Class E-^k^k Book M^ ^ PHKSKNTEn BY 1~ ^^ THE LIFE MAJOR GEN.ERAL np \ \r AliilAIl 1 11. BY H. MONTGOMERY. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. SECOND EDITION. AUBURN, N. Y. : J. C. DERBY k CO., PUBLISHERS buffalo: derby & he w son; geneva: derby, "wood & co. 184 8. Entered, according to A.ct of Congress, in the your 1847, by .; A M ES C. DE 1! 11 Y & UO . In the Clerk'a Office of the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of New York. TIIOMAI U SMITH, 8TBKKUTYCKR, I . .S . V . PREFACE. The sudden splendor with which General Taylor nas burst upon the nation, has created in the public mind an anxiety, as intense as it is universal, to be- come acquainted, not only with the brilliant deeds which have rendered his name so illustrious, but with all the incidents of his life from his youth to his first prominent appearance before the country, as com- mander-in-chief of the army, destined to operate against Mexico. It was to satisfy this anxiety more fully, if possible, and in a more durable form than it had yet been done, that this work has been prepared. The compiler claims for it no other merit than this over the many sketches of this eminent man's life that have pre- ceded it. He has labored under much embarrassment in collecting materials for a work claiming even that merit. So little had General Taylor sought public no- toriety, that almost his very name was unknown to a large portion of the American people, until the victories of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma revived the recollection of it. Even his heroic defence of Fort VI FRHFACE. Harrison, and his services in Florida, were nearly for- gotten. The inconveniences arising from this cause were increased by the rapidity with which the materials had necessarily to be prepared. In less than seven weeks from the day the first " copy" was written and placed in the hands of the compositor, the last sheet had run through the press. In addition to its prepara- tion, the compiler had the management of a daily and weekly paper, and the various other duties connected with them upon his hands. Though the reader has a right to hold him strictly accountable for the imperfec- tions that may be discovered, yet he has some confi- dence that these circumstances will induce a less rigid exaction than he would have had any right to expect if he had possessed ampler materials, longer time to collect, and more leisure to prepare them. It is proper to say, however, that he has been careful to exclude everything not believed to be strictly authentic. Much of it has already been made public, principally through the newspaper press of the day. Some of this has been acknowledged in the appropriate place. But with the exception of Mr. Thorpe's excellent work, entitled " Our Army on the Rio Grande," the sources of his information are so various, that it would be as tedious as it is unnecessary to specify them. Audurn, June, 1847. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE. Life of General Zachary Taylor. 13 Taylor's Family and Parentage 14 His Early Character 15 A Hazardous Exploit 16 Education and Youthful Associates 17 Appointed Lieutenant in the Army 18 War Declared 19 A Night of Horror 20 Defence of Fort Harrison 21 The Official Account 22 A Conflagration 23 A Deserter's Return 24 The Enemy's Retreat 25 A Dangerous Position 26 The Garrison Relieved 27 Valor Rewarded 28 Expedition against the Indians 29 Anecdote of Major Taylor 30 His Speech at Black River 31 Arrival of Reinforcements 32 Another Promotion 33 CHAPTER II. The Florida War 34 Battle of Okce-cho-bee 37 Victory of Okee-cho-bee 38 The Details 39 Meeting with an Indian Chief 40 Indian Treachery 41 A March by Night 42 Alligator's Camp 43 Dispositions for Battle 44 The Final Arrangements 45 The Attack Begun 46 The Killed and Wounded 47 Removing the Wounded 48 Lieutenant-Colonel Davenport 49 Gallantry of the Sixth 50 Missouri Volunteers 51 Fruits of the Victory 53 Death of Lieutenant-Colonel Thompson 54 Colonel Taylor Promoted 55 Letter from his Camp 56 Anecdote of General Taylor 57 Sought to be Censured 58 Employment of Bloodhounds fcj yiii contexts. CHAPTER III. PAGE. Annexation of Texas 60 Private Instructions 61 Views of the Government 62 Taylor to repel Invasion 63 Texas assents to Annexation 64 Taylor's Instructions 65 Troops ordered into Texas 60 A Naval Force to Co-operate 67 Volunteers from other States 68 What Acts considered Aggressive 69 How to act in case of War 70 What Position to be Occupied 71 Taylor ordered to the Rio Grande 72 To act on the Defensive 73 General Taylor's Dispatches 74 At St. Joseph's Island 75 Health of the Army 76 At Corpus Christi 77 Character of his Troops 78 Occupation of Point Isabel ■ 79 Advantages of that Position 80 Army to be Concentrated SI Further Instructions Required 82, 83 Ordered to the Rio Grande 84 Armed Vessels Required 85 General Taylor's Policy 80 Army leaves Corpus Christi 87 Conciliatory Orders 88 Good Condition of the Army 89 Arrives at Point Isabel 90 Fire at Point Isabel 91 A Mexican Protest 92, 93 Hostility of the Mexicans 94 Mexican Preparations for War 95 A Summons to General Taylor 96 General Taylor's Reply 97 His Refusal to Comply 98 The Rio Grande Blockaded 99 Ampudia's Protest 100 Gi neral Taylor's Pacific Intentions 101 i'i \ iews his Acts 102 Responsibility Assumed 103 General Ampudia's Complaints 101 Warlike; Preparations 105 Attempt at Corruption 100 Mexicans < Iross the Bio Grande 107 Surprise of Captain Thornton 108 Mexican Rejoicing 109 CHAPTER IV. General Taylor leaves Fort Brown 110 Mexican Boasting 112 CONTENTS. IX PAQE. A Charge of Cowardice 113 Fort Brown Bombarded 114 The Enemy's Account of it 115 Their Opinion of American Troops 116 What they consider a Triumph 117 Mexican Valor 118 Death of Major Brown 120 Summons to Fort Brown 121 Their Fire recommenced 122 A Happy Omen 123 Taylor leaves Point Isabel 124 The Position of the Enemy 125 The Battle begun 126 Effect of our Artillery 127 Lieutenant Ridgeley's Gallantry 128 Firmness of the Mexicans 131 Death of Major Ringgold 132 The Killed and Wounded 133 Taylor's Official Account 134 — 137 Mexican Official Account 133 — 140 CHAPTER V. Resaca de la Palma 141 General Taylor's Line of Battle 142 Character of the Mexican Troops 143 Driven from the Ravine 144 May's Charge 145 Lieutenant Lincoln's Heroism 146 Incidents of the Battle 147 Fall of Colonel M'lntosh 148 A Brave Mexican 149 Mexican Confidence of Victory 150 Taylor's Official Account 151 Capture of La Vega 154 The Enemy Retreat 155 American Loss 15a The Causes of our S uccess 157 Instances of Individual Gallantry 158 Good Conduct of the Officers 159 Details of May's Charge 160, 161 An Awkward Position 162 Review of the Actions 163 Loss of the Mexican Army 164 Character of the Mexican Troops 165 Importance of Discipline 166 Character of the Battles 168 European Opinions of the Action 169 Anxiety at Fort Brown 170 A Painful Dilemma , l'l The News of Victory 172 Flight of the Defeated 173 Terror of the Mexicans 174 A Dreadful Scene • 175 1* X CONTENTS. PAGE. A Cowardlv Mexican General 176 Anecdote of General Taylor 177 A Disappointment 178 CHAPTER VI. Barita Captured 179 Preparations for capturing Matamoras 180 Negotiation for the Surrender 181 Interview with the Prefect 182 Our Troops cross the River 183 Death of Lieutenant. George Stevens 184 The American Army in Matamoras 185 A Mercenary Official 186 Pursuit of the Plying Mexicans 187 Sad End of Lofty Expectations 188 Condition of Affairs at Matamoras 189 Wounded American Officers 190 General Taylor reinforced 191 Reorganization of the Mexican Government 192 General Taylor marches for Monterey 193 His Arrival there 194 Encamps at Walnut Springs 195 Preparations for the Attack 196 Attack upon an advanced Battery 197 Garland's Command enter the Town 198 Charge upon the Second Battery 201 A Foothold obtained 202 Severe American Loss 2015 The Enemy evacuate their Works 20 1 Americans Storm the City 205 Proposal to Evacuate 206 Terms of Capitulation 207 Americans enter the City 208 Gallantry of Officers . . . 209 Commended to the < royernment 210 Good Conduct of Soldiers 211 Death of Captain Williams 212 Further Details of the Action 213 mess for the Conflict 214 Prospects of a Bloody Fight ..- 215 Incidents of the Attack 216,217 Dangerous Enter prise 218 Gallantly Accomplished 219 Storming a Fort 220 Instaiio s of Indi\ idual < Jourage 221 A Barbarous Deed 222 are of the Bishop's Palace 223 Gallantry of General Worth 224 Services of the Texan Rangers 225 Terms of Capitulation Unsatisfactory 226 Operations oi I ri m ral Taylor 227 Offlci rs Killed and Wounded 228 Mississippi Volunteers 229 CONTENTS. XI PAGE. A *lag of Truce 230 Incidents of t lie Capitulation 231 Storming of Monterey 232, 233 General Taylor's Defence 234—236 The Advantages of the Terms 237 Letter from General Taylor 238 His contempl it ,1 Movements 239 Suggestions to his Government 240 Forces required to take Vera Cruz 241 Establishes himself at Monterey 242 Takes Possession of Saltillo 243 Scott ordered to Mexico 244 Scott's Letter to Taylor 245 His Intentions 246 Withdrawal of Taylor's Forces 247 Taylor's Address to his Troops 248 Surprise of Colonel May , 219 Taylor encamps at Buena Vista 250 CHAPTER VII. Battle of Buena Vista 251 Advantages of Taylor's Position 252 A Gorgeous Scene 253 General Taylor's Line of Battle 254 A Humane Proposition 255 The Attack commenced 256 Colonel Hardin's Charge 257 An Attempt to Outflank Taylor 258 Flight of the Indiana Regiment 259 Great Havoc among the Enemy 260 Attack upon our Train 261 A Mexican Stratagem 262 An Amusing Demand 263 Effect of Duplicity 264 Victory nearly turned to Defeat 265 A Noble Charge 266 An Exciting Moment 267 A Sudden Charge 268 Death of Clay, Hardin, and McKee 269 Captain Bragg's Battery 270 Narrow Escape of Taylor 273 A Dearly Purchased Victory 274 Some of the Martyrs 275 General Taylor's Official Report 276—293 Santa Anna's Humane Summons 294 Santa Anna's Account 295 His Embarrassments 296 A Charge of Treason 297 Force under his Command 298 The Plan of Battle 299 A Mexican Deserter 300 A Sad Disappointment 301 An Imagined Retreat 302 Xil CONTENTS. PAGE. Misrepresentation of Taylor's Forces 303 Santa Anna commences the Attack 304 Disposition of his Forces 305 Admit-; his Heavy Losses «*0(> Great Glory he acquired 307 Bravery of bis Officers 308 Why 5 Taylor got otV so well 30!) How the Americans were frightened 310 Why Santa Anna deserted Ins Wounded 311 Difficulties of his Position 312 Expectations for the Future 313 The Battle described in Poetry 314—316 A Mexican Poem 317, 3lS CHAPTER VIII. The Dark Features of War 319 Taylor's Gratulations to his Army 320 His Humane Disposition 321 Letter r>[ Condolence to Mr. Clay 322 Lette* to Ex-Governor Lincoln 323 Hia .are for the Slain 321 An Interesting Private Letter 325 Reference to the Presidency 326 Reasons for leaving Agua Nueva 327 The Attack 328 A Critical Moment 329 The Enemy Retreat 330 A Reasonable Hope 331 Their Army Routed 332 Sketch of Martyrs at Buena Vista 333 Appearance of the Enemy 334 Instances of Tavlor's Humanity 335 The Horrors of 'War 330 An Affecting Spectacle 337 Taylor on the Battle Field 338 Arrival of Mexican Dispatches 339 General Taylor's Reply, 310— 3 12 His Coolness at Monterey 343 His simple Tastes 344 Anecdotes of Him 345—348 A Gent/ Lilian Volunteer. 349 Taylor's Ability in Composition 350 His Character 352—358 His Military Talents 359 His Happy Temperament 3G0 LIFE OF GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR. CHAPTER I. \L\ Taylor Family— Colonel Richard Taylor— Birth of Zachary Tay l or _His youth — Early indications of Character— Education— Disad- vantages he labored under — His Bold and Adventurous Disposition — Hazardous Exploit — Love of Military Display — Receives a Lieuten- ant's Commission in the Regular Army — Promoted to the rank of Captain — His Gallant Defence of Fort Harrison— The Account of the Engagement — Receives the Brevet of Major — Expedition against the Indians — Services in the Black Hawk War — Promoted succes- sively to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel — Appointed Indian Agent. Zachary Taylor is descended from an ancient and distinguished English family, which emigrated to Amer- ica and settled in the eastern part of the colony of Virginia, in the year 1692, and the name has been in- timately identified and interwoven with the civil, polit- ical, and military history of Virginia, both as a weak and languishing colony, and a great and powerful com- monwealth, from that day to the present. Amongst others with whom General Zachary Taylor is con- nected, either by the ties of consanguinity or marriage, 14 taylor's family and parentage. and whose names have rendered its history illustrious, are numbered the Madisons, Lees, Barbours, Pendle- tons, Conways, Talafieros, Hunts, Gaineses, &c. The father of Zachary Taylor held a colonel's com- mission throughout the Revc lutior. , and served with great valor during that long and unequal struggle, much of the time with Washington himself, and re- taining in all emergencies, and under every difficulty, his confidence and esteem. He was engaged in many of the most fiercely contested and bloody battles of the war, and particularly at Trenton, where he ren- dered distinguished and valuable aid to the commander- in-chief, in that brilliant achievement. In 1790 Colonel Taylor emigrated to Kentucky, in company with Colonels Croghan and Bullitt, when that territory was but little more than an Indian hunt- ing ground. It was then the scene of frequent fierce and bloody strifes between the various tribes which inhabited it, and murderous excursions against the emigrant population who had settled there. From these desperate and bloody encounters, amongst them- selves and with the white man, Kentucky derived the name of the "Dark and Bloody Ground." In many of these encounters Colonel Taylor bore a conspicuous part, and by his bold and daring conduct, and ceaseless vigilance, rendered his name a terror to the merciless foe. After peace was established, he held many honorable and responsible positions. He was one of the framers of the constitution of Ken- tucky ; represented Jefferson county, and Louisville city for many years in both branches of the state legis- lature, and was a member of the electoral colleges which voted for Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, and Clay. Among the politicians of Kentucky, he is remembered HIS EARLY CHARACTER. 15 as one of ths few men of the Old Court party, who could be elected during the excitement of the " Old Court and New Court question." Colonel Taylor died on his plantation near Louis- ville, Kentucky, leaving three sons, (his second and fourth sons, George and William, having died pre- viously.) Hancock, Zachary and Joseph, and three daughters, Elizabeth, Sarah, and Emily. Hancock, Elizabeth, and Emily, have died since their lather, so that Joseph and Sarah are the only brother and sister of Zachary now living. The de- scendants of the deceased members of the family, with two exceptions, live in and near Louisville, Kentucky. Zachary Taylor was born in Orange county, Vir- ginia, in 1790, and was less than a year old when his father emigrated to Kentucky. His youth was there- fore spent, and his character formed, amidst the dan- gers and difficulties of Indian warfare, and the hard- ships and privations ever incident to a frontier life. His boyhood was distinguished by indications of that straightforward, manly independence of character, in- flexibility of purpose, frank and open disposition, fore- sight, decision and energy ; modest and retiring de- meanor, and thoughtful, inquiring mind, that have since borne him so triumphantly through difficulties v.nd dangers before which men educated in a less severe school would have shrunk in despair, until he has wrought out a name that will fill one of the bright- est pages in American history. Many family and neighborhood anecdotes are told to illustrate his daring and adventurous character, and his love for dangerous enterprises. Night after night he was in the habit of seeing the house barricaded, and the arms prepared to repel any attack that might be 16 A HAZARDOUS EXPLOIT. made before the morning dawned. Scarcely a week passed that there was not an alarm, or an actual in- cursion of Indians amongst the settlements. Even on his way to school he was in danger of the tomahawk and scalping knife. On one occasion, some of his schoolmates were murdered and scalped by the In- dians, within a hundred yards from the point where he and his brothers had separated from them. When but seventeen years old he swam across the Ohio river, from the Kentucky to the Indiana shore, in the month of March, when the river was filled with floating ice, which is a feat far surpassing in danger and difficulty the far-famed exploit of swimming the Hellespont. Many other well-attested anecdotes are related of his daring adventures, and his love of bold and dangerous exploits. He took great delight in fishing and hunting, and was often absent, roaming through forests and over boundless prairies, for days and nights together, in quest of game. No obstacle would dampen his indomitable energy, or discourage him from attempting the most hazardous enterprises. As may well be understood, young Taylor enjoyed but few advantages for acquiring a practical, much less an ornamental or classical education. The char- acter of the schools of Kentucky, at that time, as in all other new and sparsely settled districts, were not of a very elevated character. The few schools then, were supported by private munificence, and were not of a character to lay a very broad or deep foundation for those attainments, and that useful superstructure of knowledge, which the superior facilities of the present doy render so easy of access. But few as were the advantages afforded him, his ever active and inquiring mind, his great love of learning, his remarkably strong EDUCATION AND YOUTHFUL ASSOCIATES. 17 and retentive memory, and above all, his iron will and great tenacity of purpose, more that compensated, in his case, for what otherwise would have confined his acquirements to the commonest rudiments of an Eng- lish education. But by the aid of these striking char- acteristics, he was enabled to overcome all difficulties, and to store his mind with a fund of information that few have acquired, even under the most favorable cir- cumstances. The elegance, beauty and simplicity of his official dispatches from Mexico, stamp him as one of the chastest and most accomplished writers of the day. Amongst Taylor's most intimate associates at school, were Col. Joseph P. Taylor, who afterwards distin- guished himself at the battle of Okee-cho-bee, during the Florida war, and has now the control of the commissary department in Mexico, and Col. George Croghan, sub- sequently the hero of Fort Sandusky, and at present holding a high post in the army of the United States. He remained with his family, in Kentucky, until the year 1808, when the capture of the United States Frigate Chesapeake, by the British Frigate Leopard, fired the whole country with indignation, and fearfully increased the feelings of animosity that the repeated aggressions of the English nation had already raised to so high a pitch. Young Taylor partook of the general excitement to its full extent, and eagerly seized upon the occasion as a favorable moment to gratify his anx- ious desire to enter the army, and at the same time to assist in vindicating the outraged honor of his country's flag. Accordingly he lost no time in making his wishes known. He therefore applied to Mr. Jefferson for a commission in the army, and, by the aid of his power- ful family connections, his application was successful ; 18 APPOINTED LIEUTENANT IN THE ARMY. and on the 3rd of May, 1808, when only eighteen years old, he received a commission as first lieutenant in the Seventh Regiment of United States Infantry. His young ambition was now satisfied, and a wide field opened before him for the gratification of his long in- dulged and ardent aspirations for military fame. He had almost from his earliest youth evinced a strong in- clination for martial exercises, and his greatest pleasure consisted in playing the soldier and acting the mock hero at the head of an army of equally young patriots. In these mimic battles he exhibited, on a small scale, the germ of that genius for command, and military skill and talent, which have since been so eminently devel- oped. From the time he entered the army until the break- ing out of the war with England, but little occurred in the life of the young lieutenant to break the monoto- nous round of e very-day duty, to which soldiers are bound when not in actual service. He passed his time in the duties of his position, and in perfecting himself in a knowledge of the profession he had chosen. He brought to the task the same untiring industry and firm determination to understand the science of war, which he had ever shown in whatever pursuit or study he en- tered upon. It. was probably during these compara- tively leisure years, that he acquired that acquaintance with military tactics which is so necessary to the suc- cessful commander, and which afterwards served 1 to place him amongst the first generals of the day. Previous to the breaking out of hostilities, the Eng- lish government, through its agents, had been unceas- ing in its efforts to induce the Miamies and other tribes of western Indians to take up arms against the United States, and had been unscrupulous in the use of money WAR DECLARED. 19 and means to accomplish this end. Their agents had been partially successful in enlisting several savage tribes in their plans. The threatened outbreak, how- ever, was discovered before their schemes had quite matured, and by the promptness, energy, and vigilance of General William Henry Harrison, who was then governor of the Northwest Territory, their intentions were anticipated, and a detachment of troops under his command was marched into the enemy's country- While on this expedition Governor Harrison deter- mined to build a fort on the Wabash, in Indiana, about fifty miles above Vincennes, which was afterwards known as Fort Harrison. Lieutenant Taylor was ac- tively engaged in this expedition, and in overawing the Indians in other quarters. At the beginning of 1812, Lieutenant Taylor was promoted to the rank of cap- tain, by President Madison. On the 19th of June, 1812, a declaration of war was formally declared against Great Britain by the United States Congress, and sanctioned by the President. Captain Taylor had but a few weeks before been placed in command of Fort Harrison, a rude and weak stock- ade, garrisoned by only fifty soldiers, most of whom, like himself, were worn down and disabled by their long and severe service. Almost in the very midst of an enemy's country, surrounded on all sides by a sleep- less and savage foe, and kept constantly on the alert, nisrht and dav, for weeks together, it is not to be won- dered at that Taylor and his men should nearly have sunk under the fatigue and labor they had so long en- dured. While in this wretched state, with scarcely a do/en men fit for service, he was attacked, on the night of the 5th of September, 1812, after an ineffectual at- tempt to get possession of the fort by stratagem, by a 20 A NIGHT OF HORROR. force of four hundred and fifty Indians. But Captain Taylor had taken his measures with too much prudence to be captured either by stratagem or force, as weak as were his defences and few his men. The attack was commenced about eleven o'clock at night, amidst the excitement and confusion occa- sioned by the burning of the lower block-house, which contained the property of the contractor, and which they had previously fired. The Indians, confident of victory, had completely surrounded the little garrison, and commenced firing upon it from all sides, simulta- neously with the firing of the block-house. But Cap- tain Taylor was undismayed, either by the overwhelm- ing number of his enemy and their murderous fire, or the more dangerous element of destruction they had called to their aid. He calmly gave his orders for hav- ing the fire extinguished, but for a long time all efforts were fruitless. The fire communicated to the roof, in spite of every effort to check it. The scene at this time is represented as truly appalling. The raging of the fire, the yelling and howling of several hundred In- dians, and the cries of women and children who had taken shelter there, together with the unceasing dis- charge of guns, must have been enough to appal the stoutest heart. Yet we find this stripling captain, only twenty-two years of age, boldly meeting them all, and giving his orders for suppressing the fire, and repelling the attack of his four hundred savage foes, with as much coolness as the oldest veteran. By his great presence of mind, and his well-directed efforts, the flames were at length arrested, and the fire finally sub- dued. 1 Living extinguished the fire, and erected a tem- porary breastwork, the fire of the enemy was returned with redoubled vigor during the whole night, and with DEFENCE OF FORT HARRISOX. 21 such success, that at six o'clock in the morning, the en- emy gave up the contest in despair, and withdrew their forces. In this gallant defence, Captain Taylor only lost two men killed, and two wounded. But his letter to General Harrison, giving a graphic and detailed ac- count of the defence of Fort Harrison, and the inci- dents connected with it, will obviate the necessity of any other description of that terrible night, and be far more interesting. Captain Taylor says : — "On Thursday evening, 3rd instant, after retreat- beating, four guns were heard to fire in the direction where two young men (citizens who resided here) were making hay, about four hundred yards distant from the fort. I was immediately impressed with an idea that they were killed by the Indians, as the Mi- amies or Weas had that day informed me that the Prophet's party would soon be here for the purpose of commencing hostilities, and that they had been directed to leave this place, which they were about to do. I did not think it prudent to send out at that late hour of the night to see what had become of them, and their not coming convinced me that I was right in my con- jecture. I waited until eight o'clock next morning, when I sent out a corporal with a small party to find them, if it could be done without running too much risk of being drawn into an ambuscade. He soon sent back to inform me, that he had found them both killed, and wished to know my further orders. I sent the cart and oxen, had them brought in and buried. They had been shot with two balls, scalped and cut in the most shocking manner. Late in the evening of the 4th in- stant, old Joseph Lenar, and between thirty and forty Indians, arrived from the Prophet's town, with a white flag ; among whom were about ten women, and the Jtl THE OFFICIAL ACCOUNT. men were composed of chiefs of the tribes which com- pose the Prophet's party. "A Shawanee man that spoke good English, informed me that old Lenar intended to speak to me next morn- ing, and try to get something to eat. After retreat- beating, I examined the men's arms, and found them all in good order, and completed their cartridges to sixteen rounds per man. As I had not been able to mount a guard of more than six privates and two non- commissioned officers for some time past, and some- times part of them every other day, from the unhealth- iness of the company, I had not conceived my force adequate to the defence of this post, should it be vigor- ously attacked, for some time past. As I had just recovered from a very severe attack of the fever, I was not able to be up much through the night. " After tattoo, I cautioned the guard to be vigilant, and ordered one of the non-commissioned officers, as the sentinel could not see every part of the garrison, to walk around on the inside during the night, to pre- vent the Indians taking any advantage of us, provided they had any intention of attacking us. About eleven o'clock, I was awakened by the firing of one of the sentinels. I sprung up, ran out, and ordered the men to their posts, when my orderly sergeant (who had charge of the upper block-house) called out that the Indians had fired the lower block-house, (which con- tained the property of the contractors, which was de- posited in the upper part, the loAver part having been assigned to a corporal and ten privates as an alarm post.) The guns had begun to fire pretty smartlv from both sides. I directed the buckets to be got ready, and water brought from the well, and the fire extin- guished immediately, as it was perceivable at that A CONFLAGRATION. 23 time ; but from debility, or some other cause, the men were very slow in executing my orders. The word fire appeared to throw the whole of them into confu- sion ; and by the time they had got the water, and broken open the door, the fire had unfortunately com- municated to a quantity of whiskey, (the stock having licked several holes through the lower part of the build- ing, after the salt that was stored there, through which they had introduced the fire without being discovered, as the night was very dark,) and in spite of every ex- ertion we could make use of, in less than a minute it ascended to the roof, and baffled every effort we could make to extinguish it. " As that block-house adjoined the barracks that made part of the fortifications, most of the men imme- diately gave themselves up for lost, and I had the greatest difficulty in getting my orders executed ; and, sir — what from the raging of the fire — the yelling and howling of several hundred Indians — the cries of nine women and children (a part soldiers' and a part citi- zens' wives, who had taken shelter in the fort) — and a desponding of so many of the men, which was worse than all — I can assure you that my feelings were very unpleasant ; and, indeed, there were not more than ten or fifteen men able to do anything at all, the others being sick or convalescent ; and to add to our other misfortunes, two of our stoutest men jumped the pickets and left. But my presence of mind did not for a mo- ment forsake me. I saw by throwing off part of the roof that joined the block-house that was on fire, and keeping the end perfectly wet, the whole row of build- ings might be saved, and leave only an entrance of eighteen or twenty feet for the Indians to enter, after the house was consumed ; and that a temporary breast- 24 A DESERTER 3 RETURN, work might be formed to prevent their entering even there. I convinced the men that this could be accom- plished, and it appeared to inspire them with new life ; and never did men act with more firmness or despera- tion. Those that were able, (while others kept up a constant fire from the upper block-house and the two bastions.) mounted the roofs of the houses, with Doctor Clark at their head, (who acted with the greatest firm- ness and presence of mind, the whole time the attack lasted, which was seven hours,) under a shower of bul- lets, and in less than a moment threw off as much of the roof as was necessary. This was done, with one man killed, and two wounded, and I am in hopes nei- ther of them dangerously. The man that was killed was a little deranged, and did not get off of the house as soon as directed, or he would not have been hurt ; and although the barracks were several times in a blaze, and an immense quantity of fire against them, the men used such exertion, that they kept it under, and before clay raised a temporary breastwork as high as a man's head. Although the Indians continued to pour in a heavy fire of ball, and an innumerable quan- tity of arrows, during the whole time the attack lasted, in every part of the parade, I had but one other man killed — nor any other wounded inside the fort — and he lost his life by being too anxious. He got into one of the gal/ies in the bastions, and fired over the pickets, and called out to his comrades that he had killed an Indian, and neglecting to stoop down in an instant, he was shot. " One of the men that jumped the pickets, returned an hour before day, and running up towards the gate, begged for God's sake for it to be opened. I suspected it to be a stratagem of the Indians to get in, as I did the enemy's retreat. 25 not recollect the voice ; I directed the men in the bas- tion where I happened to be, to shoot him, let him be who he would, and one of them fired at him, but for- tunately he ran up the other bastion, where they knew his voice, and Dr. Clark directed him to lie close to the pickets, behind an empty barrel that happened to be there, and at daylight I had him let in. His arm was broken in a most shocking manner, which he says was done by the Indians, which I suppose was the cause of his returning. I think it probable that he will not recover. The other they caught about one hun- dred and thirty yards from the garrison, and cut him all to pieces. After keeping up a constant fire until about six o'clock the next morning, which we began to return with some effect, after daylight they removed out of reach of our guns. A party of them drove up the horses that belonged to the citizens here, and as they could not catch them very readily, shot the whole of them in our sight, as well as a number of their hogs. They drove off* the whole of the cattle, which amounted to sixty-five head, as well as the public oxen. I had the vacancy filled up before night (which was made by the burning of the block-house) with a strong row of pickets, which I got by pulling down the guard- house. We lost the whole of our provisions, but must make out to live upon green corn, until we can get a supply, which I am in hopes will not be long. I be- lieve the whole of the Miamies or Weas were among the Prophet's party, as one chief gave his orders in that language, which resembled Stone Eater's voice, and I believe Negro Legs was there likewise. A Frenchman here understands their different languages ; and several of the Miamies or Weas that have been 2 26 A DANGEROUS POSITION. frequently here were recognized by the Frenchman and soldiers next morning. " The Indians suffered smartly, but were so nume- rous as to take off all that were shot. They continued with us until the next morning, but made no further attempt on the fort, nor have we seen anything more of them since. I have delayed informing you of my situation, as I did not like to weaken the garrison, and I looked for some person from Vincennes, and none of my men were acquainted with the woods, and there- fore I would either have to take the road or river, which I was fearful was guarded by small parties of Indians, that would no* dare attack a company of rangers that was on a scout ; but, being disappointed, I have at length determined to send a couple of my men by water, and am in hopes they will arrive safe. I think it would be best to send the provisions under a pretty strong escort, as the Indians may attempt to prevent their coming. If you carry on an expedition against the Prophet this fall, you ought to be well pro- vided with everything, as you may calculate on having every inch of ground disputed, between this and there, that they can defend with advantage." Three days after, Captain Taylor again addressed General Harrison as follows : — " I wrote you on the 10th instant, giving you an account of the attack on this place, as well as my situation, which account I at- tempted to send by water, but the two men whom I dispatched in a canoe after night, found the river so well guarded that they were obliged to return. The Indians had built a fire on tiie bank of the river, a short distance below the garrison, which gave them an opportunity of seeing any craft that might attempt to pass, and were waiting with a canoe ready to intercept THE GARRISON RELIEVED. 27 ii. I expect the fort, as well as the road to Vincennes, is as well or better watched than the river. But my situation compels me to make one other attempt by land, and my orderly sergeant, with one other man, sets out to night, with strict orders to avoid the road in the daytime, and depend entirely on the woods, al- though neither of them has ever been to Vincennes by land, nor do they know anything of the country ; but I am in hopes they will reach you in safety. I send them with great reluctance, from their ignorance of the woods. I think it very probable there is a large party of Indians waylaying the road between this and Vincennes, likely about the Narrows, for the purpose of intercepting any party that may be coming to this place, as the cattle they got here will supply them plen- tifully with provisions for some time to come." The same modesty and forgetfulness of himself mark this unpretending account of his heroic and successful defence of a post almost defenceless, that has character- ized every act of his life, and especially that so eminently distinguished his official dispatches at a later period. Though the style of his composition is immature, and in some degree obscure and inelegant, compared with his subsequent writings, yet it is distinguished by the same vigor of thought and manly independence of manner. Soon after this dispatch was written, Captain Tay- lor was reinforced by Colonel Russell, with several companies of Rangers and Indiana volunteers. At the time of the fortunate arrival of these forces the little garrison was in a most wretched condition, being out of provisions, three-fourths of them disabled from duty by sickness and fatigue, and destitute of almost every necessary for health or comfort. But for the relief 28 VALOR REWARDED. brought them, they must either have abandoned the fort at once, or died with hunger. Supplies of pro- visions had been forwarded, but the wagons were cap- tured, and the escort killed nearly to a man. The Indians were greatly incensed at their disgrace- ful- repulse, and the loss they' suffered, and retaliated upon the Americans, by attacking an unarmed settle- ment, and murdering about twenty inhabitants. But the country was filled with the highest admiration for the gallant and noble conduct of the young captain. The repulse of four hundred Indians, by an officer only twenty-two years old, with only fifty men, three- fourths of whom were on the sick list, and arresting at the same time a destructive fire that had broken out in one of his block-houses, was looked upon as indicating the very first order of military talent, and deserving the highest commendation. For his valuable services to the country, and his daring courage on this occa- sion, the brevet rank of major was conferred upon Cagjtain Taylor, being the first brevet commission con- ferred during the war, and the oldest one in the army. His praises were on every tongue throughout the whole western country, and the most flattering com- pliments were bestowed upon him. Amongst others, Major-General Hopkins spoke in the warmest terms of commendation of him, in a letter to Governor Shelby, of Kentucky. He said, " the firm and almost unparal- leled defence of Fort Harrison, by Captain Zachary Taylor, has raised for him a fabric of character not to be effaced by eulogy." His victory, like all his sub- sequent triumphs, was won with an overwhelming odds against him, and it inspired the highest confidence amongst his superior officers, in his courage, skill, and judgment. EXPEDITION AGAINST THE INDIANS. 29 Shortly after the battle of Fort Harrison, Major Taylor was dispatched on an expedition against the Prophet's and Winnebago towns, under General Hop- kins, in which he displayed the same vigilance and energy that had signalized his previous conduct. These towns, and also some other Indian villages, were entirely destroyed. In all these operations Major Taylor bore a conspicuous part, and his gallant conduct was favor- ably referred to by General Hopkins, in his official dis- patches of these transactions against the Indians. By these active and efficient measures, the power of the Indians was nearly destroyed, and their strength so much broken, that the western settlers enjoyed com- parative security from their incursions for many years. Though Major Taylor, from the peculiar circum- stances of his position, had no other opportunity dur- ing the war, of signalizing himself; yet he rendered equally valuable services to the country, by keeping in awe the numerous tribes of western savages, and pre- venting them, in a great measure, from rendering effi- cient aid to the British. From the termination of the war in the beginning of 1815, to 1832, when the Black Hawk war broke out, he was stationed at various posts in the West, as the interests of the service required, always active and faithful in the performance of the duties of his profes- sion, and scrupulously exact in requiring it from those under his command. In 1832, previous to which he had been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, he was assigned to the command of the regular troops in the Black Hawk war, and endured all the hardships and privations of that vexatious war. At the battle of the Bad- Axe, which resulted in the capture of Black Hawk and the Prophet, and in the overwhelming de- 30 ANECDOTE OF MAJOR TAYLOR. feat of their forces, he particularly distinguished him- self, and had an important agency in bringing the war to a close. lie commanded the regular troops, in this fiercely contested and destructive engagement, as he had during the long and trying march through the wilderness in pursuit of the enemy. An anecdote of Taylor, that occurred during the early scenes of the Black Hawk war, is related by C. F. Hoffman, Esq., which may here be appropriately introduced as illustrative of his character, and fore- shadowing those remarkable qualities of mind that have since shone forth so brilliantly on so many trying occasions. As such it will undoubtedly prove interest- ing to the reader. Such incidents, indeed, of such a man are always not only interesting, but valuable and instructive as a preface or introduction to the charac- ter of the man. Some time after Stillman's defeat by Black Hawk's band, Taylor, marching with a large body of volunteers and a handful of regulars in pursuit of the hostile In- dian force, found himself approaching Rock River, then asserted by many to be the true north-western boundary of the State of Illinois. The volunteers, as Taylor was informed, would refuse to cross the stream. They were militia, they said, called out for the defence of the State, and it. was unconstitutional to order them to march beyond its frontier into the Indian country. Taylor thereupon halted his command, and encamped within the acknowledged boundaries of Illinois. He would not, as the relator of the story said, budge an inch further without orders. He had already driven Black Hawk out of the State, hut the question of cro 3ing Hoc!; River seemed hugely to trouble his ideas of integrity to the constitution on one side, and HI3 SPF.ECH AT ROCK RIVEK. 31 military expediency on the other. During the night, however, orders came, either from General Scott or General Atkinson, for him to follow up Black Hawk to the last. The quietness of the Regular colonel mean- while had rather encouraged the mutinous militia to bring their proceedings to a head. A sort of town- meeting was called upon the prairie, and Taylor in- vited to attend. After listening for some time very quietly to the proceedings, it became Rough and Ready's turn to address the chair. " He had heard," he said, "with much pleasure the views which several speakers had expressed of the independence and dig- nity of each private American citizen. He felt that all gentlemen there present were his equals — in reality, he was persuaded that many of them would in a few years be his superiors, and perhaps, in the capacity of Members of Congress, arbiters of the fortune and repu- tation of humble servants of the Republic like himself. He expected then to obey them as interpreters of the will of the people ; and the best proof he could give that he would obey them, was now to observe the or- ders of those whom the people had already put in the places of authority, to which many gentlemen around him justly aspired. In plain English, gentlemen and fellow-eitizens, the word has been passed on to me from Washington, to follow Black Hawk, and to take you with me as soldiers. I mean to do both. There are the flat-boats drawn up on the shore, and here are Uncle Sam's men drawn up behind you on the prairie." " Stra-anger," added the man who told the story, " the way those militia-men sloped into those fiat-boats was a caution. Not another word was said. Had Zach Taylor been with Van Rensselaer at Niagara 32 ARRIVAL OF REINFOECEMEN' River, in the last war, I rayther think he'd a taught him how to get militia-men over a ferry." Taylor, as is well known, did follow Black Hawk through the prairies of northern Illinois — through the wooded gorges, the rocky fells, the plashy rice-pools, the hitherto unbroken wilderness of western Wisconsin. The militia-men gave out from day to day ; the coun- try became impassable to horses, and the volunteer settlers who had first seized arms merely to repel an Indian foray, refused to submit their backs to the necessary burdens in carrying their own supplies through the deep swamps and almost impervious for- ests. At last the very Indians themselves, whom Taylor thus desperately pursued from day to day, and week to week, began to sink from fatigue and exhaus- tion : they were found by our men stretched beside their trails, while yet the good Anglo-Norman blood of Taylor's band held out amid sufferings in the wilderness which the child of the forest himself could not endure. The battle of the Bad-Axe, and the rout of Black Hawk by Taylor, at length terminated this arduous march. The steamer bearing Atkinson and his reinforce- ments, reached the junction of the Bad- Axe and the Mississippi, just as the encounter was over, and we believe brought Taylor along with his prisoners back to Fort Crawford, where, alter landing the former, she passed on to St. Louis. When we remember the complimentary reception which Black Hawk met with all along our Atlantic border, how strange it seems that when the name of his captor was mentioned as the hero of Okee-cho-bee, his countrymen asked, "who is this Colonel Taylor that has just been brevetted a Brigadier?" Even as it was afterwards asked con- ANOTHER PROMOTION. 33 cerning the Hero of Rio Bravo, " who is this Brigadier Taylor who has so brilliantly earned the brevet of major-general ?" One might now, without extrava- gance, venture to predict that the captor of Black Hawk is as well known as was that warrior himself ; and that he would probably be received by the people in a progress throughout the country, with demonstra tions of affection and respect, at least equal to those which were showered upon the wily Sauk chief, the but too successful rival of the chivalrous, and loyal, but neglected Keokuk. By the death of Colonel Morgan, Lieutenant-Colonel Taylor received the appointment of Colonel of the first regiment of Infantry, then stationed on the Upper Mis- sissippi. He was employed there for several years as Indian Agent, in which capacity he won their confi- dence, and acquired great influence over them by the wisdom, prudence and tact with which he discharged his trust, and the unvarying kindness and good faith with which all his dealings and intercourse with them was marked. He was known among them as the " Big Chief/" 2* CHAPTER II. Commencement of the Florida War.— Severe Battle of Okee-cho-bee. — Charge of the Missouri Volunteers.— Brave conduct of the Regular Troops.— Colonel Taylor everywhere in the Fight. — Power of the Indians broken. — Colonel Taylor Brevetted Brigadier General for his brave conduct. — Assigned the Command of the First Department of the Army. — Account of his movements at Fort Bassinger. — An amu- sing Anecdote. — General Taylor and the Missouri Legislature. — His Agency in the Employment of Bloodhounds in the Florida War. At the breaking out of the Florida or Seminole war, Colonel Taylor was at Fort Crawford, Prairie du Chien, built by him, where he had been stationed for four years. In 1836 he was ordered to Florida, though he was then on furlough. He cheerfully relinquished it, however, to obey the call of his country. He was placed in command of a separate column, composed of the First, Fourth, and Sixth infantry, some artil- lery, and the Missouri volunteers. But notwithstand- ing his efforts to meet the enemy, they successfully evaded him until the 25th of December, 1837, when he discovered his vicinity to Alligator, Sam Jones and Co-o-coo-chee, at the head of seven hundred Indians, all well armed, and most skilful marksmen. They had chosen their position with great judgment, in a dense hammock, perfectly concealed and strongly fortified, raid were confident of victory. Their front and one flank were protected by a low swamp, almost impas- sable, and the other Hank rested on lake Okee-cho-bee, BATTLE OF OKEE-CHO-BEE. 37 by which it was securely protected. They had there- fore the advantage of position, if not of numbers on their side, Colonel Taylor's forces amounting to about one thousand men. As soon as he ascertained where they were posted, however, he determined to attack them without delay. No considerations of danger, of numbers, or advantage of position had any powei to deter him from attacking an enemy " wherever found, or in whatever numbers." On the contrary, the dangers to be encountered but nerved him the more firmly to meet them. The only approach to the enemy led through a swamp covered with saw-grass, in the mud of which his troops sunk knee deep. This pass, difficult as it was from this cause, was rendered tenfold more dan- gerous by being perfectly swept by the fire of the enemy. Colonel Taylor did not hesitate to make the attack. The engagement was brought on by the Mis- sissippi regiment in gallant style. They dashed through a most destructive and deadly fire poured in upon them from every thicket and concealment, and from the tree tops. This murderous fire was accompanied with the most infernal yells from the savage foe. The vol- unteers began to stagger under the shock, and were finally seized with a panic, and broke and fled in wild disorder. The officers of the Sixth Regiment of regu- lars promptly and boldly threw themselves in front of their troops, and led them gallantly to the charge. They were nobly seconded by the First Regiment, commanded by Colonel Taylor himself in person, and by the Fourth, who assailed their right flank with ter- rible effect. The enemy could not long withstand the shock of these veterans. They were quickly thrown into disorder and driven in confusion from their strong 38 VICTORY OF 6KEE-CHO-BEE. position, after a contest of three hours. The conflict was one of the fiercest and most fatal of the whole war, and so dispirited and weakened the enemy that they were never after able to collect a sufficient force to resist openly the American arms. In the engage- ment the Americans lost one hundred and twenty- eight officers and men in killed and wounded. Amongst the former were the brave and accomplished Lieuten- ant-Colonel Thompson, Captain Van Swearingen, Col- onel Gentry, of the Missouri volunteers, and Lieuten- ants Brooke and Carter. Lieutenant Walker, who went into the engagement with twenty men, had only three left — seventeen had been killed or wounded ! Colonel Taylor was everywhere to be found in the thickest of the fight, where the balls flew fastest, and the danger the greatest, encouraging and urging on his men. Nothing could resist his onsets. His coolness and presence of mind reanimated those whose power of endurance had begun to fail, and gave new ardor to others. His presence inspired all with confidence, and gave assurance of victory. Never was there a commander who possessed the power of infusing his own indomitable spirit into his troops in a more re- markable degree than Colonel Taylor. Wherever he is found all doubt of victory disappears, and his men fight with a perfect conviction of finally triumphing: such was the case at Okee-cho-bee, and such has been the case in all his engagements since. The description of the bloody and brilliant battle of Okee-cho-bee, and the incidents preceding and con- nected with it, have been designedly brief, with a view of introducing Colonel Taylor's own detailed report of the engagement. This is too minute and interesting, and paints too forcibly the terrific scene to be omitted, THE DETAILS. 39 or to be supplied by any account drawn by those who did not witness and participate in it. The report of Colonel Taylor also contains a statement in detail of all his operations in the field, from the 19th of Decem- ber to the 4th of January. On the 4th of January, succeeding the battle, Colonel Taylor thus wrote to Brigadier General Jones : "On the 19th ultimo, I received at this place a com- munication from Major General Jesup, informing me that all hopes of bringing the war to a close by nego- tiation, through the interference or mediation of the Cherokee delegation, were at an end, Sam Jones, with the Mickasukies, having determined to fight it out to the last, and directing me to proceed with the least pos- sible delay against any portion of the enemy I might hear of within striking distance, and to destroy or cap- ture him. " x\fter leaving two officers and an adequate force for the protection of my depot, I marched the next morning, with twelve days' rations (my means of trans- portation not enabling me to carry more,) with the bal- ance of my command, consisting of Captain M unroe's company of the Fourth artillery, total thirty-five men ; the First infantry, under the command of Lieutenant- Colonel Foster, two hundred and seventy-four; the Sixth infantry, under Lieutenant-Colonel Thompson, two hundred and twenty-one ; the Missouri volunteers, one hundred and eighty ; Morgan's spies, forty-seven ; pioneers, thirty ; pontoneers, thirteen ; and seventy Delaware Indians, making a force, exclusive of officers, of one thousand and thirty-two men ; the greater part of the Shawnees having been detached, and the balance refusing to accompany me, under the pretext that a 40 MEETING WITH AN INDIAN CHIEF. number of them were sick, and the remainder were without moccasons. " I moved down the west side of the Kissimmee, in a south-easterly course, towards Lake Istopoga, for the 'ollowing reasons : 1st. Because I knew a portion of .he hostiles were to be found in that direction ; 2nd. If General 'Jesup should fall in with the Mickasukies and drive them, they might attempt to elude him by crossing the Kissimmee, from the east to the west aide of the peninsula, between this and its entrance into the Okee-cho-bee, in which case I might be near at hand to intercept them ; 3rd. To overawe and induce such of the enemy who had been making propositions to give themselves up, and who appeared very slow T , if not to hesitate in complying with their promises on that head, to surrender at once ; and lastly, I deemed it advisable to erect block-houses and a small picket work on the Kissimmee, for a third depot, some thirty or forty miles below this, and obtain a knowledge of the intervening country, as I had no guide who could be relied on, and by this means open a communication with Colonel Smith, who was operating up the Caloosehatchee, or Sangbel river, under my orders. " Late in the evening of the first day's march, I met the Indian chief Jumper, with his family and a part of his band, consisting of fifteen men, a part of them with families, and a few negroes, in all sixty-three souls, on his way to give himself up, in conformity to a previous arrangement I had entered into with him. They were conducted by Captain Parks and a few Shawnees. He (Parks) is an active, intelligent half-breed, who is at the head of the friendly Indians, both Shawnees and Dela- wares, and who I had employed to arrange and bring in Jumper and as many of his people as he could pre- INDIAN TREACHERY. 41 vail on to come in. We encamped that night near the same spot, and the next morning having ordered Cap- tain Parks to join me and take command of the Dela- wares, and having dispatched Jumper, in charge of some Shawnees, to this place, and so on to Fort Fra- zier, I continued my march, after having sent forward three friendly Seminoles to gain intelligence as to the position of the enemy. " About noon the same day, I sent forward one bat- talion of Gentry's regiment, under command of Lieu- tenant-Colonel Price, to pick up any stragglers that might fall in his way, to encamp two or three miles in advance of the main force, to act with great circum- spection, and to communicate promptly any occurrence that might take place in his vicinity important for me to know. About 10, r. m., I received a note from the colonel, stating that the three Seminoles sent forward in the morning had returned ; that they had been at or near where Alligator had encamped, twelve or fifteen miles in his advance ; that he (Alligator) had left there with a part of his family four days before, under the pretext of separating his relations, &c, from the Micka- sukies, preparatory to his surrendering with them ; that there were several families remaining at the camp re- ferred to, who wished to give themselves up, and would remain there until we took possession of them, unless they were forcibly carried off that night by the Micka- sukies, who were encamped at no great distance from them. " In consequence of this intelligence, after directing Lieutenant-Colonel Davenport to follow me early in the morning with the infantry, a little after midnight I put myself at the head of the residue of the mounted men and joined Lieutenant-Colonel Price, proceeded 42 A MARCH BY NIGHT. on, crossing Istopoga outlet, and soon after daylight took possession of the encampment referred to, where I found the inmates, who had not been disturbed. They consisted of an old man, and two young ones, and sev- eral women and children, amounting in all to twenty- two individuals. The old man informed me that Alli- gator was very anxious to separate his people from the Mickasukies, who were encamped on the opposite side of the Kissimmee, distant about twenty miles, where they would fight us. I sent him to Alligator to say to him, if he were sincere in his professions, to meet me the next day at the Kissimmee, where the trail I was marching on crossed, and where I should halt. " As soon as the infantry came up I moved on to the place designated, which I reached late that evening, and where I encamped. About 11 p. m., the old In- dian returned, bringing a very equivocal message from Alligator, who, he stated, he had met accidentally ; also, that the Mickasukies were still encamped where they had been for some days, and where they were de- termined to fight us. "I determined at once on indulging them as soon as practicable. Accordingly, next morning, after laying out a small stockade work for the protection of a future depot, in order to enable me to move with the greatest celerity, I deposited the whole of my heavy baggage, including artillery, &c, and having provisioned the command to include the 26th, after leaving Captain Munroe with his company, the pioneer, pontoneers, with -five sick and disabled infantry, and a portion of riendly Indians, who alleged that they were unable to march farther, crossed the Kissimmee. taking the old Indian as a guide who had been captured the day be- fore, and who accompanied us with great apparent re- ALLIGATOR 8 CAMP. 43 luctance, in pursuit of the enemy, and early the next day reached Alligator's encampment, situated on the edge of Cabbage-tree Hammock, in the midst of a large prairie, from the appearance of which, and other en- campments in the vicinity, and the many evidences of slaughtered cattle, there must have been several hun- dred individuals. " At another small hammock, at no great distance from Alligator's encampment, and surrounded by a swamp impassable for mounted men, the spies surprised an encampment containing one old man, four young men, and some women and children. One of the party immediately raised a white flag, when the men were taken possession of, and brought across the swamp to the main body. I proceeded with an interpreter to meet them. They proved to be Seminoles, and pro- fessed to be friendly. They stated that they were pre- paring to come in ; they had just slaughtered a number of cattle, and were employed in drying and jerking the same. They also informed me that the Mickasukies, headed by A-vi-a-ka, (Sam Jones,) were some ten or twelve miles distant, encamped in a swamp, and were prepared to fight. " Although I placed but little confidence in their pro- fessions of friendship, or their intentions of coming in yet I had no time to look up their women and chil dren, who had fled and concealed themselves in the swamp, or to have encumbered myself with them in the situation in which I then was. Accordingly, I released the old man, who promised that he would col- lect all the women and children and take them in to Captain Munroe, at the Kissimmee, the next day. I also dismissed the old man who had acted as guide thus 44 DISPOSITIONS FOIl BATTLE. far, supplying his place with the four able warriors who had been captured that morning. " These arrangements being made, I moved under their guidance for the camp of the Mickasukies. Be- tween two and three, p. m., we reached a very dense cypress swamp, through which we were compelled to pass, and in which our guide informed us we might be attacked. After making the necessary dipositions for battle, it was ascertained that there was no enemy to oppose us. The army crossed over and encamped for the night, it being late. During the passage of the rear, Captain Parks, who was in advance with a few friendly Indians, fell in with two of the enemies' spies, between two and three miles of our camp, one on horseback, the other on foot, and succeeded in captur- ing the latter. He was an active young warrior, armed with an excellent rifle, fifty balls in his pouch, and an adequate proportion of powder. This Indian confirmed the information which had been previously received from the other Indians, and, in addition, stated that a large body of Seminoles, headed by John Cohua, Co-a- coo-chee, and, no doubt, Alligator, with other chiefs, were encamped five or six miles from us, near the Mickasukies, with a cypress swamp and dense ham- mock between them and the latter. " The army moved forward at daylight the next morning, and after marching five or six miles, reached the camp of the Seminoles on the border of another cypress swamp, which must have contained several hundred, and bore evident traces of having been aban- doned in a great hurry, as the fires were still burning, and quantities of beef lying on the ground uncon- sumed. " Here the troops were again disposed in order of THE FINAL ARRANGEMENTS. 45 battle, but wc found no enemy to oppose us ; and the command was crossed over about 11a. m., when we entered a large prairie in our front, on which two or three hundred head of cattle were grazing, and a num- ber of Indian ponies. Here another young Indian warrior was captured, armed and equipped as the for- mer. He pointed out a dense hammock on our right, about a mile distant, in which he said the hostiles were situated, and waiting to give us battle. " At this place the final disposition was made to attack them, which was in two lines, the volunteers under Gentry, and Morgan's spies, to form the first line in extended order, who were instructed to enter the hammock, and in the event of being attacked and hard pressed, were to fall back in rear of the regular troops, out of reach of the enemy's fire. The second was composed of the 4th and 6th infantry, who were in- structed to sustain the volunteers, the 1st infantry being held in reserve. " Moving on in the direction of the hammock, after proceeding about a quarter of a mile, we reached the swamp which separated us from the enemy, three-quar- ters of a mile in breadth, being totally impassable for horses, and nearly so for foot, covered with a thick growth of saw-grass, five feet high, and about knee- deep in mud and water, which extended to the left as far as the eye could reach, and to the right to a part of the swamp and hammock we had just crossed through, ran a deep creek. At the edge of the swamp the men were dismounted, and the horses and baggage left under a suitable guard. Captain Allen was detached with the two companies of mounted infantry to exam- ine the swamp and hammock to the right, and in case h© should not find the enemy in that direction, was to 4G THE ATTACK BEGUN. return to the baggage, and in the event of his hearing a heavy firing to join me immediately. "After making these arrangements, I crossed the swamp in the order stated. On reaching the borders of the hammock, the volunteers and spies received a heavy fire from the enemy, which was returned by them for a short time, when their gallant commander, Colonel Gentry, fell, mortally wounded. They mostly broke ; and instead of forming in rear of the regulars, as had been directed, they retired across the swamp to their baggage and horses ; nor could they again be brought into action as a body, although efforts were made repeatedly by my staff to induce them to do so. " The enemy, however, were promptly checked and driven back by the 4th and 6th infantry, which in truth might be said to be a moving battery. The weight of the enemy's fire was principally concentrated on five companies of the 6th infantry, which not only stood firm, but continued to advance until their gallant com- mander, Lieutenant-Colonel Thompson, and his adju- tant, Lieutenant Center, were killed, and every officer, with one exception, as well as most of the non-commis- sioned officers, including the sergeant-major and four of the orderly sergeants, killed and wounded of those companies, when that portion of the regiment retired to a short distance and were again formed, one of these companies having but four members left untouched. " Lieutenant-Colonel Foster, with six companies, amounting in all to one hundred and sixty men, gained the hammock in good order, where he was joined by Captain Noel with the two remaining companies of the 6th infantry, and Captain Gentry's volunteers, with a few additional men, continued to drive the enemy for a considerable time, and by a change of front, sepa- THE KILLED AND WOUNDED. 47 rated his line and continued to drive him until he reached the great kike, Okee-cho-bee, which was in the rear of the enemy's position, and on which their encampment extended for more than a mile. As soon as I was informed that Captain Allen was advancing, I ordered the 1st infantry to move to the left, gain the enemy's right flank, and turn it, which order was exe- cuted in the promptest manner possible, and as soon as that regiment got in position, the enemy gave one fire and retreated, being persuaded by the 1st, 4th, and 6th, and some of the volunteers who had joined them, until near night, and until these troops were nearly exhausted, and the enemy driven in all directions. " The action was a severe one, and continued from half-pa-st twelve until three, p. m. 3 a part of the time very close and severe. We suffered much, having twenty-six killed, and one hundred and twelve wounded, among whom are some of our most valuable officers. The hostiles probably suffered, all things considered, equally with ourselves, they having left ten dead on the ground, besides doubtless, carrying off more, as is customary with them when practicable. " As soon as the enemy were completely broken, I turned my attention to taking care of the wounded, to facilitate their removal to my baggage, where I ordered an encampment to be formed. I directed Captain Taylor to cross over to the spot and employ every in- dividual whom he might find there in constructing a small footway across the swamp ; this, with great ex- ertions, was completed in a short time after dark, when all the dead and wounded were Carried over in litters made for the purpose, with one exception, a private of the 4th infantry, who was killed and could not be found. " And here I trust I may be permitted to say that 1 48 REMOVING THE WOUNDED. experienced one of the most trying scenes of my life, and he who could have looked on them with indiffer- ence, his nerves must have been differently organized from my own. Besides the killed, there lay one hun- dred and twelve wounded officers and soldiers, who had accompanied me one hundred and forty-five miles, most of the way through an unexplored wilderness, without guides, who had so gallantly beaten the enemy, under my orders, in his strongest position, and who had to be conveyed back, through swamps and hammocks, from whence we set out, without any apparent means of doing so. This service, however, was encountered and overcome, and they have been conveyed thus far, and proceeded on to Tampa Bay on rude litters, con- structed with the axe and knife alone, with poles and dry hides — the latter being found in great abundance at the encampment of the hostiles. The litters were carried on the backs of our weak and tottering horses, aided by the residue of the command, with more ease and comfort to the sufferers than I could have supposed, and with as much as they could have been in ambu- lances of the most improved and modern construction. " The day after the battle we remained at our en- campment, occupied in taking care of the wounded, and in the sad office of interring the dead ; also in pre- paring litters for the removal of the wounded, and col- lecting, with a portion of the mounted men, the horses and cattle in the vicinity belonging to the enemy, of which we found about one hundred of the former, many of them saddled, and nearly three hundred of the I itt< i - . "We left o n.pme%t on the morning of the 27th, for the Kissimmee, where I had left my heavy bag- gage, which place we reached about noon on the 28th. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL DAVENPORT. 49 After leaving two companies and a few Indians to gar- rison the stockade, which I found nearly completed on my return, by that active and vigilant officer, Captain Munroe, 4th artillery, I left the next morning for this place, where I arrived on the 31st, and sent forward the wounded next day to Tampa Bay, with the 4th and 6th infantry, the former to halt at Fort Frazer, re- maining here myself with the 1st, in order to make preparations to take the field again as soon as my horses can be recruited, most of which have been sent to Tampa, and my supplies in a sufficient state of for- wardness to justify the measure. " In speaking of the command, I can only say, that so far as the regular troops are concerned, no one could have been more efficiently sustained than I have been, from the commencement of the campaign ; and I am certain that they will always be willing and ready to discharge any duty that may be assigned them. " To Lieutenant-Colonel Davenport, and the officers and soldiers of the First infantry, I feel under many obligations for the manner in which they have, on all occasions, discharged their duty ; and although held in reserve, and not brought into battle until near its close, the eagerness it evinced to engage, and the prompt- ness and good order with which they entered the ham- mock, when the order was given for them to do so, is the best evidence that they would have sustained their own characters, as well as that of the regiment, had it been their fortune to have been placed in the hottest of the battle. " The Fourth infantry, under their gallant leader, Lieutenant-Colonel Foster, was among the first to gain the nammock, and maintained this position, as well as driving a portion of the enemy before him, until he ai- 50 GALLANTRY OF THE SIXTH. rived on the borders of Lake Okee-cho-bee, which was in the rear, and continued the pursuit until near night. Lieutenant-Colonel Foster, who was favorably noticed for his gallantry and good conduct in nearly all the engagements on the Niagara frontier, during the lata war with Great Britain, by his several commanders, as vvell as in the different engagements with the Indians in this territory, never acted a more conspicuous part than in the action of the 25th ult. ; he speaks in the highest terms of the conduct of brevet Major Graham, his second in command, as also the officers and soldiers of the Fourth infantry, who were engaged in the ac- tion. Captain Allen, with his two mounted companies of the Fourth infantry, sustained his usual character for promptness and efficiency. Lieutenant Hooper, of the Fourth regiment, was wounded through the arm, but continued on the field, at the head of his company*' until the termination of the battle. " I am not sufficiently master of words to express my admiration of the gallantry and steadiness of the officers and soldiers of the Sixth regiment of infantry. It was their fortune to bear the brunt of the battle. The report of the killed and wounded, which accom- panies this, is more conclusive evidence of their merits than anything I can say. After five companies of thi-s regiment, against which the enemy directed the most deadly fire, were nearly cut up, there being only four men left uninjured in one of them ; and every officer and orderly sergeant of those companies, with one ex- ception, were either killed or wounded ; Captain Noel, with the remaining two companies, his own company, " K.," and Grossman's, " B.," commanded by second Lieutenant Woods, which was the left of the regiment, formed on the right of the Fourth infantry, entered MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. 