\ LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 014 336 845 2 . Hollinger Corp. pH8.5 BE Cije mnibersitp of ifl'^icago DEPARTMENT OK SOCIAL SCIENCE Food as a Factor in Student Life A Contribution to the Study of Student Diet By Ellen H^ Richards and riarion Talbot CHICAGO 1894 nt^ IN EXCHANGE MO '04 I, SOCIAL AND DOMESTIC CONDITIONS OF THE INVESTIGATION. CHARACTER OF INVESTIGATION. It has seemed fitting to many students of sociology that there should be exemplified in some college or other educational institution the possibilities of healthful physical and mental life, as they have been made known by recent advances in both social and physiological science. Under the auspices of the University of Chicago, a practical study of the subject has been made. Its results seem of sufficient value and interest to war- rant the presentation of a brief account of them. NEGLECT OF DIETETICS. In nearly every state in the Union there is an agricultural experiment station, and in many there are agricultural colleges. The government, representing the people, in this way expends large sums annually for the study of the food of cattle and other animals, but it rarely makes any appropriation for the study of the food of any citizen, even though his body and brain may represent hundreds of thousands of dollars in invested capital, while the brute animal is worth only one or two hundred dollars. HUMAN BODY AS A MACHINE. The animal body both of brute and of human being is a living machine, capable of doing work — raising weights, pulling loads and the like. The power of the engine to do its work comes from the consumption of fuel — the burning of wood, coal, or gas. The power of the animal body to do its work comes from the 4 FOOD AS A FACTOR consumption of fuel which is furnished to it in the form of food. Animals are more economical machines than the most perfect steam-engine. The latter cannot convert more than one eighth of its available energ}- into work ; the animal may yield as much as one fifth. In spite of its superiority, however, it is incapable of evolving something from nothing. Nevertheless, it is a common delusion that the animal can go on and do its work indefinitely without fuel, and, therefore, that it has nothing in common with the locomotive or engine. The reason for this delusion is that the latter runs only so long as the supply of visible fuel lasts and then stops dead ; while the human body runs on comfortably for a long time with very little fuel, and it may keep on for some three weeks without any visible supply at all. The explanation of this difference is that the body contains a store of fuel laid up in itself against the time of need. Fat is just as available as fuel when stored up in the body as if supplied from an external source. Five pounds of fat will last ten or twelve days, and the body will support itself on other reserve materials still longer. The work which the human machine can do may be measured by the same standard as the work of any machine, i. e., by the mechanical unit of energy, the foot ton, or the Calorie. The foot ton represents the amount of energy required to raise one ton one foot. The Calorie represents energy in the form of heat sufficient to raise one kilogram of water one degree Centigrade. One Calorie corresponds to 1.53 foot tons. The animal body, however, is more than a machine. It requires fuel, not only to enable it to work, but it must live or exist, even though it does no work in the ordinary meaning of the term. About two thirds of the food eaten goes merely to sustain existence. While the inanimate machine is sent peri- odically to the repair shop, the living machine must do its own repairing day by day, and minute by minute. The food eaten over and above the amount needed to sustain life is the source of the energy which may be manifested in the power to think, to create artistic designs, to write essays and poems, to stimulate others to high endeavor, as well as in the activities which are more purely physical. When its importance IN STUDEN7 LIIE. 5 is thus measured, it becomes a matter of wonder why the study of food is a subject that is so generally ignored. There is another phase of the subject which often escapes notice. It is not enough to shovel fuel into the locomotive. It must burn. So food must be assimilated and made a part of the body, and thus become the available capital of the brain. It is therefore necessary that the conditions of nutrition should be as favorable as possible. The engineer knows that he must not clog his drafts with smoke, nor load his fire-box with stony coal. The student does not seem to know that his fire of genius will not burn clear if he clogs his brain with irritating substances, loads his stomach with indigestible or semi-poisonous food, and neglects exercise and sleep. SPECIAL NEGLECT OF STUDENT DIETETICS. The prevalent disregard of the importance of human dietetics is especially noticeable in connection with the life of students. Farmers know that their oxen and horses must be well fed in order that they may do their best work. On the other hand, college trustees and professors too frequently think that they do their duty by their students if they provide a sufficiently heavy load to be hauled. If a student breaks down, the remark is heard on all sides, " What a pity he studied so hard," and no one asks, "Was he well fed?" PRESENT EXPERIMENT. It was the privilege of the University of Chicago to take the first step toward remedying this condition, undaunted by the evident difficulties which, owing to the apathy of the community in regard to such matters, seemed almost insurmountable. To make the experiment in a college was eminently suitable, and as young women are proverbially more exacting and critical as to the table than young men, and at the same time more conversant with household matters, it was quite appropriate to make the first trial in a women's dormitory. The conditions existing at the University of Chicago were very favorable for an experiment of this kind. The authorities were in sympathy with the movement and the students coming from alljparts of the world formed a cosmopolitan community. 