METROPOLIS OF THE Great South u. s. A. IQO:2 r^^^ Class_ Book AffC'il %- "THESE ARE MY JEWELS" Said the Roman matron, pointing to her sons. "THESE ARE MY J E WEES," says At- lanta, pointing to her churches, schools, and great business struct- ures, the exponents of her character, energ}- and spirit. ATLANTA Aii'ays 11102k s foiivard. There may be greater or less prosperity but prog- ress all the time. This is a marked feature in its history. Even in pe- riods of financial distress and paralysis of trade, it has been a matter of com- ment that Atlanta grows and advances. No year passes without some great metropolitan achievement. Continual progress is the leading incentive to investment of capital and immigra- tion. Increasing popula- tion and prosperity are therefore certain. THE WIDE AWAKENESS And energy so charac- teristic of Atlanta are partially due to the ele- ment of its citizenship contributed from the best and most enterpris- ing of other sections, who are speedily imbued with the Atlanta spirit. ELOQUENT FIGURES L,ast year 224,889 money orders, amounting to^ $1,338,526.19, were paid by our Postoffice. The number of orders issued in Atlanta to be paid elsewhere was 49,481, amounting to $392,628.- 89. This is a difference of nearly one million dol- lars in receipts over re- mittances. ATLANTJl GREATEST CITY - OF THE GREAT SOUTH. POPULATION CONSTANTLY BOUNDING FORWARD. One Hundred Thousand Line Passed, Two Hundred Thousand in Sight. No Limit to Continuous Progress. Commerce Expanding ^ Manufactures Increasing, An All Round City in Resources and Capacity. THE RECOGNIZED BUSINESS CENTER AND METROPOLIS OF THE SOUTH. FACTS AND OFFICIAL FIGURES. e^ E. Y. CLARKE, Compiler, J 902. 5Lt ?^^ a 'OX. Htlanta* There is no mystery about tlie growth of Atlanta. Its story ean be toUl in five words: location, railways, commerce, manufactures, pluck. It was the outcome of the necessities of a situation. The West and the Atlantic seaboard had to be brought into communication. Roads must be built and location selected as the entrepot for the roads coming from either di- rection. No mistake was made as results have proved. Atlanta is the very spot which meets all the requirements. The road which the State it- self constructed in furtherance of the plan, the Western and Atlantic from Chattanooga to Atlanta 138 miles, is still the property of the State and one of the most valuable railways in existence, paying an annual rental of almost a half million dollars. Those who would come from the North an-3.5 Palmer & Reed, Attorneys 627 Pace. R. T., Purchasing Agt A. & W. P. R. R 71i)-21 Phillips, Charles H., Contracting Agent 72!) Philadelphia Underwriters 739-48 Perdue & Eggleston, Insurance. .801-7 Paine, Thomas B. & Co 831 Philadelphia & Reading R. R 83.5 Queen & Crescent Route 213 Queen Insurance Co 502 Queen Insurance Co., of Amer- ica 513-1!) Roan. H. L., Insurance 211 Repauno Chemical Co .306 Roan, B. H. H., Representing Clothing Co., Cincinnati, 0.70!)-11 Richardson, Joseph, Chairman. 731-37 Ruse, John C, Insurance Ad- juster 732-34 Roberts, M. S 732-34 St. Louis Southwestern R. R. Co.. 204 Sigma Nu Fraternity 440 Sawyer-M. & E. Co 43.5-37 Southern Inspection Bureau. . .543-45 Southern Railway Company. . .<)01-1!» Sheffey, L. C 031 Sage & Riccio, Contractois 632 Southern Iron Car Line.... 6.34 to ()48 Seaboard Air Line 723 St. Louis, Iron Mt. & Southern R. R. Company 72!) South-Eastern Passenger Assn. 731-37 South-Eastern Tariff Assn 523-30 South-Eastern Freight Assn. . .421-2!) Securities Company of New York 81!) Southern States Dispatch. 835 Shennandoah Dispatch 835 Trust Company of Ga... Ground lloor. Teachout. Frank B., Cont. Agt... 210 Tichenor, W. R., Attorney 335 Thornton, C. C, Gen. Agt 401 Tapp, S. C, Attorney & Coun- sellor at Law 403-5 Tupper, S. Y., Insurance Mana- ger 513-19 Thompson, W. D., Attoi'ney. .. .635-37 Thompson, Mrs. K. F., Stenogra- pher 531 Tayloe, W. H., Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent Southern Itallway 603 Thompson, J. S. B.. Gen. Agt. Southern Railway G19 Tompkins & Alston, Attorneys. . .701-5 Tilson, W. J.. Attorney 70i-5 Thorn, C. C, Gen. Agent 401 Van Epps, Judge Howard, Attor- ney & Counsellor at Law... 811-13 Virginia-Tennessee & Georgia Air Line 835 Westview Cemetery Associa- tion Gi ound Hoor Westview Floral Co Ground Hoor, Worthington, H. R. ..^- Compa- ny Ground Hoor. Williams Tobacco Co., T. C. To- bacco 205 Wolford, G. S., Insurance 211 Wagner-Bullock Mfg. Co 221 Westmoi'eland, W. F., Phys 239-43 Western Union Tel c^ Cable Co... 332 Wesleyan Christian Advocate 404 Westinghouse Mfg. Co 435-37 Warrendoi f , A. E 504-8 Wright, T. J., Attorney 507 Walker, H. L., Ai^chitect 542-46 Weldon, F., Publisher 630 Walker. A. F.. Representative. .. .727 Western Railway of Alabama . .71!)-2i Wickersham, C. A., President. . 719-21 Weyman & Conners, Loans 227 Wilson, M. A., & Co., Mfrs. Agt.. .836 Worthing, H. R. & Co 83i)-4I /ahner. Slicer & Logan, Attoi'- neys 646-48 ^be iPrubcnttaL This splendid structure, occupying the block boundcxl by Broad, Walton and Forsyth streets and Custom House Place is one of the most desirable and valuable for stores, banking, insurance, real estate, general business and professional offices. It is in the business center — directly opposite the U. S. Post-office and Custom House Building, and all the street railroad systems center near its doors. It has a frontage of eighty-five feet on Broad street, one hundred and seventv-eight feet on Walton street, eighty- eight feet on h'orsvth street, and one hundred and seventy-eight on Custom House Place. The building was designed by Mr. Thos. H. Morgan, of Bruce & Mor- gan, Architects, Atlanta, Georgia, in the spirit of the Italian Renaissance, a style most appropriate for this climate. The first three stories are built of Bedford limestone and grey brick, and above this rises five stories of plain wall surface, which support the en- riched pilasters and cornices of the two top stories. The three principal entrances are of limestone beautifully designed and carved. This building is of the most modern fire-proof, independent steel con- struction. The structural steel work was designed by Mr. Corydon T. Purdy. of Purdy & Henderson, Structural Steel Engineers, New York City. There are entrances from Broad, Walton and Forsyth streets, centering at the elevators and forming a grand arcade through the center of the building from Broad to Forsyth street. The vestibules are handsomely finished, Vv^alls and ceilings in A'erde antique marble with Mosiac floors. There is also an entrance for freight and employees from Custom House Place. The first story is arranged for Ijanking purposes, real estate or insurance •offices and attractive stores. These front on r)road, Walton and Forsyth streets, and have verv large polished plate-glass show windows, both on the streets and the arcade. From the second to the tenth story inclusive the space is divided into offices. Each office is provided with a marble wash-bowl and an oak ward- robe. Every room has direct outside light, polished plate-glass windows from bottom to top. The finish is selected oak. and