Oass _ 3 Book / ksti GEIEALO&ICAL REGISTER OT.THfc PESCENDANTS IN THE MALE LINE QF DAVID ATWATER ONE OF THE ORIGINAL PLANTERS OF NEW HAVEN, CONN., TO THE FIFTH GENERATION, Tf NEW HAVEN: PRINTED BY J. H. BENHAM. 1851. NOTICE, The following Register has been prepared for the gratification of many of the descendants of David Atwater, who have expressed a desire to trace the line of their descent from him. Great care has been taken to make it correct 5 some errors, however, may possibly be found, and unquestionably there are many omissions. Information which will render the Register more complete and more correct, will be thankfully received by Rev* Edward E. Atwa- ter, 58 Court street, New Haven, Conn. To each name a number is prefixed which it always retains, and by which it may be easily distinguished ; and to allow omissions to be numbered when supplied, a gap in the numeration has usually been left between families. In regard to the orthography of the name, usage differs ; some writing Atwater, and others Attwater. The men who brought the name to this country have, each with his own hand, written it upon the Public Records of the New Haven Colony — 4he one David Atwa- ter and the other Joshua Atwater — in neither case using the letter t more than twice. Fugill, however, the first clerk of the Colony, wherever he has occasion to write the name, uses t three times. If the orthographical question is carried farther back than the first in- troduction of the name into America, it will be found that the name was originally written Attewater, in which form it may be found in Doomsday Book, like its cognates Attewell, Attewood, and some others which have now lost the prefix, as Attetownsend. Afterward the first e was dropped, and the name was written Attwater, as it is generally if not universally written in England to this day. It has been found impossible to designate those branches of the family who differ from the more commonly received method of spell- ing, which is, Atwater. INTRODUCTION. Joshua Atwater and Daviid AtwaTer were among the first planters of New Haven, as their autographs in the first volume of the Town Records sufficiently prove. Tradition says that the family of Joshua, in the male line, scon be* ^carne extinct ; and all researches yet made serve to confirm it. He was probably a married man at the time of his emigration, as his family is numbered as two persons in the list of planters. If this be so, he soon lost his Wife, for he married Mary Blackman, the daughter of a clergyman in Stratford, May 6th, 1651, by whom he had two sons and one or more daughters. The birth of his oldest son is recorded on the New Haven Town Records, and the baptism of two other children on the Records of the First Church, the birth of one of which may be found recorded on the Town Records of Milford. Previous to 1665, or early in that year> he removed to Boston, as in a deed dated " the 19th day of the 4th month (called We)" of that year, by which he conveyed to his brother David his house and lands 'in New Haven, he describes liimself as " Joshua Atwater of Boston, New England."* If it be true that the family of Joshua in the male line became ex- tinct, all in America who bear the name of Atwater are descendants of David. None have yet been fo&nd who could not trace their lineage, by means of this register, to him. * Town Records, Vol. 1662-1678, GENEALOGY. 1. David Atwater was one of the first planters of New Ha- ven, and in the first division of lands among the settlers, a farm was assigned him in the "Neck," as the tract between Mill and Quinni- piac Rivers was called, upon which it is believed he lived till his death, which occurred Oct. 5th, 1692. His children were — 2. Mercy, born Feb. 29, 1647 ; married John Austin. 3. Damaris, b. Nov. 12, 1648 ; m. John Punderson. 4. David, b. July 13, 1650. 5. Joshua, b. Jan. 11, 1652. 6. John, b. Nov. 1, 1654. 7. Jonathan, b. July 12, 1656. 8. Abigail, b. March 3, 1660 ; m. Nathaniel Jones. 9. Samuel, b. Sept. 17, 1664. 10. Ebenezer, b. Jan. 13, 1666. Second Generation. 4. David, son of David, lived in New Haven, where he died, Jan. 10, 1736. It is believed that he lived upon and cultivated a portion of the land which was originally assigned to his father. 11. Johannah, b. Feb. 29, 1682. 12. Abigail,h. Jan. 18, 1684. 13. Joshua, b. Jan. 29, 1687. 5. Joshua, son of David, moved to Wallingford, where he married Lydia Rothwell, June 24, 1680, and died soon after, leaving no children. 8 DECBraLANTfl or DAVID ATWATFR. 6. John, son of David, married Abigail Man-field, Sept 13, 1682, and settled in Wallingford, upon a farm which his father had purchased lor Joshua, who died before the land had been legally transferred t<> him. 20. John, 1). Aug. 17, 1683. 21. Abigail, b. Oct 17, 1685. 