/ do Ma.kii; L. a. Ap.bott, U. S. A. CliiU'dinst, Wiisliiinjtoii, 1). V. PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS AND Civil War Diary 1864 By MAJOR LEMUEL ABIJAH ABBOTT, U. S. A. Late Captain 10th Regt. Vt. VoL Infantry BURLINGTON : FREE PRESS PRINTING CO. PRINTERS, BINDERS, STATIONERS. 1908. ^6o/ A 13 Gift Author ^■(P«r«ofl) 26 '08 DEDICATION. TO THE PATRIOTS AND COMRADES OF ONE OF VERMONT'S MOST GALI.ANT REGIMENTS, THE TENTH VERMONT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. MAY ITS STATE PRIDE, FIDELITY, esprit de corps and splendid record in THE CIVIL WAR SERVE AS AN EXAMPLE AND inspiration to COMING GENERATIONS. PREFACE THE following Diary covering the interesting period of the Civil War from January i, to December 31, 1864, and a portion of 1865 to the surrender of General R. E. Lee at Appomattox Court House, Va., was kept by the Author at the age of twenty-two when an officer of the Tenth Regiment Vermont Volunteer Infantry, Third and First Brigade, Third Division, Third and Sixth Corps re- spectively, Army of the Potomac, and is a brief war history as seen by a young soldier literally from the front line of battle during General U, S. Grant's celebrated campaign from the Rapidan River to Petersburg, Va., and Gen. P. H. Sheridan's famous Shenandoah Valley campaign in the summer and fall of 1864. During this time the Author passed from the grades of Second to First Lieu- tenant and Captain, and commanded in the mean- time in different battles five or more companies in his regiment which afforded an excellent opportunity to make a fairly interesting general diary of the fighting qualities of his regiment and especially of the com- panies which he commanded during that most inter- esting period of the Civil War when the backbone of the Rebellion was broken, which, together with Sher- man and Thomas' cooperations led to the surrender of General R. E. Lee at Appomattox C. H. April 9, 1865. CIVIL IV AR DIARY, 1864. For thirty-eight years the diary remained closed, and indeed had been forgotten by the Author until he accidentally ran across it one day in an old chest, when on leave of absence in Vermont, where it had been placed after the war by someone for safe keep- ing, the Author in the meantime having been an of- ficer in the regular army many years and honored with the degree of B, S. by his Alma Mater on ac- count of his supposed accomplishments in military science after many years of hard service, a large por- tion of which was on the frontier among the Indians whose civilization was finally largely brought about through his recommendation to educate all the Indian children throughout the United States, about 1877-9, when he was considered an expert on the Indian ques- tion both by the War and Interior Departments. On reviewing the diary with the eye of an expert, it was found so uniquely interesting on account of the many dramatic situations simply given in a youth's unpretentious way that, from the fact it contained so much of interest to the surviving men whom the Author was honored in and fortunate enough to com- mand during such a historic period, and especially to the kinsmen of those who have passed along to the higher life, he concluded to publish it in full. It is not pretended that it is based on any official general orders but is solid fact and experience simply told by a young soldier who stood up to the rack in the front line of battle and took uncomplainingly CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. whatever was in store f or him, steadily refusing to accept whatever was offered which would remove him from the line of battle to a safer place at home or in the rear because he not only preferred to occupy a place in the front line of battle in command of men, which he considered the most honorable place for a soldier in the army at such a time, but because he had grown sincerely attached to the brave men in the different companies and detachments he commanded which comprised the whole regiment and some in others who not infrequently by reason of superior physical endurance and courage led and inspired him in some of the most noted battles of ancient or mod- ern times. A diary was kept during a portion of 1865 to the close of the war, but its whereabouts if preserved are unknown to the Author; so that in 1865, only a few of the most strikingly dramatic scenes and battles are given in the addenda as the curtain was falling on the greatest civil conflict of modern times, one of the most impressive of which was General Grant's mag- nificent bearing as he rode at a goodly pace, silently with his retinue, along among his men inside the enemy's works after they had been captured by the celebrated fighting Sixth Army Corps which he had specially selected, as it was said at the time, to break the enemy's line at the point where it was broken in front of Petersburg, on the morning of the memor- able Second of April, 1865. This and other startling and unexpected scenes crowded each other so closely CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. the following week they are indelibly photographed on the mind of the writer never probably to be for- gotten so long as time shall last ; and they are not overdrawn as no pen is sufficiently graphic to any- where near do the subject justice. Had there been an artist on the ground to have seen Grant as he then appeared, the very ideal of a silent, unassuming yet stern-looking, determined and dignified conquering hero, who could have reproduced the scene on canvas, his fame would have been estab- lished, for the writer never saw him to better ad- vantage nor could anyone else, as the occasion and surroundings were all there, never to be again exactly repeated in any gigantic struggle, i. e. the great battle- field studded with unusually extensive, silent, deserted and partially dismantled, formidable earthworks and military camps, shattered, abandoned and captured ordnance, the defeated, struggling and straggling enemy, the prisoners of war, the wounded, dead and dying, the shocking sight of carnage, and last, but not least, the victorious army headed by its intrepid but humane big-hearted leader — Grant. It would be a historic picture before which the civilized world would pause entranced ; it was grandly impressive be- yond description. As an entrancing, dramatic inci- dent, the surrender of Lee, a few days later at Ap- pomattox Court House, sinks into insignificance. The reader is cautioned not to expect too much from this unpretentious diary, as some parts were frequently written by the light of a camp fire or CIVIL IV AR DIARY, 1864. blazing- pine knot, sitting on the ground, and gen- erally by a worn-out and greatly exhausted young soldier with no expectation of ever publishing it; and besides, frequently there was very little room or time to write much, so that on important occasions there was no opportunity for entering into details, and especially when shot and shell were whizzing and screeching overhead almost as thick as bees about a hive. Some of it while on sick leave of absence in Vermont on account of wounds, will not probably greatly interest the average reader, but as much of historic interest is frequently given in connection with the killed, wounded, etc., during this time, after due consideration it has been thought best to leave none of it out, and so it has all been printed. It may possibly aid the future historian and genealogist, too, which is another reason why the diary has been pub- lished. It is only by gathering up the fragments from eye witnesses which is too frequently ignored by military historians with the time and opportunity to do such work thoroughly, that a fully rounded out regimental or other war history can be written. The blue pencil is too frequently used by unscientific military his- torians to get the best results. The opinions of ac- complished shirks in battle, because it does not happen to be generally known they were such, having tact enough to cover it up, and of those not versed in military science or with too much honesty and un- biased judgment, are too frequently accepted instead CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. of solid fact as seen by others of reliability, though obscure, who were intrepid enough to at least be with the most courageous of their men who were generally in the vanguard of any assaulting column and fre- quently individually led it. But some who write war history unfamiliar with such experiences, can never know of the inspiration and strength that comes to one in command of any part of an assaulting column of grandly brave, un- daunted men, or what it is to feel that he is the very point of the wedge of his part of an assaulting column which is perhaps the first to cleave the enemy's line, and that he is conscientiously doing without any thought of shirking whatever he finds before him to do because it isn't his nature to be otherwise. Finally, what decided the Author to publish this diary now at once, old age being upon him, was to try and correct false history in connection with the first assault at Sheridan's battle of Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 1864. Besides this, he was requested to pubUsh his personal observations, in July, 1908, just before leaving Washington, D. C. of every battle he was in during the Civil War by the Librarian of the War Department. He stated that as regular army officers were trained in such work their accounts of such battles would not only be of great help to future historians, but better than from most any other source. The; Author. Washington, D. C, January i, 1908. ILLUSTRATIONS. Page Maj. L. A. Abbott, U. S. A., the Author. Faces Title No. 1 Opequan Creek Crossing and Winchester Pike do. 150 No. 2 Winchester Pike looking East from Battlefield do. 153 No. 3 Sheridan's left center Battlefield do. 155 No. 4 Sheridan's right center Battlefield do. 157 No. 5 Sheridan's Battlefield looking North- westerly do. 158 No. 6 Ravine Occupied by Enemy's Infantry in front of Third Division Sixth Corps do. 160 No. 7 Same Ravine in front of Second Division Sixth Corps, Unoccupied by Enemy, do. 162 No. 8 Same Ravine from head Occupied by Enemy in front of Third Division Sixth Corps do. 166 No. 9 Winchester Pike looking West from Battlefield do. 178 No. 10 Taylor's Hotel, Winchester, Va., 1908.. do. 210 No. 11 Cannon-ball House, Winchester, Va., 1908 do. 212 No. 12 Bronze Statue, National Cemetery, Win- chester, Va., 1908 do. 214 ABBREVIATIONS. Besides the usual abbreviations of States and months, and those commonly used for dispatch in writing and economy of space, the following are made use of in this work: — Ad jt Adjutant A. G Adjutant General A. A. G Assistant Adjutant General Brig.-Gen Brigadier General Capt Captain Col Colonel Corp Corporal d Died Div Division Lieut Lieutenant Lieut. Col Lieutenant Colonel Lieut. Gen Lieutenant General Maj. Gen Major General Priv Private Q. M. D Quartermaster's Department Regt Regiment res Resides R. Q. M Regimental Quartermaster Sergt Sergeant U. S. C. I United States Colored Infantry U. S. C. T United States Colored Troops wid Widow CIVIL WAR DIARY* AND PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS 1864 In Winter Quarters, Near Brandy Station, Va., Friday, Jan. i, 1864. Although attached to Company B, Tenth Regi- ment Vermont Volunteer Infantry, (Capt. Edwin Dillingham's of Waterbury, Vt.), Lieut. Ezra Stetson commanding, I am Second Lieutenant of Company D (Capt. Samuel Darrah's of Burlington, Vt.) of the same regiment, having been promoted from First Sergeant of Company B last spring. All are wishing me a "Happy New Year" ! God grant that I may have one. I was awakened long before daylight by the band serenading the birth of *The most interesting part of this diary commences on May 3rd, 1864, when General U. S. Grant's campaign to Petersburg, Va., begins, and later General Sheridan's Shen- andoah Valley campaign, etc. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. the New Year. Lieut. G. W. Burnell took his departure early this morning for Washington, D. C. ; he has been promoted Captain of U. S. Colored Troops and is about to take up other duties in Balti- more, Md. It was quite pleasant eaily in the day but it is very muddy under foot; had a grand New Year's dinner. There has been a very cold wind this afternoon. This evening it is clear and intensely cold. Will Clark has made me a short call ; am feeling very well but studying hard. Saturday, Jan. 2, 1864. Another day of the new year has passed but a very busy one for me. It has been very cold all day. This afternoon I have been papering my hut so our quarters are quite comfortable now. The band has been out this evening and played some very pretty pieces, and I am thankful for it relieves the monot- ony of dull camp life. This evening Lieut. D. G. Hill and Captain Goodrich, the brigade Quartermaster, called ; they were in fine spirits. It is bitter cold, but no wind as last night ; have received no letters which of course is provoking. Sunday, Jan. 3, 1864. Quite a comfortable day ; no snow yet, but it looks likely to storm in a day or two; wrote to Pert*, and had our usual inspection this forenoon. Since dinner. *Miss P. A. Thomson, a cousin and many years a teacher in Goddard Seminary, Barre, Vt. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. I have read "Washington's Farewell Address", and the "Declaration of Independence". This evening quite a number of recruits arrived for the regiment, but none for Company B. Capt. J. A. Salisbury has been in to call on Lieut. Stetson, and broken my camp chair. This is still more provoking than not to get a letter from home for chairs are not plentiful here. He is a big man. Monday, Jan. 4, 1864. It has snowed nearly all day, but not very hard. To-night there is about two inches on the ground and it is still snowing. Lieut. Stetson started for Vermont this morning on the 9:30 train, and Capt. H. R. Steele arrived from there this evening. I am told to-night that Colonel Embic of the One Hundred and Sixth New York Infantry has been reinstated. We have formed a quiz school to-night, the members being Dr. Almon Clark, Lieuts. E. P. Farr and C. G. Newton and Chaplain E. M. Haynes. We are to meet every night and ask questions on geography, history, etc. I think it a grand idea. I suspect they think me fresh from school, though, and want me to do most of the quizzing, the same as in the class of about seventy-five enlisted men in tactics and English branches which recites to me daily now, fitting for examination for commission in colored troops. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Tue;sday, Jan. 5. 1864. It has been a beautiful day, but the wind is blowing very chilly to-night; drew clothing for the Company this afternoon ; had a very good dress parade con- sidering the quantity of snow and mud under foot. Our school met this evening but we didn't accomplish much. Capt. E. B. Frost, and Dr. W. A. Child and wife dined with us to-day; had a nice time. Herbert George, the band master, has been in this evening relating his experiences during his leave in Vermont. It almost makes me homesick: have got to go on picket early in the morning beyond Culpeper, Va. Wednesday, Jan. 6, 1864. Chilly and cloudy but the weather is moderating very fast; got cheated out of my breakfast this morning on account of going on picket; formed line at 7.45 and so remained till nearly 10 a. m. when the officer of the day came and started us for the picket line ; got on the wrong road and did not find the line until 3 p. m. It has been quite pleasant all day, but looks likely to storm before morning. No mail to-day. Thursday, Jan. 7, 1864. Quite cold and disagreeable ; got up about 10 a. m. feeling as well as could -be expected after a hard day's march. The men had been to breakfast and were in fine spirits ; were relating their experiences in the late engagement at Locust Grove. Banty — a little, jolly, duck-legged Frenchman — started for camp this forenoon for more rations and the mail, but CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. after he had been gone about a half hour a man from Company E. came from camp with both. The weather has moderated and it is snowing this evening. Friday, Jan. 8. 1864. It cleared during the night and this morning it was sharp and cold. As I awoke the sun was peeping brilliantly up behind the eastern hills and all nature was beautiful. About two inches of snow fell in the night which added to the beauty of the sunrise. Three deserters stole into our lines from the enemy in the night. They report that many more want to get away ; read two letters to-night one from home and one from Hen. Saturday, Jan. 9, 1864. Still the weather continues fine. There is not a cloud to be seen or a breath of air stirring, and yet it is quite a sharp morning. The Company got an- other mail this forenoon but there was nothing for me ; was relieved from picket this afternoon about one o'clock : arrived in camp about four p. m. ; found plenty of Company work to keep me busy all to- morrow. Lieut. C. G. Newton started for Vermont this morning ; have been studying tactics this evening ; got my books from home I sent for last week. Sunday, Jan. 10, 1864. A beautiful morning. Dan Bancroft came in to see me this forenoon, a private in the Vermont Cav- alry; had inspection at 11 a. m. and dress parade this CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. evening-. Quite a number of recruits came this evening, but only one for Company B. Col. A. B. Jewett and Lieut.-Colonel W. W. Henry also re- turned from Vermont to-night. The band has been serenading Colonel Jewett. It is cold and frosty with a little snow still on the ground. Monday, Jan. 11, 1864. Another fine day; have been very busy attending to Company matters ; also received many calls — in fact it has taken me a goodly part of the day to enter- tain visitors. Capt. Samuel Darrah, Herbert George of the band and Lieut. W. R. Hoyt have just gone and now comes Lieut. E. P. Farr, and it's after 10 o'clock ; haven't studied a bit to-day, yet, but I shall make up for lost time before I sleep. Tue;sday, Jan. 12, 1864. Retired at 2 a. m. last night; learned by heart be- fore retiring fifty pages in tactics ; got up at 9 a. m. and went at it again ; have conquered fifty pages more to-day and recited them to Lieut. Farr : had them fairly well learned before ; only review ; weather warm and comfortable ; had a dress parade at 5 p. m. This evening twenty recruits armed and equipped arrived from Vermont for Company B ; got some newspapers from cousin Abby Burnham to-night. Wednesday, Jan. 13, 1864. It has been very muddy and dull in camp to-day; weather dark and gloomy : no dress parade ; have written to Pert; also received a letter from J. R, CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 7 Seaver, containing a plan of the hospitals being built at Montpelier, now nearly completed. Lieut. Farr has been in this evening and we have been studying tactics together ; guess he takes advantage of my being better posted than he, having been a cadet at Norwich University, Norwich, Vermont, where I was well drilled, and can explain things better. I wish they didn't consider me the best drill in the regiment ; it makes me lots of extra work and takes much time. But I must be obliging — not mean and selfish. Thursday, Jan. 14, 1864. The weather still continues to be warm and pleas- ant; no wind and not a cloud in sight; have received two letters from Vermont to-night — one from home and another from one of my old scholars in Chelsea. The teachers who succeeded me in my school there had very poor success both last summer and this winter. When the teacher announced to the school this winter one morning that I had died of typhoid fever at Rockville, Md., it having been so reported, the children refused to be reconciled and grieved so they had to be dismissed, the same thing occurring the next morning. Poor things ! I never think of it but what my eyes — well, my throat gets lumpy and my lips quiver. I had no idea they were so devoted. It seems as though they would follow me in memory throughout eternity. Still, as their teacher I was strict and firm, but always just, and never struck one of the flock of sixty during either winter with them. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Will I ever make such devoted friends again? Alas! it's only a memory now but will ever be a sacred one. May the recollection be as blissful to them as it will be to me throughout the everlasting ages of time. Nothing has occurred to-day worthy of note ; have had my cabin full all day. Lieuts. W. R. Hoyt and E. P. Farr have been in this evening. Fdiday, Jan. 15, 1864. It is by far the finest day we have had this year, but very muddy. A part of the regiment has gone on picket to remain three days. It is reported in camp that one entire regiment of "Johnnies" came over from Cedar Mountain this morning and gave itself up. They were miserably clad, a large major- ity having no shoes at all ; they started for Washington this evening. It's a beautiful moonlight night. Saturday, Jan. 16, 1864. Another warm summer day; have been at work on clothing rolls, also laying down sidewalk in front of my quarters. One of our new recruits has gone to the hospital to-day sick with lung fever. General W. H. Morris has returned from his home near N. Y. city with his sister and a lady friend. This evening he rode through the camp and was cheered by the men. The bands are serenading him to-night, his head- quarters being just about a hundred yards in rear of my hut. It is bright moonlight. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 9 Sunday, Jan, 17, 1864. It has been a cold and disagreeable day; had Com- pany inspection this forenoon ; have written home to-night ; received a letter from Carl Wilson and one from Pert; wind blew hard this forenoon, but it is calm to-night ; band played this evening. Five more recruits arrived this afternoon for Company B. It's cloudy and looks like rain. Monday, Jan. 18, 1864. It has rained hard all day, but is not very cold. The mud is very deep. It's rumored that Governor Smith and Mr, Baxter are to be here to-morrow; have been studying hard all day only when engaged in Company duty; cooler this evening; snows a little; pickets have just come in wet and tired. Lieut. E. P. Farr has not been in this evening to look up tactics. Tuesday, Jan. 19, 1864. The wind has been blowing furiously all day from the northwest; has rained very little; commencing to freeze this evening ; have been looking over ord- nance returns this afternoon ; no time to study to-day. Lieut. Ezra Stetson is expected to-morrow, also Gov- ernor Smith, as he didn't come to-night. Lieut. D. G. Hill has been in this evening; wind blows a gale. Wednesday, Jan. 20, 1864, Quite a fine moon to-night — a little cloudy but no wind ; froze quite hard last night ; have had so much company all day it has been impossible to do anything but visit ; band is serenading General W. H. Morris ; 10 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. are proud of our band, it being one of best regimental bands in the army. Lieut. Stetson has not come to- night; got no letter from home, but received a good one from Carl Wilson. To-night they have the Universalist festival at Barre, Vt. ; v^ould like to be there, but my festival will be with tactics. Thursday, Jan. 21, 1864. It was quite frosty this morning, but pleasant and has remained so all day ; had regimental monthly in- spection this forenoon. Company B got the credit of having the best street in the brigade. I am proud of my old Company; it always tries to please me. Nate Harrington and Orry Blanchard of the First Vermont Brigade have been to see me to-day. Lieut. Ezra Stetson has not come to-night, his time being up last Tuesday ; no letter from home yet ; beautiful moon- light night, but quite cool. Friday, Jan. 22, 1864. As pleasant a morning as I ever saw. Lieut. D. G. Hill started for Vermont this forenoon ; have made out the final statements of Corporals C. W. Beal, C. B. Lee and Private A. S. Parkhurst, but Lee is dangerously ill in the hospital and not able to receive his discharge papers. Private J. W. Sawyer, a re- cruit in B Company has been in hospital but is gaining fast ; received a letter from home this evening. Lieut. Ezra Stetson has not come yet; fear he will find trouble when he does come. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 11 Saturday, Jan. 23, 1864. It has been a beautiful day with a Ught southern breeze; have not had a moment's time to myself all day someone being here all the time. It's provoking for I want to study so much. Beal and Parkhurst started for home to-day, Barre, Vt. Lieut. Ezra Stetson has not come yet. Major C. G. Chandler received a letter from Capt. E. Dillingham to-night, who is a prisoner of war at Richmond, Va. Private George G. Brown was detailed this evening in the Company mess house. Sunday, Jan. 24, 1864. The day has been fair; started for picket at 9 a. m. ; relieved the One Hundred and Sixth New York Infantry about noon; made my headquarters at Mr. Bowen's, an old man about seventy-five years old; has a son who lives with him, a miller, which accounts for his not being drafted into the Confederate army. A "yaller girl", as we call them, keeps house for him. All's quiet on the picket line. It's a lovely night. Monday, Jan. 25, 1864. Still another fine night; have been reading the newspaper to the old gentleman, etc. Ain't I a good Yankee? One Johnny, a deserter, came into our lines last night; reports that an entire brigade of the enemy whose time has expired is fighting its way into our lines. Perhaps this may be true but I can't vouch for it. I take it with a grain of salt. It is evident, though, that a great number are deserting 12 CIVIL WAR DIARY, to our lines ; have finished my Company clerk book to-day. The moon is shining brightly. Tuesday, Jan. 26, 1864. It has been a lovely day. Some of the time it's been really uncomfortable, the sun has been so warm. About I a. m. last night when making the rounds considerable firing was heard towards the right of the line. It was probably deserters trying to come into our lines. Sergeant Daniel Foster came to the picket line this afternoon to get some money to send Corporal C. B. Lee's remains to Vermont who died last evening. Banty has come with some rations. Lieut. Ezra Stetson arrived in camp Sun- day evening. WkdnESDAY, Jan 27, 1864. It has been a delightful day; expect to be relieved this afternoon. Two deserters came into our lines this morning; they report Lee's army in a miserable condition-— no rations or clothing, and the citizens nearly starving. They say that "Secession is playing out." The Thirty-eighth Pennsylvania Infantry re- lieved us about noon; arrived in camp about 5 p. m. The roads are in splendid condition, as good as I ever saw them in Virginia at this time of year. If the weather was fine all the time picket guard would be more desirable than so much camp duty. Thursday, Jan. 28, 1864. A fine morning. Most of the companies have been fixing their streets; have been at work all day CIVIL IV AR DIARY, 1864. 13 on Lieut. Ezra Stetson's ordnance returns, and have not got them done yet; will try and finish them in the morning-. The regiment got no mail to-night. Corporal C. B. Lee's remains were sent home Tues- day; had a dress parade to-night in which the recruits took part. Those of Company B never had a gun in their hands till this morning. Friday, Jan. 29, 1864. It has been really uncomfortable all day, it's been so warm. Lieut G. E. Davis started for Vermont this forenoon ; have completed the ordnance return but it's not mailed yet. Most of the officers have been playing ball this afternoon. The non-commis- sioned officers have given us a challenge to play for the oysters to-morrow, and the Colonel has accepted it ; received a letter from brother Roy and wife and one from home ; have been reading army regulations, etc. Colonel A. B. Jewett has refused to approve Lieut. E. P. Farr's application. Saturday, Jan. 30, 1864. A cloudy, chilly day, but not much rain. One game of ball came off this afternoon in which the com- missioned officers won. Two more games are to be played Monday if a good day. It's a cloudy, dark, gloomy evening in camp ; haven't studied much to-day, but read army regulations some. Dr. W. A. Child and Lieuts. H. H. Dewey and E. P. Farr have been in this evening. 14 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Sunday, Jan. 31, 1864. The wind has been whistling around the cabin ali day. It's been misty, but we've had Httle rain; have been to church and written home. We have a goodly sized log chapel covered with the fly of the new hospital tent. Mrs. W. A, Child was present and sang, a rich treat, for it has been a long time since I've heard a lady's voice at church. Sergeant J. M. Read has been in this evening. Monday, Feb. i, 1864. A dull and miserable day, but no rain ; have been studying very hard in the second volume of tactics. No one has been in this evening save Lieut. George P. Welch who has notified me I am detailed for picket to-morrow. It is not my turn and is a great disappointment as I have laid my plans to accomplish a good week's work, and had this not happened, I could have sent in my application next week to appear before General Silas Casey's board in Wash- ington for examination for a commission in colored troops. I want to be a field ofiicer and won't accept anything else. Tuesday, Feb. 2, 1864. A cloudy morning. The sick have gone to the general hospital to-day which indicates a general move; started for picket at 9 a. m. ; fine marching; arrived on the line about 12 noon; heavy wind all afternoon ; am in command of Company G on picket ; CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. If, have had a thunderstorm this evening. All's quiet on the picket line to-night. Wi<;dnesday, Feb. 3, 1864. High wind, cloudy but no rain all day; have moved my tent down by the men's, so am quite comfortable to-night. The officer of the day came along about 4 a. m. ; all was quiet along the line during the night. The countersign is "Mexico." My rations are getting very short. Thursday, Feb. 4, 1864. A fine morning, Captain Samuel Darrah has been down; have sent to camp for the mail and more rations ; quite a comfortable day. All's been quiet through the day, but to-night there's been some firing both sides of my post along the line; mail has come but no letter for me. The countersign is "Vera Cruz." It's a beautiful night. Friday, Feb. 5, 1864. It has been very much like a beautiful spring morning in Vermont. I wish that I were there to take a walk on the snow crust, but this at present cannot be; were relieved from picket about i p. m. by the One Hundred and Twenty-second Ohio In- fantry. It is quite cloudy this evening and bids fair for a stormy day to-morrow ; received a good letter from home this evening, and have reviewed part fourth in the second volume of tactics. 