each room has every •convenience of heat, light and ventilation. The space will be divided to meet the requirements of tenants. There are four high-speed elevators complete and perfect in equipment, with decorative wrought-iron screens. They have every modern a])i)liance for safety, and are conveniently situated in the center of the building. There is one freight elevator for lifting safes, furniture, etc. The corridors on every floor are broad and well lighted. They are all finished with marble tile floors, and marble wainscoating six feet high, above which are large glass transoms. The building has light on all four sides, and each room has direct out- side light through large plate-glass windows. Each room and corridor is provided with gas and electric light. The building has a large modern electric light plant, and lights will lie fur- nished to tenants without extra charge. No expense has been spared to secure phnul^ing of the best and most sanitary character. The building is heated by steam according to the most approved and scientific method. The arcade or main corridor is finished in white marl)le from floor to ceiling. A number of the stores have entrances and large plate glass show windows upon the arcade. There are two grand marble stairways to the second floor, and one in each end of the l)uilding from the second to the tenth, entirely removed from the elevators. This building has all the modern conveniences, including janitor ser- vice, U. S. mail chute, ice water on every floor, etc., etc. It is occupied by the following: American Surety Co 224-20 Atlanta Dental College filS Aetna Insurance Co (i24-2fi Atlanta Brick & Machine Com- pany (See card) 403 Anderson, Harry W., Mfrs. Sou. Agent 411 Adams, P. H.. Lawyer .'512 American Bell Tel. Co 513 Atlanta Clearing House Assn 71.i American Audit Co., of N. Y .ll!) Armour Fertilizer Works SI 1-13 Aetna Insurance Co 324-26 Atlanta Press 1021-25 Appleton & Co., D.. Publishers. .1021-2.5 Butler, Dr. P. M., Physician 213 Brawner. Dr. J. N., Physician 401 Bagley & Willett, Insurance. . .220-223 Blalock, E. M 625 Black & Jackson. Lawyers 224-26 Byers, A. S. Lumber Co 301-2 Bain, Donald ivi.. Insurance 308 Bryan, Shepard, Lawyer 324-26 Bechelor, V. A., Lawyer 324-26 Butt & Durant. Insurance 415 Blackburn, B. M., Insurance 415 Boylston, A., Lawyer 4i7-18 Broughton, Dr. Joe, Dentist 428-20 Barnett, S. T., Physician 501-3 Boston, H. M., Lawyer 508-11 Bidwell, C. B 519 Bruce & Morgan, Architects 705-7 British-American Assurance Co, 80.3-10 Burbank, S. M., Insurance 920-24 Clarke, Logan, Lawyer 709' Collins Brick Works 305 Cotton, M. L 709 Corrigan, T. F. Lawyer 312-13 Cobb, H. H 625 Cameron, J. S., Insurance 321-23 Chattahoochee River Mill 521 Clay, B. J., Lawyer 327 Clarke, C. Everett Co., Contrac- tors 407 Cofield, Craig, Mgr. Sou. Dept. Security Mutual Life Ins. Company 914-16 Caldwell, H. W. & Sons Co 411 Cartledge, Dr. E. C, Physician. .302-4 Crowe, W. A., Physician 601-2 Crawford, J. M & J. H., Phys.. 615-16 Crenshaw, Wm. & Thos., Den- tists 619-2i Chappie, J. A., Dentist 628-29' Childs & Champion, Physicians. .701-3 Collier, P. F. & Son., Publishers. .722 Cox, A. H., Lawyer 907-8 Clarke, J. C, Machinery 909-10 Cofield, Craig. Insurance 914-16 Clarke Hardware .Co 1015 Davis, Archibald H., Attorney. .312-13 Dexter, Geo. J., Mgr. British- Amer. Assurance Co. & West- ern Assurance Co. of To- ronto 803-10 Draper, Arthur J., Lawyer 617 The Prudential. Dunlap, Edgar, Insurance 211-1-2 Dodd. Newman & Dodd, Law- yers .SU;j-4 Davis, A. H., Lawyer 312-13 Dozier, H. C 71(i DeGroot, L. P., Mfrs. Agent 314 Durant, E. ivi., Insurance 4i(i Dearborn Drug & Chemical Wks..411 Draper Company, Machinery. . .425-26 Dodge Manufacturing Co., Ma- chinerj'. etc .i22 Dashwood, P. T., Dentist (il3-14 Dexter, Geo. J., Insurance 803-1(1 Dickinson, J. H (ill Donaldson, H. R., Physician 901-2 Denny, W. F., Architect I0l7-l!i Enterprise Lumber Co 5U4-(i Elberton Oil Mills 520-21 Ellis, Wimbish & Ellis. Law- yers 52o-2(i Etheridge. H. A. & P. S.. Law- yers S14 Field, Miss M. M 1 01 S Farley, F. M., Capitalist 214-1.1 Fidelity & Casuality Co 308-10 Fay & Bgan Co., J. A 4i!) Foster, F. O 81o-2!l Gamble, F. Peirin 1021-2.-) Gaston & Gaston. Physicians. . .228-2!) Gaines, N. R !M»1 Georgia Title Guarantors Co (iO.l Gerhart, EdwinA., Homeopathy ... .")4.'i Grant, John W 70S Gude & Walker, Contractors & Engineers, A. V. Gude & B. M. Walker, Bell phone 1285 713 Glover, C. P., Real Estate Agent.. 71(i Gearhart, Dr. Edwin A.. Phys 515 Georgia Redemption & Loan Company 728-20 Green, John M. & Co., Ins n04-(; Harrison Safety Boiler Works.... 41 n Home Insurance Co of N. Y 311 Hardy, F. A. & Co., Wholesale Opticians 404-() Hamburg-Bremen Fire Insurance Company 408 Harrisburg Foundry & Machine Works 411 Hull, Dr. M. Mc. H., Phvsician 501-3 H. & F. S. R. W 504-0 Hayden, C. J 012 International Paper Co 307 Interstate B. & L. Assn 518 International Correspondence School iUO Jennison, W. R 4i!i Johnson, O. H.. Insurance 211-12 Johnson, Dr. F. C, Physician (il7 Jones. Francis & Co., Contrac- tors 21 4-1 (i Jennison, W. R 41!) Jones, Virgil, Lawyer 60.5 Jones, Darwin G., Stocks 714-15 Kennesaw Guano Co 711 Keefer. D. H., Lawyer 814 King & Thornton, Mfrs, Agents Iron, Steel, Hardware & Mill Supplies 1016 Leary, J. L 324-26 Louisville Paper Co 328 29 Lowell Machine Shops, John Hill Son rep., Roger W. Da- vis Asst., Builders of Cotton Mill & Worsted Machinery; Mill Architects & Engineers. 4 12-14 Lane & Bodley Co, Machinery 419 Lambright, W. E., Dentist t)13-I4 Lidgerwood Mfg. Co., Engines. .80i-2 Le Conte, Dr. J. M., Physician 210 Lyndon, O., Physician 001-2 Mansfield, W. M. E 307 Manry & Co., W. F., Insurance. .3O.V0 Moore, J. W 227 McVeigh, G. T 400 Milledgeville Oil Mills 52021 McCarroll, F. A Oil Mumford Rubber Tire Co 712 McGovern, J 917-18 Metropolitan Life Insurance. . . .920-24 Massey, W. C, Stenographer 1001 Nelson, L, B 025 Nicholson & Wolff, Phvsicians 319 Ozborne, D. B 811-13 Oberdorfer, Eugene 310 Parks, W, B.. Physician 201-2 Pendleton, W. M 201 Prudential Insurance Co 203-10 Parkhurst. Wm. F 710 Patterson, W. H. & Co.. Stocks c^ Bonds 2i4-lG Pearce, John W 311 Patterson & Reynolds, Ins 214-10 Pattillo, W. F., Gen. Sou. Agent Hamburg-Bremen Fire In- surance Co 408 Penn Mutual Life Ins Co 220-23 Phillips. D. P 312-13 Phillips, B. Z 313 Postal Tel. & Cable Co G0.-)-7 Pratt, G. W., Machinery 017 Pell City Mfg. Co 017 Padgett & Son, B R., Contractors. .903 Phoenix Insurance Co 1002-11 Phoenix Real Estate Co 1012-13 Reynolds & Rust. Insurance. .. .214-10 Rogers, H. A 913 Reynolds. C. B., Lawyer 227 Rosenfeld, A., Insurance 308 R. R. Mail Service 420-23 & 622-23 Rhodes-Futch Collins Furniture Company 801 Sun Life Assurance Co 32i-23 Stockdell, H. C, Insurance 1007 Stephens, J. P.. Physician 401-2 Sou. Home B. & L. Assn 417-18 Southern Iron & Equipment Co., F. P. Kern, mgr; Steel Rails, Locomotives, Rolling Stock, etc 528-29 Sturtevant. B. F. Co.. Blowers, Etc 427 Sawyer, Dr. Annie L., Physician. .018 Smith, Hammond & Smith, Law- yers 50S-11 Southern Development Co ol'^ Sims, F. H., Physician .ill)-17 Southern Iron & Equipment Co. .528-29 Scott, F. M., Real Estate 714 Slaton & Phillips, Lawyers. .. .723-27 Smith. A. A., Fertilizer... 