•^0^ <^^^ O « '^' <^ "oV •^0^ v-^^ ^5 .jT^ t^/^^*. * ;.= -^ [^ilitQPVj ^pdep of the (®o\jal j®egion OF THE (^nited (^tates. -*-«»<5^^^^^ ^^]^gij istep OF THE (^ommander^ of tt?e Disfricf of (Jolambia FEBRUARY 1, 1882, — (Date of Institution) — MAY 3 1, 1903, — (Both Dates Inclusive) — INDEX. Officers: Present, --------.__ 3 Past, ----------- 4 Membership: f First Class, "Original," ------ 15 First Class, "in Succession," ----- 30 Present \ ^^''^^ Class, "by Inheritance from Companion," - - 31 I First Class, "by Inheritance from Officer," - - 31 I Second Class, -.---_-. 32 I Third Class, - - - 33 Deceased, ---------- 33 Dropped from the Roll, -------- 42 Elections Voided, -------- 43 Expelled, --------- 43 Resigned, --------- 43 Transferred from the Commandery, . - - - 44 Summaries, ---_-_-__ 51 R B MARKS. Rank, etc., held in the Volunteer Force of the War of the Rebellion by Companions then and since in the U. S. Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, is given, in roman type, in parentheses. The rank, etc., which Companions would have held in said Volunteer Force by virtue of Commissions issued by State Authorities had not muster therein been inhibited hy the Act of Congress approved March 3, 1863 — ■ consequent on reduction of the organizations in which commissioned "below the minimum number allowed by law," tlirough casualties of service — is given with "n. m.," thereafter. "Assigned" rank in the Staff Corps of said Volunteer Force was authorized by Acts of Congress approved July 17, 1862, July 4, 1864, Feb- ruary 25 and March 3, 1865. Rank, etc., held in the Volunteer Force of the Spanish-American War and Philippine Insurrection, is also given parenthetically, in italics. The "Relative Rank" of Companions in the Staff Corps of the Navj^ is given in parentheses. The rank, etc., given of Companions in the U. S. Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, transferred to other Commanderies, is that held at the time of transfer. By tnu*e»f9» APR! »9^6 J^ \s>\ Officers of the Commandery 1 903-1 904. Elected May 6, 1903. Commander. Rear-Adniiral John Russell Bartlett, U. S. Na\y. Senior Vice-Commander. Colonel John Watson Foster, U. S. Volunteers. ' Junior Vice-Commander. Major-General Joseph Cabell BrecivInridge, U. S. Army. Recorder. f Brevet Major William Pitkin Huxfokd, U. S. .\rmy. Registrar. Chief Engineer (Comniandpr) Henry Winslow Fitch, U. S. Navy. Treasurer. First Lieutenant William Baker Thompson, U. .S-Voliuiteers. Chancellor. Lieutenant -Colonel William Samuel Fatten, U. S. Army. (By Inheritance.) Chaplain. Chaplain James Fienry Bradford, V. S. Volunteer.s. Council. Brigadier-General Royal Thaxter Frank, U. S. Army. Bre\'ct Lieutenant-Colonel William Henry Plunkett, U. 8. Vohuiteers. Major Eric Bergland, U. S. Army. Commander Zera Luther Tanner, U. S. Nav}\ Captain Nathan BiCKFORD^'tR'Sr^Voltihteers. — 4 — 1882-1883. Commander. Brevet Major General John F. MiLi^ETt, U. S. V. Senior Vice-Commander. Rear Admiral Thornton A. Jenkins, U. S. N. Junior Vice-commander. Brevet Major General Delos B. Sacket, U. S. A. Recorder. Brevet Brigadier General Ai^bert Ordway, U. S. V. Registrar. Major Azou H. Nickerson, U. S. A. Treasurer. Major Tjieophii.us Gaines, U. S. V. Chancellor. First Lieutenant Louis V. Caziarc, U. S. A. Chaplain. Second Lieutenant John R. Paxton, U. S. V. Council. Brevet Brigadier General Chauncey McKeever, U. S. A. Rear Admiral John J. Almy, U. S. N. Commander Robley D. Evans, U. S. N. Brevet Major Henry L. Cranford, U. S. V. Major Green Clay Goodloe, U. S. M. C. 1883-1884. Commander. Brevet Major General Joseph R. Hawley, U. S. V. Senior Vice-Commander. Rear Admiral Thornton A. Jenkins, U. S. N. Junior Vice-Commander. Brevet Major General Absalom Baird, U. S. A, Recorder. Brevet Brigadier General Alukiii' ( »iU)WAY, U. S. V. Registrar. Major Merritt Barber, U. S. A. Treasurer. Major Theophilus Gaines, U. S. V. Chancellor. Fir.stlLieutenant Louis V. Caziarc, U. S. A. Chaplain. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Thomas B. Hood, U. S. V. Council. Brevet Brigadier General Cecil Clay, U. S. V. Commander Robley D. Evans, U. S. N. Major Green Clay Goodloe, U. S. M. C. Brevet Brigadier General George D. Ruggles, U. S. A. Medical Director John Mills Brown, U. S. N. — 5 — 1884-1885. Commander. Brevet Major General Joseph R. Hawley, U. S Senior Vice-Commander. Rear Admiral Thornton A. Jenkins, U. S. N. Junior Vice-Commander. Brevet Major General Absalom Baird, U. S. A. Recorder. Brevet Brigadier General Albert Ordw.w, U. S. V. Registrar, Lieutenant Colonel Gilbert C. Kniffin, U. S. V. Treasurer. Major Theophilus Gaines, U. S. V. Chancellor. Lieutenant Louis V. Caziarc, U. S. A. Chaplain. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Thomas B. Hood, U. S. V. Council. Brevet Brigadier General George D. Ruggles, U. S. A. Brevet Brigadier CSeneral Cecil Clay, U. S. V. Medical Director .John Mills Brown, U. S. N. Commander Robley D. Evans, U. S. N. Major Green Clay Goodloe, U. S. .M . C. 1885-1886. Commander. Brevet Major General Joseph R. Hawley, U. S. V. Senior Vice-Commander. Medical Director John Mills Browne, U. S. N. Junior Vice-Commander. Brigadier General Stephen V. Benet, V. S. A. Recorder. Brevet Brigatlier General Albert (.)rdway, U. 8. V. Registrar. Lieutenant Colonel Gilbert C. Kniffin, U. S. V. Treasurer. Brevet Major Henry L. Cranford, U. S. V. Chancellor. Brevet Brigadier General Cecil Clay, U. S. V. Chaplain. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Thomas B. Hood, U. S. V. Council. Captain David B. Harmony, U. S. N. Brevet Brigadier General Charles G. Sawtelle, U. S. A. Brevet Colonel Isaac S. Tichenor, U. S. V. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel .Jeremiah H. Gilman, U. S. A. Captain Charles P. Lincoln, U. S. V. 1886-1887. Commander. Brevet Major General Joseph R. Hawley, U. S. V. Senior Vice-Ccmmander. Medical Director John Mills Browne, U. S. N. Junior Vice-Commander. Brigadier General Stephen V. Benet, U. S. A. Recorder. Brevet Brigadier General Albekt Ohdway, U. S. V. Registrar. Lieutenant Colonel ]?on)ORT N. Scott, U. S. A. Treasurer. Brevet Major Henry L. Chanford, U. S. V. Chancellor. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel James A. Bates, U. S. A. Chaplain. Chaplain Benjamin Swallow, U. S. V. Council. Rear Admiral John H. Upshur, LT. S. N. Brevet Brigadier General Charles G. S.^wtelle, U. S. A. Brevet Colonel Isaac S. Tichenor, U. S. V. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Jeremiah H. Gilman, U. S. A. Captain Samuel S. Burdett, U. S. V. 1887-1888. Commander. Bre^Tet Brigadier General Charles F. Manderson, U. S. V. Senior Vice-Commander. Rear Admiral John J. Almy, U. S. N. Junior Vice-Commander. Brigadier General S.vmuel B. Hol.\bird, U. S. A. Recorder. Brevet Brigadier General Heuckn D. Mussey, U. S. V. Registrar. Brevet Colonel RiciiAui) N. Ba'ichelukr, V. S. A.* Captain Richard W. Tyler, U. S. A.f Treasurer. Brevet Major Marcus S. Hopkins, LT. S. V. Chancellor. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel James S. Bates, U. S. A. Chaplain. Chaplain Benjamin Swallow, U. S. V. Council. Rear Admiral John H. Upshur, U. S. N. Captain Samuel S. Burdett, U. S. V. Lieutenant Colonel Michael V. Sheridan, U. S. A. Major Joshua O. Stanton, U. S. V. Chief Engineer Charles H. Loring, LT. S. N.J Brevet Brigadier General Benjamin C. Card, U. S. A.§ 1888-1889. Commander. Brevet Brigadier General Charles F. Mandersox, U. S. V. Senior Vice-Commander. Commodore David B. Harmony, U. S. N. Junior Vice-Commanoer. Brevet Major General Stewart Van Vliet, U. S. A. Recorder. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel James A. Bates, U. S. A.* Brevet Major William P. Huxford, U. S. A.f Registrar. Brevet Major William P. Huxford, U. S. A. J Brevet Brigadier General Charles G. Sawtelle, U. S. A.§ Treasurer. Brevet Major Marcus S. Hopkins, U. S. V. Chancellor. Brevet Brigadier General Benjamin C. Card, U. S. A. Chaplain. Captain Charles M. Pyne, U. S. A. Council. ColonerCHARLES C. Nott, U. S. V. Surgeon Melancthon L. Ruth, U. S. N. Surgeon .Joshua O. Stanton, U. S. V. Major Henry J. Farnsworth, U. S. A. Brevet Ijieutenant Colonel George Truesdell, IT. S. V. Medical Inspector William K. Van Reypen, U. S. N.'I Vice Bates, resigned. 1889-1890. Commander. Brevet Brigadier General Ch.\.hles F. Manderson, U. S. V. Senior Vice-Commandep. Commodore John G. Walker, U. S. N.* Brevet Brigadier General Benjamin C. C.\rd, U. S. A.f Junior Vice-Commander. Captain Samuel S. Burdett, U. S. V. Recorder. Brevet Major William P. Huxford, U. S. A. Registrar. Brevet Brigadier General Charles G. Sawtelle, U. S. A. Treasurer. Brevet Major Marcus S. Hopkins, U. S. V. Chancellor. Major Theodore Schw,\n, U. S. A. Chaplain. Captain Charles M. Pyne, U. S. A. Council. Colonel Charles C. Nott, U. S. V. Medical Inspector William K. V.\n Reypen, U. S. N. Brevet Brigadier General Ellis Spear, U. S. V. Major Horatio B. Lowery, U. S. M. Ct Captain William Howard, U. S. V. Lieutenant Colonel Charles Heywood, U. S. M. C. § • Resigned Xorember C, 1889, f Vice Walker, resigned. J Resigned November G, 1889. § Vice Lowery, resigned. — s — 1890-1891. Commander. Brevet, Brigadier General Charles F. Mandeuson, U. S. V. Senior Vice-Commander. Rear Admiral Daniel Ammen, U. S. N. Junior Vice-Commander. Brevet Major General CHRiSTOPHEn C. Augur, U. S. A.* Brevet Colonel Addison A. Hosmer, U. S. V.f Recorder. Brevet Major William P. Huxford, U. S. A. Registrar. Surgeon James M. Flint, U. S. N. Treasurer. Brevet Major Marcus S. Hopkins, U. S. V. Chancellor. Major Theodore Schwan, U. S. A.J Brevet Brigadier General Thomas M. Vincent, U. S. A. 5 Chaplain. Captain Charles M. Pyne, U. S. A. Council. Captain Will.vrd Howard, IJ. S. V. Lieutenant Colonel Charles Heywood, U. S. M. C. Brevet Colonel Addison A. Hosmer, IT. S. V.|| Lieutenant Colonel Peter C. H.-^.ins, U. S. A. Captain Charles C. Cole, U. S. V. • Resisneii Aprill. Ifi'Jl. f Vice Aujur, resigned. J Resigned June 4, 1890. § Vice Sdiwaii, resigned. || Vacated April 1, 1891. 1891-1892. Commander. Colonel Redfield Proctor, U. S. V. Senior Vice-Commander. Colonel Commandant Charles Heywood, U. S. M. C. Junior Vice-Commancer. Brevet Brigadier General Thomas M. Vincent, U. S. A. Recorder. Brevet Major William P. Huxford, U. S. A. Rfgisirar. Surgeon James M. Flint, U. S. N.* Paymaster Henry T. Wright, U. S. N.f Treasurer. Brevet Major Marcus S. Hopkins, U. S. V. Chancellor. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel S-\nford C. Kellogg, U. S. A. Chaplain. Captain Charles M. Pyne, U. S. A. J Chaplain James H. Bradford, U. S. V.§ Council. Lieutenant Colonel Peter C. H.\ins, U. S. A.|| Captain Charles C. Cole U. S. V. Brevet Brigadier General William H. Browne, U. S. V. Paymaster Henry T. Wright, U. S. N.H Brevet Major John S. Gibbs, U. S. V. Brevet Brigadier General Rufus S.\xton, U. S. A.** Brevet Captain Charles W. Hobbs, U. S. A. ft • Resigned Novem' er 4, 1891 . t Vice Flin'. reilgned. t Re«i?ned November 4. 1801. I Reilgned November aO, 1891. U Vjo.ited N.ivemijcr 4, 1301. •• Vice W right, vnoateil. — 9 — 1892-189.".. Commander. Colonel Redfield Proctor, U. S. V. Senior Vice-Commander. Commodore Francis M. Ramsay, U. S. N. Junior Vice-Commander. Brevet Brigadier General Thomas M. Vincent, U. S. A. Recorder. Brevet Major William P. Huxford, U. S. A. Registrar. Payma.ster Henry T. Wricht, U. S. N. Treasurer. Brevet Major Marcus S. Hopkins, U. S. V. Chancellor. Major .James Gilliss, U. S. A.* Brevet Colonel Archibald Hopkins, U. S. V.tt Lieutenant Colonel Marshall I. Ludington, U. S. A.§ Chaplain. Chaplain James H. Bradford, U. S. V. Council. Brevet Major .John S. Gibbs, U. S. V. Brevet Brigadier General Rurus Saxton, U. S. A. Lieutenant Colonel Franklin G. Butterfield, U. S. V.|| Captain D. Pratt Mannix, U. S. M. C. Lieutenant William B. Thompson, U. S. V. Colonel George A. Woodward, U. S. A.H • Resijncd October 31, IgM. + Vice ciillias. resigno.I. Vice flopkins, leaigneJ. II Resigned January .1, IS'J... 1893-1894. Commander. Brevet Major General John G. Parke, U. S. A. Senior Vice-Commander. Commodore Francis M. Ramsay, U. S. N. Junior Vice-Commander. Colonel Charles C. Nott, U. S. V. Recorder. Brevet Major William P. Huxford, U. S. A. Registrar. Commander Yates Stirling, U. S. N. Treasurer. Brevet Major Marcus S. Hopkins, L^. S. V. Chancellor. Lieutenant Colonel Marshall L Ludington, U. S. A. Chaplain. Chaplain James H. Bradford, U. S. V. Council. Captain D. Pratt Mannix, U. S. M. C* Colonel Georgf, A. Woodward, U. S. A. Brevet Brigadier General Joseph Dickinson, U. S. V. ('aptain James A. Snyder, U. S. A. Captain J. Newport Potts, U. S. V. Passed Assistant Engineer Robert H. Gunnell, U. S. N.f • Died, February 8, 1894. t Vice Mannix, .leceaaeil. lO — 1894-1895. Commander. Rear AHmiral Francis M. Ramsay, V. S. N. Senior Vice-Commander. Brevet Brigadier General Chauncey MoKeever, U. S. A. Junior Vice-Commander. Brevet Brigadier General Cecil Clay, U. S. V. Recorder. Brevet Major AVilliam P. Huxfohd, U. S. A. Registrar. Passed A.ssistant Engineer Robert H. Gunnell, U. S. X. Treasurer. Brevet M.ajor Marcus S. Hopkins, U. S. V. Chancellor. Captain Crosby P. Miller, U. S. A. Chaplain. Chaplain James H. Bradford, U. S. V. Council. Brevet Brigadier General Joseph Dickinson, U. S. V. Captain James A. Snyder, U. S. A. Captain Horace Noble, U. S. V. ("aptain George B. Haycock, U. S. M. C. Cai)tain Howard L. Prince, U. S. V. 1895-189r3. Commander. Brevet Brigadier General Albert Ordway, U. S. V. Senior Vice-Commander. Colonel George A. Woodward, U. S. A. Junior Vice-Commander. Captain Frederick V. McNair, U. S. N. Recorder. Brevet Major William P. Huxford, U. S. A. Registrar. Naval Con.«!tructor Theodore D. Wilson, U. S. N.=^ Chief Engineer William H. Shock, U. S. N.t Treasurer. Brevet Major Marcus S. Hopkins, U. S. V. Chancellor. Captain Crosby P. Miller, U. S. A. Chaplain. Chaplain James H. Bradford, U. S. V. Council. Captain Horace Noble, U. S. V. Captain Howard L. Prince, U. S. V. Major George C. Reid, U. S. M. C. CaiJtain Constantine Chasf, TJ. S. A. Captain Robert C.^tlin, U. S. A. ' Rcaiened Ferlwary .'i, 1?CC, + Vice Wilsnn. resign 1896-1897. Commander. Colonel Geougk A. Woodward, U. S. A. Senior Vice-Commander. Captain Francis A. Cook, U. S. N.* Medical Director William K; Van Reypen, U. S. N.t Junior Vice-Commander. Colonel Wheelock G. Veazey, U. S. V.t Brigadier General George D. Ruggles, IJ. S. A.§ Recorder. Brevet Major William P. Huxford, U. S. A. Registrar, Chief Engineer William H. Shock, U. S. N. Treasurer. Brevet Major Marcus S. Hopkins, U. S. V. Chancellor. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel John C. Gilmore, U. S. A. Chaplain. Chaplain James H. Bradford, U. S. V. Council. Captain Constantine Chase, U. S. A. ("aptain Robert Catlin, U. S. A. Brevet Brigadier General Henry V. Boynton, U. S. V. Captain Mancil C. Goodrell, IT. S. M. C. Lieutenant John R. King, U. S. V. L-il April 7, 1S97. -f Vk-e Cook, rojipiod. t Resigned April 7, 1897. § Vice Vcl 1897-1898. Commander. Rear Admiral John G. Walker, U. S. N. Senior Vice-Commander. Colonel John M. Harlan, U. S. V. Junior Vice-Commander. Brigadier General John M. Wilson, U. S. ,\. Recorder. Brevet Major William P. Huxford, U. S. A. Registrar. Medical Director Grove S. Beardsley, U. S. N. Treasurer. Brevet Major Marcus S. Hopkins, U. S. V. Chancellor. Lieutenant Colonel John C. Gilmore, U. S. V. Chaplain. Chaplain James H. Bradford, U. S. V. Council. Brevet Brigadier General Henry V. Boynton, U. S. V. Captain Mancil C. Goodrell, U. S. M. C* First Lieutenant John R. King, V. S. M. C. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Wyllys Lyman, U. S. A. Captain Edward Davis, U. S. A. Acting Master Francis P. B. Sands, late U. S. N.+ • R«signed April 6, 1898. t Vice Goodrell, resigned. 1898-1899. Commander. Colonel John M. Harlan, U. S. V. Senior Vice-Commander. Brigadier General John M. AVilson, U. S. A. Junior Vice-Commander. Paymaster General Edwin Stewart, U. S. N. Recorder. Brevet Major William P. Huxford, U. S. A. Registrar. Medical Director Grove S. Beardsley, U. S. N. Treasurer. Brevet Major Marcus S. Hopkins, U. S. V.* First Lieutenant William B. Thompson, U. S. V.t Chancellor. Lieutenant Colonel John C. Gilmore, U. S. A. Chaplain, Chaplain James H. Bradford, U. S. V. Council. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Wyllys Lyman, U. S. A. Captain Edward Davis, U. S. A.+ Surgeon Charles C. Bombatjgh, U. S. V. First Lieutenant William B. Thompson, U. S. V. Acting Master Francis P. B. Sands, late U. S. N. Second Lieutenant Stanton J. Peelle, U. S. V. Major William S. Patten, U. S. A., "In Succession. "i| J Resigned January 3, 1899. 1899-1900. Commander. Brigadier General John M. Wilson, U. S. A. Senior Vice-Commander. liear Admiral Edwin Stewart, TI. S. N. Junior Vice-Commander. Bre\et Brigadier General Ellis Spear, U. S. V. Recorder. Brevet Major William P. Huxford, U. S. A. Registrar. Commander Harrie Webster, U. S. N. Treasurer. First Lieutenant William B. Thompson, U. S. V. Chancellor. Major William S. Patten, U. S. A. Chaplain. Chaplain James H. Bradford, U. S. V. Council. Acting Master Francis P. B. Sands, late U. S. N. Second Lieutenant Stanton J. Peelle, U. S. V. Colonel George L. Andrews. U. S. A. A. A. Paymaster Frank W. Hackett, lafe U. S. N. Brevet Major William L. Kenly, U. S. V. 1900-1901. COMMANCER. Rear Admiral EDw^x Stewaiit, U. S. N. SENrOH V(CE-COMMANDER. Brevet Brigadier General Ellis Spear, U. S. V. Junior Vice-Commander. Colonel George L. Andrbws, U. S. A. Recorder. Brevet Major William P. Huxford, U. S. A. Registrar. Chief Engineer Edward D. lloniE, U. S. N. Treasurer. First Lieutenant William B. Thompson, U. S. V. Chancellor. Major William S. Patten, U. S. A, Chaplain. Chaplain James H. Bradford, U. S. V. Council. Acting Assistant Paymaster Frank W. Hackett, Uttf. U. S. N. Brevet Major William L. Kenly, U. S. V. Brigadier General George M. Sternberg, U. S. A. Colonel Felix A. Reeve. U. S. V. Captain Frederick W. Mitchell, U. S. V. 1901-1902. Commander. Brevet Brigadier General Ellis Spear, U. S. V. Senor Vice-Commander. Colonel (Jkokge L. Andrew?, U. S. A. Junior Vice-Commander. Rear Admiral Francis J. Higginson, U. S. N. Recorder. Brevet Major William P. Huxford, U. S. A. Registrar. Medical Director Adolph A. Hoehling, U. S. N. Treasurer. First Lieutenant William B. Thompson, LT. S. V. Chancellor. Lieutenant Colonel William S. Patten, U. S. A. Chaplain. Chaplain James H. Bradford, U. S. V. Council. Brigadier General George M. Sternberg, U. S. A. Colonel Fklix A. Ref.ve, U. S. V. Captain P'rederick W. Mitchell, U. S. V. Brevet Brigadier General Felix Agnus, U. S. V. Commander Thomas Nelson, U. S. N. — 14 — 1902-1903. Commander. Colonel George L. Andrews, U. S. A. Senior Vice-Commander. Captain John R. Bartlett, U. S. N. Junior Vice-Commander. Lieutenant Colonel George W. Steele, V. S. V.* Captain Richard W. Tyler, U. S. A.f Recorder. Brevet Major William P. Huxford, U. S. A. Registrar, Medical Director Adolph A. Hoehling, U. S. N. Treasurer. First Lieutenant William B. Thompson, U. S. V. , Chancellor. Lieutenant Colonel William S. Patten, U. S. A. Chaplain. Chaplain James H. Bradford, U. S. V. Council. Colonel Felix A. Reeve, U. S. V. Commander Thomas Nelson, U. S. N.* Brigadier General Royal T. Frank, U. S. A. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel William H. Pltjnkett, U. S. V. Major Eric Beroland, U. S. A. Chief Engineer Henry W. Fitch, U. S. N.§ •Beaigned March 30, 1903. t Vice Steele, resisned. I Resigned January 5, 101)3. § Vice Nelson, resigned PRESENT MEMBERSHIP. First Class, "Original." (635.) Abbott, Ira C, Col., 1st Michigan Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. Abbott, Delon H., Maj., Surg., 9th Maine Inf. Abbott, Wili,.\rd, Capt. — Maj., n. m. — 140th New York Inf. Agnus, Felix, 1st Lieut., 5th New York Inf.; Maj., 165th New York Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. Allen, Charles J., Lieut. Col., Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. Alvord, Henry E., Maj., 2d Massachusetts Cav. {late Capt., 9th U S. Cav.) Anderson, Marion T., Capt., 51st Indiana Inf. Andrews, George L., CoL, retired, U. S. A. (Lieut. Col., 1st Missouri Inf., and 1st Missouri Light Art.) Andrtjss, E. V.\n ARSD.A.LE, Col., retired, U. S. A. Apgar, De Witt J., Capt., 143d New York Infantry. Appel, Charles A., Maj., 9th Pennsylvania Cav. Appleton, John W. M., Maj., 1st Massachusetts Heavy Art. Armour, Robert, Capt., 79th JJew York Inf. Asserson, Peter C, Civil Engineer (Rear-Admiral), retired, U. S. N. Atwell, Willi.\m p., Capt., retired, U. S. A. (Capt., 37th Wisconsin Inf., Bvt. Maj., U. S. V.) Bachman, M.vrtin v., Capt., 107th New York Inf. Bacon, Albert W., Pay Director (Captain), retired, U. S. N. Bacon, John M., Col., retired, U. S. A. (2d Lieut., 11th Kentucky Cav.; Maj., 4th Ken- tucky Cav. ; Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Bailey, Marcellus, 2d Lieut., 1st U. S. Colored Inf.; 1st Lieut., Adjt., 4th U. S. Colored Inf. ; Capt., A. A. G., U. S. V. ; Maj., 7th U. S. Colored Inf. Bailh.\che, Preston H., 1st Lieut.; Asst. Surg., 19th Illinois Inf.; Maj., Surg., 14th Illinois Cav. Baird, Absalom, Brig. Gen., retired — Bvt. Maj. Gen. — U. S. A. (Brig. Gen. — Bvt. Maj. Gen.— U. S. V.) B.URD, George W., Captain, U. S. N. B.URD, George W., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Col. 32d U. S. Colored Inf.) Barlow, John W., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. Barnum, Frank D., Capt., 47th New York Inf. Barrett, Daniel E., Capt., 5th Vermont Inf. Barrett, William H., 2d Lieut., 100th U. S. Colored Inf.; 1st Lieut., 9th U. S. Colored Heavy Art.; Capt., 40th U. S. Colored Inf.; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V. Bartlett, John R., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Barton, Jonathan Q., Paymaster (Lieut. Comd'r), retired, U. S. N. Barton, William H., Inte Lieut. -Commander, U. S. N. B.vtes, James A., Capt., retired — Bvt. Lieut. Col. — U. S. A. (Capt. 12th New York Inf. and U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps; Bvt. Lieut. Col., U. S. V.) Beardslee, Lester A., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Beardsley, Grove S., Medical Director (Rear Admiral), retired, U. S. N. Becker, Otto, Capt.; Paymaster, U. S. A. (Private, 23d Mo. Inf.; Maj., Add'l Pm., U. S. V.) Belknap, Charles E., Capt., 21st Michigan Inf. — Bvt. Maj. — U. S. V. Bell, George, Col., retired — Bvt. Brig. Gen. — U. S. A. (Lieut. Col., C. S., assigned, U. S. V.) — i6 — Bell, James M., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (1st Lieut. 86th Ohio Inf.; Capt., 13th Pennsylvania Cav. ; Col., 27th U. S. Vol. Inf.; Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Berger, Adolph, 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 1st Louisiana Cav. Bergl.\nd, Eric, Maj., retired, U. S. A. (1st Lieut., 57th Illinois Inf.) Bernard, Reuben F., Lieut. Col., retired — Bvt. Brig. Gen. — U. S. A. BicKFORD, Nathan, Capt., C. S., U. S. V. BiDDLE, James, Col., retired, U. S. A. (1st Lieut., 10th New York Inf.; Col., 6th Indiana Cav.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Billings, John S., Lieut. Col., retired, U. S. A. Billings, Luther G., Pay Director (Captain), retired, U. S. N. Bird, Charles. Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (1st Lieut., 1st Delaware Inf.; Capt., 2d Delaware Inf.; Lieut. Col., 9th Delaware Inf.; Col., 1st U. S. Veteran Inf.; Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Black, George W. Z., Capt., 107th Pennsylvania Inf. and U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps; Bvt. Lieut. Col., U. S. V. Blair, Henry W., Lieut. Col., 15th New Hampshire Inf. Bombaugh, Charles C, Maj. Surg., 69th Pennsylvania Inf. BoREiNG, Vincent, 1st Lieut., 24th Kentucky Infantry. BoYNTON, Henry V., Lieut. Col., 35th Ohio Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V.; (Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Brackett, Gustavus B., Capt., 1st Missouri Engineers, U. S. V. Bradford, James H., Chaplain, 12th Connecticut Inf. Bradley, Joseph H., Capt., 5th New York Inf. ("Duryea's Zouaves"); Chaplain, 10th New York Cav. » Bragg, Edward S., Col., 6th Wisconsin Inf.; Brig. Gen., U. S. V. Brayton, George M., Col., retired, U. S. A. Breck, Samuel, Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Maj., Add'l A. D. C, U. S. V.) Breckinridge, Joseph C, Maj. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (1st Lieut., A. D. C, U. S. V.; Maj. Gen., U. S. V.) Bright, George A., Medical Director (Rear-Admiral), retired, U. S. N. Bristol, Henry B., Capt., retired — Bvt. Lieut. Col. — U. S. A. Brooks, Newton M., Capt., 12th New Jersey Inf. and U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps. Brown, George H., 1st Lieut., 7th Battalion District of Columbia Militia Inf.; in service of U. S. Brown, Joseph M., 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 2d Massachusetts Cav. and 1st U. S. Lancers, Michigan Cav.; Bvt. Lieut. Col., U. S. V. Brown, William A., Maj. Surg., 149th and 176th Ohio Inf.; Bvt. Lieut. Col., U. S. V, Browne, J. Edwin, 2d Lieut., 48th Wisconsin Inf. BuEL, Clarence, Capt., 2d New York Cav.; Col., 169th New York Inf. BuKEY, Van Hartness, Col., 11th West Virginia Inf. ; Bvt. Brig. Gen., LT. S. V. Bunnell, Mark J., Capt., 13th New York Inf. and U. S. Veteran Reserve Corp. Burbank, James B., Col., retired, U. S. A. (Capt., 20th Connecticut Inf.; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V.) Burch, Sylvester R., 1st Lieut., Adjt., 12th Iowa Inf.; Bvt. Capt., U. S. V. Burdett, Samuel S., Capt., 1st Iowa Cav. BuRNSiDE, James O. P., Capt., 15th Illinois Inf.; Lieut. Col., 71st Illinois Inf.; Capt., C. S., U. S. V. BuRRELL, Thomas J., 2d Lieut., 82d New York Inf. Buttrick, Edwin L., Lieut. Col., 24th Wisconsin Inf. ; Col., 39th Wisconsin Inf. Butts, Frank A., Maj., 47th New York Inf. Byam, William W., Musician, 24th Iowa Inf. (See Section 2, 1st, Article V, Constitution.) Byrne, Chas. C, Col., retired, U. S. A. Byrne, Edward, 1st Lieut., 11th New York Inf.; Capt., 170th New York Inf.; Lieut. Col., ISth New York Vet. Cav. (late Capt., 10th U. S. Cav.) Caldwell, William M., Maj., Add'l Paymaster, U. S. V. Candy, Charles, Capt., A. A. G., U. S. V. ; ,Col., 66th Ohio Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. — 17- Caret, Asa B., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. Carlin, William P., Brig. Gen., retired— Bvt. Maj. Gen.— U. S. A. (Col., 38th Illinois Inf.; Brig. Gen.— Bvt. Maj. Gen.— U. S. V.) Carlton, Caleb H., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Col., 89th Ohio Inf.) Carman, Ezra A., Lieut. Col., 7th New .Jersey Inf.; Col., 13th New Jersey Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. Carmodt, John R., Paymaster (Lieut. Gomd'r), retired, U. S. N. Carpenter, Hiram H., 1st Lieut., 6th Wisconsin Inf.; 1st Lieut.— Maj., n. m. — 20th New York Cav. C.4.RPENTER, Thomas H., Capt., retired — Bvt. Maj. — U. S. A. Carson, John M., Capt., 27th Pennsylvania Inf. Carter, Robert G., l.st Lieut., retired — Bvt. Capt.— U. S. A. (Private, 22d Massachu- setts Inf.) Case, William W., 2d Lieut., 10th Minnesota Inf. Casey, Silas, Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. Castle, Henry A., Capt., 137th Illinois Inf. Caswell, Thomas T., Pay Director (Rear-Admiral), retired, U. S. N. Catlin, Robert, Capt., retired, U. S. A. Cazi.vrc, Louis V., Lieut. Col., Art. Corps, U. S. A. (1st Lieut. 89th, 81st, and 73d U. S. Colored Inf.; Bvt. Capt., U. S. V.) Chadwick, French E., Capt., U. S. N. Chamberlain, Simon E., 1st Lieut., 118th New York Inf.; Capt., 25th New York Cav. (late 1st Lieut., 8th U. S. Cav.) Chamberlin, William N., 1st Lieut., 17th Pennsylvania Cav., and 2d Pennsylvania Provisional Cav.; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V. Chambers, Emmett B., 1st Lieut., 33d Illinois Inf. Chapin, Philip E., 2d Lieut., 15th Connecticut Inf.; 1st Lieut., 2d Connecticut Heavy Art. Chase, Winfield S., 2d Lieut., U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps. Cheeseman, Rol.*.nd C, Capt., 45th Penn.sylvania Inf.; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V. Clapp, William H., Lieut. Col., retired, U. S. A. (1st Lieut., 42d Ohio Inf.; Capt., A. A. G.— Bvt. Lieut. Col.— U. S. V.) Clark, Ezra W., Capt., 8th Ohio Inf. ; 1st Lieut., Adjt., 34th Ohio Inf. ; Capt., A. A. G. —Bvt. Maj.— U. S. V.) Cl.vrk, Frank A., 1st Lieut., 1st Maine Heavy Art. Clark, James A., l.st Lieut., 17th Pennsylvania Cav. Clark, Joshua M., 1st Lieut., 36th Ohio Inf. Clay, Cecil, Lieut. Col. — Col. n. m. — 58th Pennsylvania Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. Clemons, Frederick W., 1st Lieut., 8th New York Cav.; Capt., C. S. — Bvt. Lieut. Col.— U. S. V. Closson, Henry W. Col., retired, U. S. A. Cole, Charles C, Capt., 17th Maine Inf. Cole, Henry A., Col., 1st Regt. "Potomac Home Brigade"; Maryland Cav., U. S. V. Commerford, John A., Capt., 3d Massachusetts Cav. Compton Charles E. Col. retired, U. S. A. (Capt., 11th Iowa Inf.; Maj., 47th U. S. Colored Inf. ; Lieut.Col. 53d U. S. Colored Inf. ; Brig. Ge7i., U. S. V.) Conn, Charles G., Capt., 1st Michigan Sharpshooters. Cook, Francis A., Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. Cook, Watson H., 1st Lieut., 21st Wisconsin Inf. CooNEY, Michael, Col., retired, U. S. A. (Capt., 5th U. S. Colored Cav.). Coppinger, John J., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Col., 15th New York Cav., Maj. Gen., U. S. V.) CoRBiN, Henry C, Maj. Gen., Adjt. Gen., U. S. A. (2d Lieut., 83d Ohio Inf.; 1st Lieut., 79th Ohio Inf.; Col., 14th U. S. Colored Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Cosby, Frank C, Pay Director (Rear-Admiral), retired, U. S. N. — iS — Craighili., Wii-liam p., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. Creager, Noble H., Capt., Q. M., U. S. A. (1st Lieut., 7th Maryland Inf.; TAeitt. Col., Q. M., U. S. V.) Cromwell, B.\rtlett J., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Crosby, John S., late 1st Lieut., 1st U.S. Art.; Bvt. Lieut. Col., U.S.A. (Capt. A. D. C— Bvt. Lieut. Col.— U. S. V.). Crowninsiiield, Arent S., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Curtis, Oscar H., Maj., 114th New York Inf. Gushing, Lym.vn F. W., 2d Lieut., 4th Massachusetts Heavy Art. CuTCHEON, Byron M., Col., 20th and 27th Michigan Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. V. Dana, Napoleon J. T., Capt., retired, U. S. A. (Col., 1st Minnesota Inf.; Maj. Gen., U. S. V.) Dandy George B.. Lieut. Col., retired— Bvt. Brig. Gen.