Oil a SB 341 .061 ICopy 1 ONION BOOK. A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO THE Profitable Culture of the Crop, BY SOME TWENTY EXPEEIENOED GEOWEES. ILLXJSTK^TEr* /, ^\ NEW AND GREATLY ENLARGED EDITION. ©. NEW YORK: b CO., DAVID W. JUDD, Pres't., 751 Broadway. 1887. I ^ Entered, according to Act of Congress, in tlie year 1887 by the O Judd Co., in the Office of the Librarian ^ I ^ of Congress, at Washington, ^-I^J^K 1^ .??3*- NEW AMERICAJN FARM BOOK. ORIGINALLY BY R. L. ALLEK, AvUwr of ■• I'iseases of Donie-^tic AtiimalK,''' and formerly Editor rf the '■'■ Ainericna Agriculturist.'' REVISED AND ENLARGED BY LEWIS V. ALLEN, Author of '•American Cattle." Editxyr of the ''^Ani^ncun Shoriliorn Ihrd-Booli^' etc CONTENTS : IN'I HOBUCTION. — Tilhise niisbamiry — Grazin- — Pce(linr, which is the most common way, pushing a clean aright hoe over the drills. This may be done by ooys, as they make smaller and lighter tracks than men. Commence the work straight, and then be careful to keep it so ; not but that crooked rows make straight onions, but for the beauty and neatness of the thing. A man accustomed to it will sow three acres a day. The time for sowing is the month of April, earlier or later, according to the state of the ground. It is gen- erally found that the earliest-sowed onions, other things being equal, do the best. CuLTiVATiOK. — About four weeks from the lime of sowing, cultivation commences in earnest. The first ihing to be done in this department is to go through them with an onion boe, as soon as the rows C5an be distinctly seen, when the dew is on in tho morning. The hoeing this time must be light — just skimming the top of the ground — the hoe being put forward and drawn toward the hoer. In the course of a few days weeding must be commenced ; removing all the weeds from among the onions. This part of the work is usu- ally performed by boys, for various reasons ' Ist. Be- cause they can be hired for about half thfe price of men. 2d. A good active boy, fifteen or sixteen years old, can do as much, or more work than a man ; and also because it is less tiresome for boys than full-grown men : for it must be remembered that the stooping or crawling posture must be assumed in weeding onions. In other words, whoever does this work must get down to them, eyes, fingers, and all, and not be ashamed of his occupation, or of soiling hif^ clothes. The tools needed for hoeing and weeding onions are few and simple. The most approved hoe in use, is usually made from a buck-saw plate, either new or worn, cut about eight Inches in length, and from die to two inches in width, with a goose-neck riveted on the inside of it; or to make the hoe stififer, two goose- necks are used, riveted as before, but about one and a half inches from the ends of the plate, and uniting in one shank in the handle, which may be about five feet long. This hoe should be kept clean and bright, so that the dirt will slide over it without being much dis- placed. A push or scufQe-hoe is sometimes used in the advanced growth of the crop. The tools used for weeding, aside from what nature has presided, are a crooked knife, (common case or shoe-knife with the lower end bent up,) and a weeder made of thin steel plate, about two inches long and one wide, riveted with a goose-neck, like the hoes, and fixed in a handle about eight inches long. Later in the season, a largei weeder is used, about four inches in length, and set in a handle about two feet long. This is used, when the onion-tops have become large, for the purpose of tak- ing out single weeds, and when hoeing the ground would injtjre the onions. After this description of tools, we will return to hoeing and weeding. As no definite rule can be giv- en for the number of hoeings or weedings, this must be left to the discretion of the owner, or the person in charge. SuflBce it to say, the oftener the ground is stirred, the better for the crop. Ground should usu- ally be hoed about once in two weeks during the earlier part of the season, and the weeding must be governed by numbers and growth of the weeds. It is all-important that the weeds be not suffered to get the advantage. Keep them down — keep them out — ^be vigilant. Think of the old adage about the stitch in time, and apply it here. This same vigilance must be exercised during the growth of the crop. Some persons, owing to extra work during harvest, are apt to neglect their onion* This should never be. July is an important month to BXPHRIKNCE OF PRACTICAX GROWERS. s the onion-grower. If neglected then, the crop is as good as half-lost. Neither is it true that onions are injured by working among them when bottoming, although care is necessary not to knock down the tops, nor disturb the bulbs when growing ; but bad usage is better than entire neglect. Neither should weeds be permitted to go to seed on the ground intended for ouio-js the next year, after the crop is removed. It is sometimes necessary to hoe the ground over entirely, and carry off the weeds that may have grown after the onions have been pulled. The great pest of onion- ground usually is purslain ; and this must be watched and dealt with in a summary way. It may be hardly necessary to suggest here that the fences and "^orders of onion-grounds should be kept entirely clean and tidy. A man will hoe from half an acre to an acre of onioLS in a day. A smart boy will take care of from one to two acres of ground during the season, and have an odd day now and then to go fishing. Harvesting. — This takes place during the latter part of August, and first of September. The time to pull onions, (which should be done by hand,) is when the tops have fallen down and turned a brown or yel- lowish color. Sometimes on account of the season, or seed, or both, there will be more or less that will not drop down and dry up. Some have proposed in such cases to roll a barrel over them, or break them down in some v/ay, but it is of doubtful expediency. A Bcallion will be such, whether standing up or bent down. "When the main crop has ripened down, it is best to pull them all, and sort out those which are not fit for market, to feed out to the cattle ; for which purpose they are esteemed of considerable value. The cattle generally devour them greedily ; they should not however be fed to milch cows. The most approved way of curing onions after they are pulled, is, to let them lie scattered about the ground for about three days, and then pile them up in small stacks, containing about a barrel each: after re- maming so about two weeks, open them, and give them frequent stirrings for about three bright drying days, then house them in a perfectly dry condition. Tne stacking gives them an opportunity to sweat, and keeps them in a measure from the weather, so that when opened, the outside skin shells off, and gives them a brighter and clearer appearance, than they would have if left to cure, scattered about the field. Onions cured in this way may be put up in bins, or bays to the depth of four or five feet, without any danger of injury; there to be kept, if desired, until the following spring, provided the tops are left on thom. If put in barn bays, a rough floor should be laid down on timber a few inches from the ground, in order that a c'rculation of air underneath may be ob- tained. Onions should not be kept in cellars unless remarkably dry and cooL A slight freezing does not hurt them, provided they are not disturbed in their Vozen state Marketing. — Th a may commence as soon as onions are ripe, and continue until the middle of May follow- ing, provided communication is open. The most com- mon way of sending onions to market, is by pnttjog them in barrels with one head, and sending them in vessels ; as freight by water is cheaper than by land. This holds good, however, only for those who are for- tunate enough to live in proximity to the water. All the preparation onions require for market, is to cut or strip off their tops and put them in barrels. A man or boy will prepare fifty bushels in a day. Onions always keep best in their tops ; therefore they should not be removed until ready for market. The price of onions varies from $1.00 to $5.00 per barrel, but the average net price, taking one year wiih another for several years back, has been about $1.50 per barrel. The onions sent to New-York market are usually wholsaled from vessels to the dealers, and resold by them in smaller lots, they selling from 25 to 50 cente per barrel, in advance of cost, so that bv the time the consumer gets them the first price is nearly doubled. General Remarks — There is no crop, perhapa, more sure than that of onions. They are liable, it iH true, to blight, but this seldom occurs unless they are neglected. Rich soil, with a good application of ma- nure every year, and proper attention, will almost in- variably insure a good crop. Five hundred bushels to an acre is an average crop, though eight hundred arc frequently raised. There are three varieties of onions commonly raised, namely, red, white, and yellow, The red onions take the lead, as they are more hardy, grow better, and bear handling better than either of the other kinds. The foregoing directions apply equally to each variety, though white ones require more attention in curing, and gentler tiandling. White onions in limited quan- tities and in good condition sometimes sell for fifty pw heavy, the wind rocks them about, and much of the seed is lost or injured by blasting. The seed-balls should be carefully cut when beginning to brown, and spread thin to prevent heating. When perfectly dry, thresh and winnow clean, then put into water. Tiie good seed sinks, while the im- perfect will float, and should be skimmed off and thrown away. Care must bo taken to dry thoroughly after removing it from the water. One bushel of good onions usually yields from three to five pounds of seed. Land intended for onions should be nearly level, to prevent the heavy rains from washing it afier the seed is sown. The onion is a gross feeder, and re- quires a liberal supply of manure, say from sixteen to twenty loads, of fifty bushels each, well-rotted manure per acre. I prefer manure from the hog-pen, but where large quantities are grown, all kinds are used, first fermenting it to destroy foul seeds as much as possible, and fit it to mix with the soil more easily and evenly. A dressing of ashes is very advantageous to the crop. To prepare the ground for onions, first clear the sur- face of ail small stones above the size of a hen's egg, put on the manure, spread and plough to the depth of seven inches the first year. After that, plough somewhat deeper. The ploughing may be done in November, if you have many to plant, and wish to get them in early. Let the ground lie in the furrow until spring, and then spread on at least one hundred bushels of ashes to the acre. If no ashes are used, apply from two to three hundred pounds of guano, and harrow with iron teeth, if the ground was ploughed in the fall; otherwise use a plank frame, or a plank with brush set in, which will leave the land smoother for the hand- rake. As the bush-harrow will need some weight, about that of a man, I usually ride on it, and by change of position can throw my weight so as to fill up holes and leave the ground more even, which saves haod-labor. If you wish straight rows — which look and work better — stretch a line across your field to draw the seed-drill by, and by moving it up to the work, there will be no difficulty in keeping straight The seed-drills used about here are very simple in con- struction coating about four dollars They ai . .•• rows at a time, twelve inches apart, and one Lalf-lnch deep. These are covered by passing a hoe backward over the drill, or by the hand-rake drawn carefully parallel with the rows, which is the quickest way, as it covers two rows at once. Four pounds of good seed are plenty for one acre. It should be planted as early in April as the ground will admit. Do not work it when wet, for it will be lumpy, and hard to cover the seed properly. When up enough to see the rows, hoe between them, with a hoe made expressly for that use. The blade of the hoe should be eight inches in length and one and a half broad, with a long crooked shank. Next comes the weeding. Have a small hoe made like the above, but one and a half inches in length, set in a handle six inches long. With this in one hand, get on your knees, and crawl over them, destroying all the weeds : for if not well done at this time, the work will be hard the next. Second hoeing and weeding the same as first, but can be done faster. About this time, say the first of June, sow broad- cast one bushel of salt to the acre, such as is used for hay. This will prevent the cut- worm which is sometimes troublesome, and tlie salt., I think, is a help to the crop. I can not say too much about keeping the weeds out, for no crop suffers more from weeds than onions. Keep the weeds out as long as you can creep over them. They usually require four hoeings and weedmgs, which will carry them into July. If there are weeds, get them out, even if the bulbs have begun to swell ; you can walk through them and pull them by hand. This is the time they are apt to be neglected, as tbe haying season claims all the help. As they attain their growth, the tops loose their lively green color, grow weak above the bulb, and drop over. When they grow exactly right, they all fall down ; and when about two thirds dry, they are fit tc pull. This is done by hand, cleaning of all weeds, tc prevent the seed ripening. Spread the onions to wilt from two to four days, then pile about three bushels in a heap to sweat. Let them stand in this way for some days, or until the tops are dried away. They are now fit for marketing in small quantities. If you wish to house them to keep, spread them again, and dry ; for if housed damp or green, they will grow and injure quickly. Great care is necessary to cure them properly. They should be dried until no juice will ooze from the tops when twisted by the hand. They will require turning two or more times tc bring them to this state, then cart them before the der falls at night. When in the house, they should hav free circulation of air about them, until freezin weather, and then be protected from extreme cold, though they bear some freezing, and do not generally injure if let alone until the frost is all out. If they are intended for market before December, almost any out-building with a good roof will make a store-bouso, •'is more air about them the better. If the floor i< HOW TO RAISE ONIONS. tig-it, put down scantling, and lay on a temporary lotde floor for the onions, and if room is plenty, do not put them over two feet thick. That I may be better nnderstood, I will give a description of a fit place to store onions for fall and winter keeping. Make a building with the top of ihe sills one foot from the ground, to afford room for air to blow freely under a looHo floor, laid upon the sills. On the inside of the building, crib around with boards to the height you wish to make the pile, leaving a space of fifteen inches be- tween them and the outside. As the onions are put in, set a small bundle of straw on the end, about once in five feet, to act as a venti- lator. "When cold weather approaches, fill the space around the outside, with the onion-tops which are cut, or an equivalent, and bank around outside the building with litter of some kind. In this region near the shore, sea-weed is used to a good purpose, but coarse manure will do, having some place where the air can be let in in mild weather. Cover the top of the onions with dry Utter, such as hay, cornstalks or the like If put up in good order, they will keep in this way, and perhaps bring price enough to pay the extra work. In cutting off the tops, a pocket-knife is general!? used. This work can be done at any time afcer thej are housed, but those intended for keeping late in Spring will do better to remain in the tops until wantc-d for market. It is difficult to tell at what time they should be marketed, as the price varies with the seasons. The large quantities raised along the shore here, are sold in New- York, mostly by the barrel, sent in sloops sailing between the city and the different ports. They are sent as soon as they are large enough in the fall, and continued until late in spring. As a general rule, probably, it would be well to dispose ol one half of the crop before the holidays, and look out for the remaiuder. Five