E 99 .P8 P84 Copy 1 . P8 P84 -^^0^ O O >• ' * ,9 O .0 -%_ .^ \^ .. -t- eX^^S^, 1^ a. rC- "^ o ^ o 5.0 V 4 0^ .^:.r .^' ^<^. Premium ICtsf, . . Program . . to ht bitlh at tliit — Pcttamatnmif Ar^nry Nah^au, Kansas, df|itmbpr 19-20, 1905 ©uesbag anb W^bn^siag. Miller Type and Press, St. Marys, Kans. im k LI1SSW[LL Dealers in Dry Goods, otions, Hats, Caps, Groceries and Queensware. We handle Gold Coin and Stand- ard A Flour. Also The Hamilton Brown Shoe that "/«AKES LIFE'S WALK ERSY" Right prices^and courteous treat- ment to all is the nioto that is making us business. Give us a trial and be convinced. MANAGERS. FRANK G. KIBBY. MARY HOGAN. Mayetta, Kansas. IK BXdHiLNGl The Pottawatomie Indian * fair * Association Nadeau, Kansas. Officers. Kack-Kack . . . , , . .President Mas-quos , Vice President Albert Wyotten Secretary Pac-ten-maw-gah . Treasurer Executive Cotnmittee. Georg-e Wah-vvas-suck, Frank Kabance, James V. Blandin, Paxico Wabaunsee, Frank A. Bourbonny, John Quirk, J. E.. Nadeau. Directors. Anthony N. James, Jack Darling-, Pete La Traunche, Walter Pappan, Charles A. Shepard, Richard Rice, Shoug-h-nosh, No-zhack-um, Puck-kee, Gearge Mash- kah-shuck, Patrick Matchee, Ash-ton- kote, Shob-e-nay [Martha], Mat-twa-osh- she, Mat-sap-to, Kitch-kum-mee, Naw- bat-te, Nah-gon-be, Mish-no, M-ko i-gih- maw, M-zhick-ten o, Joe Keg-me kah, M. Zhan, Shop-y tuck. Division Superintendents. Horse Races Joseph E. Nadeau Horses and Mules , James V. Blandin Cattle and Swine. . . Frank A. Bourbonny Poultry Frank Kabance Farm Products Ona Grinnell Pantry Stores Cecile Man-do-kah Domestic and Fancy Work ,Mrs. Josephine Graham Bead Work and Curios. Theresa Pis-che dwin Art Department I^ouise Darling- Special Premiums . . , Charles A. Shepard "\ state Bank of Holton Holton, Kansas. Capital and Surplus $75,000 OFFICERS: John Q. AlyreH, President John StouM, Vic(^-Presi(1ent. Alex Dunn, Jr , Cashier. DIRECTORS: John Q. My res V\illiani Friend John StOMH J. G. Hinnen '"ase Brodrick Ilem y H. Myres G. D. Abple. V,. Announcement This is ihe advent of the Potta- watomie Indian Fair Association, an organization which has been effected this year, throngh the efforts of the progressive Indians, under the guid- ance of Superintendent G. L. Will- iams, of the Pottawatomie Training School and Pottawatomie Agency, with the assistance and co-operation of his employes, and will be held at the Pottawatomie Agency, Nadeau, Kansas, on September ig and 20, 1905- This IS considered to be an inno- vation in the way of Expositions, and has for its object the promotion and encouragement of industrial and educational development among the Indians, and the great interest shown by all of them indicates that it will be a most successful Fair. While the Fair is intended to serve an eductional purpose, every arrange- ment has been made for the accomo- dation and entertainment of the large crowd that is expected, there being free amusements and attractions on the grounds at every hours of both days, consisting in part as follows: Horse, mule and pony races; base Do Yon Want Some l^ GOOD SHOES SEE TUCKER N.W, Corner. HOLTON, KANSAS. R D. BONEBRAKE, East Side of Square, Holtou, Kausaa. All Work Guaranteed. Repairing- A Specialty Eyes Tested Free. S. F.UKELE, C. K. ROSE. Dtst. Mgr. Illinois Life Insurance Co. UKELE & ROSE All Kinds of Insurance — Fire, Life^ Accident, Wind Storms, Tornado, Plate Glass, Live Stock. HOLTON, KANSAS. LANE'S * ASTHMA * CIRE *'THE GyRE J^J^J