#8*3' /9/f TX 916 •A8 A5 1917 Copy i rurtion of Act 210, 1917, Creating a Bureau of Sani- tation and Relating to Hotels, RoomingHouses and Restaurants, Defining Such Places and Providing for License Fees to be Collected and Turned Over to the State, and for Other Purposes. Section 3. Every building or other structure kept, used, maintained, advertised or held out to the public to be a place where food is served and sleeping accommodations are offered for pay to transient guests, in which six or more rooms are used for the accommo- dation of such transient guests, and having one or more dining rooms or cafes, where meals or lunches are served to such transient guests, such sleeping accommo- dations and dining rooms being conducted in the same building and under the same management, together with any buildings in connection therewith, shall, for the purpose of this Act, be deemed a hotel. Section 4. Every building or other structure kept, used, maintained, advertised or held out to the public to be a place where sleeping accommodations are fur- nished for pay to transient guests or permanent guests, in which six or more rooms are used for such guests, but which does not maintain dining rooms or cafes in the same building, and under the same management, together with any buildings in connection therewith, shall, for the purpose of this Act, be deemed a rooming house. Section 5. Every building or other structure kept, used, maintained advertised or held out to the public to be a place where meals or lunches are served without sleeping accommodations, together with all outbuildings in connection therewith, shall, for the pur- pose of this Act, be defined a restaurant. Section 6. That within three months after the passage of this Act, every person, firm or corporation now engaged in the business of conducting a hotel, or restaurant, or both, or rooming house, and every per- son, firm or corporation which shall hereafter engage in conducting such business shall procure a license for each hotel, rooming house or restaurant so conducted or proposed to be conducted, provided that one license shall be sufficient for combined hotel and restaurant, when both are conducted in the same building and under the same management; such license shall expire on the 31st day of December next following its issuance. No hotel, rooming house or restaurant shall be main- tained and conducted in this State after the taking ef- fect of this Act, without a license therefor, and no license shall be transferable, provided this section shall not be interpreted to apply to change in management or proprietorship. Section 7. The fee for license to conduct a hotel, rooming house or restaurant in this State shall be three (S3. 00) dollars per annum, except for hotels that con- tain ten sleeping rooms, the license fee shall be five ($5.00) dollars, and for every additional room therein an additional fee of ten ($ .10) cents shall be charged, provided that no license fee shall exceed twenty ($20) dollars, which shall be paid to the State Treasurer be- fore said license shall be issued. The license fee pro- vided for above shall be due and payable on the first day of April, 1917, and shall be due and payable there- after on the first day of January of each year. Section 8. On the first day of each month, the Secretary of the State Board of Health and the Chief Inspector shall file with the State Treasurer a list of all hotels, rooming houses and restaurants which are entitled to receive a license, and on certification of the State Treasurer to the State Board of Health that the proper fees have been paid by hotels, rooming houses or restaurants, the said State Board of Health shall issue a license in accordance with the provisions of this Act, which shall bear the signature of the Chief Inspec- tor, President and Secretary of said Board and its offi- cial seal. Section 9. No hotel, rooming house or restaurant proprietor shall be subject to prosecution for not com- Aua r '1920