing wells in 830 geology of 829 springs in 830 topography of 829 underground water of 148, 29-8368 weUs in 830-836 records of 830, 831, 833-835 water of, quality of 148, 152 Calmar, water supply at 346 wells at 344, 346-347 records of. " 346, 347 plate showing 238 water of, head of 122 quality of 142, 179 Calviu, Samuel, acknowledgments to 32 on Niagara dolomite 281 on St. Lawrence formation. 241-243 Cambria, wells at, water of, quality of 174 Cambrian rocks, occurrence and character of 60,63-68 springs from 100-101 water in 93, 96-97 quality of 102-103 See also Jordan sandstone; St. Lawrence formation. Cambridge, wells at 744, 747 record of 745 Canby, well near 769 Canoe, wells at 349 Canover, wells at 349 Cantril, wells at and near 594 wells at, water of, quality of 169, 233 Carbon, springs near 907 wells near 908 Carboniferous rocks, occurrence and character of 60, 82-86 water in 107-111 quality of 111-112 See also Mississippian rocks; Peimsylva- nian rocks. Carlisle, wells at, water of, quality of 173 Carpenter, wells at, water of, quality of 146 Carroll, water supply at '. 838 weUs at and near 838, 839 water of, quality of 153 Carroll County, city and village supplies in. 838-839 flowing weUs in 837 geology of 837 springs in 838 topography of 46, 836 imderground water of 837-839 wells in 838-839 water of, quality of 153 Carson, water supply at 949 Cascade, water supply at 318-319 Casings, well, corrosion of, causes of 203-206 defects of 93-94, 130 effects of mineral water on 201-206 Casings, well, life of 93 materials of 202-203 necessity for 124-125 Cass County, city and village supplies in. . 912-915 geology of 911 springs in 112 topography of 911 underground water of 911-916 wells in 912-916 record of 914-915 water of, quality of.' 176 Castalia, wells at 349 Castana, water supply at 863 wells at and near 862-864 Cedar County, city and village supplies in. . . 373 geology of 367,368-370,514 topography of 366-367 water supply at 367-378 wells in 368-378 records of 373, 374, 375 plates showing 374, 382 water of, quality of 158 Cedar Falls, geology at 258 springs at 107, 259 water supply of 259 INDEX 971 Cedar Falls, wellsat 259 Cedar Rapids, geology at 61, 64, 67, 75, 78 water supply at 447-449 weUs at 95, 201, 352, 447-449 record of 447, 448 plate showing 382 water of, head of 132 quality of 127-128, 154, 156 Cedar River, description of 255-256, 262 water of, quality of 199-200 Cedar Valley limestone, distribution of, map showing Pocket. occurrence and character of 80, 256, 281, 353, 423, 443, 464, 621 water in. . . 256-257, 282-283, 354-355, 612, 623, 624 See also Devonian rocks. Center Junction, woUs at 434, 439 Center Point, geology at 442 wells at 451, 458 Centerville, geology at 67, 68,78,80,85,559,764-765,821 water supply at 774 wells at 106, 134, 771, 772-775 recordof 772-774 plates showing 374,672 water of, head of 122, 772 quality of 174, 179, 180, 181, 202, 232, 764-765, 774 Central City, geology at 446 wells at 449 Central district, counties in 670 counties in, descriptions of 672-762 geology of 670 location of, map showing 140 precipitation in 56 well waters of 670-671 quaUty of 160-165, 178, 183, 671 map showing 140 Centralia, wells near 328 Cerro Gordo County, city and village sup- plies in 627-636 flowing wells in 628 geology of... 80, 619, 626-627 topography of 626 imdergi'ound water of 627-636 weUs m 627-636 records of 628-635 water of, head of 627 quality of 146 Chadbourn, W. H., aid of 44 Chariton, geology at 766 water supply at 787 well at... 787 record of 786 Chariton conglomerate, correlation of 86 Charles City.geology at. 65, 67, 72, 73, 75, 76, 78-79, 636 precipitation at 57 temperature at.. 55 water supply of. 638, 640 wells at, records of 639-638 records of, plates showing 238, 258, 272 rock from, analysis of 639 water of, head of 637 quality of 146, 179, 180 yield of 124 Page. Charleston, wells at 569 Charlotte, wells at 393 Charter Oak, water supply at 848 wells at and near 848, 849 water of, quality of 153 Chelsea, wells at 510 wells at, water of, quality of 156, 234 Chemical investigation of well waters , scope of. 43 Cherokee, geology at 73, 75, 824 water supply at 841-842 wells at and near 108, 823, 840-844 record of 842 plates showing 258, 824 rock of, analysis of 844 water of, head of 841 quality of 151, 233, 840 Cherokee County, city and village supplies ill 841-843 geology of : 840 topography of 840 underground water of 840-843 weUs in 840-843 records of 842-843 water of, head of 841 quality of 151 Chester, flowing wells near 339-340 Chickasaw County, city and village supplies in 287-288 geology of 286 springs of 287 topography of 286 underground water of 286-288 weUs of • 136, 286-288 water of, quality of 142-143 Chillicothe, Mo., geology at 765 Church, wells at 253 Churdan, well at 689 Cities, water supplies of 185-186 See also particular cities. Clarence, water supply at 373 Clarinda, geology at 897 water supply at 940, 941-942 weUsat 941-943 record of 942-943 water of, quality of 177 Clarion, geology near. 664 water supply at 668 weUs at and near 665, 668 water of, head of 666 quality of 147 Clarke County, city and village supplies in. 777-778 geology of 775-776 springs in. Ill, 777 topography of 775 underground water of 776-778 wells in 776-778 Clarksville, spring at 325 wells at and near G22 Clay County, city arid village supplies in 846 geology of 845 topography of -844 underground water of 845-846 wells in 845-846 record of 845 water of, quality of 151 972 INDEX. Page. Clayton, springs at 294 water supply at 294 Clayton County, city and village supplies in 294-298 flo^ving weUs in 292-294 geology of 63, 66, 75,289-291 springs in 294 topography of 46, 288-289 underground water of ". 291-302 weUs in 98, 99, 100, 102, 238, 292-302 records of 296, 297, 298 water of, head of 292-294 quality of 143 Clear Creek, weUs near 245 Clear Lake, water supply at 627-628 Clemons, weU at and near 723 Cleona channel, description of 489-490 location of, figure showing 488 Clermont, springs at 334 wells at 334,338 Climate, character of 54-59 records of 54 Clinton, geology at 73, 75,351 water supply of 382-385 wells at 134,382-392 records of 383, 385-392 plate showing 382 water of, head of 120, 132 quality of 154, 158-159, 180 Clinton County, city and village supplies in. 382-393 geology of 76,379 springs in 381 topography of 378-379 underground water of 379-400 wells in 105,379,400 records of 383, 385-392 plate showing 382 water of, quality of 157, 158, 179 Clogging of wells, causes of 120, 129, 190-192 remedies for 129, 131, 192-195 Clutier, weUs at 510, 513 wells at, water of, quality of 156 Coal Measures. See Pennsylvanian rocks. Coggon, water supply at 449 wells at and near 309-310, 449 Coggon beds, occurrence and character of 443 Coin, well at 943 well at, record of 943 Colfax, mineral wells at 710, 711-714 mineral wells at, records of 711 water supply at 714-715 wells at 710-715 water of 227 quality of 160, 165, 227, 233, 714-715 Collins, water supply at 747 wells at and near 755 Colorado, wells at, water of, quaUty of 163 Colorado group, distribution of, map showing Pocket. occurrence and character of 87 See also Cretaceous rocks. Columbia, wells at, water of, quality of 173 Columbus City, well at 582 Columbus Junction, geology near 575 water supply of 579 Columnar section, plate showing 60 Page. Comanche, wells at 393 Compton, wells at 309 Conesville, wells at 473 Coon Rapids, water supply at 839 Cooper, wells at, water of, quality of 163 Coralville, wells at 422 Coming, water supply at 907 wells at 907, 908 water of, quality of ' 176 Correctionville, water supply at 895 wells at and near 895, 896 Correlation, methods of 38-41 Corrosion. See Castings; Boilers. Corwith, water supply at 648,654 wells at, water of, head of 647, 666 quality of 146 Corydon, geology at 766 water supply at 821 wells at 820-821 record of 818, 820 Cottage, wells near 702 Cotter, wells at 580, 582 Cottonwood, wells at and near 569, 572 Council Bluffs, geology at 79-80, 897, 945, 947-949 water supply at 949-950 weUs at 108, 109, 899, 945, 948, 949-952 record of 947, 950, 951 water of, head oi., 132 quality of 171, 175. 900, 948, 949 Counties, selection of, as units of investigation 31-32 investigation in 32 Country rock, waters of, discrimination of, from artesian waters 31, 91-92 Covington, wells at, water of, quality of 105, 157 Cranston, wells at 473 Crawford Coimty, city and village supplies in 847-848 geology of 846-847 springs in 847 topography of 846 underground water of 847-849 wells in 847-849 water of, quality of. 153 Crawfordsville, wells at 617 Cresco, water supply at 340 wellsat 340-341 record of 341 water of, head of 340 quality of. 142 Creston, geology at 766 water supply at T 815 Cretaceous rocks, occurrence and character of. 60-61, 87, 686, 693-694 springs from 112 water in 93, 112, 693-694 quality of 112 See also Dakota sandstone; Colorado group; particular county descrip- tions, pp. 823-965. Crevices in rocks, water supply due to 128-129 Croton, springs at 569 wells at 569 Crystal, wells at 513 Cylinder, wolls at 872 wellsat, head in 873 INDEX 973 \ i). Page. Uahlonega, wells near 600 welis near, rebord of 600 Dakota sandstone^ distribution of, map stiowing Pocket. occuiTence and character of 87, 767 springs from 112, 768 water in 93, 112, 767-768 quality of 102-103, 112, 859, 906 See also particular county descriptions, pp. 8'23S65; Cretaceous rocks. Dallas, geology near 797 Dallas County, city and village supplies in. . 686 flowing well in 682-684 geology of 682-683 springs in 682 structure in 670 topography of 682 underground water of 683-686 wells in 671 , 683-686 records of 683, 685 \water of, quality of 164 Danville, geology near 523 wells at and near 530,531 Davenport, geology at 71, 80, 494-495, 514 precipitation at 57 temperatures at 65 water supply at 493-501 wells at 491, 494-501 recordsof 99,352,497-499 plate showing 514, 670 water of, head of 120, 121, 122, 132-133 quahty of 154, 159, 160, 180, 182, 230 Davenport beds, occurrence and character of 443, 464 Davidson, G. M., aid of .. 44 softening apparatus devised by 214-215 Davis County, city and village supplies in. . 518-519 geology of 517 topography of 516 underground water of 518-519 wells in 518-519 record of 519 water of, quality of 169 Dayton, geology of 83, 85 water supply at 757 wells at 757, 762 record of 757-758 plate showing 672 water of, quality of 162, 181 Decatur County, city and village supplies in 781-783 geology of 778-779 topography of 46, 778 underground v/ater of 780-783 v/ells in 780-783 records of 779,783 water of, quality of 174, 780 Decorah, springs near 345 water supply at 347 wells at .- 344,347-348 water of, quality of 142 Decorah Ice Cave, description of 345-346 Decorah. shale, distribution of, map show- ing Pocket. occurrence and character of 73-74, 290,315,342,824,905 Page. Decorah shale, thickness of 75, 515 waier in 98 Deep River, water supply of. 481 wells at and near 481, 486 water of, quality of 157 Delaware County, city and village supplies in •. 