hundred bushels per acre are a fair yield, but seven or eight hundred bushel are often raised. Usually the yield is less the first year or two; after that, if well manured, the crop is more certain and the land may be continued in onions year after year. I know o ground that has produced onions for forty years in succession, with only a rest of one or two years, and yielded well. No. III. BY JONATHAN DENNIS, NEWPORT CO., R. I. The Island of Rhode Island and the shores of Nara- gansett Bay, have long been celebrated for the raising of onions, particularly the town of Bristol, situated on the main land, twelve miles from the city of Prov- idence, and enjoying a fine harbor, from which large quantities of onions are annually shipped to New- Fork and all the southern ports of the Union ; but the largest trade perhaps, is carried on with the Island of Cuba, to which great quantities of potatoes, and onions, and other vegetables, are annually shipped, bringing sugar and molasses as return cargo. Newport also carries on a considerable trade in onions and other vegetables, with the South. Soil. — The onion requires a rich soil, and if it is not naturally so, it must be made so, by the addition of a liberal dressing of manure, otherwise it is of but little use to try to raise a crop of onions ; black heavy soil and rather moist, or such as will not suffer from drouth, perhaps is the best ; but almost any soil that will pro- duce a good crop of Indian corn will answer if made rich enough. Old gardens that have been long culti- vated will generally raise a crop without much diffi- culty, but new land, or land that has not been highly cultivated for a number of years, will not generally produce a full crop for the first year or two, owing, as I suppose, to the manure not becoming sufficiently in- corporated with the soil. Those not experienced in the raising of this crop should not be discouraged if they do not succeed the first year, for the onion, unlike most other crops, succeeds better the longer it is plant- ed on the same ground, except in some instances af- ter long planting in the same place, they seem to be- come diseased from some cause not well understood, when alternating with another crop for a year or two is said to remedy the evil. This disease shows itseli by the curling of the leaves and turning of a yellow sickly hue, and upon breaking the leaves they appear to be filled with a kind of smut ; hence the disorder is called the smut. Manure. — That from the hog-pen I consider the Dest, but barn or stable-manure will answer nearly as well on most soils ; sea manure is considered excel- lent on our soils. The waters of Naragansett Bay produce large quantities of marine plants, which are washed on the shores and collected by the farmers, and composted in barn-yard and hog-pen, and produce a most valuable manure for this crop. Large quantities of fish are taken in this bay, and when composted and mixed with barn or hog-yard manure, are much used for onions. Guano does not seem to suit them as well as it does some other crops, and I •would not advise farmers to try to raisc< onioni EXPERIENCE OF PEACTICAI, GROWERS. trith it, sAona. Wood ashes are an excellent manure Od aay sod, and perhaps the greensand of New Jersey would acswei, as they seem to require potash. Pkeparation op the Soil. — The manure should be spread twenty-five or thirty loads for two horses or one pah' of oxen, or a cart-load of forty bushels to the acre, and ploughed in with a good even furrow. The depth will depend on the depth the soil has been previously cultivated. The whole should be thorough- ly turned over, covering the manure completely ; and if the ground has not been highly manured previously, it should have a light dressing on top, of decomposed manure, or wood ashes. Tlien harrow the ground fine with a light harrow, and rake smooth and level, re- moving any coarse manure, stones, or lumps that may interfere with planting or hoeing. If you have a large bed, it saves labor to strike furrows through it, say a rod or more apart, before commencing to rake, into which all tlie lumps of manure and small stones may be deposited and leveled over with the soil. Those places will be found to produce as well or better than the rest of the pieces, Plantino. — Plant in liLls with the rows twelve inches apart, and six inches between the hills. "We use a machine that plants in hiUs, two rows at once, at the required distance apart. Never plant them in drills if you can avoid it. If you have no machine that will plant in hills, I think you will save time in tlie after-cultivation by planting by hand. It is te- dious work to weed a drill-row, but in hills you can do most of the weeding with the hoe. Put from six to eight seeds in a hill if you wish to raise them of nearly uniform size for marketing by the bushel. With us, where most of the crop is bunched on straw, for the West-India and other foreign markets, we put from ten to twelve seeds in tlie hill, and we never thin them out. They seldom all vegetate, and some will be cut up in hoeiug, so that two thirds the number you plant will be all, perhaps, that will come to maturity. They require but slight covering, not exceeding one half or three quarters of an inch deep, pressing the earth down sightly upon the seed. Our machines are pro- eided with a roller that does tliis. Onions will grow well very thick if provided with a sufiBcient quantity of manure. Varieties. — The kind will depend altogether on the market you wish to supply. We raise the common red onion, because it suits our market. Each one should consult the wants of liis customers in this as in every other crop. The Yellow Danvers is a good sort for our home market. It is hardy, cooks white, and keeps well through the winter. The White Portugal is a delicate onion, and sells the highest in our home markets of any variety, but is a poor keeper for winter and spring use. The red with us is divided into three sorts, as they are called, though in fact they are all one, namely, the early, second early, and lato, and are produced by merely selecting the onions for seed. The early is a flat onion, sometimes even hollowed at the crown. th« second early is full and round, and the late is some- what pointed at both ends. Therefore all you have to do to produce those varieties, is to select the flattest onions you can find, to raise your seed from, if yoB wish to raise early ; the full round for the second early, and so on, and you can readily produce the kiad yob wish by a few years' propagation in this way. We raise the second sort mostly because it produces well, and suits our market, though there are considerable quantities of the early variety raised for the early market, which do very well, although the;-^ do not pro- duce as much, but bring a higher price on account ot being early. Be careful in purchasing seed to buy from those you can rely upon, as old seed is very un- certain. The potato-onion is largely raised by market-gar- deners, to be pulled up when partly grown, and tied in bunches of six or more for the market. They are a valuable variety, being of mild flavor, and cook very white. They are propagated by sets and not by seed. A large bulb set out in spring will produce a number, some of good size, which may be pulled for market or the table, with several small ones, which may by set the next year, and which in turn produce one or two large ones. There are a great many raised from pips, as they are called, which are the very small onions left from the main crop of the red variety, set out in spring similar to the potato-onion. They will incline to run to seed, and the seed-stalk must be broken off. Be careful to break them below the large place on the stalk, and they will produce a good bulb for early use. Both the pips and potato-onion may be set thickly in drills, as early in spring as the state of the ground will admit of, and with a litle hoeing they will pro- duce a good early crop. There is a variety called the top-onion, which produces the seed or set on the top, like the garlic ; but they are not much grown, and with us are not considered worthy of cultivation. Hoeing. — Onions should be hoed as soon as the rows can be scen^ and as often as the weeds show themselves. J 'jonsider it better to hoe often, for you can hoe them twice over when they are not very weedy, in about the same time it would take to do it once if you let them get overrun with weeds; and then it is a long and tedious job to clear them out, be- sides injuring the crop in so doing. After the second or third hoeing, when they have got a good start, car- rots mny be planted between the hills in two out of three rows, and so on, leaving one out of three for space to lay the onions to cure, and in this way a good crop of carrots can be raised vdthout injuring tie onions but very little, if any. Large quantities of car- rots are raised in this manner with tis with very lit' ^e expense. They will want one hoeing alter harvestij g 8 HOW TO EAI8E ONIONS the cmions, to cloan out any weeds that may be still standing on iLe ground. The carrots will grow rapid- ly till frost, and even after. HiiKVESTiNG. — The onions should be pulled as soon as the tops have mostly fallen, which shows ma- turity. Lay them in rows, two or three rows together, straight and evenly, and when the tops are nearly dry. cut them off, leaving about two inches of the staUf. Leave them to dry a few days longer if they are to be stored, or they may be marketed immediately. In topping, have the bottoms at the left hand, and the knife or shears (some use common slieep-shears) in the right, when, if they are laid evenly, you can take a number at once instead of taking each one singly, and boys that are used to it will top them very fast. Bunching. — To bunch onions rapidly and handsome- ly requires much practice, but some boys will make from three to four hundred bunches a day. It is done thus : Take about two feet in length of the buttend of rye straw, and in size nearly as large as a broom- stick when drawn together by the twine. Commence at the bottom, and wind common wrapping twine around it for three inches, drawing it up tight, then put on a circle of four medium-sized onions to begin with, take a turn round the neck of these, draw them up snug to the straw, tying the next on the top of them. As you proceed, press them down snug upon each other with the thumb of the left hand, and wind the twine ouce around to each onion, tapering them up from a good-sized one at the bottom, to the size of a largo walnut at the top, and from ten to twelve in •ength. Keep the rows straight, and with a little practice, you can make a neat bunch that will suit, in many markets, better tlian loose onions, and also U8«; up and make salable the small-sized onions. An average crop with us may be stated at from four hundred to five hundred bushels per acre, though we sometimes get six hundred. The price varies from thir- ty-five to fifty cents per bushel delivered at the landing on tide-water direct from the field. When the shippers pay from two to three dollars the hundred bunches, of three pounds to the bunch, for large quantities, taking the whole crop at once and directly from the field, it is considered a profitable crop. There is little done in the retail way, except for a few early ones in our home markets. Storing. — Store your onions in a dry cool place, to keep tlirough the winter. The garret is a good place for those who wish to keep a few for family use, cov- ering them with some old cloth to prevent their thaw- ing when once frozen. But if you wish to keep a large quantity, any out-building that is tolerably tight, will answer by packing the sides with hay or straw, and covering the top with the same. The cellar, unless very dry, is not a good place to keep them, on account of their growing if kept too warm. A basement-story perhaps would answer if not too warm. They should not be moved while frozen, except you wish to cook them immediately. I have written especially with regard to the onion as a field crop, for in this section they are raised as such, by farmers who cultivate quite large tracts, and in fields from one half-acre to three acres. No. IV. BY D. C. REYNOLDS, CLINTON CO., PA. The onion tribe, consisting of the onion, leek, garlic, and shallot, are all natives of Eastern countries, but they seem to be well adapted to certain portions of the United States, and acquire considerable pungency of 9avor in this climate. In order to be successful in growing the onion, the wil must be rich, light, and deep, and in a situation well exposed to the sun. Tou must not think of sow- ing the seed until you have worked the bed well to the aepth of eighteen inches, enriching it, and beating it flat and firm with a spade. Some may suppose it early, but I always sow my onion seed sometime in March, not being at all parti- cular as to the precise time of the month, or having any regard to the superstition so prevalent in regard to sigm. No good gardener can dispense with the line : he will therefore scratch drills by the line just deep •enough to be clearly seen, and then distribute the seeds along the drills about three or four seeds to the inch. Next, sift fine sandy earth over the seeds, and pat the surface even. Finally, scatter leached ashes over the bed, evenly, to the depth of about one eighth of an inch. Be careful to allow no weeds to grow up and choke the young plants This is a very important pre- caution, as I think the shade caused by rank weeds ia one of the greatest causes of small c rops in this coun- try. As the onions grow, they must be thinned out ; allowing alternately a space between, fully equal to the breadth of the onion from bulb to bulb. There are some who prefer to sow onions broadcast, but I am satisfied they lose more by their indolence than they gain in point of economy of time. After the onions have somewhat advanced, it will be beneficial to scat- ter common salt among them, the chemical propertiet of the salt seem to ca*3e them to enlarga EXPBKIENCE OF PKACTICAL GROWERS. This is about as good a way to cultivate the onion from the seed to the perfect large onion, as I have ever seen, or tried — and it is my custom to examine every new idea, or experiment, that comes before the public, with a view to a correct plan, not only with the onion, but all kinds of vegetables. In September, tlie necks of the onions should be twisted, and after the leaves become yellow, take the crop up, and place the onions under a shed, exposed to sua and air until they are quite dry on ihe outside. Of the different Kinds, I prefer the while, as not being so rank to the taste, and we know ihey always bring a better price in the market. Although I confess to having been often disappointed in my experience with Patent Office «eed.*, owing to their age before they are placed in the g'-ound, yet I can safely recommend the " white onion" obtained from England, as of superior quality both as regards size and taste. Besides the onions raised from the seed, we can grow them so as to have a supply in July. The ground, in this case, must be prepared early as tlie weather will permit, ic February, and for seed take a number of those small bulbs that are always found in the beds just described, and which are not above an inch broad. The bed being ready at the end of the first week, form it into squares on the surface by means of cross-strings. At the places where the lines meet, press in an onion, one third of the onion being placed in the ground, so that the bulb will rera;!in firm and erect. After this is douo, you will have a bed with the onions in square.