TX 715 .W37 [Copy 1 VO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FIVE A^AR-TIME RECIPES CAROLYN PUTNAM WEBBER TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FIVE WAR-TIME RECIPES by CAROLYN PUTNAM WEBBER Teacher of Cookery Lecturer - Dietetics and Home Economics Bedford, Massachusetts 1918 ^i^\^A COPYRIGHT, 1918 By CAROLYN PUTNAM WEBBER The Bedford Print Shop Bedford, Massachusetts ©GLA497324 MAY -8 I9i8 .->H> I FOREWORD The following chapters suggest substitutions and economies and it is their purpose to enable one to obtain results without the waste of materials in experimental attempts in the home kitchen. Most of the recipes have been given to audiences on the slips used at demonstration lectures, but are here assembled for every day use. The recipes are not all original but have all been tested and in many cases slightly changed to meet personal methods and tastes. MEASUREMENTS Accurate measurements are necessary to insure success. Level measurements are always to be used. The cup should have the half, third and quarter marked on it. One-half spoonful should be taken lengthwise and not crosswise of the spoon. White flour should be sifted before measured, c — cup tbsp — tablespoonful tsp — teaspoonful All bread recipes are in quantity for one loaf, all muffins for 9 to 12 muffins, and all other quantities the amount needed for the average family of four adults. NOTE In some recipes detailed instructions as to the combination of ingredients have been omitted, especially to avoid repetitions. Where directions are not given and any special order is necessary to insure success, combine in given order, reading across each line. Example : Cream Salad Dressing, page 47. Into oil, stir four, salt, mustard, pepper and sugar. Add milk, then beaten egg and lastly, vinegar. CONTENTS Release Wheat Flour Chapter 1. Yeast Breads 7 2. Quick Breads 12 3. Muffins and Gems 13 4. Griddle Cakes and Waffles . . 16 " 5. Biscuits and Pop-overs . . .18 6. Cookies 19 7. Puddings 21 Release Meats, especially Beef and Pork. Chapter 8. Inexpensive Meats .... 24 9. Fish Cookery 26 10. Egg Cookery 29 11. Cheese Dishes 31 " 12. Beans and Peas as Staples. . . 33 13. Fruits and Nuts 35 14. Cereals as Staples 38 Release Fats, especially Butter. Chapter 15. Soups 40 16. Vegetables 42 *' 17. Entrees 45 ** 18. Meat and Fish Sauces. ... 46 19. Salads and Salad Dressings . . 47 20. Cakes 49 Release Sugar. Chapter 21. Desserts 52 22. Sweet Sauces ...... 58 " 23. War-time Confections .... 59 Practical Conservation . Chapter 24. Sour Milk Recipes 61 25. How to Render Fats .... 63 26. How to Make Soap 64 How to Preserve Eggs " 27. Cold Pack Canning 65 28. Jellies and Jams 70 29. Drying of Fruits and Vegetables. 72 OUR PROBLEM At this critical time our country is called upon to supply food for her men in service, including soldiers in camps, sailors in the navy and all men * 'over-seas" as well as the people at home. Joined in the world war, we also have a duty towards our allies and many labor and transportation problems add to the serious- ness of the situation. OUR SOLUTION "True economy does not consist in going without but in making the most of what one has." Only through the most careful conservation of all food materials can we solve this problem and meet this demand. Conservation does not mean going without the necessities but by avoiding all wastes, practicing true economy and using substitutions, study and plan so that neither children nor adults become examples of mal-nutrition. A person's best asset is a well nourished body and a nation's asset a healthy people. As a nation we are asked to save the WHEAT MEATS FATS SUGAR We must use the foodstuffs that cannot be satis- factorily transported and release those which our ships can best carry and which can be most easily prepared in quantities. We have not primarily a financial problem but it is our patriotic obligation and it is the housekeepers' part in the war to join a volunteer army and rneet these demands, at the same time help to avoid rations or restricted diets and stabilize prices. 6 RELEASE WHEAT FLOUR "Urge everyone to lessen wheat consumption by at least one- third, through substitutions." — Food Administration. [ Use corn, rice, oats, barley, buckwheat and mixed cereal grains. Graham and entire wheat do not lessen wheat consumption much. The following recipes release wheat flour at least thirty per cent. In many families a larger proportion of substitution will be accepted but some wheat with its gluten content is necessary for best results in yeast breads and is legitimate as a "binder". Barley flour may be used for part of the wheat flour measure- ment when a greater release of wheat is desired and thus a fifty per cent substitution gained and good results assured in these recipes following this principle. Rice flour and white corn flour are also on the market. YEAST BREADS STANDARD YEAST BREAD 1 c. liquid (J-'o c. milk and }4 c. water or 1 c. water) 1 tbsp. shortening 1 tsp. salt }4 Fleischmann yeast cake 2 tbsp. sugar or molasses 3 c. flour Mix liquid, shortening, molasses and salt. When this mixture is lukewarm, add yeast, dissolved in 3^ c. lukewarm water, and lastly, the flour. Let rise to double its bulk and knead well. Shape into pan and when again double its bulk, bake 50 to 60 minutes. VARIATIONS For a sweeter bread, add another tablespoonful molasses or sugar. 7 The quantity of flour will vary slightly with different kinds. Add enough for stiff dough so that little more is needed when bread is handled and shaped for the pans. The three cups of flour may be varied in following ways, all the other ingredients as in standard recipe. RYE BREAD 2 c. white flour 1 c. rye flour 1 c rye flour 1 c corn meal 1 c. white flour RYE BREAD No. 2 2 c entire wheat flour CORN BREAD 2 c white flour GRAHAM BREAD 2 c. graham flour ENTIRE WHEAT BREAD 2 c entire wheat flour 1 c. white flour Sometimes all entire wheat flour can be used and will be liked. 1 c. Roman meal 1 c. bran 1 c. bran Y2 c. corn meal 1 c. ground oatmeal 1 c. entire wheat 1 c. graham 1 c. white flour Yi c. cornmeal ROMAN MEAL BREAD 2 c. white flour BRAN BREAD 2 c. white flour LIBERTY BREADS No. 1 1 c. rye Yi c. white flour No. 2 1 c. graham 3^ c. raisins No. 3 1 c. rye 3^ c. walnut meats No. 4 Yl c. graham 2 c. entire wheat 8 No. 5 1 c cream of rye 1 c graham 1 c white flour OATMEAL BREAD Rolled oats may be put through the food chopper and a flour, in appearance like graham, will result, ready for bread, and especially good for oatmeal muffins and cookies— called in recipes ground oatmeal ^measured after grinding). For bread — standard recipe with 1 c ground oatmeal 2 c white flour OATMEAL BREAD No. 2 1 c rolled oats 2 c boiling water Pour water on oats. When cool, add 3/3 c corn meal 1 tsp salt 1 tbsp shortening }/{ c molasses yi Fleischmann yeast cake White flour to make dough This will yield two small loaves or one very large loaf. COTTONSEED FLOUR BREAD 3^2 c cottonseed flour 23^^ c white flour BREAD CRUMB BREAD 1 c bread crumbs, dried, ground and sifted 2 c white flour CORN MUSH BREAD 1 c liquid 1 c corn meal Cook in double boiler 15 minutes. Cool and add 1 tbsp shortening 1 tsp salt 1 tbsp sugar 3^ c liquid }/^ Fleischmann yeast cake in 34 c water Let this rise, and when sponge is light add white flour to knead (about 2 c). Let rise, shape, let rise and bake. PRUNE AND NUT BREAD }/2 c prunes 1 c cold water Soak over night and cook and stone. Add water to prune-juice to make 1 cup. When boiling add 1 cup rolled oats. After standing an hour add : 3^ c sugar 1 tsp salt 1 tbsp shortening ^ Fleischmann yeast cake Chopped prunes and entire wheat flour to knead. Let rise, shape, put in pan. Let rise and bake. Add nuts if desired. POTATO BREAD % c liquid 1 tbsp shortening 1 tsp salt 2 tbsp sugar ]4. Fleischmann yeast cake in M c lukewarm water 1 c mashed potato 2 c white flour RICE BREAD }/2 c rice 2 c water 1 tsp salt Boil till rice takes up all water Cool and add 1 c liquid _ 1 tbsp sugar }/^ Fleischmann yeast cake in 3<4 c lukewarm water 1 tbsp shortening White flour to make stiff dough Follow general bread method. BARLEY BREAD ]/2 c milk 3^ c water Yz Fleischmann yeast cake 1 tbsp sugar 3/^ tsp salt 1 c barley flour 1 tbsp fat 2 c white flour BARLEY BREAD No. 2 }4 c milk }/2 c water y^ Fleischmann yeast cake 1 tbsp sugar ^2 tsp salt % c barley flour 1 tbsp fat 1 3^ c white flour % c mashed potato RICE FLOUR BREAD 14 c milk 34 c water }i Fleischmann yeast cake 1 tbsp sugar 3^ tsp salt % c rice flour 1 tbsp fat 1 3^ c white flour ^4 c mashed potato 10 WHITE CORN BREAD y^. c. milk y^, c. water H Fleischmann yeast cake 1 tbsp. sugar }/2 tsp. salt M c. white corn flour 1 tbsp. fat \\'i c. white flour ^4 c. mashed potato MINNESOTA BREAD 1 c corn meal 1 c cooked oatmeal 1 c mashed potato 2 c white flour 34 tsp salt 1 Fleischmann yeast cake in cup of warm water Two small loaves. CORN YEAST ROLLS 1 c milk or water Y^ Fleischmann yeast cake 1 tbsp shortening 1 tsp salt 1 tbsp sugar 13^ c white corn meal 1 ^g^ white About 13^ c white flour Mix as standard yeast bread and shape as Parker House Rolls. Note. — In all yeast recipes use liquids and flours as directed and then add white flour to form a proper bread dough as the moisture in mashed potato and the flours now obtainable varies noticeably. 