. M32 M2 6 ° ^ " •» . o "=^ n ^ •" N>^ A ^. t^.' <'. ~m^. &0: V "\^, ^^^^^ \''m ^■?. ■^, r;.^ A V ^^0^ ^o^ Instituted in i 896. (auxiliary.) FIRST RECORDS OF Marlborough, MASSACHUSETTS. WORCESTER, MASSACHUSE'lTS : PUBLISHED BY FRANKLIN P. RICE, Trustee of the Fund. 1909. Gift JM 4 1S10 FIRST RECORDS OF MARLBOROUGH, This publication contains the first thirty pages of the Proprietors' Great Book of Records from 1656 to 1665. There appears to be a break in the Records after this until 1683. On page 3 8 and following will be found The Contents of Marl- borough Proprietors' Great Book to 1729, which will serve as an indication of the detail of the remainder of this volume. I am indebted to the City Clerk of Marlborough, Mr. Peter B. Murphy, for his kind permission to copy these Records, and for his intelligent interest in the work. I am also under obligation to Miss Mary E. Spalding for her painstaking care in copying the originals, and for her active aid in their preparation for publication in the New Eng- land Historical and Genealogical Register. FRANKLIN P. RICE. COLONIAL RECORDS OF MARLBOROUGH, MASS Copied by Mary E. Spalding FOR Franklin P. Rice BOSTON NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 1 909 Reprinted from the New England IIistoricai, and Genealogical Register Vols. 62 and 63 COLONIAL RECORDS OF MARLBOROUGH, MASS. 1656 35 To y** Hono'^'' Goveruour, Deputy Govei-no'', Magistrates, & Deputies of y^ Gener'^ Court now Assembled in Boston Tlie bumble Petition of severall of y^ Inbabitants of * ' Sudbury whose names are beere und^' written Humbly Sboweth That whereas yo"^ Petitio'® have lived divers yeares in Sud- bury & God hath beene pleased to increase o'^ Children w^*^ are now divers of them growne to mans Estate, & wee many of us, growne into yeares : so as y*^ wee should bee glad to see them setled before y** Lord take us away from hence, as also God haveing given us some considerable quantity of Cattle ; so y' wee are so streightned y* wee cannott so Com- fortably subsist, as could be desired ; & some of us haveing taken some paines to veiw the Country ; wee have found A place w*^*^ lyeth Westw*^^ about eight miles from Sudbury, w*^*^ wee conceive might bee comfortable for o'' Subsistance : Petition for ye It is therefore the humble request of yo^ Petition''* to this riautation : • hono"! Court : y* yo" would bee pleased to Graunt unto us— eight miles Square ; or so much Land as may containe to eight miles Square for to make A Plantation : If it shall please this houo"^ Court to graunt o*" Petition, It is farth^' then the request of yo'' Petition''^ to this houo'^''^ Court that yo" will bee pleased to appoint m'' Thomas Danforth or Lieften*^ ffisher to lay out the bounds of y" Plantation and wee shall sattisfy those whome this bono''* Court shall please to employ in it : So apprehending yo'' weighty occasio[n] wee shall not farther trouble this houo""^^ Court but sha[ll] ever pray for yo'" Happinesse Edmond Rice Thomas King John Ruddocke William Ward John How Peter Bent John Bent Sen'^ John Maynard Thomas Goodenow John AVoods Edward Rice Richard Newton Henry Rice That this is a true Coppy of an originall Petition presented to y'^ Generall Court May 1656: Lefte on file & thereto compared is Attest'' g'' Edward Rawson Secreta"^ Prop. Records. 1G60— Memorandum that when the town Book was deliuered by the Select men of Marlborough to Abraham williams Toun dark the 10th of October 1679 ther was written vpon f our- tene leavs on the first end of the book and twentie four vpon the later end of the Book — and no more abraham how John Brigham f Joseph Straten began to writ page (294) { as propriator Clerk in this Book ) first in ) oqq Abraham Williams began to writ i page ) as Proprietors Clerk in this ) then luck 1 op a Book Noixember the 6 : 1732 j back to page | And S* Abraham williams was Sworn to the faithfull Dis- charge of th*^ offis of Proprietors Clerk by Benj'* Woods Justice of y'' Piece Nouemb^'-1732 memorandum that the Reserved Land att fourt meadow is Recorded See Pag 115 Page 297 3 acres of Land accepted to westborough for a buring Place Nouember 10-1729 — And S*^' 3 acres is Re- corded In Page 369 by Joseph Straten Prot^^ Clerk Memorandum that John Rediates Jun"' house lot is Re- corded In the Day Book Page 69 Memorandum W Ward 151 Louck in Page 289 for Eclward Barnes hath paid [ ] Shilings for Common meadow Luck Jn Page 107 for acts about Pittches and see Page 194 for more Rules about the 4 diuision with- out Cow Commons A grarant of fourty Rods of land to Isaac Hayden Set up a work hous to Dress leather See Day Book Page 54 The ministreal land and meadow Recorded on Pag® 361 A Slij) of Land granted to mr Breck see Pag 191 Marlborough October the 9* 1679 51 We the Coiriitie of the Honoured Gen^^ Court in Obedienc to theire Order: bearing Date May 28: 1679: Haveing Given oppertunity to ffull hearing : of the Greiuances that haue been the Matters of Debate and Contention in aboue Named place (vpon Serious and Matture Deliberation, Do determin and Order as ffollows : — With refferenc to the Complaint of Edward Rice, if or want of his lust Interest in Asabah Meadow, we ffind the S^' Rice lustly blameable for his turbulant Opposing the Orders made by the fformer Coiliitee, yet for as much as the S'^ Issue was Grounded 1657 * This is ye In- dian name of A Hill A mile East- ward ofOckocan- gansett : • >5« That is in ye Records of the Genii Court : • vpon Sum Misinformation giueu them : as to vs doe no[tj Clearly appear, And that Samuel Ward and Abraham How : are possessed of two percels of s'' meadow : belonging to S^^ Rice, and others by a fformer Grant of y® Toun ffor a ffinall End of s'^ Controuersie, with the Consent of parties therein Concerned We doe Order that the abouesd Meadow shall be Deuided as follows, That is to Abraham How fiue Acres at the lowermost end thereof. And the Remainder to be Deuided between, the Reuerend M'" Brinsmead, the aboue Named Edward Rice and Samuel Rice in a lust pro- portion to theire Seuerall intrest (That is M'" Brinsmead 9 Edward Rice dh. Samuel Rice 3.4 : And that Recompenc be made to aboue sd Abraham How, And Samuel ward, to the full Vallu of the meadow taken away from them by vertue of this order, from of the Common lands of the town Either out of the Meadows not yet Deuided or Other lands, by the Sellect Men of the place forthwith. And in Case of Disagreement as to the plac wher the[y] Shall haue it, or the valine of what they part with, and of what they haue in Recompenc thereof, the Same to be Determined by Men indiferently chosen betwe[en] the sd parties and Sellect Men, Our Meaning herein is that they shall haue a fPuU Compensation of the Damag to them hereby Sustained, both as to the place wher they haue it, and qantity to them Allowed Signed by Tho : Danf orth At a General Court held at Boston the Joseph Dudley 15'^^ of October 1679 the Court Thomas Bratle aprons and Confirms the Return of Lauranc Hamond this Commitie That this is a true Coppie taken out of the Courts Record Attests Edward Rauson Secretary 3 55 Whereas there hath beene A differance be- ttweene m'^^ John Alcock ; and Edmond Rice John Ruddocke & John How of Sudbury, in behalf of themselves, & the rest of y'' late In- habitants of Sudbury, to whome the Gen" Court made A graunt of A Plantation, in or about* Whipsuppenicke, May 1656 as in •i< booke app^'^ In refferance to theire Mowe- ing of certaine parcells of Meadow belonging to the ffarme of the said John Alcocke, Granted & confirmed by y« s'^ Court ; It is^agreed by & bettwe[en] y® s*^ Parties as foUo^: ffirst y" s*^ John Alcocke doth heereby engage & promise (in case y*' Gen" Court shall confirme the Plantation laid out to the s^^ Inhabit"*^ of Sudbury, & that the s'^ Inhabit"'^ shall settle A Town there, & Compound with the Indians the luhabit"^^ there) Then y'^ s'^ John Alcocke shall & will relinquish & deliv^' up, the two hundred Acres w^" was laid out to him & by the Court confirmed within the com- passe of the prickt Lines within his plott to them, y« s'" Composition— Eclmo^ Rice, Jn" Ruddocke & Jn° How In behalf of them- cock"> "^"^ ^^' selves & the rest of y® luhabit^'^ of Sudbury belonging to y" new Plantation, at, or neare Whipsuppenicke to enioy to them, and theire heires forever : • In consideration whereof the said Edmo'^ Rice, Jn° Ruddocke & Jn° How, In behalf of themselves & y^ rest of the Inhabit"^^ belonging to y^ new Plantation at or neare Whipsuppenicke, doe ffirmely bind themselves their heires, Executo''*, Assignes, that hee the s*^ Jn° Alcocke his heires, & Assignes, shall from time to time, & at all times heere aff quietly enioy all y^ re- maind' of the ffarme granted to y" s'^ Jn° Alcock by the Gen'^ Court, without any Lett, Suite, trouble, molestation, Interest, or Claime & demaund whatsoever, from the s'^ Edmo^' Rice, Jn° Ruddocke, & Jn° How or any oth"" of the aboue mentond Plantation in or neare whipsuppenicke y*^ now are, or heereafter shall or may be there ; or any of theire heires or Assignes : In Witnesse whereof wee have heereunto sett o'" hands & Seales The twenty Seven of July one thousand six hundred fifty seven Sealed & dd in the Edmond Ric presence of us John Alcock John Ruddocke Elijah Corlette John How Edward Rawson This Instrument above written is Ackhowledged by John Alcock ; Edmond Rice, John Ruddocke, & John How to bee theire Act & deed the 27 : of luly 1657 before mee John Endicut Governo'" 1657 56 The 28 : of July 1657 Wee whose names are underwritten doe promise & engage o'" selves o'' heires Executo''s. Assignes forever, to Secure rpi p .