^, five or six inches apart. Now, the onion naturally forms its bulb the first year of its growth, and forms flower and seed in the second year. Of course, there- fore, these small onions, being in their second year, will attempt to form flower and seed, and this must be prevented by plucking off the flower-head as soon as it makes its appearance. A second attempt will be made, which must also be prevented in the same way. Thus, the sap, which would otherwise have "run to seed," will be kept in the bulb, and by degrees two, three, or four medium-sized onions will be developed. These are to be taken in July or August, and dried under a shed, as before directed. A great amount of nonsense, in the shape of " e.v- periments," has been given to the world on the subject of the onion: but as I have already remarked, give ine a soil rich light, deep, and well exposed to the sun, and in addition, a few bushels of leached ashes, ana a reasonable quantity of common salt, and I will show you a crop of onions equal to any ever produced by any other mode, The onion is a plant whose roots feed upon nourish ment on or very near the surface — hence deep sowing and planting, as well as hoeing the earth around tlie plants, are to be avoided. la very hot weather in summer, it may be necessary to water them — but do not carry this to extremes. The onion is a very hardy plant, and I have frequently left bulbs in the ground throughout the winter for the purpose of obtaining an early mess on the dinner-table in spring. These is another mode of raising the onion which I like very well, although requiring a greater length of time to develop. This is by sowing the seed, thickly in drills from three to five inches apart, having preparei the ground in the same manner as above described, and reserving the leached ashes and salt for the second year. By this method, you procure a number of bus-hels of small onions, which are to be kept over winter in a place dry, not too warm, and yet where they will not freeze. These must be planted as early as the spring weather will admit, in the second year, and tlie flower-shoots must be plucked off, as I have said in speaking of the early summer variety. They must be planted in the same way, in squares of five or six inches apart. Tne onion has been too slightly cultivated. This is owing to the vulgar notion of its unpleasant smell. It is true, it is apt to affect the breath, so that one whc has eaten of this really wholesome vegetable, will smell of it for many hours afterwards. But this should be no reason for abandoning its use, as we can always so arrange our meal that it can be eaten when there is no risk of this sort. The onion has been successfully used as a medicine, particularly in croupy affections of children — both the expressed juice mixed with sugar, and in the form of a poultice to the cbest and extremities It is stimu- lant, acts upon the kidneys, upon the bronchial tubes ai.d air-passages, and will excite irritation on the skin. If eaten in moderati'n, it increases the appetite and promotes digestion, and may be used as a condiment ; but in large quantities it is apt to cause flatulence, gastric uneasiness, and febrile excitement. It may be given with advantage in dropsy and gravel. If it be boiled, it loses its essential oil, and becomes a whole- some and harmless esculent. It may also be roasted and split, and applied with benefit to suppurating tumors. In fact, it is one of tlie most useful vegetebioe we possess, and deserves better treatment at the hands of man. 10 HOW TO RASSK ONIONS. No. V. BY STEPHEN HOYT & SON, FAIRFIELD CO.. CT. SoDj is the first considfeiaiiou in llie culture of ouions. To raise them succe>srully, it is important ibat this be right. The soil best adapted to them is a neavy, moist, (not wet,) rich loam, free from stone. Fair crops of ouions may be raised upon a light dry soil iu favorable !?eas()ns, but the tops are very liable to turn yellow just as they begin to bottom, and to die down before they are of much size, thus very materi- ally diminishing the crop. The soil should be culti- vated with some hoed crop, and no weeds allowed to ripen seed upon it for one or two years before plant- ing with onions. After having decided upon the soil, the next thing is the Manure. — Ouions draw very heavily upon the soil, and to insure a large crop, manure should be applied li- berally. No definite quantity can be recommended, as the condition of the land varies so much ; but, as a gen- eral thing, there is more danger of not applying enough than too much. Stable or barn-yard manure when tho- roughly decomposed, may be considered a very proper manure for onions. We have found ashes very beneficial, and have raised fine crops with no other manure. They should be composted with swamp-muck, using one load of ashes to ten or twelve of muck. Apply twenty-five or thirty loads to the acre — more would oe better. Fish composted with muck, makes a very superior manure for onions, not excelled if equalled by any other manure. Eight to ten thousand fish, (moss bunkers,) properly composted, make a good dressing for an acre. We have used guano, and it makes onions, like almost every thing else, grow, yet we are not in favor of its use. Only when composted with muck, or mixed with good soil. If nothing else can be had, guauo may be used with success, but should lay composted a few months before using. It is un- necessary to particularize the kinds of manure further. Any well-rotted manure may be used with advantage if applied in sufficient quantity. Ploughing, Harrowing, Etc. — This we would re- commend to be done as early in the spring as the ground will admit. First, plough deep, and harrow down. Then spread on the manure and plough in shallow, say four inches. If ashes are used, spread them upon the surface and harrow in. After the second ploughing, harrow again, and pick off the stones, if there are any ; then roll, (this is very Important,) harrow once more and rake ofif, so as to remove all stones, grass, roots, etc. It is very important to have the groJind fine and clean before sowing, as much of the after-cultivation depends upon this. Shed. — There is nothing, perhaps, in raising onions jf more importance than the seed, which should be Ight to scart with If the seed is poor and fails to come, or a pare comes, it not only lessens the crop, but is a source of much vexation. We have found it the most reliable course to raise our own seed. The bet-t onions should be selected and put out as early as possible in the spring; in rows three feet apart, and six inches distant iu the row. Hoe often to keep clean, and when the hulls begin to open, remove the heads to some place under cover, where they may re- main to be cleaned out at leisure. '1 he seed may bi- loosened from the heads by threshing them with a fiail, or by rubbing in the hands, and then run through a fanning-mill. If it is then put into a tub of water, the poor seed will float and may be removed from the sur face, leaving the g9od at the bottom, in a clean state, after which it should be taken out and dried- We have frequently bought seed, as those just com mencing the business have to do. In this case it should be tried before sowing. This may be done by placing some cotton thoroughly wet in a tumbler, sprinkling a few seeds over the surface of the cotton, and placing the tumbler in a warm place. In a few days the seed will germinate if it is good. It is im portant to have new seed, as old is very liable to fail or if it does not, the sprout is more feeble and puny. We prefer the red globe variety for general cultiva- tion, as they are hardy and yield better than any other. WWte onions sell for a large price, but they are more tender, and we have condemned them fo"" general cul- tivation. We have had several trials with them, and found them to yield well; but they are very liable to decay or become spotted ; so as to injure their sale. Sowing may be done with almost any seed-drill, but we generally use one made expressly for the purpose, sowing two rows at once, twelve inches apart. A boy follows behind, covering the seed with the nead ol a rake. With this kind of machine, a man and bny will sow two acres per day. We have found four pounds of seed to the acre the proper quantity. The seed should be sowed aa early as the ground will admit. Hoeing and Weeding. — As soon as the onions are up so as to distinguish the rows, they should be hoed by a careful hand, using a hoe with a blade eight inches in length and two in width. These hoes may be obtained at most agricultural stores, and are prefer- red because they cover the onions much less than a common hoe. Repeat the hoeing again in a few days, and follow by weeding, using the greatest caro to re- move ail the weeds, as the after-expense will depend much upon the first dressing-out. Never allow onions to suffer for the want of weeding, but clean as the weeds are coming up. If weeds are allowed to attain much size, they are very apt to take root again, even EXPKKIENCE OF PEACTICAL GROWERS. n . when f.ulled out, and the patch will soon be overrun. Our rule ia, to stir the ground often, and never let the onions suffer for want of weeding. By so doing they are dressed out quickly and at little expense. Con- tinue to hoe and stir the ground until the bulbs are too large to work among without injuring them. Thinning IS unnecessary when only the above quantity of seed is used. Pulling and Curing. — As soon as the tops have died down, or nearly so, pull them. When onions do well, their tops will lop over just at the top of the onion, and gradually die away. The 'grower will mainly have to be his own judge when to pull. There are seasons, however, when a large proportion of the onions are inclined to run to scallions or large-necked bulbs, and a beginner may be at a loss what to do. Many remedies have been recommended to make onions bottom, but we have found them of but little use. Watch them closely, and after being satisfied that they are making no' more bottoms, pull them not- withstanding the tops may be green, keeping the seal- 'ions (or unbottomed onions) by themselves, as they will never cure sufficiently to be housed with the other onions. We would here mention that it is our opinion that green or unfermented manures on ground that has never raised onions, are very apt to produce the above results. Having decided that the onions are fit to gather, first pull six or eight rows, throwing them upon the unpuUbd ones to get a start. Then hoe over and rake oflf the strip palled, to remove all weeds or grass, if any are growing. If there are no weeds, this will be unnecessary. After having cleaned oflf a strip, pull six or eight rows more, throwing the onions together with those first pulled upon the strip hoed and raked off. Hoe and rake oflf as before, and so continue to pull and hoe until the piece is finished, leaving the onions spread broadcast over the surface of the field. The scallions, if any, may be left to go out with the weeds or refuse. Let the onions remain in this situa- tion for two weeks or more, until well cured, that is, until the tops have become thoroughly dry. They should then be turned over with a rake, as many of them will be imbedded into the ground more or less, gathering moisture. In a few hours after stirring, with a good sun, they will be fit for housing. It mat- ters not, however, if they remain in the field for a mczth after pulling, or at least until freezing weather In fact, we prefer to have them remain out as long as .t will answer, as they are very apt to sweat, heat, and sprout when put in large quantities, if housed early, although ever so well cured, and it is qaite as conve- nient to rnaiHcel them from the field. It is recommend- ed and practised by many to pile the onions as they are pulled. We have practised it, but prefer the method above described. When piled, they want more at'eution in curinff, as they are very apt to hol'd ] moisture enough from rains to make them blacken, il not opened and stirred frequently. Housing. — It is highly important to have them stored in a suitable place. This needs to be dry, cool, and, when necessary, warm. We have housed them in the cellar, but find it too damp and warm. They are very liable to sprout and rot, and it is difficult to keep them until spring. This, however, depends much upon the dampness of the cellar. Perhaps as suitable a place as can be had, unless by constructing a house expressly for it, is the bay of a barn, using that portion only below the first beam or sill. A tight floor should be provided, and the sides lined with saw-dust, tan- bark, turning-shavings, or something of the kind, to a thickness of six or' eight inches A door should be made at each end, so that there may be a circulation of air, until compelled to close them by the severity of the weather. A place of this description will hold several hundred bushels, and should contain one or two temporary partitions, running lengthwise, and as high as the onions. This prevents them from lying so compact, and tends to keep them from heating, sweating, etc. Sticks, boards, or any thing of the kind, placed in through them, answers a good purpose. As soon as freezing weather sets in, close the doors, and cover with straw. Those designed to be market- ed before the severe cold weather comes on, may be put in any place under cover. Those designed fo: wintering should be put in with tops on, as they sprout much less. In fact it is better to top them as they are m.arketed, in all cases. Topping makes good wet-weather employment. Marketing. — The producer will have to exercise his own judgment as to the proper season for market- ing. For a number of years past they have brought the best price in the spring, yet there have been springs when we have thrown away hundreds of bushels. This, however, seldom occurs. Where a person raises largely, it is necessary to commence marketing as soon as the onions are ripe enough to pull, in order to get them oflPin time. We have found it advisable to sell whenever they bring a good paying price. They should never be moved while frozen. If kept covered and undisturbed while frozen, the frost will leave them uninjured, unless it is too severe, and often repeated. Yield. — Much depends upon the soil and season for a large yield. The average crop is about five hundred bushels per acre. A large yield can not be expected in this section without having the soil of the proper texture and a heavy manuring. The more manure, the more onions. There is no difficulty in raising eight or nine hundred bushels per acre. The same ground may be used for many yeais in succession if well manured, and with better success than by changing every year, or every few years. Pains should be taken to destroy all weeds, so that none shall go to seed upon the 12 UOW TO RAISE ONIONS. ground, t^nd also in makiag manure, that no seed may oe preseut in that. By so doing for a few years, onions may be raised with but little expense. Experience is necessary to raise onions successfully. We would not advise any person unacquainted with growmg onions, to enter into it very largely at first, for It would very likely prove a failure. We have observed several instances where individuals have commenced with a small patch, who have increased gradually until tl.ey have reached six, eight, or lei. acres, while others commencing with one acre or more, were unsuccessful, and have abandoned \he business. It can not be expected that from three to four hundred dollars per acre should be realized with- out considerable expense ; and although we may read the various methods of others in regard to it, we are ill-prepared to go into the business of raising onions on a large scale without experience. No. VI. BY AKTHUR C. TAYLOR, FAIRFIELD CO., CT. The first thing to look after is the seed. In select- ing the onions to plant for seed, choose those of a oright red color, of a medium size, with a small top, ^well dried down to where it joins the bulb,) in shape as near round as you can find. Round onions yield more per acre than flat onea. If your seed-onions are deeper than they are broad, your onions will be in- clined to run to scallions, (unsalable onions with thick green tops,) a result much to be dreaded by the onion- raiser. Plant your seed-onions in drills, three feet apart, the onions four inches apart in the drills. Plant deep in the ground, and hoe the dirt up to the plants as they grow. In weeding, be careful not to rub the seed-stalks, as it will sometimes cause the seed to blast. When the stalks have nearly all turned yellow, cut off the seed-balls, and dry them on a roof or garret floor. When dry, clean the seed, ready for sowing in the spring. In choosing the ground, a level piece is preferable to side-hill, on account of its being less liable to be washed by spring rains. The soil should be deep and rich, nei'ner too wet nor too dry, (of the two rather moist.) Onlike most other crops, onions may be plant- ed on t' e same ground for a great number of years, and still V,;ing good crops. ¥^.i,nure very highly, stable-manure, ground bones, ao'.es, and guano are all very good. Stable-manure jould be ploughed in ; be careful to turn it all under. Bones or ashes may be harrowed in after the ground .n ploughed. Guano should