11 QUICK BREADS BAKED BROWN BREAD 1 c barley flour 1 c molasses 1 c ground oatmeal 1 tsp salt 1 c cornmeal 1 tsp soda 1 c water Raisins may be added. Bake 1}^ hours. NUT BREAD 2 c graham or barley 1 /€ c milk and water 1 c white flour 3^ c molasses Yi c brown sugar 1 tsp salt 1 c chopped nuts 1 tsp soda Best results to bake in two small loaves. PEANUT BUTTER BREAD 2 c barley flour 1 c milk 5^ c peanut butter 1 tsp salt 3^ c sugar , ^ 2 eggs 3 tsp baking powder Mix and bake at once. SOUTHERN SPOON BREAD Scald 1 pint milk and pour over 1 cup corn meal, add Yi cup cooked rice. Cool. Add 2 tbsp. shorten- ing, y<> tsp. vsalt, 2 tsp. baking powder, 2 eggs beaten separately. Bake in greased dish till brown. QUICK RAISIN BREAD 2}^ c barley flour 3^^ c white corn meal 1 tsp salt yi c sugar 1 egg 1 3^ c milk 2 tbsp baking powder 1 c raisins Mix and let stand 15 minutes. Bake 50 minutes. CORN BREAD 1 c corn meal Y^ c white corn syrup or sugar 1 c flour 1 egg 1 c milk 1 tbsp corn oil 1 tsp salt 1 tbsp baking powder Bake in small loaf or shallow cake tin. 12 MUFFINS AND GEMS EGOLESS MUFFINS 1 c white flour 1 c dark flour 1 c milk 1 tbsp baking powder 1 tsp salt 2 tbsp molasses or sugar 1 tbsp melted fat Dark flour may be (1) rye, (2) graham, (3) entire wheat, (4) ground oatmeal, (5) bran, (6) yellow corn meal, (7) white corn meal, (8) barley, (9) buck- wheat, (10) corn flour, (11) rice flour. BRAN MUFFINS NO. 1 2 c bran 1 c flour yi c AirlinE honey 13^ c milk 34 c walnut meats % tsp salt ]/2 tsp soda 1 tbsp melted fat 2 tsp baking powder BRAN MUFFINS NO. 2 1 c flour 1 c bran 1 c graham 13^ c milk }/2 c molasses 1 tsp soda 1 tsp salt 1 egg if desired The egg can be omitted and 2 cups of bran may be used instead of one of bran and one of graham. DATE MUFFINS }/2 c barley flour 3^ c ground oatmeal 2 tbsp molasses 1 c white flour 1 tbsp baking powder 3^ tsp salt 1 egg }/2 c chopped dates 1 c milk OATMEAL MUFFINS 1 c cooked oatmeal 1 e:gg 13^ c flour 14. c milk 2 tbsp sugar 1 tbsp shortening 1 tbsp baking powder )/2 tsp salt 13 RICE MUFFINS 1 c corn meal 1 egg 1 c cooked rice ^ tsp salt 1 c flour , ^H c milk 2 tbsp cooking oil 14 c AirlinE honey 1 ^ tbsp baking powder SPIDER CORN BREAD 1 egg }4 c water 3^ c milk 1 c corn meal y^ c white flour 1 tbsp shortening 1 tsp salt 2 tsp baking powder Mix and turn into greased pan. Pour over it % c. more milk but do not stir. Bake 25 minutes in hot oven. Cut in triangles or squares. Creamy custard mixture should be in the bread. Heavy spider is often used. COMBINATION MUFFINS Follow the eggless muffin recipe in this chapter and use combinations for the 1 c. dark flour. SUGGESTIONS No. 1. 3^ c graham 3^ c barley- No. 2. 3^2 c barley 3^ c ground oatmeal No. 3. 3^' c corn meal 3^ c graham An egg may be added and a scant measure of milk used to make a richer muffin. HOMINY DROP GEM 1 c cooked hominy (or rice) 1 egg }4 c milk 2 tbsp cooking oil 2 tsp baking powder Flour as needed 3^ tsp salt Beat egg separately. Combine all ingredients and bake as drop cookies. MAPLE SYRUP CAKES }4 c shortening 1 c maple syrup 1 egg H c hot water 1 tsp soda 3^ tsp salt 2 c flour Bake in shallow pan. Cut and serve hot with butter. Half dark flour, graham, barley or entire wheat may be used. 14 POTATO BUNS 2 c barley flour 2 tbsp shortening 1 c white flour 3^ c mashed sweet potato 3 tbsp baking powder ^ c seeded ra'sins Yi tsp salt Milk to make a stiff dough Mold into buns. Brush over with milk. OATMEAL BUNS 1 c ground oatmeal 1 tbsp sugar 1 c white flour 2 tsp baking powder 1 tbsp shortening K tsp salt Milk to make a stiff dough Stir melted fat into milk. Combine with dry ingre- dients. Turn dough onto floured board and shape into buns, Sprinkle sugar and cinnamon on top. FRUIT CORN MUFFINS 1 c white corn meal 1 c barley 1 egg 1 tbsp baking powder 1 tsp salt 1/4 c milk 1 tbsp shortening 2 tbsp sugar Yo c chopped dates or raisins CORN TOAST 2 c corn meal 1 tbsp fat 2 tbsp baking powder 2 c milk 1 tsp salt 1 tbsp corn syrup Bake in shallow pan, split, toast and butter. POTATO CORN MUFFINS 1 c corn meal 1 c mashed potato 2 tbsp sugar 1 tbsp baking powder 1 egg Yi tsp salt 1 c milk 1 tbsp shortening may be added Note.— Various Wheatless mufl'ins may be made from eggless muffin recipe by adding one egg Yi tbsp more baking powder, all dark flour and Y% c more milk Bake as muffins or loaf. 2 c barley flour li^ c milk 2 tsp salt 1 Y2 tbsp baking powder 1 tbsp molasses 1 tbsp fat 1 egg 15 GRIDDLE CAKES AND WAFFLES CORN GRIDDLE CAKES 3^ c corn meal IVo c boiling water 1 egg K c sugar 1 c flour 1 c graham 1 tsp salt 1 tbsp melted shortening 134 c milk 4 tsp baking powder Mix the corn meal with the water and boil for 5 minutes. Add all other ingredients and cook as other griddle cakes. CRUMB GRIDDLE CAKES % c bread crumbs 1 egg i c milk }4 tsp salt 1 tsp baking powder About 3^ c flour Best results to soak crumbs and milk and heat them, then put through coarse sieve and add other ingredients. CORN MEAL MUSH 2 c corn meal 2 c milk 1 tsp salt 1 tbsp flour 4 c. water Mix cold milk, salt and flour with meal and stir gradually into boiling water. Boil 30 minutes. Pack into dish to cool and cut in thin slices and saute or fry in drippings. CORN MEAL MUSH WITH CHEESE Cut the mush, sprinkle with grated cheese and brown in hot oven or gas broiler. 16 GRAHAM SQUARES 1 c graham 1 c barley flour 1 c milk 2 tsp baking powder tsp salt M c vsugar or syrup y^ 1 tbsp shortening Bake this muffin mixture in a thin sheet and cut in serving squares. Oatmeal Muffin mixture can be used in the same way. Serve in place of griddle cakes with syrup. RICE CRISPS Pack cool left over steamed or boiled rice into a tin to form a thin sheet and when cold brush over with melted fat and toast in broiler oven of gas range or heat in baking oven. Serve with syrup. RICE WAFFLES 1 c flour % c milk 3^ c boiled rice ^ tsp salt 1 egg 1 tsp baking powder Cook on wafifle iron. CORN DODGERS 2 c corn meal 1 tbsp tat 1 tsp salt 1 M c boiling water Pour water over other ingredients. Beat well and cool. Form into 14 rather thin cakes and bake 25 minutes m hot oven. Serve with gravy or butter. 17 BISCUITS AND POP-OVERS OATMEAL BAKING-POWDER BISCUITS 1 c white flour 1 c ground oatmeal 4 tsp baking powder 1 tsp salt 1 tbsp shortening Liquid to make a dough Mix, roll out lightly, cut and bake in hot oven. GRAHAM BISCUITS In above use 1 c. graham instead of oatmeal. ENTIRE WHEAT BISCUITS l^ c white flour 1/^ c entire wheat flour 4 tsp baking powder 1 tsp salt 1 tbsp shortening Liquid to make a dough POP-OVERS 1 egg 1 c milk 1 c white flour 3^ tsp salt Beat egg, add milk, then flour. Beat well with egg-beater. Bake 35 minutes in oven hot at first, then moderate. VARIATIONS One cup white flour may be changed to make No. L y^c sifted graham yi c white flour No. 2. % c ground and sifted oatmeal yi c white flour No. 3. ^ c sifted barley flour Yi c white flour BARLEY SCONES 1 c white flour 1 c barley flour 2 tbsp shortening H tsp salt 1/2 tsp soda 2 tsp baking powder ^ to 1 c sour cream or milk Turn on floured board. Handle as baking pow^der biscuit Cut in diamond shapes, Brush over with sweet milk, bake in quick oven. Split, and spread with jam or marmalade. 18 COOKIES CORNSTARCH COOKIES )4: c shortening ^ c brown or white sugar M c corn syrup }/i tsp nutmeg M tsp ginger % tsp cinnamon M tsp salt ^ c milk 1 tsp baking powder 3^ c cornstarch About 1 3^ c flour Barley or graham flour may be used. Fruit or nuts may be added. Drop Cookies. BRAN COOKIES 2 c bran 2 tbsp sugar 1 c white flour }/2 c molasses 1 c milk 1 c raisins 1 tsp soda 1 tsp salt 1 egg Mix, drop from spoon and bake. Egg may be omitted and ground oatmeal substituted for bran. GINGER CORN COOKIES 3^ c fat I2 c molasses 1 tsp salt 1 ^2 tsp ginger 1^ tsp soda in 3^ c water ^ c corn meal White flour to make dough Mix and roll thinly. Cut and bake. HONEY NUT SQUARES }/^ c sugar 3^ tsp cinnamon 2 yolks ' 3^ tsp clove ^ c honey 13^ c flour 14: c nut meat Mix, roll out thin. Mark into squares and bake in a moderate oven. Part dark flour may be used. PEANUT COOKIES 1 egg % c milk % tsp salt 1 tbsp shortening 1 tsp baking powder 3^ c chopped peanuts % c sugar Flour to make stiff batter Mix Drop from teaspoon. Makes 24 cookies. 