PS 3158 .M2 P6 1891 Copy 1 I I ■////// ', ^mRiGPtn \ \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ©|a^S?_^l^iTg]^fo Shelf.'...:.!. UNITED STATKS OF AMERICA. THE AMERICAN EPIC. A CONCISE SCENIC HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. \ ^^C/V^v-W BY A CITIZEN OF NASHVILLE. I Printed for the Author. Publishing House of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Barbee & Smith, Agents, Nashville, Tenn. 1891. .\A/^^b THE AMERICAN EPIC. AGAINST SECTIONAL HATRED, IN FAVOR OF TRUTH, JUSTICE, LOVE, AND FEDERAL UNITY. Tlie facts, events, and scenes of The American Epic are ar- ranged in chronological order fiom March 10, 1764, to October 1, 181)0. The characters speaking are angels and demons, including: Angels. Demons. Michael, Abdiel, Satan, Mars, Gabriel, ZOPHIEL, Baal, AZAZEL, UZZIEL, Zephon, Moloch, Sera PIS, Ithuriel, ISRAFIEL, Mammon, Belial, Raphael, Zadkiel, Belus, ASMODEUS, AZARIAS, Ariel. ClIEMOSH, AZRAEL. COPYIMUIIT, 1890. CONTENTS. BOOK FIRST.— 1764-1766. Pace Britain from Julius Caesar to George III.— William Pitt— Grenville — The Stamp Act — America a Greater Britain — Jamestown the Nursery of American Piety and Civiliza- tion— New England's Enterprise— Virginia's Burgesses the Firat American Legislature — All the Colonies Aroused 5 BOOK SECOND.— 1766-1773. Satan's Soliloquy— Pitt Prime Minister— Gets Sick— The Boston Massacre — Royal Piety— Death of AVhitefield 21 BOOK THIRD.— 1773-1776. Chatham is "Junius"— Boston's Tea Party— The Boston Port Bill— Virginia Fasts— The South Feeds Boston- Gage Inclosed by a Human Wall— Dunmore Driven Out of Virginia— Battle of Lexington— Battle of Bunker L[ill — British Driven from Boston— Declaration of Independ- ence — French Offers of Arms, Ammunition, Money 44 BOOK FOURTH.— 1776-1783. Revolutionary Battles from Long Island to Yorktown — Suf- ferings at Valley Forge — Plots Against Washington — Ar- nold's Treason — French Co-operate at Savannah— At Yorktown— Peace — Washington Resigns His Command. . 69 BOOK FIFTH.— 1787-1811. Constitutional Convention — No Power to Coerce States — Virginia Convention Disturbed by a Storm While Henry Speaks— A Tribunate of States Desirable— The Bargain between New England, Georgia, and the Caroiinas — "Washington Inaugurated — Satan's Scheme for War Be- tween the States— Jay's Treaty— Adams President— War with France— Alien and Sedition Laws— Jefferson Pres- ident — Louisiana Purchased— The Embargo— John Hen- ry and New England — Madison President 90 BOOK SIXTH.— 1811-1829. War — Battles from Tippecanoe to New Orleans— Hartford Convention — Peace — An International Court to Prevent War— Monroe President — Missouri Compromise — Florida Purchased— Texas Given Away— J. Q. Adams President —A High Tariff— Lafayette's Visit— Tariff Higher 115 (3) 4 CONTENTS. BOOK SEVENTH.— 1829-18G0. page Jackson President— A Gradual Eeduction of the Tariff— A^an Biiren's Ascendency — Battle of San Jacinto — Van Bu- ren President— Slade's Petitions against Slavery — Satan's Boast — Harrison President — Tyler President — Texas to Be Annexed— The Magnetic Telegraph — l*olk President — Mexico Makes War — Is Conquered — Much of It An- nexed — A Tariff for Revenue— (iold Discovered — Taylor President — Fillmore President — Clay's Compromise — Pierce President — Satan's Cyclone — Buchanan President — The Dred Scott Decision — John Brown at Harper's Fer- ry — Historic Discussion of Slavery 133 BOOK EIGHTH.— 1860-1862. South Carolina Secedes — Argument on the Folly of Seces- sion — On the Right to Secede — No Troops to Coerce States — A Nation's Immorality — Argument on the Nature of the Union — Lincoln President— Battles from Fort Sumter to Fredericksburg— Criticisms on Generals 158 BOOK NINTH —1862-1864. Battles from Fredericksburg to Nashville — Death of Stone- wall Jackson — The Nortli Goes to the Bosom of John Brown — Onward and Skyward at Lookout — John H. Mor- gan — Georgians Banished from Their Homes as Chero- kees Were — Argument against Arson — Naval Conflicts. . . 181 BOOK TENTH.— 1864-1868. Bachman Ill-treated by Sherman's Hell-hounds— Richmond Keeping the Sabbath— Ford's Theater — Johnson Presi- dent — Davis a Vicarious Sufferer — Right or Wrong of Sla- very—The Guilty— Retribution— Cruel Treatment of Pres- ident Davis — Johnson Impeached — Alaska Acquired — Fire in Chicago— Boston — The North-west— Retribution- Black Friday— Tweed— Credit Mobilier— Grant President. 229 BOOK ELEVENTH.— 1876-1885. Centennial Exhibition— Pittsburg Railroad Riots— Argu- ment on Arson — On Labor and Capital — Taxation— Fi- nance, etc. — Hayes President — Garfield President — Death of Garfield— Arthur President— Burial of Emerson — The- ological Arguments 229 BOOK TWELFTH.— 1885-1890. Cleveland President — Reform in Civil Service — Discover- ies and Inventions — Burial of Grant — Harrison President — Michael's Sublime Visions of America's Future — Satan's Threats and Predictions — Politics — Enrich the Poor Without Impoverishing the Rich 255 THE flMERICHN EPIC BOOK FIRST. Scene: Westminster Abbey. Time, early mominr/, March II, 1764. Michael and Gabriel approach each other. Gabriel. Hail, faithful leader of the heavenly hoot.j! My loving comrade since creation's dawn! At thy approach bright days of early years Come tripping lightly from the silent shades, Flitting with airy tread o'er memory's paths. In their light footsteps comes the grand array, The princely pomp, the brief magnificence Of hoary nations that then claimed our care. They rose, they flourished, fell, and are but dnst. Michael. These are the tombs of kings and iamoiis men ; Fortune's most flattered fav'rites molder here. This is ambition's goal. Here ends the race ' For wealth, for power, for ftime's green laurel-wreath. Here human greatness shows its littleness, And earthly glory ends in sordid dust. Gabriel. Yes, Michael; guilty greatness has no dreams Of heav'nly joy to cheer the sleep of death. Hope holds no vigils where the wicked rest. They will not wake to everlasting bliss, ]S"or stand approved before the Judge of all. Michael. To men this place is ancient. In its gloom The ghosts of solemn centuries seem near. To us 'twas but last week or yesterday That Julius Ca>sar first to Britain came, AVith conqu'ring legions to subdue its tribes And to great Rome's vast cmjnro add their home. (5) 6 THE AMEUICAN EPIC. Gabriel. Trno, Michael ; but since then Teutonic hordes, Danes, Scandinavians, and Scots, and Picts, And cruel Norman conquerors, have slain Unnumbered thousa^ids here, and fertilized Their fruitful fields with blood. Yes, blood has flowed 111 copious streams through dreary centuries Of fratricidal strife. War's iron hoof, Tj-ampling on civil law, has crushed in dust All sacred human rights; with impious tread Profaned all holy places. Peace perished. Peligion hid in humble cottage homes. Where heavenly light still glimmered mid the gloom. Justice was outraged — fled beyond the seas. And bleeding freedom followed in her train. The hand of industry was paralyzed. The wheels of progress clogged. Art lanj^uishcd, AYhile star-eyed science, shuddering and dismayed, Took refuge in far-distant Moslem lands. Michael. But now how changed ! These happy islanders Shed no fraternal blood. Justice protects All classes : the prince, the peer, the peasant. Law, liberty, and love enthrone themselves In hearts that thrill with joyous gratitude. Pcligion kindles pure celestial fires In princely palaces, in humble homes, In gorgeous temples, and in darksome mines. Her hymns of praise ring grandly through the land, And float toward heaven on every breeze that blows. Britannia's watery walls, by hearts of oak Well guarded, give calm security to Peaceful homes against all foreign nations. A native king sits on her royal throne, And hurls defiance at her every foe. lie wields his scepter over distant lands In all earth's continents. Fair, fertile isles Of all the sunny seas obey his laws. In widening streams w^ealth from the Indies flows To fill his coffers and extend his sw^ay. This busy London, central mart of trade, Most active ant-hill of the human nice, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 8 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Outgrows all cities earth has ever seen. In days to come so great will be its growth That Paris, Pekin, Sankin, Jeddo, Eomc, Might all be piled in splendor on its plains, Lost in the pomp of its magnificence. How wonderful this little island world ! Gabriel. Michael, thy wisely spoken, truthful words Befit the tongue of one who long has watched The rise and fall of empires. But yesterday Bhnd folly aimed a blow at human rights, That soon shall echo loudly round the world. If I forecast aright, 'twill break the tics That bind Americans to England's throne, And la}^ in rightful, honest principles The firm foundations of a government Better than earth has ever known before. Its peaceful flag shall float triumphantly O'er sea and land through all the hemisphere Columbus found by sailing westwardly. This mighty nation, now in embryo, Shall be a " Greater Britain," which in time. By the attraction of its excellence, Shall draw admiring millions to its shores. And neighb'ring nations to its kind embrace. Till myriads of enlightened freemen join To honor law and banish tyranny. Michael. Gabriel,why should not Britain still hold sway, Guiding America with gentle hand Through peaceful paths to glory and renown ? Why should they not munificently m^rch Together, scattering blessings round the world ? Gabriel. Michael, they should, but selfishness forbids; Few self-centered fosterlings of hell May yet involve two continents in war, And rend the grandest empire under heaven. This nation had for its Prime Minister Wise Ayilliam Pitt. His statesmanship Made no mistakes. 'Twas such as wo behold PITT S ADMINISTRATION. In saintly Daniel at the Persian court. He found his country fleeing from her foes, To he the prey of harpies in her home; Corruption's vermin in her ulcers fed; No hand was raised to Iiolp her in distress. He to her rescue rushed to bring relief, ALFRED THE GREAT. And heal the fest'ring wounds from which she bled. The venal fiictions fled before his frown, The cringing courtiers from his shadow shrunk. His patriot voice called heroes, and they came, To marshal armies and command his fleets, Giving him victories on land and sea. 10 THE AMERICAN EPIC. He brought the nation to the highest pitch Of unexampled grandeur and renown, And would have held the vantage he had gained Had not the youthful king, by Satan moved. Dismissed the minister whose mighty mind O'ershadowed royalty and with strong hand Heroically saved country and king From self-inflicted ruin and distress. Then came the pressing need of untold wealth To settle debts, and meet the urgent claims Of bold, insatiate, fawning favorites. Commerce with open hand would have paid Pitt All needed revenues, trusting his plans To pay her back again a thousand-fold, By fost'ring trade in cv'ry distant mart; But blund'ring imbeciles are in his place. Grenville proposes awkward robbery, And through the Parliament asserts a right To tax the colonists without consent. Not merely once a year, but ev'ry hour Of ev'ry busy day, the Stamp act taunts, And aggravates the honest man it robs. 'Twill hound him through the avenues of trade, Track him to legal courts with steady step, Intrude upon his happy nuptial hours, Pursue him to his solemn death-bed scene, Nor let him will his fortune to his heirs, Without this sad humiliating sign Of his own degradation in the act. Let us away to climes beyond the waves And watch the storms that rend this mighty State. Michael. Gabriel, not now. I go at duty's call To distant Asia, where Britannia's flag Floats o'er the sunny shores of Hindostan. It now protects the selfish sons of trade, But in the happier days of years to come One-third of Asia's children shall with joy Serve the Lord Jesus under its broad folds. A year from now that western hemisphere Shall claim attention through its vast extent. THE AMERICAN CONTINENT. 11 I will examine it from pole to pole, And from the centers of surrounding seas, On what day shall we meet? and at what place? Gabriel. Let us meet May the first, and at the place "Where the first British settlement began. Till then, farewell. But who are these we see Moving so orderly at early dawn ? Michael. 'Tis the two Wesleys and their followers, Going to worship God at break of day. These arc the servants of the Lord. Farewell. Scene: Jamestown, Va., May 1, 1765, at sunrise. Gabriel and Michael approach. Gabriel. Hail, Michael, of created princes chief! Please tell thy thoughts of this grand continent. And the great nation that shall flourish here. Michael. Gabriel, since last we met, this hemisphere Has been my constant study. I have seen Its boundless oceans, fertile isles, vast lakes, Broad bays, safe harbors, long peninsulas Its lofty mountains; rich, productive vales; Its wide savannas, decked in Eden's bloom; Its tow'ring forests, lifting giant arms To prop the clouds and draw their moisture down On fruitful plains, where plenty ever smiles. Here bounteous nature gathers ample stores To feast her ev'ry tribe that treads the ground, Or cleaves the ambient air on buoyant wing, Or glides in glory through the sparkling waves. With steadfast gaze I've watched where rippling rills On lofty mountains m the frozen north Make pathways for themselves through frowning rocks, To seek the company of limpid streams. That hasten to unite with rivulets. That gently moving claim companionship With grand, majestic rivers on their march T' assuage the burning thirst of sunny climes. Intensely interested, I have traced The mountain ranges that direct the course 12 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Of healthful currents of the atmosphere. I've seen the arctic icebergs moving down, To meet the genial warmth of tropic streams, And lave these favored shores with waves of health. The earth, the air, the w^aters teem w^ith food; Exhaustless mines of ore lift up the hills. Inviting industry to gather wealth. Internal commerce may be limitless, And claim with ease the commerce of the world. Earth's grandest seat of empire here is found. Tell me, dear G-abriel, of the men who claim This happy land and its encircling seas. Gabriel. Michael, the swarthy tribes Columbus found, Self-doomed, seem swiftly journeying to death. The white man's vices, added to their own, Hurry them downward into gaping graves. Yet a small remnant may be saved by grace. Pitt, in his day of power, subdued the French. Spain, trembling, saw her colonies submit, And must have yielded all, if England's king Had not dismissed his mighty minister. But Spain decays, and England's son]s hold sway. Here is the spot where English piety First claimed this hemisphere for the most high. Here liberty and law came hand in hand To plant an Eden in the wilderness. Here hol}^ faith and hope and love and truth And lofty honor firm foundations laid For a great nation ; noblest, grandest, best Known to the world through all its centuries. Beligion here lit her first altar fires. Built her first temple on this continent. Where English hearts might worship the Great God. Here Western savages bowed suppliant knees, And meekly claimed the Saviour as their own. From this bright spot went forth with joyous smiles All human excellences, leading on All Christian graces to exalt mankind. In their fair footsteps rose on every hand Such habitations as the angels love. VIIiGINTANS BRING RELIGION, 13 Having for inmates earth's most noble men, And women loveliest of all the race. From these have sprung the principles and men That are to govern this delightful land. What think you of our nascent nation now? Michael. Gabriel, I am most hopeful of its growth In all that God approves and men admire, But lead me now where I myself may see The rock on which the Plymouth pilgrims stood When they first landed in America. Was it not there that English liberty First found a home upon this continent, And English Protestants first worshijied God? Gabriel. Michael, 'tis so reported, but not so. That far-famed rock defies the howling storms That beat in fury on New England's coast, Five hundred miles away, far to the north. I knew that earth and hell had long proclaimed That Plymouth Eock was freedom's natal home, And pure religion's earliest cradle-bed. But marvel much if Heav'n has been deceived! 'Twas not in heaven that you were so informed ? I knew it could not be. Such history May have been taught at Harvard or at Yale. Those grand old schools where wise men of the East Proclaim New England's glory and renown, May have taught this so long, so heartily That they believe it in their inmost souls; But long before the Pilgrim Fathers left The muddy shore of Holland Eobert Hunt And his co-laborers had worshiped God And planted churches in this colony. Where prayer and praise and God's most holy word Drew forth the inmates of a thousand homes Whene'er a Sabbath brought relief from toil. Such happy homes earth never saw before. Jn them religion wore no scowling frown, But sweetly told of love and hope and joy, While smiles of God lit with celestial rays 14 THE AMERICAN El'IC. The glowing face of hospitality, Who stood with open door and beck'ning hand, While plenty welcomed every joyful guest. These pioneers of English liberty, These missionaries of the faith of Christ, Had founded Churches, opened courts of law; By vote had chosen representatives To the first Legislature of the West, Established civil liberty, and won Their Indian neighbors for the Lord before The famous Ma^-tiower sailed across the deep. Michael. Then it was not on famous Plymouth Eock Eeligion, liberty, and civil law Began their grand career in Western wilds ? Gabriel. No, Michael ; but permit me now to say All honor to the men of Plymouth Rock ! New England has no need of stolen fame. Ten thousand glories sparkle on her brow. Fame's greenest laurels bend above her head. Her restless industry, inventive skill, And boundless enterprise have made a world Pay tribute at her gates. Her busy hand Planted a fair and fruitful paradise, Where barren rocks and sterile sands Frowned on a stormy coast. In distant seas She sought and found rich floating mines of wealth; Transferred the yellow treasure to her ships. And bore it safely to her busy ports. All coming generations of her sons Shall sing her well-earned praises through the world. But in this sisterhood of colonies Are others high in honor and renown. Fair Georgia, youngest of the family. Was nurtured in the lap of piety. Is heir of Oglethorpe's heroic zeal. Of Whitefield's eloquence, and Wesley's prayers. The Carolinas, wise, polite, and brave, Blend Huguenot and Scotch and English blood. New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland, ANCESTORS OF AMERICANS, 15 In all the Christian virtues panoplied, Eepose in loveliness by their broad bays. Great Pennsylvania grows rich and strong With Grerman industry and Quaker thrift. New York can boast the brave and valiant blood That drove the Spaniards from the Netherlands. These embryonic States draw vital force, Hereditary virtues, and the strength Of Christian principles from numerous lines Of grand old ancestors. Here meet and join The Norman, Saxon, Celt, the Cavalier, The Covenanter, Roundhead, and the Welsh; French Huguenots, brave Irishmen and Swedes, Heroic Poles, Swiss, Germans, Hollanders — All sons of liberty in union joined. Abdiel approaches and addresses Michael and Gabriel. Abdiel. Hail, holy princes of the hosts of God! To meet you here gives unexpected joy: Your presence fills all places wilh delight. At your approach all anxious cares depart, Gay smiles irradiate the cheeks of time. And make them glow with dimpled, youthful charms, While gleeful gladness sports with playful hours. But now your presence is most opportune : I need instruction and enlightenment On great events transpiring in this land. Portentous gloom seems gathering around, As if preceding mighty earthquake throes. Alarming rumblings break upon the ear, And startling tremors shake the solid ground. Throughout the north, excitement rules the hour. The Stamp act rouses men to mutiny. Here order reigns. These people live at ease; In quiet dignity they dwell at home. They have no grievances to madden them. Hereditary hatreds they have not. They are the favored subjects of their king, His " Old Dominion " is their lovely land. If they demand, the vStamp act perishes, And mild conciliation rules around. 16 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Ilapp}', unselfish, prosperous, polite. They have not hastily provoked the king; And on a simple question of finance Would freely grant him more than he would ask; But on a point of honor or of right Their indignation flashes into wrath. They know their rights, and, brave in their defense, Would meet defiantly a world in arms; Or, moved by sympathy for other men, Their gushing blood may flow in plenteous streams. This day Yii-ginia's House of Burgesses Convenes at Williamsburg in high debate. Ithuriel went thither yesterday To witness the proceedings of the day. Gabriel. Let us go now to see what they will do, And listen to the matchless orators. Scene : A street in Williamsburg. Afternoon of May 1, 1765. Ithu- EiEL meeting Michael, Gabriel, and Abdiel. Ithuriel. Comrades, I greet you with intense delight. The legislators of this colony Have tilled us with astonishment to-day. Your wisdom may inform my ignorance On the great themes discussed by statesmen here. The House of Burgesses denies the right Of Parliament to tax the colonies. They boldly and defiantly demand That the most odious Stamp act be repealed. One of their orators made such a speech As shook the ground beneath King Grcorge's throne, And startled nations by its mighty force. Men shuddered as they heard the brave man say "Ca>sar his Brutus had, and Charles the First His Cromwell, and George the Third " — then treason Rang out loudly on the air. Defiant Stood the orator to say : " George the Third May profit by their fate." Then scornfully: " If that be treason, make the most of it." In former times such fearless words as these VIRGINIA 'S MA TCHL ESS S TA TESMEN, 17 Took off the heads of those who uttered them ; But now they bring the hope of better days. You are too late to hear their great men speak, But see, they come this way. What men they are! Eome never had in her heroic times A Senate such as this. Britannia's lords Arc dwarfed by these great statesmen of the West. There is George Wythe, and Eichard Henry Lee, George Nicholas, and Edmund Pendleton, John Eandolph, Peyton Eandolph, Colonel Bland, And Carter Braxton ; and there the hero Of the present hour, bold Patrick Henry, Orator unequaled, whose thunder tones Shake kingdoms and arouse a wond'ring world. And there George Washington, grandest of men. Behold that tall, slim youth, thoughtful and grave, Too young to be a burgess at this time. That's Thomas Jefferson, whose honored name Shall echo through the ages as the friend Of equal rights against all tyranny. And there are others worthy of all praise. Ye sapient leaders of angelic hosts. Toll us what mean these movements of mankind? Will God forsake and turn against King George? Will Britain ftxU like Babylon or Eome ? Will God raise up a nation on these shores? Michael. God will not utterly forsake the king And the great country over which he rules, But they will lose these prosp'rous colonies — Just retribution for their many sins Against their brethren of this Western world. God will raise up a nation on these shores, And give to it the half of this round world. The western hemisphere shall bo its home, But all mankind shall gladden in its smile. Humiliation is proud Albion's doom. But God has wondrous work for her to do. She and these daughters she so rashly spurns Shall long stand side by side in truth's defense, And bless the world with Christian principles. 2 18 THE AMEBIC AN EPIC. Gabriel. Comrades, what has been witnessed here to-day Begins a union of these colonies. The cities have been ringing muffled bells, Mourning for liberty by Britain slain. The Congress at JS'ew York with potent voice Shall call her back to life, and bid mankind liejoicing gather to enjoy her smile. Till then we part to go where duty calls. Scene: Trinity Church-yard, Broadway, New York, by moonlif/ht, December 31-January I, 17GG. Gabriel, Ithukiel, Abdiel, Uz- ziEL. A clock strikes twelve. Gabriel. Another year has passed. Its hanty steps Have left deep foot-prints upon Time's rough road, Its busy hands have forged enduring links For destiny's bright chain, binding with gold In loving union these rich colonies. Its voice has roused the sons of liberty From Southern Georgia to the coasts of Maine. Ithuriel. Brave Patrick Ilenrj^, in Virginia's name, First hurled defiance at the robber hosts Of venal lords and commons and their king. Millions, responding to his thunder tones, Caused quailing minions of despotic greed, Though backed by Britain's might and majesty, To throw up their commissions, and with haste Forsake the hateful ways of infamy. Uzziel. Here in New York the craven officer Gave to the city council his vile stamps. Thus do the people triumph o'er the king. Abdiel. Gabriel, what next ? Shall war with cruel hand Spread desolation o'er this AVestern world ? Gabriel. Abdiel, not yet ; this law will be repealed, And but for stubborn pride and selfish greed A happy reconcilement might take place. King George means to be better than he is. If he could be a private citizen, He would appear to be a model saint, A Christian gentleman to bo admired. GOOD AND BAD IN KING GEORGE, 19 He frowns on vice, is honest, truthful, chaste. Hates war, aims not at conquests, loves England ; But he thinks a kiug must rule : a king must Be obeyed, must overawe his subjects. AVith this in view, he bi'owbeats wiser men, And those he cannot frighten tries to buy. He thinks men have their price and are for sale, From basest menials up through ev'ry rank. 'Tis even whispered he will try to buy, With a poor, paltry earldom and kind words. Great William Pitt, the grandest of mankind. The king spends thirty millions annually Buying white free-born native Englishmen. That he may have more money to buy men, Inflicts the slave trade on his colonies, Tramples on law and right and common sense By taxing those he has no right to tax. The venal Parliament, like cringing slaves. Wait on his royal will for smiles, for wealth, For titles, honors, and for offices. The vilest of them all have English pride; With fancied self-sufficiency look down On all who were not born on English ground. The wealthy nobles may not sell themselves For filthy lucre, payable in coin ; But if a farthing added to their tax Would save from ruin a whole continent. They would resist it to the last extreme, JSTor pay a copper till the law com2)elled. The laborer may toil in agony. Till bloody sweat breaks forth from every pore; Taxes may kill him if they may escape. What if the Hindoos starve, the negroes sink < Beneath old ocean's waves, in frontier homes Fair women lose their scalps, so Britain's wealth. Her glory, and renown be the result ? Ahdiel. Gabriel, there must be better men than these. Or Sodom's fate would overwhelm the land. Gabriel. Yes, Abdiel, there are thousands who believe In God, in Christ, in Christian principles ; 20 THE AMERICAN EPIC. But most of these so idolize their king, Their Parliament, and their own native land, That all who dare resist them are despised. The few true friends the colonies can claim, They count upon the fingers of a man. Pitt, Shelburne, Conway, Barre, and Oglethorpe, With Burke and Camden faintly following, Compriye the names that dare to sympathize. Unthinking miUions live and toil and die, Leaving their offspring following in their steps. Such is the best of human governments. Is it not time a better should arise ? Ahdiel. Yes, Gabriel, this broad wilderness shall bloom, And this shall be the grandest of all lands. God sifted Europe for the best of seed, To plant a nation he will own and bless. All human excellences here^hall meet Under divinest blessings from on high. Earth shall behold with wonder and delight And holy angels guard its happy homes. Let us depart each to his proper work. But see the j^atriots Jay and Livingston ! They've watched the old year out, the new year in. BOOK SECOND. Scene: GamhrelVs Hill, Richmond, Va., March 1, 17GG. Satan's ^Soliloquy. Satan. Remorse ! remorse ! remorse ! Fierce, horrible, Insatiate liarpy preying upon guilt. But why should I repine ? My pride forbids The useless whispering of vain, regrets. If penitence could plead, 'twould plead in vain. Euined ! doomed ! damned ! Despairing agony Drives hence all thoughts of possible Relief Even forge tfuln ess flies far, On swiftest wing, from writhing wretchedness; Pours no Lethean drop into the cup Of sinful anguish. She strews no restful Down o'er sleepless beds of sin's sad victims. Helpless! Undone forever! Bound in the Galling chains of ever black'ning darkness. Unceasing torment is my dreadful doom, And fearful looking for of fiery wrath. Just retribution ! I was first to sin. Such scenes as this, earth's fairest, brightest, best, Most comforting, give no surcease of pain. These wooded heights and this majestic stream Remind me of my days of innocence And heavenly landscapes I shall see no more. These dear, delightful homes, the blest abodes Of Adam's noblest offspring, recall to Fond and mournful memory, the blissful joys That waited on God's angel children When first they woke to life, to light, to love On the bright morning of their natal day. Peace walks the earth in smiling loveliness; And plenty, tri])ping lightly in her steps. Thrills human hearts with rapturous delight. (21) 22 THt: AMERICAN EPIC. Religion, science, industry combine To elevtite the families of men, That they may ghidden in the smile of God, While on my vitals pent-up furies prey. Britannia sways her scepter o'er the seas, And steps from land to land in majesty, Triumphant over all her ancient foes. They seek her fj'iendship as they dread her might. All Europe sits admiring at her feet. Old Asia rests supinely vv^ith her sons, Amid the hoary ruins of all time, In meek submission taking on the yoke Of these her latest, noblest conquerors; While helpless Africa with outstretched arms Sees from her dusky bosom her dark brood Snatched by the ruthless hand of crucU}', That Britain and New England may grow rich By trading rum for servile sons of Hani. 'Tis true the slave trade flourishes, And feasts the hungry sharks on filthy flesh Of dead and dying negroes. But ages Of most hopeless degradation have doomed The race to end in cruel deaths, lives of Despairing agony. No chance or change Makes their condition worse than that of their Long line of barb'rous ancestors. Indeed, These kindly, careful, Christian mistresses Have so emparadised their happy slaves That I must seek new marts in Orient lands For this nefarious human merchandise, Or my malicious schemes to eternize The woes of Africans will counteract My own most wily plans. The savage tribes That tread the Western wilds live peaceably. There's not a wigwam home or warlike chief But owns the potent spell of England's name. These peaceful times hang heavily upon My restless energies. The trifling sins By which the common herd of men insult Their God and wrong their fellow-men require No care of mine. I must have war. AYith war CONDITION OF ASIA AND EUROPE, 23 Comes all that God forbids, all man can do To injure and degrade the human race. Enter Baal, Azazel, and Mammon. All hail! my trusted, wise compeere; all hail! What of your conflicts with the hateful race Whose misery so long has been our sport ? Speak, Baal, tell us of your worthy deeds. Baal. I have been ranging through the courts of kings And other rulers of the Orient. The tycoon still permits no intercourse Between Japan and hated foreigners. Old China, with a third of all the race. Excludes outside barbarians from her shores. Their presence would, she thinks, pollute the soil Of her celestial, central, flowery land. But rulers and their subjects all are ours, Japan and China wear our weighty chains: No voice disputes our long-established sway. The shah of Persia sees his realms decay, Submits to destiny without a sigh. So of the Turkish sultan and the sons Of Saracenic chiefs in Hindostan. The thrones of Moslem rulers tottering. And gilded scepters dropping from weak hands, Foretoken revolutions soon to come. CHve and his English merchants with strong hands Lay helpless India bleeding at their feet; But all are ours, the conq'rors and their slaves. . . Satan. Now, Azazel, let us hear your report. Azazel. I have been watching Europe. Cossack hordes Only await lascivious Cath'rine's word To arm by millions as she sends them foi'th To devastate and conquer neighb'ring lands. This huge despotic empire, like some vast Avalanche, throws its cold shadow over Two continents, threat'ning to fall upon And crush the shudd'ring nations all around. Great Frederick baflles all of Prussia's foes. 24 THE AMEBIC AN EPIC. Defeats have shown him paths to victoiy. He triumphs over kings and emperors. Fair Italy, still fettered, languishes In Austria's baleful shadow. The pontiff, Triple crowned and doubly throned on seven hills, Sits like an incubus on half the world. The Kings of Spain and France degenerate. No thoughts of statesmanship stir their dull brains. These worthless sons of Henry of Navarre Live only for their lusts and appetites. The Portuguese, the petty German States, Swiss, Belgians, Hollanders, Poles, Danes, and Swedes, Eequire no comments here. But Choiseul At St. Cloud watches the English closely. Hoping to see their colonies detached And lost forever to the British crown. To you, O leader of our busy hosts, I must report the writings of Rousseau, Yoltaire, and other authors less conspicuous. These work a silent revolution in The minds of readers, tending to o'erthrow All confidence in God, in priest, in kings, And human government. Unbridled hists Cast off all decency, all fear of God In those who follow these admired men. They sugar-coat or gild their mental pills With science, art, and literary taste, And schemes for elevating all mankind. Their inspiration must have come from you. Our sapient chief, or they could not have been So wondrous shrewd in helping our designs. I leave their books to you. Let Mammon speak. Satan. But suffer me to say that subjects, kings, And literati all belong to us. Yes, Mammon, I committed to your care Your clients of New England and their king, With questions of taxation and finance. You have for ages had your sovereign will Without constraint from me. I trust you still. Proceed with your report. We wait to hear. DISCONTEWT OF COLONISTS. i5 Mammon. Two years have passed since Grenvillle moved the king And Parhament to tax Americans By what is called the Stamp act. Discontent Mutters and growls in every colony, As if twould bite the hand stretched out to seize Its treasured hoards. Lawyers and merchants prate Of rights and robberies, and other threats Of stern resistance to tyrannic power. They say the stam})s shall not be introduced, Nor even offered to indignant men. A wordy warfare everywhere prevails: All men expectant wait for bloody deeds. Satan. Mammon, enough of words. I want not words, But manly forms writhing in agony: I must have war to rouse my intellect And gratify malignant, fiendish hate. But how? The nations dread Britannia's pow'r. They fear to strike the mistress of the sea. King George and all his cabinet love peace. They have the strength to conquer half a world, But live at ease and most ingloriously Turn from the priceless prizes they could grasji. They will not even strike these colonists. Whose upstart boldness calls for chastisement, But prate of England's glory, her renown, Her king's prerogatives, her Parliament, Its right to tax, and how, and when, and whom. Meanwhile, by their neglect the world grows rich, The nations prosper, while earth's myriad homes Gather about them all that gladdens life. I must have war to revel in its sins. To gloat upon the miseries of men. I'll have it. These colonists are cautious: For them we wait in vain. They shed no blood. Comrades, we cross the ocean. In London Meet mo two weeks fi'om to-day. Be promptly In the House of Commons then, to make them Execute our wrathful plans of carnage. Lord Botetourt, Virginia's Governor, Is drawing near, taking his daily walk. 26 THE amer:can epic. Scene : Interior of the House of Commons. March 18, 1766, Enter Satan, Baal, Azazel, Mammon, Belial. Satan. Welcome, my worthy friends 1 What news have you From his most stubborn Majesty, Kinc; George? Or from his Majesty's subservient tools. The Cabinet, the Commons, and the Lords ? What of the Stamp act? Will it be repealed? Or v/ill resistless armies subjugate Defiant and rebellious colonists ? Baal Pacific measures suit the monarch's whim. He now proposes to repeal the Act, While Pitt, ennobled and made Earl of Chatham, Becomes Prime Minister and rules in j^eace. Satan. This must not be. 