be raked in after the har- rowing is done. Guano does well with other manure. It gives the young plants a good start early in the sea- son. The ground should be ploughed deep. It may be done eitlier in the fall or in the spring. Fall ploughing is preferred by many, aa it helps on the spring work, and gives a chance to get the seed in the ground early, which is a great advantage. As soon as the ground is free from frost, and dry enough to pulverize the lumps, harrow it well, first with the tooth, then with a nice even brush-harrow. After the harrowing has been thoroughly done, use the hand rake until your ground is free from lumps and stones. Be careful to pick up all the stones. The ground is now ready for the seed. Sow in drills one foot apart; gauge your machine to sow about four pounds per acre. If the ground ia in good order, and you are sure your seed is all good, a little less than four pounds will do per acre. Cover the seed by pushing the head of a rake or the back of a corn-hoe along the drills. If the rows are made very straight, it will save time in cultivating. Nothing more is to be done until the onions are up enough to see the rows. Then go through with alight onion-hoe, stirring the ground between the rows. As soon as the onions are all up, put in tho boys with weeders, to take out the weeds which the hoes have left. The weeders are little hoes, two inches wide bj one iuch deep, with a short handle. Boys soon be come very handy at this work, and are better than men at the business. All we have to do now, is to keep free from weeds by hoeing and weeding until puUing-time. which is generally in September. When tho tops have nearly all fallen down, and about half of them are dry, they are fit to pull. Leave them on the ground after they are pulled until the tops are all dry, then store them in a dry place. Onions will look brighter if Ijeaped up soon after pulling, and left in heaps to cure. Much care should be used in curing white onions, as tlie sale of them is injured by having the skins mil- dewed. They should be pulled earlier than red onions. A good plan is to carry them in, soon after pulling, and dry them by spreading out thin in lofls. An important item after the onion crop is raised, is to have it well housed. Onions will keep best on a floor where the air can circulate over and under them. They should be kept cool, but must not be allowed to freeze much. Onions for seed should be put in the cellar when the weather becomes cold, as the yield ot seed will be small if the onions have been touched with frost. On a good piece of ground, six hundred bushels of onions can be raised to the acre, which at 50 cents per bushel, will bring $300 from one "wre oi ground. EXPERIENCE OF PBACTICAI, GROWERS 13 If the planting of onions for seed has been neglect- j onions, than to get a supply from seed stoies where ed, great care shcald be taken in procuring seed. It you know nothing about the quality of the osioES m better to give a large price for seed from selected [ planted. No. VII. BY DAVID H. SHERWOOD, FAIRFIELD CO., CT. Raising Seed. — Most people are aware that the great onion crop of the country is raised from the black seed. There hag been a great change in the shape of the onion within a few years. They were formerly quite flat, but now the best are as far through from the top to the root as the other way. Therefore select the very best for seed, those that are as near round as possible, solid and smooth. These should be kept through the winter in a dry place, where the thermo- meter will not fall below 20°. As soon as tho frost is out of the ground in the epring, it should be well manured and ploughed deep. Dig trenches three feet apart and five inches deep. Set your onions in the bottom of these drills about six inches apart. As they grow up, fill the trenches with dirt, and the stalks will not faU down, which is apt to blast the seed. Keep clear from weeds until they blossom, after which do not disturb them. When the stalk below the seed-ball turns yellowish, and the seed-husks begin to open, cut off the seed- balls and spread them thinly on a tight floor, stirring them once in three days ; or, what is better, spread them ou a lattice over a tight floor, as they will then have the air around them, which is very essential, as they are apt to mildew. They should remain in this way for several weeks, until they will shell easy. After the chatf is blown out, pour the seed into water ; throw away that which floats, and dry the remainder in the sun for three or four days ; after which put in coarse tags, and hang where it will have plenty of air, as I know of no seed that is more .likely to chit than onion-seed. Preparation or the Ground for the reception of the seed, is the next thing of importance. I have seen good onions on reclaimed bog swamp, also on re- claimed swamp with a clay sub-soil, but I think the best ground for the purpose is a dry loam. It should first be in hoed crops three or four years, and all weeds kept from going to seed. Clear your ground from all rubbish, stones, etc., in the fall, and, if pos- sible, put on twenty loads, of fifty bushel each, of fine, well-rotted manure to the acre, and plough it in before winter. If thus treated in the fall, you can sow the seed in tho spring much earlier and easier than if ploughed in the spring. But as many are apt to put off until to-morrow what should be done to-day, I will say, manure your ground in the spring as soon as it is dry enough to work, ploughing it in at once, as fast as it can be harrowed, raked, and sowed, as it is apt to become lumpy if allowed to lay in the sun after ploughing. Never use a tooth-harrow, as it will draw out the manure. I smooth the ground as follows: Take a plank eight feet long, one foot wide, and three inches thick. Through this, bore four holes, and insert four sticks, four feet long and three inches square. On the under-side of these sticks, fasten boards. The front plank standing edgewise as it moves along, will level the furrows, while the boards behind will smooth them. "Wood ashes, at the rate of from one to two hundred bushels to the acre, harrowed in, will pay double their cost in most cases. After you have leveled and smoothed your ground as much as con venient with your team and leveler, use the hand- rake, leaving the surface as fine and even as possible. In order to have your rows straight, draw a lino across the field. Draw the planting-machine by the line. These machines for planting, which cost about five doUars, plant two drills at a time, one foot apart, and about half an inch deep. I use four pounds of seed to the acre, and cover by drawing a hand-rake length- wise over the drills. The usual time of sowing here in the southern part of Connecticut, is from the first to the fifteenth of April. A hand-roller drawn over the ground after planting, will help the seed to germinate. About two weeks is required to bring up the seed, and they should be hoed as soon as the rows can be seen, which will generally be the latter part of May. The most convenient hoe which I have seen for this purpose, is eight inches long and one and a half wide, inserted in a handle six feet long. Much depends upon how the hoe stands, about its working easy. If made right, the dirt will slide over it. After the weeds that are cut up by tho hoe, have had time to die, they should bff gone over carefully one row at a time, cutting and pulling every weed from the row. The most con venient way for doing this, ia to crawl on your knees with a small hoe in one hand, to cut where there is room, and pull with the other hand. The hoe for this purpose should be about three inches long, three fourths of an inch wide, inserted in a handle eiglit inches long. From this time they .«hould be kept perfectly free from weeds; to do tliis, they will require going over from three to five times, or once in two weeks ; but as to this, there can be no rule given, as much depends upon the soil, the kind of mamiro weather, eta 14 HOW TO RAISE OA'IOIfS. It is much easier to keep them clean by going over Uiem often, than to put it off too long; besides, weeds sliade the ground and impoverish tlie soil. There should be no trees to shade the onions, as they will bardly grow in sight of one. If the onions grow well, the tops will fall down before they are done growing; at other times they will stand stiff and never fall. If they fall down, they are fit to pull when about three fourths of tlie tops are dead, which is generally the last of August or the fore part of September. The sooner they are pulled after they are fit, the better they will keep, and the brighter they will look. Commence, by pulling a few rows, and lay them one side. Hoe- up the weeds and rake them off, then pull the next rows, and hoe oft' the weeds as before. Continue thus through the field. Pull with your hands, and lay thera over carefully. If the weather is good, after they have lain spread for three or four days, pile them up, putting about three busliels in a pile in the form of a pyramid. Let them stand in this way from two to four weeks, or until the tops are all dead, and if there should be heavy rains during the time, the piles should be opened on a fair day, and piled again. Piling them up causes thera to sweat, and they are then less likely to sweat after carrying in. After they are properly cured, open the piles on a drying day, and they will generally be fit to put in the day following. Never cart them until they are perfectly dry and dusty, and it should be done between 11 A.M. and 4 P.M. One half the secret of iheir keeping well, is in carting them when perfectly dry. If they are to be disposed of before cold weather, tbcy can be kept in any dry place where they will have air. The best place is on a loose floor, where the air will cfc'aw under them. If tliey are to be kept through the winter, have a tight floor, which the frost can not get under. On this lay scantling, upon Which lay narrow boards, with cracks betw-een them. Board up around the outside, leaving a space of one foot be- tween them and the outside partition. Arranged in this way, you have a free circulation of air all around them. When the thermometer sinks to 20°, fill the space around the outside with sea-weed, onion-tops, or some- thing of the kind, which easily stops the circulation of air. They can be put in such a place three feet deep, with hay, cornstalks, or something of the ktnd, two feet thick over them, and they will come out good in l-n» spring. Before sending to market, cut the top one inch from the onion. If they get frozen, lei them remain still and covered until thawed. Always handle them as carefully as you would apples, as a slight bruise will cause them to mould and rot. The expense of an acre of onions with me is aboi:t as follows : 20 loads of manure at $1.50 $30.00 Carting, tnrnfng, spreading, etc 6.00 100 bushels ashes, at 17 cts 17.00 Ploughing and harrowing, 4.00 Raking and sowing, 4.00 4 lbs. of seed, at $1, 4 00 Hoeing four times, 6 days, 6.00 Weeding four times, 24 days, 20.00 PuHing and piling, 12 days, 10.00 Drawing in with team, two days, 6.00 Topping 500 bushels, at 2 cts., lO.Od Marketing, ■ 8.00 Interest on land 12.00 Total $137.00 A crop -of onions will vary from 200 to 800 bushels to the acre, according to the state of the soil, manure, the care taken of them, etc. The price also varies from 10 cts. to $1 per bushel. The red globe onion is the variety generally raised for market, as it yields more than other varieties, and keeps better. The silver-skin onion brings the highest price, but is very apt to mould and rot before winter. Some may think, 1 have been very particular in tho above description, but after they have had ten years' experience, they will find there is yet something to be learned. If you are too proud to go on your knees, or have not the patience to spend much time on a small place, or have not enough perseverance to do the same thing over and over again, you had better sell your seed, and sow your ground to buckwheat. Onions are a crop which generally pay a large pro- fit, but sometimes the neglect of a few days will spoil it. The same piece may be planted year .-ifter year with success. The weeding, pullir g, and topping can be done by faithful boys as well as by men. It is estimated that from the towns of Fairfield and Westport there were sent to market last year not far from 200,000 (two hundred thousand) bushela ■EXPERIENCE OF PKACTICAI, afiOWBBR li No. VIII. BY G. I. MILLER, NIAGARA, CANADA WEST. It 18 of lUo greatest importance in growing onions to have the right kind of soil, find that in the liighest state of cultivation. In my opinion, a light sandy- soil, well drained for all seasons, is preferable. Onions also can be raised to great advantage on black loam or light clay soil, providing the seasons are not too dry. To prepare the ground, I would recommend a piece that has been planted with potatoes, manured with rotten horse-stable manure, at the rate of about fifty loads per acre. As soon as the potatoes have been taken from the ground, plough about seven inches deep, letting it lie until the first of April, or as soon as the ground will admit of being worked, then adding about ten loads of hog-manure, well spread over the surface, and plough under from five to six inches deep, after which spread a few bushels of hen-manure, and then harrow the ground until it is well pulverized. The land is now ready to sow, for the earlier the seed is sown, the better the onions will be. Testing the seed can be done by cutting two sods from the ground, and pouring boiling water over them, letting the water drain well off, then placing the seed between the sods, and laying them under the stove for about two days, when the seed, if good, will sprout. I would recommend the large red globe onion as being the best variety for market. The seed should be sown by a seed-drill, eighteen inches apart, in rows lengthwise of the land, at the rate of about three to three and a half pounds of seed per acre, leaving a space of three feet in the dead fur- rows for weed?, etc It is necessary, as soon ag the rows can be plainly seen, to go through them with the hoe, leaving the ground as level as possible, and at the expiration of eight or ten days, go through them again, weeding, and thinning them from one to two inches apart : after which it will be necessary to apply the hoe every two weeks, always bearing in mind, that the oftener the ground is stirred, the greater will be the produce. After the tops are dropped down and withered, then pull them at once, fur if left in the above condition, they will take the second growth, which will injure the quality materially. After they are pulled up, let them lay on the ground for a few days to dr^', then top them with a sharp knife, taking care before doing this, that the onions are perfectly dry ; after which, spread them thin, in a dry, cool place, and then you have them ready for the market. It is advantageous to grow them on the same piece of ground for five or six years, adding a little manure every spring before ploughing. Onions raised by this method will produce from seven to nine hundred bushels per acre, on a light, sandy soil. Onions raised on the aforesaid plan have taken the first prizes for the last six years at our countj and township shows, and the first prize at the Provin cial Agriculture Show, held at Toronto, Canada West. No. IX. BY U. E. DODGE, CHATAUftUE CO., N. Y. Seed. — To cultivate onions successfully, and with- out failures, care is necessary in selecting and raising seed. Seed should never be sown when over two vears old. Onions, intended for seed, should be care- fully selected, choosing the thickest and the most per- fectly round, of medium size, and the brightest colors of the kind. These should be stored through the win- ter, or from December until the opening of spring. At the earliest possible moment, they should be set in furrows opened with the plough, three feet apart, and four inches in the rows. None but fine, well-pulver- ized land, should b • nsed for raising onion-seed. Cover two inches deep. Avoid putting on any lumps or stones, afl these, whenever they fall upon the onions, retard their coming up, and oonsequentiy make an um even harvest. All weeds must be kept down web the cultivator and hand-hoe, until the seed matmes, which will be about the last ofAu^nsi., ot the urst of September — never later than the sixU of Seplrm- ber in this