— U. S. A. (Col., 100th New York Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Davis, George B., Brig. Gen., Judge Advocate Gen., U. S. A. (2d Lieut., 1st Massa- chusetts Cav.) D.wis, George W., Maj. Gen., U. S. A. (Lst Lieut., 11th Connecticut Inf.; Capt., A.Q. M.— Maj., Q. M., assigned— V. S. Y.;Brig. Gen.. U. S. V.) Davis, Jefferson W., 1st Lieut., 64th New York Inf. Davis, Thomas E., 2d Lieut., 4th West Virginia Cav.; 1st Lieut., 17th West Virginia Inf. , Davis, Wirt, Col., retired, U. S. A. Davis, Willi.a.m P., Lieut. Col., 23d Indiana Inf. De.\m, Harrison L., Capt., — Maj., n. m. — 34th Indiana Inf. Dean, Richard C, Medical Director (Captain), retired, U. S. N. DeForest, Newton, Maj. — Lieut. Col., n. m. — 2d Wisconsin Cav. DkMeritt, John H., late Acting Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. De Russy, Isaac D., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. Devendorf, LaMotte K., Capt., 1st North Carolina Inf., U. S. V. DeWitt, C.\.lvin, Col., Asst. Surg. Gen., U. S. A. (Capt., 49th Pennsylvania Inf.) Dickey, William B., 1st Lieut., 34th U. S. Colored Inf. ; Capt., A. Q. M., U. S. V. DiCKiNS, Francis W., Capt., U. S. N. Dickinson, Joseph, 1st Lieut., Adjt., 26th Pennsylvania Inf.; Lieut. Col., A. A. G. — Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. Dillingham, Charles, Capt., 2d Vermont Inf.; Lieut. Col., 8th Vermont Inf. DiMMicK, Eugene D., Col., retired, U. S. A. (Capt., 5th New York Cav., 2d Lieut. U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps.) DoNN, John W., Capt. {assimilated rank), U. S. V. "At Large," vide Article VII, Con- stitution. DoRTON, Henry F., late Acting Ensign, U. S. N. Doubleday, Charles W., Col., 2d Ohio Inf. Dovener, Blackburn B., Capt., 15th West Virginia Inf. DowD, John B., Capt., 13th U. S. Colored Inf. Drum, Richard C, Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. Dudley, William W., Lieut. Col., 19th Indiana Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. DuFFiELD, WiLLi.^M W., Lieut. Col., 4th Michigan Inf.; Col., 9th Michigan Inf. Du Pont, Henry A., late Capt., 5th U. S. Art., and Bvt. Lieut. Col., U. S. A. DuTTON, Clarence E., Maj., retired, U. S. A. (Capt., 21st Connecticut Inf.) Dye, P. Edwin, Capt., 100th New York Inf.; Maj., Add'l Paymaster, U. S. V. Eastman, Albert P., 2d Lieut., 1st Maine Heavy Art. Eaton, John, Chaplain. 27th Ohio Inf.; Col., 63d U. S. Colored Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. V. — 19 — Edgar, James M., 1st Lieut., 11th Missouri Cav. ■" "^ Edmonds, Howard, Capt., 3d Pennsylvania Cav. Edwards, Eaton A., Maj., 23d U. S. Inf. (Private, 10th Connecticut Inf.) Ely, CH.A.RLES W., 2d Lieut., 27th Connecticut Inf. Emerson, William, Capt., 35th U. S. Colored Inf. Ennis, William, Col., Art. Corps, IT. S. A. {Lieut. Col., Chief Ordnance Officer, U. S. V.) Ernst, Oswald H., Col., Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. (Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Evans, Charles H., 1st Lieut., "Baltimore Battery," Maryland Light Art., U. S. V. Evans, Robley D., Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. Evans, Walter, 1st Lieut., 25th Kentucky Inf., U. S. V. Ewers, Ezra P., Colonel, retired, U. S. A. (Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) F.\RQUHAR, NoRM.\.N H., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Fechet, Eugene O., Capt., Signal Corps, U. S. A. (1st Sergt., 1st Micliigan Light Art.; Ma]., Signal Officer, U. S. V.) Ferree, Newton, 2d Lieut., 157th Ohio Inf. Fessenden, Samuel, 2d Lieut., 1st Battery, Maine Light Art. Filbert, Isa.\.c S., Capt., 177th Pennsylvania Inf. FiSKE, As.^^ S., Chaplain, 4th Minnesota Inf. Fitch, Henry W., Chief Engineer (Commander), retired \J. S. N. Fletcher, Montgomery, Chief Engineer (Commodore), retired, U. S. N. Fletcher, Robert, Maj., Surg., 1st Ohio Inf.; Maj., Surg. — Bvt. Col. — U. S. V. Fletcher, William, Capt., retired, U. S. A. Flint, James M., Medical Director (Rear- Admiral), retired, U. S. N. FoLGER, William M., Capt., U. S. N. Foote, Allen R., 2d Lieut., 21st Michigan Inf. FooTE, Augustus R. S., Capt., A. A. G., U. S. V. FooTE, George F., Capt., retired, U. S. A. (Capt., 14th Michigan Inf.; Bvt. Lieut. Col., U. S. V.) FooTE, John B., 2d Lieut., 12th New York Inf. Foote, Morris J., Capt., 70th New York Inf. FoRwooD, William H., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. Foster, Eber W., Lieut. Col., 3d Minnesota Inf. Foster, John W., Lieut. Col., 25th Indiana Inf.; Col., 65th and 136th Indiana Inf. Fountain, S.^muel W., Maj. of Cav., A. A. G., U. S. A. (Private 140th Ohio Inf.) Frailey, I,eon.\rd a.. Pay Director (Captain), U. S. N. Frank, Royal T., Brig Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Fr.vnklin, Walter S.. late Capt., 12th and 21st U. S. Inf.; Bvt. Lieut. Col., U. S. A. (Lieut. Col., Ins. Gen., assigned — Bvt. Col. — U. S. V.) French, George H., 2d Lieut., 12th JIassachusetts Inf.; 1st Lieut., U. S. \'eterun Reserve Corps; Bvt. iMaj., U. S. V. FuGER, Frederick, Maj., retired, U. S. A. Fyler, Ors.vmus R., 1st Lieut., 2d Connecticut Heavy Art. G.vRDNER, William H., Lieut. Col., retired, U. S. A. Gaston, Al.\nson D., Capt., 26th Iowa Inf. Gibes, John S., late 1st Lieut., 1st U. S. Art. (Capt., 38th U. S. Coloreil Inf; Bvt. Maj. U. S. V.) Gillespie, George L., Brig. Gen., Chief of Engineers, U. S. A. (Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) GiLLis, James H., Commodore, retired, U. S. N. Gilman, Jeremiah H., Lieut. Col., retired, U. S. A. GiLMORE, John C, Col., retired, U. S. A. (Maj., 16th New York Inf.; Lieut. Col., 193d New York Inf.; Bvt Col., U. S. V.; Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) 20 Glover, John J., Capt., 15th Ohio Inf. GoDDAHD, Henry P., 2d Lieut., 2d New York Cav. ; Capt., 14th Connecticut Inf. Godwin, Edward A., Lieut. Col., 9th U. S. Cav. (Private, 1st West Virginia Inf. : Col., 7th U. S. V. Inf.; Col., 40fh U. S. V. Inf.) GooDLOE, Green Clay, Col., Paymaster, U. S. M. C. (1st Lieut., 23d Kentucky Inf.) GooDRELL, Mancil C, CoL, U. S. M. C. (Private, 15th Iowa Inf.) Goodrich, Caspar F., Capt., U. S. N. Goodyear. Charles P.. 1st Lieut.. 9th U. S. Colored Inf. Gordon, David S., CoL, retired, U. S. A. Gould, Charles G.. 2d Lieut., 1st Vermont Heavy Art.; Capt., 5th Vermont Inf.; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V. Graham, George R., 1st Lieut., 5th Maryland Inf., U. S. V. Graham, Niel F., Maj., Surg., 12th Ohio Inf. Grant, Hiram L., Maj., 6th Connecticut Inf. Grant, Robert E., 1st Lieut., 157th New York Inf. Graves, George E., Capt., C. S., U S. V. Greely, Adolphus W., Brig. Gen., Chief Signal Officer, U. S. A. (Capt., Slst U.S. Colored Inf.; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V.) Greenaw.\lt, John G., 2d Lieut., 73d Indiana Inf. CJkeenough, George G., Col., Art. Corps, U. S A. Grier, William, Medical Director (Commodore), retired, U. S. N. Griffith, William E., Q. M. Sergt., "Washington Company" Independent Pennsyl- vania Cav.; Capt., 22d Pennsylvania Cav. Gross, Frank P., 1st Lieut., retired, U. S. A. (1st Lieut., 9th Indiana Inf.; and U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps.) Grumley, Edward I., Capt., retired, U. S. A. (1st Lieut., 37th Wisconsin Inf.) Grunwell, Alfred B., 1st Lieut., 14th New York Inf., and 1st Lieut., U. S. Vet- eran Reserve Corps; Bvt. Capt., U. S. V. Hackett. Frank W., late Acting Asst. Paymaster, U. S. N. Hains, Peter C, Brig. Gen., U. S. A. (.Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Hall, David A., late Acting Ensign, U. S. N. Hall, Hillman A., Capt., 6th New York Inf. H.\lstead, Eminel p., Capt., 2d New York Heavy Art.; Capt., A. A. G., — Bvt. Maj. — U. S. V. Hamilton, Samuel T., Capt., retired, U. S. A. (Q. M. Sergt., 15th Pennsylvania Inf.) Hancock, John, 2d Lieut., 49th Pennsylvania Inf.; Maj., A. A. G.— Bvt. Col. — U. S. V.) Haring, Charles B., 2d Lieut., 15th New Jersey and 2il New Jer.'icy (Vet.) Inf. Harlan, John M., (M., 10th Kentucky Inf. Hart, Abraham, Capt., 73d Pennsylvania Inf. Hart, Frederick J., 2d Lieut., 109th L). S. Colored Inf. Hawkes, Benjamin F., 2d Lieut., 25th Ohio Inf.; liieut.Col., 78th Ohio Inf.; 1st Lieut., U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V. H.\WKiNs, Hamilton S., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Maj. Gen., U. S. V.) H.\wley, Joseph R., Cajit., 1st Connecticut Inf.; Col., 7th Connecticut Inf.; Biig. Gen.— Bvt. Maj. Gen.— U. S. V. H.\Y, John, Maj., A. A. G.— Bvt. Col.— U. S. V. Haycock, George B., Capt., retired, U. S. M. C. H.^YES, Edward M., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Capt., 10th Ohio Cav.; Bvt. Maj. U. S. V.) Hayes, Joshua R., Maj., Surg., 72d Pennsylvania Inf.; 1st Lieut., Asst. Surg., 187th Pennsylvania Inf. Heger, Anthony, Ck)l., retired, U. S. A. 31 — Hensey, Thomas G., 1st Lieut., R. C. S., 7th New York Cav. Herr, Samuel K., Capt., 191st Pennsylvania Inf., Bvt. Lieut. Col., V. S. V. Herrick, Osgood E., Chaplain, retired, U. S A. Heupel, John L., 1st Lieut., 46th New York Inf. Heywood, Charles, Maj. Gen., Commandant U. S. M. C. Hickman, William H., 2d Lieut.. 2d Maryland Inf., U. S. V. HiGGiNsoN, Francis J., Rear- Admiral, U. S. N. Hill, Norm.\n N., 1st Lieut., 3d Missouri Cav. Hill, Robert F., 1st Lieut., 1st Michigan Sharpshooters. Hillyer, Willi.vm R., Capt., 7th New Jer.sey Inf. HiNE, Lemon G., 1st Lieut., 44th Illinois Inf. HoKHLiNG, Adolph A., Medical Director (('aptain), retired. U. S. N. Hoffman, William, Capt., retired, U. S. A. (Capt., 5th New York Inf. and i:3(h New York Heavy Art.) JIoLLlUAY, Samuel V., Ma.i., Add'l Paymaster — Bvt. Lieut. Col. — U. 8. V. Holt, Alexander H., 2d Lieut., 1st Illinois Cav.; Lieut. Col., i:i8th Illin<)i.s Inf. Hopkins, .\hchibald, Capt. — Lieut. Col., n. m. — 37th Massachusetts Inf.; Bvl. Col., U. S. V. Hopkins, Marcus S., 1st Lieut., 7th Ohio and LT. S. Veteran Reserve Corps; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V. Horton, William E., 1st Lieut., 11th Connecticut Inf. and 8th U. S. Veteran Vol. Inf.; Bvt. Maj. U. S. V. (late 1st Lieut., 41st and 24th U. S. Inf.) HoTTEL, Martin V., Capt., 59th Indiana Inf. Howard, W^illard, Capt., 54th Massachusetts Inf. Howe, Henry S., Capt., retired, U. S. A. (l.st Lieut., Independent Battalion, Minne- sota Cav.) Hughes, Aaron K., Rear-.\dmiral, retired, U. S. N. Hull, John A. T., Capt., 23d Ohio Inf. Humphrey, Charles F., Brig. Gen., Quartermaster Gen., U. S. A. (Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Huntoon, Andrew J., Capt., 12th New Hampshire Inf. HusTED. Gilbert M., Capt., 47th New York Inf.; Capt., A. Q. M., U. S. V. HuxFORD, William P., Capt., retired— Bvt. Maj.— U. S. A. (Capt. 162d New York Inf. ; Maj., n. m., 106th and 162d New York Inf.) Jackson, Samuel, Medical Director (Commodore), retired, U. S. N. Jacobs, Horace (!., 2d Lieut., 6th Maine Inf.; Bvt. 1st Lieut., U. S. V. J.^^meson, Albion B., 1st Lieut., 35th Pennsylvania Inf.; (6lh Reserves); B\t. Capt.. U. S. V. J.\nney, Bernard T., Capt., 197th Pennsylvania Inf. J.\NNEY, Joseph J., 2d Lieut., "Purnell Legion," Maryland Cav., U. 8. V. Jenings, Jefferson II., 1st Lieut., 17th Kentucky Inf. Jewell, James A., 1st Lieut., Adjt., 151st New York Inf.; Lieut. Col., 5'Jfh New York Inf. Jewell, Theodore F., Capt., U. S. N. Jones, Thomas R., Capt., 131st Pennsylvania Inf. Jones, William A., Col., Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. Jones, William W., Capt., 2d Wisconsin Inf., and LT. S. Veteran Reserve Corps. Kell, William H., Maj., retired, U. S. A. (Private, 1st, 2d, and 18th Ohio Inf.) Kelley, Leverett M., Capt., 36th Illinois Inf. Kellogg, Augustus G., Commander, retired, V. S. N. Kellogg, Sanford C, Maj. retired — Bvt. Lieut. Col. — U. S. A. (Capt., A. D. C. — Bvt. Col.— U. S. V.) Kellogg, William P., Col.. 7th Illinois Cav. Kexd.^ll, Henry M., Maj., retired, U. S. A. (Private. 5th Battery, Indiana Light Art.) Kexlt, William L., 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 1st Maryland Inf.; Capt., C. S.— Bvt. Maj. — U. S. V. Kennedy, Crammond, Chaplain, 79th New York Inf. Ken'ny, Albert S.. Pay Director (Rear-Admiral), retired, U. S N. Kerr, Robert W., 1st Lieut., 121st Ohio Inf. Kimball, Amos S., Brie. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (1st Lieut., 9Sth New York Inf.; Capt., A. Q. M.— B\t. Maj.— U. S. V.; Col., Q. M., U. S. V.) King, Adam E., 1st Lieut., 31st New York Inf.; A. A. G., Lieut. Col., A. A. G., assigned— Bvt. Brig. Gen.— U. S. V. King, John R., 1st Lieut., 6th Maryland Inf., U. S. V. KiNSM.VN, JosiAH B., Licut. Col., Add'l .\. D. C— Bvt. Maj. Gen.— L^. S. V. KiRBT, Absalom, Chief Engineer (Commander), retired, U. S. N. Kirkm.vn, Joel T., Lieut. Col., retired, U. S. A. (Capt., 21st Illinois Inf., and 6th U. S. Veteran Inf.) Knapp, William A., Capt., 19th Ohio Inf. Kniffin, Gilbert C Capt., C. S.,— Lieut. Col., C. S., assigned— V. S. V. Koerper, Egox a., Lieut. Col., retired. U. S. A. (Maj., Surg., 75th Pennsylvania Inf.) Kr-^use, Charles .\., Capt., 2d District of Columbia Inf. L-vmbehton, Bexjamix P., Capt., V. S. N. L.vngdox, Loomis L., Col., retired, U. S. A. L.^rr.vbee, Charles F., late 1st Lieut., 7th U. S. Inf.; Bvt. Capt., U. S. A. (1st Lieut., Adjt., 30th Maine Inf.; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V.) L.VRXED, Daxiel R., Maj., retired, U. S. A. (Capt., A. A. G.— Bvt. Lieut. Col.— U. S. V. L.4.WREXCE, Cextre H., 1st Lieut., Adjt., 2d New Hampshire Inf.; Capt., A. A. G. — Bvt. Maj.— U. S. V. L.*. WHENCE, Joseph H., 2d Lieut., 2d District of Columbia Inf. Lebo, Thomas C, Col., 14th U. S. Cav. (Capt.. 1st Pennsylvania Cav. and 2d Penn- sylvania Provisional Cav.) Leary, Peter, Jr., Lieut. Col., Art. Corps, U. S. A. (1st Lieut., "Baltimore" Battery, Maryland I,ight Art., U. S. V.) Leutze, Eugexe H. C, Capt., U. S. N. Lewis, Charles F., Capt. — Maj., n. m. — 119th New York Inf. Lewis, Edwin R., Capt., 21st Massachusetts Inf. Lewis, Grenvillk, Acting Second Asst. Eng'r, laic U. S. N. (Private, 19th Pennsyl- vania Inf.) Lewis, Ju.\x W., Capt., 102d New York Inf. Lewis, Morgan D., 1st Lieut., Adjt., 6th New York Inf. LlEBER G. Normax. Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. .\. (Maj., Judge Advocate, U. S. V.) Lillibridge, George H., 1st Lieut., 14th Connecticut Inf. Lincoln, Charles P., Capt., 19th Michigan Inf. Lincoln, Sumxer H., Brig. Cien., retired, U. S. A. (Lieut. Col. — Col., ii. m. — 6th Vcr mont Inf.) Looker, Tho.mas H., Pay Director (Commodore) retired, V. S. \. Loring, Charles H., Chief Engineer (Captain), retired, U. S. N. Loud, John S., Maj., retired, U. S. A. (Capt., 12th New York Cav.) Lowe, John, Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Lowell, Charles, 2d Lieut. — Capt., ?!. m. — 7th Maine Inf. LuDiNGTON, Marshall I., Maj. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Capt., A. Q. M., Col., Q. M., assigned — B\i:. Brig. Gen. — U. S. V.) Lyman, Charles, 2d Lieut., 14th Connecticut Inf. Lynch, Edward, Capt., retired, U. S. A. (2d Lieut., U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps.) — 23 — Mackat, George, Civil Engineer (Lieutenant), U. S. N. {late Acting Master's Mate, U. S. N.) Macy, William W., 1st Lieut., 19th Indiana Inf. ;Capt., 20th Indiana Inf. Mackenzie, Alexander, Col., Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. M.