6 FOOD AS A FACTOR ARRANGEMENT OF BUILDINGS. Three well-appointed, adjoining buildings, each providing accommodations for about 40 students, were ready or nearly ready for occupancy. Each hall had its well-equipped dining room and serving room. Supplementary cooking apparatus only was placed in the two end buildings, the central kitchen, in which the bulk of the cooking was done, being placed in the central building, Kelly Hall. From this the food, ready cooked, was carried to the dining rooms. To these were admitted only the ofificers and students living in the houses and their guests, or the guests of the University. It was also at this time possible to secure not only the apparatus used in the widely known Rumford Kitchen at the World's Fair but also the invaluable services of its manager. THEORETICAL PLAN. The three halls were organized with the aim in view of estab- lishing a healthful mental and physical life for the 100 or more women who should live in them. In order to help secure the latter end, it was decided to provide a limited variety of food of the best attainable quality, prepared in the best manner, and selected so as to give sufficient nutriment in the right proportion. The low sum of three dollars and a half per week was the price tenta- tively fixed for board, in the hope that the advantages of life in the halls might thus be made possible to a large number of stu- dents. This theoretical plan was held very elastic in order to make it possible to adapt instantaneously the results of the study of the existing conditions. A working scheme having been established, it was hoped that the details might give to others a basis for further accomplishment. TIME COVERED. The time assigned to the experiment was from October i, 1893, to April I, 1894. Owing to delays in obtaining possession of the halls, and to the difficulty in securing workmen or service during the last month of the World's Fair, the whole plant was not in full working order until nearly the end of the first quarter, so that in reality, the plan as perfected was in operation only three months. During that time the average number of students occupying the halls was 106. IN STUDENT LIFE. 7 THE STAFF. The entire staff of service for the three halls included, besides the director of the experiment, three housekeepers, — one for each hall, — two indoor men, three cooks, one kitchen maid, seven waitresses, seven chambermaids, one scrubbing woman, one laundress, twenty-five persons in all. SOCIAL SIDE. The life in the Women's Quadrangle began without any fixed traditions save those which had been forming gradually, while the women students were temporarily residing in an apartment house during the first year of the University. It was the desire of the Deans that the new life should have as far as possible the simple quiet attractions of a home, and be freed from the objectionable features of an ordinary students' boarding house. Hence it was attempted to adopt the standard of living which prevails in good American homes, and it was deemed an economy of mental power, as well as of physical strength, to secure the relief of the students from duties which could be performed by others. The saving of time and potential energy which was thus effected, although involving consider- able outlay for service, was believed to outweigh the advantages which have been claimed for domestic work done by students themselves. The possibilities of the social side of the life were not overlooked. An element of educational value is added to a college home when hospitality may be extended with freedom and ease, and in the new University the contribution of the Wo- men's Halls to the general social life seemed of significance, apart from the direct benefit to those partaking in it. At best the life of any student living in a dormitory has a monastic tinge, a selfish or self-absorbed side unfavorable to the best development of character. Provision was therefore made not only for the occasional entertainment of guests privately, but for weekly receptions to members of the University and their friends, the expense of which should not be met by any special tax, but which should be included in the general price for board. This hospitality increased the expense of service far more than that of food, and it should be taken into consideration in comparing the cost of this experiment with that of any other institution. 