'^ » . t • * - *^' > •l^* Oft aO^ ♦!••'- "^^ V' .C .V*>>^ .'i.^r ,^'^ ^^. .^\'iQ^-.\' ' .//ivi-/-'*.. ' .*^\'i!^'.\' './,';,i •^0^ .<^' .^^^ o , » - A ^*..** /Jife\ %../ .-is^Mii'. v.<.* v-^^ "l/VC,' '^O^c'i' Sons of the Revolution M IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK FRAUNCES TAVERN Cor. Broad and Pearl Streets New York CATALOGIE OF RELICS IN MISEIM J909 CASE 1. Official B.ulletin of the French Army in Providence, R. I. Autograph of Viscount De Noailles. Picture of Count Alexis de Noailles. Official Bulletin of the French Army in Newport, R. I., 1780-1781. Agreement of the Army of Rochambeau with Dr. Solomon Drowne of Providence, R. I., to maintain and care for the sick soldiers unable to return to France with the Army, December 2, 1782. Copy of letter of Chevalier De La Lucerne, July 9, 17S2. Cards obtained in Paris, France, 1785, by Dr. Solomon Drowne. Letter of Dr. Solomon Drowne, praising the generosity of Louis XVL of France, December 18, 1783. Dr. Solomon Drowne's appointment as Surgeon, Aug. 3, 1780. Receipt for passage to New York on the King's Ship, Le Courier de L'Orient, signed by Genay, June 30, 1785. Autograph of De Bourgainville. Letter of. Lieutenant General Mathiew Count Dumas, Aide-de-Camp to Rochambeau, 1780-1781. Transportation of Dr. Drowne, apparently signed by Gen. Dumas. June IS, 1785. Letter of Due de Perigord. Letter of Petibeay to Dr. Solomon Drowne, December 3, 1781. Letter (copy by) Dr. Solomon Drowne; August 31, 1780. Letter of Gen. Custine, who was guillotined at Paris in 1793. Letter of M. Lanfrey Delisle, June 13, 1784. Letter of Beaulieu, September 6, 1780. Autograph of Le Gardeur De Tilly, Vice-Admiral of the French Fleet, 1780-1781. Letters of De Silly, Chevalier, 1780-1781. Letter from Miss Sally Drowne to her sister-in-law, describing pres- ence of Lafayette and the French soldiers in Providence, R. I., August 6, 1778. Autograph of Count de Rochambeau, Commander-in-Chief of the French Army in America, 1780-1782. Louis XVL, King of France, showing the approval of the King, in his own handwriting, of a plea addressed to him, April 3, 1785. Picture of Louis XVL, King of France. Picture of Marie Antoinette. Picture of Bougainville. Pictures of Luzerne, Du Portail, Rocliambcau, Viomeuil and De Grasse. Autograph of Gen. Lafayette, March 14, 1778. Picture of the death of Louis XVL Picture of De Custine. Picture of Rochambeau. Two pictures of Lafayette. Autograph of Lafayette in the book, "Tragedy of Elizabeth of France, Sister of Louis XVL" CASE 2. Box made by soldier in Washington's Army at Valley Forge. Two sheets of Continental money, containing thirty-two bills. Diary of Lieut. Matthew Gregory, containing an account of the sur- render of Yorktown. Commissions of Matthew Gregory, dated respectively 1777, 1778, 1780, 1783, 1793. Poem entitled "British Taxation in North America." Hymns and ode, "Funeral Honors to the Memory of La Fayette." Bill nf fare at "Public Festival in honor of the completion of the T.unker Hill Monument," 1843. Badge to commemorate death of Gen. Andrew Jackson, June 8, 1845. Badge to the memory of De Witt Clinton, February 11, 1828. Badge of the Washington Benevolent Society. Badge of the Army of the Revolution. A piece of the hulk of the "Morning Star," a privateer sunk in New York Harbor by explosion of powder which she carried, August 7, 1778. Coins from the British Frigate "Charon." A piece of the British Frigate "Charon." John Paul Jones. — A water-color facsimile after the original paint- ing by Charles Wilson Peale. 2 A piece of one of the "Hamilton trees." Gavel made of wood from the Jumel Mansion. Gavel rnade from a piece of teak wood taken from the wreck of the "Cristobal Colon." Gavel made from belfry of Middle Dutch Church, New York Paper cutter made from shingles of Washington's Headquarters at Morristown, N. J. Copy of miniature of General George Washington. Tallmadge— Fraunces Tavern Medal. John Quincy Adams Medal. George Washington Medal. Medal to commemorate inauguration of George Washington as first President of the United States of America at New York. Cane made of wood from Middle Dutch Church, New York." Case of Washington Medals. Medal of the Society of Colonial Wars. Pintard-Benson Medal. John Paul Jones Medal. , John Paul Jones Medal in case made of wood taken from wreck of frigate "Alliance." Commodore Bainbridge Medal. Washington Medal. Piece of pew railing in gallery of North Dutch Church, New York Copy of Trumbull portrait of Washington. Badge of Prison Ship Martyrs Monument Association, Brooklyn November 14, 1908. ' Washington head from an