'Twould thwart our crafty plans. And crown the king with loving gratitude More glorious far than royal diadem Or glitt'ring gems in an imperial crown. 'Twould span the ocean with a bow of hope, Bright'ning with beauty two broad continents. Pitt must not dominate the Cabinet. His august presence and imperious will Would awe the king, contro-1 the ministry, Restrain the Parliament, and paralyze All the mischievous fiictions of the realm. His potent voice would hush the raging storms That shake the firm foundations of the throne, Threat'ning to crush both law and liberty. Aza;::el. The colonists would hail him as their friend, And help him to save England from herself Mammon. He at the helm would steer the ship of state To peaceful ports, and gather boundless wealth From ev'ry clime beneath the shining sun. Satan. 'Tis this I would prevent. Please tell me how. Belial. His tender toes shall feel a cruel twinge Of agonizing gout. He shall not sleep. Pi2T STOOPS TO AN EARLDOM. 27 I'll shatter all his nerves, disturb his brain, And lay him on his bed in helplessness. Then his subordinates, to please the king, May tax the colonists till discontent Shall ripen to rebellion and to war. Meanwhile, to keep Americans enraged. The venal Parliament shall claim the right To tax them as it wills in any case, And in all cases whatsoever rule. So hatred shall burn on with bright'ning blaze. Satan. I thank you, Belial ; your plan shall be mine. Let us depart. To Mammon we will leave The wordy worthies of the Parliament. He knows the current price of each in gold. In empty honors, or in offices. King George, with thirty millions, year by year, Still trades in men, in high-born Englishmen: All slaves to Mammon, under his control. There enters Tovvnshend, and there William Pitt. After to-night, Pitt in the House of Lords Stoops to an earldom and a servant's place. Come, trusty comrades, let us now retire. Scene : Windsor Castle, Jane 29, 1767. Satan, Baal, Azazel, Mam- mon, Belus. Satan. Companions of my grandeur and my toils, Heirs of dominions broad and limitless, Immortal monarchs of immensity. All empires, kingdoms, principalities Fade into insignificance before Th' expanding grandeur and magnificence Of our unequaled, glorious domains. Here is the palace of an earthly king, Clothed in the robes of human royalty, Enthroned and sceptered, ruling over men Of four great continents with sovereign sway. Among the sons of men his pow'r is great, But compared with ours less than a glow-worm's To the noonday sun's refulgent splendor. ' GEOIiGE LVEnY INCH A KING. 29 Bdus. lie owns more hiiid, but is not luilf »o great As my old Babylonian worshipers, Nor are his palaces so grand as theirs. Satan. Baal, you need not boast of Syria's kings, But tell me how your crafty plans succeed. Baal. When Chatham was again Prime Minister, I feared the Xi^rj worst that could occur To counteract our bold, malignant schemes. I counterworked, with wonderful success, His efforts to secure some potent friends And allies in the north. Choiseul, of France, Outwitted the great man, which made him sick. His king distrusted him, and only wished To use him to humiliate the lords. The people loved the simple name of Pitt. When the great commoner became an earl, I taught them to be very lauch displeased ; But wh(Mi the odious Stamp act was repealed. The colonists gave honors to his name. Charleston set u]) his statue, and the king Shared in great Chatham's poj^ularity. New York set up his image, made of lead, But the soft metal can be turned to shot, For firing at his Majesty's dragoons. The cabinet, with Chatham to direct, AV^ould have conciliated colonists. But the great earl went groaning to his couch, WMth shattered nerves and restless, aching head. George then, indeed, was ev'ry inch a king; King of his lords, commons, and colonists; And of his meek, subservient ministers. The lion-hearted earl might from his lair Growl, or roar loudly in impotent rage; The meaner beasts desjn'sed his helplessness. The royal kennel holds no yelpin/2: cur. No snapping mastiff to disturb the king: All faAvn upon their master. At his will They go or come, and his broad collar wear. The unregrcttcd absence of their chief 30 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Leaves domineering Townshciid to hold sway. Ciunden and Shelburn, Conway, Kockingham, And even pious Dartmouth yield to him. Impulsive, bold, quick, eloquent, and proud, I've used him for my fiendish ]>urposes, So as to tax tea, paper, paints, and glass. Satan. Aha ! aha ! King George shall quickly find Thorns in the bed of roses where he rests. Taxation soon shall change the gleeful tunes Now sung by grateful colonists to threats Of fearful vengeance against tyranny. TiiO smallest tax will rouse indignant men To stern resistance and to bloody deeds. Speak, Mammon, let us hear what you have done. Mammon. I have stirred up the colonists to strife About the right of Parliament to bind Them and their children through all time to come. The greedy courtiers, and the lords of trade. And all the vulgar herd wdio toil for wealth, I have so worked upon that to their eyes The dazzling brightness of a golden coin Outshines the noonday radiance of the sun. They'll sell their souls and heav'nly hopes for gold. Satan. Azazel, what report have you to make? Azazel. I have inflated with such pride the king That to himself he's higher than the heavens And mightiest of all created ones. His wisdom's infinite, his right supreme. His smile can gladden earth and gild the sky. He's prouder far than all the Eastern kings. Craving your pardon : " Proud as Lucifer." The old nobility I've so puffed up That vain, hereditary honors seem Superior to all inherent worth. All excellences that belong to man. Their smallest ancient privilege overrides The most important rights of other men. For them and theirs they judge the world was made. TROOPS IN- BOSTON. 31 Old England's literati I have moved To dip in gall the keenest of their pens. T' asperse the colonists with bitter words. From old Sam Johnson to young Hannah More, They all agree to hate Americans. AVhen some explosive spark shall kindle war, All classes here will blaze with wrathful flames. Satan. Comrades, our schemes work well. If Chat- ham lives And is restored to health, ho will not stoop To bandy idle words with such colleagues, Nor condescend to serve a king whose smile Ap2:)roves bold Townshend's base, unfaithful act, By which his gifted premier was betrayed. This hateful Tax bill soon must separate The statesman from both king and cabinet. When the insulted great man shall withdraw, Grenville and Townshend's mercenary plans Will banish peace and send forth horrid war To walk the earth with murder in his train. King George, Queen Charlotte, and their royal babes Come this way, walking toward their place of prayer. Let us depart, and cross old ocean's waves. Scene: Boston, near Faneuil Ildl, October 1, 1768. Satax, TJaks, Mammon, Belial. Martial music, soldiers marching. Mars. Hark! hark! That music falls upon my car Like martial sounds from ancient centuries. It wakes within me the mysterious joy With which 1 led old Nimrod from the chase Of fierce, wild beasts to that of fiercer men. I hear the measured tread of the well-drilled. Whose glorious trade is sanguinary war. Yes, here they march. That steady tramp recalls The grand achievements of the mighty men To whom I'gavo the conquering millions Of earth's early times. In memory's view Their gorgeous standards float above the heads Of empire builders going forth to war. ^ 32 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Satan, what enemies has Britain hero Demanding such a warlike armament? Satan. This will make foes of peaceful citizens: All signs are ominous of bloody war. Ours is the task to hurry on the fight. I shall exult to see the storm come down With lightning flashes from briirht bayonets, And deep-toned thunder from the cannon's mouth ; To see red torrents of warm, flowing blood, And hear war's music in the groans of men. To me, 'twas worth ten thousand years in hell To witness one such battle at Blenheim. War's flashes gild with transitory beams The ever deep'ning darkuess of my chains. Mammon, what news have you about the tax, The troops, the discontent, the threats of war ? Mammon. The people will not bear taxation now; They will not nse an article that's taxed. They all make common cause against the right Of Parliament to tax Americans. They use as emblems of their unity, Sacred and true, the strength of banded sticks. Soldiers at New York, in a time of piece, Asked for support froui those they came to enslave. This was refused. The right to legislate Was theu withdrawn from the defiant men. From north to south the country was iucensed. Indignant j^eople talked of human rights Existing ere a human law was made; Of sacred rights, God-given; and above Thrones, Legislatures, and judicial courts Bold Samuel Adams even dared to speak Of independence as the people's right. The tools of tyranny became alarmed ; They asked for soldiers to protect themselves Against the unarmed friends of liberty. Belial. Dairy mple came with two full regiments. Next month t^yo more will come to join them there. TROOPS DEMAND QUARTERS. 33 Each soldier that we sec has sixteen rounds Of deadly ammunition to discharge. In bold bravado they march proudly here With glitt'ring bayonets, as if to probe The heart of Boston with their shining steel. Dalrymple, in his red coat, comes this way. Followed by Samuel Adams, freedom's friend. Satan. The people are insulted by demands For quarters and provisions for the troops That come to undermine their liberty. 'Twill not be long till folly yields its fruit In mad rebellion and in bloody war. Let us depart and wait expectantly. Scene: Boston Common, by moonlight, March 4, 1770. Enter Satan, Baal, Molocu, Mammon, Belial, Serapis, Map.s. Satan. Princes, potentates, powers! trusted, true! I seek your counsel as in league with me Against the hateful millions of mankind. The nations still are tranquil. Earth pours forth Her plenteous harvest in the lap of peace, And joyful myriads walk in flow'ry paths. Ingloriously we sit ; while envy, hate. And malice prey upon us. Kings, courtiers. Statesmen, I in vain have tried ; and wasted Upon worthless demagogues wise counsels. Now let your wisdom charm my list'ning ear, And teach me how to banish peace from men. Speak, Baal, let us hear what you propose. Baal. I still tempt men to war against the Lord, And bring his righteous judgments on themselves. Their sufferings then fill me with great delight. Satan. Moloch, my friend, say, what do you advise? Moloch. With horrid superstitions is my work, My myriad victims perish day by day Along the banks of Congo, Kiger, Nile, The Indus, Ganges, and the Iloang Ho ; 3 34 THE AMERICAN EPIC. But Europe treats my counsels with disdain. No emperor, nor sultan, nor the king Of France or Spain or Naples listens now With satisfaction to the cries of j^ain And shrieks of anguish wrung from tortured men By superstition racked. Even the pope Seems to be wearied with the human groans That tell how worse than useless is the task That cruelly constrains all men to say That they will think, speak, and believe alike. Mammon, report ; say, what do you advise ? Mammon. I tempt the covetous : king, cabinet, Lords, commons, and old England's populace Combine to madden and provoke to war The colonists, who all are covetous. By persevering efforts in this lino 'Twill not be long until they fight like dogs. Satan. You once were active, ancient vScrapis, Worshiped by millions on the banks of Nile. Serapis. Nor am I idle now, my worthy chief. The mighty Mississippi owned my sway. When a vile Spanish tyrant, moved by me, Slaughtered in cold blood the republicans Who tried self-government at New Orleans. I'll watch the lowlands. Spaniards led by mo Became oppressors of the Netherlands. Satan. Mars, what have you to say ? What have you done? Mars. I've seen Lord Chatham, full of lofty pride, Besign his place in the king's cabinet; Witnessed the death of Townshend ; seen Lord North Become Prime Minister to please the king. In England stupid weaklings now bear rule, While in the colonies the wisest guide. I saw Yirginia's House of Burgesses, With dignity and unanimity. By formal resolutions take the lead, boston's snowy robes bloody, 35 Declaring that they never would be taxed But by their own expressed authority. Nor should their fellow-citizens be tried But by a jury of the vicinage, JS'or should a tyrant's troops be quartered there. The other colonies fall into line, Hoping to crown union with liberty. I have done nothing but await events. Satan. I have grown weary waiting for events. The king sends ammunition, soldiers, ships; Talks threat'ningly, but hangs no traitor chief. The colonists resolve, defy, make threats; Talk bravely, but carefully do nothing. Belial, 'tis yours to strike the spark that soon Shall kindle blazing flames of horrid war. These troops are not all quiet, peaceful saints, Nor all these people meek as Moses was. In spite of learning, pride, and piety, Boston still breeds among her citizens Certain lewd fellows of the baser sort, True sons of Belial, ready to your hand. Can you not artfully stir up your sons To silly actions and provoking words, By which to enrage the rash, impatient troops Till British lead stains Boston's streets with blood Drawn from the veins of yankee patriots ? Then will King Greorge be called a murderer, And those who fall martyrs of liberty. What say you, Belial? Can the work be done ? Belial. Yes, mighty chief, it can. To-morrow night Shall see bright moonbeams playing on earth's robes Of snow-white purity, stained red with streams Of flowing human gore. Will that sufiice? Satan. Yes, Belial, let the work of death begin. 'Twill fill all hearts with hatred and revenge, Providing for long years of bloody war. My trusty friends, let us be here to see, And duly honor Belial for success. 36 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Scene: Boston sidewalk near the court-house, March 5, 1770. Five bleeding bodies are in sight. Cries of agony are heard from un- seen wounded men being carried away. Raphael, Zepiion, Zo- piiiEL, Ariel. Ariel. Why all this flowing blood ? The virgin snow Is red with crimson blushes. On the air Comes agonizing cries, startling and sad, Filling the night with horror, j^romising A gloomy morning full of sighs and tears. Who killed these men? And why? Say, Eaphael What dreadful crime caused this grave tragedy? Raphael. The guilt of these rash murders, Ariel, Eests first on Satan, author of all sin. He stirs the hatreds that provoke fierce wars: His restless malice has been working here. I^ext, on the king and his Prime Minister. 'Tis shared in part by selfish governors. Whose cowardice led them to ask for troops ; In part by Capt. Preston and his men; In part, by sons of Belial on the street. The thoughtful people feared such scenes as this, And longed to see the regiments removed. To-night the rabble, with insulting words, Pressed on a sentinel; he called for help. His comrades were defied, insulted, struck. Sticks, stones, snow, rubbish flying thick and fast, Provoked the soldiery to desp'rate deeds. One fell, another had his gun knocked up; They heard themselves called lobsters, cowards, knaves, Eogues, villains, dastards, slaves who did not dare To use their weapons in their own defense. Then came the fatal order. At the flash, Guilty and innocent together fell. The dead and dying and the soldiery Who fired the fatal shots that laid them low Were quite too ignorant to understand Or know the cause of their most cruel strife. Untaught in ethics, law, or statesmanship. These slaves of blind resentment shoot, or fall; Yet this dark deed may sever all the ties liOrAL I'lETY. 37 That bind these States to England and her king, May make of the best people in the workl Most bitter enemies, though now thej^'rc friends. But there are Warren, Otis, and a crowd Of most indignant, irate citizens. They understand the questions in disjiute. They say a freeman taxed without consent Is but a milder name for robbery. They will pay taxes levied by themselves Or their own chosen representatives. No act of Parliament shall confiscate The property that they have earned and saved. It was no act of Parliament that sent Their brave forefathers to this distant land. The settlers came as freemen. Protected By the common law of England and all The muniments of British liberty, They claimed their birthright as inherited. True to old England, loyal to their king,. They took up arms and freely^shed their blood For Britain's glory and her king's domains; With their own money fed and clothed themselves. So long as Britons found a foe to fight. Their sons will freely fight for Britain still, But not be driv'n as mercenary slaves. They say to quarter soldiers in this town In time of peace is cruel tyranny, An insult and an outrage and a farce. Ending to-night in bloody tragedy. Zophiel. How unexpected this has been to me! 'Tis but a few short years since with delight I gazed admiringly on Britain's king And on his dutiful and pious queen. The old abuses and disgraceful sins, Brought o'er the sea from Hanover, had ceased; No more was heard the drunken revelry, The oaths profane, the vulgar, ribald jests, Nor seen th' outrageous, brazen harlotry That long disgraced the royal palaces. The king and queen bowed to the King of kings, 38 THE AMERICAN EPIC, Most humbly and devoutly worshiping;; While multitudes, by their example led, Paid meek devotion to the Lord most high. The royal children, early taught to pray. Won ev'ry heart that saw their loveliness. All holy angels loved to linger near, And wait upon the bhssful heirs of life. From the home circle of chaste royalty Virtue and decency walked forth to bless Millions with holy, conjugal delights. In the pure homes of people of all ranks. Zeplion. I saw the fine arts yield to royalty Their grateful homage and obedience, And imitate the chaste and decent court. Handel and Haydn sent sublimest strains Of heav'nly music ringing round the world. Obscenity and folly fled away From halls of music, pure and undefilcd. Reynolds and West to glowing canvas gave, In fairest features and most perfect forms. The grandest charms of manhood's majesty, And beauty's blooming loveliness unveiled, Yet brought no burning blush to virtue's cheek. From heathen haunts and pagan practices. The muse of poetry turned quite away, With chaste and lofty thoughts and ringing words T' inspire Johnson and Goldsmith, Beattie, Gray, and Cowper. To good Charles Wesley gave Songs fit for seraphs near th' eternal throne. That charm the car, that thrill and melt the heart. Inspire devotion, till the classic muse Goes singing like a modest Methodist, To win for Christ the millions of mankind. Great Chatham was the king's Prime Minister, Who drove domestic discord from the land, And gave his monarch thrones in loyal hearts. Prosperity and loyalty and love. With gleeful gladness, hand in hand rejoiced. All foreign foes were vanquished and in peace. The savac:o Indians of the western wilds TAXATION AND BLOOD. 39 Most gladly owned King George's sovereignty. "They buried tomahawks and scalping-knives, And planted over them the tree of peace." Th' uncounted millions of old Asia's sons Began to seek protection 'neath his flag. Far distant lands and isles of cv'ry sea Waited for England's colonies and laws; But now disorder reigns. Red-handed war, With gory banners, frights the trembling land. Please tell me, Raphael, why this mournful change? Baphael. Zephon, this melancholy change has sprung From stubborn pride and greedy selfishness. When Pitt had laid the world at Britain's feet, The cost of such great triumphs must be paid. The question was, by whom? Wise statesmanship Could see broad streams of richest revenues Deep'ning their channels toward the treasury; But Pitt no longer ruled the prosp'rous land. Unlawful taxes laid on colonists. Instead of lawful taxes on themselves, Was what the king and cabinet proposed. This roused the colonists. From bad to worse The government has gone. To-night we see Most bloody fruits of selfish arrogance. The full, red harvest ripens rapidly. And fearful retribution marches on To 2:)unish Britain's pride and eelfishress. Scene : Front of John Street Church, New York, with Trinity Church in view by moonlight, October 5, 1770. Raphael, Ariel, Uzziel, Zephon. Raphael. The snowy robes of Boston stained with blood Of slaughtered citizens in peaceful times Drew forth our sympathies when last we met. Since then, where have you ministered? what seen? Ariel. The dwellings of the saints have been my care. I have seen many Eastern colonists, Have watched their struggles, helped them in distress. 40 THE AMERICAN EPIC, And poured celestial comforts into hearts That throbbing sunk in hopeless agony. My latest most delightful work has been By Whitefield's death-bed, and with his freed soul, His escort to the paradise of God. With work well done he rested from his toils, And like a weary child he fell asleep, Not taking time to talk of works or grace. Friends watched his latest hours, and gently laid His mortal body near the sacred desk From which he loved to tell of saving grace. Two continents seem orphaned by his death; Their wailing lamentations now are heard. Please tell me of your labors and your cares. Raphael. The Southern sea-coasts I have visited, From far Savannah to the Chesapeake Thousands whose burning brows have felt my touch Drive off the fever fiend, and heal the wounds His fiery feet had made, rejoice to-day; And thousands more, cast down by many cares, Now lift their heads in Christian cheerfulness. Zephon, report what you have seen and done. Zephon. Along the deep, broad rivers of the AYcst, I've sought the hunters of the wilderness And carried comfort to their rude, rough home::,; But I beheld in Western Maryland A sight so grand 'tis worth reporting here. 'Twas in a frontier cabin. Death approached And called its brave defender to depart. The husband, father, neighbor said farewell To weeping loved ones whom he soon must leave; Then, with a shout of triumph over death, Set his firm foot upon the tyrant's neck, And with ecstatic rapture passed away To endless life, forever with the Lord. Three days of solemn, joyful mourning passed, And holy men took up their comrade's corpse. No bell was counting out his years below; But through the grand old woods rung out such sounds A CHRISTIANAS BUHIAL. 41 As none but Christ's most holy ones could raise. Such thrilling tones, pathetic and sublime, So full of gracious fervor, could not spring From voices that had not been tuned by grace. Slowly, with measured, reverential steps, The train moved onward to the Christian's grave, Still bravely singing in heroic lays The song triumphant of victorious faith: "Eejoice for a brother deceased; Our loss is his infinite gain; A soul out of prison released, And freed from his bodily chain: With songs let us follow his flight, And mount with his spirit above. Escaped to the mansions of light, And lodged in the Eden of love." Ariel. Please tell us more about those singing saints Who thus defy the keenest darts of death, And raise glad shouts of vict'ry o'er the grave. Uzziel. Ten years ago, there came to Maryland An Irishman, of lowly, humble birth. But being " born again" — born from above — Though poor in purse, was very rich in faith. This child of God — heir of immensity — Has called mankind to share his heritage. Heeding his invitation with delight. His humble neighbors sought like precious faith, Are children of their God in very deed. Crowned with divinest honor, wealth, and power. Death owns his conquerors in such as these. When Eobert Strawbridge, called of God to preach, Asked for a license under Wesley's hand, 'Twas not believed that such a man could lay The broad foundations of the greatest Church Known to this Western world for centuries To come. But so it Avas. In the same year. Two other families of the same faith Came from the same green isle and landed here. Six years of modest diffidence passed by, 42 THE AMERICAN EPIC. While secret prayers ascended from their hearts. Then others came to join the holy band. Erave Barbara Heck moved Philip Embury To preach the gospel to these emigrants. At first a few, then crowds came out to hear. Soon Captain Webb came down from Albany, True soldier of the cross, with sword in hand, In his red regimentals gayly clad, ROBERT STRAWBRIDGE. Entered the pulpit, hiid at Jesus' feet The glittering steel, and with a giant's strength Wielded the Holy Spirit's two-edged sword. " This lowly, humble temple is the place Where these religious people meet to-night. And yet another, worthy of all praise. Has come to join them in their loving work. ANGELS AXD SAINTS, 4.3 He goes to wave the blazing torch of truth Where it first flashed upon this continent, Held in the hands of Hunt and Whitaker, Assisted by the greatest of John vSmiths. 'Tis Eobert Williams. He's Virginia's owr See at his side young Francis Asbury, Destined to lead the hosts of Methodism : CAl'TAIxN WEBB. And there is Embury, here Barbara Heck, The noblest of them all. There Captain Webb, Who lost an eye while fighting gallantly When Wolfe fell, crowned with vict'ry, at Quebec. Let us go in and worship with them here. BOOK THIRD. Scene : Heights of Richmond, April 2, 1773. Michael, Gabriel, Ithueiel. Gabriel. Hail, prince of our angelic brotherhood, Guardian of empires and great statesmen's guide, This day Yirginia's burgesses have crowned, With unexampled glory and renown. This noblest of all noble commonwealths ; With reverential love and lofty pride They led their young majestic mother forth. Blooming and fair, in beauteous gracefulness, To hold her bright, impenetrable shield Between her trembling sisters and their foe. This must be "freedom's home or glory's grave." No room is found for craven dastards here. Michael. Gabriel, your admiration is deserved; I share it with you. But a selfish world Oft takes advantage of the generous. The time may come when those she now defends AVill, quite forgetful of all gratitude, Trample upon the compact made by States, And gather millions from the teeming North To subjugate this little, lovely town, Or sweep creation for a hireling host, To lay Yirginia's beauty in the dust. Ithuriel. In such a case her stalwart sons would fight As men in armies never fought before. Her fairest fields they'd fertilize with blood, And send swift retribution on her foes. But I forbear to scan futurity. Foreknowledge does not now belong to us: 'Tis with the present that wo have to do. (44) CHATHAM WAS " JUNIUS.'' 45 This latest action taken here to-day Will unify and organize defense. The colonists in constant intercourse Will act in concert to resist all wrongs, Or, possibly, for independence strike. The busy printing-press gives active aid To those defending civil liberty. The "Farmer's Letters" by John Dickinson, Pour floods of light upon the public mind. And teach great truths in a most winning way. Ahdiel. The pen of Junius, " keen and dipped in gall," Punctures abuses most relentlessly. Eut why does he conceal his skillful hand ? Who is he ? What is his own proper name ? Gabriel. Abdiel, opinions differ as to that. I only give you mine for what it's worth. One man alone can use such forceful words: But one in reputation's rich enough To be so prodigal of fame as not To claim the honor of such authorship. But one knew all the secrets he reveals, While mercilessly lashing ministers And even his most gracious Majesty. One man, and only one, could feel — could make His burning words express — sucli lofty pride, Such grand, imperious, disdainful scorn Of high-born littleness in seats of power. That man is Chatham. "Junius" did not write Till after Chatham left the cabinet. The sick man's comforts, his domestic joys. His social rank were chains of gratitude He could not break, though duty sternly called For patriot toils to save a sinking State. Even the great man's title then j^roclaimed His deep indebtedness to George the Third. The unknown "Junius" gave the unfettered strength Of Pitt's unequaled genius to mankind To save them from the follies of the times. The more completely to conceal his hand 46 THE AMERICAN EPIC. He praised himself. So, of necessity, " Junius " must rest in Chatham's honored grave. Michael. Among these gifted backwoods burgesses Are men whose honored names shall soon outshine Illustrious Chatham's on the list of fame; WILLIAM PITT, EARL OF CHATHAM. And one, the peerless name of Washington, Shall stand confessed the highest of mankind. Behold ! The noblest of the human race! Scene: Boston, in front of the old South Church, at night, Dccemhcr 15, 1773. Satan, Belial, Azazel. Satan to Belial. My trusty friend, I need your services. This question of taxation, simplified, Turns now on tea alone. The Parliament BOSTON .TEA PARTY. 47 And king bid the obedient merchants send Cheap tea to tempt weak colonists to buy. Charleston, New York, and Phihidelphia Have kept the tempting leaves from cheerful homes ; But Hutchinson, to enrich his selfish sons, Would gladly give Bostonians all they want. Mammon delights to help the covetous. He would not have a single leaf destroyed. To you I therefore come. What can you do? Belial. To-morrow night the citizens meet hero To talk of grievances and remedies. I will bring fifty of my chosen sons, Arrayed as Indians, to destroy the tea. The crowd shall follow us to Griffin's Wharf; We'll seize the tea and throw it in the dock. This great "tea party" long shall be renowned. The king, intoxicated with its fumes, Shall loose his dogs of war against this town, And wreak his vengeance on its citizens. Azazel. Will that bring on the war so much desired. Or Boston be the only sufferer? Satan. We can but try it. Here to-morrow night We come to witness Belial's great success. Scene: Boston, in front of the old South Church, at night, December 16, 1773. Satan and Azazel approach. Satan. Ho ! Belial, where are now your fifty men ? Belial. Satan, they restless sit amid the crowd. Waiting our signal to begin their work. Satan. Belial, give them the expected signal now. Belial. Satan, that's all arranged and understood: There's one within who will attend to that. Come with me now to Griffin's Wharf before The crowd comes rushing and the fray begins. Scene: Griffin's Wharf. Belial to Satan and Azazel. Step with me on this elevated spot. Whence we can sec destructive w^ork go on. 48 THE AMERICAN EPIC. The war-whoop sounds and hundreds rush this way. The work begins; the tea is seized; the chests Are enijDtied in the foaming waves and sink. Now, Satan, can you praise my handiwork ? Satan. Belial, I can. But we must cross the sea. Our work is incomplete until the king Grows furious and begins to strike his foes. Scene : Front of the palace, January 11, 1774. Satan, Azazel, Belial, Mammon. Satan. The privy council met the king to-day To talk of letters that have passed between Hillsboro and the royal governor. Petitions from the colonists have come Demanding the removal of their foes — For such they count their governor, their judge; And by those letters prove that enmity Eeigns in the hearts of those high officers. The king and his advisers do not deign To notice such petitions for relief. The ministers were troubled, and would learn Who 'twas that told state secrets out of school. Each charged another with the grave offense. And duels might have shed their noble blood If nobler Franklin had not helped his foes By telHng them 'twas he that sent the news. The cabinet became enraged at him And said he must appear before King George. Belial, your matchless talents I require. These high-born dignitaries of the realm Furnish lewd fellows of the baser sort, Lower in vulgar vices than the scum Fermenting in the slums of wretchedness. One, Wedderburnc, belongs to this vile class. On this he-harpy try your utmost skill. Let fangs and talons rend old Franklin's heart; Bid weaker vultures share the hateful feast Until King George shall sicken at the sight. ^ Meanwhile, Azazel, go stir up the king j Until his rage exceeds all decent bounds; . Then meet me here again in eighteen days. ; FRANKLIN TRIUMPHS, 49 Scene : Front of the palace, by moonlight, January S9, 1774- Satan, Belial, Azazel. Belial. My honored chief, your deep-laid plot works well. Franklin was present by the king's command ; Base Wedderburne in rudest wrathfulness Hurled at him accusations, insults, threats, And every wordy weapon he could find In the whole armory of human speech. Dignified and brave, unmoved by malice, Unsubdued by fear, unawed by all the Frowns of royalty or threats of power, The hero told them most unwelcome truths. The laughing lordlings and ungracious king Were dwarfed before this wise man of the West. Satan. Azazel, what have you to tell to-night ? Was royalty submissive to your will ? Azazel. More than submissive to all fiendish schemes For crushing the rebellious colonists. Alas ! poor king, he is insanely mad Against all persons who resist his will. Satan. This but promotes our hellish purposes, And promises a long, long, cruel strife. To-night peace spreads her snow-white wings for flight, While howling hatred calls for blood}, war. Belial. Say, Satan, is my latest work approved ? Satan. It is. I give you my most hearty thanks. But there i^mains another work for you : Gage is in London. He must see the king And fill him with vain hopes of victory. To you I trust him : work him to your will By hast'ning on the conflicts that must come. These men deceive each other and themselves ; We understand them and are not deceived. How despicable is all human pride ! How inconsistent man's most lauded acts I 50 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Not twenty months ago these islanders Boasted most loudly of the liberty Conferred by Mansfield on one negro slave A Massachusetts man had landed here. Cheap charity, without expense, could free Another's slave and glory in the deed, Singing loud songs about philanthropy, Boasting of freedom and of English air Inhaled by slaves to give them liberty. We laugh to scorn such bold, pretentious boasts, While Parliament and king for paltry gold Encourage merchants still to trade in slaves. Yes, judges, legislators, and the king Turn a deaf ear to accents of distress In which Virginia begs to be relieved Erom the accursed slave trade and its woes. The horrid traffic, with its burning shame, Still brings bright blushes to her glowing cheeks, As such vile merchandise pollutes her shores. Mansfield approaches. North is by his side. Scene : House of Lords after adjournment, March IS, 1774- Satan, Baal, Mars, Azazel, Belial. Satan. My great compeers, we've triumphed here to-day. The Boston Port bill passed and is approved. An empire wreaks its vengeance on a town ; Blockades its ports, removes its government, Eills it with soldiers, starves its citizens: (Those of them that it does not choose to hang) To this king, lords, and commons have agreed. Baal. Satan, this must be quite an easy task Imposed upon themselves: an hour's pastime. How many people are there in the town ? Satan. When full, not more than sixteen thousand souls ; But now, with numbers frightened and away, Soldiers outnumber quiet citizens. Belial. Then why not go to hanging instantly, And end the troubles of the trembling town? MOURNING AMERICA, 51 Azazel. That is a game attended by great riaks. More than two milHons threaten to take part In such proceedings, if they once begni. Satan. Ha! Comrade Mars, great gallant god of war! I see the smile that lights your countenance. Make ready for the strife: there's woi'k for you. To Massachusetts let us wend our way. Scene: Marhet Street Wharf, PhiladelpJda, June 1, 1774. Flags on shipping at half-mast; crape on dosed houses; muffled hells toUing. Abdiel, Ithuriel, Zephon, Uzziel, Raphael. Zephon. "What means these signs of mourning, those sad sounds That echo like the dirge of some lost soul ? Has death struck down the monarch on his throne? Do continents lament their loss to-day ? Abdiel. Death in a palace brings no gloom like this ; 'Tis liberty has died, and millions mourn. These half-mast flags, these melancholy bells, Those crape-clad dwellings, and those solemn throngs, Proclaim the indignation and distress That patient Pennsylvania feels to-day Because the Boston Port bill is enforced. Ithuriel. Yirginia fasts, and lifts her solemn prayers For help from God against the enemies Of human freedom and the rights of man. She summons a convention of her sons To choose a delegation that shall meet A Continental Congress in this place. She calls back liberty to hfe again, Heady to arm brave sons in her defense, Makino- one nation of these colonies. 