306-309 geology of 302-303 springs in 305-306 topography of 302 - vmderground water of 303-305 weUs in 104, 136, 306-312 records of 308-309 water of, quality of 143 Delhi, springs at and near 306 wells near 304,309 Delmar, water supply at 392 wells at 392,395 Delta, section at 550 wells at 554 Demarcation of formations, difficulties of 41 Denison, water supply at 847 wells at and near 847-848,849 water of, quality of 153 Denmark, water supply at 560 wells at and near 560, 571, 572 Denver, geology near 262 water supply of 268-269 wells of 268-269 records of 268-269 Derby, spring near 757 wells near 787 Des Moines, flowing wells at 734, 743 geology at . . . 64, 66, 67, 68, 71, 72, 73, 78, 79, 85, 619 precipitation at 57 temperature at 55 water supply at 734-735,742 wells at 108, 125, 134,735-738 records of 736-738 plates showing 526, 670, 672 water of, quality of 164, 179,181,227,230,735 Des Moines County, city and village supplies in 525-530 flov/ing wells in 523 geology of 514, 520-^22 springs in 525 topography of 520 underground water of 522-532 wells in 524,525-532 records of 527,528,530 water of, quality of 169 Des Moines group, distribution of, map show- ing Pocket. flowing wells from 109-110 occurrence and character of 85-86, ' 421,478,517,521,584,597,649 springs from 110 structure of 904 water in 109-110, 478-479, 584 See also Pennsylvanian rocks; particular county descriptions 670-965 Des Moines River, water of, quaUty of 199-200 Devonian rocks, occurrence and character of.60, 80- 81,619,824,897,904 springs from 106-107, 332 974 INDEX. Page. Devonian rocks, stractiu'e of 514, 620 water in 106-107, 905 quality of 102, 107 See also Sweetland Creek shale; Lime Creek shale; Cedar Valley lime- stone; Wapsipinicon limestone; particular county descriptions. DeWitt, springs near 381 water supply of 392 weUs at 381, 392-393, 400 record of 381 plate showing 382 water of, quality of 159 Diagonal, weUs at 811 wells at, water of, quality of 174 Dickinson County, city and villages supplies in 851 geology of 850 topography of , 849 underground water of 850 wells in 850-851 record of 850 water of, quality of 150 Dike, weUs at, water of, quality of 163 Dip, correlation by 40 Distilcts, division of State into, map showing. 140 Dixon, geology near 490 wells at 502 DodgeviUe, geology near 523 Domestic water supplies. See Municipal an i domestic supplies. Donahue, water supply at 501 Donnan, weUs at 334 Donn, water supply at 860 wells at, water of, quality of 150 Dorchester, springs near 249, 253 wells at and near 253-254 Douds Leando, wells at 594 Dougherty, wells at 628 wells at, water of, quality of 146 Douglass, wells at 334 Dow City, water supply at 848 wells at and near 848, 849 Dows, water supply at 668-669 weU. at, head in 666 Drainage, description of 46, 47-53 Drainage wells, location and use of 661 Dresbach sandstone, character of 65 distribution of 64-65, 237, 620, 824 . structm'e of 337 water in 93,95,238,352 head of 121-122 quality of 102 See also particular county descriptions. Drift, occurrence and character of 48-54 Drift, waters of, discrimination of, from arte- sian waters 31, 91 use of, for water supply 184-185 See also particular county descriptions. Drift areas, description of 48-53 Driftless area, description of 46-48 water in 116 DriUers, opinions of, value of 42-43 DriU holes, diameter of 125 sinking of 188-190 dilBculties in 123-124 Page. Drilling, samples from, collection of 34-36 samples from, erroneous deductions from. 37-38 examination of 36-37 mixture of 37-38 Dubuque, geology at... 64-65,66,74-75,243,314,315 precipitation at 57 temperatures at 55 water supply at 319 wells at 129, 134,238,319-325 records of 321-325 plate showing 258 water of, head of. . . 120, 121, 133, 317, 319-320 qualityof. 144,154,179,180,199,226,230,325 Dubuque County, city and village supplies in 320 geology of 314-316 springs in 313 topography of 46, 312-313 underground water of 238, 316-328 wells in 98, 99, 100, 320-328 records of 321-325 water of, head of 319 quality of , 144 Dudley, wells near 601, 609 Dumont, wells at 623, 626 wells at, water of, quality of 147 Dimcombe, wells near 700 wells near, water of, quality of 162 Dundee, wells at 309 Dunkerton, water supply at 256-257 Dimlap, geology at 897-898, 920, 921 water supply at 922-923 wells at and near 849, 921 records of 922, 923 plate showing 382 water of, quality of 171, 175, 179, 233 Dunreath, wells near ■ 796 Durango, weUs at 326 Durant, geology near 368, 371, 489 water supply at 373 DyersviUe, water supply at : 325-326 wells near 311-312, 326, 327 E. Eagle Grove, water supply at 669 wells at 669 water of, head of 666 quality of 147 Earlmg, water supply at . ., 960 EarlviUe, water supply at 306 Early, water supply at 886 wells at and near 886,887 East Amana, weUs at 403 East-central district, counties in 351 counties in, descriptions of 353-513 geology of 351-352 East-central district, location of, map show- ing 140 precipitation in 56 well waters of 352 quality of 154-159, 178, 183 map showing 140 East Iowa City, water supply at 427 EddyvOle, water supply at 796 wells at and near 227, 600-602, 609, 804 water of, quality of . ! 169, 227, 602 INDEX 975 Page. Edgewood, wells at 298 Elberon, wells near 510 Eldora, springs near 702 water supply at '. 705 wells at 705, 707 record of 705 water of, quality of 162, 235 Eldorado, wells at 334 Eldridge, water supply at 501 weUs at, water of, quality of 159 Elgin, wells at 334, 338 Elkader, flowing wells at '293, 294 flowing wells at, water of, quality of 143 geology at 292 water supply at 294 EUendale, wells at, water of, quality of 151 EUiott, water supply at 937-938 EUsworth, weU at 700 wells at, water of, quality of 162, 236 Elon, springs near 249, 253 wells at 253 Elrick, wells at 580 Elvira, wells at 393, 398 Elwood, geology near 379 Ely, geology at 442 weUs at 451 Emery, wells at 628 wells at, record of 628 Emmet County, city and village supplies in. 853-854 geology of 852 topography of 851 underground water of 148, 852-854 wells in 852-854 records of 852 water of, quality of 148, 150 Emmetsburg, geology at 61, 71, 73, 75, 619 water supply at 873 weUs at and near 824, 846, 872, 873 wells at, records of 871, 873, 874 records of, plate showing 672 water of, head of 873 quality of 102-103, 148, 151, 179, 181 Epworth, geology near 316 wells at and near 320, 327 Essex, water supply at 940,943 Esthervllle, water supply at 853 wells at 85S-854 record of 852 Exira, water supply at 910-911 F. Fairbank, geology at 331 wells at , water of, quality of 143 Fairfax, geology at 442 wells at 451 Fairfield, water supply at 542-543 wells at 641,543,546 Fairground, well at 538 Fairport, wells at . 473 Farley, geology near 316 wells at and near 320, 327, 328 water of, quality of 144 Farmersburg, wells at 298 wells at, head of 292 Farmington, flowing well at 694 water supply at 593-594 Page. Farmington, wells at 105, 594 wells at, water of, quality of 169,226 Farms, water supplies of 186 weUs on, pollution of 197-198 See also particular county descriptions. Farson, wells at and near 609 wells at, water of, quality of 169 Fayette, springs near 332 water supply of 332 wells at and near 332-333,337 Fayette County, city and viUage supplies in. 332 geology of 329-330 springs in 332 topography of 328-329 imderground water of 330-338 wells in 332-338 records of 332 water of, quality of 143 Feed- water heaters, softening in 213 Ferguson, wells near 724, 729 Filtration, occasional failure of 195-196 Flagler, wells at 227, 796, 796, 798 weUs at, record of 798 water of, quality of. 171, 173, 181, 227, 230, 232 Florence, wells at, head in 666 Flowing wells, distribution of, map show- ing Poclset. See also Artesian waters; particular coun- ties, places, etc. Floyd County, city and village supplies in. 638-640 geology of 636 springs in 637 structure in 619 topography of 636 underground water of 636 wells In 136, 637-640 record of 638-639 water of, quality of 146-147 Follett, wells at 393, 400 Fonda, water supply at 881 wells at 880, 881-882 record of 882 water of, head of 827, 881 quality of 151 Fontanelle, wells near 769 wells near, water of, quality of. 173, 227 Ford, wells near 818 Forest City, geology at , 899 water supply at 661-662 wells at 662, 665 record of 954-955 rocks from, analyses of. 955 water of, head of. 660, 661 quality of 145 Forestville, well near 312 Formations. See Rock formations. Fort Atkinson, wells at 349,350 Fort Crook, Nebr. , geology at 946-947 Fort Dodge, flowing well at 760-761 geology at 42,68,75,76,78,83,85,86 water supply at 758 wells at and near 758-762 records of 759-760,761 plates showing 258, 672 rocks from, analyses of 760 water of, quality of 160, 162, 179, 181, 230 976 INDEX. Page. Fort Madison, geology at 80,82,514,559 water supply at 560-561 wells at 134, 515, 561-564, 571 records of 563-564 plate showing 514 water of, head of 120, 130, 133 quality of 170, 179, ISO, 230, 561 Fossils, correlation by means of 38-39 Foster, wells at 806 FrankUn, well near 573 Franklin County, city and village supplies in 641-645 flowing wells in 641 geology of 82, 619, 640-641 springs in 641 topography of 640 underground water of 641-645 wells of 136,641-645 record of 642-645 water of, quality of 147 Frankville, wells at 349 Frederica, wells at 269 well of, record of 269 Fredericksburg, water supply at 2S7 Fredonia, wells at 580 Freeport, wells at 349 Fremont County, city and village supplies in 919-920 geology of 917 springs in 918 topography of 917 underground water of 917-920 wells in 918-920 water of, quaUty of 176 Froelich, wells at 298 Frosts, occurrence of 65 Fruitland, wells at 473 G. Galena, 111., well at, record of 325 Galena dolomite, change in composition of. 39, 74-75 character of 74-76 discrimination of 524, 559 distribution of 74-76, 614, 620, 824, 904-905 map showing Pocket. springs from 99-100, 243, 247-248, 294, 345 structure of 514 thickness of 75, 514, 515 water in 99-100,352,515,671 head of 122,292,344,380 quaUty of 102 Sec also particular county descriptions. Gait, well at, head in 666 Galva, wells at, water of, quaUty of 152 Gamer, water supply at 648 wells at, water of, head of 647 water of, quality of 146 Geologic history, outline of 45 Geologic sections. See Sections, geologic. Geology, account of 60-90 columnar section showing 60 relation of, to quality of water 93-94 See also particular counties. Germania, wells at, water of, head of 654 wells at, water of, quality of 145 German ville, wells at 543 Page. Gibson, wells at 654 Gilbert, wells at and near 754,755 Gilman, water supply at 724 wells near 724 Gilmore, geology near 880 water supply at 882 wells at, head in 881 Glaciers, deposits of 48-53 extent of 46, 48 Gladbrook, well at 610 wells at, water of, quality of 156 Glasgow, well at 544 Glendale, wells at and near 543, 544 Glenwood, geology at 79 83, 85, 86, 764, 897, 903, 904, 945, 946 water supply at 927-929 wells at 109, 134, 927-933 records of. 927-930-932 plate showing 898 water of, quaUty of 105, 171,176,179,231,900,927 Glenwood shale, correlation of 73 occurrence and character of 315 Glidden, water supply at '. 