19 THICK MOLASSES COOKIES % c molasses % c sugar % c shortening 1 tbsp ginger % c boiling water 1 tsp salt 1 tbsp soda Barley flour to roll Mix and cut Y^ in. thick. ROLLED FRUIT COOKIES }/2 c ground oatmeal 1 c flour }/2 tsp salt 1 tbsp sugar 2 tbsp fat 2 tsp baking powder 4 chopped figs or 3^ c raisins Milk to make stiff dough PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES }4 c peanut butter H c sugar 1 egg H tsp soda }/2 tsp cinnamon M tsp salt 1 c barley flour 1 tbsp water Roll thin, adding flour as needed, OATMEAL MACAROONS 2 eggs 23^ c raw rolled oats % c sugar 1 tsp salt 2 tbsp fat 1 tsp baking powder Mix and drop thin on greased pans. Bake 5 ms. MOLASSES COOKIES 1 c molasses 3^2 c shortening 3 3^ c barley or oat flour % tsp soda 2 tsp ginger 1 tsp salt Warm molasses and melted shortening, add other ingredients. Roll thin, cut and bake. HONEY DROP CAKES ^/i c honey 1 >^ to 2 c flour (entire wheat) 3^ c oleo 3^2 tsp soda }/2 tsp cinnamon 2 tbsp water Ys tsp clove % c raisins 1 egg 3 chopped figs if desired Heat honey and oleo till melted. Cool a little. Add flour for stiff dough and bake as drop cookies. 20 PUDDINGS For four servings use half these pudding recepies or in each case the mixture is practical for a second dessert if re-heated and thus conserves fuel. NEWTON TAPIOCA 5 tbsp pearl tapioca M c molasses 5 c milk 3 tbsp fat ^ c Indian meal 114 tsp salt Soak tapioca over night in water to cover. Scald 4 c milk. Pour on meal. Cook with molasses in double boiler till it thickens. Add last cup of milk without stirring. Bake slowly for at least 1}^ hours. STEAMED GRAHAM PUDDING 2 c flour 1 c graham 1 heaping tsp soda 3^ tsp salt 1 c milk 3/9 c molasses 3^2 c raisins vSpice if desired Mix and steam two hours. Serve with liquid pudding sauce. DATE PUDDING 1 c flour 1 c entire wheat flour 2 tsp baking powder 2 tbsp sugar 1 tbsp shortening 1 egg 1 c. dates % c milk Stone and cut dates. Use 34 cup figs or raisins if desired. Bake in muffin tins. Serve with liquid sauce. Half barley flour may be used. FIG PUDDING 2 c bread crumbs 4 c milk 2 yolks or 1 whole egg ^3 c corn or maple syrup or 3^ c sugar 3^ tsp cinnamon 3^ c figs }/2 c raisins 3^ tsp nutmeg 1 tbsp cooking oil Bake slowly If yolks are used a meringue of the whites and jelly may be used on top. 21 BAKED RICE PUDDING 1 qt. milk 2 c boiled rice ^ c syrup }/2 c raisins \i tsp salt }/i tsp cinnamon Y% tsp nutmeg 2 eggs Cook in double boiler till thick. Bake till browned. POP CORN PUDDING 2 c ground pop corn 3^ c corn syrup 3 c milk 1 tbsp corn oil ^2 tsp salt 2 eggs Scald milk, pour over corn and let stand for half hour. Combine all and bake in moderate oven, stirring occasionally till the last ten minutes. Brown. Serve with liquid sauce if desired. PLUM PUDDING 1 c bread crumbs 1 tsp salt 2 c rye flour 1 c chopped suet 4 tsp baking powder 1 c raisins 1 c molasses 1 c chopped apple 1 tsp cinnamon 3^ tsp clove 1 c milk }/i tsp allspice Mix and steam two and one half hours. Other dark flours may be used instead of rye. SHORTCAKE WITH CANNED FRUIT 1 c white flour 1 c dark flour y2 tsp salt 4 tsp baking powder 2 tbsp shortening 1 tbsp sugar About 1 c milk Dark flour may be entire wheat, graham, ground oat meal or barley. Use canned fruit. Thicken syrup with one teaspoonful arrowroot to each cup for sauce. CORN PUDDING 1 c corn 1 c milk 2 eggs 1 tbsp butter substitute 2 tbsp flour 1^ tsp salt Mix flour with small quantity of milk. Combine all and cook in greased baking dish until firm. 22 OATMEAL PUDDING 2 c cooked oatmeal 4 sliced apples 3^ c molasses 3i tsp cinnamon Yi c raisins M tsp salt Mix and bake 30 ms. Chopped nuts may be used in place of the apples. STEAMED CARROT PUDDING 1 c chopped raw carrots 1 c raisins 1 c bread crumbs Yi c flour 1 c beef suet 1 tsp ginger 134 tsp salt 2 tsp cinnamon yi c sugar 1 tbsp lemon juice Y tsp nutmeg 2 tsp baking powder Mix and add just water enough for stiff pudding bat- ter. Steam 3 hours in one mold or 2 hours in small molds. FRUIT BROWN BETTY 2 c chopped apple 1 34 c bread crumbs 3^ c sugar 1 tbsp buttsr substitute y2 tsp cinnamon Juice and grated rind Y^. lemon Put layer of crumbs in greased dish, then layer of apple and seasoning, and alternate. Bake 30 ms covered and 15 ms uncovered. Serve with sauce or cream. Prunes and rhubarb may be used in place of apple. APPLE PUDDING Mix baking powder biscuit mixture using 1 c ground oatmeal and 1 c flour. Add 1 c thinly sliced apple and 3 tbsp sugar or 2 tbsp honey. Bake in squares or trian- gles and serve" with sweet sauce. Other fruits may be used. Canned cherries are especially good. Other puddings, also releasing sugar, and using small amounts of flour, in Chapter 2L 23 RELEASE MEATS ESPECIALLY BEEF AND PORK INEXPENSIVE MEATS Our Problem: use less meat. Substitutes : fish, eggs, milk, soups, cereals, cheese, peas, beans, nuts and some fruits. When substitutes are used, study to balance the dish if possible, always the menu. BEEF LOAF 1 lb Hamburg 1 c bread crumbs 1 c milk Onion juice 1 tsp salt Pepper Grating nutmeg Bake in bread pan or individual cups. DUTCH STEW 13^ lbs bottom of round Yi c pearl tapioca 4 tomatoes or Yi can 1 onion 1 c peas 1 or 2 carrots 1 tsp salt Pepper 3 c water Bake 4 hours in casserole dish IRISH STEW One pound mutton chuck. Wipe and cut and cover with cold water. Cook 1 hour Add 34 cup each carrot, turnip, onion and cook Yi hour longer. Add sliced potatoes, salt to taste and dumplings. After dumplings cook 10 to 12 ms, stew. Stew may be thickened if desired. DUMPLINGS 1 c fxour Vi c milk 2 tsp baking powder Vo tsp salt MACARONI WITH CHICKEN 1 c macaroni 1 c chopped chicken y^ tsp pepper 1 tsp salt 1/^ solid tomato Onion juice ^ 2 tbsp drippings Cook macaroni. Arrange materials in layers in baking dish with crumbs for top layer. Flaked fish may be used instead of the chicken. 24 AMERICAN CHOP SUEY 1 c tomato sauce 1 lb Hamburg 2 c boiled spaghetti Seasonings Put cooked spaghetti, sauce and meat into hot, greased frying-pan. Stir and cook t 11 meat is ready to serve. Season with salt, pepper, Worcestershire Sauce, celery salt parsley, or Tabasco Sauce. BAKED RICE AND MEAT 1 c rice 4 c water 1 tsp salt 1 onion 2 tbsp ketchup Cook in double boiler till rice takes up liquid. 2 tbsp fat 2 tbsp flour 1 c water Make sauce Add rice and Y2 pound hamburg steak (uncooked). Mix all and bake 20 minutes. ITALIAN HASH Place a layer of cooked macaroni in greased baking dish, line sides also with macaroni. Fill the centre with chopped and seasoned left over meat. Spread layer of cracker crumbs over top. Thoroughly heat and brown in hot oven. DRIED BEEF WITH HOMINY 1 tsp fat 1 tbsp flour 1 c milk 2 potatoes cubed 1 tsp salt Yi c carrot cubes Yi c dried beef 2 c cooked hominy Add all to the cream sauce made from first three in- gredients. Bake 30 ms. HUNGARIAN GOULASH 1 lb round of beef 1 oz salt pork 1 c tomato 1 small onion 1 pt water 1 c potato cubes 1 c carrot cubes 13^ tbsp flour Salt and pepper Fry out salt pork. Add onion, meat cut in small pieces and seasoning. Add the water and carrot and cook in casserole until meat is tender. Thicken, add cooked potato cubes and tomato. 25 FISH COOKERY MOULDED FISH 1 c flaked fish 1 c bread crumbs 1 c milk 1 egg 1 tsp salt Pepper Chopped parsley 1 tsp lemon PLANKED FISH Bone and split a haddock or cod, leaving meat in two fillets Place on buttered plank with skin down and glaze with melted butter. Season and broil until slightly browned. Reduce the heat to thor- oughly cook. Serve with potato border, lemon and vegetable garnish. PANNED FISH Roll pieces of fish in corn meal Brown both sides quickly in pork scraps, drippings or cooking oil. Cover the dish and place in moderate oven for 15 minutes or till well-cooked. Serve with tomato cream sauce. 2 tbsp fat 2 tbsp flour }/2 c milk 3^ c tomato liquor }/2 tsp salt Speck soda CREAMED FISH a la MODE 2 tbsp cooking oil 2 tbsp flour Yz tsp salt 1 c milk 1 c flaked fish Pepper Prepare cream sauce add fish and place in baking dish. Brown in oven. SALT FISH CHOWDER 1 c flaked fish 2 c sliced potato 1 onion 6 crackers Pepper 1 pt milk Arrange all except milk in baking dish and almost cover with hot water. Bake about 20 minutes. Add milk, thickened with 2 tsbp. flour and serve. 