909-10 Swift Fertilizer Co 912-L'} Security Mutual Life Insurance Co 914-10 Southern Classification Commit- tee 917-lS Southern Weighing & Inspec- tion Bureau 92(3-29 Sharp, A. G 313 Savings B. & L. Assn i012-l;! Tilton, Mc. L., Jr., Lawyer 327 Thomas, E. G., Dentist 521 Thornton, A. E 609-10 Turner & McElroy, Dentist 719-21 United States Endowment & Trust Co 624-26 Van Dyke, A. H., Physician. .. .315-1'! Wall, S. M., Insurance 211-12 Wilmerding, W. E., Physician 21;^ Whitner & Co., J. C, Insurance. .409-10 Whitner & Co., Insurance 409-10 Watson, C. T 417 White, J. F., Lawyer 508-11 Wildauer, B., Dentist 514 Wright, H. S., Physician 601-2 Weber, H., Lawyer 328-29 Woolley, Vassar, Lawyer 328-29 Wilson, O. G., Lawyer 328-29 Wahnetah Mills 712 Wells, G. M. & F. H Williams, S. C, Fire Insurance. .. 717 Wilson, H L., Real Estate 717 Western Assurance Co., of To- ronto S03-i(> White, S. S. Dental Co 815-29 Woolf, H. W 926-29 Waldo, A. L., Insurance 1012-13 Wolf. F. W. Co., Ice Machines. . .1014 lenoUsb-Hmerican BuilMno. The location of the l)uilding- is most advantageous, fronting as it does upon Peachtree street, the principal thoroughfare of the city, and being just at the juncture of the residence and business sections of the city, is most convenient to all classes of people. This is of especial importance to physicians, whose patients may avoid the crush of trade. It is also in the liotel and club center of the city thus placing it in close contact with the traveling public. The cars of all lines of street railways stop directly in front of the door, thus affording convenient communication with all parts of the city. The construction and arrangement of the building aft'ord a degree of privacy and independerce found in anv otffce building, there being in 110 case more than six separate offices tributar}' to each floor. One is thus ■enabled to preserve a perfect individual establishment and identity, which would be lost on a floor of greater area. Each floor has separate toilet conveniences and is complete within itself. The lighting arrangement is perfect, each room being lighted by a large central cluster of six to twelve lights, in addition to wall and desk brack- ets. The lighting and power currents are taken from the public service, as is also the steam heat, so that they are available at all hours of the day or night and will not be subject to the interruptions with which a private service would be liable. The motion of the cars is smooth and imiform avoiding the jerk and lurch of hydraulic elevators which is so annoying to ladies and persons of delicate health and temperament. Pro- vision is made for an all night elevator service in order that the offices may at all times be readily accessible. Attendance by uniformed servants is included in the rate of rental, and the perfect neatness of apartments at all times is assured. The building is absolutely fire-proof, and every room has an outside ex- posure wdiich ensures perfect light and ventilation and affords an interest- ing view of the citv, while free from the noise, dust and annoyances of the street. The interior construction is such that while all standing walls are fire- proof and impervious to sound, they can be readily removed to make any divisions of space required in special cases. A very economical arrange- ment can be made by the association of two firms in the space of three rooms ; having a reception room in common and a private office on each side. The officers of the English American Loan & Trust Company are : A. H. Benning, President ; Roby Robinson, Vice-President ; W. T. Comer, Cashier; J. H. Gilbert. Counsel. The English American. The ofiicers of the Mutual Building Company are : R. F. Shedden, President ; C. W. Cutler, Vice-President ; W. T. Comer, Manager. The following are the occupants of the huilding : American Bridge Co .501-2 Anthony & Shields, Physician. . ..i()7-!) Asher, W. T., Physician 70.1-7 Avary, Drs., Physicians 706-8 Angier, Clarence, Insurance. .810-12-14 Bleckley & Tyler 301-2 Blalock, Dr. W. J :303 Bewick Lumber Co 601-3 Baer, Simon 711 Gronin, Dr. John H 503-.') Crusselle, Edward 802 Carter, S. A 006 Credit Clearing House 112-13-14-15 Collier & Brown 1001 Crist. DHr. M. Z 1114-1.) Davis & Cromer 612-14 Eagan, John J !)0.)-7-n English-American Loan & Trust Company 1111 Garner, Dr. J. R 406-8 Green, Dr. C. C 710 Greiger, Dr. C. A 008-10 Gilbert, James H 1100 Hatcher & Dunlap, Ins 401-2-.3-.1 Hammond, W. R 411-14-1.5 Hoke, Dr. Michael 702 Holmes, Dr. J. B. S 712-14-1.5 Hall, G. H Oil Hobbs, Dr. A. G 1103 Insurance Herald Co 606-8-10 Jarnigan & Hancock, Phys 311-1.5 Jones, Dr. L. H 514-15 Kime, Dr. R. R 308-10 King, Dr. J. C 1101-2 Lawshe, John Z., Physician 506-8 Moore & McCrary 407-f> Moore & McCrary 407-a Moncrief, Dr. J. B 609 Mutual Life Ins Co., of Ken- tucky 1010-12-14-1.5 Owens, Dr. William, Eye, Ear and Throat Specialist 400-12 Owens, S. C 1108 National Cash Register Co, M. A. Elliott, mgr Ground floor. Purse, Dr. M. A 305-7 Pratt, Dr. H. J 605-7 Pinckney, Dr. S. C. C 701-3 Peters, Thomas 002-3 Pressner. Dr. J. D 1003-5-7-0-11 Violet Ray & Photo Therapisc Inst 1003-5-7-9-11 Ridley, Dr. R. S 510-12 Ripley, Dr. R. S mhrfdlu u Ripley & Cunningham 809-11-15 Russell Co., W. A 90.5-7-9 Robinson-Humphrey Co 1110-12 Southern Mess. Service. .Ground floor. Sharpe, Robert, Tailor. .Ground floor. Shedden, R. F 201-15 Smith, Dr. Francis P 700 Scribner's Sons, Chas 805-7 Sanderson, Miss Ruth 806 Shine, R. A 806 Todd, Dr. J. S 312-14 Toeper, Dr. Theo 1105-7 U. S. Life Ins. Co 801-2-3 Ward, Dr. C. P 611 Washington Life Ins. Co 901 Walker, H. L 1002 '-•' ^ -^ .^ - -^ ^ '^'^ 1 ja •» '^ _;5 ;s;; «•* r JJ- ^ BJ ^rg, ^ f^ h"-r iiL,' — 5n:f5ri^ ■: > . k\-i^ The Empire. Cbe lempire Builbing. This is the latest finished addition to the number of our great office struc- tures and is the tahest of them all. It has fourteen stories above the base- ment. Three hundred and sixty rooms above the first floor. Six elevators and an all night service. It was designed by Bruce and Morgan who also designed the Austell and Prudential. It is exceedingly handsome — elegant and first class in all respects. Supplied with all modern appointments and conveniences, and will do credit to any citv however great. Its offices were eagerly sought and the entire building very nearl}- occupied alreadv. The following comprise its tenants : Atlanta Suburban Land Corpor- ation 201-11 Audit Company, The .Si!) Atlanta Typewriter Repair & Supply Co 724--25 American Moistening Co SIS Appalachachian Gold Mining Co.. HI!' Armstrong, W. A. Prysician. . l(t2()-27 Austin, E. R., Attorney 1127-28 Atlanta Business Bureau 1213-14 Atlantic Compress Co 1806-11 Adair & McCarty Bros., A. D.. 1320-25 American Electric Fan Co. .. .12-26-27 Black, E. P.. Real Estate 213-14 Black, R. G., Barber 224-26 Bank of Commerce 311 Bradstreet Company, The 305-10 Bell, R. E., Insurance 51,3 Bishop, J M., Real Estate 411 Baskin, A. H., Attorney 615-17 Branan, J. S., Broker 624-25 Brandon & Arkwright, Attys. .. .703-6 Block, B. B., Physician 713-14 Brown, R. H., Accountant 804 Bullough, Howard 814-15 Bartram & Shomo, Tailors 901-2 Bancker, A. H., Attorney 103-() Bellamy, M. L., Stenographer. . 