51 the hammock with that regiment, and continued tiie fight and the pursuit until its termination. It is due to Captain Andrews and Lieutenant Walker, to say they commanded two of the five companies mentioned above, and they continued to direct them, until they were both severely wounded, and carried from the field ; the latter received three separate balls. "The Missouri volunteers, under the command of Colonel Gentry, and Morgan's spies, who formed the first line, and, of course, were the first engaged, acted as well, or even better, than troops of that description generally do ; they received and returned the enemv's fire with spirit, for some time, when they broke and retired, with the exception of Captain Gillam and a few of his company, and Lieutenant Blakey, also with a few men, who joined the regulars, and acted with them, until after the close of the battle, but not until they had suffered severely ; the commanding officer of the volunteers, Colonel Gentry, being mortally wounded while leading on his men, and encouraging them to enter the hammock, and come to close quar- ters with the enemy ; his son, an interesting youth, eighteen or nineteen years of age, sergeant-major of the regiment, was severely w r ounded at the same mo- ment. " Captain Childs, Lieutenants Rogers and Flanagan, of Gentry's regiment, acting Major Sconce, and Lieu- tenants Hase and Gordon, of the spies, were wounded, while encouraging their men to a discharge of their duty. " The volunteers and spies having, as before stated, fallen back to the baggage, could not again be formed and brought up to the hammock in anything like order , but a number of them crossed over individually, and 3 52 GENERAL TAYLOR S STAFF. aided in conveying the wounded across the swamp to the hammock, among whom were Captain Curd, and several other officers, whose names I do not now recollect. " To my personal staff, consisting of first Lieutenant J. M. Hill, of the Second, and first Lieutenant George H. Griffin, of the Sixth infantry, the latter aide-de-camp to Ma^or General Gaines, and a volunteer in Florida from his staff, I feel under the greatest obligations for the promptness and efficiency with which they have sustained me throughout the campaign, and more par- ticularly for their good conduct, and the alacrity with which they aided me, and conveyed my orders during the action of the 25th ult. "Captain Taylor, commissary of subsistence, who was ordered to join General Jesup at Tampa Bay, as chief of the subsistence department, and who was ordered by him to remain with his column until he (General Jesup) joined it, although no command was assigned Captain Taylor, he greatly exerted himself in trying to rally and bring back the volunteers into ac- tion, as well as discharging other important duties which were assigned to him during the action. " Myself, as well as all who witnessed the attention and ability displayed by Surgeon Satterlee, medical director on this side the peninsula, assisted by Assistant- surgeons McLaren and Simpson, of the medical staff of the army, and Doctors Hannah and Cooke, of the Missouri volunteers, in ministering to the wounded, as well as their uniform kindness to them on all occasions, can never cease to be referred to by me but with the most pleasing and grateful recollections. " The quartermaster's department, under the direc- tion of that efficient officer, Major Brant, and his as- FllUITS OF THE VICTORY. 53 sistant, Lieutenant Babbitt, have done everything that could be accomplished to throw forward from Tampa Bay, and keep up supplies of provisions, forage, etc., with the limited means at their disposal. Assistant- commissaries Lieutenants Harrison, stationed at Fort Gardner, and McClure, at Fort Fraser, have fully met my expectations in discharge of the various duties connected with their department, as well as those assigned them in the quartermaster's department. "This column, in six weeks, penetrated one hun- dred and fifty miles into the enemy's country, opened roads, and constructed bridges and causeways, when necessary, on the greater portion of the route, estab- lished two depots, and the necessary defences for the same, and finally overtook and beat the enemy in his strongest position. The results of which movement and battle have been the capture of thirty of the hos- tiles, the coming in and surrendering of more than one hundred and fifty Indians and negroes, mostly the former, including the chiefs Ou-la-too-gee, Tus-ta-nug- gee, and other principal men, the capturing and driving out of the country six hundred head of cattle, upwards of one hundred head of horses, besides obtaining a thorough knowledge of the country through which we operated, a greater portion of which was entirely un- known, except to the enemy. " Colonel Gentry died in a few hours after the battle, much regretted by the army, and will be, doubtless, by all who knew him, as his state did not contain a braver man or a better citizen. " It is due to his rank and talents, as well as to his long and important services, that I particularly men- tion Lieutenant Colonel A. R. Thompson, of the Sixth infantry, who fell, in the discharge of his duty, at the 54 DEATH OF LIEUTENANT-COLONEL THOMPSON. head of his regiment. He was in feeble health, brought on by exposure to this climate during the past summer, refusing to leave the country while his regiment con- tinued in it. Although he received two balls from the fire of the enemy, early in the action, which wounded him severely, yet he appeared to disregard them, and continued to give his orders with the same coolness that he would have clone had his regiment been under review, or on any parade duty. ^Advancing, he re- ceived a third ball, which at once deprived him of life. His last words were, " keep steady, men, charge the hammock — remember the regiment to which you be- long." I had known Colonel Thompson personally only for a short time, and the more I knew of him the more I wished to know ; and had his life been spared, our acquaintance, no doubt, would have ripened into the closest friendship. Under such circumstances, there are few, if any, other than his bereaved wife, mother, and sisters, who more deeply and sincerely lament his loss, or who will longer cherish his memory than myself. " Captain Van Swearingen, Lieutenant Brooke, and Lieutenant and Adjutant Center, of the same regiment, who fell on that day, had no superiors of their years in service, and, in point of chivalry, ranked among the first in the army or nation ; besides their pure and dis- interested courage, they possessed other qualifications, which qualified them to fill the highest grades of their profession, which, no doubt, they would have attained and adorned, hud (heir lives been spared. The two former served with me on another arduous and trying campaign, and on every occasion, whether in the camp, on the march, or on the field of battle, discharged their various duties to my entire satisfaction." The gallantry and good conduct of Colonel Taylor, GENERAL TAYLOR PROMOTED. 55 in this hard fought and important battle, received the highest commendation of Mr. Poinsett, the Secretary of War, General Macomb, the commander-in-chief of the army, and the country at large. General Macomb issued a general order to the army, upon the occasion of his victory, in which he especially referred to his bravery in the following terms : " To Colonel Taylor and the officers, non-commissioned officers and troops of the regular army, the Secretary of War tenders the thanks of the President of the United States for the dis- cipline and bravery displayed by them on the occasion ; as, likewise, to the officers and volunteers of Missouri, who shared in the conflict, and who evinced so much zeal and gallantry in bringing on the action." He also received the brevet rank of Brigadier General, and was given the chief command of the operations in Florida, in consideration of his valuable services, which he re- tained until the year 1840, having continued four years in that harassing and dangerous service. Immediately succeeding this victory General Taylor took up his position at Fort Bassinger, in Florida. Here he remained for several months, harassing the enemy, by cutting off their small parties, capturing several of their principal chiefs, and taking their cattle and means of subsistence. On the 8th of February, 1838, an officer of high standing in General Taylor's army, stationed at Fort Bassinger, gave the following account of their operations : " We (Colonel Taylor's army), have just returned from the everglades. These everglades are, at the northwest, termed wet prairies. They are large wet prairies, or grassy lakes, and of which the Indians know but little, and where they cannot live a month without great suffering. 56 LETTER FROM HIS CAMP. " We saw but few Indians, and they fled rapidly at our approach. We took about sixty horses, and ascer- tained that their cattle were exhausted. Colonel Tay- lor has taken about six hundred head. We found on our last excursion but few cattle tracks, and only two cows were taken. The Indians are suffering for food ; in all their camps we find they had subsisted on pal- metto roots and the cabbage tree, which are never eaten by them except when hard run. " One hundred and thirty Indians and Negroes have come in since the battle of Okee-cho-bee, and they say many more will come in soon, and that they are tired of the war, and destitute of provisions. " Florida is generally a poor, sandy country. The southern portion is nearly all prairie, wet and dry alter- nately. Not more than one tenth, at the utmost, of Florida is fit for cultivation, and I would not give one good township of land in Illinois or Michigan for every foot of land in East Florida. " The Indian prisoners now admit that they lost twenty in the fight with Colonel Taylor. They had a strong position, and fought well, but were terribly whip- ped, and have never returned near the ground since." An anecdote is told of the general while stationed at this fort that is as amusing as it is characteristic. He had a favorite horse which he called " Claybank," a very fine animal, and much attached to his master. But he did not much fancy the musty corn often fur- nished the troops. The general used to partake of the same fare as his soldiers, and so did Claybank, so far as the corn was concerned, and they were both equally dainty. The general was very fond of hominy, and musty corn made anything but a pleasant diet. He would subject himself to the suspicion of " picking," f. ANECDOTE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. 57 to the prejudice of the soldiers, rather than eat it, when not compelled to. Finding that Claybank understood that business better than he did, he would quietly let him loose amongst the sacks of corn. After smelling very carefully, the sagacious animal would commence gnawing a hole in one that pleased him. The gene- ral would patiently watch the manoeuvre until he saw that Claybank had made a choice, then calling his ser- vants, he would direct him to have Claybank stabled immediately, for fear he might do mischief; "but," he would say, " as the animal has eaten a hole in the bag, take out a quart or so of the corn and make a dish of hominy. The trick was played for some time, but at last it became known, that whenever Claybank gnawed into a sack, sweet corn was to be found there, and the incident became a standing joke during the war, and it was enjoyed by none more heartily than by the sub- ject of it himself. After his resignation of this command, he was as- signed to that of the First Department of the army, in- cluding the States of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, &c, with his head-quarters at Fort Jessup, in the former State. There he remained in the quiet but vigilant attention to the duties devolving upon him, until his services should be required on a wider and / more extended field. ^J Before accompanying General Taylor to the new theatre, upon which he is to act so glorious a part, and where his brilliant deeds are to stand out so promi- nentlv before the world, it may not be inappropriate to refer to one or two circumstances in the history of his operations in Florida, that have been the subjects of some discussion before the public, and have produced a contrariety of opinions in the public mind. 58 SOUGHT TO BE CE: It will have been observed, that in his official account of the battle of Okee-cb -1 eneral T >k oc- casion, as truth and the i rvice required him to do, to refer to the conduct of ssouri vol- unteers and spies in that engagement. He could do no less than to report to the War Department the sim- ple fact that these troops fell into disorder and finally fled, after having gallantly attacked the enemy. This he did in as mild terms as he could well employ. But nevertheless, his report gave great offence to the people of Missouri, and General Taylor was unsparingly de- nounced for his injustice to the volunteers and spies of that State. Amongst other means of expressing their tisfaction, Mr. Atchinson, then a member of the State Legislature, and subsequently a member of the d States Senate, made a stringent report on the subject, and also introduced a string of resolutions of a very indignant character, which were appended to it. No definite action was ever had on either, however, and public opinion finally settled down into the belief that facts fully sustained General Taylor, and that if the Missouri volunteers did not evince the same un- yielding courage as veteran soldiers, there was much in the circumstances of the case to palliate their con- duct, especiail; tr first charge was made with so much courage and i !lect. There is another circumstance in the history of the with which General T; s name has been associated, that requires a brief reference, and tbat is t! yment of bloodhounds to lead to the hidin of the Indians. No event of the whole criticized and condemned as this act of the administration. It was natural in times of I exi itement, when only the simple fact EMPLOYMENT OF BLOODHOUNDS. 59 was known to the country, without any of the reasons that led to a measure that seemed so repulsive to hu- manity, or the particular object for which they were employed, that it should have been so. The measure is one that even now, after the passions of men have become calmed, cannot be approved, though there is much to palliate it, and much more to free General Taylor from any charge of inhumanity in advising the employment of these savage agents. The war had been waged for several years against an invisible enemy, at an expense of many millions of money, and a vast sacrifice of life. Our soldiers were attacked and our best troops shot down at noonday, by a foe that defied all search. After discharging a deadly volley at our soldiers, they would betake them- selves to impenetrable thickets, and there lay securely concealed until another opportunity presented of poun- cing down upon small parties of troops, and again flee to their hiding places. It was to find these hidden enemies that General Taylor recommended to the de- partment the employment of bloodhounds. He says, in a letter to the Adjutant General of the army, dated July 28, 1838: "I wish it distinctly understood, that my object in employing dogs, is to ascertain where the Indians can be found, not to injure them." If any- thing were wanted to exempt General Taylor from an implication of cruelty for his agency in the affair, this explicit avowal of his motives will be sufficient. But he has on too many occasions, both before and since, eiven such evidence of his humane inclinations, that however mistaken any one may be disposed to consider him, no one will do himself and a brave man the injus- tice to deny him that noble virtue in an eminent degree. 3* CHAPTER III. Admission of Texas into the Union. — Indirect Cause of the Mexican War. — War Recognized by the American Congress. — Prominent part General Taylor has acted since its Commencement. — Orders of the War Department to him. — Texas accepts the conditions of Annexa- tion offered by the United States. — Ultimate Views of Government. — General Taylor arrives at Corpus Christi. — Extracts of the Official Correspondence between him and the Secretary of War. — Intentions of the American Government. On the first day ot" March, 1845, Texas was admitted into the Union, by a joint resolution of the Congress of the United States. Though this act was not the immediate cause of the rupture between the United States and Mexico, it led to the adoption of measures which brought the armies of the two governments into collision, and terminated in a declaration of the exist- ence of war by the American government. But whether the war was declared formally or not, according to the laws of nations, having virtually been commenced, it was recognized and adopted, and the American 'people, with a unanimity not. shown even in the last war with Great Britain, and notwithstanding there was a differ- ence of opinion as to the necessity and justice of it, everywhere evinced their willingness to assist the gov- ernmenl to prosecute it with vigor, or end it with honor. Amongst those whose names are more intimately Connected with 1 lie prosecution of this war than that PRIVATE INSTRUCTIONS, Gl of any other of the brave men who have added such lustre to the American arms during; its continuance, by their gallant deeds, is that of General Zachary Taylor. Soon after the annexation of Texas, General Taylor, who was then stationed at. Fort Jessup, in Louisiana, received the following communication, from Mr. Marcy Secretary of War, marked " confidential," and dated ' : War Department, May 28, 1845 :" (i Sir : — I am directed by the President to cause the forces now under your command, and those which may be assigned to it, to be put into a position where thev may most promptly and efficiently act in defence of Texas, in the event it shall become necessary or proper to employ them for that purpose. The information re- ceived by the Executive of the United States warrants the belief that Texas will shortly accede to the terms of annexation. As soon as the Texas Congress shall have given its consent to annexation, and a convention shall assemble and accept the terms offered in the reso- lutions of Congress, Texas will then be regarded by the executive government here, so far a part of the United States as to be entitled from this government to defence and protection from foreign invasion and Indian incur- sions. The troops under your command will be placed and kept in readiness to perform this duty. '•In the letter addressed to you from the Adjutant General's office, of the 21st of March, you were in- structed to hold a portion of the troops under your im- mediate command in readiness to move into Texas under certain contingencies, and upon further orders from this department. In the treaty between the United States and Mexico, the two governments mu- tually stipulated to use all the means in their power to maintain peace and harmony among the Indian nations 62 VIEWS OF THE GOVERNMENT. inhabiting the lands on their borders, and to restrain by force any hostilities and incursions by these nations within their respective boundaries, so that the one would not suffer the Indians within its limits to attack, in any manner whatever, the citizens of the other, or the In- dians residing upon the territories of the other. The obligations which in this respect are due to Mexico by this treaty, are due also to Texas. Should the Indians residing within the limits of the United States, either by themselves, or associated with others, attempt any hos- tile movements in regard to Texas, it will be your duty to employ the troops under your command to repel and chastise them, and for this purpose you will give the necessary instructions to the military posts on the up- per Red river, (although not under your immediate command,) and, with the approbation of the Texan authorities, make such movements, and take such po- sition, within the limits of Texas, as in your judgment may be necessary. You are also directed to open im- mediate correspondence with the authorities of Texas, and with any diplomatic agent of the United States, (if one should be residing therein,) with a view to in- formation and advice in respect to the common Indian enemy, as well as to any foreign power. This commu- nication and consultation with the Texan authorities, &c, are directed with a view to enable you to avail yourself of the superior local knowledge they may pos- sess, but not for the purpose of placing you, or any por- tion of the forces of the United States, under the orders of any functionary not in the regular line of command above you. " Should the territories of Texas be invaded by a for- eign power, and you shall receive certain intelligence through her functionaries of that fact, after her con- TAYLOR TO REPEL INVASION. 63 vention shall have acceded to the terms of annexation contained in the resolutions of the Congress of the United States, you will at once employ, in the most effectual manner your judgment may dictate, the forces under your command, for the defence of these territo- ries and to expel the invaders. " It is supposed here that, for the mere purpose of repelling a common Indian enemy, as above provided for, it may not be necessary that you should march across the Sabine or upper Red river (at least in the first instance) with more than the particular troops which you were desired in the instructions before re- ferred to, of the 21st March, to hold in immediate readiness for the field, but it is not intended to restrict you positively to that particular amount of force. On the contrary, according to the emergency, you may add any other corps, or any number of companies within your department deemed necessary, beginning with those nearest at hand ; and in the contingency of a foreign invasion of Texas, as above specified, other regi- ments from a distance may be ordered to report to you." This order was succeeded by another, also confiden- tial, from the Hon. George Bancroft, Acting Secretary of War, and dated June 15th, 1845. After advising General Taylor, that on the 4th of July, or very soon thereafter, the convention of the people of Texas would probably accept the proposition of annexation, and that such acceptance would constitute Texas an integral portion of the Union, he ordered him forthwith to make a forward movement with the troops under his com- mand, and advance to the mouth of the Sabine, or such other port on the Gulf of Mexico, or its navigable wa- ters, as in his opinion might be most convenient for an embarkation at the proper time, for the western portion (54 TEXAS ASSENTS TO ANNEXATION. of Texas. The point of his ultimate destination, he was informed in this order, was the western frontier of Texas, and he was instructed to select and occupy, on or near the Rio Grande, such a site as would consist with the health of the troops, and be the best point to repel invasion, and to protect what, in case of annexa- tion, would be our western border. He was further instructed to limit himself to the defence of the territory of Texas, unless Mexico should declare war against the United States, and not to effect a landing on the fron- tier, until he had ascertained the acceptance of the proffered terms of annexation by Texas, from our min- ister to that government. Not long after, the anticipated information of the acceptance of the conditions offered to Texas by the United States was received by General Taylor, and on the following day he left New Orleans, with a por- tion of his troops, and on the 25th of July arrived at St. Joseph's Island. In the early part of August, he took up his position at Corpus Christi, on the west side of the Neuces, and near its mouth, where he remained until the 11th day of March, 1846. Whilst in this position, he sent forward to the Rio Grande a party of observation, with the view of selecting some favorable position as a depot of military stores, and a proper po- sition for the encampment of the army. Some time in February, 1840, this party returned, and reported in favor of Point Isabel, a few miles from the mouth of the Rio Grande, as a depot of provisions and military stores, and in favor of the position where Fort Brown was subsequently built, as a suitable position to be occu- pied by the army. It may be necessary here to give such portions of the correspondence between the War Department and TAYLOR d INSTRUCTIONS. 65 General Taylor, while the latter was at Corpus Christi, as will explain the immediate and ultimate views and intentions of the government towards Mexico, the po- sition of Taylor, and the agency he had, if any, in hastening the war. For this purpose, the part of that correspondence that throws the most light upon these subjects, is annexed. It will be observed from it, and the order of the Secretary of War already given, that General Taylor acted under positive and specific in- structions in all his movements, when such instructions could, in the nature of the case, be given. In these orders, and the dispatches of Taylor, will be found all the information required, to lead to a correct under standing of the immediate steps on the part of the two governments which led to the collision between their respective armies, that ended in the existing war. On the 23rd of August, 1845, Mr. Secretary Marcy addressed to General Taylor the following order : " The information hitherto received as to the inten- tions of Mexico, and the measures she may adopt, does not enable the administration here to give you more explicit instructions in regard to your movements, than those which have been already forwarded to you. There is reason to believe that Mexico is making ef- forts to assemble a large army on the frontier of Texas, for the purpose of entering its territory and holding forcible possession of it. Of their movements you are doubtless advised, and we trust have taken, or early will take, prompt and efficient steps to meet and repel any such hostile incursion. Should Mexico assemble a large body of troops on the Rio Grande, and cross it with a considerable force, such a movement must be regarded as an invasion of the United States, and the commencement of hostilities. You will, of course, use 6G TROOPS ORDERED INTO TEXAS. all the authority which has been or may be given you, to meet such a state of things. Texas must be pro- tected from hostile invasion, and for that purpose you will of course employ, to the utmost extent, all the means you possess or can command. " An order has been this day issued for sending one thousand more men into Texas, to join those under your command. When the existing orders are carried into effect, you will have with you a force of four thousand men of the regular army. We are not en- abled to judge what auxiliary force can, upon an emer- gency, be brought together from Texas ; and as a pre- cautionary measure, you are authorized to accept volunteers from the States of Louisiana and Alabama, and even from Mississippi, Tennessee and Kentucky. Should Mexico declare war, or commence hostilities by crossing the Rio Grande with a considerable force, you are instructed to lose no time in giving informa- tion to the authorities of each or any of the above- mentioned states, as to the number of volunteers you may want from them respectively- Should you re- quire troops from any of these states, it would be im- portant to have them with the least possible delay. It is not doubted that at least two regiments from New Orleans, and one from Mobile, could be obtained and expeditiously brought into the field. You will cause it to be known in these places, what number and de- scription of troops you desire to receive from them in the contemplated emergency. The authorities of these states will be apprised that you are authorized to re- ceive volunteers from them, and you may calculate that they will promptly join you when it is made known that their services are required. Arms, ammunition, and camp equipage for the auxiliary troops that you A NAVAL FORCE TO CO-OPERATE. 07 may require, will be sent forward, subject to your or- ders. You will so dispose of them as to be most avail- able in case they should be ne-eded, and at the same time with a due regard to their safety and preserva- tion. Orders have been issued to the naval force on the Gulf of Mexico to co-operate with you. You will, as far as practicable, hold communication with the 'commanders of our national vessels in your vicinity, and avail yourself of any assistance that can be de- rived from their co-operation. The Lexington is or- dered into service as a transport ship, and will sail in a few days from New York, with a detachment of United States troops for Corpus Christi. She will be employed as the exigency of the public service may require. In order to keep up a proper communication between the army in Texas and the United States, the On-ka-hy-e, the Harney, and the Dolphin will be put into service as soon as they can be made ready, as dis- patch vessels, to convey intelligence, supplies, &c. You will avail yourself of these vessels, and all other proper means, to keep the government here advised of your operations, and the state of things in Texas and Mexico." Two days after, on the 25th of August, the Secre- tary of War addressed a circular letter to the Govern- ors of Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, and on the 28th, a similar letter to the Governors of Kentucky and Tennessee, advising them that General Taylor had been appointed to the command of the army of occu- pation in Texas, and that he was authorized to draw any auxiliary force he might need from that state. He advises them that General Taylor has been author- ized to call on them for any additional volunteers he might consider necessary to repel the invasion of Texas by Mexico, should it be attempted. He also observes, 68 VOLUNTEERS FROM OTHER STATES. " that the emergency rendering such assistance from the militia of your state necessary, does not appear to have been foreseen by Congress, and consequently, no appropriation was made for paying them ; but it is not to be doubted that such a provision will be promptly made when Congress shall again assemble. In order to be paid, the state troops must be mustered into ser- vice. In organizing companies and regiments for that purpose, the number of officers must be proportioned to that of the privates. Inclosed I send you from the Adjutant-General, a statement of the number and rank of officers for each company of men, as well as the regimental and staff officers, should a regiment of vol- unteers be called for. From the known patriotism and military ardor of the militia of your state, it is pre- sumed that volunteers, to the number that may be re- quired, will readily tender their services to their coun- try in the contemplated emergency. Should aid from your state be required by the commanding general in Texas, it will be of the utmost importance that the troops should be sent into that state without delay. This consideration will render it proper that they should come from such parts of the state as can most promptly furnish them." On the 30th of August Mr. Marcy wrote to General Taylor, to urge upon him the importance of availing himself of every opportunity of communicating with the War Department, as it was desirable to have early and correct information from him, so as to enable the government to form a true judgment of the designs and movements of Mexico, founded upon ascertained facts. He then continues : " It is presumed that, in pursuance of previous instructions from this depart- ment, you have taken special pains to become ac- WHAT ACTS CONSIDERED AGGRESSIVE. 69 quainted with the proceedings of Mexico, particularly in regard to the number and kind of Mexican troops at Matamoras, Monterey, and other places, as well as those which are on the march towards them, and may be brought to act against your forces, or pushed across the Rio Grande, either in the vicinity of Matamora* or at distant points on that river. You will not, I trust, underrate the importance of such information, or fail to use the proper and necessary means for acquiring it. You are directed, should you deem it expedient, to employ competent and trustworthy persons to obtain such intelligence. " The instructions heretofore issued, enjoin upon you to defend Texas from invasion and Indian hostilities ; and should Mexico invade it, you will employ all your forces to repulse the invaders, and drive all Mexican troops beyond the Rio Grande. Should you judge the forces under your command inadequate, you will not fail to draw sufficient auxiliary aid from Texas, and, if there be need, from the states, pursuant to your pre- vious instructions. It is not to be doubted, that on your notification, volunteer troops, to the number you may require, will rally with alacrity to your standard. You have been advised that the assembling a large Mexican army on the borders of Texas, and crossing the Rio Grande with a considerable force, will be re garded by the Executive here as an invasion of the United States, and the commencement of hostilities. An attempt to cross that river with such a force, will also be considered in the same light. There may be other acts on the part of Mexico which would put an end to the relations of peace between that republic and the United States. Should depredations be committed on our commerce by her public armed vessels, or pri- 70 HOW TO ACT IN CASE OF WAR. vateers acting under authority, this will constitute a state of war. " Orders have been issued to the vessels of the United States in the Gulf, to furnish you with informa- tion of any hostile proceedings of Mexico, and the state of things in that republic. You will embrace every occasion that may present, to forward to the commanders of these vessels such intelligence as you may possess concerning the movements of the military forces and the state of things in Mexico and Texas, and to suggest to them such assistance and co-opera- tion as you may desire to receive. " In case of war, either declared or made manifest by hostile acts, your main object will be the protection of Texas ; but the pursuit of this object will not neces- sarily confine your action within the territory of Texas. Mexico having thus commenced hostilities, you may, in your discretion, should you have sufficient force, and be in a condition to do so, cross the Rio Grande, dis- perse or capture the forces assembling to invade Texas, defeat the junction of troops uniting for that purpose, drive them from their positions on either side of that river, and, if deemed practicable and expedient, take and hold possession of Matamoras and other places in the country. I scarcely need to say that enterprises of this kind are only to be ventured on under circum- stances presenting a fair prospect of success." jain, on the 10th of October, 1845, the Secretary of War informed General Taylor that no apprehension was felt at Washington, that any serious attempts would be made by Mexico to invade Texas, although she still continued to threaten it, and that in carrying out the instructions of government he would be left very much to his own judgment, as his superior knowl- WHAT POSITION TO BE OCCUPIED. / 1 edge of localities, and his advantages for obtaining earlier notice of the views of Mexico, and the move- ments of her troops, would enable him to judge much more correctly what action on his part might be ne- cessary. He was advised that he would, in a great measure, be left to act, during the coming winter, as circumstances might seem in his judgment to require, and instructed to approach as near the western boun- dary of Texas, (" the Rio Grande,") as a due regard for his safety and the comfort of his army would permit. Having given such suggestions as he considered ad- visable as to the movements of the army, the secretary proceeds : " Ought your present position to be changed ? the forces which are, or soon will be, assembled under your command, be kept together or divided ? and, if divided, what positions are to be taken, and how are they to be divided ? These are questions which must be in a measure left to your judgment, or, at least, the decision upon them here, if there be time, will be influ- enced in no inconsiderable degree by the information and views which you may furnish the department. You need not, therefore, wait for directions from Wash- ington, to carry out what you may deem proper to be done. Upon all the points above enumerated, and others not suggested, your reports and views in full are desired, not only with reference to the continuance of the present aspect of affairs between the United States and Mexico, but in the contingency of your selecting, or being directed to take, a position on the banks of the Rio Grande near its mouth, or places above, or even in the event of open hostilities. It is expected that the officers of the iTngineer and Topographical Corps, who have been sent into Texas, will examine, as far as practicable, under your direction, the country, with a 72 TAYLOR ORDERED TO THE RIO GRANDE. view to selecting eligible positions for permanent or temporary occupation, for depots of supplies, arms, and munitions of war. It is extremely desirable that the sea-coast, or at least that part of it which will be likely to be visited by our vessels in aid of any contemplated military operations, should be better known here than it now is ; as well as the character of the several rivers which may present obstacles to the movements of our forces, or furnish facilities for transporting supplies. You are requested to avail yourself of all proper occa- sions, and employ the means you possess to collect in- formation in regard to matters, and forward it to this department." The next communication from the Secretary of War to General Taylor is an explicit and peremptory order to march to the Rio Grande, and take such a position there as he might deem advisable, the season, the route by which his encampment could be approached, and the security of the army being considered. Mr. Marcy writes : " I am directed by the President to instruct you to advance and occupy, with the troops under your command, positions on or near the east bank of the Rio del Norte, as soon as it can be conveniently done with reference to the season and the routes by which your movements must be made. From the views heretofore presented to this department, it is pre- sumed Point Isabel will be considered by you an eligi- ble position. This point, or some one near it, and points opposite Matamoras and Mier, and in the Vicin- ity of Laredo, are suggested for your consideration ; but you are left to your better knowledge to determine the post or posts which you are to occupy, as well as the question of dividing your forces with a view to oc- cupying two or more positions. TO ACT ON THE DEFENSIVE. 73 " In the positions you may take in carrying out these instructions, and other movements that may be made, the use of the Rio del Norte may be very convenient, if not necessary. Should you attempt to exercise the right which the United States have, in common with Mexico, to the free navigation of this river, it is proba- ble that Mexico would interpose resistance. You will not attempt to enforce this right without further in- structions. " You are requested to report to this department, without delay, what means you may require, if any, beyond those you now possess, to enforce and main- tain our common right to navigate this river, as well as your views of the importance of this right in the de- fence and protection of the state of Texas. " It is not designed, in our present relations with Mexico, that you should treat her as an enemy ; but, should she assume that character by a declaration of war, or an open act of hostility towards us, you will not act merely on the defensive, if your relative means enable you to do otherwise. " Since instructions were given you to draw aid from Texas, in case you should deem it necessary, the rela- tions between that state and the United States have undergone some modification. Texas is now fully in- corporated into our union of states, and you are here- by authorized by the President to make a requisition upon the executive of that state for such of its militia force as may be needed to repel invasion, or to secure the country against apprehended invasion." These extracts from the instructions and orders of the Secretary of War to General Taylor, in regard to his movements in Texas, and his operations there, will render sufficiently intelligible the objects and wishes of 74 taylor's dispatqhks. the American government in regard to Mexico, and what was expected of the commanding General. The dispatches of General Taylor to his government during the same period, are necessary, however, to place be- fore the reader the whole question in all its bearings, to show the condition and number of the army, with which the first great achievements of this war were accomplished, and to help to illustrate the character of the extraordinary man whose name has been so closely identified with almost every incident of it. Besides the official dispatches of Taylor that are an- nexed, there will be found a communication to him from the Prefect of Tamaulipas, and also one from General Ampudia, Commander-in-chief of the Mexican army on the Texan frontier, as well as General Tay- lor's reply to it : " New Orleans, La., July 20, 1845. Sir : — I respectfully acknowledge your communica- tion of July 8th, covering the instructions of the Secre- tary of War of the same date, relative to the Mexican settlements on this side of the Rio Grande. Those instructions will be closely obeyed ; and the depart- ment may rest assured that I will take no step to inter- rupt the friendly relations between the United States and Mexico. I am gratified at receiving these instruc- tions, as they confirm my views, previously communi- cated, in regard to the proper line to be occupied at present by our troops. I am, sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Z. TAYLOR, Brevet Brig. Gen. U. S. A., commanding. The Adjutant General of the Army, Washington, D. C. AT ST. JOSEPH 3 ISLAND. 75 Headquarters, Army of Occupation, Steamship Alabama, Aransas Pass, Texas, July 28, "" PATION, 1 Pass, > 1, 1845. ) Sir : — I respectfully report my arrival at this place on the 25th instant, with eight, companies of the Third infantry, it having been found necessary to leave two companies of that regiment to be brought over in other transports. The troops are temporarily established on St. Joseph's Island. I am waiting the report of a boat expedition sent to Corpus Christi Bay, before I deter- mine on the site of an encampment. I hope to receive the necessary information in the course of the day, when I shall immediately commence the removal of the Third infantry to the point selected. The position will probably be " Live Oak Point," in Aransas Bay, some ten miles from our present position. I am very anxious to establish myself at the mouth of the Nueces, but the extreme shoalness of the water will, I fear, pre- sent an insuperable obstacle, unless we can procure lighters of much lighter draught than those we have at present. The difficulties of effecting a debarkation on this coast, and of establishing depots for supplying the army, are much greater than I anticipated, and will render our operations at once embarrassing and expen- sive. Between Pass Cavello and Brazos Santiago there is no entrance for vessels drawing more than seven or eight feet ; and the prevailing winds render the operation of lightening extremely uncertain and hazardous. We have been favored with fine weather, and, should it continue, the other transports, which may now be expected, will be enabled to discharge without difficulty. 76 HEALTH OF THE ARMY. We had a very favorable run from New Orleans and I am happy to state that the health of the command was greatly improved by the voyage. The eight com- panies have scarcely any sickness at this time. The day before leaving New Orleans, I received from Major Donelson, a communication dated at Austin, on the 7th of July, informing me that the convention had unanimously accepted the proposition of annexa- tion, and suggested that two companies should be posted at Austin. I still deem it best to concentrate my force until our relations with Mexico shall become settled, and until the country can be examined, and the best mode of supply ascertained. I hear nothing important from the Mexican frontier. Some Indian depredations are committed from time to time near Corpus Christi, and will claim my first atten- tion after I can get established. I am, sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Z. TAYLOR. Brevet Brig. Gen. U. S. A., commanding. The Adjutant General of the Army, Washington, D. C. " Headquarters, Army of Occupation, ) Corpus Christi, Texas, Aug. 15, 1845. ) Sir : — I have the honor to report that, by New Orleans papers of the 7th inst, I have received intelli- gence of the preparatory steps taken by Mexico to- wards a declaration of war against the United States. I shall spare no exertions to meet suitably this proba- ble change in the relations between the two countries ; and the additional force ordered to join me, as an- nounced in your communication of July 30th, will, I trust, enable me to do something more than maintain AT CORPUS CHRISTI. 77 a merely defensive attitude on the Nueces. This will depend upon the demonstrations made by Mexico along the Rio Grande, in regard to which the Secretary of War has solicited a report. I am enabled to say, upon information which is regarded as authentic, that General Arista was to leave Monterey on the 4th of this month for Matamoras, with one thousand five hun- dred men — five hundred being cavalry. I learn, from the same source, that there are five hundred regular troops at Matamoras. In regard to the force at other points on the Rio Grande, except the militia of the country, I have no information ; nor do I hear that the reported concentration at Matamoras is for any pur- pose of invasion. I have but just arrived at this place, and hope in a few days to be able to obtain more full and precise intelligence concerning the movements of the Mexicans. I shall not fail to communicate promptly to the department all such intelligence upon which I think reliance can be placed. I am, sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Z. TAYLOR, Brevet Brig. Gen. U. S. A., commanding. The Adjutant General of the Army, Washington, D. C. " Headquarters, Army of Occupation, ) Corpus Christi, Texas, Aug 30, 1845. \ Sir : — I respectfully report the arrival at this post of seven companies of the 7th infantry, under Major Brown, and two companies of volunteer artillery under Major Gaily. Major Seawell's company, I am in- formed, was ordered back to Baton Rouge by General Gaines, and some small detachments of that regiment were also left at several posts. I have retained one 78 CHARACTER OF HIS TROOPS. company as a guard for the depot at St. Joseph's Island. The battalion of volunteer artillery has a fine battery of eight pieces — two twelves and six sixes, completely equipped in every respect. The officers are zealous, , and the men seem to be quite well instructed in their duties. In case of need, I look for some valuable ser- vices from this battalion. I have just received a communication from President Jones, under date of the 23rd inst., notifying me that he had taken preparatory steps towards organizing a volunteer force of one thousand men to assist me if necessary. This matter will form the subject of a special communication to your office in a few days. Apprehending that the erroneous impressions current in New Orleans in regard to our situation, might induce General Gaines to order the muster of a battalion or brigade of infantry, I addressed a communication to his staff officer by the steamship Alabama, expressing my thanks for the reinforcement of the volunteer bat- talion of artillery, but with the hope that no more vol- unteers would be sent without a requisition from me. That communication will reach New Orleans to-night or to-morrow, in time, I trust, to stop the employment of any more volunteers. We have no news from the Rio Grande. Idle sto- ries are brought in from that quarter, but with the means of accurate information which we now possess, I do not deem it necessary to repeat them. I am, sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Z. TAYLOR, Brevet Brig. Gen. U. S. A., commanding. The Adjutant General of the Army, Washington. D. C. OCCUPATION OF POINT I3ABKL. 79 HEAnai'ARTKRs, Army of Occupation, ) Corpus Christi, Texas, Oct. 4 1845. ) Sir : — I beg leave to suggest some considerations in relation to the present position of our force, and the dispositions which may become necessary for the more effectual prosecution of the objects for which it has been concentrated. It will be recollected that the in- structions of June 15th, issued by Mr. Bancroft, then Acting Secretary of War, directed me to " select and occupy, on or near the Rio Grande, such a site as will consist with the health of the troops, and will be best adapted to repel invasion," &c. Brazos Santiago is the nearest entrance to the mouth of the Rio Grande ; and Point Isabel, within that entrance, and twenty-one miles from Matamoras, would have fulfilled more com- pletely than any other position the conditions imposed by the Secretary. But we had no artillery, no engi- neer force or appliances, and but a moderate amount of infantry ; and the occupation of Point Isabel/under these circumstances, and with at least the possibility of resistance from the Mexicans, might have compro- mised the safety of the command. I therefore deter- mined to take up the next accessible position in the rear, which is the mouth of the Nueces river. All the information which I could obtain before leaving New Orleans, seemed to point to Corpus Christi as the most suitable point for concentration ; and, although before the President's instructions of July 30th reached me, I would have preferred a position on the left bank of the river, yet a careful examination of the country had already convinced me that none could be found com- bining so many advantages as this. Every day's ex- perience has confirmed these impressions. Corpus Christi is healthy, easily supplied, and well situated to 80 ADVANTAGES OF THAT POSITION. hold in observation the course of the Rio Grande from Matamoras to Laredo — being about one hundred and fifty miles from several points on the river. I have reason to believe, moreover, that a salutary moral effect has been exercised upon the Mexicans. Their traders are continually carrying home the news of our position and increasing numbers, and are confessedly struck by the spectacle of a large camp of well-appointed and disciplined troops, accompanied by perfect security to their persons and property, instead of the impressment and pillage to which they are subject in their own country. For these reasons, our position thus far has, I think, been the best possible ; but, now that the entire force will soon be concentrated, it may well be a ques- tion whether the views of government will be best carried out by our remaining at this point. It is with great deference that I make any suggestions on topics which may become matter of delicate negotiation ; but if our government, in settling the question of boundary, makes the line of the Rio Grande an ultimatum, I can- not doubt that the settlement will be greatly facilitated and hastened by our taking possession at once of one or two suitable points on or quite near that river. Our strength and state of preparation should be displayed in a manner not to be mistaken. However salutary may be the effect produced upon the border people by our presence here, we are too far from the frontier to impress the government of Mexico with our ieadiness to vindicate, Toy force of arms, if necessary, our title to the country as far as the Rio Grande. The " army of occupation" will, in a few days, be concentrated at this point, in condition for vigorous and efficient ser- vice. Mexico having as yet made no positive decla- ration of war, or committed any overt act of hostilities, ARMY TO BE CONCENTRATED. 81 I do not feel at liberty, under my instructions, particu- larly those of July 8th, to make a forward movement to the Rio Grande without authority from the War Department. In case a forward movement should be ordered or authorized, I would recommend the occupation of Point Isabel and Laredo, as best adapted to the pur- poses of observing the course of the river, and cover- ing the frontier settlements of Texas. Point Isabel is accessible by water, and can be safely occupied by two brigades of infantry, with a suitable force of field artillery. On the arrival of the steamer Harney, I shall order a careful reconnoissance of Brazos Santiago, as a necessary preliminary measure to the occupation of Point Isabel. To occupy Laredo will require a land march from this point. Supplies may probably be transported by water as high as San Patricio, and pos- sibly to the junction of the Rio Frio with the Nueces. I propose to establish a depot on the Nueces river, probably at the crossing of the San Antonio and La- redo road, from which to operate towards the Rio Grande. You will perceive from my "special orders" No. 24, that a reconnoissance has been ordered in that direction. A brigade of infantry, with the cavalry, and a battery or two of field artillery, will be sufficient for the occupation of Laredo. That town is on the left bank of the Rio Grande, and possesses the military advantage of holding in observation the main route from the interior of Mexico through Monterey to Mat- amoras. In case it should be found impracticable to establish a suitable depot on the Nueces, the entire force, after strengthening San Antonio, might be thrown forward 8"8 FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS REClUIRE j. to Point Isabel, where it could be readily supplied, and held in readiness for any further service. I have deemed it my duty to make the above sug- gestions. Should they be favorably considered, and instructions based upon them, I will thank you to send the latter in duplicate to Lieutenant-Colonel Hunt — one copy to be dispatched direct, without delay ; the other to be sent via Galveston, should a steamer be running to that port from New Orleans. I am, sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Z. TAYLOR, Brevet Brig. Gen. U. S. A., commanding. The Adjutant General of the Army, Washington, D. C. P. S. It is proper to add, that should any auxiliary force be required, I propose to draw it wholly from Texas. I do not conceive that it will become neces- sary, under any circumstances, to call for volunteers from the United States. Z. T. Headciuarters, Army of Occupation, ) Corpus Christi, Texas, Nov. 7, 1845. J Sir : — I respectfully enclose a copy of a letter from Commodore Connor, commanding the home squadron, which I received by the " Saratoga," sloop of war, on the 5th instant. The intelligence communicated by the commodore will, doubtless, reach the seat of gov- ernment long before the receipt of this letter. The communication from the Secretary of War, dated October 16th, was received and acknowledged on the 1st and 2d instant. I purposely deferred a de- tailed reply to the various points embraced in that communication, until I could receive an answer to mine of October 4th, which covered (at least in part) FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS REQXTIRED. 83 the same ground. The intelligence from Mexico, how- ever, tends to modify, in some degree, the views ex- pressed in that communication. The position now occupied by the troops may, perhaps, be the best while negotiations are pending, or at any rate until a dispo- sition shall be manifested by Mexico to protract them unreasonably. Under the supposition that such may be the view of the department, I shall make no move- ment from this point, except for the purpose of ex- amining the country, until further instructions are received. You will perceive, from my orders, that reconnoissances are almost constantly in the field, the officers of engineers and topographical engineers ren- dering valuable service on those duties. I refer you to the reports made by those officers to the chiefs of their own bureaux, for the information which is thus procured in relation to the country. An examination of the harbor of .Brazos Santiago will be ordered in a few days — as soon as a proper vessel shall become dis- posable for that service. In case no movement is made this season towards the Rio Grande, I may find it necessary to detach a portion of the army a short distance into the interior, where wood can be more readily procured than here. But in no case do I deem it necessary to hut the troops. Sheds, with platforms, on which to pitch the tents, were extensively used in camps of position in Florida, and will, I cannot doubt, form a sufficient protection here. On the hypothesis of an early adjustment of the boundary, and the consequent establishment of perma- nent frontier posts, I cannot urge too strongly upon the department the necessity of occupying those posts before the warm weather shall set in. A large amount 4* 84 ORDERED TO THE RIO GRANDE. of sickness is, I fear, to be apprehended, with every precaution that can be taken ; but the information which I obtain leads me to believe that a summer movement would be attended with great expense of health and life. As in Florida, the winter is the best season for operations in Texas. I am, sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Z. TAYLOR, Brevet Brig. Gen. U. S. A., commanding. The Adjutant General of the Army, Washington, D. C. Headquarters, Army of Occupation, ) Corpus C'hristi, Texas, Feb. 4, 1846. } Sir : — I respectfully acknowledge the communica- tion of the Secretary of War, dated January, 13th, and containing the instructions of the President to move forward with m} r force to the Rio Grande. I shall lose no time in making the necessary preparations for carrying out those instructions. The occupation of Point Isabel or Brazos Santiago as a depot will be indispensable. That point and a position on or near the river opposite Matamoras will I think answer all present purposes. At any rate, I shall not separate my force further until the position of affairs shall render it entirely safe to do so. I propose to abandon this position entirely, as soon after our inarch as the stores, hospital, &c, can be transferred to St. Joseph's Island. It will be necessary to keep up an establishment at that point for the pres- ent, although our supplies will come to Point Isabel direct from New Orleans. In reply to the call of the Secretary for information as to what means, if any, will be required " to enforce ARMED VEStiELS REQ.UIRED. 85 and maintain our common right to navigate" the Rio Grande, I would respectfully state that, until I reach the river and ascertain the condition of things in the frontier states of Mexico, temper of the people, &c, I cannot give any satisfactory answer to the question. I have every reason to believe that the people residing on the river are well-disposed towards our government Our advance to the Rio Grande will itself produce a powerful effect, and it may be that the common navi- gation of the river will not be disputed. It is very important to us, and will be indispensable when posts are established higher up, as must ultimately be the case. I shall not call for any militia force in addition to what I already have, unless unforeseen circumstances shall render its employment necessary. I beg leave again to call the attention of the depart- ment to the necessity of having our movement and po- sition at Brazos Santiago covered by a small armed vessel. I deem this vitally important, and hope it will meet with favorable consideration. We have no news from the interior of Mexico more recent than that derived from the New Orleans papers of the 26th of January. J am, sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Z. TAYLOR, Brevet Brig. Gen. U. S. A., commanding. The Adjutant General of the Army, Washington, D. C. Headquarters, Army of Occupation, I Corpus Christi, Texas, February, 26, 1846. $ Sir : — I have to report that the preparations for a for- ward movement of this command are now nearly com- 86 ttEXERAL TAYLOR 3 POLICV. pleted. The examinations spoken of in my report of the 16th instant have shown the practicability of both routes — by the main land and by Padre Island. The reconnoissance of Padre Island extended to its southern extremity, and included the harbor of Brazos Santiago and Point Isabel ; that of the main route reached to a point near the Little Colorado. A depot, with four days' forage and subsistence for the army, will be thrown forward some forty miles, to the Santa Ger- trudes. A detachment of two companies, to establish and cover this depot, will march, on the 28th, under Brevet Major Graham. In about a week thereafter, say the 7th of March, the cavalry will march, to be followed, at intervals of one day, by the brigades of in- fantry. By the 25th of March, at latest, I hope to be in position on the Rio Grande. I have taken occasion to represent to some citizens of Matamoras, who were here with a large number of mules for sale, and who are represented to have con- siderable influence at home, that the United States gov- ernment, in occupying the Rio Grande, has no motive of hostility towards Mexico, and that the army will, in no case, go beyond the river, unless hostilities should be commenced by the Mexicans themselves ; that the Mexicans, living on this side, will not be disturbed in any way by the troops ; that they will be protected in all their usages ; and that everything which the army may need will be purchased from them at fair prices. I also stated that, until the matter should be finally ad- justed between the two governments, the harbor of Brazos Santiago would be open to the free use of the Mexicans as heretofore. The same views were im- pressed upon the Mexican custom house officer at Brazos Santiago, by Captain Hardee, who commanded ARMV LEAVES CORPUS CHRIST!. 87 the escort which covered the reconnoissance of Padre Island. We are entirely without news of interest from the frontier, or the interior of Mexico, our latest date from the capital being the 21st, of January, and the same from Vera Cruz. I am, sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Z. TAYLOR, Brevet Brig. Gen. U. S. A., commanding. The Adjutant General of the Army, Washington, D. C. Headquarters, Army of Occupation, i Corpus Christi, Texas, March, 8, 184G. \ Sir : — I respectfully report that the advance of the army, composed of the cavalry and Major Ringgold's light artillery, the whole under the command of Colonel Twiggs, took up the line of march this morning in the direction of Matamoras, its strength being twenty-three officers and three hundred and seventy-eight men. The advance will be followed in succession by the brigades of infantry, the last brigade marching on the 11th inst. The roads are in good order, the weather fine, and the troops in excellent condition for service. Major Munroe will embark for Brazos Santiago in season to reach that harbor about the time the army will be in the vicinity of Point Isabel. He takes with him a siege train and a field battery. Captain Sanders, of the engineers, the officers of ordnance, and the pay department, accompany Major Munroe. The movement by water, to Brazos Santiago, will be covered by the revenue cutter " Woodbury," Captain Foster, whose commander has kindly placed her at my disposal for this service. 88 CONCILIATORY ORDERS. All proper arrangements have been made by the staff departments for supplying the army on the route, as well as establishing a depot for its further wants at Foint Isabel. I have deemed it proper to cause my " orders" No. 30, to be translated into Spanish, and circulated on the Rio Grande. Sixty copies have already been sent in advance of the army to Matamoras, Camargo, and Mier. This form of giving publicity to the spirit which actuates our movements in occupying the country, I thought preferable to a proclamation. I trust the order itself will meet the approval of the department. A few copies of the translation are herewith enclosed. I shall again communicate with general headquarters before I march, and I expect to do so at least once on the route. My headquarters will march with the rear brigade, but will soon pass to the advance of the army. I am, sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Z. TAYLOR, Brevet Brig. Gen. U. S. A., commanding. The Adjutant General of the Army. Washington, D. C. [TRANSLATION ORDER NO. 30.] Headquarters, Army of Occupation, ) Corpus Christi, March, 8, 1846. $ The army of occupation of Texas being now about to take a position upon the left bank of the Rio Grande, under the orders of the Executive of the United States, the general-in-chief desires to express the hope that the movement will be advantageous to all concerned ; and with the object of attaining this laudable end, he has GOOD CONDITION OV THE ARMY. 89 ordered all under his command to observe, with the most scrupulous respect, the rights of all the inhabitants who may be found in peaceful prosecution of their re- spective occupations, as well on the left as on the right side of the Rio Grande. Under no pretext, nor in any- way, will any interference be allowed with the civil rights or religious privileges of the inhabitants ; but the utmost respect for them will be maintained. Whatsoever may be needed for the use of the army will be bought by the proper purveyor, and paid for at the highest prices. The general-in-chief has the satis- faction to say that he confides in the patriotism and discipline of the army under his command, and that he feels sure that his orders will be obeyed with the utmost exactness. Z. TAYLOR, Brevet Brig. Gen. U. S. A, commanding. Headquarters, Army of Oocupation, Camp at " El Sauce." 119 miles from Corpus Christi, March 18, 1846. Sir : — I avail myself of a chance opportunity to Cor- pus Christi to report that I have advanced to this point with the cavalry and 1st brigade of infantry. The 2d brigade encamps to-night about seven miles in my rear ; the 3rd brigade about nineteen. I shall concen- trate all my force on reaching the Little Colorado, thirteen miles in my front, so as to be prepared for any contingency. I am happy to say that all the corps of the army are in fine condition and spirits, equal to any service that may be before them. Within the last two days, our advance has met with small armed parties of Mexicans, who seem disposed 90 ARRIVES AT POINT ISABEL. to avoid us. They were, doubtless, thrown out to get information of our advance. I am, sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Z. TAYLOR, Brevet Brig. Gen. U. S. A., commanding. The Adjutant-General of the Army. Washington, D.C Headquarters, Army of Occupation, ) Point Isabel, March 25, 1846. $ Sir : — I respectfully report that I marched on the morning of the 23rd inst. with the entire army from the camp near the Colorado, in the order prescribed in my order No 35, herewith inclosed. After a march of fifteen miles, we reached, on the morning of the 24th, a point on the route from Matamoras to Point Isabel, eighteen miles from the former and ten from the latter place. I here left the infantry brigades under Brigadier-General Worth, with instructions to proceed in the direction of Metamoras until he came to a suit- able position for encampment, where he would halt, holding the route in observation, while I proceeded with the cavalry to this point to communicate with our transports, supposed to have arrived in the harbor, and make the necessary arrangements for the establish- ment and defence of a depot. While on my way hither, our column was approached by a party on its right flank, bearing a white flag. It proved to be a civil deputation from Matamoras, de- siring an interview with me. I informed them that I would halt at the first suitable place on the road, and afford them the desired interview. It was, however, found necessary, from the want of water, to continue the route to this place. The deputation halted while FIKE AT POINT ISABEL. 91 yet some miles from Point Isabel, declining to come further, and sent me a formal protest of the prefect of the northern district of Taniaulipas against our occu- pation of the country, which I inclose .herewith. At this moment it was discovered that the buildings at Point Isabel were in flames. I then informed the bearer of the protest that I would answer it when op- posite Matamoras, and dismissed the deputation. I considered the conflagration before my eyes as a de- cided evidence of hostility, and was not willing to be trifled with any longer, particularly as I had reason to believe that the prefect, in making this protest, was but a tool of the military authorities at Matamoras. The advance of the cavalry fortunately arrived here in season to arrest the fire, which consumed but three or four houses. The port captain, who committed the act under the orders, it is said, of General Mejia, had made his escape before its arrival. We found two or three inoffensive Mexicans here, the rest having left for Matamoras. I was gratified to find that the water expedition had exactly answered to our land movement — the steamers arriving in the harbor only two or three hours before we reached Point Isabel, with the other transports close in their rear. The " Porpoise" and " Lawrence," brigs of war, and cutter " Woodbury," are lying out- side. I have thought it necessary to order Captain Porter's company in this place to reinforce Major Mun- roe. Our great depot must be here, and it is very im- portant to secure it against any enterprise of the enemy. The engineer officers are now examining the ground with a view to tracing lines of defence, and strength- ening the position. As soon as a sufficient amount of supplies can be 92 A MEXICAN PROTEST. thrown forward toward Matamoras, I shall march in the direction of that town, and occupy a position as near it as circumstances will permit. I inclose a sketch prepared by my aide-de-camp, Lieutenant Eaton, exhibiting the route of march since leaving the Colorado, and the bearings of important points. I am, sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Z. TAYLOR, Brevet Brig. Gen. U. S. A., commanding. The Adjutant-General of the Army, Washington, D. C. [translation.] Office of the Prefect of the Northern District of the > Department of Tamaulipas, Santa Rita, March 23, 184G. J God and Liberty ! Sir : — Although the pending question respecting the annexation of the department of Texas to the United States, is subject to the decision of the supreme gov- ernment of Mexico, the fact of the advance of the army under your excellency's orders, over the line oc- cupied by you at Corpus Christi, places me under the necessity, as the chief political authority of the north- ern district of Tamaulipas, to address you, as I have now the honor to do, through the commissioners, who will place this in your hands, and to inform you that' the people, under this prefecture, being justly alarmed at the invasion of an army, which, without any pre- vious declaration of war, and without announcing ex- plicitly the object proposed by it, comes to occupy a territory which never belonged to the insurgent prov- ince, cannot regard with indifference a proceeding so contrary to the conduct observed towards each other PROTEST CONTINUED. 5)3 by civilized nations, and the clearest principles of the law of nations ; that, directed by honor and patriotism, and certain that nothing has been said officially by the cabinet of the Union to the Mexican government, res- pecting the extension of the limits of Texas to the left bank of the Rio Bravo, trusting in the well-known justice of their cause, and using their natural right of defence, they (the citizens of this district) protest, in the most solemn manner, that neither now nor at any time do they, or will they, consent to separate them- selves from the Mexican republic, and to unite them- selves with the United States ; and that they are resolved to carry this firm determination into effect, resisting so far as their strength will enable them, at all times and places, until the army under your excel- lency's orders shall recede and occupy its former posi- tions ; because so long as it remains within the territory of Tamaulipas, the inhabitants must consider that what- soever protestations of peace may be made, hostilities have been openly commenced by your excellency, the lamentable consequences of which will rest before the world exclusively on the heads of the invaders. I have the honor to say this to your excellency, with the object indicated, and to assure you of my consider- ation and esteem. JENES CARDENAS. Juan Jose Pineda. To General Z. Taylor, &c. [extract.] Camp on the left bank of the Rio Grande, > Opposite Matamoras, March 29th, 18 1(3. \ Sir : — I have the honor to report that I arrived at this camp yesterday, with the forces under my com- 94 HOSTILITY OF THE MEXICANS. mand, no resistance having been offered to my advance to the banks of the river, nor any act of hostility com- mitted by the Mexicans, except the capture of two of our dragoons, sent forward from the advanced guard. I deem it possible that these two men may have de- serted to the enemy, as one of them, at least, bears a bad character. Our approach seems to have created much excitement in Matamoras, and a great deal of activity has been displayed since our arrival, in the preparation of batteries. The left bank is now under reconnoissance of our engineer officers, and I shall lose no time in strengthening our position by such de- fensive works as may be necessary, employing for that purpose a portion of the heavy guns brought round by sea. The attitude of the Mexicans is, so far, decidedly hostile. An interview has been held, by my direction, with the military authorities in Matamoras, but with no satisfactory result. Under this state of things, I must again and urgently call your attention to the necessity of speedily sending recruits to this army. The militia of Texas are so remote from the border, * that we cannot depend upon their aid. The strength gained by filling up the regiments here, even to the present feeble establishment, would be of very great importance. I respectfully inclose a field report of the force now in this camp. I am, sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Z. TAYLOR, Brevet Brig. Gen. U. S. A., 'commanding. The Adjutant General of the Army, Washington, D. C. MEXICAN PREPARATIONS FOR WAR. 95 While the American government was thus prepar- ing to meet any emergency that might grow out of the annexation of Texas, as will have been gathered from this correspondence, Mexico was not idle. She had, through her minister at Washington, General Almonte, warmly and decidedly protested against that measure. His protest having been disregarded, he demanded his passports, and left the United States, thus putting an end to all diplomatic intercourse between the two gov- ernments. As soon as information was received at the capital of Mexico that Congress had admitted Texas into the American confederacy, active preparations were taken to resist what the Mexican government affected to believe a virtual dismemberment of the Mexican nation, and an encroachment upon the integ- rity of its soil. The step seems to have been generally regarded as a sufficient and justifiable cause of war. Loans were immediately made, and an army ordered to Texas, and the regular army was to be increased forthwith to sixty thousand men. There were already two thousand troops at Matamoras, and these were joined, in April, 1846, by twenty-two hundred more, amongst whom were two hundred cavalry. On the 11th of March, 1846, General Taylor, with the troops that had not already preceded him, took up his line of march from Corpus Christi, and on the 28th of the same month arrived at the Rio Grande, where Fort Brown now stands, a distance of one hundred and nineteen miles from the post he had left on the Nueces. This march, at any season of the year, over a low marshy country, would have been attended with great difficulty and embarrassment. But it was espe- cially so, at the time General Taylor, with his army, performed it. The soldiers were therefore nearly worn 96 SUMMONS TO GENERAL TAYLOR. out with fatigue upon their arriving at their destina- • tion. Upon General Taylor's arrival at Point Isabel, on his way to Matamoras, he had defences thrown up there under the superintendence of Captain Sanders, , with a view to making it a depot for his provisions and I military stores. While here he was met by a deputa- tion of fifty Mexicans, who protested against his occu- ■ pying the country ; but he coolly informed them he should not have time to consider their request until he' reached Matamoras. When General Taylor arrived at the Rio del Norte, the Mexican colors were flying from the headquarters ■ of Gen. Mejia, the commander of Matamoras, troops i were moving about in every direction, and everything indicated the excitement and activity of a military en- campment on the eve of some great event. On thei 12th of April, two weeks after General Taylor had taken up his position opposite the city, he was sum- moned by General Ampudia, the commander-in-chief of the Mexican forces, to evacuate his posts, and the American Consul, and all other American citizens, weiw ordered to leave Matamoras without delay. The sum- mons of General Ampudia was in terms as follows : — " To explain to you the many grounds for the just grievances felt by the Mexican nation, caused by the- United States government, would be a loss of time, and an insult to your good sense ; I therefore pass at once to such explanations as I consider of absolute necessity. " Your government, in an incredible manner — you will even permit me to say an extravagant one, if the usage or general rules established and received among all civilized nations are regarded — has not only in- sulted, but has exasperated the Mexican nation, bear- GENERAL TAYLOR^ REPLY. 