26 SPANISH CODFISH 3 tbsp cooking oil 4 tbsp flour 13^ c tomato liquor 3^ c milk 13^ c codfish 2 tsp chopped parsley Yo chopped onion y% tsp pepper Freshen the codfish In cold water, Make the toma- to, cream sauce and put all in double boiler, Simmer 20 minutes and serve on hot toast. BAKED WHITING FISH Soak fish in milk 1 hour, season thoroughly and bake in same milk. Thin tomato sauce may be used in- stead of milk. COD ROLL Skin and bone a small cod. Mix half cup bread crumbs, two tbsp of m.elted butter, onion juice, parsley, two tbsp of water, salt, and pepper. Spread on the fillets, roll them up and tie them. Bake. EPICUREAN FINNAN HADDIE Soak finnan haddie one hour in milk to cover. Bake thirty minutes and flake it; there should be two cups. Cook shallot or onion, pepper, one tea- spoon salt, paprika, four tablespoons butter, four tablespoons flour, two cups milk. Add fish and serve on toast. TUNA LOAF 1 c bread crumbs 1 ^%% Onion juice Salt and pepper 1 can tuna 1 c milk Flake the fish. Mix all ingredients and pack firmly into buttered tin and bake twenty to twenty- five minutes. Serve with ^%% or drawn butter sauce. 27 BAKED FISH A LA CARLETON Split and bone a fish, and place on well-greased sheet. Cream J4 c fat, one yolk, two tablespoons each chopped onions, and pickles, lemon, salt, pepper and parsley. Sprinkle fish with mixture and bake. Garnish and serve. OYSTER PIE 40 oysters Yi tbsp chopped onion 2 hard cooked eggs 2 c oyster liquor and water Yi tsp salt 3 tbsp flour Pepper 2 tbsp cooking oil 1^ tsp parsley Grating nutmeg Heat oysters in their own liquor. Strain. Arrange creamed oysters in baking dish with baking powder biscuit crust and bake. CRAB SOUFFLE 2 tbsp fat 3 tbsp flour li c milk Vi tsp salt 1 c crab meat Pepper 2 yolks 2 whites Mix sauce. Add fish and eggs. Bake 25 minutes. HALIBUT STEAK WITH TOMATO 2 lbs. halibut cut in thick slice 4 tomatoes — fresh or canned 1 tsp salt 1 tbsp chopped onion 2 tbsp flour 2 tbsp fat 1 c tomato liquor, or water Remove bone and skin from fish. Place in greased baking dish, with solid tomatoes on top. Thicken liquor, pour around fish and bake 30 minutes. JELLIED FISH 1 tbsp Knox gelatine M c cold water 1 c boiling water 2 tbsp lemon juice 1 ^ c flaked cooked fish Onion juice 2 tbsp chopped peppers Spk paprika 3 hard boiled eggs H tsp salt Place sliced eggs in bottom of mold. Prepare gela- tine as usual. Add to other ingredients, pour into mold and chill. Serve with lettuce and salad dressing. 28 EGG COOKERY Eggs and milk must be used more as meat recipes are decreased. Use eggs as main dish of the meal and by combinations make the egg'6 "spend" as far as possible. BREAD OMELET 3 eggs 3^2 C milk 14 c bread crumbs 3^2 tsp salt Pepper 1 tbsp butter Beat the eggs separately and cook as plain omelet The crumbs should not be too dry or with too much crust to give the best results but with this recipe the eggs spend to better advantage. CHEESE OMELET 3 eggs M tsp salt Pepper li c milk 3/2 c bread crumbs 2 tbsp grated cheese 1 tbsp drippings BAKED EGG AU GRATIN Place in baking cups, layer of seasoned, moistened, crumbs to which minced fish or meat may be added. Next add half a hard-cooked egg, }4 c milk sauce and lastly layer of buttered crumbs. Cooked spinach may be used for the first layer when desired. CREAMED EGGS WITH HOMINY 2 tbsp fat 2 tbsp flour 1 tsp salt 1 c milk 3 yolks 3 whites 2 c boiled hominy Follow sauce rule then add eggs and hominy. Rice or samp may be used. This Is instead of serving on toast or with toast for the meal. 29 RICE OMELET 1 c boiled rice Yi c milk 3 eggs 3^ tsp salt Pepper 1 tbsp fat CORN OMELET In above use 1 c canned corn, free from liquid in place of rice. CORN AND EGG SOUFFLE Y2 c white corn meal 1 tsp salt 2 c milk 1 tbsp butter substitute Cook in double boiler to mush consistency. Re- move, cool and add 3 egg yolks 3 stiff egg whites Dash paprika 2 tbsp grated cheese Bake in greased dish set in pan of hot water for 30 ms. RICE AND EGG SOUFFLE To above recipe add \ c cooked rice. 30 CHEESE DISHES NUT AND CHEESE LOAF 1 c cheese 1 c chopped nuts 1 c bread crumbs 1 tbsp drippings Juice Y2 lemon 2 tbsp chopped onion Pepper Yi tsp salt Cook onion in water till tender, then moisten loaf with this liquid as needed. Bake in greased baking dish. MACARONI RAREBIT Yi lb. cheese 1 tbsp butter 1 egg 1 tsp mustard 1 tsp salt Pepper Y2 c milk 1 c cooked macaroni Cook over water. Serve on toast or crackers. MEXICAN RAREBIT To above add ^ c corn instead of macaroni and use tomato liquor instead of milk. CHEESE FONDU 1 c bread crumbs 2 eggs 1 c milk 1 tbsp cooking oil Pepper Y2 tsp salt Yi c cheese 1 tbsp ketchup Mix and bake 20 minutes in greased baking dish. CHEESE TOAST 1 c milk 1 c bread crumbs 1 egg y^ c cheese Y2 tsp salt Pepper Y tsp mustard Add in given order. Cook till well blended in double boiler. Spread on crackers and serve. CORN AND CHEESE SOUFFLE 2 tbsp cooking oil 4 tbsp flour 2 c milk 3^ tsp salt 1 tbsp ketchup 1 c corn Yi c cheese cut in small pieces 2 egg yolks 2 egg whites Make a white sauce of first four ingredients. Com- bine all and bake 30 ms. BAKED CHEESE FONDU 1 c bread crumbs 1 c milk 1 c cheese cut in small pieces 2 egg yolks Y2. tsp salt 1 tsp shortening 2 egg whites Mix in given order and bake 20 ms. BOILED CHEESE FONDU 1 c bread crumbs 1 c milk 1 c cheese cut in small pieces 1 tbsp cooking oil 1 egg Mix in double boiler and cook until cheese is melted and mixture blended. Serve on toasted crackers. TOMATO RAREBIT 2 tbsp fat Yi lb cheese 1 egg ^/i c tomato Yi tsp salt 1 tsp mustard Speck Cayenne Melt cheese and fat in double boiler. To beaten egg add tomato and seasonings. Combine and cook until mixture is thick and creamy. 32 BEANS AND PEAS AS STAPLES PIMENTO ROAST 2 c beans 2 canned pimentos 3^ lb cream cheese 1 c bread crumbs 1 tbsp drippings Water to moisten Lima, baked or soy beans may be used. Cottage cheese also substituted for cream cheese. SOY BEAN CUTLETS 1 c soy beans — Cook till soft Put through chopper and add 1 small onion, chopped Pepper 1 tsp salt 1 c bread crumbs 1 tbsp ketchup Vi tsp Worcestershire sauce Mix and roll in crumbs and saute. Vary the meas- ure of crumbs according to their dryness. PRESSED BEANS AND SAUSAGE 1 pt. beans Vi lb. sausage Soak, parboil and bake the beans with ordinary seasoning. Mould with the cooked, chopped sau- sages and press under weight. Turn out and slice, serving with beets, celery or tomatoes. BAKED BEAN RAREBIT Y2 c bean puree (baked beans) y2 c milk 1 tbsp butter ^ c cheese (not solidly packed) 1 or 2 eggs Yi tsp salt Add pepper and tomato ketchup to season if desired. Serve on toast. SOUPS BAKED BEAN SOUP 1 c baked beans 3 c water 1 slice onion, chopped 1 tsp salt 1 c tomato Pepper 1 tbsp cornstarch 1 tbsp fat Put beans through food chopper. Melt fat, add cornstarch, water, beans, tomato, then season. BEAN SAUSAGES One-fourth cup lima beans. Soak over night and cook till soft. Force through coarse sieve or food chopper. Add y^ c bread crumbs, J4 tsp salt, K tsp sage, speck pepper and 2 tbsp drippings. S'ape, roll in more dry crumbs and bake in greased pan. SPLIT PEA SOUP 1 c split peas. Soak over night and drain. Simmer with 2 qts water till soft. Press through sieve and add stock and water to make of consistency of thin cream. 1 tbsp flour 1 tbsp fat 1 tsp salt Onion juice Vegetable puree and liquid DRID PEAS WITH RICE 1 c dried peas 1 c tomato 3^ c rice 2 tsp salt 3 onions Speck pepper Soak peas in 2 qts water over night. Cook in this water until tender. Add other ingredients and cook 20 ms longer. LENTIL SOUP Prepare as Split Pea soup substituting lentils for peas. 34 FRUITS AND NUTS RAISIN FRUIT SALAD 3 bananas 3^ c raisins 3 oranges \i c walnuts 8 or 10 marshmallows Juice of 3^ lemon Lettuce leaves Serve with Mayonnaise or Cream Dressing. BANANA AND NUT SALAD Place equal parts nut meats and chopped celery over half banana on lettuce bed. Serve with French or Cream Dressing. BAKED BANANAS Slice eight bananas lengthwise. Bake with dots of butter and serve with 1 c sugar 1 c water 34 c raisins 1 tbsp Kingsford corn starch NUT AND RICE LOAF 1 c cooked rice 1 c chopped peanuts 1 c milk sauce 1 tsp salt 1 tsp parsley 1 c bread crumbs 2 eggs Dash of nutmeg Bake and serve with cheese or tomato sauce. VEGETABLE NUT LOAF 2 tbsp Knox gelatine 3^ c cold milk 1 34 c hot milk 1 c cooked rice 34 c bread crumbs 1 c chopped peanuts y2 tsp salt 1 egg Soak gelatine in cold milk, dissolve in J c hot milk Cook other ingredients 15 ms in double boiler. Com- bine all and mold. Serve with water cress or lettuce. 