22. Merry, b. Feb. 6, 1687. 28. Hannah, b. Dec. 17, 1690. 24. Joshua, b. Sept. 18, 1699. •j."). Moses, b. July 17, 1696. 26. Phineas, b. Sept. 23, 1699, 21. Caleb, b. 28. Benjamin, b. Dec. 8, 170-. 29. Ebenezer, b. Feb. 6, 1709. 7. Jonathan, son of David, lived in Now Haven, where he married Ruth , June 1, 16^1, and died June 8, 1796. 96. Joshua, 1). Feb. 29, 1682 ; d. March 16, 1682. 31. David, b. Aug. 5, 1688. 32. Jeremiah, b. Jan. 31, 1684. 33. Mary, b. Dec. 31, 16«6 ; m. Isaac Dickennan. 34. Ruth, 1). Dec. 31, 1688 : m. Samuel Ives. 35. Jonathan, b. Nov. 4, 1690. :36. Lydia, b, April 28, 1693 : d. Aug. 2, 1694. 37. Joseph, b. Dee. 9, 1691. 38. Stephen, b. Dec. 4, 1696 : d. Oct. 28, 179 1. 89. Daman*, b. Oct. 9, 1698. 40. Lydia, b. July 81, 1701 ; d. March 80, 170 c . 9. Samuel, son of David, lived in New Haven, where he married Sarah Ailing, July 7, 1691, and died Sept. 17, 1742, 50. Samuel, b. July 14, 1692 ; d. Sept. 19, 1718. 51. Daniel, b. Sept 29, looi. 52. James, b. Dee. 28, 1696 : d. Dec. 10, 1722. 58. Sarah, b. Jan. 21, 1699 | A Julv 2. 1699. f>4. Dam, ins, b. Mav 21, 1700. 55. Caleb, b. Oct. 16, 1702. 56. Stepaew, b. Dec. 5, 1705, . r )7. ./,»///,, b. \«>v. 28, 1707 ; d. April 29, 1709. 58. John, b. An-. 1, 1709; d. Dec. 20, 1709. 59. Srth, b. Mav Hi, 1711 ; d. Feb. 1. 17 12. 10. Ebenezer, BOO of David, lived in New Haven, and niani.'d Abigail II- at.- n. Dec 9, 1691. 6,0. Sarah, b. April 6, 1698. oi. Mary, 1>. March 12, 1695. 69. Jam <. b. March 15, 1698. »'.;<. Abigail, b. June 1, 1700 ; in. Samuel BUhop. TMED iGENERATrON. 9 Third Generation. 12. Joshua, of New Haven, son of David, married Anns, Bradley, Nov. 22, 1721. He cultivated a portion of the original farm, and is remembered by one of his grandchildren who is still living. 70. David, b. Sept. 15, 1723. 71. Eunice, b. Aug. 7, 1730 ; m. — ■ -■■ Munson, 20. John, of Wallingford, son of John, married Elizabeth Mix Aug. 4, 1713. •80. Elizabeth, Ik ; m. — -*■ Ives. 81. Enos, b. Dec. 3, 1717. 82. John, b , 1718. 83. Sarah, b. 84. Stephen, b, 85. Titus, b. 86. Amos, b. '; died without issue. 87. Hannah, b. ; m. Bela Hitchcock. 24- Joshua, of Wallingford, son of John, married Mary Peck> Jan. 17, 1723, and Sarah Yale, Sept. 4, 1740, and died Nov. 29> 1747. 90. Joshua, b. March 8., 1724 ; d. 1747. 91. Mary, b. Feb. 12, 1727. 92. Caleb, b. Sept. 5, 1741. 25. Moses, of Wallingford, son of John, married Saran Merri* man, Dec. 28, 1722, and Mary Hotchkiss, April 22* 1734. 100. Abigail, b. Sept. 13, 1725. 101. Sarah, b. Oct. V9, 1727, 102. Moses, b. Nov. 22, 1729, 103. Mercy, b. Aug. 15, 1731. 104. Elihu, b. Jan. 18, 1735, 105. David, b. Feb. 23, 1736. 106. Mary, b. Aug. 1, 1737. 107. Hannah, b. May 1, 1739. 26. Phineas, of Wallingford, son of John, married Mary Ward, Nov. 9, 1727, and died Oct. 1781. 110. Reuben, b. Oct. 13, 1728. 111. William, b. 112. Thomas, b. Aug. 14, 1733. 113. Phineas, b. Dec. 12, 1735. 114. Damaris, b. 115. Merab, b. Feb. 8, 1741 ; d. Sept. 13, 1754, 116. Ambrose, b. Dec. 19, 1743. 2 10 DESCENDANTS OF DAVID AT WATER. 27. Caleb, of Wallingfbrd, son of John, named Mehetable Mix, Nov. 10, 1726. 120. Sarah, b. Nov. 28, 1727. 121. Eunicetb. Sept. 10, 1786. 28. Benjamin, of Wallingfbrd, son of John, married Elizabeth Porter, Nov. 28, 1732. 130. EIizabeth,h. April 25, 1731; d. April 10, 17.")!. 131. Mary, b. Dec. 30. 173."). 132. Comfort, b. Sept. 10, 1710 : d. Jan. 22, 17.")7. 133. Benjamin, b. Jan. 9, 175] ; d. Jan. 19, 17.") I. 29. Ebenezer, of Wallingfbrd, son of John, married Jane Andrews, Dee. 30, 1737. 140. Caleb, b. Sept. 9, 1738. 141. Samuel, b. Jan. 30, 1740. 142. Ebenezer, b. Jan. 13, 1742; no information. 143. Ephraim, b. Nov. 27, 1743. 144. Esther, b. Feb. 4, 1746. 145. Elizabeth, b. April, 13, 1749. 146. Abigail, b. Sept. 19, 1754. 147. Comfort, b. March 16, 1757. 31. David, of New Haven, son of Jonathan, married Ruth Bradley, June 25, 1712, and Tabitha Whithead, Dec. 2, 17 ie, and died May 1, 1727. 150. Mary, b. Aug. 19, 1713. 151. Stephen, b. Nov. 15, 1715. 152. Ruth, b. Seat. 20, 1719 j A ■ 1739. 153. Jonathan, b. .March 10, L7! 154. David, b. June 4. 1725 ; no information. 32. Jeremiah, of New Haven, son of Jonathan, married Lvdia Rosewell, April «>, 1713. and died Oct 27, 1732. 100. Lydia, b. On. 1-. 1715. 35. Jonathan, of New Haven, son of Jonathan, married Abi- gail Bradley, Dec. 15, 1718, ami Martha Bradley, Dec. 5, l" no. Paefte, Oct 20, 17 U: nv Caleb Hotoaiisa. 171. Abraham, b. Nov. 10, \~ 16, 172. Enuic, b. Oct 21, 1718. L78. JoeoO, b. Jan. 22, I72r. H I. Jonathan, b. Oct 12, I i::.. ./.../„•/,, b. Oct a i L76. .I"', b, Dec 12, I 177. -W-, aU, b. Way l. 1" 178. ./' /' mtaa, b. D< c. 5, 1784. 170. tyrfta, b. Oct 80, 1786. 180 \ not, b.Oct 1788; d : THIRD GENERATION. 