97 ing its conquering banner to the left bank of the Rio Bravo del Norte ; and in this case, by explicit and definite orders of my government, which neither can, will, nor should receive new outrages, I require you in all form, and at latest in the peremptory term of twenty-four hours, to break up your camp and retire to the other bank of the Nueces river, while our gov- ernments are regulating the pending question in rela- tion to Texas. If you insist in remaining upon the soil of the department of Tamaulipas, it will clearly result that arms, and arms alone, must decide the question ; and in that case I advise you that we accept the war to which, with so much injustice on your part, you provoke us, and that, on our part, this war shall be conducted conformably to the principles established by the most civilized nations ; that is to say, that the law of nations and of war shall be the guide of my opera- tions ; trusting that on your part the same will be observed." To this summons to General Taylor to withdraw his troops beyond the Nueces, he replied on the same day. After acknowledging the receipt of Ampudia's order, and recounting its purport, he says, " I need hardly advise you that, charged as I am, in only a military capacity, with the performance of specific duties, I cannot enter into a discussion of the international question involved in the advance of the American army. You will, however, permit me to say that the government of the United States has constantly sought a settlement, by negotiation, of the question of boundary ; that an envoy was dispatched to Mexico for that purpose, and that up to the most recent dates said envoy had not been received by the actual Mexi- can government, if indeed he has not received his f J$ HIS REFUSAL TO COMPLY. passports and left the republic. In the meantime, 1 have been ordered to occupy the country up to the left bank of the Rio Grande, until the boundary shall be definitely settled. In carrying out these instruc- tions I have carefully abstained from all acts of hos- tility, obeying, in this regard, not only the letter of my nstructions, but the plain dictates of justice and humanity. " The instructions under which I am acting will not permit me to retrograde from the position I now oc- cupy. In view of the relations between our respective governments, and the individual suffering which may result, I regret the alternative which you offer ; but, at the same time, wish it understood that I shall by no means avoid such alternative, leaving the responsibility with those who rashly commence hostilities. In con- clusion, you will permit me to give the assurance, that on my part, the laws and customs of war among civ- ilized nations shall be carefully observed." General Worth was appointed to open communica- tions with General Mejia, and bear to him this answer to General Ampudia's summons. Mejia at first de- clined to receive either General Worth or General Taylor's communication. He, however, finally con- sented to receive the latter, and sent General La Vega to meet Worth. The interview terminated in nothing decisive, except the return of two dragoons who had been captured by the Mexicans, while in advance of the main body of the army. Matters having been brought nearly to a crisis, by the refusal of General Taylor to obey the summons of Ampudia, to withdraw his forces within twenty-four hours to the left bank of the Nueces, the Second regi- ment of the American troops was on the 13th removed THE BIO GRANDE BLOCKADED. 99 out of the reach of the shot from the Mexican batteries, while the Third, and Duncan's and Bragg's companies of flying artillery occupied the field works. The river was also blockaded, and all communications and sup- plies thereby cut off' with this city. Four days after, Lieutenants Porter and Dobbins, with a party of ten men, were sent in pursuit of Colonel Cross, Deputy Quartermaster General, whom it was subsequently ascertained, was murdered on the 10th of April by the Mexicans, while he was taking a ride near the Amer- ican camp. While in the performance of this duty, the party fell in, on the 18th, with one hundred and fifty Mexicans, whom they fired upon and put to flight, and took possession of their camp, equipage and horses. But they were attacked by night, on their return to camp, by a large party of Mexicans, and Lieutenant Porter, a brave and gallant young officer, and son of the late Commodore Porter, was killed. Upon ascertaining that the Rio Grande had been blockaded, Ampudia addressed a strong remonstrance to General Taylor against the measure. He informed Taylor that from various sources worthy of confidence, " I have learned that some vessels bound for the mouth of the river, have not been able to effect an entrance into that port, in consequence of your orders that they should be conducted to Brazos Santiago. The cargo of one of them is composed in great part, and of the other entirely of provisions, which the contractors charged with providing for the army under my orders had procured to fulfil the obligations of their contracts. You have taken possession of these provisions by force, and against the will of the proprietors, one of whom is vice consul of her Catholic Majesty, and the other of her Britannic Majesty ; and whose rights, in place of 100 AMPUDIA'S PROTEST. being rigorously respected, as was proffered, and as was to be hoped from the observance of the principles which govern among civilized nations, have, on the contrary, been violated in the most extraordinary manner opposed to the guarantee and respect due to private property. " Nothing can have authorized you in such a course. The commerce of nations is not suspended or inter- rupted except in consequence of a solemn declaration of blockade, communicated and established in the form prescribed by international law. Nevertheless, you have infringed these rules : and, by an act which can never be viewed favorably to the United States gov- ernment, have hindered the entrance to a Mexican port, of vessels bound to it, under the confidence that commerce would not be interrupted. My duties do not allow me to consent to this new species of hostility, and they constrain me to require of you, not only that the vessels taken by force to Brazos Santiago shall be at liberty to return to the mouth of the river, but the restoration of all the provisions which, besides belong- ing to private contractors, were destined for the troops on this frontier. I consider it useless to inculcate the justice of this demand, and the results which may follow an unlooked-for refusal. " I have also understood that two Mexicans, carried down in a boat by the current of the river near one of the advanced posts of your camp, were detained, after being fired upon, and that they are still kept and treated as prisoners. The individuals in question do not belong to the army, and this circumstance exempts them from the laws of war. I therefore hope that you will place them absolutely at liberty, as I cannot be persuaded that you pretend to extend to persons not military the TAYLORS PACIFIC rNTENTIONS. 101 consequences of an invasion, which without employing ihis means of rigor against unarmed citizens, is marked in itself with the seal of universal reprobation." This remonstrance of the Mexican commander, seems to have made but little impression upon General Taylor ; and his reply to it is so much to the point, so happily conceived, and so elegantly expressed, that it deserves careful attention. After acknowledging the receipt of Ampudia's communication, Taylor expresses his surprise that the Mexican general should complain, after all that had passed since the arrival of the Ameri- can arm} 7 on the Rio Grande, of a measure which is no other than a natural result of the state of war, so much insisted on by the Mexican authorities as actu- ally existing. He then proceeds to recall to his mind circumstances that would show, in his opinion, that the state of war insisted upon by Mexico, had not been sought by the American army, but had been forced upon it, and that the exercise of the rights incident to such state, could not be a subject of complaint. " On breaking up my camp at Corpus Christi," he continues, "and moving forward with the army under my orders, to occupy the left bank of the Rio Bravo, it was my earnest desire to execute my instructions in a pacific manner ; to observe the utmost regard for the personal rights of all citizens residing on the left bank of the river, and to take care that the religion and cus- toms of the people should suffer no violation. With this view, and to quiet the minds of the inhabitants, I issued orders to the army enjoining a strict observance of the rights and interests of all Mexicans residing on the river, and caused said orders lo be translated into Spanish, and circulated in the several towns on the Bravo. These orders announced the spirit in which 102 REVIEWS HIS ACTS. we proposed to occupy the country, and I am proud to say that up to this moment the same spirit has con- trolled the operations of the army. On reaching the Arroyo Colorado, I was informed by a Mexican officer that the order in question had been received at Mata- moras ; but was told at the same time, that if I at- tempted to cross the river, it would be regarded as a declaration of war. Again, on my march to Frontone, I was met by a deputation of the civil authorities of Matamoras protesting against my occupation of a por- tion of the department of Tamaulipas, and declaring that if the army was not at once withdrawn, war would result. While this communication was in my hands, it was discovered that the village of Frontone had been set on fire and abandoned. I viewed this as a direct act of war, and informed the deputation that their communication would be answered by me when opposite Matamoras, which was done in respectful terms. On reaching the river I dispatched an officer, high in rank, to convey to the commanding general in Matamoras, the expression of my desire for amicable re- lations, and my willingness to leave open to the use of the citizens of Matamoras the port of Brazos Santiago, until the question of boundary should be definitely settled. This officer received for reply, from the officer selected to confer with him, that my advance to the Rio Bravo was considered as a veritable act of war, and he was absolutely refused an interview with the American consul, in itself an act incompatible with a state of peace. " Notwitnstanding these repeated assurances on the part of the Mexican authorities, and notwithstanding the most obviously hostile preparations on the right hank of the river, accompanied by a rigid non-inter- RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED. 103 course, I carefully abstained from any act of hostility — determined that the onus of producing an actual state of hostilities should not rest with me. Our rela- tions remained in this state until I had the honor to receive your note of the 12th instant, in which you denounce war as the alternative of my remaining in this position. As I could not under my instructions, recede from my position, I accepted the alternative you offered me, and made all my dispositions to meet it suitably. But, still willing to adopt milder measures before proceeding to others, I contented myself in the first instance with ordering a blockade of the mouth of the Rio Bravo, by the naval forces under my orders — a proceeding perfectly consonant with the state of war so often declared to exist, and which you acknowl- edged in your note of the 16th instant, relative to the late Colonel Cross. If this measure seem oppressive, I wish it borne in mind that it has been forced upon me by the course you have seen fit to adopt. I have re- ported this blockade to my government, and shall not remove it until I receive instructions to that effect, unless indeed you desire an armistice pending the final settlement of the question between the govern- ments, or until war shall be formally declared by either, in which case I shall cheerfully open the river. In regard to the consequences you mention as resulting from a refusal to remove the blockade, I beg you to understand that I am prepared for them, be they what they may. " In regard to the particular vessels referred to in your communication, I have the honor to advise you that, in pursuance of my orders, two American schoon- ers, bound for Matamoras, were warned off on the 17th instant when near the mouth of the river, and put to 10-1 ampudia's complaints. sea, returning probably to New Orleans. They were not seized, or their cargoes disturbed in any way, nor have they been in the harbor of Brazos Santiago to my knowledge. A Mexican schooner, understood to be the " Juniata," was in or off that harbor when my instruc- tions to block the river were issued, but was driven to sea in a gale, since which time I have had no report concerning her. Since the receipt of your communi- cation, I have learned that two persons, sent to the mouth of the river to procure information respecting this vessel, proceeded thence to Brazos Santiago, when they were taken up and detained by the officer in com- mand, until my orders could be received. I shall order their immediate release. A letter from one of them to the Spanish vice consul is respectfully transmitted here- with. " In relation to the Mexicans said to have drifted down the river in a boat, and to be prisoners at this time in my camp, I have the pleasure to inform you that no such persons have been taken prisoners, or are now detained by my authority. The boat in question was carried down empty by the current of the river, and drifted ashore near one of our pickets, and was secured by the guard. Some time afterwards an at- tempt was made to recover the boat under the cover of the darkness ; the individuals concerned were hailed by the guard, and, failing to answer, were fired upon as a matter of course. What became of them is not known, as no trace of them could be discovered on the following morning. The officer of the Mexican guard directly opposite was informed next day that the boat would be returned on proper application to me, and I have now only to repeat that assurance. " In conclusion, I take leave to state that I consider WARLIKE PREPARATIONS. 105 the tone of your communication highly exceptionable, where you stigmatize the movement of the army un- der my orders as ' marked with the seal of universal reprobation.' You must be aware that such language is not respectful in itself, either to me or my govern- ment ; and while I observe in my own correspondence the courtesy due to your high position, and to the mag- nitude of the interests with which we are respectively charged, I shall expect the same in return." In the meantime, matters were rapidly ripening for an open resort to arms, and everything indicated too surely that the Mexicans were only waiting for the most favorable time to strike a blow at our army that should annihilate it, and rid themselves of such unwel- come neighbors. They did not rely alone on the power of their arms to accomplish that object. They resorted to the less dangerous expedient of attempting to corrupt the fidelity of the American soldiers, and of inducing them to desert, by the most tempting offers of lands and promotions. Addresses were issued to them con- taining these flattering propositions, which they always found means to have introduced into General Taylor's camp. One of these papers, signed by Arista, who had superseded Ampudia in the command of the Mexican forces, anS which will be found below, most artfully appeals to the cupidity and prejudices of those soldiers not native citizens of the United States. Headquarters at Matamoras, April 26, 1846. 1 " Soldiers \ — You have enlisted in time of peace to serve in that army for a specific term ; but your obli- gation never implied that you were bound to violate the laws of God, and the most sacred rights of friends! The United States government, contrary to the wishes 10G ATTEMPT AT C0SRUPT[0N. of a majority of all honest and honorable Americans, has ordered you to take forcible possession of the terri- tory of a friendly neighbor, who has never given her consent to such occupation. In other words, while there exists a treaty of peace and commerce between Mexico and the United States, the United States, pre- suming on her strength and prosperity, and on our sup- posed imbecility and cowardice, attempts to make you the blind instruments of her unholy and mad ambition, and force you to appear as the hateful robbers of our dear homes, and the unprovoked violators of our dear- est feelings as men and patriots. Such villany and outrage, I know, is perfectly repugnant to the noble sentiments of any gentleman, and it is base and foul to rush you on to certain death, in order to aggrandize a few lawless individuals, in defiance of the laws of God and man ! " It is to no purpose if they tell you, that the law of the annexation of Texas justifies your occupation of the Rio Bravo del Norte ; for by this act they rob us of a great part of Tamaulipas, Coahuili, Chihuahua, and New Mexico ; and it is barbarous to send a hand- ful of men on such an errand against a powerful and warlike nation. Besides, the most of you are, Europe- ans, and we are the declared friends of a majority of the nations of Europe. The North Americans are ambitious, overbearing, and insolent as a nation, and they will only make use of you as vile tools to carry out their abominable plans of pillage and rapine. " I warn you in the name of justice, honor, and your own interests and self-respect, to abandon their despe- rate and unholy cause, and become peaceful Mexican citizens. 1 guarantee you, in such case, a half section of land, or three hundred and twenty acres, to settle MEXICANS CROSS THE RIO GRANDE. 107 upon, gratis. Be wise, then, and just, and honorable, and take no part in murdering us who have no unkind feelings for you. Lands shall be given to officers, ser- geants, and corporals, according to rank, privates re- ceiving three hundred and twenty acres, as stated. " If in time of action you wish to espouse our cause f throw away your arms and run to us, and we will em- brace you as true friends and Christians. It is not de- cent nor prudent to say more. But should any of you render important service to Mexico, you shall be ac- cordingly considered and prefei'red." It has already been stated that General Taylor had established a depot of provisions, arms, and munitions of war at Point Isabel. On the 24th of April, informa- tion was received by him that twenty-five hundred Mexicans had crossed the Rio Grande, part above and part below his camp, and cutting off all communication between Fort Brown and Point Isabel. Captain Ker's squadron of dragoons was immediately ordered to re- connoitre the country between the two positions, and Captain Thornton was dispatched above the Fort for the same purpose. The latter proceeded up the river for about twenty miles, when his Mexican guide re- fused to proceed any further, alleging as his reason that the country was filled with Mexican troops. Cap- tain Thornton proceeded to move on, however, until he came to a farm-house and plantation, which were entirely surrounded by a thick chapparal fence. He entered the plantation with his squadron in single file, and while making inquiries at the house he was com- pletely surrounded and taken by surprise by a Mexican force of several hundred infantry and cavalry, under the command of General Torrejon. Captain Thornton charged upon the Mexican cavalry in gallant style, and 108 SURPRISE OF CAPTAIN THORNTON. drove them back. Bat the infantry, from every quar- ter of the chapparalj poured in a destructive fire upon his command, and prevented them from reaching the opening by which they had entered. Thornton, how- ever, succeeded in clearing the chaparral hedge and making his escape, though his noble charger was se- verely wounded in the act of making this extraordi- nary leap. His followers were less fortunate in the attempt. They immediately rallied under Captain Har- dee, upon whom the command now devolved, and en- deavored to escape from the snare in which they had become so fatally entangled, by escaping to the Mexi- can side of the river. But here they again failed, the banks of the stream being impassable. All retreat being thus rendered impossible, Captain Hardee ex- pressed his willingness to surrender, on condition that the Mexican commander would guarantee to him and his men the treatment to which prisoners of war are entitled amongst civilized nations, and he declared their determination to sell their lives as dearly as possible, if such terms should be refused. This assurance, how- ever, was readily given, when the Americans surren- dered themselves prisoners of war, and were taken to Matamoras. This remarkable victory of three or four hundred Mexicans over twenty-five Americans, was received with unbounded delight by the Mexican army, and filled their imaginations with numerous future tri- umphs over the American arms. Upon the receipt of the tidings, General Arista issued the following glow- ing congratulatory letter to General Torrejon: — " This Ins been a day of rejoicing to all the Division of the North, it having this day been known of the tri- umph achieved by the brigade which your excellency so worthily commands. The rejoiced country will MEXICAN REJOICING. 109 doubtless celebrate this preliminary of glorious deeds that her happy sons will in future present to her. Your excellency will communicate to your brave soldiers that I have seen with the greatest pleasure their valiant behavior, and that I await for the detailed dispatch to elevate it to the knowledge of the supreme government, so that the nation may learn the triumph of your arms." Captain Thornton succeeded in reaching the Amer- ican camp within five miles, after almost miraculously escaping a perfect shower of Mexican bullets, while fleeing through their lines, when he was captured and taken to Matamoras. He remained there for some time, but was finally given up. In this encounter Lieu- tenant G. T. Mason was killed. Captain Ker, with his detachment, after having re- connoitered the country between Fort Frown and the mouth of the Rio Grande, returned, without having fallen in with the enemy. On the 28th, however, Cap- tain Walker, of the Texas Rangers, who was at Point Isabel, attempted a reconnoissance of the route towards General Taylor's headquarters, but was driven back with some loss, having encountered a force of fifteen hundred men. The next day he made a successful attempt to convey a message from Major Munroe, in command at Point Isabel, to General Taylor. CHAPTER IV. General Taylor leaves Fort Brown. — Mexicans prepare to Dispute his Passage. — Mexican estimate of their Valor. — Charge of Cowardice against General Taylor. — Bombardment of Fort Brown. — Further account of their Glorious Deeds. — Erect a Battery in the rear of the Fort. — Death of Major Brown. — The Fort Summoned to Surrender. — Refusal. — Bombardment Resumed. — Taylor starts on his return from Point Isabel. — Meets the Enemy. — Battle of Palo Alto. — The Details. On the 1st of May, 184G, immediately after receiv- ing the message of Major Munroe, General Taylor left his intrenchments opposite Matamoras, and took up his line of march for Point Isabel, determined to open the communication between the two positions, at all haz- ards, and to fight the enemy, however strong he might be. He left Major Jacob Brown, a brave and accom- plished officer, in command of Fort Brown, with the Seventh regiment of infantry, and two companies of artillery, the latter commanded by Captain Lowd, and Lieutenant Bragg, respectively, making a force of about five hundred effective men. Arista mistook the move- ment of General Taylor towards Point Isabel for a pre- cipitate retreat of the American forces, and forthwith dispatched a bulletin to Mexico, announcing the fact ; or, if he did not himself believe our army intended to xetreat, he meant to create such an impression amongst the Mexican soldiers, and in the mind of his own gov- ernment. All the movements of General Taylor seem AN IMAGINARY VICTORY. Ill to have been well known at Matamoras, however im- perfectly his motives and intentions were understood, and ['reparations were accordingly made for cutting him off. The designs of the Mexican generals are re- vealed in the following semi-official communication, taken from the El Monitor Repuhlicano of May 4th, three days after General Taylor left Fort Brown. It is in the usual exaggerated and grandiloquent style of Mexican documents, but it reveals the feelings which they entertained towards the Americans before the breaking out of hostilities, and the large expectations of success by which they were governed : — " On the first of this month (May) at eleven o'clock in the morning, the general-in-chief left this place (Mata- moras) to join the army, who several hours before had left with the intention of crossing the river at a short distance from the camp of the enemy. In consequence of the orders given, so that this dangerous operation might be performed with due security, and according to the rules of military art, when our troops arrived at the spot designated for the crossing of the river, the left bank was already occupied by Gen. D. Anastasio Torrejon, with all the force under his command. The enthusiasm of our soldiers to conquer the obstacles which separated them from the enemy was so great, that they showed themselves impatient of the delay occasioned by the bad condition of some of the flat boats, which had been very much injured in the trans- portation by land, and could not be used, as they would fill up with water as soon as they were launched. In spite of that obstacle, the work went on with such ac- tivity, and so great was the ardor of the most excellent general-in-chief, whose orders were obeyed with the greatest promptness and precision, that a few hours 112 MEXICAN BOASTING. were sufficient to transport, to the opposite bank of the Bravo, a strong division, with all its artillery and train. " This rapid and well combined movement ought to have proved to the invaders not only that the Mexicans possess instruction and aptness for war, but that those qualities are now brought forth by the purest patriot- ism. The Northern Division, fearless of fatigue, and levelling all difficulties, ran to seek an enemy who, well sheltered under parapets, and defended with guns of a large calibre, could wait for the attack with indis- putable advantage. With deep trenches, with a multi- tude of fortifications, the defence was easy against those who presented themselves with their naked breasts. " But General Taylor dared not resist the valor and enthusiasm of the sons of Mexico. Well did he foresee the intrepidity with which our soldiers would rush against the usurpers of the national territory. Well did he know the many injuries which were to be avenged by those who had taken up arms, not to ag- grandize themselves with the spoils of the property of others, but to maintain the independence of their coun- try. Well did he know, we repeat it, that the Mexi- cans would be stopped neither by trenches, or fortresses, or large artillery. Thus it was that the chief of the American forces, frightened as soon as he perceived from the situation and proximity of his camp, that our army were preparing to cross the river, left with pre- cipitation for Point Isabel, with almost all his troops, eight pieces of artillery, and a few wagons. Their march was observed from our position, and the most excellent General D. Francisco Mejia immediately sent an express extraordinary to communicate the news to the most excellent general-in-chief. Here let me pay to our brave men the tribute which they deserve. The A CHARGE OF COWARDICE. 113 express verbally informed some of the troops which had not yet arrived at the ford, of the escape of the Ameri- cans ; in one instant, all the soldiers spontaneously crossed the river, almost racing one with another. Such was the ardor with which they crossed the river to attack the enemy. " The terror and haste with which the latter, fled to the fort, to shut themselves up in it and avoid a con- flict, frustrated the active measures of the most excel- lent Senor General Arista, which were to order the cavalry to advance in the plain and to cut off the flight of the fugitives. But it was not possible to do so, not- withstanding their forced march during the night. General Taylor left his camp at 2 o'clock in the after- noon, and, as fear has wings, he succeeded in shutting himself up in the fort. When our cavalry reached the point where they were to detain him, he had already passed, and was several leagues ahead. Great was the sorrow of our brave men not to have been able to meet the enemy face to face ; their defeat was certain, and the main body of that invading army, who thought that they inspired the Mexicans with so much respect, would have disappeared in the first important battle. But there was some fighting to be done ; and the Americans do not know how to use other arms but those of duplicity and treachery. Why did they not remain with firmness under their colors ? Why did they abandon the ground which they pretend to usurp with such iniquity ? Thus has an honorable general kept his word. Had not General Taylor said, in all his communications, that he was prepared to repel all hostilities ? Why, then, does he fly in so cowardly a manner to shut himself up at the Point ? The com- mander-in-chief of the American army has covered 114 TORT Bit OWN BOMBARDF-D. himself with opprobrium and ignominy in sacrificing a part of his forces, whom he left in the fortifications, to save himself; for it is certain that he will not return to their assistance — not that he is ignorant of their peril, but he calculates that this would be greater if he had the temerity of attempting to resist the Mexican lances and bayonets in the open plain." The Mexican general conceived that, as General Taylor had " retreated" from Fort Brown, the small detachment left to defend it must fall a very easy prey to Mexican valor and prowess. On the 3rd of May, they opened upon it a fire from a seven-gun battery, which was returned by Major Brown with great spirit and effect, silencing their guns in a very few moments. They immediately commenced another attack, how- ever, with shot and shell, killing Sergeant Weigard while at his post, but doing little other damage. The firing upon the fort was heard by General Taylor, at Point Isabel, and he immediately dispatched Captains May and Walker to ascertain the position of affairs there. They returned with intelligence that the fort was in a condition to resist any force that could be brought against it. The result of their first day's bombardment of Fort Brown filled the Mexicans with even greater delight, if possible, than the remarkable achievement of sur- prising and capturing Captain Thornton's handful of men with their overwhelming force. Great rejoicings were had in Matamoras over the brilliant achievement, and an official dispatch, in the following terms, was for- warded to the Mexican government : "But let us relate the glorious events of yesterday. As Aurora dawned, we began to fire from our ram- parts on the fortifications of the enemy, and the thun- THE ENEMY'S ACCOUNT OF IT. 115 der of Mexican cannon was saluted by the reveille from every point of our line, by the bell of the paro- chial church, and by the vivas of the inhabitants of Matamoras. In a moment the streets were filled, and all were rejoiced to see at last the hour arrived, when we were to give a terrible lesson to the American camp, whose odious presence could no longer be tole- "rated. The enemy answered, but they were soon convinced that their artillery, although of a superior calibre, could not compete with ours. After a fire of five hours, our ramparts remained immovable, on ac- count of the solidity of their construction, and the in- telligence with which the rules of art had been observed. The same did not happen to the American fortifica- tions, whose bastions were so completely demolished, that towards eleven o'clock in the morning their artil- lery ceased to play, and their fire was hushed. We continued to fire with activity during the day, without the enemy's daring to respond to us, because the para- pets under which they would shelter themselves being destroyed, they had not courage to load their guns, which remained uncovered. This result shows us of what in reality consists the exalted skill of the Ameri- can artillerists. They have eighteen pounders, and we have nothing larger than eight pounders ; and yet the intelligence and practice of the Mexicans sufficed to conquer those who had superior arms. Unequalled glory and eternal honor to our brave artillerymen. " The enemy, in their impotent rage, and before they concealed their shame behind the most distant parapets, had the barbarous pleasure of aiming their guns towards the city, to destroy its edifices, as it was not in their power to destroy the fortifications from which they received so much injury. This wicked re- 116 THEIR OPINION OF AMERICAN TROOPS. venge, which only springs from cowardly and miser- able souls, did not meet with the success expected by those who so unworthily adorn themselves with the title of savans and philanthropists. Their stupidity was equal to their wickedness. Almost all the balls passed too high ; and those which touched the houses, although they were eighteen pounders, did not cause any other mischief but that of piercing one or two walls. If those who conceived the infamous design of destroying Matamoras, had seen the contemptuous laughter with which the owners of those houses showed their indifference for the losses which they might sus- tain, they would have admired the patriotism and dis- interestedness of the Mexicans, always ready to un- dergo the greatest sacrifices, when it is necessary to maintain their nationality and independence. The glorious 3rd of May is another brilliant testimony of this truth ; through the thickest of the firing, one could remark the most ardent enthusiasm on all faces, and hardly had a ball fallen, when even the children would look for it, without fearing that another aimed in the same manner should fall in the same place. That, we saw ourselves in the public square, where a multitude of citizens were assembled. " The triumph of our arms has been complete, and we have only to lament the loss of a sergeant and two artillerymen, who fell gloriously in fighting for their country. The families of those victims ought to be taken care of by the supreme government, to whose paternal gratitude they have been recommended by the most excellent senor general-in-chief. We must also be consoled by the thought that the blood of these brave men has been revenged by their bereaved com- panions. As many of our balls passed through the WHAT THEY CONSIDEB A TRIUMPH. 117 enemy's embrasures, the loss to the Americans must have been very great ; and although we do not know exactly the number of their dead, the most accurate information makes it amount to fifty-six. It is probable that such is the case. Since eleven o'clock in the morning, the abandonment of their guns, merely be- cause two of them were dismounted, and the others were uncovered ; the panic-terror with which, in all haste, they took refuge in their furthest entrenchments, taking away from the camp all that could suffer from the attack of our artillery ; the destruction which must have been occasioned by the bombs, so well aimed, that some would burst at a yard's distance from the ground in their descent to the point where they were to fall ; everything contributes to persuade that indeed the enemy have suffered a terrible loss. If it were not the case — if they preserved some remnant of valor, why did they not dare to repair their fortifications in the night. It is true that, from time to time, a few guns were fired on them in the night, but their aim could not be certain, and cowardice alone could force them not to put themselves in an attitude to return the fire which was poured on them again at daylight. No American put out his head ; silence reigned in their camp ; and for this reason we have suspended our fire to-day — that there is no enemy to meet our hatteries. "To conclude, we will give a brilliant paragraph relating to the contest, by the most excellent senoi general-in-chief, as to the part which he took in the events of yesterday. He says thus : ' Mexico must glorify herself and especially the valiant men of the Division of the North, that a force inferior in its ele- ments, and perhaps in number also, and which required nearlv two months to swell itself with the auxiliaries 118 MEXICAN VALOR. coming from the capital, should meet in an immense plain, defying the army of the United States, and the whole power of that republic, without their opponents, who could receive succor in the space of fifty hours, daring to leave the fort to give us battle.' " From the news which we publish to-day, it will be seen that the Northern Division, so deservedly in- trusted with the first operations against the North American army, has most nobly filled its highly im- portant mission. Not that we mean to be understood as considering its task is yet fully completed, but we anticipate, before the end of the present week, to wit- ness the total discomfiture of the enemy, who has had the temerity to answer the fire of our batteries ; of those batteries that gave them yesterday such abun- dant proof of that valor, so characteristic of the Mex- icans : a valor rendered famous in a hundred bloody contests ! It were endless to recount all the acts of patriotism performed by the troops of the garrison, and the valiant citizens who shared in the defence of the city — they courted danger with that intrepidity always inspired by a just cause. " So rapid is the fire of our guns, that the batteries of the enemy have been silenced. But what is most worthy of notice, as showing the great enthusiasm of this place, is the fact that many of the inhabitants, of both sexes, in the hottest of the cannonade, remained firm in front of the enemy, filled with enthusiasm ; indeed, fear is always unknown to those whose mission is to avenge an outrage upon the sacred rights of their beloved country, " From our account of the war, the world will judge of the great superiority of our troops, in courage as well as skill, over the Americans. It is indeed wonder- TIIEIE SUPEEIOE.ITY OVER AMERICANS. 119 ful to witness the dismay of the enemy : rare is the occurrence when an American ventures outside of the breastwork. There can be no doubt of this, that the Mexicans considered by foreign nations as the very emblems of patriotism. How evident that they inherit the blood of the noble sons of Pelayo ! Happy they who have met with so glorious a death in defend- ing the territory bequeathed to them by their fathers ! " The nation with which we are at war is most savage in its proceedings ; no regard being paid to the flags of friendly nations : even those usages and cus- toms respected by civilized nations, to divest war of some of its horrors, have been shamefully disregarded. The enemy have fired red shot against this innocent city, and we publish it to the world in proof that, with all their boasted wisdom and liberty, they are unworthy of being counted among enlightened nations. " His excellency, the general-in-chief of the Northern Division, and his intrepid soldiers, are ready to fight the enemy in any numbers, and we are certain that our arms will be successful ; but the nation against whom we have to contend is excessively proud ; and it is also possessed of resources which may perhaps surpass those within our reach. Let us then make an immense effort to repel their aggressions. Let us con- tribute everything most dear to us, our persons, our means, to save our country from its present danger Let us oppose to the unbridled ambition of the Anglo- American, that patriotic enthusiasm, so peculiar to us. Indeed, w r e need only follow the glorious example of Matamoras, that noble city, which will be known in future by the name of Heroic. Its inhabitants have emulated the examples of Menamia, and Sagantum ; thev have determined to die at the foot of the eagle of 120 DEATH or MAJOR BROWN. Anahuac, defend their fort whilst they retain the breath of life — this plan is settled. The supreme government is making strenuous exertions in order to protect the territory placed under its care by the nation, and nothing is now wanting but for the people to rush in a mass to the frontier, and the independence of Mexico is safe." During the night of the 4th of May, a large body of Mexican troops crossed the river and erected a strong battery in the rear of Fort Brown, and on the morning of the 5th a heavy fire was opened from this battery, and the fort was assailed with great vigor. At the i same time a hot fire was opened from the batteries at Matamoras, and a galling discharge of shot and shell was kept up for about an hour. The fire of the enemy fi;om both these positions was returned with spirit and effect, by Major Brown, until they were silenced for the day. Early on the morning of the 6th, the fire from the enemy's batteries was renewed with increased vigor, their shot and shell falling in every direction, tearing tents to pieces and wounding many of the horses. But for the great size of the field-works and the very few men to defend it, the loss of life must have been very severe. As it was, the only one who fell during the bombardment, which continued through- out the day, was Major Brown, the noble, high-minded and accomplished commander of the fort. After the firing had continued for several hours, this gallant officer took his usual round to satisfy himself that every man was at his post and in the performance of his duties. While making his observations he was struck by a shell, which took off one of his legs, and dreadfully mangled him. He was immediately taken to the hospital and his leg amputated above the knee. SUMMONS TO FORT RRoWW 121 But he could not be saved, and after lingering until the 9th of May, he died, universally lamented, not only by the army, who best knew his worth, but by the whole country. Few men, indeed, had obtained a stronger hold upon the affection of the soldiers, or was more sincerely esteemed by his brother officers, of whatever rank, than Major Brown. Upon leaving Fort Brown for Point Isabel, General Taylor gave orders to Major Brown to maintain his post, whatever contingency might arise, and under no circumstances to hazard his position by making a sally against the enemy. In the event of the fort being sur- rounded and an assault made upon him, he was ordered to warn him of the fact, by firing, at stated intervals, his eighteen pounders. On the evening of that day, accordingly, the signal guns were fired, and their warn- ing voice informed him, though many miles distant, that the contemplated danger was threatening the gal- lant defenders of Fort Brown. These signal guns seemed to stimulate the enemy to still more active ex- ertions to capture the fort, before they could call Gene- ral Taylor back to its aid. So satisfied were they that they were making dreadful havoc amongst the Ameri- cans, and that Captain Hawkins, who had succeeded Major Brown in command, could not hold out against their destructive fire, that Arista summoned him to surrender, out of pure humanity. Captain Hawkins, however, was wholly insensible to this magnanimous conduct, and informed him that, as his interpreter was not skilled in Spanish, he might not have understood his communication, but if he did, he should respectfully decline to surrender the fort. This indifference to the humane proposition, brought upon the fort a more heavy fire from the Mexican batteries than they had 122 THEIR FIRE RECOMMENCED. yet suffered. Shells and shot were literally showered into the fort. This storm of iron Captain Hawkins was unable to return for want of powder, which ren- dered the condition of his troops extremely irksome and mortifying. With the morning light of the 7th the enemy's bat- teries recommenced, but after pouring into the fort a large number of shot and shell, they suddenly ceased. About half-past seven o'clock a large number of Mexi- cans were discovered in and around the Fanques del Raminero, and the houses formerly occupied by the guards of the Second Brigade. Several rounds of can- ister and grape were fired into them, which caused them to make a precipitate retreat, after throwing a few shell in return. The Mexicans had theretofore used shell made of bronze ; they now used iron, which they fired at intervals until noon. It was at this time dis- covered that the mortar battery in the rear of the fort, had been removed to the city of Matamoras". About noon some shells were thrown, which killed four of Lieutenant Bragg's horses, and broke the wheel of one of his caissons. Soon after, all their batteries opened, and kept up a steady firing of round shot and shell, which continued for nearly two hours. By one of these discharges the sentinel lost his arm, but the bomb proofs were so far advanced that the men were com- paratively protected. Random shots were now fired from under the bank of the river, and the rear of the fort ; it was evidently the determination of the besiegers to give the fort no rest, and induce them to expend all their ammunition, having been informed by deserters that there was little in the fort. Orders had been given to return no fire more than eighty yards distant, and as the Mexicans never approached to within twice that A HAPPY OMEN. 123 distance, they elicited no reply. At half-past two a regular bombardment commenced from all the batte- ries, howitzers, and mortars, which continued without intermission until sunset. At dark, the indefatigable Captain Mansfield, with a small party, left the fort, and levelled the traverse thrown up by our troops when they first arrived on the banks of the river, and also cut down a large quan- tity of chapparel that served at times to cover the " sharp shooters" of the enemy. Everything after this remained quiet until midnight. Each man was at his post, and anxiously awaiting the assault, when the stillness was broken by volleys of musketry; arid bu- gles " sounding the charge." The firing then ceased, but in a short time recommenced, and continued until daylight. At noon the bombardment was resumed, and kept up about two hours. Many of the soldiers began to ghow symptoms of being worn down with hard labor and watching ; nature "was becoming exhausted, they grew indifferent about the exploding shells, and list- lessly let them burst in dangerous proximity to their persons. The heavy bombardment had hardly ceased, when a severe cannonading was heard towards Point Isabel ; so sudden did it commence, and so rapidly was it carried on, that it seemed like one continued volley of field -pieces. The soldiers in the fort sprang as one man to their feet, and listened. The sounds of artillery continued to roll on the plain ; a simultaneous shout rose from the men in the fort, that must have sounded in Matamoras more terribly than our severest cannon- ade, for it must have told the people there that those in the fort believed that General Taylor was on the advance from Point Isabel. The enemy felt that shout, 124 TAYLOR LEAVES POINT ISABEL. for there immediately commenced a severer bombard- ment than the fort had yet sustained ; and a new mor- tar battery having been opened across the river, west of the fort, made four playing upon it from different points at the same time. The enemy's cavalry and infantry were seen above and below the fort crossing the river in masses, supposed for the purpose of rein- forcing the enemy. At seven o'clock the bombard- ment ceased, the fort having received through the day three hundred shot and shell, with comparatively little injury. As soon as General Taylor was satisfied by the sig- nal guns from Fort Brown, that it had been attacked and was in danger, he made prompt preparations for opening his communication between it and Point Isabel and for relieving its gallant defenders from their peril- ous situation. Accordingly, on the evening of the 7th of May, he left Point Isabel with a force of about twen- ty-one hundred men, and a train of two hundred and fifty wagons, loaded with provisions and military stores, determined to give the enemy battle, however numer- ous he might be. That night his army encamped about seven miles from Point Isabel, and resumed his march early on the morning of the 8th. About twelve o'clock, his advanced guards reported that the Mexican forces were drawn up in large numbers to dispute his progress. Another report immediately followed, however, inform- ing him that they had withdrawn their advance, and were retreating towards Fort Brown. His wagon trains and troops were therefore again put in motion, and progressed until the country opened into a broad prairie, bounded by Palo Alto, a thick grove of dwarfish trees. On both the right and left of the American army were ponds of fresh water, and beyond them, chapparal. THE POSITION OF THE ENEMY. 125 Upon this prairie the enemy were again drawn up, pre- pared for battle. On the extreme right was drawn up a division of Mexican cavalry, with their long, sharp- pointed lances glittering in the sun, and their pennants gayly waving in the breeze. Next, were posted their artillery and their heavy bodies of infantry, the whole forming a solid column of over a mile in length, with artillery, infantry and cavalry, alternately arranged, and presenting a most formidable appearance. General Taylor's train was immediately formed into a solid square, and his army rapidly advanced until the heads of his column reached the open prairie. While thus advancing, Lieutenant J. E. Blake, of the Topo- graphical Engineers, passed at full speed the advance guard, saying " he was going down to observe the en- emy's lines." He continued on, until within one hun- dred and fifty yards of them, when he dismounted, and drawing out his spyglass, commenced a reconnoissance, the boldness of which, called forth admiration from the thousands who witnessed it. While thus engaged, two Mexican officers, evidently under the impression that he had some important communication to make to their commanding general, rode out from the ranks to meet him ; Lieutenant Blake observing this, remounted his horse, and rode deliberately down the whole of the enemy's line ; then returning, he gave to General Tay- lor, what was subsequently proved to be a correct ac- count of the Mexican force, in both artillery, cavalry, and infantry. The space between the two armies was now gradu- ally lessening, and soon the details could be distin- guished. The tall, rank grass of the prairie, deadened the heavy tramp of the cavalry, and the lumbering wheels of the artillery ; and the whole moved forward 126 THE BATTLE BEGUN. so silently that the rattling of their trappings could be heard singularly plain. A space of seven hundred yards only, intervened between the two armies, when the batteries on the right of the Mexican line opened, throwing their ball and grape over the heads of the Americans, and announcing, in tones of thunder, that the contest had begun. In quick succession the whole of their artillery, from extreme right to left, poured forth volleys of ball, which made the earth tremble, and filled the air with clouds of dust and sulphurous smoke. The word was now given for the advancing columns to halt, and deploy into line. When this was done, Lieutenant Churchill's eighteen-pounders boomed above the sur- rounding din, announcing, in full rolling echoes, that the Americans were " in the field." Major Ringgold's and Captain Duncan's commands were now ordered for- ward into the open prairie, and commenced their rapid discharges. A general cannonading now raged, un- paralleled, it is believed, in any fight upon an open bat- tle-field. Duncan's battery, from its conspicuousness and nearness to our line, had often the concentrated fire of the enemy upon it. For two hours twenty or thirty pieces of artillery rent the air with their thun- ders ; the iron hail tearing up the prairie in deep fur- rows, and sending the dry dust in clouds in the air. There was but little precision in the enemy's firing. The missiles almost invariably passed over the Ameri- can lines. Far different was it with our own ; at every discharge, the sudden opening that followed in the solid masses, marked the terrible course of death where the Mexican cavalry bit the dust. The infantry, cool spec- tators of the raging battle, marked with eagle eyes this havoc in the opposing ranks, and mingled their exult ing shouts with the din, as they witnessed the prowess EFFECT OF OUR ARTILLERY. 127 of their companions in arms. The terrible eighteen- pounders rose ever above the tumult, and seemed as if keeping time in solemn sound, as at every discharge they sent their huge masses of crushing iron into the living wall at which they were directed. As the battle thickened, the infantry, now formed in our rear, grew impatient to participate in the fight, and the Mexican cavalry, by suffering so severely by our artillery, pre- pared for the charge. The manoeuvring of the day now commenced — the time for cool courage, quick thought, and deeds of individual heroism had arrived. A regiment of Mexican lancers, commanded by Gen- eral Torrejon, moved towards our right, as it was sup- posed to gain possession of our train. The Third and Fifth regiments of infantry, with a portion of Ring- gold's battery, under the command of Lieut. Ridgeley, were ordered to check this movement, and turn the left flank of the enemy. They, however, still keeping up an irregular fire, continued steadily to advance toward our right and front, so as to out-flank our line, if possi- ble. Upon their near approach, the Fifth was thrown into square, with Captain Walker, and twenty mounted men, on its right. Lieutenant Ridgeley having dashed forward, unlimbered his battery, and commenced rapid discharges of grape and canister upon the enemy's ar- tillery, causing it to retreat ; but the lancers, fifteen hundred strong, continued steadily to advance, in spite of all opposition, until the Fifth poured into them from the head of the square, a fire so deadly, that the front of the cavalry recoiled ; great numbers fell dead, and those in the rear, without pressing forward on the bay- onets, ready to receive them, broke into confusion. A portion, however, re-formed, and kept bravely on, in the attempt to reach the trains, when Coloned Twiggs 128 LIEUTENANT RIDGELEY S GALLANTRY. ordered the Third infantry to the extreme right., to cut off their advance. When the enemy saw this move- ment, they commenced a retreat in good order, march- ing apparently by squadrons, when Lieutenant Ridge- ley, assisted by Lieutenant French, opened his batte- \ jies, scattering them in all directions. I While Lieutenant Ridgeley was engaged in directing this fire, his horse was shot from under him, and the same ball probably that caused the death of his steed, alarmed the horses at one of his caissons, which sprang madly forward in range of the gun. Lieutenant Ridgeley, regardless of personal danger, rushed forward between the two contending fires, seized the front horses by the head, and brought them into their places ; thus saving not only his horses, but the ammunition of his battery. During this time, Major Ringgold's bat- tery was not idle ; but, supported by the Fourth infan- try, kept up a galling and continuous fire. On the left, and in the advance, was Duncan's battery, which, sup- ported by the Eighth infantry and Captain Ker's squad- ron of dragoons, poured forth a terrible discharge. The dragoons, who, from their elevated position could witness its effects, say that horses and riders were fre- quently blown into the air, and long openings were often visible that it made in the columns against which it was directed ; notwithstanding this, the enemy's line remained unshaken. So rapid were these discharges, that the wiry grass of the prairie, that reached nearly up to the muzzle of the pieces, dried before the sheeted flame, and burst into a blaze ; the sulphurous smoke of the exploded cannon and the musket cartridges had al- ready clouded the air, as if to veil the horrors of war from the clear blue sky above ; but, when this confla- gration took place, the very heavens were at times FIRMNESS OF THE MEXICANS. 131 darkened, and huge masses of smoke rolled across the plain, completely obscuring our lines from the enemy's view. After the battle had raged two hours, the Mexican batteries began to slacken, and finally ceased altogether. They were unable longer to withstand the terrible and destructive fire of Ringgold's, Churchill's, Duncan's and Ridgeley's guns, and began to fall back for the purpose of forming a new line of battle under cover of the smoke. Our eighteen pounders were then moved forward until they occupied the position where the Mexican cavalry were posted at the beginning of the battle. The Americans also formed a new line, their right wing resting on these elghteen-pounders. The two armies were now formed in parallel lines, but the Mexicans were better protected than in their first posi- tion, by the chapparal in their rear. Scarcely an hour elapsed before the action was re- sumed. It was commenced by our artillery, which was evidently more destructive than ever. But the Mexicans withstood the shock with great firmness. Soon after the action was renewed, Captain May was ordered to attack their left, He cheerfulry obeyed the order, but he was unable to make much impression on the cavalry with his small force, and accordingly re- sumed his former position without again having an op- portunity to share in the engagement. It was now nearly night, and the Mexicans resolved to make one last effort to shake the firmness of the American lines, and to silence the deadly fire of the eighteen pounders and Ringgold's battery. Accordingly, they poured in upon them almost a literal tempest of balls. Captain Page fell mortally wounded, a cannon ball having car- ried away the whole of his lower jaw, and the brave 132 DEATH OF MAJOR RINGGOLD. Major Ringgold had both legs nearly shot away by a ball which passed entirely through his horse. San- guine expectations of his recovery were for a time en- tertained. But they were not to be realized, and on the evening of the 11th he died at Point Isabel, mourned by the army as a loss to the service and the country, not easily to be repaired. The artillery battalion under Colonel Childs was now brought up to support the artillery on the right, when a fierce charge was made upon this part of the line by a strong body of Mexican cavalry, which con- tinued to advance in spite of a destructive fire from our artillery. The battalion was formed into a hollow square, and calmly awaited the attack ; but a severe discharge of canister from the eighteen-pounders threw them into confusion, and finally dispersed them. A heavy fire of musketry was in the meantime opened upon the square, wounding Lieutenant Luther slightly, and killing and severely wounding several soldiers. Colonel Childs, however, poured in upon them a well- directed discharge from his guns, which effectually si- lenced the enemy's left. But another effort was made by Arista to turn our flank, and get possession of our stores in the rear. This movement was fortunately discovered by Captain Duncan, and he was imme- diately ordered to hold the enemy in check until the eighth infantry could come to his assistance. This he accomplished in most gallant style, opening upon them a deadly fire before they were aware of his vicinity. Every discharge was fearfully destructive, mowing down whole ranks of the enemy. They could not long stand under this murderous fire, though they continued to advance with great firmness for a time. They were driven back in confusion, but immediately reformed THE KILLED AND WOUNDED. 133 and again moved forward, and were again driven back in hopeless disorder, and commenced a precipitate re- treat, throwing all into confusion who had yet stood firm. Thus they were driven from the field and com- pelled to take shelter in the chapparal. Night now put an end to the contest. Thus ended the battle of Palo Alto, after the action had continued for nearly five hours with almost uninterrupted fury. When it was ended, our soldiers sunk down wherever they chanced to be, wholly exhausted by the exertions and excite- ment of the day, and fell asleep with nothing but the sky above them and the earth beneath. The dragoons, however, kept watch all night, fearing an attempt would be made to surprise them by the enemy. Too much uncertainty hung over the future to allow the officers any repose. All felt that the morrow would bring forth another day of battle, and excitement, and carnage, and that the Mexicans would make another mighty effort to crown it with victory to their arms. They held a council of war, however, and after calmly considering the events of the day they had just passed, and the probabilities of the approaching contest, they unanimously resolved to move on early the next morn- ing and give the enemy battle again, if they should be found on this side of the Rio Grande. The force under General Taylor in this hard fought battle, but little exceeded two thousand men ; while the Mexican army was, at least, six thousand strong, or about three to one against the Americans. Our loss in the engagement, was four men killed, and three officers, and thirty-seven wounded — several of the lat- ter mortally. The loss of the Mexicans was two hun- dred killed and about four hundred wounded, besides the missing and desertions. It is believed, however, 6* 134 taylor's official account. that their loss in killed, wounded, and missing, was but little short of one thousand men. " Our march," says General Taylor, in his official dis- patch, " was resumed the following morning. About noon, when our advance of cavalry had reached the water-hole of 'Palo Alto,' the Mexican troops were reported in our front, and were soon discovered occu- pying the road in force. I ordered a halt upon reach- ing the water, with a view to rest and refresh the men, and to form deliberately our line of battle. The Mex- ican line was now plainly visible across the prairie, and about three quarters of a mile distant. Their left, which was composed of a heavy force of cavalry, oc- cupied the road, resting upon a thicket of chapparal, while masses of infantry were discovered in succession on the right, greatly outnumbering our own force. " Our line of battle was now formed in the following order, commencing on the extreme right : — 5th in- fantry, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Mcintosh ; Major Ringgold's artillery ; 3rd infantry, commanded by Captain L. N. Morris ; two eighteen-pounders, com- manded by Lieutenant Churchill, 3rd artillery ; 4th in- fantry, commanded by Major G. W. Allen ; the 3rd and 4th regiments composed the Third brigade, under com- mand of Lieutenant-Colonel Garland ; and all the above corps, together with two squadrons of dragoons under Captains Ker and May, composed the right wing, un- der the orders of Col. Twiggs. The left was formed by the battalion of artillery commanded by Lieutenant- Colonel Childs, Captain Duncan's light artillery, and the 8th infantry, under Captain Montgomery — all form ing the First brigade, under command of Lieutenant- Colonel Belknap. The train was parked near the wa- TAYLOR S OFFICIAL ACCOUNT. 135 ter, under direction of Captains Crossman and Myers, and protected by Captain Ker's squadron. "At two o'clock we took up the march by heads of columns, in the direction of the enemy — the eighteen pounder battery following the road. While the columns were advancing, Lieutenant Blake, topographical engi- neer, volunteered a reconnoissance of the enemy's line, which was handsomely performed, and resulted in the discovery of at least two batteries of artillery in the intervals of their cavalry and infantr}^ These batteries were soon opened upon us, when I ordered the columns halted and deployed into line, and the fire to be re- turned by all our artillery. The 8th infantry, on our extreme left, was thrown back to secure that flank. The first fires oi' L ' & enemy did little execution, while our eighteen-pounders and Major Ringgold's artillery soon dispersed the cavalry which formed his left. Cap- tain Duncan's battery, thrown forward in advance of the line, was doing good execution at this time. Cap- tain May's squadron was now detached to support that battery, and the left of our position. The Mexi- can cavalry, with two pieces of artillery, were now re- ported to be moving through the chapparal to our right, to threaten that flank, or make a demonstration against the train. The 5th infantry was immediately detached to check this movement, and supported by Lieutenant Ridgeley, with a section of Major Ringgold's battery and Captain Walker's company of volunteers, effectu- ally repulsed the enemy— the 5th infantry repelling a charge of lancers, and the artillery doing great execu- tion in their ranks. The 3rd infantry was now de- tached to the right as a still further security to that flank, yet threatened by the enemy. Major Ringgold, \vith the remaining section, kept up his fire from an 136 taylor's official account. advanced position, and was supported by the 4th in- fan try. " The grass of the prairie had been accidentally fired by our artillery, and the volumes of smoke now par- tially concealed the armies from each other. As the enemy's left had evidently been driven back and left the road free, the cannonade having been suspended, I ordered forward the eighteen-pounders on the road nearly to the position first occupied by the Mexican cavalry, and caused the First brigade to take up a new position still on the left of the eighteen-pounder battery. The 5th was advanced from its former position and occupied a point on the extreme right of the new line. The enemy made a change of position corresponding to our own, and after a suspension A nearly an hour the action was resumed. " The fire of artillery was now most destructive — ■ openings were constantly made through the enemy's ranks by our fire, and the constancy with which the Mexican infantry sustained this severe cannonade was a theme of universal remark and admiration. Captain May's squadron was detached to make a demonstration on the left of the enemy's position, and suffered severely from the fire of artillery to which it was for some time exposed. The 4th infantry, which had been ordered to support the eighteen-pounder batter}-, was exposed to a most galling fire of artillery, by which several men were killed and Captain Page dangerously wounded. The enemy's fire was directed against our eighteen- pounder battery, and tl)e guns under Major Ringgold in its vicinity. The Major himself, while coolly direct- ing the fire of his pieces, was struck by a cannon ball and mortally wounded. " In the meantime the battalion of artillery under Taylor's official account. 137 Lieutenant-Colonel Childs, had been brought up to sup- port the artillery on our right. A strong demonstration of cavalry was now made by the enemy against this part of our line, and the column continued to advance under a severe fire from the eighteen-pounders. The battalion was instantly formed in square, and held ready to receive the charge of cavalry, but when the advan- cing squadrons were within close range, a deadly fire of canister from the eighteen-pounders dispersed them. A brisk fire of small-arms was now opened upon the squai'e, by which one officer, Lieutenant Luther, 2nd artillery, was slightly wounded, but a well-directed vol- ley from the front of the square silenced all further firing from the enemy in this quarter. It was now nearly dark, and the action was closed on the right of our line, the enemy having been completely driven back from his position, and foiled in every attempt against our line. " While the above was going forward on our right, and under my own eye, the enemy had made a serious attempt against the left of our line. Captain Duncan instantly perceived the movement, and by the bold and brilliant manoeuvring of his battery, completely re- pulsed several successive efforts of the enemy to ad- vance in force upon our left flank. Supported in suc- cession by the 8th infantry and Captain Ker's squad- ron of dragoons, he gallantly held the enemy at bay, and finally drove him, with immense loss, from the field. The action here and along the whole line, continued until dark, when the enemy retired into the chapparal in rear of his position. Our army bivouacked on the ground it occupied. During the afternoon the train had been moved forward about half a mile, and was parked in rear of the new position." General Arista, in his official report of the battle, ex- 138 MEXICAN OFFICIAL ACCOUNT. ercises the usual ingenuity of Mexican generals, in turning a disastrous defeat into a brilliant and decisive victory. The tone of his dispatch affords a remarka- ble contrast to the modest and unassuming account of the same battle by General Taylor. In his dispatch the Mexican commander says : " Constant in my pur- pose of preventing General Taylor from uniting the forces which he brought from the Fronton of Sante Isabel, with those which he left fortified opposite Mat- amoras, I moved this day from the Fanques del Rami- nero, whence I dispatched my last extraordinary cou- rier, and took the direction of Palo Alto, as soon as my spies informed me that the enemy had left Fronton, with the determination of introducing into his fort wagons loaded with provisions and heavy artillery. " I arrived opposite Palo Alto about one o'clock, and observed that the enemy was entering that position. " With all my forces, I established the line of battle in a great plain, my right resting upon an elevation, and my left on a slough of difficult passage. " Scarcely was the first cannon fired, when there ar- rived General D. Pedro de Ampudia, second in com- mand, whom I had ordered to join me after having covered the points which might serve to besiege the enemy in the forts opposite Matamoras. " The forces under my orders amounted to three thousand men, and twelve pieces of artillery ; those of the invaders were three thousand, rather less than more, and were superior in artillery, since they had twenty pieces of the calibre of sixteen and eighteen pounds. " The battle commenced so ardently, that the fire of cannon did not cease a single moment. In the course of it, the enemy wished to follow the road to Matamo- MEXICAN OFFICIAL ACCOUNT 139 ras, to raise the siege of his troops ; with which object he fired the grass, and formed in front of his line of battle a smoke so thick, that he succeeded in covering himself from our view, but by means of manoeuvres this was twice embarrassed. " General Taylor maintained his attack rather de- fensively than offensively, employing his best arm, which is artillery, protected by half of the infantry, and all of his cavalry, — keeping the remainder fortified in the ravine, about two thousand yards from the field of battle. " I was anxious for the charge, because the fire of cannon did much damage in our ranks, and I instructed General D. Anastasio Torrejon to execute it with the greater part of the cavalry, by our left flank, with some columns of infantry, and the remainder of the cavalry. " I was waiting the moment when that general should execute the charge, and the effect of it should begin to be seen, in order to give the impulse on the right ; but he was checked by a fire of the enemy, which defended a slough that embarrassed the attack. " Some battalions, becoming impatient by the loss they suffered, fell into disorder, demanding to ad- vance or fall back. I immediately caused them to charge with a column of cavalry, under the command of Colonel D. Cayetano Montero ; the result of this operation being that the dispersed corps repaired their fault as far as possible, marching towards the enemy, who, in consequence of his distance, was enabled to fall back upon his reserve, and night coming on, the bat- tle was concluded, — the field remaining for our arms. " Every suitable measure was then adopted, and the division took up a more concentrated curve in the same scene of action. 