35 SALMON WITH PEANUTS 1 c white sauce 1 small can salmon 3^ c peanuts Cracker crumbs In greased baking dish place layers as follows: crumbs, peanuts, sauce with salmon, peanuts and crumbs. A mixture of bread and cracker crumbs may be used but all bread crumbs are more soggy. Bake till brown in moderate oven. Season white sauce well and add 2 tbsp fat to top cnmibs. JELLIED PRUNES }/z lb prunes 2 c cold water 1 envelope Knox gelatine % c brown sugar 1 tbsp lemon juice or 3^ c left over fruit juice Wash and soak prunes several hrs in the cold water. Cook in same water until soft. Stone and cut fruit in quarters. To prune water add enough hot water to make 2 c combine all ingredients and chill. Serve with or without custard sauce. HONEYED APPLES WITH RAISINS 4 large apples 3^ c raisins 2 tbsp tapioca 2 c water }/^ tsp salt 4 tbsp AirlinE honey Pare and core apples. Fill centers with \ the raisins and J the honey. While these are baking cook remaining ingredients in double boiler until tapioca is clear. Pour over apples and serve with top milk. FRUIT SOUFFLE 2 tbsp fat 3^ c water Boil and add 3^ c flour Cool slightly. Add 2 yolks 2 whites 2 tbsp sugar 3^ c milk Pour over layer of fruit. Bake 25 to 30 minutes. 36 APPLES AND RAISINS Core and pare 6 apples. Add to centre of each 6 chopped raisins and speck of salt and cinnamon. Bake with I c water and J<4 c honey. Skin need not be removed. An attractive dish if skin is cut into eight sections and every other section removed. FRUIT COMPOTE 4 oranges M c pineapple syrup 2 bananas Cherry to garnish 2 sh'ces pineapple Grapes if desired •Serve in dainty glasses, having chilled fruit, after cutting, except bananas. DRIED APPLE SAUCE 1 lb dried apples J^ c raisins Sugar Wash and soak apples for 24 hours. Drain off water and measure. Cook till tender the apples with raisins and 2 c of water. Sweeten to taste. FRUIT DELIGHT Cut two oranges and a grapefruit. Sweeten with 2 tbsp honey and use as fruit dessert with cocoanut garnish. (See also chapters 19 and 21) 37 CEREALS AS STAPLES ITALIAN RISOTTO 1 c rice 1 tsp salt 2 tbsp butter 3 c water 3^ onion Paprika 1 c tomato liquor Yi c Parmesan cheese grated Cook all save cheese in double boiler. When ready to serve, sprinkle on the cheese. SPANISH RICE 2 c cooked rice 2 c tomatoes, from can y^ c cheese 1 c bread crumbs 1 tsp salt 1 chopped pimento if desired Bake with seasoned crumbs for top layer. (2 tbsp savory drippings may be added.) SAVORY RICE 1 c rice 3 c water 1 c tomato liquor Cook in double boiler. When rice has taken up the liquid add 2 tbsp oleo Y^ grated cheese ^ c chopped, cooked carrots 1 tsp salt Y tsp chopped parsley Serve at once, or place in oven with crumbs on top and brown. VIRGINIA SAMP Y c samp 23^ c boiling water Cook slowly for 30 minutes then put over hot water and cook slowly at least five hours or put in fireless cooker. Add 1 c tomato sauce Y2 c cut boiled carrots Y2 tsp salt Y2 tsp parsley SAMP WITH CHEESE 3^ c samp cooked in 2 c water till tender 2 tbsp fat 2 tbsp cornstarch 1 c milk 1 pimento 1 tsp salt 3^ c chopped cheese Make cheese sauce and pour over samp in baking dish. Bake 10 minutes to slightly brown top. BAKED SAMP 2 c boiled samp 1 c grated cheese 1 tbsp butter substitute 3^ c milk yi tsp paprika 1 tsp salt crumbs Arrange samp, cheese and vseasoning in alternate layers. Add milk, put crumbs on top, bake 20 ms. RICE FONDUE 1 c boiled rice 3^ tsp salt 1 c cheese cut in small pieces 2 egg whites 2 egg yolks 1 c bread crumbs Yi c milk Mix and bake 20 minutes. Note. — Hominy may be used in any of above recipes instead of rice or samp. 39 RELEASE FATS ESPECIALLY BUTTER COMMERCIAL OIL3 (a) Corn Products (b) Cottonseed Products (c) Olive Oil COMMERCIAL FATS OR SUBSTITUTES (a) Oleomargarine and nut margarine (b) Vegetable Products (c) Animal Products (d) Peanut Butter HOME PRODUCTS (a) Beef Suet (b) Cod Fat (c) Chicken Fat (d) Bacon Drippings or Home-made Savory Fats (e) Ham Fat (f) Lamb Fat (See chapter 25) SOUPS CORN CHOWDER 2 c corn 1 c milk 2 c water (in which vegetables or rice has been cooked, if on hand) 1 c potato cubes 2 tbsp chopped onion }^i tsp pepper 1 tsp salt 2 tbsp fat 4 tbsp flour Sprinkle with chopped parsley. OATMEAL SOUP M c canned tomato 23^ c water 1 slice onion H tsp sugar 14 tsp salt }/2 c cooked oatmeal Cook all in double boiler on back of range. Thin with water to soup consistency before serving if necessary. May be strained for children. 40 CREAM SAGO SOUP One half cup sago, soaked 3 hours in lukewarm water to cover. Add 1 c boiling water, simmer in double boiler till soft. Next, add 2 tbsp fat 2 tbsp Mour 3 c hot milk Pepper Celery salt Onion juice Beat 2 minutes and add 2 beaten eggs. Stir and blend for 2 minutes more and serve. ENGLISH STEW WITH BARLEY 1 lb mutton 2 onions 4 potatoes sliced }/2 c pearl barley 2 tsp salt 1 tsp chopped .parsley Cut meat in small pieces and brown with onions in fat from meat. Add barley and 2 qts cold water. Simmer in covered dish 13^2 hrs. Add potatoes and cook until potatoes are soft. BEAN SOUP 1 c dried beans 2 qts water 1 tsp salt Speck pepper 1 small onion 3-^ carrot sliced 1 3^ tbsp fat Pinch mace Fry onion in fat. Add carrot. (Soak beans over night.) Simmer in covered kettle 3 hours. Rub through colander and serve. BARLEY SOUP WITH STOCK 3 c white stock M c barley or sago 1 c milk 1 tsp salt Speck pepper Soak grain 1 hour and simmer 1}^^ hours in stock, Combine all and simmer 10 minutes over water. PEANUT BUTTER SOUP 3 c milk 1 c water 6 tbsp peanut butter 23^ tbsp corn starch 1 tsp salt Speck pepper Onion juice Cook in double boiler 15 minutes. 41 VEGETABLES POTATO TIMBALES 2 c mashed potato 2 eggs Yz c milk Salt, pepper 2 tbsp fat Parsley Fill greased cups and bake. STtJFFED TOMATOES Cut a slice from each tomato, remove the cen- tre, mix with bread crumbs and seasonings. Fill the tomato cases and bake about fifteen minutes. To make more tasty add chopped chicken, ham or green pepper with the crumbs. STUFFED BAKED POTATOES Clean and bake 3 good sized potatoes then cut in halves lengthwise and remove centres. Refill with minced meat and bread crumbs; equal parts, well seasoned. Border with the potato mashed and seasoned with nut margarine, salt, pepper and parsley. CORN IN RAMEKINS 2 tbsp fiour 2 tbsp butter 1 c milk 1 c corn 1 tsp salt Pepper Cracker crumbs Sauce rule and crumbs on top. Bake. Peas may be used in place of corn. ESCALLOPED POTATOES WITH CHEESE 1 c milk 2 tbsp fat 1 tbsp flour 1 tsp salt 2 c cold potato cubes 1 c cheese Cracker crumbs Make milk sauce. Arrange potatoes, cheese and sauce in layers and bake with crumbs for top layer. 42 STUFFED ONIONS Peel Spanish onions. Let cook one hour. Cool a little, cut out a piece two inches around root end. Chop one cup of nut meats, mix with one cup of bread crumbs, one quarter cup of drippings, one- half teaspoon salt, one egg, one teaspoonful parsley, and fill the onions. Bake forty minutes basting occa- sionally with one cup liquid from the pan. STUFFED PEPPER CASES 1 c tuna 2 eggs 1 tbsp melted fat }/2 c bread crumbs }/2 c sweet milk yz tsp salt 4 sweet peppers Cut top from peppers or in halves, lengthwise and remove seeds. Parboil in quart of water with one- fourth teaspoon soda. Stuff and bake in hot oven fifteen minutes. Top may be covered with bread crumbs. One cup of canned corn, mushrooms, rice, or other fish may be used in place of tuna for variety. BAKED SQUASH Cut squash in pieces, remove seeds and stringy por- tions, arrange in pan and bake. When almost soft, sprinkle with salt and grated cheese. Serve in shell. CELERY AU GRATIN 1 pt cooked celery H c grated cheese 1 pt white sauce 1 c cracker crumbs Cut and cook celery. Put in layers in baking dish with cracker crumbs on the top. Season and bake. SQUASH CUSTARDS 2 c mashed squash 2 c milk 2 eggs }4 c brown sugar y-z tsp cinnamon Vr^ tsp salt 1 tbsp cooking oil One tsp each grated lemon and orange peel may be added. Prepare as baked custards. , 43 TOMATO CAKES 1 c bread crumbs 1 egg 1 c tomato liquor 1 tbsp fat Vo tsp salt % tsp salt 2 tsp baking powder Flour to make batter. Small amount of flour needed and it varies accord- ing to moisture in tomatoes. Fry as griddle cakes. BEAN AND TURNIP PUFFS 1 medium yelloAV turnip, cook and mash, add 1 c. cooked lima beans 1 egg Pepper 1 tsp salt 2 tbsp fat Bake in greased cups. VEGETABLE HASH 1 c cabbage 1 c beets 1 c turnips 3 c potatoes Season with salt, pepper and drippings. Moisten with water in which vegetables are cooked. A few carrots may be added. LENTIL ROLLS 1 c lentils 3^ tsp salt 1 tbsp drippings 1 egg Y2 tbsp chopped onion 3^ tsp paprika 1 tbsp ketchup Soak, and cook lentils until tender, drain