'to Abdiel. Comrades, Yirginia lives in quietness. So do the other Southern colonies; Their ports are not blockaded, nor their towns Beleaguered by a hostile soldiery. With lords of trade they have no rivalries, ]N"o ships of theirs the rich slave trade divide With merchants of old England. Salem, Boston, 52 THE AMERICAN EPIC. And New York provoke the jealousy of Liverpool and Bristol for its profits. Savannah, Charleston, Norfolk, Baltimore Send out no ships for captured Africans. Those Southerners are favorites of the king. He does not ask the heads of their great men, Nor would he have them sent across the sea. Why, then, does Boston rouse their sympathies So that they risk their all in her defense? Uzziel. Thus all the colonies make common cause Against the right of king and Parliament To tax them all without their own consent; To rule them in all cases ; quarter troops On them in time of peace; to transport men Across the sea for trial. If Boston Suffers now without redress, why may not Charleston, Norfolk, Baltimore, whenever Whims of tyrants may demand? Their innate. Home-bred love of liberty, law, justice, Impels them to contend for human rights. Raphael. That doubtless is the truth; but gratitude. Stronger than bands of steel, must ever bind New England to the people of the South. Their interests she will guard as if her own; Wrongs done to them she'll hasten to redress; Insults to them must be insults to her. Her loving-kindness their rich heritage. Ahdiel. After the coming Congress shall convene, Let us meet here again at duty's call. But see, there comes this way John Dickinson : The "Farmer's Letters" flowed from his keen pen. Scene : In front of Carpenter'' s Hall, Philadelphia, October 25, 1774. Abdiel, iTHURifiL, Kaphael, Zophiel, Zephon. Ahdiel. The Congress has completed its great work : Will soon adjourn to meet again in May. Such wisdom, prudence, boldness, bravery Earth never saw before in any land. UNITY TRIUMPHANT. 53 They buried bigotry. Opposing sects Built on his grave the altar of our God. They banished selfishness, and in his place, Enthroned triumphant, love-crowned unity They came to speak of grievances endured By persecuted, struggling colonies; They go, the representatives and chiefs Of millions that refuse to be oppressed. JOHN WYCKLIFFE. Uzziel. Comrades, if that be so, why do they not Cast off the British yoke and rule themselves? Ithuriel. Their gen'rous hearts retain a ling' ring love Of Britain, as the happy home of their Eevered forefathers. They share her glory. Her renown iidierit. Her mighty arm Subdues all foreign foes, and is a sure Defense for all on whom she dcim^s to smile. 54 THE AMEBIC AX EPIC. They love her ancient laws, and dare to hope !For the repeal of those tyrannic acts That now oppress them. Some are not ready For the final step to independence. Self-government will come. They wisely wait For full consent and unanimity. To freedom's friends this comes with quick'ning speed. The wrongs that suff'ring Boston now endures Awaken indignation in all hearts. Some, praying, call aloud for heav'nly help; Others, with wrath, hurl tierce anathemas At the hard-hearted king and ministers. Zephoji. But who provides for Boston's families, And drives the wolf of famine from their homes? Raphael. The harvests of a continent are theirs, Laid at their feet by patriotic hands. Gadsden, of Carolina, was the first Whose gen'rous heart responded to their wants. His crop of rice was liberty's first-fruits. By union brought to freedom's sacred shrine; Then followed the rich products of broad fields From Alleghanian heights to ocean's shore. Boston most gratefully records these gifts. Sent in her hour of need from Southern soil. All time shall witness with ap])roving smiles The tokens of her loving gratitude. Gadsden and Charleston shall be household words, Honored and loved beyond all other names. Zophiel. 'Tis less than half a year since General Gage, With colors flying and with booming guns. Sailed into Boston Harbor with eclat; Then through the perfumed air of flow'ry May, Escorted by cadets that Hancock led. He marched in triumph to the state-house square; In Fanueil Hall dined with the patriots. Assured them that "the troubles of the times Were only lovers' quarrels," and would end In halj^con days of loving happiness. A HUMAN WALL. 55 While thus dissembling, he was pledged to send Their leading men as pris'ners o'er the sea To meet the vengeance of their irate king. Uzziel. Does his pretense of friendship still deceive? Or has he dropped the mask that hid his hate? Ahdiel. His gleesome gala days are ended now. Prison bounds restrain his wonted freedom. His troops to narrow limits are confined: A living, human wall forbids escaj^e. Broad as Isqw England now he sees it rise, And firmer than her frowning granite hills. His civic honors, his vice-regal powers, And all the glory of supreme command Hide not the horrors of his dismal fate. Escape by sea would lead to dire digrace; He dare not venture upon hostile acts. In vain he fortifies against his foes: His piteous cries for help in his great need Burden the west winds and disturb the king. It is not "Boston's rabble" he now fears; "Substantial citizens" arise in arms. He asks that peaceful counsels may prevail; Demands more troops — English or Scotch, Irish Or mercenary Germans, negro slaves, Canadian French or Indian savages — To save him in this dread extremity. Without more troops to fight the colonists, Ingloriously idle he remains. Shut up in Boston with his well-drilled men, Sees bold Virginians boldly take up arms. Drive hostile Indians from their heritage, And firmly hold their own with steel-clad hands Against King George and Frenchmen of Quebec. The boundless acres of the wid'ning West As to their fathers giv'n are still their own. Zephon. Did the mad king give Canada those lands? Ahdiel. He did. His hatred of the colonies Was stronger than his bitter bigotry. 56 THE AMEBIC AN EPIC, Prompting vain efforts to convey the lands Of true Virginia English Protestants To Eoraan Catholics of French Quebec, Trying to check the Old Dominion's growth By this mad folly of an insane king. Even Dunmore, the Tory governor, Saw with delight Virginians driving back King George's Indians and Canadians. But see, the Congress now hast just adjourned. There's Washington, Lee, Henry, Jefferson, John Adams, Livingston, Gadsden, and Jay, And Samuel Adams, who was first to see The sun of independence in the east. "Undying fame leads them to lofty heights Of high renown and immortality. Scene : Front of St. John^s Church, Richmond, Va., April 2, 1775, Michael, Gabriel, Ithuriel, Abdiel. Michael. Guardians of nations, comrades tried and true, The dawn of independence now appears Prom the St. Lawrence down to Florida. The eastern skies arc glowing with its light, While frontier settlers in the distant West With exultation hail the bright'ning beams. Chatham and Burke have eloquently plead With lords and commons for colonial rights; But their appeals have both been made in vain. Franklin returns to tell his countrymen That Britain spurns their representative. The royal governors retire in haste. Or give their king's commissions to the flames. Ithuriel. Michael, the breezes from the distant North Come burdened with reports of horrid war. 'Tis said that thirty thousand freemen armed Toward Boston now are marching rapidly; That Gage cannot escape but by the sea; That his drilled troops, whipped by provincial boys, Seek safety in intrench ments and in forts. Abdiel. This colony to-day resolves to arm Her stalwart sons to fight for liberty. DVNMORE DRIVEN AW AY. 57 Lee, Washington, Henry, and Jefferson Are to devise the military plan By which Virginia's trooj^s shall take the field. Lord Dunmore threatens to burn up her towns, Arm slaves, and bid them desolate her homes; Give to the gallows leading citizens, To scalping-knives the tresses that adorn The loveliness of youth and innocence. He thinks that with three thousand stand of arms. i.SAAC NEWTON. Four pieces of artillery at hand, Three thousand saucy, well-fed negro slaves, His brave marines and Indian savages He can subdue these freemen. What say you ? Gabriel. I say these patriots despise his threats. Ithuriel. Five thousand men, the bravest of the brave, Are ready now to drive him to his ships. 58 THE AMERICA}^ EPIC Michael. The Congress meets in May. Let us remain And meet at Alexandria on the road. Thence wc can travel with the delegates To witness the proceedings and debates. Scene: Alexandria, Va., May 1, 1775. Michael, Gabriel, Ab- DIEL, ItIIURIEL. Michael. Comrades, I hail you happy on your way To the fair city where the Congress meets. Georgia, with but three thousand fighting men, Sees on her soil ten thousand Indian braves, Eeady, for British gold, to slay her sons; Yet does not hesitate in freedom's cause To seize five hundred pounds of gunpowder That had been stored in the king's magazine; And further, to defy his Majesty, Sends to rebellious Boston rice and gold. Ahdiel. South Carolina by heroic deeds Defies Great Britain and her hireling hosts; Lays hold upon eight hundred stand of arms, With ammunition and rich army stores. Beady for independence or for war. North Carolina is in arms to-day : Her governor, a fugitive, makes haste To leave the land that spurns his tyranny. Gabriel. List to the martial music on the air! "Virginia's Congressmen are coming now, Escorted to the border of their State By the brave men who drove Lord Dunmoro out. The journey of these statesmen toward the North Has now become a grand triumphal march. Applauding thousands hail the conquerors, Yictorious over boasting tyranny. They drove the British regulars in fight. And did not lose a single combatant. While the redcoated officers were slain Till Enghsh blood had fertilized the soil. They forced the braggart governor to pay BATTLE OF LEXINGTOX. 59 For their State's powder which he basely stole ; Then drove the terror-stricken wretch to seek With hasty steps a refuge on his ships. The fiendish vandal, filled with hellish hate, Gave i^orfolk to the flames as he passed by. 'Twas well with fire to purify the spot Where his foul foot last touched the sacred soil. His and his master's last ofiicial act In this, the purest of all commonwealths, Forced its protesting citizens to bear, For England's glory and emolument, The vile, polluting horrors that belonged To the dark slave trade which their souls abhorred. But royalty and loyalty depart And false philanthropy is following To keep the trio out; Eandolph and Bland Have just sold forty slaves, that they may buy Powder to drive the slave-ships of King (jeorgo Far from their honest, flourishing young State And free New England from his galling yoke. Scene: Lexington, Mass., before day, April 19, 1775. Satan, Baal, Moloch, Maks. Satan. Hail ! princes of my more than royal court. Bold leaders of my brave embattled hosts ! The conflict we have waited for begins. There's Paul Revere. He's riding in hot haste To warn the watchful sons of liberty. December saw him rousing Sullivan, Who captured Cochrane and a royal fort And carried off its powder and its arms. This action of the bold New Hampshire men Has led King George to order General Gage To seize all arms and powder to be found Among his rash rebellious colonists. Obedient to this order of the king, Gage sent out Major Pitcairn and some troops Upon a midnight search to capture stores. But Paul Revere outrides the royalists. And fighting men are gath'ring at his call. Wives arm their husbands, mothers their young sons. 60 THE AMERICAN EPIC, They come through by paths, Umes, and fields and woods To battle for the loved ones of their homes Against the hireling hosts of tyranny. Baal. See! There is Pitcairn with his well-armed men, Confronting these defiant, rustic youths. He gives the order that begins the war; He calls them rebels, tells them to disperse. Behold those flashes! hear the sharp reports! The rustics fall: seven have ceased to breathe, Nine others from red wounds pour out their lives. Hark! hark! Death flies upon the morning breeze! The red-coats fall! The boasting Britons flee In wild disorder from their untrained foes. Yengeance awaits them whereso'er they turn. They rally, they stand firm, and standing die. Mars. Ha-ha! Ha-ha! This, this, indeed, is war. I revel in delight amid such scenes. Satan. I join you in your reveling. Hell howls Responsively to jubilations loud. With us it joins to gloat on human woe. Moloch. Pitcairn and Smith and their brave followers Took ammunition from their enemies, But it came through the muzzles of their guns And kept them from arresting patriots. So Samuel Adams cannot now be hanged, Nor must John Hancock die for his good deeds. Scene : Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, June 15, 1775. Michael and Gabriel. Michael. What think you, Gabriel, of this Congress now? Gabriel. Michael, its wisdom is most wonderful. So patient, yet so firm against all wrong. It was a master-stroke of polic}^ That placed proscribed John Hancock in the chair. Virginia, through the lips of Harrison, Thus told King" George with hearty emphasis: BUNKER HILL. 61 " Your royal fury cannot strike this man Till our strong arms are laid in patriots' graves." To-day John Adams named George Washington To be the chief commander of all troops Raised by the colonies for their defense. Already thirty thousand rush to arms To claim New England for their stalwart sons. The Congress calls for twenty thousand more ; But independence is the only path Which leads to freedom on this continent. Here comes the modest hero who commands The armies that defend America. See how the holy angels guide his steps And shield him from the dangers that surround! Scene: Bunker Hill, 3fass., June 18, 1775. Satan, T.Iarp, ]MoLOcn, Mammon. Satan. Companions of my life, partners in toil, The triumphs of these times are justly yours. I hail you victors on this field of fame. And add my plaudits to the well-earned praise Hell's countless legions thunder in your ears. The bloody battle fought on yesterday Involves mankind in years of bitter strife. 'Twas your contrivance that laid low in dust More than fourscore of Britain's officers; The flow'r and pride of England's chivalry, By rustic hands unskilled in arts of war. That gave to death three British regulars For each provincial that in battle fell. Humiliation, such as England bears, Will drive to desperation those who rule. A cry for vengeance will ring through the realm Ruled by the baffled, disappointed king — Yengeance and rage that will not count the cost In cash, or tears, or blood, or agony. Moloch, you shall see blood in torrents flow, While fearful shrieks and groans shall charm your cars. Brave Mars, embattled hosts in many a field To you rich harvests of delight shall yield. 62 THE AMERICAN EPIC, Ho! Mammon, why are you so thoughtful grown? Why melancholy, mid our revelry? Mammon. 'Tis not that men are hated less by me, Not that I less delight in human woe; But the destruction of their treasured hoards Consumes the bait with which I fish for souls. I saw them die in agony, and laughed; But when the flames licked up and turned to dust Charlestown's four hundred dwellings and their wealth, 'Twas a sad sight to see such willful waste Of what I could have used to ruin souls. War hurries men to death in tender youth, Untutored in the worst of villainies; Wealth schools in vice and graduates in crime, While hearts grow harder than the hoarded gold. Wealth leads to war that's worthy of the name. And peoples hell with its worst denizens. Give me the time to make these rustics rich. Then they will glut war's strongest appetite. You well remember how old Nineveh, Tyre, Babylon, Damascus, mighty Eome, Had wealth worth fighting for, and fearful crimes: Were rich, ripe, rotten, filled with wasting spoils. When cow-boy armies plunder villages. What honor has great Mars, the god of war? When Alexander reaped old Asia's fields. Harvests of glory round his footsteps fell. Mars. Mammon, to work out ruin for your friends, You can improve uncounted centuries; But war is now the order of the day, And hast'ning thousands swiftly rush to arms. One man like Warren, upon Bunker Hill, Outweighs the worth of countless stores of gold. Even his ashes centuries to come Shall still inspire the bravest, noblest deeds. Know ye that when Ticonderoga fell The king lost what had cost his treasury Eight millions sterling and vast army stores, With sixscore pieces of artillery? WASHINGTON COMMANDED, 63 Crown Point surrendered two days afterward. If Ethan Allen, leading fourscore men, Wrought such destruction in a few brief hours, Uncounted millions must most freely blaze As fiery-footed war walks through the land. Satan. Comrades, your disputation profits not. Since men destroy each other, we exult. Be ours the task to keep their hate inflamed, And urge them on to deeds of violence. Conquer who may, ours is the victory. Mars. There's Prescott, who commanded on that hill; There Gridley, his accomplished engineer, And Israel Putnam, brave as man can be. Scene : American encampment, near Boston, July 10, 1775. Satan and Maks. Mars. What mean the acclamations that we hear? They sound like joyous shouts of men in arms. Has a detachment gained a victory. Or does the royal army leave the place ? Satan. Not so. The chosen chief of thirteen States Reviews the troops placed under his command. The patriot army hears, for the first time. The wise and weighty words of the great man Who leads them forth to vict'ry or defeat. To-day they all seem jubilant and proud. Defying Britain's king and Parliament And all the forces they may have to meet. Let them crow on. These game birds soon shall set Their sharj^, strong spurs to drawing kindred I^lood. Scene : Independence Square, Philadelphia, July 3, 1776. Michael, Gabriel, Abdiel, Ithuriel, Zephon, Raphael, Ariel. Michael. Hail ! honored comrades, offspring of our God ! Behold a nation struggling into life ! The noblest, greatest, grandest of all time. Gabriel, the nations long have claimed your care: These rising States you've watched with partial eye. Say, are they ripe for independence now ? 64 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Gabriel. Michael, they are. It is their own by right. I joy to see them claim their heritage, And crown themselves with wise self-government. ^ Michael. Zophiel, we turn to you inquiringly. The English and their king to you are dear. Have they not forfeited their claims to rule This generous people and their lovely land ? Zophiel. Yes, England blooms in beauty and in grace. Her youthful king seems crowned with piety; Her people full of wisdom from on high. Alas ! poor king ! Insanity's at fault For half his folly and for all his crime. But these fair States ought now to be set free From king and nobles and all foreign sway; Owning allegiance to the King of Idngs, And living in obedience to his laws. More than a year England has stood appalled. Lord North would gladly have resigned his place And called an abler man to save the state. Wesley besought the king to shed no blood. London demanded peace, while statesmen wept. But the crazed king hearkened to no appeal : His own rash hand plucked from his diadem The brightest jewel that was glitt'ring there. Michael. What think you, Abdiel? Is the rich, ripe fruit Of independence in the reach of these Brave sons of liberty ? If not, say why. Abdiel. Yes. Independence now is theirs of right. Virginia long ago demanded it. The pen of Jefferson, the eloquence Of Henry and of Lee, the solid sense Of Washington and Wythe convince all minds That independence is the people's right. When last November a French agent came To offer ammunition, money, arms, This seemed to give assurance of success In spite of all the armies of King George. MECKLENBURG — CANADA. 65 Michael, Itliuriel, we wait your true report Of the position of the uunny South. Itliuriel. Michael, 'twas more than fourteen months ago That independence freely was proclaimed By Carolinians at Mecklenburg. A few days since eight hours of bombardment Stranded three British ships near Moultrie's fort, Wounded the Admiral and drove his fleet To seeii for shelter with his loyal friends In some safe harbor near to Halifax; Killed brave Lord Campbell, last of governors To rule by royal right or royal wrong. From the Potomac down to Florida Immediate independence is the cry. Michael. Zephon, what news have you from Canada? Does the St. Lawrence own our union's sway ? Zephon. September saw Montgomery's brave men March northward, take Fort Chambly and St. Johns, Seize Montreal and move to strong Quebec. Success attended them upon their march. When stern December hurled her fearful blasts, Chilling their vitals on the battle-field, They bravely faced the storms and fought their foes, Until their leader fell with glory crowned. Then, turning from the conflict with sad hearts, They mourned the loss their country had sustained ; While tears of grief froze on their manly cheeks. And gnawing hunger fed upon their strength. 'Twas sad to know Montgomery was dead ; Far more than sad to know that his shed blood Had failed to waken in Canadian hearts Longings for liberty and civil rights. Staining the frozen snow with bleeding feet, Southward their melancholy march began. Perhaps 'tis well the expedition failed. Untrained in freedom's Anglo-Saxon school, Canadians have not learned the patriots' lore; Their undrilled, slow-paced feet could not keep step With freedom's rapid march to high renown. 5 6Q THE AMERICAN EPIC. But south of the St. Lawrence and the lakes All things are ripe for independence now. Michael. How fares the array led by Washington ? Itaphael, we wait to hear what you have seen. Raphael. Michael, the great commander took his place At duty's call more than a year ago. Brave, stalwart men gathered in multitudes To do his bidding with alacrity, Or follow where he led against the foe. But ammunition could not be obtained; The summer passed, autumn and winter came With only preparations for the strife. He held the foe in Boston prison bounds, With no way of escape but by the sea; Yet was himself fettered by scarcity Of balls and powder for the coming fight. At last, in March, the royahsts, alarmed, Saw on the lofty heights of Dorchester Artillery to belch forth fiery death. And drive them from the city they oppressed. I^othing remained to them but swift retreat. Boston, set free, is gay and jubilant, While all J^ew England independence claims. The patriot army proud of its success, Hopes soon to drive the English o'er the sea. Michael. Such baseless hopes should not be entertained. I know that they deceive not Washington. Raphael. The thoughtful leader scans most carefully Each movement of his country'*s enemies; He knows the conflict must be desperate. Though crowned with laurels and by millions praised, Boston's retreat and Charleston's brave repulse Show him no easy path to liberty. Keen vigilance, untiring energv, And patient, persevering, faithful toil Are all devoted to his country's cause. INDEPENDENCE DECLARED. ' 67 Ariel. His countrymen must rally to his help, Or all his efforts will be made in vain. King George demands more armaments and men: Twenty-five thousand brawny Englishmen; Of hireling Hessians, fresh from Germany, Seventeen thousand, drilled and officered; Of silly Tories and of savage tribes ^o man has numbered the vast multitudes That England's treasury can arm for war. To meet those countless foes the patriot chief, In his glad hours of wonderful success, Has only twenty-seven thousand men. How many will stand by him in defeat. Time yet must test by stern adversity. Ithuriel. You spoke of a commissioner from France, Who tendered help in money, arms, and stores. Ahdiel. France, jealous of Britannia's growing strength. Stands with her millions ready to take part In all that tends to lay her rival low. Gabriel. This French alliance gives well-grounded hopes Of speedy independence for these States. Michael. Long months ago Virginia and the South Severed all ties that bound them to the king. New England still defies his Majesty. The slow-paced patriots of these Middle States Hold back their more enthusiastic friends. They need angelic aid : let us assist. Go thou, Ithuriel, to the hypocrites Who only feign a love for liberty. Expose their sordid, base hypocrisy; Tear off their masks, and treat them with contempt. Go, Abdiel, to the men who hesitate. Rouse them to prompt, immediate action now. Zephon, timidity demands your help. Fill the faint-hearted with courageous thoughts. Raphael, the great committee needs your aid To have the declaration formed aright, 68 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Not only as to principles and words, But see that no expression gives offense To any of the wise contracting States. The slave trade is denounced in such strong terms As Georgia never will consent to use; Nor will New England thus condemn her sons For trafficking in human flesh and blood. One wants the slaves to cultivate her lands; The other wants the profits of the trade. The Carolinas, too, would like to have Some changes made in those offensive words; So Jefterson must alter those bold lines. Or else for peace must let them be expunged. Go, Gabriel, to the patriot, J oun Adams. Touch with celestial fire his lips and tongue ; Give him the spirit of convincing speech, The eloquence that men cannot resist, That Congress may be carried as by storm. At 2 o'clock to-morrow let us meet. Independence Square, Philadelphia, 2 o'clock, July 4, 1776. Michael, Gabriel, Abdiel, Itiiuriel, Zephon, Raphael, Ariel. Gabriel. Comrades, the Congress now begins to vote. The great decision soon will be made known. John Adams was most eloquent of men : They could not but agree to all he said. Michael. The bell of liberty begins to sound ; The people cry aloud in tones of joy: " Give praise to God I 'Tis Independence Da}^ ! " BOOK FOURTH Scene: Trenton, N. J., Deccr.iber B5, 1776. Gabriel, Uzziel, Ithuriel, Raphael. Raphael. 'Tis a sad Christmas to Americans. Of late discouragements have been their fate. Last August thirty thousand enemies Drove them across Long Island, with the loss Of a full thousand valiant fighting men. With muffled oars they hastened to New York; Thence up to Harlem Heights, from which they saw Five hundred blazing homes to light their way. Fort Washington, with its brave garrison, Surrendered in November to the foe : Its thousands, in vile pestilential cells, Await their death. Fort Lee was left in haste; Its stores were lost. The army, driv'n with speed Across New Jersey to the Delaware, Seized all the boats and to the other shore In safety crossed with but three thousand men. Ithuriel. Charles Lee was ordered to conduct his men With haste to join the troops of Washington ; But he — vain marplot of his chieftain's plans — Was taken by the British to New York. He's more a Briton than American ; His army, led by Sullivan, escaped, And joined the standard of their honored chief. The patriots now can claim six thousand men. Congress has fled from Philadelphia, At Baltimore votes dictatorial power To Washington, that he may save their cause. Uzziel. Prospects, indeed, seem gloomy in this land. Its destiny doj^ends upon one man — Upon his honor and capacity. (69) 70 THE AMERICAN EPIC, Who saves his country from a foreign foe Is tempted much to save it for himself; Or if he cannot grasp the highest prize, And seat himself upon a despot's throne, May he not use his sword to force a peace, And for it claim at least the second place In the great government that he makes strong? He may play Csesar if not Gen'ral Monk ; If not an emperor, a British peer. Ithuriel. 'Twas not Yirginia air that Caesar breathed; 'Twas no Yirginia mother nourished Monk. True to his country, Washington will stand Firm as the mountains of his native land. Uzziel. Suspect not Washington of treachery; Doubt not but he will do what man can do. But when an ice-bridge spans the Delaware, What shall hold back the British from their prey? Then they must yield to Britain or to death, Because the country has been so subdued That Cornwallis starts off for Europe soon. And Howe expects a Philadelphia home. What think you, Gabriel, of the prospect now ? Gabriel. 'Tis desperate indeed ; but Washington Still leads his ragged troops from place to place ; Upon his side, by pow'r divine arrayed. Are all of Europe's selfish jealousies; Old ocean's ev'ry wave and ev'ry gale; The deep, broad rivers of his native land — Their ice-clad torrents and their sunny floods ; They've been his j^laymates from his joyous youth, Are now his allies hast'ning to his help; They shield him from the fury of his foes. In league with these his country's hills and vales. Her lofty mountains, and her fertile plains, With all their grand majestic distances, Fight freedom's battles in her hour of need. Then millions of brave hearts and ready hands Pledge each red drop that pulsates in the veins Of liberty's unconquerable sons BATTLE OF TRENTON, 71 To the defense of home and native land. But best of all, his trust is in our God. Hark ! hark ! what sounds are those that strike the earth ? The noise of battle floats upon the breeze; The hated Hessians wake to meet their fate. At the first onset, Eahl, their leader, fell. They die, they bleed, they beg, they plead for life. A few on horseback fled to Bordenton, But Trenton's garrison are j^risoners, Of death or of the troops of Washington. The living bound are hurried o'er the waves Expecting death in some most horrid form, From men they have been told are cannibals. There's Sullivan, there's Greene, there's Washington. Last night they fought the fury of the storm, The floating ice, the chilling, white-capped waves; This morning marched to meet a sleeping foe. Now, crowned with vict'ry, cross the Delaware, Secure their pris'ners and their spoils of war. This daring deed will shake the British Isle From its strong confidence of victory. 'Twill kindle hope in ev'ry patriot's heart, And nerve the arms of freemen for the strife. Scene: Princeton, N. J., at day-break, January 4, 1777. Gabriel, Abdiel, Ithuriel, Uzziel, Raphael. Uzziel. Why wait we here ? Trenton demands our care ! 'Tis there the war-cloud frowns most gloomily. There Hessians, waking from the sluggish sleep That followed their coarse Christmas revelry, Found Washington had crossed the Delaware To kill or capture Trenton's garrison. More than two thousand fell or fled away, Or passed as captives o'er'the broad, rough stream. If the great chief had watched his prisoners, And kept his troops on Pennsylvania ground. He would have shunned the peril he is in ; But he returned to Trenton, and has found Cornwallis hastening to capture him. 72 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Raphael. By thousands British troops do concentrate To capture Washington and end the war. They have him where they long have wanted him, And now can pounce upon their noble prey. He and his troops seem hopelessly entrap j)ed. Ahdiel. Cornwallis led from this place troops enough To crush the little army he opposed; They fought there yesterday till dark came down. This morning larger numbers march from here. They start for Trenton by the break of day. Ithuriel. To make sure work they gather from all points, And hope to capture full five thousand men, "With Washington and his best generals. What noise is that waking the villagers ? The sound of battle on these classic grounds Is startling even to an angel's ear. Gabriel, can jou. inform us what it means ? Gabriel. It means the British army has been left To beat the air in Trenton this cold day; While Washington surprises thousands here, And strikes the bravest of their vet'rans down. He kept his camp-fires blazing and marched round The num'rous army of his pow'rful foes. The unsuspecting JPrinceton troops are brave; They, with their bright and bristling bayonets, Drive raw recruits before them from the field. But Mercer leads his valiant veterans And turns the bloody tide of battle back. He falls — the conflict rages fearfully ; Death riots on the bravest of the brave, And victory, bewildered, hesitates To crown the brave, unflinching combatants. But hark! A voice rings out upon the air That stirs in patriots resistless might; Its tones are heard where leaden hail falls fast. And sulphurous smoke hides human forms from sight. The target often thousand well-aimed balls Cannot escape by any human means. burgoyne's surrender. 73 Abdicl, thy shield throw round him, or he falls: Its heavenly temper from destruction saves. The morning breeze lifts up the stifling smoke, And shows the bloody battle nobly won. The British line in wild disorder broke Before the vaKant charge of Washington. Well may that steed prance proudly o'er the field, Displaying more of matchless majesty Than all past ages ever yet did yield; More virtue, valor. Christian chivalry ! Scene: Saratoga, N. Y., October 17, 1777. Michael, Itiiukiel, Zephon. Ithuriel. There is a cheering sight to kindle joy In ev'ry home of all these colonies ! Burgoyne, in June, marched with ten thousand mc:i. Well-armed and well-equipped for camp or field. At his approach the patriots fled away From their strong places and their army stores; But bold John Stark at Bennington, Yerrnont, Whipped two detachments of his bravest men. His Indian allies have deserted him. Two recent battles brought defeat and loss. Within three days starvation's work begins. And there remains no way by which t' escape. This mighty army now capitulates. The proud Burgoyne, with his six thousand braves, And six wise members of the Parliament, Surrender to the rustic colonists. They, with themselves, give up abundant stores, With ammunition for the next campaign; Five thousand muskets, forty-two brass guns. And, worst of all, the prestige of success. ZepJion. The news of this humiliating stroke Will startle Britain like an earthquake shock, And make her monarch tremble on his throne. 'Twill strengthen Franklin at the court of France, And bring about a formal alliance. Ithuriel. Will this bring independence, peace, and joy ? 74 THE AMERICAN EPIC, Michael. Not now. Britannia claims the right to tax, And in all cases whatsoever rule. When the sad news of this calamity Comes to King George, it may dethrone his mind, But will not change his policy at all. His right to govern people as he wills Must not be questioned by the colonists. Eather than this England's last ship and her last regiment Must cross the ocean to keep up the fight. When Holland, France, and Spain shall be combined To fight the battles of her colonies, England may wake from her delusive dreams Of subjugation to her heavy yoke. At present British troops claim victories Upon the Delaware. They drive away From Philadelphia the Congressmen. The names of Germantown and Brandywine, Waking sad memories in patriots. Will, to the king and ministers, give hope Of final victory for British arms. And cause the flame of war to still blaze on. The conq'rors and the conquered come this way. What pity they should shed each other's blood! There's Gates, there's Morgan, Starke of Bennington. ' See Schuyler, Lincoln, Arnold, and St. Clair. There Kosciusko, the brave Polander; And there's Burgoyne, with captive officers. Scene : Near Monmouth, N. J., June 21, 1778. Satan, Mars, Baal, Moloch, Mammon, Belial. Satan. How fare my trusty friends? How goes the war? Mars. The British have lost Boston since we met; In their attack on Charleston been repulsed ; By battles near to Brooklyn and New York Compelled the patr'ts to retreat in haste Across New Jersey to the Delaware, With but three thousand ragged warriors. The patriot chief passed o'er that freezing stream, Leaving no boats by which his foes might cross. VALLEY FORGE. 