140 MEXICAN OFFICIAL ACCOUNT. " The combat was long and bloody, which may be estimated from the calculations made by the com- mandant general of artillery, General D. Thomas Re- quena, who assures me that the enemy threw about three thousand cannon shots from two in the afternoon, when the battle commenced, until seven at night, when it terminated, — six hundred and fifty being fired on our side. " The national arms shone forth, since they did not yield a hand's breadth of ground, notwithstanding the superiority in artillery of the enemy, who suffered much damage. '• Our troops have to lament the loss of two hundred and fifty-two men dispersed, wounded and killed, — the last worthy of national recollection and gratitude for the intrepidity with which they died fighting for the most sacred of causes. " Will your excellency please with his note to report to his excellency the President, representing to him that I will take care to give a circumstantial account of this deed of arms ; and recommending to him the good conduct of all the generals, chiefs, officers, and soldiers under my orders, for sustaining so bloody a combat, which does honor to our arms, and exhibits their discipline." CHAPTER V. Resaca de la Palma. — The Battle Commenced. — Character of the Mex- ican Troops. — May's Charge. — Capture of La Vega. — The Americans Victorious. — Lieutenant Lincoln's Heroic Conduct. — Incidents of the Engagement. — A Brave Corporal. — Colonel Mcintosh. — Mexican con- fidence of Victory. — Taylor's Official Account. — Particulars of May's Charge. — Notice of the Battle. Early on the morning of the 9th the enemy com- menced their retreat from Palo Alto, towards Fort Brown, the cavalry being the last to leave the ground. They continued to fall back upon that post until they advanced several miles, to Resaca de la Palma, a po- sition naturally very strong. At this point they had thrown up intrenchments and erected three batteries, so as completely to command the approach to Fort Brown. The road at the place where they had planted their batteries, crosses at right angles a ravine, which is about four rods wide, and four or five feet deep. The lowest part of it is usually filled with water, and in a wet season it forms a stagnant pond, which unites across the ridge forming the road, over which the Ame- rican army had to pass. On the side of the ravine occupied by the Mexicans is a dense growth of chappa- ral. The enemy was formed in double line, one in the ravine, under the front bank, and the other behind the wall of chapparal. They were seven thousand strong, having been reinforced during the night, and strongly fortified, and skilfully posted. The narrow ridge of 142 GENERAL TAYLOR'^ LINE OF BATTLE. road through the ravine, already referred to, which formed the only unobstructed approach to them, was perfectly commanded by their batteries. Soon after the enemy had withdrawn, General Tay- lor formed his army in line of battle and commenced his march. He moved on until he reached the edge of the chapparal, where he halted, and ordered several companies to advance and reconnoitre the enemy and ascertain their position. While they were in the per- formance of this duty, Lieutenant J. E. Blake, who had been on duty the whole of the night previous, and was therefore nearly exhausted, dismounted for the purpose of obtaining a few moments' rest. He un- buckled his holsters and threw them on the ground, when, from some cause, one of the pistols exploded, the ball entering his body, and producing almost immediate death. Captain McCall, who had command of the recon- noitering forces, moved on until he reached Resaca de la Palma, when he was suddenly fired upon by one of the Mexican masked batteries, killing one of his men and wounding three others. General Taylor, upon receiving a message acquainting him with the facts, immediately ordered Lieutenant Ridgeley, with his battery, and the Third, Fourth, and Fifth infantry to engage the enemy's infantry. Captain Smith was ordered to the right and Captain McCall to the left, with instructions to bring on the engagement. Lieu- tenant Ridgeley immediately advanced, and when he had discovered the position of the enemy's batteries, he charged upon them at full speed, quickly followed by the Fifth regiment and a portion of the Fourth, the Third and remainder of the Fourth advancing towards the ravine on the enemy's left. In the meantime Cap- CHARACTER OF THE MEXICAN TROOPS. 143 tain McCall had gallantly attacked their right. The Eighth regiment was also now ordered to enter the engagement, which they did in gallant style, at double quick time. At the same time Lieutenant Ridgeley was hotly pressed by the enemy, but he poured in upon them such an overwhelming shower of grape and can- ister, that they could make no impression upon him. But for the fact of the enemy's shots going nearly all above the heads of his men, they would have been literally cut to pieces. He was supported by the Fifth regiment, under Lieutenant Colonel Mcintosh ; the Third regiment, under the command of Captain L. N. Morris, and the Fourth, under Major Allen, scattered by the dense chapparal, were obliged to form in the ravine. The Eighth, under the command of Captain W. R. Montgomery, with Smith's Light and other corps, faced to the right. Duncan's battery was at the edge of the ravine, but he could not use it, as the only position from which the enemy conld be engaged, without galling our troops, was in possession of Ridgeley. The enemy fought with great valor and almost des- peration. They were the best troops in Mexico ; all veterans of many a hard contested field ; and they seemed to have resolved upon victory or death. The contest in the ravine, therefore, was long and bloody. The Mexicans contested every inch of ground, with a bravery and determination that only the valor of Ame- rican soldiers could have overcome. But the deadly discharge of artillery and musketry, and the repeated charge of our troops, was too much for flesh and blood long to endure, and they now began to waver, and at last to give way. They were finally driven from the ravine, and our troops occupied the position in it held by them at the beginning of the action. The infantry 144 DRIVEN FROM THE RAVINE. had captured one of their guns, and they frequently attempted to charge across the ravine, in the mean- while keeping up upon our front ranks a murderous fire of artillery. But it was of no avail against the discipline and firmness of our gallant troops. They were equally resolved on victory, and had never con- templated any other result of the contest. The enemy still retaining their strongest positions, General Taylor saw that they must be dislodged, and the batteries taken. He therefore gave orders to Cap- tain May to take them at all events. May replied, " I will do it, sir," and immediately placing himself at the head of his dragoons, said, "men, follow me!" and dashed forward with lightning speed, his command rapidly upon his heels. As he was rushing on, he was stopped by the brave Ridgeley, who said to him, "wait, Charley, until I draw their fire," and at the same instant discharged his batteries upon the enemy. The discharge of their guns was almost simultaneously with Ridgeley 's. By this great presence of mind, and noble-hearted magnanimity, he saved May from a fire that must have made dreadful slaughter amongst his men, and drew the fire upon himself. There are but few instances of equal bravery and magnanimity on record. The instant Ridgeley had thus drawn upon himself the fire of the Mexican battery, May again dashed on in advance of his command, in spite of a most destructive fire, and cleared the enemy's works at a bound, cutting down the gunners at their pieces. He was gallantly supported by his men, and the Mexi- cans were driven from their guns by their furious charge. They immediately rallied, however, and again got possession of them, May's command having scat- tered amongst the enemy. But he collected several of MAY 8 CHARGE. 145 them, and again charged the enemy. In this charge he captured General La Vega, while bravely fighting at the guns. He immediately surrendered to Captain .May, and was carried to our lines in charge of Lieu- tenant Stevens. But though the battery had been silenced for the time, it was not captured. The enemy re-manned their guns, and were preparing to pour their deadly jfire again into our ranks. But the Fifth regiment, which had followed closely upon the heels of the dra- goons, now approached the battery, and charged the ;snemy up to the very cannon's mouth, the enemy and pur soldiers contending hand to hand for the posses- sion of the works. The struggle was a fierce and ploody one, but the enemy were cut down at their juns, or compelled to fly, and the battery was left in possession of the Americans. The enemy having thus been driven from their bat- teries, the Eighth regiment under Captain Montgomery, jind the Fifth under Lieutenant-Colonel Mcintosh, charged the Mexicans up the ravine, amidst a destruc- tive fire from their right and front. Though vastly ( ;uperior in numbers, the enemy were compelled to re- peat after great slaughter, and were ultimately driven rom the field. The battle was now nearly ended, and he victory won. In every part of the field where the intending parties met, the enemy were defeated. »V r hether they were only equal in numbers to the Americans, or four to one, made no difference — the re- sult was the same. On all sides they were compelled .0 give way before the superior discipline, courage, and 'hysical strength of our troops. The further details of the action are supplied from Our Army on the Rio Grande," the most minute and 146 LIEUTENANT LINCOLN'S HEROISM. interesting account of General Taylors's operations . from the time he entered Texas to the capture of Mat- • amoras, that has been published. During the progress i of the action, Lieutenant Lincoln, of the Eighth regi- - ment, made a charge on a body of Mexicans lodged in i a thicket of chapparal, who were pouring a destructive ; fire upon his regiment as it advanced up the road. In i the midst of the conflict, he saw Lieutenant Jordan, (who had personally charged the enemy,) wounded i upon the ground, with a Mexican over him, in the act I of running a bayonet through his body ; Lincoln sprang forward, and the Mexican faltering, in alarm, ran his bayonet through the arm, instead of the breast of Jor- dan. At the same instant, Lincoln cleft his skull. This gallant officer, with his sergeant, engaged in a i conflict with others of the enemy, causing them to re- treat, after having slain three of them with their own hands. Lieutenant Chadbourne, also of the Eighth, after distinguishing himself for his bravery, in one of these skirmishes fell mortally wounded, at the head of his command. The third regiment, under the command of Captain L. N. Morris, and the Fourth, under Major Allen, were conspicuous for the spirit with which they en- I tered the contest. These two corps gallantly rivalled | each other in sharing the brilliant events of the day. They fearlessly charged through the densest chappa- ral ; and while Captain Morris, and the other officers of the Third, were overcoming what appeared to be insurmountable difficulties ; to meet the enemy, the Fourth came into the ravine, opposite an intrenchment supported by a piece of artillery, that poured a most galling fire into our ranks. Captain Buchanan, being senior officer nearest the point, collected some twenty- INCIDENTS OF THE BATTLE. 147 five or thirty men, and with Lieutenant Hays and Woods charged across the lagoon, knee and waist deep in water, and after a close-quarter conflict, routed the enemy. Lieutenant Hays distinguished himself by springing forward and seizing the leading mules at- tached to the piece, to prevent its being driven off, while Lieutenant Woods sprang to the handspikes, and turned it in such a direction as to lock one of the wheels against a tree. A large force of the enemy's cavalry suddenly charged upon these officers, but Cap- tain Barbour, of the third, came to the rescue, and with the point of the bayonet drove off the cavalry. Cor- poral Chisholm, of the Third infantry, shot the Mexi- can lieutenant-colonel who led the charge. As the officer fell, the corporal was seen to hand him his can- teen of water, and but a moment afterwards Chisholm was lying dead on his back, with a cartridge in his hand, and the bitten-off end resting on his lips. Buchanan's party, along with portions of the Fifth regiment, then charged on the Mexican lines. In the excitement, Lieutenant-Colonel Mcintosh dashed on a wall of chapparal, although it was lined with infantry and cavalry. Under a galling fire he broke it down by repeated blows of his sword, and the weight of his horse. The instant he got through, his horse fell dead from under him ; Colonel Mcintosh sprang to his feel ; a crowd of Mexicans, armed with muskets and j lances, rushed upon him ; still he gallantly defended himself. A bayonet passed through his mouth and came out below his ear ; seizing the weapon, he raised his sword to cut the fiend down who held it, when an- other bayonet passed through and terribly shattered his arm, and another still, through his hip ; borne down by superiority of force, he fell, and was literally pinned to 148 FALL OF COLONEL M'lNTOSH. the earth. The command of the Fifth now devolved upon Major Staniford, who conducted it with zeal and ability to the close of the engagement. After the first charge on the enemy's lines had been made, Ridgeley was obliged to suspend his fire for fear of galling his own troops. Duncan's battery had been idle, for want of a position to act with any effect. Both batteries were now ordered across the ravine, supported by Captain C. F. Smith's light infantry, and Captain Ker's squadron of dragoons. Lieutenant Duncan came up ahead with his battery, when the Fifth was engaged with the enemy, under a heavy fire from the opposite side of the lagoon that crossed the road. Here he met Colonel Mcintosh, and requested of him a party to support him, while he crossed the lagoon, and forced the enemy from their strong position. In the hurry of the moment Lieutenant Duncan did not per- ceive that Colonel Mcintosh was wounded. The Col- onel turned to Lieutenant Duncan, presenting a most terrible sight. The blood from some of his numerous wounds had clotted on his face, and he answered with difficulty, " I will give you the support you need," 1 Lieutenant Duncan perceiving his situation, asked, with some emotion, " if he could be of any service to. him ?" Colonel Mcintosh replied : " Yes ! give me some water, and show me my regiment." Lieutenants Woods and Hays, with a portion of the Fourth, pressed on, and came up with Leutenants Cochrane and Augur, with a few men of every regi- ment, when, to their surprise, they found themselves in the head-quarters of General Arista. After taking pos- session of it, the party still kept up the road, until re- connoitred by a Mexican officer, who was seen riding very close. He was saluted with a discharge of mus- A BRAVE MEXICAN. 149 ketry, but he escaped unharmed. Again he was seen moving towards our party, and again he was fired upon, and again escaped. Undauntedly he moved on, held his ground, and received a volley of musketry, and most singularly he remained upon his horse, and rode off. A moment only elapsed, when he returned with a squadron of lancers, charging like a whirlwind ; our sol- diers delivered their fire steadily, bringing one or two to the ground, and then fell back into the chapparal. Lieu- tenant Cochrane remained in the open space, and re- ceived the whole charge ; he nobly defended himself with his sword, but was crushed down, falling dead with seven lance wounds in his breast. All order of battle was now lost, yet the enemy, driven from their intrenchments, and without artillery, and with their camp in our possession, still chivalrously, but unsuccessfully, disputed the onward march of our troops. The last Mexican flag that waved over the field had struck, the tri-color of the Tampico veterans, that had so gallantly shown itself on the Palo Alto, where it was torn by our artillery, and had been defended on the Resaca de la Palma, until the regiment to which it had belonged was literally destroyed, was torn from its staff by the gallant spirit that bore it ; concealing it about his person, when all hope was lost, he attempted to flee to his countrymen on the east of the Rio Grande. The poor standard-bearer, however, did not escape ; rode down by our dragoons, he, with others, was taken pris- oner, and the flag of the Battalion Tampico, hangs a trophy in our national capitol. Both Duncan's and Ridgeley's batteries were opened on the retreating enemy, driving them from their last holds, and completely routing those who still lingered. 150 MEXICAN CONFIDENCE OF VICTORY. Cavalry and infantry were seen in confused masses, flying in every direction ; many rushing towards the Rio Grande. The camp of Arista told the perfect confidence he had in the strength of his arms. It was that not the least preparation had been made for a dofeat — ■ no such thought had ever been indulged in. Arista brought with him into the field an unnecessary amount of baggage. His head-quarters were just being ar- ranged ; his splendid marquee, his trunks, and private property were together, surrounded by pompously ar- ranged walls, comprising the military wealth of the army. There were stands of small-arms, ammunition boxes, hundreds and thousands of musket ball cartridges, and nearly five hundred splendid pack-saddles ; in short, almost an eastern prodigality of military equipage. In the camp of the army were found the preparations for a great festival, no doubt to follow the expected vic- tory. The camp-kettles were simmering over the fires, filled with savory viands, from which our troops made a plentiful evening meal. In the road were car- casses of half-skinned oxen. The hangers-on of the camp, while the battle was raging, were busy in their feast-preparing work, unconscious of danger, when, on an instant, a sudden panic must have seized them, and they fled, leaving their half-completed labors to be con- summated by our own troops. Never, probably, in the history of war, had a more perfect consternation seized upon a defeated army, and seldom has one left such singularly eloquent memorials of the fact, as did the Mexicans at Resaca de la Palma. The detailed report of this brilliant action, so glori- ous to the American arms, and reflecting so much honor upon our gallant army, is given below. However taylor's official account. 151 minutely and correctly it may have been described, the account would be imperfect without the report of the commanding officer. General Taylor seems to be everywhere and to see everything, and is therefore bet- ter prepared to give perfectly all the particulars of the engagement. He does it in this instance, as in all oth- ers, with that rare combination of modesty and good sense, and it is marked by the same beauty and ele- gance of style, and clearness and perspicuity of expres- sion, that have distinguished all his dispatches : " Early on the morning of the 9th instant, the enemy who had encamped near the field of battle of the day previous, was discovered moving by his left flank, evi- dently in retreat; and perhaps at the same time to gain a new position on the road to Matamoras, and there again resist our advance. " I ordered the supply train to be strongly parked at its position, and left with it four pieces of artillery — the two eighteen-pounders which had done such good ser- vice on the previous day — and two twelve-pounders which had not been in the action. The wounded offi- cers and men were at the same time sent back to Point Isabel. I then moved forward with the columns to the edge of the chapparal or forest, which extends to the Rio Grande, a distance of seven miles. The light com- panies of the first brigade, under Captain C. F. Smith, 2d artillery, and a select detachment of light troops, the whole under the the command of Captain McCall, 4th infantry, were thrown forward into the chapparal, to feel the enemy and ascertain his position. About three o'clock, I received a report from the advance, that the enemy was in position on the road, with at least two pieces of artillery. The command was immediately put in motion, and at about four o'clock I came up 152 CAPTURE OF LA VEGA. with Captain McCall, who reported the enemy in force in our front, occupying a ravine which intersects the road and is skirted by thickets of dense chapparal. Ridgeley's battery and the advance under Captain Mc- Call were at once thrown forward on the road, and into the chapparal on either side, while the 5th infantry and one wing of the 4th were thrown into the forest on the left, and the 3d and the other wing of the 4th, on the right of the road. These corps were employed as skir- mishers to cover the battery and engage the Mexican infantry. Captain McCall's command became at once engaged with the enemy, while the light artillery, though in a very exposed position, did great execution. The enemy had at least eight pieces of artillery, and main- tained an incessant fire upon our advance. " The action now became general, and although the enemy's infantry gave way before the steady fire and resistless progress of our own, yet his artillery was still in position to check our advance — several pieces occu- pying the pass across the ravine, which he had chosen for his position. Perceiving that no decisive advan- tage could be gained until this artillery was silenced, I ordered Captain May to charge the batteries with his squadron of dragoons. This was gallantly and effectu- ally executed : the enemy was driven from his guns, and Gen. La Vega, who remained alone at one of the batteries, was taken prisoner. The squadron, which suffered much in this charge, not being immediately supported by infantry, could not retain possession of the artillery taken, but it was completely silenced. In the meantime, the Eighth infantry had been ordered up, and had become warmly engaged on the right of the road. This regiment and a part of the Fifth, were now ordered to charge the batteries, which was handsomely THE ENEMY RETREAT. 155 done, and the enemy driven from his artillery, and his position on the left of the road. " The light companies of the First brigade, and the Third and Fourth regiments of infantry, had been de- ployed on the right of the road, where, at various points, they became briskly engaged with the enemy. A small party under Captain Buchanan and Lieutenants Wood and Hays, Fourth infantry, composed chiefly of men of that regiment, drove the enemy from a breastwork which he occupied, and captured a piece of artillery. An attempt to recover this piece was repelled by Cap- tain Barbour, Third infantry. The enemy was at last completely driven from his position on the right of the road, and retreated precipitately, leaving baggage of every description. The Fourth infantry took posses- sion of a camp where the headquarters of the Mexican general-in-chief were established. All his official cor- respondence was captured at this place. " The artillery battalion (excepting the flank compa- nies) had been ordered to guard the baggage train, which was parked some distance in rear. The bat- talion was now ordered up to pursue the enemy, and with the Third infantry, Captain Ker's dragoons, and Captain Duncan's battery, followed him rapidly to the river, making a number of prisoners. Great numbers of the enemy were drowned in attempting to cross the river near the town. The corps last mentioned en- camped near the river ; the remainder of the army on the field of battle. " The strength of our marching torce on this day, as exhibited in the annexed field report, was one hundred and seventy-three officers, and two thousand and forty- nine men — aggregate, two thousand two hundred and twenty-two. The actual number engaged with the 15G AMERICAN LOSS. enemy did not exceed one thousand and seven hundred. Our loss was three officers killed and twelve wounded ; thirty-six men killed and seventy-one wounded. Among the officers killed, I have to regret the loss of Lieuten- ant Inge, second dragoons, who fell at the head of his platoon, while gallantly charging the enemy's battery; of Lieutenant Cochrane, of the Fourth, and Lieutenant Chadbourne, of the Eighth infantry, who likewise met their death in the thickest of the fight. The officers wounded were Lieutenant-Colonel Payne, inspector general ; Lieutenant Dobbins, Third infantry, serving with the light infantry advance, slightly ; Lieutenant- Colonel . Mcintosh, Fifth infantry, severely (twice) ; Captain Hooe, Fifth infantry, severely (right arm since amputated) ; Lieutenant Fowler, Fifth infantry, slightly; Captain Montgomery, Eighth infantry, slightly ; Lieu- tenants Gates and Jordan, Eighth infantry, severely (each twice) ; Lieutenants Selden, Maclay, Burbank, and Morris, Eighth infantry, slightly. A statement of the killed and wounded is annexed herewith. " I have no accurate data from which to estimate the enemy's force on this day. He is known to have been reinforced after the action of the 8th, both by cavalry and infantry, and no doubt to an extent at least equal to his loss on that day. It is probable that six sand men were opposed to us, and in a position chosen by themselves, and strongly defended with ar- tillery. The enemy's loss was very great. Nearly two hundred of his dead were buried by us on the day suc- ceeding the battle. His loss in killed, wounded, and missing, in the two affairs of the 8th and 9th, is, I think, moderately estimated at one thousand men. " Our victory has been decisive. A small force has overcome immense odds of the best troops that Mexico THE CAUSES OF OUR SUCCESS. 157 can furnish — veteran regiments perfectly equipped and appointed. Eight pieces of artillery, several colors and standards, a great number of prisoners, including four- teen officers, and a large amount of baggage and public property have fallen into our hands. " The causes of victory are doubtless to be found in the superior quality of our officers and men. I have already, in former reports, paid a general tribute to the admirable conduct of the troops on both days. It now becomes my duty — and I feel it to be one of great deli- cacy — to notice individuals. In so extensive a field as that of the 8th, and in the dense cover where most of the action of the 9th was fought, I could not possibly be witness to more than a small portion of the opera- tions of the various corps ; and I must, therefore, de- pend upon the reports of subordinate commanders, which I respectfully inclose herewith. " Colonel Twiggs, the second in command, was par- ticularly active on both days in executing my orders, and directing the operations of the right wing. Lieu- tenant-Colonel Mcintosh, commanding the Fifth in- fantry, Lieutenant-Colonel Garland, commanding the Third brigade, Lieutenant-Colonel Belknap, command- ing the First brigade, Lieutenant-Colonel Childs, com- manding the artillery battalion, Major Allen, Captains L. N. Morris and Montgomery, commanding respec- tively the Fourth, Third, and Eighth regiments of in- fantry, were zealous in the performance of their duties ; and gave examples to their commands of cool and fear- less conduet. Lieutenant-Colonel Mcintosh repulsed with his regiment a charge of lancers in the action of Palo Alto, and shared with it in the honors and dangers of the following day, being twice severely wounded. Lieutenant-Colonel Belknap headed a charge of the 158 INSTANCES OF INDIVIDUAL GALLANTUV. Eighth infantry, which resulted in driving the enemy from his guns, and leaving us in possession of that part of the field. " Captain Duncan and Lieutenant Ridgeley deserve especial notice for the gallant and efficient manner in which they manoeuvred and served their batteries. The impression made by Captain Duncan's battery upon the extreme right of the enemy's line, at the affair of Palo Alto, contributed largely to the result of the day ; while the terrible fire kept up by Lieutenant Ridgeley, in the affair of the 9th, inflicted heavy losses upon the enemy. The eighteen-pounder battery, which played a conspicuous part in the action of the 8th, was admirably served by Lieutenant Churchill, Third artil- lery, assisted by Lieutenant Wood, topographical en- gineers. The charge of cavalry on the enemy's batteries on the 9th, was gallantly led by Captain May and had complete success. "Captain McCall, Fourth infantry, rendered distin- guished service with the advanced corps under his orders. Its loss, in killed and wounded, will show how closely it was engaged. I may take this occasion to say that, in two former instances, Captain McCall has rendered valuable service as a partisan officer. In this connection, I would mention the services of Captain Walker, of the Texan Rangers, who was in both affairs with his company, and who has performed very meri- torious service as a spy and partisan. " I must beg leave to refer to the reports of subor- dinate commanders for the names of many officers, non-commissioned officers and privates, who were dis- tinguished for good conduct on both days. Instances of individual gallantry and personal conflict with the enemy were not wanting in the affair of the 9th, but GOOD CONDUCT OP THE OFFICERS. 159 cannot find place in a general report. The officers serving in the staffs of the different commanders, are particularly mentioned by them. " I derived efficient aid on both days from all the officers of my staff. Captain Bliss, assistant adjutant- general, Lieutenant-Colonel Payne, inspector-general, Lieutenant Eaton, A. D. C, Captain Waggaman, com- missary of subsistence, Lieutenant Scarret, engineer, and Lieutenants Blake and Meade, topographical en- gineers, promptly conveyed my orders to every part of the field. Lieutenant-Colonel Payne was wounded in the affair of the 9th, and I have already had occasion to report the melancholy death of Lieutenant Blake, by accident, in the interval between the two engage- ments. Major Craig and Lieutenant Brereton, of the ordnance department, were actively engaged in their appropriate duties, and Surgeon Craig, medical direc- tor, superintended in person the arduous service of the field-hospitals. I take this occasion to mention gen- erally the devotion to duty of the medical staff of the army, who have been untiring in their exertions both in the field and in the hospitals, to alleviate the suffer- ings of the wounded of both armies. Captains Cross- man and Myres of the quartermaster's department, who had charge of the heavy supply-train at both en- gagements, conducted it in a most satisfactory manner, and finally brought it up without the smallest loss, to its destination. "I inclose an inventory of the Mexican property captured on the field, and also a sketch of the field of 1 Resaca de la Palma,' and of the route from Point Isabel, made by my aide-de-camp, Lieutenant Eaton. One regimental color, (battalion of Tampico,) and many standards and guidons of cavalry were taken at 7* 160 DETAILS OF MAY S CHARGE. the affair of the 9th. I would be pleased to receive your instructions as to the disposition to be made of these trophies — whether they shall be sent to Washing- ton, &c." There is no incident connected with this brilliant action that has created so much admiration throughout the country, and which, in reality, displayed such daring courage, as the charge of Captain May upon the Mexican batteries. Though this bold and hazardous achievement has already been incidentally referred to, it is believed the following more detailed account, by an eye witness and actor in the charge, will possess interest. It is by Sergeant Milton, an officer of May's dragoons : " At Palo Alto," says he, " I took my rank in the troop as second sergeant, and while upon the field my horse was wounded in the jaw by a grape-shot, which disabled him for service. While he was plunging in agony I dismounted, and the quick eye of Captain May observed me as I alighted from my horse. He inquired if I was hurt. I answered no — that my horse was the sufferer. ' I am glad it is not yourself,' replied he ; 'there is another,' (pointing at the same time to a steed without a rider, which was standing with dilated eye, gazing at the strife.) ' mount him.' I approached the horse, and he stood still until I put my hand upon the rein and patted his neck, when he rubbed his head alongside of me, as if pleased that some human being was about to become his companion in the affray. He was a noble bay, which had, with a number of others, been purchased for the troop in St. Louis. I bestrode him, and we passed through the first day unharmed. " On the second day, at Resaca de la Palma, our troop stood anxiously waiting for the signal to be DETAIL OF MAY'S CHARGE. 161 given, and never had I looked upon men on whose countenances were more clearly expressed a fixed de- termination to win. The lips of some were pale with excitement, and their eyes wore that fixed expression which betokens mischief ; others, with shut teeth, would quietly laugh, and catch a tighter grip of the rein, or seat themselves with care and firmness in the saddle, while quiet words of confidence and encourage- ment were passed from each to his neighbor. All at once Captain May rode to the front of his troop — every rein and sabre was tightly grasped. Raising himself and pointing at the battery, he shouted, ' Men, follow V There was now a clattering of hoofs and a rattling of sabre sheaths — the fire of the enemy's guns was partly drawn by Lieutenant Ridgeley, and the next moment we were sweeping like the wind up the ravine. I was in a squad of about nine men, who were sep- arated by a shower of grape from the battery, and we were in advance, May leading. He turned his horse opposite the breastwork, in front of the guns, and with another shout ' to follow,' leaped over them. Several of the horses did follow, but mine, being new and not well trained, refused ; two others balked, and their riders started down the ravine to turn the breast- work where the rest of the troop had entered. I made another attempt to clear the guns with my horse, turn- ing him around — feeling all the time secure at thinking the guns discharged — I put his head towards them_and gave him spur, but he again balked ; so turning his head down the ravine, I too started to ride round the breastwork. " As I came down a lancer dashed at me with lance in rest. With my sabre I parried his thrust, only re- ceiving a slight flesh-wound from its point in the arm, 162 AN AWKWARD POSITION. which felt at the time like the prick of a pin. The lancer turned and fled ; at that moment a ball passed through my horse on the left side and shattered my right side. The shot killed the horse instantly, and he fell upon my left leg, fastening me by his weight to the earth. There I lay, right in the midst of the action, where carnage was riding riot, and every moment the shot, from our own and the Mexican guns, tearing up the earth around me. I tried to raise my horse so as to extricate my leg, but I had already grown so weak with my wound that I was unable, and from the mere attempt, I fell back exhausted. To add to my horror, a horse, who was careering about, riderless, within a few yards of me, received a wound, and he commenced struggling and rearing with pain. Two or three times, he came near falling on me, but at length, with a scream of agony and a bound, he fell dead — his body touching my own fallen steed. What I had been in momentary dread of now occurred — my wounded limb, which was lying across the horse, received another ball in the ankle. " I now felt disposed to give up ; and, exhausted through pain and excitement, a film gathered over my eyes, which I thought was the precursor of dissolution From this hopeless state I was aroused by a woundec Mexican, calling out to me, ' Bueno Americano' and turning my eyes towards the spot, I saw that he was holding a certificate and calling to me. The tide of action now rolled away from me, and hope again sprung up. The Mexican uniforms began to disappear from the chapparal, and squadrons of our troops passed in sight, apparently in pursuit. While I was thus nursing the prospect of escape, I beheld, not far from me, a vil- lanous-looking ranchero, armed with an American ser- REVIEW OF THE ACTIONS. 163 geant's short sword, dispatching a wounded American soldier, whose body he robbed — the next he came to was a Mexican, whom lie served the same way, and thus I looked on while he murderously slew four. I drew an undischarged pistol from my holsters, and, laying myself along my horse's neck, watched him, ex- pecting to be the next victim ; but something fright- ened him from his vulture-like business, and he fled in another direction. I need not say that had he visited me I should have taken one more shot at the enemy, and would have died content, had I succeeded in mak- ing such an assassin bite the dust. Two hours after, I had the pleasure of shaking some of my comrades by the hand, who were picking up the wounded. They lifted my Mexican friend, too, and I am pleased to say he, as well as myself, live to fight over again the san- guine fray of Resaca de la Palma." The splendid victories of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma were received with unbounded enthusiasm in every part of the Union. Fought against such over- whelming odds as they were, they were looked upon, not only by military men in this country, but by com- petent and not over partial judges in Europe, as evin- cing the very highest order of military genius in the commander-in-chief, and great courage and discipline in his soldiers. No actions, in modern times, were ever fought under such disadvantages of numbers and posi- tion, as those under which General Taylor labored in these two engagements, with such decisive results. The following notice of these actions, from a gentle- man formerly attached to the army, will give a correct view of the character of the victories, besides possess- ing interest to all classes of readers : " General Taylor, in his peculiarly modest manner, 164 LOSS OF THE MEXICAN ARMY. says : ' It is probable that six thousand men were op- posed to us, and in a position selected by themselves, and strongly defended with artillery.' The whole tenor of the general's dispatches, proves an anxious desire not to overrate the numbers opposed to him or the character of his victories ; and the concurrent tes- timony of the officers of both armies, leaves no question that, on the 9th of May, the enemy had actually en- gaged upwards of seven thousand troops, or more than four times the number opposed to them ; and it is equally certain, that their loss greatly exceeded in killed, wounded and missing, one thousand. General Taylor accounts for four hundred buried by our troops in the two actions ; and Colonel Twiggs in a letter now before us says, ' we found in the hospitals at Mata- moras three hundred and eighty-two wounded soldiers and several officers, and very many wounded accom- panied the retreating army.' This, it must be borne in mind, was on the 18th of May — nine days after the battle ; and an officer writes that the number buried at Matamoras between the 9th and 18th must have been several hundred. Our conviction is, that in the two engagements the enemy's loss was nearer two than one thousand ; and this fact is very material, as demonstrat- ing the character of the Mexican troops, and proving that an army seldom fought better. They did not retreat on the night of the 8th, nor even on the 9th, until at least one-seventh of their whole army had been either killed or wounded ; or, in other words, until our army had rendered hors du combat a number exceed- ing one half of its whole force. " These facts prove that the Mexicans fought bravely. It is admitted on all hands that they were admirably disciplined, the flower of the Mexican army — and com- CHARACTER OF THE MEXICAN TROOPS. 165 posed of officers and men who had been engaged in battle after battle, and had nobly earned for themselves the title of veterans. This army, commanded, as has been said, by one of the most gallant and accomplished artillery officers of the age, (Arista,) selected its posi- tion, and arranged at leisure its line of defence, com- posed of three batteries of artillery, supported by five thousand infantry and two thousand cavalry — whose boast is, that they are the best cavalry in the world ; and that they are brave, daring, and the best horsemen on the continent is fully admitted. Thus posted, this army is assailed by the American army only one-fourth as strong. General Taylor reports that its artillery, with the exception of Ringgold's and Dun- can's eight pieces of light artillery, was parked with his immense baggage train and provisions a great dis- tance in the rear, and was only employed in pursuing the enemy after he had been completely routed. Thus then, the naked fact is presented to the consideration of the country, that our army attacked the Mexicans ' strongly posted in a position selected by themselves.' The forces thus posted and assailed, were composed of veterans, disciplined troops, four times as numerous as their assailants, with a heavier train of artillery, and nearly five times as many cavalry ! They fought bravely for three hours ; lost one-seventh of their whole number ; and then were literally dispersed by the bayo- nets of our troops — throwing their muskets at our men in the spirit of desperation, swearing that they were devils incarnate ! " Such was the battle of Resaca de la Palma, and such, too, was that of Palo Alto on the day preceding it. To judge of this achievement and compare it with European battles, we need only ask ourselves, on what 16G IMPORTANCE OF DISCIPLINE. occasion have eighty thousand disciplined troops strongly posted, in a position selected by themselves, been driven from that position, routed and cut to pieces, by twenty thousand ? When and where did any army thus conquer, rout and completely disperse, four times its number of brave and disciplined troops, who fought in a manner which, under ordinary circum- stances, entitled them to victory ? When such affairs can be found in modern history, we will yield to them the palm. But we know that there are no such battles on record ; and we desire to impress upon our country- men, that our little army, under General Taylor, has achieved for itself a reputation, such as no other army has ever won in modern times, and the scene of which will hereafter be referred to as another Thermopylae. " Now a few words as to the causes which produced these two victories. We said on the 12th of May, when apprehensions were very general for the fate of our army, we felt very certain, that before that day, General Taylor had met and dispersed the entire force of the enemy, if it was not more than four times as great as his own ! We said that this opinion was based upon a knowledge, that no disciplined troops ever yet abandoned their officers ; that we knew our old comrades well, knew of what material they were composed — what West Point had made them — and that they would never yield or retreat. We knew that every officer in that little army was prepared for vic- tory or death; and that such being the case, and knowing their men were disciplined and would certainly stand by them, we felt that victory was inevitable, unless the opposing force was so great as to forbid its possibility ; in which case our whole army would be cut to pieces — selling their lives dearly, but never POSITION OF OFFICERS IN BATTLE. 107 yielding. And such, too, would have been their con- duct, and such the result of this affair, if the opposing force had been English instead of Mexican. " To this gallantry and determination on the part of our officers, we are indebted for the glorious achieve- ments of the 8th and 9th of May ; and an examination into the killed and wounded, very certainly demon- strates this fact. When in order of battle, the officers are always posted with a view to their greater security, as they are required to conduct the battle. Thus the company officers are immediately in the rear of their men in line of battle, and the field and staff, still further in the rear ; and it is admitted to be a sound calcula- tion, that when the proportion of officers to the rank and file is as one to twenty, the proportion of killed and wounded should be one officer to every forty of the rank and file, owing to the greater security of their position, intended to preserve their lives. Now let us apply this calculation to the battle of Resaca de la Palma. "In that ever memorable affair, the proportion of officers to the rank and file, was as one to thirteen ; and therefore, according to European calculation, the proportion of killed and wounded, should have been one to twenty-six. Now what are the facts ? The total of killed and wounded is one hundred and twenty- two, of whom fifteen were commissioned officers, or one out of every eight ! " Here, in a few words, the country has the means of determining how it was that seventeen hundred American troops drove from their selected position, defeated and utterly routed, four times their number of disciplined Mexican cavalry, artillery, and infantry ! Here is the true cause of the victories of the 8th and 168 CHARACTER OF THE BATTLES. 9th of May, being the most wonderful in the history r of modern warfare. Our officers fought in front of f their men. They literally led them to the cannon's ! mouth ; and as the history of these battles proves, when | their swords were useless, threw them away, picked up j the muskets and accoutrements of those who had I fallen, and with these, set their men an example of | coolness and daring which made every private in the || little army feel himself a hero. When officers thus ll lead their men up to the very mouths of the enemy's cannon ; when sword in hand, or with the bayonet, they drive the enemy from their guns, and then them- selves perform the work of gunners ; when for hours, I as was the case in our flying artillery, the officers 1 helped work the guns, and in some cases did the duty of three privates — victory is certain — inevitable. " Such was the character of the battles of the 8th and 9th May — such the manner in which they were won — and such the conduct of such officers. Under such circumstances, our whole army might have been destroyed ; but if not, then was victory absolutely cer- tain. We care not how exalted the character of the troops opposed to them, or to what nation they belonged, in this, their first fight after years of peace and the taunts of members of Congress, it was morally and physically impossible to resist them. Honor — unfading and perpetual honor — to General Taylor, the gallant officers who so nobly sustained him, and to the army of heroes they led to victory on the 8th and 9th of May, 184G ; and most fortunate for them and for the country was it, that we had no undisciplined volunteers or militia in those battles. We doubt not their cour- age ; but no undisciplined troops could have fought those fights. It would have been morally impossible EUUOPEAN OPINION OF THE ACTIONS. 169 for any such to have withstood the fire of the enemy on those days and do what was required of our soldiers and officers ; and had there been any faltering — had a single battalion given way, as they most assuredly would — the enemy would have been encouraged to persevere, and our whole - army might have been anni- hilated and cut to pieces. Never was the value of disciplined men more triumphantly demonstrated than on these glorious occasions ; and since we have learned that General Taylor compels the volunteers with him to receive six hours' drilling per day, and relieves them from all other duties, to make soldiers of them, we venture to predict that they, too, when they meet the enemy, will add to the reputation of our arms. ' Rough and Ready' will first make them soldiers, and then win victories with them." The London Herald remarks : " The proceedings of the soldiers under General Taylor have been such as to do honor to the Republic. The little army, amount- to but a handful of men, at a distance of thousands of miles from any available succor, has defended itself against superior numbers, and at length has crossed the Rio Grande, and took possession of Matamoras, almost in sight of an opposing enemy — an exploit which Na- poleon has pronounced to be the perfection of general- ship." It is not easy to imagine the painful solicitude and anxiety that prevailed at Fort Brown during the actions of the 8th and 9th. Although within sound of the firing, the result of the contest was, of course, for many hours in doubt, however strong their confidence was that victory would, in the end, crown the American arms. But if they were in painful doubt as to the fate of the contest in which they knew their brothers in 170 ANXIETY AT FORT BROWN. arms were engaged, without being able to aid them in b the struggle, they were left in comparative quiet by j the Mexicans during the memorable two days, andJ had time to repair the damages done to the fort by the bombardment to which they had so long been subject; and, accordingly, on the morning of the 9th, their first I act was to raise the national flag. The history of the events during the action are resumed from " Our Army . ; on the Rio Grande." On the 8th, continues this work, the halyards had become unrigged, at a time when j the firing from the enemy was too intense to establish them, the staff at that time being outside of the fort. . To meet this difficulty, the regimental colors were I raised on a temporary substitute, erected on the para- pets. An officer of the Seventh succeeded in lower- ing the topmast of the staff, and rigging the halyards. While engaged in this patriotic duty, the enemy opened I on him from all their batteries, with round shot and I shell, amidst which he coolly labored for fifteen or; twenty minutes. Finding he was not strong enough i to elevate the topmast to its proper place, he lashed it I in its position, and gave the stars and stripes to the breeze. At 10 o'clock, a sergeant and ten men went out, and set fire to the rancho, known by Arista's dispatches as I the Fanques del Raminero, the buildings of which had been successively occupied by our own and the ene- my's pickets. This act brought forth a heavy dis- charge of shell, canister, and round shot, which con- tinued at intervals for about four hours. Major Brown, since his wound had lingered on, his friends bestowing on him every attention that the cir- cumstances would admit : he bore his sufferings with the greatest fortitude, and whenever he spoke, he urged A TAINFUL DILEMMA. 171 his men to do their duty, and never surrender the fort- It was necessary that he should be placed in one of the bomb-proofs, to protect him from the missiles of the enemy : the weather was exceedingly warm, and the air in the bomb-proof necessarily close ; this circum- stance perhaps, joined with the aggravated nature of his wounds, hastened his death. He gradually sunk, and at two o'clock peacefully breathed his last. At the time of his death, everything around the fort was perfectly still; the soldiers around the dying man seemed scarcely to breathe, lest they should intrude upon his parting spirit; nor was the silence broken, until Ridgeley opened his batteries upon Resaca de la Palma. No language can describe the intense interest with which the raging battle was listened to : each man was at his post, and every booming gun called forth an almost agonizing interest to learn its nationality and effects. Meanwhile the bombardment opened simul- taneously with the firing on the field, and continued to increase with unprecedented severity ; but it was not to the batteries of the Mexicans that attention was di- rected. Our eighteen-pounders were occasionally fired, to let General Taylor know that all was still well in the fort. The firing on the battle-field was now grow- ing less and less powerful, and the discharges were be coming irregular. " They have charged on the guns !' shouted one of the officers ; another, and another was silenced. " They have carried them !" shouted another in uncontrollable ecstasy. All cannonading ceased; volleys of musketry were next heard, then all was still. How eloquently the silence spoke of the hand-to-hand conflict, and how the blood in the hearts of these brave men went and came, from excitement to be engaged 172 THE NEWS OF VICTORY. in it ! The victorious result of our anus was now al- 1 most certain. General Taylor and his brave mem would either conquer or die. No bells were now ring- r ing in Matamoras, and the noisy music, that was wont i to belabor the air, had been silenced since the evening [ of the 8th. This, to the heroes of the fort, was full of meaning, and the tale was soon told. At a little before six, a confused rush of cavalry and straggling infantry towards the Rio Grande, announced the victory of the Americans, at sight of which, an officer of the Seventh jumped upon the parapet, beside the regimental flag- staff, and a;ave three cheers, which were responded to so loudly and heartily by all in the fort, that they si- lenced the enemy's batteries, for from that moment they ceased firing. The news had reached Matamoras that to Mexico the day was lost. The distance from Resaca de la Palma to the river, is about four miles. Beyond the battle-ground the road forks, leading to both the upper and lower ferries, be- tween which is situated Fort Brown. The country here is more broken, and the chapparal of stronger and denser growth than in the interior. Into these intricate thickets a majority of the Mexicans tied after the rout became general ; hundreds and thousands of troops here buried themselves, waiting for the veil of night to aid them in their escape. Along the road, however, great numbers swept, " fear lending them wings." In this flight the slightly wounded infantry fell exhausted; norses that had been shot, but able to maintain their feet until put at full speed, rolled on the earth, carry- ing their riders with them. The soldiers stripped them- selves of every encumbrance ; they threw away their muskets, cartridge-boxes, their military cloaks, with everything calculated to retard their speed, plainly mark- PLIGHT OF THE DEFEATED. 173 ing their route by the abandoned articles. Squadrons ol" cavalry, finding their movements impeded by the in- fantry, rode over, without scruple, those whom the late |of war had spared. Our troops pursued ; but their arms lost their force when directed against troops of .defenceless beings, or individuals fleeing before a vic- torious foe. One of the " eighteens" in the fort was now turned towards the upper ferry, sending a shower of grape among the fleeing hundreds. As our pursuing columns debouched from the chapparal that surrounds Fort Brown, and saw the flag of our country still waving in jtriumph from its ramparts, they raised to the glory of its defenders, a shout that made the welkin ring, and it was sent back from the fort until cheer answering cheer, reverberated along the valley of the Rio Grande. jThe want of a sufficient number of dragoons made ifc impossible immediately to extend our lines so as to cut .off the enemy's retreat, and General Taylor, deficient in means to cross the river with rapidity and force, .had made no previous arrangements to attempt so desirable a consummation of his victory. With the [approach of night all offensive measures on our part ceased. . A part of our pursuing troops, including May's 1 icommand, having* drunk of the water of the Rio Grande, fell back to the battle-ground, where they, (with the main army, bivouacked for the night. Dun- ican's and Ridgeley's commands, Lieutenant-Colone Childs' battalion, Captain Ker's dragoons, together iwith Captain C. F. Smith's command, bivouacked on the banks of the river, many upon the same ground they had left nine days before. Throughout both battles, the Mexicans had kept up 174 TERROR OF THE MEXICANS. a constant communication with Matamoras by means i of a secret crossing above the upper ferry. By this i they had sent over their wounded, and brought over their reinforcements as the contest thickened. They forced the poor wretches into sacks slung across the backs of mules, and thus the agony of their wounds I increasing at every step, they were conveyed to that city they had hoped to enter so proudly as victors. When Captain May made his charge, many of the soldiers in the rear of the Mexican army abandoned their ranks and fled ; and the rancheros, who had hung about as vultures waiting for prey, finding that our train was not likely to fall into their hands, rushed into the camp of their own countrymen, robbed it of what- ever loose valuables they could find, then scattered over the country and disappeared. Colonel Curasco, the "bull-dog," so called, of the Mexican army, was the first officer that fled. Early in the contest he crossed to the east of the Rio Grande, and secreted himself in the suburbs of the town. After our troops charged, and took the batteries, General Ampudia alsc sought safety in flight, and was the first man thai appeared in Matamoras after the defeat of the army Mad with terror, and exhausted by his narrow escape from being drowned while crossing the river, he en- tered the Plaza, and circled it seyeral times uncon scious of what he was doing, until his senses wen recalled by his wondering countrymen, who learnec Arista's total defeat, as Ampudia exclaimed, "All ii lost !" At their secret crossing the Mexicans had but on< flat, which was entirely insufficient for the number; who now, in terror, sought the river. While the fla swarmed with infantry, the cavalry would charge, and A DREADFUL SCENE. 175 filling the flat, drive the wretches who had occupied it into the river. The water was covered with the miserable beings who, confused and desperate, plunged about in the waves, calling on God to help them, or venting their impotent maledictions upon those who had forced them to a watery grave. They sunk by scores, clutching each other in the agonies of death ; and the " mad river" fairly boiled with the expiring breath of those who had sunken under its dark wave ! In the midst of the panic Father Leary arrived at the bank, and by his presence restored order, in a cer- tain degree, among the fugitives. He took his place on the flat, already crowded with troops. It was about shoving off", when down the bank swept a flying column of cavalry. Goaded by their riders, the steeds madly leaped into the boats, crushing to death scores of their victims, and driving the remainder into the river; the holy father raised his crucifix above his head, muttered an ejaculatory prayer, and disappeared with the mass of his fellow-beings under the waves. Nothing could exceed the consternation that reigned in Matamoras on the night of the 9th. Between four and five thousand lawless soldiers were wandering, panic struck, about the streets. The chagrined and discomfited officers, formed into cabals, and speculated upon the causes of their inglorious defeat. Meanwhile Ampudia was endeavoring to prove his own bravery by secretly denouncing Arista, and declaring, that, had he been commander-in-chief, he would have swept the Americans from off* the face of the earth. The night was made hideous by the constant arrival of the wounded in sacks ; many yelled like fiends, as the rough carriage, and contracted form, started afresh their bleeding wounds ; others were found dead in their 176 A COWARDLY MEXICAN GENERAL. sacks, having been drowned while crossing the rivei on swimming mules. The women of the city rushed to the ball-rooms, and tore down the festoons prepared for the great festival, to be given in honor of their victorious arms. They tore off and stamped upon their gay apparel, and mingled their cries of wild des- pair with those of the wounded. The more substantial citizens hurriedly gathered together their effects and fled into the country ; many of these fell by the hands of unorganized troops, and their property was divided among the murderers. Hundreds of soldiers were scattered over the country, who pillaged all within their reach, and attacked the defenceless that came in their way. Social, civil, and military order were scattered to the winds, — dark crime, and unbridled passion rioted in the confusion that followed this terrible defeat. General Taylor's first care, after having the wounds of the living, both American and Mexican, properly attended to, was to perform the last sad rites for the dead of the two armies. His humanity to the enemy on the occasion reflects even more honor upon him than his coolness, courage and skill in battle. The same care was shown by him in every instance, for the suffering Mexican as for the American soldier. In the retreat the Mexican generals left all their dead and most of their wounded on the field of battle, either from confidence in the humane character of General Taylor, or out of a naturally cruel disposition ; probably from a mingling of both considerations. They did not rely in vain upon the American commander. Soon after the engagement an exchange of prisoners had been proposed by General Arista., to which Gen- eral Tavlor cheerfully assented. The American pris- ANECDOTE OF GENERAL TAYLOR. 177 oners at Matamoras were, accordingly, taken across the river on the 11th, and exchanged, man for man, for Mexican prisoners of the same rank. Amongst the Americans exchanged, were Captains Thornton and Hardee, and Lieutenant Lane. On the morning of the same day General Taylor started for Point Isabel, for the purpose of securing a communication with Commo- dore Conner. Inmediately upon his arrival at Point Isabel, they had an interview which is thus humorously described in the work so often before quoted : — The singular simplicity that marks General Taylor's personal appearance and habits, has become a subject of universal fame. It is curious that a soldier, so emi- nent in all the qualities of discipline, should be so cit- izen-looking in his own appearance. Commodore Con- ner, on the contrary, is an officer that is not only strict in his dress, but has an extra nicety about it. He ap- pears in full and splendid uniform on all public occa- sions, being the exact contrast, in this particular, of General Taylor. At the proper time, Commodore Conner sent word to General Taylor, that he would come on shore to pay him a visit of ceremony. This put " Old Rough and Ready" into a tremendous excitement. If Commodore Conner had quietly come up to his tent, and given him a sailor's grip, and sat down on a camp-chest, and talked over matters in an old-fashioned way, General Taylor would have been prepared ; but to have the most care- fully dressed officer in our navy, commanding the finest fleet, come in full uniform — surrounded by all the glit- tering pomp of splendid equipments — to pay a visit of ceremony, was more than General Taylor had, without some effort, nerve to go through with ; but, ever equal to all emergencies, he determined to compliment Com- 178 A DISAPPOINTMENT. modore Conner, and through him the navy, by appear- ing in full uniform, a thing his officers, associated with him for years, had never witnessed. In the meanwhile, Commodore Conner was cogita- ting over the most proper way to compliment General Taylor. Having heard of his peculiar disregard of military dress, he concluded he would make the visit in a manner comporting to General Taylor's habits, and consequently equipped himself in plain white dril- ling, and, unattended, came ashore. The moment General Taylor heard that Commodore Conner had landed, he abandoned some heavy work he was personally attending to about the camp, and pre- cipitately rushed into his tent, delved at the bottom of an old chest, and pulled out a uniform coat, that had peacefully slumbered for years in undisturbed quietude, slipped himself into it, in his haste fastening it so that one side of the standing collar was three button-holes above the other, and sat himself down as uncomfortably as can well be imagined. With quiet step, and unat- tended, Commodore Conner presented himself at Gen- eral Taylor's tent. The noble representatives of the army and navy shook hands, both in exceeding aston- ishment at each other's personal appearance. The wags of the army say that the above contains the only authentic account of General Taylor's ever being " headed," and that since that time, he has taken to linen roundabouts of the largest dimensions with more pertinacity than ever. CPIAPTER VI. Barita Captured. — Surrender of Matamoras. — General Taylor in Mata- moras.— A Treacherous Mexican Official. — Pursuit of Arista's Army. — Some of trie Horrors of War. — Sad End to Dreams of Mexican Glory. — General Taylor Reinforced. — His March to Monterey, and arrival there. — Strength of the City. — The Preparations for its de- fence. — Attacked by the Americans. — Stormed. — Capitulation and Terms. — Gallant Conduct of the American Officers and Soldiers. — Comparative Strength of the two Forces. — American Loss in the Attack. Having arranged with Commodore Conner the plan of an attack on Barita, a small village near the mouth of the Rio Grande, a force consisting of four companies of United States troops, under Lieutejiant-Colonel Wilson, First infantry, two companies of Louisiana volunteers, under Captains Stockton and Tobin, and one company of Alabama volunteers, under General Desha, were de- tached to capture that place. On the 15th of May, the command landed at Brazos and immediately took up their march, a portion of Commodore Conner's fleet co-operating with the land-force. There being no re- sistance on the part of the Mexicans, the place was taken possession of by the American troops. The in- habitants fled in affright, leaving everything at the mercy of the captors, upon their first approach. The town contains a custom-house, but was only important as a resting place for such of our forces as were des- tined for Matamoras. 180 PREPARATIONS FOR CAPTURING MATAMOEAS. On the evening of the 14th of May, General Taylor reached his camp from Point Isabel, and determined on an immediate attack upon Matamoras, or at latest by the next day. His preparations for the attack, how- ever, were not completed until the 17th. But on the morning of that day everything was ready, Colonel Wilson having been ordered to march from Barita, so as to reach Matamoras at the same time General Tay- lor should make his demonstration against the city. Orders had been given to Colonel Twiggs to cross, O DO when General Taylor was waited on by the Mexican general, Reguena, empowered by General Arista to treat for an armistice, until the two governments finally set- tled the difficulties pending. This cunning, on the part of the Mexican chief, was too apparent to General Taylor ; he was aware that Matamoras was filled with the munitions of war, and time was only wanted to move them off". General Taylor replied to General Reguena, that an armistice could not be granted ; he re- capitulated the circumstances of the preceding month, when he had himself proposed an armistice, which Gen- eral Ampudia had declined. He stated that he was re- ceiving large reinforcements — that he would not then suspend hostilities which he had not invited nor pro- voked ; he also said that the possession of Matamoras was a " sine qua non," and that the American troops would occupy the city, at the same time giving to Gen- eral Arista and his forces leave to withdraw from the town, leaving behind the public property of every de- scription. General Taylor remarked, that "Generals Ampudia and Arista had promised that the war should be conducted agreeably to the usage of civilized na- tions, and yd the Mexican forces had. in the battles of the 8th and 9th, stripped our dead, and mutilated their NEGOTIATION FOR THE SURRENDER. 181 bodies." General Reguena replied, " that the women (!) and rancheros did it, and that they could not be con- trolled." General Taylor said he would come over to Matamoras, and control such people for them. General Reguena then left General Taylor, pledging himself that at three o'clock that evening he would come over with an answer from General Arista. General Taylor, accordingly, for the time, suspended his prepa- rations for crossing. The answer promised by Reguena to be delivered to General Taylor, positively at three o'clock, did not come. General Taylor immediately ordered preparations to be made for crossing the Rio Grande ; parties were sent up and down the river to secure all the boats that could be seen on either side. That night, just after dark, the army moved up the river, and encamped opposite the contemplated cross- ing place. On the morning of the 18th, Captain Bliss, assistant adjutant-general of the " Army of Occupation," Major Craig, Captain Miles, and Lieutenant Britton, appeared on the banks of the Rio Grande, and sounded a parley. Lieutenant Britton then crossed the river with a white flag, and met a deputation of citizens from the prefect, who was the official civil representative of the city. The deputation wished to know the cause of the parley ? Lieutenant Britton replied, that Captain Biiss, aid to the commanding general, wished to see the prefect in person, or whoever was the commanding officer of the city, as he had an official communication for him from his chief. The deputation crossed the river with Lieu- tenant Britton, met Captain Bliss, and.invited the Amer- ican deputation to Matamoras. They immediately crossed over, and met the prefect in his office, which was situated on the northwest side of the Plaza. Cap 82 INTERVIEW WITH THE PREFECT. tain Bliss then delivered to the prefect a letter from General Taylor, which demanded a surrender of the town and all the public stores therein, stating, at the same time, that his general had commanded him to say- that the rights of individuals should be protected, that their religion should be respected, and that their courts of law and justice should proceed as they had done un- der the Mexican government, unless interfering with the rights of our government, and the necessary opera- tions of the commanding general. Captain Bliss asked the prefect to answer in positive terms, whether he could return and report to his general that the town would be given up without a blow, or whether it would be necessary to carry it at the point of the sword, as in either emergency, General Taylor was determined to have it. The prefect then answered, " General Taylor can march his troops into the city at any hour that may suit his convenience." Captain Bliss then said, " here let the interview terminate." While this conversation was going on, our army was crossing above the city. The east bank was defended by two eighteen-pounders, and the three batteries of our artillery. Colonel Twiggs ordered the regimental bands to strike up Yankee Doodle. The light com- panies of all battalions first went over, followed by the volunteer and regular cavalry. Lieutenant Hays, of the Fourth infantry, and ten select men, with Captain Walker, of the Rangers, first crossed the river, with orders to ascertain and report the number and position of the enemy, if near the river. Immediately after Lieutenant Hays had gone over, the flank companies of the Third, Fourth, and Fifth infantry, were thrown across, commanded by Captain Buchanan and Captain Larned. These commands were followed by Captain OUR TROOPS CROSS THE RIVER. 183 Smith, of the Artillery battalion, with two companies, and also by Captain Ker's squadron of dragoons. After this force had crossed, Ridgeley's artillery was dis- mounted, and taken over in parts. In the meantime, the infantry already over had taken possession of a strong place, to be ready for an attack. In the midst of these busy operations, Captain Bliss arrived, and in- formed General Taylor of his interview with the pre- fect, and of the unconditional surrender of the town. General Taylor immediately ordered that portion of the American forces that had not crossed the river, to re- turn to Fort Brown and cross there. Captain Ker, of the Dragoons, passed below where the troops were crossing, and raised upon the walls of Fort Parades, the star-spangled banner, unfolding it in proud defiance upon the west side of the Rio Grande. The different regiments already on the west side of the Rio Grande were marched to their respective places of encampment, without noise or disorder, save when the Hag of our country was unexpectedly seen waving from Fort Parades ; discipline then gave way to feel- ing, and nine hearty cheers rent the air, and announced the occupation of Matamoras by American troops. That evening a small guard was established in Mata- moras, to keep the peace. No troops, except under command, visited it that night. The Matamorians slept securely under the protection of the American govern- ment, a boon ever denied them by their own. Upon inquiry, it became evident that General Reguena had been sent over to General Taylor merely to gain time ; that, even while he was negotiating for the sui'render of the city, Arista's troops were throwing the public stores into the river, burying pieces of artillery in wells, and concealing other portions of the public stores in 8* 184 DEATH OF LIEUTENANT GEORGE STEVENS. out-of-the way places about the city. Arista com- menced his retreat on the evening that General Reguena promised to bring a message from him to General Tay- lor, taking with him two pieces of artillery, and over four thousand men, leaving behind his sick and wounded. A gloom was thrown over the brilliant events of this day by a most unfortunate accident ; Lieutenant George Stevens, a graduate of West Point in 1843, and a most promising officer in the second dragoons, was swept by the swift current from his horse, while crossing the river at the head of his command. He had distin- guished himself on the brilliant days of the 8th and 9th, and his untimely death was universally lamented. His friends, two days after he was drowned, had the melancholy satisfaction of recovering his body, and giving it the ceremonies of a soldier's burial within the Malls of Fort Brown, beside the gallant hero that gave it his name. Immediately upon taking possession of Matamoras our troops were distributed so as to occupy the upper and lower suburbs of the town, a small guard only being stationed in the city itself. Colonel Twiggs' command was stationed above the city along the banks of the river, his own head-quarters occupying a romantic spot directly on its brink. General Worth's command Mas located in the bend of the river below, having a fine view from his tent, and Lieutenant-Colonel Bel- 's, of the surrounding country. Directly opposite Colonel Belknap's, were to be seen a tew torn tents, and a number of wiry-looking horses. They marked the head-quarters of Captain Walker, of the Hangers. From Colonel Twiggs 5 tent you could see the volunteer regiments stretching away west almost as far as the eve could reach, centering around the THE AMERICAN ARMY I \ T MATAMORAS. 