^cNuLTY, Willx.\m a., 1st Sergt., 10th N. Y. Inf.; 2d Lieut., U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps; Bvt. Capt., U. S. V. Madden, Daniel, Maj., retired, U. S. A. Maginnis, Martin, Capt., 1st Minnesota Inf.; Maj., 11th Minnesota Inf. Marcotte, Henry, 1st Lieut., retired — Bvt. Capt. — -U. S. A. (2d Lieut., 2d New York Inf. and U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps; Bvt. Capt., U. S. V.) Marsh, Benjamin F., 2d Lieut., 16th Illinois Inf.; Lieut. Col. — Col., n. m. — 2d Illinois Cav. Marston, Hiram P., Capt., 33d Massachusetts Inf. Matthews, Edmund O., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. M.\xiM, Alfonzo a., 1st Lieut., Regt. Q. M., 10th Michigan Cav. Maxwell. Charles A.. 2d Lieut.. 3d Ohio Inf. Maxwell, Harlan P., 1st Lieut., 59th U. S. Colored Inf. McCalmont, John S., Col., 39th Pennsylvania Inf. (10th "Reserves.") McDoN.*.LD, John, Capt., retired, U. S. A. (Private, 1st U. S. Dragoons.) McGowAN, John, Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. McGowan, Jonas H., Capt., 9th Michigan Cav. McKean, Frederick G., Chief Engineer (Commander), retired, U. S. N. McKee, Thomas H., 1st Lieut., 1st West Virginia Inf. McKellip, William A., Lieut. Col., 6th Maryland Inf., U. S. V. McKevitte, Charles A., 1st Lieut., 3d New York Inf. McKiBBiN, Chambers, Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) McLellan, Charles H., late Acting Ensign, U. S. N. McMillan, Alexander F., 1st Lieut., 177th Ohio Inf.; Capt., 1st U. S. Colored Heavy Art. Mead, Francis W., Maj., Surg., 2d District of Columbia Inf. Megrew, John P., Capt., 11th Indiana Inf. Meredith, William M., Capt., 70th Indiana Inf. Merriam, Lewis, Capt., retired, U. S. A. (2d Lieut., 61st U. S. Colored Inf.; 1st Lieut 65th U. S. Colored Inf.) Merrill, Simeon H., Capt., 11th Maine Inf. Michael, William H., late Acting Ensign, U. S. N. (Private 11th Iowa Inf.) Miles, Nelson A., Lieut. Gen., U. S. A. (Capt., 22d Massachusetts Inf.; Col., 61st New York Inf.; Maj., Gen., U. S. V.) Miller, Frederick A., Lieut. Commander, retired, U. S. N. Miller, Harmon L., Capt., 1st Indiana Cav. Miller, Marcus P., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (.Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Miller, Thomas P., 1st Lieut., 68th Pennsylvania Inf. Miller William A., Capt., retired, U. S. A. (1st Sergt., 8th Kentucky Inf.) Mills, Anson, Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. MiMMACK, Bernard P. late Capt., 12th and 30th U. S. Inf.; Bvt. Maj., U. S. A. Mitchell, Frederick W., Capt., 12th Illinois Inf. Montgomery, Robert H., Maj., retired, U. S. A. Moore, James M., Col., retired, U. S. A. (Private, 19th Pennsylvania; 1st Lieut., 90th Pennsylvania; Capt., Q. M., U. S. V.) Morgan, John C, Capt., 1st Ohio Heavy Art. MoRiSEY, George H., 1st Lieut., 12th Iowa Inf. Mordecai, Alfred, Col., Ordnance Dept., U. S. A. Myers, William H., Capt-, 198th Ohio Inf. — 24 — Neill, Thomas W., 1st Lieut., 6th Pennsylvania Cav. Nelson, Thomas, Commander, retired, U. S. N. Nettleton, a. Bayard, Col., 2d (Jhio Cav.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. Newbold, Charles, Ma.i., Pay Dept., U. S. A. {Maj., Add'l Pnymaster, U. S. V.) Newton, Charles W., 1st Lieut., 20th Connecticut Inf. Nichols, Henry B., Capt., 19th Wisconsin Inf. Noble, Horace, Capt., 9th Maryland Inf., IT. S. V. Noble, Joseph, Lieut. Col., 9th Maine Inf. Norton, Hannibal D., Capt., 32d M-assachusetts Inf., and LT. S. Veteran Reserve Corps; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V. Norton, William H., 1st Lieut. — Capt., n. m. — 14th New York Heavy Art. NoRVELL, Stevens T., Lieut. Col., retired, U. S. A. NoTT, Charles C, Capt., 5th Iowa Cav.; Lieut. Col., 31st New York Inf.; Col., 176th New York Inf. Oakes, J.\mes, Col., retired — Bvt. Brig. Gen. — U. S. A. O'CoNNELL, Joseph J., Col., 30th U. S. Inf. O'Driscoll, Benedict J., Capt., 88th New York Inf. O'Neil, Charles, Rear- Admiral — Chief of Ordnance — LT. S. N. O'Reilly, Robert M., Brig. Gen., Surg. Gen., U. S. A. (Lieut. Col., Chief Surg., U.S.V.) Osgood, Henry B., Lieut. Col., Deputy Com. Gen., U. S. A. (1st Lieut., 27th Maine Inf.; Lieut. Col., C. S., U. S. V.) OvENSHiNE, Samuel, Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Owen, William H., 1st Lieut., 3d Maine Inf.; Capt., A. Q. M. — Col. Q. M., assigned U. S. V.) Owens, Benjamin B., 1st Lieut., 11th Maryland Inf., U. S. V. Page, Charles, Col., retired, U. S. A. (Lieut. Col., Medical Director, assigned, U. S. V.). Paine, Halbert E., Col., 4th Wisconsin Cav.; Brig. Gen. — Bvt. Maj. Gen. — U. S. V. P.\iNE, John L., 1st Lieut., 50th New York Vol. Engineers. Parker, Daingerfield, Col., retired, U. S. A. Parker, David B., 2d Lieut., 72d New York Inf. Parker, Richard C, Capt., retired — Bvt. Maj. — LT. S. A. (Sergt. Maj., 5th Pennsyl- vania Inf.) P.^RSONS, Eli.\s H., Capt., 46th Ohio Inf.; late 1st Lieut., 12th U S. Inf. Patzki, Julius H., Maj., retired, U. S. A. (Asst. Surg., 15th New York Heavy Art.). Paxton, Wilson N., 1st Lieut. — Capt., n. m. — 140th Pennsylvania Inf. P.AYNE, Eugene B., Lieut. Col., 37th Illinois Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. Payne, James G., 1st Lieut., 145th Pennsylvania Inf.; Capt., A. Q. M. — Bvt. Lieut. Col.— U. S. V. Peabody, William S., Capt., 74th U. S. Colored Inf. Pearson, Aven, 1st Lieut., "Henshaw's" Battery, Illinois Light Art. Pearson, Henry- C, 1st Lieut., 21st Pennsylvania Cav. Peelle, Stanton J., 2d Lieut., 57th Indiana Inf. Pendleton, Edmund, 2d Lieut., 4th New York Heavy Art. Pennington Alexander C. M., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Col., 3d New Jersey Cav.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V.; Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Perry, Alexander J., Col., retired — Bvt. Brig. Gen. — U. S. A. (Col., Q M., assigned, U. S. V.) Peshine, .Iohn H. H., Maj.. retired, U S. A. (2d Lieut., 31st U. S. Colored Inf.). Pew, Alfred, Capt., 3d Michigan Inf. Pfeiffer, John Q., Capt., 202d Pennsylvania Inf. Phillips, Dxtnc.vn C, Maj., 4th Pennsylvania Cav. — 25 — Pierce, Edwin S., Lieut. Col. 3d Michigan Inf. Piper, Horace L., 2d Lieut., 27th Maine Inf.; 1st Lieut., 4th U. S. Colored Inf.; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V. Platt, Robert, Commander, retired, U. S. N. Plunkett, Mich.^el H., Assistant Engineer (Ijieut., J. G."), retired, U. S. N. Plunkett, Willi.\m H., Ma.]., 17th Wisconsin Inf.; Bvt. Lieut. Col., U. S. V. Pollock, Otis W., Maj., retired, U. S. A. (Capt., 6.3d Ohio Inf.) Poole, De Witt C, Maj., retired, U. S. A. (1st Lieut., 1st Wisconsin Inf.; Lieut. Col., 12th Wisconsin Inf., and U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps). Poor, .Iohn C, Private, 24th Battery Ohio Light Art. (See Section 2, Is/, Article V, Constitution.') Potts, Robert, Chief Engineer (Captain), retired, U. S. N. PoTWiN, George C, 1st Lieut., 19th U. S. Colored Inf.— Bvt. Maj.— U. S. V. Powell, Charles F., Maj., Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. (Sergt. Maj., 5th Wisconsin Inf.) Powell, J. Tyler, Capt., 1st District of Columbia Inf. Pr.vtt, Electus a., Capt., 8th U. S. Colored Inf. Pratt, Nichols, late Acting Master, U. S. N. Pratt, William M., Lieut. Col., 8th Connecticut Inf. Prentice, Nathan B., 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 37th Wisconsin Inf. Price, S.^muel W., Col., 21st Kentucky Inf. ; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. Prince, Frederick W., 1st I^ieut., 3d New York Light Art.; Lieut. Col., 16th New York Heavy Art.; Bvt. Col., U. S. V. Prince, Howard L., Capt., 20th Maine Inf. Prindle, Franklin C, Civil Engineer (Rear-Admiral), retired, U. S. N. Putn.\m, Edwin, Pay Director (Captain), retired, U. S. N. Ju-\irFE, Alfred R., Capt., 152d New York Inf. Radcliffe, Samuel J., Maj., Surg., Lieut. Col., Medical Director, assigned — Bvt. Lieut. Col.— U. S. V. Ramsay, Francis M., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. R.\ND. Charles F.. 2d Lieut.. 101st New York Inf.; 1st Ijieut., U. S. Veteran Re.serve Corps; Bvt. Capt., U. S. V. Rand, Stephen, Pay Director (Capt.), U. S. N. Randolph, Wallace F., Brig. Gen., Chief of Artillery, U. S. A. ; (Private, 17th Pennsyl- vania Inf.: Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Raub, Jacob F., First Lieut., Asst. Surg., 210th Pennsylvania Inf. Rawlins, John W., 1st Lieut., Asst. Surg., 116th Pennsylvania Inf.; Maj., Surg., 88th Penn.sylvania Inf. R.^y, P. Henry. Lieut. Col.. 8th LT. S. Inf.; (Capt., 1st Wisconsin Heavy Art. and 6th LT. S. Veteran Vol. Inf.) Reed, Henry A., Maj., Art. Corps, U. S. A.; (1st Lieut., 24th Wisconsin Inf.) Reed, William F., 1st Lieut., Adjt., 60th U. S. Colored Inf. Reeve, Felix A., Col., 8th Tennessee Inf. Reeve. James H.. Capt., 3d New York Inf.; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V. Rbid, George C, Col., Adjutant and Inspector, U. S. Marine Corps. Remey, George C, Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. Reyburn, Robert, Maj., Surg. — Bvt. Lieut. Col. — LT. S. V. RiCH.\RDSON, Almyne H. G., Capt., 114th Pennsylvania Inf. Rittenhouse, Benjamin F., Capt., retired — Bvt. Maj. — U. S. A. Rives, Wright, Capt., retired— Bvt. Lieut. Col.— U. S. A. ; (Capt., A. D. C, U. S. V.) Robbins, N.athaniel A., 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 4th Maine Inf. — 26 — Robert, Henry M.. Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. Roberts, Benjamin K., Lieut. Col., Art Corp.s, U. S. A.; (Capt., A. A. G. — Bvt. Maj. — U. S. V.) RoBiE, Edward D., Chief Engineer (Commodore), U. S. N. Robinson, Alfred N., 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 5th Ohio Cav. Robinson, Robert K., l.st Lieut., As.st. Surg., 2d "Ea.stern Shore" Maryland Inf.; Maj., Surg., 7th Maryland Inf. Rochester, William B., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Maj., Add'l Paymaster — Bvt. Lieut. Col.— U. S. V.) Rodgers, John I., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A.; {Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) RoMEYN, Henry, Capt., retired— Bvt. Maj.— U. S. A. (Capt., 14th U. S. Colored Inf.; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V. Roper, John L., 1st Lieut., R. C. S., 11th Pennsylvania Cav. ; Capt., C. S. — Bvt. Maj. — U. S. V. Roy, James, 1st Lieut., Adjt., 40th and 152d Illinois Inf. RucKER, Daniel H., Brig. Gen. — Bvt. Maj. Gen. — retired, U. S. A. (Brig. Gen. — Bvt. Maj. Gen.— U. S. V. Ruggles, George D., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Col., Add'l A. D. C— Bvt. Brig. Gen.— U. S. V. Rutherford, Robert G., 1st Lieut., retired — Bvt. Capt.— U. S. A. (Capt. 83d New York Inf. and U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps; Bvt. Lieut. Col., U. S. V.) Ryan, Thom.\s, Capt., 141st Pennsylvania Inf. Rynex, Richard C, Lieut., R. Q. M., 23d Missouri Inf. S.\ge, William N., Capt., retired, U. S. A. (Capt., 137th New York Inf.; 1st Lieut. 39th U. S. Colored Inf.) Sanders, Henry P., Capt., 151st New York Inf. Sanders, Wilbur F., 1st Lieut., Adjt., 64th Ohio Inf. S.A.NDS, Francis P. B., late Acting Master, U. S. N. Sanger, Joseph P., Brig. Gen., U. S. A. (2d Lieut., 1st Michigan Inf.; Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Sappington, Nichol.\.8 J., Capt., C. S. — Bvt. Maj. — U. S. V. Saxton, Rufus, Col., retired. — Bvt. Brig. Gen. — U. S. A. (Brig. Gen. — Bvt. Maj. Gen. — U. S. V.) Saxton, S. Willard, Capt., Add'l A. D. C— Bvt. Maj.— U. S. V. Sawyer, Nathaniel C, Maj., Add'l A. D. C, U. S. V. Scantling, John C, Maj., retired, U. S. A. (Capt., 157th Indiana Inf.; Maj., 155th Indiana Inf.) ScHAYER, George F., 1st Lieut., 29th New York Inf.; Capt., U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps; Bvt. Lieut. Col., U. S. V. Schreiner, Herm.\n, Capt., U. S. A., retired (Capt., C. S.— Bvt. Lieut. Col.— U. S. V.) Schofield, John M., Lieut. Gen., retired, LT. S. A.; (Maj., 1st Missouri Inf. and 1st Missouri Light Art.; Maj. Gen., U. S. V.) Schw.^n, Theodore F., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Scott, Douglas M., Maj., retired, U. S. A. Scott, Thomas R., Private, 71st New York State Militia in Service of U. S. ; Capt., 174th New York Inf.; 1st Lieut., 25th New York Cav. Selfridge, Thomas O., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Sellmer, Ch.\rles, 1st Lieut., retired — Bvt. Capt. — U. S. A. (Capt., 11th Maine Inf. — Bvt. Lieut. Col.— U. S. V. Sensner, George W., Chief Engineer (Lieut. Comd'r), retired, U. S. N. Sew.vrd, William T., 2d Lieut., 1st Battery Connecticut Light Art.; 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 7th Connecticut Inf.; Capt., C. S.— Bvt. Maj.— U. S. V. Shallenberger, William S., Ist Lieut., Adjt., 140th Pennsylvania Inf. — 27 — Shastwell. Nathaniei,. Lieut. Col.. 1st Massachusetts Heavy Art.; Bvt. Col., U. S. V. Shaw, John W., 1st Lieut., 46th Ohio Inf. Shep.\rd, Edwin M., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Sherwood, Thoma.s H., 1st Lieut., Asst. Surg., 3d Pennsylvania Cav. ; Maj., Surg., 27th Pennsylvania Inf.; 1st Lieut.. A.sst. Surg.— Bvt. Capt.— U. S. V. Sheridan, Michael V., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (1st Lieut., 2d Missouri Inf.; Capt., A. D. C; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V.; Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Shock, William H., Chief Engineer (Commodore), retired, U. S. N. Shoup, George L., 1st Lieut., 1st Colorado Cav.; Col., 3d Colorado Cav. SiEBERT. Louis P., Capt., 7th New York Cav.; Capt., A. A. G., U. S. V.; Col. n. m., 2d New York Mounted Rifles. SiMMS, .TosEPH M., late Acting Ensign, U. S. N. SiNCL.UR, WiLLi.\M, Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Col., 35th Pennsylvania Inf.; Lieut. Col.; Asst. Ins. Gen., assigned, U. S. V.) SiNGisER, Theodore F., Capt., 20th Pennsylvania Cav. Sl.vter, Luther W., 1st Lieut., Indeijendent Battalion, West Virginia Cav., U. S. V. Slo.\.t, Fr.vnk D., Capt., 27th Connecticut Inf. Smart, Charles, Col., Asst. Surg. Gen., U. S. A. (1st Lieut., Asst. Surg., 63d New York Inf.) Smith, Frank G., Col., Art. Corps, U. S. A. Smith, Francis M., 1st Lieut., Adjt., 1st Maryland Inf. — Bvt. Capt. — U. S. V. Smith, .Iames T., Capt., 54th Illinois Inf. Smith, John T., Passed Asst. Engineer (Lieutenant), retired, U. S. N. Smith, Luther R., Capt., "Daniel's" Battery (subsequently 9th Battery, and Battery I), 1st Michigan Light Art. Smith, William B., 1st Lieut., 2d Delaware Inf. Smithe, J. CuRTiss, 2d Lieut., 150th New York Inf. Smolinski, Joseph, 2d Lieut., 1st U. S. Lancers (subsequently 9th New York Cav.); Private, U. S. M. C.) Snyder, Henry N., Capt., 59th Illinois Inf. Spe.^r, Ellis, Col., 20th Maine Inf.; Bvt, Brig. Gen., U. S. V. Spencer, William T., Capt., 2d Connecticut Heavy Art. Spicer, Simeon, Capt., A. Q. M., U. S. V. Squire, Watson C, 1st Lieut., 3d New York Light Art.; Capt., 7th Independent Co., Ohio Sharpshooters, Bvt. Col., U. S. V. Staley, Gideon, 1st Lieut., 1st Regiment "Potomac Home Brigade," Maryland Inf., U. S. V. Stanton, Clark, Capt., 1st New York Cav. Stearns, Solomon S., 1st Lieut., 4th Maine Inf. Steele, George W., 1st Lieut., 12th Indiana Inf.; Lieut. Col., 101st Indiana Inf.; late 1st Lieut. 