1 1 37. Joseph, son of Jonathan, married Hannah Doolittle, of Wallingford, Sept. 10, 1722 ; moved to Wallingford between the births of Benjamin and Joseph, and died there Jan. 9, 1766. 190. Sarah, b. Aug. 12, 1723, 191. Hannah, b. July 15, 1725. 192. Benjamin, b, April 7, 1727. 193. Joseph, b. Aug. 29, 1729. 194. Thankful, b. May 14, 1733. 195. Jeremiah, b. April 24, 1736 ; no information. 51. Daniel, of New Haven, son of Samuel, married Abigail Tuttle, July 23, 1717. s 200. Samuel, b. June 1, 1718. 201. Sarah, b. Sept. 12, 1719. 202. John, b. March 14, 1721. 203. Abigail, b. Aug. 8, 1722 ; d. Dec. 17, 1740. 204. Mary, b. Dec. 22, 1723. 205. Ann, b. June 4, 1725. 206. Damaris, b. Dec. 30, 1727. 207. Daniel, b. July 8, 1730. 208. Abel, b. June 23, 1734 ; d. April 2, 1744. 55. Caleb, of New Haven, son of Samuel, married Lydia Benham, April 6, 1727, and Abigail Bradley, Dec. 18, 1729. 210. Lydia, b. April 3, 1729. 211. Hannah, b. Dec. 31, 1730. 212. Dorcas, b. Aug. 26, 1733. 213. James, b. Sept. 1, 1734. 214. Esther, b. July 31, 1736. 215. Sarah, b. June 19, 1739. 216. Lois, b. April 2, 1742. 217. Eunice, b. March 14, 1744. 218. Caleb, b. Oct. 30, 1745 ; no information. 219. Eunice, ) , T , rt , t«. 220. Stephen, \ b " Jul ^ 21 ' 1748 " 56, Stephen, of New Haven, son of Samuel, married Abigail Bradley ; lived at East Farms ; died Jan. 3, 1759. 230. Stephen, b. May 16, 1733 ; d. Sept. 16, 1742. 231. Mary, b. March 7, 1736. 232. Timothy, b. Aug. 9, 1739 ; d. Sept. 16, 1742. 233. Abigail, b. Aug. 2, 1742 ; m. Denslow. 234. Sarah, b. July 14, 1745. 62. James, of New Haven, son of Ebenezer, married Dinah Sherman, July 12, 1722, and Elizabeth Ailing, March 4, 1740. He died July 10, 1766. 12 DESCENDANTS OF DUTD AT WATER. 240. James, b. Oct. 12, 1724; taken prisoner in the vrar of the Revolution, and never heard from. 241. Abigail, b. Nov. 19, 1727. 242. Elijah, 6. Jan. 6, 17:30 ; d. July SO, 1731. 243. Elijah, b. Jan. 17, 1732 ; probably died young. 244. Lydia, b. Aug. 25, 1734 ; d. Jan. 19, 17*1 3. 245. Rachel, b. April 20, 1737 ; in. Jonah Bradley. 246. Timothy, b. Oct. 21, 1742^ cL Aug. 22, 1748. 247. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 3, 1745. 248. P/teta, be Nor. 24, 1747. 249. Timothy, b. Nov. 2, 1749. 250. Lydia,'h. April 10, 1752. Fourth Generation. 70- David, of New Haven, son of Joshua, lived at Ka^t Farms ; married Elizabeth Basset, Nov. 25 r 1746, and afterward Mrs. Al»ia* Cooper. 260. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 30, 1748 ; m. Jonah. Hotchk 261. Medad,) , ,, , 00 _._. 262. JB^ b ^ rch23 » 175L 263. Joshua, b. May 13, 1753. 264. Anna, b. May 3, 1755 ; m . John Hubbard. 265. David, b. Dec. 8, 1756. 266. Jared, b. Sept. 24, 175s 267. Rebecca, b. April 27, 1760 ; m. James Prescott. 268. Eunice, b. June 2, 1762; m. Eli Hotchkise. 269. Phebe, b. May 5, 1764 ; m. Elnathan Tyler. 270. Rhoda, b. Mav 13. 1700 ; io. Isaac Townsend. 271. Ezra, b. Nov. 23, 1768 ; d. March 3, 177 1. 81- Enos, of Wallingford, son of John, married Hannah Moss. July 9, 1741. 280. Heman, b. March 4, 1743; d. Sept. 27, 1752. 281. Asaph, b. Aug. 1, 1745. 282. Mehetabel, b. Jan. 23, 17 17. 283. EttOi, b. Oct. 25, 174S ; died in Virginia. 284. Eunice, b. Sept. , 17 50. . Heman, b. Aug. 29, 175ft, 286. Keeia, b. Oct 10, 1754. 287. bine, b, Nov, 17, 1766, 288. Titus, b. J;m. 6, 1761. 82. John, of Wallingfbrd, boo of John, married Hannah Thomp- son, Feb. 22, 17 11. 290. Jeremiah, b. Nov. 10, 1744, 201, Phebe, b. tan. 11, 17 17; m. Dutton. FOURTH GENERATION. 13 292. Hannah, b. Feb. 17, 1749 ; m. Samuel Hull. 293. John, b. Sept. 5, 1751. 294. Jesse, b. 295. Mary, b. ; m. Peck of Waterbury. 84. Stephen, of Wallingford, son of John, married Hannah Hotchkiss, Feb. 23, 1744. 300. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 12, 1746 ; m. Ebenezer Tuttle. 301. Lois, b ; m. John Upson. 302. Stephen, b. Sept. 4, 1749 ; d. Aug. 25, 1750. 303. Sarah, b. Nov. 25, 1751 ; m. Enos Johnson. 304. Hannah, b. Nov. 27, 1754 ; m. John Hall. 305. Naomi, ) b. Aug. 17, 1750 ; m. Enos Bunnel. 306. Ruth, ) b. Aug. 17, 1756 ; m. Jonathan Hall. 307. Stephen, b. May 13, 1758. 85. Titus, of Wallingford, son of John, married Margaret Scott, Dec. 14, 1758. 310. Chloe, b. Sept. 29, 1750 ; m. Samuel Cook. 311. Amos, b, June 12, 1752. 312. Merriam, b. , 1754 ; m. Calvin Cowles. 313. Rhoda, b. May 15, 1756 ; m. Judd. 92. Caleb) of Wallingford, married Abigail Jones; and for his second wife, Ruth Wads worth, Jan. 22, 1776. 320. Sarah, b. July 19, 1767. 321. Mary, b. April 23, 1769. 322. Lucy, b. Dec. 8, 1770. 323. Joshua, b. Feb. 8, 1773. 324. James Wadsworth, b. June 30, 1777 ; d. Oct. 30, 1777. 325. Abigail, b. Dec. 13, 1778. 326. Catharine, b. 327. Ruth,b. 102. Moses, of Wallingford, son of Moses, married Eunice Newton, Dec. 18, 1754. 330. Sarah, b. Nov. 16, 1755. 104. Elihu, of Wallingford, son of Moses, married Abiah -. 