1026-27 Baker-Mawter Co., Ollice Supp..l214 ■Cole Mfg. Co., R. D 320 ■Crenshaw, H., Physician 401-2 Crutchfield, J. H., Mfrs Agent 404 Clarke & Wilson, Stenog 424-25 Colquitt, W. T., Attorney 703-6 Conklin Tin Plate & Metal Co... 701-2 Cain, J. D. M., Physician !)27-2S Campbell, J. L., Physician 1103-0(; Cole, F. W., Insurance 1114 Chapman, J. C, attorney 1224-25 Cleland, J. B., Insurance 1304 Cheatham Realty Co 422-23 Dickey, J. L., Jr., Insurance. .. 1023-25 Dunbar, A. S., Insurance 1304 Francis, H. L. & M. D., Coal 215 English, Jas. W. Jr Ground floor. Export Storage Company 213-14 Emery, W. B., Physician 1103-6 Evins, S. Nesbitt, Attorney 1113-14 Forester, G. W., Manager 318 Furman Farm Implement Co.. 1320-25 Firth Company, Wm 813 Foster Incandescent Lamp Co.... 1328 Ford, Bacon & Davis, Engineers, 1401-2 Gann, R. M., Real Estate 317 Glen Falls Insurance Co 405-6 Gei mania Life Insurance Co... 627-28 Gate City Oil Mills 822-25 German-American Ins. Co. ... 1023-25 Goldsmith. W. S., Physician 1103-6 General Electric Co 1101-10 Guarantee Company of North America 1301-3 Gunn, W. H. Stenographer 1328 Haas, Jacob, Real Estate 301 Haas & Co, Jacob, Fire Ins 312-13 Haas & Co., Insurance 314 Hartford Steam Boiler Inspec- tion & I. Co 315-16 Hansen, H. S., Physician 401-2 Haas & Rosenfeld, Insurance. . .414-15 Home Life Insurance Co 507-10 Hartford Life Ins. Co 005 Hopkins & Sons, J. L., Attys. .. 1003-6 Howard, George P 1223 Howard & Bullough, American Machine Co. (Ltd.), Paw- tucket, R. I., Builders of Cot- ton Mill Machinery, E. Chap- pell & Son, representative. .814-15 Hunter, J. R., Agent of Bldg 414-15 International Specialty Co 1326 Jarvis, J. L., Physician 501-2 Jones, J. A., Insurance 803 Jones, B. S., Typewriters 1226 Lookout Mountain Coal & Coke Co Ground floor. Lynch, Miss L., Stenographer. .. .218 Manhattan Life Ins. Co 407-10 Mozely & Co., S. G., Monuments. .515 McCarroll, F. A., Insurance. .. .522-25 Mutual Reserve Fund Life Asso- ciation 608-10 Miller & Gray, Screens 715 National Surety Co ...213-14 N. Y. Life Ins. Co., Livingston Mims, Mgr SL5-12 New England Mutual Life Ins. Co (508-10 Ocean Accident & Guarantee Corporation 405-0 Oliver Construction Co 020 Pittman, J. H., Attorney 503-4 Porter, J. H., Attorney (iO.S-fi Phillips, I. W., Broker 08-0 Brooks, L. R., Attorney t'Ob!) Buchanan, R. H., Traveling __ ^ SRlPSHlcin ' Caldicott, G. C. A., Baths. . .Basement Connally, W. S., Loans .412 Chattahoochee Brick Co.. Street tloor Douglas, Hamilton, Attorney 501-3 English. J. W., Pres. .. .Ground lloor. Equitable L. & S. Co.... Ground Hoot. Elfe, G. C, Clothing -^05-' Estate E. W. Marsh •-;»;' Ericson Telephone Co ^ '---^ Fourth National Bank. . . .Ground floor Glover & Co., R. A., Pub ^^^^-^ Hill • Harvey, Attorney >0()-10 Holman, C. L., Superintendent. .302-3 Heath & Co., D. C, Publishers. .r,lo_-12 Haugh, G., Traveling Salesman .11 Illinois Glass Co '-^^l Lederl, F., Mechanical Engineer. .40. Lewis,' J. M., Cotton Gins '>07 Lumpkin, E. S., Attorney 508-9 Latham & Crawford, Attorneys. .()11-12 MeHaffey, R. L., Traveling Sales- man 201-3 Mallinson School of Shorthand. . .212 McCall. D. D., Traveling Sales- man ' ^'* Ottley, J. K., Cashier Ground floor. O'Kelley, R. E. & Co., Hats 205-7 Ohio Publishing Co 302-3 Preferred Accident Ins. Com- pany Ground floor. Patillo, W. P., Ins & Loans 210-11 Phoenix Mutual Life Ins Co 408-0 Pendleton, W. M., Insurance 610 Ryan, Charles I., Cash.. Ground floor. Retail Credit Co 708-9 Southern Exchange Ground floor. Southern Industrial - ablishing Co 407 Southeastern Electric Co 410-11 Tracy W. W., Law Agent 306-10 Terris, W. H 604 United States Bottler's Supply Co 301 Visanski, W. W.. Attorney o04 Van Dyke. S. Y ^04 Wood Gummer & Filer Co 208-9 Wilson, Wharton O., Attorney 404 Wilson, R. H., Real Estate 405 Wardioper, D. L., Civil Engi- neer •^01 THE NORCROSS. Auten. W. J.. Physician 20/ s Arnold, G. A.. Real Estate 4 1 Barnes, J., Attorney -'• l Baxter, T. W., Mfrs Agent '20._> Brown, .1. T. & I. N., Contrs 40.) Eady, J. T., Real Estate 404 Grillin, E. G., Dentist 4U8-9 Gordon, J. T., Physician ..41 Huntly, J. P.. Dentist 309-10 Handbury. T. E., Adv. Agent .31 Haggard Specific Co 40.^-4 Johnson, A. D., Physician .4iz Methvin, J. S., Attorney .403-4 Mount F. W., Photo Finisher ..414-1.) Peters Land Co 31l Ryan, S. A., Loans :^<'->'i Rouglin. L. C. Physician 40, Smith, P. S., Attorney 202-4 Simms, W. A., Attorney 212-13 Scott Investment Co., G. W.... 302-04 The Atlanta Hygea 30.o-8 Trhower, J. G., Contractor 301 Thrower, W. J.. Contractor 301 Warren. W. C. P., Physician. .. .210-11 Wright, J. T.. Attorney • .'-l'- Warrendorff. A. E.. Pub 212- .| Withers. W. S., Attorney 314 Willett G. W., Physician 4U() Warners' None-such Rostr..Top floor. Young, F. S., Physician 214 Jibe Xo\vn^c0 BuilMng. This is another admirably constructed office building located on North Pryor street and is very attractive in its interior arrangement, being well filled all the time. It was built according to design and plans by the well known architect, j\tr. Geo. W. Laine. The occupants are: A. T. 301-2 Ancient Order United Workmen. . .311 Adair, R. B., Dentist 500-1-2-3 Adair, Robin, Dentist 500-1-2-3 American Seating Company. .. .510-13 Blickensderfer Typewriter Ground floor. British Medical Institute 207-11 Britt. W. E., Jewelry 407-!t Becht Piano Co 410-11 Burks, Miss F. M., Music teacher. .505 Barili. A., Music Teacher 507-8 Bramlett, T. O., Dentist 012-13 Continental Land Co 203 Collum Dropsy Medicine Co., O. E 313 Cable Co.. Hobert M 410-11 Clarke, W. F., Music Teacher 500 Crenshaw, W. T., Gen. Sou. Agt. Remington Standard Type- writer Ground floor. Dixie Camera Co 710-13 Ellis, R. A., Manager. .. .Ground floor. Georgia Viavi Co 002 Hartford-Finley Rubber Tire Co.. 307-8 Hunt, Miss A. E., Music Teacher, 412-13 Hitt, R. G., Insurance Adjuster. .. .001 Howell, H., Music Teacher 010-11 Hardin, M. C, Ostsoph 702-5 King, Miss L. C, Music Teacher.. 505 Lane, G. W.. Architect 001-3 Moody, John T., Insurance 401-4 McArthur, Miss E.. Music Teach- er GOO Mayer, I. M., Music Teacher 004-0 Morrison, Hal., Artist 707-S National Life Insurance Co 401-4 Robinson, Miss G. H., Music Teacher 701 Southern R. R. tK: S. S. Adv Co Ground floor. Smith. H. B 303 Turner, K. M.. Typewriters Ground floor. Tennessee Mining Co 200 Tuggle, Miss M., Music Teacher. . .400 Woolley Co., B. M., Opium and Whiskey Cure 201-6 West & Co., J. G.. Insurance 300 Woolf, W. P, Teacher 60S The Lowndes. temple Court. This was one of the first office buihhn.^s erected in the city. It has often been improved without and within, making it an imposing and modern structure. It is located on the corner of Alabama and Pryor street, near the city hall and county court house, and is occupied in the lower floor by the Capital City National Bank, one of the strongest and most success- ful in the citv. Akin, E. G.. Superintendent 312 Atlanta Trust & Banking Co. . .