■r ? V - x°r, V Aq^ V OFFICERS OF THF. ARMY AND NAVY (VOLUNTEER) WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. EDITED BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WILLIAM H. POWELL, U. S. ARMY. PUBLISHED BY L. R. HAMERSLY & CO. PHILADELPHIA. PA. I803. No. 335 Copyright, 1893, by L. R. Hamersly & Co. Printed by J, B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia. PREFACE. Through a sense of justice to those who left their labors and their professions to enter the United States Service as Volunteers during the War of the Rebellion, and when peace was declared returned again to their accustomed avocations, this publication was conceived by the editor, in order that their records and portraits might be handed down to posterity along with those of the greatest of American soldiers who won their reputations with the volunteers, — Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, McClellan, Thomas, Meade, Hancock, and others. The volume includes those of Presidents of the United States, Cabinet Officers, Senators, Representatives, Ministers Plenipotentiary, Great Railway Magnates, Celebrated Lawyers, and gentlemen whose accumulated wealth assures them the title of kings in the financial world, all of whom served their country faithfully and well during the Civil War. Such an array of illustrious names has never appeared before in any one work ; and, as the years accumulate in the age of the Grand Republic, future generations will point with pride to their ancestors who took part in preserving it as "The land of the free and the home of the brave." OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (VOLUNTEER) WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL BENJAMIN HARRISON, U.S.V. General Benjamin Harrison (President of the United States) is the son of fohn Scott Harrison, and grandson of General Wm. Henry Harrison, President of the United States from March 4 to April 4, 1N41. He was born at North Bend, Indiana, in his grandfather's house, August 20, [833, graduated from Miami University in Class of 1852; he subsequently passed through a legal course, and began practice of law at Indianapolis in 1S54. In the early part of the war of the Rebellion, Mr. Harrison tendered his services to Governor Morton, of Indiana, and the latter authorized him to raise a regi- ment. When the regiment was complete, Governor Morton voluntarily commissioned Mr. Harrison colonel of the Seventieth Regiment, Indiana Volunteers. Colonel Harrison's first experience as an independent commander was when he was sent on an expedition against a body of rebels lodged at Russellville. When within about ten miles of the town he was stopped by a binned bridge. He made a temporary structure, pushed on with his train over the temporary bridge, and arriving at a proper point, he with energy attacked the rebel camp. The surprise was complete, forty rebels were killed and wounded, while only one Union soldier was killed. He- captured ten prisoners ami all the horses and arms. Colonel Harrison's regiment was brigaded with the Seventy-ninth Ohio, the One Hundred and Second, the One Hundred and Fifth, and the ( hie Hundred and Twenty-ninth Illinois, Brigadier-General Ward com- manding; and, what is extraordinary, the organization thus effected was kept unchanged to the close of the war. From Bowling Green, Colonel Harrison, with his com- mand, accompanied the brigade to Scottville, Kentucky, and thence to Gallatin, Tennessee, where he was occupied guarding the Louisville and Nashville Railroad. Four months were evenly divided between hunting guerillas and drilling his men. The brigade then marched to Lavergne and thence to Murfrecsborough ; then it became part of Granger's Reserve Corps. On the 2d of January, 1S04.it became the First Brigade of the First Division oi the Eleventh Army Corps, and Colonel Harrison was placed in command of it, General Ward taking the division. When General Ward returned to the command of the brigade, Colonel Harrison resumed that of his regiment. Colonel Harrison participated in the Atlanta campaign, and was engaged in the battles of Resaca, where, in charging a battery, he was amongst the first to cross the fc> £> j ir> parapet. He also assisted in the capture of Cassville ; was engaged at New Hope Church, and commanded his brigade in the engagements at Gilgal Church, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach-Tree Creek, and Nashville. After the last-named, Colonel Harrison was occupied in the pursuit of Hood's army, and through many difficulties pene- trated as far as Courtland, Alabama. He was then or- dered to report to General Sherman at Savannah. At Pocotaligo he was assigned to a brigade, with which he- joined Sherman at Goldsborough. At the close of the war Colonel Harrison was made brevet brigadier-general of volunteers, to date from Jan- uary 23, 1865, "for ability and manifest energy and gal- lantry in command of the brigade." He was honorably mustered out of service at Washington, D. C, on the 8th day of June, 1865, and at once entered upon his duties as reporter of the Supreme Court of the State of Indiana. He was elected United States Senator in 1881, and held that office for six years. In iSSS General Har- rison became the Republican candidate for President of the United States. He was duly elected, and took his seat March 4. 1889, which position he now holds. 5 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AXD NAVY ^volunteer) GENERAL JAMES ADDAMS BEAVER. General Beaver has a Revolutionary ancestry. He was born at Millerstown, Pern- County, Pennsylvania, in October, 1837, was graduated from Jefferson College at Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, in August, [856, and was admitted to the bar of Centre County in January, 1859. Before the War of Secession he was connected with a company of uniformed militia known as the " Bellefonte Fencibles." This company responded to the President's first call for troops, and reached Harrisburg, April 18, 1861. It was attached to the Second Regiment, Penn- sylvania Volunteers, and finally became a part of Patterson's column in his operations in the Shenan- doah Valley. Beaver served as first lieutenant of the company. lie assisted Colonel Thomas Welsh in raising the Forty-fifth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was mustered, October 18, 1 861, as lieutenant-colonel The regiment joined the Army of the Potomac at Washington, but was ordered in December to join the forces at Port Royal, South Carolina, and was there divided so that Beaver was given a separate command. He had charge of the outposts on Scull Creek and Calibogue Sound on Hilton Head Island for several months. In July, 1862, the regiment was transferred to the Army of the Potomac. September 4, 1862, Beaver resigned to accept the appointment of colonel of the One Hundred and Forty- eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers, took command Sep- tember 6, and left Harrisburg September 8. His regi- ment was posted along the Northern Central Railroad during tile Antietam campaign, and remained in that position until December 10, 1862, when it was trans- ferred to the Rappahannock and became part of the First Brigade, hirst Division, Second Corps. Colonel Heaver took part with his regiment in the battle of Chancellorsville, where he was severely wounded through the body. May 3, 1863. Whilst suffering from this wound, at the earnest request of General Couch, he took command of Camp Curtin, in order to organize the troops for the emer- gency, which were flocking by the thousand to Harris- burg to defend the State from Lee's invasion. He joined his regiment after it recrossed the Potomac, and participated in Meade's retrograde movement from Culpeper Court-House, and in the Mine Run campaign during the autumn of [863. The winter was spent near Stevensburg, Virginia. Before active operations in 1864, his regiment was transferred to the Fourth Brigade of the First Division, Second Corps. He participated in all the battles of the Wilderness campaign, receiving the surrender of General Stuart at Spottsylvania, and being slightly wounded at Cold Harbor, where he succeeded to the command of his brigade. He was severely wounded in the first assault upon the works at Petersburg, June 1 6, [86 I Recovering from this wound in a measure, he returned to the army in time to follow his division in an ambu- lance, and reached it just as it was receiving the over- whelming assault of the enemy at the battle of Ream's Station, August 2;, [864. In this battle he received a wound in the right thigh, which resulted in an amputa- tion at the hip-joint. He was brevetted brigadier-general, August I, 1864, "lor highly meritorious and distinguished conduct throughout the campaign, particularly for valuable services at Cold Harbor, while commanding a bri- gade." The loss of his leg incapacitated him for active service, and, declining .1 detail for court-martial duty, he was, at his own request, honorably mustered out, December 22, 1864, on account of wounds received in battle. He resumed the practice of his profession, the business hav ing been conducted during his absence by his partner, Hon. H. N. McAllister. He was the unanimous choice of the convention of the Republican party for governor of Pennsylvania in 1882, but was defeated by reason of .1 division in the party. He was again unanimously nominated in 1886, and elected governor of the State of Pennsylvania, retiring at the close of a successful administration, January, 1891. L T pon his retirement from office he became at once actively engaged in business, and retains his interest in all vital questions affecting the public good. He was married, December 26, 1865, to Mary Alli- son McAllister. Three sons — Gilbert Addams, Hugh McAllister, and Thomas — are living. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. GENERAL UEYSSES S. GRANT, U.S.A. (deceased). General Ulysses S. Grant was born at Point Pleas- ant, Clermont Count)', ( )hio, April 27 , [822, and graduated at the Military Academy July 1, 1843. ' ie was promoted brevet second lieutenant of the Fourth Infantry the same day, and second lieutenant Fourth Infantry September 30, 1845. He served first at Jefferson Barracks, and then on frontier duty at Natchitoches (Camp Salubrity) in 1844— 45, and then took part in the military occupation of Texas and the war with Mexico, being engaged in the battles of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey, siege of Vera Cruz, battle of Cerro Gordo, capture of San Antonio, battle of Churubusco, battle of Molino del Rey, storming of Chapultepec, and assault and capture of the City of Mexico. He was regimental quartermaster of the Fourth Infantry from April 1, 1847, to July 23, 1848, and again from September 11, [849, to September 30, 1853. He moved with his regiment to the Pacific coast in 1852, and was at several different stations, lie was pro- moted captain August 5, 1853, but resigned |uly 31, 1854. Upon leaving the army Captain Grant retired to privat 1 life, and engaged in fanning near St. Louis, Missouri. Then he became a real estate agent at St. Louis until i860, and subsequently a merchant at Galena, Ohio, where he resided at the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion. Entering the volunteer service he was in command of a company in April and May, and assisting in organ- izing and mustering volunteers into service until June 17, 1 861, when he was appointed colonel of the Twenty- first Illinois Infantry. His first active service was to march on Quincy, Illinois, and then guarding the Han- nibal and St. Joe Railroad. He was placed in com- mand, first at Ironton, then at Jefferson City, and finally of the District of Southwestern Missouri, with head- quarters at Cape Girardeau. This command was sub- sequently extended to embrace Southern Illinois and Western Kentucky. He had, in the mean time, been appointed brigadier-general of volunteers, May 17, 1 861. General Grant commenced his operations by first seizing Paducah, Kentucky; then Belmont, and then invested and captured Fort Donelson, with fourteen thousand six hundred and twenty-three prisoners, and much material of war. This being the first real Union success of the war placed General Grant before the people of the country at large as a rising soldier; but many old officers who had known him in the regular service doubted his ability, and attributed his success on this occasion to " luck." He was, however, duly recognized, and the appointment of major-general of volunteers was conferred upon him, to date from February 16, 1862. It would be impossible, in this limited sketch, to enumerate the campaigns, battles, and actions in which this illustrious general participated. He followed up his movements to Shiloh, then was placed in command of the District of West Tennessee, and was in immediate command of the right wing of General Halleck's army, and directed the operations about Corinth, the Hatchie, and Iuka. He was in command of the Arm)' of the Mississippi, m the Vicksburg campaign, in all its various manoeuvres, until he again electrified the country by the capture of the city of Vicksburg, Jul)- 4, 1863, with stores and garrison of thirty-one thousand five hundred men. For this brilliant affair he was made major-general of the U. S. Arm\-. General Grant was, on the 1 6th of October, 1863, placed in command of the Military Division of the Mississippi, including the Armies of the Ohio, Cum- berland, and Tennessee, and continued his operations up to the battle of Chattanooga, for which he received the thanks of Congress December 17, 1863, and a gold medal. On March 17, [864, he was placed in command as general-in-chief of the armies of the United States, and was called to the Last to supervise the operations of the Army of the Potomac, and commenced in the May fol- lowing that celebrated campaign on the line which ter- minated on the 9th of April, 1865, in the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia, under General Robert E. Lee. He was by act of Congress made general of the U. S. Army |ulv 25, 1866; but resigned this commission on March 4, 1 869, having been elected President of the United States, and on that day was inaugurated as such. After holding this office for eight years, General Grant retired to private life, and died at Mount McGregor, near Saratoga, New York, July 23, 1885. OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (voluni BRIGADIER-GENERAL JOHN COCHRANE, U.S.V. Brigadier-General John Cochrane was born at Palatine, Montgomery County, New York, August 27, 1813. His father was Walter L. Cochran ; grandfather, John Cochran, surgeon-general and director of the Mili- tary Hospitals of the Army of the Revolution; mother, Cornelia W. Smith, daughter of Judge Peter Smith, of Peterboro, Madison County, N. V., and only sister of Gerrit Smith of the same place; grandmother on the paternal side, Gertrude Schuyler, only sister of .Major- General Philip Schuyler, of Revolutionary fame; grand- father on the maternal side. Judge Peter Smith, above named; grandmother on the maternal side, Elizabeth Livingston, oldest daughter of Colonel lames Liv- ingston of the Army of the Revolution, who, by his timely shot, drove the British sloop-of-war " Vulture" from her mooring in the North River, thus securing the capture of Andre, effecting the discomfiture of Arnold's treason, and assuring the safety of West Point, the key of the Revolution. In [827 General Cochrane entered Hamilton College, Clinton, Oneida Count}-, State of New York; in 1831 was graduated; in [834 admitted to the practice of law in the State of Xew York. [846, removed to New York City, where he has since continued to reside. 1853, United States Surveyor of the port of New York during fouryears. 1857-61, representative in Congress from the city of New York — two terms. [860, a member of the Board ofVisitors to West Point. 1858, deputed by Com- mon Council of the city of Xew York to deliver the re- mains of James Monroe, Fourth President of the United States, to his native State, Virginia. 1 S64, nominated for Vice-President of the United States, with General John C. Fremont, candidate for President. 1 861, June 11, com- missioned to recruit and command a regiment to serve during the war. 1861, August 27, regiment embarked from Xew York City for Washington. 1861, November 2, commissioned by President Abraham Lincoln colonel of the First United States Chasseurs, with rank from June 11, 1 861, and [862, July 19, brigadier «>f U. S. Volun- teers, with rank from the 17th of Jul}-, 1862. 1863, February 25, resigned because of severe ami serious physical disability ; resignation accepted by the Presi- dent. Battles, — Fair Oaks, Malvern Hill, Antietam, Williamsport, and Fredericksburg. [863—65, attorney- general of the State of New York. 1 S7 2, May 1. 2. 3, at the national convention in Cincinnati of the Liberal Republican party, was chiefly instrumental in the nom- ination of Horace Greele} for President of the United States. [872, president of the Common Council of the City of Xew York, and acting-mayor of the city tempo- rarily. 1 869, tendered by the President, U S. Grant, the mission to Uruguay and Paraguay united; declined. 1857, member of the Society of the Cincinnati, and now vice-president of the Society in the State of Xew York ; member of the Chamber of Commerce of Xew York. resigned; member of St. Nicholas Society of Xew York, resigned ; sachem of Tamilian}- Hall ; member of the Historical Society of Xew York, resigned; member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, and president one year of the commandery of the State of Xew York ; member of the Grand Ami}- of the Republic, of the Society of the Army of the Potomac, and Sons of the Revolution. 1870, appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury under President U. S. Grant a collector of in- ternal revenue for one of the revenue districts of the city "I Xew York; declined. 1 889, appointed police justice of the city of Xew York for ten years; resigned after duty mie year. 1861, November [3, historic speech be- fore his regiment in camp near Washington, in the pres- ence of and with the approbation of Simon Cameron, Secretary of War, first insisting upon the arming of the slaves. The contemporary press announced it as the " key-note of the war.'' ( )rders in regiments of the rebel anil}- were given afterwards not to take Colonel Coch- rane prisoner, but to shoot him in battle. April 6, [863, came this despatch to the Xew York Tribune: "General Thomas (U. S. adjutant-general) appeared at Helena, Arkansas, and enlisted slaves anil formed them into bal talions under the proclamation of the President, January 1. 1863." While attorney-general of Xew York, General Coch- rane discovered that throughout the whole colonial pi riod of the seventeenth century the waters now known as the Kills and Raritan Bay were known and accepted as part of Hudson's River. This discovery of a most important historical tact was made known by a paper read by the general before the New York Historical Society in 1863 WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. GENERAL WILLIAM T. SHERMAN, U.S.A. (deceased). General William T. Sherman was born in Ohio Feb- ruary 8, 1820, and graduated from the Military Acad- emy July 1, 1840. He was promoted second lieutenant Third Artillery the same day, and first lieutenant Novem- ber 30, 1 84 1. He served in the Florida War, 1840-41 ; on duty in various Southern States and in Pennsylvania, 1842-46; on breaking out of war with Mexico applied for duty in the field, and was assigned to Company F, Third Artillery, then under orders for California ; he was bearer of despatches from General Smith to War Depart- ment, and, after six months' leave of absence, joined Com- pany C, Third Artillery, at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri. He was appointed captain and commissary of subsistence September 27, 1850, and stationed at St. Louis and New Orleans, but resigned from the army September 6, 1853, and entered upon a civil career as a banker in San Fran- cisco and New York until 1857; was major-general of California Militia in 1856; counsellor-at-law at Leaven- worth, Kansas, 1858-59 ; superintendent of the La. State Seminary of Learning and Military Academy, 1859-61. At the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion, he was reappointed in the U. S. Army, colonel of the Thir- teenth Infantry, May 14, 1861, and brigadier-general of volunteers May 17, 1861. He served in the defences of Washington, and was in command of a brigade in the Army of the Potomac, in the Manassas campaign, until July 23, being engaged in the battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861. He was then assigned to duty in the Depart- ment of the Cumberland until November, i86l,when he was transferred for duty to the Department of the Mis- souri, and ordered to report to Major-General Halleck at St. Louis ; on inspection duty at Sedalia, Missouri, and commanding camp of instruction at Benton Barracks, Missouri, 1861-62; at post of Paducah, Kentucky, ex- pediting and facilitating operations in progress up the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers, and organizing a di- vision to be commanded by himself; bore a distinguished part in the battle of Shiloh and in the operations against Corinth ; commanding District of Memphis and an ex- pedition against Vicksburg, 1862; assigned to command of Fifteenth Army Corps in January, 1863 ; participated in capture of Arkansas Post ; took part in operations preceding and attending siege of Vicksburg ; assigned to command of Department of the Tennessee October 27, 1863 ; joined his forces to the army under General Grant at Chattanooga, Tennessee, and bore a conspicuous part in the battle of that name ; moved with great energy to the relief of General Burnside at Knoxville, Tennessee, and returned to Chattanooga, 1 863 ; made an expedition from Vicksburg to Meridian, Mississippi, destroying much rail- road and war material thereabouts, and returned to Vicks- burg ; assumed command of Military Division of the Mis- sissippi March [8, 1864; captured Atlanta, Georgia, and made his march to the sea which terminated in the cap- ture of Savannah, Georgia, December 21, 1864 ; marched northward from Savannah, captured Columbia, South Carolina, compelling the evacuation of Charleston ; re- pulsed the enemy under General J. E. Johnston at Ben- tonville, ami joined his forces with those of General Scho- tield at Goldsborough ; moved against General Johnston, who, on April 26, 1865, surrendered his army on the same terms as had been granted General Lee. General Sherman was appointed major-general of vol- unteers May 1, 1862, and brigadier-general U. S. Army July 4, 1863. He had conferred on him the commission of major-general, August I 2, I 864, for " gallant and distin- guished services as commander of the Mississippi Division in the conduct of the campaign in Georgia," and was fur- ther honorably mentioned by Congress in the following joint resolution of thanks, February 19, 1864: " To Major-General W. T. Sherman and the officers and soldiers of the Army of the Tennessee for their gallant and arduous services in marching to the relief of the Army of the Cumberland, and fir their gallantry and heroism in the battle of Chattanooga, which contributed in a great degree to the success of our arms in that glorious vic- tory." June 10, 1865 : "To Major-General W. T Sher- man and officers and soldiers of his command for their gallantry and good conduct in their late campaign from Chattanooga to Atlanta and the triumphal march thence through Georgia to Savannah, terminating in the capture and occupation of that city." General Sherman, after the war closed, commanded several of the most important military divisions, and was appointed lieutenant-general U. S. Army July 25, 1866. Appointed general of the army March 5, 1869, and re- tained that position until retired from active service Feb. 8, 1884. He died Feb. 14, 1 89 1, at New York City. 10 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) GENERAL PHILIP HENRY SHERIDAN, U.S.A. (deceased). General Philip Henry Sheridan was born in Al- bany, New York, in March, [831. He graduated from the U. S. Military Academy in July, 1853. He was ap- pointed brevet .second lieutenant of the Third Infantry. After serving in Kentucky, Texas, and Oregon, he was made second lieutenant of the Fourth Infantry November 22, 1854, first lieutenant March 1, 1861, and captain Thirteenth Infantry May 14, 1861. In December of that year was chief quartermaster and commissary of Army of Southwest Missouri; served in Mississippi campaign from April to September, [862; was appointed colonel of the Second Michigan Cavalry May JO, [862; on July 1 was sent to make a raid on Booneville, Mississippi. He did excellent service in pursuit of the enemy from Corinth to Baldwin, and in man}- skirmishes during Inl- and at battle of Booneville. Appointed brigadier-general of volunteers, and on October 1 was placed in command of the Eleventh 1 (ivision of the Army of the ( )hio. He- was distinguished for his services at Perryville on Octo- ber 8, having driven back the enemy. He marched with arm}- to relief of Nashville, October and November. Was placed in command of Army of Cumberland, and took part in the two days' battle of Stone River, December 31, [862, and January 3, [863. Divi- sion after division was driven back by Bragg's army until Sheridan was reached, and the fate of the day seemed to be in his hands. He resisted vigorously, then advanced, and drove the enemy back ; held the overwhelming force in check, and retired only at the point of the bayonet. This brilliant work enabled General Rosecrans to form new lines in harmony with his overpowered right. He was appointed major-general of volunteers, to date from December 31, [862. Was with army crossing Cum- berland Mountains and Tennessee River, August and September 6, and in battle of Chickamauga, September 1 9 and 20. At this battle he rendered valuable assistance to General Thomas, when a gap occurred in the centre of his line through the misconception of an order. Took part in the battles of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge. In this latter action he first attracted the atten- tion of General Grant, who saw that he might be one ot his most useful lieutenants in the future. He was transferred to Virginia by Grant, and on April 4, 1N64, placed in command of Cavalry Corps of Army ot Potomac, all the cavalry being consolidated to form that command. He took part in the bloody battle of the Wilderness, May 5 and 6, 1864, being constantly engaged in raids against the enemy's flanks and rear. His fight at Todd's Tavern was an important aid to the movements ol the army, and his capture of Spottsylvania Court- House added to his reputation for dash and daring. Was in battle of Cold Harbor on May 31 and June 3. After cutting the Virginia Central and Richmond and Fredericksburg Railroads, capturing five hundred pris- oners, he joined the Arm}- of the Potomac for a short period, and took part in their battles till the end of July. In August, 1S64, he was placed in command of the Army of the Shenandoah. On the 19th of September Sheridan drove Early's arm}- through Winchester and captured five thousand prisoners and five guns. Early, on Octo- ber 19, attacked Sheridan's arm}-. They gave way, and soon the whole arm}- was in retreat. Sheridan had been in Washington, and at this juncture had just returned to Winchester, twenty miles from the field. Hearing the sound of the battle, he rode rapidly and arrived on the field at ten o'clock. As he rode up, he shouted, "Face the other way, boys ; we are going back." A succession ot attacks was made, and Early's army was driven back as far as Mount Jackson. The Confederates lost in the campaign sixteen thousand nine hundred and fifty-two killed or wounded and thirteen thousand prisoners. Be- tween Feb. 2~ and March 24, [865, he conducted, with ten thousand cavalry, a colossal raid from Winchester to Petersburg. His battle of Five Forks was one of the most brilliant and decisive of the engagements of the war, and compelled Lee's evacuation of Petersburg and Rich- mond, leaving in Sheridan's hands six thousand prisoners. After the war Sheridan had command of several of the departments. In 1 S6j he conducted a winter cam- paign against the Indians. In 1S70 he visited Europe to witness the Franco-Prussian war. ( )n the retire- ment of Sherman in 1883, he was made lieutenant-gen- eral. In May, iSSS, while he was ill. President Cleve- land signed a bill commissioning him a full general, and on August 5, iSSS, he died. Sheridan never was de- feated, and often plucked victor}- out of the jaws of defeat. 1 le bore the nickname of " Little Phil ;" he was below middle height and powerfully built. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. ii MAJOR-GENERAL NELSON A. MILES, U.S.A. Major-General Nelson A. Miles was born in Mas- sachusetts August 8, 1839. He entered the volunteer service during the war of the Rebellion as captain of the Twenty-second Massachusetts Infantry September 9, 1 861, from which he was honorably mustered out May 31, 1862, to accept the lieutenant-colonelcy of the Sixty- first New York Infantry. He was promoted colonel of the same regiment Sep- tember 30, 1862; appointed brigadier-general of volun- teers May 12, 1864, and major-general of volunteers October 21, 1865. General Miles served in the Army of the Potomac during the Manassas, Peninsular, Northern Virginia, Maryland, Rappahannock, Pennsylvania, Mine Run, Wilderness, Petersburg, and Appomattox campaigns, and was engaged in all the battles of the Army of the Poto- mac, with one exception, up to the surrender of General Lee, with the Confederate Army, at Appomattox Court- House, April 9, 1865, and was wounded three times during the war. He was honorably mustered nut of the volunteer ser- vice September 1, 1866, having been appointed colonel of the Fortieth U. S. Infantry July 28, 1866, and he was brevetted brigadier-general, March 2, 1867, for "gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia," and brevet major-general, March 2, 1867, for " gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Spott- sylvania, Virginia." He was also brevetted major-general of volunteers, August 25, 1864, for "highly meritorious and distinguished conduct throughout the campaign, and particularly for gallantry and valuable services at the battle of Ream's Station, Virginia." General Miles's service since the war has been of note, to which man>- of the nomadic tribes of the great West could readily testify. He was transferred to the Fifth Infantry as colonel March 15, 1869, and joined that regi- ment shortly afterwards, making a history for it in the annals of the country. He defeated the Cheyenne, Kiowa, and Comanche Indians on the borders of the Staked Plains in 1875, and in 1876 subjugated the hostile Sioux and other Indians in Montana, driving Sitting Bull across the Canada frontier, and breaking up the bands that were led by him and by Crazy 1 forse, Lame Deer, Spotted Eagle, Broad Trail, Hump, and others. In Sep- tember he captured the Nez Perces, under Chief Joseph, in Northern Montana, and in 1878 captured a band of Bannocks near the Yellowstone Park. After a difficult campaign against the Apaches under Geronimo and Natchez, he compelled those chiefs to surrender on Sep- tember 4, 1886. He deemed it advisable, in the interest of the future tranquillity of the Indians, to accept a con- ditional surrender from Geronimo, agreeing that neither the chief nor any of his lieutenants should suffer death for their part in the crimes. He received the thanks of the Legislatures of Kansas, Montano, New Mexico, and Arizona for services in cam- paigns against the Indians in the West, and the citizens of Arizona presented him a sword of honor at Tucson on November 8, 18S7, in the presence of a large gather- ing of citizens of the Territory. General Miles was appointed a brigadier-general in the U. S. Army December 15, 1880, and was assigned to the command of the Department of the Columbia; from this he was transferred to command the Department of the Missouri in July, 1S85. In April, 1886, he was ordered to command the Department of Arizona, and he remained in that department until ordered to command the Divi- sion of the Pacific in 1888. He was appointed major- general U. S. Army April 11, 1890, and ordered to command the Military Division of the Missouri at Chicago, but when the divisions were discontinued, General Miles was assigned to the command of the Department of the Missouri, whose limits had been somewhat extended. In the winter of 1 890-9 1, a Sioux war of considerable magnitude seemed imminent. The whole Sioux nation, inspired by ghost-dances and the talk of affected tribes in their midst, was prepared for war. General Miles took the field in person, and proceeded to Pine Ridge Agency, the scene of the greatest trouble. By his thoughtful disposition of troops and clear judgment, a serious war was averted ; noble lives. not, however, without the loss of a few 12 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL WILLIAM HENRY BROWNE. U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General Wili i km Henry Browne, while a minor and a member of the regiment since farm pus as the Seventh New York National Guard, became second lieutenant of New York Volunteers. He was engaged in the bombardment of Vera Cruz, the battles of Cerro Gordo, Contreras, Molino del Rev, the storming of Cha- pultepec, and the taking of the City of Mexico. His State b revetted him first lieutenant and captain for " gallant and distinguished services in the late war with Mexico." Gen- eral Scott wrote of him, " Served with me with honor in Mexico." He received medals and other testimonials from the city of New York and other sources. Having resumed studies and become a member of the bar, he was selected as a candidate for a judgeship. Gen- eral Scott thus wrote of him : " Mr. Browne, my gallant brother-soldier in the campaign of Mexico, I am happy to say, unites legal requirements and high moral worth to the distinctions won on fields of battle." He was among the first to raise troops in [861. He- did so principally at his own expense, never making a claim for reimbursement. But a majority of his com- panies were assigned to other regiments than his own. Left with only a battalion, he became lieutenant-colonel of the Thirty-first Regiment (infantry). He commanded it at the battle of First Bull Run (his colonel command- ing a brigade), and was engaged at siege of Yorktown, battles of West Point, Golding's Farm, Savage Station, Charles City Cross- Roads, and Malvern Hill, command- ing his regiment for the greater part of the time during the Seven Days' battles, the colonel having been severely wounded. He became colonel of the Thirty-sixth New York (infantiy), with rank from July 6, 1862. During the battle of Antietam he commanded a mixed brigade of cavalry, artillery, and infantiy ; and was engaged in the first and second battles of Fredericksburg and Salem Heights. While commander of the Second Brigade, Third Division, Sixth Corps, he was severely wounded, and thereby confined to his bed for sixteen weeks. He- was especially commended for skill and gallantry. (" Re- port on Conduct of the War," 1865, Vol. I., p. 10S.) General Sedgwick thus wrote: . . . " Express my admi- ration for the ability as an officer, the high attainments as a gentleman, and the soldierly qualities which have marked your career. ... Of your gallantry and un- daunted bravery on the occasion of storming the heights of Fredericksburg, while at the head of your brigade, and subsequently on the hotly-contested field of Salem Heights, where you received your agonizing wound, I cannot speak with too much praise. The bravery of the soldier, the skill of the officer, and the courage of the gentleman were so happily blended that your conduct on that day afforded a noble example, the memory of which must long live in the hearts of all your friends and com- rades." Many other testimonials from distinguished gen- erals, and covering his whole time of service, are on file. Disabled from active field-duty, he was appointed col- onel of the Veteran Reserve Corps and confirmed by the Senate. Examined by a board of officers, all his seniors in commission, lie was awarded the highest "degrees of attainment" on all points, — field-service, capacity- for his commission, general education and intelligence, industry, knowledge of tactics, etc., discipline, and attention to duty, — the report ending thus, "and is a fit subject for recommendation for promotion." The reason stated for not sending him to the front as a general was that he was too severely wounded. Never- theless, he was assigned to command six regiments, al- though junior colonel (act of April 4, [862); was placed in charge of Maryland and Delaware as assistant to the provost-marshal-general of the army, as chief mustering and disbursing officer and superintendent of volunteer recruiting. The position required peculiar tact, discrimi- nation, and address, especially in enforcing drafts. For effect and public safety it was necessary- not to contradict the erroneous belief that the conscription was rigorously enforced, when, in truth, thousands drafted were already within the enemy's lines. On the reorganization of the army he was appointed to the permanent establishment, but declined. Ever since then he has been a practising lawyer in Washington, D. C. As author of legal works — notably, a "Treatise on Trade-Marks and Analogous Subjects" — he is well known to bench and bar. His Alma Mater, the Uni- versity of the City of New - York, has conferred on him the highest honorary degree, LL.D. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 13 MAJOR-GENERAL WINFIELD S. HANCOCK, U.S.A. (deceased). Major-General Winfield S. Hancock was born in Pennsylvania, and graduated from the U. S. Military Academy July I, 1844. He was assigned to the Sixth Infantry as brevet second lieutenant July 1, 1844, and served on frontier duty at Fort Towson, Indian Territory, 1844-45, and at Fort Washington, Indian Territory, 1845-47. Promoted second lieutenant Sixth Infantry July 1, 1846. He participated in the war with Mexico, 1847-48, being engaged with the defence of convoy at the National Bridge August 12, 1847; the skirmish at Place del Rio August 15, 1847; the capture of San Antonio August 20, 1847; the battle of Churubusco August 20, 1847; the battle of Molino del Rey September 8, 1847, and the assault and capture of the City of Mexico Sep- tember 13-14, 1847. He was brevetted first lieutenant, August 20, 1847, f° r gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contre- ras and Churubusco, Mexico. He was promoted first lieutenant Sixth Infantry January 2J, 1853, and from June 19 to November 27, 1855, he was on duty at head- quarters Department of the West. He was appointed captain and assistant quartermaster November 7, 1855, and was with troops at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, quelling the Kansas disturbances in 1857; was with the head-quarters of the Utah reinforcements in 1858, and with the Sixth Infantry on the march from Fort Bridger, Utah, to California, the same year. He was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers Sep- tember 23, 1 86 1, and served during the war of the Rebellion, participating in the defence of Washington, D. C, and in the Virginia Peninsular campaign, Army of the Potomac ; being engaged in the siege of Yorktown ; in the battles of Williamsburg, Chickahominy, Golding's Farm, Savage Station, and White Oak Swamp. He conducted the retreat to Harrison's Landing July 1-4, and the movement to Centreville, Virginia, August to September, 1862. Was in the Maryland campaign, Army of the Potomac, being- engaged in the battles of Cramp- ton's Pass, South Mountain, and Antietam. He conducted the reconnoissances from Harper's Ferry to Charleston, Virginia, October 10-11, and the march to Falmouth, Virginia, October to November, 1862. He was appointed major-general of U. S. Volunteers November 29, 1862. During the Rappahannock cam- paign he was engaged in the battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, and in the Pennsylvania cam- paign was in command of Second Corps of the Army of the Potomac, being engaged in the battle of Gettys- burg, where he was severely wounded in the repulse of Longstreet's attack upon the left centre, which he com- manded. The thanks of Congress were tendered him May 30, 1866, "for his gallant, meritorious, and conspicuous share in the great and decisive victory." He was promoted major and quartermaster U. S. Army November 30, 1863. Commanded and recruited Sec- ond Army Corps, January to March, 1864, and par- ticipated in the Richmond campaign, commanding Sec- ond Corps of the Army of the Potomac, being en- gaged in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Tolopotomy, Cold Harbor, and operations in its vicinity; and the battle before Petersburg June 16-18, 1864. During the operations in the vicinity of Petersburg, he was in command of the Second Corps Army of the Potomac, and engaged in the battles of Deep Bottom, Ream's Station, Boydton Plank Road, and the siege of Petersburg, Virginia, June 15 to Nov. 26, 1864. He was promoted brigadier-general U. S. Army .August 12, 1 864. From November 27. 1864, to February 27, 1865, he was at Washington, D. C, organizing the First Army Corps of Veterans, and from February 27 to July 18, 1865, he was in command of Department of West Vir- ginia, and temporarily of the Middle Division and Army of the Shenandoah. He was brevetted major-general U. S. Army Novem- ber 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Spottsylvania, Virginia. He was in command .>f tlie Middle Department from July 18, 1865, to Au- gust 10, 1866, and of the Department of Missouri from August 20, 1866. During part of 1S67 he was engaged in an expedition against the Indians on the Plains. General Hancock commanded also for man}- years the Department of the East, and was a candidate for the Presidency of the United States in 1S80. He died Feb- ruary 9, 1886. ■4 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BRIGADIER-GENERAL THEODORE RUN YON, U.S.V. Brigadier General Theodore Runyon is a native of New Jersey, which State, throughout the war of the Rebellion, as is well known, was true to its history and tradition, (distinguished as they were) for patriotic devo- tion. It was among the very fust to respond to the call of President Lincoln for seventy-five thousand men, and its response was not only made promptly, but in a verj substantial and effective manner. The troops it furnished under that requisition con :tituted a well-equipped brigade (il four regiments, and were the first which, as a brigade, went forth to the defence of the threatened capital of the nation, and they rendered \ cry important service at a very critical time in the history of the country. They were among the first defenders. The brigade referred to was commanded by General Theodore Runyon. It was sub- sequently increased by the addition of some of the regi- ments .it three year.' men which constituted the next levy of the State. In the Army of Northeast Virginia, which was organized by General McDowell in fuly, 1861, for his intended forward movement and was commanded by him, General Runyon commanded the Fourth Divi- sion, which was composed of the New Jersey troops and troops from New York and Pennsylvania, and for his services rendered in that position, at the time of the fust battle of Bull Run, he received special commendation from General Mi Dowell for his zeal and efficiency in commanding the division "during the advance towards Manassas Junction;" General McDowell adding that his efforts were of "great service to the army and the people." The value ol his service was also recognized by President Lincoln, and in [862, after the expiration of his term, he was honored by his State with the brevet rank of major- general, conferred on him pursuant to special resolution of the Legislature, for "efficient and meritorious services in tlie held." In the memorable passage of the Federal forces from Washington into Virginia, the troops under his command constructed the extensive fortification Fort Runyon, which was called by his name. General Runyon has always lived in New Jersey. He is of Huguenot descent, and his family is one of the very oldest in the State, — the ancestor, Vincent Rongneon, of Poictiers, France, having settled there over two hundred and twenty-five years ago. He is a graduate of Yale, of the same class with Chief-Justice Peters, of Maine, and he has been honored with the degree of LL.D., not only by that university, but by Rutgers College and Wesleyan University. He was admitted to the bar of New fersey in [846, and entered upon the practice of his profession in the city of Newark, where he has ever since resided. He has held many civil and military offices in the State, lie has been city attorney, and city counsel and mayor of Newark; was appointed by the governor a member of a commission to revise and codify the militia laws of the State; was commissioned brigadier-general of militia in 1857; in 1 S60 was one of the Presidential electors, and in 1 Sf 1 1 was appointed, as already appears, briga- dier-general of the New [ersey Volunteers. In [863 the rifle companies of the State were organized into a brigade, and he was elected to command it, and did so accordingly; and when the National Guard of the State was organized he was appointed major-general commanding it, and he held that office until he was appointed chancellor of the State in 1873, — so that he held the offices of brigadier-general and major-general for sixteen years, and during the latter part of the time commanded the entire military force of the State. He was the first president of the Manufacturers' National Hank of Newark, and held his office until he became chancellor, when he resigned it. He held the high office oi chancellor of New Jersey for the unprccedcntcdly long period of fourteen years, — two terms of seven years each ; one term by appointment of Governor Parker, and the other by appointment of Governor McClellan. As chan- cellor he was the head of the judiciary of the State, and was not only the Court of Chancery, but was president ot the Court of Errors and Appeals in the last resort in all causes; was judge of the Prerogative Court, the highest court of probate, and a member of the Court of Pardons. At the close of his service as chancellor he returned to the practice of his profession, in which he is still engaged. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 15 LIEUTENANT-COLONEL CHARLES M. BETTS, U.S.V. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles M. Betts (Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry), son of John and Sarah C. Betts, was born in Bucks Count)-, Pennsylvania, August 9, 1838. His boyhood life was passed on the farm of his father and in attending school at Loller Academy, Hatboro', Pa. Having a taste for commercial life, after a term at Gum- mere's School, Burlington, New Jersey, he entered the employ of a wholesale lumber firm in Philadelphia in the year 1856. Soon after the breaking out of the Civil War he joined one of the military companies forming for home defence, and was commissioned first lieutenant by Gover- nor Curtin. In November, 1 861, resigning the clerkship previously held, he went to Alexandria, Virginia, and secured a position as chief clerk in the Quartermaster's Department of General Franklin's division, and partici- pated in the campaigns of the Army of the Potomac until the close of the Seven Days' battles in front of Richmond, Virginia. At the call of the President for three hundred thousand more troops, feeling that duty required him to take a more active part in the suppression of the Rebel- lion, he resigned his position and returned to Philadelphia, when, August 12, 1S62, he enlisted as a private in the (Anderson) Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, then forming. He was with a portion of that command at the battle of Antietam, after which the regiment was transferred to Louisville, Kentucky, when he was made first sergeant of Company F. Soon after the regiment was sent to Nash- ville, Tennessee, and with some three hundred of its members he participated in the battle of Stone River under General Rosecrans. At the reorganization of the regiment March 1, 1863, he was commissioned captain of Company F, and given the command of a battalion, as no major was commis- sioned after the reorganization until May, 1 864. In a fight with the Cherokee Indians near Gatlinsburg, Fast Ten- nessee, he was wounded in the left arm December 10, 1863. In May, 1864, a commission of major was given him, and at the opening of the campaign of 1865 he was made lieutenant-colonel, and given the active command of the regiment, Colonel W. J. Palmer having been promoted to brevet brigadier-general. He took an active part in all the movements of the regiment, except when on leave of absence from his wound, ami with the column of Stoneman participated in the exciting campaigns through the western part of the Carolinas, and with his regiment, when looking for the trail of Jefferson Davis, made an important capture, which is spoken of in General Palmer's report as follows : " On the morning of the 8th instant, while searching for Davis near the forks of the Appalachee and Oconee Rivers, Colonel Betts, Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, cap- tured seven wagons hidden in the woods, which contained one hundred and eighty-eight thousand dollars in coin, and one million five hundred and eighty-eight thousand dollars in bank-notes, bonds, etc., of various Southern States, ami about four million dollars of Confederate money, besides considerable specie, plate, and other valu- ables belonging to private citizens in Macon. . . . The wagons also contained the private baggage, maps, and official papers of Generals Beauregard and Pillow." In closing his report of the exciting chase, General Palmer says : " I desire to recommend for honorable mention and promotion Lieutenant-Colonel Charles M. Betts, com- manding Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, for gallant con- duct in charging and capturing a South Carolina battalion of cavalry, w ith its c< immanding officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Johnson, in front of Greensboro', X. C, on the morning of April 1 1, [865 ; also for thoroughly preserving the disci- pline of his regiment on an active campaign, dining which the troops were compelled to live exclusively on the country." for the action at Greensboro', N. C, he has lately received a medal of honor, in accordance with the Act of Congress approved March 3, 1863. Colonel Betts was mustered out of service with his regiment June 21, 1865, and has since achieved success in the wholesale lumber business, having been for nearly twenty-five years a member of the firm of Taylor & Betts, and since [890 the senior of the firm of Charles M. Betts & Co., at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Buffalo, New York. He is a member of the Pennsylvania Commandery, Military Order of the Loyal Legion, and served three years in the council of that body. He takes an active in- terest in G. A. R. matters, and is past commander of Post 2, Philadelphia. He was one of the incorporator, of the Lumbermen's Plxchange, Philadelphia, serving as a director in that organization, and its president in the year 1890. On May 3, 1866, he was married to Louisa G. Hance. Four sons and one daughter are the result of this union. i6 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {.volunteer) BRFVET BRIGADIER-GHNHRAL JAMES BIDDLE, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General James Biddle was born at Philadelphia, Pa., December n. [832, and is the son of Edward R. Biddle and Eliza T. Davis, his wife. Ed- ward R. was the sun of Colonel Clement Biddle, deputy quartermaster-general U. S. Army during the Revolu- tion, and his wife, Rebecca Cornell, daughter ol the governor of Rhode Island. lie was appointed first lieutenant and regimental quar- termaster Tenth X. Y. Vols., May 2, 1861, and went to Fortress Monroe with his regiment ; was appointed captain in the Fifteenth L*. S. Infantry, honorably mustered out of the volunteer service August 51, [861, ami accepted cap- taincy September 1, 186] ; was appointed colonel of the Sixth Indiana Cavalry, by the governor of Indiana, No- vember II, 1862, lor services rendered with that regi- ment at the battle of Richmond, Kentucky, and was brevetted major C. S. Army for services in the same battle. He served at [ndianapolis with his regiment, and in pursuit of the rebel General John Morgan in his raid into Indiana and Ohio; shelled Brandenburg, Kentucky, from the steamer on which his men were, while Morgan's men were in that town crossing the river. He went with his regiment into East Tennessee with General Burnside, and was engaged at the battle of Campbell's Station, in command of a provisional brigade attached to the Ninth Army Corps. He was mentioned complimentary for gallantry ami efficient service by General Potter, com- manding the corps. (See " Rebellion Records.") General Piddle was engaged in the action of Bull's Gap, East Tennessee, and the siege of Knoxville; was in many little skirmishes in East Tennessee, accounts ol which appear in the " Rebellion Records." After the siege of Knoxville, he went to Mount Sterling, Kentucky, to remount his command, and was placed in command of the Second Division Cavalry Command, Twenty-third Army Corps. After serving in Kentucky for a short time, he was ordered to report to General Stoneman to proceed to and join General Sherman at Dalton, at which point he was placed in command of the First Brigade of Stoneman's cavalry, belonging to the Twenty-third Army Corps, and took part in all the principal engagements and many small skirmishes up to and including Atlanta. He then participated with General Stoneman on his rani to till' interior of the Confederacy, and was captured with one regiment of his brigade while holding the rear-guard, after turning back from Macon, Georgia, when the com- mand was unable to cross the river. I Ie was held a pris- oner for over two months at Macon and Charleston, South Carolina, where he was placed under fire of our own batteries. He had a special exchange, and rejoined his regiment at Chattanooga, Tennessee, from which place he went to Nashville, where he was placed in com- mand of the Second Brigade, Sixth Division Cavalry Corps, Military Division of the Mississippi, and was on the extreme right of the line in command of his brigade at the battle of Nashville and the pursuit of the rebel General Hood for several days. He was brevetted lieutenant-colonel U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at this battle, and was honorably mustered out of the volunteer service June 29, 1865. He was brevetted as brigadier-general 13th of March, 1865, for long, gallant, and meritorious services during the war. General Piddle then rejoined the Fif- teenth U. S. Infantry, as captain, in July, 1S65, and as- sisted in the reconstruction of the South till November, 18/O. He was transferred to the 'Twenty-fourth Infantry Sept. 21, 1 866; again transferred to the Eleventh Infan- try April 25, 1869, and finally transferred to the cavalry arm and assigned to the First Cavalry Jan. I, 1871. He served in the Modoc War under Generals Canby and Gil- lam till April, 1873; was appointed major in the Sixth Cavalry February 21, 1873, while in the Lava Beds. ( ieneral Biddle was in General Miles's expeditii m against the Cheyennes, Kiowas,and Comanches in Northwestern Texas and the staked plains, 1875-76 ; was appointed act- ing assistant inspector-general, Department of .Arizona, April IO, 1876, and served as such till Nov. 4, 1880, when he was placed in command of troops in the field in that department and acted against hostile Chirachua Apaches ; went with General Crook mi his march into Mexico after .Apaches, and had command of the reserve on the border of Mexico. He was then ordered with his regiment to New Mexico, and with a battalion of the Sixth Cavalry drove Geronimo and the Chirachua out of New Mexico. He was then ordered to Port Meyer, Va. He was promoted lieutenant-colonel Fifth Cav- alry, Oct. 19, 1887, and colonel Ninth Cavalry July 1, 1 891. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 17 ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF WAR LEWIS A. GRANT. Assistant Secretary of War Lewis A. Grant was mustered into the service of the United States September 16, 1 86 1, at St. Albans, Vermont, as major with the field and staff, Fifth Vermont Infantry Volunteers, to serve for three years ; was mustered in as lieutenant-colonel, same regiment, to date September 25, 1 86 1 ; as colonel, same regiment, to date September 16, 1862. The regiment was assigned to the Army of the Potomac, and partici- pated in the advance of that army in the spring of 1862. During his service with the Fifth Vermont Infantry Vol- unteers, that regiment took part in the following battles: Yorktown, Virginia, April 4 and May 4, 1862 ; Williams- burg, Virginia, May 5, 1862; Golding's Farm, Virginia, June 28, 1862; Savage Station, Virginia, June 29, 1862; White Oak Swamp, Virginia, June 30, 1862 ; Crampton's Gap, Maryland, September 14, 1862; Antietam, Mary- land, September 17, 1862, and Fredericksburg, Virginia, December 13-14, 1862. He was honorably discharged as colonel to date May 20, 1864, to enable him to accept an appointment as brigadier-general of volunteers. He was appointed brig- adier-general U. S. Volunteers April 2j, 1864; accepted appointment May 21,1 864. He commanded the Second Brigade, Second Division, Sixth Army Corps, from February 21, 1863, to Decem- ber 29, 1 863 ; from February 2, 1 864, to September 29, 1864, and from October 8, 1864, to December 2, 1864; the Second Division, Sixth Corps, from December 2, 1864, to February 11, 1865 ; the Second Brigade, same division, from February '11, 1865, to February 20, 1865, and from March 7, 1865, to June 28, 1865. The following is a list of the battles in which he par- ticipated as a brigade or division commander : Freder- icksburg and Salem Heights, Virginia, May 3 to 5, 1863 ; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 2 and 3, 1863; Fairfield, Pennsylvania, July 5, 1863 ; Rappahannock Station, Vir- ginia, November 8, 1863; Mine Run, Virginia, Novem- ber 27, 1S63; Wilderness, Virginia, May 5 to 7, 1864; Spottsylvania Court-House, Virginia, May 8 to 21, 1864; Cold Harbor, Virginia, June 1 to 12, 1864; siege of Petersburg, Virginia, June iS to July 10, 1864; Charles- town, Virginia, August 21, 1864; Gilbert's Crossing, Virginia, September 13, 1864; siege of Petersburg, Vir- ginia, December, 1864, to April, 1865 ; assault on Peters- burg, Virginia, April 2, 1865 ; Sailor's Creek, April 6, 1865. At the close of the war General Grant was hon- ored with the commission of brevet major-general U. S. Volunteers, to date from October 19, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services in the present campaign before Richmond, Virginia, and in the Shenandoah Valley ;" and was honorably discharged the service August 24, 1865. Under the provisions of the act of Congress ap- proved June 3, 1884, and the acts amendatory thereof, he- is considered as commissioned to the grade of major Fifth Vermont Volunteers, to take effect from September 7, 1 86 1, to fill an original vacancy. He was recommended August 22, 1866, by General U. S. Grant, commanding the army of the United States, for appointment as a field-officer in the regular army ; was appointed August 29, 1866, lieutenant-colonel Thirty- sixth Regiment U.S. Infantry, to date from July 28, 1866, and declined the appointment November 6, 1866. General Grant's field services were with or in command of the celebrated Vermont brigade whose fighting quali- ties were so well known in the Army of the Potomac, and whose soldierly dependence was of such character that it was transferred, with the regular division of the Army of the Potomac, in August, 1863, to New York City, to assist in quelling the riots occasioned there by the draft for men. As soon as this duty was completed, the troops were, in the fall of the same year, transferred to the field with the Army of the Potomac. General Grant was appointed Assistant Secretary of War in 1890, which office he now holds. i8 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) AMBROSE E. BURNSIDE, U.S.A. (deceased). Ambrose E. Burnside was born in Indiana, and graduated from the Military Academy Jul}- i, 1847. He was promoted brevet second lieutenant Second Artil- lery the same day, and second lieutenant of the Third Artillery September 8, [847. He served in the City of Mexico during the winter of [847—48, and when peace had been established with that republic he was stationed at Fort Adams, Rhode Island, from which point he was ordered to Las Vegas, New Mexico, and was engaged in a skirmish there with Jacarillo Apache Indians, August 23, 1849, in which he was wounded. During the years 1S50-51 he was at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri ; he was with the Mexican Boundary Commission from April, 1 85 I, to March 16, [852. He was promoted first lieutenant December 12, 1851, and was at Fort Adams in [852—53, and resigned Oc- tober 2, 1853. After leaving the army he became a manufacturer of fire-arms at Bristol, Rhode Island, from [853 to 1858. He was major-general of Rhode Island militia in [855—57. He invented the Burnside breech-loading rifle in [856, and was member of the Board of Visitors to the Military Academy the same year. He was cashier of the Land Department of the Illinois Central Railroad Company in [858-59, and treasurer of the same railroad in 1860-61. At the commencement of the war of the Rebellion he was appointed colonel of Rhode Island Volunteers May 2, [861, and served in defence of Washington in Patterson's operations about Cumberland, Maryland, and participated in the Manassas campaign, being engaged in the first battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861. He was mustered out of service August 2, [861. On the 6th of August, [861, he was appointed brig- adier-general of volunteers, and served in command of Provisional Brigade near Washington, and was then employed in organizing a Coast Division at Annapolis, Maryland, to January 8, 1862. General Burnside was then placed in command of the Department of North Carolina, and was engaged in the battle and capture of Roanoke Island; attack of New- Berne, North Carolina ; attack on Camden and bombard- ment of Fort Macon, resulting in its capture April 26, 1 Si o. For these affairs he received a sword of honor from the State of Rhode Island, in testimony of his ser- vices at Roanoke Island. He was appointed major-general of volunteers March 18, 1862, and from July 6 to September 4, 1862, he was in command of the reinforcements to the Army of the Potomac, concentrated at Newport News, Virginia, and subsequently at Fredericksburg, constituting the Ninth Army Corps. General Burnside participated in the Mary- land campaign, in command of the right wing of the Army of the Potomac, and of the Ninth Corps, and was engaged in the battles of South Mountain and Antietam. .Afterwards he had general charge of Harper's Ferry, Virginia, and Second and Twelfth Corps, until November 10, [862, and on this date, while marching towards Fal- mouth, he was assigned to the command of the Army of the Potomac, relieving General McClellan. He commanded the Army of the Potomac in the battle of Fredericksburg, December 11-1;, 1862, and in March, 1863, was relieved and ordered to the West, w here he commanded the Department of the Ohio. He participated in the capture of Cumberland Gap and occupation of East Tennessee, and was engaged in the actions of Blue Springs and Lenoir, combat of Campbell's Station, and siege of Knoxville. He was engaged in recruiting the Ninth Army Corps from January 12 to April [3, 1 S64, and then commanded that corps in the Richmond campaign with the Army of the Potomac, being engaged in the battles of the Wilder- ness, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Tolopotomy, Bethesda Church, and siege of Petersburg, including the Mine- assault July 30, [864. He was then on leave of absence and waiting orders to April [5, 1865, when he resigned his commission. In 1S64 General Burnside received the thanks of Con- gress for "gallantry, good conduct, and soldier-like endurance'' in North Carolina and East Tennessee. After leaving the service, General Burnside was director of the Illinois Central Railroad Company and in the Narragansett Steamship Company ; president of the Cincinnati and Martinsville Railroad Company ; of Rhode Island Locomotive Works at Providence; and of the Indianapolis and Vincennes Railroad Company. He was also governor and captain-general of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. He was also I". S. Senator from that State, and died September 13, 1881. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 19 MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE GORDON MEADE, U.S.A. (deceased). Major-General George Gordon Meade was born at Cadiz, Spain, December 31, 181 5 ; his father, Richard W. Meade, being at that time U. S. naval agent there. His grandfather, George Meade, a wealthy merchant of Philadelphia, had contributed liberally for the support of the Revolutionary army. The grandson graduated at the Military Academy in 1835, and entered the artillery service. He participated in the war against the hostile Seminole Indians, in Florida, but resigned in October, 1836, and became a civil engineer. He was engaged in a survey of the mouths of the Mississippi ; and after- wards on the boundary line of Texas, and on that of Maine. In 1842 he re-entered the army as second lieutenant of topographical engineers, and during the Mexican War he served with distinction on the staffs of Generals Taylor and Scott. He was afterwards employed in light-house construction, and on the geodetic survey of the great lakes. In August, 1861, he was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers, and commanded the Second Brigade of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps. In McClellan's Peninsular campaign, Meade fought at Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, and Glendale, being severely wounded in the latter engagement, Second Bull Run. He afterwards commanded a division at Antietam, and when General Hooker was wounded there, succeeded temporarily to the command of the First Corps of the Arm)- of the Potomac. General Meade was appointed major-general of vol- unteers, and in December, 1862, led the attack which broke through the right of Lee's line at PVedericks- burg, but, not being supported, was obliged to fall back. He was placed in command of the Fifth Corps, and, though much esteemed by General Hooker, was not called into action at Chancellorsville. On the 28th of June, 1863, after Lee had crossed the Potomac, on his way to Pennsylvania, President Lincoln placed General Meade in chief command of the Army of the Potomac, then hastening to oppose Lee, wherever the two armies should strategically meet. This occurred at the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and after three days of severe fighting, the Confederate army, under its ablest leader, was forced to retreat into Virginia. For this victory he was made a brigadier-general in the regular army. In the spring of 1864, Lieutenant-General Grant being placed in command of all the Union armies. General Meade entered the field with the Army of the Potomac. He, however, still retained the immediate command of this army till the close of the war, discharging the duties of his difficult and delicate position to the entire satis- faction of General Grant. In the bloody battle of the Wilderness, and the subsequent campaign, the Army of the Potomac suffered severely. In June, 1864, it was transferred to the south side of the James, in order to capture Petersburg, the main defence of Richmond on that side; but General Lee saved the place by prompt reinforcements. The siege of Petersburg lasted ten months, and at its close Richmond had to be evacuated, and General Lee, after being pur- sued from Petersburg to Appomattox Court-House, with constant and severe fighting, surrendered April 9, 1865. General Meade was appointed major-general U. S. Anii>- August 18, 1S64. After the war, General Meade had command of the Military Division of the Atlantic until August, 1866, when he took command of the Department of the East. He received the thanks of Congress, January 28, 1866, "for the skill and heroic valor which, at Gettysburg, re- pelled, defeated, and drove back — broken and dispirited — beyond the Rappahannock, the veteran army of the Rebellion." General Meade was subsequently placed in command of the military district comprising Georgia, Florida, and Alabama, with head-quarters at Atlanta. He died in Philadelphia November 6, 1872. His fellow-citizens of that city had presented him with a house, and after his death raised a fund of one hundred thousand dollars for his family. General Meade had the degree of Doctor of Laws con- ferred on him by Harvard College, Massachusetts, in 1865. He was a member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. 20 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) LIEUTENANT-COLONEL AND BREVET MAJOR-GEN- ERAL GEORGE A. CUSTER. U.S.A. (deceased). Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet Major-General George A. Custer was born in Ohio. He graduated at the Military Academy June 24, 1 86 1, and was promoted second lieutenant of the Second Cavalry the same day. He was detailed to drill volunteers at Washington, and then participated in the battle of First Bull Run Jul}' 21, 1861. He was absent, sick, from October, 1861, to Feb- ruary, 1862, and then participated in the Peninsular cam- paign of the Army of the Potomac, being engaged in the siege of Yorktown. He was promoted first lieuten- ant Fifth Cavalry July 17, 1862, and captain of staff (additional aide-de-camp) June 5, 1862, and served on the staff of Major-General McClellan in September and October, 1862, and was engaged in the battles of South Mountain and Antietam. He participated in Stoneman's raid towards Richmond, aide-de-camp to General Pleas- anton in combat at Brand}* Station, and on June 29, 1863, he was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers. As such, he commanded a cavalry brigade in the Pennsyl- vania campaign, and was engaged in the action at Aldie, battle of Gettysburg, various skirmishes in pursuit of the enemy, with constant fighting at Monterey, Smithsburg, Hagerstown, Williamsport, and Boonsborough ; in fact, from this time to the end of the war his history is that of the Arm}- of the Potomac, and the actions in which he- was engaged are so numerous th.it it would require the space of this entire sketch to enumerate them. He com- manded a brigade of cavalry in the Richmond campaign, cavalry corps in the Shenandoah campaign with Sheri- dan, and a division of cavalry in the Appomattox cam- paign of 1865, and was present at the capitulation of General Lee April 9, 1865. He then made a raid to Dan River, North Carolina, from April 24 to May 3, [865, and was in command of a cavalry division in the Military Division of the Southwest from June 3 to July 17, 1S65. General Custer was appointed major-general of volun- teers April 15, 1865, and was brevetted in the regular army, major, for Gettysburg, July 3, 1863; lieutenant- colonel, for Yellow Tavern; colonel, for Winchester; brigadier-general, for Five Forks ; major-general, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign ending in the surrender of the insurgent arm}- of North- ern Virginia. He was also brevetted a major-general of United States Volunteers for "gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Winchester and Fisher's Hill, Virginia." He served in the Military Division of the Gulf from Jul}- 17 to November 13, 1865, and was chief of cavalry of the Department of Texas to February 1, 1866, at which time he was mustered out of the volunteer service. He was then granted leave of absence, and was awaiting orders to September 24, 1866, when he was placed on frontier duty at Fort Rile}-, Kansas, October 16, 1866. General Custer was promoted lieutenant-colonel of the Seventh Cavalry July 28, 1866, and served on the plains ; in campaign against the Sioux and Cheyennes, on the South Platte and Republican Rivers, 1867-68; various other expeditions, scouts, and combats, and notably the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition of 1876, where he and his gallant band were all massacred in the fight with Sitting Bull's village on the Little Big Horn River, Montana. The closing scene in Custer's history has been described by Horned Horse, an old Sioux chief, as follows : " Custer then sought to lead his men up to the bluffs by a diagonal movement, all of them having dis- mounted and firing, whenever they could, over the backs of their horses at the Indians, who had by that time crossed the river in thousands, mostly on foot, and had taken Custer in flank and rear, while others annoyed him by a galling fire from across the river. Hemmed in on all sides, the troops fought steadily, but the fire of the enemy was so close and rapid that they melted like snow before it, and fell dead among their horses in heaps. The firing was continuous until the last man of Custer's command was dead. The water-course in which most of the soldiers died ran with blood." WHO SERVED IX THE CIVIL WAR. 21 BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL DAVID McMURTRIE GREGG, U.S.A. Brevet Major-Genekal David McMurtrie Gregg was born April 10, 1833, at Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, where his father, Matthew D. Gregg, practised law, and where his maternal grandfather, David McMurtrie, had settled before the Revolution. General Gregg is a grandson also of Andrew Gregg, who was in the United States House of Representatives from 1791 to 1807; in the United States Senate from 1807 to 18 13; and sec- retary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania from 1S20 to 1823. Andrew Gregg's father, also named Andrew, came from Londonderry, Ireland, to Pennsylvania in 17 1 2, and died at Carlisle in 1789. A more remote ancestor was David Gregg, of Argyleshire, Scotland, who was a captain in Cromwell's army. Another mili- tary forefather of General Gregg was his great-grand- father, General James Potter, of the Pennsylvania Line, who became vice-president of Pennsylvania in 1781. Educated at Milnwood, Huntingdon County, and at the University at Lewisburg, young Gregg entered the United States Military Academy at West Point July 1, 1851, graduating in 1S55. He was commissioned brevet second lieutenant of dragoons July 1, 1855, and then began his arduous life of the trooper upon the plains of the West and the battle-fields of the Civil War. Before the war, as an officer of the First Dragoons, Gregg had seen active service in New Mexico, Califor- nia, Oregon, and Washington Territory. He was on the Spokane expedition in 1858, and was engaged in the desperate combat at To-hots-nimme, and in the combat at Four Lakes in September, 1858, and other Indian fights. As captain of the Sixth Cavalry he served in the de- fences of Washington from the fall of 1861 until pro- moted in January, 1S62, to be colonel of the Eighth Pennsylvania Cavalry, after which he participated in the battles of Seven Pines and Fair Oaks in May, 1862, and Glendale and Malvern Hill in June and July. In No- vember of that year he was made a brigadier-general and placed in command of the Second Cavalry Division of the Army of the Potomac. In 1S63 he took part in Stoneman's Raid, and was at Brandy Station, Aldie, Up- perville, Gettysburg (where, on the right flank- on July 3, he repulsed Stuart's attempt with four brigades of Con- federate cavalry to reach the rear of Meade's arm}-, simultaneously with Pickett's assault in front), Shepherds- town, Culpeper Court-House and Rapidan Station, Sul- phur Springs, Auburn and Bristoe Station, and at New Hope Church and Parker's Store in the Mine Run campaign; and in 1864 at Todd's Tavern, in Sheridan's Raid, at Ground-Squirrel Church, Meadow Bridge, Hawes' Shop, Gaines' House, Trevilian Station, Tun- stall Station, St. Mary's Church, Warwick Swamp, Dar- bytown, Lee's Mills, Charles City Road, Deep Bottom, Re, mi's Station, Peebles' Farm, Vaughn Road, Boydton Plank Road, and Bellefield, besides many minor actions and skirmishes. From March 26 to April 6, 1864, he commanded the Cavalry Corps of the Army of the Potomac, and the Sec- ond Cavalry Divisipn again from April 6, 1864, to Feb- ruary 3, iS<>5, in the Richmond campaign, being in com- mand of all the cavalry of the Army of the Potomac from August 1, 1864, to February 3, 1865. In many of the long list of cavalry combats in which he was engaged, General Gregg was in chief command. On August I, 1864, he had been made brevet major-general United States Vol- unteers " for highly meritorious and distinguished con- duct throughout the campaign, particularly in the recon- noissance on the Charles City Road." On February 3, 1865, he resigned. The war then was practically over. It was simply a question of being in at the finish and gathering the laurels and public applause. Gregg's duty had been clone on many hard- fought fields, and he retired to private life. General Gregg was appointed by the President United States Consul at Prague in 1874, but he resigned the po- sition in the same year, returned to the United States, and subsequently resided at Reading, Pennsylvania. Upon the death of General Hancock, in 1886, General Gregg succeeded him as Commander of the Pennsyl- vania Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, which office he still holds. In 1 89 1, though without political aspirations, he was elected auditor-general of Pennsylvania by an immense majority. General Gregg is almost the last survivor of the long list of distinguished Pennsylvania soldiers who held high command in the Union army. OFFICERS OF THIi ARMY AND NAVY volunteer) MAJOR CHARLKS T. YODER, U.S.V. Major Charles T. Yoder was born in Allegheny City, Pennsylvania, July 15, 1843; received a common- school education in that city. At the breaking out of the Rebellion he was engaged teaching school. He enlisted August 13, 1861, as a pri- vate in Company C, Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and served with his company in the following battles: Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, Glendale, Malvern Hill. Antictam, Hedgesville, Union, Upperville, November 3, 1862; Manassas Gap, Markham Station, Little Wash- ington, Gaines' Cross-Roads, Waterloo, Fredericksburg, Kelly's Ford, Rapidan Station, Chancellorsville, Stevens- burg, Middleburg, Upperville, June 21, 1S63 ; Shepherds- town, Culpeper, and Bristoe Station. He received a sabre-wound in the knee in a hand-to- hand fight with Stuart's cavalry at Beverly Ford, Vir- ginia, and was discharged September 5, 1863, by order of Secretary of War Stanton, per Special Orders No. 398, Adjutant-General's Office, and appointed as a clerk in the office of the paymaster-general to adjudicate pax- masters' accounts. His ability as an accurate and correct accountant was soon recognized by the Pay Department, and on March 11, 1864, he was appointed by President Lincoln as pay- master in the army, with the rank of major, and was finally mustered out of service July 29, 1865, by reason of the close of the war, as per Special Orders No. 407, Adjutant- General's Office. The major enjoyed the distinction of being the youngest paymaster in the army. After the war he engaged in mercantile business in the city of Washington, and as a business man met with great success. Subsequently he retired from business and took a three years' law course in the National Uni- versity of Washington, D. C, the degrees of Bachelor and Master of Laws being conferred upon him, he graduating with honor at the head of his class. He was afterwards admitted to the bar of the District of Columbia, and distinguished himself by the able man- ner in which he handled some important cases intrusted to his care. He entered a competitive examination for a clerkship in the General Land Office, was successful, and, when Congress created the office of principal examiner for that office, he was selected by the Secretary of the Interior and promoted thereto, which position he still fills with ability and satisfaction to the Department. The following clipping, taken from a newspaper pub- lished in the interest of claimants before the Interior Department, shows in what appreciation his ability and services are held : " We suggested in our last issue that there could be found thoroughly competent clerks in the General Land Office who could fill the position of principal examiner, ami that promotions from such clerks should be made rather than that an outsider should be inducted into these comparatively ' fat' places. Since then Major Charles T. Yoder, of Pennsylvania, has been promoted to fill one of these places at a salary of two thousand dollars per annum. "This is a well-merited promotion, and one that gives general satisfaction. Major Yoder entered the office through a competitive examination August 7, 1879, and was soon promoted for his efficiency until lie reached the highest grade. He has been engaged most of the time in the adjudication of contested cases affecting both agri- cultural and mineral lands, and some of the best decisions of the office emanated from his pen. He is a graduate of the National University of this city and a member of the bar. Such promotions reflect credit on the administra- tion. Let them continue." WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 23 LIEUTENANT-COLONEL EUGENE B. BEAUMONT, U.S.A. Lieutenant-Colonel Eugene B. Beaumont was born August 2, 1837, in Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania, and was the youngest son of Hon. Andrew Beaumont and Julia A. Colt, his wife. Colonel Beaumont received his appointment to West Point through Hon. Henry M. Fuller, and graduated in May, 1861. The first class of that year made applica- tion to graduate in April, that they might join the army at once. On April 29, 1861, the superintendent of the Military Academy was ordered to have the first class examined and graduated as soon as practicable. Upon graduating, Beaumont was appointed second lieutenant First Cavalry, and detailed to drill volunteers at Wash- ington, D. C. During the first battle of Bull Run he was aide-de-camp to General A. E. Burnside, and was very highly complimented in the report of that officer. Dur- ing 1 86 1 and the spring of 1862 he served with the Army of the Potomac as aide-de-camp to General John Sedg- wick, on the Upper Potomac, the Shenandoah Valley, and on the Peninsula. Disabled by typhoid fever, he was compelled to quit the field. During the winter of 1862-63 he was aide-de-camp to the general-in-chief, Major-General H. W. Halleck. In May, [863, he was aide-de-camp to Major-General John Sedgwick, and served with the army during the campaign of Gettysburg, and participated in the battles of Rappahannock Station, Mine Run, Wil- derness, Spottsylvania Court-House, and Cold Harbor. After General Sedgwick's death, Beaumont was ordered by General Grant to report to General J. II. Wilson, commanding the Third Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac, and was in the battles of White Oak Swamp and all the operations and fights of the division around Richmond, in the raid for the destruction of the Dan- ville & Southside Railroad. He was in the campaign against Early in the valley of the Shenandoah. In Oc- tober, 1864, Beaumont accompanied General Wilson, and was appointed assistant adjutant-general of the Cavalry Corps of the Military Division of the Mississippi. He was actively engaged in the organization of the corps, and highly complimented for his efficient services. He par- ticipated in the battle of Nashville, in the pursuit of Hood, fight at Hollow-Tree Gap, Richland Creek, Little Har- path River, Pulaski, and other skirmishes. He was with his corps in its march through Alabama and Georgia, taking part in the battles of Montevallo, Ebenezer Church, storming of Selma, capture of Montgomery, Columbus, and Macon, Georgia. This march was one of the most brilliant and successful of the war. He received Jefferson Davis at Macon on his arrival as a prisoner, after his capture by Colonel Pritchard. He remained on duty at Macon until November, 1864. In April, 1866, he took command of Troop A, Fourth Cavalry, at San Antonio, Texas;. was engaged in scouting and other duties. Com- manded a battalion of four troops in the fight of Palo Duro Canon, Red River, September 28, 1S74, which re- sulted in the destruction of numerous camps and capture of seventeen hundred horses and mules, and defeat of a band of Comanches. He was on duty at West Point as instructor of cavalry from March, 1875, to September, 1879 ; was promoted major Fourth Cavalry November 12, 1879, anc ' joined McKenzie's expedition against the Uncompahgre Utes at Fort Garland, where he took com- mand of the cavalry. In 1882 he organized and led a second expedition into the Uncompahgre country. Sub- sequently served at Fort Wingate, New Mexico; Fort Bayard, New Mexico ; commanded Fort Bowie, Arizona, and Huachuca, Arizona. In December, 1888, he was de- tailed as acting inspector-general Department of Texas, and served there until February 1, 1892. He was pro- moted lieutenant-colonel Third Cavalry January 14, 1892 ; placed on the retired list, at his own request, May 6, 1892, and now resides in his native place, Wilkesbarre. His grandfather, Isaiah Beaumont, was a Revolutionary soldier. His brother, H. Beaumont, served in the war with Mexico, and his brother, Admiral John C. Beau- mont, was in the U. S. naval service. During his active career Col. Beaumont was in over thirty engagements and pitched battles ; was appointed major and assistant adjutant-general of volunteers Oct. 20, 1 864 ; was brevetted lieutenant-colonel of U. S. Vol- unteers for gallant and meritorious services during the recent campaigns in Tennessee; and colonel U.S. Volun- teers for gallant and distinguished services in the battle of Selma, Ala. ; brevetted in the regular army as captain, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Rappahan- nock Station, Va. ; major, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle and capture of Selma, Ala.; lieutenant- colonel, for gallant and meriti irious services during the war. 24 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BRIGADIER- AND BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL ADEL- BERT AMES, U.S.A. Brigadier- and Brevet Major-General Adelbert Ames was born in Maine October 31, [835, and was graduated at the Military Academy in the class of May 6, 1 86 1. He was promoted to second lieutenant Second U. S. Artillery the same day, and first lieutenant Fifth U. S. Artillery May 14, 1861. He was on duty with Griffin's Regular Batten - , and was wounded at the battle of Bull Run, Virginia, Jul}- 21, 1 86 1. He was promoted brevet major U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services in that battle. October 1, 1861, he was assigned to the command of Battery A, Fifth U. S. Artillery, and in the Peninsular campaign was engaged in the siege of Vorktown and the battles of Golding's Farm and Malvern Hill, Va. I le was brevetted lieutenant-colonel U. S. Army, July 1, 1862, for gallant and meritorious service at the battle of Malvern Hill. As colonel of the Twentieth Maine Volunteers in the Fifth Corps, he participated in the battles of Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862, and Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862. In the spring of 1863 his regiment was inoculated with the small-pox. Before it was fit for duty the Chancel- lorsville campaign opened. He served throughout that campaign as an aide-de-camp to General Meade, com- manding the Fifth Corps, and General Hooker, com- manding the Army of the Potomac. He was commissioned as a brigadier-general of volun- teers May 20, 1863 ; was given a brigade of picked troops in a movement against Culpeper Court-House, and was engaged in the battle of Beverly Ford, Virginia. He was assigned to the command of the Second Brigade, First Division, Eleventh Corps, on the march north from the Rappahannock River, and led it in the first day's fight at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 1, 1863. The division commander being wounded and disabled, the command of the division devolved upon him for the rest of the day and the two subsequent days of the battle. He was brevetted colonel U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services on that occasion. In August following he was sent with his command to join forces besieging Charleston, S. C. He remained before Charleston, S. C, and in Florida till April, 1864, when, with troops of department, he proceeded to For- tress Monroe, Va. in the Army of the James he took part in the operations before Petersburg and Richmond, Va., being engaged in the action at Port Walthall Junc- tion in May, the battle of Cold Harbor in June, and Darbytown Road in October, 1 864. In December, 1864, he was selected to command a division of three brigades in an expedition against Fort Fisher, N. C. The following month he led the same troops in a second expedition against that fort. In the battle which resulted in the capture of Fort Fisher, after his division was formed for the assault, the only order received from the general commanding the expedition af- fecting the movements of the attacking force was, " The time has come to make the assault." He was promoted brevet brigadier-general U. S. Army for gallant and meri- torious services at the capture of Fort Fisher, N. C, Jan- uary 15, 1865. After the surrender of the rebel forces he was assigned to the command of territorial districts in North and South Carolina till April 30, 1866. He was brevetted a major-general of volunteers, March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the rebellion. He was promoted a captain Fifth U. S. Artillery Feb. 22, 1865, and lieutenant-colonel Twen- ty-fourth U.S. Infantry July 2S, 1866. A board of general officers, consisting of Major-Gen- erals W. T. Sherman, G. G. Meade, and G. H. Thomas, assembled at St. Louis, Mo., March 14, 1866, recom- mended certain officers of the regular army for promotion by brevet to the grade of brigadier-general, among them General Ames, for the capture of Fort Fisher, N. C. Although the action of this board was deemed too restricted for the times, it was none the less commenda- tory of the officers recommended. Subsequent to his Presidency, General Grant said, referring to one of his ami} - commanders, " If I had given him two corps com- manders like Adelbert Ames, , or , or a dozen 1 could mention, he (said army commander) would have made a fine campaign . . . and helped materially in my plans. I have always been sorry I did not do so." Gen- eral Ames was placed in command of the Military District of Mississippi, by General Grant, in 1869. He resigned from the army, was elected to the U. S. Senate, and subse- quently to the governorship of the State. Compelled by political persecution, he resigned his office and left the State. He is at present a resident of New Jersey. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 25 BRIGADIER- AND BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL ALEX- ANDER McD. McCOOK, U.S.A. Brigadier- and Brevet Major-General Alexander McD. McCook was born in Ohio April 22, 1831, and graduated at the Military Academy July 1, 1852. He was promoted brevet second lieutenant Third Infantry the same day; second lieutenant June 30, 1854; first lieuten- ant Dec. 6, 1858; and captain May 14, 1861. He served at Newport Barracks and Jefferson Barracks until 1853, when he was ordered on frontier duty at Fort Fillmore, New Mexico, and was scouting against Apache Indians in 1854. He was static mod at Fort Union, and participated in an expedition against LTtah and Apache Indians, on commissary duty, in 1855, being engaged in the actions of Sauwatchie Pass and Arkansas River. Was at Canton- ment Burgwin, New Mexico, in 1 85 5-56 ; on the Gila Ex- pedition, as chief of guides, and engaged in action on the Gila River, June 27, 1856; on leave of absence 1857-58, and at the Military Academy, as assistant instructor of infantry tactics, from Feb. 12, 1S58, to April 24, 1861. At the commencement of the war of the Rebellion he served as mustering' and disbursing officer at Columbus, Ohio, and in the defences of Washington City, May to July, 1 86 1, and was engaged in the action of Vienna, June 17, and in the battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861. He was appointed colonel of the First Ohio Volun- teers, to date from April 16, 1861, and was employed in recruiting and organizing his regiment at I )ayton. I le was mustered out of the volunteer service August 2, i86l,and reappointed colonel of the First Ohio Volunteers August 10, 1861, and appointed brigadier-general of volunteers September 3, 1861. He commanded a brigade in the Department of the Cumberland, and participated in the operations in Kentucky, October to December, 1861. He was then assigned to the command of a division in the Army of the Ohio, participating in the movement to Nashville and Pittsburg Landing, in the battle of Shiloh, advance upon and siege of Corinth, operations in North Alabama, and movement through Tennessee to Louis- ville, Kentucky, June to September, 1862. General McCook was appointed major-general of vol- unteers Jul}- 17, 1862, and was assigned to the command of the First Corps, Army of the Ohio, and participated in the advance into Kentucky in October, 1862, and was engaged in the battle of Perryville and march to the relief of Nashville, October, 1862. He was in command of Nashville, Tennessee, November and December, 1862, and was then placed in command of the right wing oi the Fourteenth Corps from December 14, 1862, to Janu- ary 12, 1863 ; and of the Twentieth Corps from January to October, 1863. He was in the Tennessee campaign, and was engaged in several skirmishes on the march to Murfreesborough, in the battle of Stone River, combat of Liberty Gap (in command), advance on Tullahoma, cross- 4 $u ing the Cumberland Mountains and Tennessee River, and in battle of Chickamauga. He was awaiting orders from October, 1863, to November, 1864, being engaged, while at Washington City, in the defence of the Capital, July II— 12, 1864; and in the Middle Military Division from November, 1864, to February, 1865. Commanded the District of Eastern .Arkansas from Feb. to May, 1865. He was brevetted for gallant and meritorious services : lieutenant-colonel March 3, 1862, at the capture of Nash- ville, Tennessee; colonel April 7, 1862, at the battle of Shiloh, Tennessee ; brigadier-general March 13, 1865, at the battle of Perryville, Kentucky ; and major-general March 13, 1865, in the field during the Rebellion. General McCook was with a joint committee of Con- gress investigating Indian affairs from May to October, 1865 ; was then on leave of absence and awaiting orders to March 27, 1867. He resigned his commission as major- general of volunteers October 21, 1865, and was promoted lieutenant-colonel of the Twenty-sixth Infantry March 5, 1867, transferred to Tenth Infantry in 1869, and promoted colonel of Sixth Infantry December 15, 1880. He served with his regiment in various departments, and was acting inspector-general of the Department of the Missouri from December, 1874, to June, 1875, and then colonel and aide- de-camp to the general of the army to December, 1880. He was in command of the post of Fort Leavenworth and the Infantry and Cavalry School of Application from May 13, 1886, to August 28, 1890; appointed brigadier- general July 11, 1890, and assigned to command the Department of Arizona, which position he now occupies. General McCook is the son of Major Daniel McCook, who was born in 1796, and killed in battle by Morgan's guerillas near Buffmgton Island, Ohio, July 19, 1863. Seven of his brothers took part in the war for the Union, three of whom, like their father, were killed. Four of the eight McCook brothers attained the rank of general. 26 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY volunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL THOMAS JEFFERSON HENDERSON, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General Thomas Jefferson Hen- derson was born at Brownsville, Haywood County, Ten- nessee, November 29, 1824; received an academic edu- cation, and removed to Illinois, with his father, at the age of eleven, where he worked upon a farm until he was twenty years of age. In 1847 he was elected clerk of the County Cmut of the county of Stark, which office he held until 1853, at which time he was admitted to the bar, and has since practised his profession, except when in the public service. In 1855 he served .is representative in the State Legis- lature, and was a member of the State Senate from 1857 to 1 86 1. In August, 1862, he enlisted in the Union army and raised a company, which afterwards became a part of the One Hundred and Twelfth Regiment of Illinois Volunteer Infantry. But on the organization of the regi- ment he was unanimously elected colonel, and, being com- missioned by the governor of Illinois, was mustered into the service of the United States September 22, 1S62. 1 fe served in the First Brigade of the Third Division, Army of Kentucky, from October, 1862. to May, [863, performing mostly guard and provost duty at Lexington, Kentucky. His regiment was mounted about the istofMay, 1863, and was ordered to Somerset, Kentucky, where he remained on duty until July, 1863. While there he was engaged in a movement to drive a rebel force from Monticello, during which his regiment met the enemy for the first time. In August, 1863, he entered East Tennessee with his regiment, under General Burnside, and was engaged in active service at Kingston, Athens, Calhoun, and Phila- delphia. On account of bad health, he was then ordered home on recruiting service. Returning in the January following, he found his regiment skirmishing with the enemy at Dandridge, Tennessee. He immediately took command of the Second Brigade, First Division, Cavalry Corps, and commanded it at Dandridge, January 16 and 17 ; Kelly's Ford, Fair Garden, and Seviersville, January 26-28. He then moved, with his regiment, in FY-bruary, to Kentucky, where it was dismounted and reorganized as an infantry regiment, and then returned to F^ast Ten- nessee, joining the army under General Sherman, at Rocky-face Ridge, Georgia, where it was engaged with the enemy, May 5-S ; then at Resaca, Georgia, May 13-14, on which occasion he was severely wounded. Rejoining his command in July, 1864, he was assigned to the com- mand of the Third Brigade, Third Division, Twenty-third Corps, while in front of Atlanta. He was in pursuit of Hood's army, and assisted in the destruction of the Macon Railroad, near Rough and Ready, August 31, 1864; was at Duck River, Tennessee, November 27-29, 1864, and at Franklin. November 30. He was brevetted brigadier- general for " gallantry and meritorious services during the last campaign in Georgia and Tennessee, and especially at the battle of Franklin, Tennessee." General Hender- son was engaged in skirmishing from Franklin to Nash- ville, December 1-15 ; in the battle of Nashville, Decem- ber 15, 1S64. He was then ordered to North Carolina, and was engaged at Fort Anderson, February 17, 1865 ; Town Creek Bridge, February 20; capture of Wilming- ton, February 22 ; at Kinston, March 7-1 1 ; in the occu- pation of Goldsborough, March 21, and the surrender of Raleigh, April 13 ; then on duty at Greensborough, N. C, until June 20, 1865, on which day he was mustered out of service and returned home with his regiment. ( '11 returning home he resumed the practice of his profession, and in July. 1867, removed his residence to Princeton, Bureau Count}-, Illinois, where he has ever since resided. In 1874 he was nominated as a Republican and elected a representative in the Forty-fourth Congress, and has served continuously in the Forty-fourth, Forty-fifth, Forty-sixth, Forty-seventh, Forty-eighth, Forty-ninth, Fiftieth, Fifty-first, and Fifty-second Congresses; and has been re-elected a member of the Fifty-third Congress. Since his first nomination he has been renominated by acclamation every time. He was married May 29, 1849, to Henrietta Butler, ami has three daughters and one son, — Gertrude Rebecca, Sarah Ella, Mary Louisa, and Thomas Butler, — all living. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 27 MAJOR-GENERAL EDWARD OTHO CRESAP ORD, U.S.A. (deceased). Major-General Edward Otho Cresap Ord was born in Cumberland, Maryland, October 18, 18 18, and died in Havana, Cuba, July 22, 1883. He showed in his youth great mathematical ability, which attracted atten- tion and gained for him an appointment to West Point, where he graduated in 1839. He was assigned to the Third Artillery, and served in the Florida War against the Seminole Indians, 1839-42, winning his promotion as first lieutenant in 1841. He was one of two lieutenants selected by General Harney to attack the Indians in the Everglades, and on one occasion went back to his wounded sergeant, whom his companions had deserted, and, taking his musket, held the Indians off until the)- returned to the rescue. In 1847, with Lieutenants H. W. Halleck and W. T. Sherman, he was ordered to California, via Cape Horn, where he served during the Mexican War, and at its close was stationed at Monterey, where, by his individual efforts, he did much to preserve law and order. Once, following a party of desperadoes several hundred miles, his men deserted him ; he then continued alone, overtook, and, by the aid of the inhabitants, succeeded in capturing and executing them. In September, 1850, he was promoted captain; on December 3, 1852, he was assigned to Coast Survey duty ; in 1855 he was on the Yskima Indian Ex- pedition ; in 1856 he was on the Rogue River Expedition, being in command in the action of Macknyhootney Vil- lages on March 26. Of this fight he said, " It was the first defeat in pitched battle these Indians had ever expe- rienced." During that night he carried in his arms on his saddle one of his worst-wounded men, for several hours, through the thick underbrush to the river, amid the groanings and pleadings of the poor fellow to be put out of his misery. He was also in command of the action at Checto Creek, April 28, 1856. He was then stationed at Benicia until 1858, when he was on frontier duty at Fort Miller, California, and participated in the Spokane Expe- dition ; was engaged in the combat of Four Lakes, Sep- tember 1, 1858 ; combat of Spokane Plain, September 5, 1858 ; skirmish of Spokane River, September 8, 1858, — the celebrated chief, Rogue River John, surrendering to him. In 1859 he was stationed at Fort Monroe, and was in the Harper's Ferry Expedition to suppress the John Brown raid. He was commissioned brigadier-general of volun- teers, "for services in the war," September 4, 1 861 , and commanded the Third Brigade, Pennsylvania Reserves. His first engagement of the war was at Dranesvillc, where he defeated the Confederates, under General Jeb. Stewart, after a sharp contest lasting several hours. In this fight he pointed and fired the first cannon himself, the shell causing great havoc among the enemy. General John F. Reynolds said at the time, " I knew, if there was a fight to be scared up, Ord would find it." He was brevetted lieu- tenant-colonel for gallantry in that battle. In May, 1862, he commanded a division in the Army of the Rappahan- nock ; in June and August, Corinth, Mississippi. In May he was promoted major-general of volunteers, and com- manded left wing, Army of Tennessee ; was engaged in the battle of Iuka ; fought the battle of the Hatchie. He was severely wounded, and had to be carried from the field. After his recovery he was given the 1 8th Army Corps, before Vicksburg. He was with Gen. Grant during the conference and surrender of Gen. Pemberton. He was engaged in the capture of Jackson, Miss. ; Feb. 16, 1864, commanding the 18th Army Corps and all troops in the Middle Department. He was then given the Eigh- teenth Army Corps, and took part in the movements before Petersburg; and, crossing his army to the north side of the James on the 29th of September, led the forces that carried the strong fortifications and long line of intrenchments below Chapin's Farm known as Fort Harrison. During the assault he was severely wounded. In January he was given the Army of the James and Department of Virginia. With this command he was engaged in the various operations terminating in the evacuation of Richmond and surrender of General Lee. He was twenty years a general, — commanding, after the Rebellion, the Departments of Ohio, Arkansas, 4th Military District, Departments of California, Platte, and Texas. He was retired with the rank of major-general. On one occasion he saved a worthless member of his company from drowning, in San Francisco Bay, by jumping from the deck of the steamer into the bay after him. The War Department order that announced his death closed with these words : " As his intimate associate since boyhood, the general (Sherman) here bears testimony of him, that a more unselfish, manly, and patriotic person never lived." 28 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) MAJOR AND SURGF.ON CHARLES LEONARD WILSON, U.S.V. Major and Surgeon Charles Leonard Wilson's military career began in the early months of the war of the Rebellion with his appointment as assistant surgeon of the Seventy-ninth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Upon the merging of this command with the Seventy- fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry in December, 1861, Dr. Wilson retained a similar post with the consolidated regi- ment, which he accompanied into action at McDowell, Shaw's Ridge, Franklin, Strasburg, Harrisonburg, Cross Keys, Cedar Mountain, Freeman's Ford, Warrenton Sul- phur Springs, Waterloo Bridge, Bull Run (second battle), and Aldie, and was also on duty on the battle-field at Fredericksburg, though not with his regiment. In these engagements it was seldom the lot of the Seventy-fifth to occupy other than a position of honor. The gallant achievements of the regiment at McDowell, Bull Run, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg, and the heavy losses they sustained are matters of history. These events entailed upon Dr. Wilson the most arduous duties, and formed an excellent training for the increased respon- bilities he afterwards assumed. In February, 1 863, Assistant Surgeon Wilson was se- lected to organize the First Division Hospital, Eleventh Corps, Army of the Potomac, near Brooks Station, Vir- ginia, where he remained in charge until the breaking up of the hospital the following summer, at the time of the Eleventh Corps' march to Gettysburg. While stationed at this hospital Dr. Wilson obtained permission to rejoin his regiment for a few days at Chancellorsville, and was present at the several engagements there. Upon his re- turn he was mustered out as assistant surgeon, to accept promotion as surgeon of the same regiment. May 16, 1863, Major Wilson was detailed brigade surgeon, Second Brigade, First Division, Eleventh Corps. During the three days' engagement at Gettysburg he had charge of the Eleventh Corps Hospital, established in the High School-house of the town and an adjoining church. These buildings falling into the hands of the Confederates on the first day, the doctor and his charges remained prisoners until the end of the battle, when they were retaken. It is not surprising that the conscientious devotion to duty evinced by this officer in the efforts recorded, meet- ing extraordinary demands upon his endurance to the exclusion of every selfish consideration, should already have told severely upon his health. We find, neverthe- less, that Surgeon Wilson was afterwards on the field at Hagerstown, Maryland, and later accompanied his regi- ment, of whom less than a hundred men then survived, to Morris Island, South Carolina, where he took part in the assault upon Fort Wagner. It was not until October, 1863, and after he had been confined to his tent at Folly Island for more than a month, that the doctor yielded to the advice of his colleagues and resigned. From Port Royal, South Carolina, he returned to his home at Athens, Ohio. The following spring, being much improved in health, Dr. Wilson accepted a commission as surgeon of the One Hundred and Forty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and remained with that regiment during his term of ser- vice, being finally mustered out as surgeon September 3, 1 864. Surgeon Wilson enjoyed the friendship and confidence of his superior officers, especially General N. C. McLean, and was unusually beloved by his comrades and the sick and wounded committed to his care. His services in the Eleventh Corps were several times highly commended by Major Sukley, medical director, in his reports to the surgeon-general. Dr. Wilson is the second son of the late Josiah Wilson, Esq., of Athens, Ohio. Born at Athens, October 13, 1 83 1, he completed his education at Cleveland, receiving the degree of M.D. from the Western Reserve College in 1 854. The following year he married a daughter of lames Dickey, Esq., of Bern, Ohio. Since the war Dr. Wilson has practised his profession in Athens, Ohio; Atlanta, Georgia, and Indianapolis, Indiana, at which latter place he now resides, a successful specialist in orthopaedic and plastic surgery. He is a member of Beta Chapter, Beta Theta Pi ; of the Grand Army of the Republic ; of the York and Scottish Rites in Masonry; a Knight Templar ; a Companion of the Military < Jrder of the Loyal Legion of the L T nited States, Indiana Commandery (his eldest son, Dr. Charles A. Wilson, being a Companion of the second class), and was a United States pension surgeon from 1866 to 1 87 j. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. COLONEL AND BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL GALUSHA PENNYPACKER, U.S.A. (retired). Colonel and Brevet Major-General Galusha Pen- nypacker is a native of Pennsylvania, belonging to one of its oldest families, whose names are written in the annals of the State and nation. The appointment to West Point from the Sixth Congressional District having been ten- dered him, he would, but for the war, have probably entered the Military Academy in 1 8(3 1 or 1862. General Pennypacker entered the service in April, 1 861 . Declining, on account of his youth, the appointment of first lieutenant in his company, A, of the Ninth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, he was made a non-commis- sioned staff-officer of that regiment, and served with it, during its three months of service in Major-General Patterson's column, in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia. lie entered "for the war" as captain of Company A, Ninety-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers, August 22, [861, and was promoted major October 7 following. The Ninety-seventh Regiment joined the Tenth Corps in the Department of the South, and during the years 1862 and 1863 participated in all the various movements, engagements, and sieges in which that corps took part, on the coasts of South Carolina (Forts Wagner and Gregg, James Island and siege of Charleston), Georgia (capture of Fort Pulaski), and Florida (taking of Fernan- dina and Jacksonville). General Pennypacker commanded his regiment and the post of Fernandina, Florida, in April, 1864, when the regiment was ordered with the Tenth Corps to Virginia, and became part of the Army of the James. Promoted to lieutenant-colonel April 3, 18(14, and to colonel June 23 following. In action in command of his regiment at Swift Creek, May 9; Drewry's Bluff, May 16, and Chester Station, May 18. On May 20 he led his regiment in an assault upon the enemy's lines at Green Plains, Bermuda Hun- dred, receiving three severe wounds, losing one hundred and seventy-five men killed and wounded out of two hundred and ninety-five taken into the charge. Returned to duty in August, and in action at Deep Bottom on the 16th, and Wierbottom Church on the 25th of same month. In the trenches before Petersburg in August and September. Assigned to command the Second Brigade, Second Division, Tenth Corps, in September, and on the 29th led his brigade in the successful assault upon Fort Harrison, where he was again wounded, and his horse shot under him. In action October 7 at Chaffin's Farm, and on the 29th at Darbytown Road. With the first Fort Fisher Expe- dition under General Butler, December 1 to 31. General Pennypacker's brigade (composed of New York and Pennsylvania regiments) formed a portion of the expeditionary corps which, under command of Major- General Terry, made the successful (and perhaps most brilliant of the war) assault upon Fort Fisher, North Carolina, January 15, 1865. For his distinguished personal gallantry in this assault, when he was most severely (and it was thought for a time mortally) wounded, and " for gallant and meritorious services during the war," Pennypacker received six brevets or promotions as follows : Brevet brigadier-general U. S. Volunteers, January 15, 1865 ; brigadier-general U.S. Vol- unteers, February 18, 1865; brevet major-general U.S. Volunteers, March 13, 1865; colonel Thirty-fourth (des- ignation changed to Sixteenth) Infantry U.S.A., July 28, 1 81,0; brevet brigadier-general U.S.A., March 2, 1867, and brevet major-general U.S.A., March 2, 1867. The Congressional medal of honor was awarded Gen- eral Pennypacker for "bravery at the battle of Fort Fisher." He was one of the youngest (if not the young- est) general officers of the war, and was the youngest man in the histoiy of the regular army to be commissioned a colonel and brevet major-general. His commanding general emphasized to the writer of this sketch the dec- laration that Pennypacker and not himself was the real hero of Fort Fisher, and that his " great gallantry was only equalled by his modest)'." Since the war (with the exception of two years on leave in Europe), General Pennypacker has served in the Southern, Southwestern, and Western States, performing the duties incidental to a regimental and post commander. He was temporarily in command of the District of Mis- sissippi in 1867, the Fourth Military District in 1868, the Department of Mississippi in 1870, the United States troops m New Orleans in 1874, and the Department of the South in 1876. Placed on the retired list of the army in 1883. on ac- count of wounds, he has since resided in Philadelphia. 30 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) MAJOR JOHN FARRAND HAMILTON. U.S.V. (deceased). Major John Farrand Hamilton was born at Marble- dale, Litchfield County, Connecticut, December 22, 183O; was the eldest son of a father who had inherited the force and nobility of character of his immediate ancestor, Alex- ander Hamilton, without the environment essential to the development of his splendid powers. He blessed his son with a large measure of his native virtues ; therefore, in the more auspicious sphere of life in which that son moved, the father saw some fruition of his own unsatisfied aspirations. From a farm-plough John " looked not back," but on- ward. He strove hard for his academic course, and from such insufficient preparation entered upon the study of medicine at Rush College, Chicago, from which lie was graduated in 1854, attracting the favor of his professors, and receiving immediately, through the great Surgeon Brainard, appointment as house-surgeon to the C. S. Marine Hospital, where theories were tested by their practical applicability, and where the young man found in the master-mind no temper for commonplace service. Care for the disabled toilers of the inland seas was hourly duty. Thus was he disciplined, and soon, like many others, hurried into the vortex of the Civil War. In the then far-off Colorado he was in August, 1S61, appointed surgeon of the first cavalry regiment organized by Governor Gilpin, and sent south to watch Sibley's Texans. At Fort Craig they camped in the sand, and then came inaction, impatience, and suffering. As the soldiers fared, so fared he, relieving the encroach- ments of the dreaded scurvy with wild onions and grapes, which he obtained for them. Officially he was upon the commander's staff, but his actual whereabouts dming this dreary campaign was at the hospital tent and ambulance. The ferocious frontiersmen composing that regiment, styled in derision "The Colorado Pet Lambs," doffed their hats with a salute born of true affection when he appeared, because, although he exacted obedience, mercy and justice were ever his religion. Thus he honored the great profession of medicine, of which he was to his last day a reverent disciple. During the seasons of 1862-63 he guarded his sick on the Rio Grande and dreary plains, as the forces scouted after Texans and Indians, whose coalition threatened to carry New Mexico and Colorado out of the Union. At the battles of Valverde and Apache Canon he par- ticipated, and was then ordered to Denver for promotion as medical director Department of the Plains, — General Connor's staff, — remaining there upon duty until honor- ably mustered out Nov. iS, 1865. He then accepted a special commission to Fort Douglas, Utah, which after two years he resigned. He soon engaged in the practice of medicine in Salt Lake, where he gained brilliant advantage from insignificant scientific opportunities, in a field isolated from centres of learning, but which was for him compre- hensively the intermountain empire. He established per- manently the first of Utah's hospitals, " St. Mark's," under the auspices of the Episcopal mission, extending its gra- cious ministries to all, regardless of creed. His observations here upon the action of lead-poison were extensive and his treatment original, having already been adopted as specific by the pre rfessii >n, who regret that he wrote no brochure upon this interesting and obscure disease; indeed, he could not reconcile silence with his ideal helpfulness to his fellows. Lacking the calmness necessary for authorship, he cheerfully accepted toil equally severe, anil when importuned to write, remarked, that "if he wrote too little, main- doctors wrote too much." I le made but few notes of his cases, but was glad to help younger men anil lighten their discouragements. He founded the Salt Lake Medical Society, being twice its president, and promoting that esprit de corps and high standard of professional honor known as the greatest stimulant of individual excellence. When circumstances suggested he uttered some apho- risms, which are a perfect index of his honest directness and contempt of sophistry, avarice, and cowardice. " ( in to a busy man ti ir .1 fai 1 1] " I want no widow 's 1 1 w " I leath i- as much a part of life as In ing. Thus this man beloved wrought on modestly, bravely, until the familiar enemy with whom he had so often bat- tled met him in the gate. He saluted the inexorable Commander with a smile of peace, and passed onward beyond bound of mortal record or recall, on April <>, [892, a faithful member of G. A. R., and Loyal Legion, U S. A., Commander}- of California. " Laborare est orare." WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 3i MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE B. McCLELLAN (deceased). Major-General George B. McClellan" was born in Pennsylvania, and graduated from the Military Academy July 1, 1846! He was promoted brevet second lieutenant Corps of Engineers the same day, and second lieutenant April 24, 1S47. He served in the war with Mexico, at- tached to the company of sappers, miners, and pontoniers, participating in opening the road from Matamoras to Tampico, and engaged in the siege of Vera Cruz, battle of Cerro Gordo, skirmish of Amozoque, battles of Con- treras and Churubusco, constructin"; batteries against Chapultepec, and assault and capture of the City of Mexico, September 13-14, 1847. He was brevetted first lieutenant August 20, 1847, for "gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco," and captain Septembers, 1847, for " gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Molino del Rey," which he de- clined. He was then brevetted captain September 13, 1847, for "gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Chapultepec, Mexico." Captain McClellan was ordered to West Point, New- York, at the close of the Mexican War, attached to the company of engineer troops, part of the time in com- mand, and then was assistant engineer in the construction of Fort Delaware to 1852. He was then detailed as engineer of an exploring expedition to the sources of the Red River of Texas ; after which he was chief engineer of the Department of Texas, and in charge of surveys of rivers and harbors on the Gulf coast to 1853; was en- gineer for exploring and survey of the Western Division of the Union Pacific Railroad through the Cascade Moun- tains in 1853-54. He was promoted captain First Cavalry March 3, 1855, and was detailed as a member of the military commis- sion to the "Theatre of War in Europe," in 1855-56, his official report being published by order of Congress in 1857, embracing his remarks upon the operations in the Crimea. He resigned from the army January 16, 1857. Captain McClellan then became chief engineer of the Illinois Central Railroad, and subsequently vice-president of the same; and in i860 was president of the St. Louis and Cincinnati Railroad. When the Rebellion began he was made major-general of Ohio volunteers April 23, 1861, and major-general U. S. Army May 14, 1861. He served in the Department of the Ohio, and was engaged in the action of Rich Mountain, West Virginia, July 11, 1861, and, by a forced march upon the rebel camp, compelled General Pegram's surrender July 12, 1861. The thanks of Congress were tendered General McClel- lan, July 16, 1 861, for " the series of brilliant and decisive victories" achieved by his army over the rebels " on the battle-fields of West Virginia." General McClellan was then called to the command of the Division of the Potomac August 17, of the Army of the Potomac August 20, and as general-in-chief of the Armies of the United States November 1, 1861. He participated in the advance on Manassas, in command of the Army of the Potomac, and in the Virginia Peninsular campaign, being engaged in the siege of Yorktown, occu- pation of Williamsburg, battle of Fair Oaks ; the battles of the Seven Days, with change of base to the James River, from June 26 to July 2, 1862. He was in com- mand of the defences of Washington, and in the Mary- land campaign, in command of the Army of the Potomac, from September 7 to November 10, and was engaged in the battles of South Mountain, Antictam, and march to Warrenton. At this time he was relieved of his command, and was waiting orders at New York City November 8, 1864, tluring which time he was nominated by the Chicago Convention as a candidate for President of the United States, but was defeated at the election in 1864 by Presi- dent Abraham Lincoln. He resigned November 8, 1864, and resided in New York City for a time, but subse- quently established himself in a home at Orange, New Jersey. General McClellan translated from the French a " Man- ual of Bayonet Exercises," adopted for the U. S. Army in 1852. He edited his own " Personal Memoirs," which were not published until after his death, which took place on October 29, 1885, at Orange, New Jersey. 32 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) LIEUTENANT GEORGE BACHELER PECK. U.S.V. Lieutenant George Bacheler Peck, eldest son of George B. (deceased) and Ann Power Smith Peck, was born at Providence, R. I., August 12, 1843. His gen- eral education was received in the public schools of that city and in Broun University, which institution bestowed upon him a civil engineer's diploma January 21, 1864, the degree of Bachelor of Arts September 7, 1 864, and that of .Master three years later. He was mustered condi- tionally upon raising .1 company oil December 13, 1 864, as second lieutenant Company (i. Second Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers; was on recruiting service about a month, and at the draft rendezvous, more generally known as the Conscript Camp, at New Haven, Connecticut, two months. With his men he reported for duty before Pe- tersburg in the Third Brigade, First Division, Sixth Corps, March 17, 1865. He participated in the closing events of that siege and in the pursuit of Lee, receiving a bullet- wound, four inches long, through his left side, near the hip, at Sailor's Creek. He rejoined his regiment before Washington as soon as he could walk without crutches, but on account of poor health he resigned, anil was hon- orably discharged July 5, 1865, reaching his home just a week before his comrades. No pension has been applied for. In March, 1863, Peck enrolled himself as private in the Providence Marine Corps of Artillery, at one time widely known as (Governor) "Sprague's Battery," the mother of Rhode Island's light batteries. This organization was chartered in I 801 for the sea-coast defence, but appeared at brigade training October 17, [847, with modern equip- ments, the first light batten- ever organized in the United States outside the regular army. Its excursion to Boston in 1852 prompted the formation of the First Massachusetts Batten - , then of others throughout the country. Peck remained an active member eight years, occupying nearly every position to that of major, which commission he held the last two. He has been adjutant and ex-officio necrologist of its Veteran Association for the past seven- teen years. .After four years in his father's office — wholesale and retail coal and wood — Mr. Peck spent a full year at the Hahnemann College of Philadelphia in the study of medi- cine, and an equal time at Yale, receiving his doctorate in 1 87 1 . He passed the ensuing year at the Sheffield Scien- tific School, and; the two succeeding at the Naval Torpedo Station, Newport, as assistant chemist. In the fall of 1874 he was in charge of the chemical department of the University of Vermont during an illness of Professor Peter Collier. He commenced the practice of medicine June 1, 1875, and has prosecuted it unremittingly, having taken but a single vacation unconnected with work — an eight-weeks' California trip — in all the subsequent years. He was secretary of the Rhode Island Homteopathic Si iciety seven years, vice-president and president each two ; is now treasurer. Since joining, in 1 870, the American In- stitute of Homoeopathy, the oldest national medical society in the United States, he has presided over the delibera- tions of its Bureau of ( )bstetrics five times. He is an hon- orary member of the New York State Homoeopathic Medical Society, and was two years vice-president of the Western Massachusetts Society. He has been admitting physician and a trustee of the Homteopathic Hospital since its opening, declining other positions as likely to curtail his general usefulness. He was surgeon of the Battalion of Light Artillery, Division of Rhode Island Militia, from 1876 to its disbandment in 1879. He is fulfilling his sixth year as surgeon of Prescott Post, No. 1, Grand Army of the Republic, which he assisted in organizing. He also holds membership in the Massachu- setts Commander}- of the Loyal Legion and the Yale Medical Society. Dr. Peck is passing his twelfth year on the Providence School Committee, and his sixteenth on the Board of the Baptist State Convention. He served ten years as clerk of the Narragansett Baptist Association, and was after- wards chosen moderator, the first layman to be accorded the office in that section of the country. He is president of the Rhode Island Soldiers' and Sailors' Historical So- ciety, after three years in its vice-presidency. As a Freemason he is enrolled in the What Cheer Lodge of Providence, the Washington Commander)' of Newport, and the Rhode Island Consistory, 32 . From 1X68 to 1875 he contributed frequently to the Providence Journal. Since then his writings have been chiefly pro- fessional. He is unmarried, and resides with his mother, in the house built by his grandfather, where himself and father were born. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 33 MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE H. THOMAS, U.S.A. (deceased). Major-General George II. Thomas was born in Virginia, and graduated from the Military Academy Jul)' i, 1S40. He was promoted second lieutenant and assigned to the Third Artillery. He served in garrison at Fort Columbus, N. Y., until the Florida War, in which he participated. He assisted in Major Wades capture of seventy Seminole Indians on Nov. 6, 1841, and was " b re- vetted first lieutenant, Nov. 6, 1S41, for gallantry and good conduct against the Florida Indians." From 1 842 to 1 S45 he served in garrisons in the South and Southeast, and in 1845 participated in the military oc- cupation of Texas ; and when war was declared with Mexico he participated in the operations and movements thereof, being engaged in the defence of Fort Brown, in May, 1846, and the battles of Monterey and Buena Vista. He was promoted first lieutenant April 30, 1846, and was brevetted captain, September 23, for gallant conduct in the several conflicts at Monterey, Mexico, and major, February 23, 1847, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Buena Vista, Mexico. After the cessation of hostilities with Mexico the Sem- inole Indians again took the war-path, in which he par- ticipated. On December 4, 1853, he was promoted captain, and served in various sections of the country until the war of the Rebellion; being during the interim promoted major, Second Cavalry, May 12, 1855 ; April 25, 1 86 1, he was promoted lieutenant-colonel, Second Cavalry; colonel, Second Cavalry, August 3, i86i,and on August 17, 1 861, brigadier-general U. S. Volunteers. From June 1 to August 26, 1861, he participated in the operations in the Shenandoah Valley, being engaged in the various actions and skirmishes in that vicinity ; and until May 30, 1862, he participated in the various move- ments and operations in the march to Nashville, Ten- nessee, and Corinth, Mississippi, being engaged in the actions and combats during the march. He was appointed major-general, U.S. Volunteers, April 25, 1862, and was in command at Corinth, Mississippi, from June 5-22, 1862. During the operations in North Alabama, Tennessee, .and Kentucky, from June 26 to November 7, 1862, he was with the Army of the Ohio, and participated in the many skirmishes, actions, and battles. From November 7, 1S62, to October 19, 1863, he was with Major-General Rosecrans in the Tennessee campaign, in command of the Fourteenth Army Corps (Army of the Cumberland), and during the many hotly- contested encounters, from Nashville to Chattanooga, in which he participated, he was conspicuous for daring and gallantry on the field of battle. He was in com- mand of the Department and Army of the Cumberland from October 19, 1S63, being engaged in opening com- munications by the Tennessee River and Lookout Val- 5 ley to November 26, 1863, participating in the battle of Missionary Ridge, the pursuit of the enemy, and combat at Ringgold, Georgia. He was promoted brigadier-gen- eral, U.S.A., October-22, 1863. During the invasion of Georgia, May 2 to September 7, 1864, he was in command of the Army of the Cum- berland, composed of the Fourth, Eleventh, and Twen- tieth Army Corps and three cavalry divisions, and with this command participated in the demonstrations and operations, in which were daily skirmishes and actions, to Atlanta, Georgia, occupying that city after a long siege. He was engaged in organizing the defences of Tennessee against the invasion of General Hood's army during the fall of 1864, and during the hotly-contested battles in the vicinity of Nashville, Tennessee. He was promoted major-general, U.S.A., December 15, 1864. He was in command of the Military Division of Ten- nessee, embracing the Departments of Kentucky, Ten- nessee, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi, with head- quarters at Nashville, from June 27, 1865, to Aug. 13, 1866, and of the Dept. of Tennessee from Aug. 13, 1886, to March 11, 1867, with head-quarters at Nashville, Tenn., and Louisville, Kv., when he was assigned to the Third Military District (Georgia, Florida, and Alabama), from which he was relieved at his own request, and of the Department of the Cumberland, March 16, 1867. The Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, in Congress assembled, resolved, March 3. 1865,— " That the thanks of Congress are due and are hereby tendered to Major-General George H. Thomas, and the officers and soldiers under his command, for their skill and dauntless courage, by which the rebel army under General Hood was signally defeated and driven from the State of Tennessee." General Thomas died March 28, 1870. 34 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) MAJOR CHARLES A. APPEL, U.S.V. Major Charles A. AiTEL(Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry) has a Revolutionary ancestry. Ik- was born in Easton, Northampton County, Pennsylvania, May 12, 1836. He received his academic education in the academy of Rev. John Vandeveer, in Easton, and entered Lafayette Col- lege, Easton, Pennsylvania, in October, 1851, and grad- uated therefrom in July, [855, an honor man in the class. In 1 86 1 he was editor and part owner of the Lehigh Register, published in Allentown, Pennsylvania. He recruited part of Company A, Ninth Regiment Pennsylvania Cavalry, in .Allentown, and was mustered into the United States service as lieutenant in October, i86i,at Camp Cameron, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. In April, 1862, he was made captain Company F, same regi- ment, and in 1S64 was mustered as major of the regiment, not being able to be mustered prior to that time, because the battalion to which he was assigned lacked the requi- site number of men. In the fall of 1861 he went with his regiment to Louis- ville, Kentucky. During the winter of 1 861— 62 he was with the movement on Mumfordsville and Bowling Green, Kentucky, and entered Nashville, Tennessee, with Buell's army. He was engaged in the battle of Perryville, Ken- tuck}-, and in the winter of 1862-63 was in the raid into East Tennessee, known as " Carter's Raid ;" was in com- mand of the courier line between Franklin, Tennessee, and Triune ; was in the battle of Chickamauga, and after that battle went with his regiment back to Murfreesborough, and thence across the mountains to Knoxville, Tennessee, to the relief of General Burnside. In crossing the moun- tains he had the advance in command of his battalion, and had considerable fun with bushwhackers, particularly the notorious Champ Ferguson. He was in the cavalry fights at Strawberry Plains, New Market, Dandridge, Fair Garden, etc. In the spring of 1864 his regiment veteranized, and re- turned to Pennsylvania on veteran furlough. It returned to the front, and in November, 1864, it started from Ma- rietta, Georgia, on Sherman's march to the sea. Major Appelwas captured at Solomon's Grove, March 10, 1865, and taken to Libby Prison, from which institution he was released about April 1, 1865, and sent to Annapolis, Mary- land, and mustered out under Special Orders No. 10, from War Department, mustering out all paroled prisoners of war. He was in every skirmish and battle in which his regi- ment was engaged up to the time of his capture, having had five horses shot from under him. In October, 1865, he went to Washington, D. C, and has resided there ever since. He became associated with M. A. McGowan and Jos. Marshall as contractor and builder, their line of business being mostly government work. The following public buildings have been erected either wholly or in part under his personal supervision : United States Post-offices at Austin, Texas ; Kansas City, Missouri; Memphis, Ten- nessee; Jackson, Tennessee; Oxford, Mississippi; Min- neapolis, Minnesota; Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; and East- port, Maine. Also the Life-Saving Stations at South Haven, Whitehall, Pentwater, and EYankfort, Michigan. In 1870 he married Mary C, daughter of Chas. W. Fisher, and sister of Thos. J. Fisher, of Washington, D. C. He has one son, Charles A. Appcl, Jr. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 35 MAJOR-GENERAL ALFRED H. TERRY, U.S.A. (retired). Major-General Alfred H. Terry was born in Hart- ford, Connecticut, November 10, 1827. He was edu- cated in the schools of New Haven, and at the Yale Law School. He began the practice of his profession in 1849, and was clerk of the Superior and Supreme Courts of Connecticut from 1854 to i860. He was in command of the Second Regiment of Connecticut militia when the Civil War began. In response to President Lincoln's call for three months' troops, he was appointed colonel of the Second Conn. Vol., and with that regiment was present at the first battle of Bull Run. At the expiration of the term of service he returned to Connecticut, organ- ized the Seventh Connecticut Volunteers, of which he was appointed colonel, and on September 17 he was present at the capture of Port Royal, South Carolina, and also at the siege of Fort Pulaski, of which he was placed in charge after its capitulation. On April 25, 1862, he was promoted brigadier-general of volunteers, and he served at the battle of Pocotaligo, and in the operations against Charleston. He commanded the demonstration up Stono River during the descent on Morris Island and at the action on James Island, and he was assigned by General Q. A. Gillmore to command the troops on Mor- ris Island, which post he held during the siege of Forts Wagner and Sumter. After the reduction of Fort Wagner he was assigned to the command of the Northern District of the De- partment of the South, including the islands from which operations against Charleston had been carried on. General Terry commanded the First Division of the Tenth Army Corps, Army of the James, during the Vir- ginia campaign of 1 864, and at times the corps itself. He- was brevetted major-general of volunteers on August 20, 1 864, became permanent commander of the Tenth Corps in October, and held that place until the corps was merged in the Twenty-fourth the following December, when he was assigned to head the First Division of the new corps. He commanded at the action of Chester Station, and was engaged at the battle of Drury's Bluff, the various combats in front of the Bermuda Hundred lines, the battle of Fussell's Mills, the action of Deep Bottom, the siege of Petersburg, the actions at Newmarket Heights on the Newmarket Road, the Darbytown Road, and the Williamsburg Road. On January 2, 1865, after the failure of the first attempt to take Fort Fisher, which commanded the sea approaches to Wilmington, North Carolina, General Terry was ordered to renew the attack with a force numbering a little over eight thousand men. On the 13th he de- barked his troops about five miles above the fort, and finding himself confronted by General Robert F. Hoke's Confederate division, proceeded to throw a line of strong intrenchments across the peninsula between the sea and Cape Fear River, facing towards Wilmington, and about two miles north of the fort. After the landing of the troops, the co-operating fleet under Admiral David D. Porter, numbering forty-four vessels, and mounting up- ward of five hundred guns, opened fire upon the work, and from 4.30 to 6 p.m., four shots a second, or twenty thousand in all, were fired. This was the heaviest bom- bardment of the war. On the 14th the line of intrench- ment was completed, and General Charles J. Paine's division of infantry was placed upon it. While this was in progress, General Terry made a reconnoissance of the fort, and in view of the difficulty of landing supplies for his troops and the materials for a siege upon an open, unprotected beach in midwinter, he determined to carry the work by assault the next day, and the plan of attack- was arranged the next day with Admiral Porter. At 1 1 a.m. on the 15th, the entire fleet opened fire, silencing nearly every gun in the fort. Admiral Porter landed two thousand sailors and marines; gained the parapet by hand-to-hand fighting of the most obstinate character, and by five o'clock nine of the traverses of the fort which had been constructed were carried, and General Terry ordered up reinforcements, consisting of a brigade and the sailors and marines, taking their places there; by nine o'clock two more traverses were carried, and one hour later the occupation of the work was complete, and the Confederate force surrendered. For this General Terry was promoted to be brigadier-general in the regu- lar army and major-general of volunteers, and received the thanks of Congress. He was brevetted major- general in the regular army on March 13, 1865, for his services at the capture of Wilmington. He was pro- moted to the rank of major-general March 3, 1866, serving in charge of the Division of the Missouri until his retirement in April, 1888. OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) % m * COLONEL JOHN LEVERING, U.S.V- Colonel John Levering was bum near Philadelphia, Pa., April 19, 1826. He is a descendant of Wigard Lev- ering who settled in that city in 1685 and became a large land-owner, ami a grandson of Captain |ohn Levering of the war of the Revolution. In 1849, with wife and child, he removed to Cincinnati ; thence, in 1850, to La Fayette, Ind., where he conducted a real estate and loan business which he established in January, 1856, in the same building. On the breaking out of the war in April, 1861, at the instance of Governor Morton, he went to Philadelphia and made contracts for the equipment of Indiana troops. At the designation of Governor Morton and General J. J. Reynolds, in Jul}-, 1 86 1, he was appointed by President Lincoln captain and a quartermaster of volunteers, and served in the Cheat Mountain (Va.) campaign. In 1862 he had charge of Post Gauley Bridge, West Virginia, until August, when he was ordered to the staff of General Pope, commanding the Army of the Potomac. Because General Pope was relieved soon after, he was ordered by the quartermaster-general to report at the head-quarters of General McClellan, and September 21, 1862, reported to General Humphreys and was charged with equipping new troops after the battle of An- tietam. < >n November 10, 1862, at the request of General Rey- nolds, he was ordered by the War Department to report with that officer to the Army of the Cumberland. Feb- ruary 17. 1863, he was appointed chief quartermaster at Nashville, Tenn., but was excused that service in view of expected transfer to the adjutant-general's department, to which he was commissioned by the President, with the rank of major, May 7, 1863, and assigned to Reynolds's Division. In December, 1863, he was ordered with General Rey- nolds from Chattanooga to New Orleans, where he served during 1864 as adjutant-general of the defences of New ( Means and of the Nineteenth Army Corps, and of the Reserve Corps of the Military Division of West Missis- sippi. On December 22, 1864,11c- was ordered with Gen- eral Reynolds to Little Rock, Arkansas, where he served during 1865 as adjutant-general of the Department of Arkansas and of the Seventh Army Corps, so assigned by the President, with rank and pay of lieutenant-colonel. March 2, 1865, he was commissioned by the President colonel by brevet, and confirmed by the Senate May 9, 1865. April 20, 1865, by department orders, he visited Fort Smith and Port Gibson, in the Cherokee Nation, on special duty of inspection. July 4, 1865, he was ordered to Memphis and New Orleans on an important errand to Generals Canby and Sheridan, and on August 7, 1S65, on a like errand to General Sherman at St. Louis. In December, 1865, he was on special duty in the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations, with head-quarters at Boggy Depot. On returning to Little Rock, he asked to be relieved from further military service. By Special Order No. 3, War Department, January 4, 1866, he was honor- ably mustered out. Under W. D. G. O. No. 86, of 1865, issued to depart- ment commanders, General Reynolds awarded Colonel Levering the highest commendations on qualifications of staff officers ; also when recommending promotion he wrote, " Colonel Levering entered the service at the very beginning of the Rebellion, and has served zealously and faithfully ; has never been absent from his command in the field, except when compelled to be so by sickness contracted in the line of duty. He served as chief quar- termaster in West Virginia at Cheat Mountain and Gau- ley River, and his reports on file in Washington prove him to be a superior officer in that department. As ad- jutant-general he has been equally distinguished in the Army of the Cumberland and Department of the Gulf. He is an officer of superior business ability. He has been commended heretofore by General Canby and my- self. Colonel Levering has been on my personal staff during nearly all this war. I perform an act of justice to an intelligent and zealous officer by earnestly recom- mending him for increased rank as a recognition of valu- able services rendered in the departments of the army, which promotion seldom reaches, though merited, as in this case. He is peculiarly qualified for the duty of in- vestigating irregularities, and would be unsurpassed as a member of a board, or to be entrusted with individual investigations." WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 37 MAJOR WILLIAM SAMUEL DILLER, U.S.V. Major William Samuel Diller (Seventy-sixth Penn- sylvania Infantry, Keystone Zouaves) was born in Adams County, Pennsylvania, near Littlestown (ten miles from the now historic Gettysburg), April 8, 1842. The American lineage of the Dillers dates from 1729. Caspar Diller, an Alsatian of strong individuality, then settled in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. His great- grandson, Peter, removed to York County about the close of the last century. One of Peter's sons, Samuel, a man of character and influence, who, by his enterprise and liberality, left his impress upon the community in which he resided, reared eight children, of whom the subject of this sketch was the seventh. There were six boys. Of the five who were in the country during the war of the Rebellion, four entered the Union army early in 1 861 and served from two to five years each, all as commissioned officers. This rather exceptional record was but a consistent ex- pression of the family's patriotic spirit as shown in two previous wars, — the Revolution and the War of 18 12. In the battle of Brandy wine special credit is accorded Major Enos Diller " for gallantry and distinguished ser- vices." William S. assisted his brother, Cyrus F., to raise a company which left Hanover, York County, for the camp of instruction at Harrisburg early in August, 1861. It was attached to the Seventy-sixth Regiment, and left for the front in November. The contingent which William S. recruited was com- posed mainly of his school-mates and associates. Among these was his younger brother, Luther Y., who was badly wounded at Cold Harbor. Although permanently crip- pled, he remained in the service, and came home as cap- tain of the company in 1865. William S. served in every commissioned grade in his company (D), also as adjutant and major of the regiment. His company was selected to serve as the head-quar- ters' guard of Major-General David Hunter, commanding the Department of the South. A letter from General Hunter to the Secretary of War, written April 25, 1862, recommending Diller for a commission in the regular service, says: "This recommendation is based exclu- sively on the ground of merit, — -Captain Diller command- ing the company on guard at my head-quarters, and having attracted my observation by the admirable dis- cipline of his men and his zeal in making them pro- ficient in every detail of soldiership. I think, having had the means of observing Captain Diller very narrowly, that few better appointments could be made; and the admirable condition of the whole regiment to which he- belongs certainly deserves some acknowledgment." Captain Diller declined this flattering offer. To leave his company for any reason seemed like desertion of his comrades who had cast their lot with him. His company subsequently served as the head-quarters' guard of Major- General Q. A. Gillmore. I le participated with his company and regiment in the following engagements: Fort Pulaski, April 10 and 11, 1862; Secessionville, June 16; Pocotaligo, October 22; Morris Island, July 10, 1863 ; two assaults of Fort Wag- ner, July 11 and 18; siege of Forts Wagner and Sum- ter, August and September ; Chesterfield Heights, May 7, 1864; Drury's Bluff, May 16; Cold Harbor, June I to 3; Richmond and Petersburg Railroad, June 16; siege of Petersburg from June 23 to August 12; mine explosion, June 30; and Deep Bottom, August 14 and 16. At the second Deep Bottom fight Major Diller re- ceived a sunstroke which nearly proved fatal. Until this he had never been invalided, although injured several times in previous affairs. He spent three months at the Chesapeake Hospital at Fortress Monroe, where he was detailed on a military commission to try parties charged with victualling the enemy across the lines in the Dismal Swamp region. Major Diller, despairing of being able to renew active service on the front, was, at his own request, honorably mustered out at Harrisburg, November 28, 1864. Since the war Major Diller has resided in New York, first as an associate of his old army companion, the genial "Miles O'Reilly" (General Charles G. Halpine), in the publication of the New York Citizen; next as passen- ger agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad; then in manu- facturing in Cohoes, Albany County. In 1876 he was appointed to a position in the U. S. civil service in New York City, which place he still occupies. In 1870 he married Kate, the daughter of F. Elder Metzger, of Hanover, Pennsylvania. Their two children, Irma and LeRoy, are living. 3§ OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY volunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL ELLIS SPEAR, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General Ellis Spear was born in Knox Count)-, Maine, in 1834, and spent his earl}- years upon a Maine farm. He graduated at Bowdoin College in 1858, among the first of his class. Like very main- young men of those times, he taught school after leaving college. In the summer of 1 862 he raised a company, of which he was commissioned captain. This company was assigned to the Twentieth Maine Vol. Infantry as Co. G. The regiment was immediately brigaded in the Third Brigade of the First Division of the Fifth Arm)- Corps, in which it served continuously to the close of the war, sharing in all the battles ami campaigns of the Army of the Potomac. Captain Spear was promoted to be major of the regiment in August of 1 863, and soon thereafter succeeded to the command of the regiment. During the greater part of the winter of 1863 and 1864 he was president of a court-martial. He commanded his regiment in all the battles of 1864, from the Rapidan to Petersburg, and in September of that year succeeded temporarily to the command of the brigade, in the ab- sence of the regular brigade commander. This temporary command included one important bat- tle, for gallant and distinguished service in which he received a brevet commission. He was subsequently again twice brevetted, the last time as brigadier-general. He had been successively commissioned by the governor of Maine, from the grade of captain through the intermediate grades to that of colonel. He was in command of the Third Brigade of the First Division of the Fifth Army Corps at the close of the war. After muster out of the service in July, 1865, he- entered the United States Patent Office as an assistant examiner, in the Class of Railway and Civil Engineers, to which he had given some attention. He was promoted to be principal examiner in 1868, and subsequently was made one of the board of examiners-in-chief, and assistant commissioner. Early in 1876 he resigned the office of assistant com- missioner and became a member of a law-firm in Wash- ington, D. C, but in January of 1877 he was appointed by President Grant, Commissioner of Patents, which office he held about two years, when he resigned, and has since resided in Washington. He is a member of the bar, and makes a specialty of patent-law practice. He has taken an interest in public affairs in the Dis- trict ; is a director in a prominent savings and loan asso- ciation, and also in the Washington Loan and Trust Company, and in the Beneficial Endowment Life In- surance Association. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 39 CAPTAIN LUIS FENOLLOSA EMILIO, U.S.V. Captain Luis Fenollosa Emilio, with a martial instinct and patriotism which are an inheritance in certain families, was led to exchange the life of a student for that of the soldier. His grandfather served against the French in Spain with credit and wounds, and his own father fought against the first Don Carlos, receiving the Cross of Maria Isabella Luisa, one of the orders of chivalry. Enlisting October 19, 1861, before his seventeenth birth- day, in Company F, Twenty-third Massachusetts Infantry, from his native city of Salem, Massachusetts, Captain Emilio's ardor and activity placed him among the first of his regiment to penetrate the swamps of Roanoke Island and enter the enemy's intrenchment, and at New Berne to advance beyond the line with a comrade, where they acted as sharp-shooters. Thus early distinguished, he was placed on the color-guard, and promoted to sergeant. He took part, under General John G. Foster, in the engagements at Southwest Creek, Kinston, Whitehall, and Golds- borough. After the severe losses of the 2311, at White- hall, he volunteered to command the rescuing party in an effort to bring our wounded from under the enemy's fire, but was not permitted. Such services, united with intelligent performance of every duty, pointed him out, despite his youth, as worthy of higher rank. The Secretary of War selected him to report for assignment and promotion ; Governor Andrew, of Massachusetts, tendered him a commission in the first colored regiment raised in the North, under Colonel Robert G. Shaw, and his own regimental commander assured him of higher rank if he would but remain. A personal letter from Colonel Shaw decided his choice. He reported at Boston, and was made a captain in the famous Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry. Present at the maiden fight of his regiment at James Island, July 16, 1863, he also took a prominent part in the sanguinary night assault on Fort Wagner two days later, when the Fifty-fourth led the storming column. There the fearful losses gave him command ; true to his earlier promise, Captain Emilio gallantly rallied the fragments of his regiment, besides many white soldiers, and inspiring them by word and example, amid the chaos of defeat advanced with this sole remnant of the leading brigades to the support of the only unbroken one, and held an important position until relieved. For his conduct that night he received the thanks of General Thomas G. Steven- son on the field. In frequent command of the Fifty-fourth, or large por- tions, in the trenches before Wagner ; with General Gill- more's expedition to Florida ; in charge of the exposed outpost of Black Island with several companies ; com- manding F"ort Greene against the James Island batteries ; throughout General Foster's attack upon James Island in 1 864 ; at Boyd's Landing, Devaux's Neck, and the Tulli- finny, and during the march to Charleston, Captain Emilio bore a prominent part. His last engagement was on February 7, 1865, when, with three companies, he drove the enemy's force of cavalry and artillery from before our advancing column all day. He accompanied his regiment to Savannah in March, 1865, and was mustered out after three and one-half years' honorable service. His details were : Acting judge-advo- cate, First Division, Tenth Corps; acting judge-advocate, Southern District ; and acting provost-marshal, Coast Division, Department of the South. Captain F^milio went to San FYancisco in 1867, where he became prominently identified with real estate and building operations. In 1876 he married Mary, daughter of Josiah Belden, Esq., of San Jose, California, whose former homestead is now the site of the Hotel Vendome. His only child is a son. Since 1 88 1 he has resided in New York City. He is a member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion ; Lafayette Post, Grand Army of the Republic ; the United Service and Seventh Regiment Veteran clubs ; the New York Real Estate Flxchange, and other social and business organizations. Well known as a military authority, his writings include "A Brave Black Regiment, History of the Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry ;" besides many published and unpublished papers and articles, among which are " The Occupation, Defence, and Fall of Roanoke Island," " Organization of the Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry," " The Fifty- fourth Massachusetts in the Assault of Fort Wagner," " Siege of Fort Wagner," and " The Expedition to Florida." 4Q OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) BREVET LIEUTENANT-COLONEL FLOYD CLARKSON, u.s.v. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Floyd Clarkson was born in New York City February 27, 1 83 1. His father was Samuel Floyd Clarkson, a practising counsel in chan- cer}', law, and equity proceedings, and his mother was Amelia A. Baker, daughter of Win. F. Baker, a lumber merchant of New York City, and Elizabeth Sperry. His grandfather was Wm. Clarkson, of Philadelphia, and his grandmother was Catherine Floyd, the daughter of Wm. Floyd, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and colonel of the Suffolk Count}- militia. Colonel Clarkson was educated at King and Feck's school in New York City, and in April, 1S46, was em- ployed in the hardware store of Tracy, Allen & Co.; afterwards with Cornell, Willis & Co., in Courtlandt Street, New York City, where he remained until he en- gaged in business for himself at 14 Courtlandt Street, January 1, 1859. On October 27, 1857, he married Harriet A. Van Bos- kerck, the daughter of John Van Boskerck, one of the old Hollandish business men of New York City, who had retired mail} - years before with what was in those days an ample fortune. They were the parents of ten children, of whom two died in infancy, and a third, Floyd, Jr., when nineteen years old. Seven still survive, two being daughters, — John V. B., Ashton C, George T., Grace, Bessie, Frank J., and Jay 1 1. ' )n the first call for troops by President Lincoln in 1 861, Mr. Clarkson proceeded with his regiment, the cele- brated New York Seventh, to Washington, and partici- pated in the defence of the national capital until mustered out, June 3, 1861. He assisted in the construction, during this time, of Fort Runyon, at the Virginia end of the Long Bridge across the Potomac River. On his return to New York, Mr. Clarkson at once be- gan recruiting, under authority, for the cavalry service, and on the 1 ith of November following he was mustered as major of the Sixth New York Cavalry. On Thanks- giving Da}- the regiment was ordered to York, Pennsyl- vania, and in March, 1862, was transferred to Perryville, Maryland, from whence a battalion under Major Clark- son was ordered to report to Major-General Sumner. Major Clarkson participated throughout the Peninsular campaign with McClellan, and in September, 1862, owing to pressing private business in New York, and unable to obtain a ten days' leave of absence, he resigned his com- mission, serving until October 13, 1862. In December, 1862, Major Clarkson was appointed lieutenant-colonel of the Fourteenth New York Cavalry, but did muster. On April 2, 1863, he was mustered as major of the Twelfth N. Y. Cavalry, and in May, 1863, was ordered with six companies to New Berne, N. C, from Staten Island. He participated in all the operations about that place, and was engaged at Kernansville, Tar- borough, Tyson's Creek, New Berne, and Kinston, in the mean time performing all kinds of scouting duty, tearing up railroads, breaking up small rebel camps, etc. After participating in the campaign of 1865, under General Schofield, to form a junction with Sherman's army, and General Johnston having on the 13th of April indicated his desire to surrender, Major Clarkson, about the 21st of April, 1865, resigned his commission, the ac- ceptance of which was received April 30. 1865. He was brevetted lieutenant-colonel April 22, 1 866, " for faithful and meritorious services." ( )n arriving in New York he entered the flour com- mission house of George W. \"n the day following this fight Major Bosbyshell took charge of his regiment again, ami commanded it in the Weldon Railroad fight, and afterwards at Poplar Grove Church, lie was mustered out of service Oct. 1, 1864. Returning to Pottsville, the war being virtually ended, Major Bosbyshell engaged in business. Always a devoted Republican, he was nominated by his party in Schuylkill County in 1866 for prothonotary. The county being Democratic, he was not elected. Yet he received the highest vote of any Republican candidate of the party that year. In [867 he entered the G. A. R. and organ- ized Post 23, of Pottsville. He was its first commander. Afterwards he became district commander of Schuylkill County. In 1869 he was elected department commander for Pennsylvania. In the same year he was made register of deposits in the United States Mint in Philadelphia. Soon afterwards he was made assistant coiner. He removed to Philadel- phia, and has lived in that city ever since. In February, [885, he was appointed by Colonel I >echert, the city con- troller, to the position of chief clerk in the controller's office. It was a tribute to Major Bosbyshell's worth, that he, a Republican, should be selected for the next most im- portant position in a Democratic controller's office. Colonel Bosbyshell was appointed superintend, the Mint of the United States at Philadelphia, by Presi- dent Harrison, on October 17, 1889, and entered upon his duti iuch November 1 following. 50 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL LESTER S. WILLSON, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General Lester S. Willson was born at Canton, St. Laurence County, X. Y., June 16, 1839. Me enlisted in Company A, Sixtieth New York Volunteers, August, 186] ; was enrolled second sergeant September 9, 1861 ; lieutenant October 3, 1862; first lieutenant and adjutant November 17, 1S62; and was offered a captaincy on the same day the adjutant's com- mission was received, but declined. He was made cap- tain August 2, 1S64; lieutenant-colonel October 1, 1864; colonel Ma>' 17, 1865. lie was mustered out with regi- ment (Sixtieth New York) July 17, [865, and brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers March 12, [867, "for gallant and meritorious services under General Sherman, resulting in the fall of Atlanta, Georgia." This honor was conferred on the recommendation of the two com- manders of the Twentieth Corps, Generals Hooker and Slocum. He was colonel and assistant quartermaster- general of the State of New York, November 1, [865, to March, 1867; quartermaster-general of the Territory of Montana, with rank of brigadier-general, 1883 to [886. He participated in guarding the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, winter of 1861-62; campaigns in Virginia un- der Banks and Pope, spring ami summer of [862 ; battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862. May 5, [863, he was severely wounded at Chancellorsville, Va. He joined as the army was preparing to move on the Gettysburg campaign, but his wound broke out afresh, and he was ordered back to Washington for treatment. In Septem- ber, 1863, he went South with General Hooker (Twelfth Corps), participating in Wauhatchie, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Peavine Creek, and Ringgold. On November 24 his regiment veteranized, largely due to his efforts and influence with the men, and was the second regiment in service to re-enlist. He returned to the field in February, being in the Third Brigade, Second Division, — deary's. Commencing the campaign under General Sherman, he participated in all of the battles of this command, from Chattanooga to Atlanta, to Savannah, to Goldsborough, and to Raleigh, X. C, resulting in the surrender of Johnston. Much of this time he served re- spectively as aide, assistant inspector-general, and assist- ant adjutant-general, Third Brigade. The Sixtieth New York, with the ( )ne Hundred and Eleventh Pennsylvania, divide the honor of having been first in Atlanta and first to unfurl their colors from the top of the city- hall. As assistant adjutant-general he received the surren- der of Savannah at the hands of its mayor (Arnold), and was the first officer to enter the city at the head of his own regiment. This occurred fir the reason that advance was made before daylight, and, it being reported that the enemy held a position in front, Colonel Willson was or- dered to take the regiment in front of column, which happened to be the Sixtieth, and met the mayor and a delegation of the City Council instead of troops. Having received the surrender, with the request that protection be given the citizens as well from the mob that was then breaking into houses and plundering, lie hastened into the city with his regiment. At the earnest solicitation of General H. A. Barnum, commanding the Third Brigade, he carried lieutenant- colonel's commission, without muster, from Atlanta to Goldsborough, the general insisting that it was for the best interest of the service that he should remain as his adjutant. His was a constant, every-day service, never leaving the command except from wounds. He had the confidence of Generals Sherman, Hooker, Slocum, Geary, Greene, and others of this ami}-, and on more than one occasion was intrusted with intricate and dangerous duties by General Sherman. He was accredited with being a most faithful and intelligent officer, and of his regiment Major-General George S. Greene has said, "It was one of the best in the service." His service as assist- ant quartermaster-general of New York was an impor- tant one. Many and very large accounts were adjusted through this office with railroads for transportation of soldiers and supplies for 1865 ami 1S66, — the settlement of balances between the State and general government, and the disposing of accumulated supplies belonging to the State, — and in one year this department expended about $250,000 for clothing to reuniform the National Guard. He resigned in March, 1867, to take an active part in business in Montana, and has been engaged in business continuously, — mining, freighting by mule-team in early days, mercantile business, and banking. He is now at the head of a large mercantile house and vice-president of the Gallatin Valley National Bank. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 5i LIEUTENANT-COLONEL CLIFFORD STANLEY SIMS, U.S.V. Lieutenant-Colonel Clifford Stanley Sims born at Emeline Furnace, Dauphin Count}-, Pennsylva- nia, February 17, 1839. His paternal ancestors have been residents of Cumberland, England, and of the Scottish border since before the Norman conquest, when his an- cestor, Bueth Sym, thane of Gillesland, in Cumberland, was killed. His maternal great-great-grandfather, Doctor Alexander Ross, was a surgeon in the Continental Hos- pital Department during the Revolution ; his great-grand- father, John Ross, was major of the Third New Jei j Regiment, Continental Line, and lieutenant-colonel of the Second Burlington Regiment, State Troops, and was an original member of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey ; his maternal great-grandmother was Mary Brainard, only child of Rev. John Brainard, a well- known Presbyterian clergyman ; his other maternal great- grandfather, Elijah Clark, was a member of the Provincial Congress of New Jersey in 1776, and lieutenant-colonel of the Second Gloucester Battalion, State Troops. Colonel Sims was educated at a private school in Phil- adelphia ; he began the study of law in that city in 1856, and was admitted to the bar there in the May term of i860. He was a private in the Twenty-fifth Pennsylvania In- fantry (militia in the service of the United States) Septem- ber 15, 1862; honorably mustered out October 1, 1862; captain's clerk, U. S. Na\ y, ap] >< linted September 28, 1 8( >_\ and resigned February 1 1, 1863, to accept promotion as acting assistant paymaster U. S. Navy, March 10, [863. He took part in a skirmish at Carson's Landing, Missis- sippi, January 27, 1864, where he had charge of a field howitzer on the hurricane deck of the U. S. steamer "Queen City" while exposed to the fire of a number of Confederate infantry at short distance ; he handled the gun carefully and succeeded in dispersing theenemy,and was thanked by the commanding officer of the vessel. Almost all of his service was west of the Mississippi River, where he took part in a number of scouting e? p ditions, capturing prisoners and letters. He was appointed lieutenant-colonel Fourth Arkansas Infantry, U.S. Volunteers, June 22, 1864, and was slightly wounded and taken prisoner in the engagement at Clar- endon, Arkansas, June 24, 1864, consequently was never mustered ; he remained a prisoner some time, was placed on parole, and was finally out of service by resignation June 10, 1865. He was elected a member of the Constitutional Con- vention of Arkansas in 1867, and was a member of every important committee in that body, being chairman ol several. In 1868 was elected a member of the Leg ture of Arkansas, in which he was chairman of the Com- mittee of Ways and Means ; in the same year he was appointed a member of a commission to prepare a digest of statutes of Arkansas, and was also appointed judge- advocate general of that State. In 1869 he was appointed U. S. consul for the district of Prescott ; remained in this position until 1878, when he resigned to accept the secretaryships embracing Ot- tawa, the capital of Canada; of the Pennsylvania Com- pany, and of the Pittsburg, Cincinnati, and St. Louis Railway Company, which positions he retained until 1 881, when he was appointed general assistant in the ser- vice of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and re- tained this position until 1887, when he was chosen president of the Delaware Company, a construction company which has built and now controls several water- works. In 1 86 1 Colonel Sims was admitted to membership in the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey, and in 1SS3 was chosen president of the society, a position which he- still occupies. In October, 1865, he was chosen a Com- panion of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion. Colonel Sims has prepared the following works, viz. : "The Origin and Signification of Scottish Surnames;" "The Institution of the Society of the Cincinnati, to- gether with the Roll of the Original, Hereditary, and Honorary Members of the Order in the State of New Jersey ;"'" Maxims of the Laws of England by William Noye, with a biographical Sketch of the Author, and an Index." He has also prepared a series of volurm several thousand page-; containing the legislation in Penn- sylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia relative to the Pennsylvania Railroad Com- pany and the several corporations which it controls. He has been a citizen of New Jersey since 1878. and is one of the members of the Council of the Proprietors of West New Jei OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) MAJOR FRANK STUART BOND. U.S.V. Major Frank Stuart Bond was burn February i, [830, at Sturbridge, Worcester County, Massachusetts. He is a son of Rev. Alvan Bond, D.D., of Norwich, Con- necticut. He entered the railway service in 1849; t<> [851 in the office of the treasurer of the Norwich & Wor- cester Railroad Company; 1851 to [856, secretary Cin- cinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Railroad Company; 1857 to [861, secretary and treasurer Auburn & Allentown Railroad Company and Schuylkill & Susquehanna Rail- road Company; 1 Si 12 to 1864, served in the army, United States Volunteers (see Military Record); 1865 to [867, not in active business ; (868 to [873, vice-president Mis- souri, Kansas & Texas Railway Company; 1873 to 1 88 1, vice-president Texas & Pacific Railway Company ; 1 88 1 to 1882, president Philadelphia & Reading Rail- road Company; 1 NS4 to [ 886, president of five associated railways, — the Cincinnati, New < )rleans & Texas Pacific Railway Company, Alabama Great Southern Railroad Company, New Orleans & Northeastern Railroad Company, Vicksburg & Meridian Railroad Company, and Vicksburg, Shreveport & Pacific Railroad Com- pany; since [886, vice-president Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company; resident in New York City. Military Record. — On February is. [862, he was commissioned first lieutenant of volunteers from the mili- tia of Connecticut, to rank from that day. March 31, [862, he was commissioned by Governor Buckingham first lieutenant Company B, Tenth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, to rank from March 29, 1862, ami was the same day mustered into service at Fort Trumbull, ( on necticut. He was detached lor special duty as aide-de- camp, and ordered to report to Brigadier-General Daniel Tyler, U. S. Volunteers. December 14, 1862, on request of Major-General W. S. Rosecrans, commanding Department of the Cumberland, he was ordered to report to General Rosecrans at Nash- ville, Tennessee, for temporal'} - duty, and was announced in department orders captain and aide-de-camp on the personal staff of the commanding general. March 11, 1863, he was appointed by President Lincoln major and aide-de-camp U. S^ Volunteers, his commission being signed by Abraham Lincoln, President, and Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War. He was ordered to re- port to Major-General W. S. Rosecrans, commanding Department of the Cumberland, and was announced in General Orders as senior aide-de-camp on his personal staff. March 14, [863, the War Department accepted his resignation as first lieutenant Connecticut Volunteers, to date from May 5, 1 863. December 3, 1864, he was relieved from duty by Major- General Rosecrans, commanding Department of the Mis- souri. His resignation as major and aide-de-camp I". S. Volunteers, tendered November 10, 1 864, was accepted by the War Department November 19, to date from Novem- ber IS, 1S64. History of Service. — He was detailed as aide-de-camp on staff of Brigadier-( reneral I )aniel Tyler ; was with Gen- eral Tyler when he joined General Pope's command near Corinth, Mississippi, in iSw2, then operating under Major- General Halleck; served with command at Farmington and in other light engagements that resulted in the cap- ture ol Corinth and advance of the army as far south as Blackland, Mississippi. When General Rosecrans re- lieved General Buell, joined him ( Rosecrans) as volunteer aide-de-camp, and was assigned to duty on his personal stall a short time before the army moved out of Nash- ville; served with General Rosecrans at battle of Stone River. Alter the death of Lieutenant-Colonel Garesche, chief of staff to General Rosecrans, received a commission from the President of the United States as major U. S. Volunteers and aide-de-camp, and assigned to duty on staff of General Rosecrans as senior aide-de-camp ; served in that capacity with the Army of the Cumber- land in the advance from Murfreesborough ; at the battles of Tullahoma, Chickamauga, and in all the other engage ments that resulted in the capture of Chattanooga ; ac- companied General Rosecrans to St. Louis, when he was assigned to command of the Department of Missouri; was with him in the campaign against Price; at Warren- burg, when Generals Marmaduke and Cabell were cap- tured; accompanied General Rosecrans in the Missouri campaign across the State and into Kansas; at close of this campaign returned to St. Louis, ami resigned November 10, 1864; resignation accepted November 19, [864. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR 53 MAJOR-GENERAL FRANCIS J. HERRON, U.S.V. Major-General Frani is J. Herron was born in Pitts- burg, Pennsylvania, February 17, 183K, and graduated from the Western University of Pennsylvania in [854. Me entered the United States Army as captain in the First Iowa Volunteers in April, 1 861, although previously, January 15, 1861, he had tendered the services of his fully-uniformed and equipped company, the " Governor's Grays," of Dubuque, Iowa, to the Secretary of War, the Honorable Joseph Holt, who declined the offer, stating the government had no need for troops at the time. It was, however, the first offer of troops to the government. Captain Herron commanded his company through tin: entire campaign of General Lyon in Missouri, being in the engagements at Bonneville, Dug Springs, Ozark, and the final engagement at Wilson's Creek, where General Uyon was killed while leading the First Iowa Regiment in a charge. In September, 1861, Captain Herron was promoted to the lieutenant-colonelcy of the Ninth Iowa, and com- manded the regiment through all the campaigns of Gen- eral Curtis, in Missouri, Arkansas, and the Indian Ter- ritory. At the battle of Pea Ridge he was severely wounded and taken prisoner, but soon exchanged for Colonel Louis Hebert of the Third Louisiana. His regi- ment lost one-third their number in this battle. For ser- vices at Pea Ridge he was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers July [6, [862, and in December of that year commanded the Army of the Frontier, at the decisive battle of Prairie Grove, Arkansas, which ended Confed- erate rule north of the Arkansas River. It was to reach this point he made the celebrated forced march of one hundred and fourteen miles in three days, with his entire- command and an immense train. For services at Prairie Grove he was promoted major-general of volunteers November 19, 1862. After further service in Arkansas, General Herron joined Grant at Vicksburg, in 1863, with hi; Western troops, and was in command of the left divi- sion of the investing forces until the surrender. Generals Logan, McPherson, and Herron were the three officers selected by Grant to lead each a division into Vicksburg to receive the formal surrender on July 4, [863. Imme- diately after Vicksburg he commanded the army and navy expedition that captured Yazoo City ami the large fleet of boats anil supplies there. He was then ordered to the Department of the Gulf, and was in command of the Thirteenth Army Corps, occupying the Texas coast, with head-quarters at Brownsville, Texas. While there he- broke up the traffic across tin- Rio Grande, and under private instructions gave what aid he could to President Juarez, of Mexico, and prevented Maximilian's troops from establishing themselves at any point on the Rio Grande frontier. Lor his services in this line he received complimentary notice from Secretary Seward, and later an offer of a high command in the Mexican army from President Juarez. In March, [865, lie was assigned to the command of the Northern Division of Louisiana, with head-quarters at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, from which point he co-operated with Major-General Canby in his movement against Mobile, Alabama, and the army of the Confederate General Richard Taylor. In May he ar- ranged a meeting with Lieutenant-Generals S. B. Buck- ner, Sterling Price, and Brent, at the mouth of the Red River, and negotiate 1 the surrender of Lieutenant-Genera] Kirby Smith's Trans-Mississippi Army, and soon aftei received the formal surrender of all their troops, 1 sixty thousand men, with their arms, artillery, and other war material, ami the entire Trans-Missis ippi I lepartment from Generals Kirby Smith and Buckner, at Shreveport, Louisiana. Here he remained until all the Confederate troops were paroled and sent home, and meantime sta- tioned garrisons throughout Texas, Northern Louisiana, and the Indian Territory. In Jul}-. 1865, General Herron was appointed on a commission with General Harn -v and others to negotiate new treaties with the Indian tribes. In [865 he resigned his commissions as major-general .mil Indian commi 54 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) CAPTAIN AND BREVET MAJOR JOHN L. ROPER. U.S.V. Captain and Brevei Major John L. Roper, the son of Richard Bryham and Esther Ann Roper, was born ( )ctober 9, [835, in the village of Greenwood, now called Belleville, in a beautiful valley of the Blue Ridge Moun- tains, known as " Big Valley," Mifflin Count}-, Pennsyl- vania. His father died when lie was only nine months old, leaving him and an elder brother and sister dependent upon their mother for support, and most nobly and hero- ically did she battle with the difficulties and trials with which she had to contend until tile children were able to contribute to their own support, which was at a very early age, the subject of this sketch beginning his career as a wage-earner when only eight years old. He was, on this account, necessarily deprived of the advantage to be de- rived from ,i good education, and was only permitted to attend a few winter sessions of the public school, ami thereafter such as he was able to acquire himself while engaged in the various positions which he filled. He was given a position in a store when thirteen years old. A year afterwards lie was given charge of the same store, which position he held for six years. He was then placed in charge of the books of the same company, and re- mained in that position until the spring of 1857, at which time he made the trip by water to California. Upon arriving there he determined to take the chances of the mines, and, armed with pick and shovel, adopted the life of a miner after the precious metals. It would require more space than can be spared to relate his various fortunes and adventures during his sojourn in California; but suffice it to say, that after four years of ups and downs in a varied experience, he found himself in circumstances such as would admit of a visit, as then intended, to his native State to see his honored mother, who was still living and the object of great solicitude upon his part. He left San Francisco in the early spring of 1 861, on his way to the Atlantic States. He found, upon arriving at his native place, that the excitement con- sequent upon the rebellion of the Southern States was running high, and, conceiving it to be his duty to respond to the call for troops, he enlisted as a private in what was first organized as Harlan's Light Cavalry, afterwards the Eleventh Pennsylvania Cavalry from having a majority of Pennsylvanians in it. He was made sergeant after its organization, and a few months later was commissioned as second lieutenant of his company by Governor A. G. Curtin. In 1863 he was appointed regimental commis- sary of subsistence with the rank of first lieutenant, and assigned to his regiment. He was commissioned in April, 1864, by President Abraham Lincoln, as commissary of subsistence of volunteers, with the rank of captain, and assigned to the staff of General A. V. Kautz. vv ith whom he continued to serve until the close of his service in the spring of 1S65. On March 13, 1865, he was bre- vetted major for meritorious service. An extended notice of his service is not admissible here, but it can be said that lie participated honorably in all the active work of his company, regiment, and division, and received honorable mention at various times for the part he- took in the different engagements with which he was connected. At the close of the war he married Lydia H. Bowen, of Philadelphia, and settled in the city- of Norfolk, Vir- ginia, engaged in business, where he still resides and con- tinues actively engaged in the same, being identified with large interests in Virginia and North Carolina, the head of the well-known firm of John L. Roper Lumber Com- pany. Major Roper has a family consisting of five children, — three sons and two daughters. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 55 FIRST LIEUTENANT AND ADJUTANT JOSEPH DAVIS. U.S.V. Lieutenant Joseph Davis (Thirtieth Regiment Massa- chusetts Veteran Volunteer Infantry), whose emigrant ancestor was William Davis, of Roxbury, Massachusetts (born in Wales in 1617), was born at Boston, Massa- chusetts, November 24, 1840, the oldest son of William Davis, Jr., one of the leading merchants of Boston, and his second wife, Maria Davis, of Roxbury. He is directly descended from the old Colonial Gover- nors John Winthrop and Thomas Dudley, and has prom- inent Revolutionary ancestry, being great-great-grandson of Aaron Davis, of Roxbury (captain of a company of Minute-Men, and, later, colonel of a Massachusetts regi- ment in the fight at Lexington), a member of the Massa- chusetts Provincial Congresses, General Court, etc., and is great-grandson of Moses Davis, private in " the first com- pany of Minute-Men raised in America," commanded by Captain Moses Whiting, in Colonel John Greaton's Minute Regiment, April 19, 1775. Lieutenant Davis was educated in the public schools of Boston and graduated by the English High School in 1858. At a " war meeting" held in the Town-Hall of Medford, Massachusetts, the evening of April 18, 1861, he enlisted as a private in the Lawrence Light-Guard of Medford, Company E, Fifth Regiment Massachusetts Militia, then expecting marching orders. The next day, April 19, 1 861 , the Fifth Massachusetts Regiment, as ordered, reported upon Boston Common, and from there marched to quar- ters in Faneuil Hall. Lieutenant Davis was on duty with the regiment at Washington and in Virginia till it was mustered out of service. He next enlisted January 2, 1862, in the regiment raised by General B. F. Butler, designated " The Eastern Bay State Regiment, No. 2, New England Division," and was by Lieutenant-Colonel Jonas H. French, commanding, appointed hospital steward. This regiment was afterwards called the Thirtieth Massachusetts, commanded by Colonel N. A. M. Dudley, of the regular army. Lieutenant Davis continued hospital steward at Ship Island, Mississippi, New ( )rleans, the first siege of Vicksburg, and battle of Baton Rouge, till commissioned second lieutenant and assigned to duty with Company K, of Gloucester, Massa- chusetts, October, 1862. The rest of his military service was with this regiment. He was present with it upon its every campaign and march. Engaged in the action of Plain Store, Louisiana, May 21, 1863; siege of Port Hudson and Koch's Plantation, July 13, 1863. At the close of [863 the regiment re-enlisted and became a veteran regiment. The malarial swamps of Louisiana were so fatal that it was a common circumstance that only one officer to a company was able to do duty. Prom this cause Lieu- tenant Davis was, while second lieutenant, assigned to command different companies, till he had at different times commanded every company in the regiment. He was a company commander in every battle in which his regi- ment was engaged after he received his commission. In Jul)', 1864, the Thirtieth Massachusetts was trans- ferred from Louisiana to Virginia, and Lieutenant Davis was with it in the pursuit of Early between Washington and the Shenandoah Valley, and in the battles < if ( )pequan, Fisher's Hill, Cedar Creek, etc. October 22, 1863, he was commissioned first lieutenant, and in October, 1864, was appointed regimental adjutant, which office he held until February 12, 1865, when, it being evident that the end of the war was near, and his health being undermined by the exposure, of long service, he was given a surgeon's certificate of disability, and resigned his commission. In July, 1865, he settled at Denver, Colorado, but moved in February, 1867, to Trinidad, Colorado, where he remained, engaged in business, till November, (886, when he returned to Denver, where he now | resides. Ljeutenant Davis was married November 4, [874, to Miss Sarah Augusta Davis, of Jerseyville, Illinois, and has one child, — Joseph Swallow Davis. OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY ^volunteer) CHAPLAIN JOHN WESLEY ADAMS, U.S.V. Chaplain John Wesley Adam-, son of John and Mary (Taggart) Adams, was born in Townsend, Massachusetts, May 23, [832, and is the seventh generation from Henry Adams, the ancestor of the Presidents. A part of his childhood was spent in Temple, Maine. I le was educated .it the 1 )liver Grammar and High Schools, Lawrence, Mas- sachusetts, and was a teacher of vocal music for some years in that city. lie joined the New Hampshire Methodist Conference in [858, and has en;oyed successful pastorates in Rye, I terry, South Newmarket, North Salem, East Canaan, Winchester, Great Falls (High Street), Tilton, Newport, Exeter, Keene, and Greenland. For four years ( [877—80) he was the presiding elder of Concord District. In 1 876 he was chosen a delegate to the General Conference held at Baltimore. He has served four years as secretary of his conference, and fourteen years as president of the trustees ot the New Hampshire Conference Seminar)' and Female College at Tilton, New Hampshire. He was married February 20, [854, to Rebecca Hardi- son (deceased), and August 24, [858, to Lydia M. Tref- ethen (living). By his first wife he had one son, John F. (deceased), and one daughter (living), Mrs. Mary F. Ste- vens ; and by his second wife three sons and two daugh- ters,— Wilber F., Dr. Charles W. (living), Freddie 0. (deceased), Mrs. L. Viola Foss (living), and Sadie E. (dei eased). In 1861-62 Mr. Adams addressed many assemblies convened for the purpose of promoting enlistments. He was commissioned chaplain of General Gilman Marston's original command, "The Fighting Second," December 5, [863. He went immediately to his regiment, then guard- ing the Rebel Prison Camp at Point Lookout, Maryland. He devoted himself to the social and moral welfare of his comrade^ in camp and hospital. In 1864 he was with his men in the campaign of the Army of the James, par- ticipating in the battle, at Bermuda Hundred, Point of Rocks, Swift Creek, Proctor's Creek, Drury's Bluff, Cold Harbor, sec md engagement at Fair Oaks, and siege of Petersburg, and entering Richmond under General Devens the day of its surrender. On Fast-Day, June I, 1 S65 , he preached before his regiment a memorial sermon, on the death of Abraham Lincoln, from the text (2 Cor. iv. 9), "Cast down, but not destroyed." In July, 1865, he inagurated a school for colored children in the city of Fredericksburg. In a flattering testimonial on parchment, presented to Chaplain Adams on his final and honorable discharge at Concord, New Hamp hire, December 25, 1865, and signed by Colonel J. N. Patterson, his last commander, and all the commissioned officers of his regiment, these words occur: " In all the battles in which his regiment has been engaged since he joined it, he has performed his duty with bravery, always having been under fire, and fre- quently at the extreme front." With as regular public ministrations as the exigencies of war would allow, were interspersed social services, prayers at hospital, personal counsel, and the appropriate burial of the dead. He kept all his men supplied with good reading-matter, and the sick and feeble with such comforts as the Christian and Sanitary Commissions afforded. On tedious marches, many an exhausted soldier was enabled to get through by being helped into the chaplain's saddle. The many recognitions of his integrity, fidelity, and courage by his comrades are gratefully remembered. In 1S76 he revisited some of the Southern battle-fields made so familiar to him during the war. Since the war Chaplain Adams has been in constant demand for Memorial-Day services, lectures on his " Ex- periences as Army Chaplain," and camp-fire speeches. In 1883 he was poet of the veterans' reunion at Weirs, New- Hampshire. By request he read an original poem at the dedication of hi. regiment's monument on the Gettysburg battle-field ( [885). He always enjoyed the affection and confidence of Gen- eral Marston, and was chosen to make the dedicatory ad- dress when the general's monument was presented to the town of Exeter by the veterans of the Second Regiment, May 30, 1 891. In [890-91 Mr. Adams made a five-months' tour abroad, visiting many of the most interesting localities in the British Isles, the continent of Europe, Greece, Syria, Palestine, and Lower and Upper Egypt. These travels have enabled him to add considerably to his list of popular lectures. Chaplain .Adams is a member of Mo es N. Collins Post, 26, Grand Army of the Republic, and of the Mass. Commandery of the Loyal Legion. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. COLONEL FRANK C. LOVELAND, U.S.V. Colonel Frank C. Loveland was born in Wellington, Lorain Count}-, Ohio, August 26, 1839, of New England parents. He was a student at Oberlin College when the Civil War broke out in 1861, when he enlisted in ( Company D, Sixth Ohio Cavalry, ( )ctober 26, 1 861, for three years or the war; was made sergeant December 14, 1S61; regimental commissary-sergeant March 1, 1862; ser- geant-major June I, 1862; was commissioned second lieutenant October 28, 1862 ; first lieutenant February 6, 1863 ; captain July 2'-,, 1S64, for " gallant and meritorious services at the battle of .Enon Church," May 28, 1864; lieutenant-colonel April 20, 1865 ; and on July 30, 1865, he was commissioned colonel for long and meritorious service during the war. This regiment's first service in the field was in Virginia, under General Fremont, thence down the Shenandoah Valley, under General Fran/ Sigel ; then in the Army of Virginia in front of Washington, in the summer of 1862, under Pope; then with the Army of the Potomac, under McClellan, in the fall of 1862. It served with Burnside in the winter of 1862-63 in and about Falmouth and Fredericksburg; and was in the spring of 1863 under Hooker. Mr. Loveland participated with his regiment in the fol- lowing engagements : Woodstock, Virginia ; Mount Jack- son, Cross Keys, Luray Court-House, Warrenton, Pull Run, Chantilly, Fredericksburg, Kelly's Ford, Stone- man's raid, Stevensburg, and Aldie. It was here that the Sixth Ohio and Second New York Cavalry, the latter being General Kilpatrick's regiment, made the famous "charge about the Haystack," completely routing the rebels, but with considerable loss on both sides. Lieu- tenant Loveland, while leading his company in the charge that day. had his horse shot, and was much in- jured by being thrown some distance to the ground. He remained, however, with his regiment, and was in the battles of Middleburg, Virginia, Upperville, Gettysburg, Hagerstown, Maryland, Boonsborou^h, Falling Waters, Shepherdstown, Virginia, Rapidan Station, Sulphur Springs, Auburn Mills, Bristoe Station, Mine Run, Todd's Station, Mitchell's Shop, Yellow Tavern, Meadow Bridge, Virginia, and Hawes's Shop, or ^Enon Church, 1864. In this fight Lieutenant Loveland again had a horse shot from under him. Three days later, May 31, at (old Harbor, Virginia, he was struck by a shell and severely wounded. After lying on the field for one night and (.lav- he was conveyed to the Seminary Hospital, Georgetown, D.C., where he was confined for some months, during which time his regiment was in eight regular engage- ments. In the autumn of 1864 he rejoined his regiment as captain of Company B, and participated in the battles oi Hatcher's Run, Quaker Road, Dinwiddie Court-House, Five Forks, Jettersville, Deatonville, Sailor's Creek, Farm- ville, High Bridge, and Appomattox (Lee's surrender), 8 57 April 8 and 9, 1865. The day following the surrender 1 if ( ieneral Lee, the Sixth ( )hio Cavalry formed the escort of General Grant from Appomattox to Burkville Station, where he took the railroad train for Washington. In the early spring of 1865, when Colonel Loveland was yet a captain, he had command of the regiment, and remained in command of it until it was mustered out of the United States service at Petersburg, Virginia, Augu t. 1865. After the close of the war he came to New York, and was successfully engaged in mercantile pursuits until 1880, when he became interested in the canvass of his old comrade and friend, (ieneral Garfield, and from this date- much of his time has been devoted to political matters. Responding to the requests of some of the most promi- nent leaders of the Republican party in New York City, President Harrison in 1889 appointed Colonel Loveland disbursing pension-agent for the district comprising New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, to succeed Major- General Franz Sigel. The position is one of great trust and responsibility. Nearly ten million dollars are annu- ally disbursed at this agency to about sixty thousand pensioners. Colonel Loveland is connected with the So- ciety of the Army of the Potomac ; the Grand Army of the Republic; a member of Lafayette Post, New York City; Gregg's Cavalry Association, Philadelphia ; the New York Commandery, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States; the United Service Club; the Society of the Sons of the Revolution; the New England So and "The Republican Club of tin City of New York." Colonel Loveland is descended from one Robert, then Thomas Loveland, both of whom came to tin-, country from England in 1665 and settled in that part of Weath- ersfield, Connecticut, known as Glastonbury. Elish great-grandfather, and Abner, the grandfathei , of < Lionel Loveland, were soldiers in the war of the Revolut OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL RUTHERFORD B. HAYES, u.s.v. Brevet Major-General Rutherford B. Hayes, ex- President of the United States, was born in Delaware, < >hio, October 4, [822. At the outbreak of the Rebellion, he- was elected captain of the military company formed from the celebrated Cincinnati Literary Club. In fune, 1861, he was appointed major of the Twenty-third < >lii< > In- fantry, and was ordered to West Virginia in [uly follow- ing, remaining there until the summer of [862, when his command was transferred to the Potomac, and partici- pated in the battle of Smith Mountain. In this action Hayes was severely wounded in the arm. He served in West Virginia in 1863, against John Morgan in ( )hio, and in the movement against the Tennessee Railroad in the spring of [864, and led a brigade with marked success in the battle of Lloyd's .Mountain. He took part in several engagements between Early and Sheridan's troops prior to the battle of Winchester. In that important encounter he had the right of Crook's command, and it was therefore his troops which, in con- junction with the cavalry, executed the turning manoem re that decided the fate of the day. At one point in the advance his command came upon a deep slough, fifty yards wide and stretching across the whole front of his brigade. Beyond was a rebel bat- tery. If the brigade endeavored to move around the obstruction it would be exposed to a severe enfilading lire; while, if discomfited, the line of advance would be broken in a vital part. Hayes, with the instinct of a soldier, at once gave the word " Forward!" and spurred his horse into the swamp. Horse and rider plunged at first nearly out of sight, but Hayes struggled on till the beast sank hopelessly into the mire. Then dismounting, he waded to the farther bank, climbed to the top, and beckoned with his cap to the men to follow. In the at- tempt to obey many were shot or drowned, but a suffi- cient number crossed the ditch to form a nucleus for the brigade ; and, I [ayes still leading, they climbed the bank and charged the batter)-. The enemy fled in great dis- order, and Hayes reformed his men and resumed the advance. The- passage of the slough was at the crisis of the fight, and the rebels broke on every side in con- fusion. At Fisher's llill Hayes led a division in the turning movement assigned to Crook's command. Clambering up the steep sides of North Mountain, which was cov- ered with an almost impenetrable entanglement of trees and underbrush, the division gained, unperceived, a position in rear of the enemy's line, and then charged with so much fury that the rebels hardly attempted to resist, but lied in utter rout and dismay. Hayes was at the head of his column throughout this brilliant charge. At Cedar Creek he was again engaged. While riding at full speed, his horse was shot under him, but, soon recovering, he sprang to his feet and limped to his com- mand. " For gallant and meritorious service in the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek," Colonel Hayes was promoted to the rank of brigadier-general of volunteers, and brevetted major-general for " gallant and distinguished service during the campaign of 1864 in West Virginia, and particularly in the battles of Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek." He had commanded a brigade for more than two years, and at the time of these promo- tions was in command of the Kanawha division. In the course of his service in the army he was live times wounded, and had four horses shot under him. General Haves was in 1S64, while in the field, elected 1,1 G ingress, and in 1 866 was re-elected. I le was elected governor of Ohio in 1S67, and re-elected in [869 and in 1875. He tilled the office of President of the United States from March 4, 1X77, to 1881, and is now living in private life at his home in Ohio. General Grant, in his Memoirs (Vol. II.), says of General 1 hues : "On more than one occasion in these engagements General R. B. I laves, who succeeded me as President of the United States, bore a very honorable part. His con- duct on the field was marked by conspicuous gallantry as well as the display of qualities of a higher order than that of mere personal daring. This might well have been expected of one who could write at the time he is said to have done so, 'Any officer tit lor duty who at this crisis would abandon his post to electioneer lor a seat in Congress ought to be scalped.' Having entered the army as a major of volunteers at the beginning of the war. General Haves attained by meritorious service the rank of brevet major-general before its close." WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 59 BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL CHARLES PAINE HERRING, U.S.V. (deceased). Brevet Brigadier-General Charles Paine Herring was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 8, 1827. He was of English and French descent, and was ,1 nephew of Rembrandt Peale. He was, until the opening of the Rebellion, engaged in mercantile pursuits in Philadelphia. In June, 1861, he became second lieutenant of Companj C of the Gray Reserves, commanded by Captain Chai le ML Prevost. In May, 1862, he acted as adjutant of the battalion, under Colonel Charles S. Smith, which was employed in quelling the riots in Schuylkill County. In August of the same year, upon the formation of the ( >ne Hundred and Eighteenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volun- teers, he was commissioned major, and Captain Charles M. Prevost received the commission of colonel. < )n Sep- tember 20, a few weeks only after being mustered into the service, the regiment became involved in the memorable disaster at Shepherdstown, Virginia. It had been with the reserve in the preceding battle of Antietam, but with that exception had never been under fire. A gallant stain I was made, but it was soon forced from the field by sheer weight of numbers. The action lasted for a few moments only, but the losses were remarkably severe. There- were one hundred and seventy-seven killed and wounded, besides ninety-three taken prisoners, of perhaps six hun- dred taken into action. It was in this engagement that General Charles M. Prevost received the wound which ultimately terminated his life. General Herring rendered himself conspicuous by his services on this occasion, and displayed that remarkable coolness and bravery which characterized his conduct in every succeeding engage- ment. It was due in large degree to his soldierly conduct, after General Prevost was disabled, that the balance of the regiment was able to retire from the field. At the battle of Fredericksburg he was wounded in both arms, but for some time refused to leave his command. At Chancel- lorsville he commanded the rear-guard in the retreat "I the army across the river. At Gettysburg, where the position of his regiment on the second day was particu- larly hazardous, he was again distinguished. He was in command of his regiment during the Wilderness cam- paign, except on the first day. A brilliant charge led by him on the evening of May 8, while in command of a brigade of five regiments, received the especial commen- dation of his superior officers. He continued uninter- ruptedly with his regiment, with great self-abnegation refusing promotions which would have severed his con- nection with it, until he received at Dabney's Mill, Feb- ruary 6, 1865, the wound which resulted in the loss of his right leg. General Herring was promoted lieutenant-colonel November 1, 1863, and breveted colonel United States volunteers December 2, 1864, " fur gallant services at the battle of the Wilderness and during the present campaign before Richmond, Virginia ;" brigadier-general March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Hatcher's Run, Virginia." General Herring was honorably mustered out June 1. 