839 wells at and near 839 water of, quaUty of 163 Goldfield, wells at, head in 666 Goodell, wells at, water of, quaUty of 146 Goose Lake, wells at 393 Gosport, geology near 797 Go'wrie, water supply at 761 wells at 761, 762 water of, quality of 107, 162 Grace Hills, wells near 618 Graettinger, water supply at 874 Graham, wells near 327 Grand Junction, wells at 687, 689 wells at, water of, quality of 163, 238 Grand Mound, springs at 381 water supply at 393 wells at 393, 400 water of, quality of 159 Grand View, wells at 580 Granger, springs at 446 Granville, water suppl5' at 889 Gravel screens, development of 194 Greeley, weUs at 309,312 Greene, water supply at 625 wells near 622 Greene County, artesian bSsins in 687-688 city and village supplies in 688-689 geology of 686 springs in 688 topography of 686 underground water of 687-689 wells in 688-689 record of 688-689 water of, quality of 163 Greenfield, geology at 766 water supply at 768 wells at and near 768, 769 Green Island, wells at 412, 418 wells at, record of 412 record of, plate showing 374 water of, head of 120 quality of 154, 157 INDEX 977 Page. Green Mountain, wells near 723, 728 Gridley, wells at, water of, quality of 150 Grinnell, geology at 77,79,81,82 water supply at 481-484 wells at 93-94, 201-203, 232, 479, 481-484, 486 record of 482-484 plates showing 352, 670 water of ^ . . . 352 quality of 105, 111 , 154, 167, 179, 181, 232, 233 Griswold, water supply at 915 wells at 915, 916 water of, quality of 176 Gruber Ridge, geology of 246 Grundy Center, water supply at 690-691 wells at 690-691 record of 691 water of, quality of 107, 163 Grundy County, city and village supplies in 690-691 geology of 690 springs in 690 topography of '. 690 underground water of 690 wells in 136, 160, 690-692 records of 691 water of, quality of 163 Guthrie Center, water supply at 694 wells at 694-695 water of, quality of 164 Guthrie County, city and village supplies in 694-697 flowing wells in 694 geology of 692-693 topography of 46, 692 underground water of 693-697 wells in 671, 693-697 record of 695-697 water of, quality of 164 Guttenberg, water supply at 295 Gypsum, presence of, correlation by 39, 78-79 H. Hackberry substage, correlation of 80 deposits of, occurrence and character of. . 621 Haifa, wells at, water of, quality of 150 Hamburg, water supply at 919 wells at 917-918, 919 water of, quality of 176 Hamilton, spring near 797 wells near 797 Hamilton County, city and village supplies in 699-700 flowing wells in 698 geology of 698 springs in 699 topography of 698 underground water of 109, 111, 698-700 wells in 160, 698-700 record of 699 water of, quality of 160, 162, 111 Hampton, geology at 73, 75, 76, 78, 81 , 83 springs at 641-642 water supply at 641-642 wellsat 102,641 36581°— wsp 293—12 62 Page. Hampton, wells at, record of 642-645 wells at, water of, quality of 102,147,181 Hancock County, city and village supplies in 647-648 flowing wells in 647 geology of 645-646 topography of 645 underground water of 646-648 wells in 647-648 record of 646 water of, head of 646-647 quality of 146 Hanlonton, wells at 663 Harcourt, wells at, water of, quality of 162 Hardin County, city and village supplies in. 702-707 flowing wells in 702, 706 geology of 701 springs in 702 topography of 701 underground water of Ill, 701-707 wells in 160, 702-707 records of 703-706 quality of Ill, 162-163 Harker, well at 554 Harlan, geology at 900 water supply at 960-961 Harlantown, wells at, water of, quality of. . 107, 145 Harpers, wells near 555 Harpers Ferry, springs at 253 weUs at and near 253, 254 Harrison County, city and village supplies in 922-926 geology of 920 topography of 920 underground water of 920-926 wells in 920-926 record of 922,924 plate showing 382 water of, quality of 175 Hartley, water supply at 866 well at, water of, quality of 150, 233 Harvey, wells at and near 797,802 Haskins, weUs at 617 Hastings, wellsat 933 wells at, water of, quality of 176 Havelock, wells at, head in 881 Haverhill, wells near 724, 729 Hawarden, water supply at 889 wells at 889 head in 876, 888 Hawkeye, water supply at 333 HaysviUe, geology near 551 weUs at 554 Hayward, J. K., and Smith, R. H., on min- eral-water classification 228 Hazel Green, wells at 304 Head, definition of 118 factors aflecting 119-121 geographic distribution of, map show- ing .' Pocket. measurement of 119 relation of, to geology 121-122 plate showing Pocket. See also particular counties, places, etc. I Health, eflect of mineral water on 200-201 978 INDEX. Page. Hedrick, wells at 554 Hendrixson, W. S., on chemical composition of well water 135-183 on chemical investigation of well water.. 43-44 on mineral waters 223-236 on water supplies 184-222 work of 31 Hendrixson, W. S., Norton, W. H., and Simpson, H. E., on geologic oc- currence of underground water. 91-117 Henry County, city and village supplies in . 535-537 geology of 533-534 topography of 532-533 imderground water of 109, 534-539 wells in 535-539 records of 535-537 water of, quality of 169 Herndon, wellsat 671,695-697 records of 695-697 rock from, analysis of 696 water of, quality of 164 Hesper, geology near 341 wells at and near 349,350 Highlandville, wells at 349 Hills, wells at 422 HiUsboro, well near 537 Hocking, wells at and near 805 Holland, wells at, water of, quality of 163, 236 Holstein, geology at 69, 73, 75, 824 water supply at 855 wells at 823, 855 record of 856 plate showing 824 water of, head of 121-122 quality of 152-179 Homer, well near 700 Homestead, geology of 81 water supply at 403 well at 352, 403-404 record of 403-404 plate showing 670 water of, quality of . . . . 154, 155, 159, 179, 180 Honey Creek, wells at, water of, quality of... 175 Hopkinton, spring near 305 wells at and near 306,310 Horton, water supply at 263 Houghton, wells near 572 Howard County, city and village supplies in 340-341 flowing wells In 339 geology of 339 springs in 106 topography of 338-339 underground water of 339-341 wells in 136, 339-341 record of 341 water of, quality of 142 Hubbard, water supply at 705 wells at and near 702, 705-706, 707 record of 706 water of, quality of 162 Hudson, wells at, water of, quality of 143 Hull, geology at 63 water supply at 889-890 wells at 825, 889-890 record of 890 water of, head of 876,888,889 quality of 150,179,233 Page. Humboldt, water supply of 650-651 Humboldt County, city and village supplies in 650-651 geology of 82, 619, 648-649 springs in 650 topography of 648 underground water of 649-651 wells in 649-651 record of 649 water of, head of 650 quality of 147, 148 Humeston, well at 819-820 well at, record of 819 water of, quality of 820 Hutchins, well at, head in 647 Hydraulic gradient, explanation of 120-121 I. Ice caves, description of : 345-346 Ida County, city and village supplies in. . 855-857 geology of 854 springs in 855 topography of; 854 underground water of 854-857 wells in 855-857 record of 856 water of, quality of 152 Ida Grove, water supply at 857 wells at and near 857 lUinoian drift, character of 61, 89 distribution of. . . 51, 89, 464, 487, 521, 533, 556, 574 map showing Pocket. water of 114,558 Illinoian drift province, area of, map show* ing. Pocket. topography of 51 water of 116 Illyria, wells at 334 Incrustation on well screens, difficulties due to 190-192 material of, analysis of 191 remedies for 192-195 See also Clogging. Independence, flowing well near 285 water supply of 284 wells of 284-285 Independence shale, correlation of 80-81 occurrence and character of 283, 443 Indianola, geology at 766 Industrial supplies, requirements of 206 See also Boiler water. Investigation, object of 32-33 scope of 31-32 Ionia, wells at, water of, quality of 143 Iowa Center, wells at 744, 747 Iowa City, water supply at 422 wells at 422-424 Iowa County, city and village supplies in 402 flowing wells at 401 geology of 351, 400-401 topography of 400 underground water of 401-406 wells in 401-406 records of 402, 403-404 water of, quality of 158 Iowa Falls, springs near 702 water supply at 706 INDEX 979 Page. Iowa Falls, wells at and near 702, 706, 707 wells at and near, record of, plate showing . 25S water of, quality of 163 Iowa Geological Survey, cooperation of 33 Iowa Hospital for Insane, wells of 535-537 wells of, record of 535-537 record of , plate showing 526 lowan drift, character of 51 distribution of 51, 89 map sho%ving Pocket. water of 114-115 See also particular county descriptions, pp. 237-513, 619-669. lowan drift province, area of,niap showing. Pocket. topogiaphy of 51-52 water of 116-117 Iowa River valley, springs in 249 topography in 420 underground water of 244-245 quality of 199-200 Iowa State College, well at 748-749 well at, record of 749-752 record of, plate showing 382 Ireton, water supply at 890 Iron tubing, effect of mineral water on 202-203 Irving, geology at 508 Irvington, wells at, water of, quality of 145 Island City, well at, log of 492 J. Jackson County, city and village supplies in . . 412 geology of 73, 76, 406-407 springs in 411 topography of 46, 406 underground water of 407^19 wells in 100, 408-419 records of 408, 411, 412-414, 416 water of, quality of 157 Jasper County, city and village supplies in. . 714^718 flowing wells in 710-711 geology of 708 mineral waters in 711-714 springs in 710 topography of 708 underground water of 110, 160, 708-719 weUs in 671, 710-719 records of. 711, 716, 717 water of, quality of Ill, 165, 709 JefEerson, geology at 824 wells at 823 water supply at 688 weUs at and near 688 record of 688-689 plate showing 382 water of, quality of 160, 163 Jefferson County, city and village supplies in 542-543 geology of 540 springs in 542 topography of 539 underground water of 109, 540-547 wells of 542-547 Jesup, springs at and near 284 wells at 265, 285 water of, quality of 107, 143 Jewell, water supply at 699 Page. JeweU, wells at and near 699, 700 wells at and near, water of, quaUty of 162 Johnson County, city and village supplies in 422-425 geology of 80, 351, 421 topography of 419-420 underground water of 421-427 wells in 421-427 water of, quality of 158 Jolley, well at 836 Jones County, city and village supplies in. . 431^41 geology of 428 springs in 431 topography of 428 underground water of 429-441 wells in 105,431^141 water of, quality of 157 Jordan sandstone, character of 66-67 distribution of 67-68, 237, 620, 670, 824 map sho%ving Pocket. outcrops of 237 springs from 96 structure of 237 water in 93,96,238,352,670 head of 121-122 See also particular county descriptions. Jumbo well, description of 356-358 record of 359 K. Kansan drift, occurrence and character of. _ 49, 88-89 water of 114, 256, 263, 282, 291, 354-355, 367, 509-510 See also particular county descriptions. Kansan drift pro\dnce, area of, map show- ing Pocket. topography of 49-50 water in 116 Kellerton, wells at 811 wells at, water of, quality of 174, 227 Kellogg, water supply at 715 wells at and near 715, 718 Kent, wells at, water of, quality of 173 Kenwood beds, occurrence and character of. . 