16 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Saturday, Feb. 6, 1864. I was awoke at 5 a. m. by the long roll; was soon directed to report to Col. A. B. Jewett's headquarters and ordered to break camp and march for the Rap- idan, which is no pleasant thing- to do at this season ; were ordered to march at 7 a. m. but didn't till near 4 p. m. ; marched to the picket line and bivouacked ; has rained some all day but not hard; considerable firing towards night at Jacob's ford. Sunday, Feb. 7, 1864. Resumed our march at daylight; halted about two miles from the river and remained through the day. The Johnnies were on this very ground yesterday in large numbers, but were repulsed by the First Corps and fled across the river; no fighting to-day; got orders about sundown to return to camp which we did without a halt. On arrival there we found there had been a great scare from Mosby but it amounted to nothing; wonder if he thinks guerrilla warfare manly? Some people are born gorillas, though, and have no more conception of honor. I'd go and drown myself before I'd practice that kind of warfare ! Monday, Feb. 8, 1864. Chilly and cloudy ; don't feel very well to-day, nor does anyone else ; all stiff and lame ; don't wonder at it for we had to march through mud and water ankle deep or more last night from the Rapidan with- out a rest. The regiments were completely disorgan- CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 17 ized; officers and men all got lost from their commands and both struggled and straggled into camp as best they could. It was a mob and a dis- grace to the Third Corps. Tuesday, Feb. 9, 1864. A chilly south wind has been blowing all day, and it looks likely to snow before night ; hope it will for if it does not, I fear we will have to make another Rapidan campaign which I am not at all anxious for. I have been over to Lieutenant Thompson's quarters studying to-day, as I have been so annoyed in my ov/n quarters that I could not possibly study ; am with Lieut. Ezra Stetson ; got a paper from Pert to-night and a New Year's Address. Wednesday, Feb. 10, 1864. The weather has been fine but rather cold with a chilly northeast wind ; had a good brigade drill this afternoon. Col. A. B. Jewett had an officers' school this evening in the chapel which is very essential to us all. Lieut. Ezra. Stetson has commenced to build an addition to our hut, as he is expecting to have his wife come out and remain with him the rest of the winter. Thursd.\y, Feb. 11, 1864. The weather has been clear and pleasant, but in- tensely cold for this latitude. Lieutenant C. F. Nye returned from \'ermont this evening looking as rotund and hearty as ever; received a letter from home ; all well ; have got to start for a three-days' 18 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. tour of picket to-morrow. Capt. H. R. Steele is officer of the day ; wind blowing furiously to-night. Friday, Feb. 12, 1864. Clear and cold but no wind ; started for picket at 9 a. m. ; arrived on the line at i p. m. A part of our detail having through mistake to go to Pony Mountain, has returned this evening, and conse- quently I have had to move my headquarters up the line ; am near Mrs. Battles, historic because of Union officers' escapades there. The house being between the lines the women connived in trying to get them captured ; countersign is "Perth." Saturday, Feb. 13, 1864. Clear and warm with no wind, and by far the finest day of the month yet. Captain H. R. Steele came along this morning and took a part of Com- panies B and G for the reserve thus leaving me in charge of only five posts ; wonder what he's afraid of? Have received our mail, but none for me. All's quiet on the line to-night ; countersign "Bristeau." Sunday, Feb. 14, 1864. Clear and chilly but very little wind; fields and woods in front of the line to-day all on fire. A squadron of Cavalry has been out on a scout to-day and captured Billy Scott and two or three of his comrades. He is a noted guerilla. It is also re- ported that our cavalry ran onto the enemy in force. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 19 We are ordered to be on the alert this evening ; no countersign. Monday, Feb. 15, 1864. A chilly, cloudy morning but no wind ; probably will snow before night. At 10 p. m. was ordered by Capt. H. R. Steele to take my command up to the reserve as soon as possible as the Johnnies were advancing in eight (whew!) different lines: think the man who reports this must be troubled with C. W. (commissary whiskey) ; arrived in camp at 4 p. m. ; snowed all the afternoon. But what's become of the eight lines of C. W.? Tuesday, Feb. 16, 1864. Cloudy with a furious wind — in fact one of the most terrific gales of the winter — so piercing it's impossible to keep warm in our huts; have called on Mrs. G. E. Davis and Mrs. Ezra Stetson. All hands have been to prayer meeting this evening but me, and I have been studying; am stopping with Captain Samuel Darrah now; wind still high. Wednesday, Feb. 17, 1864. Clear and intensely cold, with high wind; have been studying in Dr. Almon Clark's quarters to-day; had a mock court-martial this evening at the chapel to entertain the ladies; sat up with Lieut. C. G. Newton till i a. m. Lieut. H. H. Dewey left for home this morning; no wind to-night, but very cold. 20 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Thursday, Feb. 18, 1864. Very cold but less wind than yesterday ; had our monthly inspection this forenoon at ten o'clock; received no letter from home to-night. Dr. W. A. Child and wife have called this evening. He is a very bright, polished gentleman, but I am afraid of him ; probably because he is older than I am ; have been studying at Dr. Almon Clark's again to-day ; wind abated but cold to-night. Friday, Feb. 19, 1864. Cold as ever but no wind to mention. Lieut E. P. Farr left for Vermont this morning ; spent three hours this afternoon in the chapel with a class of non-commissioned officers who desire commissions in colored troops, and have requested me to hear them recite in tactics, etc., daily, before going before a board for examination in Washington, D. C. Received a letter from home ; all well there. Carl Wilson is about entering a drug store in Montpelier, Vt. Saturday, Feb. 20, 1864. A very pleasant day but not warm. The men have been playing ball this afternoon ; very dull otherwise ; paymaster has come ; have been very busy having men sign pay rolls. There is a detail for picket to- morrow, but I am not going. Sunday, Feb. 21, 1864. Cloudy, but no wind, threatening rain before night ; regiment left for picket at 9 a. m. ; very quiet CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 21 in camp ; religious services were held in the chapel at 4 p. m. by Rev. Mr. Parker of Waterbury, Vt. and a prayer service this evening, but I have not attended either. All's quiet. Monday, Feb. 22, 1864. Cloudy and warm. The Second Brigade was out drilling this forenoon as well as a battery; very busy this afternoon ; paymaster paying off the regiment ; rained a little this evening; got a paper from Ver- mont but don't know who sent it. There is a ball at First Corps headquarters to-night. Tuesday, Feb. 23, 1864. A very pleasant day, but lonely in camp ; dancing in the chapel this evening; moon shining brightly, and not a breath of air stirring, but for all this I can't study; no letters from home; all's quiet as midnight save the music in the chapel. Wednesday, Feb. 24, 1864. Pleasant day with northwest wind. Col. A. B. Jewett and a select party have gone to Pony Moun- tain ; picket guard came in about 4 p. m. First Corps had a review to-day, as well as the Second Corps; no letters from home ; fine evening. Thursday, Feb. 25, 1864. Pleasant but windy. General French reviewed our division to-day — the Third of the Third Corps; muster and payrolls have come ; after review spent three hours with mv class at the chapel; reported 22 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. the ladies will have to leave camp next week ; hope it isn't so. Friday, Feb. 26, 1864. Cloudy, high north wind but fair ; air full of dust all day ; had brigade drill this afternoon ; dance in chapel this evening ; General W. H. Morris present : Governor Smith has arrived in the army. Saturday, Feb. 27, 1864. Pleasant but chilly. The Sixth Corps is on the move this morning for Madison Court House — probably a reconnoissance. Governor Smith arrived in camp this forenoon. I started for picket about 4 p. m. to relieve the First Division of our Corps which is to accompany the Sixth Corps to Madison Court House ; arrived on picket line at 2 a. m. Feb. 28. Sunday, Feb. 28, 1864. Did not get up till 9 a. m. ; night march very fatiguing ; not feeling well ; cloudy and threatening rain. Captain P. D. Blodgett visited the line this morning ; several Johnnies came into our lines this forenoon ; everything quiet this evening. Monday, Feb. 29, 1864. Am feeling better this morning ; weather gloomy ; chilly south wind ; considerable cannonading to-day towards Madison Court House ; reported General Kilpatrick has captured a portion of Lee's picket line and penetrated to Orange Court House ; pickets ordered to be vigilant, etc. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 23 Tuesday, March i, 1864. Commenced hailing about midnight and has con- tinued to alternate with it and rain all day ; trees and shubbery ice-covered and the day has been dismal; not as much cannonading as yesterday; relieved from picket about 6 p. m. by the Third Brigade ; marched to camp on the pike. Wednesday, March 2, 1864. Cleared during the night; ground covered with snow ; weather fine ; have been making out Lieut. Ezra Stetson's muster rolls; not with my class this afternoon ; have nearly com,pleted the second vol- ume of tactics ; no mail to-night. Thursday, March 3, 1864. The weather continues pleasant. Mrs. C. G. Chandler started for Vermont this morning. Mrs. Lieutenant-Colonel W. W. Henry arrived in camp this evening. Dr. Almon Clark has also arrived from Vermont. The Sixth Corps passed our camp this evening on its return from Madison Court House. General Kilpatrick has made a junction, it is said, with General B. F. Butler ; camp very lonely to-night. Friday, March 4, 1864. Weather calm and fine ; no mud ; pickets came in this afternoon ; making muster and pay rolls ; dance in chapel this evening ; got a letter from Pert ; has finished her school and all well at home. Lieu- tenant Thompson arrived in camp this morning. 24 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Saturday, March 5, 1864. Weather continues fine ; completed B Company's muster and pay rolls this forenoon ; Sutler George Skiff gave a ball in the chapel this evening; dis- tinguished guests present ; fine time. Dr. Child and wife called this evening, also Mrs. Hunt and Morse; no mail. Sunday, March 6, 1864. A beautiful day, no wind and quite warm. Gen- eral W. H. Morris has had lady visitors form Nev^' York City. Our band has been playing for him. There were services to-day in the chapel ; several ladies were present ; good dress parade this evening ; cheering news from Kilpatrick's cavalry. Monday, March 7, 1864. Very pleasant but colder than yesterday ; have been hard at work all day with some men decorating the chapel with evergreens, etc. ; got some help from the ladies ; reception and dancing this evening. Gen- eral J. B. Carr and lady were present and other distinguished guests. Captain Samuel Darrah was floor manager. Captain E. B. Frost looked after the supper ; brilliant party. Tuesday, March 8, 1864. It has been raining quite hard all day. The entertainment did not close last night till 2 a. m. to day ; have been returning the things borrowed for the hall last night ; am feeling dull ; no drill to-dpy ; expect to be reviewed by General French to-morrow. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 25 WEDNESDAY, March 9, 1864. The weather has been very pleasant, but it's been a long weary day; have been at work on Company B clothing rolls, etc.; no recitation to-day. The Second Brigade has been having a review and drill this afternoon. The Third Corps review has been postponed till to-morrow, but I expected to go on picket ; get a speech from Congressman Woodbridge ; wonder what's come over him to be so civil; he's Header's (my student roommate) law partner, but he was barely civil to me when I saw him in Vermont. Thursday, March 10, 1864. A lovely morning with a gentle south breeze; formed line at 9 a. m. for picket. Captain H. R. Steele in command of the detail from our brigade; commenced raining about 11 a. m. and continued all day. Our regiment is on the reserve. Lieuten- ant-Colonel Egbert of the Third Brigade, a fine man, is officer of the day. Friday, March 11, 1864. It has rained hard all day. Lieut. J. S. Thompson and I have charge of the post on the pike. It is not a desirable one to be on, as the cavalry reserve is directly in front and they are continually passing and repassing, and the orders are very strict about passing anyone in or out of the lines. Col- onel Ball is officer of the day and a good fellow. Saturday, March 12, 1864. It cleared during the night and it's fine this 26 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. morning. I was on duty the last part of the night, but passed no one; wind blew furiously all day. A large party of citizens came through the lines desti- tute of nearly everything. A Colonel from the Third Brigade is officer of the day, and a strange fellow. Sunday, March 13, 1864. This is truly a fine day. A squadron of cavalry passed on the pike this morning to extend the cav- alry picket line to Madison Court House ; was relieved this afternoon by the Sixth Maryland Infan- try ; Major C. G. Chandler is officer of the day ; arrived in camp about 5 p, m. ; found Lieuts. Kingsley and Kill had returned from Vermont. Monday, March 14, 1864. Beautiful day. Most of the officers met at the hall this forenoon to make arrangements for another ball this evening; am on the committee to decorate the hall; have worked very hard all day, but am well repaid as all seem to be pleased with what I have done. Pretty decorations always add to the pleasure of all such gatherings. A large party was present. Tuesday, March 15, 1864. Cold but pleasant ; no wind ; four hours' drill to- day, but I was excused being so busy at the chapel. I forgot to mention that Captain J. A. Sheldon returned from Vermont last night where he has been on recruiting service since November. The Third Corps is to be reviewed to-morrow by Major-General French. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 27 Wednesday, March 16, 1864. Very cloudy and a high gale all day; formed line for review at 9 a. m. ; moved a half mile out of camp, stacked arms, remained two hours and then started for the parade ground about a half mile away on John Minor Bott's farm; review passed off pleas- antly, but it was very cold. The Corps made a fine appearance; wonder what Vermont people would think to see such a review; guess their eyes would pop plum out of their head. Thursday, March 17, 1864. The weather still continues boisterous. Hon. Portus Baxter's son arrived in camp last evening with several other Vermont gentlemen. They gave an entertainment at the Colonel's mess house this evening for the officers of the Tenth. I did not attend. Lieutenant E. P. Farr returned from Vermont this evening; received a letter from home. Friday, March 18, 1864. Am not feeling well; took cold on review yester- day. The wind is blowing furiously, the air is full of dust, and it is a disgusting time. A party has gone to Pony Mountain. The long roll was beat and the regiment was hastily formed in line about 7 p. m. and so remained until 9 p. m. when it broke ranks. It was a scare. Such is army life in time of war. Saturday, March 19, 1864. The weather was truly fine this morning at sun- rise, but about noon the wind blew a gale. Captain 28 CIVIL IV AR DIARY, 1864. Samuel Darrah's Co. D of which 1 am second lieutenant challenged the regiment to play a game of ball for $50 — or rather Captain Samuel Darrah did — which it accepted but lost the game. The regiment goes on picket to-morrow, but I don't expect to go. It looks like rain. Sunday, March 20, 1864. Clear and fine but rather cold. General W, H. Morris inspected the regiment this morning. A picket guard of two hundred and fifty men and eight officers left this morning. Captain J. A. Sheldon commanded the brigade detail. Services were held in the chapel at 4 p. m. Rev. Mr. Barnard of Williamstown, Vt. preached ; weather cold, Monday, March 21, 1864. The weather continues fine but cold. General W. H. Morris inspected and reviewed the brigade. Pre- parations are being made for an army review ; have been working on B Company's clothing rolls. Captain Samuel Darrah has gone over to division headquarters this evening. Captain Leonard, (Bri- gade Adjutant General), and Lieut. J. A. Hicks, A, D. C, have called. It's a beautiful evening. Tuesday, March 22, 1864. The wind has blown furiously from the southeast all day. It's by far the most disagreeable day of the winter; commenced snowing about 5 p. m. and now at II p. m. there is eight inches on a level. My appli- cation to go before General Silas Casey's board for CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 29 examination for a field office in colored troops has not been returned yet ; shall put in another to-morrow. Wednesday, March 23, 1864. Weather fine but very chilly. About eight inches of snow fell last night. Major C. G. Chandler is division officer of the day. A review of the army is expected in the course of two or three days. The army is anxiously waiting to see Gen- eral U. S. Grant ; sent in another application to go before General Silas Casey's board this evening; the pickets returned to-night. Thursday, March 24, 1864. Weather fine ; some snow on the ground yet. Messrs. Smith and Farra arrived this evening from St. Albans, Vt. The regiment remained in line nearly all day in anticipation of General Grant's visit to the Army of the Potomac. A special train which he was probably on passed about 2 p. m. But what was the use of keeping troops under arms in line all day? It looks like C. W. again, or schoolboy management of which there is too much ; got a letter from home to-night. Friday, March 25, 1864. Chilly wind from the southeast ; very cloudy ; looks like rain ; Company drill from 10 to 1 1 a. m. Our Third Division of the Third Corps has been per- manently transferred as Third Division of the Sixth Corps, Brigadier-General Prince assuming command of the division. General French is ordered to 30 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Washington, D. C. Our regiment was a favorite with him, and the officers met in the chapel this evening to pass resolutions of regret, although we are glad to go to the gallant Sixth Corps if ours must be broken up. Saturday, March 26, 1864. It's a fine day ; no wind ; dull in camp ; only ball playing for amusement which isn't half as exciting as being shot at by a Johnny. Our visitors from Ver- mont returned to St. Albans, Vt. this morning ; services were held in the chapel this evening by Rev. Mr. Roberts of Williamstown, Vt. ; weather fine. Sunday, March 27, 1864. It has been a beautiful day, warm and comfortable ; snow all gone ; wrote home, also to Captain G. W. Burnell ; have not heard from my application yet. Chaplain E. M. Haynes preached a good sermon in the chapel this afternoon ; good dress parade to- night ; cloudy. Monday, March 28, 1864. It has been quite warm all day. The ladies started for home this morning but missed the train. We had a brigade review this forenoon, the first since we joined the Sixth Corps, and brigade dress parade in the evening which General Mead witnessed ; picket in the morning. Tuesday, March, 29, 1864. An order came last night for us to move camp to- CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 31 morrow. We hope it may be countermanded. The ladies started for Vermont this morning. Colonel A. B. Jewett went with them as far as Washington. A part of the regiment started for picket at 9 a. m. ; has rained hard since 1 1 a. m. Wednesday, March 30, 1864. It rained hard all night ; didn't sleep a wink ; got very wet ; men in good spirits and everything working well in spite of the rain ; have seen no officer of the day. Lieut. George P. Welch came down to see me this evening; very dark; camp quiet; looks like an- other storm before morning. Thursday, March 31, 1864. Weather quite agreeable to-day. The Lieutenant- Colonel of the One Hundred and Tenth Ohio Infantry is officer of the day, a very pleasant, agreeable man ; think I should like him. The Third Division of our Corps has exchanged camp with our old First Division ; have very poor quarters. Friday, April i, 1864. A disappointing day; weather quite fine this morn- ing ; commenced raining about noon and has continued all day; was relieved from picket about i p. m. by the One Hundred and Thirty-eighth Pennsylvania Infantry; marched to the bridge the other side of Culpeper and waited for the officer of the day, but soon found to our disgust that he had gone to camp. He's no soldier ! ought to be court-martialed ! 32 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Saturday, April 2, 1864. Arrived in camp about dark last night and found the regiment in a mud hole without quarters fit to live in. How white men could be content to erect such winter quarters is beyond comprehension. Even the Johnnies do better. These quarters are the worst ever seen, besides being dirty. All are indignant and aggrieved at such ill treatment. It has rained or snowed hard all day to add to our discomfort ; received a letter from C. B. Wilson and answered it ; am dis- gusted about not being ordered before the Casey board for examination ; fear I waited too long before making my application ; probably have all the officers they want. Sunday, April 3, 1864. It has rained nearly all day ; mud very deep in camp : more stormy weather the past two weeks than all winter before ; most of the officers are building new cabins, the huts occupied by the previous reg- iment being uninhabitable. It's a dark and dismal camp, and very depressing. Monday, April 4, 1864. It has been a terrible day. The wind has blown a gale, it has snowed or rained incessantly all day, and we miss our old cabins greatly near Brandy Station, I have kept fairly comfortable, though. Such, how- ever, is a soldier's life in the Army of the Potomac. It's a cold blustering evening without and were I not so busy studying I should be depressed and discon- tented. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 33 Tuesday, April 5, 1864. The storm still continues, raged all night, and it was a tedious one ; no order for Washington yet ; alas ! I fear I am doomed to disappointment all my life. Ah, well, so might it be, if it's God's will. Dick Moon arrived to-night direct from Vermont. I am glad to see him about again. It has ceased storming but the wind is still high. Wednesday, April 6, 1864. Cloudy and windy this morning, but it cleared up about noon ; fine evening, too, but no moon ; have been over to the theatre, but hardly got paid for my trouble except for the novelty of seeing a theatre built of logs. It is as big as a city theatre, is of fine rustic work and a curiosity. It was built by the Engineers and is handsome. Of course in a big army like this there is plenty of fair theatrical talent and some ex- cellent. The band came out this evening and played a few pieces, the first with their new instruments; am at work on Company B clothing rolls; will finish in about two days. Thursday, April 7, 1864. Muddy under foot, but sunshiny and warm; received a letter from home ; all well there ; have not been very busy to-day; men working hard building cabins in the new camp four or five hundred yards away; will probably complete it in season to break camp in when the spring campaign opens. It's a handsome camp, every cabin being exactly alike, 34 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. ; innr^^-r—^^ ■ commodious and is symmetrically laid out, the hand- somest I ever saw. But the Tenth Vermont leads the army in such a way and is the pride of general offi- cers from army headquarters down; it is just the same in drill, parade, forced marching, fighting or any place it is put. The men have great esprit de corps, and strive not to be outdone by any other regiment in anything. Were it not that the men's minds are kept occupied, I should doubt the expediency of putting so much work into a new camp so late in the season, but they seem to enjoy it, so it's all right; it keeps them healthy and hard, too; besides, they will be in splendid shape for the campaign close at hand ; there's no moon to-night but it's beautiful star- light ; bands are serenading at division headquarters. In the stillness of the night the distance softens the splendid music and makes it enchanting. I sit out- side alone in deep thought and dream over it. War is such a strange companion ! Friday, April 8, 1864. Weather warm and pleasant the fore part of the day, but towards night it hazed up ; probably will rain to-morrow; had a long and tiresome brigade drill this afternoon that disgusted everybody, and I think a useless one ; received my order from the Secretary of War to report to General Silas Casey's board; shall not go till Tuesday. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 35 Saturday, April 9, 1864. My predictions are fully realized, it has rained torrents all day; haven't done a thing but mope over the fire ; so muddy outside it's almost impossible to get round even if it didn't rain so ; have sent in an application for three days' leave to go to Washington for examination ; very busy reviewing tactics ; no letters. Sunday, April 10, 1864. Storm has ceased, but it's muddy and windy ; part of the regiment started for picket this morning. Lieut, Ezra Stetson has gone so I will be alone ; have been studying all day; Sergeant J. M. Reed called this evening, also Dick who will stay all night, his quarters being crowded ; rather dull in camp all day. Monday, April 11, 1864. Rested finely last night; weather fair; had a three hours' brigade drill this afternoon ; proved more of a march than a drill ; regiment very small owing to so many being on detached service, and on other details ; men busy, too, on their log cabins in the new camp. Dick is with me to-night; think he prefers being where he isn't so much crowded as in his own quarters. Tuesday, April 12, 1864. Weather comfortable and warm, but few clouds and very little wind. If the weather still continues fine a few days longer the army will make an advance 36 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. without doubt; have been talking with our sutler's clerk, Huntington, who was a lieutenant in the rebel army thirteen months, but being a Vermonter, on the death of his wife and child who were living in the south, he deserted to our army. Wednesday, April 13, 1864. Warm and comfortable ; mud drying up finely ; application to go to Washington to report to General Silas Casey returned this forenoon, disapproved ; had a brigade drill this afternoon, a better one than usual ; men busy on their cabins ; wish they were done as their present ones are very filthy ; a beautiful moon- light night. Thursday, April 14, 1864. Weather fine, no wind or clouds and but little mud ; had our regimental monthly inspection at 10 a. m. ; have written to Major Fostor, Chief of Bureau for the Organization of U. S. C. T. in regard to appear- ing before the Casey board for examination ; no letter from home to-night ; several callers this evening. Friday, April 15, 1864. Weather fine this forenoon but began to cloud up towards night. Major Harper has paid off the regi- ment to-day. The sutler is also selling ofif his stock of goods, as to-morrow is the time appointed for all sutlers to leave the army; looks like a move in a few days ; am detailed for picket to-morrow ; no letter from home to-night, am sorry to say. CIVIL IV AR DIARY, 1864. 37 Saturday, April 16, 1864. Corps review was ordered for to-day, but it is rain- ing-, so very likely it will be postponed; started for picket about 9 a. m. with Col. W. W. Henry as Officer of the Day, so we will fare well ; rained all forenoon ; cleared about i p. m. ; fair since. The Tenth Ver- mont has the right of the line. Sunday, April 17, 1864. Weather fine and warm, but some windy with clouds ; all quiet along the line to-day ; have very poor quarters; has been very quiet in front; it's doubtless the calm which precedes the storm; have little doubt but what the army will move within the next week; beautiful, moonlight, calm evening; it seems ominous. Monday, April 18, 1864. It has been very comfortable on picket to-day with- out any fire. The officer of the day has been at my post to-day for the first time. Generals Grant, Meade and Sedgwick, are reviewing the Sixth Corps to-day; regret not being present. One of the bough houses caught fire this evening and burned up; otherwise all's quiet. Tuesday, April 19, 1864. The weather is getting uncomfortably warm ; no need of fire any more on picket. A skirmish occurred last night about fifteen miles out on the pike. One or two of the enemy were killed and as many wounded. One of our men was wounded in the foot. A detach- 38 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. ment of our cavalry came in this morning with some prisoners. Wednesday, April 20, 1864. Not very pleasant to-day; brigade drill this fore- noon ; regiment so busy putting up quarters it is excused from all other duties ; officers of Tenth Vermont all ordered out to witness the new move- ments in tactics at brigade drill. My leave has come back approved, but shan't go to Washington till Sun- day ; clear moonlight night. Thursday, April 21, 1864. A truly beautiful day, warm and pleasant with no wind at all; regiment moved to a new camp this morning; most of the line officers remain here yet. The three left Companies, B, G and K contested for the medal Major C. G. Chandler proposed giving last win- ter, and B, my old Company and the one I have been with all winter, won it. Of course it would ! It always honors itself and me ; got a letter from home to-night. Friday, April 22, 1864. Weather pleasant and agreeable this morning, but towards night it began to haze up and now it is sprinkling. A part of the regiment went on picket this morning. Major Chandler is officer of the day; had a dress parade to-night. Lieut. J. A. Hicks is relieved from General W. H. Morris' staff. Most of the line officers have moved over to the new camp. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 39 Saturday, April 23, 1864. It cleared during the night ; quite fair this morning, but by noon the wind blew a gale, and the air was loaded with dust and smoke, but the sun was shining ; shall start for Washington in the morning ; have written Dr. Jones to-night. It's lonely and I'm feeling depressed. Sunday, April 24, 1864. It's been a beautiful day; left camp at 6 o'clock this morning and reached Brandy Station at 9 a. m. One would hardly think it was Sunday by the stir about camp and our base of supplies, but war knows no Sunday ; arrived in Washington at 4 p. m. and went to the National Hotel. War rumors load the very air here. Monday, April 25, 1864. it has been a pleasant spring day ; reported to Gen- eral Silas Casey this morning : will be examined to- morrow ; sat at Bradey's this afternoon for pictures. The streets are thronged with moving bodies of troops. General Burnside's Corps passed through the city this afternoon. President Lincohi reviewed it from the balcony over the ladies' entrance of Wil- lards Hotel on Fourteenth street. This is my first sight of President Lincoln and probably a.s goijd as 1 shall ever liavi I was just across the street op- posite on thf curb an 1 not crowded. He looked pale, very .sad and grcrit]> careworn. It depressed me to look ai him. The remembrance will ever be vivid. 40 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Burnside's Corps has encan ped near Alexandria for the night ; saw Othello played at Grovers Theatre to- night (now the New National). TvHSDAY. April 26. 