75 The Congress fled away to Baltimore, Giving the Grenerai dictatorial power. Joined by a few recruits, he turned again. Pressed on through floating ice, surprised his foes, Defeated them, sent to the Southei-n shore His numerous captives; crossed the stream again, As if to court defeat. His feeble force Faced a strong army and defied its pow'r; Skirmished a day with varying success, But, with his camp-fires burning, marched by night To strike with consternation other foes. Full thirteen miles away at dawn of day. Trenton and Princeton furnished battle-fields On which the pride of Britain was brought low. Then came the time for haughty royalists To flee before their ragged enemies. Before another year had passed away Ships bore the Britons up the Chesapeake. At Brandy wine the patriots were whipped; At Germantown repulsed with fearful loss. Again the Congress fled. Howe and his hosts Seized Philadelphia, and gave several months To merry revelry, with now and then Heroic work, burning defenseless homes. The patriots, meanwhile, at Valley Forge, Half starved, half clad, unshod, stained with their blood The snow on which they trod. But when spring came, Eeports of help from France passed through the camp, Infusing hope and joy where suff'ring reigned. Howe and his troops forsook their city friends, And sought a way of safety toward the sea. 'Tis nearly time that they should pass this way. Of Saratoga and the British force That there surrendered you have long since heard. I need not speak of Gates or of Burgoyne. Thus much about the progress of the war. What has been done in other fields of fame? Belial. At Philadelphia, I have long held sway O'er all the victims of degrading vice, And many of the lofty I've debased. 76 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Baal. Yes, not a few of the polite, the proud, The rich, the gay, the great have fallen low, Th' unhappy victims of degrading vice. In their humiliation I delight. Moloch. With fiendish satisfaction I have watched The starving, freezing troops at Valley Forge, And, gloating over Washington's distress. Have wondered how much anguish he could bear. Mammon. I too have done my part to crush the chief. By tempting the most covetous to hoard What might have bought supplies for freezing men. Satan. A bolder, more destructive work was mine : I turned the hearts of patriots from their chief, And undermined their confidence in him; Not in his virtues, but his generalship. I told of Gates and his great victory, Of proud Charles Lee and his accomplishments; I led them to desire a daring chief, Eeady to take great risks and end the strife. I puffed up Conway, with such self-conceit That even he aspired to leadership. The simpleton deceived and led astray Some of the purest of the patriots. But mortifying failure marred our plans. The patriot leader, proof against our plots, Sublimely tow'red above all rivalry. But proud old Lee, still under my control, Will sorely vex the chieftain here to-day. I hear the booming of artillery. Ha ! ha! The tide of battle flows this w^ay ! Mars. Hold, Satan, I must mingle in this fight! Moloch. And I must gloat upon the sufferings Of thousands battling on this sultry day. Mammon. I go to gather up the spoils of war. Belial. And I to riot amid vilest deeds. BATTLE OF MONMOUTH. 11 Satan. In full retreat the Continentals come. Charles Lee has done as I instructed him. An English heart beats warmly in his breast; 'Tis full of rage at AYashington to-day. And yonder comes the chief to meet the foe. lie checks and turns retreating soldiery. 'Tis British troops now haste in mad retreat: But what a vision breaks upon my view As Washington meets Lee I IS'ever have I Seen such a countenance since Michael frowned On mo in our first conflict on the hills Of my own native heav'n I Sublimely grand, He rides in manly majesty. Sternness, Severity, heroic rage, reproof, Eebuke, and lofty indignation blend AVith high authority in the great chief. As he, in startling thunder tones exclaims: " Halt, Gcn'ral Lee! In Grod's great name I ask Why all this ill-timed prudence here to-day?" Lee, with insulting nonchalance, replied : " Unless reports be false, no man has more Of that rascally virtue than yourself" " Go to the rear, insulting miscreant, go !" So said the chief. " Let all the brave, the true Forward with me to glorious victory." Forward they go, Lafayette, Sullivan, Charles Scott, and other heroes with their chief, Sweeping before them England's veterans. Scene: Louisville, Ky., Falls of the Ohio. Su7iset, July CO, 177S. Raphael, Zephox, Ariel. Ariel. Comrades, from yonder lofty ridge is seen A landscape, the most grand and beautiful That charms the eye or melts the heart of man. Th' encircling hills, radiant in sunset hues, Seem piled in grandeur to protect from harm God's loveliest children in this paradise. That matchless river flows like molten gold Between bright shores of greenest emerald, Bedecked with flowers and enriched with fruits. 78 THE AMERICAN EPIC. 'Tis hero shall rise, in the blest years to come, Homes of the beaatiful, the pure, the brave, Of maids most amiable, and men most true. Zephon. What men are these who seem to come from far, Toil-worn, yet joyful, to these rustic homes ? List to their shouts of triumph as they come! The town pours forth its happy denizens With glad congratulations on their tongues. See the young prattlers claim a father's kiss, And stalwart men press loved ones to their hearts. See joyful tears streaming from sparkling eyes, And love's own blushes glow on beauty's cheek! What makes these people all so jubilant ? Baphael. These are Yirginia's brave and daring sons, Sent forth by her to wrest from enemies The broad domain that has been hers of right Nearly two centuries, and still is hers. Uncanceled royal charters, oft renewed. Confirmed her title over all these lands From the Atlantic to Pacific's coast. When France intruded, her indignant sons Drove the proud Frenchmen from their heritage. When George the Third stretched Canada this way To check the spread of freedom in the West, They drove the land thieves of the king away In spite of all the claims of royalty. The Western forts surrendered by the French Have all been used by British cruelty To arm the Indians for a deadly strife That spared not infancy nor womanhood. But these frontiersmen, at Yirginia's call, Subdued her foes, and by their valor won The nascent empire she had well-nigh lost. The garrisons, surprised, laid down their arms. Surrendering to rightful ownership The vast, unmeasured region that extends From where the mighty rivers of the West Unite to seek the Gulf in company, GEORGE ROGERS CLARKE, 79 Up the broad streams each to its distant source, With space for eighty millions of the free To dwell securely through all coming time. No wonder, then, that heroes such as these Eeceive the plaudits of their countrymen And wear fame's brightest, greenest laurel wreaths. Behold Geori^e Eoorers Clarke, fame's fav'rite son ! Scene : Savannah, Ga., October 8, 1779. Satan, Mars, Moloch, Belial. Mars. The dilatory tactics of these times Fill lofty spirits with intense disgust. Two warlike nations, mightiest of earth, Have been at war for two and twenty months Without a battle worthy of the name. * Their mighty fleets, though well-equipped and manned. Avoid each other with great carefulness. The fear of storms excuses cowardice. Howe left the Delaware and sought New York ; D'Estaing sailed into Newport, but sailed out Without a fight except with waves and winds; Then sailed to Boston to repair his ships. Leaving the Yankee army without help, T' escape from enemies as best they could. The cautious Frenchman with his ships is here; Six thousand fighting men obey his voice. As many Carolinians are in arms, But the slow movements of their o^lficers Forbid the expectation of success. Meanwhile the war, if war it may be called, Drags its slow movements wearily along. Moloch. Mars, you should not belittle this great war. Have not the Buttlers led the savages To desolate Wyoming, and destroy A thousand happy Pennsylvania homes ? Have they not given to the greedy flames New York's most peaceful, prosp'rous western towns ? Did not the patriots retaliate By burning forty Indian villages ? 80 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Belial. Yes, Mars, the torch performed most brilliant deeds At Norfoll^, Portsmouth, and along the shores Of the broad Chesapeake. Connecticut Beheld the lurid flames that lighted up Norwalk, Fairfield, and other coast-wise towns; While cruel Tryon gazed and rocked and laughed. Mars. That was not war. 'Twas arson, murder, theft, Barbaric outrages on helplessness. For deeds like these does Britain's Parliament Vote twenty millions sterling and call out Thirty-five thousand troops, and of marines Eighty-five thousand more? In olden times My heathen heroes made no wars on babes. Men armed for battle were the foes they struck. Satan. But, Mars, whatever hurts the human race Grives satisfaction to malicious hate. You say that burning dwellings is not war; That killing babes and women is not war. When Piggott was repulsed by Sullivan, Losing three hundred of his bravest troops. Was not that war ? When Wayne, at Stony Point, Conquered six hundred men and took their stores, Destroyed their fort and bore its treasures off — Was such a use of bayonets not war? When Major Lee with some militia-men Attacked the Jersey City garrison And saw two hundred of them bite the dust, - Was not that war? Ask the whipped Tories if It was not war that Pickens waged on them When, near Broad Eiver, hundreds of them fell. What was it, if not war, when Prevost and His forces took Fort Sunbury ; when Campbell took Augusta and Savannah ? What mean these ships, these soldiers, and marines ? They all mean war, as you shall soon admit. These are not cowards: steadily they march To storm the fort and drive the British out Or die in the attempt. There is D'Estaing, ATTACK ON SA V ANN AH. 81 And there Pulaski, bravest of the Poles. See Lincoln leads his Carolinians ! They vie with the brave French in gallantry. There Sergeant Jasper hastens to the front. The flags of France float proudly on the wall ; The banners of the patr'ts, too, arc there. But, see, the redcoats hurl them down in haste ! Pulaski falls, and Jasper, too, is slain; D'Estaing is wounded; Britons hold the fort! Scene : Bank of Hudson River, September 24, 17 SO. Satan, Mam- mon, Belial. Maimiion. What say you, Satan, to my grand campaign ? I have, without a musket or a man, Injured the patr'ts more than tongue can tell. Clinton, Cornwallis, Rawdon, Tarleton, Howe, With all their troops and all their mighty fleets, Boast no achievements equal to my own. I have locked up the treasuries of States Against the pressing needs of starving men, Who battle bravely to protect their homes. Their great commander pleads, but pleads in vain: The miserly and covetous have joined To paralyze the armies he commands. Co-operation with the French is vain Unless supplies enable troops to march With those brave allies 'gainst the common foe. The patriot heroes can defy armed men ; But shrink from want, starvation, nakedness Into the rav'ning jarvvs of greedy graves. The twelfth of May saw gallant Charleston fall, Amid the thunders of two hundred guns. Gates lost a thousand men on Camden's field; Four thousand more were driven to their homes By destitution's cruel tyranny. Georgia lies prostrate at Britannia's feet: South Carolinia trembles in her chains, And ruin riots among Southern homes. Give me due credit for my wondrous work. Satan. You have my thanks for your great usefulness. 6 82 THE AMERICAN EPIC, Mammon. But more I claim for labors at the North. I've stirred the bravest troops to mutiny; I've led to treason gifted officers. Arnold has sold himself for paltry gold ; Britain pays down to him ten thousand pounds, With the commission of a brigadier. Suspicion, scowling, stalks through patriot camps, Driving before her confidence and love. What say you, comrades, of my great success? Belial. I say 'twas I led Arnold to sell out. He has with me been " Hail ! fellow, well met," Until in morals bankrupt, he is lost. But there he goes with Andre by his side. They part; Andre comes nearer. See him now Arrested by three men. He has betrayed And overthrown himself by his mistake. He tries to bribe his captors, but in vain. Yes, there are Paulding, Williams, and YanWert, Patterns of valor and fidelity, With Andre, victim of base Arnold's guilt. Scene : Eutaw Springs, S. C, September IS, 1781. Gabriel, Akiel, Ariel. I watch to-day o'er pious Marion. But what brings hither mighty Gabriel ? Words fail to tell how glad I am to meet The honored leader of angelic bands, The trusted guardian of most prosp'rous States. Gabriel. I watch the closing conflicts of the war. Light breaks upon the suff'ring colonies. 'Twill not be long till British troops retire, Leaving the blessing of self-government To the brave heroes of America. I've watched the struggle since it first began; With deep displeasure seen the cruelties Inflicted by the British on their foes. Of late the traitor Arnold led the fiends, First in Yirginia, then Connecticut Was made to suffer by her recreant son. Last January Tarleton fell upon Morgan's division of the troops of Greene. GREENE AT EUTAW SPUING S. 83 'Twas at the Cowpens. Furious was the fight. The cavahy of William Washington Was hurled at Tarleton with resistless force. Wounded and whipped, he fled with haste and speed, Leaving a hundred dead upon the field. More than five hundred were made prisoners With muskets and artillery and stores. Cornwallis hastened to retrieve his loss, But Greene retreated with his prisoners, Crossed the Catawba, Yadkin, and the Dan, Saved by the rains from fast pursuing foes. Then, turning on his track, recrossed the Dan, Sent Light Horse Harry Lee to find and take Three hundred Tories who would Tarleton join. At Guilford Court-house Cornwallis and Greene Fought fiercely, but without a victory. The Britons, loudly boasting, marched away. To practice arson, theft, and robbery, Leaving Lord Eawdon to contend with Greene. With Eawdon Greene has fought at Hobkirk's Hill, Torn from him all the posts he held but three. His lordship went to Charleston recently. To aid Balfour in murd'ring General Hayne, And Stewart leads the battle here to-day. The fight begins; Greene is victorious. But see ! some hungry troops have broken ranks To feast themselves upon the spoils of war! A fearful error! Stewart now returns; Fighting begins again; Stewart gains ground — He holds the field. So much for discipline ! To-morrow will compel him to retreat. Less than two months will bring the patriots A triumph that will lead to final peace. See ! there is Greene ; there's Light Horse Harry Lee ; Yonder is Pickens; Sumter comes this way; And here is Marion, soldier and saint. Scene: YorJctoivn, Va., October 19, 1781. Ships and camps in full vieiv. Michael, Gabriel, Abdiel, Raphael, Ithukiel. Michael This is the day we've long desired to sec. All heaven is jubilant, and men rejoice. 84 THE AMEBIC AN EPIC. Awe-stricken hell hears all hei" legions mourn And send loud groans of anguish from her depths. Defeat adds weight to galling, dark'ning chains Of those to whom no gleam of hope remains; No possibility of happiness, But fearful looking for of fiery wrath. Satan and his dark hosts are vanquished here, Prelusive of their final vanquishment. Ithuriel. Here England's king and all his royal court, And tyranny, its lordhngs and its tools, In all the lands beneath the shining sun, Are conquered by the people in their might, Foreshadowing triumphant human rights Wherever men shall live upon the earth. Abdiel. Fraternity and fellowship and love Crown on this spot the brotherhood of man, As seen in Washington and Lafayette, Uniting free America and France Under the loving fatherhood of God, Presaging that the family of Christ Shall soon embrace the human family. Michael. Gabriel, will you relate what brought to pass This wondrous triumph of the patriots ? Gabriel. When France sent her brave troops and mighty fleets High hopes of speedy vict'ry were indulged ; But failure at Savannah and Newport Was sadd'ning and discouraging to all. While Washington jjlanned campaigns with the French, Arnold, the traitor, sold himself for gold. And bargained to deliver up West Point. Some of the ragged, freezing, starving troops Turned against Congress and their officers. But not against the country that they loved; For, when the British would have bribed with gold, They seized the spies and gladly gaw them hanged. When this was told in Philadelphia, Some gen'rous persons sent, for their relief, YOUTHFUL LAFAYETTE, 85 Three hundred thousand dollars of their own. More permanent provision for the troops Was made by a French loan on liberal terms. Then the great chief proposed to take New York, LAFAYETTE AT YORKTOWN. Concerting with the French about the time. The enemy, informed of all the plans, Made ready to repel the allied troops. Just then Cornwallis left the farther south, 86 THE AMERICAN EPIC. And through Virginia led marauding bands With arson's torch and plunder's thieving hand. To watch his movements, Lafayette was sent. The young French hero hung upon the rear Of his strong enemy. His watchful eye Perceived the faulty tactics of his foe. He hastened to entreat his wilHng chief To march with speed and capture Cornwallis. While Washington marched southward with his troops, Clinton, deceived, still fortified New York, And concentrated neighb'ring forces there. He even ordered Cornwallis to march Down toward the sea, in readiness to sail With all his plunderers, to save I^ew York. Americans and French pursued with speed. Meanwhile, French fleets drove off the British ships, Entered York Eiver, bringing troops and guns, Leaving the British no way of escape. The siege was pressed with vigor and with skill. Such prodigies of valor were displayed As men of later times will celebrate. Young Hamilton and younger Lafayette Inscribed their names high on the roll of fame, While older chiefs looked on admiringly As greenest laurels dropped on their own brows. At last, when summer's suns and autumn's frosts Had tinged the forests with celestial dyes, And filled with plenty all Virginia's homes. And all her pious hearts with gratitude, vShe sees her heroes reap upon her fields A harvest of her conquered enemies. With redcoats gayer than her forest leaves. And treasures richer than her soil could 3^ield. She sees and songs of praise rise up to God, Till rapturous devotion, jubilant. Fills the whole universe with sounding praise. Lift up your voices, first-born sons of God ! Praise him for liberty to Adam's race! All the Angels. " We laud and magnify the Lord Most High, SURRENDER AT YORKTOWN. 87 Who was and is the source of life and love, Of earthly and of heavenly liberty." Raphael. Tell ua now, Gabr'el, what the patr'ts gain By this surrender of their eneniies ? Gabriel. Eight thousand prisoners lay down their arms, And give up more than livescore mighty guns; Surrender treasure-chests and rich supplies, Whether just stolen or brought o'er the sea; But best of all, they independence gain. See there ! O'Hara leads the captives forth. Ahdlel. Where is Cornwallis, that he does not lead? Ithuriel. The earl is meanly sulking in his tent; Humiliation he's too weak to face; But there is Tarleton, bold and saucy still, There are many who deserve a better fate. There go the Hessians, subjects of a prince Who sells his subjects to get paltry gold. 'Tis well for them that they are prisoners. Here come the conquerors ; they pass this way. Behold the noble Frenchman, Eoehambeau ! There is De Grasse, Viominel, Gouvion, Eochfontaine, DuPortail, and many more; And Lafayette, the noblest of the French. Behold the ragged heroes of the line ! Kings of America, now crowned with joy. And destined soon to see the heaven of home And be enthroned in happy, loving hearts. There's the militia of Virginia, Led on by Nelson, their brave Governor. To them this is indeed the day of days That frees their commonwealth from plund'ring foes. Still nearer to us here are officers Whose names belong to everlasting ftime. There is young Laurens, there is Hamilton, There Lincoln, Knox, there mighty Washington. Michael. Let us depart for Philadelphia, To see how Congress will receive the news. 88 THE AMEBICAN EPIC, Scene: Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, October 2S, 1781. Moonlight. Michael, Gabriel, Abdiel, Eaphael, Ithuriel. Raphael. A messenger from Yorktown has arrived, And thrills the town with news of victory. Abdiel. The clock strikes ten, but joy drives sleep away. Hear the glad watchman who proclaims the hour! " Past ten o'clock; Cornwallis is taken." Ithuriel. All homes and hearts glow with intense delight, While loving gratitude gives j)i*aise to G-od. Gabriel. Peace, independence, and prosperity Now seem to dance attendance on the throngs That tell of this grand triumph of their arms. Michael. To-morrow Congress will be jubilant, And give expression to a nation's joy. Let us attend and join in thanks to God, Scene : Lutheran Church, Philadelphia, October 24, 1781. Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Abdiel, Ithuriel. Michael. To-day the Congress of America Has crowned itself with glory and renown. It honors God and humbly seeks his courts To ofter thanks and praise for victory To him who rules the universe in love. Abdiel. The country under his protecting care, Must prosper as no nation ever did. Raphael. While these wise, pious legislators come To lay their honors at their Saviour's feet, I'll write their names and bid angelic bands Guard well their steps, and lead them to the skies. Gabriel. I almost wish permission was obtained To let them see their guardian-angels here Uniting with them as they worship God. Michael. On earth man must now live by faith, not sight; Unclouded vision shall be his above. W^e must to-day remain invisible. Let- us depart and make report on high. earth's most noble man. 89 Scene: Annapolis, Md., December 26, 1783. Michael, Gabriel, AbDIEL, ItH URIEL. Michael. Comrades, our newborn nation now takes rank Among earth's grandest, noblest, mightiest. Gabriel. Reluctant Britain, a full year ago, Consented to the freedom of her child. • - September saw that freedom guaranteed By formal treaty between Holland, Spain, t^ France, England, and these free United States. Abdlel. Peace reigns. A month ago King George called back His fiercest war-dogs to their kennel homes. No yelping cur of all his pack is left To howl around the dwellings of the free. '■ Ithuriel. Heroes of independence seek their homes To toil for bread like other honest men. The war-worn veterans and their great chief With many tears bedewed the parting hour. Honor and fame attend them as they go. And grateful thousands gladly sing their praise. Gabriel. Great Washington to-day gives up his sword; The chief becomes a private citizen. Earth never witnessed such a scene before. This uncrowned hero wears such honors now As never king nor emperor might claim. Behold him in his last and greatest act. Michael. I see the modest hero giving back Not only the commission he received, But with it liberty and equal rights For millions through the ages yet to come; A land from foreign domination free; A bright example of unselfishness Rebuking tyranny throughout the world ; A human character pure and complete, Time's greatest product — earth's most noble man. BOOK FIFTH. Scene: Philadelphia, August 15, 1787. The Federal Conventionin session. Gabriel, Raphael, Ariel, Zephon, Zophiel. Gabriel. Comrades, this great convention hesitates To give these States a stronger government. All efforts to agree have thus far failed; A j^erfect union is impossible, But means must be devised to pay old debts And such expenses as necessity Demands from such a union of great States. Ariel. 'Tis said that a small tax of five per cent On tonnage and imported merchandise Would be sufficient to pay all just claims Against the Union's empty treasury; But selfishness devises deep-laid schemes By which each section may enrich itself, While making others pay the Union's tax. Zephon. Small States claim full equality with large; The large demand, for numbers and for wealth. Controlling power in the new government. The South would count their num'rous slaves as men ; The North would tax those slaves as property. "Leave commerce free," says the rich, sunny South; "Tax foreign ships," says the poor, freezing North; " Give us your trade; we want your patronage." Three States want slaves brought here from Africa; Others would gladly stop the hateful trade. Zophiel. "State sovereignty!" cry Mason, Lee. Yates, Ames; Wilson and King deny State sovereignty. Charles Pinckney asks a negative on laws Enacted by the wisdom of the States. (90) HA MIL TON S A BIS TOCRA C F. 91 To this James Madison consents, but fears, As Mason dreads and Lee foresees, taxes By which the North shall rob the South. Raphael. Ames dreads consolidation. Kufus King Opposes his New England on that point; He joins with Pinckney, Wilson, Hamilton, And Morris to demand strong government. Hamilton would have a life-long Senate, Their sons to be successors to themselves; A President for life, to dominate All Governors of States. These Governors BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. To have a negative on all State laws. He wants to do away with all the States, And so perfect the general government That it can work when States shall disappear The British Constitution he admires; Hereditary aristocracy To him seems necessary to success In giving steadiness to governments; Hopes that an aristocracy of wealth Will save from ruin the fair land he loves, Nor let it sink in ruins underneath The numbers of its low democracy. 92 • THE AMERICAN EPIC. Can such contrary views be harmonized In one great government for sovereign States? Gabriel Franklin now bids them all seek help from God, And help will come in this their time of need. By Sherman and by Ellsworth reconciled, The smaller and the larger States agree That in the Senate they will equals be; But in the House of Representatives Numbers of population shall control. On Hamilton's advice, slaves shall be taxed; Their masters cast their votes for three of five. New England wants protection for her ships To profit by transporting Southern crops. She also wants to trade her rum for slaves And reap rich harvests from old Afric's sands. Therefore for gain she will not hesitate To contract in good faith and honesty With Georgia and the Carolinas too, To bring them all the negro slaves they want, If they will vote with her for tonnage laws, By which her ships may do the carrying. The South will get just what she always had' New England, wealth beyond all estimate, A golden harvest through all coming time. Ariel. The advocates of a strong government Will take all they can get, and when they can Will give wealth's aristocracy a chance To fetter poverty's democracy. As to the friends of civil libert}^. And all the watchful guardians of State rights, It will be truthfully and freely sworn That they keep all they do not give away ; Yes, keep them wrapped in paper guarantees. Till wealth, with shining fingers, shall untie; The sword cut up in fragmentary scraps; Wild factions throw them to the heedless winds; Fanaticism give them to her flames ; And despotism laugh in freedom's face. A CHOICE OF EVILS. 93 Zephon. Does God approve- of union by such means, Of governments based on duplicity, Of overreaching and chicanery By those who rule the millions of mankind? Gabriel. 'Tis not that Grod approves, but man is free. The selfishness of men forbids the best. All seek their own at other men's expense, While God says: "Love thy neighbor as thyself." A choice of evils, man obtains at last A selfish union, rather than fierce wars Between the millions of divided States. So Franklin thinks, and so thinks Washington. The swindling statesmen cost simplicity Less money than the honest soldiers cost: And soldiers are not always honest men. Then war brings arson, robbery, and theft, Wounds, sickness, homelessness, and sudden death, With barbarism to enlightened lands; And widowhood and orphanage and woe, And hatreds such as Satan cherishes. The work of the convention will be done, The Constitution sent to all the States To be rejected or be ratified. A day's work ended, statesmen now take rest. The weary, anxious patriots pass this way. See Franklin, Washington, Lee, Madison, Ames, Gorham, Pinckney, Ellsworth, Hamilton ! Scene : Richmond, Va., June S4, 1788. Satan. Satan. This is the hour, this the appointed place At which my brave compeers attend my court. This day's decision settles destiny. Determines boundaries of warring States, Or makes one prosp'rous nation of them all. From Hudson Eiver to the Chesapeake, The Constitution has been ratified. 'Tis rumored all New England wears the yoke. Even if this be so, three warlike realms Eemain to stain the land with kindred blood. 94 THE AMERICAN EPIC, Ehode Island and New York, like a keen wedge, Cut through the heart of the North-eastern States. North Carolina and Virginia stand Like solid walls to fence out and exclude The two great States that lie still farther south. If I can hold them so, then ceaseless wars Shall flood the land with carnage and- distress. [Baal, Moloch, Azazel, Mammon, and Chemosii approach.'] All hail! My worthy, trusted, brave compeers. Your presence is most cheering here to-day. Baal, what say the States you visited ? Baal They all agree. They vote to ratify. Satan. Moloch, how vote the States to which you went ? Moloch. They have done likewise. All have ratified. Satan. What say you, Chemosh, as to your two States? Chemosh. Ehode Island and New York firmly refuse To join in this new union of the States. But Jay and Hamilton most actively Persuade the people to come in and ratify. Though they have all the elements that make A pros^yrous, independent commonwealth. Satan. What of New Hampshire ? Tell us, Azazel, If she still holds out independently ? Azazel. To the new union she at last accedes; The Constitution she now ratifies. Satan. Say, Mammon, what of Massachusetts now? Mammon. I found there much distrust of the new plan. They thought the smaller States had gained too much; Dreaded consolidation, claimed State rights, Feared federal usurpation, and the loss Of precious liberty by despotism. SOUTH CAROLINA RATIFIES. 95 Taxation seemed to terrify their minds. They lauded pure religion, and professed Hot indignation against slave-holding. Indeed, so eloquent did they become, So violent in speech, that 1 did hope They would stand up to banish slavery, Thus bringing on incessant, bloody wars. But Gorham, Gore, King, Phillips, Pierce, and Ames Proved that New England gained her tonnage laws By contract with three Southern States for slaves. 'Twas said the treasure offered for the slaves Was better for New England than the mines Of rich Peru, with all their yellow gold. This golden argument would have prevailed If all the Africans that tread the earth Had stood in clanking chains before their eyes. Hancock's amendments were presented then By Samuel Adams, the great patriot; They were adopted. The Constitution Then was ratified, and Massachusetts Acceded to the Union in due form. Satan. Azazel, what has Carolina done ? Azazel. South Carolina first opposed the plan ; With proud disdain frowned on its tyranny, Could not intrust it with her liberty; Said if she needs must serve, why meekly bow Obedient to New England, rather* than Wear the yoke in service to old Britain. Claimed freedom from oppressive tonnage laws. I thought she would reject the odious scheme, But Pinckney told them that the Middle States, Including great Virginia, had denied The right to import slaves in time to come, But generous New England had agreed To give them slaves for the next twenty years If they would give the Fed'ral government An unrestricted right to tax at will All foreign tonnage for their benefit. He told them that they gained the right to vote 96 THE AMERICAN EPIC. For full three-fifths of all the slaves they owned; That Fed'ral power could never take a slave, But, on the contrary, all States were bound To send back fugitives their masters claimed, Thus giving to the masters' right in slaves The guarantee of thirteen sovereignties, And of the Federal government combined. He told how Greene drove out their British foes And gave protection to their families ; How, when six States tried hard to shut out slaves, New England's potent hand let them come in. This wakened gratitude. She gave them slaves; They gave the pow'r to tax the tonnage of The foreigner, and thus monopolize The carrying trade. The Constitution Then was ratified. South Carolina Acceded to the Union with her slaves. Satan. Then nine of these disjointed sovereignties, With four between, will give six boundaries On which fierce wars will rage incessantly. To-day Virginia's fateful voice will speak. If she accedes, the others will come in And make the "Union perfectly complete ; But if she does accede, she claims the right To secede when bold usurpation frowns. She claims for " States," and people of the States, All powers not granted and by words conveyed To the new government they now create; Claims to protect her rights and all the rights ' Of her posterity to latest times By all the strong, time-tested muniments Of civil liberty and equity. But despots laugh at law. Majorities Are most despotic despots. Only force Wielded by States can shield from Fed'ral force The prey of sectional majorities. One-fourth of all the Governors of States, Backed by their troops, might lay potential hands On rampant tyranny and fraudful greed ; Might veto domineering, selfish hate, A TRIBUNATE OF STATES. 97 And hold the robber section from its prey Until a grave convention of the States Shall, by a three-fourths vote, give legal force To the obnoxious measure in dispute, Or grant relief to the oppressed by law. '•ct whatever she demands, PATRICK HENRY. If she secures this mighty tribunate A fourth to veto, till three-fourths confirm, Our bloody schemes fail of accomplishment. Such check on selfishness held by the States Would counteract all swindling, fraudful schemes, And take from demagogues disunion's plea. 7 y» THE AMERICAN EPIC. It would perpetuate to latest times The peaceful union of this happy land. A\^e must prevent the union if we can; If not, then see that its defects provide Grounds for our triumphs in the days to come. Comrades, await me here, while I look in On these wise Solons of the wilderness. He goes. He returns. How greedily they swallow Henry's words ! With what complete control he sways these men ! Not Cicero, nor great Demosthenes, Nor modern Chatham e'er possessed such power As this great backwoods sage and orator. Like one inspired, the rustic statesman talks. He tells the horrors of their coming fate In such strong language that they seem to see Angels bemoaning their sad destiny. {Aside.'] I'll make the talker a true prophet yet, As later generations shall confess. Yet, 'twill not do to longer let him speak. Or he may tell of means t'avert their doom. Eut how to stop the torrent of his words, Or quench the lightning of his countenance, I find not — Yes, his voice shall not be heard; Am I not prince of all the pow'rs of air? AYill not the winds come swiftly at my call? I'll raise a storm to shake the solid earth; The frowning concave rend with fiery bolts; All elemental forces shall be stirred To threaten men with instantaneous death. Ha, ha ! Ha, ha ! They flee as shrinking from The wrath of the divine Omnipotent. Howl on ! howl on ! destructive elements. While, in my fiendish glee, I gloat upon The ruin and destruction I have wrought. Gabriel and other holy angels arrive. Crahriel Satan, why this alarming, dreadful storm ? Satan's destructive stobm. 