• t •■ ^"^ Edmond Rice John Ruddock, & John How, & theire eno-ao-en't for Heires, Executo''^ & Assignes from all or any dang"^ or those yt stand damage y* may or shall come, or happen on the persons & aTcocU°:!"'""^''° Estates of the afforeifi Edmo'^ Rice, Jn" Ruddocke & Jn° How, theire heires, Executo"'® & Assignes by vertue of y® Bond wherein they are bound to m"" Jn° Alcocke conserning his ffarme or elce to loose o"" Claime & Interest to all & any p* of the Plantation granted to Sudburry men called Whip- suppenicke Edmond Rice John Rediat Thomas King John Bent John Maynard Thomas Rice AVilliam Ward Solomon Johnson Peter King John Ruddocke Peter Bent Richard Newton William Kerly John Woods Henry Rice Jolm How Samuell Rice Christopher Banister Thomas Goodenow John Johnson 1656 56 At a Generall Court held at Boston fourteenth [54] of May 1656 In Answ"" to y® Petition of Sever" Inhabitants of Sudbury The Court Jndgeth it meete to grant them A proportion of Land of sixe miles Square, or otherwise in some convenieut Plantation Granted : • forme equivolent thereunto, at y^ discretion of y® Comm*^^ in y'' place desired, provided it hinder no former Graunt : & y* there bee A Towne setled with Twenty or more ffamilies within three yeares : so as an Able Ministry may bee there maintained : And it is ordered that m"" Edward Jackson, Cap*" Eleazar Lusher, Ephraim Child with ]\F Thomas Danforth or Lieften"' ffisher, shall, & heereby are appointed as A Com"*^^ to lay out the Bounds thereof, & make retnrne to the next Court of Election, or els the Graunt to bee void This is A true Coppy taken out of the Courts Booke of Reccords as Attests Edw'^ Rawson Secret"^ [E]very man is to settle in 2 yeares time, & pay to all pub- lick charges in the Interim&c : • * so called by y<= Indians Select men chosen : • At A meeting of the Petition'^ afEores'^ (the 25 of 7 her 1656) to take some course to lay out the new Plantation granted by the Gen" Court to sever^' Inhabit"'^ of Sudbury It is concluded & ord-'^i That all y' doe take up Letts in y' Plantation sliall pay to all public charges y* shall arise upon y* Plantation according to theire House Letts ; And them- selves to bee resident there within two yeares time, or sett A man in y' the Towne shall approve of, or els to loose theire Lotts : but if God shall take away any man by death, such A one hath Liberty to give his Lott to whome hee will, this ord'' to the contrary notwithstanding At a meeting of the Proprietors of y** New Plan- tetiou granted about * Ockocangansett the 25 : of yo xij month, 1656 Edmond Rice John Ruddocke ) were chosen to put the Af- William Ward & Thomas King John How V faires of y*" s'^ new-Plan- ) tation in an ord''^ way : • 1659 59 Whipsuppenicke The nineteenth of June one thousand six hundred ttiftty & nine The Com"'''' appointed by y'^ Gen^^ Court to Lay out A Plantation ffor y'^ Indians of sixe thousand Acres at tlie above named place, haveing giving m'" Eliot A meeteiug, & duely weisined all his exceptions in y« behalfe of the Indians first 'what'liath been formerly acted, & returned to y« Geni^ Court doe Judge meete in way of Complyauce that the Bounds of the Indian Plantation bee enlarged unto y'^ most westerly part of the fence y* now standeth on the west side of the Hill or planting field called ocnoocangansett, & from thence to bee extended on A direct north Line untill they Comttees resolve have theire ftuU quantity of sixe thousand Acres, the Bounds En-lisift^iii oi theire Plantation in all other respects wee Judge meete dianPhmtacon:- that they stand as in o"" former retnrne, & tliat theire If nil Complem* of Meadow by Court graunt may stand^& bee exactly measured out by an Artist within the Liniitts of the afores'i p^jg^, when y'^ Indians, or any in theire behalfe are willing to bee at the charges thereof : provided alwaies 8 y* the Indians may have noe powei' to make sale thereof, of all or any p' of theire aboves'^ Lands, otherwise than by y® Consent of the h'ono''^' Gen'^ Court : or when any shalbe made or happen, the Plantation of English there seated may have the first tender of it from y® Court ; w*^"^ Caution wee y^ rath"^ insert, because not only A considerable p* of y'' nearest & best planting Land is hereby taken away from the English (as wee are informed) but the nearest & best p* of theire meadow by estimation about an hundred Acres in one place that this north Line doth take away, w'^'^ tendeth much to the detrimenting of the English Plantation es- pecially if y*^ Lands should be impropriated to any oth"" use than the Indians proposed that is to say for an Indian Plan- tation or for the Accomodating their Plantation they should bee deprived thereof Eleazar Lusher ^ Edward Jackson K-, _ . . _„ 17 1 • n^ -M VComissio^* Ephraim Child { Thomas Danforth J This is a Copjiy of y® Corn"®^® ord^ conserning the English & Indian Plantation at & about Ockacangansett 1659 60 At A meeting of the Proprieto'^® of this Plan- tation the 26: of 7 ber 1659 There is given & Grauuted unto Mary the wife of John G Acres &c of How Senio^', & to her heires & Assisfnes forever : the Little Mary the wife owamp at the end of y® s" Jn° Hows House Lott, the same of John How:- being about sixe Acres more or Lesse ; shee having the Highway tenn Rods wide from y'' Indian ffence : w*^^ said percell granted her is bounded on the North by an high- way, on the East by the house lott (aff wds confirmed to & now in possession) of Jn° How her s*^* husband, & bound** on the south by the second devission of upland of her s*^ husband, & is bounded on the West by another Highwa3\ Recorded by John Ruddocke At a meeting of the Proprietors of this Planta- tion the 26: of xber 1659 * This^j^s ye same Jt is order^' That all such as lay clayrae to any Interest in Indians callecf ^^^^ ^^^ Plantation at * Whips ufferadge are to perfect their Whipsupenicke House Lotts by the five & twentieth of March nextinsueing '■^Ji-Iwf-''°^"li'''^ or els to loose all theire Interest in the ffores^ Plantation call" WhipsLiffer- adge : • • ' — — — — — — — Tlie rroprietors ^^ '^^ ^I'^o order'' That every one y* hath A Lott in y^ fores'^' are to perfect Plantation shall pay Twenty shillings by y^'ffive & twentieth tlieire Lotts ; & y£ March next ensueinsT or els to loose all theire Interest in each to pay 20** , n^ ,1 -ni • in three months the flores" Plantation time, or loose all. ; . Thos; Rice's It is also. order*^' That Thomas Rice shall have his Lott house Lott ap- Joineino; to John Ruddocke's Lott on y*^ northwest side & pointed hirn : • /-m, . *, ,^ . r • - i • hut this is nulled Christopher Hanyster is to Joyine next to lum hy his c;raunt x Recorded by John Ruddocke / dat(iye25: xber ). \ (63; : folio 24 : . /•' — — 9 At A meeting of y*^ Inhabitants & Proprietors of this Plantation the 6 of y° xij : month 1G59 It is order*^' That A Rate bee made ffor deffraying & sattis- Rate made at 9 ]■ tai^ side of y« Cartway j p"^ Est ; granted ( .... Patch Mea- him J dow for — 9 I and ffort Mea- [ dow contai : — 6 J Recorded by John Ruddocke 1661 Selectmen &c chosen Marlborough 1661 At A meeting of the Inhabitants of this Towns the 25 of the first month 1661 wr-.r- . ....