1864. Fine day. Several regiments have passed up Penn- sylvania Avenue during the o " CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 151 the source of which stream is wrongly given on all maps pertaining to this battle — on past General Sher- idan near the west end of the canyon towards Win- chester sitting on his horse a little off the road to the right in the open field on slightly ascending ground watching the column our brigade was in which, owing to its plucky fight under great disadvantages at the Battle of the Monocacy which largely saved the city of Washington barely nine weeks before, he had se- lected for the most important point in his line of battle at the head of the gorge on the pike to Winchester with our valiant regiment and the Fourteenth New Jersey planted across it even the colors of each which were in the centre of the regiments, being in the center of the pike and the rest of the army ordered to guide on us. Surely this zvas the place of honor in the battle that day for the Sixth Corps followed the pike in all the assaults of the day which was quite crooked including the first one until the enemy was driven completely routed through the city of Win- chester when night put an end to the fighting. Sheridan restlessly urged the men across a small ravine opposite where he sat, his eyes wandering occa- sionally everywhere over the large open space which gradually rose to the vast comparatively level but slightly rolling battlefield in our front, as the men looked curiously at him so near I could touch him as we marched, little dreaming that three years after I should be honored for my work that day, which he 152 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. saw, by being a member of his staff, or that he would be instrumental in saving my life when ill with malig- nant yellow fever and threatened with fatal black vomit in New Orleans, La. in 1867, by sending his cook, a faithful old colored woman, who was an ex- pert nurse of yellow fever patients, to care for me. It was the nearest we had ever been to him, and as our regiment passed slowly by fours, the line being con- gested ahead, the men took a good look at him for he was already famous and every soldier's ideal hero ; and as they did so they unconsciously slackened their sauntering pace a little which was what caused Sher- idan to urge them on. We were on the eve of the most brilliant spectacular battle of the war, at any rate that I had seen, and my ideal genius developed by the great Civil War — Sheri- dan was to lead us ; and the valor of the renowned Sixth Corps, his pet of all the splendid corps of as grand and valiant an army as ever existed — the Army of the Potomac — was about being placed by him at the most important point in line of battle ready to do and die for him, the Vermont troops or "Green Mountain Boys," as we were called through every city we passed, and especially our regiment being one of two to occupy the keystone position or place of honor on the famous historic Berryville and Winchester pike in the great assaulting line on a battlefield slightly rolling but level in places as a house floor when once fairly on it, to take another stitch out of rebellion, and to CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 153 help immortalize our hero, and we did both. Aye ! we shall glorify Sheridan continually as a military genius, even as he has honored us as his ideal soldiers and fighters heretofore, now and probably will ever- more, the grand old Sixth Army Corps which fights everything everywhere, and rarely gives up fighting till called off, but, alas ! which will soon only be a hallowed, glorified memory ; and — still — I like to think of it in reflective moments as in a celebrated painting of a bivouacked army at night asleep watched over by an army of hovering angels in midair; that it as a hallowed spiritual body finally at peace in a heavenly paradise, will go marching on throughout the bound- less everlasting realms of eternity ever to hover ap- provingly when occasion shall require over other mor- tal armies of dauntless valor and constancy such as it has been in the great Civil War — one of God's instru- ments for the betterment of humanity and civil liberty — the most admired, honored, trusted and beloved by military geniuses of its period. After passing Sheridan about two hundred yards we arrived at the height of the land westerly from Ope- quan Creek where the Sixth and Nineteenth Corps were finally formed in lines of battle running about North and South behind a narrow belt of timber, ex- cept a little in front of the reserve, facing nearly west toward Winchester about two miles away. The form- ation of the ground at this point occupied by the Tenth 154 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Vermont and Second Brigade was unusually peculiar.* The turnpike from this place virtually runs along the divide westerly towards Winchester between the name- less Creek we came up after crossing the Opequan and Abraham Creek, now on our right and north and the latter on our left to the south for a goodly distance the reason for which is obvious as in all such cases where streams have abrupt banks, while at the point where we debouched from the gulch we came up and formed line of battle was another little divide running north and south the east slope of which is partially an easterly watershed for Opequan Creek, and the west slope for the ravine or nameless rivulet running south about two hundred and fifty yards in front of *For nearly a score of years after the Civil War while in the Sixth U. S. Cavalry, I, as well as all other officers, had to map the wild country over which we scouted for hostile Indians on the plains between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains. We used the prismatic compass bearings and odometer measurements, at the same time sketching the country passed over, showing all springs, rivulets and streams, their bank formations, all divides, buttes, mountains, etc., with elaborate notes, and sent the same to the Engineer Officer of the Department, from which all public maps have since been made of that country now largely in use. This in a measure had made me expert in treating such matters as well as battlefields. Never having seen a map that was correct of the locality about Winchester regarding Sheridan's battlefield in the first as- sault on Sept. 19, 1864, or the position of the enemy's Infantry, artillery, etc., and as so many writers wrongly describe this assault, I concluded before having my diary typewritten for publication to visit this part of the battle- field in order to give a fairly correct description of it; and the one herein is as accurate as can be given without the use of the prismatic compass, odometer, etc. ^ S ? £ ibis tc ." 'm CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 155 where we first formed line of battle in which was the enemy's infantry in strong force— probably two divi- sions or more — in front of our Third Division but not shown on any map of this battlefield I have ever seen, not even the official government one used in Haynes' "History of the Tenth Vermont Volunteer Infantry." (See No. 3, 6, 7 and 8 illustrations). It is the ravine through which the little short rivulet runs shown on said map just in front of our "First position" running southerly into a tributary of Abraham Creek. I am emphatic in this statement as having been on the battlefield twice since the fight occurred within a year (1908) for the purpose of trying to correct false his- tory and maps, I know whereof I write. I desire to impress this on all historians for I know of no one living who, owing to my elevated advanced position on the battlefield knows more of it. These two small divides before mentioned meet each other at right angles forming a letter T. The pike crosses the hori- zontal part of the T on leaving the gulch we came up from the Opequan in, and virtually runs along the first mentioned divide slightly to the left of all rivulet sources running southerly, forming the perpendicular part of the T towards Winchester, About a half mile to the right or north of the pike and about two hundred and fifty yards in front of our line of battle before advancing, a little to my right, the rivulet before mentioned, where the enemy was, heads, running in a partial semicircle the slightly 156 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. convex side towards the right half of the Tenth Ver- mont and the concave side caused by a bend in the rivulet virtually at its source was largely in front of the Second brigade; (See No. 8 illustration) the stream runs southerly and drops rapidly after crossing the pike thus forming a gulch similar to the one we came up from the Opequan in, but apparently deeper and narrower near the left front of the Second Divi- sion. This sudden drop to the left of the turnpike made the divide here running north and south quite decided being fully ninety feet high or more which will probably partly account for the enemy's mostly being to the right of the pike there being no protec- tion immediately west from the divide running North and South. In my front on the right of the pike this divide was about fifty feet high running out rapidly on to almost level ground in front of the right of the Second Brigade of our division to my right,* which made its position untenable as the *In my letter about this battle to Chaplain E. M. Haynes, our regimental historian, which he used in his history of the Tenth Vermont, I stated that this ravine headed near my front towards the pike and ran northerly, the bottom spreading out fan-shaped to my right in front of the Nine- teenth Corps. I got this impression from the fact that the pike is considerably raised where it crosses this ravine to my left, and looked so much higher than the source of the rivulet to my right that I supposed it headed there and ran northerly. The stress of circumstances or conditions were such when I was advancing under a scorching fire and twice wounded, and the divide is so very flat at the point where the creek first starts, that a hasty glance such as one would get in assaulting, will easily account for such an optical illusion. Under such conditions, too, distances seemed greater than they really were. ■y 't«, :r- \.it '' lis, ' ■^ P M fair o p a'" , ~ ^ rt "K — ID +j o 35 > tBjj C t> O oj s ^■:^'- .i ;:; MU .9 . ^ ^ i 2 I ;§ ■5 ~ - 5 "" 2 ' _ ' ^^'3 ►■" 2 i=i Z; •- ^ •=> t^"" ?: 2 ® -H t^-^-'a »'-§5~i2'?:^ CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 157 ground was swept by both the enemy's artillery and infantry. The formation in front of the Nineteenth Corps which was our infantry right in the noon or first assault of the day was entirely different. (See Nos. 4 and 5 illustrations). Its whole front after about three hundred yards down a gentle slope was broad and comparatively level with slight breaks several hundred yards across, but not probably impassable for infantry at any point, where three or more small rivulets apparently headed with banks so undefined and flat as to give no defensive protection in a military sense so the enemy had no men or infantry there so far as I could see, but did have at least a small show- ing of artillery which I could see far across the breaks. These rivulets run northerly probably into the rivulet we came up from the Opequan or the Red Bud, but I do not know this. They help to form a morass it is said, probably about a mile more or less from where I was about fifty feet wide in front of where Crook's Corps was later in the day and it was probably here that Colonel R. B. Hayes (Nineteenth President, U. S. A.) later in the day, at the head of his brigade plunged in on his horse which at once mired when he dismounted and waded across alone under fire followed as soon as he waved his hat to them to join him, by about forty of his men to try and capture a battery which, led by him, they did after a hand-to-hand fight with the gunners, the 158 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. enemy having deemed the battery so secure that no infantry support had been placed near it,* which in- dicates that in this assault the bulk of the enemy's infantry force confronting our infantry was at first largely in front of our division on the pike. The trees in number 4 illustration along the Breaks in 1864 were not there then. The open foreground is the divide running east and west in this illustration so it can be easily seen why the Nineteenth Corps had no considerable fighting to do here. The left of the enemy's line of infantry in the ravine in my front, so far as I could see, ended about nine hundred yards to my right at the head of the ravine as there was no cover further north except beyond the divide running east and west a good distance away to the north in front of the Nineteenth Corps, and its line was bent to conform to the ravine's direc- tion in my right front; (See No. 8 illustration) the head of the rivulet had quite flat banks the convex side of the creek and its near and most abrupt bank being toward us in my front, but the reverse at the head of the ravine. This was the point in the enemy's line where the gap in our lines occurred mentioned further on which owing to the flat artillery and mus- ketry-swept ground was untenable for the Second Brigade or any force except large enough to drive the enemy's infantry from its cover as was Russell's. *See "Descendants of George Abbott of Rowley, Mass.," p. 37. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 159 (See Nos. 4 and 5 illustrations). If the historian hereafter accuses the Third Division of breaking- in this assault, it will be but fair to state extenuating circumstances, for a portion of the First Brigade was similarly situated and we got no direct effective flank help from our critics on either flank during the fight. The pike from our line of battle ran in an air line about nine hundred yards directly towards Winchester (See Nos. 2 and 9 illustrations) and was practically level except where it crossed the divide and little rivulet near my front where in the ravine the enemy had such a strong force in front of us about a regiment of which moved there across the pike from in front of the left of our First Brigade, (See No. 6 illustration) the Second Division having nothing in its immediate front in the ravine and the Vermont Brigade only a weak force in its distant left front beyond, but what a regiment could probably have easily handled and probably less than that did; but, nevertheless, that part of the Second Division next to us obliqued to the left to attack it which was what caused that Division to pull away from the Third Division's left at the same time the Nineteenth Corps pulled away from our right causing wide gaps — as the position which should have been occupied by the Second Brigade was vacant, too — thus leaving our brigade and especially our regiment, alone at a critical time when the gallant General Russell with his magnificent Division so grandly marched in and 160 CIVIL IV AR DIARY, 1864. filled the gap on my right and lost his life in the act. (See No. 5 illustration). Our colors were on the pike thus bringing the right half of our regiment to the north or right side of it on open ground (See Nos. 3 and 5 illustrations) and leaving only about three regiments of our Division to the left of it on the wooded side hill (as shown in Nos. 3 and 7 illustra- tions) soon sloping abruptly towards the ravine in front which gave all our troops to the left of our colors on the pike some welcome cover but the right of our regiment and the Second Brigade, none. (See Nos. 3, 4, 5 and 6 illustrations). The distance locally from where we crossed the Opequan to Winchester is called five miles ; and to where we formed line of battle three miles, and from thence to Winchester two miles. The local distance from Winchester to Stephenson's Station by the rail- road is six miles and to Summit Station twelve miles. There is no map in existence known to me giving the correct position of the enemy's infantry in the ravine in front of the Third Division, Sixth Corps ; it is placed nearly a half mile too far back or west, and nearer where the second assault of the day was. The illustrations which of course must be correct herein place the enemy right in front of the Third Division and I can make oath to it, in the first assault when I was twice wounded. But I will now return a little and endeavor to describe this brilliant battle. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 161 We were drawn up as before stated, in two lines of battle at the west entrance of the canyon facing west on an open field about midway between Abra- ham Creek on the south and Red Bud Creek on the north just in rear of a long narrow strip of woods which served as a great curtain to a grand, broad, slightly rolling plain several miles in extent in every direction in our front, which was to be the stage that day with, the city of Winchester in the background, of one of the most dashing, picturesque battles probably ever fought in ancient or modern times at first with beautiful, silent nature about the only wit- ness. The Third Division, Sixth Corps, was in the left and most important center of the line in two lines, the Tenth Vermont on the Berryville-Winches- ter pike, the most important, dangerous and stubborn- ly contested point in the whole line; the Nineteenth Corps was on our right in two lines ; the intrepid Second Division, Sixth Corps in which was the gal- lant First Vermont Brigade, was on our left, one of the easiest places in the line ; General Russell's valiant First Division, Sixth Corps, as reserve was sta- tioned en masse a short distance in rear of where the right flank of the Third Division, Sixth Corps, and the left flank of the Nineteenth Corps joined, which was within a short distance and in plain sight of where I was, and our three Divisions of dashing, picturesque cavalry — including Wilson on our left along Abraham Creek running south of Winchester 162 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. and Senseny Road, and Merritt and Averill on our right along the railroad and the Martinsburg pike — was massed en either flank for assault at the right moment on the enemy's flanks or as occasion might demand, while Crook's Eighth Corps was about a quarter of a mile en masse about in rear of the right flank of the Nineteenth Corps. At noon in the midst of a perfect bedlam caused by the roar of artillery, shrieking, bursting, hurtling shells, and the voices of many officers pitched high so as to be heard above the din, giving orders, the assault was made through the thin strip of timber in our front toward Winchester when we briefly halted and laid on the ground, and then across an open field beyond the woods in all about two hundred and fifty yards where I was, midst a perfect storm of solid shot and shell, rattling musketry on my right and front, and whizzing minie balls without being able to fire a rifle at first so well was the enemy in my front pro- tected by the lay of the ground and its rail breast- works. We persistently advanced, though, but it took a great deal of nerve and will power to do it in an open field without the slightest cover, all the time midst a perfect storm of iron and leaden hail and the cries of the wounded and dying which were discon- certing, until we drove the enemy back pell mell from its works in my front in the utmost confusion — yes, in a perfect stampede for they were old soldiers and knew when they were whipped, and when it was CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 163 necessary to run with all their might to save them- selves from slaughter and ignominious capture. (See Nos. 3 foreground and Nos. 5 and 6 illustra- tions). The Tenth Vermont, Fourteenth New Jersey and the rest of our brigade as usual, not only proudly led the Division at first by a good deal in the advance through the woods but in this instance the whole army. It was therefore not only the most aggressive and conspicuous part of— being on high ground where I could see our line of battle each way — but the most important point in the line; was first seen when through the wood and the most dreaded by the enemy being on the pike, and in consequence its artillery fire within reach was concentrated on us, and it zvas a hot place. But soon, after recovering from the collapse of the Second Brigade on my right which wholly disappeared and nothing more was seen of it by me, with the valor of the old-time "Green Moun- tain Boys" on we went undaunted until, after we had advanced about seventy-five yards beyond the woods now extinct behind which we had formed in the open field where I was, being then on a high point where I could see the whole battlefield, I glanced to my right and left and was appalled to see that the troops on both fianks of my Brigade were obliquing rapidly away from us, the whole Nineteenth Corps in perfect lines of battle by an oblique movement to the right having pulled away from the right of our 164 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Division until there was a gap big enough including that made by the Second Brigade, to more than admit a Brigade line of battle although it is said that Corps had been directed to guide on our Division and that a similar state of affairs existed on our left flank where the Vermont brigade was.* (See No. 3 through open- ing in woods showing No. 7 ; also see No. 5 where I was in the foreground). With a feeling of dismay I slackened my pace and nearly halted for I saw that through the gap in the very center and most vital point in our line on my right towards the Nineteenth Corps opposite which point was a strong force of the enemy's infantry awaiting us behind its works on the near edge of a little valley which protected it from our fire until right on it, it would throw its force so *It is alleged by one or more writers that this gap was partly caused by a turn in the pike to the left, and as the Tenth Vermont had been ordered to guide on the pike its colors being on it, this alleged turn in the pike caused the regiment to oblique to the left. This is incorrect. The turn in the pike when this dangerous gap was caused partially by the obliquing of the Nineteenth Corps to its right, which General Russell's Division filled, was about six hundred yards behind the rebel line of battle, a little beyond the enemy's battery close to the right of the pike, an exploding shell from which knocked me down, and this turn in the road at this time was within the enemy's lines in the rear of this battery, and it was then shelling us. The pike was perfectly straight from us to this turn, about a quarter of a mile away, or about a half mile from where we formed line of battle, the road being virtually straight, as can be seen from Nos. 2 and 9 illustrations. Our line of battle wasn't formed at right angles with the pike, hence the obliquing alleged. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 165 situated opposite the gap on our right and left flanks caused by the gap and have us completely at its mercy ; but glancing almost immediately again to my right and rear, hearing loud military commands there, my spirits rose as I saw the gallant Russell leading his splendid Division en masse through the opening in the timber in his front, magnificently forward as though at drill to fill the gap. The appearance of his column greatly relieved us, as it drew the concentrated artil- lery fire from our column by the enemy largely to his. The whole battle scene at this moment at this point was one of appalling grandeur, one which no beholders could ever forget, provided they could keep their nerve well enough to preserve their presence of mind suf- ficiently to take in the situation midst the screeching shells and appalling musketry fire. The splendid ap- pearance of General Russell's Division elicited a cry of admiration from all who saw it. It was the su- preme moment or turning point in the great tide of battle, and as Russell's men rapidly deployed latterly under a galling fire on the march either way in per- fect order enough to fill the gap, it was magnificent — beyond description — the grandest, best and most wel- come sight I ever saw in a tight place in battle, and so inspired me— seeing the danger of a flank move- ment had lassed— I again pushed forward to be in front and was there when the intrepid General Rus- sell, one of the best fighters in the army, was twice shot and soon died a short distance to my right rear 166 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. just about the time I was also twice hit; (see Nos. 5 and 6 illustrations) but when the enemy in my front and all along the little valley caught sight of our re- serve coming at them so majestically and in such solid phalanx and splendid order, it seemed to me the rebs couldn't run fast enough apparently to get away. It was the most sudden transformation on a battlefield I ever saw, as well as the most perfect stampede and rout ; and it was the enemy's last volley when it saw our reserve coming at them so determinedly that put a stop to my fighting for several months ; and but for our reserve coming on the field just as it did I would have been worse riddled than I was by the enemy and killed even lying on the ground wounded, as I was wholly exposed where I lay close on their works not a rod away, the ground sloping towards them. General Sheridan's plan of battle was perfect and I shall never cease to admire him as the greatest mili- tary genius I have ever seen on a battlefield, for by this and his pluck and dash, I see the secret of his great successes. The plan of battle was fully developed by the time I fell twice badly wounded — at first I sup- posed mortally — only a few feet in front of the enemy's works, and as I arose partially recovered from the shock of being twice hit, quivering and bleeding pro- fusely, one of the first things my eye caught was Sheridan all alone without a staff officer or even an orderly near him, about forty yards in my rear, sitting his splendid thoroughbred horse like a centaur look- CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 167 i„g_all animation his very pose suggesting it— in- tently through his field glass toward the fleeing routed enemy and later after the third and last assault of the day all in a jumble with our undaunted dashing cavalry in perfect order sweeping across the great compara- tively level plain bordering Winchester, like a tornado, with banners, arms, brasses, etc., brightly gleaming in the blazing autumn sunlight— a battle scene, as badly as I was wounded, the forepart of which held me en- tranced. As I again soon turned after the first as- sault, Sheridan put spurs to his horse and off he dashed all animation to another part of the field to reform his line and so on, going finally like the wind into the very midst of the great congested jumble, the enemy trying like a frightened flock of sheep to force itself through the streets of Winchester all at one time, the men literally piling themselves at the main street entrances on top of each other in order to do so. No battle scene will remain photographed so vividly on my memory as the first part of this for I could see nearly the whole field from where I long remained. The fatal wounding in my sight near enough to hear his cry of anguish of my old Captain— Major Dilling- ham— and the killing of Major Vredenburg of the Fourteenth New Jersey from his horse by having his heart torn out, and others; General Russell's brilliant debouch with his dauntless division marching proudly on the battlefield en masse with all its enchanting 168 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. glitter and precision to take a hand at the sacrifice of his life — unfortunate, gallant, dashing Russell — Mer- ritt, Averill and Custer's brilliant spirited final charges on the fleeing enemy, its disorder and worst possible rout all beggar description, our retreat at the battle of Monocacy, July 9, 1864, being one of order and dignity comparatively speaking. I felt revenged for my wound and at having to run so in retreat at the Monocacy, and for my two wounds that day even if I did totteringly tarry, maimed and speechless with paralyzed tongue, chin and blanched face to look at such a brilliant battle scene until I became so faint from loss of blood, shock and partial reaction, I could hardly go steadily and finally did accept help, having declined at first, from two faithful men of my Com- pany who, when I fell instead of stampeding stayed by me in one of the hottest places I have ever been in on a battlefield, one of whom was Corporal Joel Walker of Pownal, Vt. My first wound was from the butt end of an exploding shell in the breast which maimed and knocked me down and simultaneously as I fell a minie ball fired but a rod away in my front just grazed my forehead, torn through my upper lip crushing both jaws and carrying away eleven teeth, the most painless dentistry I ever had done ; but. Oh ! the shock it gave my system and the misery I suffered that night ! As I entered the long broad avenue running be- tween the great tents at the field hospital later in the CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 169 day where there were hundreds of wounded, dead and dying, Dilling-ham, Hill and others of my regiment, among the number, Dr. J. C. Rutherford, one of my regimental surgeons, seeing me with a man on either side — for here in sight of others I wouldn't let them support me — close to and keenly watching my unsteady carriage, came running, hastily examined my wounds, bade me sit on the ground, ran for his instrument case, placed my head upturned between his knees, sewed in place a triangular piece of flesh extending from the right corner of my nose down hanging at the lower right corner by a slight shred of flesh, which I had held in place from the battlefield with my fingers, and that job for the time being was done; but oh! my aching head, jaws and chest, as well as the extreme feeling of lassitude for the balance of the day. My face was like a puff ball, so quickly had it swollen, my chest at the point of the wishbone — so to speak — was mangled black and blue and resembled a pounded piece of steak ready to be cooked, and I was so nauseated, lame and sore all over, I dreaded to move. I guess the rebs came pretty near winging me — but Glory ! Early was licked. To add to my feeling of depression, I was told Major Dillingham was mortally wounded and that he would soon pass away. He had been a good friend, a brave man, faultlessly courageous, was an elegant gentleman and good fellow, and was much beloved. A solid shot severed a leg going through 170 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. the woods ; his cry of anguish was distressing, and I shrink from thinking of it whenever it conies into my mind. I fell just in front of the enemy's hastily thrown up breastworks of fence rails in the vanguard after ad- vancing under a murderous fire about a hundred yards or more, in the open field after passing through the woods. I saw no other line officer with his men anywhere in my vicinity so far in front, and there was no other officer there in the open field except Ad- jutant Wyllys Lyman who was lauded for \<, but I, being a boy, got nothing but my two wounds as com- pliments for my steadfastness, and they will stay with me through life. I wonder if when across the Great River and in another world I will be remembered any better for my faithfulness when so many others failed at such an important moment?