443 Keokuk, geology at 71, 82, 514-515, 559 precipitation at 56, 57, 58 temperatures at 55 water supply at 664 wells at and near 559, 564-568, 570 records of 514-568 plate showing 514 water of, head of 120, 133 quahty of. . 154, 166-167, 170, 180, 230, 232 KeokukCounty, city and village suppUes in. 552-554 geology of 548-549 springs in 551-552 topography of 548 underground water of 109, 166, 549-555 wells in 552-555 records of .' 553 water of, quahty of 168 Keokuk limestone, occurrence and character of 84,534 Keosaqua, wells at and near 594, 596 Keota, water supply at 552 wells at 552, 617 water of, quality of 16S 980 IISrDEX. Page. Keswick, geology at 551 Keystone, water supply at 360-361 wells at and near 355, 360-361 water of, quality of 156 Kidder, wells at 327 Kjersted, W., on Muscatine water supply 467 Kilboume, wells at 594, 595 Kimballton, water supply at 911 KLnderhook group, distribution of, map show- ing Pocket flowing wells from 108 occurrence and character of 82-83 353,421,512,897,904 water in 108, 405 See also Mississippian wells; particular county descriptions, pp. 614-965. Kingsley , water supply at 877 Kinross, wells at and near 554 Kirkman, water supply at 961 Kirkville, wells near 600, 601, 609 Klemme, well at, head in 647 Knoxville, geology at 766, 797 water supply at 798 wells at and near 796, 802 water of, quaUty of 171, 173,227,230,232,233 Kossuth, geology near 523 Kossuth County, city and village suppliesin. 655-656 geology of 619, 651 topography of 651 underground water of 653-656 wells in 653-656 records of 652 water of, head of 654-655 quality of 145,148 Lacey , wells at 590, 797 La Crew, wells at 569 Lake City, water supply at 830 wells at and near 830-831, 836 record of 830 water of, quality of 152 Lake Mills, water supply of 662 wells at 662 water of, head of 661 quality of : 107, 145, 235 Lake Park, water supply at 851 wells at 850-851 record of 850 water of, quality of 150, 234 Lakes, occurrence of 53 Lamville, well near 729 Lamoni, geology at 778 water supply at 781 La Motte, water supply at 413 Lane, Nebr., well at, record of 953-954 Lanesboro, wells near 839 wells near, water of, quality of 153 Langworthy , wells at 434, 438 Lansing, geology at 61, 63, 67, 241-243 water supply at 249-250 wells at and near 249-250, 253 record of 242, 250 water of, head of 120 quaUty of 142, 180 La, Porte, geology at 258 well at 258 Page. Larson, weUs at 599 Latimer, water supply at 645 wells at 645, 665 water of, quality 147 Latty, geology near 522-523 well at 531 Laurell, well near 572, 724 Laurens, water supply at 882 wells at 880, 882 water of, head of 881 quality of 151 Le Claire, wells at 501-502 Lee County, city and village supplies in 560-569 geology of 514,556-557 springs in 560 topography of 556 underground water of 109, 558-573 wells in 560-573 records of 560,563-569 water of, quality of 170 Le Grande, wells near 722, 729 Lehigh, wells near 761 LeMars, geology at 61,824 water supply at 877 wells at 877-878 records of 878-879 plate showing 258 water of, head of 877, 888 quality of 151 Leon, geology at 766 weUs at 799, 782-783, 810 records of 799,783 water of, quality of 174, 782 Lester, well near 859 Letts, geology at 74,81,514,575 wells at and near 576, 582 record of 576-578 plate showing 548 rock from, analyses of 548 Lewis, springs at 112 water supply at 915, 916 well at 916 Lexington, wells near 618 Libertyville, well near 545 Lidderdale, wells near 839 Lima, wells at 334 Lime City, geology near 368,371 Lime Creek shale, distribution of, map show- ing Pocket. occurrence and character of 80, 81,621,623,624 water in 622 See also Devonian rocks. Lime Springs, wells at, water of, quality of. . 142 Lincoln, Nebr. , geology at 71, 766, 899, 905, 946 Lineville, wells near 821 Linn County, city and village supplies in. . 447-451 geology of 442-443 springs in 446-447 topography of 441-442 underground water of 443-463 wells in 105, 447-463 records of 445, 446, 447, 448 plate showing 382 water of, quality of -. 156-157, 463 Linton, well at 632 INDEX 981 Linwood, wells at 317 Lisbon, geology at 442, 446 spring at 446, 449 water supply at 449 wells at 449 water of, quality of 157 Liscomb, wells at 723 Lithology, correlation by 39-40 Littleport, wells at 298 Livermore, water supply at 651 wells at, water of, head of 654 water of, quality of 147 Livinggood Spring, location and character of. 248 Lizard Creek, wells at, head in 881 Loeheen, well near 573 Lockridge, wells at 543 Locust, weUs near 253, 350 Loess, definition of 49, 90 occurrence and character of 90 water of 115 See also particular county descriptions. Logan, geology at 900, 920, 945 water supply at 923 weUs at 899,923-925 record of 924 water of, quality of 175, 179, 231 LohrviUe, water supply at 831 wells at and near 831, 836 water of, quality of 152 Lone Tree, water supply at 424 Long Grove, weUs at 502 Long Point, weUs at 510 Lorimer, wells at, water of, quality of 173 Lost Nation, wells near 379, 393-394 Louisa County, city and village supplies in. 579-580 geology of 574 spring in 578 topography of 573-574 underground water of 575-582 wells in 576 record of 576-578 plate showing 548 water of, quality of 168 Lovilia, wells at 805 Lowden, geology near 370 wells at 373 water of, quality of 158 LoweU, wells at 534-537 Lower Magnesian limestone. See Prairie du Chien group. Low Moor, weUs at 393 Luana, weUs at and near 298, 301 Lucas, spring near 787 wells at 787 Lucas County, city and village supplies in . . 787-788 geology of 783-785 springs in 786-787 streams of 785 topography of 783 underground water of. 785 wells in 785-788 records of. 786, 788 water of, quality of. 174, 786 Luray, well near 729 Luther, weUs near ^. 681-682 Luton, wells at, water of, quality of 152 Page. Luveme, wells at and near 653 weUs at and near, record of 652 water of, head of 054,666 quality of. 145 Luzerne, water supply at 361 Lynnville, wells at, water of, quality of 165 Lyon County, city and village supplies in 860 geology of 823, 825, 858 topography of 858 underground water of 858 wells in 859-860 water of, quality of. 150 Lyons, weUs at 397 wells at, water of, quality of 159 M. McCausland, wellsat 502 McClelland, wells at, water of, quality of 175 McGee, W J, on Shakopee dolomite 72 Mc Gregor, geology at and near 47, 63,05,67,68,290-291 water supply of. 295 wells at 238, 295-296 record of. 296 plate showing 238 water of, head of. 120, 295 quality of. 102, 127-128, 139-140, 141, 143, 179, 180, 182, 230 Mackey, weU near 681 Maeksburg, geology near 790 McPpul, wells at, water of, quality of 176 McPoland Pond, location and character of. . . 99 McVeigh, well near 596 Madison, well at 590 Madison County, city and village supplies in 791-792 geology of 789 springs in Ill topography of 788 underground water of 789-793 wells in 790-793 records of 789-792 water of, quaUty of 173 Madrid, water supply at 680 wells at 680, 681 record of 680 water of, quality of 163 Mahaska County, city and village supplies in 586-588 flowing wells in 585 geology of 583-585 springs in 586 topography of 583 underground water of 109, 166, 172, 585 wells in 585-591 records of 588 plate showing 526 water of, quality of 168 Malcom, water supply at 484 Mallard, geology at 73 wells at 650, 846, 872 record of. 874 plate showing 672 water of, head of 873 quaUty of. 103, 151 Malone, wellsat 393 INDEX. Page. Malvern, water supply at 933 Manchester, geology at 65, 66, 67, 73, 74-75, 76, 243, 304 spring at 305, 307-308 water of, analysis of 225 water supply of. 306-308,309 wells at 238, 303, 305, 306-309, 310-312 record of. 308-309 plates showing 258,352 water of, quality of 143, 179, 180, 235 Maney, wells at, water of, quality of 145 Manilla, water supply at 848 wells at and near 848, 849 water of, quality of 153 Manning, water supply at 839 wells at, water of, quaUty of 153 Manson, water supply at 831 wells at and near 831-832, 836 record of. 831 plate showing 258 water of, quality of 148, 152, 179, 182 Maple Hill, wells at, water of, quality of 150 Maple ton, water supply at 863 wells at and near 863,864 water of, quality of 153 Maquoketa, geology at 69-70, 73, 76-77, 409 water supply at 413 wells at 413-415 record of. 413-414 plates shomng 354,374 water of, quaUty of 157 Maquoketa shale, character of 76-77 distribution of 75-76, 620, 765, 824 map showing Pocket. springs from 100 structure of. 351,514,515 water in 100 head of 122 See also particular county descriptions. Marathon, water supply at 828 wells at, record of 828 water of, head of 827 quahty of 151 Marble Rock, springs at 637 water supply at 640 well at, water of, quality of 146 Marcus, water supply at. 844 wells at, water of, quahty of 151 Marengo, flowing wells at 401 water supply at 404-405 wells at 401, 404-405 water of, quality of 155, 158, 404 Marietta, wells at 723 Marion, geology at 442 springs at 446 water supply at 449 wells at and near 449, 728 water of, quality of 157 Marion County, city and village supplies in . 798-801 flowing wells in 796 geology of : 793-794 springs in 797 topography of 793 underground water of 17 1, 172, 794-802 wells in 795-802 Marion County, wells in, record of. 798-800 wells in, record of, plates showing 352,548 water of, quality of .'.. 171,173 Mame, water supply at 915 Marshall County, city and village suppUes in 724-727 geology of 82, 720-721 topography of 719-720 underground water of 721-730 wells in 160,721-730 record of 724, 726 water of, quaUty of 160, 164 Marshalltown, geology at 78, 79, 83 water supply at 721, 724-725, 727 wells at and near 724^728 record of 724 plate showing 382 water of, quality of 105, 164 Martelle, wells near 431 Martinsburg, section at 550 Marysville, wells near 797 Mason City, geology at 61, 68, 72, 75 flowing wells at 628 water supply at 628 wells at 99, 238, 628-635 records of 629-635 plate showing 238 water of, quality of 46, 179, 181, 235 Masonville, wells at 309 Massena, water supply at '. 915 Massillon, geology near 370 Maud, wells at 253 Maxwell, water supply at 754^755 wells at and near 744, 747, 754, 755 water of, quaUty of 163 Maynard, geology at 331 wells at 334 May Prairie, geology of 246 Maysville, geology near 490-491 Mechanicsville, geology near 370 water supply at 373 Mederville, geology at 294 Mediapolis, wells at 529-530, 532 wells at, record of 630 Medicinal waters. See Mineral waters. Meinzer, O. E., county descriptions by 286- 288, 338-341, 645-669, 682-686, 808-812, 844r^46, 849-854, 858-860, 864-870, 879- 883, 908-911, 917-920, 939-944, 959-961 on finishing wells in sand 190-195 on protection of farm wells 197-198 work of 31 Meinzer, O. E., and Norton, W. H., county descriptions by 400- 406, 516-520, 626-645, 692-698, 770-783, 81,8-822, 840-844, 870- 879, 920-934, 944-959, 961-965 Melbourne, wells at 724 Melrose, wells near 805, 807 Merrimac, springs near 542 wells at 543 Metz, well near 710-711, 718 Michigan, Lake, water of, quality of 225 Middletown, geology near 523 well near 531 INDEX 988 Page. Miles, wells at 415 Mill Creek, springs near 249 Miller, W. J. , county descriptions by SOS- SIS, 846-849, 860-864, 883-891 Miller, W. J., and Norton, W. H., county descriptions by . . . 