■501-2-.3 Atlanta Discount Co .506-8 Angier -(i Hatcher, H. Jr., Attorney 707 Interstate Abstract Company .. .511-13 Jenkins, J. C, Attorney 60S Johnson, B. E'., Attorney 417-19 Kiser, A. J., Broker 216 King, J. M., Attorney 611-13 Key, J. L., Atto.ney 518-22 Kilpatrick, J. D., Attorney ()04-6 Louisville & Nashville R. R Ground floor. Lewis, U., Attorney 214 Loyless, D. A., Attorney 417-19 Lovett, R. O., Attorney 708 Mabry, W., Attorney 207 Meyer, A. A., Attorney 301-3 Meyer, E. L., Attorney 301-3 Meyer, S., Attorney 301-3 Moore, J. W., Attorney 312 Mercantile Claim Co 318 Moore, H., Attorney 319-21 Myers, G. A., Attorney 401-6 Mayson. Hill & McGill, Atty 417-21 McClellan, J. E., Attorney 604-6 McClellan, L. F., Attorney 604-6 Maddox, C. D., Attorney 606 Mundy, W. C, Attorney 709 Mayson's Annuity 710-12 Moore, C. J., Attorney 711 McElreath & McElreath, Attys. .71.5-17 Miller, W. S.. Barber Top floor. Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis R. R Ground floor. O'Neill, James F., Attorney 504 Pomeioy, E. E., Attorney 319-21 Pendleton, J. T., Attorney 509 Powers, F. M., Attorney 515-21 Parry & McCord, Attorney 601-3 Ray, L. R., Attorney 314 Raley, J. E. & W. E., Merchan- dise brokers 316 Rogers, W. S., Merchandise Broker 316 Riley, D. F., Attorney 708 Southern Flour it Grain Compa- ny Ground Hoor. Shropshire, R. R., Attorneys 202 Shropshire, W. R. & I. S., Mer- chandise Brokers 202-3 Smith, Burton, Attorney 304-6 Smith, D. O.. Stenographer 307-10 Southein Mutual B. & L. Assn.. 510-12 Smith, C. C, Attorney 518-22 Suttles, W. E., Attorney 604 Sims, W. A., Attorney 600 Southern Fire Ins. Co 704 Venable Bros., Contractors. .Top floor. Thomas, E. D., Attorney 511-13 Thornton & Co 611 U. S. A. Recruiting Station 12-13 Western & Atlantic Freight Of- fice Ground floor. Whittington, C. H., Loans 208 Walker, J. G., Attorney 210 Williams, E. T., Attorney 514 Warren, J. E., Attorney 518-22 Whitehead, W. H., Physician 700-3 Waites & Howard, Attorneys. . . .711-13 tip '! r.. ; - - - t» f* f? ^11 pf lliinyi **» /*^ Tkmple Court. ^be Grant). This is one of the handsomest and best structures in Atlanta erected by Mr. L. DeGive. It has most elegant offices and a very fine class of tenants. A part of it is a magnificent opera house with an auditorium capacity of over two thousand— one of the finest stages in the country and withal a place of entertainment which ranks among the first of the country in capa- city and appointment. Its occujjants are as follows : Alley, J. A., Physician ,32n Alley, A R., Physician ,320 Atlanta Woman's Club ol7-18 Brown, Mrs. W. J 300 Brockett, C. T., oentist ..301-2 Bizian, A. J .308-!) Bettman, L 317-18 Butler, L. W., Magnetic Healer. . ..100 Bowie. Miss V., Hair Dresser. . ..'ill-i 2 Bradley. Mrs. P., Physician (io.i-G Blackman, Mrs. A. L., Artist 717-18 Cochran, J. W 31,3-1() Currier, C. E 405-7 Confederate Publishing Co 421 DeGive, L 207 DeLisle, E. T . . . . 40!) Dykeman, S. N (i()l-2 French, .S .313-10 Grand Opera House Ground llcor. Ginn & Co., Publishers. .Ground floor. Grand Pharmacy Ground floor. Godard, J. N 20.")-(i Gallager, J. M 310 Ooldsmith, J. S 313-10 Garland, R. M Ol.i Griggs, Miss M ..(>i: Hicks, Mrs. S. M., Physician. . .414-10 Haney, J. M., Physician .lOD-lo Jester, R. C 408 Jester Co., R. C, Tailors ,101-2 Jewett, H. R., Dentist .')i4-l.') Kingston, W. W 30.1-0 Kirtley, A. L g09 Kirkley, Miss C fiio Kelley, Mrs. E. T '(ii2 Krom, J. J., Hair Dreser 613-14 Langston, J. D 310 Lanier, T. .D ,')03-4 Lockhart, Mrs. M. A 019 Lumpkin, J. H 0I6 Linderman, H. G 719 Manahan, W. W., Homeopath. . .201-4 McLendon, L 404 McCleskey. L. L 303-4 McCandless. J. M 419-20 McDonald, O. H . .CiOS-i Manley, R. P 701 Morrison, Miss J. C, Dressmaker. .702 Moore. P. H 713 Patton, Mrs. J. 1 700 Piatt, L. H 410 Ross, Mrs. N. P 321 Reese. W. C 322 Roy, D., Physician 402-3 Randolph, Mrs. M. 1 71,5 Robinson, Mrs. M. P 422 Stevenson, J. T 720-21 Shultz, H. B., Physician 607^8 Stanley, H. N 600 Trimper, Miss A 416-17 VanVallen, Psychologist. .. .400 & 413 Winn, F. A.. Physician 507-8 Walker, L. H 7i6 The Grand THE GRAfNlT. American Typewriter Co 0-7 Atlanta Soda Co 10 Atlanta T-Square Club 14-1.1 Burden, W. H., Real Estate 1 Columbian Loan Co 2 Duvall, J. R., Physician ;^0 DeLecn, B. C. Prysician 41 Empire Business Bureau 10 Erlich, A., Tailor 47 Fruit Dispatch Co 22 Griffin & Fitts, Contractors ."U Grosse, C. G.. Tailor 20-2;; Gober, N. N. P., Physician 30 Gilbert, H. W., Attorney 40 Heralds of Liberty .3 Humphries, J. W. & J. D., Attys. . . .40 KISER BUILDING. Askam, H. F., Physician 219 Atlanta City Directory, T. J. Ma- loney, Mgr 41.i-l(i Bradley. .J. D., Attorney 203-12 Bishop, T. L., Attorney 317-18 Business Woman's League 407-8 Calloway, F. E., Attorney 203-12 Cousins, W. G., Attorney 424-5 Coulter, J. J., Broker 409 Dorsey, Brewster & Howell, At- torneys & Counsellors at law. .203-12 Dorsey, P. H.,Jr., Attorney. .. .203-12 Dorsey, H. M.. Attorney 203-12 Everett, W. M., Attorney 302 Erwin, H. C, A. C 201 Hutcheson. J. B., Attorney 201 Howell, Albert Jr., Attorney 203-12 Hamon, A., Attorney 203-12 Hill, M. L., Attorney 217-18 Hamilton, J. W., Attorney 301 Hudgins Publishing Co 302 Howell, F. E., Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist 31.5-10 INMAN BUILDING. Albert, W. J., Lawyer 47 Barnwell, C. M., Dentist 45 Blackburn, R. B., Attorney 08 Brooks' Dental & Surgical Sup- ply Co 48 Culberson, Willingham & John- son, Attorneys 30-37 Cultivator Publishing Co 41-42 Dale. W. R., Notary Public 08 DeWolf, B. D., Agent 50 Dessausure, R. C, Real Estate 40 Frieseke, J. A., Dentist 07 Fostoer, S. W & M. F., Dentist. . .01-03 Foote, G. W., Architect 50 Foote, M. Jr., Attorney 27 Foster, W. A., Real Estate 22 Gilbert, W. L., Dentist 23 Gilbert. J. O., Dentist 51 Gale, F. P., Dentist 52 Hoi ton, O. E. and C. M., Attys.. 23-24 Hitch & Edwards, Insurance 6-7 Hall, S. J., Attorey 32-33 Haskin, C. R., Real Estate 33 Jackson, W. M., Attorney 33 Kontz & Austen, Attorneys 43-45 Lucas, C. E., Real Estate 3!) Mutual Fidelity Co 3 McCalla, C. W., Dentist 4 Mitchell, E. M. & G. F., Attys. .. 18-19 Pendleton, H. C, Real Estate 27-28 Provident Life & Annuity Co 0-7 Patty, H. M., Attorneys 21 Sharpe, W. B., Physician 11-12 Scott, J. A., Real Estate 27-28 The Pathfinder 3 Wilkins, J. G., Physician 12-13 Westmoreland, R. W., Physician. .37-38 Hazen Co., W. M 403 Johnson Pub. Co.. B. F 314 Jordon, R. J., Attorney 401 Kappa Alpha Hall 220 Keystone Publishing Co 404 Knights of Pythias Hall 5th floor. Leavitt, J. A., Attorney 203-12 Langley, L. A., Attorney 402 Martin, E. W., Attorney 303 Malone, T. J 415-10 McCandless, E. S., Insurance. . .309-12 Quillian, F. A., Attorney 303 Robinson, C. S., Southern Mgr.... 403 Rogers, R. L., Attorney 419 Roberts, G. B., Attoi'ney 421 Stewart, W. B., Attorney 203-12 Southern Guarantee Loan Co 208 Suttles, J. B., Attoi-ney 217-18 Southern Loan & Banking Co... 309-12 Southern Paving & Constructing Co 405-0 Sullivan, Crichton & Smith Busi- ness College 5th iloor The Social Season 223 Hancock, B. A., Broker 28 Hathaway & Co., Specialist 33-35 Hines, J. M., Attorney 54 Hinman, T. P., Dentist 01-00 Inman, Henr-y A., Capitalist 20 Inman, W. P., Capitalist 