99 Satan. Gabriel, I'm free. Your meddlin<^ insolence Deserves no other answer. I do not Move at any master's word. I will it. You poor watch-dogs of creation slip your Gilt collars, leave your locked kennels, And come out to yelp at your superior. Gabriel. Call off those fearful winds from their wnld work. This moment let the dreadful tempest cease; Then, if you will, rail on with idle breath — Yes, in an instant hush the thunder's voice, Or feel the horrors of the wrath to come. TJie fiends retire, the storm ceases. Eesistless force o'erawes the universe. Creation's subject to Omnipotence, Infinite wisdom rules with perfect love. Within encircling wisdom, love, and power Is ample scope for largest liberty In all the hosts of angels, men, and fiends. Here all things work together for the good Of loving, trusting children of the Lord. But wretches who will never yield to love, Must feel the force of a resistless pow'r For the protection of the universe. Comrades, depart. Go each to his great work. I go to mine rejoicing in the Lord. Scene: Eminence commanding a viev) of New YorJc, April S4,17S9. Satan, Mars, Baal, Moloch. They all bow low to Satan ex- cept Mars. Mars. Hail ! mighty chief ! At thy command we come. Faithful to thee with all allegiance due, To execute thy grand destructive plans. We have left naught undone that could be done. These hateful States, resisting all our arts, Accede to the new union. They promise In their government protection such as The sonsof men have never known before. 100 THE AMERICAN EPIC, Hatreds of ages still inspire our zeal, The centuries march on with stately steps, But to give time for sleepless vigilance To work the ruin of man's hateful race. Satan. Comrades, ten thousand thanks for your past zeal, Your perseverance, and your fortitude. With us, defeats pave paths to victory. Though conquered often, we are ne'er subdued. Mars. But latterly your wisest plans all fail. These times of peace show little of your pow'r. Next week a quiet, prosp'rous time begins, With warrior chiefs reclined on easj^-chairs. Satan. Be patient. Mars ; hear what I have to say. These Western gales of peace and liberty Shall scatter dragon's teeth in Europe's soil, And from that plenteous planting shall spring forth Millions of armed men to stain with blood The verdure of a thousand battle-fields. And devastate a hundred thousand homes, Filling the world with anguish and despair. The French are getting ready for the fray In which half of a world will be at strife. That conflict shall convulse most mighty realms, Pull down earth's grandest thrones and dynasties, And raise up heroes whose astounding deeds Shall overshadow Alexander's fame. But what if I should now predict fierce wars Between descendants of Americans? What if, in less than fourscore fleeting years. With more than fiend-like fury these great States Fly at each other, and, in reckless rage, Forgetful of the compacts of their sires. Tread in the dust their blood-bought liberties, Claiming despotic pow'r for States o'er States, And over all their subject citizens ! Then hear mo now. I promise more than this. In less than fourscore vears millions of men SECTIONAL HATRED PREDICTED, lOl Armed and embattled, shall tread down State rights, Slay civil liberty, trample on law, Outrage humanity, and to the sick Deny through dreary years the privilege Of buying medicines to heal disease. The thick green venom of the sections' hate Shall turn to gall the sympathies of saints, And give them an intense desire to kill. When devastation shall have done his work, And marked his steps by ruins, ashes, graves, Hatred shall send the basest of his slaves To rule, to ruin, and degrade the land. Mars. Father of lies, this seems impossible. I doubt your pow'r, deny your truthfulness. All lies of all the ages become dwarfed By this false promise of false Lucifer. Peace holds the reins under this government. How, then, can rampant war go forth to light ? Satan. Am I to be insulted to my face ? I reign, ^or shall Olympian Jupiter, Backed by his num'rous family of gods. Presume to cast contempt upon my throne. Another word and the proud god d war By clanking fetters shall be here disgraced. To you, intrusive wretch, I answer not. I shall not deign to you another word. To these adherents of my sovereign throne I owe the revelation of my plans. Know, then, that this new union of the States Has faulty parts, weak and defective links, Imperfect joints that grate discordantly. Man's work is tested by the touch of t me. And by my scheming for its overthrow. Each State is now a nation in itself: The smallest would not yield its sovereignty ; But only certain pow'rs expressly named. Most carefully retaining all the rest; They would not give their work a nation's name. Yet these united sovereignties create 102 THE AMERICAN EPIC. A fed'ral sovereign stronger than themselves. They put into its hands both purse and sword, Then try to bind the giant with mere words. Divided sovereignty — Fed'ral and State, Moved by the hatreds that the sections feel, With clashing interests shall meet force with force, In such malignant, bloody, cruel wars As nations all shall stand aghast to see. Eelentless hate of sections shall send forth The well-armed millions of a continent In deadly strife. Fathers shall slay their sons; Sons strike down gray-haired sires; mothers shall see Their cherished sons go forth as enemies, Each to destroy his brother in the strife. To test my strategy I now predict That upstart insolence in seats of power Will stigmatize as traitors infamous Virginia's bravest, noblest, purest sons, For daring to obey Virginia's laws. On her own soil, defending her chaste homes. Nay, more, fanatic faction in its rage Will give its highest honors to the men Who copy the vile conduct of Dunmore, Cornwall is, Tarleton, Arnold, and the rest In giving her possessions to the flames. All in the name of faithful loyalty. What say you, comrades, will that satisfy? Baal. It will, it will. I'm fully satisfied. Moloch. I too am more than fully satisfied. Baal. Satan, you may expect my hearty help. Moloch. I too will help to bring these things to pass. Satan. My trusty comrades, take my hearty thanks, And share the glory of my great success. In you I see unyielding confidence. Defiant boldness, dreading no defeat. Over all foes expecting victory. In ev'ry contest men must yield to us ! Did we not drive out of their paradise SATAN S ANCIENT TRIUMPHS. 103 Adam and Eve, parents of all the race ? Did we not lead the first of woman born To slay his brother at the shrine of Grod ? Antediluvians became our prey, Till God repented that he had made man, And gave those bold transgressors to the flood. GEORGE WASHINGTON. The heirs of Noah soon became our slaves, And when to mighty nations they had grown, We led them to destroy themselves by sin. For ages we have walked amid the gloom Where once in grandeur mighty nations stood. 104 THE AMERICAN EPIC, Tyre, Carthage, Thebes, Palmyra, Babylon Like morning dreams have passed and ceased to be. Jerusalem, Damascus, mighty Eome Seem shadows of their own magniticence. We shall live on through all earth's centuries, And in the vigor of our youth shall see This newest of the nations share their fate. Scene: Broadway, New York, April 30, 1789. Michael, Gabriel. Michael. 1 bring congratulations from the skies On the successful issue of our plans. Our youthful nation crowns itself to-day With governmental glory such as earth Through all her centuries has never seen. Gabriel. I thank you for your plaudits, worthy prince. Great Washington comes at his country's call To rule her factions or to fight her foes; While Jefferson, Knox, Randolph, Hamilton Will give wise counsels to their honored chief. John Adams in the Senate will preside, Beady to fill a more important place. And Jay judge wisely in the highest court. But see ! They come, and with them Livingston, New York's great chancellor. The book of God There gives validity to the great oath Which Livingston administers in form, And Washington so solemnly assumes. Imperial diadem or royal crown Could add no dignity to that great man Assuming obligations here to-day. The thund'ring cannon makes the welkin ring, The people cheer, the hosts of heaven rejoice. And the great God looks on approvingly. Scene: State-house yard, Philadelphia, October, 1791. Satan, Mo- loch, Belial, Mammon. Satan. Once more of our achievements we may speak, And tell of our great vict'ries over men. Moloch. I have been stirring France to deeds of blood That soon shall startle and amaze mankind. STRIFES OF STATESMEN. 105 Belial. And I have helped the savages to slay The troops of Harmar, Hardin, and St. Clair, Beyond Ohio's stream in Western wilds. Mammon. My work has been with those who death distill In Massachusetts and among the hills Of Pennsylvania, on her sparkling streams. My rum and whisky clients hate all laws, Begard not man, nor do they honor God ; Eut Light Horse Harry Lee with Fed'ral troops Compelled the whisky boys t' obey the law. Satan. I have stirred strife to trouble Washington. 'Twas natural that soldiers should demand A vig'rous government to raise supplies Which cautious statesmen might be slow to yield. So Hamilton most honestly desired More pow'r for Fed'ral hands than States would grant. I tempt him now to seize the pow'rs he wants. And claim that though not granted, they're implied, Or else necessitated by the force Of public policy or dire distress. So he creates a bank —assumes State debts Held by the thrifty North. By tonnage laws And tariifs robs the South, and in the North Builds the rich aristocracy he wants To make a strong and stable government, According to his fav'rite theory. Happ'ly for my success, great Jefferson Is Southern born and of the planter class. By the great Declaration which he wrote, I Pledged to the common people of the land, Friend of State rights and human liberty. Already factions gather i^ound these men. And vex the righteous soul of Washington. Through many generations I will make Their names the rallying cries of North and South, Of speculators or of laborers, Of State rights or of strong, rash government. Till Fed'ral force strikes down resisting States, 106 THE AMERICAN EPIC. And bloated wealth strides proudly o'er the poor. I hope to bring the strifes of Europe here, With a French party claiming Jelterson, And England's friends supporting Hamilton. What say you to the working of my plans? All. Go on ! go on ! You have our hearty helj). Scene: Boston Common, July, 1702. Eaphael, Abdiel. Ahdiel. Servant of Grod and guardian of mankind, What loving deed has brought you here to-day ? Raphael. See you those horsemen ? I attend on them. They go to Lynn on business of our king. Abdiel. Whence come they ? On what busmess do they come ? Eaphael. Sons of the South. ]^ew England needs them now. With loving hearts they come to bring relief. Their fathers sent to Boston rich supplies When Britain would have starved her citizens, Then came with Washington to fight her foes, And drive the haughty Britons from her shores. So these most gen'rous, loving Southerners Bring to New England richer, costlier gifts. And bolder heroes to fight fiercer foes. There's Jesse Lee, Virginia's noble son; He is the leader of this gallant band. There's John, his brother, victim of disease, Who soon shall gain his crown of victory. From Maryland comes Freeborn Garretson And brave George Roberts. From Delaware see Bold Nathaniel Mills. From distant Georgia Eloquent Hope Hull, and by his side is Bishop Asbury, with Smith and Allen. These men of God bring simple gospel truth To vanquish errors which blight Churches hero. Sons of the Plymouth pilgrims leave the faith FLEEING FROM CALVIN 'S DECREES. 107 Of their renowned forefiithcrs, and take up The cast-off heresies of other lands, Deny divinity to Jesus Christ, Say that redemption came not by his blood; Deny that God, the Holy Spirit, works In quick'ning, cleansing, sanctifying men; Claim holiness by nature, not by grace; Expect salvation by their own good works. Or claim for scoffing men a home in heaven, With naught of penitence or prayer or faith; WoiUd place Confucius by the side of Christ, And think they stretch their charity to hope That through the coming ages Christ may rise To the high level of a Boston sage. Ahdlel. Say, Eaphacl, how did educated men Such transcendental nonsense here embrace ? Baphael. Their fathers taught that God had forc-or- dained Whatever comes to pass throughout all time, And yet is not the author of a sin; That God is love, and yet sends babes to hell; That one cannot be added to the saved. Nor one diminished from the Lord's elect. Yet men are blamed for failing to be saved. These contradictions trouble not the Scotch, But Yankee brains ask: " How can these things be?" Disdainfully they throw away the creed Of their forefathers taught by Augustine; Its truthful parts despise more than the false; Then boasting of their learning and their wit, Their fancied wisdom makes them Satan's dupes. Of course the same gross errors suit not all, Nor yet the same wise persons all the time; Nor do they all cease to be Puritans, But they are so stampeded by affright At Calvin's errors, they'll take any tiling To get away from the divine decrees. Socinus, Arius, or Pelagius, The pope, Confucius, Brahma, or Buddha, 108 THE AMERICA}^ EPIC. From Calvinism seem to be relief. But from the South comes help in time of need. New England's altar fires shall blaze again, Lit by the torch of truth in Southern hands. Sons of the Puritans shall hail with joy The coming of these gospel cavaliers. Men call them Methodists. Two years ago Lee left his Southern home and hither came. MARTHA WASHINGTON. A thousand converts welcome them to-day, And aid them in their efforts to do good. Last week reluctant Boston warmed with love And organized a zealous, holy Church. Ten thousand such shall soon illume this hind With pure religion's brightest, hallowed flames, And send to distant nations light and love For those who grope in darkness and distress. ENGLISH AND FRENCH FACTIONS. 109 Scene : Philaddplua, Jane 10, 1795. Baal, Maks, Satan, Mammon. Baal. What say you, Mars, to Satan's schemes and plans, Since you have seen how perfectly they work? Mars. Let him go on. His tactics I admire. I gladly follow his bold leadership. I now retract my disrespectful words. Europe will fight for the next twenty years, And I shall revel amid bloody wars. Satan. And these young lambs shall be old Europe's Pi-ey, Devoured among her greedy, hungry wolves, Unless the heav'nly pow'rs aid Washington. Already Jefferson and Hamilton Have left the cabinet for private life; The people are for Britain or for France, And ready to take arms on either side. The sword of Washington and his great name Disarm the factious, make them live in peace. But recently, with Mammon's ready aid, I held the chief helpless between two fires. France sent her minister demanding help Against the hateful foes of liberty. Yes, France, the gen'rous friend of other days, Eoused the rash people 'gainst their government. While Britain, with piratical intent, Seized Yankee ships wherever they were found. And sent the barb'rous Indians to destroy The helpless families of the far West. 1 thought the people then would fly to arms, But Washington soon had Genet recalled Back to his own rash country, warlike France. To Britain Jay was sent with peaceful words. The treaty that he made was hailed with scorn, Was burned by mobs, assailed by orators, Who said their country had been basely sold. But, Mammon, you had much to do with that. Please mve the details that so hateful seem. , 110 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Mammon. Jay was most patriotic, but was met By haughty, selfish Britons, backed by force His youthful country could not well resist. They proposed to move their soldiers from the Western forts, where Indians had been armed To slaughter babes; to leave the frontiersmen Of that wild region; the enlarging trade; To cease their depredations on the seas, And pay for ships and cargoes they had seized. But they refused to pay for stolen slaves, As in the former treaty was agreed ; Demanded that old debts should all be paid By those who had obtained the merchandise. 'Twas my fine hand that brought all this to pass. When the great war began, I told the men That war had settled all of their old debts. When peace returned, the Fed'ral government Agreed to the collection of those debts; But I then told the patriots to demand Exemption from those antiquated claims; Then told the British not to pay for slaves, Nor yet surrender up the frontier forts, -Until the patriots paid up their debts. The treaty made by Jay, an Eastern man. Paid Eastern men for stolen ships and goods, But confiscated stolen Southern slaves, Because old debtors died or failed to pay. What maddens the Americans seems clear: Wayne whipped the Indians and had peace enforced In spite of British fraud and cruelty: So, giving up the forts she nothing gave. Why, then, should Jay relinquish claims for slaves? Why raise again the question of old debts. And fill the land with most vexatious suits ? , It makes men doubly desperate to fail In their endeavors to shake off just debts. But so I'll tempt them to the end of time. Satan, this trouble is not ended yet. Satan. Nor shall it end till, roaring for more prcj', The British lion treads these shores again. LOUISIANA PURCHASED. Ill Scene: Washington City, June I, 1S03. Michael, Gabriel. Michael. I hail you, happy Gabriel ! J^ews arrives At this new seat of empire that the French Have sold this youncj republic vast domains Extending broadly westward to the shores Washed by Pacific's peaceful, gentle waves. The States thus gain more than a million of Square miles of land, with mighty rivers on Their rapid way to the vast oceans of The East and West. This to the frontier men Gives free access to all the whole round world, Without leave asked of Britain, France, or Spain ; With liberal hand throws wide trade's golden gates, And welcomes the rich commerce of a world ; Invites prosperity with wide-spread sails To enter at ten thousand open ports. Gabriel. Yes, Michael, but the half has not been told Of God's great goodness to this favored land. The Indians, whipped by Wayne, have peaceful grown ; Jay's treaty with the British, though unjust. Caused peace to smile where war had madly frowned; The whisky fiends of Pennsylvania Submitted to the troops of Harry Lee, Proving the majesty of fed'ral law ; Factions were awed by mighty Washington; The States kept free from foreign dominance; When France in robber tones demanded gifts, Pinckney with stately dignity replied, " AYe've millions for defense, but not a cent For tribute to the strongest of our foes," And the brave States in thunder tones rolled back The patriot statesman's grand, defiant words. When war came threat'ningly from angry France, The people rallied in their own defense, And called on Washington to lead their troops. The waves were witnesses of French defeats. The robber ships, some captured, some destroyed. Found foemen who could humble all their pride. Then Frenchmen changed their rulers, and again Peace wound her chain of love around okl friends. '"''"''llliiiilliiiiiiilSI JEFFERSON AND JOHN MARSHALL. 113 This strengthened the new government abroad, And gave the people confidence at home. It had been feared when Washington must go, The orphaned Union would then sadly pine. But the great man retired to private life ; The States lived on. He died; they flourished still. 'Twas feared that conflicts at election times Would bring on anarchy and bloody strife. Administrations changed; no blood was shed. Then selfish faction tempted Aaron Burr To let it steal for him the highest place; And Burr was willing, while for days they tried To take the presidency and its power From Jeff'erson, the people's chosen chief. But honest Bayard checked the villainy; Against his party, let the right prevail. 'Twas well the government should stand the test, And triumph over faction's cunning fraud. It throttled usurpation and struck down The tyranny that followed forms of law, When even patriots in authority Enacted and enforced despotic laws Against the Constitution and the right. 'Twas proper that the ballots of the free Should, under avalanches of contempt, Bury those patriot tyrants of the land In cold oblivion. Then repeal their acts. And let the hangman burn the hateful words. The alien and sedition laws are dead. The party that enacted them will die. Burr's name is hateful. Jefl'erson is still The guardian of State rights, and freedom's friend. He rules in righteousness. Authority Not granted by the States he will not wield. Even the treaty by which he secures Louisiana to the land he loves He would submit to the approval of The sev'ral States. Happy the land with such A ruler blessed ! Thrice happy in the judge That fills the place of highest honor in Its highest court! John Marshall is his name. 8 114 THE AMERICAN EPIC, Justice personified in him is seen. Marshall and Jefferson, Virginia's sons, Shall through the coming ages bless mankind, And by the might of their illustrious names Cause terror-stricken tyranny to quail, And usurj^ation drop its mask of smiles; While fraud, corruption, legal villainy. Shall trembling drop their base, dishonest gains. But see! The great Chief-justice comes this way, And by his side the greater President: They pass in modest majesty sublime. Without a thread of such pretentious garb As little greatness still delights to wear. The honor that enshrines these noble men Might waken envy in archangels' breasts, If angels' breasts could envy entertain. Michael. You grow enthusiastic in their praise; I join you in admiring their renown. Their unpretentious, simple, lofty aims. But I have marveled much at the great growth Of these United States in worldly wealth. The fruitful soil exhaustless riches yields, And fills the land with plenty and with joy. The mines surrender their long hidden stores, The forests wave a welcome to the men That turn their lofty grandeur into gold. Waves bear the white-winged wand'rers of the deep From ev'ry land with tribute to these shores. While population multiplies and spreads, Still doubling its possessions year by year. New vsettlements, blooming and beautiful, Spring forth to join the sisterhood of States. Vermont from her green hills came smiling down ; Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio, Baptized with blood, march grandly, sword in hand. To their high places in the stately band. No other nation ever prospered so. Mankind, astonished, wonder and admire. Angels exult to see such blessedness. And God himself smiles on the blissful scene. Let us away where other duties call. BOOK SIXTH. Scene : Tippecanoe, in the icoods of Indiana, November 8, ISll. Sa- tan, Mars, Mammon, Belial. Mars. Ha, ha! ha, ha ! What is it wo have here? 'Tis war, but war not worthy of the name. Napoleon's campaigns, WeUington's great fights, Eussia's rude millions, Prussia's well-drilled ranks, Might claim applause from Jupiter himself; But these frontiersmen and their Indian foes May all be left to Belial and his fools. Belial. Take back your insult ! But for knaves and fools Your world-wide wars could never be commenced. Mars. True, Belial. I retract the insulting words. I recognize the value of your work. Satan. Yes, fill the world with sober, upright men. And peace would plant her olives in all lands, Doves lay their nurselings where the eagles brood, And harvests ripen upon battle-fields. Ten peaceful years sages have ruled this land, With Jefferson or Madison in pow'r. All my malignant arts provoke no wars. I've seen the population multiplied, The territory doubled in extent, The commerce increased more than seven-fold, The wilderness explored from sea to sea, Lewis and Clarke in distant Oregon, As pioneers of millions who shall go To till the lands and plow Pacific's waves. I've seen success crown Fulton's enterprise To yoke the steam, and make it pull his ships Against opposing tides and wayward winds, (115) 116 THE AMERICAN EPIC, Ready to hurl destruction at all foes That dare invade the waters to make war. Tiie pirates, whipped, no longer vex the sea; Indians, subdued, no more distress the land; The schemes of Burr suppressed, and he disgraced; Great Hamilton, who rivaled Jefferson, Mourned by all parties in an early grave; The Eastern faction growled, but dared not bite, And I, in my malignity, looked on, Without ability to stir up strife. Here peace, prosperity, and plenty smiled On Christian principles and honest men. But I have not been idle. Mammon too Has toiled to darken their benignant skies, And hurl war's furious tempests at their homes. Belial has stirred these Indians, as you see, To deeds of treachery and cruelty; But Harrison has whipped the savages. Behold the ashes of their wigwam homes! Say, Mammon, what of Britain's " lords of trade ? " Mammon. I made them agonize with envious rage, As Yankee commerce, borne by Yankee ships, Caused their own trade to languish day by day; Then sent them to their rulers to demand The driving of these upstarts from the sea By cutting oif all traffic with the French. 1 moved the Frenchmen to retaliate. And close against them all of Britain's ports. I thought these cautious Christian men must fight With France or England, or with both at once. Instead of that they joined their enemies To keep their ships confined in their own ports. Finding they would not fight with foreigners, I tried to raise a fight among themselves By tempting all the selfish sons of trade To take up arms against the embargo. New England listens, and may yet secede To join her fortunes with the Canadas. John Henry thinks she will, and so does Craig, Who now rides Canada for Britain's king. BRITISH OUTRAGES. 117 Satan. Mammon, I give you praise for worlc well done. I have led England to assert a right To seize her subjects wheresoever found, And to impress them with her own marines. Thus ships of neutral nations now are searched For men to fight the battles of King George. Speaking the English language is enough To prove them subjects of the English King. So, in the service of these kidnappers, Six thousand citizens of these proud States Are held. Adding insult to injury, I made the *' Leopard" stop the "Chesapeake" Near her own harbor, and drag from her decks Four men to bondage, ono to cruel death. These peaceful rulers most indignantly (3rdered all British war-ships from their ports, Then rested on in quiet dignity. At last, when foreign trade was quite destroyed By French and English robbery at sea. Without a ship that dared to sail abroad, The prudent men proclaimed "non-intercourse" With pirate nations that destroyed their trade. To shame them out of their inglorious peace, 1 made them stand a battle on the sea. The "Little Belt" attacked the " President" Without a word of warning or of threat; But as brave Rogers punished his rude foe. Giving the British pirate deadly shots, 'Twas deemed sufficient to avenge the wrong. So those most patient rulers still have peace; But they shall soon have war. I'll make them fight. Mammon, send Henry to tlie fed'ral court With written evidence of England's plot To wield New England's factions and detach Her wordy traitors from the fed'ral league. Belial, go to the sea-ports. Idle throngs Need but your help, and they grow desperate. Go wake the warlike woodsmen of the West To deeds of valor worthy of themselves. Bring up young statesmen to the capital: 118 THE AMERICAN EPIC. I'll stir ambition in their youthful blood, And war's rude hurly-burly shall begin. Scene : Capitol, Washington, D. C, December 25, 18 IS. Asmodeus, AzAZEL, Mars, Satan, Baal, Moloch, Chemosh, Belial, Mam- mon, Belus, Serapis. Satan. A merry Christmas to my trusty friends ! Come, celebrate with me the natal day Of David's Son, the mighty Prince of Peace; While his meek, peaceful subjects work our will. Eoman and Greek and Protestant agree, At least for once in perfect unity. They all combine to take each other's lives; They make the world one glorious battle-field ; While fishes of all oceans feast on flesh Of Christians slaughtered by true Christian men. Russia sees millions crimsoning her snows; All soils are fertilized with Christian blood; Here Protestants with Protestants contend. Mars, Huzza ! huzza ! war, glorious war employs The pious subjects of the Prince of Peace ! Baal. Huzza ! huzza ! his millions haste to claim A dwelling-place with us in hell's dark depths. All. Huzza! huzza! huzza! we welcome them ! Satan. Yes, this young nation yielded to my arts. The Irishman, John Henry, and the plot Which he revealed, roused hatred in the hearts Of angry millions. Bold statesmen such as C4rundy, Clay, Calhoun hurried the timid, Cautious, prudent, slow into rash action. All unprepared in every thing but men. They struck the strongest nation in the world. As might have been expected, they have foiled. Hull basely played the coward at Detroit; Surrendered all his men, lost Michigan, Gave up Lake Erie, and defenseless left The helpless people of the whole North-west. Van Rensselaer, at Qiieenstown, drove the foe. SATAN BEIGNS. 119 Ordered twelve hundred men to cross the stream, And help complete the half-won victory. New York's militia would not leave their State: The craven cowards left their country's flag And its defenders to the enemy. One Smyth, still later, sent his men across, But feared to lead the gallant patriots. A hero leading dastard followers; A dastard leader of brave, valiant men. But on the ocean bravery and skill Have given immortality to names That shall be honored in most distant lands. Decatur, Porter, Jones, and Isaac Hull, Bear off the honors of the present war; But other men shall highest honors claim Before peace hovers o'er this land again. Yet, comrades, all the honors won by men Are naught compared with those we proudly wear. Their grandest battles are but skirmishes To world-wide conflicts such as ours are. Our foes are stronger — yea, omnipotent — And destined yet to triumph over us; But we fight on through the whole course of time. We rule all nations. I still proudly reign " God of this world," enthroned o'er all mankind. Yes, e'en at Christmas I rule Christian men. Behold the great men stagg'ring through the streets! To time's last moment earth shall still be mine. And when the lake of fire shall blaze round me This world of mine shall feel consumina* fires. Messiah, if he wants it for his saints, Must it, as well as them, create anew. Scene: In the woods near the river Thamea, Canada, October o, 1813. Abdiel, Ithukiel, Uriel, Zophiel. Ahdiel. If tears were ever shed by angel eyes, This wicked war would make them freely flow. Last January Winchester's brave troops Surrendered to their haughty British foes. But Proctor, the most infamous of men. Subjected them to Indian scalping-knives. 120 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Ithuriel. So Dudley and his men were sacrificed To savage fury at a later day. Uriel. When gallant Chauncey and his brave marines | Drove British ships from Lake Ontario, Dearborn crossed over to the northern shore With troops to capture forts and army stores. Th' exploding of Toronto's magazine Sent death to heroes that were led by Pike; ? But in the arms of victory they fell, j Crowned with the praises of the land they loved. t Ithuriel. AYinder and Chandler stormed Fort George in May. It yet is held in spite of England's power. Zophiel. Old ocean still is vexed with human strife, And hurls his storms against the combatants; But they fight on, and when defeated cry With dying Lawrence: "Don't give up the ship! " But not on bounding billows of the deep Do British sailors seek for glory now. To proud old England naval warfare means Prowling along the shore for helpless prey, Outraging decency and burning towns. Abdiel. Hark ! hark ! I hear the sounds of horrid war, The noise of musketry, the clash of arms; The tramp of cavalry, the steady step Of British infantry, and the loud cries Of strong frontiersmen, battling for their lives. List to the Indian war-whoop ! Hear the yell Of dying hundreds in their agonies ! See Proctor fleeing ! The cruel dastard Hastes to leave the field. His proud regulars Flee swiftly in the steps of their base chief. Kentucky horsemen mow them down like wheat. See that strong Indian ! Listen to his voice. Urging his red braves forward to the fight. That is Tecumseh, bravest of his race.^ He's badly wounded; see, the strong man falls! As their chief dies the Indians quit the field. AMERICAXS VICTORIOUS. 121 See Isaac Shelby, hero of two wars, ]^ow civil Governor of his great State. And there is Harrison; Virginia's blood Throbs in his heart and mantles on his check, Impelling him to most illustrious deeds. See, at his side, the manly Colonel Croghan, Brave young defender of Fort Stevenson. And there is Colonel Johnson, leaning on The shoulders of two comrades who support, With loving hearts, their noble, bleeding fi-iend. And last, but most renowned of all the throng, Behold young Perry, hero of the lake. His naval victory, so bravely won, Thrilled a whole nation with exultant joy, And rendered this day's triumph possible. This double vict'ry gives ten thousand homes Protection against bloody tomahawks. The playful children of the West no more Shall check their sports to list for savage yells. Matrons and maidens, undisturbed by fear. Shall sing of heaven, and find it in the smiles Of lovely innocence, secure from harm. Scene: Hartford, Ct., December, I8I4. IVIars, Satan, Chemosh, Mammon, Belus. Mars. More than two years of what these men call war Have passed with only trifling skirmishes.' Satan. True, Mars, but you're impatient of results. You think of what is seen. I lay vast plans, Involving millions through all coming time. You only see some thousands march, fight, die; Some trifling villages consumed by fire. I cherish hatreds between North and South, Fanning the flames that shall break out and burn Through this broad Union in the days to come. Chemosh. I will not hear this war belittled so; This bird in hand is worth two in the bush. Satan, your schemes for continental woe 122 THE AMERICAN EPIC, • J May end in failure, wise as they may seem. Mars, you may glory in great Wellington, In Bonaparte, and Europe's countless hosts, But don't despise this side-show of a war Which Britain wages as with her left hand. These hating kinsmen hav^e struck fearful blows. What think you of the nameless horrors seen Near the wild banks of Raisin's bloody stream ? What of the braves by bold Tecumseh led ? What of their conquerors upon the Thames, Led on by Johnson, Shelby, Harrison ? What of the boyish Croghan at Sandusky, And youthful Perrj^, whose intrepid deeds On Erie's waters ring around the world ? Was that a skirmish when, near Chippewa, More than five hundred of the British fell. Or when nine hundred fell at Lundy's Lane, Where fame's loud trump proclaimed the honored names Of Scott, of Ripley, Jessup, Miller, Brown? What of Fort Eric's siege ? attempts to storm ? Fierce bombardment for more than forty days ? Its fiery sorties and its brave defense ? AVhen fourteen thousand men with Prevost marched, And Downie's mighty fleet accompanied, Up Sorel River to the Saranac? Was that not war that forced them to retreat. Losing one-fifth of their vast armament, Their'admiral, and nearly all his ships? Plattsburg and Lake Champlain pronounce it war. McDonough and Macomb wear warriors' wreaths And write their names on glory's brightest ])ago. 'Twas worse than war when Ross at Washington Used arson's torch, and burned the capitol. 'Twas war sublimed, war glorified, when Smith Marshalled ten thousand men at Baltimore To fight at North Point for their native home. Since that great battle ev'ry glowing star In freedom's banner flashes forth the names Of Baltimore, McIIenry, and North Point. In most heroic times this would be war. JOHN HENRY — THE TEMPTER. 