8 FOOD AS A FACTOR AUXILIARY MEASURES. To secure this amount of service and this freedom and dig- nity in the dining rooms for the limited sum of three and one half dollars a week would have been difificult with full numbers of paying members and with years of experience ; with two thirds the maximum number and with little or no precedent, it was not an easy task. It was evident that the outlay for food mate- rial must be kept as low as possible, but it was believed that inexpensive food, if it were at the same time wholesome and nu- tritious, would be eventually, if not at first, acceptable to the majority, provided that it could be made perfect of its kind, and could be served attractively. Special attention was therefore given to the choice of table ware, to the quality and freshness of the table linen, and to serving the food in courses and so quickly that it would be quite hot on reaching the table. The closest attention was paid to securing the greatest attainable digestibility of the food material by means of the best known methods of cookery. It seems to be true that for this purpose a low degree of heat applied for a greater length of time is in general more effective than a high degree applied for a shorter time ; hence the largest part of the cooking has been done with apparatus designed according to this idea. Coal, gas, steam and kerosene were all used as fuel, each in the most efficient form. It is, however, true that even the best methods of cookery will not always make an article of inferior grade equal to one of superior grade ; therefore special attention was given to securing the best quality of the food material bought. Even after the standard of quality was once set, constant vigilance was needed to maintain it, as is the common experience. Excellent cold storage facilities aided greatly in the possibilities of economical buying at wholesale rates. FINANCIAL RESULTS, The financial results were very satisfactory. By unremitting attention to every detail of expenditure and administration, the income was made to meet the entire cost of the experiment, although it had not been thought probable that, in addition to the current expenses, the extra items of the cost of the inaugura- $1 54 105 ^1.645 385 35 50 39 i8 05 I.80S IN STUDENT LIFE. 9 tion and the salary of the director of the experiment could be met within so short a time. These last expenses once incurred will not be needed again, and the sum thus saved can go in future for greater variety in food, repairs, replacement, etc. Since detailed records were kept of each item and of the time of service required for each part of the work, it has been possible to gain valuable information for future use. For instance, the following facts were learned as to the apportionment of the ^3.50 received per week, per person : For food, .... " condiments, tea, coffee, . . - " food of servants, ... " cooking food .... " serving food, ... Extra service in cleaning, laundry, and small expenses For expense of inauguration. Balance reserve for depreciation of equipment, 50 SUMMARY OF SCIENTIFIC RESULTS. The scientific results may be summed up as follows : The family was well fed, having, after all allowances for waste and refuse, a ration of equal food value to that furnished to the American soldier, if the relative weights of the man and woman are taken into consideration. The proportion of the several ingredients, as will be seen in the statement in Table VI, was also closely corresponding to the theoretical. An additional proof of the sufficiency of the food was the fact that nearly all gained in weight, in general physical con- dition, and were able to work with less headache than usual, in spite of the fact that fundamental principles of right livmg were occasionally ignored, as is unfortunately too frequently the case when the liberty of the individual is unrestricted. Lest it should be supposed that the simple diet necessitated monotony, there is taken from the record books the menu of three consecutive weeks in the most difficult month of the year, when the winter diet palls and the spring vegetables are yet costly. In order to indicate the liberality of the diet, there is given in the following pages a comparison of the quantity and cost of each class of food with that of the most economical dietary known to us, that of the Normal School and Business Institute at Valparaiso, Indiana, kindly furnished by Mr. O. P. Kinsey. lo FOOD AS A FACTOR Many other results of value from a scientific point of view might be deduced from the tables, notably the large proportion of food purchased which never reaches the table, and the large proportion of that so prepared which is not eaten. This is due in part to the method in vogue in the market of selling without trimming, so that each household has much gar- bage, and in part to careless ways of providing, and in part to the fact that service costs more than food, and that it is cheaper to lose one third of a bushel of potatoes by paring than to pay for careful peeling. COOPERATION OF HOUSEHOLD. As to the readiness with which the students accepted the diet, there is less assurance of complete success. So many people are in the habit of finding fault with whatever food is provided, and expect, usually with good reason, to have a choice of a dozen dishes, out of which number one or two may suit, that it would be unreasonable to expect that a simple, nourishing diet, known to be of low cost, would be entirely pleasing to every one, especially in a household made up of people used to the most varied stand- ards of living. It is not too much to say, however, that while a few of the college women failed to enter into the experiment with sympathy, the general body of students were pleased, and made frequent expressions of their interest and approval. A large measure of the success of the plan and its establish- ment on a firm foundation is due to the Heads of the Houses, Miss Myra Reynolds, Miss Elizabeth Wallace, and Miss F. C. Brown. The carrying out of the matter was entrusted to the Deans, Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer and Miss Marion Talbot, with Mrs. Ellen H. Richards, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as expert adviser, and Miss Maria Daniell as manager. Their efforts were ably seconded in a technical way by Miss S. E. Wentworth, of the New England Kitchen, Miss Antoinette Gary, Mrs. Biggers, Miss Knapp, and Miss Yeomans. The employees, although laboring under many difficulties with new kinds of apparatus, new methods of work and unusual division of labors, contributed largely to the success of the experiment by their willing efforts. IN STUDENT LIFE. II. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF THE INVESTIGATION. Table I. — Detailed Statement of the Cost and Composition of the Food Materials Used in the Kitchen at Kelly Hall, University of Chi- cago, during the Six Months from October 1 to April 1. The three most important classes of the nutritive ingredients of foods are proteids, fats, and carbohydrates. The human being must have enough of proteid or tissue building substance to malce up for the wear and tear of the body, and since many have not reached the period of full development, students must also be furnished with enough to allow also for growth. In the second place, there must be a supply of the en- ergy and heat producing ingredients of food, viz., tl>e proteids, fats and the carbohydrates. The right proportion of fat must be introduced in a palatable and digestible form, since there are indications that its general use in this country may in part account for the excess of energy of the American over his continental neighbors. It is becoming increasingly probable that fat in the daily diet is one of the most necessary ingredients for brain workers, partly for the reason above stated, that it is a storehouse of energy, but also in that it can produce energy without the intervention of some of the processes required in the conversion of starch. After the proteid and fat elements of the food are supplied, there remain the starch, sugars, etc., the so- called carbohydrates, which furnish the rest of the heat and energy needed by the body. The following table gives therefore not only the quantities and prices, but also the nutrients in the food material purchased and sent to the Kitchen. Total lbs. Cost. Per cent, waste. Proteid, net. Fat, net. Carbohy- drate, net. Beef: Rib roast Tongue . Canned . Dried. . . Shoulder Corned . Shin .... Round . . Chuck . . 3887 429 162 210 473 738 3553 298 510 10260 $426 97 55 95 14 75 27 45 35 71 55 32 106 79 22 98 26 27 S772 19 31.7 34 50 332 75 46 52 59 164 296 52 89 1165 584 34 12 25 118 125 70 24 41 1033 FOOD AS A FACTOR Mutton : Whole Quarters Veal: Fore-quarter Solid roasts Chicken Turkey Fresh Pork Sausage Liebig Extract ) Gelatine ) Total lbs. 3314) 981) 366 1445 1696 783 262 252 11 9110 Cost. $247 08 20 62 165 12 189 53 58 89 22 67 18 43 12 45 $734 79 Per cent, waste. 27.6 10 33.3 15 15 Proteid, net. 336 124 33 192 192 89 32 23 1027 Fat, net. 360 133 7 44 72 33 23 101 773 Carbohy - drate, net. Total lbs. Cost. Per cent, waste. Proteid, net. Fat, net. Carbohy- drate, net. Ham 534 157 123 684 120 180 24 236 222 $65 29 22 06 6 78 81 21 16 50 7 20 4 60 23 70 21 87 30 90 15 24 70 7 35 6 53 67 112 110 6 21 2 26"" .2 5".2 173 Bacon Liver Oysters Salmon (canned) Salt fish Salt pork Milk 2277 28776 2132 355 2852 96 936 88 150 3228 50 248 168 $249 21 $647 46 617 83 69 86 367 1007.2 43 453.6 1063.7 1770 309.5 342.3 30 112.3 88 79.5 1351.5 Butter 10.6 Cream 249 96 85.6 29 117 85.6 Cheese 13 89l Effffs 162 95 29 25 3 75 176 09 7 00 15 24 22 25 Olive oil . y.^VkiK Nuts 24 1 3259.8 171.1 Maple syrup 119.3 39179 $2015 53 1305.8 3795.3- 4997.9 IN STUDENT LIFE. 13 Total lbs. Cost. Per cent, waste. Proteid, net. Fat, net. Carbohy- drate, net. Flour : White 1030 1890 2052 6496 670 700 982 140 224 125 60 20 100 280 $21 35 52 40 93 08 315 48 31 04 21 20 20 35 15 75 14 56 13 39 2 70 85 2 80 10 67 ! 113 227 702 98 93.2 9.8 16.6 10.6 .7 2.1 23 67.2 13.4 37.8 50 49 39.3 .7 .9 .4 .5 2 4.2 731 Whole wheat 1204 Bread : White Rolls 5716 Brown Oatmeal 445 Corn products 668 Crackers 79 Rice 177 Macaroni 94 Tapioca 50 Barley 13 V VPeas 53 i^ JBeans 144 ^ ■14770 $615 62 1363.3 198.2 9374 Potatoes " sweet . . . . Squash Celery Onions Beets Carrots Parsnips Turnips Lettuce Cabbage Tomatoes (canned) Corn (canned) . . . . Peas Total lbs. 14142 2034 280 220 186 670 75 350 825 250 830 1113 324 100 21399 Cost. $173 86 44 85 7 90 20 15 2 65 4 90 1 53 3 65 8 82 5 35 14 55 38 45 22 20 16 20 $365 06 Per cent, waste. 30 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Proteid, net. 180.0 27.5 3.5 1.7 2.8 7.9 0.6 5.0 7.4 3.1 14.5 11.1 10.0 6.0 281.1 Fat, net. 20.0 7.3 0.3 0.6 8.4 1.3 0.6 1.4 0.6 3.7 2.2 4!3 0.5 51.2 Carbohy- drate, net. 1910.0 475.0 20.2 12.6 18.4 53.7 5.4 25.8 59.4 5.0 48.5 41.2 76.8 12.0 2764.0 14 FOOD AS A FACTOR '^\ =J Total lbs. Cost. Per cent, waste. Proteid, net. Fat, net. Carbohy- drate, net. Dried fruits : Apricots 331 337 35 70 128 208 130 740 24 60 60 20 $42 83 31 24 3 98 3 95 13 34 14 85 10 00 51 80 3 20 6 60 3 00 2 40 4.6 7.7 0.8 1.4 5.1 5.0 1.3 7.1 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.4 i.'3 165.5 Prunes Cherries Dates 219.0 22.0 35.0 Figs Raisins 64.0 129.0 Currents 65.0 Apple butter Orange marmalade Cranberry sauce 355.0 16.8 24.0 Current jelly 31.8 12.0 2143 1187 19 35.1 1.3 1139.1 Total lbs. Cost. Per cent, waste. Proteid, net. Fat, net. Carbohy- drate, net. Apples. 