* *Major Lyman was afterwards honored with a brevet as Major, but I was only mentioned in routine official papers as wounded. Why he, being Adjutant, and there- fore representing the regimental commander, and the only officer who saw me, didn't see to it that my services were duly recognized as well as his, I have never been able to understand. It always stirs my spirit when I think of it, for if anyone deserved recognition for that day's work it was the leaders in such an assault, for on such largely depended its success; and certainly if Lyman deserved recognition who had no command, then why shouldn't one who did, whose men largely followed him, as well as some of the men of five other companies which I had success- fully led in other fights? It is hard to be reconciled to such unfair discriminations. But brevets in many regi- ments were quite as apt to be given for scheming and favoritism as for merit, and some of the most meritorious line officers who fought gallantly on the front line of bat- tle through almost the entire war, received no such recog- CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 171 I found the men of Company E good fighters, Cor- poral Walker and another big man of my Company whose name I can't recall, being so short a time with the Company — but believe it was one of the Brownells, also of Pownal, Vt. — who helped me occasionally go- ing to the ambulance as I felt faint and weak, were nition from their regimental commanders, although such line officers' exhibitions of dash and daring, especially in the Tenth Vermont, which was one thing that gave the regiment an enviable reputation both in the field and at home, were very frequent. The company commanders of this regiment did not follow their men into battle, at any rate to commence with, but led them continually when fleet enough to do so, and I always did. Being almost in- variably selected when a lieutenant to command a com- pany without an officer, I was with one exception alone with no company commander to observe and report my work, and my different regimental commanders didn't take sufficient interest to do so, even if where they could ob- serve it; but the fact that I was almost invariably selected to command different companies in battle when needed and that I overslaughed several lieutenants when promoted Captain, should have been reason enough for at least one brevet during the war, if nothing more, which since, in the regular army, would have saved me from frequent undeserved embarrassment. A long experience, however, both in the Civil War and the regular army since in the observance of the bestowal of brevets and medals of honor has caused me to regard with very little respect in many instances the recipient's methods in obtaining such favors, and especially the system of bestowal of the same, which is a sacred trust. And certainly if in most cases such con- sideration was warranted, then many of my acquaintances who were not recognized even once, especially in the Civil War, could have been repeatedly decorated with the far greater propriety. But with me such distinctions were not worth having except earned in the estimation of others competent to judge, and came unsolicited. Such, however, is rarely the case, even when repeatedly deservedly won, and the only reward for such is to tell the truth about it historically whenever the opportunity offers, regardless of criticism. 172 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. brave fellows. They followed me closely all through the assault as though they expected me to be hit, fighting like heroes as they were at the same time, and when I fell wounded they dropped close by me, Corporal Walker, a giant, coolly saying: "Don't get up Lieutenant, they'll riddle you if you do!" but I thought they already had. However, the nervous shock of both wounds was too great to think of rising at once, and almost immediately the rebs were running for dear life all branches of the service mixed together in confusion — a perfect jumble. We had licked them in a square stand up open field fight of their own choice — and a very poor one, too, for them in case of defeat, as it proved — and it was clean cut, the worst stampede and rout I every saw. Sheridan was as brave as a lion, and unlike some commanders who hunt cover when their commands are fighting, went seemingly fearlessly anywhere he wanted to in order to see what was going on and what if any part of the line needed reinforcing. As before stated, my position on the battlefield was sufficiently high to see nearly all of it. It being a beautiful sunny Fall day with a clear atmosphere, it was the most spectacular, and before the Infantry broke, the most beautiful battlefield sight seen, and better yet, the most snappy, brilliant fighting witnessed during the war. Sheridan hovered near the centre in the neighborhood of the high ground where I was twice wounded, and CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 173 dashed back and forth the line on horseback like a restless lion, an ideally alert fighter, almost as un-* mindful of shot and shell as though both deaf and blind. It was here that I formed my opinion that he was not only the ideal fighter, but the second, if not the greatest military genius developed by the Civil War, and I have never changed my opinion. Honest, alert, aggressive, dashing and brave with splendid judgment, his equal will be hard to find, and probably rarely surpassed. He was generally conceded a bril- liant cavalry fighter, but if the world has ever produced a better planned, executed, dashing, brilliant spectacu- lar, snappy battle or commander than he and this Battle of Winchester, where the different branches of the service were combined, take it from first to last during the day, it would be interesting to know on what occasion. It was so unlike any battle ever seen by me that all others sink into insignificance as dull aflfairs. Language or words even with the most gifted talkers or writers can never describe this battle ; no pen picture, or ever so gifted talker can do it justice; it would have to be seen by an expert to be fully ap- preciated. Ever afterwards the Sixth Corps of all others was Sheridan's favorite. Said he later: "Give me the Sixth Corps and I will charge anywhere." Among the most admirable pictures of the fight — barring the orderly, majestic advance to battle of the whole army in unbroken lines — except after a little 174 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. our division being unmercifully shelled from the start on the pike it could not withstand it, nor could any other have done so — as a whole after through the wood resembling an immense gracefully waving blue ribbon along the surface of the ground, caused by that en- chantingly swinging, billowy motion characteristic of regulars when marching in large bodies, its fluttering banners, glittering arms, equipments and its blue uni- forms looking prettier than ever in the bright Sep- tember sunlight under a bright blue sky specked with fleecy white clouds making a picture beautiful with perfect harmony of color, — was the beauty, grandeur and majesty of both Russell and Custer's splendid de- bouch on the battlefield with their valiant, intrepid commands, the former's proudly and majestically en masse in perfect order and cadence, line and bearing, coolly confident as though at parade, and the latter's also in perfect lines and order, as well as dashing, intrepid, spirited and assured bearing even the horses as though vicing with each other in speed to run down the unfortunate enemy, entering into the spirit of the occasion and sweeping rapidly like an avalanche down on the demoralized, fleeing and awe-stricken enemy with the fury and apparently almost certain destruc- tion of a tornado. These were pictures comprising awe, beauty, power, grandeur, order and disorder, dash, magnificence, valor, terror, confusion, inspira- tion and majesty to such an extent as to defy the pen picture of any writer however gifted. This battle CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 175 was different from any other I ever saw. It was Sheridan's way of doing things— a revelation in war- fare. So far as this first assault is concerned it can be summed up -quite briefly. The only considerable amount of the enemy's infantry in the immediate front of the Union infantry line of battle was in the ravine in front of our division, and it was about two hundred and fifty yards away from where we formed line behind the woods; it was a very strong force. If the troops to our right and left instead of instinctively obliquing away from us veteran like to an easier place in their right and left fronts respectively, had guided on our division as it is claimed they were directed to do, they would have had an enfilading fire on the enemy on our front, the same as General Rus- sell's division would have had when it filled the gap to my right which the enemy knew would make their position untenable and so instantaneously retreated in a rout when it saw him coming dangerously near, his right flank overlapping their left. When Russell's movement was executed the Nineteenth Corps' Unas of battle hadn't even broken. There was no con- siderable number of the enemy before it within striking distance so far as I could see, and therefore nothing to break its lines so far as the enemy was concerned until it reached the breaks in its front. The Vermont Brigade could have easily advanced at any time of the assault or any other part of the Second Division, as there was nothing to speak of 176 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. — as virtually acknowledged by Colonel Aldace F. Walker of that brigade in his "History of the Ver- mont Brigade in the Shenandoah Valley, 1864" — in its immediate front except about a regiment of the enemy which crossed the pike from his right and the left of our Brigade to my front.* (See No. 7 illustration). Had the Vermont Brigade borne to its right instead of its left it would have done much more effective service, as it would have been on high ground over- looking the enemy in my front when out of the ravine. In this instance the credit given this excellent brigade in at least one Civil War history is erroneous, without the Third Division was expected to whip at once and alone a considerable part of the infantry and artillery of Early's army in its immediate front, no small part of which was in our regimental front and its im- mediate right. In proof that there w^as no consider- able rebel force in front of the Second Division to the left of the pike until Early's second stand, the reader is invited to examine the official War De- partment map of this battle and note the fact; but aside from this I know there was none. What, therefore, was to prevent the Second Division or Vermont Brigade from advancing? Unlike our front, where the strip of timber was narrow, with the enemy strongly posted just beyond, the scrub or second growth oak, etc., in front of a part of the *Haynes' "History of the Tenth Vermont Infantry, 253. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Ill Second Division next to us, extended from the top of the ridge or divide which ran several hundred yards southerly, down to the bottom of the ravine a hundred yards more or less, which covered here the Second Division's advance and the cleared ground beyond, after emerging from the wooded side hill and ravine towards Winchester, contained no force of the enemy, as there was no immediate protection for it, sufficient to prevent its or even the Vermont Bri- gade's advancing, or the enemy would have done so. (See Nos. 3, 7 and 8 illustrations.) I mention this here because I knozv the facts in the premises, and because this Division is complimented — unfortunate- ly, but probably unwittingly so — in one or more his- tories for advancing, in unpleasant contrast to our Division, which was up against the real thing, and its advancing depended largely on the help or enfilad- ing fire along our front, we had a right to expect from the troops which should have guided on us from both flanks, but which we never got, as they pulled away from us. It was useless to try to take such a place as confronted the right of our regiment and Division by assaulting from its immediate front (see Nos. 5 and 6 illustrations), as the enemy had to be flanked out of its position, which is what Russell's men would have done on the rebel left in case the enemy hadn't seen them in season to get away and thereby saved many casualties on both sides, and prob- ably largely there the enemy's capture. 178 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. There were none of the Second Brigade of our Division on my right after advancing through the woods, nor had there been up to the time General Russell's command filled the gap occasioned by the Second Brigade's absence, together with the space caused by the Nineteenth Corps obliquing to its right. It being level, shell and bullet swept, it was unten- able until a force came large enough to drive the enemy's infantry from cover, as Russell did. (See No. 5 illustration). I was the only officer except Adjutant Wyllys Lyman, who is deceased, so far ahead at that time on my part of the battlefield, and I can make affidavit to this statement. We and a goodly number of scattering men who generally led in most assaults were within a rod of the enemy's strongest manned works, zvhich no map in existence shows that I have seen, where I was twice almost instantaneously wounded when the enemy ran as it saw General Russell's Division coming, as though their lives depended upon it, and I knozif whereof I am writing. General Sheridan made no mistake when he se- lected the First Brigade for the centre and most im- portant point of his line of battle, nor was it a mistake to place our regiment and the Fourteenth New Jer- sey — with direction for the rest of the army to guide on our Division in the first assault, for the road was practically straight — squarely across the pike, with their colors on it, with such men as Corporals Alex- ander Scott, F. H. Hoadley, Tenth Vermont, and CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 179 other of the color guard like them, to keep them there, for such men would go wherever told to, if into the very jaws of death. The leaving off from the official map of this battle of the enemy's infantry in the ravine in front of the Third Division (see Nos. 6 and 8 illustrations), is a great injustice to our regiment, which never wholly fell back, but the usual per cent. of men under such circumstances stubbornly pressed forward under the most trying circumstances at any rate where I was. The leaving off of the enemy's infantry in my front, where it was strongest, is mis- leading and is doubtless what has caused so many wrong descriptions of this fight. No one can give a correct description of it where I was except at that point during the fight. The enemy contested this point more stubbornly than any other during the day and it was here the most intrepid of our men as- saulted ; it was the doorway to the great battlefield, and if the enemy couldn't hold this point it couldn't hope to any other, and didn't. Although our division was smaller than either of the other divisions of our Corps, its loss was much heavier. General Grant had one hundred shotted guns fired on his lines in front of Petersburg in honor of this day's victory by Sheri- dan. A citizen of Winchester told me that one of the saddest things he saw during the day was a horse going through the streets of the city with two badly wounded and one dead Confederate soldiers on it — probably chums — the latter thrown over the horse's back with his head and arms hanging on one side 180 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. and his feet on the other ; but war is a cruel teacher and produces the most shocking sights imaginable. It is not pleasant to record and much less dwell on them. The following pertaining to Sheridan's battle of Winchester has been discovered since writing the foregoing. It will be answered in detail. Says Col. Aldace F. Walker in his "History of the Vermont Brigade in the Shenandoah Valley, 1864," pp. 91- 100: "Our movement commenced at 3 o'clock Monday morning, September 19th, Getty's Division having the advance, the Vermont Brigade being the last in the Division. Striking directly across the country, at first in the darkness, we presently reached the main road from Berryville to Winchester, and moved down it to the crossing of the Opequan. This stream is considerably below the level of the adjoining country, and the road on its further side keeps the low level of the stream for a mile or more, winding through a long, tortuous wooded ravine, our unobstructed pas- sage whereof was for the time a mystery. It seems that Wilson's Division of cavalry had already cleared the way and was then holding desperately a position that it had gained with considerable loss, but which proved a most admirable one in which to deploy our line of battle. "As we filed out of the ravine which toward the last was lined with wounded cavalrymen, we found Sheri- dan, his headquarters fixed on a conspicuous eleva- tion, personally superintending from the commence- ment the operations of the day. It was to be our first battle under his command, as well as his first independent battle ; the troops were hitherto destitute of all enthusiasm for him ; fortunately, however, no CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 181 impression save a favorable one had as yet been re- ceived, it being universally conceded that he had so far handled his army handsomely. And it was with great satisfaction that we found him in this early twi- light at the very front, and under the fire of the enemy, carefully attending to details which we had been ac- customed to see more celebrated commanders entrust to their staff. "Our Division promptly relieved the cavalry and formed its line facing west, the Third Brigade which was in advance going to what was to be the extreme left of the infantry line, resting on Abraham_ Creek ; the First Brigade following, took up its position on the right of the Third, and our own Brigade filled the remaining distance between the First and the road on which we had reached the battlefield. It had been intended to place us in two lines, but the unex- pected extent of the ground we had to cover forbade that formation. We were just on the hither edge of a narrow fringe of wood that concealed us from the enemy; the Sixth Vermont was thrown forward as a skirmish line perhaps one hundred yards to the further side of the little forest, and at once engaged the enemy's skirmishers." About three regiments, I believe, of the First Bri- gade, Third Division, Sixth Corps, were to the left or south of the road, so the Vermont Brigade didn't reach to the pike. "Near us in the road at our right was a rebel field work, taken by Wilson in the night. The hill on which it was situated commanded the country in both directions, and it was already occupied by a battery engaged in feeling the enemy, which was answered vigorously, many of the rebel shell plunging over into the troops as they successively came up the road. "Our Division thus formed in a single line was the onlv Division on the south or left of the road. The 182 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Third Division, Ricketts', followed us and prolonged the line across and on the north of the road, placing its two Brigades in two lines. The First Division, Russell's, came next, and was drawn up behind the Third as a third line or reserve, also somewhat over- lapping the right of our Brigade." About three regiments or more of the Third Di- vision, Sixth Corps, I believe, were south of the road, on the right of the Second Division. When General Russell's Division charged it was about two hundred yards to the right of the Tenth Vermont, or about seven hundred yards or more to the right of Col. Walker's brigade. "Then to our surprise no more troops appeared, and our Corps was alone confronting the enemy. There were two or three anxious hours, but Early was engaged in hurrying up his detachment from Bunker Hill, which this delay gave him ample time to do, and made no assault. It was said that the Nine- teenth Corps, being ordered to follow the Sixth, had filed into the road behind our wagon train, instead of keeping closed up on our column. It is certain that with this loss of time, from whatever reason it oc- curred, we lost the opportunity of attacking the enemy in detail, and gave him time to prepare for our recep- tion. It was noon before the Nineteenth Corps had reached its place and was formed in three or four lines on the right of the Sixth." The Nineteenth Corps was formed in two lines on the right of the Sixth. "Our men during the forenoon had been resting, sitting or lying on the ground. When at last the disposition was completed and the signal gun was fired, they sprang to the ranks, and the line advanced. Particular instructions had been received to the effect CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 183 that the road was to give the direction of attack, and that the guiding regiment was to be the left regiment of the Third Division, just across the road from our right."' The guiding regiments were the Tenth Vermont and Fourteenth New Jersey, on the right of the First Brigade, about the center of the Third Division. "In passing through the bit of trees in our front, which was filled with underbrush, our line was neces- sarily thrown somewhat into confusion. When we emerged from the wood and the ground over which we must make our attack was developed, the pros- pect was appalling. The hill gradually sloped away before us, for a quarter of a mile, to a long ravine, irregular in its course, but its windings extending either way as far as we could see. The ascent beyond it was in" most places sharp, and the enemy held its crest in force, perfectly commanding with musketry and artillery the long slope down which we must pass, though the acclivity on the further side of the hollow was so steep as to actually present a cover from their fire — if it could once be reached. "When this fearful prospect opened the line invol- untarily halted, and the men threw themselves on the ground as was their wont when under fire. Our own Brigade was properly waiting for the movement of the guiding regiment' which lay across the road a little to our rear, and which could not be prevailed upon to stir. To add to the peril of the situation, the road, instead of continuing straight on, as seems to have been expected, here made a bend to the left so that our original orders could not be obeyed with- out an amount of obliquing that would have resulted in demoralization; from this cause our own Brigade was soon afterwards thrown into temporary confusion, and the Third Division was presently so disorganized 184 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. as to be unable to resist a counter-charge made against it by the enemy." The whole line in front of the enemy's infantry in the ravine in front of the Third Division halted after through the narrow belt of timber behind which we had formed, as the trees, brush and terrible shelling had broken the lines and the advanced men where I was laid down to avoid the storm of shells which filled the air till the men got together, which they soon largely did. It was here found the Second Bri- gade on my right had excusably gone to pieces, the ground in its front being untenable, which caused some delay; but soon we advanced alone without that Brigade, as did the Nineteenth Corps. This was why the Tenth Vermont or guiding regiment, at this time where I was, didn't move forward sooner. The bend to the left in the road is largely a myth. The line of battle wasn't formed at right angles with it which, as the line advanced led to some confusion, as our colors had to be kept on the pike. There was no counter charge in front of where I was in the Tenth Vermont or disorganization, except in the Second Bri- gade, but what was soon remedied. The enemy could do more effective work by remaining in cover with little loss, which it did. "At length the commander of the Brigade at our right crossed to our side of the road and urged us to set his men the example. Col. Warner took the responsibility, brought the Brigade to its feet, cor- rected the alignment, and gave the command to ad- vance, which was promptly obeyed. The Third Di- CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 185 vision followed and the line was again in motion. But our point of direction was lost, for we were in advance of our guides, and when it was seen that owing to a curve in the ravine before us the cover on its further side could be reached much sooner by obliquing sharply to the left, we took that direction almost by common consent, and left the road-side." Why shouldn't Col. Warner with virtually no enemy in his immediate front be able to set an example of advancing his line when the Third Division was up against the real thing, it being confronted with over- whelming numbers of the enemy's infantry in the ravine and artillery back of it in our immediate front pretty much all that confronted the army in that mid- day assault? The situation in front of our lines is fully explained in this work elsewhere, and an alleged ''bend" in the road or a "curve" in the ravine will not suffice to excuse the troops on our immediate left for not at once helping to flank the enemy's infantry from in front of us in the ravine, at once when on high ground across the ravine instead of running off on the field on a comparatively useless easy task and then have to come back. Where was there any infantry of any amount except in the ravine in front of the Third Division? Why not give the Third Division its due? The killed and wounded tell the story. Didn't our Division have about as many killed and wounded as both the First and Second Divisions together, although smaller than either? No fair-minded soldier or per- son can study the illustrations even, in this work, and fail to see the facts. 186 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. "Our whole Brigade, every man at the top of his speed, making for the coveted protection of the hill beyond us, plunged pell mell into the hollow. The troops at our right and left were lost sight of. The ravine was of some considerable width and its bottom was marshy, being the head waters of a little branch of Abraham Creek. The steep slope on its further side was covered with evergreens six or eight feet high. To our intense consternation, as we reached its swampy bottom, we saw at our right, at short pistol range, at least a full regiment of the enemy drawn up in line near the point where the road crosses the hol- low, in anticipation of our taking precisely the course we did, and firing coolly, as rapidly as they could load, directly along our line, thus enfilading us com- pletely. Its position is indicated on the plan. The slaughter was for a few moments murderous. We could not retreat, for we should again enter the fire that had been mowing us down in the charge, now cut oiT by the hill before us. We therefore floundered on, our coherence entirely lost, entered the clusters of evergreens through which the cruel bullets whistled fearfully, and at last, a confused mass at best, those of us who escaped unhurt reached comparative safety under the very crest of the hill, and high above the deadly hollow." The probabilities are that old soldier-like seeing or suspecting the true situation, the men intuitively or purposely obliqued away to an easier place of attack ; at any rate they did it. Yes, the rebel regiment which was seen in the ravine was in front of the left of our brigade, but crossed to the north side of the pike to my front early in the fight leaving no rebel force in the ravine south of the pike in front of the Second Division on the left of ours. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 187 "We now opened fire for the first time during the day, in the direction of the regiment or brigade that had so frightfully thinned our ranks, but they v/ere al- most out of reach from us, as well as we from them. At this moment, however, the Third Division ap- proached them and they filed away." It is difficult to conceive why if the enemy could fire at the union forces here they could not return the compliment, at any rate to one who has so recently studied the ground. It was a good thing the Third Division was 'round to drive the rebs away, otherwise they might have more "frightfully thinned" Col. Walker's ranks. It would be interesting to know ex- actly how many men Col. Walker lost here. "When this was discovered, and after gaining breath, our own advance was resumed, but with little pretense at order. Emerging upon the plain before us at the summit of the hill we had climbed, we again turned obliquely towards the road and charged upon a long breastwork filled with rebels, in our immediate front. The retreat of their comrades from the ravine apparently demoralized them ; many fled, many more were captured ; in fact as we clambered over the parapet it seemed as if the prisoners who then sur- rendered exceeded in number our entire Brigade." I saw this movement when the men advanced seem- ingly to me in an undeployed skirmish line over the open flat ground beyond the ravine not shown in No. 7 illustration, but further to the right. It was a weak force and could not have met any determined resist- ance from any considerable body; indeed there was but a small force of the enemy's infantry on that part of the field. 