^^.. .,^- rpj^jjjjjg^g King Cunstable were chosen Se- lectmen to ord'' ye Prudeutiall ' affaires of the Towne for the yeare ensueing John Ruddocke Record'^ for y« yeare ensueing : • Edmond Rice William Ward John Ruddocke John How Tho : King Solomon Johnson Thomas Johnson 65 This Indenture made the fifth day of AprUl one Thousand six hundred sixty & one, by & between obadias Ward, Christopher Banyster, & Richard Barnes of the Towne of Marlborough, on y® one party ; And the Inhabitants, & all the Proprieto"^® of the same Towne on y® other party Wit- nesseth That y® s*^ obadias Ward Christoph"^: Banyster & Rich'^ Barnes, hath covenanted, promised, & Bargained to 13 build a fframe for A Ministers house, every way like to y® fframe y* Jn° Ruddocke hath built for himselfe in the affores** Towne of Marlborough : the house or fframe is to bee A Girt house Thirty sixe ffoote Long, eighteene foote wide, & twelve ffoote (bettweene Joyntes) & A halfe ; the studs standing & such A distance that A foure foote & A A^fframef-oi^ye^*^^^^^*^ Claboard may reach three studs: & two ffloores of Ministers House juice, & foure windows, on the foreside, & two windowea of this Towne ; • at the west end & two Gables on the foreside of ten foote wide : & eight ffoote Sparr, with two small windows on the fforeside of the Gables & they are to ffell all the timber & bring it in place, & do all y' belongs to the fframe, only the Towne is to helpe raise the affores^ fframe, & all this worke is to bee done, & y® fframe raised within A ffortnight after Mich" tyde : • And this being done the Towne of Marlbor- ough doth promise & engage to pay unto them the s*^ obadias Ward, Christopher Banyster & Rich'^ Barnes, the sume of ffifteene Pounds in Corne — within fourteene dales after the house is raised the one half of it, & the'oth"^ halfe some time in March, the whole pay is to bee one third in wheat, & one third in Rie, & the oth'' third in Indian Corne, the halfe in wheat & Rie is to bee paid fourteene dales aft"^ the house is up in wheat & Rie, & the oth'' halfe in Rie & Indian some time in march : wheat at foure shillings & sixe pence A bushell, Rie at foure shillings A bushell, & Indian at three shillings A bushell, & to be p'^ at Sud- burry bettweene Petter Kings & Serient Woods hou[se] in the streete Edmond Rice Thomas King William Ward John How Senio' Tho^ Goodenow William Kerly Henry Kerly Thomas Rice John Rudocke John Maynard Sam" Rice Joseph Rice John Johnson Richard newton Peter Bent obadiah Ward Christopher Banyste[r] Richard Barnes A Rate for _ mo : for the Minis- ter:' At A meeting of y® Inhabit"*® & Proprieto" of this Towne the 31 : of the iij'* month 1661 It is ord''^ y* A Rate bee made ffor the minister for sixe months to bee Collected off the Inhabitants & Proprietors of this Towne at the rate of threepence halfepenny p' Acre on all House Lotts, & three pence halfe penny p"^ pound on Cattle John Ruddocke Record'' Marlborough 1661 14 66 At A meeteing of the Inhabitants & Proprieto""* of this Towne the 14: of y^ vi: month 1661 Proprietors must It is ordered that all such as have any Interest in this Plan- upon demand or^ t^tio'^ shall pay all Rates y* are due (upon demand) ffrom Loose all tbeire y^ Towne or els to loose all theire intereat in this Plantation Interest : • 14 iieiXt2Rates Jt is ffarth' ord'''* y' the next two Rates (viz*) fFor the Ihe Hoifsr Lotts Towne and y^ Minister shall bee assessed upon, & paid by the House Lotts : John Ruddocke Record'' Ben : Rice's is granted his 2^ devissiou of up- land At A meeteing of the Inhabitants & Proprieto" of this Towne the 26 : of 8ber 1661 It is ord''** y' Beniamin Rice shall have sixe Acres of upland — added to his houselott (w^'' containeth xxiiij Acres y* was granted him the 26 : of 9ber 1660) for A second de- vission w'^'^ is to bee Rate free : and is to bee his, his heires, & Assignes forever Vnto every one is — A second de- vision of upland granted to bee one fourth p' as much as his houselott, and Rate fifree : • see ord^' for house Lotts fo ; 10 : . It is also ord"^*^ y* every one y' hath A house Lott now in possession in this Towne, shall have A proportionable par- cell of upland added thereunto, as neare as may bee con- venient to every one's respective House Lott : w'^'' said parcells, or addition, called A second devision of upLand, shall bee one fourth part as much as each mans House Lott granted him containeth, & is also to bee Rate free, & is to bee theires, there heires & Assignes fforever All House Lotts . i^fniTT t * i ti^-i must bee per- It IS also ord™ y*^ all the HouseLotts y"^ are already laid fected, before y« qq^ ^ grant*^ to bee Laid out shall bee perfected before the second devisions ~. 3 * i iv i t-\ • • c ^ ^ ^ i -j of upland be laid aflores'^ Additions, or second Devisions oi upland bee laid out:. out:- 4 Acres of upland _____________ grantd & added * Ho^SL^tt'^he' ^i^®^ ^ Granted (at the b'^ meeteing) unto Richard Barnes, to pay all rates ^ *'^ ^'^^ heires, Assignes forever foure Acres of upland & &c due for the accomodacons to it, to make his Houselott of 1 6 Acres same is if it had (*gi.anted him y« 26 : 9ber 1660) twenty Acres, and hee is beene granted ; ® ,, ^ » "^ him with his to pay all arreares for y*^ same house lott : • * see the 10: •____________ page : . * All Houselotts granted, must bee Laid out be- fore the last of inarch next on penalty of paying to the Towne 12' pr Acre : • EdmO:Rice,Jno Ruddocke ord"'^^°^^a Pound for the Towns use of Thirty ffoote Square, each side containing three Pannells of Railes in A Post of white Richd Barnes oake of tenne ffoote Long, & tenne Inches Square, all to hired to build ye \)qq by i^ini brought into such place as the Towne shall ap- KilKng?:^.^^ point, by the first of March next ensueing, & there hee shall sett it up, & ffinish y® same assoone as the weather shall give him leave, for all w*^'^ being well & sufficiently performed the s*^ Richard shall receive of this Towne out of y® Towne Rate foure & twenty shillings John Ruddocke Record"" The Is' ordr to At A meeting of the Inhabit"*^ & Proprieto""* lay out Chancy, of this Towne the 6 : of y'^ xj : month 1661 Middle Meadows It is ord'''' That the second devission of Meadow shallbee called ye 2) if the Trespass!- It is ord""*^ That no Trees bee felled upon any Common bee not found its Land within this Towne without leave first had from W"* folio 24:- ^ °^ Ward Tho: Kng, or John Ruddocke (who are appointed by the Towne for y' end) or any one of them, upon y** pen- alty of paying Twenty shillings for every Tree felled : y , , At A meeting of y® Inhabitants & Proprietors of mitted an In- this Towne the 24 of y® xj : month 1661 habi : & to have gamuell Ward was admitted an Inhabitant of this Towne the house Lott& . t <• r,- ^ ^ Ttr 1 D 1 • /-!• interest in the m the roome & steed of Richard Ward, & there is Given & Towne granted Granted to the said Samuell ward & to his heires & As- see List of signs forever the same property & interest (that had beene Graunts 26 : 9ber Granted by the Towne unto y^ sd Richard Ward) (who 1660 on fo^: 10:. j^ath resigned y® same into the Townes hands:) John Ruddocke Record"" 17 Marlborough 69 At A meeting of y® Inhabit"*^ & Proprietors of 1661 this Towne the 27 : of y« xj month 1661 17 Controversy bet- tweene the Towne & the 4 : Squadron in the first devission of meadows ended ffor the putting to A ffinall end of all controversy & differ- ance bettweene the Towne & the fourth Squadron : / It is ordered & concluded that the fifteene Acres of Meadow that lies next the third Squadron (vizt) ten Acres in mill- ham, & five Acres on Assibath riv'' shalbee taken out of y^ Squadron, & that Sam^^ Ward shall have his part of Meadow m that fifteene Acres affore mencond w^"^ hee should have had in y« fourth Squadron, & Abra^: How shall have the rest, w""^ shall bee theires respectively & theire respective heires & Assignes forever, but Sam^ Ward is to have noe right within the fourth & last Squadron, of the first devis- sion of Meadows A House Lott of*~~~~~~~~~~~~- JoHen'fxte'n- f^^"" & Granted unto Henry Axtell, & to his heires & see more 18 page ^ssignes forev^ fifteene Acres of upland for A House Lott ^oSytrtafr^^iV'st- ''^1 That W- Ward, Jno Ruddocke, W- Kerly, Highwaies:. see ^'^? ^i"g' * .Hen : Kerly doe state & lay out all Hio-h- see ye 12 page SamU Wards part is 9 Acres : Abra^ ham Hows prt is 6 Acres : • see folio : 24 : • Highwaies laid out folio 19 : 23 : 1662 Select men &c chosen : • waies within this Towne John Ruddocde Record'" At a meeteing of the Inhabit"*' & Proprieto''* of this Towne the 31': of the 1«' month 1662 Edmond Rice William Ward John Ruddocke Tho' King Tho^ Goodenow John How Solomon Johnson Tho^ King-Constable were chosen Selectmen to order y^ prudentiall y affaires of the Towne for y** yeare ensueing John Ruddocke Record"^ for the year ensueing./ At a meeting of the Selectmen of this Towne y« 29 : of y^ uf month 1662 Swine are ordrd ^^ is ord'''^ That all the Swine of this Towne shall bee well yoa\'t^nenaltv'^-l"^l^"*^^ ^"""^ ^ ^^''^^'' '• ^^^ '^ ^""^ S^^°« bee found yoaktonpenalty within this Towne wanting eith-" Ring or yoake as affores'i It shall bee taken up : & the owner shall "pay three pence y King & three pence y« yoake (wanting at any time) : • John Ruddocke Record"^ At a meeting of the Inhabit"*^ & Proprietors of 3 Rods of upland this Towne the 21 : of 8^^'^ 1662 limidJwMo , ^i i^ ^^^"^ 'Tbat there shall bee three Rodds of sound up- sett Hay stacks land Ground lying round about