31 Logino, T. C, Physician 58 McKensie Wholesale Coal Co... 24-25 Morris, Rev. S. L 41-42 Paragon Shoe Co 27 Smith, C. W., Attorney 21 Southern Presbyterian Home Missions 41-42 Southern Cultivator & Dixie Farmer 44 Tally, W. E., Attorney 30-37 TeiTy, G. M., Dentist 53 Union Fertilizer Co 24-25 Wright, R. E., Attorney 21 Wright, Arminius, Attorney 24 Zii-kle, W. M., Dentist 01-73 Special IRote. In the following- pages will be found information of many leading con- cerns located in Atlanta. Among them are some who sell goods and ship even into foreign countries and across the ocean — their facilities are un- surpassed. We are sure, therefore, that no one can buy to better advan- tage than of these concerns and business men. and advise that incjuiry be made of them for catalogues, price lists, etc. Biicf^mal^ino flDacbineri?. We have sliown in this booklet that Atlanta is the recognized metropolis of the South where great concerns of the country have established their headquarters for the most convenient and efficient dealing with their cus- tomers throughout this section. One among the many evidences of this fact is the organization of new companies with this view. Among these is the Atlanta Brick Machinery Company organized to supply the de- mand for improved up-to-date brick plants and brick making appliances. It is a Georgia Incorporated firm w-ith a paid in capital of twenty-five thousand dollars. The president and general manager, Mr. Frank H. Reid, is a successful Ijrick maker and has also large acquaintance with the best brick making machinery. L. M. Reid is secretary and treasurer. J. K. Montgomery and George Gorton are connected with the firm as di- rectors. They are exclusive agents in this section for the very best brick mak- ing appliances and machinery, and can doubtless be of great service and profit to the brick makers of this section, saving them monev in various ways unnecessary to state, as they are quite manifest. They are manu- facturers and manufacturers' agents for a full and complete line of brick and tile machiner\', and, (juoting further from their card, they are special agents in twelve Southern states for Wallace Manufacturing Company of B'rankfort, Ind., for their complete Wonder Stiff Mud Wire Cut Brick iVIachinery, built in four sizes, making twenty thousand, forty thousand, sixty thousand and one hundred thousand brick per day. They are also agents for the following : The Berg Dry Presses, Frost Dry Pans, Richardson Steam Power and Hand Repressers. The "'Grand Automatic" Arnold-Creager Soft Mud (sand finish) Brick Machinery, Pub Mills, Brick Barrows, Trucks and Supplies. Potts "World Renowned" Disintegrators. George S. Cox's Special Drawn Cutting Wires. Brick Driers, Drier Cars and Drier Equipments. The Houston, Stanwood and Gambles Engines, Boilers, Pumps and Heaters. We arc satisfied that those who contemplate plants could not do better than to entrust the equipment of them to this Company, who will also furnish clay ex])erts when desired to examine deposits or will execute any service requisite to insure the success of their patrons. Those who can- not find it convenient to make a trip to Atlanta can accomplish as much by a letter asking for catalogue, prices and information. The office of the companv is located at 403 Prudential Building, Atlanta, Ga. John C. Whitner. John A. Whitner. Thos. C. Whitner. Chas. F. Whitner. Pire Insurance John O. Whitner iS: Company General jKg&rtts, A.tlanta, Georgia. Established 1865. 40Q Prudential Building THE MARTIN & HOYT COMPANY Publishers and Dealers in Standard and De Luxe Editions of BUILDERS OF FINE LIBRARIES Estimates glvon on application. Books sold on easy monthly payments. ROOMS 402 to 411 AUSTELL BUILDING, ATLANTA, G A. KINDERGARTEN MATERIAL and SCHOOL SUPPLIES MILTON BRADLEY COMPANY {68 Peachtree St.^ Atlanta^ Ga. COLLIER & BROWN CONSULTING ENGINEERS JOOJ ENGLISH-AMERICAN BLDG., ATLANTA, GA. Mechanical, Electrical, Mill and Hydraulic Engineers. Plans, Specifica- tions and Superintendence for the construction, equipment and organiza* tion of complete plants, Reports, Estimates and Tests. f/4uTUALiimNSimNa ta. BINGHAMTON.N.Y The Lafjyest Cash Surplus in Propoftion to LfabfHties. Policies may be registered with the Insurance Department of the State of New York, and the reserves thereon guaranteed. This means ABSOLUTE SECURITY. We have ■very liberal propositions to olTer the right man to represent us in the States of Georgia, Alabama, North and South Carolina. CR41G COFIELD, Manager Southern Bepartment, 914, 915, 916 Prudential Bldg., L^ong Distance Xelephone 222-4-. ATLAINTA, OA. mecbanical, l^ydraulic and Electrical Engineers TESTS. DESIGIVERS OF" SPECIAL AlACMINERY. REPORTS. Steam and Hydraulic Power Plants, Condensers and Cooling Towers, Ice and Refrigerating Plants, LUDWIQ & CO. 513 Empire Building ATLANTA, QA. Bell Phone connections Electric Power and Light Plants, Long Distance Power Transmissions, Equipment of Brick Plants. PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND SUPERINTENDENCE FOR CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT OF COMPLETE PL'i.NTS. ADVICE REGARDING IMPROVEMENTS IN EXISTING PLANTS. HIGH DUTY, ECONOMICAL AND RELIABLE MACHINERY. C. W. Hunnicutt. President. J. E. Hunnicutt, Sec. & Treas. Iiunnicutt $ Bellingratb ...Company... Icbbers of Plumbers* Supplies, Cast Iron Enameled Ulare, Brass Goods, Ulrougbtand Cast Iron Pipe and Tittings Plumbers' Marble, Bath Tubs, Water Closets, Lavatories, Sanitary Specialties, Steam Valves, Lubricators, Oilers, Etc. Gas and Electric Fix- tures, Hardwood Mantels, TiJes and Grates. Telephone 665. Cor. Peachlrec and Ulalton Sis.. quanta. Ga. Jill €ldy Brick. Best Quality. morris Brick Company manufacturers of ♦♦ Bricl< ♦♦ no. 607 empire Bldg., JFItlanta, 0a. Lowell JVEachine Shop LOWELL. MASS. BUIXiDERS Or- .?^ . COTTON MILL MACHINERY. Mill Architects and Engineers, complete textile equipments for cotton — ^ MILLS •^— JOHN HILL. Southern Representative. PRUDENTIAL BUILDING. ATLANTA, Ga. EMPIRE ANNUITY AND LIFE COMPANY, Main Ofticcs 337-339 Equitable Building, Atlanta, Ga. Something the People Want Annuities on a Scientific Basis. Guaranteed Survivorship Annuities, and Double Survivorship or Partner- ship Annuities. Rates based on the American Experience Tables and 4*'q. A CARD TO THE HOME OFFICE WILL BRING FULL INFORMATION. American Violet Ray Institute, ROOMS 1003 = 1005 = 1007 = 1009 = 1011 — ENGLISH-AMERICAN BUILDINQ. THE NEW LIGHT CURE For Consumption, Cancer, L,uptjs, IVeurasthenia, and A.11 Chronic Diseases. Endorsed by Medical profession and scientists of the world. Dr. Finsen, of Copenhagan, reports over 400 cures in six month. We have record of over 200 cases cured in ten months. Many of the most prominent citizens of Georgia are among our patrons. For further particulars address Dr. J. DEMPSEY PROSSER, English=American BIdg., Atlanta, Qa. iledical Director. T. S. MOORE, Nl. E. J. B. M'CRARY, M. E. ElSTGIiSTEERS i^ND CONTRi^CTORS FOR MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. WATERWORKS, SEWERAGE. ELECTRIC LIGHTS, VALVATION, DESIGN, SUPERINTENDENCE. 