188 CI I'll J FAR DIARY, 1864. "But we did not stop to count them or to care for them. The principal position of the enemy in this por- tion of the field had now been gained, and we rushed onward toward the distant spires of Winchester, with shouts and cheers, now thoroughly excited by our un- expected success. A battery of the enemy was before us, but it limbered up and retired as we ad- vanced. Several times it turned, fired a round of canister, and resumed its flight. At our left the other Brigades of our Division were seen moving on in our support. At our right an unfortunate ridge now rose, parallel with our line of advance, along the top of which ran the road so often referred to, and which hid our friends from view ; we could only hope that they were equally successful, and push wildly forward. A point was reached probably three-fourths of a mile beyond the entrenchments where we had captured the prisoners, when luckily a ditch running across our path suggested cover and a pause. This ditch was reached only by the colors of the Fifth, with perhaps two hundred men from the various regi- ments. Exhausted with running, they opened fire as vigorously as they could, but a line of rebels was seen gradually collecting in their front, as the fugi- tives were rallied, and the position held by our troops was presently dangerously threatened. And now to their dismay, the Brigade on the higher ground to their left saw reason for retiring and called for them to follow. What it could mean they did not knov/, but it seemed prudent to withdrav/, if only for the purpose of keeping up the connection. An officer sent to investigate soon reported that at least a Di- vision of the enemy were far behind their right in an orchard, which they supposed had been carried by the Third Division. Orders were given therefore to fall back to the line of the army, following the low ground on the left, thus keeping under cover of the hill at the right, the enemy meantime being absorbed in their CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 189 movement against Ricketts ; and thus the detachment successfully escaped from its dangerous position and re-formed with the balance of the Brigade near the works we had carried, being as before on the right of the other Brigades of our Division, connecting with and at first even in front of the support which was put in to meet the emergency." Having watched this whole proceeding, which Sher- idan saw, too, through his field glass just behind me, after I was wounded and the enemy from the ravine in my front and its artillery were in full retreat, it reads absurdly. The action of the enemy in Col, Walker's front largely depended on that of the enemy in ours, which had been routed and was in full pell mell retreat when Col. Walker's men were advancing in small irregular groups away from the before-men- tioned ravine (see No. 7 illustration) they were so seemingly anxious to leave. As a matter of fact if they had swung to the right in and on the high ground west of the ravine, together with the left of our brigade, they would have done much more effective service. The retreating battery mentioned — and others further north not mentioned — retreated because its infantry in the ravine in my front was routed. As a matter of fact these Second Division men were operating comparatively uselessly far on the enemy's rear right flank and were in a dangerous situation as soon as the bulk of the enemy's infantry in my front should reach that neighborhood. I saw this, as did Sheridan, and it was one thing that caused him to put spurs to his horse and dash away to send a staff offi- 190 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. cer to recall these forces. The five succeeding quoted paragraphs are disingenuously conceived and mislead- ing. They are worse than worthless for historical purposes because mischievous. The Vermont Bri- gade was too grand a body of men to be mortified by exaggerations and overdrawn situations. The truth is glorious enough, and to write on such a basis is dignified and fair. "We afterwards learned that a break had taken place on the right which for a time seemed likely to result in complete disaster. The report in our Corps was, that the Nineteenth, advancing through a long stretch of forest and at first successful, had after- wards been repulsed, and fled in disorder, many of the fugitives even going back to the Creek, and that our Third Division had been checked soon after we lost sight of it, presently becoming more or less in- volved in the flight of the Nineteenth Corps. On the other hand Gen. Emory, commanding the Nineteenth Corps, in a letter published in the World, which was fortified with affidavits, insisted that the break began at the right of our Third Division, which led to the turning of his left and the consequent retiring of his Corps. The official reports disagree as much as the letters of the correspondents, who of course reflected the opinions of the several headquarters to which they were attached, and who created considerable ill-feeling by the discrepancies in their accounts, and by their insinuations ; the truth is probably between the claims of both, and the real cause of the enemy's temporary success seems to have been the unfortunate bend in the road above mentioned, which interfered with and destroyed the symmetry of our first advance. Our Third Division obliqued to the left as it moved against the enemy, following the order to guide on the road, (there were few or no fences in that vicinity) and so CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 191 left an interval between its right and the Nineteenth Corps, which appears to have gone in impetuously and with little order ; the enemy presently made a counter-charge, and, luckily for them, struck the gap with a heavy force, crumbling off the troops on either side of it, and causing the troops on each side of the interval to think that the others had let the enemy through. The front line of the Nineteenth Corps was almost entirely disorganized, and was replaced by the second line, while only the right of our Third Division was broken up, its left with our own Division merely retiring a short distance under orders, as was necessary in order to keep a continuous front." This is widely erroneous ; Emery's left was some- what broken at first by the terrific shelling from our front, but it was only in the edge of the shell storm at first when going through the wood. His alleged collapse virtually of the right of our Third Division, or Second Brigade, going through the narrow belt of timber behind which we formed, is correct as before stated, for it was immediately on my right, and I know it; it was largely what we halted and laid down for after getting through the timber. We feared being flanked ; but the delay was short, for I almost immediately moved forward with my men and others alone over that flat, unsheltered ground, then being unmercifully swept by artillery and musketry till it was virtually untenable. The Nineteenth Corps in- stead of obliquing to the left towards us to shorten the interval and help us, intuitively obliqued the other way; but fortunately there was no road or bend in it to blame it to. In my opinion it was as clear a 192 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. case of shirk as to the left of the Third Division, or a desire to find an easier point to attack. Emery's corps didn't retire that I know of, and our brigade I know didn't. The marching of his troops in two long lines was one of the spectacular sights of the day ; it was a beautiful feature. It assaulted to the north of the slight divide running east and west, where I saw no infantry nor artillery except a little of the latter far across the breaks. The enfilading infantry and artillery fire from our front at first was about all Emery had to fear, but his Corps soon obliqued away from it. There was no counter charge by the enemy in my front or to either side, and in this I am em- phatic, as well as in the fact that general officers were not where they could see as well as I. There has been more fiction written about this fight than any I was ever in. "At the critical moment General Wright, who was for the day in command of the Sixth and Nineteenth Corps, though (as he says) 'it was too early in the battle to choose to put in the reserves, still, seeing that the fate of the day depended on the employ- ment of this force,' promptly ordered in the First Division with two batteries ; it marched gallantly down, with its full Division front, to the very face of the enemy, relieving the Third Division, which, re- forming, presently took up its position still further to the right, where the interval had before been left. Sheridan held back General Upton's Brigade of the First Division until it could strike the flank of the charging column of the rebels, when it made the most remarkable and successful charge of the day. com- pletely breaking up the rebel assault, and permitting CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 193 our shattered line again to knit itself into coherence. General Upton was there wounded and the brave un- ostentatious Russell, the idol of the Division he com- manded, was shot dead, while personally employed restoring the broken line. "The two hours following were spent in re-arrang- ing the troops, issuing ammunition, and making dis- positions for another advance." * * * General Russell's Division started to march on the field en masse and deployed en route ; it was one of the grandest sights of the day or entire war. I never saw such splendid discipline under fire in a large body of men. It didn't relieve our brigade in the sense taken above, but did in partially drawing the enemy's musketry and artillery fire from us, which was appalling and effective. Our Brigade didn't re- form. I was close on the enemy's rail breastworks in the ravine with my men leading the assault. There was no chance to reform : it was give and take. Rus- sell's men didn't even get the opportunity of getting near enough the rebels to get satisfaction, for they ran when my men and I were within a rod of their works directly in front. There was no considerable bend in the road or anything else that obliqued my men either way to any great extent. The enemy ran before Russell was within effective striking or flanking distance. The enemy didn't charge. If General Upton assaulted its flank it wasn't here. I am emphatic in this, for not twenty seconds after I was twice almost simultaneously wounded during the enemy's last volley, it was running for dear life and Sheridan thirty sec- 194 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. onds later was on his horse on the high ground close in my rear looking through his field glass to see where the enemy was going to make a second stand, and at other things evidently displeasing to him on his left, where Colonel Walker and the Second Division were. The whole field of active fighting could be seen from here. Five of the battlefield views herein were taken from this point. Colonel Walker is such a graceful, fluent writer it is a pity he couldn't know the whole facts about the battles the Vermont troops were in. His works would doubtless then be charmingly interesting and entertaining. As several eminent persons, mistakenly as I think, in recent years, in a moment of weakness and gush have classed General R. E. Lee as one of the greatest of modern field marshals, and as the battles of Ope- quan Creek or Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 1864, and Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3, 1863, both of which I have carefully studied, furnish an excellent opportunity for a few pertinent questions as to the ability of Generals Grant, Sheridan and Lee to plan and manage suc- cessfully great battles, I cannot refrain from taking up the matter at this point, and I defy any honest man of expert judgment to successfully controvert my stand. It might as well be said of Sheridan or of Grant, as it has already been of Lee by partial and incom- petent judges, that either of the former were the equal of Marlborough or Wellington, and far more CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 195 truthfully so than of Lee. Had the fortunes of war placed Sheridan in command of the Army of the Potomac at any period of the Civil War, there is no doubt but what that war would have developed in him a field marshal exceeding in dash, ability and brilliancy any military genius of either ancient or modern times. He was a born soldier, unspoilt by training, success or anything else, and was blessed with splendid common sense. He was a genius, for, says a popular poet: "There is no balking Genius. Only death Can silence it or hinder. While there's breath Or sense of feeling, it will spurn the sod, And lift itself to glory, and to God. The acorn sprouted — weeds nor flowers can choke The certain growth of th' upreaching oak." One secret of Sheridan's success lay largely in his ability to so plan a battle as to fight his whole com- mand effectively all at once, and in such a way that with his dash and unexpected coup de main, the enemy was usually whipped before the fight was fairly com- menced. With Sheridan in command during the Civil War, President Lincoln would never have had to urge action on the part of the Army of the Potomac as with McClellan and others, except Grant, when ready to fight, nor would it have been fought in de- tail, which was invariably a fatal fault with both armies, for Sheridan didn't fight that way ; there were no unfought reserves in his army. When he struck it was with so much method, dash, determination and 196 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. judgment it brought brilliant results, such as aston- ished even his own army, which always expected vic- tory, as well as the enemy and every one else ; and in consequence he could accomplish more with fewer men than any other General in the army; not only because he used his force to the best advantage by fighting it all at once, but because his personal mag- netism, or hypnotism, enthused the men and gave them confidence, which is a great thing in battle ; besides, they had implicit faith in his ability, splendid judgment and quick perception on the battlefield, which are indispensable gifts in a great General ; and when combined with an alert, active temperament such as his, it was grand. He was a great field marshal. This is proven from the fact that anything he under- took in the Civil War was not only xvell done if decently supported, but he proved himself grandly equal to any occasion on the field of battle, wherever the fortunes of war placed him — not tamely so, but brilliantly ; he electrified his men as well as the world by his splendid dash, pluck and surprisingly over- whelming victories. A slight reverse not only left him undaunted but, like a raging lion, it seemed to arouse his wonderful gifts and raise him to such sub- lime heights it awed one ; so that the moment the eye of his command caught a vision of him at any distance on the battlefield, his very pose and action was such it electrified and imbued his men with the same spirit of conquer or die that dominated him, and no enemy CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 197 could or ever did stand for any length of time before his intrepid command. Who but Sheridan, as at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864, just a month to a day after his splendid victory at Opequan Creek, Sept, 19, 1864, or Winchester, Va., as now more properly known, could have rallied a de- feated and routed army en route to the front and after and so enthused it in the act, simply by dashing, alert and crafty through its broken ranks after a twenty mile race with time from Winchester, with flashing eyes, bared head and waving hat, on a spirited foam- ing horse, shouting to his men: "Get back into line, men! Get into line, quick! We can lick 'em! We can lick h 1 out of 'em yet!" and do it almost at once, even as brilliantly so as at Winchester a month previous? How often are such things done? Such a man outclasses all others in military history, not excepting Wellington or Marlborough, for such a man as Sheridan .is without a peer as a field marshal in the annals of warfare ; and had he been found sooner and given greater responsibilities he would not only have surely proved it, but would have more fully electrified the world than he did and have been its idol as a military genius and hero for all time. He or Grant would never have used such woefully poor judgment as to have assaulted an army equally as valiant, splendidly posted, fully as large, if not larger than their own, across an open, level space without cover quite a mile in extent, as Lee did at 198 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Gettysburg on July 3, 1864. If that act showed abil- ity, good judgment, or a military genius, then I am lacking in mature sound judgment, and my lifetime of military training, including my three years and threescore battles or more in the Civil War and in Indian wars, has been in vain. This would be equally true even though the armies had been equal in num- bers. General Longstreet's suggestion to Lee to place his army on General Meade's flank between him and Washington would have been a splendid substitute for Pickett's forlorn charge.* It was abler and just what Grant did with Lee hardly a year later, success- fully and repeatedly and forced Lee back to Rich- mond and Petersburg, as the world now knows, which indicates superior generalship both on Grant's part as well as Longstreet's. Would either Grant or Sheridan have lost their cavalry for several days, as Lee did, when on such a campaign in an enemy's country or anywhere else ?t Would either, with three such splendid cavalry di- visions as Meade, not have used a part of one division if necessary to have patrolled barely seventy-five miles between York, Pa., or the Susquehanna, and the Po- tomac river, in order to detect any movement by the enemy on Washington? Would this have made the Union Commander, whoever he might have been, timid about moving to any point where battle was *See Burrage, "Gettysburg and Lincoln," pp. 29-30. tSee Burrage, "Gettysburg and Lincoln," p. 12. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 199 offered, fearing a fake attack by Lee in order to cover a movement on Washington or Baltimore ? One brigade would have established a line of patrol posts less than a quarter of a mile apart of six men each, which would have detected at once any movement south by Lee, or if preferred, posts one-eighth of a mile apart of three men each. Would Grant or Sheridan have remained so near a great battle as at Gettysburg, July i, 18647 and not have furnished an opportunity for another soul-stir- ring poem like "Sheridan's Ride"? When they were informed that the enemy had attacked their forces barely three hours' ride away, would they have loit- ered a whole day away like dullards, as both army commanders did at Gettysburg?* Aye! either would have made the ride in two hours or even less, and even though their steeds were as black as night, on their arrival at Gettysburg they would have been as white as snow or as foam could have made them ; and, still better, they would not only have known, too, through their cavalry, spies, etc., for we were at home among friends, where Lee's army corps were, but when each broke camp to concentrate at Gettysburg, and their own corps close by them would have been there in season to have met the enemy in at least equal numbers, instead of being outnumbered all day July I, two to one, as was the case.f If necessary, too, as at Opequan Creek, Sept. 19, 1864, the different ♦See Burrage, "Gettysburg and Lincoln," pp. 16-17. tSee Burrage, "Gettysburg and Lincoln," pp. 19-33. 200 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. corps would have marched at 2 o'clock instead of 8 o'clock A. M. or even earlier if thought necessary. Was there any excuse for the Confederates not driving the Union forces from the field in a rout on July first? They would have done so, too, except that their forces were fought in detail, its reserves not even being brought into action when needed.* Did Ewell take the best advantage of his opportuni- ties ? The enemy outnumbered us quite two to one the first day from first to last after the battle commenced, but still at the first dash of two brigades of our In- fantry — Wadsworth's Division — against two brigades of the enemy, when Reynolds was killed, we placed hors de combat over half of each of their brigades and captured Archer, a brigade commander; and still the enemy had two brigades in immediate reserve as support, but they were not used.f This is what I call fighting an army in detail, a total waste of ma- terial. In case Sheridan hadn't thrown his support or reserve — Russell's division — into the fight at the right moment at Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 1864, his results would have been equally as ignominious as his victory was brilliant, because he did use his re- serve correctly on that occasion ; and so it would have been with the enemy at Gettysburg had it used its reserve. It would probably have captured many of our men and driven the balance of them from the *See Burrage, "Gettysburg and Lincoln," pp. 19-33. tSee Burrage, "Gettysburg and Lincoln," pp. 19-33. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 201 field in a rout, as Sheridan did Early at Winchester, Sept. 19, 1864; there was nothing to prevent it. Does Lee deserve being classed among the greatest field marshals of modern times for such field mar- shalship as was displayed at the first day's fighting at Gettysburg? But, says the incompetent critic who forms his conclusions from gush, policy, favoritism, sentiment, or weakly otherwise, instead of for the sake of truth and correct history, Lee wasn't there ! Aye ! but wasn't it an alert Commander's — a genius's — business to have been there? What was he in Pennsylvania for or selected and paid for handling such an important matter to the Confederacy for? Who gave the order to concentrate for battle at Get- tysburg but he?* Does not every experienced sol- dier know that under such circumstances no one can tell exactly at what moment a battle will commence? And would not an alert, sagacious commander have made a forced night ride in order to have been with the first of his forces on the field? Lee knczv he was going to fight if the enemy would fight him, but Meade didn't ; hence Lee knew exactly what to do.f A great field marshal would have been more alert — on hand — it seems to me. Lee commanded in person the second day at Gettys- burg, and not only failed to attack early in the morn- ing, when he should, but, as usual, when he did, *See Burrage, "Gettysburg and Lincoln," p. 57. tSee Burrage, "Gettysburg and Lincoln," pp. 52-3. 202 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. fought his army in detail using Longstreet's corps largely against two of our corps in turn which, being overwhelmed by numbers, and Meade failing to rein- force them, as he should or not have sent them where he did, they were of course forced back to their prop- er positions onto the correct line of battle beyond which they should never have been advanced, and with a sagacious, alert, competent commander would not have been except the whole army advanced to- gether in a general assault which it should have done anyway after Wright's brigade was repulsed.* From first to last in the battle of Gettysburg, I fail to see anything to commend on the enemy's part in any of its generals except in Longstreet ; nor on the Union side so far as Meade was concerned, but do in many others, and especially Buford, Reynolds, Doubleday and Howard, each of whom in turn suc- cessively commanded our forces in the order mention- ed without being routed, against great odds under ex- ceedingly trying circumstances owing to Meade's failure apparently, to fully grasp the situation four- teen miles away. It shows what splendid fighters Buford, Reynolds, Doubleday and Howard's men were to stand off double their number for an entire day, with what help they got from Schurz's men. That Lee did not grasp the situation is evident or else he would have assaulted our lines early on the morning of July second before Meade's forces arrived *See Burrage, "Gettysburg and Lincoln," pp. 34-45. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 203 on the field. It is said he did give the order to do so, but if he had been a great miHtary genius wouldn't he have seen that it was done? Instead of this ow- ing largely probably, to Meade's lack of alertness and enterprise, Lee from lack of sagacity became ap- parently dizzy and unbalanced, as was most of his command, because of his apparently misunderstood partial successes, of the first and second days' fights, and was so criminally lacking in good judgment on the third day as to be led into the mistake of ordering Pickett's charge which, for obvious reasons, could on- ly result in calamity to the Southern cause."^' This even an amateur soldier of ordinary judgment should have been able to have foreseen. My sympathy in a military and every other sense so far as the enemy is concerned, goes out to Longstreet sitting on the fence with bowed head, a picture of despair and blasted hopes probably not only on ac- count of a useless slaughter of his brave men which he foresaw, but because of a loss of faith in the abil- ity of his chief and in consequence the loss eventually of the cause of the Confederacy; and what thought- ful military man of experience can't see what else for scapegoats are always found for such occasions on which to try and lay the blame. But it won't do with ripe scientific military men nor would it with Lee were he living, for when too late he doubtless saw his mistake, as he acknowledged like the man he alzvays *See Burrage, "Gettysburg and Lincoln," pp. 34-45. 204 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. was to his veterans, when returning from the slaught- er after the assault that the calamity of defeat was all his fault.* How pathetic! Longstreet's heart was doubtless breaking when Pickett seemingly too thoughtless to comprehend the situation rode up to Longstreet and then "gaily" to his command in the midst of the artillery fire preced- ing the assault, and asked if he should commence the charge.f Longstreet's heart and tongue were doubt- less as good as paralyzed or at any rate refused to perform their function, and he answered with a sad and silent nod. How any military student of age and extended ex- perience in warfare — for few others are expert judges — who ever studied the country north of the Poto- mac river, field and battle of Gettysburg or Antie- tam, can class Lee with Marlborough and Welling- ton, it is difficult to understand; and Lee's mistakes here were by no means his only. He never found his superior, though, on the battlefield until he met Grant when, for the first time, he found a genius who didn't know what it was to retreat before the Army of Northern Virginia, nor did Lee ever ad- vance again but to be checkmated. Prior to that the Army of the Potomac had taken care of itself single-handed — so to speak — as it would have done anywhere after 1862, if placed in line and told to *See Burrage, "Gettysburg and Lincoln," pp. 19-33. tSee Burrage, "Gettysburg and Lincoln,'' pp. 19-65. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 205 fight, if let alone: it would have carried any man at its head through to victory, as it did Meade at Gettys- burg, and especially in such a place as that when so much depended upon it. It was the intrepid men with the guns, many of whom were more competent in battle than some of their officers, who largely won the battles, and not un- frequently because of greater physical endurance and undaunted courage led in the hottest places by scores in all assaults, for otherwise but few battles would have been won. To be in such company was an in- spiration for such men knew no fear and they were not reckless either, but coolly alert in taking every advantage of surroundings and conditions, as well as of the enemy. Such needed no officer to lead them, but they would be devoted to one who had the pluck to go with them, and fortunate was he who was strong enough to put fear behind him and do it. It is more elevating morally to be born with such a gift than rich. Anyone who has read Lincoln's telegrams and let- ters to Meade imploring him not to let Lee escape across the Potomac after Pickett's suicidal charge which is only exceeded in American War history in lack of ability by Abercrombie's maladministration of his Ticonderoga campaign in the Colonial war in 1758. cannot possibly think Grant or Sheridan would have showed so little military genius ; and it is a disappoint- ment to one in mature years who fought continually 206 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. under Meade in youth about two years to find that he was so lacking- in sagacity and miHtary enterprise as to not take advantage of his great opportunities. He was all right when a subordinate, but out of place as chief. It was largely lack of ability on the part of com- manders of the Army of the Potomac as military men until Lee met Grant, which in contrast makes Lee ap- pear to some unread in civil war history so much more brilliant than he really was as a military man. It was very generally supposed during the war it was interference from Washington that caused a lack of success on the part of the Army of the Potomac, but official correspondence between Lincoln and others at Washington with the different commanders of the Army of the Potomac published since the Civil War shows that it was largely due to their downright ig- norance of how to conduct a campaign until Grant took command, which rendered it absolutely neces- sary to interfere. To a man of long expert military training some of the questions asked by commanders of Lincoln and others, are astonishing. They not only show a lack of judgment, self reliance and ability, but in some cases utter incompetency ; and when such didn't asked to be relieved from force of circum- stances, they had to be. In most cases it was disin- genuously claimed by the incumbent that they were handicapped by the Washington authorities, which is probably what largely created the false impression CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 207 that they were much imposed upon. The govern- ment doubtless considerately thought it could not af- ford to let the truth be known for obvious reasons, and besides it was doubtless thought such men might be efficient in a less responsible position in cases of emergency and their usefulness would be impaired if the real facts were made known ; hence the posi- tion of Lincoln and others near to him in Washing- ton in such a respect was not only a noble self sacri- fice, but must have been even more trying than at any time or even now generally known. Under such cir- cumstances any ordinary commander of the Confed- erate Army would appear to good advantage as Lee did, which, to any but one who is expert, is mislead- ing. He had military talent but it even was never fully developed. His was not Genius : "Genius spreads its wings And soars beyond itself, or selfish things. Talent has need of stepping-stones; some cross, Some cheated purpose, some great pain or loss, Must lay the groundwork, and arouse ambition. Before it labors onward to fruition." But Lee never in war arose to such sublime heights if indeed ever in a military sense. Even Longstreet's Chief of Artillery, General Alex- ander, a man of splendid sense and judgment, in his "Military Memoirs of a Confederate," holds that the real crisis of the War did not occur until Grant's movement against Petersburg, which is correct, and that his strategy^ in that campaign was well planned 208 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. and successfully executed. He acknowledges that Grant completely outmanoeuvered Lee for the last three days during the Petersburg movement, thus sav- ing his army from attack by the combined forces of Lee and Beauregard, which is also correct. Imagine Lee's disappointment when he found out what had been going on after Grant had crossed the James river ! It completely checkmated him, even his last kick — Early's Shenandoah Valley campaign — prov- ing worse than a failure it so weakened Lee's army. Think you Lee then thought himself a greater field marshal than Grant? Or after being contiaually flanked by him from the Rapidan to Petersburg and later to Appomattox where his surrender occurred? In bringing up this matter at this opportune time when contrasts can be sharply and tellingly drawn as at Winchester and Gettysburg, my purpose has not been to disparage anyone unfairly, but to get at the truth as I see it for the sake of true history. So long a time has elapsed since the war that I look upon it and its actors dispassionately, and I can award praise or censure on either side whenever deserved with calmness and impartiality. Therefore if, as a veter- an, I have advanced any new ideas on a subject necessarily somewhat perplexing to the general pub- lic, at any period, my object in treating it will have been accomplished. Possibly there may be some excuse for such as did not fight in the Army of the Potomac three years CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 209 and have not read the latest history on the Civil War and made it a study, erring- in their estimates of the leaders in that conflict. I always, even during the war, thought the South had abler men to command its army of Northern Virginia even in that army than Lee, but none more lovely in disposition and charac- ter. He was a good man and good but not a great general ; and, much less, in the same class with Marl- borough, Wellington, and others of modern wars, or Grant, Sheridan, and others of the Civil War, which facts prove. Any man who is a military expert familiar with the subject both from participation, his- tory and study, if of good judgment and honest, will readily concede this. Lee's distinguished lineage has nothing to do with his military history. He should be judged on his own merits in such a way, but his antecedents and charming personal character seem- ingly makes it difficult for most writers to place him in a military sense where he belongs. In my opinion, all things being equal, he was no match for Grant. Tuesday, Sept. 20, 1864. My wounds were very