123 Satan. Yes, Chemosh, you have wisely proved your point. But, Mammon, what report have you to make About your money-mongering clientage ? Mammon. My clients must be treated with respect. True, they love money; others love it too. But lack the shrewdness and the enterprise By which New England's sons enrich themselves. Why then should Satan coin an uncouth phrase To fling at my most worthy clientage ? I'll not report until he takes it back. Satan. We'll have no disputation about wordy. I'll take it back; I want the news you bring. Mammon. Well, then, when Adams ruled, and Fisher Ames Was the chief orator in Congress Hall, New England was well pleased with peace or war. She knew her sons were wisest, bravest, best Of all who sailed the seas or trod the earth, And lost all patience when the purblind eyes Of outside millions failed to see it so. 'Twas quite too bad to think of or endure That President, Premier, Chief-justice, and Decatur, gallant prince of naval chiefs, Should all be Southern born and Southern bred. And when Louisiana had been bought. The wise men of the East declared 'twas time To leave the Union and seek wiser friends. When France would cripple commerce, and the sea Saw Britain kidnap thousands of their sons, War was demanded, but the imbeciles. Who ruled at Washington embargoed trade, And checked the bus'ness by which men grew rich. No wonder my shrewd clients looked al)road For commerce that could not be found at home. And still they seek immediate relief In every quarter that may promise help. Belus. 'Twas then John Henry came from Canada 124 THE AMERICAN EPIC, To offer them Great Britain's potent aid. They listened and encouraged him to hope That they would meekly bear the British yoke, Though Bunker Hill frowned on the hateful spy And Lexington and Concord spurned the wretch, While silent protests came from the green graves Where lay the honored dust once nobly worn By Warren, Prescott, Adams, Hancock, Ames; But brave John Adams, true and faithful still, Writing in kindness to his early friend, Told Jefferson the law must be repealed. 'Twas done, and still they were not satisfied. And now when war prevails and patriots bleed. The hydra heads of faction hiss against What they had long demanded as most wise. With stifling breath they try to suffocate, With snaky folds to crush the government; Destroying credit and denying aid, Betray the country to its enemies. These men will go no farther. They are shrewd ; The hatreds of the sections are intense. But their self-interest deeper, stronger far. Theirs is not hot blood of the cavaliers, Nor hasty chivalry of Huguenots. They cannot hope for aught from Canada That's worth a tithe of what they here possess. No stretch of Fed'ral tyranny could drive These calculating people to secede. But, Satan, they are ready to your hand To drive out men more hasty than themselves. Under the Constitution they will claim All that they want and hold all that they gain. Others may call it legal robbery. But they'll drive wedge and screw still ffirthcr in And boldly smile at their shrewd Yankee trick. With kindly feeling and philanthropy^ Their condescending charity will_stoop To hft their neighbors to their own high plane Of transcendent'al super-eminence. If those dull neighbors venture to demur, Audacious insults may be hurled at them. THE HARTFORD CONVENTION. 125 These fail! no;, rifles, swords, and spears complete Their elevation to the loftier plane. Satan. You speak most wisely, Belus; but the world Has many people that are worse than these. And few that are mucli better can you find. I'll use them as you say for my wise ends. If we cannot induce them to secede, AVe'll use them to make other men go out, And then perhaps to drive them back again. But these conventionists in Hartford met Will give their names to infamous contempt. As banded 'gainst their country while at war. When they complete the work they have in hand. And threaten Madison with what they'll do If he does not conclude the war in haste, 'Twill be to learn of peace already made. Without the least regard for their fierce threats. Mammon. Does Babylonian Belus dare to blame The wise inhabitants of wisdom's land? Does Satan dare to damn them with faint praise? Such disrespect deserves, and shall receive. The stern rebuke of one who knows them well. This land of scholars, schools, and colleges, Of statesmen, orators, philosophers. Of wise inventors, and industrious men, Shall flourish in despite of envious hate. Scene : New Orleans, January 8, 181B. Gabriel, Abdiel, ZEriioN, Raphael, Itiiubiel, Uriel. Ahdiel. I hail you happy here, my friends, to-day! Once more peace smiles upon this favored land, Reposing in the lap of victory. The laurel-wreath that rests on Jackson's brow Has been well won, and now is nobly worn. A widow's son, trained in the fear of God, His boyhood gave its strength to freedom's cause. Later in life he championed womanhood; Her base detractors fled before his wrath. When savage warriors threatened the frontiers, And slew four hundred persons at Fort Minis, 126 THE AMERICAN EPIC. lie riislicd to rescue others from such fate. He had but acorns to subsist upon, But gave security to helpless homes, And wrote his honored name on grateful hearts. Zephon. When British ships from Pensacola sailed With troops to take Fort Bowyers' garrison, He hastened to repel his country's foes. Then storming Pensacola, he drove out The enemy from Spanish Florida. When fifty ships, with full twelve thousand men, Came to attack defenseless New Orleans, He martial law proclaimed, and wnth strong will Compelled the people to defend themselves. He took their cotton-bales to build a wall For their protection from their enemies; Sent out his gun-boats to delay the foe. Then from the river he bombarded them; Still later sent two thousand riflemen, With deadly aim to slay their officers. Then falling back behind his cotton-bales, He smiled at their impotent cannonade. And waited for Napoleon's conquerors. They marched this morning, led by Pakenham; And when he fell, by Gibbs; and then by Keen; When he had fallen, Lambert led them off In swift retreat from Jackson's backwoodsmen. Eight killed and eighteen wounded was the loss Sustained by the undrilled Americans. Of vet'ran British seven hundred fell, With fourteen hundred helpless from their wounds And full five thousand pris'ners left behind. From early dawn to nearly nine o'clock The fight continued with terrific loss. At each discharge the British were mowed down By marksmen such as they had never met Until they faced the troops of Tennessee And stood before Kentucky riflemen. A truce is granted by the conqueror To let the wounded and the dead receive All due attention from their countrymen. AN INTERNATIONAL COURT. 127 Raphael. You say the war is ended, peace prevails. Please tell me what's been gained by all the strife. Ithuriel. The States have seen their eapitol consumed. Their coasts laid waste, their villages destroyed, Their soldiers slain, or wounded, or diseased. Full eighteen thousand sailors have been lost. As many hundred ships captured or sunk. Have paid high taxes and now owe a debt Of fivescore million dollars, if not more. The British have lost much, and nothing gained But the disgrace of arson, outrages, And high renown from Indian massacres. Both now gain peace ; yes, peace, and nothing more. Ahdiel. But then the States have freedom of the seas, Trade unrestricted by their stronger foes. Exemption from impressment of their sons. And the grand record of such deeds as this Performed to-day by Jackson and his troops To hold in awe the tyrants of the world, And make them fear t' offend these mighty States. Gabriel. If men were wise, benevolent, and just, All wars might cease, peace everywhere prevail, And arbitration settle all disputes. 'Twere better still to organize a court To judge of international complaints. Each country on the globe could choose its judge And furnish its proportion of a force Commanded by the marshal of that court. To properly enforce its just decrees. Earth's armies might with safety then disband, Producing, not destroying, property Each nation could get help for its police By proper application to the court. And thus establish order in all lands. Contiguous countries wishing to unite Could ask the court to give them its consent. The court could hold its sittings when and where Occasion and convenience might demand. 128 THE AMEPdCAN EPIC, Its ships and regiments might first embrace The navies and the armies of the world, To be reduced proportionately till Ten thousand men would keep mankind in peace. Uriel. Hark ! hark ! the hero comes ! Behold the chief! The city's saved, he honors civil law. Judge Hall now trembles, fearing Jackson's friends, And trembles more to hear the chieftain's voice; But there is law, not wrath, in its clear tones: " Judge, I have done my duty ; now do yours. The court shall be protected by the power That did protect the city ; so fear not. If I've been guilty of contempt of court, Inflict the penalty; it shall be paid." The judge assessed the fine, which Jackson paid. This grandest vict'ry of the chieftain's life — The hero's triumph over his own pride, The soldier's high regard for civil law, The warrior's tribute paid to legal power — Is the rich metal of a brighter crown Than conq'ror ever wore on earth before. Scene: Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. C, IS 15. Ithuriel, Abdiel. Ahdiel. What mean this music, these excited crowds ? Ithuriel. Decatur has returned from Barbary ; The pirates fell or fled at his approach. Algiers, Tripoli, Tunis, well chastised, Surrendered all the prisoners they held. And paid in cash for their bold robberies. The conq'ring hero and his brave marines Bring back the long lost exiles to their homes. Wife, children, friends, and native land agree To make their glad hearts overflow with joy; And there are Madison, Monroe, Calhoun, And all the cabinet to welcome them And to do honor to the naval chief That rescued them from bondage with strong hand. THE MISSOURI COMPROMISE. 129 Behold Decatur ! modest and serene, All heaven would delight to honor him. Scene : The Capitol, Washington, D. C, August, 1821. Satan, Baal, Mammon. Satan. My honored allies, in our endless wars Ev^ents transpire that claim our serious thoughts. The Greeks throw off the sultan's galling yoke; Old Spain will lose her Western colonies; France groans beneath the Bourbon's tyranny; A black republic called Liberia Has been set up in Western Africa; Jackson has whipped the warlike Seminoles, Has chased the savages to Spanish ground. There seized and hanged two meddling Englishmen. England said nothing, proud old Spain complained, But to her neighbors sold fair Florida. I witnessed that great sale, and smiled to sec John Quincy Adams Texas give away. While Southern statesmen kindly closed their eyes, Or looked away in search of Northern votes. These statesmen talk of roads, canals, a bank, A tariff manufactures to protect ; But I make their disputes all sectional, Make every act a triumph for the North Or for the South. Monroe, elected twice. Must soon retire ; but the next President Shall owe his office to a section's vote Or to a combination between men To give a section favors it demands. The Union grows, new States increase its strength, And blaze in starry brightness on its flag. Louisiana, from the far South-west, Met Indiana leading Hlinois; While Mississippi Alabama led, To greet Missouri and far Eastern Maine ; But when Missouri came I raised a storm That shook the Union with an earthquake's force. Baal. On what pretense did you excite that storm ? She had the same right other States have had. 9 130 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Satan. So I well knew, and could have proved it too, But jealousy of sections intervened To do for me more than I dared to hope. I prompted supercilious piety To claim superior philanthropy And zeal for equal rights among all men. Not equal rights among the sovereign States, To claim for Congress absolute control Of all the territories of the land, So that Missouri could not be a State Unless she banished slavery from her soil. Baal. When did the States give Congress such a right. Or any right to legislate on slaves ? Satan. Never. The Union could not have been formed If such a notion had been entertained. But many wish to see the States ignored. That fed'ral force in all things may prevail. I aid them now to take and firmly hold All they desire in a strong government. But never could induce the States to yield. Still better for my grand, audacious schemes A compromise draws a dividing line From East to West across the continent. That line divides two parties; fills with hate The bosoms of a self-willed, warlike race. That line I'll widen, make it red with blood And glittering with swords and bayonets. Baal. When did the people give authority To any one to draw a line like that Between co-equal citizens and States ? When did the States consent to such a line, Or Southerners agree to lineal law, That treats them as despised inferiors? When did French residents renounce the rights Secured by treaty with Napoleon ? Satan. Never. 'Twas King Majority enthroned. His scepter gave to false philanthropy To drive Missouri from the Union's door. BUNKER HILL MONUMENT, 131 'Twas purblind statesmanship, with stumbling steps, Led by ambition trampling upon law, The rights of men, of States, and treaty rights. All by the Constitution well secured, Stretched out the coward hand that drew that line. Mammon. 'Twas I that drew the contract that con- veyed New England's votes to the most southward States, To keep the slave trade open twenty years. And their three votes for tonnage taxing laws. I saw the contract faithfully observed. The slaves were brought till they were two for one, Doubling their numbers in the twenty years. They taxed out foreio:n tonnage at their will, And so they will until the end of time. What now is w^anted? Can it be more slaves? Belial. They want to bless the negroes by decay, To extirpate them, let them slowly starve, T' inclose them in a narrow boundary And let them eat their heads oif if they will. No! no! it is not more but fewer slaves, And fewer masters, and they very poor ! Baal. 'Twould certainly be better for the slave To range at will, or at his master's will. Through all th' unmeasured acres of the West. Satan. I listen to your talk with due respect, But marvel that you fail to see in me The cause of wordy warfare and the strife That now eml)itters sectional disputes. I care not for the slaves, for North or South, But fan the flames of hatred till they blaze With all the fury of destructive war. Scene : Bunker Hill, 3fass., June 17, 1825. Ariel, Raphael, Zo- PHIEL. Zophiel. What means this gathering of thousands here. With martial music and the measured tread Of soldiers ready for the battle-field? 132 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Raphael. 'Tia half a century since on this hill Freemen fought bravely for their liberty. To-day survivors of that famous fight Meet their young countrymen to celebrate The triumphs of the cause for which they fought. Ariel. There's Daniel Webster, prince of orators, "Whose eloquence shall tell of noble deeds Performed by heroes fifty years ago, And of the principles for which they bled, And the rich fruits of those pure principles. Zephon. There's Lafayette, the nation's honored guest, The friend of Washington and liberty: Our country's friend — friend in her time of need. This grand old hero lays upon this spot The corner-stone of a tall monument. Whose tow'ring top, still pointing to the skies, Shall tell the generations yet to come 'Twas their forefathers' God whose mighty hand Gave them the liberty that they enjoy. Great Lafayette came back to visit now The people that in youth he helped to free. A mighty multitude, with happy hearts. Have welcomed him to their rejoicing homes. They give their benefactor fertile lands And crown him with a nation's gratitude. They see him shed afi'ection's flowing tears Upon the honored tomb of Washington. They see the joy that lights his countenance As he beholds their great prosperity, Sees mines and forests and the fruitful soil Lavish upon them richest, rarest gifts. Old ocean rolls her treasures to their shores, And commerce brings rich tribute to their ports. They see how gratified he is to learn That Porter whipped the pirates of the Gulf, Till none remain t' alarm the sons of trade; That Congress recognized the governments Of all the new republics of the South As independent nations of the earth; -^ THE MONROE DOCTRINE. 133 That President Monroe had notified Old Europe that she shall not colonize A single S2)ot of this free continent. Now when he seeks the shores of his loved France, Rememb'ring where his blood in youth was shed, They send him on the good ship " Brandy wine."' BOOK SEVENTH. Scene: Capitol, Washington, D. C, March, 1830. Satan, Mammon, Belial, Baal. Satan. Fate seems against us now, my brave compeers. Jackson, inaugurated, spoils my plans. He is a strict constructionist, and firm In his determination to maintain State rights and civil liberty against All usurpations of the fed'ral power. With him comes in a Senate to sustain And strengthen him. Monopolies must die. Protective tariffs Will no longer rob The planters to enrich the men with mills. The bank must perish, and the treasury. Freed from the leeches that now feast on it, Gather no more than its demands compel For uses that are constitutional. Now, I had hoped that Adams would serve 6ut Another term, and give the greedy East All that it asks from the depleted South; Would strain the Constitution till it breaks, Eending all ties that now connect the States. This disappointment vexes me to-day. Give your advice. Say what shall next be done. Mammon. Press onward in the course you have pur- sued. The fact'ry lords are not yet satisfied. The iron masters more protection claim: They hoodwink honest men and patriots With "The Americans against the world." Ambition's bribes they proffer to the great, And offer money in exchange for votes. I pledge my clientage to your support; We plant our money for productive crops. (134) FACTORY LORDS, 135 Belial. I too can tell of something you will like My client who was once , Now Mrs. . . ., will be snubbed, tabooed By the elite of chaste society. The ]Mous wives of Jackson's cabinet Will be required to recognize my pet, HENRY CLAY AND A MANUFACTURER. Or risk the anger of the President. Their husbands will protect them in the right To freely choose their own associates. This will drive out the faithful married men, And leave the widower of Kinderhook, The trusted counselor of him who rules : 136 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Waiting the day that makes him President. The sly old fox can safely bid his time. Baal. But, Belial, did not the Vice-president Expect the presidency in his turn? Belial. He did, but it is learned that he condemned The Gen'ral for his course in Florida, And his chaste wife tabooed and spurned my pet. Baal. Why did the President part with his friends Eather than see your pretty pet tabooed? Belial. His pious mother in his early youth Made him the champion of womanhood. To slander female innocence and worth Was an offense he never would forgive. Some months ago his faithful, loving wife Was torn from his embrace by cruel death. The gallant hero laid her sacred form Beneath the sod with many a tender tear. The mem'ry of her virtues stirred the depths Of his indignant wrath against the wretch Whose filthy tongue had slandered her good name. A thousand deaths of foul-mouthed slanderers Seemed insufficient for so vile a crime. Just then my lovely pet flashed on his sight With tears of blushing, injured innocence, And claimed protection from her slanderers. A world in arms he would have then defied And bravely, nobly died in her defense. Satan, you smile, but all the heav'nly hosts Had been her champions if they had seen The lovely innocence she then displayed. Satan. Belial, I give you thanks for all you tell; And, Mammon, thanks for your most sage advice. JS^ew combinations now seem possible That may accomplish more than I had hoped. Yes, we have parties that are sectional, The East against the West and planting States. The fed'ral power arrayed against State rights. Eepublican is Fed'ral newly named. Jackson's in on will. There is the bank as planned by Hamilton, And here a party claiming all he asked, All that he asked, but could not then obtain; And here is Jackson, with his iron will, His honest purpose to uphold the right, With a strong tendency to claim that he Himself alone is the Democracy. I'll work the ruin of these prosp'rous States, Accepting help from all who'll give me aid. But there is something truly ominous 137 ANDREW JACKSON. In the coincidence that brought the deaths Of Jefferson and Adams at one time. And that just fifty years from the great day When independence was at first proclaimed. How strange ! The two great patriots, when young, Labored in concert freedom to secure; Then led opposing parties through long years, In age became like brothers, and in death. On Independence Hay, were grandly joined. May not this hint that union will prevail 138 THE AMERICAN EPIC, Against all arts of devils or of men? 1 hear of cars to be propelled by steam, Gliding on iron rails with wondrous speed. This new invention j^romises to be Of priceless value to this favored land. We must begin to study in advance How we can make it hurry men to hell, By accidents, by frauds, by Mammon's arts, By all of^Belial's sharp, deceptive tricks. Scene: The Capitol at Washington, D. C, March 4, IS 33. Satan, Baal, Mammon, Belial. Satan. What arc our prospects now, most worthy friends ? Belial. The cabinet was scattered as proposed, And Kinderhook's shrewd widower became The favorite confidant of his great chief — Was sent to England as ambassador. His rivals in the Senate called him back, Refusing to confirm the nominee. But that has made him the Vice-president. He takes the oath of office here to-day, And four years hence will be the President. Mammon. I with success have crowned my latest scheme. The greedy manufacturers secured Tlie highest tariff ever yet imposed. Threatened disunion if it was denied, And promised money, honor, power, and fame To all who aided their nefarious j^lans. Mars. I stirred the hot blood of the fiery South To nullify the hateful robber law. And got the Force bill passed to have them hanged. 1 wait in hope to see the strife begin. Baal. I gave to Hayne and Webster and Calhoun Such oratory as earth seldom hears To stir opposing forces into strife. Tlieir sections were so charmed with their mistakes That Edward Livingston could scarce command THE TARIFF REDUCED. ' 139 Attention from admiring Senators, AVhilc he set forth truth without error mixed. Satan. Well done! well done ! co-workers with your chief, Your great success emboldens me to-day. But, Mars, you may wait twenty years or more To see this peaceful country drenched in blood. That time will come; you shall not wait in vain. These Carolinians are very brave, And Claj^ has yielded to their just demands. The fact'ry barons have to stand aside Till their great champion saves the land he loves. Calhoun, victorious, sees the tariff tax Greatly reduced through several years to come. But see, Jackson begins his second terra to-day; The great Chief-justice hears him take the oath. Scene: Woods near battle-field of San Jacinto, Tex., April, 1836. Ab- DIEL, ItHURIEL. Ahdiel. We meet again, companion of my toils. What brings you to these far South-western wilds? Ithuriel, The people introduced by Austin here Have been my frequent care for many months. I witnessed their distresses and their griefs, And the injustice of their enemies Before the storms of war beat on their homes; The horrors of the Alamo beheld. And near this place expeco a conflict soon. What can you tell me of the land we love? Ahdiel. That land still prospers, but the cholera Has sent its thousands down to gloomy graves. Black Hawk and all his Indian braves, subdued, No more distress the frontier with their yells. France sent five millions to the treasury, And Portugal has settled her old debts. Fire in New York laid forty acres bare. Consuming eighteen millions of their wealth. The politicians battle still for place And fiercely wage unceasing w^ordy wars. 140 THE AMERICAN EPIC, Death has been claiming great men for his prey: Chief-justice Marshall, Eandolph of Eoanoke, Carroll of CarroUton, and James Monroe, Have lately been laid low in peace to rest. Like Jefferson and Adams, James Monroe Died calmly upon Independence Day. May not this indicate that the great God Makes that fair land peculiarly his care ? But hark ! the sound of battle comes this way ! I go to learn the issue of the fight The Texans have their independence gained. Their foes have fallen on the battle-field. Are captured or are scattered to the winds. See here comes Houston, hero of this fight; And Santa Ana, captured, comes this way. He well deserves to die a murd'rer's death, But his release will give the Texans peace, And crown with independence their brave State. Scene: House of Representatives, Washington, D. C, December 27, 1S37. Satan, Gabriel. Satan. Ha-ha! Ha-ha! My grandest work begins ! Slade of Vermont has raised my battle-cry, And threescore Congressmen in chorus join, Insulting all who dare to own black slaves. They ask for votes to set the negroes free, Just as if Congress was omnipotent. With full authority to work its will. But Wise, Legare, Ehett, Griffin, and McKay Take up the quarrel on the other side. Sustained by all the Southern Congressmen.. They handle one another without gloves. How orderly ! how calm ! how dignified ! How loving ! how courteous ! how refined ! This hatred of the sections I'll inflame Until all hearts shall blaze with fiery wrath. With British emissaries I began My fierce attack upon all Southerners. Enthusiastic poets next assailed Their Southern neighbors with vindictive zeal. The smartlings of lyceums then began hate's cruel creed. 141 To flap their luifledp^ed wings against the South, And with soft, gristly bills to fiercely peck At reputations such as Washington's. Then hireling lecturers, with caustic tongues, Went forth to earn their bread by kindling strife; While pulpit politicians loudly preached Hate's cruel creed through sacred Sabbath hours. Those insolent petitions 1 shall use To fan disunion's embers into flames. And hurl to every corner of the land Eed, sparkling brands of desolating wrath. Gabriel. [Drawing nigh.] Satan, I know your reasons for this work. And marvel much that you have so deceived So many shrewd, well-meaning citizens. That at your instigation they're employed To overturn the best of governments, By trampling on the contracts of their sires ^j which themselves have greatly profited. Did not the British bring the negroes here, Forcing the slave trade on the colonies ? Did not New England contract with the South To bring them slaves for the first twenty years, If the most southward States would vote with them To tax the tonnage of all foreigners ? Did not the East get worthless debts assumed Due by the States to her rich citizens, By giving to the South the capital ? Were not these contracts made in all good faith By sections as with sections. States with States? Do not those sections and those States still live? And do not those fair "bargains " bind them still? If they would rue the contracts that they made, Why not surrender up the price received? If they repent of selling human souls. Why not with tearful eyes go buy them back. And set them free, and pay them for their time ? Judas himself brought back the price of blood. But no place for repentance could he find. They'll claim exemption from the punishment 142 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Due to the sin committed by their sires; But will this plea hold good while they retain The profits of the contracts which they break ? Will quarrels or hot conflicts with the South Atone for sins for which they hold the fruits? Will they not meet before the judgment bar Their own sins and their fathers' both combined, Their violations of the contracts made, Joined with the horrors of the vile slave trade? If sympathy for slaves would break their bonds, To buy them back is the one honest way. If chivalry must fight to set slaves free, AYhy break the solemn covenants they made With their own kinsmen and compatriots? AVhy not attack Dahomey or Brazil, Whose right to slaves they have not guaranteed ? Who gave the Congress any right to slaves ? No master ever did, nor any State. No State had such authority to give, Nor could the Congress such a right assert Without destroying justice, union, peace. Satan, why lead these men so fiir astray ? Satan. Gabriel, what right have you to question me ? You speak the truth, but what care I for truth ? I'll make these meddling fellows rule this land, In spite of compacts, constitutions, laws. And all the compromises they have made. Sheer, brazen impudence shall help them on, Till step by step they rise to sovereign power, And deluge this fair land with kindred blood. Nay, more, I frankly tell you to your face They'll do it all in the great name of Christ. Go, Gabriel, lead the choruses of heaven. But know that I still rule this lower world. Gabriel. The Lord rebuke thee, Satan ! I behold The chains of darkness with w^hich you are bound, That shall confine you in the depths of hell; While earth, no more polluted by your steps. Shall be the home of happiness and love. THREE PRESIDENTS IN Fl VE WEEKS. 143 See your misguided dupes — they come this way: Siade, Ogle, Corwin, Naylor, and the rest. Scene: Senate Chamber, Washington, D. C, February 13, 18 40. Henry Clay presenting a petition for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia. Satan, Mars. Satan. Unwilling as he is, Clay does my work. 'Tis not for his Kentuckians he claims The right to offer these petitions here. Mars. Why is it that petitions have of late Become less frequent and are seldom seen ? Satan. The hands that held the pen have been out- stretched To beg fat offices, which they expect When Harrison becomes the President. Besides, 'twas ascertained that full four-fifths Of Congress disapproved the action asked. Self-love and self-conceit talk much of slaves, With supercilious scorn ; of masters much. With hate's envenomed hiss and envy's curse. T' annul a contract by a swindling trick, Or rob another under forms of law. Imparts more pleasure than the heav'ns could yield To some of Mammon's shrewd, sharp clientage. Scene : Capitol, Washington, D. C, April 6, I84I. Zephon. How blessed this land, where peace and order reign, Thouo^h rulers change three times within five weeks ! Van Buren has to private life retired, And Harrison, the people's choice, stood forth To rule in righteousness the land he loved. But death removed him to a higher sphere, And Tyler takes the ruler's place to-day. These changes have not cost one drop of blood, Nor drawn a tear-drop from an infant's e3^e, Nor brought a blush to beauty's lovely cheek, Nor caused a widow's heart to throb with fear. (144; STATE HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA. THE MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH, 145 Ariel. The census shows that in the last ten years The States have gained twice told the number that On Independence Day defied King George. Two new republics join the kindred band That constitutes the great United States. Along the lakes reposes Michigan, While Arkansas rests by the river-side. The warring Seniinoles have been subdued: Fair Florida no longer dreads their wrath. The peaceful Cherokees, with sobs and tears, Left their old home and their forefathers' graves, And journeyed sadly toward the setting sun. The white men paid them millions for their lands, And gave them richer ground beyond the flood; But gold soothed not the sorrows of those hearts That heaved the patr'ots' sigh for native land. The white man's contract with the white man made Must be complied with; so the Indian marched, Driv'n by white soldiers from their much loved homes. Uzziel. Did retribution break the white man's banks, Sinking two hundred millions in one year, Driving the rich men from their palaces ? Will some Tecumseh, in the days to come, With most despotic cruelty drive out The peaceful whites from that same lovely land ? Raphael. 'Tis not for me to say; the future's sealed. So of Grod's will, in what he here permits, Or rather what he sufl^crs to be done. But yonder comes Tyler to take the oath, And Taney to administer to him The obligations of a President. Scene: Baltimore, Md., May 29, ISJ^A. The Magnetic Telegraph. Raphael, Ithuriel. Raphael. This day has witnessed such a grand event As men have never seen on earth before. Compared with it, all interests of these times Must dwindle into insignificance. The title to Van Rensellaer's broad lands; Dorr, in the prison, or at liberty, 10 146 THE AMERICAN EPIC, To vex Ehode Island with aiuircliie schcnios; The monument that stands on Bunker Hill; The Bank bill vetoed, or the Bankrupt bill; The cabinet dissolved; the boundary line Adjusted with Great Britain peaceably — What are they all compared with this event ? Ithuriel. Please tell me what it is of which you speak ? Raphael. 'Tis the magnetic telegraph by Morse. He makes acidulated metal plates Seize with strong hands the lightning's wond'rous force, And send it as a post-boy round the world, Over his wiry path with such great speed As distances the swift-winged flight of time, Or the velocity of all the spheres, Or undulations of the rays of light. It makes all nations neighbors, and gives each An interest in the w^elfare of them all. " What hath God wrought ! " Give glory to his name ! And let all people loudly say "Amen ! " Behold the benefactor of his race. Whose honored name shall flash ai'ound the world And be emblazoned in the book of life! Scene : Washmgton D. C, July 4, 1846. Satan, Mammon, Belial. Satan. What brings you here on Independence Day? Mammon. The interests of my clients are at stake. They saw with undissembled pain and grief Tyler succeed the much loved Harrison. With wrath and indignation they beheld Texas annexed in spite of their protests. War followed, and they yelled with savage rage. But here they're touched in their most tender place — Their pocket-nerve is sorely, sadly rasped. Four years ago Clay's compromise had brought The tarifl" to the rate agreed upon ; But, to their interests ever wide awake, My clients shrewdly got the rates increased. But Polk defeated Clay, and then was heard Much talk of strict construction and the like. A TARIFF FOR REVENUE. 147 A tariff for protection was pronounced Unconstitutional, and breach of faith. To introduce it was, they said, " to lie," And to enforce it, " arrantly to rob." We pleaded precedents, and boldly claimed That from great Hamilton to Henry Clay Protection was the settled policy Of this great nation, and should ever be; But they out-voted us, and will require My much protected friends to take their hands Out of their neighbors' purses with sad haste, Unless the Senate holds while rich men rob. Satan. Be of good cheer. I now am laj^ing plans By which protected wealth may gorge itself At poverty's expense without control; When war between the sections with red hands Shall hold subjected millions by their throats And let protection rob at its sweet will. But there stands Polk, with Walker by his side: They've planned a tariff that's for revenue. Scene : Battle-field of Buena Vista, Mexico, February 23, 1847. Sa- tan, Mars. Satan. What think you of this battle, my great friend? Did Macedonians equal Taylor's troops ? Did Rome's famed legions make so brave a fight ? Mars. I must confess these troops arc unsurpassed By any I have seen in anc'ent times. I saw on Palo Alto's battle-field, And in Resaca de la Palma's fight, And on the heights of Monterey displayed Such valor as I heartily admired ; But Buena Vista bears the palm away From all the conflicts I have witnessed yet. The unpretending hero of this fight Is coming this way, "Rough and Ready" still. See at his side the husband of his child ! Though long estranged, they now are reconciled. Jeff. Davis is the old man's joy and pride, Whose Mississipians, a living wall 148 THE AM ERIC AX EPIC. 