340. Freeman, b. Feb. 16, 1766. 341. Mary, b. March 2, 1767. 342. Abiah, b. Nov. 3. 1769. 343. Fally, b. Jan. 23, 1773. 344. Elihu, b. June 9, 1776. 345. Jesse, b. 105. David, son of Moses, was " a noted apothecary" in New Haven. He married Eunice Thompson, of Stratford, Nov. 15, 1770, 14 DESCENDANTS OF DAVID ATWATT.R. and was killed in a skirmish with the British troops at Cumpo Hill, April 28, 1777. 350. Chester, b. Dec. 21, 1772; d. March 31, 1773. 351. Chester, b. April 14, 1774 : died without issue. 852. Sylvester, b. Feb. 17, 1776 ; d. Sept. 9, 1776. 353. David, b , 1777 ; graduated at Yale College in 1797, and died ID 1605. 101. Reuben, of Wallingford, son of Phineas, married Sarah Hull, April 29, 1752, and Mary Russel, Jan. 28, 1755, and died Aug. 19, 1801. 360. Sarah, b. June 14, 1753. 3G1. Merab, b. June 19, 1757 ; m. Hon. Stephen R. Bradley. 3(5-2. Phineas, b. Nov. 25, 1758; d. .March 22, 1777. 363. Elizabeth Mary Ann, b. Sept. 1700 ; m. Andrew Hull, Jr. 364. Russel, b. June 20, 1762. 365. Nabby, I b. April 2, 1764 ; m. Dr. Elnathan Beach. 366. Amaryllis, \ b. April 2, 1764 ; m. Titus Street. 367. Reuben, b. May 18, 1767. 111. William, of Wallingford, son of Phineas, married Esther Tuttle, Jan. 31, 1754. 370. Rufus, b. Nov. 29, 1754. 371. iAiman, b. Feb. 8, 1757 ; no information. 372. WiOiam, b. Feb. 16, 1759; no information. 373. Chloc, b. Sept. 21, 1763. 374. Ira, (daughter,) b. June 21, 1765, 375. Ascnath, b. Oct. 30, 1768. 376. Esther, b. Oct. 4, 1771. 112. Thomas, of Wallingford, son of Phineas. married Love Hull, Dec. 8, 1757. 113. Phineas married Mary , and Widow Hannah of Goshen, June 15, 1768. 390. Ward, b. 1760. 116. Ambrose, of Wallingford, son of Phineast married Sarah Tryon. 400. Amelia, b. July X, 1767 ; m. ThaddeUfl Tuttle. 401. Limit, b. Feb. 28, 1769. 402. Jonathan, b. Oct, IS 1770. 403. \mhrosr, b. April 5. 1773; ,1. June 28, 1778. 404. Thomas, b. April 19, 1775. 405. Sarah, li. Feb. 11. 1777 ; m. Ajt I .yon. 406. Maty, b. Oct 17, 177- : in. Peter B. Smith. 407. Phineas,]). July 12, 17-0. FOURTH GENERATION. 15 408. Merab, b. April 17, 1782 ; m. John P. Wetmore. 409. Clara C, b. May 6, 1786 ; m. Joshua Fuller. 410. William, b. May, 9, 1789. 140. Caleb, of Wallingford, son of Ebenezer, married Phebe 420. Anne, b. Nov. 17, 1765. 421. Ebenezer, b. Feb. 16, 1768 ; no information. 141. Samuel, of Wallingford, son of Ebenezer, married Hannah Bristol, May 5, 1768. 430. Sylvia, b. Feb. 21, 1769. 431. Meriel, b. May 11, 1771. 432. Samuel, b. Oct. 7, 1773; no information. 433. Joshua, b. Feb. 20, 1779 ; no information. 143. Ephraim, of Wallingford, son of Ebenezer, married^ , and died Oct. 22, 1776. 440. Lowly, b. Oct. 16, 1772. 441. Eunice, b. Sept. 18, 1774. 442. Ephraim, b. March 5, 1777 ; no information. 151, Stephen, son of David, moved to Meriden, then in the town of Wallingford. He married Elizabeth . 450. Ruth, b. June 6, 1740. 451. Stephen, b. Sept. 16, 1742. 452. Eunice, b. Sept. 28, 1744. 453. David, b. Aug. 31, 1747; died unmarried. 454. Mary, b. Jan. 25, 1750 ; m. Merriam. 455. Elizabeth, b. July 27, 1752. 456. Christopher, b. Jan. 6, 1757 ; d. Sept. 10, 1776. 457. Isaac, b. Dec. 4, 1758. 153. Jonathan, of New Haven, son of David, married Sarah Beach of Wallingford, Jan, 23, 1745. 460. Elnathan, b, Jan. 2, 1746 ; died about 1764. 461. Thomas, b. Dec. 16, 1747. 462. Silas, b. March 20, 1750 ; d. July 24, 1751. 463. Sarah, b. June 21, 1752 ; m. Willard Brintnall, and Deacon Wm. Atwater, of Milford. 464. Silas, b. Dec. 16, 1754 ; d. June 10, 1755. 465. Elisha, b. Dec. 20, 1758 ; d. Feb. 14, 1768. 466. Lois, b. ; m. Dunwell. 171. Abraham, son of Jonathan, married Mary Ball, 1738, and settled in Cheshire, then a part of Wallingford, where his de- scendants still reside. 470. Esther, b. Dec. 19, 1738. 10 DESCENDANTS OF DAVID ATWATER. 471. Mary, b. April 28, 1740. 472. Chloe, b. Oct. 27, 1742. 473. Isaac, b. .Juno 15, 1710. 474. Lois, b. June 12, 1749. 475. Timothy, b. Oct. 30, 1751. 476. Abigail, b. 477. Samuel, b. — , 1757. 478. Esther, b. Dec. 10, 1763. 172. Isaac, of New Haven, son of Jonathan, married Dorothy Mix, Dec. 9, 1742, and died Oct. 7, 1770. 480. Hannah, b. Sept. 8, 1743. 481. Amos, b. Jan. 19, 1745 ; died young. 482. Sarah, b. Sept. 21, 1746. 483. Amos, b. Jan. 2, 1750 ; no information. 173- Jacob, of New Haven, now Hamden, son of Jonathan, married Merriam Ives, Feb. 10. 1748, and died Dec. 11, 1799. 490. Enos, b. April 10, 1750. 491. Noah, b. Jan. 3, 1752. 492. Mabel, b. Jan. 31, 1753 ; m. Levi Basset. 493. Lydia, b. Feb. 11, 1756 ; m. Theophilus Ba — 494. Jotham, b. Nov. 17, 1757 ; killed by the British at While Plains, Oct. 28, 1776. 495. Jason, b. May 5, 1759. 396. Elisha, b. July 8, 1761. 497. Mary, b. Feb. 7, 1763 ; m. Davenport Williams. 498. A™, b. Aug. 8, 1704. 499. Merriam, b. Sept. 2, 1768 ; d. Nov. 6, 1787. 