latitude. Their matun.,y may be easily known by the cracking of the ballr^. As soon as the balls commence cracking, the headr. enould be clipped, leaving six or eight inches of the sUlK adhering to the head. The juice or sap which the stalk contains, ma- tures more perfect seed than when clipped short. The mode of cutting, is to take a common wooden pail in the left hand, and a sharp knife in the other, holding the blade parallel with the thumb, Slin the stalk b» 10 HOW TO RAISE ONIONS. tween the thumb and knife, at the same time swing up the pail to the standip-g stalk, and a slight draw with the right hand severs the head from the stalk, which falls into the pail, with all loose seed which would otherwise be lost. The pails, as they become full, are emptied into bags, and taken to the drying-barn. It is not an extraordinary day's work for a man to cut ten bushels seed per day. Drying the seed requires some care, and neglect in >,his branch is the cause of great loss by failures in the germination of the seed. Onion-seed, to be cured pro- perly, and insure entire success in germination, should be dried in the shade, spread upon a smooth level floor, and not more than three inches thick. It should be turned twice every day, until perfectly dry. The tirst quality of seed is obtained from that which shells while turning; that which remains, and has to be threshed from the balls, being light, and of inferior quality. Soil. — That best adapted to the growth of onions is a deep mellow loam, resting on a dry, porous sub-soil. Although a vegetable of very shallow root, yet the onion delights in a deep, finely- pulverized soil. Cold, wet clay-sand seldom produces good crops, unless thoroughly underdrained, and otherwise mechanically prepared. Preparation of the Ground. — Soil, containing the natural requisites, namely, dry, mellow, and fertile, should be ploughed in the fall, previous to sowing the crop. Twenty loads, of one cord each, of well-rotted maxvTire, prepared by shoveling over two or three times the summer previous, should be spread upon each acre. At each turning, put the outside of the heap into the middle of the pile, thus destroying thousands of weed- seeds that would otherwise grow, causing much extra labor to eradicate them. The manure thus prepared is spread evenly upon the ground, and turned under with the plough from five to six inches deep, and thus re- mains till spring, leaving the frost to pulverize the sur- face, and destroy all insects whose winter-quarters have been made beneath the Surface, and whose eggs and larvae can not stand the severity of our winters, when exposed to the weather from November till April. As soon in the spring as the weather and the soil m\\ permit, the bed should be cross-ploughed, leaving the furrows upon edge as much as possible, so that a harrowing will mix the manure with the soil. It should be harrowed across the furrows, and raked lengthwise of them by hand. Planting. — Draw a line at one side of the bed, and prepare a marker by taking a piece of scantling four by four, or any other convenient size, and bore four inch- holes, twelve inches apart. In these insert four pins for teeth, a-^^.d make a hole in the middle of the piece, at right angles to the teeth, for a handle. "With this, draw marks parallel with the line, and the ground is ready for sowing. Sow at the rate of four pounds seed to tlrt) acre, with a seed-drill, being careful to gauge the drill not to sow over that q aantity All over tb« increases the labor of thinning. If the weather has tlie appearance of being dry, ii would be well to roll, after sowing, with a hand-roller; but this is seldom reqijired, as the roller upon the drill usually presses the ground sufiBciently for the germina- tion of the seed. Culture. — As soon as the onions make their i\y. pearance above tho ground, sufficient to distinguish the rows, they should be carefully dressed through with the scuffle-hoe, to destroy all young weeds that may be starting, and greatly facilitate the first hoeing and weeding, which should be done when the plants are about four inches high. Procrnstination here pays heavy interest on the wrong side. Thin to three inches in the row diagonally thus : ' '° • Great .3m. results are frequently obtained by sowing broadcast at the weeding, when the ground is in a fresh state, three parts wood ashes, two parts fine dry pulverized hen-manure, and one part plaster, 'at the rate of three bushels to the acre. The only sure road to success with this crop is clean cultivation, annual manuring, and careful attention during their growth. With these requisites, onions can be grown on land year after year. The writer of this, last year (1858) raised over five hundred bushels to the acre on land that had had no other crop upon it for over a quarter of a century, and by actual experi- ments finds that it produces better onions, and is easier tilled, in consequence of its being kept free from weeds year after year, and the onions are less liable to run to scallions. In this particular they are an excep- tion to any other crop, as all other crops are benefited by rotation. As a market vegetable, the onion is one of the easiest grown ; its plump, firm flesh is not liable to injury from bruises, as many other vegetables ; ita keeping qualities and hardiness to frost, render it a vegetable of the first importance for distant markets. The onion is hardy in its nature, standing well tht late frosts of spring and the early frosts of autumn, and the best results are obtained from the earliest sow- ing ; in fact, this is almost indispensable to obtain a large crop, although there may be certain seasons in which a late crop may do well ; but it ;s net safe tc defer sowing later than the twentieth of April. The last of March, or the first of April would be preferred, if the ground was in the proper condition. No time should be lost upon the opening of spring until the seed is in. A little snow, or a few frosty nights, will not injure it. "With proper attention, and large drafts upon the bank of muck and manure, a few acres of onions will increase tho deposits at the Bank of Exchange a large per centnge in a few years, as I shall attempt to show in the following calculation, taking low market prices, and a high estimate on labor, and hardly an average per acre, say four hundi'cd bushels : EXPERIENCE OP PEACnCAL GROWERS. 17 3 days' ploughing and dragging, $4.00 10 " raking and sowing, 10.00 •-'0 " weeding and thinning, first time, 20.00 15 " " " second time, 15.00 8 " hoeing, last time, 8.00 20 " harvesting and housing, 20.00 4 pounds seed, 4.00 20 loads of manure, 20.00 3 bushels top-dressing, .75 Interest on land, 10.50 Total, $112.25 400 bushels, at 50 cents, 200 00 Net profit per acre, $87.75 Harvesting onions is not so laborious as many other kinds of vegetables ; their maturity being earlier in the season, those engaged in their culture are not pxposed to the late cold autumn winds, as they would be with a crop of beets, carrots, or turnips. The most expeditious mode of harvesting is to dig them with the common hand-hoe, running one corner of the hoe under the row, giving it a long draw, taking about four rows at a time, digging over some ten or twelve feet ; then, with the back of the hoe, shove them up three or four feet, and hoe the ground level, and spread the onions upon this hoed space. When treated in this way, they should lie from three to four weeks, or until perfectly dry. They should then be picked from the bed, and carted to the bam, or some building where they will not be exposed to storms and kept upon a floor, as they will soon injure if piled in large heaps upon the ground, in con- sequence of the dampness which they draw from the earth. If properly dried, and secured from damp, they will keep for months in this condition, without any further trouble. They are liable to grow when damp, so that it is important that the cultivator see that this part of the work be conducted thoroughly and carefully. Marketing. — Onions are principally sold by the bushel, and by the string. If intended to market by the bushel, the tops should be cut close and smooth, and all loose skin removed, to give them a bright, plump appearance. If for home market, they may be put in bags, or hauled by the wagon-load, avoiding rough handling as far as may be. If for a distant market, barrels are the most convenient mode of pack- ing. Fill them with the onions, packing tiglit, that that there be no shaking, and head strongly. Packed in this way, and perfectly dry, they will go thousands of miles by railroad or ship, and open fresh and sound. Those intended for strings should have two inches of the top left upon the onion. The strings are made by taking a few straws, (rye straw is best.) and with a piece of wrapping twine, commence at the butt end of the straw to wind, and at every two or three turns add an onion, ending at the top. This secures it firmly, and brings its broad, flat base upou tl ■ outside of the string. The largest should be tied upon the bottom of the string, gradually diminishing in size, until the smallest are tied upon the top. Tliis gives the string a conical form, and a neat and tidy appearance, wheo arranged for sale. Preservation. — Keeping through the winter, with- out injury from fi^osts, or loss from heating and grow- ing, requires care and experience, and various methods are adopted to avoid these results. They are buried in large ricks upon the ground, and covered with a heavy coat of straw and a light coat of earth. They are also lied upon strings, and hung upon the beams in the cellar or warm garret, or spread thinly upon shelves in the cellar Some pack in boxes or barrels, encased with several thicknesses of paper, and leave them in an out-building. All these have been practised with varied success. The most popular mode, and the one which has given the most satisfactory results, is to spread straw, threshed with a flail, to the depth of twelve to eighteen inches upon the barn-floor, scafibld, or garret ; upon this, spread the onions from six to ten inches thick, and cover witli straw eighteen inches to two feet, laying on old pieces of boards or rails to com- press the straw. Treated in this way, if at a sufficient depth from frost, they are not affected by the changes of temperature, and keep in fine condition till the first of May. Onions are propagated from seed, sets, and multi- pliers, or potatoe-onions. The universal mode of pro- pagation at the South and West is from sets, which are obtained by sowing the seed very thickly, broad- cast or in drills, and when they obtain the size of a filbert, pull them, and dry upon the ground in the sun. These are kept till the following spring, and set by hand. They make a quick, stron^ growtli, and produce fiae onions. Multipliers are a variety that produce large and small bulbs alternately, the large producing several small ones the first year, and iliese small giv- ing large the next year. These may be recommended as a small early crop for family use, and early home market, but not as a main crop, the increase of market- able onions over the seed being too small. Of all the various modes of propagation, sowing the seed for a main crop deserves first rank -, its cheapness, compared wilh other modes, and the focility with which it is sowed, the early season. when it may be gathered in, and the superior fine bulbs which it produces, recom- mend it to general use. But whatever the mode of propagation, the cultivator can not expect lemunerative crops, unless he bestows careful attention to the selec- tion of seed, the eradication of weeds during the period of their growth, annual application of well-com- posted manure, and m large quantities, and the harvest- ing, securing, and marketing at the proper time. With careful attention to these, and a naturally dry, fertile soil, onions may be grown, with laige profits upon tli* capital invested. IS HOW TO RAISE ONIONS. No. X. BY W. R. BUNNELL, BRIDGEPORT, FAIRFIELD CO., CT Kinds. — The thick or globular deep-red* onion, known as the "Wethersfield Large Red, is the kind generally grown in Fairfield county, Ct. It grows to a good size when thinly sown on good ground, yields weU, is of a beautiful color and shape, tender in cooking, keeps well, and is very salable in New-York market, for use or shipping. Also a yellow onion, (generally called and sold for white,) of nearly the same shape and qualities as the red, supposed to be the Danvers, which sells in the same market for one to two shillings a barrel more than the Reds, but does not generally yield so well. Seed. — All seed should be raised from good-shaped if not large bulbs, to avoid scallions, (thick-necks or green onions ; ) should be water-cleaned and kept very dry, and though generally preferred only one year old, will succeed nearly as well after the second, or even third year, if it has been kept in a dry place, but seed more than one year old sells at onlij half-price. Bought seed should always be put into water and stirred for a short time, and that which does not sink in fifteen minutes, may be considered worthless or unreliable. Soil. — Any good garden soil, from a clay-loam to even quite a gravelly loam, say of one half mixture, is suitable. In a dry season the first will yield best, and .n a wet one the last — a medium may be best. Exposure. — The best is a dry level, or a slight in- clination to any point of the compass but the north. It should never incline over four inches to the rod, to prevent the rains from -jvashing away the soil with the seeds or young plants. An inclination of one to two feet to the rod is sometimes seen. The plants on side- hills, after they get well rooted, do not suffer from the washing away of the soil, but those buried by the washed soil are injured ; therefore if possible avoid steep side-hills and hollows, especially the latter, where water can stand after rains, which is most inju- rious of all. Manure. — Xo fresh yard-manure should bo used, as it is apt to be full of seeds, which will greatly increase the labor of tending, and the straw will be in the way of ploughing, raking, and hoeing. Night-soil or hog- manure is preferred. If barnyard manure is used, it should be thrown into heaps before the first of March, to kill the seeds and ripen for use by heating, or it may be carried out to the field and each load be heaped by itself, and the earth around thrown upon them as soon as it thaws, to the depth of three or more inches, to keep oS" the cold winds, and preserve their moisture, and raise the heat high enough to vegetate the seeds. Turning, or well shaking up, putting the outside to the Biiddle a week or two before nsmg, will still further im- DTOvo it. As to the quantity, the crop will be in pro- portion to that and the quality; it should be from forty to sixty or more ox-cart loads to the aero, and twelve to fifty bushels of leached ashes harrowed or raked in, or sowed on the rows after weeding. Ploughing. — So soon as the ground is dry, have the manure on the field. First hoe it over, to cut up all grass, weeds, and roots, and rake them off; for if ploughed under, they will be a great plague. Then if the heaps of manure were covered with earth, hoe it off as they are wanted, and return it to the hollows to level the ground, and spread it just fast enough to feed the plough, breaking it fine ; then rake or scrape it with a dung-fork, into the furrow, to b6 covered in the next bout. Once ploughing is sufficient, if well done. A second would throw out the manure. Im- mediately after ploughing, if your quantity of manure was not sufficient, strew any special manures, as pou- drette, guano, superpho.sphate, bone-dust — probably the best of all. etc., to make up the deficiency. If the ground is lumpy, harrow lengthwise first, and finish off by going over with the back of the harrow down, c/ with a brush harrow, (see Agriculturist, 1858, page 108.) Then proceed to rake off all the stones and rubbish, and to even the surface. If the soil is mellow after ploughing, harrowing may be omitted. Many simply scatter short fresh manure, plough once, and rake down, drill and sow ; but it is a miserable way, making extra work in weeding, and producing a light- er crop. Sowing. — This is cheai>est and quickest done with a machine, called an onion-sower, whicli sows two rows at once, one foot apart, and costs about $5, and is to be found at the agricultural stores. It must be regulated on a floor or board, to sow the seed to average ^ to f of an inch apart, which will be about 4 lbs. to tlie acre — 3-|- to 4 is the usual quantity for a crop which is not to be thinned out. The machine does not cover the seed. This is done by drawing the back of a hay-rake lengthwise over one or two rows at a time. Any special manures may be scattered with great advantage upon the seed in the drills before covering. Make the drills about f of an inch deep when open. But many prefer the old way of sowing by hand, and make a drill-rake with a head three feet four inches long, of three or four inches scantling, with three teeth fifteen inches long, pointed, and one foot apart, with a short curved handle four to five feet long, Starting with a line for a guide, (which must also be used with the machine,) and afterwards following the last drill with one tooth, and sow by hand, from a small cup, distributing the seed with the thumb and fingers at the same distances as stated for the machine, and much straighter and more evenly, but it Ls a tedioui EXPERIENC-E OF PRACTICAL GROWERS. 