185 Fanques del Raminero, and then scattering off in little groups. The Seventh regiment nestled beneath the walls of Fort Brown, which they had so nobly de- fended. General Taylor found a few trees that ap- peared to be higher than their neighbors, under which he pitched his " head-quarters ;" they could only be recognized from the tents about them by their disposi- tion — they were arranged for shade and not with mili- tary precision. Colonel Twiggs was appointed "Governor of the Town," and to his especial care was intrusted the tak- ing possession of the military stores left by the Mexi- can Army. Don Jose Cardenas, the prefect of Mata- moras at the time General Taylor took possession, was distinguished among his fellow-citizens for oppression, and for his hatred to foreigners. In surrendering the city the prefect's only care was to know if he could retain his office. He never stipulated for any privileges for the citizens, or seemed in any way to think of their interests. Immediately upon Colonel Twiggs taking command, he sent for this notable Cardenas, and asked him for an inventory of the public property. He stated, positively, that he knew of none, and persisted in de- claring that none was leftb/ the Mexican forces when thev evacuated the city. Colonel Twiggs dismissed him, and entering the city, with information obtained from other quarters, soon began to find vast quantities of military stores, in almost all of the out-of-the-way places about the Plaza. This outrageous trifling on the part o r the prefect Colonel Twiggs was determined to notice. Accordingly he waited upon him the following morning at his office, to give the gentleman what is denominated a " plain talk." The colonel labored under one difficulty — elo- 186 A MERCENARY OFFICIAL. quent himself, it was a great drawback to have it marred by an indifferent translator. Fortunately, an American citizen by the name of Dugden, a very intel- ligent gentleman of Matamoras, and an object of the prefect's special oppression, offered his services as an interpreter. " I wish to give the falsifying prefect a proper notion of his conduct,'' said the colonel, with a variety of explicatures. " Can you, Mr. Dugden, do justice to what I say ?" Mr. Dugdeu assented, and the " Governor" laid down the first paragraph of his lecture in English. Dugden did justice to what was said, and, it was thought, added a little on his own responsibility, much to the gratification of the governor. The prefect, bearded in his own den, began to turn a variety of colors : his consternation increased, as the citizens of the town crowded into his office, and, by the wildest expressions of delight, testified their pleasure at what was going on. The prefect literally trembled in his shoes, and promised to act better, and honestly point out the hidden treasures. But he prevaricated so constantly, that he was finally dismissed, and ejected from the shadow of the office he still held, and he left the city, it was supposed to join Arista or some other general in the interior. The day following the taking of Matamoras, Lieu- tenant-Colonel Garland, with all the regular and irre- gular cavalry of the army, about two hundred and fifty dragoons and rangers, started in pursuit of the retreat- ing Mexicans, with orders to harass their rear, and to capture prisoners and baggage. On the 22d, Colonel Garland returned from his pursuit. He succeeded in capturing a small rear party, after a slight show of re- sistance on their part, in which two Mexicans were killed, twenty-two taken prisoners, and one wagon PURSUIT OF THE FLYING MEXICANS. 187 with ammunition and clothing of an artillery com- pany captured. Two of our own troops were slightly wounded. The scarcity of water, the barrenness of the country, and the condition of the horses, com- pelled Colonel Garland to return to Matamoras, after having penetrated over sixty miles into the enemy's country. The army of the Mexicans, under General Arista, was but twenty-four hours ahead of our cavalry, re- treating in good order — our officers stopping at the ranches where the enemy had, the night previous. A ranchero, at one of these stopping places, inquired with great simplicity of Captain Graham, where the Ameri- cans were going. He was told in pursuit of the re- treating Mexican army. " Retreating army !" said the fellow, with astonishment ; " why, General Ampudia stopped at my house last night, and said that his troops had conquered the Americans, and that he was now on his way to Mexico to take the news." The man was confounded, for it was impossible for him to be- lieve his nation had been whipped in battle, and still more incomprehensible that a small number of Ameri- can dragoons should seriously, and for purposes of war, really drive before them over three thousand troops. For several successive days after the precipitate re- treat of the Mexicans, the bodies of drowned Mexican soldiers were thrown ashore by the current of the river. Among the mass, were distinguishable several officers. Arista, in his official dispatch, mentions two who thus met their death. The body of Father Leary was taken out of the water near the fort, his canonicals still on, and his cross clutched tightly in his hand. As the Rio Grande fell, it left suspended to the overhanging trees, 188 PAD EXD OF LOFTY EXPECTATIONS. the bodies caught in the meshes of their branches; thus they hung in the air, until they dropped piecemeal into the water below. The very river itself, for a while, became offensive ; mutilated corpses floated along, at- tacked by the voracious catfish, causing them to twitch and roll about, as if still in the agonies of death. On the battle-fields, more glaringly horrible effects of war were presented ; in the lone places in the deep chapparal, lay the mouldering bodies of those of the wounded who had crawled away to die. Buzzards and carrion crows wheeled in eccentric circles over these unmade graves ; beetles and foul insects burrowed be- neath them ; jackals, at night, dug their way into the mounds of the dead, exposing the interior corruption to the passer-by. The descending rains would beat down the arch made by these desecrations, and the pile marking where a hundred Mexicans lay, gradually sunk, until it seemed as if the remains of so many human be- ings scarcely disfigured the surface of the earth. When a few months, or years shall have passed away, all ves- tiges will be gone. The result of so great a sacrifice, will be the memory of a few glorious deeds ; the suffer- ing, the sin, the dreadful offences in the sight of heaven, will only have permanent record in another world. With the return of Lieutenant-Colonel Garland's command from the pursuit of the fugitive Mexican army under General Arista, ended the first great act in the history of the operations of our army on the Rio Grande, and with the capture of Matamorns, terminated all immediate prospect of fighting. The Mexican army was almost literally annihilated, and the broken frag- ments were fleeing for safety from our victorious troops. That proud and confident army of more than eight thousand of the best troops of Mexico, which but a few CONDITION OF AFFAIRS AT MATAMORAS. 189 days before, had marched into Matamoras without a doubt that the Americans would fall an easy prey to their arms, and whose victory magnificent preparations for celebrating had been made in advance — this army, so certain of victory, and so superior to General Tay- lor's, had been cut to pieces, and driven in confusion from the Rio Grande. The country had been com- pletely subdued in a little more than six weeks from the day our army reached the point opposite Matamoras now occupied by Fort Brown. The condition of Mat- amoras and the state of affairs immediately following the occupancy of the city, by General Taylor, is thus described by an American who visited the scene of operations : — " I arrived here yesterday morning, on the steamer Florida, after a passage of eight days, and find that the news of the taking of Matamoras was carried from here a week ago. There is nothing occurring here now of stirring interest, the fighting having ceased, for some weeks to come at least, and I am inclined to think that there will be no more of it on the Rio Grande. Our army must seek the enemy in their own country if they desire to meet them in any considerable bodies. Am- pudia's defeat on the 8th and 9th, has ruined the Mex- ican army now in the north. They have lost every- thing, mules, pack-saddles, ammunition, arms, and men enough to strike terror to their hearts. Fort Polk, as this point is now called, is a complete museum at the present moment, with its Mexican booty — Mexican prisoners, mules, lances, saddles curiously wrought, leather pack-saddles, huge saddle-bags, muskets, ord- nance, drums, copper cannon balls, grape-shot, letters, and all kinds of documents picked up on the ground where Ampudia was encamped. One of the officers, 190 WOUNDED AMERICAN OFFICERS. who was in the two engagements, says that the supper which the Mexicans had, in their confidence prepared for themselves, and which they were obliged so sud- denly to abandon, afforded a rich repast to our tired and hungry officers and men. He pronounces their liquors, chocolate, soups, roast beef, &c, to have been first rate. Ampudia's plate, which was valuable, was promptly returned to him. Most of the wounded have been sent to Corpus Christi, but there are still enough here to represent most painfully the sad results of war. Captain Page, whose under jaw was completely shot away, is in a fair way of recovering. Captain Hooe is walking about with the stump of his right arm dangling by his side, and appears to be in excellent humor. Colonel Mcintosh, who was badly wounded, was stretched out yesterday in a Mexican wagon, trying to read. He was stabbed in the throat, or rather down the throat, in the neck, and in other parts of the bodyj and was repeatedly knocked down in the fight. Lieu- tenant Maclay, who was wounded in the action of the 9th, is here, with an awfully sore shin, across which a Mexican grape-shot passed, shaving a little closer than was safe, as it carried with it a slice of bone and sinew. Instances of individual heroism occurred- at those two engagements which would have immortalized a Spartan. " Volunteers are gathering here in crowds. Yester- day the Ondiaka, Mary Kingsland, Florida, and Orleans arrived with troops from New Orleans. A company of Texas rangers came down to Padre Island, and were crossing over last evening. Some are encamped near the fort, on the prairie, and six companies of Louisiana volunteers are encamped on the Point, three miles and a half distant, at the bar. I had the pleasure, yesterday, of meeting General Memucan Hunt, of the Texan vol- GENERAL TAYLOR REINFORCED. 19i unteers. The general looks well, and is anxious to be on the field. His men are hardy-looking fellows. All they pray for is to be permitted to go out through the interior, as our army marches on towards Mexico, and to take such towns as they can reach. Their knowl- edge of the country, their hardihood and experience in fighting Mexicans, fit them peculiarly for such service. " There are more than twenty vessels lying here, inside and outside of the bar — one frigate of war, and the balance transports and trading vessels. The Flo- rida drew less than seven feet, and bumped heavily on the bar as she came over yesterday morning. The sut- lers put the screws to the poor soldiers here at a cruel rate, in the way of charges. It is really outrageous, and should be looked to by those in power." But owing to General Taylor's deficiencies in troops, supplies and means of transportation, he was unable to follow up his advantages by a prompt movement upon Monterey, before the enemy had time to recover from the effects of their late disastrous defeat, and recruit another army sufficiently strong to dispute his further progress. He was consequently compelled to remain in comparative inactivity at Matamoras, wait- ing for reinforcements and wagons, until the 5th of August, nearly three months after the defeat of the Mexican army. He had, however, received by the end of June large reinforcements, but not the means of transportation. If it had been in the power of Taylor to have marched to Monterey and attacked it while the Mexicans were panic struck by their recent decisive • overthrow, that important city would have fallen into his hands almost without resistance. But circumstan- ces beyond his control rendered this impossible, and he was left no other alternative than quietly to wait foj ■192 REORGANIZATION OF THE MEXICAN GOVERNMENT. the means of making a forward movement. Small ex- peditions, however, were sent against several Mexican towns. Amongst others, Captain McCulloch captured Camargo, Mier and Reynosa. While the Mexicans were suffering defeat abroad, they were threatened with a more serious enemy at home, and they seemed on the eve of another of those periodical revolutions which have distracted that wretched country for the last twenty years. Misfor- tune being considered a crime by her rulers, Parades, the President, superseded and recalled the defeated generals, with the view of punishing them for not wringing a victory from the Americans in spite of fate. But Arista was determined not to trust himself in the hands of his government, and began to organize an insurrectionary army, with which to dispute the autho- rity of the President of the Republic. Parades was re-elected, however, on the 16th of June, 1846, which put an end, for a time, to the rebellious symptoms of the refractory general. Upon the re-organization of the new government, Aravalo was sent to Monterey to supersede Arista, and Ampudia to San Luis Potosi. Active preparations were at once entered into for strongly fortifying Monterey upon the arrival of the new commander, and even before. Expecting that it would be the next to be attacked after the fall of Matamoras, every means were immediately put in re- quisition to place it in a complete state of defence. It was naturally one of the very strongest places in Mexico. During the war for the independence of Mexico from the Spanish yoke, this city was held by few Mexican troops for ten years, against the whole Spanish power. These natural advantages had been greatly improved by artificial defences, and the town was considered im- GENERAL TAYLOR MARCHES FOR MONTEREY. 193 pregnable. The only access to the city for an invading armv, is up steep and rugged acclivities, every inch of which could be swept by the guns of the fortifications. And it seemed like walking into the very jaws of death to attempt to storm it. Yet all these things did not for an instant deter General Taylor from his contem- plated attack upon this strong-hold of Mexico. Near the end of August, accordingly, General Worth was ordered to advance to Seralvo, and there await further instructions. Having ascertained at this place that Monterey had been reinforced by three thousand men under the command of General Ampudia, he advised General Taylor of the movement. This rein- forcement increased the force of the garrison to ten thousand men, and decided him in his determination to move on without further delay to Monterey, and attack it at once. He therefore marched from Mata- moras on the 7th of September, leaving General Pat- terson in command of that city, and all the forces between it and Camargo. Leaving behind everything not absolutely necessary in the proposed attack, and calculated to impede his movements, he sent forward to Seralvo such supplies as were immediately required for the subsistence of Ins troops, and then hastened rapidly forward himself to the same place. He did not long wait for reinforce- ments, however, notwithstanding his army was con- sidered by those who knew the strength of Monterey, so inadequate to the dangerous and difficult enterprise. His force did not much exceed six thousand men, while the city was garrisoned by ten thousand men at least. But hastily completing his arrangements, he moved on towards the devoted city of his destination, with all possible speed. Occasional attempts were 194 lUS ARRIVAL THERE. made to obstruct his passage by small skirmishing: parties. But no serious opposition was offered. He; ascertained from deserters from Monterey, that prepara- tions for a desperate resistance were going on with much activity, and everything indicated that the city would be defended with great resolution. This infor- • mation, however, only had the tendency to hasten his movements, not only from the eagerness of himself and I men to signalize themselves after so long a period of comparative inactivity, but to make the attack before the enemy had time to complete their defences. After a march of twelve days, from the time he left : Matamoras, he arrived at the Walnut Springs, a delight- ful position, within three miles of the city, and encamped there on the morning of the 19th of September. From I this position he had an unobstructed view of the city of Monterey. It is situated in a beautiful valley, a j part of which is extremely fertile, and highly cultiva- ted. Almost all tropical fruits grow there in abun- dance. It is situated amidst lofty mountains on three sides and an open valley on the other, " and fortified with thick stone walls in the old Spanish style, with ditches and bastions, and bristling with cannon. The fiat-roofed houses were all converted into fortifications, every street was barricaded, and every house was bristling with musketry." On one side was the Bishop's Palace, an extremely strong and well fortified fort; on the other were redoubts, and in the rear a river. Be- sides its garrison of ten thousand men, it contained a population of fifteen thousand, which could supply nearly three thousand volunteers. Thus the Mexican force was, in reality, but little if any short of thirteen thousand men for its defence, whilst the force of Gen- eral Taylor was less than seven thousand men ; when ENCAMPS AT WALNUT SPRINGS. 195 in reality the besieging force should at least be double the beseiged, in order to approach near an equality of strength. The reader will understand from this brief description of the city which the American force under Taylor were about to attack, the dangers of the attempt, and the almost overwhelming disadvantages which he had to fight against. After establishing his camp at Walnut Springs, the nearest suitable position to Monterey, General Taylor ordered a reconnoissance of the ground in question, which was executed on the evening of the 19th, by the engineer officers, under Major Mansfield. A recon- noissance of the eastern approaches was at the same time made by Captain Williams, topographical en- gineers. The examination made by Major Mansfield proved the entire practicability of throwing forward a column to the Saltillo road, and thus turning the posi- tion of the enemy. Deeming this to be an operation of essential importance, orders were given to Brevet- Brigadier-General Worth, commanding the Second division, to march with his command on the 20th ; to turn the hill of the Bishop's Palace ; to occupy a posi- tion on the Saltillo road, and carry the enemy's de- tached works in that quarter, where practicable. The First regiment of Texan mounted volunteers, under command of Colonal Hays, was associated with the Second division on this service. Captain Sanders, engineers, and Lieutenant Meade, topographical en- gineers, were also ordered to report to General Worth, for duty with his column. At two o'clock, p. m. on the 29th, the Second divi- sion took up its march. It was soon discovered, by officers who were reconnoitring the town, and com- municated to General Worth, that its movement had 196 PREPARATIONS FOR THE ATTACK. been perceived, and that the enemy was throwing re-tj inforcements towards the Bishop's Palace, and the. height which commands it. To divert his attention,: as far as practicable, the First division, under Brigadier- , General Twiggs, and field division of volunteers, under' Major-General Butler, were displayed in front of the. town, until dark. Arrangements were made at the same time to place a battery, during the night, at a suitable distance from the enemy's main work, the' citadel, — two twenty-four pounders and a ten inch' mortar, with a view to open a fire on the following day, when General Taylor proposed to make a diversion ill favor of General Worth's movement. The Fourth infantry covered this battery during the night. Gen- eral Worth had in the meantime reached and occupied, for the night, a defensive position just without range of a battery above the Bishop's Palace, having made a reconnoissance as far as the Saltillo road. Early on the morning of the 21st, General Taylor received a note from General Worth, written at half- past nine o'clock the night before, suggesting a strong: diversion against the centre and left of the town, to favor his enterprise against the heights in rear. The infantry and artillery of the First division, and the field division of volunteers, were ordered under arms, and took the direction of the city, leaving one company of each regiment as a camp guard. The Second dragoons, under Lieutenant-Colonel May, and Colonel Wood's regiment of Texas mounted volunteers, under the immediate direction of General Henderson, were directed to the right to support General Worth, if necessary, and to make an impression, if practicable, upon the upper quarter of the city. Upon approach- ing the mortar battery, the First and Third regiments ATTACK UrON AN ADVANCED BATTERY. 197 of infantry, and battalion of Baltimore and Washing- ton volunteers, with Captain Bragg's field battery — the whole under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Gar- land — W e r e directed towards the lower part of the town, with orders to make a strong demonstration, and carry one of the enemy's advance works, if it could be done without too heavy loss. Major Mansfield, engineer, and Captain Williams and Lieutenant Pope, topographical engineers, accompanied this column, Major Mansfield being charged with its direction, and the designation of points to attack. In the meantime, the mortar, served by Captain Ramsay, of the ordnance, and the howitzer battery under Captain Webster, First artillery, had opened their fire upon the citadel, which was deliberately sus- tained, and answered from the work. General Butler's division had now taken up a position in rear of this battery, when the discharges of artillery, mingled with a rapid fire of small-arms, showed that Lieutenant- Colonel Garland's command had become warmly en- gaged. General Taylor now deemed it necessary to support this attack, and he accordingly ordered the Fourth infantry, and three regiments of General But- ler's division, to march at once, by the left flank, in the direction of the advance work at the lower extremity of the town, leaving the First regiment of Kentucky volunteers to cover the mortar and howitzer battery. By some mistake, two companies of the Fourth infan- try did not receive this order, and consequently, did not join the advance companies, until some time after- wards. Lieutenant-Colonel Garland's command had ap- proached the town in a direction to the right of the advance work, at the north-eastern angle of the city, 198 GARLANDS COMMAND ENTER THE TOWN. and the engineer officer, covered by skirmishers, had succeeded in entering the suburbs and gaining cover. The remainder of this command now advanced and entered the town under a heavy fire of artillery from the citadel and the works on the left, and of musketry from the houses and small works in front. A move- ment to the right was attempted, with a view to gain the rear of this advance work and to carry it, bi the troops were so much exposed to a fire which they could not effectually return, and had sustained such severe loss, particularly in officers, that it was deemed best by General Taylor to withdraw them to a more secure position. Captain Backus, of the First infantry, however, with a portion of his own and other com- panies, had gained the roof of a tannery, which looked directly into the gorge of the enemy's advance battery, and from which he poured a most destructive fire into that work, and upon the strong building in its rear. This fire happily coincided, in point of time, with the advance of a portion of the volunteer division upon the same battery, and contributed largely to the fall of that strong and important work. The three regiments of the volunteer division, under the immediate command of Major-General Butler, had in the meantime advanced in the direction of this work. The leading brigade, under Brigadier-General Quitman, continued its advance upon that work, pre- ceded by three companies of the Fourth infantry, while General Butler, with the First Ohio regiment of volunteers entered the town to the right. The com- panies of the Fourth infantry had advanced within short range of the work, when they were received by a fire that almost in one moment struck down one-third of the officers and men, and rendered it necessary to = ' CHARGE LTON" THE SECOND BATTERY. 201 retire and effect a conjunction with the two other com- panies then advancing. General Quitman's brigade, though suffering most severely, particularly in the Ten- nessee regiment, continued its advance, and finally car- ried the work in handsome style, as well as the strong building in its rear. Five pieces of artillery, a consid- erable supply of ammunition, and thirty prisoners, in- cluding three officers, fell into our hands. Major-General Butler, with the First Ohio regiment, after entering the edge of the town, discovered that nothing was to be accomplished in his front, and at this point, yielding to the suggestions of several officers, General Taylor ordered a retrograde movement ; but learning almost immediately from one of his staff that the advance battery had been taken, the order was countermanded, and he determined to hold the battery and defences already gained. General Butler, with the First Ohio regiment, then entered the town at a point further to the left, and inarched in the direction of the second battery. While making an examination with a view to ascertain the possibility of carrying this second work by storm, General Butler was severely wounded, and soon after compelled to quit the field. As the strength of the battery, and the heavy musketry fire flanking the approach, rendered it impossible to carry it without great loss, the First Ohio regiment was withdrawn from the town. Fragments of the various regiments engaged were now under cover of the captured battery, and some buildings in its front, and on the right. The field bat- tery of Captains Bragg and Ridgeley was also par- tially covered by the battery. An incessant fire was kept upon this position from the second battery, and other works on its right, and from the citadel on all our 9 202 A FOOTHOLD OBTAINED. approaches. General Twiggs joined General Taylor at this point, and was instrumental in causing the ar- tillery captured from the enemy to be placed in bat- tery, and served by Captain Ridgeley, against the Mexicans, until the arrival of Captain Webster's how- itzer battery, which took its place. In the meantime, the commanding general directed such men as could be collected of the First, Third and Fourth regiments and Baltimore battalion, to enter the town, penetrating to the right, and carry the second battery if possible. This command, under Lieutenant-Colonel Garland, advanced beyond the bridge " Purisima," when, find- ing it impracticable to gain the rear of the second battery, a portion of it sustained themselves for some time in that advanced position; but as no permanent, impression could be made at that point, and the main object of the general operation had been effected, the command, including a section of Captain Ridgeley 's battery, which had joined it, was withdrawn to the first battery. During the absence of this column, a demonstration of cavalry was reported in the direction of the citadel. Captain Bragg, who was at hand, im- mediately galloped with his battery to a suitable posi- tion, from which a few discharges effectually dispersed the enemy. Captain Miller, First infantry, was dis- patched with a mixed command to support the battery on this service. The enemy's lancers had previously charged upon the Ohio and a part of the Mississippi regiments, near some fields at a distance from the edge of the town, and had been repulsed with considerable loss. A demonstration of cavalry on the opposite side of the river was also dispersed in the course of the af- ternoon by Captain Ridgeley's battery, and the squad- rons returned to the city. At the approach of evening, SEVERE AMERICAN LOP 6 * 203 «ill the troops that had been engaged were ordered back : camp, except Captain Ridgeley's battery and the .ar infantry of the First division, who were de- ed as a guard for the works during the night, under v. nmand of Lieutenant-Colonel Garland. One bat- talion of the First Kentucky regiment was ordered to I reinforce this command. Intrenching tools were pro- cured, and additional strength was given to the works, ' and protection to the men, by working parties during I the night, under the direction of Lieutenant Scarritt, engineers. The main object proposed in the morning had been effected. A powerful diversion had been made to favor the operations of the Second Division, one of the enemy's advance works had been carried, and we now had a strong foot-hold in the town. But this had not been accomplished without a very heavy loss, em- bracing some of our most gallant and accomplished officers. Captain Williams, topographical engineers ; Lieutenants Terrett and Dilworth, First infantry ; Lietenant Woods, Second infantry ; Captains Morris and Field, Brevet- Major Barbour, Lieutenants Irwin and Hazlitt, Third infantry ; Lieutenant Hoskins, Fourth infantry ; Lieutenant-Colonel Watson, Balti- more battalion ; Captain Allen and Lieutenant Put- nam. Tennessee regiment, and Lieutenant Hett, Ohio regiment, were killed, or have since died of wounds received in this engagement, while the number and rank of the officers wounded gives additional proof of the obstinacy of the contest, and the good conduct of our troops. The number of killed and wounded incident to the operations in the lower part of the city, on the 21st, is three hundred and ninety-four. Early in the morning of the 21st, the advance of the 204 THE ENEMY EVACUATE THEIR WORKS. Second division had encountered the enemy in force, and after a brief but sharp conflict, repulsed him with heavy loss. General Worth then succeeded in gaining a position on the Saltillo road, thus cutting the enemy's line of communication. From this position the two heights south of the Saltillo road were carried in suc- cession, and the guns taken in one of them turned on the Bishop's Palace. These important successes were fortunately obtained with comparatively small loss ; Captain McKavett, Eighth infantry, being the only officer killed. The 22nd day of September passed without any act- ive operations in the lower part of the city. The cit- adel and other works continued to fire at parties ex- posed to their range, and at the work now occupied by our troops. The guard left in it the preceding night, except Captain Ridgeley's company, was relieved at mid-day by General Quitman's brigade. Captain Bragg's battery was thrown under cover in front of the town, to repel any demonstration of cavalry in that quarter. At dawn of day the height above the Bishop's Palace was carried, and soon after meridian the Palace itself was taken, and its guns turned upon the fugitive garrison. The object for which the Sec- ond division was detached had thus been completely accomplished, and all felt confident that with a strong force occupying the road and heights in his rear, and a good position below the city in the possession of the Americans, the enemy could not possibly maintain the town. During the night of the 22d the enemy evacuated nearly all his defences in the lower part of the city. This was reported to General Taylor early in the mora- lly* of the 23d, by General Quitman, who had already AMERICANS STORM THE CITY. 205 meditated an assault upon those works. He immedi- ately sent instructions to that officer, leaving it to his discretion to enter the city, covering his men by the houses and walls, and advance carefully so far as he might deem it prudent. After ordering the remainder of the troops as a i\3- serve, under the orders of Brigadier-General TSvJggs, General Taylor repaired to the abandoned works, and discovered that a portion of General Quitman's brigade had entered the town, and were successfully forcing their way towards the principal plaza. He then or- dered up the Second regiment of Texas mounted volun- teers, who entered the city dismounted, and, under the immediate orders of General Henderson, co-operated with General Quitman's brigade. Captain Bragg's battery was also ordered up, supported by the Third infantry, and after firing for some time at the Cathedral, a portion of it was likewise thrown into the city. The American troops advanced from house to house, and from square to square, until they reached a street but one square in rear of the principal plaza, in and near which the enemy's force was mainly concentrated. This advance was conducted vigorously, but with due caution, and although destructive to the enemy, was attended with but small loss on our part. Captain Ridgeley, in the meantime, had served a captured piece in the first battery taken by the enemy, against the city, until the advance of our men rendered it im- prudent to fire in the direction of the Cathedral. Gen- eral Taylor was satisfied that his troops could operate successfully in the city, and that the enemy had retired from the lower portion of it to make a stand behind his barricades. As General Quitman's brigade had been on duty the previous night, General Taylor deter- 206 PROPOSAL TO EVACUATE. mined to withdraw the troops to the evacuated works, I and concert with General Worth a combined attack upon the town. The troops accordingly fell back de- liberately, in good order, and resumed their original positions, General Quitman's brigade being relieved after nightfall by that of General Hamer. On his re- turn to camp, he met an officer with the intelligence that General Worth, induced by the firing in the lower part of the city, was about making an attack at the upper extremity, which had also been evacuated by the enemy to a considerable distance. He received a note from General Worth, written at eleven o'clock p. m., informing him that he had advanced to within a short distance of the principal plaza, and that the mortar which had been sent to his division in the morning was doing good execution within effective range of the enemy's position. Desiring to make no further attempt upon the city without complete concert as to the lines and mode of approach, General Taylor instructed that officer to suspend his advance, until he could have an interview with him on the following morning at his head-quarters. Early in the morning of the 24th he received, through Colonel Moreno, a communication from General Am- pudia proposing to evacuate the town. He arranged with Colonel Moreno a cessation of fire until twelve o'clock, at which hour he would receive the answer of the Mexican general at General Worth's head-quar- ters, to which he soon repaired. In the meantime, General Ampudia had signified to General Worth his desire for a personal interview with Taylor, to which he acceded, and which finally resulted in a surrender of the city upon the following conditions : Terms of Capitulation of the city of Monterey, the TERMS OF CAPITULATION. 207 capital of Nuevo Leon, agreed upon by the undersigned commissioners, to wit : General Worth, of the United States army, General Henderson, of the Texas volun- teers, and Colonel Davis, of the Mississippi riflemen, on the part of Major General Taylor, commanding-in- chief the United States forces, and General Requena, and General Ortega, of the army of Mexico, and Senor Manuel M. Llano, governor of Nuevo Leon, on the part of Senor General Don Pedro Ampudia, commanding- in-chief the army of the north of Mexico. Art. 1. As the legitimate result of the operations before this place, and the present position of the con- tending armies, it is agreed that the city, the fortifica- tions, cannon, the munitions of war, and all other pub- lic property, with the undermentioned exceptions, be surrendered to the commanding general of the United States forces now at Monterey. Art. 2. That the Mexican forces be allowed to retain the following arms, to wit : the commissioned officers their side-arms, the infantry their arms and accoutre- ments, the cavalry their arms and accoutrements, the artillery one field battery, not to exceed six pieces, with twenty-one rounds of ammunition. Art. 3. That the Mexican armed forces retire within seven days from this date, beyond the line formed by the pass of the Rinconada, the city of Linares and San Fernando de Presas. Art. 4. That the citadel at Monterey be evacuated by the Mexican, and occupied by the American forces, to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Art. 5. To avoid collisions, and for mutual conven- ience, that the troops of the United States will not oc- cupy the city until the Mexican forces have withdrawn, except for hospital and storage purposes. 208 AMERICAN'S ENTER THE CITY. Art. 6. That the forces of the United States will not advance beyond the line specified in the 2d [3d] article before the expiration of eight weeks, or until the orders or instructions of the respective governments can be received. Art. 7. That the public property to be delivered shall be turned over and received by officers appointed by the commanding generals of the two armies. Art. 8. That all doubts as to the meaning of any of the preceding articles shall be solved by an equitable construction, and on principles of liberality to the re- tiring army. Art. 9. That the Mexican flag, when struck at the citadel, may be saluted by its own battery. Done at Monterey, September 24, 1846. Upon occupying the city, it was discovered to be of great strength in itself, and to have its approaches care- fully and strongly fortified. The town and works were armed with forty pieces of cannon, well supplied with ammunition, and manned with a force of at least seven thousand troops of the line, and from two to three thou- sand irregulars. The force under General Taylor's orders before Monterey, as exhibited by the returns ac- companying his official report, was four hundred and twenty-five officers, and six thousand two hundred and twenty men. His artillery consisted of one ten inch mortar, two twenty-four pounder howitzers, and four light field batteries of four guns each — the mortar being the only piece suitable to the operations of a siege. His loss is twelve officers and one hundred and eight men killed ; thirty-one officers and three hundred and thirty- seven men wounded. That of the enemy is not known, but is believed considerably to exceed our own. In his detailed account of the capture, he warmly GALLANTRY OP OFFICERS. 209 commended to the government the good conduct of the troops, both regulars and volunteers, which he declared had been conspicuous throughout all his operations against the city, and he bore testimony to their coolness and constancy in battle, and the cheerfulness with which they submitted to exposure and privation. To the general officers commanding divisions — Major-Gen- erals Butler and Henderson, and Brigadier-Generals Twiggs and Worth — he expressed himself under many obligations for the efficient aid which they rendered him in their respective commands. He expressed himself unfortunate in being deprived, early on the 21st, of the valuable services of Major-General Butler, who was disabled by a wound received in the attack on the city. Major-General Henderson, commanding the Texan volunteers, rendered important aid in the organization of his command, and its subsequent operations. Brig- adier-General Twiggs rendered important services with his division, and, as the second in command, after Ma- jor-General Butler was disabled. Brigadier-General Worth was intrusted with an important detachment, which rendered his operations independent of General Taylor's. These operations were conducted with abil- ity, and crowned with complete success. Brigadier- Generals Hamer and Quitman, commanding brigades in General Butler's division : Lieutenant-Colonels Garland and Wilson, commanding brigades in General Twiggs' division ; Colonels Mitchell, Campbell, Davis and Wood, commanding the Ohio, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Sec- ond Texas regiments, respectively ; and Majors Lear, Allen, and Abercrombie, commanding the Third, Fourth and First regiments of infantry; all of whom served under his immediate direction, and conducted their com- mands with so much coolness and gallantry against the 9* 210 COMMENDED TO THE GOVERNMENT. enemy as to entitle themselves to his most favorable notice. Colonel Mitchell, Lieutenant-Colonel McClung, Mis- sissippi regiment, Major Lear, Third infantry, and Ma- jor Alexander, Tennessee regiment, were all severely wounded, as were Captain Lamotte, First infantry, Lieutenant Graham, Fourth infantry, Adjutant Arm- strong, Ohio regiment, Lieutenants Scudder and Allen, Tennessee regiment, and Lieutenant Howard, Mis- sissippi regiment, while leading their men against the enemy's position on the 21st and 23rd. After the fall of Colonel Mitchell, the command of the First Ohio regiment devolved upon Lieutenant-Colonel Weller ; that of the Third infantry, after the fall of Major Lear, devolved in succession upon Captain Brainbridge and Captain Henry, the former being also wounded. The following named officers were favorably noticed by their respective commanders : Lieutenant-Colonel Anderson and Adjutant Heiman, Tennessee regiment ; Lieuten- ant-Colonel McClung, Captains Cooper and Downing ; Lieutenants Batterson, Calhoun, Moore, Russel, and Cook, Mississippi regiment ; also Sergeant-Major Hear- lan, Mississippi regiment ; and Major Price and Captain J. R. Smith, unattached, but serving with it. General Taylor also called attention to the good conduct of Cap- tain Johnson, Ohio regiment, and Lieutenant Hooker, First artillery, serving on the staff of General Hamer, and of Lieutenant Nichols, Second artillery, on that of General Quitman. Captains Bragg and Ridgeley served with their batteries during the operations under the general's owp observation, and in part under his imme- diate orders, and exhibited distinguished skill and gal- lantry. Captain Webster, First artillery, assisted by Lieutenants Donaldson and Bowen, rendered eood ser- GOOD CONDUCT OF SOLDIERS. 211 vice with the howitzer battery, which was much ex- posed to the enemy's fire on the 21st. From the nature of the operations, the Second dra- goons were not brought into action, but were usefully employed, under the direction of Lieutenant-Colonel May, as escorts, and in keeping open our communica- tions. The First Kentucky regiment was also pre- vented from participating in the action of the 21st, but rendered highly important services, under Colonel Ormsby, in covering the mortar battery, and holding in check the enemy's cavalry during the day. Besides these officers, whose conduct fell under his own immediate observation, he particularly refei'red to the reports of division commanders, for a notice of other officers, and warmly approved their recommendations. To the officers of his personal staff and of the engi- neers, topographical engineers, and ordnance, associated with him, he expressed himself under many obligations for the valuable and efficient assistance he derived from them during the operations. Colonel Whiting, assistant quartermaster-general, Colonels Croghan and Belknap^ inspectors-general, Major Bliss, assistant adjutant-gen- eral, Captain Sibley, assistant quartermaster, Captain Waggaman, commissary of subsistence, Captain Eaton and Lieutenant Garnett, aides-de-camp, and Majors Kirby and Van Buren, pay department, were also fa- vorably noticed for their promptness in communicating his orders and instructions. He also expressed his par- ticular obligations to Brevet-Major Mansfield and Lieu- tenant Scarritt, corps of engineers. They both ren- dered most important services in reconnoitring the enemy's positions, conducting troops in attack, and strengthening the works captured from the enemy. Major Mansfield, though wounded on the 21st, remained 212 DEATH OP CAPTAIN WILLIAMS. on duty during that and the following day, until con- fined by his wound to camp. Captain Williams, topo- graphical engineers, was, to the great regret of General Taylor and loss of the service, mortally wounded while fearlessly exposing himself in the attack of the 21st. Lieutenant Pope, of the same corps, was active and zealous throughout the operations. Major Munroe, chief of the artillery, Major Craig, and Captain Ram- sey, of the ordnance, were assiduous in the perform- ance of their proper duties. The former superintended the mortar service on the 22nd, as particularly men- tioned in the report of General Worth. Surgeon Craig, medical director, was actively em- ployed in the important duties of his department, and the medical staff generally were unremitting in their duties with the regular regiments, being rendered un- commonly arduous by the small number serving in the field. Little need be added to this authentic account of the brilliant operations of our army against this strongly fortified and powerfully defended city, and of the glo- rious termination of the long and bloody struggle against it. The details of the capture are almost lit- erally the language of General Taylor himself, and may, therefore, be relied upon as official. That it is eloquent from the very simplicity and modesty with which it describes one of the most brilliant achievements of modern times, need not be told the reader. But yet, as all may well imagine, there must necessarily have been numerous incidents and personal adventures of deeply exciting interest, that could not be related in an official dispatch. Many of these are supplied by the following memorandum of events during the progress of the siege and storming of the city, by a correspond FURTHER DETAILS OP THE ACTION. 213 dent of the New Orleans papers. This supplies what- ever of interest has been omitted, and gives a perfect history of the transactions of the American army be- fore Monterey, and of the capture of the strongest city in Mexico, with the exception of Vera Cruz. September 19, 1846. This has been a day of excite- ment and interest to our isolated little army. The gen- eral left the camp at San Francisco this morning at sunrise, and by eight o'clock the whole column was in motion, the Texas Rangers, and Colonel May with a squadron of dragoons, in advance. The men started off" briskly, and the road was fine. After two hours' march, a bridge was found broken up by the Mexicans. A cornfield near at hand afforded materials for filling up the place, and the army proceeded over the first corn-stalk bridge I ever heard of. When within about four or five miles of the city, we heard a brisk cannon- ading. Some of the men had just previous to this be- gun to lag, some suffered from blistered feet, and others from the intensity of the heat, but no sooner did the sound of cannon reach their ears, than they straight- ened themselves up and pressed forward with an eager- ness which showed that their sufferings were all forgot- ten. Captain Scott, (the veritable,) or rather now Major Scott, who commands the Fifth infantry, marched immediately before us, and the moment the brave old soldier heard the enemy's cannon, he drove his spurs into his horse and pranced about his regiment as if ho would give a liberal portion of his life to be at Monterey. Captain Miles, commander of the Seventh infantry, by whose side I was riding at the moment, likewise rose in his stirrups, with his keen black eyes sparkling, and his nostrils slightly dilated, and gave orders to his regiment to close up ; but his orders were useless, for 214 EAGERNESS FOR THE CONFLICT. the noble fellows were already pressing on the staff, to the very rumps of the horses. Again, again and again, the noise of the twelve-pounders reverberated through the lofty mountains which rose before us and upon each side, and a buzz, a suppressed hurrah, ran through the line. The officers ran their eyes over their com- mands with looks of pride and confidence, and the men returned the glance, as if to say " we are ready," and pressed on still more eagerly. I rode out of the column and fell back to look at the Louisiana boys. Every eye among them was bright with eager excitement. Captain Blanchard, and Lieutenants Tenbrink and the two brothers Nicholls, wore a peculiar smile upon their countenances, an expression that I shall never forget. I translated its meaning thus : " Now we are about to be rewarded for all sacrifices and toils, and we will show old Louisiana that we can represent her worthily, though our numbers are small." They regretted the absence of their fellow-citizens who had returned to their quiet homes, for they well knew how many a brave heart would burn with bitter disappointment and laudable envy, could their returned friends but see them and know their feelings at that moment. On reaching the place of encampment we came up with General Worth, riding his horse in beautiful style. 'A handsomer officer than he appeared then I never saw. Every one marked the change that had suddenly come over him. From the somewhat dejected air, and saddened countenance that he is said to have worn of late, Richard was now himself again — and the gallant soldier, forgetting all his cares, now appeared before us, the personification of an accomplished military chieftain. His handsome face was lighted up with a proud, but affable smile, as he motioned gracefully to PROSPECTS OF A BLOODY FIGHT. 215 his officers, pointing out to them the direction they were to take with their respective commands, and not a man who saw him, but what would at that moment have followed him to the cannon's mouth. Such is the feeling manifested by the whole army — which renders this body of men invincible. This evening the enemy's batteries have been opened again upon a reconnoitring party of ours. Generals Taylor, Worth, Twiggs, and others, have been out, looking at their works. Nine o'clock, p. m. An attack is expected, and every man in the army will rest to-night on his arms. A night attack is what a soldier dislikes very much, be- cause it is then difficult to distinguish friend from foe. September 20. Everything remained quiet last night. To-morrow an attempt will be made to take Monterey. A stout resistance is expected, for the town is strongly fortified, as well as the heights that command it, and the enemy has troops and ammunition enough there to defend it. A movement will no doubt be made to- night. No one expects an easy victory ; on the other hand, all have made up their minds to see much blood shed. It is believed that a large number of the ene- my is in our rear — in fact there is little doubt on the subject. September 24. This is the fourth day since the bat- tle of Mo>" f erey commenced. On the 20th at noon, General Vv orth marched from the camp east of the town in the direction of the heights west of the town, McCullough's and Gillespie's companies of rangers forming the reconnoitring party. At night the division bivouacked almost within range of the guns stationed upon the highest point of the hill, on which the Bishop's Palace is situated. At daylight of the 21st, the column 216 INCIDENTS OF THE ATTACK. was ao-ain in motion, and in a few moments was turn- ing the point of a ridge which protruded out towards the enemy's guns, bringing us as near to them as their gunners could desire. They immediately opened upon the column with a howitzer and twelve-pounder, firing shell and round shot as fast as they could discharge their pieces. The road now wound in towards a gorge, but not far enough to be out of range of their guns, which still played upon us. Another ridge lay about three- fourths of a mile beyond the first, around the termination of which the road wound, bringing it under the lofty summit of a height which rises between Palace Hill and the mountains which rise over us on the west. When the head of the column approached this ridge, a body of Mexican cavalry came dashing around the point to charge upon our advance. Captain Gillespie immediately ordered his men to dismount and place themselves in ambush. The enemy evidently did not perceive this manoeuvre, but the moment they came up, the Texans opened upon them a most effective fire, unsaddling a number of them. McCullough's company now dashed into them — Captain C. F. Smith's camp and Captain Scott's camp of artillery, (acting as infantry,) and Lieutenant Long-street's company of the Eighth infantry, with another company of the same regiment, likewise charged upon the enemy. The Texan horsemen were soon engaged with them in a sort of hand-to-hand skirmish, in which a number of tho enemy fell, and one Texan was killed and two wounded. Colonel Duncan now opened upon them with his battery of light artillery, pouring a few discharges of grape among thorn, and scattering them like chaff. INCIDENTS OF THE ATTACK. 217 Several men and horses fell under this destructive fire. I saw one horse and rider bound some feet into the air, and both fell dead and tumbled down the steep. The foot companies above named then rushed up the steep and fired over the ridge at the retreating enemy, a con- siderable body of whom were concealed from our view, around the point of the hill. About thirty of the enemy were killed in this skirmish, and among them a captain, who, with two or three others, fell in the read. The captain was wounded in three places, the last shot hitting him in the forehead. He fought gallantly to the last, and I am sorry that I cannot learn his name. The light batteries, one of which is commanded by Lieutenant Mackall, were now driven up on the slope of the ridge, and the howitzers opened upon the height of Palace Hill. A few shells only were thrown before the enemy commenced firing with a nine-pounder from the height immediately over the right of the column, aiming at Duncan's batteries. The several regiments took positions, and a few more shells were thrown towards Palace Hill, but did no execution. The nine- pounder continued to throw its shot, with great pre- cision, at our batteries, one ball falling directly in the midst of the pieces, but fortunately hitting neither men nor guns. Finding his batteries thus exposed, and unable to effect anything, Colonel Duncan removed his command to a rancho about half a mile farther up the Saltillo road, where General Worth took up his position, after ordering the foot regiments to form along the fence, near the point of the ridge. The artillery battalion, Fifth, Seventh, and Eighth infantry, and the Louisiana volunteers, remained in this position about two hours, directly under the fire of the enemy's guns, (now two.) The balls fell directlv in their midst all this time with- 218 DANGEROUS ENTERPRISE. out wounding a man ! To begin with, the Mexicans manage their artillery in battery as well as the Ame- ricans do — this, I believe is now conceded by every officer. At half-past ten the column moved towards the general's position. At this time, Captain McKavett, of the Eighth infantry, was shot through the heart by a nine-pound ball, and a private of the Fifth infantry was severely wounded in the thigh, and he died the next morning. About fifty Mexicans now appeared upon the side hill, over the moving column, and fired at our troops some hundred musket shot, without doing any harm. The division deployed into the position pointed out, and remained an hour or two, when Cap- tain C. F. Smith of the artillery battalion, with two companies (his own and Captain Scott's,) and four companies of Texas rangers on foot, were ordered to storm the second height. This the gallant officer cheerfully undertook, and was followed with enthu- siasm by the officers and men of his command. It was considered on all sides to be a dangerous undertaking, and his party was considered most emphatically a forlorn hope. That the height would be taken, no one doubted, but that many brave fellows would fall in the attempt, seemed inevitable. The distance to be climbed after reaching the foot of the hill, was about a quarter of a mile ; a part of the way was almost perpendicular, and through thorn-bushes and over sharp pointed rocks and loose sliding stones. The Seventh infantry commanded by Captain Miles, was ordered to support Captain Smith's party, and by marching directly to the foot of the height, arrived be- fore Captain Smith, who had been ordered to take a circuitous route. Captain Miles sent up Lieutenant GALLANTLY ACCOMPLISHED. 219 Gantt with a detachment of men, upon the hill side, to divert the attention of the enemy from Captain Smith's command, which could not yet be seen. The Seventh had already sustained a heavy fire of grape and round shot, as they forded the San Juan, which winds around the foot of the height, which fell like a shower of hail in their ranks, without killing a man. Lieutenant Gantt's party were greeted with grape and round shot, which cut the shrubs and tore up the loose stones in the ranks without killing any one ; but the gallant young officer came within an inch of being killed by a cannon ball, which ran down the steep and filled his face with fragments of rock, dust and gravel. The fire was ac- companied by a constant discharge of musketry, the enemy covering the upper part of the hill side, but the detachment continued to move up, driving the Mexicans back, until they were recalled. Captain Smith's party now arrived and moved up the hill, the rangers in advance, and did not halt for an instant until the Mexicans were driven from the summit. Whilst this was going on, Colonel Persifer F. Smith, who commanded the Fifth and Seventh in- fantry — the Fifth, with Blanchard's Louisiana boys, under Major Martin Scott, had been ordered to sup- port the whole — gave orders for these commands to pass around on each side and storm the fort, which was situated about half a mile back of the summit on the same ridge, and commanded the Bishop's Palace. Such a foot-race as now ensued, has seldom, if ever been seen ; the Louisiana boys making tremendous strides to be in with the foremost. Captain Smith had the gun which he took upon the height run down towards the breastwork, and fired into it. Then came Colonel P. F. Smith's men, with a perfect rush, firing and 220 STORMING A FORT. cheering — the Fifth and Seventh, and Louisianians, reaching the ridge above nearly at the same time. The Mexicans fired at them with grape, but it did not save them, or cause an instant's hesitation in our ranks. Our men run, and fired, and cheered, until they reached the work, the foremost entering at one end, whilst the Mexicans, about one thousand in num- ber, left the other in retreat. The colors of the Fifth infantry were instantly raised, and scarcely were they up before those of the Seventh were alongside. The three commands entered the fort together, so close was the race — the Fifth, however, getting an advance, were in first. J. W. Miller, of Blanchard's company, was among the first four or five who entered. The three commands may be said to have come out even in the race, for the Seventh was not five seconds behind. In less than five minutes the gun found in the fort was thundering away at the Bishop's Palace ! More ammunition was found than our troops will use, with the three guns which were captured. One of the guns was found concealed. They are nine- pound brass pieces. Several mules and half a dozen beautiful tents were likewise captured. Killed, none. Wounded, in Seventh infantry, Lieutenant Potter, bullet through the calf of the leg ; Orderly Sergeant Hurdle, of company K ; Corporal S. P. Oakley, se- riously, in the thigh. Corporal Oakley is from New York city, and a very intelligent, well-educated man, as well as a good soldier. Private White — the same who captured the Mexican officer's trunk at Marin, and who received it and its contents from General Taylor — wounded in the head. Fifth infantry, killed, none ; wounded — Lieutenant Russell, in the arm ; Sergeant-major Brand, badly, in the mouth, with a INSTANCES OF INDIVIDUAL COURAGE. 221 musket ball. Privates McManus and Grubb, slightly wounded — Sergeant Uptergraph, color-bearer, distin- guished himself by his gallantry. Thus was this brilliant coup de main made almost without bloodshed. I have not time to give the par- ticulars of this glorious affair. Captain C. F. Smith, was in the advance, with McCall, at the battle of Res- aca de la Palma, and is one of the most gallant and ac- complished officers in the army — so say all his fellow- officers whom I have heard speak of him. Colonel P. F. Smith — General Smith, of Louisiana — distinguished himself on that occasion, as did Major Scott and Cap- tain Miles, and in truth every officer and man did his duty nobly. The gallant conduct of Captain Blanchard and Lieu- tenant Tenbrink, and the two brothers Nicholls, are praised by all the officers who were there. In truth, the Louisiana boys have fought every day for four days, and I assure you, as General Worth's report will bear me out in saying, and as every officer in the Sec- ond division will testify, that this corps has distin- guished itself on every occasion where they have been called on. The sons of Judge Nicholls, of Donaldson- ville, have stood fire four or five hours at a time, driv- ing the enemy — under their battery — from bush to bush, and rock to rock, and at last were among the foremost to rush into the Bishop's Palace and take it by storm. Captain Blanchard and his company have already made a reputation that will not soon be forgotten. S G. Allen, private of this company, was mortally wounded in this fight, and died next morning. Cap- tain Smith had no one killed or wounded in his party of regulars — two Texans were wounded, viz. : William Carley and B. F. Reese. 222 A BARBAROUS DEED. September 24. I date both my letters on one day, because I am obliged to foot up the news of the last four days, having had no writing materials along. Even now, though I write in a palace, I am obliged to hold the sheet of paper in one hand on my knee, for want of a desk. But I have no time for extra remarks — a chance offers to send you the news, and I must hurry to give you a glance at what has been done here, before the express goes off. On the morning of the 21st, Colonel Childs, of the artillery battalion, with three of his companies — one commanded by Captain Vinton, another by Captain J. B. Scott, and the third by Lieutenant Ayres, and three companies of the Eighth infantry — company A. commanded by Lieu- tenant Longstreet and Lieutenant Wainright ; com- pany B, Lieutenant Holloway commanding and Lieu- tenant Merchant ; company D, Captain Scrivner and Lieutenant Montgomery — was ordered to take the summit of Palace Hill. The colonel left the camp at three o'clock, a. m., and climbed the mountain through the chapparal and up the steep rocks, with such secrecy, that at daybreak he was within one hundred yards of the breastwork of sand-bags before he was discovered. Three of the ar- tillerymen, having rushed ahead too fast, found them- selves in the hands of the Mexicans. They surren- dered : the Mexicans took their muskets, and shot them down with the very pieces they had given up. I saw the poor fellows lying there. I have but a few moments left to write in, and must therefore defer the particulars of the storming of the palace until I have more time. Colonel Staniford went up at daylight with the balance of the Eighth, and Major Scott led up the Fifth. The Louisiana boys CAPTURE OF THE BISHOP S PALACE. 223 were on the hill with the Fifth, at eight o'clock, a. m. One of Duncan's howitzers, in charge of Lieutenant Rowland, was dragged up, or rather lifted up, and opened on the Palace, which was filled with troops. The Mexicans charged on the howitzer, but were driven back. A constant firing was kept up for seve- ral hours, particularly by Blanchard's men, who left a dozen Mexicans dead upon the hill side. At length a charge was ordered, and our men rushed down upon the Palace, entered a hole in a door that had been blocked up, but opened by the howitzer, and soon cleared the work of the few Mexicans that remained. Lieutenant Ayres was the lucky one who first reached the halyards and lowered the flag. One eighteen-pound brass piece, a beautiful article, manufactured in Liver- pool in 1842, and a short brass twelve-pound howitzer, were captured, with a large quantity of ammunition, and some muskets and lances. The fort adjoining the Palace walls is not complete, but is very neatly constructed, as far as it is built. The killed on our side, in taking the Palace, were seven — wounded, twelve. Lieutenant Wainwright was wounded in the side and arm by a musket-ball, but will soon recover, it is hoped. Mr. John Francis, of New Orleans, belonging to Blanchard's company, was killed. Colonel Childs, Captain Vinton, Captain Blanchard, Lieutenant Longstreet, Lieutenant Clark (adjutant of the Eighth,) Lieutenant Ayres, Lieutenant McCown, and the two Nicholls, seem to have been the heroes of the day. The two latter performed prodigies, and not only Judge Nicholls, but old Louisiana may well be proud of such sons. The Mexicans lost at least thirty killed — twenty-one had been buried this morning, and I have seen a number lying on the hill- 224 GALLANTRY OF GENERAL WORTH. side, that were not discovered by our men when they j brought in the dead. Yesterday morning the whole division under Gen- eral Worth entered the town on this side, and have been fighting there ever since. The heart of the city, is nothing but one fortification, the thick walls being, pierced for muskets and cannon, and placed so as to rake the principal streets. The roofs being flat, and the front walls rising three or four feet above the roof, of course every street has a line of breastworks on each side. A ten-inch mortar came round from Gen- eral Taylor last evening, and it is now placed in the largest plaza, to which our troops have fought step by step, and from house to house. Duncan's batteries are in town, and the present impression is that the place will soon be taken. General Worth has gained all the strongholds that command the city, and has pushed the enemy as far as they can go without falling into Gen- eral Taylor's hands on the other side of the city. All this has been done with the loss of only about seventy , killed and wounded. The achievement is a glorious one — sufficient to satisfy the ambition of any man on earth. I was ex- pecting to see General Worth rushing his men into un- necessary danger, in order to win for them and himself great military fame, but his conduct has been very different from this. His great study has been to gain these commanding points with the least possible sacri- fice of life. At first it seemed totally impossible to storm these heights — it looked like charging upon the clouds — but it has been done. The Bishop's Palace, which is as strong as it has been represented to be, has been stormed and taken by our brave soldiers. I should have stated that Colonel Hays, with a body of SERVICES OF THE TEXAN RANGERS. 225 his troops, and Captains Gillespie and McCulloch, were at the taking of the Palace. Captain Gillespie was mortally wounded, and died yesterday morning regret- ted by the whole army. I cannot keep up, at all, with the rangers. Their services have been invaluable to General Taylor, from the commencement of the campaign. They fight with all the steadiness of old soldiers — and are constantly on the move. The country owes them much for their noble conduct. I say nothing, as yet, about General Taylor's proceedings on the other side of the town, because the information I have received is not well authenticated. Mr. Kendall and I both came out with this division, neither knowing that the other was com- ing with it, until it was too late to return, and there is no communication between the divisions except by armed bodies of men. The general has, however, taken three batteries near the town, on the other side, in doing which he has lost about three hundred men, killed and wounded ! I do not know the exact number killed, but will be able to ascertain before this letter goes — and will try to give other particulars. General Taylor has arrived at General Worth's headquarters to-day, and is now engaged in town with Ampudia's messengers, considering the enemy's pro- posals for surrendering the town and the large fort at the north-east side of it. That fort is very strong, and is believed to contain at least twenty guns. Hos- tilities have ceased until the conference shall be con- cluded. There must be an immense quantity of property in town, particularly arms and ammunition. I should have mentioned that the Second division marched from camp with only two days' rations, and no tents. A large majority of the officers, and many 10 220 TERMS OF CAPITULATION UNSATISFACTORY. of fne men, worked and climbed mountains, chased the enemy, and fought forty-eight hours, with nothing to eat but raw corn. Much of the two days' rations were spoiled by the rains, and as the troops were fre- quently ordered off at an instant's notice, they left their haversacks behind. There have been from ten to fifteen thousand troops at this place ever since we have been here, but they are leaking out, in citizens' clothes, as fast as they can dodge off. As soldiers, there is no escape for them. September 25. The city has capitulated. Many persons, particularly the Texan volunteers, who fought so bravely, are displeased at these terms. The town was all but in our hands, and, could they be believed, would have been taken in three hours. I believe that it would have required much more hard fighting to have taken it, but this was not the question with Gen- eral Taylor. He and his officers knew perfectly well, of course, that the town could soon be taken, but he wanted no prisoners to take up his time and eat up his substance ; but he did have an object in view which will be reached by the terms of this capitulation, and that object will lead to a result most beneficial to our government, under whose advice or orders General Taylor acted in agreeing to these terms. As I have a few moments to spare before the express goes out this morning, (he was detained last night by the slow pro- gress of business with Ampudia,) I will speak of the operations of General Taylor on his side of the town. Major Mansfield, of the Engineers, reconnoitred the enemy's works on the night of the- I9th, but could obtain no very accurate information, although he ap- proached very near to some of them on the heights. On the 20th, Lieutenant Scarritt and Lieutenant Pope OPERATIONS OF GENERAL TAYLOR. 227 were sent out to reconnoitre the works, Scarritt on the right and Pope on the left of the town. The latter approached and discovered the position of a battery on the extreme left, and was exposed to a fire of can- non and musketry from lancers, from which, after' finishing his observations, he retired in safety. O the night of the 20th, the mortar and howitzer batte- ries were placed in a position to play on the strong- holds around the citadel. The action commenced on the morning of the 21st, by the opening of these two batteries. Colonel Garland's brigade was ordered to | move to the left for the purpose of storming the bat- tery discovered by Lieutenant Pope the day before, and to occupy, if possible, the lower part of the city. Major Mansfield, Captain Williams, and Lieutenant Pope were ordered in advance, to select the most available point of attack, and to direct the movements of the column upon it. Three companies were thrown forward as skirmishers, and advanced rapidly towards the works, followed by the brigade in line of battle, under a cross fire of artillery from the citadel and fort, and a heavy fire of musketry. The column charged into a street about two hundred yards to the right of the battery, passed the works entirely, and effected an entrance into the tower. After advancing rapidly about four hundred yards beyond the battery, they came immediately in front of a masked battery of artillery and musketry, which swept the street completely by its range. The barricades of the streets at sixty yards distance from the head of the column, were lined with Mexican troops, who, entirely covering themselves, opened a murderous discharge of grape and musketry upon the advancing column. Every house in the street was pierced for musketry, 228 OFFICERS KILLED AND WOUNDED. and enfiladed the street in every direction. Under I this fire the following officers were killed or mortally wounded : Major Barbour, Third infantry, by grape shot in the abdomen ; Captain Williams, topographi- cal engineers, shot through the body by a musket ball, fell into the street, and was carried into the doorway of a house by Lieutenant Pope, amidst a shower of balls that covered him with dust. The gallantry of this young officer, now in his first battle, is spoken of in admiration by the army. Captain Williams died the next day, and was buried with the honors of war by the Mexican troops, into whose hands he had fallen. Lieutenant Merritt, First infantry, shot through the body, and died the next day. Wounded — Major Mansfield, ball through calf of the leg. This brave officer would not leave on account of his wound, but rode about, behaving in the most gallant manner, all day. Captain Bainbridge, Third infantry, slightly wounded in the hand. Major Lear, dangerously wounded in the mouth, the ball passing out at the back of his head. Major Abercrombie, First infantry, severely wounded. Lieutenant R. Graham, Fourth infantry, severely wounded in both legs and body ; hopes are entertained of his recovery. A great number of men killed and wounded — number not known. It being impossible, in the opinion of the engineer officers, to effect anything in attacking the barricades in front, the column moved rapidly up a street to the right, with the intention of turning them. Being rein- forced by the Ohio regiment, a second charge was made, under the direction of General Butler, which, owing to the tremendous fire of musketry and grape from the barricades and stone houses, likewise proved MISSISSIPPI VOLUNTEERS. 