14th U. S. Inf. Steinmetz, William R., Capt., retired, U. S. A. (Private, Gen'l Service, and Hospital Steward, U. S. A.) Stephenson, Ferdinand D., Capt., 48th Illinois Inf.; Col., 152d Illinios Inf. Sternberg, George M., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. Stewarp, El, win, Pay Director (Rear-Admiral), retired, U. S. N. Stirling, Y.vies, Rear-Admiral, V. S. N. Stockbridge, Virgil D., 1st Lieut., Adjt., 2d District of Columbia Inf. Stone, Ebenezer W., Maj., retired — Bvt. Lieut. Col. — U. S. A. (Capt., 1st Massachu- setts Inf.; I-ieut. Col., 61st Massachusetts Inf.— Bvt Col.— U. S. V.) Stone, Roy, Col., 149th Pennsylvania Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U.S. V., Brig. Gen., U.S. V. Strong, Fr.^.nk P., Maj., 1st Arkansas Cav., U. S. V. Sturgeon, William R., Capt., 107th Pennsylvania Inf. Sullivan, Thomas C, Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Lieut. Col., C. S., U. S. V.) Sumner, Edwin V., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Maj., A. D. C, Co)., 1st New York Mounted Rifles; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V.; Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) — 28 — Sumner, Samuel S., Brig. Gen., U. S. A. (Capt., A. D. C, U. S. V.; Maj. Gen., U. S. V.) Swic;gett, William Y., Capt., 1st Delaware Inf., and U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps; Maj. — Lieut. Col., n. m. — 9th Delaware Inf. Tanner, Zera L., Commander, retired, U. S. N. Taylor. Alfred B., Capt., retired— Bvt. Maj.— U. S. A. (Private, 22d New York State Militia, in service of U. S.) Taylor, Asher C, Lieut. Col., Art. Corps, LT. S. A. (1st Lieut., 3d Wisconsin Veteran Inf.) Tebbetts, Albion W., Maj. — Lieut. Col., ji. m. — 3.3d Massachusetts Inf. Temple, Jesse .1., Maj., Surg., 2d Kentucky Inf. Ten-Eyck, Jerome B., 1st Lieut., 3d Michigan Inf.; Capt., 5th Michigan Inf. — B\t. Maj.— U. S. V. Terry, Silas W., Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. Thayer, Abel H., Maj., Surg., 6th West Virginia Cav. Thomason, Samuel E., Capt., 14th and 176th New York Inf. Thompson, John A., Jr., 1st Lieut., 2d and 4th Maryland Inf., U. S. V. Thompson, William B., 1st Lieut., 8th and 11th Michigan Cav. Thorp, Martin R., 1st Lieut., 2d U. S. Veteran Vol. Inf.; Bvt. Capt., U. S. V. TiDBALL, John C, Col. retired— Bvt. Brig. Gen.— U. S. A. (Col., 4th New York Hea\'y Art., Bvt. Maj. Gen., U. S. V.) TiLFORD, Joseph G., Col., retired, U. S. A. TiLTON, Henry R., Lieut. Col., retired, U. S. A. Tower, George E., Chief Engineer (Commander), retired, U. S. N. Townsend, Eddy B., 2d Lieut., 80th New York Inf. Townsend, Edwin F.,'Co1., retired, U. S. A. True, Theodore E., Lieut. Col., Deputy Q. M. Gen., U. S. A. (2d Lieut. 41st Illinois Inf.; Capt., 6th U. S. Colored Art.; Lieut. CoL. Q. M., U. S. V.) Truesdell, George, Capt., 12th New York Inf.; Maj., Add'l Paymaster — Bvt. Lieut. Col.— U. S. V. Turner, J. Thomas, Capt. — Maj., n. m. — 3d Maryland Cav., U. S. V. Tweedale, John, Maj., U. S. A. (Private, 15th Pennsylvania Cav.) Tyler, Ira, 1st Lieut., 6th Maryland Inf., U. S. V. Tyler, Richard W., Capt., retired, U. S. A. (1st Lieut., l.st U. S. Sharpshooters; 2d Lieut., U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps; Bvt. Capt., U. S. V.) Upshur John H., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Uhell, M. Emmet, 2d Lieut. — 1st Lieut., n. m. — S2d New York Inf.; Bvt. Maj U. S. v.; Maj., 1st District of Columbia Inf. Vale, Josiah M., 2d Lieut., 47th Iowa Inf. Van Deusen, Albert H., Capt., 97th New York Inf. Van Reypen, Wii,liam K., Medical Director (Rear-Admiral), retired U. S. N. (1st Lieut., Asst. Surg., 2d New Jersey State Militia, in service of U. S.) Vannort, William J., 2d Lieut., 2d Regiment "Eastern Shore," and 1st Maryland, Inf.; 1st Lieut., nth Maryland Inf., U. S. V. Vernon, George W. F., 'Lieut. Col., 1st Regiment, "Potomac Home Brigade," Mary- land Cav., U. S. V. ViCKERY, Richard S., Maj., retired, U. S. A. (Maj., Surg., 2d Michigan Inf.) Vincent, Thomas M., Col., retired — Bvt. Brig. Gen. — U. S. A. von Braida, Sigmund C, 2d Lieut., 2d New Jersey Cav. — 29 — VON Fritsch, Fredkrick ()., Capt., 68th New York Inf. VON Haake, Adolph, Maj., 68th New York Inf. VON KoENiG, Robert, Capt., 68th New York Inf. VosE, William P., Col., Art. Corps, U. S. A. Wadsworth, James W., Capt., A. D. C— Bvt. Maj.— U. S. V. Wainwright, John, Col., 97th Pennsylvania Inf. Walker, Edwin P., Capt., 89th Illinois Inf.; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V. Walker, John G., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Wallace, Rush R., Commodore, retired, U. S. N. Ward, Thomas, Brig. Cien., retired, U. S. A. Warner, Edward R., Maj., retired — Bvt. Lieut. Col. — U. S. A. (Lieut. Col. 1st New Y'ork Light Art. ; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Waters, William E., Lieut. Col., retired, U. S. A. (Asst. Surg., District of Columbia Militia, in service of U. S. ; Maj., Surg., U. S. V.) Watson, John C, Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. Weaver, Aaron W., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Webster, Edward, 2d Lieut., 2d Illinois Light Art.; Capt., 4th U. S. Colored Heavy Art. Webster, Harrie, Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Webster, John McA., Capt., retired, U. S. A. (2d Lieut., 197th Ohio Inf.) Welch, David E., Lieut. Col., 2d Ohio Cav. Welsh, Edward H., 1st Lieut., 65th New York Inf. (1st U. S. "Chas.seurs.") Weeks, George H., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. West, Granville C, 1st Lieut., 4th Kentucky Inf. Weston, John F., Brig. Gen., Commissary Gen., U. S. A. (Maj., 4th Kentucky Cav.; Brig. Gen.. U. S. V.) Whe.'S.ton, Frank, Maj. Gen., retired, IT. S. A. (Col., 2d Rhode Island Inf.; Brig. Gen.— Bvt. Maj. Gen.— U. S. V.) Wheeler, George F., Capt., 7th Illinioj Inf. Wheeler, Gideon, Capt., 32d Iowa Inf. . Whitaker, Edw.-^rd W., Capt., 2d New York Cav.; Lieut. Col., 1st Connecticut Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. White, Charles H., 1st Lieut. — Capt., Ji. m. — 14th New Jersey Inf. White, James E., Capt., 13th Iowa Inf. Whitman, Royal E., 1st Lieut., retired, U. S. A. (Capt., 23d Maine Inf.; Col., 30th Maine Inf.) Whitney, .Toseph N., 1st Lieut., 2d Rhode Island Cav. Whitney, Walter R., Chaplain, 191st Pennsylvania Inf. Whitside, S-VMUel M., Brig. Gen., retired, IT. S. A. (Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Whittlesey, Eliphalet, Chaplain, 19th Maine Inf.; Maj., A. A. G., and Maj., J. A.., U. S. v.; Col., 46th U. S. Colored Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. Whittleton, Robert J., Capt., 25th Wisconsin Inf. Wilde, George F. F., Capt., U. S. N. WiLL.'i.RD, Wells, Lieut. Col., retired, U. 8. A. (1st Lieut., 21st Massachusetts Inf.; Capt. — Maj., n. m. — 34th Massachusetts Inf.) WiLLCox, Orlando B., Brig. Gen., retired— Bvt. Maj. Gen.— U. S. A. ((Dol., 1st Michi- gan Inf.; Brig. Gen.— Bvt. Maj. Gen.— U. S. V.) Williams, Leander P., 1st Lieut., 73d Indiana Inf., Bvt. Maj., U. S. V. Williams, James M., Capt., retired — Bvt. Maj. — U. S. A. (Capt., 5th Kansas Cav.; Col., 79th U. S. Colored Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Willi.vms, Jeremiah, Lieut. Col., 25th Ohio Inf. Wilson, Benjamin F., late Acting Asst. Surg., U. S. N. Wilson, James H., Brig. Gen., retired — Bvt. Maj. Gen, — V. S. A. (Lieut, Col., Ins, Gen., assigned; Maj. Gen., U. S. V.) — 30 — Wilson, John M., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Lieut. Col., Ins. Gen., assigned — Bvt. Col.— U. S. V.) Wines, Frederick H., Hospital Chaplain, U. S. V. WiTCHER, John S., Maj., retired, U. S. A. (Lieut. Col., 3d West Virginia Cav. ; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) WooDHULL, M.\xwELL V., Capt., A. D. C, Maj., A. A. G. — Lieut. Col., A. A. G., as- signed — Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. Woodward, George A., Col., retired, U. S. A. (Lieut. Col., Slst Pennsylvania Inf.; Col., U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps.) WooDWORTH, Albert L., 2d Lieut., 29th Connecticut Inf. WooLEY, George C, Capt., 9th New York Cav. Worth, John W., Capt., 5th Maryland Inf., U. S. V. Wright. Carroll D., Col., 14th New Hampshire Inf. Wright, J. Montgomery, Maj., A. A. G., U. S. V. Wright, Levi P., Lieut. Col. — Col. n. m. — 1st Massachusetts Heavy Art. Wyckoff, James S., 1st Lieut. — Capt. n. m. — 39th New York Inf. Yarrow, Henry C, 1st Lieut., Asst. Surg., 5th Pennsylvania Cav. YoDER, Charles T., Maj., Add'l Paymaster U. S. V. YoDER, Samdel S., 2d Lieutenant, 178th Ohio Inf. Young, Samuel B. M., Maj. Gen., U. S. A. (Col., 4th Pennsylvania Cav.; Bvt. Brig- Gen., U. S. v.; Maj. Gen., U. S. V.) Zerega, Alfred L. B., late Acting Master, U. S. N. Zimmerman, Lewis M., Capt., 1st Regiment, "Potomac Home Brigade," Maryland Cav., U. S. V. First Class, "In Succession." (38.) Almy, Charles G. Ammen, U. Grant, Paymaster, U. S. N. Baker, Charles A. Bailey, Hobart K., Maj. of Inf., Ins. Gen., U. S. A. Belknap, Francis W. Blunt, Stanhope E., Maj. Ordnance Dept., U. S. A. Boutell, Henry S. Capehart, Alexander S. Chapman, Chandler B., 1st Lieut., Adjt., 6th Wisconsi7i Inf. Conrad, Casper H., Jr., Capt., 3d U. S. Cav. Cranford, Joseph H. Crawford, Medorem, Maj., Art. Corps, U. S. A. Dyer, George L.. Commander, U. S. N- Evans, Ellwood W., Capt., 8th U. S. Cav. Febiger, John C, Jr. •Field, WILLI.^.M F. Gunnell, John H. Hood, James F. HoYT, Henry M. Lyman Charles G., 1st Lieut., re- tired, U. S. A. Macauley, Daniel B. O'Farrell, Patrick H. Patterson, Albert C. P.\TTERSON, Robert H.,Maj., Art. Corps, U. S. A. Pettit, James S., Maj. of Inf.; Inspector Gen., U. S. A. Col., 4th and Slst U. S. Vol. Inf.) Pitcher, William L., Maj., 8th U. S. Inf. Potts, Norman N. Russell, John H., Capt., U. S. M. C. Sells. Elijah W. Seyburn, Stephen Y., late Capt., 10th U. S. Inf. {Maj., Ins. Gen., U. S. V., and Col., 202d New York Inf.) Shallenberger, James B. Steedman, Richard R., Capt., 11th U. S. Inf. Strong, Frederick S. SwEiTZER, Nelson B. Totten, Howe Wilson, J. Franklin Wilson, Henry D., Passed Asst. Surg. (Lieutenant). U. S. N. Yates, Arthur W., Capt., Q. M., U. S. A. — 31 — First Class, "by Inheritance from Original Companion.'' (36.) Ayres, Charles G., Maj., 8th U. S. Cav. Badger. Charles J., Commander, U. S. N. Baer, Michael S. Brady, Joseph P. Campbell, James H. Case, Daniel R. Coleman, Frederick W., 1st Lieut., 13th U. S. Inf. Emory, William H., Capt., U. S. N. Fairfax, William MacN. Fillebrown, John P. Guest, John, Capt., retired, U. S. A. Haines, Henry C, Maj., U. S. M. C. Hann.\, Robert, Capt., retired, U. S. A. Hardie, Francis H., Maj., 14th U. S. Cav. Henry, T. Lloyd Johnson, Alfred W., En.sign, U. S. N. Lemon, James S. Lyster, Theodore C, 1st Lieut., Asst. Surg., U. S. A. McC.\WLEY, Charles L., Maj., Q. M.^ U. S. M. C. Mannix, D. Pr.\tt, Ensign, U. S. N. Ordw.\y, Godwin, 1st Lieut., Art. Corps, U. S. A. Patten, William S., Lieut. Col., Deputy Q. M. Gen., U. S. A. {Col, Q. M., U. S. V.) Reynolds, Alfred, Commander, U. S. N. Robinson, John M., Commander, U. S. N. RucKER, William J. Sacket, Francis W. Shaffer, Elmer M. Sheridan, Philip H., 2d Lieut., 5th U. S. Cav. Stancuff, Henry T. Stevens, Wilfred Thompson, H.vrry H. Train, Charles J., Capt., U. S. N. Veazey, Albin B. Williams, Charles F. Williams, Robert C, Capt., 13th U.S. Cav. Wood, Thomas N., Maj., U. S. M. C. First Class, "by Inheritance from Deceased Officer." (79.) Abeiit, S. Thayer Adheon, Thom.\s K. Anderson, Thomas J. Ayme, Louis H. Barry, Harry A. Bickham, Abraham S., Capt., Q. M., U. S. A. (Maj., Q. M., U. S. V.) BiGELOw, William P. Bliss, William J. A. Boyd, William Andrew Briscoe, Charles A. W. Can field, Herman Chapin, Frederick E. Ch.\pman, Edwin L. CoFLiN, Charles B. Coffin, William H., Maj., Art Corps, U. S. A. Cox, William V. Dahlgren, John B. D.wenpout, Richard G., Commander, U. S. N. Denney, Jeremiah C. A. Duncan, Joseph W., Lieut. Col., 13th U. S. Inf. DusHANE, Frank M. E.\TON, Paul W. Edie, John R., Lieut., U. S. N. Freyhold, Felix Glenn.\n, Arthur H. Green, William S. Harvey, Philip F., Lieut. Col., Deputy Surg. Gen., U. S. A. (Lieut. Col., Chief Surg., U. S. V.) Hellen, George Heist.\nd, Henry O. S., Col., A. A. G.» ,U. S. A. HoFF, John Van R., Lieut. Col., Deputy Surg. Gen., U. S. A. {Licvt. Col., Chief Surg., U. S. V.) Horner, Alfred B. How.\RD, Thomas B., Commander, U. S. N. Hunt, William M. Jacobs, Charles P. Johnson, Griffith L. Jones, John Paul Jones, Luci.\n Joyes, John W., Capt., Ordnance Dept., U. S. A. — 32 — Kingsbury, Henry P., Lieut. Col., 8th U. S. Cav. Long, Louis N. McCauley, Edward, late 2d Lieut., U. S. M. C. McCarthy, George H. McDowell, William O. Mattingly, William F., Jr. Mellach, William H., \st Lieut., 4th U. S. Vol. Inf. MiDDLETON, Arthur E. H. Morgan, George H., Maj., 9th U. S. Cav. (Maj., 2Sth U. S. V. Inf.) Moore, Thoma.s E. NOKTHCOTT, BkNJ.\MIN J. Palmer, Aulick Philip, J. Van Ne.s.s (Is/ Lieut., Adjl., 4th U.S. V. Inf.; Capt., Adjt., 'Mst U. S. V. Inf.) Pitcher, John, Maj., 6th U. S. Cav. Poor, Charles H. Radford, Stephen K. Rice, James Q. Rice, William G. Richards, Melzar C, 1st Lieut., re- tired, U. S. A. Richardson, James W. RossELL, William T., Maj., Corps of Engineer.s, U. S. A. S.\^nds, Joseph H. ScHOEPF, W. Kesley Shealey, Robert P. Sprague, John T. Steele, John L. Stone, Charles H. Stewart, Alonzo H. Strong, Russell J. C. SwEiTZER, Charles McG. Thornburgh, Robert M., 1st Lieut., Asst. Surg., U. S. A. Tyler, Augustus C, late 2d Lieut., 4th U. S. Cav. (Col. 3d Conn. Inf.) \'an Dusen, James W., 1st Lieut., Asst. Surg., U. S. A. Van Wyck, George P. Washington,' Horace L. Wessells, Henry W., Jr., Col., re- tired, U. S. A. Wheaton, Francis B., Second Lieut., 1st District of Columbia Inf. Whipple, Charles H., Lieut. Col., Deputy Paymaster Gen., U. S. A. Williams, P.\ul E. Wilson, William McG. Wynne, Robert J. Second Class. (67.^ Anderson, Thomas B., Maj., Surg., U. S. V. Babbitt, Edwin B., Capt., Ordnance Dept., IT. S. A. H.\ii!i>. Gkohcjf, H., 2d Lieut., 11th U. S. ('av. H.\iui>, William, Capt., retired, U. S. A. Barton, John F. Bell, GKORt., ( )rdnance Dept., U. S. A. Dillingham, Edwin K. Dudley, John W. DuFKiELD, William W., Jr. Ennis, William P., 2d Lieut., Art. Corps, U. S. A. Evans, Franck T., Ensign, U. S. N. Fessenden, Gladstone Fisher, Benjamin F., Jr. Frailey, Charles L. GiBBS, RuFus M. GiLMORE, John C, Jr., Capt., Art. Corps, U. S. A. (Capt., A. A. G., Capt., A.Q AI., U.S. v., Maj., 43d U. S. V. Inf.) Griffith, Alex.\nder H. 3 J Grunwell, Alfred G., Passed Asst. Surg., U. S. N. Hall, Frank H. Hart, Gilbert Hawthorne, Harry L., Capt., Art. Corps, U. S. A. {Maj., 29th U. S. V. Inf.) Hensey, Alexander T. Huxford, Frederick W. Janney, Laurence A. Kenly, William L., Capt., Art. Corps, U. S. A. LaGrange, Hugh Langdon, Russell C, Capt., 3d U. S. Inf. Marsh, C. Carroll Mitchell, Guy E. Newton, Charles P. NoRVELL, Guy S., 1st Lieut., Stli U, S. Cav. Peelle, St.