eURES." Si. Marys, Kansas. ball games; Indian ball games; par- ades, barbecues, dances, fiddlers' contests^ baby shows, and Wild West riding. All these events will be competed for only by the Indians. Also there are many other attractions such as merry-go-round, platform dances, display of fire-works, etc. An address by Kack-Kack, the full-blood president of the Association will be one of the features of the Fair. A splendid exhibition of bead-work^ relics; and curios will be open to the visitors. In this connection atten- tion is invited to the fact that this will be the best collection of bead work ever assembled, consisting of the best work of several different tribes. Liberal premiums will be offered for the best articles exhibited and good prizes offered for successful contestants in the different athletic games and races. Attention is invited to the fact that only Indians can enter articles for exhibition and they only can compete in the games and races. In order to help defray the expen- ses of the premiums and prizes offered, an admission fee of loc will be charged to enter the grounds. Child- ren under lo years of age will be 1 The STERLING Holton, Kans. HATS SHOES GLOVES CLOTHES UNDERWEAR One Price To AH TH[ STERLING North Side - - Holton, Kans. admitted free as also all Indians of any tribe. Plenty of good water, and all kinds of reiieshnients will be served on the grounds. A cordial invitation is extended to everybody to come and spend Sep- tember 19th and 20th at the Indian Fair, see the results of Indian civiliz- ation, and have a time of entertain- ment and instruction which will ever be remembered with pleasure. WILLIftM WOODtteftD Dealer in Groceries, Fresh and Sail Meats. Cash paid for Hides and Ponltr}'. Phone Ko 5 Hoyt, Kansas. ^ The Place to get Good Things to Eat. ..... Holtoi:i, Kansas. C. L. HARDIN FUNERAL DIRECTOR and LI- CENSED EMBALMER. t^tore Phone No. 303 Residence Phone No. 80 Holton, Kansas. Mrs. L Perkins Mrs* C. Meyer Robison & Company Fashionable Millinery Ladies^ Furnishing Goods HOLTON, - KANSAS 10 Rules and Regulations Exhibitors should examine the fol- lowing rules in order to understand the manner in which the Fair is con- ducted and prevent mistakes which occur otherwise. Competition open to Indians only, of any tribe. Articles entered for regular pre- miums can also be entered for special premiums. Articles must be on exhibition both days of the Fair. If it should rain sufficiently to spoil the first day of the Fair, it will con- tinue one day longer than adver- tised. All premiums will be paid in full as soon as awarded, and all prizes will be paid as soon as won. It shall be duty of the Marshal and his assistants to arrest and remove i S. PSRKIDS '" IS SKLLING LARD and , CURED MEATS Wholesale Prices UNTIL OC lOBER ist. j I HOLTON, KANSAS. | W. M. BIGELOW Dealer in Dry Goods. Ladies and Gents Fur- nishings, Staple and Dress Shoes, Hats aud Caps, Siaple and Fancy Grocerit'S, Qneensw arc, Etc. hid. Telephone No, 10 Hoi/t, Kansas. Dni^s aii.l Iiiiieppitdf^nf ami Drug Hundrie-i F..rui 1. ieplioncs W.P Brock8tt,:v1.D.,B.S. Physician and Surgeon Mayetta, ---------- Kansas. from the grounds any persons viola- ting the rules of proprietw The United States Marshal and deputies will be on the grounds to prevent any infraction of the liquor law. Visitors will please comply with the wishes of the guards as applies to the placing of teams and wagons in order to prevent confusions and accidents. Due