229 ineffectual. The troops were then ordered by General Taylor to retire in good order, and get under cover from the enemy's fire, which order was handsomely executed. During the engagement in town, of Garland's bri- gade, the forts that were passed on the left, in entering the town, were gallantly carried by the Mississippi and Tennessee regiments — the first commanded by Colonel Campbell, and the second by Colonel Davis. Colonel McCIung, of the Mississippi regiment, was dangerously wounded. These regiments sustained a great loss of killed and wounded, but I cannot, in the short time left me, ascertain the names or the number of those who fell. Captain Bragg's battery of light artillery was brought into action, but it being impossi- ble to use it effectively, it was withdrawn. Several pieces of artillery were captured. The forts that were taken were occupied by Ridgeley's light artillery com- panv, who turned the captured pieces against the Mexican works, and the cannonade was kept up the rest of the day. There were many skirmishes, and gallant deeds, which 1 will mention more minutely at a future time. On the night of the 22d, the enemy abandoned the two works which had proved so destructive to the Third and Fourth infantry, and they were occupied early next morning uy the Mississippi and Tennessee regiments, under General Quitman. About eight o'clock the same morning, these two regiments advanced on the town, and a sharp engagement commenced. These troops were supported by a body of Texan rangers dismounted for the occasion, under General Hender- son, and by the Third regiment of infantry. The fight was kept up until four o'clock, p. m., during 230 A FLAG OF TRUCE. which time our troops drove the enemy from house 1 house, almost to the main plaza. The loss of life ( our side was not severe during this day. On tht morning of the 24th, a flag of truce was sent in, whici resulted in the capitulation of the town. During the whole of the engagement on the 21s Colonel Kinney was exceedingly useful in carryin^ orders, and in giving advice in matters with which hi thorough acquaintance with Mexican customs rendered him familiar. He was in the thickest of the fighi moving about from point to point, and doing good ex edition with his rifle. This gentleman'-s services havi, been valuable to General Taylor in the movements ol the army from Matamoras to this place. He has beer everywhere reconnoitring the country and procuring information — riding day and night, and exposing his life in a thousand ways. The colonel never flinchec from any duty required of him, and, had Genera Taylor ordered him to go and bring him Ampudia's portfolio, he would have undertaken it. I devote a paragraph to a mention of this gentleman's services because he deserves much from the public, for whom' he has labored so arduously and so efficiently. Our killed and wounded in taking Monterey amounted to about five hundred — nearly three hundred killed Some time will elapse before the number will be known accurately, but it is well known that few prison ers were taken by the Mexicans. September 27, 12 o'clock, night. Didn't I tell you, or, the 20th, that we should have a '-fight at Monterey, and have a hard one ?" Well, on the 21st the ball opened, when our troops approached within one thou- sand four hundred yards of Monterey. Our troops ad vanced steadily and firmly, fighting every inch of the JACI1.KMTS OF THE CAPITULATION. 231 ground, until they drove the Mexicans into the plaza, but this took them until the evening of the 24th, (three days,) when the Mexicans surrendered the city. On the morning of the 24th (half-past eleven o'clock,) General Ampudia sent Colonel Moreno to General Tay- lor, with a proposition, which General Taylor would not accept. He (General Ampudia) wanted to march out with all his men, arms, ammunition, &c. General Ampudia then requested an interview in person, which was granted, and they discoursed until half-past four, when General Taylor gave to General Ampudia his last and final proposition, and told him he would give him one hour to answer. Before the hour was up, the answer was returned that General Ampudia accepted the terms proposed by General Taylor, which were in substance these : The Mexican army to evacuate the city, and it to be delivered up to the Americans. They should marck out with their muskets and twenty rounds of cartridges, and six pieces of cannon. That the Mexican force should not appear this side of a line from Riconada running through Linares and terminating at Riconada: and the Americans should not advance beyond it. This gives us Monterey and about thirty miles beyond, and puts us in possession of about thirty pieces of can- non. It would be useless for me now to attempt to tell you of the many brilliant feats of our little army, but I will leave it to other times and perhaps to other men, (the boat leaves in three minutes.) but will add — both regulars and volunteers did all and everything that their country could expect. Some things which could be done, but ppeared almost impossible, were done quickly. 232 STORMING OF MONTEREY. Our loss is reported — killed and wounded about five hundred — Mexican loss about the same. American force six thousand ; Mexican twelve thousand, and the advantage of fortifications, and the city fortified at every point, even to the tops of the houses. The capture of Monterey has been described in eloquent terms by a thousand pens, both in prose and poetry, and has excited the admiration of Europe as well as America. Few military enterprises display more cool, determined bravery on the part of soldiers, or more true generalship and chivalric bearing than did the conduct of General Taylor and his officers, in the storming of this city. It is therefore natural that the enthusiasm the brilliant event has inspired should have found utterance in eloquent verse as well as in sober prose. Among the many attempts to give coloring and life to the exciting and novel incidents connected with the capture of Monterey, the following is probably the most heart-stirring and eloquent : STORMING OF MONTEREY We were not manv — we who stood Before Cne iron ata?* that day — Yet many a gallant spirit would Give half his head if he hut could Have been with us at Slonterey. Now here, now there, the shot it hailed In deadly drifts of fiery spray, Yet not a single soldier quailed When wounded comrades round them wailed Their dying shout at Monterey. And on — still on our column kept Through walls of (lame its withering way ; STORMING OF MONTEREY. 233 Where fell the dead, the living stept Still charging on the guns which swept The slippery streets of Monterey. The foe himself recoiled aghast, When, striking where the strongest lay, We swooped his flanking batteries past, And braving full their murderous blast, Stormed home the towers of Monterey. Our banners on those turrets wave, And there our evening bugles play ; Where orange boughs above their grave Keep green the memory of the brave Who fought and fell at Monterey. We are not many — we who pressed Beside the brave who fell that day ; But who of us has not confessed He'd rather share that warrior rest, Than not have been at Monterey. The only act of General Taylor's during his whole operations in Mexico, and indeed, from the day he en- camped at Corpus Christi, which has not received the approbation of his government, as even this has, of the country, is the terms of capitulation granted to Mexico in the surrender of Monterey. It was thought by the administration that he should have insisted upon the unconditional surrender of the Mexican army. His course was not only condemned by the President and on the floor of Congress by prominent friends of the administration, but an indirect vote of censure was passed by the lower house of Congress for his granting too liberal conditions to the enemy. The general opinion prevails amongst military men, however, and those best competent to judge of the power of General Taylor to enforce more favorable terms, that they were highly honorable to the American arms, and advan- 10* 234 GENERAL TAYLORS DEFENCE. tageous to the government ; and further, that they were such as humanity and a proper regard for the lives of his soldiers dictated. He might have insisted, and possibly have forced an unconditional submission ; but it would have been at a sacrifice that the advantages thus acquired, would not have warranted. The best explanation, however, of Taylor's motives, and the best defence of his conduct, will be found in the following reply to the letter of the Secretary of War : " In reply to so much of the communication of the Secretary of War, dated October 13th, as relates to the reasons which induced the convention resulting in the capitulation of Monterey, I have the honor to submit the following remarks : " The convention presents two distinct points. First, the permission granted the Mexican army to re- tire with their arms, &c. Secondly, the temporary ces- sation of hostilities for the term of eight weeks. I shall remark on these in order. " The force with which I marched on Monterey was limited by causes beyond my control to about six thou- sand men. With this force, as every military man must admit, who has seen the ground, it was entirely impossible to invest Monterey so closely as to prevent the escape of the garrison. Although the main com- munication with the interior was in our possession, yet one route was open to the Mexicans throughout the operations, and could not be closed, as were also other minor tracks and passes through the mountains. Had we, therefore, insisted on more rigorous terms than those granted, the result would have been the escape of the body of the Mexican force, with the destruction of its artillery and magazines, our only advantage being the capture of a few prisoners of war, at the expense of tayi.or's reasons for his conduct. 235 valuable lives and much damage to the city. The con- sideration of humanity was present to my mind during the conference which led to the convention, and out- weighed in my judgment the doubtful advantages to be gained by a resumption of the attack upon the town. This conclusion has been fully confirmed by an inspec- tion of the enemy's position and means since the sur- render. It was discovered that his principal magazine, containing an immense amount of powder, was in the Cathedral, completely exposed to our shells from two directions. The explosion of this mass of powder, which must have ultimately resulted from a continuance of the bombardment, would have been infinitely disas- trous, involving the destruction not only of Mexican troops, but of non-combatants, and even our own peo- ple, had we pressed the attack. " In regard to the temporary cessation of hostilities, the fact that we are not at this moment, within eleven days of the termination of the period fixed by the con- vention, prepared to move forward in force, is a suffi- cient explanation of the. military reasons which dictated this suspension of arms. It paralyzed the enemy dur- ing a period when, from the want of necessary means, we could not possibly move. I desire distinctly to state, and to call the attention of the authorities to the fact, that, with all diligence in breaking mules and setting up wagons, the first wagons in addition to our original train from Corpus Christi, (and but one hundred and twenty-five in number,) reached my head-quarters on the same day with the secretary's communication of October 13th, viz : the 2nd inst. At the date of the surrender of Monterey, our force had not more than ten days' rations, and even now, with all our endeavors, we have not more than twenty-five. The task of 236 DEFENCE CONTINUED. FIGHTING AND BEATING THE ENEMY IS AMONG THE LEAST difficult that we encounter — the great question of supplies necessarily controls all the operations in a country like this. At the date of the convention, I could not of course have foreseen that the Department would direct an important detachment from my command without consulting me, or without waiting the result of the main operation under my orders. " I have touched the prominent military points in- volved in the convention of Monterey. There were other considerations which weighed with the commis- sioners in framing and with myself in approving the articles of the convention. In the conference with Gen- eral Ampudia, I was distinctly told by him that he had invited it to spare the further effusion of blood, and be- cause General Santa Anna had declared himself favo- rable to peace. I knew that our government had made propositions to that of Mexico to negotiate, and I deemed that the change of government in that country since my last instructions, fully warranted me in entertaining considerations of policy. My grand motive in moving forward with very limited supplies had been to increase the inducements of the Mexican Government to nego- tiate for peace. Whatever may be the actual views or disposition of the Mexican rulers or of General Santa Anna, it is not unknown to the Government that I had the very best reason for believing the statement of Gen- eral Ampudia to be true. It was my opinion at the time of the convention, and it has not been changed, that the liberal treatment of the Mexican army and the suspension of arms, would exert none but a favorable influence in our behalf. " The result of the entire operation has been to throw the Mexican army back more than three hundred miles THE ADVANTAGES OF THE TERMS. 237 to the city of San Luis Potosi, and to open the country to us as far as we choose to penetrate it up to the same point. " It has been my purpose in this communication not so much to defend the convention from the censure which I deeply regret to find implied in the secretary's letter, as to show that it was not adopted without co- gent reasons, most of which occur of themselves to the minds of all who are acquainted with the condition of things here. To that end I beg that it may be laid be- fore the General-in-Chief and Secretary of War." No farther justification of the conduct of General Taylor, for the terms of the capitulation, will be re- quired, it is confidently believed, than this plain, but dig- nified and unanswerable statement of the reasons that influenced him in not demanding more rigid conditions from an enemy yet greatly superior to his own force, and capable of a long and bloody resistance, or of cut- ting their way from the city. He gained all the ad- vantages of a substantial victory, and only submitted to an armistice of eight weeks because he had not the power to prosecute further operations in his then weak- ened condition. And while he consented to suspend hostilities" until he should be able to resume them, he tied the hands of his enemy during the same time. If, therefore, he conceded to the Mexicans certain advan- tages, he did so because he had not the ability to with- hold them. In reference to the concluding sentence of the fore- going letter, it is proper to remark, that the correspond- ence of General Taylor is addressed to the " Adjutant- General of the army," at head-quarters in Washington. On the day after it bears date, General Taylor again wrote to the Department, saying : " I have formally 238 LETTER FROM GENERAL TAYLOR. notified the Mexican general-in-chief that the tempo- rary suspension of arms agreed upon in the convention of Monterey will cease on the 13th instant, the date' at which the notice will probably reach San Luis Po- tosi. This notification was sent by Major Graham, topographical engineer, who left on the 6th instant. " You will perceive from my ' orders' No. 139, what arrangements have been made for the occupation of Saltillo at the earliest moment by our troops. Whether our operations are pushed forward towards San Luis or not, the occupation of Saltillo is important — politi- cally, as the capital of Coahuila, and, in a military view, as covering an important region from which we may draw supplies. " Brigadier-General Wool, with a portion of his force, arrived at Monclova on the 29th of October, and is now joined by the rear division. He reports no practicable route to Chihuahua, except the one by Par- ras, which will bring him within a few leagues of Sal- tillo. He inquires what is to be gained by going to Chihuahua ? And I am free to answer, nothing at all commensurate with the excessive length of his line of operations. Chihuahua, moreover, is virtually con- quered, and can be occupied at an}^ moment, while we hold Saltillo and Santa Fe. I shall instruct General Wool to remain at Monclova, where there are supplies, until I can determine what disposition to make of his column, which cannot be done until I visit Saltillo. " I have taken the first steps towards organizing the expedition on Tampico, and propose to accompany it, for the purpose at least of commanding a covering force. There will be some delay for the want of means of land transport. " The information received since my communication HIS CONTEMPLATED MOVEMENTS. 239 of October 15th, relative to the route hence to San Luis, renders it more than probable that, from the want of permanent water, it will be impossible to march a large force from Saltillo to that city. I hope to acquire certain information on this point in a few days." General Taylor wrote from his camp near Monte- rey, on the 12th of November, as follows : " The com- munication of the Secretary of War of October 22, with its inclosures, by the hands of Major McLane, was received this morning. You will have seen by my orders, and my dispatch of the 9th, what meas- ures have been taken to conclude the armistice and to occupy Saltillo. Being advised by special express from Matamoras of Major McLane's approach, I had post- poned my intended departure this day for Saltillo, until his arrival. As I deem it still important to occupy that position, for reasons to be explained below, I shall march thither to-morrow, according to my first inten- tion. On my return — say by the 20th instant — I shall probably be able to inform the Department more fully on certain important points connected with our oper- ations ; but I now avail myself of the return of Major McLane to Washington, to state briefly my views on some of the topics embraced in the secretary's commu- nication. " Without active operations towards San Luis Po- tosi from this quarter, I still deem the occupation of Saltillo important for three reasons : First, as a neces- sarv outpost of the main force at Monterey, covering as it does the important defile which leads from the low country to the table land, and also the route to Mon- clova : Secondly, as controlling a region from which we may obtain considerable supplies of breadstufFs and 240 SUGGESTIONS TO HIS GOVERNMENT. cattle, viz. : the fertile country around Parras : and, Thirdly, as the capital of Coahuila, which renders it very important in a political point of view. " I have already represented to the department the difficulties to be encountered in a forward movement upon San Luis, and the amount of force which would be necessary to insure success. Those reasons only apply to the country beyond Saltillo. I consider the occupation of that point as a necessary complement to our operations, and to the policy of holding a defensive line, as the Sierra Madre, and trust the Department will concur with me in this view. " As already reported, Brigadier-General Wool is now at Monclova, having found no practicable route to Chihuahua, save the well-known but very circuitous one by Parras. I fully agree with the Department that no commensurate benefit is likely to result from the march on Chihuahua of General Wool's column, and shall accordingly direct him to suspend his move- ment in that direction. The occupation of Saltillo in force renders it still less necessary that Chihuahua should be occupied. I cannot yet determine specifi- cally what disposition to make of General Wool's col- umn. Meanwhile I have directed him to remain in his present position until further orders. " In regard to the expedition against Vera Cruz after a good deal of reflection upon the subject, I feel bound to express my conviction that four thousand men will be a force quite too small for the purpose contemplated. In my dispatch of October 15th, I stated twenty- five thousand troops, of which ten thousand were to be reg- ulars, as the least force that should make a descent in that quarter, with the view of marching on the capital. I now consider that, simply to invest and take Vera FORCE REQUIRED TO TAKE VERA CRUZ. 241 Cruz, and of course hold the position, we should have ten thousand troops, of which four thousand, if possible, should be regulars. It is quite probable that a smaller force, even four thousand, might effect a landing and carry the town ; but could they sustain themselves till the castle of San Juan de Ulloa should be reduced by famine ? The country lying between Vera Cruz and the city of Mexico is populous, and at least one portion (Puebla) understood to be very loyal. Would not a force be brought against us, before the castle could be reduced, sufficiently strong to endanger our safety, cut off as we should be from succor ? When to these con- siderations we add the uncertainty of weather during the winter season, rendering our communications with the fleet liable to interruption, I think it will be seen that the force should be large enough not only to land and invest the town, but also to hold itself secure against any attack from the interior, and for such pur- pose I consider ten thousand men quite as small a force as should be ventured. " A force of ten thousand men cannot be spared from the occupation of the line of the Sierra Madre ; four thousand may be diverted from that object ; and if to these six thousand fresh troops from the United States were added at the proper time, the expedition might be undertaken with a promise of success. I propose therefore, to proceed with the preparation for a move- ment on Tampico, and, after accomplishing every- thing that is to be done in that quarter, I will, if the Department approve, hold four thousand men, of which perhaps three thousand regulars, ready to embark at some point on the coast, and effect a junction with the additional force from the States. The movement to- wards Tampico will not produce any delay if my 242 ESTABLISHES HIMSELF AT MONTEREY. views are adopted ; and I consider it quite important to occupy Victoria and the lower portion of Tamauli- pas, after securing properly the line to be held in this quarter. " I conceive it all important, having in view the Mexican character, that as little should be left to acci- dent as possible, and that we should be careful, as far as human foresight can provide, to avoid the smallest liability to disaster. A descent upon a hostile coast, notoriously dangerous, and in an inclement season of the year, is an operation requiring the most careful preparations and exact management, and possessing, under the most favorable circumstances, more or less elements of failure. It seems the part of prudence, therefore, to take a sufficient force te meet any contin- gency that may arise. " Being pressed for time I have given my views briefly, and perhaps somewhat crudely, on the most important points presented in the dispatch of the sec- retaiy. There are other topics which will probably claim my attention, but which must be now passed over. I would only suggest that, in the event of an expedition to Vera Cruz, the heavy ordnance, engi- neers, stores, &c, should be shipped direct from the North." After the reduction of Montery, General Taylor took up his headquarters in that city, and remained there during the armistice, or until it should be termi- nated by the orders of either the American or Mexican gove nments, awaiting reinforcements, and re-organi- zing and disciplining his forces, preparatory to his con- templated movement upon San Louis Potosi. He was also actively employed in establishing and keeping open a line of communication between Monterey and the TAKliS POSSESSION' OF SALTILL' 243 Rio Grande. On the 13th of November, General Tay- lor marched to Saltillo in company with General Worth's command, which was designed to operate against that city. They took possession of it without resistance. General Worth, with a force of eight hun- dred men, was left in command, ana General Taylor returned to Monterey. General Wool, who was at Monclova, with a force of two thousand four hundred men, was ordered, by General Taylor, to take posses- sion of Parras. In the meantime Santa Anna, who had returned from exile, at Havana, had assembled an army of twenty-two thousand men, and concentrated it upon San Louis Potosi. This city he strongly fortified, and made it a depot for all kinds of provisions and military stores. After waiting in vain for many weeks for the advance of this powerful army to attack him at Mon- terey, General Taylor resolved to make a demonstra- tion towards San Louis, with a ^iew of drawing him out, and obtaining a battle. Or "ae 15th of December, therefore, he left Monterey with two regiments of vol- unteers, having three days previously dispatched Gene- ral Twiggs, with the main body of the regulars, to form a junction w T ith General Patterson at Victoria. On ar- riving at Montemorales, however, a messenger reached him from Saltillo, informing him that General Worth, the commander at that place, was hourly expectiug an attack from Santa Anna, at the head of his whole army. He therefore immediately gave orders for counter- marching, and falling back upon Monterey, and from thence took up his line of Piarch for Saltillo on the 20th, accompanied by Genera] Twiggs 5 division of regulars. But here again be v/as doomed to be disappointed in meeting the enemy. Before he reached Saltillo, ^e 244 SCOTT ORDERED TO MEXICO. learned that General Worth had been reinforced, by the arrival of General Wool's command, and that Santa Anna had retreated to his old quarters at San Louis Potosi. General "Taylor, in consequence of this new aspect of affairs, again started for Victoria, and reached there on the 30th of December. While at this place, he received information that General Scott had been ordered to Mexico with the view of commanding in person the troops destined for the reduction of Vera Cruz. Being the commander-in- chief of the army, this act would, as a matter of course, place General Taylor in a subordinate position to him. But it was understood that it was at the request of Taylor that Scott was sent to Mexico. Upon receiv- ing orders to repair to Mexico, General Scott wrote the following letter to his old friend and companion in arms, for the purpose of informing him of his object and intention. The letter was marked confidential, but was published with the correspondence between General Taylor and the Secretary of War, called for by Congress. It is dated at New York, November 23, 1846, after Scott had departed from Washington for Mexico : "I left Washington late in the day yesterday, and expect to embark for New Orleans the 20th inst. By the 12th of December I may be in that citv, at Point Isabel the 17th, and Camargo, say the 23d — in order to be within easy corresponding distance from you. It is not probable that I may be able to visit Monterey, and circumstances may prevent your coming to me. I shall much regret not having an earl)' opportunity of felicitating you in person upon your many brilliant achievements ; but we may meet somewhere in the in- terior of Mexico. bcott's LETTEK TO TAYLOR. 245 " I am not coming, my dear general, to supersede you in the immediate command on the line of opera- tions rendered illustrious by you and your gallant army. My proposed theatre is different. You may imagine it ; and I wish very much that it were prudent, at this distance, to tell you all that I expect to attempt or hope to execute. I have been admonished that dispatches have been lost, and I have no special messenger at hand. Your imagination will be aided by the letters of the Secretary of War, conveyed by Mr. Armistead, Major Graham, and Mr. M'Lane. But, my dear general, I shall be obliged to take from you most of the gallant officers and men, (regulars and volunteers,) whom you have so long and so nobly com- manded. I am afraid that I shall, by imperious neces- sity — the approach of yellow fever on the Gulf coast — re- duce you, for a time, to stand on tne defensive. This will be infinitely painful to you, and for that reason disfress- ing to me. But I rely upon your patriotism to submit to the temporary sacrifice with cheerfulness. No man can better afford to do so. Recent victories place you on the high eminence ; and I even flatter myself that any benefit that may result to me, personally, from the unequal division of troops alluded to, will lessen the pain of your consequent inactivity. " You will be aware of the recent call for nine regi- ments of new volunteers, including one of Texas horse. The president may soon ask for many more ; and we are not without hope that Congress may add ten or twelve to the regular establishment. These, by the spring, say April, may, by the aid of large bounties, be in the field — should Mexico not earlier propose terms of accommodation ; and, long before the spring 240 HIS INTENTIONS. (March,) it is probable you will be again in force to resume offensive operations. " It was not possible for me to find time to write from Washington, as I much desired. I only received an intimation to hold myself in preparation for Mexico, on the 18th instant. Much has been done towards that end, and more remains to be executed. " Your detailed report of the operations at Monterey, and reply to the secretary's dispatch, by Lieutenant Armistead, were both received two days after I was instructed to proceed south." This letter, it will be seen, indicates to General Taylor the probability that he will be compelled to take from him a considerable portion of his troops, as well volunteers as regulars. The necessity for this act he alleges to be the importance of taking Vera Cruz before the approach of the season for the yellow fever, or vomito, to make its appearance on the Gulf. The following extract from a letter of the Secretary of War to General Taylor, dated October 22, 1846, a short time before General Scott departed for Mexico, will show that in withdrawing so large a number of Gen- eral Taylor's forces from him, he was but carrying out the wishes of the administration, and was acting under instructions from the War Department : " I informed you in my last dispatch, that in connec- tion with an invasion of Tamauhpas and attack on Tampico, an expedition against Vera Cruz was then under advisement. Upon a more full consideration of the subject, it is believed that Vera Cruz may be taken, and having possession of that city, the castle of San Juan de Ulloa might probably be reduced or compelled- to surrender. If the expedition could go forth withoul the object being known to the enemy, it is supposed WITHDRAWAL OF TAYLOr's FORCES. 247 "hat four thousand troops would be sufficient for the enterprise, receiving as they would the co-operation of our naval force in the Gulf; but at least fifteen hun- dred or two thousand of them should be of the regular army, and under the command of officers best calculated for such an undertaking. In looking at the disposition of the troops, it appears to be scarcely possible to get the requisite number of regulars without drawing some of those now with you at Monterey, or on the way to that place. Should you decide against holding military possession of any place in Coahuila or Chihuahua, and order the troops under General Wool to join you, it is presumed that the requisite force for the expedi- tion to Vera Cruz could be detached without interfer- ing with your plans of operation. " You will therefore, unless it materially interferes with your own plan of operations, or weakens you too much in your present position, make the necessary arrangements for having four thousand men, of whom fifteen hundred cr two thousand should be regular troops, ready to embark for Vera Cruz, or such other destination as may be given them, at the earliest prac- ticable period. The place of embarkation will prob- ably be the Brazos Santiago, or in that vicinity." Accordingly, about the first of January, the divis- ions of Generals Patterson and Pillow, and also the brigades of Generals Quitman and Twiggs, as well as General Worth, were all detached from him for the purpose of acting under General Scott, against Vera Cruz and such other points as might dispute his march to the capital. Of the policy or necessity of thus withdrawing from General Taylor so large a portion of his troops, it is difficult to form a correct judgment at this distance from the scene of operations, and wi'h 218 taylor : s address to his troops. the imperfect knowledge of the views of government that everyone must possess not in the imn 'achate con- fidence of the administration. But it is certain that it placed him in a most embarrassing and even dangerous position. Upon taking leave of his veteran soldiers, the heroes of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, and Monterey, he addressed them in the following brief, but manly and feeling terms : " It is with deep sensibility that the commanding general finds himself separated from the troops he so long commanded. To those corps, regular and volun- teer, who have shared with him the active services of the field, he feels the attachment due to such associa- tions, while to those who are making their first cam- paign, he must express his regret that he cannot par- ticipate with them in its eventful scenes. To all, both officers and men, he extends his heartfelt wishes for their continued success and happiness, confident that their achievements on another theatre will redound to the credit of their country and its arms." General Taylor continued at Victoria until about the last of January, 1847, when he returned to Mon- terey. His force now consisted of volunteers, with the exception of about four hundi*ed and fifty regular troops, including Colonel May's dragoons. In the be- ginning of February he was reinforced by new volun- teers, which increased his army to about six thousanc men. With this small force, composed mostly of mer who had never faced an enemy, and comparatively destitute of discipline, but longing to prove by thei conduct that volunteers know how to fight, and can aJ steadily resist the attack of the foe, or as successfulk charge upon him, as even veteran soldiers, Generel SURPRISE OF COLONEL MAY. 249 Taylor must garrison Monterey, and hold in check the overwhelming army of Santa Anna. Immediately after arriving at. Monterey, General Taylor received information that a party of observa- tion, consisting of about one hundred picked men, under Colonel May, had been surprised at Encarna- cion, while attempting to gain some intelligence of the enemy, and that Captain Cassius M. Clay, and Majors Borland and Gaines had been taken prisoners by a Mexican force, under General Minon, of fifteen hun- dred men. This unwelcome intelligence, together with the belief that Santa Anna might make an attempt to re-conquer some of the posts between Monterey and the Rio Grande, and thus cut off his communication with Matamoras, determined General Taylor to march at once to Saltillo, with the view of giving him battle. He accordingly took up his march from Monterey on the 31st of January, leaving a force of about fifteen hundred men to garrison that city, and arrived at Sal- tillo on the 2d of February. He had been reinforced, in the meantime, by the arrival of five hundred more volunteers, which made the effective force under his command five thousand strong. Two days after he marched to Agua Nueva, a strong position, twenty miles from Saltillo, on the San Luis side of that city, and encamped there, for the purpose of disciplining his troops, and to observe the movements of the enemy. He remained in this position until the 21st of February, examining the situation of the country, the passes through the mountains, and the best point at which to await an attack from Santa Anna, should he resolve to fight on any terms. On the 21st, information was brought him that Santa Anna was advancing at the head of his whole army, and was then within a shorf. 11 250 TAYLOR ENCAMPS AT BUENA V13TA. distance. Believing Buena Vista, a point twelve miles nearer to Saltillo, and eight miles from that city, to be a much more favorable position at which to make a stand against such overwhelming odds as Santa Anna was bringing against him, he fell back to that place, and formed his army in order of battle, and calmly awaited the approach of the enemy. The account of the battle from eye witnesses, and General Taylor's official dispatch of the brilliant event, will be found in the next chapter. CHAPTER VII. Battle of Buena Vista. — Taylor's Position. — General Taylor's Line of Battle formed. — A Summons to Surrender. — The Battle Commenced. — An Attempt to Outflank Taylor. — Flight of the Indiana Regiment. — Great Slaughter amongst the Enemy. — Mexican Stratagem. — Al- most a Defeat. — Gallant Charge of the Kentucky Regiment. — Ex- citement of Taylor. — Death of Colonels McKee and Hardin and Lieutenant-Colonel Clay. — Taylor's Official Account of the Battle. On the morning of the 21st, our army being encamped at Agua Nueva, information was received that the en- emy was advancing, when General Taylor ordered the troops to fall back upon Buena Vista. Early on the 22nd, the clouds of dust towards Agua Nueva told that the Mexican army was on the advance. At about eleven o'clock the long roll of the drum summoned us to the field. Our regiments were formed, artillery posted, and we availed ourselves of every advantage that could be taken of the ground. In a few minutes, the leading columns of the enemy were distinctly seen, at a distance of two miles, steadily advancing in the most perfect order. Some two thousand lancers with the artillery, fourteen pieces of different calibre, from twenty-fours down, composed the leading division ; then such a host of infantry and lances as never was seen together in Mexico before, I suppose, came into full view and filed into position. It was the most grand and gorgeous spectacle I ever witnessed ; the sun glan- cing from the bright lances and bayonets of the twenty- 252 ADVANTAGES OF TAYLOR S POSITION. one thousand men — the rattling of their artillery car- riages — the prancing of their richly caparisoned horses, and the continued sound of their bugles, swelling through the air, made up a scene never to be described or for- gotten. The armies in line of battle were drawn up in a mountain pass. On our right was a deep ravine, im- praticable to be turned by cavalry or artillery, whilst on our left the mountains of " Sierra Madre," towered two thousand feet in the skies. A spur of continuous hills, running from the mountain nearly to the ravine, was occupied by our troops — whilst the space between the spur of hills and the ravine, over which the San Luis road runs, was occupied by five pieces of light ar- tillery commanded by Captain Washington. This was our centre, and was most gallantly defended by the captain, upon whose battery the enemy played four hours with six twenty-four-pounders, planted within point-blank range, and out of reach of his sixes, without making the slightest impression on them. Between the two armies were immense ravines, some of them nearly fifteen feet deep, the sides covered with loose pebbles, and the bottom extremely precipitate and serpentine from the heavy washing rains. A smooth piece of ground next the mountain, and between it and the head of the ravine, some three hundred yards in depth, was the most accessible point for turning our left flank, if, indeed, an army of five thousand two hundred men, dis- played over two miles of ground, in the presence of such a host, could be considered as having a flank. Overlooking Washington's battery, and within near musket shot, is a high hill, on the crown of which was posted the First regiment of Illinois volunteers, to cover Uie battery and save the centre. A G0KGE0US SCENE. 253 As soon as he received intelligence of Santa Anna's approach, General Taylor moved forward with May's squadron of dragoons, Sherman's and Bragg's batteries of artillery, and the Mississippi regiment of riflemen, under Colonel Davis, and arrived at the position which he had selected for awaiting the attack of the enemy. The time and the place, the hour and the man, seemed to promise a glorious celebration of the day. It was the 22nd of February, the anniversary of that day on which the God of battles gave to freedom its noblest champion, to patriotism its purest model ; to America a preserver, and to the world the nearest realization of human perfection — for panegyric sinks before the name of Washington. The morning was bright and beautiful. Not a cloud floated athwart the firmament, or dimmed the azure of the sky, and the flood of golden radiance which gilded the mountain tops, and poured over the valleys, wrought light and shade into a thousand fantastic forms. A soft breeze swept down from the mountains, rolling into graceful undulations the banner of the Republic, which was proudly streaming from the towers and battlements of Saltillo. The omens were all in our favor. In the choice of his position, General Taylor had ex- hibited the same comprehensible sagacity and masterly coup de ceil, which characterized his dispositions at Resaca de la Palma, and which crowned triumphantly all his operations amid the blazing lines of Monterey. The mountains rise on either side of an irregular and broken valley, about three miles in width, dotted over with hills and ridges, and scarred with broad and wind- ing; ravines. The main road lies aloncr the course of an arroyo, the bed of which is now so deep as to form an almost impassible barrier, while the other side is 25-1 GENERAL TAYLOR's LINE OF BATTLE. bounded by precipitous elevations, stretching perpen- dicularly towards the mountains, and separated by gul- lies, until they mingle into one at the base of the prin- cipal range. On the right of the narrowest point of the road-way, a battalion of the First Illinois regiment, un- der Lieutenant-Colonel Weatherford, was stationed in a small trench, extending to the ravine, while, on the opposite height, the main body of the regiment, under Colonel Hardin, was posted, with a single piece of artil- lery from Captain Washington's battery. The post of honor on the extreme right, was assigned to Bragg's ar- tillery, his left supported by the Second regiment of Kentucky foot, under Colonel McKee, the left flank of which rested upon the arroyo. Washington's batter v occupied a position immediately in front of the narrow point of the road- way, in rear of which and somewhat to the left, on another height, the Second Illinois regi- ment, under Colonel Bissel, was posted. Next, on the left, the Indiana brigade, under General Lane, was de- ployed, while on the extreme left the Kentucky cavalry, under Colonel Marshall, occupied a position directly under the frowning summits of the mountains. The two squadrons of First and Second dragoons, and the Arkansas cavalry under Colonel Yell, were posted in rear, ready for any service which the exigencies of the day might require. The dispositions had been made for some time, when the enemy was seen advancing in the distance, and the clouds of dust which rolled up before him, gave satisfactory evidence that his numbers were not un- worthy the trial of strength upon which we were about to enter. He arrived upon his position in immense masses, and with force sufficiently numerous to have commenced his attack at once, had he been as confi- A HUMANE PROPOSITION. 255 dent of success as it subsequently appeared he was solicitous for our safety. The first evidence directly afforded us of the presence of Santa Anna, was a white flag, which was dimly seen fluttering in the breeze, and anon Surgeon General Lindenberg, of the Mexican Army, arrived, bearing a beautiful emblem of benevo- lent bravado and Christian charity. It was a missive from Santa Anna, suggested by considerations for our personal comfort, which has placed us under lasting obligations, proposing to General Taylor terms of un- conditional surrender, promising good treatment ; assur- ing us that his force amounted to upwards of twenty thousand men, that our defeaj was inevitable, and that to spare the effusion of blood, his proposition should be complied with. Strange to say, the American General showed the greatest ingratitude ; evinced no appre- ciation whatever of Santa Anna's kindness, and in- formed him that whether his force amounted to twenty thousand or fifty thousand, it was equally a matter of indifference : the terms of adjustment must be arranged by gunpowder. The messenger returned to his employer, and we waited in silence to hear the roar of his artillery. Hours rolled by without any movement on his part, and it appeared that the Mexican commander, grieved at our stubbornness, was almost disposed to retrace his steps, as if determined to have no further intercourse with such ungrateful audacity. At length, he mustered resolution to open a fire from a mortar, throwing several shells into our camp without execution. While this was going on, Captain Steene, of the First dragoons, with a single man, started towards a hill on which the Mexican general seemed to be stationed with his staff, but before he completed the ascent, the party vanished 256 THE ATTACK COMMENCED. and when he reached the top, he discovered that two regiments had thrown themselves into squares to resist his charge. The captain's gravity was overcome by this opposition, and he returned. The Kentucky cavalry and Arkansas troops were posted near the mountain, and as skirmishers, having been first dismounted, brought on the action, at half- past four o'clock, on the 22d, by engaging about fifteen hundred of the enemy's light troops, who had been deployed on the top of the mountain to turn our left. Our riflemen advanced up the side of the mountain, extend- ing their line to prevent the enemy's flanking them, and fighting as they toiled up the almost perpendicular ascent, until the whole side of the mountain, from base to summit, was one sheet of fire. The sight was a splendid one, and our hearts warmed towards home and country, as we lay upon the field, contemplating the scene two thousand feet above us, and resolving that the next day should witness a noble victory, or a disas- trous and terrible defeat. The firing continued until after dark, when our riflemen retired, the enemy re- maining in possession of the heights. We slept upon our arms, on what was to be, the next dav, a ghastly field of carnage. The Second Illinois regiment, which has suffered so severely, was posted about eight Hun- dred yards from the base of the mountain ; the Second Indiana on the left, and three pieces of light artillery, commanded by Lieutenant O'Brien, between us and the Indianians. Our position was that upon which the enemy would advance, it was supposed, with the heaviest force of his infantry, and was to be desperately defended. The first gun on the 23d was fired at day- light, and the firing continued until darkness put an end to the effusion of blood. No adequate description COLONEL HARDIX S CHARGE. 257 of the fight can be given ; it was a succession of brill- iant advances and disastrous retreats all day — our reg- iments advancing to attack five times their numbers, driving them with great loss, until the enemy, rein- forced by fresh regiments, rallied, and in their turn, with overwhelming numbers, compelled us to fall back. As we expected, the Mexican infantry advanced upon us in three columns, composed of eight regiments. Advancing steadily to the brow of the hill, the first line came down the hill a few paces ; the second not quite so low, and the third upon the summit of the ravine bank ; the most distant line about two hundred yards from us. Our regiment was kneeling, awaiting their advance, expecting that they would cross the ravine, and would have but two regiments to fight at once ; but the instant they were formed, a terrific fire was opened upon us by the entire force, in our part of not less than four thousand regular troops. We were here ordered to open upon them, and for thirty minutes we poured into them as galling a fire as ever was wit- nessed — our men discharging their pieces not less than twenty times within point blank. Here we had about sixty officers and men killed and wounded. The In- dianians on our left giving way early in the fight, enabled the lancers to cross the ravine, and come down upon our left flank, when we fell back some two hundred and fifty yards, where those that could be rallied halted and were again formed. The Second Kentucky, commanded by Colonel Mc- Kee, were ordered to our support, as well as Colonel Hardin's First Illinoisians. Poor Hardin, with his gallant regiment, advanced upon them to our relief, and drove back the enemy to our left. By the time the Second Kentucky came up, we were again rallied, 11* 258 AN ATTEMPT TO OUTFLANK TAYLOR. and with them made as fine a charge as ever was made, driving back four times our number, killing and wounding an immense number of the enemy, and cap- turing the standard of the First battalion of Cuana- huoto, which was taken by Captain Raith, of St. Clair county, and after remaining in our possession all day, was unfortunately lost in the last charge, which rob- bed the nation of Hardin, McKee and Clay. During the night the Mexicans had established a twelve-pounder on a point at the base of the moun- tain, which commanded any position which could be taken by us. To counteract the effect of this piece, Lieutenant O'Brien, Fourth artillery, was detached with three pieces of Washington's battery, having with him Lieutenant Bryan, of the Topographical En- gineers, who, having planted a few shells in the midst of the enemy's gunners, for the time effectually silenced his fire. From the movements, soon perceptible, along the left of our line, it became evident that the enemy was attempting to turn that flank, and for this purpose had concentrated a large body of cavalry and infantry on his right. The base of the mountain around which these troops were winding their way, seemed girdled with a belt of steel, as their glittering sabres and polished lances flashed back the beams of the morning sun. Sherman's and Bragg's batteries were imme- diately ordered to the left : Colonel Bissell's regiment occupied a position between them, while Colonel Mc- Kee's Kentuckians were transferred from the right of our line, so as to hold a position near the centre. The Second Indiana regiment, under Colonel Bowles, was placed on our extreme left, nearly perpendicular to the direction of our line, so as to oppose, by a direct fire, FLIGHT OF THE INDIANA REGIMENT. 259 the flank movement of the enemy. These dispositions having been promptly effected, the artillery of each army opened its fire, and, simultaneously, the Mexi- can infantry commenced a rapid and extended dis- charge upon our line, from the left to McKee's regi- ment. Our artillery belched forth its thunders with tremendous effect, while the Kentuckians returned the fire of the Mexican infantry, with great steadiness and success ; their field officers, McKee, Clay and Fry, passing along their line, animating and encouraging the men, by precept and example. The Second Illinois regiment also received the enemy's fire with great firmness, and returned an ample equivalent. While this fierce conflict was going on, the main body of Colonel Hardin's regiment moved to the right of the Kentuckians, and the representatives of each state seemed to vie with each other in the honorable am- bition of doing the best service for their country. Both regiments gallantly sustained their positions, and won unfading laurels. The veterans of Austerlitz could not have exhibited more courage, coolness and de- votion. In the meantime, the enemy's cavalry had been stealthily pursuing its way along the mountain, and though our artillery had wrought great havoc among its numbers, the leading squadrons had passed the ex- treme points of danger, and were almost in position to attack us in the rear. At this critical moment, the In- diana regiment turned upon its proper front, and com- menced an inglorious flight. The efforts of Colonel Bowles to bring it into position were vain, and over hills and ravines they pursued their shameful career, to the great delight of the enemy, who rent the air with shouts of triumph. Several officers of General 260 GREAT HAVOC AMONG THE ENEMY. Taylor's staff immediately dashed off, to arrest, if pos- sible, the retreating regiment, and restore it again to reputation and to duty. Major Dix, of the Pay De- partment, formerly of the Seventh infantry, was the first to reach the deserters, and seizing the colors of the regiment, appealed to the men, to know whether they had determined to desert them. He was answered by three cheers, showing, that though the men had lit- tle disposition to become heroes themselves, they were not unmindful of an act of distinguished gallantry on the part of another. A portion of the regiment imme- diately rallied around him, and was re-formed by the officers. Dix, in person, then led them towards the enemy, until one of the men volunteered to take the flag. The party returned to the field, and though not in time to repair the disaster which their flight had created, to retrieve in a slight degree, the character of the state. While the day, however, by this disgraceful panic, was fast going against us, the artillery was ad- vanced, its front extended, and different sections and pieces under Sherman, Bragg, O'Brien, Thomas, Rey- nolds, Kilburn, French, and Bryan, were working such carnage in the ranks of the enemy as to make his col- umns roll to and fro, like ships upon the billows. His .triumph at the Indiana retreat was but for a moment, and his shouts of joy were soon followed by groans of anguish, and the shrieks of expiring hundreds. Washington's battery on the right, had now opened its fire, and driven back a large party of lancers, ad- vancing in that direction. Along the entire line the battle raged with great fury. Twenty-one thousand of the victims of Mexican oppression and the myrmi- dons of Mexican despotism, were arrayed against five thousand Americans, sent forth to conquer a peace. ATTACK UPON OUR TRAIN. 261 The discharges of the infantry followed each other more rapidly than the sounds of the Swiss bell-ringers in the fierce fervor of a finale, and the volleys of artil- lery reverberated through the mountains like the thun- ders of an Alpine storm. The myriads of Mexican cavalry still pressed for- ward on our left, and threatened a charge upon the Mississippi rifles under Colonel Davis, who had been ordered to support the Indiana regiment, and had suc- ceeded in preserving a fragment of it in position. Col- onel Davis immediately threw his command into the form of a V, the opening towards the enemy, and awaited his advance. On he came, dashing with all the speed of Mexican horses, but when he arrived at that point from which could be seen the whites of his eyes, both lines poured forth a sheet of lead that scat- tered him like chaff, felling many a gallant steed to the earth, and sending scores of riders to the sleep that knows no waking. While the dispersed Mexican cavalry were rallying, the Third Indiana regiment, under Colonel Lane, was ordered to join Colonel Davis, supported by a consid- erable body of horse. About this time, from some un- known reason, our wagon train displayed its length along the Saltillo road, and offered a conspicuous prize for the Mexican lancers, which they seemed not unwil- ling to appropriate. Fortunately, Lieutenant Rucker, with a squadron of the First dragoons, (Captain Steene having been previously wounded, and Captain Eustis confined to his bed by illness,) was present, and by order of General Taylor, dashed among them in a most brilliant style, dispersing them by his charge, as effectually as the previous fire of the Mississippi rifle- men. May's dragoons, with a squadron of Arkansas 262 A MEXICAN STRATAGEM. cavalry, under Captain Pike, and supported by a single piece of artillery, under Lieutenant Reynolds, now claimed their share in the discussion, and when the Mexicans had again assembled, they had to encounter another shock from the two squadrons, besides a fierce fire of grape from Reynolds' six-pounder. The lan- cers once more rallied, and directing their course to- wards the Saltillo road, were met by the remainder of Colonel Yell's regiment and Marshall's Kentuckians, who drove them towards the mountains on the oppo- site side of the valley, where, from their appearance when last visible, it may be presumed, they are still running. In this precipitate movement, they were compelled to pass through a rancho, in which many of our valiant comrades had previously taken refuge, who, from this secure repeat, opened quite an effec- tive fire upon them. Several hundreds of the Arkan- sas cavalry were so well satisfied with the result of this single effort, that they deemed it unnecessary to make another, and accordingly kept on their way to town, and there reported General Taylor as in full re- treat. About two o'clock in the day, the Second Kentucky and Second Illinois,-who had never retired more than three hundred yards from where we had received "" the enemy's first fire, were lying in the head of two ravines, under cover from the enemy's artillery, who had taken post upon the ground abandoned by the In- diana regiment, and were driving a torrent of round shot, grape and canister amongst us, when suddenly the firing ceased, and four officers, at their utmost speed, came galloping towards us. Colonels McKee, Clay, Bissell and myself, advanced some sixty yards from our cover to meet them. With the greatest difficulty AN AMUSING DEMAND. 263 our men were restrained from firing upon them as they came up, alleging that as they brought no white flag, it was a ruse. They asked for General Taylor. Col- onel Clay accompanied one of them, the Aid of Gene- ral Santa Anna, to General Taylor, who was sitting with his right leg over his horse's neck, just behind us, as unconcerned at the danger he was in, and as com- posed as man possibly could be. Whilst the aid was delivering his message to the general, we took the lib- erty of quizzing the other three a little. I asked one of them who appeared highest in rank, " What is the object of your mission ?" He replied, by pointing to our men, who were, the most of them, lying on their faces, at full length, about forty paces from him, " Those are troops of the line, are they ?" To which we re plied, " Six hundred of them are." I then resumed my questions, when he answered in Spanish, and as we did not appear to comprehend him, repeated in French, that " General Santa Anna wishes to know what Gen- eral Taylor wants." He said it with such an air of unconcern, that we all broke out into a loud laugh. I understand that when the aid reached the General, he repeated the same thing to him, when the old " war hero" told the interpi^eter to tell him, " he wanted the Mexican army to surrender ; tell him that 1 will treat Santa Anna and his army like gentlemen." The fact is, that at this time the right wing of the Mexican forces had been entirely cut off, and near four thousand lan- cers and infantry were at the mercy of Captain Bragg's battery of light artillery, which had been advanced so close to their line, that with canister they would rake a deep ravine, through which they were compelled to pass to rejoin the main body of the Mexican force, which they were on the full retreat to re-unite with, 264 EFFECT OF DUPLICITY. having been driven back by the cavalry, Mississippians and Sherman's light battery, which poured a most de- structive fire upon them. At the same time that the messenger came from Santa Anna, to whom I have alluded, a white flag was sent in from the right wing under retreat. Mr. Crittenden, General Taylor's aid, I think, returned with it to the enemy's lines, where they closed round him, and under protection of the flag, with Mr. Crittenden in their midst, passed Bragg's bat- tery within point-blank canister range. Thus, but for their duplicity, the entire right wing of their army would have been taken, the victory won, and the ter- rible loss we sustained in the last charge, saved the nation. The craft of Santa Anna had restored his courage, and with his reinforcement of cavalry, he determined to charge our line. Under cover of their artillery, horse and foot advanced upon our batteries. These, from the smallness of our infantry force, were but feebly supported, yet by the most brilliant and daring efforts nobly maintained their position. Such was the ra- pidity of their transitions, that officers and pieces seemed empowered with ubiquity, and upon cavalry and infantry alike, wherever they appeared, they poured so destructive a fire as to silence the enemy's artillery, compel his whole line to fall back, and soon to assume a sort of sauve qui peut movement, indica- ting anything but victory. The two wings re-united (near where the Second Indiana were posted in the morning) under the most blazing and effective fire from our light batteries, that cannon ever poured into col- umns of men. They fell by scores, and on this spot I saw, the next day, as many as five men killed by the same round shot — legs were knocked in one direction, VICTORY NEAR'.Y TURNED TO DEFEAT. 265 arms in another — houses, lancers and infantry, in rich profusion strewed tfee ground. The enemy retired un- der this most withering fire, and if we had been con- tent with a victory only, we had won one never to be forgotten whilst our history lasts ; but, unfortunately, we here pursued it too far. The gallant and lamented Hardin — the soul of bravery — advanced with his regi- ment to charge the enemy's cannon, under cover of which he was rapidly retiring. But while we were negotiating with the white flags, the enemy's reserve of nearly five thousand chosen infantry, who were fresh, and had not participated in the day, were ad- vanced, and placed in the immense ravine which sepa- rated the two armies in the morning. They must have extended down the ravine, towards the San Louis road, for six hundred yards. The ground was cut to pieces with these ravines running parallel to each other, and not more than one hundred and fifty yards apart. In advancing upon the enemy's battery, the First regi- ment soon came under a most galling fire from the right of the enemy's reserve, and was immediately ordered to cover itself by the deep ravine, around the head of which it was filing, when the fire opened upon it. As we had fought side by side so long, our regiment with one will and heart advanced to their relief, crossed the deep ravine, and taking position on the right of the First Illinois regiment, commenced a hot fire upon the enemy's right, which soon would have brought them to a right-about. After exchanging some dozen rounds, a perfect forest of bayonets made their appearance over the brow of the hill right in our front, and gave us as much to do as we could to return their fire. At this critical point of the battle, when it became 266 A \UBLE CHARGE. necessary to sustain one of our columns, which was staggering under a charge made by the Mexicans in overwhelming numbers, General Taylor dispatched Mr. Crittenden to order Colonel McKee, of the Second Kentucky regiment, to bring his men into immediate action. Mr. Crittenden found the regiment, men and officers, eager for the fray, delivered the order and rode back to the general, by whose side it was his duty to keep. The Kentuckians moved forward in gallant style, led by McKee and Clay, both of whom, alas ! fell in a subsequent part of the day. It so happened that before reaching a position from which they could de- liver an effective fire, the regiment had to cross a valley which was broken up by ravines and masses of stone. While crossing this valley, the heads only of the men could be seen from the point which General Taylor and Mr. Crittenden occupied, and these were bobbing up and down and crosswise in such confusion as to im- press both with the idea that the regiment had fallen into disorder. The Mexicans were annoying them at the same moment by a fire, which helped to confirm the opinion of the general that the Kentuckians were thrown into dismay. It was one of those decisive crises which occur in every contested field, when the issue of the day depended, for the time being, upon the gallantry of a particular corps. General Taylor, who, as before said, could only see the heads of the troops, and misled by their motions in getting across gullies and going around rocks and other obstructions, into the belief that they were about to falter, turned to Mr. Crittenden, (who is a Kcntuck- ian,) and with a countenance indicating deep mortifi- cation, for the general is a Kentuckian too, and an eye fierce with emotion, exclaimed : " Mr. Crittenden, this AN EXCITING MOMENT. 267 will not do — this is not the way for Kentuckians to be- have themselves when called upon to make good a bat- tle — it will not answer, sir ;" and with this he clenched his fist, and knit his brow, and set his teeth hard to- gether. Mr. Crittenden, who was mistaken by the same indications that deceived the general, could scarcely make a reply, from very chagrin and shame. In a few moments, however, the Kentuckians had crossed the uneven places, and were seen ascending the slope of the valley, shoulder to shoulder, and with the firm and regular step of veterans of a hundred fields. On they moved until they reached the crest of the hill, where they met the enemy before the flush of a temporary advantage had subsided. Here they deliv- ered their fire by companies with such regularity and deadly aim that the decimated phalanx of Mexico gave way and retreated precipitately. As the Kentuckians emerged from the valley, the countenance of the old general, who was regarding them with the intensest in- terest, gradually relaxed the bitterness of its expression. A glow of pride supplanted the deep mortification which fixed his muscles, and enthusiasm qualified the fierce glances of his eye. Forward they moved under his riveted gaze, whose feelings became more and more wrought up as they approached the scene of carnage. When they opened their fire the old general could no longer restrain his admiration, but broke forth with a loud huzza. " Hurrah for old Kentuck," he exclaimed, talking as it were to himself and rising in his saddle — " That's the way to do it ; give it to 'em," and the tears of exultation rolled down his cheeks as he said it. Hav- ing got rid of this exultation of state pride, he went about looking after other parts of the field. 2G8 A SUDDEN CHARGE. This regiment, too, had as much to do in front as one regiment could attend to, whilst about one thousand in« fantry on their right ran across the level ground be- tween the two ravines, to cut off our retreat to the San Luis road, down which, under cover of Washington's guns, we could only reach the redoubt on the hill, where the First Illinois were posted in the early part of the action. Again our spirits rose. The Mexicans appeared thoroughly routed, and while their regiments and divis- ions were flying before us, nearly all our light troops were ordered forward, and followed them with a most deadly fire, mingled with shouts which rose above the roar of artillery. In this charge the First Illinois regi- ment and McKee's Kentuckians were foremost. The pursuit was too hot, and as it evinced too clearly our deficiency in numbers, the Mexicans, with a sudden- ness which was almost magical, rallied and returned upon us. They came in myriads, and for a while the carnage was dreadful on both sides. We were but a handful to oppose the frightful masses which were hurled upon us, and could as easily have resisted an avalanche of thunderbolts. We were driven back, and the day seemed lost beyond redemption. Victory, which a moment before appeared within our grasp, was suddenly torn from our standard. There was but one hope, but that proved an anchor sure and steadfast. While our men were driven through the ravines, at the extremities of which a body of Mexican lancers was stationed to pounce upon them like tigers, — Brent and Whiting, of Washington's battery, gave them such a torrent of grape as to put them to flight, and thus saved the remnants of those brave regiments, which had long born the hottest portion of the fight. On the other DEATH OF CLAY, HARDIN, AND MCKEE. 2G9 flank, while the Mexicans came rushing on like legions of fiends, the artillery was left unsupported, and capture by the enemy seemed inevitable. I soon discovered that the odds against us Was so great, that we must be overpowered, and having wit- nessed, during the day, the barbarities committed upon our wounded officers, resigned myself to die. The right wing of the enemy's reserve had crossed over, and were turning our left flank — our men were too tired and broken down to bring them to the bayonet, and our only salvation was in retreat. I turned my eyes down the ravine, and the distance sickened me ; and when I thought, but for one instant, upon how many gallant men would die there — murdered, butchered, even after surrender — my brain reeled : the order was given to retreat — no possible order could be observed, the banks were precipitate, rocky, and covered with loose rolling pebbles — five colonels were, with their regiments, at the head of the ravine where the order was given — three of them, John J. Hardin, Colonel KcKee, and Lieuten- ant-Colonel Henry Clay, fell wounded, and were inhu- manly lanced to death, and stripped of their clothing. I think the lance was run through poor Clay as often as ten times ; his men carried him some two hundred yards, but to save their own lives, were compelled to abandon him ; the wound which disabled him, was slight one through the legs. The same was poor Har- din's case. Colonel Bissell and myself escaped un- touched, but a horrible massacre of our men took place here. Besides a large number of privates, there fell in this fatal ravine, Captain Zabriskie, First Illinois vol- unteers ; Captain William T. Willis, Kentucky volun- teers ; Lieutenants T. Kelly, Rodney Ferguson, Ed- ward F. Fletcher, Lauriston Robbins, Allen B. Roun- 270 captain bragg's battery. tree, and James C. Steele, of Second Illinois volun- teers ; Lieutenant Hoten, First Illinois, and Lieutenant Ball, Second Kentucky volunteers. But Bragg and Thomas rose with the crisis, and eclipsed even the fame they won at Monterey, while Sherman, O'Brien and Bryan, proved themselves wor- thy of the alliance. Every horse with O'Brien's bat- tery was killed, and the enemy had advanced to within range of grape, sweeping all before him. But here his progress was arrested, and before the showers of iron hail which assailed him, squadrons and battalions fell like leaves in the blast of autumn. The Mexicans were once more driven back with great loss, though taking with them the three pieces of artillery which were with- out horses. The lancers who had dashed down the road to cut off our retreat, were driven back by Washington's ar- tillery, which opened a well directed fire upon them ; but for which, not one of us would have gotten out — the banks on each side of the ravine were very steep, at least fifty feet, and it was impossible to rally a man under the desolating fire which poured upon us from several thousand fresh troops. When we reached the redoubt it was nearly night ; we had been in the en- gagement since daylight, and nature, unable to bear - under greater burdens, yielded, officers and men sink- ing down upon the rocks and earth, completely ex- hausted. Thus, thrice during the day, when all seemed lost but honor, did the artillery, by the ability with which it was manoeuvred, roll back the tide of success from the enemy, and give such overwhelming destruc- tiveness to its effect, that the army was saved and the glory of our arms maintained. The battle had now raged with variable success for NARROW ESCAPE OF TAYLOR. 273 nearly ten hours, and by a sort of mutual consent, after the last carnage wrought among the Mexicans by the artillery, both parties seemed willing to pause Upon the result. Night fell, and the American gen- eral, with his troops, slept upon the battle-ground, pre- pared, if necessary, to resume operations on the mor- row. But ere the sun rose again upon the scene, the Mexicans had disappeared, leaving behind them only their dead and dying, whose bones are to whiten their native hills, and whose moans of anguish were to ex- cite in their enemies that compassion, which can have no existence in the bosoms of their friends. Throughout the action, General Taylor w r as where the shot fell hottest and thickest, two of which passed through his clothes. He constantly evinced the great- est quickness of conception, fertility of resource, and a cool, unerring judgment, not to be baffled. General Wool was wherever his presence was required, stimu- lating the troops to activity and exertion. The opera- tions of General Lane were confined to his own bri- gade, and his efforts were worthy of better material for their application. Major Bliss bore himself with his usual gallantry, having his horse, as at Palo Alto, shot in the head. Mr. Crittenden, a son of the senator from Kentucky, was conspicuous in the field, as volun- teer aid to General Taylor, and the medical director's assistant surgeon, Hitchcock, could be sometimes seen where the balls fell fastest, binding up a wound or dressing a broken leg, with true professional zeal ; and, anon, galloping with the ardor of an amateur knight, conveying orders to different commanders. I could recount a thousand acts of individual cour- age worthy of record, but when all behaved so well, it would be invidious almost to record them. Captain 274 A DEARLY PURCHASED VICTORY. Lincoln was waving us on with his sword, when he fell dead into the arms of Captain Raith, of Belleville. Captain Steene, of the Dragoons, was on every part of the field, animating the volunteers by his presence and words ; where the bullets were thickest his tower- ing black was seen, until the gallant rider fell, severely wounded. Colonel Churchill has won an imperishable reputation for coolness and bravery. He rode along the lines but a minute before the enemy opened upon us, remarking, " My brave Illinoisians, you did not make this long march to be defeated now, did you ?" and retired, his horse receiving four wounds. General Wool behaved most gallantly, and has earned all the country can do for him, besides the respect, esteem and admiration of his brigade, who, before the battle, had a long account of what they con- sidered petty annoyances treasured against him. What can be said of " Old Rough and Ready ?" He was everywhere at the same time, animating, ordering, and persuading his men to remember the day and their country, and strike home for both. The Dreast of his coat was pierced by a canister shot. * These balls are growing excited," was his cool remark. I give you a list of killed and wounded of our regi- ment ; it is the highest, though bloodiest eulogium that tan be passed upon it. I have extended this letter to an alarming length, I am aware, but your readers will excuse it — the theme is a mighty one — my heart is full, and my pen could not be controlled. Major Mansfield, for self-possession and cool courage, was unequalled by any officer on the field. General Tay- lor's staff, among whom is Lieutenant Pope, of our state, bore orders through every part of the field. In this, as in every case of arbitrament by the sword, SOME OF THE MARTYRS. 