all Meadows for men to °^ '• • make and sett theire Haystaks on Ji'h a'th^Uenf A }\ '' ^^'\^'^'' That any man y* finds any timber f hath yeare fifelled:- Jaine on y« comon halfe a yeare after it hath been fell'd hee may take it for his owne use ' John Ruddocke Record'' 18 Marlborough 1662 The Ministers House & Lott granted to mr W™ Brimsmead * See list for minisfs Lott dated 26 : 9ber 1660 on lb : 10 : . & see rate made for his house folio : 15 : datd 26 : 9ber 1661 : • A Rate ordrd for building A Meeteing house at 12 Acres Liberty to exchange Two Acres of Land in his House Lott of Land to the propper use of him, his heires, & Assignes for ever : • John Ruddocke Record['^] 1663 Selectmen &c chosen:- At A meeteing of y® Lihabit"'® & Proprietor of this Towne the 29 : of March 1663 Edm° Eice W" Ward Jn° Ruddocke Jn'' Woods Tho : King- John How SoP : Johnson Sol° : Johnson-Cunst[able] were Chosen, Selectmen to ord"^ the Prudentiall Affaires of this y Towne for y® yeare Ensueing Tho Goodenow ] Surveyo''* [of] W"^ Kerly J y« Highwa['es] John Ruddocke Recorder for y^ yeare ensuein[g] Jona : Johnson is allowed the Smiths Lott & Accomodacons &c &c * See Lists on fo : 10 : Swine to be yoakt & rung &c : • It is ord"^*^ That Jonathan Johnson shall have the Thirty A[cres] of upland formerly* granted to A Smith with all ac- cornodaco[ns] Answ''ble & suiteable thereunto, on Condition y* the s*^ Jouath[an] doe dwell in this Towne seven yeares, & doe y® Townes worke as A Smith, & also if hee at y® seven yeares end leav[e] the Towne doe his endeavo"^ to settle anoth^ Smith in his Roome, both w°^ if hee doe the s'* Land & accoiiiodacons sha[ll] bee his, & his heires & As- signes forever : • John Ruddocke Record[er] . By y® Selectmen of this Towne the 3^ of yMj'* month 1663 It is ord^''^ That ye ord^ of y« 29 : of May 1662 about Swine shall stan[d] & remaine in full force in this Towne for y® yeare ensueing : And [y'] all Swine shall bee well & suffi- ciently yoakea & Rung by the firs[t] of May next : & that every setled Inhabit"' & houshould'^ of this Towne doe take the penalty & suine allowed upon every Swine y*' shal[l] bee found within this Towne contrary to this ord'' no Cow Cattle ^^ i^ ^1^^ ord''^ That all the Cow Cattle of this Towne shall (except working goe und"^ the hands of Keepers : & if any Cattle (except oxen) arc to goe ^yorkein"- oxen) shall fbel found without A Keeper the without a ,® n ^ ■ -^,.11, 1 r 1 1 •j^nf- D Keeper • • owner shall pay sixepence p'^ head to anv such Inliabit"'^ & 22 Marlborough 1663 fences to bee made & finished in ve daies : • liouseholcF of this Towne, y* shall take them : • 22 74 At y^ affores^ Meeteing of y« [Sel]ectmeii [y''] 3«i day of the ij^^ month 1663 It is also ord'"'^' That all y® fences of this Towne shalbee suflficiently made up & finished by the 15 : of this instant Aprill ; on penalty that the owner pay twelve pence p"" Rodd that is found insufficient aff that day ; one halfe to the Sur- veyo*' that finds the deffect, & the oth'' halfe to the use of the Towne : & Edm° Rice & W™ . Ward are heereby ap- pointed to looke to y^ fences in theire Streete : .Tho : Goode- now in that streete where he dwells ; John Woods & Jn° Maynard in theire Streete ; Tho : King & Solo : Johnson in theire streete ; Jn° How Sen"^ & John Johnson in theire streete to weights & measures : • [Jn]oRiiddocke It is also ord"^ That John Ruddocke have the Standards for thf stlnlarcS^^ Weights & Measures of this Towne Coiiiitted to him, to size the Comon weights & Measures of the Inhabit"'® by : And hee for that end received into his custody at that time, one weight of fourepounds, one of two pounds, & one of one pound, one of halfe A pound, & one of quarter of A pound : • And likewise he received one measure of A quart, & one of A pint : • And likewise one Ell, & one yard : • John Ruddocke Record"^ Marlborough The 4: of Aprill 1663 [A]namacks the Know all men by these presents, That I Anamaks Indian lekst Indiaii this of Wliipsuppenicke for divers causes & consideracons, have this [Tolwue the gi"^^^ *^ granted, bargained, & Sould unto John Ruddocke, Land [vvh]ereon & John How sen[''] of the Towne of Marlborough in the Honse^li-'l^*^"^^ County of Middlesex in New England to the propper use & built : • behoof e of the s^ Towne of Marlborough : The Land y' the said Meeteing house of the s^ Town[e] now stands on, & also the Land from the Highway on the fore side of the s*^* Meeteing house, & so upon A Square Tenne foot round About y® s^ Meeting House : • I say I have sould y® same unto y® affores*^^ John Ruddocke & John How, for the proper & only use & behoofe of y® Inhabitants or Proprieto'^® of the said Towne of Marlborou[gh] To Have & to hould to them the affores'^ Towne & Proprietors thereof & theire Heires Execute''^ Administrators & Assignes to their only use & be- hoofe forever, A[nd] I doe heereby bind myself e my heires Execute''® & Administrate''® ta give them & that they shall have full and quiett possession of y® Aiforemencond Land fforever ; & I doe heereby ifree them also, y® affores*^' Towne of Marlborough & the Proprietors & Inhabitants thereof from any Claime, demand or molestation of any man woman or Child whatsoever y* shall chsturbe them in or Elect them out of the free full and peaceable Enioyment & possession thereof or any part thereof from the day of th[e] date lieerof & so forever as Witnesse my hand 23 Marlborougli 1663 Highwaies ap- pointed : • see folio 17 the Comttee ap- pointed to lay out all High- waies : • See pag 36 23 75 A Eate was made the 7 : day of y^ iij : month 1663 for y^ Minister d Edm" Eice 1 : : 10 W" Ward 1 : : 10 Jn« Kuddocke 1 : : 10 The : Kmg : 16 : 8 Ju" How seur : 15 : 5 Tho : Goodenow sen' : 13 : 4 Kicha'i Newton : 12 : 6 Ju« Woods seuf - - : 12 : 6 W™ Kerly Juu'' : 12 : 6 Jn" Butter : 12 : 6 Solo : Johuson : 10 : 5 Juo Johnson 0:11: 3 Samit Rice : 10 : 6 Abrah : How : 10 : 1 Tho : Brigham : 10 : Jn" Mayuard : 9 : 7 Tho : Barnes : 9 : 7 Juo Rediat : 9 : 2 Joseph Eice 0:9 obadiah Ward 0:8 Juo Bellowes 0:8 Thomas Goodenow Jun'' : 8 Eichi Barnes 0:8 Nath^i Johnson 0:8 Audr : Belchar 0:8 Hen : Kerly 0: 7 Jose : Holmes 0:7 Juo Barrett 0:7 Sam'i Ward 0:7 Juo Newton 0: 6 Sam" How 0:6 Hen : Axtell 0:6 Xpo'^ Banister 0:6 Jno How Junf 0:6 Jona : Johnson 0:6 W°^ Kerly seur 0:2 The whole is xviij : x : siir were conjimied Jn Ruddocke Record'^ by the Coni"ee in A prill & June 1665 : . see folio on liste given into . ___ __ _ Comttee 6 Aprill ' ' i665whereWoods is particalarly Qond by the whole Towue : • Abraham How Acres hath 12^ meado granted & con- firmed for his 1st devision of meadow : • This is heere placed because not before men- cond in any ye squadrons on folio 11 & 12 : . At A meeting of y® Inhabit"*^ & Proprieto'^ of this Towne the 9 : day of Xber 1663 Given Granted & Laid out unto Abraham How & to his heires & Assignes forever sixe Acres & an halfe of meadow bee it more or lesse lying on the north side of little Cedar Swamp that belongeth to Jn° Ruddocke, w'''^ with the five Acres of meadow laid out to him uppon Assibath River, & one Acre in Milham in both places makes sixe Acres granted him by the Towne y® 27 of the xj m: 1661 on folio 17 is heereby confirmed to hun & to his heires & Assignes forever : to bee his fii'st devision of meadow Jn° Ruddocke Record"^ At A meeting of the Inhabit"*^ & Proprieto''* of this Towne the 25 : day of Xber 1663 26 Three appointed It is orcF'* That William Kerly, John "Woods & obadiah to seaze all trees Ward doe see to the Execution of y*^ order made by this commou°vhere Towne the 24_,: of y*' xj : month 1661 conserning the felling trespasser of that of Timber trees uppon the common Land of this Towne, & ordi- m toho 16 ^j^g^j. ^^ ^^^j ^^q ifelled, & the owner not found, they are to &c have them for their paines, & if the Towne doe paye for fetching such trees home, they shall have one halfe for theire owne use, but this order is to bee of force only till the 20 : of June 1665 & not Long^ : • Jn° : Ruddocke Record'^' Thomas Rice's Thomas Rice haveing returned the Land form^'ly granted him house Lott is Ex- for an house Lott (viz* on y® 26: of Xber 1659) into the J/t^^ye'^rpJond Townes hands : It is ordered that his house Lott of Thirty (with his 2 i i i confirmed to bee to^" A first devission lymg m stony brooke meadow, neare ISAcres, because Dowes foote meadow, and on the north side of Sudbury ExpVest on^^"""^ River neare to y« great Cedar Swamp : • squadrons see Jn° : Ruddocke Record"", folio 11 & 12:- :.