3648 2260 3283 1900 263 100 90 70 144 144 180 $106 10 51 09 50 14 59 00 2 50 2 50 3 20 5 25 12 80 15 60 6 85 "bis" 50 14.6 13.4 26.3 45.6 2.1 5.7 551.7 Grapes 382.2 Oranges 299.0 Bananas 187.2 Lemons 30.5 Melons Plums 1.0 39.0 Peaches " (canned) Pineapple (canned) Cranberries 3.0 1.0 72.0 14.4 Cakes and biscuit Ice cream 12082 202 40 148 $315 03 $28 56 10 00 61 82 '■:'..''... 107.0 14.1 1.0 22.7 5.7 18.0 2.0 34.2 1^86:0 ^^ 51.5 16.0 Cocoa .*.... ) Chocolate ) 73.8 390 $100 38 37.8 54.2 141.3 .-74 IN STUDENT LIFE. IS Table II. — Summary of P'ood Materials, Cost, and Composition. Total lbs. Cost. Per cent, waste. Proteid, net Fat, net. Carbohy- drate, net. Beef Other fresh meats Ham, etc Milk, butter, eggs, sugar, etc. Grains [.■ 10260 • 9110- 2277- ,39179 ' > ^M779 • 21399 • 12082 2143 • 390- $772 19 734 79 249 21 2015 53 615 62 365 06 315 03 187 19 100 38 30 20 7 ■■■22"" 12.5 1165. 1027. 367. 1305.8 1303.3 281.1 107. 35.1 37.8 1033. 774;- 453.6, 3795;j 198.2 51.2 5.7. 1.3 54.2 4997.9- 9374.0 Potatoes and vegetables. . . Fresh fruit 2764.0 4536.0 Dried " 1139.1 141.3 CUvv%x-^ \\\^ ''^ 119232 $5355 00 147 17 498 25 $6000 42 5689.1 5365.5 19952.3 Sundries and unclassified groceries /^-76 These figures divided by the number of persons and days give per person per day: Lbs. Cost. Proteid, grams. Fat, grams. Carbohy- drate, grams. Calories. 5 $0 25 126 108 131 102 402 381 3383 Nutrients remaining after 2953 d'^' \ C- C ^-.k Onrv-^ \^^^^'-''' i6 FOOD AS A FACTOR Table III.— Tabular Statement of Bills of Fare of Three Consecutive WEEKS, WITH Costs and Quantities. Table III. gives bills of fare for a period of three consecutive weeks. These are presented with a view to showing the variety secured and the daily apportionment of expense. The proposed limit of expenditure was fixed at ^29.00 per day, or $0,223 per day per person for 130 persons fed. Any sum spent in excess of this on one day was necessarily offset by the choice of some less expensive articles of food on a following day. After some careful study it was learned that nearly the same amount of certain articles (constants) was used daily. Their value (13.51) deducted from the day's appropriation of $29.00 gave the sum to be spent on variables. It will be noted that the season when these bills of fare were given is one when it is difficult to secure much variety. With the advance of spring many articles can be procured which add to the variety and relish. The following abbreviations are used : K— Kelly Hall. B— Beecher Hall. F — Nancy Foster Hall. Ciphers indicate that the cost of the article was charged on the account of a pre- vious day. Constants furnished daily : 15 lbs. Butter S3 50 Coffee, Cocoa, Tea 1 50 15 lbs. Sugar 75 12.5 lbs. Flour 25 24: gals. Milk 4 32 1.6 " Cream 1 14 25 loaves home - made Bread 1 25 10 doz. Rolls 80 $13 51 Thursday, March i. Constants $13 51 Breakfast : .5 box Grape fruit $1 27 5 lbs. Farinose 22 12 " Codfish, creamed, 1 10 57 " Potatoes, baked. 57 3 16 Luncheon : 4 lbs. Ham, cold $0 44 4 " Sausage 27 14 " Corned Beef.... 1 40 16 " Potatoes,creamed 16 12 " Peaches 1 26 6 " Sugar 30 3 83 Dinner : 60 lbs. Beef shank for soup $1 94 61 lbs. Lamb, boiled. . . 5 11 50 " Potatoes, mashed, 50 10 cans Corn 90 Caper Sauce 20 Lettuce Salad 75 Delicate Pudding 64 10 04 Total for the day $30 54 Friday, March 2. Constants $13 51 Breakfast : Prune Sauce $0 00 Apple Sauce 24 6 lbs. Rolled Wheat ... 18 Hash on Toast 00 35 lbs. Potatoes, baked. 35 $0 77 Luncheon : 24 lbs. Tongue, cold ... $2 76 44 " Potatoes, escal'p'd 44 Parsnips, fried (K.). ... 00 Pickled Beets 00 6 lbs. Peaches for sauce, 00 3 20 IN STUDENT LIFE. 17 Dinner : 4 cans Okra for Gumbo Soup $0 64 3 cans Tomatoes, Gumbo Soup 30 62 lbs. Beefsteak 8 68 51 " Potatoes, mashed 51 4 " Hominy, boiled, 08 Parsley 05 Lettuce Salad 75 Chocolate Blanc-mange, 1 22 12 23 Total for the day $29 71 Saturday, March 3. Constants $13 51 Breakfast : .8 box Oranges $1 88 4.5 lbs. Rolled Wheat.. 18 10 " Beef, frizzled... 1 12 37 " Potatoes, baked, 37 3 55 Luncheon : 25 lbs. Hamburg Steak, $2 00 2 doz. Eggs 40 Potatoes, fried 00 1 gal. Pickles 55 12 lbs. Prunes for sauce, 78 6 " Sugar 30 4 03 Dinner : 60 lbs. Beef shank for soup $1 80 60 lbs. Beef chuck roast, 3 00 50 " Potatoes 50 21 " Turnips 21 3.5 heads Cabbage for salad 10 Dressing 17 9 lbs. Figs 99 9 " Dates 49 ■ 6 26 Total for the day $27 35 Sunday, March 4. Constants $13 51 Breakfast : 12.5 doz. Oranges $1 88 4.5 lbs. Rolled Oats.... 13 6 qts. Beans, to be baked 55 4 lbs. Pork 35 Fish balls 60 12 loaves Boston Brown Bread 77 1 gal. Pickles 55 4 69 Dinner : 60 lbs. Beef shank for soup $1 85 35 lbs. Beef, roast 6 60 25 " Turkey, roast... 2 88 25 " Potatoes, mashed 25 10 " Parsnips 14 4 cans Peas 55 3 qts. Olives 85 Frozen Pudding 1 71 14 83 Supper: Cold meat $0 00 8 lbs. Peaches for sauce, 12 8 lbs. Sugar 40 2 boxes Wafers 46 Crackers 32 1 30 Total for the day $34 33 Monday, March 5. Constants $13 51 Breakfast : 12.5 doz. Oranges. $1 88 5 lbs. Farinose 22 36 " Ham 4 05 40 " Potatoes, baked, 40 - — 6 55 Luncheon : Cold meat $0 00 Fried Potato balls 00 Peach sauce 00 Apple sauce 24 24 Dinner: Beef soup $0 00 Beef, roast (K.) 00 14 lbs. Lamb Chops (B. and F.) 1 19 39 lbs. Potatoes 39 Beets 25 Cabbage 20 • Dressing 17 Prune Pudding 47 2 67 Reception and supper, Beecher : Salmon $0 64 Mayonaise 53 Cold Ham 00 Celery 45 5 lbs. Tea 30 9 boxes Wafers 2 39 2 doz. Oranges 30 1.5 doz. Lemons 18 .5 bunch Bananas 75 5 54 Total for the day $28 51 FOOD AS A FACTOR Tuesday, March 6. Constants $13 51 Breakfast : 12 lbs. Prunes, for sauce, %\ 08 5 " Farinose 22 12 doz. Eggs, dropped . 