painful during the night, my lips and face are terribly swollen and my jaws are in shocking condition, but I'm thankful it is no worse. My side and chest are very lame, but I hope it is nothing more serious than a bruise or contusion. Lieut. Hill has had his leg amputated, but I don't think he can live, the stump is so short — poor, brave, gallant, natty Hill with the most of life before him. 210 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Sheridan's loss was 5018 of which 4300 were killed and wounded. Early's loss was about the same. About 850 of his wounded fell into our hands. Our division lost 600 in killed and wounded and seventeen are missing, more than both of the other two divi- sions of our corps together. Our regiment lost twelve killed and forty-six wounded. Sheridan captured two thousand prisoners, five pieces of artillery and nine battle flags. Generals Rhodes and Godwin of Kershaw's Division were killed, and General York lost an arm. I saw Major Dillingham at a distance as he lay stricken, when I entered the hospital grounds yesterday. He was no shirk in battle but valiant. We feel like sparing him least of any, and had not looked for it, therefore it is a great shock. Only a moment before the order to advance he was talking with several officers near me and was in the best of spirits which, it occurred to me at the time, greatly contrasted with my feeling for I never dread- ed more to go into battle. I was greatly but silently depressed. We;dnesday, Sept. 21, 1864. I was moved up to Winchester yesterday with the rest of the wounded. The city is one vast hospital — in fact nearly every house is used to accommodate the wounded, and it was a smart place of about four thousand before the war, but now is one of about ten thousand, owing to this battle. Most of the wounded officers were left at Taylor's Hotel. The surgeons — -f ^ CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 211 are very busy amputating limbs. It is said that there are over 1300 wounded in this hotel. My wounds are doing well considering but are very painful. Oh, what a horrible sight! I have seen piles of arms and legs today at the hospital thrown from the windows of operating rooms as big as haycocks. It's a shock- ing sight ! So many lying about dead, too ! It is rumored that we have again given Early battle and completely routed his forces capturing a large num- ber of prisoners, but this needs confirmation. Thursday, Sept. 22, 1864. Through the kindness of Chaplain Haynes who has been indefatigable in looking after the wounded, I have today engaged board in a private family, a Quaker lady — Mrs. Wright — the mother of the cele- brated Rebekah Wright, who sent Sheridan informa- tion of the enemy before the battle Sept. 19, by a colored man in a piece of tinfoil hid in his mouth, that Kershaw's division and twelve pieces of artillery had returned to Lee, and that the enemy wasn't as strong as supposed. She has a schoolroom at home here, is a teacher, and very solicitous for our wounded —a modest, sensible, interesting lady. They are very nice people, and exceedingly kind. My wound is healing rapidly, and the swelling has disappeared fast within the last twenty-four hours, but I can't speak or eat, taking gruel through a tube only, and my jaws are paining me. Lieut. Hill is doing well, and may get well, but the test will come in a day or so. It's 212 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. rumored that we've again whipped the enemy but I doubt it ; weather fine. My wounds are very stiff this evening. Friday, Sept. 23, 1864. Well, I must confess that a good soft pillow is more comfortable for one to rest a sore head on than an oak log; rested very well last night considering the condition of my mouth. Mrs. Wright is very kind. I wish Lieut. Hill could be moved up here. A long army train loaded with wounded started for Harper's Ferry early this morning, also about 1500 prisoners. Captain Goodrich and Lieut. H. W. Kingsley of the Brigade staff called to see me to-day. My wound is improving. I went with Rebeckah Wright and an- other young Union lady — very pretty — to see Lieut. D. G. Hill this forenoon. He is very gallant to ladies, always, and seemed cheerful, but I think the poor fellow assumes it. He is a patient sufferer. I have to be for I can't utter a word; am termed the interesting patient by the ladies, and get lots of sym- pathy. Saturday, Sept. 24, 1864. I am expecting to go to Harper's Ferry ; reported to the Surgeon in charge this morning as directed, but the train hasn't come from the front yet, therefore I shan't probably get off today. My wound has been very painful this afternoon — jin fact more painful than it's ever been yet. The Eighty-seventh Pennsyl- vania went through the city this afternoon en route CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 213 for home. Well, let them go, they are deserving of such joy! It's a good regiment. My wound has gotten very sore and painful and don't give me a mo- ment's peace. My system is beginning to feel the strain, too, and my tongue seems paralyzed yet. I can't utter a word. At any rate I'm not noisy com- pany for anyone — not even the ladies here who are very sympathetic. Sunday, Sept. 25, 1864. I did not sleep much last night my wounds were so very painful. I removed some of the old fractures or splinters of the teeth and jaws that were left, about 3 o'clock a. m. with my fingers, and after that my face was easier and I rested some. I started in a private wagon from Winchester at 11 o'clock a. m. for Har- per's Ferry, and at dark was still on the road near Charlestown very tired; had no scares from guerril- las ; am beginning to feel weak, having eaten nothing solid since I was wounded, but I was pretty vigorous. The shock to my system has been greater than I was aware of, now that the excitement is over. Monday, Sept. 26, 1864. Tonight finds me in the hotel at Harper's Ferry waiting for my leave of absence which I expect to- morrow ; arrived last night at 10 o'clock tired and lame, but not discouraged although my mouth was sore and painful. The swelling has largely gone, and I can eat a little quite comfortably if the food is soft, but I couldn't if I wasn't nearly famished. Major 214 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Goddard — our paymaster — paid me today. I expect- ed to have to go to Washington. Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1864. O, what a delightful morning! And the scenery here about Harper's Ferry is so grand that it makes it all the more enjoyable. Of course, I awoke in fine spirits for how could I help it ? I thought I was to start for home at i o'clock p. m. but on going to the hospital, I found that my leave had not been sent over for approval therefore I can't go until tomorrow. The wagon train has started for the front again. I am sure I shall start for Vermont tomorrow. Some- times I almost think it would be a good thing if some of the Adjutants General could be wounded, too, per- haps they would see to it then that wounded men's applications for leave to go home were not delayed. Wednesday, Sept, 28, 1864. It has been an anxious morning for me ; went over to Sandy Hook and waited until 11 o'clock a. m, when the clerk handed me my leave, and I must say, I felt like a new man. I hurried back to Harper's Ferry and found Mr. Hicks there in search of his brother Lieut. John Hicks of my regiment, who was wounded in the thigh at Fisher's Hill. I waited un- til 4 o'clock p, m. and took the cars for Baltimore, but the train was delayed and it did not arrive there till 2 o'clock a. m. Sept. 29. rlistic and realistic liron/.c statue . ('. Union soldi the -Nat CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 215 Thursday. Sept. 29, 1864. Stopped at the Eutaw House last night; arose at 6 o'clock a. m. from necessity and went shopping; got breakfast at 8.30 o'clock a. m. and took the cars for New York City ; arrived at the Astor House, New York, about 8 o'clock p. m. ; looks like rain; city much excited ; good news from Grant, Friday, Sept. 30, 1864. I intended to have taken the 7 o'clock a. m. train, but overslept; left on the 10.30 o'clock a. m. train up the Hudson river. The scenery is the most beau- tiful I have ever seen; arrived at Albany about sun- down; changed cars at Troy for Rutland; arrived there at 9 o'clock p. m. Ed. Russell has been with me today. Saturday, Oct. i, 1864. Stayed in Rutland last night ; took the 4 o'clock a. m. train for Burlington, but to my disgust found it to be a freight; arrived at Burlington at noon; took the I o'clock p. m. train for Montpelier ; arrived there at 4 o'clock p. m. ; stopped at Burnham's Hotel; found Carl Wilson; hasn't changed much in three years nor Montpelier; think a boil is coming on my ankle ; am half sick. Sunday, Oct. 2, 1864. Am in good old Vermont at last, if I have got a boil coming. Major Dillingham's remains arrived in Waterbury last night, and the funeral services 216 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. have been today, but it has rained hard all day. I am not able to be out. Carl Wilson and Frank French called to see me today. My boil is very pain- ful ; have not been out of the house ; would like to have gone to Major Dillingham's funeral but can't get about till my boil breaks on my ankle. I'm ill, too. Monday, Oct. 3, 1864. Cloudy and foggy; have taken cold in my face; ankle worse today, too ; have not been outdoors. Orry Blanchard has been in to see me ; saw Mr. Wal- ters in the barroom, also Mr. Hanson, but did not know the former. Sergeant Hogle has called. My wound is paining me more than usual tonight; jaws in bad condition ; hope the fractures will heal all right. I thought the Johnnies had shot my whole chin off at first ; it was paralyzed a long time, and don't feel right yet; it must be the jaw. Tuesday, Oct. 4, 1864. Cloudy and gloomy; have been up to Carl's drug store, but found it rather difficult walking; am not feeling very well ; went up to Carl's again this after- noon for pills ; remained on the bed all afternoon ; didn't go down to tea ; Carl Wilson called this after- noon ; wound pains me very badly tonight. Weidnesday, Oct. 5, 1864. Somewhat better. Mrs. George Watson called to see me yesterday evening, but I was unable to receive CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 217 lady callers, although I did not know it was her; went up to the office this afternoon ; found Jo Watson and took a stroll up to the State House ; getting it ready for the Legislature ; am going to Williamstown in the morning. Thursday, Oct. 6, 1864. Am feeling very much better this morning; very foggy till about 9 o'clock a. m. when the sun came out brightly ; got a team about 10 o'clock a. m. and Jo Watson took me to James Burnham's place in Wil- liamstown ; arrived at Barre about noon ; called at Mrs. David Mower's ; no one there but Hattie Glover ; did not get out ; arrived at James' at 3 o'clock p. m. ; all well ; took them by surprise. Friday, Oct. 7, 1864. Well, it seems good to get out in the country among relatives, where it's quiet; my wound is worse than I thought it would be. My teeth and jaws are feeling very badly and my lip looks irritated. Ezra and Ro Benedict have been up to see me today. Ro has got some beautiful little children. James has gone to Bradford to the fair. Saturday, Oct, 8, 1864. Rained all forenoon; gloomy day, but have passed the time pleasantly; am reading Aurora Floyd, but like East Lynne, better; pleasant but show^ery. James commenced reading East Lynne this evening; mouth gaining rapidly. 218 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Sunday, Oct. 9, 1864. Gloomy morning; am feeling better. Ryland Sea- ver has been down to see me this morning. Andrew Burnham and wife also called this afternoon; think they are looking a little worn; marriage without means is evidently not a bed of roses even for vig- orous people on a country hillside farm. Rodney Seaver has also been in to see me, too; has married since I've been in the army. He is another good man, but Ryle and I have always been firm friends and always shall be. The three Seaver brothers are straight, reliable, splendid men. Monday, Oct. 10, 1864. A cold night for the season ; froze quite hard ; snow on the ground this morning; don't seem much like Virginia climate; weather much moderated tonight; looks like southern storm. Alma Seaver has been in to see me this afternoon. My mouth wound is near- ly healed externally, but it is very stiff, awkward and clumsy; don't feel right — the jaws ache; cooler to- night. Tuesday, Oct. 11, 1864. Northwest wind; fair, comfortable day. James has gone to John Pane's auction ; have been down to Washington village this evening with Jim ; called to see his eldest sister — Mrs. Pepper; finished reading Aurora Floyd this afternoon ; expect Pert this even- ing ; beautiful night ; not much thrilling diary data out here on this peaceful hillside Vermont farm. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 219 Wednesday, Oct. 12, 1864. Rather a gloomy morning-; stormed till about 9 o'clock a. m. then cleared off, but snowed this after- noon ; wrote Dr. Clark. Pert didn't come ; very dull. Thursday, Oct. 13, 1864. Snowed all day; seems quiet after such an excit- ing life in the army. Mr. Lyman Drury brought Pert down this evening. Byron Bradley writes that Uncle Pierce and Cousin Abby are somewhere in the East. My face wound troubles me tonight and I guess always will by spells. Friday, Oct. 14, 1864. Well, I wonder if winter's come! It has rained and snowed all day; face badly swollen today, but my jaws don't ache much for which I'm thankful; shall go down to Aunt Polly Howe's to-morrow if it don't storm. It's snowing tonight. Saturday, Oct. 15, 1864. It snowed nearly all the forenoon. In the after- noon it was quite comfortable ; thawed considerable, but night still finds the ground covered with snow. My teeth and jaws have troubled me constantly, but I feel more comfortable this evening ; shall go down to Aunt Howe's in the morning. Oh, dear ! I shall be glad when I get so that I can feel like other folks. It is still thawing this evening. 220 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Sunday, Oct. 16, 1864. Ryland came down to see me early this morning. Fernando Thompson brought me some letters; got one from Dr. J. H. Jones ; friends in Chelsea all well ; am at Uncle Howe's to-night; Jim brought us down this forenoon ; no one home but Uncle Howe ; no change in Williamstown ; terribly quiet. Monday, Oct. 17, 1864. Went over to see Cousin George Simons last even- ing, who is in poor health, as well as Cousin Martha. Aunt Sarah is usually well ; weather fair. Aunt Polly Howe seems depressed ; expect she's anxious about me; arrived at Mr. David Mower's this even- ing; came down in Mr. Snow's crowded stage very uncomfortably. Tuesday, Oct. 18, 1864. Cloudy with wind ; have been to Montpelier with Mrs. David Mower and Cousin Pert ; had a good time ; dined with the Watsons; visited several Tenth Ver- mont men in the afternoon at the hospital ; got my dress coat and overcoat at Woolson's ; got home about dark ; rather cold tonight. Wednesday, Oct. 19, 1864. Cloudy, dismal day; took Cousin Pert and Hattie Glover out to Cousin David Smith's in the afternoon, and visited at Ann Martin's in the evening; returned to David's for the night ; very dark with blinding rain and snow, but got home safe ; have enjoyed the day. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 221 Thursday, Oct. 20, 1864. Weather cloudy and gloomy ; started about 9 o'clock a. m. to take Hattie Glover home, then took Pert to call on Phineas Thompson's family, and then in the afternoon we went to John Wilson's. It's always a pleasure to see Mr. and Mrs. Wilson though a sad duty since Em and the other children died. Pert and I called on Helen Thompson, and I in the evening on Mrs. Oromal Dodge. Coming home our wheel set over which we had quite a frolic, but we arrived safe- ly- ' . Friday, Oct. 21, 1864. It has seemed a long day ; have been in the village all day ; called on Charley French ; wound fairly easy today. Pert, Hattie Glover and I went up to the Academy Lyceum this evening ; students much young- er than before the war; probably older boys in the army ; dark and gloomy to-night. Saturday, Oct. 22, 1864. Quite a fine day. James Burnham came down after Pert this morning. Cousin Hattie Burnham is ill with diphtheria. I called on Mr. and Mrs. Bliss this forenoon; am to stay at Nate Harrington's to- night. Carl Wilson came up from Montpelier about 8 o'clock p. m. Several of the girls came in in the evening and we had a pleasant time. 222 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Sunday, Oct. 23, 1864. Went with Carl up to his father's this morning; intended to go to church this afternoon, but didn't get dinner in season ; had a good visit with Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson. Herbert and Laura Leonard, old schoolmates, called ; have grown greatly ; was glad to see them. Carl and I stopped at David Mower's in the afternoon. Monday, Oct. 24, 1864. Pert, Hattie Glover and I started for Montpelier en route for Burlington this morning at 6 o'clock in a crowded stage. They were on a frolic ; had a half dozen bandboxes in the front hall they pretended had got to go, because they knew I objected to traveling with such. We had some backwoods passengers which amused the girls greatly; arrived in Mont- pelier at 9 o'clock a. m. ; shopped some and took the II o'clock a. m. train for Burlington. Fred Johon- nott met us at the depot, who is engaged to Hattie, and took us to the Stanton House ; saw Hidden Hand played at the theatre in the evening. Tuesday, Oct. 25, 1864. Went to see Dr. Thayer about getting my leave extended about 10 o'clock a. m. ; found him at his house but cranky; would not, to my surprise, give me a certificate for extension of leave. My wound is not yet fully healed, the stitches are still in, it's sen- sitive, inflamed and sore, can't eat solid food, am not CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 223 fit to go to the front, and I'm no malingerer either. It would teach Dr. Thayer something to get in a hot fight and be wounded. I never did like bandbox doctors, anyway! I'm afraid the board of surgeons at Annapolis, Md. will discharge me for they are practical men. I'm disgusted with Thayer! All I need is a reasonable time for my wound to mend. A man with a part of his head shot away ean't be ex- pected to be fit for duty a month after. If I shirked battle, I suppose Thayer would extend my sick leave ! That's the way such things usually go ! Merit don't count though, with testy doctors if approached too soon after breakfast. If I were a toady in manner or reality, I suppose I could get anything, but I'm only a plain, presentable, unassuming country lad while Thayer impresses me as an aristocrat. Ed. Russell has taken me to ride about Burlington, a very pretty little city ; took the noon train for Montpelier ; shall go up and call professionally on Dr. James in the morning ; he'll give me a certificate. Wednesday, Oct. 26, 1864. This has been the first pleasant day I've seen in Vermont since I came home ; met Captain P. D. Blod- get on the street ; was glad to see him for he is a nice, fair man. His wounded arm is looking very badly; do not think he will ever return to the regiment again. I went up to the hospital with him and he gave me an introduction to Dr. James who examined my wounds and gave me a certificate for thirty days extension of 224 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. sick leave ; have been up to the State House this even- ing to hear Mrs. Chester read. Thursday, Oct. 27, 1864. It's not quite as pleasant this morning as yesterday ; had Dr. Forbush operate on my game jaws, teeth, etc., this forenoon ; took ether and I must say that I have no desire to ever take any more. The doctor tells me my upper jaw is very badly injured. I suspected it but hoped it might be the crushed teeth which gave me so much pain ; have been sick all the forenoon from the effects of the ether. When I came out from un- der its influence I was crying like a great booby, for just at that time I was living over my illness of ty- phoid fever when I was reported dead at Rockville, Md. in the winter of 1862-63, and I thought I was all alone among strangers. It was more real, though, as I was delirious at Rockville, and don't recall any such genuine anguish as I was experiencing when I awoke from the effects of ether. To awake from such hallucinations to the realities of life comparatively well was a remarkable experience ; it dazed me for a moment on coming back to the world, but I rallied soon on looking at the doctor and Pert and saw them relievedly smiling at my surprised look and manner. I went to a band concert tonight, and stayed with Carl Wilson. Friday, Oct. 28, 1864. I did not get up till 10 o'clock a. m. ; am feeling some better this morning ; rained hard all day. Roger CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 225 Bixby brought me up to Barre this afternoon. The Smith band came up to give a concert but as it rained so hard it postponed it till next week. Saturday, Oct. 29, 1864. Fair day. The Smith band came up and gave a serenade this forenoon ; have had a pleasant time at Mr. West's. News came today that Captain L. D. Thompson of Waterbury was decapitated by a solid shot in battle at Cedar Creek, Va., and that Adju- tant Wyllys Lyman, Captain C. F. Nye, Lieuts. G. E. Davis, G. P. Welch, A. W. Fuller and B. B. Clark were also wounded there. We have had seven of- ficers killed, twelve wounded and two captured since the first of June, making twenty-one in all, the regi- ment's full quota not including non-combatants, were they all present which is never the case, being thirty- four. Who will say we haven't stood up to the rack? I guess they intend to kill us all off — men and all ! I may not have included all the casualties among the officers in the foregoing. Poor Dillingham, Stetson and Thompson! They were my original officers in Company B— all gone— killed in battle. They were good fellows — intrepid and valiant to a fault. Lieut. Stetson was a considerate, kindly friend, and a man who was fair and manly, and never took a mean, un- fair advantage of anyone so far as I know; he won my esteem. I became fond of Captain Thompson ; he grew on me constantly until we were good friends, and the manner of his unfortunate death shocks me. 226 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Poor fellow ! I sincerely regret his tragic end ; lie was brave, always genial, obliging and friendly. They grew to like, respect and esteem me, and I have lost three staunch friends — probably among the best in the regiment with the officers. They have all been martyrs to the cause of the Union. May their souls go marching on and finally welcome mine in eternity! Sunday, Oct. 30, 1864. A beautiful day ; have been to church twice. Mr. Bliss preached two excellent sermons. He always preaches well ; is a remarkably gifted, brainy, interest- ing speaker from the pulpit. Dr. Carpenter's funeral was this afternoon from the Congregational Church. Mr. Beckley's funeral services were attended this af- ternoon from the M. E. Church; beautiful evening; have been up to the cemetery with Mr. and Mrs. ]\Iower. Monday, Oct. 31, 1864. Stormed this forenoon; went up to see Nate and Ardelia Harrington and remained all night; called on Mrs. Patterson and Mr. Hiram Blanchard's family. Captain L. D. Thompson's remains arrived at Water- bury this evening ; funeral tomorrow ; cold tonight ; army news good this evening. Tuesday, Nov. i, 1864. Mrs. Charles Scott, Ardelia Harrington and Cousin Pert have gone to Montpelier. I came by stage to Chelsea and am with Dr. J. H. Jones tonight; left So. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 227 Barre at 11.30 o'clock a. m. ; rode to Tunbridge with the doctor to visit a young lady ill with typhoid fever this evening. Wednesday, Nov. 2, 1864. Cool and pleasant this morning. Dr. Jones has gone to Tunbridge ; have spent the day with Dr. Bagley's family; shall remain here over night; called on Mrs. Hayward and her daughter, Susan, this even- ing. Thursday, Nov. 3, 1864. It's a lovely morning; went to Tunbridge with Dr. Jones; fine evening; am to stay at Mr. Isaac Mer- rill's tonight. Friday, Nov. 4, 1864. Has rained hard all day. Ike's a little off on the war ; went to the village about 4 o'clock p. m. ; called on Mrs. Lyman Hinkley, am at Mrs. Hayward's to- night. Saturday, Nov. 5, 1864. Have been to see Jo Watson to-day; weather cold and blustering all day; am with Dr. J. H. Jones to- night; he's visiting a patient; am alone. Sunday, Nov. 6, 1864. Left Chelsea at 10 o'clock a. m. for Barre; Jo Watson brought me over; attended church this af- ternoon, heard an excellent sermon by Rev. F. S. Bliss ; called on Mrs. Or'omal Dodge this evening. 228 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Monday, Nov. 7, 1864. Took the 7 o'clock a, m. stage for Montpelier, and thence by 11 o'clock a. m. train to Vergennes to see Levi Meader, my old roommate at Barre Academy, Mr. F. E. Woodbridge's law partner ; am not im- pressed with the cordiality of Mr. Woodbridge ; met him on the train en route. Tuesday, Nov. 8, 1864. It has rained all day. Well, this is a great day in the States ! Probably more depends on what it brings forth than any since Washington's time. As for my- self, though, I have no fear but what all will come out right ; am still in Vergennes, and have voted for Abraham Lincoln — my first vote. The city's vote is as follows: Lincoln 310 McClellan 15 Good ! This is as it should be. Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1864. Was shown the city by Meader today. Hon. F. E. Woodbridge, who is a representative in Congress, re- turned home from Washington last night. He is Meader's law partner ; was introduced this morning ; took the train for Williston, Vt. at ii o'clock a. m. but being express didn't stop ; arrived in Montpelier at 4 o'clock p. m. ; shall stay here tonight ; went to the theatre this evening. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 229 Thursday, Nov. 10, 1864. A gloomy, lonely day ; visited the State House this afternoon ; if in condition would like to return to the front ; am at Burnham's Hotel ; have been to the theatre; fine evening. Friday, Nov. 11, 1864. Fair day ; arrived in Barre by 7 o'clock p. m. stage ; took my first degree in masonry to-night. Webber Tilden did the work. Saturday, Nov. 12, 1864. A cold bleak day ; went up to James Burnham's with Banny West this forenoon; took her and Cousin Pert and called on the Calefs and Alma Watson at Wash- ington ; returned to and stayed at James' ; Ryle Seaver was there ; had company in the evening. Sunday, Nov. 13, 1864. Snowed this morning; there's about three inches of snow on the ground tonight; left James Burn- ham's at 9 o'clock a. m. in a snowstorm; arrived at Barre just in season for William Old's funeral; have attended the funeral this afternoon at the Universal- ist Church of Lester Tilden. Captain Albert Dodge called this afternoon; has stopped snowing. Monday, Nov. 14, 1864. The Academy examinations commenced today; at- tended morning prayers. Mr. J. S. Spaulding looks and is the same as ever; nice old gentleman; called at the Curriers this evening; were glad to see me; 230 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. clever old people ; attended the examination of a class of youngsters in geography at the Academy. Tuesday, Nov. 15, 1864. Attended the examination at the Academy of classes in mathematics to include geometry; nothing very exciting going on. Wednesday, Nov, 16, 1864. Have passed a pleasant day ; met James Abbott of Williamstown, Vt., this afternoon at the Academy; fine looking and a fine fellow, too ; closing exercises come off at the Academy this evening. Carl Wilson and Frank French called tonight. Thursday, Nov. 17, 1864. Am in Montpelier tonight. Mr. and Mrs. David Mower and Cousin Pert are here, too; have been to the dentist's to have an impression taken for my new teeth; am to have them in the morning; went to the theatre tonight with George and Mrs. Watson; saw the good play of East Lynne ; shall stay with them to- night ; very cold and much snow ; am getting worn- out with so much visiting. Friday, Nov. 18, 1864. Have had some photographs taken; went up to the State House this forenoon, and afternoon ; had a torchlight parade this evening ; village illuminated ; speeches by Governors Holbrook, Dillingham, etc. General Stannard present ; didn't get my teeth. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864, 231 Saturday, Nov. 19, 1864. Cold with chilly north wind ; stayed at Burnham's Hotel last night ; hotel overcrowded ; had to room witli Mr. Orcutt of Roxbury; Captain Albert Dodge and wife and Louise Dodge in town ; went to the depot with Mr. Orcutt ; expect a visit from him in camp this winter ; went up to the hospital with some ladies ; ar- rived in Barre at 7 o'clock p. m. ; took two degrees in masonry ; am a Master Mason. Sunday, Nov. 20, 1864. Went to church this forenoon. Lester Hanson read a sermon, Mr. Bliss being in Woodstock, Vt. ; went to Henry Burnham's funeral, a victim of the Civil War, in the afternoon at Williamstown ; am at Uncle Howe's tonight; have called on Aunt Sarah Simons; weather threatening. Monday, Nov. 21, 1864. Not very cold ; about two inches of snow on the ground this morning; went with Cousin Pert to Cous- in David Smith's this forenoon, and then to Barre, arriving at Mr. David Mower's at 4 o'clock p. m. ; raining hard to-night; have been to a Masonic meet- ing; saw Mr. Jones initiated. Tuesday, Nov. 22, 1864. Northwest wind, cold and cloudy, with snow to- night; went up to the old homestead this afternoon; called at Mr. Elijah Wheeler's, also at his sister Susan's; am at Jim Burnham's to-night with Ryle 232 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Seaver ; shall both stay here. Aunt Thompson has gone over to Cousin David Smith's. Wednesday, Nov. 23. 