\nton C. Poole, John H., 1st Lieut., Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. Poundstone, Homer, C, Lieut. Comdr., U. S. N. Pratt, William V., Lieut., U. S. N. Reid, George C. RoBBXNS, Alfred P. Roe, Fayette W., Capt., retired, U. S. A. (Lieut. Col, J. A., U. S. V.) Rutherford, Robert G., Jr., 1st Lieut., 24th U. S. Inf. S.4.PPINGTON, Augustus De R. Scantling, Philip L. Smart, Robert, 1st Lieut., Asst. Surg., U. S. A. Stephenson, Cl.\ude G. Stewart, Willi.'VM E. Tyler, Richard K. Vincent, Thom.\s N. W.vd.swokth, J.\mks W., .Tr. Ward, Philip R., ("apt.. Art. Corps, U. S. A. Whitney, Henry H., Capt., Art. Corps, and Lieut. Col., A. D. C, U. S. A. (Capt., A. A. G., U. S. V.) Whitside, Warren W., 1st Lieut., 10th U. S. Cav. Whittlesey, George P. Williams, James M., Jr. WoKDEN, Daniel T. Third Class, (i.) Henderson, Hon. John B. DECEASED. First Cl.xss, ''Original." (306.) Allabach, Peter H., Col., 131st Pennsyhaiiia Inf. Allen, Robert W., Pay Inspector, U. S. N. Almy, John J., Rear- Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Ammen, D.\niel, Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Anderson, Nicholas L., Col., 6th Ohio Inf.; Bvt. Maj. Gen., U. S. V. Augur, Christopher C, Brig. Gen., retired — Bvt. Maj. Gen. — U. S. A. (Maj. Gen., U. S. V.) B.vche, D,a.ll.\s, Col., retired, U. S. A. Badger, Oscar C. Commodore, retired, U. S. N. B-A.ER, Edward R., Maj., Surg., 1st Maryland Inf., U. S. V. Baker, Ch.^rles H., Chief Engineer (Captain) retired, U. S. N. Baker, Charles S., 1st Lieut., 27th New York Inf. — 34 — Barrett, Gregory, Capt., 13th U. S. Inf. (Lieut. Col., 4th Maryland Inf.— Bvt. Col.— U. S. V.) B.^TCHELDER, RicHARD N., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (1st Lieut., 1st New Hamp- shire Inf.; Capt., A. Q. M., Col., Q. M., assigned— Bvt. Brig. Gen.— U. S. V.) Bates, Robert F., Maj., retired, U. S. A. (1st Lieut., Adjt., 121st Pennsylvania Inf.) Baxter, Jedediah H., Brig. Gen., Surg. Gen., U. S. A. (Maj., Surg., 12th Massachu- setts Inf.) Bayne, Thomas M., Col., 136th Pennsylvania Inf. Becker, Anton, 1st Lieut., Adjt., 74th Pennsylvania Inf.; 2d Lieut., 1st New York Light Art. Belknap, Ch.'Vrlbs, Commander, U. S. N. (Private, 7th New York State Militia Inf., in service of U. S.) Belknap, William W., Col., 15th Iowa Inf.; Brig. Gen. — Bvt. Maj. Gen. — U. S. V. Bendire, Charles E., Capt., retired — Bvt. Maj. — U. S. A. Benet, Stephen V., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. Benjamin, Samuel N., Maj., A. A. G. — Bvt. Lieut. Col. — U. S. A. Berdan, Hiram, Col., 1st U. S. Sharpshooters; Bvt. Brig. Gen., LT. S. V. Blake, George A. H., Col., retired — Bvt. Brig. Gen. — U. S. A. Blake, Henry T., late Acting Ensign, U. S. N. Bliss, Zenas R., Maj. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Col., 10th and 7th Rhode Island Inf.) Bliss, William W., 1st Lieut., 49th Illinois Inf. Blunt, Ch.\rles E., Col., retired, U. S. A. Bodfish, Sumner H., late 2d Lieut., 6th U. S. Cav. Boggs, Charles S., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Bornarth, Charles, 1st Lieut., 67th and 92d U. S. Colored Inf. Boude, John K., Asst. Surg., 118th Illinois Inf. Boughton, Horace, Capt., 13th New York Inf.; Col., 143d New York Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. Boutelle, Charles A., Capt., retired, U. S. N. (late Acting Vol. Lieut., U. S. N.) Boutelle, George V., Capt., 2d New York Inf., Maj., 21st New York Cav. Boyd, Edward D., Capt., 2d Colorado Cav. Boyd, Robert, Lieut. Col., 2d District of Columbia Inf. Bradford, John, 1st Lieut., 4th New .Jersey Inf. Br.\dy, James D., Lieut. Col., — Col., n. m. — 63d New York Inf. Brann, John, late Acting Ensign, U. S. N. Brayton, Willi.\m T., 1st Lieut. — C^apt., n. in. — 3d Wisconsin Cav. Bridge, HoR.vno, Pay Director (Commodore), retired, U. S. N. Browne, John M., Metiical Director (Commodore), retired, LT. S. N. Browne, William H., Lieut., Col., 31st New York Inf.; Col., 36th New York Inf., and U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. Brownell, Frank E., 1st Lieut., retired, U. S. A. (Sergt., 11th New York Inf.) BiiYSON, Andrew, Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Bundick, Charles P., 2d Lieut., 10th New Jersey Inf. BuRNHAM, HoR.\CE B., Lieut. Col., retired, U. S. A. (Lieut. Col., 67th Pennsylvania Inf.; Maj., J. A.— Bvt. Col.— U. S. V.) Burns, William W., Col., retired— Bvt. Brig. Gen.— U. S. A. (Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) BuRHiTT, Ira N., Capt., 56th Pennsylvania Inf. Capehart, Henry, Col., 1st West Virginia Cav.; Bvt. Maj. Gen., U. S. V. Capron, Horace B., Col., 14th Illinois Cav.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. Carroll, S.vmuel S., Maj., Gen., retired, LT. S. A. (Col., 8th Ohio Inf.; Brig. Gen., Bvt. Maj. Gen., U. S. V.) C.\RTEit, S.\.muel P., Rear-Admiial, retired, U. S. N. (Biig. Gen. — Bvt. Muj. Gen. — U. S. V.) — 35 — Chase, Constantine, Lieut. Col., Art. Corps (1st Lieut., 3d Massachusetts Art.; Bvt. Capt., U. S. V.) Chester, James, Maj., retired, U. S. A. Clagett, Dorsey, 1st Lieut., 1st Maryland Cav. Clark, George W., 1st Lieut., 3d Iowa Inf.; Col., 34th Iowa Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. Clark, Nathan B., Chief Engineer (Lieutenant Commander), retired, U. S. N. Clark, Selden N., 1st Lieut., 64th and 69th U. S. Colored Inf.; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V. Clarke, Otis P. G., Capt., 2d Rhode Island Inf.; and 18th Veteran Reserve Corps; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V. Clay, Henry DeB., late Capt., 14th and 23d U. S. Inf. Cogswell, Milton, Maj., retired — Bvt. Col. — V. S. A. (Col., 42d New York Inf.; and 2d New York Heavy Art.) CoiT, James B., Maj., 14th Connecticut Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. Coleman, Frederick W., Capt., 151st New York Inf.; Qaie Capt., 15th U. S. Inf., and Bvt. Maj., U. S. A.) CoLHOuN, Edmund R., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Conrad, Casper H., Maj., 8th U. S. Inf. (Private, 120th New York Inf., and U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps.) Conrad, Joseph, Col., retired, U. S. A. (Maj., 3d Missouri Inf.; Col., 15th Missouri Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Cranford, Henry L., 1st Lieut., 84th New York Inf.; Capt., C. S. — Bvt. Maj. — U. S. V. Crofton, Robert E. A., Col., retired, U. S. A. Crosby, Pierce, Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. CuSHiNG, Samuel T., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Maj., Signal Corps, U. S. V.) Cutter, George F., Pay Director (Commodore), retired, U. S. N. CuTTS, Richard D., Col., A. D. C— Bvt. Brig. Gen.— U. S. V. D.wiDSON, Andrew J., Capt., 30th U. S. Colored Inf. D.wis, John L., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Deems, James M., Lieut. Col., 1st Maryland Cav.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. Deering, George A., Paymaster (Lieutenant), U. S. N. (Capt., 16th Maine Inf.) Dexter, James E., Maj., Surg.. 40th New York Inf. DeValin, Charles E., Chief Engineer (Commander), retired, U. S. N. DeKrafft, John C. P.. Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Dewey, Israel O., Maj., Paymaster, U. S. A.; (Maj., Add'l Paymaster, U. S. V.) Dodge, James H., Capt., 9th Battery, Wisconsin Light Art. DoDD, Levi A., Capt., 169th Pennsylvania Inf.; Col., 211th Pennsylvania Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. Du Barry, Beekman, Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. Dwight, James F., Maj., 4th Missouri Cav., Lieut. Col. — Col.,n. m. — 11th Missouri Cav. Dyer, George W., Maj., Add'l Paymaster — Bvt. Lieut. Col. — U. S. V. Eaton, John B., Capt., 2d U. S. Cav. (Capt., 27th Battery, New York Light Art.; Bvt. Lieut. Col., U. S. V.) Engle, James E., 2d Lieut., U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps. Evans, George W., Capt., retired, U. S. A. (Capt., 1st "Eastern Shore," Maryland Inf.) English, Earl, Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Fair, Charles, Capt., 147th and 154th Pennsylvania Inf.; Lieut. Col., 54th U. S. Colored Inf.; Bvt. Col., U. S. V. Fairfax, Daniel McN., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. 36- Farnsworth. Henry J.. Maj., Ins. Gen., U. S. A. (Capt., A. Q. M. — Bvt. Lieut. Col. — U. S. V.) Febiger, John C, Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Field, Francis A., late Capt., 11th U. S. Inf. FiLLEBROWN, Thomas S., Commodore, U. S. N. Fish, Koswell, A., Capt., 32d New York Inf. Flagler, Daniel W., Brig. Gen., Chief of Ordnance, U. S. A. Forsyth, Lewis C, Lieut. Col., retired, U. S. A. (Capt., A. Q. M., U. S. V.) Freudenberg, Charles G., Lieut. Col., retired, U. S. A. (Lieut. Col., 52d New York Inf., and U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps; Bvt. Col., U. S. V.) Fulleeton, Joseph S., 1st Lieut., 2d Missouri Inf.; Lieut. Col., A. A. G. — Bvt. Brig. Gen.— U. S. V. Fulton, James, Pay Director (Captain), U. S. N. Gardner, Hezekiah, Capt., retired — Bvt. Maj. — U. S. A. (Capt., 100th Illinois Inf. and U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps; Bvt. Lieut. Col., U. S. V.) Getty, George W., Col., retired— Bvt. Maj. Gen.— U. S. A. (Lieut. Col., Add'l A. D. C; Brig. Gen.— Bvt. Maj. Gen.— U. S. V.) Gibson, William, Capt., "Purnell Legion," Maryland Inf., U. S. V. Gibson, William R., Col., retired, U. S. A. (Maj., Add'l Paymaster — Bvt. Lieut. Col. — U. S. V.) GiLLis, James, Col., A. Q. M. Gen.. U. S. A. Gist, George W., Capt., 17th Kentucky Inf.; Col., 1st U. S. Veteran Vol. Inf. Gordon, Charles G., Capt., retired, U. S. A. (Corporal, 2d California Cav.) Grah.^m, George R., Maj., retired, U. S. M. C. Graves, William P., Capt., 2d U. S. Art.- Bvt. Maj.— U. S. A. Grout, Willi.\.m W., Lieut. Col., 15th Vermont Militia Inf., in service of U S. Gunnell, Robert H., P. A. Engineer (Lieutenant), retired, U. S. N. Guthrie, John B., Maj., 15th U. S. Inf.; (2d Lieut., 1st Kentucky Inf.) Hagner, Peter V., Col., retired — Bvt. Brig. Gen.^ — U. S. A. Hamilton, Alfred, Capt., 119th New York Inf. Hamilton, Frank B., Maj., 3d U. S. Art. Hammond, William A., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. Hatch, Edward, Col., 9th U. S. Cav.; Bvt. Maj. Gen., U. S. A. (Col., 2d Iowa Cav.; Brig. Gen.— Bvt. Maj. Gen.— U. S. V.) Hatton, Frank, 2d Lieut., 184th Ohio Inf. Hawk, Robert M. A., Capt., 92d Illinois Inf.; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V. Hayes, Edward, Lieut. Col., 29th Ohio Inf. Hazen, William B., Brig. Gen., Chief Signal Officer— Bvt. Maj. Gen.— U. S. A. (Col., 41.st Ohio Inf.; Maj. Gen., U. S. V.) Heishley, John F., Capt., 2d Delaware Inf. Henry, Guy V., Brig. Gen., U. S. A. (Col., 40th Massachusetts Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. v.; Maj. Gen., U. S. V.) Hill, Joseph C, Lieut. Col., — Col., n. m. — 6th Maryland Inf., U. S. V. Hill, Joseph C, 2d Lieut., 1st Maine Cav.; Capt., 5th Kentucky Cav. Hoff, William Bainbridge-, Capt., U. S. N. Hoffman, Edward G., Capt., 165th New York Inf. Hood, Thomas B., First Lieut., Asst., Surg., 76th Ohio Inf. ; Maj., Surg. — Bvt. Lieut, Col.— U. S. V. HoRD, William T., Medical Director (Captain), retired, U. S. N. Horn, John W., Col., 6th Maryland Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. HosMER, Addison A., 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 28th Massachusetts Inf.; Capt., 1st Massa- chusetts Heavy Art.; Maj., J. A.— Bvt. Lieut. Col.— U. S. V. — 37 — HoYT, Charles H., Maj., retired, U. S. A. (1st Lieut., 37th New York Inf.; {.^apt., A. Q. M.; Col., Q. M., assigned— Bvt. Brig. Gen.— U. S. V.) Hunt, Henry J., Col., retired— Bvt. Maj. Gen.— U. S. A. (Brig. Gen.— Bvt. Maj. Gen.— U. S. V.) Huntington, David L., Lieut. Col., retired, U. S. A. Inch, Philip, Chief Engineer (Captain), retired, U. S. N. Irwin, David A., Capt., retired, U. S. A. (Capt., 12th Pennsylvania Cav.) Jacobs, Ferris. Lieut. Col., 3d New York Cav.; Lieut. Col. — Col., rt.m. — 2Gth New York Cav.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. Jacobs, Jesse E.. Capt., A. A. G.— Bvt. Col.— U. S. V. Jeffries, Noah L., 1st Lieut., 59th New York Inf.; Maj., A. A. G., U. S. V.; Col., U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. .Jenkins Thornton A., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Johnson, George R., Chief Engineer (Captain), retired, L'. S. N. Johnson, Henry J., 1st Lieut., Adjt., 1st and 2d West Virginia Inf., U. S. V. Johnson, James B., 1st Lieut., R. C. S., 3d Michigan Cav. Johnson, Philip C, Rear- Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Johnson, Sherman A., 2d Lieut. — 1st Lieut., n. m. — 123d Ohio Inf. JouETT, James E., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Kautz, August V., Brig. Gen., retired — Bvt. Maj. Gen. — U. S. A. (Col., 2d Ohio Cav. ; Brig. Gen.— Bvt. Maj. Gen.— U. S. V.) Kelley, Benjamin F., Col., 1st West Virginia Inf.; Brig. Gen. — Bvt. Maj. Ger. — ■ IT. S. V. Kelton, John C, Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Col., 9th Missouri Inf.; Col., Add'l A. D. C, U. S. V.) Kimberly, Lewis A., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Lacey , Anderson P., Capt., 98th Ohio Inf. Lancaster, James M., Lieut. Col., 3d U. S. Art. Lane, William B., Maj., retired — Bvt. Lieut. Col. — U. S. A. L.\wton, Henry W., Col., Ins. Gen., U.S.A. (Lieut. Col.— Col., n. w.— 30th Indiana Inf.; Bvt. Col., U. S. v.; Maj. Gen., U. S. V.) Lemon, George E., Capt., 125th New York Inf. Lewis, John R., Col., retired, U. S. A. (Col., 5th Vermont Inf. and U. S. Veteran Re- serve Corps; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Livingston, La Rhett L., Col., retired, U. S. A. Lord, Thomas W., Capt., retired, U. S. A. (2d Lieut., 17th Maine Inf.; 1st Lieut., U. S. Veteran Re.serve Corps; Bvt. Capt., U. S. V.) LowRY, Horatio B., Maj., retired, U. S. M. C. Lym.vn, Wyllys, Maj., retired— Bvt. Lieut. Col.— U. S. A. (Maj.— Lieut. Col., n.m.~ 10th Vermont Inf.) MacKie, James S., "At Large." (See Article VII, Constitution.) McAlpine, Thomas D., 2d Lieut., U. S. Veteran Re.serve Corps. McCartney, Daniel P., Chief Engineer (Lieut. Comdr.), retired, U. S. N. McClure, Ch.\rles, Lieut. Col., retired, U. S. A. (Capt., C. S.— Bvt. Col.— U. S. V.) McKeever, Ch.\uncey, Col., retired— Bvt. Brig. Gen.— U. S. A. (Lieut. Col., A. A. G., assigned, U. S. V.) 3S- McKean, Henry B., Lieut. Col., .35th Pennsylvania Inf. (6th "Reserves"); Col., 35th Pennsylvania Militia Inf., in service of U. S.) McKiBBiN, David B., Maj., retired— Bvt. Brig. Gen.— U. S. A. (Col., 158th and 21-4th Pennsylvania Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen.. U. S. V.) McKiBBiN, Joseph C, Col., Add'l A. D. C. U. S. V. McMillan, Charles, Maj., Surg., 71st New York State Militia Inf., in service of U.S.; Bvt. Lieut. Col., U. S. V. McMillan, James W., Col., 21st Indiana Inf.; Brig. Gen. — Bvt. Maj. Gen. — U. S. V. McMuRTRiE, Daniel, Medical Director (Captain), retired, U. S. N. McNair, Frederick V., Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. McParlin, Thomas A., Col., retired— Bvt. Brig. Gen.— U. S. A. (Col., Medical Di- rector, assigned, U. S. V.) McPherson, Theodore H. N., 1st Lieut., 107th Pennsylvania Inf. Macauley, Daniel, Col., 11th Indiana Inf., and 9th U. S. Veteran Vol. Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. Maish Levi, Col., 130th Penn.sylvania Inf. Mallam, Charles E., Capt., A. A. G. — Bvt. Maj. — U. S. V. Manley Henry D. H., Commander, retired, U. S. N. Mannix, D. Pratt, Capt. U. S. M. C. (late Acting Ensign, IT. S. N.) Mason, John E., 1st Lieut. — Capt., n. m. — 9th New Hampshire Inf. Mason, John S., Col., retired— Bvt. Brig. Gen.