and put through meat chopper. Combine ingredients. Roll in balls, brown in oven and serve with tomato sauce. CORN AND POTATO LOAF 2 c corn 2 tsp salt 4 mashed potatoes 1 egg 2 tbsp drippings Onion juice Bake 30 ms. and serve with milk sauce. LADY CABBAGE 1 tbsp butter substitute 1 tsp flour 1 tsp salt Speck pepper 1 c milk 23^2 or 3 c cooked cabbage Make thin milk sauce, add cabbage. Simmer 5 ms. 44 ENTREES Use left-overs and make dishes to be used as main dish for luncheon or supper. CREAMED POTATOES 2 tbsp butter 2 tbsp flour 1 tsp salt 1 c milk 2 c potato cubes Melt butter, add flour, then the milk and when at the boiling point the potato which should be cold left over, cooked potato. TOMATO TOAST 2 tbsp butter 4 tbsp flour ^ 1 tsp salt 1 c tomato liquor 34 c water 14. c milk Speck soda Melt the butter, add flour, then tomato and water. When at the boiling point add the soda and milk. Into cream tomato sauce put toasted bread. CELERY TOAST 3 tbsp cooking oil 4 tbsp flour 1 c milk 1 c celery liquor 1 c cooked celery 1 tsp salt Cut the coarser stalks of celery and cook slightly in salted water. Pour over toasted bread. PEANUT BUTTER AND SPAGHETTI 3 c hot boiled spaghetti % c peanut butter % c bread crumbs 1^^ c milk Mix and fill baking dish, cover with crumbs and brown. Serve with tomato sauce. Vary the milk according to the dryness of the crumbs. Season. CORN FRITTERS 1 c canned corn 3^ tsp salt 1^ c flour 1 egg 1 tsp bakmg powder Beat egg separately. Fry on hot griddle greased with corn oil or drippings. 45 MEAT AND FISH SAUCES MILK SAUCE 2 tbsp fat 2 tbsp flour 1 c milk y^ tsp salt Pepper Melt fat, blend in flour, add milk gradually, stir till thick and smooth. Vary by adding Yi c chopped shrimp, Yi c chopped cheese or 2 hard-cooked eggs. SOUBISE SAUCE Two small onions, cut in small pieces and cooked. 2 tbsp fat 2 tbsp flour 3/^ c milk 34 c water in which onions were Yi tsp salt cooked Pepper TOMATO SAUCE 2 tbsp fat 2 tbsp flour 1 c tomato liquor 3^ tsp salt Pepper CREAM TOMATO SAUCE 2 tbsp fat 2 tbsp flour Yl c milk Yi tsp salt Add before serving Y2 c tomato liquor with spk. soda. KETCHUP SAUCE 2 tbsp fat 2 tbsp flour Ya c ketchup M c water CELERY SAUCE 2 tbsp fat 2 tbsp flour % c celery liquor Y c milk Y c cooked celery Y tsp salt Celery liquor is water in which celery is simmered. Note. — For thickening purposes use same amount of barley flour or half the amount of cornstarch instead of measure of white flour. 46 SALADS AND SALAD DRESSINGS CREAM SALAD DRESSING 4 tbsp cooking oil 1 tbsp fiour 1 tsp salt 1 tsp mustard 3/8 tsp pepper 2 tsp sugar 1 c milk } egg }/) c vinegar Cook in double boiler. MAYONNAISE DRESSING Yi tsp mustard 2 tsp sugar Yi tsp salt Cayenne 2 yolks IM c cooking oil 2 tbsp vinegar 2 tbsp lemon juice Mix first four ingredients, add to yolks, then add oil slowly till half is used. Alternate with acids and lastly fold in stiff whites of eggs if desired. One cup cooking or salad oil and Vs c olive oil may be used and gives good results. BAKED BANANA SALAD 2 tbsp Knox gelatine Yi c cold water 1 c boiling water Pulp of 2 baked bananas y^ c lemon juice 3 tbsp sugar Mold in small cups. Turn out onto lettuce leaves and serve with mayonnaise and nut meats. FRUIT SALADS No. I. Peaches, cream cheese and cherries. No. 2. Pineapple, cream cheese and nuts. No. 3. Apple, celery, raisins, and marshmallows. Use on green bed with cream or mayonnaise dressing. • 47 TOMATO JELLY 1 tbsp Knox gelatine Yi c cold water 13^ c seasoned tomato liquor or left over soup Mold in small cups. Serve with lettuce and dress- ing as a salad or slice and serve as a sandwich fill- ing with bread spread with cream cheese. Chopped hard cooked eggs or celery may be added. INDIVIDUAL CREAM CHICKEN SALAD (Individual Serving) \i tsp Knox gelatine % tsp lemon juice 1 tsp boiling water 13^ tbsp thick cream 3 tbsp cold chicken cut in cubes Y2 tsp chopped parsle}^ Speck pepper Soak gelatine in lemon juice and dissolve in boiling water. Whip cream and combine all ingredients. INDIAN SALAD A. 1 envelope Knox gelatine ]/2 c cold water V/i c boiling water }/i c lemon juice yi c sugar B. 3^ c cocoanut 2 cored and chopped apples 2 c chopped celery 3 pimentos 1 tbsp chopped onion Yi tsp salt Make lemon jelly of A. Use half of it in small moulds. When firm, add B. and then the rest of A. When firm, unmold and serve on lettuce with dress- ing and cocoanut garnish. 48 CAKES WAR CAKE 2 c sugar (white or brown) 2 c water _ 2 tbsp fat 1 box raisins Boil 5 minutes. Cool and add 3 c flour 2 tsp baking powder 2 tsp cinnamon 3^2 tsp clove 14 tsp allspice 1 tsp salt 3^ tsp soda Bake one hour. Two loaves. WAR CAKE (Sugarless) 1 c molasses 1 c corn syrup 1 box raisins 2 tbsp fat Boil 5 minutes. Cool and add. 2 c white flour 2 tsp cinnamon 3^ tsp allspice 3^ tsp soda 3^ c shortening 1 c raisins 3/8 tsp clove 3^8 tsp nutmeg 3 tsp baking powder 1 c barley oatmeal }/2 tsp clove 1 tsp salt 2 tsp baking powder AUNT BETSY CAKE 1 c molasses ]/2 tsp cinnamon 3^ tsp allspice 1 tsp salt 23/^ c dark flour 1/ flour or ground /4 c water One egg may be added. Figs or dates, instead of raisins. MOCHA CAKE 3 tsp salt Yi c sugar Cook in given order except nutmeg. Boil thor- oughly; add nutmeg before serving. MAPLE SAUCE 1 c water 1 tbsp cornstarch Yi c maple corn syrup 1 yolk M tsp salt 1 white Boil water and cornstarch, pour on to syrup and yolk. Cook slightly, fold in stiff white and serve. HONEY SAUCE In above sauce substitute >^ c honey for maple corn syrup or maple syrup. FRUIT SAUCE 1 c rich fruit syrup 1 tsp arrowroot Mix arrowroot with J^ c cold syrup, add to J^ c hot syrup and when boiling point is reached a clear sauce results. Syrup from canned pineapple, peach, raspberry, strawberry or other fruits may be used, MOCK CREAM 1 tbsp cornstarch 1 tbsp sugar 1 c milk 1 egg white 1 tsp vanilla Heat milk in double boiler. Mix sugar and corn- starch. Cook with milk 10 ms and cool. When ready to serve add vanilla and stiff white. BROWN SUGAR SAUCE 1 c brow^n sugar Y2 c water Y^ tsp vinegar 1 tbsp cornstarch Cook until slightly thickened and use hot or cold. 58 WAR-TIME CONFECTIONS POP-CORN BALLS 1 c molasses 1 tbsp sugar 1 tbsp oleo 3^ tsp soda Y2 tsp salt Boil molasses and oleo 3 minutes. Add sugar. Boil till it threads very slightly. Remove, add soda. Pour over 4 quarts pop-corn. Shape. Roll in wax papers. MAPLE BALLS 1 c maple syrup 3^2 c sugar Y2 c cocoanut Boil until it threads. Pour over 4 qts of corn, as in above recipe. POP-CORN SQUARES Put corn through food-chopper. Add corn ball syrup to hold it together. Roll on greased paper with rolling pin into Yi in. sheet. When cool, cut in squares MAPLE FONDANT 1 lb maple sugar 1 c water Boil to 238 deg., or till it forms soft ball in cold water. Pour on to a platter. Cool and beat. Used in stuffed dates with nuts or for centres to dip in chocolate. FRUIT PASTE Yz c chopped dates Yi c chopped figs Y^ c chopped raisins 1 c chopped walnuts Mix all together and press into oiled pan. Cut and roll caramel in papers or roll into balls, dusting with sugar. 59 SALTED PEANUTS Heat the unroasted, shelled peanuts in a warm oven. Remove the jackets. Plunge In boiling oil. Boil till brown. Dry on brown paper salting as soon as spread on the paper. CHOCOLATE CRACKERS Oyster crackers or cracker fingers dipped in sweetened coating chocolate and hardened, give a confection or sweet cracker to use for a dessert. BUTTER SCOTCH 2 c AirlinE Honey 2 tbsp vinegar 2 c brown sugar 3^ tsp soda 3 heaping tsp butter 2 tsp lemon extract Boil honey, sugar and vinegar untilit hardens when dropped into water (270° F.) ; stir in the soda extract and butter; pour in buttered tins to cool. RAISIN AND PEANUT PASTE 1 c raisins 3^ c peanut butter 1 tsp salt 3 tbsp sugar Wash raisins, put through chopper twice and mix all ingredients. Roll into small balls and dust with mix- ture of 2 tbsp sugar and 1 tbsp cornstarch. 