1864. Pleasant and not very cold ; started for Cousin David's at 9 o'clock a. m. ; called at Mr. Flint's, at Rodney Seaver's and on Cousin Aurora Benedict ; found Cousin Abby Howe at Ro's, too ; took Thanks- giving dinner with Cousin Lois and David Smith's family, and went to Barre. Hattie Burnham is ill with diphtheria. Thursday, Nov. 24, 1864. Started for the front this morning at 6 o'clock, or rather for Annapolis, Md. Cousin Pert went as far as Bellows Falls with me ; arrived at Springfield, Mass. at 8 o'clock, p. m., at N. Y. City about midnight, and daylight found me between Philadelphia and Balti- more. Friday, Nov. 25, 1864. Arrived at Baltimore about 9 o'clock a. m. ; re- mained at the Eutaw House until 4.40 o'clock p. m. ; arrived at Annapolis at about 8 o'clock p. m. ; report- ed to the surgeon in charge at once who ordered me to report to the Board of Examiners tomorrow morn- ing; am in a room with two other officers. Saturday, Nov. 26, 1864. Reported at the Examiners' room at 9.30 o'clock a. m. ; was ordered to report at 9.30 o'clock a. m. Mon- day ; have been up town today ; very dilapidated look- CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 233 ing place and dull ; hardly know what to do with my- self. Three more officers have been assigned to my room tonig-ht. There are quite a number of officers here from my Division. Sunday, Nov. 27, 1864. Warm and pleasant; nothing doing; have been lounging about and resting up; saw guard mounting this morning at the Marine Barracks and also at the post ; hope I shan't have to remain here long, it's so dull ; shall go to the front in the morning if they will let me. Monday, Nov. 28, 1864. Well, this has been an interesting day, a great sur- prise; have been treated with great consideration — like a prince— by the board, and I never saw one of them before, nor had they ever heard of me that I know of. They made my mouth wound of so much interest it embarrassed me; I felt as though I was being lionized. The board is composed of a General and several other elderly medical officers of rank and age. and they have the consideration and tact — un- like Dr. Thayer — to treat any wounded officer and especially one who fought with Sheridan at Win- chester, with distinguished respect. The first one who looked at my wound expressed great surprise at my "unusually interesting mouth wound," as he termed it. and called for the doctors in the adjoining rooms to come and see one of the most interesting of the 234 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. many wounds that had come before the board. ■*" They all came, each in turn examining it, expressing great wonder, and asked many questions, indignantly inquiring why the Vermont doctors had sent me back to the front with jaws in a condition such as to render it impossible for me to chew solid food when it was known that hard bread and meats were the principal articles of food for troops in the field and with the stitches still in my lip and it not solidly healed. In reply I gave them my experience with Dr. Thayer of Burlington, Vt., and said I had not gone to the hos- pital several times during the war because of my pride and fear of inconsiderate treatment, although I had ought to have gone twice before when wounded, but feared I might be criticised if I did. They continued to examine the wound for some time expressing as- tonishment that it should have healed as much as it had so soon and would leave so little trace or scar externally in the end as it would, and highly compli- mented Dr. Rutherford who attended me. They finally drew aside for consultation, and when the examiner who had charge of the case returned and said that I could have my choice, take my discharge or return to the front, I was delighted, and chose the *This wound has since cost me several hundred dollars for skilled medical treatment, and will probably never cease to trouble me. It was one cause of my retirement from active service in the regular army. Two or three expert doctors have written it up for medical journals, ana one, Dr. Anderson of Washington, D. C, only recently for a New York medical journal. CIVIL IV AR DIARY, 1864. 235 latter. He seemed surprised, and after hesitating a little looking steadily at me, said I had better con- sider the matter well ; but I told him I had, that I could soak my hard bread in water, fry it with salt pork which would make it both soft and nutritious, and that I could get along. Seeing that I really wanted to return, he let me go. I received my dis- charge from the hospital this afternoon, have got my transportation, and shall leave to-morrow at 2 o'clock p. m. Captain Mattison, a fine little fellow, left this afternoon. We are all in good spirits to-night. But the Annapolis board of surgeons were clever gentle- men. Their sympathy and consideration was unusual. Tuesday, Nov. 29, 1864. Left Annapolis for Baltimore on the i o'clock p. m. train ; waited at Annapolis Junction an hour and arrived in Baltimore about dark ; am at the Eutaw House to-night ; no one here I know ; very dull ; shall start for the front to-morrow. We;dne;sday, Nov. 30, 1864. Took the 9 o'clock a. m. train for the west; lots of passengers going to the front; found a freight train off the track at ElHcott Mills, Md. ; was about two hours late at Harper's Ferry where I stop over night; shall take the first train to the front in the morning; no news ; very dull here. 236 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Thursday, Dec. i, 1864. Well, I am a nine months' man! Good (?) I went into General Stevenson's headquarters and found the Tenth Vermont was at Petersburg. He ordered me to report to Col. Hunter commanding Camp Distri- bution at Harper's Ferry ; was ordered to take com- mand of the Twentieth Company, Sixth Corps — about 200 men ; have got to receipt for clothing, camp equipage, etc. ; don't like it, but have to obey orders. The camp is on a barren, bleak side hill long used for such a purpose, and it is cold, windy and dirty with a great deal of dust. I don't like the prospect. Friday, Dec. 2, 1864. Cold and windy ; no quarters or accommodations of any kind ; have been down to General Stevenson's to get relieved, but he won't listen to it; went later to Colonel Hunter to get permission to go down town to sleep, but he won't let me go; am to stay with the Quartermaster to-night; have drawn fifty-four shelter tents for the men who are out of everything are blue at having to stay here, and everything's de- pressing. I am glad they are good men ; wish I was out of this. Saturday, Dec. 3, 1864. Cold as ever; got an old rotten, dirty wall tent and put it up ; took the men's receipts for shelter tents ; fingers very cold and numb from writing ; camp dirty ; men complaining because they have no clothes ; quartermaster ordered to his regiment ; no one to issue CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 237 clothing. Oh, dear ! When will I get out of this ? I'm disgusted with the management here. General Stevenson wants to put me on his staff as Depot Quartermaster at Harper's Ferry ; sent for me and urged me to accept; told him I preferred a fighting position to the end of the war with my regiment at the front ; think he was vexed with me, but I can't help it. I'm no shirk from battle if I have been four times wounded ! I'm no quitter ! besides I don't want to be filled with remorse in years to come that I shirked the front when needed. I propose to be able to look any man in the eye without flinchng on that score. Sunday, Dec. 4, 1864. Weather more comfortable this morning ; more con- valescents, etc., reporting in small squads; am feeling some better, but do want to go to my regiment: men complaining, but I can't help it, there's no quarter- master ; am busy with clothing rolls ; looks like storm to-night. Monday, Dec. 5, 1864. Cold northeast wind; am told by the Commanding Officer I shall probably get an order to go to Wash- ington to-night; am hurrying to finish my clothing rolls; twenty men reported to-night for the Ninth N. Y. Infantry ; don't believe I shall get an order to move after all to-night. Well I suppose this is all necessary to make a soldier! 238 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Tuesday, Dec. 6, 1864. Laid out Company streets and had the men police; got a man to build me a chimney ; don't smoke ; am feel- ing better ; men in better spirits, but anxious to go to their regiments ; have had forty men turned over to my command without tents, overcoats or blankets ; had an interesting, good man report belonging to the Fourth N. J. Infantry, who can help me, and I like him ; don't like being commanding officer and every- thing else, though ; too much to do to look after a regiment of men without even a clerk. But they are good, and seem to like to be with me, for they are all the time wanting to do something for me — probably because I try to make them comfortable. Wednesday, Dec, 7, 1864. Pleasant and warm in the morning, but the wind began to blow about noon, and to-night it's quite un- comfortable. My clerk has quite an interesting his- tory, and I like him the more I see of him; got an order about 3 o'clock p. m. to get my men in read- iness for the cars for Washington ; left about 9 o'clock p. m. in a rainstorm. Thursday, Dec. 8, 1864. Arrived at Washington Junction at daylight; were delayed by freight trains till 8 o'clock a. m. ; arrived in Washington about 10 o'clock a. m. A man got shot in the foot; got breakfast at the Soldiers Rest; am in charge of the guard. Colonel Hunter and the CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 239 Adjutant are up town looking for General Wright; am to stay in town to-night. Friday, Dec. 9, 1864. Stopped at the National Hotel last night; looks like snow this morning; got my pay this forenoon; returned to the Soldiers Rest about noon; men in good spirits. Colonel Hunter was relieved this morn- ing by Major Jones; men started for the front this afternoon at 4 o'clock; hated to lose them. I leave on the government boat to-morrow for City Point. Saturday, Dec. 10, 1864. Staved at the Kirkwood last night; roomed with Captain Briggs of the One Hundred and Sixth N. Y. Infantry, but he was out all night; went to the Ger- man Opera at Grover's Theater last evening; about four inches of snow on the ground this morning; sailed with Captain Briggs for City Point at 3 o'clock p. m. ; dull, and cold wind down the river. Sunday, Dec. 11, 1864. Arrived at Fortress Monroe at 7 o'clock a. m. ; grand old place ; never saw so much shipping at one time before; left for City Point at 9 o'clock a. m. arriving about 3 o'clock p. m. ; stayed with Lieut. S. H. Lewis, Jr. till 5 o'clock p. m. ; arrived at brigade headquarters about 8 o'clock p. m. ; shall stay with Lieut. H. W. Kingsley to-night. 240 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Monday, Dec. 12, 1864. Very cold all day ; remained with Kingsley until about II o'clock a. m. and then went over to the reg"iment some distance away; found the men stationed at Ft. Dushane doing garrison duty. Col- onel W. W. Henry has sent in his resignation ; sorry to lose him ; has been the most popular field officer we have ever had, all and all. Major L. T. Hunt has gone for good. Colonel C. G. Chandler has been courtmartialed ; will probably go home ; shall stay with Dr. Almon Clark ; quarters in a house near the fort ; men are without quarters ; have never seen the reg- iment so uncomfortably fixed. Tue;sday, Dec. 13, 1864. Not quite so cold. Captain A. W. Chilton and Lieut. Wheeler came off picket this morning; no orders to put up quarters ; wonder if some of the officers are not getting faint-hearted and getting out of it ; no one can accuse me of it after declining my discharge at Annapolis and General Stevenson's offer. I find the army in poor spirits ; needs rest, at any rate Sheridan's Shenandoah Valley part of it; give it rest and it will be all right for another campaign. These enormous earthworks in our front seem to give every- body the nightmare, but I anticipate a weakly manned part of the line will be found, easily broken, and then, as the enemy is disheartened, goodbye, Johnny ! The next campaign will be virtually the last. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 241 Wednesday, Dec. 14, 1864. Has been quite warm and comfortable all day ; dull in camp, and no news from Generals Sherman or Thomas; got an order to fix up quarters this morn- ing which will do the men good as it wall occupy their minds; are getting out timber now; shall be glad when my hut is fixed; am tired of changing about so much ; wrote to Jim Burnham this evening ; expected to go on duty this morning. Thursday, Dec. 15, 1864. Very warm and comfortable all day; am on duty in the fort ; have a guard of one Sergeant, three Cor- porals and thirty-six men; duty easy; rumors from General Thomas this evening but nothing reliable; got a letter from Cousin Pert to-day; no news from Oakdale, Mass.; was very sorry to learn of G. B. Putnam's death. Friday, Dec. 16, 1864. Warm and pleasant; trains busy drawing hut tim- ber; was relieved from guard by the One Hundred and Thirty-eighth Pennsylvania Infantry; am not feeling well; received a letter from David Mower and have answered it; all well in \'ermont; Captain H, H. Dewey and Lieutenant Daniel Foster, Tenth Vermont, reported for duty this morning from City Point ; have been ill in hospital there ; had an undress parade this evening; good news from Thomas. Lieutenant Alexander Wilkey starts for home in the morning. 242 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Saturday, Dec. 17, 1864. Fair, comfortable day ; men busy putting up quar- ters ; shall commence my hut when the men finish theirs ; good news from Generals Sherman and Thomas this evening ; have written Dr. J. H. Jones this even- ing; southeast storm brewing; cannonading towards Petersburg to-night ; nothing unusual. Sunday, Dec. 18, 1864. Quite comfortable all day. Colonel W. W. Henry's resignation came back last night accepted ; will leave at 7.40 o'clock a. m. to-morrow ; officers gave him a farewell supper to-night. Captain G. B. Damon comes back to the regiment to-night from the division staff. I have been recommended for the Captaincy of Com- pany G overslaughing several other officers, provided he is made Major; all's quiet. Monday, Dec. 19, 1864. Colonel W. W. Henry started for Vermont this morning ; most of the officers of the reg-iment went to the cars to see him op ; commenced raining about 8 o'clock a. m. ; didn't rain long ; men very busy on their cabins ; got a Washington Chronicle to-night ; good news from Generals Sherman and Thomas, the latter having captured fifty eight guns and five thousand prisoners. Tuesday, Dec. 20, 1864. It's rumored we are to move camp in a day or two ; wish they would allow us to stay here ; had monthly CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 243 inspection at 3 o'clock p. m. ; men in good condition considering-. Captain Day was our inspecting officer. Captain G. E. Davis has gone to City Point; returned at 9 o'clock p. m. ; got me two wool blankets ; rumored in camp Jeff Davis is dead; don't believe it. Wednesday, Dec. 21, 1864. Rained hard most of the day from 7 o'clock a. m. ; have suspended work on the huts ; expect to move in a few days ; very muddy in camp ; clear, cold north wind and freezing at 9 o'clock p. m. ; news still good from Sherman and Thomas. Thursday, Dec. 22, 1864. Cold and windy ; froze about four inches last night. Captain Bartruff has been over to call on us; says that we will have to move over with the rest of the brigade to-morrow, but why were we told to build quarters here? Pretty rough, but we shall have to stand it ! Glorious news from General Thomas to- night ; has captured sixty-one pieces of artillery and nine thousand prisoners. We move at 9 o'clock a. m. to-morrow. Friday, Dec. 23, 1864. Moved at 8 o'clock a. m. ; weather freezing cold; only seven teams at work with us; regiment excused from brigade dress parade this evening. It's very cold to-night; shall sleep on Captain G. E. Davis's floor; men are without quarters ; should think they would 244 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. freeze. It's rumored Savannah is captured ; doubt it. Saturday, Dec. 24, 1864. Very cold, but more comfortable than yesterday ; commenced putting up my cabin this morning; not quite up to-night; regimental dress parade this even- ing. General Butler's fleet is off Wilmington ; Savannah, Ga. reported captured through rebel sources ; have written to David Mower, and to Wash- ington for my valise ; weather moderating ; all's quiet in front. Sunday, Dec. 25, 1864. Rained all night ; very muddy ; working hard to finish my house by to-morrow night ; had 10.30 o'clock a. m. Company inspection ; various rumors about General Sherman ; news good from General Thomas ; good regimental dress parade this evening. Monday, Dec. 26, 1864. Received official information from General Sher- man this morning that he had taken Savannah, Ga. with thirty-three thousand bales of cotton, one hun- dred and fifty heavy guns, and eight hundred pris- oners ; one hundred shotted guns fired in honor of it here ; Thomas reports seventeen thousand prisoners, eighty-one guns, etc., taken from General Hood; no news from the Shenandoah Valley; rumored in camp that the Eighth Corps is at Dutch Gap ; hut covered and banked up ; regimental dress parade to-night ; mud CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 245 drying- up ; reckon the Confederacy is crumbling rapidly. Tuesday, Dec. 27, 1864. Quite decent under foot ; hut about done ; shall move into it to-morrow night. Captain Merritt Barber has been over and turned over Com- pany E property to me; good brigade dress parade this evening; had a call from Lieut. Pierce of the Second Division to-night ; have written Levi Header this evening; am to be brigade officer of the guard to-morrow. Wednesday, Dec. 28, 1864. Mounted brigade guard at 8.30 o'clock a. m. as officer of the guard ; northeast chilly wind ; brigade dress parade this evening ; Tenth Vermont worked on breastworks this forenoon ; finished my cabin to- day; wrote brother Charles this evening; received a letter and diary for 1865 from Cousin Pert; weather very rough to-night. Thursday, Dec. 29, 1864. Weather has moderated since morning; quite muddy; had two hours battalion drill; think it a big thing on ice. In my opinion we would look better in the house, and I am sure we should feel better; got a letter from Dr. J. H. Jones to-night. He was married Nov. 8, 1864; received our muster and pay rolls to- day : have commenced a part of two ; hard cold north wind to-night. Sergeant Charles of the One Hun- dred and Fiftv-first New York is here to-night. 246 CIVIL irAR DIARY, 1S64. Friday, Dec. 30, 1864. Worked all day on muster and pay rolls ; mild south wind ; storm brewing. Captain G. E. Davis drilled the battalion this afternoon in the manual of arms ; muddy brigade dress parade this evening ; hardly a gun to be heard on picket to-night ; no letters or news ; retired at 1 1 o'clock p. m. tired. Saturday, Dec. 31, 1864. Well, here I am again in winter quarters, but how different from twelve months ago. I confess, though, that my prayer has been answered, the year having been passed as happily by me as could have been expected under the circumstances. I have been called upon to pass through a great many ordeals but with God's grace have come out alive. I shudder when I think how many have been killed out of our little band, yet I am spared perhaps for some good pur- pose ; I hope so, anyway.* I'm about to commence another year. I feel sad to bid the old one farewell. It has been a strenuous, eventful and historic one. May the next end the war, if it is God's will. *Possibly I was spared during the Civil War to be God's medium to civilize the Indians — the most distin- guished service of my life — as I was greatly honored in 1877-78, by being selected from the army to study them, and recommend what would be the best thing to do to civilize and take them from the war path, which I did, and the government adopted my plan, which was successful, in opposition to most of the leading generals of the army, as they deemed it impracticable. The history of this can be found in Addenda No. 2, pp. 1057-80, Vol. II, Descendants of George Abbott of Rowley, Mass., which can be found in most leading libraries. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 247 ADDENDA NO i. The Battle; of Locust Grove, Va., Nov. 2y, 1863.* This was the real christening fight of the reg- iment, and was badly managed. In the assault on greatly superior numbers, the brigade was marched in line of battle in quick time through the forest which was fiercely shelled, as though at drill, the men not breaking— at least not in the Tenth Vermont — until within about seventy-five yards of the enemy's unusually strong and favorably posted skirmish line behind a very high rail fence in the edge of a large cleared field in the midst of the forest, a corner of which field opposite the three left companies of the regiment formed an acute angle slightly less than a right angle, the two long sides of which opposite us being skirted by a Virginia rail fence eight rails or more in height, in the edge of the woods, consider- ably higher than a man's head. When in the woods in a ravine running parallel to the long base of the triangle directly in front — the sharp angle to the right — with gradually upward sloping ground toward the enemy about seventy-five yards away, the three left companies under severe *No diary was kept at this time by Major Abbott, hence the details of this battle are given here. 248 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. fire had considerably curved to the rear, each being a Httle further back than the one on its right, as usual in such circumstances, which brought Company B be- ing on the left of the regiment, not only exposed to the severest fire, but the furtherest to the rear of any. With reason, as unwisely no order had been given to fire in Company B, and the men being inexperi- enced and supposing they had got to await orders to do so as at drill, the line commenced to waver, when Colonel Albert B. Jewett approached from the rear and cried out loudly, among other things : "Company B, what's the matter?" or to that efifect. As a matter of fact there zvas matter enough, which he soon found after arriving, as he not only wisely sought cover himself, but someone ordered the men to do so by lying down. There were no troops immediately on the left of Company B and it drew the fire of the enemy's Infantry behind the fence, not only in front, but for some distance to the left ; and as the ground occupied by the enemy was considerably higher the situation was most trying. I am aware it is claimed that the regiment was in the centre of the brigade,* but if it was, the regiment on its left was out of sight, and as it was almost a dead level along the ravine as far as the eye could reach through the woods from Company B which was on the left of the regiment, it couldn't be seen by me. It is not probable this *See Haynes' "Hist. Tenth Regiment Vermont Infantry," p. 54. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 249 and many other similar errors are the faults of the painstaking and estimable Historian Dr. E. M. Haynes, but it is more probably due to erroneous official reports of battles of regimental, brigade and other commanders as well as unreliable verbal reports, etc., which when once in history are hard to correct. When forming, too, for the assault, Lieut. Ezra Stetson who was in command of Company B stood in front of it, and supposing he was going to advance in that position, I (then Second Lieutenant Company D, but assigned to fight with my old Company B that day), also took my position in front of the Com- pany expecting to advance in the same way, but was finally ordered just before advancing, by Stetson, to go to the right of the front rank in line, where I supposed in my ignorance of warfare, although a fair tactician, I had got to remain and did until the line broke in the second advance, Stetson meantime being a novice in fighting men in battle, going to the rear of the Company. As it may be convenient for the good of the service for some to cite this battle, to- gether with others, to Congressmen as an important reason why men with no experience in battle should never be placed in high position to command men especially in the regular army where it can generally be avoided, I feel constrained to state that the de- risive smile and expression on the men's faces, etc., as I turned to obey Stetson's order plainly showed that they disapproved of any such arrangement and 250 CIVIL IVAR DIARY, 1864. persistently hung back in the advance in consequence, which to say the least, was very embarrassing- to 1 proud spirit, my pride being very much centered in my old Company, which I knew, if properly handled, would give a good account of itself. Several times I was greatly tempted to go in front of the men and lead them, as it was plain to be seen they sensibly wouldn't be driven at a slow gait into battle like so many lambs for slaughter without even being given the command to fire when within a stone's throw of the enemy, which with deadly aim was shooting them down deliberately, for there was nothing to pre- vent its doing so on our part, and why shouldn't it do so ? It was war, that's what we were there for, and being veteran fighters they took advantage of the situation. Who wouldn't? The only trouble with us was there wasn't anyone with authority from the highest officer down on that part of the line, who knew how to fight the command or if there was they didn't do it. But they were not to blame for it. Who was ? It was the Congress which makes the laws for the Government of the army ; it has never enacted a law as important as it is, making it impossible to appoint men to high army positions who have never been in battle enough to know how to take care of their men, or to tell the officers of their command how to do so. But realizing that to lead the Company and make a dash for the fence would be virtually taking the CIVIL iVAR DIARY, 1864. 251 command from my superior officer, and only at that time having a crude idea of such things even in such an emergency. I held my peace, although the com- paratively simple act of leading men in battle in the circumstances, as some Company Commanders did in this fight, would have been much more satisfactory to my troubled spirit than otherwise. As First Ser- geant it was generally acknowledged I had made Company B the best drilled and disciplined Company in the regiment, and feeling much genuine pride in the Company I had never felt more anxious for it than in this battle, as I wanted it to give a good account of itself as a good fighting Company as well, which it did in the latter part of the battle, when it largely went over the fence in an endeavor to help make the star movement of the day, but which it failed in helping to do, because of the weakness of some of the left Company Commanders of the reg- iment. Although General Wm. H. Morris in his official report of the fight cites this movement as due to enthusiasm on the part of the men on the left of the Tenth Vermont, had he been on that part of the line he would not only have commended it in stronger terms than he did, but if a good strategist would have insisted on the movement being executed as if it was worth while to engage the enemy at all here — which is now greatly doubted as Meade's army wasn't then ready for a general engagement — it was certainly worth while to try and turn the enemy's 252 CIVIL IV AR DIARY, 1864. flank at this point, which could have been done by advancing the three left companies of the regiment by a two-thirds right turn or wheel across the before- mentioned angle to the second fence. The enemy understood the importance of the move, which was one reason doubtless that made them contest so stub- bornly the first line of fence. This we tried to do and in the second assault the men, led by some of the most daring wisely broke and made a dash for the first fence and over it half across the open field of the triangle to the second fence when we were re- called to the first behind which most had stopped and opened fire, including Stetson, Captain Hiram R. Steele and others. I was the only officer over the fence, so far as seen by me, and had fearlessly en- deavored seeing at a glance an opportunity for an effective flank movement which would greatly re- lieve the entire brigade to the right to take the second line of fence on the opposite side of the triangle, which was just what was needed, and which could have been done if the movement had been supported with vim by the entire left wing of the regiment. During the day private G. D. Storrs was killed, and Sergeant H. M. Pierce, of Montpelier, and privates John Blanchard and Lafayette G. Ripley, of Barre, Peter Bover, H. W. Crossett, J. M. Mather and W. M. Thayer, and perhaps others of Company B, all brave good men, were so badly wounded as to disable most of them, such as did not die, for the balance of CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 253 the war for duty at the front ; but two or more of these died of their wounds. FeeHng nettled, although not in command of Com- pany B, and not responsible for its behavior, at Col- onel Jewett's brusque manner towards it in the ravine, when it was discovered that the flank movement be- fore mentioned, would be a failure for want of sup- port, in order to say I had been the furtherest to the front of anyone over the fence or in the regiment, I foolishly ran forward under heavy fire a few steps after ordered back, to a big stump, hit it with my sword savagely, as I was disgusted at not being fully supported, when on turning round I found myself alone with bullets flying about me faster than ever, and the men rapidly scaling the fence twenty-five yards in rear on the left in full retreat from the angle. The men of Company B had gone the furtherest ahead of any over the fence, Stetson and others repeatedly calling, "Come back ! Come back !" As usual, when- ever there was an exceedingly hot place on the line of battle in our front, Alexander Scott, A. H. Crown and others of the Burlington Company (D), as well as Z. M. Mansur, the Bruces, W. H. Blake, Judson Spofiferd, J. W. Bancroft and others of Company K. were sure to be there fighting vigorously in the very front, as most of them were on this occasion. Fully forty or more men were with me from the three left companies, and it is regretted more of them can't be remembered 254 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. by name, but the movement was too quickly executed, to go minutely into details, and forty years is a long time for a professional soldier where he has had to do with so many enlisted men meantime, to remember names. Says General W. H. Morris in his official report of this battle which as a whole is not in the best judg- ment, although he was a brave, courageous man: "The enemy was holding a fence on the crest of a hill in our front. I ordered the Tenth Vermont to charge and take it, and the regiment advanced in gallant style and took the crest. The left wing in its enthusiasm having advanced too far beyond the fence, it was necessary to recall it * * * I cannot speak of the conduct of the officers and men with too much praise." The regiment's loss was seventy-one killed and wounded, of which eight were from Company B. This loss was as needless as the fight, as we suspected at the time, and as history has proved since. Like most other engagements the most deserving who are generally on the fighting line where their work is not usually seen by such as can reward them in orders or otherwise, it was favorite staff officers and pets who were mentioned for gallantry in general orders afterwards. Had the men advanced less reg- ularly in line as at drill, more independently and rap- idly, firing meantime when in range of the enemy, our loss in comparison with what it was would have CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 255 been insignificant. All the rest of the brigade had a less trying time of it than the three left companies of the Tenth \'ermont, as they were advancing through the woods with no open field in front with two nat- ural lines of breastworks, such as the formidable rail fences which bordered both long sides of the tri- angle before mentioned. This statement is in justice to the three left companies of the Tenth Vermont. The manner in which they stood the galling fire with- out breaking shows what splendid discipline they were under. I commanded all three companies afterwards in battle separately, and felt honored in doing so. There were few skulkers in these companies in any battle they were ever in when under my command. This battle is another illustration of the folly of ap- pointing men inexperienced in scientific warfare to high military office if it can be avoided, and it gener- ally can be in time of peace, especially in the regular army. Every army, Corps, Division, Brigade and Regimental Commander, should be a man who has had enough actual experience in fighting to know how to take care of his men in battle. If such had been the case in this fight, comparatively few men would have been killed or wounded. It is criminal to make any man a general, especially in the regular army, who has not had enough experience in actual fighting to know how to fight his command without an un- necessary loss of life; and Congress which has the authority and is indirectly responsible in such matters. 