1865. After the close of the war he engaged in busi- ness in Philadelphia with General Charles M. Prevost. A friendship and devotion cemented in the varied scenes of the march and camp and battle was continued for many years in the close relations of business. General Prevost's death preceded the death of General Herring by little more than one year. General Herring was a noble man. There were men as brave as he, although his bravery was remarkable. There were men who, like him, showed not only courage, but presence of mind and skill in the roar of battle. There were men as unselfish and devoted in their patriot- ism. There were men whose lives revealed the same simple and beautiful faith and earnest piety. Put in him were combined an exceptional number of qualities at once noble, manly, and admirable. There must have been a rare charm and worth in his life to cause brave men, soldiers of many battle-fields, to look int.. his coffin with tear-dimmed eyes. General Herring died January 17, 1 880, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 6o OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) MAJOR GEORGE CLINTON HOPPER, U.S.V. Major George Clinton Hopper was born at Jordan, ( >nondaga County, New York, March 20, 1831. He re- ceived an education at the common schools of Seneca County and the Waterloo Academy, and at the age of fourteen entered the service of his father, a railroad con- tractor, who built a portion of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, then called the Auburn & Rochester Railroad. < )ne year afterwards he removed to Michigan, and took position on the Michigan Central as clerk, where he remained five years; he then took the position of conductor, running between Detroit and Chi- 1 ago ten years, when the outbreak of the war called him to the field. He entered the first Michigan Infantry, and was mus- tered as first lieutenant at Ann Arbor, August 19, [861. He went with his regiment to Washington about the 15th of September ; camped at Bladensburg and Annapolis Junction, doing duty .is railroad guard, in which duty he- was in command of his company ten weeks. In April he was ordered to Old Point Comfort, and took part in the advance on Norfolk and Portsmouth, which resulted in restoring those places to the Union. On April 2.S, 1862, he was promoted to captain. About June 20 he joined the Army of the Potomac at Gaines' Mill, and was engaged in the battles of Me- chanicsville, June 26, and Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1X62; was shot in the right side in the last battle, and sent to Washington. Rejoining the regiment at Harrison's Landing, August 10, 1 863, with his company, he supported General Averell in a reconnoissance to the south side of the James River, and had a fight with Confederate cavalry. August 29, 1802, was engaged on the skirmish line at Hull Run, and August 30, while charging on the enemy, was shot through the right thigh and taken prisoner; was paroled on the field, and taken to Washington. I le was exchanged and rejoined the army December 20, 1862, and was in the "mud march," January 20, 1863. He was promoted to major March iS, [863; was under fire three days at Chancellorsville ; supported the cavalry at Kelly's Ford in its fight at Brandy Station, June 9- 1 86 : He joined General Yincenfs brigade at Aldie Gap, in their support of the cavalry in its advance- to Ashby's Gap, June 21, [863, and was engaged fuly 2 and :;, [863, at Gettysburg. ( )n August 20, [863, he was detailed as president of a board of examination of the non-commissioned officers of the First Division, Fifth Corps, for promotion. November 7, 1863, took part in the capture of the fort at Rappahannock Station. ( >n November 26 took com- mand of the regiment on its Mine Run campaign. He was in command of the skirmish line in its first advance, May 5, 1864, on the road to Robinson's Tavern, and was hit by a spent ball ; on the 6th was hit by a piece of shell ; on the 8th was engaged at Laurel Hill ; on the night of the IOth had a fight on the picket line; on the 24th was engaged at Jericho Ford, North Anna River; was engaged at Tolopotomy, May 30, 1864 ; Magnolia Swamp, June 1 ; Bethesda Church, June 2. On June 17 and 18 was engaged at Petersburg; on August 18, 19, and 21 was engaged in the battle of the Weldon Railroad. ( )n the 26th of September, 1864, he left the service, in accordance with an order dated September 2 1 , for muster out. He resumed his old business of conductor on the Mich- igan Central Railroad, which he followed for two years; he then was agent at Jackson, Michigan, for five years; assistant superintendent eighteen months, which he gave up to take the position of paymaster for the Michigan Central System, which he has filled nineteen years, and still holds. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 61 MAJOR EDMUND L. JOY, U.S.V., JUDGE-ADVOCATE (deceased). Major Edmund L. Joy was born in Albany, New York, October i, 1835. He was a descendant of Thomas foy, who emigrated with Winthrop and his company to this country from Hingham, England, and settled in Boston in 1630. On his mother's side he was descended from Anthony Stoddard, who also emigrated from England, and settled in Boston in 1639. His grandfather, Nathaniel Joy, fought in the Revolutionary War. 1 lis father, Charle Joy, went to Newark, New Jersey, and in [855 established himself there in business, which he conducted until his death, in [873. Edmund 1.. Joy, after receiving a preparatory education at the Albany Academy, entered the University of Roch- ester, from which he was graduated in [856. He was admitted to the bar of New York in (857, and afterwards removed to Iowa, where he practised his profession with success. At the 1 mtbreak 1 >f the (Til War he es] >< msed the Unit >n cause and took an active part in raising troops, lie was mustered into the United Stales service as captain Com- pany B, Thirty-sixth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, October 4, 1862, and served in the Department of Ten- nessee at Fort Pickering, Memphis, in the autumn of that year. During the Vicksburg campaign he was with the Yazoo Pass Expedition, and participated in the engage- ment at Fort PembertiHi, Mississippi. He commanded the left wing of the regiment at the battle of Helena, ami took part in the movements resulting in the capture ol Little Rock. At one time he was in command of the provost guard at Helena, Arkansas. In 1S64 President Lincoln appointed him major and judge-advocate U. S. Volunteers. He was assigned to the Seventh Army Corps, which was under the command of Major-General Frederick Steele, a graduate of West Point in the class of 1843, a distinguished officer in the Mexican War, and subsequently, and until his death in 1868, commander of the Department of the Columbia. Edmund L. Joy, besides being on the staff of General Steele, was also made judge-advocate of the Department of the Arkansas, with head-quarters at Little Rock, Arkansas. He had much to do in this capacity with the organization of a Judicial System for Arkansas and the Indian Territory, and aided in the organization oi a Stat. government under a new constitution for the State of Arkansas. He resigned his commission and was honor- ably discharged May 7, (865. At the close of the war he returned to Newark, but with health so impaired by his military service, that it was impossible lor him to resume the practice of his profession. He therefore entered into partnership with his father, and alter his father's death succeeded to the business, becoming a member of the New York Produce Exchange. Edmund L. Joy was eminently a public-spirited man, and deeply interested in all that pertained to the welfare of the Lit)- of Newark and of the State in which he lived. He was an ardent Republican, and in 1S71 and [872 was a member of the New Jersey House of Assembly, and in the latter year was chairman of the Judiciary Com- mittee. He was a member of the Board of Education of the city of Newark from 1877 to 1889, and for three years was honored with the presidency of that body. I It- was a member of the Newark Board of Trade, was its president in I S75 and 1876, and from that time till his death served as treasurer of the board. He was a direc- tor of the Manufacturers' National Bank of Newark, and was identified with other institutions, both financial and charitable. In 18S0 he was a delegate from New Jersey to the National Republican Convention which met in Chicago and nominated James A. Garfield for the Presidency. In 1SS4 he was appointed by President Arthur a government director of the Union Pacific Railroad Company. lie was conspicuously a racy and genial companion, and his ability as a speaker was unquestioned. He was "a zealous patriot, a gallant soldier, a scholar, and a Christian gentleman of many accomplishments." In 1862 he married Miss Theresa R. Thrall, a daughter of the late Homer L. Thrall, M.D., who was a Prof of Chemistry in Kenyon College, and subsequent! Materia Medica and General Patholog) in Starling Medi- cal College, Columbus, ( )hio. He died February 14, 1892, and, besides his widow, left two sons— Edmund Frederick Steele joy and Homer Xhrall joy— and one daughter, Mrs. R. Delos Martyn, of Chicai OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AXD NAVY volunteer) LIEUTENANT-COLONEL LEVI BIRD DUFF. U.S.V. Lieutenant-Colonel Levi Bird Duff was born near Saulsburg, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, 13th Sep- tember, [837, of Pennsylvania parents. His father, Sam- uel Duff, was born at Perkiomen Bridge, Montgom- ery County, and his mother, Catherine Eckeberger, in 1 [untingdon. He was educated at Eldersridge Academy and Alle- gheny College, graduating from the latter in June, 1857. lie studied law in Pittsburg and was admitted to the bar in April, i860. May 1, [861, he enlisted in Company A, Ninth Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, and was mustered into the United States' service at Washington |ulv 26, [861, as corporal. The regiment was engaged at Dranesville, December jo. 1861, and the Command- ing General < >rd recommended a number of officers and privates "for reward for gallant conduct" in the enga ment, among whom was Corporal Duff February 6, [862, Mr. Duff was appointed captain of Company D,One Hundred and Fifth Regiment Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, then in Heintzelman's division of the Army of the Potomac, subsequently the First Division of the Third Army Corps. Captain Duff had command of his company during the siege of Yorktown anil at the battles of Williamsburg and Fair Oaks (or Seven I'm. 1, where he was severely wounded in the right chest by a musket-ball which passed through his right lung. ( )n recovering from his wound he rejoined his regiment at Harrison's Landing, August 16, [862. The division was ordered to join General Pope, and when General Jackson captured Manassas Junction, Captain Duff with his company was guarding the railroad at Catlett's Sta- tion. He joined General I looker in the pursuit of lack- son, and was engaged at Kettle Run August 2;, [862. He rejoined his own regiment and w as engaged at Bull Run August 29 and 30, and at Chantilly September 1, where General Kearney, commanding division, was killed. During the Antietam campaign the division lay in front of Washington, but joined the army on the march to the Rappahannock. Captain Duff commanded his company during this march and at tin- battle oi Freder- icksburg, 13th December. 1 862. In March, [863, he was appointed acting assistant inspector-general of the First Brigade, First Division, Third Corps. He served on the staff at Chancellorsville, anil General Birney, commanding division, said he was " proud of the conduct displayed by Captain Dull" on that field of battle." May 4, 1863, he was promoted to major of his regi- ment, and May 1 1 he was appointed acting assistant inspector-general of the Third Division, Third Corps; and June 26 appointed acting assistant inspector-general of the First Division, Third Corps. He served on the staff at Gettysburg and in the campaign to the Rappahan- nock, including the affair at Manassas (lap. July 24, 1863, In November, 1863, he was placed in command of the One Hundred and Tenth Regiment Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, which he commanded in the Mine Run cam- paign anil until December J I. April (j, 1864, he was appointed acting assistant in- spector-general of the First Division, Third Corps, then the Third Division of the Second Corps. He served on the staff at the Wilderness, and was then, .it his own request, returned to his regiment. He commanded his own regiment ami the Sixty-third Pennsylvania Volun- ■ :rs, which was added to his own for field-service, from May S until June iS, ami was engaged at Po River, Spott- sylvania Court-House, North Anna, Totopotomy, Cold Harbor, and the first assaults oil Petersburg. June iS.in an assault on Petersburg, commonly called by the soldiers the " Hare-House slaughter," he was wounded, with loss 1 if his right leg. May 18, [864, he was appointed lieutenant-colonel of his regiment. October 25, being disabled for field duty, he was, at his own request, discharged from the service. He returned to Pittsburg and resumed the practice oi his profession. In [865 he was elected district attorney oi Allegheny County, and held the office three years. In a letter dated August 31, 1864, General Birney, commander of the Tenth Corps, says, " It gives me pleas- ure to state that I have always regarded Major Duff as one of the best soldiers and most efficient officers in my former command, the Third Division, Second Army Corps." Colonel Duff was married July 21, [862, to Harriet H. Nixon, who died July 1 ^, 1877. He was again married January if), 188 2, to Agnes F. Kaufman. Two sons, children of the first wife, — Samuel Eckeberger ami Heze- kiah Nixon, — are living. WHO SERVED JX THE CIVIL WAR. BREVET LIEUTENANT-COLONKL MARTIN L. BUNMY. U.S.V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Martin L. Bundy was born November 11, i8i8,in Randolph County, North Cai olina, of Revolutionary ancestors, his grandfather having served during the war in the Continental army of patriots. The family removed the following year to the then re- cently-organized State of Indiana and settled in Henn County, adjoining Newcastle, the county-seat, where the subject of this sketch received his education in the com- mon schools and at Miami University, < Ixford, < >hio. I le studied law with Judge Elliott, was admitted to the bar, and practised his profession successfully. He married the sister of his law-preceptor, Amanda Elliott, and a large family were born to them, of whom his oldest son, Eugene, is now the judge of the judicial circuit, and his youngest son, Omar, having graduated at the Military Academy of West Point, is now an officer of the Third U. S. Infantry, having chosen the army instead of civil life. Colonel Bundy served the public as county treasurer from 1S44 to 1S47, and the following year he was chosen a member of the State Legislature, serving his constit- uents acceptably. In 1852 he was elected judge of the Court of Common Pleas, and served as such for eight years. At the expiration of his judicial term he was again sent to the Legislature in i860, and gave efficient aid in raising the Indiana troops, which became so con spicuous during the Civil War under the patronage of that great war-governor, < >. P. Morton. lie was made a paymaster of the army in August, 1861, unexpectedly and without his solicitation, and immediately entered upon the duties in the Department of Missouri, of which General Fremont was then in com- mand. He served as ordered in different departments with so much satisfaction that, on changing his station, the paymaster-general wrote as follows : " The efHciem \ and intelligence with which you have performed all your duties cause the deepest regret at being compelled to part with you." After a service of nearly five years he retired in the spring of 1 866, though advised that he 1 ould remain if he desired. lie was a member of the National Republican (omen tion of 1856 which nominated John C. Fremont for Pn i dent of the United States, as well as the convention of [872, which met in Philadelphia and re-nominated General Grant for President. At the close of the war of the Rebellion a commission as brevet lieutenant-colonel was sent him for " meritorious services dining the war;" after which he engaged in banking, and was successful, lie was lor several yeai examiner of national banks under the Treasury Depart ment, and contributed much towards keeping them in the line of duty. lie has now disposed of all his interest in banks, and is giving his attention to farming, and is endeavoring to live that "ideal life" which all commend but few attain. lie is now in the "sere and yellow leal" of age, but taki a deep interest in current events. It was Goethe who said, in speaking of age, "Orange and red are the evidences of maturity and ripeness, not oi decay and decomposition." 64 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) COLONEL ULR1C DAHLGRKN. U.S.A. (deceased). Colonel Ulric Dahlgren was the second son of Rear-Admiral John Adolf and Mary Dahlgren, and was born April 3, 1842, in Rucks County. Pennsylvania. Completing Ins school-days in 1858, it was decided that his vocation was civil engineering, and, as he had received much practical instruction from his father, he was in 1859 employed to survey some tracts of wild land in Mississippi. In September. [860, in obedience to his father's wishes, he entered a Philadelphia law-office, but amid the rush of events which followed the inauguration of President Lincoln he desired to serve his country, and July 24, [861, he was attached to a naval expedition from the Washington Yard to assist in the defence of Alex- andria, Virginia. As it became evident by September that active operations could not be expected before sprint;, Ulric again yielded to his father's wishes anil re- sumed his law studies, with the promise that he would be recalled when the hour of action should come. During the winter of 1861—62 he was one of an asso- ciation of young men who formed a light artillery com- pany 111 Philadelphia, at the same time pursuing his studies, and the last entrance of his written memoranda is, " Examination, February 24, [862." On the 26th of May, [862, young Dahlgren, who was then just twenty years old, was sent to Harper's Ferry, in charge of a batter)' of navy howitzers, and on the 2<;th was sent back to Washington to obtain needed sup- plies of ammunition. His father was in the private office of Secretary Stanton, together with the President. Ulric's report was so well made anil created such an impression that, as he was passing out, Mr. Stanton tendered him the appointment of captain and additional aide-de-camp. lie leached Harper's Ferry the next morning in time to take part in the final repulse of the rebels. Captain 1 lahlgren was attached to the staff of General Sigel, who thus speaks of him in the series of movements made at this time and subsequently: "Captain Dahlgren's services generally, on the line of the Rappahannock, where he was continuously engaged in meeting the enemys' batteries with our own, to facili- tate thereby the march of our troops and trains alongside ot the river, were most valuable." " At tin battles of Bull Run and Groveton on the 29th and 30th of August he was, almost without interruption, engaged in planting or relieving our batteries under the most galling fire of the enemy." General Sigel desired to make Captain Dahlgren chief of artillery of his corps, anil in a note addressed to the governor of Pennsylvania, endorsed by President Lincoln and Admirals Smith and Foote, spoke of his aide as a "young officer of merit and usefulness, who has already distinguished himself and reflected much credit on the service." Captain Dahlgren's dash with sixty men into Freder- icksburg is well known to history. In the face of fixe hundred or six hundred of the enemy he held the city for three hours, and then retired with thirty-one prisoners and their horses and accoutrements. He was among those to cross the river in boats on December 11 to dislodge the sharp-shooters. The captain subsequently served on the staff of General Hooker and participated in the battles of Chancellorsville and Beverly Ford, and was retained on the staff of General Meade when that officer assumed command of the Army of the Potomac. While in this position, with ten men he entered Green- castle anil captured most important despatches, riding with them thirty miles to Gettysburg. Hi' was given one hundred nun to operate with, and July 4, 1863, he attacked Jenkins's cavalry and captured Greencastle, and on his way back dashed into a rebel train, destroyed one hundred and seventy-six wagons, captured two hundred prisoners, three hundred horses, and one piece of artillery. In his efforts to reach Hagerstown during the attack on the rebels, July 6, hi- was wounded, and his foot had to be amputated, and on the 24th of Jul)- he received his commission as colonel. Returning to the field on February 18, 1864, he was given a command of live hundred picked men to join an expedition to release the Union prisoners at Richmond, Virginia. Colonel Dahlgren drove the enemy's pickets into their works around Richmond, but the country being aroused he could not make the junction with Kilpatrick, anil in endeavoring to return to the Union lines he was ambushed, and killed at the head of his command by being shot in the side and back. His remains were se- cured at the close of the war, and, after lying in state in the City Hall of Washington and Independence Hall of Philadelphia, were buried with distinguished honors. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL JOSEPH SCOTT FULLERTON, U.S.V. Brigadier-General Joseph Scott Fullerton was born in Chillicothe, ( )hio. At the age of sixteen he entered the Freshman class at Miami University, and graduated in 1855. He entered the Cincinnati Law School, graduating there in 1858. Soon after leaving the Law School he removed from Chillicothe to St. Louis, Missouri. There, while preparing to practise his profes- sion, he took an active part with the Union men of Mis- souri in their struggle against secession. In the fall of 1 86 1 he was appointed secretary of a committee, being the Honorable Joseph Holt, Judge David Davis, ami Honorable Hugh Campbell, appointed by the President to examine into the military affairs of the Department of the West. Though anxious for field service, he was being unwillingly detained in the rear by the work of this com- mission till the fall of 1862. He was offered by Governor Gamble, of Missouri, a commission as major of infantry, but declined this because of his want of military knowl- edge. At once, being relieved from the commission, he entered the service as a private. October 14, 1862, soon after enlisting, he was appointed lieutenant in the Second Missouri Infantry, and at the request of Major- General Gordon Granger was detailed for duty with him as aide-de-camp. In such capacity he served in the Ken- tucky campaign till the spring of 1863. In April, 1863, he was appointed major and assistant adjutant-general, and assigned to duty as General Granger's chief of staff. Si m >n after the battle of Chickamauga he was appointed assistant adjutant-general, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, and assigned to duty as assistant adjutant-general of the Fourth Army Corps. He was ordered to duty as assist- ant adjutant-general of the Army of the Tennessee by the War Department when General Sherman was about to move with that army from Atlanta to the sea ; but Gen- eral Thomas objecting to the transfer, he was retained with the Army of the Cumberland. General Fullerton participated in the first battle at Franklin, Tennessee ; Shelbyville, Chickamauga, Mis- sionary Ridge, Buzzard Roost Gap, Dalton, Resaca, New Hope Church, Pine-Top Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach-Tree Creek, Atlanta, Jonesborough, Lovejoy Sta- tion, Columbia, Spring Hill, Franklin, Nashville, etc. He was brevetted colonel for " distinguished services and gallantry in the Atlanta campaign," and brigadier-general " for most valuable services and distinguished personal gallantry at the battles of Franklin and Nashville." In May, 1865, he was assigned to duty to assist General Howard in organizing the Freedmen's Bureau. From this duty he asked to be relieved. In October, 1865, he was sent by President Johnson to adjust the diffi- culties existing in Louisiana between State officers, citi- 65 zens, officers of the military service, and officers of the Freedmen's Bureau. 1 [aving succeeded in this work, he returned to Washington and offered his resignation from the military service. Such was not accepted, and he was assigned to duty with the President as act- ing military secretary. In April, 1866, he was scut South with General J. P. Stedman, by the President, to inspect the social and political condition of the people, and the conduct of the Freedmen's Bureau. The reports made by these officers caused expressions of great bitter- ness from radical politicians then engaged in the work of reconstruction in the Southern States. Put concerning their reports the leading Republican paper of the day, the New York Tribune, said, " The two commissioners have performed an important public service. . . . Generals Stedman and Fullerton have pricked some pretty bubbles. They have exposed the hollowness of much maudlin sympathy for the negro," etc. Having performed this duty, General Fullerton again, for the third time, tend, n '1 his resignation from the military service, and urging this it was accepted, and he was mustered out in September, 1866. He was offered the commission of colonel of one of the new regiments of the regular army, hut not caring for military life in the time of peace declined the same, and returned to civil life. After leaving the service he- was appointed postmaster of St. Louis, which office he held for two years, and then retired to take up the pra of law. For twenty-five years lie has been tn the Society of the Army of the Cumberland, next to the G. A. R. the largest military society. In the fall of 1890 he gave up the practice of law in St. Louis, and since then ha - lively engaged as chairman of the Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park Commissi 66 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (.volunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL JAMES MONROE DEEMS, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General James Monroe Deems, whose name is associated with music, particularly in the State of Maryland, was born in the city of Baltimore, January 9, [818. His grandfather, Frederick Deems, served in Captain William Craig's company, Third Regi- ment Pennsylvania Infantry, during the Revolution. His father, Jacob Deems, was a popular and public-spirited citizen of Baltimore, and commanded a company in the Fifty-third Regiment Maryland Infantry, in the war of 1 81 2. At an early age the subject of this sketch de- veloped a decided talent for music and received instruc- tion on several orchestral instruments, also on the piano. In [839 he went to Germany, locating in Dresden, where he studied composition and violoncello with J. J. F. Dot- zauer, then the first violoncellist in Europe. In 1S41 he returned to the United States and followed the profession of music in his native city till 1848, when he was ap- pointed instructor of music at the University of Virginia. In 1858—59 he travelled in Europe with his family, re- turning once more to Baltimore, where he re-engaged in active professional life. At the beginning of the war, in 1 861, he assisted in raising the First Man-land Cavalry, of which he was appointed first major by President Lin- coln. He was assigned to General Saxton's command at Harper's Ferry. In May, 1862, he was given the command of a reconnoitring part}' consisting of six companies of his own regiment, two pieces of artillery under Lieutenant Loder, and one regiment of Pennsyl- vania infantry, to discover the position of Stonewall Jack- son. Proceeding to Charlestown, he met the enemy's cavalry under General Mumford, drove them through the town on Jackson's corps, maintaining his position about one hour, and finally retired slowly upon Harper's Ferry. He was under General Sigel on his first advance southward, and afterwards in General Hatch's command. Prior to the second Bull Run battle he was detailed as chief of cavalry on the staff of the Eleventh Corps, and after the second battle of Fredericksburg he was ordered with his regiment to join the cavalry corps under General Stoneman, and participated in his raid. He commanded his regiment as lieutenant-colonel in all the great cavalry fights of. 1 S63 in General Gregg's division at Brandy Sta- tion, Aldie, Gettysburg, and Shepherdstown. In Septem- ber he was sent to hospital, having contracted rheumatism from exposure. In November, 1863, he was discharged from the hospital at Annapolis, Maryland, for disability. In 1865 he was brevctted brigadier-general by Congress for gallantry on the field of battle. He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd-Fellows, Masonic Fra- ternity, and Loyal Legion, and also of Franklin Square Baptist Church. Since the war General Deems has followed his profes- sion with renewed enthusiasm, having written a vocal in- structor, piano, cornet, and organ methods. He has composed a grand opera, comic opera, and an oratorio, (Nebuchadnezzar,) the finale of which is a triple fugue with three subjects, each taking the place of soprano, alto, tenor, and bass to the other subjects ; has also written much for piano and voice. He resides yet in Baltimore. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. CAPTAIN ANTHONY TAYLOR, U.S.V. Captain Anthony Taylor was born in Burlington Count}-, New Jersey, October 1 1, 1837, and was educated at the Protestant Kpiscopal Academy, Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania. He enlisted early in August, [862, as .1 private in the Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, a picked regiment from all parts of the State, and was mustered in for three years, August 22. 1862, at Carlisle, Pennsylvania. He- was soon after promoted corporal, and early in Septem- ber, as one of the two hundred and lift)- picked men of the regiment, was ordered to the front and participated in the battle of Antietam. Soon after Lee's retreat the regiment was ordered West, and arrived at Nashville, Tennessee, just on the eve of the movement of the Army of the Cumberland, under General Rosecrans, against Bragg. December 26, [862, an order was issued for the regi- ment to advance as part of General Stanley's division of cavalry. About one-third of this number obeyed the order, ami became the advance of the right wing of the army in the campaign which ended in the battle of Stone- River. Captain Taylor, then a sergeant, was one of this advance guard. Early in February, 1863, Colonel William J. Palmer, the organizer of the regiment, arrived in Nashville, having escaped from Libby Prison, where he had been confined since his capture at Antietam, and began its reorganiza- tion. From this time forward to the close of the war and the pursuit of Jefferson Davis the military record of Captain Taylor is almost identical with that of the regi- ment. He was promoted first sergeant March 1, [863, and the same day commissioned as first lieutenant of Company A, and for a long time was its commanding officer. He was at the head-quarters of General Rose- crans in command of the couriers on the battle-field of Chickamauga. After Chickamauga, and in the closing month of 1863, came the siege of Knoxville and the many cavalry skirmishes and battles in defence of that city, in all of which — Sevierville, Danbridge, Mossy Creek, and others — he was engaged. Longstreet being compelled to retreat, the regiment was ordered to Chattanooga in February, [864, and for three months was engaged in scouting and reconnoissance. Then followed the second East Tennessee campaign, when, under General Gillem, a movement was made for the capture of the salt-works at Abingdon, Virginia. I he regiment was then ordered to Chattanooga, and subse- quently to Decatur, Alabama, and started in pursuit of Hood's demoralized troops, fleeing from the defeat at Nashville by General Thomas. The regiment overtook and destroyed their pontoon train in Mississippi, Decern ber 31, and their wagon train the next day, returning to Decatur with a large number of prisoners and without loss. Then followed the capture of the rebel Gener; 67 Lyon and his whole command at Red Hill, Alabama. March 13, 1865, Captain Taylor was detailed as acting aide-de-camp on the staff of General Palmer, who had been promoted brigadier-general. It was a long cam- paign from Knoxville over the mountains into North Carolina, thence north as far as Wytheville, Virginia, and again south through North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, ending at Huntsville, Alabama. During .ill the time of this grand raid of five thousand cavalry, Cap- tain Taylor was almost incessantly on duty, day and night, either with the advance guard or on special duty to the right and left of the column as it moved on, driving the enemy and destroying his stores and prop- erty, and exerting every effort to overtake and capture the fleeing President of the then defunct Confederacy. Captain Taylor carried the despatch from General Pal- mer, then in command of the division, through to Au- gusta, Georgia," General Upton in command there, giving him the first information as to the whereabouts ol Jeffer- son Davis, by whom it was transmitted to General Wilson at Macon, and resulted 111 the capture of Davis near that place. Captain Taylor was commissioned captain June 1. and was mustered out with the regiment June 21, Since the war he has been actively engaged in bu; in Philadelphia, and is an honored member of the Mili- tary < )rder of the Loyal Legion and the- Grand Armyol the Republic. The writer of the above sketch, a brothel the s taff of General William 1. Palmer with Ca] Taylor and personally acquainted with all his mi history tales pleasure in bearing testimony to his effi- ciency and bravery as an officer who participated m many „,,,,„! who was always on duty, ready and eager to lead his men into action. 68 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer* LIEUTENANT DEM1NG JARVES. U.S.V. Lieutenant Deming Jarves was born in Boston, Mas- sachusetts, March 3, 1839. His ancestors belong to the carl)- history of the Massachusetts Colony; among them was Bishop Seabury, the first bishop of North America. His grandfather was a soldier of the Revolution; his father and one uncle were soldiers of the War of [812, tile latter having been with Hull at his surrender of Detroit. Another uncle was captain of a privateer in that war, and after a successful career, in which he did a great deal of injury to the English mercantile marine, he was captured and imprisoned in Dartmoor Prison in England. Tims, as a family, they have materially as- sisted in building up the nation. Lieutenant Jarves is a member of the Loyal Legion, Grand Army of the Republic, and Sons of the American Revolution. He was educated in the best private school of Boston, and after completing his education he took a two years' tour around the world, returning the year before the war broke out. He joined the New England Guards, an old Boston militia organization, and became a corporal and afterwards a sergeant, and with it was mustered into the CJ. S. service in April, [861, on the call for three months' troops. September 2, 1861. he joined the Twenty-fourth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers as second lieutenant of Company B. In December, 1861, Lieutenant farves was ordered to report to the chief signal officer of the army, who was then forming a Signal Corps for active service. After the instruction necessary, he was ordered to report to General Burnside at Annapolis, Maryland, who was then organizing an expedition to North Carolina. Lieutenant Jarves was attached to the head-quarters staff and served through the North Carolina campaign, being present at the battles of Roanoke and New -Heine, and left North Carolina with Burnside to reinforce McClellan. I le was through the Pope campaign in Northern Virginia, and then stationed at Signal Corps head-quarters in Washington as an instructor In the spring of 1863 he took the first field telegraph train to the West ami joined General Rosecrans's staff, where he served through that summer campaign, ending with Chickamauga. In the fall of 1 Sf>3 he resigned from the arm_\- on account of physical disability contracted in the field. After a residence in New York City, Lieutenant Jarves moved to Detroit and established the Michigan Carbon Works. Cut of the one hundred acres owned by the company twenty acres are enclosed in the factor)' yard, of which about ten acres are under roof. Employment is given, in the manufacturing and selling department, to between seven hundred and eight hundred persons. He married Josephine M. ( rregory, a daughter of the late James (]. Gregory, of New York, in the spring of [872, and has one daughter living. One dramatic incident in Lieutenant Jarves's army life was that while in garrison at Fort Warren, Boston harbor, before the Twenty-fourth Regiment left the State, he was the officer on guard who received Mason and Slidell when landed at th.it port by Commodore Wilkes from the "San Jacinto." GENERAL DELEVAN BATES. General Delevan Bates was born in the town of Seward, Schoharie County, New York, March 17, [840. He received his education at the little red school-house under the hill, and at the age of fifteen years entered the store of X. H. Wilder at Worcester, ( >tsego County, \ew York, as a clerk, where he gained the thorough confidence of his employer and the good will of all who knew him. When the Rebellion reached a point that showed the necessity of vigorous action, the youthful clerk became the recruiting officer who raised the first quota assign I to the town in which he lived. August iS, 1862, he was enrolled as second lieutenant of Company I, One Hundred and Twenty-first New York Volunteer Infantry, Upton's Regulars, as they were called, when, under the leadership of the gallant colonel of that name, they proudly took their place among the fighting regiments of the grand old Army of the Potomac. Lieutenant Rites was an apt pupil, and with such ,1 teacher and in such a school he could not do otherwise than become an intelligent and fearless soldier. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 69 *9* May 186;, at Salem Church, where lost thirty-three per cent, in killed and wounded, Lieuten- ant Rates with others was taken prisoner, confined in Libby Prison sixteen days, and then exchanged in time to take part in Gettsyburg. 1 le was here given the bars of a first lieutenant. At the gallant charge of Upton's brigade at Rappahannock Station, November 7, 1863, Lieutenant Rates, as his regiment went over the rebel works, grasped from the hand of a Louisiana captain his uplifted sword. In March, 1864, officers were needed for the colored nents that were being rapidly recruited. Selections were wisely made from the army in the field. Lieutenant Rates was appointed 1 • nel of the Thirtieth U. S. Colored Troops. But a few weeks were given to prepare these raw recruits for the battle-field, where would be met the veterans of the Army of Northern Virginia. Their first charge was made in front ol Petersburg. The Thirtieth U. S. Colored Troops led the colored division, and Colonel Rates was shot through the head inside the rebel lines. Colonel Bates, for gallantry on this occasion, was in id a brigadier-general of volunteers by brevet, and al given a "medal of honor." In October, [864, General Hates assumed command of the First Brigade, Fourth 1 )i vision. Ninth Corps. December 2, 1864, the colored troops in the Ninth Corps were transferred to the Twenty-fifth Corps, and he was given command of the First Brigade, First Di- vision, of this corps, the number of which was soon after- wards changed to the First Brigade, Third Division, oi the same corps. After the capture of Fort Fisher, the colored troops participating therein were attached to the Army of the ( Ihio, and in April, 1865, General Hates was 1 igned command of the First Brigade, Third Division, Tenth Corps, Army of the Ohio, and in the absence ol General Paine he had command of the Division. During the summer of 1 865 General Hates had com- mand for a time of II aufort Harbor, North Carolina, and afterwards of the District of New -Heme, assisting in the work of "reconstruction." The conservative methods and impartial treatment of all questions arising won for him the respect of the citizens, and he was also presented with a beautiful sword and belt by his command as a token of their esteem. General Hates was mustered out of the service Decem- ber 23, 1865, at Baltimore, Maryland. In 1S70 he married, and in [873 emigrated to the far \\ :sf tii assist in building up the new State of Nebraska. Aurora, the county-seat of Hamilton County, had then but one frame building and several sod houses, and here he made his home. To-day Aurora is a city of two thousand five hund inhabitants, with brick blocks and business houses ..I all kinds. Since its incorp -ration a- a village General Hate- has been identified with the growth and j ment of the municipality, filling every office from city treasurer to tint of mayor. Heisvice-pre idenl of the First Nal Rank of Aurora and a working offl« er in that institution. His wife, Lana A. Hates, is a prominent worker in Women's Relief Corps, and was f,.r six years secretary of the Visiting and Advisory Board of the Nebraska ■ Home.wl tion -he tilled with unexcepl 1,1,. ab iiity. She is now (1892) one of tin- Lady Mana- of the World's Columbian Commission. 70 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer, BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL CHARLES F. MAN- DERSON. U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General Charles F. Mander- son, L'. S. Senator from Nebraska, and a lawyer by pro- fession, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., February 9, 1837. General Manderson received his education in the public schools and High School of Philadelphia. At the age of nineteen he removed to Canton, Ohio, where he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1859. In the spring of i860 he was elected city solicitor of Canton. He was married at Canton, Apiil 1 1, 1865, to Rebecca S., daughter of Hon. J. 1). Brown, a lawyer of prominence. ( >n the day of the receipt of the news of the firing on port Sumter, Mr. .Manderson enlisted as a private with Captain James Wallace, of the Canton Zouaves. Mr. Manderson ami Samuel Beatty, an old Mexican soldier, received permission from Governor Dennison to raise a company of infantry in April, 1 86 J . They recruited a full company in one day; Manderson being commis- sioned as its first lieutenant, and Beatty captain. In May, 1861, Captain Beatty was made colonel of the Nineteenth ( Ihio Infantry, and Manderson was commissioned captain of Company A of the same regiment. I le took his com- pany into Western Virginia, and the Nineteenth ( )hio be- came a part of the brigade commanded by General Rose- crans in General McClellan's army of occupation of Virginia. The regiment participated in the first field-battle of the war, known as Rich Mountain, on the 11th day of fuly, 1861. Captain Manderson received special men- tion in the official reports of this battle. In August, [861, he re-enlisted his company for three years or during the war, and in this service he rose through the grades of major, lieutenant-colonel, and colonel of the Nineteenth Ohio Infantry, and on January 1, 1864, over four hundred of the survivors of his regiment re-enlisted with him as veteran volunteers. The battle of Shiloh, during which Captain Manderson acted as lieutenant-colonel, caused his promotion to the rank of major, and he was mentioned in the reports of Generals Boyle and Crittenden for distinguished gallantry and exceptional service. He was in command of the Nineteenth Ohio Infantry in all its engagements up to and including the battle of Love-joy's Station, September 2, 1864. Major Manderson was promoted to be lieut. -colonel and colonel for his conduct at the battle of Stone River. During the Atlanta campaign Colonel Manderson com- manded a demi-brigade, composed of the Nineteenth < >hio, Seventy-ninth Indian, 1, and Ninth Kentucky. While leading his demi-brigade in a charge upon the enemy's works at Lovejqy's Station, Georgia, on Septem- ber 2, 1864, Colonel Manderson was severely wounded in the spine and right side, which produced temporary paralysis, and rendered him unfit for duty in the field. The ball being unextracted and much disability arising therefrom, Colonel Manderson was compelled to resign the service, from wounds, in April, 1865, the war in the West having practically closed. He was brevetted brig- adier-general of volunteers, United States Army, to date March [3, [865, "for long, faithful, gallant, and meri- torious services during the war of the Rebellion." Returning to Canton, Ohio, General Manderson re- sumed the practice of law, and was twice elected District Attorney of Stark County, declining a nomination for a third term. In [867 he came within one vote of receiving the Republican nomination for Congress in a district in 1 >1ih ), then conceded to be Republican by several thousand. In November, 1869, he removed to Omaha, Nebraska, where he still resides, and where he quickly became prom- inent in legal ami political affairs, lie was a member of the Nebraska State Constitutional Convention of ^871, and also that of [874, being elected without opposition by the nominations of both political parties. He served as city attorney of ( >maha, Nebraska, for over six years. For many years he has been an active comrade in the Grand Army of the Republic, and for three years was commander of the Military < >rdcr of the Loyal Legion of the District of Columbia. He was elected U.S. Senator, as a Republican, to succeed Alvin Saunders, his term commencing March 4, 1883. He was re-elected to the Senate in iSSS without opposition, and with unexceptiona- ble and unprecedented marks of approval from the Legis- lature of Nebraska. In the Senate he has been chairman 1 if the joint Committee on Printing and an active member of the following committees: Claims, Private Land Claims, Territories, Indian Affairs, Military Affairs, and Rules. In the second session of the Fifty-first Congress he was elected by the Senate as its president pro tempore without opposition, it having been declared, after full debate, to be a continuing office. This position he now holds. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. CAPTAIN GEORGE T. DUDLEY, U.S.V. Captain George T. Dudley was born in Elmira, New York, December 18, 1840, the youngest child of Ward and Sally Dudley. He was educated in the common schools and Waverly Institute, New York, during the fall and winter of [857-58. After teaching school for six months he entered the book-store of Preswick & Dudley, in Elmira, New York. At a war-meeting held April 24 he was among the first to enlist, and joined the Southern Tier Rifle Company, a portion of whose mem- bers volunteered for three months, and which was known as Company K, Twenty-third New York Volunteers. ( )n May 20 the regiment was sworn into the United States service for two years. The regiment arrived in Washing- ton Jul\- 7, crossed into Virginia July 22, and was attai hed to the brigade of < ieneral James Wadsworth. < In Febru- ary 22, 1862, Dudley was discharged as a private to accept promotion as first lieutenant Company I, One Hundred and Third New York Volunteers (Seward Infantry), then being raised in Elmira, New York. The company joined the regiment in Washington, D. C, in February, and was soon sent to New-Berne, North Carolina, as re-enforce- ments to General Burnside. Here they were assigned to General Naglee's brigade. In May Lieutenant Dudley accompanied the colonel, with about one hundred and fifty men, into Onslow County, where they had a skirmish with the Second North Carolina Cavalry, Dudley capturing a double-barrelled shot-gun. In June Lieutenant Dudley was stricken with typhoid fever, the result of a week's duty commanding the outpost at Evans's Mills, eight miles from New-Berne, before going to Hatteras. He accom- panied the remains of his brother, Wm. L. Dudley, to Elmira, rejoining his regiment in time for Antietam. ( )n September 19, on the battle-field of Antietam, he was ap- pointed captain, but before his commission arrived he was attacked again with the fever and chills, and, tendering his resignation on account of his disability, was honorably discharged September 30, 1862. In November, 1863, he commenced recruiting Company M, Fiftieth New York Volunteer Engineers, and on February 5, 1864, was mus- tered as senii ir first lieutenant, and with his company joined the regiment about March I, in Washington, D. C. On May 4, 1864, took up the march, under General Grant, for Richmond. His company, with D and R, was as- signed for duty with the Fifth Corps, under General G. K. Warren. He built the pontoon bridges at Germania Ford, and took an active part in the campaign in the \\ il- derness, Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Cold Harbor to Petersburg. At Coles's Ferry he helped build the longest pontoon bridge ever built, about three-quarters of a mile long. On June 21, 1864, Lieutenant Dudley assumed com- mand of his company, and till January 9, 1865, was en- gaged in constructing forts from the Appomattox to left 7> V" of line, among them Fort, McGilvery, Hell or Steadman, Fisher, and others. ( )n January 9, [865, was detailed on the staff of General Henry W. Benham, commanding Engineer Corps, and stationed at City Point. ( >n April 3, 1865, about noon, learning that Richmond was "ours," with Major J. II. Woodward, Captain Talbot, assistant conimissar\' of subsistence, Lieutenant Fuller, Michigan Cavalry, with an escort of ten cavalrymen, rode to Rich- mond, their names appearing on the register of the Spotts- wood Hotel on the opposite page of the Confederate officers who registered the previous day. The price of board per day was fifty dollars in Confederate money, three dollars in greenbacks. The next day they rode to the Rocketts to meet President Lincoln; accompanied him to the Jeff Davis mansion, and were there introduced to him. Captain Dudley will never forget the warm clasp of the President's great, broad hand, and his cordial " 1 am very glad to meet you." Only five officers were then introduced to the President. After partaking of .1 of wine from Jeff's cellar, he accompanied the President around the city to the Rocketts, and returned to City Point with the key of the clock and .1 pair of handcuffs from Libby Prison, and a pair of anklets from Castle Thunder, which are now in his possession. I le was mus- tered out with his regiment in Elmira. New York, June 13, 1865. On November 15, 1865, he married Elizabeth C. I.aw- in Trenton, New Jersey, a descendant of that great Quaker or Friend, John Woolman. He was in the mercantile business until 1 881, when his health having failed, the result of fever on Hatteras Island in 1 862. and chronic diarrhoea in 1864, he was appointed an examiner in the Pension Office in Washington, D. C, which position he still holds. OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL JAMES SHAW. JR., u.s.v. Brevet Brigadier-General James Shaw. Jr., son of General James and Eliza Field (Godfrey) Shaw, was born in Providence, Rhode Island, September 25, 1830. His father commanded the First Light Infantry from [830 to [835, and ordered the firing on the mob in 1831, — the first instance in the country where a mob had been sup- pressed by the militia; was active on the side of " law and order" during the " Dorr War," and was afterwards commander of the First Brigade Rhode Island Militia. General lames Shaw, Jr., was educated in the public schools of Providence, graduating from the High School in 1S46. He was an active member of the First Light Infantry from 1850 to 1857. At the commencement of the Rebellion, being unable to go with the First Regi- ment, he suggested to the citizens of the Sixth Ward the formation of ward companies lor the purpose of learning to drill, lie was made fust lieutenant and then captain of the Sixth Ward Guards. This example was followed by every ward in the city and every town in the State. ( >wing to Captain Shaw's exertions a regiment was formed from these companies, and he was elected colonel. In the spring of 1 862 the following despatch was receiv ed from the Secretary of War : " Enemy advancing on Wash- ington ; send every available man immediately." and Colonel Shaw was called on by the governor to organize the Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers. In thirty hours alter the call a regiment was formed, armed, clothed, equipped, and en route for Washington. Waiving the right to the command, Colonel Shaw asked for one who had received a military education for colonel, ami tools the lieutenant-colonelcy May 26, 1862; was promoted to colonel August 6 of the same year, and served in the defences of Washington. At the end of three months the command was mustered out. He re-entered the service December 31, 1862, as lieutenant-colonel of the Twelfth Rhode Island Volunteers, and served with the Ninth Army Corps before Fredericksburg, Newport News, and in Kentucky. When the Twelfth Regiment was mustered out he appeared before " Casey's Hoard," and was the fifth out of seven hundred examined to receive the grade of colo- nel, and was appointed October 27, 1863, to the com- mand of the Seventh United States Colored Troops. I le joined the regiment November 12, 1863, in Maryland; was post commander at Jacksonville, Florida ; com- manded brigade in the expedition to Cedar Creek and Camp Melton ; participated in the battle on John's Island ; was commended for wisdom and bravery in action; re- turned to Virginia and moved on Richmond; he com- manded First Brigade, Third Division, Tenth Army Corps, August 13 to 21, August 25 to September 25, and ( >cto- ber 25 to December 4, [864. Commanded First Brigade, Second Division, Twenty-fifth Army Corps, from its for- mation, December 4, 1 864, until it was disbanded in 1866 Commanded Second Division, Twenty-fifth Army Corps, February 21 to March 13, 1865, and participated in the capture of Petersburg and the triumph at .Appomattox. He commanded the sub-district of Victoria and Central District of Texas from February 21 to May 9, 1866, and was mustered out with his regiment November 16, [866, bearing on his flag, by authority, the names of the battles of Cellar Creek, Baldwin, Kingsland Road, Fuzzel's Mills, White Point, John's Island, Fort Gilmer, Darbytown Road, Armstrong's Mills, Petersburg, and Appomattox C< hi it I louse. General Shaw was brevetted brigadier-general for "meritorious services during the war," to date from March 13, 1865. The record of this regiment of colored troops forms a valuable and brilliant page in the history of the war. In August, 1870, General Shaw was appointed collector of customs of the port of Providence, Rhode Island, and filled the office until February 1, [879. He has been a member of the National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic from its organization, and was chairman ot the committee that wrote the rules, regulations, and ritual unanimously adopted by the encampment at Cin- cinnati in 1869, and he is a member of the Massachusetts Commanderyof the Military 1 )rder of the Loyal Legion. At present (1892) he is secretary and treasurer of the American Wood-Taper Company, Providence, Rhode Island. General Shaw married, September 22, 1853, Elizabeth Williams, daughter of lames and Amanda ( Totter) Fisher, of Pawtuxet, Rhode Island. They have had three chil- dren, — James, Walter Arnold (died May 5, 1 S 7 s ) . and Howard Arminsrton. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL MARTIN T. McMAHON. U.S.V. Brevet Major-General Martin T. McMahon was born in Canada in 1838. His father and uncle, who were temporarily residing there, had been connected with the Canadian rebellion of that year, and were obliged to leave suddenly for the United States for fear of arrest. General McMahon was graduated at St. John's College, Fordham, New York, at the age of seventeen. He sub- sequently received from the same college the degree of LL.D. He studied law in Buffalo in the office of Hon. Eli Cook, at that time mayor of the city. While still underage he was appointed to succeed his elder brother as corresponding clerk in the appointment office of the Post-Office Department at Washington, and in the last year of Buchanan's administration he was sent as special agent of the Post-Office Department for the Pacific coast to California, where he remained until the outbreak of the war. Upon the first call for troops he entered the ser- vice, and was elected captain of the first company of cavalry organized on the Pacific coast. He was not mustered in, however, as orders had been received from Washington to retain the California volunteers within that State to relieve the regular troops on duty there. McMahon thereupon resigned his command, and shortly afterwards was appointed captain in the U. S. Army and additional aide-de-camp on the staff of Major-General George B. McClellan, who had just been called to Wash- ington, lie served with the Army of the Potomac from the beginning to the end, and was present in every engagement in which that army took part. During the Seven Days' fight on the Peninsula he was assigned, at his own request, to the staff of Major-General William B. Franklin, commanding the Sixth Army Corps. He was subsequently promoted to be major and aide-de-camp, and afterwards lieutenant-colonel and assistant adjutant- general of the Left Grand Division, Army of the Poto- mac. When that division was discontinued after Burn- side's failure at Fredericksburg, McMahon was reassigned as adjutant-general to the Sixth Army Corps, and served as chief of staff to General Sedgwick until that officer's death at Spottsylvania. Pie was continued in the same capacity under General Wright until the end of [864, when he was assigned to temporary duty in New York, on the staff of Major-General Dix, commanding the Department of the East. Two elder brothers of General McMahon, who were successively colonels of the One Hundred and Sixty- fourth New York Volunteers, died in the service. The eldest brother, Colonel John E., was the first colonel of the regiment, and upon his death the second brother, James P. McMahon, succeeded him and was killed at Cold Harbor. He was the only one of his corps who reached 10 73 the enemy's works and placed his flag there, which fell inside their lines and was captured. It was subsequently returned to the city of New York by the cadets of the Military College of Virginia, to whom it hail been pre- sented. General McMahon has held several important position in civil life. He was corporation attorney of the city of New York in 1866-67, U.S. minister to Paraguay during President Johnson's administration, and for many years receiver of taxes in the city of New York. I le was U. S. marshal for the Southern District of New York during President Cleveland's administration; was elected to the Assembly in 1890, carrying a Republican district w Inch had never before elected a Democrat. The following year he made a similar contest for the State Senate, and again carried a district which had always been represented by a Republican. He was chairman of the Committee on General Laws, and of that on Military Affairs in the Senate. He received the Congressional medal of honor for " distinguished bravery at the battle of White 1 >ak Swamp." The incident for which it was conferred was the burning of a pontoon train which had been abandoned between the lines. McMahon volunteered to destroy it. and did so, after saving one of the wagons, to which he- succeeded in attaching some straggling mules that were wandering up and down between the lines of the two armies. This wagon was the instrument-wagon of the train, and was extremely valuable. General McMahon is a lawyer in good practice in the city of New York. He is also one of the manage. the National Home tor Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, and was three times elected by Congress to that impo position. During his military service he was brev* four times, and several times mentioned in orders for gallant and meritorious service. 74 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {.volunteer, BREVET LIEUTENANT-COLONEL CALEB W. HORNOR, u.s.v. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Caleb W. Hornor was born March 26, 1828, in Burlington County, New Jersey. Hi.s ancestor, John Hornor, came to .America in the " Hie ship Martha," in the seventeenth century, landing at Burlington, New Jersey. He was descended from the Hornors of Mells, near Frome, England. Dr. Hornor graduated from Jefferson Medical College in 1849, and served two years as senior of the clinic, as assistant to Professors Mutter and Pancoast in surgery, and Professors Meigs, Dunglison, and Mitchell in prac- tice. In 1859 he married Miss Julia M., daughter of Hon. P. G. Washington, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under President Pierce, and his wife, Margaret M., daughter of Major William Macpherson, of the Revo- lutionary Army. Early in March, 1862, he was assigned to the charge of Wood Street U. S. A. General Hospital in Philadelphia. On the discontinuance of that hospital, February, 1863, he took charge of Summit I tome I". S. A. General Hospital, as assistant surgeon (J. S. V., and in April was made surgeon, ami transferred to the Army of the Cumberland. On reporting at Murfreesborough to Major-General Rosecrans, he made the request to be allowed to accompany the army, then ready to take the field. The general acceded to this, accompanying the doctor to the medical-director's office. Dr. Perrine replied that Surgeon Robert Murray, L". S. A., medical purveyor at Philadelphia, had written to him that Dr. Hornor had made' a reputation in the East lor hospital management; that the hospitals of his department were bad enough, and that the regimental surgeons there were required to accompany their commands; therefore he should ask to have Surgeon Hornor detailed to Nashville. The first duty was the charge and improvement of Shelby Medical College Hospital (No. 23) until September I, when the hospitals on the heights of South Nashville were con- solidated as Hospital No. 1 and given to Dr. Hornor, the capacity being twelve hundred beds. Seven hun- dred and forty-four wounded were admitted to this charge from the battle of Chickamauga ; amongst these patients ten gunshot wounds of the knee-joint were suc- cessfully treated by antiseptics and irrigation, and during the winter of [863-64 in this hospital was introduced the painless and humane practice of arresting hospital gan- grene by the application of oil of turpentine. Previous to that the actual cautery, or the more painful use of bromine, had been the reined}-. In the early spring Dr. Hornor received a copy of an order directing him, when relieved, to report for duty as medical director of the Third Division, Fourth Army Corps. He was informed that he had been selected to take the place of the medical director of the corps, who was ill with typhoid fever, and promptly made arrangements for that duty, as the corps was to march to the relief of Knoxville. While waiting three weeks for a successor at the hospital, he received .1 letter from Washington, with the information that the sur- geon-general intended to establish a special hospital in the district, and offered the charge to him. He took charge of the new hospital and named it " Ricord," and at the same time was assigned to duty as a member of the Ex- amining Hoard for Assistant Surgeons, I*. S. Volunteers. Dr. Hornor was selected to devise a scheme for the relief of sick "contrabands," and received as authority the additional duty of " Inspector of Freedmen, Depart- ment of Washington." Heside the mounted medical ser- vice for the district, with dispensaries and other relief posts, Dr. Hornor prepared plans for a large new hospital to cover a vacant block in the city of Washington. The quartermaster's department was directed to carry these plans into effect promptly. After a year in Washington the doctor was transferred to Philadelphia as post-surgeon of Camp Cadwalader, and while there saw an epidemic of cerebro-spinal meningitis eradicated. He rode as one of the escort detailed by General Cadwalader, command- ing, to receive and escort the remains of President Lincoln to Independence Hall. The beginning of June. 1865, Dr. Hornor, under orders from the War Department, reported to Major-General ().(). Howard, commissioner of Freed- men's Bureau, as chief medical officer, and throughout the Southern States and I Hstrict of Columbia organized and administered over eighty hospitals and dispensaries. 'Phis duty continued until his resignation took effect, Septem- ber 1, 1866. Since the war, Dr. Hornor's residence has been 1636 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ; his country home is near Bryn Maw r. Pennsylvania. Dr. Hornor has been a member of the Society of St. George, of Philadelphia, for more than forty years, and is a member of the Military < trdcr of the Loyal Legion. WHO SERVED IN 7 HE CIVIL WAR 75 BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL SAMUEL DUNCAN OLIPHANT, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General Samuei Duncan Oli PHANT was born August I, 1824, at Franklin Forges, on the Youghiogheny River, in Fayette County, Penn- sylvania. He was the second son of Fidelio Hughes Oliphant and Jane Creigh Duncan, his wife. He received his earlier education in private schools at Uniontown, Fayette County, Pennsylvania; the Grove Academy, at Steubenville, ( )hio ; entered the Freshman class in Novem- ber, 1840, and graduated from Jefferson College in Sep- tember, 1844. He commenced the study of law under the direction of the law-firm of Howell & ( Uiphant (Judge E. I'. ( >Ii- phant, his uncle), in Uniontown, Pennsylvania; spent two years at the Law -School of Harvard University, and graduated therefrom in June, 1846, and was admitted to the bar of Fayette County in September, 1847. Three years later he moved to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and entering into partnership with the late Hon. Thomas Williams, remained there two years, when he returned to and resumed the practice of law at Uniontown, Penn- sylvania ; was actively engaged in building the Fayette Count)- Railroad from Uniontown to Connellsville. Having been identified with tin- uniformed militia of Fayette Count}' as captain of the Union Volunteers before he was twenty-one years of age, and subsequently as colonel of the battalion of uniformed militia of Fayette County, he felt in honor, as well as duty and inclination, bound to make good his soldierly professions of peaceful days, and volunteered at the outbreak of the war of the Rebellion. On the same day on which Sumter was fired upon he raised a company of one hundred men. < hi the next day he was off with it to Pittsburg, where he was elected captain. His company was organized in the Eighth Pennsylvania Reserves at Camp Wright, of which he was elected lieutenant-colonel. Marched with his regiment to the defence of Washington in Jul)', 186] ; was on his way while the battle of Bull Run was being fought, and was there mustered into the service of the LInited States for three years or during the war. He participated with his regiment in the battles of the Peninsula; was physically disabled in the line of duty and honorably discharged in December. [862. Recovering in a measure from his disabilities, in June, 1863, he was appointed major in the Veteran Reserve Corps. Being ordered to the command of the detach- ment at Pottsville, Schuylkill Count)', Pennsylvania, he was soon promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel and colonel of the Fourteenth Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, and to the command of the Second Sub-District of the Department of the Lehigh. Subsequently he with General Thomas at Nashville, Tennessee, Decemb< r 15-16, 1864, and participated in the defences when Jubal Early threatened Washington in the summer of [864. lie was the senior ami presiding officer on two boards "I examination, and was several times detailed as president of courts-martial. In August, 1865, he was brevetted brigadier-general for meritorious services during the war, and assigned to the command of the Second Brigade of the garrison of Washington, and honorably discharged from the service July 1, 1866. The war being over, he removed from Uniontown, Penn- sylvania, to Princeton, New Jersey, for educational facili- ties for a large family of sons, and resumed the practice of law. In September of 1870 he was appointed clerk of the Circuit Court of the United States fur the Distl New Jersey by Hon. William McKennan, circuit jud ; . and still continues to exercise the duties of that ol residing at Trenton. He was married in March, 1X47, to Mary Coulter Campbell, of Uniontown, Pennsylvania, and of this mar- riage there was issue ten sons, all of whom are living. In January, 1877, he married his second wife. Beulah A. daughter of Joseph Oliphant, of Oliphanfs Mills, near Medford, New Jersey. 76 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) MAJOR JAMES B. HORNER. U.S.V. Major James B. Horner is a native of Albany, New York, where he was burn August 5, 1 S39. His three brothers have assisted the major in establishing a patriotic family record during the war of the Rebellion. Under the President's first call for seventy-five thou- sand men, Major Horner enlisted April 19, 1861, in Com- pany D of the Ninth New York Volunteers (Hawkins's Zouaves), and was, on the muster of his regiment into the United States service, May 4, 1X61, appointed first sergeant of his company. In this capacity he participated in the battle of Roanoke Island, North Carolina, February 8, 1862, where his regiment made the first decisive bayonel charge of the war. Sergeant Horner took part in the battle of Camden, or South Mills, North Carolina. For his bravery on that occasion he received a commission as second lieutenant. Lieutenant Horner for his bravery upon the field was promoted to be first lieutenant. He participated in every action where the Ninth New York was engaged, the most important of which were Hatteras, South Mountain, Antietam, Winton, Fredericksburg, and Suffolk, Virginia. Lieutenant Horner, immediately upon the muster-out of his old regiment, recruited two companies, which were known as the Second Battalion of the Hawkins's Zouaves, and was commissioned as captain. While- at Fort Ham- ilton, Captain Horner's companies were consolidated with others, out of which was organized the Seventeenth Regiment New York Veteran Volunteers. On October 25, 1863, the new regiment, Captain Horner being in com- mand of Company H, left for the West, under orders to report to General Sherman ; and while en route, orders were received from Washington for the brigade, which included the Seventeenth New York, to report to Gen- eral A. J. Smith, who commanded an army corps guard- ing the Mississippi River from St. Louis, Missouri, to New Orleans, Louisiana. The regiment afterward par- ticipated in a severe winter march through Western Tennessee. Soon afterward his regiment was ordered to join General Sherman at Yicksburg, and with it he partici- pated in all the marches and engagements from Yicks- burg to Meridian, Mississippi. Thence the Seventeenth New York proceeded to Decatur, Alabama, fighting, marching, and skirmishing in that vicinity for several months. Still later on the Seventeenth New York was as- signed to the Fourteenth Army Corps, and moved with General Sherman toward Chattanooga, taking part in all the battles and skirmishes in and about Atlanta, Georgia, and especially at Jonesborough, where it was hotly en- gaged with the enemy. Here the Seventeenth New York Volunteers made a desperate assault upon the rebel works. Captain Horner with his company led the ad- vance, and in less than twenty minutes the works were carried in fine style. For their conspicuous gallantry in this action the regiment was specially complimented by General George II. Thomas at the grand review of the arm)' held in Washington at the close of the war. Captain Horner was promoted major of his regiment " for gallant conduct at the battle of Averysborough, North Carolina," where he was wounded in the left leg. Several days afterward, while in command of his regi- ment, Major Horner, finding himself surrounded by the enemy, immediately ordered a charge, which was gal- lantly done, the command striking a division of the rebel General Hardee's corps, capturing five stands of colors, a portion of Hardee's ammunition-train, and seven hun- dred prisoners. On the 10th of March. 1865, and for three days subse- quent thereto. Major Horner commanded his regiment and fought with it at the battle of Bentonville, North Carolina, and he was again wounded in the left leg; while at the battle of Fayetteville, North Carolina, he was, for the third time, wounded, this time by a Minie-ball in the right arm. While in the Seventeenth Regiment Major Horner participated in the following prominent battles: Jackson, Mississippi; Decatur, Resaca, Jonesborough, Averysbor- ough, Bentonville, Fayetteville, Louisville, Atlanta, Golds- borough, Savannah, and Raleigh, making, together with his previous experiences while in the Ninth New York Volunteers, twenty-one in all, without reference to numer- ous minor engagements and skirmishes in which he was under the enemy's fire. Major Horner is a member of the G A. R., and he was also the first president of the Hawkins's Zouave Association (surviving members of the Ninth New York Volunteers), and was also its president in 1879, WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. ADJUTANT-GENERAL THEODORE SAFFORD PECK, U.S.V. (of Vermont). Adjutant-General Theodore Safford Peck was born in Burlington, Vermont, March 22, [843. He en- listed at the age of eighteen as private in Company F, First Vermont Cavalry, September 1, [861 ; mustered into the United States service November 1, 1861 ; trans- ferred to Company K, and discharged for promotion June 25, 1S62; appointed by Colonel George Jerrison Stannard, regimental quartermaster-sergeant Ninth Regi- ment Vermont Infantry, June 2?, [862; promoted sec- ond lieutenant Company C, January 7, [863 ; promoted first lieutenant Company 11, June 10, (864; acting regi- mental quartermaster and adjutant, also acting assistant adjutant-general, aide-de-camp, and brigade quartermas- ter Second Brigade, Second Division, Eighteenth Army Corps ; promoted captain and assistant quartermaster U. S. Volunteers March 11, [865 ; assigned to First Brigade, Third Division, Twenty-fourth Army Corps. He served on the staffs of Brevet Major-Genera] George ]. Stannard, Brigadier-General Isaac J. Wistar at Suffolk, Virginia; Brigadier-General Joseph H. Potter, Brevet Brigadier- General Michael T. Donahue, and Brevet Brigadier-Gen- eral Edward H. Ripley, in the trenches in front of Peters- burg and Richmond, Virginia. In the Vermont cavalry he was present in action at Middletown and Winchester, Va., May 24 and 25, [862; in the Ninth Regiment, Winchester, August, and Harper's Ferry, Va., Sept. 13, 14, and 15, 1862 (captured and pa- roled); siege of Suffolk, Nansemond, Edenton Road, Blackwater, May, 1863; Yorktown and raid to Glouces- ter Court-House, Va., July and Aug., [863; action of Young's Cross-Roads, Dec, 1863; Newport Barracks, Feb. 2, 1864; raid to Swansborough and Jacksonville, N. C, May, [864; Fort Harrison Sept. 29 and 30, 1864; Fair (Oaks, Va., Oct. 29, 1804; was present in New York City commanding a battalion. Ninth Vermont Regiment, in November, 1864, at the second election of President Lincoln. He was also present in the siege (winter, 1804 and spring, 1865) and capture of Richmond, Va., and was with the first organized command of infantry (Third Bri- gade, Third Division, Twenty-fourth Army Corps) to enter the rebel capital, at the surrender on the morning of April 3, 1865 ; his brigade was also provost-guard of the city for two weeks after its capture. He was wounded September 29, 1864, in the assault of Fort Harrison, Va. He received a medal of honor from Congress for gallantry in action at Newport Barracks, N. C, Feb. 2. 1864, on account of holding the enemy in check, and burning the county bridge in lace of their fire of musketry and artillery from the opposite side of the Newport River, which is very narrow at this point. A part of his men was occupied in firing at the enemy, while with the rest he pulled up the planks and set the bridge on fire with 77 dead grass which was pulled by hand from the ground. Lieutenant Peck had been notified that two companies of cavalry would report to him at this bridge with plenty of turpentine and tar to burn the same, but they failed to connect, and had not this bridge and one other been de- stroyed a serious disaster must have inevitably occurred to the Union troops, as they had been fighting a force t( n times their number all day long, anil these were their only avenues of retreat. Adjutant-t ieneral Pe< k was mustered out of the United States service, on account of the close of the war. June 2}, 1865, having served nearly four years as a private in the ranks, an officer in the line and on the staff, a mem- ber of the cavalry corps, and also of the- First, Fourth, Ninth, Eighteenth, and Twenty-fourth Army Corps, m the Armies of the Potomac and the James. The govern- ment at the close of the war offered him two commissions in the regular army, which were declined. Upon his return home to Vermont, he was appointed chief of staff, with rank of colonel, by Governor John W. Stewart ; afterwards colonel of the first and only regi- ment of infantry of the National Guard of the - which position he held for eight years. In 1 869, assistant adjutant-general of the G. A. R., Departmenl of Ver- mont; in 1872, senior vice-commander; and in 18;' department commander. In [881 he was appointed ad- jutant-general, with rank of brigadier-general, and is on duty in tins office at the present time, lie is a charter member of the Vermont Commandery, Military Ord the Loyal Legion, and is ,1 via president-general of the National Society, Sons of American Revolution. He had four ancestors ,'n the Revolutionary War and 1 Warofi8i2. Gen. Peck was appointed by President Harri- s. at .1 member of the Board of Visitors at tin U. S. Military Academy in 1891. Is a resident of Burlington, Chittenden County, Vt, following the business of general insurance. OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY hvlunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL JOSEPH D1GKINS0N, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General Joseph Dickinson was burn in Philadelphia December 25, 1830, being descended from a Pennsylvania ancestry distinguished fen- heroic patriotism in the old colonial days. His maternal grand- lather and four grand uncles fought in the Revolutionary War under Washington. His father was in the War of [8l2, and himself and nine others of the family entered the lists of the Union army during the Rebellion. General Dickinson, early in i86l,blew the bugle-notes which assembled the Twenty-sixth Pennsylvania Infantry, which started for Washington wholly unequipped and unarmed, and accompanied the Sixth Massachusetts Reg- iment in its memorable passage through Baltimore. The regiment was afterwards reorganized as the first of the three years' volunteers. General Dickinson was mustered into the United States service as first lieutenant and adjutant Twenty-sixth Pennsylvania Volunteers, to date from May 5, 1861 ; was commissioned by President Lincoln captain and assistant adjutant-general U. S. Volunteers August 22, 1861 ; 1 major and assistant adjutant-general August 22, 1862. and lieutenant-colonel and assistant adjutant-general November 10, 1862. He was brevetted lieutenant-colonel, colonel, and brigadier-general for gallantry in battle. Was assigned to duty as assistant adjutant- general on the staff of General Joseph Hooker, August 22, 1861. Was wounded at Williamsburg, Virginia, May 5, 1862; severely wounded .it Pair Oaks, Virginia, June I, 1862, and again severely at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsyl- vania, July 3, 1863. His record in the Adjutant-General's Department, in the field, is without a parallel. Having originally entered the service as adjutant of his regiment, he successively became adjutant-general of brigade, division, corps, grand division, and of the Army of the Potomac. When Gen- eral Hooker took command of the Army of the Potomac, he appointed him his adjutant-general, with the rank of brigadier-general, which he declined, much to his regret, for the reason that it would have kept him in camp when he (General Hooker) was on the field of battle. He participated in all the great battles and skirmishes of the Army of the Potomac. Upon the retirement of General Hooker from the com- mand oi the Army of the Potomac, and the assumption of the command by Major-General George G. Meade, at the urgent personal solicitation of the latter, General Dickinson remained on duty on the staff. While at Taneytown, Maryland, General Meade showed his great confidence and appreciation of General Dickin- son's eminent military skill and ability by selecting him for the important duty of proceeding to Gettysburg on the eve of June 30 for consultation with General John Buford, then holding the town with his cavalry, and determining the movements of the infantry column under General John F. Reynolds. It was upon the judgment and con- clusions of Generals Buford and Dickinson, after an earnest consideration of the situation until long after mid- night, with the enemy's forces rapidly concentrating about the outskirts of the town, that a staff officer was de- spatched with oia.lers to General Reynolds to move his command to Gettysburg. Thus it was that General Rey- nolds received the orders from General Meade that resulted in that great battle. General Dickinson having called on General Reynolds on his way up to Gettysburg and informing him of the nature of his duty and instruc- tions, had prepared him for the receipt of any orders re- sultant therefrom. It was General Dickinson who selected the position at the little farm-house on the Taneytown road for the head-quarters of General Meade during the battle which followed, and was himself severely wounded there on July 3. Being incapacitated for service in the field, he was assigned to inspection duty at Washington. 1 Ie resigned Jan. 24, 1864, ami was " honorably mustered out ot service on account of wounds received in action." General Dickinson greatly distinguished himself at the battle of Chancellorsville, where, during the battle, at great risk of life and capture, he rescued eighteen ladies ami children from the burning Chancellor's I louse, which was destroyed by the bursting shells. The general now resides in Washington. D. C., with his wile, a former Miss Blanton, of patriotic Kentucky stock. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. BREVET MAJOR WILLIAM E. POTTER. Brevet Major William E. Potter is the son of James Boyd and Jane Barron Potter, and the grandson of Colo- nel David Potter, a soldier of the Revolution. lie was born June 13, I S40, at Bridgeton, New Jersey, and he was educated in the schools of his native town, at the College of New Jersey, at Princeton, and at the Law School of Harvard University. Having aided in raising a company under the call of the President for three hundred thousand volunteers to serve for three years or during the war, he was commissioned second lieutenant of Company K, Twelfth New [erseyVol- unteers, August 14, [862, and mustered into the service of the United States as such, September 4, 1862. Having served some months in Maryland, the regiment joined the Army of the Potomac, and was assigned to the Third Brigade, Third Division, Second Army Corps, in Decem- ber, 1862. December 26, 1862, Lieutenant Potter was detached from his regiment, and appointed ordnance officer of the division, then commanded by Major-General William H. French, ami served in this capacity during the campaigns of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, and until October [, 1863. In his report of the battle of Chancellorsville, dated May 16, 1863, Major-General French speaks of the con- duct of Lieutenant Potter as follows ; " Lieutenant \V. E. Potter, ordnance officer, was indefatigable, brave, and zealous. His department was never better served." The report of Brigadier-General Alexander 1 1 axes, who com- manded the division at the battle of Gettysburg, also commends the conduct of Lieutenant Potter in that action. August 6, 1863, Lieutenant Potter was promoted fust lieutenant of his company. October I, 1863, he was made judge-advocate of his division, and served in this capacity upon the staff of Brigadier-General Alexander I lays, until the division became part of the Second Division, Second Army Corps, in 18(14. He was promoted captain of Company G of his regiment, February 6, 1864, and having rejoined his regiment and taken command oi his company, he was wounded in action at the Wilderness, May 6, 1864. He rejoined for duty June 4, 1804. July 1, 1864, he was detailed as aide-de-camp to Colonel Thomas A. Smyth, commanding Third Brigade, Second Division, Second Army Corps ; August 1, 1864,110 was detailed as judge-advocate Second Divisii in, So 1 ind Army Corps, on the staff of Major-General John Gibbon, and served in this capacity until January 15, 1865, when he was detailed as aide-de-camp to General Gibbon, command- ing Twenty-fourth Army Corps. He remained 011 duty in this last-named position (to which were added at one time the duties of acting inspectoi general, and subse- quently those of judge-advocate, of the corps) until he was mustered out of service, June 4, 1865. During his term of service, he was present in the fol- lowing-named engagements with the enemy : Chancellors- ville, Gettysburg, Auburn, Bristoe Station, Blackburn's Ford, Locust Grove, campaign of Mine Run, .Morton lord, Wilderness, Cold Harbor, the entire campaign of Petersburg from June 15, 1864, to January [5, [865, Deep Bottom (first and second). Ream's Station, Hatcher's Run, Boydton Road, assault and capture of Petersburg, Rice's Station, and .Appomattox Court-House. April 11, 18(15, in company with Major Andrew II. Embler (now adjutant-general of Connecticut), lie con- ducted the several corps of Lee's army into position for the formal surrender of their arms and colors. By an order from head-quarters Twenty-fourth Army Corps, he was subsequently detailed with five other officers to de liver the colors surrendered by Lee's army, seventy-six in number, to the Secretary of War at Washington. This ceremony occurred May 1, 1865. L T pon this occasion ( iaptain Potter received the brevet of major United State Volunteers. In 1866 Major Potter was commissioned aide-de-camp to Marcus L. Ward, governor of New I sey, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. He was ad- mitted to practise as an attornev -at law November, 1865 1 le received the degree of LL.B. from I larvard University in 1861, and from the College of New Jersey the degrees of A.B. and A.M., m [863 and [866 respectively. He was elected an honorary member of the S the Cincinnati of New Jersey, July 4, 1874; pi the New fersey Union Officers Associate Companion of the Pennsylvania Commandery of the! Legion in 1868; and is also a member of Po G A. R.. Department of Pennsylvania. Colonel Potter was man daughter of the late Rev. Alfred Eddy, of [V I higan. Their children are Alfred Eddy; First-class Naval l James Boyd, U.S.N. ; I >avid, Alice, and Fi I 'avail. So OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) J> LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JAMES FLINTHAM HOW. u.s.v. Lieutenant-Colonel James Flintham How was born in St. Louis, Missouri, April I I, i 842. I [is parents were John How, who was born in Philadelphia, and removed to St. Louis prior to the year 1X40, and Louisa Morris, who was a native of Cincinnati. 1 [is father was for many years one of the most prominent citizens of St. Louis and of the State of Missouri ; and was for two terms mayor of the city, and prominently identified with every enterprise calculated to prove of benefit to it ; and at the commence- ment of the war was one of the five or six gentlemen ap- pointed by President Lincoln as a Committee of Safety, having in charge the interests of the Union cause in that vicinity. The subject of our sketch was educated in his native city. He had just left school with the intention of fol- lowing mercantile pursuits when the war broke out, and on April 18, 1861, on receipt of the news that Sumter had been attacked, he enlisted as a private in the Third Regiment U. S. Reserve Corps, which was then being raised for three months' service. Six weeks after, in June, 1 861, realizing that the war would last at least a term of several years, he accepted the position of second lieutenant in the Seventh Regiment of Missouri Volun- teer Infantry. In December of th.it year he was pro- moted to the position of first lieutenant. ( )n September 13, 1862, he was appointed major of the Twenty-seventh Regiment of Missouri Volunteer Infantry, one of the new regiments then being raised in the State of Missouri, and on May 3, 1S64, was promoted to the lieutenant-colo- nelcy of the same regiment. In December, 1861, Lieu- tenant How was relieved from duty with his regiment and placed on detached service as aide-de-camp for Gen eral David S. Stanley, which position he occupied until the following summer, when he left to assume the new position to which he was promoted, as mentioned above. He was again in January, [864, detached from his regi- ment to accept the position of aide-de-camp for General Frank P. Blair, with whom he remained while in the service. In the summer of [864 Colonel How resigned from the army and returned home (where he felt his ser- vices were required to assist his father, who had met with financial reverses in connection with his business), believ- ing that the repeated defeats which the enemy were then suffering were bringing the war to a speedy termination, and the country could spare his services, which seemed to be so urgently demanded at home. While in the army, Colonel How was present at the taking of Camp Jackson in his native city; was at the taking of New Madrid and Island No. 10, and in the battles preceding the same. He was in the advance on Corinth and the surrender at that place, and in many of the different battles in the campaign around Yieksburg and at the surrender of that city; also, in the battle at Iuka and in the much more serious ones at Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge, in those at Kcilesaw and Resaca, and in the various other engagements con- nected with the Atlanta campaign. In General < )sterhaus's report of the operations at Mis- sionary Ridge he says that " Major James F. How, of the Twenty-seventh Missouri Infantry, who advanced with the skirmishers in the valley on the right of our line of attack, intercepted and burned a rebel wagon train." He also says, "The mention of the names of some is proper, and I designate the following as conspicuous in bravery: . . . Major James F. I low, Twenty-seventh Missouri Volunteers, with ten men, attacked and took prisoners sixty-five armed rebels." On his return to St. Louis he engaged in the mercan- tile business for a few years, but in 1869 entered the rail- road service, and since has filled numerous positions in connection with the same, always in his own city, and always with the mad with which he is now connected, or with organizations now forming a part of the property belonging to that road. He is at present vice-president of the Wabash Railroad Company. As a member of the G. A. R., and also as a member of the Missouri Com- mandery of the Loyal Legion, of which he was at one time commander, he has kept up an active connection with his comrades of the late war. He was married December 3, 1 S67. to Eliza A. Eads, daughter of the distinguished engineer, Captain James B. Pads. Two suns — |ames Lads How and Louis How — form the remainder of his family. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL DENNIS T. KIRBY, u.s.v. Brevet Brigadier-General Dennis T. Kirby was born in Niagara County, New York, September 15, 1 t s ^ 7 ; moved with his parents to Buffalo, New York, in [847, and to St. Louis, Missouri, in 1854. He entered the service as captain Company E, Eighth Missouri Volunteer Infantry, June 25, 1861 ; served in Missouri and Ken- tucky to February, 1862, and was engaged in the capture of Forts Henry, Heiman, and Donelson, Eeb. 6-13— 16; battle of Shiloh, April 6-7 ; Lick Creek, Corinth Road, and siege of Corinth, April 24-25-30, May 30; battle of Russell's House, Mississippi, May 17. He was promoted major July 16, 1862 ; engaged at Coldwater Creek, May 17; Sherman's operations against Vicksburg, December 18; battle of Chickasaw Bayou, December 27; Arkansas Post, January 11, 1863 (wounded slightly and horse killed); Steel's Bayou and Deer Creek expedition, March 16-22; Black Bayou, April 5-10; Haines's Bluff, May 1 ; engaged at Fourteen-Mile Creek, Champion Hill, and Black River, Mississippi, May 12-16-17; siege of and assaults on Vicksburg, May 18, July 4; siege of Jackson, Mississippi, July 9-16; Brandon, July 17-20. He was promoted lieutenant-colonel August 9, 1863; engaged near Tuscumbia, Alabama, October 26-27. ( )n the night of November 24, 1863, he commanded an expedition whose object was to cross the Tennessee River opposite Mission Ridge and capture the enemy's picket- line, which extended about five miles along the bank of the river. Embarking in pontoon-boats about midnight upon this most hazardous undertaking, he crossed the river, landed his men, and captured in detail the entire picket-line without the loss i>f a man or the firing of a gun, thus enabling General Sherman's army to build its pontoon-bridges, cross over, and intrench before day- break. General F. P. Blair, in a special report to General John A. Rawlins, chief of General Grant's staff, says: " General Kirby had charge of the advance that crossed the Tennessee River in pontoon-boats and captured the enemy's pickets, the success of which contributed so much to the grand and decisive results of the battles which followed." This was approved and forwarded to the Secretary of War by General U. S. Grant. He was engaged in the battle of Mission Ridge, No- vember 25, 1863; relief of Knoxville, November 28- December iS; battles of Resaca and around Dallas, Georgia, May 25-28, 1864; Kenesaw Mountain, June 27. Lie was mustered out with regiment July 7, 1814; commissioned colonel and aide-de-camp 011 the stall ot Governor W. P. Hall, of Missouri, and colonel Fifth I ment St. Louis City Guard, October 1, 1864; lieutenant- colonel Twenty-seventh Missouri Volunteer Infantry, October 6, 1864, and at once detailed as chief picket- officer of the Seventeenth Army Corps, on the staff of Major-General F. P. Blair, commanding. He was on the march to the sea, November 16- December I 3, and was slightly wounded at Ogeechee River; at the sieg 0! Savannah, Georgia, he had his horse killed under him : engaged at Pocotaligo and Combahee River, South ( aro lina, January 14-16-25, 1865. While leading a cavalry charge near River's Bridge. South Carolina, he received two severe wounds and had his horse killed under him. He was brevetted colonel and brigadier-general for gal- lant and meritorious services during the war, to date from November 13, 1865. Was present at the surrendei ol General Joseph Johnston, and in grand review at Wash- ington, May 241 mustered out June I 5, 1865. In a special letter to the Secretary of War, Major- General O.O.Howard says: " When I took command of the Army of the Tennessee General Kirby was chief picket-officer Seventeenth Army Corps, a position requir- ing more than ordinary sagacity, intelligi nee, and bravery. In General Kirby these qualifications were found to a remarkable degree. He was prompt and energetic, and when I knew that a line had been placed or inspected by him I knew it was well done. During the time I was in command of the army he was often selected 1 nduct hazardous expeditions. I have had frequent occasions to witness his coolness and bravery in dangerous positi He was appointed captain of Company E, Thirty-ninth U.S. Infantry, Inly 28, 1866; brevetted major for gallant conduct at Chickasaw Bayou; lieutenant-colonel for gal- lant conduct in the assaults on Vicksburg, and col U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious conduct at ( h reek), Georgia; Mission Ridge, lennesse* River's Bridge, South Carolina. He serv ed in the regulai army until the fall ol 1 when his services ended. He now re ides in Washing- 82 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BRIGADIER-GENERAL JAMES B. McPHERSON, U.S.A. (DECEASED). Brigadier-General James B. McPherson was born in Ohio in 1829, and graduated at the Military Academy July 1, 1853. He was promoted brevet second lieutenant, Corps of Engineers, the same day, and second lieutenant December 18, 1854. He served at the Military Academy as assistant instructor of practical engineering to Septem- ber 6, 1854, and was assistant engineer in the construction and repairs of the defences c if New York harbor; as super- intending engineer of the building of Fort Delaware; of the construction of the defences of Alcatraz Island, San Francisco harbor; in charge of the engineer operations at Boston harbor, Massachusetts, and recruiting sappers, miners, and pontoniers, from 1854 to [861. I le was pro- moted first lieutenant December 13, [858, and was ap- pointed captain of the Nineteenth Infantry May 14, [861, which he declined, and received his promotion as captain of engineers August 6, 1861. He was appointed lieuten- ant-colonel of staff November 12, 1861, ami colonel of staff May I, 1862. He served as aide-tie-camp to Gen- eral I Ialleck, anil as chief engineer on the staff of General Grant from November 12, [ 86 1 , to the date of Ins appoint- ment as brigadier-general of volunteers, May 15, and major-general of volunteers, October 8, [862. No better sketch of his military life can be furnished than that given by General Grant, when recommending him lor promotion, as follows ; " lie has been with me in every battle since the com- mencement of the Rebellion, except Belmont. At Forts Henry and Donelson, Shiloh and the siege of Corinth, as a staff-officer and engineer, his services were conspicu- ous and highly meritorious. At the second battle of Corinth his skill as a soldier was displayed in successfully carrying reinforcements to the besieged garrison when the enemy was between him and the point to be reached. In the advance through Central Mississippi, General McPherson commanded one wing of the army with all the ability possible to show, — he having the lead in the advance and the rear retiring. " In the campaign and siege terminating with the fall of Vicksburg, General McPherson has filled a conspicuous part. At the battle of Port Gibson, it was under his direc- tion that the enemy was driven, late in the afternoon, from a position they had succeeded in holding all day against an obstinate attack. His corps, the advance always under his immediate eye, were the pioneers in the movement from Port Gibson to Hawkinson's berry. Fromthenorth fork of the Bayou Pierre to Black River it was a constant skirmish, the whole skilfully managed. The enemy was so closely pressed as to be unable to destroy their bridge of boats after them. From Hawkinson's Ferry to Jack- son the Seventeenth Army Corps marched on roads not travelled by other troops, fighting the entire battle of Raymond alone; and the bulk of Johnston's army was fought by this corps, entirely under the management of General McPherson. At Champion Hills the Seventeenth Corps and General McPherson were conspicuous. All that could be termed a battle there was fought by the divisions of General McPherson 's corps and General Hovey's division of the Thirteenth Corps. In the assault of the 22d of May, on the fortifications of Vicksburg, and during the entire siege. General McPherson and his com- mand took unfading laurels. He is one of the ablest engineers and most skilful generals. I would respectfully, but urgently, recommend Ins promotion to the position of brigadier-general in the regular army." As a result of the above letter, General McPherson was appointed brigadier-general U. S. Army August 1, 1863, and he was awarded — October, [863 — a medal of honor, by the officers of his corps, for " the gallant manner in which he had ltd them during the campaign and siege 1 >f Vicksburg." General McPherson was killed July 22, 1864, in the repulse of a sortie from Atlanta, Georgia. Soon after his death, General Grant addressed the following letter to General McPherson's aged grandmother: " I am glad to know the relatives of the lamented Major-General McPherson are aware of the more than friendship existing between him and myself. A nation grieves at the loss of one so dear to our nation's cause. It is a selfish grief, because the nation had more to expect from him than from almost any one living. I join in this selfish grief, ami adil the grief of personal love for the departed. He formed for some time one of my military family. I knew him well. It may be some consolation to you to know that every officer and every soldier who served under your grandson, felt tor him the highest reverence, Your bereavement is great, but can- not excel mine." WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 83 CAPTAIN CHARLES WETMORE KELLOGG. U.S.V. Captain Charles Wetmore Kellogg belongs to tin- New York branch of his family. His father, Morris Kellogg, was born at New Hartford, Oneida County, in 1804, and moved to West Andover, Ashtabula Count)-, Ohio, in 1833, where Captain Kellogg was born in 1830. Immediately after war was declared he enlisted under the call of the President for seventy-five thousand volunteers for three months' service, but before the organization of his company was complete Ohio's quota was declared full. lie responded to the subsequent call for three hundred thousand volunteers, and was enrolled August 26 as private, Company C, Twenty-ninth Ohio Volunteer In- fantry ; promoted to first sergeant September 7, [86] ; rendezvoused at Camp Giddings, Jefferson, Ashtabula Count}-, Ohio; mined to the front and was assigned to General E. B. Tyler's brigade, Lander's, then Shields's division, Department West Virginia, in February, 1862. Captain Kellogg was promoted to sergeant-major of his regiment March 24, 1862; to second lieutenant fune 20; to first lieutenant January 26, I 863, and to captain April 1, 1865. He was detached to serve on the staff of the First Brigade, Second Division, Twelfth Corps, Colonel Charles Candy commanding, December 24, 1863, and remained in that position until Colonel Candy's retirement from the command in August, [864, when he was trans- ferred to the staff of General Ario Pardee, Jr., with whom he served until the close of the war. The command to which Captain Kellogg belonged saw almost constant active service, being engaged at Win- chester (or Kernstown) March 2},, 1862; Port Republic, fune 9; Cedar Mountain, August 9; White Sulphur Springs, August 24; reconnoitre and skirmish to Rippon, West Virginia, November 9 ; Charlestown and Winches- ter, December 2-6; Dumfrees, December 24, 1862; Chancellorsville, Virginia, May I— 5 ; Gettysburg, Penn- sylvania, Jul)- 1-3. He was on duty in New York City during the enforcement of the draft, September 1-8, and then transferred to the column of General Hooker, com- manding the Eleventh anil Twelfth Corps, September 25, for the relief of Rosecrans at Chattanooga, Tennes- see. He participated in the battles of Lookout Moun- tain, November 24; Missionary Ridge, November 25; and Ringgold, Georgia, November 2J , [863. He was then assigned to the First Brigade, Second Division, Twentieth Corps (Eleventh and Twelfth consolidated). April 4, 1864, with which command he was engaged in the battles of Rocky-Paced Ridge (or Dug Gap), G< orgia, May 8-1 1 ; Resaca, Georgia, May 13-15; Newhope Church (Dallas), Georgia, May 25 to June 5 ; Pine Knob. Georgia, June if>; assaults, battles, and engagements at Kenesaw Mountain, June 18 to July 2; Peach-Tree Creek, Georgia, July 19-20; assaults, siege, and capture of Atlanta, Georgia, July 21 to August 1 ; March to the Sea and skirmishes incident thereto, November 23 to I > ( cember 10; siege and occupation of Savannah, Georgia, December to, 1864, to January 2j, [865; campaign of the Carolinas, with actions at Edisto, South Carolina, February 12-14; Congaree River, South ( arolina, Feb- ruary 15 ; Black River, South Carolina, March 16; Ben- tonville, North Carolina, March [9-21 ; occupation of Goldsborough, North Carolina, March 24; occupation of Raleigh, North Carolina, April 14; Bennett's II North Carolina, and surrender of General Johnston, April 26. He also participated in the subsequent march to Washington, grand review, disbandment of the arm) . ind final muster-out of service, July 13, 1X65. After the war he engaged in the tire insurance busin and became a partner of J. G. Coffin, of Pittsburg, Pa. Some two years later the firm of Coffin & Kellogg be- came general agents of the Franklin Fire Insurance Com panyof Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for the Western Si This partnership was dissolved by limitation at the ex piration of five years, when Captain Kellogg was appointed to succeed the firm, and remained as manager of the western department of the company until November, [881, when he resigned his position. Subsequently he m to Boston, Mass., to accept the vice-presidency of the Shoe and Leather Insurance Company. Uponthedi tion and retirement of that company he accepted the man- agement of the eastern department of the Fireman's Fund Insurance Company of San Francisco, California, v be s tl ll retains, in the enjoyment of the confid respe t of his principals and the esteem of his associates in the profession. He was married January 1 1, 18 I ' rson < daughter of Samuel Henderson. Four sons and one daughter-Henderson, Charles W Edith, Alfred Galpin, and Branton Holstein— living. 84 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND XAl'Y {.volunteer) GENERAL JOHN A. H ALDERMAN. Generai John A. Halderman, LL.D., first American minister to Siam, was born April 15, [833; brought up and educated to the bar in Kentucky, whence he emi- grated tn Kansas in [854. In his new home he opposed slavery, and was succes- sively private secretary to the first governor, judge of the Probate Court, mayor of the city of Leavenworth two terms, member of the House of Representatives, State senator, and regent of the State University, lie was major of the hirst Regiment of Infantry, and major- general of the Kansas State forces in active service on the Union side during the war of the Rebellion ; was the first field-officer o( the volunteer army of the United States commissioned in Kansas. In May, t86i,at Camp Lincoln, near Fort Leavenworth, he conducted the first regimental parade and drill of the First Kansas Infantry, the pioneei regiment of the State. In July, 1861, was appointed provost-marshal-general of the Army of the Wist by Genera] Nathaniel Lyon, and served on that distinguished officer's stall until his death. Took part in the battle of Dug Springs, Missouri, August 2, 1 861. At the battle- of Wilson's (.'reek, August IO, [86l, alter Colonel Deitzler was wounded and disabled, succeeded to the command of the regiment, and issued thereaftei the official regimental report ; received honorable mention for soldierly conduct at Wilson's Creek, in general order-, and in the official report of the battle. During the en- suing winter, when an invasion of Kansas by the Con federate forces was threatened, was despatched to that State by Major-General Fremont to confer with Governor Robinson touching ways and means for the common de- fence and public safety ; the invasion was averted and the delicate mission executed to the satisfaction of the department commander, who, in terms of commendation, made acknowledgment for what he was pleased to call "valuable public service." In his report assurance was given, on the word of her executive, that Kansas, in view of impending dangers, would become a "military camp, and her people an army of disciplined soldiers." In the autumn <>( 1862, as general commanding, under orders of the governor, and of Major-General Curtis, commanding the department, he organized, armed, and equipped with war material, for active field-service and the defence of the State, the Northern Division of the Kansas State forces. lie was engaged in the battle ol Westport, Missouri, ( Ictober 23, 1864. After the war he travelled extensively in Western Europe, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, and the Holy Land. In 1SS0 he was appointed consul at Bangkok, and subsequently promoted to the post of consul-general by President Garfield. In [882 he was further advanced to the station of minister resident in Siam. His public pre- sentation in his new diplomatic character at the Siame: e court was made the occasion of an imposing Oriental pageant. In 1883 Highland University conferred upon General Halderman the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. For his endeavors in behalf of civilization in the far East he received the thanks of the Universal Postal Union. In August, 1885, he resigned his position and returned to the United States. In recognition of "faithful observ- ance of treaty relations," and of his efforts to suppress a nefarious traffic in spirits under cover of the American flag, his Majesty the King of Siam honored him with the decoration of Knight Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant. King Norodom tendered the investiture of Commander of the Royal Order of Cambodia in appreciation of his efforts to introduce posts and telegraphs into Cambodia and Cochin-China. He was honored by the friendship of ex-President Grant, who felt great interest in his mission of peace and justice to Siam, and to the great soldier is ascribed the declaration that the "minister's career in Southern Asia was one of the highest successes in American diplo- macy." WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. CHAPLAIN JAMES HENRY BRADFORD, U.S.V. Chaplain James Henry Bradford, son of Rev. Moses Jradstrcet Bradford, was born in Grafton, Vermont, Au- gust 24, 1836. On his father's side he was descended from pure Pilgrim stock, being the eighth in direct line from Governor William Bradford, of Plymouth Colony, and through him reaching back three generations more to Rev. John Bradford, chaplain to the queen, afterwards burned at the stake for his religion, at Smithfield, in 1555, with Rogers, Latimer, and others. Chaplain Bradford's grandfather, Rev. Moses Bradford, was thirty-seven years minister of the town of Frances- town, New Hampshire. He was the fifteenth child in a family of twenty, coming from Canterbury, Connecticut. His father also preached nearly thirty years in Grafton. Both of them were men of exalted character and sound common sense. His grandfather on his mother's side, Thomas Dickman, was the first printer and publisher and postmaster in Franklin County, at Greenfield, Massa- chusetts ; founder of the Springfield Gazette, and after- wards of the Hampden Federalist, of Springfield. James Henry attended the district school and worked on his father's farm in Grafton until about seventeen years of age, when he went to Charleston. South Caro- lina, into the dry-goods establishment of his brother-in- law, William G. Bancroft, and remained three years under the strict discipline of that princely merchant. ( )ne inci- dent of life there was having the yellow fever in 1 854. To acquire a better education he entered Williston Seminar}, at East Hampton, Massachusetts, and thence Yale College, ami was in the first year of his theological course when the war broke out. lie was much inter- ested in the Thirteenth Regiment, quartered in New Haven, but being invited to visit the Twelfth, at Hart- ford, he was elected chaplain, securing every vote cast. The Twelfth was the only three years' regiment from Connecticut that had but one chaplain. Chaplain Bradford endeared himself very much to the men of his regiment by closely looking after their wel- fare. Possessing an excellent constitution, he shared the exposure with the men. When they lived in tents, he did. If they had none, he slept on the ground under the open sky. As a matter of fact, he hardly slept in a bed during the almost three years of his service. He had charge of all mail and express matter, and furnished reading for the men ; raised money for a band and purchase;! the instru- ments ; visited the sick daily, buried the dead, and marked and recorded their resting-place ; sent the money home for the boys, at one time at great personal risk, carry- ing several thousand dollars on his person through the enemy's country to the express office. His service was in the Department of the Gulf and with the Nineteenth Army Corps, under General Sheridan, in the Vallev. He was in the contests in Louisiana, at 85 f Port Hudson forty- two days ; at Winchester and Fisher's Hill in the Valley ; was never sick, captured, or wounded, but had several narrow escapes. His regiment was the first to ascend the Mississippi River and land at New ( >rleans; the fust to re-enlist for the war, at which time the chaplain was requested to accept the colonelcy, but declined, preferring his old position. He was a thorough believer in liberty, and was the first man in the Depart- ment of the Gulf to apply for authority to raise a colored regiment, which was refused on the ground that the col- ored people were needed to gather the crops. After the war Chaplain Bradford took charge of a Con- gregational church at Hudson, Wisconsin, at which time- he married Miss Fallen J. Knight, of East Hampton, Mass., a niece of Lieutenant-Governor H. G. Knight. After two years in the pastorate he accepted the posi- tion of assistant superintendent and chaplain of the Mas- sachusetts State Reform School ; afterwards started the Connecticut Industrial School for Girls, and for four years made it the best school of the kind in the country. He was then called to superintend the Massachusetts State Primar)- School, where he showed excellent judg- ment in managing its six hundred and fifty inmates and forty officers. After a few- months' connection with Howard Mission, New York, he was called to Washing- ton to assist in the religious statistics of the Tenth Census ; thence to the Indian Bureau, where he has remained. He- was one of the early members of Garfield Post, G.\. R., and has always been its chaplain; served one year as chaplain of the Department of the Potomac; is also chaplain of the Loyal Legion. Chaplain Bradford preaches almost even- Sabbath in some vacant pulpit. He has four children living, two sons and two daughters. Mrs. Bradford has become widely known from originating and conducting the famous " Ben-Hur Tableaux." OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volvn; BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL JOHN T. LOCKMAN, u.s.v. Brevi i Brigadier-General [ohn T. Lockman was born in the city of New York on the 26th day of Sep- tember, 1834. At the outbreak of the Rebellion he was a student-at-law in the city of his birth. On the 19th day of .April, 1 861, he enlisted as a private in Comp.un ( , Ninth Regiment of New York State Militia. Having recruited Company II for the Ninth Regiment, lie was elected its first lieutenant on May 24, 1861. The regi- ment left New York on the 27th day of May for Wash- ington, arriving there on the evening of the 28th, relieving the Seventh New York State Militia. Participated in the Martinsburg campaign under General Robert Patterson, and Hall's Bluff under General Charles P.Stone; was commissioned captain November 25, 1861, and partici- pated in the movements terminating in the occupation of Winchester, Virginia, in March, 1862; the campaign in Virginia, July and August, 1862, under General Pope. General Lockman was commissioned lieutenant-colonel of the One Hundred and Nineteenth New York Volun- teers August 13, 1862, and participated in the battle of Chancellorsville May 2, [863, and on the death of Colonel Peisner in that battle succeeded to the command of the regiment, and on the ?,<\ of May was commissioned its colonel. At the battle of Gettysburg he was severely wounded during the first day's fight, July 1, 1863. On rejoining his regiment in September, 1863, the Eleventh and Twelfth Corps were ordered to the South- west to reinforce General Thomas, and he there took part in establishing communication with General Thomas, or, as it was usually styled, opening the " Cracker Line;" participating in the battles of Wauhatchie and Missionary Ridge, pursuit of General Bragg, and relief of Knoxville. On April 27, 1864, the Eleventh and Twelfth Corps were consolidated, and formed into the Twentieth Corps. The( >ne Hundred and Nineteenth Regiment was assigned to theSecond Brigade, Second Division of that corps, and participated in the battles of Rocky-Faced Ridge and II aca, at which battle, by order of General I looker, he led three regiments to an assault on a rebel battery. He participated in the battles of Cassville, Pine Hill, Kolb's Farm, Dallas (where he commanded the Second Brigade), Kenesaw Mountain, Peach-Tree Creek, and the siege of Atlanta, entering the city on September 2, [864. He also participated in the March to the Sea, siege and occupation of Savannah, Georgia, where he was placed in command of a provisional division to guard the captured cotton and stores. He also participated in the march through the Carolinas and movements resulting in the occupation of Charleston, Columbia, Winsborough, and Cheraw, South Carolina; and Fayetteville, battle of Bentonsville, occu- pation of Raleigh, North Carolina, and surrender of Gen- eral Joseph E. Johnston's army at Durham Station. General Lockman was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers "lor meritorious services in the capture of Atlanta." At the close of the war he resumed the study of law, graduating from the Columbia College Law-School with the degree of B.L. in April, 1867, and was admitted to the bar ot the State oi New York in the same month. General Lockman served under the following, who were commanders of armies : Generals Scott, McDowell, Pat- terson, Meridian, Burnside, I looker, and Meade in the Army o) the Potomac; Grant, Rosecrans, Thomas, and Sherman in the Army of the Cumberland ; and Slocum, Army oi Georgia. Under Corps Commanders, Generals Stone, Hanks, Howard, Hooker, Slocum, Williams, and Mow er. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 87 BREVET LIEUTENANT-COLONEL CHARLES AMORY CLARK, U.S.V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Amory Clark, now of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is of old-time Puritan and New England lineage. He was born in Sangerville, Maine, in 1841. His father was an able lawyer, and his grandfather a minister of the gospel. He is of the same family as was that Rev. Jonas Clark, of Lexington, who was the intimate and trusted personal friend of Samuel Adams and John Hancock. They were both under his roof when warned by Paul Revere of the troops sent out by < rage to capture them. The men who fell at Lexington were the parishioners of this sturdy clerical patriot, and standing over their dead bodies he ex- claimed, " from this day dates the liberty of the world." This stock had not degenerated in [861. Colonel Clark enlisted .April 24, the first man from his county to be enrolled. He was one of four brothers, all of whom served as officers in the volunteer forces from [86] to 1865. All were severely wounded, and one died from hiswounds. An uncle, Major Atherton W. Clark, served gallantly in the Twentieth Maine. Two cousins were killed, both officers of the Sixteenth Maine. Colonel Clark went to the front as a private in Company A, Sixth Maine Volunteers. He earned his first commission, that of second lieutenant, in February, [862. He was promoted to first lieutenant and adjutant at 1 larrison's Landing after the " Seven Days' battles," in which he participated. The Sixth Maine was a gallant regiment, and served under distinguished brigade commanders, — Generals " Baldy" Smith, Hancock, and D. A. Russell. With his regiment, Lieutenant Clark was at Warwick Swamp, Lee's Mills, and in Hancock's superb charge at Williamsburg. He was in front of Richmond, at Gar- nett's Farm, Savage's Station, White Oak Swamp, and Malvern Hill. When the tide of battle swept North, he- was at second Bull Run, Crampton's Gap, Antietam, Fredericksburg, under Burnside, and again under Sedg wick in May, [863, at the time of Hooker's Chancellors- ville campaign. Here with his regiment he w as at the front in the famous charge of the Light Division, through the " slaughter- pen," over the old stone wall, and up Marye's Heights into the fortifications of the enemy. The official report records that he was in the first group to enter the works. There he captured from a Confederate officer of the Washington Artillery the sabre which he afterwards wore in many engagements. Two days later, in a night fight while Sedgwick was recrossing the Rappahannock, the same report credits him with saving his regiment from capture by his personal intrepidity and decisive action, when every avenue of escape seemed cut oft". He was at Brand)- Station and at the blood}- field of Gettysburg. At Rappahannock Station, November 7, 1863, he had his horse shot under him on the skirmish- line, and when at dusk the Sixth Maine made its ever memorable and bloody charge, he fell inside the cap- tured fortifications, one of the sixteen officers out of twenty-one engaged, who were killed or wounded, in an unparalleled feat at arms. The official report bears wit- ness that " he did not fall until he had driven his sword into the body of his adversary." His wounds were severe, and the following February lie was, against his will, honorably discharged on account of them. In April, [864, he re-entered the service as captain and assistant adjutant-general of volunteers. He was assigned to the brigade of General Burnham in the Eighteenth Corps. He served at Bermuda Hundred, at Fort Dar- ling, at Cold Harbor, at the capture of the enemy's forti- fications at Petersburg, June 15, 1864, and was at Burn- side's Mine, and in the movements around Petersburg that summer. < )n September 29, with Burnham's brigade, he was in the brilliant assault at Fort Harrison, where the works ami many guns were captured. General Burnham was killed. Every field officer in the brigade was killed or wounded. ( )n the recommendation of General Hancock, Captain Clark was brevetted major for Marye's Heights and lieutenant-colonel for Rappahannock Station. He re- signed in November, 1864, with health seriously impaired by wounds, exposure, and disease. He stands at the head of his profession in Iowa, having a large and remunerative practice throughout that State and extending into several adjoining States. 1 lolonel Clark has steadily refused to abandon his pro- fession for politics, and, while his voice is heard from the stump in every active campaign, he speaks as an advoi of what he regards as wholesome political principles, and not as an aspirant for political honors. 88 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AXD NAVY {volunteer* COLONEL JOHN F. MARSH. U.S.V. Colonel John F. Marsh was born February i, [828, .it Hudson, New Hampshire, and is of the seventh gene- ration from George Marsh, who came from England with his family in 1635, and settled at Hingham, Massachusetts. The son of a farmer, his educational advantages were the public schools and village academy. Failing to receive an expected appointment as a cadetat West Point, young Marsh shouldered a musket in the spring of 1847, and, in the Ninth l'nited States Infantry, joined the army under Scott, ti > serve during the war with Mexico. The regiment landed at Vera Cruz in June, and a month later, in the command of ( leneral Pierce, afterwards President, marched into the interior, crossing the burning sands of the Tierra Caliente under a tropical sun in midsummer. Pierce's command was constantly menaced on the march by the enemy in the mountain passes; the soldiers, sleeping by their muskets at night, pushed forward by day to the music of whizzing bullets and rattling musketry. August 7 the command joined Scott at Puebla, and four days later, with the army, moved forward towards the Valley of Mexico. I he battles ot Contreras and Churubusco, August [9 and 20, followed by Molino del key September S, Chapultepec, the Garitas, and City of Mexico, the 12th, [3th, and [4th, afforded the young soldier his practical military training. He was mustered out of the service August 23, 184S, after the close of the war, at Newport, Rhode Island. I he discover) of -old in California called his attention ,11 that direction, and he sailed from New York in fanuary, 1X4!,, on the ship "William J-'. Travis," for Galveston, Texas, where he organized a company, of which he was captain, and crossing Northern Mexico, her mountains and desert waste, enlivened by an occasional skirmish with hostile Indians, he camped in the New EI Dorado in fune, 1849, a modern Argonaut. In [855—56 he was a special agent of the Post-Office Department, New York to San Francisco, in the last year settling at Hastings, Minnesota, where he was postmaster fir five years, and also mayor of the city. Colonel Marsh entered the military service a second time fune 17, 1861, as first lieutenant Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers, afterwards a part of the " Iron Brigade," Army of the Potomac, ami was promoted to a captaincy in < Vtober. He was wounded in the knee at the battle of Gainesville, August 28, 1862, ami September 11 follow- ing was appointed lieutenant-colonel of the Twelfth New Hampshire Infantry. An incident at the battle of Fred- ericksburg, in [862, is worth mentioning. At two o'clock on the morning of December 16, Colonel Marsh was ordered to place two companies of his regiment on the picket-line. Returning an hour later to report to General Whipple, he saw the streets tilled with moving troops. " W'e are to recross the river," said the general. " Not the army ?" queried the colonel. " Yes ; and nearly over now," was the reply. " Rut my two companies?" "They may be withdrawn, — they may be sacrificed ; you must cross with your regiment," said the general. Colonel Marsh crossed the river, as ordered; but re- turned and succeeded in saving his men, bringing them to the river just as the pontoons were being withdrawn. For this service, although he disobeyed orders, he was per- sonally thanked by General Whipple, who said, "You have greatly relieved me, colonel. I expected the men would be sacrificed. I couldn't help it ; you saw my 1 irders." A severe wound, received May 3, [863, at the battle of Chancellorsville, compelled him to retire from field-ser- vice, and January 22, (864, he was transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps, serving during the last year of the war on General Casey's board, convened for the examination of candidates for commissions in the military service, and on special duty in the Inspector-General's Department, visiting and reporting upon the condition of the several prisons and their military guards west of New \ ork, where Confederate prisoners-of-war were confined. April 20, [865, Colonel Marsh was commissioned colo- nel of the Twenty-fourth L'nited States Colored Infantry, but declined the appointment, doubting the expediency of employing the freed slaves as soldiers. March 13, 1865, he was brevetted colonel "tor gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia." He resigned August 16, 1865. In November, [866, he was appointed L'nited States pension agent at Concord, New I fampshire. For the last eighteen years he has been engaged in the manufacture of surface-coated papers at Springfield, Massachusetts, and is a successful business man. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 89 BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL EDWARD LESLIE MOLINEUX, U.S.V. Brevet Major-General Edward Leslie Molineux was born October 12, 1833. He first became identified with the National Guard of the State of New York in [854; subsequently joined the Brooklyn City Guard (Thirteenth Regiment) and passed through the several grades of nun-commissioned rank, his membership being terminated by his acceptance of an important mission to South America. At the outbreak of the Civil War he was among the first to volunteer in defence of the Union, enrolling himself as a member of the Seventh Regiment. He was one of the foremost promoters of the Twenty- third Regiment of Brooklyn, when brigade inspector of the Eleventh Brigade; subsequently unanimously elected lieutenant-colonel of the Twenty-third Regiment. In Au- gust, [862, as lieutenant-colonel, he raised the One Hun- dred and Fifty-ninth Regiment New York Volunteers; was mustered into the United States service the following November as full colonel, and assigned to the Banks expedition with his regiment. He commanded a detach- ment of General Banks's army, protecting the right wing of the main body during the feint against Fort Hudson. On April 14, 1863, during the battle of Irish Bend, Colonel Molineux was severely wounded in the jaw- while leading a charge. As soon as his wounds permit- ted he returned to active service, and participated in the various fights of the Red River campaign ; was appointed assistant inspector-general of the Department of the Mis- sissippi ; afterwards provost-marshal-general and commis- sioner for the exchange of prisoners. He was made mil- itary commander of the Lafi lurche District, Louisiana, and was assigned to the duty of organizing State troops or independent companies of Louisiana scouts. Upon the construction of the celebrated dam at Alexandria, Colonel Molineux was given command of all the L : nited States forces < in the north side of the Red River. After the cam- paign he was ordered North with his regiment, joining General Grant in the operations against Petersburg and Richmond ; organized a provisional division of the Nine- teenth Army Corps and re-enforced General Sheridan in the Valley, and participated in all the engagements and battles of that campaign. He was promoted brigadier- general by brevet for conspicuous gallantly and zeal at Fisher's Hill, Winchester, and Cedar Creek. At the cli ise of this campaign his brigade was sent by sea to re -enforce General Sherman, and General Molineux was placed in charge of the works at Savannah, of Fort Pulaski, and Tybee. lie was instrumental in saving the ship "Law- rence," in recognition of which the New York Board ( ^Un- derwriters voted him a service of plate. He was made mil- itary commander of the District of Northern ( leorgia, with head-quarters at Augusta. He seized and secured to the L T nited States government Confederate coin and bullion to a very large amount, over seventy thousand bales of cotton, and quartermaster and commissary stores aggre- gating in value ten million dollars, and government build- ings and factories of great value. His administration of affairs was marked by wisdom, uniform courtesy, and kindness, combined with a bold execution of military law. General Molineux won the esteem of the entire commu- nity, receiving the thanks of the City Council and mer- chants of the city for his honest and fair treatment of the people of the town. He returned to civil life with the rank of major-general by brevet "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." He was subsequently made major-general of the Second Division National Guard, State of New York. He has for a number of years been connected with the firm of F. W. Devoe & C. T. Ray- nolds Co., New York City. He has contributed valuable articles to periodicals on subjects relating to physical culture in the public schools, the suppression of riots on railroads and in cities, and on various military subjects. Although he has been frequently nominated for office, he has persistently declined political preferment. He is an active member of the Military Order Loyal Legion, Grand Army of the Republic, and various public and charitable associations. 12 go OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND XAV\ r "eer COMMANDER C. H. ROCKWELL. U.S.N. Commander C. H. Rm kwell was born in Chatham, Massachusetts. April 2ule is a lineal descendant of George Soule, one of the " Mayflower" Puritans. He was born in Murray, Orleans Count}-, New York, August, [832. His parents moved to Marengo, Calhoun County, Michigan, in 1836. Here he worked on his father's farm in the summer, attending the district school in the winter till his seventeenth year. He was then a student in Albion College three years, and one year in the Mercantile College, Detroit, from which he graduated in [852. He was then employed as book-keeper and general account- ant in a large manufacturing establishment in Detroit. In 1855 he married Miss Mary E. Parker, by whom he has two daughters, — Mary Eva, now Mrs. L. L. Clark, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Annah May, teacher in the State Normal School, Ypsilanti, Michigan. On the breaking out of the Civil War he was in mer- cantile business at Albion, Michigan. Prompted by pa- triotism, he was one of the first to enlist in response to the President's call for volunteers. He was ordered into camp at Fort Wayne, Detroit, for military instruction and dis- cipline under that gallant old soldier General A. S. Wil- liams. Evincing an aptitude for military tactics, he was commissioned captain and ordered to raise a new company of volunteers. This was quickly done, and they were mustered in as Company I of the Sixth Michigan Volun- teer Infantry, afterwards transferred to the 1 feavy Artillery Department. With his regiment he was ordered to Baltimore, Marx- land, soon after the mob fired upon the Union soldiers while passing through that city. Here Captain Soule was daily on patrol duty or drilling his company until Feb- ruary, [862. His regiment was then ordered to Newport News, Virginia, but soon after embarked on the steamship " Constitution" to join General B. F. Butler's army of the Gulf Department. After a few weeks on Ship Island they were taken on the ship " Great Republic" for the capture of Forts Jackson and St. Philip. He was next transferred, with his company, to the gun- boat " Wissahickon," and was with the fleet at the sur- render and occupation of New Orleans. Major Soule next went with the fleet, under Commodore Farragut, on the first expedition for the capture of Vicks- burg, led by General Thomas Williams. In short, he par- ticipated in all the campaigns of the Gulf Department, the history of which is the record of Major Soule. Severely wounded at Baton Rouge, he was sent North for medical treatment. In three months, when but partially recovered, he reported for duty to his regiment, and, with his arm in a sling, engaged in the siege of Port Hudson. Major Soule was not off duty a day during the war except for wounds received in battle, and was honored in genera] orders for gallant service in severe engagements during over four years of active service. Major Soule holds two commissions as major of his regiment. He declined the first, preferring to be on active duty with his heroic company than a major of the regi- ment without command. On receiving the second com- mission a year afterwards, he assumed immediate command of the regiment, as its only superior officer was detailed on other duty. He then fitted out the serviceable arm and batteries with siege-guns and mortars for the invest- ment of Mobile, doing active service to the end of the campaign. fuly 9, [865, he took the regiment to New Orleans, under orders, and received a new outfit and armament of light siege-guns, and was transferred to General Sherman for a campaign to the Texas frontier, in \iew of Maxi- milian's occupation of Mexico; but before any movement of troops was made affairs there so changed that he was ordered to turn over all government stores, to muster out under special orders, and to take his regiment to Michigan to be discharged and paid off, which was done Septem- ber 5, 1865. On returning to civil life, Major Soule was made pas- senger agent of the Michigan Central Railroad. For the past ten years he has been treasurer of the Universit) <■! Michigan. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and a companion of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Commandery of Michigan. 94 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL JOHN PULEORD, U.S.V. (retiri d). Brevet Brigadier-General John Pulford was born in New York City July 4, [837. He was educated in the public schools and afterwards read law, and is now a mem- ber of the Detroit bar, in which city he has resided since [850. When tile war of the Rebellion broke out in [86] he was proprietor of a hotel and foreman of Engine Com- pany No. 3 in said city, and on April jo he, in conjunction with Mi'. 1''.. T. Sherlock, proprietor of the Metropolitan Theatre, reorganized said fire company into a military company and offered their services to the general gov- ernment, and on lime lne and also broke his jaw and collar bones, lie was taken prisoner and retained at Richmond until [uly iS, 1862. He was promoted captain May 15, 1862, and major January 1, [863. He did not recover from his wounds until September 12, 1 862, when he again took- the field, and participated in the battle of Fred- ericksburg. In this battle his company and regiment suffered severely. fh« regimental commander having been killed, Cap- tain Pulford, although one of the junior captains, was soon alter appointed major ol the regiment, the oil' Infantry, and the next day, May 3, assumed command of the regiment, after Lieutenant-Colonel E. T. Sherlock hail been killed, and remained in command of the regi- ment (though suffering severely from a wound received at Chancellorsville) up to and including the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where he was twice wounded, but did not leave the field or his command. Major Pulford was promoted lieutenant-colonel of the Fifth Michigan May 3, [863, and in August of that year was sent to New York City with his regiment on account of the draft riots, and from there to Troy, New York, for the same purpose, returning to the Army of the Potomac September tS, [863. On December 29, 1 863, he went on veteran furlough, and returning to the field in Febru- ary, [864, he participated in the actions and movements of the Army of the Potomac to the surrender of l.ee, April 9, I So;. At the battle of the Wilderness Colonel Pulford was severely wounded, having his back broken and both arms partially disabled from an injury to the brachial plexus and loss of part of the first and second dorsal vertebrae. He was promoted colonel of his regiment Jul}- 12, 1 864, and brevet brigadier-general of volunteers March 13, 1 So;, "for good conduct and meritorious services during the war," and was honorably mustered out July 5, [86 S . General Pulford held on various occasions command of a brigade and division during the war, and of sev- eral Western regiments at its close. He has to his credit all general engagements the Army of the Potomac participated in (except first and second Hull Run, Chantilly. and Antietam), including surrender of insurgent armies at Appomattox Court- I louse. < )n February 23, [866, he entered the regular army as lieutenant and served in the Southwest and West, and en- gaged in General Hancock's expedition across the Plains against hostile Indians to April, [867. Subsequently he was placed on reconstruction duty in the South, and was retired from active service with the rank oi colonel, on account of wounds received in tile line of duty, December 15, 1S70. General Pulford is the seventh son and ninth child of Edward and Sarah Lloyd (Anis) Pulford, the former a native of Norwich, and the latter of Bristol, England. They emigrated to New York City in [833. In [856 he married Miss Sarah L. Lee, who died in 1S75, leaving four children, — namely, Ida A., wife of George F. Summer; Josephine A., wife of Henry Cleland ; Grant I.., a clerk in the Detroit post-office; Sadie E., >f the regiment having petitioned to the governor for his wife of Theodore F. Quinby, one of the editorial stall" promotion, oil account of his efficient services as an offi- cer. At the battle of ( hancellorsville, May 2, 1 863, he assisted in the capture of the Twenty-third Georgia of the Detroit Free Press. In [883 General Pulford married Mrs. Emma ]. Cady. They have one child, John Pulford, fr. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 95 COLONEL FELIX ALEXANDER REEVE, U.S.V. Colonel Felix Alexander Reeve, the eldest son of Thomas J. and Rebecca Ann Earnest Reeve, was born in Eastern Tennessee, September 4. 1K36. The Reeve family has been seated in Suffolk, England, for centuries. On his father's side, Colonel Reeve is descended from the Adams stock, and the Coxes of Maryland ; and through his mother, from the Oliphants and Bruces of Scotland, and the Ernsts of Germany. In i860 he left his country home and went to Knox- villc, where he resided in the family of the widely famous Parson Brownlow, and read law with Hon. O. P. Temple, having the friendship of these sterling Union men, as well as of other leaders of the patriotic people of East Ten- nessee, "whose faith stood firm as rocky mountains," when the life of the nation was imperilled. Their loy- alty, sacrifice, and suffering will be the theme of song and story in ages yet to be ! Colonel Reeve was a Whig and Unionist; and after voting for the candidate for the Federal Congress in Au- gust, [86l, he left his native mountains for Washington City, where he was employed in the Treasury Depart- ment by Secretary Chase, until he resigned to enter the F"ederal army. By order of President Lincoln he was appointed a colonel ami authorized to recruit a regi- ment of loyal Tennesseeans. Proceeding to Kentucky in 1862, he recruited the Eighth Tennessee Infantry Volunteers from the refugees who had fled from home and family to escape the rebel conscript; and so suc- cessful were his efforts, that when General Burnside started for East Tennessee, he had a thousand well- officered men in line. I lis regiment was assigned to the Second Brigade, Second Division, Twenty-third Army Corps. Upper F",ast Tennessee was occupied by the Fed- eral arm_\- early in September, 1863 ; Colonel Reeve took an active part in that campaign, and was at Knoxville with his regiment during the siege, — from November 17 until December 5, — when it was raised after an unsuc- cessful assault on Fort Saunders. On the 4th of May, 1864, he was ordered on the Geor- gia campaign. The first engagement was at Buzzard's Roost, the 9th of May; on the 14th was fought the bat- tle of Resaca, the Twenty-third Corps bringing on the engagement. The battle of Burnt Hickory was fought May 26 ; then ensued daily skirmishing until the battle of Kenesaw Mountain, June 17. In this engagement his brother, Jesse S. Reeve, adjutant of the regiment, fell mortally wounded. On October 4, 1X64, General Thomas assumed com- mand of the Fourteenth, Sixteenth, Nineteenth, and Twenty-third Corps, and moved northward, while General Sherman proceeded South with the remainder of his army. The Eighth Tennessee took part in several actions just prior to the battle of Franklin, November 30, and the battle of Nashville, December 1, in both of which, as well as in other engagements, it bore a gallant and conspicuous part. The Army of the Ohio having been ordered to North Carolina in January, [865, the Eighth Tennessee was in the actions of Fort Anderson, Town Creek, and Wilmington. Returning to Nashville in the spring, the regiment was mustered out of the service. .\s commanding officer of the regiment, and for a time of a brigade, he was rewarded by the commendation of General Burnside, General Schofield, and his more imme- diate commander, General Cox, who spoke of him as " a brave and meritorious officer." ( (wing to illness contracted in the Georgia campaign, Colonel Reeve, by advice of his surgeon, resigned from the army, but with reluctance. After leaving the service he resumed the study, and entered upon the practice, of the law at Knoxville. With- out ambition outside of his profession, he has never si night political preferment. He is an independent Democrat and a member of the Loyal Legion. Before retiring from the executive chair, President Johnson nominated him for the office of United States attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee ; but the unsolicited honor was declined. He pursued the practice of law until January, 1X79, when he removed to Washington City. In 1880 he was professionally employed in the 1 >epartment of Justice. In [886 he was appointed assistant solicitor of the Treasury by President Cleveland, a position he has continued to hold acceptably underPresident Harrison. In the spring of 1865 Colonel Reeve intermarried with Wilhelmina Donelson-Maynard of Knoxville ; and as .1 reward of this union they have been blessed with eight children. 9 6 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET MAJOR GREENLIEF THURLOW STEVENS, U.S.V. Brevet Major Greenlief Thurlow Stevens was born in Belgrade, Kennebec Count)-, Maine, on August 20, [831, being the youngest son of Daniel Stevens and Mahala Smith, his wife, daughter of Captain Samuel Smith. Ilis grandfather, William Stevens, came from 1. eh, mon, in York County, Maine, and settled in Kenne- bec about the year [796, and on the farm, then a wilder- ness, where the subject of this sketch was born. Major Stevens was educated in the public schools of his native town and at Titcomb Belgrade Academy, and ,11 Litchfield Liberal Institute. For several years he fol- lowed teaching, which he made a success. lie read law with lion. Samuel Titcomb, of Augusta, and was ad- mitted to the bar in 1 n February 14, 1865, he was appointed "major by brevet, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Cold Harbor, Line 3 ; battle of Winchester (Opequan), September 19; and battle of Cedar Creek, Virginia, Oc- tober 19, to take rank from October 19, 1 S64." At the close of the war Major Stevens was mustered out of the service with his batten - , having served three years and five months. This batter)-, the Fifth Maine, lost more men in killed and wounded in the three Ljreat bat- tles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, ami Cedar Creek, than an)- other battery in a like number of battles in the war of the Rebellion, either volunteer or regular (see "Regimental Losses in the American Civil War," by William H. Fox, pp. 463,464). lie turned to his profes- sion at the close of the war, in which he was eminently suc- cessful, being engaged in nearly every case in his vicinity. In [875 he was a member of the Maine House of Rep- resentatives, and in [877 and 1S7S a member of the Senate, the latter year serving as chairman of the Committee on tin Judicial)-. In iSSS he was elected sheriff of Kennebec County lor two years, and in 1890 re-elected to the same position. In 1892 he was chosen judge of the Probate Court of Kennebec Count)-, a highly-responsible position. He is also a member of the Maine Gettysburg Com- mission, taking an active part in procuring and locating the Maine monuments on that historic field. For a wife he married Mai)- A. Ycatoii, a school-mate of his youth, and daughter of Richard Yeaton (2d), an enterprising farmer of his native town. four children, — Jessie, Don Carlos, Ala, and Rupert, — only one oi whom is now living, Don Carlos, a Uni- tarian divine, located at Fairhaven. Massachusetts. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 97 BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL JOSEPH WARREN KEIFER, u.s.v. Brevet Major-General Joseph Warren Keifer (Springfield, Ohio) was born on a farm on Mad River, Clark County, Ohio, January 30, 1836. His father, Joseph Keifer, was a civil engineer and a farmer. He was edu- cated in public schools and at Antioch College. He taught a term in a country public school and labored on a farm, reading law at night and odd hours until the autumn of 1856, when he entered a law office in Spring- field, Ohio. lie was admitted to practise law in Ohio January 12, 1858, and since in the Supreme and other courts of the United States. He enlisted in the Union army April [9, 1861 ; became major of the Third Ohio Volunteer Infantry April 27, 1 86 1 ; lieutenant-colonel same regiment February 12, 1862; colonel ( )ne 1 [undred and Tenth < )hio Volunteer Infantry September 30, 1862. He was appointed by President Lincoln brevet brigadier-general of volunteers " for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Opequon, Fish- er's Hill, and Cedar Creek, Virginia," and assigned to duty by him with that rank. He received the commission of brevet major-general of volunteers "for gallant and dis- tinguished services during the campaign ending in the surrender of the insurgent army under General R. 1*".. Lee." After four years and two months' continuous service he resumed the practice of the law. He was, in 1866, on the unsolicited recommendations of Generals Grant and Meade, appointed lieutenant-colonel Twenty-sixth In- fantry, which appointment he declined. He participated, in 1861, in the Rich and Cheat Moun- tain campaigns ; then joined Buell's army in Kentucky ; was at the taking of Bowling Green, Nashville, and, under General O. M. Mitchell, Murfreesborough, Tennessee; Huntsville, Decatur, and Bridgeport, Alabama. He led (April 30, 1862) the first expedition into Georgia, destroy- ing saltpetre works at Nicojack Cave, capturing, at Shell Mound, a train of cars with supplies, prisoners, etc. He was with Buell's army in its retreat after Bragg through Tennessee and Kentucky. As colonel he again went to West Virginia and participated in a winter cam- paign (1862-63), and fought in the three days' battles (June, 1863) at Winchester, being there twice wounded, not disabled. He joined, with his brigade, the Army of the Potomac (Third Corps) July 9, 1863, and in August went in command of troops to New York City to enforce the draft, returning in September. Besides many minor engagements, he fought at Brandy Station, Mine Run (1863), the Wilderness (1864), where his left forearm was shattered with a bullet. He commanded his brigade (Sixth Corps), under Sheridan, at Opequon, (there again slightly wounded,) Fisher's Hill, and the Third Division, Sixth Army Corps, at Cedar Creek (1864). With the Sixth Army Corps he rejoined the Army of J 3 the Potomac, December, 1864, and was posted 011 its ex- treme left. He led a successful assault March 25, 1865, and (April 2) his division in storming the main line, re- sulting in the capture of Petersburg and Richmond. In pursuing Lee's army, he fought at Jettersville, and at Sailor's Creek (the last field engagement of the war) he led a successful attack, capturing many distinguished officers and several thousand men. Commodore J. R. Tucker, with his Naval Brigade, surrendered to him per- sonally. He was at the surrender of Lee ; then, with his corps, went to North Carolina, but it turned back on learning Johnston's army had surrendered, he himself going through to Sherman's army. From July, 1863, to Lee's surrender there were killed and wounded in his brigade above three thousand men, — more than fell in the American army under Washington. He was in the Ohio Senate, 1868-69; was department commander of Ohio, G. A. R., 1868-70 ; vice-commander- in-chief, G. A. R., 1872-73 ; senior vice-commander Loyal Legion of Ohio (1890-91); trustee Ohio Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home (an institution he did much to establish), 1 870-/8; trustee of Antioch College since 1873; a director and president of the Lagonda National Bank 18; delegate-at-large at the National Re- publican Convention, 1876, and elected to Congress in 1876-78-80-82. 1 le served in Congress on War Claims, Elections, Appropriations, and other committees. He was Speaker of the Forty-seventh Congress, [881-83, during which term he made many parliamentary decisions from which appeals were taken to the House, which always sustained him, though his party majority was small. He is now, in full vigor of life, practising law and partici- pating in politics and public affairs. He married Eliza Stout March 22, i860, who, with three sons,— Joseph War- ren, William White, and Horace Charles,— are living. 9 8 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) CAPTAIN CHARLES CURIE, U.S.V. Captain Charles Curie was born near Montbeliard, Department du Doubs, France, in 1842. He came to America with his parents in [844, and lived in Paterson, New Jersey. In 1856, while but fourteen years of age, he left home for Cleveland, < )hio, to accept a situation in a store there which was offered to him by a relative. I te returned in [859, and entered into the service of the importing house oi Ad. Koop & Sattler, 38 Broad Street, New York, where he remained attending to the custom- house business of the firm until the breaking out of the Civil War, when, on April [9, [861, he enlisted with the New York Zouaves, afterwards known as the Hawkins Zouaves (Ninth New York Volunteers), and served in that regiment during its service under Butler at Newport News, mm\ the capture of Forts Clark and Hatteras in North Carolina, and in the relief of the Twentieth Indiana Regiment at Chicamicomico, North Carolina; was with his regiment in all its battles in its service in Burnside's North Carolina expedition in [862. In the charge of his regiment on Fort Defiance, Roanoke [sland, he was the first to reach the works and to wave the flag of the Ninth Regiment over them, although then a private sol- dier but little over nineteen years of age. Was with his regiment in the second Bull Run campaign in Virginia and in the .Maryland campaign following, which culmi- nated in the battles of South Mountain and Antietam. In the latter battle he was wounded in the charge of his regiment on the rebel batteries, and furloughed and sub- sequently promoted to lieutenant in the Second battalion Hawkins Zouaves, afterwards consolidated and known as the ( >ne 1 [undred and Seventy-eighth New York Veteran Volunteers. He served with it as acting adjutant, doing provost duty in the city of Washington during the Get- tysburg campaign from June to September, 1 863, acting assistant picket-officer of Washington during a portion of that time. He was ordered with his regiment West in the fall of 1863, to report to General Sherman at East- port, Mississippi; was assigned to the Third Brigade, Third Division, Sixteenth Army Corps, under command of General A. J. Smith. Served in this command in Kentucky and Tennessee to January, [864, then joined General Sherman at Vicksburg, Mississippi, and was with him on his raid from Vicksburg to Meridian in February, [864; was in General A.J. Smith's command in the Red River campaign ; was appointed acting ordnance officer of the brigade, and later of the division, and continued in A. J. Smith's and Joseph A. Mower's command in their campaigns in Arkansas after Marmaduke, and in Tennes- see and Mississippi after Forrest, and in Missouri after Price; was promoted captain in May, 1X1)4. 1 he last campaign extended from the Mississippi River to the little Rig Blue River near Kansas, where Price's forces were run down, forced to fight, capitulate, or scatter. During the march back to the Mississippi, with orders to join General Thomas at Nashville, Tennessee, a cold snap setting in, with snow ami slush on the ground, with worn-out shoes, he tooJ< cold ami gave out while in com- mand of his company when about half-way back ; was sent to Jefferson Barracks Hospital, and on the 16th of De- cember, 1 864, was honorably discharged from the service on account of disability for further service, contracted in the line of duty. After remaining in the hospital for some time he reached home in March, 1865, a wreck of his for- mer self, and in the minds of his friends and neighbors had come home to die. With a mother's nursing and a little- care, he, however, had sufficiently recovered by January 1, 1 866, to return to his old vocation of custom-house- clerk for his old firm, where he remained until January 1, 1868, when he started the custom-house brokerage busi- ness with Mr. [ulius binge, of New York, under the firm- name of binge & Curie, at 44 Exchange Place, New York. Mr. Curie removed from Paterson to Brooklyn, and was admitted to the bar of New York State in 1882. Mr. Curie, as an importer's clerk and as a broker representing a num- ber of large importing houses, had received an extensive experience in custom-house matters ; he had become espe- cially convinced that the government in its dealings w ith its citizens was the cause of some trouble. I le therefore sys- tematically compiled all the decisions of the I*. S. Supreme- Court on customs duties, etc., from the beginning of the government, anil when the Act of 1 883 w as passed, the first general tariff act since the passage of the Revised Stat- utes in 1874, Mr. Curie's readiness in deciding questions under it soon brought him all the practice he could attend to in a short time. P"or some time Mr. Curie practised alone, but is now a member of the firm of Curie, Smith & Mackie, at Nos. 44-48 Exchange Place, New York, who has the largest practice in their specialty in the city. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 99 BREVET CAPTAIN GEORGE HENRY PETTIS, U.S.V. Brevet Captain George Henry Pettis was bom at Pawtucket, Rhode Island, March 17, 1834; his family removed to the village of Cohoes, New York, in 1837. He attended the public schools in that village until he was twelve years of age, when he entered the office of the Cataract, the first newspaper published in that village ; in 1849 removed to Providence, Rhode Island, where he followed the occupation of printer until 1854, when he went to California, arriving at San Francisco on June 17 of that year, on the steamer " Brother Jonathan," via Nicaragua; he was engaged at mining in the vicinity of Garrote, Tuolumne County, from June, 1854, until May, 1858, when he arrived at San Francisco en route to Frazer River. The Frazer River bubble having collapsed, he re- sumed his occupation as a printer, and was employed on the Alta California and Morning C all, and held a situa- tion on the Herald when President Lincoln made a call upon California for troops. He entered the military ser- vice of the United States August 16, 1861, as second lieutenant Company B, First California Infantry, Colonel James H. Carleton ; promoted to first lieutenant Companj K, same regiment, January 1, 1862, commanding the company nearly all of the time, until mustered out on February 15, 1865, when he was immediately mustered into the service again as first lieutenant Company F, first New Mexico Infantry, Colonel Francisco Paula Abreu. He commanded Company F until promoted to adjutant of the regiment June 1, 1865, and was finally mustered out, his "services being no longer required," September 1, 1866, at Santa Fe, New Mexico, by Captain Asa B. Cary, Thirteenth United States Infantry, A. C. M., hav- ing served continuously five years and fifteen days. Was in a number of skirmishes with Apache and Na- vajo Indians ; brevetted captain United States volun- teers March 13, 1865, "for distinguished gallantry in the engagement at the Adobe Walls, Texas, with the Co- manche and Kiowa Indians," November 25, 1864, in which he commanded a section of mountain howitzers mounted on prairie carriages. This expedition was under the command of Colonel Kit Carson, First New Mexico Cavalry. This engagement took place on the north bank of the Canadian River, in the " pan-handle" of Texas, near the boundary-line of the Indian Territory, and lasted from break of clay until night. The forces of Carson consisted of about one hundred and fifty California and New Mexican cavalry, with the two gun-detachments of twenty-six men, while the enemy numbered over five thousand of the best Comanche and Kiowa warriors. Colonel Carson reiterated until the da)- of his death that " il it hadn't bin for them ' spiritual case' of Pettis's not a man of the expedition would have escaped from the val- ley of the Canadian River on that day." Upon being mustered out of service he located with his family at Los Algodones, county of San Ana, forty-five miles south of Santa Fe, where he established the " Railroad House, No. 444 Broadway," and performed the duties of U. S. Enrage Agent, and a post-office being established at this village, he was appointed postmaster in 1867. In 186S he removed from New Mexico to Providence, Rhode Island ; was a member of the Common Council from the Ninth Ward from June, 1872, to January, 1876, and a member of the Rhode Island House of Represen- tatives in 1876 and 1 877 ; was boarding-officer of the port of Providence from 1878 to 1885; was marine editor of the Providence Journal Trom 1885 to 1887; is now sealer of weights and measures and superintendent of street- signs and numbers at Providence, Rhode Island. Became a member of the Grand Army of the Re- public by joining Kit Carson Post, No. 1, Department of New Mexico, in 1S68, and joined Slocum Post, No. 10, Department of Rhode Island, by transfer, in 1872, of which post he held the offices of adjutant and chaplain ; was a charter member of Arnold Post, No. 4, Department of Rhode Island, in 1 877, of which post he has held the positions of officer of the day and senior vice-com- mander; was chief mustcring-officer, Department of Rhode Island, in 1877 and 1879, and assistant mustering officer in 1890; was a member of the National Council of Administration, and a delegate to the Twentieth Na tioiial Encampment, held at San Francisco in 1886. Became a member of the Military Order of the Loyal I ,e [ion of the United States, Commandery of California, November 10, 1886. Insignia No. 5065. He is secretary of the California Veteran Volunteer Association, and secretary of the United States Veteran Association, of Providence, Rhode Island; a member of the Society of California Volunteers of San Francisco, California, and various ther societii tOO OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AXD NAVY (volunteer) CAPTAIN JOHN TAYLOR. U.S.V. Captain [ohn Tai lor, Quartermaster-General G. A. R. (Receiver of Taxes of Philadelphia), was born in Phila- delphia April 5, 1840, and at the age of thirteen years en- tered the service of a commercial house as errand-bi >y. In [861 he was among the first to enroll his name with the "Scotch Rifles," a new military company that had been organized in his neighborhood. The company was not mustered into service until the following month, when it became Company E, Second Regiment Pennsylvania Reserve Volunteer Corps, John Taylor's name being borne on the rolls as private. June 12 he was promoted sergeant, and July 4 was made orderly sergeant. During the same month the S ut\, with the other regiments of the Pennsylvania Reserve Division, was hurried to the front, and from that time until April, [865, John Taylor was identified with every movement and every action of the Pennsylvania Reserves. I [e was with his company as sergeant at the battle of Dranesville, December 20, [861, the first victory of the Army of the Potomac, and at Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mills, Savage Station, Frazier's Farm, White Oak Swamp, Glendale, Charles City Cross-Roads, Malvern Hill. Ma- nassas, Chantilly, South Mountain, Antietam, and Freder- icksburg, and in the famous mud-march in January, 186}. lie was at Gettysburg July 2 and 3 as a lieutenant, lead- ing his nun across the " Valley of Death" .it the foot of Round Top, and had command of the advance skirmish- line that harassed the army of Lee as it retreated. We find John Taylor an aid on the staff of the com- mander of the First Brigade Pennsylvania Reserves through all the campaigns preceding the battle of the Wilderness, and his gallant bearing drew from Major- 1 11 neral George G. Meade, commanding the Army of the Potomac, one of the most complimentary letters ever written by a commanding officer. At the Wilderness General McCandless and John Taylor rode side by side, leading the brigade in a charge into and through a corps of the enemy. The charge was a forlorn hope ; it relieved and extricated Wadsworth and his division, but left John Taylor a prisoner, and the privations, vicissitudes, and sufferings of his ten months of captivity would fill a volume. Three times he escaped and just as often was recaptured, suffering the meanwhile hunger, fatigue, nakedness, and the diseases incident thereto. At Charleston he was one of those who, with General Truman Seymour, were removed to a place of confinement within the line and reach of the Union guns at Charleston harbor. In March, 1865, Lieutenant Taylor heard the glad tidings of exchange, and at Wilmington, North Carolina, he was again under the shadow of the old flag. With the offer in his hands of a command in the Hancock Vet- eran Legion he succumbed to typhoid fever, and his con- valescence was met with the glorious news of victory for the Union. His recover}- brought him a position in the quarter- master's department U. S. A., stationed at Fort Monroe, where he remained until I 870, when he returned to Phila- delphia and engaged in the insurance business, in which his qualifications have made him eminently successful. He is a member of Captain Philip R. Schuyler Post 51, Department of Pennsylvania, G. A. R. ; was appointed its Adjutant, and the year following was elected its Com- mander and re-elected on the expiration of his term. Captain John Taylor served for three terms as Assistant Quartermaster-General of the Department of Pennsylva- nia, ami was then elected Department Commander. In 1S81 he was appointed Quartermaster-General G. A. R. by Commander-in-Chief Vandervoort, and the eleven suc- ceeding Commanders-in-Chief have each in turn reap- pointed him to this position of trust in the G. A. R. He is a member of the Loyal Legion, Past Colonel of the Union Veteran Legion, president of the War Vet- erans' Club, a trustee of the National Memorial Asso- ciation of the Union Prisoners of War, Past Master of Lodge No. 9, A. Y. M. ; member of the Corinthian Chapter, R. A. M. ; of Philadelphia Commander)-, Knights Templar; of Lu Lu Temple of the Mystic Shrine, and of the Consistory. 'if Scotch-Irish parentage, both countries claim him, and he is a member of both the St. Andrew's and Hiber- nian Societies, as well as of the Scotch-Irish Society. ( 'aptain Taylor was elected Receiver of Taxes of Phila- delphia February, 1890, for three years by a majority of nearly forty thousand, and on assuming the responsi- bilities of the office immediately made himself familiar with all its details. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 101 BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE JERRISON STAN- NARD, U.S.V. (deceased). Brevet Major-General George Jerrison Stannard, than whom Vermont had no better soldier or more gal- lant fighter, was the first citizen of his State to volunteer as a .soldier in the war of the Rebellion, having tendered his services to Governor Fairbanks April 15, [861. lie was mustered into the service of the United State, .it Burlington, June 21, 1861, as lieutenant-colonel of the Second Vermont Infantry ; commissioned colonel of the Ninth Vermont Infantry May 21, 1862 ; appointed briga- dier-general U. S. Volunteers March u, 1863; commis- sioned brevet major-general U. S. Volunteers, to date from October 28, 1864, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the attack upon the enemy's works at Fort Har- rison, Virginia, September 29 and 30, 1804. He resigned from the United States service June 2^, 1866. 1 le took part in the following battles : Bull Run, York- town, Golding's Farm, Lee's Mills, Williamsburg, Win- chester, Harper's Ferry, Gettysburg, Drewry's Bluff, Petersburg, Chapin's Farm, Bermuda Hundred, (old Harbor, the Mine, and Fort Harrison. As lieutenant-colonel of the Second Vermont, General Stannard served in the Peninsular campaign until ordered to Vermont to organize the Ninth Regiment. He com- manded this regiment as colonel at Winchester and Har- per's Ferry, Virginia, where his troops, with others under the command of Colonel Miles of the U. S. Army, were basely surrendered. Upon being paroled, Colonel Stan- nard took his command to Chicago, 111., anil was placed in charge of several regiments at Camp Tyler, and later at Camp Douglas. He was promoted to the rank of brigadier-general for bravery and distinguished valor at Harper's Ferry, and assigned to the command of the Second Vermont Brigade, then on duty near Fairfax Court-House, Virginia. In the Gettysburg campaign General Stannard's bri- gade (composed of the Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, and Sixteenth Vermont Volunteers) was the Third Brigade, Third Division, First Army Corps. < )n the afternoon of July 3, 1863, General Stannard distinguished himself and his brigade by the attack upon Pickett's flank, which is considered by many historians to have de- cided the fate of the grand Confederate assault of the third day at Gettysburg, and changed a doubtful struggle into victory, at the time he was severely wounded. Upon the muster-out of his brigade, he was ordered to com- mand of defences in New York harbor, which duty he performed until assigned to a brigade in the Tenth Corps in the spring of 1864. Later he was transferred to the command of the First Brigade, Second Division, Eigh- teenth Army Corps, General " Baldy" Smith commanding, and was present with it at Cold Harbor, where he was wounded. On the 14th of June he led the advance of the Eighteenth Army Corps on Petersburg, with his bri- gade. He was ordered to the command of the First Division, Eighteenth Corps, while in front of Petersburg, a part of his line being within one hundred yards of the enemy's fortifications. Here he was again wounded and compelled to leave the field, to which he returned in time to lead the advance of the Tenth and Eighteenth Corps to the north of the James River on the 29th of Septem- ber, 1864, which resulted in the storming of Fort Har- rison. The next day General Lee in person assaulted Port Harrison with Hoke's and Field's divisions, Long- street's corps, but was unable to dislodge Stannard's division. Near the close of the engagement General Stannard received a bullet which shattered his right arm, necessitating amputation near the shoulder. He was again sent home, and upon recovery was placetl in com- mand of the northern frontier, with head-quarters at St. Albans. He continued on duty in the Department of the East until February, 1866, when he was assigned to ser- vice in the Freedmen's Bureau at Baltimore, Maryland, June 27, 1866. General Stannard died at Washington, D. C, June 1, 1886, and is buried in Lake View Cemetery at Bur- lington, where the State of Vermont and his comrades- in-arms have erected a monument to his memory, sur- mounted by a bronze statue of him, the work of Karl Gerhart, sculptor. A heroic bronze statue of General Stannard also sur- mounts the tall State monument at Gettysburg, which faces the field upon which he ami his brigade performed such gallant service. Gallant, truthful, unselfish, patriotic, his fame is cher- ished as a priceless inheritance by his comrades and fellow-citizens. IC-2 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) J#** f, I LIEUTENANT-COLONEL ALEXANDER GILCHRIST PATTON, U.S.V. Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Gilchrist Patton was born at Indian Stream, New Hampshire, on March 8, 1836, and is the son of William and Mary (Johnson) Patton. His mother's family were prominent participants in the Revolutionary War, espousing the side of Eng- land. His father was horn at Dumfries, Scotland, and came to this country in 1813, locating in Vermont, where he married, and shortly after moved to New Hampshire. I le took an active part in the Patriot War of 1837, and his family, who lived near the border-line, were driven from their home as refugees, fleeing to Lockport, New York, where he found them after his discharge from the service. When but seven years old Colonel Patton was sent to work in the printing-office of The Lockport Courier, and worked there a number ol years. At the age of seventeen he went to Troy, New York, and entered the carriage establishment of Down & Horton as apprentice to the trade of carriage-trimming. He con tinned in the employ of this company until 1858, moving from there to Schenectady, New York, where he engaged in the carriage business for himself, and remained there until the breaking out ol" the late war. Colonel Patton enlisted .is .1 private in Company C, Second New York, or Black-Horse Cavalry ; mustered in August, 1861, and promoted to sergeant; promoted to second lieutenant September, [861 ; first lieutenant Oc- tober 2, [861, anil was on duty with his regiment at Arlington, Virginia, until December, [861, when his regi- ment was assigned to Cavalry Brigade, McDowell's division. Army of the Potomac, in defence of Washing- ton until March 31, [862, at which time he was mustered out of service with his regiment. In May, 1862, the first New York Mounted Pities was increased from a battalion of four companies to a regiment c if twelve companies, c if 1 me of which Patton was made captain. They were mustered July 16, 1862. He- was promoted major August 13, 1S62, and lieutenant- colonel April 29, 1863, serving with his regiment in the Department of Virginia, and was engaged in the following battles and skirmishes : Zuni, Virginia, September 15, October 25, Novem- ber 14; Blackwater, September 28-October 24; Black- water Bridge, November 8; Joiner's Ford, Novem- ber 12; South Quay, December 7; near Blackwater, December I [-13 ; Carnsville Road, December 22 ; Wind- sor. December 22; Edenton Road, February 7-April 15, 1863; Chuckatuck, March 7; Windsor, March 9; Blackwater Bridge, March 31 ; siege of Suffolk, April 1 1 -May 3; near Suffolk, May 16; wounded twice at Scott's Mills, near Smithfield, May 17; with Corcoran's command on the raid into North Carolina via Winton and fackson, North Carolina, July 25-August 2; Edenton, August 15; New Kent Court-House, August 25; Bot- tom's Bridge, August 27-29; Baltimore Cross-Roads, August 27 ; Charles City Court-House, December 9; Cavalry Brigade, Second Division, Eighteenth Corps, January, 1864; Bottom's Bridge, February 6-9 ; Carroll- ton's Store, March 13; Drewry's Bluff, May 12-16; Clove Hill Junction, May 14; Bottom Church, May 17; Cold Harbor, May 31-June 1:; West Point, June 5; Deep Bottom, June 2^-2j; Surrey Court-House, July 11 ; Fort Powhatan, September 16; Third Brigade, Kautz's cavalry, Department of Virginia and North Carolina; Jones's Creek, December 21 ; siege of Petersburg, Vir- ginia, January. February, March, 1865 ; White House, March [9, 1865 ; raid into North Carolina to cut railroad communications between Generals Lee and Johnston, April, [865; at Fredericksburg till Jul}', and at various times was in command of the Second Brigade, Kautz's cavalry division. Mustered out July 10, 1X65. Immediately after the close of the war Colonel Patton became interested in the manufacture of hollow-ware at I Voy, New York. He continued in this business at Troy until 1S74, when he moved to Columbus and started the Patton Manufacturing Company, and in 1886 he formed a branch concern at [effersonville, Indiana, under the same name, lie is the proprietor of both institutions, which are the largest manufacturers of hollow-ware in the world. Colonel Patton was chairman of and had charge ol the National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Re- public held at Columbus, Ohio, in iSSS. lie is a mem- ber of the Loyal Legion of the United States and Wells Post, No. 431, Department of Ohio, Grand Army of the Republic. I lew, is married in October, [855, to Mary E. Way. Mrs. Patton died December 4. 1886. They had two chil- dren, Ida Patton Tracy ami Allan V. R. Patton. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 103 BREVET LIEUTENANT-COLONEL ALBERT AUGUSTUS POPE, U.S.V. Brevet Lieutenant-Cod >xel Albert Augustus Pope, the founder of the bicycle industries in the United States, was born in Boston, Massachusetts, May JO, [843. I It- traces his genealogy through many well-known New England families of Pope, Pierce, Cole, Stubbs, Neale, and others. His father, Charles Pope, was an active and stirring business man, and his mother, a daughter of Cap- tain James Bogman, of Boston, was a lad) - of rare dis- cernment and quiet decision of character, who taught her son the habits of economy, order, and method, to the exercise of which he attributes much of his success in life. When young Pope was only nine years of age, his father met with business reverses, which placed the family in decidedly straightened circumstances. Albert began at once his life of work and business activity by riding a horse to plough for a neighboring farmer in Brookline, which was his home at that time. Three years later he commenced buying fruit and vegetables of the farmers and selling them to the neighbors, and in one season this business yielded him a profit of one hundred dollars. I luring this time he received a fair public-school educa- tion, which was all the training he ever had from schools, though by careful reading and persistent application he has obtained an exceptional fund of general knowledge. At the age of fifteen he left the High School and secured employment in the Ouincy Market, and later on took a position with a firm dealing in shoe-findings, receiving only four dollars a week, two of which he paid for board and saved money out of the balance. When the war broke out he began the stud}- of mili- tary tactics, joining the Salignac Zouaves and the Home Guards of Brookline, of which company he soon became captain. So intense was his interest that he kept a musket in the store and with it drilled his fellow-clerks and the "bosses" whenever business would permit. At nineteen years of age he joined the volunteer forces of the Union army, and went to the front as second lieutenant of the Thirty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry, August 22, [862. His promotion to first lieutenant, March 23, 1863, and to captain, April I, 1864, are evidences of his ability and valor. He was employed upon important detached ser- vices, and acted as commander of his regiment on many occasions when the colonel was absent or disabled. He- organized within twenty-four hours a provisional regiment of artillery from the Convalescent Camp at Alexandria, and with this force he advanced to the defence of Wash- ington, assuming command of Fort Slocum and Fort Stevens, with forty-seven pieces of artillery. This was a move which called for great ability in managing men, and it was accomplished with such skill that Captain Pope- was highly complimented by his superior officers. He- served in the principal Virginia campaigns ; was with Burnside in Tennessee, with Grant at Vicksburg, anil with Sherman at Jackson, Mississippi. Me commanded Fort Hell before Petersburg, and in the last attack led his regi- ment into the city, — at the age of twenty-one years. He was brevetted major "for gallant conduct at the battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia," and lieutenant-colonel "for gallant conduct in the battles of Knoxville, Poplar Springs Church, and front of Petersburg," March 13, 1865. Soon after the war Colonel Pope went into business for himself in slipper decorations and shoe-manufacturers' supplies. In 1 877 he became enthusiastic over the bicycle, and, with his rare foresight, determined to go into their manufacture. This was ilone under the name of the Pope Manufacturing Company, a corporation for which he furnished the capi- tal, and of which he became, and has ever since continued, the president and active manager. Through the influence and encouragement of the Pope Manufacturing Company home talent also was brought to bear on the question, resulting in the production of Mr. Pratt's book, "The Bicycler," and the founding of the illustrated magazine, The Wheelman, which cost upwards of sixty thousand dollars. The educating process was followed by the opening of the highways and parks for the use of wheel- men, the company expending thousands of dollars in set- tling the Central Park case in New York, the South Park matter in Chicago, and the Fairmount Park contest in Philadelphia. Colonel Pope is a director in many banking and business corporations and the pioneer in the movement for good roads. His latest move for a comprehensive road exhibit at the Columbian Exposition has aroused the press and the public in general to the importance of the road question. He married September 20, 1871, Abbie, daughter of George and Matilda (Smallwood) Under, of Newton, Massachusetts, and they have four si ins and i me daughter. 104 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NA VY (volunteer) BRIGADIER-GENERAL THOMAS H. RUGER, U.S.A. Brigadier-General Thomas II. Ruger was born in New York, and graduated from the U. S. Military Acad- emy July i, 1854, when lie was appointed brevet second lieutenant Corps of Engineers. He served at New Or- leans, Louisiana, in 1854— 55, and resigned from the service April 1, 1855. In civil life he was counsellor-at-law at [anesville, Wis- consin, fn mi 1856 to [861, when he again-entered the ser- vice as lieutenant-colonel of the Third Wisconsin Volun- teers, serving in command of his regiment in operations in Maryland and the Shenandoah Valley from Jul}-, [861, to August, [862, in the mean time having been promoted colonel of his regiment, to date from August jo, i 861. Colonel Ruger was engaged in the movement to Har- risonburg, Virginia, February, [862; combat of Win- chester, May 25, 1862; retreat to Williamsport, Mary- land, May, [862, and advance to Little Washington, Virginia, July, [862 ; in the Northern Virginia campaign, being engaged in the battle of Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1862 ; in the Maryland campaign (Army of the Poto- mac), being engaged in the battle of Antietam, and sub- quent march to Falmouth, Virginia. He was appointed brigadier-general U. S. Volunteers November 29, [862, and commanded a brigade in the Twelfth Corp,, Army of the Potomac, in the Rappahan- nock campaign, being engaged in the battle of Chancel- lorsville, May 2-4, [863; in the Pennsylvania campaign, being engaged in the battle of Gettysburg (where he i om minded a division), July [-3, [863, and subsequent march to Warrenton, Virginia. He participated in suppressing the draft-riots in New York City, August to September, [863, and when that trouble ceased was on duty in Ten- nessee, October, [863, to April, [864. lie was then ,1 signed to the command of a brigade of the Twentieth Corps in the invasion of Georgia, being engaged in the battles of Resaca, May 15, 1S64, and New Hope Church, May 25, 1S64; action of Kulp House, June 22, 1864; combat of Peach-Tree Creek, July 20, 1864, and in nu- merous skirmishes on the march from May to July, 1864 ; siege of Atlanta, July 22 to September 2, [864, and oc- cupation of Atlanta, September 2 to November 8, 1864. He commanded a division of the Twenty-third Corps in the Tennessee campaign against the rebel army of Gen- eral Hood, November 15 to December 8, 1 864, being en- gaged in operations about Columbia and battle of Frank- lin, Tennessee, November 30, 1 864. lie then organized the First Division of the Twenty- third Corps, and was in command of his division in the operations in North Carolina, being engaged in the move- ment up the Neuse River, February to March, 1865; action at Wier's Fork, near Kinston, March 10, 1865 ; sur- render of the insurgent army under General J. E. John- ston at Darien Station. April 26, [865, and in command of the Department and District of North Carolina, June 27, 1865, to September I, [866, when he was mustered out ot the volunteer service, having been reappointed in the I'. S. Army, with the rank of colonel of the Thirty- third Infantry, July 28, 1S66. General Ruger was brevettcd major-general U.S. Vol- unteers November 30, [864, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Franklin, and brevet brigadier- general U.S. Army, March 2, 1867, for gallant and meri- torious services at the battle of Gettysburg. While in command of his regiment at Atlanta, he was made pro- visional governor of the State of Georgia from January [3 to July 4, [868, and was in command of the District of Alabama to February 1, [869. He was transferred to the Eighteenth Infantry March 15, 1869. General Ruger commanded the Department of the South from March 5 to May 31, [869, and, after serv- ing with his regiment until September 1, 1871, was de- tailed as superintendent of the U. S. Military Academy, where he rem, lined until September I, 1876; he was then placed in command of the Department of the South to July 1, 1878. He commanded Port Assinaboine, to- gether with the District of Montana, to October 1, 1879, and then commanded the District of Montana to May I.S.X: lie commanded his regiment and th e po ;t of Port Leavenworth, Kansas, and the Infantry and Cavalry School of Application from June 29, l S S 3 , to April 8, [886, when he was appointed brigadier-general U S, Army March [9, 1SS6, and assigned to the command of the Department of the Missouri, remaining to May 4, [886, and then transferred to the Department of Dakota, which command he retained until April. 1 89 1 , when he was transferred to the command of the Military Division of the Pacific. The military divisions being discontinued in July, [891, General Ruger was assigned to the command of the Department of California, which he now retains. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. ios CAPTAIN CHARLES S. BENTLEY, U.S.V. Captain Charles S. Bentley was born in Schoharie, New York, but removed to La Crosse, Wisconsin, from which State, upon the second call for troops by President Lincoln, he entered the military service of the United States as private of Company 1>, Second Wisconsin Volunteer Cavalry, October 10, [861. He was soon afterwards promoted sergeant, then first lieutenant, and declining the captaincy of Company G, he accepted that of Company 1), fuly 4, [864. Captain Bentley served as aid to General E. B. Brown at the second battle of Springfield, Missouri, assisted in carrying that officer from the field when wounded, and was complimented by being recommended to General Rosecrans for promotion, "for bravery on the battle-field." At the battles of Prairie Grove, Arkansas ; Newtonia, Missouri, and in the raid on Van Buren, Arkansas, he served as acting assistant adjutant-general, resuming his line command during the summer campaign following. At Vicksburg, in 1864, Captain Bentley was appointed and served as acting assistant inspector-general of the cavalry brigade. He shared the dangers of the ship- wrecks of the steamers "John J. Roe," at New Madrid, and " White Cloud," run down by the flag-boat "Adams," near Natchez. He was mustered out in February, 1865, having served in Missouri, Arkansas, Indian Territory, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Since the war closed, Captain Bentley served over seven years in the Iowa National Guard, four of which was as brigadier-general commanding a brigade, in the discharge of which duties, as is personally known to the editor of this work, he exercised an untiring zeal, and displayed all the intelligence of an educated soldier. Generous and hospitable almost to a fault, at all of his encampments he not only won the esteem of all who came in contact with him, but by his unflagging interest in his command, look- ing out constantly for the comfort of his officers and men, he was looked up to as a soldier only knows how to revere the chief in whom he has confidence. On the occasion of the great Inter-State Encampment in Mobile, Alabama (Camp Drum), in 1885, Mr. T. C. De Leon, author of " The Soldiers' Souvenir," says : " The success of Camp Drum, universally conceded the greatest National Guard military encampment ever known, was due to that gallant soldier, true gentleman, and tried friend, to whom this book is dedicated, General C. S. Bentley, then commanding the famous ' Northwestern Brigade' (Second Iowa National Guard), now the valued citizen of Chicago. To him was early tendered the com- mand by its board of managers and the governor of Alabama, and the modest) ol his letter of acceptance was only equalled by the energetic and tireless intelligence which went out generously to make the basis of success. General Bentley, with a good war-record, indorsed by an equal record in peace, was mustered out of the United States volunteer service at Memphis, in February, 1805. The veteran did one yen's service as captain of cavalry, two years as colonel of the Fourth Regiment Iowa National Guard, and over four years in command of the Second Iowa Brigade. " General Bentley has also organized two eminent]} successful encampments, — in August, 1862, and June, 1 884. I le has, besides, commanded Inter-State camps in distant States, — at Nashville, Tennessee, in May, 1883 ; at Mobile, Alabama, in 1885 ; and he has since declined similar compliments from Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas." Captain Bentley removed from Dubuque, Iowa, to Chicago several years ago, and is now engaged in busi- ness in that citv. 14 io6 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {.volunteer) BREVET COLONEL ROBERT STODDART ROBERT- SON, u.s.v. Breve'j Colonel Robert Stoddart Robertson, only sun of Nicholas and Martha Hume (Stoddart) Robertson, was burn at North Argyle, Washington Count}-, New York, April 16, [839. His education was in the common schools and at Argyle Academy, and in 1859 ne entered the law -office of Hon. James Gibson, at Salem. Later he studied with Hon. Charles Crary in New York City, where he was admitted to the bar in Nov., [860. In the winter following he located at Whitehall, but early in the fall of [861 he turned his law -office into a recruiting sta- tion, and issued a call for the organization of a company which he expected to command. The recruits as fast as enlisted were placed in barracks at Albany, where, in the winter of [861—62, an order was received to con- solidate all parts of companies into regiments and for- ward them at once to Washington. Under this order his men were assigned to Company I, Ninety-third Regi- ment New York Infantry, hut refused to go unless Rob- ertson would accompany them. Rather than desert the men he had enlisted, he at once mustered into the ser- vice as a private, but was made orderly sergeant of his company, and in that capacity accompanied his regiment to the front. At Washington the regiment was assigned to Palmer's brigade, Casey's division of Keyes's army corps, and early in April was ordered to the Peninsula, and participated in the siege of Yorktown, where on the 14th ol April, [862, he was promoted to the second lieu- tenancy of his company and as such participated in the battle of Williamsburg. While on the march towards Richmond, tour companies of the regiment were detai hed as guard to General McClellan's head-quarters, and the other six, including Robertson's, were sent to White 1 louse Landing to guard the depot of .supplies established there. When the line of the Chickahominy was abandoned these six companies constituted the only force to defend the vast accumulation of army stores gathered at this point. They were hastily put in battle-line. Part of the men occupied the skirmish-line, while the remainder destroyed the immense supply depot and its contents, and then em- barked and steamed down the Pamunkey as the rebel forces occupied their camp. At Harrison's Landing the whole regiment was united at McClellan's head-quarters. February :?, [863, Lieutenant Robertson was promoted to a first lieutenancy, and during the Gettysburg cam- paign and until December was acting adjutant of the reeiment. At this time he was tendered and accepted the position of aide-de-camp on the staff of General Nelson A. Miles, then commanding the fighting First Brigade, hirst Division, Second Army Corps. While on this duty he was twice wounded, once in the charge .it Spottsylvania, May [2, [864, when a musket-ball was flattened on his knee, and again May 30, at Tolopotomy Creek, when he was shot from his horse in a charge, a Minie ball passing through his abdomen from the front of the right hip to the back of the left, at which time he was reported among the mortally wounded. With a strong constitution he recovered sufficiently to go to the front before Petersburg, but his wound broke out afresh and he was discharged September 3, [864, " for disability from wounds received in action.'' He was the recipient of two brevet commissions, one from the President conferring the rank of captain, and another from the governor of New York, conferring the rank of colonel "for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Spottsylvania ami Tolopotomy Creek." He was in eleven general engagements and numerous skirmishes, and was never off duty until he received his second w ound. During the two years following the war he was engaged in the practice of law at Washington, D. C, and was mar- ried July [9, 1865, at Whitehall, X. Y., to Elizabeth H. Miller. They have five children: Nicholas, Louise, Robert, Mabel, and Annie, lie removed to Fort Wayne, Ind., in [866, where he has since been engaged in the I active practice of his profession. He was two years city attorney, and five register in bankruptcy. In 1876 was unanimously nominated for lieutenant-governor by the Republicans, but was not elected. In 1886 he was at the head of the Republican ticket for the same office, and was elected. The turbu- lent action by which he was forcibly ejected from, and barred out of, the Senate Chamber attracted universal attention. Early in 1889 he was tendered ami declined a territorial judgeship, and soon afterwards President Harrison ap- pointed him a member of the Utah Commission, upon which he has since served, WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 107 CAPTAIN GEORGE WALTER KELLEY, U.S.V. Captain George Walter Kelley, the subject of this sketch, is a fine type of those enthusiastic buys who, prompted by love of country, sprang at once to its de- fence when in peril. Mr. Kelley comes of good Scotch- English ancestry, identified with the earliest Puritan set- tlements of New' England. His people took honorable part in the Revolution and in the War of 1812. Mr. Kelley is the youngest son of Captain Walter Kelley and Eliza Simmons, and was born in New York City on January 22, 1843, but removed to Philadelphia in infancy. As a boy he was shy and retiring, but gave early evi- dence of the spirit and love of adventure, which took form in many pedestrian trips taken when from fourteen to seventeen years of age only, some of them extending many hundred miles, and in all but one of which he travelled entirely alone. The news of the firing on Sumter found him conva- lescing from a severe attack of typhoid fever, and just able to walk. The next morning, Monday, he volun- teered in the First Regiment National Guards, under the first call for troops; was mustered out in August, 1861. Mr. Kelley seems to have attracted the favorable notice of his commanding officers, for he was offered a commis- sion in the new three years' regiment of guards about to be formed ; also a commission in the Eire Zouaves by Colonel Baxter. Peeling from his youth and inexperience that these offers could not be due to any merit in himself, he de- clined both, and, relying entirely upon himself, went to the oil regions of Western Pennsylvania, where he had been the previous year on one of his pedestrian trips, and where he raised a company at his own expense ; was com- missioned its first lieutenant on Nov. 11, 1861, and was attached to the One Hundred and Third Penna. Vols. Attached to the Army of the Potomac, Mr. Kellcy's life was now that of the soldiers of that day, — a con- tinual round of exposure, suffering, and privation, with constantly recurring battles and heavy losses incident to the time. His naturally good constitution stood it well, and he has the proud satisfaction of never having been off duty during his entire service of nearly four years. With the Army of the Potomac, under McClellan, he took part at Yorktown, Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, and those of the Seven Days' fights from Savage Station to Malvern Hill. His company of ninety-eight men lost twenty-six by death as the direct ami indirect result of that campaign. From Suffolk, Va., he took part in four skirmishes on the Blackwater. Ordered to North Caro- lina, his brigade led the advance on Kinston, Whitehall, and Goldsborough. At Kinston, where his regiment again lost heavily, he received special mention. He was after wards engaged in several minor affairs in that State. At Plymouth, his regiment having re-enlisted as vet- erans, Mr. Kelley was sent North to prepare for its return on "veteran furlough," though placed ostensibly on re- cruiting service. Some days after, Generals Pickett and Hoke, en route to General Tee, after a stubborn three- clays' fight, aided by the ram "Albemarle," captured the post with its seventeen hundred men. Naturally cha- grined at this his first absence from his regiment in any of their engagements, Mr. Kelley asked to be relieved and ordered into the field, and two days later was on his way to the front where Grant's campaign was opening, and where he tendered his services to Major-General " Baldy" Smith, commanding the Eighteenth Corps (where were many of his old comrades), and was by him assigned to duty on his staff as acting assistant adjutant- general. In this capacity he served through the ensuing campaign, including Cold Harbor, Petersburg assaults, Batter)- Harrison, Chapin's Farm, second Fair Oaks, the Mine, and others, under the successive commands of Generals Smith, Ord, and Weitzel. On consolidation of the Eighteenth and Tenth Corps, Captain Kelley, who had received his promotion and whose term of sen ice was nearly expired, was ordered to North Carolina and placed in command of Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, and was honorably mustered out February 21, 1865. Captain Kelley soon commenced business in the oil country. His severe army exposures told on him and he became very ill. Returning to Philadelphia, he after- wards established a successful manufacturing business, but here again severe application and old army exposures combined forced him to seek a more genial clime and 01 cupation. For the past twenty years he has been a suc- cessful anil prominent stock-broker in San Francii He now lives a quiet, domestic life with his family. io8 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY volunteer* BREVET LIEUT. -COL. HARRISON GRAY OTIS. U.S.V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Harrison Gray Otis is the son of Stephen and Sarah ( His, who were pioneer citizens of Ohio, and was born near Marietta, February 10, 1837. In the year 1800 his father, at the age of sixteen, emigrated to the far West from Vermont, and settled in the " Ohio Company's Purchase" at Marietta, then just emerging from the condition of a frontier" block- house" post. His mother was a native of Nova Scotia, and emigrated with her parents from Boston earl}- in the century, settlingin the Muskingum Valley. His paternal grandfather was a patriot soldier in the Revolutionary War, and a pensioner. The <)tis stock has produced James Otis, famous as .1 Revolutii mary patriot and 1 irator, and Harrison Gray ( Itis, once a senator of the United States from Massachusetts. The subject of this sketch received only a "log-school- house" education up to the age of fourteen, when he became a printer's apprentice. He worked at this trade in various places, and at the commencement of the war of the Rebellion was a compositor in the office of the Louisville Journal, under the noted editor, George 1). Pren- tice. While here he was elected a delegate from Ken- tuck)' to the Republican National Convention of i860, which nominated Abraham Lincoln for the Presidency. Soon after the outbreak of hostilities, young Otis re- turned to Ohio, enrolled himself for the war as a private in the Twelfth Regiment of Ohio Volunteers (Colonel lohn W. Lowe), at (amp Dennison, June 25, 1861. He was mustered June 29, 1861, and took the held with his regi- ment July 6, [861, under Brigadier-General |. 