2 40 38 lbs. Potatoes Luncheon : Biscuit stew SO 05 Parsnips, fried 00 Peacli sauce 00 Apple " (K.) 16 Dinner: 14 lbs. Potatoes for soup $0 14 4 08 21 10 " Turkey, roast . . . 1 20 61 " Chicken, broiled, 6 71 50 " Potatoes, maslied 50 3 " Rice to be boiled 18 Pickled Beets 00 12 lbs. Dates 66 1 " Ginger 30 12 " Figs 1 32 • 11 01 Total for the day . . $28 18 Wednesday, March 7. Constants 813 51 Breakfast : 4.5 lbs. Rolled Wheat.. $0 18 Meat, creamed (F. & B.), 00 3 cans Salmon, creamed (KO 45 36 lbs. Baked Potatoes. 36 Apple sauce 42 96 Luncheon : Baked Beans (K.) $0 00 Brown Bread (K.) 00 Hash (B. and F.) 00 10 lbs. Golden Grain, mtish 30 Syrup 85 Dinner : 2 gals. Tomatoes, for soup $0 60 1 15 15 lbs. Beefsteak (K 27 " Beef, loast (F.) . . Beef, cold (B.) 52 lbs. Mashed Potatoes Kidney Beans 5 heads Cabbage, for salad Dressing Rice Pudding 2 10 2 24 00 52 40 30 17 33 9 76 Total for the day $25 38 Thursday, March 8. Constants $13 51 Breakfast: 8 lbs. Apple Sauce .... $0 32 4.5 " Rolled Wheat . . 18 10 " Bacon 1 18 Fried Mush 00 1 68 Luncheon : Cold Meat (K.) $0 00 14 cans Salmon 2 10 58 lbs. Potatoes 58 17 " Raspberry jam. . 2 04 ■ 4 72 Dinner: 60 lbs. Beef shank, for soup $1 80 64 lbs. Lamb, roast 5 44 62 " Potatoes, mashed 62 Rice 18 2 gals. Tomatoes 60 5 lbs. Raisins 35 1.7 lbs. Nuts 56 10 " Candy 1 15 10 70 Total for the day $30 71 Friday, March 9. Constants $13 51 Breakfast : 15.5 doz. Oranges $1 88 4.5 lbs. Rolled Wheat. 18 25 " Sausage (beef), 1 63 34 " Baked Potatoes 34 Luncheon: ^ ^^ Cold Ham (K.) $0 00 " Lamb (B.) 00 Meat in brown sauce (F.), 00 14 lbs. Potatoes, baked. 14 Prune Sauce ... 00 2 lbs. Apple Sauce .... 16 Dinner : ^^ 9 cans Asparagus, for soup $1 66 32 lbs. Turkey, roast (K.) 3 54 Oyster Sauce 1 10 6 cans Peas (F.) 84 40 lbs. Corned Beef (B. and F.) 2 40 55 lbs. Potatoes, mashed, 55 8 heads Cabbage (B. and F.) 39 2 pks. Beets (B. and F.) 35 50 heads Lettuce 50 Dressing 17 Lemon Sherbet 1 67 Wafers 69 1^ 16 Total for the day $32 00 IN STUDENT LIFE. 19 Saturday, March 10. Constants $13 51 Breakfast : 6 lbs. Apple Sauce .... $0 48 6 " Farinose 28 7.5 lbs. Beef, frizzled... 88 37 " Potatoes, baked, 46 Luncheon : -• ■'-^ Hash on Toast $0 00 Potato Balls 00 Fried Potatoes 00 6 lbs. Apricots for sauce, 81 1.5 lbs. Sugar 08 4 lbs. Apple Sauce 32 1 21 Dinner: 58 lbs. Beef shank, for soup %\ 74 20 lbs. Corned Beef (F.) 1 20 Turkey with Oysters (K.) 00 23 lbs. Veal, roast (B.). 2 30 1 can Peas (K.) 14 55 lbs. Potatoes 69 10 " Parsnips 15 Pickled Beets 00 Tapioca, cream 91 7 13 Total for the day $23 95 Sunday, March n. Constants $13 51 Breakfast : 0.6 box Oranges $1 66 5 lbs. Rolled Oats 22 Fish Balls 1 30 Baked Beans 63 Brown Bread 77 0.5 gals. Pickles 27 ^. . ^ 4 85 Dinner : 2 gals. Tomatoes, for soup $0 60 27 lbs. Beef, roast (K. and F.) 3 24 27 lbs. Turkey, roast (B.) 2 97 52 " Potatoes, mashed 65 23 " Turnips 23 Lettuce 50 Dressing 17 Peach Sherbet 2 30 3 boxes Wafers 69 Supper: 11 35 Potato Salad $0 00 Dressing 17 Peach Sauce 84 3 boxes Wafers 69 8 lbs. Sugar 40 2 10 Total for the day $31 81 Monday, March 12. Constants $13 51 Breakfast : 5 lbs. Farinose $0 22 10 pots Marmalade 1 40 Sausage (beef) 00 6 doz. Eggs 96 Potato Balls 00 2 58 Luncheon : Cold Meat (K. and B.). $0 00 Hashed Turkey (F.) ... 00 20 lbs. Baked Potatoes (F.) 25 Creamed Potatoes (K. and B.) 00 12 lbs. Prune Sauce .... 78 Biscuit 12 1 15 Dinner : 10 cans Corn for soup . . $0 90 30 lbs. Lamb Chops ... 2 55 39 " Mashed Potatoes 49 Beans 00 3 heads Cabbage 21 Dressing 17 Delicate Pudding 64 4 96 Reception and supper, Kelly : .5 lb. Tea $0 30 4 cans Salmon 60 4 boxes Wafers 1 15 1 doz. Lemons 25 1.2 doz. Oranges 25 1 doz. Bananas 25 Mavonaise 53 3 33 Total for the day $25 53 Tuesday, March 13. Constants $13 51 Breakfast : Bananas $1 25 4.5 lbs. Rolled Wheat . . 18 Broiled Ham and Eggs (F.) 63 ,33 lbs. Cold Ham 3 72 33 " Potatoes, baked. 41 6 20 Luncheon : Hash $0 00 23 lbs. Potatoes 29 4 " Apple Butter ... 32 61 FOOD AS A FACTOR Dinner : Gumbo Soup $0 58 36 lbs. Lamb, roast 3 06 11 " Veal, roast 1 10 48 " Potatoes 61 Turnips 00 Parsnips 00 3 heads of Cabbage for salad 21 Dressing 17 0.6 box Oranges 1 68 3 lbs. Walnuts 24 I lb. Raisins 07 7 72 Total for the day $28 04 Wednesday, March 14. Constants $13 51 Breakfast : 0.5 box Oranges $1 13 5 lbs. Rolled Oats 22 Minced Meat on Toast. 22 20 lbs. Potatoes, baked (F.) 22 Potatoes, fried (K. and B.) 00 1 57 Luncheon : Baked Beans (K.) $0 00 10 lbs. Irish Stew (F.).. 85 9 " Shepherd's Pie (B.) 76 Stewed Peaches 00 16 lbs. Potatoes, baked . 20 - 1 81 Dinner: 8 lbs. Potato for soup. $0 12 52 " Beef, roast 6 24 59 " Potatoes 74 Corn 00 Blanc-mange 1 00 8 10 Total for the day $24 99 Thursday, March 15. Constants $13 51 Breakfast : 4.5 lbs. Rolled Wheat. . $0 18 12 pots Marmalade .... 1 60 II lbs. Beef, frizzled ... 1 30 35 " Potatoes 44 Luncheon : 28 lbs. Tongue, cold ... $2 52 23 " Potatoes, cream'd 29 English Loaf Cake .... 87 Corn Bread 16 Peach Sauce 00 3 52 3 84 Dinner : 57 lbs. Beef shank for soup $1 71 24 lbs. Oxtail for stew. . 72 53 " Mashed Potatoes 66 Beets 00 16 lbs. Parsnips 16 Cabbage salad 21 1.6 doz. Eggs 30 .3 box Oranges 75 .4 bunch Bananas 83 5 36 Total for the day $26 21 Friday, March 16. Constants $13 51 Breakfast : .3 bunch Bananas (K.). $0 48 .5 box Oranges (B. and F.) 1 08 5 lbs. Rolled Oats .... 18 25 " Potatoes 32 Minced Beef 00 Sausages 00 4.5 doz. Eggs, scrambled 90 Potato balls (F.) 00 2 94 Luncheon : 51 lbs. Irish stew (K. and B.) 4 33 6 cans Salmon, cream'd 90 38 lbs. Potatoes, baked . 48 4 " Apple Butter ... 