60 PRACTICAL CONSERVATION SOUR MILK RECIPES Buttermilk with Y2 "tsp. shortening for each cup may- be substituted for sour milk. Sour milk should always be beaten with o^gg beater before measured. STEAMED GRAHAM BREAD 3 c graham flour 1 tsp salt 1 c barley flour 1 c molasses '^Yi tsp soda 2y2 c sour milk. Mix as brown bread. Steam 3 hours at least. COTTAGE CHEESE One qt sour milk. Heat till lukewarm then add 1 qt. warm water. Strain through cheese cloth. When liquid has drained out, moisten the curd with melted oleo or some cream and salt to taste. Shape into balls. NUT BREAD XYiQ. sour milk 1 tsp soda 4 c barley flour 1 egg Yi c sugar 1 tbsp fat 1 c nut meats ^ tsp salt 2 tsp baking powder Bake 45 to 60 ms. RAISIN BREAD 1 c entire wheat flour 1 c raisins % c ground oatmeal 1 tsp soda 1 c sour milk 1 tsp. baking powder Y2 tsp salt Bake 45 ms. GRAHAM MUFFINS 1 c graham 1 c white or barley flour 1 c sour milk M tsp. soda Y2. tsp. salt i tbsp shortening 3 tbsp molasses or sugar 61 SOUR MILK GRIDDLE CAKES 2 c sour milk 1 egg 1 tbsp sugar }^ tsp salt IM tsp soda 2 to 23^ c flour One c wheat flour and 1 c barley flour, or 2 c barley flour may be used. Half buckwheat, also good. SOUR MILK GINGERBREAD 1 c molasses 1 c thick sour milk Y2 tsp salt 13^ tsp soda y2 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp ginger 2^^ c flour Barley flour may be used entirely with fine results. SPICE CAKE y^ c shortening 1 c sugar 1 c sour milk Yi tsp salt 1 tsp soda 23^ c flour y tsp clove 1 tsp cinnamon y tsp allspice Grating nutmeg 1 c raisins BARLEY MOLASSES COOKIES }/i c shortening 34 c sugar Yi c molasses Yi c sour milk 1 c white flour Y2 c barley flour 1 tsp soda Yi tsp salt 1 tsp ginger Y2 tsp cinnamon Drop cookies, to be baked in quick oven. SOUR MILK BROWN BREAD 1 c corn meal 1 c ground oatmeal 1 c barley % c molasses 1 ^ c sour milk Yi tsp salt y^ tsp soda Yi c raisins vSteam 2}^ hrs. in small molds or 3 hrs. in one mold. Raisins may be omitted. SOUR CREAM DRESSING 1 c sour cream 1 tsp sugar 1 tsp lemon juice Paprika H tsp salt Beat cream 5 ms. with wire whisk or ^g-; t^ rt C^ C3 OJ CU 0) Ph Dh CU Ph nil pu a c^ Pi 0) E £ O 3 s g JS J2 5^ -C ^ E e^ B^ ^ £ £ £ £ 2^ o o g lO ■^ ro ro ■^ lO (N ^ to Tt^ -^g O 00 ^ H s S B S e c £ ,=1 r-H O ci3 (M c o lO lo o «^ t^ o ^-H »— 1 '"' rtttJ n H o 'be .s — tn "rt ■§ -M cn tn o ^ .y u cd flj CO £ o a a; _cw n o S O In O '1 S 2 c tn o < C ^ en p^ OJ u> tn (/5 ^ -Q O *c 03 - O rt Q, ■• to (U -C o £ 3 O 2 < < CQ pq m PQ u u u U U O O 1 C (H o w *J .s '5 'a tf) ^ (L) ■^ CO > O 0} «) 4_) ^ CO e CO ^ 3 'g ^ ^ o; ^ «-M (C CO 1 c 1 ^ cd cd .o < 5 .''i u U- a O l-l UJ •3 N c 1) OQ tM 67 SYRUPS FOR FRUITS General Rule: — 3 parts sugar to 2 parts water. Thin syrup. Heat the above to boiling point. Medium syrup. Boil the above 3 minutes. Thick syrup. Boil the above 6 minutes. EXAMPLES:— Thin syrup — peaches, pears, apples. Medium syrup — blackberries, raspberries, sweet - cherries. Thick syrup— gooseberries, currants, sour cherries. The density of the syrup to be used depends on the taste of the family. Many families prefer medium syrup for all fruits except currants and sour cherries which always require thick syrup. Some fruits may be canned without sugar using water in place of syrup, the sugar being added to taste v/hen fruit is opened. The flavor is not as good, however as when syrup is used. 68 SPECIALS CANNED CORN Cut com from cobs, scraping out all the milk from cobs. Add water to cover and boil 12 ms. Pack in jars with Y2 tsp. salt and sugar to each quart. Boil the cobs in water to partly cover and use this liquid to fill jars to overflowing. Partially seal jars and cook 1 hour as all cold-pack vegetables. TOMATO MINCE MEAT 8 qts green tomatoes 8 qts apples 5 lbs sugar 2 lbs chopped raisins 1 c suet or drippings 3 tbsp salt 1 c vinegar 2 tbsp cinnamon 2 tbsp clove 1 nutmeg Chop tomatoes, drain, scald for 10 ms. in water to partly cover and drain again. Add apples, dropped, not pared, and all ingredients. Cook till tomato is about the color of the raisins and the apple is very soft. Put into jars and seal while very hot. CRANBERRY SAUCE 1 qt cranberries 2 c water 1 c AirlinE honey 2 tbsp cornstarch yi tsp soda I Put berries, water and soda in saucepan. Bring to boiling point. Pour off this water and add Y^ c fresh boiling water. Cook 10 ms. Strain, reheat, add honey and cornstarch (mixed in 34 c more cold water.) Cook 15 ms. Remove from range and cool. 69 JELLIES AND JAMS APRICOT PRUNE JAM 25 prunes 25 apricots 1 c sugar Cover with cold water. Soak over night. Then cook till very soft. Mash sHghtly, add sugar, slowly cook till dissolved and quite dry. CARROT MARMALADE 2 cooked carrots 4 c sugar 2 lemons Wash and scrape the carrots and cook in boiling water until tender. Drain and put through the meat- chopper. Add the juice and grated rinds of the lemons, and the sugar. Cook slowly about half an hour or until the consistency of marmalade. This quantity will fill six jelly-glasses. It tastes like a fine orange marma- lade. KARO APPLE JELLY Juice 2 parts Sugar 1 }i Crystal White Karo % In apple jelly use juice and sugar in the above pro- portion, instead of equal amount of sugar. CRANBERRY JELLY 2 qts cranberries 1 qt water Boil ten minutes, and strain in vegetable strainer. Measure and add one-half the measurement of sugar to juice and pulp. Boil ten minutes. Pour into tum- blers and add wax when cold and set. BAR-LE-DUC CURRANTS Wash and stem white or red currants. Use equal weights of fruit and strained honey. When honey is hot, add fruit; simmer four hours. Skim out the fruit and put in small tumblers and cook syrup until thick, then fill glasses. Cover when cold with white paper and wax. Fruit may be seeded but this is much work. 70 APPLE BUTTER Slice 4 lemons, cover with water and let stand over night. In morning put into kettle with 8 lbs. apples, pared, cored and sliced. Cook 1 hr. Add 3 lbs. sugar. Cook slowly with frequent stirring 1| hrs. or till of proper consistency. Pack while hot into sterilized jars and cook by cold pack method in hot water outfit 10 ms. This last cooking in hot water outfit may be omitted and jars sealed with paraffine, but if followed to assure the keeping and not molding of the butter, it is best. APPLE AND CRANBERRY JELLY 1 pk apples 1 qt cranberries Cook separately till soft with small amount of water. Strain, combine juices and boil 20 ms add | as much more sugar as juice. Boil tell it jells. 71 DRYING OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES As a feature of food conservation the drying of vegetables and fruits is now recommended "because large quantities may be stored in a small space and in inexpensive receptacles. Products otherwise wasted may be saved for winter use. This is most practical for the house where a root cellar and vegetable closets are not feasible in which to store fresh winter vegetables. THREE METHODS OF DRYING 1. Sun drying. 2. Drying by artificial heat. 3. Drying by air and air-blast, (as an electric fan). All methods require time and the large water con- tent of the product must be thoroughly dried out, then before using, with a long soaking (12 to 24 hrs) this is replaced. Sun drying is many times unsatisfactory because of the uncertainty of weather conditions. Artificial heat drying is satisfactory in an oven in which heat, can be controlled (gas or electric) and the temperature should be 110 degrees F. when work is started, and increased to 140 degrees, never over 150. Product is placed on large baking sheets and time required will vary from 3 to 7 hrs. Homemade driers or racks with low-wooden sides and fine wire bottoms are often suspended above a wood or coal range and this temperature of 120-140 degrees thus obtained. Commercial driers may be purchased and their di- rections followed. When the third method is employed products are put on trays or racks so placed as to allow good air circulation and with an electric fan the average time required, is about 24 hrs. 72 Often the methods are combined, and sun and air both used, or, again, partly dried with heat and finished with air method. In all cases complete dry- ing is necessary. To test, place the dried product in jar or box for storage and with it a crisp cracker. After 12 hrs. remove cracker and if not still crisp the presence of moisture is shown and drying must be continued be- fore storing fruit or vegetables. Shell beans, com and peas are the vegetables and apples, peaches and berries the fruits most success- fully treated by drying methods and most practical in either country or city homes. 73 INDEX A Apple Pudding 23 American Chop Suey 25 Apples and Raisins 37 Aunt Betsy Cake 49 Apple Sauce Cake 50 Apple Custard Pudding... 55 Apple Sago 57 Apple Butter 71 Apple and Cranberry Jelly. 71 B Baked Banana Salad 47 Baked Bananas 35 Baked Bean Rarebit 33 Baked Bean Soup 34 Baked Brown Bread 12 Baked Cheese Fondu 32 Baked Eggs au Gratin 29 Baked Fish Carleton 28 Baked Rice and Meat 25 Baked Rice Pudding 22 Baked Samp 39 Baked Squash 43 Baked Whiting Fish 27 Banana and Fruit Salad... 35 Barley Bread 10 Barley Molasses Cookies... 62 Barley Scones 18 Barley Soup 41 Barley Sponge Cake 51 Barley-le-duc Currants... 70 Bean and Turnip PufCs. ... 