174. Jonathan, son of Jonathan, settled in Bethany, where he died, February 24, 1797. 500. Amos, 1). 5oi. Jesse, b. 502. Moses, b. ; no information. 503. David, b. ; no information. 504. , b. ; m. Ires, 175. Jonah, of New Havon, son of Jonathan, married Ljdia llol. brook, Doc. 26, 1753, and for a second wife Rachel . He diod Nov. 10, 1-11. 510. Ilohhrook, b. tag, 20. 1768, 511. Esther, b. Sept B, 1"' ;,r_\ lluldah, 1». Oct. 20, L708, 176. Joel, of Now Havon, son of Jonathan, married Abiali Baldwin, Deo. 28, 1708, tad died Nov. 30, 1794. 520. Ahah. 1). Oct 6. 1764 FOURTH GENERATION. 17 521. Rebecca, b. March 21, 1766. 522. Abigail, b. Feb. 8, 1768. 523. Joel, b. Nov. 1, 1769. 524. Mary, b. Feb. 9, 1772 ; d. 1774. 525. Mary, b. July 16, 1774 ; m. Luther Bradley. 178. Jeremiah, of New Haven, son of Jonathan, was for many years Steward of Yale College. He married Anna Mix, April 20, 1757 ; Catherine Gale, of Killingworth, April 6, 1780 ; and afterward > Saltonstall. He died Nov. 12, 1811. 530. Stephen, b. July 27, 1758. 531. Lydia, b. April 4, 1761 ; d. April 14, 1761. 532. Lydia, 2d, b. Aug. 9, 1762 ; d. Sept. 28, 1763. 533. Anna, b. Sept. 28, 1764 ; m. Jeremiah Townsend. 534. Jeremiah M., b. Feb. 15, 1767. 535. Joseph, b. May 27, 1770. 536. William, b. Aug. 9, 1772 ; d. Aug. 21, 1776. 537. Rebecca Lydia, b. March 4. 1778. 538. William, b. June 14, 1782; d. Sept. 11, 1784. 192- Benjamin, of Wallingford, now Cheshire, son of Joseph, married Phebe -. 540. Joseph, b. 541. Sarah, b. April 26, 1756. 542. Benjamin, b. Sept. 26, 1757 ; no information. 543. Titus, b. Aug. 29, 1759 ; d. unmarried. 544. Moses, b. May 12, 1765. 545. Aaron, b. ; d. Nov. 10, 1776. 546. Joel, b. April 22, 1769 ; no information. 547. Anna, b. Aug. 23, 1777 ; d. Aug. 29, 1777. 548. Jeremiah, b. 193, Joseph, of Wallingford, son of Joseph, married Phebe Hall, Aug. 18, 1756. He died Aug. 22, 1769. 550. Phebe, b. Oct. 15, 1757 ; d. Jan. 19, 1766. 200- Samuel, son of Daniel, lived in a part of New Haven which is now Hamden ; married Sarah Ball, Dec. 26, 1744. 560. Abel, b. April 15, 1746. 561. Susanna, b. April 15, 1748 ; d. Jan. 7, 1752. 562. Abigail, b. Nov. 17, 1749. 563. Samuel, b. Jan. 20, 1751 ; d. July 1, 1753. 564. Stephen, b. Dec. 29, 1752 ; no information. 565. Samuel, b. Sept, 23, 1754. 566. John, b. Dec. 24, 1757. 567. Caleb, b. Dec. 28, 1759 ; no information. 568. Richard Newman, b. May 3, 1762 ; d. Aug. 10, 1762. 3 18 DESCEND vNiS OF DAVID ATW.V; I 569. Sarah, b. Oct 81, 1" 570. Susanna, b. Dec. 29, 1700. 571. Timothy, b. 572. Richard, b. 202. John, of New B[avett, son of Daniel, also lived in what is now Hamden, lie married Mary Ailing. Jan. 25, 1749. 580. John, b. Nov. 21, 1751 ; d. Jan. 4, 1752. 207. Daniel, of New Haven, son of Daniel, lived on a portion of the original Atwater farm. He married Sarah Hani-, Feb 26, 1756, and Lois Mansfield, Aug. 13, 1701. 590. Zopher, b. June 28, 1750. 591. Enos, b. Nov. 22, 1758 ; no information. 592. Jchabod. b. Feb. 11, 1761. 593. Sarah, b. June 10, 1762. 594. Simeon, b. Sept. 11, 1763; no information. 595. Lois, b. 596. Sarah, b. Jan. 18, 1767. 213. James, son of Caleb. [The marriage of James Atwater, of The Nine Partners, N. Y., with the widow Lois Todd, Dec. 9, 1756, is recorded on the New Haven Town Records. Perhaps it was this individual.] 220. Stephen, of New Haven, son of Caleb, married Eunice Grannis, Nov. 15, 1775. 010. Daniel, b. : <1. March 2. 1770. oil. Lyman, b. Nov. 11, 1775: no informal 249, Timothy, of Mew Haven, ton of Jam.'-. 620. Betsey, b. .Ian. 27, 1777 ; m. John Hunt. 021. Sally, b. Nov. 23, I779j m. Jesse Hunt". 622. Susan, b. Julj 22, 1781; m. William Culler. 02:5. James, 1». July 1. 1783. 624. Charles, b. Aug. 28, 1785. 625. Henry, b. April 30, 1788 ; d. March 22, 1807, Trinidad, W.I. 626. Harriet, 1». March 9, 1790; m. Rev. James W. Tucker. 627. Robert, 1.. Peb. 26, 17!):*. Julia, b. Feb. 24, 1795; m. George Raymond. 629. Jennett, 1.. March 2, 17i»i) ; m. Leonard Daggett, Fifth <;. 323. Joshua, of Wallingford, son of Caleb, m. Elizabeth Cook, Oct 22, 1798. 7.">o. Elizabeth^ b. tag. i. 1794 ; m. John Barker. 751. Caroline, b. June 17. 1796; m. Jared P. Rutland. 752. Emily, b. Feb. 7. 1798; m. Friend Cook. 753. AbigaU, b. Dec. 28, I800j d. Sept 23, 1823. 754. Mary, b. Oct. 18, 1809 j d. July 24, 1804. FIFTH GENERATION. 21 755. Caleb, b. July 11, 1804. 756. Joshua, b. Aug. 26, 1806. 757. Thomas C, b. Aug. 20, 1808. 758. Lucretia, b. June 26, 1810; d. June 29, 1822. 759. Edgar, b. Oct. 12, 1812. 760. John. b. Jan 19, 1815. 761. William, b. Aug. 5, 1817. 762. Mary Ann,b. May 29, 1819 ; m. Lieut. Garret Barry. 340, Freeman, son of Elihu, went to Canandaigua, N. Y. 344. Elihu, son of Elihu, went to the South. 345. Jesse, son of Elihu, married Widow Hudson ; was Post- master in New Haven, and left no children. 