672-682, 686-692, 698- 708, 7S5-762, 829-840, 854.-858, 891-896 Millheim, spring near 305 Mills County, city and village supplies in. . 927-934 geology of 917,926 ' springs in 927 topography of 926 underground water of. . . : 926-934 weUs in 172, 926-934 record of 928-930, 932 water of, quality of 176, 927 Milton, wells at 594 wells at, water of, quality of 169 Minden, water supply at 958 wells at, water of, quality of 175 Mineralized waters, distribution of 198-200 distribution of, plate showing 178 effect of, on health 200-201 on well casings 201-206 See also Mineral waters. Mineral waters, classification of 228-229 definition of 223 discussion of 223-236 medicinal value of 223-224 mineralization of, extent of 224-228 types of 228-236 See also Mineralized waters. Mississippian rocks, character and distribu- tion of 82-85,351,509 flowing wells from 107 structure of 351, 764 water in 107-109, 352 quaUty of 111-112, 332 See also Kinderhook group; Osage group; St. Louis limestone; jjarticular county descriptions, pp. 516-965. Mississippi River, ancient channel of, descrip- tion of 51 Mississippi Valley, description of 46-47,239 underground water in 244 Missouri group, character and distribution of 85-86,694,897 distribution of, map showing Pocket. water of 110-111 See also Pennsylvanian rocks; particular county descriptions, pp. 763-965. Missouri River, character of 50 water of, quality of 200 Missouri Valley (post office) , water supply at . 925 weUs at 925 water of, quality of 175 Mitchell County, city and tillage supplies in 658-659 flowing wells in 657 geology of 656 springs in 657 topography of 656 underground water of 657-659 wells m 136, 657 record of 658, 669 plate showing 272 Page. Mitchell County, wells in, water of, quality of. 146 Mitchell ville, flowing wells at 734 water supply at 739 wells at 108, 734, 739-742, 743 records of 739-741 plate showing 670 water of, quality of 164 Moline, 111., well at, record of 501 Mondamin, wells at, water of, quality of 175 Monmouth, wells at 415 Monona, water supply at 297 wells at and near 238, 297, 300 water of, quality of 143, 180 Monona County, city and village supplies in 862-863 flowing wells in 862 geology of 828,860-861 springs in 862 topography of 860 undergroimd water of 861-864 wells in 861-864 record of 863 water of, quality of 153 Monroe, wells at and near 719 wells at and near, water of, quality of 165 Monroe County, city and village supplies in. 806-808 flowing wells in 806 geology of 803 springs of 806 topography of 802-803 *undergroimd water of 109, 172, 803-808 wells in 804-808 records of 806-808 water of, quality of 174 Montezuma, springs near 479, 484 water supply at 484 wells at and near 479, 484-485 water of, quality of 157, 181 Montgomery, wells at, water of, quality of. . . 150 Montgomery County, city and village supplies in 937-938 flowing wells in 937 geology of 934 springs in 112, 937 topography of 934 underground water of 935-937 wells in 935-939 record of 398 water of, quaUty of 176,935 Monticello, geology at 67, 75, 76, 430 water supply at 434-436 wells at 131, 134,304, 434-436 record of 434-435 water of, quality of 154, 157 Montrose, water supply at 568 Montrose chert, correlation of 83 occurrence and character of 540, 557, 592 water in : 523,559 Mooar, wells at 568-569 Morley, wells at and near 431 wells at and near, water of, quality of. . 157, 235 Morning Sun, geology near 576 wells at 580,581 Morrison, well near 692 Moscow, wells at 473 Motor, geology at 292 984 INDEX. Page. Moulton, well at 775 record of 775 water of, quality of 174, 233 Mount Auburn, wells at 361 Mount Ayr, well at 811-812 Mount Clara, geology at 82,558 wells at 569 record of 569 plate sho^vlng 514 Mount Etna, wells at 908 Mount Pleasant, geology at 42, 71,75,79,80,81,82,514,559 wells at and near 108, 535-537, 539 record of. 535,536-537 plate showing 526 water of, quality of 105, 166, 169, 179, 180, 227 Mount Sterling, wells at 594 Mount Union, well at 537 Mount Vernon, geology at 442,445 water supply at 449-450 wells at and near 449-450 record of 445 plate showing 382 water of, quality of 157, 235 Mount Zion, wells at 594 Moville, water supply at 895 wells at and near 895,896 Mud Creek, channel occupied by 489 channel occupied by, figure showing 488 Mud-rock shales, position of , 76 Municipal and domestic supplies, mineral content of 198-206 pollution of 195-198 See also Water supplies; Mineralized water. Municipalities, water supplies of. 185-186 See also particular places. Munterville, wells near 601 Murray, wells near 777 Muscatine, geology near 468-470 water supply at 467-470 wells at 470 Muscatine County, city and village supplies in 467-473 geology of 80, 85, 464, 514 springs in 466-467 topography 463-464 underground water of 465-477 wells in 467-477 records of 468,471-472,473 water of, quality of 159, 465 Muscatine Island, water supply at 465 Myron, springs near 248 N. Napier, well at 682 Nashua, water supply at 287 Nashville, wells at 415 National, wells at 298 Nebraska City, Nebr. , geology at 74, 766 wells at 900-905 record of. 900-903 rock from, analysis of 903 water of, quality of 900, 905 Page. Nebraskan drift, occurrence and character of. 49, 88,720 water in 113,263,291,367,541,558 See also particular county descriptions, pp. 237-618. Nehama, well near 887 well near, water of, quality of. 152 Neola, water supply at 958-959 wells at, water of, quality of 1 75 Nevada, water supply at 753 wells at 747, 753-754, 755 record of. 753 plate showing 382 water of, quality of 105, 163, 233 Nevinville, wells at 908 New Albin , geology at 49, 240, 242-243, 244 springs near 249 water supply of. 250 wells at and near 250-251, 254 record of 242, 250 water of, quaMty of 142, 180 Newburg, wells at 715 Newell, water supply at 828 New Hampton, geology at 42 water supply of. 287-288 well at 288 record of, plate showing 238 water of, quality of 141, 142, 234 New Hartford, water supply at 625 wells at 624 New Liberty, wells at 502 New London, geology near 523,533 wells at and near 537,538,539 Newport, wells near 580 New Providence, well near 707 New Richmond sandstone, character of 69 outcrops of 237 position of 68 springs from 97 water in 93,97,352 See also Prairie du Chien group. New Sharon, water supply at 586 wells at and near 586, 591 water of, quality of 168 Newton, geology at 85 water supply at 715-716 wells at and near 134, 161,710, 715-717,719 record of 716 plate showing 670 water of, quality off 161, 165 Niagara dolomite, distribution of, map show- ing Pocket. occurrence and character of 77-78, 619-620 springs from 104-105, 319, 346 water in 352 head of 103-105, 122, 292 quality of 105 See also particular county flescriptions; Silurian rocks. Nichols, weUs at 473,476 Nira, wells at and near 617 Nishnabotna River valley, description of 50 Nitroglycerin, use of 131, 612 Nodaway, wells at 908 INDEX 985 Page. Nora Springs, water supply of 640 wells at 637, 640 Nodaway River vaUey, description of 50 Noel, weUs at 502, 506 Nora Springs, wells at, water of, quality of. . 147 Nordness, well sat .' 349 North-central district, counties in 619 counties in, descriptions of 620-666 geology of 619-620 location of, map showing 140 precipitation in 56 well waters in 620 quality of 139-141 , 145-147, 178, 183 map showing 140 Northeast district, counties in 237 counties in, descriptions of 239-350 geology of 237-238 location of, map showing 140 precipitation in 56 well waters in 237-239 Njuality of 139-144, 178, 183, 288-259 map showing 140 Northfield, wells at, water of, quality of 169 North Liberty, water supply at 424 North McGregor, water supply at 297 wells at - 297-298 record of 298 water of, quality of 139-140, 143 Northwest district, coimties of 823 counties of, descriptions of 826-896 geology of - - . 823-824 location of, map showing • 140 ' precipitation in 56 well waters in 824-826 quality of 148-153, 178, 183 map showing 140 North wood, water supply of 664 wells at 664 water of, quahty of 145, 235 Norton, W. H., county descriptions by.. 239 254, 262-281, 288-338, 341-350, 366-400, 406-419, 428-477, 487-508, 520-583, 591-596, 610-618 introductions by 31-43, 237-239,351-353, 514-516, 619- 620, 670-672, 763-776, 823-826 on artesian phenomena 118-134, 356-357 on well drUling 188-189 work of 31,33,43 Norton, W. H., and Arey, M. F., county de- scription by 254-262 Norton, "W. H., and Meinzer, O. E., county descriptions by 400-406, 516-520, 626-645, 692-698, 770-783, 818-822, 840-844, 870-879, 920-934, 944-959, 961-965 Norton, W. H., and MiUer, M. J., coxmty descriptions by. 672-682, 686-692, 698- 708, 755-762, 829-840, 854-858, 891-896 Norton, W. H., and Simpson, H. E., county descriptions by 353-366, 477- 487, 59&-610, 719-755, 793-808, 911-917 on geology of Iowa 60-90 Norton, W. H., Simpson, H. E., and Hen- drixson, W. S., on geologic occur- rence of underground waters 91-117 Norway, wells at 451 Nugent, weUs at 554 Page. No. 10 Junction, geology at 764, 807-808 wells at 807 record of 807 water of, quality of 174 O. Oakdale Sanitarium, wells at 424 Oakland, water supply at 959 O'Brien County, city and village supplies in 866-868 geology of 864-865 topography of 864 underground water of 148, 865-868 wells in 866-868 records of 865 water of, quality of 148, 150-151 Odebolt, water supply at 886 wells at and near 886, 887 Oelwein, geology at 331 water supply at 333 wells at and near 333-334, 335 water of, quality of 238 Ogden, water supply at 680-681 wells at and near 672, 680 record of 680-681 plate showing 382 water of quality of 163, 233 Olin, water supply at 436 Olivet, wells near 585 Ollie, wells near 555 wells near, water of, quality of 168 Omaha, Nebr., geology at 945-947, 952 precipitation at 57 temperatures at 55 wells at 945, 955 records of 952-953, 956-958 Onawa, geology at 825 water supply at 862 wells at and near 862, 864 record of 863 water of, quality of 153, 861 Oneida, wells at 309 Oneonta dolomite, character of 290, 342 position of- 68 springs from 97 water in .- 97, 352 See also Prairie du Chien group. Onslow, wells at and near 431, 436 wells at and near, water of, quality of 157 Orange City, water supply at 890 wells at 890, 891 record of 891 water of, quality of 150 Ordovician rocks, occurrence and charac- ter of 60, 68-77 springs from 100-101 water in 93, 97-100 quality of 102-103 See also Maquoketa shale; Galena dolo- mite; Decorela shale; Platteville limestone; St. Peters sandstone; Prairie du Chien group. Orient, wells at, water of, quality of 173 Osage, geology at 42, 75, 78 water supply at 658 wells at 658-659 986 l:?MX. Page. Osage, wells at, record of 058,659 wells at, record of, plate showing 272 water of, quality of 146, ISO Osage group, defuiition of 82 distribution of, map showing Pocket divisions of 521 occurrence and character of. . 