diligence will be exercised by the officers of the Association to pre- vent injury or loss of animals or ar- ticles on exhibition, and also accidents and losses on grounds, but will not be responsible for any damage occurring on the grounds. All exhibits must be on the grounds not later than the morning of the 19th. All premiums will be paid as far as possible on evening of first day. Plenty of pens and stalls will be provided for all live stock exhibited. Plenty of hay and water will be pro- vided for the animals on exhibition. Poultry to be brought in suitable coops. F. H. Rippetoe & Co. Dealers in Stoves, Tinware, Harness, Windmills Hoyt, Kansas. W* E* Rippetoe^ Hoyt, Kansas, Luuibtr, Coal, Lime, Cement, Sash> Doors, and all kinds of plastering. Intl. Plioiie No. 7. Your iiiiiuiries solieite The nearest railroad point to the IKDIAK FAIR at MADEAU, Barn one block west of Rock Island Depot. BERT GRAHAM, Proprietor. HOYl' KANSAS. 32 Coch in fowls 1 .00 .50 Display of fowls 1.00 .50 6 chicks, (any kind) 1.00 .50 Pair Turkeys, (any kind), .1.00 .50 Pair Ducks, (any kindj 1.00 ,50 Pair Geese, (any kind)... 1.00 .50 Peck wheat, (any kind)... 100 ,50 Peck Oats, „ ,, 1.00 ,50 Bushel New White Corn ... .1.00 ,50 Bushel ,, Yellow , 1.00 .50 25 ears squaw corn 1,00 .50 Ivarg-est ear of corn, any.. kind 50 ,25 Display of corn on stalks.. .50 .25 34 Bushel Irish Potatoes.,. .50 ,25 Peck Sweet Potatoes 50 .25 Peck Onions, any kind 50 .25 Peck Turnips. .. ..., 50 .25 ^t. of Lima Beans 50 .25 " "Winter Beans ., 50 ,25 3 headscabbag-e 50 ,25 2 pumpkins 50 ,25 2 squash 50 ,25 2 watermelons 50 ,25 2 muskmelons 50 ,25 33 The DANIEL BOONE Restaurant FOR THE BEST Short orders, Meals, Lodging, Cigars, Tobacco and all kinds of Drinks. H. C. Webster, Proprietor. fSolton, ------ Kansas, I OSBORN & EAGER '| % D. R. OSBORN, J. W.HAGER, % ^ Formerly or Nadean Formerly of Avoca ^ ^ The finest line of ever\ thing in ^. f. Drug Supplies. ^ Buy GOOD SHOES Froir. TOM KING, Hollon, Kansa; >rj^ HftRKY !A. ReiST Practical Horseshoer, General Blacksmithing and Wagon Work, Steam Plow Grinding a Spec ialty. Mayettav Kansas' 3i Pk. apples . . ........... .oO .25 Display of fruit '.. .50 .25 PAMTRY STORES. 2 ft) s. Butter 50 ,25 2 loaves of bread. . . ....... .50 .25 Cig-ht rolls 50 ,25 Cake of Rny kind , . .50 .25 Pie of an> kind 50 .25 Display' of fruit in jars,.,, .50 ..25 Jellies in glasses. .......... . .50 .25 Preserves in g-las.ses. ., . . .50 .,25 Cucumber pickles 50 ,25 Ivard... 50 ,25 DOMESTIC ART AND f ANCY WORK, Fancy quilt , ..l.OO .50 Indian made rush mat ,1.00 .50 Ribbon pat<:h\vork. 1.00 .50 Indian Shawl, . ., .50 ,25 Indian blanket. . ..... '.50 ,25 Indian handkerchief .50 .25 Indian shirt 50 ,25 -Indian waist. . . ...... .. .50 ,25 BEAD WORK, Beaded Buckskin suit. .... .2.00 1,00 THE PAIR We can till your wants in Queensware Tinware Chinaware Notions, Etc Also the Famous Indian Ribbon The C A T Brand. Harraan Clark Holton, Kansas- UOLTOS REAL ESTATE and LOAI CO. Buys and sells Farms and City Property. Furnishes Loans, ab- stracts, and examines tith s. Col- lections also made 8.7. BlxAGK d. E. HQOGLAND HOLTON, KANSAS. 