275 the laurel is closely entwined with the cypress, and the lustre of a brilliant victory is darkened by the blood with which it has been purchased. I am unable to state our loss, but it has been very severe, and proves the battle of Buena Vista to have been, by far, the most terrible conflict in which our troops have been engaged. Captain Lincoln, assistant adjutant-general to General Wool, fell early in the action, while proudly distinguished by his efforts to bring the flying regiment back to their position, and with his last breath bore testimony against Indiana cowardice. Colonel Yell was pierced by a lance, while gallantly leading his reg- iment against the Mexican cavalry. The noble Hardin met his death gloriously, while conducting the last terrible charge. Colonel McKee, after having gallantly sustained the honor of Kentucky, throughout the action, fell in the foremost rank, and Lieutenant- Colonel Clay was cut down at almost the same moment with Hardin and McKee, while giving his men the most brilliant example of noble daring and lofty chiv- alry. Others have fallen, but their names are not known to me ; nor is it for me to pronounce the eulogy of those whose names 1 have recorded. Other and abler pens will do justice to the character and memory of the illustrious dead, whose devotion to the republic they have written with their blood and sealed with their lives. Lincoln w r as a gallant officer and accom- plished gentleman, of pure heart and generous impulses, and worthy of his revolutionaiy lineage. Yell was a warm friend and gallant man, quick to see the right, and ready to pursue it. Hardin was one of Nature's noblest spirits, a soldier tried and true, a rare union of the best qualities of the head and heart. McKee was wise in council and brave in the field, with a neart 12 276 GENERAL TAYLOR^ OKEICAL, REPORT. moved by the tenderest sympathies and most noble im- pulses. And what shall I say of Clay — the young, the brave, the chivalrous — foremost in the fight — the soul of every lofty sentiment ? Devoted to his friends and generous to his enemies, he fell in the flower of his age and usefulness, and has left no worthier name behind him. If he was not the " noblest Roman of them all," few will denv that in him — " Were the elements So mixed, that Nature might stand up and say To all the world — this was a man." As General Taylor's own account of his brilliant achievements always presents the clearest conception of them to the mind, and affords the best index to his character, his detailed official report of this most splen- did of all his military deeds, is given at length below. There are many incidents in such a battle as this, that must escape the attention of every one but the com- manding general himself; and though bis account is, of necessity, less exciting, as it is confined more to mere detail, than the graphic description already given, yet it presents facts in an authentic shape, and is therefore not only most sought after, but composes a necessary part of the history of the war. It is a monument, too, to the patriotism of the brave men who sacrificed their lives for their country on the bloody field of Buena Vista, no less than to his own genius, gallantry and patriotism, and as such must be preserved : " I have the honor to submit a detailed report of the operations of the forces under my command, which resulted in the engagement of Buena Vista, the repulse Taylor's report continued. 277 of the Mexican army, and the re-occupation of this position. " The information which reached me of the advance and concentration of a heavy Mexican force in my front, had assumed such a probable form as to induce a special examination far beyond the reach of our pickets to ascertain its correctness. A small party of Texan spies, under Major McCullough, dispatched to the hacienda of Encarnacion, thirty miles from this, on the route to San Luis Potosi, had reported a cavalry force of unknown strength at that place. On the 20th of February, a strong reconnoissance, under Lieutenant-Colonel May, was dispatched to the haci- enda of Hecliondo, while Major McCullough made another examination of Encarnacion. The result of these expeditions left no doubt that the enemy was in large force at Encarnacion, under the orders of General Santa Anna, and that he meditated a forward move- ment and attack upon our position. " As the camp at Agua Nueva could be turned on either flank, and as the enemy's force was greatly superior to our own, particularly in the arm of cavalry, I determined, after much consideration, to take up a position about eleven miles in rear, and there await the attack. The army broke up its camp and marched at noon on the 21st, encamping at the new position a little in front of the hacienda of Buena Vista. With a small force I proceeded to Saltillo, to make some necessary arrangements for the defence of the town, leaving Brigadier-General Wool in the immediate com- mand of the troops. " Before those arrangements were completed, on the morning of the 22d, I was advised that the enemy was in sight, advancing. Upon reaching the ground, it 278 taylor's report continued. was found that his cavalry advance was in our front, having marched from Encarnacion, as we have since learned, at eleven o'clock the day previous, and driving in a mounted force left at Agua Nueva to cover the removal of public stores. Our troops were in position, occupying a line of remarkable strength. The road at this point becomes a narrow defile, the valley on its right being rendered quite impracticable for artillery by a succession of deep and impassable gullies, while on the left a succession of rugged ridges and precipitous ravines extends far back toward the mountain which bounds the valley. The features of the ground were such as nearly to paralyze the artillery and cavalry of the enemy, while his infantry could not derive all the advantage of its numerical superiority. In this position we prepared to receive him. Captain Washington's battery (Fourth artillery) was posted to command the road, while the First and Second Illinois regiments, under Colonels Hardin and Bissell, each eight compa- nies, (to. the latter of which was attached Captain Con- ner's company of Texas volunteers,) and the Second Kentucky, under Colonel McKee, occupied the crests of the ridges on the left and in rear. The Arkan- sas and Kentucky regiments of cavalry, commanded by Colonels Yell and H. Marshall, occupied the ex- treme left near the base of the mountain, while the Indiana brigade, under Brigadier-General Lane, (com- posed of the Second and Third regiments, under Col- onels Bowles and Lane,) the Mississippi riflemen, under Colonel Davis, the squadrons of the First and Second dragoons, under Captain Steene and Lieu- tenant-Colonel May, and the light batteries of Captains Sherman and Bragg, Third artillery, were held in reserve. taylor's report continued. 279 "At eleven o'clock I received from General Santa Anna a summons to surrender at discretion, which, with a copy of my reply, I have already transmitted. The enemy still forebore his attack, evidently waiting for the arrival of his rear columns, which could be distinctly seen by our look-outs as they approached the field. A demonstration made on his left caused me to detach the Second Kentucky regiment and a section of artillery to our right, in which position they bivou- acked for the night. In the meantime the Mexican light troops had engaged ours on the extreme left, (composed of parts of the Kentucky and Arkansas cavalry dismounted, and a rifle battalion from the Indiana brigade, under Major Gorman, the whole com- manded by Colonel Marshall,) and kept up a sharp fire, climbing the mountain side, and apparently endeavor- ing to gain our flank. Three pieces of Captain Wash- ington's battery had been detached to the left, and were supported by the Second Indiana regiment. An occa- sional shell was thrown by the enemy into this part of our line, but without effect. The skirmishing of the light troops was kept up with trifling loss on our part until dark, when I became convinced that no serious attack would be made before the morning, and returned, with the Mississippi regiment and squadron of Second dragoons, to Saltillo. The troops bivouacked without fires, and laid upon their arms. A body of cavalry, some fifteen hundred strong, had been visible all day in rear of the town, having entered the valley through a narrow pass, east of the city. This cavalry, com- manded by General Minon, had evidently been thrown in our rear to break up and harass our retreat, and perhaps make some attempt against the town, if practi- cable. The city was occupied by four excellent com- 280 taylor's report continued. panies of Illinois volunteers, under Major Warren, of the First regiment. A field-work, which commanded most of the approaches, was garrisoned by Captain Webster's company, First artillery, and armed with two twenty-four pound howitzers, while the tram and headquarter camp was guarded by two companies of Mississippi riflemen, under Captain Rogers, and a field- piece, commanded by Captain Shover, Third artillery. Having made these dispositions for the protection of the rear, I proceeded on the morning of the 23rd to Buena Vista, ordering forward all the other available troops. The action had commenced before my arrival on the field. " During the evening and night of the 22nd, the en emy had thrown a body of light troops on the moun- tain side, with the purpose of outflanking our left ; and it was here that the action of the 23rd commenced at an early hour. Our riflemen, under Colonel Marshall, who had been reinforced by three companies under Major Trail, Second Illinois volunteers, maintained their ground handsomely against a greatly superior force, holding themselves under cover, and using their weapons with deadly effect. About eight o'clock, a strong demonstration was made against the centre of our position, a heavy column moving along the road. This force was soon dispersed by a few rapid and well- directed shots from Captain Washington's battery. In the meantime the enemy was concentrating a large force of infantry and cavalry, under cover of the ridges, with the obvious intention of forcing our left, which was posted on an extensive plateau. The Second Indiana and Second Illinois regiments formed this part of our line, the former covering three pieces of light artillery under the orders of Captain O'Brien taylor's report continued. 281 — Brigadier-General Lane being in the immediate com- mand. In order to bring his men within effective range, General Lane ordered the artillery and Second Indiana regiment forward. The artillery advanced within musket range of a heavy body of Mexican in- fantry, and was served against it with great effect, but without being able to check its advance. The infantry ordered to its support had fallen back in disorder, being exposed, as well as the battery, not only to a severe fire of small-arms from the front, but also to a murder- ous cross-fire of grape and canister, from a Mexican battery on the left. Captain O'Brien found it impossi- ble to retain his position without support, but was only able to withdraw two of his pieces, all the horses and cannoneers of the third piece being killed or dis- abled. The Second Indiana regiment, which had fallen back as stated, could not be rallied, and took no farther part in the action, except a handful of men, who undei its gallant colonel, Bowles, joined the Mississippi regi- ment, and did good service, and those fugitives who, at a later period in the day, assisted in defending the train and depot at Buena Vista. This portion of our line having given way, and the enemy appearing in over- whelming force against our left flank, the light troops which had rendered such good service on the mountain were compelled to withdraw, which they did, for the most part, in good order. Many, however, were not rallied until they reached the depot at Buena Vista, to the defence of which they afterwards contributed. "Colonel Bissell's regiment (Second Illinois,) which had been joined by a section of Captain Sherman's battery, had become completely outflanked, and was compelled to fall back, being entirely unsupported. The enemv was now pouring masses of infantry and 282 taylor's report continued. cavalry along the base of the mountain on our left, and was gaining our rear in great force. At this moment I arrived upon the field. The Mississippi regiment had been directed to the left before reaching the position, and immediately came into action against the Mexican infantry which had turned our flank. The Second Kentucky regiment, and a section of artillery under Captain Bragg, had previously been ordered from the right to reinforce our left, and arrived at a most oppor- tune moment. That regiment, and a portion of the First Illinois, under Colonel Hardin, gallantly drove the enemy, and recovered a portion of the ground we had lost. The batteries of Captains Sherman and Bragg were in position on the plateau, and did much execu- tion, not only in front, but particularly upon the masses which had gained our rear. Discovering that the enemy was heavily pressing upon the Mississippi regiment, the Third Indiana regiment, under Colonel Lane, was dispatched to strengthen that part of our line, which formed a crotchet perpendicular to the first line of battle. At the same time Lieutenant Kilburn, with a piece of Captain Bragg's battery, was directed to support the infantry there engaged. The action was for a long time warmly sustained at that point — the enemy making several efforts both with infantry and cavalry against our line, and being always repulsed with heavy loss. I had placed all the regular cavalry and Captain Pike's squadron of Arkansas horse under the orders of Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel May, with directions to hold in check the enemy's column, still advancing to the rear along the base of the mountain, which was done in conjunction with the Kentucky and Arkansas cavalry, under Colonels Marshall and Yell. taylor's report continued. 283 " In the meantime our left, which was still strongly threatened by a superior force, was further strength- ened by the detachment of Captain Bragg's and a por- tion of Captain Sherman's batteries to that quarter. The concentration of artillery fire upon the masses of the enemy along the base of the mountain, and the de- termined resistance offered by the two regiments op- posed to them, had created confusion in their ranks, and some of the corps attempted to effect a retreat upon their main line of battle. The squadron of the First dragoons, under Lieutenant Rucker, was now or- dered up the deep ravine which these retreating corps were endeavoring to cross, in order to charge and dis- perse them. The squadron proceeded to the point in- dicated, but could not accomplish the object, being ex- posed to a heavy fire from a battery established to cover the retreat of those corps. While the squadron was detached on this service, a large body of the enemy was observed to concentrate on our extreme left, apparently with the view of making a descent upon the hacienda of Buena Vista, where our train and baggage were deposited. Lieutenant-Colonel May was ordered to the support of that point, with two pieces of Captain Sherman's battery under Lieutenant Reynolds. In the meantime, the scattered forces near the hacienda, composed in part of Majors Trail and Gormon's commands, had been to some extent organ- ized under the advice of Major Munroe, chief of artil- lery, with the assistance of Major Morrison, volunteer staff, and were posted to defend the position. Before our cavalry had reached the hacienda, that of the enemy had made its attack ; having been handsomely met by the Kentucky and Arkansas cavalry under Colonels Marshall and Yell. The Mexican column 12* 284 taylor's report continued. immediately divided, one portion sweeping by the de- pot, where it received a destructive fire from the force which had collected there, and then gaining the moun- tain opposite, under a fire from Lieutenant Reynolds' section, the remaining portion regaining the base of the mountain on our left. In the charge at Buena Vista, Colonel Yell fell gallantly at the head of his regiment ; we also lost Adjutant Vaughan, of the Ken- tucky cavalry — a young officer of much promise. Lieu- tenant-Colonel May, who had been rejoined by the squadron of the First dragoons and by portions of the Arkansas and Indiana troops, under Lieutenant-Colonel Roane and Major Gorman, now approached the base of the mountain, holding in check the right flank of the enemy, upon whose masses, crowded in the narrow gorges and ravines, our artillery was doing fearful ex- ecution. " The position of that portion of the Mexican army which had gained our rear was now very critical, and \t seemed doubtful whether it could regain the main body. At this moment 1 received from General Santa. Anna a message by a staff officer, desiring to know what I wanted ? I immediately dispatched Brigadier General Wool to the Mexican general- in-chief, and sent orders to cease firing. Upon reaching the Mexi- can lines, General Wool could not cause the enemy to ccast' their fire, and accordingly returned without hav- ing an interview. The extreme right of the enemy continued its retreat along the base of the mountain, and finally, in spite of all our efforts, effected a junction with the remainder of the army. " During the day, the cavalry of General Minon had ascended the elevated plain above Saltillo, and occu- pied the road from the city to the field of battle, where TAYLOR'S REPORT CONTINUED. 285 they intercepted several of our men. Approaching the town, they were fired upon by Captain Webster, from the redoubt occupied by his company, and then moved off towards «.!ie eastern side of the valley, and obliquely towards Buena Vista. At this time, Captain Shover moved rapidly forward with his piece, supported by a miscellaneous command of mounted volunteers, and fired several shots at the cavalry with great effect. They were driven into the ravines which lead to the lower valley, closely pursued by Captain Shover, who was farther supported by a piece of Captain Webster's battery, under Lieutenant Donaldson, which had ad- vanced from the redoubt, supported by Captain Wheel- er's company of Illinois volunteers. The enemy made one or two efforts to charge the artillery, but was finally driven back in a confused mass, and did not again ap- pear upon the plain. " In the meantime the firing had partially ceased upon the principal field. The enemy seemed to con- fine his efforts to the protection of his artillery, and I had left the plateau for a moment, when I was recalled thither by a very heavy musketry fire. On regaining that position, I discovered that our infantry (Illinois and Second Kentucky) had engaged a greatly superior force of the enemy — evidently his reserve — and that they had been overwhelmed by numbers, The mo- ment was most critical. Captain O'Brien, with two pieces, had sustained this heavy charge to the last, and was finally obliged to leave his guns on the field — his infantry support being entirely routed. Captain Bragg, who had just arrived from the left, was ordered at once into battery. Without any infantry to support him, and at the imminent risk of losing his guns, this officer came rapidly into action, the Mexican line being 286 taylor's report continued. but a few yards from the muzzles of his pieces. The first discharge of canister caused the enemy to hesi- tate ; the second and third drove him back in disorder and saved the day. The Second Kentucky regiment, which had advanced beyond supporting distance in this affair was driven back and closely pressed by the enemy's cavalry. Taking a ravine which led in the direction of Captain Washington's battery, their pur- suers became exposed to his fire, which soon checked and drove them back with loss. In the meantime the rest of our artillery had taken position on the plateau, covered by the Mississippi and Third Indiana regi- ments, the former of which had reached the ground in time to pour a fire into the right flank of the enemy, and thus contribute to his repulse. In this last con- flict we had the misfortune to sustain a very heavy loss. Colonel Hardin, First Illinois,.and Colonel Mc- Kee and Lieutenant-Colonel Clay, Second Kentucky regiment, fell at this time, while gallantly leading their commands. " No farther attempt was made by the enemy to force our position, and the approach of night gave an oppor- tunity to pay proper attention to the wounded, and also to refresh the soldiers, who had been exhausted by in- cessant watchfulness and combat. Though the night was severely cold, the troops were compelled for the most to bivouac without fires, expecting that morning would renew the conflict. During the night the wounded were removed to Saltillo, and every prepara- tion made to receive the enemy, should he again attack our position. Seven fresh companies were drawn from the town, and Brigadier-General Marshall, with a rein- forcement of Kentucky cavalry and four heavy guns, under Captain Prentiss, First artillery, was near at taylor's report continued. 287 hand, when it was discovered that the enemy had abandoned his position during the night. Our scouts soon ascertained that he had fallen back upon Agua Nueva. The great disparity of numbers, and the ex- haustion of our troops, rendered it inexpedient and hazardous to attempt pursuit. A staff officer was dispatched to General Santa Anna, to negotiate an exchange of prisoners, which was satisfactorily com- pleted on the following day. Our own dead were col- lected and buried, and the Mexican wounded, of which a large number had been left upon the field, were re- moved to Saltillo, and rendered as comfortable as cir- cumstances would permit. " On the evening of the 26th, a close reconnoissance was made of the enemy's position, which was found to be occupied only by a small body of cavalry, the in- fantry and artillery having retreated in the direction of San Luis Potosi. On the 27th, our troops resumed their former camp at Agua Nueva, the enemy's rear- guard evacuating the place as we approached, leaving a considerable number of wounded. It was my pur- pose to beat up his quarters at Encarnacion early the next morning, but upon examination, the weak condi- tion of the cavalry horses rendered it unadvisable to attempt so long a march without water. A command was finally dispatched fo Encarnacion, on the 1st of March, under Colonel Belknap. Some two hundred wounded, and about sixty Mexican soldiers were found there, the army having passed on in the direction of Matehuala, with greatly reduced numbers, and suffer- ing much from hunger. The dead and dying were strewed upon the road and crowded the buildings of the hacienda. " The American force engaged in the action of 288 taylor's report continued. Buena Vista is shown, by the accompanying field-re- port, to have been three hundred and thirty-four offi- cers, and four thousand four hundred and twenty-five men, exclusive of the small command left in and near Saltillo. Of this number, two squadrons of cavalry : and three batteries of light artillery, making not more than four hundred and fifty-three men, composed the only force o£ regular troops. The strength of the Mexican army is stated by General Santa Anna, in his summons, to be twenty thousand ; and that estimate is confirmed by all the information since obtained. Our loss is two hundred and sixty-seven killed, four hundred and fifty-six wounded, and twenty-three missing. Of the numerous wounded, many did not require removal to the hospital, and it is hoped that a comparatively small number will be permanently disabled. The Mexican loss in killed and wounded may be fairly esti- mated at one thousand and five hundred, and will probably reach two thousand. At least five hundred of their killed were left upon the field of battle. We have no means of ascertaining the number of deserters and dispersed men from their ranks, but it is known to be very great. " Our loss has been especially severe in officers, twenty-eight having been killed upon the field. We have to lament the death of Captain George Lincoln, assistant adjutant-general, serving in the staff of Gen- eral Wool — a young officer of high bearing and ap- proved gallantry, who fell early in the action. No loss falls more heavily upon the army in the field, than that of Colonels Hardin and McKee, and Lieutenan- Colonel Clay. Possessing in a remarkable degree the confidence of their commands, and the last two having enjoyed the advantage of a military education, I had Taylor's report continued. 289 looked particularly to them for support in case we met the enemy. I need not say that their zeal in engaging the enemy, and the cool and steadfast courage with which they maintained their positions during the day, fully realized my hopes, and caused me to feel yet more sensibly their untimely loss. " I perform a grateful duty in bringing to the notice of the Government the general good conduct of the troops. Exposed for successive nights, without fires, to the severity of the weather, they were very prompt and cheerful in the discharge of every duty ; and finally displayed conspicuous steadiness and gallantry in repulsing, at great odds, a disciplined foe. While the brilliant success achieved by their arms releases me from the painful necessity of specifying many cases of bad conduct before the enemy, I feel an increased obligation to mention particular corps and officers, whose skill, coolness and gallantry, in trying situations, and under a continued and heavy fire, seem to merit particular notice. " To Brigadier-General Wool my obligations are especially due. The high state of discipline and in- struction of several of the volunteer regiments was attained under his command, and to his vigilance and arduous service before the action, and his gallantry and activity on the field, a large share of our success may justly be attributed. During most of the engagement he was in immediate command of the troops thrown back on our left flank. I besr leave to recommend him O to the favorable notice of the government. Brigadier- General Lane (slightly wounded.) was active and zealous throughout the day, and displayed great cool- ness and gallantry before the enemy. " The services of the light artillery, always con- 290 taylor's report continued. spicuous, were more than usually distinguished. Mov- ing rapidly over the roughest ground, it was always in action at the right place, and the right time, and its well-directed fire dealt destruction in the masses of the enemy. While I recommend to particular favor the gallant conduct and valuable services of Major Munroe, chief of artillery, and Captains Washington, Fourth artillery, and Sherman and Bragg, Third artillery, commanding batteries, I deem it no more than just to mention all the subaltern officers. They were nearly all detached at different times, and in every situation exhibited conspicuous skill and gallantry. Captain O'Brien, Lieutenants Brent, Whiting, and Couch, Fourth artillery, and Bryan, topographical engineei's, (slightly wounded,) were attached to Captain Wash- ington's battery. Lieutenants Thomas, Reynolds, and French, Third artillery, (severely wounded,) to that of Captain Sherman ; and Captain Shover and Lieutenant Kilburn, Third artillery, to that of Captain Bragg. Captain Shover, in conjunction with Lieutenant Don- aldson, First artillery, rendered gallant and important service in repulsing the cavalry of General Minon. The regular cavalry, under Lieutenant-Colonel May, with which was associated Captain Pike's squadron of Arkansas horse, rendered useful service in holding the enemy in check, and in covering the batteries at several points. Captain Steene, First dragoons, was severely wounded early in the day, while gallantly en- deavoring, with my authority, to rally the troops which were falling to the rear. " The Mississippi riflemen, under Colonel Davis, were highly conspicuous for their gallantry and stead- iness, and sustained throughout the engagement the reputation of veteran troops. Brought into action TAYLOR S REPORT CONTINUED. 291 against an immensely superior force, they maintained themselves for a long time unsupported, and with heavy loss, and held an important part of the field until re- inforced. Colonel Davis, though severely wounded, remained in the saddle until the close of the action. His distinguished coolness and gallantry at the head of his regiment on this day, entitle him to the particular notice of the government. The Third Indiana reg- iment, under Colonel Lane, and a fragment of the Second, under Colonel Bowles, were associated with the Mississippi regiment during the greater portion of the day, and acquitted themselves creditably in repuls- ing the attempts of the enemy to break that portion of our line. The Kentucky cavalry, under Colonel Mar- shall, rendered good service dismounted, acting as light troops on our left, and afterwards, with a portion of the Arkansas regiment, in meeting and dispersing the column of cavalry at Buena Vista. The First and Second Illinois, and the Kentucky regiments, served immediately under my eye, and I bear a willing testi- mony to their excellent conduct throughout the day. The spirit and gallantry with which the First Illinois and Second Kentucky engaged the enemy in the morning, restored confidence to that part of the field, while the list of casualties will show how much these three regiments suffered in sustaining the heavy charge of the enemy in the afternoon. Captain Conner's company of Texas volunteers, attached to the Second Illinois regiment, fought bravely, its captain being wounded and two subalterns killed. Colonel Bissell, the only surviving colonel of these regiments, merits notice for his coolness and bravery on this occasion After the fall of the field-officers of the First Illinois and Second Kentucky regiments, the command of the 292 taylor's report continued. former devolved upon Lieutenant-Colonel Weather- ford ; that of the latter on Major Fry. " Regimental commanders and others who have ren- dered reports, speak in general terms of the good con- duct of their officers and men, and have specified many names, but the limits of this report forbid a recapitula- tion of them here. I may, however, mention Lieuten- ants Rucker and Campbell of the dragoons, and Captain Pike, Arkansas cavalry, commanding squadrons ; Lieu- tenant-Colonel Field, Kentucky cavalry ; Lieutenant- Colonel Roane, Arkansas cavalry, upon whom the com- mand devolved after the fall of Colonel Yell ; Major Bradford, Captain Sharpe (severely wounded,) and Ad- jutant Griffith, Mississippi regiment ; Lieutenant-Colo- nel Hadden, Second Indiana regiment, and Lieutenant Robinson, aide-de-camp to General Lane ; Lieutenant- Colonel Weatherford, First Illinois regiment ; Lieuten- ant-Colonel Morrison, Major Trail, and Adjutant Whiteside, (severely wounded,) Second Illinois regi- ment ; and Major Fry, Second Kentucky regiment, as being favorably noticed for gallantry and good conduct. Major McCulloch, quartermaster in the volunteer ser- vice, rendered important services before the engage- ment, in the command of a spy company, and during the affair was associated with the regular cavalry. To Major Warren, First Illinois volunteers, I feel much in- debted for his firm and judicious course, while exercis- ing command in the city of Saltillo. " The medical staff, under the able direction of As- sistant Surgeon Hitchcock, were assiduous in attention to the wounded on the field, and in their careful remo- val to the rear. Both in these respects, and in the sub- sequent organization and service of the hospitals, the taylor's report continued. 293 administration of this department was everything that could be wished. " Brigadier-General Wool speaks in high terms of the officers of his staff, and I take pleasure in mentioning them here, having witnessed their activity and zeal upon the field. Lieutenant and Aide-de-camp McDow- ell, Colonel Churchill, inspector general, Captain Chap- man, assistant quartermaster, Lieutenant Sitgreaves, topographical engineers, and Captains Howard and Davis, volunteer service, are conspicuously noticed by the General for their gallantry and good conduct. Messrs. March, Addicks, Potts. Harrison, Burgess, and Dusenbery, attached in various capacities to General Wool's headquarters, are likewise mentioned for their intelligent alacrity in conveying orders to all parts of the field. " In conclusion, I beg leave to speak of my own staff, to whose exertions in rallying troops and communicat- ing orders I feel greatly indebted. Major Bliss, assist- ant adjutant-general, Captain J. H. Eaton, and Lieu- tenant R. S. Garnett, aides-de-camp, served near my person, and were prompt and zealous in the discharge of every duty. Major Munroe, besides rendering val- uable service as chief of artillery, was active and in- strumental, as were also Colonels Churchill and Belknap, inspectors general, in rallying troops and disposing them for the defence of the train and baggage. Colonel Whiting, quartermaster-general, and Captain Eaton, chief of the subsistence department, were engaged with the duties of their departments, and also served in my immediate staff on the field. Captain Sibley, assistant quartermaster, was necessarily left with the headquarter camp near town, where his services were highly useful. Major Mansfield and Lieutenant Benham, engineers, 294 santa anna's humane summons. and Captain Linnard and Lieutenants Pope and Frank- lin, topographical engineers, were employed before and during the engagement in making reconnoissances, and on the field were very active in bringing information and in conveying my orders to distant points. Lieu- tenant Kingsbury, in addition to his proper duties as ordnance officer, Captain Chilton, assistant quarter- master, and Majors Dix and Coffee, served also as extra aides-de-camp, and were actively employed in the trans- mission of orders. Mr. Thomas L. Crittenden, of Ken- tucky, though not in service, volunteered as my aide- de-camp on this occasion, and served with credit in that capacity. Major Craig, chief of ordnance, and Surgeon Craig, medical director, had been detached on duty from headquarters, and did not reach the ground until the morning of the 24th — too late to participate in the action, but in time to render useful services in their respective departments of tile staff." The following is the summons of Santa Anna to General Taylor to surrender. It evinces much more humanity for the American troops than the Mexican general had ever shown for his. own, and is a model of that assurance for which he is far moi'e celebrated than for his military talent or courage. " You are surrounded by twenty thousand men, and cannot, in any human probability, avoid suffering a rout, and being cut to pieces with your troops ; but as you deserve consideration and particular esteem, I wish to save you from a catastrophe, and for that purpose give you this notice, in order that you may surrender at discretion, under the assurance that you will be treated with the consideration belonging to the Mexican character ; to which end you will be granted an hour's SANTA ANNA S ACCOUNT. 295 time to make up your mind, to commence from the mo- ment when my flag of truce arrives in your camp." To this characteristic document General Taylor im- mediately returned the following laconic and modest reply : " In reply to your note of this date, summoning me to surrender my forces at discretion, I beg leave to say that I decline acceding to your request." Having now given the sober facts of one of the most decisive as well as the most remarkable victories ever won by American arms, it is appropriate to present some of the romance of history connected with an event which is the source of so much just pride in America, and of admiration in Europe. The official report of the battle by General Santa Anna, supplies this embel- lishment. This report of the wily Mexican commander, however, is important in another point of view ; for while it claims a victory over the American forces, it virtually sustains General Taylor's account, and proves t-hat the Mexican army was almost literally cut to pieces. No one can question this fact after having read the art- ful and ingenious attempt to cover the disasters he had suffered, and justify to his government his failure to re- deem the just expectations that had been created by his magnificent preparations and his more magnificent promises. He says : " In my dispatch from the battle-field of Angostura, dated the 23d, I promised to give you details of the action of the 23d, so soon as I should effect the move- ment which our entire lack of water and of all supplies made indispensable. In those engagements the army and the nation have restored the lustre of their arms, by overcoming obstacles inconceivable to all save those who witnessed them. These arose, not only from the 296 HIS EMBARRASSMENTS. difficulties of this contest,, and of our own situation, but also from the rigor of the season, and the ex- haustion of the country along an almost desert route of over fifty leagues, that was destitute of good water, and of all save the most limited supplies. " The supreme government was informed by com- munications made before my leaving San Luis, that the army under my command would not commence its operations till the end of winter, as I knew by experi- ence the severe climate of the region, which was also scant of habitations, provisions, shelter, and even of fuel. I therefore resolved to go on organizing, drill- ing, arming and clothing the army ; and, in a word, to put into a military shape the forces which had just been assembled. My intentions, however, could not be maturely realized. " The want of pecuniary resources embarrassed all my dispositions. The soldiers, though well disposed to combat with the enemy, had been badly supplied for a month, and would soon have been in want even of food, but that the exertions of the commanders of corps prevented that destitution from driving them from their ranks. While those meritorious men were suffering all kinds of privation, certain writers, from ignorance, want of reflection, party spirit, or, perhaps, from mis- taken patriotism, were zealously engaged in thwarting the plans which might otherwise have proved success- ful. This they did by unjust charges against the army and particular individuals, whom they abused for not marching to the conflict, accusing them of want of decision, and asserting that the position of the army at San Luis was more threatening to our liberties than to the enemy. In the clubs of that capital they labored with assiduity to make the army the instrument of a A CHARGE OF TREASON. 297 revolt ; but I frustrated their intrigues by timely steps. There was one writer who had the audacity to intimate that I was in collusion with the enemy. Yes, I, to whom they may attribute errors, but whose whole pre- vious course has shown the most elevated patriotism ! Traitors are they who seek not only to traduce me, but, by their detraction of the army, to unnerve its vigor for the service of the country. It seems as if a fatality directs the destinies of this nation, and inter- dicts a unanimity of the public will for its defence ; and from this fatal blindness, the moment when every heart and every aspiration should be directed to one object, is the very juncture when division and distrust are disseminated. Behold me, then, compelled by every circumstance to change my plans. Desertion had already commenced to a shameful extent ; and I was fully persuaded that if the scarcity should con- tinue, the army would be dishonorably frittered away. I therefore resolved that, if annihilated, it should be with glory. Having no supplies, I, to obtain them, compromitted my private fortune and the credit of my- self and friends. All this procured me the sum of one hundred and eighty thousand dollars, with which I was able to furnish the needful supplies to the army for twelve days. I knew well the country we had to cross, and the necessity there would be for carrying provisions; and I sympathized in anticipation with the' soldier for what he would endure from the rigor of the season ; but to render good service to the country, and save its honor, I had to overlook all this. " The army moved from San Luis by brigades, so as to render available the scanty resources afforded by the country we were to cross. The force consisted of thirteen thousand four hundred and thirty-two infan- 298 FORCE UNDER HIS COMMAND. try, divided into twenty-eight battalions ; four thou- sand three hundred and thirty-eight cavalry, in thirty- nine squadrons ; and a train of artillery of three twenty- fou • pounders, three sixteen-pounders, five twelve-poun- ders, five eight-pounders, and a seven-inch howitzer, all served by four hundred and thirteen artillerymen — the total being eighteen thousand one hundred and thirty-three men. Of this force there remained behind, the garrison of the works of San Luis, and others which I allotted to the towns on the route ; as also two squadrons to escort our small and only reserve of am- munition ; a brigade of infantry, of two battalions, under General Don Ciriaco Vasquez, which remained as a corps of reserve in Matehuala, and of observation upon Tula ; as also a brigade of cavalry, under General Don Jose Urrea. The latter was intended to pass Tula, and move through Tamaulipas to the neighbor- hood of Monterey, so as to call the enemy's attention to that quarter. The point of concentration for the brigades ought necessarily to be near this place, so that in the region through which they had to move, many troops might not be at once thrown together. I there- fore fixed on the hacienda of Encarnacion for that point, it being, as I calculated, the last stage but one of my march. I there held a review of the army, which had already lost a thousand men by sickness and. deser- tion. The former was caused by the scantiness and I bad quality of food, and still more of water, which i was brackish as well as scarce, as also by snow storms < and the exposure of the troops, who had always to be in bivouac and without fuel. These snow storms obliged me to suspend the march two days, till the weather became more settled ; for the cold had already caused the death of several men and horses, and I felt THE PLAN OF BATTLE. 299 bound by every means to diminish the losses we were incurring. These hardships will account for the num- ber of desertions which occurred up to our arrival at Encarnacion, and which afterwards even increased. It must also be remembered, that almost the whole army had been recently formed, and, as is well known, of men taken by violence from their homes. " We had advices that the enemy were fortified in the hacienda of Agua Nueva, with six thousand men and thirty pieces, resolved to defend the defiles known by the names of the passes of Canero and Agua Nueva. The Americans did not know the precise point on which our march was directed ; for, though they ex- changed some shots with our advance in Encarnacion, and had frequently small skirmishes with us in the above passes, they supposed our troops to be scouting parties of the first brigade of cavalry, under Don Jose V. Minon, whom I had advanced as far as the hacienda of Potosi. These were the impressions when I made my dispositions. " It was my intention to place my forces between the enemy and Saltillo, so as to oblige him to fight under the disadvantage of having his communication cut off, or, if he would not leave his works, to enable me to besiege him in Agua Nueva. The plan might be car- ried out in three different ways. One was by march- ing twenty leagues by the direct road ; another by mo- ving to the right by La Hedionda, so as to occupy Buena Vista ; and the third, by moving to the left by La Punta de Santa Elena, so as to occupy the ha- cienda of La Banqueria, and thereafter the road to Saltillo. The two last movements were at this time impracticable, for they would either of them require three or four days' march, while we were without 13 300 A MEXIC . provisions, forage, or water. I ed to operate by the direct road, lores I , and, after passing the last defile, make a diversion by the left, and occupy the raneho of Encantada, with the view of obtaining water, none o i was to b for more than eighteen leagues. All this was favored by the enemy's ignorance of our march; but n tune still followed us. A deserter from the regiment of Coraceras, a native of Saltillo, named Francisco Valdes, passed over from Encarnacion to the enemy, and gave him information of the movement. The ex- ecrable treason of this infamous wretch frustrated the best combinations. " On the 21st, at noon, I ordered the march to com- mence, the four light battalions, under General Don Pedro Ampudia, forming the vanguard. I had not hesitated to allow that ■ r officers who had been eourt-martialled for the affair of Monterey, to participate in these operations, not only because I did not consider them culpable, but also on account of the zeal they manifested. This brigade was followed by one of artillery, of sixteen-pounders, with the regi- ments of engineers and their train, and those by the park of the regiment of hussars. Then came the First division, commanded by General Don Ivlanuel Lom- "bardini, with four twelve-pounders and the park. The second division, under General Don heco, followed next, with four eight-pounders and their park; after these the whole of the cavalry, under Don Julian Juvera ; and then the remaindi aeral park and bag g :.' ■ rei r being covered by a brigade of cavalry under "In this order of march the troops were ordered to make the first fourteen leagues, between Enccnada A SAD DISAPPOINTMENT. .301 and a plain called De la Guerra, which is in front of the first defile called the pass of the Pinones ; and to pass the night on that plain in the same order of column. The troops having eaten their rations, order was given for carrying water, as none could be met with till the day following, after having overcome the enemy at Agua Nueva, three leagues beyond the aforesaid pass. I, with my staff and. the regiment of engineers, occu- pied the front, a little behind the light troops. On ar- riving at the plain De la Guerra, I continued the march in order to pass the defile of Pinones, which was ac- complished ; and I ordered the light brigade to take a position in the pass of Carnero, where it had a skir- mish with an advance of the enemy. Under these dispositions we passed the night. " At dawn on the 22d the army continued its march, with the idea of carrying by force of arms the pass of Agua Nueva which I supposed would be defended by the enemy ; but I found to my surprise that it had been abandoned. I then concluded that the American for- ces had retired to their fortifications in the hacienda, to concentrate their defence under cover of the in- trenchments which I had heard they had there thrown up. Under this idea I continued the march, in order to turn by the right to the rancho of Encantada, which, as I have before mentioned, is on the Saltillo road, be- ing between that city and Agua Nueva, and four or five leagues from each. Till that time no one had ap- peared to give me information, nor did any one after, except a servant from Agua Nueva, who told me that the enemy had been evacuating his position since the day previous, and falling back towards Saltillo ; and that on that same morning, the hacienda had been wholly abandoned, by the retreat of a small detach- 302 AN IMAGINED RETREAT. ment which escorted a large quantity of munitions. By this movement my first plans and dispositions, founded on an expected resistance, were rendered abor- tive ; but I still did not despair of a successful result, for I had in anticipation directed General Minon, with his cavalry brigade, twelve hundred strong, to occupy, on the morning of the 22d, the hacienda of Buena Vista, distant three short leagues from Saltillo. This force might arrest the enemy's march, or, at least, make a diversion that would give time for the army to come up. I therefore continued my march, without losing more time than would allow the soldiers to drink water on the road. The light brigade came within sight of the enemy's rear-guard, and I ordered them to charge in conjunction with the hussar regiment. I had rea- son to believe the enemy were making a precipitate retreat, as they left several articles on the road, such as carts, forge implements, extra wheels, and other things, which we gathered while marching. In conse- quence of the different reports I received, I ordered the cavalry to advance ; I thought we would be able to reach their rear-guard, and placed myself at the head of those troops. " On arriving at a place called Angostura, I found the main body of the enemy awaiting me in position. The road from the pass of Pinones to Saltillo runs be- tween two chains of mountains, which form that pass and those of Carnero and Agua Nueva. The ridges open beyond the hacienda, and approach each other again at Angostura, where the road turns to the right. At this place there is a succession of ridges, which run out toward the line of our route, and at right angles with it, and between them are ravines which form the drains of the mountains on the right. They are more MISREPRESENTATION OF TAYLOR** FORCES. 303 or less passable, but all very difficult. The enemy's position was in front and in rear of the road, his right and front being covered by ravines that were impassa- ble, even for infantry, and a battery of four pieces be- ing planted on the highest point. His battalions were formed on the heights with two other batteries, one of which was in a low part of the road, betwen two hills ; and, to my view, their forces appeared to be about eight thousand men, with twenty pieces ; but the pris- oners taken from them report twenty-six pieces, and upwards of eight thousand combatants. " I reconnoitred the position and situation of the enemy, and ordered the director of engineers, General Don Ignacio de Mora y Villamil, to do the same. Af- ter ascertaining the force of the invader, it was neces- sary either to await the infantry, to take position, or to fight, as might seem most advisable. At this inter- val, I observed that the enemy had neglected to occupy a height on his left flank ; and, without losing a mo- ment, I ordered General Ampudia's light brigade to take possession of, and hold it at every cost. As the brigade came up, I formed them in two lines on a ris- ing ground that fronted the enemy, there being an- other eminence between our two positions ; the first division of infantry was under the command of Gene- ral Lombardini, and the second under the command of General Pacheco. I directed that General Mora y Villamil, in conjunction with the commanding general of artillery, Don Antonio Corona, should find a posi- tion for a battery of sixteen-pounders, to be sustained by the regiment of engineers. Two other batteries of ivvelve and eight-pounders, were located by me. The cavalry, commanded by General Juvera, were placed ;n the right of our rear, and on our left flank. The 304 8AM 'I' A ANNA COMMENCES T*HK ATTACK. regiment of hussars was also posted in the rear, and on the left flank aforesaid was a height which I or- dered the battalion of Leon to occupy. The general park was in the rear, covered by the brigade of Gen- eral Andrade, and between this park and the lines of battle I took my own position. " The making of these dispositions, as may be sup- posed, occupied some time, for the troops arrived at their positions after a march of more than twenty leagues. It was therefore not an hour for combat, and the army lay on its arms. The enemy, however, so soon as he perceived that we had occupied the height that flanked his left and our right, dispatched two bat talions to dislodge us, which led to a warm engagement, that lasted all the afternoon and till after dark, when he was repulsed with the loss of four hundred men, ac- cording to the report of the prisoners. Ours was much less, as we had the advantage of the ground. " At dawn on the 23rd I mounted my horse ; the enemy had not changed his previous dispositions, and was ready to receive us. I observed but one differ- ence, which was, that on his right, and at some distance from his position, he had formed two bodies of infan- try, with a battery of four pieces, as if with the intent of threatening our left flank, but I at once believed this to be a mere demonstration, for he would never have left in his rear the difficult ground which gave strength to that position, being the web of impassable ravines before referred to. I, therefore, gave no attention to this disposition of his forces, and resolved to move mine With this intention, I advanced the i;i' iei and General Pa- checo in thai direction. 1 ordered General Don Man- uel Micheltorena to plant the battery of eight-pound- DISPOSITION OF HIS FORCES. 305 ers on our right flank, so as to rake obliquely the enemy's line, and to remain with the staff of which he was chief, my orders. I directed that Gen- eral Ampudia, with the light brigade, should charge by our left flank on the enemy's right, and that General Mora y Villamil should form a column of attack com- posed of the regiment of engineers, the 1 2th battalion, the fjo de Mexico, and the companies of Puebla and Tampico, commanded by Colonel Don Santiago Blanco.' At the same time, I directed General Corona, com- manding the artillery, to place the battery of twelve- pounders in a more commanding position, while the Third division remained in reserve, Under Brevet- General Don Jose Maria Orte So soon as the enemy perceived our movements, he commenced the action at all points, attacked our troops with intrepidity, and maintained the conflict with great . Our men r " them with proper energ}^ driving back and following up the assailants. At this time my horse was disabled by a grape shot, and it was • time before I could mount another. As the en- emy I ided ground, I ordered the cavalry to ad- vance and charge, which was done with vigor. Suit- able orders had been sent to the generals of division and brigade, among the rest to General Don Angel . but, though the officers and troops acted it was impossible to overcome the d s of the ground ; and after a struggle which did them honor, they were obliged to fall back to the After various alternations, the same occur " T;. h commenced at seven in the morn- ing, many hours, our loss every mo- ; : accumulating. Many officers and soldiers had «5UO admits his heavy losses. already been killed, and a number of commanders and distinguished officers wounded, among whom were General Lombardini, Lieutenant-Colonels Brito, Gal- loso, and others. Among the slain were Lieutenant- Colonels Asonos, Berra, and other meritorious officers, whose loss the country will ever lament. The enemy maintained his ground with the utmost obstinacy, inso- much that some of our troops faltered in their attacks, and many of the raw recruits dispersed. This, how- ever, ought to exalt the merit of those whose intrepid- ity was never paralyzed, and may also be cited to show how hotly contested was the action. " Things were in this situation when I concluded to make the final effort. With this view I ordered that a battery of twenty-four pounders should be mounted ; that the column of attack then posted on our left flank, where it had no object of operation, should be trans- ferred to our right, and there be joined by the remains of the Eleventh regiment, the battalion of Leon, and the reserves, all under the command of Brevet-Gene- ral Don Francisco Terez. I executed this in person, and afterwards sent for General Mora y Villamil, and made him acquainted with my final disposition. I had already directed Generals Perez and Pacheco, each with his command, to be prepared for an extreme strug- gle, and had ordered the battery of eight-pounders to advance and take the enemy's line in flank. The charge Avas made with daring /alor, and was resisted with animated vigor, with a fire so heavy and rapid as to cause admiration ; but the Americans could not sus- tain themselves — they were di ven back and overcome, with the loss of three pieces of cannon and as many stands of colors. I sent two of the latter to the gov- ernment with my last dispatch ; the other, which I GREAT GLORY HE ACQUIRED. 307 then omitted to notice, will be presented to the honor- able congress of the state of San Luis Potosi, as a testimonial of the army's gratitude for the patriotic services they had rendered, and the generous sacrifices they had made for its benefit. We moreover capt*;;ed a travelling forge, and some smaller articles, which I will not enumerate. Our cavalry, which so bravely executed the order to charge, reached the enemy's rearmost positions ; but, owing to the nature of the ground and the fatigue of the men and horses, I did not think it prudent to attempt to dislodge them from those. The battle closed at six in the evening, our troops be- ing then formed on the ground which the Americans had occupied. Our last effort would have been deci- sive, if General Minon had done his part by attacking the enemy in the rear ; but he omitted to do it, and I am under the painful necessity of subjecting his con- duct to a court-martial, that he may explain it. An action thus contested necessarily involved considerable loss. Ours in killed and wounded amounted to more than fifteen hundred men, and that of the enemy was much greater, for we had time to take a view of the great number of their dead. " The plans of these two actions, and of the route from Agua Nueva to Saltillo, and the reports of the generals of division and brigade, which I send with this to your excellency, will give the supreme govern- ment an idea of such details as I have not dwelt on without making this report more diffuse ; but this will still serve to attest the bravery of our troops, and the glory acquired by the nation during these days of action. " In the order of the day, I expressed, as in duty bound, my satisfaction with the conduct of the officers, 13* 308 BRAVERY OK HIS OFFICERS. commanders of corps, and generals, and gave them thanks for it in the name of the republic. I could wish to announce in this report the names of many com- manding officers, that their memory may be engraved oa ike gratitude of the nation, not only for their reso- lute and honorable deportment in both actions, but for the constancy with which they have overcome so many privations, sufferings and fatigues, and given therein an example both of civic and military worth. Anxious to do this justice, I adopt, as my own, the authorship of those eulogies which the generals of brigade and di- vision have bestowed on their subordinates. I would moreover, place in view of the government, the merit manifested by the director-general of engineers, Don Ignacio Mora y Villamil, who fulfilled, to my entire satisfaction, all the duties I assigned to him, for which I consider him worthy of the highest praise, and of such remuneration as the supreme government may be pleased to award to his distinguished services. Gene- ral Ampudia, to whom, from the favorable opinion which I had of him, I intrusted the command of the four light battalions, acquitted himself with gallantry. General Lombardini, who commanded the First division of infantry, conducted himself with valor, and was wounded. General Pacheco, commanding the Second division of infantry, came up to my orders and his duties, and fought to my satisfaction. General Juvera comported himself honorably, and had his horse killed under him. Brevet General Torrejon received a con- tusion, and General Guzman displayed the gallantry for which lie was already distinguished, and was wounded. I>revet-General Micheltorena, as head of the staff, duly performed all that belonged to his station; and I also oonfided to his special charge the battery of WHY TAYLOR GOT OFF SO WELL. 309 eight-pounders, which was the most in advance. -Gen- eral Perez acted as be expected from his accus- tomed y, and for this I intrusted to his command the troops I have before mentioned, with which he con- tributed to disorder the line of the enemy at five in the evening. J would also commend General Ortega, who commanded the Third division of foot, and performed his duties to my satisfaction, as also Brevet-General Uraga, and Generals Parrodi, Portiila, Vasquez, Jau- Terres, and Sanchez. "It is entirely due to the commanding general of artillery, Don Antonio Corona, that I should commend him for carrying out my dispositions, as might be ex- pected from him,- and for laboring assiduously at San Luis, in the heaviest duties of his branch of service; and it is a pleasing duty for me to laud the merit ac- quired by Colonel Banencli, and Colonel Brito, who was wounded ; Colonel Aldrede, of the hussars, who, to my satisfaction, evinced his usual bravery ; Colonel S. Blanco, who commanded a column of attack on the left, and acted well, and Colonel M. Blanco — both of the last being of the engineers — as also Colonel Obando, of the flying artillery, and Colonel Garay. " The report of the killed and wounded, which I also send, will show what has been our loss. I should be lacking in justice, and not express my own feelings, were I not most earnestly to request that attention be paid, as is by law provided, to the cases of the widows, orphans, and such of the wounded as may be perma- nently disabled. " The formidable position which the enemy occupied, was all that saved him ; the victory would otherwise have been decisive, notwithstanding his obstinate resist- ance. Still this triumph will have favorable results to 310 HOW THE AMERICANS WERE FRIGHTENED. the national cause, as it will show to every one what can be accomplished when all hearts are united, and with one aim. " The army has done more than could be expected under the laws of nature. It had just been formed, and as yet had not acquired discipline or military habits ; yet in marching to the combat, it overcame difficulties which might have subdued the stoutest heart. After a march of twenty leagues, sixteen of them without water, and without other food than a single ration, which was dealt out at Encarnacion, it endured the fatigue of combat for two days, and finally triumphed. With all this its physical powers were ex- hausted. My knowledge of this, and the duty I felt in attending to such a number of wounded, constrained me, after remaining a few hours on the field of battle, to fall back upon Agua Nueva, for the relief and re- freshment of the troops. " From the impression we had made on the enemy, he did not appear before us for three days. The bearer of a flag of truce, however, arrived with a proposition from General Taylor for an exchange of prisoners, and for our sending for the wounded who had remained on the field. He also expressed to me the desire which the Americans felt for the re-establishment of peace. I replied, in order that he might say the same to his general, that we sustained the most sacred of causes — the defence of our territory, and the preservation of our nationality and rights ; that we were not the aggressors, and that our government had never offended that of the United States. I observed that we could say no- thing of peace while the Americans were on this side of the Bravo, or occupied any part of the Mexican territory, or blockaded our ports ; and that we were WHY SANTA ANNA DESERTED HI3 WOUNDED. 311 resolved to perish or vindicate our rights ; that fortune might not be always favorable to the enemy, and their experience of the 22nd and 23rd should convince them that it could change ; I added, that the Americans waged against us a war of vandalism, whose excesses outraged those sentiments of humanity which one civilized nation ought to evince towards another ; and that if he would go outside of the apartment he would still see smoking, which was the fact, the dwellings of Agua Nueva, recently a flourishing, though a small settlement ; that the same vestiges of desolation marked the route of his retreat ; and that if he would go a little further on, to Catana, he would hear the moans of the widows and orphans of innocent victims who had been sacrificed without necessity. " With respect to the wounded, whom I was invited to send for, I replied that there could be none save those who had been too much hurt to rise from the field, or those most in the advance, who had remained in the ravines ; and that as I had not means for their convey- ance, the enemy might take them to Saltillo, under the protection of the laws of nations. As for the prison- ers which he offered to exchange, I told him I did not know who they could be, unless it were some of our dispersed troops, or some who, from the fatigue of the two previous days, had remained asleep when we moved. In answer to the courtesy the enemy's general had shown with respect to our wounded, I consented, in the name of the nation, to release all the prisoners we had — those taken both in the battle and at Encarna- cion. At the same time I allowed the bearer of the flag, who was a superior officer, of prepossessing ap- pearance and manners, to take the bandage from his eves, and informed him that it was for him personally 312 DIFFICULTIES OF HIS POSITION. that the honor of this concession was meant. I did it also that he might see our camp and our troops. "As I have said in the preceding paragraph, we remained at the hacienda three days ; hut the only supply we could obtain was ninety beeves, and these were consumed on the 25th. The horses were also without forage, and notwithstanding all the efforts or provisions that I -could make, many of the wounded had been but once attended to, and some not at all. From the rigor of the climate, the badness and scanti- ness of the sustenance, the entire want of bread, and the bad quality of the water used in our former bivouacs, a bowel complaint had broken out in the army, and rendered ineffective at least one-half of it. I knew that a retrograde movement to our former positions had become inevitable ; but though everything around me proclaimed this necessity, my feelings revolted against it, solely because I foresaw that from ignorance; malice, or presumption, the countermarch would be condemned, and that those who did not witness our situation would imagine the possibility of the army's continuing its operations. " Six days before, when the troops had not suffered so much, nor fought for two successive days, nor been embarrassed with sick and wounded, but were still sound in morale and in health, I had not deemed it prudent to augment the labors and difficulties of the army by mov- ing to the right or to the left ; how then would it have been possible to go on operi >r all that subse- quently occurred ? But let detractors say what they will, the army as well as myself will always answer by an appeal to our conduct, our wii ' . id the notorious impossibility of carrying them out. Notwithstanding my conviction, I wished to hear the opinion of the gen- EXPECTATIONS FOR THE FUTURE. 313 erals and some of the commanders of corps, and to as- certain if they could point out a lich had not occurred to me ; without disclosing my own i on the subject I listened to theirs, and they all unani- mously, and each one, by his opinion separately ex- pressed, showed and demonstrated in various ways, that however good their will to remain, the countermarch of the army had become indispensable, but that this ne- cessity was not forced upon us by the enemy. It was not till I had heard their opinions that I announced my own accordant resolution, and the proceedings of the council being drawn up, I had the honor of remitting them to your excellency on the 25th. " On the 26th, after I had ordered General Minon to follow the movement, the army commenced its retreat with the view of occupying the first peopled localities, where resources might be obtained, such as Vanegas Catorce, El Cadral and Matehuala, as also Tula; but I doubt if in those places proper attention can be given to the sick and wounded — or the losses we have sus- tained in those laborious movements be remedied. " The nation, for which a triumph has been gained at the cost of so many sufferings, will learn that, if we were able to conquer in the midst of so many embar- rassments, there will be no doubt as to our final success in the struggle w r e sustain, if every spirit but rallies to the one sacred object of common defence. A mere de- termined number of men will not, as many imagine, suffice for the prosecution of war : it is indispensable that they be armed, equipped, disciplined, and habitu- ated, and that a systematized support for such an or- ganized force be provided. We must bear in mind that we have to combat in a region deficient of all re- sources, and that everythina; for subsistence has to be 314 THE BATTLE DESCRIBED IN POETRY. can-ied along with the soldiery : the good will of a few will not suffice, but the co-operation of all is needed ; and if we do not cast aside selfish interests, and petty passions, we can expect nothing but disaster. The army, and myself who have led it, have the satisfaction of knowing that we have demonstrated this truth." The following heart-stirring description of the battle of Buena Vista will be read with absorbing interest by every American. Captain Pike is a poet of no mean reputation, and he proved by his daring and chivalrous conduct on the bloody field he so well describes, that if his commanding general can " write as well as fight." he can jight as well as write. Captain Pike commanded a company of Arkansas cavalry in the engagement. BUENA VISTA. From the Rio Grande's waters, to the icy lakes of Maine, Let all exult for we have met the enemy again : Beneath their stern old mountains we have met them in their pride, And rolled from Buena Vista back the battle's bloody tide : Where the enemy came surging, like the Mississippi's flood ; And the reaper, Death, was busy with his sickle red with blood. Santa Anta boasted loudly, that before two hours were past, His lancers through Saltillo should pursue us thick and fast: On came his solid infantry, line marching after line; Lo ! their great standards in the sun like sheets of silver shine ! With thousands upon thousands, yea, with more than four to one, A forest of bright bayonets gleamed fiercely in the sun .' Lo! Guanajuato's regiment! — Lo! Puebla's boasted corps! — And Guadalajara's chosen troops! — all veterans tried before; And galloping upon the right, four thousand lances gleam, Where, waving in the morning light, their blood-red pennons stream: And there, his stern artillery climbs up the broad plateau — T'nday he means to striktt at u* an overwhelming blow. THE RALLYING WAR CRY. 315 Now hold on strongly to the heights ! — for lo ! the mighty tide Comes thundering like an avalanche, deep, terrible, and wide; Now, Illinois ! stand ready ! — Now, Kentucky, to their aid ! For a portion of our line, alas ! is broken and dismayed; A regiment of fugitives is fleeing from the field, And the day is lost if Illinois and brave Kentucky yield. One of O'Brien's guns is gone ! — on, on their masses drift, And their infantry and lancers now are passing round our left — Our troops are driven from the hills, and tlee in wild dismay, And round us gathers, thick and dark, the Mexican array. Santa Anna thinks the day is gained ; — and riding yet more near, Minon's dark cloud of lancers sternly menaces our rear. Now Lincoln, gallant gentleman ! lies dead upon the field, Who strove to stay those men that in the storm of bullets reeled. Now, Washington ! fire fast and true ! — Fire, Sherman ! fast and far ! Lo ! Bragg comes thundering to the front, to breast the adverse war ! Santa Anna thinks the day is gained — on, on his masses crowd, And the roar of battle rises up more terrible and loud. Not yet ! — our brave old general comes to regain the day. Kentucky, to the rescue ! — Mississippi, to the fray ! Now charge, brave Illinoisans ! Gallant Davis drives the foe, And back before his rifles the red waves of lancers flow ; Upon them yet once more my braves ! The avalanche is stayed ; Buck rolls the Mexique multitude, all broken and dismayed. Ho ! May! — to Burna Vista ! for the. enemy are near, And we have none there who can stop their vehement career: Still swelling, downward comes the tide ; Porter and Yell are slain ! Marshall before him drives a part ; but still they charge in vain ; — And now, in wild confusion mixed, pursuers and pursued, On to Saltillo wildly drifts a frantic multitude. Upon them with your squadrons, May ! — Out leaps the flashing steel ! Before his serried column, how the frightened lancers reel ! They flee amain. — Now to the left, to stay their triumph there, Or else the day is surely lost in horror and despair : For their hosts are pouring swiftly on, like a river in the spring — ■ Our flank is turned, and on our left their cannon thundering. Now, brave artillery ! Bold dragoons ! — .Steady my men, and calm ! Through rain, cold, hail, and thunder; — now nerve the gallant arm! 316 THE GALLANT SLAIN. What thougn their shot falls round us here, still thicker than the hail! stand against them, as the rock stands firm against the gale. Lo ! — their battery is silenced now : our iron hail still showers: They falter, halt, retreat ! — Hurra ! the glorious day is ours ! In front, too, has the fight gone well, where upon gallant Lane, A nd on stout Mississippi, the bold lancers charged in vain. Ah ! brave Third Indiana ! ye have nobly wiped away The reproach that, through another corps, befell your state to-day: Like corn before the tempest crushed, before your storm of tire, Santa Anna's boasted chivalry a shattered wreck retire. Now charge again, Santa Anna ! or the day is surely lost; For back, like broken waves, along our left your hordes are tossed. Still louder roar two batteries — his strong reserve moves on; — More work is there before yon, men, ere the good fight is won ; Now for your wives and children stand ! steady, my braves once more ! Now for your lives, your honor, fight ! as you never fought before. Eio ! Hardin breasts it bravely ! — McKee and Bissell there, Stand firm before the storm of bails that fills the astonished air. The lancers are upon them, too ! — the foe swarms ten to one — Hardin is slain — McKee and Clay the last time see the sun ; And many another gallant h rate fray, Grew cold, its last thoughts turning to its loved ones far away. Still sullenly the cannon roared — but died away at last; And o'er the dead and dying came the evening shadows fast, And then above the mountains rose the cold moori's silver And patiently an 1 pityingly looked down upon I Id ; — And careless of his wounded, and neglectful ofl Despairingly and sullen, in the night Santa Anna fied. bus, on Buena Vista's heights, a long day 1 ? work was done — And thus our brave old general anotl And s'it >us banner wa ht or shame, And the Mexican: I name. So honor t fled! onor to the bn The 1 description of t! le, is at- ■ ■ truly or not it is i to say-, to Don Jose HoAcede Saltillo, n Mexican of some celeb- A MEXICAN POEM. 317 rity. It may be proper^to state that the poet calls his own country Aztec, its ancient nam:', while he gives to the Americans the name of Alleghan or Alleghanian. The " sun" of Aztec and the " stars" of Alleghan are the banners of the respective combatants. The " pa- triot chief" is Santa Anna, the President of the Mexi- can Republic, and commander of the Mexican troops : A We saw their watcTi-fires through the night, Light up the far horizon's verge ; We heard at dawn the gathering fight, Swell like the distant ocean surge — The thunder-tramp of mounted hordes From distance sweeps a boding sound, As Aztec's twenty thousand swords And clanking chargers shake the ground. A gun ! — now all is hushed again — How strange that lull before the storm ! That fearful silence o'er the plain — Halt they tfjeir battle-line to form 1 It booms again — again — again — And through its thick and thunderous shock The war-scream seems to pierce the brain, As charging squadrons interlock. Columbia's sons — of different race — Proud Aztec and brave Alleghan, Are grappled there in death-embrace, To rend each other, man to man ! The storm-clouds lift, and through the haze, Dissolving: in the noontide light, I see the sun of Aztec blaze Upon her banner, broad and blight ! And on — still on h asighs wave, Flinging abroad each glorious fold : While drooping round each sullen stave Alleghan's bat half unrolled. But stay ! that shout has stirred the air, I sc;e the stripes — I see the stars — 318 MEXICAN LAMENT. O God ! who leads the phalanx there, Beneath those fearful meteor bars 1 " Old Zack" — " Old Zack" — the war-cry rattles, Amid those men of iron tread, As rung "Old Fritz," in Europe's battles, When thus his host great Frederick led ! And where, O where is Aztec"? — where, As now the rush of Alleghan Resistless tramples to despair The ranks of our victorious van 7 Still charging onward, ever — ever, They shatter now our central might, Where half our bravest lances shiver, Still struggling to maintain the fight ! Still struggling, from the carnage dire To snatch our patriot chief away — Who, crushed by famine, steel and fire, Yet claims as his the desperate day ; That day whose sinking light is shed O'er Buena Vista's field, to tell Where round the sleeping and the dead, Stalks conquering Taylor's sentinel. CHAPTER VIII. The Dark Features of War. — General Taylor's Order. — Letter to Mr- Clay and Governor Lincoln. — His private Letter to E. G. W. Butler. — His Reference to the Presidency. — Particulars of the Battle of Buena Vista. — Notice of Clay, Hardin, McKee and Yell. — Anecdotes of General Taylor. — Incidents of the Battle. — Character and Personal Appearance of General Taylor. Although the triumph of our arms over an enemy four times more numerous than the forces under Tay- lor, was received with universal enthusiasm by all par- ties and classes throughout the country, yet it was pur- chased at a sacrifice of life that filled the land with mourning, and brought desolation and despair to the homes and hearts of hundreds and thousands of wives, and parents, and children, and brothers, and sisters. Many of the noblest spirits of the nation fell a sacrifice on that blood-stained field, and the reflection that so much misery and heart-rending distress was spread over tke land with the news that another glorious victory had crowned our arms, moderated the joy, and subdued the feelings which otherwise would have filled every breast. None felt more keenly this dreadful sacrifice to the country than the heroic Taylor himself. Every- thing that a kind and humane heart could suggest to soothe the afflictions of those whose friends had fallen in the battle, was done. His order to the army upon the result of this victory, and his letter to Mr. Clay, 820 Taylor's congratulations to his army. which are annexed, exhibit this fine trait of his char- acter in its true light. On the 26th of February, General Taylor issued the following order. It is written in fine taste. It alludes in the most modest terms which he could employ, to the brilliant victory which our troops have won over immense superiority of Mexicans, headed by their most distinguished military leader. It pays due honor to the brave officers and troops who live to receive the grati- tude of their country. It pays a brief but affecting tribute to those gallant spirits who have gloriously fallen in the battle, but whose "illustrious example will re- main for the bene; 'miration of the army," and as a monument of glory in the eyes of Europe. It treats as delicately as possible all those inexperienced soldiers who ingloriously fled, to whom he administers the warning lesson of seeking to retrieve their reputa- tion by future exertions. It is impossible to read the various descriptions of this remarkable battle, where the skill of the commanding general in seizing his ground and manoeuvring his troops, vied with the chivalry of his men, without the deepest emotions. " 1. The commanding general has the grateful task of congratulating the troops upon the brilliant succi ss which attended their arms in the conflicts of the 22nd and 23rd. Confident in the immense superiority of numbers, and stimulated by the presence of a distin- guished leader, the Mexican troops were yet repulsed in efforts to force our lines, and finally withdrew with immense loss from the field. " 2. The general would express his obligations to the officers and men engaged, for the cordial support which they rendered throughout the action. It will be his highest pride to bring to the notice of the government HIS HUMANE DISPOSITION. 