1). Cox. on the Western Virginia campaign. He was promoted to first sergeant March 1, [862 : to second lieutenant Novem- ber 12, 1862; to first lieutenant May 30, 1863, and to captain July 1. [864. lie was transferred on the latter date to the Twenty -third Ohio Veteran Volunteers (Colo- nel R. B. Hayes), and assigned to Company H. In 1865 he was brevetted major and lieutenant-colonel, upon the unsolicited recommendation of his commanding officer, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war;" he having participated in 1861, 1802, 1863, 1864, and 1865 in the campaigns, respectively, of the Kanawha Division, Eighth Army Corps ; the Army of West Virginia, Moun- tain Department ; the Ninth Corps, Arm}- of the Poto- mac, and the Army of the Shenandoah, and taken part in the following actions: Searcy Creek, Virginia, July 17, 1861 ; Carnifex Ferry, September 10,1861; Bull Run bridge, August 27, [862 ; Frederick, September 12, 1862 ; South Mountain, September 14, 1862; Antietam, Septem- ber 17, 1862 (wounded); Blue Sulphur Springs, Septem- ber, 1863; Rover's Ferry, November, 1863; Meadow Bluff, December 14, 1863; Princeton, May, 1864; Cloyd's Mountain, May 9, 1864; New River Bridge, May 10, 1864; Quaker Church ( Lynchburg), June 17-18, 1864; Cabell- town, July 20, 1864; Kernstown, July 24, 1864 (severely wounded). He served in 1864-65 on several courts-mar- tial and military commissions. In the winter of 1864-65 he was assigned, as senior captain present for duty, to the command of his regiment at Cumberland, Maryland. He was mustered out |uly 26, 1865, and honorably dis- charged at Cleveland, Ohio, August 1, 1865. Pensioned. Length of service, forty-nine months. In 1867 he was tendered the appointment of second lieutenant in the army, but never entered the regular service. In the same year he served as Official Reporter of the Ohio House of Representatives. He then located in Washington, where he acted successively as govern- ment official, as correspondent and editor. He removed with his family to California in 1876. He was tendered the Collectorship of the Port of San Diego in 187S, and the consulates at the Samoan Islands and Tien-Tsin, China. In none of these positions, however, did he serve. He served as chief government agent at the Seal Islands of Alaska from 1879 to 1882. Leaving this position, he purchased in 1882 an interest in the Los Angeles Daily Times and Weekly Mirror, and is now the editor of those papers and president of the Times-Mirror Company. Mrs. Otis, who is a leading member of the Times' staff, was Miss E^liza A. Wetherby. She married Mr. ( His at Lowell, Ohio, September 1 1 , I 859. They have three daughters living: Mrs. Lilian < His Mi Pherron, of Redlands; Miss Marian Otis, secretary of the Times-Mirror Company, and Mrs. Mabel Otis Booth, of Berkeley, Cal. In ten years the Times has grown from very small beginnings to be one of the important daily newspapers of the Southwest, leading in circula- tion and influence in Southern California, using fast perfecting-presses, and occupying a fine building of its own. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 109 BREVET MAJOR JAMES LAWRENCE BOTSFORD, U.S.V. Brevet Major James Lawrence Botsford was born in Poland, Ohio, in 1834. He was mustered into the service of the United States as second lieutenant of Com- pany E in the famous Twenty-third Ohio Regiment Vol- unteer Infantry, which was organized at Camp Chase, Columbus, Ohio, and mustered into the United States service June 8, 1861 , being the first original three years' regiment to enlist from Ohio. His first service was in West Virginia, where he was detailed as acting aide-de-camp to Colonel Scammon, commanding First Brigade Kanawha Division, Army of West Virginia; was engaged in the battle of Carnifax Ferry, September 10. January 17, 1862, he was pro- moted to first lieutenant and assigned to Company C. The captain and second lieutenant being absent on re- cruiting service, the command of the company devolved upon Lieutenant Botsford, and by his thorough drilling and discipline was soon the first in the regiment, and, as such, was selected by Lieutenant-Colonel Rutherford B. Hayes to make a forced march and attempt to capture a guerilla band who were encamped on the southern slope of Great Flat Top Mountain, near Princeton. He left camp with Company C, numbering seventy men all told, the night of April 29, 1862. At seven o'clock the next morning he made the attack, driving them from their camp and capturing four prisoners with- out loss to his command. After an hour's rest the re- turn march commenced, but after marching some fifteen miles, the men declared they could march no farther, and the order to camp was reluctantly given, as Lieutenant Botsford knew that a regiment of Confederate troops was stationed at Princeton, only thirteen miles distant. At break of day, May 1, the company was on the road ready for marching, when one of the soldiers, looking up at the mountain-side, exclaimed, " Look there, lieu- tenant !" It did not take long to find that his company was sur- rounded, and almost immediately a demand was made for his surrender. There being a double log-house near, he gave orders for his men to take possession. The house was situated in a hollow known as "Clark's 1 bil- low," surrounded on all sides by mountains, which en- abled the enemy to fire from the mountain-sides through the roof of the house. After two hours of severe fight- ing the enemy withdrew, leaving a number killed. Their wounded were carried off, and, as was afterwards learned, about forty-five Confederates were seriously wounded. Lieutenant Botsford's command suffered severely, one being killed and twenty-two wounded, fixe of whom died within a day or two. August the 6th he was again detailed to serve w ith Colonel Scammon, commanding a brigade ; August 20, division was ordered to Washington, and part of it was engaged in the second battle of Bull Run ; was attached to the Ninth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac; Sep- tember 13, in the battle at Frederick, Md. ; September 14, South Mountain; September [7, Antietam ; October 2j , [862, was promoted by President Lincoln to captain and assistant adjutant-general in the United States Vol- unteers for gallantry .mil good conduct, lie served in West Virginia with General Scammon until January, 1 864. Thence as assistant adjutant-general to General George Crook, and was at the battles of Cloyd Mountain, New River Bridge, Blacksburg, Covington, Panther's Gap, and Buffalo Gap; thence on General Hunter's raid to Lynchburg, thence with Hunter's command to Shenan- doah Valley. I le was engaged in the battles of Snicker's Ferry, Cabletown, Stevenson's Depot, Winchester, and Martinsburg ; thence to General Sheridan's department in the Shenandoah Valley. November, [864, he was stationed at Cumberland, Maryland, detailed as assistant inspector-general of the Department of West Virginia ; resigned February 25. He was commissioned brevet major March I }, 1865, for meritorious and distinguished conduct. He moved to Louisville, Kentucky, and was eii".i"ed in business there until [872, when he moved to Youngstown, Ohio, to engage in the manufacture of iron, and is now connected with the Mahoning Valley Iron Company, having been its treasurer since the formation of the company. < )n January 1 1, [892, he was appointed quartermaster- general of ( >hio by Governor William McKinley, Jr., he having served in the same regiment and in the same army with the governor during the war. He was mar- ried January 27. 1864, to Ellen Ewing Blaine, and has a son and daughter living. no OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL NATHAN GOFF, JR., U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General Nathan Goff, Jr., son of Nathan and Nancy (Ingraham) Goff, was born in War- ren, Rhode Island, August 5. 1827. His father was horn in Warren in 1802; his mother was born in Glocester, Rhode Island, in 1 80 3. In 1 833 his parents removed from Warren to Bristol, Rhode Island, where their son Nathan received his education in the district school. At the age of seventeen he was apprenticed to the sail- making business with T. & B. T. Cranston, and two years later, on the retirement of both members of that firm, he, witli George E. Cranston, succeeded to the business. In 1850 he engaged as an engraver with Smith, Deey & Eddy in Warren, in the manufacture of jewelry. In [86l he was holding the position of brigadier-general in the Rhode Island militia, anil soon after the firing of the rebels on Fort Sumter he tendered his services to the governor of the State to serve in any position as- signed him for the maintenance of tlie Union. He im- mediately organized a company of volunteers in Bristol, which, with members from Warren, were called the Bristol Comity Company. As captain of this company, known as Company C, Second Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers, he was mustered into the United States ser- vice June 6, [86l, for three years, and remained in the service for more than six years, lie shared in the first Bull Run battle, Jul_\- 21, [86 1, and, becoming attached to the Army of the Potomac, participated in all its memorable engagements. July 24, 1862, he was pro- moted to be major of his regiment, and December 12, iSdj, lieutenant-colonel, In December, 1863, by per mission from the War Department, he appeared before General Casey's Board of Examination in Washington, and passed as lieutenant colonel, " first class," He was immediately assigned to the Twenty-second Regiment U.S. Colored Troops, and ordered to Yorktown, Vir- ginia. Afterwards his command became a part of the Army of the James. In Februaiy, 1SG4, he received from the citizens of Warren a present of a sword, belt, sash, and other equipments. At the battle in front of Petersburg, Vir- ginia, lime 15, 1 S64, he was severely wounded and taken to Chesapeake Hospital, Hampton, Virginia. In October, [864, by recommendation of his brigade and division commanders, he was promoted to the rank of colonel, and assigned to the command of the Thirty- seventh Regiment I'. S. Colored Troops. He joined his command November 10, 1864. Being detached from the Army of the fames, he joined the expedition of General B. F. Butler against Fort Fisher, North Carolina, and also participated in the second expedition, under General A. H. Terr_\-, and shared in the capture of the fort. He- shared in all the engagements of the army through North Carolina until the surrender of General Johnston's army to General W T. Sherman, at Raleigh, North Carolina. In May, 1 865, he was assigned to the command of the post of Wilmington, North Carolina, and remained on duty in that State, the troops of his command oc- cupying the forts on the coast of North and South Carolina, he being in temporary command of the Dis- trict of Wilmington and Department of North Carolina. In |une, [865, by recommendation of Major-General Charles J. Paine and Brigadier-General John W Ames, division and brigade commanders, he was promoted by the President to be brigadier-general of volunteers by brevet, "for long and faithful services and gallant con- duct in the field." He was detailed November 3, 1866, as president of a general court-martial at Raleigh, North Carolina, and, though his regiment was mus- tered out in February, 1867, he was retained in the ser- vice as president of general court-martial till June 13, 1867, when he was honorably discharged, being among the last volunteer officers mustered out. Upon return- ing to Rhode Island he engaged in his former occupation at Providence. His talents, character, and public services won for him a very high rank among his fellow -citizens. He received. August IO, 1S7O, the appointment of deputy collector of customs at the pint of Providence, a position which he- held for more than twenty years. Politically he has been a Whig and a Republican. Religiously he is identified u it h the Baptist Church. He married, November, 1849, Sarah S. Surgens, of Warren, Rhode Island, anil has three- children, — Ella S., Walter I., and Mabel I). Mrs. Goff died October [3, 1 8SS. He subsequently married Helen M. Surgens, of Boston, Massachusetts. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 1 1 1 BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL THOMAS KILBY SMITH, U.S.V. (deceased). Brevet Major-General Thomas Kilby Smith was born in Boston, Massachusetts, September 23, 1820. On his father's side he was descended from Dr. Christian ( iod- frey Schmidt, a German physician, who emigrated to Massachusetts before the French and Indian War, in which he took part; and on his mother's side from the family of Walter, long and honorably known in colonial New England. His parents moved to the West in his early youth, and settled at Cincinnati, Ohio, where he received a military and engineering education under Professor ( ). M. Mitchel, and subsequently was admitted to the bar from the office of the late Chief-Justice Chase. During the administration of President Pierce he held office in Washington and for a brief time as United States marshal for the Southern District of Ohio. Earl)' in the war he offered his services to the government and was appointed lieutenant-colonel of the Fifty-fourth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry on September 9, [861. This regiment he recruited at Camp Dennison to nearly its full strength ; was mustered into United States service as colonel Octo- ber 31, 1861, and took the field February 19, 1862, his being one of the original regiments making up the com- mand of General Sherman. At Shiloh, where he suc- ceeded to command of his brigade on the wounding oi Colonel Stuart, his conspicuous gallantry was compli- mented by General Sherman in his official report, ami made such an impression on that great soldier's mind that he referred to it after General Smith's death, twenty- five years later. In a eulogy before the Ohio Society of New York, he said, speaking of this brigade, " The next morning the}- came back to me under a heavy fire. As General Smith rode at the head of his men. 1 thought I had never seen more handsome conduct under fire." His regiment was the advance guard in the occupation of Corinth ; he commanded his brigade on the wounding of General M. L. Smith at Chickasaw Bluffs, and led it again at Arkansas Post and in the various operations and bat- tles preliminary to the siege of Vicksburg, until after the bloody assaults of the 19th and 22d May, 1863. Pending his promotion, which was earnestly asked in a memorial signed by every officer under his command and officially urged by Generals Grant and Sherman, he served on the staff of the former and performed important service while bearing to General Banks intelligence from Vicksburg. He communicated news of the surrender of that city, whereupon Port Hudson capitulated. After some weeks of staff duty witli General Grant, he was finally accorded his hard-won rank of brigadier-general August 11, 1863. Being assigned to the division of General McPherson, he shared in its various campaigns until March 7, 1864, when, in command of a division of the Army of the Tennessee, he took part in the Red River expedition, where he protected the fleet of Admiral Porter in an arduous and severely-contested series of fights during his retreat to Alexandria, — a retreat made necessary by the disaster to Banks's army at Sabine Cross-Roads. The exposure of this campaign ruined his health. He was granted leave of absence until January, 1865, when he- was assigned to command of the military district of South Alabama, and later to the post and district of Mobile. His commission as brevet major-general was dated as of March 13, 1865, and he was honorably mustered out of the service January 15, 1866. Such is a brief resume of services which, told in detail, were most bril- liant and won the encomiums of all his commanding generals, and the confidence of his officers and men. After the war General Smith held no official position save that of consul .it Panama, for a time during the ad- ministration of President Johnson. His constitution was badly undermined by the diseases incurred during his campaigns, and most of the later years of his life were spent in domestic retirement at his residence, Jonesdale, Philadelphia. In 1887 he went to New York to aid in the management of a journal in that city, but his strength was not equal to the strain put upon it, and he died, after a brief illness, December 14 of that year. General Smith married in 1848 Elizabeth B. McCuI- lough, of an old Ohio family. She, with five sons and three daughters, survives him, I I 2 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) COLONEL JOSEPH SUMNER ROGERS, U.S.Y. Colonel Joseph Sumner Rogers, superintendent of the Michigan Military Academy at < Irchard Lake, Oak- land County, was born at Orrington, Maine, on the 5th day of July, 1844- His father, Joseph Rogers, was a native of that State, and a lineal descendant of Thomas Rogers, who came over to America in the " Mayflower." Colonel Rogers attended the public schools in the neigh- borhood >>f his home until sixteen years of age, when in April, 1861, he enlisted as a private in the Second Regi- ment Maine Volunteers, and participated in the hist battle of Bull Run,, ill of the battles of the Peninsula campaign under General McClellan, and in the second battle of Hull Run. where he was severely wounded in the face. Mustered out June, [863, at the expiration of his term of service. Rendered service September, [864, as lieu- tenant Thirty-first Maine Volunteers. Promoted to cap- tain October, [864; major by brevet March, [865, for gallant and meritorious services during the war; served in the Army of the Potomac before Petersburg and at the surrender of Lee; mustered out July 15, [865. Ap- pointed second lieutenant I*. S. Army October 1, [867, and assigned to the First Infantry. While un duty at hurt Wayne in [872, Colonel Rogers was elei ted major of the Detroit Cadets, and commanded that corps until the fall of 1876. He visited, with his command, the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia, lie resigned from the army in [877, for the purpose of organizing the Michigan Military Academy at Orchard Lake, and since th.it time his work has been connected with that institution, a history of which shows the suc- cessful accomplishment on the pail of Colonel Rogers of an aim at once a credit to his efforts, perseverance, and industry, and an institution of which the State may well feel proud. " The Michigan Military Academy is by far the best school of the kind I have ever had the pleasure of in- specting, and I doubt very much whether there is another school in the country (outside of West Point) that can compare with it. " Colonel Rogers, the superintendent of the academy, is a thoroughly practical man, and deserves great credit for the success ami high standing to which he has brought his school in so short a time. " Very respectfully your obedient servant, (Signed) " E. M. Hhyl, " Colonel, Inspector-General, U.S.A." The academy was incorporated September 4, 1877, and in its organization Colonel Rogers was fortunate in re- i eiving advice from such a wise counsellor as General W. T. Sherman, who wrote him : " You may always quote me as favoring military edu- cation in connection with the civil instruction oi our country. " The nearer you can model your academy alter that of West Point the nearer you will be to the true standard ; but, of course, 1 know that an approximation is all that yi hi should attempt. " Wishing you all success, I am, truly your friend, " W. T. Sherman, " General." General Sherman continued a warm friend of the school until his death. General Schofield, now in command of the army, wrote : " I can only in the briefest manner express my hearty sympathy with the enterprise you have undertaken in the cause of education. The experience at West Point and Annapolis has demonstrated beyond question the value of systematic military discipline in the process of edu- cation, as well as in after-life. Success in all the affairs of life has ever depended upon system, which is a marked characteristic of the result of discipline, and the tendency in all tile successful affairs of life is toward such a system as military discipline inculcates." And the veteran General W. P. Harry wrote : " 1 think that you have undertaken a most important and responsible work. There is an argument for the maintenance of State Military Schools which seems to me to be of such importance as to demand the most mature consideratii m." The undertaking has been a success from tile start ; the attendance has steadily and constantly increased, the roll numbering one hundred and eighty-four names for the term of [888—89, alu ' 'he institution now stands at the head of military academies of its class in the United States. At the National Encampment, held in the city of Washington in May, i888,a company from this acad- emy had the distinction and honor of winning first prize, as being the best drilled company there. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 1 1 BREVET LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WILLIAM BROOKE RAWLE. U.S.V. Brevet Lieutenant - Colonel William Brooke Rawlf. (Third Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry) was born in Philadelphia, Penna., August 29, 1S43, being the eldest son of Charles Wall. ice Brooke, deceased, by his wife Elizabeth Tilghman, daughter of the well-known lawyer, William Rawle (the younger), granddaughter of the celebrated jurist, Edward Tilghman, who is remem- bered as one of the " Leaders of the Old Bar of Philadel- phia," and great-granddaughter of Benjamin Chew, Chief- Justice of Pennsylvania before the Revolution. Mr. Brooke was a member of the Philadelphia Bar, who attained a high place thereat for his ability and brilliancy, but died in 1849, at tne early age of thirty-six years. His father, Robert Brooke, son of Captain John Brooke of the Revolutionary Army, was well known as a sur- veyor and civil engineer in Philadelphia, and his mother was a daughter of Colonel (afterwards General) Andrew Porter of the Revolutionary Army. The subject of this sketch was educated in the best schools of his native city, entered the University of Pennsylvania in the fall of 1859, and graduated there- from as Bachelor of Arts, July 3, 1863, having received during his senior year leave'of absence from the college authorities to enter the army, and taking his degree while actually engaged in the battle of Gettysburg. He re- ceived his degree as Master of Arts, July 3, 1866. He entered the army during the War of the Rebellion as second lieutenant in the Third Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, and served continuously with the Army of the Potomac from early in 1863 until some time after the close of the war, attaining the lineal rank of captain, and being brevetted major and lieutenant-colonel for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Hatcher's Run, and in the campaign terminating with Lee's surrender at Appomattox Court-House, respectively. Colonel Brooke Rawle, while attached to the Second Cavalry Division (General D. McM. Gregg), was en- gaged in the cavalry battle of Brandy Station, Va., June 9, 1863; in the running fight from Aldie, through Mid- dleburg to Upperville, June 21, 1863; fighting from Goose Creek to Aldie, June 22, 1863 ; skirmish at West- minster, Md., June 30, 1863; battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 2-3, 1863 ; skirmishes at Fountaindale, Md., July 6, and Old Antietam Forge, Md., July 10; and action at Shepherdstown, Va., July 16; while on a scout on Sep- tember 6, 1863, with seven men, was ambushed and sur- rounded on the Salem road near Warrenton by forty- eight men of Mountjoy's company of Mosby's battalion, cutting his way through with a loss of three men, and having his horse wounded in several places ; was en- gaged in the cavalry actions at Culpeper Court-House, September 13, 1863, and near the Occoquan River, Oc- l 5 tober 15, 1863 ; and in the battle of New Hope Church and action at Parker's Store, Mine Run campaign, No- vember 27-29, 1863. During 1864-65, while attached to head-quarters of the Army of the Potomac and head- quarters of the Armies Operating against Richmond, he was present at the battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania Court-House; skirmish at Guinney's Bridge ; battles of North Anna, Totopotomoy, and Cold Harbor ; siege of Petersburg ; battles of Petersburg Mine, Boydton Plank Road, Hatcher's Run, and Fort Stead- man ; entered Petersburg early in the morning of April }, 1865, as escort of Generals Grant and Meade, and was escort to General Meade at the surrender of General Lee, at Appomattox Court-House, April 9, 1865. Prior to discharge the Veteran Battalion of his regi- ment, to which he was attached, was consolidated with the Fifth Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, and he was mustered out of service therewith and honorably dis- charged at Richmond, Va., August 7, 1865. Upon his discharge from the army, declining a com- mission in the Seventh U. S. Cavalry, he began the study of law with his uncle, the late William Henry Rawle, and was admitted to practise at the Philadelphia Bar May 18, 1867, shortly before which, by legal authority, he assumed the name of William Brooke Rawle in lieu < .f William Rawle Brooke. He was associated in practice with Mr. Rawle until the death of the latter in 1889, when he succeeded him at the head of the law office which had been established in 1783 by his great-grandfather William Rawle (the elder), one of the greatest lawyers of his time. Colonel Brooke Rawle was one of the earliest mem- bers of the Pennsylvania Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, and one of the organizers of the Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution. ii 4 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) CAPTAIN JOHN R. WHITK, U.S.V. Captain John R. WmTEwas bornin Baltimore, Mary- land, December 17, 1835. His family removed to Phila- delphia when the subject of this sketch was about nine years of age. At the outbreak of the Civil War he en- listed as a private in the Second Company State Fencibles, recruited at 505 Chestnut Street. The company was assigned to the Eighteenth Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Lewis. The enlistment was for three months. The regiment was stationed on Federal Hill, Baltimore, until the time had expired. At that time a call was made fur volunteers t<> escort some transports to Washington via Aquia Creek. Captain White, with about two hundred others, volunteered, and served one month longer. After being mustered out of service, and upon the call of Presi- dent Lincoln for three hundred thousand more, lie enlisted in Company. ( ., ()ne Hundred and Eighteenth Regiment (Corn Exchange), as private. He was appointed first ser- geant, and marched with his regimentto the front. At the battle of Shepherdstow 11, a sequel ti > Antietam,all the com- pany officers present having been killed, he was appointed second lieutenant by special orders from Major-General Fitz John Porter, " for gallantry oh the field of battle." This appointment was speedily confirmed by Governor Curtin sending him his commission. He served with his regiment all through the war, participating in all the principal battles and skirmishes, including Fredericks- burg, Chanccllorsvillc, Gettysburg, the Wilderness, down to the surrender of Lee's arm)- at Appomattox, having been promoted to first lieutenant, and then to captain. He was mustered out of service upon the return of the regiment to Philadelphia at the close- of the war. Upon the close of the war Captain White engaged in mercantile business, organizing with Mr. John Boyd the firm of Boyd, White & Co., manufacturers, importers, and retailers of carpets, now, owing largely to the progressive spirit of Captain White, the leading house in this line of business, and known not only in our own country but through all the marts of trade in Europe. Captain White has one son who is a member of the Second Class Loyal Legion, and three others who would like to be. Captain White is well known, not only in mercantile circles, but also in banking, political, and social circles, being a director in the Ninth National Bank, the Central Trust and Safe Deposit Company, the Industrial Safe- Deposit Company; a member of the Committee of Fifty, organized to promote measures for the benefit of the city; a well-known member of the Union League, United Sen ice Club, Historical Society, and many other societies, social, secret, and beneficial. At the close of the war he married Katie Ashbridge, whose father, Captain Ashbridge, served in the War of 1 Si J, and also in several of the conflicts with Indians. Her grandfather came to this country with William Penn, and was one of the earliest settlers of this State. Seven children make up their home circle, — four boys and three girls. The eldest, John R. White, Jr., has charge of the extensive retail business of the Boyd-White Carpet Com- pany, and, though but twenty-two years of age, ranks among the shrewdest and best-equipped men in the trade lor successful management and business ability. The other children give promise of making their mark in life when the time comes for them to start on their own \ 1 13 age. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. "5 CAPTAIN JOHN E. NORCROSS, U.S.V. Captain John E. Norcross was born in England, Feb- ruary 3, 1842, and was brought to the United States while an infant. His childhood was principally passed in Phila- delphia, where he received the ordinary school education. He entered the Philadelphia High School in 1855, but did not complete the four years' course, leaving that institu- tion to become a clerk in a business house. Having acquired a knowledge of short-hand at the High School, he became in the early part of i860 a newspaper reporter on the Philadelphia Ledger. In the latter part of that year he was stationedin Washington, where he did service in the Senate gallery as an assistant in the Globe corps, and diil_\- recorded the farewells of the secession Senators. Immediately after the inauguration of Air. Lincoln he went to Harrisburg to assist in the reporting corps of the Pennsylvania Legislature, and was so engaged at the firing on Sumter. Subsequently, as a correspondent of the Philadelphia Press, he was stationed at Washington anil then at Fortress Monroe, where he saw and described for his newspaper the destruction of the " Cumberland," and the battle between the " Monitor" and " Merrimac." Then followed a tour of duty as army correspondent on the Peninsula, and other newspaper work, succeeded by a short term of service as private in Company K oi the Twentieth Regiment Pennsylvania Militia during the Antietam emergency. A hurried visit to Europe foll< >w ed for the purpose of settling an estate, and returning to the United States he was in time to serve with the Twentieth Regiment in the Gettysburg campaign. On the 30th of July, 1863, two days after his return from the latter ser- vice, he was conscripted, having been enrolled during his absence in Europe, and was assigned, by request, to the One Hundred and Eighteenth Pennsylvania, better known as the Corn Exchange Regiment, with which he served until the latter part of April, 1864, when he was appointed a second lieutenant in the Twenty-fifth Regiment United States Colored Troops, then part of the garrison at Fort Barrancas. After some months of duty with the regiment he was made ordnance officer at the Fort Pickens depot, and was subsequently appointed on the staff" of Major-General Canby, commanding the Military Division of the West Mississippi, and took part in the operations which ended in the capture of Mobile. For a time he was engaged in taking evidence before the Special Investigating Commis- sion, of which Major-General William F. Smith was presi- dent. By this time active hostilities had ceased, and on the JOth of June, 1865, he forwarded his resignation, which was accepted. Subsequently he received the brevet rank of captain, to date from June 20, 1865. He at once re- entered journalism, and was one of the editorial force of the Philadelphia Press, the newspaper for which he had been an army correspondent. In 1867 he went South, and took part in the recon- struction of Alabama. In March, 1869, he removed to New York, and. after some desultory writing for the Tribune, became a reporter for the Brooklyn Union, and afterward for the Brooklyn Eagle, resigning his place on the latter newspaper to become a stenographer in the reorganized City Court of Brooklyn, a position which he- has held for twenty years. He was admitted an attorney and counsellor in 1872, but by reason of his official position in the court is not engaged in the practice of the law. He married, December 6, 1866, Miss Sallie A. Cotton, of Philadelphia, and is the father of three daughters. He- was mustered into the Grand Army of the Republic in June, 1870, and admitted a Companion of the Militarj Order of the Loyal Legion in February, 1884. n6 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) CAPTAIN WILLIAM A. GILL. U.S.V. Captain William A. Gile (Eighteenth New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry and One Hundred and Seventeenth United States Colored Troops) was born in Northfield, New Hampshire, fune 5, 1843, and when he entered the service the lines of the town of Franklin included that portion of the town of Northfield in which he was horn, the birthplace being on the cast shore of the Merrimac River, opposite to and near the early home of Daniel Webster. He was the smi of Alfred A. Gile, a native of \eu Hampshire, whose ancestors for three generations had li\ ed at and near this homestead, near the head of the Merrimac. His mother was a native of Pennsylvania, and was of German descent, the will of his grandfather on the maternal branch being written in the German language. File subject of this sketch was educated in the common schools of his native town, and in the Academy at Frank- lin and the Seminary at Tilton. He entered the service first in August, [862, as an enlisted man in the Sixteenth New Hampshire Volunteers, and was in the Banks cam- paign in Louisiana during the operations in the Tcchc country, and before Port Hudson, and through the several engagements at and before the capitulation of Port Hud- son in Jul}-, [863. In An-ust, [863, he was discharged, with his younger brother, Frank, who accompanied him, and shared his camp life ami army experience during the Ranks campaign. When discharged both were under twenty-one years of and, by the severe test of the malarial district in which they were encamped, much emaciated and broken in health. In September, [864, Captain Gile was appointed to th.it lank as captain of Company P., Eighteenth New Hampshire Volunteers, and went to the front at Cit\ Point, Virginia, where he was detailed as member of the general court-martial of the Army of the Potomac, of which General Charles II. T. Collis, of Pennsylvania, was president. Captain Gile's regiment was brigaded during that winter with the Engineer Corps of General Benham, at City Point, and during the fall and early winter of 1864 helped to construct a second line of earthworks around the base of supplies, and head-quarters of the Army of the Poto- mac and the Army of the James, situated at the junction of the |ames and Appomattox Rivers, City Point. Captain Gile was engaged upon court-martial from 1 (ctober 1, 1864, until the last week in March, 1865, when, with his company, he was engaged in the defence of Fort Steadman, at the second assault upon that fort on the 27th of March, and in which the whole rebel army of Northern Virginia was concentrated and engaged. This engage- ment was the last attempt of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia to break the lines of the Army of the Potomac through their fortifications, and the final chase for Appomattox began, and ended soon after. In August, 1865, having been discharged from service in the Eighteenth New Hampshire Volunteers, Captain Gile was mustered into the service again as first lieutenant and afterwards appointed captain, and went to Texas in the Army of Observation under General Sheridan, who commanded the Fifth Military District at that time. He- remained in the service while the French troops were in Mexico, and until the said troops left the soil of that repub- lic, and was discharged from the army in August, 1 867, as captain in the One Hundred and Seventeenth Lnited States C< 1I1 ired Troops. After his discharge he studied law for a year in the office of Honorable Austin F. Pike, of Franklin, New Hampshire, and thereafter for two years in Harvard Law- School,, it Cambridge, Massachusetts, and was admitted to the bar of Massachusetts in June, I S69. Pie practised law in Greenfield, Massachusetts, as partner with Honorable Whiting Griswold, of that town, for two years ; went to Worcester, Massachusetts, in 1871, and formed a law part- nership with Charles A. Merrill, Esquire, who had been a chum and friend at Harvard Law-School. In 1880 he dissolved copartnership with Mr. Men-ill, ami has since been engaged in the active practice of his profession alone, in Worcester, Massachusetts, where he stands at the head of his profession as a jury advocate and sound prac- titii mer. Captain Gile has represented the city of Worcester in the Legislature for two years, in 1886—88. He was a member of the Republican National Convention of 1888; is a member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the Massachusetts Commandery, and of the Grand Army of the Republic; of the fraternal orders of ( )dd Fellows, of Freemasons, and of Knights of Pythias. In politics he is a stalwart Republican ; in theology he is a radical Unitarian. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 117 DANIEL WEISIGER LINDSEY, U.S.V. Daniel Weisiger Lindsey was born at Frankfort, Franklin County, Kentucky, October 4, 1835, of Scotch- Irish descent from families on both sides that were early identified with the settlement and development of Kentucky. His education was obtained at the primary schools of Frankfort, supplemented by a careful course of instruction under Kentucky's famous teacher, B. B. Sayre, and at the Kentucky Military Institute, where lie graduated in 1854. .After engaging for a time in other pursuits he entered upon the stud}' of law in the office of his father, the Hon. Thomas X. Lindsey, in frank- fort, followed by a course of lectures at the Louis- ville Law-School, from which institution he was grad- uated in 1857. After travelling in the South during the winters of 1857-58 he began the practice of law in Frankfort in partnership with his father. At the com- mencement of the Civil War D. W. Lindsey was a cap- tain in the Kentucky State Guard, but ascertaining, during an encampment of the regiment to which he was attached in Alexander's Woods in May, 1 861, that the State Guard was not to be used in aid of the government, he promptly marched his company from the camp and to its armory in Frankfort, and resigned his commission. As soon as General Nelson opened " Camp Dick Robinson" Lindsey went there and assisted in organizing Federal troops from Kentucky. About September 1, 1 861, he was commis- sioned as chief of staff to General Thomas L. Crittenden, who, General S. B. Buckner having gone to the Southern Confederacy, had become the inspector-general of Ken- tucky. In October, 1861, Lindsey was commissioned by the Military Board of Kentucky to raise a regiment, which he at once proceeded to do, and soon recruited and organized the Twenty-second Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, which was mustered into the service December 12, 1 86 1, with D. W. Lindsey as colonel ; G. \V. Monroe, lieutenant-colonel, and Wesley Cook, major. The regi- ment was immediately ordered to service in the field, and with his command Colonel Lindsey participated in the campaigns under General Garfield in the Big Sandy Val- ley, and under General G. W. Morgan in the capture of and around Cumberland Gap ; from there up the Kanawha ; from there to Memphis, Tennessee, where he was placed permanently in the command of a brigade, and with it participated in the campaigns and battles thereof under Generals Sherman, McClellan, and Grant against Ar- kansas Post, Vicksburg, and Jackson, Mississippi ; ami thence under General Ord, commanding the corps, the Thirteenth was transferred to the Gulf Department, where, his health having become impaired by continuous service in the field, and being required by medical advice to transfer to a more northern climate, he, on October 14, 1863, resigned his command to accept the position of inspector-general of Kentucky, to which he was com- missioned October 31, [863. In the summer of 1S64 he was commissioned adjutant-general of Kentucky, and held the position until the fall of 1867. In January, 1868, he resumed the practice of law in Frankfort, in which he has continued up to the present, being con- nected in the practice with his father until the death of the latter in November, 1877. He is closely identified with the business interests of his city ; has been since July, 1868, a director of the Branch Bank of Kentucky, and since July, 1884, its president. He was for man)' years a member of the City Council, is president of the Capital Gas and Flectric-Light Com- pany, president of the Frankfort Water Company, vice- president of the Kentucky Midland Railway Company, and a director in the Kentucky River Twine-Mills. He was married January, 1864, to Katherine Mcllvain Fitch. Three sons, Thorn, is Noble, Henry Fitch, and Daniel Weisiger, Jr., and one daughter, Katie Fitch, are living. The following letter speaks for itself: " Portland, Ohio, October i<>, 1862. "His Excellency, Governor James F. Robinson: " Governor, — It is alike due to Kentucky and to Colo- nel Daniel W. Lindsey, of the Twenty-second Kentucky, that he should be made brigadier-general. He is in every respect worthy of promotion, and I trust that this recom- mendation will meet your approval. Colonel Lindsey has been tested both in and out of action, and has proved himself to be a brave soldier as well as a skilful officer. Any aid that you may be able to give him in increasing the strength of the Twenty-second Kentucky will greatly oblige, "With highest respect your obedient servant, " George W. Morgan, Brig.-Gen'l Vol's!' n8 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY ^volunteer) BREVET MAJOR ADAM CYRUS REINOEHL, U.S.V. Brevei Major Adam Cyrus Reinoehl was born in Lebanon, Pennsylvania, November 15, [840. In [856 his parents settled in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Entering Franklin and Marshall College .it 1 ,ancaster, he graduated in [861, receiving the valedictory oration, — the highest honor of the class. On commencement day, on taking formal leave ol the Board of Trustees, he commented on the action of that body at their meeting held on the previous night, when they dismissed from the faculty Pro- 1 ;or Koeppen, a learned, faithful, but somewhat eccen- tric gentleman, greatly beloved by the students. The president of the college anise and ordered him to stop, but, disregarding the interruption, the valedictorian con- tinued. The president called on the band to play, but the orator proceeded until his voice was lost in the music. 'I'lie exercises were abruptly ended, ddie public insisted that the valedictory should be delivered, ami the owners of the hall refusing to hire it, in the evening Charles Eden tendered the balcony ol his ice-cream saloon, adjoining Fulton Hall, from which the oration was delivered in the presence of several thousand ladies and gentlemen, who crowded the streets in the vicinity. After teaching school for two months and twenty-three days in Ephrata Town ship, he enlisted in the Seventy-sixth Regiment Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, Keystone Zouaves. Entering the ser- vice as a private in Company I), he took part in all the campaigns and battles of the regiment. The Seventy- sixth was ordered to Port Royal, South Carolina, in the fall of 1 So 1 and was actively engaged 111 the sieges and engagements in tin Department of the South. In April, [862, the regiment was ordered to Tybee Island, and was present at the siege and capture of Fort Pulaski. Rei- noehl served as private oi Company 1) in the campaign against Charleston on James Island, June, [862, and in the battle of Pocotaligo, South Carolina, October 22, 1862. On the 10th of December, 1862, he was promoted to regimental quartermaster-sergeant, and January 24, 1863, he was promoted to sergeant-major. The Seventy-sixth was in Strong's brigade, which charged and captured the rebel batteries on Morris Island, South Carolina, July 10. On the morning of July 11, 1863, the Seventy-sixth Pennsylvania, with four companies of the Seventh Con- necticut and Ninth Maine, charged Fort Wagner, and were repulsed. The Seventy-sixth lost one hundred and eighty-seven killed, wounded, and missing. Sergeant- Major Reinoehl was shot through the left arm with a Minie-ball, and was permanently disabled. Returning to his regiment after a furlough, he remained in the service, and re-enlisted .April, 1864, for three years, and while on veteran furlough, having been recommended for promotion by Colonel Straw bridge, received from the hands of Governor A. G. Curtin, at Harrisburg, a com- mission as first lieutenant of Company B, April 27, 18114. He commanded the company during the campaign oi the Tenth Corps, in the Army of the James and Army of the 1'otomac, at Cold Harbor, at the explosion of the mine, and in the siege of Petersburg. ( )n the 4th of Au- gust, 1864, he was promoted to adjutant. ( )n the 27th of October, in a charge on the rebel works at Darby town Road. V.l, the outer defences of Richmond, he was se- verely wounded in the left thigh by a ball from a shrapnel shell, and was removed to his home at Lancaster. Dis- abled for months, he resigned, and was honorably dis- charged Feb. 6, [865. March 13, 1865, he was brevetted captain "for gallant and meritorious service in the assault on Fort Wagner, S. C," and was brevetted major "for gallant and meritorious service in the attack on the enemy's works on Darbytown Road, Va., Oct. 2j, 1864." In [866 he was admitted to the bar of Lancaster County. In [868 he was elected to the Pennsylvania Legislature, and subsequently re-elected in 1870 and 1871, serving three terms. In [872 he was appointed Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth by Gov. John \Y. Geary, and was continued by Gov. John F. Haitranlt, until he re- signed, in 1873, to resume the practice of his profession. ( )n retiring he was tendered letters highly complimentary of his services by Gov, Hartranft and Hon. M. S. Quay, Secretary of the Commonwealth. In [889 he was ap- pointed a member of the Soldiers' < )rphans' Commission of the State of Pennsylvania by the department com- mander of the Grand Army of the Republic. In [889 Major Reinoehl was elected district attorney of the county of Lancaster, his term expiring Jan. 1. [893. He married Miss Lucy Davis, Now 24, 1870. They have four chil- dren, — Walter Allan, Mary Acheson, Gertrude Laughlin, and Albert Riegel. I le is an active member of the Grand Arm)' of the Republic, and of the Pennsylvania Com- mandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL FRANCIS E. PINTO. U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General Francis E. Pinto. — The oldest brick house in New Haven, Connecticut, at this date is the old Pinto house, which was erected in the year 1745 of brick imported from England. In that house was born William Pinto, of Spanish descent, who was the father of Francis E. Pinto. At the time of the invasion by the British during the Revolution he was one of the students of Yale who armed themselves in defence of the town, and did other military service during the war. Francis Effington Pinto was born in New Haven June 30, 1823, and at a proper age he attended the Lancas- terian school. In 1835 he was placed as a boy in a dry- goods house in the city of New York. At the outbreak of the Mexican War, in 1 846, he was commissioned sec- ond lieutenant in the First New York Volunteers. He was at the landing and siege of Vera Cruz, the storming of Cerro Gordo, the taking of Pueblo, the battle of Con- treras, the storming of Chapultepec, ami the capture of the City of Mexico. He claims to have placed the first scaling-ladder against the wall of Chapultepec. and as- sisted the color-sergeant of the regiment up and over the wall, being the first colors in the enemy's works. He was promoted first lieutenant September 14, the date of the capture of the city, and brevetted captain the same date. I le was junior member of the first Court of Com- missions assembled in the palace of the city. At the close of the war he was mustered out of the service at Fort Hamilton, New York, July, 1848. On Christmas Day, 1848, Captain Pinto took passage, on the steamer " George Law" for the Isthmus, en route to California, and arrived at San Francisco February 28, 1849. In the spring of 1856 the celebrated Vigilance Committee of San Francisco was formed. He took an active part, and was soon made second in command of the military department of the committee. In July, 1856, he returned to New York, having closed up his business relations and joined his wife, she having preceded him the year previous. At the outbreak of the war of the Rebellion he joined Colonel Baker and Roderick Mattheson. Baker having an order from President Lincoln to create and equip a California regiment, dissensions soon arose, and Roderick Mattheson, of California, proposed to withdraw from Baker and toss up with Pinto for the command ; Matthe- son won. The regiment was organized as the Thirty- second Regiment, New York. It was mustered into the United States service in May, 1 86 1, and went to Wash- ington in June. It was engaged in the first battle of Bull Run, and was the last troops to retire from that field, not leaving Centreville Heights till near midnight, and went into camp at Fairfax Court-House and remained till the morning of the next day, when it hauled a four-horse ambulance, which had been abandoned, from Centreville no to Alexandria. General franklin said the ambulance should always belong to the regiment. At West Point, Virginia, the regiment was severely engaged by the retreating enemy from Yorktown, Vir- ginia. The regiment was engaged at Gaines's Mills, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, and the second Bull Run. While at Harrison's Landing, on the James River, Pinto was ordered to take command of the Thirty-first New York. He commanded that regiment at the storm- ing of Crampton's Pass, South Mountain, Man-land. Colonel Mattheson having been killed at Crampton's Pass, Colonel Pinto was ordered back to his own regi- ment, the Thirty-second New York, and commissioned colonel. He took his regiment into action at Antietam on the 17th of September, 1862. While in front that day he received a flag of truce from the enemy (signed by Colonel Colquitt) requesting the body of a Georgia colonel. He found the body, and, by General Franklin's permission, passed it through the lines. This flag caused much comment by the press, charging McClellan with receiving a flag instead of driving the enemy into the Potomac. The regiment was engaged at Fredericksburg, December, 1862, and made the advance at the lower crossing of the Rappahannock, and also at the second crossing of the Sixth Corps, under Sedgwick, at night, and taking the enemy's rifle-pits by surprise. It also participated in the storming of Fredericksburg Heights, and in the battle of Salem Heights the next day. The regiment returned to New York and was mustered out of service June 8, 1863, the time of service having ex- pired. Colonel Pinto was brevetted brigadier-general of vol- unteers. Soon afterwards he engaged in the warehouse business at the Atlantic Docks, Brooklyn, Long Island, and has continued in that to the present time under the firm-name of F. E. Pinto & Son. \20 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (.volunteer) LIEUTENANT-COLONEL GILBERT C. KNIEFIN. U.S.V. Lieutenant-Colonel Gilbert C. Kniffin (Staff, Army of tlic Cumberland) was born in Le Roy, New York, Oc- tober 10, 1 83 1. His father, Rev. William C. Kniffin, and his mother, Catherine Ward Kniffm, were both children of Revolutionary soldiers, and the subject of this sketch became early imbued with patriotic affection for his coun- try and zeal for the honor of its flag. The outbreak of the Rebellion found him in Kentucky, where his father had been the honored pastor of an in- fluential Presbyterian church in the heart of the Blue Grass region. Although bound by the strongest social ties to the pro-slavery element of the community in which he lived, he did not hesitate to raise the standard of the Union and call for volunteers for the United States Army. I le took an active part in the distribution of arms sup- plied by the general government among the loyal men of Kentucky, and commenced recruiting for the brigade which was being organized by Brigadier-General William Nelson, United States Volunteers, at Camp Dick Robin- son, Kentucky, in the summer of 1861. Recognizing the energy displayed in this hazardous duty, General Nelson, on the arrival of Captain Kniffin in camp with sixty re- cruits for the Fourth Kentucky Infantry, called him to head-quarters to assist in organizing the command. 1 [ere he acted as aide-de-camp, filling every staff office until the arrival of Brigadier-General George H. Thomas, United States Volunteers, who obtained for him the com- mission of captain and commissary of subsistence. lie was appointed lieutenant-colonel in January, [863, as chief commissary of subsistence of the Twenty-first Army Corps, under command of Major-General Thomas L. Crittenden, and at the reorganization of the army in October, 1863, he was appointed by General Rosecrans assistant chief commissar}' of subsistence of the Army of the Cumberland. General George H. Thomas wrote of him thus : " To the vigilance and executive ability dis- played by Colonel G. C. Kniffin is partially due the fact that the army was enabled to maintain possession ol Chattanooga during the trying period that intervened between the battles of Chickamauga and Missionary Ridge." Colonel Kniffin's term of service extended during the entire war, participating as a staff officer in every engagement in which the Army of the Cumberland was engaged, from Mill Springs in January, 1862, to Nashville in December, 1864. In a recent letter written to Hon. Redfield Proctor, Secretary of War, General Rosecrans refers to his old stall" officer as follows : " A young Kentuckian, of Northern birth, when the war-clouds began to gather over the hills and valleys of Kentucky, in April, 1861, G. C. Kniffin was one of the Union men of Paris, Kentucky, who was warned by posters to leave the place, but who, instead of heeding the warning, went to a public meeting called to raise men to help the South, asked, obtained, and used permission to address the meeting ; called for volunteers, got a great main from the assembled crowd, armed and conducted them to 'Camp Dick Robinson.' When General Nelson was ordered to organize Union troops there, Kniffin was appointed acting adjutant-general and quartermaster and commissaiy, and when General George H. Thomas suc- ceeded Nelson he retained Kniffin, and had him made captain commissar}' of subsistence, in the discharge of the duties of which he distinguished himself. In the battle of Pittsburg Landing, siege of Corinth, marches through Northern Alabama, Middle Tennessee, Ken- tuck} - , in the battle of Perryville, the marches back to Middle Tennessee, and the battle of Stone River, he was distinguished for sound judgment, courage and efficiency. After Stone River he was made lieutenant-colonel and chief commissar}- of the Twenty-first Corps. After the campaigns of Tullahoma and Chattanooga he served as chief commissar}- of the Army of the Cumberland until relieved by Colonel Porter, U. S. A. His entire war record was distinguished for ability, integrity, courage, and effi- ciency." For several years Colonel Kniffin was Washington cor- respondent of the Louisville (Kentucky) Commercial, and in [880 lie was honored by the Union men of Kentucky designating him to write Kentucky's part in the war for the Union, which he has epitomized in a very accurate and able manner by the publication of a volume giving the history of Kentucky. To Colonel Kniffin's enviable record of patriotic and military service, his large experience, his knowledge of men and events in the war, are added literary taste and practice, laborious habits, good broad sense, and sound judgment. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 121 CAPTAIN JOSEPH ALBERT SUDBOROUGH, U.S.V. Captain Joskiti Albert Sudborough, eldest son of Samuel Sudborough, an Englishman, was born in Hills- dale, Michigan, September 9, 1843, raised and educated in Adrian, Lenawee County, and was learning a trade at the breaking out of the Rebellion. During the summer of i860, Captain Ellsworth, with his famous " Chicago Zouaves," gave one of his exhi- bition drills in Adrian, which so aroused the " military spirit" of the young men that they organized a militia company called the " Hardee Cadets," and in the follow- ing autumn adopted resolutions tendering their services in the event of war ; forwarded official copies to President Buchanan and the governor of Michigan ; the latter re- sponded, promising his acceptance, and this company was among the first ordered out in response to President Lin- coln's call for three-months' troops. The subject of our sketch was one of the "original" members of the " Hardee Cadets," and as first corporal of the company was with his regiment, the First Michi- gan Infantry, early en route to Washington, where it was brigaded with Colonel Ellsworth's " Fire Zouaves," and was among the first troops to enter Alexandria, partici- pating in the following campaign and battle of Bull Run, after which returning to Michigan, its term of service having expired. In the following spring, [862, he again entered the service as first sergeant Company A, Seventeenth Michi- gan Infantry, which, upon arrival at Washington, was assigned to the Ninth Corps, with which it remained until the close of the war ; in its first and many subse- quent engagements distinguished itself, and was officially known as the " Stonewall Regiment." The service of Captain Sudborough is identical with that of the regiments to which he belonged, participating in all their campaigns and battles except during a portion of the Maryland campaign of 1862. He was in the bat- tle of Fredericksburg, and received his commission as second lieutenant soon thereafter. His regiment with his corps was sent to Kentucky in the spring of 1863, thence to Mississippi, participating in the siege of Vicksburg, the pursuit of General Johnston, and battle of Jackson, Mississippi, following ; returned to Kentucky, and then took part in General Burnside's East Tennessee campaign, including the actions at Blue Springs, October 10; Lou- don, November 14; Lenoir Station, November 15 ; and the battle of Campbell's Station, November [6; also the of Knoxville, during which his regiment, in the night, charged the Confederate lines, fired and destroyed a brick house occupied by sharp-shooters, and returned to the trenches before the enemy full)- realized the situation ; was in the works when General Longstreet made his as- sault on Fort Saunders, November 29; the engagements at Thurley's Ford, December 15, 1863; and Strawberry 16 Plains, January 22, 1864. His corps then returned to the Army of the Potomac, and he participated in the battles of the Wilderness; Ny River, May 9, when his regiment drove a rebel brigade off the field ; in the battle of Spottsylvania, May 12, the "Stonewall Regiment" was surrounded and badly cut to pieces; only forty-five men and four officers escaped, Captain Sudborough among the latter. He was in the battles of North Anna, Bethesda Church, Cold Harbor, battles and siege of Petersburg, including, the Crater, Weldon Railroad, Reams' Station, Poplar Spring Church, Pegram Farm, Boydtown Road, Hatcher's Run, anil Fort Steadman, where he was slightly and the only time wounded ; the capture of Petersburg, April 3, 1 865, when his brigade was among the first troops to enter the city; his corps then occupied the line of General Grant's communica- tions until General Lee's surrender ; with his regiment participated in the final "grand review" at Washington, and was honorably mustered out soon thereafter. He was promoted to first lieutenant in 1863, and cap- tain while before Petersburg; served as adjutant of his regiment, was briefly in command of same, and performed staff duties tor his division commander. After the war, removed to Missouri and engaged in the mercantile business ; married, in 1866, Miss Sarah Olive Blymyer, by whom two children were born,— Mrs. ( nelia B. Andrews (d 1), and Charles Blymyer (living). He is a companion in the Missouri Commander)' of the Loyal Legion, U.S.A.; comrade of Ransom Post, No. 131, Department of Missouri, (hand Army of the Republic; was aide-de-camp on the staff of the co mander-in-chief in 1 889-90 ; participated in the " grand parade" at Washington, D.C., September 20, [892; and resides in St. Louis, Missouri. 122 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) CAPTAIN DANIEL ELDREDGE, U.S.V. Captain Daniel Eldredge was burn in Chatham, Massachusetts, July 7, 184I. 1 lis widowed mother (his father having been lost at sea a few months prior to Daniel's birth) removed to Dedham, Massachusetts, dur- ing Daniel's infancy, and his boyhood days were passed in that historic town. He attended the grammar school there, his teacher being for a part of the time the late Charles A. Richardson of The Congregationalist, Boston. The Civil War found him, almost by accident, in the State of New Hampshire, and he enlisted there, at Leba non, under X. II. Randlett, August 2, [861, and became attached to the Third Regiment. He was assigned to Company K, almost wholly from the city of Dover, and officered throughout by men of that city. He followed the fortunes ol his regiment from Concord to Long Island, New York; to Washington, D. C. ; to Annapolis, Maryland, where his regiment embarked forthe great naval expedition to Port Royal, South Carolina; thence to Port Royal, where the regiment did duty on the various islands till April, (864; thence to Jacksonville and Palatka, Florida. He was in action at the taking of the lower end of Monis Island, July 10, [863, and in the memorable charge on Fort (Battery) Wagner, July 18, 1863. In the latter action he was hit in the foot by a grape-shot, though not seriously wounded Soon after the charge he was sent North for conscripts, and remained detached at Concord, New Hampshire, till January, i864,when he tied hi regimenton Morris Island. During his stay at Concord he was taken sick with malarial fever, and was quartered at a friend's house mar the camp. ( >n ar- riving in Virginia from the Department of the South, he participated in all the actions of his regiment up to the of his wound. These included Drewry's Bluff, Ma) 13-16, 1864; May 1. <, ,,. 25, and on the [6th of August, 1864, in action, was severely wounded in the left forearm, fracturing both bones. He was sent to the Chesapeake (Officers') Hospital, near Fprtress Monroe. After a few weeks he was, at his own request, ordered to Annapolis, Maryland, for light duty ; but on arrival there- was deemed a lit subject for hospital treatment, and was ordered at once to the Officers' Hospital, Academy Build- ings. After a short stay he obtained a sick leave. In December, 1S64, he was assigned to duty at the Draft Rendezvous, Concord, N. H., although his arm was still in a sling and the wound suppurating. There he served in si \ rd, Ci mnecticut, principally upi >n .1 general court-martial. From there he was sent home to await orders. I le was discharged June 30, 1866, because his services were no longer required, having served con- tinuously from August 2, 1861, — nearly five years. He rose successively from private to captain, being commis- sioned as second lieutenant in January, 1 864, as first lieu- tenant in Jul_\-, 1864, and as captain in January, 1865. The latter commission he declined, however, as the rules of the War Department forbade his muster. When wounded Juh' 18, 1 863, he was a sergeant; when wounded August [6, [864, he was a first lieutenant. In 1S70 Captain Eldredge located in Boston, Mass., at w Inch place he now resides. In 1S77 he and others largely assisted the late Honorable Josiah Quincy in establishing the building association system in Massachusetts, and now known as co-operative banks. He was the first sec- retary of the first bank established under the law, the Pioneer Co-operative Bank of Boston. Since that time he has been largely identified with the business generally, and at this writing holds the responsible positions of sec- retary and treasurer of three co-operative banks, — the Pioneer, the Homestead, and the Guardian, — occupying one office, and whose combined assets amount to nearly a million of dollars. He assisted largely in organizing several of the more than one hundred banks in the State, and frequently lectures upon the subject. Captain Eldredge is a member of the Masonic fra- ternity, of the Grand Arm}- of the Republic, and of the Massachusetts Commandery of the Loyal Legion of the United States. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 123 BRIGADIER-GKNHRAL THOMAS J. THORP, U.S.V. Brigadier-General Thomas J. Thorp is a grandson of revolutionary patriots on the side of both his mother and father. He was born in Granger, Allegany County, State of New York, in 1837, being a brother of the late Captain Alexander K. Thorp, who was killed in the great cavalry charge at Winchester, Virginia, September 19, 1864. Also a brother of the late Senator Simeon Mont- gomery Thorp, who was killed by the Confederate fon e at the sacking of Lawrence, Kansas, in [863. He was prepared to enter Union College at Alfred University, being a member of the class of [861, but, entering the army at the breaking out of the great slave- holders' rebellion, he received liis diploma in the field. In response to a call of President Lincoln, he enrolled him- self in the company organized in his native town, which was finally assigned to the Eighty-fifth New York Regi- ment of Infantry, which entered the Army of the Potomac. During the first Peninsular campaign he won honorable distinction as a captain at the battle of Pair Oaks, where he was wounded, and at the conclusion of the Seven Days' battle he was selected by Governor Morgan, of New York, to fill the position of lieutenant-colonel in the One Hundred and Thirtieth Regiment, which was also attached to the Army of the Potomac in September, 1862. This regiment was composed of the flower of the native-born yeomanry of Allegany, Livingston, and Wy- oming Counties, and to hold an important position in that regiment required not only executive ability of the first order, but intelligence, courage, and devotion to the flag of an unquestioned character; for even in the ranks of this regiment were found men eminent in scholarship, representing all of the learned professions, and among the captains were found such men as the venerable and patri- otic Rev. Dr. Joel Wakeman. The position of colonel was filled by an able officer selected from the regular army, who became a brigadier-general. The vacancy caused by his promotion was filled by Lieutenant-Colonel Thorp, who, for gallant and meritorious services on the field of battle, won his star also. General Thorp was married to the accomplished daughter of Colonel John Major during the war. The ceremony was novel as it was impressive and beautiful. It took place in the hollow square of his regiment, and was performed by one of his captains, the Rev. Dr. Wakeman. After the battle of Gettysburg the One Hundred and Thirtieth Regiment was transferred to the cavalry corps by an order from the War Department, and designated as the First New \ ork Dragoons. General Thorp rendered honorable services under every commander of the Army of the Potomac, from first to last, and was absent from the battle-field only when disabled by wounds, or during a very short period while a prisoner of war, after the battle of the Wilderness. At Trevilian Station he was severely wounded, made a prisoner of war, and sent to Macon, Georgia. While a prisoner of war he delivered an oration on the Fourth of fuly, which, doubtless, will never be forgotten for its fire and eloquence by the sixteen hundred officers who were also prisoners of war. This outburst of patriotic senti- ment, uttered in the very heart of the Confederacy and in the very mouth of the cannon guarding the prisoners, was treated by the prison commander as insubordination, but it was characteristic of General Thorp, who, in the night, jumped from the train going from Savannah to Charleston in his effort to rejoin his command in front of Richmond. The sterling qualities which prompted thousands of the heroic defenders of our Union and constitutional liberty to stand four square to the brunt of battle were also effi- cacious with General Thorp, who, from the ranks to the proud position of general, was faithful to the end of the war. When peace came, General Thorp became interested in educational work, and was called to an important edu- cational trust in the city of Buffalo by the eminent Dr. Thomas Lothrop, superintendent of public instruction of that city. Closing his educational engagements, lasting ral years, he turned his attention to the subject of applied mechanics, and received several important patents for inventions from the government, and is at present interested in their development in the city of Chicago. G nera! Thorp's home is in Oregon, located at the beautiful city of Forest Grove, the seat of the Pacific University, where his two children, Miss Bessie Maybelle and Stephen Montgomery Thorp, are being educated. [24 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY [volunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL SAMUEL CHAPMAN ARMSTRONG. U.S.V. Bkevi i Brigadier-General Samuel Chapman Arm- strong was horn January 30, 1839, at the Hawaiian Islands, where his parents were missionaries from 1831 t<> 1 848. I lis mother was sister of the late Chief-Justice Chap- man, of Massachusetts. 1 lis lather, a native <>f Pennsyl- vania (Scotch-Irish), dying in [860, was appointed Minister of Public Instruction in 1848, and chiefly built up the five hundred free public schools of that kingdom, besides fos- tering several higher institutions, all on the manual-labor plan, where many valuable men were trained. The subject of this sketch was, in 1861 1, < hief clerk of the 1 Jepartment of Public Instruction, and there got the ideas and experience that, since 1868, he has tried to apply to training negro and Indian youth of America, whom llawaiians in many ways resemble ; all being unusually bright and hopeful mentally, but are morally weals, needing, of all things, prac- tical Christian education, which did much for llawaiians, but not enough of it was done to save that doomed nation from decay. Having passed two years in Oahu College, Honolulu, he entered and graduated from Williams College, Massa- chusetts, receiving the di gree of Bachelor of Arts in 1 862, and the degree of Master of Arts in [866. He at once sou-lit service, and in August, [862, was mustered into service as captain of Company 1). One Hundred and Twenty tilth Regiment New York Infantry, from Troy, New York, George L.Willard, colonel, after whose death at I Gettysburg Captain Armstrong was promoted to major. On the recommendation of General Casey's Examining Board he was appointed, in [863, lieutenant-colonel of the Ninth Regiment United States Colored Troops (Maryland negroes), which he commanded nearly one year in almost continuous active service. He was promoted, in 1864, to colonel of the Eighth Regiment United States Colored Troops (miscellaneous negroes), and made brigadier- general by brevet after Appomattox. He received the degree of LL.D. from Williams Col- lege, Massachusetts, in 1887, and the same from Harvard College, Massachusetts, in 1889. General Armstrong was in the Deep Bottom, Virginia, campaign in 1 864, under General Terry, and many months in the siege of Petersburg and Richmond. After the sur- render he served under General R. H. Jackson in a blood- less campaign on the Rio Grande River, Texas, to threaten the Emperor Maximilian ; was two and a half years with negro troops, — a most satisfactory service, — and mustered out November, 1865, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was appointed in March, 1866, by General O. < >. Howard, Commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau, to superintend freedmen's affairs in ten counties of Eastern Virginia. He left, after two years' work, to take charge of the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute. He soon felt the great importance and possibilities of Hamp- ton as an educational centre, and devoted his life to making it a place where the poorest negro or any earnest Indian youth could get a practical Christian education if they will work for it. Education by self-help is its fundamental idea ; the graduates of the school are to be, in their turn, teach- ers and leaders of their people; nearly a thousand of them being already so employed, having had last year over thirty thousand children under their instruction. The facts and results of this work have been published, and can be supplied to students of these race questions. Ihe utmost cordiality and good feeling have been shown to the Hampton work by the best class of Southern people. The State of Virginia has been liberal to it. Its support — a private corporation, not under government control — is chiefly from the Northern States, especially New England. Its executive officers were nearly all in the Northern or Southern armies. An idea transplanted from the Pacific Ocean has nourished wonderfully in old Virginia. General Armstrong married, in 1869, Emma Dean Walker, of Stockbridge, Massachusetts, who died in 1878; and again, in [890, married Mary Alice Ford, of Lisbon, New Hampshire. He has three daughters living. ■■ For 1 Mi Piierson, At 1 an i a. i Ia., " October iS, 1892. " 1 have known General S. C. Armstrong late United States Volunteers, since early in 1865. lie served under my command from April 9, 1S65, during the march from Appomattox Court-House to City Point, Virginia, and in Texas, on the Rio Grande, until the close of the war. He was 1 "1 1 of a regiment of United Slates colored troops, ami. lor a part of the time, in Texas commanded a brigade. < leneral Armstrong was an excellent officer, thoroughly fitted by education and character for command His services were exceedingly valuable, and I can cheerfully testily to his great merit as an officer and a gentleman. (Signed) K. 1 1. Jackson, Lieutenant Colonel Fourth Artillery, Brevet Brigadier- General, late Brevet Major- General U-S. Volunteer!," WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. DOCTOR WILLIAM HARRISON KEMPER, U.S.V. Doctor William I [arrisi in Kemper was born in Rush County, Indiana, on the 1 6th day of December, 1839. His parents, Arthur S. and Patience (Bryant) Kemper, were natives of Garrard County, Kentucky, and were of German descent. The early life of their son was not unlike that of the majority of farmers' boys. His father died in 1849, and, at the age of ten years, he began the battle of life for himself. The next seven years his time was employed in working on his mother's farm during the summer and attending the district school during the winter. In 1856 he removed to Montezuma, Iowa, and spent a year as a clerk in a dry-goods store. An oppor- tunity presenting, he accepted employment in a printing- office, where he worked for two years more. The oppor- tunities for acquiring knowledge in the printing-office, which he eagerly embraced, stimulated a desire for more, and, early in the winter of 1859, he removed to Greens- burg, Indiana, and entered the City Seminary. Here his studies were industriously pursued until January, 1861. A desire for the study of medicine had been cherished for some time, and at the age of twenty-one years he entered upon the study of this profession in the office of John W. Moodey, M.D. Shortly before the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion, Doctor Kemper began the study of medicine. On April 18, 1861, after the fall of Fort Sumter, he en- listed in the service, being the forty-seventh person to volunteer in Decatur Count)', Indiana, where he then resided. That company became Company B, Seventh Regiment Indiana Volunteers (three months' service). The regiment left Indianapolis under the command of its colonel, afterwards General, Kbenezer Dumont, on the 29th of May, for Western Virginia, and participated in the campaign under General McClellan. He was present with his regiment, serving as a private soldier, in the fol- lowing engagements : Philippi, June 3, 1 861 ; Laurel Hill, or Bealington, skirmishes, July 7 to I I ; and Carriek's Ford, July 13. The regiment was mustered out <>f ser- vice August 2, 1 86 1. On September 25, 1861, he re-enlisted in the Seven- teenth Regiment Indiana Volunteers, which was then in the field. On joining that regiment he was appointed hospital steward, and served in that capacity until Feb- ruary 20, 1863, when he was promoted to assistant sur- geon of the same regiment, filling that position until the expiration of term of enlistment, Jul}- 27, 1864. With this regiment he participated in the following engage- ments: Hoover's Gap, June 24, 1863; Chattanooga, Sep- tember 8 ; Ringgold, September 1 I ; Rock Spring. Sep- tember 12 ; Chickamauga, September 19 and 20; Thom- son Cove, October 3 ; Murfreesborough Road, October 4 ; Shelbyville Pike, near Farmington, October 7 ; Missionary Ridge, November 24 and 25 ; Cleveland, November 27 ; i^5 m m siege of Knoxville, December 3 and 4; Charleston, De- cember 28 ; Dallas, May 24, 1864 ; Big Shanty, June 9; Noonday Creek, June 20; Kenesaw Mountain, June 27 ; and battles before Atlanta up to July 27, 1864. In April, [863, the Seventeenth Regiment Indiana Volunteers, which up to this date was an infantry regiment, was mounted in connection with three other regiments, and armed with the Spencer repeating rifle. This brigade w as well known throughout the Army of the Cumberland as Wilder's Brigade of Mounted Infantry. During the winter of 1864-65 he attended a course of medical lectures at the University of Michigan, and in the spring following a second course at the Long Island Col- lege Hospital, Brooklyn, New York, where he graduated in June, 1 865. The same year he located in Muncie, Indiana, where he has since resided and been engaged in the general practice of his profession. Doctor Kemper was coroner of Delaware County, Indiana, from 1870 to 1875. He has been an examining surgeon for pensioners since May, 1872, to the present time, except for a period of two years, when removed for political reasons. He was treasurer of the Indiana State Medical Society from 187910 1885, and in 1886 elected its president, and presided at the scssi. m 1 if 1 887. He has contributed more than fifty articles on medical and sur- gical subjects to various medical societies and journals. Doctor Kemper is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, and also the Military ( >rder of the Loyal Legion of the United States, being a charter member of the Indiana Commander}-, insignia No. 4648. In politics he is a Republican, and in religious belief a Methodist. On the 1 3th of August, 1865, he was united in mar- riage to Miss Harriet Kemper, of Oskaloosa, Iowa. They are the parents of three children, — Georgette Moodey, Arthur Thomson, and William Winton. 126 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) COLONEL GEORGE L. SH< >UI\ U.S.V. Colonel George L. ShoupI United States Senator from Idaho) was born in Kittanning, Armstrong County, Penn- sylvania, June 15, 1836; was educated in the public schools of Freeport and Slate Lick; moved with his father to Illinois in June, 1852, and to Colorado in [859 ; was engaged in mining and mercantile business until 1 86 1 . September 7, 1 861, Colonel Shoup enlisted in Captain Backus's independent company of scouts at Nevada City, ( olorado.to serve three years ; was commissioned second lieutenant same company December iS, 1861. During the autumn and winter of l86l was engaged in scouting; was ordered to Fort Union, New Mexico, in the early part of [862; was kept on Scouting duty on the Canadian, Pecos, and Red Rivers until the spring of [863, and dur- ing this time was promoted to a first lieutenancy ; was then ordered to the Arkansas River. Had been assigned in 1862 to the Second Colorado infantry, but was retained on duty in the cavalry service and assigned to the First Colorado Cavalry in May, [863. In 1864 he was elected to the Constitutional Convention to prepare a constitution for the proposed State oi Colorado, and obtained a leave of absence for thirty (lays to serve as ,1 member of said Convention. lie returned to active duty in the army, and served until honorably discharged as fust lieutenant September i< >, 1864, to accept promotion. I le was mus- tered in as colonel of the Third Colorado Cavalry Sep- tember j 1 , 1 864, .iut\ w as mustered 1 nit in 1 )en\ er with the regiment at the expiration oi term of service, December 28, [86 During his term oi service in the army, Colonel Shoup was kept almost constantly on the border, where he achieved marked success in all his engagements with bands of Confederates and Indians, not losing an enga ment in a single instance, for which he was frequently complimented by department and district commanders in general and special orders. The following is quoted from the records of the Department of New Mexico : "Head-Quarters, Department of New Mexico, " Santa Fe, New Mexii 0, December 15, 1S62. ■■ Gi serai. < M' i>i rs, No. 103. " < In the 26th of August, 1SC12, Second Lieutenant G. L. Shoup, of Company C, Second Colorado Volunteers, was detached from Fort Union, New Mexico, with forty- five men of that company, to overtake and chastise the Indians for robbing a train on the Cimarron Route of over one hundred mules anil horses, and to recover the animals. I le was gone 1 on this service forty-one days, twenty days of which time his men were on half-rations, lie went into the heart of the Comanche and Kiowa country, forced the Indians to give up ninety-two of the stolen animals, and to promise not again to depredate upon our trains. Lieutenant Shoup marched several hundred miles while on this duty. "In November, 1 862, Lieutenant Shoup pursued a party of men on their way to Fort Smith, Arkansas, and captured them three hundred and fifty miles on the plains east of the settlements east of New Mexico, and in the heart of the Comanche country. "The zeal, energy, perseverance, and self-denial shown by this young gentleman deserve this public notice, and is worthy the emulation of every officer and soldier in this department. " By order of Brigadier-General Carlton. (Signed) " Ben. C. Cutler, " C aptain and . Xcting Adjutant-General!' He engaged in the mercantile business in Virginia City, Montana, in 1866, and during tile same year established a business in Salmon City, Idaho. Since 1866 has been engaged in mining, stock-raising, mercantile, and other business in Idaho. He was a member of the Territorial Legislature during the eighth and tenth sessions ; a dele- gate to the National Republican Convention in 1880; is a member of the Republican National Committee. He- was appointed governor of Idaho Territory March 2c;, 1889, which position he held until elected governor of the State of Idaho October 1, 1890, and was elected to the United States Senate December 18, I S90, taking his seat December 29, I So,o. I lis term of service will expire March 3, 1895. 1 lolonel Shoup's ancestry were early colonists in East- ern Pennsylvania, and were active participants in the Rev- olutionary War and the War of [8l2. Colonel Shoup was married January 2S, [868, to Miss Lena Darnutzer. I hey have- three sons and three daughters living, — Wil- liam Henry, George Elmo, Walter Campbell, Lena Jane, Laura Mittie, and Margaret Elizabeth. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 127 BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL JOHN P. S. G0B1N, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General John P. S. Gobin, named for his grandfather, Rev. John Peter Shindel, was born January 26, 1837, at Sunbury, Pennsylvania. On the paternal side he descended from good old Revolutionary stock, his great-grandfather, Charles Gobin, being captain in one of the Berks Count}' Associated Battalions during the struggle for Independence, serving in the Jersey cam- paign, and in the summer of 1780 on active duty on the frontiers of Pennsylvania. His grandfather, Edward Go- bin, was a soldier in the War of 1812-14. General John P. S. Gobin received an academic education, learned the art of printing, and was admitted to the Northumberland Count}- bar in [858. When the Civil War threatened, before the firing upon Sumter, he tendered his services to Gov. Curtin, was accepted, and on returning to Sunbury commenced the organization of what eventually was Com- pany F, Eleventh Penna., being commissioned first lieuten- ant. His company participated in the first fight at Falling Waters, and volunteered to remain in the service at the request of General Patterson. After the expiration of the three months' campaign he reorganized the company, and Sept. 2, 1 861, was mustered in as captain of Company C, Forty-seventh Regiment. This command first served in Smith's division of the Army of the Potomac, but in January, 1862, was ordered to Florida, and the regiment garrisoned Fort Taylor on the island of Key West, and Fort Jefferson at the Dry Tortugas. Subsequently it went on an expedition up St. John's River, seizing Jacksonville and the fort at St. John's Bluff. It may be here mentioned that the Forty-seventh captured the "Governor Milton," a war steamer, near Palatka, — the only steamer taken by infantry during the Rebellion. In the summer of 1 862 the regiment was sent to Hilton Head, S. C, to assist in the attack on the approaches to Charleston, and participated in the battle of Pocotaligo. In the report of Brigadier- General Brannan, commanding the Department of the South, referring to Captain Gobin and others by name, in connection with that action, occurs the following : " I have great pleasure, on the recommendation of their respective commanders, in bringing' to the favorable consideration of the department the following officers and men who ren- dered themselves specially worth}' of notice by their bravery and praiseworthy conduct during the entire ex- pedition, and the engagements attending it." It returned to Key West, and again to Hilton Head to assist in the operations in that locality. Returned to Key West in the summer of 1863. In the autumn of the foregoing year the Forty-seventh was the first regiment which re-enlisted under the so-called Veteran order. Subsequently the command participated in Red River expedition. At the battle of Pleasant Hill, Captain Gobin was especially commended for braver}- by General J. W. McMillan, who recommended him to Governor Curtin for promotion. For services rendered in that campaign he was detailed by General Banks to conduct all the prisoners captured on the expedition to New ( (rleans. In Jul}-, 1864, the regi- ment came North, and joined General Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley. Promoted to the majority, Major Gobin participated in that famous campaign and the battle of Cedar Creek. Major-General McMillan, commanding the First Division of that corps, wrote Governor Curtin, commending Colonel Gobin's conduct. In 1865 Han- cock's Veteran Corps was organized, and the Forty-seventh was assigned to it, Major Gobin having been promoted November 4, 1864, lieutenant-colonel, and January 3, 1865, colonel of the regiment. When the spring cam- paign opened, Colonel Gobin, having been brevetted briga- dier-general March 13, 1805, was placed in command of the Second Brigade, First Division, of the Nineteenth Army Corps, co-operating with Grant, heading for Lynch- burg, where he received news of Lee's surrender, and the force returned. On the day of the assassination of President Lincoln the}- were ordered to Washington, and a picket, or rather skirmish-line, was thrown around the entire city. The Forty-seventh participated in the grand review, and after it was over the regiment was again sent South. Or- dered at first to Savannah, subsequently to Charleston, ( General Gobin was placed in command of that city, and at the same time made Provost Judge. All the courts having been suspended, he was the only judicial officer in that city during the reconstruction period, and the regiment was finally discharged Jan. 9, 1866. Returning home, Gen. Gobin resumed the practice of the law at Lebanon. I le is now brigadier-general of the N. G. of Penna., a mem- ber of the G. A. R., the Loyal Legion, Grand Master of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States, and a prominent member of the State Senate. 128 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) MAJOR GEORGE HOOKER TREADWELL, U.S.V. Major George Hooker Treadwell. — Among Al- bany's numerous population there is no one man more popular or more widely known among them than George I looker Treadwell. Generous in heart, active by nature, and endowed with a spirit to help every public enterprise, or give a hand of succor to a friend or comrade, Mr. Treadwell is well in the fore of Albany merchants and in the esteem of the citizens. In fire department and military matters his name is closely allied. Then, too, he isaprominent Mason. Being initiated in Temple Lodge, he soon took all the degrees in free and Accepted Masonry, ami then was received in the Scottish Rite bodies, holding offices in each of the various orders he went through ; is also an Odd Fellow, member of Clinton Lodge, No. 7. During the old volunteer lire department days he served his time in the fue department, being attached to Tivoli hose and hook-and-ladder truck No. 1. While he liked the life of a fireman, it did not suit his tastes so well as that oi ,1 soldier, llis record during the war demonstrated clearly his peculiar fitness for a military life. In April, [861, at the age of twenty-four, Major Treadwell made his advent into the militia by joining the Washing- ton Continentals, Company 1>. Then he enlisted in the ( )ne Hundred and Thirteenth Regiment New York State Volunteers (changed to the Seventh Regiment New York Volunteer Artillery in December, 1862), August J. 1862, and on the same- day was appointed sergeant-major. His martial appearance, being well proportioned, — six feet and half an inch tall and as straight as an arrow, — together with his quick insight into the requirements of military life, quickly threw him in the line of promotion, and on November 1, [862, he was promoted to second lieutenant, and to first lieutenant August 10 following. February 15, 1864, found him a captain, and on March [3, [865, he was brevetted major of the United States Volunteers. Major Treadwell served as aide-de-camp on the staff of Colonel Morris, commander of the Second Brigade, Haskins's Division, in the defences of Washington north of the Potomac, from November I, 1862, to August, [863, and as assistant adjutant-general from August, 1863, until March, 1864, when he was assigned to com- mand of Battery M, Seventh New York Volunteer Artil- lery. He was also detailed as inspector of the Fourth Brigade, First Division, Second Corps, June 4, 1864, and served thereon until in August following. < >n reporting from sick leave at Annapolis, Maryland, Major Treadwell was detailed as assistant provost-marshal, and subse- quently as adjutant at Camp Parole, Maryland, until honorably discharged January 3, [865. Major Treadwell was in the following battles: River Po, May 19, 1864; Milford Station, May 21, 1864; North Anna, May 23, 1864 ; Bridge, May 27, 1864; Tolopotomy Creek, May 29 and 31, 1864 ; Cold Harbor, June 3, and siege, June 4 to 16, 1 864 ; Petersburg, June 16 to 19, (864. Major Treadwell was appointed captain and quarter- master of the Ninth Brigade, Third Division, National Guard, State of New York, May 9, 1867; major and inspector of the same brigade on June 10 following, and served until November, 1S71, under the command of brigadier-General D. M. Woodhall. An effort was made to get Major Treadwell back into the National Guard ( )ctober 23, [873, when he was elected lieutenant-colonel of the Tenth Regiment, but he declined. Since the organization of the Grand Army of the Republic, Major Treadwell has been an active member. Joining Lew benedict Post, No. 5, early in its history, he was trans- ferred to Lewis 0. Morris Post, No. 121,011 September 2, [870, and was elected its first commander, lie served two terms, and resigned September [9, 1871. In 1878 he was re-elected commander, and served as such for nine consecutive terms. He was appointed assistant quarter- master-general, department of New York, G. A. P., under John Palmer, department commander, and also served one term as junior vice-commander of this department. As aide-de-camp on the national commander's staff in 18S2 and [883, was elected commander of Department of New York, and served as such one term. Major Treadwell is a native of Albany, having been born within its precincts on May 10, 1837. He is married. I he firm ot which he is a member and president and gen- eral manager — George C. Treadwell Company — is not only one of the oldest and most reputable of its kind in this country, but is known in Europe as well as in this country. The house was started in Albany in 1832 by ( .corge C. 1 readvvell, father of the subject of our sketch, fhe firm's business is as furriers, and it conducts a large branch house in New York City and Newark, New Jersey. WHO SURFED IN THE CIVIL WAR. COLONEL I). H. PATTON, U.S.V. Colonel 1). H. Patton, whose proudest title is that <>f " The Hero of Jonesborough's Skirmish-Line," was born November 26, 1837, near Flemingsburg, Kentucky. His boyhood days were spent upon the farm and attending the village schools. In 1S57 the family moved to Indiana, taking up their residence at Waveland, Montgomery County, where David, then in his twentieth year, entered the Waveland Collegiate Institute, completing a scientific course in 1S60, when he immediately entered upon the study of medicine. While engaged in the stud)- of his chosen profession, Fort Sumter was bombarded; follow- ing this came the disastrous defeat of the Federal forces at Hull Run. The future colonel laid aside his books, relinquished his cherished ambitions for the present, and with twelve others hastened to New Albany to join the Thirty-eighth Indiana, already organized and read} - for the field. The regiment passed into Kentucky, and after innumerable skirmishes and marching and countermarch- ing for nearly eighteen hundred miles they were face to face with the Confederates at Perryville, where a battle was fought. It was the fate of the Thirty-eighth Indiana to bear a conspicuous part on that field, where their per- centage of loss was as great as that of either of the con- tending armies at Waterloo. Of the color-bearer and guard, Patton and Sullivan alone stood erect, and the former, as Colonel Scribner will testify, could touch the colors any time during the engagement. Of the seven that lay upon the ground, five were killed outright and one dangerously wounded. The flag-staff was shot in two twice, and the colors were shot into shreds on that day. Their next severe engagement was Stone River, where the colors were pierced by thirty-one balls, and private Patton again distinguished himself so much that he was promoted. The regiment participated in the cap- ture of Lookout Mountain and the " battle in the clouds," in which they again distinguished themselves. The regi- ment served in the Atlanta campaign, participating in all the battles till that city was taken. In the battle of Jonesborough Lieutenant Patton rendered signal service, and received the highest praise of his commanding officer, being styled " the hero of Jonesborough's skirmish-line." To fully understand the importance of the service ren- dered, it must be understood that Jonesborough was the key to Atlanta, and that certain works lying in front of Carlin's brigade were the key to Jonesborough, and Car- lin's brigade was ordered to take the works. Two regi- ments were ordered to attack, but were repulsed with heavy loss. Two more were ordered to the attack, who were also repulsed ; but they had succeeded in getting close enough to the works to learn that an abatis lay just in front of it that would have to be torn away to make room for the assaulting column. General Carlin or- 17 1* \) dered Lieutenant-Colonel Griffin to take the Thirty-eighth, as it was all there was left, and take the works. Colonel Griffin ordered Company G, Captain H. F. Perry, and Company H, Lieutenant David H. Patton, as skirmishers, to take advantage of the smoke and gathering shades of evening, reserve their fire, to move as noiselessly as possi- ble, tear away the abatis, and open a way to carry the works. Captain Perry fell early in the advance, but Lieu- tenant Patton and skirmishers cleared away the abatis, and the Thirty-eighth carried the works. To the bravery of Colonel Patton on that occasion, Colonel Griffin, in his farewell address to the regiment, feelingly alludes when he says, " To the brave boys I can but say that everything is due to their valor on the field; and remem- ber that you have a leader in the commander of Jones- borough's gallant skirmish-line," meaning Captain Patton. who was then the ranking officer and in command. After the fall of Atlanta the Thirty-eighth went with Sherman to the sea; from Savannah they marched into North Carolina and fought the battle of Bentonville, where the senior officer, Captain Lowe, fell, leaving the regiment in command of Captain Patton, who brought it to victory. While in camp at Goldsborough, Captain Patton was elected colonel by his brother officers, and received his commission as such. His military record is a heritage that his children will prize above gold and silver, and will stimulate them to noble deeds and aspirati After the close of the war, having been mustered out with his regiment, Colonel Patton resumed the study of medicine, graduating from the Chicago Medical Col in 1867, since which time, up to 1 890, he has been in the continuous practice of his profession at Remington, Indiana. He is at present a member of Congress from the Tenth Indiana District, and is well and favorably known. '30 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY ^volunteer) MAJOR-GENERAL ALEXANDER SHALER, U.S.V. Major-General Alexander Shaler, the subject of this sketch, was born in Haddam, Connecticut, March 19, [827. At the age of eighteen he joined the Third Regi- ment of Artillery, New York State Militia, and two years afterwards was transferred to the Twenty-seventh Regi- ment ( National Guard), now the famous Seventh New York. After serving as captain for nearly eleven years In accepted the majority of theregiment. His reputation as tactician and instructor was deservedly high. While captain in the Seventh New York, he resided for five years in Hudson Count), New Jersey, and for that length of time served that State also as colonel of the First Regi ment, 1 1 udson Brigade. When the news reached New York that Sumter had been fired upon, he started for Washington the same day (April [3, [861), and tendered his services to the Secre- tary of War, who urged him to return at once to New York and bring on the Seventh Regiment. Mr. Cameron's wish was complied with. Upon tin- muster out of the Seventh he accepted the lieutenant- colonelcy of the Sixty-fifth New York Volunteers. He served continuously in the Army of the 1'otomac, and was aged in every important battle until the spring of [864 \lter the battle of Malvern 1 [ill he was promoted to the n li j of the regiment. He displayed great gallantry in leading a successful assaulting column upon Marye's Heights, Virginia, May 3, [863, and on the 26th of that month was commissioned brigadier general I United States Volunteers. In the winter of [863 64 he commanded the military prison at Johnson's Island, Sandusky Haw I »hio. In the following spring he rejoined the Army of the Potomac with his brigade, and was himself made a prisoner of war in the battle of the Wilderness, May 6, 1864. H( probably the only officer who commanded a Union prison and was also an inmate of a rebel prison. He was trans- ferred from Macon, Georgia, with fifty other officers oi high rank to Charleston, South Carolina, and placed under the fire of Union batteries. Our government retaliated by sending to Hilton Head one hundred and fifty rebel offii ers, to be quartered within the range of the nearest rebel battery. This brought about an exchange, and General Shaler was ordered to report to General Canby at New Orleans. He was assigned to the command of the Third Brigade, Second Division, Nineteenth Corps, and shortly afterwards placed in command of the Second Division, Seventh Corps, and of the White River district, Department of Arkansas. While serving in the Seventh Corps was appointed by the President brevet major-gen- eral United States Volunteers. Was mustered out of the United States service August 24. 1865. General Shaler's long service in the National Guard gave him exceptional qualifications for service in the field, which commanding officers were not slow to recognize. He enjoyed the confidence and respect of his superiors to the fullest extent. I Ie has held e\ ery < iffice in the military service of the Slate, or of the Uinited States, from private to major-general, except that of second lieutenant. In the fall of t866 he was elected a supervisor of the county of New York, but resigned in January, [ 867, to accept the office of major-general of the First Division National Guard, State of New York. He brought this organization up to a standard of unequalled efficiency, and after serving for about twenty years resigned, and the First Division as such was disbanded. From [867 to [870 General Shaler was president of the Metropolitan hire Department, and for three years after- wards a commissioner of the Fire Department of New York. To his zealous and active services New York is chiefly indebted for the honor of having the best Fire 1 lepartment in the world. After the big fire in Chicago in [874, he was called to that city to reorganize and disci- pline its hire Department, and succeeded in three months' time in so increasing its efficiency as to secure to it the full confidence of the underwriters and of the citizens generally. from (883 to [887 he was president of the Health Department of the city of New York, to which he applied his characteristic zeal and energy, improving the organi- zation and increasing its efficiency. He is now president of the Board of Health of the borough of Ridgefield, New Jersey, where lu- resides; is also president (and has been lor many years) of the New York City Association ol Union ex-Prisoners of War; is an ex-commander of the Commandery of the State of New York of the Mili- tary Order of the Loyal Legion, United States ; a mem- bei of the Grand Army of the Republic, and of many other military, social, and benevolent organizations. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 131 CAPTAIN A. EMIT L; MOORES, U.S.V. Captain A. Emil L. Moores, the subject of this skefc h, was at the outbreak of the Rebellion engaged in the drug business. He also held the position of comp- troller of the city of East Saginaw, Michigan, and was a member of Company A, Light Artillery, Michi- gan State Troops. lie resigned both these positions to enter the United States service as first lieutenant Company H, Second Michigan Infantry, April 25, [861. He was appointed adjutant of the regiment October 25, [861, and promoted captain Company .\, March 6, [862. Captain Moores participated in the various campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, and was engaged at Blai I burn's Ford, Virginia, June (8, [86] ; Hull Run, June 21, [86] ; siege of Yorktown, Virginia, from April 4 to May 4, 1S62 ; battles of Williamsburg, Virginia, May 5, [862 ; Pair ( )aks, May 31, [862 ; near Richmond, June iS, 1862 ; Glendale, June 30, [862; Malvern Hill, July 1, [862; Second Hull Run, August 28-30, [862; Chantilly, Sep- tember 1, [862; and Fredericksburg, Virginia, December 12-14, 1862. He was then transferred to the Army of the West, and participated in various campaigns, being engaged in the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi, |une 22 to July 4, [863 ; battles of Jackson, Mississippi, July 11 to [8, 1863; Blue Springs, Tennessee, October IO, 1863; Loudon, Ten- nessee, November [4, [863; Lenoir Station, Tennessee, November 15, 1863; Campbell Station, Tennessee, No- vember [6, [863; siege of Knoxville, Tennessee, Novem- ber 17 to December 5, 1863; battles of Knoxville, No vembcr 24, 1863; Port Saunders, November 2<), [863; Thurley Ford, Tennessee, December 15, 1863; Straw- berry Plains, January 22, [864; and near Knoxville, Tennessee, January 24, [864 Captain Moores resigned his commission in the volun- teer service April 26, 1864, and, returning to Saginaw, engaged in the flouring business. After twenty-seven years of successful operations he retired from further business August I, [892. lie is a member of the Mili- | tary Order of the Loyal Legion. I 2.2 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) COLONHL AMOS H. WHITE. U.S.V. Colonel Amu- II. White is a direct descendant of the Puritan Elder John White, who sailed from London, England, about June 22, 1632, in the ship " Lyon," Captain Pierce, and arrived at Boston, Massachusetts, September 16 following. He was one of the first settlers of Cam- bridge, Massachusetts. ( olonel Amos H. White, the subject of this sketch, was born June 27, 1835, in Montgomery County, New York. After the death of his father, his mother moved to New York City. At the outbreak of the Civil War he was an accountant for an importing house. I Ie helped to raise Company D, Fifth New York Volun- teer Cavalry, and was mustered hist lieutenant of this company September 21, 1861, and captain December 9 following. In March, [862, he was with his regiment in the Shen- andoah Valley, and participated in that campaign under General Hanks. At the battle of Front Royal, May 23, [862, he was knocked insensible from his horse, taken prisoner, and sent to Salisbury, North Carolina. He was exchanged September 21, 1862, and immediately rejoined his command. He was with his regiment during the fall campaign, and winter of 1862 and [863, on outpost duty for the de- fence of Washington, with head-quarters at Fairfax Court- House, and participated in all of its raids, scouts, skir- mishes, and battles. He was promoted to major January .50, 1863. The last of May, [863, General Kilpatrick took com- mand of what became that famous body of cavalry, the Third Division Cavalry Corps, Arm}- of the Potomac, afterwards commanded by Generals Sheridan and Custer. The Fifth New York Cavalry belonged to the First Brigade of this division, and on many a battle-field proved itself to be one of the most reliable fighting cavalry regi- ments of the war. He was in the Gettysburg campaign, and was shot in the right foot at Hanover, Pennsylvania, June 30, 1862. After recovering from this wound he rejoined his com- mand at Hartwood Church. In the fall campaign of 1863 he participated in all its actions in central Virginia. He was in the Wilderness campaign, his battalion being the first troops to cross the Rapidan at Germania Ford, May 4, 1864. He participated in all the daily engage ments of his command in this campaign, and at Ashland Station June 1, 1865. While in command of the regi- ment he was shot through the body, taken prisoner, and sent to Libby Prison. He was exchanged September 12, 1864. He was promoted to lieutenant-colonel Septem- ber 15, 1864, and colonel November 14, 1864. He re- joined his regiment at Winchester, Virginia, when it was detached from the brigade and became escort for General Sheridan. Colonel White brought the regiment homeattheclo.se of the war, and was honorably mustered out with it at Hart's Island, New York harbor, July 19, 1865. In the " Life of the Confederate Cavalry General J. E. B. Stewart," by his chief of staff, Major H. B. McLellan, about the only time he admits that the Confederate cavalry was defeated is «m page 380, at the battle of Brandy Station, October I I, 1863, when he states that "the Fourth and Fifth North Carolina Cavalry was suddenly opposed by a small body of the enemy, one battalion of the Fifth New York Cavalry charging in columns of squadrons with drawn sabres. Huddled together in the lane, these regi- ments, which had on this day done gallant service in previous charges, turned and ran from less than half their own numbers ; nor could their flight be checked until .1 few determined officers, pressing their horses to the head of the column of fugitives, blocked the road with drawn pisti 'Is." The battalion of the Fifth Xew York Cavalry that made this charge was commanded by Major White, who was supporting a section of Elder's regular battery. Instead of this Confederate brigade being " huddled together in the lane," they were in the open field, in columns of squadrons, with drawn sabres, and charging these guns. Major White with his battalion met this charge by a counter-charge, striking the head of this column, turning it, doubling it up, routing it, and chased this confused mass for nearly a mile, killing and wounding many, and re- turned without the loss of a man or horse. After the close of the war, Colonel White returned t<> Xew York City, and engaged in mercantile pursuits. His present home is in Detroit, Michigan, where he has for many years been the Western representative of one of the oldest importing houses engaged in the China and Japan tea-trade, WHO SERVED I IV THE CIVIL WAR. 133 CAPTAIN CHARLES E. ETTING, U.S.V. Captain Charles E. Etting, second son of Edward J. Etting, of Philadelphia, and Philippa Minis, of Savannah, was born in Philadelphia, February 5, 1844. He was mus- tered into the service of the United States as second lieutenant, Company D, One Hundred and Twenty-first Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, August 4, 1862, assigned to the First Brigade, Third Division, First Corps, Army of the Potomac, joining it near Sharpsburg after the battle of Antietam, and served continuously there- with, participating in all its movements and varied duties until placed on detached service. December 13, 1 862, at the battle of Fredericksburg, after supporting Battery C, Fifth U. S. Artillery, Lieuten- ant Etting's regiment advanced with the division under General George G. Meade under heavy fire, driving the enemy from its position ; thence up the heights in front, and held the ground until flanked and forced back by overwhelming numbers, earning from General Meade upon the field the exclamation, " Well done, One Hun- dred and Twenty-first ; good enough for one day !" May 2, 1862, at the battle of Chancellorsville, inarched from the west bank of the Rappahannock River under fire, crossing at United States Ford, reaching the front at I o'clock a.m., May 3, and there remained until with- drawn, May 6. Whilst on the march into Pennsylvania, Lieutenant Etting was detailed acting aide-de-camp First Brigade, and did duty as such at the battle of Gettysburg, July [-3, 1863. Incident to the frightful loss of July I, his regiment having over seventy per cent, killed, wounded, or missing, and only one field and one line officer unhurt, Lieutenant Etting, at Colonel Biddle's request, resumed command of his company July 4, and so remained until, upon reporting at Philadelphia August 29, in compliance with War Department circular, Adju- tant-General's Office, he was assigned to staff duty by Brigadier-General fohn P. Hatch, and relieved therefrom April 8, [864, at the request of Captain James Biddle, Sixteenth U. S. Infantry, commanding Camp Cadwalader, with orders to report to him. He was promoted to cap- tain, Company D, from March 15, 1863, detailed August 28, 1864, to perfect the organization of the new Penn- sylvania regiments then forming at Philadelphia, and September 17, 1 864, as acting Assistant Adjutant-gen- eral of Camp Cadwalader. Captain Etting's application of December 13, 1864, to be relieved having been re- turned disapproved, he remained on duty until discharged June 2, 1865, by reason of the termination of the war. Colonel Chapman Biddle wrote from Philadelphia, May 22, 1865, to his Excellency the President of the Lmited States : " I have the honor to recommend for an appointment in the regular military service of the United States, Cap- tain Charles E. Etting, of the One Hundred and Twenty- first Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers. Captain lu- ting entered the volunteer service as a second lieutenant nearly three years since, and during the time I commanded the One Hundred and Twenty-first Pennsylvania Volun- teers, discharged all his duties as an officer with alacrity and fidelity. His service in the field in the several battles in which he was present obtained for him the commen- dation of his superior officers. As an educated officer, one thoroughly conversant with his duties, he would, in my opinion, be an acquisition to the regular service." Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Piddle wrote under same date, similarly addressed: " I have the honor to recommend Captain Charles E. Etting for an appointment in the ami)- of the United States. Captain Etting entered the sen ice in the < >ne Hundred and Twenty-first Regiment Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, in 1S62, and served as second lieutenant, first lieutenant, and captain, acting also as regimental adjutant, and on the staff of the brigade commander. I le has since filled an office of responsibility in this city. During a long period of this service it is within my personal knowl- edge that Captain Etting, as well in the camp as in the field, conducted himself not only with much merit, but with distinction in every position he was required to fill. His sen ices at Fredericksburg and Gettysburg were noted by his commander, and it is my duty as well as a pleasure to add my testimony of his attainments and capability to perform the duties of any office he may ask." Upon the termination of the war Captain Etting engaged in business in, and still resides in, his native city, where he is a well- know n citizen and member of the Pennsylvania Society of the Sons of the Revolution, Society of the First Army Corps, Society of the Army of the Potomac, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, and Post 1, Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Pennsylvania. '34 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL PAUL A. OLIVER, u.s.v. Brevet Brigadier-General Paul A. ( (liver was born at sea (in the 1 8th July, 1831,011 the ship " Louisiana," owned and commanded by his father, Captain Paul A. < (liver, who was a native of Philadelphia, and served as sailing-master in the United Slates Navy in the War of [812. Genera] < (liver was engaged as shipping merchant, and resided at Fort Hamilton at the time the yellow fever epidemic prevailed in that village in 1856. He established a hospital, and was made president of the Fort Hamilton Relief Society, which he organized, and by its efforts the disease was prevented from spreading to the city of Bn pi (klyn. In January, 1862, he enlisted as second lieutenant in the Twelfth New York Infantry, which was assigned to the Third Brigade, First Division, Fifth Corps, then sta- tioned at Hall's Hill, Virginia. He participated in the siege of Yorktown and battle of Hanover Court-House ; commanded his company at the battle of Gaines's Mills (where he was wounded), Second Bull Run, Antietam, and Fredericksburg. In December, 1862, his company was detailed as head-quarters guardof the Fifth Corps, where it remained tc 1 the close of the war. When General But- terfield was appointed chief of Staff of the Army of the Potomac, under 1 looker. Lieutenant < (liver was appointed , on his staff as his aide, and as such served in the campaign of Chancellorsville. In the Gettysburg campaign he was appointed personal aide to General Meade, and remained on his staff until General Hooker got command of the Eleventh and Twelfth Corps, when he went with him, and served on his staff in the battles of Lookout Valley, Look- out Mountain, Missionary Ridge, and Ringgold. On the Atlanta campaign, in the spring of 1S64, he served with General Butterfield, who had command of a division of the Twentieth Corps, as his chief of staff, in the battles of Resaca, Carsville, Dallas, New Hope Church, and Mari- etta. In Inly, 1864, he returned to the Army of the Potomac at his own request, and served on the staff of General Warren, part of the time as acting provost-mar- shal of the Fifth Corps. At this time he received the commission of major, and afterwards lieutenant-colonel of the Fifth New York Veteran Volunteers, but declined. He- participated in the siege of Petersburg and the various battles, — Yellow Tavern, Weldon Railroad, Hatcher's Run, raid to Bellfield, and Hicksford. In January he was trans- ferred, by special orders of Grant, to City Point on special duty, under General M. R. Patrick. < )n the 8th of March, 1865, he was brevetted brigadier-general. At the surrender of Lee he was. as assistant provost-marshal, engaged in paroling the Army of Northern Virginia, at Appomattox, under the direction of General George H. Sharpe, assistant provost-marshal, who took the original paroles of the Army of Northern Virginia to the War Department, Washington, and the duplicate paroles were taken by General < (liver to Richmond, and handed by him to Colonel Taylor, General Lee's adjutant-general. The war being closed, General Oliver tendered his resig- nation, ami was honorably discharged May 5, 1865. General ( (liver received honorable mention by General Butterfield in official report of the Seven Days' battles, June-July, 1862 ("Official Record," vol. xiv., p. 321); also for his coolness and assistance at the battle of Bull Run (official report of Captain William Huson, Twelfth New York Volunteers, idem xvi., 477). He also received hon- orable mention for brave and intelligent performance of duties as aide-de-camp by General Hooker in official report oi the Chattanooga Ringgold Campaign {idem lv., 325). Since that time he has been engaged in the manufacture ot powder at Laurel Run, Oliver's Mills, Pennsylvania. General Oliver received the medal of honor for distin- guished services at the battle of Resaca, May 15, 1 864. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 135 CAPTAIN WILSON N. PAXTON, U.S.V. Captain - Wilson N. Paxton was born in Canonsburg, Washington County, Pennsylvania, December 6, 1834, and has a Revolutionary ancestry. He entered Jefferson Col- lege, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, at sixteen years of age, from which he graduated in August, 1856. He then engaged in teaching for two years in the South, the second year studying law with Honorable Judge Farrar, of St. Joseph, Louisiana. Returning home, he resumed his studies with Honorable John L. Gow, of Washington, Pennsylvania, and was admitted to the Bar of Washing- ton Count}-, Pennsylvania, in May, i860. In 186 1 he opened a law-office in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania ; in August, 1862, he enlisted in the United States service, assisting in recruiting what afterwards became Company G, of the One Hundred and Fortieth Regiment Pennsylvania Volun- teers. He was elected second lieutenant of said company at the organization of the regiment, but was soon pro- moted to the first lieutenancy, and subsequently to the captaincy. The regiment was organized in September, [862, and did guard duty along the Northern Central Railroad in Maryland, from September 11 until December 9, 1862, when it was transferred to the Rappahannock, where it was stationed until the Gettysburg campaign, coming back to its old quarters after the Chancellorsville battle. Lieutenant Paxton rejoined his company at their camp near Falmouth, Virginia, January 11, 1863, convalescent from a serious illness of typhoid fever contracted the previous October. He hail command of the company during the Chancellorsville campaign, where it lost quite heavily in killed and wounded, the second lieutenant being among the killed, while supporting Lupine's Fifth Maine Batten- on the plateau near the Chancellorsville I [ouse 1 m that disastrous Sunday, May 3, 1863. Part of the corn- pan}- assisted in drawing off the guns of said battery after the gunners and horses had all been killed, thus saving them from falling into the hands of the enemy. He also had command of the company during the Gettys- burg campaign, and was slightly wounded and captured by the enemy on the evening of the second day's fight in the woods, just west of the wheat-field where the battle- raged so fiercely on that sultry July day. The regiment was in the First Division of the Second Corps during its entire term of service, and was on the extreme right of the Second Corps troops engaged in the fight of Jul}- 2, where it lost heavily in killed, wounded, and captured, because of the enemy coming in upon its flank and rear through the historic gap between the lines of the Second and Third Corps that day, Colonel Roberts, of the regiment, being the first to fall. Captain Paxton was a prisoner of war for twenty months, coming into the Union lines at Wilmington, North Carolina, March 1, 1865. The first ten months were spent in Libby Prison. From May 17, 1864, until Jul}- 28, [864, he was confined in the stockade at Macon, Georgia; from Jul}- 29, 1864, until October 8, 1864, he was in Charleston, South Carolina, under the fire of our own guns from Morris Island; from October 9, 1864, until February 14, 1865, he was confined in the stockade at Columbia, South Carolina; and from that date until March 1, 1865, was on the road between Columbia and Wilmington, North Carolina, it taking that length of time to make the trip because of the imperfect car-service. Captain Paxton was mustered out of the service May 15, 1865. Resuming the practice of his profession at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, that autumn, he remained there until April, 1 88 1, when he accepted an appointment as examiner in the Pension Bureau at Washington, D. C, which position he still fills. He is a member of the Dis- trict of Columbia Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, and of the Thomas Paxton Post, No. 126, G. A. R., of Pennsylvania, named in honor of his brother, Sergeant Thomas Paxton, of Company D, Tenth Pennsylvania Volunteers R. C, who was killed in the battle of the River Po, Ma}- 9, 1864. His brother, Rev. J. R. Paxton, of New York City, was also a member of Company G, One Hundred and Fortieth Regiment Penn- sylvania Volunteers, and was with the company from Chancellorsville to Appomattox. Rev. W. G. Ready, D.D., his college-class historian, writes of him : " Captain Paxton is a scion of that stout Presbyterian stock that settled in Western Pennsylvania which, though the proud pages of the historian may ignore, has moulded the character of our entire Western civilization, — a stock that needs no annals, but is content to be a moving force." Captain Paxton was married to Emily J. Newkirk, oi Wooster, Ohio, March 27, 1865. 136 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) CAPTAIN AND BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL WILLIAM W. AVERELL, U.S.A. (retired). Captain and Brevet Major-Genera] William W. Averell was burn in New York and graduated from the Military Academy July 1, 1855. He was pro- moted brevet second lieutenant of the Mounted Ri- fles same day, and served at Jefferson Barracks, Mis- souri, until 1S56, when he was ordered to the School for Practice at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, having been pro- moted second lieutenant Mounted Riflemen May 1, 1856. In 1857 he was on frontier duty, in command of an escort to the commanding general of the Depart- ment of New Mexico, and the same year was scouting, from fort Craig, and engaged in a skirmish with Kiowa Indians near Fort Craig December 7, 1857. He was on the Navajo expedition in [858, and engaged in a skirmish in Chusca Valley September 29; a skirmish with Kya- tano's band October 1 ; and skirmish at the Puerco of the West October S, 1858, where he was severely wounded in a night attack on the soldiers' cam)). Ik- was at Fort Craig until granted .1 sick leave, which sepa- rated him from his duties until 1861. Lieutenant Averell was bearer of despatches to Colonel Emory, at Fort Arbuckle, Indian Territory, April and May, 1861, and on returning to Washington he was then promoted first lieutenant Third Cavalry. He was de- tailed on mustering duty at Elmira, New York, to fuly, when he was made acting assistant adjutant-general of General A. Porter, at Washington, participating in the Manassas campaign, and engaged at the battle of First Bull Run, July 21, [861. Having been appointed colonel of the Third Pennsyl- vania Cavalry August [3, [ 861, he was in command of a cavalry brigade in front of the defences of Washington (which was the first cavalry brigade of the war) to March, 1862, when he led the advance on Manassas, and subse- quently participated in the Peninsular campaign, being engaged in the siege- of Yorktown, battles of Williams- burg, Fair Oaks, Malvern Hill, where he commanded the rear-guard (see " Battles and Leaders of the War"), and skirmishes at Sycamore Church August 2, and at White Oak Swamp August 5, 1862. On the 17th of Juh - , 1862, he was promoted captain Third Cavalry. Appointed brigadier-general of volunteers September 26, iSC'ij. He was engaged in scouting and skirmishing on the Upper Potomac until the 31st of October, when he participated in the march back to the Rappahannock River, being engaged, en route, in skirmishes along the Blue Ridge, at Upperville, Markam, Corbins' and Gaines' Cross-Roads, and Amissville. He then participated in the Rappahannock campaign of 1862—63, and was en- gaged in the battle of Fredericksburg, and as com- mander of the Second Cavalry Division in the skirmish at Hartwood Church, action at Kelly's Ford, the first considerable cavalry battles of the war. He commanded one of the two divisions of cavalry engaged in the Stone- man raid, and drove the enemy's cavalry towards Gor- donsville, while Buford with Stoneman reached the enemy's rear. ( reneral Averell was placed in command of the Fourth Separate Brigade May 16, 1863, and commanded in all the engagements of the brigade, which was increased to a division of three brigades cavalry and one infantry, in the West Virginia operations, defeating the intrenched rebel army of West Virginia at Droop Mountain, and driving the enemy out of the State. In the winter of 1863-64 he made the raid to the Tennessee Railroad, destroying it and General Longstreet's supplies, from December 8 to 25 ,1863. He was in the West Virginia operations, commanding the Second Cavalry Division, in [864, commanding in all the actions and combats, raids and skirmishes, and defeated Ramseur's division at Carter's Farm July 20. He fought the combats at Winchester and Moorfield, and skirmishes at Bunker Hill and Martinsburg, and participated in the battles ol ( Ipequon and Fisher's Hill, and action at Mount Jackson, September 23, 1864. He was brevetted for gallant and meritorious services, as follows: Major, for the battle of Kelly's Ford, Vir- ginia; lieutenant-colonel, for the action at Droop Moun- tain, Virginia; colonel, for the Salem expedition in Vir- ginia ; brigadier-general, for the field during the war of the Rebellion; major-general, for the battle of Moor- field, Virginia. General Averell resigned from the army May 18, 1865, and was appointed United States Consul- General to British North America at Montreal in 1866. By act of Congress of August 1, 18S8, he was restored to his grade of captain in the army and placed upon the retired list August 17 of that year. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. '37 CAPTAIN AND BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL JUDSON KILPATRICK. U.S.A. Captain and Brevet Major-General Judson Kil- pAtrick was born in New Jersey, and graduated at the Military Academy May 6, 1861. He was promoted second lieutenant, First Artillery, the same day, and was appointed captain of the Fifth New York Infantry May 9, 1861. He joined his volunteer regiment at Fort Schuyler, and was ordered to Fort Monroe, Virginia, from which point he participated in the expedition to Big Bethel, and was engaged in the action at that place June 9 and 10, 1 861, where he was wounded. He was on sick-leave of absence to Jul)- 30, and then on recruiting service to August 14, 1 861, when he resigned his volunteer com- mission. He was promoted first lieutenant of the First Ar- tillery May 14, 1 86 1, and again appointed to the volunteer service September 25, 1861, as lieutenant- colonel of the Second New York Cavalry, which regiment he assisted in organizing and commanding, and in Feb- ruary, 1862, was ordered to accompany Brigadier-Gen- eral Lane's expedition to Texas, as chief of artillery ; but, it being abandoned, he returned to his regiment at Arlington, Virginia. He was appointed lieutenant-colonel (staff aide-de- camp) January 29, 1862, and participated in the operations of the Department of the Rappahannock, 1862, being engaged in skirmishes near Falmouth, Virginia ; move- ment to Thoroughfare Gap, raids on railroads, and skir- mish at Carmel Church July 23, 1862. Following this, he participated in all the campaigns with the Army of the Potomac until 1864, when he was transferred to the Western army. He was promoted colonel of the Second New York Cavalry December 6, 1862, and brigadier-general of volunteers June 13, 1863, and was in command of a cavalry brigade, after participating in the battle of Manassas, in an expedition to Leesburg September 19, 1862. He was on leave of absence and on recruiting service tn January 2J , 1863, when he rejoined his com- mand (the cavalry brigade) and participated in Stone- man's raid towards Richmond, and engaged in the combat of Beverly Ford. In the Pennsylvania campaign General Kilpatrick commanded a cavalry division, and was engaged in the action of Aldie, skirmishes at Middleburg, Upperville, Hanover, Hunterstown, and battle of Gettysburg; and, while pursuing the enemy back to Virginia, constant fighting at Monterey, Smithsburg, Hagerstown, and Fall- ing Waters, in July, 1863. After a short leave of absence he commanded a cavalry division in the operations in Central Virginia, being engaged in the expedition to Hartwood Church, to destroy the enemy's gun-boats " Satellite" and " Reliance," 18 in the Rappahannock, August 14, 1863, with actions at Culpeper, Somerville Ford, Liberty Mills, James City, Brandy Station, and Gainesville, in September and October, [863. He was in command of a cav- alry division in the spring of 1S04, and participated in the raid to Richmond and down the Virginia Penin- sula, being engaged in the action at Ashland and numer- ous skirmishes, with much destruction of the enemy's property. General Kilpatrick was then transferred to the Western army, and assigned to the command of the Third Cavalry Division, Army of the Cumberland. He participated in the invasion of Georgia, and was engaged in the action of Ringgold and operations about Dalton, where he was severely wounded, and compelled to leave the field. But he returned July 22, 1864, and, in command of his divi- sion, was engaged in guarding General Sherman's com- munications and making raids, with constant heavy skirmishes with the enemy ; and in the " march to the sea," in actions at Lovejoy, Walnut Creek, Sylvan Grove, Rocky Creek, Waynesborough, Salkehatchie, Monroe's Cross-Roads, Raleigh, and Morristown, April 13, 1865. He was promoted captain First Artillery, November 50, 1864, and was brevetted from major to major-general in the regular army for gallant and meritorious services, and was appointed major-general of volunteers June iX, 1865. He was in command of the Third Division of the Cavalry Corps, Military Division of the Mississippi, from April 26 to June 13, 1865, and on leave of absence and awaiting orders until he resigned. He resigned his volunteer commission January I, 1866, having been appointed United States Envoy Extraor- dinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Chili in 1865. He resigned his commission as captain First U. S. Artil- lery, October 15, 1867. i3» OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BRIGADIER- AND BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL CHARLES EDWARD HOVEY, U.S.V. Brigadier- and Brevet Major-General Charles Edward Hovey grewupon a farm in Thetford, Vermont, where he was born April 26, [827. He was the ninth in a family of seven buys and four girls. He graduated from Dartmouth College as a Bachelor of Arts in 1852, and thereafter engaged in educational work up to August, [86] ; in military service to May, 1863 ; in seeking resto- ration of impaired health to 1869; and in the practice of law since, to (892. 1 lis first work, after graduation from college, was done in Framingham, Massachusetts, as principal of the Academy and I ligh School ; his next in Peoria, Illinois, as principal of a boys' school, and as superintendent of public schools. While in Peoria he served one year as president of the State Teachers' Association, then as now an influential body, and two years as editor of its organ, The Illinois Teacher. His last educational work, except as a trustee of the public schools in the District of Columbia, was done .is president of the Normal University of Illinois, a State institution for the education and training of teachers. Here he became widely known and influential in his profession. During the summer vacation of [861 Hovey went to Washington City and was a looker-on at tlie first battle of Hull Run, where he became so stirred up by its result that he hurried home and enlisted for the war, along with two companies from his own students and eight com- panies from the students and their friends, of other colleges and schools in the State. These volunteers ren- dezvoused at Camp Butler, and by a vote recommended private Hovey for colonel of their regiment, the Thirty- third Illinois Infantry, and he was so appointed, to rank- as such officer from August 15, 1861. I lis first engagement was in the battle of Frederick- town in Missouri, and his first experience in constructing defensive works was in building "Fort Hovey," at the outpost, south of Pilot Knob, between the villages of [ronton and Arcadia, lie won his promotion from colo- nel to brigadier-general at the battle of Cache River, at Hill's plantation, near Cotton Plant in Arkansas, where his advance, about five hundred strong, having run up against Rust's rebels, about five thousand strong, and been driven back, was hurriedly reformed, part of them in ambush, and utterly defeated the whole attacking part}-. They fled from the field in great disorder, and did not stop running until they had placed White River between themselves and their pursuers. One report says, "The rebels did not stop running until the)- had gone eight miles south of Little Rock." The official Union report, General Steele's, says, " Colonel Hovey advanced with eight companies of infantry of his own brigade, and one small steel gun, anil encountered the enemy in consider- able force. A fierce engagement ensued, in which the enemy was defeated and totally routed, with heavy loss on his part." The official rebel report, General Hind- man's, says, " General Rust's force amounted to about fixe thousand effectives. . . . Curtis's advance crossed Cache River and attacked General Rust, whose command, after an engagement of about thirty minutes, retreated in great disorder across White River." It may be that the decisive part of the engagement did not last more than "about thirty minutes," as General Hindman says, but the battle began about one o'clock P.M., and the pursuit did not end till dark. General Hovey commanded the brigade on the extreme left, next to Haines's Bluff, in Sherman's assaults on Vicks- burg Heights from Chickasaw Bayou in December, 1862, and the brigade on the extreme right of the Union forces at the capture of Arkansas Post in January, 1863, where he was twice wounded He was brevetted a major-general, to rank from March 13, 1865, for " gallant and meritorious conduct in battle, particularly at Arkansas Post, January 1 1, 1863." WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. ■39 CAPTAIN F. AUGUSTUS SCHERMERHORN, U.S.V. Captain F. Augustus Schermerhorn is descended from one of the oldest and most respected of the New York families. He was born in New York City, Novem- ber i, 1844, and entered the Freshman class of Columbia College in October, 1861, but remained only a short time, and left that institution for the purpose of preparing more particularly to enter the United States Military Academy at West Point, to which he then had some hopes of receiving an appointment. Being disappointed in this matter, and feeling as if he desired to serve his country in some capacity, he entered the volunteer service when he was twenty years of age, and was commissioned second lieutenant of the ( >ne Hundred and Eighty-fifth Regiment New York In- fantry, December 27, 1864; but he was newer mustered as such. He was, however, mustered as first lieutenant of Com- pany C, One Hundred and Eighty-fifth New York Infan- try, January 25, 1865. Joining his company, he served in the field with the Army of the Potomac during the memorable campaign of 1865, and was detailed as aide- de-camp to Brevet Major-General Charles Griffin, com- manding the First Division of the Fifth Army Corps, and subsequently the corps. He was mustered out of service May 30, 1865, and was brevetted captain " for gallant conduct at the battle of Five Forks, Virginia, April 1, 1865." On returning from the seat of war, Captain Schermer- horn entered the School of Mines of Columbia College, in October, 1805, and graduated in 1868, receiving the degree of E. M. (Engineer of Mines). Since the close of the war he has served his term ot seven years in the National Guard of the State of New- York, filling the positions of private, corporal, sergeant, and first lieutenant of Company K, Seventh Regiment, National Guard, State of New York. Captain Schermerhorn is now, and has been since 1877, a trustee of Columbia College, and a manager, as well as the recording secretary, of the New York Institution for the Blind. He is also a member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. 140 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY [volunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL A. B. NETTLETON, u.s.v. Brevet Brigadier-General Alured Bayard Net- tleton was born, and lived until the age of fifteen, on the farm of his father, Hiram Nettleton, in Berlin, Dela- ware County, < )hio. He is descended from John Nettle- ton, who emigrated from the neighborhood of Kenil- worth, England, in 1662, and who was one of the founders of the plantation or settlement of Killingworth, Middlesex County, Connecticut, in 1663. Newport, New Hampshire, was subsequently the home of his more immediate ances- tors. ( >n the side of his mother, Lavina Janes (or Jaynes), the direct line includes Lieutenant Elijah Janes, who served in the Revolutionary army from 1777 to 1782, having en- listed at the age of seventeen, and been severely wounded in one of the engagements which preceded the surrender of Burgoyne. Upon the outbreak of the war for the Union in April, 1861, young Nettleton, then a student at ( (berlin College, enlisted in a company of students, whose services were .it once tendered to the government; but Ohio's first quota being already full, their acceptance was deferred. Follow- ing the battle of Bull Run, in July, [861, he volunteered as a private soldier in the Second Ohio Cavalry, then or- ganizing at Camp Wade in Cleveland. Chosen first lieu- tenant by his company, he went to the field in the autumn of 1861, and served at the front from that time until June 15.1 865, following the surrender of the Confederate armies. With his regiment he served in fourteen States and one Territory, campaigning from the Indian Territory to the Virginia coast. Me shared in seventy-two battles and minor engagements, including Grant's campaign of the Wilderness, the siege of Richmond, and Sheridan's hat- ties of the Shenandoah, having four horses shot in action. He was successively promoted in the field to the rank of captain, major, lieutenant-colonel, and colonel of his regi- ment, and was brevetted brigadier-general by the Presi- dent for gallant service rendered in Sheridan's historic campaigns in the Shenandoah Valley in 1864, at the age of twenty-five. He served successively under Schofield, Burnside, Sheridan, Meade, and Grant, and in the cavalry division of Maji ir-< reneral Custer. The last-named officer, in writing, on one occasion during the war, to the gov- ernor of Ohio, said : " I have been in command of the Third Cavalry Divi- sion nearly ten months; during the entire period the Second Ohio Cavalry has been under the command of Colonel Nettleton, under whose brave and skilful man- agement it has achieved a reputation for courage and efficiency second to none other in the service. I consider Colonel Nettleton as without a superior in this army as regards the necessary qualifications of a good cavalry commander." In January, 1863, he was married to Miss Melissa Ten- ney, of Ohio, by whom he has two daughters and a son. On leaving the army he studied law, but shortly followed a natural bent and entered journalism, to which he has devoted many years of his life, first as editor and part owner of the Daily Register of Sandusky, < >hio, and most recently as editor and proprietor of the Daily Tribiine of Minneapolis, which he established. He has received from Oberlin College the degrees of A.B. and A.M., and was for twenty years a trustee of that institution. Between the years 1870 and 1880, in association with Mr. Jay Cooke, he was prominently identified with the projection and construction of the Northern Pacific Railroad, making his residence in Philadelphia. Since 1880 he has been a citizen of Minnesota, from which State he was appointed by President Harrison, early in [890, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, which position he holds at this writing, November, 1S9J. Preceding and following the death of Secretary Windom in January, 1891, General Nettleton served for a considerable period as acting Secre- tary of the Treasury. He was appointed by the Presi- dent in 1890 a member of the board of management of the government department of the World's Columbian Exposition of (893, and as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury has specially represented the government in its financial relations to the Exposition. While never a candidate or an applicant for public office, General Nettleton, believing in the civic duty ot political vigilance and activity, has been a steady force in political affairs, striving mainly to make the party ot his choice successful by thoroughly deserving success. In [868 he was a delegate to the National Republican Con- vention which placed General Grant in nomination for the Presidency the first time. Convinced early in life that the saloon with its retinue of evils is the gravest of public I perils, he has persistently fought its political aggressions, WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 141 CAPTAIN GEORGE EVANS DAVIS, U.S.V. Captaix George Evans Davis, Tenth Vermont In- fantry, was born December 26, 1839, in Dunstable, Mid- dlesex County, Massachusetts. He enlisted for three months in Burlington, Vermont, April 19, 1861, in Com- pany H, First Vermont Infantry ; was in the first battle of the war, Big Bethel, Virginia, June 10, 1861, and was honorably discharged August 15, 1861. Captain Davis re-enlisted in Burlington, Vermont, for three years, July 31, 1862, as a private in Company I), Tenth Vermont Infantry ; was promoted to second lieu- tenant of same company after going into camp, and mus- tered September 1, 1862; promoted first lieutenant Jan- uary 26, 1863; and captain November 2, 1864, in same company, and honorably discharged at close of war, June 22, 1S65. He was in the battle of Locust Grove, Virginia, Novem- ber 27, 1863, and for his bravery was commended in writ- ing by his captain. In the First Brigade, Third Division, Sixth Corps, 1864, he was in the battles of the Wilder- ness, Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Tolopotomy Creek, (under constant fire at Cold Harbor, June 6-9,) Monocacy, Maryland, July 9; Opequan, September 19 (right ear cut open by shell) ; Fisher's Hill, September 22 ; Cedar Creek. October 19 (wounded by Minie-ball in left shoulder). In the last three battles named he was in command of Com- pany H. At Monocacy, Maryland, July 9, 1864, he was in com- mand of a skirmish-line with two hundred and seventy- five men, the only Union troops on the west bank of Mon- ocacy River, with orders to defend the railroad bridge. General Ramseur's Confederate troops attacked this point at 8.30 a.m., and again about 1 1 a.m. with a much larger force and greater vehemence, but were repulsed each time. This second attack was mainly directed against the right- rear of the Union line, the evident intention of the enemy being to surprise and capture the force under Captain Davis, cross the bridge, turn the right flank of General Rickett's division, separate the two wings of General Wallace's army, and shorten or terminate the battle. Major-General Lew Wallace, writing afterwards to Cap- tain Davis of this noon attack, said, " With General Rick- etts at my side, on the bluff behind you, I saw the Con- federates appear in your front and throw out a line of skirmishers. Their movement was like the opening of a fan, and when it was finished their line on both flanks was much in excess of yours. . . . " Your men held their position with great tenacity. I remember of telling General Ricketts that I feared you were so much absorbed in the contest that the enemy would have an opportunity to turn your position, cut you off; and while we were speaking about it I saw them send a strong detachment behind some trees which inter- cepted your view of their operation. Could they have Ml •*> f made the cover, unseen by you, you would have inevit- ably gone up. Ricketts and I watched the result with intense interest. Fortunately you discovered the move- ment in time and changed front. Your management was admirable. Rickett's cried out, ' Good for Davis ; he's a trump.' and I am still of the same opinion." After the second attack Captain Davis and his men advanced to the position held in the morning, and tiki not leave it till General Wallace ordereda retreat about 5 p.m. While crossing the railroad bridge upon the ties, the enemy came from both flanks and rear so close they laid hands upon five men immediately surrounding Captain Davis, and took them prisoners ; as they would not obey the order to halt, the enemy were compelled to lay hands upon them violently. This battle saved Washington by delaying the enemy Saturday in action, and part of Sunday to bury the dead and care for seven hundred severely wounded men. The other two divisions of the Sixth Corps landed in Wash- ington Tuesday forenoon, and had to double-quick through the city to repel this same enemy at Fort Stevens. The battle of Monocacy was none too long ; had it been shorter the result might have been different. (See " Re- collections of President Lincoln," by L. E. Chittenden; and " Vermont in the Civil War," by G. G. Benedict.) The War Department sent a medal of honor to Captain 1 )avis, engraved thus : " The Congress to Capt. George E. Davis, Co. D, Tenth Vermont Vols., for distinguished con- duct in the battle of Monocacy, Aid., July 9, 1864." In March, 1865, before Petersburg, he was severely injured in the head and spine, being buried in the ruins of a log cabin blown down by a tornado. This kept him out of the closing battles of the war, and has caused much suffering to the present day. He is now treasurer of the Vermont Shade-Roller Company, Burlington, Vermont. 142 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL LUCIUS E. HUBBARH. u.s.v. Brevet Brigadier-General Lucius F. Hubbard was born January 26, 1836, at Troy, New York, the eldest sun of Charles F. Hubbard and Margaret, nee Van Valkenburg. His father was a descendant of the Hub- bard family that emigrated from the mother country and settled in New England in [695, his mother corn- in,; from the Holland Dutch stock that has occupied the valley of the Hudson River since the earliest settlement thereof. General Hubbard was but three years of age when his father died, and at twelve years of age he was sent to the academy at Granville, New York, for three years. He then left Granville and went to Poultney, Vermont, and began an apprenticeship to the tinner's trade, com- pleting his apprenticeship at Salem, New York, in 1854. He then removed to Chicago, and there worked at his trade for three years. In [857 he removed to Red Wing, Minnesota, and started the Red Wing Republican. In the fall of 1858 he was chosen by the people of Goodhue County register oi deeds. In 1861 he was the Republican candidate for the State Senate. In I (ecember, 1 861, he enlisted as a private in Company A, Fifth Minnesota Infantry. The regiment went into camp at Fort Snelling,and on the 5th of February, 1862, Mr. Hubbard was elected captain, and was, by reason of priority of organization, senior officer of that rank. 'fhe regiment was organized March 20, 1862. Captain Hubbard was made lieutenant-colonel. In May follow- ing the regiment was ordered Smith, and on the 24th of the same month joined the army under General Pope be- fore Corinth, Mississippi, and was assigned to the Second Brigade, first Division, Army of the Mississippi. The regiment was engaged in the battle of Farmington four days after its arrival, m\^\ the next day participated in the first battle of Corinth, in which Colonel Hubbard was severely wounded. ( )n August 31, 1862, he became a colonel and was en- gaged in the battle of Iuka, the second battle of Corinth, and the battles of Jackson and Mississippi Springs. In the sprint; of 1 863 the Fifth Regiment was transferred to the Fifteenth Army Corps, and joined in the siege of Vicksburg. It formed a part of the storming column in the assault of that city, May 22, 1863, and during the siege was almost continually under fire. It was during the investment of this city that the regiment, having been detailed, fought in the battle of Richmond, Loui- siana. After the surrender of Vicksburg, July 4, 1863, Colo- nel Hubbard was given the command of his brigade, which was transferred to the Sixteenth Army Corps in March, 1864, to co-operate with General Banks in the Red River expedition. After seven battles in Louisiana and southern Mississippi, the brigade-fought the battle of Green- field, Louisiana, where they defeated and routed the enemy, and relieved the Mississippi River from blockade. Re- turning to Memphis, his command took part in several engagements in the northern part of Mississippi, and marched across Arkansas and Missouri to the Kansas line in the attempt to attack ami destroy the forces under General Price. Colonel Hubbard with his brigade was ordered to reinforce General Thomas at Nashville, and was engaged in the battle of Nashville, December 15-16, I 864, 1 m the latter day being in the first line of the assault- ing column, where the whole brigade was badly cut to pieces, and Colonel Hubbard, after having two horses killed under him, badly wounded. For " conspicuous gal- lantry" in the battles of Nashville, Colonel Hubbard was brevetted brigadier-general. In February, 1865, General Hubbard with his com- mand went to Mobile, where he partook in the active' operations about that city and Spanish Fort, the Fifth Minnesota being the first regiment to enter and take pos- session of that fort on its surrender. I te was mustered out of service in October, 1865. In [866 he engaged in the grain business at Red Wing, and afterwards in milling. He projected and secured the construction of the Midland Railway from Wabasha to Zumbrota, and the Canon Valley Railway from Red Wing to Waterv ille. In 1872 and 1874 he was elected as a Re- publican to the State Senate. He was one of the arbi- trators to settle the dispute between the State and the prison contractors, and also one of a commission to in- vestigate the State railroad bonds. In 1 881 he was elected governor of Minnesota by a majority of twenty- seven thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven. He en- tered upon his office January IO, 1882, and was re- elected in 1883, serving until January, 1887. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. '43 CAPTAIN WILLIAM W. ROLLER, U.S.V. Captain William W. Roller was born in Western New York, in the town of Gowanda, Erie Count}-, No- vember 1, 1S41 ; he enlisted as a private in Company A, Sixty-fourth Regiment New York Volunteers, September 7, 1 86 1. The Sixty-fourth Regiment was attached to the First Brigade, First Division, Second Army Corps. He was promoted second sergeant November 15, [86] ; first sergeant March 1, 1862; sergeant-major July 1, [862; was commissioned second lieutenant January 1, 1863; first lieutenant March 31, 1863 ; was acting quartermaster and adjutant ; captain January 19, 1864. Captain Roller took part with his regiment in the Peninsular campaign, participating in the siege of Yorktown and the battle of Fair Oaks, where he was wounded in the left hand by a Minie-ball while charging the enemy's line, the bullet striking his musket, shattering his hand, sending the mus- ket with force enough against his breast to knock him down ; he captured a prisoner and brought him in after being wounded. He again joined his regiment at Harri- son's Landing, and was engaged in the second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Chancel- lorsville, where he was in command of Company D, and had nine men killed and several wounded, and where he was again wounded by a Minie-ball through his right thigh, and a slight wound in left arm. The Sixty- fourth Regiment distinguished itself at Chancellorsville, where, in company with four other regiments, it held suc- cessfully an advanced line against the persistent attack of a large force of the enemy, and the brilliancy of the affair became a matter of history. He rejoined his regiment before his wound had thor- oughly healed, and was made quartermaster for a time, after which, being promoted to a captaincy, he was placed in command of Company D again, and participated in the following battles : Auburn, Bristoe Station, Mine Run ; in all the battles of the Wilderness, Morton's Ford, Po River, Spottsylvania Court-House, where his regiment lost heavily in that memorable charge, his brigade forming the front line, striking the bloody angle where the hottest work of the war occurred ; North Anna, Tolopotomy, Cold Harbor, the assaults on Petersburg; in one of these charges in front of Petersburg he had four bullet-holes made through his clothes, without a scratch to draw blood ; Jerusalem Road, Strawberry Plains, Deep Bot- tom, Reams' Station, Weldon Railroad, Hatcher's Run, and the siege of Petersburg, with many skirmishes. He- was placed in command of Fort Rice (as colonel com- manding the regiment) by general orders on October 27, 1864. The Sixty-fourth Regiment is named among the three hundred fighting regiments ; had enrolled thirteen hun- dred and thirteen men ; lost in killed, wounded, and missing, seven hundred and fifty-seven men. He was honorably mustered out, at his own request, ( ictober 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Virginia. Captain Roller entered Dartmouth College after his discharge from the service, and took a partial course ; he then went West .mil engaged in the furniture business at Ottawa, Kansas. In June, 1874, he moved to Colorado Springs, Colorado, continuing the same business. In 1 S80 he established himself in the real estate and loan business in Salida, Chaffee County, Colorado, where he still is. He was married February 27, I 87 1 , to Miss Claramond M. I [ayes. Arthur H. Roller is the only surviving child from this marriage. He lost his wife in 1872. He again married, September 24, 1884, Miss Nellie H. Arnold. Two sons and one daughter are living, — Douglas A., Winfield I., and Nellie E. Captain Roller has been very prominent in Masonic circles, holding the highest honors in the grand bodies. He is an active and influential man in the community in which he lives ; always foremost in every enterprise of a public nature. He is a leader among men, and his in- fluence is always on the side of right and morality. He is a member of the Loyal Legion, Colorado Com- mandery ; was made a Mason in Phoenix Lodge, No. 262, New York, in 1865 ; a Royal Arch Mason in Forestville Chapter, No. 1 36, Perrysburg, New York, 1S66; created a Knight Templar in Canon City Commandery, No. 9, Canon City, Colorado ; Scottish Rite Mason, 32 , Colo- rado Consistory, January 29, 1889; Shrine, El Jebel Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S., December 10. 1889; Worshipful Master of Salida Lodge, No. 57, for one year ; High Priest of Salida Chapter, No. 17, two years; the present Eminent Commander of Salida Commandery, No. 1 7 ; Grand High Priest of the Royal Arch Chapter; also Grand Marshal of the Grand Lodge. 144 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) CAPTAIN LOUIS PHILIPPE (Comte de Paris), U.S.V. Captain Louis Philippe, Comte de Paris, was born in [838. He is the son of Louis Philippe, who was king of France from 1830 to 1848, and grandson of Philippe Egalite, who perished on the scaffold in 1793, and is, through the Bourbons, the legitimate king of France. The noble family of Bourbon, from which so many Euro- pean kings have sprung, took its name from the rich district in the centre of France called the Bourbonnais, which, in the tenth century, was one of the three great baronies of the kingdom. The first of the long line of Bourbons known in history was Adhemar or Aimar, who was invested with the barony towards the close of the ninth century. In 1272, Beatrix, daughter of Agnes of Bourbon, and her husband, |ohn of Burgundy, married Robert, Count of Clermont, sixth son of Louis IX. (St. Louis), of France. Louis, Count of Vendome and Chartres, became the ancestor of the royal house of Bourbon, and through Antoine de Bourbon (who afterwards became king of Navarre), and his wife, Jeanne d'Albret, the subsequent kings of France descended. In the fall of 1861 the Prince de Joinville, of France, accompanied by Louis Philippe (Comte de Paris) and Count Robert d'Orleans, came to this country to make observations upon the Civil War. The)- were well re- cei\ ed at the head-quarters of the army, then commanded by General McClellan, who thus speaks of them in his report on the operations of the Army of the Potomac from July 27, 1 N< > 1 , to \o\ ember 9, I 862 : " My personal staff, when we embarked for the Penin- sula, consisted of Colonel Thomas M. Key, . . . Captains Louis Philippe and Robert d'< >rleans, additional aides de- camp. To this number I am tempted to add the Prince de Joinville, who constantly accompanied me through the trying campaign of the Peninsula, and frequently rendered important services. . . . All of these officers served me with great gallantry and devotion ; they were ever ready to execute any service, no matter how dangerous, diffi- cult, or fatiguing." When the Army of the Potomac made its advance on the enemy, under General McClellan, in the spring of 1 862, Captains Louis Philippe (Comte de Paris) and Robert d'< (rleans, went out with Stoneman's cavalry on a recon- noissance ti > and beyond Manassas. Upon reaching Cedar Run the troops ran against the enemy in force, which compelled the Union cavalry to retreat. They were fol- lowed up sharply by the enemy, and upon reaching Bull Run that stream was found to be so much swollen by recent rains as to be unfordable ; in fact, it was a roaring torrent. General Stoneman was much exercised at the fact of having these French princes on his hands, whom, with his entire force, was liable to capture or possibly death, and, while holding the enemy at bay, managed to get a rope across the stream. Securing the cable thus formed, the two princes were swung across the stream, and were thus extricated from the predicament in which they were placed. Having secured their safety, General Stoneman was much relieved, and subsequently manoeu- vred his command so as to evade capture. General P". J. Porter, in his report of the battle of Gaines's Mill, says, " I beg leave also to express my thanks for the service rendered during part of the engage- ment by the aides of the major-general commanding . . . Captains Louis Philippe and Robert d'Orleans, whose courage and energy were conspicuous among many brave men on that day's field." About the time it was determined that no farther advance should be made on the Peninsula by the Army of the Potomac, the French princes were called home, and they departed from 1 [arrison's Landing, on the James River, with manv - expressions of regret from the American officers with whom they had served, and who will always maintain the highest regard for them. The Comte de Paris returned to the United States for a short period in the winter of 1890-91, and was tendered a banquet in New York City by a number of the officers o| Ins acquaintance in the old Army of the Potomac, and was highly delighted at meeting his old friends, and at the generous treatment he received at their hands. During the years that have intervened since the war, the count has made a thorough study of the Civil War in America, and has written a history of the same, which is not yet completed. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 145 COLONEL WILLIAM ALLEN HUNTLEY SILLOWAYE, u.s.v. Colonel William Allen Huntley Sillowaye was born in Vermont ; worked on a farm and attended public schools till he was thirteen years of age, when he learned the printer's profession, and subsequently the intricate man- ufacture and running of locomotives. During these years he wrote for the press and devoted his spare time to study. In 1855 he went to England, and was employed at Oxford on Homan's Greek Bible, and other works in different lan- guages. In 1859 he married the third daughter of Sir Wil- liam Rlakie, and niece of Sir Richard Houghton. In i860 he returned to the United States and settled down as editor ami proprietor of a weekly newspaper. When the President called for volunteers he went to Washington and offered his services to the President; was sworn in April 19, 1 861, assigned to duty as an engineer. In 1862 hew. is assigned, by request, to the staff of General McClellan .is lieutenant-colonel, and was often employed on special duty. While doing duty on the Peninsula he entered the city <>l Richmond, ascertained the strength of the Confederates, and gained such important information that General Mc- Clellan asked for twenty-five thousand fresh troops. Had these been given, the city of Richmond could have easily been captured and held. Colonel Sillowaye participated in destroying the White House and stores, and took part in the battles of May 31 up to June 2j. June 27 he was wounded, and for a time was in hospital. Sep- tember 14 he was severely wounded in a charge at South Mountain. In October, when near Point Tobacco, he was captured and taken to Libby Prison, where he remained fourteen days, when he was exchanged through an error in name. Prom this time up to February 14, 1863, when he resigned, he was detailed for duty in and around Washington, having served nearly two years without any pa) - or reward. Feb- ruary 14, 1863, Colonel Sillowaye was appointed an acting first assistant engineer, temporary service, in the United States Navy, being attached to the " Brooks," the " River Queen," and other transport vessels on the Potomac River. About the middle of Ma}-, 1863, President Lincoln went down to City Point with others from the North. The next day when returning, as the vessel passed Point Tobacco, about dusk, a Confederate battery on the Virginia shore opened upon the " Brooks," and she was disabled from a shot striking her left paddle-wheel, and unable to pro< - :ei I Soon a boat was seen to leave the Virginia shore, heading for the vessel. At once all was commotion, and Captain Brooks knew not what to do. But Colonel Sillowaye at once had a boat lowered and manned, the President placed therein, and rowed to a place of safety on the Maryland shore. When the boat's crew reached the vessel the}' de- 19 clared the President was on board, and after a search, not finding him, the}- vented their vengeance upon unarmed citizens and sick soldiers, wounding several, and finally left, swearing vengeance upon the North. Then a band of fully- armed men, under command of Colonel Sillowaye, took the President up the river in an open boat until they sighted a tug, to which Mr. Lincoln was transferred and taken to Washington, the whole affair being kept as quiet as pos- sible, so as not to alarm the country. A few days later the then Lieutenant-Colonel Sillowaye received a full commission as colonel, and letters from President Lin- coln, Secretaries Stanton and Welles. Secretary Stanton wrote : " The President believes that you, under the guid- ance of Providence, saved him from capture, if not instant death, and has ordered that special record be made of your service upon the records of the War Department, and that when peace again comes to our land you will surely be rewarded," etc. Secretary Welles wrote : " In a conference with the President and Secretary Stanton to-day, in refer- ence to your valuable service of Wednesday last, it was proposed to promote you to the rank of chief engineer, which will be done as soon as a vessel, now fitting out, is ready; and we extend to you our heartfelt thanks, and believe us when we say we consider you to be as great a hero as any in the service, and special mention of service o-oes on record in both departments." The President's letter is held most sacred, and none of its contents will be revealed while Colonel Sillowaye lives. May 23, 1863, Colonel Sillowaye was ordered to the " Princess Royal," a captured blockade-runner, and sailed f< >r the Rio Grande, doing duty along the coast, etc., on which vessel he served as first assistant engineer until he was ruptured (right hernia) on the 24th of July, 1 865, when he was detached from that vessel, given a leave of absence, and was honor- ably discharged October 28, 1865. 146 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) COLONEL AND BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL WILLIAM B. FRANKLIN, U.S.A. Colonel and Brevet Major-General William B. Franklin was born in Pennsylvania, and graduated at the Military Academy July I, 1843. He was promoted brevet second lieutenant of the Topographical Engi- neers in [845 ; he was detailed as topographical officer on General Kearney's expedition to the South Pass of the Rocky Mountains, in the same year. Promoted second lieutenant in the same corps Septem- ber 21, 1S46, he served in the war with Mexico, partici- pating in General Wool's march through Coahuila during [846—47, being engaged in the battle of Buena Yista February jj, 2}, 1 S47, and brevetted first lieutenant for this engagement "for gallant and meritorious conduct." On July 2t, 1X4.X, Lieutenant Franklin was ordered to the Military Academy as assistant professor of natural and experimental philosophy, which he retained until [anuary 9, 1852. Me was promoted first lieutenant March 3, [853, and captain in his corps July 1, 1857, was secretary of the Light-House Board from March 3, [857, until November 1, 1859, when he was detailed as superintending engineer in charge of the extension of the capitol (including the new dome), and of the General Post-Office at Washing- ton, D. C, until March 3, 1861, when he was made chief of the Construction Bureau of the L T . S. Treasury De- partment and superintending engineer of the Treasury Building Extension until May 14, 186 1, at which date he was appointed colonel of the Twelfth United States Infantry. Colonel Franklin was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers May 17, [861, and was engaged at New York City until June 30, [861, in receiving and forwarding volunteers. He then entered the field, and was in com- mand of a brigade in the Manassas campaign, being engaged in the battle of first Bull Run July 21, 1861. He was placed in command at Alexandria, Virginia, August 1, 1861, and from September 1, 1861, to March, 1862, was in command of a division in the defences of Washington. He entered on the Peninsular campaign with the Army of the Potomac, in command of a divi- sion, in March, 1862, and was assigned to the command of the Sixth Army Corps in the following May, which he retained until August, 1862, being engaged in the siege of Yorktown, combat of West Point, Virginia (in command); action at Golding's Farm, battle of White ( )ak Bridge, battle of Savage Station, battle of Malvern Hill, and skirmish at Harrison's Landing. Appointed major-general of volunteers July 4, 1802, and participated in the Maryland campaign, being en- gaged (in command) at the battle of Crampton's Gap, South Mountain; and was also engaged at the battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862. After McClellan's re- lief from the command of the Army of the Potomac, he was placed in command of the Left Grand Division (First and Sixth Corps) of the Army of the Potomac to January 24, [863, having been engaged in the battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia, December 1 1-14, 1862 ; was on waiting orders to June 27, 1863, when he was ordered to the Department of the Gulf, being in command of the troops in and about Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to August 15, 1 86 ^ , when he commanded the expedition to Sabine Pass, Texas, and was in command of the Nineteenth Army Corps, anil of the troops in Western Louisiana, and took part in the Red River Expedition, being en- gaged in the battle of Sabine Cross- Roads, April 8, 1864, where he was wounded, but, continuing on duty, was in the battle of Pleasant Hill, April 9, 1S64, and action of Monette's Crossing of Cane River, April 2}, [864. While on sick-leave from April 29 to December 2, 1864, he was captured by rebel raiders in the Philadel- phia and Baltimore Railroad cars, July- 11, 1864, but escaped during the next night ; was president of board for retiring disabled officers, at Wilmington, to Novem- ber 10, 1865, when he was granted leave of absence to March 15, 1866, when he resigned from the army, having resigned his volunteer commission November 10, 1865. March 13, 1865, he was brevetted major-general U. S. Army " for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the Rebellion." LTpon entering civil life, General Franklin became gen- eral agent of Colt's Fire-Arms Mf. Co., at Hartford, Conn., from November 15, 1865. He is the only citizen of the United States upon whom has been conferred the French decoration of " Grand Officio- de la Legion d' Honneur." Has been president of the Board of Managers of the National House for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers since April 21, 1880. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. '47 BREVET COLONEL HAMPTON SIDNEY THOMAS, U.S.V. Brevet Colonel Hampton Sidney Thomas was born in Quakertown, Bucks Count}', Pennsylvania, November 3, 1837, being a son of Benjamin F., and grandson of Dr. David Thomas, of Chester County, Pennsylvania ; his mother was a daughter of Jesse Baker, of Loudoun County, Virginia, and her mother was Gertrude Bullman, a daughter of Judge Bullman, of Phillipsburg, New Jer- sey, and of Revolutionary fame. When Governor Curtin issued his call for volunteers, April 18, 1 86 1, Colonel Thomas joined a company of soldiers at West Chester, Pennsylvania. He was mustered in April 22, 1861, for three months, and his company was assigned to the Ninth Pennsylvania Infantry. His first promotion was that of corporal. Two days before he was mustered out of the infantry he enrolled himself in a corn- pan}- of cavalry, and was made a sergeant ; this company was assigned to the First Pennsylvania Cavalry He was then promoted second lieutenant, and a short time afterwards first lieutenant. He was detailed by Colonel Bayard as acting adjutant of the regiment, and in the spring of 1862 was appointed acting assistant adjutant- general of Bayard's brigade of cavalry, the first brigade of cavalry organized in the Army of the Potomac or in the U. S. Arm}'. When Colonel Bayard was appointed brigadier-general, May 1, 1862, Thomas was appointed captain. He commanded his squadron until April, 1S63, when he was appointed one of the assistant inspectors of cavalry, and assigned to the staff of General D. McM. Gregg. He remained on staff duty until October, 1864, when he was ordered to command his regiment, which then numbered about five hundred men, mostly veterans. Colonel Thomas's first engagement was at Falling Waters, Virginia, July 1, 1861. He was subsequently engaged at Dranesville, Virginia, November i~j and December 20, 1 86 1 ; at Falmouth, Harrisonburg, Cross-Keys, Cedar Mountain, Brandy Station (slightly wounded), Beverly Ford, Waterloo Bridge, Thoroughfare Gap, Gainesville, Second Bull Run (slightly wounded), Rappahannock Sta- tion, and Fredericksburg, December 11, 12, 1862. In 1863 was engaged in Stoneman's raid, Brandy Station, Rappahannock Station, Beverly Ford, Aldie, Upperville, Ashby's Gap, Middleburg, Gettysburg, second and third days (slightly wounded), Fairfield, Shepherdstown, Cul- peper, Raccoon Ford, Jeffersonton, Warrenton, Sulphur Springs, Auburn (was severely injured), Mine Run, and New Hope Church. In 1 864 was engaged at Todd's Tav- ern, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Sheridan's raid, Yellow Tavern, Richmond Heights, Meadow Bridge, Haws' Shops, Barker's Mills, Cold Harbor, Trevillian Station, White House, St. Mary's Church, Jones's Bridge, Lee's Mills, Deep Bottom, Malvern and Gravel Hills, Strawberry Plains, Six-Mile 1 louse, Weldon Railroad, Reams' Station, Arthur's Swamp, Hatcher's Run, Davis Farm, Stony Creek Station, Bellefield, and Dabney's Mills. In 1865 was en- gaged at Dinwiddie Court-House, Five Forks, Chamber- lain's bed, and from Paine's Cross-Roads to Jettersville. This was a running engagement from sunrise to sunset, and he led six charges against the enemy during the da}', losing a horse killed in each charge. His command captured the celebrated batter}- of Armstrong field-guns and eleven rebel battle-flags. Five of the flags were turned over to the government, but six were kept by individuals. In the last charge at Jettersville on that day, April 5, 1865, he had his right foot shot away. At that time his lineal rank was that of major. He was brevetted colonel " for great gallantry in action." General Davies, in his final report of the operations of his cavalry from March 28 to the surrender of General Fee, says, " Major Thomas, commanding the First Penn- sylvania Cavalry, was severely wounded while leading his command in a charge at Jettersville, April 5, 1865, and has lost a leg from the injury he received. Of this officer I cannot speak too highly. Foremost in every fight, brave and daring, yet possessed of most excellent judgment, his loss to the service is irreparable. In every action he was distinguished. The success of the attack on the train at Painesville is greatly due to him, and with subsequent movements of that day his services were most valuable." He was mustered out of service in August, 1805. Pie was appointed a lieutenant of cavalry in the United States Army, and was assigned to the Seventh United St, Cavalry, but resigned his appointment on account of his wounds not having thoroughly healed. He has been a member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion since October, 1866. [48 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY ^volunteer) SURGEON HENRY 0. MARCY. U.S.V. Surgeon Hkxky ( ). Marcy, of Boston, dates back his ancestry to the early founders of the colony of Massa- chusetts Bay. Great-grandfather and grandfather fought side by side in the Revolutionary War, while the father served in the War of 1812. Dr. Marcy received his classical education atWesleyan Academy and Amherst College. He graduated from the Medical Department of Harvard University in 1863. In May of the same year he was commissioned assistant surgeon of the Forty-third Regiment Mass. Volunteers. He was stationed at New-Berne, North Carolina. He became interested in the experimental efforts being made to organize into an active soldiery the slave refugees who had accumulated at this place in numbers greatly in excess of the demand for labor. Dr. Marcy returned to Boston with his regiment at the expiration of its term of service, but soon received an earnest appeal from General Wilde to accept the position as surgeon of the first regiment of colored troops organ- ized in North Carolina. This was immediately followed by the commission, which by special request from Gen- eral Wilde had been sent him direct from the War De- partment at Washington. He joined his regiment in November, then engaged in the siege of Charleston. The contrast between the present and his previous service could scarcely in any respect have been more striking. The Forty-third, named the "Tigers," was a regiment composed of Boston's distinguished citizen soldiery, or- ganized for nine months' service, having as its basis one ot the State's most favorite militia commanderies. In the ranks wen- enlisted representatives of all the professions and trades, while every luxury that money could furnish was shared in abundance by all. Because of the neglect of the laws of hygienic living, the sickness and death-rate of the colored troops was frightfully large, and Dr. Marcy found himself in the mielst of elifficultics. He at once es- tablished a school of cookery, made daily sanitary inspec- tion of the camp, and so vigilant was his supervision that in a brief space of time every soldier was known to be clean, warmly clothed, properly housed, and regularly served with well-cooked rations. Dr. Marcy obtained from Bos- ton a supply of elementary books, and speedily organized the regiment into a primary school. In a few months there was scarcely a soldier of the regiment who could not read, and many could write fairly well. During the winter small-pox broke out in the command, which was eradicated only by the most vigorous efforts. Dr. Marcy personally vaccinated nearly eight hundred soldiers before permitting himself rest or sleep. The spring of 1864 found the regiment consigned to active service in Florida. The campaign which had opened auspiciously terminated in the disastrous battle of Honey Hill, where Dr. Marcy was promoted for his effi- cient services to brigade surgeon, and soon after to the medical directorship of the Department of Florida, serv- ing upon the staff of Gen. John P. Hatch. The estab- lishment of general hospitals and the organization of dif- ferent medical posts in the department made the year one of intense activity. The winter and spring of 1865 were spent in field-service in South Carolina. Upon the surrender of Charleston, Dr. Marcy's last military duty was the supervision of thoroughly cleaning the city, which was so completely executed that the following summer was one of exceptional health, alike to civilian and soldier. Dr. Marcy resumed the practice of medicine in Cam- bridge. He spent 1869 and 1870 in Europe. He became a pupil of Professor Lister, the founder of the antiseptic method of the treatment of wounds, and he was the first surgeon to promulgate his teachings in America, which he has most enthusiastically advocated, having published many elaborate and scientific papers upon antiseptic sur- gery. Dr. Marcy established a hospital in Cambridge for the better demonstration of these principles, which still receives his daily supervision, although he removed his residence to Boston. Dr. Marcy has been actively interested in all questions pertaining to the higher development of his profession and its relation to the public welfare. For some years he was President of the Boston Gynaecological Society, has been President of the American Academy of Medi- cine, and was one of the Presidents of the International Medical Congress held in Washington in 1887. In 1891 he was elected President of the American Medical Asso- ciation. Dr. Marcy is well known as an author, his latest work being a large quarto volume upon "The Anatomy and Surgical Treatment of Hernia." WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. THOMAS EWING. Brigadier- and Brevet Major-General Thomas Ewing was born at Lancaster, Ohio, August 7, 1839. He is the third son of the distinguished statesman and lawyer of that name. He graduated at Brown Univer- sity and at the Cincinnati Law School. In 1856 he married Miss Ellen Cox, a daughter of the Rev. William Cox, a graduate of Princeton Seminary distinguished for his zeal and eloquence. In 1856 he settled in Kan- sas and took a strong hand in defeating the conspiracy ti > force the pro-slavery constitution on Kansas. In 1858- 59 he practised law at Leavenworth in partnership with Captain (afterwards General) William T. Sherman and his brother, Hugh Ewing. In i860 he was elected chief- justice of the Supreme Court of the new State for six years, and filled the office with marked ability until 1862, when he recruited and was appointed colonel of the Eleventh Kansas Infantry. That fall he commanded his regiment in the engagements fought by the Army of the Frontier in Arkansas ; and for conspicuous gallantry in the desperate battle of Prairie Grove was commissioned a brigadier-general by special order of President Lin- coln. In June, 1863, he took command of the District of the Border, comprising Western Missouri and Kansas, where the smouldering fires of the old free-state struggle had burst into furious and insuppressible flames when the great war broke out. Outlaws on both sides ravaged the border until the Missouri side had been depopulated, wasted, and burned to the subsoil. The vendetta reached its climax in the horrible massacre at Lawrence, in July, 1863, which was followed by Ewing's Order No. 1 1 , compelling the few- scattered inhabitants of parts of three border counties of Missouri, who were serving as spies and purveyors for the guerillas, to move to the nearest military posts or eastward from the troubled border. This order was ap- proved by General Schofield and President Lincoln. Its results were most beneficent. It caused little hard- ship to non-combatants, and, the support of the guerillas being withdrawn, the ferocious vendetta ended at once and forever. Early in 1864 General Ewing took command of the District of St. Louis, comprising all of Southeast Mis- souri. Soon after, General Sterling Price suddenly crossed the Arkansas River and invaded Missouri with an army of twenty-two thousand men. His objective point was St. Louis, which had been stripped of its garrison. Time- was indispensable to collect troops to defend St. Louis and drive Price from the State. On the 26th of Septem- ber, 1864, Ewing was despatched by General Rosecrans, then commanding the department, to check and delay Price's army, if possible, at the terminus of the Iron Mountain Railroad, ninety miles south of St. Louis. He collected ten hundred and eighty men and encoun- 149 tered Price's advance in a defile of the Boston Mountains, four miles south of Pilot Knob. Ewing was slowly forced back into Fort Davidson, a small earth-work at the end of the railroad. Price thereupon sent Shelby's division to cut Ewing off from retreating on St. Louis, while with Marmaduke's and Fagan's divisions, on the afternoon of the 27th of September, he assaulted the fort. He was repulsed with gieat slaughter, leaving on the plain more killed and wounded than the entire num- ber of Ewing's command. He then placed batteries on Shepherd's Mountain, which overhangs the fort, and commenced to shell the garrison, — when darkness sus- pended the conflict. Late that night Ewing spiked his guns, except two which he took with him, and, blowing up the magazine, slipped through the enemy's lines by an unfrequented road and struck out for St. Louis. At daybreak he en- countered Shelby's pickets, and thereupon turned west, and marching rapidly all night reached a ridge dividing the Cortois from the Huzza, where the enemy overtook him next morning. With his two field-guns he held the pur- suers at bay until dark, when he had to descend to the plain. Here he was heavily outnumbered and nearly surrounded, but by desperate fighting and marching reached Harrison Station, four miles distant, where, finding a large quantity of railroad ties, he intrenched his command so formidably that night that the next da) the enemy abandoned the pursuit. By this campaign he so delayed and crippled the invading army as to secure the safety of St. Louis, and contribute largely to Price's expulsion from the State. Since the war General Ewing has been conspicuous at the bar and in Congress and as Democratic candidate foi governor of Ohio ; for ten years past practising law suc- cessfully, chiefly in New York City. i;o OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY [volunteer) About entering into business on his own account when the Rebellion broke out, he halted, and his name was the first on the rolls of the Second Ohio Cavalry. His regi- ment was assigned to the frontier, where Private, Corporal, Sergeant, and Lieutenant Pedrick, respectively promoted, learned the art of service on the plains in engagements with the Creeks, Cherokees, and other tribes who had es- poused the Confederate cause. His campaign that year, 1862, was active ; pitted against Sterling Price in Missouri, in larger engagements, Marmaduke in the Indian Terri- CAPTA1N WILLIAM F.GLESTON PHDR1CK. U.S.V. Captain William Egleston Pedrick's ancestors — Pedric — were Anglo-Saxons, and resisted the Norman in- vasii m. In New England they antedate the " Mayflower," and were fighters in King Philip's war. In the Revolu- tionary War they were soldiers in Glover's Marblehead Regiment. On Sunday, February 26, 1775, while the people of Marblehead, Massachusetts, were at church, a transport sailed into the harbor.. Soon after, a regiment of British soldiers, under command of Colonel Leslie, landed on Homer's Peach. After loading their guns they marched through town. An alarm-drum was beaten at the door of each of the churches, when Major John Pedrick mounted a horse, rode to Salem, mustered a part} - of young men, and at the North Bridge successfully resisted the passage of the British troops, and saved the artillery there secreted. In November, 1775, Thomas Pedrick was one of a committee to carry into effect a resolution of the Continental Congress respecting British importations. Major fohn Pedrick was a prosperous merchant before the Revolution, llis vessels sailed to nearly every port in England, Spain, and the West Indies. He suffered great 1i^m_s from British cruisers, and furnished the Colonial government with large amounts of naval and military stores in return for Continental currency, which became worthless. The grandfather of the subject of this sketch removed from Massachusetts in 1X00. and fought Indians and Tories while establishing a colon)- in Pennsylvania. His house wis burned and his son killed in its defence. Another son, the father of William E. Pedrick, was killed l>v an accident, leaving this lad of twelve years to soke the problem of existence without a father's care. He re- moved to ( )hioand soon learned the trade of a merchant, hoping to win a name like his ancestor of Marblehead. tory, and Arkansas in lesser ones, and against Ouantrill in guerilla warfare. In 1S63 his field was on the Cum- berland River, under General Kautz, where Lieutenant Pedrick led the advance against Pegram. He followed from Sparta, Tennessee, General Morgan, on the latter's greatest raid during the war ; participated in the various engagements, and led with his company the attack on Morgan's pickets that Sunday morning in July, at Buff- ington Island, Ohio, which resulted in capturing the raider's forces. Returning from this brief but fatiguing campaign into Tennessee, he was in the advance before Knoxville, followed the enemy, and participated in the capture of General Fraser at Cumberland Gap. He was in all the forward and back movements of the Federal and Confederate forces into Virginia at that point, and was assigned by General O. B. Wilcox at Cumberland Gap an independent command of cavalry, to operate in the val- leys of East Tennessee, and harass straggling forces of Longstreet during the siege of Knoxville. Various en- counters with Longstreet's men and Wheeler's cavalry ensued, with a few engagements during Longstreet's re- treat. At this period he received a captain's commission, and soon after received a severe wound, disabling him from active service. He resigned during the latter part of 1864. After the war Captain Pedrick returned to Ohio, and engaged in farming near the home of General Garfield, whose friendship he enjoyed. He subsequently moved to Colorado, and became the agent of the Maxwell Land Grant Company. I lis duties requiring frequent and ex- tensive journeyings on horseback through the several ter- ritories, he early became familiar with the resources of the country west of the ninety-seventh meridian, and is well known throughout the Rocky Mountain region, from Montana to the Rio Grande, and from the Missouri to the Pacific Coast. His favorite study, geology, with love for horse, saddle, and lariat, furnished recreation for him, and his practical application of his researches has made liis opinions often sought by Eastern capitalists. He has been the head of important irrigation enterprises, is famil- ial' with the Rocky Mountain coal measures and its pre- r nis metals. Captain Pedrick, with his family, resides < n an extensive home ranch near Denver, with his business head-quarters at Denver and Santa Fe, New Mexico. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 151 BREVET COLONEL RICHARD L. LEESON, U.S.V. Brevet Colonel Richard L. Leeson was born in Wayne County, Indiana, and came from military ances- try, his father being a lieutenant in Captain Hawkins's company, which went from Eaton, Ohio, to the relief of Fort Meigs, Ohio, in the war of [812-14 w ' tn Great Britain, and was stationed there after the siege was raised, subsequently becoming colonel of militia under the first military laws of the State of Indiana. He was author of a work on military tactics that was a standard work in its day. The subject of this sketch was appointed second lieu- tenant and recruiting officer in July, 1862 ; promoted first lieutenant Company C, Sixty-eighth Indiana Infantry, August 19, 1862; captain December 27, 1862; and at the close of the war was brevetted colonel. He served in the campaigns of the Western army, and participated in the battles of Hoover's Gap, Chickamauga, Chatta- nooga, Orchard Knob, Mission Ridge, Dandridge, East Tennessee, and Dalton, Georgia. Colonel Leeson, while a captain, commanded the Sixty- eighth Indiana Infantry from November 25, 1863, until March 1 , 1 864, and was on the grand march for the relief of Knoxville, Tennessee, November 26, 27, 1863. Colonel Leeson was president of a general court- martial at Chattanooga during July and August, 1864, and inspector of the post of Chattanooga from Septem- ber, 1864, to February, 18(15. He was mustered out ot the service June 20, I 865. At the close of the war, in 1865, he was appointed as- sessor of internal revenue for the Fourth Collection Dis- trict, State of Indiana, and served in that capacity for four years, when he resigned and entered the mercantile business, in which he has been very successful, and attained prominence in the business circle of Elwood, Indiana, where he now resides, still active!}' engaged in business. i;2 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL CHARLES CARROLL WALCUTT. U.S.V. Brevet Major-General Charles Carroll Walcutt was burn .it Columbus, Ohio, February 12, 1838, son of John Macy and Mariel (Brodrick) Walcutt. John Macy Walcutt (originally spelled Wolcott) moved to Columbus, ( Ihio, in 18] 5, from Loudoun County, Virginia. He was a soldier in the War of 18 12, and the son of William Walcutt, who served as a sergeant under General Mor- gan in the War of the Revolution, having left the English marine service and enlisted with General Washington at Valley Forge. The maternal grandmother of General Walcutt was a first cousin of the celebrated David Crock- ett. Mariel Walcutt was the mother of eleven children, Charles C. being the youngest. William Walcutt, the brother of Charles C, was a sculptor, and designed the Perry monument at Cleveland, < >hio. General Walcutt was educated in the public schools of his native city and at the Kentucky Military Institute, near Frankfort, Kentucky, from which he graduated in June, [858. He then entered upon the avocation of civil engineering, and was elected county surveyor of Frank- lin County, Ohio, in 1859. On the first call for troops in April, [861, he raised a company. In June, 1861, he was commissioned major and assigned to duty on the staff of General Hill. In August, i86i,he was assigned to the 46th ( ). V. Inf. as major; January 30, 1S62, lieu- tenant-colonel; October 16, 1862, colonel; and July 30, [ 864, brigadier-general for bravery and especial gallantry at the battle of Atlanta, July 22, 1864. General Walcutt's service was with General Sherman, and he participated in nearly all of the engagements of that command. lie was wounded in the left shoulder at Shiloh, and will carry through life the rebel bullet lodged there. He was at Vicksburg, Jackson, Mississippi ; Mis- sionary Ridge, Kenesaw, relief of Knoxville, Dallas, Burnt Hickory, and at Noonday Creek, June 15, 1864, his brigade captured a rebel brigade. June 27, in the assault on Kenesaw Mountain, Walcutt's brigade led the assault in front of the Army of the Tennessee. He was slightly wounded and reported killed. On the 22tl of July, at the battle of Atlanta, the day General McPhcrson was killed. General Walcutt was ordered to retreat, but in disobedience of orders he held his position, and thereby saved the 17th Corps, and received the thanks of General Blair, its commander. He was engaged in the battle of Ezra Chapel, July 28 ; at the battles of Jonesborough and Lovejoy Station, Ga. He was in command of the battle of Griswoldville, the only battle on Sherman's inarch to the sea. His command only numbered thir- teen hundred men and two pieces of artillery, where he met the enemy with ten thousand men and eight pieces of artillery under General Smith. After a severe engage- ment of five hours the rebels retreated. In this action he was severely wounded by a shell, and from that time was compelled to be carried in a captured carriage. For spe- cial gallantry in this action he was made a major-general by brevet. He was assigned to the command of the 1st Div., 14th A. C, and participated in the grand review at Washington. His command was mustered out at Louis- ville, Kentucky, in July, 1S65. He was mustered out in February, [866. He then took charge of the Ohio Peni- tentiary as warden, and after remaining there a few months was appointed and accepted a commission as lieutenant- colonel of the 10th U. S. Cavalry. He remained in this service about six months, then resigned and resumed the position of warden, serving until July 1, 1869. In May, 1 869, he was appointed by General Grant U. S. collector of internal revenue, in which capacity he served until July, 1883. In .April, 1883, he was elected Mayor of the city of Columbus, and re-elected in 1XX5, serving with great credit two terms. In 1873 he was elected a member of the school-board of Columbus, and was its president seven years, and will be a member until the term of 1893. He was chairman of the State Republican Com- mittee in 1X72-73 ; was one of the Grant electors in 1868. He was a candidate for the Legislature in 1891, being de- feated by only sixty-four votes ; was a member and presi- dent of the Franklin County Agricultural Society for a number of years ; is a member of the Loyal Legion ; is senior vice-commander, and was one of the charter mem- bers of the Ohio Commandery ; is a Knight Templar Mason. In May, 1 860, he married Miss Phcebe Neil. Three children have been born to this union, — Charles C, Jr., a graduate of West Point, in the class of 1886, now lieutenant of the Eighth Cavalry ; John M., a contractor, of Columbus; and Sherman, a medical student in Co- lumbus, WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. '53 COMMANDER J. M. FORSYTH, U.S.N. Commander James McQueen Forsyth was born on Long Island, Bahamas, January i, 1842. He came to Philadelphia when eleven years old, and was educated in the public schools of that city. At the age of fifteen he went to sea in the merchant service, and then, before he was twenty years of age, on August 1, 1861, entered the naval service as a volunteer, under Commander H. S. Stelhvagen, who appointed him second-class pilot for the Hatteras Expedition, and who favorably mentioned him in his report of the capture of Forts Clark and Hatteras. In September, 1 861, he was made acting master's mate, and served thenceforth in various grades through the war, in the North and South Atlantic and the West Gulf Squadrons. He was present in the engagements under Farra- gut from Forts Jackson and St. Philip to Vicksburg, the fight at Grand Gulf, and the engagements with the rebel ram " Arkansas." For good service in these actions lie was made acting ensign in September, 1 862 ; was then attached to the "Water-Witch," " Pawnee," ami monitor " Nantucket," of the Soutli Atlantic Squadron ; took part in expeditions up St. John's River, and various engage- ments with Sumter, Moultrie, and other works at Charles- ton. Promoted to acting master August I, 1864. He was one of the officers detailed to take North the captured rebel ram "Columbia," in May, 1865. From 1865 to 1868 served as navigator and executive-officer of the " Nyack," of the Pacific Squadron. Commissioned as master in the regular navy March, 1868, and as lieutenant December 18, 1868. During 1868 and 1869 he was executive-officer of the " Pur- veyor," on special service. After duty on board the receiving-ship " Potomac," he became navigator and executive-officer of the iron-clad " Saugus," of the North Atlantic Squadron, and then executive-officer of the iron- clad " Ajax." He was next stationed at the navy-yard at Philadelphia from May, 1871, to December, 1872, and then joined the " Supply" as executive-officer. This vessel was employed on special service in connection with the Vienna Exposition from January to December, 1873. For some months after this, Lieutenant Forsyth was stationed at the Philadelphia Navy- Yard. From March, 1874, to February, 1877, he was navigating officer of the " Powhatan," North Atlantic Station. Ill health caused him to take three months' sick-leave, but he was ordered to the course in torpedo instruction that summer, and for the rest of 1877 and the whole of 1878 he was on duty at League Island. He was promoted lieutenant-com- mander May 9, 1878; served as executive-officer of the " Constellation" in her special service of Irish relief, March to June, 1880, and then w-as for some months upon " waiting orders." In 1 88 1, after three months' ser- vice in the receiving-ship " Colorado," he was ordered to the " Lancaster," of the Mediterranean Squadron, as navigating and executive officer, where he remained until September, 1884. The " Lancaster" was flag-ship dining this period. Lieutenant-Commander Forsyth was on leave from November, 1884, to April, 1885, when he was ordered to League Island as ordnance officer, and remained there until June, 1886. At that date he was ordered to the U. S. Naval Home as assistant to the executive-officer, and remained on that duty until June, 1889. He was promoted to be commander February 14, 1889. Commander Forsyth was ordered to the command of the school-ship "Saratoga," but the orders were revoked at his own request, and he was then detailed for the command of the " Tallapoosa," of the Brazil Squadron. This vessel was condemned and sold on the station in the earl_\- spring of 1892, and Commander Forsyth re- turned to the United States by mail-steamer. '54 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) MAJOR MATTHKW HENRY PETERS. U.S.V. Major Matthew Henry Peters is a native of Rhenish Bavaria. He was born June 6, 1843, and while a babe was brought to America by his parents, who settled at New ( Irleans. There his mother soon afterwards died, ,iik1 then almost immediately followed the death of his two sisters. Thus his father was left in a strange land. very poor, with two small boys, and unable to speak the languageof thepeople. Yet greater misfortunes awaited the boys, for the father died of yellow fever, and they were left homeless and friendless. After going through many degrading positions into which he was enforced by those who took charge of him, young IVters ran away and secured employment on a Mississippi River boat, which was the turning-point in hi life. Here he met Henry S. Roberts, a gentleman who was travelling, and he took Peters to his own home in ( )hio, and by him and his widowed mother he was reared to manhoi id. From [855 to i860 the subject of our sketch was employed in farm work, improving all his spare time in study, and made such progress that, in i860, he began teaching, meeting with good success. At the commencement of the war of the Rebellion, young Peters, although less than eighteen years old, en- listed as a private in Company E, Sixteenth ( >hio Infantry, April 23, [861. lie was honorably mustered out of the three months' service, and in December, [861, again enlisted in the Seventy-fourth Ohio Infantry, under Granville Moody, known as the "fighting parson." lie was promoted -ant, and commissioned lieutenant of his company January 7. [862. lie served in the Western Army, and was engaged in the battle of Stone River, December 31, 1 Si).-, when he was so severely wounded that he was deserted on the field by his comrades as past help. He, however, recovered, and, participating in the Atlanta campaign, was made adjutant of his regiment. While charging a rebel battery at Buzzard Roost he was struck by a shot May 9, I 864. In July, 1864, Major Peters was promoted captain " for gallant and meritorious services," and when sufficiently recovered from his wounds, walking by the aid of a cane, he rejoined his regiment at Savannah, Georgia, and par- ticipated in the campaign of Sherman's army until the close of the war. He participated in the grand review of the armies at Washington City, May 24, 25, 1S65, at which time lie was honored by being detailed by General George P. Buell as assistant inspector-general on his staff. He- served in this capacity until notified that his company was to be mustered out, when he asked to be relieved, that he might join his comrades in their homeward march, lie was, therefore, honorably mustered out July 12, 1865, but not until he had been commissioned major of his regi- ment. In 1866 Major Peters settled at Watseka, Illinois, and engaged in the hardware business, but finding it unsuited to his tastes he sold out, and in 1 867 opened the first book and stationery store in Watseka. In 1879 he turned this over to his faithful clerk, who had been with him over ten years. During this time (December, 1872) he took charge of the Iroquois Times. 'Phis he sold out in 1874, but bought it back again four years later, and is now its editor and proprietor. In 1875 Major Peters was elected mayor of Watseka, and was re-elected in 1877. He was elected to the Legis- lature in 1878 on the national ticket, and gained the esteem of his fellow -members of the Thirty-first General As- sembly, and the fullest confidence and respect of his con- stituents. On the 19th of June, 1867, he married Miss Clara M. Lyon, at Sycamore, Illinois, a lad)- of rare accomplish- ments ami culture. Major Peters has been a member of the G. A. R. since August, 1867, and for several years has been commander of Williams Post, No. 25, Department of Illinois. He is also a member of the Illinois Commander} - of the Loyal Legion, and has taken a high stand in the order of Odd-Fellows. He was the Democratic candidate for State Senator in 1884, and in 1886 Democratic candi- date for Congress, but was defeated by lion. Lewis P.. Payson. In the years of his success, Major Peters never forgot the maternal kindness of the widowed mother of his benefactor, Mr. Roberts, who died shortly after he was given a home at her house. He provided her a home in her old age, where she has every comfort, and is loved and treated with true filial devotion. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. '55 COLONEL GEORGE RANSOM SWALLOW, U.S.V. Colonel George Ransom Swallow was born in Greene Count)-, Illinois, August 21, [839. He left home at the age of fourteen ; thence to Alton as clerk in the post-office ; then to Jerseyville as book-keeper, and later cashier of the Jersey County Bank. In the summer of i860 he removed to Centralia, establishing the first bank- ing institution in that place. In March, [861, he re- moved to Vincennes, Indiana, making there the ac- quaintance of Laz Noble and W. II. II. Terrell, who were afterwards adjutant-generals of Indiana. He en- listed August 19, 1862, in the Harris Artillery Company at Indianapolis, Indiana, which was afterwards known as the Seventh Indiana Battery; was commissioned junior first lieutenant October 4, [861, and captain of same battery March 30, 1862. He was appointed chief of artillery of Brigadier-General A. Baird's Third Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, in October, 1863; commissioned major Tenth Cavalry, One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Regi- ment Indiana Volunteers, April 19, 1 864 ; lieutenant- Colonel, April 26, 1865; and colonel same regiment, May I, 1865. He was mustered out August 31, 1865. After organization and equipment, in the latter part of 1 86 1 his company was assigned to the Army of the Ohio, General Buell commanding, and stationed at Green River most of that winter. After the evacuation of Bowl- ing Green, Kentucky, he was assigned to General Nelson's division at Nashville, and marched in the advance to Sa- vannah, Tennessee, arriving April 5, and reaching Shiloh Monday about noon ; took part in the advance on Cor- inth, April 1 1 to May 30; thence marched with General Buell's army to Deckard Station, Tennessee ; thence to Louisville via Nashville ; at Tyree Springs, Tennessee, was attacked by a detachment of Forrest's cavalry, which was repulsed by a short but vigorous shelling. From Louisville started in pursuit of Bragg, who was overtaken at Perryville, October 8. He was driven back and pur- sued beyond Crab Orchard. Was then ordered to Nash- ville by General Rosecrans, who had succeeded General Buell. Marched for Stone River, where he took part in the battle, December 31 to January 2. In July marched on Tullahoma and on through Tennessee to Chatta- nooga ; thence to Chickamauga, and was in that battle, September 19, 20, 1863, as acting chief of artillery Fifth Division (Van Cleve's), Crittenden's corps. After this battle, was appointed chief of artillery Third Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, and participated in battles ol Lookout Mountain and Mission Ridge, going up the ridge with General Baird. Started on march to At- lanta and the sea. At Ringgold, Georgia, was over- taken with commission as major Tenth Indiana Cav- alry, and reported for duty, May 6, at Nashville. Thence proceeded to Decatur, Alabama, where his battalion was attacked by Hood's forces. Fell back with General Thomas to Nashville, and was engaged in the battle December 15, 16, where he was wounded and sent to his Illinois home. After an absence of two months he rejoined his regiment at New Orleans. Colonel Lace having resigned March 16, 1865, the com- mand of the regiment devolved on Colonel Swallow, then major. The command was transported by boat to Mo- bile, taking part in the siege of that place and the attack on Fort Blakely. Afterwards marched to Eufala, Ala- bama, via Montgomery ; thence to Columbus, Mississippi, and on to Vicksburg, performing garrison and other duties until mustered out, August 31, 1865. Colonel Swallow returned to Illinois, his native State, and organized the banking-house of Cross & Swallow on January I, 1866; sold out in November, 1S72. In July, 1873, he moved to Trinidad, Colorado, organizing the Las Animas County Bank of Swallow & Terry. In Oc- tober, 1875, changed to First National Bank, being its first cashier. In November, 1884, was elected treasurer of the State of Colorado, and removed to Denver, when he has since resided, excepting over three years spent in Europe, Asia, and Africa. He is now connected with the American National Bank of Denver, being our of its directors and second vice-president. . 5 6 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) BREVET COLONEL AMASA SAWYER TRACY, U.S.V. Brevet Colonel Amasa Sawyer Tracy was born in the town of Dover, Maine, on the 16th day of March, [829. He was the third child of David and Sarah Fowler Sawyer Tracy. When sixteen years of age he left his home in Farmington, .Maine, where his father had resided for several years, and went to Uxbridge, Massachusetts, where he made the acquaintance of Miss Helen Sarah Dow, a young lady from Vermont. In February, 1849, they were married, and went to Leicester, Vermont, where the father of his wife resided. In August of the same year his young wife died. He then returned to Massachusetts. Six years later he again went to Vermont and located in the village of Middle- bury. There he became acquainted with Sarah M., daughter of Horace Crane, a prominent citizen of that village, and in March, 1858, they were married. By his second wife he has had six children, four of whom are living, — Horace C, Lena I"., Lillian S., and Charles A. At the breaking out of the Rebellion in 1861, Colonel Tracy, then thirty-two years old, leaving his wife ami child (a little girl one and a half years old) in the care of his wife's lather, enlisted in a company then being raised in Vergennes, Vermont. He was elected by his comrades first lieutenant of the company, which was assigned to the Sei ond Regiment, Vermont Volunteer Infantry, and was mustered into the United States service June 20, 1861. With the Second Regiment he left immediately for Washington. In July the regiment was brigaded with the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Maine Regiments, Colonel O.O. How- ard (now major-general Lnited States Army), and Lieu- tenant Tracy was detailed as provost-marshal on the colonel's staff. At the battle of Hull Run, July 21, he claimed the right to go into the fight with his regiment, and his request was granted. After the battle, the Second was brigaded with the Third and Fourth Vermont Regi- ments, that had been raised and sent to the front under the command of General W. F. (Baldy) Smith. Later in 1 861 the Fifth and Sixth Vermont were assigned to the brigade forming the famous Vermont Brigade. In 1864 the Eleventh Vermont was added to the brigade. Lieu- tenant Tracy was promoted to be captain of Company 1 1, February, [862; April 21, 1864, he was commissioned major of the regiment. During the same year he was commissioned lieutenant-colonel, and commanded the regiment until the close of the war, having served four years, one month, and five days. Colonel Tracy was brevetted colonel of volunteers " for gallant and meritorious services in the final attack on the rebel lines at Petersburg, Virginia, April 2, 1865," and commissioned colonel of the Second Vermont, June, 1865, to date from April 2, 1865. He commanded the old Ver- mont Brigade at the breaking of the rebel lines at Peters- burg, the brigade leading the charge. He also commanded the brigade at the battle of Cedar Creek, in the Shenan- doah Valley, and was the first officer to greet General Sheridan on his arrival from Winchester. Colonel Tracy was awarded a medal of honor by the United States Congress, " for gallant and meritorious services in that engagement." General Sheridan's line of battle was re- formed on his brigade at Cedar Creek. He was severely wounded in the charge on Marye's Heights, May 3, 1863, and at Cedar Creek, ( (ctober [9, 1 864. He was engaged in the following named battles : Young's Mills, Bull Run, Lee's Mills, Williamsburg, Golding's Farm, Savage Sta- tion, White Oak Swamp, Crampton's Gap, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Marye's Heights, Charleston, Opequan, Winchester, Fisher's Hill, Mount Jackson. Cellar Creek, Petersburg, March 25, 1865 ; Petersburg, April 2, 1865; and Sailor's Run, April 6, 1865. His residence now is Burlington, Vermont. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 157 BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL FRANCIS M. DRAKE, u.s.v. Brevet Brigadier- General Francis M. Drake born in Rushville, Illinois, December 30, 1830, being the second son of John Adams Drake, by his wife Harriet Jane O'Neal, natives of North Carolina. The family located in Iowa in 1837, and the general has since resided in that State, his home now being in Centre- ville. He received a good business education, and has led an active and successful business life. He crossed the plains twice to Sacramento with an ox-train and drove of cattle during the gold excitement in California ; on the first trip, in command of twenty men, at the crossing of Shell Creek, Nebraska, he was in a severe engagement with about three hundred Pawnee Indians, whom he defeated, inflicting on them a heavy loss. General Drake was a passenger on the steamer " Yankee Blade," wrecked September 30, 1854, on the Pacific Ocean, the vessel being totally lost, and he narrowly escaped, having been picked up on the coast five days afterwards. At the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, he enlisted. and was commissioned captain of a company which was organized into Colonel Edwards's Independent Iowa Regi- ment, of which he was elected major, and with this com- mand served through the critical times of 1 86 1 in Mis- souri, driving the forces under General Patton from the northern part of the State. He was then assigned by General Prentiss to the command of St. Joseph, Missouri, holding the position at the time of Mulligan's surrender to Price at Lexington, and repulsing the attack on St. Joseph soon afterwards. At the organization of the Thirty-sixth Iowa Infantry in 1862, he was made lieutenant-colonel, and in the mili- tary history of the three years' hard and efficient service of that regiment, placing it among the distinguished Iowa regiments, his name stands conspicuous. General Drake took a prominent part in the campaign of Steele from Little Rock to reinforce Banks in Loui- siana in 1864, and rendered important service. His gallant defence at Elkins's Ford on the Little Missouri River while in command of a detachment of five hundred men against Marmaduke's division, three thousand strong, resulting in holding the ford after a severe engagement of several hours, was highly commended by his superior officers, and he was soon afterwards placed in command of his brigade. On the 25th of April, at the bloody battle of Mark's Mills, while in command of less than fifteen hundred men, fighting the combined cavalry forces of Kirby Smith, commanded by General Fagan, he was severely wounded in the left thigh, and fell into the hands of the enemy. The wound was pronounced mortal, the thigh-bone being slightly fractured by a Belgian ball weighing one and a half ounces, the bone severing the ball, and the pieces being extracted from different parts of the body, except one drachm of lead buried in the bone where it struck anil still remains. Owing to the severity of the wound he was not held a prisoner, and after a con- finement of nearly six months, his wounds being suffi- ciently healed, he, in October following, by the aid of crutches, rejoined his command at Little Rock. He was soon after recommended for promotion by the field and general officers " on account of special gallantry and hard and efficient service," and was brevetted brigadier-general of United States Volunteers, and assigned for duty com- mensurate with his ranl<. Lie relieved General Thayer at St. Charles, and later commanded a brigade in the division of General Shaler, and the post of Duval's Bluff, Arkansas, until his muster out of service in Septem- ber, 1865. After the war General Drake engaged very successfully in the practice of law about six years. Lor the past twenty years he has been in the railroad and banking business ; has projected and built five railroads, and is now president of the Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa Railroad, and Albia and Centerville Railroad Companies ; a director of the Keokuk and Western Railway, and president of the Centreville National Bank. He is also president of the board of trustees of Drake University, 1 )es Moines, Iowa, which bears his name as one of its founders and its most liberal benefactor. He has also contributed largely to other educational institutions, and to the missionary societies and church-extension fund of the Christian Brotherhood, with which he stands prominently con- nected. General Drake was married December 24, 1855, to Mary Jane Lord, deceased June 22, 1883. Two sons — Frank Ellsworth and John Adams — and four daughters, Millie D. Shonts, Jennie D. Sawyers, Eva D. Goss, and Mamie Drake, are living. ivS OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY ^volunteer) BREVET COLONEL PATTON JONES YORKE, U.S.V. Brevet Colonel Patton Jones Yorke was born in Wilmington, North Carolina, January 7, 1 843, of Northern parents, his father. Captain Louis Sprogle Yorke, of Salem, New Jersey, being of Revolutionary ancestry, and a descendant of Philip Yorke, Earl of Hardwick, Eng- land. Colonel Yorke was educated at Princeton, New Jersey, ami in 1 856 entered the Naval Academy at Annap- olis as an acting midshipman, United States Navy, where he remained for three years. At the outbreak of the war he joined the Commonwealth Artillery of Philadelphia. April 24, l86l,hewas mustered as corporal. He served with that command at Fort Delaware until August 5, [86l, when it was mustered out. August <>, 1S61, he was mustered as first lieutenant of Company E, First New Jersey Cavalry, and first met the enemy December 2^). [861, at Pohick Church, Virginia, October }, 1862, he was mustered as captain Company I, First New Jersey Cavalry ; August 27, [863, as major Second New Jersey Cavalry; July 27, 1864, lieutenant-colonel Second New Jersey Cavalry; March 13, 1865, commissioned brevet colonel United States Volunteers, " for distinguished gal- lantry in the attack upon anil capture of rebel stockade at Egypt, Mississippi, December 28, 1 864. Pie was made inspector-general, Cavalry Division Sixteenth Army Corps, June I, [864; commanding Second Brigade, Seventh Division Cavalry Corps, May 21, 1865; com- manding Sub-Division, Department of Mississippi, June 10, 1865. Colonel Yorke took part with the First New Jersey Cavalry in the following engagements: [862 — Pohick Church, Virginia; Seddon's Farm, Gray's, Strasburg, Woodstock, Harrisonburg, Cross Keys, Madison Court- House, Harnett's Ford, Rappahannock Station, Cedar Mountain, Warrenton, Waterloo Ford, Snicker's Cap, Second Hull Run, Chantilly, Warrenton, Aldie, Port Conway, Fredericksburg; 1863 — Rappahannock Station, Stoneman's Raid, Kelly's Ford, Branch- Station, Aldie, Middleburg, Upperville, Westminster ( Maryland), Gettys- burg (Pennsylvania), Emmettsburg (Maryland), Harper's Pern- (Virginia), Shepherdstown, Berryville, Salem, White Plains, Sulphur Springs, Barstoe Station. With Second New Jersey Cavalry : Eastport (Mississippi), Paris (Ten- nessee), Aberdeen (Mississippi), West Point, Okalona, Raleigh (Tennessee), Bolivar, Guntown (Mississippi), Rip- ley, Port Gibson, Grand Gulf, Holly Springs, Big Lake (Arkansas), Osceola, Cuba (Tennessee), Verona Station (Mississippi), Shannon, Egypt Station, Houston, Winona ; 1865 — Forts Blakely and Spanish, Mobile (Alabama). Foster, in " New Jersey and the Rebellion," says of Colonel Yorke at Egypt Station: "The Second New Jersey was led by its gallant commander, Lieutenant- Colonel Yorke, to whom the regiment was fortunate in having its command transferred. Ever since Colonel Yorke resumed the command the regiment has been most efficient, and has won for itself and him an imperishable name for steady, unflinching courage and gallantry, as well as most thorough and efficient discipline. During the raid it was selected for the accomplishment of a most difficult and dangerous duty, — the capture of a fort and stockade at Egypt Station, on the Mobile and Ohio Rail- road. The regiment, led by its commander, Colonel Yorke, drove the rebels before them, charging gallantly forward on and up to the very works and the muzzles ol the enemy's guns. " The fighting was most desperate and sanguinary, and the loss of life to us, as well as to the enemy, very severe. The garrison nearly, if not quite, equalled the regiment in numbers, and were protected by strong defensive works. Yet, disregarding the strength of the enemy, all the dis- parity of position and advantages, thinking of and caring for nothing but its glorious name ami obedience to the orders of its honored leader, it dashed splendidly on. It was a glorious sight, — the long line of men and horses, the glitter and clash of arms, the cry of onset, the fixing rebels, the pursuing, relentless foe. During the most rapid firing, comrades falling around, horses rearing and plunging, amid general uproar and confusion, the bugle si mndei 1 ' i case firing !' At once it was obeyed ; not a piece was discharged, not a soldier moved until the 'charge' order. Then over shoulder was slung the carbine, out flashed the glittering steel, and on like an avalanche rushed the heroic Second. The fort was taken, and with it over eight hundred rebels, with a large number of officers, including one general." Colonel Yorke lived in Louisiana for twenty years after the war, representing the parish of Carroll for eight years in the Legislature, and holding numerous other important offices. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 159 MAJOR CENTRE HOUGHTON LAWRENCE, U.S.V. Major Centre Houghton Lawrence was born in Troy Township, Cheshire Count}-, New Hampshire, July 22, 1835. Was second son of Almon and Louise Law- rence, whose ancestry were of Revolutionary fame. He received such common-school instruction, three months of the year, as seemed to be necessary for chil- dren of that mountainous locality at that period, in the little red school-house still standing on the Troy side and at the base of the Monadnock Mountain. The balance of the year was required to work on the farm. In 1857, with little experience, he went West, and from 1858 to the summer of i860 was engaged in the furniture and hotel business in the city of St. Louis, Missouri. At that time the Southern or disunion sentiment being strong in that city, and he having on several occasions found it necessary to forcibly express himself in behalf of the LInion, in the summer of i860 he settled up busi- ness relations and returned to his native hills. At the first call for troops in 1861 he started with his gun for the nearest rendezvous and enrolled himself at Keene, New Hampshire, as a recruit. The Keene re- cruits, of sixty-four men, were forwarded to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, to form a part of what was afterwards the Second New Hampshire Regiment. ( )n reaching Portsmouth he was ordered by the commanding general of the department to take command of the recruits until further orders. Orders were soon received to muster ten companies of one hundred and one men each, to be organ- ized as the Second New Hampshire Regiment ; the most of the recruits were enrolled in G impany A. As the time arrived for the regiment to start for Washington, young Lawrence was advanced from private to the first grade, — viz., filth sergeant, and color-hearer of the regiment. On reaching Washington the regiment went into camp of instruction and drill until the middle of July, when it crossed the Potomac River into Virginia with the army, and on July 21, 1861, at about ten o'clock a.m., it was thrown against the extreme left of Beauregard's rebel army, intrenched behind Bull Run. Fortunately for the regiment, the fire of the enemy was high, as evidenced by the flag and staff; as the lines reached the rebel works the enemy was driven back, and the regiment did credit to the service and the Granite State from which she came. Between three and four o'clock P.M., General Joseph Johnston was permitted to come up in the rear, and being between the fire of two rebel lines, orders were re- ceived to leave the field, and the army was stampeded, but atthattimc theSecond Regiment was holdingitsown ; and, finally, when it was left alone and compelled to abandon the field, it marched off by the left flank with flying colors. On reaching Washington the subject of this sketch was promoted from fifth sergeant to sergeant-major of the regiment, for gallantry on the field at Bull Run, and in m six weeks thereafter he was promoted to adjutant of the regiment, with the pay of captain, being responsible for regimental property. He served as adjutant at Budd's Ferry, on the Potomac, in the fall and winter of 1 86 1, under General Joe Hooker, during the blockade of that river by the rebels, and during the Peninsular campaign of 1862, at the battles of Yorktown, Williamsburg, Chickahominy, Fair Oaks, Seven Pines, White Oak Bottom, Glendale, Malvern Hill, Bristoe Station, and Second Bull Run, after which he received a commission from President Lincoln as assistant adjutant-general. He participated in most of the battles of the army thereafter, and was severely wounded at Petersburg, Virginia, in the summer of 1864, under General Grant, from which he is still a sufferer, carrying the ball in his body. He remained in the service until the last gun was fired and the last of the enemy had surrendered. On leaving the army, he in the fall of 1866 married Annie E., oldest daughter of Joseph F. and Annie E. Birch, of Georgetown, LI C, and has a family of four daughters, — namely, Louise, Josephine, Carrie H., and Marguerite, having buried one, an only son, Edward Grant. Having studied law, Major Lawrence was admitted to practise at the bar of the District Courts and the courts of the count)' of Montgomery, Maryland. He has been for several years chief of section in the General Land Office at Washington. His beautiful residence is at the village of Linden, Montgomery County, Maryland, on the Metropolitan branch of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, he being one of the founders of the villai His oldest daughter, Louise, who married Air. W. T. Cummings, fune 6, 1888, resides at Winchendon, Massa- chusetts, in a beautiful home, with her little family, having two boys. — Lawrence T. and Joseph Almon. i6o OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL JAMES W. McMILLAN, U.S.V. Brevet Major-General James W. McMillan organ- ized and commanded the Twenty-first Regiment of Indiana Volunteers in June, 1861. In August, [ 86 1, he was or- dered to report to General McClellan with his regiment, but on arrival at Baltimore, Maryland, he received orders to report to General Dix, then in command at Baltimore. He at once began the drill and discipline of his regiment, which was one of the best of the many splendid regiments furnished by the State of Indiana. In November, Governor Morton, who had been on an extensive tour of inspection of his regiments, said that the Twenty-first Regiment Indiana Volunteers was the best drilled volunteer regiment he had seen. In December, [861, Colonel McMillan, with his regiment, participated in an expedition in the counties of Accomac and North- ampton, Virginia, where the regiment was conspicuous for its discipline and marching. Colonel McMillan, with his regiment, was subsequently ordered to proceed to Newport News, to join the forces of General B. ]•'. Butler. On the day preceding the fight between the little " Moni- tor" and the rebel ram " Merrimac," the Twenty-first Indiana Volunteers, with the Sixth Michigan Volunteers and the Fourth Wisconsin Volunteers, sailed for Ship Island, Mississippi, and subsequently proceeded to New Orleans, Louisiana. On arrival at New Orleans, the Twenty-first Indiana Volunteers was stationed at Algiers, ami Colonel McMillan put in command of the west bank of the Mississippi River. ( )n one of his numerous expeditions through the west part of the State of Louisiana, Colonel McMillan cap- tured, in Bayou du Luc, the notorious rebel blockade- runner " Box," with an assorted cargo and a large quan- tity of powder, intended for the rebel government. In capturing some guerillas near the Comite River, Colonel McMillan was severely wounded June 10, 1862. On the death of General Williams in the battle of Baton Rouge, Colonel McMillan, though quite debilitated by his wounds, assumed command, being the senior officer present. November 22, 1862, Colonel McMillan was, on the recommendation of General Butler, promoted to the rank of brigadier-general of volunteers, and assigned to the command of the Second Brigade, First Division, Nineteenth Army Corps, and participated in the expe- dition to Sabine Pass in 1863. In 1864 he participated in the Red River campaign, where his brigade won for him the warmest commendation of his department com- mander. ( )n the return of General Banks's army to the Missis- sippi River, General McMillan and his brigade, with some other brigades of the Nineteenth Army Corps, wen ordered to report to his former great commander, General Butler, at Bermuda Hundred. ( >n arrival at Bermuda Hundred, General McMillan was ordered to proceed with his command to Washington, to aid in driving Early out of Man-land. At the battle of ( )pequan, September 19, 1864, General McMillan was highly commended for gallantry by General Sheridan. At Cedar Creek, General McMillan was in command of the First and Second Brigades of the First Division, Nineteenth Army Corps, and about sunrise October 19, 1864, for about forty-five minutes, did most terrible fight- ing prior to being ordered to fall back. After General Sheridan appeared on the battle-field, General McMillan's command formed the extreme right of the infantry ; and though it had, in pursuance of orders, fallen back all day in sight of the enemy, who followed cautiously, it made no halt after getting orders to attack until the enemy in its front was driven in confusion from the field, and glorious " Little Phil" was again a victor. ( >n the 17th of March, 1865, General McMillan was com- missioned a major-general by brevet, on the recommen- dation of General Sheridan. General Sheridan, in his book, made honorable men- tion of General McMillan in connection with the battle of Cedar Creek. On General Hancock relieving General Sheridan, Gen- eral McMillan was ordered to proceed to Clarksburg, West Virginia, with a view to the organization of an army to be commanded by General Hancock, and attack Lee in the rear. fhe war having terminated, General McMillan resigned May 15, 1865, after a service of nearly four years, with only two short leaves of absence. He had previously served as an enlisted man in the Fourth Regiment Illi- nois Volunteers in 1846, and in the Second Battalion Louisiana Volunteers in 1 847. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 161 LIEUTENANT EBEN B. FENTON, U.S.V. Lieutenant Eben B. Fenton came from old Conti- nental stock ; man}- of his ancestors fought in the Rev- olutionary War, serving with distinction. He was born in Crown Point, Essex County, New York, July 6, 1839, being the eldest son of Horace Fen- tnn, who followed the trade of a blacksmith. The subject of this sketch was left a motherless boy at the earl_\- age of six years, when the family moved to Mansfield Centre, Connecticut, and he was bound out to a farmer to work for his board and schooling, where he remained for three years receiving probably the worst treatment during that time that any boy ever did before or since, — made to go barefooted until snow flew, besides being subjected to other indignities too numerous to mention here, culminating only when he ran away, vozv- ing, no matter what happened, he would never return ; and here, at the early age of nine years, he entered a silk-mill, in one of the first of its kind started in New England, at Mansfield, Connecticut. At the age of sixteen he was accepted as an apprentice to learn the carpenter's trade, serving three years, when he went to Hartford, Connecticut, to follow up this trade. He was one of the first to respond to the President's call for troops, and at once commenced to recruit men for the First Connecticut Cavalry. The company being full, he immediately assisted in the raising of the First Connecticut Heavy Artillery. Upon its assignment to duty, he at once enlisted as a private in the Fifth Connec- ticut Volunteer Infantry, and on August 12, 1862, was detached from the regiment (by Special Order) on re- cruiting service at Hartford, and at Fort Trumbull, New London, Connecticut, rendering valuable service to both state and government, and for which he was appointed lieutenantin the Twentieth Connecticut Volunteer Infantry. He at once joined his regiment, then on the Rapidan River in Virginia. He served in the First Brigade, First Division, Twelfth Army Corps, Army of Potomac, till the fall of 1863, when his corps moved to the West with General Sherman, landing at Bridgeport, Alabama. It was soon consolidated with the Eleventh Corps, and called the Twentieth Army Corps, Army of the Cumber- land. Then his regiment was assigned to the Second Brigade, Third Division, Twentieth Army Coips, doing duty guarding the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, from September 26 to October 3, 1863. He was de- tached from the regiment and assigned to duty at Ander- son, Tennessee, as assistant commissary-sergeant, assist- ant quartermaster, and provost-marshal, during the winter of 1863— 64, and was relieved in the following May to join his regiment in the march to the sea. His regiment was in active service and participated in the following engagements: the battles of Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain, Ringgold, Dalton, Tunnel Hill, Buzzard's Roost Gap, Rockyface Ridge, Taylor's Ridge, Boyd's Frail, Rcsaca, Adairsville, Cassville, Dallas, Pumpkinvine Creek, New Hope Church, Allatona Hills, Chattahoochie River, Nancy's Creek, and Peach-Tree Creek, where he was severely wounded and sent to hospital at Nashville, Tennessee. He was honorably discharged October 22, [864, for wounds received in action. Lieutenant Fenton is an earnest Grand Army man ; belongs to Detroit Post, 384, Detroit, Michigan, and Michigan Commander}- of the Loyal Legion. Has been a resident of Detroit, Michigan, the past fifteen years, where he now resides, and enjoys an enviable reputation as one of its leading citizens. 21 I 6 2 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) CAPTAIN WILLIAM W. WALLACE. U.S.V. Captain William W. Wallace was born in Sadsbuiy, Chester Count)-, Pennsylvania. His home in early years was in Harrisburg, but his business life previous to and since the war lias been passed in Philadelphia. At the outbreak of the Rebellion in 1 86 1 lie was a temporal-}- resident of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, and in response to Abraham Lincoln's proclamation in 1862 for more soldiers to save the nation, he raised a force of one hundred and seventy men in a few days, who were promptly mustered in the service of the United States as Companies C and LI in the One Hundred and Twenty- fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. He was unani- mously elected to and accepted the captaincy of the color company, and was commissioned as such by Governoi \. G. Curtin. His first active service was in command of the picket- line at Fort Bernard during the second Bull Run battle, a position that was full of tragic interest in connection with that disaster to our forces. He was one of the hardy few who were able to hold out to the end of an exhaustive march of twenty hours, and reached South Mountain battle-field at two o'clock a.m., ready for service at day- break had the struggle been renewed there. His services at the battle of Antietam won for him honorable mention in " Bates's History of the War," which says, "The regiment was ordered to advance into the woods (at Dunker's Church) and hold it at all hazards. With heroic bravery they moved forward and drove back the enemy. When night put an end to the battle the men sank upon the ground to rest, having displayed a heroism worthy of veterans. The slaughter in its ranks had been terrible. Five color-bearers were killed, and the flag was finally borne by Captain Wallace." At the battle of Chancellorsville he was personally complimented for his services during those trying days and nights of carnage, incessant vigilance, and suspense, by his brigade commander, General Thomas L. Kane, who assigned to him and his gallant men the arduous and dangerous work of forming the picket-line on the night of the withdrawal of our forces. When the rebels invaded Pennsylvania, in the manoeuvre that culminated in their defeat at Gettysburg, Captain Wallace, while out on a reconnoissance, encountered Stuart's brigade at Cove Mountain Pass, and with a force of only twenty-seven men opened fire upon and drove back the head of his column, and thus saved a small squad >f L'nion cavalry scouts from death or capture who were being hotly pursued. This attack, being totally unlooked for, was a surprise, anil, as it created the impression of a formidable force back of him, was the means of delaying them at that point for many hours, and thus, it is asserted, changed their purpose to proceed to Fort Union, and destroy connection east and west over the Pennsylvania Railroad. For this service he was ordered to report to head-quarters, and received the thanks of Major-General Couch, commanding the department, and was also honored by a complimentary resolution of thanks from the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. He subsequently raised a cavalry company, and was commissioned as captain of Company M, Twentieth Penn- sylvania Volunteer Cavalry; but the rebels having been driven out of Pennsylvania, the War Department decided to relieve the six months' men, and he was honorably mustered out with his men, with the expectation of being commissioned in one of the new regiments that Governor Curtin was desirous of raising ; but the project was opposed by the War Department, and after an active service of nearly fifteen months he accepted the offer of a business position in Philadelphia, and retired to civil life. Captain Wallace comes from Revolutionary stock. His great-grandfather and his grandfather on his father's side were captured in an engagement with the British, and held in the old Walnut Street prison at Philadelphia. The former, beiiiL; mortally wounded, died there, and the latter was held a prisoner until the enemy evacuated Philadelphia. On his mother's side he is related to Gen- eral L T . S. Grant, and was one of the comrades who were appointed a guard of honor at the funeral, and who con- ducted the Grand Army ritual service at the grave over the remains of their illustrious general and comrade. Captain Wallace is a member of the Loyal Legion, Commandery of Pennsylvania, and at present is chaplain of George G. Meade Post, No. 1, Philadelphia Grand Army of the Republic, and is the author of the ode entitled, " Our Dead Comrade," which he composed for the use of Grand Army posts in connection with the " Draped Chair" ceremony on the death of a comrade. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 163 JAY COOKE. Jay Cooke was born in Sandusky, Ohio, August 10, 1 82 1. His father was Hon. Eleutheros Cooke, a leading lawyer of that place, and a member of Congress from 1S31 to 1833. Young Cooke entered the banking-house of E. \V. Clark & Co., Philadelphia, in 1839. He quickly became that firm's confidential clerk, receiving a power of attorney to sign for them in all matters eighteen months before he came of age. On reaching his majority on August 10, 1842, he was admitted as a partner in the firm, of which he continued to be a member until Jan- uary, 1858. Retiring temporarily from the banking busi- ness, he gave his time for three years to negotiating rail- way securities and building railways. During this period he negotiated the sale of the Pennsylvania State canals. While lie was of the firm of E. W. Clark & Co. they negotiated a large portion of the government loans to carry on the Mexican War, and this combined experience served to prepare Mr. Cooke for the far greater work of negotiating the loans required for prosecuting the war for the Union. On January 1, 1861, Mr. Cooke resumed the banking business in Philadelphia with Mr. William G. Moorhead, under the firm-name of Jay Cooke & Co., with branch houses under the same title subsequently established in New York and Washington, and a branch in London in connection with Hon. Hugh McCulloch, ex-Secretary of the Treasury, under the firm-name of Jay Cooke, McCul- loch & Co. This international banking business continued successfully until the general financial revulsion of 1873, which was the beginning of a period of general shrinkage and liquidation following the inflation of the war period. In the midst of these adverse general conditions, the immediate occasion of the suspension of the house of Jay Cooke & Co. was their attempt to carry too heavy a load in connection with the construction of the Northern Pacific Railroad, one of the most timely and beneficent com- mercial undertakings of the century. With but brief delay Mr. Cooke, by a few years of activity along financial lines, completely restored his fortune. Mr. Cooke's reputation and place in history will be fixed mainly by his work of successfully negotiating the govern- ment war-loans. At the outbreak of hostilities in 1861 the National Treasury was empty, and the public credit so low that it could only borrow money at the rate of twelve per cent, per annum. The enormous demands of the war immediately dwarfed into insignificance all pre- vious American experiences, and all ordinary instrumen- talities in the way of raising money. The needs of the Treasury for military expenditure speedily reached one million dollars daily, and before the end came, with an army of a million men in the field, the demand reached the colossal volume of three million dollars every twenty- four hours. Each successive Secretary of the Treasury — Chase, Fessenden, McCulloch — first exhausted all known means for negotiating the war-loans directly by the govern- ment and through the co-operation of the national bank- iii- system, which had been devised largely as an aid to the government finances ; but each in succession was compelled by failure to call Mr. Cooke to his side, and to him, as sole fiscal agent of the government, was intrusted the direct responsibility of providing the money for carry- ing forward to a victorious issue the greatest war of his- tory. All competent writers on the war for the Union, both American and foreign, agree that the signal and sustained ability with which the financial credit of the nation was built up and maintained in the midst of war, and with which the money-raising power of the people was stimulated, guided, and upheld, was not second as a factor in military success to the skill of generals and courage of troops in the field. General Grant expressed this common conviction when, at the close of the war, he sent from City Point to Mr. Cooke, with his thanks, the assurance that to his efforts the nation was largely in- debted for the means that had rendered military success possible. The loans negotiated by Mr. Cooke, chiefly through an enthusiastic, confident, persistent, and skilful appeal to the patriotism of the people, reached an aggregate of two thousand million dollars, and the compensation for this service, an average of three-eighths of one per cent., out of which came ail expenses and commissions to sub- agents, left to the fiscal agent as a reward little besides the prestige and satisfaction of a great success in support of a noble cause-. if>4 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) GENERAL JOHN ALEXANDER LOGAN, U.S.V. (deceased). General John Alexander Logan was burn in Jack- son Count)-, Illinois, February 9, 1826; died in Wash- ington, D. C, December 26, 1886. His father, Dr. John Logan, came from Ireland when a young man and settled in Maryland, but removed to Kentucky, thence to Missouri, and finally to Illinois. The son was educated at a common school and under a private tutor. In 1840 he attended Shiloh College. When war with Mexico was declared he volunteered as a private, but was soon chosen a lieutenant in the First Illinois Infantry. He did good service as a soldier. After his return from Mexico lie began the Study of law, until elected clerk of Jackson Count)-, after which he continued the stud)- of law, and in 1851 was graduated at Louisville University and admitted to the bar. In 1858 he was elected to Congress from Illinois as a Douglas Democrat, and was re-elected in i860. < hi the first intimation of coming trouble from the South, he declared that in the event of the election of Abraham Lincoln he would "shoulder his musket to have him inaugurated." In Jul)-, 1S61, during the extra session of Congress that was called by President Lin- coln, he left his seat, overtook the troops that were marching out of Washington to meet the enemy, and fought in the ranks of Colonel Richardson's regiment in the battle of Bull Run, being among the last to leave the field. Returning home in August, he resigned his seat in Congress, organized the Thirty-first Illinois Infantry, and was appointed its colonel September 13. At Belmont he led a successful bayonet-charge, and a horse was shot under him. He led his regiment in the attack on Fort Henry, and at Fort Donelson, while gallantly lead- ing the assault, received a wound that incapacitated him for active service for some time. After he had reported for duty to General Grant at Pittsburg Landing, he was made a brigadier-general of volunteers March 5, 1862. He took a prominent part in the movement against Corinth, and was subsequently given the command at Jackson, Tennessee. In the summer of 1862 his constituents urged him to become a candidate for re-election to Congress, but he- declined, saying in his letter, " I have entered the field to die, if need be, for this government, and never expect to return to peaceful pursuits until the objects of this war of preservation have become a fact established." General Logan commanded the Third Division of the Seventeenth Army Corps under General McPherson, and was promoted major-general of volunteers November 26, 1862. He participated in the battles of Port Gibson, Raymond, Jackson, and Champion Hills. In the siege of Vicksburg he commanded McPherson's centre, and on June 25 made the asault after the explosion of the mine. His column was the first to enter the captured city, and he was made military governor. He succeeded General Sherman in the command of the Fifteenth Army Corps in November, 1863. In May, 1864, he joined Sherman's army, and participated in that eventful cam- paign. After the fall of Atlanta he went home to par- ticipate in the Presidential campaign of that year. General Logan died suddenly. He was a gallant officer and an illustrious man. His wife was Mary Sim- merson Cunningham, of Petersburg, Missouri. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 165 COLONEL ABRAM B. LAWRENCE. Colonel Abram B. Lawrence was born of Now Eng- land parentage in Warsaw, N. Y., May iS, 1834. He enjoyed high-school advantages and was well advanced in his studies, when, at the age of twelve, he was placed in a book-store in Warsaw, and at nineteen accepted a responsible position as accountant and cashier in a large publishing-house in Buffalo, N. Y., where he remained until 1856, when he removed to Niagara Falls, N. V., ami became proprietor of a drug and medicine business, which he sold in 1858, returned to Warsaw to care for his widowed mother, and for a short time engaged in mercan- tile pursuits, in the mean time projecting the " Warsaw Gas-Light Works," which, co-operating with others, he built in 1859 arR l successfully operated, also carrying on a foundry and machine-building business until the Civil War broke out, when he quitted all to enter the L T ni<>n army, having been selected by the Senatorial District Committee as quartermaster to represent Wyoming County in the organization of the Thirtieth Senatorial District Regiment, afterwards designated the 130th N. V. Vol. Inf., which was subsequently transferred to cavalry, and known as the First New York Dragoons, and which under General Sheridan became famous. In 1862 he was placed on detached service in the com- missary and quartermaster's department Peck's Divi- sion, Seventh Army Corps. Subsequently he was as- signed to duty in Sheridan's Cavalry Corps as quarter- master of the regular cavalry brigade, etc., promoted to be captain and assistant quartermaster U. S. A., and as- signed to duty at head-quarters Eighteenth Army Corps, of which he was soon made chief quartermaster, and in recognition of his services promoted to the rank of major in the Quartermaster's Department, U. S. A., serving thus with the Tenth, Eighteenth, and Twenty-fifth Corps. Lhpon the reorganization and consolidation of troops oi the Ninth, Tenth, and Eighteenth Corps, and constituting the Twenty-fourth Arm}- Corps, he was assigned by President Lincoln to the duty of chief quartermaster in it and raised to the rank of lieutenant-colonel. During the memorable campaign which ended with the surrender of General Lee, he was appointed by General Grant chief quartermaster of the Army of the James, with which the general made his head-quarters at that time. Colonel Lawrence's services in connection with this army were particularly distinguished, and he was, in recognition of these services, assigned by order of General Grant " to receive the surrender and make disposition of the prop- erty of the Army of Northern Virginia, and to act as chief quartermaster of the U. S. forces at Appomattox Court-House, Virginia." These duties completed, he removed the army property to Richmond, remained there on duty during the muster-out of troops and dis- position of the surplus army property. In the fall of 1865 he was assigned to duty in the vicinity of the Rocky Mountains by order of Secretary Stanton, and rendered efficient service there. In [866, upon application for muster-out, he returned to Warsaw, N. Y., where he received an honorable discharge with brevet commissions "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Soon after, Colonel Lawrence engaged with Buffalo capitalists in developing extensive slate in- terests in the Province of Quebec. Disposing of his in- terests in this enterprise after a few years of remunerative operations, he returned to Buffalo, N. Y., and engaged successfully in the lumber and planing-mill business. Yielding to promising inducements and also to care for his aged mother residing there, he returned to Warsaw, where he engaged in the furniture trade. In 1876, upon the organization of the Letchworth Rifles, he was com- missioned and served six years as commandant. He is identified among the organizers of the National Guard Association of the State of New York, and its recording secretary for ten successive years. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, and for several years was commander of Gibbs Post, of Warsaw, New York, which he organized among many others in the State; and has been a vice-department commander of New York ; several years a member of the Council of Administration, and repeatedly a delegate to the national encampments. Is a member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion ; an honorary member of the Military Service Institution of the U. S., and other similar organizations ; a bright member of the Masonic fraternity and of the higher grades of Masonry. Among other public-spirited duties, he successfully conducted the affairs of the Wyoming County Agricultural Society for five successive years a president, assisted in the organization of the State Society, and for four years served as its president. 1 66 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL JOSEPH COOKE JACKSON, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General Joseph Cooke Jackson, like many of the officers of the volunteer army, is of colonial and Revolutionary ancestry. I lis father, the late John P. Jackson, of Newark, New Jersey, was of a Scotch-Irish family who settled in Or- ange Count\', New York, early in the eighteenth century, his ancestors being of the Brinckerhoff and Schuyler families, among the earliest settlers in the State of New York in the years 1638 and 1650. His mother's name was Elizabeth Wolcott ; her grand- father, General Oliver Wolcott (who participated in the expedition against Louisburg in the French War), was a signer of the Declaration of Independence; her great- grandfather, General Jabez Huntington, was in command of the Connecticut militia, and was appointed in 1777 by the General Assembly of Connecticut to be first major- general of the militia, Jonathan Trumbull being governor and commander-in-chief of the State. These families set- tled in Connecticut respectively in 1630 and 1633. General Jackson was born at Newark, New (er.sey, August 5, 1835. He studied at the famous old academy of his native town, later at Phillips, Andover, and was graduated from Yale College in 1857. He then entered on the study of law at the Harvard Law School (where he was class orator) and the University of the City of New York. In 1S60 he was admitted to the bar in New- York, and began practice, but at the outbreak of the war volunteered his services and was at once ordered to rc- p jrt as aide to Brigadier-General Robert Anderson. Sub- sequently he was commissioned second lieutenant of the First New Jersey Regiment, and appointed aide to Gen- eral Phil. Kearney. Soon after he was offered the colo- nelcy of the Sixty-first New York Regiment, but declined. At the close of 1861 he was transferred to the staff o\ General William B. Franklin, and the summer following was promoted captain for gallant conduct during the Seven Days' fight before Richmond, and assigned to the Sixth Corps of the Army of the Potomac. A year later he was appointed lieutenant-colonel of the Sixth New Jersey Volunteers, and only a few weeks after brevetted colonel for " meritorious conduct at the battle of Fred- ericksburg." On March 13, 1865, he was brevetted brig- adier-general of volunteers, after having participated in twenty-one battles, including the Seven Days' battles, Second Bull Run, Antietam, and Fredericksburg. General Jackson was appointed by the War Depart- ment a commissioner of United States Naval Credits. In 1865 General Jackson resumed the practice of law in New York, and in 1 S70 was appointed Assistant United States district attorney for the Southern District of New York. General Jackson has always been an active Republi- can and interested in main - public and philanthropic as- sociations. He was for many years vice-president of the Demilt Dispensary of New York, and of the Yale Alumni Association. He is a member of George Washington Post, Grand Army of the Republic, and the Sons of the Revolution. He is also a member of the Union League- Club, the Pai' Association, and the Law Institute. General Jackson married .Miss Katherine Perkins Day, daughter of the late Calvin Day, of Hartford, Connecti- cut. They have four children, — two son^ and two daughters. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 167 BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL FRED. T. LOCKE, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General Fred. T. Locke was born in the city of New York, and is of English and Holland descent. His paternal great-grandfather came from Eng- land to New York City about 1735. He was of the same family as that with which John Locke, the philosopher, was connected, and was a sea-captain. He married Sarah Vandewater, who with her family were brought from Holland in Captain Locke's own ship. They bought a farm somewhere in the vicinity of that part of the city upon which stand the piers of the East River bridge. General Locke manifested at an early age a great interest in military matters, and at the age of twenty was enrolled in Company G, Twelfth Regiment, New York State Militia, subsequently commanded by Colonel (after- wards Major-General) Daniel Btitterfield. He ran through the several grades, until in 1860 he was made adjutant of the regiment, and in that capacity went with his regiment to the South in April, 1861. After the first three months' service was over, General Locke was appointed by the President an assistant adjutant-general of volunteers, with the rank of captain, and assigned in August, 1861, to General Fitz John Porter's division in the Army of the Potomac. Upon the organization of the Fifth Army Corps he was made the adjutant-general and chief of staff of the corps. [As such, by his affable manner and polite and courteous treatment of all, both high and low, who came in contact with him, socially or officially, he won the regard of the entire army, and rendered the head-quarters of the Fifth Corps a pleasant place to \ isit at all times. On the field of battle he was ever ready to undertake to carry orders to the most hazardous posi- tions, being energetic, gallant, and enthusiastic in all matters pertaining to a soldier's duty. — Editor.] lie was retained in this position under Generals Porter, Meade, Sykes, Warren, and Griffin until the final muster- out of the corps in June, 1865. General Locke served continuously with the Army of the Potomac, participating in the following battles and operations of that army : Battle and siege of Yorktown, Hanover Court-House, Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mills, Malvern Hill, Second Bull Run, Snicker's Gap, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Wapping Heights, Petersburg, Brandy Station, Peeble's harm, New Hope Church, Mine Run, Bristoe Station, Hatcher's Run (first and second), the siege of Petersburg, Kelly's Ford, Weldon Railroad, Quaker Road, White Oak Ridge, Five Forks, and Appomattox Court-House, and in nearly all the operations of the various campaigns. I Ie was severely wounded during the battle of Bristoe Station, and again at Spottsylvania Court-House, w here he was shot through the right side of his face, and retired from the field with a bn iken jaw and the roof of his mouth projecting through it, injuries from which he has never fully recovered. General Locke was ordered to New York Jul)' 4, 1865, to await orders. He continued in the sen-ice until the 19th of September, 1865, when he was honorably mus- tered out. He received the written indorsement of Gen- erals Grant, Meade, Sykes, Warren, and Griffin, in auto- graph letters, certifying to his meritorious services during the entire war. General Locke was promoted to the rank of lieutenant- colonel in 1862, brevetted colonel in 1S64, and in April, 1865, brigadier-general, " for conspicuous gallantry at the battle of Five Forks, April 1, 1865." He is senior vice- commander of George Washington Post, No. 10, De- partment of New York, G. A. R., and a member of the Military < >rder of the Loyal Legion, U. S. 1 68 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) COLONEL ALEXANDER WARNER. U.S.V. C nel Alexander Warner was born January 10, 1827, at Smithfield, Rhode Island. In 1834 the family moved to Woodstock, Connecticut, where the son re- ceived .111 academic education. After leaving school he engaged in business. The year 1S61 found him part owner and manager of a prosperous twine manufactory in Woodstock. An aptitude for military matters had already drawn him into the State militia, and he was then lieutenant-colonel of the Seventh Regiment. A spirit like his could not move on in the routine of ordinary life, however attractive the surroundings, when a great crisis was calling the brave to arms. Among the earliest to enlist, he was appointed by Governor Buck- ingham major of the Third Regiment Connecticut Vol- unteers, and took part in the battle of Bull Run, July 21, [861. After the disbandment of the three-months' troops he was made lieutenant-colonel of the Thirteenth Connec- ticut Regiment, which was ordered to join the expedition to New ( irleans under Major-General B. F. Butler. After the capture of New < >rleans the command of the regi- ment devolved upon Colonel Warner, the colonel, Henry W. Birge, having been assigned to the command of a brigade. His regiment took part in the following engagements, — viz., Georgia Landing, Louisiana, October 27, 1862; Irish Bend, Louisiana, April 14, [863; and Port Hud- son. Louisiana, May 24 and June 14. [863. Ill health compelled his temporary retirement from active service. Upon reporting for duty, he was ordered by General Emery, commanding the Department of New Orleans, to raise and organize the Fifth Louisiana Regiment for the defence of New < >rleans, which he commanded during that important crisis and until continued ill health com- pelled his retirement from the service. He was subsequently appointed by Secretary Chase special agent of the Treasury Department at New Or- leans, and held the office until his return North. In 1865 he purchased a large plantation in Madison Count}-, Mississippi, where he employed at regular wages a large number of freedmen, which exasperated the natives, who were unwilling to realize the fact that slavery was ended. His innovations were denounced as certain to disorganize the labor of the country ; and still deeper resentment was aroused as agent for the FYeedmen's Bureau when he compelled, on the part of the native planters, the fulfil- ment of the contracts made with the blacks. During this period his life was often threatened and in danger, but he never faltered in the line of duty nor hesitated to extend to the oppressed the full protection of the law. Colonel Warner was appointed Secretary of State by the military commander ; was trustee and treasurer of the State University ; six years a member of the State Senate, and part of that time its president and ex-officio lieutenant-governor; in 1S76 was commissioner from Mississippi to the Centennial Exposition ; four years chair- man of the Republican State Committee; and three times a delegate to the National Republican Convention. In 1877 Colonel Warner purchased " Woodlawn," in the town of Pomfret, embracing a highly-cultivated and productive farm, from which the blooded stock was a well-known feature of the various fairs throughout New England. In 1887 he was commissioner from Connecti- cut to the Centennial celebration in Philadelphia ; in 1888 commissioner to the Ohio Centennial ; and in 1889 to that held in New York. He was elected and served as State treasurer of Connecticut for the years 1887 and 1888; was a member of the State Board of Agriculture, and appointed by the several governors to various national agricultural conventions. In 1890 he removed to Baxter Springs, Kansas, where he has extensive interests and is president of the Baxter Bank. In 1892 he was elected a member of the House of Representatives of the State. He is a fluent speaker and ready debater. He is a mem- ber of the Loyal Legion, Commandery of Massachusetts. Colonel Warner was married on the 27th of Septem- ber, 1855, to Man- Trumbull Mathewson, daughter of Rufus S. Mathewson and Faith Williams McClellan, of Woodstock. Mrs. Warner is the great-granddaughter of William Williams, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Mr. Williams married Man- Trum- bull, daughter of Jonathan Trumbull, colonial governor of Connecticut, the friend of Washington. Colonel and Mrs. Warner had two children, — Benjamin Silliman, born September 24, 1856, and Arthur McClellan, born April 13, i860 (deceased). Benjamin Silliman is a resident of Baxter Springs, Kansas. He married Sara L. Trow- bridge, of Brooklyn, New York, and they have two children, — Arthur Trumbull and Trowbridge Alexander. WHO SERVED FN THE CIVIL WAR. i6g CAPTAIN J. N. PATTON, U.S.V. Captain J. N. Patton was bom February 13, 1838, in Monroe County, Ohio, of Scotch-Irish parents. He re- ceived a fair education in the best schools of the county. He enlisted as a private in the Thirty-sixth Ohio In- fantry in the spring of 1861 ; was commissioned second lieutenant Company E, Thirty-sixth Ohio Infantry, August 13, 1 861, and mustered in August 22 at Camp Putnam, Ohio; was appointed adjutant of the regiment soon after the battle of Louisburg, West Virginia, May 23, 1862 ; ap- pointed first lieutenant October 21, 1862, and assigned .is aide on the staff of Brigadier-General George Crook, in which position he served until the close of the war, with a promotion to the rank of captain in 1864. The summer, fall, and winter of 1 861 were spent in hard marching and fighting in West Virginia under General Rosecrans. May 23, 1862, participated in the battle of Louisburg, West Virginia, with the Forty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry and a battalion of the Second West Virginia Cavalry, forming a brigade under command of Colonel Crook. In this battle Lieutenant Patton com- manded his company (E). The P'ofty-seventh Ohio was added to the brigade May 29, to participate in the Sulphur Springs campaign, but August 14 this command and other troops under General J. D. Cox, known as the Kanawha Division, was ordered to the Army of the Potomac, and reached Warrenton, Virginia, August 25, from which it marched and took part in the second battle of Hull Run. The command was then reported to General McClellan, and started on the Maryland campaign September 7, from Washington, D. C. It overtook and attacked Lee's rear at Frederick, Maryland, drove them to South Mountain, and took part in the battle of September 14. The Kanawha Division made a brilliant fight and a memorable bayonet-charge. In the battle of Antietam, fought September 17, this di- vision was in the left wing of the army under General Burnside. It fought at the stone bridge over Antietam Creek and in front of the left of Sharpsburg. Lieutenant Patton was promoted first lieutenant after this battle, and went to service as aide on the stall oi General George Crook. October 6 the Kanawha Di- vision was ordered back to West Virginia. January 26, 1863, the command (Crook's brigade) was ordered to Nashville, Tennessee, and reported to General Rosecrans at Murfreesborough, and was assigned to Reynolds's di- vision, Fourteenth Army Corps. During the advance to Chattanooga the command was engaged in the several affairs and battles incident thereto. General Crook was assigned to the command of the Second Cavalry Division, and Lieutenant Patton accompanied him as aide. This division took a prominent part in the battle of Chicka- mauga, and immediately afterwards started in pursuit of the rebel General Wheeler, who, with a large force of 22 cavalry, was endeavoring to destroy General Rosecrans's communications, ('rook's command engaged this force in three battles, and defeated him in all. The command on this trip was thirty consecutive days in the saddle. In February, [864, General Crook was ordered back to West Virginia, and took command of all the troops in the Kanawha Valley. May 9 he fought the battle of Cloyd Mountain, and a few days later had an engage- ment at New River. Prom this point the command was ordered to Staunton and reported to General Hunter at that place June 8, after a march which was a continued fight, the rebels contesting all the ground passed over. From Staunton Crook's division led the advance to Lynchburg, and covered the retreat of Hunter's army after the disastrous attempt to capture that place. Ciook's command had now been on foot over two months, marching some nine hundred miles, most of this time on short rations, and part of the time with none ; it had fought and won five severe engagements, and was victorious in a number of skirmishes. It had killed, wounded, and captured about two thousand prisoners and ten pieces of artillery, and did not lose a man or gun captured, but left about one-third of its whole command dead or wounded on its several battle-fields. July 15 Crook's command reached Harper's Ferry, and in connection with the Sixth Corps fought the battle of Snicker's Ferry. Later, as part of the Army of the Shenandoah, under General Sheridan, the command par- ticipated in the battles of Berryville, Opequan, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, going into quarters along the line of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad early in January, 1865, with head-quarters at Cumberland, Maryland. At this place Captain Patton resigned ami went West. Since then he has been actively interested in mines and mining in the Western States and Territories. i;o OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) MAJOR-GENERAL JOHN CHARLES FREMONT, U.S.A. F.R.G.S. (deceased). Major-General John Charles Fremont, F.R.G.S., Chevalier of the Prussian "Order of Merit," etc., was of Huguenot parentage on his father's side, and con- nected with the Washington family on his mother's. He received from the Charleston College the degree of Bachelor and Master of Arts; his mathematical attain- ments especially fitted him for his after-life. In 1 838 he was appointed second lieutenant Topographical Engi- neers, U.S.A., and was Nicollett's assistant in the two explorations north of the Missouri in 1838-39. After the second of these he married Jessie Benton, daughter of Senator Thomas H. Benton. In 1N42 he made the first of the great explorations in the then unmapped West, and continued them through the years 1842, 1843-44, [845-46-47, [848-49, [853-54. The third resulted in the conquest of California In- Captain Fre- mont, to whom the government sent as special messenger Lieutenant Archibald Gillespie, with instructions that the President intended to take possession of California. Captain Fremont was the only arm)- officer then in that Mexican province, and he acted for his government. Later, General Kearney attempted to supersede Com- modore Stockton, the provisional military governor. Failing this, he ordered Captain Fremont to desert Stockton. Captain Fremont refused, and was court- martialled, being thus kept from the command of his regiment during the Mexican War. He was sentenced to dismissal, but tlie President disapproved of and re- mitted the sentence'. Colonel Fremont considered the sentence unjust, and resigned. He had preciously re- ceived a double brevet at the instigation of General Scott, and had been appointed military governor of Cali- fornia. He then made the exploration of [K4,X-4<), m which one-third of the- party died from exposure and starvation. He was appointed by the government com- missioner to run the boundary between the United States and Mexico ; and, later, elected first U. S. Senator from California to Congress. In 1853 he made his last exploration across the Rocky Mountains; the last two explorations were made at his own expense. In 1856 he was nominated for the Presidency by the just-formed Republican party, which was defeated. He was in Eng- land at the breaking out of the war in 1861 ; offered his services, and commenced buying arms for the govern- ment on his own credit and responsibility; received his appointment as major-general in the regular army and was assigned to command the Western Department. He was given by President Lincoln unlimited powers in his own department. In three months he organized and equipped one hundred thousand men, having to buy and manufacture most of the weapons and clothing. He recognized the abilities of L T . S. Grant, and gave him his first independent command, against the advice of those who had known Captain Grant, and after the War Depart- ment and General McClellan had refused to do so. He was the first to build iron-clad gun-boats. August 30, 1 861, General Fremont issued his proclamation emanci- pating the slaves of rebels in his department. He cleared Missouri of rebels, but, owing to political influences, General Fremont was superseded by Hunter on the eve of battle. Hunter immediately retreated from a far in- ferior force, his trains and rear-guard suffering severe loss at the rebels' hands. General Fremont was then placed in command of the Mountain Department, Vir- ginia, and came in on Jackson's rear during the latter's retreat down the Valley of the Shenandoah in 1862, pur- suing him for six days, and fighting a battle with ten thou- sand five hundred men against Jackson's seventeen thou- sand, the forces under Fremont remaining on the field. Serious political and personal controversy between Fremont and Lincoln caused the latter to refuse Fre- mi mt another command, and Fremont resigned, to accept, June 4, [864, the nomination to the Presidency, tendered him by the convention which met at Cleveland, Ohio. The division of the Republican party following the rival candidacy of Fremont and Lincoln would have resulted in the election of the Democratic candidate, and Lincoln sent Senator Zach. Chandler to Fremont to ask him to withdraw, and General Fremont did so, to save the party. Gen. Fremont now embarked his large fortune in the building of a trans-continental railway, but lost every dol- lar. In March, [878, a full release on all accounts and charges was given Gen. Fremont, the courts having found that the charges made against him in 1872 by dishonest agents were altogether false. In 1878 Gen. Fremont was appointed Governor of Arizona Territory. In i8< tober, l86l, Drake enlisted in Company K, Ninth New Jersey Volunteers (riflemen), and was appointed a ser- ; Hit. In June, 1863, First Sergeant Drake was appointed iid lieutenant oi Company D, this being the first in- stance of a transfer in this command. Lieutenant Drake was the only commissioned officer with his company during his connection with it — May 16, 1864 — when he and his command were captured in the battle of Drewry's Bluff. General Charles A. Heckman, commanding the brigade, was captured while making his way to Drake, who had not fallen back with his regiment. General Heckman and Lieutenant Drake, a few hours afterwards, entered Libby Prison together. When Grant's ^uns were heard thundering through the Wilderness, Drake and his companions in captivity were hustled off to the interior, the first stop being at the pen in Danville. Sub- sequently Drake was again placed on a train and trans- ported to Columbia, then to Augusta, and from thence to Macon, Georgia. He assisted in digging one of the five tunnels at Macon, and had his trouble for his pains, the plan having been betrayed. Subsequently Drake was transferred to Sa- vannah, the U.S. Marine Hospital grounds being used as the pen. Here Drake and others dug three tunnels, but in each instance the}- failed to escape. In September, when the yellow fever raged in Charleston, Drake and his companions were transported to that city and confined in the jail-yard. On October 6 Drake and six hundred other officers were marched to a train of cars and started for Columbia. Capt. Harry H. Todd, 8th N. J. ; Capt. J. E. Lewis, nth Conn. ; and Capt. Alfred Grant, 19th Wisconsin Vols., had previously arranged with Drake to effect their escape from the train, and when it had crossed the Congaree River the four men sprang from the box-car, guarded by seven armed Confederates, and were free. Though the officers happily escaped injury in their terrible leap, and were preserved from flying missiles and the awful fangs of the blood-hounds, they soon found themselves envi- roned by formidable difficulties. They were hundreds of miles from a place of refuge, in the midst of implaca- ble enemies, without guide or compass, without cook- ing utensils, without money, and without food. The limits allowed for this sketch will not permit the record of the many interesting incidents attending Captain Drake's remarkable tramp through the Carolinas and East Ten- nessee to the Union lines at Knoxvillc, which Lewis and he reached in forty-nine days, after enduring the most ter- rible privations. Upon Drake's return to his regiment he was com- missioned captain. He was mustered out at Greens- boro', North Carolina, April 13, 1865, carrying to his home a medal of honor from Congress " for distinguished gallantry during the war." Captain Drake was brevetted brigadier-general by the Legislature of his native State. General Drake since the war has commanded the Veteran Zouaves of Elizabeth, New Jersey, whom he took across the continent in 1886, and in the winter of 1891 made a tour of the Southern States with his famous command. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. U3 BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL DANIEL MACAULEY, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General Daniel Macauley was born September 8, 1839, in New York City, of Irish parentage, and in his youth learned the trade of book- binding at Buffalo, New York. Uniting himself with Company C, Seventy-fourth Regiment National Guards, State of New York, he soon attained proficiency in Har- dee's tactics under that splendid officer, General William F. Rogers. Having removed to Indianapolis just before the Civil War commenced, he there became orderly sergeant of the Independent Zouaves, which position he held at the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion. At the firing upon Fort Sumter he instantly enlisted, and as first lieu- tenant of a company received the first marching order issued in the war by the State of Indiana. His company was assigned to General Lew Wallace's regiment, and upon joining, Macauley was selected as regimental adju- tant, holding the position for a year. The regiment had become known throughout the country for its tragic oath, " Remember Buena Vista," at which Mexican battle it was alleged that Jeff. Davis sought to disgrace Indiana soldiers. It was the first in Indiana to march, and served in the East its term of three months. At once re-enlisting for three years, it joined General Grant at Paducah, Kentucky, at the very beginning of that great general's career, and through his victorious campaigns of Forts Heiman, Henry, and Donelson, Shi- loh and Corinth, constantly added to its renown as one of the best regiments in the service. In April, 1862, Macauley was promoted major, and a few months later lieutenant-colonel. He participated in the Mississippi River campaign, and in March, 1863, was promoted colonel of the regiment at the age of twenty-three. With his regiment he took part in the battle of Champion Hills, during the Vicksburg campaign, May, 1863, and was there severely wounded by a shot through the left thigh. After recovering from his wound he participated in the campaign in Western Louisiana under General Banks, when the regiment, with its colonel, re-enlisted for three years more as " veterans." After a " veteran" furlough at home and a return to Louisiana by river, Colonel Macauley was sent with a ship-load of troops to the North, fortunately arriving at Washington while it was still menaced by the rebel general Earl)-. As the advance of the Nineteenth Army Corps, the Eleventh Indiana, with other regiments under Macauley, quickly formed the nucleus of Sheridan's army in the valley of the Shenandoah, and participated in all the glories and dangers of that brilliant campaign. During the night after the battle of Fisher's Hill, September 22. 1864, Colonel Macauley commanded the skirmish-line of several regiments during the entire night, to Wood- stock, in hot fighting pressure on the rear ot Early's army. lie commanded the Third Brigade, Second Di- vision, Nineteenth Corps, the morning of "Sheridan's ride," where he was almost fatally wounded by a ball which he still carries in his body. Colonel Macauley was recommended for brevet, and again for full promotion by General Sheridan, and re- ceived his brevet of brigadier-general for special gal- lantry on the field, General Grant personally writing to the Secretary of War, asking for it. While still badly crippled, General Macauley was as- signed to command the defences of Baltimore, which he held during the surrender of Lee and the assassination of President Lincoln. He then, in August, 1865, re- turned to Indiana with the old Eleventh for muster-out. He was at once appointed colonel of the Ninth Regi- ment, Hancock's Veteran Army Corps, stationed in In- dianapolis. He was finally mustered out in March, 1866, after nearly five years' continuous service. In March, 1863, General Macauley married Miss Mary M. Ames, daughter of the Rev. A. S. Ames, and a sol- dier son was born one blustering morning in camp to the music of " reveille." The general has been engaged in various kinds of business and public matters since the war, and is well known throughout the country. He served three terms (1867-73) as mayor of Indianapolis, and has since passed several years in Spanish-American countries, part of the time closely identified with the Nicaragua Canal. He is now with his family a resident of Washington City, and is chief appointment clerk of the Treasury. He is also inspector-general of the District of Columbia National Guard, and has hosts of friends, to whom he appears in health and spirits as young as he was a quarter of a cen- tury ago. '74 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) J0* BREVET CAPTAIN CHARLES W. KEYES, U.S.A. Brevet Captain Charles W. Keyes was born in Wil- ton, Franklin County, Maine, February i, 1831. He was prevented by filial duties from joining the army during the first year of the war, but enlisted as a private in the Twenty-eighth Maine Infantry September 10, 1862, and served with that regiment in Florida and Louisiana until it was mustered out September I of the following year. During this term of service he received, in a sharp battle with tlie enemy at Fort Butler, Louisiana, a severe wound in his Lft arm. Two months after the Twenty-eighth Regiment was mustered out ( November, 1 863 1, he enlisted the second time in the Second Maine Cavalry as a pri- vate, and about three months later was discharged by reason of promotion in the Thirty-second Maine Infantry, then organizing at Augusta. He received a commission as first lieutenant of Company E of that regiment April 2, [864. This regiment was soon at the front, and par- ticipated actively in the hard fighting of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania Court-House. In the latter engage- ment (May 12, 1864) Lieutenant Keyes received a wound, which resulted some days later in the loss of his left foot. Partially recovering from his wound, he enlisted again as second lieutenant in the Coast Guards, and served in a battery near Belfast, Maine, till after the war closed. While in command of his company there, in obedience to orders from the War Department, salutes were fired over the surrender of General Lee, and while executing this command he was struck near the left eye by a friction- primer which blew from a recoiling gun, and gradually lost the vision of that eye. Captain Keyes was appointed a second lieutenant in the Forty-fourth U. S. Infantry July 28, 1866, and was unas- signed May 27, 1869. He was retired with the rank of first lieutenant December 31, 1 870. " For gallant and meritorious service at Fort Butler, Louisiana," Captain Keyes received March 2, 1867, the brevet of first lieutenant, and " for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Spottsylvania Court-House, Vir- ginia," he received March 2, 1867, the brevet of captain. During his active service in the regular army he was a member for some months of a general court-martial under General Ricketts ; was on the staff of General W. H. Emory, commander of the Department of Washington, during the great review in honor of Burlingame and the Chinese embassy ; served for a time as assistant superin- tendent of the War Department Buildings, Washington, D. C, and for about two years was engaged under General 0.0. Howard in work among the Freedmen's Schools of Kentucky. A few years after retirement Captain Keyes purchased the Farmington (Maine) Chronicle, the leading paper of his native county, and conducted it for about twelve years. He was a member of the Board of Trustees of the State College for seven years, and for the past eight years has been a trustee of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary and Female College, Kent's Hill. Captain Keyes has been twice married, — first, to Miss Juliette C. Lord, eldest daughter of Rev. Isaac Lord, of the Maine M. E. Conference; second, to Miss Hattie E. Park, preceptress of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary and Female College. His home for the past eighteen years has been at Farmington, Maine, — a pretty village in a region resorted to for the beauty of the natural scenery. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. US CAPTAIN ALFRED WILLARD BRIGHAM, U.S.V. Captain Alfred William Brigham was born at South- borough, Worcester County, Massachusetts, June 19, 1837. His father was Trowbridge, and mother Sarah Fairbanks (Morse) Brigham. He graduated at the High School at sixteen, and went to Boston, where he was employed at Baker & Wright's. After a few months, however, he ac- cepted a position with Mr. F. W. Cobb, where, at nineteen, he was manager and buyer for the store. He was a volunteer on Sundays, holidays, and at night with hand-engine Barnicoat, 11. He was also a member of Trimountain Club in i860, of which John A. Andrew (afterwards governor of Massachusetts) was president. Also a member of the Boston City Guards in 1 860. He enrolled himself as a member of the Fourth Battalion of Rifles (afterwards Thirteenth Massachusetts Volunteers) the same night that news was received of the firing upon Fort Sumter. I le was made corporal of Company B, and left with his regiment in July, 1861, for Harper's Ferry, Virginia. He had command at Williamsport Ferry, on the Potomac, every alternate day during the summer and autumn of 1861. He was at Hancock, Maryland, when " Stonewall" Jackson made his winter campaign opposite Hancock and to Bath, Virginia. He crossed the Potomac with his regiment in March, 1862, to Martinsburg and Winchester, and the Thirteenth Regiment was on the skirmish-line, driving Jackson's rear-guard (Ashby's cav- alry) through the town. He had command often picked men as safeguard at Charles J. Faulkner's, to protect wife and daughter and valuable library (outside the lines), Faulkner at that time being a colonel on Jackson's staff. He made a reconnoissance sixteen miles beyond Win- chester to find the enemy, and was knocked off the top of a gate, while watching Ashby's cavalry deploy, by the explosion of a shell in the earth at his feet. 1 le was with Abercrombie's brigade through Snicker's Gap, and coun- termarched towards Winchester to assist General Shields at the defeat of Jackson, but too late to participate in the battle. Afterwards was with Hartsuff's brigade, Ord' division of McDowell's corps, from Manassas Plains to Falmouth, Virginia, July 4, 1862, and was sunstruck to insensibility for two hours ; marched next day, and was with the expedition to Front Royal with Ord's division after Banks's retreat in the Shenandoah Valley, and par- ticipated in the battle of Cedar Mountain on three days' continuous duty, supporting batteries across Rappahan- nock Station, and three nights' picket duty with Hart- suff's brigade, the only U. S. troops across the river in front of Longstreet's corps ; was with Rickett's division at Thoroughfare Gap, and at second Bull Run, where he- had five bullets through his clothing, besides one cut- ting the hair over his right temple ; was at Chantilly ; was on the skirmish-line at South Mountain ; and was twice wounded at Antietam. He remained in field-hospital three days, and thence removed to Harrisburg, Pennsyl- vania, where, after refusing to have his foot amputated, from wound in the ankle and through the " tendon Achillis," he was mustered out of service as forever dis- abled to do duty in the field. When able to walk again, he was commissioned first lieutenant Seventh Unattached Company, Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, August 14, 1863, and was at Fort Independence, Boston Harbor, on the staff of General Devins as ordnance-officer at Long Island Draft Rendezvous; in garrison at Fort Warren, Massachusetts, winter of 1863-64; with company at Alexandria, Virginia, Ma)-, 1864; with escort of one hundred and twenty-five men to take Generals Crittenden and Ledlie to Burnside's command, while on the march to the Wilderness, but cut off by the enemy's cavalry at Rappahannock Station ; at Fort Grcble, on the Potomac, as acting assistant quartermaster and acting commissary- sergeant Third Brigade, Hardin's division, Twenty-second \rniv Corps, and while there volunteered and obtained valuable information for secret service, lie was pro- moted captain Company C, Third Massachusetts Artil- lery, October, 1 864, and performed duty at various forts about Washington City during the winter of 1864-65. While on scout duty with Lieutenant W. P. Beaumont, provost-marshal of Hardin's brigade, about Septemlnr or October, 1864, in order to escape being bushwhacked by the " Surrattsville gang" in a path through the woods from lower road to Fort Baker, at midnight, his horse was violently thrown down, and Captain Brigham received wounds which now incapacitated him from service. I le was mustered out with his regiment October, 1865. Cap- tain Biigham declined brevets for meritorious service during the war for reasons known to himself; also commission in the regular army of equal rank. He resides in Boston, unable to attend to his business as commission merchant on account of the disabilities resulting from his wound i 7 6 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY ^volunteer) MAJOR EVERETT SOUTHWORTH HORTON, U.S.V. Major Everett Southworth Horton was born at Attleborough, Bristol County, Mass., June 15, 1836, and is lineally descended from Revolutionary soldiers. He was the oldest of four boys. All but one responded to the call of their country, but ill-health prevented him from doing so. Major Horton received the limited education of the town schools and a private academy. Prior to the war he was engaged in a country store with his father. When the proclamation was issued and the governor of Massa- chusetts called for more troops, he at once began to raise .1 company for nine months' service. He was elected second lieutenant, and the company was assigned to the Forty -se\ enth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, being mustered into the United States service at Boxford, Mass., September 23, 1862. After a few weeks the regiment was ordered to Readville, Mass., and then to Long Island, X. Y '., where it embarked on the steamer " Mississippi," for New Orleans, La., forming part of Banks's expedition. The troops landed about Jan. 1, 1863, at Carleton, and after a few days moved to Jackson Barracks, below the city, and were assigned to the First Brigade, Second Division, Nineteenth Army Corps, Department of the Gulf. Major Horton was promoted to captain, and mustered Man h 2, [863. The regiment remained in and near the city during its term of service. Although a nine months' regiment, it served about eleven and a half months, and was mustered out of service September I, [863. Major Horton was at home but a few days when, on November 18, [863, he was mustered as second lieutenant, and as captain Company C, Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Volun- teers, February 20, 1864. The regiment left Massa- chusetts April 28, ami on reaching Alexandria, Virginia, was assigned to the First Brigade, Second Division, Ninth Army Corps, commanded by General A. F. Burnside, and was engaged at the battle of the Wilderness, — thus meet- ing the enemy in shorter time after leaving the State than any other Massachusetts regiment. He was mustered as major August 25, 1864, before Petersburg, Va. (was com- missioned lieutenant-colonel, but never mustered). He- participated all along the line, all of said engagements being too well known to need any detail here. He was captured by the enemy at Preble's Farm, on Vaughan's road, Sept. 30, 1864, and was taken to Petersburg; then to Libby, at Richmond, and after a few days moved in great haste, being loaded into freight cars, and each car filled too full for any comfort to the prisoners. On arriv- ing at Greensborough, October 9, they encamped in a field. It was a very cold night, and they suffered intensely. The morning of the 10th they moved on, and at evening reached what proved to be Salisbury Prison pen, North Carolina, and crowded into the limited quarters provided, many of the prisoners having dug holes in the ground, like animals, to keep themselves warm. There were many with but little clothing, and not water enough to drink, several dying each night. Thousands of graves testify to the fact, and their only crime, — they were Union soldiers. Late in the afternoon, ( )ct. 19, 1864, they were ordered to fall in, and marched out of this pen, again put into freight cars, and moved to Danville, Va., and placed in a tobacco warehouse, then called Prison No. 3. On January 27, 1865, Major Horton, with Colonel William Ross Hartshorne, of the 190th Penna. Vols., were selected as hostages and sent to Libby Prison ; were paroled Feb. 22, 1865, and under Old Glory once more. Major Horton can never describe his feelings at the glorious sight of the old flag. He- reached Annapolis, Md., February 23 ; a leave of absence lor thirty days was allowed, and he was declared ex- changed in March. He left for the front April 2, 1865, and reached Petersburg, Va., April 7 ; reported at head- quarters, waited a few days, and a party of some ten offi- cers started on a tramp for Burksville Junction, some fifty-two miles. It proved to be quite a tramp, but was finally reached, when it was discovered that the regiment was simie eighteen miles farther, at Farmville, Va., to which place they proceeded. After a few days left for City Point, thence to Alexandria by transport, anil en- camped near Fort Lyon, Va. Major Horton was detailed as inspector Second Division, Ninth Army Corps, and served until his regiment was mustered out of the service- July 24, 1865. On returning home, after a little rest, he- was engaged with a wholesale house in Providence, R. I., and continued with them for some fifteen years, when, by the death of a brother, he entered the manufacturing jew- elry business at Attleborough, Mass. Major Horton is a member of the Grand Arm)- of the Republic and Massachusetts Comniandcry, Military ( )rder of the Loyal Legion. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. ^77 ACTING ENSIGN PERSIFOR FRAZER. U.S.V. Acting Ensign Persifor Frazer was born in Phila- delphia, Pa., July 24, 1844, and was the only son of Pro- fessor John Fries Frazer, LL.D., vice-provost of the University of Pennsylvania, and Charlotte Cave ; great- grandson of Brigadier-General Persifor Frazer, lieutenant- colonel Fifth Pennsylvania Line, and grandson of Robert Frazer, a distinguished lawyer and member of the Legis- lature. His mother was the daughter of Thomas Cave and of Sarah, daughter of Major John Hollinshead, Third New Jersey Line, and member of the Cincinnati Society. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania July 3, icS62; joined a corps of the Coast Survey assigned to the navy at Port Royal. He assisted in two reconnois- sances by night under the guns of Fort Wagner and the rebel picket-boats, just before the attack by the fleet in January, 1863. Ordered north, he joined the First City Troop, Philadelphia, for emergency service at Gettysburg, during the invasion of Pennsylvania, June and July, 1863. After being mustered out at the close of this campaign he joined the navy in the Mississippi squadron, first as aide to Captain Pennock commanding, and later as watch-offi- cer on board the " Benton," taking part in numerous expeditions, and after the war receiving an honorable discharge. After three years at the Royal Saxon School of Mines at Freiberg in Saxony, passing with credit the examination in mineralogy conducted in the German language, he re- turned in 1869 to the United States and joined Hayden as metallurgist and mineralogist of the United States Geo- logical Survey party of that year during its exploration of Colorado and New Mexico, writing the report on these subjects. He was elected instructor in natural philosophy and chemistry in the University of Pennsylvania, and pro- moted to assistant professor the next year. In 1872, on the death of Professor John F. Frazer, he taught the senior and junior classes in his father's place, as well as the sophomore and freshmen classes. In 1874 he was appointed Assistant Geologist in the State Geological Survey of Pennsylvania, and directed the southeastern division under Professor Lesley for eight years, contributing geological maps of York, Adams, and Chester Counties, besides four volumes to the reports. He was the first to discover the cause of the difference in color of the moon by day and by night. He devised a process of detecting forgeries by com- posite photography. While in France, during 1881-82, he sustained the examination for the doctorate before the faculty of Lille. He wrote and printed in French a thesis, and subsequently passed the public examination conducted in the French language before the government commis- sion, receiving the first doctorate " es-Sciences Naturelles" ever given to a foreigner, anil the one hundred and ninety- fifth of this degree which had up to that time been granted. 2 3 lie was secretary of the American Committee of the International Congress of Geologists, and editor of the joint reports which were presented to the London session in 1888, himself writing that on the " Archean," and at this session was elected vice-president of the Congress representing the United States. lie was appointed correspondent of the Reichsanstalt in Vienna in 1886; corresponding member of the New York Academy of Science in 1885. In 1890 he received from the French government the decoration of the palms of the Academy as Officier de 1' Instruction Publique. He is a life-member of the American Philosophical So- ciety (1871); Pennsylvania Historical Society; Academy of Natural Sciences (1870) ; F'ellow Am. Assn. for Adv. of Science ; Brit. Assn. for Adv. of Science (1884) ; Frank- lin Institute; Am. Ins. of Min. Eng. ; Fellow and one of the founders of the Society of American Geologists; one of the editors of the Franklin Institute Journal, 1881-92 ; one of the editors and proprietors of the American Geol- ogist ; professor of chemistry of the Franklin Institute (1881-1893), and of the Penna. Horticultural Society. He has published four volumes of the State Geological Reports of the Second Geological Survey of Pennsyl- vania ; Talles for tlto Determination of Minerals (three editions) ; Report to the International Congress on the Archean of America. In the Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society he has printed seventy-one papers ; in the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, twenty-three papers ; in the Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, thirty-two papers ; in the Trans, of the British Assn. for Adv. of Science, two papers ; besides many articlesin the scientific journals and elsewhere. He married Isabella Nevins Whelen in 1 871, by whom he has two sons and one daughter now living. 1 7 8 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) BRIGADIER- AND BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL WILLIAM WELLS, U.S.V. (deceased). Brigadier- and Brevet Major-General William Will- was born in Waterbury, Vermont, December 14, 1837. He en'i "t-'d as a private in Company C, First Regiment Vermont Cavalry, September 9, 1 86 1 ; was sworn into the United States service, ( )ctober 3, 1861, at the age of twenty-three years; commissioned first lieu- tenant, Company C,( )ctober 14, 1 861, and captain, Novem- ber iS, 1861 ; mustered November 19, 1 861, with the field and staff of the First Regiment Vermont Cavalry, to serve for three years. Commissioned major, October 30, 1 862 ; colonel, June 4, 1864. Appointed brevet brigadier-gen- eral of volunteers, February 22, 1865, and brigadier-gen- eral of volunteers, May 19, 1865. Appointed brevet major-general of volunteers, March 30, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services." He was placed in command of the Seventh Regiment, Michigan Cavalry, March 2, 1864, by order- of General Judson Kilpatrick, while near Richmond, Virginia, on what is known as Kilpatrick's raid, and continued in com- mand of the regiment for several weeks. As major, he commanded his own regiment from June 3, 1864, and during Wilson's raid south of Richmond, June 21 to Jul\- 2, 1864. As colonel, he commanded the Vermont Cavalry Regiment until September 19, 1864, when he assumed command of the Second Brigade, Third Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac. He commanded this brigade at the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia, at Appomattox, Virginia, April 9, 1865, and until May 22, [865, when he assumed command of the Third Cavalry Division. From September [9, 1864, to April (), [865, he was several times in command of the Third Cavalry Division. He was in command of the cavalry corps from June 1 to June 24, 1865, being its last commander. He was in command of the First Separate Brigade, Twenty-second Army Corps, from June 24, 1 865, to July 24, 1865. He was mustered out of the service January 15, 1866, by General Order 168, War Depart- ment, Washington, D. C, dated December 28, 1865. He was wounded at Boonsboro, Maryland, July 8, 1863, with a sabre thrust and cut, and at Culpeper Court- House, Virginia, September 13, 1863, by fragment of shell ; was a prisoner of war in Libby Prison, Richmond, Virginia, from March 17, 1863, to about May f\ [863. His service in the field was continuous from his muster in until the close of the war. During his service with the First Regiment of Cavalry, General Wells took part in the following battles and skir- mishes : Middletown, Winchester, Luray Court-House, Culpeper Court-House, Orange Court-House, Kelley's Ford, Waterloo Bridge, Bull Run, Warrenton, Hanover, Hunterstown, Gettysburg, Monterey, Leitersville, Hagers- town, Boonsboro, Falling Waters, Port Conway, Port Con- way, Culpeper Court-House, Somerville Ford, Raccoon Ford, lames City, Brandy Station, Gainesville, Buckland Mills, Falmouth, Morton's Ford, Mechanicsville, Piping- Tree, Craig's Meeting-House, Spottsylvania, Yellow Tav- ern, Meadow Bridge, Hanover Court-House, Ashland, Hawes' Shop, Bottom Bridge, White Oak Swamp, Rid- dle's Shop, Malvern Hill, Reams' Station, Nottoway j Court-House, Roanoke Station, Stony Creek, Reims' Sta- tion, Winchester, Summit Point, Charlestown, W. Va , Kearneysv ille, and Opequan or Winchester. As brigade and division commander he was engaged at Opequan, Front Royal, Gooney Manor Grade, Milford, Waynesboro, Columbia Furnace, Tom's Brook, Cedar Creek, Cedar Creek, Middle Road, Middle and Back Road or Middletown, Lacy's Springs, Waynesboro, Five Forks, Scott's Corners, Namozine Creek, Winticomack, Appo- mattox Station, and .Appomattox Court-House. At the grand review, Washington, D. C, May 22, 1865, he commanded the Second Brigade, Third Division, Cav- alry Corps, which led the advance of the Army of the Potomac. A medal of honor was awarded him by Con- gress " for distinguished gallantry at the battle of Gettys- burg, Pennsylvania, July 3, 1863." Lie was collector of customs, District of Vermont, from 1872 until 1885. General Wells was elected to the office of adjutant and inspector-general of the State of Vermont in 1866, and resigned in 1872. He was one of the trustees of the Vermont Soldiers' Home and was the first president of the board, from the date of its creation by the Legislature until 1890, when he declined a re-election. lie was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, ami was a charter member and first commander of the Vermont Commandery, Military Order of the Loyal Legion. General Wells died April 2;, 1892, and is buried at Lake View Cemetery, Burlington, Vermont. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 179 CAPTAIN W. B. WARNER, U.S.V. Captain W. B. Warner was born July 31, 1 841 , at Fairview, Erie County, Pa. ; is the son of Walter Wood- ruff Warner, who served in the American army in the War of 1812-14. He was mustered into the United States ser- vice, April 19, 1 86 1, as private of Company B of the or- ganization known as the " Erie Regiment," in the three- months' service. He again entered the service as private of Company B, One Hundred and Eleventh Pennsylvania Infantry, September 4, 1861. He was promoted corporal September IO, 1861 ; sergeant September 20, 1861 ; and unanimously elected second lieutenant of the same com- pany October 1, 1861. The regiment was not armed and equipped until Jan- uary 27, 1862, and was then moved from Harrisburg to Camp McKim, Maryland. May 15, 1862, it was sent to re-enforce General Banks in the Shenandoah Valley, being attached to Cooper's brigade of Sigel's division. June 1, 1S62, it was assigned to Prince's brigade, Augur's division, Army of Virginia, and participated in the battle of Cedar Mountain August 9, where Lieutenant Warner commanded Company H. September 17, 1862, he par- ticipated in the battle of Antietam, and commanded the company after the captain was killed. Me was promoted first lieutenant November 24, 1862, and made captain February 10, 1863. December 10, 1862, the regiment was assigned to the Twelfth Army Corps, and February 10, 1863, was made part of the Second Brigade, Second Division of that corps, participating as such in the battle of Chancellors- ville, Virginia, and the campaign terminating with the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, for which Captain Warner was mentioned in general orders for gallantry. After returning to the Rappahannock River the regi- ment was moved by rail, in September, 1863, to join the Army of the Cumberland. While in camp in Lookout Valley with a small portion of the brigade, the enemy made a night attack with three brigades, and Captain Warner was wounded, and of his command of thirty-six men, twenty-two were killed and wounded. Captain Warner led his company in the assault and capture of Lookout Mountain, and in the subsequent battles of Mission Ridge. January 28, 1864, he re-en- listed for three years, and on return from regimental fur- lough was assigned to the Third Brigade, Second Di- vision, Twentieth Army Corps, and participated in the capture of Snake Creek Gap May 3, 1864, and Resaca May 14, 15, 1864. At Lost Mountain he was again men- tioned in general orders for gallantry in the face of the enemy. From this time on, until the regiment crossed the Chattahoochee, it was almost a continuous battle. At the battle of Culp's Farm, Georgia, the whole brigade was ordered to charge on what was supposed to be a mere skirmish-line, but which turned out to be the finished breastworks and a fort of the enemy. The fight was in the woods, and it was difficult to see anything even when the smoke cleared away. Captain Warner soon found himself cut off from the regiment by a ravine, with about three companies of the One Hundred and Eleventh and one of the One Hundred and Ninth Pennsylvania In- fantry. He determined to keep up with the rest of the line, which he could not see, and so pushed on, and only halted when he had seized the fort and sent back word to General Barnum to come and occupy the works of the enemy. In a few moments General Sherman came riding along and asked Barnum what troops had taken the fort. His answer was, " A captain of the One Hundred and Eleventh Pennsylvania Infantry in command of four or five companies." Sherman made a record of the name, and there is no doubt Warner would have received well- merited promotion if he had not been prostrated by an attack of typhoid fever, which resulted in his being dis- charged and mustered out of service for total disability at Lookout Mountain November 16, 1864. After recovering his health he entered into business in New York City, remaining until 1879, when he returned to Erie, Pennsylvania, and built up, under the name of W. P. Warner & Co., a large and important general in- surance agency. It was while thus engaged that he became connected with the " Hartford Life," first as rep- resentative of the company in Pennsylvania, and later in the important position which he now holds. He is widely known among the insurance fraternity as a high-minded gentleman of strict integrity and an indefatigable worker. He is now the assistant superintendent of agencies of the Hartford Life Insurance Company, and his immediate labors are in the field, and the company's managers recognize in him a valuable assistant in the successful prosecution of the " Safety-Fund System." i So OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) COLONEL GEORGE WASHINGTON EAYETTE VERNON, U.S.V. (.'(hum. i. George Washington Fayette Vernon came of Revolutionary stuck; his grandfather, Thomas Ver- non, was a soldier in the Pennsylvania Line, War of the Revolution, and his father, Nathaniel Vernon, was a sol- dier of the War of 1 812—14. The Vernons are of the Norman-French stock who, under William the Norman, conquered England, a.d. 1066, and founded the present English dynasty. The Vernons emigrated to America with William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania. The subject of this sketch was born at Frederick' G'tv, Fred- erick County, Man-land, June 14, 1843. lie was edu- cated at Frederick College, and was engaged in the stud}' of law at the outbreak of the Rebellion in 1861. He entered the army August 10, 1 861, as a second lieutenant of Company A, of the Cavalry Battalion, which at Colo- nel Vernon's suggestion was called " Cole's Cavalry," in honor of Captain Henry A. Cole, the senior captain and commander. In the spring of 1862, when General Banks's army made its campaign in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia," Cole's Cavalry" was in the van, and at Hunker Hill, Virginia, the first blood of the campaign was shed by this com- mand, in a successful cavalry skirmish with Ashby's rebel cavalry, not, however, without serious loss. The brigade commander, General Williams, then command- ing the Third Brigade, Banks's division. Eighth Army 1 !orps, issued a complimentary order, mentioning Captain Cule and Lieutenant Vernon by name. In the successful battle at Winchester, Virginia, March, [862, in which General Shields defeated Stonewall jack- son's rebel army, Company B," Cole's Cavalry," opened the fight. In all of the various campaigns in the Shenan- doah Valley of Virginia in 1862-63-64, "Cole's Cavalry" were incessantly scouting and skirmishing with the enemy ; in fact, in all of the Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Vir- ginia campaigns they took an active part and suffered heavily. At Harper's Ferry, Virginia, in September, 1862, the cavalry refused to surrender, ami, led by " Cole's Ca\ airy,'' successfully cut their way through the enemy's lines, passed through General Robert E.Lee's army, then at Sharpsburg, Maryland, and captured General Longstreet's ammunition train, which had its effect in the subsequent battle of Antietam, Md. Lieutenant Vernon was pro- moted first lieutenant May 10, 1862, and captain October 25, 1862. At the midnight battle in the snow at Loudon Heights, Virginia, January 10, 1864, Captain Vernon was severely wounded, a bullet passing through the left eye and shat- tering a portion of the skull. Captain Vernon was pro- moted major March 5, 1 864, and lieutenant-colonel April 20, 1864, the battalion having been recruited to a full regiment. Colonel Vernon commanded a brigade of cavalry, and subsequently a brigade of infantry, in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, in the summer and fall of 1864. The repeated and successful raids of the enemy upon the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, between Harper's Ferry and Martinsburg, Virginia, in the winter of 1864 and 1865, caused the detail of Colonel Vernon to be sent for its protection in charge of detachments from the One Hundred and Ninety-fifth Pennsylvania Infantry, Eighteenth Connecticut Infantry, and Fourteenth West Virginia and Thirteenth Maryland Infantry. There- was no further trouble from the time Colonel Vernon assumed command ; and the close of the war found him in charge of a military district in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. He was mustered out of service with his regiment at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, June 28, 1865. He returned to his home at Frederick City, Maryland, in July, 1865, and established a legal collection agency, but devoted a portion of his time to his farm, a short dis- tance from the city. He was appointed postmaster at Frederick City, Maryland, March 8, 1867, and served until Ma}- 24, 1869, when he was appointed a special agent of the United States Treasury Department, which position he held until February, 1S7S, when he was ap- pointed surveyor of customs at Baltimore, Maryland, February 13, 1878, which he held until March 13, 1882. Upon the expiration of his commission he established a nal estate brokerage and collection business at Baltimore, Maryland, where he at present resides. Colonel Vernon took an active part in politics from 1865 to 1882, being frequently selected as a delegate to Republican State and National Conventions. He has been an active member of the Grand Army of the Re- public, having been a post commander and department commander in the Department of Maryland. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 1S1 BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL ALONZO J. EDGER- TON, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General Alonzo J. Edgerton comes of a Puritan family settled at Norwich, Connecti- cut, since 1642. He was born near Rome, New York, in 1827, and at the age of twenty entered the Sophomore class of VVesleyan University at Middletown, Connecti- cut, graduating in the class of 1850. When still a young man he removed to Minnesota, and was a member of its Legislature in 1858-59 and in 1877-78. In 1876 he was chosen one of the Presidential electors. In the early summer of 1862 he recruited Company B, Tenth Regiment Minnesota Infantry, United States Vol- unteers, of which he was appointed captain August 21, 1862, and served with his company as captain through the Indian campaigns of 1862-63. In February, 1864, while in command of the provost guard of St. Louis, he was commissioned as colonel of the Sixty-seventh United States Colored Infantry, and went with his regiment to Louisiana. During 1865 he was president of a court- martial in New Orleans. In 1865 the Sixty-seventh and the Sixty-fifth United States Colored Regiments were consolidated and he was colonel of the consolidated regiment (the Sixty-fifth). He was then commissioned brigadier-general by brevet and placed in command of a brigade, and was in com- mand of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, during the riots at New Orleans in May, 1866, and remained in command of that important district till his muster-out in the winter of 1867. From 1 87 1 to 1874 he was railroad commissioner, and in 1 88 1 was appointed United States Senator, succeeding Mr. Windom, whom President Garfield had appointed Secretary of the Treasury. He was a regent of the State University of Minnesota for some years before leaving the State. In December, 1881, he was appointed chief-justice of the Territory of Dakota. He was a member of the Con- stitutional Convention of South Dakota which, in 18S5, formulated the present constitution of that State, and <>t the convention which met in 1889 to readjust the constitu- tion to meet the requirements of Congress. Each conven- tion elected him as their president by a unanimous vote. The State is greatly indebted to the judge for his con- servative action in the convention and for the wisdom and large experience which enabled him to take a leading part in the preparation of the organic law of the Com- monwealth. When the State was admitted into the Union he was appointed by the President United States district judge for South Dakota. Upon the organization of the State government the judge was made president of the Board of Regents of the State educational institutions. In 1891 his Alma Mater, Wesleyan University, con- ferred upon him the degree of LL.D. lie is not only a scholar of wide and general culture, but he has been a close student in the higher fields of his own profession, not only in the common, but also the civil law. The judge comes of a long-lived family, and promises to be able to perform the duties of his office for many years yet to come. I 82 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WILLIAM PHILLIPS DAVIS. u.s.v. Lieutenant-Colonel William Phillips Davis was born in Trow Ohio, January 24, 1835. In 1856 his parents moved to New Albany, Indiana, where his father became prominent as a lawyer, and was for many years a member of the State Legislature. When the Civil War broke out the subject of this sketch was engaged in manufacturing woollen goods for the Southern markets exclusively. In July, 1861, he re- cruited Company F, Twenty-third Indiana Infantry, oi which (after muster-in) he was appointed captain, and before leaving the camp of rendezvous was commissioned major. On the same day he received, unsolicited, the appointment as agent of the Seminole Indians, which he declined, believing his duty to be with his command. October 22, 1862, he was commissioned lieutenant- colonel. On the arrival of the regiment at Paducah, Kentucky. September, iS6i.it was assigned to the bri- gade commanded by General Lew Wallace; with the army it moved up the Tennessee River, participating in the battles of Ports Heiman and Henry, Shiloh, and the siege of Corinth. After the battle of Iuka the regiment was assigned to General McPherson's command, when 1 olonel Davis was tendered a position on said officer's i Ml as inspector-general, but preferred to remain with his command and share with it all the honors that were to 1), won or privations to be endured. On the arrival of the regiment at Memphis, where the army was con trating for the movement down the Mississippi River, it was transferred to the division commanded by General fohn A. Logan. At this point the colonel of the regi- ment was assigned to other duties, and Lieutenant-* 'olonel Davis was placed in charge. His command participated in all the battles of the Yicksburg campaign, including the forty-seven days' siege. Upon the expiration of the regiment's veteran furlough it joined the army at Rome, Georgia, taking part in the various battles from there to Atlanta ; here Colonel Da- vis's term of service expired, having served three years and twenty days. His regiment made many long and tedious marches, engaged in many battles and skirmishes, and (.luring this time Colonel Davis was always present. Fhe day he severed his connection with the army the following paper was given him: " III VD-QUARTERS FOURTH DIVISION, SEVENTEENTH ARMY CORrs, •• Ki Ms vvv Mountain, Ga., June 21, 1S64. "Hon. Abraham Lincoln, President of the United S 1 \ 1 Is. "Sir, — Lieutenant-Colonel William P. Davis, Twenty- third Indiana Volunteers, Fourth Division, Seventeenth Army Corps, will soon retire from the army by reason of the expiratii >n « >f his term of service. He has commanded his regiment in many engagements in which both he and his men have distinguished themselves. " He is a man of good sense and fine business capacity, and his fellow-officers, who regret to part with him, think his gallant and faithful service in the field point him out as one entitled to the notice and favor of the government. "Very respectfully, your obedient servants, " W. 0. Gresham, Brigadier-General, " Commanding Fourth Division, Seventeenth Army Corps. " Prank P. Blair, Major-General, " Commanding Seventeenth Army Corps." " Lieutenant-Colonel Davis served in my immediate command over one year. I can most earnestly endorse the above statements, and hope that he may receive such notice from our government as he is entitled to as a meritorious officer and soldier. " [ohn A. Logan, Major-General." ■■ Head-quarters Department vnd Army of the Tennessee, " 1 hattahoochee River, Ga., July 12, 1864. " I endorse the within statements with the utmost cheerfulness. Lieutenant-Colonel Davis has been in my command for nearly two years, the greater part of the time in command of his regiment (the Twenty-third In- diana Volunteer Infantry, one of the most gallant regi- ments in the service), and I have ever found him a brave, capable, and meritorious officer. " James B. McPherson, Major-General'' Since the war he has filled a number of public posi- tions: was assessor of internal revenue under Andrew Johnson; president of the Board of Education of his city; and from 1885 to 1 889 chief of the Middle Divi- sion, Pension Bureau. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. >8 3 COLONEL MICHAEL KERWIN, U.S.V. Colonel Michael Kerwin, Thirteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, was born August 15, 1837, in the county of Wexford, Ireland, from which place his family emigrated during his early boyhood to. America, settling in Phila- delphia, Pennsylvania, where he was educated in a pri- vate academy and for some time in the public schools. In youth he learned the business of a lithographer. Three days after the call for troops in April, 1861, he volunteered as a private in Company 1 1, Twenty-fourth Regiment, for three months' service. This organization formed part of Patterson's army, with which he advanced into Virginia. Before crossing the river, where it was known the enemy was present in considerable force, it became very important to the Union leader that he should know what troops he would have to meet. Some reliable soldier was sought who should enter the rebel lines and gather the desired information. For this dan- gerous and important duty young Kerwin volunteered his services. Full well he knew that, should he be dis- covered, death upon the gibbet awaited him. Adopting the necessary disguise, he crossed the river, went freely through the enemy's camps, which he found near Mar- tinsburg, and after making an estimate of the number of men and guns, and outlines of fortifications, returned and reported to General Negley, then in command of the brigade to which he belonged. The successful manner in which this duty was performed, and the daring which he displayed in executing it, marked him as worthy of better rank. In September of this year, having been discharged at the expiration of his first term, he recruited a company and was commissioned captain of Company P. Thirteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and in July following was promote 1 to the rank of major. During the 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th days of June, 18^3, when Milroy's little force at Winchester, Virginia, in which the Thirteenth was serving, was confronted and finally forced to retire by the ad- vance of Lee's entire army, then on its way to Gettys- burg, Major Kerwin, at the head of his regiment, rendered splendid service, having frequent conflicts with the rebel cavalry, and successfully covering the infantry retreat to Harper's Ferry. After leaving the Valley, the Thirteenth was attached to the Arm}- of the Potomac, Gregg's division, when Major Kerwin was promoted t 1 colonel and took command. October 12 of the same year, while on the advance picket line near White ST phur Springs, Virginia, he was suddenly attacked by a heavy force of the rebel army, Lee seeking to turn the Union right and get between Washington and Meadi army. Colonel Kerwin, with his own regiment and the Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry under Colonel Covode, combated the head of Ewell's column for six hours, giving time for Meade to recross the Rappahannock and SiR get his army into position to checkmate the scheme. Gallantly was this duty executed, hut at the sacrifice ot these two noble commands, large numbers of both being killed, wounded, and taken prisoners. During the year 1864 Colonel Kerwin led his forces with Sheridan in his operation with the Army of the Potomac, for a time being in command of the Second Brigade of Gregg's division. He participated in all the battles and skirmishes which took place during that period. He was temporarily paralyzed by a stroke of lightning at St. Mary's Church, and wounded twice at Deep Bottom. In February, [865, he was ordered with his regiment to Wilmington, North Carolina, to open communication with Sherman. On joining the grand column near Fay- etteville, Colonel Kerwin was assigned to command the Third Brigade of Kilpatrick's division. He received the surrender of Raleigh, North Carolina, forcing Hampton's cavalry to retire from its defences; and the colors of the Thirteenth were the first to float from the dome of the last rebel capital. After the surrender of fohnston, at which he com- manded the cavalry escort to General Sherman, Col- onel Kerwin was ordered to Fayetteville with his regi- ment and placed in command of the post. He had seven counties under his control, and during the critical period of reconstruction managed the affairs of his department with singular skill and ability. Near the close of July he- was mustered out of service at Philadelphia, having been on duty continuously from the opening to the conclusion of the war. During the past twenty-three years he has been a resident of New York City, where he has for many years been editor and proprietor of the New York Tablet. At present he holds the important position <>l collector oi internal revenue lor the Second District of New York. 1 84 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AXD NAVY (volunteer) BREVET MAJOR J. HOMER EDGERLY, U.S.V. Brevet Major J. Homer Edgerly was born of humble parentage .it Dover, New Hampshire, May 5, 1S44. His father was Calvin O. Edgerly, a long-time resident and a respected citizen of Dover. Like many another, Homer (he almost invariably went by that name) was a mere boy at the breaking out of the war. He enlisted at Dover under Ira A. Moody, and this squad eventually became Company K, Third New Hampshire. Early in [862 he was made < irderly sergeant (from private), and satisfactorily filled the position till June, 1863, when he was commis- sioned as second lieutenant. He was at Pocotaligo, South ( 'arolina, October 22, 1S62, and with his regiment at the taking of Morris Island, July 10, 1863 ; in the attack of the following morning, and in the siege work of those weary months, during which it seemed to each man that it was surely his turn next to be either killed or wounded. During a portion of this time Lieutenant Edgerly served with the Boat Infantry Picket, an ex- tremely hazardous duty, wholly by night, and as impor- tant as it was dangerous. When the re-enlisted men were sent home on their furloughs, he was one of the fortunate officers selected to accompany them. This prevented his participation in the mounted infantry experience of the regiment. He rejoined, with the others, at Gloucester Point, Virginia, at the end of April, 1864. Lieutenant Edgerly took active part in all the actions of the regiment : Drewry's Bluff, May [3—16, [864; in the noted sortie of June 2, 1864; the recapture of the rifle- pits in front of the Bermuda Hundred lines ; and in the Petersburg reconnoissance of June 9, 1864. June 16, 1864, when the enemy had vacated Butler's front, he was with the skirmishers, feeling the new advance of the enemy, and behaved very gallantly. < In the 1 6th of August, 1864, the 7th October, 1864, and the various actions of those autumn months, Lieutenant Edgerly was a participant. In December, 1864, he had a leave of absence, and he was about that time promoted to captain. In January, 1865, he was one of the six officers with the regiment in the successful assault on Fort Fisher, and with a mere handful of volunteer followers he ran to the Mound Bat- ten - and hauled down and secured the flag, giving it to General Tern-. General Terry gave this flag next day to Secretary Stanton, who sailed up the Potomac with it hoisted, creating quite a furor. This was the largest Confederate flag captured during the war. In September, i4 while for a day or two on staff duty, he had tem- porary charge of a line of skirmishers, and so gallantly did he perform his duty that General Butler not only ob- served it, but recommended him for promotion in a gen- eral order. This fact, added to the conspicuous bravery at Fort Fisher, secured a brevet for him as major of United States Volunteers. He was sent to Point Lookout, Maryland, in charge of a steamer-load of the captured prisoners. In the advance on Wilmington he again displayed great courage. On the 1 ith of February, when he was in charge of the line (left wing), he captured a greater number of prisoners than his own force. At Wilmington, after its capture, he was assistant provost-marshal, the duties of which office required great skill, sagacity, and diplomacy. He was in charge of the flag of truce which arranged for the wholesale exchange of prisoners at North East Ferry. He returned home with the regiment at its final muster- out in Jul_\', ] 865. Since the war Major Edgerly has been a resident of Boston or its immediate vicinity. He served in the Legis- lature of Massachusetts in 1890. For several years he was master painter in the navy-yard at Charlestown. He was at one time a councilman at Charlestown prior to its annexation. He is now building inspector in the employ of the city of Boston. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, and is a Royal Arch Mason. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 185 GENERAL JAMES STEVENS PECK, U.S.V. (deceased). General James Stevens Peck (Adjutant-General of Vermont) was born in Montpelier in December, 1838, and was graduated at the University of Vermont in i860. He studied law with Lucius B. Peck and Stoddard B. Colby. September 23, 1862, at the age of twenty-four, he was commissioned second lieutenant Company I, Thirteenth Regiment Vermont Volunteers (nine months). January 22, 1863, was promoted first lieutenant and adjutant of the regiment. Was present in action at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 1-3, 1863, and distinguished himself throughout that battle by his coolness and valor, espi cially during the famous charge of Pickett's division, Longstreet's corps. Late in the afternoon of the second day he was in the charge made by a part of the Thir- teenth Regiment which saved Weir's Fifth United States Battery from capture. The guns had been abandoned, for a rebel regiment of Wright's brigade was upon them, and a moment longer the battery would have been lost. The Vermonters did not stop here, but pushed on across the Emmittsburg road, capturing two more pieces of ar- tillery, surrounding the Rogers House, and taking prison- ers a captain and eighty men of an Alabama regiment, who surrendered to Captain Lonergan and Adjutant Peck. On the afternoon of the third day, while the fire from Lee's artillery was concentrated upon the Union troops, Adjutant Peck was every were encouraging his comrades 1 by action and word, and when the order was given by Brigadier-General George J. Stannard, commanding the Second Vermont Brigade, to change front to the right and attack Pickett's charging flank, he had the distin- guished honor of leading the Thirteenth Vermont Regi- ment into the position which permitted them to pour in a destructive fire, rapidly decimating the rebel troops and stopping the charge, which resulted in the close of the battle of Gettysburg and the defeat of the Confederate army. Adjutant Peck was mustered out of the U. S. ser- vice July 21, 1863. December 23, 1863, James S. Peck enlisted the second time, and for three years, as private Company E, Seven- teenth Vermont Regiment; was promoted adjutant, with rank of first lieutenant, April 12, 1864, and major July 10, 1865. The Seventeenth Regiment was distinguished above any other military organization from Vermont by the se- verity of its losses during its short term of service. It left the State April 18, 1864, but in October, 1864, the nine companies of the regiment, after five months of con- tinuous fighting, could muster only one officer and eighty- five men for duty. It lost fourteen officers killed or died of wounds. While adjutant, Major Peck was often in 24 command of the regiment, and although much of the time in feeble health, he was present in all its battles, — viz., the Wilderness, May 6-9; the " Angle," at Spottsyl- vania, May 12-15 ; Spottsylvania, May iS; North Anna, May 25-26; Tolopotomy, May 31 ; Bethesda Church, June 3; Cold Harbor, June 7-$ ; Petersburg, June 17; Petersburg Mine, July 30 ; Weldon Railroad, August 21; Poplar Spring Church, September 30; Hatcher's Run, October 27-28, 1864; Petersburg, April 2, 1865. In breaking the Confederate lines at Petersburg, April 2, 1865, the Seventeenth Regiment was in the front line of General S. G. Griffin's Second Brigade, Second Di- vision, Ninth Army Corps, and the first to enter the Con- federate works. On the 1 8th of July, 1865, Major Peck with his regiment returned to Burlington, Vermont, where they were mustered out of the United States service. In 1 868 he was appointed assistant adjutant-general, and in 1871 was promoted adjutant- and inspector-gen- eral of the State of Vermont, with the rank of brigadier- general, succeeding Major-General William Wells. He performed the duties of this office for ten years with efficiency ami credit, and was one of the most popular of the State officers. In 1SS1 he resigned, having been ap- pointed postmaster of Montpelier, which position he held at the time of his death. General Peck was a member of the Reunion Society of Vermont Officers of the War of the Rebellion, and for seventeen years was its secretary. He died suddenly from disease contracted in the army (pulmonary con- sumption), at Loon Lake, New York, May 28, 1884, and is buried in Green Mount Cemetery, Montpelier, Vermont. Fearless and brave as a soldier, modest and unassum- ing" as a gentleman, he won the love and admiration of his comrades-in-arms and all who knew him. OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) MAJOR WILLIAM H. LAMBERT, U.S.V. Major William II. Lambert was born in Reading, Pennsylvania, May 9, 1842, and during his early child- hood his parents removed to Philadelphia. He was edu- cated in the public schools of the city, and graduated from the High School in [859 as the valedictorian of his class. Shortly before the outbreak of the war he began the stud_\- of law, which was not to continue long, as he early entered military service, and a new direction was given his life. Enlisting as a private in the Fifteenth Pennsylvania (Anderson) Cavalry August 18, [862, he served in Penn- sylvania and Maryland during Lee's invasion. He par- ticipated in the battle of Antietam and afterwards accom- panied the regiment to Louisville, Kentucky. Here he was discharged November 24, [862, to accept a commis- sion as first lieutenant and adjutant of the Twenty- seventh Xew Jersey Volunteers (nine months' troops), that formed part of the Ninth Corps, Army of the Poto- mac. He was present at the battle of Fredericksburg, in December, [862; was honorably mustered out July 2, 1863; eleven days later he was appointed first lieu- tenant and adjutant of the Thirty-third New Jersey Vol- unteers. In September of the same year the regiment joined the Army of the Potomac, being assigned to the Eleventh Corps, which with the Twelfth was ordered West under the command of General Hooker. Lieuten- ant Lambert took an active part in the battles at Chatta- nooga (in which his horse was killed under him) and in the campaign for the relief of Burnside it Knoxville. January 16, 1864, he was commissioned captain in his regiment, and in May was appointed aide-de-camp upon the stall' of Brigadier-General Geary, commanding the Second Division, Twentieth Corps, — the Eleventh and Twelfth Corps having been consolidated as the Twentieth, under 1 looker, — and was subsequently appointed assistant inspector-general on the same staff. Captain Lambert took part in the Atlanta campaign, and in the action at Pine Hill again had his horse shot under him. In the famous March to the Sea and the campaign from Goldsborough to Raleigh, North Carolina, he accompanied his division, with which he marched northward and participated in the grand review at Wash- ington that celebrated the close of active hostilities. Upon the disbandment of Sherman's army he was as- signed to duty upon the staff of General Wilcox, com- manding the District of Washington. He was brevetted major, March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious conduct during the war,'' and was honor- ably mustered out of service with his regiment July 17, [865. The " Medal of Honor" also, under resolution of Congress, was awarded him "for distinguished service during the War of the Rebellion." When Major Lambert's active military duties were over lie turned his attention to business, and in 1866 be- came associated with the Philadelphia General Agency of The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. In [872 he was admitted to partnership in the management of the agency, and in 1887 became its head as general agent. Major Lambert is connected with various military and social organizations. He is a member of Post 2, Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Pennsylvania, and of the Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania, Military Order of the Loyal Legion, of which he was junior vice- commander in [887-88; of the Union League, Art, Penn, and United Service Clubs ; and is treasurer of the Mercan- tile Library. In 1879 he delivered the Memorial-Day address before Post 2, of Philadelphia, since which time his services have been in frequent demand for similar occasions and at military reunions. Among the more notable of his ad- dresses maybe mentioned that on " The American Navy," at the Grant Camp-Fire in the Philadelphia Academy of Music in 1879; that at the unveiling of the monument in the National Cemetery at Antietam, in 1880; the eulogy on Genera] Meade before the Department of Pennsylva- nia Encampment, Grand Army of the Republic, in 1880; tin memorial oration at the Arlington, Virginia, National Cemetery, in 1883 ; the annual oration before the Society of the .Army of the Cumberland, in 1884, the theme hieing Major-General George H.Thomas; and the eulogy on General Hancock at Gettysburg, on Memorial Day in 1886. Earl)- in 1892 Major Lambert was appointed a member of the board having charge of the public charities and cor- rections of Philadelphia, and September 30 of the same year he was appointed president of the department, a position of honor and of great responsibility in the wide exercise of a true philanthropy. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 1 8; CAPTAIN HENRY ANSON CASTLE, U.S.V. Captain Henry Anson Castle was born near Quincy, Illinois, in 1 841 , both his parents being natives of Ver- mont. He was trained to mercantile pursuits, and after- wards received a collegiate education, graduating in 1862 at McKendree College, Illinois. He immediately enlisted as a private in the Seventy-third Illinois Volunteers. After serving three months he was made sergeant-major of the regiment; was severely wounded in the battle of Stone River ; was appointed adjutant of the regiment by the colonel, January 12, 1863, "for gallantry in battle," but was unable to accept, being disabled by his wounds, on account of which he was discharged April 19, 1863. His service during this term was with General P. H. Sheridan's division, Army of the Cumberland, in the Perry ville campaign; march to Nashville; advance on Murfreesborough ; actions at Nolensville, Triune, Stew- art's Creek ; and battle of Stone River. When his wounds healed he raised a company for the One Hundred and Thirty-seventh Illinois, which he commanded as captain during its term of service, including a hard-fought action near Memphis, Tennessee, in August, 1864. In the inter- vals he studied law, was admitted to practice by the Supreme Court of Illinois, and opened an office in Quincy ; but a severe attack of hemorrhage of the lungs in 1866 obliged him to abandon the profession and try a change of climate. Captain Castle removed to St. Paul, Minnesota, Jul}-, 1866, and at once selected it as his future home, having married at the close of the war in 1865. In 1868 his health had so far recovered as to permit a resumption of business, and he established in St. Paul the wholesale stove depot of Comstock, Castle & Co., which he suc- cessfully conducted for six years. He then re-embarked in the legal profession, but in 1876 was chosen editor-in- chief of the St. Paul Dispatch, a pursuit more in accord with his tastes and inclinations. He conducted the Dis- patch for nearly nine years, most of the time being both editor and publisher. In 1885 he sold the Dispatch, and has since been principally engaged in the development of his valuable suburban property. Captain Castle has always been an active Republican, has been a delegate to most of the district and State con- ventions since 1868, and an orator in all the leading cam- paigns. In 1873 he was a member of the Minnesota Legislature. Governor Davis appointed him adjutant- general in 1875, and he held over during a part of Gov- ernor Pillsbury's term. In 1883 he was appointed State oil inspector by Governor Hubbard, and held the office four years. He was secretary and treasurer of the Re- publican State Central Committee a greater portion of the time from 1875 to 1883. In 1884 he was made chair- man .if th.it committee, and in that capacity conducted tlic Blaine and Logan campaign. Captain Castle was appointed postmaster of St. Paul, February <>, 1892, by President Harrison, and still holds that office, which, in magnitude and importance, ranks high among the first-class post-offices of the country. He has been closely identified with almost all the move- ments for the past two decades for the advancement of St. Paul, and is in keen sympathy with the spirit which has animated them. He is as ambitious as any one to see the city among the foremost, not only in material prosperity, but also in whatever makes for the comfort and convenience of its people. An efficient mail service is one of these things, and with his business skill and energy he will secure it if ail)- one can. Captain Castle has held many honorary positions, in- volving labor and responsibility, gratuitously contributed for more or less public service. Among these have been president of the St. Paul Library Association two years, director St. Paul Chamber of Commerce nineteen years, department commander Grand Army of the Republic three years, president Minnesota Editorial Association two years, secretary Minnesota Soldiers' Orphans' Home seven years, president Board of Trustees Minnesota Sol- diers' Home six years, etc. He is a director in several business corporations, besides being president of the North St. Paul Land Company and other institutions of that prosperous suburban town. Captain Castle is also, at this writing, vice-president of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee, senior vice- commander of the Commandery of Minnesota Military Order of the Loyal Legion (General Wesley Merritt, U. S. A., commander), and first vice-president of the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce. [88 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) CAPTAIN COLUMBUS L. WILLIAMS. U.S.V. Captain Columbus L. Williams was born in Morgan County, Ohio, September 28, 1841. He is a sun of Dr. L. K. Williams, a prominent physician. The subject 1 >f this sketch was the first man in his native village to respond to the call of April 15, [861, for seventy-five thousand volunteers. He enlisted April 29, [861, in Company E, Seventeenth Ohio Volunteers, and went with his regiment to West Virginia. When his regi- ment arrived at Clarksburg, West Virginia, he and a com- rade were detailed as scouts, and sent with important messages to the troops near Philippi, and were at that battle June 3, [861, — the first battle of the Civil War. He was mustered out with his regiment August [6, [861, and enlisted August 23, 1 86 1 , in Company G, Thirty-first Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and was appointed sergeant. He was promoted to first sergeant February [9, 1862, and to commissary sergeant of regiment May 1, [862, and was commissioned second lieutenant of Com- pany A, December iS, 1863. He commanded Company G during the battles of Buzzard Roost, Georgia ; Resaca, Georgia; Kenesaw Mountain, and the famous Dead Line (where his company, August 7, 1 864, lost fourteen men killed and wounded) ; and all the one hundred days' fight- ing in front of Atlanta, Georgia. He was wounded at Rough and Ready, Georgia, August 31, 1864, and sent home mu Leave of absence, returning to his command on the last train that went to the front before Sherman broke communication for his March to the Sea. On joining his regiment he found a commission await- ing him as first lieutenant, and was mustered as regimental quartermaster. He went with his command on that memorable march. At Goldsborough, North Carolina, he was detached as brigade quartermaster on the staff of the general commanding his brigade, continuing with his command to Washington, where he was promoted to captain of Company I, but retained his position on the staff until his command was mustered out at Louisville, Kentucky, July 24, 1.865, — making one thousand four hundred and twenty-seven days in service in the Thirty- first Regiment, and one hundred and ten days in the Seventeenth ; a total of one thousand five hundred and thirty-seven days' service. During all this period he was actively engaged with his command at the front, partici- pating in the battles of Corinth, Mississippi ; Trinity, Ala- bama ; Perryville, Kentucky; Stone River, Tennessee; Rosecrans's campaign from Murfreesborough to Tulla- homa, Tennessee ; Hoover's Gap, Tennessee ; Chicka- mauga, Georgia; Brown's Ferry, Tennessee; Mission Ridge, Tennessee ; Resaca, Georgia ; Kenesaw Moun- tain, Georgia ; Beach-Tree Creek, Georgia ; siege of At- lanta, Georgia; 'Thomas' Station, Georgia; and Golds- borough, North Carolina. After being mustered out he returned to Roseville, Ohio, where he embarked in general merchandise, and was appointed postmaster, in which position he continued until 1873, when he went to Columbus, Ohio, and engaged in the wholesale dry-goods business. In 1879 he engaged in the same business at Toledo, Ohio. In July, 1880, he- sold out his interest and came back to Columbus, estab- lishing the wholesale hat and furnishing goods house of Williams, Judkins & Co., remaining at the head of that firm until he again engaged in the wholesale dry- goods business. He continued in that business until he- was compelled, on account of the wound received in the service, to sell out his interest. He afterwards organized the wholesale grocery firm of McCoy, Williams & Herd- man, at Zanesville, Ohio, of which firm he is now an active member. Captain Williams has three children, — R. B. Williams, who is engaged in the wholesale optical busi- ness in Columbus, Ohio; Rilla M.Williams; and M Allie, who married Mr. A. A. Greiner, a prosperous mer- chant and postmaster at Trinway, < >hio. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 189 ASSISTANT PAYMASTER WILLIAM CROWELL COOK, U.S.N. Assistant Paymaster William Crowell Cook was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and was appointed acting assistant pax-master in the United States Navy June 30, 1862. On July 7, 1862, he was ordered to the United States steamer " Penguin," at New York, and sailed to join the East Gulf Blockading Squadron. While attached to this vessel, Paymaster Cook had charge of and thoroughly instructed the crew in small-arms and duties of a soldier, Paymaster Cook having been a captain of militia at the commencement of the war. During a tour of inspection, Admiral Theodorus Baily compli- mented him with the remark that he (Cook) had pre- sented to him more of the soldier than he had seen in his whole fleet. June 26, 1863, Paymaster Cook was ordered to the United States storeship " Fear Not," at New Orleans, West Gulf Blockading Squadron, as United States naval storekeeper. Finding that the business of the squadron could not be properly transacted on a vessel, he took possession of a building (known as the Reading Press) occupying a whole square of ground, ami established a regular naval station. During this time Paymaster Cook was stricken with yellow fever, and for some time his life was despaired of; in fact.it was generally reported in the f*t ifis* squadron that he was dead. June 30, 1864, Paymaster Cook was commissioned assistant paymaster in the regu- lar navy (for merit) ; and April 3, 1865, he was appointed fleet paymaster of the West Gulf Blockading Squadron, relieving the senior paymaster in the navy, Mr. Edward T. Dunn. Paymaster Cook resigned June 2^, 1S66, and received acceptance of same on July 9, 1866. 190 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL ELLIOTT W. RICE, U.S.V. (deceased). Brevet Major-General Elliott W. Rice was born in Alleghany City, Pennsylvania, November 16, 1835. The year following his parents removed to Martinsville, Belmont County, Ohio. lie was educated at the old Lancaster Academy, Wheeling, West Virginia, and at Franklin College, Ohio. In 1855 he went to Iowa and studied law with his brother. General Samuel A. Rice, and in 1858 graduated at the law school of the Univer- sity of Albany, New York, and was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of that State. He then returned to Oskaloosa, Iowa, and practised his profession as partner of his brother. When the war commenced he was mustered into ser- vice in Inly, 1 86 1 , as a private in the Seventh Iowa In- fantry, lie was soon promoted sergeant, and after the regiment had entered the held, Governor Kirkwood sent Rice his commission as major of the regiment .August 1, [861. On the 7th of November following the Seventh Iowa went into Grant's first battle, that of Belmont. The command of the regiment fell upon Major Rice, the colonel being wounded and carried from the field and the lieutenant-colonel being killed. Rice had already lost one horse and was badly wounded, but with hi-- regi- ment he charged through the enemy's line and covered the retreat of the troops to the boats, three miles up the river. The regiment then participated in the capture of Fort Donelson, Major Rice, who had joined before having fully recovered from his wounds, taking part in the fiidit on crutches. After this battle Rice was made colonel of the regiment, and participated in the battle of Shiloh, where the regiment gained additional laurels, and then engaged in the two days' battle of Corinth, where it lost one-third of its numbers. After the battle of Corinth the Seventh pursued the rebels as far south as Rienzi, then was sent to the out- post Boneyard. From this point Colonel Rice was sent to Bethel, Tennessee, and took command of the post and district. From here he was ordered to Lagrange, Ten- nessee, and disposed his troops along the railroad be- tween Memphis and Corinth. While here the rebel gen- eral Chalmers attacked one of his posts at Colliersville. The attack was repulsed, and Rice with the Second and Seventh Iowa and Fifty-seventh Ohio followed the enemy several miles below Holly Springs, Mississippi. The grand movement from Chattanooga to Atlanta and the sea having been determined upon, Rice was or- dered with his brigade to Pulaski, Tennessee. En route there, the Seventh " veteranized" and returned to Iowa on thirty days' furlough, at the expiration of which it rendezvoused at Keokuk. Here Colonel Rice was com- pelled to use not only strategy, but much individual au- thority, in procuring transportation. But by perseverance he succeeded in reaching Pulaski ahead of other troops that had been waiting for days at Cairo, and assumed command of his old brigade, entering upon the grand campaign. It would be impossible to describe in this brief sketch the various engagements ; it is sufficient to say that he participated in the battles of Resaca, Dallas, Kencsau Mountain, Big Shanty, Nickajack Creek, and investment of Atlanta. After these battles Colonel Rice was promoted briga- dier-general, and retained his old command, and with it made the March to the Sea. Savannah was captured in December, and thence the army moved on to Columbia, Goldsborough, Raleigh, and the last battle engaged in by General Rice was at Bentonville, North Carolina, after which Johnston's rebel army surrendered. General Rice was brevetted major-general " for gallant and dis- tinguished services during the war." After the grand review in Washington, General Rice's troops were disbanded at Louisville, and the general made his home at Washington City, where he engaged in the practice of law until declining health compelled him to seek a more healthful climate. In 1885 he removed to Sioux City, where his only surviving sister, Mrs. H. B. Rice, resided, and where he lingered for nearly two years. Here he was surrounded by every comfort and received every attention that lining hands could administer, until finally, June 22, 1887, he died at the age of fifty-two years. The rebel bullet that pierced him at Belmont was carried in his body through life, and he came out of the service with seven wounds. To the last he had bright smiles and cheery words f, >r all. " No tears for me, — only smiles," he said ; "be bright and cheerful, not sad," and so, instead of crape being placed upon the door, a wreath of flowers was huns* instead. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 191 BREVET COLONEL HENRY PAGE, U.S.V. Brevet Colonel Henry P.v.e enlisted May 8, 1861, at Boston, Massachusetts, in the Eleventh Massachusetts Volunteers, for three years or during the war, and was promoted second lieutenant for gallant conduct at the first battle of Bull Run. He was assigned to duty on the staff of General Joseph Hooker, and accompanied his command to the Peninsula, where he was assigned to duty at head-quarters of the Army of the Potomac, re- porting to General Rufus Ingalls, chief quartermaster. In November, 1862, he was appointed captain and assist- ant quartermaster U. S. Volunteers, for meritorious ser- vices at Antietam. He served continuously at the head- quarters of the Army of the Potomac during all its cam- paigns, until it arrived in front of Petersburg in May, 1864. Colonel Page was the bearer of the historical despatch from General Grant in the Wilderness, " I will fight it out on this line, if it takes .all summer;" made his way through the lines, accompanied by one orderly from the Oneida cavalry, and delivered the despatches to the com- mander of the U. S. gunboat on the James River, who immediately proceeded to Washington with them. In June, 1864, Colonel Page was assigned to duty at General Grant's head-quarters at City Point, Virginia, and in July, 1864, was assigned as acting chief quarter- master of the Cavalry Corps of the .Arm)- of the Poto- mac. He accompanied General Sheridan with two di- visions of the cavalry (Torbert's and Custer's) and the Sixth Army Corps to the Shenandoah Valley. When General Sheridan was placed in command of the Middle Military Division, Colonel Page was assigned as acting chief quartermaster of his command, and received pro- motion to the rank of lieutenant-colonel and chief quar- termaster of the Cavalry Corps of the Army of the Potomac. He remained on duty as acting chief quar- termaster of General Sheridan's command until the close of the war, having served continuously in the field from its commencement, and was three times brevetted, — major, lieutenant-colonel, and colonel. He had been at- tached to the staff corps of Generals McClellan, Burn- side, Hooker, Meade, Torbert, Grant, Sheridan, Hancock, Reynolds, C. H. Smith, and Orel, and was honorably dis- charged at Little Rock, Arkansas, Jul)-, 1867. Locating at Little Rock, Arkansas, at the close ot the war, he was twice elected and served seven years as treasurer of Arkansas, when he resigned with all ac- counts settled. For four years *he was chief engineer of the Little Rock Volunteer Fire Department. In 1879 he was appointed United States Indian agent for the Southern Ute Indians in Colorado, and was with them during and after the Meeker massacre by the Rio Blanco Utes. He succeeded by his influence in pre- venting the Weemanuche, Muache, and Capote bands from joining in the hostilities, and made the treaty with the confederated L T tcs which removed all the L'tcs except the Southern band from Colorado, after the commission appointed for that purpose had failed. He was appointed a member of the Ute Indian commission, and assisted in the location of the Ute Indians in Utah. On the completion of these duties he remained in Salt Lake City, where he was elected commander of the Department of Utah, Grand Army of the Republic. For several years last past he has been United States disbursing agent and chief clerk of the Utah commission in Salt Lake City, which commission has control, under the United States laws (Edmunds act), of all elections in Utah Territory. "y- OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {.volunteer) COLONEL HENRY MARTYN PORTER, U.S.V. Colonel Henry Martyn Porter was born April 25, 1835, in Middlebury, Vermont, to which place his father, Cyrus Porter, had moved about 1830 from his birthplace, Farmington, Connecticut, which place was also the birth- place of Noah Porter, late president of Yale College, who was a near relative of Cyrus Pinter. Colonel Porter remained at Middlebury until 1857, when he graduated at Middlebury College. He spent the next two years in teaching, and then in the fall of [859 engaged in mercantile business in New York. In July, 1S60, he joined the Seventh New York National Guard, and made the first campaign of the war with that regiment, leaving New York April 19, [861. In Novem- ber, [861, he returned to Vermont, where he recruited ,1 company for the Seventh Vermont Infantry at his native place. He was elected captain of the company January 15, 1862, and served with the regiment until April 6, 1866, when it was mustered out of service at Brattlebor- 1 »ugh, Vermi int. In the first engagement in which the regiment partici- pated, at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, August 5, 1862, in the thickest of the fight, by the falling of the colonel of the regiment, he was left in command, and the report of the committee appointed to investigate the conduct of the regiment in that engagement says, "Upon the fall of the colonel, therefore, the command of the regiment de- volved upon Captain (now Major) Porter, who seems to have behaved creditably in a trying position." He was commissioned major of this regiment August 28, 1862 ; lieutenant-colonel June 29, 1865, and colonel September I, 1865. In March, 1863, he was placed on detached service in Provost-Marshal Department, and served as provost-marshal at Donaldsonville during the summer of 1863 ; then at Brashear City in October, 1863, during the campaign into the Teche country ; and near the end of I li toiler he was ordered to New ( Means to take the po- sition of provost-marshal of the city and parish of New Orleans, which position he held until the end of July, 1864. During the winter of 1864-65 he was detailed for various duty on commissions, etc., in New Orleans. In June, [865, he joined his regiment on the Rio Grande in Texas, and remained with it until mustered out. Soon after the war he connected himself with the National Bank-Note Company of New York, and is now connected with the American Bank-Note Company, its successor. He married Miss Nina Fremont, the niece and adopted daughter of General John C. Fremont, July 28, 1S64. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. *92 BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL HENRY MARTYN HOYT, U.S.V. (deceased). Brevet Brigadier-General Henry Martyn Hoyt was born at Kingston, Luzerne Count)-, Pennsylvania, June 8, 1830. Both of his grandfathers were descendants of early New England settlers, and had served in the Revolutionary War, emigrating to Pennsylvania from Connecticut shortly thereafter. His father was a lieu- tenant in the War of 1812, serving on the Niagara fron- tier, and was specially commended for bravery at the battle of the Thames. General Hoyt received his early education in the schools of his native county, at Lafayette College, and graduated from Williams College, Massachusetts, in the class of 1849. After teaching for a time he read law with the late Chief-Justice George W. Woodward, of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, and was admitted to the Luzerne County bar in 1S53. General Hoyt was largely instrumental in raising the Fifty-second Pennsylvania Infantry, and was commis- sioned lieutenant-colonel thereof. The regiment readied Washington about November 1, [861, and on the 11th was organized with other regiments into a provisional brigade, and placed in command of the senior colonel. Afterwards, these regiments were made a permanent brigade, and became the First Brigade, First Division, Fourth Army Corps. During the operations on the Peninsula, the Fifty-second bore a conspicuous part, serving throughout the reconnoissances at Bottom's Bridge and at Seven Pines. The regiment was engaged at Fair Oaks, suffering great loss, and it also constituted part of the force assigned to the duty of holding the bridges across the Chickahominy during the flank move- ment of the army to the James River. From August until December, [862, the brigade formed part of the garrisons of Yorktown and Gloucester Point, Virginia, and then received orders to report to General Foster, at Port Royal, South Carolina. After several unsuccessful attacks by combined naval and military forces of the United States on the defences of Charleston harbor, ending with the desperate assault on Fort Wagner, it became evident that a regular siege was necessary, and the brigade in the summer of 1863 settled down to that work on Morris Island, and Fort Wagner was reduced, and on September 5, 1863, was occupied by the Fifty- second with other Northern regiments. In January, 1S64, Lieutenant-Colonel Hoyt was commissioned colonel of the regiment. In June of that year General Foster de- vised a plan for the capture of Charleston. The part assigned to the Fifty-second was the capture of Fort Johnson by a night attack. Colonel Hoyt, leading one hundred and thirty-five of his men, scaled the parapet of the fort in face of a direct fire ; but the expected support having for some unexplained reason failed to arrive, they 25 / were obliged to surrender to the superior force of the garrison, losing one-fourth of their number in killed and wounded. Colonel I loyt's commanding officer says in his report, " Had you been supported as your brave conduct deserved, it would have ensured the success of the import- ant operations then being carried on against Charleston." For two months Colonel Hoyt was confined in Charles- ton jail and at Macon, Georgia. He was transferred from the latter place to Charleston, with other officers, to be placed under fire of the Federal guns in retaliation for the bombardment of the city. He was then exchanged, and rejoined his regiment on Morris Island. After the surrender of Charleston, the Fifty-second was incorporated with Sherman's great column, and was pres- ent at Raleigh when Johnston surrendered. The regiment was mustered out of service in July, 1865, and Colonel Hoyt was brevetted brigadier-general "for gallant and meritorious service in the field." He resumed the practice of his profession at Wilkes- barre. In 1867 he was appointed by Governor Geary to the Common Pleas Bench of Luzerne County. In 1878 he was nominated for governor of Pennsylvania by the Republican party, and was elected by a large plurality. His administration was wise and dignified, and marked by extensive reforms in prison management, and by ,1 large reduction and a successful refunding of the State debt. At the expiration of his term of office, Governor Hoyt returned to the practice of his profession in Philadelphia and Wilkesbarre. He died at the latter place on De- cember 1, 1892. He was a member of the Board of Trustees of Williams College for some years previous to his death, and received the degree of Doctor of Laws from Lafayette College and from the University of Penn- sylvania. OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY ^volunteer) CAPTAIN JUDSON NEWELL CROSS. U.S.V. ( ' attain [udson Newell Cross, of Minneapolis, Minn., was horn fan. [6,1838, in the town of Philadelphia, Jeffer- son County, N. Y. His father is Rev. Gorham Cross, for fifty-three years a Congregational minister at Rich- ville, X. V. His mother was Sophia Murdock, of Town- shend, Vermont. When he was seventeen years old he went to Oberlin College, < )hio. He was the second one to sign the roll .it the great church at ( )berlin, April 20, [861, when a hundred college students enlisted in a half- hour and became the somewhat famous Company C, Seventh Ohio Infantry; was elected fust lieutenant April 29, (86i ; was with his regiment through the several cam- paigns in West Virginia, under Generals McClellan, Rose- 1 rans, and Cox, in [861 ; was editor of the Ohio Scventli at Weston, W. Va., published July 4, 1 Si 11, the first paper published by Union soldiers on secession type, press, and soil ; was severely wounded in the arm and shoulder, and taken prisoner, at the battle of Cross Lanes in West Vir- ginia, August 26, [86] ; was in the rebel camp hospital during the battle ol Carnifax Ferry, September to, where Rosecrans first won his fame; and at the ferry the next day, Major Rutherford B. Hayes (ex-President) built a raft, and crossing the swift mountain-stream, the Gauley River, recaptured him, and he was taken by slow stages to the Marine Hospital at Cincinnati. November 25, 1861, lie was promoted captain of Com- pany K, Seventh Ohio Infantry. Was recruiting officer at Cleveland, O. ; rejoined his regiment early in 1863 a] Dumfries, Virginia. On the anniversary of his recapture, Sept. 1 I, [862, .it < >berlin, Ohio, he married Clara Steele Norton, a descendant of John Steele, the leader of the founders of Connecticut. On account of his wound he resigned Feb. 9, 1863, and commenced the study of law at the Albany Law Schools; but June 13, 1863, he was commissioned first lieutenant in the Fifth Veteran Reserve Corps, and promoted captain Oct. 28, 1863. In Decem- ber, 1863, he was placed in command of the military post at Madison, Indiana, remaining until April, 1864, when he was made adjutant-general of the Military District of Indiana, and chief of staff of the commanding general of that district; was ordered to Kentucky during Morgan's raid. In |uly, 1864, he was ordered to Washington, and appointed assistant provost-marshal of the District of Washington. In November, 1864, he was appointed provost-marshal of Georgetown, D. C, and soon after special mustering officer, to muster for pay, at Annapolis, Aid, the eighteen thousand returned prisoners of war from Andersonville. In [864 he suggested, in a letter to Gen- eral Grant, a plan for demolishing the forts around Peters- burg and Richmond by dropping nitroglycerin and torpe- does from balloons, a plan of warfare likely to come into vogue in future wars. About the same time, in a letter to Gen. James B. Frye, he suggested a plan for a photographic, descriptive, and military record of every soldier in the United States. 1 le resigned his commission and was hon- orably discharged March [6, 1865. He finished his law studies at Columbia College and Albany Law Schools, graduating in the spring of 1 866. He at once commenced the practice of law at Lyons, Iowa, where for about ten years lie was a partner of the Hon. A. R. Cotton ; was mayor of the city of Lyons in 1S71 ; came to Minneapolis in ( Ictober, 1875, and formed a law partnership with his old classmate, now Judge 1 1. G. Hicks. In [879, in a series of articles, he aroused the attention of the people of the North- west to the necessity of a railroad from Minneapolis and St. Paul around the north shore of Lake Michigan to the east, which resulted in the construction of the great "Soo" line ; was three times elected city attorney of Minneapolis, and held the office from [883 to 1 887. lie was the origi- nator and author of the famous and novel "patrol limits" ordinance and charter provision of Minneapolis, which he maintained in the courts, limiting the licensing of saloons to the immediate business centre of the city, about one-twelfth of the territory, where the saloons can be actively watched by the police. He brought suits, also pioneers of their kind, and compelled the railroads passing through the city to sink their tracks about fourteen feet and build iron bridges over four of the principal avenues of the city. He was appointed by the Legislature a member of the first Board of Park Commissioners of Minneapolis in 1883. He was a member of the Board of Immigration Commission- ers who were sent to European countries in 1891 by the United States to observe matters in reference to immigra- tion to the United States, and while in England he ferreted out and reported to the government the method of send- ing English prisoners, out of English prisons, to theL T nited States, through the agency of the Prisoners' Aid Societies, at the expense of the British government, WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. '95 BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL JOSEPH R. HAWLEY, U.S.V. Brevet Major-General Joseph R. Hawi ia was horn at Stewartsville, Richmond Count}-, North Carolina, ( )c- tober 31, 1826; graduated at Hamilton College, New York, in 1847 ; was admitted to the bar in 1850, at I fart- ford, Connecticut, where he has since resided. He be- came editor of the Hartford Evening Press in 1 S^j , which was consolidated with the Courant in [867. On the President's first call for troops, in 1861, Hawley volunteered to enter the government service as a soldier, drawing up the enlistment paper in the presence of a few friends and affixing his own name to it as the first. In twenty-four hours a company was formed and he chosen one of its lieutenants. On the advancement of his cap- tain to a colonelcy, Hawley was promoted to the cap- taincy. His regiment was soon sent to the front, and participated in the first battle of Pull Run, where Cap- tain Hawley's conduct was such as to secure commenda- tory mention in the report of General Keyes ; and while returning from that disastrous field his coolness and courage were so marked as to excite the special attention of correspondents. At the end of three months Captain Hawley was mustered out of service ; but after a week of rest he commenced to raise a company. At Colonel Terry's request, he went out with the Seventh Connecti- cut Infantry, and shared all the dangers and privations of the Port Royal expedition. Although brought to the verge of the grave by sickness occasioned during the siege of Fort Pulaski, he was on duty when the fire opi ned, and was field-officer of the trenches on the morning of the fight, being at the batteries every moment for thirty hours until the fort surrendered. On Colonel Terry's promotion, Captain Hawley was promoted colonel, and he requested to have his regiment share in the movement against Charleston. He partici- pated in the battle of Secessionville, where his conduct again won the hearty commendation of General Stevens, Ins division commander. Colonel Hawley also partici- pated in the battle of Pocotaligo, where his coolness and intrepidity distinguished him throughout the engagement. After this, in the interval of more active operations, Colo- nel Hawley was sent to Florida in the discharge of a trust requiring administrative ability, discretion, firmness, and integrity. He was in command first at Fernandina, and then at St. Augustine, where, as General Hunter said, " He performed the various and most important duties of his trust with great gallantry and ability." When the movement was made against port Wagner, Colonel Hawley requested permission to take his com- mand to Morris Island and participate. As field-officer of the trenches he was in charge at the opening of the first two days' bombardment of Wagner, under the hottest fire, and for a time commanded the brigade of General Stevenson. When General Seymour prepared for his Florida campaign, he selected Colonel Hawley as one of his brigade commanders, and at the battle of < Mustcc Colonel Hawley's brigade commenced the fight, and the Seventh Connecticut was the last regiment out. In April, 1863, Colonel Hawley, with his regiment, w as ordered to Virginia, and he was assigned to the com- mand of a brigade in Terry's division of the Tenth Corps, Army of the lames. He was engaged in the battle of I >ivw ry's Bluff, and his conspicuous gallantry in the three days of that fight called forth warm praise from his gallant and fearless commander, General George J. Stannard. The campaign before Richmond and Peters- burg was an almost unintermitted series of battles and skirmishes, of which Colonel Hawley had a full share. For his conduct at Deep Run, General Birney requested General Terry to forward a recommendation for his pro- motion. This was approved by Generals Birney and Butler, and in the following September Colonel Hawley was made brigadier-general. General Hawley participated in the battle of Darby- town Road, October 13, 1864, and again distinguished himself. When General Terry went to Port Fisher, Gen- eral Hawley was placed in command of his division, after which the latter joined his brigade at Wilmington, North Carolina, and General Schofield assigned him the duty of keeping open his lines of communication, in which capacity he served until and after the cessation of hostilities, when he was brevetted major-general of vol- unteers, and mustered out January 15, 1866. General Hawley was elected Governor of Connecticut in 1866. In 1872 he was elected a representative in Congress; was re-elected to the Forty-third Congn ami again elected to the Forty-sixth Congress; was elected to the United States Senate in 18S1, and continued there ever since. 196 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (.volunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL THOMAS JEFFERSON JORDAN, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General Thomas Jefferson Jor- dan was born December 3, 1 82 1 , at Walnut Hill, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. His father was Benjamin Jordan, who fur several terms represented his county in the Senate and 1 louse of Representatives of his State. Hi-, grand- father was Thomas Jordan, who was a major in the Revo- lutionary War, and served in the division commanded by General Anthony Wayne through the whole war. Hi.s paternal grandmother was a sister of Colonel John Steele, also of the Revolution. His mother was a daughter of Edward Crouch, who represented Pennsylvania in Con- gress from 1 8 10 to 1814. His maternal grandmother was a daughter of Colonel James Potter, also of Revolutionary note. ( >n the day after the firing upon Fort Sumter, General Thomas J. Jordan was mustered into the service as an aide, with the rank of major, upon the staff of Major- General W, H. Keim. Major Jordan had his baptism of fire on the 2d day of July, 1 861, at the battle of Falling Waters, where the division under General Keim met and defeated the brigade of Colonel (Stonewall) Jackson, of the rebel army. General Jordan at once, with other officers, proceeded to recruit a regiment of cavalry ( which at first was named by the Secretary of War, who appointed the field officei 1, the Lochiel Cavalry ; but it afterwards became the Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry. October 22. [861, the subject of this -ketch was mustered into the service as first major of this regiment, and November JO, the regiment being full, it was ordered and proceeded to Louisville, Kentucky, with orders to report to Major-General Don C. Buell. During the year [862 Major Jordan was engaged in the actions at Lebanon and Spring Creek, Tennessee: Moore's Hill, Tompkinsville, Glasgow, Paris, Lexington, and the battles of Richmond and Perryville, Kentucky. January 13, 1863, Major Jordan was promoted colonel of his regiment, and was engaged in the raid into Ten- nessee with General Carter, from December 22 to January 1 3, 1 863, participating in the following actions and battles : Carter's Station, Watauga and Hoston Bridge, Franklin, Thompson's Station, Spring Hill, Brentwood, Davis's Mill, Harpeth, Franklin, Triune, Eaglesville, Guy's Gap, Shelby ville, Klk River, Cowan, Lafayette, battle of Chicka- mauga, Mossy Creek, Dandridge, Fairgarden, Frankfort, battle of Recdyvillc, and action of Woodbury. In the march upon Atlanta, under General W. T. Sherman, Colonel Jordan was constantly to the front, and it might truly be said he never was out of the sound of artillery and small-arms for almost one hundred days. It was a constant battle from Dalton to Atlanta. After the fall of Atlanta he was assigned to the First Brigade, Third Division of Cavalry, Army of Georgia, and started on the " March to the Sea" November 15, reaching Savan- nah Dec. 10, 1864, having participated in the actions of Lovejoy's Station, Macon (Ga.), Griswoldville, Sylvan Grove, and Waynesborough; and took part in the siege of Savannah. February 3, 1865, he crossed the Savannah River at Sifter's Ferry, and inarched through South and North Carolina, participating in the actions of Blacksville, John- ston's Station, and Gunther's Bridge; capture of Lexing- ton; action of Monroe's Cross-Roads ; battles of Averys- borough and Bentonville, and the capture of Raleigh. North Carolina, where he drove Wheeler and Hampton from Raleigh to Morrisville, a distance of twelve miles, fighting the whole day, and received the flag of truce carried by Colonel Wade Hampton, of the staff of General Johnston, which brought a letter to General Sherman, asking a meeting to confer as to the terms of a surrender of his army. April 17 and 26 Colonel Jordan commanded the escort of General Sherman to meet General Johnston, and was present at the surrender of the army. At the battle of Johnston's Station, near Aitken, South Carolina, Colonel Jordan saved General Kilpatrick and the Second Brigade from defeat, he being far outnumbered by the enemy under Hampton and Wheeler, and at the battle of Averysborough he sustained the action four hours until he was reinforced. He was brevetted briga- dier-general of volunteers February 25, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services." Colonel Jordan was once cap- tured and retained as a prisoner of war for five months. The war being over, on the 1 8th of July Colonel Jordan was mustered out of the service of the United States, and retired to private life at his old home in Harrisburg, Penn- sylvania. At present his resilience is in the city of Phila- delphia. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 197 BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL EDWARD WELLMAN SERRELL. U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General Edward William Ser- rell is the sixth son of William and Anne Serrell, of New York, and was born in 1826. He was educated in the School of the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New York, and the Collegiate School of Leggett and Guillandeau, from the latter of which he graduated at the head of his class and the head of the school. I lis father anil older brother being civil engineers, he went from school into their office, and was soon afterwards employed on the surveys in and about New York City. He greatly regretted being too young to go into the Mexican War. He was then employed in the building of the Atlantic Docks, the Northern Rail- road of New Hampshire, the Harlem Branch, and the Central New Jersey Railroad. In the fall of 1848 General Serrell was employed under the United States govern- ment, and had charge of one of the exploring parties on the Isthmus of Panama. The surveys made at the time made the Panama Railroad a possibility. Returning from Panama in 1S49, he was made chief engineer of the Niagara Bridge Company, and constructed the suspension bridge at Queenstown, completing it in 185 1 , and soon after built the bridge over the upper end of the harbor of St. John, which has now been in use over forty years. He was one of the commissioners of public works of New Brunswick, after which he had charge of some of the explorations for the Intercolonial Railway and the Pacific Railways. He was sent for by the city of Bristol, in England, to report upon the bridge over the Avon at that place, which was then built, following his suggestions, and is to-day the largest span in England. It is said that he was the first American engineer ever sent for to go to England profes- sionally relating to public works. Afterwards General Serrell had charge of the great Hoosic Tunnel. Before he was old enough to be legally qualified, he joined the Third Regiment of Artillery of New York (subsequently reorganized and made the Eighth Infantry), which is at this time, as it was then, the oldest organization of militia in the United States. It had been bodyguard to Gen. Wash- ington. From private he rose through different grades, and when the service was reorganized he was made cap- tain of engineers on the general staff At the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion he was major of engi- neers, and at the same time engaged in building a railroad in New Jersey. Within three days of the firing upon Fort Sumter, Gen. Serrell, having tendered his services to the government, was looking over the ground, with a view of fortifying Wash- ington, but soon returned to New Jersey and began the or- ganization of a regiment of field artillery. When McClel- lan was placed in command of the army, Gen. Serrell was ordered to form a " Corps of Volunteer Engineer Officers and Soldiers." Six companies of one hundred men each were thus raised, and he was commissioned lieutenant-col- onel in the Corps of Volunteer Engineer Officers and Sol- diers, and in October, 1 861, joined Sherman's expedition to Port Royal. General Serrell participated in the capture of Morris Island, and in all the operations for the capture of Charleston, S. C. At the commencement of the siege of Pulaski he was made colonel of his regiment, ami the regi- ment was reorganized into three battalions of four compa- nies each, and the capabilities of his command were wonder- fully tested. On one occasion they constructed a gunboat, mounting six guns, and had it all ready tor action between nine o'clock Monday morning and noon of Thursday of the same week. General Serrell, during the siege of Charleston, planned and personally superintended the a in- struction of the works known as the" Swamp Angel," and which were spoken of by European authorities as the most remarkable engineering achievement of the war. I le was transferred, with two I >attalii ins 1 if his regiment, to the Army 1 >f the James, and took part in what was done about Peters- burg and Bermuda Hundred, building Fort Pocahontas and rebuilding Fort Powhatan, and planning and conduct- ing the siege of Fort Harrison. In 1864 Gen. Serrell was offered promotion, but declined it, preferring to remain with his own troops. At the battle of Drewry's Bluff he had the roads opened and way made read)', by which the Tenth Corps was enabled to support the Eighteenth in its retreat. It is impossible, in this short sketch, to enumerate Gen. Serrell's services. He was ordered on special scientific duty, and while engaged in it was, without his knowledge, mustered out of service. As he had no desire to continue li mger in it, and as it was near the close of the war, he ac- cepted the situation, and was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. General Serrell is the author of a number of useful and practical inventions, some of which are so valuable as to be kept secret by the government. 198 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL WILLIAM W. BELKNAP, U.S.V. (deceased). Brevet Major-General William W. Belknap was bom in New York State in 1829, and graduated from Princeton College in 1848. J [is father was a distinguished officer of the regular army, and served with honor in the earlier wars of the country. For personal gallantry he had been brevetted brigadier-general at the battle of Buena Vista, but died in Texas while in his country's service. General Belknap studied law at Washington City, and entered upon his profession at Keokuk, Iowa, as partner of the Hon. Ralph P. Lowe, and was in successful prac- tice in that city at the commencement of the War of the Rebellion. He was at the time captain of a company of militia, and Governor Kirkwood commissioned him major of the Fifteenth Iowa Infantry. The regiment was or- ganized at Keokuk February 22, [862, and left fir St. Louis March [9 following. From there it was ordered to Pittsburg Landing, and it reported to General Prentiss April 6, while the cannon of Shiloh were thundering and the wounded and flying seeking the rear. It was at once ordered into the thickest of the fight. Without training, without experience, in this fiery baptism the men bore themselves like true soldiers. The colonel, major, and adjutant were wounded. General Belknap's courage, presence of mind in posts of danger, and cool sense in leading men, soon made him colonel of the regiment. He led his brave command in the battle of Corinth, and won for himself the praise of his brigade commander. All through the Vicksburg campaign his history and that of the regiment are one, though for a time he had served on the staff of General McPherson. In the great Atlanta campaign he bore a conspicuous part. In the terrible struggle of the 22d of Jul)-, Belknap and Hedrick were taking a noonday lunch when the unexpected and terrible assault was commenced on the front, flank, and rear of their command. They precipitated themselves at once into the fight, and Bel- knap's personal valor on that occasion brought him just renown. The w hole division in which the Iowa regiments served fought like tigers, and a disaster to the left wing, if not to the whole of Sherman's army, was averted largely by the Iowa soldiers. To Belknap's regiment fell some of the severest fighting of the war. There was no battle-front. Every post and every direction was the post and direction of danger. Both Hedrick and the gallant McPherson were killed. "Colonel Belknap," says the division commander in his report, " displayed all the qualities of an accomplished soldier." On the 30th of July he was made a brigadier-general, and was put in command of the famous Crocker brigade. In the succeeding battles about Atlanta, General Belknap \\Dii additional reputation as a clear-headed man in battle, and in the autumn following led his gallant brigade with Sherman in his March to the Sea. In the short siege of Savannah, at the taking of Columbia, and at Bentonville (Sherman's last battle of the war) Belknap's command occupied, as ever, responsible and arduous positions. When the great review of the armies at Washington was over, General Belknap was placed in command for a while of a division, and then of a corps, being at the same time brevetted major-general of volunteers. His career drew to him the confidence and friendship of General Grant, who, after his muster-out of the United States service, gave him a valuable civil appointment as a reve- nue collector in Iowa. Subsequently, during General Grant's second term as President of the United States, General Belknap was called to a place in the Cabinet as Secretary of War. He resigned from this position towards the close of General Grant's administration, and practised his profession at Washington City until his death, which occurred in [882 at Washington. General Belknap was the beau ideal of an American soldier, — a man of the finest physique, courageous to an extreme, in love with the profession of arms, of popular manners, and a patriot. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 199 CAPTAIN WILLIAM EDWARD MILLER, U.S.V. Captain William Edward Miller (Third Pennsyl- vania Volunteer Cavalry) was born at West Hill, Cum- berland County, Pennsylvania, February 5, 1836. His great-grandfather, .Abraham Miller, came in his youth from Germany in 1738, and was one of the pioneers of the iron industry in Lebanon Count}-. He served as a soldier in the Revolutionary army. Another great-grand- father, Augustus Rover, also a native of German}-, after graduating from Heidelberg University, came to Penn- sylvania, and also served as a soldier in the Revolutionary army. Captain Miller's father was a merchant residing in Cumberland Count}-, and served in the State Senate 1 S67-7 1 . Captain Miller enlisted August 8, 1861, as a private in an independent company of cavalry, which had been organized in 1 S 14, known as the " Big Spring Adaman- tine Guards," composed of the best men of the Cumber- land Valley. He was at once elected and mustered in as second lieutenant of the company, which immediately, upon the first call of the government for cavalry for three years' service, proceeded to Washington. With other independent companies from Pennsylvania, Dela- ware, and the District of Columbia, the first to reach the capital in response to the call, a regiment was organized under the name of Young's Kentucky Light Cavalry, which name was shortly afterwards changed to the Third Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, although its rolls bore the earliest enlistments of an}- of the cavalry regiments for the three years' service, the consequence of its tem- porarily bearing the other name being its loss of numeri- cal priority. Shortly afterwards it was reorganized under the colonelcy of William W. Averell, an officer of the Fifth L T nited States Cavalry. After serving for some time in the defences of Washington, Miller and his corn- pan}-, " H," saw much arduous service with the Army of the Potomac on the Virginia Peninsula, some idea of which can be obtained from the article by General Averell, entitled " With the Cavalry on the Peninsula," in "Battles and Leaders of the Civil War," vol. ii. p. 429, where he is particularly mentioned. Lieutenant Miller was present with his company at the battles and action; of Yorktown, Williamsburg, Savage's Station, Jordan's Ford, Charles City Cross-Roads, and Malvern Hill, besides several engagements of less importance. He com- manded the rear-guard in the retrograde movement of the Army of the Potomac from Malvern Hill, Jul}- 2, 1S62, and was the last man to cross Turkey Creek Bridge in that movement, after personally seeing that the very last of the arm\- had passed, His company fired the first shots in the battle of Antietam, September 16, 1862, for gallant services in which battle he was promoted from the second lieutenancy to the captaincy of his company. Captain Miller was also engaged in numerous actions and skirmishes in the advance of the army into Virginia after Antietam, among others, at Unionville, Piedmont, and Ashby's ( rap. In 1863 he was engaged at Kelly's Ford, Va., March 17, the first cavalry action of any importance, in Stone- man's Raid, at Brand}- Station, Aldie, Middleburg, Ashby's Gap, Westminster, Md., Gettysburg, I'a. (where he par- ticularly distinguished himself in the celebrated cavalry engagement on the right flank on Jul}- 3, in which he was wounded, although, owing to the scarcity of officers, he continued on duty with his squadron), Fountaindale, Md., Old Antietam Forge, Shepherdstown, Va., Culpeper Court-House, Occoquan, New Hope Church, and Parker's Store. In February, 1864, the regiment was detailed for service at the head-quarters of the Army of the Potomac, and for part of the time while it was on duty there he was on recruiting service in Philadelphia. He subsequently rejoined his regiment while in front of Petersburg. Captain Miller was mustered out of service upon the expiration of his term of service, August 27, 1864, and was honorably discharged, since which time he has re- sided in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, where he his followed the business of a merchant and has been one of its most prominent citizens. Anion- other offices, he held that ol chief bur-ess from 1882 to 1883. Captain Miller is a companion of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion and a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. 200 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY volunteer MAJOR AND SURGEON CORNELIUS NEV1US HOAG- LAND, U.S.V. Major and Surgeon Cornelius Nevius Hoagland was born in Hillsborough ["own, Somerset County, New Jersey, November 23, 1828; eldest son of Andrew, and a descendant in the seventh generation from Christoffel Hoagland. This sturdy pioneer of the family was born in Holland in [634, and his name first appears on the records of the Burgomaster and Schepens Court in 1655, his first name being shortened to " Stoffel." In 1661 he married Catrina Creiger, daughter of Captain Creiger, a noted officer under Keift and Stuyvesant. In 1837 Andrew emigrated to Miami County, Ohio, and Cornelius, the subject of this sketch, began the study of medicine in [845, when seventeen years of age. During the winter of 1848— 49 lie attended his first course of lect- ures at Starling Medical College, .it Columbus, Ohio, and graduated from the Medical Department of the Western Reserve University, at Cleveland, Ohio, in the spring of 1852. In [854 he was elected county auditor, and re-elected in (856. At this date he was a private in a militia com- pany, the " Lafayette Blues" of Troy, Ohio, and at the outbreak of the war volunteered in a company from that place, which company became Company II in the Eleventh < >hio Volunteer Infantry. On the organization of the company he was elected first lieutenant. On the expiration of the three months for which the troops were called, he re-entered the service for three years. Soon afterwards he was detailed as acting assistant commissary of subsistence at (.'amp Dennison, ( >hio. In ( tctober, [861, he was commissioned surgeon of the Seventy-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry, then being re- cruited at Camp Tod. Troy, Ohio. He accompanied his regiment to Paducah, Kentucky, in the spring of 1862, participated in the battle of Pittsburg Landing in April, after which he served with a detachment of his regiment in garrison at Clarksville, Tennessee, and later at Galla- tin. At this latter place his health gave way, and his resignation was tendered and accepted. In appreciation of Dr. Hoagland's character and services, the officers of the regiment at this time presented him with a sword, which he preserves with great pride. Upon the return of his health, at the request of the officers of the Seventy- first Ohio Volunteer Infantry, he was reappointed surgeon, and continued .is such to the close of the war. Soon after rejoining his regiment he was appointed surgeon in charge of the hospital at Gallatin, Tennessee. Some months later, upon his request, he was relieved from this duty and joined his regiment at Decherd, Ten- nessee. In the fall of 1864 his regiment was ordered to the front at Atlanta, becoming part of the Second Brigade, Third Division, Fourth Corps. Shortly afterwards Dr. Hoag- land was appointed chief surgeon of the brigade, on the staff of Colonel P. Sidney Post, which position he occu- pied during the remainder of his services. At the battle of Nashville, on the 1 6th of December, 1864, he was se- riously injured by a Minie-ball in the breast. After this battle the brigade followed Hood's forces out of the State, and went into winter-quarters at Hunts- ville, Alabama. Early in the spring they went to East Tennessee, and were at Greenville, the home of Andrew Johnson, when Abraham Lincoln was shot. In July, 1865, the Fourth Corps, with others, was sent to Texas via river steamer to New Orleans, thence by steamer across the Gulf, landing at Indianola, and by march to San Antonio. In November they were mustered for dis- charge, and ordered to Columbus, Ohio, where they were discharged in the first week of January, 1S66. Soon after the close of the war 1 >r. 1 loaedand enraged in the manu- facture of baking-powder, and is now the president of the Cleveland Baking-powder Company, of New York. In [887 he founded in Brooklyn the " Hoagland Laboratory," instituted for the pursuit of original re- search in the higher branches of medical science, bac- teriology, pathology, and physiology being the principal departments. The cost of this institution, with equip- ments, exceeded one hundred thousand dollars, to which he subsequently added fifty thousand dollars as an endow- ment fund. Dr. Hoagland is a fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society of London, life fellow of the American Geo- graphical Society of New York, the New York Genea- logical and Biographical Society, and the Long Island I listorical Society. 1 te is a member of the Military < )rder of the Loyal Legion, a regent of the Long Island College Hospital, and trustee and director of numerous financial and benevolent institutions. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 201 MAJOR P. JEFFRIES. U.S.V. Major 1'. Jeffries was born in Ireland (County Cork) Marcli 17, 1839, being the eldest son of James and Julia Jeffries, who came to this country when their boy was three months old, settling at Piermont, New York. The father was a pioneer employe of the New York and Erie Railroad, with which he was associated many years. The son received his education at the schools of Piermont and Chester, New York. He began life as a news-boy and de- spatch-messenger on the New York and Erie Road. The year of 1854 he was employed on the Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Road. The fall and winter of 1855 were spent in New Orleans and Mobile, after which he came North and lived some years in New York City and State. In 1859 he was employed on the Milwaukee and Prairie du Chien Railroad. In the spring of i860 he joined a caravan going to the Rocky Mountains. Two months were consumed by the journey, and on their arrival in Denver he was employed on the Rocky Moun- tain Herald for a short time, coming East again in the fall as far as Louisville, Kentucky, where he joined an infantry regiment called the Sumter Grays. When the war broke out his mind was made up to join the army, and he left Louisville to enter the service from the State of his adoption. He assisted Ferris Jacobs, of Delhi, New York, in raising a company of cavalry at Deposit, New York, which was mustered into service August 21, 1861, as Company E, Third New York Cavalry, at Elmira, New York. The company arrived in Washington, D. C, on or about September I, 1 86 1 , and encamped at Meridian Hill, where they received uniforms, equipage, ami horses. FYom this point the company and regiment were ordered to Poolesville, Maryland, for winter-quarters, and it was drilled and disciplined by Adjutant John Mix, afterwards lieutenant-colonel of the regiment. Major Jeffries took part with his company and regiment in the following battles : Ball's Bluff, Maryland, October 21, 1861. Berryville, Virginia, February, 1862; Win- chester, March 1, 1862. Trent Road, North Carolina, May 15, 1862 ; Rail's Mills, November 7, 1862 ; Kinston, December 14, 1862; White Hall, December 16, 1862; Goldsborough, December 17, 1862 ; Jacksonville, January 15, 1863 ; Trenton, January 20, 1863 ; Trent Road, March 14, 1863; Blurrt's Mills, April 8, 1863; Peleteer's Mills, April 16, 1863; Leard's Creek, April 20, 1863; Bellow's Cross-Roads, April 2^, 1863; Warsaw, July 4, 18113; Little Washington, 1863 ; Hamilton, Tarborough raid, 1863. Gum Swamp, Virginia, 1S64; Bottom's Bridge, February 7, 1864; Stony Creek Bridge, May 7, 1864; Nottoway Bridge, May 8, 1864; Chula Station, May 12, 1864; Blacks and Whites, May 14, 1864; South Quay, June 2, 1864; Petersburg, on Jerusalem Plank Road, June 15, 1864; Staunton Bridge, June 25, 1864; Roan- 26 oke Bridge, June 26, 1 S64 ; Ream's Station, June 29, 1864 ; Malvern I [ill, July 2J , 1864 ; Yellow Tavern, Wel- don Railroad, August 18, 1864; Yellow Tavern, Weldon Railroad, August 25, 1864; Prince George Court-House, September 15, 1864; Johnson's Farm, September 29, 1864; Johnson's Farm, October 7, 1864. At the capture of Weldon Railroad, Major Jeffries commanded Com- panies E and I, Third New York Cavalry. He received orders personally from General Warren on the field, and was complimented by him. At the battle of Kinston, North Carolina, he was also complimented on the battle- field by General J. B. Foster for gallant service under fire in the face of the enemy. Major Jeffries commanded the regimental howitzer battery from January 7, 1864, to March 17, 1864; was promoted second lieutenant June 12, 1863, at New-Berne, North Carolina; and was honorably mustered out of ser- vice, at his own request, at Varan, Virginia, October 12, 1864; and was brevetted major by Governor Robinson in 1S79, "for gallant and meritorious services during the War of the Rebellion." He has been employed by the New York, Lake Erie and Western Railroad for the last twenty-seven years as conductor, excepting the year oi 1882, when he was appointed chief despatcher of the [efferson Division, with head-quarters at Carbondale, Pennsylvania, resigning in the spring of 1883 on account of ill health. Major Jeffries married Miss Malina W. Stiles, at De- li. .sit, New York, Jul>- 25, 1861. Her grandfather, Aaron Stiles, was an officer in the Revolutionary War. She died in 1875. There are two sons living, Harry C. and Richard Jeffries. In 1 881 he was married to Mis. Lizzie Moulton, of Canandaigua, New York. He attended the Grand Reunion at Washington, D. C, in September, 1892, marching with Carroll Post, oi Port Jervis, New York. 202 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BRIGADIER-GENERAL STRONG VINCENT, U.S.V. (deceased). Brigadier-General Strong Vincent was born in Waterford, Erie County, Pennsylvania, June 17, [837; died near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 7, 1863. After passing through Erie Academy, and working for two years in his father's iron foundry, he entered the Scientific School at Hartford, Connecticut ; next became a student of Trinity College, and leaving that was graduated at Harvard in [859. He then studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1S60, and began practice in Erie. When the Civil War began. General Vincent enlisted as a private fa- three months in the volunteer arm}- ; was chosen second lieutenant, and soon after was appointed adjutant. He re-enlisted for three years, was made major, and promoted lieutenant-colonel of the Eighty-third Pennsylvania Infantry in September, 1861. He was en- gaged in the construction of siege-works at Yorktown, and soon after the battle of Hanover Court-House was prostrated with swamp fever. He returned to his regi- ment in October, 1862, as its colonel, and at Fredericks- burg temporarily commanded a brigade in a difficult re- treat. He declined the appointment of judge-advocate of the Army of the Potomac in April, 1863 ; took command tT his brigade as ranking colonel, and effectively sup- ported General Alfred Pleasonton's cavalry at Aldie. At Gettysburg, orders having come from the front from Gen- eral George Sykes, at the suggestion of General Warren, for a brigade to occupy Little Round Top, General Vin- cent, in the absence of the division commander, assumed the responsibility of taking up his own brigade. On reaching the hill he quickly selected a position, posting his men on a left-hand crest of Little Round Top and in the hollow between it and Round Top where the Confederates made their first attempt to ascend the ravine and turn the left flank of the national army, in withstanding which his force was supported by the com- mand of General Stephen II. Weed and the battery of Captain Charles E. 1 lazlett on the middle crest of Little Round Top, and by the regiment of Colonel Patrick H. O'Rorke, which was sent up by General Warren just in time to frustrate the flank movement of the enemy. General Vincent was shot while cheering on his regi- ment as it faltered before the fire of the Confederate infantry, and died on the battle-field. He was a gallant and brave officer. His brother Boyd is a Protestant Episcopal bishop. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 203 BREVET LIEUTENANT-COLONEL HUNTINGTON WOLCOTT JACKSON, U.S.V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Huntington Wolcoi i Jackson was born January 28, 1 841, at Newark, N. J., and is the son of the late John P. and Elizabeth (Wol- cott) Jackson. His father was a prominent lawyer of New Jersey, and died December 10, 1861. The Jackson family are of Scotch-Irish descent, the first of the family to arrive in America being James Jackson, who settled on the banks of the Hudson ; while by marriage the family became connected with the Brinckerhoffs, Schuy- lers, and Van der Lindes. The mother of Mrs. Jackson, our subject's mother, was a Huntington, a member of the Connecticut family of that name distinguished in the Revolution. Her great-grandfather, grandfather, and four great-uncles on the maternal side were officers of high rank in the arm)-. The great-grandfather of Mrs. Jackson on the paternal side was colonial g< ivernor of Con- necticut. Her grandfather was Oliver Wolcott, Sr., one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and gov- ernor of the State of Connecticut ; her uncle, Oliver Wol- cott, Jr., was Secretary of the Treasury under Washing- ton, and subsequently governor of Connecticut; and her father, Frederick Wolcott, occupied judicial positions in Connecticut for many years. Receiving his early education at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., in 1859 Mr. Jackson entered Princeton College, and at the close of his junior year entered the army as lieutenant in the Fourth New Jersey Volunteers. Prior to this Mr. Jackson had served, with his sister, Mrs. Charles H. Parker, of Boston, in the United States Sani- tary Commission as a volunteer nurse on the steamer " Daniel Webster," while it was employed in transporting the wounded of the peninsula campaign from Harrison's Landing, Va., to New York. In 1862 Mr. Jackson was appointed aide-de-camp upon the staff of Major-General John Newton, commanding the First Arm) - Corps and other commands in the Fourth and Sixth Corps. He participated in the battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellors- ville, Gettysburg, and other engagements of the Army of the Potomac. He was also with the Army of the Cum- berland in General Sherman's campaign from Chattam 10 ;a to Atlanta, and, though wounded by a Minie-ball passing through the right arm at the battle of Kenesaw Moun- tain, was present at the fall of Atlanta. In 1865 he was brevetted lieutenant-colonel for gallant and meritorious conduct in the field. In Foster's " New Jersey and the Rebellion," issued in 186S, the author, in speaking of Mr. Jackson, says (page 761), " In the Chancellorsville cam- paign he was commended by General Sedgwick for special gallantry in volunteering to rail)' an assaulting column at Marye's Heights, Fredericksburg (May 3, 1863). The column had broken and the men were falling back, but Lieutenant Jackson, having obtained permission, and ex- posing himself to a fire that killed and wounded one hun- dred and sixty men out of four hundred in the leading regiment, rallied the column and passed with it into the enemy's works." Returning to civil life, he entered the Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Mass., and spent the fol- lowing year at that institution, when he went abroad, remaining a year in Europe. Upon his return home he resumed his legal studies in the office of his brother, the late John P. Jackson, Jr., of Newark, New Jersey. In the fall of 1867 Mr. Jackson went to Chicago, and en- tered the office of Messrs. Waite & Clarke, where he com- pleted his studies, being admitted to the bar in the spring of 1868. On July 1 of that year he formed a partner- ship with Mr. David P. Lyman. This partnership still continues, and is the oldest law partnership in Chicago. Appointed in Nov. 1877, by the Hon. John J. Knox, comptroller of the currency, as receiver and attorney of the Third National Bank of Chicago, his management of its affairs has received high commendation. A Republican in politics, he was elected supervisor of South Chicago in 1878, and continued the reforms insti- tuted by his predecessors, R. T. Lincoln and E. G. Mason. Mr. Jackson has been offered several political positions, but has declined them, preferring to continue in the active practice of his profession. He was at one time a director of the Chicago Aid and Relief Society, but was obliged to resign on account of other duties. He has been president of the Chicago Bar Association. The late John Crerar appointed him one of the executors and trustees of his large estate, as well as a director of the Free Public Library founded by him. He is a trustee of the Second Presbyterian Church, and is a member of the Chicago, Calumet, University, and Literary Clubs; also of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, and of the George H. Thomas Post of the Grand Army. -°4 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL DENIS F. BURKE, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General Denis I-'. Burke was born in Ireland in 1841, and emigrated to the United States in 1855. He was engaged in the dry-goods busi- ness in the houses of A. T. Stewart & Co. and H. B. Claflin & Co., of New York City. When Fort Sumter was fired upon he enlisted in the Sixty-ninth Militia, in the company commanded by Cap- tain Thomas F. Meagher, subsequent organizer and com- mander of the Irish Brigade. The Sixty-ninth Militia was called into the service of the United States for ninety days. He participated with his regiment in the battles of Black- burn's Ford and the first Bull Run, returning with it to New York when their time had expired. Immediately after General Meagher organized the three New York- regiments of his famous brigade, — viz., Sixty-third, Sixty- ninth, and Eighty-eighth New York Volunteers. General Burke was commissioned second lieutenant in the Eighty-eighth Regiment, and was with it from Fair ( )aks to Appomattox Court-House, never losing a battle in which his regiment or brigade engaged in during the entile war. lie enjoyed the privilege of being the only officer of the Irish Brigade who went out with it in [861 and remained until the close of the war. The casualties among the officers of this brigade were i'ii luavy. He was promoted first lieutenant at the battle of Malvern Hill, and adjutant of his regiment at Harrison's Landing, and at Antietam was promoted to the lank of captain for distinguished conduct. He was severely wounded at Fredericksburg, Vir- ginia, December 13, 1862, when the company (C) he commanded was almost annihilated. He returned in time for the battle of Chancel lorsville, where he was 111 wounded. After this battle his regiment, on account of its terrible losses, was consolidated into a battalion, and he was placed in command. He was at Gettysburg, anil received commendation on the battle-field from General Hancock for his conduct. During General Meade's retrograde movement from the Rapidan to Centreville, Burke commanded the flank- ers of the Second Brigade, First Division, Second Corps, and was the first to discover the enemy's position near Bristoe Station, and to report the facts to General War- ren, then commanding the Second Corps, receiving from that officer high praise. After the Mine Run campaign the three New York regiments of the Irish Brigade re-enlisted, and were sent back to recruit. The regiments were fully recruited, and Burke came back lieutenant-colonel of his regiment. He was in the battles of the Wilderness, Todd's Tavern, and Spottsylvania, May 5-18. His regiment was one of the first to cross the earthworks at the " bloody angle" on the morning of May 1 2. He was at Cold Harbor June 3, and at Petersburg June 17. While in command of the Irish Brigade, on October 29, 1864, at Fort Sedgwick, General Burke was ordered to attack the enemy's line at night. This he did with great success, calling from General N. A. Miles, com- manding First Division, Second Corps, the following recommendation to General Hancock : " That Lieutenant-Colonel Denis F. Burke, Eighty- eighth Regiment New York Veteran Volunteers, receive the rank of brevet colonel for gallantry in action Octo- ber 29, 1864. Colonel Burke, with a party of one hun- dred men, attacked and captured a portion of the enemy's line opposite Fort Sedgwick, taking some prisoners, and holding the line until ordered to withdraw." Burke was subsequently commissioned colonel of his regiment, and took part in all of the battles during the siege of Petersburg. He was several times complimented by General Han- cock, and, previous to his departure from the Second Corps to take command in Washington, General Han- cock recommended Burke for the brevet of brigadier- general, which he received after the surrender of Lee. General Hancock's opinion of Burke: " I can state that he was a gallant and faithful officer, who rose from the ranks to a colonelcy by his good conduct and services in the field. " He received his brevet of brigadier-general of volun- teers, upon my recommendation, for gallant and meri- torious services during the campaign of 1864." After the close of the war General Burke returned with his command to New York, and again engaged in mercantile life. At present he is assistant appraiser of merchandise at the port of New York. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 205 PAYMASTER (LIEUTENANT-COMMANDER) HENRY CLAY MACHETTE, U.S.N. Paymaster (Lieutenant-Commander) Henry Clay Machette, of the United States Navy, was born in Phila- delphia October 27, 1S42 ; his father, Samuel Tucker Machette, was a grandson of James B. Machette, of Tren- ton, New Jersey, who married Mary, .1 sister of Samuel Tucker, president of the Provincial Assembly. I lis mother, Lydia B. Musgrave, was a daughter of Joseph Philip Musgrave, a descendant of the old English family of that name ; her grandfather, Joseph Musgrave, came to America prior to the Revolution, and, settling in Chester County, married there the noted beaut} - and heiress, " Esther Bennett, the flower of Kennett," as she was styled by the young beaux of her day. The Machette family is said to be of Huguenot extrac- tion, and to have emigrated to America about the close of the seventeenth century via the island of Jersey. The subject of this sketch entered the naval service in May, 1 861, upon the breaking out of the Rebellion, serving first on the United States steamer " Flag," off Charleston and the Southern coast, witnessing the attack on the latter city by Rear-Admiral Dupont, and subsequently on the " Governor Buckingham," off the coast of North Caro- lina. In 1864, having been promoted to be acting assist- ant paymaster, he was assigned to duty on board of the United States steamer " Undine," in the Mississippi squadron. Upon the capture and destruction of the latter in the Tennessee River by a part of Hood's arm)-, he escaped to Fort Donelson, saving at the same time the govern- ment funds, — a fact to which the attention of the Navy Department was called by Acting Rear-Admiral Lee. He was afterwards assigned to duty on board the gunboat " Donegal," and, the war having closed, was honorably discharged in 1866. February, 1867, Paymaster Machette was reappointed in the regular service, and ordered to the Brazil station, where he served until 1870 on the "Wasp." He has since been attached to the following vessels on the North Atlantic station, — i.e., monitors " Terror" and " Canoni- cus," and steam-sloop " Canandaigua ;" on the Asiatic station to the " Monocacy," and lately to the United States sloop " Iroquois," in the Pacific. In addition to the fore- going, the paymaster (lieutenant-commander) has been attached to the ships " New Hampshire," " Wabash," and "St. Louis," upon the latter of which he is now serving. He has also been attached to the Norfolk and League Island navy-yards. In 1885 he married Adelaide Granet ; their two daughters, Adelaide Henriette and Lydia Mus- grave, are both living. 2o6 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NA VY (volunteer) FIRST LIEUTENANT JOHN F. CONAWAY, U.S.V. First Lieutenant John F. Conaway was born in the city of Philadelphia, September 27, 1840, and grad- uated from the Central High School in that city in July, 1857. On August 13, 1862, he enlisted as a private in the Fifteenth Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, a regiment raised from various counties in the State, and composed almost entirely of well-educated young men. He was mustered into the service of the United States on the 22d of August, 1862, for three years, and on October 30 of same year was appointed corporal of Com- pany E. On the reorganization of the regiment, after the battle of Murfreesborough, he was transferred to Company 1 as one of its sergeants, March 1, 1863, and on July 23 of same year was promoted to be first sergeant of the company. On January 21, 1865, he was made sergeant- major of the regiment, and on March 13, 1865, he was commissioned first lieutenant of Company B, having filled all the grades of non-commissioned officers to the entire satisfaction of his superior officers and with credit to himself and the service. On the same day that he was commissioned first lieu- tenant of Company B he was appointed on the staff of Brevet Brigadier-General William J. Palmer, with the rank of acting aide-de-camp, and served in that capac- ity until June 21, 1865, when he was mustered out of service with his regiment at the close of the war at Nashville, Tennessee. During the whole period of his service, of nearly three years, lew saw more constant active service in the field than Lieutenant Conaway, and it is a noteworthy fait that during all of that time he was never absent or off duty lor a single day from any cause whatever. The regiment was engaged in many severe and hard- fought battles, skirmishes, etc., in nearly all of which Lieutenant Conaway participated, and he was present at and took an active part in the battles of Antietam, Murfreesborough, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, and man)' other engagements ; and with his regiment was present when the finishing blow was given to General Hood's defeated army, which, having been beaten by General George H. Thomas at Nashville, and driven across the Tennessee River, was followed by Colonel William J. Palmer, commanding the Fif- teenth Pennsylvania Cavalry and a detachment of Ten- nessee troopers under Colonel Prosser, who burned its magnificently-appointed pontoon train and wagons, in Mississippi, and succeeded in bringing to Decatur, Ala- bama, many prisoners and captured animals, although hotly pressed and pursued in the heart of the enemy's country. As a staff-officer in the closing campaign of the war. Lieutenant Conaway, as aide-de-camp, was thoroughly efficient, being possessed in a high degree of the neces- sary qualifications, — coolness, bravery, and good judg- ment. This was a long and arduous campaign, starting from Chattanooga, Tennessee, through East Tennessee, North Carolina, and as far east as Lynchburg, Virginia, cutting the railroads, and following Jefferson Davis in his flight thn lugh North Carolina, South Carolina, and into Georgia. At Saulsbury, North Carolina, the prisoners confined there were liberated, and then crossing Geomia, the cam- paign terminated at Iluntsville, Alabama. During this campaign Lieutenant Conaway was in the saddle night and day, and he was frequently intrusted with grave responsibility, which was never in any in- stance misplaced. On one occasion, as the command neared Anderson Court-House, South Carolina, he was sent by General Palmer with an important despatch to Colonel Betts, in command of the Fifteenth Pennsyl- vania Cavalry, on the Saluda River, some fifteen miles distant. When within a few miles of his destination, with only four men with him at the time, he suddenly found him- self in the presence of a detachment of some fifty Con- federate cavalry, and was almost surrounded by them. In the charge they made, two of his men were shot, a third was taken prisoner, while he and his one remaining man narrowly escaped, and had a hard ride for their lives. The despatch was safely delivered to Colonel Betts. Since the close of the war Lieutenant Conaway has been actively engaged in business in Philadelphia. He is a member of the Loyal Legion and Grand Army of the Republic, and as commander of Post No. 2, one of the largest in the State, gave great satisfaction for his efficiency. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 207 MAJOR-GENERAL BENJAMIN F. BUTLER, (J.S.V. (deceased). Major-General Benjamin F. Butler was born in Deerfield, New Hampshire, November 5, 181 8. He was the son of Captain John Butler, who served under Gen- eral Jackson at New Orleans. He graduated at Water- ville College (now Colby University), Maine, in 1838, was admitted to the bar in 1840, began practice .it Lowell, Massachusetts, and had a high reputation as a lawyer, especially in criminal cases. He was a prominent Democrat. At the time of President Lincoln's call for troops, in April, 1861, he held the commission of briga- dier-general of militia. On the 17th of that month he marched to Annapolis with the Eighth Massachusetts Regiment, and was placed in command of the District of Annapolis, in which the city of Baltimore was included. On the 13th of May, 1861, he entered Baltimore at the head of nine hundred men, occupied the city without opposition, and on May 16 was made a major-general, and assigned to the command of Fortress Monroe and the Department of Eastern Virginia. While he was here, some slaves that had come within his lines were demanded by their masters, but he refused to deliver them up on the ground that they were contraband of war ; hence arose the designation of " contrabands" often applied to slaves during the war. In August he captured Forts Hatteras and Clark, on the coast of North Carolina. He then returned to Massachusetts to recruit an expedition for the Gulf of Mexico and the Mississippi. On March 23, 1862, the expedition reached Ship Island, and on April 17 went up the Mississippi. The fleet under Farragut having passed the forts April 24, and virtually captured New Orleans, General Butler took possegsii in of the city May 1. His administration of affairs was marked by great vigor. He instituted strict sanitary regulations, armed the free colored men, and compelled rich secessionists to contribute towards the support of the poor of the city. His course in hanging William Mumford for hauling down the United States flag from the mint, and in issuing " Order No. 28," intended for preventing women from insulting soldiers, excited strong resentment, not only in the South, but in the North ami abroad, and in December, 1862, Jefferson Davis issued a proclamation declaring him an outlaw. On December 16 General Butler was recalled, and in 1863 he was placed in command of the Department of Virginia and North Carolina, and his force was afterwards designated as the Army of the James. In December he conducted an ineffectual expedition against Fort Fisher, near Wil- mington, North Carolina, and was soon after removed from command by General Grant. Few general officers saw more trying service than General Butler. General Butler died in Washington, after a few hours' illness, Jan- uary 9, 1893. After returning to his home in Massachusetts, he was elected, in 1866, to Congress as a Republican member. In 1882 the Democrats united upon him as their candi- date for governor, and he was elected, although the rest of the State ticket was defeated. In 1884 he was a can- didate of the Greenback and Anti-Monopolist party for the Presidency, receiving one hundred and thirty-three thousand eight hundred and twenty-five votes. General Butler's daughter married General Adelbert Ames of the United States army. 20S OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) COLONEL JOHN FRANK HERRICK, U.S.V. Colonel John Frank Herrick was born February 23, 1836, at Wellington, ( >hio. Reared upon a farm and attending the public schools until twenty years old, in 1856 he was sent to Oberlin College, and graduated there- from in [862. One term before graduating, his interest 111 the war became so intense that he left college against the protest of his professors, recruited .1 company for the Eighty-seventh Ohio Infantry, designed to help drive Stonewall Jackson out of the Shenandoah Valley, and was elected and commissioned its captain. He com- manded a battalion at Harper's Ferry during the skir- mishing which preceded the capture of the place by Jackson, just before the battles of Antietam and South Mountain. Released on parole, he returned to < )hio and found his college diploma awaiting him, ami then studied law with his brother, G. E. Herrick, in Cleveland, Ohio, and in the law college then prospering there. Having had previous law studies, he graduated from the law col- lege in June, 1863. Having been exchanged as a prisoner- of-war in July and August, 1863, he recruited a company in Cleveland for the Twelfth Ohio Cavalry, ami was made Inst major of that regiment. On November 10, while his regiment was being equipped with horses, Major Herrick took six companies to Johnson's Island, under orders from Governor Tod, to reinforce the garrison there during a Canadian scare, where they did severe duty during a very cold winter until the next March, when the regiment was reunited at Camp Dennison, near Cincinnati, mounted, ami sent to the front. Major Herrick was with his regiment — much of the time in command — in all its battles, marches, and skirmishes. This comprised service under General Bur- bridge against John Morgan (including the battles of Mount Sterling and Cynthiana), numerous raids, — during one of which occurred the battle of Saltville, Virginia, — and service under General Stoneman, raiding Virginia and the Carolinas, including battles at Bristol, Kingsport, Saltville, and Marion, and finally he took part in the capture of Jefferson Davis. At the battle of Marion, Virginia, December 17 and iS, 1864, Colonel Herrick commanded a magnificent, daring, and successful cavalry charge, for which he re- ceived the unstinted praise of his generals. This charge has been made the subject of a fine oil-painting by Edgar S. Cameron, of Chicago, who exhibited it in the Art Institute. It is now the property of Major E. C. Moder- well, of Chicago, formerly of the Twelfth Ohio Cavalry. At Cynthiana, June 12, 1863, Colonel Herrick led a headlong charge across the Licking River, swimming his horse with a dozen men, in hot pursuit of the enemy, escaped capture, and brought in a half-dozen prisoners. After the cessation of hostilities in 1865, Colonel Her- rick first accepted a staff appointment, and was made inspector-general of Middle Tennessee on the staff of General R. M. Johnson, and afterwards of General Wil- liam B. Hazen. He was mustered out with his regiment in November, 1865, as lieutenant-colonel, and declined a brevet. He was also tendered a commission in a cavalry regiment of the regular army, which strongly tempted him, but which he finally declined. After the war, Colonel Herrick began the practice of law in Cleveland, Ohio; was appointed one of the pro- fessors in the law college from which he graduated, and has won honors at the Cleveland bar in his practice con- tinued since. Although interested in many business affairs, he has gained the reputation of being a fine trial lawyer and an especially able advocate. He is general attorney for a street railroad company and its Nice-presi- dent. He has been eminently successful in defending his company against a large number of damage suits. In his practice and in private life he maintains a reputa- tion for strict honor and integrity. He is quite well known through Northern ( )hio as a stump-speaker, being in politics a Republican. Colonel Herrick has been prominently suggested for Congressional honors, but he does not seek public office. He was thrice elected commander of his G. A. R. post, and is an enthusiastic member of the Loyal Legion. He is a married man and the father of six children. The picture here given was taken in 1864 at Knoxville, Tennessee. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 209 CAPTAIN ANDREW BYERLY WELLS, U.S.V. Captain Andrew Byerly Wells was born in Union- town, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, June 24, 1842. I lis male ancestors on both his father's and mother's side were officers in the Revolutionary War. He left school when sixteen years of age, and was employed in a whole- sale dry-goods house until the commencement of the War of the Rebellion. At this time he raised a company for three years' service at his own expense, and was mus- tered into the United States service with Company F, Eighth Pennsylvania Cavalry, as second lieutenant, August 19, i86i,at Philadelphia. Lieutenant Wells was with his company in the ad- vance of the Army of the Potomac to Manassas, and thence moved with it to Fort Monroe, Virginia, partici- pating in the Peninsular campaign, under General McClel- lan, from Yorktown to the Chickahofniny River, being one of the first officers of the Potomac army to cross that river. He was engaged in the battle of Fair Oaks, and was captured by the enemy June 8, 1862, while scouting on the right of the rebel army, five miles from Rich- mond. He was ordered by General I looker to find out how far the right of the enemy's line extended beyond our left, and the condition of the country. As the two lines were only five hundred yards apart, Lieutenant Wells rode with his party of four men around the enemy's light into the open country, so that he could see the State capi- tal in Richmond. On his return to the Union lines, while passing through a dense woods, he lost his way and struck the rear of the enemy's picket line, which was like a heavy skirmish line. His horse was shot and fell, pinning him to the ground. The remainder of the party were killed, except one man. Lieutenant Wells was confined in Libby, Belle Island, and Salisbury, North Carolina, until September 1, 1862, when he was released on parole. He joined his regiment in time to take part in the battle of Antietam, although liable to have been shot had he been captured, for not observing his parole until he was properly exchanged ; he often said he was willing to take chances on his life in order to get even with the rebels for the way they treated him while a prisoner of war. lie was promoted first lieutenant March 19, 1862, and participated in the advance of the cavalry, after the Antietam campaign, along the Blue Ridge Mountains, and was in the engagements of Philomont, Upperville, Aldie, Barber's Cross-Roads, Ashby's Gap, Chester Gap, Orleans, Amissville, and Hazel River. He was in the succeeding campaign of Fredericksburg, and rode with his regiment in the famous charge against Stonewall Jackson's corps in the Chancellorsville fight. / May 17, 1863, while on scouting duty in King George County, Virginia, he was again captured by the enemy and taken to Richmond. He was recognized by the offi- cers in charge of Libby, and his record was examined, but found correct, as he had been exchanged for Lieu- tenant Botts, of Virginia. He drew lots with one hun- dred and sixty officers of the Union army to be hanged in retaliation for two men that were captured as spies and hanged by our forces. Lieutenant Wells remained a week or so, and was exchanged in time to participate with his regiment in the Gettysburg campaign and the various cavalry engagements which preceded and fol- lowed that battle. He was promoted captain of his company June 1, 1863, and served all through the battles of the spring and sum- mer campaigns of 1864 under General Grant, and was with General Sheridan in his raids around Richmond. His health not being good, and having served one and a half months over his three years, he asked for his dis- charge, and was honorably mustered out September 30, [864, the army having settled into winter-quarters. Captain Wells returned to Philadelphia and, recruiting his strength, enlisted in the United States Navy, going as secretary to Admiral Peirce Crosby, December 19, 1864. He sailed from New York to Galveston, Texas, and joined the United States steamer " Metacomet." He was at the capture of Mobile and the forts in Mobile Bay, being very active in the removal of the torpedoes in the bay. The war having ended, he was again mustered out in July, 1865. He then returned to Philadelphia and en- gaged once more in business pursuits. He was tendered a number of positions in the regular army, but declined them. 27 2IO OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY ^volunteer) MAJOR-GENERAL PHILIP KEARNY, U.S.V. (deceased). Major-General Philip Kearny was born in New- York on the 2d (if June, 1815, and died near Chantilly, Virginia, September 1, [862. He was graduated at Co- lumbia College in [8 : id then studied In 1837 he accepted a commission in the First Dragoons, and was stationed at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, serving on Gen- eral Henry Atkinson's staff. lie was sent to Europe by the War Department in [839 to examine the tactics of the French cavalry service, and for the thorough accom- plishment of this purpose entered the cavalry school in Saumur. After six months of this experience he went to Algiers as a volunteer with the First Chasseurs d'Afrique, and served with Colonel I.e Pays de Bourjolli. 1 le made the passage of the Atlas Mountains and participated in the engagements at the Plains of Metidjah and of the Chelif at the siege of Milianah, and passage of the Mousaia. His daring exploits during these campaigns attracted the attention of the French army. In the autumn of 1840 he returned to the United States, and was almost immedi- ately appointed aide-de-camp to General Alexander Ma- comb, holding this appointment until the death of the commander-in-chief. For some months he served at the cavalry barracks in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, but was soon recalled to Washington to serve on the staff of General Winfield Scott. In 1845 he accompanied his uncle, Gen- eral Kearny, on tin: march to the South Pass, which was the first expedition that penetrated so far from settle- ments into the Indian country. During the Mexican War, at the head of a magnificently-equipped company of cavalry, he operated at first along the Rio Grande, but later joined General Scott on his march to Mexico. His command served as the body-guard of the general-in- chief, and Kearny was promoted captain in December, 1846. He took part in the battles of Contreras and Churu- busco, and at the close of the latter, as the Mexicans were retreating into the capital, Kearny, at the head of his dragoons, charged the enemy and followed them into the City of Mexico itself, but as he fell back he was shot in the left arm, which necessitated amputation. When General Oliver O. Howard lost his right arm at the battle of Fair < )aks, Kearny happened to be present when the amputation was performed, ami Howard, look- ing up, said, " We'll buy our gloves together hereafter." A month later General Scott with his army entered the City of Mexico, but the first man who entered the gate of the captured capital, sword in hand, was Captain Kearny, who was rewarded with the brevet of major. Early in I 851 he went to California and was engaged in the campaign against the Rogue River Indians, but re- signed from the army in October, 1.N51. He then made a trip around the world, and in 1859 he returned to France, joined the Chasseurs d'Afrique again, and par- ticipated in the war in Italy. At Solferino he was in the charge of the cavalry. He received the cross of the Legion of Honor, being the first American honored as such for military service. In I 861, soon after the begin- ning of the Civil War, he returned to the United States and tendered his services to the national government. He was made brigadier-general on the 17th of May, 1861, and assigned to the command of the First New Jersey Brigade, Army of the Potomac. He was present at the battle of Williamsburg, where his timely arrival changed the repulse into victory, and served through the engage- ments in the Peninsula from the Rapidan to War- renton. In May, 1862, he was given command of the Third Division, and was commissioned as major-general on the 7th of Jul)', 1862. He fought at the second battle of Bull Run. A few days later, at Chantilly, while reconnoitring after placing his division, he penetrated into the Confederate lines and was shot. His remains were sent by General Lee under a flag of truce to Gen- eral Hooker, and found their last resting-place in Trinity church-yard, New York City. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 211 BREVET LIEUTENANT-COLONEL FRED. W. CLEMONS, U.S.V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Fred. W. Clemons en- tered the volunteer service, September 9, 1861, as second lieutenant of Company C, Eighth New York Cavalry ; was promoted to first lieutenant early in June, 1862, and was the only commissioned officer present with his com- pany during the greater portion of that year; was ap- pointed captain and commissar}' of subsistence by Presi- dent Lincoln August 3, 1863. He served in Kentucky and East Tennessee as chief commissary of subsistence of the cavalry corps of the Army of the Ohio, under Generals Shackelford and S. D. Sturgis respectively, and was with the besieged army under General Burnside at Knoxville, Tennessee, in November, 1863. He served further with the cavalry corps, entering upon the Atlanta campaign on the staff of General Stoneman, until that officer's disastrous raid upon Macon, Georgia. He was then assigned, in June, 1864, as chief of subsistence to the Second Division of the Twenty-third Army Corps, Gen- eral J. M. Schofield commanding ; was promoted to chief commissary of subsistence of the Twenty-third Army Corps in the fall of 1864. In March, 1865, was brevetted major and lieutenant-colonel " for faithful service in the subsistence department, and gallant and meritorious ser- vices during the war." He was mustered out December 6, 1865. As lieutenant of cavalry he rode at the front of his company, participating in the service of the regiment during the active and eventful campaign of 1862. He went out of Harper's Ferry the night previous to its sur- render, and participated with his command in the battle of Antietam three days later. I [e was with the advance of McClellan in the fall of 1862, and at Warrenton, Vir- ginia, when " Little Mac" relinquished the command of the Army of the Potomac to General Burnside. His sub- sequent service carried him through the campaigns of Kentucky and Tennessee in 1863, the Atlanta campaign of 1864, and the Carolinas in 1865. Such, briefly and in general terms,constitutes the military record of this officer, which embraced nearly four years of active field service. The manhood years of. his father, Anson B. Clemons, included a period free from " war's alarms," but the militia roster of Ontario County, New York, in the " thirties," carries his name as ensign. A commission to John Temple Clemons, his grandfather, as first lieutenant Nineteenth New York Artillery, given by De Witt Clinton, covering a period from 1S10 to [818, with service along the frontier of the Northern lakes in I 812-14, hangs upon the walls of his home by the side of a discharge to his great-grandfather from seven years' service in the First New York Regiment, Captain Gansevoort's company, given under the seal and signatures of George Wash- ington, with Jonathan Trumbull, adjutant-general, bearing date June 8, 1783. In 1835 Jonathan Clemons, his great-grandfather, was one of six surviving Revolutionary pensioners in the then town of Sodus, count)- of Wayne, State of New York. Since the close of the war Colonel Clemons has devoted about half the period which has elapsed in newspaper work, as editor and proprietor of the Wayne County Jour- nal, at Palmyra, New York ; also for a year or more with the Tribune, at < )range, California. Ten years or more have been passed in the civil service of the government, four years of which as a disbursing officer. During this service millions were disbursed by him without the loss of a mill. For several years, latterly, he has been with Edward Clark, architect of the United States Capitol, where he now occupies the position of chief clerk in the architect's office. Colonel Clemons was born in 1840, at Geneva, Ontario County, New York; married Sarah, daughter of Rev. Samuel Adsit, at Rochester, New York, November 3, 1869. Two sons— Albert Adsit, born July I, 1872, and Carl Anson, born July 20, 1874, at Palmyra, Now York, — constitute his family. 2 I 2 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) CAPTAIN ALLEN RALPH BUSHNELL, U.S.V. Captain Allen Ralph Bushnell was hum July is, [833, in I tartford, Trumbull County, ( >hio, and is the son of Dr. George W. Bushnell, a descendant from sires who fought in the wars of the country in its formative period. Ills grandfather, Alexander Bushnell, was a captain under Washington in the Revolution, and his father, Daniel Bushnell, served in his father's company. The earliest am estor in this country was Francis Bushnell, who < ame over in the " Planter" in 1635, embarking at London, and settled in New England. Sally, wife of Dr. Bushnell, was the daughter of Deacon Elihu Bates. The families re- moved from Connecticut to < )hio in 1803, where the mar- riage ol the parents took place in (824. Five of their eight children art- Still living. Captain Bushnell was reared on a farm, and also studied medicine with his father ; he obtained his elementary edu- cation in the common schools; went to Hartford High School and ( Iberlin College, and finished his studies at Hiram College when James A. Garfield was teaching there. lie had settled nu the profession of law, and while taking his literary course taught several terms of school. In [852 he went to Wisconsin, teaching a term at Blocli I louse Branch, after which he returned to < >hio, going permanently to Wisconsin in [854. He taught school iii Platteville and in Dodgeville while reading law in the office of I Ion. S. (). Paine, and was admitted to the bar in [857. In December of that year he began his prac- tii e at Platteville, established a popular business, and was elected district attorney in i860, receiving one hundred more votes than the electoral ticket for Lincoln. He served until the condition of national affairs seemed par- amount to all other considerations, and he resigned to give his attention to military affairs. On the first call for troops in April, [86l, he enlisted as a private, and aided in raising the Platteville Guards, which was organized by electing him its first lieutenant, and Samuel Nasmith, an old soldier of the Mexican War, captain. Captain Bush- nell was commissioned first lieutenant of the company, which was mustered into the Seventh Wisconsin as Com- pany C, its members having enlisted for three months ; hut on the order providing for the enrolment of no more short-service men, they re-enlisted for three years. Cap- tain Bushnell's commission as lieutenant was dated in May. [861, and he was mustered at Madison in August, and proceeded to Washington and the front, where his regiment was brigaded with the Second and Sixth Wis- consin and the Nineteenth Indiana, which organization became the famous " Iron Brigade." Captain Bushnell fought at ( (range Court-] louse, Beverly Lord, White Sul- phur Springs, Rappahannock, Gainesville, and Second Bull Run, and was afterwards taken sick with typhoid lever, w hich l;.i\ e him sick-leave, and he passed two months at home in Ohio, lie rejoined his regiment on the cast slope ot the Blue Ridge, and was fust again in action at Fredericksburg, passed the winter in quarters on the Po- tomac at Belle Plaine, and distinguished himself with the rest in the " Mud Campaign." His health becoming im- paired, Captain Bushnell resigned under surgeon's certifi- cate of disability. He had been promoted captain of his company, and served as such after the battle of Freder- icksburg. After remaining under medical treatment for a year, he returned to Wisconsin in [864. He practised law a short time in Platteville, a\\^\ went thence to Lan- caster, where, in [865, he was appointed district attorney of Grant County, by the governor of the State, to fill the unexpired term of the Hon. |. T. Mills, who had been elected judge oi the Fifth Circuit, and formed a copart- nership with John (1. (lark in 1867. In 1880 Mr. Wat- kins became a member of the firm, which continued to exist until the withdrawal of Mr. Clark in [882. Early in 1 8<)i In- removed to Madison, and there became a mem- ber of the law thin of Bushnell, Rogers & Hall, with which firm he remains connected. Captain Bushnell was the first mayor of Lancaster. In [872 he was made a member of the Legislature, and served on the [udiciary Committee. He served a number of years as United States district attorney of the Western District of Wiscon- sin. He was married at Lancaster to Laura F., daughter of Addison and Martha Burr, w ho died in 1 Sj 3, leaving a daughter named Mabel. In 1875 he married Mary F., daughter of Cyrus and Fanny ( Barber) Sherman. Captain Bushnell is a Royal Arch Mason. He was elected to the Fifty-second Congress as a Democrat from theThird Dis- trict of Wisconsin, having received sixteen thousand four hundred and thirty-two votes against fifteen thousand four hundred and thirty votes for R. M. La Follette, Republi- can, being the first Democrat elected from that district since the war of' [86l, when both parties were united. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 213 BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL SAMUEL AUGUSTUS DUNCAN, U.S.V. Brevet Major-General Samuel Augustus Duncan was born June 19, 1836, in Meriden, New Hampshire. He received his academical education at Kimball Union Academy and Dartmouth College, graduating at the latter institution in 1858, and being the valedictorian of his class. In September, [862, he entered the Union army as major of the Fourteenth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers; served on the Upper Potomac and in the defences of Washington until September, 1863; then was commissioned by President Lincoln colonel of the Fourth Regiment ofUnited States Colored Troops, and assigned to the command of a brigade at Yorktown, serving in the Department of Virginia and North Carolina during the winter of 1 863-64. ( )n the organization of the Army of the James he was assigned to the command of the Second Brigade of the Third Division of the Eighteenth Army Corps; he effected the landing .it City Point, May 5, 1864, and participated with his command in the combined operations of the Armies of the Potomac and the lames in front of Petersburg and Richmond in the campaign of that year. He took part in the assault on the outer works of Petersburg June 15 ; was present with his brigade at the mine explosion in front of Petersburg; and was severely wounded in the engagement at fort Harrison and New Market Heights September 29. For gallant conduct in the engagement at New- Mar- ket Heights he received the brevet of brigadier-gem ral, and later in the war was brevetted major-general for gallant and meritorious services. In 1865 he served with General Terry in North Carolina, and after John- ston's surrender held local commands at New-Heine and Wilmington, North Carolina. He was mustered out in May, [866, declining a commission in the regular arm)'. After graduation at college, General Duncan was prin- cipal of the High School at Quincy, Massachusetts, for two years; and then for two years was instructor of lan- guages and mathematics at Dartmouth College, receiv- ing the degree of A.M. in 1861. After leaving military life he became a special agent of the Treasury Depart- ment, and afterwards entered the Patent-Office, receiving from President Grant in 1 870 a commission as assistanl commissioner of patents. Having studied law at the Columbian Law School in Washington, and been ad- mitted to the bar, he removed to New York in 1 872, where he has since pursued the practice ol his pro- fession, having made a specialty of the law of patents, and being retained as counsel in many of the most im- portant patent litigations of the metropolis. General Duncan's parents were Samuel Pell and Ruth Ticknor Duncan. In 1867 he married Miss Julia Jones, of New Hampshire, and has a family of fne children. In [892 he was elected senior vice-commander of the New York Commanders of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion. 214 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET MAJOR JOSEPH ASHBROOK, U.S.V. Brevet Major Joseph Ashbrook was born in Phila- delphia in 1840, and on August 4, [862, enlisted as a sergeant in the One Hundred and Eighteenth Pennsyl- vania Infantry. This regiment was soon hurried to the front for the defence of Washington, was attached to the Fifth Corps of the Arm}- of the Potomac, and in less than a month had suffered heavily in an action .it Shep- herdstown, Virginia, September 20, 1862, where sergeant Ashbrook was desperately wounded. Rejoining his regi- ment before he had fully recovered from his wounds, he served in the Chancellorsville campaign, but was invalided in consequence, and ordered to the Baltimore Hospital. Commissioned second lieutenant, to date from March 26, [863, he again rejoined his regiment, and served in the Mine Run campaign. ( )n June 6, 1864, he was promoted to the grade of first lieutenant, and on November 8, 1864, to that of captain, participating in all of the en- gagements incident to Grant's approach on Richmond and the siege of Petersburg. He served on the staff of General Bartlett, commanding the Third Brigade, and subsequently as ordnance-officer on the staff of General Griffin, commanding the First Division, Fifth Army Corps, and in this capacity was detailed to receive the arms and ammunition surrendered by the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox Court-House in April, 1S65. He was brevetted major United States Volunteers July 6, 1864, "for gallant and distinguished services at the battles of the Wilderness and Bethesda Church, and during the present campaign before Richmond, Virginia." Paltering the army a mere boy, Major Ashbrook not only won distinction by his bravery and efficiency, but gained to a very unusual extent" the esteem and confi- dence of the officers and men of his regiment as a man of high principle and unswerving devotion to duty. Singularly modest and retiring in his disposition, he nevertheless made his influence felt upon the morale of his regiment by his example of devotion to his ideal of the soldier. He was equally efficient when leading his men under fire and when called on during a critical part of a campaign to act as ordnance-officer of the Fifth Corps. He is manager of the insurance department of the Provident Life and Trust Company, one of the foremost financial institutions of Philadelphia, having connected himself with the company shortly after the close of the war. Regarded as one of the ablest of American life underwriters, he has throughout the countiy the reputa- tion of standing for all that is honest and best in his profession. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 215 BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL CHARLES DEVENS, U.S.V. (deceased). Brevet Major-General Charles Devens was born in Charlestown, Massachusetts, April 4, 1820. He grad- uated at Harvard, studied in the law school at Cambridge, and commenced practising in 1841, meeting with great success until 1861, when, on the 19th April, he accepted the office of major, commanding an independent battalion of rifles, with which he served three months, and in July was appointed colonel of the Fifteenth Massachusetts Volunteers. With this regiment he served until April, 1862, and was wounded at the battle of Ball's Bluff. He- was made brigadier-general in 1 862, commanded a brigade during the Peninsular campaign, was disabled by a wound at Fair Oaks, and was in the battles of Antietam and Fredericksburg. In 1863 he commanded a division in the Eleventh Corps at the battle of Chancellorsville, where he was severely wounded. Returning to the field in the spring of 1S64, he was appointed to the command of a division in the Eighteenth Army Corps, reorganized as the Third Division of the Twenty-fourth Corps, and his troops were the first to occupy Richmond when it was evacuated by the Confederates. General Devens was brevetted major-general " for gal- lantry and good conduct at the capture of Richmond,'' and remained in the service for a year after the termination of hostilities, his principal duty being as commander of the District of Charleston, which, comprised the eastern portion of South Carolina. In June, 1866, at his own request, he was mustered out of service, and immediately resumed the practice of his profession in Worcester, Mas- sachusetts. In April, 1867, he was appointed one of the justices of the Superior Court of Massachusetts, and in [873 was made one of the justices of the Supreme Court of that State. In 1S77 he became Attorney-General in the Cabinet of President Hayes. ( )n his return to Mas- sachusetts, in 1 881, he was reappointed justice of the Supreme Court, which office he held until his death. 2 I 6 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) BREVET COLONEL WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON, u.s.v. Brevet Colonel William Henry Harrison has a Revolutionary ancestry. His great-grandfather, William Harrison, at the commencement of the Revolutionary War joined the standard of revolt, and raised, at his own expense, a company of New Jersey troops, of which he was commissioned captain. He served in the field during a great portion of the war. Colonel Harrison was born in Philadelphia July 19, [841, and graduated at the Central High School in [858. He entered the University at Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, the same year, and was graduated from that institution in June, [861. Through his own personal endeavor he received from the Honorable Simon Cameron, Secretary of War, an appointment in the regular army, ami was commissioned second lieutenant Second United States Cavalry November 30, 1861. He immediately joined his company, II, at Washington, U. C. Colonel Harrison was fortunate at this early date in having the advice and instruction of such officers as Captains John Buford, Al- fred Pleasonton, and Wesley Merritt, who subsequently served with distinction as major-generals of volunteers. He served with the Army of the Potomac during the en- tire Peninsular campaign, and on the first day's march his company acted as escort to General McClellan. During the afternoon and at midnight Lieutenant I larrison had two personal interviews with the commanding general, each time receiving verbal instructions and written despatches, which he carried to General Keyes, his trip to convey them across the Peninsula depending upon a small map which General McClellan drew with his own pen for him. When the Army of the Potomac retired from Har- rison's Landing in the late summer of 1862, Lieutenant Harrison, at the suggestion of the commanding general, took a small escort and made a rapid ride through the camps, that he might be fully assured that not a single soldier of the grand army was left behind. Lieutenant Harrison was ordered with his company to General Sumner's corps during General Pope's retreat, and by a reconnoissance was instrumental in giving timely warning to General Torbert, then in command at German- town, near Fairfax Court-House, of General Fit/.hugh Lee's attempt to attack and harass our rear. Colonel Harrison participated in the marches and battles of Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Get- tysburg, at which latter place, on the third day, he fought with his squadron dismounted, and commanded the men em the extreme left of the Army of the Potomac. He was with the cavalry corps of the Army of the Potomac in its marches and battles from the crossing of the Rapidan in May, 1864, until the first cavalry division was ordered to the Valley of the Shenandoah in August. At the battle of Winchester, September 19, 1864, he was taken prisoner in a cavalry charge of the Reserve Cavalry Brigade, and for nearly six months endured the suffering and privation of prison life in Libby, Danville, and Salis- bury Prisons. On being exchanged in March, 1865, he was commissioned lieutenant-colonel of the Two Hundred and Fourteenth Pennsylvania Volunteers (Eighth Lmion League Regiment), ami served with it in the Valley of the Shenandoah and at Washington, D. C, until the spring of 1866, at which time he was mustered out of the volunteer service and ordered to join his regiment, the Second United States Cavalry, in the Department of the Missouri. He served on the frontier at Forts Riley, Harker, Larned, Dodge, Lyon, and Wallace, as acting assistant adjutant and inspector-general of the District of the Upper Arkansas. He resigned his commission in November, 1866. Colonel Harrison was appointed second lieutenant Second United States Cavalry November 30, 1861 ; pro- moted first lieutenant August 25, 1862, and captain July 28, 1866. He was commissioned lieutenant-colonel Two Hundred and Fourteenth Pennsylvania Infantry April 6, 1865, and honorably mustered out of the volun- teer service March 21, 1866. He was brevetted captain United States Army May 6, 1864, " for gallant and meri- torious services at the battle of Todd's Tavern, Wilder- ness, Virginia ;" major September 19, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Winchester, Vir- ginia ;" colonel United States Volunteers March 13, i865_ " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." He has been engaged in the manufacturing business in Philadelphia since [867, and at present is president of the Creswell Iron-Works. Colonel Harrison was married November 19, 1868, to Anna Dale Beaver, of Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. Two daughters, Margaret Dale and Emily Beaver, are living. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 217 BREVET COLONEL MOSES VEALE, U.S.V. Brevet Colonel Moses Veale was bom in Bridge- ton, New Jersey, November 9, 1832, the son of Moses Veale and Elizabeth Sharpe. His father's grandfather, Nehemiah Veale, settled near Bridgeton in the year 1700, and Walter Veale was rector of Idysligh, North Devon, England, 1691. His mother's family, the Sharpes, settled at Salem, New Jersey, 1765, then called the District of Fairfax, and a great-uncle of his mother was appointed judge of the district by George I. His mother's father was in the charge at Lundy's Lane under General Scott as a non-commissioned officer, and died at Sackctt's Harbor. He married the daughter of William McDonald and Elizabeth Wynne. Her great-grandfather McDonald was one of the Free Quakers of the Revolution, and her mother's great-grandfather was Thomas Wynne, who came with William Penn as surgeon. Major Veale received an education in the Quaker Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and was for three years instructor in the same, after which he read law and was admitted to the courts of Philadelphia and the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Soon after the breaking out of the war he was mus- tered into the service of the United States as second lieu- tenant. Company F, One Hundred and Ninth Pennsylva- nia, November 8, 1861. During the spring and summer of 1862 he served upon the staff of General C. C. Augur as assistant provost-marshal, and later upon the staff of General John W. Geary as assistant commissary of mus- ters and aide-de-camp, with the several ranks of lieutenant, captain, and major. He was commissioned captain April 4, 1863, and ma- jor. May 4, 1864, and has the record of having mustered the first veteran volunteer regiment ever sworn into the service of the United States, the Twenty-ninth Pennsyl- vania. Major Veale was discharged from the service by special order of the War Department, June 8, 1865, and has a commission dated January 16, 1865, as brevet colonel for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Cedar Mountain, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Wau- hatchie, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Ringgold, Resaca, New Hope Church, Pine Knob, siege of Savan- nah, and General Sherman's campaign throughout the Carolinas. In an extract written by General John W. Geary he speaks of him in the' following terms : " Major Veale was bravest of the brave." General John H. Kane says, " He showed much gallantry in action." And the following letter, written by that splendid soldier, fighting Joe Hooker : " It gives me great pleasure to state, for the in- formation of all concerned, that I knew Major Veale well during the late war, and that I regard his sen ices on the 2S <\ .,. stall of General Geary as being the most able and dis- tinguished of all his officers, among whom were many of brilliant reputations and prominent standing. I am conscious of no political excitement that will justify the impeachment of his military record or private character." Major Veale was slightly wounded in the arm ami groin at the battle of Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1862, and was taken prisoner ami held as a hostage in Libby Prison, under retaliatory orders of Jefferson Davis, until the last of September, 1862, when he was exchanged, and immediately returned to his command. lie was wounded in the action at Wauhatchie by a ball passing through his right shoulder. At Kenesaw Mountain he was shot through the right lung, the ball passing entirely through his body, and his horse was shot from under him and mortally wounded at the same time. After the war, Major Veale was commissioned United States attorney for the Territory of Montana; served as clerk of Indian Affairs, and on the 8th of January, 1868, was appointed adjutant-general, with the rank of brigadier, for the same territory. After returning to Philadelphia, in the fall of 1876, he was nominated by the Democratic party for State senator in the Fifth Senatorial District; was nominated for re- corder of deeds for the city of Philadelphia in 1881, and ran eight thousand ahead of the candidate on the ticket with him for State treasurer. ( >n the 15th of April, 1884, he was appointed health- officer of the city of Philadelphia by Governor Pattison. Since that time he has resumed the practice of law. De- cember 14, 1 89 1, he was again appointed health-officer of the city of Philadelphia by Governor Pattison, and now occupies the office. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion. 21! OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) LIEUTENANT-COLONEL ROBERT MITCHELL EKINGS, u.s.v. Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Mitchell Ekings was born near Edinburg, Scotland, on June 21, 1839. His parents came to this country in (849, and located at Ale unit Holly, Burlington County, New Jersey, from which place he, with two of his brothers, entered the service of their adopted country early during the war, and the subject of this sketch was the only survivor of the three, one being attached to a Pennsylvania regiment and died from disease contracted in the service; the other, who was an officer in the Third Regiment New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, was severely wounded and taken prisoner by tin- enemy at the battle of the Wilderness, and was killed while in their hands at Columbia, South Carolina. Colonel Ekings entered the service as a private of Company 1, Twenty-third Regiment New Jersey Vol- unteer Infantry, but upon the organization of the com- pany was appointed and commissioned its first lieutenant August 26, 1862. The regiment was immediately sent to the front and attached to the first New Jersey Bri- gade, which then formed the First Brigade, first Di- vision, of the Sixth Army Corps, and with said brigade took part in the battles of Fredericksburg, December 13- 14, [862; Fredericksburg, May 3, 1863; and Salem Heights, May 3—4, 1863. The regiment, upon the expi- ration of its term of service, was ordered back home to be mustered out, but, hearing of the invasion of Pennsyl- vania by Lee's army before disbanding, offered their ser- vices to the government to assist in repelling the invader, were accepted and went to Harrisburg, from whence they returned and were mustered out at Beverly, Burlington County, New Jersey, June 27, 1863. Colonel Ekings re- entered the service as captain of Company C, Thirty- fourth Regiment New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, with which regiment he served during its whole term of ser- vice of nearly three years. As captain, from September 21, 1863 ; as major, from January 20, 1865 ; and as lieu- tenant-colonel, from February 14, 1866, to the date of the muster-out of the regiment at Selma, Alabama, on April 13, 1866. The regiment was identified, first with a pro- visional brigade in the Army of the Cumberland, then with the Lust Brigade, first Division, Sixteenth Army Corps, and afterwards with the Third Brigade, First Divi- sion, Sixteenth Army Corps, and took part in the follow- ing engagements : Columbus, Kentucky, April 13, 1864; Hickman, Kentucky, June 10, 1864; Clinton, Kentucky, July IO, 1864; Mayfield, Kentucky, Sept. I, 1864; Paris Landing, Kentucky, Oct. 31, T864; Nashville, Tennessee, Dec. 27, 1864; Fort Huger, Mobile, Alabama, April 2, 1865 ; Spanish Fort, Mobile, Alabama, April 3-4, 1865 ; and Fort Blakely, Mobile, Alabama, April 5-9, 1865. During the winter of 1863-64 Colonel Ekings was in command of the post of Island No. 10, on the Missis- sippi River, ami rendered efficient service in keeping that part of the country free from the incursions of the gue- rillas, and during the Litter months of the war served upon the staff of Major-General Kenner Gerrard, first as the assistant inspector-general of the First Division of the Sixteenth Army Corps, and afterwards on the staff of the same general as provost-marshal of the Southern District of Alabama. At the close of the war Colonel Ekings was recom- mended by the genera! upon whose staff he was serving for a position as an officer in the regular army, was ex- amined and passed favorably upon by the examiners, but upon reflection, and following out his own tastes and in- clinations, which were for civil life, he declined said ap- pointment, and retired again from the service, and has since the war been engaged in mercantile pursuits, and is still living in Paterson, New Jersey. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 219 FIRST LIEUTENANT THOMAS K. EKINGS, U.S.V. (deceaskd). First Lieutenant Thomas K. Ekings was the son of John and Elizabeth M. Ekings, and was born in Edin- burgh, Scotland, June 22, 1 843, and, although but eighteen years of age at the commencement of the war of the Rebellion, he enlisted soon afterwards, and became a member of the Third New Jersey Infantry. I le was immediately promoted sergeant of Company C, and was shortly afterwards commissioned as first lieutenant of Company H. His regiment was ordered to the Army of the Potomac, and with it he participated in the second Bull Run battle, where he was wounded. He took part in many other severe battles from that time until the battle of the Wilderness in the campaign of 1864, wherehe was again wounded and taken prisoner. Lieutenant Ekings soon found miserable quarters in Libby Prison, at Richmond, Virginia, where he remained for some time ; was afterwards removed to Macon, Geor- gia ; from thence to Charleston, and eventually to Colum- bia, South Carolina. He had escaped twice from the loathsome prisons, — the first time succeeding in reaching the mountains of East Tennessee, where he was recap- tured and returned to prison ; the second time he got as far as the Blue Ridge Mountains, and was again taken. His last attempt to escape was made November 26, 1 864, in company with twelve of his fellow-prisoners. They were making rapid strides from the grounds when they were fired upon by the outer guards. Lieutenant Ekings was shot dead, and one of the others was wounded. The officer in charge at Columbia permitted the Union prisoners to bury their unfortunate comrade, and his body was afterwards removed by his father to the family bury- ing-ground in Mount Holly, New Jersey. Lieutenant Ekings had proved himself a true soldier, and was promoted for his faithfulness and heroism. He was a most worthy young man, of fine soldierly appear- ance, and was only twenty-one years of age when he fell a victim to a rebel bullet from the guard of a Confederate prison-pen. 2 20 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) MAJOR ROBERT DOLLARD, U.S.V. Majoh Rober'i Dollard was born of Irish parents, at Fall River, Massachusetts, March 14, 1842, and was edu- cated in the public schools. He entered the army April in, [861, as a private in Company B, Fourth Massachu setts Infantry, the first Union regiment to arrive in Vir- ginia. IK- re-enlisted September 5. i86'i,in the Twenty- second Massachusetts Infantry, and shortly after was transferred to Company E of the Twenty-third Regiment. lie served .is sergeant, first sergeant, and lieutenant, until December, 1863, when he was transferred to the Second I 'nit cil States Colored Cavalr} as captain of Companj I ) , ami in October following was promoted to major, and soon assigned to the command of his regiment, which he held until after the close of the war. lie was mustered out Februarj 1 2, 1 Si >i >, He participated in the following engagements: Roan oke Island. North Carolina, February7, 18(0; battle of New Berne, North ( iarolina, March 14, 1 862 ; South-West (.'reek, North Carolina, December 13. [862; Kinston, North Carolina, December 14, [862; Whitehall, North Carolina, December 10, [862; Goldsborough, North Car- olina, December 18, [862; Trenton, North Carolina, July 3, [863 ; Suffolk, Virginia, .March 1 1. [864 ; Jones's Bridge on Chickahominy River, Virginia, May ;, [864; Petersburg, Virginia, May 9, 1864) Spring Hill. Virginia, and two later attacks on the outer line of Petersburg, Vir- ginia, iii May, [864; Petersburg, Virginia, June 15 and 16, 1804 ; the siege of that place during the summer of 1864; battled New Market Heights and Chapin's harm, Virginia, September 29, [864; and siege of Richmond during the winter of [864-65. At the battle of Suffolk his troop aw<\ three others were trapped by four regiments of the enemy's infantry, a six-gun battery, and part of a regiment ol cavalry; no other Union troops were within fifteen miles. They compelled the enemy to form line of hat tie, and the desperate charge led by Captain Dollard, in a hand-to hand conflict, held their cavalry in the streets ol' Suffolk until, alter a loss of nearly twenty five per cent, of men and horses, retreat was made possible. May 5, 1864, at lotus's Bridge, the cavalry brigade of Colonel Robert M.W'est w as >n fronted by a battalion of the enemy intrenched on the opposite side of the stream; one regi- ment tried, without success, to dislodge them by a front attack, when Captain 1 lollard, with his troop, dismounted, crossed the river, and, taking them in flank and rear, cap- tured their camp and contents, horses, equipments, etc., and shortly after their intrenched position; at the same time his brigade was retreating because the place was im- pregnable. This, in Grant's report of the war and But- ler's book, is mentioned as the forcing of the enemy's position by that brigade. May i), 1864, Captain Dollard led the fust attack on Petersburg, at the head of the division of General 1 bucks ; under cover of the darkness, charging through the ene- my's pickets and their reserves with his troop, and sweep- ing away in disorder all opposition that covered their intrenchments. A little later, on the report that Petersburg was being evacuated, he was ordered to reconnoitre, go into the city, or learn the position and strength of the enemy. By forcing his way through a dense thicket, before daylight, he found himself and company in a veritable hornet's nest, behind the enemy's picket line, and in close prox- imity to a regiment of its cavalry and a light battery. With his command he cut his way out through a battal- ion of cavalry and infantry, carrying with him a prisoner from among them, .mA the desired information. At New Market Heights, on September Jo, 1864, Gen- eral Benjamin I-'. Butler's order mentioned him as follows : "Captain Robert Dollard, Second U.S. Col.. red Cavalry, acting as field-officer, and in command of the skirmish line, inspired his command by his great personal bravery, coolness, and ability, until he fell severely wounded near the enemy's main line." And for his services on this field In was promoted major. Major Dollard was admitted to the bar at Galesburg, Illinois, in 1871a, and has been in general practice since that time. lie located in Dakota in 18,11. and lives at Scotland, S. 1). lie was elected district attorney in 1884; was ,1 promi- nent member of the Constitutional Conventions for his state, 1883-1885, and in the Legislative Council of the Territory in 1 88, 1, lie is serving his second term as attorney-general o( the State, and is State senator elect. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL ROBERT B. MITCHELL, U.S.V. (di i eased). Brevet Major-General Roberi I'.. Mitchell was born in Ohio, April 4, [823, and educated at Kenyon College, Ohio, and the Washington Law College of Pennsylvania. lie studied law at Mount Vernon, Ohio, with the late Hon. John K. Miller, and, after being ad- mitted to the bar, practised at Mount Gilead, Ohio, until 1856. During the Mexican War he enlisted in the Sec mid Ohio Infantry, and participated in all the prominenl battles of that war, becoming a lieutenant, and at its close was appointed a captain in the Fifteenth United States Infantry. Returning to his home in ' >hio, he resumed the prac- tice of his profession until 1856, when he went to Kan sas to defend one of the arrested Lecompton members of the Legislature, and when his labors had ended in that case, he was so much pleased with Kansas that he determined to make it his future home. He was one nl the members oi the Legislature during the stormy days preceding the admission of Kansas into tin Union, .md was treasurer of the Territory under Governoi Medary. At the outbreak of the Rebellion he again buckled mi his sword, and was made colonel of the famous Second Kansas Regiment. He man hed into Missouri, and after taking part in many minor movements of the- forces along the frontier of the State, he led his regiment in the gal- lant contest at Wilson's Creek, near Springfield, Missouri, August IO, [86l, where he was severely wounded, ,md returned to Kansas, where his three months' troops wi re disbanded on expiration of their term nl ervice. As soon as he was able to get about, on recovering from his wounds, Colonel Mitchell began to organize his old com mand, and by March, [862, he organized tin- Second Kansas Cavalry. Colonel Mitchell was then appointed brigadier-general of volunteers April 8, 1862, and was assigned to duty with the Ann)- of the Ohio, under < reneral Buell. In this capacity he participated as commander of tin Thirteenth Division in the operations of September and October, 1 862, against General Bragg, in Kentucky, after which his forces were incorporated with tin Ann)- of the Cumberland, under General Rosecrans, and transferred to Tennessee. I I ere: he was placed in command of Nashville and the forces there. In his conduct of this duty and in the administration of city affairs he was very strict and inflexible, and, for the skilful manner in which he ex- ercised jurisdiction over tin city during the most per- ilous period of its history, General Rosecrans recom mended him for promotion to the rank of major-general of volunteers. 221 Desiring n ai tivi ervice, I reneral Mit< lull was during the summet ol 1863 a igned to the command of a division of cavalry, and operated mi tin- flanks of the Arm\ of the Cumberland during the Middle Tennessee 1 ampaign, from Whiteside to ( hat) mooga. I >uring tin- battle of Chickamauga his cavalry covered the right Hank of tin- I'm on forces, and several timi repulsed the attempts of tin enemy's mounted troops to cross the stream. I In- next da) In- protected the train of artillery sent io tin- right after tin retreat of the demoralized forces, and September ji again defeated the enemy in several cavalry combats. Lor his conduct In- was spoken of highly in the official reports of tin Chickamauga cam- paign. October 6 he again attacked the enemy at Sin I byville, and inflicted .1 great amount of damagi In i.XO.| In- was honored with the commission of brevet major general, and distinguished himself many times in action, becoming commander of all the cavalry under Grant and Sherman in the West. I h 1 rved with great credit until the closi of the war, and in 1S65 In appointed governor of New Mexico, which offia In- re- tained four years. After leaving Now Mexico, h removed to Washing- ton City and engaged in the practice of law until his death, which occurred January 26, [882, after an Hi- nt only two days, attributable to tin- wounds received during the war. |u [855 General Mitchell married Miss St. John, of Tiffm, nhio, a daughter of Hon. Henry St. John, who, with a grown -on, survives him. Mr. Henry St. John Mitchell is division superintendent of the Kansas City and Memphis Railroad, and re •■ I ort Scott, Kansas, and his moth is a member of the Board of Lad\ Managers and of the Kansas State Board of the Columbian Commission. OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (voi.vxtf.er-) FIRST LIEUTENANT CHARLES H. KIRK. U.S.V. First Lieutenant Charles II. Kirk was born in the city of Philadelphia on November 26, 1843, and gradu- ated from tlir Central High School of that city. In the month of August, [862, when not quite nineteen years of age, he enlisted as a private in the Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and was assigned to Company E. By strict attention to duty and recognized merit, he was soon pro- moted through all the grades of non-commissioned officer, from corporal to orderly sergeant, all of which he filled with credit to himself and to the entire satisfaction of his superior officers. Alter the battle of Murfreesborough, Tennessee, in which he took an active part, ami on the reorganization of the regiment in the spring of [863, he was commissioned as first lieutenant of Company E, com manded by Captain George S. Clark. On December 10, 1863, Captain Clark was seriously wounded in an engagement at Gatlinburg, Tennessee, and incapacitated from ever returning to active duty, and from that time forth until the close of the war. when the regiment was mustered out "I service at Nashville, fune 21, [865, the command of the company devolved on Lieutenant Kirk, he being the only commissioned officer left in the company. Lieutenant Kirk participated in many engagements, being present with his regiment in all of its many campaigns, except tin- closing one of the war, when he was on detached service near Knoxville, Tennessee. Though but little more than nineteen years of age whin the command of the company devolved upon him through the wounding of his captain, he at once demon- strated his fitness for the position, and exhibited those high soldierly qualities which can alone, in an 1 ifficer, com- mand the respect and discipline of the men under him. The compiler of this short sketch saw much of Lieutenant Kirk' during his entire term of .service, though an officer in another battalion, and can say that Company E, under his command, was as thoroughly efficient and well-dis- ciplined as any company in the regiment, and its com- mander had always the confidence and esteem of the non-commissioned officers and men under him. The Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, after its reorgani- zation at Murfreesborough in the spring of 1863, saw- constant and hard service in the field, and was in many hard-fought engagements, in nearly all of which Lieu- tenant Kirk participated with credit to himself. lie par- ticularly distinguished himself January 14, 1865, at Red Hill, Alabama. General Lyon, in command of a small brigade of General Hood's Confederate cavalry,had been detached from General Hood's army, and when the latter was defeated and driven back from Nashville by General George 11. Thomas, General Lyon was cut oil, but managed to cross the Tennessee River, and encamped at Kr>\ Hill, Alabama, some miles from the river, where he believed himself secure. Colonel William J. Palmer, in command of the Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry and a small detachment of Tennessee troopers, had just returned from following General Hood's army into Mississippi, where he destroyed his pontoon ami wagon trains and captured main' prisoners, and had reached Huntsville, Alabama, with men worn out and but lew serviceable horses, when he learned of General Lyon's escape across tin river near that place. Taking only such horses ami men as could stand a quick, hard march, — about two hun- dred, — he crossed the Tennessee River and marched rapidly all night, coming in on General Lyon's command by a circuitous way, and dashed into his camps just before day- break. The surprise was complete and many prisoners were taken. Lieutenant Kirk had the rear-guard of eight men. and in the darkness of early morning did not see that the battalion he was following had taken a cross- road to the right, lie halted a short distance from a body of troops in his front, which he soon discovered to be one of the regiments of General Lyon's brigade. A charge was ordered at once, which was so sudden ami determined that the head of the rebel column gave way and made little resistance, and, as the narrow 1 road gave no opportunity to deploy, it resulted in such complete success that they even abandoned their last piece <>f ar- tillery to the victors. General Lyon was himself taken prisoner by Sergeant Arthur P. Lyon, belonging to the company commanded by the writer, but who, after having surrendered, found an opportunity to shoot the sergeant through the head, and escaped in the dark. Since the close of the war Lieutenant Kirk has been engaged in business in Philadelphia, and is an active mem- bei of Post No. 2, of which he was recently a very effi- cient commander, and is also a member of the Loyal Legion. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 223 BRIGADIER-GENERAL CHARLES EW1NG, U.S.V. (deceased). Charles Ewing, brigadier-general of volunteers and captain Thirteenth Regular Infantry, was horn at Lan- caster, Ohio, March 6, 1835. He was the youngest son of the distinguished Whig statesman, Thomas Ewing. When the war broke out he was practising law in St. Louis. General Sherman then lived there, and young Ewing had the great advantage of a course of military instruction under him, whose genius saw the rising storm in all its vast proportions. When Sherman was appointed colonel of the Thirteenth Regular Infantry, he had Ewing appointed captain of Company A of the same regiment, and in October, 1S62, after a year of hard service in re cruiting and drilling the battalion, Kw ing led it t< 1 the held. In Sherman's first assault on Vicksburg, May [9, 1 863, a battalion of the Thirteenth Regulars, commanded by Captain Washington, had the advance. As they struggled up the rugged hill, into the- ditch, and on to the parapet, Captain Washington was killed, and the command devi lived on Captain Ewing, The coli ir-bearer fell mortal 1)' wounded ; then 1 second w as shot down, then a third, when Ewing seized the flag and planted it on the parapet. I le was shot through the hand and hat, and the flag-Staff was shattered in his grasp, amid a hail of bul- lets which swept his command from the parapet with a loss of over half its officers and men. In the second assault, on the 22cl of Ma)-, Captain Ewing's battalion followed the splendid brigade of his brother, General Hugh Ewine, who led the column. Captain Ewing here rendered a signal service to the republic by saving General Grant, who was riding into the jaws of death, when young Ewing seized his horse by the bit and backed him down a steep bank out ol the dead!)' fire. For conspicuous gallantry throughout the Vicksburg campaign, Captain Ewing was promoted to Lie inspector general of the fifteenth Army Corps. lie followed Sherman's conquering banner, as inspector-general of the Army of the Mississippi and, later, as brigade com- mander, through all his glorious service. An offii ial statement of .Assistant Adjutant-General Mi Keever says the records of the War Department show that Ewing re ceived three successive brevets in the regular army, two staff promotions, and a commission as brigadier-general of volunteers, and that he bore an honorable part in the following battles and campaigns : Chickasaw Bayou, Ar- kansas Post, Deer Creek, Haines's Bluff, Champion I fills, Bridgeport, the two assaults on Vicksburg, the siegi -1 Vicksburg, the siege of Jackson, battle of Colliersville, the Chattanooga campaign, battle of Missionary Ridge, campaign to Knoxville, battles of Dalton, Resaca, Cass- ville, New Hope Church, Kenesaw, Ruff's Station, Peach- tree Creek, Atlanta, Jonesborough, the Savannah cam- paign, and, finally, commanded the Second Brigade, Third Division, Seventh Army Corps, through the Carolinas, al the battle "I Averysborough and Bentonville, and the final surrender ol the Confederate ami)' at 1 )urham Station. lie crowned his military career at the Grand Review at Washington on the- 24th day of May, 1865, when the veterans of the war made their ever-memorable march amid the acclaims of a nation rescued by their sacrifii e and valor. As lie K.de pasl the reviewing stand, at the head of his famous brigade, his majestic: and venerable father, Thomas Ewing, with patriotic pride and emotion flailed his son, — glorious in his chivalrous youth, his splendid service, his brilliant talent, — one of the kindest, bravest, and best of all that immortal host. lie resigned his commission as brigadiei general ol volunteers December 1, 1 865 , and as captain in the regu- lar army |uly y>, [867, and entered on the practice ol law in Washington. For several years he devoted mui h tune to the establishment of the Bureau oi Catholic: In- dian Missions, — a great and unselfish service, which was cordially recognized by bishops and clergy, and by His Holiness Pope Pius IX., who, to signalize his apprecia- tion of his labors, made him a Knight of tile Order of St. Gregory the < neat. On tin: 20th of December, 1870, he was married at Mount Vernon, Ohio, by Archbishop Purcell, to Mi Virginia Larwill Miller, tin: beautiful and accomplished daughter of the late John K. Miller, a prominent lawyer, ,,nd lor several terms a member ol 1 < ngn Eight children blessed their union, of whom seven are yet living, who ,ue 11 in. ill. able- lor come -nil talent. General Ewing die d al Wa ihington, D.C., June 20, 1883, after a brief illness, in the prime of his splendid faculties. He was refined in thought and Ian ym- pathetic and genial, and has earned the perpetual remem- brance promised to the just. 224 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY [volunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL OLIVER L. SPAULD- ING, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General Oliver L. Spaulding was born in Jaffrey, New Hampshire, August 2, 1833. He graduated from Oberlin College, Ohio, in 1855, and for the next three years engaged in teaching, pursuing in the mean time thestudyof the law. He was admitted to the bar in 1858, and entered upon the practice of his pro- fession at St. Johns, Michigan, which has since been his home. In the same year he was elected a regent of the University of Michigan for the term which, under the then existing law, expired in 1864. He continued the practice of his profession until July, 1862, when he entered the army as captain of Company A, Twenty-third Michigan Volunteers. In February following he was promoted to be major, and two months later lieutenant-colonel of his regiment, of which he was in command for a short time as captain, ami during his entire service as mainland lieu- tenant-colonel, lie was commissioned colonel early in 1864, but, as the regiment had been reduced below the minimum, he was unable to muster until October follow- ing, when it was recruited to the requisite number. The regiment was employed in its early service in Kentucky and Tennessee, and later, as a part of the Twenty-third Corps, it participated in the East Tennessee and Atlanta campaigns, anil, after the fall of Atlanta, in the movements which culminated in the battles of Cumberland and Nash- ville, and the final defeat of Hood's army. After the battle of Nashville he was transferred with his command to North Carolina, and was present at the capture of Fort Anderson, and the other engagements which resulted in the occupation of Wilmington by the Union forces. After the surrender of Johnston he was on duty at Salis- bury, North Carolina until mustered out of the service in July, 1865. He was brevetted brigadier-general, and at the close of the war was in command of the brigade to which his regiment was attached. On his muster-out he resumed the practice of his pro- fession. In 1866 he was elected Secretary of State of Michigan, and re-elected in 1868. In 1875 he became a special agent of the Treasury Department, and held the position until he resigned it on his election to Congress in 1880. While in Congress he served on the Committees on Military Affairs and Indian Affairs. In 1883 he was chairman of a commission sent to the Sandwich Islands to investfgate certain features of the Hawaiian Reciprocity Treaty, and in 1885 he was employed in important investi- gations for the Treasury Department in New York and on the Pacific coast. Resigning his position in the depart- ment in December of that year, he was engaged in the practice of his profession until the summer of 18S9, when he was again appointed to the office of special agent of the Treasury Department, which he resigned on his ap- pointment to the office of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in July, 1890. General Spaulding has been prominent in the Masonic fraternity, and has held the highest positions in the gift of the various Masonic grand bodies of Michigan. His religious affiliations are with the Protestant Episcopal Church, and since [866 he has been a vestryman and senior warden of the church at St. Johns. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 225 BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL LUTHER S. TROWBRIDGE, U.S.V. Brevet Major-General Luther S. Trowbridge was born July 28, 1836. He came of patriotic stock. His grandfather, though only a lad at the beginning, served with distinction throughout the Revolutionary War, and his father served on the Niagara frontier in the War of 18 1 2. He entered Yale College in the class of 1857, alu ' received the degree of A.M. ; was admitted to the bar in 1858, and the following year formed a partnership with the late Hon. A. W. Buel, which continued until Septem- ber, 1862, when he entered the army as majorof the Fifth Michigan Cavalry. He went with that regiment to the Army of the Potomac. In the memorable cavalry fight on the right flank at Gettysburg his regiment rendered valuable service. While leading a charge of his battalion, his horse was killed and he narrowly escaped capture. He took an active part in the severe cavalry fighting fol- lowing the battle of Gettysburg, and commanded his regiment in the capture of Snicker's and Ashby's Gaps. He was promoted to be lieutenant-colonel of the Tenth Michigan Cavalry August 25, 1863. He went with that regiment to East Tennessee, and was attached to the Army of the Ohio. When that army joined General Sherman for the Atlanta campaign, he was left with his regiment in East Tennessee to watch the frontier in the direction of Vir- ginia. The work was important and laborious, but offered few opportunities for distinction. His first en- gagement was at Carter's Station, April 25, 1864, where, with a thin line of dismounted cavalry, he assaulted and carried a heavily-intrenched position manned by a superior force of the enemy. During the summer of 1864, the regiment, having its head-quarters at Strawberry Plains, was actively engaged in scouting, and on many occasions had spirited en- counters with the enemy, in which it was uniformly suc- cessful. A fort had been laid out by an engineer officer at Strawberry Plains. Colonel Trowbridge was ordered to complete it. He was not an engineer, and had had no experience in building fortifications. He had, however, Professor Mahan's little book on " Field Fortifications," and determined to do his best. A slight examination of the work satisfied him that a serious mistake had been made in its plan. He so reported to his commanding officer, General Davis Tilson, and was directed to change it according to his su£hio, devoting his time to horticulture and literary pur- suits, publishing, among other things, a novel entitled " A Castle in the Air." In 1858 General Ewing married Henrietta Young, daughter of George Washington Young, a planter of the District of Columbia and Prince George's County, de- scendant of Benjamin Young, who early came over to the province as commissioner of crown lands, and by his mother's side, of Cuthbert Fenwick, an officer of Lord Baltimore, who crossed in "The Ark and the Dove" in 1634. !28 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL CHARLES HAMLIN, u.s.v. Brevet Brigadier-General Charles Hamlin, son of Hannibal Hamlin, has a revolutionary ancestry. His paternal great-grandfather was a major, and enlisted five of his suns in the same company. General Hamlin was born at Hampden, Maine, September 13, 1837; was graduated at Bowdoin College in 1857, and after reading law with his father, was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine in October, 1858. Before he entered the military service he actively engaged in recruiting for various regiments and the navy, obtaining commissions for officers in the First Maine Cavalry and as acting masters in the navy. In the sum- mer of 1862 he assisted in raising the Eighteenth Maine Infantry, afterwards reorganized into the First Maine Heavy Artillery, second on the list of " Fox's Regimental Losses," and was mustered as major in August, 1862. He served with this regiment in the defences of Wash- ington, District of Columbia, until May, 1863, when he resigned to enter the field for a more active service, having been appointed assistant adjutant-general United States Volunteers upon the staff of Major-General Hiram G. Berry, killed Ma)- 3, 1863, at the battle of Chancellors- ville, while commanding the Second Division (formerly Hooker's) of the Third Corps. He remained with this celebrated division until Feb- ruary, 1 864, when it was consolidated with the Second Corps, and participated in the battle of Gettysburg and its subsequent campaigns, including Kelly's Ford, Locust Grove, and Mine Run. For his services on the field at Gettysburg he received the official thanks of Major-Gen- eral Humphreys, commanding the division. He was placed on duty, in February, 1864, with Gen- eral A. T. Howe, inspector of artillery, and served at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, with that general, during Early's raid in the following summer, relieving General Sigel. He resigned in September, 1865, having been pro- moted brevet brigadier-general of volunteers, and re- sumed the practice of the law at Bangor, Maine, where he now resides. He has been city solicitor, register in bankruptcy, and is now United States commissioner and reporter of decisions of the Supreme Court of Maine. He served as member of the Maine Legislature in 1883 and 1885, and was speaker of the House in 1885. He is author of the " Insolvent Laws of Maine." He is chairman of the Executive Committee of the Maine Gettysburg Commission, having presented to the Legislature the first memorial asking for funds, with which Maine has already erected sixteen monuments on that memorable field. He looks back with pride and pleasure upon his ser- vice in the field with the Excelsior, Jersey, and Massa- chusetts brigades of the Third Corps, among whose survivors he has many friends. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 229 FIRST LIEUTENANT WILLIAM H. NYE. U.S.V. First Lieutenant William H. Nye was born in Boston, Massachusetts, September 8, 1S33, and comes from good old Puritan stock. After receiving his educa- tion he engaged in the drug business at Fall River, Mas- sachusetts, and was thus engaged at the commencement of the war of the Rebellion, in 1 86 1. At the first call for three years' troops he enlisted and raised the first company (Company A) of the Seventh Massachusetts Infantry, and was mustered in as second lieutenant June 15, 1 86 1. His regiment was soon ordered to the tie- fences of Washington City, and, after being engaged in that locality during the winter of 1861-62, took the field with the Army of the Potomac, under General McClel- lan, where it served during the entire Peninsular cam- paign, in Couch's division of Keyes's army corps. Lieutenant Nye was engaged with it in the siege of Yorktown, battles of Williamsburg, Fair ( )aks, and Mal- vern Hill, and was present during the entire series of the " seven days' battles before Richmond." He was pro- moted first lieutenant after the battle of Fair Oaks, and remained in command of Company C, Seventh Massa- chusetts Infantry, until the following December, 1862. Upon leaving the Peninsula, Lieutenant Nye, with his regiment, joined the army under General Pope, and was engaged in the battle of Second Hull Run, Virginia. He also participated in the Maryland campaign under Gen- eral McClellan, and was engaged in the battle of Antietam, Maryland. Owing to ill health, initiated by the malaria from the swamps of the Peninsula, and fostered by the fatigues incident to the long and tedious marches of the succeed- ing campaigns, Lieutenant Nye became incapacitated for duty after the battle of Antietam, and was honorably dis- charged, on surgeon's certificate of disability, December 6, 1862. In 1865, Lieutenant Nye moved to Idaho and engaged in the drug business in Boise City, and has continued most of the time ever since in that occupation, at the present time being president of the Nye-Galbraith Drug Company. He became a member of the Grand Army of the Republic March 20, 1884, as a charter member of Patrick Collins (now Phil. Sheridan) Post, and was post commander three years, when he was made the first commander of the Department of Idaho. He is also a companion of the California Commandery of the Loyal Legion, and a member of the Massachusetts Society of " Sons of the Revolution." 230 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) MAJOR ALPHONSO G. KELLAM, U.S.V. Major Alphonso G. Kellam was born in Livingston Count)-, New York, November 23, 1837. At an early age he removed with his parents to Scottsville, in the adjoining count}- of Monroe. After attending the schools oi that village, he spent two years at Genesee Wesleyan Seminary at Lima, New York. At nineteen he com- menced the study of law with D. D. S. Brown, of Scotts- ville. lie went West in the fall of i S57, and in the spring of 1858 resumed his law studies with Winsor Smith, of Elkhorn, Wisconsin. In the fall of 1860 he formed a partnership and commenced practice with A. S. Spooner, at Delavan, Walworth County, Wisconsin. In the sum- mer of 1862 he raised a company in that count} - , which became a part of the Twenty-second Wisconsin Infantry, and of which he was mustered in as captain. His regi- ment was in Kentucky and Tennessee until after the battle of Chickamauga. During that time he was provost- marshal, — first of Murfreesborough and afterwards of Tullahoma. In the earl}' spring of 1864, near Spring Hill, in Tennessee, he was captured, together with a large part of General Coburn's brigade, by the Confederate General Van Dorn, and taken to Libby Prison. After about three months he was exchanged, and immediately rejoined his regiment at St. Louis, where it had been ordered for reorganization. Returning with his regiment to Tennessee, he took part in the Atlanta campaign, being most of the time on staff duty with General Coburn. Upon the reorganization of the arm}- at Atlanta he became acting assistant adjutant-general on the staff of General Dustin, and went through with General Sherman to Savan- nah ; thence north to Washington, where he participated in the great review at the close of the war, being finally discharged at Milwaukee in July, 1865, as major of the regiment. Resuming the law practice at Delavan, Wisconsin, Major Kellam became, in 1868, a member of the State Legislature. In 1871 he removed to Hampton, Iowa. In 1 88 1 he became interested in the town site and other enterprises to be inaugurated at the new city of Chamber- lain, in Dakota, and became a resident of that place, which has since been his home. He soon became actively inter- ested in the work of dividing the Territory, and securing its admission to the Union as two States. He attended the first meeting called at Huron in the interest of State- hood, and was afterwards successively elected to the three Constitutional Conventions held in South Dakota, being the only person who was a member of all. He was chair- man of the South Dakota Commission, which, with a like- commission from North Dakota, constituted a joint com- mission under the act of Congress for the division of the assets and debts of the Territory between the two States. Upon the election of officers for the new State of South Dakota, he was elected one of the three judges of the Supreme Court, having been nominated by the Republican State Convention. This position he still holds. Major Kellam was married, in 1865, to Miss Clara Cole. They have one son, Fred. W., now eighteen years old, and a student in Yankton College. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 231 BREVET MAJOR JEROME BYRON WHEELER, U.S.V. Brevet Major Jerome Byron Wheeler was born at Troy, New York, September 3, 1841. His grandparents on both the paternal and maternal side came from England, settling in Massachusetts, where his parents were born. Through his mother, whose maiden name was Emerson, connection is had with the great sage of Concord. In his early youth his parents removed to Waterford, New York, where the subject of our sketch received his education at the public schools. At the age of fifteen he began his business career as a clerk, and subsequently became em- ployed in one of the manufactories at the town of Water- ford. On September 3, 1861, his twenty-first birthday, Major Wheeler enlisted as a private in Company D, Sixth New York Cavalry. The regiment was sent to York, Pennsyl- vania, where it remained in barracks during the winter, and was then moved to Cloud's Mills, Virginia, where it was mounted. From almost the beginning of the war down to the very end at Appomattox, the Sixth New York was almost constantly engaged. Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Culpeper, the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Winchester, Appomattox, — these are but a few of the sixty or more engagements in which it bore an honored part. Colonel Devin, who commanded the regiment, first made Lieutenant Wheeler quartermaster-sergeant, and before he was twenty-two years old he was commissioned second lieutenant and assigned to the staff of Colonel Devin, subsequently being promoted first lieutenant and brigade quartermaster. Here he had an opportunity to develop those rare business talents which have character- ized his subsequent life. It is impossible in this brief sketch to quote the words of praise given him in the reports of his superior officers, such as General Wesley Merritt, General Thomas C. Devin, Colonel W. L. Heer- mance, Major James Cating, and others. " During his service on the brigade and division staff he was always at the front, even when his duties did not call him to the post of clanger ; and his zeal, tempered always as it was by good judgment, was not surpassed by that of any of those with whom he served," said Colonel Heermance. In 1864, during the battle of the Wilderness, he was ordered to report to General Grant's head-quarters, and given charge of an immense train of wounded, to be taken through Fredericksburg to the Potomac River, and to bring back supplies in the wagons. This was a perilous duty, through the enemy's country; but he accomplished it with remarkable tact, and returned with his charge to the front in extraordinarily quick time. In Meade's retreat from Culpeper, Lieutenant Wheel- er's train was suddenly attacked by Mosby and his band from an ambush. The train was captured, and Mosby was proceeding to appropriate it, when Wheeler rallied such troops as he could muster, led the charge, and with such effect that the wagons were speedily recaptured, together with several of the enemy's, and the guerillas put to flight. Nor was Lieutenant Wheeler denied a part in the Shenandoah Valley campaign, for it was he who dispatched his orderly with thing speed, bearing to Sheridan the tidings that the army was being pressed back from Cedar Creek ; and so it came that Sheridan's ride, "To Winchester, twenty miles away." At the termination of the war Lieutenant Wheeler was brevetted major, and in September, 1865, he was mustered out of service with his command. He was only twenty- four years old and without occupation, and so he drifted back to Troy, where he accepted the position of book- keeper. But this was too slow for his business capacity, and he went to New York City, where he first engaged in a subordinate capacity, and subsequently became a partner in the firm of Holt & Co. In 1870 Major Wheeler married Miss Harriet Macy Valentine, by whom he had two sons and two daughters ; but both the sons died. The death of his brother-in-law, R. M. Valentine, late of the firm of R. H. Macy & Co., eventually caused Major Wheeler to become a member of that firm ; but in 1882 he made a trip to Colorado for the benefit of his health, and there, through an artist friend, he became interested in mining, and was one of the earliest that interested themselves in the Aspen Mine of Colorado, organizing the Aspen Smelting Company, and, with afar-seeing business eye, took a one-half interest in the lease of the wonderful Aspen Mine, from which, from the 1st of January to the 22d of February, 1885, five hundred thousand ounces of silver were taken. Major Wheeler has since that time been engaged, in addition to his mining, in vast business interests tending to the development of Northwestern Colorado. 23- OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BRIGADIER-GENERAL ROBERT P. DECHERT, U.S.V. Brigadier-General Robert P. Dechert, born in Reading, Pennsylvania, August 16, 1842. His maternal great-grandfather, General Andrew Porter, was a soldier of renown during the days of the American Revolution, having participated in that heroic struggle as commander of the First Pennsylvania Artillery. General Dechert's grandfather, Judge Robert Porter, after serving in the Rev- olutionary War as a lieutenant in his father's regiment, served thirty years on the bench. Judge Porter was a brother of the Governor, David R. Porter, of Pennsyl- vania. Another brother was John M. Porter, of Easton, who was appointed Secretary of War by President Tyler. Still another brother was George B. Porter, who was Governor of Michigan. Miss Todd, of Virginia, whom Abraham Lincoln mar- ried, was a descendant of this Porter family. General Dechert's father, Elijah Dechert, was a lawyer of high standing at the bar in Reading. General Dech- ert was educated at the classical academy of Professor E. D. Saunders, and a grammar school, and afterwards the Central High School of Philadelphia, from which he grad- uated in February, 1861. It was his intention to begin the study of law, but the war of the Rebellion changed his plans. Although not yet of age, he offered his ser- vices as a volunteer. Mustered into service in [une, 1861, he was assigned to the Twenty-ninth Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Volunteers. On January 8, 1862, while yet under twenty years of age, he was commissioned first lieutenant. On April 23, 186;, h made captain of his company, and in No- vember of the following year was promote, 1 to the rank of major. On March 13, 1865,110 was brevetted lieu- tenant-colonel " for distinguished and meritorious services during the war." lie served in turn as an aide on the staff of Colonel George L. Andrews, Third Brigade, Second Division of the Twelfth Army Corps ; as aide to Briga- dier-General Thomas H. Ruger, of the Third Brigade, First Division of same corps, and now of the regular service; as aide on the staff of Major-General A. S. Williams, Twentieth Corps ; and ultimately on the staff of that daring and gallant commander, General Henry W. Slo- cum, of the Army of Georgia. For a time he was with General N. P. Banks, and participated in the many encoun- ters between that commander and the famous " Stonewall" Jackson ; and he took a conspicuous part in the disastrous campaign through Virginia under General Pope. In the battle of Antietam he performed admirable work under General George B. McClellan, and at Chancellorsville dis- tinguished himself by courage on that blood)' field. At Gettysburg, as assistant adjutant-general of the First Di- vision, Twelfth Army Corps, his heroic services merited and received honorable mention ; and on every field of carnage in which his command was engaged during the unprecedented and arduous campaign, known as Sher- man's March to the Sea, he was at his post of duty, a will- ing and able participant in the work on hand. He went to the war a bo) - fresh from school, and re- turned at the close of hostilities a veteran of four years' constant, active, and hazardous service, with the experi- ence of main- hard-fought battles behind him. He con- nected himself with the Gray Reserves of Philadelphia, and in November, 1867, was elected captain of Com- pany F. In November, 1869, he became a member of the re- nowned First Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry, of which in 1870 he became a sergeant. In 1 873 he was promoted to the rank of first sergeant, and in 1876 was advanced to cornet. But it was in the infantry service and in the Second Regiment that his services to the State, in perfecting and promoting the citizen soldiery known as the National Guard, have been most effective. In 1878 he was elected colonel of the regiment. He was twice re-elected colonel, and in 1890 was appointed brigadier-general of the National Guard of Pennsyl- vania. In 1884 General Dechert was elected city controller of Philadelphia. That year Blaine received in Philadelphia, for President, a majority of thirty thousand, while General Dechert, running on the Democratic ticket, was elected by sixteen thousand majority. In 1887 he was re-elected city controller by a large majority. General Dechert is unmarried. He is identified with a large number of organizations. He is president of the Sagamore Club of Philadelphia, and a member of the Penn Club, the Art Club, Bachelors' Barge Club, and various other social organizations. He is one of the early members of the Military Order of the Loyal Letrion. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 233 MAJOR-GENERAL FRANCIS PRESTON BLAIR, JR., U.S.V. (deceased). Major-General Francis Preston Blair, Jr., was born- in Lexington, Kentucky, February 19, 1821. He was the son of Francis P. Blair, Sr., and P'liza Gist. His father belonged on one side to the Blairs who were iden- tified with Princeton College, and had in it many dis- tinguished men, and on the other to the Preston family, which counted among its members some of the most eminent men of our country. His mother was the daughter of Nathaniel Gist, the man who went as Gen- eral Washington's guide to Fort Duquesne, and who came of a family dating back to Oliver Cromwell, and containing many men of distinction as soldiers and civilians. The subject of this sketch spent the first nine years of his life in Kentucky, a few years in Washington City, and was then sent to a school in Alexandria, and then to the College of Chapel Hill, in North Carolina. He re- mained there two years, then went to Princeton. After being graduated there, he studied law in Lexington, Ken- tucky, and settled in St. Louis in 1843, having formed a law partnership with his brother, Montgomery Blair. In 1845, his health being impaired, he went to New Mexico. While there the Mexican War broke out, and he joined General Kearny as an aide and scout ; having become familiar with the country and the people, he rendered invaluable service to Kearny's command. He gained reputation as a soldier during this campaign. He returned to Missouri in 1847, and in 1852 he was elected to the Missouri Legislature as a Freesoiler. In the autumn of 1856 Mr. Blair was nominated by the Republicans of St. Louis for Congress, and defeated Mr. Kennett, the pro-slavery candidate. He was one of the first and warmest advocates of the construction of a rail- road from Missouri to the Pacific Ocean, a thing then thought so impossible as to be almost quixotic. He was returned to Congress in 185S, and again in 1S60. He was a warm supporter of Mr. Lincoln during the first session of the Thirty-seventh Congress. At the close of the session he returned to Missouri and occupied himself in raising troops. He attended the second ses- sion of this Congress, filling with great ability the exact- ing position of chairman of the Military Committee. At the close of this session he was requested by the Secre- tary of War to raise a brigade of volunteers in his own State, where, owing to his great popularity, he was soon successful. On the 7th of August, 1862, he was com- missioned brigadier-general, and his brigade attached to General Steele's division, which joined General Sherman's command at Helena. All histories of the war tell of his gallant achievements at Chickasaw Bluffs and in all the battles of the terrible campaigns around Vicksburg. For 3° gallantry in these battles he was promoted to major-gen- eral of volunteers, and commanded first the Fifteenth and afterwards the Seventeenth Corps in Sherman's " March to the Sea," and remained with the army, par- ticipating in .ill the great battles, until the close of the war. Brave and gallant soldier as he was, and uncompro- misingly hostile as he was to the enemies of his country, when the war was over, and the Southern army had laid down their arms, he at once arrayed himself against those who were in favor of continuing to treat Southern people as enemies, and with voice and pen constantly urged the adoption of a liberal and humane policy. From this time he united with the Democratic party. lie was nominated for the Vice-Presidency on the ticket with Mr. Seymour in 1868, and in the same year served as i, and he espoused the Union cause at the first oppor- tunity which presented itself, and enlisted in the First Kansas Regiment at Leavenworth, Kansas, on the 29th of May, [86l, as a private soldier, and received a serious wound at the first battle of the war, that of Wilson's Creek, Missouri, where the gallant General Lyon was killed. Major Townshend was honorably discharged in conse- quence of disability from a wound, and, returning to Illini lis, proceeded to assist in the raising of the Thirty-second 1 Illinois Infantry before his wound had healed. He was commissioned by Governor Yates as first lieutenant of Company F in the regiment. In his first engagement with that regiment, at the battle of Shiloh, he was shot entirely through the body, and promoted from a lieu- tenancy, the position he then held, to be captain. After recovering from this wound he rejoined his regiment, and was again wounded at Little Hatchie, Mississippi ; again at Kenesaw Mountain ; at the siege of Vicksburg, and at Bentonville, the last battle of the war. He was elected major after the battle of Atlanta, and commanded his regiment on Sherman's " March to the Sea." Major Townshend was elected lieutenant-colonel, but the loss of nine men at the battle of Bentonville prevented his receiving commission under the law respecting quota. He served at different times on the staff of Generals Gresham, Giles A. Smith, and Belknap, and participated in twenty-six pitched battles, being wounded six times. After the war he commanded his regiment (which had re-enlisted as a whole) on the march from Louisville, Ken- tucky, to Fort Kearney, having been ordered to Salt Lake. Here the order was countermanded, and the regi- ment returned to Fort Leavenworth, and he was mustered out on the same ground where he had been mustered in. Upon leaving the army he proceeded to complete his education at Shurtleff College, Illinois, and then studied medicine while employed as a clerk in the Treasury De- partment at Washington, graduating from the National Medical College in 1869. Major Townshend was appointed health-officer of the District of Columbia under the provisions of the perma- nent form of government act on July 9, 1878, and held the office for over fourteen years. He is now enjoying a lucrative practice of his profession in the capital city. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. CAPTAIN WILLIAM D. WILDMAN, U.S.V. Captain William D. Wildman was born in Galveston, Texas, September i, 1 841, being the eldest son of Anson B. and Lavica Foman Wildman, deceased. His father was a surgeon for the army in the Mexican War, his grandfather was a soldier of 18 12-14, anc " his great- grandfather a soldier of the Revolutionary War. The family is traced to 1442, in Yorkshire, England, the imme- diate ancestors of the subject of this sketch emigrating to this country in its early settlement, locating in and near Hartford, Connecticut. Captain Wildman was left an orphan at nine years of age, and was taken by an uncle to Northern Indiana, now Lagrange County, where he lived with different parties, generally on a farm, until 1859, when he entered the Wolcottville Academy, and remained in school until April 13, 1861. During the night of April 14, after the first fire on Fort Sumter, he walked twenty-six miles to Fort Wayne, Indiana, and before breakfast on the 15th he enlisted in a company called the " Alert Guards," which sub- sequently became Company G, Twelfth Indiana In- fanta-. He had not a dollar's worth of property of any kind, and owed fifteen dollars for his tuition, which he paid out of the first money he received from the govern- ment. From May, 1 861, to March, 1862, the regiment was on duty on the Ohio and Potomac Rivers, and during the month of November, 1861, while Wildman was em- ployed scouting on the Virginia side of the Potomac, he and James Strouse were captured in Martinsburg. They were taken to Winchester and confined in a two- story brick house, from which Wildman escaped De- cember 21, by jumping from a second-story window, and making his way to his regiment at Dam No. 4, arriving there on Christmas Day, which was a memorable one to him. He participated with his command in the Valley cam- paign of 1862, and marched thence to Fredericksburg, Virginia, and was discharged in May, 1862, at Washington City, by reason of expiration of service. He then helped to organize a company in Lagrange Count}-, and was commissioned first lieutenant and assigned to Company G, Eighty-eighth Indiana Infantry. He participated in the battle of Chaplin's Hills, October 8, 1862, after which he was detailed on the staff of Colonel J. G. Jones. He was taken sick upon the arrival of the command at Nashville, and was sent to hospital. He joined his command Decem- ber 30, and participated in the battle of Murfreesborough, leading the left wing of his regiment in the Saturday night's fight by the Eighty-eighth Indiana and Third Ohio. He was honorably mentioned for meritorious conduct on this occasion. Captain Wildman also participated in the battles of 235 Tullahoma, Chickamauga, and Horse-shoe Ridge, where he was slightly wounded September 20, 1863. In the reorganization at Chattanooga he was assigned to the First Brigade, First Division, Fourteenth Corps, in which he served until the close of the war, participating in the battles of Lookout Mountain and Mission Ridge, Novem- ber 23 and 25, 1863. After these battles he was sent to Indiana on recruiting service, and while there was com- missioned captain Company I, Eighty-eighth Indiana Infantry, March 4, 1864. He joined his regiment in front of Kenesaw Mountain, Georgia, June 20, 1864, and par- ticipated in the Atlanta campaign, beini; engaged in all the battles in which the Fourteenth Corps took part, being again slightly wounded at Peach-tree Creek. He made the " March to the Sea," and while in command of a de- tachment sent out to forage, having gathered boats to cross the Savannah River, three steamers were dis- covered coming down the river. The detachment bat- teries opened on them ; one was grounded, but the others escaped, and Captain Wildman was the first Union sol- dier to board the grounded steamer. Crossing the Sa- vannah River, an abundance of forage was found, and, after a sharp skirmish with Hampton's cavalry, recrossed in safety. ( iaptain Wildman marched through the Carolinas, being engaged at Averysborough, North Carolina, March 16, 1865, and opened the battle of Bentonville, North Caro- lina. He was with the army at Goldsborough, and on the outposts when Johnston surrendered. He u as h< mor- ably mustered out of service June 7, 1865. At the close of the war Captain Wildman entered into business pursuits in the East, but his health giving way, in 1868 he moved to Nebraska, married Miss Sarah McMurray in 1873, and now resides at Cul- berson, Nebraska, where he is engaged in the real estate business. 2j6 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL LEWIS B. PARSONS, u.s.v. Brevet Major-General Lewis B. Parsons is de- scended from old English ancestry. "Cornet" Joseph Parsons, his paternal ancestor, emigrated to Boston in July, 1635, and was one of the original settlers and pro- prietors of Springfield and Northampton, Massachusetts. On the maternal side he is descended from Charles Hoar, of Gloucester, England, whose widow, Joanna, with a large family, emigrated to Boston in 1640, and from whom are descended the families of that name in New England. Captain Charles Parsons, the grandfather of General Parsons, was an officer of the Revolution, serv- ing from Ticonderoga to (Valley Forge and) Vorktown, being severely wounded at Monmouth. Lewis B. Parsons, father of General Parsons, was a suc- cessful merchant, a citizen of high standing, ami the founder of Parsons College, Iowa. General Parsons was born in Genesee Count}-, New York, April 5, 1818; grad- uated at Yale College in 1840 and at the Law School of Harvard University in 1844. Emigrating to Alton, Illi- nois, the same year, he was successive]}- city attorney and attorney, treasurer, and president of the Ohio & Missis- sippi Railroad. Entering the army in 1 861, he was ordered to St. Louis, Missouri, and served first on a military com- mission with General (then Captain) Phil. Sheridan. April 4, [862, Captain Parsons was promoted to the rank of colonel and aide-de-camp on the staff of Major- General Halleck, who, on account of his railroad ex- perience, placed him in charge of arm}- transportation. Soon after, on the order of the Secretary of War, Colonel Parsons was made "chief of rail and river transporta- tion" of the armies of the West and Southwest, with head-quarters at St. Louis. In 1864 Secretary Stanton ordered him to Washington, extending his duties to the entire country. May 11, 1865, on the autographic order of President Lincoln, for distinguished services, he was promoted to the rank of brigadier-general, and on re- tiring from the service, April 30, 1866, was brevetted major-general of volunteers. General Parsons's eminent executive ability and suc- cess in the rapid movements of large armies for long- distances, with their vast supplies and munitions of war, elicited the highest commendations of President Lincoln, Secretary Stanton, Generals Grant, Sherman, and others, and were, among other instances, shown in the move- ment of General Sherman's army of forty thousand men for the first attack on Vicksburg, as also in the trans- fer of General Schofield's army from Eastport, Missis- sippi, over the Alleghany Mountains to the Potomac, in midwinter, a distance of fourteen hundred miles, in an average time of eleven days, instead of thirty allowed by the Secretary of War. This movement was pronounced by the Secretary, as also by English and French authori- ties, as unequalled in rapidity and success in the annals of war. General Parsons's duties kept him mostly from the field, but when present, during several engagements, he volunteered as aide and received special commendation for services rendered. His record of duty is perhaps best shown by the follow- ing extracts of letters from Generals Grant and Sherman : Ma} r 20, 1865, General Grant writes, "The position (chief of rail and fiver transportation of the armies of the United States) is second in importance to no other con- nected with the military service, and to have been ap- pointed to it at the beginning of a war of the magnitude and duration of this, and holding it to its close, pro- viding transportation for whole armies, with all that appertains to them, for thousands of miles, adjusting accounts involving millions of money, and doing justice to all, never delaying for a moment any military operations dependent upon you, evidences an honesty of purpose, knowledge of men, and executive ability of the highest order, and of which any man might be justly proud." October 29, 1865, General Sherman writes, "I more especially recall the fact that you collected at Memphis, in December, 1862, boats enough to transport forty thou- sand men, with full equipments and stores, on less than a week's notice, and subsequently that you supplied an army of one hundred thousand men, operating near Vicksburg, for six months, without men or horses being in want for a single day. I beg to express my admiration of the system and good sense which accomplished results so highly useful to the whole country." After two years spent abroad in search of health, and several years as president of a bank in St. Louis, General Parsons, in 1874, retired to Flora, Illinois, where he now resides, engaged in managing a large landed estate pur- chased in the earlv settlement of Illinois. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. '-37 CAPTAIN JOHN ANDERSON, U.S.V. Captain- John Anderson (Eighteenth Infantry) was born in Monson, Massachusetts, and entered the military service as a private in Company E, of the First Michigan Sharp-shooters, January 5, 1863, serving with that regi- ment until appointed a second lieutenant of the Fifty- seventh Massachusetts Volunteers, when his regiment was attached to the First Brigade, First Division of the Ninth Army Corps, participating in the campaign of the Army of the Potomac, and commanded Company F. of his regiment through the Wilderness campaign, engaging in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Ninth Anna River, Cold Harbor, and in the charge upon the rebel works around Petersburg, Virginia, June 16-18, 1864. He then served in the trenches before Petersburg during the siege, and participated in the Mine explosion, Jul)' 30, 1864, where he was wounded. He was discharged for disability arising from his wounds, January 21, 1865, but was appointed second lieutenant of the Twentieth Regiment of the Veteran Reserve Corps, March 25, 1865, serving at Wheeling, West Virginia, in connection with mustering out West Virginia volunteers to November, 1 865, and in Tennessee, Georgia, and South Carolina during "reconstruction," until honorably mustered out of the volunteer service, June 30, 1866. 1 le was brevetted a first lieutenant of volunteers March 18, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services in the bat- tles before Petersburg, and a captain of the same date for the same occasion. Captain Anderson entered the regular service by ap- pointment as second lieutenant of the Twenty-fifth L*. S. Infantry, August 10, 1867, and served as quartermaster and commissary at Columbia, Newberry, and Greenville, South Carolina, and was transferred to the Eighteenth Infantry April 26, 1869. He was promoted first lieu- tenant October 17, 1878, and served in his regiment until April, 1879, when he moved with it to Fort Assin- niboin, Montana, participating in the campaign in North- ern Montana against Sioux Indians under Sitting Hull and Gall, during the months of January and February, [881. His regiment was transferred to the Indian Terri- tory in 1885, and while on duty at Fort Gibson he was made regimental quartermaster, to date from November, 1889. The regiment subsequently moved to Texas, and he was stationed with the head-quarters at Fort Clark until promoted a captain June 21, 1S90, when he was relieved as quartermaster and joined his company. Captain Anderson comes from old New England stock. One of his ancestors, Colonial Governor Bradford, was one of the " Mayflower" colony which landed at Plymouth in 1620, and was an active participant in the events of that period. His ancestors also served in the war for American independence. Captain Anderson is a member of the first class of the Kansas Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion; also member of the George H. Ward Post, No. 10, Grand Army of the Republic, of Worcester, Massachusetts. 2 3 8 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) COLONEL SMITH HUGH HASTINGS, U.S.V. Colonel Smith Hugh Hastings is of Anglo-Norman lineage. Hastings is well known to be a name- of great antiquity and distinction in the annals of England. The history of this family has been definitely traced through all its American branches in New England back to the original English stock. The English historian, Freeman, states, " There are only five families in England who can trace their lineage back of Edward III. (1327 to 1377), and the Hastings family is one of them." The subject of this sketch was born December 27, [843. When the life of the nation was threatened, young Hast- ings cast his books aside to answer the first call of Lin- coln for three months' regiments. His first service in- cluded the capture of Alexandria, where the gallant Ellsworth fell, and the first battle of Bull Run. Keep- ing on in active campaigns at the front, this young officer served under General Scott while he commanded the army in 1861, and with McDowell, Heintzelman, Stahl, Meade, Pleasonton, Grant, Sheridan, Kilpatrick, Wilson, Torbert, Merritt, and the gallant Custer, in their various campaigns through the entire war of the Rebellion, down to Appomattox and the surrender of Lee. He was the colonel who succeeded Colonel R. A.Alger (ex-governor of Michigan) in command of the Fifth Michigan Cavalry, when General Alger was called to Washington by Presi- dent Lincoln. The Fifth Michigan was one of the four regi- ments that formed the well-known Custer Cavalry Brigade with which General Custer won much of his first success. During an entire campaign, this young officer, not yet twenty-one, had commanded his regiment, leading it in all the battles and engagements while yet too young to be allowed to muster in on his commission as colonel. The autograph letter written by him who made his last fight at the battle of the " Little Big Horn" is still extant, upon which the junior major of a regiment was promoted at one step three grades above, to the colonelcy of his regiment. The letter addressed to Governor Austin Blair reads as follows : " Major Hastings has commanded the regiment a longer period than any other officer since the regiment first came under my command. During the time he has held this command he has participated in most of the battles and skirmishes of the spring campaign, and in all the battles recently fought in the Valley (Shenandoah 1, with such gallantry as to reflect the highest credit upon himself and the regiment. His discipline in camp com- pares well with his conduct in the field and in the face of the enemy. After a thorough and intimate acquaintance with the officers of the Michigan Brigade, I can assure your excellency that you cannot intrust the command of the Fifth Michigan to any one who would be superior to Major Hastings in an)- of the qualifications which make a good commander. " G. A. Custer, Bvt. Maj.-Gen" The Quincy Herald gives a letter written by General Sheridan after the war closed, from which the following extract is taken : "Colonel S. H. Hastings, late colonel of the Fifth Michigan Volunteers, served in my command in the Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac, from the beginning of the Wilderness campaign through the battles of Todd's Tavern and the Furnaces, and on the Richmond raid, in a most soldierly manner. He was severely wounded at the battle of Trevilian Station, where he came under my personal observation. After recovering he rejoined my command in the Shenandoah Valley, and took part in all of the battles of the Shenandoah campaign in 1864. In the campaign of the spring of 1 865 he bore a most gallant part in every engagement from Five Forks to the sur- render of Lee, and on every occasion exhibited a courage and efficiency that had marked his career from the begin- ning of the war, and long before I had personal knowl- edge of him. " P. 1 1. Sheridan, Lieut.-Gen. V. S. ./." After the war closed, Colonel Hastings spent several years as a railroad official, after which he settled perma- nently in Denver, Colorado, where he built up an extensive business from 1873 to 1885, under the firm name of S. H. 1 Listings & Co. In 1.S70 Colonel Hastings married Miss Celia A. Witter. In 1.X85 he retired from active business, for his real estate and corporation interests required his entire time. He was president of the Equitable Accident Insurance Company, a director of the Equitable Loan and Trust Company, a director in two banks, and also a director and one of the largest stockholders of the C. I. & S. Co., a Denver cor- poration with $525,000 paid-up capital. Those who know Colonel Hastings best notice that his greatest happiness is with his family in their Denver home. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 239 BREVET MAJOR EUMAN HARRIS TENNEY, U.S.V. (deceased). Brevet Major Luman Harris Tenney, of the Second Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, was born in North Amherst, Lorain County, Ohio, October 1, 1S41. His father, Luman Tenney, M.D., formerly of Vermont, was a leading physician of the place. On the side of his mother, Emeline C. Harris, he was descended from a family of sturdy pioneers, who were among the earliest to remove from Massachusetts and settle on the Western Reserve, then almost an unbroken wilderness. Removing to Oberlin, Ohio, at fourteen years of age, he prepared for college, and in 1859 entered the class of 1863. The disastrous battle of Bull Run was to him, as to many, an imperative call to duty, and in September of that year he left his classes ami enlisted as a private sol- dier in the Second Ohio Cavalry, then organizing at Camp Wade, in Cleveland. He shortly went to the front with his regiment in the capacity of commissary sergeant of his battalion, and thereafter served in the field until two months after the surrender of the Confederate armies. He was successively promoted for merit to the grade of second lieutenant, first lieutenant, and captain in the line, and was subsequently brevetted major by the President, " for gallant service in the campaigns of the Shenandoah Valley in 1864." He was present in over fifty battles and lesser engagements with the enemy, including Grant's campaign of the Wilderness, Sheridan's battles of Win- chester, Cedar Creek, and Waynesborough, the siege of Petersburg, and the closing campaign about Richmond, culminating with the surrender of Lee's army at Appo- mattox. At the bloody battle of Five Forks, April I, 1865, Major Tenney especially distinguished himself for gallantry, coolness, and efficiency, winning the unstinted commendation of his superior officers. In this engage- ment, his brother, Theodore A. Tenney, fell at his side, fatally hurt by a shell from the enemy's artillery. Returning to private life, he engaged in business pur- suits. On April 16, 1867, he was married to Miss Frances D. Andrews, of Ohio. Later he removed to Minnesota. In 1 87 1 and 1872 he was connected with the work of constructing the Northern Pacific Railroad. Settling at Glyndon, in the Red River Valley, he founded there an agricultural colony of European and American settlers. Here he made his home, engaged on a large scale in growing grain and handling the wheat crop of the Northern belt. Naturally a leader of men, he took a prominent and influential part in every movement that promised a betterment of existing conditions. On February 10, 1880, Major Tenmy died of heart- failure, meeting death as courageously as he had so often faced it on the field of battle. -4° OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET MAJOR JAMES EDWARD CARPENTER, u.s.v. Brevet Major James Edward Carpenter (Eighth Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry) was born in Kent County, Maryland, where his parents were temporarily, on March 6, 1S41, being the second son of Edward Car- penter, deceased, of Philadelphia, and great-grandson of Tin mi. is Carpenter, of Carpenter's Landing, New Jersey, who served as captain in the Revolutionary army. His emigrating ancestor was Samuel Carpenter, the first treas- urer of Pennsylvania, the intimate friend of William Penn and trustee of his estate, and one of the most prominent of the first settlers of Pennsylvania. In the female line Major Carpenter is descended from Thomas Lloyd, of " Dolobran," the first governor of Pennsylvania under Penn, and from Samuel Preston, who was mayor of Philadelphia in 1 7 1 I . The subject of this sketch was educated in the best schools of Philadelphia, entered the volunteer army March 17, 1862, as a private in the Eighth Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, and was soon after promoted to second lieutenant. He was commis- sioned first lieutenant August 4, r 862, and captain De- cember 23, 1863; was brevetted major for "gallant and meritorious conduct at the battles of Deep Run, Ream's Station, and on the Vaughn Road, near Petersburg, Vir- ginia," and was honorably mustered out of service Octo- ber 26, 1864, having served continuously in the Army of the Potomac from his enlistment until his discharge. Major Carpenter took part in the Peninsular campaign, and was engaged at Fair Oaks, White Oak Swamp, and Malvern Hill. In the course of the campaign he passed with his regiment, under Colonel D. McM. Gregg, from Bottom's Bridge to Jones' Bridge on the eastern side of the Chickahominy occupied by the enemy, and rejoined our forces by swimming that stream at the latter point. During the advance into Virginia after Antietam, in the cavalry action at Philomont, November 2, 1862, when in command of the advance guard of the army, he was severely wounded. In 1863 he participated in the battles of the Chancellorsville campaign, in which, on May 2, in the celebrated charge of his regiment against " Stone- wall" Jackson's flanking movement, his horse was shot under him, and he alone, of the four officers of his bat- talion who rode at the head of the column, survived the action. He took part in various skirmishes preceding and following the battle of Gettysburg : at Shepherdstown Jul_\- 16, Culpeper Court-House September 13, Sulphur Springs October 12, Auburn and Bristoe Station Octo- ber 14, and at New Hope Church and Parker's Store, in the Mine Run campaign, November 2~ and 29. In the Richmond campaign of 1864 he was engaged at St. Mary's Church June 22, Deep Bottom July 28, and White's Tavern and Deep Run August 16. In August, 1864, he joined the staff of General D. McM. Gregg, commanding the Second Cavalry Division, as commissar)- of musters, and in this capacity was engaged at Ream's Station August 25, Wyeth's Farm September 30 and October 1, and on the Vaughn Road October 2. In addition to those named, he was engaged in many minor actions and skirmishes. Major Carpenter was admitted to the Philadelphia bar October 21, 1S65, since which time he has continued in the active practice of his profession. He married in 1867 Harriet Odin Dorr, daughter of the Rev. Benjamin Dorr, D.D., of Philadelphia. Since 1S69 he has been trcasurcr of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. He was one of the organizers of the Pennsylvania Society of" Sons of the Revolution," and is interested in and connected with several prominent institutions. For some years he served as one of the commissioned officers of the celebrated First Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry, and owing greatly to his exertions that historic body has been brought up to its splendid state of discipline and efficiency. He is a brother of Lieutenant-Colonel Louis H. Car- penter, Fifth United States Cavalry, brevet colonel United States arm\-, a sketch of whom appears in the companion volume of this series of sketches. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 241 BREVET MAJOR HENRY SWEETSER BURRAGE, U.S.V. Brevet Major Henry Sweetser Burrage was born in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, January 7, 1837. His pa- rents removing to Roxbury, Massachusetts, he attended the Chauncy Hall School in Boston, and later he fitted for college at Pierce Academy, Middleborough, Massa- chusetts. In 1857 he entered Brown University, Provi- dence, Rhode Island, where he was graduated in 1861. I [e then entered Newton Theological Institution, at New- ton Centre, Massachusetts. August I, 1862, he enlisted as a private in Company A, Thirty-sixth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, and was made sergeant August 5, and August 27 received an appointment as sergeant- major of the regiment. The Thirty-sixth left its camp at Worcester, Massa- chusetts, September 2, 1862, and, proceeding to Boston, embarked on board the steamer " Merrimac" for Wash- ington, having as companions on the voyage the Twentieth Maine Volunteers. September 7, the regiment landed at Washington, and two days later was assigned to the Ninth Army Corps, then with General McClellan in Man-land ; but the regiment was detained so long in the vicinity of Washington that it did not join the corps until after the battle of Antietam. The regiment par- ticipated in the battle of Fredericksburg, and when Gen- eral Burnside was pi, iced in charge of the Department of the Ohio, accompanied the corps to Kentucky, and after- wards to Vicksburg, Mississippi. May 16, 1863, Ser- geant-Major Burrage was commissioned second lieutenant of Company D, but did not receive his commission until after the arrival of the regiment at Vicksburg. He ac- companied the regiment to Jackson in the movement following the fall of Vicksburg; was present at the siege of Jackson ; and after the campaign closed, on ac- count of sickness contracted while in Mississippi, was home on leave of absence until October 8, 1863. Mean- while his regiment had entered East Tennessee, and he re- joined it early in November at Lenoir's, about twenty-five miles below Knoxville. Longstreet, a few days after, moved against Burnside. Lieutenant Burrage was with his regiment in the battle of Campbell's Station, November 16, and in the siege of Knoxville that followed. November 17, he was commis- sioned first lieutenant of Company D, to fill a vacancy occasioned by the death of Lieutenant Holmes, killed at Campbell's Station. About the middle of March, 1864, the Ninth Corps was ordered to Annapolis, Man-land. It was supposed by many that General Burnside was to be employed in a coast expedition, but at length the corps, to which many new troops had been assigned, was ordered from An- napolis to Washington, and then to the Army of the Potomac, rejoining that army at the battle of the Wilder- 31 ness. In this battle, and at Spottsylvania, Lieutenant Burrage participated with his regiment. At the battle of Cold Harbor, June 3, he was wounded in the right arm, ne.ii- the shoulder, and June 19, while at home on account of this wound, he was commissioned captain of Company D, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Captain Buffum, killed at Petersburg, June 18. September 14, returning to his regiment, then in the trenches at Peters- burg, he participated in the battle of Pegram's Farm, September 30. November I, 1864, he was captured, and remained a prisoner at Richmond and Danville, Virginia, until February 22, 1865, when he was exchanged. On returning to his regiment he was made acting assistant adjutant-general on the staff of the First Brigade, Second Division, Ninth Corps, in place of Major Peckham, killed at Petersburg, and remained in this position until his regiment returned to Massachusetts at the close of the war. March 13, 1865, he was brevetted major United States volunteers, for "gallant and meritorious services in the campaign from the Rapidan to the James." Resuming his theological studies, Major Burrage was graduated at Newton Theological Institution in 1867. Having prepared and published " Brown University in the Civil War," he went to Germany for further study at the University of Halle. Returning to this country, he was ordained December 30, 1869, pastor of the Baptist Church in Waterville, Maine. In October, 1873, he be- came editor and proprietor of Zion's Advocate, a weekly religious paper published in Portland, Maine, where he- still resides. He is the author of several historical works; received in I 883 the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity from Brown University ; is a member of the Maine Historical Society, of the American Society of Church History, recorder of the Maine Commandery of the Loyal Legion, and secretary of the Maine Society of the "Sons of the Revolution." 242 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer CAPTAIN LEVERETT M. KELLEY, U.S.V. Captain Leverett M. Kelley was born September 28, 1841, at Schenectady, New York. His father, Mr. John Kelley, removed to Illinois in 1845, and located on a farm in Rutland Township, Kane County, where he resided until his death at an advanced age in 1890. John Kelley was a man of resolute character and strong con- victions, and became prominent in those early days as a leader in the Free-Soil party, and was its first candidate in Kane County for the State Legislature. Leverett M. (the fifth of nine children) was educated in the public schools of Rutland, subsequently going to the Elgin Academy, and was a student at Beloit College when President Lincoln's call for men for the three years' ser- vice put an abrupt termination to his studies. 1 [e enlisted in JuK - , 1861, as a private in Company A of the Thirty- sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Captain Kelley made a conspicuous record for gallantry and efficiency in this famous organization, and received merited promotion in the field through the various grades from corporal to sergeant-major of the regiment, and upon reorganization as veterans, after termination of the three years' term, he became lieutenant and finally captain of his company. The Thirty-sixth joined General Curtis's Army of the Southwest, and was assigned to the Second Brigade of General < (sterhaus's division, receiving its baptism of fire- on the sanguinary field of Pea Ridge, where a long list of killed and wounded attested the intrepid stuff of which it ■was made. Then, after a march of a thousand miles to Cape Girardeau, Missouri, the regiment was ordered to Louisville, whence it marched south with Buell's army, Sheridan's division, engaging in the battle of Perryville, where it lost heavily. Thence to Nashville and the battles of Stone River, Chickamauga, Chattanooga, and Mission Ridge. While on the march over the mountains of East Tennessee in mid-winter of 1863-64, the regiment re-enlisted as veterans, " the ink on the pen with which the men signed the roll," as their historian has it, "freez- ing as the\' wrote." Its subsequent career in the Army of the Tennessee included the battles of Dalton, Resaca, Adairsville, Dal- las, Kenesaw, Peach-tree Creek, Jonesborough, and Love- joy Station. At Kenesaw, the subject of this sketch, though still only a sergeant, commanded his company, and during the fight was captured by three rebels, from whom, after a hand-to-hand struggle, he escaped to our lines amid a shower of bullets, one of which grazed his head. After the fall of Atlanta, when Sherman started on his " March to the Sea," Schofield's command, to which the Thirty-sixth was attached, was ordered back to join Thomas at Nashville. On this march the regiment par- ticipated in the battles of Columbia, Spring Hill, and Franklin, the latter being one of the most desperate and bloody of the war, and also in the final decisive conflict of the war in the West before Nashville. During its original term of service, the Thirty -sixth lost eight hundred and seventy-five men by death, wounds, and disease. Captain Kelley was with it in every march, battle, and skirmish in which it was engaged, coming home at the head of his company after nearly four and one-half years of such hard and continuous service as fell to the lot of few organizations during the war. Captain Kelley then engaged in farming, and subse- quently in the drug business in Elgin, Illinois. In 1867 he was elected sheriff of Kane County, and again in 1873. In 1878 he was appointed Indian agent at Standing Rock, Dakota, and afterwards transferred to Los Pinos, Colo- rado, where he brought to a successful issue a very impor- tant treat)' with the Indians, for which he was highly com- plimented by the citizens of Colorado. He resigned this position in 1S79, and engaged successfully in mining in Colorado. During the same year he returned to Elgin, and made extensive investments and improvements in that city, erecting two fine blocks and buildings, and carrying on at the same time the work of a splendid farm of five hundred and fort)' acres in Rutland Township. Captain Kelley has been too busy a man since his return from the war to give very much attention to politics, but was a delegate to the National Republican Convention at Chicago in 18S4. In October, 1889, Captain Kelley accepted a position in the Bureau of Pensions at Washington, as chief of the certificate division, which office he still holds. Captain Kelley is a Knight-Templar, a member of the Grand Army and companion of the Loyal Legion, and a member of the Arm)' ami Navy Club of Washington, D. C. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 243 MAJOR WILLIAM McKAY, U.S.V. Major William McKay, Twenty-seventh Massachu- setts Volunteers, was born in the Scottish Highlands, November 23, 1841, being the fourth son of Donald and Elizabeth Sumers McKay, who, with six sons and four daughters, emigrated to America in 1854, and settled in West Troy, New York. From the age of sixteen until the beginning of the war young McKay worked in a woollen mill at Blackinton, Berkshire County, Massa- chusetts. In August, 1 861, he enlisted as a private in Company H, Tw 7 enty-seventh Massachusetts Volunteers, mustered September 20, 1 86 1, at Springfield, Massachusetts. This is one of the three hundred fighting regiments immortal- ized by Fox in his " Regimental Losses in the Civil W; Its list of killed ami wounded numbered four hundred and eighty-seven, its deaths in Confederate prisons numbered one hundred and sixteen, and three hundred and ninety-five of its members were made prisoners of war. The term of enlistment of the original men of this regiment expired September 20, 1864. These veterans, one hundred and seventy-nine in number, under command of McKay, then a captain, were mustered out at Springfield, Massachusetts, September 29, 1864. In December, 1864, McKay returned to the field and served until the close of the war. During his four years' service McKay took part in the following engagements : Roanoke Island, North Carolina, February 8, 1862; New -Berne, North Caro- lina, March 14, 1S62 ; Rocky Hock Creek, North Caro- lina, March 24, 1S63; Gum Swamp, North Carolina, May 22, 1863 ; Walthal Junction, Virginia, May 7, 1864; Arrowfield Church, Virginia, May 9, [864; Drewry's Bluff, Virginia, May 15 and 16, 1864; Cold Harbor, Virginia, June 1, 2, and 3, 1864; Petersburg, Virginia, June 15, 16, 17, and 18, 1864; Burnside's mine, Pe- tersburg, Virginia, Jul} - 30, 1S64; in the trenches before Petersburg, Virginia, from June 15, 1864, until August 21, 1864; Kinston, North Carolina, March 8, 1865. He was severely wounded in right leg at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864, and also in left side at Petersburg, June 18, 1864. At the battle of Kinston, North Carolina, March 8, 1865, he was taken prisoner and confined in a slave- pen at Goldsborough, North Carolina. He was after- wards confined in Libby Prison until paroled, April 1, 1865, being one of the last officers sent down the James River for exchange. Lee surrendered a few days later, and the exchange never took place. Major McKay was the only private in his regiment, numbering from first to last fifteen hundred and twenty- three men, who became a field-officer. His promotions were as follows: corporal, September 20, 1861 ; ser- geant, January 1, 1862; first sergeant, March 15, 1862; second lieutenant, May 29, 1863 ; first lieutenant, March ^?*" m M 1, 1864; captain, May 17, 1864; major, May 15, 1865. He received the thanks of the Legislature of Massachu- setts for faithful and distinguished services in the field, and was mustered out of service at Boston, June 27, 1865, by reason of the close of the war. For four years succeeding the war Major McKay com- manded the State constabulary in Berkshire County, Massachusetts. During this period he studied law, and in May, 1875, began practising his profession in Salt Lake City, Utah, where he has since resided. He was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States March II, 1884. He is a member of the Cali- fornia Commandery of the Loyal Legion, Insignia 4514. Major McKay was married at North Adams, Massa- chusetts, January I, 1S67, to Celestia V. Powers, by Rev. Dr. Sanford, formerly chaplain of his regiment, and uncle of Miss Powers. From this union there were three chil- c l rer , — viz., Charles Roy, born at North Adams, Massa- chusetts, September 19, 1869, now a student at Johns Hopkins University ; William Archibald, born at North Adams, Massachusetts, September 21, 1872, now a stu- dent at Stanford University ; and Florence Letitia, born at Salt Lake City, Utah, October 17, 1878, now at Annie- Wright Seminary, Tacoma, Washington. Mrs. McKay died, after a long illness, at 405 Penn Street, Camden, New Jersey, April 19, 1 89 1 , aged fifty-two years six months and seventeen days. The intelligence of her death caused profound sorrow in the large circle of her friends. She was a most accomplished woman, and as a wife, mother, neighbor, and pure, public-spirited lady she left the impression that in every walk of life- she' had filled her position in a way to draw to her the fullest respect and sincere affection of all who knew her. To her husband and children, to whom she was all in all, her death brought a loss so measureless and sad that Is can give to it no expression. >44 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY [volunteer) MAJOR OLIVER ALEXANDER HORNER, U.S.V. Major Oliver Alexander Horner lias a Scotch-Irish ancestry. He was burn near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, June 10, 1 841, being the eldest son of David W. and Susan 1 forner. Was educated in the public schools, and taught school in the winters of 1859-60. Taking a course in Eastman's Commercial College, Poughkeepsie, New York, he graduated August 9, 1861, master of accounts. Major Horner enlisted in the war of the Rebellion as a private in Company C, Cole's Maryland Cavalry, at Emmettsburg, Md„ Aug. 27, 1861 ; was made a corporal at organization of the company; promoted first sergeant June 10, [862 ; second lieutenant Jan. 15, [864; first lieu- tenant and adjutant April 20, 1864; major Feb. 1, 1865, — the last promotion being for " efficiency, bravery, and meritorious conduct," having the written approval of the field and line officers of the regiment. He served con- tinuously with his regiment until the close of the war (except for brief periods being detailed for post, brigade, staff, and court-martial duties) along the Potomac and in the Shenandoah Valley, Department of West Virginia. Spent winter of 1861 along the Potomac, picketing fords and guarding telegraph lines from Frederick to Hancock, Md. Entered the Shenandoah Valley in Banks's cam- paign, March, 1 862. In fight with Stuart's cavalry at Leesburg, Va., Sept. 2, 1862 ; siege and bombardment of Harper's Ferry, Sept. 3-14, being in the advance-guard with the cavalry that cut their way through the rebel lines night before the surrender, and assisting in the cap- ture of Longstreet's ammunition train of ninety wagons, with the guard, near Williamsport, Md., Sept. 15, [862 ; assisted in the capture of a portion of Stuart's cavalry at Hyattstown, Md., Oct. 1 1, 1862, when he was returning from his raid into the Cumberland Valley, Pa., and around McClellan's arm)- ; with Geary on reconnoissance to Win- chester, Va., Dec. 2-6, 1862, fighting at Charlestown, Ber- ryville, and Smithficld ; spent winter of 1862 at Harper's Ferry, making frequent raids through Loudon, Jefferson, and Clarke counties, Va., after White's and Mosby's gue- rillas ; fight at Halltown, Va., Dec. 20, 1862, assisting in the capture of Captain Baylor, who fired upon a flag of truce at Harper's Ferry, 1861 ; fight at Fountaindale, Pa., June 28, 1863; at Harper's Ferry, July 4, 1863, assisting in destruction of the bridge across the Potomac ; fight w ith Imboden at Charlestown and Rippon, Va., Oct. 18, 1863, having his horse shot ; on fifteen-day raid up Shenandoah Valley, December, [863; in the midnight attack from Mosby's guerillas at Loudon Heights, Va., Jan. 10, 18(14; raid from Harper's Ferry via Winchester and Romney to Moorfield, Va., February, 1864; fight at Mechanicsville Gap ; fight near Middletown, Md., July 6, 1864, where he was captured, but made his escape same day ; fii;ht at Hagerstown, July 29, 1864; Keedysville, Md., Aug. 5, 1864 ; with Sheridan's cavalry in Shenandoah Valley from Aug. 9 to 13, 1864; fighting at Berryville, Charlestown, and Summit Point ; assisting in the retrograde movement from Strasburg to Potomac, destroying forage and driving live-stock from that region ; spent winter of 1864 on the Upper Potomac, head-quarters at Hedgesville, Va., guard- ing Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and telegraph lines from Harper's Ferry to Cumberland. He was mustered out of service at Harper's Ferry, Va., June 28, 1865. After the close of the war Major Homer engaged in mercantile business at Emmettsburg, Maryland, where he married Ann Margaret Grier, June 28, 1866, daughter of the late Rev. Robert S. Grier, by whom he had three chil- dren, his wife dying August 14, 1872, and his children at an early age. He was appointed postmaster at Emmetts- burg, Man-land, March [i, 1 869, and resigned April 15, 1877. Was then appointed United States storekeeper of customs at Baltimore August 24, 1877, serving in that capacity and as an inspector of customs until Jul)-, 1S82. October 22, 1878, he married Anna E.Annan, daughter of Dr. Andrew Annan, of Emmettsburg, Maryland, by whom he has four children, — Andrew Annan, Robert Lewis, Elizabeth Motter, and ( Miver Alexander. In Oc- tober, 1882, he organized the banking-house of Annan, Horner & Co., in Emmettsburg, Maryland, of which he is cashier and general manager, erecting in 1S88 one of the finest bank buildings in Western Maryland, this insti- tution being known as one of the most prosperous and reliable in that section of the State; was elected town commissioner of the corporation of Emmettsburg, 1872 and 1883. He is a director and treasurer of Emmetts- burg Water Company. He has been commander of Arthur Post, No. 41, Grand Army of the Republic, De- partment of Maryland, since its organization in Decem- ber, 1887. He is known as one of the most earnest and active Republicans in Frederick Count)-. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 245 BREVET MAJOR GEORGE WHITFIELD CHANDLER, u.s.v. Brevet Major George Whitfield Chandler was born in February, 1835, at Livonia Centre, Livingston County, New York. During his infancy the family re- moved to Buffalo, and subsequently to Howell, Michigan, where they settled permanently in the fall of 1842. 1 [ere he was educated and began his business career. In i860 he accepted a position with the banking house of J. C. Bailey & Co., at Lansing, Michigan. Upon the outbreak of the Rebellion he was made first sergeant of Company E of the Eighth Michigan Infantry, which he was largely instrumental in raising. He served with his regiment at the capture of Port Royal and Beau- fort, South Carolina, in 186] ; also at the reduction of Fort Pulaski, the battle of Wilmington Island, Georgia, and the operations on James Island, South Carolina, in 1862. He moved with the command to Virginia in the sum- mer of 1862, and, upon the formation of Burnside's Ex- peditionary Corps, was detailed as acting chief commissary on the staff of General Isaac I. Stevens, commanding the First Division of the corps. He participated in the second battle of Bull Run and that of Chantilly, in which Gen- eral Stevens was killed. He remained with the division under General O. B. Wilcox, taking part in the battles of South Mountain and Antietam, Maryland, after which he was detailed by General Burnside to advanced depot duty. He acted as depot commissar}- at Belle Plain in the winter of 1862-63, when General J. E. B. Stuart made his raid around the Union army before the battle of Gettysburg. Mr. Chandler was captured. He was subsequently paroled with a large number of Union offi- cers, but was never exchanged, owing to complications in the office of Edwin M. Stanton, then Secretary of War. In the f.dl of 1863 he was placed on duty in the Department of Washington, remaining there until the spring of 1865, when he was ordered to Morehead Citj , North Carolina, as depot commissary of that department. Here he remained until the fall of 1866, when his service was concluded. The following history of his military rank is given in "Michigan in the War:" "Entered service August 12, 1 86 1 , as sergeant Company E, Eighth Infantry; second lieutenant April 13, 1862; first lieutenant September 1, 1862; captain and commissary of subsistence United States Volunteers May 8, 1864; brevet major United States Volunteers March 13, 1865, 'for meritorious ser- vices in Subsistence Department during the war;' mus- tered out December 27, 1866." The regiment from which Mr. Chandler was honorably discharged was known as " The Wandering Regiment," and is said to have travelled more miles and fought in more States than any other. Returning home in 1866, Mr. Chandler devoted a year to the settlement of his father's estate (both of his parents having died during the war), and then travelled West to Pueblo and Denver, Colorado, when the unsettled state of Indian affairs made it a hazardous undertaking. In [867 he became assistant secretary of the State Fire In- surance Company at Lansing, Michigan, and removed with his family to that city. In 1S71 he left the State Fire Insurance Company to accept the State agency of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company, which position he still retains. In 1882 he purchased the oldest established insurance agency in Detroit, Michigan, which he conducts, together with the general agency of the State for three of his companies, and he has made his home since then in that city. Mr. Chandler is a prominent member of the Masonic oider, having taken all the degrees up to the thirty-third, and was grand commander of the Knights-Templar in l88l and 18S2. He also belongs to several other secret societies, and is a member of the Detroit Grand Army Republic Post 384, and of the I. oval Legion of the United States, of which he was recorder from 1885 to [892. Mr. Chandler was married in 1864. Like the distin- guished Cincinnatus and Washington, he was both able and willing to lay aside his business at the call of his country, and, when no longer needed in a public capacity, to resume the duties of private life and the conduct of peaceful affairs, unspoiled by the life of camps and untouched by political ambition. 246 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BRIGADIER-GENERAL SAMUEL ALLEN RICE, U.S.V. (deceased). Brigadier-General Samuel Allen Rice was of Scotch-Irish descent, and the fifth child of Allen and Melinda (Chapman) Rice, their family consisting of six hoys and two girls, all of whom arc now deceased. Our subject was born in Cattaraugus Count}', New York, January 2~, [828. When he was ten years old his parents removed to Martin's Feny, Belmont County, ( >hin. While living at Martin's Ferry, his father engaged in merchandising, and also owned a large boat, on which he ami his sons made a number <>f trips down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers to New Orleans, and it was on these journeys that General Rice obtained a knowledge of the river and boating that served him t< > such good purpose during the war, while assisting in clearing the Yazoo Pass of obstructions in the celebrated expedition of the Southwest. After attending the public schools at home and the academy in Wheeling, Virginia, he entered Franklin Col- lege at Athens, Ohio, and graduated from Union College, New York, in 1849. He spent one year in the law de- partment of that institution, and then moved West, first stopping at Fairfield, Iowa, where he entered the office of Slagle & Atchison, and remained for one year. In the fall of 1851 he located in O.skaloosa, Iowa, .um\ began the practice of his profession. In the fall of 1853 he was elected prosecuting attorney of Mahaska Count}-. Having firmly established himself in business, Air. Rice returned to Martin's Ferry and married Miss Louisa M. Alexander, the eldest daughter of Rev. James Alexander, D.D., of Virginia, and returned to 1 (skaloosa, where the widow and family still reside. As the fruit of that mar- riage five children were born, three of whom are now living, — Hon. James A. Rice, ex-mayor of Oskaloosa, Iowa ; Emory C. Rice, Esq., of Haydock Bros., St. Louis, and Nettie L. Rice, teacher in the public schools of Des Moines, Iowa. The youngest, Lua, joined her father eleven months after his decease, and Rev. Frank S. Rice, of Chcnoa, Illinois, followed on October 22, 1890. Gen- eral Rice so ably filled the position of county attorney that in the fall of 1850 the people called -him to the more exalted position of attorney-general of the State of Iowa, to which position he was re-elected in 185 8, and retained the office until the spring of i860. During the summer of 1862 he organized the Thirty- third Iowa Infantry, of which Governor Samuel J. Kirk- wood commissioned him colonel August 10, 1862, and in November of that year he took his regiment to St. Louis. In the spring of 1863 he went with his command to Helena, Arkansas, and at once began to clear the Yazoo Pass of obstructions and open it up for navigation. This required a month of arduous and very dangerous service. Jul}- 4, 1863, the battle of Helena was fought, in which Colonel Rice and his regiment bore a conspicu- ous part. In August, 1863, he received his commission as brigadier-general of volunteers. He was with General Fred. Steele when he captured Little Rock, and his command assisted in the construction of the fortifica- tions around that city. He also accompanied General Steele in his campaign into Southwestern Arkansas. During that campaign, his command met the enemy at Terre Noir Creek, Elkins's Ford, Prairie d'Anne, and Camden. In the engagement on the Little Missouri, Gen- eral Rice received a severe scalp wound. The expe- dition, from the time it left Little Rock until it reached the Saline River, was one continuous engagement, and finally, on April 30, 1864, it culminated in the battle of Jenkins's Ferry, or Saline River, Arkansas. General Rice had command of the field that day, and his cool- ness and good judgment in selecting the battle-ground, flanked by Coxe's Creek, a deep and rapid stream, on the right, ami a then impenetrable swamp and morass (made so by the incessant rain) on his left, together with the heroic braver}- of the men who fought that battle, saved Steele's army and the State of Arkansas to the Union cause. During the last charge of the rebels, about 11.45 \.m., General Rice received the mortal wound which caused his death. A Minie-ball passed through his right ankle, carrying into the wound the rim of the brass spur buckle worn by him, from the effects of which he died at his home on July 6, 1864, in full possession of all his faculties to the last moment, surrounded by his family and friends, and with the bright hope of a glorious immortality beyond this life. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. H7 CHAPLAIN JONAS B. CLARKE, Ph.D., U.S.V. Chaplain Jonas B. Clarke, Ph.D., was bom in 1816, at Kennebunkport, Maine. He is the grandson of Rev. Jonas Clarke, A.M., of Lexington, Massachusetts, and a lineal descendant of Rev. John Hancock, the immediate successor of his grandfather. These men were gradu- ated at Harvard University, and their pastorates extended from 1695 to 1805. Dr. Clarke's father, Henry Clarke, was the youngest of thirteen children. He was an old-time ship merchant, and most of his life was spent in Boston. At the age of fourteen the subject of our sketch en- tered Phillips Academy, and in 1839 he was an academi- cal graduate of Dartmouth, and afterwards studied at the Hartford Theological Institute (now Hartford Theo- logical Seminary), from which he graduated in 1X42. He- was ordained that year, his first pastorate being at Granby, Connecticut, and in 1S45 was called to a Congregational church in Swampscott, Massachusetts, where he remained twenty years, doing good service for the Master. He next accepted the position of chaplain of the Twenty- third Massachusetts Volunteers, and was division chap- lain Eighteenth Army Corps. He accompanied the Burnside expedition in 1861, and remained in the army to 1 864. He had also the charge at the same time of the Christian Commission work at North Carolina. On re- turning from the army he took orders in the Protestant Episcopal Church, under Bishop Eastburn, August 25, 1868. Then he became rector of St. John's Church, Wheeling, West Virginia ; head of instruction and pro- fessor of classics and moral science at Wheeling Female College in 1873 ; rector of Grace Church, Indianapolis, Indiana ; head master and professor of English litera- ture, etc., at St. Anna's School, from [878 to 1881 ; post chaplain, Grand Army of the Republic, 1879 to 1881. In December, 1883, he was appointed chaplain and librarian of city institutions of South Boston, Massachu- setts, where he now resides. Since 1883 Dr. Clarke has had charge of three chapels and of two thousand men, whose interests he has watched closely and guarded faithfully. He has been through a long life deeply interested in temperance work, and has been connected for nearly half a century with the cause in connection with preaching the gospel. He is a member of the Church Temper- ance Association, whose head-quarters are in New York City. Dr. Clarke received the usual college degrees of A.B. and A.M., and, later, from a Western university, the degree of Ph.D., based upon a written thesis. In addition to his clerical and educational labor, he has also been engaged in benevolent work of a public char- acter in church and state. I lis writings are found in the archives of the State. He also prepared with great labor, during the years [883-85, the " Roll of 1 tonor," written as a memorial of more than five hundred graduates who distinguished themselves as soldiers in the war of the Rebellion. This record is found in the library of the college, and has been published in the last triennial. Dr. Clarke has been nearly fifty years in the ministry. His academic career was a highly distinguished one, and his clerical life has evinced scholarly culture and literary ability. He devotes himself with large conscientiousness to the fulfilment of his official duties and for the best interests of the prisoners with whom he is daily in con- tact. When they are discharged he obtains passes for them to different parts of the country, and puts forth much effort in finding them situations, which is no easy matter. He is constantly aiding some ex-prisoner, com- municating with his parents, wife, or children, and scarcely a day passes but some one of these shares the hospitality of his home. Members of the Massachusetts Prison Association lend him a generous and helping hand, and his dream of years is about to be realized in the erection of a large brick building in Boston, where the discharged prisoner can find a temporary refuge, and where all trades shall lie represented, and where this door opening for those on whom the prison-gate closes shall be the means of restoring broken lives to sobriety and usefulness. 248 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL JOSEPH WALTER BURKE, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General Joseph Walter Burke was born in Mayo, Ireland, in 1837, and belongs to a family distinguished in military history for centuries. Educated for the army, four of his brothers having been already in the British service, and have since risen to distinction as officers of high rank, he chose- to cast his lot in free America, and emigrated to this country in (852. Settling in Cincinnati, he adopted the profession of the law, and graduated from the Law School of Cin- cinnati College in [858. Taking great interest in military matters in those days, he commanded one of the best companies in the Queen City, and at the breaking out of the war was chief aide-de-camp on the staff of the la- mented General William II. Lytle. His old chief having been tendered the command of the celebrated "Montgomery Regiment" (Tenth Ohio Infantry), Burke was commissioned major, and in June, [861, with his regiment, crossed the Ohio into West Virginia, and under Generals McClellan and Rosecrans was in nearly every fight that took place in that region until the State was cleared of the enemy. The splendid fighting of the regiment (luring these early days of the war furnished materials for many a war correspondent. At Carnifex Ferry the rebel General Floyd was fortified on a hill commanding the approaches to the only practicable crossing of the Gauley River. Charging into his advanced outpost on the roth of Sep- tember, [861, the Tenth captured the entire camp equi- page of a fleeing Virginia regiment, and, being ordered to pursue, suddenly came upon the earthwork with six rilled guns in position, and flanked on each side by a line of parapet. Already fire was poured into the regiment from all sides. Lytic ordered a charge, and, advancing to the very works of the enemy, fell in the ditch, pierced by a bullet through the lungs, whilst his gallant black charger leaped the parapet and was found dead on the inside, riddled with bullets. The enemy retreated during the night, leaving behind him his camp equipage and a large amount of stores and ammunition. The campaign in Virginia being ended, the regiment was ordered to Kentucky in November, 1861, and assigned to the division of General ( ). M. Mitchell. In [862, Major Burke, who had commanded the regi- ment during thi- greater part of the Virginia campaign, was promoted lieutenant-colonel, and later on colonel. In April, 1862, Colonel Burke commanded the garri- son of Huntsville, Alabama, and was provost-marshal- general of North Alabama and Middle Tennessee. He commanded the regiment in the memorable march to the ( Hiio River in September, 1862, and at the battle of Per- ryville, in the brigade of his old chief, led the advance of Rosecrans's division in skirmishing order. When Gen- era] Rosecrans was placed in command of the Army of the Cumberland, in December, 1862, he ordered the Tenth to the position of " head-quarters guard" of the army, a position it filled under Rosecrans and Thomas until its term of service expired. At the battle of Stone Rivei- the regiment bore a con- spicuous part. Colonel Burke retook the army train that had been captured by the enemy's cavalry, for which the commanding general thanked him on the held as follows : " Lieutenant-Colonel Burke, Tenth Ohio Infantry. " The general commanding has received your despatch, and is highly gratified with your conduct. " By command of General Rosecrans, " Crank Bond, Lieutenant, Aide-de-camp <." In the official report of the battle of Stone River, Col- onel Burke and his regiment were especially mentioned for gallantry and effective service. General Thomas, in command of the Army of the Cumberland, retained the regiment as head-quarters guard, and Colonel Burke was appointed flag-of-truce officer and commissioner for ex- change of prisoners of war. a duty which he performed to the satisfaction of that illustrious soldier. In the march to Atlanta he was intrusted with the command of "the reserve brigade" of the Army of the Cumberland, and continued in that position until the term of service of his regiment expired in July, 1 864. After the close of the war he settled in Jacksonville, Alabama, where he now resides, being largely interested in the railway, mining, and manufacturing interests of that State, and is one of its most enterprising and progressive citizens. General Burke was brevetted brigadier-general at the close of the war " for gallant and meritorious ser- vices during the war." WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 249 CAPTAIN A. ROSS HOUSTON, U.S.V. Captain A. Ross Houston was born in Middletown, Orange County, New York, March 20, 1847, his parents being Anthony Houston and Mary Ross, whose ances- tors were of the early families of the county, of Scotch and Irish descent, and having had representatives in the military service in the wars of the Revolution and 1812. Captain Houston received his early education under pri- vate tuition and at the Walkill Academy in Middletown, New York. He entered the army at the age of sixteen, at which time he was preparing to accept an appointment as cadef at the Naval Academy of the United States. He was commissioned second lieutenant, Fourth Regiment of Engineers, Corps d'Afrique, in September, [863, and ordered to report at New Orleans, Louisiana. A brigade of engineer troops was then being organized in the De- partment of the Gulf for operations with the armies of the South ami West, and the officers were selected for fitness in engineer service on fortifications and in the field. The brigade, consisting of five regiments, was equipped and instructed as engineer troops, and did good service as such until the close of the war. February 25, 1864, he was promoted to first lieutenant, and was assigned ti> duty as aide-de-camp at the head-quarters of the En- gineer Brigade, New Orleans, Louisiana, while tin- or- ganization was being completed. He was appointed aide-de-camp at the head-quarters of the Department of the Gulf, General Banks commanding, in March, [864, and served during the Red River, Louisiana, campaign, being in the engagements and battles <>( Natchitoches, March 20; Crump's Hill, April 2; Compte, .April 4; Wilson's Farm, April 7 ; Sabine Cross-Roads, April 8 ; Pleasant Hill, April 9; Monete's Bluff, Cane River, April 23; Alexandria, April 26; Governor Moore's Plantation, May 2 ; Dunn's Bayou, May 5 ; and Mansura, May 14 and 16. Being young, alert, and a good horseman, his duties were continuous and severe during the whole campaign ; while escaping himself the bullets of the enemy, two horses were shot under him in the terrific battles of Sabine Cross-Roads and Pleasant Hill, and another horse killed when the head-quarters were stampeded by the enemy firing on them from trees and elevations across the river below Alexandria. Captain Houston was picked up for dead, being badly injured by being dragged by his wounded horse and trodden on by the cavalry escort. In this campaign Captain Houston received special commendation for his ride, after the battle at Monete's Bluff, outside the lines of the army, through country occupied by the enemy, to Alexandria, to notify General Grover of the safety and approach of the retreat- ing army, and of the early relief of General Grover's forces from attacks already begun. 3 2 I In [865 Captain Houston served at the head-quarters of General E. R. S. Canby, during the campaign against Mobile, in the siege and capture of Spanish Port and Blakcly, March 26 to April <), and the sun ruder of Mobile, April 11. lie was retained in service after the close of tin wai by special order of the Secretary of War. In the winter of 1865-66 he was on duty as provost-marshal, and F reed- men's Bureau agent in charge of the parishes of Iberville and West Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Here, as the only representative of the government and of law in these two rich parishes, this young officer, but eighteen years of age, arranged the questions of restoration of plantations — the largest in the South — to their owners, providing for the labor and protection of the freedmen, and controlled all questions concerning the people and property, so as to soon restore order and quiet. In November, 1865, he was appointed captain of Inde- pendent Company of Pontoniers (white). Department of the Gulf. In 1866 Captain Houston was offered an appointment as cadet at the Military Academy, and also a commission in the regular service, which were declined. After his war service was over he entered the employ- ment of the Engineer Department, United States Army, and has remained continuously engaged in this depart- ment up to the present time, serving on the New England cast and on works connected with the Great Lakes and rivers of the Northwest, living at Newport, Rhode Island, Chicago, and Milwaukee. Captain Houston is a Companion of the Loyal 1 of the United States, through the Commandery of Wis- consin, and has served as member of council, chan- cellor, and junior vice-commander, and as recorder from May, 1889, until the present time. 2;o OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) ACTING MASTER C. B. DAHLGREN, U.S.N. Acting Master C. B. Dahlgren, born October 23, 1839, in Bucks Count}-. Pennsylvania, is the eldest son of the late Rear-Admiral John A. Dahlgren, U.S.N., and ol his first wife, Mary C. Bunker, of Philadelphia, and brother of Colonel Ulric Dahlgren, killed March 2, 1864, near Richmond, Virginia, while commanding the advance of the Kilpatrick raid. During his residence in Washington from 1848 to 1857, his father was stationed at the navy-yard, engaged in developing his afterwards famous system of heavy ord- nance, so that he became proficient in everything pertain- ing to seamanship, light and heavy ordnance, battalion drill, etc. Me then passed four years at West Point Foundry, in casting, fitting, and proving the heavy naval ordnam e, and which experience was put to practical use during the succeeding four years of the Civil War, in which he par- ticipated from the first to the last, and was honorably mentioned on several occasions. In November, 186 1, Acting Master Dahlgren was at- tached to the United States frigate "San Jacinto," and had charge of one of the boats of that ship which took the Confederate commissioners out of the English mail steamer " Trent." In 1862 he participated in the cam- paign which ended in the capture <>f New Orleans, ami the first attack onVicksburg. In August of this year he took part in the battles of Second Bull Run and Chan- tilly, with his brother Ulric, then chief of artillery of the Eleventh Corps. In December, 1862, he was ordered to Cairo, Illinois, as executive officer and division signal- officer of one of the divisions of iron-clads which accom- panied Grant's army, and participated in the entire Vicks- burg campaign, from the capture of Arkansas Post, where, with others, he cut off the Confederate retreat and com- pelled the surrender of six thousand five hundred men, to the surrender of Vicksburg, July 4, 1863. During the siege he commanded a battery of heavy guns (nine-inch Dahlgren shell guns), placed on the left-centre of the line, in front of and supported by Logan's division of McPherson's Seventeenth Army Corps, anil i--' mentioned in the report of his commanding officer, who said, " his batter)- was well served." From here he went to hos- pital, severely injured, and in November of this year we find him in front of Charleston, on staff duty with his father. In 1864 he was on duty in the James River, protecting the right flank of Grant's army then besieging Peters- burg, and nearly lost his life at the hands of a rebel sharp- shooter in some distant tree, and later on he was fleet ordnance officer of the North Atlantic Blockading Squad- ron, under Rear- Admiral Lee, and then executive officer of the United States steamer " Gettysburg," in which he participated in the capture of four blockade-runners and both attacks on Fort Fisher, in the latter of which his vessel lost three out of five officers, and twelve killed and wounded out of thirty-one men. Acting Master Dahlgren resigned three months later, although offered a lieutenancy in the regular service, and went out to the Pacific coast and engaged in mining, in which profession he is rated among the ablest engineers, and his integrity has been proven on more than one occa- sion ; and it might be added here that his service against Indians for the first fifteen years out there has quite equalled his service in the East, though very different in character. Acting Master Dahlgren is a comrade of the Grand Ami)' of the Republic, and a Companion of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, and several geographical and historical societies, and resides in Trenton, New Jersey, with his family, — wife and five children. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 251 COLONEL CHARLES WILDER DAVIS, U.S.V. Colonel Charles Wilder Davis. — The ancestors of Colonel Charles Wilder Davis were among the earliest settlers of Massachusetts, they having in the first half of the seventeenth century become landholders in the now historic town of Concord, where he was born October 1 1, 1833. Among the liveliest experiences of his boyhood was the yearly celebration of the immortal "Concord fight," April 19, the date when the British marched out from Boston and met the " embattled farmers" at Concord Bridge. One of his ancestors, indeed, was among the seven patriots who fell on that field. It was from such inheritances and such scenes as these that the boy and youth derived the spirit of patriotism and of military activity. At the age of eighteen he be- came a member of the Concord Company of the Fifth Regiment of Massachusetts Militia, and thus gained a training in the manual of arms and in company and regi- mental drill. When, early in the summer of 1 861, at Chicago (where Colonel Davis had resided for six years), squads and companies of men were drilling daily in anti- cipation of their services being needed, his early expe- rience served him to good put pose, and he took an active part in the work of drilling the patriotic volunteers. When authority was given to raise the regiment known as the Fifty-first Illinois Infantry, he was invited to be- come its adjutant, and was commissioned as such October 15, 1 86 1. The regiment rendezvoused and was mustered into service at Camp Douglas, where it remained the most of the winter of 1861-62, leaving for Cairo, Illinois, on February 14, 1862. After a few days' delay the regiment was attached to the Second Brigade, Fourth Division, Army of the Mississippi, and immediately removed to New Madrid, Missouri, in the investment of which and in the siege of Island No. 10 it took an active part. After the evacuation of Island No. 10 and the surrender of its garrison, the regiment (with the Ami)- of the Mis- sissippi) proceeded to Fort Pillow, and thence to Hamburg Landing, Tennessee, where it took part in the advance on and the siege of Corinth. After the fall of Corinth, and some two months spent in guarding the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, the division made a forced march to Nashville, where it did garrison duty while Generals Buell and Bragg made their race to the Ohio River. On September 30, 1862, Adjutant Davis was promoted to the rank of major. His regiment was now attached to the Third Brigade, Third Division (General Sheridan's) of the right wing of the Army of the Cumberland, and with it advanced on Murfreesborough. At the battle of Stone River and during the fight in " The Cedars," Major Davis, while in command of his regiment, was wounded by a bullet through the ulna of the right arm. Upon the partial recovery of his wound he rejoined his regiment, and with it took part in the advance on Chat- tanooga. At the battle of Chickamauga, and while Sheridan's division was making the charge against Hood's division of Longstreet's corps, his horse was shot from under him. On October 6, 1862, Major Davis was promoted to lieutenant-colonel, his regiment comprising a part of the Third Division (Sheridan's), Twentieth Corps. At the battle of Mission Ridge, and while again in command of his regiment, he was a second time severely wounded through the right thigh, and for this wound he was under treat- ment, much of the time in hospital, for eight months. Being unable to do service with his regiment, he was on October 4, 1864, by order of the War Department, assigned to light duty at St. Louis, on the staff of Gen- eral Rosecrans. December 7, 1864, he was appointed acting provost-marshal-general, Department of the Mis- souri, from which he was relieved at his own request, and on December 26, 1864, he was appointed assistant provost- marshal-general. On May 11, 1S65, Lieutenant-Colonel Davis was promoted to colonel, but on account of the reduced size of his regiment was not mustered as such. On April 29, 1865, he was ordered by Major-General G. M. Dodge to proceed to Northern Arkansas and pro- pose terms of surrender to General M. Jeff Thompson, and on May 11 he received the surrender of Thompson, with seven thousand four hundred and fifty-four officers and men of his command. Colonel Davis was honorably discharged from the service, for disability on account of wounds, June 30, 1865, and returned to Chicago, where he now resides. He holds the position of recorder of the Illinois Commandery of the Loyal Legion of the United States, to which he was elected May 6, 1885. Colonel Davis was married September 22, 1870, to Emma Frances, daughter of Captain John B. Moore, of Concord, Massachusetts, and has one son, Bradley Moore- Davis. -o- OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAl^Y {volunteer) CAPTAIN ABRAHAM HART, U.S.V. Captain Abraham Hart, at present commander of Kit Carson Post, Grand Army of the Republic, one of the large Posts df the District of Columbia, was born in Hesse- Darmstadt, Germany, in 1 832, and was educated in the common and high schools of that country. At the age of eighteen years he came to the United States, and was employed in a large business house in Philadelphia, where he was residing at the outbreak of the Rebellion in 1 86 1. Although of foreign birth, he had become American in feeling, and fully believed that the government of the country had a right to maintain itself against all assailants, whether from within or without. Nor was this belief a mere abstraction, but a con\'iction he was willing to tight for. Accordingly he volunteered as a soldier in the Seventy-third Regiment of Pennsylvania Infantry, com- manded by Colonel John A. Koltes, and he aided Colonel Koltes in enlisting other volunteers, and as early as Au- gust, 1 861, was on his way with the regiment to help man the defences of Washington on the Virginia side. While there, Lieutenant Hart — for he had been promoted to a lieutenancy — was frequently sent out on reconnoitring expeditions, and in one of these he had a sharp brush with a body of Confederate cavalry which was also out reconnoitring. Subsequently, Lieutenant Hart was pro- moted to a captaincy, and when Colonel Koltes was pro- moted to the command of a brigade in General Blenker's division of the Army of the Potomac, Captain Hart was detailed as adjutant-general of the brigade. In this capac- ity he participated in the battle of Cross Keys, in numer- ous skirmishes, and in the second battle of Bull Run. At the battle of Cross Keys the commanding general desired information as to the position and movements of the opposing force under Stonewall Jackson, and Captain Hart undertook to obtain it for him. In pursuance of this undertaking, and in company with a squad of picked men, he successfully made the circuit of the rebel camps, obtained the desired information, and reported it to the general. At Sulphur Springs he was intrusted by General Sigel with the command of a force to destroy a bridge over the Rappahannock which was defended by rebel artillery, and he succeeded in destroying it. At another time he had the good fortune to rescue several hundred Union soldiers who had been captured by the Confederates. But per- haps his most important service was done at the second battle of Bull Run. General von Steinwehr's (formerly Blenker's) division was in the advance, and engaged in the first day's battle, as well as in the second and third. In the afternoon of the third day (August 30) of the fight, Koltes's brigade was ordered to silence a rebel batten- which was doing us great damage. The brigade was several times driven back, but each time rallied, and finally captured and spiked the guns. It was here that the brigade commander, Col- onel Koltes, was killed, anil here that the brigade suffered heaviest loss. Captain Hart since the war has been a resident of the national capital, where he is favorably known for his services on the Board of Education, and as a promoter of charitable agencies and the interests of the Grand Army of the Republic. Captain Hart was married September 5, 1855, to Bertha Swope, and has three sons — Gilbert, Samuel, and Frank- lin W. — and four daughters. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 253 COLONEL CHARLES A. ZOLLINGER, U.S.V. Colonel Charles A. Zollinger, like Christian Zol- linger, his father, is a native of Weisbaden, Dukedom of Nassau, Germain-. He was born December 9, 1838. Prior to his father's emigrating to the United States in 1848, the boy Charles had been kept quite steadily at school ; but being of a stout, robust nature, subsequent to their settlement, up to the age of seventeen, his ser- vices in most part were required by his father. Arriving at that age, he arranged to leave home, anil went to the State of Minnesota, returning to Allen Count)* after a residence of four years. After returning he located at New Haven, and associated himself with Colonel J. W. Whitaker in the blacksmith business, pursuing this for about two years. When the war of the Rebellion broke out, our in- trepid young blacksmith at once quit his anvil, laid aside his implements of labor, and became one of the first to enroll as a volunteer to battle for the Union. He en- listed in Company E, Ninth Regiment, Indiana Volun- teers, April 17, [86r, to serve for a term of three months, and took part in the battles of Philippi, Laurel Hill, and Carrick's Ford, West Virginia. His term of enlistment expiring, and having received an honorable discharge, he immediately commenced to recruit a company for the Thirtieth Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry, then being organized at Fort Wayne, to serve three years, or during the war. At the election of company officers (declining the position of captain in favor of J. W. Whitaker) the subject of our sketch ac- cepted the position of first lieutenant. His company was designated by the letter D, and participated in numer- ous skirmishes in Kentucky and Tennessee, taking part in the battles of Shiloh, Stone River, and Murfreesbor- ough. L T p to February 1, 1863, Lieutenant Zollinger served bravely and faithfully with his company. Impaired health, from undue exertion and severe exposure in the field, compelled him to resign at this time. Fully re- gaining his health, he again set about recruiting a com- pany in the fall of 1863, which was in due time assigned to the One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Regiment, Indi- ana Volunteer Infantry. This regiment was filled in a brief time, and in March, 1S64, Charles A. Zollinger was commissioned its lieutenant-colonel, and June 15. [864, was commissioned and mustered colonel, vice Charles Case. This position he retained until the final discharge of the regiment August 29, 1865, at Charlotte, North Carolina. For a time during this period it fell to his lot to command the brigade wherein his regiment belonged ; and, although commanding the regiment as well as the brigade, he was ever attentive to the needs and comfort of his men. His regiment took part in the Atlanta campaign, and was engaged at Buzzard's Roost, Dalton, Resaca, Peach- Tree Creek, and Strawberry Run, where he lost three color-bearers and a large number in killed and wounded. They took part in the battles of Kenesaw Mountain, Atlanta, Jonesborough, Franklin, Tennessee, and the two days' battle in front of Nashville, Tennessee. They then followed the remnant of Hood's army to Clifton, on the Tennessee River, where the Twenty-third Army Corps, to which his regiment belonged, were transferred on transports to Cincinnati, there taking cars for Washing- ton, D.C. From Washington they marched to Alexan- dria, Virginia, took transports to Wilmington, North Carolina, remaining there a few days, then returned to Morehead City, then went to New-Berne by rail ; from there marched to Kinston, North Carolina, where they fought their last battle, losing quite heavily in killed and wounded. From Kinston they marched to Goldsborough, North Carolina, and formed a junction with Sherman's army, which they left in 1864, near Rome, Georgia. The army marched to Raleigh, and after the surrender of Johnston's army, Colonel Zollinger's brigade was ordered to Charlotte, North Carolina, where the colonel, with his regiment, was mustered out of the service August 29, 1865. In 1S70 Colonel Zollinger was elected sheriff of his count)- (Allen). In May, 1873, he was elected mayor of the city of fort Wayne, and, by re-election ever)- suc- cessive two years, he held the office to May, 18S5. In October, 1885, he was commissioned United States pen- sion agent of Indiana, which office he held until January 20, 1890. In May, 1 891 , he was again elected to the office of mayor of his city, having returned from Indianapolis after the expiration of his office as United States pension agent. He is mayor of the city of Fort Wayne at the present time. '54 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL LANGHORNE WISTER. U.S.V. (deceased). Brevet Brigadier-General Langhorne Wister was born in September, 1834, at Belfield, the old homestead of his mother's family, near Germantown. After com- pleting his studies he left his home and went to Duncan- non, Perry County, where his family were largely inter- ested in the manufacture of iron. Here he patiently and steadfastly applied himself to learning and mastering the details of the business, until finally he assumed its man- agement in connection with his elder brother. It was while he was engaged in this business that the attack was made mi bent Sumter in 1861, and almost immediately thereafter he personally recruited a company, of which lie was commissioned captain, ami joined the Bucktail Regiment, commanded by Colonel Charles J. Biddle, destined to become one of the must celebrated on many a hard-fought field. The regiment was at once detailed for active service, and was first under fire at Dranesville, where the coolness and braver_\- of its officers and men in withstanding the severest attack of the engagement won for it the well- deserved encomiums it never forfeited. A part of this regiment, including General (then Captain) Wister's com- pany, was subsequently detached for service under Gen- eral McClellan on the Peninsula, and during the campaign participated in the battles of Mechanicsville, Gaines's Mill, Charles City Cross-Roads, and other severe engage- ments and affairs. During this series of fierce and terrible battles, in one of which he was wounded, Captain Wister's behavior secured the confidence and admiration of all his com- manding officers. Shortly after the close of the Penin- sular campaign, he was commissioned colonel of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Regiment of the Bucktail Brigade, and with his regiment took part in the movements before Chancellorsville. He was also actively engaged in the fierce and memorable struggle at Fredericksburg. The regiment afterwards formed part of the right wing of Meade's army at Gettysburg. During the first day's battle, near Seminary Ridge, the brigade commander, Colonel Stone, was borne from the field seriously wounded, and Colonel Wister assumed command of the brigade. While conducting with admirable coolness and foresight the critical manoeuvres rendered necessary to hold his position in the face of superior numbers, he in his turn was severely wounded, and more than once, in the des- perate struggle for supremacy, found himself within the enemy's lines. Although his wound was serious, he re- mained on the field until night closed the contest, and what afterwards proved to be the key of the position was won. For his gallantry and ability displayed on the field of Gettysburg, Colonel Wister was brevetted brigadier- general on the personal recommendation of General Doubleday, who succeeded General Reynolds in the command of the First Corps. In 1864, General Wister, who had deservedly obtained the esteem and regard of his companions in arms, re- signed his commission and retired to private life, where, in the quiet pursuit of his former business, his sterling qualities secured him the love and respect of all with whom he came in contact. He died on the 19th of March, 1 89 1 , in the home where he was born, leaving a record unsullied by a single un- worthy act ; and his gentle nature would have asked no fairer tribute to his virtues than the unfeigned sorrow of those who were left to mourn him. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. FIRST LIEUTENANT HENRY ADAMS BODMAN, U.S.V. First Lieutenant Henry Adams Bodmax was born in Williamsburg, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, Sep- tember 13, 1 83 1, being the third son of Erastus and Mary Ann Rodman. His father was a man prominent in the community where he resided, representing the town in the Massachusetts Legislature from 1840 to 1842, and was an ardent and uncompromising follower of the old Whig p trty. He died in 1865, his wife dying two years later. Lieutenant Rodman received a common school edu- cation, and in his seventeenth year left his school to assist his father in the management of a large tannery, where he remained until he was nearly twenty-one years old, when reverses in his father's business compelled him to look- about for himself. Soon after he married, and in 1857 he went to Chicago, and later to Bement, Pratt Count}-, Illi- nois, where his wife joined him, and where the eldest of his two sons was born. At the breaking out of the war, sickness in his family alone prevented him from going to the front with the three months' men. In the summer of 1862 he received authority from Governor Dick Yates to enroll a company of men for service, of which he was to be commissioned captain. Work was immediately commenced, and he had secured fort)- men, when he joined his forces to a partly- formed company at Monticello, both making a full com- pany. Regardless of promises made and not fulfilled, he en- listed as a private, and July 26, 1862, was made orderly sergeant of Company D, Seventy-third Illinois Infantry (otherwise known as the " Preacher's Regiment"), Colonel James F. Jayness, of Quincy, Illinois, commanding. De- cember 19, 1862, he was promoted second lieutenant of the same company immediately after the battle of Perryville, Kentucky, rank to commence upon date of resignation of its former second lieutenant. September 28, 1864, he was promoted to first lieutenant of the same company. He had command of his company a large part of the time, as officers were on detached service. May 3, 1864, he was assigned to duty as acting assistant quartermaster of his regiment, in which capacity he served during the campaign which culminated in the capture of Atlanta, Georgia. About September 25 he was appointed acting assistant quarter- master of the First Brigade, Second Division, Fourth Army Corps, and also had charge of the ammunition trains on the campaign from Huntsville, Alabama, to Nashville, Tennessee; then followed in pursuit of Hood after his defeat at Nashville, reaching Huntsville, Alabama, Jan- uary 5, 1865. He then joined his company. At that time the military situation in the Department of the Cumberland was practically solved, and March 9, 1865, he sent in his resignation. He went with his command, March 28, to Blue Springs, East Tennessee, and there received the acceptance of his resignation. f§ I -*>v After visiting brothers in Illinois, he joined his family in the State of Massachusetts. He was with his company constantly from the date of his enlistment (with the exception of a leave of absence of thirty days granted him by General Sheridan) until May 3, 1864, when he was assigned to the quartermaster's department ; was in all the battles in which his regiment participated, among which were Perryville, Stone River (or Murfreesborough), Chickamauga, and Missionary Ridge, and the innumerable skirmishes and reconnois- sances made under the command of General Sheridan, who placed him in charge of a large company of soldiers and artisans, and sent him up the French Rroad River, to raise, repair, and build flat-boats, to gain possession of mills, and, after grinding the corn, to ship the meal to Knoxville, which duty was performed to the general's entire satisfaction. During his military experience he never was wounded seriously, but had hat, haversack, and clothing cut to pieces by Minie-balls, and, at the charge of Missionary Ridge, he was knocked senseless by the wind of a cannon-ball, but recovered in season to reach the summit with the advance of his regiment. After various wanderings he located in Attleborough, Massachusetts, in June, 1873, where he has since resided, for several years carrying on an extensive business in the sale of pianos and organs. In March, 1890, he sold out his business, and was elected registrar and superintendent of the Water-Works, in which position he still remains. December 21, 1S91, his wife (who had been a faithful, loyal friend of her country in its time of trial) passed away, and he is living alone, secure in the love and affec- tion of his two sons, Frederick Erastus and Wilmer Calvin. Lieutenant Rodman is now serving as adjutant of William A. Struter Post, No. 145, Grand Army of the Republic. 256 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) COLONEL HENRY ALEXANDER COLE, U.S.V. Colonel Henry Alexander Cole was born at Fred- erick City, Maryland, July 25, 1834, being the third son of George A. and Ann F. Cole, who resided in EYederick City from the date of their marriage in the year 1S2S. Before the war of the Rebellion, and up to the breaking out of the war, Colonel Cole was engaged in contracting and building. May 1, 1861, he was appointed major and aide-de- camp on the staff of Major-General Anthony Kimmel, who at that time commanded the militia in the western part of tile State. On August I, 1861, he was author- ized by the Secretary of War to recruit a company of cavalry, and in ten daws the company was recruited and mustered into the service of the United States by Major R. S. Smith, Eleventh United States Infantry, at EYed- erick, Maryland, for three years. The company numbered one hundred officers and men, and adopted the name of " Cole's Rangers," by which name they were known dur- ing the whole war. This company, under the command of Captain Cole, was attached to General Banks's division, and upon the advance of General Banks into Virginia, March 1, 1862, led the column, and after engagements at Bunker Ilill (where he had his horse killed under him) and at Stephen's Depot, was the first command to enter Winchester, Virginia. The command participated in the first battle of Winchester, Virginia, in which General Shields won a signal victory over General T.J. (Stonewall) Jacks, hi, March 23, 1862, and was engaged in all the battles of the campaign, which ended in Banks's retreat from the Valley in the latter part of May, 1862. Shortly after this the command was increased to a battalion, ami Captain Cole was appointed major, his commission to date from August 1, 1862. His command was then known as "Cole's Battalion of Maryland Cavalry." On September 2, 1862, the battalion under his command encountered General Mumford's brigade of rebel cavalry, near Lees- burg, Virginia, and after a severe engagement was compelled to leave the field, with a loss of about sixty men. Major Cole returned with his command to Harper's Ferry, and upon the investment of that post by the rebel army, September 12, 1862, was selected by General Miles to try anil open communications with General McClellan. Major Cole, with three men on foot, suc- ceeded in eluding the rebel forces, and in reaching Gen- eral McClellan's head-quarters near Middle-town, Mary- land. There he reported the condition of affairs at Harper's Ferry, and was assured by the general " that he felt confident that by that time General Miles had been relieved" by General Franklin. The contrary proved to be the case. Major Cole and his command, after this, participated in the Geary campaign in the Valley of Virginia in the winter of 1862-63. During the Gettysburg campaign Major Cole was connected with General French's division, and was sent with his command from Frederick, Mary- land, to destiny the bridge at Harper's Ferry, to prevent the rebels from crossing at that point, a mission which he successfully accomplished with but small loss, October 1 8, 1S63. The Ninth Maryland Infantry, stationed at Charlestown, West Virginia, having been surprised and captured, Major Cole and his command were ordered from Harper's Ferry to their relief, and, after an engage- ment with the rebels, lasting the entire day, succeeded in recapturing a number of prisoners, also a number of the enemy. On January 10, 1864, Major Cole's command was stationed at Loudon Heights, Virginia, and was attacked by Mosby's rebel guerillas in the night. Major Cole repulsed the enemy, who withdrew, leaving four of his officers dead upon the field, and a number of others dead and wounded. For this gallant affair Major Cole received the thanks of General H. W. Halleck, commander-in- chief of the United States armies, and from his Excel- lency A. W. Bradford, governor of Maryland, who authorized the increase of the battalion to a full regiment of three battalions. Major Cole was commissioned colonel April 20, 1864. The regiment participated in the Sheridan campaign in the Valley of Virginia, being engaged in most of the battles, — Opequan, Cedar Creek, Winchester, Charles- ti >w 11, and many minor engagements during this campaign. Colonel Cole was mustered out of service with his regi- ment June 28, 1865. Upon his discharge from the army he resumed his former occupation, which he followed for a number of years, when he accepted an appointment in the L'nited States Internal Revenue, which he still holds. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 257 CAPTAIN MILTON McCOY, U.S.V. Captain Milton McCoy was born near Circleville, Pickaway County, Ohio, December 9, 1838. He attended private and public schools, completing a course of study at South Salem Academy, and was connected with the old militia organization of the State as second sergeant of the Pickaway Guards. When the call by President Lincoln for seventy-five thousand troops was issued, he volunteered as private. Upon assembling at Camp Jack- son, Columbus, April 17, 1861, he was elected second lieutenant of the company, which was afterwards assigned to the Second Ohio and designated as Company G. The regiment, with the First Ohio, proceeded to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, where field-officers were chosen ; thence to Lancaster and Philadelphia, marching out to Suffolk Park, where some time was spent in company drill ; from there to Washington City, by way of Baltimore, Mary- land, going into camp north of the capitol building. Here the brigade commanded by General Robert C. Schenck was formed, composed of the First and Second Ohio and Second New York, and, being assigned to Gen- eral Tyler's division, crossed Long Bridge into Virginia the night that Colonel Ellsworth was killed at Alexandria. At daylight the troops were marched to near Alexandria and went into camp, soon afterwards moving farther north along the railroad and establishing Camp Upton, Virginia, where the regiment remained until the advance upon the rebels at Bull Run. While at Camp Upton, Lieutenant McCoy was made provost-marshal of General Schenck's brigade, and placed in command of thirty men, — one man from each company in the brigade. On the j 1st day of Jul}-, with the provost guard, near Warren- ton road, he had charge of a lot of prisoners, when the rebel cavalry made a charge upon a wagon-train, and, with a number of stragglers, he repulsed the cavalry and prevented a charge directly west on the Warrenton turnpike, in the rear of General Tyler's division. After the battle of Bull Run the regiment proceeded to Co- lumbus, Ohio, and was mustered out. Immediately afterwards Lieutenant McCoy recruited a company for the three years' service, going into the Second Ohio as captain of Company I, under command of the late Colo- nel L. A. Harris. The regiment moved into Kentucky as far as Paris; thence through the Eastern Kentucky campaign, under General Nelson, in the fall of 1 861, par- ticipating in minor engagements at West Liberty and Ivy Mountain, and advancing to a point near Pound Gap ; thence marched to the mouth of Sandy River and took steamers to Louisville, Ky., where the troops arrived on the morning of the 25th of November. After remaining there ten days, they proceeded to a point south of Eliza- bethtown, going into winter-quarters at Bacon Creek. In the early spring they took up the line of march for Bowling Green, Kentucky, and Nashville, Tennessee, under 33 the command of General O. M. Mitchell, arriving at the same time as the army advancing up the Cumberland River from Forts Henry and Donelson. Continuing, ad- vance was made upon, and resulted in the capture of, Murfreesborough, Shelbyville, Fayetteville, Tennessee, and Huntsville, Alabama, at which place a large amount of the rolling-stock of the Memphis and Charleston Rail- road was captured, thereby cutting the line of transpor- tation of troops from Chattanooga to Corinth, Mississippi. He was with the troops at the capture of Stephenson and the attack on and capture of Bridgeport, Alabama; was afterwards in pursuit, by General Buell, of General Bragg's army. Captain McCoy was detailed, with his company, to escort batteries from Battle Creek over the mountains to Murfreesborough; thence with troops, under General Buell, to Louisville. Here the regiment was placed in (ien. Rousseau's division, Gen. A. McD. McCook's corps, lie proceeded in pursuit of General Bragg as far as the battle of Perryville, on the 8th day of October, 1862, where he was badly wounded in the hand and arm. On reaching Louisville he was granted a furlough. Returning to the army at Murfreesborough, he was examined by surgeons in the spring of 1863, who gave their opinion that the wound would be a long time in healing. He resigned March 1 on account of wounds. He was married to Catharine Crouse, daughter of John and Lydia Crouse, March 19, 1863. Captain McCoy was twice elected to the Legislature of the State, the second term being Speaker pro tern, of the House of Representatives. For a number of years he engaged in farming, stock-raising, and shipping of grain. He was selected by the Board of Managers as treasurer of Central Branch, National Home for Disabled Volun- teer Soldiers, November 17, 1 888, Colonel J. B. Thomas, the former treasurer, being promoted to the governor- ship. OFFICERS OF THE ARJlfY AND NAVY (volunteer) MAJOR E. C. MODERWELL, U.S.V. Major Erastus C. Moderwell was born at Bucyrus, Crawford County, Ohio, March 6, 1858. His parents, John Moderwell and Nessy McCracken Moderwell, were born in Pennsylvania, and were of Scotch-Irish descent. Major Moderwell was educated in Bucyrus schools, entered Jefferson College, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, in 1855, and graduated with honors in 1859. He partici- pated in the second honor of his class, and delivered the English salutatory at Commencement ; was also Philo Orator on contest between the literary societies. Like a great many of the sons of Jefferson, he went South after graduation to teach school. Was thus en- gaged one year at Elkton, Kentucky, and alsn one year at Fairmont, West Virginia. His school was closed one April day in 1861 without ceremony, ami he arrived in Washington City the very day Fort Sumter was fired upon. He enlisted in Cassius M. Clay Battalion, the first volunteer company enlisted for the war of the Rebellion, April 14, 1861, and was discharged in three weeks. He- was employed at the National Observatory in Washing- ton for several months in 1861, and was present, as a tator with the First Ohio Volunteers, in the first battle of Bull Run, Virginia. Returning to his native State, he was appointed first lieutenant and then captain in the Eighty-sixth Ohio Infantry, and entered the Twelfth Ohio Cavalry as cap- tain September 3, 1863, and was promoted major Novem- ber 2\, 1S63. Was present at most of the battles and skirmishes of the regiment, and was three times wounded, having been shot through the abdomen at the battle of Mount Sterling, Kentucky, June 9, 1864. A bullet shat- tered a gold pen with silver holder that was in his vest pocket. Portions of pen and holder kept coming out of his body for years, and the last piece came out eight years afterwards. Major Moderwell led the charge at the opening of the battle of Marion. Virginia, December 17, 1864, and was wounded in the right arm and left shoulder, his horse being shot from under him and he taken prisoner. On Stoneman's last great raid he was in command of an independent expedition to Catawba, South Carolina, where he won distinction and honor, capturing a fort with its garrison and stores. For this he was highly complimented by General Thomas in his official report of this expedi- tion. Mr. Lossing, in his history of the " Civil War in America," pronounces it to have been " one of the most gallant little exploits of the war." Major Moderwell was often in command of his regi- ment, and once, for three weeks, was the ranking officer of the brigade, which he commanded under General Upton. He was honorably mustered out on November 24, 1865, and located in Geneseo, Illinois, where he studied law. He graduated at Cincinnati Law-School in 1869, and has practised law ever since. He served four years in the State Senate, where he was regarded as an able and faithful lawmaker, and was mayor of the city- one term. He removed to Chicago in 1889. He has been attorney for the McCracken Railroad Construction Company for six years, and is executor and trustee of the Hiram Kelly estate, one of the large Chicago estates. Major Moderwell was married to Fanny R. Watson at Fairmont, Virginia, March 22, 1866. She died in 1883, leaving four children, — Mary W., Mattie E., Louise F., and John ( 'tis. He was afterwards married to Miss Mar- cella Swingle)-, at Bucyrus, Ohio, January, 1886. Major Moderwell is a member of George H. Thomas Post, G. A. R., of Chicago, and of Illinois Commandery of the Loval Lemon. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 259 LIEUTENANT RICHARD STANLEY TUTH1LL, U.S.V. Lieutenant Richard Stanley Tuthill, youngest son of Daniel B. Tuthill, a native of Bennington County, Vermont, and Sally (Strong) Tuthill, a native of Ver- gennes, Vermont, was born at Vergennes in " Tuthill's Prairie," Jackson Count}-, Illinois, November 10, 1841. His ancestors in both branches of his family were among the earliest settlers of New England, having emigrated to the New World with the Puritans prior to the year 1640. Daniel B. Tuthill, his father, a classical scholar of high attainments, came to Illinois with his family in 1829 and established a school at his home in the southern part of the State, where many men afterwards prominent in the State received an education. His hospitable mansion was much frequented by the leading men of that day, who found in Mr. and Mrs. Tuthill's home not only good cheer and a heart}' welcome, but as well high moral and intellectual culture. Judge Tuthill entered the Freshman class of Middlebury College in September, 1859, an ^ graduated with high honors in the class of 1863. With two brothers and man}- relatives and friends in the army, it is not surprising to learn that the young college boy enlisted in a company raised early in the war, and was only prevented from abandoning his studies to go into the army by the urgent appeal of his father and other relatives, who represented that, if determined to enlist, there would yet be opportunity to do so after he had finished his college course. Scarcely had the valedictory been pronounced than he was en routt to Mound City, Illinois, where he joined his brother, Lieutenant John L. Tuthill, then in command of the ram steamer "Switzer- land," there undergoing repairs. Reaching Vicksburg, Richard was taken by his brother to call upon General John A. Logan, an old friend of his family, who asked him what he had come down there for. The reply was that he intended to " enlist as a private in some regiment from the southern part of the State." To this the general, not displeased, said, "All right; you come here and stay with me. I'll fix you out." Thus in a few days he found himself a volunteer scout in a company attached to General Logan's head-quarters. The pay was good and the service full of adventure, ex- citement, and danger, as is evidenced by the fact that while engaged in it Tuthill had a number of narrow- escapes, notably at Lake Station, Mississippi, where he and a companion were fired upon at close quarters by a company of rebel scouts and their clothes were riddled with bullets. Tuthill's horse was shot and so injured that he fell dead, but not until he had carried his rider to a place of safety. After some months of this service, Gen- eral Logan one morning presented the young " scout" a commission from Governor Austin Blair, of Michigan, in the celebrated Eighth Michigan, or De Golyer's Black Horse Battery (H of the First Michigan Light Artillery), known throughout the Western army as one of the most efficient field-batteries in that army. Like other subordinate officers, Lieutenant Tuthill's military history is that of his company and the army with which he served. To attempt further to speak of his services would therefore be only to speak of the bat- tel}- and the army of which it was a part. The world knows the history of the Army of the Tennessee, Grant's first command, then Sherman's, then McPherson's, then Logan's and Howard's. ( >f the battery, in which Lieu- tenant Tuthill received two promotions during the At- lanta campaign, General Frank P. Blair, commanding the Seventeenth Army Corps in that campaign, said in a special report, while near Lovejoy's Station, September 4, 1S64, "I desire to call attention particularly to the part taken by Company H, First Michigan Artillery, in this action. This batter}- has been conspicuous in its efficiency and the gallantry of its officers and men in every engagement of this campaign in which it has participated." Owing to the fact that their caisons — the same drawn at St. Louis in 1861, which had been in constant service — had become unfit for use, Battery II did not go to the sea with General Sherman, great Iy to the disappointment of officers and men, but was sent back with General George H. Thomas in pursuit of the rebel General Hood, and participated in the battles of that campaign, ending in the decisive and glorious victory at Nashville in De- cember, 1 864. The batten- was after that fitted out as a horse-battery to go with a cavalry expedition to be com- manded by General Stoneman, which was to march from Chattanooga through the Confederacy to North Carolina. But after spending some weeks in preparation for this march, the surrender of Lee's, and soon afterwards Johnston's, ami}- ended the war. and Lieutenant Tuthill resigned his commission. 260 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY ^volunteer) LIEUTENANT-COLONEL THOMAS CHAMBERLIN, u.s.v. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Chamberlin was born near Lewisburg, Union County, Pennsylvania, March 18, 1838. Graduating from Bucknell University in 1S5N, he went to German}* in 1859, and spent nearly two years in study at the Universities of Heidelberg and Berlin. At the end of March, 1S61, on account of the unhappy con- dition of affairs in the United States, he abandoned his intention of winning foreign degrees, and sailed for home to take part in the impending contest. Reaching his native town a few days after the bombardment of Fort Sumter, he speedily raised a company of three months' men, which, however, could not be accepted, as the quota of the State was already full. He then recruited a company of three years' men, and entered Camp Cur- tin on the 5th of June, where his command became Company D of the Fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Re- serve Volunteer Corps. His first active service was with Colonel Charles J. Biddle's provisional brigade, consisting of the First Rifles (Bucktails), the Fifth Pennsylvania Re- serve, and Hair's battery, which left Harrisburg June 2 1, 1 861, and marched successively to Bedford, Cumberland, New Creek, and Piedmont. After the battle of Bull Run the brigade was recalled to Harrisburg, and early in Au- gust proceeded to Washington to share thenceforth the fortunes of the Army of the Potomac. In June, 1S62, the Reserve, then at Fredericksburg, was detached from McDowell's (First) corps, and joined McClellan's forces in front of Richmond, being attached to the Fifth Corps. Captain Chamberlin led his com- pany in the battles of Mechanicsville, Gaines's Mill, and Charles City Cross-Roads, in which last-named action it shared a charge on a rebel battery, which resulted in the dislodgement of the guns and the capture of over one hundred of the supporting infantry. Having charge of the regimental colors, his company suffered heavily in this movement, and three standard-bearers fell in quick succession. Receiving a severe wound himself, he was carried to Willis Church, where he became a prisoner on the following morning. On the 13th of July he was taken to Richmond, and for a few days endured the dis- comforts of Libby Prison. On the iSth of the same month he was paroled, and sent north on the " Louisiana." While still under treatment at the Union Protestant Infirmary in Baltimore, he received his commission as major in the One Hundred and Fiftieth Pennsylvania Volunteers. Having been notified of his exchange, he obtained his discharge from hospital, and hastening to his company, then near Frederick, Maryland, was made acting major of the Fifth, and participated in the battles of South Mountain and Antietam. 1 le then resigned his captaincy, and, returning to Washington, was mustered as major of the One Hundred and Fiftieth, September 23, lS62. On the 20th of October he was detached, and until February 15, 1863, served as commandant of George- town, D. C, with a command of eight companies from the Second District of Columbia, One Hundred and Thirty-fifth and One Hundred and Forty-ninth Pennsyl- vania Volunteers. In February, 1863, he accompanied his regiment to the field, and for a brief period performed the duties of acting assistant adjutant-general of the Sec- ond Brigade, Third Division, First Corps, of which the One Hundred and Fiftieth formed a part. Sharing in the Chancellorsville and Gettysburg cam- paigns, he was dangerously wounded on the 1st day of July, at Gettysburg, but recovering rapidly, returned to the front August 26, and took command of the regiment. By the resignation of Colonel Wister, in February, 1864, and of Colonel Huidekoper soon thereafter, Major Cham- berlin was left in sole charge of the regiment. On the 6th of March, 1864, he was commissioned lieutenant-colonel. Unfortunately, the many movements and constant ex- posure in the winter of 1863-64 had impaired his health, and his wounds becoming troublesome, he found it neces- sary either to go to the hospital for treatment or with- draw from the service altogether. He deemed it best to choose the latter alternative, and on the 17th of March, 1864, regretfully retired from the army on surgeon's cer- tificate of disability, without waiting to be mustered in his new grade. Since then, with the exception of two years spent in foreign travel, he has been continuously in the insurance business, chiefly in Philadelphia, where he has resided since 1874. At present he is secretary of the Teutonia Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia, which position he has occupied since 18S5. Colonel Chamberlin was married in 1870 to Miss Fanny Fnglish, of Georgetown, D. C. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 261 CAPTAIN JOSEPH P1ETZUCH, U.S.V. Captain Joseph Pietzuch was born in the town of Sohrau, in Upper Silesia, February 7, 1822. It was desired by his parents that he should devote himself to the study of Catholic theology ; but he had no taste for the priesthood, and, being left to himself, he studied archi- tecture at the Polytechnic School of Breslau, from which he graduated in 1842, being at the same time drafted for the Pioneer Corps of the Prussian Guards at Berlin. When he returned from the service in 1844 he took charge of the Inquisitorial Building at Breslau in a sub- ordinate position. In 1847 he was transferred to take- charge of the construction of the penitential')' at Ratisbon, where he passed his practical examination as master. The tumultuous times of 1848 drove him into the ranks of the Revolutionists, and he joined them at Vienna, under Blum and Massenhouser, commanders of the Revolution- ary forces ; but four days after enlistment these forces were beaten and dispersed, flying first to Hamburg and thence to America. The subject of our sketch was ship- wrecked near Margate, England, and he wandered from thereon foot to London, where he awaited some financial assistance from home. This soon came, and he sailed for America, arriving in New York in April, 1849. The captain's scanty means did not permit him to be without employment for an)- length of time, and so he travelled to Honesdale, and engaged as carpenter and bridge-builder, and thence on to North Vernon, Indiana, in 1853. There he settled until the commencement of the war of the Rebellion. August 4, 1 861, Captain Pietzuch enlisted in the Thirty- second Indiana Volunteers, and followed the destiny of that regiment as commander of pontoniers, under Gen- j#m m eral McCook, rebuilding all the destroyed bridges, repair- ing railroads and wagon-roads, until the army reached Shiloh. Here he was slightly wounded. The first pontoon bridge of the war was built by Cap- tain Pietzuch across the Green River, at Mumfordsville, Kentucky, on the 1 6th day of December, 1861. At Corinth, on the 6th or 7th of August, 1862, Captain Pietzuch was, with man\- others, prostrated by the heat, and this practically ended his military career, for never afterwards could he resume his former occupation. Being a good mathematician and draughtsman, he studied prac- tical engineering after he was discharged from the army, which profession he follows at the present time. I le was civil engineer of the Home at Dayton, Ohio, and is now in the same position at the Home in Leavenworth. 262 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) BRIGADIER-GENERAL J. H. HOBART WARD, U.S.V. Brigadier-General J. H. Hobart Ward was born in New York City, June 17, 1823. His ancestry have been well represented in the wars of the United States. His grandfather was a member of the famous Washington Life-Guard, and was confined to his bed for twenty-five years previous to his death, from wounds received during the Revolutionary War. The general's father eventually died from the result of wounds received dining the War of 1 8 1 2. At the age < if eighteen General Ward enlisted in the Seventh United States Infantry, and was appointed ser- geant-major in 1 S45 , being but twenty-two years of age (the youngest sergeant-major in the army). He partici- pated in the siege of Fort Brown, Texas ; was present in the three days' fight at Monterey, under General Tay- lor (where he was wounded), and at Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo, and Huamantia, under General Scott. At the conclusion of the Mexican War he returned to New York, and was appointed assistant commissary-gen- eral of the State of New York. He served five years, and was promoted to be commissary-general in 1855, and re- tired in 1859, by reason of expiration of term of service. In the Civil War he recruited the Thirty-eighth Regi- ment New York Volunteers, and was its first colonel; was engaged in the battle of Bull Run, in which the regiment lost one hundred and twenty-six men. He participated in all the battles on the Peninsula, under McClellan, including Yorktown, Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, Seven Pines, and the historical Seven Days, including Glendale, Malvern Hill to James River. On returning from the Peninsula he was engaged during the several battles of Second Bull Run, Groveton, and Chantilly. October 4, 1862, he was promoted brigadier-general of volunteers, and assigned to the Army of the Potomac. He commanded the Second Brigade, First Division, Third Corps, at Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Auburn Mills, and second day at Gettysburg. He commanded First Division, Third Corps, on the third day at Gettys- burg, Wapping Heights, and Kelly's Ford ; commanded brigade at Locust Grove, Mine Run, Wilderness, and the several engagements up to and including Spottsyl- vania. General Ward was wounded, not only at Mon- terey, Mexico, but at Gettysburg and Spottsylvania. The following extracts from official reports speak for themselves as to General Ward's service : General Kearny, on the battle of Williamsburg, says, " I ordered Colonel Hobart Ward, with the Thirty-eighth New York (Scott Life-Guard), to charge down the road and take the rifle-pits, in the centre of the abatis, by the flank. This duty Colonel Ward performed with great gallantry, and by his martial demeanor imparted all con- fidence in the attack. ... I report, as having conspicu- ously distinguished himself, Colonel J. H. Hobart Ward, of the Thirty-eighth New York. Colonel Ward has already been noticed by me as ' one of the bravest of the brave.' " General Hooker, on the battle of Fair Oaks, says, " Orders were given Colonel Ward to support my com- mand, which were promptly responded to by that gallant officer, and his brigade was brought into action on the right of the New Jersey regiments. . . . My warmest thanks are also tendered to Colonel Ward for the prompt- ness with which his brigade was brought into action, and the gallant manner in which he fought it." From General John Sedgwick. " I have the honor to ask you to lay before the Hon. Secretary of War, for his consideration, the name of Brigadier-General J. H. Hobart Ward, for the appointment of major-general. . . . I feel, therefore, that I am justified in recommending him to the consideration of the Hon. Secretary. For his efficiency in preparing his regiment for the field, and his gallantry in leading in battle, he was appointed a briga- dier and assigned to his old brigade, which he has led in every action since, when he was not in command of the division. Of the services of that brigade and division it is unnecessary to speak, as they are well known to every general officer of this army. . . . His experience during twenty years, and his services during the Rebellion, emi- nently fit him for the position recommended.'' General Sickles says, " In the battle of Gettysburg I confided to him the important position in front of ' Little Round Top,' on our left flank, which he held against suc- cessive attacks of the enemy in superior force. General Ward was in the Mexican War, has been in all the battles of the Army of the Potomac, from the first Bull Run down to this day. I Ie is an officer whose tact, discretion, and accomplishments fit him for command of a division, and his services have been so conspicuous and brilliant that he deserves this recognition of merit." WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 263 COLONEL GEORGE GRENVILLE BENEDICT, U.S.V. Colonel George Grenville Benedict was born in Burlington, Vermont, December 10, 1827, being the second son of George Wyllys Benedict, who was a sol- dier in the War of 18 12, and grandson of Rev. Abner Benedict, of Middletown, Connecticut, who was a chap- lain in tlie Continental Army in the war (if the Revolu- tion, and Eliza Dewey, grand-daughter of Captain Stephen Dewey, of Westfield, Massachusetts, who was a soldier of the Revolution. Colonel Benedict graduated from the University of Vermont in 1S47; was editor and joint proprietor of the Burlington Free Press from 1853 to the present time. He enlisted August 23, 1862, in Company C, Twelfth Vermont Volunteers ; was promoted January 23, 1863, to be second lieutenant and aide-de-camp on staff of Second Vermont Brigade, and was mustered out July 14, 1863. He engaged in the repulse of Stuart's raid, Fairfax Court-House, Virginia, December 28, 1862; and participated in the battle of Gettysburg, July 1-3, 1863, where he served as aide-de-camp upon the staff of Brig- adier-General George Jefferson Stannard, commanding Second Vermont Brigade (Third Brigade, Third Division, First Army Corps), and was present in the repulse of Pickett's Confederate Division in their charge on the after- noon of the third da)'. He was awarded medal of honor by Congress " for distinguished conduct in the battle of Gettysburg, July 3, 1863." He was appointed aide-de- camp, with the rank of colonel, on the staff of Governor Paul Dillingham, 1866-67; State military historian of Vermont, 1880-87 ; author of " Vermont at Gettysburg," one volume; and of "Vermont in the Civil War," two volumes. He was president of the Vermont and Boston Tele- graph Company, 1860-65 ; State senator, 1869-70-71 ; postmaster of Burlington, 1871-74; president of Vermont Press Association, 1886-89; president of the Vermont Society of " Sons of the Revolution," 1890 ; secretary of the University of Vermont and State Agricultural Col- lege from 1865 to the present time; collector of customs, District of Vermont, 1889 to date. 264 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL SAMUEL K. ZOOK. U.S.V. (deceased). Brevet Major-General Samuel K. Zook was born in Chester Count}-, March, 1822. He was a son of Major David Zook (or Zug), who was a descendant oi Bishop Zug, of the Mennonite Church of the Canton Zug, Switzerland, and in 1659 was imprisoned and given the alternative of attending the established church or being executed. The sentence was afterwards changed to banishment. Whilst the subject of this sketch was very young his parents moved to the maternal home- stead on the old camp-ground of Valley Forge, occupied during the Revolution by General Greene. At an early age Zounk Zook was connected with the military of Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery Counties, before his twentieth year being adjutant of the One Hundredth Regiment, Pennsylvania Uniformed Militia, known as the Chester County Troops. In [842 he entered the office of the Washington and New York Telegraph Company, in Philadelphia. Here he attracted the attention of distin- guished scientists, and was appointed superintendent of the company. The interest of this enterprise centralized in the city of New York, and here lie was called to coun- sel with those in charge 1 if extending lines designed to encircle the earth. Transferring his citizenship from the Keystone to the Empire State, he became attached to the military of that city as major, afterwards lieutenant-colo- nel, of the Sixth Regiment, Governor's Guard. To the President's call for three months' men this regiment promptly responded, lie reported to General Sumner, at Alexandria, Virginia, where his regiment was permanently brigaded under command of Brigadier-Gen- eral Meade. March 10, 1862, his brigade moved with the advance of the army beyond Centreville, and on March 15 was detached under his command to accompany General Stoneman with his cavalry on a reconnoissance to and beyond Manassas. The conduct of Colonel Zook and his brigade on this difficult and hazardous movement was made the subject of a special order from General Stoneman, complimenting the command. At the close of the service he was commissioned by Governor Mor- gan to organize a regiment for three years. Under this authority he recruited the Fifty-seventh New Vork Vol- unteers, and led it to the Peninsula. As senior colonel, he commanded the brigade on the march to Williamsburg, at the battle of Fair Oaks, and in all the engagements during the seven days' fighting in front of Richmond. He marched with his command from Harper's Ferry to Fredericksburg, taking promi- nent part in the charge on Marye's Heights. His brig- ade suffered great loss, he being wounded and his horse shot under him. His conduct was mentioned in official despatches by General Hancock, as follows : " Colonel Zook's brigade was the first in order ; as soon as it had formed in line it advanced to the attack with spirit, passing the point at which the preceding troops had arrived, being joined, as it passed, by the brave regiments of Kimball's brigade and some other regiments of French's division. It failed, however, to take the stone wall behind which the enemy was posted, although our dead were within twenty-five paces of it. The troops still held their line of battle in front of the enemy, and within close musketry range. . . . " Colonel Zook, commanding Third Brigade, led his troops with spirit, remaining on the field until the close of tlie action. He had a horse shot under him during the contest. At the commencement of the engagement this brigade numbered ninety-two commissioned officers and fourteen hundred and forty enlisted men. Its loss was thirty-eight commissioned officers killed and wounded, and four hundred and ninety-one enlisted men." Colonel Zook having been wounded in the battle of Fred- ericksburg, he was after that battle made military governor of Falmouth, and was appointed brigadier-general of vol- unteers April 23, 1863, to date from November 29, 1862. He led his brigade at Chancellorsville with great dis- tinction, and was again mentioned in a highly favorable manner. He had command at Gainesville of French's old division (first of the Second Corps), and was de- spatched with a separate command of the division, with two batteries of artillery and two squadrons of cavalry, from Gainesville, to effect a junction with the main army at Edward's Ferry. He subsequently moved with his troops ami participated in the campaign which culmi- nated with tlie battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where he was killed, July 2, 1863. lie was brevetted major- general of volunteers " for gallant and meritorious ser- vice at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa.," and a handsome memorial shaft has been erected on the spot where he fell. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 265 LIEUTENANT-COLONEL EDWARD BYRNE, U.S.V. Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Byrne (late captain Tenth United States Cavalry), born in Ireland August 15, 1840, is a descendant of the " O'Byrne family of Wick- low." His forefathers have from the earliest traditions of the family been chiefs and leaders among their people, and the history of that country is replete with the ex- ploits and efforts of the O' Byrnes and OTooles to expel the English invaders from Irish soil. With the conquest of the country, the persecution and proscription of those families who opposed English rule continued, until they were exterminated, absorbed, or driven into exile. The O'Byrne family, however, still continued in the land of their fathers, and were always active workers in every movement having for its object Irish national existence. In the Young Ireland movement of 1848 "John Byrne, of Clonard," the father of Colonel Edward Byrne, took an active and prominent part, and on its collapse, to avoid legal prosecution, emigrated to the United States, settling in New York City. Colonel Byrne was eight years of age when his father acquired citizenship, and he received his earlier education in the public schools of the city. He afterwards attended the academy of Professor F. Cook, where the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion found him still pursuing his studies. Colonel Byrne entered service as second lieutenant Eleventh New York Infantry August 1, 1861, and was promoted first lieutenant February 15, 1862. He served in New York harbor until October, 1861 ; at Newport News until April, 1862; was in action at Lee's Farm, December 20, 1861 ; and in engagement be- tween the rebel ram " Merrimac" and gunboats " York- town" and " Jamestown" and the shore batteries at New- port News, Virginia, March 8, 1862. He resigned, and was honorably discharged April 17, 1862. He re-entered the service as first lieutenant Company A, One Hundred and Seventieth New York Infantry August 12,1 862 ; was promoted captain January 28, 1 863. The regiment was attached to Corcoran's brigade, Peck's division, Seventh Corps, until April, 1863 ; thence to Mur- phy's brigade, Corcoran's division, Seventh Army Corps, until July, 1863 ; and then to Corcoran's brigade, King's division, Twenty-second Army Corps, defences of Wash- ington, until August, 1863, participating in the battles of Deserted House, Union Mills, Virginia ; siege of Suffolk, Edenton Road, attack on Suffolk, Providence Church, Blackwater Bridge (wounded in left hand), Holland House, Windsor, and Dix's peninsula campaign, and then ordered with regiment to Washington, D.C. He was mustered out of service to accept promotion in Eighteenth New York Cavalry, then organized under the Veteran Act of Congress. He was commissioned major Eighteenth New York 34 Cavalry August 26, 1863, and promoted lieutenant-colo- nel of regiment October 1 1, 1S65. The regiment was at- tached to the cavalry brigade of the Twenty-second Corps, defences of Washington, until February, 1864, and then ordered to Louisiana, and attached to Fifth Brigade, Cav- alry Division, Nineteenth Army Corps, March, 1864, and served in the defences of New Orleans and Southern Di- vision of Louisiana until April, 1 865 ; then in First Brig- ade, Second Cavalry Division, District of West Mississippi, until May, 1865 ; and Second Brigade, First Cavalry Di- vision, Department of the Gulf and Department of Texas, until May 31, 1866. He participated in the Red River campaign, March 10 to May 22, 1864, and was engaged at Henderson's Hill, Cloutierville, Campti, Pleasant Hill, Sabine Cross-Roads, Pleasant Hill, Grand Ecore, Bayou Salina, Natchitoches, Cloutierville, Cane River Crossing, Grand Ecore, near Alexandria, Louisiana, Bayou Roberts, Moore's Farm, Wells's Plantation, Bayou Rapides, near Alexandria, Louisiana, near P"ort De Russy, Marksville Plains, Yellow Bayou, Morganza, Pattersonville, Centre- ville, and Franklin. The regiment was assigned to Second Brigade, Merritt's division of cavalry, and ordered to Texas, where it remained until May 31,1 866. Colonel Byrne was in command of Second Brigade Cavalry when mustered out, May 21, 1866. He was commissioned captain Tenth Cavalry, United States Army, July 28, 1 866, and was on frontier duty with regiment on the plains until mustered out January I, 1 87 1. After being mustered out, June 1,1871, Colonel Byrne engaged in mining projects, first in Arizona, in 1872, and then in Mexico. In 1885 he was manager of important stock interests in California and Nevada, and in 1 89 1 he settled in Salt Lake City, where he now resides, possessed of a profitable business, besides mining property which must in time become valuable. 266 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY volunteer) HON. HANNIBAL HAMLIN (deceased). Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, of Bangor, was born at Paris, Maine, August 27, 1809; was prepared for a col- legiate education, but was obliged, by the death of his father, to take charge of his home farm until he was of age; was a year in a printing-office as a compositor. About the time of his coming of age he was associated with Mr. Horatio King in the proprietorship of the Jeffer- sonian, a paper printed in his native town. This enter- prise, however, he soon relinquished, and, under the advice of his mother, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1833, continuing in active practice until 1 N4.X ; was a member of the Legislature of Maine in 1S36, 1837, 1838., 1839, 1S40, and [847, presiding as Speaker of the House in [837, [839, and 1840; was a Representative from Maine in the Twenty-eighth and Twenty-ninth Con- gresses. The measure for annexing Texas by joint reso- lution failed to meet his approval, and he made an elo- quent speech against it, wherein he expressed his regret that this " great and important question had been dragged down, down, down from its own proper sphere to a wretched, contemptible one for extending and per- petuating slavery." Mr. Hamlin was elected to the succeeding Congress, in which he served on the Committee on Naval Affairs, and was chairman of the Committee on Elections. In this Congress, both by speech and vote, he assumed a decided stand against the encroachments of slavery, an- nouncing most explicitly his opposition to its extension, and offered the Wilmot proviso as an amendment to the famous " Three Million Hill." Mr. Hamlin was elected to the United States Senate in [848, tor four years, to fill a vacancy occasioned l>v the death of John Fairfield; was re-elected for a Rill term in 185 1, but resigned in 1857 to act as governor of the State of Maine, to which office he had been elected ; was re-elected to the Senate in 1857, an d served until he re- signed in January, 1S61 ; was elected Vice-President of the United States on the ticket with Abraham Lincoln, and presided over the Senate from March 4, 1 861, to March 3, 1865 ; was ex officio a regent of the Smithsonian Institution during that time. When the Republican Convention of 1864 renominated Mr. Lincoln, there was a desire to have a Southern man associated with him on the ticket, and Mr. Hamlin was set aside for Andrew Johnson. Mr. Hamlin was appointed collector of the port of Boston, but resigned in the following year on account of his disapproval of the policy of President Johnson. He was subsequently re-elected to the Sen- ate, and took his seat for the fourth time as a member of that body March 4, 1869, and was re-elected in 1875 ; was chosen a regent of the Smithsonian Institution in 1870, and held the position until March 3, [88 1. When his term of office as L T nited States Senator expired, he de- clined a re-election, basing been thirty-four years in the House and Senate ; and he was at th.it time dean of the Board of Regents; was appointed by President Garfield minister plenipotentiary and envoy extraordinary to Spain in June, 1881, and resigned December, 1882; from that time he devoted his attention to the pursuits of agriculture, until he died at Bangor, Maine, July 4, 1891. Of Mr. Hamlin's general congressional career, a judi- cious writer has said : " It is but stating the truth to say that during his entire congressional service Mr. Hamlin has displayed in an eminent degree the qualities of a prompt, intelligent, and efficient business man. His executive abilities are of a rare and high order. He has made it a first object to meet the demands made upon him by his own constitu- ents and State. Every letter of this sort is promptly attended to and answered. Wh.it a draft this has con- stantly made upon his time and efforts every man who knows anything of the requirements made of a con- gressman will be able to appreciate. All parties in Maine have demanded these services of Mr. Hamlin, and have accorded him the praise of fidelity and efficiency in devotion to their interests. The heads of the Treasury and of the Customs Departments, including such men as Secretary Guthrie, Secretary Hodge, and Governor An- derson, having declared Governor Hamlin to be the best business man in the Senate. During his entire service as a senator he has been a member of the very laborious and important Committee on Commerce, and was its chairman for seven years. In this latter capacity he had supervision of all the great questions and measures affect- ing the commerce of the country, both domestic and foreign, acted upon by that committee, no bill being reported which he had not full)- understood by personal investigation." WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 267 GENERAL SAMUEL WOOLSEY BACKUS. U.S.V. General Samuel Woolsey Backus, postmaster of San Francisco, was born in Poughkeepsie, New York, Novem- ber 6, 1844, and moved to California in 1852. His edu- cation was largely received in the public schools of Sacra- mento. When a lad of but eighteen years of age he joined the ranks of the " California Hundred and Bat- talion" of the Second Massachusetts Cavalry, ami went East, to take part in the defence of his country, in Janu- ary, 1863, from which time until the close of the war he served with distinguished honor, taking part in most of the Virginia campaigns in the Army of the Potomac, and with Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley, earning notice more than once for bravery on the field. He par- ticipated in the following engagements : Brockville, Ashby's Gap, Coyle's Tavern, Little River Pike, Point of Rocks, Aldie, Frederick's Pike, Tenallytown, Fort Reno, Fort Stevens, Rockville, Poolesville, Leesburg, Snicker's Gap, Shepherdstown, White Post, Middletown, Strasburg, Winchester, September 19, 1864, Berryville Pike, Charlestown, Halltown, Berryville. Opequan Creek, Knox's E"ord, Front Royal, Luray Court-House, Waynes- borough, Mount Crawford, Tom's Brook, Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864, Madeira Court-House, Gordonsville, Charlottesville, Dinwiddie Court-House, Five Forks. General Backus had his leg badly fractured April 28, 1864, in righting with Mosby's guerillas near Leesburg, Virginia. His service was with the Second Massachu- setts Cavalry until June 14, 1865, and then with the Second California Cavalry to July 27, 1866. He was specially detailed, with twenty-four others, as escort to President Lincoln, April 3, 1865, and accompa- nied him from City Point on his entry into Richmond, Virginia, April 4, 1865. Resigning from the army, he went to San Francisco and entered business as a shipping and commission mer- chant, from 1S67 to 1878. In 1877 he was elected on the same ticket with Hon. John F. Swift to represent the Nineteenth Assembly Dis- trict in the Legislature. During his term as assembly- man he succeeded in accomplishing much for the National Guard of California, and his services in this line earned for him later the appointment of adjutant-general, with rank as major-general for the State, which honor was conferred upon him by Governor Perkins in 1880. His thorough executive ability here came into full play, and a most systematic and beneficial reorganization of the State militia was the result. In 1882 General Backus was, unsolicited, appointed postmaster by President Garfield. He held this position for four years and four months, and upon the retirement of the appointee of President Cleveland, in 1890, General Backus was again selected for the place by President Harrison. As an active worker in the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic, General Backus has earned a warm place in the heart of the old soldier. He was one of the organizers of Lincoln Post, No. 1, in San Francisco, and served twice as its commander. In [877 he was made commander of the Department of California, Grand Army of the Republic, and in 1886 he was elected senior vice-commander-in-chief of that Order. In May, 1892, he was elected commander of the Cali- fornia Commandery, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, which position he now fills. It is not in public places alone that General Backus has distinguished himself as a citizen in his own com- munity. He also takes rank as a journalist of genius and energy. In 1885 and 1886 he published and was proprietor of the San Francisco Evening Post, and in 1890 he became sole proprietor of the Wasp, the Puck and judge of the Pacific coast. General Backus has a Revolutionary ancestry. His paternal great-grandfather was Colonel Nichols, the dis- tinguished soldier and officer of Revolutionary fame. He was the same Colonel Nichols who commanded a portion of the American army at the battle of Bennington, Ver- mont. His grandfather was Gurdon Backus, of Norwich, Connecticut, who built the flag-ship " Saratoga," Commo- dore McDonough commanding, and helped to fight her at Plattsburg, September 11, 1814 This distinguished soldier of the War of 181 2 died at Hinesburg, Vermont, October, [828, leaving his widow, Lucy Nichols Backus, daughter of Colonel Nichols, who was the grandmother of Samuel W. Backus. She was borne on the pension rolls as a widow of the War of 1812 until August, 1888, when she died in San Francisco, California, at the ad- vanced age <>f ninety-six years. Gurdon Backus, the father of S. W. Backus, wh born in Burlington, Vermont, November 6, 1S20, is still living in St. Helena, Napa County, California. 268 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NA VY volunteer) CAPTAIN WILLIAM FRANKLIN POTTER, U.S.V. Captain William Franklin Potter (Third Pennsyl- vania Volunteer Cavalry)was burn in Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania, December 17, 1838, being the eldest son of William Almy Potter, formerly of Providence, Rhode Island, and grandson of Captain William Potter, of the Rhode Island State Troops in the Revolutionary War. Captain Potter entered the service in the War of the Rebellion as second lieutenant in the Third Pennsylvania Cavalry, his commission being dated September 9, 1862 (mustered November 9, 1862), joining his regiment at St. James's College, Maryland, after the battle of Antic- tarn. In the pursuit of the Confederate army into Vir- ginia he was engaged with the advance of the Army of the Potomac at Unionville, Piedmont, Ashby's Gap, Amissvillc, and various skirmishes. Captain Potter was present at the cavalry action at Kelly's Ford, March 17, 1863. On May 1 he was mus- tered as first lieutenant, his commission being dated December 7, 1 862. He was engaged in Stoneman's raid during the battle of Chancellorsville, and in the cavalry actions at Branch' Station, Aldie, Upperville, Ashby's Cap, Culpeper Court-House, Occoquan, New Hope Church, and Parker's Store, being attached to the Second Cavalry Division commanded by General D. McM. Gregg. In February, 1864, his regiment was relieved from duty with the Second Cavalry Division, and ordered to duty with the head-quarters of the Army of the Potomac. He was present at the battles of the Wilderness and Spott- sylvania Court-House, skirmish at Guinney's Bridge, battles of North Anna, Totopotomoy, and Cold Harbor, siege of Petersburg, and battle of Petersburg Mine. In August, 1864, the men of his regiment whose terms of service had expired were mustered out of service. The balance of the regiment was consolidated into three com- panies, forming the Veteran Battalion, Third Pennsylvania Cavalry, and Lieutenant Potter was one of the officers selected to remain with it. He was promoted captain October 4, 1864 (under commission dated September 20), and was present with his company at the battle of Boyd- ton Plank Road. Subsequently he was ordered with his company to duty at the head-quarters of the Armies Operating agairlst Richmond, — City Point, Virginia, — and entered Petersburg with General Grant, April 3. Thence he was detached with his squadron for provost- marshal duty in Richmond immediately after its capture. He was mustered out of service at Richmond May 8, 1865, receiving an honorable discharge June 6, 1865. Since the war. Captain Potter has resided at German- town, Philadelphia, engaged in the real estate business. He is a Companion of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, and is a member of the Pennsylvania Society of "Sons of the Revolution." WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 269 OLIVER PERRY MORTON, WAR GOVERNOR (deceased). Oliver Perry Morton was born in Saulsbury, Wayne County, Indiana, August 4, 1823; died in Indianapolis, Indiana, November I, 1877. His father, a native of New Jersey, whose ancestors came from England with Roger Williams, dropped the first syllable in the family name of Throckmorton. At the age of fifteen he was taken from school to learn the hatter's trade. After working four years he determined to fit himself for the bar, spent two years at Miami University, studied law at Centrcville, and began practice there in 1847. He soon attained professional eminence, and was elected circuit judge in 1847; but at the end of a year he willingly left the bench, and before resuming practice spent a year at a law school in Cincin- nati. Having been a Democrat with anti-slavery convictions, he entered into the people's movement in 1854, and took an active part in the formation of the Republican part)'. In i860 he was elected lieutenant-governor on the ticket with Henry S. Lane, who was in favor of ex- acting from the Southern States obedience to the Consti- tution. The Legislature elected Governor Lane United States senator, and Mr. Morton took the oath as governor on January 16, 1861. He opposed every compromise with the secessionist party, began to prepare for the coming conflict before Fort Sumter was fired upon, and when President Lincoln called for seventy-five thousand volunteers, he offered to send ten thousand from Indiana. The State's quota was raised at once. He reconvened the Legislature on 24th April, obtained authority to borrow two million dollars, and displayed great energy and ability in placing troops in the field and providing for their care and sustenance. He gave permission to citizens of Indiana to raise troops in Kentucky, allowed Kentucky regiments to be recruited from the population of two of the southern counties, procured arms for the volunteer bodies enlisted for the defence of Kentucky, and by thus co-operating with the Unionists in that State did much towards establishing the ascendency of the national government within its borders. When the question ol the abolition of slavery arose, the popular majority no longer upheld the governor in his support of the adminis- tration. In 1862 a Democratic Legislature was chosen, and was on the point of taking from him the command of the militia when the Republican members withdrew, leaving both Houses without a quorum. In order to carry on the State government he obtained advances from banks, and appointed a bureau of finance, which from April, 1863, till January, 1865, made all disbursements of the State, amounting to more than one million dollars. During this period he refused to summon the Legislature. The Supreme Court condemned this arbitrary course, but the people subsequently applauded his action, and the State assumed the obligations he had incurred. In 1864 he was nominated and elected governor, but resigned in January, 1867, to take his seat in the United States Senate, to which he was re-elected in 1873, and was chairman of the Committee on Privileges and Elections, and the leader of the Republicans. He labored zealously to secure the passage of the fifteenth amendment to the Constitution, and was the trusted adviser of the Republicans of the South. He was offered the English mission by President Grant, but declined, lest his State should send a Demo- crat to succeed him in the Senate. He died of paralysis at his home in Indiana in 1877. 270 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WILLIAM W. GROUT, U.S.V. Lieutenant-Colonel William W. Grout was born of American parents in Compton, P.O., May 24, 1 S36. His .1111 estry is traced back to Dr. John ( J-rout, who came from England in 1630, and settled in Watertown, Massachusetts, llis great-grandfather, Elijah Grout, of Charlestown, New Hampshire, served as commissary in the Revolutionary War. His grandfather, Theophilus Grout, settled on the Moose River, in the new State of Vermont, upon land afterwards included in the present town of Kirby, in the year I799> and there cleared a large farm. William W. Grout received a common-school and aca- demic education, and was graduated at the Poughkeepsie Law School, New York, in 1857. He was admitted to the bar in December of the same year, and settled in the practice of law at Barton, Orleans County, Vermont. In Jul_\-, [862, he was nominated by the Republicans of said county to the office of State attorney for the count}-, but declined the nomination, and enlisted in a company then being raised in Barton for the war. ( >n its organization he was made captain, and on organization of the regiment lieutenant-colonel. The regiment was the Fifteenth, and was assigned to Stannard's brigade, which afterwards so distinguished itself in the repulse of Pickett's famous charge at Gettysburg. The Fifteenth Regiment did not remain at Gettysburg till the close of the battle, but on the afternoon of the second day was ordered to the de- fence of the First Corps train, then on the way to West- minster, and liable to attack from Stuart's cavalry, which were prowling in the rear of the Union army. A few days after the regiment joined the brigade at Funkstown, and the next day brought up in front of the enemy at I [agerstown, and Colonel Grout with two hundred men from the Sixteenth Regiment went upon the skirmish line, against which the enemy was actively demonstrating while Lee, with the bulk of his army, was crossing the Potomac. In August, 1S64, Colonel Grout was mustered out with his regiment on account of expiration of term of service. In the fall of 1 864 the enemy raided St. Albans, Ver- mont, robbing banks, etc., anil by order of the governor of Vermont, Colonel Grout was placed in command of the provisional forces raised on the east side of the mountain to guard the Canadian frontier. The Legislature then in session organized three brigades of militia, and Colonel Grout was elected brigadier-general, and assigned by the governor to the command of one of them. In 1865 he was elected State's attorney of Orleans Count)-, and was re-elected in 1866. In 1868 he was elected a member of the lower House of the Vermont Legislature, and re-elected to a fourth term. In 1876 he was elected to the State Senate from the county of Orleans, and on organization was made president pro /tin. of that bod\-. In 1868 lie was nominated for Congress by the Re- publicans of the Third District, but was beaten by Bradly Barlow, greenbacker. In 1880 he was elected to the Forty-seventh Congress from the Third District. By the tenth census Vermont lost a member, and the Third was absorbed by the First and Second Districts. General Grout was a candidate for nomination in the Second District in 1882, but was beaten by bulge Poland, ex- member of both House and Senate, and ex-chief-justice of the Supreme Court of Vermont. Man}- voters did not approve the methods by which Judge Poland was nomi- nated, and voted for General Grout, though he discoun- tenanced the bolt, and advised all to support the regular nomination. Judge Poland was elected by six hundred and eight majority. In 1884 General Grout was nomi- nated by the Republicans of the Second District, and was elected to the Forty-ninth Congress by a majority of over thirteen thousand, and has since been re-elected to the Fiftieth, Fifty-first, Fifty-second, and Fifty-third Con- gresses, invariably running ahead of his ticket. He has served on the Committees on Territories, Levees and Improvements of the Mississippi River, Education, Dis- trict of Columbia (of which he was chairman in the Fifty- first Congress), Expenditures in the Interior and Treasury Departments, and upon the Committee on Appropriations, of which he is now a member. Meantime General Grout has been engaged in an active law practice till quite recently, and all the time interested in agriculture. He now owns and resides upon the old homestead in Kirby, Vermont, where his grandfather commenced in 1 779, and which has been in the family ever since. General Grout married Loraine M.Smith in i860, who died in 1868, he having previously buried two children in infancy. He has not remarried. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 271 BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL HENRY H. BINGHAM, u.s.v. Brevet Brigadier-General Henry H. Bingham was born at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1841 ; was educated at Jefferson College, Pennsylvania, and graduated in 1862. He entered the army as first lieutenant of the One Hun- dred and Fortieth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Au- gust 22. 1862, and was promoted captain September 9, 1862. On September 25, 1864, he was discharged for promotion, and appointed major and judge-advocate United States Volunteers, to date from September 20, 1864. General Bingham was wounded in the battles of Gettysburg, 1863; Spottsylvania, 1864; and Farmville, Virginia, 1865. He was brevetted major United States Volunteers August 1, 1864, "for good conduct and conspicuous gallantry, especially at the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, and Gettysburg." He was brevetted lieutenant-colonel April 9, 1865, "for highly meritorious services during the recent campaign terminating with the surrender of the insurgent arm)- under General Robert E. Lee." Brevetted colonel and brigadier-general April 9, 1865, " for conspicuous gallantry and meritorious services dur- ing the war." In March, 1867, he was appointed postmaster of Phil- adelphia, but resigned November, 1872, to accept the clerkship of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Quar- ter Sessions of the Peace at Philadelphia, having been elected by the people ; was re-elected clerk in 1875. He was delegate-at-large to the Republican National Con- vention at Philadelphia in 1872; also delegate from the First Congressional District to the Republican National Convention at Cincinnati in 1876, and Chicago in 1884, and also in 1888. General Bingham was elected to the Forty-sixth, Forty-seventh, Forty-eighth, Forty-ninth, Fiftieth, Fifty- first, and Fifty-second Congresses, and re-elected to the Fifty -third Congress. OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET COLONEL AUGUSTUS PECK CLARKE, SUR- GEON, U.S.V. Brevet Colonel Augustus Peck Clarke, Surgeon, was born in Paw tucket, Rhode Island, September 24, 1833. lie is of the ninth generation in descent from Joseph Clarke, who emigrated from Suffolk County, Eng- land, to Dorchester, Massachusetts, in 1630; his great- grandfather, Ichabod Clarke, was commissioned as captain in the War of the Revolution, and his grandfather, Ed- ward Clarke, served in the War of 1812. This family is one of great antiquity in Suffolk- Count)-, England. An ancestor, Thomas Clarke, of Bury St. Edmund's, gent., mentions in his will of 1506 "a Seynt Antony Crosse, a tau crosse of gold weyng iij li," which was borne in the armorial coat, and was assumed as an augmentation, in consequence of having been in the expedition to Spain w ith the Duke of Lancaster in 1 386. I lis maternal grand- lather, Joel Peck, also served in the War of the Revo- lution, and was of the twenty-fifth generation in descent from John Peck, of Helton, Yorkshire, knight. Surgeon Clarke graduated from Brown University, re- ceiving the degree of A.M. in the class of i860. In 1862 he received the degree of M.D. from Harvard University. In August, 186 1, after an examination by a medical board, he was appointed assistant surgeon of the Sixth New York Cavalry, and immediately entered upon the per- formance of the duties connected with his office. He served in the Peninsular campaign of 1862, was at the siege of Yorktown, and was present in all the engage- ments, including those of Mechanicsville, Gaines's Mill, and Peach Orchard, in the Seven Days' Battles. At the battle of Savage's Station, June 29, after the hospital, all the stores, and the wounded had fallen into the hands of the enemy, he there became a prisoner. He insisted, however, in continuing his professional service for the re- lief of the suffering, and remained for some weeks until all were exchanged. He was promoted to the rank of surgeon in the same regiment, May 5, 1863, and served with the cavalry corps in all the operations undertaken by the Army of the Potomac during that year. At the open- ing of the campaign made by General Grant in the spring of 1864, he was appointed surgeon-in-chief of the Second Brigade of the First Cavalry Division. He accompanied his command and took an active part in the movements conducted by General Sheridan resulting in the glorious achievements of that year. During the campaign of [864—65 he was appointed surgeon-in-chief of the entire First Cavalry Division, and again accompanied General Sheridan in his colossal raid from Winchester to Peters- burg. He was at the battle of Five Forks, and in the other battles occurring in the rapid pursuit of the enemy, until the final surrender at Appomattox. During all the years of 1861-65 his service was of unremitting toil. At the organization of his regiment he performed the greater part of the professional duty ; later, while in the field, he was much of the time on the operating staff. He often acted as special aide-de-camp to his general, Thomas C. Devin, on whose staff he had the honor to serve. He participated in eighty-two battles and engagements ; was frequently complimented in orders and reports made by his superior officers, who united also in recommending him for brevet appointment as lieutenant-colonel and as colonel "for faithful and meritorious conduct during the eventful term of his service." Immediately after the close of the war he availed him- self of aspecial opportunity for a passage to Europe. He Visited the schools and the hospitals of Paris, Leipsic, London, and of other great centres for advanced study in the medical and surgical art. On his return in 1866 he removed to Cambridge, Mass., where he soon established a reputation in the practice of medicine, in which profes- sion he has since continued his labors. He is a member of the Massachusetts Medical Society, of the American Academy of Medicine, of the American Medical Associa- tion, and of other societies at home and abroad. He is president of the Gynaecological Society of Boston, and is a vice-president of the Pan-American Medical Congress. He participated in the Ninth International Medical Con- gress at Washington, and the Tenth International Medical Congress at Berlin, to each of which he contributed an important paper. He has been a frequent contributor of articles to the public press and to different medical so- cieties and journals. Some of his papers have been re- published in foreign magazines. .After the adjournment of the Congress at Berlin, in 1890, he, in company with his family, travelled exten- sively in Central Europe. The same year he was also a delegate to the British Medical Association and to medical societies at Paris. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. COLONEL ROBERT BRUCE RICKETTS, U.S.V. Colonel Robert Bruce Ricketts was born at Orangeville, Columbia County, Pennsylvania, April 29, 1839, of Scotch and English descent. He was educated at the Wyoming Seminary, and was reading law when the war broke out. He promptly entered the Union service, and, having assisted in recruiting a battery, was mustered in as a member of Battery F, First Pennsylva- nia Artillery, Forty-third Regiment, July 8, 1S61, and promoted to first lieutenant, August 5, 1 86 1 ; to captain, May 8, 1863; to major, December 4, 1864; and to colonel, March 15, 1865. The battery was furnished during the month of August, 1861, with horses-and equipments and four smooth-bore guns. On September 12 the battery was ordered to join Banks's command at Dorranceton, Maryland, and was from that date in active service up to the close of the war. For a time the battery was divided into two sections, one under Lieutenant Ricketts, and the other under Lieutenant Brockway. Ricketts had his first engagement Decem- ber 20, 1861, with a body of the enemy's artillery and cavalry which was attempting the destruction of Dam No. 5, on the Upper Potomac. For more than three years from that time on Ricketts was constantly at the front, and his battery became one of the most famous in the Union army. In almost every one of the engage- ments of 1862, 1863, and 1864, in Maryland and Vir- ginia, anil in scores of later conflicts, it was prominently engaged, and at Gettysburg, especially, it did brilliant service in assisting to repel the invasion of the Confed- erates on the right of the Union lines at Cemetery Ridge. In this fight Ricketts lost forty horses and twenty-seven men. His name is so closely linked with that battle, upon which the fate of the nation hung, and who stood by his guns, beating back the fierce onslaughts of the Louisiana Tigers, which threatened every moment to override, like a monumental wave, the gallant little band, whose blazing speech sent terror into the hearts of those who endeavored to silence it, is fairly entitled to the honors won on that bloody occasion, and there is not a soldier in the old Army of the Potomac, in Pennsylvania or out, who does not recall Ricketts whenever he thinks of Gettysburg. When promoted to his majority, he left his battery and was assigned to the command of the Second Army Corps batteries in the Ninth Corps line ; afterwards as inspector of artillery for the Ninth Corps, and still later as chief of artillery of the same corps. This last posi- tion he held during most of the winter of 1864-65, and while the army was in front of Petersburg, and he re- tained it until after Lee's surrender. He was then in- spector of the artillery reserve under General William 35 273 Hayes, the reserve then embracing nearly all the batteries in the army. During the greater part of the war Ricketts's battery was attached to the Second Corps. What the com- mander of that corps— the lamented Hancock — thought of him is briefly but eloquently set forth in a note for- warded by him to the Loyal Legion, in answer to an inquiry sent in connection with the proposal of Rick- etts for membership in that organization. Hancock wrote, — ■ "Colonel Ricketts is well known to me, and served under my command during the war, in the Second Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. He was a gallant and distinguished officer of irreproachable record, and as such I can recommend him for membership in the Military Order of the Loyal Legion." After the war, Hancock and others urged him to join the regular service, where appropriate place could have been easily secured for him, but he declined all these offers and returned to private life. Ricketts was a Hancock delegate to the Cincinnati Convention, where the Democracy named the great gen- eral and statesman for the Presidency. In 1886 his nomination as lieutenant-governor was one of the few instances on record in which the nomination sought the man. When his name was first mentioned by the Wilkes- Barre Evening Leader, and subsequently taken up by other Democratic papers elsewhere, letters poured into him from all parts of the State expressive of the glad- ness of the writers that the opportunity was about to be given them to show their appreciation of his many mag- nificent qualities. Colonel Ricketts is a member of the Pennsylvania Gettysburg Monumental Commission and of the National World's Columbian Commission. '-74 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (.volunteer) BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL JOHN WHITE GEARY, U.S.V. (deceased). Brevet Major-General John White Geary was born in Westmoreland Count}-, Pennsylvania, on Decem- ber 20, 1 8 19. He was the son of Richard Geary and Margaret White. Richard Geary's father had settled in Pennsylvania prior to the Revolution, previously having been a post-captain in the English navy. Margaret White was a Maryland lady of great beauty, a descend- ant of an old English family. After the usual course of preparatory studies, General Geary was entered at Jefferson College, Canonsburg, Penn- sylvania, but, owing to financial difficulties of his family, remained but a short time. His application and ardent thirst for knowledge made this a severe privation, but the utter insolvency of his father's estate, and the dependent condition of his mother, made it an inexorable necessity. On returning home, he opened a daily school, and thus provided for the support of his mother. At the first call for volunteers for the Mexican War he responded, and at once organized a picked company from among his friends in Western Pennsylvania, which was known by the name of " The American Highlanders." On the arrival of this company at the regimental rendez- vous, Captain Geary was elected lieutenant-colonel. This regiment joined the American army under General Scott at Vera Cruz. After passing through the battles of Cerro Gordo, Contreras, La Hoya, Chapultepec, and the attack- on the Mexican citadel, Geary raised the flag over the citadel, and in consideration of his gallantry was made commander of the post, and in further recognition of his services he received his commission as colonel of the Second Pennsylvania Volunteers. < >ri the 22d of January, 1849, President Polk appointed Colonel Geary postmaster at San Francisco. After es- tablishing a postal service throughout California, he was elected first alcalde, and subsequently appointed judge of First Instance. He was then elected mayor of San Francisco, and during his term of office secured the adoption of a Free State Constitution. The 1st of Feb- ruary, 1852, Colonel Geary returned to Pennsylvania. On the 1st of July, 1856, Geary was appointed gov- ernor of Kansas. His administration lasted till March, 1857; but, short as it was, it was sufficient to enable him to suppress the riotous disorder that distracted the coun- try, and to restore the supremacy of the Federal law. At the opening of the Civil War, Geary promptly re- paired to Philadelphia, and having been commissioned by President Lincoln, raised a regiment of seventeen hundred men, which he equipped and clothed at his own expense. His regiment was known as the Twenty-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers, and immediately after its or- ganization he was ordered to join General Banks on the Upper Potomac, and was at once placed on active duty in the field. For six months he maintained a strict blockade of the Upper Potomac. From this time on his command was in many of the worst battles of the war : Cedar Mountain, where Geary was severely wounded, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Wauhatchie, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Ringgold, g.ocky-faced Ridge, Resaca, New Hope Church, Pine Hill, Darby's House, Nose's Creek, Kene- saw, Marietta, Peach-Tree Creek, Averysborough, and Bentonville. On April 25, 1862, Colonel Geary was raised to the rank of brigadier-general, and in January, 1865, while actintras military tjovernor of Savannah, he received the rank of brevet major-general of volunteers. For two years after the war General Geary was en- gaged in the prosecution of his old business and in placing his private affairs in a healthy condition, when his main - friends and admirers from all parts of the State solicited him to let his name be used as a candidate for governor of the State, and he at once became the stand- ard-bearer of the great Republican party in Pennsylvania. He was elected governor in November, 1866, and filled the executive chair with signal ability. In November, 1869, he was re-elected. Shortly after the expiration of his second term, on February 8, 1K73, General Geary died in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and was buried with military honors at Mount Kahna Cemetery. General Geary was twice married, his first wife being Margaret A. Logan, by which union he had two sons, — Captain Edward L. Geary, who was killed at the battle of Wauhatchie, and William L. G;ary, who graduated at West Point and entered the army. General Geary's sec- ond marriage was with Man- C. Henderson. By this union he had four children, — three daughters and one son, John \Y. Geary, — all of whom are living. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 275 CAPTAIN WILLIAM HENRY McCARTNEY, U.S.V. Captain William Henry McCartney was born in Boston, Massachusetts, July 1 1, 1835. When the Rebel- lion came he was a Boston lawyer, and was also first lieutenant of the Boston Light Artillery, a volunteer bat- tery which had been in existence in Boston for many years. This batter) - went into the three months' service at an hour's notice, April 19, 1861. Captain McCartney first attracted public attention as a volunteer officer of this battery at the Relay House, Maryland, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, where, displaying considerable aptitude for his new occupation, he constructed an earthwork for his guns, and was other- wise conspicuously efficient under General Butler in his campaign in and around Baltimore. In one day he recruited the first battery raised in Mas- sachusetts for the three years' service, and was made first lieutenant of it in September, 1861, and captain in Sep- tember, 1862. Although Massachusetts had many batteries in the field throughout the war, there never was a regimental organization thereof. They were all independent organi- zations, and the rank of captain was the highest attain- able actual rank for the Massachusetts artillerymen during the war. Captain McCartney served in Franklin's division and in the Sixth Corps in the battles of West Point, Mechan- icsville, Gaines's Mill, Charles City Cross-Roads, Malvern Hill, Second Bull Run, Crampton's Gap, Antietam, Fred- ericksburg (December, 1862, and May, 1863), Marye's Heights, Salem Church, Gettysburg, Rappahannock Station, Mine Run, Sander's House, Wilderness, Spott- sylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Weldon Railroad, Winchester, and Fisher's Creek. He was frequently com- mended in orders for gallantry, skill, and untiring devo- tion to the flag. He stood very high in the estimation of two of the best types of the soldier the war produced, — Generals John Sedgwick and David Russell, both of whom were killed in McCartney's battery. Captain McCartney was clerk of the Naval Committee of the House of Representatives of the Thirty-eighth Congress, and provost-marshal of Massachusetts from the spring of 1865 to January, 1866. He was collector of internal revenue from the spring of 1866 to 1 870. He was thereafter engaged in literary pursuits for three years, during which time he wrote for the New York World a series of letters, which attracted considerable attention, under the pen name of " Muldoon" and " Ma- jor of Heavy Artillery." I Ie then spent a year in Europe, and on his return resumed the practice of his profession at Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, where he still lives. Captain McCartney has attained distinction as a law- yer, stump-speaker, and lecturer. He married Katharine Elizabeth Searle, of Montrose, Pennsylvania, September, 1872, and has two children, — Eleanor and William 1 [enry. 2?6 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) MAJOR GEORGK H. BONEBRAKE, U.S.V. Major George H. Bonebrake was born near Eaton, Preble County, Ohio. At the age of seventeen he en- tered Otterbein University, the principal institution of learning of the United Brethren denomination at Wester- ville, Ohio, where he pursued his studies for six years, graduating with honors in the classical course at the age of twenty-three, and subsequently receiving the degree of A.M. After leaving college he accepted a position in a neigh- boring seminar)' as professor of languages, being a pro- ficient scholar in Latin, Greek, German, and French. Soon after the breaking out of the Rebellion, Major Bonebrake enlisted as a private soldier in the early part of 1862, and subsequently was mustered in with his regiment as second lieutenant of Company C, Eighty- ninth Indiana Infantry, at Indianapolis, Indiana. August 13 he was promoted to captain. He participated in sev- eral battles and skirmishes during the fall of 1862, in Kentucky ; was present at the battle of Yazoo ; was in General Sherman's unfortunate first attack on Vicksburg, where he commanded the skirmish-line ; was in action at Arkansas Post, and in the charge and battle where seven thousand Confederate prisoners were taken. He was present during the investment of Vicksburg, in 1862, at the battle of Port Gibson, at Champion Hills, and in the battle of Black River ; also in the charge on the fortifica- tions there; was at the siege of Vicksburg, and in Grant's memorable assault of May 22 upon the works of that place. In this charge, Major Finley being killed, Captain Bonebrake was appointed major of the regiment. He took an active part in the battle of Jackson, Mississippi, when that city was captured from Johnston. Subse- quently he served in Southern Texas, and was there en- gaged in various skirmishes, and his regiment being recalled, took an active part in General Banks's expedi- tion up the Red River, in Louisiana. He also served in Southern Georgia and Alabama until mustered out in January, 1865, by reason of the consolidation of the regiment. About March, 1865, he was appointed on the general staff, and in September was brevctted major, serving in Texas and Tennessee until his muster-out, a month later. Upon leasing the army he entered into a law partnership with General Tom Browne, who served twelve years as a member of Congress. His marriage with Miss Emma Locke occurred upon his arrival home. In 1869 he became cashier of the Citizens' Bank in Noblesville, Indiana, which position he held until the condition of his wife's health forced him to seek a more genial climate, and in 1878 he went to Southern California, where his wife died in March, 1880. He invested largely in Los Angeles real estate, where the Bryson-Bonebrake Block is the finest business edifice in the city. Among other institutions, he is a director of the California Central Railroad Company, the First National Bank of Pasadena, the First National Bank of Pomona, the Savings Bank of Southern California, the First National Banks of Santa Ana, Santa Paula, and Santa Monica, president of the Los Angeles National Bank and the State Loan and Trust Company. Major Bonebrake has been the prime mover in organizing nearly all these banks, each of which owns the building in which it is located. Major Bonebrake was most influential in bringing the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad into Los An- geles. He is an active member of the Chamber of Com- merce, and was the second president of the Los Angeles Board of Trade. As a financier and business-man he is known throughout the coast. His real estate invest- ments, which include city and suburban property, have conclusively proved his good judgment. For some time he was a member of the Board of Managers of the National Soldiers' Homes, and did much to further the interests of the branch Home at Santa Monica. He is a member of the National Guard of California, and has for the past four years been serving on the brigade staff as paymaster, with the rank of major. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. COLONEL WARD HILL LAMON, U.S.V. Colonel Ward Hill Lamon, who, as aide-de-camp on Governor Yates's staff, held a commission as colonel duringr the late War of the Rebellion, was born near Winchester, Virginia, in 1828. He had a common school education, and at one time taught a school himself. When about seventeen years of age he began the study of medicine, but soon abandoned medicine for law. At the age of nine- teen years he went to Illinois, and settled in the town of Danville. He next attended lectures at the Louisville (Kentucky) Law School, in the same class with fohn A. Logan and Milton J. Durham, and others. Upon the com- pletion of his studies he returned to Danville, and began the practice of law. Danville was then in the Eighth Judicial District of Illinois, — a district in which Abraham Lincoln had a large practice, and which included Spring- field, the capital of the State, where Lincoln resided. Between these two men, Lincoln and Lamon, a friendship soon grew up, which lasted as long as the former lived, and whose immediate result was a partnership for the practice of law in the Eighth District. Subsequently Lamon was elected State's attorney for that district, and continued to hold the office until called by Mr. Lincoln to accompany him to Washington. It was Lamon upon whom Mr. Lincoln and his friends chiefly relied to see the President-elect safely through to the national capital, and, as marshal of the District of Columbia, to guard him afterwards. He it was who alone made the night journey through a hostile city, from Harrisburg to Washington, and who, during the stormy years that followed took care that no harm came to the President. Indeed, it is the belief of many who were familiar with Washington affairs at the time, that had Lamon been in the city on the 14th day of April, 1865, the appalling tragedy at Ford's Theatre would not have happened. However that may be, it is certain that no harm ever came to the President while Lamon was there. A time was selected for the assassination when it was known that he was away. In addition to his duties as marshal of the District of Columbia and of the Supreme Court of the United States, Lamon was often intrusted with important and confiden- tial missions, like that to General Anderson of Fort Sumter fame, and to Governor Pickens of South Carolina. On these missions no formal credentials or written in- structions were deemed necessary, but he usually had along with him an informal note from the President. The following, in the handwriting of the President, are samples : " Executive Mansion, "June 5, 1 86 1. "The bearer of this, W. H. Lamon, is entirely reliable and trustworthy. A. Lincoln." "The bearer of this, W. H. Lamon, is Marshal of D.C., 277 — my particular friend, born and reared at Bunker-Hill, an excellent horseman, and, I think, will be most valuable for scouting purposes. " A. Lincoln. " May 28, 1862." This second note was for use with army officers com- manding in West Virginia and vicinity, and was intended to secure for Lamon any facilities he might need without disclosing the object of his visit. Colonel Lamon's military service in the field was com- paratively short, — from about May, 1861, to December of that year. In May he had been authorized to organize and command a regiment of volunteer infantry, and subse- quently his command was increased to a brigade. His head-quarters was at Williamsport, Man-land. When General Patterson crossed the Potomac River into Vir- ginia, to meet the Confederates under General Joseph E. fohnston, Colonel Lamon accompanied the movement as a volunteer aide-de-camp on General Cadwalader's staff After Cadwalader's command had taken possession of Martinsburg, Lamon returned to Williamsport, and re- mained there until called back to Washington on account of his duties as marshal. After the assassination of President Lincoln, Colonel Lamon resigned the office of marshal for the District of Columbia, and resumed the practice of law in company with Hon. Jeremiah S. Black and his son, Governor Chauncey F. Black. Colonel Lamon gave up business some years a reason of impaired health. In 1872 he published his life of Abraham Lincoln, and will publish three more volumes shortly of his reminis- cences of Mr. Lincoln and the war. 2/8 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL DANIEL BUTTEREIELD, U.S.V. Brevet Major-General Daniel Butterfield was born in Utica, New York, October 31, 1 S3 1 ; was grad- uated at Union in 1849, an ^ became a merchant in New York City, lie was colonel of the Twelfth New York Militia when the Civil War began. Accompanying his regiment to Washington in July, 1 861, he led the advance into Virginia over the Long Bridge, joined General Pat- terson on the Upper Potomac, and commanded a bri- gade. ( )n the enlargement of the regular army he was commis- sioned a lieutenant-colonel, and assigned to the Twelfth Infantry May 14, 1861 ; appointed brigadier-general of volunteers September 7, 1861, and ordered to the corps of Fitz-John Porter, in which he made the campaign of the Peninsula, taking a conspicuous part in the actions at Hanover Court-House, Mechanicsville, and Gaines's Mills, where he was wounded, and in the battles fought during the retreat of McClellan's army to Harrison's Landing, where he commanded a detachment on the south side of the James River to cover the retreat. He took part in the great battles under Pope and McClellan in August and September, 1862, and near the close of October took command of Morrell's division. He became major-gen- eral of volunteers on November 29, 1862 ; was made colonel of the Fifth Infantry in the regular army on July 1, 1863, and commanded the Fifth Corps at the battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia ; was chief of staff, Army of the Potomac, at Chancellorsville and at Gettysburg, where he was wounded ; was ordered to reinforce Rosecrans's Army of the Cumberland in October, 1863 ; acting chief of staff to Hooker at Lookout Mountain, Mission Ridge, Ringgold, and Pea-Vine Creek, Georgia. He commanded a division of the Twentieth Corps at the battles of Buz- zards' Roost, Resaca, Dallas, New Hope Church, Kene- saw, and Lost Mountain, Georgia, and was brevetted brigadier-general and major-general LJnited States Army " for gallant and meritorious conduct." He is the author of " Camp and Outpost Duty" (New York, 1862). He served after the war as superintendent of the general recruiting service of the United States Army, with head- quarters in New York, and in command of forces in New York harbor from 1S65 till 1869, when he resigned from the army, ami was appointed head of the Sub-Treasury of the United States in New York. He filled this position most creditably. Few officers have a better military record than General Butterfield. A man of line, commanding presence, he always inspired confidence with his men when leading them to battle. His father was John Butterfield. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR, >7Q BRIGADIER- AND BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL JAMES ALEXANDER WILLIAMSON, U.S.V. Brigadier- and Brevet Major-General James Alexander Williamson was born in Adair County, Kentucky, February 8, 1829. He was educated at Knox College, but was not graduated. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in the State of Iowa ; was mus- tered into the military service of the L'nited States An 8, 1861, as first lieutenant and adjutant of the Fourth Iowa Infantry, at Council Bluffs, Iowa. The regiment was at once ordered to St. Louis, and thence to Rolla, Missouri, before it had received any arms or camp equi- page. Adjutant Williamson was detailed by G. M. Dodge, colonel of the regiment, to procure arms and equipage, which he found a most difficult task on account of ob- stacles thrown in his way of gaining access to the presence of General Fremont, but finally succeeded in overcoming the barriers, gained admission, and procured the needed supplies. Adjutant Williamson was made adjutant-general of the district of the Southwest, with quarters at Rolla. In February, 1862, the Army of the Southwest, under command of General Samuel R. Curtis, moved south- ward, and on the 6th, 7th, and 8th of March the battle of Pea Ridge was fought. Adjutant Williamson was wounded on the second day of the battle. Colonel Dodge was promoted to the rank of brigadier-general and Adjutant Williamson to lieutenant-colonel and colo- nel of the regiment while encamped on the battle-field. The army under command of General Curtis marched to Helena, Arkansas, and there, in December, 1862, Colo- nel Williamson's regiment joined General Sherman's army in its movement against Vicksburg. At the battle of Chickasaw Bayou, near Vicksburg, on the 28th of December, 1862, Colonel Williamson led the assault of Thayer's brigade on the enemy's lines and was seriously wounded. After the surrender of Vicks- burg, General Grant ordered a commission to inquire into the facts and report such commands as were entitled to special mention and honors, and, as a result of the report of the commission, Colonel Williamson's regiment was permitted to inscribe on its colors, " First at Chicka- saw Bayou." Immediately after the fall of Vicksburg, Colonel Williamson was given the command of the Sec- ond Brigade of the hirst Division of the Fifteenth Army Corps, Army of the Tennessee, and continued in com- mand of a brigade or division, participating in all the campaigns and battles of the Army of the Tennessee until the capture of Savannah, when he was promoted to the rank of brigadier-general of volunteers, having pre- viously been promoted by brevet to that rank. He was also promoted by brevet to the rank of major-general. After the capture of Savannah, General Williamson was ordered to St. Louis to take command of the dis- / jm trict of Missouri, where he remained, exercising a mili- tary and semi-civil jurisdiction, until some time after the surrender of the armies of the Confederacy, when he was ordered to report to General G. M. Dodge for duty on the plains in a military and inspecting expedition of posts in the Northwest, on Laramie, Powder, and Big I lorn Rivers. While on this duty he was mustered out of the military service, but was not finally mustered out till his return from the expedition, in October or November, 1865. General Williamson was always with his com- mand. He never sought or had command of any post or camp, nor any detached service of any kind, before taking command of the district of Missouri after the war was practically over. General Williamson was elected by the State Conven- tion of Iowa chairman of the Iowa delegation to the National Republican Convention which met in Baltimore in 1864, but, in consequence of being actively engaged in the Atlanta campaign, did not attend, lie was chairman of the Iowa delegation to the National Republican Con- vention held in Chicago in 1868. Since the close of the war General Williamson has enraged in mining and railroad business, and has also filled some important positions in the civil service of the country. He was commissioner of the General Land Office from 1870 to [881, and was the chairman of the Public Lands Commission created by act of Congress for the purpose of examining and reporting on the character and value of the arable, arid, mining, and timber lands, and also to codify and revise tin; laws for the disposal of the public lands. In 1 881 he entered the service of tin At- lantic and Pacific Railroad Company as land commis- sioner. He has since been general solicitor of the com- pany, and also its president a part of the time, till the road fell under the control of another corporation, with which he is now connected. 2 SO OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) MAJOR BOWMAN HENDRY PETERSON, M.D., U.S.V. Major Bowman Hendry Peterson, son of Jesse and Parnel Coffin Peterson, was born in Camden Count}-, New Jersey, in 1830. He received his early education at Pennington Seminary in that State, and his professional education at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, where he graduated in 1S5 1 with the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Thereafter he went to St. Louis, Missouri, and entered upon the practice of his profession in that city. When some of the States undertook to secede from the Union in [861, and levied war on the national authority, Dr. Peterson joined lames Peckham, then city editor of the Missouri Democrat, in recruiting the "American Zouaves," afterwards the Eighth Missouri Infantry, for the purpose of resisting secession and upholding the government. Up to this time very few native-born citizens in St. Louis had volunteered for military service on the Union side. Those who had so volunteered were mainly of German origin, and for this reason the St. Louis seces- | sionists claimed that only foreign-born citizens favored a continuance of the Union of the States, and they raised the cry, " Down with the Dutch !" But the Dutch would not down at their cry, and they could not put them down ; besides, the enlistment and organization of the Eighth Missouri, composed almost entirely of native-born citi- zens, effectually discredited the claim that only foreign- born citizens would take up arms in defence of the Union. Dr. Peterson was appointed surgeon of the Eighth Missouri Regiment by Governor Gamble, with the rank of major, and the regiment first took the field in Southeast Missouri, with head-quarters at Cape Girardeau. From this place it went to Paducah, Kentucky, and formed part of the army with which Grant captured Torts Henry and Donelson and fought the desperate battle of Shiloh. At Fort Henry, when a rebel shell had pierced the boiler of the gunboat " Essex," and her crew were badly scalded by the escaping steam, Dr. Peterson was selected by Grant to assist the naval surgeon in caring for the suffering sailors. Subsequently, at Crump's Landing, he himself was disabled, and had to retire for a time from the service. Having recovered, Dr. Peterson re-entered the service, this time as a field-officer (major) of the Twenty-ninth Missouri Infantry. With his regiment Major Peterson participated in the engagement at Chickasaw Bayou, where Sherman sought to secure a lodgement on the bluffs in the rear of Vicksburg, and, as an aide-de-camp on General Frank P. Blair's staff, he took part in the cap- ture of Arkansas Pi >st. He continued to serve as an aide- de-camp and assistant inspector-general on Blair's stall during the Vicksburg campaign, taking part in the battles of Champion Hills, Jackson, and Vicksburg ; and he also took part in the campaign for the relief of Chattanooga and Knoxville, participating in the battle of Missionary Ridee. I le is a member of the " Society of the Army of Tennessee." Since the close of the war Major Peterson has been engaged in business, and is now a resident of New Orleans, Louisiana. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 281 BRIGADIER-GENERAL LEONARD F. ROSS, U.S.V. Brigadier-General Leonard F. Ross was born at Lewiston, Illinois, July 18, 1823; third son of Ossian M. Ross, a native of New York, who was an early settler in Illinois, and the proprietor of the towns of Lewiston and Havana, Illinois. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, and the Winnebago Indian War of 1827. Leonard was educated at the common schools of Illinois, and spent one year at Jacksonville College. Read law, and was admitted to the bar in 1845. Before he began the prac- tice, war was declared against Mexico. Lewis W. Ross, an older brother, who served in the Black Hawk and Winnebago Wars, raised a company and joined the Fourth Regiment Illinois Volunteers, com- manded by Colonel E. D. Baker. Leonard and Pike C, a younger brother, were privates in this company (K). After six weeks' service Leonard was elected first lieuten- ant of the company. In January, 1847, he was the bearer of despatches from Matamoras to Generals Taylor and Patterson, then at Victoria, — a distance of three hundred miles through a hostile country, — with an escort of nine- teen men. He was in command of his company at the capture of Vera Cruz and the Castle of San Juan de Ull< >a, and battle of Cerro Gordo. He commanded the body- guard of General Shields while making a difficult recon- noissance, and was with him when he fell, dangerously wounded, near General Santa Anna's head-quarters ; was with Colonel Baker in his pursuit of the enemy after the battle, and received his commendations; was also with General Patterson when the city of Jalapawas surrendered to him. Returning from Mexico, Leonard F. Ross was elected probate judge of Fulton County. He served also four years as county clerk. In 1852 he engaged in merchan- dising, — bought a farm and began breeding fine stock. In 1852 and 1856 he represented his district in the Democratic National Conventions of those years ; assisted in organ- izing the Fulton County Agricultural Society, and was its first secretary and then president. In May, 1861, he raised a company for the War of the Rebellion, which became Company H, Seventeenth Regi- ment, Illinois Volunteers, and when the regiment was organized he was elected colonel. He served in Missouri and Kentucky; assisted in building Fort Holt and in for- tifying Bird's Point; was stationed four months at Cape Girardeau, Missouri, and aided in fortifying the place ; accompanied Colonel Plummer on an expedition to Fredericktown, Missouri, where, on October 21, 1861, the forces of General Jeff. Thompson were engaged and defeated with great loss, the rebel Colonel Low being killed. Colonel Ross and his regiment had the advance in this battle, and opened the engagement. He com- manded a brigade at the surrender of Fort Donelson, and was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers April 36 26, [862; was in the advance on Corinth, and in July, 1862, was placed in command of a division, and stationed at Bolivar, Tennessee, where an important railroad was to be guarded and a wide extent of country protected from forays and raids. For a short time General Ross was in command of the District of West Tennessee ; while so in command the battles of Bolivar and Britton's Lane were fought. In December, 1862, he commanded a division in General Grant's expedition to Oxford, Mississippi. In February, 1863, he was assigned to the command of the infantry forces on the Yazoo Lass expedition, the third movement by General Grant to get his army in the rear of Vicks- burg. On returning was placed in command at Helena, Arkansas, which he held till after the surrender of Vicks- burg. The Mississippi River being in possession of the Union forces, and believing that the war was near its close, Gen- eral Ross deemed it his duty to resign his commission in the army and give his attention to his private affairs, which had been greatly neglected since he entered tin service. He left the army August 3, 1863. Since the war he has been a breeder of fine stock at Avon, Illinois, and at Iowa City, Iowa. He was collector of internal revenue in Illinois; was a member of the Republican Convention of [872 that nominated General Grant for a second term. In 1868 and 1872 he was an unsuccessful candidate for Congress. He served as president of the Avon District Agricul- tural Board, vice-president of the Illinois State Farmers' Association, and president of the Red-Polled Cattle Club of America. General Ross has been twice married, and has seven children now living (December, 1 892),— Joseph II., Charles II., Adele, Cora R. Clarke (wife of C. W. Clarke), Frank P., Willis W., and Ossian M. Ross. 282 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) MAJOR ABRAHAM PETERS, U.S.V. Major Abraham Peters was born in Skibbereen, county of Cork, Ireland, June 20, 1822. He emigrated to America in the fall of 1845, and settled in Chicago. Having a natural inclination for a military life, at the breaking out of the war with Mexico he enlisted in June, 1846, in the First Illinois Volunteers, commanded by Colonel John J. Hardin, who was killed at Buena Vista. Major Peters served through the Mexican War, and was mustered out of service in February, 1848. At the commencement of the War of the Rebellion, Major Peters was residing at Logansport, Indiana, and on the organization of the Thirty-fifth Indiana Infantry he enlisted as a private, being mustered in at Indianapolis, September 1 , 1 8(5 1 . From that of private, in acknowledg- ment of his abilities as a thorough soldier, he was pro- moted successively through all the intermediate grades of rank to that of major of the regiment, which rank he held at the termination of the war. His regiment served in the Army of the Cumberland throughout, from Perry- ville to Atlanta, in the " March to the Sea," and even subsequently in the chase after Hood's arm)- in Tennessee and Kirby Smith's in Northern Texas. It was mustered out at Camp Stanley, Texas, in September, 1865. It had taken a prominent part in some of the fiercest and blood- iest engagements of the notable campaigns of the Army of the Cumberland, including the battles of Dobbin's Ford, Stone River, Lookout Mountain, Mission Ridge, Chattanooga, Chickamauga, Resaca, Atlanta, Jonesbor- ough, Lovejoy Station, Franklin, and others. A fact which bears testimony more than anything else to the braver\ r , efficiency, and hard service of the Thirty-fifth Indiana is, that of all those who started out with Major Peters, and whose names formed the original roster of the regiment, not a dozen survived at the mustering out of the regiment at the close of the war. After the war had ended, Major Peters returned to his home at Logansport, Indiana, but subsequently re- moved to Chicago, where for the last few years he has resided, broken in health from his long and arduous ser- vices for his country. But though shattered in health, he is still resolute in spirit and strong in patriotism as in his palmiest days, calmly awaiting with confidence the summons of the Great Commander to the ranks of im- mortality. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 283 COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF ABRAHAM LINCOLN (deceased). Commander-in-Chief Abraham Lincoln wrote the fol- lowing record of himself. It is copied from " The Life of Abraham Lincoln," by Ward H. Lamon : " I was born February 12, 1809, in Hardin County, Kentucky. My parents were both born in Virginia, of undistinguished families, — second families, perhaps, I should say. My mother, who died in my tenth year, was of a family of the name of Hanks, some of whom now reside in Adams and others in Mason County, Illinois. My paternal grandfather, Abraham Lincoln, emigrated from Rockingham County, Virginia, to Kentucky, about 1 78 1 or 1782, where, a year or two later, he was killed by Indians, — not in battle, but by stealth, when he was labor- ing to open a farm in the forest. His ancestors, who were Quakers, went to Virginia from Berks County, Pa. An effort to identify them with the New England family of the same name ended in nothing more definite than a simi- larity of Christian names in both families, such as Enoch, Levi, Mordecai, Solomon, Abraham, and the like. " My father, at the death of his father, was but six years of age, and he grew up literally without education. He removed from Kentucky to what is now Spencer County, Indiana, in my eighth year. We reached our new home about the time the State came into the Union. It was a wild region, with many bears and other wild animals still in the woods. There I grew up. There were some schools, so called ; but no qualification was ever required of a teacher beyond ' readiri ', writin\ and cipheriri ' to the Rule of Three. If a straggler, supposed to understand lattin, happened to sojourn in the neighborhood, he was looked upon as a wizard. There was absolutely nothing to excite ambition for education. Of course, when I came of age, I did not know much. Still, somehow, I could read, write, and cipher to the Rule of Three. Rut that was all. I have not been to school since. The little advance I now have upon this store of education I have picked up from time to time under the pressure of necessity. " I was raised to farm work, which I continued till I was twenty-two. At twenty-one I came to Illinois and passed the first year in Macon County. Then I got to New Salem (at that time in Sangamon, now in Menard County), where I remained a year as a sort of clerk in a store. Then came the Black Hawk War, and I was elected a captain of volunteers, — a success which gave me more pleasure than any I have had since. I went (through) the campaign, was elated, ran for the Legis- lature the same year (1832), and was beaten, — the only time I ever have been beaten by the people. The next, and three succeeding biennial elections, I was elected to the Legislature. I was not a candidate afterwards. During this legislative period I had studied law and removed to Springfield to practise it. In 1846 I was once elected to the lower House of Congress, — was not a candidate for re-election. From 1849 to 1854, both inclusive, practised law more assiduously than ever before. Always a Whig in politics, and generally on the Whig electoral tickets, making active canvasses. I was losing interest in politics when the repeal of the Missouri Com- promise aroused me again. What I have done since then is pretty well known. If any personal description of me is thought desirable, it maybe said, I am in height six feet four inches nearly ; lean in flesh, weighing on an average one hundred and eighty pounds ; dark complexion, with coarse black hair and gray eyes. No other marks recol- lected. Yours very truly, " J. W. Fell, Esq. (Signed) " A. Lincoln." As is well known in all histories, Mr. Lincoln was elected President of the United States, and in order to get to Washington City to be inaugurated, on account of the approaching conflict between the North and the South, had to use some diplomacy ; but he reached there in safety, and was duly inaugurated March 4, 1861. From this time forward he had war on his hands, and the his- tory of the nation proves how well he executed the trust reposed in him by the people of the United States. With all the cares of the nation and the immense labor the war imposed upon him, he was ever ready to see the humblest of his people, to listen to their complaints, and do justice to those whom he deemed deserving of it. Mr. Lincoln was elected to succeed himself as Presi- dent, and was again inaugurated March 4, [865, and, while the welcome news of peace was spreading over the country, he was basely assassinated by J. Wilkes Booth while witnessing a play at Ford's Theatre, in Washington City, April 14, 1865. *8 4 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) MAJOR MATTHEW H. CRYER, U.S.V. Major Matthew H. Cryer was born in Manchester, England, Jul_\- 1 1, 1840, being the second son of I [enry and Elizabeth Cryer. His lather was an uncle to William Hepworth Dixon, the author, who, as secretary to Prince Consort Albert, was the moving spirit of the first World's Exhibition in 1851. By the sudden death of the father in 1841), Mrs. Cryer became compelled to settle his busi- ness, which was quite extensive, and successfully carried out his plans of removal to the United States with her two sons and two daughters, settling in Knox County, Ohio, in 185 1, and in 1854 they removed to Salem, Ohio. She was one of the first women to take out naturalization papers, February 14, 1857, and the first woman to pre- empt government land in Nebraska. She was one of the early abolitionists, believed in free speech, free thought, universal suffrage, and non-union with slaveholders. In October, 1861, Major Cryer joined his brother's company in the Sixth < >hio Cavalry as an unenlisted vol- unteer, and took active part in the campaigns of 1862, in the Shenandoah Valley, l.uray Valley, Culpeper, White Sulphur Springs, second battle of Bull Run, and battle of Chantilly, acting as orderly for a short time to General Schenck and Colonel Dahlgren. He was commissioned second lieutenant in [863, and ordered to raise a new com- pany for his regiment, and was promoted to first lieuten- ant December, 1863. With his company he joined the regiment at Warrenton, Va., early in [864, and was en- gaged in picket and other duty until the army moved to the Wilderness, when he was placed in command of three hundred dismounted men. Early in June he joined the mounted portion of the regiment, and was with it at the battles of Trevilian Station, Mallory's Cross-Roads, St. Mary's Church (where two horses were shot under him), and Reams's Station. On July 28 he was wounded in the right leg at Deep Bottom. He returned to the regiment October 20, and on the 27th was in command of the cavalry advance across Rowanta Creek and captured a Southern officer in charge of a signal corps, with a complete signalling outfit. This expedition ended with the battle of Boydton Plank Road. During the latter part of this engagement he had com- mand of the regiment, by order of Gen. C. H. Smith. On Oct. 31, 1864, he was detailed to serve as ordnance offi- cer on the staff of Gen. C. H. Smith, Third Brigade, Sec- ond Division, Cavalry Corps, until November 18, when he was promoted to be captain and took command of Company C, Sixth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. During the winter of 1 864-65 he was on active service, having com- mand of the regiment, doing picket-duty, and taking part in main- engagements on the left of the forces before Lee. 1 lis was the only cavalry regiment which suffered loss in the attack Lee made on Fort Steadman, March 25, 1865. He was in command of the regiment throughout the Appomattox campaign. At the battle of Dinwiddie, March 31, with his regiment stationed on the extreme left, he fought a series of desperate charges and counter- charges from early morning until dark ; also took promi- nent part at Jettersville, or Amelia Court-House, April 5, and Sailor's Creek, April 6. He had the honor of open- ing the last fight between Generals Grant and Lee at day- break April 9, 1865, on the road leading from Appomat- tox Station to the Court-House. He was promoted major April 8, 1865. At the close of the war Major M. H. Cryer devoted his time to importing and raising fine stock until 1874, when he matriculated in the Philadelphia Dental College, and the following year he entered the department of medicine of the University of Pennsylvania, graduating as D.D.S. from the former in 1876, and as M.D. from the latter in 1877, since which time he has been in the practice of den- tistry and the specialty of oral surgery in the city of Philadelphia. He is connected officially with the Philadelphia Dental College ami the Medico-Chirurgical College, is a member of the Odontographic Society and the American Dental Si iciety. I Ie is the author of several papers, treating prin- cipally of subjects in the field of dentistry, one of extreme value being " The Development of Tooth-Enamel," and a work recently published on the " Anatomy of the Head." He has labored faithfully to promote the advancement of dentistry and oral surgery. He was married June 17, 1889, to Miss Martha Gates Phillips, a very charming, highly educated, and accom- plished young lady, who is a lineal descendant of Dr. Francis Joseph Smith (Joseph Jacobus D'Aerts), a French- man, who served with distinction in the American Revo- lutionary War of 1776. They have one daughter, Eliza- beth M., born March 31, 1891. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 285 MAJOR JOHN HENRY CRYER, U.S.V. Major John Henry Cryer, the oldest child of Henry and Elizabeth Cryer.born in Manchester, England, in 1836. At the age of fifteen he came with his mother to this country. 1 See Major M. H. Cryer, page 284.) Having settled in Knox County, Ohio, his mother obtained the services of a tutor, under whom Major Cryer was in- structed in the English and classical branches, civil engi- neering, and higher mathematics. In 1856 he went to Omaha, where he subsequently acquired, by purchase and pre-emption, titles to about seven hundred acres of land within eight miles of what is now a large metropolis. Returning to Ohio in 1858, he, with his brother, be- came interested in the raising of fine stuck and thorough- bred horses, several of which they took with them when enlisting in the army. Upon the formation of the Sixth Ohio Cavalry, Major Cryer was given a recruiting commission with head-quar- ters at Salem, Ohio. His company was the first one to assemble at Warren, Ohio. He was commissioned cap- tain November 27. He joined General Fremont in the Shenandoah and took part in the battles of Strasburg, Mount Jackson, Harrisonburg, Woodstock, and Cross- Keys, after which battle the retreat of Fremont was covered by his regiment. Captain Cryer was then sent to Washington to procure new arms, and on his return to Winchester, under orders of General Schenck, collected all available cavalrymen and escorted the ammunition train, under Captain Dahlgren, through Chester Gap to Sperry- ville. Lu ray was held by the Sixth Ohio for a month, having almost daily skirmishes with Ashby's cavalry. Upon Pope's retreat before Lee, this regiment had fourteen days' hard fighting to cover the rear of the army. The second battles of Bull Run and Chantilly were also participated in by them, Major Cryer being only a short distance from General Kearny when he was killed. March 17, General Averell, with his division, in which this regi- ment was then serving, crossed the Rappahannock at Kelly's Ford and fought the first real cavalry battle of the war, defeating Fitz-Hugh Lee. Major Cryer was with his regiment in Stoneman's, Kilpatrick's, and Averell's raids; also in the raid at Fredericksburg under Dahlgren, and with Colonel Duffie and his division covering the re- treat of the corps across the Rappahannock at Beverly Ford, after the severe engagement at Beverly Station and Stevensburg. At Aldie, on June 17, Kilpatrick com- manding the brigade, one battalion of the Sixth Ohio, under command of Major Cryer, made the well-known charge on the " hay-stacks," where many of the battalion were killed, among whom was Major Stanhope, who ac- companied them. They captured the heights beyond under a heavy fire, at close range, of rebel artillery, and on June 19 and 21 were in the front of the battles at Middleburg and Upperville. At Stephenson, Major Cryer with one battalion pierced the enemy's lines for nine miles, and for more than two hours held two regiments of cavalry until assistance came to them. Major Cryer participated with the regiment through the Gettysburg campaign, taking active part in the battles at Smithsville, Boonsborough, Hagerstown, and Williamsport, capturing many prisoners and burning miles of Lee's wagon-trains. On Jul)- 14 they fought Lee's rear-guard at Falling Waters, and captured a large number of them. Up to August 3, 1863, Major Cryer had held the rank of cap- tain, though during the greater part of the time he was in command of the regiment or battalion, often acting as a separate command. September 1, 1863, he was wounded near Barber's Cross-Roads, Virginia, where he made a charge through a force of about four hundred men, from which, out of fifty-three men and officers belonging to the Sixth ( )hio, only twenty-two escaped. While engaged, hand to hand, with a Confederate captain, he was shot through the left knee, which permanently disabled him, and pre- vented subsequent active duty. The next year he visited England, where he became a member of the Liverpool Exchange, and was interested in the shipping business, principally that of thorough- bred horses and fine stock to the United States, after which he returned to America, making his home in Philadelphia, and spending the summers improving his Western farm, where he is interested in raising thorough- bred horses. He is a life-member of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, a member of the London So ciety of Arts, the Loyal Legion, Commander)- of Penn- sylvania, and Meade Post, No. 1, Department of Penn- sylvania, Grand Army of the Republic. 286 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) FIRST LIEUTENANT AND ADJUTANT BENJAMIN B. PECK, U.S.V. First Lieutenant and Adjutant Benjamin B. Peck. was born at Boston, Massachusetts, January 4, 1844. He was educated at the public schools of Springfield, Mas- sachusetts, and at Westfield Academy, Massachusetts. He entered the United States service as a private sol- dier during the War of the Rebellion, having enlisted in Company I of the Twenty-seventh Massachusetts In- fantry, January 3, 1864, being only twenty years of age. He joined his regiment and served for the remainder of the war in the field with the Arm)- of the James and in North Carolina. He was promoted quartermaster-ser- geant Sept. 27, 1864, and commissioned first lieutenant Jan. 4, 1865. He was mustered out with his regiment at the close of the war, June 26, 1865. In 1868 Lieutenant Peck married Alice \Y. Sparrow, of Portland, Maine, and has had four children, — three now living. At the close of the war he entered the insurance field, and for twenty years has held the position of State agent for the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, of Newark, New Jersey. For seven years he has been a resident of Indianapolis. In December, 1888, on the organization of the Indiana Commander}- of the Loyal Legion, he was elected its first recorder, and has since held the office. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 287 CAPTAIN RUFUS LORD AVERY, U.S.V. (deceased). Captain Rufus Lord Avery was born at Mansfield, Ohio, April 16, 183S, and died on board the hospital re- ceiving-ship " Matilda," off Bermuda Hundred, Virginia, August 2, 1864. His father, Curtis Lord Avery, was born at Groton, Connecticut, June 1, 1810, and was one of the earliest inhabitants of Mansfield, Ohio, where he spent many- years as a successful merchant, and helped to lay the foundation of that prosperous and growing city. Mr. Avery was among the first to espouse the anti- slavery cause on the basis of the vice and sin of slavery and "its inhumanity to man." He refused to follow the teachings of many of the clergymen of the agitation days, and so sought for religious affiliation and teaching in consonance with his view on the subject of slavery in the United States. This desire was common with so many of his neighbors and friends that it led to the for- mation of the First Congregational Church of Mansfield, Ohio, which some years since passed its semi-centennial anniversary. Mr. Avery retired from business soon after the close of the War of the Rebellion, and now resides at Wayne, Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia. The Avery family were English people; they first set- tled in Gloucester, Massachusetts, in 1630, and Rufus Avery, the great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was of the fifth generation from the first emigrant family of that name, and was born November 16, 1758. He was a captain of Connecticut volunteers in the Revolu- tionary War, serving six years ; was taken prisoner at the battle of Fort Griswold, September, 1781. He married Hannah Lord. Their son, David Avery, was born Octo- ber 9, 1780. David Avery was a soldier in the War of 18 1 2, and his grandson, Captain Rufus Lord Avery, the subject of this sketch, was a soldier in the War of the Rebellion. He was educated in the public schools of his native town and at Kenyon College, Ohio, which institution he left in the spring of 1859, returned to Mansfield, and took a position in his father's mercantile business. In the spring of i860 he formed a mercantile partnership with Mr. F. E. Tracy, as Tracy & Avery. This firm has had a prosper- ous existence of over thirty-two years, and is still carried on as first founded, retaining Captain Avery's name and interest in the transactions of the firm. Born and rea/ed under the influence of such parents, it is not surprising that, when the Rebellion reared its head in open war, young Avery should be ready and willing to contribute his part in the cause of the Union and the abolition of slavery. He was one of the first to sign the roll of Company C, Fifteenth Ohio Infantry, on April 17, 1861. He marched at once with his regiment to the capital of the State, and was made sergeant, and promoted in the field to second lieutenant. He saw much arduous service in West Virginia, and was, with his regiment, present at the first battle of the war (after the firing on Fort Sumter), Philippi ; also, a few days later, at Rich Mountain and the operations in the Cheat River Valley, — which ended in driving the enemy out of that part of West Virginia, — and in the long pursuit of one hun- dred and thirty miles' march to Buchanan in that State. The term of enlistment of the regiment having expired, it returned to Ohio for reorganization in August, 1S61. The necessities of Captain Avery's business demanded his personal efforts, and therefore he did not return to the field again until May 1, 1 864, but the entire interval was largely spent in assisting in organizing and drilling troops for the field. At the latter date he again marched with his regiment, the One Hundred and Sixty-third ( )hio Infantry, as captain of Company A. The regiment spent a month in the intrenchments at Washington, and reached Deep Bottom Bridge June 14, 1864. The next day it took position in the intrenchments fronting Peters- burg, at Fort Walthall, on the Appomattox. June 16 the captain commanded the skirmish-line in a raid made by five regiments, under command of Colonel Francis B. Pond, of the Sixty-second Ohio Infantry, to cut the rail- road between Richmond and Petersburg. Six miles of the road were destroyed in a few hours, and tin bag jage of Beauregard's command captured and destroyed, when Colonel 1'ond's command was attacked by General Ma- hone's division of the enemy, on its march from Richmond to Petersburg. After stubborn fighting, Colonel Pond withdrew his command. into its intrenched position. Captain Avery contracted Chickahominy fever on an expedition, under General Gilman Marston, for the relief of ,1 foraging expedition operating on tin- Peninsula in Tuly, and from this disease died, as stated, August 2, 1864. He was a true and affectionate comrade, a brave and devoted soldier, and a patriotic citizen. I le gave his life freely and bravely for his country ' nee. 288 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY ^volunteer) COLONEL SAMUEL HENRY STURDEVANT. U.S.V. Colonel Samuel Henry Sturdevant was born in Braintrim Township, Wyoming County (then Luzerne), Pennsylvania, March 29, 1S3 2. He is the descendant of Revolutionary stock, his great-grandfather, Samuel Sturdevant, having entered the service as orderly-ser- geant at Lexington, obtained the rank of captain, and remained in the service until the surrender at Yorktown. His grandfather, Samuel Sturdevant, born September 16, 1773; died March 4, i S47. I lis father, L. D. Sturde- vant, born at Braintrim, July 14, 1804; died .it Mehoo- pany, Pennsylvania, November 12, 1886. He married Ada Morley, of English descent, who was born Novem- ber 8, 1809, and died July 21, 1885. Of this union came eight children, — four sons and four daughters. Samuel Henry, the eldest and the subject of this sketch, lived at the place of his birth with his father, working on the farm and attending a country school until the age of thirteen, when he went to Wyoming Seminary, at King- ston, Pennsylvania, after which he returned to his home, where he remained until June I, 1 85 1 , when he came to Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, and engaged in lumber and merchandise until August, 1861. He married Leah Urquhart, daughter of fohn Urquhart, of Scotch descent, November 9, 1S53. To them were born five sons, — John Henry, George Urquhart, Samuel Henry, Jr., Winthrop Ketcham, and Robert ; also three daughters, — Ellen Ur- quhart, Florence Slocum, and Ruth. Colonel Sturdevant was commissioned captain and commissary of subsistence of the United States Volun- teers August 3, 1S61, and assigned to General H. W. Slocum's brigade, afterwards the First Brigade, First Di- vision, Sixth Army Corps. He was present at the battles of West Point, Virginia, May 7, 1862 ; Seven Days, before Richmond, June 25 to July 1 ; Savage's Station, White Oak Swamp, Charles City Cross-Roads, and Malvern Hill. As chief commissary of subsistence, First Division, Sixth Army Corps, August, 1862, he was at South Moun- tain, September 14, 1862; Antietam, September 15 and 17; and was then assigned to duty as chief commissary of subsistence, Sixth Corps, General William B. Franklin commanding, October, 1S62, and chief commissar}- of subsistence of the Left Grand Division of the Army of the Potomac, November 15, 1862. He was at Fredericks- burg, December II to 15, 1862. He was chief commissary of subsistence of the Twelfth Corps, with rank of lieu- tenant-colonel, January, 1863, to April 1 1, [864, and was at Chancellorsville, May 1 to 5, 1863; Gettysburg, July I, 2, and 3, 1863; chief commissary of subsistence of Department of the Mississippi, head-quarters at Vicks- burg, April 11, [864; and was with the expedition to Jackson, Mississippi, Jul\- 3, 1864, which had for its object the destruction of the Pearl River bridge, lie was at Grand Gulf July 17, 1864, and in charge of supplies from New York for General Sherman*s armies in Decem- ber, 1864. He was chief commissar)- of the Arm)- of Georgia, with rank of colonel, from January to May, 1865, and was in charge of captured and abandoned property from Feb. 20 to May 19, 1865 ; was chief commissary of the Department of Mississippi from May to Sept., 1865. Colonel Sturdevant was honorably mustered out of service < >ctober 14, 1865, since which time he has been, and is at present, engaged in the lumber business at Wilkes-Barre, Pa., in the mean time filling the office of councilman three years and school director six years, having declined another term in either office. Is now President of the Pennsylvania Lumbermen's Association. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 289 BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL JOSEPH B. CARR, U.S.V. Brevet Major-General Joseph B. Carr was horn of Irish parentage at Albany, New York, August 16, 1 S28. His military career began in 1849, when he joined as a private the Troy Republican Guards. During his first year's service he was commissioned a second lieutenant, and was promoted to fill every grade until lie was elei ted colonel of the Twenty-fourth Regiment, New York State Militia, which position he held at the outbreak of the Civil War. 1 le was among the first to tender his services to the government, and on May 6 was elected lieutenant- colonel, and on May 10 colonel of the Second Regiment, New York Volunteers. On the 1 8th of May, [861, he left Troy for the front in command of his regiment, ar- riving at Fortress Monroe on the 24th of that month, being the first volunteer regiment that left the State of New York, and the first to encamp on the soil of Virginia. Colonel Carr and his regiment took part in the engage- ment at Big Bethel and the "Merrimac" and "Monitor" fight at Newport News in 1S62. He was in command of a brigade on the outer line of defence at Portsmouth, Virginia; from there he was ordered to report to Major- General Joseph Hooker at Fair Oaks, where he was as- signed to the command of the Second New Jersey Brigadi of Hooker's division, Third Corps, and took part in the seven days' fighting in front of Richmond, at Glendale, the Orchards, and Malvern Hill, and the movement to Yorktown, where the army embarked on transports to join General Pope at Warrenton, Virginia. He participated in the battle of Bristoe Station. After a terrible struggle and great loss of life on both sides, Jackson was obliged to retreat. General Call's horse was killed under him, but he escaped uninjured. He took part in the battles of Second Bull Run anil Chantilly. On the 7th of September, 1862, he was promoted a brig- adier-general by President Lincoln, upon the personal application of General Joseph Hooker. He took part with his brigade in the battles of Fredericksburg, Rappa- hannock Station, and Chancellorsville, where he assumed command of the Second Division, Third Corps, upon the death of General Berry, who was killed earl)- in the fight. At Gettysburg his horse fell on him, pierced with five bullets, and his leg was badly injured. Though lame, exhausted, and scarcely able to stand, he refused to leave the field, and continued to direct his command during the remainder of that sanguinary battle. Moving from Gettysburg, General Carr took part in the battle of Wap pinger's Heights. On the 4th of October he was assigned to the command of the Third Division, Third Corps, and subsequently participated in the engagements at Brandy Station, Kelly's Ford, Locust Grove, Robinson's Tavern, and Mine Run. When General Grant assumed com- mand of the Army of the Potomac and reorganized it, General Carr was assigned to the command of the Fourth 37 Division (Hooker's old division) in the Second Corps (Hancock's), and afterwards Ik- was ordered to report to General Butler, commanding the Army of tin: Janus, and was placed in command of the First Division, Eighteenth Corps (General (fid's), and the Third Divi- sion, Tenth Corps (colored), ami was ordered to relieve General Burnside's corps in the trenches the night before the mine explosion in front of Petersburg, with instruc- tions to support the charging column. Afterwards he was placed in command of the fames River defences, with head- quarters at Wilson's Landing. < In the 20th of May, [865, he was transferred to City Point. ( >n the 13th of March, 1865, was commissioned brevet major-general " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." During General Carr's entire service his name was never on the sick list, and he was absent from his command but thirty days. General (air was mustered out of the United States service in October, 1865, and in [867 was appointed by Governor Fenton a major.-general, and assigned to the command of the Third Division, National Guard, Stati of New York. He commanded the forces which quelled the riots of 1877 that threatened the destruction of tin New York Central Railroad and other railroads that centred in Albany, West and East Albany, and Troy, for his services he was complimented in orders by the commander-in-chief, Lucius Robinson. In 1SS7 he was placed upon the retired list of the National Guard, after a service of over twenty years. In [879 he was eleeted secretary of state of the State of New York, and re-elected in [881 and [883. He was nominated for lieutenant governor by acclamation at the Republican Convention of [885, and led his tii 1 < I twi Ive thousand votes. ( )n retiring from political life he imed the business which L tablished in 1 the manufacturing of chain cable, under the title of the American Chain Cable Works, at Troy, New York. 290 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) ASSISTANT PAYMASTER WILLIAM ROSWELL WOODWARD, U.S.N, (deceased). Assistant Paymaster William Roswell Woodward was born at Georgetown, D. C, August 21, 1840. He is the son of Roswell and Catherine Hill, who, soon after the subject of this sketch was born, removed to Brook- lyn, New York. Paymaster Woodward's early life was spent at school, and he took great interest in the Volun- teer Fire Department of Brooklyn, having served his time (five years) with the same. Being a patriotic man, am! wishing to serve in the navy, he was appointed by Captain Alfred Taylor, com- manding the United States steamer " Galena," North Atlantic Squadron, captain's clerk, the latter part of April, 1862, on the above-named vessel. Early in the month of May, 1862, the "Galena" left for Hampton Roads, where, after staying a few days, it proceeded, in company with two or three other naval vessels, to open the James River. Nothing of importance occurred until they arrived at Drewry's Bluff, or Fort Darling, where the entire fleet was repulsed, and the vessels dropped back to City Point, Virginia. The next action in which he took part was at Mal- vern Hill, in company with the "Aroostook" and " Port Royal." The next morning the fleet dropped back to Harrison's Landing. Mr. Woodward, who had con- tracted a serious illness, was sent North, and upon his recovery was appointed, May 1 1, 1863, an acting assist- ant paymaster, with orders to report on board the bark " Ethan Allen," at Boston, Massachusetts. After leaving this port, most of his time was spent on the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron. He remained in the service until September 4, 1865, when he was honorably discharged. He then entered upon business in civil life, and was at the time of his death, which occurred at his home in Brooklyn, July 5, 1890, the head of the large wholesale firm of E. Fougera & Co., New York and Paris. His son, Edward Silvanus, succeeded him in his business, and his widow, Mar_\-, survives him. Paymaster Woodward was a member of the Hamilton, j Rembrandt, and Brooklyn Riding and Driving Clubs, and a member of the New York Commandery of the I Loyal Legion. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 291 CAPTAIN HENRY M. HEMPSTEAD, U.S.V. Captain Henry M. Hempstead, youngest son of Colo- nel William I [empstead, a volunteer of the War of 1 8 1 2, and a grandson of Nathan Hempstead, a veteran of the Revolutionary War, was born in Oswego Count)-, New York, February 2, 1832. Left an orphan at the age of two years by the death of his father, he was at an early age thrown upon his own resources. After spending his boyhood in Oswego, attending the public school during the winter seasons, at the age of eighteen he found em- ployment as clerk in a store at Baldwinsville, New York, remaining there until 1854, when he migrated to Michigan, securing a position in a store at Marshall. August 24, 1 86 1, he enlisted at that place in the Second Michigan Cavalry, then being organized at Grand Rapids, and on October 2 of that year was mustered into the United States service at that place as quartermaster-ser- geant in Company M. Going to the field with the regiment, he remained with it during its entire service, participating in nearly all the one hundred and twenty battles and skirmishes in which the regiment, or parts of it, engaged, including Boon- ville, Mississippi, July I, 1862 ; Perryville, Chickamauga, Franklin, and Nashville. At Glasgow, Kentucky, on the evening of December 24, 1 $C)2, the second battalion of the regiment, commanded by Captain F. W. Dickey, being on the march from Gal- latin, Tennessee, to Mumfordsville, Kentucky, the advance guard, consisting of eight men of Company M, led by First Sergeant Hempstead, supported by Lieutenant R. T. Darrow with fourteen more men of Company M, on entering the town discovered the head of column of Gen- eral John H. Morgan's raiders. The advance, composed of Breckenridge's battalion of Kentuckians, was already in possession, Company A, consisting of eighty-one men, being drawn up on the Main Street directly across our line of march. Being ordered to go through by Captain Dickey, a dash was made by the company, when a run- ning fight ensued, scattering and driving from the town the whole force, killing and wounding thirteen or fourteen, among the former Captain Jones of Company A, among whose effects was found his recent commission as major in the battalion, and the muster-roll of the company. The commission was returned to his family at Crab Orchard, with family picture and other papers found upon him, and the muster-roll now reposes among other trophies in the State Museum at Lansing. Company M lost one man and one horse killed, capturing three prisoners and five horses. The balance of the battalion, with the wagon- train, passed through without molestation. Quartermaster-Sergeant Hempstead was promoted to first sergeant Jul)- I, 1862; re-enlisted as a veteran Jan- uary 5, 1864; was mustered in as second lieutenant March I, 1864; captain, December 22, 1864; mustered out at Macon, Georgia, August 17, 1S65, receiving his final discharge with his regiment at Jackson, Michigan, September I, 1865, after four years and seven days' continuous service. Returning to his old home at Marshall, Captain Hemp- stead was, in 1866, elected county treasurer of Calhoun County, being twice re-elected to the same office. In 1 873' he engaged in mercantile business in the same town, remaining there until 1 88 1, when he removed to the northern part of the State, and since 1883 has resided i Manton, Montcalm County, Michigan. He has been twice married, two sons surviving his first wife. 292 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer-) COLONEL ROBERT LEVAN ORR. U.S.V. Colonel Robert Levan < )rk was bom March 28, 1836, in Philadelphia ; son of William H. Orr and Justina Levan Orr (nee Scull), descendant of Nicholas Scull, fourth surveyor-general of the Province of Pennsylvania, from 1748 to 1761. Robert L. Orr enlisted April 13,1861, in Col. Frank E. Patterson's 17th Pa. Vols., for the three months' service (he was ahead}- a member of the Inde- pendent Grays), 8th Co., Patterson's 1st Phila. Art. Mili- tia, and was commissioned first lieutenant of Co. I. Ile- was slightly wounded at Edward's Ferry, Maryland, June, 1861, by a spent ball, in a picket-squabble. At the expi- ration of this short service he immediately proceeded to reorganize his company of Phil. idelphians for service dur- ing the war, and in August, 1 861, it became Company O of the 23d Pa. Vols., a regiment of fifteen companies. Four of these companies, including Captain ( >rr's, were trans- ferred to Colonel Rippey's 61st Pa. Vols., which had hur- ried into the field from the western part of Pennsylvania after the First Bull Run battle, with but six hundred men. The four Philadelphia companies made up its one thou- sand men. Company O became Company H, 61st Pa. Vols. The regiment served in Graham's brigade in the Peninsular campaign, in the spring and summer of 1862, in Abercrombie's brigade, Couch's division, Reyes's corps. At the battle of Fair Oaks, May 31, 1862, Captain Orr, though but eighth junior captain, commanded the regi- ment during the latter part of the action, its loss reach- in- two hundred and sixty-nine men and eleven officers killed and wounded. Taking part with the regiment in the Seven Days' battles, he commanded his company in action at Charles City Cross-Roads and Malvern Hill. Captain ( >rr, with his command, was engaged at Chan- tilly and Antietam. After the latter the division became the Third Division, Sixth Corps, and did good work at the battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Soon after this action the Sixty-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, with four others, were formed into the Light Division, Sixth Corps, and led the storming column on the Plank Road to the capture of Marye's Heights, back of Fredericks- burg, Virginia, May 3, 1863. In this action Captain Orr was again slightly wounded. On his return to his com- mand he found that the regiments of the Light Division, whose loss had been very severe, had been assigned to different commands in the corps, the Sixty-first Pennsyl- vania Volunteers' assignment being to the Third Brigade, Second Division, Sixth Corps. He was continually in the field, with but slight intermission ; was thereafter as- signed to General J. J. Abercrombie as assistant adjutant- general of the Department of Fredericksburg and Belle- Plain, from which they were removed to Port Royal, on the right bank of the Rappahannock River, and later, in June, 1864, to White House, where General Abercrombie received and repulsed the attack of Fitz-Hugh Lee on the depot that had been supplied with a million rations for the men and horses of Sheridan's command. This attack- was resisted and defeated by mixed troops, — veterans re- turning from furlough, dismounted cavalry, one hundred days' Ohio men, detachments of colored troops, recruit- ing details ordered back from the North, and odds and ends of all kinds of soldiers returning to their com- mands from hospital, etc. In June, 1864, General George W. Getty relieved General Abercrombie. Adjutant-Gen- eral Orr remained on the staff, and at the request of Gen- eral Getty he was appointed chief mustering-officcr of the division, and was permanently attached to the di- vision staff from that time. The Sixth Corps left the Army of the Potomac by transports in July, 1864, and arrived in Washington, D. C, with orders to drive Early's corps and Breckenridge's division away from that city. The actual fighting was done by two brigades, — Neill's, of the Second Division, and Wheaton's, of the First Division. Major Orr was brevetted for gallantry in the battles of the Shenandoah Valley. In Sept., 1 864, the term of service of his regiment having expired, he, with others, was asked by Maj.-Gen. 1 [oratio G.Wright, commanding 6th Corps, to remain with the army until the close of the war. Later in that year, on receiving further promotion, he took com- mand of his regiment during the siege of Petersburg, and in the wedge-shaped assault of the 6th Corps on the in- trenched works near Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865, ( (it's regiment was at the [joint of the wedge, and took more colors from the enemy than any other in the corps. For this tlie regiment was given the high honor of escorting the enemy's colors, captured by the 6th Corps, to army headquarters ; Orr was brevetted again, commissioned full colonel by the governor of Pennsylvania, and awarded the Congressional medal of honor for distinguished gal- lantry in that battle. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 293 CAPTAIN JOHN SHIELDS, U.S.V. Captain John Shields was born in County Donegal, Ireland, May 8, 1S39, and emigrated to America in April, 1847, settling in Mauch Chunk, Pennsylvania. He at- tended the public schools there until his father died in March, 1851, when he was obliged to go to work at once to help support his mother and only sister. In September, 1 861, he joined the Fifty-third Penn- sylvania Volunteers, and was made first lieutenant at Harrisburg. He was ordered to Washington, and en- camped at Camp California, near Alexandria, Virginia, during the winter of 1861-62. The regiment was at- tached to the Third Brigade, First Division, Second Corps. He participated in all the marches and battles in which his regiment was engaged, — Fair < )aks, Gaines's Mill, Peach Orchard, Savage's Station, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, Antietam, and Fredericksburg. During the latter battle he was wounded in the thigh, but was suffi- ciently recovered by the 1st of March, 1863, to rejoin his regiment, and was commissioned captain February 23, 1863. He participated in the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, where he was severely wounded in the neck on the 2d of July, 1863, while charging through the wheat-field ; the ball passed through the larynx and lodged under the right shoulder, where it still remains. The operation of tracheotomy was successfully performed July 5, at Stewart's Hospital, in Baltimore. I le recovered slowly, and rejoined his regiment at Harrisburg in Feb- ruary, 1864, at which place the regiment was returning to the front after their veteran furlough had expired. The regiment re-enlisted for three years, or during the war. On arrival at camp near Stephensburg, Virginia, Captain Shields's wound became very painful, and the doctors advised him to resign, as his throat would not bear ex- posure in the field. He therefore resigned on surgeon's certificate of disability March 17, 1864, and returned to his home in Mauch Chunk, Pa., where he was appointed deputy provost-marshal for Carbon County in April, 1864, and held it until the war was over, May, 1865. Shortly afterwards Captain Shields engaged in railroad contracting, and is still engaged in that business. In 1 S72 he removed to Flemington, New Jersey, where he still resides. He is also engaged in general farming and peach- growing, and was president of the Board of Street Com- missioners for four years, and is a member of the board at present. He was a candidate for State Senator on the Republican ticket in 1 89 1, but was defeated. He reduced the usual Democratic majority one-half. He is a director and vice-president of the Hunterdon Count}' National Bank. Captain Shields was married to Annie M. Curran in December, 1863, and has three sons and one daughter living, — John F., Robert Emmet, Henry Grattan, and Annie ( '.. -94 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) ANDREW GREGG CURTIN. Andrew Gregg Curtin, son of Roland Curtin and his wife, Jean Gregg, was burn April 23, 1 S 1 5 , at Belle- fonte, Pennsylvania. His father, although a native of Ireland, was being educated at Paris at the time of the French Revolution, where he narrowly escaped the guil- lotine during that reign of terror; while on his mother's side lie descended from a patriotic ancestry, his great- grandfather, Andrew Gregg, serving as an officer in the French and Indian War, and his grandfather, one of Pennsylvania's most brilliant representatives in the United States Senate, in active service during the war for Inde- pendence. Andrew G. Curtin was educated under Dr. Kirkpatrick, at Milton, Pennsylvania, studied lawat Carlisle and Bellefonte, and was admitted to the bar at April term ot 1837. In [840 he took an active part in politics in what was known as the Harrison campaign, and in 1844 < amassed the State for Henry Clay for President. In 1S4S ami [852 he was on the State ticket of Presidential electors. On the 17th of January, 1 85 5, he was com- missioned by Governor lames Pollock secretary of the Commonwealth, which position then included that of superintendent of the public schools. Progressive in every station he reached, his superintendence of State education has as one of its landmarks the institution of the system of normal schools. In i860 Mr. Curtin was nominated by the Republican party as their candidate for governor, and elected over Henry D. Foster by a majority of thirty-two thousand one hundred and seven votes. His administration of the gubernatorial office during the dark days of the nation made an imperishable name for his family, and added his- toric grandeur to the annals of our Commonwealth. ( )n the evening of April 7, 1861, President Lincoln sent Gov- ei nor Curtin a despatch desiring to see him. He reached Washington on the evening of the 8th, and found the Presi- dent awaiting him in his room alone. He was a good deal depressed because they had failed to succor Fort Sumter, which he supposed would have been occupied. He re- marked to the governor that it looked as if we were near the beginning of a war. It had not been noticed officially, Congress was not in session, and the President said he could not do it, but continuing, said, the Pennsylvania Legislature is in session ; will they respond if you present the subject to them seriously? Governor Curtin replied that he was confident of it. Mr. Lincoln was anxious, and the governor left, intending to return the next day to Harrisburg, but the President sent a message to the hotel to the effect that, if he was confident the Legislature would respond, not to delay. The governor telegraphed Deputy Secretary Samuel B. Thomas to meet him on the arrival of the train in the night, and by morning dictated and had read}' the message which was delivered to both houses. The Legislature responded promptly by ap- pointing a committee of five members from each house, and a bill was prepared and passed consonant therewith. On the 9th the President telegraphed the governor, ask- ing if lie had acted, adding, " do not delay." To which a reply was sent, that the bill was prepared and would pass. Pennsylvania was foremost and always willing to act first upon measures for the preservation of the Union. The foresight which impelled him to refuse to disband the overflowing volunteer regiments which the patriotism of Pennsylvania contributed on the call of the President, and his prompt application to the Legislature for au- thority to organize them into a corps, afterwards the famous "Pennsylvania Reserves," saved the national gov- ernment, imperilled by the disaster of Bull Run. Governor Curtin's ever-enduring memorial, however, was in connection with the orphan schools for the children of those who gave their lives that the Union might live. Failing in getting through the Legislature a proper bill, which had been matured with great care, the gov- ernor started with the noble donation of the Pennsylva- nia Railroad Company of fifty thousand dollars, and laid the foundation for the soldiers' orphans' schools. Governor Curtin's health was much broken by arduous service during his first term, and President Lincoln ten- dered him a foreign mission, which it was his intention to accept ; but having been renominated for governor, and the people of the State being unwilling to part with their war governor, he filled out a second term of the guber- natorial office. In 1869 he was appointed by President Grant minister to Russia, and returned to this country in the fall of 1872. In 1873 he was a member of the con- vention which framed the present constitution of Penn- sylvania, and represented the Twentieth District in the House of Representatives of the United States in the Forty-seventh, Forty-eighth, and Forty-ninth Congresses. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 295 BREVET MAJOR H. L. CRANFORD, U.S.V. Brevet Major H. L. Cranford was born in New- foundland, May 10, 1833. He was taken to New York by his parents when a child and educated at the Me- chanics' Institute in that city. At the age of fifteen he entered the dry-goods house of Grant & Barton, and re- mained two years in their service, then went to sea for five years, the first voyage being two years in a whaler. Afterwards he was in the merchant service, sailing from the port of New York. At the age of twenty-one he was second officer of the clipper ship " Panama." At the age of twenty -two he gave up going to sea and en- tered into mercantile pursuits in New York, travelling for a house extensively in the West and South. In 185; he embarked in the wholesale dry-goods business with his brother, the firm-name being J. P. and H. L. Cranford, whose store was at the corner of Broadway and Duane Street. The business was successfully conducted until the breaking out of the war in 1861. April 18 of the same year he entered the Federal service as fust lieuten- ant of Company G, Fourteenth New York State Militia (Eighty-fourth New York Volunteers), generally known in the service as the Brooklyn Fourteenth. He partici- pated with his regiment in the fust battle of Bull Run, and the next spring in the taking of Falmouth and Fred- ericksburg. In May, 1S62, he was detailed by General C. C. Augur on his staff, and shortly afterwards on the staff of General John P. Hatch, who succeeded General Augur. The command was the First Brigade, First Division, First Corps. He participated in the engage- ments (August 21 to 30) of Rappahannock Station, Sul- phur Springs, Gainesville, Groveton, and Second Bull Run, and 011 September 14 in the battle of South Moun- tain. The brigade carried the heights at the right of the pike, and never lost a foot of ground until relieved by General Double-day's brigade. Major Cranford was hon- orably mentioned in this battle, which appears in the war records of the Rebellion. He served as acting assistant adjutant-general through the campaigns and battles of Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville. Early in 1863 he was appointed by the President cap- tain and commissary of subsistence, and continued to serve as such until the close of the war. He served on the stalls of Generals John F. Reynolds and Abncr Doubleday at the battle of Gettysburg. In the spring <>f [864 he was ordered to the cavalry corps, and with it went to the Shenandoah Valley and served throughout that campaign on the staff of General Wesley Merritt, and was in the closing campaign from the 26th of Feb- ruary to the 9th of April, 1865, when General Lee .sur- rendered his arm_\-. He then served as chief commissary on the staff of General Sheridan. In July, 1865, he resigned his commission and re- turned to his home in Brooklyn, New York. Shortly after he accepted the position of general manager of the Black Heath Coal Company in Pennsylvania, and served as such two years. He then returned to Brooklyn, New York, and went into the asphalt paving business. In June, 1871, he went to Washington, D.C., when the im- provements of the city commenced, and has continued in the business of laying pavements ever since with much success. Major Cranford was married April 28, 1861, to Mar- garet I. Munn, of Montclair, New Jersey, granddaughter of Captain Joseph Munn, of the War of [812. Me has had born five children, of whom two survive, — Joseph II. and 1 1. Percy. 296 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NA VY (volunteer) MAJOR-GENERAL JOHN M. SCHOFIELD, U.S.A. Major-General John M. Schofield (commanding the arms') was born in New York September 29, 1831, and graduated at the Military Academy July 1, 1853. He was promoted brevet second lieutenant of artillery the same day, and second lieutenant First Artillery. August 31, 1853. He served at Fort Moultrie in 1853, and in Florida in 1854—55, as acting assistant professor of philosophy, and assistant professor of the same at the Military Academy from [856 to i860. He was on leave of absence as professor of physics, at Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, in 1860-61, and when the War of the Rebellion commenced was made muster- ing officer for the State of Missouri, from April 20 to May 20, [861. He was major of the First Missouri In- fantry, April 26 ; captain, First United States Artillery, May 14; brigadier-general of volunteers, November 21 ; brigadier-general of Missouri State Militia, November 20, [86i ; and major-general United States Volunteers, November 29, 1S62. Ik joined our forces near Fredericktown, Missouri; organized and equipped a battery, and took part in the battle of Fredericktown, October 21, 1861 ; he com- manded the District of St. Louis, November 27, 1S61, to February, 1862, and District of Missouri from Feb- ruary 15 to September 26, 1862, and organized and com- manded the Missouri State Militia during this period. I le was member of the Arm)- and Navy Hoard to examine the condition and fitness of the Mississippi Gun and Mor- tar-boat Flotilla, December 9 to 31, I 861 ; from Septem- ber, 1862, to April, 1863, organized and commanded the Army of the Frontier.in Southwest Missouri and North- west Arkansas, forcing the Confederates south of the Arkansas River; in command of the Third Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, April 20 to May 13, 1863; in command of the Depart- ment of the Missouri {ex-officio major-general, command- ing Missouri State Militia), May 13, 1863, to January 31, 1864, during which time the forces under his command operated with success in Missouri and Arkansas as fat- south as Little Rock. He commanded the Department and Army of the < >hio, January 31, 1864, to January 29, 1865, forming the left wing of General Sherman's army (opposing Johnston), participating in all the operations and movements thereof, including the Atlanta cam- paign. In ( >ctobcr, [864, he was sent with the Twenty- third Corps to report to General Thomas at Nashville, Tennessee, and commanded the troops in the field op- posed to the Confederate General Hood, from November 13 to December i, 1 864, including the battle of Frank- lin, November 30. In the decisive victory gained by General Thomas near Nashville, December 15-16, General Schofield participated with the Twenty-third Army Corps ; in pursuit of the army under General Hood, to January 14, 1S65. At this time the Twenty- third Army Corps, Army of the Ohio, General Schofield commanding, was transported from Clifton, Tennessee, to Washington, D. C, and transferred to North Carolina by the 8th of February, 1865. Commanded the Depart- ment of North Carolina and Army of the Ohio, Feb- ruary 8, 1865, forming a junction with General Sherman at Goldsborough, March 22, 1865 ; present at Durham's Station, North Carolina, April 26, 1S65, and intrusted with the execution of the terms of capitulation of John- ston's arm)-. General Schofield was appointed brigadier-general United States Army November 30, 1864, and brevetted major-general March 13, 1865, and on the 4th of March, 1869, was advanced to the grade of major-general United States Army. He was sent on special mission to Europe, November, 1865, to May, [866, and successively commanded the Department of the Potomac, Richmond, Virginia, the First Military District (State of Virginia), and was Sec- retary of War from June 1, 1868, to March 11, 1869. He commanded the Department of the Missouri, and the Military Division of the Pacific until Jul)-, 1876; was on special mission to the Hawaiian Islands, December 30, 1872, to April, 1873; superintendent United States Military Academy, Jul)-, 1876, to January 21, 1881 ; in command of the Military Division of the Gulf, which was discontinued May g, 1881, and General Schofield then spent a year in travel in Europe. He then commanded the Military Division of the Pacific, the Division of the Missouri, and the Division of the Atlantic, and was then assigned to the command of the army of the United States, by order of the President, August 14, 18X8. He is at present in command, and president of Board of Ord- nance and Fortifications, created by Act of Congress, approved September 22, 1888. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 297 MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE STONEMAN, U.S.V. Major-General George Stoneman was bom in New York, and graduated from the Military Academy July 1, 1846. He was promoted brevet second lieutenant, First United States Dragoons, the same day. As such he served in the war with Mexico, and was on the march from Fort Leavenworth to San Diego, California, as act- ing assistant quartermaster of the Mormon Battalion from October 1, 1846, to February 1, 1847, and was in several skirmishes with hostile Indians. He remained on duty in California and scouted to the Sierra Nevada in 1S50, and was engaged in skirmishes at Clear Lake and Russian River. In 1851 he scouted against the Coquille Indians, and in 1851-52 was on the Gila expedition, and engaged in several skirmishes with the Yuma Indians. In the latter year he was employed escorting Williamson's to- pographical party in the Sierra Nevada, and Parke's sur- veying party through Arizona and Texas, in 1853-54. He was promoted second lieutenant, First United States Dragoons, July 12, 1847, and first lieutenant July 25, 1854. He was aide-de-camp to General Wool from Jan- uary to May, 1855, and adjutant. First Dragoons, from October 22, 1854, to March 3, 1855, when he was pro- moted captain Second United States Cavalry. In 1858— 59 Captain Stoneman availed himself of a leave of ab- sence and visited Europe, and on his return was in command of the Pecos expedition; was engaged in op- erations on the Rio Grande against Cortinas's marauders in 1859-60, and participated in combats near Fort Brown, Texas, remaining at that post until the commencement of the War of the Rebellion. Captain Stoneman was promoted major First United States Cavalry, May 9, 1861, and appointed brigadier- general of volunteers August 13, [861, serving in com- mand of the cavalry advance across the Long Bridge for the capture of Alexandria, Virginia, May 24, 1 861 ; on the staff of Major-General McClellan in Western Vir- ginia operations ; as chief of cavalry oftheArmyof the Po- tomac to July 2, 1 862, participating in the Peninsular cam- paign and the Seven Days' battles, and all the cavalry affairs and fights incident thereto. He was in command of the Third Army Corps November 15, 1862, and pro- moted major-general of volunteers November 29, 181 >2, and participated in the Rappahannock campaign, and commanded the cavalry corps on a raid towards Rich- mond from April 13 to May 2, 1863 ; he was on sick- leave of absence from June IO to July 20, 1863, when he was appointed chief of the Cavalry Bureau at Washing- ton, which he retained until January 29, 1864, when he was placed in command of the Twenty-third Army G He was promoted lieutenant-colonel, Third United States Cavalry, March 30, 1864, and was in command of the cavalry corps of the Department of the Ohio to July, 1864, being engaged in the cavalry operations of the 33 y^ Atlanta campaign, where he was captured at Clinton, Georgia, while on a raid to Andersonville to release our troops there confined. He was held as a prisoner of war until ( Jctober 2/, 1864, and then placed in temporary command of the Department of the Ohio. He was in command of a raid to Southwestern Virginia in Decem- ber, [864, and engaged in all the actions pertaining thereto; in command of the District of East Tennessee from February 14 to March 20, 1865 ; in command of expedition from Knoxville, Tennessee, to Asheville, North Carolina, to April 20, 1865, and engaged in actions of Wytheville, destruction of Lynchburg and Bristol Rail- road, capture of Salisbury, North Carolina, destruction of North Carolina Central Railroad, and capture of the garrison at Asheville, North Carolina. He was then placed in command of the Department of the Tennessee to June, 1866; of the Department of the Cumberland to August, 1866; and of the District of the Cumberland until mustered out of the volunteer service, Sept. 1, 1866. General Stoneman was commissioned colonel of the Twenty-first United States Infantry July 28, 1866, and was brevetted brigadier-general United States army March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Charlotte. North Carolina, and major- general United States army, " for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the Rebellion." He was in command of the District of Petersburg, Virginia, from December 17, 1866, to June 1, [868; of the first .Mili- tary District to March 31, [869; of regiment to June 4, 1S71 ; of Department of Arizona to June 4. [871. He was retired from active service August 16, 1871, for dis- ability contracted in the line of duty. General Stoneman was railroad commissioner of the State of California to November 15, 1882, and subse- quently governor of the State of California from January 10, 1883, to January IO, 1887. 298 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE S. GREENE, u.s.v. Brevet Major-General George S. Greene was bom at Apponaug, in the town of Warwick, Rhode Island, May 6, 1801. He was graduated at the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, in June, 1823. In the last year of his academic course he was acting assistant professor of mathematics. He was ap- pointed second lieutenant of artillery on being graduated, and detailed for duty at the Military Academy for four years as assistant professor of mathematics and engineering, when he joined his regiment, the Third Artillery, and 1 served in the garrisons in Virginia, Maine, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island, and on ordnance duty until [836, when he resigned from the army and entered upon the practice of civil engineering, and in the locating and constructing of railroads he was a great success. He designed and built the reservoir in Central Park, New York, enlarged High Bridge, and built a new aqueduct over it. After the Civil War brokeout he re-entered the army, January, 1S62, as colonel of the Sixtieth Regiment, New York Volunteers, stationed in the Department of Washington, He was appointed a brigadier-general of volunteers April 28, 1862, joined the army in Northern Virginia, and was engaged in the battle of Cedar Moun- tain, August 9, 1862, being in command of his brigade. At the battle of Antietam, September, 1862, he com- manded the Second Division of the Twelfth Army Corps of the Army of the Potomac, and repulsed the enemy with great loss to them. In this engagement his own horse was shot under him. He commanded his brigade at the battle of Chancellorsville, and at the battle of Get- tysburg, on the night of Jul} - 2, 1863, his brigade, which had been reduced to less than fifteen hundred men, held the intrenchments on Gulp's Hill, on the right wing of the Army of the Potomac, against repeated attacks by a division of Confederate troops for four hours at night, thereby averting the serious consequences of having a strong division of the enemy in the rear of the main body of the army on Cemetery Ridge. He fought bravely in this battle. In September, 1863, General Greene, in command of his brigade, was sent with the Eleventh and Twelfth Army Corps from the Army of the Potomac, then on the Rappahannock, in Virginia, by rail, via Washington, Wheeling, Cincinnati, and Louis- ville, to Nashville, Tennessee, to re-enforce the army at Chattanooga. ( )n October 28, in an attack at night by the enemy at Wauhatchie, at the foot of Lookout Moun- tain, near Chattanooga, he commanded his brigade, and was severely wounded by a shot through his upper jaw, which disabled him from active service in the field until January, 1865, when he went to New-Berne, North Caro- lina, and joined a provisional division under Generals Schofield and Cox, taking part in the battle of Kinston, North Carolina, where his horse was shot under him. He then commanded a provisional brigade, and joined Sherman's army at Goldsborough, North Carolina, and aNo commanded a brigade in Baird's division of Slo- cum's army corps, on the march from Goldsborough to Washington. He was commissioned major-general by brevet on March 13, 1865, and was on duty in Wash- ington until April 30, [866, when he retired from the service. The- Legislature of his native State, Rhode Island, presented him with a vote of thanks for his services during the war. ( )n retiring from the army, he returned to the service of the Croton Aqueduct Department of the city of New York, and planned the stone dam at Boyd's Corner. Afterwards he became engineer and commis- sioner of this department. In 1 87 1 he was appointed chief engineer of public works in Washington, D.C., and made the plans for the entire sewerage of that city. 1 lis engineering abilities are remarkable, and he was a success ful and gallant officer in the War of the Rebellion. His son, George S., Jr., is engineer-in-chief of the Department of Docks of the city of New York. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 299 LIEUTENANT AMOS MILLER BOWEN, U.S.V. Lieutenant Amos Miller Bowen has a Revolutionary ancestry. He was born in Providence, Rhode Island, January 22, 183S. His parents were William Bradford and Hannah Boyd Miller Bowen. Lieutenant Bowen was educated in the public schools < if Providence, and entered Brown University in the fall of 1859, having pre- viously served an apprenticeship in a jewelry manufac- tory. At the very outbreak of the War of the Rebellion, Lieutenant Bowen enlisted .April 15, [861, in the National Cadets, known as Company A, First Rhode Island De- tached Militia, for three months. The regiment sailed from Providence on Saturday, April 20, 1861, under command of Colonel A. E. Burnside, and arrived at An- napolis, Maryland, April 24, 186 1, from which place it marched to Washington, D. C. Entering upon the cam- paign with General McDowell, the regiment participated in the first battle of Bull Run, Virginia, where Lieutenant Bowen was taken prisoner, and subsequently confined in Richmond, Virginia ; Tuscaloosa, Alabama ; and Salis- bury, North Carolina, suffering all the hardships con- nected with the prison life at those places. He was re- leased on parole from Salisbury in May, 1862, and returned to his home at Providence in June following. After resting a short time, Lieutenant Bowen received an appointment on the staff of Brigadier-General Isaac P. Rodman, but was not commissioned in time to join Gen- eral Rodman, that officer having been killed at the battle of Antietam. He was then commissioned as first lieutenant of Company C, Second Rhode Island Infantry, in Jan- uary, 1863, and joined his regiment in the Army of the Potomac, in front of Fredericksburg, being in the Second Brigade, Third Division, Sixth Army Corps. Lieutenant ; Bowen participated in the battles of Marye's Heights, May 3, 1863, and Salem Church the same day. He also | participated in the Gettysburg campaign, and was with the Sixth Corps in its memorable forced march to reach the battle-field, July 2, 1863. After the battle of Gettysburg, Lieutenant Bowen was detailed as aide on the staff of Brigadier-General Henry L. Eustis, and occupied that position during the remainder of his service, participating in the mean while in the Mine Run campaign, and battles of Rappahannock Station, the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna River, and Cold I [arbor. The term of service of his regiment having expired, he was mustered out with it in June, 1864. Upon his discharge from the army, Lieutenant Bowen entered the insurance business, and is president of the Franklin Marine Fire Insurance Company of Providence, Rhode Island. He has served six years in the State Legislature and fifteen years on the School Board. He was twice married ; two children survive from the former, and eijjht from the second marriage. 300 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL JAMES GRANT WILSON, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General James Gram- Wilson, prominent among the young cavalry officers who per- formed good service under General Grant, is a son of the late poet-publisher, William Wilson, of Poughkeepsie, N. V., a kinsman of James Wilson, of Pennsylvania, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. After completing his studies he travelled in Europe with ex- President Fillmore, and later he was for a time associated with his father in business. Before the war he removed to Illinois and established in Chicago the first literary jour- nal in the Northwest. In 1862 he raised a battalion, of which he was commissioned major, that formed a part of the fifteenth Illinois Cavalry, commanded by Col. War- ren Stewart, which saw much active service in the Missis- sippi Valley. By the death of Stewart, Major Wilson became commander of the regiment, taking part in main- en- gagements, and constantly skirmishing with the Con- federates. He was active in the Vicksburg campaign, frequently scouting in the direction of the enemy with a view to sending in earl}- intelligence of the expected ad- vance of Johnston to break up the siege. In August, 1863, he accompanied General Grant to New Orleans, ami there accepted, by his advice, the colonelcy of the fourth Regiment, L T . S. C. Cavalry, and was assigned to duty as aide-de-camp to the commanding general of the Depart- ment of the Gulf, with whom he remained till April, [865, taking part in the Teche, Texas, ami Red River cam- paigns, ami in the latter aiding Col. Bailey in the con- struction of the Red River Dam, which saved Admiral Porter's squadron. When General Banks was relieved, Colonel Wilson was brevetted brigadier general and sent to Port Hudson, where, for a time, he was in command. In Juh' he resigned, declining the offer of a commission m the regular army, and returned to New York City, where he has since resided, pursuing a literary career, with the exception of several years spent with his family in foreign travel. In 1879 he was appointed by the President a member of the Board of Visitors to the Lhiited States Naval Academy, and the following year he was a visitor to the Military Academy at West Point, delivering the address to the cadets and preparing the reports of both boards. Since 1885 he has been president of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, is a vice- president of the Association for the Reform and Codifica- tion of the Law of Nations, a member of the executive committee of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and is the treasurer of the Association of Ameri- can Authors. He is a member of the New York His- torical and Geographical Societies, one of the trustees of the Protestant Episcopal Church fund (now being raised) of one million dollars, and an honorary member of many American and foreign historical and other associations, and he has received the degree of LET). General Wil- son was instrumental in erecting an obelisk over the grave of Fitz-Greene Halleck and a statue in Central Park, New York, and is chairman of the committee having charge of the statue of Columbus, to be unveiled in April, 1893, at the time of the great naval review in New York Bay. He- has published numerous addresses, including those on Millard Fillmore, Bishop Provoost, " The Authors of New York," and one on Mrs. Wilson's ancestor, Colonel John Bayard, and contributed upwards of a hundred historical and biographical articles to Harper's and other maga- zines. Among the principal works which General Wilson has written or edited are Lives of General Grant, I 866 and [893; " Life of Fitz-Greene Halleck," 1869; "Sketches of Illustrious Soldiers," I S74 ; "The Poets anil Poetry of Scotland," (2 vols. 8vo, London and New York), 1876; "Centennial History of the Diocese of New York, 1785- [886;" "Bryant and his Friends," 1886; "Apple-ton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography" (6 vols. Svo, 1 886— 89); "Personal Recollections of the Rebellion, 1891 ;" " Memorial History of the City of New York" (4 vols. 8vo, '892-93); and he is now editing the " Great Com- mander Series," of which the biographies of Farragut, Taylor, and Jackson have appeared, and is also editor of the " Magazine of American History." Colonel Halpine wrote of General Wilson in 1867: "A handsome young general of about thirty, with his blue eyes and fair hair, suggestive of those gallant fel- lows. Cashing and Custer. With the daintiest hand, always neatly gloved with ladies' 'sevens,' Wilson has the grip of a vise, and equal skill in wielding sabre, pen. and pencil, or in bringing down game with rod and rifle." WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 301 GIDEON WELLES, SECRETARY OF THE NAVY. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, was burn in Glastonbury, Connecticut, July 1, 1802; died in Hartford, Connecticut, February 11, 1878. Studied law. In 1826 he became editor and part owner of the Hartford Times, remaining until 1854. He made his paper the chief organ of the Democratic party in the State. He served in the State Legislature in 1827-35. From 1846 till 1849 he was chief of the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing in the Navy Department at Washington. Mr. Welles had always opposed the ex- tension of slaver)-, and identified himself with the newly- formed Republican party in 1855, and in 1856 was its candidate for governor of Connecticut. In i860 he labored earnestly for the election of Abraham Lincoln, and on the latter's election Mr. Welles was given the portfolio of the navy in his Cabinet. Here his execu- tive ability compensated for his previous lack of special knowledge, and, though many of his acts were bitterly criticised, his administration was popular with the navy and with the country at large. He held his post till the close of President Johnson's administration in 1869. After retirement from office he contributed freelv to current literature on the political and other events of the war, which provoked hostile criticism by what many thought his harsh strictures on official conduct. I fe was a descendant of Governor Thomas of Welles, Con- necticut. }02 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL HENRY GREENE DAVIS. U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General Henry Greene Davis was born in Middlebury, Vermont, June 5, 1819. lie is of Revolutionary stock, his grandfather having served in the Fifth Massachusetts Regiment five years. I lis parents, Joseph and Dolly Davis, moved to the Holland Purchase in 1820. The general was educated in the common school, with two years in Kingsville Academy. In 1838 he settled in Elkhart County, Indiana, and in [842 married Cynthia Tibbits. Four children were born to them, two of whom survive, — Charles .Allen Davis and Donna Carrie Davis, married to Edwin Zina Perkins, In response to President Lincoln's call in 1861 he- assisted in raising a company, and reported at Cam)) Morton, Indianapolis. The quota being filled, the com- pany returned. After the battle of Bull Run, on the second call for volunteers, Mr. Davis then assisted in raising Company 15 for the Twenty-ninth Regiment til Indian. 1 Volunteers, and was mustered into service Au- gust 27, [861, at Laporte, Indiana. Mr. Davis was com- missioned first lieutenant. In October the regiment was ordered to join General Buell's command in General McCook's Second Division. His command was soon ad- vanced to Green River and was present (though not engaged) in the battle of Rowlett's Station. While in camj) at Bowling Green, Kentucky, he received a com- mission as captain. Advancing upon Nashville, his com- mand entered the State capital only a few hours after the rebel Legislature had left for Memphis. On March 15, 1862, Buell's command commenced the march for the field of Shiloh and participated in the second day's battle, which was followed by the advance upon and siege of Corinth. On May 9, Captain Davis, while in command of his company (B) and of a company of the Seventy- seventh Pennsylvania for the protection of working parties, was ordered to engage the enemy's picket-line, which resulted in a heavy skirmish that lasted several hours. The rebels retreated and the work continued. After Corinth surrendered, Buell advanced to Bridgeport, Alabama. August 16 Captain Davis was detailed for recruiting duty, and returned to Indiana. In March, 1863, he again joined his command at Murfreesborough, Tennessee, now under General Rosecrans. Advance was made on Tullahoma, June 2J, which brought on the two days' battle of Libert}- Gap, in which Captain Davis was engaged. In the Chattanooga campaign General John- son's division, of McCook's corps, was ordered to take position on the left of General Thomas, and in this posi- tion fought the two days' battle of Chickamauga, Captain Davis being severely wounded by a gunshot in the face. He was in command of the Twenty-ninth Regiment when it joined the veteran service, and reported with the regiment to Governor Morton at Indianapolis. After one month's furlough the regiment took the field and was detailed for post duty at Chattanooga, Captain Davis being detailed for duty on General Steadman's staff as provost-marshal. In June, 1864, lie was commissioned major in the Twenty-ninth Regiment. Before mustering on this commission he was commissioned by President Lincoln to take command of the One Hundred and First United States Colored Infantry as lieutenant-colonel, ami was ordered to Nashville, where he completed the organi- zation of the regiment and participated in the battle of Nashville. In March, 1865, the head-quarters of the regiment were moved to Clarksvillc, Tennessee, Colonel Davis commanding, who was placed in command of the Fifth District of Middle Tennessee, including the city of Clarksvillc and Forts Donaldson and McHenry. His regiment was mustered out January 26, 1866. Lieutenant-Colonel Davis was brevetted brigadier-gen- eral in March, 1866, for "meritorious services during the war." General Davis represented Elkhart County in the State Legislature of 1869. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 303 MAJOR-GENERAL DANIEL E. SICKLES, U.S.A. (RETIRED). Major-General Daniel E. Sickles was born in New York City October 20, 1823. He was educated at the University of the City of New York, but left to learn the printer's trade, which he followed for several years. He then studied law, was admitted to the bar in I S44, and began practice in New York City. In 1847 he was elected to the Legislature, in which body he took rank as a leader of the Democrats. In 1853 he was appointed corporation counsel of New York City, and on July 30 of the same year he was commissioned as secretary of legation at London, and accompanied James Buchanan to England. He returned in 1855, was elected after an energetic canvass to the New York State Senate in the autumn, and a year later was chosen a member of Con- gress, taking his seat on December 7, 1857. He was elected for a second term, and served till March 3, [86] At the beginning of the Civil War he raised the Ex- celsior Brigade of United States Volunteers in New York City, and was commissioned by the President as colonel of one of the five regiments. On September 3, 1 861, the President nominated him brigadier-general, and he was subsequently confirmed by the Senate. He commanded a brigade under General Joseph Hooker, and gained dis- tinction at Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, and Malvern Hill. His brigade saw very severe service in the Seven Days' fight before Richmond and in the Maryland campaign, and bore a conspicuous part at Antietam. He succeeded General Hooker in the command of the division, and was engaged at Fredericksburg. < hi the reorganization of the Army of the Potomac, he was assigned to the com- mand of the Third Army Corps, and was appointed major-general on March 7, 1863, his commission dating from November 29, 1862. At Chancellorsville he dis- played gallantry and energy, gaining the first success of the day by cutting off an ammunition train of the enemy, arresting a general panic by rallying the retreating artil- lery, and withstanding the force of Stonewall Jackson's attack with determination after the line was formed. At Gettysburg his corps was posted between Cemetery Hill and Little Round-Top. He advanced to an eleva- tion which he thought desirable to hold, and in this po- sition was assailed by General James Longstreet's column, while General John B. Hood endeavored to gain the un- occupied slope of Little Round-Top. In the desperate struggle that followed, the Third Corps effectively aided in preserving that important position from the enemy, but was scattered by the onset of overwhelming numbers. After the line was broken, General Ambrose P. Hill followed the Confederate advantage with an attack on Sickles's right, during which General Sickles lost a leg. He continued in active service till the beginning of [865, and was then sent on a confidential mission to Colombia and other South American countries. On July 28, 1866, he joined the regular army as colonel of the Forty- second Infantry. On March 2, 1867, he was brevetted brigadier-general for bravery at Fredericksburg, and major-general for "gallant and meritorious service at Gettysburg." He commanded the Military District of the Carolinas in 1865-67, and carried out the work of reconstruction so energetically that President Johnson relieved him from his command alter first offering him the mission to the Netherlands, which he declined. He was mustered out of the volunteer serv ice on January 1 , [868, and on April 14, 186:), was placed on the retired list of the United States army, with the full rank of major- general, lie was active in promoting General Grant foi the Presidency, and on May 15, [869, he was appointed minister to Spain, lie relinquished this post on March 20, 1873, and resumed his resid :nce in New York City. He is president of the State Hoard of Commissioners for the erection of New York monument at Gettysburg. In November, 1 892, he was elected a member of Congress. 3°4 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) CAPTAIN JOSEPH DEVER FEGAN. U.S.V. Captain Joseph Dever Fegan was born in Ambusen Valley, Franklin County. Pennsylvania, July, 1 831, re- ceiving a common-school education. His father served in the War of 1812—14, > n the Pennsylvania Volunteers, and died in 1842, leaving a widow and family, the subject of this sketch being eleven years old. His mother soon thereafter died, leaving him to care for himself. In 1 849 he emigrated to Clinton Count}-. Iowa, and followed the trade of a tailor, but at the commencement of the Rebel- lion he was engaged in the lumber and grain business at Wheatland, Iowa. In the mean time, however, he married Anne M. Potts, whose father had served in the Black Hawk War. and whose grandfather was an officer of the regular army in 1771 , As soon as .Mr. Fegan could put his business in proper shape to leave, he entered the service as a private in Company I. Twenty-sixth Iowa Infantry, August 12, 1862. He was promoted sergeant, and then sergeant- major, September 12, 1862, and mustered in September 30, 1862. He was appointed first lieutenant and regi- mental adjutant on the field at the battle of Arkansas Pi )-t. January 11,1 863, and promoted captain of Company I'.. January 15, [864, to rank from June j 2, 1S63. The meiit served at Helena, Arkansas, under General Hovey, to December, 1862, and was then assigned to the Third Brigade, Fourth Division (Steele's) of Sherman's right wing of the Thirteenth Army Corps. In fanuary, . it was transferred to the Third Brigade, First Division, Fifteenth Corps, and in November, [863, formed part of the First Brigade. First Division, Fifteenth Corps, where it remained until February, 1865. Captain Fegan served with the regiment in various expeditions from Helena, and in General Sherman's Yazoo expedition, participating in the engagement- at Chickasaw Bayou and Chickasaw Bluffs, from December 26—29, 1862. He then took part in the expedition to Arkansas Post, and was engaged in the assault and cap- ture of Fort Hindman, January 10-11, 1863. After several other expeditions he returned with his regiment to Milliken's Bend, Louisiana, and in April, 1863, started on the campaign, with the Fifteenth Corps, which ter- minated in the capture of Vicksburg, Mississippi, having been engaged at Turkey Creek; Jackson, Mississippi; Champion Hills, Baker's Creek, crossing of the Big Black River, attack on Vicksburg, May 18, and in the assault. May iy-22, 1863. After the surrender, started with the advance against Johnston's army, participating in the siege of Jackson and Brandon. Mississippi. In September the regiment was transferred to Memphis by boat, and marched to Chattanooga, participating in the engagements and battles around that place from November 23-27; Lookout Mountain, November 24: Missionary Ridge, November 25 ; and Ringgold, Novem- ber 27, at which last-named place he was slightly wounded, but remained on duty. He participated in the Atlanta cam- paign from May until September, 1864, and was engaged at Snake Creek Gap, Resaca, Adairsville, Dallas, Pump- kin-vine Creek, Altoona, New Hope Church, Ackworth, Kenesaw Mountain, Big Shanty, Xickajack Creek, Chat- tahoochie River, Bald Hill, Atlanta, Ezra Chapel, Jones- borough, Lovejoy's Station, and pursuit of Hood's army into Alabama, being engaged at Kingston and Ship Gap. He participated in the " March to the Sea," and engaged in the siege of Savannah, Georgia. He performed the dudes of acting assistant adjutant-general, First Brigade, First Division, Fifteenth Corps, from November 7, 1864, to January 21, 1865. He was commissioned as captain and assistant adjutant-general PY-bruary 3, 1865. and par- ticipated in the march through the Carolinas, and all the actions consequent thereon, up to the surrender of Johnston's army. He also marched with Sherman's army to Washington City, and participated in the grand review. Captain Fegan was then transferred to Louisville. Ken- tucky, and then to Little Rock, Arkansas, where he was mustered out September 19, 1865. Returning to his home at Wheatland, Illinois, he again engaged in the grain and lumber business. He was elected recorder of Clinton County, Iowa, and held the office two terms ; was vice-president of the First National Bank at Mitchell. South Dakota; is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, Loyal Legion, and Society of the Arm}- of the Tennessee. Captain Fegan has always manifested much interest in military matters, having travelled in Mexico and visited the battle-fields of the Mexican War. His wife and three children are living, and he is proud of his grandsons and (.laughters, of which he has seven. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 305 BREVET LIEUTENANT-COLONEL CHARLES E. CAD- WALADER. U.S.V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Charles E. Cadwala- der was born in Philadelphia, November 5, 1839. He graduated at the University (if Pennsylvania, in the De- partment of Arts, in 1 85.X, and in that of Medicine in 1 861. The Civil War breaking out a few weeks after his grad- uation, moved with the patriotic spirit of the time, a promised appointment as physician in one of the princi- pal hospitals of the city was set aside, and he at once enlisted in the First City Troop of Philadelphia, a time- honored corps of Revolutionary origin, serving with it in connection with the Fifth Regular Cavalry, under Colonel George H. Thomas, in the campaign of the Shenandoah of that year. Upon the expiration of this term of ser- vice he was offered a position in the military family of General Meade, but, preferring the cavalry service, he ac- cepted a first lieutenancy in the Sixth Pennsylvania Cav- alry. Upon the occasion of the removal of the army to the Peninsula, the captain of his company being detained through ill health, the command devolved on Lieutenant Cadwalader, who was shortly promoted several files to a captaincy of one of the companies. AtAntietam, where his regiment was one of the brigade in the charge resulting in the capture of the central bridge over the Antietam, he received a slight wound, which, how r ever, did not incapaci- tate him for duty. In Stuart's raid into Pennsylvania, in the fall of 1862, Colonel Cadwalader was the first to en- counter his column and give intelligence of its arrival at Woodsborough, near Frederick, Maryland, on its retreat to the Potomac. He entered the town alone, and, passing himself off as one of Stuart's staff, had the address to obtain positive information of the presence of Stuart's whole corps and the direction of their march. He served with his regi- ment until appointed by General Hooker one of his aides-de-camp when assigned to the command of the army in 1863. He continued thereafter to serve with the general staff of the army, General Meade having also appointed him one of his aides on succeeding Hooker in the command. General Hooker, in recommending him for a brevet major, speaks of him as " especially dis- tinguished for his gallantry and meritorious services in the battle of Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863, and in the cavalry fight at Brandy Station, June 9, 1863," adding that " he served with marked zeal and devotion." Gen- eral Meade, in the recommendation for his second brevet as lieutenant-colonel, says, " I cannot speak too strongly of the activity, zeal, and energy displayed by Captain Cadwalader during his services under me, which em- braced the battles of Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spottsvl- vania, North Anna, Cold Harbor, and operations around Petersburg," and recommends that he be brevetted lieu- 39 tenant-colonel "for distinguished gallantry and good conduct at the battle of Gettysburg and in subsequent operations, including the campaign from the Rapidan to the James, in 1864, and the siege of Petersburg." Colonel Cadwalader comes of a family distinguished in the military annals of the country. His father, John Cadwalader, an eminent jurist and judge of the United States District Court, was captain of a company formed at the time of the Native American riots of 1844. The latter's brother, George Cadwalader, gained much dis- tinction as brigadier in command of the troops engaged in quelling the riots, as a brigadier in the regular army in the Mexican War, and as major-general of volunteers in the Civil War. Colonel Cadwalader's grandfather, Thomas Cadwalader, was a general officer in command of the "advanced Light Brigade" in the War of 18 1 2, and for man)' years major-general of Pennsylvania Mi- litia. The latter's father, John Cadwalader, was of Rev- olutionary fame as a general officer, and one of Wash- ington's most trusted friends and military advisers. Colonel Lambert Cadwalader, of the Continental army, was a brother of the latter. Dr. Thomas Cadwalader, father of General John Cadwalader, was chairman of the B. lard of War known as the " Provincial Commissioners" in the French and Indian War (1754-63), as well as a member of the governor's Council. Though advanced in years, he took a leading part in the Revolutionary struggle ; was chairman of the great tea-meeting held .it Philadel- phia in 1773, and rendered valuable services in the medical department. Colonel Clement Biddle, also of Revolution- ary renown, was ,1 great-grandfather of Col. Cadwalader. After the close of the Civil War Colonel Cadwalader received the appointment as clerk in charge of the Bank- ruptcy Department of the U. S. District Court, which he held for a number of years. In 1S72 he resumed the profession of medicine, in which he is still engaged. 306 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BRIGADIER-GENERAL JOSEPH BAILEY. U.S.V. (deceased). Brigadier-General Joseph Bailey was born in Salem, Ohio, April 28, 1827 ; killed near Nevada, Newton County, Missouri, March 21, 1867. He entered the military ser- vice of the United States July 2, 1861, as captain in the Fourth Wisconsin Infantry. The regiment was ordered to Maryland, and assigned to the expedition under Gen- eral B. F. Butler which occupied New Orleans after its reduction by Farragut's fleet in April, 1862. Bailey was appointed acting engineer of the defences of New Orleans in December, 1862, and while so detailed was promoted to be major, May 30, 1863. A month later he became lieutenant-colonel. In August, 1863, the regiment was changed from infantry to cavalry, and Lieutenant-Colonel Bailey was sent home on recruiting service, returning to duty with his regiment in February, 1864, in time to accompany the army of General N. P. Banks in the Red River campaign. Here occurred the opportunity that enabled Bailey to achieve one of the most brilliant feats ever accomplished in military engineering. The expedi- tion had been carefully timed to coincide with the regular annual spring rise in Red River, in order that the navy might co-operate and the river serve as a base of supplies. The army, under General Banks, advanced south of the river, accompanied and supported by a fleet of twelve gunboats and thirty transports. The advance suffered a defeat at Sabine Cross-Roads on April 8, and retreated to Alexandria, where it was found that the water had fallen so much that it was impossible for the fleet to puss below the falls. Rear-Admiral Porter, commanding the squadron, was reluctantly making preparations to save- all the stores he could and to destroy the gunboats, pre- paratory to retreating with the army, as he was advised that the land position was not tenable, when Lieutenant- Colonel Bailey proposed to build a dam and deepen the water in mid-channel, so that the gunboats could pass. The regular engineers condemned the project as imprac- ticable ; but Colonel Bailey persevered, and in the face of discouraging opposition on April 30 procured the neces- sary authority from General Banks. When the work was actually begun there was no lack of men or of zeal. General James Grant Wilson, then a member of General Banks's staff, strongly advocated the scheme, and aided in the construction of the dam. Details of three thou- sand soldiers were kept at work night and day, and several hundred lumbermen from Maine regiments did good service in felling and moving trees. Many times the fatigue parties had to work up to their necks in water, and under a tropical sun. The rapids to be deepened were about a mile long, and between seven hundred and ten hundred feet wide, with a current of ten miles an hour. The dam and heavy cribs were built, and on the 1 2th of May the whole fleet passed safely down the falls without loss. The Mississippi squadron was saved through the engineering skill of Colonel Bailey. I lis services received prompt recognition, and on June 7 he was brevetted brigadier-general, and on June 30 was promoted to full grade of colonel, ami subsequently re- ceived the formal thanks of Congress. After this feat, General Bailey's military record was highly creditable. In November, 1864, he was promoted brigadier-general of volunteers, ami had command of the Engineer Brigade of the Military Division of the West Mississippi, and of different cavalry brigades, until he resigned July 7, 1865. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 307 LIEUTENANT ALBERT WILBUR STURDY, U.S.V. Lieutenant Albert Wilbur Sturdy was born in the town of Mendon, Worcester Count}', Massachusetts, on March 4, 1831. His father was a native of Cardiff, Wales, descended on' the maternal side from the Mor- gans of Glamorgan. Albert was the youngest of eight sons in a family of fourteen children. He was educated in the public schools of Massachusetts and at Thetford Academy, Vermont. At the age of seventeen he entered upon a business career as an apprentice to the jewelry trade. Later he was book-keeper and salesman. In 1859 he began the manufacture of jewelry with his brother, C. H. Sturdy, in Attleborough, Mass., taking charge of the office business at No. 12 Maiden Lane, New York City. On the evening of April 12, 1861, when news reached New York City of the firing on Fort Sumter, he shared the prevailing excitement which the outrage to the flag caused in the city. After a few days he joined Company C, First Regiment of City Guards, which made a part of the force organized for the protection of New York City, and as a nucleus from which to recruit troops for active service in the field. Lieutenant Sturdy responded to a call for recruits to fill up the ranks of the Seventh Regi- ment National Guard when this regiment was called to guard the capital, after the assault on the historic Sixth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers in Baltimore. But, with pen in hand to sign the roll, a better impulse led him to forbear, with the purpose of enrolling among the vol- unteers of his native State, whence, after closing his office in New York City, he repaired, and on the 23d of July, 1861, he enlisted as a private in a company at Wrentham, — the adjoining town to Attleborough, — which company, after a few days, went into camp at Rcadville as Company I, Eighteenth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers. This regiment was mustered in August 26, 1861, and started for Washington on the same date. After six weeks' ser- vice as a private, Lieutenant Sturdy received his warrant as corporal from Colonel James Barnes, the regimental commander. He was with his regiment through all its varied fortunes on the Chickahominy, and again under General Pope in the second battle of Bull Run, and through the Maryland campaign under McClellan. His regiment was actively engaged on the 17th of September at Antietam, and again in the battle of Shepherdstown on the 20th. A few days after the latter battle, Lieutenant Sturdy was one of a detail from the Eighteenth Regiment to return to Massachusetts on recruiting service, during which time the adjutant-general of Massachusetts delivered to him his commission as second lieutenant, dating from August 25, 1862. Leaving for the front November 5, he found his regiment near Warrenton, Virginia. In the bat- tle of Fredericksburg the)- were ordered to charge the breastworks on Marye's Height. The first charge carried the Eighteenth Regiment one hundred and fifty feet be- yond the now famous brick house (by which the regi- ment was divided into two sections), and within three hundred feet of the historical stone wall, when the ranks were broken anil the regiment sent hurling to the rear to form again its broken ranks about the colors for a second charge. The correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer correctly reported next day that the dead of the Eigh- teenth Massachusetts and those of Meagher's Irish Bri- gade were found nearer the stone wall than any troops that had charged up those bloody heights during the day. In the second charge made by the Eighteenth on that day, Lieutenant Sturdy was in command of the few men left of Company B, and, when again half-way up to the brick house, he was hit by a spent musket-ball in the centre of the left foot, which penetrated the boot and lodged among the small bones. Brought to the ground, he crawled on hands and knees to the rear, some six hun- dred yards, under heavy fire, before reaching the friendly shelter of a hay-stack, and from there rescuing hands helped him to the temporal-}- hospital on the main street of the city. On Monday, the 15th, the order to evacuate the city was issued by General Burnside, and the wounded were removed in ambulances across the river to Falmouth, arriving at Seminary Hospital in Georgetown on the sec- ond day from Fredericksburg. From this hospital he was discharged for permanent disability on April 22, 1863, under an order of the War Department so discharging all officers not able to rejoin their regiments within forty days. While in the hospital Lieutenant Sturdy received his commission as first lieutenant, but was not mustered under it. Returning to Attleborough, Massachusetts, he resumed his neglected business, after several months on crutches, lie is a Comrade in the Grand Army of the Republic, a Companion in the Loyal Legion, and a member of the Masonic order. ?o8 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) CAPTAIN P. R. STETSON, U.S.A. Captain P. R. Stetson was born in New York City fune 5, 1839, being the youngest son of General Charles A. Stetson, deceased, who was quartermaster-general of the State of New York under Governor Muni in [851, and for thirty years proprietor oi the Astor House, New York. Captain Stetson comes oi Revolutionary ancestry ; is a descendant of Cornet Robert Stetson, of the Plymouth Troop of Horse, — the first hors< company raised in l'K mouth County, Massachusetts, in the yen [658; great- grandson of Prince Stetson, first lieutenant Twenty-third Regiment of Foot, Colonel John Bailey, Clinton's brigade, August 27, 1776 Among the valuable war papers in Captain Stetson's po session is one he values highly. The following is a copy: •• Executive Mansion, " Boston, Mas,, Ma) 27, tS6i. " Ch \ki es A. Sim son, Esq. " Mi Dear Sir, — In examining some New York a< counts to-day, my attention has been for the first time officially called to the generous hospitality of the Astor House to our Massachusetts troops, and I hasten in behalf of the Commonwealth to acknowledge gratefully the liberality of its proprietor. Yours very truly, " J. A. Andrews." Captain Stetson entered the regular army by appoint- ment as first lieutenant May 14, 1861 ; was assigned to the Fifteenth Infantry, one- of the three-battalion regi- ments then being formed ; reported for duty at New port Barracks, Kentucky, May 20, [861 ; ordered to Toledo, Ohio, on recruiting duty ; was appointed regimental adju- tant August, [86l; served as such until promotion to captain in fanuary, [863; assigned to mustering and disbursing duty at Harrisburg, Pa.; appointed chief of ordnance on the staff of Major-General D.N. Couch, com- manding the 1 (epartmenl of the Susquehanna; issued arms and ammunition to the troops organized for the emer- gency, which were flocking to Harrisburg by the thou- sands to defend the State from the invasion oi Gen. Lee. November, [863, ordered to Cincinnati, Ohio, to relieve Captain P. Stanhope, mustering and disbursing duty April 30, 18(14, ordered to report to commanding office! at Fort Adams, Newport, Rhode Island; was assigned to command Company C, Third Battalion, Fifteenth In- fantry; left Fort Adams Mae 10; reported to Brigadier- General [ohn II. King, commanding Third brigade, First Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, near New Hope Church, Georgia ; was engaged in actions at New Mope Church, Kenesaw Mountain (June 10 to July 3), l'eaeh- I'ree (.'reek, and Atlanta. Speeial Field Order No. [98, near Peach-Tree Creek, Georgia, Captain Stetson, Fifteenth United States In- fantry, was detailed as aide-de-camp on the staff of Major (uncial |. Hooker, commanding Twentieth Corps, and served as personal aide to General J. Hooker until Dec. 22, 1 864, w hen he resigned to accept a position in civil life. Formany years Captain Stetson has been the treasurer of the Leesport Iron Company, and holds other offices of trust; was appointed, March 14, [891, postmaster of the city of Reading, Pennsylvania, by President Harrison, and is now holding that responsible position. Captain Stetson is a member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Union Veteran Legion, No. 43, and Post 76, Grand Army of the Republic. WHO SERVED TN THE CIVIL WAR. CAPTAIN GEORGE B. ECKERT, U.S.A. Captain < Iei irge B. Eckert is a greal grandson of l on rad Eckert, who i ame in this country from Longa :i K.i, in tin- kingdom of I [anover, in 1741 1, and settled in Philadel phia County, Pennsylvania. During tin- War of tin Revo lution he held a commission as captain in tin- Berks C ity Regiment, taking part in the battles of Long Island and Germantown. Valentine Eckert, brother of Conrad, was one of I lie members of the Pro\ incial Con ference in [776; commanded a cavalry company for a time during the Revolutionary War, and was wounded at the battle of Germantown. Valentine acted as commis- sioner for the purchase of army provisions. In 1784 he was appointed judge of the Court <>f Common Plea . Captain Eckerl was born in Reading, September 13, 1840, being the youngest son of [saac Eckert, deceased, who fur many years was one of the leading iron mer chants and financiers of Pennsylvania. Captain Eckert was one of "The First Defenders," enlisting at Reading in Captain Janns McKnight's Ringgold Light Artillery, leaving Reading for Washington April [6, 1861. These were the first troops to pass through Baltimore. Captain Eckert was appointed second lieutenant Third United Statts Infantry, August 5, [86l,by President Lin- coln, reporting at Governor's Island, New York, and was assigned to Company I, which was captured at fort Pick- ens and pl.u ed on parole at the breaking out of the war. After reorganizing the company he joined thi regiment at Washington, D. C, and was promoted to first lieutenant July 2, [862. Captain Eckert participated in the Peninsular cam I iaij jn, advance to the < hii kahi >minj , Fair ( ).d. , ( raini Mills, Seven Pines, Seven Days' battles, South Mountain, Antietam, Frederic! burg, and ( !hancellorsville. In May, 1863, Captain Eckert was ordered to report to Colonel Buchanan, fourth United States Infantry, for mustering duty at [Yenton, New- Jersey. In October, 1864, he re< ei\ ed his promotion a 1 aptain. November i<>, [864, ( aptain Ei I erl resigm d his com mission to take charged valuable business intere 1 al home, where he is a well-known • itizi n, and membei ol the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United State's, and Post 76, < hand Army of the Republic, I leparl men! of Pennsylvania. no OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) CAPTAIN VOLTAIRE P. TWOMBLY. U.S.V. Captain Voltaire P. Twombly was born in a small log cabin near Farmington, Van Buren County, Iowa Territory, February 21, 1842, of New England parent- age. I lis father died in September following, leaving the subject of this sketch the only child of this marriage. The following year the mother, with her baby-boy, made her home in Keosauqua, where she still resides. To her earl\' training the son owes much for his success in life. In April, [861, young Twombly responded to the first call for troops, enlisting in what became Company F, Second Iowa Infantry Volunteers, for three years as a private. He was appointed corporal oi the color-guard in ( )cto- ber, [861, ami as such took part in the charge at Fort Donaldson, Tennessee, February 15, 1862. In the report of the part taken by his regiment in that battle, Colonel Tuttle says : " I cannot omit in this report an account of the color-guard. Color-sergeant Doolittle fell early in the engagement, dangerously wounded. The colors were then taken by Corporal Page, Company 15, who soon fell dead. The)' were then taken by Corporal Churcher, Company I, who had his arm broken just as he entered the intrenchments, when they were taken by Corporal Twombly, of Company F, who bore them gallantly to the end of the fight. Not a single man of the color- guard but himself was on his feet at the close of the en- eraeement." For his meritorious conduct during this his first battle, he was made a sergeant. As acting color- sergeant he carried the colors of his regiment through the two days' battle of Shiloh, April, [862; took part in the siege and capture of Corinth, Mississippi, as act- ing second lieutenant, later receiving his commission as such. In the battle of Corinth, October following, he was wounded in the knee, from which he was in hospital and on leave for about six weeks, the only time during more than four years of service. During 1863 his regiment was stationed at Corinth, Mississippi, taking part in many expeditions after the commands of the rebel Generals For- rest and Rhodey, and in the fall followed the command of General Sherman towards Chattanooga, spending the winter of 1863-64 at Pulaski, Tennessee, and in April of the latter year joined Sherman's army, taking part in the Atlanta campaign and participating in many battles and skirmishes from Resaca to Lovejoy Station, May to Sep- tember, 1864. In Jul}-, during this campaign, he was promoted to first lieutenant and adjutant, and in Novem- ber, 1 864, to captain. At the head of his company, he marched with Sher- man "from Atlanta to the sea." In January, 1865, while at Savannah, Georgia, he was placed on detached service as acting assistant inspector-general of the Third Brigade of his division, and served in that position until mustered out of service. During the march north through the Carolinas his command met the enemy at Columbia, South Carolina, and Bentonville, North Carolina, and entered Goldsborough the latter part of March, thence to Raleigh, and on the surrender of General Johnston's army continued north through Petersburg, Richmond, Fredericksburg, and Alexandria, Virginia, to Washing- ton, there taking part in the grand review of the East- ern ami Western armies. Going thence to Louisville, Kentucky, he was mustered out July 12, and finally discharged at Davenport, Iowa, July 20, 1865, after a continuous active service of more than four years. Three months later he took charge of a large flour- store at Ottumwa. While here he was united in marriage with Miss Chloe A. Funk. In December, 1867, he moved to Pittsburg and engaged in the milling business, and in the spring of 1876 removed to Keosauqua, entering the mercantile business, until the fall of 1879, when he entered politics anil was nominated and elected treasurer of Van Buren Count}- by the Republican party, and re- elected in 1 88 1 . In August, 1884, was nominated by ac- clamation treasurer of the State in the Republican State Convention ; was elected and re-elected for a second and third term, an unusual honor in Iowa. By reason of this office he was a member of the Executive Council of the State. Captain Twombly is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. He is a Companion of the Military ( )rder of the Loyal Legion of the United States, and is recorder of the Commander}- of Iowa. He and his wife are active members of the Congregational Church. Since retiring from the State treasury, January, 1891, he has made his home in Des Moines, Iowa, engaging in the banking business, being elected president of the Home Savings Bank. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 3ii MAJOR-GENERAL JOHN A. DIX, U.S.V. (deceased). Major-General John A. Dix was born in Boscawen, New Hampshire, July 24, 179S ; died in New York City April 21, 1879. In December, 1812, he was appointed cadet, and, going to Baltimore, aided his father, Major Timothy Dix, of the Fourteenth United States Infantry, and also studied at St. Mary's College. He was made ensign in 181 3, and accompanied his regiment, taking part in the operations on the Canadian frontier. Subse- quently he served in the Twenty-first Infantry at Fort Constitution, New Hampshire, where he became second lieutenant in March, 1814, and in August was transferred to the Third .Artillery, and stationed at Fortress Monroe; but continuous ill health led him to resign his commission in the army July 29, 1828, after attaining the rank of captain. He then began the practice of law. From 1845 till 1849 he was United States Senator from New York, and in 1861 served as President Buchanan's Secretary of the Treasury. At the beginning of the Civil War he took an active part, and he organized and sent to the front seventeen regiments, and was appointed one of the four major-generals to command the New York State forces. In June following he was commissioned major- general, and ordered to Washington by General Scott to command the Arlington and Alexandria Department. Afterwards was sent to Baltimore to command the Mary- land Department, and by his energetic and judicious measures that State was prevented from going over to the Confederate cause. In May, 1862, he was sent from Baltimore to Fortress Monroe, and in the summer of 1863, after the trouble connected with the draft riots, he was transferred to New York as commander of the De- partment of the East, which place he held until the close of the war. In 1872 he was elected governor of the State of New York. He was a man of very large read ing and thorough culture, spoke several languages flu- ently, and was distinguished for proficiency in classical studies and for ability and elegance as an orator. 3i- OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) CAPTAIN FRANCIS M. SCOTT, U.S.V. Captain Francis M. Scott was horn in Noblesville, Indiana, February 4, 1841, being the third son of Samuel Purnam Scott and Maria Elizabeth Longley, daughter of Rev. John Longley, of Welsh descent, who served as a captain in the War of 1S12, and lived to the age of ninety-three. She was an own cousin of General Joseph J. Reynolds, of the United States Army, and General John B. Floyd, of the rebel army. She died in 1 85 5. Samuel P. Scott w.is born in Pennsylvania in 18 13, of Scotch parents ; his father and mother came to this country in 181 1, and settled in Pennsylvania, near Pittsburg, F. M. Scott, the subject of this sketch, attended the best schools his native town afforded till fourteen years of age, when his mother died. He was then placed as a printer's apprentice. In the tall of 1857, having finished his apprenticeship, he went South as a journeyman printer, and was working on the Charleston Courier, in Charleston, South Carolina, during the John Brown raid and excitement in Virginia. lie was finally warned to leave the city for the North, if he valued his life, lie went at once to New York on the steamship " Marion." ( )n landing there he found employment in John E. Bacon's job-printing office on Ann Street. In 1 860 he returned to his native town and to his "old case" in the Hoosier Patriot office, and at once (believing from his experience in the South that civil war was in- evitable) began to organize a military company and to stud)' tactic-, and drill. With the spring of 1 86 1 came a call for seventy-five thousand soldiers for three months, and the company thus organized was the first offered to Governor Morton under th.it call, and was mustered as Company I in the Sixth Indiana Infantry, April 23, 1861. Captain Scott served in Virginia and participated in the first battle of the war at Philippi, Virginia, and was mus- tered out of the three months' sen ice August 2, 1861. The company reorganized at once, and on August 29, 1861, was mustered in as Company I, Thirty-ninth In- diana Infantry. Scott was then a sergeant. November 2, 1861, he was promoted second lieutenant; May 22, 1862, first lieutenant; and November 2J , 1863, to the captaincy of his company. Immediately after the battle of Stone River the Thirty- ninth Regiment was mounted and was designated as the Eighth Indiana Volunteer Cavalry, armed with Spencer lilies. It participated in the battles of Shiloh, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Atlanta, Georgia, Jonesborough, and in the cavalry fight under Kilpatrick in front of Atlanta. It participated also in the Reanson and McCook raids, and in all the Kilpatrick raids ; marched to the sea with General Sherman and partici- pated in the fight (two days) at Waynesborough, Georgia. Captain Scott received a severe flesh-wound in the left leg at the battle of Stone River, and lost in that fight thirteen men killed, eighteen wounded, and twelve pris- oners out of fifty-nine men. He was appointed adjutant of the regiment on the battle-field ; was captured and retaken by the Fourth Regular Cavalry. At the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia, he received a severe wound in the left eye, which has since been almost blind. He was placed upon the " Roll of Honor" by General Rose- crans for meritorious conduct at the battle of Stone River. He was mustered out at Savannah, Georgia, De- cember 31, 1864, but was tendered a captain's commis- sion in the regular army at the close of the war. Retiring to civil life, he chose the medical profession, but, owing to trouble with his eyes, had to abandon stud\-, and took to travelling in the commercial line, and has since followed it, meeting with reasonable success. On May 12, 1870, he was married to Miss Lucy M. Fletcher, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, which proved to be a most happy alliance. < )ne daughter, B. Marie, is living; two boys, twins, are dead. He joined the Masons in 1861, and assisted in conduct- ing a military lodge under a dispensation from the Grand Lodge of Indiana. In 1862 the dispensation and jewels were captured by the enemy, and the lodge broken up. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL ROBERT H. G. MINTY, u.s.v. Brevet Major-General Ri >ber r H.G. Minty. — At tin breaking out of the war, Robert II. G. Minty was assist- ant to the general freight agent of the Detroit and Mil- waukee Railroad, and was a resident of the city of Detroit, Michigan. September 2, 1 861, he was appointed major in the Second Michigan Cavalry, then organizing at Grand Rapids, Michigan. On account of the attention which he gave to the drill and discipline of the Second, Governor Blair, at the urgent request of the officers of the Third Michigan Cavalry, appointed Major Minty lieutenant- colonel of that regiment. He took the Third Michigan Cavalry to Benton Bar- racks, Missouri, and commanded the regiment during tin- New Madrid and Island No. 10 campaign ; then served with it during and after the siege of Corinth, being tun e honorably mentioned in general orders by Generals Pope and Rosecrans. In recognition of his services, the governor of Michi- gan, on July 22, 1S62, commissioned Lieutenant-Colonel Minty colonel of the Fourth Michigan Cavalry. He immediately returned to Detroit, opened camp on August 14, and mustered in a full regiment of twelve hundred and eight enlisted men on the 28th of the same month. The Fourth was ordered to Louisville, Kentucky, and joined Buell's army, then in full retreat on that city. Some little delay was caused in procuring arms and horses, but October 8 Colonel Minty, with his regiment, crossed the Ohio River on the pontoon bridge at Louis- ville, and hurried forward, hoping to he in time to take part in the battle of Perryville, but did not overtake the army until the day after that battle. Colonel Minty and his regiment were highly compli- mented by their division commander for the part which they took in the battle of Stamford the following day, and crossed the Cumberland River at Gallatin, driving John Morgan out of Lebanon with considerable loss. In December, [862, he was assigned to the command of the First Cavalry Brigade, which moved in advance of the left wing of the Army of the Cumberland from Nash- ville to Murfreesborough, and took part in the battli ol Stone River. March 5, 1 863, General Rosecrans, in a telegram to the Secretary of War, reporting an affair of March 4, said, " The brave Colonel Minty used sabres where carbines would delay ;" and on the 15th of the same month, in general orders, referring to a successful expedition which the brigade, as a part of a force under Sheridan, had made, General Rosecrans said, " In recognition ol the dash and gallantry displayed by this brigade on all occa sions, it shall be known henceforth in this department as the ' Sabre Brigade of the Army of the Cumberland.' ' In the advance from Murfreesborough, June 27, [863, 40 U3 General David S. Stanley, chiel of cavalry, with Mitchell's division and Minty's brigade, was to carry ( my's ( rap on the extreme left of the enemy's position, Minty being in the rear. At about eleven o'clock Lieutenant Hutchins rode up and said, " Colonel Minty, General Stanley directs that you move to the front at once ; the brigade in front issodamned slow lie cannot do anything with it." Minty moved to the front at a sharp trot, and within fifteen minutes had possession of the gap. I hiring the Chattanooga campaign, Colonel Minty with " The Sabie Brigade" covered the left wing of the army, and performed effective and valuable services. He com- manded the cavalry covering the left of the Army of the Cumberland during the battle of Chickamauga. "The Sabre Brigade" at Reed's Bridge, and YV'ilder's brigade at Alexander's Bridge, fought Hood's and Walker's corps in i cssfully, at their attempted crossing of the Chicka- mauga, from seven o'clock in the morning until after four o'clock in the afternoon of September 18. During the Atlanta campaign, Colonel Minty's brigade formed a part of General Garrard's division, which covered the right of the Army of Tennessee, and was almost daily engaged with the enemy. During the war General Minty was personally engagi d in one hundred and nine battles and skirmishes in which life was lost, had five horses shot under him, and his clothing was pierced by bullets thirteen times. He was brevetted major-general for Selma, and for gallant and distinguished services during the war. At the close of the war he was appointed major in the Eighth United States Cavalry, but declined the appointment. General Minty participated with his brigade in Kil- patrick's raid, and in Wheeler's expedition to Selma, and there led his brigade in the assault, lie subsequently commanded a division and cap.: and a part of his command captured Jefferson Davis. 3 '4 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) COLONEL GEORGE HUMPHRIES NORTH, U.S.V. Colonel George Humphries North was born June 17, 1 841, at Coventry, Chester County, Pennsylvania. He is a grandson of Colonel Caleb North, who commanded the Eleventh Pennsylvania Regiment, Continental Line, during the Revolutionary War of 1776. Colonel North, the subject of this sketch, descending from such stock, naturally felt the desire in his heart to sustain the Union which his grandfather had fought to establish, and hence at the commencement of the War of the Rebellion in [86i, although not yet twenty years of age, volunteered his services for the suppression of the Rebellion, entering the army April 24, 1861, as a private in the Commonwealth Artillery, commanded by Captain Montgomery. He was stationed at Fort Delaware, and served until August 5, 1861, when he was honorably discharged by expiration of his term of service. He again entered the army as second lieutenant of the Fourteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry. He served in the field, participating in the campaigns of the Armies of the Potomac and the Shenandoah, and in West Virginia, oc- cupying positions on the staffs of Generals Averell, Neill, Sigel, Hunter, Torbett, Seward, Chapman, Powell, and Tibbits, and rode with General Sheridan in his great ride from Winchester to Cedar Creek. He was present at the surrender of Mosby, the rebel guerilla, at Millwood, Vir- ginia, in April, 1865, and participated in the grand review of the armies of the United States at Washington, D. C, May 23 and 24, 1865. Colonel North was highly compli- mented in orders by Generals Averell, Torbett, and others for gallantry on the field of battle, and was honorably discharged from the volunteer service, July 31, 1865, as captain of Company E, Fourteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry. Returning from the army, he entered the National Guard of the State of Pennsylvania as first lieutenant and adjutant of the First Regiment of Infantry, and was promoted to brigade inspector, with the rank of major, on the staff of General Hoffman, June 15, 1869. He was promoted assistant adjutant-general of the division, on the staff of General Charles M. Prevost, September 15, 1870; promoted to colonel and aide-de-camp on the staff of Governor John F. Hartranft, September 1, 1875, continuing in this position until the retirement of Gov- ernor Hartranft, when he was discharged. When John I". Hartranft was made commander of the Division National Guard of Pennsylvania with the rank of major-general, Colonel North was appointed his assistant adjutant-gen- eral. He still holds the position of lieutenant-colonel and assistant adjutant-general of division, which he has continued to fill since September 15, 1870, being at present on the staff of General George R. Snowden. Colonel North is a member of the Loyal Legion, Insignia 1102; Society of the Army of the Potomac; Post 2, Grand Army of the Republic, Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania ; past commander of the Veteran Corps, First Regiment Infantry, National Guard of Pennsylvania; and of the Society of the " Sons of the Revolution." WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 315 BREVET CAPTAIN JAMES HENRY BAILEY, U.S.V. Brevet Captain James Henry Bailey was born near Fayettcville, New York, February 4, 1846. His father was a contractor, but owing to financial reverses he was unable to give his son the advantages of a college edu- cation. Young Bailey attended the public schools during the winter, but in the summer was obliged to help his father. He finished his education at the Fayetteville Academy, where Grover Cleveland once attended school. At this school, when the war broke out in 1 86 1, a cadet company was organized, one of whose officers was Cap- tain Bailey. Early in 1862, at the age of sixteen, he en- listed as a private in Company I, Third Regiment New York Volunteer Cavalry. He joined his regiment at New-Berne, North Carolina, and participated in all the battles of the Eighteenth Corps, Department of North Carolina. Among the engagements are the following : Jamesti >\vn Road, September 23, I 862 ; near Tarborough, November 3, [862; Rail's Mills, November 7, 1862; Kinston, De- cember 14, 1862 ; Whitehall, December 16, 1862 ; Golds- borough, December 17, 1862; Jacksonville, January 15, 1863; Trenton, January 20, 1863; Trent Road, March 14, 1863 ; siege of Little Washington, April, 1863. Late in 1863 Captain Bailey's regiment was ordered to Virginia, and spent a portion of the winter at Newport News. On several occasions, for gallant conduct in the field, he was highly commended by his officers, and, although the youngest soldier in his regiment, was recom- mended for a commission to Governor Seymour, of New York. He was promoted second lieutenant in 1864. Early in this year his regiment was assigned to the Cavalry Corps of the Army of the James, commanded by General Kautz. From that time up to June 29, 1864, when he was taken prisoner, Captain Bailey was engaged in all the battles and cavalry operations around City Point, Petersburg, and Richmond, among them the following: Bottom's Bridge, February 7, 1864; Notto- way Bridge, May 8, 1864; Chula Station, May 12, 1864; Blacks and Whites, May 14, 1864; South Quay, June 2, 1864; before Petersburg, June 15, 1864 ; Staunton Bridge. June 25, 1S64; Roanoke Bridge, June 26, 1864; and Ream's Station, June 29, 1864. It was on the Wilson cavalry raid in 1864 that Captain Bailey was taken prisoner-of-war, while acting as officer of the rear-guard in the retreat from Ream's Station, June 29, 1864. His captors first took him to Richmond, then sent him to Salisbury Jail. North Carolina, where he was afterwards transferred to Camp Oglethorpe. Macon, Georgia. When General Stoneman, from Sherman's army, made his disastrous raid, and threatened to liberate the prisoners at Macon, Captain Bailey was sent to Charleston, South Carolina, and confined in the jail which was under fire of the Federal batteries. ( (wing to close confinement and poor food he became ill and much ema- ciated, and was paroled in January, 1865, and finally ex- changed in April, 1805. At the time of his parole Cap- tain Bailey only weighed eighty-five pounds. He was promoted first lieutenant while a prisoner of war. Upon being exchanged Captain Bailey joined his regi- ment in the field, and took part in the closing drama of the war, — the surrender of Lee at Appomattox. After the surrender his regiment was ordered to Southwestern Virginia. In fuly, 1865, his regiment was consolidated with the First New York Mounted Rifles, and Captain Bailey was assigned to Company B, and was stationed at Tazewell Court-House, Virginia, and acted as provost- marshal for that district up to the time he was mustered out of service in November, 1865. President Johnson brevetted him captain " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Few officers, especially one so young, saw harder service in the field than Captain Bailey. He was brave and heroic. Immediately upon leaving the army, Captain Bailey went to Montana, and became interested in hydraulic mining. In 1868, when the Union Pacific Railroad was being built, he went to Salt Lake and opened the first Gentile hotel (the Revere House) in that Mormon city. At the same time he became interested as a contractor in the construction of the Union Pacific Railroad. He has long been connected with the Railroad Gazette, a journal devoted to railroad and engineering interests. In 1885 he was elected vice-president of the Railroad Gazette Company, and under his management the company has made rapid strides, as the most influential railroad and technical newspaper in the world. He is a member of the Loyal Legion. Captain Bailey married Caroline Ahda Elmendorf, of Albany, New York, and has one son, Charles Dunning, living:. ;i6 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL HENRY EDWIN TREMAIN, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General IIixkv Edwin Tremain was horn in New York City November 14, 1840. lie was graduated at the College of the City of New York in i860, and then entered Columbia Law-School. ( )n April 17, 1861, he enlisted in the Seventh New York Militia as a private, and served throughout its first cam- paign about Washington, after which, in July, he entered the national volunteer service as first lieutenant in the Second Fire Zouaves (73d X. Y. Vols.), which was at- tached tn the deservedly famous Excelsior Brigade, lie served until April, 1 862, in the line and as adjutant of this regiment. At the siege oi Yorktown he was promoted to the staff of General Nelson Taylor, commanding the Excelsior Brigade, in which capacity he served during the Peninsular campaign under McClellan and the final operations of Pope, his brigade being attached to Hooker's glorious division of Heintzelman's corps. He participated in the engagements at Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, Williamsburg Road, Savage's Station, Glendale, Malvern Hill, the operations of the Seven Days' retreat, the battles of Bristoe Station, Manassas, and Second Bull Run. During this battle, while participating in a charge, Tremain was taken prisoner and sent to Libby Prison, Richmond. The authorities there decided to hold him, with other officers, as hostages to prevent the execution of Pope's obnoxious order in regard to the destruction of Confederate property, and, in case the same was enforced, these Union officers were to suffer death. General Taylor, in his report of the participation of his brigade in the second battle of Bull Run, male the following allusion toTremain: " His bravery and gal lantry excited my admiration, and have my warmest thanks; he was taken prisoner while endeavoring to check the panic and the rapid advance of the enemy." After several weeks' confinement in Libby Prison, he was exchanged, promoted captain, resumed duty on Gen- eral Sickles's staff as assistant inspector-general, and was present at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, where he served .is senior aide on the Third Corps' staff. < >n April 25, 1863, he was commissioned as major. He was chief field-staff officer to General Sickles at the battle of < iettysburg, where his horse was shot, and where he served with great distinction. He was aide-de-camp to General Hooker when the latter was relieved from com- mand of the army, and was on General Daniel Butter- field's staff at Chattanooga in 1864, and took part in the battles around Dalton and at Resaca. At this last battle, for his distinguished and gallant conduct, he received from the government a Medal of Honor, in accordance with the Act of Congress. In 1864 he was ordered to rejoin the Army of the Potomac, and served successfully in the Cavalry Corps on the staffs of General David M. Gregg and General George Crook, participating in the cavalry battles under these officers until the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia. He was conspicu- ously active in the cavalry engagements about Peters- burg, Hatcher's Run, Dinwiddie Court-House, Jetersville, Sailor's Creek, Farmville, and at Appomattox. He was brevetted brigadier-general ol volunteers, No- vember 30, 1865, and continued on duty in the Caroli- 11,1s until discharged at his own request, April 29, [866. hew officers saw greater service during the war. General Tremain then resumed his law-studies, and was gradu- ated in [867, after which he entered into practice in New York City, being very successful. His present law-firm of Tremain & Tyler has continued for twenty-five years. For five terms, beginning in 1S71, he was president of the associate alumni of the College of the City ol New York. Prom April 19, 18S7, he served two terms as colonel of the "Veterans of the Seventh Regiment," one of the oldest organizations ol its kind in this country. His brother, LlEUTENANl WALTER RUTHVEN TREMAIN, enlisted and served with him in the Seventh Militia and for a while in the Fire Zouaves; and afterwards became first lieutenant in 1 }2d Regt. N. Y. Vols. Walter served with this regiment at Suffolk and on the Blackwater, under General Peck, in 1862. His unremitting devo- tion to his duties on severe picket and expeditionary duty was followed by a fever, which resulted in his death, De- cember 25, 1862. Almost his last thoughts were for his country, and his only regret was that he had "done so little for it." His death was the first loss the regiment experienced, and its officers passed resolutions oi respect to this most efficient, prompt, and promising young offi- cer, lie and the general were the sons of Edwin R. Tremain, of New York, ami cousins ol Colonel frank W. and Major Frederick P. Tremain. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL FREDERICK LYMAN TRE- MAIN, U.S.V. (deceased). Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Lyman Tremain, Tenth New York Cavalry, was born at Durham, Greene County, New York, June 13, [843. He died at City Point Hospital, Virginia, mi the 8th of February, 1865, from a gunshot wound received in battle, near I [ati tier's Run, on the 6th of February, [865. He was the eldest child of Lyman and Helen Cornwall Tremain, who were both descendants from Revolutionary stock. His pater- nal great-grandfather, Nathaniel Tremain, was a soldier of the Revolutionary War, as was his maternal great grandfather, Captain Daniel Cornwall. Young Tremain received a college education, and upon the firing on Foil Sumter, while yet a student, his patriotism was aroused, and he expressed an anient desire to become a volunteer in the army of the Union, lie asked his lather's permis- sion to enlist, but it was then withheld. During the summer of 1862, after the President's call for more men appeared, Frederick again urged, ami finally received his father's consent. In the mean time he had become quite proficient in the military drill as a member of the Albany Zouave Cadets, and Governor Morgan commissioned him as adjutant of the 1 13th Inf. Reg. X. Y. Vols., which was one of the first regiments placed in the field under the President's call. This regiment was assigned to the de- fences of Washington, and not long afterwards was con- verted into the Seventh New York Artillery. For ih ensuing fifteen months he devoted himself zealously to duty in the fortifications, and w.is stricken with typhoid fever. After his recovery he was made assistant adjutant- general, with rank of captain, and assigned to Gen- eral Henry E. Davies's staff. First Brigade, Third Divi- sion, Cavalry Corps. This cavalry service suited him, for he was brave and chivalrous, and liked the life and dash of that arm of the service. Later this brigade was assigned to the Second Division, stationed at Warren- ton, which crossed the Rapidan. The famous battles of the Wilderness soon followed. On the first days of these battles Tremain was engaged with the enemy's cavalry at Todd's Tavern. He won honors at Chicka- hominy. In this battle the fragment of a spent shell was hurled against his person, inflicting a severe injury. 'I his en- gagement was known as the battle of Richmond Heights. After crossing the Chickahominy, daily skirmishes took place with the rebel cavalry. Near Haw's Shop he fought in the most severe and obstinate fight of the war. Also at Cold Harbor, Barker's and Sumner's Upper Bridge on the Pamunkey River; and at Trevilian Station and Gordonsville. Then changing to James River on 24th June, Tremain distinguished himself at tin; battle of St. Mary's Church, as well as at Pine ( >ak Landings, Ream's Station, Malvern Hill, Feed's Mills, and Gravel Hill, firing with his own hands, cheering the men, and exposing Ins p i on to the enemy's fire. He was in engagements at Davis's harm, fust battle of Hatcher's Run, Stony Creel and Bellfield. Promoted to lieutenant-colonel of the Fenth New York Cavalry, he assumed his new post at the second battle of Hatcher's Run, where the same day he was fatally wounded. His distinguished conduct is frequently mentioned in the official reports of these engagements. His cousin. Major Frank W. Tremain, son of William r remain, at the age of eighteen enlisted at Binghamton, October [6, 1861, as second lieutenant in the Eighty-ninth New York Volunteers; promoted to be first lieutenant March 21, [863; to be captain August I, 1864; and major March 14, 1 865. The regiment was then serving in General Foster's division of the Twenty-fourth Army Corps. At the fall of Petersburg he commanded his regiment in the final assault and capture of Fort Co April 2, 1865, where he was shot through the heart. He- had participated with his regiment in the famous Burn- side expedition to North Carolina, and under Burnside al South Mountain and Antietam. At Fredericksburg his regiment was among the fust to cross the river while the pontoons were being laid ; and at the siege of Suffolk it crossed the Nansemond, and captured a rebel fort with its guns and men. After serving under Dix it was sent to General Gillmore's department, and participated in the Fort Wagner campaign, and then joined General Butler's forces on the fames River. In Grant's battles about Richmond, the Eighty-ninth Regiment was part of the Army of the fames; was at Bermuda Hundred, Cold Harbor, and Petersburg. Major Tremain's service was arduous and continuous, but gloriousl} with his life only one week before the final surrender al Apj mattox. US OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET LIEUTENANT-COLONEL SAMUEL BELL, U.S.V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Bell was born in Reading, Pennsylvania, April 25, 1827. He is the son of the late.Judge Samuel Bell, of Reading, and a man of thorough training, having received a most liberal edu- cation. Prior to the breaking out of the war he was a member of the wholesale house of Knight & Bell, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but at the call for volunteers he gave up his business as a merchant and enlisted as a private in April, [861, and served in the three months' campaign with the First Troop, Philadelphia City Cav- alry. He was afterwards selected by Governor Curtin as one of the commissioners on the draft for Philadelphia, and subsequently was appointed additional paymaster in the regular arm)- by President Lincoln, with the rank of major, and he, in this position, stood in the foremost rank for integrity of character and efficiency in the perform- ance of his duties, for which he was brevetted lieutenant- colonel by President Johnson. When the Rebellion closed he resigned his commission, and again became a private citizen, and so remained until he received the appointment of deputy United States naval officer at Philadelphia. In this position he proved himself of great value to the government, and made himself a general favorite with the commercial and business men. This post he afterwards resigned at the instance of Judge McKennan, in order to accept, April 12, 1S70, the post of clerk of the United States Circuit Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, which he now fills, with honor to the court and with great satisfaction to the legal pro- fession. Colonel Bell is also one of the Board of Council and chairman of the Committee on Education of the Lincoln Institution of Philadelphia. He has been one of the most active members of the Philadelphia Union, League since its organization, and is one of the oldest members of the Philadelphia City Troop. He was elected a member of the Military ( )rder of Loyal Legion of the United States November 4, 1874, and still keeps up an interest in military matters. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 319 BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL JOSEPH J. BARTLETT, U.S.V. (deceased). Brevet Major-General Joseph J. Bartlett was born November 3, 1834, at Binghamton, New York, and in April, 1861, enlisted as a private in Binghamton, New York, where he had just commenced the practice of law. Upon the organization of the company he was elected captain, and upon the organization of the Twenty-seventh Regiment of Volunteers at Elmira was elected major of the regiment. At the first battle of Bull Run, after Colonel Slocum was wounded, he was placed in command of the regiment by the colonel's order. A few weeks after the battle, Colonel Slocum was promoted to brigadier-general, and Major Bartlett to colonel of the Twenty-seventh. Imme- diately upon landing at West Point, on the Peninsula, the provisional Sixth Army Corps was organized, General Franklin commanding. This gave General Slocum com- mand of Franklin's division, and Colonel Bartlett the command of Slocum's brigade. A reconnoissance made by Colonel Bartlett at Mechanicsville was so successful, that General McClellan continued him in command of his brigade, although general officers were sent from Washington to report to General McClellan for assign- ment to duty. At the battle of Gaines's Mill, Colonel Bartlett's brigade reported to General Sykes for duty, and, with the regular troops, held the right of General Porter's line success- full}- until the close of the battle, losing five hundred and four men killed and wounded, including all but three of his field officers. For this battle he received the warm praise of Generals Franklin, Slocum, Sykes, Porter, and McClellan, in their reports. lie also received the same for services rendered during all the seven daws' fighting. At the battle of the Second Bull Run he covered the retreat of the army to Centreville. At the battle of South Mountain his brigade led the column of attack oi the First Division, Sixth Corps, at " Crampton's Gap," breaking the enemy's line at the foot of the mountain, driving him beyond the crest, and securing the mad for the passage of our troops. At Antietam he engaged with the balance of the corps. For his services up to this date he was recommended by General McClellan for promotion to brigadier-general, which he received about ten days after. At the battles of Marye's Heights, Second Fredericks- burg, and Chancellorsville he was with Sedgwick's Sixth Army Corps. At the battle of Chancellorsville, one of his regiments being on skirmish duty at a distant point, he made a charge with his three remaining regiments, numbering fourteen hundred and forty muskets, of which he lost seven hundred and sixty. But he had broken two lines of battle and penetrated the enemy's centre, and would have maintained himself there, except for the reason given by the Confederate historian in the following sen- tence : " ( )n the other side of the road the attack, which was not vigorous, had already been repulsed." At Gettysburg he was given by General Sedgwick the command of the Third Division of the Sixth Army Corps, retaining its command until the " Mine Run" campaign, when General Sykes applied for him to command the First Division of the Fifth Corps, which he retained until General Grant took command and consolidated the six corps of the army into three. That legislated him out of a division command, but the corps commander made up for him the equivalent of a division, by giving him nine regiments of veteran troops. With this command he served through the Wilderness campaign and in front of Petersburg. For distinguished services in that campaign he was made brevet major-general. At the battle of Five Forks he was once more assigned to the command of the First Division of the Fifth Corps, which marched from there to Appomattox Court-House with the cavalry. Being in the advance of the corps the morning Sheridan struck Appomattox, he formed his division in two lines of battle, with a cloud of skirmishers in front, and forced the enemy to retire behind the town, and received the surrender of a rebel brigade before the general surrender took place. The next day General Bartlett was appointed to n 1 the surrender of the infantry arms of ( General Lee's army. General Bartlett was hit six times, but never for a day crave up the command of his troops. After the close the war he was appointed by President Johnson minister resident to Stockholm, where he remained three yi He served as deputy commissioner oi pensions under President Cleveland. He died January 14, 1893, in Balti- more, and was interred at Arlington, January 17. 320 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) \ \ MAJOR-GENERAL WILLIAM F. SMITH, U.S.V. Major-General William F. Smith was born in Ver- mont, and graduated from the United States Military Academy July i, 1845. He was promoted brevet second lieutenant of topographical engineers the same day ; sec- ond lieutenant July 14, 1849 ! nrst lieutenant March 3, 185^; and captain, for fourteen years' continuous ser- vice, July 1, 1859. He first served on a survey of the Northern Lakes and at the Military Academy as assist- ant professor of mathematics to 1848, when he was de- tailed as assistant topographical engineer on explorations in the Department of Texas, on the survey of a boundary between the United States and Mexico, on explorations in Texas again, on the survey of a canal-route across Florida, and again on explorations in Texas until [ 85 5 > when he was ordered to the Military Academy as princi- pal assistant professor of mathematics, where he remained until 1856. He was then engineer of the Eleventh Light-house District and engineer-secretary of the Light-house Hoard to April 15, 1 861. Captain Smith served during the War of the Rebellion on mustering duty in New York City to May 3] ; on the staff of Major-General Butler at Fort Monroe to fuly 20, 1 86 1, at which time he was appointed colonel of the Third Vermont Infantry. He served on the staff of General McDowell and was engaged in the battle of First Bull Run. Colonel Smith was appointed brigadier- general of volunteers August [3, 1 861, and served in the defences of Washington until the spring of 1862, when 1). commanded a division in the Peninsular campaign of the Army of the Potomac, being engaged in the siege of Yorktown, including the skirmish of Lee's Mills, battles 1 if Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, White ( >ak Sw amp, Sax age's Station, Glendale, and Malvern Hill. General Smith was commissioned major-general of volunteers July 4, 1862, and was in command of a di- vision in the Maryland campaign. He was engaged in the battles of South Mountain and Antietam ; on the march to Falmouth, Virginia ; in the Rappahannock cam- paign, in command of the Sixth Corps, from November 14, 1862, to February 4, 1 863, and of the Ninth Corps to March 17, 1863, having participated in the battle of Fredericksburg. He commanded a division in the De- partment of the Susquehanna from June 17 to August 3, [863, being engaged in the pursuit of the rebel army retreating from Gettysburg, then in the Department of West Virginia to September 5, 1863. He was chief en- gineer of the Department of the Cumberland to Novem- ber, 1863, and of the Military Division of the Mississippi to March 31, 1864, being in the operations about Chat- tanooga, securing a passage and throwing a pontoon bridge across the Tennessee River at Brown's Ferry, and in the battle of Missionary Ridge. General Smith was placed in command of the Eigh- teenth Corps, Army of the Potomac, May 2, 1864, and participated in the operations before Richmond, being engaged in the battle of Cold Harbor and siege of Pe- tersburg to Jul}", 1864, when he was placed on waiting orders at New York City until November 22, 1864. at which time he was detailed on special duty under the orders of the Secretary of War, remaining in that posi- tion until December 15, 1865. lie was at that time granted leave of absence to March 7, 1867, when he resigned from the army, having previously resigned his volunteer commission on Novem- ber 4, I Si 15. General Smith was brevetted lieutenant-colonel. United States Army, June 28, 1862, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of White ( )ak Swamp ;" colonel, United States Army, September 17, I 862, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam;" brigadier- general, United States Army, March 13, 1 865 , " f< >r gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chattanooga, Tennessee;" and brevet major-general, United States Army, March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the field during the Rebellion." He was pro- moted major of the corps of engineers March 3, 1863, occupying that position in the regular service when he resigned. After leaving the army, General Smith was president of the International Telegraph Company from 1864 to 1873 ; commissioner of police, New York City, and presi- dent of the Board of Police Commissioners to March 1 1, 188 1 ; civil engineer in the United States service from that time. He was reappointed by Act of Congress of February 2j, [889, a major in the United States army, March 1, 1889, on the retired list. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 321 BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL CHARLES K. GRAHAM, U.S.V. (DECEASE! 1). Brevet Major-General Charles K. Graham was born in New York City, June 3, 1824. He entered the United States navy as midshipman in 1 841, and served in the Gulf during the war with Mexico, at the closi oi which, in 1848, he resigned as a passed midshipman, re- turned to New York, and entered the law-office of his brothers, David and John Graham, receiving his license in 1855. He at the same time devoted himself to the study of surveying and engineering, and in the end adopted the latter profession. He was selected as one of the surveyors to lay out the Central Park, and in 1857 received the appointment of constructing engineer at the Brooklyn Navy-Yard. Daring the next four years the dry-docks and launch-ways of massive stone construc- tion were built under his supervision. At the breaking out of the Rebellion in 1861, he re- signed from this important position and volunteered for the war, four hundred men in the navy -yard following his example, and engaging in the ranks of the Excelsior Brigade. In this organization he became major of the First Regiment, the Seventieth New York Volunteers, May 9, 1 86 1 ; lieutenant-colonel of the same regiment May 15 ; and colonel of the Fifth Excelsior (the Seventy- fourth New York) in October of the same year. His subsequent promotions were brigadier-general of volun- teers, November 29, 1862 ; brevet major-general of volun- teers, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war," March 13, 1865; and August 24, [865, he was mustered out. General Graham's field service was in the Third Corps of the Army of the Potomac, in the Department of North and South Carolina, and in the Army of the James. In the battle of Fair < )aks he experienced severe fighting at the head of his regiment, holding the lines along the Williamsburg Road. He remained on that front two days, and until the commencement of the Seven Days' battles, recognized as very arduous service, having par- ticipated in the severe engagement of June 25, which pre- ceded the action at Gaines's Mill. During the Seven 1 lays lie was engaged at Glendale and Charles City Cross- Roads, and again at Malvern Hill, where his brigade was assigned to the Fifth Corps, under General Fitz-John Porter. Colonel Graham was commended in the official re- ports of these operations. He took part in the Fred- ericksburg campaign, and at Chancellorsville, May 2-^ t 1863, he commanded a brigade in Birney's division, Third Corps; participated in the night attack; covered the withdrawal to the new line, and in this duty was violently assailed by the enemy. After the death of General Whipple he temporarily commanded that division. Upon the second day at Gettysburg, in the memorable attack made upon the lines of the Third Corps, the services of General Graham and his brigade were of the highest order, and near the close of the battle he was severely wounded, disabled, and taken prisoner. After several months' detention he was exchanged, and being assigned to duty with General B. F. Butler, commanding the Army of the James, General Graham was put in charge of the flotilla of gunboats designed to reach points where the navy could not go. In these new duties, for which his early education had made special preparation, General Graham's qualities came out with increasing strength. He was first to carry the national colors up the James River, and made captures of many ports thought to be beyond the reach of our arms. He looked out the wa\ through the torpedoes before the advance on Richmond, and also took part in the attack on Fort Fisher. General Graham was chief engineer of the Dock De- partment in New York City from 1873 till 1875, and surveyor of the port from 1S7S till 1883, when he became naval officer from 1883 to 1885, and at the time of his death he was the engineer of the New York Board of Commissioners for the Gettysburg monuments. His career was distinguished, and a chivalrous, high-bred man of honor and truth. He died at Lakewood, New lersev, April 15. 1889. His brother John.anable lawyer, is living in New York. 41 322 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) MAJOR-GENERAL HENRY W. SLOCUM, U.S.V. Major-General Henry W. Slocum was bom in New York, and graduated from the United States Military Academy Jul\- i, 1852. He was promoted second lieu- tenant, First United States Artillery, the same day, and first lieutenant March 3, 1855. During this period oi his army lite he served in the Florida hostilities against the Seminole Indians, and in garrison at Fort Moultrie, South Carolina, until October 31, 1856, when he resigned from the army. He was then counsellor-at-law at Syracuse, New York, member of the House of Representatives of the State of New York, and instructor of artillery to New York mi- litia, with the rank of colonel, until [861. He entered the volunteer service as colonel of the Twenty-seventh New York Infantry May 21, 1861, and served during the War of the Rebellion, being engaged in the battle of First Hull Run, July 21, I 861, where he was wounded. He was then in hospital and on sick- leave of absence to September 10, 1861. He was com- missioned brigadier-general of volunteers August 9, [861, and served in the Peninsular campaign with the Army of the Potomac, in command of a brigade, to May, 1862, and of a division to August, [862, Being engaged in the siege of Yorktown, action of West Point, Virginia, bat- tles of Gaines's Mill, Glcndale, and Malvern Hill. General Slocum was commissioned major-general of volunteers Jul) - 4, 1862, and commanded a division in the battle of Second Bull Run, and participated in the Mary- land campaign, being engaged in the battles of South Mountain and Antietam. He was placed in command of the Twelfth Army Corps October 13, 1862, and served in guarding Harper's Ferry and the Upper Potomac to December 10, 1862, and then made a march to Stafford Court-House, Virginia, by Wolf Run Shoals and Dum- fries, joining the Army of the Potomac in the following January. He participated in the Rappahannock cam- paign, and engaged in the movement by Kelly's F"ord to Chancellorsville, being temporarily in command of the Fifth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Corps, April 28-30, 1863. He participated in the battle of Chancellorsville and in the subsequent Pennsylvania campaign, being engaged in the battle of Gettysburg and the pursuit of the Confed- erate army to Warrenton, Virginia, after which his corps was transferred to the Department of the Cumberland, and was employed in guarding the Nashville and Chatta- nooga Railroad to April 13, 1864. lie was then placed in command of the District of Vicksburg, and subse- quently in command of the Twentieth Army Corps to November 1 1, 1S64, being engaged in guarding the Chat- tahoochie River. He was at the surrender of Atlanta, and in command of the Army of Georgia from Novem- ber 1 1 , 1 864, to June 9, 1 865, being on the " March to the Sea," with numerous actions and skirmishes from Atlanta to Savannah, Georgia, and the surrender of Savannah ; in the invasion of the Carolinas, from the base of the Savannah River, and engaged in the passage of the Salkahatchie Swamps, and of Saluda, Broad, Catawba, Pedee, and Cape Fear Rivers; in the battles of Averys- borough and Bentonville, occupation of Goldsborough, capture of Raleigh, and surrender of the rebel army under General J. E. Johnston at Durham Station, North Carolina, April 26, 1803. General Slocum participated in the march to Richmond and Washington City to May 24, 1805, when he was granted a leave of absence to June 29, 1865, 'at which time he was placed in command of the Department of the Mississippi, which he retained until September 16, 1865, at which time he resigned his commission. He- was appointed by the President colonel of the Thirty- first United States Infantry July 28, 1866, which he declined. .After leaving the army, General Slocum was a candi- date for the office of secretary of state of New York, in 1865, but not elected ; counsellor-at-law, Brooklyn, New York ; member of the United States House of Repre- sentatives from 1869 to 1873; and of the Board of Visitors to the United States Military Academy, 1870; and president of the Board of Public Works of Brook- lyn, New York, 1876-78. He is now a resident of Brooklvn. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 323 COLONEL HERMAN HAUPT, U.S.V. Colonel Herman Haupt was bum in Pennsylvania, and graduated from the Military Academy July 1, 1835. He was promoted brevet second lieutenant, Third United States Infantry, the same day, but resigned his commission in the army September 30, 1835. After leaving the army he was made assistant engi- neer on the Norristown (Pennsylvania) Railroad, until appointed principal assistant engineer in the service of the State of Pennsylvania, from 1836 to 1839. He then became professor of civil engineering and architecture in Pennsylvania College, at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 1840, and professor of mathematics from 1844 to 1847, at which time he was appointed principal assistant engineer of the Pennsylvania Railro.nl to 1849, and general super- intendent of the same until 1 85 2. He then embarked in railroad enterprises in the South, and was chief engineer of the Southern Railroad of Mississippi, which he retained for a short time only, being recalled as chief engineer of the Pennsylvania Railroad, and elected director by the City Councils of Philadelphia. He was employed as chief engineer of the Hoosac Tunnel, Massachusetts, from 1856 to 1S62. Colonel Haupt is the author of " General Theory of Bridge Construction," 185 1, and of various professional papers. The degree of A.M. was conferred upon him by the Pennsylvania College in 1837, ami he was member and secretary of the Board of Visitors to the United States Military Academy in 1861. On the 27th of April, 1862, he was appointed a colonel on the staff as additional aide-de-camp, and served in the field during the War of the Rebellion as chief of con- struction and transportation in the United States Military Railroads, directing the repairs and construction of rail- roads for facilitating the movements of the Union armies in Virginia from May 28, 1862, to September 14, 1863, being promoted September 5, 1862, to the rank of brig- adier-general of volunteers for services in operations against the enemy during the campaign of the Army of Virginia ; but he declined the appointment. He is the author of a work on "Military Bridges," [864; is inventor of the pneumatic drill for excavating rock in railroad tunnels and cuts, 1860-67; was general manager of the Piedmont Air-Line Railroad from Rich- mond, Virginia, to Atlanta, Georgia, [872-76 : chief engi- neer of the Pennsylvania Transportation Company and Seaboard Pipe-Line, for earning petroleum from Parker City to Baltimore, 1876-78; consulting engineer, 1878- Si; general manager of the Northern Pacific Railroad, [881-85 ; and president of the Dakota and Great South- ern Railway, 1885-86. Colonel Haupt resides at present in Washington, D.C. OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) MAJOR-GENERAL ANDREW J. SMITH. U.S.V. Major-General Andrew J. Smith was born in Penn- sylvania, .md graduated at the Military Academy July i, 183S. He was promoted second lieutenant, First United States Dragoons, the same day. He served at Carlisle- Barracks, Pennsylvania, until the fall of (839, and was then on recruiting duty until 1840, when he was ordered West, and participated in an expedition to the Pot- tawatomie country. He then served at Jefferson Bar- racks, Fort Gibson, and Fort Leavenworth, until 1845, when he was promoted first lieutenant, March 4, and the same year took part in an expedition to the South Pass of the Rocky Mountains. He was promoted captain February [6, 1847; partici- pated in the war with Mexico, and was then stationed in California until 1853, when he took part in the Rogue- River expedition. He participated in the Oregon hos- tilities, and was engaged in a skirmish with Indians at Cow Creek, Oregon, ( )ctober 31, 1855 ; was again in the Rogue River expedition of 1856, and engaged with hos- tile Indians in several skirmishes, from March to June. In 1857-58 he was on the Oregon Claims Commission, and served in Oregon until i860, when he participated in the Indian hostilities, and was engaged with the Snake Indians near Harney Lake. May 24, i860, and near ( Iwyhee River, June 23, i860. He was promoted major, First United States Dra- goons, May 13, 1 86 1, but the regiment was changed to First Cavalry, August 3, 1861. Major Smith served during the War of the Rebellion (having been appointed colonel of the Second California Cavalry, October 2, 1861); as chief of cavalry, Department of the Missouri, and of the Department of the Mississippi, to July 11, 1862, during which time he was engaged in the siege of Corinth, including several skirmishes. I [e was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers March 17, 1862, and was placed in command of the troops in Covington and vi- cinity, and commanded a division in movements through Kentucky, to November, 1862. He participated in the expedition to the Yazoo River, and was engaged in the assault at Chickasaw Bluffs ; on expedition to Arkansas Post, which was carried by assault ; in the Vicksburg campaign, commanding a division in the Thirteenth Army Corps, and engaged in the advance to Grand Gulf; he was also engaged in the battles of Fort Gibson, Cham- pion Hills, Big Black River, assaults on Vicksburg and siege of that place, to July, 1863. He then took part in the capture of Jackson, Mississippi. He was then plai ed in command of the Sixth Division, Sixteenth Army Corps, anil District of Columbus, Kentucky, to June 21, 1864 ; then in command of the Third Division, Sixteenth Army Corps, in the Department of the Tennessee, until March 6, 1 S64. lie then took' part in the Red River campaign, commanding detachments of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Army Corps, and was engaged in the assault and capture of P'ort de Russy, battle of Pleasant Hill, action at Cane River, and in covering the retreat of General Banks's army, with almost daily heavy skir- mishing. General Smith was promoted lieutenant-colonel, Fifth United States Cavalry, May 9, 1864, and commissioned major-general of volunteers May 12, 1864, and placed in command of the right wing, Sixteenth Army Corps, in operations in Mississippi and Tennessee; he was then on an expedition to Holly Springs from Memphis ; then in operations in Missouri, covering St. Louis from an attack by Price ; then in command of a detachment of the Army of the Tennessee, in the campaign against Hood, and engaged in the battle of Nashville, and subsequent pur- suit of Hood's army. He was in command of the Six- teenth Army Corps in the Mobile campaign ami capture of Fort Blakely, in 1865 ; after which he was in com- mand of various districts until mustered out of the vol- unteer service, January 15, 1866. He was brevetted colonel, United States Army, April 10, 1864, for Pleasant Hill, Louisiana; brigadier-general, United States Army, March 13, 1865, for Tupelo, Mis- sissippi ; and major-general, United States Arm)-, for Nashville. On the 2Sth of July, 1866, he was appointed colonel of the Seventh United States Cavalry, and then served in command of the 1 )istrict of Upper Arkansas to 1867, and of the Department of the Missouri to 1868. He was then on leave of absence to May 6, 1869, when he resigned from the regular service. On the 3d of April, 1869, he was appointed postmas- ter at St. Louis, Missouri, and held that position for some- time. He was reappointed colonel of cavalry, by law of December 24, 18SS, in the United States Army, and the same day placed on the retired list. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 3-5 MAJOR-GENERAL JOHN BUFORD, U.S.V. (deceased). I Major-General John Buford was born March 4, 1826, in Woodford County. Kentucky. His early training and education were carefully conducted, and his mental and moral development gave high promise of future useful- ness. He graduated from the United States Military Academy July 1, 1848, and promoted to the Second United States Dragoons (cavalry), in which arm of the service he was destined to become greatly distinguished. 1 [is efficiency in his regiment was so marked that lie was selected as its quartermaster May g, 1855, in which capa- city he served in the Sioux and Utah expeditions, and in quelling Kansas disturbances. In all of these operations his soldierly qualities were so conspicuous that, Novem- ber 12, 1 86 1, he was advanced from a captain of dragoons to be an assistant inspector-general, with tin.' rank of major. The Rebellion, then in progress, demanded his services in a higher military sphere. Accordingly, he was appointed a brigadier-general of volunteers, and placed in command of a cavalry brigade in the Army of Virginia, where he was immediately called upon for most active service, until disabled by a severe wound at the battle of Bull Run, Virginia. In less than a month he was again 011 duty as chief of cavalry in the Army of the Potomac, in the Maryland campaign, being distinguished at South .Moun- tain and Antietam, after the latter battle succeeding Gen- eral Stoneman on General McClellan's staff. Upon the cavalry reorganization of the Army of the Potomac by Burnside, General Buford was assigned to the command of the Reserve Cavalry Brigade, in which he became conspicuous in almost every cavalry encounter, particularly at Fredericksburg, on Stoneman's raid to- wards Richmond, and at Beverly Ford. In the Pennsyl- vania campaign, General Buford commanded a cavalry division. He was engaged in June, 1863, in various skir- mishes, anil at Gettysburg first met the advance of Lee's army, and began a fierce attack upon it before General Reynolds arrived with the hirst Army Corps, and the next day rendered conspicuous service at Wolfs Hill and Round Top. After the defeat of the Confederate army he vigorously pursued it to Warrenton, and was actively engaged in the subsequent operations in Central Virginia, including the actions at Culpeper, August 1-4, 1863. After following the enemy across the Rapidan, he boldly cut his way to rejoin the Army of the Potomac north ol the Rappahannock, and in October following covered the retrograde movement of Meade to Bull Run, con- stantly doing brave battle with his daring antagonist. A short time previous to his death he was assigned to command the cavalry of the Army of the Cumber- land ; but he was destined no longer to lead the van in pursuit or cover the retreat of an army, for sickness now ended his brief, brave, and brilliant career of noble deeds. General Buford was a splendid cavalry officer, and one of the most successful in the service. He was modest, yet brave ; unostentatious, but prompt and persevering ; ever ready to go where duty called him, and never shrink- ing from action, however fraught with peril. His last sickness was but brief, the effect, probably, of protracted toil and exposure. On the day of his death, and but a little while before his departure, his commission of major- general was placed in his hands. He received it with a smile of gratification that the government he had defended appreciated his services, and, gently laying it aside, soon ceased to breathe. He died December 16, 1863, at Washington, D. C, at the early age of thirty-seven, and was buried at West Point, where the First Cavalry Division elected a tasteful monument over his remains, on the banks of the beautiful Hudson. General Buford has, as his record, the following engage- ments : Blue Water, Nebraska, 1855; Madison Court- House, Kelly's Ford, Thoroughfare Gap, Second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Beverly Ford, Aldie, Middleburg, Upperville, Gettysburg, Cul- peper, Rapidan, Bristoe Station, and an endless numbei ol minor affairs. 526 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY [volunteer) MAJOR-GENERAL WILLIAM S. R( >SECRANS, U.S.V. Major-General William S. Rosecrans was bom in Ohio, and graduated from the Military Academy Julv i, [842. He was promoted brevet second lieutenant Corps of Engineers the same day, and second lieutenant April 3, 1843. He served on engineer duty in Hampton Roads, and as assistant professor of engineering, etc., at the Mili- tary Academy, until 1 847, and then on various river and harbor duty until I 854. 1 le was promoted first lieutenant March 3, [853, and resigned his commission in the arms- April 1, 1854, After leaving the army. Lieutenant Rosecrans was civil engineer an 1 architect at Cincinnati in 1854-55 ; superin- tendent of (anal Coal Company, Coal River, Virginia, to 1857; president of Coal River Navigation Company, [856—57 ; and manufacturer of kerosene oil at Cincinnati until [861. He served during the War of the Rebellion as volun- teer aide-de-camp to Major-General McClellan, command- ing the Department of < >hio, in organizing, drilling, and equipping " Home Guards," anil then was made colonel on the staff, and chief engineer of the Army of the Ohio June 9, [861. He was commissioned colonel of the Twenty-third < >hio Infantry June 10, 1861, and placed in command of Camp Chase, Ohio; and then appointed brigadier-general, United States Army, and commanded a brigade in Western Virginia operations to July 23, 1861, having been engaged in the battle of Rich Mountain. He was in command of the Department of the < )hio to Sep- tember 21, 1 861, and of the Department of Western Virginia to April 7, 1862, having been engaged in the battle of Carnifex Ferry. He conducted General Blenk- er's command to Virginia, and was then given command of a division in the Army of the Mississippi, participating in the siege of Corinth. General Rosecrans commanded the Army of the Mis- sissippi, and was engaged in the battle of Iuka, having been commissioned major-general of volunteers March 21, [862. In September he was in command of the District of Corinth, and was engaged in the battle at that place October 3-4, 1862; after which he was in command of the Army of the Cumberland, anil in the Tennessee cam- paign, being engaged in the battle of Stone River. He was in the advance on Tullahoma ; in the occupation of Bridgeport and Stevenson; crossing the Cumberland Mountain and Tennessee River; in the battle of Chicka- mauga and occupation of Chattanooga, which he com- menced fortifying, to October 19, 1863, when he was relieved and placed on waiting orders at Cincinnati to January 28, 1864. lie was then placet! in command of the Department of the Missouri from January 28 to December 9, 1 864, at St. Louis, from which point he directed military operations, terminating with the expul- sion from the State of the rebels under General Price. He was again placed on waiting orders at Cincinnati, Ohio, where he remained until May 28, 1865, and then availed himself of a leave of absence. He was mustered out of the volunteer service January 15, 1866, and re- signed his commission in the regular army March 28, 1867, having been brevetted major-general, United States Army, March 13, 1865, "for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Stone River." General Rosecrans was United States envoy and min- ister plenipotentiary to Mexico from July 2~, 1868, to June 26, 1869. He declined the nomination for Demo- cratic candidate for governor of Ohio in 1869. He was civil and mining engineer from [869 to 1 881, being en- gaged in railroad enterprises in Mexico at the instance of President Juarez, in 1872-73; president of the San Jose Mining Company, 1871-81 ; and of the Safety Powder Company, San Francisco, California, 1878-81. He was member of the United States House of Representatives from 1S81 to 1885, being chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs. He has been register of the United States Treasury Department since 1885. The degree of LL.D. was conferred upon him by Georgetown University, D. C, in 1889. General Rosecrans was reappointed brigadier-general, United States Army, by act of Congress, February 27, 1889, and placed upon the retired list of the army March WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 327 MAJOR-GENERAL CHARLES GRIFFIN, U.S.V. (deceased). Major-General Charles Griffin was born in Janu- ary, 1826, in Licking County, Ohio. From Kenyon College, Ohio, he entered the United States Military Academy, from which he graduated July 1, 1847. He was promoted brevet second lieutenant, Fourth United States Artillery, July I, 1847 ; second lieutenant, Second Artillery, October 12, 1847; and first lieutenant, Second Artillery, June 30, 1849. On his promotion to the army he was immediately or- dered to Mexico, taking the command of a company on the march of General Patterson's column from Vera Cruz to Pueblo. From the termination of the Mexican War until the outbreak of the Rebellion he was mostly engaged on frontier duty, except as assistant instructor of artillery at West Point from September, i860, to June 7, 1861, when he was placed in command of the West Point Battery and ordered to the field in Virginia, where he won the brevet of major in the first battle of Hull Run. I le was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers June 9, 1862, and participated in the campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, distinguishing himself in the Seven Days' battles. After joining the Arm)- of Virginia, under General Pope, he was engaged in the second battle of Bull Run, and was charged, in the commanding general's report, with making unseemly remarks, and refraining from taking part in the conflict, for which he was arrested for trial, but soon released. General Griffin served in command of his brigade through the Maryland campaign, when he was placed at the head of a division, with which he fought through the Rappahannock, Pennsylvania, and Richmond campaigns. At the close of these three years of toilsome marches and bloody battle^, he was at Five Forks put in command of the Fifth Army Corps, and by order of General Grant was one of the three commissioners to receive the arms and colors of the Confederate army surrendered at Ap- pomattox Court-House. General Griffin participated in the battles of First Bull Run, Hanover Court-House, Mechanicsville, Gaines's Mill, Malvern Hill, Second Bull Run, Antietam, Shep- herdstown, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Jericho Ford, Bethesda Church, assault of Petersburg, June 18, 1 864, Weldon Railroad, Peeble's Farm, Hatcher's Run, destruction of Weldon Railroad, White Oak Ridge, Five Forks, and Appomattox Court-House. He was b revetted lieutenant-colonel, United States . Army, May 6, 1864, "fur gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of the Wilderness ;" brevet colonel, August 18, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle on the Weldon Railroad ;" brevet brigadier- general, March [3, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Five Forks;" brevet major-gen- eral, March 13, [865, "for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the field during the Rebellion." He was also brevetted major-general of volunteers, and commissioned as major-general of volunteers, April 2, 1865. He was appointed colonel of the Thirty-fifth Infantry, United States Army, July 28, 1866. Having been mustered out of the volunteer service, January 15, 1866, he was subsequently assigned to the command of the District of Texas, and temporarily com- manded the Fifth Military District (Louisiana and Texas) until his death, September 1 5, 1867, at the age of forty-one. "General Griffin," said his classmate, Colonel John Hamilton, "although always glad to meet his friends, was somewhat reserved, a little disposed to be cynical, and to depreciate in words that which he even respected in fact. He was punctilious and quick to resent insult, fancied or real. Indeed, it might not be too strong to say that his nature was bellicose. Withal, he was a heart)- liker, and would make a sacrifice to help his fel- low-man ; but he was very severe on those who lost his esteem. As a soldier, nothing could keep him away from where he thought duty pointed, regardless of any other claim; and the sickness that called him hence was a sacrifice to his ideas of duty, which, had he been less conscientious, could easily have been evaded with no dishonor." ?28 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY [volunteer-) MAJOR-GENERAL NATHANIEL P. BANKS. U.S.V. Major-General Nathaniel P. Banks was born in Waltham, Massachusetts, on the 30th of January, [816. After receiving a common-school training he worked in a cotton-factory, of which his father was superintendent, and learned the trade of a machinist. He was ambitious to fit himself for a wider field of work, and studied dili- gently during his leisure hours, securing engagements to lecture before meetings and assemblies at an early age. He became editor of a local paper at Waltham, studied law, was admitted to the bar, and in 1 849 was elected to represent his native town in the Legislature of Massa- chusetts. At this time the ancient power of the Whig party was waning in New England, and the Free-Soil party was making its influence felt. Mr. Banks advocated 1 coalition between the Democrats and the new party, anil was elected Speaker of the State Assembly in 1851, and re-elected in [852. In 1S53 he was a delegate to the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention, and was elected to be its chairman. ( )n the tide of success that attended this political com- bination, he was in 1853 elected to Congress, and subse- quently Speaker of the House on the one hundred and thirty-third ballot. He was re-elected as a member, ami served until December 4, 1 857, when he resigned, being elected governor of Massachusetts, and was re-elected governor in 1 S 5 S — 5Q. In [860 he accepted the presidency of the Illinois Central Railroad, but gave up the office when the Civil War began in the following year, and was commissioned a major-general of volunteers and assigned to the com- mand of the Fifth Corps, Army of the Potomac. For this duty he was in a degree qualified by experience in the State militia. His first active duty was in the Upper Potomac and in the Shenandoah Valley, where a part of his corps acquitted itself well at the battle of Winches- ter, March 21,, 1K62. He was left in April and May to guard the Shenandoah with two divisions. The exi- gencies of the service caused the withdrawal of one of these (Shields's), and General Banks was left with about eight thousand men. Upon this force " Stonewall" Jack- son made one of his sudden onslaughts with his whole corps, and the command only escaped capture by rapid and well-ordered marching and stubborn fighting. Through good generalship the bulk of the army crossed the Potomac at Front Royal on the 26th of May, and the Confederate leader failed to realize his apparently reasonable expectation of capturing the entire force. General Banks's corps was ordered to the front on the 9th of .August, and on that day a severe battle, known as Cedar Mountain, was fought, and lasted well into the night. The Confederates then retreated to the Rapi- dan. After participating in General Sigel's campaigns in Sep- tember, General Banks was placed in command of the defences of Washington, while preparations were secretly made to despatch a strong expedition by sea to New- Orleans. He was assigned to the command of this ex- pedition, which sailed from New York in November and December, and on reaching New Orleans he succeeded General B. F. Butler in the command of the depart- ment. Early in 1803 he led the army up the Teche country as far as the Red River. Thence he crossed the Mississippi and invested Port Hudson, in connection with the fleet under Farragut. Several unsuccessful attempts were made to storm the works, involving heavy losses. In Julv the news of the surrender of Vicksburg was received, and in that month the garrison at Port Hudson, six thou- sand strong, capitulated, and the Mississippi River was once more open to the sea. In the succeeding spring Banks was sent up the Red River to endeavor to regain the con- trol of Western Louisiana. He suffered a defeat at Sabine Cross-Roads, and the national army retreated to Alex- andria, when a new complication arose in consequence of the subsidence of the Red River after the spring freshets. The gunboats were unable to descend the river, but were saved with great skill by Colonel Joseph Bailey, and the whole force then retreated to the Missis- sippi. General Banks has been censured for the failure of this expedition, but it was undertaken contrary to his advice and in spite of his protests. In May, [864, he resigned his commission, and, return- ing to Massachusetts, was elected to Congress from his old district; he was re-elected until 1877, and for a long , time was chairman of the Committee on Foreign Rela- tions. General Banks's daughter, Maud, went upon the stage, and is a very successful actress. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. BRIGADIER-GENERAL CHARLES P. STONE. U.S.V. (deceased). Brigadier-General Charles P. Stunk was born at Greenfield, Massachusetts, September 30, 1824. He was descended from a Puritan line of ancestors who had taken part in every war in which the American people had been engaged. He graduated from the United States Military Academy July 1, 1845, an ^ was promoted to the Ordnance Corps, being assigned to duty as assistant professor of history, geography, and ethics at the Military Academy. At his own request he was relieved from this detail, January [3, 1846, wishing to be engaged in his proper duties. After a short service at Watervliet Arsenal, he went to Fort Monroe as assistant to Captain linger, whom he soon followed to Vera Cruz, where he was attached to the only siege-battery used in the Mexican War. By efficient service with this battery, and also on the staff of General Scott, whom he accompanied in his campaign, he won for himself the confidence of his chief, and a brevet for each of the battle-, of Molino del Rey and Chapul- tepec. While in Mexico, Lieutenant Stone made the ascent of Popocatepetl and planted, at the risk of his life, the American flag on the very summit of the volcano. His description of this daring feat he gave in person, some years later, to Humboldt, who bestowed much attention upon him while in Berlin, even securing a special invita- tion for him to dine with the King of Prussia. After the Mexican War Lieutenant Stone spent two years in Europe and the East, studying the movements and appliances of great armies. L'pon his return home, after a short service at Watervliet and Port Monroe, he embarked for San Francisco, via Cape Horn, and, upon his arrival there, was assigned to duty as chief ordnance officer on the Pacific coast, in which capacity he explored the whole coast region for depot ami arsenal sites. Among the latter was chosen Benicia, where he immedi- ately commenced the erection of shops and other build- ings for its permanent occupation as the arsenal of the Pacific. After five years of incessant toil, finding his pax- inadequate to his necessities, he resigned from the army November 17, 1856. After this Lieutenant Stone was a banker in San Fran- cisco, 1856-57; chief of the scientific commission in the service of the Mexican government for the survey and exploration of the public lands in the state of Sonora, Mexico, 1857-60, and of Lower California, 1858-60; and acting United States consul at Guaymas, Mexico, 1858-59. Lieutenant Stone was appointed a colonel on the stall of the inspector-general District of Columbia Volunteers, January 1, 1 861, and served in organizing and disciplining District of Columbia Volunteers serving in the defence 42 329 of Washington, District of Columbia, to April 16, j SO 1 ; then in command of District of Columbia Volunteers to July 23, 1 86 1 , being engaged in guarding the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and outposts of Washington, April, [861 ; in the capture of Alexandria, Virginia, May 24, 1 861. He was appointed a brigadier-general of volun- teers May 17, 1 861, and was on the Rockville expedition ; skirmishes at Conrad's and Edwards Ferry, Maryland ; skirmishes at Harper's Perry; and in Major-General Patterson's operations in the Shenandoah Valley, and in command of a special corps of observation on the L'p- per Potomac to February 9, 1862, when he was made prisoner by the government at Port Hamilton and Port Lafayette, where he was incarcerated from February (j to August 16, 1862, without charges being preferred against him, and finally released from arrest. After awaiting orders at Washington to May, 1863, he was ordered to duty in the Department of the Gulf, and was eng-aeed in the sieee of Port Hudson, and was one of the DO" commissioners for receiving its surrender. He was then chief of staff to Major-General Banks, and in skirmishes on Bayou Teehc, in the battles of Sabine Cross-Road, and Pleasant Hill to August 9, 1864. He was mustered out of the volunteer service April 4, [864, and, after waiting orders until the following August, was in com- mand of the First Brigade of the Second Division, Fifth Corps, Army of the Potomac, before Petersburg, to S tembe'r 13, 1864, at which date he resigned from the army. General Stone was appointed brigadier-general in the Egyptian army March 30, 1870, and subsequently re- ceived high honors for his important services. He re- mained in that service until 1883, when he returned to the United States, and filled various positions of honor until he died at New York City, January 24, 1887, aged sixty-two years. OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer; BRIGADIER-GENERAL GREEN BERRY RAUM, U.S.V. Brigadier-General Green Berry Raum was born in Golconda, Pope County, Illinois, December, 3, [829. His father, John Raum, was a native of Pennsylvania and a soldier of the War of [8l2 and of the Black Hawk War. lie studied law and was admitted to the bar by the Su- preme Court of Illinois and by the District, Circuit, and Supreme Courts of the United States. In 1856 he moved to Kansas and remained there a year. Returning to Illi- nois, he settled at Harrisburg, where he practised his profession for a number of years. Immediately after the fall of Fort Sumter, while at- tending court at Metropolis, Illinois, he made the first war speech delivered in the southern part of that State. lie entered the army as major of the Fifty-sixth Illi- nois Regiment, and was eventually promoted to brigadier- general. He served under Generals Pope and Rosecrans in [862. At the battle of Corinth, October 4, 1862, by a heavy fire upon the enemy, and ordering and leading a charge, he regained the Union fort and batter}- captured by the Confederates under Price. lie was in the Mississippi campaign during the winter of [862, and went down the Yazoo Pass in the spring of [863. During the siege of Vicksburg he was assigned to command the Second Brigade, Third Division, Seven- teenth Army Corps, and, going up the river to Memphis, from thence marched across the country with General Sherman to the relief of Chattanooga. On the 23d of November this brigade with others crossed the Tennessee River on pontoon boats, and attacked the enemy .it Missionary Ridge the following morning, the battle lasting two days, and in which he was severely wounded in the left thigh. He rejoined the command at Huntsville, Alabama, in February, 1864. In May the great movement upon Atlanta began. The Third Division, Fifteenth Army Corps, was assigned to the duty of fortifying and guarding the railroad in the rear of the army. General Raum's head-quarters were at Resaca. Here he discovered the cavalry raid of the Confederate General Wheeler. He informed General Sherman and the post commanders as far north as Chat- tanooga, which resulted in Wheeler being defeated. When General Hood made his great movement in force across the Chattahoochee River, General Raum ordered Colonel Tourtolott and Colonel Weaver to strengthen their works and keep a sharp lookout for him. He was informed of the movements of General French against Altoona. He telegraphed to General Corse at Rome. General Corse arrived by daylight on the morning of French's attack upon the place, held the fort and gained a great victory over General French. When General Sherman arrived at Cartersville, upon the urgent request of General Raum, he directed that a brigade of infantry should be assigned to him for the reinforcement of Re- saca, and at two o'clock the next morning General Raum, with General Tollson's brigade, entered Resaca, crossing the river on a pontoon bridge, ami was then encamped ready to begin the attack the next morning. The force in the garrison was so large that General Hood deemed it advisable not to assault the works. General Raum received the personal thanks of General Sherman for this action. He was on the " March to the Sea" with General Sher- man, and at the capture of Savannah. When the Caro- lina campaign opened he marched with his brigade across the country to Pocotaligo. He bore despatches from General Sherman to the War Department, and was as- signed to a command in the Shenandoah Valley under General Hancock, in which command he remained until the close of the war. General Raum returned to his home at Harrisburg and resumed the practice of law. In 1866 he was elected to Congress as a Republican in a district which, six years before, gave an overwhelming majority for Mr. Douglas for President. He was the first president of the Cairo and Vincennes Railroad. In 1876 he was appointed by President Grant commis- sioner of internal revenue, which office he resigned in April, 1883. During the time he occupied this office he effected a thorough reorganization of the service. In May, 1883,11c resumed the practice of law. lie continued in active practice until October, 1889, when he was appointed to the office of commissioner of pensions, which he now holds. General Raum was a delegate to a number of Repub- lican State Conventions of Illinois, was chosen president on several occasions, and was president of the convention of 18S0. He was a delegate-at-large from Illinois to the National Republican Convention in [ 876, and also in 1880. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 33' MAJOR-GENERAL FREDERICK STEELE, U.S.V. (deceased). Major-General Frederick Steele was born in New York, and graduated from the Military Academy July i, 1843. He was promoted brevet second lieutenant, Sec- ond Infantry, the same clay ; second lieutenant, Second Infantry, March 15, 1846; first lieutenant June 6, 1848; and captain February 5, 1855. Lieutenant Steele served at various stations until the commencement of the Mexican War, when he was or- dered to the field and was engaged in the skirmish of Ocalaca, battles of Contreras, Churubusco, and Molino del Rey, and the storming of Chapultepcc. He was brevetted first lieutenant for Contreras, and captain for Chapultepcc. He then served at Fort Hamilton, New York, until ordered to California, where he was appointed adjutant of his regiment. He served in California until 1853, when he was ordered to Carlisle Barracks, Penn- sylvania, remaining there until 1855, when he was or- dered on frontier duty, serving in Minnesota, Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas until the commencement of the Rebellion in 1861. He was appointed major of the Eleventh United States Infantry, May 14, [861, and com- manded a brigade in military operations in Missouri to April, 1862, having been engaged in the action of Dug Springs and the battle of Wilson's Creek. On the 23d of September, 1861, Major Steele was ap- pointed colonel of the Eighth Iowa Volunteers, and January 29, 1862, brigadier-general of volunteers. lie commanded the Southeastern I district of Missouri to August, 1862, and was then assigned to the command of the First Division, Arm}- of the Southwest, and was en- gaged in General Curtis's movement from Batesville to Helena, Arkansas, together with the action of Round Hill, July 7, 1862 ; was in command of the Eastern Dis- trict of Arkansas in November and December, 1862. General Steele was commissioned major-general of volunteers November 29, 1862, and was in command oi a division of the Thirteenth Army Corps in the expedi- tion to the Yazoo, being engaged in the assault of Chicka- saw Bluffs and the capture of Arkansas Post, January 11, 186: He commanded a division of the Fifteenth Army Corps in the Vicksburg campaign, being engaged in the operations at Young's Point and the advance to Grand Gulf; attack on Jackson, Mississippi, May 14, 1863 ; siege of Vicksburg, and reoccupation of Jackson. General Steele was placed in command of the Army of Arkansas, July, 1863, and was engaged in the capture of Little Rock; then in command of the Department of Arkansas, and engaged in the expedition to Camden, participating in several actions and the battle of Jenkins's Ferry, April 30, 1864. Upon the organization of the Mobile expedition, General Steele was in command of a column, being engaged in organizing his forces at Ken- nerville, Louisiana ; in the movement to Pensacola, march to Mobile Bay, siege of Blakely and capture of that place by storm, and in the movement to Montgomery, Ala- bama, in April 1865. He was promoted lieutenant-colonel of the Third United States Infantry August 26, 1 863; brevetted colo- nel, July 4, 1863, " for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign resulting in the capture of Vicksburg, Mis- sissippi ;" brigadier-general, United States Army, March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Little Rock, .Arkansas;'' and major-general, United States Army, March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the Rebellion." General Steele was in command of the forces on the east side of Mobile Bay until May, 1 865; on the Rio Grande, July 9 to 20, 1X65 ; and of the Western District of Texas to October 7, 1865. He was then granted a leave of absence to December 21, [865, when hi placed in command of the Department of the Columbia, which he retained until November 23, 1867. In the mean time he was mustered out of the volunteer service March 1, 1S67. He was promoted colonel of the Twen- tieth United States Infantry July 28, 1866. On account of ill health he was granted leave of absence from No- vember 23, 1867, and while on leave died at San Mateo, California, January 12, 1868, aged forty-nine years. S32 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) CAPTAIN FRANK DAVISON WEBSTER. U.S.M.C. (retired). Captain Frank Davison Webster was born in Ports- mouth, New Hampshire, September 4, 1841. His father, I >avison Webster, a relative of Daniel Webster, died when young Webster was about two years of age, leaving two sons and three daughters. His mother was Julia A. Dearborn, daughter of General Asa Dearborn, who served as commissary-general of New Hampshire in the War of 181 2. Captain Webster's grandfather was a de- scendant of Godfrey Dearborn, of New Hampshire, and Major-General Henry Dearborn, who distinguished him- self at Monmouth in the Revolutionary War in a success- ful charge, and also served on General Washington's staff in 1 78 1. Captain Webster was educated in the public schools of Portsmouth, and after graduation was engaged in the commission business, and at the breaking nut of the Civil War he offered his services to the governor of New Hampshire, who authorized him to raise a company of men in Rockingham County fir nine months' service, in the Seventeenth New Hampshire Regiment of Volun- teers. He was commissioned a first lieutenant of Com- pany B,and also served as quartermaster of the regiment at one time. The regiment was subsequently mustered into the Second New Hampshire Regiment, and at the battle of Gettysburg a large number of these men were killed. Lieutenant Webster was honorably mustered out in 1863, and soon after was appointed in the regular ser- vice as second lieutenant of the United States Marine Corps, receiving his commission in March, 1864, being soon after ordered to the Charlestown Navy-Yard, and while there had charge of some rebel prisoners en route to Fort Warren. Later he was ordered to the " Lan- caster," flag-ship, Pacific Squadron, and was present at the capture of the Salvador pirates in Panama Pay in 1864. 1 luring the insurrection on the Isthmus, in 1805, he com- manded the troops ordered on shore at Panama to protect the American consulate. He was at Callao, Peru, when the Spanish squadron made demands on the authorities at Call. 10, and afterwards bombarded that city. He was commissioned as first lieutenant in December, 1867, after- wards serving on receiving-ship " Ohio," and at naval station, Pensacola, Florida, and on recruiting service at New ( hleans. He commanded marines, frigate " Ten- nessee," special service, to take the United States commis- sioners and their suite out to the island of San Domingo in 1870-71. He was stationed at navy-yard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; also at old Philadelphia Navy- Yard, and assisted in hauling down the colors for the last time wlun that yard was demolished. Served on the " Con- gress," European Station, in 1871—72, and at the Brooklyn Navy- Yard in 1877, having command of a company of marines in the famous whiskey raids and riots during that time ; afterwards served on the old frigate " Constitution," on a cruise to the West Indies. Captain Webster early inherited the military spirit. When but six years of age, a company of United States dragoons, under Captain Rowe, were leaving Portsmouth, New Hampshire, for the front in the war with Mexico, when young Webster, hearing the martial music of the drum and fife as the company was marching through the streets, was allowed by its commander to march beside the drummer, and, with his little drum slung at his side, beat time on the same as the men went marching off. Captain Webster's only brother, Henry, was one of the first to offer his services to the country, as acting master in the navy, and at the battle of Elizabeth City, North Carolina, between the " Sea Bird," flag-ship, Confederate navy, and the United States ship " Commodore Perry," on which Webster was an officer, he was shot while boarding the enemy's vessel. Captain Webster was commissioned as captain in Oc- tober, 1883, and retired as such in 1884, from disability in the line of duty. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. JOO MAJOR-GENERAL JOHN E. WOOL, U.S.A. (deceased). Major-General John E. Wool was born in Newburg, New York, February 20, 17S4; died in Troy, New York, November 10, 1869. His father was a soldier of the Revolution. The son was educated at the common schools of his native town, and, after a short experience in mercantile life in Troy, began the study of the law, at which he was engaged when the war with England was declared. He entered the military service as an officer of volunteers, raised a company in Troy, was commis- sioned captain in the Thirteenth United States Infantry, April 14. 1 812, and greatly distinguished himself at Queenstown Heights, October 13, 181 2, where he was severely wounded. He was promoted major of the Twenty-ninth Infantry April 13, 1813, and at Plattsburg, on September 11, 18 14, he received the brevet of lieu- tenant-colonel for gallantry. Major Wool was transferred to the Sixtli Infantry May 17, 181 5, and in the subsequent reorganization was made inspector-general of the army, with the rank of colonel, April 29, 1816. He was sent abroad in 1832 on profes- sional duty. In 1836 he effected the transfer of the Cherokee Indians to the country west of the Mississippi, and on June 25, 1841,11c was appointed brigadier-general in the United States army. He was active at the begin- ning of the Mexican War in preparing volunteer forces tor the field, and in less than six weeks despatched to the seat of war twelve thousand men, fully armed and equipped. He was General Zachary Taylor's second in command at Buena Vista, selecting the ground for the action, making the preliminary dispositions and commanding on the field until the arrival of his superior. Lor gallant and meritorious conduct in that battle he was brevetted major-general February 23, 1847. For his services during the war with Mexico, Congress awarded him a vote of thanks and a sword of honor, and a sword was also pre sented to General Wool by the State of New York. He commanded the Eastern Military Division in 1848-53, and the Department of the Pacific in 1854-57, putting an end to Indian disturbances in Washington and Oregon Ter- ritories in 1856 by a three months' campaign. He had charge of the Department of the l^ast in i860, and at the opening of the Civil War saved Fortress Monroe by timely reinforcements, afterwards commanding there at the head of the Department of Virginia. He was promoted major- general, United States Army, May 16, 1862, and had charge successively of the Middle Military Department m^\ the Department of the East till July, 1S63. He was retired from active service August 1, 1863. OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) BRIGAD1HR- AND BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL JOHN GIBBON, U.S.A. (retired). Brigadier- and Brevet Major-General John Gib- bon was born in Pennsylvania April 20. 1827, and grad- uated from the Military Academy July 1. 1847. He was promoted brevet second lieutenant. Third Artillery, the same day, and second lieutenant, Fourth Artillery, September 13, 1 847. He served in the war with Mexico, at the City of Mexico and Toluca, in [847, and in garrison at Fort Monroe in 1S4S. He was then ordered to Florida, and participated in the hostilities against the Seminole Indians until 1850, when he was promoted first lieutenant and ordered to Texas, serving at Fort Brown and Ring- gold Barracks until 1852. After availing himself of a leave of absence, he was employed in removing the Semi- nole Indians from Florida to the west of the Mississippi from May to August, 1854, upon the conclusion of which he was detailed at the Military Academy as assistant instructor of artillery, as quartermaster, and as a member oi a board to test breech-loading rifles to 1857. He was promoted captain November 2, 1859, ami was on sick-leave of absence in 1859-60. In 1860-61 he was on frontier duty in Utah, and marched from Fort Critten- den, Utah, t<> Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, at the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion. Captain Gibbon served as chief of artillery of General McDowell's division in the fall anil winter of 1861-62, and was appointed a brigadier-general of volunteers May 2, 1862, and assigned to the command of a brigade in the Department of the Rappahannock. He took part in all the campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, and was engaged in the action of Gainesville, battles of Second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg (wounded), Marye Heights, and Gettysburg, where he was severely wounded while commanding the Second Army Corps. He was then on leave of absence on account of wounds, to November 15, 1863, when he was placed in command of the draft depot at Cleveland, Ohio, for a short time, but subsequently transferred to Philadelphia, where he remained until March 21, 1864. Upon rejoining for duty in the field, General Gibbon was assigned to the command of a division in the Second Army Corps, and participated in the Richmond campaign of 1864, being engaged in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Tolopotomy, Cold Harbor, and the siege of Petersburg. I Ie was appointed major-general of volunteers fune 7, 1864, and was assigned to the com- mand of the Twenty-fourth Army Corps (Army of the James), and while in command of that corps participated in the campaign of 1865, and was engaged in the assaults on the enemy's works April 1 and 2, and the pursuit of the enemy, terminating in the surrender of Lee's army at Appomattox Court-House April 9, 1865, he being one of the commissioners to carry into effect the stipulations for the surrender. He was brevetted for gallant and meritorious services as follows: Major, September 17, 1862, for Antietam ; lieutenant-colonel, December 13, 1862, for Fredericks- burg; colonel, Jul_\- 4, 1863, for Gettysburg; brigadier- general, March 13, 1 865, for Spottsylvania; major-general, same date, for capture of Petersburg. After being on various duties until January 15, 1866, General Gibbon was mustered out of the volunteer ser- vice, and was a member of the board to make recom- mendations for brevet promotions. He was appointed colonel of the Thirty-sixth Infantry July 28, 1866, and served with his regiment on the frontiers at various posts in the West and Northwest. He was, in the consoli- dation of regiments, transferred to the Seventh Infantrv March 15, 1869, and participated with his regiment in the expedition against hostile Sioux Indians in 1876, and was also engaged with the Nez Perces Indians in 1877. Wounded at the battle of Big Hole, Montana Territory, August 9, 1877. General Gibbon was appointed brigadier-general United States Army July 10, 1885, and was assigned to the com- mand of the Department of the Columbia, but in 1889 was placed in command of the Military Division of the Pacific, which command he retained until retired, by operation of law, April 20, 1891. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 335 BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL CHRISTOPHER ("KIT") CARSON, U.S.V. (deceased). Brevet Brigadier-General Christopher (" Kit") Carson was born in Madison County, Kentucky, De- cember 24, 1809; died at Fort Lynn, Colorado, May 23, 1868. While he was an infant his parents emigrated to what is now Howard County, Missouri, but was then a wilderness. At the age of fifteen he was apprenticed to a saddler, with whom he continued two years, and then he joined a hunting expedition, thus beginning the ad- venturous life that made him one of the most picturesque figures of Western history. For eight years he was on the plains, leading the life of a trapper, until he was ap- pointed hunter for the garrison at Bent's Fort, where he remained eight years more. After a short visit to his family he met, for the first time, General (then Lieuten- ant) John C. Fremont, by whom his experience in the backwoods was at once appreciated, and by whom, also, he was engaged as guide in his subsequent explora- tions. lie was perhaps better known to a larger number of Indian tribes than any other white man, and from his long life among them learned their habits and customs, understood their mode of warfare, and spoke their lan- guage as his mother-tongue. No one man did more than he in furthering the settlement of the Northwestern wilderness. In 1847 Carson was sent to Washington as bearer of despatches, and was then appointed second lieutenant in the Mounted Rifles, United States Army. This appointment, however, was negatived by the Senate. In 1853 he drove six thousand five hundred sheep over the mountains to California, a hazardous undertaking at that time, and on his return to Laos was appointed Indian agent in New Mexico. Under this appointment he was largely instrumental in bringing about the treaties be- tween the United States and the Indians, and in this ren- dered important service to the government. During the Civil War he repeatedly rendered great service to the government in New Mexico, Colorado, and the Indian Territory, and was brevetted brigadier-general for meri- torious conduct. At its close he resumed his duties as Indian agent. In this relation to the Indians he visited Washington in the winter and earl}' spring <>i [868, in company with a deputation of the red men, and made a tour of several of the Northern and Eastern States. Unlike most of the trappers and guides, General Carson was a man of remarkable modesty, and in conversation never boasted of his own achievements. OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) MAJOR-GENERAL OLIVER 0. HOWARD. U.S.A. Major-General Oliver ( >. Howard was born in Maine, November 8, [830, and graduated at the Military Academy July 1, 1854. He was appointed a brevet second lieutenant of ordnance the same day, and second lieutenant February 15, 1855. He served at various arsenal- until [856, and was ordered to Florida, where he participated in hostilities against the Seminole Indians in 1857. He was then detailed for duty at the Military Academy, as assistant professor of mathematics, Septem- ber 21, [857, having been promoted first lieutenant July med his commission in the anm I une 1, 1857. 1 le 7, 1861. General Howard was appointed colonel of the Third Maine Volunteers June 4, 1 861, and served in the de- fences of Washington, and commanded a brigade in the Manassas campaign, being engaged in the first battle of Hull Run, July 21, 1861. He was appointed a brigadier- general of volunteers September 3, 1861, and made a re- connoissance in the early spring of 1862 from Washing- ton to the Rappahannock River. He participated in the Peninsular campaign with the Army of the Potomac, and was engaged at the siege ofYorktown and battle of Fair ( )aks, June 1, 1862, where he was twice severely wounded, losing hi- right arm. He was compelled to leave the field, and when convalescent devoted himself to raising volun- teers. Returning to the field about August 27, 1862, he- was engaged in a skirmish near Centreville September 1, following. He participated in the Maryland campaign, and was engaged in the battle of Antietam, Maryland, and in the subsequent march to Falmouth and battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia. General Howard was appointed major-general of vol- unteers November 29, 1862, anil served, in command of the Eleventh Army Corps, from April 1, 1863, and was engaged in the battles E"ebruary, 1862, when he commanded a brigade in the Army of the Ohio, and participated in the Tennessee campaign, being engaged in the battle of Shiloh, April 7, 1 862, and the advance on Corinth. He was then on sick- leave from May 25 to July 4, 1862, when he returned, and was engaged with his troops in repairing railroads to August 4. After commanding at Murfreesborough for awhile, he participated in the retrograde movement on Louisville, Kentucky, and was engaged in the battle of Perryville and several skirmishes. Colonel Hazen was appointed brigadier-general ol volunteers November 29, 1S62, and participated in the Tennessee campaign with the Army of the Cumberland, being engaged in a skirmish near Murfreesborough on Christmas Day, and battle of Stone River December 31, 1862. After a short leave of absence, General Hazen participated in the Tennessee campaign of 1863, ami the campaigns which followed, including the march to the sea, and through the Carolinas, to the close of the war. He was engaged in numerous skirmishes, and in the battle of Chickamauga September 19 and 20, 1863; in operations about Chattanooga, in a movement with fifty- two pontoons to Brown's Fern-, with which a bridge across the Tennessee River was formed, Lookout Valley 43 seized after a severe skirmish, and the line of supplies of the army reopened. He captured the Nineteenth Ala- bama Regiment at Orchard Knob November 23, ami was in the battle of Missionary Ridge November 25, 1863. He was engaged also in the demonstration against Rocky- face Ridge, battle of Resaca, action at Adairsville, at Cassville, at Pickett's Mills, battle of Kenesaw Mountain, combat of Peach-tree Creek, siege of Atlanta, and, while in command of the Second Division, Fifteenth Army Corps, engaged in the battle of Jonesborough, the march to the sea, including numerous skirmishes, assault and capture of Fort McAllister, near Savannah. While en route through the Carolinas, General Hazen constructed, with his troops, a trestle-bridge twelve hundred feet Ion-, in eighteen hours, over Lynch's Creek, February 28, 1865, and was engaged in the battle of Bentonville, North Carolina, March 2C-21. 1865, and was present at the surrender of Johnston's army April 26, 1865. He was appointed major-general of volunteei December 13. 1864, ami was brevetted in the regular army from major to major-general, for gallant and meri- torious services in the various general actions i,, which he- had been engaged. After holding several important commands, among them the command of the Fifteenth Ami)- Corps during 1865-66, he was mustered out of the volunteer sen ice January 15, 1866, and then was a member of the Board of Officers to recommend Brevet Promotions. He was appointed colonel of the Thirty-eighth Infantry July 28, 1866, and while <>n duty in the West was transferred to the Sixth Infantry, upon the consolidation of regiments in 1869. He then served at various posts in the West with that regiment until December 1?, [880, when he- was appointed brigadier-general and chief signal-officer, and stationed at Washington. D. C. at which place he died January 16, 1 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL IAMES FOWLER RUS- LING. U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier- General James Fowler Rusling was born at Washington, Warren Count)-, New Jersey, April 14, 1834, but his father, Gershom Rusling, re- moved to Trenton, New Jersey, in 1845. He graduated at Pennington (New Jersey) Seminary in 1852 with first honors, and at Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, in 1854, with second honors, and received his degree of A.M. there in 1857. He was professor of natural science, etc., in Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Penn- sylvania, 1854-57, and at the same time read law, and was admitted to the Pennsylvania bar in 1857 and to the New Jersey bar in 1851;, and settled in practice at Trenton. He entered the service as first lieutenant in the Fifth New Jersey Infantry, August 24, 1861 ; was appointed captain and assistant quartermaster, United States Vol- unteers, June 1 1, 1862 ; lieutenant-colonel, May 2j, 1863 ; colonel, April 29, 1865 ; brigadier-general (brevet), Feb- ruary 16, 1866; and mustered mil September 17, 1867. He served all through the Civil War, and for two years afterwards, — in the Army of the Potomac from Au- gust, [861, to November, 1863 ; in the Department of the Cumberland from November, 1863, to May, [865; and in the United States War Department from May, [865, to September, 1867. He was b re vetted four times "for faithful and meritorious services during the war," anil promoted six times. He served in succession at regi- mental, brigade, division, corps, army, department, and general United States army head-quarters, — a record un- equalled by any other New Jersey staff-officer, and by few, if an_\', of other States. As inspector of Quartermaster's Department he served all through the South in 1865-66, and in 1866-67 was ordered overland to the Pacific coast and back via the Isthmus, to inspect all depots and posts en route, with a view to shortening and cheapening routes of supply, etc., and the reports of the Secretary of War (Stanton), 1S66- 67, credit him with services " of great value to the de- partment," resulting " in great consequent economies," and with reductions "involving a saving to the depart- ment of nearly one million of dollars per month." He resumed the practice of law at Trenton, New- Jersey, in 1867, and in 1868 was nominated for Congress by the Republicans over ex-Governor Newell, but was defeated by a small majority, his district (Second New- Jersey) being heavily Democratic as then constituted. In 1869 he was appointed United States Pension Agent for New Jersey by President Grant, and reappointed until 1877. Since then he has devoted himself to general law and real estate business, and is now master in chancery and counsellor-at-law in all New Jersey and United States courts. As ,ui author, he has written for the Quarterly Review, United Service, Harper's, and the Century magazines, New York Tribune, Christian Advocate, and other period- icals. In 1875 he published " Across America ; or, The Great West and the Pacific Coast," being observations when inspector there. In 1886 he wrote a "History of State Street M. E. Church, Trenton, New Jersey," with a summary of early Methodism in New Jersey. In 1876 he delivered the annual address at both Dickinson Seminary and Dickinson College; in 1888 the annual address at Pennington Seminary, Fourth of July oration at Ocean Grove, New Jersey, and address at the dedica- tion of New Jersey monuments at Gettysburg, Pennsyl- vania; in [892 the Columbian oration at Pennington Seminar)-, New Jersey, and at Pottstown, Pennsylvania, and has been a frequent speaker at literary, political, and other gatherings in New Jersey and other States since 1859. In 1890 he was honored with the degree of LL.D. by Dickinson College. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, and " Sons of the American Revolution," and has been president of the Board of Trustees of Pennington Seminar}- for several years. A Republican in a Democratic State, he has been barred from public office in New Jersey, but otherwise has carved out a career for himself and served his age and tinn: honorably and creditably. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 339 MAJOR-GENERAL DAVID BELL BIRNEY, U.S.V. (deceased). Major-General David Bell Birney was born in Huntsville, Alabama, May 29, 1S25; died in Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania, October 18, 1867; son of James Gillespie Birney. He studied law in Cincinnati, and, after engaging in business in Michigan, began the practice of law in Philadelphia in 1S48. He entered the army as lieutenant-colonel at the beginning of the Civil War, and was made colonel of the Twenty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers, which regiment he raised, principally at his own expense, in the summer of 1861. He was pro- moted successively to brigadier-general and major-gen- eral of volunteers, and distinguished himself in the battles of Yorktown, Williamsburg, the second battle of Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Gettys- burg. After the death of General Berry, he commanded the division, receiving his commission as major-general Ma)- 23, 1863. He commanded the Third Corps at Gettysburg, after General Sickles was wounded, and on July 23, 1864, was given the command of the Tenth Corps. He died of disease contracted in the service, and was a gallant and brave officer. His brother William served through the war, and rose to rank of brevet ma- jor-general ; also his brother Dion served in the Civil War, and died from disease contracted in the service, with rank of captain. Still another brother, Fitzhugh, died of wounds received in battle, with the rank of colonel. All four of the brothers sacrificed their lives for their coun- try's sake ; a family of fighters, who distinguished them- selves on many a field of batle. 34Q OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) <~**k. COLONEL A. C. MATTHEWS. U.S.V. Colonei A. C. Matthews, the present able and effi- cient First Comptroller of the Treasury, was born in Illi- nois. His father was born in North Carolina in 1806, and his mother, Miss Minerva Carrington, was born in Kentucky in 1812. The parents of both originally came from Virginia, and moved to Illinois from Kentucky in 1817. The subject of this sketch was graduated from Illinois College in 1855, and at once commenced the study ol law. He was admitted to the bar in [858, and continued the practice until he entered the military service. He enlisted as a private soldier in the Ninety-ninth Illinois Regiment, was soon commissioned captain, and regularly went through the several grades of promotion until he rea< hed the colonelcy of his regiment, in the fall of 1864. Owing to the reduction of his regiment by the casualties of war below the minimum, he was unable to be mustered as colonel, but continued with his regiment and in com- mand of it until it was mustered out on the 17th of August, 1865. Colonel Matthews was in the campaign of Southeast Missouri, which resulted in driving Marmaduke and his command from that State, in the winter of [862 ; was in the battle of Hartsville, Missouri, and returned with his command to Pilot Knob in 1863. His was the second o giment to cross the Mississippi River at Bruinsburg in the campaign against Vicksburg. He was in all the en- gagements in the rear thereof, and was present at the surrender of that city on the 4th of July, 1863. He participated in the campaign against Jackson, immediately after the surrender of Vicksburg, and all the battles and skirmishes incident thereto, and at the close of which, with the Thirteenth Army Corps, the corps to which his regiment was attached, he was sent to the Department of the Gulf, then under the command of General Banks, where he gallantly sustained his reputation as a soldier. which he had previously done on many fields of action. He remained in that department and took part in all the battles of any note therein, until the ultimate surren- der of Mobile, in the spring of 1865. From Mobile he was sent, with his command, to Shreveport, Louisiana. Shortly afterwards, in consideration of his executive ability as a soldier, and of his good judgment and legal attainments as a lawyer, Colonel Matthews was selected to proceed to the Indian Nation and prepare a treaty with the civilized Indians thereof, which he accomplished with excellent results, showing thereby the judicious se- lection made by those in authority. From this duty he returned about July 4, 1865, to his command at Shreve- port, Louisiana, from which point he was ordered to Springfield, Illinois, where he, with his regiment, was honorably mustered out of service, and brevetted colonel for meritorious services during the war. Immediately after the war Colonel Matthews resumed the practice of law, which he has continued ever since with occasional intervals, during which he has held public position. He was appointed supervisor of internal reve- nue in 1875 and [876, and assigned to duty in Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin ; but this office he resigned in 1876. He was judge of the Circuit Court, a court of unlimited common-law jurisdiction, and was speaker of the Thirty-sixth General Assembly of that State, which I iositio n he was occupying when he was appointed First Comptroller of the Treasury, which office he still holds. As a soldier, Colonel Matthews displayed that aptness for his adopted profession which marks the intelligence of the lawyer, combining in its characteristics courage, fidelity, and subordination. As judge, his decisions ren- dered him conspicuous for his clear comprehension of tin law and unwavering sense of justice. And as Comp- troller of tin Treasury, he has displayed a determination to follow out his interpretation of the laws of the country which can only excite admiration for him as an executive officer. Colonel Matthews married Miss Anna Ross, daughter of Colonel William Ross, in 1858. He has three children, — Florence, Ross, and Helen, — all of whom are married. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. MAJOR AND BREVET MA|OR-GENERAL AMIEL WEEKS WHIPPLE. U.S.A. (deceased). Major and Brevet Major-General Amiel W Whipple was born in Greenwich, Massachusetts, in 1S1S. His parents were of English origin, his father being a descendant of Matthew Whipple, who received a grant of land in Ipswich in 1638, and his mother, Abigail Pepper, a descendant of an equally old New England family. 1 [e studied at Amherst College, but left before graduation to enter the United States Military Academy. In spite of ill health, which necessitated absence from West Point during parts of the scholastic course, he graduated, in 1S41, number five in a class of fifty-two members. He u.h assigned to the First Artillery, but shortly after joining his regimentwas transferred to the Topographical Engineers. He was at once assigned to duty in connec- tion with the hydrographic survey of the Patapsco River, and from that date until 1856 was continuously employed on important surveys. In 1842 he was engaged in surveys connected with the approaches to New Orleans and of Portsmouth harbor. In 1844 he was detailed as assistant astronomer upon the Northeastern Boundary Survey, and the following year in determining the northern boundaries of New York, Vermont, and New Hampshire. In 1849 he was ap- pointed assistant astronomer of the Mexican Boundary Commission, and, until the spring of 1853, was constantly in the field on this arduous duty. At all times in com- mand of independent parties, he was frequently acting as chief astronomer and principal surveyor, and in that latter capacity signed the document establishing the initial point of the survey. His journal was published by order of Congress, and his services were highly commended by all of his superior officers. On the completion of this duty, he was assigned to the command of the survey for a railroad route to the Pacific near the thirty-fifth parallel. His party left Fort Smith, Arkansas, July 13, 1853, consisting of a number of scientific assistants and .111 escort of troops. The Pacific coast was reached March 25, 1854, the route followed between Albuquerque and Los Angeles being very near that adopted by the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad. Like all such expeditions in those early days, the dangers from hostile Indians and from exposure were very great, and the work exceedingly difficult ; but the results obtained were highly successful, and his final report, published by order of Congress, was almost literally republished in Germany, and led to a corre- spondence with Baron Von Humboldt, which continued till his death. In 1856 he was appointed engineer for the Southern Light-House District, and placed in charge of the im- provements of the St. Clair Plats and St. Mary's River. At the commencement of the Civil War he at once 341 applied for service in the held, and was assigned as chief topographical engineer on the staff of General McDowell. In this capacity he was the author of the first maps of that part of Virginia, and their preparation necessitated most hazardous service and participation in many of the earlier engagements of that campaign. He was present at the first battle of Bull Run, and upon the second advance of the army was attached to the staff of General McClcllan as chief topographical engineer. In May, 1862, he was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers, recalled from the Army of the Potomac, and assigned to the command of the defences of Washington south of the Potomac, his command extending from Alexandria to the Chain Bridge. In October, 1862, his division was assigned to the Ninth Corps, and took part in the movement down the eastern base of the Blue Ridge, upon the skirts of Lee's retreating army. At Waterloo his division was attached to the Third Army Corps, and he led it at the battle of Fredericks- burg. At the battle of Chancellorsville it was, with the rest of the Third Corps, much exposed, and suffered as severely as any division of the army. He was shot on Monday, May 4, 1863, when the battle- was practically at an end. He was carried to Washing- ton, where he died, May ;, without the knowledge that he had been appointed major-general of volunteers " for gallantry in action." He had received brevets in the regular army of lieu- tenant-colonel for the Manassas campaign; colonel for Fredericksburg ; brigadier-general for Chancellorsville, and major-general, " for distinguished services during the war." The fort in Virginia opposite Washington, and the barracks at Prescott, Arizona, were both named in his honor. }4- OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) SURGEON NEIL F. GRAHAM. U.S.V. Surgeon Neil F. Graham was born in Upper Canada, now the Province of Ontario, near the city of London, February 9, 1840, his parents recently having emigrated from Scotland and settled on a farm, where he was raised till nineteen years of age; attended the county school in his neighborhood till the age of fifteen, when he was entered at Bailey's Academy, in the city of London, where he remained for two years. When seventeen years of age commenced to teach the school he attended during his early years, and continued in that occupation for two years, when he moved to Cleveland, Ohio, to attend medical lectures. Graduated in medicine at the end of the session of the winter of 1860-61 at the Cleveland Medical College, Cleveland, ( >hio. Received at once the appointment of resident physician to the United States Marine Hospital at Cleveland, Ohio. Remained at the hospital till early in 1862, when he entered the army as assistant surgeon of the Twelfth Ohio Infantry. Was promoted to surgeon in the summer of [862. In August, 1 862, the regiment joined McClellan's army on the Penin- sula, and engaged in the battles of Manassas, Bull Run, and Fall's Church. Followed Lee's army through Mary- land, and engaged in all the battles of McClellan's army till Lee again crossed the Potomac. The regiment was ordered to West Virginia, October, 1 862, and he was ordered to establish a general hospital at Clarksburg, Virginia. Established Seminary Hospital, and remained in charge for three months, when he was again ordered to join the regiment, which was then stationed above Charles- ton, on the Kanawha. After this remained constantly with the regiment for about one year, when he was de- tached to act as brigade surgeon, a position he held till the time of the regiment's service expired. Was mus- tered out at Columbus, Ohio, about the 1st of July. 1864. During the service above enumerated, he was a prisoner- of-war twice, — first captured at the battle of Bull Run, August, [862, and the second time at Cloyd's Mountain, West Virginia, in May, 1864. After muster out in Jul}-, 1864, Surgeon Graham remained at home thirty days, at the end of which time he returned to the army as an acting staff surgeon United States Army, and placed in charge of the General Field Hospital at Sandy Hook, Maryland. When he first resumed charge of this hos- pital it had upwards of three thousand beds for patients, besides the necessary accommodations for nurses and attendants. Remained in charge till the winter set in, and cold weather compelled a change to more permanent quarters. Changed to Harper's Ferry and established Island Hospital, in charge of which he continued till August, 1865. During the winter of 1864-65, in addition to his duties as surgeon-in-charge of Island Hospital, lie acted for nearly three months as surgeon-in-chief of the Military District of Harper's Ferry in place of Surgeon Kellogg, who was absent. After muster out resumed the practice of his profession at Xenia, Ohio, where he practised continuously for two years. In the fall of 1865, while practising in Xenia, he received a call to fill the chair of Physiology in the Cleve- land Medical College, a position he was compelled to refuse then on account of an attack of sickness, and after- wards by reason of failing health. In the summer of 1867 he was compelled to remove to Minnesota on account of rapidly failing health. Resumed the practice the same fall at Faribault, Rice County, Minnesota, and continued the same uninterruptedly till December, 1872, when he removed to Washington, 1). C, to occupy the chair oi Surgery in the Medical Department of Howard Uni- versity. He was also appointed assistant medical referee of the Pension Bureau, and an examining surgeon for pensions ; the latter position he held for thirteen years, in addition to a large surgical practice. Since 1885 he has devoted himself to his duties in his college, and to a large office and consulting practice, from which he derives an ample income. Surgeon Graham is a member of the principal medical societies of the country, and has written many valuable and original articles on surgical topics. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 343 BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL CYRUS HAMLIN, U.S.V. (deceased). Brevet Major-General Cyrus Hamlin was bom in Hampden, Maine, April 26, 1839, and was educated at Hampden, Bridgeton, Fryeburg, and Bethel Academies, and at Colby University. Upon being admitted to the bar he practised law about one year in York Count)-, and entered the army as captain and aide-de-camp in 1862, serving on the staff of General Fremont, whose favorable- notice he attracted by his conduct at Cross-Keys. He afterwards became colonel of the Eightieth Regiment of colored troops, serving in the Department of the Gulf, and December 3, 1864, was made brigadier-general of United States Volunteers. He commanded the military district of Port Hudson (1864-65), and was brevetted major-general United States Volunteers for " distinguished services during the war." General Hamlin was among the first to advocate the raising of colored troops, and received the first commis- struction period. He died in that city August 28, 1807, sion in that branch of the service issued to Maine offi- from disease contracted in the army, lamented by the cers. men of his late command, who looked to him as their After the war he practised law in New Orleans, where friend and protector, and, had his life been spared, about he took an active part in the movements of the recon- | to occupy a prominent place in public life. 344 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL EDWARD W. HINKS, U.S.V. Brevet Major-General Edward W. Hinks was born in Maine, and was appointed second lieutenant of the Second United States Cavalry, April 26, 1861, but resigned his commission June 4, 1861. He was appointed lieutenant-colonel of the Eighth Massachusetts Infantry April 30, 1 86 1, and colonel May 16, 1 86 1 . He was en- gaged in cutting out the United States frigate "Constitu- tion" from Annapolis harbor, and in Baltimore, Maryland, to Juh", 1861, and then participated in the action of Ball's Bluff, Virginia. He was honorably mustered out oi the three months' service August 1, 1 861. General Hinks entered service again as colonel of the Nineteenth Massachusetts Infantry, August 3, 1861, and participated in the Peninsular campaign of the Army of the Potomac, being engaged in the siege of Yorktown, action of West Point, and battles of Fair Oaks, Oak Grove, Peach Orchard, Savage's Station, White < )ak Swamp, and Glendale, where he was severely wounded. Recovering from his wounds, he rejoined his command in August, 1862, and was engaged in the battles of Chan- till)-, South Mountain, and Antietam, where he was twice severely wounded. He was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers November 29, 18(0, and, when sufficiently recovered from his last wounds, was a member of a gen- eral court-martial from March to June, [863, at which time he was detailed to command the draft rendezvous, and was assistant to the provost-marshal-general and superintendent of volunteers recruiting for the State of New Hampshire, mustering and disbursing officer, and military commander of the State to March, 1864, when he joined the Army of the James and commanded the Third Division of the Eighteenth Corps to July, 1864, being engaged in the action of Baylor's Farm and the assault on Petersburg in June, 1864. From July to September of that year he was president of a general court-mar- tial, and then commanded the draft rendezvous at Hart Island, New York, to January, 1865. After this he was assistant to the provost-marshal-general of the Southern District of New York to March, 1865, and on the same duty for the Western Division of Pennsylvania to June, 1865, at which time General Hinks resigned from the service. He was appointed lieutenant-colonel of the Fortieth United States Infantry July 28, 1866, and brevetted colo- nel United States Army for Antietam and brigadier-gen- eral United States Army for Petersburg. General 1 links was governor of the National Home for Disabled Volunteers from July 6, 1866, to March 6, 1867, when he was ordered to Fort Macon, North Caro- lina, and subsequently provost-marshal-general of the Second Military District of Charleston, South Carolina, to March, [869. lie then commanded his regiment in Louisiana and Texas to December 1, 1 870, when he was retired from active service, with the rank of colonel, for wounds received in the line oi duty. After retirement. General Hinks was governor of the National Home for Disabled Volunteers at Hampton, Virginia, to 1872, and then transferred to the National Home at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, January I, 1873, re- maining there until October 15, 18S0, when he resigned the position of governor. From the many testimonials General Hinks has re- ceived, the following are selected: From General Sedgwick, on the battle of White < )ak Swamp and Glendale: " Colonel Hinks, Nineteenth Mas- sachusetts, fell, dangerously wounded, during the action at Glendale, while gallantly leading his regiment." From General W. W. Burns's report of the same affair: " I threw the Seventy-first Pennsylvania, Colonel Jones, and the Nineteenth Massachusetts, Colonel Hinks, into the breach, and nobly did they redeem the faults of their comrades. These two noble regiments met the enemy face to face, and for nearly an hour poured into them such tremendous volleys that no further attack was had at the vital point." From genera] orders of General W. F. Smith, June 17, [864: "To the colored troops comprising the division ol General Hinks, the general commanding would call the attention of his command. With the veterans of the Eighteenth Corps they have stormed the works of the enemy and carried them, taking guns and prisoners, and in the whole affair they have displayed all the qualities of "ood soldiers." WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 345 BRIGADIER- AND BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL JOSEPH HOOKER, U.S.A. (deceased). Brigadier- and Brevet Major-General Joseph Hooker was born in Massachusetts and graduated from the Military Academy July i, 1837. He was promoted second lieutenant of the First Artillery the same day, and first lieutenant November 1, 1838. He served in the Florida War of 1837-38, and then was on the Maine frontier at Houlton, pending disputed territory contro- versy in 1838 ; and afterwards, during the Canada border disturbances, at Swanton, Vermont, and Rouse's Point, lasting until 1840. After a short tour in garrison at Fort Columbus, he was adjutant of the Military Academy from Jul}- 1 to October 3, 1841. He was adjutant of the First Artillery from September 11, 1 84 1 , to May 11,1 846. He participated in the war with Mexico on the staff of Brigadier-General P. F. Smith, and of Brigadier-General Harmar, in 1846, and aide-de-camp to Major-General Butler in 1847, and as assistant adjutant-general oi Major-General Pillow's division in 1847—48, being en- gaged in the battle of Monterey; defence of the convoy at the National Bridge; skirmish of La Hoya; battles of Contreras and Churubusco, Molino del Rey, and storming of Chapultepec, for which he was brevetted cap- tain, major, and lieutenant-colonel. He was appointed brevet captain of staff (assistant adjutant-general) March 3, 1847, and was assistant adjutant-general of the Sixth Military Department from September 1 3 to October 28, 1848; and of the Pacific Division June 9, 1S49, to November 24, 185 1. He was promoted captain of the First Artillery October 29, 184S, which he vacated. 1 le was on leave of absence in 1851-53, ami resigned from the army February 21, 1853. Upon leaving the army Colonel Hooker went to farm- ing near Sonoma, California ; was superintendent of military roads in Oregon in 1858-59, and colonel oi California militia in 1859-61. At the commencement of the War of the Rebellion he tendered his services to the government and was appointed brigadier-general of vol- unteers May 17, 1 86 1. He served in the defences of Washington City, and in guarding the Lower Potomac to March 10, 1862, when he commanded a division in the Peninsular campaign with the Army of the Potomac. He was appointed major-general of volunteers May 5, 1862, and was engaged in the siege of Yorktown ; bat- tles of Williamsburg and Fair Oaks ; combat on the Williamsburg Road; battles of Glendale, Malvern Hill, and reoccupation and action of the same place August 5, 1862. He commanded a division in the Northern Virginia campaign, and was engaged in the action oi Bristoe Station ; battles of Second Bull Run and Chan- tilly. He commanded the First Army Corps in the Maryland campaign, and was engaged in the battles oi South Mountain and Antietam, where he was severely 44 wounded, and was, in consequence, on sick-leave to November 10, [862, when he rejoined the army, and was in command of the Fifth Corps to November 16; of the Centre Grand Division (Third and Fifth Corps) to Janu- ary 26, 1863, and then of the Army of the Potomac, being engaged in the battle of Fredericksburg, action at Kelly's Ford, and battle of Chancellorsville ; and then in pursuit of the enemy to Pennsylvania, to June 28, 1863, when he relinquished command of the army, which had been engaged in the action of Brandy Station and skir- mishes at Aldie, Middleburg, ami Upperville. General Hooker received the thanks of Congress, January 28, 1S64, "for the skill, energy, and endurance which first covered Washington and Baltimore from the meditated blow of the advancing and powerful army of rebels, led by General Robert E. Lee," and was appointed brigadier-general U. S. Arm\ September 20, [862. Prom June 28 to September 24, 1863, General Hooker was on waiting-orders at Baltimore, Maryland, and was then assigned to command the Eleventh and Twelfth Army Corps (consolidated afterwards into the Twentieth Corps), and participated in the operations of the Western army, being engaged in all the actions ofth.it army from Chattanooga to the siege of Atlanta, in July, [864. He was then placed on waiting-orders until the following September, when he was assigned to the command of the Northern Department. He was brevetted major-general U. S. Army, for "gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chattanooga, Tennessee." General Hooker was assigned to the command of the Department of the East Jul)- 8, 1865, and was then given the Department of the Lakes, where, alter being mus- tered out of the volunteer service September 1, 1 866, he remained to 1867, and he was retired upon the lull rank of major-general U.S.Army, I Ictober 1;, [868. Hedied at Garden City, Long Island, ( (ctober 31, [8 346 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL WILLIAM J. SEWELL. u.s.v. Brevet Major-General William J. Sewell was born in Ireland in 1835. Losing both his parents at an early age, he came to this country and engaged in business in New York, after which he made two round voyages to China and Australia, and spent several years in Chicago. Returning to New Jersey at the breaking out of the Civil War, he entered the service as captain of the Fifth New Jersey Infantry, and participated in almost all the battles of the Army of the Potomac; was wounded at Chancel- lorsville, where, in command of the Second New Jersey Brigade, he captured nine stand of colors of the enemy, and was wounded severely at Gettysburg. He was pro- moted, grade by grade, and mustered out of service as a brevet major-general of volunteers, at the close of the war, to which grade he was also named by a special act of the Legislature of his State in the National Guard of New Jersey ; was a State Senator of New Jersey for nine years, being president of the Senate whenever his party was in power, and elected United States Senator in 1881, serving his full term. Also represented the Republican party at its National Conventions for five consecutive terms, each time being chairman of the New Jersey delegation. Lie is a member of the World's Columbian Commission, has devoted considerable of i his time to its success, and serves upon some of its most important committees. He is also engaged in railroad business in connection with the Pennsylvania Railroad system, being an executive officer of several of its roads. General Sewell is a man of positive character, courte- 1 1 his in demeanor, and untiring in energy. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 347 COLONEL AND BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL OJJINCY A. GILLMORE, U.S.A. (deceased). Colonel and Brevet Major-General Quincy A. Gillmore was born in Ohio and graduated from the U. S. Military Academy July i, 1S49. He was pro- moted brevet second lieutenant Corps of Engineers the same day; second lieutenant September 5, [853; first lieutenant July 1, 1856, and captain August 6, 1861. Ik- served on engineer duty in constructing Forts Monroe and Calhoun in 1849-52 ; was at West Point attached to company of sappers, miners, and pontoniers, from 1852 to 1856; was instructor of practical military engineering at West Point to September 15 ; treasurer to September 1 I, and quartermaster to September 15, 1856. He was then employed as assistant engineer in the construction of Fort Monroe, in charge of the engineer agency at New York for supplying and shipping materials for fortifications to 1861. He served during the War of the Rebellion as chief en- gineer of the Port Royal Expeditionary Corps, [861-62, being present at the descent upon Hilton Head, South Carolina, November 6, 1S61, and engaged in the con- struction of fortifications on that island to January, [862 ; then as chief engineer of the siege of Fort Pulaski, and in command during its bombardment and capture, April 10-1 1, 1862, being one of the commissioners to arrange the terms of capitulation. He was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers April 28, 1862, and was on sick-leave of absence from Ma}' to July of that year. He assisted the governor of New York in forwarding State troops until September 12, 1862, when he was assigned to the command of a division operating from Covington, Kentucky ; of District of West Virginia ; of First Division, Army of Kentucky ; of District of Central Kentucky, and of the United States forces at the battle of Somerset, Kentucky, from Septem- ber 18, 1862, to March 30, 1863. He was appointed major-general of volunteers July 10, 1863. After a short leave of absence, he was placed in com- mand of the Department of the South and of the Tenth Army Corps, from June 12, 1863, to June 17, 1 864, being engaged in command of the operations against Charles- ton, South Carolina, comprising the descent upon Morris Island ; bombardment and reduction of Fort Sumter; and siege and capitulation of Fort Wagner. He was then in command of the Tenth Army Corps in the operations on James River, near Bermuda Hundred, and engaged in actions on Swift Creek, near Chester Station ; assault and capture of the right of the enemy's intrenchments in front of Drewry's Bluff; battle of Drewry's Bluff; defence of Bermuda Hundred ; reconnois- sance of the enemy's lines before Petersburg, and in com- mand of two divisions of the Nineteenth Corps in defence of Washington, D. C, Jul)- I I, 1864, and in pursuit of the rebels under General Early until July 14, 1804, when he was severely injured by the fall of his horse, and was granted sick-leave of absence to August 21, 1864. In October and November, 1864, General Gillmore was president of a board for testing Ames's wrought-iron cannon; and then on a tour of inspection of fortifications from Cairo, Illinois, to Pensacola, Florida, to January 30, 1865, at which time he was assigned to the command of the Department of the South, retaining that until the following November. He was brevetted for gallant and meritorious services, lieutenant-colonel April 11, 1862, in the capture of Fort Pulaski, Georgia; colonel March 30, 1863, at the battle of Somerset, Kentucky ; brigadier- general March 13, 1865, in the capture of Fort Wagner, South Carolina ; and major-general in the assault on Morris Island, South Carolina, and the bombardment and demolition of Fort Sumter. He resigned his volunteer commission December 5, 1865. He was promoted major of engineers June 1, 1863; lieutenant-colonel January 13, 1S74 ; and colonel February 20, 1S83 ; and was employed after the war closed as assistant to the chief engineer of the Third Division, Engineer Bureau at Washington City, D. C, to November 8, 1 866; as member of a special board to conduct experiments in connection with the use of iron in the construction of permanent fortifications, and member of other boards; and was superintending en- gineer of the fortifications on Staten Island, New York, and engaged <>n other important engineer duty until he died at Brooklyn, New York, April 7, 18S8. General Gillmore had the degree of Master of Arts conferred by Oberlin College, Ohio, 1856. He was the author of a work on the "Siege and Reduction of For; Pulaski, Georgia, in 1S62; of a "Practical Treatise on Linus, Hydraulic Cements, and Mortars," 1863; and of " En- gineer and Artillery I Iperations against the Defences of Charleston in 1 863.'' 348 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) Hf BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL CYRUS BUSSEY, U.S.Y. Brevet Major-General Cyrus Bussey was born at Hubbard, Trumbull County, Ohio, October 5, 1833 ; the son of Rev. A. Bussey, a Methodist Episcopal clergyman. At fourteen years of age he entered a dry-goods store at Dupont, Indiana, but at sixteen began business upon his own account. At twenty-two, having married Ellen Kiser, of Rockford, Indiana, lie removed to Bloomfield, Iowa, where he engaged in business as a merchant. Three years later he was elected as a Democrat to the Iowa State Senate, of which body he became a promi- nent figure. He was a delegate to the National Conven- tion. at Baltimore in [860. At the outbreak of the Civil War, being still in the Iowa Senate, he was a zealous, emphatic, and effective supporter of the cause of the Union. He was appointed, June 10, 1 861, aide-de-camp upon the staff of Governor Kirkwood, who committed the care of affairs along the southern border of Iowa to his charge. On August 1 he seized one thousand guns on a train at Keokuk in transit from the War Depart- ment to arm the Fourth Iowa Infantry, and with home- guard companies armed with these guns, he reinforced Colonel Moore at Athens, Missouri, where the enemy in large force under General Martin Green were repulsed. He raised the Third Iowa Cavalry Regiment in ten days after his first call for volunteers was issued, and was coin- missioned its colonel August io. 1 86 1 . Colonel Bussey joined General Curtis's army at Sugar Creek, Arkansas, in February, 1862, after a forced march of two hundred miles in four days, through stormy winter weather, from Rolla, Missouri. On March 7 he was assigned to com- mand a brigade, at the head of which Ik; engaged in the battle of Pea Ridge, one of the bloodiest of the war. His were the only troop- sent in pursuit of the enemy, which he drove into the Boston Mountains. Colonel bussey was assigned to command the Third Brigade of General Steele's division of General Curtis's army, in July, 1862, and participated in the memorable campaign through Arkansas to Helena. He commanded various brigades and divisions until January 11, 1863, when he was assigned to command the District of Eastern Arkansas, and subsequently the Second Cavalry Division of the Army of the Tennessee. relieving Major-General C.C.Washburn. He was nomi- nated by President Lincoln, at the head of a long list of brigadier-generals, to rank from November 29, 1862, none of which were confirmed at that session of the Senate. Colonel Bussey entered the Vicksburg campaign in May, (863, and was made chief of cavalry by General Sher- man, rendering efficient service in the rear of Vicks- burg. After the fall of that city he led the advance of General Sherman's army in pursuit of Johnston's army to Jack- son, Mississippi. He defeated General Jackson at Can- ton, Mississippi, and drove him across Pearl River, de- stroying a large amount of railroad property and taking many prisoners. Colonel Bussey was made a brigadier- general January 5, 1864, assigned to the Seventh Army C< irps. He held important commands at Little Rock until February, 1865, when he was ordered to relieve Gen- eral Thayer in command of the Third Division and Dis- trict of Western Arkansas and Indian Territory. He retained this command, with head-quarters at Fort Smith, until October, [865, the close of the war, having been brevetted major-general " for gallant and meritorious ser- vices," March 13, 1805. After the war General Bussey located in St. Louis, but removed to New Orleans in 1866, where he entered ex- tensively in mercantile pursuits, occupying a front rank among business men. He was for six years president j of the Chamber of Commerce. He was largely instru- mental in procuring from Congress the appropriation for Captain Eads's jetties at the mouth of the Mississippi River. He removed to New York in [881, which has since been his legal residence. General Bussey was ap- pointed in March, [889, Assistant Secretary of the United States Interior Department. In that position his services have been noteworthy for his decisions in pension cases. His rulings have attracted much attention, four volumes having been published by the department. General Bussey is remarkable both for the readiness with which he reaches a conclusion, and the promptness with which he executes a purpose. Having retired from the Interior Department in March. 1 893, he established in Washingti in a law-firm for general practice before the departments, Congressional committees, and courts in the District of Columbia, where he is now located. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. BRIGADIER-GENERAL DAVID S. STANLEY, U.S.A. (retired). Brigadier-General David S. Stanley was born in Ohio June i, 182S, and graduated at the Military Acad- emy in the Class of 1852. He was promoted brevet sec- ond lieutenant of the Second Dragoons the same day ; second lieutenant September 6, 1S53; second lieutenant of the First Cavalry March 3, 1855, and captain of the Fourth Cavalry March 16, 1861, up to this time having served on the frontier with distinction against the Indians, especially the Comanches. He also participated in several actions in Missouri in 1861. He was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers September 28, 1S61, and major-general November 29, 1862. He commanded a division of the Army of General Rosecrans at the battle of Corinth, and distinguished himself as commander of all the cavalry at the great battle of Stone River in 1863. lie participated in the Tullahoma, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, and Atlanta campaigns of 1863-64. About August i, of the latter year, the command of the Fourth Corps, in General Sherman's arm)-, devolved upon him, and in October, 1864, he was ordered with his corps to Nash- ville, to report to General Thomas. He had been en- gaged in the battle of Stone River, actions of Guy's Gap and Shelby ville, Tenn., battles of Chickamauga, Mis- sionary Ridge, Taylor's Ridge, Resaca, Jonesborough, Adairsville, and on to Atlanta, and in the battle of Franklin, Tenn., November 30, [864, of which General Thomas, in a letter to the Secretary of War, September 14, 1865, says, — " In the discharge of his duties in the various positions held by him as a division and corps commander, as well as in less responsible positions, he has given entire- satisfaction. By his personal attention to the wants and necessities of the troops subject to his orders, he was enabled to report more than the usual proportion as be- ing fit for duty, and, though a strict disciplinarian, his just and impartial treatment of all won for him the respect and high esteem of his entire command. Careful and skilful in the handling ami management of troops, both in putting them in proper positions and in directing movements under fire, he at all times exhibited before his troops those sterling qualities of a true soldier which they were but waiting to adopt as their own and with their leader breast the storm of battle. A more cool and brave commander would be a difficult task to find, and, although he has been a participant in many oi the most sanguinary engagements in the West, his conduct has on all occasions been so gallant and marked that it would be almost doing an injustice to him to refer par- ticularly to any isolated battle-field. " I refer, therefore, only to the battle of Franklin, Tenn., 349 November 30, 1864, because it is the more recent, and one in which his gallantry was so marked as to merit the admiration of all who saw him. "It was here that his personal bravery was more de- cidedly brought out, perhaps, than on any other field, and the terrible destruction and defeat which disheartened and checked the fierce assaults of the enemy is due more to his heroism and gallantry than to any other officer on the field." Badcau, in his " History of the Life of General Grant," thus alludes to the operations of General Stanley at Spring Hill, just prior to the battle of Franklin : " Thus one of the most difficult and dangerous opera- tions in the war was executed with equal success and skill ; the army was extricated from a situation of im- minent peril, in the face of greatly superior numbers, and the opportunity for which Hood had labored so long was snatched from his grasp.'' General Stanley was twice wounded during the war, at Jonesborough and Franklin, in the last-named having led the brigade which restored the break in the main line of battle, which had just been penetrated by the Confed- erate force. He was brevettcd brigadier- and major-general I'. S. Army March 13, [865, for gallantry, and appointed colo- nel of the Twenty-second Infantry July 28, [866. It would be impossible in this short sketch to enumer- ate the subsequent career of General Stanley in his vari- ous duties. His life has been that of the officer on the frontier, in garrison, on expeditions, campaigns, and en- counters with Indians of various tribes in different sec- tions of the country. He was appointed brigadier-general L T . S. Army March 24, 1884, and assigned to the command of the Department of Texas, when he was retired by ope: of law June I, 1 802. 35° OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) LIEUTENANT-COLONEL BENJAMIN NIELDS. U.S.V. Lieutenant - Colonel Benjamin Nields, son of Thomas and Eliza Nields, was born in East Marlbor- ough Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, on July 12, 183 1. His ancestors were English, and were among the earliest settlers in that part of the State. He was educated at the Marlborough Friends' School. In De- cember, 1855, he began the study of law with John C. Patterson, Esq., at Wilmington, Delaware, and was ad- mitted to the bar of Delaware, April, 1859. The in- fluence of the anti-slavery community in which he spent his early life, as well as his own sense of right, induced him t<' identify himself with the Free-Soil party. He was an active supporter of Fremont in 1856, and of Lincoln in i860. In 1861, when the President called for three months' troops, he at once assisted in raising a company, and was chosen and commissioned first lieutenant. This was Company E, of the First Regiment, Delaware Volun- teers (three months' service). The regiment was or- dered to guard the bridges on the Philadelphia, Wil- mington and Baltimore Railroad, between Baltimore and Havre de Grace, in which duty it continued until mustered out. In [862 Lieutenant-Colonel Nields raised a battery of light artillery, the first and only battery of the kind re- cruited in Delaware. He was commissioned captain of this organization, which was composed of the best young men of the State. It was mustered into the service of the United States in August of the same year, and soon after ordered to Camp Barry, near Washington. It took part in the defence of Suffolk, Virginia, when that town was besieged by Longstreet, and later was sent to New York to assist in the enforcement of the draft. ( )n the return of Captain Nields to Camp Barry he was pre- sented by the private soldiers of his command with a jewelled sabre as an expresssion of their admiration of him as an officer, and their appreciation of his unwearying care of their health and comfort. When the officers appointed by the British government to visit the United States and examine the improvements in arms and war materials were in Washington, General Barry, chief of the artillery, selected the First Delaware Battery from among the many batteries, both regular and volunteer, then near the city, as the one best displaying the perfection attained by this branch of the service. Soon after, being ordered to the Department of the Gulf, Captain Nields embarked at Baltimore in command of two batteries in addition to his own. Arriving at New Orleans, February, 1864, he reported to General Banks, who assigned him a position in the army then fitting for the Red River expedition. With his command he took part in all the engagements of that disastrous campaign. After the battle of Sabine Cross-Roads, Captain Nields was made chief of artillery on General Emory's stall, ami, as such, had command of all the artillery of his division and of the siege-guns of the expedition. " E"or conspic- uous gallantry at Cane River Crossing, April 23, 1864," he was promoted to the rank of a lieutenant-colonel. In the fall of the same year he was transferred to the I )e- partment of Arkansas, where he served as chiei of artillery and ordnance of that department on the staff of Joseph J. Reynolds until the close of the war. In May, 1865, he was one of the officers appointed to receive the surrender of the rebel troops west of the Mississippi, under the command of General M. Jeff. Thompson, and was mustered out of the service June 24, 1865. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 35i MAJOR-GENERAL STEPHEN AUGUSTUS HURLBUT, U.S.V. (deceased). Major-General Stephen Augustus Hurlbut was born in Charleston, South Carolina, November 29, 1815 ; died in Lima, Peru, March 27, 18S2. Pie studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1837, and practised in Charles- ton until the Florida War, in which he served as adjutant in a South Carolina regiment. Pi 1845 he went to Illi- nois, and practised his profession in Belvidere. At the beginning of the Civil War he was appointed a brigadier- general of volunteers, and commanded at Fort Donel- son after its capture in February, 1862. When General Grant's army moved up Tennessee River, General Hurl- but commanded the Fourth Division, and was the first to reach Pittsburg Landing, which he held for a week alone. He was promoted major-general " for meritorious con- duct at the battle of Shiloh," was then stationed at Memphis, and after the battle of Corinth, in October, 1862, pursued and engaged the defeated Confederates. He commanded at Memphis in September, 1863 ; led a corps under Sher- man in the expedition to Meridian in February, 1864, and when he was honorably mustered out. He was minister resident to the United States of Colombia from 1 869 till 1872, and then elected a representative to Congress from Illinois for two consecutive terms. In 1881 he was ap- succeeded General N. P. Banks in command of the De- pointed minister to Peru, which office he retained till Ins partment of the Gulf, serving there from 1864 till 1865, death. 552 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) i COLONEL VINCENT MEIGS WILCOX, U.S.V. Colonel Vincent Meigs Wilcox, One Hundred and Thirty-second Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, was born at Madison, Connecticut, October 17, 1828. He is the son of Zenas and Louisa (Meigs) Wilcox, and both on his paternal and maternal side, and by the intermar- riage of his ancestors, is descended from three honored and distinguished families of New England, all of whom weir p irticipants in the Revolutionary War. In the reign of King Edward III., Sir John Wilcox was intrusted with several important commands against the French, and had command of the cross-bow men. William Wilcox was a descendant of Sir John, and settled in Stratford, Connecti- cut, in 1639. Obadiah, the son, was the first Wilcox who settled in Madison, Connecticut. Colonel Wilcox is de- scended in the fifth generation from Obadiah. < )n the maternal side, Colonel Wilcox descended from Vincent Meigs, who came from England in 1638, and settled in Guilford, Connecticut. The maternal grandmother was Mary Field, a daughter of Captain Timothy Field, a dis- tinguished officer in the Revolutionary War. She was sister to Rev. David Dudley Field. Colonel Wilcox's boyhood was spent upon the farm, and he was educated at Lee's Academy, in his native place. He engaged for a time in the mercantile business, and in i860 removed to Scranton, Pennsylvania. At the breaking out of the war, the One Hundred and Thirty- second Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers (Colonel Oakford), was formed, and Wilcox was made lieutenant- colonel. On the 19th August, 1862, the regiment moved to the front, and encamped on the Virginia shore of the Potomac, opposite the capitol. On September 2 they moved to Rockville, Maryland, and was assigned to Kim- ball's brigade, of French's division, Sumner's corps. On September 1 ^ the regiment made a forced march of thirty- three miles, reaching the battle-field of South Mountain just as the fighting for the da)' had closed. It participated in the pursuit of the enemy across Antietam Creek, and sustained a severe though harmless shell-fire on the after- noon of the 1 6th. At nine o'clock on the following morning the regi- ment met the enemy at close quarters. For four hours the regiment maintained its position without wavering, when, with ammunition exhausted and ranks shattered, it was relieved by the Irish Brigade, and retired in good order. At this battle Colonel Oakford, who led this regiment, fell mortally wounded while the line of bat- tle was being formed, and the command then devolved upon Lieutenant-Colonel Wilcox. It held a position of great importance, inasmuch as it was the key to the Union position ; the line hail been broken in other parts, but if this could be held there was a chance of regaining the portion lost. In the crisis of the battle, Colonel Wilcox received orders from General French, division commander, directing him to hold the ground to the last extremity ; but the ammunition had all been expended. By searching the bodies of the dead a little was obtained and eco- n< imically used. When that was gone the colonel reported the fact to General Kimball for orders. Instead of being relieved he was ordered to fix bayonets and charge, which was executed with the utmost gallantry, driving the enemy before him and capturing a colonel and several men. I he battle raged long and fearfully, and the loss among his men was very great. At the close of the battle he was promoted to colonel, to date from the day of the engage- ment, as an acknowledgment of his merit. In October following the brigade was ordered to make a reconnois- sance to Leesburg, twenty-five miles distant. The fatigue of a forced march at that season of the year resulted in Colonel Wilcox being stricken down with severe illness. He was placed in a farm-house on the west side of the Potomac, where he received the best of treatment. In the mean time the Union pickets were driven in, ami Colonel Wilcox was left in the enemy's lines. To avoid any possible trouble, the people witli whom he was stopping hid his uniform. The Union lines were subse- quently re-established, and all danger of capture was removed. Colonel Wilcox, owing to his severe illness, was inca- pa< itated from further service, and resigned in January, 1 863. I le was one of the bravest and most accomplished offii irs in the Union army. Colonel Wilcox is now president of the E. & II. T. Anthony Company, New York, importers, manufacturers of and dealers in photographic apparatus and supplies. His wife was Miss Catherine Milliccnt Webb. He has two sons, — Dr. Reynold Webb Wilcox and Francis Wells Wilcox. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 353 EDWIN McMASTERS STANTON (deceased). (attorney-general, secretary of war, associate justice united states supreme court.) Edwin McMasters Stanton was born in Steubenville, Ohio, December 19, 1814. and died in Washington, D. C, December 24, 1869. Admitted to the bar in 1836, he first acquired national reputation in the case of the State of Pennsylvania versus the Wheeling Bridge Company. In 1858 he went to California as counsel for the United States in certain land cases, where his services were in- valuable, especially in the collection and translation of Mexican archives. These archives furnished conclusive evidence of an organized system of fabricating land titles, under which property to the value of one hundred and fifty million dollars was claimed from Mexico by means of forged grants. In December, i860, one of the last months of Mr. Buchanan's administration, after Mr. Lincoln's election, and when the indications as to the future of the country were appalling, Air. Cass, the Secretary of State, suddenly resigned ; Mr. Black, the attorney-general, suc- ceeded him, and Mr. Stanton was appointed attorney- general. Mr. Stanton accepted the office, and in it his attitude was that of resolute maintenance of national honor and determined opposition to secession. He per- ceived the danger of an attempt to prevent Mr. Lincoln's inauguration and to seize the capital for the seceding States, and he made, and stimulated others to make, preparations against such fatal occurrences. On Mr. Lincoln's inauguration, Mr. Stanton resumed the practice of his profession in Washington. After the Civil War had existed several months, patriotic citizens, without Mr. Stanton's knowledge, urged Mr. Lincoln to place him in charge of the War Department, and he became Secretary of War January 20, 1862. Excepting a brief meeting in 1857, there had been no intercourse between Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Stanton ; but after the latter entered the War Department their mutual friendship and confidence grew with ever)- day. Mr. Stanton's entrance into the Cabinet marked the beginning of a vigorous military policy. President Lincoln said that he never took an important step without consulting his Secretary of War. After Mr. Johnson's accession to the Presidency, Mr. Stanton remained in the administration for three years. His adherence to the Republican party and the Presi- dent's separation from and aggressive hostility toward it, together with differences of opinion regarding certain measures vetoed by the President and re-enacted by Congress, led Mr. Johnson on August 5, 1867, to notify Mr. Stanton that public considerations of a high character constrained him to request the latter's resignation. Mr. Stanton replied that public considerations of a high char- acter, which alone had induced him to remain at the head of the department, constrained him not to resign before the next meeting of Congress. The President suspended 45 him from office August 12. When < ongress convened, the Senate refused its concurrence in the suspension. Mr. Stanton again resumed office. The President under- took to remove him February 21, 1868. The Senate resolved that under the Constitution and laws the Presi- dent had no power to remove the Secretary of War, and appoint another officer to perform the duties of his office. In consequence of the action of both Houses of Con- gress, and the general apprehension of revolutionary pur- poses on the part of the President, Mr. Stanton refused to relinquish control of his department. The President's trial under articles of impeachment followed. A vote was reached on May 26, and thirty-five Senators voted for conviction and nineteen for acquittal. The requisite two-thirds not having found the President guilty, he was acquitted. A single vote would have changed the result. Mr. Stanton immediately relinquished office. The Senate again resolved that he had not been legally removed, and based its confirmation of his successor upon Mr. Stanton's voluntary retirement. Soon after both Houses passed a vote of thanks to him for his great ability, purity, and fidelity. With his health shattered he resumed his pro- fession. His last argument was heard in his own library, two weeks before his death. On December 20, 1869. he- was nominated as an associate justice of the United States Supreme Court, and was immediately confirmed by the Senate. Four days later he died of dropsy. "The value to 'the country of his services during the Civil War cannot be over-estimated. His energy, inflex- ible inteority systemized industry, comprehensive view of the situation in its military, political, and international aspects; his power to command and superv.se the best services of others, and his unbending will and invincible courage, made him at once the stay of the President the hope of the country, and a terror to dishonesty and imbecility." 354 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL RUSSELL A. ALGER, U.S.V. Brevet Major-General Russell A. Alger was born at Lafayette, Medina County, Ohio, on the 27th of Feb- ruary, 1836. He was left an orphan at eleven years of age, worked on a farm till he was eighteen, attending school in the winters, and then, after teaching, studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1859. lie began to practise in Cleveland, but was forced by impaired health to remove to Grand Rapids, Michigan, where he engaged in the lumber business. He became captain in the Sec- ond Michigan Cavalry at the beginning of the Civil War, and at Boonesville, Mississippi, on the 1st of July, 1862, was sent by Phil. Sheridan, then colonel of that regi- ment, to attack the enemy's rear with ninety picked men. The Confederates were routed, but Captain Alger was wounded and taken prisoner. He escaped on the same day, and on the 16th of October was made lieutenant- colonel of the Sixth Michigan Cavalry. On the 28th of February, 1863, he became colonel of the Fifth Michi- gan Cavalry, and on the 28th of June his command was the first to enter the town of Gettysburg. He was specially mentioned in General Custer's report of the cavalry operations there, and in the pursuit of the enemy he was severely wounded at Boonsborough, Maryland, on the 8th of July. He was with Sheridan in the Shen- andoah Valley in 1864, and on the nth of June at Tre- I vilian Station, by a brilliant charge, he captured a large force of Confederates. On the 11th of June, 1865, he was given the brevets of brigadier-general and major- general of volunteers. He is now a successful business man in Detroit, Michigan. In 1884 he was elected gov- ernor of that State, serving from 1885 to 1887. He is an ardent Republican and a prominent Grand Army man. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 555 BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL WILLIAM H. BOYD, U.S.V. (deceased). Brevet Brigadier-General William 1 1. Boyd had the honor of recruiting the first troop of volunteer cav- alry, Company C, First New York (Lincoln) Cavalry, for three years or the war, which was mustered in at Phila- delphia, Pennsylvania, July 19, 1861 ; arrived at Wash- ington July 22, and mounted and equipped on the 24th. 1 le received orders, August 7, to report to General Franklin at Alexandria, Virginia, and was ordered out with his troop, August 18, to make a reconnoissance in the direction of Mount Vernon, Virginia. When in the vicinity of Pohick Chinch, he met the enemy. Here the first volunteer cavalryman was killed in defence of the Union. This was the first charge made by volunteer cavalry, and for which the captain was complimented by General McClellan, before General Franklin's whole- command, while on review, August 22. He was also complimented again December 5, in Special Order No. I/O. The captain was appointed provost-marshal December 1, and his troop detailed as provost-guard of Franklin's division, and served with that throughout the Peninsular campaign. He was relieved August 4, [862, and joined his regiment, which reported to General Burnside at Falmouth, August 14, and to General Pleasonton at Rockvillc, Maryland, September 4. He was engaged at Antietam. The regiment made a gallant charge, Sep- tember 19, at Williamsport, Maryland, in which the cap- tain was one of the leaders. From September 28 he was kept scouting in Western Virginia, in quest of guerillas and their brethren the bushwhackers. Early in October he captured at Capon Bridge several of Imboden's guns, twenty wagons loaded with clothing, arms, etc. ; also eight}- mules, a hundred and fifty horses, one major, a lieutenant, and thirty men. This was but one of a continuous run of lucky captures. On December 12 the regiment was cu route for the Shen- andoah Valley. Here, again, for many months the cap- tain was kept in the saddle, making many captures under General Milroy. On Lee's advance, June 13, 1863, near the Opequan River, the major had a hand-to-hand conflict that lasted several minutes, the " blue and the gray" being so mixed that the artillery could not be used. The night before Milroy's defeat at Winchester, the major, with his old troop, was sent with very important despatches to Martinsburg. From Martinsburg he pro- tected Milroy's wagon-train to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, where they arrived June 17, having been pursued nearly all the way by General Jenkins's cavalry. He then re- turned to Greencastle, and on June 22 was successful in finding the enemy again, when a lively skirmish ensued. It was here that Corporal William Rihle, a member of his old company, was killed, the first man killed on Penn- sylvania soil in defence of the Union. The major, with his handful of men, had been in the saddle almost constantly, day and night, from June 12 to July 12, and had never lost sight of the enemy, capturing hundreds of prisoners, horses, etc. Lor \w- services in this campaign he was commissioned by Governor Curtin colonel of the Twenty-first Pennsylvania Cavalry. The colonel, with his new command, was then ordered back to his old "stamping-ground," the Shenandoah Valley, where they remained for six months. In obedi- ence to orders, he reported, May, [864, at Washington, D. C. ; arrived at the front June 1 , and was immediately ordered to the front line at Cold Harbor, where, on June 3, his regiment was raked by the enemy's infantry and artillery fire. Here the colonel received a severe wound in the neck, on account of which he was subsequently discharged. He was then brevetted brigadier-general. General Boyd was born July 14, 1825 ; died Oct 7. 1887. OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) WILLIAM HENRY EGLE, M.D., U.S.V. William Henry Egle, M.D., was born September 17, [830, at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. His paternal ances- tor came from Berne, Switzerland, in the year 1740, locat- ing on the Cocalico, Lancaster County, Province of Penn- sylvania. A great-great-grandfather was an ensign in the French and Indian War of 1763-64, a great-grandfather was a sergeant in the Third Regiment of the Pennsylvania Line df the Revolution, while his grandfather, Valentine Egle, was a private in the First Regiment of the Line, and subsequently lieutenant of one of the Associated Bat- talions of Lancaster County. On the maternal side, his grandfather served in the War of 1812-14. He was educated in the private and public schools of Harrisburg, and for two years attended the Harrisburg Military Insti- tute, where he pursued the study of the classics and higher mathematics. He learned the art of printing in the office of the Pennsylvania Telegraph. Subsequently he had charge of the State printing. In 1853 he under- took the editorship of the Literary Companion, which was discontinued at the end of six months, at the same time the editing of the Daily Times. In 1854 he began the study of medicine with Dr. Charles C. Bombaugh, of Harrisburg, during a portion of which period — that and the following year — he was assistant teacher in the boys' schools of the then North Ward. In the fall of 1857 he entered the medical department of the University of Penn- sylvania and graduated March, 1859. The same year he- located at Harrisburg, and was in the practice of his pro- fession there when, in 1862, after the battles of Chantilly and the Second Hull Run, he was telegraphed by Adju- tant-General Russell, of Pennsylvania, to go to Washing- ton to assist in the care of the wounded, which duty he performed. < >n the 12th September of that year he was commissioned assistant surgeon of the Ninety-sixth Regi- ment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, and in the summer of 1S63 surgeon of the Forty-seventh Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Volunteer Militia. At the close of service with the Litter command, he resumed his practice, but afterwards he accepted the appointment, by President Lincoln, as surgeon of volunteers, and was ordered to Camp Nelson, Kentucky, to examine the colored regiments then being organized in that State. He was subseciuently detailed with the cavalry battalion under the late Colonel James Brisbin ; thence ordered to the Department of the James under General Butler, and assigned to the Twenty-fifth Army Corps as surgeon of the One Hundred and Six- teenth U. S. Colored Infantry. During the Appomattox campaign he was chief executive medical officer of Gen- eral William Birney's division, and specially commended in general orders by General Birney. Upon the return from that campaign he was ordered to Texas with Gen- eral Jackson's division, Twenty-fifth Army Corps, and tie- tailed as post surgeon at Roma. In December, 1865, he resigned the service ami returned home, when for a brief period he partially resumed the practice of his profession, being appointed physician to the Dauphin Count} - Prison, — a position he acceptably filled for twenty years. Upon the organization of the National Guard in 1870, Dr. Egle was appointed surgeon-in-chief of the Fifth Division, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, and subsequently, in the consolidation of the commands, transferred to surgeon of the Eighth Regiment, and is the senior medical officer in the National Guard of Pennsylvania. In 1885 he was commissioned surgeon-in-chief Third Brigade, on the staff of General J. P. S. Gobin, and recommissioned in 1890. In March, 1S87, Dr. Egle was appointed, by Governor James A. Beaver, State librarian, in which position lie has been continued. His work as librarian has been widely appreciated in and rait of the Commonwealth, and under his management the State Library has taken a front rank among the great libraries of our country. He has been In mored by election as corresponding member of historical societies in America and Europe, and, upon the organiza- tion of the Pennsylvania German Society, chosen its first president. Turning his attention to historical research, he commenced the preparation of a " History of Pennsyl- vania," which was published in 187(1. At the same time, in connection with the Hon. John Blair Linn, edited twelve volumes of the second series of the "Pennsylvania Archives," continuing the same up to the nineteenth volume. He published, in addition to these, a number of historical and biographical works. Dr. Egle has in prepa- ration, nearly ready for publication, " The Paxtang Boys," " Landmarks of Scotch-Irish Settlement in Pennsylvania," " Early Settlers in the Cumberland Valley," a second series of " Pennsylvania Genealogies," and a " History of Early German and Swiss Settlers in Pennsylvania." He resides at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 357 COLONEL JOHN S. SLOCUM, U.S.V. (deceased). Colonel John S. Slocum was born in Richmond, Rhode Island, November i, 1824, and early in life removed with his family to Bristol, where he acquired the rudiments of an education, which he completed at Fruit Hill and Marlborough Classical Schools, and at a commercial school at Hartford, Connecticut. The fond- ness for military pursuits was developed in him in his youthful days, and when war was declared against Mexico he offered his services to the government, asking that he might have a commission in the army which was to be raised for the prosecution of the war. When less than twenty-three years of age he was appointed first lieutenant in one of the ten regiments which were raised in accordance with an act of Congress passed February I I, 1847. The newly-raised regiment joined the army of General Scott, and was in the battles which were fought under that gallant officer, in which American arms were everywhere victorious. Lieutenant Slocum, as a reward of his bravery, obtained the brevet rank of captain, and for gallant conduct at Chapultepec he secured a commis- sion as captain. The victories of the Americans forced the routed Mexicans to make peace. The regiment with which Captain Slocum had been connected was dis- banded, and he returned to Rhode Island, where, as an officer of the army, he was detailed to the recruiting service. Subsequently he took command of the Mechanic Rifles. He was one of the Examining Board at West Point in i860, and made the report of the Visitors. When the Civil War commenced, a major's commission was tendered to him by the governor of the State, which he at once accepted, and took his appointed place in the First Rhode Island Regiment, and with it, on the 20th of April, the day after the attack by the Baltimore mob on the Massachusetts Sixth, he was on his way to Washing- ton to protect the threatened capital of the country. When President Lincoln made his first call for troops to serve three years or during the war, a second regiment was raised in Rhode Island, of which Major Slocum was made the colonel. In the equipment of this regiment the deepest interest was taken by the community. The firm of A. W. Sprague presented it with a thousand India rubber blankets, and the citizens of Lonsdale were pro- fuse in their gifts to the hospital department. Through Colonel Jabez C. Knight, the ladies of Providence pre- sented to it an elegant stand of colors. Impressive ser- vices were performed in Exchange Place, in Providence on the eve of the departure of the regiment for Wash- ington. Right Rev. Thomas M. Clark, Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Rhode Island, addressed them in a speech of earnest, stirring words, and besought for them the blessings and protection of Almighty God. On reaching the place of their destination the)' encamped in Gale's Woods, in the vicinity of Camp Sprague. On July 15 Colonel Slocum broke camp and proceeded to Fairfax Court-House. At the battle of Bull Run. Sunday, July 21, the Second Rhode Island opened the fight, the colonel bravely leading his troops through the woods to the open ground. General Evans met the advance of the attacking regiment, which, under the leadership of Colonel Slocum, charged bravely upon the foe. In one of these charges he received a shot by which he was mortally wounded. Colonel Burnside, in his official report, made this honorable mention of his deceased friend and fellow-officer : " The death of Colonel Slocum is a loss, not alone to his own State, which mourns the death of a most gallant and meritorious officer, who would have done credit to the service, while his prominent abilities as a soldier would have raised him hich in the public estimation. He had served with me as 1 if the First Regiment of Rhode Island Volunteers, and when he was transferred to a more responsible tion, I was glad that his services had been secured for the benefit of his country." 35« OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) ^ '' BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL HENRY GARY BANK- HEAD. U.S.A. Brevet Brigadier-General Hknk\ Cary Bankhead was bom in Pikesville Arsenal, Baltimore, Maryland, ( )ctober 5, [828 ; sun of General James Bankhead, United States Army, a veteran of the War of [812 and the Mexican War. General Bankhead graduatedat the Military Academy, class of 1850, and was assigned to the Fifth United States Infantry; served in Indian Territory, Texas, Florida, and the Utah campaign, 1857 to 1S60. Was on the staff of General Buell as inspector of infantry, Army of the ( >hio, from December, 1 86 1, to October, 1862 ; with that army in its operations in the States of Kentucky, Tennessee. Mississippi, and Alabama ; was at the battle of Shiloh, siege of Corinth, and the battle of Perryville. In January, 1863, he was appointed by the President lieutenant-colonel and assistant inspector-general First Army Corps, in the Army of the Potomac, remaining with that army till the close of the war, participating in its marches and engagements. General Bankhead was placed in command of brigades in trying circumstances on several occasions, when de- prived of their commanders by wounds. General Bankhead was rewarded for his services during the war by five brevets, — that of major, lieutenant-colonel, colonel, and brigadier-general. Returning to his position in the regular arm}- after the war, he served in New Mexico, Kansas, Colorado, and Texas. During his ser- I . vices in Kansas he was brevetted brigadier-general for " the prompt, energetic, and meritorious services rendered by him during the campaign against hostile Indians, and especially in the prompt relief of Colonel Forsyth's be- leaguered part\- on the' Republican' in September, 1868." For wounds and disabilities incident to the service, he was retired from active service in 1879. He has since resided in New York City. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. BRIGADIER-GENERAL DANIEL TYLER, U.S.V. (deceased). Brigadier-General Daniel Tyler was born January 7, 1799, m Brooklyn, Wyndham Count)-, Connecticut, and died November 30, 1882, at New York City, at the age of eighty-four years. His descent on the side of both parents was distinguished, his father having been the adju- tant of Putnam's regiment at the battle of Bunker Hill, and his mother the eldest grandchild of the celebrated Jonathan Edwards. Daniel Tyler received a good public-school education, and was being fitted for Yale College when he was sent to the United States Military Academy, from which he was graduated July I, 1 8 19, and the same day promoted second lieutenant of Light Artillery. On the istof June, 1821, in reorganizing the army, he was made second lieu- tenant of the Fifth United States Infantry, but transferred to the Erst United States Artillery June 12, 1821, and subsequently promoted first lieutenant May 6, 1824. During this time he served at various posts until De- cember 27, 1827, when he was on professional duty in FYance, and translating from the French " Manoeuvres of Artillery," to January 2, 1830. On his return to America he was on ordnance duty as superintendent of contract arms from January 14, 1830, to December 31, 1833. He resigned his commission in the army May 31, 1834. Lieutenant Tyler was then president of the Norwich, Connecticut and Worcester (Massachusetts) Railroad Company, 1 840-44 ; of Morris Canal and Banking Com- pany, New Jersey, 1844-46 ; and of Macon and Western Railroad Company, Georgia, 1846-48. He was member of the Board of Visitors to the Military Academy in 1849 ; superintending engineer, Cumberland Valley Railroad, Pennsylvania, from Harrisburg to Chambersburg, 1849- 51 ; generalsuperintendent of Dauphin and Susquehanna Railroad and Coal Company, Pennsylvania, 1852-60; superintending engineer of Auburn and Allentown Rail- road, Pennsylvania, 1855-57, and president, 1855-61; president and engineer of Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, Pennsylvania, 1S58-61. He was commissioned as colonel of the First Connec- ticut Volunteers April 23, 1861, and brigadier-general of Connecticut State Volunteers, May 10, 1861, serving in the field during the War of the Rebellion in the defences of Washington, and in the campaign of Manassas in 1861, being in command of a division, and engaged in the action of Blackburn's Ford and first battle of Bull Run, Virginia. He was mustered out on the expiration of his term of service August 11, 1 861, but appointed brigadier-general of volunteers March 13, 1862. General Tyler then served in the field in the Mississippi campaign to June 27, 1862, being engaged in the action 359 of Farmington, Mississippi, and in the advance upon and siege of Corinth. He was then on sick-leave of absence to August [3, 1862, when he was engaged in organiz- ing volunteer regiments in Connecticut to September 15, 1862. He was then placed in command of Camp Douglas, Illinois, to November 23, 1863, at which time he was on a military commission investigating General Buell's cam- paign in Kentucky and Tennessee. to May 10, 1863. His field of duty was then changed to the East, and he was employed in guarding the Upper Potomac, being engaged in the action at Martinsburg, Virginia, and in command of Harper's Ferry and Maryland Heights when the rebel army invaded Pennsylvania ; was then placed in com- mand of the troops at Baltimore, Maryland, and subse- quently of the District of Delaware to April 6, 1864, at which time he resigned from the service. After leaving the army, General Tyler was proprietor of the Woodstock Iron Company, Anniston, Alabama, from 1872 to 1882; agent of the bondholders (to fore- close their mortgage) of Mobile and Montgomery (Ala- bama) Railroad, 1873-74; and president of the railroad from 1S74 to 1877. During the incumbency of Mr. Poinsett in the War Department, he urged General Tyler to return to the army ; but he declined, saying, " My army life has been without any reward, and I have lost all ambition to be connected with the service, where politics and prejudice ruled, and where the fact that a man was not born in the South was a bar to promotion." This last illusion had reference to a recent reorganization of the Ord- nance Corps, in which "all the officers but five had been selected from the South, and that of the captains appointed three were second lieutenants, of whom one had never seen a day's service since he graduated at Wert Point." 3<5o OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL JOSHUA L. CHAMBERLAIN. u.s.v. Brevet Major-General Joshua L. Chamberlain was born in Maine in 1828. He is of a family of military traditions and proclivities, and, having received the ele- ments of a military education, he naturally adapted him- self to the severe ordeal of army activity. General Chamberlain entered the army as lieutenant- colonel of the Twentieth Regiment, Maine Volunteers, on August 8, 1862, and served continuously in the First Division of the Fifth Corps, finally commanding it, and was mustered out of service January 16, 1866, as brevet major-general. In June, 1S63, he was colonel of his regiment. He was in the thickest of the great fight at Round Top, the marvel of his men and the idol of his superior officers. Early in the summer of 1S63 the First and Fifth Army Corps were consolidated. They consisted of Double- day's division of veterans (Roy Stone's and Rowley's old brigades), to which was added a fine new regiment, — the One Hundred and Eighty-seventh Pennsylvania, — and these made up a brigade. General Chamberlain was called to command it while he held the rank of colonel in another brigade. It was with this magnificent com- mand that he made the now famous charge at Petersburg, June 18, 1864. He had already carried an advanced position across the Norfolk Railroad, which brought him close upon the enemy's main works, and secured himself by bringing up four batteries of artillery, when an order came to charge the main line of Petersburg with his command. Know- ing well the fruitless slaughter this would invoke, he boldly sent back a written protest, but added that he would willingly make the attack if supported by the whole army, as would be necessary in order to carry the city by assault. For a time it looked as though his sug- gestions would be ignored, but he was reinforced, and after the fight it was demonstrated that his refusal to obey the orders had really been the means of winning the vic- tory. It was for this action that General Grant promoted him from colonel to brigadier-general. General Grant afterwards said that he had never made a promotion on the field of battle before. He was wounded in the bodk- in that fight, and has never fully recovered. General Chamberlain has a home in Brunswick, Maine, but is stopping temporarily in New Vork City. He has been engaged in building railroads on the gulf coast. For many years he was the president of the Silver Springs and Gulf Railroad, now the Savannah, Florida, and Western Railn »ad. While receiving a nominal pension from the government, for which he did not make appli- cation, General Chamberlain's friends have urged him to petition for a pension that should be commensurate with his valuable services in the army. The general's army career ended with the engagement at Appomattox Court-House when the flag of truce came in, and at the formal surrender of Lee's army he was designated to command the parade before which that army laid down its arms and colors. While General Chamberlain is the recipient of much solicitous care, he is not now dangerously ill. He looks as if he would live many years, although it is believed that the effect of his wounds will ultimately cause his death. His daughter is with him, and many veterans of the war call daily to cheer him in his sickness. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 361 MAJOR-GENERAL JAMES A. GARFIELD, U.S.V. (deceased). Major-General James A. Garfield, twentieth Presi- dent of the United States, was born in Orange, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, on the 19th of November, 1X51, and died in Elberon, New Jersey, on the 19th of September, I 881. His father, Abraham Garfield, was a native of New York, but of Massachusetts ancestry. His mother, Eliza Ballon, was born in New Hampshire. The family moved to < >hio in 1830, and settled in what was then known as the " Wil- derness." The father died at the age of thirty-three, leaving a widow and four small children, of which James was the youngest. Mrs. Garfield displayed an almost heroic courage. It was a life of struggle and privation. At three years of age James went to school in a log hut, but learned to read. At ten years of age he was accus- tomed to manual labor. During the winter of 1849-50 he attended the Grange Seminary at Chester, Ohio. In the vacations he taught and did anything ami everything to get money to pa)- for his schooling. Later he entered Williams College, which was in 1854, and was duly graduated with the highest honors in the class of 1856. In 1859 he represented the counties of Summit and Portage in the Senate of Ohio. The war came, and Garfield, who had been farmer, car- penter, student, lawyer, preacher, and legislator, was to show himself an excellent soldier. In August, 1861, Governor Dennison commissioned him lieutenant-colonel in the Forty-second Regiment Ohio Volunteers. He got his regiment well under drill, and in December, 1861, he reported to General Buell in Louisville, Kentucky. The general was so impressed by the soldierly condition of the regiment that he gave Garfield a brigade, and assigned him the difficult task of driving the Confederate General Humphrey Marshall from Eastern Kentucky. The under- taking was difficult. He laid his own plans, and with but half the number of men that Marshall hail charged the full force of the enemy and maintained a hand-to-hand fight for five hours. The enemy had five thousand men and twelve cannon. Garfield had no artillery and but eleven hundred men. But he held his own until rein- forced, when Marshall gave way, leaving Garfield the victor of Middle Creek, 10th of January, 1862, one of the most important of the minor battles of the war. Shortly after Zollicoffer was defeated and slain, and the Confed- erates lost the State of Kentucky. Coming after the reverses at Big Bethel, Bull Run, and the disastrous fail- ures in Missouri, General Garfield's triumph over the Confederate forces at Middle Creek had an encouraging effect on the entire North. In recognition of these ser- vices, President Lincoln made him a brigadier-general. At one time Garfield marched his men one hundred miles in four days through a blinding snow -storm, anil was assigned to the command of the Twentieth Brigade at Columbia, Tennessee. He reached Shiloh in time to take in the second day's fight, was engaged in all the operations in front of Corinth, and in June, 1862, rebuilt the bridges of the Memphis and Charleston railroad, and repaired the fortifications of Huntsville. The unhealth- fulness of the region told upon him, and on leave of ab- sence he returned to Hiram, where he lay ill for two months. On the 25th of September he was ordered on court-martial duty at Washington, and assigned to the cise of General Fitz-John Porter. In February, [863, he returned to duty under General Rosecrans, of the Arm}' of the Cumberland, and was made his chief of staff. He was in the famous battle of Chickamauga, and wrote out ever)- order of that fatal day (19th of Septem- ber) excepting one, and that one was the blunder th.it lost the day. Garfield volunteered to take the news of the defeat on the right to General George H. Thomas, who held the left of the line. It was a bold ride, under con- stant fire, but he reached Thomas, and gave the informa- tion that saved the Army of the Cumberland. For this action lie was made a major-general. On the jd of December, 1863, he resigned his com mission and hastened to Washington to sit in Congress, to which he had been chosen fifteen months before. I le continued to serve in Congress until nominated for Presi- dent in 1880. On March 4, 1 88 1, he took his seat as President, and was shot by a disappointed office-seeker on the 2d of July, 1881. 46 362 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) CAPTAIN ANDERSON P. LACEY, U.S.V. Captain Anderson P. Lacey was born in Cadiz, Ohio, December 11, 1835. He conies of a hardy, long-lived stock. His father, John S. Lacey, of English descent, emigrated from Delaware when a young man in his teens, and located in i )hio, where he became a prominent factor in opening up the eastern part of the State, lie enlisted in the United States service in 1813 to go to the relief of General Harrison, when the latter was hemmed in at Fort Meigs. In the old stage-coach days he owned and op- erated a number of stage-lines radiating from Steubenville and Wheeling into all parts of the State. His mother was of Puritan stock, being a descendant of Simon Hoyt, who was born in England in [595, and was one of the founders of Charlestown, Massachusetts, in 1625. In 1820 she emigrated to Cadiz, Ohio, where she met her future husband, with whom she lived for fifty-three years. Captain Lacey's parents removed to a farm when he was seven years old, and he grew up a farmer boy, receiv- ing a normal-school training and two years' collegiate edu- cation, lie taught school for several years prior to the war. He began the study of law with the Hon. John A. Bingham, but his studies were interrupted by the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion. < >n the 24th of July, 1862, he was commissioned a second lieutenant by Governor Tod, to recruit a com- pany, which he completed by August 9, when it was or- dered into camp and attached to the Ninty-eighth Ohio Infantry. He was promoted and mustered into the United States service as first lieutenant. His first field-service was when his regiment was sent to Kentucky, about Sep- tember 1, 1862, to the relief of General Nelson, who was hard pressed by Kirby Smith. He took a prominent part in the battle of Perryville, < >ctober 8, 1862, where he re- ceived severe physical injuries, and was sent to the hos- pital at Louisville, Kentucky. Rejoining his command in February, 1863, he took part in the advance of the army, driving the enemy from Franklin, Tennessee. On April 6, 1863, he was promoted to captain, and participated in the battles of Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain, Mission Ridge, and in the numerous skirmishes following this bat- tle, and in the advance to the relief of Knoxville, The injuries received at the battle of Perryville were rapidly undermining his health, and he was honorably discharged March 2S, 1864. In 1865 he received a clerk's appointment in the United States Treasury Department, Washington, D. C, but this being uncongenial to him, he resigned in 1866, returned to < >hio, and completed his law studies. He was admitted to the bar in September, 1867. He was elected repre- sentative in the Ohio Legislature in 1869. At the close of his term, in 1 87 1, he removed to Washington City, where, with his brother, R. S. Lacey, he entered upon the practice of his profession in patent law, and has succeeded in building up a large and lucrative business. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 363 BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL GODFREY WE1TZEL, U.S.A. (deceased). Brevet Major-General Godfrey WEiTZELwas born November 1, 1835, in Cincinnati, Ohio. From the Mili- tary Academy he was graduated July 1, i85l,and pro- moted to the Corps of Engineers. For the next four years he assisted in the construction and repairs of the fortifications guarding the approaches to New ( irleans, Louisiana, and the following year was an assistant pro- fessor of engineering at the Military Academy. In the spring of 1S61 Weitzel was attached to the engi- neer company which was on duty at Washington during the dark days which immediately preceded and suc- ceeded the inauguration of President Lincoln. lie was then ordered to Fort Pickens, Florida, just in time to aid in preventing its seizure by the Confederates. In October, l86i,he became chief engineer on the staff of Brigadier- General Mitchell, to fortify Cincinnati, Ohio ; and in De- cember took command of a company of sappers and miners in the defences of Washington City. Being familiar with the approaches to New Orleans, he- was appointed chief engineer of General Butler's expe- dition to capture that city. No little part of the success of the land attack was due to Weitzel, who planned it. ( ieneral Butler, recognizing the high merits of his young engineer, made Weitzel the military commander and mayor of the place. Soon after he was appointed brigadier- general United States Volunteers, and then placed in command of the forces in the successful Lafourche cam- paign of [862, where he won the brevet of major, United States Army, for his gallantry in the battle of Thibodeaux. He then took command of the advance of General Banks's operations in Western Louisiana ; soon after of a division in the siege of Port Hudson, where he was engaged in two assaults on the place, receiving for his meritorious services the brevet of lieutenant-colonel ; and in the Nine- teenth Army Corps took a conspicuous part in the La- fourche campaign and Sabine Pass expedition of 1863. After these repeated successes in Louisiana, General Weitzel was ordered to take part in the operations before Richmond. As chief engineer, May 20, 1S64, of the Army of the James, he was engaged in the action at Swift's Creek and combats near Drewry's Bluff, and con- structed the defences of Bermuda Hundred, James River, and Deep Bottom. For his activity and gallantry here, he was rewarded with the brevet of major-general United States Volunteers, and command of the Eighteenth Army Corps, with which he was engaged in repelling the enemy's assault on Fort Harrison, and in attacking the rebel in- trenchments on Williamsburg and Nine-mile roads, for which meritorious services he received the brevet 01 colonel United States Army, and the promotion to major- general United States Volunteers. General Weitzel, at the head of the Twenty-fifth Army Corps, was second in command of the first expedition to Fort Fisher, North Carolina. Upon his return he took charge of all the troops north of the Appomattox River during the final operations against Richmond, of which city he took possession April 3, 1865, and announced the triumph in his brief telegram, " We entered Richmond at eight o'clock this morning," the news sending a thrill of exultation throughout the loyal North. Although General Weitzel had received four brevets in the Civil War, and had risen from a lieutenant of engi- neers to major-general of volunteers, he was, on the termination of hostilities, awarded two more brevets, — those of brigadier- and major-general United States Army, and placed in command of the Rio Grande District, Texas, pending our government's demand that Maximilian and his European allies should promptly evacuate Mexico. The Rebellion having been suppressed, ( "ieneral Weitzel was mustered out of the volunteer service and resumed his pr< iper a irj is duties. These were varied and important, requiring much engineering skill and great professional attainments, particularly the construction of the Ship Canal around the Falls of the ( >hio, and that around the Sault Sainte Marie, near the outlet of Lake Superior. The order of the chief of engineers, announcing the death of (ieneral Weitzel, concludes with this tribute to his worth: "A distinguished an accomplished engineer, a genial friend, true to the noblest instincts of manhood, faithful in the disi ; even duty, the Corps of Engineers mourns to-day the loss of on. whose well-earned lame it may juslU be proud." 3 r »4 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) MAJOR-GENERAL ALERED PLEASONTON, U.S.V. Major-General Am ki d I'i easonton was born in the District of Columbia, and was graduated from the United States Military Academy July i, 1844. lie was pro- moted brevet second lieutenant, First Dragoons, the same day ; second lieutenant, Second Dragoons, Novem- ber 3, 1845 ; and first lieutenant September 30, 1 849. After serving oil the frontier until 1845, he participated in the military occupation of Texas and the Mexican War, being engaged in the battles of Palo Alto and Re- sacade la Palma,for which he received the brevet of first lieutenant "for gallant and meritorious conduct." He was then mi duty in New Mexico, and engaged against Apache Indians in a skirmish near the Laguna on the Jornado del Muerto, January 25, 1852. Lieutenant Pleasonton was adjutant of the Second Dragoons from July 1, 1854, to March 3, 1855, serving in Texas and Kansas, and was promoted captain March 2 [855, during that and the following year participating in the Sioux expedition. He served as acting assistant adjutant-general in Florida, Kansas, and Oregon, until July 5, [860. He then was on duty organizing volun- teers at Wilmington, Delaware, until 1S61, and from June to August was in Utah commanding his regiment, which he marched to Washington City, and was attached to the Army of the Potomac. He was promoted major, Second Cavalry, February 15, 1862, and appointed brigadier-general of volunteers July 16, 1862, participating in the Peninsular and Mary- land campaigns, engaging in numerous skirmishes with the enemy, and in the battles of the Seven Days before Richmond, and of South Mountain and Antietam, for which he received the brevet of lieutenant-colonel " for gallant and meritorious services." He pursued Stuart's rebel cavalry into Virginia, and participated in all the campaigns of the Army of the Potomac to October n, 1863, being engaged in numerous skirmishes and actions, ami the battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville. At this time he was placed in command of the cavalry corps of the Army of the Potomac, remaining in that po- sition to March 26, 1864, having participated in all the cavalry operations during the Pennsylvania campaign and the battles of Beverly Ford and Gettysburg, and the sub- sequent pursuit of the enemy into Central Virginia, and capture of Culpeper Court-Housc, and action of Brandy Station, Virginia. He was appointed major-general of volunteers June 22, 1863, and brevetted colonel, United States Army, July 2, 1863, " for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Gettysburg." General Pleasonton was ordered to the Department of the Missouri in March, 1 864, and was in command of the cavalry pursuing the rebel forces under General Price towards Fort Scott, Kansas, and after harassing him in several skirmishes, finally routed him at the battle of Marais des Cygnes, October 25, 1864, for which he was brevetted brigadier-general, United States Army, March 13, 1865. He was also brevetted major-general " for gallant and meritorious services in the field dur- ing the war," and was mustered out of the volunteer service January 15, 1S66. He was appointed lieutenant- colonel of the Twentieth Infantry July 28, 1866, but declined it ; and after a leave of absence from Febru- ary 15, 1866, to January 1, 1868, he resigned from the army. He was then United States collector of internal rev- enue and commissioner, 1869-71, and subsequently presi- dent of the Terre Haute and Cincinnati Railroad. By act of Congress, General Pleasonton was appointed major in the United States Army October 2^, 1888, on the retired list. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 365 MAJOR-GENERAL CADWALADER C. WASHBURN, U.S.V. (deceased). Major-General Cadwalader C. Washburn was born in Livermore, Maine, April 22, 1818; died at Eureka Springs, Arkansas, May 14, 1882. His early life was spent on a farm. In 1839 he studied law, and was ad- mitted to the bar in 1842, ami practised law at Livermore. Later in this year he removed to Mineral Point, Wiscon- sin, and in 1844 entered into partnership with Cyrus Woodman. They dealt largely in the entry of public lands fur settlers and the location of Mexican land-war- rants. In 1852 the firm established a bank. Was elected as a Whig to Congress from 3d December, 1855, till 3d March, 1 861. He then declined a renomination. At the beginning of the Civil War he raised the Second Wisconsin Cavalry, and was commissioned its colonel ioth October, 1861. His first service was under General Samuel R. Curtis, in Arkansas. Among his acts at this period were the dislodging of a Confederate force that was preparing to obstruct the progress of the national army at the crossing of the Tallahatchie, and the opening of the Yazoo Pass ; and he was conspicuous in the battle of Grand Coteau, where he saved the Fourth Division, under General Stephen C. Burbridge, from annihilation by an overwhelming force of the enemy. He was com- missioned brigadier on 16th July, 1862, and on 29th November, 1862, major-general of volunteers. He took part in the siege of Vicksburg, and on its surrender was given command of the Thirteenth Corps and sent to the Department of the Gulf. On 29th November, 1863, he landed on the coast of Texas with two thousand eight hundred men, and compelled the evacuation of Fort Esperanza, a bomb-proof work, which was cased with railroad iron, surrounded by a deep moat filled with water, manned by ten hundred men, and mounted ten guns. This fort guarded the entrance to Matagorda Bay. In April, 1864, he was ordered to relieve General Stephen A. Hurlbut, in command at Memphis, of the District of West Tennessee. This post he held almost continuously until his resignation on 25th May, 1865. General Washburn was ?ent to Congress from the Sixth District of Wisconsin, serving, with re-election, from 4th March, 1867, till 3d March, 187 1. In the autumn of 1871 he was elected governor of Wisconsin, and held that office for two years. His brother, Israel, was governor of Maine. Elihu, another brother, was a statesman and United States minister to France, remaining at his post during the siege of Paris, when the Commune ruled the city. Charles A., another brother, was a dis- tinguished lawyer, and minister resident to Paraguay. The other brother, William Drew, was a lawyer, and was .1 member of Congress from Minnesota. ;66 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL B. F. FISHER, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General 15. F. Fisher was loom November 21, 1834, at Spring Mills, Centre County, Pennsylvania. His father was the Rev. Peter S. Fisher. Young Fisher was prepared for college at the Poalsburg Academy, and subsequently graduated from Franklin and Marshall College at Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Having selected law as a profession, he entered the office of the late Judge Stokes L. Roberts, at Doyles- town, and was admitted to practise in October, i860. Immediately upon the call for troops in April, 1861, in connection with Dr. Joseph FI. Thomas, he organized a company, which was mustered into the service as Com- pany II of the Third Pennsylvania Reserves and the Thirty-second Pennsylvania Volunteers ; Dr. Thomas being elected captain and P. F. Fisher first lieutenant. In August, 1 861, Lieutenant Fisher was directed to report to Major Albert J. Myer, signal officer, United States Army, for signal duty. In March, 1862, he was placed in charge of the signal detachment of the division on the Power Potomac, under the command of General 1 looker. Upon the transfer of the Ami)- of the Potomac to the Peninsula in the spring of 1862 he was assigned in . harge of the signal detachment serving with the Fourth Army Corps. His reports of tin movements and loca- tion of the enemy in front of the lines of the Fourth Army Corps, by reason of their fulness and correctness, wiin for him the confidence of General E. 1). Keyes to such an extent, that the chief of staff one day remarked, that if all the other members of the staff reported one condition of things, and Lieutenant Fisher reported another, the general would accept and act upon the report of the latter. Immediately after the evacuation of Yorktown by the enemy, Lieutenant Fisher was placed in charge of what was termed " the field service" of the Signal Corps serv- ing with the Army of the Potomac, reporting directly to Major Myer, the signal officer of the army on the staff of General McCIellan. After the battle of Antietam Major Myer left the head-quarters of the Arm)' of the Potomac to take charge of the Signal Office at Washing- ton, and placed Lieutenant Fisher, who had been pro- moted to a captaincy, in charge of the signal detachment connected with the Army of the Potomac, in which capa- city he served during the period said army was com- manded by Generals Purnside and Hooker. During the movement of the army northward towards Gettysburg, Captain Fisher was captured, taken to Richmond, and confined in the old Libby Prison from June, 1865, to February 10, 1864, when he succeeded in making his escape through the historical tunnel constructed by Colo- nel Rose and his companions. Captain Fisher was eleven davs and twelve nights in the forests and swamps of Vir- ginia before reaching the Union lines. Immediately after reaching the lines he reported to the War Department, and was again assigned to the staff of General Meade as chief signal officer of the Army of the Potomac. In this position he served through the cam- paign of the Rapidan to Petersburg, being brevetted " for gallant and meritorious services" as lieutenant-colonel. During his confinement in the military prison at Rich- mond, the Signal Corps of the United States Army was organized as an independent command by an Act of Congress, and Captain Fisher was appointed the senior major of said c< irps. During the year 1864, Colonel Myer, the then chief signal officer of the army, being suspended, Major Fisher, November 10, 1864, on the recommendation of Generals Grant and Meade, was appointed colonel and chief signal officer of the United States Army. This action on the part of his superiors was the fullest recognition of the efficient services anil soldierly character of Colonel Fisher. January 1, 1865, he was ordered to Washington to take- charge of the Signal Bureau, where he remained until the restoration of Colonel Myer in November, 1866, when he returned to civil life, having been brevetted at the close of the war brigadier-general for gallant and meritorious services. General Fisher opened a law-office in the city of Phila- delphia, and rapidly gathered a large number of clientage. In 1867 he was appointed register in bankruptcy for the Third Congressional District in the State of Pennsylvania, serving until the Bankrupt Act was repealed. In 1887 General Fisher accepted the position of trust officer for the German-American Title and Trust Com- pany of the city of Philadelphia, which position he still holds. In 1 89 1, upon the failure of the Spring Garden National Bank, he was appointed by the comptroller oi the currency receiver of said bank. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR 367 BRIGADIER-GENERAL MARCELLUS M. CROCKER, U.S.V. (deceased). Brigadier-General Marcellus M. Crocker was born in Franklin, Johnson County, Indiana, February 6, 1830; died in Washington, D. C, August 26, 1865. He entered the United States Military Academy in 1 847, but left at the end of his second year. Me then entered upon the study of the law, was subsequently admitted to the bar, and successfully practised his profession at Des Moines, Iowa. At the commencement of the War of the Rebellion he tendered his services as a volunteer, and was appointed major of the Second Iowa Infantry in May, 186 1. His regiment was soon despatched to the field, and partici- pated in the campaigns of 1861 in Missouri. Major Crocker's eminent services caused him to be promoted to the colonelcy of the regiment December 30, 1861. The regiment was then transferred to Kentucky, and took part in the campaigns which followed, and in the battle of Shiloh, April 6-7, 1862, Colonel Crocker fought with great distinction. He was promoted brigadier-gen- eral of volunteers November 29, [862, and commanded the brigade of Iowa troops which was known through- out the war as Crocker's brigade. With this he partici- pated in the siege and capture of Vicksburg, and successfully conducted a raid into Mississippi. After the re-enlistment of his brigade as veteran vol- unteers, General Crocker commanded and fought it through the Georgia campaign under Sherman, and com- manded a division during part of the time. The brigade had been brought to a high state of discipline, and was nicknamed " Crocker's Greyhounds." While participating in the Atlanta campaign it was fiercely engaged, and lost heavily in the assault of Bald Hill, before Atlanta, July 22, 1864. In Hardie's attack on that position, later in the day, fully half were killed, wounded, or captured. General Crocker was a natural-born soldier, and his two years of study and discipline at West Point only served to aid the military genius he possessed. But he was never a thoroughly well man. lie suffered from consumption during the whole of his military career, and his health failing towards the closing days of" the war, he was forced, on account of sickness, to leave the immediate theatre of war and was assigned to duty in New Mi ;6S OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) 23, 1 819. He removed with his parents to Missouri in 1835, aiu ' m I,l ^4 I settled in Quincy, Illinois, where he learned rope-making, and subsequently engaged in the commission business. In 1844-45 he was first lieutenant of a company that was sent against the Mormons in Hancock, Illinois. He served in the Mexican War as captain of volunteers. At the beginning of the Civil War he reorganized his old company, was appointed colonel of the Seventh Illinois Regiment, and became brigadier-general of volunteers Ma) - 17, 1861. lie was placed in command of Cairo; afterwards served in Southern Missouri, routed a large body of Confederates at Mount Zion on December 28, 1 861, and joined Gen- eral Giant three days before the battle of Shiloh, on the first day of which he was taken prisoner with most of his command. lie was released in October, 1862, and appointed major-general of volunteers on November 29. He was a member of the court-martial that tried General Fitz-Tohn Porter. He commanded at the post of Helena, Arkansas, and on July 3, .863, defeated General The- ophilus H. Holmes and General Sterling Price, who at- u.s.v. Major-General Benjamin Mayberry Prentiss was tacked him there. General Prentiss resigned his com- born in Belleville. Wood County, Virginia, November mission on October 28, 1863 WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. BRIGADIER- AND BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL |OHN F. HARTRANFT, U.S.V. (deci ed). Brigadier- and Breve-j Major-General |ohn F. Hartranft ums b.ini in New Hanover Township, Mont gomery Co., Pa., Dec. 16, 1830; died Oct. 17, 1889. He was the son of Samuel E. and Lydia (Bucher) Hartranft, both of German origin. He received his elementary training in his native count)-, and afterwards entered Marshall College, and then Union College, Schenectady, New York, where he graduated in 1853. He distin- guished himself in mathematics and civil engineering. In 1854 he was made deputy sheriff of Montgomery County, and remained in that position a period of four and a half years. In the mean time he studied law, and was admitted to practice in 1859. hdr several years he had been active in militia organization, serving in various grades up to that of colonel, in which capacity he was acting when the war broke out. He then proi eeded to Harrisburg and tendered the servii es of his regiment, which became the fourth of the line, [ts term of threi months expired just previous to the first battle of Bull Run, but Hartranft returned to the field and was assigned to duty on the staff of General W. B. Franklin. At this battle he performed valuable service, of which both Gen- erals Franklin and McDowell wrote in commending terms. After this he returned to Pennsylvania and speedily recruited a regiment, in which he was colonel, and it was sent, under Burnside, to the coast of North Carolina. The troops had a stormy passage, and were with difficult)- landed. The enemy was found intrenched on Roanoke Island. To attack in front was to entail dis- aster. Hartranft was accordingly sent to lead his men through a swamp which the foe had supposed impassable and to storm the works. The result was a signal victory, nearly the entire force being captured. While in the field he was asked by political friends to accept the nomination lor surveyor-general, but he declined, saying he wished to serve his country in the field while the rebellion lasted. He took part in the second battle of Bull Run and Chan- tilly. At the crossing of the bridge at Antietam, after several unsuccessful attempts were made by divisions under Crook and Sturgis to pass the bridge, orders were given to Hartranft to make an effort to carry it, which seemed impossible under such deadly tire. Hartranft had watched the previous attempts, and when orders reached him he had plans matured. Avoiding the high- way which led up the bank of the creek, he led his mand along the bluff until he came to a point opposite its head, when he burst like an avalanche upon it and carried the bridge. At Fredericksburg Hartranft manifested the same sterling qualities as on other fields. In the cam paign before Vicksburg he led a brigade, and, though prostrated by sickness, directed the movements in the march to Jackson from an ambulance. 47 After the three years' term of enlistment of his regi- ment had expired, they, being strengthened with recruits, re-enlisted and again entered with the Ninth Corps, Army of the Potomac. At the battle 1 it the Wilderness, to assure tin- raw element of liis regiment, lie exposed his person. riding down the whole front ol his line while the battle- was on, and, just as they were ordered to make a charge, pausing before each regiment to give a word of advice. Few troops were more conspicuous for gallantry in the blood)- battle of Spottsylvania Court-House than were those of Hartranft's brigade, and from this battle dates his commission of brigadier-general. In the actions at Cold Harbor and before Petersburg his gallantry was conspic- uous ; but it is unnecessary, as it is impossible, to exemplify all of that brilliant series of actions with which his name will ever be honorably mentioned. In December. [864, General Hartranft was assigned to the command of a division of Pennsylvania troops, six thousand strong. With this division he was engaged in two actions whii h will be ever memorable in the history of the war, — the attack anil capture of fort Steadman, and assault and capture of the enemy's work-, before Petersburg. For his gallantry at Fort Steadman the President immediately 1 onferred upon him the rank of brevet major-general. After the assassination of President Lincoln, and the conspirators who had plotted the foul deed being appre- hended, the Secretary of War was seel in; ome fearless, vigilant officer to take charge of thi neral Har- tranft was named, and the appointment given him. In 1865 he was elected audit al of Pennsyl- vania, and again n I" ^7- lu ' Wi governor oi Pennsylvania, and in all that pertain executive ability in the man.' of the State h unsurpassed— the Commonwealth having rarely had an executive so fully master of every subject as himself, and ndenl up 17° OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) CAPTAIN RICHARD HALL JONES, U.S.V. Captain Richard Hah. Jones was born August 22, 1834, near Douglassville, Pennsylvania. From 1 S 3 1 to 1870 he was engaged in iron manufacture, principally wrought-iron tubing, at Reading, Pennsylvania. < In the retreat of General N. P. Banks in 1862, Captain Jones offered his services to Governor Curtin ; but the call for troops was not accepted by the Secretary of War. When the call for nine months' troops was made, Captain Jones at once opened a recruiting-office in the Ringgold Armory, and by the 1st of August, 1862, he had recruited one hundred and nineteen men. Proceeding under orders, August 9, 1862, he marched his company to Harrisburg, where he remained in camp with them until August 17, when he proceeded to the field in the defences of Washington, and camped near 1 1 miter's Chapel, Virginia, being organized as Company I, ( >ne Hundred and Twenty-eighth Pennsylvania Infantry. On the 6th of September, 1862, the regiment marched from near Fort Woodbury, opposite Georgetown, D. C, to Rockville, Maryland, where it was brigaded with the First Division of the Twelfth Army Corps. With this corps it participated in the Maryland campaign, and was engaged in the battles of South Mountain and Antietam, and was then placed in occupation of Maryland Heights, opposite Harper's Ferry, September 20, 1862. < )n the 11th of December the regiment was relieved from Man-land Heights and proceeded to Stafford Court- House, Virginia, from which point it participated in the Rappahannock campaign, moving from Stafford Court- House by the way of Kelly's Ford, and was placed in line of battle on the right of the Chancellor House, April 30, 1S63. On the night of May 2, 1863, in an attack of the enemy, Captain Jones, together with thirty-five of his own com- mand, and Companies C and K of his regiment, were captured. They were taken to Libby Prison, Virginia, and suffered all the privations and horrors of that noted place. While a prisoner-of-war, Captain Jones's regiment was mustered out by reason of expiration of term of service. As soon as released, Captain Jones returned to his home at Reading, where he is now engaged in business. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 37' COLONEL HOWARD 1). BAKER, U.S.V. (deceased). Colonel Edward I). Baker was born in London, England, on the 24th of February, 1S11, and was killed at the battle of Ball's Bluff on the 21st of October, 1861. lie came to the United States at the age of five with his father, who died in Philadelphia while Edward was yet a youth. The boy supported himself and his younger brother by working as a weaver, and occupied his leisure hours in study. Impelled to seek his fortune in the far West, he removed with his brother to Springfield, Illinois, where he studied and soon began the practice of law . He gained distinction as an orator, and was elected to Congress in 1844. When the Mexican War began he- raised a regiment in Illinois and marched to the Rio Grande. He fought with distinction in every action on tin route to Mexico, and, after the wounding of General Shields at Cerro Gordo, commanded the brigade and led it during the rest of the war. On his return to Galena, Illinois, he was again elected to Congress. In 185 1 he settled in San Francisco, where he took rank as the leader of the California bar and the most eloquent orator in the State. He afterwards removed to Oregon, and in i860 was elected to the United States Senate. The firing upon Fort Sumter prompted him to deliver a passionate address in Union Square, New York, in which he pledged his life and his declining strength to the service of the Union. He raised the California regiment in New York and Phila- delphia, but declined a commission as general of brigade. In the disastrous assault at Pall's Bluff he commanded a brigade, and, exposing himself to the hottest fire, fell mortally wounded while leading a charge OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) PRSa, JOHN MORRIS BUTLER. foHN Morris Butler was born at Venice, < >hio, July 10, 1S42. He was educated at Kenyon College, Ohio, from whence he enlisted as a private soldier in the < >nc Hundred and First Ohio Volunteer Infantry early in his [unii >r year. He served continuously with his regiment, participating in all the engagements of the Arm)' of the Cumberland, under Generals Buell, Rosecrans, and Thomas. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Stone River, spending sev- eral months of the winter of 1863 in Libby Prison. He- was exchanged in the early summer of the same year with his health somewhat shattered from exposure, etc., but returned to the army, and was detailed as ordnance officer on the staff of General Jeff. C. Davis, and subse- quently as military superintendent of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, upon the staff of the general com- manding the department. His life since leaving the service has, most oi it, been passed in Philadelphia, where he was for some years con- nected with the house of Jay Cooke & Company. Sub- sequently he became the secretary and treasurer of the National Life Insurance Company of the L nited States of America ; secretary and treasurer of the Gettysburg and Harrisburg Railroad; president of the Brooklyn, Bath and West End Railroad Company; president of the St. Louis River Water-Power Company, and also of the St. Louis River Slate Prick Company. He was married, October 2, 1 87 I, to Sarah E., second daughter of Jay Cooke. Esq., and has a family of six, — four boys and two girls. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 373 CAPTAIN GAVIN EDMONDS CAUKIN, U.S.V. Captain Gavin Edmonds Catkin was born July [6, 1827, in Livingston County, New York. His father re- moved with his family to the then Territory of Michigan, in July, 1 83 1, locating on a farm in the county of Macomb, where the subject of this sketch grew to manhood, re- ceiving his education in the common schools of that period. At the age of seventeen he was apprenticed to the trade of cabinet-making, served his full term to the age of twenty-one, and followed the same occupation for a term of twenty-one years. In the spring of 1858 lie removed to Minnesota, and cast in his lot with the then new State, settling in the county of Winona, where he resided at the breaking out of the Civil War. Certain duties that he could not dele- gate to another prevented his enlistment in the early part of the war, but on getting clear of his complications he sought to make up lost time by seeking service where the most continuous fighting had occurred, and on Feb- ruary 27, 1864, enlisted in Company K, First Minnesota Infantry Volunteers, then serving in First Brigade, Second Division, Second Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. in March, 1 864, the regiment was sent home, and at the expiration of its three years' service was reorganized by consolidation of its veterans and recruits into a bat- talion of two companies, and returned to its old place in the Second Corps in time to take part in the first fighting in the siege of Petersburg. The subject of this sketch was present with the command, and participated in the first ten days' continuous fighting in front of that city ; in the two expeditions to Deep Bottom in Jul}- and August; in the unfortunate affair at Ream's Station, August 25 ; at Boydton Road, October 27 ; and in all the various duties of the siege during the summer, autumn, and earl}' winter. Late in January, 1865, he was detailed one of a recruit- ing-party to return to Minnesota ami endeavor to recruit the battalion to a full regiment. He was very successful in recruiting, and on the organization of new Company E was commissioned its captain, his muster bearing date of March 25,1 865 , when he was at once ordered with his com- pany to join the regiment in the field. While en route to the front the fall of Richmond and Petersburg occurred, also the surrender of Appomattox, and he found the regi- ment in camp at Burksville. The march to Washington soon followed, and the grand review in that city. The regiment having received orders to proceed to Louisville on its homeward way, Captain Caukin tendered his resig- nation, and was honorably discharged June 15, 1865. Returning to civil life, he located in the city of Minne- apolis, where, in the summer of 1 869, he engaged in tile business of insurance, which he has followed continuously since. In pursuit of health for his family he removed, in 1873, to Virginia City, Nevada, residing there during the period of tlie marvellous yield of the great Comstock Mines, but securing for himself but little of their proceeds. In 1 88 1 he located at Portland, Oregon, as district agent of the Travellers' Insurance Company of Hartford, Con- necticut, for the States of Oregon and Washington, and Province of British Columbia.a position he still occupies. Captain Caukin early joined the Grand Ami}- of the Republic, and has always been a faithful worker in its cause, serving .is commander of the Department of ( Iregon in 1! and constantly in the harness since. On November 5, 1883, Captain Caukin was elected to membership in the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, through the Commander}' of the State o( California', and. largely through his zeal in recruiting, a charter was pro- cured May 6, 1885, for the Commandery of the State of Oregon, and on the institution of the Commander}- in the following November, he was elected recorder, to which office he has been re-elected at each annual meeting since. 574 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL MARSENA R. PATRICK, U.S.V. (deceased). Brevet Major-General Marsena R. Patrick, was born in New York, and graduated from the United States Military Academy Jul}- i, 1835. He was the same day promoted brevet second lieutenant Second United States Infantry ; second lieutenant. Second Infantry, October 31, [836; first lieutenant March [,1839; and captain August 22, 1847 ; during which time he served at Fort Mackinac in 1835-3", cutting road from Green Bay to Winneb 1 o, Wisconsin, in 1837; then in the Florida War, [837-42; at Sackett's Harbor, New York, 1842-46; in organizing and fitting out volunteers for the Mexican War on the Ohio, Mississippi, and Red Rivers, from May 8 to August 30, 1846. General Patrick served in the war with Mexico as chief commissariat of General Wool's column in Northern Mexico, 1846-47, and at Vera Cruz, 1847-48. lie was then ordered to Washington City as assistant in the com- missary-general's office until 1849, when he availed him- self of a leave of absence until June 30, 1850, at which time he resigned from the service. He declined the appointment of captain and assistant quartermaster June 18, 1847; but was brevetted major May 30, 1848, "for meritorious conduct while serving in the enemy's country.'' After leaving the army, Major Patrick was engaged in farming at Sackett's Harbor, New York, until 1859; president of Sackett's Harbor and Ellisburg Railroad, New York, 1853-54 ; general superintendent of the New York State Agricultural Society, 1856-61 ; president of V :\\ York State Agricultural College at Ovid, New York, 1859-61. He was commissioned as brigadier-general and inspei tor-general of the State of New York, May 16, 1 861, and served in organizing New York volunteers, and then on the staff of General McClellan as inspector-general of New York volunteers to March 17, 1862, when he was appointed a brigadier-general of United States volunteers, and assigned to the command of a brigade in the defences of Washington, retaining the same until May, 1862, when he became military commandant of Fredericksburg, Vir- ginia, and subsequently was in General McDowell's pur- suit of Stonewall Jackson in the Shenandoah Valley to August 9, 1862. He was in the Northern Virginia cam- paign of 1862, and engaged in the actions of Beverly Ford, Warrenton Springs, and Gainesville, and the battles of Second Bull Run and Chantilly. 1 Ie participated in the Maryland campaign, and was engaged in the battles of South Mountain and Antietam. He was then ap- pointed provost-marshal-general of the Army of the Potomac, in which capacity he served in all subsequent movements of that and the combined armies operating against Richmond; of the Department of Virginia; and in command of the District of Henrico, Virginia, to June 9, 1865. General Patrick resigned from the army June 12, [865, and was president of the New York State Agricultural Society, 1867-80; engaged in farming at Manlius, New York, 1868-80; and governor of the Soldiers' Home at Dayton, Ohio, from September 23, 1880, to July 27, 1888, when he died at Dayton, Ohio, aged seventy-seven years. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 37-, CAPTAIN JAMES M. WELLS, U.S.V. Captaix James M. Wells was born in Erie Count}-, New York, but moved to Michigan with his parents at the early age of two years, where he was raised on .1 farm and educated in the common schools. Seized with the spirit of adventure, he left school and crossed the plains in i860, remaining at Virginia City, Nevada, some- thing more than a year. On the 1 ith day of August, 1 861, he started for his home in Michigan, where, in De- cember, 1862, he enlisted as a private soldier in Compan) F, Eighth Michigan Cavalry. Me participated in tin- celebrated Morgan raid through the States of Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio, being present at the capture of that noted rebel chieftain. He was also with his regiment through the campaigns of East Tennessee, Atlanta, and Nashville, and was promoted, meantime, to the rank of captain. Captain Wells was twice a prisoner of war, ami was entertained in three Southern prisons. He was one of the party to pass through the historic tunnel at Libby Prison, Richmond, Virginia, and was among the forty- eight prisoners who made good their escape at that time. Returning to his regiment, he was again captured near .Athens, Georgia, in August, 1864, on the celebrated raid led by General Stoneman.for the purpose of releasing the Federal prisoners at Macon and Andersonville. In com- mon with many other officers of this command, Captain Wells was placed under fire of the Federal batteries at Charleston, South Carolina. From Charleston he was exchanged and mustered out at Pulaski, Tennessee, July, 1865. In 186S he emigrated to Mississippi, receiving ,111 appointment by the general government in the internal revenue service, and subsequently served as a writer on several different daily newspapers. From Mississippi, in 1877, the subject of this sketch moved to Washington, D. C, where he filled important positions in the War Department and United States Treasury, under Secreta- ries McCreary, Sherman, and Windom. In [884, being broken in health from disease contracted while a prisoner of war, he emigrated to Idaho and settled on a ranch, where he still lives. Mr. Wells was a member of the first Legislature of Idaho, where he served in the State Senate with honor and distinction. He was strongly urged to become a candidate for governor on the Republican ticket in the campaign of [892, but declined the nomination, prefer- ring to carry out the work of Columbian Commissioner for Idaho, a work in which, by tact, energy, and perse- verance, he has brought Idaho to the front rank among the States of the Northwest. 5 j 76 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) MAJOR-GENERAL DON CARLOS BUELL, U.S.V. Major-General Don Carlos Buell was bom in ( >hio, and graduated from the United States Military Academy July 1, [841. He was promoted second lieutenant Third United States Infantry the same day, and first lieutenant I une 1 8, 1846. He served in garrison and on frontier duty until 1 845, when he participated in the military occupation of Texas and the war with Mexico, being engaged in the battles of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey, siege of Vera Cruz, battle of Cerro Gordo, skirmish at Ocalaca, battles of Contreras and Churu- busco, where he was severely wounded. He was bre- vettcil captain September 3, [846, and major August 20, 1S47, for " gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Monterey, Contreras, and Churubusco." 1 le was adjutant of the Third Infantry from February 15, 1847, to Janu- ary 25, 1848, when he was appointed a brevet captain and assistant adjutant-general. Captain Buell served in the Adjutant-General's De- partment of the army at Washington City to 1849; of the Sixth Military Department to 185 1; of the Depart- ment of New Mexico to September, 185 I ; of the Eighth Military Department to 1855; of Department of Texas to 1856; of the Department of the East to 1857; of the Department of the West to 1858; of the Department of Utah, 1858; of the Department of the West to 1 859 ; and then at Washington, D. C, on special service to [861, at which time he was promoted brevet major and as- sistant adjutant-general. He was appointed lieutenant- colonel and assistant adjutant-general May II, 1861, and ordered to San Francisco, where he served until August 9, 1 861. Colonel Buell was appointed brigadier-general of vol- unteers May 17, 1861, and major-general of volunteers March 21, I 862, and served in the field during the War of the Rebellion: in command of the Department of the Ohio to March 11, 1862; in command of the Army of the ( )hio, and engaged in the march to Pittsburg Land- ing, Tennessee, March and April, 1862; in the battle of Shiloh, April 6-7, 1862; in the advance upon and siege of Corinth, April 9 to May 30, 1862 ; in command of the Army of the Ohio in the operations of Northern Ala- bama and movement to Louisville, Kentucky, from June to September, 1862; in command of the Army of the Ohio in the advance into Kentucky, October, 1862. In November, [862, General Buell appeared before a military commission to investigate his campaign in Ten- nessee and Kentucky, where he remained to May 10, 1863, when he was placed on waiting orders at Indian- apolis, where he remained until mustered out of the vol- unteer service May 23, 1 864. 1 le was appointed a colonel and assistant adjutant-general July 17, 1802, and resigned this commission June 1, 1864. After leaving the army General Buell was president of the Green River Kentucky Iron-Works, 1865-70; and then engaged in coal-mining on Green River; was United States pension agent at Louisville, Kentucky, 1 885—89. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 377 MAJOR FRANK CLENDENIN. U.S.V. Major Frank Clendexix was born at Lyndon, White- side County, Illinois, November 25, 1N40, and lived on a farm until seventeen years of age. Educated at public schools and Bryant & Stratton's Commercial College, in Chicago; worked in country store two years in Lyndon. In September, 1859, entered circuit clerk's office in Whiteside County, and was appointed department clerk. Enlisted August 8, 1861, as bugler in Company A, Sec- ond Illinois Cavalry. At Cairo, October 9, 1861, trans- ferred to Company C, Eighth Illinois Cavalry, by order of General U. S. Grant. October 2S, 1S61, promoted chief bugler of the regiment. Was with the regiment in the advance of the Army of the Potomac, March. 1862, and in all the skirmishes in which they were engaged. At the battle of Williamsburg, May 5, 1862, and in numerous skirmishes in the advance up the Peninsula, the regiment being in General Stoneman's brigade, and at the front near Mechanicsville, on the opening of the attack by- Stonewall Jackson, June 26, 1862, and with the army in the Seven Days' fight and retreat to Harrison's Landing. With rear guard on retirement to Yorktown. In nu- merous skirmishes in the Maryland campaign, and in the battles of South Mountain and Antietam, in September, 1862. He was honorably discharged October 14, 1862, by Order No. 126, War Department. Early in 1863 ap- pointed chief clerk in assessor's office of internal revenue, Third District, Illinois ; also served as enrolling officer under provost-marshal, Third Congressional District, Illinois. Under the call for troops of December, 1864, recruited Company B, One Hundred and Forty-seventh Illinois Infantry, and commissioned captain March 13, 1865, to rank February 18, 1865; promoted major July 13, 7 865. Regiment assigned in March to First Brigade, Second Separate Division, Army of the Cumberland; in skir- mishes at Spring Place and Pullen's Ferry, Georgia. On May 12, 1865, General Wofford, commanding Con- federate States forces in North Georgia, surrendered his command of several thousand men to General Judah, at Kingston, which included all rebel troops in North Georgia not included in Johnston's surrender to Sherman. Served as aide-de-camp to Colonel Lewis Merrill in paroling said troops. Regiment moved to Albany, Geor- gia, in July, and to Savannah in November. In command of regiment while at Albany, and for a short time serve. 1 as sub-commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, V reed- men, and Abandoned Lands. At Savannah served on military commission convened under Special Order No. 123, District of Savannah, General J. M. Brannan com- manding. Discharged, with regiment, February 6, 1866, at Springfield, Illinois. In February, 1867, appointed postmaster at Morrison, Illinois, on recommendation of Hon. E. B. Washburn, and served until March, 1 887 ; carried on insurance busi- ness at same time, and afterwards at Joliet, Illinois, and Tacoma, Washington, and is now special agent in Cook- County, Illinois, for the Phcenix, of Hartford. He was commander of Post 1 18, G. A. R., at Morrison, for four years, and delegate to National Encampment at Denver, in 1883, and Milwaukee, 1889. Assistant adju- tant-general, Department of Washington and Alaska, G.A.R., 1891 ; member of National Council of Adminis- tration, same department, [892. In Illinois National Guard, commissioned first lieuten- ant Company I, Sixth Regiment, June 8, 18S2: captain August 1, 1882; colonel and aide-de-camp on governor's staff from Seventh Congressional District, September 5, [882 ; served as such under Governors Cullom, Hamilton, ( Iglesby, and Fifer until June 30, 1 889. He joined Illinois Commandery I. oval Legion in May, 1S89; transferred to Washington Commandery in Feb- ruary, [891, and elected recorder; served until March, 1892. He married Miss Mary A. Smith on March 14. 1 one child living, Alpheus A., born December 20. 1875. 48 3/8 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) MAJOR-GENERAL JAMES S. NEGLEY, U.S.V. Major-General James S. Negley was born in East Libert)-, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, December 26, 1 826. lie was educated at Western University, enlisted as a private in the First Pennsylvania Regiment in 1846, and served in most of the important engagements during the Mexican War. The opening of the Rebellion found General Negley ready and eager to defend the Union and well equipped, by the experience gained in the Mexican War, to command men in such a way as to at once gain their confidence and esteem. He therefore had no diffi- cult}' in raising a brigade of three months' volunteers at the beginning of the Civil War, and was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers in April, 1861, served in Alabama and Tennessee with the Army of the Ohio ; and a,t the battle of Lavergne, October 7, 1862, was in command, defeating the Confederates under Generals Richard H. Anderson and Nathan B. Foster. He was promoted major-general for gallantry at Stone River, November 29, 1862; was engaged in the Georgia cam- paign, and at the battle of Chickamauga, September 19-20, 1863, held Owen's Gap. He settled in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, after the war, and was elected to Congress in 1869-75 and in 1885-87, and, while serving in the House of Representatives, was honored by appointment to some of the most important committees. After his last term in the House, he, tem- porarily at least, gave up political life to engage in busi- ness in New York, where he was successful. Later he removed to Plainfield, New Jersey, which is his present residence. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 379 MAJOR-GENERAL JOHN SEDGWICK, U.S.V. (deceased). Major-General John Sedwick was born September 13- l8l 3. at Cornwall, Connecticut. He was descended from that sturdy old Roundhead, Major-General Robert Sedgwick, who was sent by Oliver Cromwell as commis- sioner to Jamaica, in the conquest of which he had been a prominent actor, and before his death was appointed its governor. Of his lineage and same name was a major at Valley Forge, who was the grandsire of John Sedgwick. John Sedgwick, the subject of this sketch, was gradu- ated from the United States Military Academy fuly 1, 1837, and promoted to the artillery, in which arm he served at various posts, in the Florida War, in the Chero- kee Nation, and in quelling border disturbances on the Canada frontier. In the war against Mexico, Sedgwick accompanied Scott's army in its march from the sea to the capital, and participated in every engagement from Vera Cruz to the City of Mexico, receiving the brevets of captain and major " for his gallant and meritorious conduct." After this war, and a few years of garrison duty, he was appointed, March 8, 1855, a major in one of the new regiments of cavalry, and, until the outbreak of the Rebellion, was chiefly engaged on expeditions against hostile Indians. Sedgwick, commissioned August 31, 1861, a brigadier- general of volunteers in the Peninsular campaign of 1862, commanded a division of the Army of the Potomac, and rendered gallant service in its various engagements, par- ticularly in the battle of Fair < >aks, where he arrived after a toilsome march and across a swollen river in time- to decide the conflict. Being wounded in the battle of Glendale, June 30, he took no further part in this cam- paign, but was rewarded, J Lily 4, with promotion to major- general of volunteers. On recovering from his wound, General Sedgwick led his command in the Maryland campaign, where, in the battle of Antietam, he was twice wounded, but, refusing to leave his command, was shot through the body and borne insensible from the field. Three months later he reported for duty and was placed in command of the Ninth Corps, but, February 5, 1863, was transferred to the command of the Sixth Corps ; and the storming of Marye Heights, in rear of Fredericksburg, during the Chancellorsville campaign, as well as the subsequent battle at Salem Church, where Hooker's inactivity ena- bled Lee to strengthen the force sent against Sedgwick, proves the prowess of the corps and the ability of its commander. In the Pennsylvania campaign, General Sedgwick com- manded the right wing of the Army of the Potomac, and made the memorable forced march of thirty-five miles in twenty hours, to reach the battle-field of Gettysburg. Following the Confederate army into Virginia, General Sedgwick, at the head of the Fifth and Sixth Corps, was ordered, November 7, 1863, to force the passage of the Rappahannock. An infantry assault was gallantly exe- cuted, resulting in the capture of a whole division with its guns and colors. Resuming the direct command of the Sixth Corps in the Richmond campaign of 1864, General Sedgwick was conspicuous in the battle of the Wilderness, emerging from which, May 9, the Army of the Potomac was con- centrated at Spottsylvania Court-House, where, while the general was watching the placing of some artillery, he was instantly killed by one of the enemy's sharp-shooters. Thus fell this brave, generous, warm-hearted soldier, his face to the foe, as it had ever been turned during three wars, in which his dauntless spirit never quailed amid the fiery hail of battle. The silent, kind, and idolized leader, with a sweet smile still lighting his jovial face, was borne from the field of his glory, and, wrapped in that flag he- had so steadfastly defended, was laid to his final rest under the sylvan bivouac of the beautiful Ilousatonic Valley where he was born and grew to his manhood. 3 8o OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) MAJOR WILLIAM HOWARD MILLS, U.S.A. Major William Howard Mills was born at Bangor, Maine, April 18, 1838. As a student of the High School he organized a cadet corps in connection therewith, which was probably the beginning of military instruction now so popular in public schools. Nearly all the cadets be- came officers in the War of the Rebellion, several receiv- ing appointments in the regular army. Before the war he was in business at St. Louis, Missouri. As early as January, 1861, the " stars and bars" waved over the head-quarters of the "minute men," at the cor- ner of Fifth and < )live Streets, — organized to take Mis- souri out of the Union. Through friends in the organi- zation he became advised, from time to time, of its pur- poses, and imparted them to Captain Nathaniel Lyon, Second Infantry, commanding the L*. S. Arsenal. He was an early advocate of the 1 irganizatii >n 1 if the Union men of the city in opposition to the "minute men," from which came three regiments of Home Guards that, under the command of Captain Lyon, on the 10th of May sur- rounded and compelled the surrender of the Missouri militia, under Major-General D. M. Frost, at Camp Jack- son, near the city. He closed out his business, and was requested by his former employes to raise a company of Union volunteers, but declined for the reason that he preferred to go into the service of his native State. A sense of filial duty, however, kept him out of the army until his father had been to Europe upon an important business tour and returned. The Second Maine Infantry was composed of the militia companies of Bangor and vicinity, and as he was acquainted with nearly every one in the regiment, from the colonel down the line, he exceedingly regretted not to have been one of it; and in the latter part of 1 86 1, one of its companies having been disbanded, and another being raised to take its place, he was enrolled as a private. March 3, 1S62, upon the recommendation of Vice-President Hannibal Hamlin and General Francis P. Blair, Jr., he was appointed a first lieutenant in the Fourteenth U. S. Infantry, accredited to Missouri, and confirmed by the Senate on the 6th. For a while he was stationed at Oswego, New York, on regi- mental recruiting service, where he rendered efficient aid in the organization of volunteers. During the retrograde movement of the Army of the Po- tomac from the Rapidan River, in Virginia, to the defences of Washington and return, he contracted typhoid fever, and was sent away sick on the morning of November 23, 1863, when the army first moved upon what is known as the Mine Run campaign. January 20, 1864, being con- valescent in hospital at Annapolis, Maryland, he was ordered to Indianapolis upon mustering and disbursing duty, where he rendered efficient service to the State of Indiana, working without regard to hours, in an en- feebled condition, mustering into the United States ser- vice large numbers of men, and disbursing hundreds of thousands of dollars in bounties to volunteers. He ren- dered confidential service to Governor Morton and Major- General A. P. Hovey in discovering and breaking up the or- ganizations known as the " Sons of Libert}'" and " Knights of the Golden Circle," that had planned and contemplated the release and arming of the Confederate prisoners in confinement there upon a fixed date. He was appointed adjutant January 10, 1865, and promoted to be a captain December 23, 1865. In May, 1865, he was placed in charge of a large muster-out camp at Fort Monroe. In the fall of 1865 he went to California with his regi- ment, and was stationed for one year at Fort Yuma, to which one of the early-clay infantrymen is reported to have returned from Hades for his blankets. From there he proceeded to Fort McDowell, in the interior of Arizona, and thence, under orders of the department commander, with his own and another company of in- fantry, moved to establish a new post, at a place northeast of McDowell, in the midst of the hostile Apaches, and inaccessible to wagons. After considerable opposition and several attacks by the Indians, the post was estab- lished, but soon abandoned on account of the difficulty of getting supplies over mountains, where, when the best road possible was constructed, wagons had to be let down with ropes. He was brevetted captain " for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Chanccllorsville, Virginia, and Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to date from July 3, 1 863," and major "for meritorious services in the campaign ter- minating with the surrender of the insurgent Army of Northern Virginia, to date from April 9, 1865." Major Mills resigned his commission December 12, 1 86S, and was at the time of this publication a resident of Washington, D.C. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 3«i JB* 0S£ BRIGADIER-GENERAL NEAL DOW, U.S.V. Brigadier-General Neal Dow was born in Portland, Maine, on the 20th of March, 1804, of Quaker parentage. He was chief engineer of the Portland Fire Department in 1839, and was twice elected mayor of that city. He became the champion of the project for the prohibition of the liquor traffic. Through his efforts the Maine- liquor law, prohibiting under severe penalties the sale of intoxicating beverages, was passed in 1851. He was a member of the State Legislature in 1858-59. On De- cember 31, 1 861, he was appointed colonel of the Thir- teenth Maine Volunteers, and with his regiment he joined General Butler's expedition to New ( )rleans. He was commissioned a brigadier-general of volunteers on the 28th of April, 1862, and placed in command of the forts at the mouth of the Mississippi, and afterwards of the District of Florida. He was wounded twice in the at- tack on Port Hudson, May 27, 1863, and taken pris- oner while lying in a house near. After imprisonment j United States, and received ten thousand three hundred for over eight months in Libby Prison and at Mobile, he and five votes. General Dow is a fme-lookintr man of was exchanged. He resigned on the 30th of November, the old school and an accomplished orator, and at one 1864. Since then General Dow has devoted himself to time went to England at the invitation of the United the cause of temperance. In 1880 he was the candidate , Kingdom Temperance Alliance, and addressed crowded of the national Prohibition party for President of the I meetings in all the large cities. ?82 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) ACTING ENSIGN LEWIS RANDOLPH HAMERSLY, U.S.N. Acting Ensign Lewi- Randolph Hamersly, was born in Washington, D. C., January 17, 1847. He is descended from men who held commissions in the American army during the Revolutionary War, one of them being in command of a Connecticut regiment of the line. On the maternal side he is the grandson of Commodore T. H. Stevens (who, at the age of eighteen, commanded one of Perry's ships, the " Trippe," at the battle of Lake Erie) and nephew of the present Rear-Admiral T, H. Stevens, U. S.N., who greatly distinguished himself during the Civil War. On the paternal side, Mr. Hamersly is a grandnephew of Chief Justice L'llis Lewis, of Pennsyl- vania, for whom he is named. He was appointed an acting master's mate in the navy March 6, 1861, and this, probably, was the first appointment in the volunteer navy. Mr. Hamersly was attending school at Erie, but on receipt of his appoint- ment joined the steamer " Michigan." While attached to that vessel he contracted typhoid fever, from which he was ill for three months. In Feb. 1862, he joined the " Aroos- took," participating in the engagement at Fort Darling, on the lames River, and the battle of Malvern Hill, as the " Aroostook" was one of the two ships that co-operated with the army. In Aug., 1862, the "Aroostook" joined the Potomac flotilla, and in Nov. the Western Gulf squad- ron, where she was engaged in blockade duty off Mobile. Mr. Hamersly was detached from her in August, 1S63. In September, 1863, Mr. Hamersly reported for duty on the iron-clad " Choctaw," of the Mississippi squadron, taking part in the Red River expedition of 1864. In De- cember, 1863, he was promoted to the grade of acting ensign. In August, 1864, he was ordered to the steamer " Fair Play," on which vessel he participated in various engagements on Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers, until the end of the war. He then served on the " Michigan" and the " Tallapoosa" until Jul}-, 1866, when he was ap- pointed second lieutenant in the Marine Corps, and ordered to the Norfolk Navy -yard. In Jan., 1869, he joined the " Narragansett," of the West India squadron. In April, 1869, he was invalided home. At this time he had served almost continuously for eight years, part of the time in an iron-clad, and the entire time in hot climates. Upon reporting at the Naval Hospital he was granted six months' sick-leave, but, failing to regain his health, although notified that he would be ordered before a re- tiring-board, he, in Sept. 1869, resigned his commission. At the present time there is a bill before Congress, which has been reported favorably by the Committee on Naval .Affairs, to place Mr. Hamersly on the retired list as captain in the Marine Corps, to which the present Secre- tary of the Navy attached the following remarks : "With reference to the request of the committee for an expression of the views of this department on the merits of the bill under consideration, I have the honor to state that, in view of the fact that the information con- tained in the inclosures of this communication show an enviable record of active service on the part of this gen- tleman during the late war in the volunteer navy, a com- mendable record subsequent thereto as a commissioned officer in the Marine Corps, until he was stricken down in the line of duty on board the ship to which he was attached, in a foreign port, condemned by a duly organ- ized board of survey, consisting of medical officers of the navy, and transferred to the Naval Hospital at Norfolk, Virginia, for treatment for the disease with which he was suffering, and which he contracted in the line of duty, as before stated, it would seem to be unnecessary for an expression by this department of its views as to the merits of the bill further than to suggest that had Mr. Hamersly been retired at a time when he could have- been retired justly and lawfully under the existing law, he would have been placed upon the retired list of the Marine Corps, with the rank of second lieutenant, which rank he then held." (Signed) " B. F. Tracy, Secretary of the Navy." In 1S70, a few months after his resignation from the Marine Corps, Mr. Hamersly compiled the first edition of his "Records of Living Officers of the United States Navy," a work which met with such success that in 1871 a second edition was called for, and since that date two other editions, the last in I S90, have been published. In 1 88 1 Mr. Hamersly published " Hamersly's Naval Encyclopaedia." In 1879 he started the United Service Magazine, of which he continues the editor and publisher. While a lieutenant in the Marine Corps stationed at the Norfolk Navy-yard, he married, in 1868, Miss Mary Palmer, of Portsmouth, \"a. They have four children, — one son, L. R. Hamersly, Jr., and three daughters. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. COLONEL WILLIAM H. BALL, U.S.V. Colonel William H. Ball was born at Bridekirk, Fairfax County, Va., May 2, 1818. His forefathers came from England to the " Northern Neck" of Va. before the American Revolution. His parents were poor, and his educational opportunities limited. When eight years of age he was sent to school one year at Falls Church. He had to acquire an education without the aid of a teacher and without interfering with his labors on the farm. In 1845 he taught school at Falls Church for ten months, reading law during the time with James H. Thrift. The last of November of that year he came to Muskin- gum County, Ohio, where he continued to read law. The 1st of April, 1846, he entered the law-office of General C. B. Goddard as a student, taught school three months in the winter of 1846-47, and was admitted to the bar at London, Ohio, in June, r.847. In Feb. 1851, he was married ; and in October of the same year he was elected prosecuting attorney of the count}-. In December, 1852, he resigned that office to become the political editor of the Zanesville Daily and Weekly Courier, the Whig paper of the count}-. In December, 1853, he sold his interest in the ( 'mirier, and the following April resumed his law practice, which soon became large and profitable. From 1854 until [866 he was a Silver- Gray Whig. Earl}- in 1861, the War of the Rebellion having broken out, he joined with nine others in the county to raise each a company for three months' service ; and he obtained a minimum company — no other had — when it was learned that the governor would not accept the regiment. One company was accepted, and he was offered the captaincy, but declined it. In the summer of 1862, Hon. T. J. Maginnis and himself raised the One Hundred and Twenty-second Regiment Ohio Vol. Inf. The day the district committee met to designate the field-officers, Maginnis was some twenty miles east, ami Ball some twenty miles north, soliciting volunteers. The committee determined that Muskingum County could not have both the first and second place, and thereupon the organizers of the regiment, all unconscious of wh.it was being done, were placed in nomination as opposition can- didates for the coli melcy. Ball was selected by a majority of one. Lie was mustered in as colonel October 8, 1862, and left with his regiment for W. Va., tarrying several weeks at Clarksburg, New Creek, and on the South Branch, to Winchester, where the regiment arrived Jan. 1, 1863. It remained there until June 15 of that year, when Milroy was driven out by Ewell. The first battle was that four miles north of Winchester, at daylight the morning of the 15th of June. On that occasion the < )ne Hundred and Tenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry and the ( >ne Hundred and Twenty-second made a detour and struck the rebel flank, driving the rebels back a considerable distance and silencing their cannon. The Union troops 38: w *K weri driven from the field and a number of prisoners were taken. The One Hundred and Twenty-second, ( >ne Hundred and Tenth, and two or three regiments in part, marched with General Milroy to Harper's Ferry. < )n the 9th of July this regiment, with others of Milroy's command, joined the Army of the Potomac, and became the Third Division of the Third Corps. On the dissolution of the Third Corps this division became the Third of the Sixth Corps, and so continued to the close of the war. In Jul}-. 1865, Colonel Ball resigned on account of the ill health of his wife, leaving iln regiment below Petersburg the evening of the 5th of February. He was in every battle his regiment was in during his services, — those of Winchester, June 15, 1863 ; Locust Grove, November 27, 1863; and the operations on Mine Run; the Wilderness, May 6, 1864; Spottsyl- vania, May 8 to 13, [864; Cold Harbor, June 1 and 3, [864; Opequan, September 19, and Fisher's Hill, 23d of Sept.. 1864; Cedar (leek, Oct. 19, 1 864 ; beside a num- ber of skirmishes. He commanded the Sei ond Brigade of the Third Division at the battle of Cedar Creek. ( >n his return Colonel Ball resumed the practice of the law, and continued therein until August, 1879. In October, 1871,11c was elected to the State Legis- lature for a term of two years, and in the spring of 1873 he was defeated as a candidate for a seat in the Consti- tutional Convention. In 187S he was elected to the Common Pleas bench for the counties of Muskingum, Guernsey, Noble, and Morgan, fora term of five years, and at the close of the term he was defeated for re-election, since which time he has continued the practice of law. In politics he was a Whig until 1866, refusing to identify himself with Free-Soilers or Know -Nothings. In radically disapproving the Republican policy of n struction, he became a Democrat. He never sought an office. 3»4 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WILLIAM PETERS HEPBURN, U.S.V. Lieutenant-Colonel William Peters Hepburn (of the Second Iowa Cavalry Volunteers) was born in Co- lumbiana County, Ohio, November 4, 1833. He was the youngest son of Lieutenant James S. Hepburn, United States Arm}', who was one of the early graduates from the West Point Military Academy after its reorganization in 1 8 16. Lieutenant Hepburn's father was a New Yorker, of Scotch descent, who married a daughter of one of the old Holland families, — early settlers in New York. Col- onel Hepburn's mother was Miss Ann Fairfax Catlett, the daughter of Dr. Hansom Catlett of the army. She was a granddaughter of Matthew Lyon, and a great- granddaughter of Governor Chittenden, of Vermont. Colonel Hepburn's step-father, George S. Hampton, re- moved to the Territory of Iowa in 1840. His early life- was spent in Iowa City and on a farm in its vicinity. He attended for .1 time such day-schools as the extreme frontier at that time afforded. About four years of his life were passed in an apprenticeship to the printing business. He then read law in Iowa City, and Liter in Chicago; was admitted to practice by the Supreme Court of Illinois in June, [854. He returned to Iowa in the fall of I 855, and married Melvina A. Morsman, a daughter of Dr. Moses J. Morsman, whose family resided near Sackett's Harbor, New York, and whose grandfather, as a captain of in- fantry, participated in the defence of Bunker Hill. Early in 1856 Mr. Hepburn and his young wife re- moved to Marshalltown, in Central Iowa, where he began the practice of law. In 1858 he was elected district at- torney of the Eleventh Judicial District, which position he resigned in 1 861, to enter the volunteer service. In August he assisted in raising a company of volunteers. of which he was elected captain, and started on the 10th of August to join his regiment, the Second Iowa Cavalry, then organizing at Davenport, Iowa. In November he- was promoted major of his regiment, commanding the First Battalion, and with his battalion was ordered to St. Louis. On the 19th of February the regiment went to the front, landing at Bird's Point, and thence to New Madrid. The regiment moved with the Army of the Missis- sippi to Hamburg Landing on the Tennessee, and was well to the front during the advance upon Corinth. Major Hepburn was in command of his battalion in the celebrated charge on the rebels at Farmington, and re- ceived honorable mention in the reports. In June he was placed upon the staff of General Sheridan, and remained with him until the general was transferred to the Army of the Ohio. Major Hepburn then became judge-advo- cate upon the staff of General Rosecrans, in command of the Army of the Mississippi ; participated in the battles of I uka and Corinth. When General Rosecrans took command of the Arm)- of the Cumberland he took Major 1 lepburn with him, and upon the organization of the staff he was assigned to duty as judge-advocate. In Decem- ber he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant- colonel of his regiment, and was then assigned to duty on the staff as inspector of cavalry of the Army of the Cumberland, in which position he continued until the end of the Tul- iahoma campaign, when, at his request, he was relieved from duty and returned to his regiment. In January, 1 864, he was given the command of the Second Brigade, Cavalry Division, left wing, Sixteenth Army Corps, with which brigade he served until the regiments went North on veteran furlough. He was then placed in command of the non-veterans of that brigade. In October, 1864, the end of his enlistment, he was mustered out of service. But upon his return to Memphis, in November, he was placed in command of a regiment of provisional cavalry, formed by the commanding officer of the district, which command he held until the disbandment of the regiment in May, 1865. In 1876 he removed to Clarinda, Iowa, where he has since resided. He engaged in the active practice of his profession until 1880, at which time he was elected a mem- ber of Congress from the Eighth District, and twice re- elected. In 1886, however, he was defeated as a candidate for Congress by Major A. R. Anderson, an independent Republican, who was also nominated by the Democrats of the district. In 1889 he was appointed Solicitor of the Treasury by President Harrison. In 1892 he was again elected to Congress. He was a delegate to the Re- publican National Convention of 1 860 and also the Re- publican Convention of 1888. He was elected as an elector-at-large from the State of Iowa in 1 876, and again in 1888. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 335 CAPTAIN LEMUEL A. ABBOTT, U.S.A. Captain Lemuel A. Abbott was born in Vermont, and appointed from the same State. Cadet at Norwich Mili- tary University, Norwich, Vermont, 1861 ; private, Tenth Vermont Infantry, July 28, 1862; first sergeant, Tenth Vermont Infantry, September I, 1862; second lieutenant, March 20, 1863; with Third Corps, Army of the Poto- mac, 1863; battles of Rapidan Station, Kelly's Ford, Brandy Station, Payn's Farm, and operations about Mine Run, Virginia ; with Sixth Corps, Army of the Potomac ; battles of the Wilderness (slightly wounded), — Spottsyl- vania, North Anna, Tolopotomy, Cold Harbor, and the siege of and battles around Petersburg, Virginia ; fust lieutenant, July 31, 1864; battles of the Monocacy (wounded) ; Snicker's Gap, Charlestown, Virginia, and Sheridan's battle of Winchester (twice wounded, severely ) ; captain, December, 1S64; engaged in the siege of Peters- burg, capture of the intrenched picket-line of the enemy ; assault cm main works, which terminated the siege ; pursuit of the rebel arm}-, battle of Sailor's Creek, and capitula- tion of General Lee at Appomattox Court-House, Vir- ginia; on the march to North Carolina, to operate against the rebel army under General Johnston, and return to Washington, D. C, for the final grand review ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. First lieutenant and adjutant, Ninety-seventh U. S. C. Infantry, November 6, 1865; at Mobile, Alabama, to March, 1866; nearly shipwrecked in violent storm on board transport with regiment, en route to New Orleans, Louisiana, in May, 1866; mustered out of service at New Orleans, Louisiana, April 6, 1866. Second lieutenant, Sixth V. S. Cavalry, July 2, 1867; at New Orleans, Louisiana, on the staff of General Sheri- dan, t<> Feb., 1868; seriously ill with yellow fever, Sept., 1867; scouting in Texas for hostile Indians; protecting loyal citizens, arresting desperadoes, etc., to Dec., 1868; thanked and services officially acknowledged by the com- manding officer of the Fifth Military 1 Hstrict, for the mid- night surprise and arrest of four noted desperadoes and highwaymen of Northern Texas; at Jefferson, Texas; Shreveport, La., to Dec, 1870; first lieut, Sept. 19, 1869; regimental quartermaster, November 25, 1869, to May 17, 1873; at Fort Dodge, Kansas, from June, 1873, to July, 1874. He was on the staff of General Nelson A. Miles, as acting assisting quartermaster of the Miles Indian ler- ritory expedition, and cantonment on the Sweetwater, Texas, to July, 1875; acting engineer officer with regi- ment, en route to Arizona Territory, August to Octol 1875. He was acting assistant quartermaster, assistant commis- sary subsistence, post-adjutant, scouting, etc., Fort Grant, Arizona Territory, from October, 1875, to May, 1877. 0,1 duty as inspector of Indian supplies, etc., at San Carlos 49 Indian Agency, Arizona Territory, from June, 1877, to June, 1878 ; a pioneer in this work. Commanding Camp Thomas, and inspector of Indian supplies at San Carlos, Arizona Territory, from July, 1 878, to June, 1881 1. Captain, Sixth U.S. Cavalry, June 3, 1880; at Fort Verde, Arizona Territory, from Jul}', 1 880, to March, 1881 ; mentioned in the annual report of General O. P. Wilcox, commanding Department of Arizona, to Secre- tary of War, for zeal, efficiency, etc., in the arrest of certain turbulent Apache Indians, including one of the leading chiefs, and for which duty Captain Abbott had been specially selected by the department commander. At Fort Apache, Arizona Territory, from May to No- vember, 1882; engaged in battle with White Moun- tain Apache Indians at Chevelon's Fork of the Little Colorado River, Arizona Territory, July 17, 1882, and received honorable mention by the commanding officer of the expedition in his official report for zeal and effi- ciency, owing to an effective flank movement, conceived by Captain Abbott and executed by his command under his direction, through heavy timber and deep canons, and over rough and dangerous ground, at great risk of being ambushed, but which resulted, after a spirited and brilliant charge in the enemy's rear, in vir- tually surrounding and, finally, in subduing the hostile loe. At Fort Grant, Arizona Territory, from November, [881, to August, 1883; retired from active servii account of wounds, rheumatism, and general disability, January 3, 1885; in Washington, D. C, mostly, from 1885 to 1893. He was instrumental, in 1891, m having the outer bar to Gray's Harbor, State of Washington, resurveyei the United States government, which the inter, commerce demanded in that locality. 3 86 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JOB ARNOLD, U.S.V. (deceased). Lieutenant-Colonel Job Arnold was the son of Stephen and Mary (Angel) Arnold; was born in Smith- field January iS, 1827. Removing early to Providence, he received a common-school education in the district school. At the age of thirteen he went to New York, and spent four years in the dry-goods business. Return- in- to Providence at seventeen, he learned the trade of jeweller and engraver, which pursuit he followed until the breaking out of the war in 1861. During these years, by well-selected reading, he had acquired very valuable and varied information. As .1 skilled mechanic, he had familiarized himself with .all improvements in machinery. But the study of horticul- ture and agriculture were his chief delights, and he hoped for a time when he could devote himself to these. Thoroughly informed on political questions, he fore- saw the great struggle of the nation, ami abandoned all other occupations and personal aspirations for the service 1 >f his country at the first call to arms. He entered the service as private in Company C, First Rhode Island Militia, May 2, 1861. Returning home, he was made captain of Company E, Fifth Rhode Island Infantry, December 16, 1861. He was engaged in the battles of Roanoke, New-Berne, Fort Macon, Tarbor- ough expedition, and Goldsborough campaign, and was in command of his regiment as captain from August 25, 1862, until January, 1863, when he was made lieutenant- colonel, and transferred to the Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Infantry, March 2, 1863. He served with the Seventh Regiment in Kentucky and in the Yicksburg campaign. Colonel Arnold died December, 1869, and the follow- ing tribute to his memory by Rev. Augustus Woodbury, D.D., voiced the opinion of even - man who had the good fortune to know Colonel Arnold: " We cannot allow the death of this true man and brave soldier to pass without a brief tribute to his services and character. He was among the first to volunteer for the defence of the republic in 1861, and he continued in the service as long as his physical strength could endure the hardships of camp and field. In the First Regiment he was a private in Captain William W. Brown's company, and also in Captain Frank Goddard's company of car- bineers. Among the skirmishers of the advanced line he entered upon the battle of Bull Run, and by his in- trepidity and coolness attracted the attention and excited the admiration of his comrades and officers. " Appointed captain in the Fifth Regiment, December 16, 1 86 1, he was in the Bumside expedition to North Carolina, and in every situation in which he was placed displayed a remarkable fidelity and capacity. His speedy promotion was assured, and on the 7th of January, 1863, he was commissioned as lieutenant-colonel. Early in the following March he was transferred to the Seventh Regiment, then belonging to the Ninth Corps, and with this command went to Kentucky. In the summer of 1863 the Ninth Corps was sent to Mississippi to co- operate with General Grant's army in the reduction of Yicksburg. Thousands of men and officers were pros- trated by this short but arduous campaign. Colonel Arnold, naturally of a delicate organization, fell beneath the blow, and was obliged to return home. He hoped to return to the service, but the disease which had fastened upon him could not be shaken off, and he was finally honorably discharged on account of physical disability, May 28, 1864 Since that time, by exercising the utmost care, he has been at intervals able to attend to his busi- ness, but he has never been strong. Little more than a year ago he was obliged to remain at home, and, gradu- ally wasting away, on Tuesday afternoon quietly breathed his last. " Colonel Arnold was a singularly pure, brave, and good man. Spotless among the vices of the camp, steadfast in the hour of action and tint}-, faithful and loyal in every position of trust and responsibility, with him ' The path of duty was the way to glory.' "His career is an additional illustration of the capa- bilities of our citizen soldiery. With such defenders the republic is secure. His comrades of the Grand Army of the Republic honor themselves, as well as him, when they speak of him as 'a soldier of perfect courage, a leader among his compeers, and a man of unsullied purity of life.' Next to living nobly is the power of appreciating nobleness. But mere words cannot add to the virtues of the dead or sufficiently express their eulogy. Our friend has not really left us, for affection and memory will ever cherish the sweetness, beaut}-, and simplicity of his life." WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 3§7 BREVET LIEUTENANT-COLONEL AARON SPANGLER, U.S.V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Aaron Spangler was born near Bethlehem, Northampton County, Pennsyl- vania, July 2, 1836. In 1841 his parents moved to Clark County, Ohio, where they engaged extensively in farm- ing, until the fall of 1854, when sickness (typhoid fever) prostrated the entire family, — father, mother, and three brothers dying in the short space of thirty-four days. The subject of this sketch was reared on the farm until the death of his parents, receiving a good common- school education. In the spring of 1855 he went back to Northampton County, Pennsylvania, attending a select school at Easton until February, [856-, when he returned to Ohio and entered Wittenberg College, where he remained two years, taking a partial, or commercial, course. He then taught a district school several terms, and was occupied in improving his realty until August 15, 1862, when he was appointed to recruit a company of men for the war. On the 22d of the same month he went to Camp Piqua with over one hundred men. On the 3d of October following his company was mustered into the service of the United States " for three years or during the war," and assigned to the < >ne Hundred and Tenth Regiment, Ohio Infantry, under command of Colonel J. Warren Keifer. The regiment left for the front October 19, 1862, and served in the Army of West Virginia for a time, then in the Eighth Army Corps to July, 1 S63 ; Third Army Corps to March, 1864; and in the Second Brigade, Third Division, Sixth Corps, Army of the Potomac, to the close of the war. He served as captain of his company until July 1, 1864, when he was promoted to major of the regiment, and subsequently brevetted lieutenant-colonel United States volunteers, " to date from ( )ctober 19, 1S04, for gallant and meritorious services in the present cam- paign, before Richmond, and in the Shenandoah Valley." He was engaged in the following prominent battles: Winchester, Virginia, June 1 3— 14, 1863; Stevens's Depot, June 15, 1863; Mine Run, November 26, 1863; Wilder- ness, May 5-7, 1864; Spottsylvania Court-House, May 8 -12,1864; Monocacy, Maryland, July 9, 1864; Opequan and Winchester, September 19, 1864; Fisher's Hill, Sep- tember 22, 1864; Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864: sii 4t* of Petersburg (assault on works before Petersburg), March 25, 1865, besides many skirmishes. He received a scalp wound at Spottsylvania Court- House (Bloody Angle), May 12, 1864, which disabled him for about four weeks, and was seriously wounded in the left thigh in taking the outer works before Pe- tersburg, March 25, 1 805, which disabled him for further duty. He, however, met his regiment at Washington, and was mustered out with "the boys" June 25, 1805. Returning to his home, he located at Osborn, Greene County, Ohio, where he engaged in the dry-goods and general merchandise business, which he carried on until the fall of 1876, when, on account of poor health, he- closed out, and has since given his attention more to out- door interests. In the fall of 1875 he was elected to the State Senate from the Fifth Senatorial District, and served in the Sixty-second General Assembly of the State of Ohio. I le served on the Board of County Com- missioners of Greene County during the years of 1870 -72. He also served as mayor of Osborn for a num- ber of years, besides filling numerous other position-, oi trust. He was married February 12, 1868, to Miss Emma Serface. Two daughters and two sons all living, have- been born to them. He changed his location to Spring- held, Ohio, in March, 1884, where he has since resided. 3 88 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY [volunteer) \ COLONEL EDWARD JAY ALLEN. U.S.V. Colonel Edward Jay Allen was burn in New York City, April 27, 1830. His parents removingto Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, he received his English education in the public schools of that city, and a classical training at Du- quesne College. In [852 he crossed the plains with an ox-team from Council Bluffs, Iowa, to Puget Sound, and took an active part in the growth of that region ; was .1 delegateio the convention to create the Territory of Wash- ington, and acquired a literary reputation by his " ( Iregon Trail," and sketches to Eastern magazines concerning the region, which was then almost terra incognita. He was associated with the Northern Pacific Railroad exploring party ; was secretary to the Code Commission which framed the organic law of the new Territory ; explored the route for ami built the military road through the Nahchess Pass of the Cascade Mountains from Forts Steilacoom to Walla Walla, and returned to Pittsburg in 1855, and did active work in the Kansas Aid Society of Pennsylvania to make Kansas a free State. He was married in |X;- to Miss Elizabeth W. Rob- inson, of Pittsburg. In the early part of the Rebellion he served as volun- teer aide on the staff of General John C. Fremont, pend- ing promised commission as captain from the governor of Ohio. He saw his hist battle with Crook in the brilliant victory over Heath, at Lewisburg, West Virginia, May 25, 1S62 ; was with General Fremont in pursuit of Stone- wall Jackson, and in the skirmishes down the Shenandoah Valley, ending in the battle of Cross-Keys. Volunteered to repair the road bridges destroyed by Jackson's rear- guard, and with detail of twenty men, in advance of Union skirmishers, enabled the advance to press the rebel rear- guard. Volunteered, under fire, to place the pontoons over the flooded North Fork of Shenandoah, ami in the cavalry dash which it permitted, Ashby, of the Confed- erate cavalry, was defeated and fatally wounded. For these actions he received special commendation from General Fremont. On Fremont's resignation, he served as aide on the staff of General Franz Sigel, and was de- tailed to recruit an " engineer battalion," to consist of mechanics capable of anything, from running a locomo- tive to building a bridge. The President supplementing a call for nine months' with a call for three years' men, Colonel Allen turned over the large number of men already recruited, and raised eight companies of volun- teers for the longer term, and with two companies added at Harrisburg, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment was formed, and he commissioned as colonel. The regi- ment was brigaded under Brigadier-General A. A. Hum- phreys, and under forced marches reached the battle-field of Antietam, where it formed the reserve. At Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862, the regiment under General Humphreys made the last of the memora- ble bayonet charges on Marye's Heights, and under the order " left in front" had the honor to lead. After holding its line for several hours, and losing (in the brigade) nearly seventeen hundred men out of about four thousand, the brigade, under command of Colonel Allen, retired under orders, in good order, and " singing and hurrahing Of these charges General Longstreet said, " I thought, as I saw the Federals come again and again to their death, that they deserved success, if courage and daring could entitle soldiers to victory." " No troops could have displayed greater courage and resolution than was shown by those brought against Marye's Hill ; but they miscalculated the wonderful strength of the line behind the stone fence. The posi- tion held by General Cobb surpassed courage and resolution." The Confederate chief of artillery de- clared that the plain in front, over which the charges were made, was so covered by artillery " that we will comb it as with a fine-tooth comb. A chicken could not live on that field when we open on it." Longstreet said to Lee, when he suggested making his line stronger, " Put every man now on the other side of the Potomac on that field to approach me over the same line, and give me plenty of ammunition, ami I will kill them all before they reach my line." Seven thousand killed and wounded at the foot of Marye's Hill justified his state- ment. Prostrated by a rheumatic attack, Colonel Allen was sent home invalided, and was honorably discharged for disability, July 5, 1 863. After a couple of years on crutches, he recovered some use of his limbs, and, in a comparatively active life, is now resident in Pittsburg. Colonel Allen is a Companion of the Pennsylvania Com- mandcrv of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 389 COLONEL G. W. FREDERICK, U.S.V. Colonel George Washington Frederick was born April 4, 1837, at Shrewsbury, York County, Pennsylvania. I le is of German and French-German ancestry, and among the first settlers of Shrewsbury Township. He received his early education in the public schools of his native village and Baltimore, Maryland, where his parents lived some five or six years. His parents returning to Shrews- bury, he was partly prepared for college in an academy of his native town and the preparatory school of Penn- sylvania College at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. He en- tered the Freshman class of Pennsylvania College in the fall of 1859, and graduated in 1863. When Pennsylvania was invaded by the rebels in 1863 he joined the company of students, which became Com- pany A, Twenty-sixth Pennsylvania Emergency Regi- ment, and he was detailed for duty at the head-quarters of General Couch, commanding the department. On one occasion he was ordered, with a train of cars, to take a message to General Knipe, who commanded the troops moving down the Cumberland Valley. The train stopped at Shippensburg. Securing a horse from a farmer (quite .1 number having taken their horses there for safety) he pushed on up the valley, and found General Knipe at Chambersburg, to whom he delivered his message, and next morning started on his return to Shippensburg. Near Green Village he was overhauled by a troop oi home-guard cavalry and arrested as a rebel spy. They took him to Chambersburg to General Knipe, who, recognizing him, released him, and ordered the cavalry to report for duty. In 1863-64 Mr. Frederick was principal of the public schools of Gettysburg, and when the call for troops in 1864 came, he applied for a commission of second lieu- tenant as recruiting-officer, which was refused him on the ground that there were recruiting officers enough already. Nothing daunted, he went to work, feeling assured that if he recruited the men they would not be refused, and at his owai expense raised in Adams County one hundred men, and they, of course, were accepted. It gave him extra trouble, as he had to be mustered at Harrisburg as second lieutenant (which dated from September 2, 1864) in order to muster his men. He was commissioned as captain of the company he recruited September 8, which became Company G, Two Hundred and Ninth Pennsylvania Infantry. In the organization of the regi- ment he was elected and commissioned lieutenant-colonel September 17, 1864. After the capture of the colonel, November 17, 1864, in an attack on the picket-line on the Bermuda Hundred front, Colonel Frederick commanded the regiment, and continued in its command in all its duties, marches, and battles, — in its short but severe campaigns to Nottoway River and I latcher's Run during the winter months, and in the battles of ports Stedman and Sedgwick, March 25, [865, and in the capture of Petersburg, April 2, 1865. He was brevetted colonel April 2, 1865, "for gallant and meiitorious services at Forts Stedman and Sedg- wick, Virginia." The colonel of the regiment having resumed command after the surrender at Appomattox, and the regiment transferred to Alexandria, Virginia, Colonel Frederick was detailed, May 5, 1865, on the staff of General Hart- ranft, governor of the military prison at Washington, District of Columbia. The regiment was mustered out, but Colonel Frederick was retained in service by order of the War Department. He, with two other officei . had immediate charge of the assassins of President Lin- coln and other prisoners, and had charge of the for- mer during the day and night before the hanging. By order of General Hancock, July 6, he was detailed to -deliver Richard McCullough, one of the military prisoners, to General Terry at Richmond, Virginia, a graphic description of which is given by Captain J. M. Schoonmaker in the Philadelphia Weekly Times oi July 24, 1880. Colonel Frederick was discharged from the service- July 19, 1865, and in the following fall renewed his theo- logical studies at Gettysburg seminary. In the fall of 1866 he became pastor .it Zelienople, Pennsylvania. He resigned and became pastor, January, [868, of Christ Mission, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, and resigned in February, 1872. He took charge of the Lutheran I store the same month, and is now editor and publisher of The Lutheran, a weekly in the interest of th< I theran Church. Colonel Frederick is a member of Pennsylvania Com- mandery of the Loyal Legion, the United Service Club, and Meade Post, Grand Army »f the Republic. 39° OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL JOHN W. NOBLE, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General JohnW. NoBLEwas born in Lancaster, Ohio, October 26, 1831. He was educated at Miami University, Ohio, and at Yale, where lie was graduated in 185 1. He afterwards studied law, and became city attorney of Keokuk, Iowa, in 1859, and served until i860. In August, 1861, he was made first lieutenant and adjutant in the Third Iowa Cavalry, and took part in the battle of Athens, Missouri, as a private before he was mustered into the service. He became judge-advocate of the Army of the Southwest, and after- wards of the Department of Missouri. He took part in the battle of Pea Ridge and the siege of Vicksburg, and served under General Andrew J. Smith against For- rest, and under General James H. Wilson in Alabama and Georgia. On March 13, 1865, he was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers, and mustered out at Atlanta in August. He then resumed the practice of law, serving as United States district attorney at St. Louis, Missouri, from 1867 until 1 870. In 1869 he received the thanks, for official duty well performed, of General U. S. Grant, then President of the United States, in the presence of his cabinet. In 1888 President Har- rison appointed him Secretary of the Department of the Interior. He has filled his present high office during the whole of President Harrison's term, and has won national repu- tation by the manner in which he has performed the im- portant duties pertaining to the office of Secretary of tin. Interior. General Noble has won reputation in his profession, and has taken part in many important suits. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 39i BREVET LIEUTENANT-COLONEL SAMUEL WETHERILL, U.S.V. (deceased). Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Wetherill was born at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 27, 1821. He died at Oxford, Talbot County, Maryland, June 24, 1890. He was the oldest son of John Price Wetherill, and great-grandson of Samuel Wetherill, both prominent and leading citizens of Philadelphia, where the colonel was born and educated. Early in life he entered the White Lead and Chemical Works of his father and uncle, and became familiar with both branches of the business, and in 1850 he engaged with the New Jersey Zinc Company at Newark, New Jersey. Following a course of careful experiments to a successful issue, he patented, in 1852, the well-known Wetherill Furnace, for the manufacture of white oxide of zinc directly from the ore. In the year following he built the Lehigh Zinc Works at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. He was the first to produce metallic zinc commercially in America, and in 1857 produced the ingot from which was rolled the first sheet of metallic zinc in the United States. Soon after the breaking out of the War of the Re- bellion, he volunteered and recruited two companies of cavalry at Bethlehem, and was assigned to Harlan's Light Cavalry, afterwards the Eleventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, and commissioned captain August 19, 1861. With his regiment he saw hard and gallant service with the Armies of the Potomac and the James, some- times commanding the regiment, often on detached duty with his battalion. His last duty was as chief of staff to General Kautz, commanding the cavalry of the Army of the James. He was beloved by his officers and men, and had not only the respect and confidence of his supe- riors as a soldier and an officer, but secured their regard and esteem as a gentleman. Captain Wetherill was promoted major October 1, 1861 ; was brevetted lieutenant-colonel, United States volunteers, March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious conduct throughout the campaign of [864 against Rich- mond, Virginia," ami was honorably mustered out of the service September 30, 1 864. 392 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) MAJOR AND BREVET LIEUTENANT-COLONEL AARON S. DAGGETT, U.S.A. Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Aaron S. Daggett (Thirteenth Infantry) was born in Maine June 14, 1839. He is the son of Aaron and Dorcas ( Dearborn) Daggett, and married Rose, the daughter of Major-Gen- eral Phillips Bradford, of Yurner, a lineal descendant of Governor Williams Bradford, of Plymouth colony. At the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion, Major Daggett enlisted as a private April 29, 1 861, and was commissioned second lieutenant May 1, l86r. He was promoted first lieutenant of Company E, Fifth Maine Infantry, May 24, and captain of the company August 4, 1 861. From the first engagement of the regiment (battle of First Bull Run) to the end of its three years' memo- rable service, Captain Daggett did faithful duty, and was promoted major April 14, 1863, and on January icS, 1865, was commissioned lieutenant-colonel of the Fifth Regiment United States Veteran Volunteers (Han- cock's Corps). Colonel Daggett was brevetted colonel and brigadier- general of volunteers March 2, 1S67, for "gallant and meritorious services during the war," and received the brevets of major United States Army for "gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Rappahannock Sta- tion, Virginia, November 7, 1863," and lieutenant-colonel for "gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the Wilderness, Virginia." Immediately after the battle of Rappahannock Station, the captured trophies — flags, cannon, etc. — were escorted to Genera] Meade's head-quarters by Colonel Daggett, in command of the battalion, he having been chosen by General Upton, the escort being selected from those who had taken the most conspicuous part in that battle. General Upton wrote as follows regarding Colonel I (aggett : " In the assault at Rappahannock Station, Colonel Daggett's regirnent captured over five hundred prisoners. In the assault at Spottsylvania Court-House, May 10, his regiment lost six out of seven captains, the seventh being killed on the 12th of May at 'the angle,' or the point where the tree was shot down by musketry, on which ground the regiment fought from 9.30 a.m. until 5.30 p.m., when it was relieved. On all these occasions Colonel Da«irett was under my immediate command, and fought with distinguished bravery. Throughout his military career in the Army of the Potomac he maintained the character of a good soldier and an upright man, and his promotion would be but a simple act of justice, which would be commended by all those who desire to see courage rewarded." General W. S. Hancock, in a letter recommending Colonel Daggett for promotion, says : " Upon an ex- amination by the Examining Board, he was found good in general information, in knowledge of tactics, in knowl- edge of regulations, in knowledge of the service, and recommended for lieutenant-colonel, the grade to which he had been appointed in the corps previous to exam- ination. ... 1 recommend him to the favorable con- sideration of the department." Colonel Frank Wheaton thus writes : " I have the honor to represent that Captain A. S. Daggett, of my regiment, has been for more than twenty years a close student of tactical questions, and would, 1 believe, be a valuable member of an)' Tactical Board that the lieutenant-general might order convened." Colonel Daggett was appointed a captain in the Six- teenth L'nited States Infantry July 28, 1866, and on the consolidation of regiments he was transferred to the Sec- ond L'nited States Infantry April 17, I 869, from which he was promoted major January 2, 1892, and assigned to the Thirteenth Infantry. Colonel Daggett is not only a soldier, but has ability outside of his profession. As a public speaker, the fol- lowing is said by the Rev. S. S. Cummings, of Boston : " It was my privilege and pleasure to listen to an address delivered by General A. S. Daggett on Memorial Day of 1 89 1. I had anticipated something able and instruc- tive, but it far exceeded my fondest expectations. . . . The address was dignified, yet affable, delivered in choice lan- guage, without manuscript, instructive and impressive and highly appreciated by an intelligent audience." A Vinton (Iowa) paper, August, 1889, thus says of Colonel Daggett: " In the evening a very interesting pro- gramme was carried out in front of regimental head- quarters, it being music and speaking combined. . . . Colonel Daggett proves to be an eloquent orator as well as a good soldier." WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 393 LIEUTENANT-COMMANDER WILLIAM P. U.S.N. RANDALL, Lieutenant-Commander William P. Randall was born in New Bedford, Massachusetts. In 1861 he was about to sail in command of a whale-ship when the war commenced. He was furnished with a certificate signed by the president of every insurance office in the city to the effect that their offices would insure any vessel under his command at the lowest rates of insurance; without further indorsement he was appointed an acting master in the United States Navy July 24, 1 861, and ordered to the United States ship " Cumberland," serving on that vessel at the capture of Forts Clarke and Hatteras, and afterwards in the engagement with the " Merrimac" at Newport News, March 8, 1862, at which time he had command of the after pivot-gun, which was the last gun fired from that ship. On May 28, 1862, he was promoted to the rank of volunteer lieutenant and ordered to the gunboat " Port Royal," Commander George W. Morris, which vessel did good service on the James River through the summer of 1862, and joined the East Gulf squadron in the fall of that year. On January 26, 1 863, he was de- tached from the " Port Royal" and ordered to command the bark " Pursuit." He commanded this vessel until August 12, 1864, when he was ordered to command the bark " Restless." These vessels were engaged in block- ading the coast of Florida, and while commanded by Lieutenant Randall did much injur}' to the enemy, for which he received two complimentary letters from the ad- miral commanding (Admiral Stribling), with orders to read them on the quarter-deck at muster. He was pro- moted to the rank of volunteer lieutenant-commander April 17, 1865 ; detached from the bark " Restless" and waited orders until August 17, 1865, when he was granted four months' leave of absence, and on December [9, 1865, was honorably discharged from the United States Navy, with the rank of lieutenant-commander. October 30, 1 866, he presented himself to the examining board at Hartford, Conn., for admission to the regular service, and was re- jected on account of injuries received in the line of duty during the engagement between the " Cumberland" and " Merrimac," but obtained permission from Washington for examination. He presented himself the second time, November 22, 1866, and on December 7, 1866, received an appointment as acting master on temporal)' service, and was ordered to the United States steamer " Peoria," which vessel went to the West Indies and returned with the yellow fever on board. He was detached from her in Norfolk, Va., and went to the hospital July 29, 1867; was on sick-leave until September, 1867, when he was ordered to the receiving-ship " Ohio," March 12,1868. He received a commission as ensign in the regular navy Oct. 12, 1868; was detached from the "Ohio" and ordered to command the steamer " Leyden" Dec. 18, 1868; 5° promoted to master Jan. 2j, 1869, and detached from the " Leyden" and ordered to the steamer " Narragansett ;" joined in Havana March 17, 1869. In July the " Narra- gansett" went in quarantine at Portsmouth, N. H., with yellow fever on board, when he was ordered to the Boston Navy-Yard. Sept. 1, [869, he was ordered to command the United States steamer " Palos." In Oct., 1869, he was detached from the " Palos" and took command of the steamer" Leyden;" was commissioned as lieutenant March 21, 1870. On May 18, 1870, he was detached from the " Leyden" and ordered to the monitor " Saugus ;" joined the "Saugus" at Havana June 4, 1870. Sept. 30, 1870, was detached from the " Saugus" and ordered to com- mand the steamer " Mayflower ;" detached from the " Mayflower," Nov. 3, 1870, and ordered to the receiving- ship " Ohio," navy-yard, Bi >st< >n. Sept. 15, 187 1 , detached from the " Ohio" and ordered to the steamer " Iroquois." (an. 15, 1S72, detached from the " Iroquois" and ordered to the steamer " Canandaigua." August 4, 1X74, detached from the "Canandaigua" at Key West and sent home by medical survey (with Chagres fever) on sick-leave. Nov. 1874, ordered to the navy-yard, Boston. June 10, 1875, ordered to torpedo station, Newport, Rhode Island. Oct. 10, 1875, detached from torpedo station and ordered to the receiving-ship " Ohio," navy-yard, Boston. Oct. 28 ••( ihio's" crew all transferred to the receiving-ship " Wa bash." April 16, 1877, granted six months' leave of ab- sence. Oct. 15, 1S77, ordered back to the receiving-ship "Wabash." Sept. 2, 1S78, ordered to the " Ranger," Asiatic station, as executive officer. 1 »etai hed from the "Ranger" February 20, 1880. March 10, 188 1, ordered as a member of a board to organize search for the steamer " feannette." April 7, 1 881, ordered to special duty under the Bureau of Navigation. Placed on the retired list of the navy February 15, [882. Promoted in [881 rank of lieutenant-commander by special Act of G m 394 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND XAVY (volunteer) \ CAPTAIN HHNRY CLAY WARD, U.S.A. Captain Henry Clay Ward was born in Worcester, Massachusetts, September 10, 1843. He is a descendant of General Artemas Ward, and brother of General Go n ge II. Ward, U. S. Volunteers, killed at Gettysburg. The subject of this sketch. Captain Waul, entered the service as a private of Company D, Fifteenth Massa- chusetts Infantry, July 31, 1861, and was promoted ser- geant-major of the regiment, in which capacity he served until April 9, 1863, when he was appointed a second lieu- tenant of the same organization. He served in the field, in the defences of Washington, I). C, and was engaged in the battle of Hall's Bluff. Virginia, October 21, 1861, swimming the Potomac River after nightfall in order to prevent being captured by the enemy. He subsequently participated in the campaigns of the Army of the Poto- mac, ami was engaged in the siege of Yorktown, Fair Oaks, Mechanicsville, Gaines's Mill, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, Second Pull Run, Fredericksburg, Marye's Heights, and Gettysburg. At the battle of Fredericks- burg Lieutenant Ward volunteered to and did assist in laying the pontoon bridge across the Rappahannock River, in the face of a deadly fire from the enemy. He was honorably mustered out of service September 4, .So,. Lieutenant Ward re-entered the service as first lieu- tenant of the Fifty-Seventh Massachusetts Infantry, and with his regiment joined the Ninth Corps, Army of the Potomac, participating in the battle of the Wilderness, where he assisted in saving the colors of the Fifty-seventh Massachusetts when that regiment was almost decimated. He was engaged also in the battles of Spottsylvania (where he was again wounded), Cold Harbor, assault on Petersburg, June 17-18; Weldon Railroad, Yellow Tavern, and Fort Steadman, March 24, 1865, where he was taken prisoner while in command of the picket-line covering the front of the Ninth Corps, directly in front of Petersburg. He was confined in Libby Prison, at Rich- mond, until Sunday, April 2, 1865, when released with all prisoners in the city ; immediately exchanged, joined his regiment, and participated in the closing battles of the war, at which time he was in command of his regiment, having been promoted captain July 31, 1864. He was honorably mustered out July 30, 1865. Captain Ward entered the regular service as second lieutenant of the Eleventh United States Infantry, P"eb- ruary 23, 1866, ami was promoted first lieutenant the same day ; he was transferred to the Sixteenth United States Infantry April 14, 1 869, and promoted captain February 8, 1880. He was brevetted captain March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services in action at Fort Steadman, Virginia, March 24, 1865." Captain Ward, since joining the regular service, has participated in all the movements of the regiments to which he belonged, and has served in various parts of the country, in garrison and on field duty, having the usual share of courts, boards, etc., which fall to an officer's lot. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR 395 CAPTAIN GEORGE S. HOYT, U.S.A. Captain George S. Hoyt was born in Warner, Merri- mac County, New Hampshire; attended public schools from four to eighteen; then removed to Allen's Grove, Walworth Count}', Wisconsin, where he attended acad- emy preparatory to a contemplated college course; was first sergeant of a local company, organized after the firing on Fort Sumter, and took much interest in the military awakening incident to the change from peaceful to warlike times. He enlisted, with some twenty others from Allen's Grove, in the Badger Rifles of Beloit, Au- gust 26, and was mustered into the United States sevice as sergeant in Company K, Seventh Wisconsin Infantry, at Madison, Wisconsin, September 2, 1861. The regiment proceeded to Washington, D. C, early in October, and was made a part of King's brigade, Mc- Dowell's division, and passed the winter of [861-62 in camp near the Arlington mansion, the other regiments of the brigade being the Second and Sixth Wisconsin, Nineteenth Indiana, and, later, the Twenty-fourth Michi- gan, the time being taken up by squad, company, regi- mental, and brigade drill of about six hours per day, the two latter, together with innumerable reviews and inspec- tions, being held on the plain near the south end of Long Bridge and near Fort Corcoran, with several more grand affairs on Munson's Hill, and the performance of picket duty near Falls Church. He participated in the movements of McDowell's corps in the advance on Centreville in March, [862, and after- wards in the Department of Rappahannock; marched for and arrived at Cedar Mountain after that battle, and thereafter took an active part in what was known as Pope's retreat, being engaged in the actions at Rappa- hannock Station and Warrenton Springs, battle ol Gainesville, Bull Run (Manassas), and Chantilly, Vir- ginia, and the retreat to the defences of Washington. In the advance of the Army of the Potomac into Maryland, under General McClellan, in the First Corps, then com- manded by General Hooker, and engaged in the battles of South Mountain and Antietam, Md. In the former the brigade (thereafter known as the Iron Brigade) carried Tur- ner's Pass, on the national road, after a fight lasting from 6 to 9 p.m. Promoted to second lieutenant, and participated in the pursuit of the Confederate army to, and command- ing company in, the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., in 1 862. Promoted to first lieutenant in January, 1863. Par- ticipated in Burnside's mud campaign, and commanded company in the action at Fitz-Hugh's Crossing, Virginia, in which the brigade, under a heavy fire from the enemy, intrenched on the south bank of the Rappahannock, charged forward to the north bank, placed the pontoon boats in the river, rowed across, and charged the enemy out of his works, taking many prisoners, and at the battle of Chancellorsville. Promoted to captain June I, [863. With regiment supporting the cavalry, and engaged in the battle of Brandy Station, Virginia. Participated in tin advam e to and engaged in the- battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and in the pursuit to and including the Mine Run cam- paign, in [863, Regiment re-enlisted and returned to Wisconsin to recruit, and returned to Culpepcr, Virginia, in time to prepare for and engage in the campaign of 1864. Was engaged in and wounded at tile battle of the Wilderness. Rejoined command on July 5, in front of Petersburg, where he took an active part in the siege operations of that place, and in the advance on the Wel- don Railroad at Yellow Tavern, and engagi d in the three days' fighting at that place (in the Fifth Corps). Partici- pated in operations at Hatcher's Run on October 27, 1864, where regiment, deployed as a skirmish-line, was, by the subsequent movement of troops, left inside tin enemy's lines, and in the morning, by a circuitous routi , rejoined the brigade, with more than their own numbers of Confederate and released Union prisoners. Promoted to major January 9. Engaged in battles of Dabney's Mill (Hatcher's Run) and at Appomattox Court-House in 1865. Mustered out of volunteer service with regi- ment, July 3, 1865. Was commissioned second lieutenant, Eighteenth United States Infantry, to date from June r8, [867; first lieutenant, October 5, [874; and captain and assistant quartermaster, United States Army, ' >ctober 5, 1" Stationed at Forts Reno and D. A. Russell, then in the Indian country, in 1867-68; in ' i ith Carolina, and Tennessee, from 1 869 to [879; at and d in building Fori Vssinniboine, Montana, from 187910 ,\t Forts Leavenworth and 1 laves, Kansas, from 1885 to ,889; fefferson Barracl uri, to July, 1S90; and f the construction of the new post Ol Brady, from July, [890, to the present time. 396 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) GENERAL JAMES BOLLES C01T, U.S.V. The Coit genealogy, an honorable record of over five hundred years, in this country commences with the early settlement of New England. The Coits have been represented, on land and sea, in all wars wherein the country required defenders. The father of the subject of this sketch. Captain W. W. Coit, of Norwich, Connecticut, was an early promoter of steam-navigation on Long Island Sound. On one of his boats, "in the thirties," he discovered that steam could be made from black stone or coal. On another he created the express business and presented it to his friend, Akin Adams, of boston. Of his boats in government employ during the war the " Escort," with Union troops, ran the batteries at Fort Little Washington, and the " W. W. Coit" was General Gillmore's staff-boat when Fort Sumter was retaken, Feb- ruary, 1865. He was prominent in the religious and educational advancement of Norwich, and was one of the founders of the Norwich Free Academy. On his mother's side (the Bolles family) General Coit has likewise .1 distinguished ancestry. He was born at Norwich, Connecticut, September 29, [836. Educated at Norwich, Connecticut, Batavia and Canandaigua, New York, and Andover, .Massachusetts. Read law at Cleveland, < )hio; admitted to practice < )cto- ber, 1857 ; continued practice at ( )maha, Nebraska. Was visiting at Norwich when Sumter was fired on in April, [861; recruited a full company of men before night ; declined a commission, and was the first to enlist, and the company the first raised at war-Governor Buck- ingham's home. At Bull Run he was promoted by Colonel Terry (Ma- jor-General A. H.), for gallantry on the field, from private to sergeant-major of the Second Connecticut Volunteers, and was mustered out with his regiment. Returning to service .is first lieutenant commanding Company K, Fourteenth Connecticut Volunteers, lie was in time promoted to be captain of his company and major of his regiment. The Fourteenth Connecticut Volun- teers made the charge at the Bliss Buildings, Gettysburg, and subsequently at the stone wall, while resisting Pick- ett's advance, captured six colors and many prisoners, lie posted the pickets of the Second Corps the night before its Gettysburg engagement. lie commanded for a time his regiment and a brigade at the battle of Morton's Ford, Virginia. When, in the spring of 1864, the Army of the Potomac moved into the Wilderness, he was selected to withdraw the advance picket-line from the Rapidan River. The movement was accomplished in the face of the enemy, at close quarters, without loss. He led a successful charge at Deep Bot- tom (lames River) and, later, at the personal request of Generals Hancock and Gibbon, led a charge at Ream's Station (Weldon Railroad), resulting in a repulse of the Confederate forces, and the capture and retention of a line of works with guns. Was engaged in the construc- tion of Fort Hell (Petersburg). He was eight times severely wounded in battle, — at Antietam, Gettysburg, Morton's Ford, Wilderness, Deep Bottom, Petersburg. In September, 1864, owing to aggravated disabilities, he reluctantly tendered his resignation, was honorably discharged and closed his accounts in December. At tin request of Generals Hancock, Carroll, and others, he was brevetted lieutenant-colonel for "gallant ami meritorious services" at Antietam ; colonel for like services at Gettys- burg; and brigadier-general for like services in the Wil- derness. Notwithstanding an impaired constitution, General Coit has continued the practice of his profession since the war. He has been judge of the local courts at his home, Nor- wich, Conn., and in practice at Washington, D. C. He has been assistant and acting adjutant-general and pay- master-general of his State, and was a successful chief of division in the Interior Department during the adminis- tration of President Cleveland. He was married, after the war, to Annie Willoughby ; one daughter, Irene Williams, and three sons — Leeds, Ralph, and Archie — are living. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. COLONEL WILLIAM PITT KELLOGG, U.S.V. Colonel William Pitt Kellogg was bom at Orwell, Vermont, December 8, 183 1. His father was Rev. Sher- man Kellogg, a well-known Congregational clergyman. When sixteen years of age he removed to Peoria County, Illinois, and there taught a district school for two winters. He then read law in the office of E. G. Johnston, of Peoria; admitted to the bar in 1853, and practised, in company with the late Judge William Kellogg, at Canton, until March, i86l,when President Lincoln appointed him chief justice of Nebraska. At the election in I 860 he had been one of Lincoln's Presidential electors for Illinois. At the breaking out of the war, at the request of Gov- ernor Yates, he returned from Omaha to Illinois, and raised a regiment of cavalry, President Lincoln, at request of Governor Yates, having given him six months' leave of absence for that purpose. In July, 1S61, he was com- missioned colonel of his regiment (the Seventh Illinois Cavalry), and reported for duty at Camp Butler; was mustered into service, and ordered to report to General Grant, at Cairo. Grant soon ordered him to take com- mand of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, which he retained until Genera! Pope moved on Fort Thompson, when Colonel Kellogg with his regiment joined him. He re- mained with Pope until ordered to Pittsburg Landing, immediately after the battle of Shiloh. He commanded a cavalry brigade under General Gran- ger in the operations about Farmington, Corinth, and Grand Junction. In the summer of 1862, his health having completely failed, he became so much of an in- valid that he was compelled to resign. General Pope accepted his resignation, with the following indorsement: " It is with much regret and reluctance that I part with Colonel Kellogg, who has rendered efficient service with the army, and whose cordial aid and cheerful devotion have commanded my highest appreciation. (Signed) "John Pope, Major-General!' Colonel Kellogg returned to Nebraska and remained until January, 1863, attending to the duties of chief jus- tice, when at the request of Governor Yates he returned to Illinois, and accompanied the governor in a visit to the Army of the Southwest. They visited Grant's head-quarters, and on February 15, 1863, Colonel Kellogg was requested to proceed im- mediately to Washington with important papers from General Grant to the President. He accepted the mis- sion, armed with the following pass, written by General Grant, which Colonel Kellogg still retains, and arrived in Washington and delivered the papers to the President : "Head-Quarters, Department of Tenni- "Before Vicksburg, February 15, 1S63. "The bearer, Colonel Kellogg, is permitted to pass through all parts of this department, stopping at such 397 military posts as he may desire, travelling tree 011 char- tered steamers and military railroads, (io.nl until coun- termanded. (Signed) "U. S. Grant, Major-Gen. Comd'g." Colonel Kellogg held the office of chief justice of Ne- braska until April, 1865, when, being in Washington with Governor Yates, Mr. Lincoln, who had known Colonel Kellogg for many years, offered to appoint him collector of the port of New Orleans, which he decided to ac- cept. After having his official bond secured, Colonel Kel- logg, on Friday, between three and four o'clock, called on President Lincoln for his commission as collector. The President had not yet signed it, but did so in Colonel Kellogg's presence. This commission, dated April 14, [865, and signed by Mr. Lincoln on the evening of the day he was assassinated, Colonel Kellogg now holds, and, of course, prizes very highly. He continued to serve as collector until July, [868, when he was elected to the U. S. Senate from Louisiana. He remained in the Senate until the fall of 1872, when, having been nominated for governor by the Republican party, he resigned his seat. The long struggle that fol- lowed as a consequence of that gubernatorial contest, resulting in Colonel Kellogg's recognition as governor of Louisiana by both houses of Congress, is a matter of general history. He served as governor until January, 1877, when he was re-elected to the U. S. Senate, and served until 1883, when he was elected to the House of Representatives. At the expiration of his term in the House in 1884, Mr. Blaine having been defeated, Colonel Kellogg retired from active politics to look after his pri- vate interests. Colonel Kello ate-at- large from Louisiana in even- National Republican Con- vention since 1868, save that of [872. 39§ OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) CAPTAIN S. EMLEN MEIGS, U.S.V. Captain S. Emlen Meigs was bom in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 15, 1828. His father was Dr. Charles 1). Meigs of that city. On being appointed, by President Lincoln, captain and assistant quartermaster of volunteers, he was directed to report for duty in the Department of Missouri, where, by order of General Halleck, he was placed in charge of the 1 clothing, camp, and garrison equipage branch of the department in St. Louis, — the largest depot in the West, — as assistant to General Robert Allen, the chief quartermaster there, from which point the armies of the West, from Iowa to the Gulf, were chiefly supplied. While there public money and property to the value of quite fifteen millions of dollars were received and issued by him, all of which he accounted for satisfactorily to the government. When he tendered his resignation, which was accepted March 31, 1863, General Allen endorsed his letter as follows : " As Captain Meigs is my immediate assistant, and not assigned to any one of the three departments in particular, I deem it proper to transmit this his resignation direct to the adjutant-general. " I recommend the acceptance of the resignation, be- cause it is earnestly desired by himself for private reasons ; but I regret exceedingly that I am to lose his services. " He has had charge of the clothing, camp, and garrison equipage department, the most important branch of the service here, involving the manufacture of clothing to a very large amount, as well as its receipt and issue. " He has conducted his branch of the department with marked intelligence, ability, integrity, and economy. . . ." When his accounts were found correct and closed, lie received an honorable discharge. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 399 CAPTAIN H. F. MANGES, U.S.V. Captain H. F. Manges was born in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, August 31, 1839. He went to work on a farm when but seven years of age, and remained there until about 1858, when he accepted a position in a country store at Winfield, Union County, Pennsylvania. He held this position until September 7, 1861, when he enlisted as a private in Company E, Fifty-third Pennsylvania Volun- teers, commanded by Colonel John R. Brooke, now brig- adier-general U. S. Army. Soon after his enlistment he was made second sergeant, then first sergeant ; March 25, 1863, second lieutenant; April 14, 1864, first-lieuten- ant, and was commissioned captain on November 10, 1864. In October, 1 861, his regiment went to Ffarrisburg, and from there was, in the following month, ordered to Wash- ington. Soon after reaching Washington, they were or- dered to Camp California, near Alexandria, where they remained until McClellan moved on to Manassas in the spring of 1862. His regiment went as far as Warrenton Junction, returned to Alexandria, and then embarked for the Peninsula, where they participated in the battles of Fair Oaks, Gaines's Mills, Peach Orchard, Savage's Sta- tion, and Malvern Hill. The day after the latter battle they moved on to Harrison's Landing, and remained there until about the middle of August, and marched to New- port News, then to Alexandria, Virginia, and guarded Washington, D. C, up to August 30, 1862, when they were ordered to the support of General Pope. Captain Manges also participated, with his regiment, in the battles of Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Po River, Spottsylvania Court-House, Cold Harbor, and at Petersburg. June 16, while making a charge on the rebel works, he was taken prisoner. He was a prisoner of war for over eight months at Macon, Georgia ; Savan- nah, Georgia ; Charleston, South Carolina (under the fire of the "Swamp-Angel"); Columbia, South Carolina (while at Columbia he made his escape, but was captured the next day), Charlotte, and Raleigh, where he was paroled with others on March I, and during his prison hardships lost forty-five pounds of flesh. He then entered the Union lines and embarked for Annapolis, Maryland. He at- tended President Lincoln's funeral on May 15. and was afterwards honorably mustered out of the volunteer ser- vice. Captain Manges was wounded both at Fredericks- burg and Gettysburg. Since the close of the war Captain Manges has been engaged in the lumber business, and in 1S80 entered into the wholesale business in Philadelphia, and has been very successful. He is a member of Post Ni >. 2, G. A. R. ; Mili- tary Order of Loyal Legion, Mozart Lodge of Master Masons, Lumbermen's Exchange, Trades' League, and Board of Trade of Philadelphia. 400 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BRIGADIER-GENERAL L. P. BRADLEY, U.S.V. Brigadier-General L. P. Bradley was mustered into service as lieutenant-colonel of the Fifty-first Illinois Infantry, October 15, 1 861. He was on duty with his regiment, recruiting and or- ganizing at Chicago and Cairo, Illinois, until March 1, 1X62. Joined the Army of the Mississippi under Gen- eral Pope and took part in the movements resulting in the capture of New Madrid and Island No. 10. Crossed the Mississippi, April 7, 1 862, with General Paine's com- mand of four regiments and joined in the capture of the rebel force under General Mackall, which had garrisoned Island No. 10. Accompanied Pope's army down the Mississippi to Fort Pillow, and to Pittsburg Landing in April, lie took command of the Fifty-first Illinois April 2j, 1S62, and was engaged in all the operations 1 if the left wing of General Halleck's army against Corinth, Mississippi, and in the pursuit of Beauregard's army in May and June ; was detached from the Army of the Mississippi in July, and in command at Decatur, Alabama, until September 5, 1862. He marched to Nashville, Tennessee, with brigade under General John M. Palmer, and remained in Nashville as part of the gar- rison of that place until the arrival of the Army of the Cumberland under General Rosecrans. He was promoted colonel of the Fifty-first Illinois September 30, 1862; joined Sheridan's division of the Twentieth Corps December 12, 1862, and was engaged in the battle of Stone River, December 31, 1862, and the first days of 1863. He took command of the Third Bri- gade of Sheridan's division on the first day of the battle of Stone River, and was in all the movements of the division in the summer of 1863 against Van Dorn's forces, and in the Tullahoma campaign against the army under General Bragg ; was engaged in the pursuit of Bragg's army and in the battle of Chickamauga, Septem- ber 19, 1863; was severely wounded on the first day ol the battle, while in command of the brigade, in a charge against a portion of Longstreet's corps; was absent on leave, in consequence of wounds, until December 8, 1863, joining Sheridan's division in East Tennessee Janu- ary 1, 1864. He re-enlisted in the Fifty-first Illinois and took the regiment home on veteran furlough in Febru- ary, returning to Chattanooga, Tennessee, in March with the regiment recruited, and joined the Fourth Corps under General Howard at Cleveland, Tennessee, in April, engaging in all the operations of the Fourth Corps in the Atlanta campaign from May to September, 1864, in the battles of Dalton, Resaca, New Hope Church, Kenesaw , Peach-Tree Creek, Atlanta, and Jonesborough. He was promoted brigadier-general of volunteers July 30, 1864, Moving into Tennessee with the Fourth Corps in No- vember, he was engaged in the campaign against the rebel army under Hood by the Fourth and Twenty- third Corps under General Schofield. He was severely wounded November 30 in repulsing the advance of Hood's army at Spring Hill, Tennessee, and was absent on account of wounds from December 15, 1864, to March 15, 1865. He rejoined the Army of the Cumberland in March, and resigned his commission of brigadier-general June 30, 1865. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 401 BRIGADIER-GENERAL CHARLES A. HECKMAN, U.S.V. Brigadier-General Charles A. Heckman was born at Easton, Pennsylvania, December 3, 1822, and educated at the Minerva Seminary. On the outbreak of the war with Mexico he was a clerk in a hardware store. lie promptly left his place, and assisted in organizing a com pany of volunteers, but they were not accepted by the Commonwealth, and he immediately enlisted, and re- ceived the appointment of first sergeant in Company H, First United States Voltiguers, and took part in all the battles in General Scott's campaign from Vera Cruz to the City of Mexico. Upon the conclusion of the war, General Heckman made his home at Phillipsburg, New Jersey, and soon after accepted the position of conductor on the Central Railroad of New Jersey, which he held until the flag was assailed at Fort Sumter. Some years before the Rebellion, General Heckman, who was from his youth imbued with a military spirit, organized ,1 company in Easton, which acquired considerable reputa- tion, under the name of the National Grays. He was its commandant for a long time. When President Lincoln called for seventy-five thousand volunteers, Captain Heckman hastened to Harrisburg with a full company, which was promptly mustered as Company D, First Pennsylvania Regiment. He led his command gallantly through the three months' campaign in the Valley of Virginia, and when the Ninth New Jersey Rifle Regiment was being formed, the governor of New Jersey prevailed upon him to accept the majority. Major Heckman com- manded and drilled the regiment of twelve companies until it was ordered to Washington, whither it proceeded in December, 1861. Previous to its departure, however, he was made lieutenant-colonel. The Ninth sailed as a part of the Burnside expedition in January, 1862, and, by the drowning of Colonel Allen, Lieutenant-Colonel Heckman led the command at the battle of Roanoke Island, immediately after which he was promoted to the colonelcy, to the great joy of the regiment. Colonel Hickman led the Ninth with distin- guished gallantry at the battle of New-Berne. Soon after this the Ninth was sent down the coast to assist in the reduction and capture of Fort Macon, which occurred in April. As General Heckman "liked lighting," and was anxious to get through with the war, he kept the Ninth very busy in raiding, and numerous encounters with the ton- federates were the result. When General John G. Foster advanced on Tarborough, Colonel Heckman and his regi- ment took the lead, both winning high honors ; and when Foster started in December for Goldsborough with the Eighteenth Corps, Colonel Heckman was given command of the Ninth New Jersey, Seventeenth Massachusetts Regiment, Third New York Cavalry, and Belger's Rhode Island Battery, and ordered to take the advance. His command led the way, opening the battles at Southwest 5 1 Creek, Kin, ton, Whitehall, and Goldsborough Bridge. Lor his signal ability and brilliant services in this arduous campaign, Colonel Heckman was made a brigadier-gen- eral and assigned to the command of the First Brigade, Second Division, Eighteenth Arm}- Corps. General Heckman accompanied General Foster's expedition to Hilton Head, South Carolina, in January, 1863, and after the latter left the department, owing to a dispute he had with General Hunter, General Heckman commanded the division. In April General Heckman returned to Beau- fort, North Carolina, with his "Star" Brigade, and imme- diately marched to the relief of General Poster, who was besieged at Little Washington. During the winter of [863-64 General Heckman commanded the troops at Newport News and Getty's Station, doing considerable service near Suffolk. General Heckman's brigade (Ninth New Jersey, Twenty-third, Twenty-fifth, and Twenty- seventh Massachusetts Regiments) led the advance of the Army of the James on Bermuda Hundred, and did heavy fighting daily from the ;th to the i6th of May, 1864, when the command met with fearful slaughter and a terrible repulse at Drewry's Bluff. General Heckman, while rectifying his line, was captured, and subsequently confined at Libby, Danville, Macon, and Charleston, where he was especially exchanged. ( >n his return to the Army of the James he was heartily welcomed, and placed in command of the Second Division, which he led in its attack on Fort Harrison. General Heckman organized the Twenty-fifth Corps, and, during General Weitzel's absence in the wintei 1864-65, commanded it. General Heckman was wounded in various battles, but never incapacitated for duty. No sort of justice can be done to General Heckman or his valuable services to the country within the prescribed limits of this sketch. His superior was never seen on any battle-field. 402 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) MAJOR-GENERAL THOMAS L. CRITTENDEN, U.S.V. Major-General Thomas L. Crittenden was b in in Russellville, Kentucky, on the 15th of May, [815, studied law with his father, and was admitted to the bar in 1842. He served in the Mexican War as lieutenant-colonel of Kentucky infantry, and was aide to General Taylor at the battle of Buena Vista. At the beginning of the Civil War he was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers. He commanded a division at Shiloh, and was promoted a major-general, 17th of July, 1862, for gallantry on that occasion, and assigned to the command of a division in the Army of the Tennessee. He commanded the Sec- ond Corps, forming the left wing of the Army of the < )hio, under General Buell, and afterwards served under ( ieneral Rosecrans in the battle of Stone River, and at Chickamauga commanded one of the two corps that were routed. In the Virginia campaign of 1864 he com- manded a division of the Ninth Corps. He resigned on the 13th of December, 1S64, but entered the regular army as colonel of the Thirty-second Infantry on the 28th of Jul}-, 1866; was transferred to the Seventeenth Infantry, and served with his regiment on the frontier until he was retired, 19th of May, 1881. He was brevet- ted brigadier-general for gallantry at Stone River in March, 1867. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 403 BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL JAMES B. FRY. U.S.A. Brevet Major-General James B. Fry was born in Illinois, and graduated from the Militarj Academy July 1. 1847. He was promoted brevet second lieutenant, Third U. S. Artillery, the same day; second lieutenant, First Artillery, August 20, 1.S47, and first lieutenant! February 22, 185 1, during which time he served at the Military Academy as instructor of artillery, and in garri- son at the City of Mexico ; and then, in 1848, went on a voyage to Oregon, where he remained until 1850. He- was then on duty in Louisiana and Texas until 1853, when he was again detailed at the Military Academy as assistant inspector of artillery, remaining there to 1859, being part of the time adjutant. While on duty at Fortress Monroe, Virginia, in 1859, he participated in the expedition to suppress John Brown's raid, and was recorder of the board to revise the programme of instruction at the Military Academy. Being relieved from this in i860, lie was ordered first to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and then to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and in 1861 transferred to garrison duty, com- manding a light battery at Washington, D. C. lie was appointed a brevet captain, staff— assistant adju- tant-general, March 16, 186 1 ; captain, staff— assistant adjutant-general, August 3, 1861 ; colonel, staff— addi- tional aide-de-camp, November 14, 1861 ; major, staff — assistant adjutant-general, April 22, 1862; lieutenant- colonel, staff — assistant adjutant-general, December 31, [862; colonel, staff — provost marshal-general of the U. S., March 17, 1863 ; brigadier-general, staff — provost- marshal-general of the U. S., April 21, 1864. He served during the War of the Rebellion in Wash- ington City to May 28, 1861 ; as chief of staff to General McDowell, in the Department of Northeastern Virginia, to Jul_\- 2/, 1 861 , participating in the battle of Bull Run, Virginia. He was chief of staff to Major-General Buell, in the Department and Army of the Ohio, to October ^o, 1862, being engaged in the march from the Ohio River to Nashville and Pittsburg Landing; battle of Shiloh, advance upon and siege of Corinth, operations in North Alabama and movement to Louisville, Kentucky ; battle of Perryville, Kentucky, and pursuit of Bragg's rebel forces through Southeastern Kentucky, to October, 1862. He was then ordered to Washington City, in charge of the appointment branch of the adjutant-general's office, and subsequently appointed provost-marshal- general of the I'. S., to October 1, 181,1,, when that office was abolished. He was brevetted, March 13, 181,;, colonel, U.S.A., " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Hull Run, Virginia ;" brigadier-general, " for gallant and mer- itorious services in the battles of Shiloh, Tennessee, and Perryville, Kentucky;" and major-general, "for faithful, meritorious, and distinguished services in the Provost- Marshal-General's Department during the Rebellion." After the war, General Fry served as adjutant-general of the Division of the Pacific to May 17, 1869; of the Division of the South to July 14, 1S71 ; of the Division of the Missouri to November 26, 1873 ; of the Division of the Atlantic and of the Department of the East to July 1, 1 88 1, at which time he was retired from service at his own request, having served over thirty years. General Fry is the author of a " Sketch of the Adju- tant-General's Department, U. S. Army, from 1775 to 1875, with some General Remarks on its Province, and a Register of its Officers," 1875; of "The History and Legal Effect of 1! revets in the Annie- of Great Britain and the U. S., from their Origin in 1692 to the Present "In, 1887; of "Army Sacrifices, or Briefs from Official oil-Holes," 1879; of " Compulsory Education in the Ami}-," 1887; of "Operations of the Army under Buell and the Buell Commission," 1884; of " McDowell and Tyler in the Campaign of Bull Run," 1884; of "New York and the Conscription," 1885; of "Military Miscel- lanies," [889, and of various reviews and magazine articles. 404 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteers COLONEL EDGAR ADDISON KIMBALL. U.S.V. (IH. I EASI D). Colonei Edgar Addison Kimball was born in Pem- broke, New Hampshire, June 3, 1822 ; became a printer in the office of the old Baptist Register at Concord, New Hampshire; went from there to Woodstock, Vermont, entering the office of the Spirit of the . / ;< , .1 1 (emocratic paper, of which he soon after became editor and proprie- tor, as well as postmaster of the town. At the breaking out of the Mexican War he was com- missioned captain of Company 1 >, of the Ninth, or New England Regiment (regulars). He was brevetted major for gallant and meriti irii ms c< induct at Contreras and Chur- ubusco, August 20, 1847. He also distinguished himself at Chapultepec, notably by reaching the flag that floated from the citadel and cutting it dow n, as >isted by the major of his regiment, Thomas L. Seymour. Alter the cessa- tion of hostilities, Captain Kimball was placed in command of a body of soldiers to open communication with Vera Cruz, taking with him the wounded officers and the bodies of those who had fallen in the battles, to be sent home. Returning to the City of Mexico, the treasure chest, con- taining money for the payment oi the troops, and recruits for the army, were consigned to his care. The Ninth was mustered out of service at Fort Adams, Rhode Island August 26, 1848, and on returning to civil life Major Kim- ball connected himself with the New York Herald, where he remained until appointed a weigher in the New York Custom-] louse, under the administration of President I'icrce, his friend and commanding general in Mexico. In the summer of 1850 he had written to ,1 friend from Washington not to be surprised if civil war broke out at any hour, as nothing could long delay it. When the de- layed contest diil come it found him ready to enter the conflict for the Union, and he accepted the majority of the New York Ninth, better known as the Hawkins Zouaves. He first offered his services to Governor Fairbanks, as his 1( >valty to Vermont was his first thought ; but her first quota of troops was already officered. The Ninth was enlisted for two years' service ; was first sent to Fortress Monroe, and afterwards to Newport News, where it formed a part of General Mansfield's brigade. In August, 1861, in company with the Turner Rifles, the command went on an expedition up the Peninsula, after which it was trans- ferred to Fortress Monroe. When General Burnside organized his North Carolina expedition, the Ninth New York Volunteers were selected and attached to General J. G. Parke's brigade. At the battle of Roanoke Island, on February 8, 1862, Major Kimball led the Ninth Zouaves along the causeway at a double-quick to storm the rebel works, which were carried at the point of the bayonet. This was one of the most brilliant charges during the war. The lieutenant-colonel, George F. Betts, resigning, Major Kimball was promoted to the lieutenant- colonelcy, from February 14, 1 862. On the 14th of March following he took part in the battle of New-Berne, acquitting himself with his accustomed bravery. On the 3d of April of the same year he was placed in command of the regiment, which position he held until the time of his death. I le took part in the reduction of Fort Macon, April 25, 1862. Shortly after the Seven Days' battle the command was ordered to the Peninsula, thence to Freder- icksburg, which was held until some time after the battle of Cedar Mountain. Colonel Kimball participated in the battles of South Mountain, September 14, 1862, and An- tietam, September 17, 1862, in General Rodman's division. At Fredericksburg, December [3, 1862, he served in Gen- era! Getty's division of the Ninth Army Corps, then under General Willcox, in General Sumner's right grand division. At tin. beginning of February, 1863, the Third Division of the Ninth Corps was moved to Newport News. April 1 1, Colonel Kimball's regiment, with the rest of the division, was ordered to Suffolk where the rebels were threatening an attack. Here he was wantonly killed by General Michael Corcoran in the early morning of the 1 2th. The Common Council Committee upon Natii mal Affairs of the City of New York, upon hearing of Colonel Kim- ball's death, appointed a committee to proceed to Suffolk to take the body home. The remains lay in the govern- or's room at the City Hall for two days, from whence it was taken, April 23, with all the military honors that could be paid a distinguished soldier, and placed in the vault to await the coming home of the regiment, when it was committed to its last resting-place in Greenwood. Thirty years have nearly passed since then, and seldom is that grave without fresh flowers, placed there by "the boys of the regiment," who, through his experience and pride in them, became soldiers sans pair et sans reproche. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 405 BRIGADIER-GENERAL A. W. ELLET. U.S.V. Brigadier-General A. W. Ellet was a brother of Charles Ellet, the distinguished colonel of engineers, who died irom wounds received while commanding a fleet of rams off Memphis, June 6, 1861. In this fleet, while- commanding one of his brother's rams, General Ellet first distinguished himself for his gallantry and ability as a soldier, and on November I, 1862, he was appointed brigadier-general U. S. Volunteers, in recognition of the valuable services he had performed. It was General Ellet who ordered the burning of Austin, Mississippi, on Ma) r 24, 1863, in retaliation for information furnished by citizens of that place to Confederates of General Chal- mers's command, which enabled them to fire upon a Federal transport. Admiral Porter, hearing that the enemy had collected a force of twelve thousand men at Richmond, Louisiana, nine miles from Milliken's Bend, sent General Edict to General Mowry, at Young's Point, to act in conjunction to wake them up. General Mowry promptly acceded to the request, and with about twelve hundred men, in com- pany with the marine brigade, in command of General Ellet, proceeded to Richmond, where they completely routed the advance guard of the rebels, consisting of four thousand men and six pieces of artillery ; captured a lot of stores, and the town was completely destroyed in the melee. When the national negro troops at Goodrich's Landing had been attacked by the rebels, Admiral Porter directed General Ellet to proceed, with the marine brigade, to the V scene of action, and remain there until everything was quiet. The hindmost vessel of the brigade, the "John Haines," arrived there as the rebels were setting fire to the government plantations, and, supposing her to be an ordinary transport, they opened upon her with field- pieces, but were much surprised to have the fire returned with shrapnel, which fell in among them, killing and wounding a number. The result was a retreat on the part of the rebels, and the escape of a number of negroes whom they had imprisoned. General Ellet resigned from the arm}- Dec. 31, 1864. OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) MAJOR-GENERAL CARL SCHURZ, U.S.V. M vjor-General Carl Schurz was born in Liblar, near Cologne, Prussia, March 2, 1829. After studying at the gymnasium of Cologne, he entered the University of Bonn in 1S46. At the beginning of the revolution of 1S4S he joined Gottfried Kinkel, professor of rhetoric in the University, in the publication of a Liberal newspaper, of which at one time he was the sole conductor. In the spring of [849, in consequence of an attempt to promote an insurrection at Bonn, he fled with Kinkel to the Palat- inate, entered the revolutionary army as adjutant, and took part in the defence of Rastadt. On the surrender of that fortress he escaped to Switzerland. In [850 he returned secretly to Germany and effected the escape of Kinkel from the fortress of Spandau. In the spring of 185 1 Schurz was in Paris as corre- spondent for German journals, and he afterwards spent a year in teaching in London. He came to the United States in [852, resided three years in Philadelphia, and then settled in Watertown, Wisconsin. In the Presiden- tial canvass of 1856 lie delivered speeches in German in behalf of the Republican party, and in the following year he was .m unsuccessful candidate for lieutenant-governor of Wisconsin. During the contest between Stephen A. Douglas and Abraham Lincoln for the office of United States Senator from Illinois, in 1858, Schurz delivered his first speech in the English language, which was widely published. Soon afterwards he moved to Milwaukee, and began the prac- tice of law. In 1859-60 he made a lecture tour in New England, and aroused attention by a speech in New Springfield, Massachusetts, against the ideas and policy of Mr. Douglas. Mr. Schurz was a member of the National Republican Convention of i860, and spoke both in English and Ger- man during the canvass. President Lincoln appointed him minister to Spain, but he resigned in December, 1861, in order to enter the army. In April, 1862, he was com- missioned brigadier-general of volunteers, and June 17 took command of a division in Sigel's corps, with which he participated in the second battle of Bull Run. Lie was made major-general March 14, 1863, and at the battle of Chancellorsville commanded a division of General How- ard's corps. He had temporary command of this corps at Gettysburg, and subsequently took part in the battle of Chattanooga. During the summer of 1865 he visited the Southern States as special commissioner, appointed by President Johnson, for the purpose of examining their condition. In the winter of 1865-66 he was the Washington cor- respondent of the New York Tribune, and in the summer of [866 he removed ten Detroit, where he founded the Post. In 1867 he became editor of the Westlichc Post, a German newspaper published in St. Louis. He was then chairman of the Republican National Convention in Chicago in [868, where he moved an amendment to the platform, which was adopted, recommending a general amnesty. In January, 1869, he was chosen L'nited States Senator from Missouri. He opposed some of the chief measures of Garfield's administration, and in 1872 or- ganized the Liberal party, presiding over the convention in Cincinnati that nominated Horace Greeley for the Presidency. After the election of 1 872 he took an active part in the debates in the Senate in favor of the restoration of specie payments, and against the continuation of military inter- ference in the South. He advocated the election of Mr. Hayes to the Presidency, and that gentleman appointed him Secretary of the Interior. He introduced competi- tive examinations for appointments in the Interior De- partment, and effected various reforms. General Schurz has since then been a popular lecturer, has been connected with the press, and was one of the leaders of the " independent" movement advocating the election of Grover Cleveland in 18S4. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 407 BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL SETH WILLIAMS. U.S.A. (deceased). Brevet Major-General Seth Williams was bom in September. 1 821, at Augusta, Maine, and was gradu- ated from the Military Academy and promoted to the artillery July 1, 1S42. After three years of garrison duty he accompanied General Taylor in the occupation of Texas, and was engaged in the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma. Transferred to General Scott's line of operations, he was at the siege of Vera Cruz and battle of Cerro Gordo, where, for his "gallant and meritorious conduct," he was brevetted captain, 'fill the end of the Mexican War he continued aide-de-camp to Major-Gen- eral Patterson, and after the termination of hostilities was two years performing garrison duty, when he became the efficient and favorite adjutant of the Military Academy. Upon his promotion to the staff as assistant adjutant-gen- eral, he occupied, with great acceptance and usefulness, positions in the adjutant-general's office at Washington, and at head-quarters of the Departments of the West and of Ohio. During the War of the Rebellion Williams was the dis- tinguished adjutant-general of the Army of the Potomac throughout the operations of its various campaigns, re- ceiving for his " gallant, meritorious, and faithful services" the brevets of colonel, brigadier-general, and major-gen- eral United States Army, and major-general Lhiited States Volunteers. For a short period succeeding the Rebellion Williams was the adjutant-general of the Division of the Atlantic till he died, March 2}, 1866, at Boston, Massachusetts, after a brief but brilliant career. General Williams was simple in manner, courteous in intercourse, constant in friendship, honest in his convic- tions, and tolerant of adverse opinion. His personal magnetism, inextinguishable cheerfulness, genial nature, and almost feminine gentleness endeared him to all who came within the sunshine of his presence. lie never tor- got the little amenities of life : his politeness was pro- verbial, his patience was inexhaustible, and it was his highest gratification to devote himself to the pleasure of others. Hence it was th.it his unselfishness, modesty, sincere sympathy, and steadfast affection made him the loved companion of young and old of both sexes. Yet with all this light-hearted nature and avoidance of the asperities of life, he was a manly man, a firm patriot, .11 id a brave soldier, who never neglected his fealty to a friend nor a duty to his country. Major-General Meade, in his official order announcing his death, says, " The public services of the deceased in connection with the Army of the Potomac, from the or- ganization to within a few months of its muster out at the close of the war, are too well known to require re- cital. There was hardly an engagement in which he did not take part, there is not a portion of its records or writ- ten history that does not bear witness to his ability and fidelity, and to its officers and soldiers he was especially endeared by a never-failing patience and kindliness of heart that made no labor irksome that could promote their interests and welfare. The general commanding feels that this official notice is due not only to the public career but to the private virtues of this distinguished soldier, and that in him the country has lost a faithful servant and the army a valuable associate and friend." 4o8 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY volunteer) MAJOR-GENERAL RICHARD J. OGLESBY, U.S.V. Major-General Richard J. Oglesby was born in Oldham Count}-, Kentucky, July 25, 1824. He was left an orphan at the aye of eight years, removed to Decatur, 111., in 1836, and learned the carpenter's trade, which, with farming and rope-making, occupied his time until 1 S44. In the meantime he had studied law in his leisure hours, and in 1845 was admitted to the bar, practising in Sullivan, Illinois. The following year he returned to Decatur, and was commissioned first lieutenant in the Fourth Illinois Regiment, which he accompanied to Mex- ico, and was present at the siege of Mexico and the battle of Cerro Gordo. He resumed practice at Decatur in 1S47, pursued a course of study at Louisville Law- School, and was graduated in I 848. In 1849 he went to California and engaged in mining until 185 1, when he again returned to Decatur. In i860 he was elected to the State Senate, but resigned to ac- cept the colonelcy of the Eighth Illinois Volunteers. He commanded a brigade at the capture of Forts Henry and Donelson, and was promoted for gallantry brigadier-gen- eral of volunteers March 21, 1862. He added to his reputation at Corinth, where he was severely wounded and disabled from duty, until April, 1863. In the mean time he had been made major-general of volunteers, and was assigned to the command of the Sixteenth Army Corps. This commission he resigned in May, 1864, and in the following November was elected governor of the State of Illinois. He was in office until 1872. He was chosen United States Senator in 1873, and served until March 3, 1879, but declined a re-election. In November, 1884, he was again elected governor for a period of four years. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 409 MAJOR-GENERAL ROBERT PATTERSON, U.S.V. (deceased). Major-General Robert Patterson was born in Cap- pagh, County Tyrone, Ireland, January 12, 1792, and died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 7, 1881. I lis father, who was engaged in the Irish Rebellion of 1798, escaped to America, and settled in Delaware Count)-, Pennsylva- nia. Robert was educated in the common schools, and subsequently became a clerk in a Philadelphia count- ing-house. He was commissioned first lieutenant of in- fantry in the War of 181 2, and afterwards served on General Joseph Bloomfield's staff He returned to commercial pursuits, engaging in man- ufacturing, and established several mills, became active in politics, and was one of the five Colonel Pattersons in the Pennsylvania conference that nominated Andrew Jackson for the Presidency, and in 1836 was president of the Electoral College that cast the vote of Pennsylvania for Martin Van Buren. In 1838, and again in 1844, he was active in quelling local riots. He became major- general of volunteers at the beginning of the Mexican War, commanded his division at Cerro Gordo, led the cavalry and advanced brigades in the pursuit, entered and took Jalapa, and was honorably mentioned in General Scott's official report. After the war he resumed busi- ness, and took command of the Pennsylvania militia. At the beginning of the War of the Rebellion he was the oldest major-general by commission in the United States. On the President's first call for seventy-five thou- sand men for three months, April 15, 1861, he was mus- tered into service as major-general of volunteers, and as- signed to a military department composed of Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and the District of Columbia. He crossed the Potomac June 15, [861, at Williamsport. When General McDowell advanced into Virginia, General Patterson was instructed to watch the troops under Gen- ] eral f. E. Johnston at Winchester, Virginia. He claimed that the failure of General Scott to send him orders, for which he had been directed to wait, caused his failure to co-operate with General McDowell in the movements which resulted in the first battle of Bull Run. He was mustered out of the service on the expiration of his com- mission, July 27, 1861, and returned to private life. General Patterson was a popular speaker, one of the largest mill-owners in the United States, and was inter- ested in sugar-refineries and cotton-plantations. He was president of the Hoard of Trustees of Lafayette College at the time of his death. He published " Narrative of the Campaign in the Shenandoah" (Philadelphia, 1865). Francis E., the son of General Robert Patterson, was a brigadier-general of volunteers in 1862, and participated in the Peninsular campaign. He was killed by the acci- dental discharge of his own pistol. 52 4io OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) MAJOR-GENERAL WILLIAM NELSON. U.S.V. Major-General William Nelson was born in Mays- ville, Kentucky, in 1825 ; died in Louisville, Kentucky, September 29, 1862. He entered the U. S. Navy in 1840 ; commanded a battery at the siege of Vera Cruz, and afterwards served in the Mediterranean. He became master in 1854, lieutenant in 1855, and in 1858 was or- dered to the " Niagara," in which he carried back to Africa the negroes that were taken from the slaver " Echo." He was on ordnance duty in Washington, D. C., at the beginning of the Civil War ; was promoted lieutenant-commander in 1 861, and was in charge of the gunboats on the Ohio River, but soon exchanged the naval for the military service, and in September became brigadier-general of volunteers. He organized Camp Dick Robinson, between Garrardsville and Danville, Ken- tuck)', and another in Washington, Mason County, Ken- tuck}- ; was successful in several engagements in Eastern Kentucky ; raised several regiments ; commanded the Sec- ond Division of General Don Carlos Buell's arm)-, which was the first to join General Grant at the battle of Shiloh, and was wounded at Richmond, Kentucky. He was in command at Louisville when that city was threatened by General Braxton Bragg, and in July, 1862, was appointed major-general of volunteers. He was shot to death by General Jefferson C. Davis, in an altercation with that officer at the Gait House, in Louisville, Kentucky. His brother, Thomas Henry, was U. S. minister to Chili in 1861-66, and to Mexico in 1869-73. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 41T MAJOR-GENERAL JACOB DOLSON COX, U.S.V. Major-General Jacob Dolson Cox was born in Mon- treal, Canada, October 27, 1828. His parents were natives of the United States, but at the time of his birth they were temporarily sojourning in Canada. He spent his boyhood in New York, removed with his parents to Ohio in 1846, and was graduated at Oberlin in 1851. After leaving college he studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1853, and settled in Warren, Ohio, and was a member of the State Senate in 1859-61. At the beginning of the Civil War he held a State commission as brigadier-general of militia, and took an active part in raising troops. He entered the national army on the 23d of April, 1S61, and three weeks later received the commission of brigadier-general, and was assigned to the command of the " Brigade of the Kana- wha," in Western Virginia. On July 29 he drove out the Confederates under General Wise, taking and repair- ing Zanley and other bridges, which had been partially destroyed. General Cox remained in command of this department until August, 1862, when he was assigned to the Army of Virginia, under General Pope. He served in the Ninth Corps at the battle of South Mountain, September 14, 1862, assuming command when General Reno fell, and also at Antietam three days later. For his services in this campaign he was commissioned major-general. On April 16, 1863, General Cox was put in command of the District of Ohio, and also of a division of the Twenty- third Army Corps. He served in the Atlanta campaign, and under General Thomas in the campaigns of Franklin and Nashville. On March 14, 1865, he fought the battle of Kinston, North Carolina, and then united his forces with General Sherman's army. At the close of the war General Cox resigned his command, and entered on the practice of law in Cincin- nati. He was governor of Ohio in 1866-67, and was Secretary of the Interior in President Grant's first cabi- net. He was elected to Congress from Ohio in I S77 till 1879. 4 I2 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer) BREVET LIEUTENANT-COLONEL CHARLES LOREN GREENO, U.S.V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Charles L. Greeno's ancestors were pioneer settlers of Vermont, where long before the Revolutionary War his great-grandfather cleared a home in the wilderness, and broke the virgin soil of a farm, whose broad acres have been handed down intact from father to son, and are now the patrimony of the fourth generation of the family. Early in the cen- tury his father emigrated to Troy, Bradford Count}-, Pennsylvania, where, May 29, 1839, the subject of this sketch was born. Me attended the academy at Troy, and had prepared to enter college; but at the first call for volunteers in [861 lie entered the service, enlisting April 18 in Company LI, Seventh Pennsylvania Infantry. As sergeant in this company he served under General Pat- terson in the Shenandoah Valley until the expiration of his term of service. He at once entered the cavalry service, and in November, 1 861, he was commissioned second lieutenant Company C, Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, from which rank he was promoted to the cap- taincy of Company 1 1 1 >f the same regiment, March 1 , 1863. I lis regiment reported for service to General Buell at Louisville, Ky., and in Jan., [862, was ordered South, and assigned to the command of General Dumont. He was first under fire at Lebanon, Tenn., May 5, 1862, where he was shot through the wrist and through the shoulder, and had a horse shot under him. Although he was under fire in over one hundred separate engagements during his ser- vice, and had several horses shot under him, this was the only time he was wounded. Honorable mention of Lieu- tenant Greeno's gallant conduct in this action was made by General Dumont in his official report. He was disabled from active duty for over a month by the wound in his shoulder, from which he never fully recovered. During the summer and fall of 1862, Lieutenant Greeno participated in a number of engagements in Tennessee, those of principal importance being the battles of McMinn- villc, Gallatin, Lavergne, Franklin, and the four days' heavy fighting at the battle of Stone River. In the spring of 1863 he was engaged in the battles of Harpeth Shoals, Unionville, and Shelbyville, in each of which he- took part in the sabre charges which led General Rose- crans to call the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry the " Sabre Regiment of the Arm}- of the Cumberland." He participated in the battle of Chickamauga in September, 1863, in which battle the brigade, of which his regiment was a part, under the command of General Minty, was the first to open fire on the enemy. During the entire three days of this battle this brigade remained on the field, taking a conspicuous and important part in the action; and at its close General Minty's cavalry, forming the rear- guard of General Thomas and the Army of the Cumber- land on the retreat into Chattanooga, were the last troops to leave the field of battle. Captain Greeno, together with his regiment, remained with General Thomas in the advance from Chattanooga to Atlanta, doing much skir- mish work, and engaging in the battles of Resaca, Dalton, Big Shanty, Kenesaw, Rome, Atlanta, and Jonesborough. He was with General Kilpatrick in his raid around At- lanta, beginning August iS, 1S64, and took part in all the engagements connected with that raid. February 11, 1865, Captain Greeno was appointed acting assistant inspector-general (brigade staff), General Mint}-, and served as such until May 21, 1865, when he was appointed provost-marshal of cavalry corps, Mili- tary Division of the Mississippi, staff of General Wilson. February 13, 1865, he was promoted to the rank of major of his regiment. At the battle of Selma, Alabama, he was among the first to enter the works of the enemy, and at the head of a command of fifty men he captured their last defence, a line of cotton-bale breastworks near the railway depot. For " gallant and meritorious service" in this action, special mention of which was made by General Mint}- in his official report. Major Greeno was brevetted lieutenant-colonel, to date from the day of the battle, April 2, 1865. This was the last battle of importance in which he was engaged. As provost-marshal of the Mili- tary Division of the Mississippi, Colonel Greeno had head- quarters at Macon, Georgia, until August 21, 1 865, when mustered out with his regiment. After the war he spent a short time in Georgia, engaged in business ventures ; but in the spring of 1866 he entered into a mercantile business in Milesburg, Centre County, Pa. Lie remained there until 1873, when he removed to Cin- cinnati, Ohio, and began the manufacture of furniture sup- plies. He afterwards added to his business a wholesale upholster}- department, and is now one of the leading importers of upholsterers' supplies in the United States. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL JOHN G. FOSTER, U.S.A. (deceased). Brevet Major-General John G. Foster was born May 27. 1823, at Whitefield, New Hampshire, and died September 2, 1874, at Nashua, New Hampshire. At the age of eighteen lie entered the United States Military Academy, where, faithful to every duty and devoted to all his studies, he was enabled to graduate fourth in the excellent class of 1 846. Promoted to the Corps of Engi- neers, he was at once attached to the company of sap- pers, miners, and pontoniers, then just organized for the war with Mexico. Joining General Scott's army at Vera Cruz, he participated with it in all of its operations till he was severely wounded in leading the storming column of Worth's division in the assault on Molino del Rev. His dangerous wound, combined with dysentery, confined him to his sick-bed for many months. From the end of the Mexican War, in which he had won two brevets for his gallantry and meritorious ser- vices, till i860, he was engaged in various engineer and coast-survey duties, and as principal assistant professor of engineering at the Military Academy. The beginning of the Rebellion found him at its initial point in charge of the fortifications of Charleston harbor, South Carolina. Here he displayed marked activity and skill in preparing to meet the anticipated attack upon them, and in transferring the garrison of Fort Moultrie to Sumter, in the defence of which latter fort he was a prom inent actor, and received for his services the brevet of major. For a short period after the surrender of Fort Sumter he was on duty at Washington, D. C, and Sandy Hook, New Jersey ; then was appointed, October 23, 1861, a brigadier-general United States volunteers, when he- entered upon his stirring career in the Civil War. With a brigade composed mostly of the Massachusetts volun- teers, he joined Burnside's North Carolina expedition, where he won the brevet, February 8, 1862, of lieutenant- colonel, " for his gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Roanoke Island, North Carolina," and March 2, 1 862, of colonel, for that of New-Berne, North Carolina. Upon the transfer of Burnside to the Virginia Penin- sula, Colonel Foster, with the Eighteenth Army Corps, was placed in command, July 1, 1862, of the Department of North Carolina, where he organized and conducted several expeditions, the principal one being for the de- struction of the Goldsborough Railroad bridge, for which he had to fight four actions in as many days. In the spring of 1863 Colonel Foster was actively engaged in resisting General Hill, who, repulsed at New-Berne, made vigorous efforts to capture Little Washington, an impor- tant post commanding the passage from Tar to Pimlico River, where Colonel Foster, with a small garrison, was shut up. For his successes he was promoted to be major-general volunteers, to date from July 18, 1862. 53 413 Upon his return from North Carolina, President Lin- coln was so delighted with General Foster's skill, energy, and pluck, that he gave him the important command of the Department of Virginia ami North Carolina, with head-quarters at Fort Monroe, from whence he made a daring reconnoissance by steamer, amid exploding tor- pedoes, up the James River. When Burnside was shut up in Knoxville, Tennessee, by Longstrcet's investing forces, General Foster was sent to his relief, with the intention of attacking the Confed- erates in the rear via Tazewell. The movement becoming known to Longstreet, and he being fearful for the safety of his command, threatened in front and rear, raised the siege of Knoxville after his severe repulse at Fort Sanders, and began his retreat eastwardly. Burnside desiring now to be relieved of the-command of the Army and Department of the Ohio, General Foster was assigned thereto December 12, 1863, but was obliged to relinquish it February 9, 1864, in consequence of severe injuries from the fall of his horse upon him. After he had some- what recovered he took command. May 26, 1804, of the Department of the South, with head-quarters at Hilton Head. When it became known that Sherman was march- ing through Georgia, General Foster was ordered t< communications with him by way of Assabaw and Was- saw Sounds, and also to assist him by making demon- strations on Pocotaligo and other points along the line of railway from Savannah to Charleston. This part of the operations was admirably executed by the troops under his command. So well was this co-operation carried out, that the first reliable news of the success of Gen. Sherman's movements was sent North from Gen. Foster's command, and on Dec. 22, 1864, he opened up communications with Savannah by water. During the remainder of the year Gen. Foster retained the command of the Departrm the South, and until he was relieved by Gen. Gillmore. 414 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY (volunteer) BRIGADIER-GENERAL FRANCIS C. BARLOW, U.S.V. Brigadier-General Francis C. Barlow was born in Brooklyn, New York, October 19, 1834. He was grad- uated at the head of his class at Harvard in 1855, studied law in New York, and began practice in that city. For a time he was on the editorial staff of the Tribune. In 1 861 he enlisted as a private in the Twelfth Regiment, New York State National Guard, and went to the front on the first call for troops to defend the capital. At the end of the three months' term of service he had been promoted lieutenant. He at once re-entered the service as lieutenant-colonel of the Sixty-first New York Vol- unteers ; was promoted colonel during the siege of Yorktown, and distinguished himself at the battle of Fair Oaks, or Seven Pines, May 31 and June 1, 1862, for which he was afterwards (September 19) promoted briga- dier-general. He brought his regiment in good form through the trying " change of base" from the Chicka- hominy to the James River. At Antietam, September 17, his command captured two sets of Confederate colors and three hundred prisoners, but he was severely wounded, and carried apparently dead from the field. At Chancel- lorsville, May 2, 1863, he commanded a brigade in the Eleventh Corps, but was detached early in the day to harass " Stonewall" Jackson in his flank movement on the national right. At the battle of Gettysburg, Jul}' 1, 1863, he was severely wounded and taken prisoner during the first day's fight, but he was exchanged, and recovered in time to take the field again the following spring. He fought bravely in the Gettysburg fight, being with the gallant General Daniel E. Sickles. At Spottsylvania Court-House, May 12, 1864, the Second Corps (General Hancock's) was ordered to storm the Confederate works at dawn. General Barlow commanded the First Divi- sion, which, with the Third, formed the advance line. The works were carried with a rush, and three thousand prisoners captured, comprising almost an entire division, with two general officers, D. M. Johnson and G. H. Stewart. This opened one of the most sanguinary and stub- bornly-contested engagements of the Civil War, and was the first substantial success won during the campaign. General Barlow participated in the final campaigning of the Potomac army under General Grant, was present at the assault on Petersburg, and at the surrender of the Confederate forces in April, 1865, and was mustered out of the military service on the conclusion of peace. He was elected secretary of state of the State of New York in 1865, and served until 1868, when General Grant ap- pointed him United States marshal of the Southern Dis- trict of that State. He resigned in October, 1869. In November, 1871, he was elected attorney-general of the State, serving through 1872-73. Since that time he has practised law successfully in New York City. He was one of the bravest officers in the Civil War. WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. 415 SURGEON-GENERAL LOUIS W. READ. Louis W. Read, the present surgeon-general of Penn- sylvania, was born at Plymouth, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, July 5, 1828, He is the eldest son of Thomas and Sarah Corson Read. His mother was a daughter of Joseph Corson, and a sister of Drs. Hiram and William Corson, of Montgomery County. Some of General Read's early years were spent at what was known as " Read's Mill," situated near the Schuylkill River, in Upper Merion Township, Montgomery Count)', and which his father owned for some time. His rudimentary educa- tion was obtained in the common schools of the locality, after which he became a pupil for a considerable time at Treemount Seminary. In 1845 he entered the office of his uncle, Dr. William Corson, to study medicine, and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1849. When the Crimean war broke out, General Read offered his services to the Russian government, then needing sur- geons. He was accepted, and entered the service of the czar in 1855 as surgeon, and remained during the war and through the terrible siege of Sebastopol. While there he effected some important improvements in the treatment of gunshot wounds that were generally adopted. After the war closed he spent several months in the Paris hos- pitals, and returned in the autumn of 1857 to Norristown, Pa., and commenced the practice of medicine and surgery. In 1858 he married Georgine, daughter of Alfred Hurst, who bore him two children, — Nina Boreiche and Alfred Hurst Read. Mrs. Read died .August 5, 1885. At the breaking out of the rebellion he was, on June 1, 1 861, appointed major and surgeon of the Thirtieth Pennsylvania Infantry, First Reserves, the first three years' regiment. He held this position until July 17, 1863, when he resigned to accept the promotion as sur- geon U. S. Volunteers, and was assigned as medical di- rector of Pennsylvania Reserve Corps. He filled this position until November, 1864, when he was placed in charge of McKimm U.S. Hospital, at Baltimore. He continued in this capacity until peace returned, when he- was honorably mustered out. Dr. Read was brevetted lieutenant-colonel U. S. Volunteers January 12, 1866, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." In April, 1866, after an absence and public service of nearly five years, Dr. Read returned to Norristown and again resumed practice. Upon the election of General Hartranft as governor of Pennsylvania, and the organization of the Pennsylvania National Guard, Dr. Read was appointed surgeon-general of Pennsylvania, with the rank of brigadier-general, on May 15, 1874, and reappointed to same position by Gov- ernor Hoyt, March 12, 1876; by Governor Pattison, February 25, 1883 ; by Governor Beaver, June 25, 1887, and by Governor Pattison, January 29, 1891, and holds the position at the present time. General Read is a member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, the Union League of Philadelphia, the United Service Club, the Military Service Institution of the United States, the Association of Military Surgeons of the National Guard of the United States, and the Pennsylvania Genealogical Society. In 1876 Governor Hartranft appointed General Re, id to the very responsible position of commissioner for the insane of the southeastern counties of the State. The trust involved the selection of a site, choice of plans, and the construction of the buildings at Norristown, Pennsyl- vania, all of which duties, at great sacrifice to his private affairs, were performed, and the institution is now ac- knowledged, not only in this country but in Europe, to be a model one. Dr. Read many years ago was elected a member of the Montgomery County Medical Society and the associated State and National societies. 416 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY {volunteer). BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL ALBERT ORDWAY. U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier-General Albert Ordway was born in Boston, February 24, 1843. At the breaking out of the war he was a pupil of Professor Louis Agassiz, in the Lawrence Scientific School, at Harvard University. Enlisted in the Fourth Battalion Massachusetts Militia April 19, 1 861. On September 2, 1861, was appointed first lieutenant Twenty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry, which was one of the regiments selected for the Burnside expedition to North Carolina. Though the youngest officer in his regiment, he so quickly gained the confidence and esteem of his superior officers by his abilities and his evident aptitude for mili- tary affairs, that an act of personal gallantry at the battle oi New-Berne was followed by his appointment as adju- tant of the regiment, in place of the adjutant, who was severely wounded in the same battle. He participated in all the campaigns and engagements in North Carolina in 1862. In December, 1S62, his rem- ment was ordered to South Carolina, but he was detached from it and ordered to remain in North Carolina on spe- cial duty. He performed the special duty assigned to him in such an efficient manner that General Henry Prince, desiring to retain his services, appointed him aide- de-camp and acting adjutant-general of his division, in which capacity he served in the North Carolina campaign until June, 1 i>6$. In June, 1863, he was ordered, with General Prince, to the Army of the Potomac, where he served on the staff of the Second Division of the Third Army Corps. After the battle of Mine Run, and the close of the cam- paign of 1863, he applied for and obtained permission to rejoin his regiment, which was then serving in Florida. Soon after rejoining his regiment he applied himself to accpiiring a knowledge of artillery service, and was as- signed, with a selected detachment of his regiment, to command one of the redoubts of the defences of Jack- sonville, and appointed ordnance officer of the fortifica- tions. In the spring of 1864 his regiment was sent to Virginia, where he was immediately detached from it by General Terrj - and appointed ordnance officer of the division. He served through the campaign of 1864 in the Army of the James, on the staff of General Terry, and was distin- guished for his personal gallantry and for marked ability as an officer in whatever position he was placed. During the campaign he was promoted to be captain, which was quickly followed by promotion to major. On receiving the latter promotion he assumed command of his regi- ment, and was immediately after promoted to be its lieutenant-colonel. After the close of the campaign of 1864, General Ord assigned him to command the post of Bermuda Hundred, which was the depot of the Army of the James. The position was a difficult one, but he discharged its duties with such ability and success that he added to his reputa- tion as a soldier that of possessing remarkable adminis- trative talent. After the occupation of Richmond, and but a i'cw weeks after he had attained the age of twenty-two years, he was promoted to be colonel of his regiment, and was brevetted brigadier-general. His regiment, which was noted for its discipline, drill, and reliability, was selected for special duty within the city limits of Richmond, and, although he was the youngest colonel in the command, he was appointed provost-marshal-general of the State of Vir- ginia. Throughout the troublous times of "reconstruction" he discharged the delicate duties of his position with such tact and ability that he was confidently depended upon by his military superiors, and at the same time he gained the respect and esteem of the people over whom he ruled. His services were deemed of such value that both himself and his regiment were retained in service until February, 1866, and were the last volunteer troops mustered out in the State. He was one of the youngest officers who attained high rank during the war, and cer- tainly the youngest upon whom responsibilities were thrust from which older officers would have shrunk, ami yet discharged them in such a manner as to gain distinc- tion for gallantry as a soldier and ability as an adminis- trative officer. After being mustered out of the volunteer service he was offered an appointment as major in the regular army, but, preferring to return to civil life, he- declined the appointment, and entered into business at Richmond, Virginia. In 1877 he removed to Washing- ton, where he still resides, and commands the militia of the District of Columbia. INDEX. PAGE Abbott, L. A., Captain U.S.A 3S5 Adams, J. W., Chaplain U.S.V 56 Alger, R. A., Bvt. Major-Genef u. U-S-V ■ . . . . . 3S4 Allen, E. J., Colonel U.S.V. . . . . 38S Ames, A., Brigadier- ami Bvt. Major- General U.S.A . 24 Anderson, J., Captain U.S.V 237 Andrew, T- A., Governor U.S.V. ... 171 Appel, C. A., Major U.S.V 34 Armstrong, S. C, Bvt. Brigadier-Gen- eral U.S.V 124 Arnold, J., Lieutenants 'oi.onei, U.S.V. 586 Ashbrook, J., Bvt. Major U.S.V. . . . 214 Ashhurst, R. L., Ann iant am. Bvt. Major U.S.V 47 Averell, W. W., Captain ami Bvt. Major-Genkkal U S.A 136 Avery, R. L., Captain U.S.V 2S7 Backus, S. W., General U.S.V 267 Bailey, J., Brigadier-General U.S.V. 306 Bailey, J. H., Bvt. Captain U.S.V. . . ^15 Baker, E. D., Colonel U.S.V 371 Baldwin, J. S., Captain U.S.V 4S Ball, W. H., Colonel U.S.V 383 Bankhead, H. C, Bvt. Brigadier-Gen- eral U.S.A 35S Banks, N. P., Major-General U.S.V. . 32S Barlow, F. C, Brigadier -General U.S.V 414 Barti.ett, ]. J., Bvt. Major-General U.S.V. ." 319 Hates, D., Generai 69 Beaumont, E. I!., Lieutenant-Colonel U.S.A 2^ Beaver, J. A., Generai 6 Belknap, W. W., Bvt. Major-General U.S.V 19S Bell. S., Bvt. Lieutenant-Colonel U.S.V 318 Benedict, G. G., Colonel U.S.V. . . . 263 Bentley, C. S., Captain U.S.V 105 Betts, C M., Lieutenant- Colonel U.S.V 15 Biiini.E, J., Bvt. Brigadier-General U.S.V 16 Bigelow, J., Captain and Bvt. Maior U.S.V 43 Bingham, II. H., Bvt. Brigadier-Gen- eral U.S.V 271 Birney, D. B., Maior-General U.S.V. . 339 Blair, F. P., Jr., Major-General U.S.V. 233 Bodman,H. A., First Lieutenant U.S.V. 255 Bond, F. S., Major U.S.V 52 BONEBRAKE, G. H., MAJOR U.S.V. ... 276 Borck, E., A.M., M.D., Lieutenant U.S.V 45 Bosbyshell, O. C, Colonel U.S.V. . . 49 Botsford, J. L., Bvt. Major U.S.V . . 109 Bowen, A. M., Lieutenant U.S V. . . 299 Boyd, W. H., Bvt. Brigadier-General U.S.V 355 Bradford, J. H., Chaplain U.S.V. . . S5 Bradley, L. P., Brigadier-General U.S.V 4°o I'AGE Brigham, A. W., Captain U.S.V. ... 175 Brooke-Rawi.e, W., Bvt. Lieutenant- Colonel U.S.V 113 Browne, W. II., Bvt. Brigadier-Gen- eral U.S.V !2 Buei.l, D. C, Major-General U.S.V. . 376 Buford, J., Major-General U.S. V. . . 325 Bundy.M. L., Bvt. Lieutenan r < oi.onei. U.S.V 63 Burke, I). !•'., Bvt. Brigadier-General U.S.V 204 Burke, J. W., Bvt. Brigadier-General U.S.V. 24S Burnside, A. E., U.S.A iS Burrage, II. S , Bvt. Major U.S.V. . . 241 Bushnell, A. R., Captain U.S.V.. . . 212 Bussey, C, Bvt. Maji ir-General U.S.V. 348 Butler, I!. F., Major-General U.S.V. . 207 Butler, J. M 372 Butterfield, I)., Bvt. Major-General U.S.V 278 Butts, F. A., Major U.S.V 46 Byrne, E., Lieutenant-Colonel U.S.V. 265 Cadwalader, C E., Bvt. Lieutenant- Colonel U.S.V 305 Carpenter, J. E., Bvt. Major U.S.V. . 240 Carr, J. B., Bvt. Major-General U.S.V. 2S9 Carson, ("Kit") Christopher, Bvr. Brigadier-General U.S.V 335 Castle, H. A., Captain U.S.V 187 Caukin, G. E., Captain U S.V 373 Chamberlain, J. L, Bvr. Major-Gen- eral U.S.V 360 Chamberlin, T., Lieutenant-Colonel U.S.V 260 Chandler, G. W., Bvt. Major U.S.V. . 245 Clark, C. A., Bvt. Lieutenan i Coi onel U.S.V S7 Clarke, A. P., Surgeon and I'.\ i. Colonel U.S.V 272 Clarke, T. B., Ph.D., Chapi un U.S.V.. 247 Clarkson, I'"., Bvt. Lieutenant-Colonel U.S.V 40 Clemons, F. W., Bvt. Lieutenant- Colonel U.S.V 211 Clemienin, F., Major U.S.V 377 Cochrane, J., Brigadier-General . . 8 Coit, J. B., General U.S.V 396 Cole, H. A., Colonel U.S.V 256 Conaway, T- F., Firm- Lieutenant U.S.V. . " 206 Cook. W. C, Assistant Paymaster U.S.N 1S9 Cooke, T l6 3 Cox, J. D., Major-General U.S.V. . . 411 Crankord, H. L., Bvt. Major U.S.V. . 295 Crittenden, T. L., Major-Generai U.S.V 402 Crocker, M. M., Brigadier-General u.s.v 367 Cross, J. N., Captain U.S.V 194 Cryer.J. 11.. Major U.S.V 285 Cryer, M. II.. Major U.S.V 284 Curie, C, Cattain U.S.V 98 CURTIN, A. G 294 I'AGE Custer, G. A., Lieutenant-Colonel and Bvt. Major-General U.S.A. . . 20 Daggett, A. S., Major and Bvr. Lieu- tenant-Colonel U.S.A 392 Daiilgren, C B., Acting Master U.S.N. 250 Dablgren, U., Colonel U.S.A .... 64 Davis, C W., Colonel U.S.V 251 Davis, G. E., Captain U.S.V i 4I Davis, H. G, Bvr. Brigadier < ;i\ 11: w U.S.V 302 Davis, ]., Lieutenant and Aon iam U.S.V 55 Davis, W. P., Lieutenant - Colonel U.S.V ,s 2 Dechert, R. P., Brigadier-General I S.V 232 Deems, J. M., Bvt. Brigadier-General U.S.V 66 Devens, C, Bvt. Major-General U.S.V. 215 Dickinson, J., Bvt. Brigadier-General U.S.V 7 s Diller, W. S., Major U.S.V 37 Dix, J. A., Major-General U.S.V. . . 311 Dodge, G. M., Major-Generai. U.S.V. . 91 Dollard, R., Major U.S. Y 220 Dow, N., Brigadier-General U.S.V. . 3S1 Drake,F. M.,Bvt. Brigadier-Geni 1 \l U.S.V 157 Drake, J. M., General U.S.V 172 Draper, W. F., Bvt. Brigadier-Gen- eral U.S.V 92 Dudley, G. T., Captain U.S. V 71 Duff, L.B., Lieutenant-Colonel U.S V. 62 Duncan, S. A., Bvr. Major-General U.S.V 21 j Eckert, G. B., Captain U S.A 309 Edgerly, J. H., Bvt. Major U.S.V. . . 184 Edgerton, A. J., Bvt. Brigadier-Gi x erai. U.S.V 1S1 Egle, W. H., M.D., U.S.V 356 Ekings, R. M., Lieutenant-Colonel U.S.V 21 x Ekings, T. K., First Lieutenant US.V. 219 Eldredge, D., Captain U.S.V. ... 122 Ellet, A. \V., Brigadier -Genei u U.S.V 405 Emilio, L. F., Captain U.S.V 39 Etting, C E., Captain U.S V. .... Ewing, C, Brigadier-General U.S.V. Ewing, II., B\ 1. Major-General U.S V. 227 Ewing, T 149 Fegan, J. D., Captain U.S.V 304 1 . ., I . i; , I .11 I I 1 N VN I I .S V. . . l6l Fisher, B. !•'., Bvt. Brigadier General U.S.V 366 1 II. [. M., COMM INDEF U.S X. . . 153 Foster, J. G, Bvt. Major-General U.S.A. " 4"3 Franklin, W. B., Colonel and Bvt. M \|ol; I ll M HAT U.S. A I46 r, P., Acting Ensign U.S.V ... 177 Frederick, G. W., Colonel U.S.V. . . 389 Fremont, J. C, Major-General U.S.A. 417 4i8 LXDEX. Fry, J. B., Bvt. Major-General U.S.A. 403 FULLERTON, I. S., BVT. BRIGADIER-GEN- ERAL U.S.V 65 Garfield, J. A., Major-General U.S.V. 361 Geary, I.' W., Bvt. Major-General U.S V. 274 Gibbon, J., Brigadier- and Bvt. Major- Genekai. U.S. A 334 Gile, W. A., Captain U.S.V 116 Gillmore, Q. A., Colonel and Bvt. Major-General U.S.A 347 Gobin, J. P. S., Bvt. Brigadier-General U.S.V 127 1 . 'it, N., ]r., Bvt. Brigadier-General U.S.V. " no Graham, C. K., Bvt. Major-General 1 .S.V 321 Graham, N. F., Surgeon U.S.V 342 Grant, L. A., Assistant Secretary 01 War 17 Grant, U. S., General 7 Greene, G. S., Bvt. Major-General U.S.V 29S Greeno, C. L., Bvt. Lieutenant Colo- nel U.S.V. 412 Gregg, D. McM., Bvt. Major-General U.S.A 21 Griffin, C, Major-General U.S.V. . . 327 Grout, W. \V., Lieutenant Colonel U.S.V --70 Halderman, J. A., Generai N4 1 1 \mi rsly , I.. R., Acting Ensign U.S.N. 382 Hamilton, J. F., Major U.S.V 30 Hamlin, C, Bvt. Major-General U.S. \'. 343 Hamlin, C, Bvt. Brigadier-Genera] U.S.V 22N IIami in, Hun. II 266 Hancock, \Y. S., Major-General U.S.A. 13 Harrison, B., Commander-in-Chief U.S.V 5 Harrison, W. H., Bvt. Colonel U.S V. 216 Hart, A., Captain U.S.V 252 IIartranft, J. F., Brigadier- and Bvt. Major-General U.S.V 369 Hastings, S. H., Colonel U.S.V. . . . 238 Haupt, H., Colonel U.S.V 323 Hawley, J. R., Bvt. Major-General 1 S.V. "... 195 Haves, R. B., Bvt. Major-General I .S.V 5S Hazen, W. B., Brigadier - General U.S.A 337 Heckman, C. A., Brigadier-General U.S.V 401 Hempstead, H. M., Captain U.S.V. . . 291 Henderson, T. J., Bvt. Brigadier-(h n eral U.S V 26 Hepburn, W. I'., Lieutenant-Colonel U.S.V 3S4 Herrick, J. F., Colonel U.S.V 20S Herring, C. P., Bvt. Brigadier-Gen- eral I' S.V 59 Herron, F. J., Major-General U.S.V. . 53 IIinks. K. \\\, Bvt. Major-General U.S.V 344 Hoagland, C. N., Maiok and Si rgeo U.S.V 200 Hooker, J., Brigadier- and Bvt. \l \y ir-( Ieneral U.S.A. ...... 545 1 1 ■ .iii r, 1 , C, Major U S.V 60 Horner, J. B., Major U.S.V 76 Horner, O. A., Major U.S.V 244 H'.kN'ik, C. W., Bvt. Lieutenant- Coi ONi i. U.S.V 74 Horton, E. S., Major U.S.V 176 Houston, A. R., Captain U.S.V. . . . 240 Hovey, C E., Brigadiei Bvt. Major-General U.S.V 138 How, J. !■'.. Lieutenant-Colon! i U.S.V. So Howard, ( 1. O., Major-General U.S.V. $$(> Hoyt, G. S., Captain U.S.A 395 Hoyt, II. M., Bvt. Brigadier-General U.S.V 193 Hubbard, L. F., Bvt. Brigadier-Gen- 1 1: \i U.S.V 142 Hurlbut, S. A., Major-General U.S.V. 351 Jackson, H. \\\, Bvt. Lieutenant- Colonel U.S.V 203 Jackson, J. C, Bvt. Brigadier-General U.S.V. 166 Tarves, D., Lieutenant U.S.V 6S Jeffries, P., Major U.S.V 201 Jones, R. H., Captain U.S.V 370 Jordan, T. ]., Bvt. Brigadier-General U.S.V. .' 196 Joy, E. I.., Major and Judge-Advocate U.S.V . . ' 61 Kearny, P., Major-General U.S.V. . . 210 Keifer, I. \V., Bvt. Major-General 1 S.V. ' 97 Kellam, A. G., Major U.S.V 230 Kei.i.ey, G. W., Captain U.S.V 107 Kei ley, L. M., Captain U.S.V 242 Kellogg, C W., Captain U.S.V. ... 83 K ;, W. P., Colonel U.S.V. . . . 397 Kemper, W. H., Doctor U.S.V 125 Kerwin, M., Colonel U.S.V 1S3 Keyes, C. W., Bvt. Captain U.S.A. . . 174 Kilpatrick, J., Captain and Bvt. Major-General U.S.A 137 Kimball, E. A., Colonel U.S.V. . . . 404 Kirby, D. T., Bvt. Brigadier-General U.S.V Si. Kirk, C H., First Lieutenant U.S.V. 222 Kniffen, G. C. Lieutenant-Colonel U.S.V 120 Lacey, A. P., Captain U.S.V 362 Lambert, W. H., Major U.S.V 1S6 Lamon, W. H., Colonel U.S.V 277 Lawrence, A. B., Colonel U.S.V. . . . 165 Lawrence, C. H., Major U.S.V 159 Leeson, R. L., Bvt. Colonel U.S.V. . . 151 Levering, J., Colonel U.S.V 7 36 Lincoln, A., Commander-in-Chief . . 283 Lindsey, I). W., U.S.V 117 Locke. F. T., Bvt. Brigadier-General U.S.V 167 I.ockman, J. T., Bvt. Brigadier-Gen- eral I' S.V S6 Logan, J. A., General U.S.V 164 Loveland, F. C, Colonel U S.V. ... 57 Macatjley, D., Bvt. BrigadierGen- 1 ral U.S.V 173 Mai iikit, H. C, Paymaster (Lii 1. ien ant-Commander) U.S.N 205 Manderson, C F., Bvt. Brigadier-Gen- eral U.S.V 70 Manges, H. F., Captain U.S.V 399 Marcy, II. O., Surgeon U.S.V "14S Marsh, J. F., Colonel U.S.V 88 Matthews, A. C, Colonel U.S.V. . . 340 McCartney, W. H., Captain U.S.V. . . 275 Mi (.'Lilian, G. B., Major-General U.S. A 31 Mi 1 00K, A. McD., Brigadier- and Bvt. Major-General U.S.A 25 McCoy, M., Captain U.S.V 257 McKay, W., Major U.S.V 243 Mi M uion. M. T., Bvt. Major-General U.S.V 73 McMillan, I.W.. Bvt. Major-General U.S.V. . " 160 MiPiierson, J. B., Brigadier-General 1 .S.A 82 Meade, G. G., Major-General U.S.A. . 19 Mi igs, S. E., Captain U.S.V 398 Miles, X. A., Major-General U.S.A. . 11 Miller, W. E., Captain U.S.V 199 Mills, W. IL, Major U.S.A 380 Minty. R. H. il., Bvt. Major-General 1 S.V 3,3 PAGE Mitchell, R. B., Bvt. Maior-General U.S.V 221 Moderwell, E. C, Major U.S.V. . . . 25S Molineux, E. L., Bvt. Major-General U.S.V 89 Moores, A. E. L., Captain U.S.V. . . . 131 Morton, O. P., War Governor .... 269 Negley, J. S., Major-General U.S.V. . 37S Nelson, W., Major-General U.S.V. . . 410 Xi riLETON, A. li., Bvt. Brigadier-Gen- eral U.S.V 140 Nields,B., Lieutenant-Colonel U.S.V. 350 Noble, T- W., Bvt. Brigadier-General U.S.V. 390 Norcross, J. E., Captain U.S.V. . . . 115 North, G. H., Colonel U.S.V 314 Nye, W. II., Lieutenant U.S.V 229 Oglesby, R. J., Major-General U.S.V. 40S Oliphant, S. D., Bvt. Brigadier-Gen- eral U.S.V 75 Oliver, P. A., Bvt. Brigadier-General U.S.V 134 Ord, E. O. C, Major-General U.S.A. . 27 Ordway, A., Bvt. Brigadier-General U.S.V 416 iirk, R I.., Colonel U.S.V 292 Otis, H. G , Bvt. Lieutenant-Colonel U.S.V 108 Page, H., Bvt. Colonel U.S.V 191 Parsons, L. B., Bvt. Major-General U.S.V 236 Patier, C O., Captain U.S V 42 Patrick, M; R., Bvt. Major-General U.S.V 374 Patterson, R., Major-General U.S.V. 409 Patton, A. G., Lieutenant-Colonel U.S.V 102 Patton, D. H., Colonel U.S.V 129 Ration, J. N., Captain U.S.V 169 Paxton, W. N., Captain U.S.V 135 Peck, B. B., Lieutenant and Adjutant U.S.V 2S6 Peck, G. B., Lieutenant U.S.V 32 Peck, J. S., General U.S.V 185 Peck, T. S., Adjutant-General U.S.V. 77 Pedrick, W. E., Captain U.S V. ... 150 Pennypacker, G., Colonel and Bv 1 . Ma I' ir-General L'.S.A 29 Peters, A., Major U.S.V. . 2S2 Peters, M. H., Major U.S.V 154 Peterson, B. IL, M.D., Major U.S.V. . 280 Pettis, G. H., Bvt. Captain U.S.V. . . 99 Philippe, L. (Comte de Paris), Captain U S.V 144 Pietzuch, J., Captain U.S.V 261 Pinto, F. E., Bvt. Brigadier-General U.S.V "9 Pleasonton, A., Major-General U.S.V. 364 Pope, A. A., Bvt. Lieutenant-Colonel U.S.V 103 Porter, H. M., Colonel U.S.V. . . . 192 Potter, W. E., Bvt. Major 79 Potter, W. F., Captain U.S.V 26S Prentiss, B. M., Major-General U.S.V. 36S Pui.ford, J , Bvt. Brigadier-General U.S.V. ' 94 Randall, W. P., Lieutenant - Com- mander U.S.N 393 Raum.G. B., Brigadier-General U.S.V. 330 Read, L. W., Surgeon-General . . . . 415 Reeve, F. A., Colonel U.S. V 95 Reinoehl, A. C, Bvt. Major U.S.V. . 1:8 Rice, E. W., Bvt. Maior-General U.S.V 19° Rice, S. A., Brigadier-General U.S.V 246 Ricketts, R. B., Colonel U.S.V. ... 273 Robertson, R. S., Bvt. Colonel U.S.V. 106 Rockwell, C. H., Commander. U.S.N. . 90 Rogers, I. S., Colonel U.S.V 112 Roller, "W. W., Captain U.S.V. ... 143 Roper, J. L., Captain and Bvt. Major u.s.v 54 Rosecrans, W. S., Major -General r U.S.V 326 Ross, L. F., Brigadier-General U.S.V. 2S1 Ruger, T. H., Brigadier-General U.S.A I04 Runyon, T., Brigadier-General U.S.V. 14 Rusling, J. F., Bvt. Brigadier-General , U -S.V 33-S Ryan, A. H., Colonel U.S.V 41 SCHERMERHORN, F. A., CAPTAIN U.S.V. . 139 Schofield, J. M., Major -General U.S.A 2g6 Schurz, C., Major-General U.S.V. . . 406 Scott, F. M., Captain U.S.V 312 Sedgwick, J., Major-General U.S.V. . 379 Serrell, E. W., Bvt. Brigadier-Gen- eral U.S.V Ig7 Sewell, W. J., Bvt. Major-General U.S.V ■ 34 6 Shaler, A., Major-General U.S.V. . . 130 Shaw, J., Jr., Bvt. Brigadier-General U.S.V 7, Sheridan, P. H., General U.S.A. ... 10 Sherman, W. T., General U.S.A. ... 9 Shields, J., Captain U.S.V 293 Shoup, G. L., Colonel U.S.V 126 Sickels, D. E., Major-General U.S.A. 303 Sillowaye, W. A. H., Colonel U.S.V. . 145 Sims, C S., Lieutenant-Colonel U.S.V. 51 Slocum, H. W., Major-General U.S.V. 322 Slocum, J. S., Colonel U.S.V 357 Smith, A. J., Major-General U.S.V. . 324 Smith, T. K., Bvt. Maior-Generai. U.S.V ' u 1 Smith, W. F., Major-General U.S.V. . 320 Soule, H., Major U.S.V 93 Spangler, A., Bvt. Lieutenant-Colonel U.S.V 387 Spaulding, O. L., Bvt. Brigadier-Gen- eral U.S.V 224 Spear, E., Bvt. Brigadier-General U.S.V 38 INDEX. PAGE Stanley, D. S., Brigadier-Generai D U.S.A 349 Stannard, G. I., Bvt. Major-General c U - S - v - ■ • ' 101 Stanton, E. McM ,c, Steele, F., Maior-Generai. U.S V. 33 i Stetson, P. R., Captain U.S.A. . . 308 Stevens, G. T., Bvt. Major U.S.V. . . 96 S n ine, C P., Brigadier-General U.S.V. j zi 1 Stoneman, G., Major-General U.S.V. . 297 Sturdy, A. W., Lieutenant U.S.V. . . 307 Sturtevant, S. H., Colonel U.S.V. . . 288 Sudborough, J. A., Captain U.S.V. . . 121 Swallow, G. R., Colonel U.S.V. ... 155 Taylor, A., Captain U.S.V 67 Taylor, J., Captain U.S.V 100 Tenney. L. II , Bvt. Major U S.V. . . 239 Terry, A. H., Major-General U.S.A. . 35 Thomas, G. H., Major-General U.S.A. 33 Thomas, H. S., Bvt. Colonel U.S.V. . 147 Thorp, T. J., Brigadier-General U.S.V. 123 Townshend, S., Major U.S.V 234 Tracy, A. S., Bvt. Colonel U.S.V. . . 156 Treadwell, G. H , Major U.S.V. ... 128 Tremain, F. L., Lieutenant-Colonel us.v 3 , 7 Tremain, H. E., Bvt. Brigadier-Gen- eral U.S.V 316 Trowbridge, L. S., Bvt. Major-Gen- eral U.S.V 225 Tuthill, R. S., Lieutenant U.S.V . . 259 Twombly, V. P., Captain U.S.V. . . . 310 Tyler, D., Brigadier-General U.S.V. . 359 Veale, M., Bvt. Colonel U.S.V. . . . 217 Vernon, G. W. F., Colonel U.S.V. . . 1S0 Vincent, S., Brigadier-General U.S.V. 202 Wainwright, J., Colonel U.S.V. ... 44 Walcutt, C. C, Bvt. Major-General U.S.V 152 Wallace, W. W., Captain U.S.V. ... 162 Ward, H. C, Captain U.S.A 394 Ward, J. H. H., Brigadier-General U.S.V 262 419 PAGR Warner, A., Colonel U.S.V 168 Warner, W. B., Captain U.S.V. . ' 179 Washburn, C. C, Majof Ge 11 ''•S.V 365 Weand, II. K., Captain U.S.V 226 Webster, F. D., Captain U.S. M.C. . . 332 Weitzel, G., Bvt. Major-Gi U.S.A 363 Welles, G., Secretary <>i X uy ... 301 Wells, A. B., Captain U.S.V 209 Wells, J. M., Captain U.S.V 375 . W., Brigadier- and Bvt. Major- General U.S.V 178 Wetherill, S., Bvt. Lieutenant-Colo^ nel U.S.V 39I Wheeler, J. B., Bvt. Major U.S.V. . . 251 Whipple, A. W., Major and B\ 1. M mm General U.S.A 34! White, A. H., Colonel U.S.V. ..'.'. 132 White, J. R., Captain U.S.V 114 Wilcox, V. M., Colonel U.S.A 352 Wildman, W. D., Captain U.S.V. . . . 235 Williams, C L., Captain U.S.V. ... iSS Williams, S., Bvt. Major-General U.S.A 407 Williamson, J. A., Brigadii i; and Bvt. Major-General U.S.V 279 Willson, L. S., Bvt. Brigadier-General U.S.V S o Wilson, C L., Major and Surgeon U.S.V 28 Wilson, J. G., Bvt. Brigadier-General U.S.V 300 Wister, L., Bvt. Brigadier-General U.S.V 254 Woodward, W. R., Assistant Pay- master U.S.N 290 Wool, J. E., Major-General U.S.A. . ^^^ Yoder, C. T., Major U.S.V 22 Yorke, P. J., Bvt. Colonel U.S.V. . . 158 Zollinger, C. A., Colonel I'. S.V. . . . 253 Zook, S. K., Bvt. Major - General U.S.V 264 THE END. \U7 75 - % V \* ■ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 006 153 696 6