83-84, 478, 534, 540 springs from 108-109 thickness of 84-85 water in 108-109 See also Mississippian rocks; Burlington limestone; Keokuk limestone. Osceola, geology at 766 water supply at 777 wells at and near 763, 777-778 Osceola County, city and village supplies in 869-870 geology of 868 topography of 868 underground water of 868-870 wells in 869-870 water of, quality of 150 Oskaloosa, geology at 82 spring near 586 water supply at 580-587, 588 wells at and near 587, 589, 590 plate showing 526 record of 588 Ossian, springs at 348 wells at 344, 348, 350 record of 348 plate showing 238 water of, quality of 142 Otis beds, occurrence and character of 443 Ottumwa, geology at 78, 82 water supply at 602-003 wells at 108, 602, 604-609 records of 606-609 plate showing 374 water of, head of 122, 133 quality of 166, 109, 179, 180, 181, 232 Overton, springs at 560 wells at 509 Owen substage, correlation of 80 deposits of, occurrence and character of.. 621 water in 622 Oxford, water supply at 424 Oxford Junction, geology at 436-437 Oxford Mills, geology at 436-437 Pacific Junction, wells at 933-934 Packtagin wells, need for 124 Packwood, wells at 543 Page County, city and village supplies in. . 941-944 geology of 939 topography of 939 undcrgroimd water of 940-944 wells in 1 72, 940-944 record of 942-943 water of, quality of 177 Paint Creek, springs near 249 Paleozoic rocks, distribution of 60 water beds in 93 Palmer, wells at 880 wells at, bead in 881 Palo, wells at 451 Palo Alto County, city and village supplies in 873-875 flowing wells in 873 geology of 870 topography of 870 underground water of 148, 872-875 wells in 872-875 records of 871, 873-875 plate showing 672 water of, head of 872-873 quality of 148, 151 Panama, water supply at 961 Panora, water supply at 697 Paralta, wells at 451 Parkersburg, wells at and near 624, 625, 626 Paton, well at 689 Patterson, well near 792 Paullina, water supply at 866 Pella, geology at. . . 71 , 74, 75, 79, 80, 81 , 82, 85, 51 4, 764 water supply at 798 wells at 795, 799, 882 record of 799-800 plates showing 352, 356, 548 water of, head of 122 quality of. . 105, 171, 173, 181, 230, 232, 765 Pennsylvanian rocks, character of 85-86 distribution of 85, 464, 488, 491 , 533, 540-542, 548-549, 557, 592 elevation of base of 42, 763-764, 766 figure showing 898 structure of 897 subdivisions of 85 water in 109-111 quality of 111-112, 491,542,551,557 See also particular county descriptions pp. 670-965; Carboniferous rocks; Des Moines group; Missouri group. Peosta, wells at 326 Perlee, springs near 542 wells at 643 Permian rocks, occurrence and character of . . 86 Perry, water supply at 686 wells at 686 water of, quality of 164 Persia, water supply at 925 Petersburg, wells at 304 Peterson, water supply at 846 wells at 845-846 water of, quality of 151 Pinching, disappearance of formations by 39 Pioneer, well near 762 Pittsburg, well at 595 Placid, wells at 326 Plainfield, wells at 263, 269 Plain view, geology near 490-491 Platteville limestone, distribution of, map showing Pocket. occiurence and character of 73-74, 514,620,824,899 structru-e of 514 thickness of 75,514,515 water in 98,515,671 head of 122 Pleasant Grove, geology near 523 Pleasant Plain, wells at 543 miDEX. m Page. Pleasantville, wells at and near 801, 802 wells at and near, water of, quality of 173 Pleistocene deposits, occurrence and character of 60,88-90 water in 93 Plymouth County, city and village supplies in 877-879 geology of 825, 876 springs in 877 topography of 876 underground water of 876-879 wells in 877-879 record of 878-879 plate showing 258 water of, quality of 151 Pocahontas, water supply at 882 weUs at : 880 record of 882 water of, head of 881 Pocahontas County, city and village sup- plies in 881-883 drainage wells in 881 geology of 879-880 topography of 879 underground water of 148, 880-883 wells in 880-883 records of 882 water of, head m 876, 880-881 quality of 148, 151 Polk County, city and village supplies in. . 734-742 flowing wells in 734 gas well in 734 geology of 731-732 topography of 730-731 underground water of 160, 732-743 weUsin 671,734-743 records of. 736-741 plates showing 526, 670, 672 water of, quality of. Ill, 160, 164 Pollution of water supplies, sources of. 195-198 Pomeroy, water supply at 832 wells at, record of 833 water of, quality of 152 Porosity of aquifers, importance of 128 Portsmouth, water supply at 961 Postv iUe, geology at 72, 240, 247 water supply of 251-252 wells at and near 238, 246-247, 251-252, 254 record of 247, 251 plate showing 238 water of, head of 122 quality of 102, 142, 180 PostvUle Junction, well at 252 well at, record of 252 Pottawatomie County, city and village sup- plies in 949-952, 958-959 • of 944-947 topography of 944 underground water of 947-952, 958-959 wells in, records of 947-952, 958-959 water of, quality of 175, 947, 950, 951 Powieshiek County, city and village supplies in 480-485 geology of : 351, 478 springs in 479 topography of 477-478 underground water of 155, 478-487 Page. Powieshiek County, wells in 480-487 wells at, record of 482-484 water of , quality of. Ill, 155, 157 Prairieburg, geology at 442, 445 weUs at 451 Prairie City, water supply at 717 wells at 717 record of 717 water of, quality of 165, 234 Prairie du Chien, Wis., well at, record of 296-297 Prairie plain, character of 45, 53 Prairie du Chien group, character of 68-70, 620 distribution of 68, 619, 620, 824 map showing Pocket. springs from 97, 249 subdivisions of 68 water in 97, 515, 671 head of 121 See also Oneota dolomite; New Richmond sandstone; Shakopee dolomite; particular county descriptions. Pre-Cambrian rocks, occurrence and charac- ter of 61-63 water in 94-95 Precipitation, controlling conditions of 55-56 geographic distribution of 56-57 records of 55-59 seasonal distribution of 57-58 variations in 58-59 Pre-Kansan drift, occurrence and character of. 88 water in 113 Prentiss, G. N., aid of 44 Prescott, water supply at 907-908 Pressure in wells, decrease of 130-131 factors in 126-127 Preston, water supply at 415 well at 415 record of 408 water of, quality of 157 Primghar, water supply at 866 wells at 866-867 water of, head of 876-888 quality of 150, 234 Primrose, wells at 569 Pulaski, wells at and near 517 wells, record of 517 Pump cylinders, position of 940-941 Pumps, requirements of 194 Q. QuaUty of water. See Water, chemical com- position of; particular counties, rock formations, places, etc. Quarry, wells near 722-723 Quaternary deposits, occurrence and charac- ter of 88-89 underground water, provinces of 115-117 water in 93, 113-115 Quimby, wells near, head in 341 R. Radcliffe, water supply at 706-707 well near 700, 706 Rainfall. See Precipitation. Rake, wells at, head in 661 Ralston, well near 689 988 INDEX. Page. Ramsay, geology at 653 Randalia, wells at 331, 334, 338 Readlyn, well at 269-270 well at, record of 270 Reasnor, wells at and near 718, 719 Red clastic series , occurrence and character of. 63 Redfield, well at 684 well at, record of 685 Red Oak, springs at and near 112, 937 wells at 938 record of 938 water of, quality of 176 Red Rock, wells near 796 Red Rock sandstone, occurrence and char- acter of 110, 794-795 water in 110 Rembeck, water supply at 691 wells at and near 091,692 water of, quality of 163 Relief, description of 45, 46-47 Rembrandt, well at, head in 827 Remsen, water supply at 879 Renwick, wells at 72 wells at, water of, head of 666 water of, quality of 147 Rhodes, wells at 724 wells at, water of, quality of 164 Riceville, spring at 659 spring at, water of, quality of 146 water supply of 659 Richland, springs near 551-552 wells at 618 water of, quality of 168 Ricketts, wells at, water of, quality of 153 Ridgeway, wells at and near , 349 Ringgold County, city and village supplies in. 810 geology of 809 topography of 46,808 underground water of 809-812 wells in 810-812 water of, quality of 174 Ringstead, geology at 653 water supply at 854 well at, record of 852 water of, head of 654 Rippen, well at 689 Rivers, water supplies from 184-187 water supplies from, mineral content of. 198-200 Riverside, wells at 617 Rochester, geology near 371 Rock formations, correlation of 38-41 demarcation of 41 dip of 40 relation of, to quality of water 93-94 sequence of, columnar section showing. . . 60 correlation by 40 waters of 92-112 use of, for water supplies 184, 185 See also Aquifers. Rock Island, 111., wells at 99 wells at, record of 501 Rock Rapids, water supply at 860 wells at, water of, quality of 150 Rock Valley, water supply at 891 Rockville, geology at 304 wells at 311 Rockwell, water supply at 635-636 Rockwell City, water supply at 833 wells at and near 833, 833 records of 833-834 rock of, analyses of 834 water of, quality of 152, 182 Roland, well near 700 Rolfe, geology near 880 water supply at "883 wells at 880, 883 water of, head of 881 quality of 151 Rome, geology near 534 Roscoe, wells at and near 530, 532 Rowland, wells at, water of, quality of 162 Rowley, springs at 284 Rubio, wells at 617 Runnells, wells at, water of, quality of 164,227 Russell, spring near 787 water supply at 787 wells at 787-788 record of 788 Ruthven, water supply at 875 wells near, head in 873 Rutledge, wells at, water of, quality of 169 Ryan, geology near 304, 305 water supply at 309 wells at and near 304, 309, 310 S. Sabula, geology near 72, 410-411 water supply at 415 wells at and near 410, 415 records of 416 plate showing . . . ^ 354 water of, head of 120, 133 quality of. 157, 180, 235 Sac City, springs near 884 water supply at 884 wells at and near 884-886, 887 record of 885 water of, quality of 152, 233, 884 Sac County, city and village supplies in. . . 884-886 flowing wells in 884 geology of 883 springs in 884 topography of 46, 883 undergrormd water of 883-887 wells in 884-887 record of 885 water of, quality of.'. 152 Sageville, wells at 326 St. Ansgar, well at 659 well at, plate showing 272 St. Anthony, wells near 723 St. Benedict, wells near 653 wells near, head in 654 St. Charles, wells at and near 790, 793 wells at and near, record of 790 St. Lawrence formation, distribution of, map showing. Pocket. occurrence and character of 65-66, 620, 824 water In 95 St. Louis limestone, distribution of, map showing Pocket flowing weUs from 109 INDEX. 989 Page. St. Louis limestone, occurrence and character of 48, 478, 649 thickness of - - - - 84-85 water in 109 See also particular county descriptions, pp. SI4-6I8, 670-965; Mississip- pian rocks; Carboniferous rocks. St. Paul, wells at and near 572 St. Peter sandrock, occurrence and character of 624, 529, 561, 804 St. Peter sandstone, character of 70-71, 824 discrimination of 524, 559 distribution of '. 