'Gainst which the tide of battle broke in vain, Drove back the surging Mexicans to-day. And there is Marshall, Washington, and Bragg, Who gave the foe "a little more of grape; " And there young Breckenridgc and Crittenden, And there the unnamed heroes of the ranks — Let Jacob Goodson represent them all. Hurrah! hurrah for Buena Vista's braves! They drove four times their number from the field ; But Clay, McKee, and hundreds of brave men Yielded their lives to win the victory. Scene : City of Mexico, dmvn of day, September 13, 1847. Satan, Mars, Belial, Baal. Baal. The strife is nearly ended. War-worn troops Enter to-day their foe's proud capital. A war Hke this I never saw before. The great republic wins in every fight. A handful of brave men, far from their homes, Most of them raw recruits, meet well-drilled foes. Ten times their number, backed by millions more. And, having conquered them, bind up their wounds. And treat them as born brothers and true friends. Belial Such wars as this I have no fondness for. I favor wars with more of deviltry. These "goody-goody" men disturb no roosts, They rob no sheep-folds on their pious march, But leave their Bibles with their enemies. 'Tis said they offer fifteen miUions now For land that is already theirs by war: This to the conquered from their conquerors. Mars. So charmed am I by bravery in arms That I was blind to things of which you speak. I saw the cities of the Western coast Surrender to Sloat, Stockton, and Fremont. I witnessed Kearney's march to Santa Fe, Saw it surrender to the troops he led; Then saw him turn toward the setting sun And at San Gabriel, with a few brave men, Secure an empire for his countrymen ; VICTORIES IN MEXICO, 149 Saw Doniphan with his eight hundred march From their Missouri homes to Saltillo, Fight at Bracito, cross the Eio Grande, Capture El Paso, whip the Mexicans At Sacramento Creek; march to Chihuahua, Ca2)ture it and forty thousand people, Besides troops; there with his ragged heroes March again to find and make report to General Wool at distant Saltillo. I marveled at the fall of Vera Cruz; And when on Cerro Gordo's rocky heights Twiggs won the day, I scarce believed my eyes. And when five thousand men so far from home Took Jalapa, Perote, and Puebia, With prisoners, artillery, and stores, I said " This is but bait by which t' entrap These bold invaders of this flow'ry land." When unopposed the val'rous troops had passed The Cordilleras and looked down upon The blooming lands of Central Mexico, I felt assured the trap would hold them fast; But all these frowning forts have failed to check Th' impetuous charges of resistless men. Chepultepee was carried yesterday. Last night, in darkness, Santa Ana fled; To-day the conquerors come marching in. See ! There they give their banner to the breeze ! What men they are ! How grandly do they march ! Would I could see them battle with their peers ! That would be war well worthy of the name. Satan. Mars, you shall see them with their equals fight; Yes, with each other in most deadly strife. Pillow and Twiggs shall battle against Scott, And Scott plan campaigns 'gainst his native State. These West Point officers, now bosom friends, Shall marshal mighty hosts with wondrous skill To kill each other upon battle-fields. But here they come: vScott, Butler, Pillow, Pierce, Twiggs, Worth, Smith, Shields, and gallant Colonel Lee. 150 . THE AM Eli WAN EPIC. Scene: San Francisco, Cal, August 1,1847. Raphael, Ariel, Ze- PHON. Raphael. Four weeks ago in far off Washington The President, most fortunate of men, Announced the end of war with Mexico. Success attends his steps and crowns his plans, Writing in hues of light his honored name. Texas, annexed, war Christianized and made A blessing to the men who brought it on, Has been successful against fearful odds In ev'ry bloody battle that was fought. Peace comes, with graceful steps and smiling face, To bring green laurels for heroic men Whom he sent forth to champion the right; And title deeds conveying vast domains. With rocks and sands glitt'ring with shining gold. And world-wide oceans from which commerce comes, To crown his country empress of the seas. There is the Golden Gate, and on this spot Old Asia shall lay tribute at her feet. The British treaty touched the threat'ning cloud That long obscured the northern boundary. Bore its fierce " lightnings harmless to the deep," And let the rays of friendship light the scene. Four States have been admitted, and their stars Are now emblazoned brightly on the flag: Fair Florida, Texas, and Iowa Stand with Wisconsin in the Union now. Ariel. Eaphael, such progress never has been made By any other nation in four years. Do 3^ou remember Smithson's gen'rous gift ? An institution bears his honored name. Raphael. I do; and generations yet to come Shall own their obligations and give thanks. Zephon. Is thero no drawback on these j)rosp'rous years. No evil to subtract from all the good ? Raphael. Ko, not the least, except that chilly death clay's compromise. 151 Has laid his hand on two ex-Presidents : JacI<:son and Adams, both in ripe old age, Best from their labors and their earthly cares. Scene: Washington, D. C, Septe7nber 19, 1850. Abdiel, Ithuriel, Ariel. Abdiel. Ho, comrades ! this auspicious day calls forth The glad congratulations of warm hearts In millions of this country's happy homes. The bow of hope and promise spans the sky. Where storms were gathering and thunders rolled. Clay's compromise, adopted yesterday. Brings back sweet memories of by-gone days, Ere Satan had stirred up the States to strife And bade fanatic fury vex the land. The sections once so rash abide in peace. Encircled by the links of love's bright chain. The country rings with cheerful, joyful words, Ascribing highest honors to the names Of Clay, Cass, Douglass, Webster, Bright, and Foote. Death has called Taylor to an honored grave, But Fillmore worthily fills his high place. Happy the land with such wise rulers blessed, And its fierce factions shamed into repose! See Fillmore, Webster, Clay, and Crittenden, Bright, Douglass, Foote, and Cass, and Dickinson ! Praise God, praise God for fearless patriots ! Scene: Faneuil Hall, Boston, March 1, 1854. Satan, Baal, Mam- mon, Belial. Satan. More than three years ago Clay's compromise Hushed the rude storms that darkened all this land. Since then low mutt'ring thunder has been heard, And angry lightnings seen along the sky. But soon a deadly cyclone shall come down, Black with infernal malice and fierce wrath, To overturn and desolate and crush All it encounters in its furious course. Yet this is what I've long desired to see. 'Baal. Speak plainly, Satan, let us understand, What is there to precipitate this storm ? 152 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Satan. The hatred of the sections, loncj suppressed, Breaks forth to rend the sky and shake the earth. Baal. New England's clergy pray to men, not God, For help against " Steve Douglass and Frank Pierce." Were they not born upon New England ground? Mammon. They were ! New England has no truer sons. What is it those two potent men propose ? Satan. Self-government for men in the far West. Baal. Self-government ? For that their fathers fought. Satan. 'Twas that New England mio-ht New Enirland rule. Baal. Whom would they have to rule Nebraska now? Satan. Of course, Nevv England. No, her clergymen, With Sumner, Chase, Chandler, and Wade to help; Not such New Englanders as Bancroft, Morse, Hawthorne, Pierce, Cushing, or Edward Everett. They even lock Webster out of Faneuil Hall. They want a few fanatics and their dupes To seize the helm and steer the ship of State. Their plans are mine; they have my hearty help. Baal. They want to see " black feet on the white necks " Of those whose fathers broke their ftithers' 3^okes, Or possibly would rather kindle flames To burn slave-holders as they witches burned. Belial. Or else garrote them, as the Cubans did My friend Lopez, who went to set them free; Or shoot them by the millions in cold blood, And San Domingoize their lovely land. Satan. Belial, there shall be work enough for you And all your cronies when the war shall come, As come it must in a few stormy months. Insults and outrages shall stir the South Till Southerners will haughtilj^ withdraw, In supercilious pride to dwell apart. THE OCEAN TELEGRAPH. 153 Scene: Battery, New York, August, IS 58. Ariel, Uriel. Ariel. Angelic rapture joins with human joy In this great city on this glorious day. The telegraph connects two hemispheres. Its messages outspeed the flight of time, And leave the rapid rays of light behind. These people are the wonder of the world ! 'Twas here the Crystal Palace grandly rose; From here brave Perry sailed to far Japan, Unlocking its hid treasures for mankind. From here went Ingram who, with threat'ning guns, Compelled the Austrians to release Koszta. Uriel. This nation is indeed to be admired. 'Tis blessed of Grod and envied by mankind. The product of her mines a single 5^ear Would pay for Cuba, if old Spain Avould sell. Her fields would feed the millions of the world, And clothe them in clean garments day by day. Her sons have rescued Britons near the j^ole, And conquered Mormons in the Western wilds. But see, there's Cyrus Field, Morse, Yanderbilt, Bryant, and Greeley, Bennett, Bcecher, Tweed. Scene : Harper's Ferry, Va., 1859. Gabriel, Abdiel, Ithuriel, Uriel. Abdiel. What mean these crowds of grave, indignant men? Gabriel. The most atrocious of all fiendish crimes Was here committed by a wretch named Brown; A crime involving treason, murder, theft, Rebellion, kidnapping, and robbery, Leading to arson, rape, and bloody war. Ithuriel. Yet, strange to say, outside of prison Avails And lunatic asylums there are found J^ot a few kindred spirits who, less brave, Would canonize John Brown their patron saint, Write poetry and sing most warlike songs In honor of his name so infamous 1 154 THE AMERICAN EPIC, Brown and his J^uilty gang are to be hanged To-day, before the setting of the sun. Uriel. Of course such criminals must suffer death. Do not all people execrate such deeds? Gabriel. No; hatred of the sections longs for blood. This country has become two hostile camps. Grave Senators of mighty sovereign States, Sage judges of most honored civil courts, Poets of sweetest song and world-wide fame, harper's ferry. Fair ladies, loveliest of Adam's race, And even ministers of Jesus Christ Would gladly share the guilt of old John Brown, But for the fear that they would have to hang. They share his hate, but not his bravery. Ahdiel. Where is the grateful, patriotic love That warmed all hearts when Boston was relieved, And saw the British yield to Washington? Where the benevolent ali'ection seen CONGRESS A BATTLE-FIELD. 155 When Cornwallis fiurrendercd at Yorktown? Where is the confidence that was disj)laycd When Washington the oath of office took? Gabriel. All, all are gone. They're driven from the land, Banished by jealousy and slain by hate. Ahdiel. Are all the people thus antagonized ? Does hellish malice burn in ev'ry heart? Gabriel. No; not one man in twenty thirsts for blood. Ahdiel. How then can twenty be controlled by one? Gabriel. The twenty seek for pleasure, ease, or wealth, And trouble not themselves with politics, Except to vote as prompted by the one. The one, an active fosterling of hell, Is leagued with Satan to divide the States. He makes himself a champion of the North Against the hateful people of the South, Whose monstrous sin it is to own some slaves, Sold to their fathers by this champion's sire. Of course the South has champions of its own, Eeady to battle for its right to slaves, As guaranteed by Northern patriots. Thus halls of Congress now are battle-fields Where North and South contend for mastery. AYhen Cavaliers met Puritans in fight, Eupert and Cromwell wore not fiercer foes. Each of the sections has a selfish few Who climb to office by the help of hate. They battle for their section or their State AVith noisy, boastful insolence and strife. These noisy watch-dogs alwa3^s snap and snarl Most spitefully against the South or North, Claiming that all who do not bark with them Are foes to God and traitors to their State. The multitude, misled by angry tones. Bark for their section or their sovereign State. The evil is infectious. Demagogues Successfully employ the same bad trick. 156 THE AMERICAN EPIC. And feign the hatred which they never felt. State after State has fallen into line, And marches with its section to the polls, Till soon fanaticism, seizing power, Will marshal thirty States against thirteen, And force each citizen to serve his State. A thonsand mad men thus may driye to war The thirty millions of the peaceable. And deluge this fair land with kindred blood. Uriel. Was there a compact made in eighty-seven To keep the slaves from treading Western soil? Gabriel. James Madison says no. The ordinance Of eighty-seven was not authorized By sovereign States and had no legal force . To bind the people longer than they chose. Cass says there was no party to contract Or make a compact with the old Congress. It was a simple act, and nothing more, And was not binding on the Western States. Uriel. What of the compromise of twenty-one? Gabriel. That was withont the slightest legal force. 'Twas the hard hand of King Majority, Stripping the Southern section of its rights. Breaking the treaty made with Bonaparte. 'Twas robbery submitted to for peace, So must the courts decide when called to judge. But the strong-handed North did ostracize All of their men who made that compromise. Uriel. Why then do they complain of its repeal? Gabriel. Sheer selfishness constrains them to that course. When 'twas proposed to run on that known line Across the continent, and give the South The land below it, they would not consent. Abdiel. What is it, then, they want ? What can be done STATESMANSHIP OF HATE. 157 To satisfy the statesmanship of hate? Is there no remedy for this disease That blinds men to their own best interests, That darkens understandings, hardens hearts. And overturns all sense of right and wrong? Gabriel. They want all they can get, but most of all A separation from all slave-holders. And to see negroes cut their masters' throats. And lustfully defile their masters' homes. Eut see, there is the Governor and staff, And there is Colonel Robert Edward Lee, And the brave soldiers under his command; And there the sheriff-executioner. The i^enalty of law will be enforced, But the most guilty have not yet been caught. BOOK EIGHTH. Scene: Charleston, S. C, Decp.mher 25, 1860. Abdiel, Raphael, Ariel, Uriel. Ariel. On this glad day men celebrate with joy The advent of the Lord in human form. We join them, saying: " Grlory be to God, Peace on the earth, good-will to all mankind." Uriel. Yet 'twas but yesterday that this great State, Eesolved to leave the Union in hot haste, Dissolving all the loving ties that bound These three and thirty sovereign States in one. RapJiael. Yes, and 'tis said twelve more will soon secede And in a new confederation join. Uriel. Can it be wise the Union to dissolve? Have they the right thus to withdraw at will? Abdiel. You ask two questions. I will answer both. 'Tis most unwise. 'Tis 'gainst the Lord's decree, As written on his valleys, mountains, plains, And certified by every plant that grows. Each section raises what the other needs; Each varying plant for union ever pleads. Disunion is impracticable too. So say the rivers, lakes, and gulfs and seas, And so the waves and storms of oceans say. Domestic commerce asks to be left free T' enrich all sections with its benefits. Disunion soon will lead to border wars. And standing armies to enslave the States. Uriel. 'Tis to avoid bad neighbors they secede, And to prevent continued drain of wealth From Southern States to people of the North. (158) FOLLY OF SECESSION. 159 Ahdld. Let lis suppose all that they say is true: That " navigation laws," " State debts assumed," "A chartered bank" took money from the South; That tariffs drained its wealth from year to year; That Southern cities dwindle and lose trade. While millions crowd the cities of the I^orth, And millionaires build splendid palaces. Admit injustice done to Southern States By legislation on the public lands. For argument say swindling has prevailed In all the dealings of the North with slaves; Say blacks were swindled out of libert}^, The South was swindled into buying them. With pledges that the North would well protect Their right of ownership and would send back All fugitives that might escape to them; That Southern men were guaranteed the right To vote for three in five that they would buy; Say that the thrifty North received and kept Payment in full for all it gave the South, Then quickly broke the contract that it made, And will still break it to the end of time; Add that a certain faction in the North Is most unjust to Southern gentlemen, And most disgusting to their high-bred tastes. For argument, admit that this is true. Disunion will but complicate all ills; War multiply them twice ten thousand fold. The selfishness of sections may cause loss In many ways of legal robbery, But twice ten thousand years of peaceful theft Would cause less damage than one year of war. As to those most offensive gentlemen, From whom these Southrons shrink instinctively With utter loathing and supreme contempt, If under constitutional restraints They are so disagreeable and bad, What is to make them amiable and kind When those restraints no longer hold them back? If legal swindling makes the Southland j^oor, What must it lose when hatred's backed by force? 160 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Disunion offers not tlic least relief From any wrongs the sutf'ring South endures; But by the force of State rights principles Compels its honest friends to join its foes. Eesistance in the Union against wrong Would have been safer under the old flag. ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS. The South has more true friends in the free States Than can be found in all the world besides. Disunion gives to Satan all he asks To work the desolation of these States. Uriel, Now tell us, is secession a State right? Have they the right thus to withdraw at will? HAMILTON ASKED TO LEAD SECEDERS. 161 Ahdiel. They think they have, and so have others thought. The infant West while yet in swaddh'ng-bancls, So threatened when the East, with selfish greed, Would trade away her pathway to the gulf For small advantages to its own trade. The East contended for the self-same right, When Jefferson became the President, And when Louisiana was acquired, When the embargo law obstructed trade, They asked great Hamilton to lead them out And form a nation with its southern line Along the Hudson or the Delaware; But he refused to join them and secede. John Henry came with loving messages, Proposing union with the Canadas Under his gracious Majesty, King George. Near the green turf where Warren's ashes slept. They listened with the most intense delight, Though Bunker Hill frowned grimly all the while. Then came the war. The country, unprepared. Required the help of all her patriot sons Against the foe their fathers bravely fought. But can it be believed men of sound minds Talked gravely in convention of the need That sovereign States should, in the midst of war, Obstruct the work of their own government In its heroic battle for the right. Yes, the great North, through the last sixtj^ years, Has often boldly threatened to withdraw. It threatened when new Southern States came in; When tariffs for protection were repealed; When the great State of Texas was annexed; When Mexico made war against the States; When peace was made and much new land acquired ; And last, not least, since in these later years The Constitution to the North has seemed "A league with death, a covenant with hell." Their statesmen said the Union could not last With some free States and others holding slaves; Yet it had lasted more than fourscore years, 11 162 THE AMERICAN EPIC, From Washington and Warren to the time When this fierce faction claimed the government. TIriel. What said the men who made this covenant? Abdiel. They claimed the right of States to interpose For the protection of their citizens Against encroachments of the Fed'ral pow'r; Would grant no right to make vs^ar on the S-tates, Were horror-stricken at the dread fid thought Of mihtary force to coerce States. Perpetual union was what they desired, But feared 'twas utterly impossible. They died deploring animosities Of section against section then at work To overturn the Union they had formed. They claimed the right to revolutionize Against all governmental tyranny, And in their States saw the best means at hand For overturning fed'ral despotism. Hence would not give their fed'ral government Authority to war against the States. The advocates of a strong government Never demanded such authority. The States would not consent to make a thing To arm their citizens against themselves, To plan "A union pinned by bayonets." Such was the union Britain had to give. UrieL You say the Union never gained the right To coerce States and force them to submit? Abdiel. No, never. It has troops to rise in arms And bravely conquer all its foreign foes. Troops to aid Governors of sovereign States When they in need apply for fed'ral help. Troops to suppress by force anarchic mobs And drive fierce Indians off from frontier homes. To enforce its laws, its courts have officers; But to make war upon a sovereign State The fathers never did nor would consent. The Union has no soldier for that use. iV6> SOLDIERS TO COERCE STATES. 163 ZTriel. But what if war is made upon a State? Ahdiel. 'Twould bo subversion of the government, And despotism on its ruins built. Uriel. What if some States should subjugate the rest, And forcibly compel them to submit? Ahdiel. It would be such an instance of bad faith, So base a blow at honesty and truth, Such loud assertion that 'tis might makes right, As to strike down morality and faith. Uriel. But is the Union a mere rope of sand. To be dissolved by waves of discontent? Ahdiel. No, no. 'Twas formed and lives by compro- mise. Morris and Hamilton said it would take With its strong hand the pow'rs that were denied; But if it does, 'twill overthrow good faith And trample moral honor in the dust. A nation's immorality will spread Its rank contagion widely through the land, Tainting all classes with dishonor's breath, Corrupting both the lofty and the low. And teaching all to swindle and deceive, From tricks of trade, adulterating food. Or selling shoddy for good woolen cloth, To the divorce court's vile indecencies; Among the lowly and among the proud; Smutching the reputations of high life. The beauteous wives and daughters of the great, The brilliant Senators, the chief divines; From buying votes to buying Congressmen, Or seats for millionaires in Senate halls; From stealing money, lands, and stocks and bonds, To stealing railroads, churches, or in time May even steal the presidency too. Such retributions nations overtake ! Uriel. You say the Union lives by compromise. 164 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Without the use of military force Can selfish men be held by such a bond? Abdiel. They've been so held for more than fourscore years, And ought to be till time itself shall end. Ariel. But if a war 'ensues, where rests the blame ? Haphael. The hatreds of the sections cause the strife. Divide the blame between them as you will. But the rash faction that's to rule the North Is in itself a menace to the South. 'Tis revolution organized, at work, To overthrow the union of the States And subjugate the South to Northern whims. No hour has passed since the first Congress met In which its principles, if dominant. Would not have given the Union to the winds. The founders of the faction knew it well, Intended it, and boast about it now. Ariel. Will this division now take place in peace? Baphael. I fear not. Hatred drives to bloody deeds. The factions climbed to office upon hate; They lose their places if men cease to hate. In many things both of them are quite wrong: Wrong in their hatreds, in their love of war, In their abusive words and boasting threats: The North most wicked in its breach of faith, Its breaking of the covenant it made; The South most wicked in its haughty pride, Most silly in deciding to secede. The North dishonest in kidnapping slaves, Doubly dishonest when it set them free. When with their masters it had contracted To guarantee their right of ownership. Yet, if it wished to see some slaves go free. There was an honest, honorable way. To purchase and emancipate was work That Southern men had shown them how to do. This broke no treaties, trampled on no pledge, THE PEACE CONGRESS. 1G5 Disturbed no peace, paid back the price of blood. If fight tliey must to kill some slave-holders, Turks, Russians, Cubans worthy of their steel, Are not far off in these fast days of steam. Hotspurs and Quixotes may their millions slay, Nor violate one word of plighted faith. Such as they're bound by to Americans. Scene: Capitol, Washington, D. C, March 30, 1861. Miciia^el, Gabriel. Gabriel. The evil that we feared confronts us now. For more than twenty days these mighty States Have been controlled by a minority, Whose hold on pow'r cannot continue long Unless they manage to provoke a war And revolutionize the government. This rampant faction has been born of hate, And fed on malice from its earliest hours. The milk of human kindness in a day Would neutraHze the venom in its fangs. But now its horrid mother screams for blood To gratify the longings of her brood. Michael. Has naught been done, can nothing now be done To counteract this bloody-mindedness? Gabriel. Virginia grandly rose in majesty To lay her kindly hand on maddened States, And urge them to dismiss their enmities. Kentucky pleaded well for unity. A great Peace Congress met at Washington To lilead for moderation, peace, and love. The mad-caps of the South had left in haste, Not knowing what the Peace Congress would ask, Nor what the selfish faction of the North Would condescend to grant or to deny. That faction held the purse and swayed the sword. It chose to be defiant, and to drive The friends of union from them in despair. The kindly heart of the new President Gave the peace-makers many anecdotes, 166 THE AMERICAN EPIC. EcfiiiGcl or rustic, chaste or otherwise, And wondered that they bUished but did not laugh. His fiercer followers, with threat' ning oaths. Demanded "blood-letting" and nothing less; AVhiie the least furious, the mild, the kind. Insisted that the South be northernized — If not that day, at least in a short time. Slaves must be free, and slave-holders condemned, In spite of constitutional compacts: Laws, habits, tastes, judgments, and consciences, Or evil consequences to ensue. They washed their saintly hands in innocence Of their forefathers' trades that made them rich. Forgot " the bargain " by which they for slaves Obtained wealth greater than "Peru's rich mines." Their contracts with slave-holders could not bind The consciences of such malignant saints. Their horror-stricken souls would flee in haste From slavery's contaminating touch. Pinckney or Gadsden or great Washington If ent'ring the abodes of those rash men, Would so defile the sacred sanctity Of the old union it must be purged pure ; So sober Southerners indignant turned. Solemn and sad with dignity, to join Their fierce compatriots of the farther South. Michael. Will war ensue, or will they part in peace? Gabriel. The Southern States desire to go in peace, And claim the right to separate at w^ill. The faction that now rules claimed the same right As their forefathers have for sixty years. Michael. Then peace and love should evermore prevail Gabriel. Peace might prevail, but never, never love. Because of hate they long have wished them gone ; But if the Southern States depart in peace, This faction dies for having driv'n them oft'. If it can fill the land with bloody war. It may live on through evil years to come And wreak its vengeance on both North and South. PAPER GUARANTEES. 167 To slay a million of Americans, And waste ten billions of the nation's wealth In gratifying malice, would bo deeds Such as no other faction could achieve. Such deeds as might throughout all time to come Immortalize the statesmanship) of hate. Michael. How is it that such things are possible Under a government by Christians made? Gabriel. This is one government by thirteen made. Each of the thirteen was a sovereign State. It now is one of thirty-three composed — Say thirty-three republics joined in one. Each of the thirteen was a sovereign State: Not one would yield its claims to sovereignty; Yet each agreed to clothe w^ith potent sway A fed'ral government embracing all. They would not give it pow'r to coerce States, But let it rule their citizens at will. And said that rule should be perpetual. Under perpetual union of the States. And then they gave to it both purse and sword. And tied its hands with handsome paper twine, Called muniments of English liberty, And said each State was guardian of its rights. And of the rights of all its citizens; Yet pointed out no way by which in peace The States could interpose to save their rights. The fathers gave too little, or too much. To the great central pow'r the States set up. Wise Samuel Adams said they gave too much, And Patrick Henry, with a prophet's voice, Foretold the coming evils he foresaw. Morris and Hamilton demanded more. And said that it would take what was denied. Michael. But what has that to do with bloody strife? Gabriel. With less of pow'r, the States had been left free From dread of fed'ral force and tyranny; With more, resistance never would be risked. 168 THE AMERICAN EPIC, Now, a fierce faction, less than half the North, Drives oif the South with its insulting threats, And may use force to drive them back again. If 80, a sort of double sovereignty Makes traitors of the best of citizens; Owing allegiance to his native State, And through it to the gen'ral government, "When they agree the citizen is safe. But if the State secedes, and arms her sons. And men at Washington deny her right, Then treason dooms the citizens to death. In spite of the most loving loyalty To both authorities that claim his life. Michael. How stands the President upon that point? Gabriel. States to the fed'ral government, with him. Are but as counties are to sovereign States. I fear he would make war upon a State Eetiring from the Union as of right. With no more hesitation than a State AYould subjugate a county in revolt. 'Tis possible that he has never learned The principles on which the Union's formed. The fire-brands of his faction are disposed With ready hands to light the flames of war. I fear that he will listen to their schemes, And suffer them to glut themselves with blood. Michael. But will the peaceful people let them fight? Gabriel. They'll wait until some Hotspur of the South Can be provoked to fire upon the flag ; Then call for men to rally to their help. Defending the bright banner of the free. An army well in hand can be increased In many ways in spite of discontent. The fearful will be scared into its ranks. The brave will rush to prove their bravery. Ambitious men to fight their way to fame, The poor for bread, thieves for the chance to steal. It's therefore possible — yes, probable — BOMBARDMENT OF FORT SUMTER, 169 That cruel war will desolate this land. Look! There, see Chandler, Brigham, Giddings, AYado, Thad. Stevens, Sumner, Cameron, Seward, Chase, They are the men to curse or bless mankind. Scene: Charleston, S. C, April 12, ISGl. Mammox, Lelial. S; Maks, Baal, Satan. The long expected moment has arrived, AVhen war goes forth with desohiting hand. The Hotspurs of the South have long proclaimed That one can whip six Northern men with ease; FORT SUMTER. While boastful Northern men are confident That they in ninety days can whip the South. Both have for years been "spoihng for a fight." They have it now. Let them make good their boasts. This firing on the flag will fire all hearts, And unify the North against the South. 'Twill make the South a battle-field for years. And every boy a soldier for his State. What say you, 3Iars^ have I not kept my word? 170 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Mars. You have. You have redeemed your promises. Satan. Go, then, and gather millions for the fray. Bring them from ev'ry corner of this land. From Europe, Asia, Africa, the isles, And from profoundest depths of hellish gloom Go, Baal, call forth all your followers. Bring murder, arson, lust, and villainy Of every type that earth has ever known. Baal. I will! I will! I will! your Majesty; And some that hell itself has yet to learn. Satan. Mammon, go summon all your employees. Let them serve legions of camp-followers, Eobbers and thieves by thousands in the ranks. And captains, colonels, gen'rals by the score. With now and then a chaplain gone astray, Or a grave senator or sober judge, Ilast'ning on higher plunder to get rich. Say, Mammon, are you ready for your work? Mammon. I am ! 1 am! my high and mighty prince ! Satan. Belial, your children call to their base work, On battle-fields, in camps, or in the homes Of soldiers far away from wife and child. Stir up the slaves to lust, theft, robbery; Invent new follies, vices, sins, and crimes. Belial. Trust me to do my part, most potent prince. The world shall be astounded at our deeds. Satan. Go, comrades, drench this Christian land with blood By Christians shed in fratricidal strife. Best not till millions heave their dying groans, Till widows wail and helpless orphans cry In twice five hundred thousand Christian homes. Hark! hark! the thunder of the bombardment Grows louder, more terrific than before. Fort Sumter is in ruins ! it must fall — BATTLE OF MANASSAS. 171 The garrison comes forth with honors crowned. There's Beauregard, the victor in this fight, There Anderson, and Jeff C. Davis too. And all their brave compatriots in arms. This mad attack of Southrons on the flag Is to the ruling faction of the North News far too good to be regarded true Until they have it carefully confirmed; But when believed, they'll loose the dogs of war To wreak terrific vengeance on the South. Scene : Manassas Junction, Va., July 21, 1861. Mars, Satan, Baal, Mammon. Mars. "Where are the battles and the slaughtered hosts You spoke of when we met at Charleston last? The city mob shot men in Baltimore. Magruder slew a few at Bethel Church ; Morris, at Philippi, drove Southern men As Wallace did at Eomne}^. Blood was shed When Garnet met McClellan, and was slain. Eich Mountain saw a Fed'ral victory, As did Cheat River near to Carricksford. We have had skirmishes and swift retreats, But nothing worthy of the name of war. Satan. Be patient. Mars, great armies meet to-day, Led by West Pointers upon either side, Who will not suifer skulking to be done By low-life cowards or by carpet-knights. Or pot-house politicians in the garb Of brigadier or major generals. At Washington this is a gala day. So confident of victory are they That thousands come to see men play at war. Then "On to Richmond " with but slight delay! Baal. Hark ! Listen to the cannon's thund'ring roar ! See overwhelming legions rushing on To crush thin lines of soldiers dressed in gray! Yast numbers will outflank on either hand The worn and weary Southern chivalry. 172 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Satan. What troops are those approaching from the West? Mars. That is Joe Johnston bringing into hne Six thousand warriors who have just arrived. What men they are ! Such blood, such bravery ! Such moral force has never been surpassed. The heterogeneous masses of their foes Must flee or fall beneath the banded might That fights as if one will inspired them all. They conquer. Regulars and volunteers, The " city roughs," " society's eZiYe," Grave Senators and gifted Congressmen, All panic-stricken, in confusion mixed, With one desire — to enter Washington. Satan. What next? what next? Tell me, thou God of war! Mars. On, on to Washington, with haste and speed, To strengthen its intrenchments, and call out All Northern troops to fight in its defense ! Satan, What should Confederates do at such a time? Mars. Capture their routed foes, or shoot them down; Strike Washington while yet the panic lasts; Seize forts and arms and ammunition there. The railroads and the shipping in the port; Capture the President and cabinet, The Congress and all other officers; Take Baltimore, enlist its citizens; Hasten to Philadelphia, New York, Boston and other cities of the East ; Call out the rabble, arm them for the fight. And give them Southern rulers for some days, Till the whole South could hasten to the North ; Then, turning back, meet the on-coming crowds Of Western soldiers at well-chosen points; Fight, or negotiate, as best might suit. Satan. A Ctesar or Napoleon might do that, With half the friends the South has in the North, THE SOUTH DEMANDS SEPARATION. 