32 6 03 Dinner: 2 gals. Tomatoes for soup $0 60 11 lbs. Beef Steak (K.). 1 54 51 " Lamb, boiled (13. and F.) 4 33 51 lbs. Potatoes 64 22 " Turnips 22 Cottage Pudding 1 07 Lemon Sauce 24 7 64 Total for the day $30 14 Saturday, March 17. Constants $13 ol Breakfast : 1 bunch Bananas $1 25 2.5 doz. Oranges (K.) . . 30 5 lbs. Farinose 22 Fried Potatoes 00 6 doz. Eggs, scrambled (B. andK.) 1 08 Beef, frizzled (F.) 00 15 lbs. Potatoes (F.) ... 19 3 04 IN STUDENT LIFE. Luncheon: Irish Stew (F.) $0 00 Meat in brown gravy (B. 00 16 Loaf cakes 1 28 60 lbs. Sweet Potatoes, baked 1 00 00 1 28 Dinner: 9 lbs. Potatoes for soup $0 12 26 " Turkey, roast (F.) 2 60 14 " Steak (B.) 1 96 41 " Lamb, boiled (K.) 3 48 50 " Potatoes 63 3 " Boiled Hominy. 06 Tapioca Pudding (K. and B ) 60 Lemon Sherbet (F.) 80 25 \ 10 53 Total for the day . . p29 36 Sunday, March 18. Constants $13 51 1 Breakfast : .6 box Oranges %\ 69 4.5 lbs. Rolled Wheat.. 18 Baked Beans 63 77 Fish balls 1 30 4 57 Dinner : Beef Soup $1 92 52 lbs. Turkey, roast (B. and K.) 5 20 25.5 lbs. Beef, roast (F.) 3 18 51 lbs. Potatoes, mashed 75 16 " Parsnips ^16 Cranberry Jam 80 25 Lemon Sherbet 1 67 2 boxes Wafers 60 14 53 Supper: 2.3 lbs. Chipped Beef . . $0 24 1 can Beef, corned 20 4 lbs. Apple Butter 32 Loaf Cake 00 76 Total for the day . $33 37 Monday, March 19. Constants $13 51 Breakfast : 5 lbs. Farinose $0 22 11 pots Marmalade . . . 1 54 Cold Meat 00 Potato Balls 00 1 76 Luncheon : Meat in brown gravy . . $0 00 60 lbs. Sweet Potatoes. . 1 00 Corn Bread (K.) 20 Fruit Sauce 1 10 Dinner : Soup, vermicelli $0 00 55 lbs. Veal, roast 5 50 50 " Potatoes 63 2 cans Tomatoes 60 W^ater Cress 25 Rice Pudding 30 2 30 7 28 Reception and supper, Foster : Turkey for salad $0 GO 11 lbs. Ham, cold 1 21 Mayonaise 27 Water Cress 00 Celery 70 Tapioca .- 05 6 cans Peaches 95 1 doz. Lemons 15 .5 lbs. Tea 30 3 boxes Crackers 69 4 32 Total for the day $29 17 Tuesday, March 20. Constants $13 51 Breakfast : .7 box Oranges $1 69 5 lbs. Oatmeal 18 8 " Sausage 52 Chops 75 Potatoes, fried 00 3 14 Luncheon : Minced Meat $0 00 60 lbs. Sweet Potatoes. . 1 00 Corn Bread (F.) 45 12 lbs. Apricot Sauce . . 1 98 .5 gal. Pickles 27 3 70 Dinner : 10 cans Corn for soup . . $0 90 54 lbs. Lamb, roast 4 59 50 " Potatoes 63 3 " Hominy 06 3 qts. Olives 65 9 lbs. Dried Fruit 90 .5 bunch Bananas 65 2 cans Peaches 32 8 70 Total for the day $29 05 FOOD AS A FACTOR Wednesday, March 21. Constants $13 51 Breakfast : .5 box Oranges $1 69 5 lbs. Rolled Oats 18 5 " Sausage (K.) ... 33 23 " Beefsteak (B. and F.) 2 89 38 lbs. Potatoes, baked. 47 Potatoes, fried 00 4 50 Luncheon : Cold Meat $0 00 Baked Beans (B.) - 00. Creamed Potatoes 00 Cottage Cheese 00 11 lbs. Apple Butter ... 88 Lemonade 1 13 2 01 Dinner : Soup $0 00 89.5 lbs. Chicken, roast, 10 74 50 lbs. Potatoes 63 Corn 00 Hominy, blanc-mange . 12 3 lbs. Sugar 15 11 64 Total for the day $31 72 Average for the 21 days $29 55 Table IV. — One Day's Food, March 17, at the University of Chicago, calcu- lated TO Determine the Amounts and Proportions of the Various Constituents and their Comparison with the General Average. ^ c fl. c n , -0 I. >- Oh S U ."S 1:^ fl Lbs. Carbo- hydrate. net. .2 50 Stew and cold meat White potatoes 21.0 1.8 1.5 34.0 11.5 1.3 3.5 8.0 .2 A 7.5 1.8 12.0 83.0 26.0 70.6' 83.0 4.7 3.0 .5 96.5 65.0 11.0 19.7 10.5 1.6 .7 1.4 8.9 4.0 .18 2 '3 1.4 90 17.2 11.7 45 Sweet potatoes 4 Dried beef 77 3 Flour and grain Tapioca 53.9 2.5 9.0 .4 192 Milk 6.8 .4 .3 7.1 1.6 12.5 13 Cream 3.0 2.0 15 Butter 15 Sutrar 14.5 4.0 .8 5.0 6 Prunes 3.5 1.0 4.85 12.5 20.0 19.0 15.0 i2".6' 15.0 5.0 22.0 .2 "iis"' .9 8.2 5.0 2.1 "".8" 6.2 1.3 3.1 9 50 7.2 Oranges, less 20% waste,. . . Bananas, less 50^ waste, . . . Eggs Lamb 41 26 Turkey 14 Steak 657.2 48.3 7.9 38.68 2.06 119.0 23.6 76.0 (Less turkey, lamb and bread left-over) 581.2 Divided by 130 40.4 36.62 95.4 4.4 Per person, nutrients .310 grams. 126.5 .281 grams. 114.7 .733 grams. 332.0 2946 Daily average for the 6 mos., nutrients 108. 102. 381. 2953 IX.ofC. IN STUDENT LIFE. 23 Table V.— Comparison of a School Dietary with the University of Chicago Dietary. Several significant and interesting facts are shown by an examination of tlie follow- ing comparison of a wholesome and sufficient dietary of a school in Indiana, where 600 students were boarded at $1.40 per week, with that of the University of Chicago, where 106 students were boarded at $1.^0 per week. One source of advantage on the side of the school is that a much larger number of persons are fed and certain expenses are proportionately reduced. In the second place, very little service beside student help is furnished at the school, and a large item of expense is thus removed. Another dif- ference is seen in the substitution at the school of cheaper foods, such as cereals, veg- etables, syrup, and butterine, for meat, milk, cream, fruits, and otlier more expensive foods, though the actual amount of nourishment furnished was practically the same in both cases. Beef Other meats Fish Flour and Grain Potatoes Vegetables (other than potatoes) Beans Milk Cream Sugar Syrup Butter Butterine Dried fruits Fresh " Canned " Sundries Tea, coffee Cocoa, chocolate .... Eggs and Cheese .... Unclassified groceries Quantity per Person per Day. Percentage of Total Cost of Each Article. Lbs. Indiana. Lbs. Chicago. 476 119 785 085 490 057 666 135 095 119 171 259 026 095 .442 .401 .052 .437 .680 .219 .015 1.295 .120 .140 .017 .089 .014 .090 .508 .022 .020 .006 .043 .020 Per cent. Indiana. 