44 Bean Sausage 34 Bean Soup 41 Beef Loaf 24 Boiled Cheese Fondu 32 Bran Bread 8 Bran Cookies 19 Bran Muffins 13 Bread Crumb Bread 9 Bread Omelet 29 Brown Sugar Sauce 58 Butter Scotch 60 C Canned Corn 69 Carrot Marmalade 70 Celery au Gratin 43 Celery Sauce 46 Celery Toast 45 Cheese Fondu 31 Cheese Fondu 39 Cheese Gingerbread 51 Cheese Omelet 29 Cheese Toast 31 Chocolate Cake 51 Chocolate Crackers 60 Chocolate Pudding 53 Cocoanut Cream 56 Chocolate Souffle 55 Cod Roll 27 Cold Pack Canning 65 Cold Rice Pudding 57 Combination Muffins 14 Corn and Egg Souffle 30 Corn and Potato Loaf 44 Corn Bread 8 Corn Bread (Quick) 12 Corn Cheese Souffle 32 Corn Chowder 40 Corn Dodgers . 17 Corn Fritters 45 Corn Griddle Cakes 16 Corn Meal Mush 16 Corn Meal Mush with Cheese 16 Corn Meal Pudding 54 Corn Mush Bread 9 Corn Omelet 30 Corn Pudding 22 Corn Ramekins 42 Corn Toast 15 Corn Yeast Rolls 11 Cornstarch Cookies 19 Cottage Cheese 61 Cottage Pudding 54 Cottonseed Flour Bread... 9 Crab Souffle 28 Cranberry Jelly 70 Cranberry Sauce 69 Cream Chicken Salad 48 Cream Sago Soup 41 Cream Salad Dressing 47 Cream Tomato Sauce 46 Creamed Eggs 29 Creamed Fish 26 Creamed Potatoes 45 Creamy Raisin Pudding. . . 56 Crumb Griddle Cakes 16 D Date Custards 54 Date Muffins 13 Date Pudding- 21 Dried Apple Sauce 37 Dried Beef with Hominy.. 25 Dried Peas with Rice 34 Dutch Stew 24 E Egg-less Muffins 13 English Stew with Barley. 41 Entire Wheat Biscuits 18 Entire Wheat Bread 8 Epicurean Finnan Haddie. 27 Elscalloped Potatoes 42 F Fig Pudding 21 Fruit Brown Betty 23 Fruit Compote 37 Fruit Corn Muffins 15 Fruit Delight 37 Fruit Cornstarch Pudding. 53 Fruit Layer Cake 50 Fruit Paste 50 Fruit Salad 47 Fruit Sauce 58 Fruit Souffle 36 Fruit Spanish Cream 54 G Ginger Corn Cookies 20 Graham Biscuits 18 Graham Bread 8 Graham Muffins 61 Graham Squares 17 H Halibut Steak 28 Home-made Baking Powder 51 Hominy Drop Gems 14 Honey Bread Pudding. ... 52 Honey Cornstarch Pudding 56 Honey Custards 53 Honey Drop Cakes 19 Honey Nut Squares 19 Honey Sauce 58 Honey Soft Custard 52 Honeyed Apples 36 Hungarian Goulash 25 I Indian Salad 48 Irish Stew 24 Italian Hash 25 Italian Risotto 38 J Jellied Fish 28 Jellied Prunes 36 K Karo Apple Jelly 70 Ketchup Sauce 46 L. Ladv Cabbage 44 Lentil Rolls 44 Lentil Soup 34 Liberty Breads 8 Liquid Sauce 58 M Macaroni Rarebit 31 ISIacaroni with Chicken... 24 Maple Balls 59 Maple Blanc mange 53 Maple Custards 53 Maple Fondant 59 Maple Sauce 58 Maple Sponge 57 Maple Syrup Cakes 14 Maple Walnut Tapioca. ... 55 Mayonnaise Dressing 47 Mexican Rarebit 31 Milk Sauce 46 Minnesota Bread 11 Mocha Cake 49 Mock Cream 58 Molasses Cookies 20 Moulded Fish 26 N Newton Tapioca 21 Norwegian Prune Pudding- 55 Nut and Cheese Loaf 31 Nut and Rice Loaf 35 Nut Bread 12 Nut Bread 61 O Oatmeal Biscuits 18 Oatmeal Bread 9 Oatmeal Buns 15 Oatmeal Cakes 50 Oatmeal Macaroons 20 Oatmeal Muffins 13 Oatmeal Pudding 23 Oatmeal Soup 40 Oyster Pie 28 p Panned Fish 26 Peanut Butter and Spa- g-hetti 45 Peanut Butter Bread 12 Peanut Butter Cookies.... 20 Peanut Butter Soup 41 Peanut Cookies 19 Pimento Roast 33 Pineapple Dainties 56 Planked Fish 26 Plum Pudding- 22 Pop Corn Balls 59 Pop Corn Pudding- 22 Pop Corn Squares 59 Pop-overs 18 Potato Bread 10 Potato Buns 15 Potato Corn MufRns 15 Potato Timbales 42 Pressed Beans and Sausag-e 33 Prune and Nut Bread 9 Prune Apricot Jam 70 Prune Honey Pudding- 55 a Quick Raisin Bread 12 R Raisin and Peanut Paste. . 60 Raisin Bread 61 Raisin Fruit Salad 35 Raspberry Samp 52 Rice and Eg-g- Souffle 30 Rice Bread 10 Rice Crisps 17 Rice Flour Bread 10 Rice Muffins 14 Rice Omelet 30 Rice Pudding- 56 Rice Waffles 17 Rolled Fruit Cookies 20 Roman Meal Bread 8 Rye Bread 8 S Salmon with Peanuts 36 Salt Fish Chowder 26 Salted Peanuts 60 Samp with Cheese 39 Savory Rice 38 Shortcakes 22 Soubise Sauce 46 Sour Cream Dressing- 62 Sour Milk Brown Bread... 62 Sour Milk Ging-erbr.ead 62 Southern Spoon Bread 12 Sour Milk Griddle Cakes.. 62 Soy Bean Cutlets 33 Spanish Codfish 27 Spanish Rice 38 Spice Cake 62 Spider Corn Bread 14 Split Pea Soup 34 Sponge Ging-erbread 50 Squash Custards 43 Steamed Carrot Pudding-... 23 Steamed Graham Bread... 61 Steamed Graham Pudding-. 21 Steamed Sag-o Pudding-. ... 57 Stuffed Baked Potatoes . . 42 Stuffed Onions 4:^ Stuffed Pepper Cases 43 Stuffed Tomatoes 42 T Tapioca Pudding- 54 Thick Molasses Cookies... 20 Tomato Cakes 44 Tomato Jelly 48 Tomato Mince Meat 69 Tomato Rarebit 32 Tomato Sauce 46 Tomato Toast 45 Tuna Loaf 27 V Veg-etable Hash 44 Veg-etable Nut Loaf 35 Virginia Samp 38 W War Cake 49 Wheatless Muffins 15 White Corn Bread 11 Y Yeast Breads 7 Mazola - the oil from Corn - showing house- wives new and better ways of preparing food The necessity for saving animal fats - butter lard, suet - and the scarcity of olive oil, have opened up an entirely new field for American cooking. Today thousands of housewives are using Mazola for frying, sauteing, shortening and salad dressings - not onlybecause it comes from an edible vegetable source (Indian Corn) and is so wonderfully economical - but because it is showing the way to more delicate, more wholesome food. Send for the Mazola book of proven recipes - free - upon request. CORN PRODUCTS REFINING CO. 17 Battery Place New York CHOICE HOUSE FURNISHINGS Foreign and Domestic MOULDS of Copper, Tin and China. Caseroles, Salad or Lettuce Crispers, Mayonnaise Blenders, Cook's Knives, Pallet Knives, Holly Cookine Spoons, Cutters for vegetables. Pastry, etc. Ramekins, Mush- room Dishes, Fireless Cookers, Plate Warmers, Break- fast Warmers. Coffee Machines. MAGIC COVERS FOR PASTRY Brushes Aluminum Ware Wooden Ware Copper Ware Tin Ware Enamel Ware Fireplace Furnishings, Andirons, Fenders, Fire Sets, Brushes, and Bellow^s. Institutions, Hotel, and Hospital Supplies. B. F. MACY Importer — ^Wholesale — Retail 410 Boylston St. 203 Providence St. Near Berkeley BOSTON, MASS. From Flower, to Bee, to You AirlinE ABSOLUTELY MONEY ^^^^ Honey for the Children LIBERTY CANDIES Honey Caramels 2 cups AirlinE Honey 1 square Baker's chocolate 1 cup chopped nuts 1 teaspoon vanilla Boil the honey and chocolate shaved fine until it makes a hard ball (260 degrees), remove from fire, stir until it thickens, add the vanilla and chopped nuts and pour into a buttered, shallow pan to cool. When nearly cold mark into squares. Honey for Cooking PUMPKIN PIES 1 c stewed and sifted pumpkin 1 teaspoon salt 2-3 cup AirlinE honey 1 teaspoon ginger 1 egg 1 teaspoon cinnamon 2 teaspoons flour 13^2 cups sweet milk Blend the pumpkin and honey, beat in the egg, mix the spices, flour, and salt with a little of the milk, and add, and then stir in the rest of the milk. Bake in a crust made of K part cornmeal. THE A. I. ROOT COMPANY MEDINA, OHIO "The Home of the Honey Bees" Getting the Best of a Bean You, as a user of Vanilla Extract, know that there are some kinds that flavor better and go fur- ther than others. You know that the size of the bottle is of no importance. It is Strength and Flavor of what's inside. MINER'S VANILLA EXTRACT goes fur- ther in use than most others. It is made from the best Vanilla Bean grown. It has undergone a process of ageing in wood, which gives it that smooth, mellow flavor. Taste it, and then taste others. That is all we ask. Sent anywhere by Post, prepaid, upon receipt of price, 50 cts. for a 4 oz. bottle. THE TOILETINE COMPANY, GREENFIELD, MASS. Used and recommended by Carolyn Putnam W^ebber Prof Lewis B. Allen, Westfield, Pure Food Expert, says ''your extracts are certainly above the average". •^EQ'STERED THP^OC t^^^^ A HIGHER STANDARD THAN THE BOSTON MARKET HAS AFFORDED FOR OVER 20 YEARS Tested, approved and being sen ed in many of the finest Hotels of Boston and New England, among which are the Somerset, the Copley- Plaza, the Hemenway, also the Great White Fleet of the United Fruit Company. Exclusive agencies in New England tow ns are being arranged for as rapidly as possible. Until such arrangements have been made in your section you are invited to obtain your supply ' from us direct by Parcel Post. Enclose 40 cents for one pound, with name and full address. CLARK & MacKUSICK CO., BOSTON COFFEE MERCHANTS EXCLUSIVELY Carelessness is Costly Particular People ask for SLADE'S SPICES for they are best and go farthest Grocers will Supply you D. & L. SLADE CO. BOSTON CAROLYN PUTNAM WEBBER Teacher of Cooker}^ Lecturer - Dietetics and Home Economics Bedford, Massachusetts -*• FOR WAR DISHES Dromedary Dates and Cocoanut combine food value and flavor, Use them frequently in war-time breads, salads and sugar-saving desserts. D romedary War-Time Recipe Book Free on Request THE HILLS BROTHERS CO. NEW YORK Manufacturers also of Dromedary Instant Tapioca LIBRARY CONGRESS