19 process. In either case it should be most carefully and regular) r done, and on a still day, or the wind will scatter it beyond the drills. The straighter and nar- rower the f'eed is sown in the drills, the narrower will be the spo.ce left to weed after hoeing. Radishes or some quick-growing seed may be sowed thinly, one or iwo »'>eds to a fof^t, to direct in hoeing the first time, ds the onion top? are so fine they can scarcely be seen, excepting when the dew is on. The radishes may be suflered to gi'ow, and be gathered for market. HoEiKG. — The first hoeing should be commenced when the rows can first be distinguished, with a hoe eight inches long, made by cutting off the back of an old grass-scyihe, flattening ihe blade, and punching a small nole within tlirdb fourths of an inch from each cud, without lieating ii, to which a forked brace wiih goose-necks must be riveted through the goose-heads, to attach it to a light, long handle, usually that of a hay-rake. Tlie beveled edge of the plate should be down, and the heads of the livels sunk. "With this hoe proceed to scrape once in ihe middle between the ""ows, with a reach of two feet or More, barely shaving off the weeds without breaking thiough the crust, 'jaiTying along one or more spaces. Keep the hoe in good order by rubbing on a flat stone, o: grinding, and if it clogs, which it will do on new-ploughed ground for two or three years from the sod, push it along on tiie ground as you step forward, or clean with a stick. The same process, which is light work, and quickly (lone, may be repeated with advantage within a week, out in a fortnight tfom first hoeing, or less, according to the size of the weeds, hoe again, only breaking up (he crust, say about half an inch deep, loosening but not moving the earth out of place, in the middle of the (ipaces as before, or, which is better, with two strokes, one close to each row, making nearly a double hoeing, which, if the rows can be distinctly or readily seen, is the best manner for the first hoeing. Weeding. — The woeders, upon their hands and knees, should follow close upon the last hoeing, with onion- weeders, made from table knives by breaking off the bl.ades to two or two and a half inches from the han- dles, and heating the end to bend it a little to one side^ so as to fit it to the curve of the thumb, and cooling it immediately, to return its temper. The back should then be ground to an edge, and the corners rounded, so as to work it in either hand. The weeds should be cut oflT below the crowns of their roots, say half an inch under ground, or, which is better, loosen the ground two iuclies deep on each side of the row, by drawing the knife or weeder, thrust into the ground to the handle, and turned a little sideways in the hand, at a steep angle towards and on one side of the row and two inches from it, and then by clianging hands, on the other, when, if properly done, the ground will be loosened, so that the weeds can easily be scraped or nulled out with their roots, and then the earth should be pressed back upon the roots of the onions by the palms of the hands, tc hold them Srm, and to prevent witheriag if they have been injured. The weeds will cause much more injury to the crop if not eradicated, than they will suffer from cutting off the onicc -roots two inches under ground, which is not necessary, and should be avoided, but may occasionally happen. In two weeks or less they will require another hoe ing and weeding similar to the last, and a fortnight after, hoeing again, if not weeding. There should be no hilling or hauling away of dirt, but the surface should be kept level. Gathering. — When the tops die and fall, the crop should be pulled and spread evenly over the ground to dry or cure. The scallions (thick-necked or green onions) with the weeds, if any, should be thrown into heaps or carried off. After three or four days' drying, turn them over carefully with the teeth of a wooden rake, without bruising, and let them dry as many days more; or instead, as they preserve a brighter color, put them into heaps of two to four bushels, to sweat a few days, when, if intended for early market, cut the dead tops off one inch from the bulbs, and barrel to send away; but if wished for storing, they may be left in heaps some weeks, or carried under cover on a floor witli the tops on, and piled around the sides of a barn floor, three feet high, or put into bins with slats on the sides, and not close, like open horse- stalls, fill- ing every other one, and putting strips of boards acrosa the ends and through them, or slanting them up so as not to need supports, and leave all the doors open. After a week or ten days' drying as above, put them under cover in any airy place, as a shed, but watch and examine every few dsys to see if they are gather- ing moisture, heating and growing; if so, open and spread to dry again. Storing for Winter. — If the onions are to be kept upon a barn or other floor, pile them one foot and a half or two feet deep, leaving a space of one to two feet all around. Cover them with one thickness of sheets to keep out hay-seed, chaff, etc., and when hard freezing weather sets in, cover one to two feet deep with hay, straw, or any similar substance, filling all the spaces around the heap. Do not disturb them il frozen, until the frost is out, which may be hastened by opening the doors and removing a portion of the cov- ering each day for a week. A wagon or wood-house tightly boarded, floored, and fitted up with, a bin or bins as follows, is undoubt- edly the best place, and such as one of our oldest onion-cultivators, after long and sad experience, has adopted and used for some years with perfect success. Set up scantlings for a stall or bin, of three to five feet wide ; on thc^e nail two or three tiers of ten-inch boards two or three inches apart, and as far above the floor, leaving a wide space, two to four feet at each end, to pass round, and for free circulation of air. Then place every three to four feet, before the onions fill up, on each board, cross-boards eight or ten inches wide 20 HOW TO RAISE ONIONS. resting ot each tier of sido-boards, with cleets on each end, like a wagon-board for a seat — one or two hogs- head staves side by side are the cheapest, if the width of the bin is calculated for them, with similar strips resting on these, in number according to the widHi of the bin, about one foot apart, running lengthwise — and thus on each tier of side-boards as they are filed, using loose side-boards for the top, as high as wislied or needed. The ends may be filled up, slanting so as to support themselves, or cross-boards may be fitted in. The spaces under the staves or flat boards will effectu- ally ventilate and prevent heating. The onions should be well dried and have their tops left on, and when first frozen be covered with one or more thicknesses of carpets or old garments, and have them hung around fiieir sides. Freezing does them no apparent injury, if ■jhey are thawed gradually. When wished for winter's sale, the temperature should not be below freezing, nor much above it, which wOl have to be regulated by stoves, or by moving them to dry cellars wlien hard frost comes on. To Raise Seed. — Select a piece of warm, rich ground, manure it well, plough deep, and strike out light furrows two feet and a half apart, and set out, six inches apart, well-bottomed onions, (no scallions,' remembering that " like produces like." Set them in the bottom of the furrows, and cover well. Till the ground as for potatoes, with plough and hoe, ridg- ing well, to support the tops. In August, when the seed-pods are half-opened, gather by cutting off the stalks jiist below the tops, and spread them on a cham- ber-floor to dry, and thresh out any time when needed. Or, as mice arp very fond of it, spread a few days on sheets in the s'ln, and when dry, rub the seed out lu the hot part of the day, when it will shell much more easily than in the cooler parts, for it rapidly absorbs a great deal of moisture. Clean it by stirring it in water : the good seed will sink in a few minutes; all the res* should be thrown away with the chaff. "Put the seed into bags, and keep it in a dry t)l«co o*U '\ tb« "efoli of mice. No. XI. BY H. WADE, FLOYD CO., IOWA. First select the best and brightest-looking onions for seed, and plant them in rows about two feet apart, one foot in the row, and when they grow up, drive stakes and draw twine along, to keep the heads in their place, until ripe. Then cut them off and tie in bunches of about a dozen heads, and hang them in a shed, where the wind does not blow very much, for a time, and then rub out and spread thin for a few days be- fore putting away for winter, and thus good seed for spring may always be had. Mow for preparing the ground. I have grown onions on almost all kinds of soil, but the best on a sandy loam. In preparing my garden, out here in the West, I fixed on a place to grow my onions. I dug it two good spades deep and mixed it as well as I could. The soil was pretty sandy and not very rich, but very dry. In the fall I put on good rotten manure of any kind I could get, about four inches thick, and let it lie all winter, and as soon as dry enough in spring, I mixed (t altogether about eight inches deep with a good four- toothed fork. (When I raised them in fields I used a cultivator for this part of the work.) I then let it lie a few days to dry, and then dragged perfectly, until four inchosof the surface was all quite fine. I have a marker that marks four drills at a time, one foot apart, about oni> inch deep. A small seed-sower is best for plant- mg. Care must be taken mt to sow too thick, unless you are near a market wherj you can sell green onions ; then it does not signify, as thinning loosens the soil for what is left. Rake them in lightly, lengthwise the rows, so as not to get the seed out of the drill ; then with a light hand-roUer go evenly over the piece each way, and leave it till the onions make their appear- ance. In cultivating, use a light sharp tooth-rake, head nine inches long, teeth one and a half inches apart, handle six feet long. It is better than a hoe, as you can loosen the soil close to the rows without cut- ting the roots, and if you made a good seed-bed, a man will do as much again with a rake as a hoe. Rake over every week if the weather permits, as soon as it is dry enough after a hard rain to keep the top from crusting. Attend to this at first well, and you will not regret it. About June, as soon as the onions are up enough, thin out to about four inches in the row, pulling out at the same time what few weeds are growing with them, and afler that, you may run the small rake between the rows occasionally. Onions may always be on one spot in a garden, but you must manure pretty well every fall, after the ground has been dug. Once in two years dig two spades deep ; and if a stiff clay soil, put stones or something at the bottom, for an under- drain. Grood well-rotted barnyard manure is as good as any to manure with. I have grown them three years in one place, and last year I had the be.st and handsomest I ever saw. You could hardly tell 1 before ploughing, will well pay. If your land is quite clayey, leave out the ashes. I think the coal-dust and salt, besides verv much quickening the growth of these vegetables, kec^ ofi" the maggot-fly. Go into store-cellars, where they have sold fi»b and meat, and they will give you the salt and brine. An^ when you are about it, get all they can spare. Then if you have any to spare, put it on your muck heap, (o: otlier crops. If you are at a loss what kind of onions to cultivate, inquire for the greatest yielders and the quickest to sell. Then the onions you wish to keep for your own use^ trace them up and hang them in a dry place until well seasoned, then hang them in the cellar-way for all winter. If you have any to sell, take a fair specimen of them ; then go and show them where you wish to sell. But by all means do not let them remain long on your hands. If you keep them long in heaps, they will rot And then you had better have any thing else. Let them slide at the then present prices. You can well afford them for fifty cents a bushel, but you will oftener get a dollar. For your seed potato-onions, you should have from two dollars to two and a half per bushel. The seed of the top -onions I have usually sold for from four to five dollars per bushel. I havG sent out barrels of this seed to distant States, though I have none now to sell. Of the top-onions, I have raised at the rate of seven hundred.bushels per acre. And one of my neighbors, who followed my directions, raised at the rate of eight kundred per acre. But I have never seen any kind that yields so well as the Wethersfield reds. If you wish to get good onions in June, sot out any kind of an old onion, and when the top begins to form as if to go to seed, cut off the main stalk, and it will bottom. But these bottoms will never winter, but rot. Eat them green, or supply the market. If you want good, new, fresh onions in May, go to the woods, and search in low places, and there gather leeks. Or if you prefer it, raise cives, which are the lowest species of the onioo. 