______ _____________ By y" Selectmen of this Towne The 4 : day of March 1663-4 All Swine are to It is ord"' : That all the Swine y* belongeth to, or shall bee yoake"wthe 14 ^^V^ ^^^^ found within this to-\vn[e] shall bee sufiiciently yoaked Aprilll664&c & Rung at or before the 14: of Aprill next insueing the date hereof, on i^enalty of sixepence y*^ yoake & sixepence y** Ring that shall from that day bee found wanting : w^'^ surne shallbee paid by thg owner of such Sw[ine] & for far- ther direction heerein. It is ord""'^ that, y*^ p'' of y*^ yoake y* goes Crossew[ise] the throat is to be soe long as the swine is high, & those p*'^ of the yoake y' goes up by both sides of the necke is to bee so long as will rise two handfuUs above the 27 uppermost p"^ of y*' Swine's necke : And it is also heereby ord'** that if any 8win[e] shall bee found doing damage be- fore y" day aboves** the owner shall (uppou complaint thereof made unto him) forthwith yoake & ring his Swine ; & every ffr[ee] holder within this Towne hath Liberty to see to, & power to execute this ord'" & to demand & receive the aboves** penalty : All Cow Cattle j^ ^^ ^j^^ ^^^rd That all the Cow Cattle of this Towne shall (except worke- i i ,. » tt- » -i- /i i • ing oxen) are to goe und'' y® hands of A Keeper ; & it any (but workmg oxen, bee Hearded : • when turned out of worke) shallbee found with out A Keeper within this Towne, the owner shall forfeite & pay sixepence [A] head to the finder ; & every ffree hold"" within this Towne hath likewise Liberty [to] see too, & power to execute this ord"", & demand & receive y^ aboves'* penalty : It is also ord'''^ That all the ffences within this Towne shallbee sufficiently ma[de] up by the 1 4 : of Aprill next ensueing the date heereof, & the Snrvey"""® are to see to the Execution of this order : Jn° Ruddocke Record'' At A meeting of the Inhabitant"*^ & Proprieto" of this Towne the 6 : day of March 1663-4 All fences to bee gott up by 14 Aprill 1664 : • Selectmen &c chosen for Anno 1664 : . Edmond Rice William Ward John Ruddocke Thomas King Solomon Johnson John Howe sen"" John Woods Solomon Johnson — Cunstable : • were chosen Selectmen for y® yeare Ensueing : • Tho : Goodenow & ) Serie : W™ Kerly j Surveyo''^ of I-Iighw[aies] for y® yeare Ensueing : • Jn** Ruddocke Record'' Direction to Sur- veyo''s of yfi Highwaies : • xx : Brio-ham hath 12 11 :- Jonathan Johnson Smith hath 15 12 :- Abraham How hath - - 12^ 13 :-Obadiah Ward hath - - 10^ 14 :-John Johnson hath - - 13^ 15 :-John Bellows hath - - 10 16:-Sam" How hath - - - 8 17:-Thomas GoodenoAv Jun' 10 18 .--Richard Barnes hath - 10 Throughout y^ breadth of y^ Swamp : • no of Lotts Rodds 19:-John Rutter hath - - - 15 20 :-John Barrett hath - - 21 :-Richard Newton hath - 22 :-Mi' William Brinsmead 23 :-Henry Axtell hath - - 24 :-John Ho-\v Jnn^ hath - 25 :-Nathaniel Johnson hath 26 :-Thomas King hath - - 27 :-Johu How sen"" hath - 28 :-Andrew Belcher hath - 29 :-Splomon Johnson hath 30 :-Joseph Rice hath - - - 31 :-Jnhn MRvnnrd hath - - 32 :-Edward Rice hath - - 33 :-John Newton hath - - 34 :-Peter Bent hath - - - 9 15 15 lOi 19 15 10 12 11 11 15 35:-: Rich'i or rather now "I Samii Ward hath / 15 9 besides Edmo'i Rice and John Ruddocke who have their Lotts as is hereundder menc'ond : viz' 1664 Tlie determi- nacon & Advice of the County Court at Cam- bridge uppon A suit had with Order*^ &, laid out unto Edmond Rice & John Ruddocke (their shares of Cedar Swamp) the little Cedar Swamp, that adjoyneth to Abraham Hows meadow w'*' is scituate on the Northwest side of it, & the afore menc'ond Swamp is on the south East side of s'^ meadow, w'^^'' s*^^ Little Cedar Swamp is wholly granted to the s'^ Edmond Rice & John Ruddocke, & to bee Equally devided betweene them two alone : see folio 19:- Jn° Ruddocke Record"^ A Cojjpy of the County Courts determinacon & advice sitting at Cambridge y® 6 day of y^ ij*^ : month 1664 unto this Towne : • Whereas there hath been in this Court A suite Coiiienced by Obadiah Ward Plantiffe in the behalfe of the Towne of Marlborough aga^"^ : Tho^ : Rice deif end"* : in an Action of the case conserning the s^' Rice's possessions in Marlborough 29 some grounded & l)oth parties app'ing in Court mutually agreed to desist y® ord°lV: Jbe'i^see ^^^^'^h' psecution of the s'^ Action, the s^ Towne yeelding y« on folio 18 : not Defend"' his Interest of Possessions & Allotments in the s** observed [ ] hnig Towne, & each one to beare theire owne charges of the for- mer psecution, The s'^ Defend"' : engageing to pay Three pounds in full for his due pportion of all Arrears in the s^ place for time past, & for the future to yeeld y^ Assistance of his person & Estate for y® carrying an end of the affaires of the place both Civill & li^cclesiasticall as Religion & duty binds : • Also ^11 pei"-^9iis ™"st whereas some oth" are in a like manner conserned as the s** sessions paying ^^ice refferring to their Allottments in the s*^ place : The theire — Arrears Inhabit"*® of the s** place being generally p''sent The Court ^'^<^\''^ r "i^T^- S'^^^ theire advice, that they also paying theu'e arrears for future Acording the time past & yeelding theire Residence & Assistance for to law : . the future (as the Law requireth) in the s^' place. That they also may continue in theire possessions & Allotments, & the same setled fully on them there for in nonobservance of any Towne orders or Agreements notwithstanding : Also y® Court solemmely advised them, That they all Joyntly con- curre in such waies as might lead to the furtherance of peace among themselves, freely forgiveing one anoth^ all matters & occasions of former grievances & forbearing to make any repetition tliereof, to the upbraiding of any or interrupting of theire future peace, that so the God of peace may bee theire portion & his blessing upon the s*^ place, them, & theires in all wherein they stand in need of his favourable presence to bee with them: • Also the s'' Inhabit"'® muti;ally agreed to Rediat'-^^a^'^d'' ^^^^^^ '^^^^^ ^^^^ *^ '^^^^'^ Rechat to bee Joyned with the ded [&1 Joyned Select men for the Prudentiall affaires of the s*^' place for y® to the Selectmen yeare ensueing : for^th"'^ year? ^"^ ' "^^"'^ *^^"^^ written being read to the Inliabit"'® they voted ensueing;. their consent heereto by Erection of hands 6 : (2) 1664 Thomas Danforth : R. This above written is a true Coppy of the originall lefte on file with the Records of the County Court held at Cambridge: Aprill. 5 1664 as Attests Thomas Danforth Record*" Joseph Holmes At A meeting of the Inhabitants & Proprietors of this meadow is heere Towne the 9 : day of the iiij : month 1664 9°Acres^V°au^^ Given & Granted to Joseph Holmes & to his heires & As- no where els be- signes forever, nine Acres of Meadow Ground for his first fore particularly devision of Meadows ^^rdron's PSe Jol- ^-^^<^ocke Record^: folio 11&12:. : 27 Marlborough 79 Vppon y^ severall differances & Grievances y' arose i664 (& continued) amongst y" Inhabitants & Proprieto™ of this Towne touching sundi-y things ; severall par- ties of this Towne at last made theire Application to y'^ Gen" Court sitting at Boston in October 1664; humbly desireiug their favourable advice & helpe ; 30 * That is Mr Bel- lingham (after- wads Govern'' in Maj 1665 The honofd Comm«ee of the Geni' Court ap- pointed for set- tlemnt of the affaires of y* Towiie : • upon wliich the hono"'^^ Court was pleased then to take upp the matter in controversye so ffarre into theire grave consideracon in order to A redresse as that they saw meet to constitute & appoint A Com- mittee to Attend that worke, in manner following At A Generall Court held at Boston 19 : of October 1664 The Deputy Governour,* m' Willoughby, m'' Russell & Maio' Gen^^ Leverett are desired and hereby appointed to bee a committee to give an opportunity to the Inhabitants of Marlburough to make theire Appearances before them ; & make knowne theire greivances & dilferances to y® said Com- mittee : who are Impowred on theire heareing what each party can say for themselves to determine & conclude of such an Issue as they or any Tlu*ee of them shall Judge necessary to conduce to y^ setling of peace bettweene them, The Dep'^y Govern'' to appoint both time & place of meeting : This is a true coppy of y^ Courts ord"^. As attests Edward Eawson Record^' : • A rate of S^d pr Acre of house Lotts to finish the Meeting house: • At A meeting of y® Inhabit"** & ProiDrieto"^* of this Towne 30 : day of Xber 1664 It is order** That A rate shall bee forthwith made for the payment for, & towards the finishing of the meeting house, to be Assessed at threepence farthing y'' Acre uppon all house Lotts taken upp or to bee taken up within this Towne, & shall bee paid by y® jjroprietors thereof Jn° Ruddock Record"". Att A meeting of y® Inhabitants & Proprietors of this Towne the ii day of march 1664/5 gl AVilliam Kerly Sen"" William Ward Thomas Goodenow sen' Solomon Johnson " P S u S£ John Ruddocke "8 g John Woods sen"^ "i; c Thomas King a; CA2 fcX) rt a *S 03 ^ o d d "o W OJ CD f-, w QJ <\> « ^ >, S Solomon Johnson — Cunstable Thomas Goodenow sen'' William Kerly Jun'' Survej'o" of ye Highwaies) •:3 a John Ruddocke Gierke: 1665 At A meeting of the Inhabit"'^ & Proprietors of this Towne, the V^ day of Aprill 1666 Gj-.inted to Captn Given & Granted unto Cap*° Thomas Wheeler & to his houseLott of 35" litjires & Assignes forever Thirty five Acres of ujiland for an Acres &c : • houseLott with all Towne Rights & priviledges belonging to an house Lott of that dimension, this at the request of the Inhabit"'* made to the bono'''* Comm"'^'' of y** Gen'^ Court the s** P' of y® ij** month 1665 & p'sented to them on the 6** day of the s^ month, was by the s** Cornm"*^*^ confirmed at Charlestowne the 20 : of the iiij mon[th] next folio : • 31 the old booke of ye Towue & to write A New Booke for the Towne ; • By y« Comm"«'« of y" Gen'^ Court (appointed to settle y« Affaires of the Towne of Marlburrough) sitting at Cliarlestowne the 20 : day of y® iiij : mo : 1665 : . ComS«"-m.drto"^PP''^ y' complaints made of y« old booke of y« Towne of mend & alter Marlbixrrough : This Comm"«« hath perused y"* same & what is amisse in caused severall deffects to be cancelled & some other matters therein to bee alterred : And doe further ord' & appoint y"^ the old Towne booke bee transcribed Anew (by John Greene, who was on the 6 : of Aprill last past, by y^ unanimous con- sent of y* Inhabitants & Proprieto''^ of Marlborough ap- proved of for [y«] worke) and all such matters & deffects shall bee by him lefte out in the New Booke as this Comm'^^ h[ath] appointed, or shall aj^point, either by themselves, or by the advice of such of the s'^ Towne as this Comm["'^^] The sd Commttees g^all appoint to assist him therein : • 2'>' This Comm"®^ have- mending the "^ '^^S (amongst sundry oth"" matters p''sented unto them) perused Towne Liste of the List of the Propriet[°''*J & Possessions of Lands y* every "ons Kent'e'd '''^" ^^^'^' ''' Marlburrough {w'^'^ was M in by both parties them : . of J*; s'l Towne y*' 6 : of Aprill last) Doe heereby order & All grants of appoint y' those exceptions that are put uppon the Grant of Lands to bee Re- some mens Lands, or conditions with w*'*^ any of them are s*^ to rutef '^!'^^' ^^^ Granted, shall bee taken of, and upo[n] the new Tran- ^ ■ ' script of the booke theire lands shall bee everywhere Recorded Captn Wheelers Absolutely as all other latter Grants ; AndCapt" Wheelers, Abra: Williams & Abraham Williams Possessions & Rights, shalbee in like manner added unto the said Liste : And in Recording y^ Possessions of mens Lands, John Greene is to attest s<* Liste as well as what is approoved of on the old Booke of y® Towne : only if any mistake, re [ ] errour, or omission of any thing, or other matter of doubt shall app"" in any case The sd Liste al- on either of them in y® particular Examineing, formeing & to^bee attended^' Stateing of matters by compareing things with things ; The as well as the old s** John Greene is up^wn dilligent & serious enquiery, by the foTmeiifg^nnat- ^^.®^P^.*^ advice of those whome this Comm"<'« appoints to As- ters &writeing' of '^ist him in the worke, to Ammeud and Supply all remaineing the Liste in the deflects as they shall appear & so to State & Record all mat- New booke : . ^gj.g ^ ^jjjjjgg -jj^Q ye ]Njg^ Booke after the most plain order- The sd Liste J^ .^ C ] ^^y '^ truest sense hee can : And withall he amended is to bee is in convenient place & ord"^ to Record y** said Liste alterr'd ^'-l^New Bo'olc"*.° ^i^^ended into the s^^ New booke ; & assoone as hee can well is donTon ' g'^^t an a(;count of tlieire second devision of meadows from folio 28 & 29 : . the Surveyo''^ hand, hee is to add the same in a collume there- unto : . Grants & posses sions to bee ad- ded to ye Liste, & also the 2d de- vision of mead- ows : • Marlborough 1665 The Sub Com- m«ee (at first) appointed to as- sist J no Greene in new forming the Towne booke at the Towne charge, &c : • 28 By v^ Comm''®^ for Marlburough : Charlestowne the 80 20: of June 1665 It is ordered, That John How sen'' & John Ruddocke doe attend m"" John Greene, for the enformeiug of him of all such matters as hee shall enquire into, for his better inabling to the perfecting of theh-e Towne Booke ; & that they pro- cure a booke ; & the Towne to beare the charge of it Ri. Bellingham Gov'^: ffr Willoughby : Jii° Leverett. But see each mans whole possessions & where each par- cell lies Butted & Bounded Recorded altogether ^n this booke on folio heere under meutond An Account of the Persons Possessing Lands in y^ Towne Meadows &c contained in the several! CoHumnes heere both parties of the s*^ Towne the sixth of AjM-ill i665 (w*^** ties, some things thereon were altered, other things neces- amended by order of the hono'''^ Conam"®*^) the same was House Lands &c wiiere Granted Ml" William Briusmead j minisf fo Briusmead f o : fo; fo: in 18/ iO- iO- f o : iO- fo : iO- f o : 10- Heury Axtell fo: fo: fo: fo: fo: iO iO 18 iO 20- William Ward Johu Ruddoclve — — — Thomas Goodeuow seu'' — Solomou Jolmsou — — Jolm Johusou f his first grant 27 acres J but 3 Acres was aff- j wards added to make it [ 30 acres Obadiah Ward — . — — / 15 acres \ i acre William Kerly Jun'' — — Thomas Barues by grant 8 acres ou by purchase of Joua Johusou bee hath 15 acres more Thomas Goodeuow Juu"" j see fo: 10 \ now Is Juo Barues Richard Ward j see f o : 10 ) Samuell Ward now \ see f o : 16 j Christopher Banister — — f o : 10- Abraliam How — — — fo : 10- Peter King : uow Nath" Johnsons fo : 10 Henry Kerly "i j.„ . 10 William Keiiy seu^ j uow Abra : Williams Andrew Belchar — — — f o : 10 Joseph Holmes : is now Ju" Browues fo : 10- Johu Woods sen-- ^^J^^ f o : 10 1 & ii of an Acre more was coulirmed to him by Houo«i Com"'^^^ 27 : 7'^«'- 1671 Abraham Williams f o : 24 ] w"^''' is heere added to "j j Towne Listc by Hon"' l f Com"™« ordf see fo : j 27 J Johu Woods Juuf fo : 24 ] but by Com"eei? ord'' is con- firmed unto him & heere ad- den to Towne liste fo : J 27 j fo; 21 1 1st House Lotts 30- 50- 60- 32- 23- 27- Collumnes &3; 21- 16- 30- 23- 20- 2d 2d de- vision of upland Acres -7d 12^ m "8- "5-1 "6-1 "5-i none due "7-a "55 18- 16- 25 22- 110 20 18- 30- &"| "4-i "4- "6i "5i "5- "2-^ "7-i 34- none due 16- none due "8- 3d 1st de visi meado Acres 15- 25- 25- 16- li-i 10-d 8- 15- 4: 2dde- visio meado acres rod 12- 20-1 20-1 13i-0 "9^-2 lli-2 "84-0 6i-24 12-0 ii-i "9^-30 "9- "8- 12-4 '9-1 '5- "9- 15- '8-0 •'71-14 "64-2 "9i-0 "84-0 "71-2 "4-0 "8-0 "8M 12-0 i3.,i-34 '6il-24 The perpetuall Cow Common as ord'''^ or appointed, described, Butted & tond on the Liste given in by both parties to y^ hon^'^ Comm""^* on the 6 Aprill Marlborough 1665 each percell is & Re- cord*! altogether in this booke on folio heerc- undf named 29 81 of Marlborough, & the severall proportions of Each mans upland, & unclermentohd, delivered unto the Comm''**'' of y" Gen^^ Court, by being examined by the s^^ Comm"*^^ & uppon heareing of all par- sarily added that were wanting, & after that the whole was appointed to be heere Recorded in manner folio : (viz') : • OoUumnes 1st Edraond Rice Edward Rice Thomas Rice Samuel Rice • House Lands &c where Granted see llste folio 10 - — — — — f o : 10- — — — — fo : iO- f 1st grant 21 acres f o : 10 ) \ since — 5 f o : 18 j Joseph Rice — — — — fo Thomas King — — — — f o John How senf fist Graut Is 30 acres more 20 acres is since added to make up 50 acres house Lott to bee without oth^ accomo- dacons & to bee J p''' 10- 10- fo: 101 pay fo: 16 able "i overplus of the 20 a- cres to rates by honr^i I Comm't'^s^s qyqIt gg con- I firmed 20 June (65) & / 6 acres more granted / to Mary his wife be- \ ^ „ foresee l^^= ^J John How Juu"" — — — f o : iO- Samuell How : now is Jno Goves f o : 10- John Maynard — — — f o : iO- Rlchard Newton f hee hath 4 acre f o : 9 \ and 30 acres f o : 10 John Newton — — — — f o : 10- John Rutter — — — — f o : 10- John Bellowes — — — fo : 10- John Rediatt sen'' by his 1st Grant 22 acres fo : 10 added h acre 24 May (72) fo : - Peter Bent — — — — fo : 10- Richard Barnes j 1st grant 16 acres f o : 10 "l \ more 4 f o : 14 j John Barrett — — — — fo : 10- Thomas Barrett — — — fo : 21- Jonathan Johnson | ^^ ?"?