321 the conspicuous gallantry of different officers and corps whose unwavering steadiness more than once saved the fortunes of the day. He would also express his high satisfaction with the conduct of the small command he left to hold Saltillo. Though not so seriously engaged as their comrades, their services were very important and efficiently rendered. While bestowing this just tribute to the good conduct of the troops, the general deeply regrets to say that there were not a few excep- tions. He trusts that those who fled ingloriously to Buena Vista, and even to Saltillo, will seek an oppor- tunity to retrieve their reputation, and to emulate the bravery of their comrades who bore the brunt of the battle, and sustained, against fearful odds, the honor of our flag. " The exultation of success is checked by the heavy sacrifice of life which it has cost, embracing many offi- cers of high rank and rare merit. While the sympa- thies of a grateful country will be given to the bereaved families and friends of those who nobly fell, their illus- trious example will remain for the benefit and admira- tion of the army." Glorious as have been General Taylor's military ex- ploits, they have reflected less real honor upon his name than the humanity he has on all occasions shown, as well for his own soldiers as for the enemy, and the kindness of heart and remarkable delicacy of feeling that characterize all his acts. The following letter of condolence to Mr. Clay on the death of his son, Lieu- tenant-Colonel Clay, who fell at Buena Vista, is fraught with sentiments warm from the heart, and is conceived in language as beautiful as it is feeling. It has been, as it deserved to be, printed in letters of gold. My Dear Sir : — You will no doubt have received 322 LETTER OF CONDOLENCE TO MR. CLAY. before this can reach you, the deeply distressing intel- ligence of the death of your son in the battle of Buena Vista. It is with no wish of intruding upon the sanc- tuary of parental sorrow, and with no hope of adminis- tering any consolation to your wounded heart, that I have taken the liberty of addressing you these few lines ; but I have felt it a duty which I owe to the memory of the distinguished dead, to pay a willing tri- bute to his many excellent qualities, and while my feel- ings are still fresh, to express the desolation which his untimely loss, and that of other kindred spirits, has oc- casioned. I had but a casual acquaintance with your son, until he became for a time, a member of my military family, and I can truly say that no one ever won more rapidly upon my regard, or established a more lasting claim to my respect and esteem. Manly and honora- ble in every impulse, with no feeling but for the honor of the service and of the country, he gave every assurance that in the hour of need I could lean with confidence upon his support. Nor was I disappointed. Under the guidance of himself and the lamented McKee, gallantly did the sons of Kentucky, in the thickest of the strife, uphold the honor of the state and the country. A grateful people will do justice to the memory of those who fell on that eventful day. But I may be permitted to express the bereavement which I feel in the loss of valued friends. To your son I felt bound by the strongest ties of private regard, and when I miss his familiar face, and those of McKee and Hardin, I can say with truth, that I feel no exultation in our success LETTER TO EX-UOVEKXOK LINCOLN. 323 With the expression of my deepest and most heart- felt sympathies for your irreparable loss, I remain, Your friend, Z. TAYLOR. Equally honorable to the illustrious hero of Resaca de la Palma, Monterey and Buena Vista, is the follow- ing letter to Ex-Governor Lincoln, of Massachusetts, the life of whose son, like Colonel Clay's, is part of the price paid by the country for the glory won by our arms in Mexico. The letter to which this is an answer, was written immediately upon receipt of the painful tidings of the death of Captain Lincoln, and of course before any certain and responsible information had been received from officers in the arm}-. The letter is in the soothing and delicate strain that pervades other similar communications from the great and amiable general, showing, that while he has courage for a thousand battles, his noble heart is more deeply touched by the fall of one brave and accom- plished officer than by all the triumphs of the war. Sir : — Your letter of the 4th ult., in relation to the remains and effects of your much lamented son, Cap- tain George Lincoln, has safely reached me. I beg leave to offer my heart-felt sympathies with you in the heavy affliction which has befallen you in the death of this accomplished gentleman. In his fall, you have been bereaved of a son of whom you might be most justly proud, while the army has lost one of its most gallant soldiers. It is hoped, however, that your deep grief will be assuaged in some degree in the proud re- flection that he fell nobly upon the field of battle, while gallantly discharging the duties of his profession. 14 324 HIS CARE FOR THE SLAIN. I learn upon inquiry that the body of your son was carefully removed from the field, immediately after his death, and that it was decently interred by itself. Its identity is therefore a matter of certainty. His effects are understood to have been collected with due care, and are now under the direction of General Wool. I shall take an early occasion to convey your wishes on this subject to that ofhcer, with the request that he will be kind enough to put the remains and effects, carefully prepared for transportation, en route for New York or Boston, by the first safe opportunity, and that he give you, at the same time, due notice thereof I am, Sir, with great respect, Your ob't serv't, Z. TAYLOR. Everything that serves to throw any light upon the character and opinions of a man whose name has recently been rendered illustrious by deeds which find few parallels in the history of the world, or that relates to any of his military achievements, will be read with avidity by the American people. With this view, the following private letter to a friend in Louisiana is given. It will be perceived that he refers to the movement of the people in various parts of the country in favor of his nomination for the presidency, with the delicacy of a truly great mind, and also relates some of the events of the battle of Buena Vista, that have not pre- viously been dwelt upon. He does not profess, how- ever, to give a minute description of the battle ; but he presents in a clearer and more authentic shape, the grandeur of the resistance made to the overwhelming AN INTERESTING PRIVATE LETTEB. U2~) forces of the enemy, and the vastness of the responsi- bility assumed in giving and maintaining the battle. Stripped of his most effective men, surrounded by armies four times larger than his own, and in the heart of the enemy's country, the gallant old soldier main- tained his ground and obtained a victory when even his own officers counselled a retreat. It is dated at Agua Nueva, on the 4th of March, eight days after his decisive victory over the Mexican legions : My Dear General : — Your very acceptable and interesting letter of the 15th November last, reached me on the 24th of December, whjje on the march from Monterey to Tampico ; but the np'.ure of my duties since then (being most of the time in the saddle,) in addition to other matters, has prevented me from replying to it till the present moment. Be assured, my dear sir, I have not since then lost sight of it or your- self; and I feel highly gratified for the flattering man- ner in which you have noticed the conduct of the offi- cers and soldiers who marched with me from the Rio Grande to Monterey, and compelled that place to sur- render after much hard fighting, as they fully merited the handsome encomiums you have thought proper to bestow on them. For this you have my sincere thanks. I was aware of the report, as well as statements in a few of the public journals, that it was intended by certain individuals to bring General Butler forward as the successor to Mr. Polk, which gave me no concern, and would not, even had it been the case, which I did not credit, and which had been forgotten. I doubt if the subject would have again crossed my mind, had it not been brought to my notice by you or some one else. I have never heard him or his friends allude to this matter. He (the general), in consequence of his 326 REFERENCE TO THE PRESIDENCY. wound not healing, which gave him so much pain as to render him unfit for duty, left a short time since, by advice of his medical attendant, for New Orleans, where I hope lie has arrived in safety, and where I truly hope he will very soon recover so as to be able to take the field once more. I may observe that I have been also named as a candidate for that high office, the presidency, by a few newspaper editors and others, which has been done without my knowledge, wishes, or consent. This I have assured all who have written me on the subject ; assuring them I had no aspirations for that or any other civil office ; *hat my whole energies, mental and physical, were, and had been absorbed in such a way as I thought best calculated to brincr this war to a speedy and honorable close, believing it was for the interest of both countries — at any rate so far as ours was concerned ; and that president making should be lost sight of until this was accomplished. I retraced my steps to Monterey, where I arrived towards the latter part of the month of January, and where I expected to remain some time to recruit my- self and horses ; but a few days after my arrival I received information from the command in my front, at Saltillo, sixty-five miles in the direction of San Luis Potosi from Monterey, that the command — between four and five thousand strong — under General Wool, had become very much alarmed in consequence of about one hundred picked men and horses, belonging to the Kentucky and Arkansas regiments of mounted men, who were sent out towards San Luis to gain intelligence respecting the enemy, and watch their move- ments, having been taken ; being surrounded in the night, and all made prisoners, by a large force of cav- REASONS FOB LEAVING AUlTA NUEVA. 327 airy, about fifty miles in advance of Saltillo. So said one of the party who succeeded in making his escape the next night, ana getting back to Saltillo ; also that the Mexican army was advancing in great numbers towards Saltillo. These reports induced me to join my advance imme- diately. Leaving Monterey on the 31st January, I reached Saltillo on the morning of the 2nd February, with a small reinforcement, which increased my force to five thousand, when I lost no time in moving for- ward and establishing a camp at this place, for the pur- pose of carrying on a system of instruction, as well as to watch the movements of the enemy, and where I expected to fight him should he move on Saltillo. Here I remained until the 21st, examining the several passes through the mountains — at which time I ascertained that General Santa Anna was advancing and near to hand with an overwhelming force. Not exactly liking my position, having ascertained that he could gain my rear by two roads on my right and one on my left, and not deeming it prudent to divide my forces, and having apprehensions about my supplies, which were in Saltillo, I determined at once to fall back towards that place about twelve miles, and occupy a strong position between two spurs of a moun- tain with a narrow valley between them, where at one point the road is so narrow as to permit the passage of only one wagon at a time, with deep gullies running up to the mountains, washed by the rains so as to pre- vent horses or carriages from passing them without great difficulty. Said position had been closely exam- ined by the topographical engineers, under the eye of General Wool, before my arrival, who deemed it admi- rably adapted to resist a large army with the small 328 THE ATTACK. force which composed our strength. We therefore fell back and occupied it on the evening of the 21st, and at once made the necessary preparations for giving battle. The next day the enemy madd his appearance early in the day, and, after reconnoitring our position for some time, at 2 o'clock, p. m., I received by a staff offi- cer with a flag, a communication from General Santa Anna, requiring me to surrender at discretion ; stating that in the event of my doing so we should be well treated ; that he had surrounded me with more than twenty thousand men ; that resistance was out of the question — and if I attempted it, my command would be put to rout and must be destroyed. In reply, I stated I could not comply with his demand, and he was at liberty to commence operations whenever he was inclined to do so. Soon after this, the action was com- menced with his skirmishers on our left, which was promptly met by our left, and continued without inter- mission, on the side of the mountain, until dark. In the morning at sunrise he renewed the contest with an overwhelming force — with artillery, infantry and dragoons — which lasted with slight intermissions until dark. A portion of the time the conflict was much the severest I have ever witnessed, particularly towards the latter part of the day, when he (Santa Anna) brought up his reserve, and in spite of every effort on our part, after the greatest exertions I have ever witnessed on both sides, drove us by an immense superiority of numbers for some distance. He had at least five to one at that point against us. Fortunately, at the most critical moment, two pieces of artillery which I had ordered up to support that part of our line, met our exhausted men retreating, when they were brought into battery and opened on the enemy, then A CRITICAL MOMENT. 329 within fifty yards in hot pursuit, with canister and grape, which brought him to a halt and soon compelled him to fall back. In this tremendous contest we lost three pieces of artillery, nearly all the men having been killed or crippled, which put it out of our power to bring them off; nor did I deem it advisable to attempt to regain them. The enemy made his principal efforts against our flanks. He was handsomely repulsed on our right, but succeeded early in the day in gaining our left, in consequence of the giving way of one of the volunteer regiments, which could not be rallied, with but few exceptions, the greater portion retiring about a mile to a large rancho or farm-house, where our w r agons and a portion of our stores were left. These were soon after attacked by the enemy's cavalry, who were repulsed with some loss. For several hours the fate of the day was extremely doubtful ; so much so that I was urged by some of the most experienced officers to fall back and take a new position. This I knew it would never do to attempt with volunteers, and at once declined it. The scene had now become one of the deepest interest. Between the several deep ravines,- there were portions of level land from one to four hundred yards in extent, which became alternately points of attack and defence, after our left was turned, by both sides. These extended along and near the base of the mountain for about two miles, and the struggle for them may be very appro- priately compared to a game of chess. Night put a stop to the contest, and strange to say, both armies occupied the same positions they did in the morning before the battle commenced. Our artillery did more than wonders. 330 THE ENEMY RETREAT. We lay on our arms all night, as we had done the two previous ones, without fires, there being no wood to be had, and the mercury below the freezing point, ready and expecting to renew the contest the next morning; but we ibund at daylight the enemy had retreated during the night, leaving his killed and many of his wounded for us to bury and take care of — carry- ing off everything else, and taking up a position at this place. We did not think it advisable to pursue, not knowing whether he would renew the attack, continue his retreat, or wished to draw us from our strong posi- tion ; but contented ourselves with watching his move- ments closely. Finding, on the 26th, he had renewed his retreat, early in the morning of the 27th the army was put in motion for this place, where we arrived about 3 p. m., their rear-guard, consisting of cavalry, leaving as our advance got in sight. I at once determined on harassing his rear ; but on examining the state of the men and horses, I found that five days and nights marching, incessant watching, and sixteen hours hard fighting, had so exhausted the first and broken down the latter, it was next to impossi- ble to accomplish anything without rest. We remained quiet here until the 2nd instant, when I pushed a com- mand on the San Luis road to a large plantation called Encarnacion, where we found between two and three hundred wounded in the most wretched condition, besides those they carried with them and left here and on the field. Here we took about ten prisoners, the main part of their army having proceeded on in the direction of San Luis in a very disorganized condition. On the 22nd the enemy threw in our rear, through the passes of the mountains, two thousand cavalry, and early in the morning of the next day, the 23rd, A IlEASONABLE HOrE. 331 made demonstrations against Saltillo, and throughout the day. They succeeded at one time in cutting off the communication between the city and battle ground, and making several prisoners, but were driven away by the officer commanding in the city, with two pieces of artillery, covered by about sixty men. They, how- ever, while in possession of the road, prevented a good many from running off to the city, to which place about two hundred of our men had succeeded in get- ting, previously to the cavalry occupying the road — ■ they, the runaways, reporting that our army was beaten and in full retreat. The loss on both sides was very great, as you may suppose — enough so on ours to cover the whole country with mourning, for some of the noblest and purest of the land have fallen. We had two hundred and forty killed and five hundred wounded. The enemy has suffered in still greater numbers, but as the dead and wounded are scattered all over the country, it is diffi- cult to ascertain their number. The prisoners who have fallen into our hands, between two and three hundred — enough to exchange for all that have been taken from us, — as well as some medical officers left behind to take care of the wounded, say that their killed and wounded is not less than fifteen hundred, and they say perhaps more. I hope the greater portion of the good people of the country will be satisfied with what we have done on this occasion. I flatter myself that our compelling a Mexican army of more than twenty thousand men, completely organized and led by their chief magistrate, to retreat, with less than five hundred regulars and about four thousand volunteers, will meet their appro- 14* 332 THEIR ARMY ROUTED. val. I had not a single company of regular infantry; the whole was taken from me. I was truly gratified to learn that the chief magis- trate of your state had conferred on you the rank of brigadier-general of the militia, and had hoped that the President of the United States would have called you into service as such with the new regiments, and hope he may yet do so, as I need hardly repeat the pleasure it would give me to be associated with you in carrying on this war. The road to the city of Mexico from here is now open, and we only want a few thou- sand regulars, in addition to the volunteers, to enable us to reach that place. What effect our late battle will have on >Sunta Anna and the Mexican Congress, time must determine ; but I sincerely hope it will lead to peace. One thing is certain ; their principal army has become demolished, and it will be very difficult for them to raise and equip another. I much fear I have spun out this long, and to you uninteresting epistle, beyond your patience even to wade through it ; but I have the consolation to know that you are not compelled to read the whole or any part of it. I wiii conclude by desiring you to present me most respectfully to your excellent lady, as well as to my friend Colonel Nicholas, and accept my sincere wishes for the continued health and prosperity of you and yours through a long life. With respect and esteem, Your friend, Z. TAYLOR. The loss of officers in General Taylor's gallant division, in the battle of Buena Yista, sixty-five in number, exhibits a proportion and result unparalleled SKETCH OF MARTYR? AT BUENA VISTA. 333 in any battle on record, which we can now call to mind. General Taylor's effective force was about five thousand rank and file ; and allowing one commissioned officer to twenty men, the startling conclusion is arrived at, that our loss of commissioned officers in this san- guinary engagement, amounted to one-fourth of the whole number on the field. If the loss of the rank and file had been proportioned to that of officers, it would exceed one thousand two hundred men. This immense loss of officers indicates the most chivalrous daring on their part. Colonel Clay was a graduate at West Point, where he distinguished himself by every quality demanded by his profession. He was about forty } r ears of age ; and was in every way worthy the glorious stock from which he sprung. Accomplished, gentle, generous, and brave, he added to those merits the highest moral qualities, and was regarded by all who knew him with esteem, and by his relatives and friends with the warmest and proudest affection. Colonel J. J. Hardin was a nephew of Henry Clay, and known throughout the nation as an active and able member of Congress, from Illinois. He declined a re-election from a desire to join the armies of his coun- try ; and whether as a civilian or a soldier, won, by his noble qualities, the confidence and esteem of all parties. Colonel Yell was also a member of Congress, repre- senting Arkansas. He was a true patriot, and resigned his seat for the higher privilege of fighting the battles of his country. His letters from the seat of war have excited much attention. Colonel McKee, commanding the regiment to which Mr." Clay was attached, was extensively connected and highty esteemed in Ken- tucky. His loss will be generally lamented in the west, where he was justly cherished. Captain Lincoln, 334 APPEARANCE OF THE EXEMY. of Massachusetts, was of the regular army, and acted in the staff of General Wool at the time of his death. He was breveted for his courage and conduct at Resaca de la Palma, and was an officer of great daring and merit. He was with Taylor in his successful charge upon the Mexicans after the force of General Wool had been thrown into confusion ; and was slain by a spent ball. A writer from Saltillo describes the following scene : The first view that we caught of the enemy was when they had turned the left flank of our lines, and were pursuing the flying infantry and horsemen. Column after column succeeded until they formed a dense mass, numbering something like twelve thousand men. No words can convey to you even a faint idea of their imposing appearance. Their arms, brilliantly burnish- ed, reflected a million of times the dazzling rays of the sun — their rich and gaudy uniforms stood out in bold relief against the soiled and tattered garments of the " suffering volunteers" — their lancers, drawn up in beautiful style, numbering from two to three thousand, and in lines, the beauty of which the most accurate military observer could have found no fault with ; and, added to this, that they were, for the time, victors, I assure you we did not look upon them with contempt. But when the quick, sharp ringing of our rifles sounded the death-kneil of score after score of them, three hearty Mississippi cheers told full well that no cowardly fear paralyzed that little band. Rushing on, our small force would have scattered the retreating foe in all directions over the death-strewn field, had not our watchful leader, Colonel Davis, perceived that we were about to be surrounded by an overpowering force, and ordered us to retire and rally, INSTANCES OF TAVLOU d HUMANITY. 335 Here an amusing circumstance took place. Major Bradford — who is probably the most impetuously brave officer who ever drew a sword — perceived us retiring, and thought we were defeated. He dismounted from his horse and followed on slowly after us, exclaiming — " Shoot me ! Shoot me !" Some one called out — " What the d — l's the matter, major ?" "Ah, kill me ! The Mississippi regiment has run, and I don't want to live another minute I" But the gallant major was quickly undeceived, for we soon re-formed, and although our ranks were terri- bly thinned by the killed and wounded, yet again was heard the deep voice of the noble Davis, " Forward ! Guide centre ! March /" The command was repeated by fifty voices, and with more steadiness and precision than the careless fellows were ever known to evince on a drill, they returned to the bloody contest. What a contrast the humane conduct of General Taylor presents, when compared with the bloody atro- cities of the Mexicans. His kindness to the wounded among his enemies, is equal to that which he mani- fested towards his soldiers. It occurred that a body of Mexican infantry, about a thousand strong, had become detached from Santa Anna's army, and were being mowed down with terrible slaughter. General Taylor sent Mr. Crittenden with a flag, to say to them if they would surrender he would stop killing them. When Mr. Crittenden got among them, he was taken by them to Santa Anna with his eyes blindfolded. This he remonstrated against without effect. When he was brought to Santa Anna, he was asked his mis- sion. He said he had no message for him ; that he was pent toaka detached force to surrender, to save 336 THE H0RR0R3 OF WAR. the effusion of blood, and as his errand was unsuccess- ful, he demanded to be sent back to his general. As an instance of the desperation with which both armies fought, Mr. Crittenden, when asked whether the Mexicans had taken three pieces of ordnance from us, as Santa Anna reported, replied in the affirmative ; and said that the guns were not given up until every man at them was shot down, and every horse killed near them ; and, moreover, that in bearing them off, the Mexicans suffered a loss of some six hundred men. They interfered madly between the retreating guns and our men, seeking to regain them. These guns were a part of Captain Washington's battery, under the com- mand of Lieutenant O'Brien. Lieutenant O'Brien was wounded before his guns were taken, and, when reporting his loss to General Taylor, .was complimented for his bravery — it was no fault of his. Captain Wash- ington was in another part of the field, and sustained himself with great coolness and intelligence, as did Captains Bragg and Sherman, with their respective batteries — in all but fourteen guns. After the battle, says an eye-witness, I rode over the whole field. Parties were engaged in burying the dead — but there were still hundreds of bodies lying stiff and cold, with no covering save the scanty rem- nant of clothing which the robbers of the dead found too valueless to take from them. I saw the human body piercea in every place. I saw expressed in the faces of the dead almost every expression and feeling. Some seemed to have died execrating their enemies, and cursing them with their last breath — others had the most placid and resigned expression and feeling. Some seemed to have died defending their lives bravely to the last, while others evidently used their last words AX AFFECTING BPECTACL1 , 337 in supplicating for mercy. Here lay youth and mature age calmly reposing in untimely death. Passing on from this part of the bloody ground, I went over to the plain literally covered with the dead bodies of those who had so recently been our foes. This scene was horrible enough, God knows — but was divested of some of its horrors by the fact, that not one of the Mexican soldiers was either robbed or strip- ped of his clothing, nor was there the least appearance of the bodies having been abused after having been wounded. This, indeed, speaks much for the " barba- rous volunteers of the United States of the North," as the Mexicans style us. Among the hundreds of dead whom I saw there, I was much touched by the appearance of the corpse of a Mexican boy, whose age I should think, could not have exceeded fifteen years. A bullet had struck him full in the breast, and must have occasioned almost instant death. He was lying on his back, his face slightly inclined to one side, and although cold, yet beaming with a bright and sunny smile, which elo- quently told the spectator that he had fallen with his face to his country's foe. Saltillo is one vast hospital. Besides our own wounded, (four or five hundred in number.) General Taylor has collected all the wounded Mexicans who were left bij their army, and put them in the hospital. Lieutenant Corwine gives the following interesting sketch of General Taylor on the battle field of Buena Vista : By way of illustrating an important character- istic of General Taylor, to wit, determination, I will briefly relate a scene that occurred on the battle ground of Buena Vista, during the action of the 23d. At the time when the fortunes of the day seemed extremely 338 TAYLOR ,ON THE BATTLE FIELD. problematical — when many on our side even despaired of success — old Rough and Ready, as he is not inaptly styled, whom you must know, by-the-bye, is short, fat and dumpy in person, with remarkably short legs — took his position on a commanding height, overlooking the two armies. This was about three, or perhaps four o'clock in the afternoon. The enemy, who had succeeded in gaining an advantageous position, made a fierce charge upon our column, and fought with a desperation that seemed for a time to insure success to their arms. The struggle lasted for some time. All the while, General Taylor was a silent spectator, his countenance exhibiting the most anxious solicitude, alternating between hope and despondency. His staff, perceiving his perilous situation, (for he was exposed to the fire of the enemy,) approached him and implored him to retire. He heeded them not. His thoughts were intent upon victory or defeat. He knew not at that moment what the result would be. He felt that that engagement was to decide his fate. He had given all his orders, and selected his position. If the day went against him, he was irretrievably lost ; if for him, he could rejoice in common with his countrymen, at the triumphant success of our arms. Such seemed to be his thoughts — his determination. And when he saw the enemy give way, and retreat in the utmost confusion, he gave vent to his pent up feel- ings. His right leg was quickly disengaged from the pommel of the saddle, where it had remained during the whole of the fierce encounter — his arms, which were calmly folded over his breast, relaxed their hold — his feet fairly danced in the stirrups, and his whole body was in motion. It was a moment of the most intense interest. His face was suffused with tears. ARRIVAL OF MEXICAN DISPATCHES. o^.J The day was won — the victory complete — his little army saved from the disgrace of a defeat, and he could not refrain from weeping for joy at what had seemed to so many, but a moment before, as an impossible result. Long may the noble and kind-hearted old hero live to enjoy the honors of his numerous brilliant vic- tories, and many other honors that a grateful country will ere long bestow upon him. After the battle of Buena Vista, many of the Mexi- cans who were taken prisoners stated that they had not eaten anything for three days previous to the battle ; that the army of Santa Anna was in a state of utter destitution ; and that unless he could get supplies in four days, his army would disband, or that they must inevitably starve. Paymaster J. B. Butler says : " General Santa Anna is really to be pitied. His men are a wretched set. He had twice, during the battle, to interpose his lancers to prevent desertion, and they shot down some fifty at each time, before he could pre- vent the flight of his infantry. The information comes from prisoners who deserted as soon as exchanged, and came into General Taylor's camp. They report that Santa Anna is destitute of all kinds of provisions, and that he cannot keep them together." It may be recollected that some time since a corres- pondent at Saltillo, informed us of a great excitement, occasioned there by the arrival of two Mexican officers from San Luis, with dispatches to General Taylor. They were supposed to be propositions for peace, but turned out to be solemn inquiries whether it was the general's intention " to conduct the war according to the manner adopted by the Camanches." The wrath of General Taylor at this preposterous insolence of the Mexicans was described as ludicrous, but we have 340 GENERAL TAYLOR's REPLY. never seen his reply till now. In the Mexican papers lately received the whole correspondence is gwen in Spanish. The letter to General Taylor was from General Moray Villamil, and dated the 10th of May. The letter is long, and we have no idea of translating it, and the impudence of it was not a whit exaggerated. The nature of it will be sufficiently disclosed by Gene- ral Taylor's reply, which we translate, although we feel what injustice his terse and manly style will suffer by the double translation. The letter is said to be dated : Headquarters, Near Monterey, > May 19, 1847. $ Sir — I received yesterday your communication of the 20th instant, which informs me that you are in- structed by the President Substitute of the Republic to address me, with a view to demand from me a catego- rical reply — " whether my wishes and my instructions are to prosecute the war in conformity to the laws of nations, and as war is conducted by civilized countries, or as barbarous tribes carrying it on among themselves, it being understood, that Mexico is disposed and re- solved to accept the manner which is proposed or Car- rie I out, and awaits the result in order to dictate its measures accordii!'. If these instructions were not communicated to me through an authority as highly respectable as yourself, i »uld refuse to believe they emanated from the 1 f Magistrate of the Re] containing, as in fact they do contain, in my judgment, an implied but not less deliberate insult towards me and towards the government which I have the honor to represent. Viewing them in this light, I shall decline giving f ho ;orical reply which is d smanded of me, which I GENERAL TAYLORS REPLY. 341 do with the respect due to his Excellency the i ident. - As you have thought fit to communicate to me the instructions of your government at some lei upon the manner in which the war has been carried on upon niv part, I improve this opportunity to make some remarks upon the subject. The outrages to which especial reference is made, came to my knowledge after they had been perpetrated, and I can assure you that neither yourself nor the President of the Republic can have felt deeper pain, than that which I felt on the occasion. All the means at my disposal, within the limits of our laws, were employed, but in the greater number of cases fruitlessly, to identify and punish the delinquents. I cannot sup- pose, that you have been so ill-informed, as to believe that such atrocities were committed by my connivance, order, or consent, or that they, by themselves, give an idea of the manner in whieh the war has been prose- cuted in this part of Mexico. They were in truth Unfortunate exceptions, caused by circumstances which I could not control. It appears to me in point, to inform you, that from the moment the American army set foot upon the ter- ritory of Mexico, it has suffered, individually, the loss of officers and soldiers, who have been assassinated by Mexicans, sometimes almost in sight of their own camp. An outrage of this character preceded the melancholy affair of Cat a via. I do not mention these truths with a view of justifying in any manner, the practice of retaliation, because my government is suffi- ciently civilized to make a distinction between the lawless acts of individuals, and the general ■ policy which governs the operations of an enemy ; but you 342 GENERAL TAYLOR'S REPLY. have endeavored to make a comparison between our respective governments in regard to the manner in which they conduct the war, which I cannot pass without remark. In this connection, it should be borne in mind that the Mexican troops have given to the world the example of killing the wounded upon the field of battle. As you have adverted to the requisition which I have made upon the people of these States to make indem- nity for the losses incurred by the destruction of one of our trains, I take the liberty of informing you that this was not the act of the Mexican troops exclusively, but that the rancheros of the country were chiefly concerned in it ; and that the subsequent assassination and mutilation of the unarmed teamsters were marked by an atrocious barbarity unparalleled in the present war. It is with pain that I find myself under the necessity of addressing you in a manner to which I am little accustomed ; but I have been provoked to do so by the object and the manner of your communication, which is objectionable, in my estimation, as well in its insinu- ations as in its tone. With respect to the implied threat of retaliation, I beg you to understand that I hold it at its true worth, and that I am at all times prepared to act accordingly, whatever may be the policy or mode of carrying on the war which the Mexican government or its generals may think it proper to adopt. I am, sir, with much respect, your obedient servant. The following anecdotes are told of the old general's coolness at Monterey : The first shot fired at Monterey was from one of the long culverines, aimed at General HIS COOLNESS AT MONTEREY. 313 Taylor himself', whilst reconnoitring. It struck a short distance in front of him and bounded over his head. " There ! I knew it would fall short of me," he calmly remarked. One anecdote of General Taylor at Monterey, told by his staff', has never appeared in print. In traversing the field of battle, it was necessary to cross a bridge which was constantly swept by the Mexican artillery. When approaching it, it was agreed that they (the general and his staff) should cross it singly at a gallop. Four had crossed thus, when it came the general's turn. Just as he reached the mid- dle of the bridge, and when the balls were showering around him, something going wrong in another part of the field attracted his attention. Stopping his horse, much to the discomfiture of those following him, he deliberately took out and arranged his spy -glass, satis- fied himself, and then closing it, rode on. When General La Vega was introduced to General Taylor on the battle field, the latter shook him warmly by the hand, and addressed to him the following hand- some remarks : " General, I do assure you I deeply regret that this misfortune has fallen upon you. I regret it sincerely, and I take pleasure in returning you the sword which you have this day worn with so much gallantry ;" handing him at the same time the sword which General Vega had yielded to Captain May. The following anecdote illustrating the simple habits and republican tastes of this heroic, unassuming, and excellent man, is related by the committee who bore to him the sword presented by the citizens of New Orleans : " We presented ourselves at the opening of one of the tents, before which was standing a dragoon's horse, much used by hard service. Upon a camp-stool at our left, sat General , in busy conversation with a 344 HIS SIMPLE TASTES. hearty-looking old gentleman, sitting on a box, cush- ioned with an Arkansas blanket, dressed in Attakapas pantaloons and a linen roundabout, and remarkable for a bright flashing eye, a high forehead, a farmer look, and ' rough and ready' appearance. It is hardly neces- sary for us to say that this personage was General Taylor, the commanding hero of two of the most remarkable battles on record, and the man who, by his firmness and decision of character, has shed lustre upon the American arms. " There was no pomp about his tent ; a couple of rough blue chests served for his table, on which was strewn, in masterly confusion, a variety of official documents ; a quiet-looking, citizen-dressed personage made his appearance upon hearing the significant call of ' Ben,' bearing, on a tin salver, a couple of black bottles and shining tumblers, arranged around an earthen pitcher of Rio Grande water. These refresh- ments were deposited upon a stool, and we ' helped ourselves,' by invitation. We bore to the general a complimentary gift from some of his fellow-citizens of New Orleans, which he declined receiving for the pres- ent, giving at the same time a short but ' hard sense' lecture on the impropriety of naming children and places after men before they were dead, or of his re- ceiving a present for his services ' before the campaign, so far as he was concerned, was finished.' " With the highest possible admiration of the repub- lican simplicity of the manners and character of Gene- ral Taylor, we bade him good day, with a higher appre- ciation of our native land, for possessing such a man as a citizen, and of its institutions for moulding such a character." Nothing, it is said, annoys General Taylor more than ANECDOTES OF HIM. to have Mexicans come to him and address him in Spanish. During the year he has been in this coun- try ,Jie has learned but one word of Spanish, and that is vamos ; the imperative plural of go — begone. One day, while encamped at Saltillo, being very busy in his tent, a Mexican came up and commenced uttering n long complaint in Spanish. The old general turned to Major Bliss and asked — " What in heaven's name does the man want?" Major Bliss explained that the Mis- sissippians appeared to be taking wood from his house. Now, the Mississippi regiment was a favorite of the general's, and as they had always conducted them- selves well, he was in an unfortunate mood to hear complaints against them. So, waving his hand towards the Mexican, he told him to " huebos, hitebos, huebos ;" [eggs, eggs, eggs !] He had heard some one use the word, a minute before, and took it for his favorite word vamos. When General Taylor, in January last, ar- rived here from Monterey, he encamped near town, but was not pleased with the location for an encamp- ment. So speaking on the subject with a number of officers that had called to pay their respects to him, he told them that in a few days he should move the whole army to agua ardiente, (the Mexican word for brandy.) He meant Agua Nueva. The general had occasion to visit Point Isabel, after the battle of Buena Vista ; and the captain of the steamboat had reserved a suit of state-rooms for the general's accommodation. There were several sick and wounded volunteers on the boat, en route for New Orleans, who had to take the wayfare incident to a crowded boat, and particularly so on this occasion. General Taylor soon saw all this, and at once ordered these men to be placed in his state-rooms and proper 346 ANECDOTES. attention paid them. It was rather a cold rainy day when this occurred. The deck hands and many others on the boat, did not know General Taylor. The wind blew high, and the firemen had raised a sail in front of the boilers to protect themselves from the rain ; and under this sail there were some old mattresses : here General Taylor laid down and went to sleep. At sup- per-time great inquiries were made for the general, and servants sent off to look him up. But he could not be found ! At last some one going below inquired of a fireman if he had seen such and such a man. The fireman said no, but added, " there is a clever old fel- low asleep there under the sail in front of the fire !" It was General Taylor. Yes, sweet indeed must be the sleep of such a man, who has the heart to change places with the poor sick soldier, as Taylor did on this occa- sion ; — such humanity stands out in bold relief, and greatly mitigates the evils incident to war. A correspondent of the Pennsylvania Inquirer relates the following anecdote of the commander of the army : " This morning I heard a little incident respecting General Taylor, which, at the present time, will be interesting. During the Florida campaign, a certain young officer, after receiving his commission, was ordered to join the army in that quarter. His first duty was, of course, to report himself to General Tay- lor. After a very tedious journey, however, through the woods, our officer arrived at a small shanty called a tavern, about fifty miles from head-quarters, where he thought proper to stay three days. There were only two visitors there besides himself. One of them, an oldish, shabby-looking man, with a black hat, minus part of the crowi , and a piece of twine for a ribbon, was very inquisitive, and among other things asked our ANECDOTES. 347 officei what excuse he intended to make for his delay in reporting himself to the general. " ' Oh,' said the officer, ' they say Taylor is a very easy old soul, and I can easily make up an excuse.' On going to bed that night, the officer asked the land- lord who that impudent, inquisitive old fellow was? ' Why,' said the host, ' don't you know General Tay- lor ?' About an hour afterwards, at midnight, the tramp of a horse's feet was heard, making large tracks towards head-quarters." The night of the 23d of February last was one of most intense anxiety to the participators in the bloody fight of Buena Vista. After twelve hours of obstinate lighting, with final result yet unknown, nothing but water having passed the lips of those gallant men for the last twelve hours, the flower of their respective corps dead or wounded, and the certainty of a renewal of the onslaught the next day, it is hard to imagine a period more calculated to "try men's souls" than that night. After the cessation of the fight, came the lassi- tude superinduced by the extraordinary excitement of the day ; men fell exhausted, and bivouacked in the line — " the weary to rest and the wounded to die." The depression of physical energy was . so great, that neither hunger nor danger could incite them; that bloody field was at 8 o'clock as silent as the grave. It can hardly be surmised what were the feelings of that " great old man" upon contemplating the results of that day's work. No officer sought repose, and the camp fires, which on other occasions had been the scene of jest and merriment, were now still, and the deep anx- iety depicted on the faces of the various groups of officers, impressed you with a solemnity foreboding ill, that was truly painful. All eyes were turned ever and 15 348 ANECDOTES. anon to the tent of one upon whom all their hopes were placed, but not a light, not a movement could be discerned. The occasion made that single tent an ob- ject of intense solicitude. Some wondered if he was alone ; others would have given their earthly wealth to s have known the thoughts, the hopes, the wishes, the intentions of the old hero ; but all was dark and silent as the tomb. Captain L., of the topographical engi- neers, had visited the battle-ground at night. He had made some discoveries he thought important to be communicated immediately to the commander-in-chief. On approaching the general's quarters, he overtook his servant, who had been attending to his master's cav- alry, and inquired if the " old man" was alone and awake. " / 'spec he fast asleep, captain, for he eat a monstrous hearty supper, and when he eat a big supper ke sleep berry hard and sound, and I reckon you wont see de old hos' fore 4 o'clock in de mornin. Listen, you hear him snore clean out here." When the cap- tain made a report of this last reconnoissance, joy and satisfaction were diffused through the camp. They knew that all was safe. Among the volunteers was a "gentleman's son" — a full private, who, heartily sick of rainy weather, mud, and no shelter, first went to his captain with his com- plaints ; but meeting with no particular sympathy, resolved to have a talk with General Taylor himself. Arrived at the commander's quarters, the general was pointed out to him, but he was rather incredulous. " That old fellow General Taylor? Nonsense!" Satis- fied, however, that such was even the case, he marched up, and rather patronizingly opened his business. " General Taylor, I believe." "Yes, sir." A GENTLEMAN VOLUNTEER. 3 i'J " Well, general, I'm devilish glad to see you — am, indeed." The general returned the civility. "General, you'll excuse me, but since I've been here I've been doing all I could for you — have, indeed ; but the fact is, the accommodations are very bad — they are, indeed ; mud, sir! bleeged to lie down in it, actu- ally ; and the fact is, general, I'm a gentleman's son, and not used to it !" The general, no doubt deeply impressed with the fact of having a gentleman's son in his army, expressed his regret that such annoyance should ever exist, under any circumstances, in a civilized army. " Well — but, general, what am I to do ?" " Why, really, I don't know, unless you take my place." "Well, now, that's civil — 'tis, indeed. Of course don't mean to turn you out, but a few hours' sleep — a cot, or a bunk, or anything — would be so refreshing ! Your place — where is it, general ?" " O, just drop down — anywhere about here — any place about camp will answer!" The look which the "gentleman's son" gave the general was rather peculiar. " Well, no wonder they call you ' Rough and Ready,' " said he ; and, amid the smiles of all but "Rough and Ready" himself, the "gentleman's son" returned to take his chance of the weather. It having been insinuated by some that Major Bliss was the author of General Taylor's dispatches, the Ha- gerstown, (Md.) Torch Light, administers a quietus to that idea, by the following fact, which the editor ob- tained from a gentleman who was a graduate of West Point, and a class and room-mate of Governor Davis, of Mississippi. General Taylor, without doubt, writes 350 taylok's ability in composition. his own dispatches, and a blessed time it will be for the printers, as well as everybody else, when the di- rect, concise, comprehensive missives of " Z. Taylor" issue from the White House : In conversation with General G , of the U. S. Army, now stationed at Washington, our friend asked the question, if Major Bliss did not write the dis- patches. The old general's eye sparkled with indigna- tion, and he replied that he had served with General Taylor upon thirteen courts-martial, and that he (Gen- eral Taylor) had been selected by each court to draw up its report, because of his superior ability in compo- sition — that all were willing to accede to him the fac- ulty of expressing in the clearest, strongest, and most forcible manner, the views of the court, and hence he was uniformly selected for this purpose. General G also stated, that in Florida a misunderstanding arose between General Twiggs and General Taylor, from a remark made by the latter in regard to some military operations of the former. A correspondence ensued, which proved perfectly satisfactory to General Twiggs. One of General Taylor's communications, in which he gave at large his views of the matter in dispute, reached Washington, and, General G re- marked, was regarded by the gentlemen of the army as one of the most powerful military productions they had ever seen. This communication seems to have fore- shadowed the dispatches, whose fame has spread over Europe and our country. One of the peculiarities of General Taylor's style of writing was also noted. In- stead of having, as is customary, a margin at the side of the sheet, General Taylor commences at the extreme limit, and fills the sheet so completely, that, as our in- formant observed, it is impossible to crowd in any- THE SPLENDOR OF TAYLOR S DEEDS. 351 where, even a little i. This seems to be one of the many peculiarities of " Rough and Ready." It has been the happy fortune of few men, of any age or any country, to have won so brilliant a military career by such a rapid succession of splendid and glo- rious achievements of arms; and to have established a fame upon so firm a basis, by a series of victories which throw so far into the shade the deeds of many of the most renowned warriors of ancient or modern times, as General Taylor has, by the rare wisdom, pru- dence, coolness and sagacity exhibited in all his oper- ations in Mexico ; and especially, by the gallantry, heroism, and chivalric courage displayed on the fields of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey and Buena Vista. In all these fiercely contested battles he has foucrht under such unfavorable circumstances, and against such overwhelming odds, always in number, and generally in discipline and military appointments, as no other general has ever encountered with such uniformly decisive success. No superiority of numbers, strength of position, or advantages in equipments and discipline, has ever, for a moment, deterred him from giving the enemy battle, or prevented him from marching straight onward to the object towards which all his energies have been bent, since he first encamped on the Rio Grande. And the country fully appreciates his almost superhuman efforts to sustain the honor of our arms. The public press of the nation has, with a unanimity never be- fore exceeded, resounded with his praises, and the peo- ple of the whole Union vie with each other in doing him honor. Congress, too, as well as the legislative bodies of most of the states, have passed votes of thanks for his remarkable services, and several of them have 352 HIS CHARACTER. presented him with other testimonials of their admira- tion for his character and gratitude for his efforts in defence of the nation. The legislature of the state of New York, amongst others, passed resolutions, ten- dering to him, and his officers and men, on behalf of their constituents, the thanks of the people of the state for their gallant conduct. They were transmitted to him by the governor, and elicited an appropriate ac- knowledgment. Soon after the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, he also had conferred upon him the rank of Brevet Major-General, and on the 27th of June he received the appointment of Major-General, which was unanimously confirmed by Congress, and was con- stituted commander-in-chief of all the American forces in Mexico ; and that position he held until Major- General Scott was ordered to that country, in Novem- ber, 1846. An intimate personal friend, one who has known him long and well, Colonel Humphrey Marshall of Kentucky, has, in the following extract of a speech delivered by him, at a barbecue given to the Kentucky volunteers, given the following discriminating sketch of General Taylor's character. Coming from such a source it cannot but prove highly interesting, as it may be relied on as authentic. After reading it, none will be surprised that a man possessing such high, rare and admirable traits of character as General Taylor does, should be so honored and loved by all brought into per- sonal relations with him : " My service in Mexico frequently brought me near to General Taylor, and I was industrious in my exam- ination of the actual character of the man whenever opportunity was presented. I have no motive to HIS CHARACTER. 353 deceive you, and you must take the impressions I received for what they are worth. The manner in which politicians, in this our day, are accustomed to speak of men, and especially of such as may be eleva- ted to political power, is so utterly extravagant, so profusely hyperbolical, that after they take hold of the character of General Taylor, no description I could give would be recognized as bordering on truth. Glowing oratory will seize the achievements of the general, and dress them off in all the frippery of meta- phor, and I doubt whether the man will be regarded, or whether he would know his own likeness. " I have seen the pictures of him in books, and pamphlets, and in prints. Some have the head of Na- poleon, others that of Caesar, and some are unlike any original I have ever beheld, but none like the general I know. So it will be with the pictures the politicians will execute. If I tried to express in the fewest words what manner of man General Taylor is, I should say, that, in his manners and his appearance, he is one of the common people of this country. He might be trans- ferred from his tent at Monterey to this assembly, and he would not be remarked among this crowd of re- spectable old farmers as a man at all distinguished from those around him. Perfectly temperate in his habits ; perfectly plain in his dress ; entirely unassuming in his manners, he appears to be an old gentleman in fine health, whose thoughts are not turned upon personal appearance, and who has no point about him to attract particular attention. In his intercourse with men, he is free, frank, and manly. He plays off none of the airs of some great men whom I have met. There is an artificial dignity some men wear, to add to a moral stature which conscience whispers to them may need 354 HIS CHARACTER. support from mannerism. Sonic, who would be deemed great, preserve their reputation by studied gravity, which seems to say — " I am Sir Oracle ; When I ope my mouth let no dog bark." But a close and critical examination of these always discovers fissures in the character fatally blemishing the perfection which they pretend to, and preserve the appearance of, by keeping at a distance from their peers. General Taylor is not of this class of great men. Any one may approach him as nearly as can be desired, and the more closely his character is examined the greater beauties it discloses. 1. He is an honest man. I do not mean by that merely that he does not cheat nor lie. I mean that he is a man who never dissembles and who scorns all dis- guises. He neither acts a part among his friends for effect, nor assumes to be what he is not. Whenever he speaks you hear what he honestly believes, and, whether right or wrong, you feel assured that he has expressed his real opinion. His dealings with men have been of a most varied character, and I never heard his honest name stained by the breath of the slightest reproach. 2. He is a man of rare good judgment. By no means possessed of that brilliancy of genius which attracts by its flashes, yet, like the meteor, expires even while you gaze upon it ; by no means enjoying that combination of talent which penetrates instantly the abstrusest subject, and measures its length and breadth as if by intuition ; General Taylor yet has that order of intellect, which more slowly but quite as surely, masters all that it engages and examines all the combi- HIS CHARACTER. 355 nations of which the subject is susceptible. vVnen he announces his conclusions, you feel confide:/* that he well understands the ground upon which he plants himself, and you rest assured that the conclusion is the deduction of skill and sound sense faithfully applied to the matter in hand. It is this order of mind which has enabled him, unlike many other officers of the army, to attend to the wants of his family, by so using the means at his disposal as to surround himself in his old age with a handsome private fortune, and to be blessed with an almost per- fect constitution. I would to-day prefer his advice in any matter of private interest — would take his opinion as to the value of an estate — would rather follow his suggestions in a scheme where property or capital was to be embarked, would pursue more confidently his counsel where the management of an army was involved, or the true honor of my country was at stake, than that of any other man I have ever known. I regard his judgment as being first rate at everything, from a horse trade up to a trade in human life upon the field of battle. 3. He is a firm man and possessed of great energy of character. It were a waste of time to dwell upon these traits of his character, for his military career has afforded such abundant examples of his exercise of these qualities, as to render them familiar to every citizen who has ever read or heard of the man. In his army they are daily exhibited, and stand conspicuously displayed in every order which emanates from his pen. 4. He is a benevolent man. This quality has been uniformly displayed in his treatment of the prisoners who have been placed in his power by the vicissitudes of war. No man who had seen him after the battle 356 HIS CHARACTER. of Buena Vista, as he ordered the wagons to bring in the Mexican wounded from the battle-field, and heard him as he at once cautioned his own men that the wounded were to be treated with mercy, could doubt that he was alive to all the kinder impulses of our nature. The indiscretions of youth he chides with paternal kindness, yet with the decision which forbids their rep- etition, and the young men of his army feel that it is a pleasure to gather around him, because they know that they are as welcome as though they visited the hearth- stone of their own home, and they are always as freely invited to partake of what he has to offer as if they were under the roof of a father. His conduct in spar- ing the deserters who were captured at Buena Vista, exhibited at the same time in a remarkable manner his benevolence and his judgment. " Don't shoot them," said he ; " the woi\st punishment I will inflict is to re- turn them to the Mexican army." When Napoleon said to one of his battalions, " inscribe it on their flag : ' No longer of the army of Italy,' " he used an expres- sion which was deemed so remarkable, that history preserved it for the admiration of future ages ; yet it was not more forcible as an illustration of his power in touching the springs of human action, than is that of General Taylor illustrative of the manner in which he would make an example for the benefit of the army. 5. He is a man of business habits. I never have known General Taylor to give up a day to pleasure. I have never visited his quarters without seeing evi- dences of the industry with which he toiled. If his talented adjutant was surrounded by papers, so was the general. And though he would salute a visitor kindly, and bid him with familiar grace to amuse him- HIS CHARACTER. 357 self until he was at leisure, he never would interrupt the duties which his station called him to perform. When these were closed for the day, he seemed to en- joy to a remarkable degree the vivacity of young offi- cers, and to be glad to mingle in their society. As a conversationist, I do not think General Taylor pos- sesses great power. He uses few words, and expresses himself with energy and force, but not fluently. His language is select. I would say, however, from my knowledge of the man, that he is entirely capable of producing anything in the shape of an order or letter, which has ever appeared over his signature ; and in saying so much, I understand myself as asserting that he is master of his mother tongue, and can write about as effectively and handsomely as he can fight. Such then is the picture of the man — not of the gen- eral — who won upon my esteem. I am not in the habit of eulogizing men, and have indulged on this oc- casion, because I desire to describe to you, with the exactness of truth, those qualities which, combined in General Taylor, made him appear to me as a first rate model of a true American character. Others will dwell upon the chivalry he has so often displayed, and his greatness so conspicuously illustrated upon the field of battle ; I formed my ideas of the man when he was free from duty, and had no motive to appear in any other light than such as was thrown upon him by nature, education, and principles. In personal appearance, General Taylor is described to be about five feet eight inches high, very thick set, rather inclining to corpulency, and slightly stoop-shoul- dered. He weighs about two hundred pounds, and has remarkably short legs in proportion to the length of his body, in consequence of which, he looks like a 358 HIS CHARACTER. much taller man than he really is, when in a sitting position. He has a fine head, high forehead, light, keen, penetrating eye, indicating uniform good-humor, and firm, compressed lips. His hair is almost white, his face care-worn, but extremely intelligent, and almost uniformly lit up with a benevolent smile. When speak- ing to any one he is in the habit of partly closing one eye, is extremely fond of a joke, and ever ready with a witty repartee, or a kind word for all who address him. He dresses, at all times, with great simplicity, utterly eschewing tight clothes, and even a military coat. He has an unconquerable dislike for a uniform, and generally is seen with a linen roundabout, cotton pantaloons, and a straw hat, in warm weather, and his celebrated brown overcoat, that protected him, during his Florida campaigns, in cold or rainy seasons. The most remarkable traits of General Taylor's character are the wisdom and foresight with which he lays his plans, the energy and promptness with which he executes them, and his firmness, decision and self- possession in the hour of trial. No emergency, how- ever unlooked-for or sudden, no danger, however im- minent and threatening, and no contingency, of what- ever nature, are ever able to throw him off his guard, or disturb his evenly balanced mind. He always proves himself equal to every emergency, and rises as the dangers that beset him increase ; and the resources of his mind are as inexhaustible as his will is indomita- ble and his courage unyielding. All his movements are characterized by the highest qualities of a soldier. Calm, sagacious, resolute, ready ; — with a boldness which never falters, a watchfulness never at fault, and a comprehensiveness of plan embracing all contingen- cies, he has won for himself the very highest military HIS MILITARY TALENTS. 35'.) renown which it has ever been the fortune of an Ame- rican soldier to reach. His letters and dispatches are models of military writing, not surpassed by the justly renowned " Wellington Dispatches." His manly asser- tion of his rights as the commanding general, shows him to be possessed of moral courage in as eminent a degree as he is of physical. It affords some relief to the horrors of this war, that it has brought out to the knowledge of the country, and the world, the fact that we possess a man and a soldier of such extraordinary merits. Great emergencies, it is said, produce great men. If they do not produce them, they at least bring them to light. So it has been in the unhappy war between us and a sister republic. A man of simple and unosten- tatious habits — who, though possessing great wealth chose to follow the profession of arms, and was satisfied with the common routine of military life, never thrust- ing himself into notice, but simply doing his duty in a quiet way — is by the force of circumstances brought prominently before the public, and is found to possess the highest military talents, and every other quality which men are accustomed to admire. In early life, and in humble rank, he successfully defended a Western fort against a superior force of the enemy. His modest dispatch recording the defence, had almost faded from remembrance. At a later period, a brilliant victory was won by him in the Florida war, and even with that we had almost ceased to be conversant. There was no crisis of public affairs, or essential risk of the national honor, to make these events of historical or political importance. In comparative retirement, or at most in the command of distant posts, the unaffected, though successful commander, passed away years of ^ 3r>0 his UArpy temperament. obscurity. We cannot tell whether this was congenial to his feelings or not ; but be this as it may, he knew how to " bide his time," and the want of such knowl- edge destroys the prospects and usefulness of many a really great man. How many of our most gifted public servants, im- patient of delay, have endeavored to control destiny itself, and create the events upon which their advance- ment depended. How many bright spirits have been shrouded in darkness, before they have reached even a mid-day career. General Taylor, fortunate in his philosophy as in his temperament, permitted events to take their course, tranquil in retirement, and calm even when forgotten. But all at once he develops the qualities of a great general. In the most critical situations his judgment foresees what his valor wins. No matter what may be the difficulties around him, he meets and overcomes them all. In strategy as well as hand to hand, he evinces superior skill, and when the nation almost gives him up for lost, again and again he sends back to it intelligence that he has conquered. In no page of our history do we find recorded four such hard fought battles, fought at such fearful odds, as those which have placed such laurels on the brow of General Taylor, and the brave troops under his command. The country is astonished to find it pos sesses such a man ! THE END.