30 HOW TO RAISE ONIONS. OUION GROWING IN THE SOUTHEEN STATES. It is a common impression that onions can not be successfully raised from seeds, or " black seeds," as growers term it, much south of latitude 40°. In localities south of this, It is asserted that a crop can only be gTown with certainty by the use of sets. That a Southern climate is not unfavorable to the onion, is shown by the fine specimens sent from Spain and PortueaJ to the English markets, and of late years to our own large cities. The onions grown in Bermuda are so fine as to be regarded in our cities as a distinct, variety, while New Mexico and Mexico excel all the localities mentioned in the great size, combined with tenderness and mild flavor of their onions. The assertion that onions can not be grown from seeds in the Southern States, is met by the fact that large quantities are annually sent from Georgia and other States to the Northern markets. Though a share of these are grown from sets, the larger por- tion are from the seed. Dr. A. Oemler, near Savan- nah, Ga., reports having raised the "Giant Rocca'" onion at the rate of ten hundred and fifty bushels to the acre, a yield from the seed that would be re- markably large in any locality. Probably the failures with onions from seed have been due more to late sowing than to any other cause. Early sowing is very necessary at the North, and is still more so at the South. The roots of the onion do not descend into the soil very far, and the crop is one of those most disastrously affected by drouth. In the vicinity of Norfolk, Va., and iu Maryland, the "Potato Onion" is grown almost ex- clusively, and this variety can only be grown by planting the sets, or small bulbs. In Georgia, the " Red Wethersfield " and the " Yellow Danvers " are preferred. Some of the recent varieties from the south of Europe are productive, but are either too small or too large to suit our markets. Those who raise onions for the Northern markets, find that their product brings the best prices when it comes in just as the supply from Bermuda ceases, and before that of Northern growth is ready. Hence the time of sowing is regulated with a view to this, and it is not desirable in this case, as with other vegetables, to place the crop on the market at the earliest possible date. The conditions of success with the Southern onion crop are the same as at the North. The soil must be light and loamy, as free as possible from weeds, and be highly manured. As at the North, the same land is continued in onions for an indefinite number of years, making a change occasionally in the kind of manure applied. The cow pea, with its abundance of succulent foliage, allows the Southern grower to supply the soil with a large amount of vegetable matter. As soon as the onions are off, the soil is sown to cow peas. The pea vines, usually killed by frost, are allowed to lie until the first part of Decem- ber, when they are turned under, burying them deeply. Not only do the pea vines enrich the soil, but they form such a dense mat that weeds can get no foothold. The time for sowing onion seed near Savannab is about the first of January, which gives the pea vines an opportunity to decay before the seeds are put in. By sowing at this time, the young onions escape the heavy rains, and the severe cold which sometimes occurs, to which those sown two months or more earlier are exposed, while the time of growth, owing to more favorable weather, is made much shorter. The cultivation of the growing crop presents no features peculiar to the Southern States. There, as elsewhere, success depends upon thorough and prompt weeding. The smaller the weeds, when hand weeding in the rows is done, the less the chance of injury to the onions by disturbing their roots in pulling up a large weed, the root of which has taken possession of the soil. The onions indicate that they have ceased to grow and are mature, by the falling over of the tops. Usu- ally the whole crop is not marketed at once, but suc- cessive shipments are made. For this reason, tiic field is gone over several times, at each time pulling those bulbs, the tops of which have fallen. They may be packed at once, or be left on the ground for a few days, in order to dry off. The tops are cut off with a sharp knife, leaving an inch or so of neck, and packed in crates holding a bushel each. ONION SETS. An onion set is an onion raised from seed and which has ripened while very small. This result is pro- duced by sowing the seed thickly. The young bulbs start as usual, but as a dozen or more are struggling for the nutriment usually given to a single bulb, they fail to increase in size, and come to maturity while yet very small. When these sets are planted out, they are under more favorable conditions, and at once increase in size, and complete the growth which was arrested in the first season. Onion sets should be as small as possible, as a greater number are contained in a given measure ; not only this, but the smaller they are, the less risk is there that they will run up to seed. They vary from half an inch in diameter down to the size of a pea. There are several methods of growing sets, but all have the same end in view, the crowded condition of the bulbs. One plan is to stretch a line, and drill in six rows of seed at an inch and a half or two inches apart. The drill is set to drop five or six seeds to ! each inch of row. This will give thirty to thirty-six j seeds to each lineal inch of the bed of six rows. At I a sufficient distance from this to allow of the use of ; the cultivator, usually thirty inches, another bed of six EXPERIENCE OF PRACTICAL GROWERS. 31 rows is sown, and so on. The land will thus be laid off in narrow beds of six crowded rows, each sepa- rated from the next by an alley, wLich can be kept clean by the use of the cultivator. The beds them- selves must be kept free from weeds by the use of a narrow weeding hoe, supplemented by hand-weeding. Another plan is to mark the land in drills, nhie inches apart, by the use of a marker. Each seventh row is not sown, which leaves an eighteen-inch path between every two beds of six rows each. The seed is sown very thickly in the drills, using about thirty pounds to the acre. Unless the crop is kept clean while growing, it will be a total loss. As with large onions, the sets show that they are ripe by the wither- ing of the tops. They are usually dug by running a trowel under them and throwing them ujion a sieve, of the proper size to free them from the soil and re- tain the bulbs. It is very difficult to keep sets in good condition during the winter. Before they are housed at all, they should be exposed to the sun and air for a few days, covering them at night. They must then be stored in an airy loft, in layers not over three or four inches thick. When freezing weather is at hand, the sets are brought together in heaps, and covered with straw or with mats. Owing to the difflculty in keep- ing the sets, it is better to plant them in the fall. Land for raising onions from sets is enriched and prepared in the same manner as for sowing the seed. The rows are marked at the desired distances apart, usually ten inches, and the sets are planted two or three inches apart in the row. The sets arc pressed into the fine, mellow soil by the use of the thumb and finger, always taking care to place them with the root end down. The work is finished by going over the rows with a wooden rake. RAISING OmON SEED. While onion seed, if properly kept, will often ger- minate nearl}' as well when two years old, it is not safe to depend upon seed that is over a year old. In either case, the seed should be tested, — as all of that which is only a year old will not germinate, and sometimes a very large share will be abortive. Fifty or a hundred seeds should be counted out, and either planted in a pot or box of soil, or placed in a folded cloth or paper, between two plates, where they can be kept moist and warm. The percentage of good seed in a given lot being ascertained, the drill should be set to sow a sufficient number of seeds to make sure of a good stand. The freshness and vitality of the seed are of great importance, bnt it is equally important that the seed should come from a good stock. Seed raised from onions planted out promiscuously, or even from the "culls" left after selecting all the best bulbs for mar- ket, may look well and germinate freely, but the crop will be far from satisfactory, and will be likely to have an undue share of " scaUions." For this no test can be applied, and we can only rely upon the reputation of the grower of the seeds. While there are some growers of onion seed who have a reputation for the quality of their product, and endeavor to maintain it, there is much seed in the market which one runs a great risk in buying. Un- less the onion -grower can be sure of getting seeds true to their kind, and of a strain likely to produce few seallions, he had far better raise his own seed. Very few are aware how readily the onion may be modified by a few years of careful selection. It is well known that themore nearly globular an onion is in shape, other things being equal, the greater the number of bushels that can be grown to the acre. If we have a variety that is desirable in every other re- spect, except that the bulbs are too flat, we can in a few j'ears develop it into a globular onion. Each suc- cessive year, the bulbs which show the slightest departure from the general flat form arc selected for seed. This, at first, may be almost imperceptible ; but there will be variations, however insignificant, and these must be encouraged. By selecting each year the least flat bulbs, we soon may be able to se- lect those the most round, and ultimately have those i that are quite globular. An onion, to keep well, should have a very short neck, and at maturity the bulb should be firm and solid around and at the base of the neck. A well- known Connecticut seed-grower of the writer's ac- ! quaiutance worked for several years to reduce and I improve the neck, and the results were most striking. In the first place, the grower of onion seed should ^ have in view his ideal onion ; i. e., fix in his mind the ' kind of onion he would have, and, in selecting his i bulbs for seed, choose only those which show the ' nearest approach to that ideal. Onions set out for seed do not need a rich soil, as too much manure i.s said to diminish the fertility of the flowers, and cause many to blight. The bulbs selected for seed may be kept until spring, but it is much better to plant them out in the fall. They should be put out some -weeks before realJy cold weather sets in, in order that they may form roots and get well established before the ground freezes. Early in October is a good time in the Northern States. By planting at this time the job is out of the way; there is no difficulty about keeping the seed onions through the winter, and there is no danger that some one may take a fancj- to carry such onion.'? to the kitchen. The onions for seed may be set out in rows far enough apart to work with a horsc-cultivator, or, if to be kept clean by hand, the rows may be twelve to eighteen inches apart. Open a furrow about six inches deep, set in the onions six or eight inches apart in the furrow, and cover with the hoe. In spring, use the cultivator or hoe as soon as the soil is dry enough, and keep down the weeds until the crop is ripe. The cluster of seeds is quite heavy, and as the stalks arc 33 HOW TO RAISE ONIONS. from three to five feet high, according to the variety, they are apt to be prostrated by a wind, aud many of the seeds wasted. To prevent this, drive stakes at eacli end of the row, and every eight or ten feet of its length. Pass some cheap twine along each side of the row, making it fast to the stakes. The twine should be within a few inches of the seed clusters. The seed is known to be mature when the capsules or pods lose their green color and turn yellowish ; when some of the pods break open, the heads in which this occurs may be cut. If the crop ripens unevenly, it may be necessary to go over it two or three times, and cut those that are ready. As some of the seed will shell out and be lost, it is well to receive the clusters in a bucket, or in a basket in which a cloth is laid. In cutting, leave six or eight inches of the stalk at- tached to the head ; the partly-matured seeds will ripen up much better than if the stem were cut close. Spread the seed clusters uj^on a tight floor of an airy loft. If the floor is not tight, spread a barn sheet or other cloth, to allow the scattered seeds to be saved. When the pods are quite dry, they are to be thrashed, and the seeds winnowed by running them through a fanning-mUl at least twice. After the mUl will re- move nothing more, the seeds are placed, a few pounds at a time, in a bucket or tub of water, stirring for a short time ; allow the good seed to settle, and gently pour off the water with the chaff and imperfect seeds which float upon the surface. The seeds are then to be spread thinly on boards or on sieves, to dry, and only stored away when quite free from dampness. "RARE-aiPES'-TOP OR TREE ONIONS-POTATO ONIONS. Many are fond of green or unripe onions, which are eaten raw, usually sliced in viuegar. The market- gardeners near cities commonly sell a large share, if not all of their crop in tlie partly grown, immature state. When bunched in this condition, the onions bring a larger price than if they were allowed to ripen. Green onions of this kind are usually very strong and often hard. Much milder and more suc- culent green onions are produced as follows : When an onion is set out for seed, several leaves are pro- duced, and finally a flower stalk pushes up among them. As this leaf-growth, which takes place at the expense of the old bulb, goes on, a new bulb is at the same time formed by the lower parts of the leaves, and in the centre of the old bulb, and it is this new one which bears the flowers and seeds. Sometimes there are two or three of these small bulbs formed within an onion. If these young bulbs are pulled when the flower stalk first shows itself, or even before, they will be found vastly preferable to any other form of green onion. In New England, where they are often found in tho markets, these are known as " Rare-ripes " or " Rare-ripe Onions ;" but in New York the Shallot, a different species, is the first green onion in the market. Any onions that have sprouted, or those too small to be salable are set out in very early spring to produce rare-ripes. The Top or Tree Onion. A number of plants are known in which there are varieties that bear a cluster of green leaves in the place of flowers. In one of the wild garlics, a com- mon weed of our fields, flowers are rarely produced, but in their place is a cluster of minute bulbs. In the top-onion the same thing takes place, and instead of flowers, the stem bears a dense cluster of little onions, from the size of a boy's marble, downwards. When these small bulbs are set out in the spring, they in- crease in size and form a large handsome onion. This onion, when planted out the next year, will produce a crop of small bulbs and so on. It possesses no ad- vantage over ordinary onions, and is cultivated mainly as a curiosity. The Potato Onion. This is a variety of the onion which has completely lost the habit of producing flowers and seeds ; it does not even push up a flower stem. Under the erroneous impression that it was intro- duced into England from Egypt it is sometimes called the '" Egyptian Onion;" in this country it is often known as the "English Multiplier," and "Under- ground Onion" is still another name for it. It is a medium-sized, yellowish-brown onion, with a rather stronger flavor than the common kinds. If a large Potato Onion be planted in spring, it will produce a cluster, sometimes as many as a dozen, of smaller bulbs, varying m size, from a filbert, upwards. These small onions, when planted next year, will each in- crease in size to form a large bulb. The generations thus alternate. One-year offsets, or small bulbs, are produced, and the nest year these grow to the full size. Ordinarily it would take two years to gi'ow an onion of this kind, but in practice, some of the bulbs in a cluster of small ones, are often large enough for use, and when a small bulb is set out, it, besides growing to a large bulb, often produces several small ones also. So often does this occur, that, in cultiva- tion on a small scale, it is not necessary to grow a lot of offsets especially for " seed," as enough are usually produced, attached to the large bulbs. This onion is very hardy and may remain in the ground all winter, It is also early. In some localities, especially near Norfolk, Va., this variety is used as the market crop, to the exclusion of those from seeds. EXPERIENCE OP PRACTICAL GROWERS, RAISING ONIONS. BY A CONNECTICUT SEED-GROWER. The reason why many do not succeed in their first attempt at raising onions is because they do not select ground wliich has been suitably prepared in the cul- tivation of the two or three previous crops. It is a mistalie that onions do better, year after year, on the same ground, simply becaiise onions follow onions. It is the higher manuring, more thorough pulveriza- tion and mixture of the soil and manures, and the cleaner and more careful cultivation required every year for onions, tlian is given to any other crop, that fit ground better for them. Onions will undoubtedly succeed better many years on tiie same ground than most other vegetables, but there is a hmit to this success. In Wethersfield, Conn., formerly so famous for its onions, the cultiva- tion has greatly declined on account of the diminished product to the acre. The onions grown there now in many of the old gardens are small ; they start quickly andj.i>;row vigorously the forepart of the season, but suddenly meet with a check when they should go on growing, even if there be no signs of smut or blast, and ripen too early to attain their former size and productiveness. Much larger crops are now grown m other towns. One great trouble among beginners on new ground is that the onions will not bottom and ripen at the usual time, but continue to grow all the season and produce too many " stiff necks " or scalHons. There are several causes for this. One is, the land, which is ! too poor to commence cultivation upon, is heavily manured and plowed deep, bringing the poor subsoil to the surface. The seed in such soil comes up weak, if at all, and the onions grow very slowly until they get hold of the decomposed manure, when it is too late in the season for them to mature. Late sowing, a wet