0, W. Kimball Hardware Store Headquarltrs for American Fence, Velie Bug- gies, Harness, Moline Wagons and Garland Stoves, Holton, Kansas Beaded War Bonnet 1.00 .50 Beaded Mocca.sins 1.00 .50 Beaded Belt 1.00 .50 Beaded Shirt 1.00 .50 Beaded Suspenders 50 ,25 Beaded Purse 50 ,25 Beaded Watch fob 50 .25 Collection of bead work 2.00 1.00 Oldest Indian curio 50 .25 Oddest Indiaii curio 50 .25 Indian nidde pipe 50 .25 ART DEPARTMENT. Pencil or crayon sketch of an Indian 50 ,25 Pencil or crayon sketch of an animal 50 .25 Miniature wood carving- 50 .25 Drawing- by school children .50 ,25 Map of United Stntej?, by school children 50 ,25 Map of Kansas, by school. . children 50 ,25 Penmanship, by school children 50 .25 Composition, b}' school .... children.. SO .25 SI I H. SINNING I •j« Oealer in ^ ♦ 4» I DRY GOODS, CLOTH- | I INO, GROCERIES, | I INDIAN BEADS, | I SHAWLS, ETC. | t *^ % Holton, Kansas. "^ ^ .J..J4.5..5. ^^.j..|. .I,.^..^.^ 4..5«^4. ^^^^^^t, ^^^^ ^ C. H. IL MS W. G. WENNEB DEALERS m Builders Hardware^ Tin, Enam- eled and Nickle Plated ware^ Table and Pocket Cutlery, Kitch- en Specialties, Window Glass,. Ladders, Sewer Pipes, Etc. Holton, Kansas. SPECIAL PREMIUMS. To the Prettiest boy baby S3.00 Donated by H. Mees. To the prettiest .s;-irl baby Silk Cloak. Donated by L. Sarbach's, Sons, Holton, Kans. For the Best collection of bead work $1.00 worth of Indian Seed Beads. Donated by H. Sinninf/, Holton. Kans. For the best dressed Indian man or boy., . One Hat, Donated by Blank's Clothmy House. Holton Kans. For the best dressed Indian woman or girl Silk Muffler, Donated by Blank's Clothing House. Holton Kans, For the best fancy Indian Quill Washing- Machine, Donated by Charles A. Shepard. Holton, Kans. Scott & Taber School Supplies Spaldings Base Ball and Foot Ball Goods Have your pitscripiions ftiltd ihere North Side Pharmacy, Holton, Kans. V\ hen in Holton go to Naylor Driit>- ('o. .... FOR .... Drugs, Paints. Oils, Wall Paper. Books. They lead them all on prices. . . . First National Bank, Holton, A (niS(i,s. Cd pi ;.-?'; ,$50,00.) 00 S'lri-thi^ WW \ pr ^'fils 20,000. 00 Strictly a Bankin*;" BiKsiness transacted. Denosiloi'v- for any kind of funds (\-ili an.d see us. We want your business. 4(> For the best team of draft horses. . . . , , , , . Our finest bug-gy whip Anderson Hdwr. & Furn, Co. St. Marys, Kans, For the heaviest Indian Woman on the g-rounds. . . A pair of Ladies Fine Shoes. Donated by A. Urhansky's Sons & Co St. Marys, Kans. For the father of the largest Indian family •on the g-rounds , .... A hat, Donated by Andrew Koppes, Clothier, St. Marys, Kan.s. M ack-Ka-Taw 0-Zee The Capital City Bottling a^_Works_.^ Bottlers of good things to Drink? To many men are many minds^ (Who would dispute or blame?) And many boasts of many kinds^ Yet this my modest claim: — Of all the SODA that I've found. And I've tried all the rest. First, last, and all aroeind, CAPITAL CITY BOTTLING WORKS are the best. jm- Try it and YOU wilt like iif -^^S The SODA for this Indian Fair \b furnished by the CAPITAL CITY BOTTLING WORKS, of Toj>eka, Kansas. We appreciate your orders. Send them along. Topeka^ Kans* Telephone 3S6. 215 Kansas Avev 4a KACK-KACK i|>^ACK-KACK whose picture ap- liV pears on the first pag-e of the cover of this pamphlet was bora oear where Chi<:ago now stands seventy- ?iine years ago. He moved to Kansas in 1846 with the rest of the Pot- tawatomie Indians. Kack-Kack has •always been prominent aioong the Indians of his tribe for his ability as •a speaker, his knowledge cf the af- fairs of the trifee, the good fueling 'which he has always botne for the white people, and his conservative •and wise counsel shown in all mat- ters of tribal interest. Although he qs growing old, he is still looked oip to for advice, is a m^ember of the