364. Russell, of Wallingford, son of Reuben, m. Clarissa Chapman, Oct. 24, 1790, and d. Oct. 3, 1798. 800. Phineas, b. Nov. 10, 1791. 801. Merab, b. April 28, 1793; d. March 19, 1794. 802. Russell C, b. Jan. 8, 1795 ; d. Dec. 22, 1823. 803. Frederick, b. Nov. 6. 1796. 804. Henry, ) b. Sept. 21, 1798. 805. Thomas, \ b. Sept. 21, 1798 ; d. April 15, 1803. 367. Reuben, of Wallingford, son of Reuben, married Eliza Willard, and Sarah Lamb ; and died Feb, , 1831. 810. Catherine, b. 811. Clinton Edward, b. ; no issue. 370. Rufus, son of William, married Mary Tuttle in Walling- ford, Dec. 18, 1777. 390. Ward, son of Phineas, married Abiah Atwater, (520), and died in New Haven in 1822. 830. Rebecca, b. Sept. 23, 1787 ; d. Sept. 22, 1788. 831. Harriet, b. Feb. 23, 1789 ; d. May , 1795. 832. James, b. May 1, 1790; d. Oct. 21, 1791. 833. James Ward, b. Feb. 11, 1794 ; d. Dec. 8, 1820. 834. William, b. June 20, 1795 ; d. Jan. , 1810. 835. Harriet, b. March 14, 1797 ; d. Sept. , 1798. 836. Abigail, b. Sept. 4, 1798 ; d. Nov. 11, 1799. 837. Richard, b. March 25, 1802; d. Oct. 3, 1848. 838. Edward, b. June 29, 1803. 839. Charlotte, b. Sept. , 1804. 401. Linus, son of Ambrose, married Esther Hotchkiss, and Mary Hotchkiss. 840. Albert, b. 841. Eliza, b. '-'2 DESCENDANTS OF D \\ ID dTW 11 El. 842. Maria, b. 843. E, March 28, 1780. 920. Hannah Hotckkiss, b. Feb. 18, 1781. 921. Richard,b. Feb. 10. 1" :r.-j. Tempo, b. Sept 11, 17-7. 923. Anns 2tfaria, !>. lug. 28, 1789. 924. Beteev, 1>. Dec 9, 1794. 926. bTeraft, b. June 22, 1797. . Mil, Ida. b. Jane 5, 1805. 457. Isaac, son of Stephen, married Lucy Rferriam, tag, 980. Mary, b. M.iv 2, 17-1. FIFTH GENERATION. 23 461- Thomas, of New Haven, son of Jonathan, married Mar- garet Macomber, May 23, 1772. 940. Elnathan, b. Jan. 31, 1773. 941. Sarah, b. Oct. 10, 1774 ; d. , 1775. 942. Jonathan, b. April 30, 1776. 643. Thomas, b. April 15, 1778. [ 944. Elisha, b. July 15, 1780 ; lost at sea, Jan. 1810. 945. Nancy, b. Jan. 15, 1783 ; m. Elihu Mix. 946. Sally, b. April 14, 1785. 947. Margaret, b. June 15, 1787. 473- Isaac, of Prospect, son of Abraham, married Eunice , May 16, 1771, and died Sept. 13, 1776, at New York. 950. Pamelia, b. March 28, 1772. 951. Abraham, b. March 8, 1774. 952. Hannah, b. Oct 15, 1775. 475- Timothy, of Cheshire, son of Abraham, married Lucy 960. Deborah, b. May 28, 1773. 961. Lucy Ann, b. Aug. 8, 1775. 962. Cata, b. Oct. 18, 1777. 963. Isaac, b. Oct. 5, 1779. 964. Lucinda Mira, b. March 4, 1782. 965. Timothy Glover, b. July 20, 1784. 966. Charlotte, b. July 22, 1786. 967. Phineas, b. Jan. 20, 1789. 968. Esther, b. July 1, 1791. 969. Aaron, b. March 11, 1793. 477. Samuel, of Cheshire, son of Abraham, married Patience 980. Flamen, b. March 30, 1783. 981. Roxanna, b. Jan. 15, 1785. 982. Nancy, b. May 15, 1787. 983. Nancy, 2d, b. Sept. 13, 1789. 984. Mary Ann, b. Jan. 4, 1792. 985. Patience, b. March 13, 1794. 986. Nobby Ann, b. Dec. 13, 1797. 987. Abigail Ann, b. Oct. 17, 1800. 988. Lois, b. July 15, 1803. 989. Lois Maria, b. Feb. 13, 1806. 490- Enos, of New Haven, now Hamden, son of Jacob, married Lois Ailing, and died Dec. 23, 1802. 990. Rhoda, b. Oct. 16, 1774 ; m. Samuel Sanford. 991. Amzi, b. May 23, 1776. 992. Jotham, b. Oct. 15, 1779. 24 DESCENDANTS OF DAVID ATWATEE. 993. Lot*, b. June 23, 1784; m. Samuel Judson. 994. Merriam, b. Jan. 7, 1788; m. David Pond. 995. Mary, b. Nov. 5, 1792 ; m. Hezekiah Hine. 491. Noah, son of Jacob, graduated at Yale College in 1774 ; married Rachel Lyman, and settled in the ministry at Weetfield, Mass. ; afterward he married Anna Lockwood. He died Jan. 25, 180 -. Children by his first wife : 1000. William, b. 1001. Lucy,b. ; died unmarried. 595- Jason, son of Jacob, graduated at Yale College in 1781| and settled in the ministry at Branford, married Anna Williams ; and died June 10, 1794. 1010. Anna, b. ; m. James Peck. 496. Elisha, son of Jacob, lived in New Haven, now Hamden, and married Eunice Bartholomew. He died Feb. 9, 1813. 1020. Edward, b. 498. Asa, son of Jacob, lived in New Haven, now Hamden, and married Betsey Cotter. He died March 3, 1814. 1030. Jason, b. 500. Amos, of Bethany. 1031. Merriam, b. . m. Andrews. 1032. Ira, b. 1033. Rhoda, b. ; m. Isaac Hotchki--. 1034. Nancy, b. ; m. Eldad Hotchkiss. 1035. Amos, b. 510. Holebrook, of New Haven, son of Jonah, had several daughters, but so far as ascertained no sons. 523. Joel, of New Haven, son of Joel. 1050. Frederic Isaac, b. 1051. Will tarn Townsend, b. 1062. Harriet Maria, b. 1053. Harriet Maria, 2d, b. 1054. Elixa Ann, b. 1055. (>racc Ann, b. 1056. Eliiahcth Ann, 1), 530. Stephen, o( Now Haven, boo o\ Jeremiah, Rebecca Gorham. 1060. Betsey, b. Dec 21, L780. 1061. Thaddem, b. Jul] 5, K789. 1062. LtfctNf, b. N.n-. 15, i>i FIFTH GENERATION, 25 1063. Catherine, b. March 14, 1787. 