17 Per cent. Chicago, 067 125 090 05 008 073 056 017 134 057 070 047 036 .128 .141 .022 .103 .036 .024 .002 .108 .041 .029 .006 .103 .011 .031 .052 .013 .025 .013 .029 .083 24 FOOD AS A FACTOR Table VI. — Standard and Actual Dietaries. The question arises of how much significance are such computations as to real nutrition. In otlier words how much dependence can be put upon calculations of nutritive values. It can only be completely answered by many experiments of a char- acter similar to the present one, but the results of many investigations in Germany and elsewhere have given considerable confidence in certain standards for the average person, although it is granted at the outset that there are personal idios}'ncrasies in the human animal more often than in the domestic animal, so that only a general average dietary can be assumed. From this, however wisely it may be chosen, a few individuals will of necessity vary in their needs. To the zeal of Professor W. O. Atwater, of Wesleyan University and the Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station, is due most of the work in the investigation of foods and dietaries which has been done in this country. From his tables are taken the following standard dietaries with which the one now reported is compared : Nutrients. 1 •o So "a 2 i n 1-1 n >,ur in" Job u 6 a 1 C [/I u I Standard Dietaries. ^ ( Woman at moderate work (German) 92 118 145 119 156 185 80 100 125 150 53 100 152 133 120 126 164 44 56 100 51 71 71 80 100 125 150 33 100 225 163 161 1.31 170 400 500 450 531 568 568 300 360 450 500 316 240 625 508 454 402 521 536 674 695 701 795 824 460 560 700 800 402 440 1002 804 735 659 855 2425 .3055 .3370 1 ,. i Man with moderate exercise (English) ^'•| - Active laborer " f^ ■*" (Hard-worked laborer " >; [ Woman with light exercise (American) ^ 1 Man " " " ^ 1 Man at moderate work " ^ (^ Man at Hard work " Actual Dietaries. .3140 3630 3750 2300 2815 3520 4060 1820 2324 Average of wage-workers in Mass. and Conn., food pur- 5275 Average of professional men and students, food pur- 4140 3850 Women Students University of Chicago, average 3383 Equivalent calculated for 156 pounds weight 4398 IN STUDENT LIFE. 25 Table VII. — University of Chicago Dietary. In order to establish a factor for future calculations, an estimate of actual waste was made, which, although far from being as exact as is desirable, is a distinct contri- bution to our knowledge. It shows that ten per cent., the usual estimate, is the mini- mum amount which must be deducted from the usual dietaries, while the actual amount is frequently much larger. The per cent, of indigestibility would be in most cases somewhat greater than in the present one, since in this case great pains was taken to secure the highest limit of digestibility as well as the lowest limit of waste. » Nutrients. Potential Energy, -2 u 2 « So 1 111 s ra So 1 Calories used by persons weighing 120 lbs. a xn • •-■is §.Ui-l Food as bought Less 10^ waste Less actual waste 126 113 108 131 118 102 402 362 381 659 593 591 3370 3045 2953 4398 3958 3838 26 FOOD AS A FACTOR III. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOME RECENT PUBLICATIONS Abel, Mary H., Practical Sanitary and Economic Cooking, Rochester, N. Y., 1890. Atkinson E., The Science of Nutrition. Damrell & Upham, Boston, 2d ed., 1892. Atwater, W. O., Reports of Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Brigham A., Influence of Mental Cultivation in Producing Dyspepsia. 3rd ed. New York, 1891. Burnet, R. W., Foods and Dietaries ; A Manual of Clinical Dietetics. London, 1890. Church, A. H., Food : Some Account of its Sources and Uses. London. Latest edition. Cyr, J., Traite de I'Alimentation dans ses Rapports avec la Physiologie et laThera- peutique. Paris. Davis, C. W., A Compendium of the World's Food Production and Consumption. Goddard, Kansas, 1891. Ebstein, W., Ueber eiweissreiches Mehl und Brot als Mittel zur Aufbesserung der Volksernahrung. Wiesbaden, 1892. Fothergill, J. M., The Food We Eat; Why We Eat it and Whence it Comes. Lon- don, 1892. Goodfellow, John, The Dietetic Value of Bread. New York : Macmillan & Co., 1892. Greenleaf, R. W., M.D., The Diet of Harvard Students. Harvard Graduates Magazine, 1894. Health Exhibition Literature. London, 1884. Holloway, L. C, The Buddhist Diet Book. New York, 1886. Kingsford, A., The Perfect way in Diet. London, 1881. Koenig, F. J., Chemie der menschlichen Nahrungs- und Genussmittel mit einer Einleitung ueber die Ernahrungslehre. 3te Aufl. Berlin, 1889. Mills, C. K., Mental Overwork and Premature Disease among Public and Profes- sional Men. Washington, 1885. Munk, I., Einzelernahrung und Massernahrung. Jena, 1893. Minert, C. A., Wie nahrt man sich gut und billig ? Mainz. Munk Uffelmann, Die Ernahrung des Gesunden und Kranken Menschen. Wien und Leipzig, 1887. Reports of the American Public Health Association. Richardson, B. W., On Health and Occupation. London, 1879. Rumford, Count, Works, Volume IV. American Academy, Boston. See, G., Du regime alimentaire. Traitement hygienique des malades. Paris, 1887. Thompson, Sir H., Diet in Relation to Age and Activity. Boston, 1888. " " " Food and Feeding. London, 1880. Voit, C. von, Physiologie des allgemeinen Stoffwechsels und der Ernahrung. Leipzig, 1881. Wilder, B. G., Health Notes for Students. 2d ed. New York, 1890. Williams, W. M., The Chemistry of Cooking. New York, 1885. Wolff, M. P., Food for the Million. London, 1884. Woltering, Diatetisches Handbuch fiir praktische Arzte. Berlin, 1892. Yeo, I. B., Food in Health and Disease. London, 1889. Chicago, July, 1894. 837-1000-10-94