173 Or half the haters of the men who rule; But it suits not the temper of the South To conquer and to hold the mighty North, If such a task were easy to perform. What it desires is " to be let alone." Their haughty hatred of the Korth forbids The subjugation of its busy throngs. They would not take the whole as a free gift, Unless its denizens would emigrate To heaven or to some other distant place. Against all Yankees they are taken with What an old Frenchman called " one grand disgust." A separation is what they demand. Mammon. But this is folly's most absurd desire. No Chinese wall could keep a Yankee out Of" lands he knows he is not wanted in. Such shrewd Paul Prys would find a way to hell, Were they prohibited from going there. Satan. They teach me more new tricks than I have learned Throuo;h all the acjes from all other men. Belus. Old Babylon had no such citizens. Had one live Yankee landed from the ark, This slow old world would have been spurred to speed Such as its lazy tribes failed to attain. Mars. These victors will not " on to Washington." Davis has come. See him with Johnston there; They will not chase their panic-stricken foes. The South has lost its 02:)portunity. Scene: State Department, WasJiinr/lon, D. C, November, 1S61. Sa- tan, ^Iars. Satan. What brings you here to-day, brave, trusty friend ? Mars. I came to stir the flames of furious wrath Against the British here in Washington. Wilkes is the hero of the present hour. The idol of the people of the North. With half a chance they'd make him President. 174 THE AMERICAN EPIC. They talk of Wilkes, of Mason, of Slidell, And want to sweep old England from the seas. Satan. Have you succeeded in your enterprise? Mars. No. Seward can defy the hated South, And Lincoln laur^roN, Belial. Satan. How goes the siege ? Why does it last so long? SURRENDER OF TICKS BURG. 189 Mars. 'Tis desp'rate valor upon cither side Prolongs the Buff'ings of these val'rous men, But the Confed'rates now must yield or starve. Arkansas Post fell early in the spring. Surrendering five thousand valiant men To Porter's gun-boats and McClernand's troops. Grant sought the rear of Yicksburg through the swamps, The mud, the bayous, and the rugged hills; Then tried to turn the river from the town By digging deep canals to change its course. Failing in that, he passed the thund'ring forts With even less of harm than ho had feared; Then took with ease Port Gibson and Grand Gulf. The Union troops gained hard-earned victories At Jackson, Eaymond, and at Champion Hills; In a fierce conflict at Black Eiver bridge Whipped Pembcrton, and forced him to retreat Within the strong defenses of Yicksburg. Grant, two days later, made a bold assault, Hoping successfully to storm the place; But was repulsed Vv ith loss of many men. Since then, through more than seven bloody weeks, The fight continues with great loss of life. Satan. 'Tis said that thirty thousand half-starved men Surrender on this Independence Bay; And that Fort Hudson, now besieged by Banks, Must also fall, thus op'ning to the Gulf The unrestricted commerce of the West, And with a wall of waters fencing off Western Confed'rates from their brethren East. Mammon. Then what a harvest will my clients reap ! The plunder of a hundred thousand homes, Besides the cotton-bales and contrabands. Belial. And the companions of my revelry Will sport amid the wrecks of families — White, red, and black, the lofty and the low. Mars. The firing ceases ! See that flag of truce I Its snowy folds above the ruins float. 190 THE AMEBIC AN EPIC. Peace, plenty, rest, and joy it promises. The torn and tattered stars and bars come down; The stars and stripes rise grandly o'er the scene. There's plenty now for the starved garrison. See Pemberton and Grant and McPherson ! Scene: Oilcl:amauga Creel; Ga., September 20, ISGo. Satan, Mam- mon, Belial, JMaks. Sath, And drove him from his highway of renown To give a section talents that belonged To every foot of his dear native land. True to his friends, he fought their battles well, When fiercer partisans had ceased to fight. Upheld their government until it fell A pile of hopeless ruins at his feet. Then sent his kinsman of the siiv'ry tongue, Most eloquent of all his country's sons. With true Kentuckians to guard the way Of his great chieftain through the forest's gloom; Till Davis chose seclusion as his guard, And was betrayed by darkness tb his foes. Kentucky's hero grandly gave himself; No other had so much to sacrifice On friendship's altar for his countrymen — Youth, health, wealth, office, power, promotion, fame — But Breckinridge gave all to honor's cause. 218 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Scene: Capitol, WasJdngton, D. C, May cO, 1S05. Gabriel, Ithu- • KIEL. Gabriel. Onco more peace walks the earth with grace- ful steps, Most gently stretching forth her loving hands, Releasing pris'ners and disarming foes. Disbanding armies and conducting home Husbands long banished from their loving wives, Sons to their parents, lovers to fond maids, And fathers to their little, prattling babes. On yesterday the new-made President Proclaimed amnesty to Confederates, Except a few conspicuous characters. They'll hasten to repair the waste of war, And with the hand of industry invito Prosperity to visit their abodes. Ithuriel. But will it come since laborers are free ? Gabriel. Our God has done so much t' enrich these States, No enemies can keep their people poor. Two questions have been settled by the war: The slaves are free, the Union permanent. If it's oppressive, there's no remedy; To this rash revolution all submit. Secession and disunion now are dead. And with them negro slavery expired. This change admitted, other things remain As they have been for nearly eighty year^. The North made war for union, so she said. And freed the slaves in order to success. She has succeeded, and of course the States Are in the places which they tried to leave. So Lincoln said, and so says Johnson now. This was the theory on which the war Was prosecuted to its bloody end. Men who believe that States might freely leave Of course denied the right to drive them back; But if the Constitution gave the right To coerce States and force them to remain, Or drive the straying wand'rers back again. RASH, ROUGH J AND BRAVE. 219 'Twas to the very places that they left, With all their rights and duties unimpaired; If not, coercion was atrocious crime. Ithuriel. But you forget that Satan heads the gang Of desperadoes that now rule the landj You'll not expect consistency in them, They would have deposed Lincoln, had he lived T' oppose their furious onslaughts on the South. To them the Constitution and the laws Seem "leagues with death and covenants with hell" When they protect the people of the South Against malicious, furious, fiendish rage. Johnson has hated aristocracy, Proclaimed himself the champion of the poor; Has loved the Union, and has risked his hfo In its defense among its enemies. He may be rash and rough, but he is brave, And will uphold th' authority of law; What seems to him his duty he'll perform In spite of whatsoever may oppose. Vindictive cruelty may sometimes hurl Unnecessary insults at his foes, And suff'ring, too, if they're of high degree; But to the lowly he is ever kind. Behold the poor man's ever faithful friend! Th' unpurchasable champion of the poor Boldly defies the hosts of Mammon led In this proud capitol, where capital Controls the legislation of the land. And dominates obsequious cabinets. Scene: Richmond^ Va., May, 1867. Abdiel, Ariel, Zophiel, Ze- pnoN. Abdiel. What brings my faithful commdcs here to-day? Ariel. We come th' escort of one who needs our aid ; Two years have passed since Davis ceased to rule The noblest people earth has ever seen. Since then this chosen ruler has become A great vicarious suif 'rer for his class And for the people over whom he ruled. 220 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Zcphon. How so? And why should he such suff'rings bear? Ariel. Some think 1' avenge the wrongs of Ticgro slaves, And vindicate the government of God. Zophiel. Did not our God give laws to govern slaves ? And did not that convey a right t' enslave ? Ariel. God did give laws to govern human slaves, But not a law to make of freemen slaves. Man kidnaps man: thus slavery begins. The kidnapper was wicked, and his prey, Per possibility, more wicked still. The rude barbarians become merchandise By commerce taken to plantation homes. The master can be fiend-like, if he will, And suffer for the sins that he commits; Or, like the friend of God, great Abraham, May train the servants born in his own house To be the valiant soldiers of the Lord. The law of God to master and to slaves Proposes to bestow upon them both The glorious freedom of the sons of God. Zophiel. Where rests the guilt of human slavery As it existed in the Southern States ? Ariel. For more than fourscore years the British king, And his rich lords of trade forced negro slaves Upon the people of their colonies. Yirginia protested; but the rude blacks. To make the British rich, were sent in droves. The far-famed "bargain" which New England made With Georgia and the Carolinas To bring them slaves for fully twenty years. Doubled the numbers of the servile race. In spite of protests from the other States The East received millions of yellow gold For black slaves bought with rum, and in exchange For souls of white men unto Satan given. SAINTLY WOMEN OF THE SOUTH. 221 Zophiel. Did not the mad men of the North predict An insurrection of the Southern slaves, Filling the hxnd with arson, murder, lust, And nameless horrors such as Ilayti saw? Ariel. They did. It was not soldiers, arms, nor forts Kept their predictions from becoming true; Nor politicians nor patrolling guards Preserved the sanctity of Southern homes. 'Twas Christian love among religious slaves That neutralized barbarian viciousness. The saintly women of the sunny South, Gentle, refined, meek, modest, pious, pure, Most beautiful, most lovely, and best loved Of all Eve's fairest, fascinating train. Have claimed the sooty children of their slaves For virtuous heirs of immortality: Meek, humble followers of Jesus Christ. John Brown and his most fiendish followers In vain have hoped for San Domingan scenes Among the true disciples of the Lamb. Zophiel If slavery thus Christianizes slaves, Why not enslave the whole of Africa ? Ariel. So thousands argued against common sense. It did not save the slaves of other lands : 'Twas Christianity that Christianized. The Methodists and Baptists of the South ^ Have brought more Africans to Jesus Christ Than have been gathered upon heathen ground Of all earth's tribes by all earth's ministers. Zophiel. You charge the guilt of Southern slavery Against Great Britain and New England States; Does no part of it rest upon the South? Men of the South once hated it, but now They all have learned t' embrace it lovingly. Ariel Yes, Zophiel, to those slav'ry-hating men Its horrors and its profits all belonged; But the great guilt of gross mismanagement Eests on the South with more than mountain weight. 222 " THE AMERICAN EPIC. The South loathed slavery till the mighty North AVould wriggle out of all the covenants Made with ylave-holders in more honest times, And called their benefactors criminals. Then hatred seemed to drive out common sense; Then Southern men defended slavery. They said it was a blessing sent from God, A blessing to the master and the slave: Each son of Japhet owed it to the Lord To capture and enslave some child of Ham, To the great glory of the Lord most high. This theory was never practiced there, But something worse grew out of hellish hate Between the sections of a Christian land. To charge God with the guilt of slavery Was most insulting to the Holy One, But the domestic slave trade was far worse. When Southern men sold slaves to Southern men, The slave might often choose his own new home. And keep his loved ones in his neighborhood; But this depended on a kindly heart: Law must not meddle with a master's rights: So said defiant Southern gentlemen. They left their slaves without a word of law To shield them from the Northern rich man's greed. But when the sheriff sold for Northern debts. The highest bidder took the human soul, And sundered all the slave's most tender ties. No matter if the loving master plead. Or wept, or cursed to see his playmate sold : Away from parents, children, wife, and home. The property must bring its highest price. Law must not meddle with a master's rights: So said defiant Southern gentlemen. The suff' rers by this lack of kindly law Were not barbarians brought from Africa, Nor hardened criminals, well steeped in crime, But colored Christians born and taught of God. The possibility of such hard fate Robbed the gay slave of much hilarious glee. " Old master's" homo was his blest paradise; RICH MEN BEGGING BAIL. 223 To leave it, banishment from Eden's joys. Thousands for sale be2;ged men to purchase them, To keep them near the families they loved. And when they failed to find a purshaser, Lest they should tlee to swamps, or Canada, Were thrust into damp jails and bound in iron To go in agony they knew not where. Abdiel. These helpless suff 'rcrs from infernal hate Between the ruling sections of the States Did God forget and fail t' avenge their wrongs? Ariel. I need not talk of retribution now ; But slaves are free, and more than all the w^eallh They ever earned has been destroyed by war. Thousands of wealthy, honored Southern men Have begged for bail to stay in their own homes, When low-bred despots, proud of hate-born rule, Arrested them with spiteful tyranny. And tens of thousands, fearful of arrest, Have dodged the hated "home guards" day and night, Or slept in prisons, fed on prison fare. Hundreds of thousands, men of ev'ry rank. Left happy homes to sicken in the camps; Or way-worn trudged through dank, malarious swamps; Or pined in prison far from friends and home; Or died by thousands battling with fierce foes. Abdiel. Was this t' avenge the wrongs of sufT'rincc o o & slaves On those who might have shielded them from harm ? Ariel. I did not say so, but the white man's lot Was not unlike what the sold slave's had been. Such seeming retribution threatened all Whose hate of Yankee meddling left their slaves vSo unprotected by the civil law. But there were some conspicuously known Who suffered much from arbitrary pow'r. Those times saw Henry Clay's beloved son Dragged from his happy homo and family 224 THE AMERICAN EPIC. To the chief city of his native State, And exiled in the care of hireling guards. As many decent negroes oft had been ; Saw her chief-justice flee to Canada, As pious, sober slaves with haste had fled; And the chief pastor of the proudest sect Hasten away to dwell in Toronto; Her loved ex-Governor, a Union man, Dragged from his bed at night by armed men. And hurried off to damp Fort La Fayette, Deprived of all the decencies of life, Thence carried to Fort Warren to reflect On men who won the liberty he lost For failing to appreciate and laugh At obscene jokes from one whose will was fate. So a slave trader might have shown dislike Toward one too pure to relish his coarse wit. Another Governor, who fought three years, Commanding Union troops in active war, Was exiled from his State into a wild, And left to wander without purse or sword. As destitute as any negro slave. Fleeing from traders who bought human souls. His grave offense was voting for his choice Among the men who would be President. I might proceed to tell of thousands more Whose sufferings were such as negroes bore As the result of lack of human law To save them from unnecessary woes, But I forbear to state more instances. Undignified contentions now prevail Between the Congress and the President. While they contend about prerogatives And how the conquered States shall be controlled, The Southland suffers from the worst misrule Bad negroes and worse white men can inflict. Plantation government, by blacks or whites. Was not considered half so villainous. Ahdiel. Can there be retribution in the fact That white men must endure misgovernment? IRON ON HIS LIMBS AND IN HIS SOUL. 225 Ariel. I did not say so. You ma^^ judge of that. I said that he who ruled by their free choice The noblest sons and daughters of their race Is a vicarious suff 'rer for his class And the proud people he was called to rule; That this great man has borne indignities And sufferings beyond comparison With any borne by other Christian men. A price was set upon his honored head; He was accused of most atrocious crimes, Was hounded through the land that honored him. Mad millions loudly clamored for his blood, And sung of hanging him upon a tree. Chased through the forest paths of three great States, Th' illustrious fugitive at dawn of day Was torn from much loved family and friends, And rudely hurried to the Chesapeake. Fortress Monroe became his prison house, Made strong by his own care in happier days. There the meek invalid was doomed to wear The iron fetters of despotic rule. When the sick suff 'rer saw the manacles And the rough men to fetter his weak limbs. Astonishment almost suspended thought. Soon indignation gave him such great strength That men and shackles were thrown off with ease, And manhood's majesty defiant stood Proof against degradation by his foes. Exhaustion followed effort. There he lay. The helpless victim of infernal hate, With iron on his limbs -and in his soul. The tread of sentinels drove sleep away: 'No quiet moment visited his cell, No secret corner hid from watchful eyes. By day or night this modest gentleman. Brave sentinels abhorred the cruel task That made them seem like Gorgons or foul fiends, With horrid looks converting men to stone. The army surgeons in the name of God, Humanity, and their great science plead For one whose virtues had made them his friends 15 226 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Two years' subjection to tyrannic whims Have failed to crush the patient sufferer. He comes to-day demanding hberty Or a fair trial through the courts of law. They hold him still for trial. He gives bail. He never will be tried. He's innocent. No law condemns the victim of hell's hate, So his worst enemies must now admit. Ahdiel. If God avenged the wrongs of negro slaves Upon the honored men of Southern States, Did that excuse or justify the wrongs Inflicted upon Davis and his friends, And on the humbler millions of the South? Ariel. No, no ! Stern retribution follows fast In footsteps of wrong-doers of all grades: Some in this life, more in the life to come. Scene: Senate Chamber, Washington, D. C.,May 26, 18GS. Satan, Mars, Mammon, Belus, Belial. Satan. Comrades, the rulers of this continent Have fallen upon most unhappy times. Davis was hunted, captured, bound in iron. Accused of crimes, confined two years, gave bail, And then demanding trial was denied. In Lincoln's hour of triumph he was shot, Mourned by the men who were his enemies. The Mexicans dethroned their emperor, And doomed him to the penalty of death. 'Tis said that Johnson, who is now impeached, Will be expelled from his high place to-day By the rash men who rule to ruin here. Belial. They've met their match in this their President. I've watched my big-brained crony from his youth. He seldom fails in what he undertakes. Belus. What have these men against their President? Mars. He was as rough and ready as themselves, Able to comprehend their vicious schemes And counteract the shrewdest of their plans. ALASKA PURCHASED. 227 At duty's call he vetoed their bad acts, And turned ont Stanton from his cabinet. He wished to rule the country four years more And end unconstitutional misrule. Mammon. He need not lose his office for a day : If they hate Johnson, they love money more. Satan. Halt, Mammon, and be careful how you talk ! Most Senators may be quite sinful men And like myself may glory in their deeds. But hint not that such great men can be bought Mammon. I dare not speak against your chosen friends? But may assert that they have all grown rich. The silly honesty of early times Has long been numbered with the things that were. Satan. Mammon, imprudence is your fault of late : You tell our party secrets out of school. While we await the Senate's action here, Let us rehearse the history of these times. The buying of Alaska was an act To be remembered to the end of time. But I shall watch for opportunities For war between Great Britain and the States About their frozen boundaries and trade. Mammon. The grand old party we have served so well Has proof of our devotion to its cause. With Douglass, or with Bell for President There could have been no war between the States. We beat them by divisions in the ranks Of the majorities opposed to us. When we had beaten them, some kindly words Would have hushed all the storms of discontent. We spoke them not, but let the storm rage on. To serve our faction and preserve its life Has cost ten thousand millions in hard cash And sent a million to untimely graves. Was such a party cheap at such a price? 228 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Satan. To us it was. We need its services To curse the country to the end of time. If dying it should cease to work our will, Another like it never could arise To secrete so much venom in its hate. Ifars. Its miscreated, monstrous government Of subjugated people in the South By ten black Legislatures of ten States. With lighter colored Governors to match Five military rulers with their troops. Over five districts under epaulettes, Fifiteen coarse Congressmen to crown the whole^ Is complicated, military, mixed, Kaleidoscopic and yet quite unique. Solon, Lycurgus, Numa, Draco, Laud Could never have imagined such a scheme. Stanton and Satan must have hatched it out. Own up now, Satan, tell the truth for once. Satan. What if we did? Who had a better right? Seel see I the crowd! The Senate now adjourns. Johnson's acquitted. Yes, he comes this wa}^, With Evarts, Seward, Stanberry, and Chase. Yonder is Butler, Stevens, Chandler, Wade, Sumner, and Morrill, Sherman, Morton, Hoar. Scene : Boston, Mass., November 12, 1872. Gabriel, Zepiion, Ab- DIEL. Zepiion. What means this burning mass of merchan- dise, This crumbling granite and this melting iron? Here blazes eighty millions of heaped wealth On threescore acres of rich Boston's ground ! A year ago Chicago saw fierce flames Consume two hundred millions at one time. Spread over more than three square miles of land. The great North-west has been so scorched by flames That dweUings, factories, stores, merchandise. Green, growing crops and rich, ripe, luscious fruits. And even vegetables under ground Have been devoured by the hungry heat. CORRUPTION OF STATESMEN. 229 I've seen it all and asked myself the while Whether their boisterous glee and joyful shouts O'er flames that blazed upon Atlanta's hills, Or lit the skies o'er Georgia's villages. Or gave unfading glory to the land Where flows the Shenandoah's sparkling stream, Has aught to do with these calamities? Gabriel. 'Tis not for us to judge the sons of men, Or pour out retribution on their heads. I saw th' unseemly mirth of which you speak. These blazes bring to mem'ry their olfense. But kindle not in them a thought of guilt. 'Tis ours to aid all peoples in distress. These troubled ones demand our hearty help. Zophiel. Such losses industry will soon retrieve, And enterprise convert them into gains. But only grace can build good character Amid the ruins by sin's cyclone made. If States may swindle States and compacts break, To profit by collective villainy. Shrewd citizens will rulers imitate, For fraudful States raise fraudful citizens. Till rank corruption fills the land with fraud. Wat'ring lean cattle just before they're weighed Suggested wat'ring railroad stocks to sell, And thus get two for one by a sly trick. "Black Friday" gave slick scoundrelism wealth, But covered the great business world with gloom. Commercial ruin came from cornering gold, But gave twelve millions to two swindling men. Tweed and his comrades steal from rich New York Uncounted millions, and insulting ask: " What will you do about this trifling thing?" Abdiel. But wor«e than this, " The Credit Mobilier ' Taints the great Congressmen with basest fraud. From sea to sea the railroad has been laid On the crushed ruins of their characters. And yet with brazen fronts they claim respect Without a blush for their ill-gotten gains. 230 THE AMERICAN EPIC. So universal is corruption now That thieves and swindlers most adroitly cling To all departments of the government. No methodistic honesty can shield, Nor West Point lofty honor well protect The President himself from the shrewd thieves. They wind themselves into his confidence, And cast the shadows of their crimes on him. Gabriel. 'Tis sad to see so much dishonesty, Such universal grabbing after gold ; But I predicted this great greed for gain When hatred seized the reins of government And, spurning constitutional restraints, Drove madly over all the rights of States. Zephon. This wondrous country still grows rapidly In spite of sins and gross mismanagement. The broad Pacific ocean from afar Sends geetings to th' Atlantic hour by hour, And both stretch out strong arms of shining steel To grasp hands over this broad continent. Thirty-eight millions in their peaceful homes, Under one flag in thirty-seven States May bid defiance to their ev'ry foe. The States are all once more in Congress halls, With Senators and Eepresentatives. The ruling faction, hoping to secure By negro votes a longer lease of power, Has made the blacks voters and citizens. This gives more Congressmen to Southern States Than they have ever had before the war. These will be white men chosen by white men. Pledged to support a white man's government Over the negroes and their Northern friends. What will the ghost of Sumner say to this? And how will his live friends ward off* the force Of the reaction of their boomerang? BOOK ELEVENTH. Scene: Centennial Building, Philadelphia, Pa., May 10, 1676. Mr- ciiAEL, Gabriel, Uzziel, Ithuriel, Raphael, Abdiel, Zo- PHiEL, Ariel, Zadkiel, Israfiel, Azarias. Michael. Comrades, with joy I meet you here to-day Amid these works of nature and of art, Gathered together out of many lands. These signs of peace and progress call for thanks To the great Giver of all perfect gifts. All. " We give thee joyful thanks, most gracious Lord, For all that thou has done for Adam's race And for thy blessings lavished on this land ! " Gabriel. The storms of war were lovv^'ring darkly round When we beheld this youthful uation's birth. We've watched it through a hundred years of growth, And now see giant strength and wisdom joined With beauty's blooming, glowing loveliness. This exhibition well rewards our care. While we await the coming multitude. Please tell of great events of recent date. Uzziel. England has paid for damages at sea To the rich commerce of America By war-ships that went out fi'om British ports, C/f dollars fifteen millions and a half! What would King George the Third have said to that? England concedes to the United States The channel boundary which they had claimed Near to Vancouver's Isle and Fuca's Straits. Grant wanted San Domingo's sunny isle, But Sumner was the marplot of his plan. Israfiel. Proud magnates of this lund by death laid low Await the resurrection trumj^et's sound. (231) 232 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Stevens and Stanton, Seward, Sumner, Chase, Wilson and Greeley, Thomas Canby, Meade, Brave Farragut, and matchless Eobert Lee — All silently sleep now in quiet graves. Unnoticed by the busy, bustling world. Still this great country lives and flourishes, The noblest nation in the universe. Hark ! Martial music floats upon the air ! Four thousand veterans escort their chief And make the welkin ring with their huzzas. Behold the living magnates of to-day ! They come to act their parts in this grand scene ! See the ambassadors of foreign lands. The judges of earth's highest civil court. The honored Governors of sovereign States Great Senators and Eepresentatives, Naval and military officers Of highest rank and most successful deeds, Distinguished visitors and citizens. Thousands of women in their loveliness, And gleeful childhood's artless innocence. Who enter? 'Tis the modest President. He takes his seat and at his side is seen The Emperor and Empress of Brazil. Music rings out! Th' enchanting notes are hushed. Prayer lifts its voice — the suppliant prayers of all, Ascend to heav'n from Matthew Simpson's lips. . . . . Hear Whittier's hymn ! It sounds as if inspired. To Hawley Welsh presents; and he to Grant The grounds and buildings and their grand array. Grant kindly welcomes all, and then declares The exhibition open to the world. Then with Brazil's great emj^eror to help. Starts the grand engine that with giant force Propels broad acres of machinery. Scene: Pittsburg^ Pa., July, 1877. Chemosh, Satax, Moloch, Baal, Mars, Mammon, Belial, Belus. Satan. Comrades, what think you of those hellish flames' That on red wings soar upward toward the hcav'ns? WAR TAUGHT INCENDIARIES, 233 Baal. Their tow'ring grandeur fills mo with delight ! Moloch. They promise flowing streams of human blood ! Belus. I am reminded of old Babylon, Tyre, Nineveh, Ecbatana, and Troy, Long buried 'neath the ashes of their homes ! Belial. I think of present pleasure in rough sport! Mars. I ask for valiant legions to shoot down The wretches who disturb the public peace ! Mammon. I mourn such waste of so much precious wealth I Satan. Here is the "aristocracy of wealth," And the "Democracy of numbers " too. That Alexander Hamilton desired. The aristocracy of wealth conspired To cut down labors earnings ten per cent.. Which meant less food, less clothing, and less fire In the rough huts of squalid poverty, That millionaires might faster heap their hoards. The maddened toilers in the Southland, taught By honored officers to light the torch. Apply it now to Northern property. See in those flames the red, rich, ripening fruits Of Sherman's tactics, Hamilton's finance. But this destruction is the poor man's loss; The rich will make him pay the damages In taxes, lower wages, higher rents. More costly clothing, fire, food, furniture. Less wealth must mean less comfort for the poor. The rich can always buy what they desire. Ghemosh. These railroad riots and destructive fires Spend all their fury on the prosp'rous North ; The long lines stretching southward are secure. Baal. War taught the Northern workmen hoAV to burn The property of men they do not love. That lesson Southern men are slow to learn; Even the negroes, though exhorted long To burn up Southern property, refuse. 234 THE AMERICAN EPIC. Mammon, you study questions of finance, Please tell us whether capital's increase Is detrimental to the lab'ring poor? Whether the jDOor have any thing to gain By the destruction of a rich man's wealth ? Mammo7i. No; wealth's increase is gainful to all men, And wealth's destruction subjects all to loss. Some get an unfair portion of the gain, And others share too largely in the loss. The strife between labor and capital Is ruinous to both, and ought to cease. If either party grows dissatisfied, Let operatives and machines work on At such fair rates as a just court may fix. Thus, without quarrels or the loss of time, Production still proceeds to increase wealth. Work the machines all day and all night long — Three sets of operatives, each eight hours. Overproduction never need be feared. With free trade in the markets of the world. If pubhc faith is pledged to certain men For their j^rotection against foreigners. Take off the tarift', lay a bounty on T' indemnify confiding citizens. Add the just bounty to the general tax. Let the whole Union and each separate State Pay their whole tax into one treasury. From which the States or counties would draw out An equal sum for ev'ry citizen. The only other tax to be assessed Would be by cities for their purposes. To raise the money for that gen'ral tax, Double the duty and the excise on Tobacco and intoxicating drinks. From ev'ry dollar of the capital Of money-making trusts and syndicates. And other corporations of the kind. Collect three mills in each and every year. Raise the deficiency from ca])ilal Over one thousand dollars in amount. SAVJ'els driven from the earth 268 THE AMERICAN EPIC. And helpIcBH, hopeless human Buffercrs Enduring unimagined agonies. Michael, draw off your legions to the skies. Leave your broad banners trailing at my I'cet, Go hide within the battlements of heav'n, Flee mourning over realms that you have lost; Go, leave me in my glory here to reign! Michael. Satan, your silly boasting I despise ; No threats of yours can daunt whom God protects. Corruption's legions cannot rule this land By their unprincipled, compliant tools. Sheer selfishness drives them to nominate Men of a nobler class for offices Demanding honor and integrity. How wonderful it was to see pure men Like Cleveland and like Harrison succeed In winning office through conventions swayed Ey many of the most unprincipled, Who ever sold themselves for offices, Or bartered honor for advantages. Such honest, upright, honorable men, vSelected by the selfish or corrupt. Prove heav'n's own watch-care over this fair land. So down to latest times shall God preserve This noblest of the nations of the earth. Your robber tariff soon will be repealed. The people in their might and majesty AVill soon rise up against your tyranny. The senate and the representatives Will pass a tariff law for revenue, Will take the hands of rich monopolists Out of the purses of the laboring poor, AVill build up commerce with a whole round world, And send the white-winged argosies of trade To ev'ry port beneath the smiling heav'ns. Satan. Michael, the hisfrj' of the human race Is but the record of my victories. Go seek for Babylon and Nineveh, ONWARD TO DECAY. 269 T^-re, Sidon, Troy, Carthago, Palmyra, Tbcbcs, The Greeks, the Bomans, and the Saracens! I gave them to destruction, and they fell. Think you these people but of yesterday Can stand against my strong, resistless might? The greediness of gain that here prevails Will undermine the virtue of these States. Such selfishness indulged in ancient times Extinguished all the glory of old Eome. The rich men and their sons monopolized The good things of the empire until weallh Corrupted young patricians and left none To fight the battles of imperial Eome But foreignei*s and rude barbarian hosts. The men who would have formed a living M^all Between their country and its enemies Had vanished from the places that they loved. They slept in death, while rich men and their slaves Became the prey of vile barbarians. But selfishness seeks only its own good; It heaps up wealth no matter Avho may lose. A hundrecl millions wants a hundred more, A thousand would another thousand add. For this high tariffs tax the toiling poor, Wages reduced give lab'rera scanty food, Scant clothing, fuel, books, and ev'ry thing. The very rich grow richer hour by hour. The very poor more num'rous every day. When these two classes cover the whole land Then anarchy or slavery must prevail. And your great nation takes the downward grade By which old Rome passed onward to decay. Michael, the evils that o'erthrcw old Eome Are actively and dang'rously at work. They'll give your millions to destruction soon. I'll drive my chariot over their remains, And hell shall celebrate their obsequies By crowning its great chief with honors won In battles with the proud Americans! At my grand triump I would gladly drag Gabriel and Michael at my chariot wheels. 270 THE AMEHICAN EPIC, Michael The Lord rebuke tlieo, Satan I I behold Like lightning your descent to deeper depths Of degradation and disgraceful crime. Go, wretch ! [Satan dmiippears.] The cur^o of God abides on you. Until the sentence of the day of doom Consigns you to the " pit that's bottomless," The " outer darkness and the " lake of fire." Gabriel. Michael, that foe of God and men departs. Let us now profit by his boastful threats. The people will rebuke his guilty du])es And banish them from their high seats of pow'r. Tariffs and force bills we need dread no m