1064. Anna Mix, b. Jan. 2, 1789. 534. Jeremiah M., of New Haven, sou of Jeremiah, married Elizabeth Dagget, Feb. 4, 1789, and Mary Cutler, Feb. 15, 1793. 1070. William C, b. Nov. 24, 1793. 1071. Harriet C, b. Sept. 20, 1795. 1072. Elizabeth Dagget, ) b. May 7, 1797. 1073. Mary, \ b. May 7, 1797 ; d. Aug. 3, 1798. 1074. Mary, b. June 29, 1799. 1075. Susan Howel, b. March 25, 1801. 1076. Martha, b. April 24, 1805. 1077. Harriet, b. Oct. 24, 1809. 535- Joseph, of New Haven, son of Jeremiah, married Sarah Thomas. 1080. Sarah, b. ; m. Brown. 1081. Eliza,b. ; m. Zelotes Day. 1082. Joseph, b. 1083. Mix, b. 1084. Job, b. 1085. James, \ , 1086. John, ] D * 540. Joseph, of Cheshire, son of Benjamin, married Hannah Hitchcock, Sept. 17, J783. 1090. Joseph Hall, b. Feb. 29, 1784. 1091. Phebe, b. Nov. 25, 1786. 1092. Almon, b. March 5, 1788. 1093. Hannah, b. April 20, 1790. 1094. Truman, b. April 17,-1796. 544- Moses, of Canandaigua, N. Y. Family not ascertained. 548. Jeremiah, of Canandaigua, N. Y. Family not ascer- tained. 560. Abel, son of Samuel, deacon in a church in Litchfield, died in Ashtabula County, Ohio. 2020. Cornelius, b. Sept. 21, 1777. 2021. Chauncey, b. 2022. Sarah, b. 2023. Athalia, b. 2024. Samuel, b. .2025. Betsey, b. 2026. Lyman.K 565. Samuel, of Hamden, son of Samuel. 2030. Jared, b. Jan. 4, 1780. 2031. Chloe, b. July 24, 1781. 4 20 DESCENDANTS OF DAVID ATWATER. 2032. Ruth, b. March 19, 1783. 2033. Samuel, b. 2084. Stephen Wooster, b. 2035. Catherine, b. 2036. Obedience, b. 2037. Mary, b. 566. John, son Samuel, moved to Genoa, Cayuga Co., N. V. 590. Zopher, of Hamden, son of Daniel. 2050. John, b. 592. Ichabod, son of Daniel. 2089. Leveret, b. 623. James, of New Haven, son of Timothy, married Nancy Ailing. 2110. Henry, b. 2111. Harriet, b. 2112. Maria, b. 2113. William, b. 2114. Julia, b. 2115. Albert T., b. 2116. Edward, b. 2117. Francis, b. 624. Charles, of New Haven, son of Timothy, m a rried Lucy Root, Jan. 8, 1808, and Mary Tenbrook, Aug. 14, 1822. 2120. Sarah, b. Nov. 29, 1808. 2121. Ellen, b. May 18, 1810; d. Dec. 2, 1821. 2122. Lucii, b. April 13, 1813; d. Sept. 13, 18 15, 2123. Joel, b. Dec. 20, 1811 ; d. May 16, 1812. 2124. Charles, b. Jan. 2, 1815. 2125. Elizabeth, b. March 11, 1818. 2126. Henry, b. Oct. 7, 1819. 2127. Lucy, b. March 11, 1821. 627. Robert, of New Haven, son of Timothy, married Hetty Nott. 2130. George, b. 2131. Jenndtc, 1>. ; m. Edwin Street. 2182. Leonard, b. 2133. Maria, b. 2131. Eliuihtth, b. 2185. Robert, b. INDEX A. Born. No. Born. No. Born. No. 1756. Ann, 287 1774. Chester, 351 Aaron, 545 1765. « 420 1750. Chloe, 310 1793. " 970 1755. Anna, 264 1763. tt 373 1734. Abel, 208 1764. tt 533 « 393 1746. « 560 1777. a 547 1742. it 472 1769. Abiah, 342 1792. tt 663 1781. a 2031 1764. » 520 it 1010 1757. Christopher, 456 1660. Abigail, 8 1789. Ann Maria, 923 1786. Clara C. 409 1684. tt 12 1789. Anna Mix, 1064 Clarissa, 883 1685. it 21 1764. Asa, 498 Clinton E., 811 1700. « 63 1793. Asa Goodyeai •, 656 1740. Comfort, 132 1725. tt 100 1745. Asaph, 281 Cornelia, 874 1754. tt 146 1768. Asenath, 375 1777. Cornelius, 2020 1731. <( 177 Athalia, 2023 1722. it 203 B. D. 1742. It 233 1648. Damans, 3 1727. « 241 Benjamin, 28 1698. tt 39 1778. (( 325 u 133 1700. tt 54 « 476 tt 192 tt 114 1768. tt 522 a 542 1727. a 206 1749. tt 562 1777. Betsey, 620 1694. Daniel, 51 1800. (t 753 1781. tt 651 1730. n 207 1798. tt 836 1803. " 666 David, 1 1800. Abigail Ann, 987 1794. «t 924 1650. h 4 1716. Abraham, 171 1780. a 1060 1683. a 31 1774. tt 951 it 2025 1723. a 70 Albert, 840 c. 1736. it 105 Albert T. 2115 Caleb, 27 1725. it 154 Almira, 861 1702. «< 55 1756. a 265 1788. Almon, 1092 1741. a 92 1777. f* 353 1764. Amaryllis, 366 1738. u 140 1747. *s 453 1743. Ambrose, 116 1745. a 218 « 503 1773. " 403 1759. a 567 1801. tt 665 " 860 1804. tt 755 1807. a 680 1769. Amelia, 400 1796. Caroline, 751 1773. Deborah, 961 1801. «< 677 1777. Cata, 963 Dolly, 722 u 846 Catherine, 326 1796. Dolly Ann, 723 Amos, 86 a 810 E. 1738. a 180 1787. it 1063 1752. a 311 tt 2035 1666. Ebenezer, 10 1745. a 481 1785. Charles, 624 1709. tt 29 1750. tt 483 1786. tt 716 1742. " 142 tt 500 1815. a 2124 1768. " 421 1788. te 654 1786. Charlotte, 967 1812. Edgar, 759 a 1035 1804. a 839 Edward, 838 1776. Amzi, 991 Chauncey, 2021 it 2116 1725. Ann, 205 1772. Chester, 350 1 ....... ft 1020 28 Bom. No. Born. iVb. | Bom. ft ... . Edward D. F. J. Edwin, 175E Eidnd. 843 262 644 1773. Fally, 1789. Fanny, 343 7 17 1721. Jacob, 1096. James, 173 52 1785. Eli, 653 1733. Flamen, 980 « 1791. Elias, 672 Francis, 2 1 1 7 ■ 173"). Elihu, 104 Frances M. 880> 17-3. " 1776. " 1786. " 344 1796. Frederick, 803 1793. " 073 G70 Frederick A. 885 | " 710 1730. Elijah, 1732. " 242 Frederick I. lnr.ii • 715 243 1766. Freeman, 340 << 1789. " 662 G. 177 7. Jamee W. 1758. Elisha, 1761. " 461 469 1797. George, 2130 L055 L758. .fared, 1795. ■ 1780. " Eliza, a 944 841 1018 George E. Grace Ann, 17.79. Jason, 9030 495 1030 Eliza Ann, 1054 II. 1799. .lennette, Elizabeth, Hi Hannah, 87 " 9131 1734. 