season, and foreign or bad seed, are other causes of scallions. If onions do not begin to bottom before September rains, they never will. The onion is not so particular about the character of the original soil as many suppose. Good crops are obtained on almost any soil, not too wet or too dry, except a stiff clay, light sand, or hungry gravel. It is essential, however, that the land should have been made rich by the thorough incorporation of manures and in clean tillage for at least two years from the sod. Corn, and then potatoes, carrots, or beets, are good preparatory crops. One or two heavily manured tobacco crops admirably fit the ground for onions ; old vegetable gardens are perhaps the best, except where cabbages have been grown, which are the worst of all crops to precede onions. Heavy or rather clayey, moist, not wet, loam, generally produces the largest onions. If coarse manure is to be used, spread on twenty to thirty loads to the acre late in the fall, say, about the middle of November, and plow it m not very deep , or use one ton of fish guano, spread on after plowing and harrow it in. If raw fish is put on in the spring, the onions will continue to grow until too late to ripen. In the spring, as soon as the ground will work, plow four inches deep, and spread on a good dressing of fine compost, or three hundred pounds of Peruvian guano or superphosphate of lime, and harrow It in well ; back harrow and harrow again, and if not smooth enough, dress with rakes. When not manured in the fall, fine hog-pen or stable ma- nure, free from grass and weed seeds, should be plowed in in the spring and the guano or other fer- tilizers harrowed in. Every farmer and gardener should have a reel and line, and a marking rake. They will save a great many steps in laying out ; besides, the straight and uniform rows enable the workmen to accomplish a great deal more iu cultivating and weeding with the modern hand-weeding implements. The Reel below may be made of wood, though iron (which may be bought) is preferable. When made of wood it consists of a square frame with projectin"- top and bottom pieces with holes through the centres to insert a stalie. It is turned by one of the sides ex- REEL AND LINE. tending through the top piece for a handle. The other side should extend a couple of inches through the bottom piece to hold the line when run off. In the figure the handle is shown as mserted separately, which is not neccssiary ; the projection above referred to is not shown. A shorter stake will do for the other end of the line. Common three-stranded cord, about a quarter of an inch thick, is the most suitable for the line. To construct a Marking Rake, make the head three feet ten inches long by two inches square. 34 HOW TO S.AIS.E ONIONS. Bore four tbree-fourth-inch holes fourteen incbes apart, commencing two inches from the ends ; one hole in the centre; and holes at twelve, fifteen, six- teen and a half and eighteen inches each side of it. Make four teeth six inches long, an inch thick, and round them at the points. Secure them with a pin or key by the tops so they can be easily changed and ad- justed to the different widths. The handle of the marker should be six feet long, split, and spread so as to form braces where it is fastened to the head. Another form of marker is shown below, in which the teeth are not movable ; they are fixed at the de- sired distances, on both sides of the head. The land being prepared for sowing, stick down the stake, run oil the line, and lay it where it is desired to commence. Adjust the marking rake to fourteen inches, draw the outside tooth carefully by the line, and follow back and forth in the last mark until completed. "After the ground is marked off, it should lie a little while for the surface to dry before commencing to sow the seed. It covers much better, and the soil will not stick to the wheel of the seed-sower. The best onion-growers now do not use seed-sowers with BRILL MAEKEE. a roller attached. It packs the earth so hard that it bakes after a heavy rain and very much impedes the growth of the young plant, and it is not so easy in weeding to break the crust formed when rolled down flat as when the seed is covered by rakes or a light drag. It is of the utmost importance to get good seed — not only good, strong-growing seed, but seed that has been raised from good-sized, well-ripened onions. Imported seed cannot be trusted. The Second Early Red Onion is the best for a general crop. Sow four to six pounds to the acre — say about three seeds to an inch or five seeds to two inches ; cover half an inch. As soon as the onions are up so they can be seen the length of the rows, run an onion-weeder or hand- cultivator through them, with the rakes adjusted so as not to throw the earth upon the young plants, and repeat often enough to prevent the growth of weeds. This will keep the ground perfectly clean between the rows. When they are just out of "the double," or when the first weeds begin to show, after cultivating, the ground should be raked lightly, diagonally across the rows wiih a common wooden hay rake. This will break the crust, destroy the weeds in the rows, and give the young plants a good start. Early in June, when the onions are four or five inches high, sow about three bushels to the acre of not very coarse salt broadcast over them. After the second weeding, spread on a good dressing of wood ashes. They require three or four weedings in the rows ; but if pains were taken in marking to keep the rows straight and uniform, the onion-weeder will run so close to them that there will be but few weeds to remove by hand. When the tops have fallen and nearly died down, draw four rows together with a wooden rake, raking two rows at a time toward the other two rows. Pull- forks are sometimes used, but in careless hands they pierce a good many onions. They may remain as raked together several days, or until sufficiently cured to strip ; cut the tops about an inch from the onions. If they are stripped while the tops are partly green, they do not keep so well. After stripping, remove them to an outbuilding on a dry day, with a north- west wind, and spread over the floor, not more than a foot thick ; tuni them occasionally. To keep onions in quantity through the winter; just before they are likely to freeze, and when per- fectly dry, spread them eighteen inches thick on a tight floor in a bam or outbuilding which is under- pinned so as to keep the cold air from freezing them too severely next the floor. Leave a space of two feet next the walls of the building on all sides ; spread a sheet entirely over t'hem, fill the space with fine hay, (rowen is the best) and tread it firmly ; then cover the whole about two feet thick with the same, and the onions will ordinarily keep well. They should never be disturbed while frozen, but as soon as the frost is completely out in the spring, take off the covering and spread them all over the room, opening the doors and windows to give air in pleasant weather. If they are not well covered and the thermometer should fall to fifteen degrees below zero, some of them may freeze to death, and be soft when thawed. White onions are the worst to keep, on account of their gathering moisture so readily. They should be kept spread quite thinly on the floor in the light and where the air can circulate freely. Just before winter- sets in, spread a few inches of straw on a floor, and place the onions on it four or five inches thick ; let them freeze a little, then cover them with straw and let them remain undisturbed until spring ; or put them into peach crates and cover with hay in the barn, or pile the crates next the walls of a cool cellar. Onions are generally one of the most profitable crops, often yielding four hundred to six hundred, sometimes eight hundred, bushels to the acre. HOW TO RAISE ONIONS. 35 THE ONION FLY.-Anthomyia Ceparum. Fig. 1. Is travelling through the county of Essex, N. Y , a ^liori time since, particularly along the beautiful plains in the vicinity of the Au-Sable River, I had my atten- tion ^epeatedly attracted to the withered and sickly appearance of nearly all the fields of onions, through which I passed. Upon inquiring the cause, T was in- variably told tnat it was the effects of a worm, and that it was extremely doubtful if a single tuber in a healthful condition would be obtained in a hundred plants. This excited my curiosity, and on raising the bulbs from the earth, I had little diflBculty in recogniz- ing the larva of a Dipterous (two-winged) insect, be- longing to a species which in England, as well as in many other parts of Europe, for the last twenty years, have almost entirely destroyed the onion crops, upon the cultivation of which so considerable an amount of labor and experience have been expended. To such a degree have their ravages extended in those countries. Fig. 8. Fig. 8. that the husbandmen have been driven to the necessi- ty of abandoning the culture of this important vegeta- ble, not having yet met with any eflSoior t remedy for the destruction of their enemy. Much uncertainty still seems to prevail among ento- mologists respecting the peculiar habits and instincts of this little depredator, and we greatly fear that they will long remain in ignorance, unless some interested and intelligent Individual, residing on the spot, and having daOy access to the plants, shall establish a lenes of practical observations on their habits, and in this manner trace them through their vanons stage* of existence, up to the perfect fly. Until this is ac- complished, and not til) then, will we with any degree of certainly be able to suggest any reasonable method for efifeotually removing them. If it be not don* speedily, a knowledge of the prolific manner of their increase, makes it probable that they will, in the course of but a few years, spread over the whole country, and almost, if not entirely, obliterate this highly useful vegetable from our gardens. This insect depredator is, I think, undoubtedly tlio Anthomyia ceparum, of Meigen, or a species so closely allied,' as to differ but little from it in any of its habita It is shown at e, fig. 1, somewhat magnified, the &ir tual length being indicated by the perpendicular, and the spread of the wings by the horizontal line, below the cut of the fly ; c anH d, same fig., show the pupa, from which the insect emerges, c being the natural size, and d magnified. It belongs to the second gen- eral division of the Mvscides, that of the Anihomyzides, which is composed of species, all of whom have greatly the appearance of common flies. The larva of this insect, a in fig. 2, is about ^ of an inch in length, fleshy, and of a white color. It is of a conical form, with a smooth and shining surface, an(} entirely free from any external .superficial appendages. The incisions are finely granulate, and the last and largest segment is obliquely truncated at its base, upon which is placed a surrounding border of eight small knots, or projecting points, as seen at b, flg. 2, repre- senting the larva magnified. The female fly deposits its eggs on the base of the stem near the surface of the ground, which in a few days become hatched, the larvse immediately penetrat- ing between the leaves to the bulb, upon which it preys unseen ; but the efiects soon become visible, fof Fig. 4. Fig. B. the leaves turn yellow, fall prostrate on the ground, and quickly wither away. These are shown in figs. 3 and 4. In the course of about two weeks they arrive 36 EXPERIENCE OF PKACTICaL GROWERS. ai maturity, and change to the pupa state, fig 5, and in from fifteen or twenty days more emerge the perfect fly, fully prepared to accomplish their depredations by depositing their eggs upon the more healthy plants. As many aa from one to five of the larvae were fre- quently to be met with on a single plant. The perfect insect is about half the size of the com- mon house-fly, with a few thinly scattered hairs cover- ing the surface of the body. It is of an ash-gray color, the males being distinguished by a series of dark stripes upon the back. The head is marked with a brownish spot upon its apex. The wings are exceedingly trans- parent, exhibiting beautiful iridescent reflections from their surfaces, the shoulders of which are of an ochery- brown color, and the veins of brownish yellow. This fly may not unfrequently be met with in the spring of the year, basking in the sunshine about the windows of the neighboring dwellings. And from the circumstance of finding their larvae in the greatest pro- fusion, committing their depredations in the middle and latter parts of August, we are inclined to believe that they pass through several generations in a season, and that they probably make use of the seed of the plant, on which to deposit the egg for the larvie of the en- suing apring. If this be so, steeping the seeds in brine, before sowing, we should suppose would be the proper remedy ; if otherwise, the process will not mate- ritlly affect their germination. They appear to show fi diatinct predilection for the wLite onion, in preference to that of aaxj other o6k». This insect it is exceedingly difficult to destroy. Strewing the earth with ashes has proved of little avail; powdered charcoal answers a much btbter pur- pose, and is generally in use in this section of country, but it should only be thrown over about two thirds of the bed, so as to leave a portion of the plants for them to resort to on being brought to the perfect state, and driven from their original resting-place. When they have been converted to the larva state and commenced their depredations, these plants should be pulled up and consumed by fire. It has been recommended to prepare the beds as early in the sprmg as convenient, and suffer them to remain eight or ten days for the noxious plants to vegetate, then to cover them with straw to the depth of ten inches, and burn them over ; aft^r which, plant the seeds for the ensuing crop immediately. This pro- cess, it is stated, has proved perfectly succe^.r-ful in driving away the insects and insuring good crops, and in addition to this, has furnished a capital top-dressing to the soil. Onion-beds prepared from the hearths upou which charcoal has been burned, have likewise been mentioned as producing the perfect vegetable, entirely free from the attacks of the fly. Should the charcoal method here mentioned, be uni- versally adopted, we have little doubt but that this insect depredator will in a short time become greatly reduced in number if not entirely destroyed, and afford a much better chance for a mor* hsaithfol crop of the onion plants heritor. S. iS. :*c^2^ ^^TOBACCO^ CULTURE. pTv^ PRACTICAL DETAILS, ?_^ FROM THE :- •^ Selection and Preparation of the Seed and the Soil, Harvesting, Curing and Marketing the Crop. PLAIN DIRECTIONS AS GIVEN BY rOURTEEN EXPEEIENOED CULTIVATORS, Residing in different parts of the United States, most of whom have had long practice in the growing of Tobacco. ALSO, NOTES ON THE TOBACCO WORM. 4?ILLUSTRATED.|^ 1 \t .REVISED AND ENLARG-ED EDITION. Neiv York : O. JUDD CO.. D. W. JUDD, Pres'T, 751 B ROADWAY. ji '^V Entered, according to Act ot Congress, in the year 1SS4, by the Orange Jddd Company, in the Office Pfo^'iiA ^^^ Librarian of Congress, at Washington. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS fKstablished in 1842.1 « ^^^ 916 796 1 A Good, Cheap, and very Valuable Paper foi Every Man, Woman, and Child, In Cit^^, Village, and Country. THI American Agriculturist ron THB Farm, Garden, and Household, Including a Special Department of Interesting and Instructive Reading for CHILDREN and YOUTH. The Agriculturist is a large periodical of forty-four quarto pages, beautifully printed, filled with plain^ practical^ reliable, original matter, and containing hun- dreds of beautiful and instncctive Engravings in every annual volume. It contains, each month, a Calendar of Operations to be performed on the Farm, in the Orchard and Garden, in and around the Dwelling, etc. The thousands of hi.its and suggestions given in every volume are prepared by practical, intelligent working men, who know what they write about. The Household Department is valuable to every Housekeeper, affording very many useful hints anJ directions, calculated to lighten and facilitate in- door work. The Department for Children and Youth is prepared with special care, to fur- nish not only amusement, but also to inculcate knowledge and sound moral principles. STJBSCRirTI01