Itaglio-Cornelian cut by Harris of London about 1800. Colonial and Continental Currency. CASE 3. Benjamin Tallmadge, Yale College Diploma, September 9, 1778 Benjamin Tallmadge, Captain's Commission, December 14, 1776 Benjamin Tallmadge, Appointment as Adjutant, June 20,' 1776* Benjamin Tallmadge Major's Commission, December 18 '1779 ' Discharge from 2nd Regt. of Light Dragoons (Tallmadge's) of Private Abraham Bartholomew, signed by General George Washington. Letter from General George Washington to Major Benjamin Tall- madge, July 27, 1779. Letter of George Washington to Major Benjamin Tallmadge Oc- tober 9, 1779. ' Revolutionary powder horn which belonged to Col. Benjamin Tall- madge. Epaulet and spurs of Col. Benjamin Tallmadge. 3 Bayonet point from battle-field, Fort Ticonderoga. Grape-shot from battle-field, Fort Ticonderoga. Bullet from battle-field, Fort Ticonderoga. Part of hinge from barracks, Fort Ticonderoga. Revolutionary cannon-balls. Cannon-ball from British frigate "Hussar." Photograph of Webb's 3rd Connecticut Regiment flag used during Revolutionary War. Picture of flag of 3rd N&w York Regiment of the Revolution. Sword from Fort Ticonderoga. Iron from Fort Ticonderoga. Grape shot picked up near Fort Ticonderoga. Button from Fort Ticonderoga. Button from Fort Erie — 26th Regiment, Foot. English penny of the time of George II., Fort Ticonderoga. Bullets from Fort Ticonderoga. Gun flint from Fort Ticonderoga. Charcoal from French Army, Yorktown, N. Y. Button, naval officer, English, from Fort Ticonderoga. Button, Anspach Regiment, Hessian, from Fort Ticonderoga. Section cut from last of "Washington elms" in St. Paul's Church- yard, New^ York. Brass pistol of the Revolutionary period made in London. Piece of boom of West Point chain, 1776. Revolutionary fife from Bemis Heights, near battle-field of Saratoga. Pocket knife found at Bemis Heights. Lock from officer's trunk found at Bemis Heights. Bayonet case of Captain William Drowne, 1775-1778. Hat and sword of Dr. Solomon Drowne, Surgeon of the Revolution. French officer's pistol of the Revolution. Revolutionary bayonet from the Arnold homestead, Warwick, R. I. Sergeant's sword of the Revolution from the Arnold family. Provi- dence, R. I. Revolutionary spontoon, used by officers, buried with remains of a soldier near Saratoga, N. Y. CASE 4. Soldier's hat and shoulder straps, 1812. Revolutionary canteen. Section of Charter Oak. Brick from old Powder House of Fort Montgomery, N. Y. Stone from Hall of Records, New York. Wood from Frigate "Constitution." Wood from Paul Revere House. Sword of Governor George Clinton, 1777. Flint lock gun of the Revolutionary period. Flint lock gun carried by Beverly Knapp, one of Washington's body guard. Sword and scabbard of General William Floyd, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Cane cut from one of the joists of the building in which the Declara- tion of Independence was written. Cane made of wood from the galley "Congress." Bark from the "Hamilton elms." Piece of railing of the Manor Hall, Yonkers, N. Y. Copper spike and brick taken from Fraunces Tavern in 1890 when alterations were made. Brick and piece of stone from Fort Frederick, Lake Champlain, N. Y. Wood and original latch from the Nathan Hale School House, East Haddam, Conn. Revolutionary sword found at Harlem Plains. Plates from which invitations were engraVed to the formal opening of the restored Fraunces Tavern, December 4, 1907. British canteen of the Revolutionary period. Certificate of enlistment of Alexander Thompson, February 7, 1777. Sword carried by Lieutenant Alexander Thompson, 1779-1783. CASE 5. Bank bill showing minute engraving of Washington in the corner. Early New York State commissions signed respectively by John Jay, De Witt Clinton, Daniel G. Tompkins. Ulster County Gazette, Saturday, June 4, 1800. Regulations for Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States, 1779. Facsimile of a proclamation by Richard, Viscount Howe, and Gen- eral William Howe, November 30, 1776. Major's commission of Daniel Delavan, October 19, 1786. Lt. Colonel's commission of Daniel Delavan, February i, 1792. Letter to Governor George Clinton from E. Benschoten, June 18, 1781. Picture of house in New Utrecht, Long Island, where Gen. Nathaniel Woodhull died, September 30, 1776. Photograph of document signed by George Clinton, appointing sev- eral judges. Delineations on Gen. Israel Putnam's powder horn. Copy of the announcement of the General Peace, March 25, 1783. Letter written by Alexander Hamilton. Portrait etching of Samuel Putnam Avery. (Below the case.) Iron bars