— U. S. A. (Col., 4th Ohio Inf.; Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Mason, Theodorus B. M., Lieutenant Commander, retired, U. S. N. Matthews, Stanley, Lieut. Col., 23d Ohio Inf.; Col., 51st Ohio Inf. Meigs, Montgomery C, Brig. Gen., retired — Bvt. Maj. Gen. — U. S. A. Middleton, Richard, Capt., 50th New York Engineers — Bvt. Maj. — U. S. V. Miller, John F., Col., 29th Indiana Inf.; Brig. Gen.— Bvt. Maj. Gen.— U. S. V. Mitchell, Louis Y., Capt., 5th LT. S. Colored Heavy Art. Mizner, John K., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Col., 3d Michigan Cav. ; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Moore, William G., late Maj., Paymaster — Bvt. Lieut. Col. — U. S. A. (Maj., k. A. G. — Bvt. Col.— U. S. V.) MussEY, Reuben D., late Capt., 19th U. S. Inf.; Bvt. Col., U. S. A. (Col., 100th U. S. Colored Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Nelson, Henry C, Medical Inspector (Commander), retired, LT. S. N. Nichols, Edward T., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Nicholson, Edward W., Capt., 22d Battery, Indiana Light Art. O'Farrell, Patrick, 1st Lieut., 82d New York Inf. O'Neill, John O., Capt., 116th Pennsylvania Inf.; and U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps. Ordway Albert, Col., 24th Massachusetts Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. Owens, Thomas, Surg. (Lieutenant), retired, U. S. N. Palmer, Gideon S., Maj., Surg., 3d Maine Inf.; Bvt. Col., U. S. V. Palmer Innis N., Col., retired— Bvt. Brig. Gen.— U. S. A. (Brig. Gen.— Bvt. Maj. Gen.,— U. S. V.) Parke, John G., Col., retired— Bvt. Maj. Gen.— U. S. A. (Maj. Gen., U. S. V.) Patterson, DeWitt C, Maj., Surg., 124th Ohio Inf. Perkins, Bishop W., Capt., 16th U. S. Colored Inf. Pitcher, Thomas G., Col., retired— Bvt. Brig. Gen.— U. S. A. (Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Plumb, Preston B., Lieut. Col., — Col., n. m. — 11th Kansas Cav. — 39 — Poor, Frederick W., 1st Lieut., 24th Battery, Ohio Light Art. PooRE, Ben: Perley, Maj., 8th Massachusetts State Militia, in service of U. S. Porter, Charles, Lieut. Col., retired, U. S. A. Potter, .Joseph A., retired — Bvt. Brig. Gen. — U. S. A. (Col., Q. M., assigned, U. S. V.) Potts, J. Newport, 2d Lieut., 19th Indiana In^; Capt., C. S., U. S. V. Powell, .John W., 2d Lieut., 20th Illinois Inf.; Maj., 2d Illinois Light Art. Powell, William H., Col., retired, U. S. A. Pratt, William B., 1st Lieut., Adjt.,31st Missouri Inf.; Capt., A. D. C. — Bvt. Maj. — U. S. V. QuACKENBusH, STEPHEN P., Rear- Admiral, U. S. N. Queen, Walter W., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. R.\YMOND, John B., Capt., 31st Illinois Inf. Reed, Edmund W., 2d Lieut., 83d Pennsylvania Inf. Remey, Willi.\m B., Col., retired, U. S. M. C. Reynolds, Charles A., Lieut. Col., retired, U. S. A. (Lieut. Col., Q. M., assifincd, U. S. V.) Reynolds, Joseph J., Col., retired — Bvt. Maj. Gen. — U. S. A. (Col., 10th Indiana Inf.; Maj. Gen., U. S. V.) Ribble, George T., 1st Lieut., Asst. Surg., 11th New .Jersey Inf. Ricketts, James B., Maj. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Brig. Gen. — Bvt. Maj. Gen. — U. S. V.) RoDGERS, John F., Capt., retired, U. S. A. RosECRANS, William S., Brig. Gen., retired — Bvt. Maj. Gen. — U. S. A. (Col., 23d Ohio Inf.; Maj. Gen., U. S. V.) Ross, Orlando H., 2d Lieut., 20th Illinois Inf.; Capt., A. D. C, U. S. V. Rowan, Stephen C, Vice-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Russell, John H., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Ruth, Melancthon L., Surg. (Lieut. Comd'r), U. S. N. Rutherford, Joseph C, 1st Lieut., Asst. Surg., 10th Vermont Inf.; Maj., Surg., 17th Vermont Inf. Rutherford, William H., Chief Engineer (Lieut. Comdr.), retired, U. S. N. Sacket, Delos B., Brig. Gen., Ins. Gen. — Bvt. Maj. Gen. — U. S. A. Safford, Darius J., Lieut. Col., 1st Vermont Heavy Art. Sampson, William T., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Sanford, Oliver S., 2d Lieut., 1st Connecticut Inf.; Maj., 7th Connecticut Inf. Schenck, Robert C, Maj. Gen.,U. S. V. Schoonmaker, Cornelius M., Capt., U. S. N. Scott, Robert N., Lieut. Col., 3d U. S. Art. (Lieut. Col., A. A. G., U. S. V.) Seely, Franklin A., Capt., A. Q. M.— Bvt. Lieut. Col.— U. S. V. Sells, Michael, 1st Lieut., 59th Ohio Inf. Seyburn, Isaac D., late Acting Master, U S. N. Shaffer, A. Webster, Capt., 44th New York Inf., and U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps — Bvt. Lieut. Col.— U. S. V. Shaffer, William F., Lieut. Col., 2d Missouri Cav. Shallenberger, George A., 2d Lieut., 140th Pa. Inf.; Capt., A. Q. M. — Lieut. Col., Q. M., assigned— Bvt. Lieut. Col.— U. S. V. Sheridan, Philip H., General, U. S. A. (Col., 2d Michigan Cav.; Maj. Gen., U. S. V.) Shively Joseph W., late Surg. (Lieut. Comdr.), U. S. V. Shufeldt, Robert W., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. » — 40 — Simon, Frederick W., Capt., 8th Maryland Inf.; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V. Slack, William B., Maj., retired, U. S. M. C. Skerrett, Joseph S., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Slater, William H., Capt., 15th New Jersey Inf. Small, Michael P., Lieut. Col., Asst. Com. Gen. Sub. — Bvt. Brig. Gen. — U. S. A. (Col., C. S., assigned, U. S. V.) Smith, Charles H., Col., retired — Bvt. Maj. Gen. — U. S. A. (Col., 1st Maine Cav. — Bvt. Maj. Gen., U. S. V.) Smith, James E., Capt., 4th Independent Battery; New York Light Art. Snell, William B., Capt., 13th Maine Inf. Snyder, James A., Capt., retired, V. S. A. Stancliff, Henry T., Paymaster (Lieut. Comd'r), retired, U. S. N. Stanley, David S., Brig. Gen., retired— Bvt. Maj. Gen.— U. S. A. (Maj. Gen., U. S. V.) St.^ntqn, Joshua O., Maj., Surg., U. S. Veteran Volunteers. Steedman, Charles, Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Stevens, Charles A., 1st Lieut., 1st U. S. Sharpshooters, and 9th U. S. Veteran Re- serve Corps. Stevens, George A., Capt., retired, U. S. N. Stevens, Thomas H., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Strong, Richard P., Lieut. Col., retired, U. S. A. (2d Lieut., 139th New York Inf.; 1st Lieut., Signal Corps — Bvt. Maj. — U. S. V.; (Lieut. Col., Chief Signal Officer, U. S. V.) Sturgis, Samuel D., Col., retired— Bvt. Maj. Gen.— U. S. A. (Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Sutherland, Charles, Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. Swaim, David G., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (1st Lieut., 65th Ohio Inf.; Maj., A. A. G.— Bvt. Col.— U. S. V.) Swallow, Benjamin, Hospital Chaplain, U. S. V. Sweitzer, Nelson B., Col., retired — Bvt. Brig. Gen. — U. S. A. (Lieut. Col., Add'l A. D. C, U. S. v.; Col., 16th New York Cav.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Taylor, Joseph D., Capt., 88th Ohio Inf.— Bvt. Lieut. Col.— U. S. V. Thompson, Charles W., 1st Lieut., 39th Massachusetts Inf. Thompson, John R., 1st Lieut., 15th Vermont Militia Inf., in service of U. S. Thompson, William B., 2d Lieut., 24th New Jer.sey Inf. TiCHENon, GiooHciE C, Ist Licut., Adjt., 39th Iowa Inf.; Maj., A. 1). C. — Bvl. Col. — U. S. V. TiCHENOR, Isaac S., Capt., 105th New York Inf.— Bvt. Col.— U. S. V. Totten, Enoch, Maj., 5th Wisconsin Inf. TouRTELOTTE, JoHN E., Maj., retired — Bvt. Col. — U. S. A. (Vol., 1th Minnesota Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Townsend, Edw.\rd D., Brig. Gen., retired — Bvt. Maj. t!en. — U. S. A. TowNSHEND, Smith, Maj., 32d Illinois Inf. TuRNBULL, John G., Maj., retired, U. S. A. Twining, William J., Maj., Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. (Capt., A. D. C. — Bvt. Lieut. Col.— U. S. V.) Undekhill, Henry P., Lieut. Col. — Col., «. m. — 160th New York Inf. Vanderlip, William L., Capt., 44th New York Inf., and U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V. VanVliet, Stewart, Col., retired — Bvt. Maj. Gen. — U. S. A. (Brig. Gen. — Bvt. Maj. Gen.— U. S. V.) Veazey", Wheelock G., Lieut. Col., 3d Vermont Inf.; Col., 16th Vermont Inf. — 41 — Wadsworth, Charles F., Capt., 116th New York Inf. Walker, William J., 1st Lieut., 165th New York Inf. Webster, William H., 1st Lieut., 5th Connecticut Inf., and U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps. West, George W., Capt., 10th Maine Inf.; Col., 17th Maine Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. V. West, Theodore S., 1st Lieut., Adjt., 5th Wisconsin Inf.; Lieut. Col., 24th Wisconsin Inf. Whitney, Folliot A., Maj., 6th U. S. Inf. (2d Lieut., 1st Maryland Cav., and U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps — Bvt. Ma,i. — U. S. V.) Whittemore Edward W., Lieut. Col., retired, U. S. A. WiKOFF, Charles A., Col., 23d U. S. Inf. (Private, 1st Pennsylvania Inf.) WiLLARD, John P., Maj., Paymaster — Bvt. Lieut. Col. — U. S. A. (1st Lieut., 31st Wisconsin Inf.; Capt., A. D. C— Bvt. Col.— U. S. V.) Williams, Robert, Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Col., 1st Massachusetts Cav.) Wilson, Joseph F., 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 77th Illinois Inf.; Capt., C. S. — Bvt. Maj. — U. S. V. Wilson, Theodore D., Naval Constructor (Capt.), U. S. N. (Sergt., 13th New York State Militia, in service of the U. S.) Wilson, Thomas, Capt., 2d Iowa Cav., and 44th Iowa Inf. Winship, Edward K., late Acting Asst. Paymaster, V. S. N. Wood, William W. W., Chief Engineer (Capt.), retired, U. S. N. WooDFiN, Philip T., Jr., 1st Lieut., 16th Battery, Massachusetts Light Art. Wright, Horatio G., Brig. Gen., retired — Bvt. Maj. Gen. — LT. S. A. — (Maj. Gen., U. S. V.) Wyman, Robert H., Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. Yates, Theodore, Col., retired, U. S. A. (Capt., 1st Missouri Inf.) Young, Thomas L., Lieut. Col., llSth Ohio Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. First Class, "In Succession." (i.) Ayres, James C, Capt., Ordnance Dcjit., U. S. A. First Class, "by I iilicritancc frmn Original Com paiiion ." (4.) Logan, John A., .Ir., Maj., A. A. G., U. S. V.; Maj., 33d U. S. Vol. Inf. Parker, William H., Lieut. Comd'r, U. S. N. ScHOFiBLD, Charles B., Capt., 2d U. S. Cav. Wood, William M., Lieut., U. S. N. First Class, "by InJierilaiicc jroiii Deceased Officer." (7.) Benton, James W., 1st Lieut., 9th U. S. Cav. Davis, John. Dodge, Charles, Jr., Capt., 24th U. S. Inf. Michler, Francis, Maj., 5th U. S. Cav.; Lieut. Col.. A. D. C, U. S. A. (Lieut. Col., A. A. G., U.S. V.) MuNSON, Henry T. Vaile, Charles A. Wallace, James. — 42 — Second Class. (2.) Hay, Adelbert S. Slack, William H., late Master, U. S. N. Third Class. (4.) Anthony, Hon. Henry B. Arthur, Hon. Chester A. Knap, Mr. Charles. Sherman, Hon. John. DROPPED FROM THE ROLL. First Class, "Original." (20.) BuMPUs, Lorenzo D., Lieut. Col., 57th Pennsylvania Inf. BuRRiLL, Truman N., Capt., 126th New York Inf.; Capt., C. S.— Bvt. Maj.— U. S. V. Carpenter, John E., 1st Lieut., Adjt. — Capt., n. m. — 175th Ohio Inf. Gaines, Theophilus, Capt., 5th Ohio Inf.; Maj., J. A., U. S. V. Granger, William W., 1st Lieut., Asst. Surg., 3cl Missouri Cav. H.\nback, Lewis, 1st Lieut. — Capt., n. m. — 27th Illinois Inf. Hodge, William E., 1st Lieut., 5th Maryland Inf., U. S. V. Johnson, George W., 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 8th Maryland Inf., U. S. V. JuDSON, John A., Capt., A. A. G., U. S. V. Landers, Thomas, 1st Lieut., Asst. Surg., 10th U. S. Colored Art.— Bvt. Capt.— U. S. V. McMahon, Daniel, Capt., 80th New York Inf. NoLEN, Franklin, 1st Lieut., 2d and 9th Delaware Inf., and 1st U. S. Veteran Vol. Inf.— Bvt. Capt.— U. S. V. O'Connor, Henry, Maj., 35th Iowa Inf. Pettibone, Augustus H., Maj., 20th Wisconsin Inf. Rice, John B., 1st Lieut., Asst. Surg., 10th Ohio Inf.; Surg., 72d Ohio Inf. Ross, William E. W., Lieut. Col., 10th Maryland Inf., and 31st U. S. Colored Inf.— Bvt. Brig. Gen.— U. S. V. S.\WYER, Charles F., 1st Lieut., Adjt., 4th Maine Inf.; Capt., 20tli Maine Inf. Thomas, John R., 2d Lieut. — Capt., n. m. — 120th Indiana Inf. Walker, Duncan S., Maj., A. A. G., Lieut. Col., A. A. G., assigned — Bvt. Brig. Gen. — U. S. V. West, Joseph R., Col., 1st California Inf.; Brig. Gen. — Bvt. Maj. Gen. — U. S. V. First Class, "by I nlicritaiicc jroin Original Coiiipaiiioii." (i.) H.\tch, S.^muel B. First Class, "by Inheritance from Deceased Officer. " (2.) Parkinson, Joseph G. Ry,\n, Albert T. Second Class. (2.) BuRNSiDE, James B. Rockwell, Henry D. — 43 — ELECTIONS VOIDED.* * Under Section 2, Article VI. Constimtion of 1S81, consequent on failure to qualify witliin six mondis from dnte of election. First Class, "Original." (4.) B.A.KTLETT, Lkwis C, 1 st Lieut., 27th and 121.st New York Inf.— Bvt. Maj.— U. S. V. F.\RQtTHAn, Francis U., Maj., Corps of Engineers — Bvt. Lieut. Col. — U. S. A. Ramsay, Joseph G., Capt., A. A. G., U. S. V.; Capt., 2d U. S. Art. Wilkinson, Wkbb C, 1st Liout., Adjt., 5th Illinois Cav. Third Class, (i.) Bi-AiR, Hon. Austin. EXPELLED. First Class, "Original." (4) Baker, .Toseph S. A., 1st Lieut., 13th Connecticut Inf. Camp, Norman H., 2d Lieut., 4th New Jersey Inf.; 1st Lieut., Signal Corps — Bvt. Maj.— U. S. V. Eagan, Charles P., Brig. Gen., Com. Gen., U. S. A.; (1st Lieut., 1st Washington Territory Inf.; Bvt. Capt., U. S. V.) Nickerson, Azor H., Maj., retired, U. S. A.; Capt.. Sth Ohio Inf., and U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps; Bvt. Maj.. U. S. V.") RESIGNED. First Class, "Original." (14.) Card, Benjamin C, Lieut. Col., retired— Bvt. Brig. Gen.— U. S. A. (Col., Q. M., ns signed, U. S. V.) Dana, .Iames .1., Lieut. Col., retired — Bvt. Brig. Gen. — IT. S. A. (Col., Q. M., nsa-innef], U. S. V.) Franklin, Samuel R., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Harmony, David B., Rear-Admir.al, retired, U. S. N. Hawkins, John P., Brig. Gen., retired— Bvt. Maj. Gen.— U. S. A. (Lieut. Col., C. S., assigned; Brig. Gen. — Bvt. Maj. Gen. — U. S. V.) Holabird, Samuel B., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Col., Add'l A. D. C, U. S. V.'. AL\tthews, Asa C, Lieut. Col.— Col., n. w.— 99th Illinois Inf.; Bvt. Col., U. S. V.) MooRE, John, Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Col., Medical Director, assigned, U. S. V.) Peddle, William R., Capt.. 1.57th Pennsylvania Inf. Phelps, Ch.\rles E., Col., 7th Maryland Inf. — Bvt. Brig. Gen. — U. S. V. Roe, Francis A., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. Tompkins, Ch.^.rles H., Col., retired — Bvt. Brig. Gen. — U. S. A. (Col., 1st Vermont Cav.; Col., Q. M., U. S. V.) Watson, George W., Capt., 90th Penn.sylvania Inf. WoRDEN, John L., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. ■ — 44 — First Class, "/» Succession." (2.) Reynolds, Bainbridge, late Capt., 3d U. S. Cav. TowNSEND, Thomas G., Capt., retired, U. S. A. First Class, " by Inheritance from Original Companion." (i.) Guest, James Alden. First Class, "by Inheritance from Deceased Officer." (3.) Beale, Joseph, late Lieut., U. S. N. Thomas, Frank H. Williams, Eugene J. Second Class. (2.) Hatch, Mark B. Scott, William L. TRANSFERRED TO OTHER COMMANDERIES. First Class, "Original." (173.) Alden, Charles H., Col., retired, U. S. A. Anderson, Harry R., Capt., 4th U. S. Art.; (Capt., 5th U. S. Vol. Inf.) Babbitt, Lawrence S., Lieut. Col, Ordnance Dept., U. S. A. Babcock, John B., Lieut. Col., A. A. G., U. S. A.; (1st Lieut., 174th New York Inf.; Maj., 162d New York. Inf.) Barber, Merritt, Col., A. A. G.,U. S. A.; (Capt., 10th Vermont Inf.; Capt., A. A. G.