^"^ ^« = i? ^ (. as Johnson fo :21 hee havelng sold halfe of his 30 acres to Tho : Barnes hath but y oth" lefte Capta Thomas Wheeler : now Jn" Brigham ] granted by ye Towne con- | firmed by Com't'^eby whose }- fo : 27 ord'' It Is added to this j llste see J Benjamin Rice : now Thomas Brighams : f o : 10 House lotts Acres 50- 35- 35- 26- 22- 39i Acres Oi Acres 30- 20- 18- 10- 35- 24- 2d 2dde. visio : upland Acres 12-4 -8-i -8-1 :id 1st devis mea- dows Acres 25- 17-4 17-4 4: 2dde- visio mea- dow acres rods 20-1 m-2 i3-i2 5: 1st de- vision cedar Swamp Rods 25- 17-4 174- "6-4 13- 104-2 13- "5-4 "9-1 11- 19-5 "81-0 16-2 11- 191 "7-4 15- 12-0 15- 4- "8- "74-0 "8- none due "5-1 8- 11-4 "74-0 "9i-2 "8- 114 "7-4 15- 12-0 15- none due "7-4 "5- "8- 15- 10- "6i-24 12-0 "8-0 "8- 15- 10- 5-1 li- 11-0 11- "7-4 15- 12-0 15- "5- 10- "8-1 10- "4-4 none due "9- "74- "9- "3-1 "7-4 "6-0 "74 none due 17-4 14-0 174 "6- 12- "91-0 12- Bounded the iO of the xij : month 1662, on y® 20 : foregoing page was also men- 1665 & by the s** Comm"^® allowed of, as it then was : on the 20 : of 8 mo 1665 : . [28] 80 34 The Explication of t^ Listes [1^'] The House Lotts in y« 1^* Collumnes of both this 28, & 29 : pages were generally confirmed the 26 of 9ber 1660 on folio 10: & where there is any variation, want of explication or oth'' Grant &c the perticnlar hints and pages refferring there- unto are also heere mentond & added to each mans name : [2]'y The 2'^ devision of upland or addition to mens House Lotts in y'^ 2'* collumnes (being A quarf p''' of y^ number of Acres pertaining to houselotts was so ord'''^ to bee y*^ 26 : 8ber 16 6i on fo: 14: & wheie there is nothing allow'd on y*' 2^' Col- lumnes against any mans name, there are to bee understood to bee latter Grants of house Lotts, to whome by a Generall common received principle and Rule throughout the Towne, the 2'' devision of upland is ordinarily not due, except by si)eciall Grant ; the same have it because so represented by the whole Towne to the bono'"'' Com"®® in anno 1665, even whilst the Towne was in two parties as by their liste ap^j^'d : J^3jiy Xhe 1^' devision of meadows in y® 3*^ Collumnes being halfe the number of Acres granted to house Lotts were generally included in foure squadrons the 2*^ & 3d dales of y® xi month 1660, on folio 11 & 12, & what the meadows there allowed fell short to suply those persons there named with theire due pportions such persons (& others y'' had theire meadows) were supplied out of oth'" meadows formd up & downe y® Towne Common :. [4Jiy Xhe 2*^ devision of meadows (was only [ ] in the like of the Liste given in to y® Com"*^® y® 6 Aprill 1665 & the Lotts was therein s*^^ to bee drawne, but y'^ land being laid out in July next folio: & the acco : thereof given in by the Sur- vey o""® soone after was according to ord"" f o : 27 added to y® Listes heere) & placed in the 4 Collummes, where y® num- ber of Acres were pportioned to bee 8 Acres for every 10 Acres of meadow that was granted to every man in his 1st devision of meadow, & ordrd to lye in & about Cold harbo"" meadows, midle meadows, & chauncy meadows the 6 of the xi: month i66i see f o : 16 ; & on the 10 : of the xij month 1662 see folio 20 : & they were by Lott laid out there in the fifth month 1665 see folio 30 as farre as those meadows would reach & what any fell short of their due m those meadows they (& such as had theire 2*^ devision of meadow since granted them) were suj> plied out of oth'' meadows aiVwards found up & downe the Towne Common : f5]'y The 1*' devision of Ceadar Swamp in the 5: Collumnes was appointed the 14: of y® xi month 1662 folio 19 : & there at first ord'"*^ to bee an Acre for every 8 Acres y* A man hatli in his house Lott on the 3*^ of y*' xij month 1662 : but after- wards it was determined to bee proportioned halfe the num- ber of Rodds in the breadth of the swamp to the number of 35 acres each man hath in his house Lott (as app" by this Liste also given into to the Comm'^'^'''^^ in Aprill 1(jG5) & was so laid out theire to each man as his Lott fell on the 7: of March 1663/4 see Mio 26: [29] Some passages on y® Listes Explained Touching these Listes is to bee minded, that several of the Grantees heerc named, was at y^ time of the delivering thes^^ Listes to y® Hono'"^ Comm"*^^ & since that also before the Recording of y^ s*^ Lists heere, eith"' such as came not up to Improove the Lotts, & so eith'' surrendred or loste them, & now oth[ers] possess them ; or such as had sold them to oth''^ ; or such as are dead, & now are occupied eith'" by the widows or cMldren, or by such as have married theire widows &c viz' Nath" Johnson hath Peter Kings gra[nt,] Sam^^ ward hath his Broth"^ Richard wards Grant, Tho"* Brigham has Benia" Rice's Grant, Abram Williams hath Henry Kerly, & W" Kerly sen'' Grants, John Browne hath Joseph Holmes Grant, John Brigham hath Cap* Wheelers Lands, Thom^ Barnes hath halfe of Jonathan Johnsons 30 Acres & all Lands & Rights due to 15 Acres house Lott & the s'^ Johnson hath only retained the oth"" halfe parte of his Lands granted him : Edm° Rice's Lands is in his widows hands, Sam^^ Goodenow possesses y® Lands of his fath'' Tho^ Goodenow sen' Jh° Barns y'' maryed the widow of Tho® Goodnow Jun'" [now] occupies y' &c :. 2^y Mind that altho Sam'^ Rice hath by folio 18 5 acres added to his first grant of 21 acres on fo : [ ] to make his house Lott 26 Acres, & (some oth""^ as Richard Barnes hath by folio 14, foure Acres added to his 16 Acres at first granted him for an house Lo[tt] on folio 10 to make it up 20 Acres as heere on Liste app'^ ; to whome also by -Toynt Act of the whole Towne (& whilst in two parties) in theire Li[st] given in to y^ Com''®® 6 Aprill 1665 all Rights accoiriodacons of & to other devi- sions of Lands w[as] granted them for each addition as well as for y® [ ] proportion granted them for house Lotts, yett this [is] not the Rule to oth''® that have not each A rep- resentation & thereby a confirmacon of such alowa[nce] from the whole Towne ratified by the bono''' Comm"®® as will app"" severall instances foll[ ] who held theire enlargem"'^ of that kind uppon oth'' [ ]nts ; (viz') John Johnson hath 3 Acres of upland confirmed [to] him more than the 27 Acres house Lott mencond [in] this Liste see folio 10 where it is called 30 Acres but for s'' 3 Acres bee is to have no allowance of La[nd] or oth'' Towne Rights oth"" than what is due to his Lotte of 27 Acres, & therefore heere is but 27 Acres mencond in collumne of house Lotts to his name on this Liste, & yet hee is to pay rates for one Acre of the 3 Acres, & the other 2 Acres is in lieu of all other Accoiriodacons belonging unto the one Acre thereof rated : Also observe John How sen'' hath 20 Acres added to his 30 36 Acres house Lott granted (besides the 6 Acres granted to his wife) but hee is to have no Allowance of Land or oth'' Towne Rights & priviledges for more then the 30 Acres (altho his 20 Acres is to make his 30 Acres 50 Acres) & yett hee is to pay to all ra[tes] for one third part of s*^' 20 Acres added (as hee doth for the oth^' 30 Acres) by the hono"^ Comm***^^ ord' & the oth'' two third parts of the s*^^ 20 Acres is ra[te] free & in lieu of all oth"" accoiiiodacons due to the s*^ 3'^ p''' thereof rated : = Richard Newton hath halfe an Acre added to his house Lo[tt] see Grant thereof folio 9 : but hee hath noe Right to any land or oth'^' priviledges for the said halfe Acre : John Rediat sen^" had halfe an Acre granted & adde[d] to his 22 Acres house Lott from y^ beginning & hath all along paid Rates for it tho it was oinitted uppon the Liste given in to y* Comm"^^^ the 6 Aprill 166|^, because it was not confirmed to him as all oth'' Grants notwithstanding ; which by the Townes act till May 1G72 w*^^^ was therefore ordered to bee amended & added on the Liste & to bee here Recorded in this booke ; = Abraham Williams Lands (Avith John Woods Jun"" w'** were granted out of the 80 acres of the Cow Com- mon, & tho complained of by some, w[ere] by y® hono'^'* Comm"®® on the 20 June 1665 confirmed to them as all oth' Grants notwithstanding ; which) with Cap*^" Tho : wheelers grant of Lands were [not] in the Listes dd in to by both parties of this Towne to the s*^ Comm*^®® but by theire ord'^' are now also added heere unto this liste as aboves*^ = And Lastly altho Tho : Barrett had nothing on the Liste above al- lowed when it was presented to the Comm"^® in Aprill 1665 but his houseLott because his houseL[ott] was only then granted him, yett he hath meadows &c granted him since with oth'' rights belonging to latter grants, w*^'' are also laid out unto him & [are] bounded as app*'* on folio 342, & w'^^'' he now possesseth tho an account thereof was not given in be- fore the Liste as above written was perfected w*^^ is the only cause y* it is not above written : these few things are only hinted of merely (w*^'' Assess''® noay reach oth' scruples of like nature) to sattisfy such as will receive Ans[w''®] & once at last forbeare to bee still asking these things conserning w*^'^ they have often received the like Answ'^, to the bono'''' Com- jjjttees sattisfaccon :./ Marlborough 30 According to an ord'' of the Towne* dated the 10 day 1665 82 of the xiij month 1662 the second devision of Mead- »see fol'o^ ^^ *^^^ were laid out by Ensigne Thomas Noyes the 27 : t 2^ of the V : month 1665 unto the Proprieto''® of this Towne, in cold harbour meadows, & Midle Meadows & in Chauncy meadows, & w'^'' was measured unto each proprietor his due as it fell to him by lott & as the same stands on the Liste thereof made by y® s** Ensigne Noyes as folio : viz* 37 O O M^ O 1- O b- O '^ C' -H O M^ — ' (rq C^ r-l •■-I •-! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 t I ^^K,'t<-**1 1 -t-1 I -(*! t I ■«1H -* CO ■* ~ C<) 12 Tin iM ->*< CM -"^ -^ J3 (WS O^ .i=^ 3 •S.^w u ^Hfq>^H ci 3 WP5 2 3 'o'o , J3 3 OJ CO a III .5 53 o !d rt « fli;^ ^ pq>. 2 o^ s a'- o S ^ OJ ;2 ^ +^ B .is ;s ■ F— * ^ ^ > o r. ci s c3 Ph O % P- ri s OJ o "pa ^ o o H S o o O = i-l ^ H »^ Ph 3 B =^ 3 cc , , rM , 3 3 03 7^ y U pq 1-5 a; O 'p 3 "^ 2W O O ;H 3 .2 ]- 3 "o •h -u i) TS 7^ 3 s "r! 7:; (f} W Ph W 1-5 l-^0^-^)-I 'r! ^ '^ -i »^ ^"^^ S tS ;> "^ 3 3 °is2333"^;sa;3-.'=r''o33 r^ .. .^ la rj OJ 'i^ 3 cc 3 . O _ 3 o C3 O cr^ O rt^^ § O -3 -^ O O O -^ HO?^l-3^-5H ;T-ICqcO-*lOOt-COC50 cOO-*-*OOOi ^o. )-^-<+it^OO'*00^0-*'*00 •r-l -r-l 0<| .r^ -r-l -rt -rH (M -* ■* -"J^ I I -J« I -*N«'t< I 1 H« KW -J« --s t-s P5 §?^a o gS 3 Ht-5 ^ « i' 3 "■ OJ r- S 3 3 a ^ si S c3 %, o ^ ^ rt ^ pq 3 O^^P5t^P5Sp^f^^;i«§fficp^;5 3 3 r3 o O.S 3 I I/) 3 3 O PP^ 3 ° ci b ft.i! ^ ; O 3 Ha2 "g « a I a 1 ^ - ^ w w- - w-3 . pq^i-ji-jt-si-jOEH' ■S O rt '^ .S -^ ;5 "^ 3 ^S.^Ti ^'^as^i^H'^fH c3 tH O .2 ';5 rt p. c3 r3% ai to nz; ;• So|g " 3- ^, 4j 1 -. ci •"^ i .;|^ Q 0! =« 1-1 ^ & 01' > • m Ti rt ■75 C3 !-< fi aj • '^^ ''th' ''^^^^ the Indian Line Another Devission of Land Cow-Comon within the Cow-Common and a Limitation for Com- pleating the former Devissions : a motion of the Second Squadron for want of Land 192 Some further Ruels to be observed in the Devission Last mentioned with in the Cow-Commons : Several ad- jornments and Exceptations of Lands : major How to inspect the Reserved Land at fort meadow : Also a proceeding to the further Laying out the Land with out the Cow-Comon 193 (3) orders for Calling a proprietors meetting when Lost. Devission with- ^Iso a meetting Called for Deviding the Land with out the Cow Common : men ordered to Run the town Bounds from Jackstraws field to the River : Ruels & methods to Devide the Land without the Cow-Com- mons : orders to Lay out the Common meadow with the measuers & Ruels thereof 194 where he begen to Lot out the Common meadows : And some further Ruels tu be observed in that mater : the widow of Joseph Ward to Exchange an high-way: Some further orders for perfecting the Town South Line : proprietors debts brought in & orders for the payment of them : Lots Drawn for the Common meadow — — — .195 Lands to be Exei:)ted with this proviso not hendering for- the name 45 mer Grant or high ways : acts Relating to the Common meadows 196 men Chosen to servey the Common meadows : a meetting to proceed in the Devission of the Common Land & meadow formerly Granted : Also to hear John Brig- hams Request Refering to Some meadow Taken into his Land : the meetting being Lost again Revived : Some further proceedings in the Devission without the Cow-Commons : the Name of the Devission Satis- faction to Samuel Ward for his first Devission of Ceder Swomp : a Commeetty Refering to high ways 197 Some further proceeding Refering to the Reserved Land at fort meadow : a Commity to Call John Shearman to Show the Bounds of an acre of meadow Granted to Thomas Bruce : a meetting Called for the Defence & Security of the Town Bounds and a Commitie Chosen for the Same purposs —198 A motion of Isaac Tem23le for stoping an highway a Commeetty Chosen to hear the pleas of Isaac Temple and Benjamin Woods for stoping highways and their Return & the act of the propriety upon it : Benjamin woods and John Newtons Exchange of high ways : a Commeetty Chosen to End a Difference Joseph main- ard & Samuel Taylor 199 Records of Lands from page 199 to page 228 228 Records of Second Devission of Ceder Swomp from page 282 to 284 Crane Ceder Swomp Serveyed 286 Clay pits in Several places Stated : An high way Stated from David mainard to the plain by John prats with allowence for it 288 7 P^g6 And high ways Stated : by the hovise of John Barns : by the house of John Bellows : Betwen the Land of Eleazer How and Thomas Brigham Leading to Thomas Brighams House And an highway on -the Southerly Side of Liquor-hill ten Shill in mony paid by Edward Barns for meadow in his Land 289 Land Granted to John Brittain and William Thomas Some further proceedings about the Common meadows & Some plats of Land Excepted 290 Lands Excepted to John Britian William Thomas and Ebenezer Witt : And meadow sold to Daniel Warren 291 Some other acts Refering to the Common meadows a Tender to John Brigham for meadow Lying within his Land : A Return to be Brough of the Common mead- ows in order to be Recorded 292 An acount of the Common meadows Brough in and Ex- cepted And a bill of Charge Granted : John Brig- ham aquited for the meadow he had appropreated an act for Selling Smal percels of meadow that Remained after the alotments : A proposal for the Calling in mony Due to the proprietors for meadow appropriated 46 by Some particular persons : an acount of meadow Sold to Daniel Warren & the mony paid A Commeety Chosen to vew the Land pititioned for by m^' Wm Thomas & James Brown 293 A meetting Raised by vertue of a warrant from major Fullum : a Clerk Chosen : a Commiette Chosen to Receve the Books of the widow of the Late Clerk an agreement how to Raise meettings for the time to Come : A meetting Raise by the Commeetty to vindicate the Bounds Betwen marlborough & Stow to Consider what they would Do about the Burying places in west- borough & Southborough : Some Land Relinquish to The Abraham Williams formerly Reserved for Highways : Devission of proposed whether they will have another Devission of Land within Land within & without the Cow-Commons & it past in the afermitive A motion of Isaac Temple for Recom- pence for a high-way : an act for Selling of Land Ly- ing betwen the Lots of John Rutter & Richard Newton Land Sett appart for a meetting-hous a Burying place And a Training feild in South-Borough a Commeetty Chosen to Settle the Bounds Betwen marlborough & Stow : Land Sett apart in westborough for Burying places & other publick uses : a Commeetty Chosen to sgll some Lands without the Cow-Comons 294 fifth Devision finisht on page 295 8 page A nother meetting Raised by the proprietors Commeetty : And Chose a Clerk : And Chose a Commeetty to Con- tense the Book of Records of Lands and to Take an acount of what Lands are Laid out & by whome And to Alphebet where they are Recorded : A Return of Land Sold without the Cow-Commons And the Excep- tance of it to warren & hardy : a vote to hold the proprietors meettings within & without the Cow-Com- mons together A Commeetty Chosen to Consider what may be proper Relating to highways : voted that the Devission of Land Granted Last shall be one acre without the Cow-Commons & half an acre within 295 mony Granted to Several persons and the payment or- dered : the Return of the Commeetty sent to treat with Stow Relating to the Bounds betwen the towns 296 from page 301 to page 345 the primitive Grants Recorded by Cap*^ Green — -301-345 Lands Granted to moses Newton : to James Taylor And to Joseph Newtou' — 346 Lands Granted to Thomas Bruce^ 347 Lands Granted to James Sawyer 348 Lands Granted to Jonathan Johnson & paid for 349 A Record of Ceder Swomp & upland to Edmund Rice 350 Lands Granted to William Ward Sen'" 351 Lands Granted to Thomas martain ; And to John Perre And to Thomas Barrett: And to Dorithy How widow of Joseph How • 352 47 Lands Granted to Samuel Stow Lands Granted to Edward Rice Sen'"- Lands Granted to Thomas Brigham- Lands Granted to John Eutter*^ . onu Lands Granted to Bent S^T^r^ q^j 358 -353 -354 -355 Lands Granted to John How S^n'' An agreement Betwen Isaac Tem^lTL^r^ proprie- tors Refenng to John Bellowses Adition ______ 359 Lands Granted to Alexander Stewert: And to Thomas Bruce Sen' Land Exchanged with Samuel Bruce for an highway : And Land Laid out to Daniel Newton 368 tor allowence for an highway Lands Granted and Sold to Jonah warren SfiQ land Laid out to Nathanael Cake to James Taylor Sen' And to James Taylor jun' onr. Lands Granted to Henry Bartlet— . .37 j Land Granted to Cap' Amsden for allowence for an hish way Cross the Easterly Corner of his house lot L 94 an Exchange of highway with Joseph wards widow 8 REGISTER RE-PRINTS, SERIES A, NO. 30 ftB X'iJA' ' ^"^^ vr-, - ^^J^^^^^M;'< ^^, V-^c^ -^ ■<^. ^^ ^ %\ <^, ^.^. ^ * 0^ • ^ '" .\ .V ^-^ .-^v ^^^^ ?f^ps • v^. D0B8S BROS LIBRaVy Bl"NDi'Na '''p. o V o O, ' o « ^%^S|^; '^^(^^^ST. AUGUSTINE 4° VV "^ /^ ^ V > ^V^.,^^^FLA. ^^32084 ^ ^7 ^ • 6- -^ "y LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 069 907 A ¥:^l