407-409 English-American Building. Atlanta. Ga. QM^mQ^m^wmm^mmQ:&m^l^^ — BOOKS^ and Stationery The Leading Book House of the South. We can furnish you with any book published in short time and at best prices. /. /. .*. ...TRV US... i Pi. Soil H. S. COLE, Manager, 69 Whitehall St. Afio^^o Qa, m \GiQmm&BmBm£rm&£f strongest in the Worlci. THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES. No. 120 BROADWAY. NEW YORK CITY. Robert L,. Foreman, iv^gf»> Equitable Bidg.. Atlanta. Qa. mum national Bank :Rtlatita, Georgia. UINITED STATES DEPOSITORV. Capital = = - = $150,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 600,000.00 James Swann, President. P. ROMARE, V. President. C. E. Currier, Cashier. H. R. BtOODWORTH, Ass't Cashier. DIRECTORS. James Swann, P. Romare, S. M. Inman, A. E. Thornton, F. E. Bi,ocK, H. T. Inman, C. E. Currier. J, M. Stephens, Pres. T. P. Perkins, V -Pres. W. A. Hancock, Gen. Mgr. Soutl) Ricer Brick €o. ' Manufacturers and Dealers in macbine made, Plain and Ret)re$$ BRICK Office 19 South Broad St., Atlanta, Ga. Works Located at Norton, Ga., So. Ry. SANATORIUM I03 WALTON ST. For thie Cure of NERVOUS and CHRONIC DISEASES OPIUM AND WHISKY Habits. Drs. B. H. & C. H. Woolley, physicians in charge. Consultation rooms, Lowndes Building, 104 North Pryor Street, Atlanta, Ga. Private and Confidential. eoxrane^co. MANUFACTCREKS OF Harness, Etc. SALE AfiENTS FOR Columbus Buggy €o.'$ Uebicles "Old Hickory" and "O-vv^ensboro" Wagons. L^arsest: Stock. Lowest Prices. 4$ $f 45 South f or$ytb %tmi Jftlanta, 6a. Provident Savings Life, Of INe>v Vork. J. R. INUTTINQ «& CO., STATE HANAQERS 701=2 Empire Building, fff ATLANTA, GA. Everything Desirable in Life Insurance. OHICKERIINQ K IV A B E PIAIVOS « « IS PIAIVOS For 75 years before the public. Uprights and Grands can always be heard and seen at our warerooms. Illustrated cntalogue on application. A large assortment of second= hand Pianos and Organs constantly on hand P H I U U I F> S <& MAMMOTH MUSIC HOUSE, CREW CO.. ATLANTA AMERICAN BRIDGE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. * General Offices— 100 Broadway^ New York. A'TI AXI'TA (IF'FIC'F EngUsh-American Building, Phone 1471 Main, Local & Long Dist. Bridges and Buildings STRUCTURAL STEEL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Plans and estimates gladly furnished to responsible parties on application .... Our facilities for procuring the plain material, and having shops located at various places, enables us to give our customers the best of service. Your every inquiry, be it large or small, will receive our prompt attention. SOUTHERN RAILWAY The Highway of Trade and Travel to and from Atlanta Vestibule Trains Between Principal Com- merce Centers. Convenient Local Trains. Excellent Dining Car Service ^ ^ ^ J. C. BEAM, JR., District Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga. W. A. TURK, S. H. HARDWICK, W, H. TAYLOE, Pass. Traflac Mg.-., Gen. Pass. Agent, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Atlanta, Ga. Security— The flr-t elemont sought by Investors. Security— Indepeiult'iit of t-rop failures, panics, strikes or wars. Secur/fy— Not menacetl by changes in international balances or depletion of the gold reserve Security— That compels prophecy becaui-e It stands the test of history. Secur/fy-Based on conservative methods and dignlfled, able management. Security— Born of character and ability. This security Is afforded by the policies of The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, which has paid its policy-holders $56Q,I5Q,480.34 a sum larger than that distributed by any other insurance company To-day its outstandin ^ contracts amount to over $I,3 43,SOO,iOI.ll. assets: $353,838,971.67. The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, '^"^"^•^^^retw^f^'^^^' R. P. SHEDDEN, iYlanager, ATL,AINTA, GA. CLIFFORD. L. ANDERSON. JAMES L, ANDFRSON LEWIS W. THOMAS. Jlndersoti, Jliider$on ^ Cbomas, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE ROOMS: 443-445-447 EQUITABLE BUILDING. JItlanta, ea. E. V. CARTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offices 603. 4, 5 and 6 Empire Building, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. D. E. Lather Poblisbing Co., Pul)lish('rs of ..STANDARD SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS.. TEACHERS' BIBLES, FAMILY BIBLES, HOLIDAY BOOKS. 74 and 76 NORTH BROAD STREET ATLANTA, QA. AGENTS WANTED' ^r ^ p^^ti^^ can Jr'V, """'Ll', always secure profitable employment by applying to the above companv. Practical li). R 3oite$, ctical.... SLATE . ROOFERS, and dealers in all kinds of Roofing Slate, cm ^Tron Roof Paints. Also Agents for .,,$terlin9 Rubber Paints... Yard and Office 15 Waverly Place, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Painter s' and Artists' S upplies Manufacturers, ^^-^■^— ^^— ^— ^— ^— ^— pjncst.... Iinporters, Dealers STORE and . .Goods Prompt Attention oFl^fcl?" 37=39 N. Pryor St. S^Hory 77.79 j^^^^^j^ ^^ Write for Catalogue, ««««« ATUAINTA, GA. S. 51. WALL. O. H. JOHNSON. ea^iir Dunlap, FIRE IIVSURAINCE. 211-12 Equitable Building, Phone 329 Main. ATLANTA, GA. B. R. PADGETT & SON, Contractors and Builders Plans and Specifications ...Made... 903 Prudential Bldg. ATLANTA, QA H. P. ASHLEY, Engineer ^ Machinist ATLANTA, GA. Mrs. M. E. Davis, StenoGrapber an& XTppewriter, .. .ALL CLASSES OF WORK... 539 Equitable 36uiIMng. UNION CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF ST LOUIS, MO. W. W. MA^SKELU, Genenal Agent: F-OR STATE OP GEORGIA, English-AmeriCdii BIdg. ATLANTA, QA. CHARLES S. BOWEN, General Stenographer^ 833 Equitable Buildiag. Atlanta, Ga. Law, Convention and Gomniittee Reporting, All kinds of Typewriting and Mimeograph- ing. Competent assistants. Accuracy guar- anteed. The UNDERWOOD Typewriter, Manufactun-d by .., Wagner Typewriter Company... 39 NORTH BROAD ST., Empire Bldg, Atlanta, Ga. W. C. Waddell, Agent. C. H. OIRARDEAU & CO.. Real Estate and Renting Agents, 24 Walton Street, : Prudential Building, Local Agects for Atlanta, Ga. The Traders Insurance Company, CHICAGO, ir,!.. Parian Paint Co., Manufacturers of PAINTS 41-43 E. Alabama ^^ Atlanta, Georgia. Special Attention Given to Renting and Collections. G. J. DALLAS, Real Estate and Renting Agents. 19 S UTH BRO.ll) STEET, T,^lephone 145.5. ATI,ANTA, GA. Bstahllshed issi W. L. & W. M. FAIJSr, Proprietors Resaca Mills. Wholesale and Re- tail dealers in Grain and Mill Products. Specialties: Bolted meal: patent, graham and buckwheat flour, grits; hominy; seed oats and rye; white clipped oats; large bale timothy hay; C. 8. meal and hay. 1 and 3 N. Forsyth St. Atlanta, Ga. ....eagky $f millet,.,. GEXER.\L AGENTS, Peitn mutual Elfe Insurance Co. 221-2-3-4 Prudential Bi^dg., ATLANTA, GA. NVIVI. F», OAVIS, ...DEALER IN... Railroad and Builders' Supplies, Steel «'/" Beams and Channels, Relaying Ralls, Scrap Iron, etc. Also Pennsylvania and other Roofing Slatf s Commercial Loan ^ Crust Co.. LOANS ON MORTGAGES. STOCKS, BONDS INDORSEMENTS. Collections made... Real Estate Loans negotialcd 416-417 Empire Building, - — -^ ATLANTA, CA. W. M. SCOTT & CO., GIty Property, Farms, Pine Land Over Twenty Years Continuous Experience. 