130 1739. 107 168 1. Jeremiah, 1748. 145 17-2.".. 191 1734. 178 1745. 247 1730. 211 1736. 195 1748. 260 1749. 892 1744. 1746. 3110 1754. 304 1733. 711 1752. 455 1743. 480 1767. Jeremiah M. 534 1794. 750 17 7.7. 95a 1 1818. 2125 1790. 1093 " 3 1.7 * 2134 17-1 Hannah II. 990 " 501 Elizabeth Ann, 105(5 1790. Harriet, 696 Job, 1084 1797. Elizabeth D. 107-2 1798 Joel, 170 1760. Elizabeth M. A* 363 1809. 1077 17 09. - IS 10. Ellen, 2121 2111 1-11. " 9193 17 16. Elnathan, 460 1795. Harriet C. 1H71 Johanna, 11 1773. 940 Harriet Maria. 10.7 '2 10.71. John. 6 1798. Emily, 759 « 1053 1683. " 90 1717. Bnoa, 81 Heaton, 643 1707. '• .77 1748. " 383 17 13 lb-man, 280 L709. " $8 [750. " 490 ■• 985 171a •• L558. " 591 1788. Henry, 695 1791. •• 17 13. Bphraim, 113 L798. -in 17.77. " 1777. 1 02 851 1770 - r, Hi. Esther, 1736. " III 121 I 1819. >• 9196 31 in 1777. " 1771 - 713 1771. '« 376 Hiram. 850 1815. - 1086 1738. u 17ii Hiram II. 884 1763. '• 478 Holebrook, 510 John r. 888 1765 •' :»ii Huldah, 5 1 9 1796. Jonah, 1791. '• 1690. Jonathan, L730. Eunice, 7 1 1. •• 1-21 1761. [chabo4, 599 - 17 I 1711. Ira. 177H. ■ 391 175U 984 ph. 1774 Ml 17 1 1 1716 1 ■27 1 1746. •' • 1089 1778 1 [779 n 1 1090 29 Born. 1652. Joshua, 1687. 1693. 1682. " 1724. 1753. 1773. « 1779. 1807. 1776. 1806. 1757. Jotham, 1779. 1795. Juiia, K. 1754. Keziah, If. Leveret, .. — Leonard, 1769. Linus, 1742. Lois, 1749. 1780. 1803. 1784. 1806. Lois Maria, Louisa, 1772. Lowly, No. 5 13 24 30 90 263 323 433 659 681 721 756 494 992 628 2114 286 2080 2132 401 216 301 466 474 595 714 993 989 871 440 630 1782. Lucinda Mira, 965 Lucius, 1784. « 1770. Lucy, 1813. " 1821. " 1775. Lucy Ann, 1810. Lucretia, 1757. Luman, 1693. Lydia, 1701. « 1715. « 1736. " 1729. « 1734. " 1752. *« 1756- « 1761. « 1762. " 873 1062 322 631 1001 2122 2127 962 758 371 862 36 40 160 179 210 244 250 493 531 532 645 Born. Lyman No. 632 2026 753. 787. 801. 805. 688. 695. 727. 737. 735. 713. 723. 736. 769. 767. 778. 740. 763. 772. 774. 790. 798. 802. 792. 797. 799. 819. 792. 805. 751. 747. 741. 757. 782. 793. 797. 647. 687. 731. 771. 754. 768. 788. 696. 729. Lyman W. 887 he. Mabel, 492 Margaret, 947 Maria, 678 << 842 e< 2112 cc 2133 Martha, 1076 Mary, 33 " 61 cc 9L It 106 « 131 cc 151 tt 204 cc 231 cc '295 tt 321 cc 341 tc 406 se 471 « 497 « 524 " 525 cc 655 tc 724 tt 754 « 844 it 995 « 1073 tt 1074 Mary Ann, 762 « 984 Matilda, 926 Medad. 261 tt 634 Mehetabel, 282 Merab, 115 tt 361 tc 408 tc 801 << 925 Mercy, 2 tt 22 cc 103 Meriel, 431 Merriam, 312 « 499 « 994 « 1031 Mix, 1083 Moses,. 25 « 102 cc 502 Born. 1765. Moses, 1764. 1797. 1789. 1783. 1789. 1798. 1756. 1752. Nabby, Nabby Ann, Nancy, Nancy D. Naomi, Noah, O. Obedience, P. 1737. 1760. 1766. 1795. 1787. 1778. 1767. 1766. 1756. 1774. 1802. 1783. 1762. 1793. 1785. 1754. 1762. 1795. 1688. 1719. 1756. No 544 365 986 641 718 945 982 1034 724 305 491 2036 950 985 170 248 269 291 350 1091 26 113 362 407 800 968 719 245 267 521 664 830 Rebecca Lydia, 537 367 270 313 633 990 1033 572 837 921 568 627 2135 981 370 364 802 34 152 306 1772. Pamelia, 1794. Patience, 1714. Phebe, 1747. tc 1764. cc 1787. tt 1757. cc 1786. cc 1699. Phineas, 1735. cc 1758. " 1791. cc 1789. cc 1792. Polly, ft. Rachel, Rebecca, Reuben, Rhoda, Richard, Richard N. Robert, cc Roxanna, Rufus, Russel, Russel C. Ruth, 30 Bom. No.\ Born. No. Born. No. Ruth H. 327 Sarah, 1080 1796. Thomaa, 657 1740. 450 << 2022 1798. " 805 1783. « 2032 1808. " 2121 1778. ■ 943 1711. Seth, 59 1808. Thomas C. 757 S. 1750. Silas, 462 1739. Timothy, 232 1779. Sally. 621 1754. << 464 1742. " 986 << 640 1763. Simeon, 594 1749. " 289 1785. " 946 1696. Stephen, 38 1751. a 475 1718. Samuel, 200 1705. « 56 tt 571 1773. " 432 « 84 1784. Timothy G. 966 1751. << 563 1715. tt 151 1761. Titus, 288 1754. <.< 565 1748. <( 220 1759. <( 543 " 2033 1733. u 230 179^. Truman, 1094 Sarah, 83 1749. (< 302 W. 1727. It 101 1758. « 307 1727. (( 120 1742. « 451 1760. Ward, 390 1723. M 190 1752. M 564 William, 111 1719. ti 201 1788. « 671 1759. M 372 1739. tt 225 Stephen W. 2034 tt 392 1745. tt 234 1781. Susan, 622 1789. tt 410 536 1751. a 303 1801. Susan H. 1075 1772. " 1767. tt 320 1748. Susanna, 561 1782! tt 538 1755. « 330 1766 570 1785. tt 660 1753. « 360 1776. Sylvester, 352 1805. " 679 834 1000 1777. 1752. U tt 405 463 1769. Sylvia, 430 1795. « (« 1746. tt 482 T. ■ 2113 1756. tt 541 1787. Tempa, 922 1793. William C. 1U70 1765. tt 569 1782. Thaddeus, 1060 William H. 881 1762. tt 593 1733. Thankful, 194 William T. 1051 1767. tt 596 1733. Thomas, 112 Z. tt 845 1775. « 4(»4 1774. tt 941 1747. «« 467 1756. Zopher, 590