— Bvt. Maj.— U. S. V.) Barr, Thomas F., Lieut. Col. — Deputy Judge Advocate General — LT. S. A.; (Maj., Judge Advocate— Bvt. Lieut. Col.— U. S. V.) Barstow, George F., Capt r.,etired — Bvt. Maj. — U. S. A. Bates, John C, Brig. Gen., U. S. A.; (Maj. Gen., U. S. V.) Belknap, George E., Commodore, U. S. N. Bell, William H., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. Bingham, Henry H., Capt., 140th Pennsylvania Inf.; Maj., Judge Advocate — Bvt. Brig. Gen.— U. S. V. — 45 — BissELL, Julius B., 1st Lieut., loth Connecticut Inf. Brice, John J., Commander, retired, U. S. N. Brxjmm, Charles N., 1st Lieut., R. I. M., 76th Pennsylvania Inf. BuRNHAM, David K., Capt., retired, U. S. A.; (Capt., 67th Pennsylvania Inf.) Burrows, Julius C, Capt., 17th Michigan Inf. Butterfield, Franklin G., Capt. — Lieut. Col., n. m. — 6th Vermont Inf. Butterfield, Frederick D., Capt., 8th Vermont Inf. Calkins, William H., 1st Lieut., 14th Iowa Inf., and 128th Indiana Inf.; Ma j., 12th Indiana Cav. Callahan, Chas. M., Capt., retired, U. S. A.; (Capt., 1st Mi.ssouri Art.) Campbell, John, Capt., 70th Ohio Inf. Carpenter, Louis H., Maj., 5th U. S. Cav.; Bvt. Col., U. S. A.; (Col., 5th U. S. Col- ored Cav.— Bvt. Col.— U. S. V. Carruth, William W., Capt., 6th Battery, Massachusetts Light Art.; Capt., A. A. G., U. S. V. Carhuthers, Robert, Capt., 24th Massachusetts Inf.; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V. Chandler, John G., Lieut. Col., Dep. Q. M. Gen.— Bvt. Col.— U. S. A.; (Capt., A. Q. M.— Lieut. Col., M., assigned— \J. S. V.) Chester, Colby M., Capt., U. S. N. Clem, John L., Capt., A. Q. M., U. S. A.; (Lance Sergt., 22d Michigan Inf.) Clous, John W., Maj., Judge Advocate, U. S. A. Colby, Henry G., Pay Inspector (Capt.), retired, U. S. N. Collins, John T., Capt., 1st U S. Colored Heavy Art.; Bvt. Lieut. Col., U. S. V, Conger, Edwin H., Capt., 102d Illinois Inf.; Bvt. Maj., U S. V. Coulter, Will A., Capt., 100th U. S. Colored Inf.; Capt., A. A. G.— Bvt. Maj.— U. S. V. (late 1st Lieut., 12th U. S. Inf., and Bvt. Capt., U. S. A.) CuDNER, Albert M., 1st Lieut., Adjt., 42d U. S. Col. Inf. Curtis, Edwin S., 1st Lieut., 2d U. S. Art.; (Private, 48th New York Inf.) Curtis, Herbert P., Maj., J. A., U. S. A.; (Capt., 1st Massachusetts Cav.; Maj., . J. A.— Bvt. Col.— U. S. V.) Davis, Edward, Capt., 3d U. S. Art.; (2d Lieut., 5th Kentucky Cav.) Davis, George R., Capt., 8th Massachusetts Inf.; Maj., 3d Rhode Island Cav. Dewey, George, Commodore, U. S. N. Dudley, Edgar S., Lieut. Col., J. A., U. S. A.; (2d Lieut., 1st New York Light Art. Lieut. Col., J. A., U.S. V.) Eckerson, Theodore J., Maj., retired, U. S. A. Edes, Robert T., Passed Asst. Surgeon, U. S. N. Elliott, William St. G., Maj., 79th New York Inf.; 1st Lieut., A.9st. Surg., U. S. V. Fairbrother, George W., 2d Lieut., 5th Michigan Cav. Foster, Charles W., Maj., retired— Bvt. Col.— U. S. A. (Maj., A. A. G.— Bvt. Col.— U. S. V.) Foster, Robert S., Col., 13th Indiana Inf.; Brig. Gen.— Bvt. Maj. Gen.— U. S. V.) Gihon, Albert L., Medical Director (Commander), retired, U. S. N. Gilbre.\.th, Erasmus C, Capt., 11th U. S. Inf.; Maj., 20th Indiana Inf.; Capt., A. Q M., U. S. V.) -46- Oodfuey, Edward S., Maj., 7th U. S. Cav. ; (Private, 21st Ohio Inf.) Grant, Lewis A., Col., 5th Vermont Inf.; Brig. Gen. — Bvt. Maj. Gen. — U. S. V. Greene, Oliver D., Lieut. Col., A. A. G. — Bvt. Brig. Gen. — U. S. A. (Lieut. Col., A. A. G., assigned, U. S. V.) Greenleaf, Charles R., Lieut. Col., Deputy Surg. Gen., U. S. A. (Asst. Surg., 5th Ohio Inf.) Gresham, Walter Q., Lieut. Col., 38th Indiana Inf.; Col., 53d Indiana Inf.; Brig. Gen.— Bvt. Maj. Gen.— U. S. V.) Haine, Arthur, 2d Lieut., 2d California Inf. Harlow, John B., 2d Lieut., 47th Illinois Inf.; Bvt. Capt., U. S. V. Harrison, Benjamin, Col., 70th Indiana Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen.. U. S. V. Haskf.ll, .Ioseph T., Maj., 24th U. S. Inf. (Capt., C. S.— Bvt. Col.— U. S. V.) Heap, David P., Maj., Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. Henderson, Alexander, Chief Engineer (Commodore), retired, U. S. N. Henderson, D.wid B., 1st Lieut., 12th Iowa Inf.; Col., 46th Iowa Inf. Henderson, Thomas .1., Col., 112th Ilhnois Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. Hepburn, William P., Lieut. Col., 2d Iowa Cav. Hess, Frank W., Capt., 3d U. S. Art. (Maj., 3d and 5th Pennsylvania Cav.) Higbee, John H., Maj., U. S. M. C. HoBBS, Charles W., 1st Lieut., 3d U. S. Art.; Bvt. Capt., U. S. A. (Maj., 7th New York Heavy Art.) Holmes, Adoniram J., 1st Lieut., 37th Wisconsin Inf. Hooker, George W., l.st Lieut., 4th Vermont Inf.; Capt., A. A. G — Bvt. Lieut. Col.— U. S. V. Howell, John C., Rear-Admiral, retired, U. S. N. HowisoN, Henry L., Capt., U. S. N. Hoxie, Richard L., Maj., Corps of Engineers (Corporal, 1st Iowa Inf.) Hudson, Adrian, Medical Director (Capt.), U. S. N. Ingalls, Rufus, Brig. Gen., retired — Bvt. Maj. Gen. — U. S. A. (Brig. Gen. — Bvt. Maj. Gen.— U. S. V.) Jones, Francis B., Maj., retired, U. S. A. (Capt., 149th Pennsylvania Inf.; Lieut. Col., 215th Pennsylvania Inf.; Lie-ui. Col., Chief Q. M., U. S. V.) ■Keifer, .Ioseph W., Lieut. Col., 3d Ohio Inf.; Col., 110th Ohio Inf.; Bvt. Maj. Gen., U. S. V. King, Cornelius L., late Capt., 12th U. S. Inf.; Bvt. Lieut. Col., U. S. A. Knefler, Frederick, Capt., 11th Indiana Inf.; Col., 79th Indiana Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. Lapham, Osc.\r, Capt., 12th Rhode Island Inf. Lawson, Gaines, Maj., retired — Bvt. Lieut. Col. — U. S. A. (Maj., 4th Tennessee Inf.) Leefe, John G., Lieut. Col., retired, U. S. A. (Capt., 162d New York Inf.; Capt. A. A. G., Bvt. Lieut. Col., U. S. V.) — 47- Lilly, Eli, 2d Lieut., 21st Indiana Inf.; Capt., ISth Battery, Indiana Light Art.; Lieut. Col. — Col., n. m. — 9th Indiana Cav. LocHREN, William, 1st Lieut., 1st Minnesota Inf. LoDOR, Richard, Col., retired, U. S. A. (Lieut. Col., Ins. Gen., assigned, U. S. V.) LoTT, George G., Capt., retired, U. S. A. (Capt. Add'l A. D. C, U. S. V.) Ludlow, William, Maj., Corps of Engineers — Bvt. Lieut. Col. — U. S. A. Lyman, Joseph, Maj., 29th Iowa Inf. MacAkthur, Arthur, Maj., A. A. G., XJ. S. A. (Lieut. Col. — Col., n. m. — 24th Wis- consin Inf.; Bvt. Col., U. S. V.) Macgregor, John G., Capt., 8th Minnesota Inf. Manderson, Charles F., Col., 19th Ohio Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Geu., U. S. V. Manning, Stephen H., 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 5th Maine Inf.; Capt., A. Q. M. (Col. Q. M.. assigned — Bvt. Brig. Gen. — U. S. V.) Marble, Frank E., Capt., 1st U. S. Sharpshooters. Matile, Leon A., Capt., 14th U. S. Inf. May, Edward, Pay Director (Capt.), U. S. N. McCoiD, Moses A., 2d Lieut., 2d Iowa Inf. McGilvray, John, Capt., retired, U. S. A. McGinniss, George E., Col., 11th Indiana Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. McKinley, William, Capt., 23d Ohio Inf.; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V. McLean, William E., Col., 43d Indiana Inf. McMichael, Clayton, late Capt., 9th U. S. Inf.; Bvt. Maj., U. S. A. Meredith, Madison M., Capt., 103d Pennsylvania Inf. Merry, John F., Lieut. Commander, U. S. N. Miller, Crosby P., Maj., Q. M., U. S. A. (Corporal, 16th Vermont Inf.; Col., Q. M., U. S. V.) Mitchell, John L., 1st Lieut., 24th Wisconsin Inf. Morgan, Charles H., Capt., 21st Wisconsin Inf. Morgan, Michael R., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Lieut. Col., C. S., and Lieut. Col., Inspector Sub. Dept., assigned, U. S. V.) Morse, William F., Capt., 3d Minnesota Inf.; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V. Nkwcombe, George K., Capt., 9th Michigan Inf.; Maj., 7th Michigan Cav. Newman, William H., Capt., 39th Ohio Inf. NoiiKi.s. Basil, Lieut. Col., Surg., U. S. A. NowLAN, Hknky J., Capt., 7th U. S. Cav. (Capt., IXth New York (lav.) Nye, George H., 2d Lieut., 1st Maine Inf.; Capt., 10th Maine Inf.; Col., 29tli Maine Inf.; Bvt. Maj. Gen., U. S. V. Odiorne, Walter C, late Acting Ensign, U. S. N. Overton, Gilbret E., Capt., retired, U. S. A. (1st Lieut., 12th New York Cav.) Parsons, Arthur T., late Acting Ensign, U. S. N. Patterson. Joab N., CJol., 2d New Hampshire Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., LT. S. V. Paxton, John R., 2d Lieut., 140th Penn.sylvania Inf. Perry, Oran, Lieut. Col.— Col., n. w.— 69th Indiana Inf.; Bvt. Col. U. S. V. Poe, Orlando M., Col., Corps of Engineers — Bvt. Brig. Gen. — L^. S. A. (Col., 2d Michi- gan Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Geu., U. S. V.) -48- Pope, Benjamin F., Lieut. Col., Deputy Surg. Gen., U. S. A. (1st Lieut., Asst. Surg. 10th New York Heavy Art.) Pope, Percival C, Capt., U. S. M. C. Potter, Joseph H., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Col., 12th New Hampshire Inf.; Brig. Gen., U. S. V.) Proctor, Redfield, 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 3d Vermont Inf.; Maj., 5th Vermont Inf.; Col., 15th Vermont Militia Inf., in service of U. S. PuRiNGTON. George A., Lieut. Col., 3d Cav. — Bvt. Col. — U. S. A. (Lieut. Col. 2d Ohio Cav.) Pyne, Charles M., Capt., retired, U. S. A. QuAULiis, Joseph V., 1st Lieut., 39th Wiscon.siu Inf. Quinn, Timothy, Lieut. Col., 7th New York Cav. Raum, Green B., Col., 56th Illinois Inf.; Brig Gen., U. S. V. Rawles, Jacob B., Lieut. Col., 1st U. S. Art. Reed, Axel H., 1st Lieut., 2d Minnesota Inf. Rhoades, William W., Lieut. Commander, U. S. N. Rockwell, Almon F., Maj., Q. M. — Bvt. Lieut. Col. — U. S. A. (1st Lieut. A. D. C, Maj., A. A. G.— Bvt. Lieut. Col.— U. S. V.) Rogers, Robert M., Lst Lieut., 2d U. S. Art. (2d Lieut., 5th West Virginia Inf.; 1st Lieut., 73d Ohio Inf.) Sanford, George B., Lieut. Col., 9th U. S. Cav. Sawtelle, Charles G., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Col., Q. M., assigned, U. S. V.) ScHENCK, Alexander D., 1st Lieut., 2d U. S. Art. (1st Sergt., 2d Ohio Inf.) Sewall, Frederick D., Capt., A. A. G., U. S. V.; Col., 19th Maine Inf. and U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. SiCARD, Montgomery, Commodore, U. S. N. Simonds, William E., 2d Lieut., 25th Connecticut Inf. Skelding, Henry T., Paymaster (Lieut. Comdr.), retired, U. S. N. Slocum, Henry W., Col., 27th New York Inf.; Maj., Gen. U. S. V. Smith, Oskaloosa M., Capt., Com. Sub., LT. S. A. (1st Lieut., Adjt., 15.5th Indiana Inf.) Smith, William, Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Maj., Add'l Paymaster— Bvt. Lieut, Col.— U. S. V.) Smith, William S., Chief Kngineer (Commander), U. S. N. Spooner, Henry J., 1st Lieut., Adjt., 4th Rhode Island Inf. Stanton, Thaddeus H., Brig. Gen., retired, U. S. A. (Capt., 19th Iowa Inf.; Maj., Add'l Paymaster— Bvt. Col.— U. S. V.) Stearns, John C, 1st Lieut., Adjt., 9th Vermont Inf. Stork, William L., Capt., 29th Pennsylvania Inf. Summerh.vyes, John W., Maj., Q. M., U. S. A. (Capt., 20th Massachusetts Inf.; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V.) Swords, Henry L., Capt., 57th and 59th Massachusetts Inf.; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V. * Thornton, Gilbert E., Pay Director (Captain), U. S. N. Towle, Samuel K., Asst. Surg., 1st Massachusetts Heavy Art.; Maj., Surg., 30th Massachusetts Inf. TowNSEND Charles H., 2d Lieut., 29th Wisconsin Inf. — 49 — Tracy, Benjamin F., Col., 109th New York Inf.; and 127th U. S. Colored Inf.; Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. V. Tyler, John, 1st Lieut., retired — Bvt. Maj. — U.S. A. (Capt., 17th Michigan Inf., and U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps; Bvt. Maj., U. S. V.) Vance, Wil-son J., 2d Lieut., 21st Ohio Inf.; 1st Lieut., 14th U. S. Colored Inf.; Bvt. Capt., U. S. V. VOLKM.4.R, William, J., Lieut. Co!., A. A. G., U. S. A. (Sergt., 33d Pennsylvania Inf.) Walker, Ald.\ce F., Lieut. Col., 1st Vermont Heavy Art. Wallace, William M., Col.. 15th U. S. Cav. (1st Lieut., 13th New York Art.) Warner, William, Maj., 44th Wisconsin Inf. Wells, Henry- M., Medical Director (Captain), U. S. N. Wheeler, Daniel D., Maj., Q. M., U. S. A. (1st Lieut., 4th Vermont Inf.; Lieut. Col. A. A. G.— Bvt. Col.— U. S. V.) White, Charles H., Medical Director (Rear- Admiral), retired, U. S. N. Whitman, Frank, Maj., Surg., 58th Massachusetts Inf. Whittemore, James M., Lieut. Col., retired, U. S. A. WiDDicoMBE, Albert C, Capt., 16th West Virginia Inf. Williams, Augustus P., 1st Lieut., Asst. Surg. — Bvt. Maj. — U. S. V. Williams, Charles F., Capt., U. S. M. C. (Private, 1st (Connecticut Inf.) Williams, John S., Col., 63d Indiana Inf. Williamson, James A., Brig. Gen. — Bvt. Maj. Gen. — U. S. V. Wilson, Charles I., Col., Asst. Paymaster Gen., U. S. A. Wolcott, Francis E., Maj. — Lieut. Col., n. m. — 20th Kentucky Inf.; Maj., J. A. U. S. V. Wilson, Oliver M., Capt. — Maj., n. m. — 54th Indiana Inf. Woodruff, Charles A., Maj., C. S., U. S. A. (Corporal, 10th Vermont Inf.) Worth, William S., Lieut. Col., 13th U. S. Inf. Wright, Henry T., Pay Inspector (Commander), U. S. N. First Class, "In Succession." (4.) Donnell, Harry E. French, Leigh H. Hamilton, John B. M.vson, Charles W., Capt., 4th U. S. Inf. 1 First Cl.\ss, " by Inheritance from Origi>ial Companion." (3.) Capron, Albert B. DeKr.\fft, John C. P. Inch, Robert A. First Class, "by I )iheritance from Deceased Officer." (8.) Burns, EdwAiiD N. Davis, Britton, late 2d Lieut., 3d U. S. Cav. Dorn, Edward J., Lieut., U. S. N. — 50 — Dunn, Lanier. Garfield, Harry A. Landis, J. F. Reynolds, 1st I,ieut., 1st U. S. Cav. Leavitt, E. Bradford Whipple, Charles W., Capt., Ordnance Dept., U. S. A. Second Class. (15.) Andrew;;, George, Lieut. Col., A. A. G., U. S. A. Buttehfield, Benj.\min F. ClIAMBERLIN, WaLTER H. Conrad, Julius T., 2d Lieut., 3d U. S. Cav. FoRAKER, Joseph B., Jr. (Cajit., A. A. G., U. S. V.) GiLMAN, Howard K., late 1st Lieut., U. S. M. C. Hains, John P., 1st Lieut., 3d U. S. Art. HoRTON, William E., Jr. Hosmer, Edward S. Howard, Frank W. MacNulty, Alexander C. Morgan, Wilfrid R. Prince, Paul C. Row,\N, Hamilton, 1st Lieut., 2d U. S. Art. Sh.\w, Melville J., 2d Lieut., U. S. M. C. Third Class, (i.) KiRKWooD, Hon. Samuel J. CLASSIFIED SUMMARY OF PRESENT MEMBERSHIP. (Original, 635 In Succession lo Deceased Original Companion, - - 38 By Inheritance from Deceased Original Companion, - - 3" By Inheritance from Deceased Officer, - - - _ y^ 788 Second Class, 6^ Third Class, -- -- i Total, 856 General Summary of Membership. From Institution of the Commandery to May 31, 1903, inclusive. Charter Members, ---_-.. ..^^ Elected through the Commandery, .__... gg^^ Transferred from other Commanderies, 404 Aggregate, - - - - 1,440 Deceased, - 334 Dropped, 25 Elections Voided, ^ Expelled, ----■-.._-. 4 Resigned, 22 Transferred to other Commanderies, 204 584 Membership, May 31, 1903, - - Ss6 H 29 89 o" \/^'f^\/ V'-^*V°'' V^-"^-".^^' '-^0^ <' .^^i 5^ ^. ^^^9^' •^^^'i' '.^ »"*• a9 ^^ "^ ^v^ ^^ 'o , » * A iOv!, .^^ • A^^ ^vi-O^ .^^ *^^6* \,^^ yM£^^ %/ •^^'- '''^ ^^ *^ ^ NOV 89 If; ^^>-^^ o^^^^; ,.^,.. -^ H. MANCHESTER. T A ^ ,^,^* ^ V ..- .'- ^^0^ f'^