71-72, 237, 891 map showing Pocket. elevation of 237, 514-515 plate showing Pocket. outcrops of 237 position of 766, 899-900 plate showing Pocket. springs from 98 structure of 237, 351-352, 514-515, 619-620, 670-671, 765-766, 823-824 water in 93, 97-98, 238, 352, 514^15, 670-671, 765, 900 head of 121-122, 292, 344, 495-496 quahty of. , 102-103, 524, 900 See also particular county descriptions, pp. 239-513, 620. Salem, wells at 537,539 Salina, wells at and near 544, 546 SaUna formation, occurrence and character of 78-80, 764 water in 105, 764 Sanborn, geology at ^ 69, 73, 75, 824 water supply at 867 wells at 823, 867 record of 865 plate showing 824 water of, quality of 150, 179, 233 Sand, finishing wells in 190-195, 826-827 Sand Springs, wells at 304, 309, 310 Sandusky, well at 570 Sattre, wells near 253 Sawyer, wells at 569 Saylor, well near 742 Saylorville, gas well at 734 well near 742 Scale. See Boiler scale. Schaller, water supply at 886 wells at and near 886, 887 water of, quality of 152 Schaufeur, well at 312 Schleswig, water supply at 848 wells at and near 848, 849 Scope of work 31-32 Scotch Grove, wells at 430,439 Scott, wells near 331 Scott County, city and village supplies in. . 492-502 flowing wells in 492 geology of 80, 85, 487 topography of 487 underground water of 488-508 wells in 492-508 records of 489-490,492 water of, quality of 159 Scranton, water supply at 689 well at, water of, quality of 163 Screens, well, incrustation on 190-192, 826 incrustation on, analysis of 191 remedies for 192-195,827 use of 190 Seasons, distribution of precipitation by 57-58 Sections, geologic, location of, figure showing . 62 plates showing. ... 238, 258, 272, 352, 354, 374, 382, 514, 526, 548, 670, 672, 824, 898 Sewal, wells at, water of, quality of 174 Sexton, weUs near 653 wells near, head in 654 Seymour, well at 821 Shakopee dolomite, character of 69, 72, 290,342 distribution of 69-70 position of 68 water 352 See also Prairie du Chien group. Shallow wells, polution of 196-198 Shannon, wells at, water of, quality of 173, 236 Shelby County, city and village supplies in. 960-961 geology of 959 topography of 959 underground water of 959-960 wells in 960-961 water of, quality of 175, 959 Sheldahl, wells at, water of, quality of 164 Sheldon, water supply at 867 wells at, water of, head of 876 quality of 151 Shell Rock, water supply at 625-626 wells near 622-623 SheUsburg, spring near 355 water supply of 361 Shenandoah, water supply at 940, 943-944 wells at, water of, quality of 177 ShueyvUle, weUs at 424 Sibley, water supply at 870 wells at, water of, quality of 150 Sidney, water supply at 918,919 Sigourney , geology at 81, 82, 85 water supply of 552 section at 550 wells at and near 134, 549, 552, 555 record of 553 plate showing 548 water of, quality of 168 Siloam Springs, description of 702 Silurian rocks, character and distribution of. . 60, 77-80, 514-515, 764-765, 824, 897, 904 structtKe of 514-515 water of 103-106, 352, 515, 900 head of 515 quality of 105-106,671,764^-765 See also particular county descriptions; Niagara formation; Salina forma- tion. Simpson, H. E., county descriptions by 583- 586, 705-719, 767-770, 783-793, 812-815, 905-908, 934-939 on topography and climate 45-59 work of 31 Simpson, H. E., and Norton, W. H., county descriptions by 353-366, 477- 487, 596-610, 719-755, 793-808, 911-917 on geology of Iowa 60-90 990 INDEX. Page. Simpson, H. E., Hendrixson, W. S., and Nor- ton, W. H., on geologic occurrence of underground waters 91-117 Sink holes, distribution of 99 Sioux City, geology at 61,824.825 precipitation at 56, 57, 58 temperatures at 55 water supply at 893 wells at 95, 893-895 records of 893-895 water of, quality of .148, 152, 179, 893 Sioux County, city and village supplies in. . 889-891 geology of ; . . . 825, 887 topography of 887 underground water of 888-891 wells in 888-891 records of 890, 891 water of, head of 888 quality of 150 Sioux Falls granite. See Sioux quartzite. Sioux quartzite, distribution of, map show- ing Pocket occurrence and character of 60, 61-62,823,825,858,859 structure of 825 water in 94^95 Sioux Rapids, water supply at 828 Slater, well near 755 Slichter, C. S., on well-flow measurement 123 Sloan, water supply at 895 wells at 895, 896 Smith, G. L., on Nebraska City well... 900-904,905 Smith,R. H.,andHayward, J. K., on mineral- water classification 228 Smithland, wells near 896 Snow. See Precipitation. Sodic-calcic carbonated alkaline waters, distri- bution and character of 236 Sodic-calcic muriated-sulphated alkaline- saline waters, distribution and character of 231-232 Sodic-calcic sulphated alkaline-saline waters, distribution and character of. . . 232-233 Sodic muriated alkaline-saline waters, distri- bution and character of 229-230 Sodic muriated-sulphated alkaline-saline waters, distribution and charac- ter of 229-230 Softening. See Water softening. Soils, character of 47 Soldier, wells at, water of, quality of 153 Solon, geology at 421, 422 water supply of 424-425 wells at 422, 424-425 water of, quality of 158 Somers, wells at and near 834-835. 836 wells at, record of 835 South Amana, wells at, water of, quality of. . 158 South Augusta, well at 571 South-central district, counties in 763 counties in, descriptions of 767-822 geology of 763-764 location of, map showing 140 precipitation in 56 wells of 182 well water of 764-766 quality of 171-174, 178, 180 map showing 143 Page. Southeast district, counties in 514 counties in, description of 516-618 geology of 514^516 location of, map showing 140 precipitation in 56 well water of, quality of 166-170, 178, 183 map showing 140 South English, geology at 551 section at 550 wells at 554 Southern Iowa Junction, wells at, water of, quality of 168 South Ottumwa, wells at, water of, quality of. 169 South Parkersburg, well at 624 well at, record of 624 Southwest district, counties in 897 counties in, descriptions of 905-965 geology of 897-905 figure showing 898 location of, map showing 140 precipitation in 66 well water of 899-905 quality of 171-172, 175-177, 178 map showing 140 Spechts Ferry, geology near 314 wells at 326, 327 Spencer, geology at 846 water supply at 846 wells at, water of, quality of 151 Sperry, geology near ; 522 well near 532 Spirit Lake, water supply at 851 wells at 851 water of, quality of ISO, 234, 851 Spring Creek, waters of 105 Springdale, geology near 371 wells at 373 Spring Hollow, springs at 446 Spring horizons, geologic position of 101 Springs, possible pollution in water of 196 See Cambrian rocks; Ordovician rocks; particular counties, formations, lo- calities, etc. Springville, geology at 442 water supply at 450 Stabler, Herman, corrosive forniulas proposed by 210 softening formulas proposed by 215-216 Stanhope, wells at, water of, quality of 162, 236 Stanwood, geology at ^ 351, 368-370 wells at 1 373 record of 373 plate showing 382 water of, quality of 158, 235 Stanwood Channel, description of 368-370 figure showing 369 wells in 372,373 Stark, wells at, water of, quality of 168, 234 State Center, water supply at 727 wells at and near 723, 729 water of, quality of 164, 233 State Quarry limestone, correlation of 80 distribution of, map showing Pocket. See also Devonian rocks. Steamboat Rock, well at 707 Steaming, water for. See Boiler water. Steel tubing, effect of mineral water on 202-203 Stermett, well near 939 INDEX. 991 Page. Stockport, wells at 594 wells at, water of, quality of 169 Stockton, wells at 473 Stock wells, development of 186 Stone, wells at 437 Storm Lake, water supply at 828-829 Story City, water supply at 754 Story County, city and village supplies in. . 748-755 flowing wells in 747-748 geology of 744 topography of 743-744 underground water of 109, 744-755 wells in 745-755 records of 745-753 plate showing 382 water of, quality of 163 Stratford, wells at, water of, quality of 162 Strawberry Point, water supply of 291, 298 wells near 298,312 Structure, character of 237-238, 351-352,514-515,619-620,670- 671, 763-766, 823-825, 897-905 geologic section showing location of, fig- ure showing 62 plates showing 238, 258, 272, 352, 354, 374, .382, 514, 526, 548, 670, 672, 824, 898 Stuart, water supply at 697 wells at 693 water of, quality of 164 Summitville, geology near 558 wells at and near 569, 570 Sumner, geology at 65,67,75,76 water supply of 270,272 wells at and near 238, 270-272, 335 record of 270-272 water of, head of 122 Sunbury, geology near 371 springs at 374 wells at 374 Sutherland, water supply at 867-868 well at 867-868 record of 865 Swan, wells near 796 Swea City^ geology at 653 water supply at 655 wells at, head in 654, 655 Swedesburg, wells at 537, 538 Sweetland, wells at 473 Sweetland Creek shale, correlation of 80 distribution of, map showing Pocket. occurrence and character of 464 See also Devonian rocks. Swisher, weUs at 425 T. Tabor, water supply at 918,919 Tallyrand, wells at 554 Talmadge, geology at 815 wells at, water of, quality of 173 Tama, water supply of 501 wells at and near 105, 180, 510-511, 513 record of 511 water of 227 quahty of 155, 156, 180, 181, 227 Tama County, city and village supplies in. 510-513 Page. Tama Coimty, flowing wells in 509-510 geology of 82,351,508-509 springs in 510 topography of 508 underground water of 155, 509-513 wells in 509-513 records of, water of 511,512 quahty of ill, 156 Taylor County, city and village supplies in 962-965 geology of 961-962 topography of 961 underground water of 962-965 wells in 962-965 record of 963-965 plate showing ''. 898 water of, quality of 177 Taylorsville, wells near 331 Teeds Grove, weUs at 393, 394 Temperature, records of 54-55 relation of, to ground water 55 Tertiary deposits, occurrence and character of 87 Textm'e of aquifers, importance of 128 Thayer, geology at 815 Thomas, A. O., county descriptions by 419-428 Thompson, water supply at 663 wells at, head in 661, 663 Thomburg, wells at 554 Thorp, wells at 164,309 Thurman, water supply at 919-920 Ticonic, well near 864 Tiffin, wells at 425 TiU, definition of 48 Tilton, J. L., county description by 815-818 Tipton, geology at 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 75, 76, 77, 368, 370, 514 water supply at 374, 375 wells at 374-375 record of 374-375 plate showing 374 water of, quahty of 154,158,179,180,235 Ti tonka, weUs near 653 Todd, J. E., method of weU-flow measme- ment by 123 Toledo, geology at 508 water supply at 511 wells at and near 511-512, 513 record of 512 water of, quality of 156, 234 Toolsborough, geology at 575 Topography, description of 45-54 See also particular counties. Toronto, geology near 381 weUs at 393 Torpedoing, use of 131 Tower, wells at 805 Towns, water supplies of 185-186 See also particular towns. Town wells, pollution of 196-197 Tracy, wells near 585, 590, 802 Traer, water supply at 512 weUsat 512-513 record of 513 water of, quality of 156 Trenton formation, change in name of 72-73 See also Platteville limestone; Decorah shale. 