from a cell in the Hall of Records, New York. Lintel taken from entrance to Ethan Allen's cell in Hall of Records, New York. CASE 6. Sons of the Revolution flag. United States flag. Thirteen star flag. Colonial flag. Harlem Heights flag.' French flag, Revolutionary period. Saratoga flag. Sons of the Revolution banner. CASE 7. Souvenirs from banquets, insignia, badges, etc. Gavel, handle from Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow, and head from U. S. Frigate "Kearsargc." Picture of Boston Massacre. Photograph of Washington's commission, as Commander-in-Chief of the Army, signed by John Adams, July 4, 1798. Picture of inauguration of General George Washington as first Presi- dent of the United States of America. Old receipts, bills, etc. CASE 8. Sharpless portrait of Washington. Philip Livingston's watch. Watch presented to Talma by Napoleon Bonaparte. Colonel Benjamin Tallmadge's watch. Souvenir spoon Sons of the Revolution. Copy of Paul Revere punch bowl. Loving cup presented to Mr. Frederick S. Tallmadge by the Sons of the Revolution, February 22, 1901. CASE 9. Mortar and pestle which belonged to Captain John Hampton of the Revolution. Spoon mold, Revolutionary period. Shot mold and powder horns used in the Revolution. Print of Washington at the age of 18. Picture of old Court House at Poughkeepsie. Picture of old Senate House at Kingston, N. Y. Tiles from Trinity Church, Newport, R. L Pewter mug dug up in Shakespeare's garden. Foot warmer from old St. George's Church in Beekman Street, New York. 6 Picture of Vernon House, Newport, R. I. — Headquarters of Rocham- beau. Picture of the Odell House — Rochambeau's Headquarters, West- chester County, N. Y. Dish used by Sir Henry Clinton. CASE 10. Cards of Turtle Feast held at Fraunce's Tavern, December 4th, 1883, when the Society of tlie Sons of the Revolution was instituted. Things used on that occasion. Box which belonged to Raleigh Chinn, who married Esther Ball, sister of Mary Ball, Washington's mother. Washington pitchers. Original call issued by John Austin Stevens for the organizing of the Sons of the Revolution, February 22, 1876. Photograph of Washington's instructions to Captain Howe. CASE 11. Portrait of General Burbeck. Gazette of the United States, April 15, 1789. Frederick S. Tallmadge, Diploma of Columbia College. Frederick S. Tallmadge, two Columbia College certificates. Frederick S. Tallmadge, certificate of admission to Court of Chan- cery, July 3, 1847. Frederick S. Tallmadge, certificate of membership in Sons of the Revolution, August 20, 1892. CASE 12. Deeds of Fraunces Tavern dated and signed respectively: January IS, 1762, Oliver DeLancy and wife, Beverly and Susanna Robin- son, and James Parker; April 3, 1785, Samuel and Elizabeth Fraunces; April 13, 1795, George and Anne Powers; June 24, 1800, Nicholas Romagne. Buttons and belt plates, Revolutionary War. Silhouettes, De Hart, Genet, Pennant. Invitation to Dancing Assembly, 1791. CASE 13. Flag and banner of the General Society of the Cincinnati. The flag is a facsimile of the one designed by Baron Steuben after the Revolution. CASE 14. Six commissions of General Henry Burbeck, 2nd Lieut, to Lieut. Col., 1775-1799, signed respectively by Joseph Warren, who Avas killed at Bunker Hill; John Hancock, Henry Laurens, Samuel Huntington, George Washington and John Adams. Master Mason's certificate of Henry Burbeck in St. Andrew's Lodge, No. 82 F. & A. M., June 23rd, 1777. Masonic jewel presented by first Masonic Lodge in America to Gen- eral Burbeck's father, Lt. Col. William Burbeck, 1760. Miniatures of General Henry Burbeck and his wife, Lucy Elizabeth Burbeck. Photograph of General Henry Burbeck. Hat, belt, epaulettes and swords of General Henry Burbeck. Robert Richie's commission as ist Lieutenant, signed by Thomas JefTerson. Society of the Cincinnati Membership Certificates of Major Henry Burbeck and his successors in the same line, Wm. H. Burbeck - and Chandler Smith. ON WALL. Picture of the home of Asa Pollard, the first man killed at Bunker Hill. Picture of the Wythe House, Washington's Headquarters at Will- iamsburgh, Va. Picture of the residence of Major-General Philip Schuyler. Two letters of Col. Sidney Berry, dated September 11, 1776, and December 28, 1776. John Adams' commission as ist Lieutenant, April 3, 1776. Picture of Daniel W. Gantley, the youngest passenger on the first trip of the "Clermont" with Robert Fulton. Washington entering New York, December 4, 1783. Washington leaving New York, December 4, 1783. «8 W ^ ^^. v-o^ o_ * r, ^^'\ . » O ' . NJ '^ ♦ » . 1 • * ^A*^ •^-9^ •^^ c-.-'*.*^^ ** ^0^ ^•^"