65 N. Broad St. Atlanta, Qa On Time ! The fire is right; the dinner prompt ; the cooking delicious ; and everybody satisfied, — there's A lias Mange m tne i $8.00 to $16.00 Connected, Ready for Use. ATLANTA QAS LIGHT CO. FAV = SHOUES Interchangeable Rigged, Roller Bearing Car- rinties. Printing 7J2^ 'K I-/2 aid !•% inches. Four Cumplete Machines in 6ne. Ball bearing lia^lcet shift — perfect paper feed — regular or Sliced escapement — permanent alignment, ribl)on and line luck. LATEST UP-TO-DATE STANDARD TYPE-WRITER. Rebuilt machines, all makes; Low Prices, Easy Terms. Office Supplies. Agents wanted in unoccupied territory. Southern Typewriter Headquarters Austell Building, Atlanta, Ga. V. E. PEKRYMAN. GEO. C. WALTERS. FERRYMAN & WALTERS, Surgical Insuruments. Physkians' Supplies •a Peachtree Strecl, Long Dist. Plione 2010. Atlanta, Ga. FRED W. COLE, FIRE INSURANCE 1114 Empire Bldg.^ Bell Phone 596. ATLANTA, GA. We make the Incomparal)le A.IND OTHER GRADES. A.I1 Styles =i= A.I1 Rnices. TheNEWHOMESEWiNGMAGHINECO. 10 EQUITABLE BUILDING. .THELI(iIfrBB'""W =(i'„^r Vletorias, station Wag- ons, Surries, Runabouts, Delivery Wagons. Aiiv- thlng that rolls on wheels. Just received another car ofStudeliaker "high grade"' vehicles. If you want a vehicle of the latest design and strict- ly u])-to-date, we have tlieni. The best value for the money in Atlanta. ThowerBros. 57 S. BROAD ST. Jltlanta Standard Cekpbone Co., No. 104 EDGEWOOD AVE. PERFECT SERVICE '^ ^ence complete WITHOUT ONE It places everyone in instant touch with Fire and Police Departments, Railway Offices, Physicians, Drug Stores, Grocers, Bakers, Confectioners and business houses of all kinds. Residence $24.00 per Year (RATES) Office $36.00 a year F. A. HICKSON MAUFACTURING CO. ■ MANUFACTURERS ..Fly Screens, Refrigerators and Specialties.. ^^ 59=61 SOUTH BROAD ST. ATLANTA, GA ESTAALISHED 1 896. SEND FOR CATALOGUE Htlanta Mome IFnsurance (3o„ Robert 3. Loiurv, PRKSIDENT. ATLANTA. GEORGIA. Joel Hurt, SECRETARY. John T. Hall. Jr. ass't seoeetary. STEWART TV. CRAMER, COTTON MILL MACHINERY AND Mill Engineer South Tyron Street, 727 Equitable Bldg., Charlotte,W.Va. Atlanta, Ga. Complete equipment for new Cotton Mills. R'^orgauizatlon of Old Mills a s^peclalty. MRS. M. E. DAVIS, ^ §:^ Stenoorapbt? anD TIppewriting. 539 Equitable. HU Claeses of TJClovh. HARTFORD TYPEWRIfER. Witli or witlioiit ^liiltkcy. Ecjuall'd by Few— Surpassed by None. I. T.GIlLLflWflY,Geriflpt, GfOOlBldl THE PHILIP CAREY MFG CO. Manufacturers of ^ A nf^ V^ CJ ( 85% Carbonate of Magnesia ^^/\t\M-^ I fc3 (and Standard Asbestos= Magnesia STEAM PIPE AND BOILER COVERINGS. Our coverings used in the following buildings: Austell Building, English-American Building, Prudential Building, Empire Building. Century Building, Peters Building, Piedmont Hotel Atlanta Postofflce. Main Office: Fac ories: 31 S. PRYOK STREET. I.OCK1.AND, O Plymouth Melting, Pa., dockland, O. ATLANTA, GA. TURKISH BATHS E^ UP-TO-DATE WHITE BARBER SHOP IN CONNECTION Gould Building. lo DECATUR ST. 0pp. Kimball House The Lamar & Rankin Drug Company, Incorporated. IXIlboleeale 2)ruggi6t6 WINES AND BRANDIES And Dealers in Pure Whiskies for Medicinal Use. 26 Central Ave., = Atlanta, Qa. Gordon P. Riser, Pres. W. H. Kiser, Treas. C. D. Montgomery, Secy . M. C. KISER COMPANY, WHOLESALE BOOTS, SHOBS AIND RUBBBRS DIRECTORS 13-15-17 NORTH PRYOR STREET Gordon P. Kiser, W.H. Kiser, J.H.Daly, Opposite Kimball House. C. D. Montgomery, G. J. Sullivan. boston office 121 summer st. R. M. Stewart, Pres. Steve W. Herren, V-Pres. R. M. Stewart Jr., Secy & Treas. Stewart & Herren Stable Go. jCCIJ 181, 183, 185, 187, 189 Marietta St. A.TL,Ar»JXA, O A. 126,—rfj, 130, 132. 134 Walton St. FEED AIND SALE STABUES Liberal advances made on stock billed in our care. AUCTION EVERY MONDAY, Gill. S. Moore, Auctioneer. ^ PFI I PHONE 350. estcy Oraan$ ♦♦♦ After more than fifty years existence, they still stand at the head and are known throughout the world for best material, w^orkmanship and tone qualities. Correspond- ence solicited. Wholesale and Retail. €$tey Organ Company, 93 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. A full line of small Musical Instruments and Sheet Music always on hand. ^-^— THIE- MANUFACTURERS OF e, Ready Mixed Paints.. ary and Piedmont brands White , Aurora Tinted Lead, Wood' Fillers and Stains, Putty, Shingle Stains, Carriage Paints, Floor Paints, Metallic Paints, etc. DEALERS IN Wall Paper, Painters* and Artists' Supplies, Window 01. etc. Slore and Office— 37 and 39 N. PRYOR ST Factory— 77 and 79 MADISON AVE. -ATLANTA, GA. Hunnicutt & Bcllin^rath Co. JOBBERS OF PLUMBERS', STEAM and GAS FITTERS' SUPPLIES. Bath Tubs, Lavatories, Water Closets, Lead Traps, Lead Pipe, Steam, Gas, Water and C. I. Soil Pipe. .-. .-. .-. PLUMBERS' MARBLE, IN GEORGIA and ITALIAN, CUT TO ORDER. eagle Rubber Stamp Olorks, A. H. Merrill. president. MANUFACTURBRS OF Rubber Stamps, Paters, Seals, Sten- cils. Badges, Aluminum Trade Checks . INK PADS, STAMP INK, NUMBERERS, SELF INKERS, CHECK PERFORA- TORS, ETC. Z2Vi PEACHTREE STREET^ ATLANTA, GA. EITHER PHONE 1158 He m MB KB m m PHENIX INSU RANGE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN. NEW YORK i^ i^ m M mm n mm mm H. C. STOC K D E L L General Agent A. L, WALDO Si COMPANY AND W. T. CRENSHAW Local Agents ATLANTA, ^ ^ GEORGIA L iiliaHL^^ai^i^aiL^aiilLaii^aiLB^ The South Its Wonderful I^esourccs and Climate. United States Senator Chauncey M. Depew of New York, in an address to the Alumni Association of Yale Uni- versity, said : "The net result of my visit to the South, is just this, that the South is the Bonanza of the future. We have developed all the great and sudden opportunities for wealth — or most of them— in the Northwestern States and on the Pacific Slope, but here is a vast country with the best cli- mate in the world, with conditions of health which are absolutely Jinparalelled with vast forests untouched, with enormous veins of coal and iron which have yet not known anything beyond their original conditions, with soil that under proper cultivation, for little capi- tal, can support a tremendous popula- tion, with conditions in the atmosphere for comfortable living winter and sum- mer, which exist nowhere else in thu country.^'' To this wonderful Eldorado Atlanta is the principal gateway. [ I I I i L ^^c Tie Liffri Nalliiil Bil OP ATUA.ISTA, QEORQIA. Established 1S61. Tl National Charter IQOO. OFFICERS Robert}. Lowry - - President Thomas D. Meador - - Vice-Pres. Joseph T. Orme _ - - Cashier DIRECTORS Thomas Egleston, Samuel M. Inman, Robert J. IvOwry, Thomas D. Meador, John Oliver, Joseph T. Orme, Wiliiam G. Raoul. Capital, Surplus and Profits, $300,000,00 J50.000.00 Designated Depository of the United States. This Bank does a general banking business, and respectfully solicits the the accounts of individuals, banks and corporations generally. Collections a specialty. Bills of Exchange drawn direct on the principal cities of Europe and other countries. Letters of Credit available in all parts of the world. I 1 T^C ^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS M ...M..H '. ' li :li I M i; III '<;< lllillllllll r