992 INDEX. Page. Tripoli, water supply at 272 wells near .' 265 Turkey River, flowing wells near 238, 292-293 geology along 75-76 springs along 104, 106 U. Underground conditions, knowledge of, im- portance of 32 Underground water. See Water, tmder- ground; particular counties. Union County, city and village supplies in. . 815 geology of 812-813 springs in 172, 814 topography of 46, 812 underground water of • 813-815 wells in 81^815 record of 814,815 water of, quality of 173 Urbana, wells at and near 361-362, 365 Ute, water supply at 863 weUs at and near 863, 864 Utica, wells at 596 V. Vail, water supply at 848 wells at and near 848, 849 Valley Junction, water supply at 742 wells at 742, 743 Van Buren County, city and village supplies in 593-594 flowing well in 594 geology of '. 592 topography of 591-592 underground water of 109, 593, 596 wells in 593-596 water of, quali-ty of 169 Vancleve, well near 724 Van Home, water supply at 362 wells at 362, 365 water of, quality of 156 Veo, wells at 543 Verdi, geology at 612 Victor, water supply at 405 Village Creek springs near 249 wells near 245 Village Creek (P.O.), wells at, water of, qual- ity of. 142, 180 Villages, water supplies of 185-186 See also particular villages, counties, etc. ViUisca, water supply at 938 weUs at, water of, quality of 176, 938 Vincent, well near " 762 Vining, wells at 510 weUs at, water of, quality of 156 Vinton, water supply of 362-365 weUs at 131,355,362-365 records of 363 plates showing 272, 352, 354 water of ■ 352 head of 122 quality of 154, 156, 180, 234 Viola, geology at 442 wells at , 451 Volga, wells at and near 298,299 Volga River, flowing wells near 238,293-294 W. Page. Wadena, springs at 332 well at 330 Walcott, water supply at 502 wells at, water of, quality of 159 Walker, geology at 442 wells at 450^51 Wall Lake, water supply at 886 wells at and near 886, 887 water of, quality of 152 Walnut, water supply at 959 Wapello, water supply at 579 wells at 575, 579-580 water of, quality of 168, 580 WapeUo County, city and vUlage supplies in 601-609 flowing wells in 601 geology of 597 topography of 596-597 underground water of 109, 597-609 wells in 598-609 records of. 599, 600, 606-609 water of, quaUty of 169 Wapsipinicon limestone, correlation of 80-81 distribution of, map showing Pocket. occurrence and character of 256, 281-283,353,423,443,494 water from 256, 282, 284 See also Devonian rocks. Wapsipinicon VaUey, description of 262, 264-265,281 weUs in 279-280 Warren, wells at 569 Warren Comity, flowing wells in 818 geology of 816 topography of 815-816 underground water of 816-818 wells in 816-818 water of, quality of 173, 817-818 Warsaw, 111. , well at, record of 568 Warsaw limestone, correlation of 84, 557 correlation of, plate showing 60 Washburn, wells at 258 Washing, drillings rendered misleading by. . . 36 Washington, geology at 72, 74, 81, 559 water supply of 612 wells at and near 612-616,618 records of '. . 613-616 plate showing 374, 548 water of, quality of 166, 168, 236 Washington County, city and village sup- plies in 612-617 geology of .'. 610-611 topography of 610 underground water of 109, 611, 618 wells in 612-618 records of 613-616 plates showing 374,548 water of, quality of 168 Washington Mills, spring at 319-320 Water, chemical composition of 135-183 chemical composition of, relation of, to corrosion 201-206, 218-222 relation of, to health 200-201 See also Analyses; Wells; particular districts, places, etc. corrosion by 203-206, 220-222 See also Mineral waters; Mineralized water. INDEX. 993 Page. Water, underground, climatic conditions conducive to supply of 5-t, 59 geologic classification of 91-92 geologic occurrence of 91-117 head of, map showing Pocket. pollution of 195-198 quality of, relation of, to geography 17S-183 plate showing 178 to geology 93-94 water supplies from 184-187 mineral content of 198-200 eflect of 200-206 See also Well waters; Artesian waters; particular counties. Water, underground, hard and soft, distribu- tion of - ... - 181-183 dstribution of, plate showing 178 Waterloo , flowing wells near 257 geology at 42, 75, 76, 78, 258, 260-262 springs near 257 water supply of 259 wells at and near 95, 257-258, 259-262 records of 260-262 plates showing 258, 272 water of, head of 121 quality of 143, 179, ISO Waterloo Ridge, geology of 246 Water softening, application of 212, 217-218 cost of 217 limits of 216-217 ' methods of 212-216 Water supplies, adequacy of 187 recovery of 188-195 sources of 184-187 selection of 187 See also Municipal and domestic supplies; Industrial supplies. Water table, depth to 91 Waterworks, distribution of, plate show- ing Pocket. number and character of 185 See also 'particular counties, water supply at. Waucoma, wells at 334 Waukon, geology at 240, 246-247 water supply of 252 wells at and near 246, 252, 253 record of 252 water of, quality of 142, 180 Waukon Junction , springs near 249 Waupeton, wells at 326 Waverly, geology at 65, 67, 73, 75, 78, 81, 262 water supply at 263, 272, 275 wells at 238, 272-275 record of 238, 273-275 plate showing 272 Waverly Sanction, wells at 275 Wayne County, city and village supplies in. 821-822 flowing wells in 821 geology of 818-819 topogTaphy of 818 underground water of 819-822 wells in 819-822 records of 820 water of, head of 821 quality of 174 Webster, geology at 551 wells at 554 36581°— wsp 293—12 63 Page. Webster City, water supply at 699 wells at and near 050, 698-099 record of 699-700 plate showing 258 water of, quality of ICO, 1G2, 180 Weljster County, city and village supplies in.... 757-761 flowing wells m 757,760-701 geology of 756 sprmgs in 757 topography of 755-756 underground water of 109, ICO, 756 wells in 757-762 records of 757-761 plates showing 258, 672 water of, quality of 160, 162 Weems, J. B., anah^ses b}- 43 Weller, wells at. 805 Wellman, water supply at 616-617 wells at 017 water of, quality of 168 Wells, age of, deterioration due to 120 clogging of 129, 190-192 remedies for 129, 131, 192-195 connection of, hy underground pipes 781, 822,910,918 depth of, in aquifer, importance of. 127, 193-194 depth to water in, forecasts of 41-42 diameters of 192-193 distribution of, map showing Pocket. drUling of 123-124, 188-190 finishing of , in sand 190-195, 826-827 geologic investigation of, data for 34 drillings from, collection of 34-36 study of 36-38 means of 33-34 geologic source of water in, doubtfulness of 93 pollution of 195-198 pressure in 126-127 rocks in, coiTClation of 38-41 sections of, plates showing. 238, 258, 272, 352, 354, 374, 382, 514, 526, 548, 670, 672, 824, 898 plates showing, location of, figure showing 898 torpedoing of 131, 612 water-bearing beds tu. See Aquifers. water supplies from 184-187 mineral content of 198-200 yield of 123-134 See also Yield of wells. See also Artesian water; particular dis- tricts, places, counties, etc. Wells, drainage, location and use of 661, 667-668 Wells, flowmg, distribution of, map show- ing Pocket. See also Artesian waters ; particular coun- ties, places, etc. Well samples. See DrUlings. Well waters, chemical investigation of, scope of 43 Welton, wells at 393,398 Wesley, wells at and near 653 record of 652 water of, head of 647,654 West Bend, water supply at 875 wells at 875 record of 871-872,875 994 INDEX. Page. West Bend, wells at, water of, head of 654, S73 wells at, water of, quality of 151 "West Branch, water supply at 375 West Burlington, well at 531 West-central district, precipitation in 56 See also Southwest district. West Chester, wells at 617 Westfield, well at, record of 257 Westgate, geology at 331 water supply at 334 wells at and near 334, 335 West Keokuk, well at - 570 West Liberty, water supply at 470-473 wells at and near 470-473,474-475 record of 471-i72 plate showing 670 water of, head of ' 133 quality 154, 159, 180 West Point, springs at 560 wells at and near 569,572,573 West Union, water supply at 334 wells at - , 334 water of, quality of 143, 235 What Cheer, wells at 554 wells at, water of, quality of 168 Wheatland, water supply of 393 wells at - - 393, 398 Wheatland Ridge, well on 254 Wheeler, W. D., aid of 44 White water sandrock, occurrence and char- acter of 5S4-5S5, 599, 795, 805 Whittemore, well at and near 653 wells at and near, record of 652 water of, head of 654 Wickhorst, M. H., aid of 44 Williams, I. A., on Ivindcrhook group 83 on coal-measures springs 710 Williamsbiu-g, water supply at 405-406 wells at 405-406 water of, quality of 155, 158, 236 Wilton, geology at 465 water supply at 473 wells at 473 record of 473 plate showing 670 water of 352 head of 133 quality of 154, 159 Winchell, N. H., on St. LawTcnce forma- tion 66 Winfield, wells at 537, 538, 539 wells at, water of, quality of 169 Winnebago, city and village supplies in 661-663 drainage wells in 661 geology of 659 topogra;phy of 659 underground water of 660-663 wells in 660-663 water of, head of 660 quality of 145 Winneshiek County, city and village supphes in 346-350 geology of 64,66,68,70,73,75,342-343 springs of. 106, 345-346 topography of 46,341 underground water of 343 wells in 98, 99, 104, 346-350 records of 346-348 water of, quaUty of 142 Winterset, geology near... 789 wells at and near 791-792 recordsof 791,792 water of, quaUty of 173 Winthrop, springs at 284 water supply at 285 Wisconsin drift, character of 52, 89 distribution of 52, 89 map showing Pocket. water m 115 See also 'particular county descriptions, pp. 619-76S, 823-896. Wisconsin drif,t province, area of, map show- ing Pocket. topography of 52-53, 731 water of 117 Vfoden, v/ells at, water of, quality of 145 Woodbine, water supply at 925-926 wells sX...\ 899, 920, 928 Woodbmrn, wells at, water of, quality of 174 Woodbury County, city and village supplies in 893-895 geology of 825, 891 springs in , 893 topography of 891 imderground water of 892-896 wells in 892-896 records of 893-895 water of, quality of 152 Woolson, wells at 543 Worth County, city and village supplies in. . 664 geology of 663 topography of 663 undergrormd water of 663-664 wells in 136, 663-664 water of, quality of 145 Worthington, wells at and near 310, 311,316,326,327 wells at and near, water of, quality of 144 Wright County, city and village supplies in. 667-669 drainage wells in 667 flowing wells in 666 geology of 619, 664 topography of 664 underground water of 665-669 wells in 665-669 water of, head of 666-667 quality of 147 Wyman, wells at 58Q Wyoming, water supply at 437 Y. Yarmouth, geology near 523 wells at and near 532 Yarmouth stage, deposits of 89 deposits of, occurrence and character of 556,574 water in 558 See also Buchanan gravel. Yellow River, spring head of 248 wells near 245 Yield of v/ells, decrease in, remedies for 130-131 decrease in, statistics of 131-134 factors affecting 123-130 measurement of 123 Z. Zearing, wells at, water of, quahty of 163 o GEOLOGIC MAP OF IOWA SHOWING ARTESIAN CONDITIONS AND ELEVATION OF ST. PETER SANDSTONE LtAp'13 w