256 CIVIL, WAR DIARY, 1864. should make laws such as will render it impossible to do so except in emergencies, and until it does so every individual member of Congress will be crim- inally guilty before God for every man so sacrificed in battle. It is not known to me whose fault it was that orders were not given to advance more rapidly, and to fire sooner in the fight at Locust Grove. ADDENDA NO. 2. The Battle of Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864. AND THE Status of the Sixth Corps with Generals Grant and Sheridan. I was absent wounded in V^ermont at the time of the battle of Cedar Creek, Va., and only know that my regiment fought desperately and lost heavily in killed and wounded. Captain Lucian D. Thompson of Waterbury, Vt., was decapitated by a solid shot from the enemy and Captain Chester K. Nye, Adju- tant Wyllys Lyman and Lieutenants George E. Davis, B. Brooks Clark, Austin W. Fuller and George P. Welch were wounded. From June ist to October 19, 1864, we had seven officers killed. which included all the officers who originally went out with my old Com- pany B, twelve wounded and two captured, making twenty-one in all. Surely, the blood shed in the Tenth Vermont for the preservation of the Union should satisfy the most exacting that the regiment stood up CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 257 to the rack all through the Civil War from the time it entered it. After the morning surprise at Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, 1864, just a month after the battle of Winchester, the Sixth Corps, I was told by officers of my regi- ment afterwards, was the only unstampeded infantry organization in the command around which General H. G. Wright soon rallied the better part of the sur- prised little army which Sheridan, after his historic ride of "Twenty Miles Away" from Winchester, found awaiting him ready to advance and again punish the enemy which it most effectually did. It was the last fight in the valley of the Civil War, and it was fitting that the Sixth Corps should have been allowed so largely to have so brilliantly rung down the curtain on the great Civil War stage in this sec- tion. The Sixth Corps was the mainstay of Sheri- dan's brilliant little army in the Shenandoah Valley campaign, and no one knew it better than he. When the spring campaign opened in 1865, he wanted it at Five Forks again, but Grant wanted it, too, at the same time to break the backbone of the Confederacy by breaking its lines in front of Petersburg on that memorable morning of April 2nd, 1865, which was the greatest possible honor of the day, and it did it. When given his choice by Grant of any corps in the army of the Potomac, Sheridan again called for it, too, a few days later, April 6, 1865, at Sailor's Creek, \?i., the last real battle fought in the Civil War by 258 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. the Army of the Potomac, when the Sixth Corps was rushed forward by Grant's order at pell-mell speed, where in another of Sheridan's characteristic, snappy, short, effective, two-hour fights, it largely helped to capture several — said to be eleven — general officers, 13,000* prisoners and a burning wagon train, almost an entire column, excepting about 2,000 of General Lee's fleeing veterans, including himself, three days before his surrender at Appomattox. It was fitting, too, here, that the Sixth Corps should largely fight this battle and thus again brilliantly and virtually finally ring down the stage curtain of the greatest war tragedy of modern times — The Great Civil War, Surely with all the brag and conceit in late years by members of other corps, that its corps was the best in the Army of the Potomac — and the Second as well as the Fifth zverc fine corps, and probably both these and the Sixth Corps were about equal — neither Grant nor Sheridan could have regarded the Sixth as an unreliable one, or second to any as a fighting corps however often members of other corps may conceit- edly dub theirs the best in the army. And what other *So reported then. Generals Ewell and Custis Lee sur- rendered to our brigade. The guard was about to force them to wade a swollen morass about fifty yards wide, waist deep, but Ewell demurred. The guard said he had to wade it going over for them, and that it was no more than fair that they should wade it going back. Ewell replied that it took brave men to do it under fire, but that the necessity no longer existed for any one to wade it going either way, and so won the best of the argument, and his wish. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 259 than the Sixth Corps can point to any such enviable repeated preferences on the part of both Grant and Sheridan, or to such a proud record in the closing scenes of the great rebellion? Would they not be glad to do so if they could? And still neither of the able commanders of the Sixth Corps — Sedgwick and Wright — have been honored by an appropriation for a monument by Congress in the capital city of the Nation which the Sixth Corps twice saved, once at the battle of the Monocacy, largely by the Third Division, July 9th, and again three days later largely by the First and Second Divisions at the battle in front of Ft. Stevens in the suburbs of Washington, July 1 2th, 1864, when Early came so near capturing the city. I do not believe in being invidious, but having been satiated for years by the egotistic statements of the superior qualifications by members of other corps of their particular corps, especially in Washington, and knowing only too well from long experience that fre- quently true merit goes unrewarded in history and otherwise, because of an over-modest inclination to mention facts by those interested who can, when or- ganizations and persons less worthy get more than is due by being more aggressive, is one of the reasons for my partially treating this matter. There was no corps, during the last few months of the war, to which Grant and Sheridan more frequently turned in emer- gencies than to the Sixth Corps, which is signifi- 260 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. cant, as it shows their estimate of its merits as a reliable fighting corps, over all others. The Sixth Corps was ever proud of the Second and Fifth Corps and felt honored in being associated with such splen- did organizations in the same army all through the Civil War, but the Sixth Corps yields the palm to no other in the whole Union Army east or west when it comes to fighting or any other soldierly qualifications pertaining to a model army corps. Said General Grant in the closing scenes of the Civil War: "I can trust the Sixth Corps anywhere." Said General Sheridan: "Give me the Sixth Corps and I will charge anywhere." ADDENDA NO. 3. Final Breaking of the Enemy's Lines by the Sixth Army Corps, April 2, 1865, at the Siege oe Petersburg. This memorable siege extending over a period of several months, was full of exciting, eventful fights, but none more so than the final assault on the main works, April 2, 1865. For three nights the Sixth Corps, which had been selected by General Grant to break the main line of the formidable-looking forti- fications in and near its front to its left, around Petersburg, because of its known reliability for any work assigned it, had been ordered out between the CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 261 lines as noiselessly as possible about midnight, and di- rected to lie in line of battle on the ground about two hundred yards from the enemy's picket line for the purpose of a morning assault. The First Brigade of the Third Division composed of five regiments, the One Hundred and Sixth and One Hundred and Fifty-first New York, Fourteenth New Jersey, Eighty-seventh Pennsylvania and Tenth Vermont Volunteer Infantry, was formed in three lines, the Tenth Vermont being on the right and the One Hun- dred and Sixth New York on the left forming the front line, the brigade being on the left of the Division and Corps near Fort Fisher on the side towards Hatcher's Run. As the distance between the works of the belligerent forces was the least here of any point along the front of the Sixth Corps probably, as claimed by Lieutenant-Colonel George B. Damon, in his official report, the colors of the Tenth Vermont were the first over the enemy's works in the Third Division though it is difficult to understand how in the darkness and confusion anyone could positively know this. The nights were cold and after the first one those who were fortunate enough to possess a rubber rain- coat, as I was, put it on over the blue overcoat which, when the sword belt was on made one fairly com- fortable even after lying on the ground for a long time. We were not allowed to talk or move about which made the blood sluggish, and lying on the 262 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. cold frosty ground most of the night, together with the surroundings, etc., was not conducive to cheer- fulness, warmth or comfort. To our right, in front of Petersburg, the artillery firing was unusually brisk and even appalling. The damp heavy powder smoke- laden atmosphere was stifling as the dense smoke from the ominous artillery fire of hundreds of guns all along the lines from Richmond to Five Forks, about forty miles, except where General Park's Corps and the Sixth Corps were, where later in the night in front of the Sixth Corps, the grand finale of the battle that was to soon bring peace to our stricken country and rest to two valiant armies, was to take place, settled to the ground, which added to the gloom of a terriSle night of waiting and suspense, as had been the previous two when so situated. The enemy's earthworks were very formidable,* fully eight feet high and in places still higher between thickly interspersed forts and redoubts and especially in front of our brigade, in front of which works was a ditch or moat about eight feet deep and wide, partially filled with water, bridged at intervals of about fifty yards and in some places much less, with a single log hewn flat on top for the use of the pickets. In front of this moat there were three — not "one or tzvo" as stated in General H. G. Wright's official *The size of these redoubts, Fort, adjacent works, moat, etc., in front of our brigade in any description I have ever seen have always been greatly dwarfed. I fought over them about three hours and know whereof I write. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 263 report — lines of heavy abatis and chevaitx-dc-frise heavily wired together. With a strong force well in hand behind this formidable array of works it would have been impregnable against any assaulting column of infantry alone. The pioneer corps, Capt. S. H. Perham commanding had been assigned the unen- viable task of cutting away the abatis and chcvaiix-de- frisc in places as it advanced with us to enable the men to pass. During the night word was passed along the line that it was not known from which flank the movement to advance would begin, but to follow it whichever way it came from by advancing as it reached each company. This threw great responsi- bility on me as my company was in the front line and on the right of the brigade. I knew nothing of the signal gun for the general advance to be fired from Fort Fisher at "about 4.45" o'clock a. m. ; indeed if it was fired amid the din I did not know it or its signif- icance. I had just been promoted Captain of Company G, overslaughing several other First Lieutenants who had been less regularly on the fighting line. To the right of Company G, there was no connecting line that could be seen, owing to the darkness. Not then knowing the division formation I was much per- plexed over this, and finally after directing the men on the left of the Company, which joined the next company to the left, to advance with the line in case the movement forward commenced with the left flank, I concluded for obvious reasons to take my position 264 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. on the right of my company, where intently watching and listening for any advance in that direction, sup- posing I could hear it and that I could rely on the left guide of my Company to do as directed, I paid no attention to the left flank; but shortly after the line had advanced and before any firing had occurred in our front on the advancing column, one of the men, more conscientious than the guide on the left of the Company, who had heard my orders to him came to me and said the line to the left had advanced a little be- fore, but it had done so so silently everything on the person, canteens, etc., that would make a noise hav- ing been tied fast, in the darkness, smoke and din the advance hadn't been seen or heard by me to the left of the Company where it commenced. There was no time for investigation or anything but prompt, vigorous action, and greatly annoyed at being placed in a false position and for other obvious reasons for I was no shirk in battle, I sprang to the front of my Company intent on catching up with the column, directed the Company to follow me which it did at first, but in the darkness that was the last seen of it, for as in most battles, the men broke, only the most intrepid taking the lead, and what became of such in this instance is not known. It would have been much better, easier and safer to have advanced when the movement first commenced, as the enemy's pickets, except such as fell back into their works, threw down their arms without firing and surren- CIVIL IV AR DIARY, 1864. 265 dered; and those behind their works were largely in bed fast asleep except a few in a strong fort and redoubt in front of the First Brigade, to the left of where my Company lay in line, who seemed to have been alert all night. These, as soon as they dis- covered we were assaulting, swept the ground we and others advanced over in front of the works — the two lines of works here of the two armies being about two thousand yards apart more or less — with grape and cannister, the firing commencing just as I was about half way to the enemy's works, together with desultory musketry firing, showing that none of our men were yet over them. The enemy fought most desperately in this fort, for two hours or so after daylight. Indeed, it is plain to me that it mo- mentarily abandoned the fort at first until the bulk of our men had passed by them to the left towards Hatcher's Run, and then almost at once reoccupied it, as the discharge of artillery from it was almost con- tinuous excepting a few minutes after I entered the enemy's works, until we took it about 8.15 o'clock a. m. The fort was to my left front, hence I did not ap- proach it directly, but moved along to it later on after entering the works. The first redoubt from the fort about one hundred and fifty yards towards Petersburg had given up without much resistance there being but one or two guns in it, after the first weak musketry volley, the men in and infantry supporting it, running into the woods in rear, such as did not sur- 266 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. render. The second redoubt from the fort towards Petersburg had no artillery in it and was easily taken. As soon as it was light enough to see, some of our heterogeneous force in which were two or three artil- lerymen — for there was no organized separate Union command anywhere either inside or about the enemy's works here — turned the enemy's gun from this first redoubt after moving it to a more advantageous point overlooking the fort, on its intrepid little party which from the first was supported by about a hundred of its infantry in the brush and woods — a jungle — in rear of and running down a small ravine passing be- tween the fort and redoubt to within twenty yards of the fort and its right environment or earthwork, until finally some of our men in the last assault on it sprang into the fort, clubbed and knocked down with their discharged muskets the few remaining men who had not fled or been killed, some of whom, when lying on their backs, seizing the lanyards just within reach and persistently endeavored to fire the pieces, and were only prevented by some of our men standing dramatically over the prostrate men with inverted guns and fixed bayonet ready to impale them if they per- sisted. This ended the fighting in front of where the First Brigade lay before the assault, and probably in front of the whole Sixth Corps, at any rate in front of the Third Division all the works having been taken, the capture of these two works being the most difficult being nearer together than any other similar CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 267 fortifications in the Sixth Corps front, which made it the hardest point to take in its front, especially as the ground was high and the enemy's artillery commanded the gradually sloping ground in front and to its right and left. There were three or four pieces of artillery in this fort which also fell into our hands. The woods a quarter of a mile in rear of the fort was swarming with armed and unarmed Johnnies. It was plucky fighting on both sides, for those engaged. But what had become of Company G was a quan- dary, as not a man could be found. I had run with all speed possible in order to get over the shell-swept ground as soon as practicable in front of the enemy's works supposing some of my men would follow me as usual, and within a few minutes had scaled the works, having caught up with the advance which had been delayed by the abatis, etc., greatly won- dering at the few who had really reached the works which were actually taken, all other flowery reports to the contrary notwithstanding, for a distance of about six hundred yards or more including finally the redoubts and fort by a very few determined men such as generally lead any assaulting column and cannot be turned back except greatly outnumbered; but this number was rapidly increased by stragglers. There was no jumping into the ditch in front of the works, and out again in my vicinity, for as our men were not then taught to scale perpendicular walls eight or ten feet high, they could not have gotten out of 268 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. the ditch alone even if they had gotten in and wanted to ; besides, it had several feet of water in it almost continuously, and for obvious reasons others under stress of circumstances could not stop to help them out if they wanted to even if any had fallen into the ditch by accident, and they certainly wouldn't have gotten into it in any other way in the circumstances. The ditch was the same as found around permanent forts, very formidable, and if anything even deeper. The works and protections in front were zvonderfully strong; more so here than at any other point in front of the Sixth Corps. The redoubt and ugly-looking fort on a slight eminence in front of the First Brigade a little to the left of where my Company lay in line, had caused most of our brigade and other organiza- tions within reach of the fort's guns, to oblique — as I could see them doing it by the momentary flash of the enemy's artillery from this fort which lit up the ground in its front and on either side — both to the right and left but largely to the left where most of such as went over the works in the assault to the left of the fort probably turned along them towards Hatcher's Run — as the enemy once flanked in their work would fall back from them except where there were forts, etc., — leaving the redoubt and fort with some half dozen pieces of field artillery, which be- longed to the rest of our corps to help take to be subdued by such of the more intrepid of the Third Division and other commands, as marched straight CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 269 up to the rack whether there was anything in it or not. At any rate, so far as I know, no considerable number of our regiment or of any other regiment was in the enemy's works opposite where the First Bri- gade of the Third Division lay in Hne before assault- ing shortly before daylight, nor was any of the Tenth Vermont, or any other of our forces in the last fort taken for obvious reasons for any length of time till it was finally taken about 8.15 o'clock a. m. There was not a score of men in sight as soon as light enough to see, for two hundred yards inside the works, everyone acting independently, where I first entered them to the right of the two redoubts and fort with others of the assaulting men only two of whom were killed immediately near the works in the assault, one just in front, and another whose body fell on the front slope of the works where I entered, which shows comparatively speaking, what a bloodless affair it was at this point, which was generally the case, too, all along the line except where there were forts, etc., and how little resistance there really was in front of the First Brigade excepting that of the one fort which so stubbornly held out. There were so few of our men in the works it was lonesome after some of the men had moved to the left in the darkness and could not be seen any distance away by such as didn't know it was the plan of battle to go to the left ; and not one of the enemy even after dawn could be seen for long intervals, dead or alive. What few had been in the 270 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. works except such as surrendered, mostly ran half- clad, save such as were timely warned, into the woods back of the works before and at the time we entered them, and hid. It was the most remarkable case of stampede and temporary disorganization on the part of both veteran armies seen during the war. The formidable-looking works supposed to be fairly well manned, which we had faced for months, had had their effect on our army, and the Confederates being surprised and supposing they were attacked by an overwhelming number, but were really not so con- fronted in their works except as the men accumulated moving to the left, largely gave up in the darkness without a struggle. Surely God was with us in this latter case. We could never have assaulted these works successfully by daylight, even with the force then in them of the enemy. Rather cautiously after waiting a little inside the works for the gray of the morning, as there were not men enough to be aggressive in the darkness, I, with a couple of men, there being no other officer in the neighborhood so far as I could see, commenced to investigate the cabins to make sure the premises were as safe as appearances would indicate. An investi- gation of one was startling. On approaching it in the early gray of the morning, and peering in at the open door, two of the enemy were dimly observed, one lying on the floor, and the other sitting upon the edge of his bunk apparently hesitating about dressing, CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 271 but on cautiously going near the door which faced the east and craning my neck so as to get one eye on the men without exposing my body, I rather doubt- fully demanded their surrender, but they had already made their final surrender to their Maker; they were both dead. The sitting man's body had been so per- fectly balanced when instantly killed it had remained in its lifelike sitting position. I had seen one other such case during the war before. The discovery that he was dead was startling in the dim morning light which, on leaning forward after a step inside the cabin, revealed the pallor of his face and look of death. Afterwards gradually drifting and stumbling along the works with others a short distance in the gloam of the morning to the enemy's right to where the fort was, about seventy-five of our men, the odds and ends of many different commands, frequently in- creased by stragglers who had not entered the works at first, were gathering to assault the fort containing the guns which had shelled us so fiercely when ap- proaching the enemy's works, those undelayed by in- vestigation as I was delayed, reaching it first. Finding none of my men here or a familiar face — although it is stated in the regimental history that Lieutenant-Colonel George B. Damon and Major Wyllys Lyman were there — and seeing that the force was small and made up promiscuously, and that as great a show as possible should be made, I joined in the assaults, the result of which has already been given. It's a mistake to 272 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. suppose this was a large affair ; it was a hot fight for those engaged, but all told on both sides, though, there wasn't three hundred men. The Second Brigade never came to us during the struggle. The fight was wholly by a heterogeneous lot of officers and men separated from their commands by darkness in the general assault. As this was the first fight I was in with my new Company, being but a short time with it, and unfamiliar with the men's faces, a goodly num- ber of whom were recruits, and as all in such cir- cumstances would be powder and dirt-stained and very smutty, and as the men were unusually bundled up for the occasion, it is possible that some of them may have taken part in the capture of this fort un- known to me, the same as I did. Corp. George W. Wise has since told me he did. The fighting being over on this part of the line, and not knowing we were to go along the line to the left or that the Sixth Corps had any business in front of the Corps on its left such being unusual, and never dreaming, being unable to see in the dark- ness, so few of us had taken our part of the enemy's works alone, i, e. the redoubts and fort — which to- gether with the contiguous breastworks covered our brigade front — but of course knoiuing we had cap- tured the fort alone, and wondering if it could be possible that others could have followed the enemy's main body into the forest in rear of their works when first entering, where I would possibly find some of my CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 273 men, I commenced to investigate. Going about a quarter of a mile into the woods alone, soon individ- ual members of the enemy looking comical enough, commenced to appear from their hiding places here and there half-clad, some without hats, pants, shoes, guns, etc., showing how completely they had been surprised, offering to surrender, but were afraid when directed to go to the rear of our lines to go alone through them for fear of being misunderstood and shot. In less time than it takes to tell it, three comical-looking long haired, shriveled, half-clad and starved cadaverous-looking specimens of humanity had surrendered within a space a rod square, the woods being full of them, when it dawned on me that there could be no Federal force in that direction, or these men would have been taken and that I might be out of luck if I happened to strike alone one or more of the unbeaten enemy with loaded gun; and so drawing my loaded revolver ready for emergency, I returned to the works with my numerous prisoners, others surrendering en route, just in season to see General Grant, who had probably been waiting for information that the fort had been taken, and his retinue of about one hundred pass inside the enemy's works by the fort we had taken, going towards Peters- burg. He was mounted on a proud-stepping dark charger, dressed with unusual care and never appeared to better advantage. The occasion inspiring it, he was a perfect picture of a conquering hero, but 274 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. seemed all unconscious of it. The artist who could put Grant and his suite on canvas as he appeared then would win renown. As Grant's eye caught the motley group of prisoners with me, who were regarding him with silent, open-mouthed wonder, he slightly smiled, drew in his horse a little as though to speak or in doubt of his safety, seeing the rebs had guns, but finally dashed on, an impressive picture not only in the midst of war, but surrounded by grand fortifi- cations and the victorious and defeated living, wound- ed, dying and dead, real heroes of both the blue and the gray, never to be forgotten by those who were fortunate enough to see it. But by this time, it being about 9 o'clock a. m. or later, being nearly melted from over-exertion and affected with nausea from long fasting and rushing about fighting and looking for my men from one point to another, clad with two overcoats, which I had no time to remove or place to leave them if I did, being without food and not able to find any of my men, and feeling bad and worried about them, I felt constrained to go to the hospital joining my Com- pany which had gotten together meantime by prob- ably going along that portion of the enemy's com- paratively fortless works which when once broken would have to be evacuated, about two miles to the right of where I had gone over the enemy's works, towards Petersburg, the next morning. As nothing but straggling men, the best fighters who lead every CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 275 assaulting column were found from the time I en- tered the enemy's works before dawn up to about 9 o'clock a. m., owing to the assault having been made in the dark, nothing was thought of it at the time as I knew that where I had been all commands were similarly disorganized. It was fortunate for the Union forces, though, there was so few of the enemy be- hind its works near and in the fort before mentioned ; though as a whole taking the prisoners, the major part of those who ran into the woods, together with those who stood their ground and fought us, their number greatly exceeded ours inside their works at this point. It was the easiest fight of the war, but we expected it to be the hardest. But there were a goodly number of dead and wounded about the last fort taken, where about a hundred or more of the enemy had caused a needless sacrifice of life. There was never any doubt but that we should take the fort from the first, but it did seem provoking that the whole corps should shy by it in the darkness and leave it for a few to do and especially not make its work more thorough in taking prisoners; but I've always felt reconciled to it, as it gave me such an excellent view of General Grant at such an important time in his life. It has always seemed strange that it wasn't fully understood by all Company Commanders that a sig- nal gun would be fired from Fort Fisher "about 4.45 o'clock a. m." for obvious reasons, and that the Sixth Corps was to turn to its left after entering the enemy's 276 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. works and sweep them in that direction to Hatcher's Run in front of the other Corps. Of course it and the fact that Grant's headquarters were close to the left of the First Brigade, Third Division, Sixth Corps (See Grant's Memoirs p. 310), shows that he had implicit faith in its ability to break the enemy's line of works and a possible doubt as to whether the other three corps including the Second, all of which were to the left of the Sixth, could do so or not in front of where they respectively laid. It was fortunate, however, that it wasn't fully understood that the Sixth Corps was to turn to its left and sweep the works as in case it had been the men who ran into the woods which was full of them, in rear of their works would have probably retaken some portions of them and caused still larger unnecessary loss of life. Probably it was thought instead, the enemy would move along their works to their right towards Hatcher's Run, no one ever dreaming they would become quite as badly dis- organized at once on our entering their works as we necessarily were after passing through the obstruc- tions in front of the same; but being surprised and on suddenly waking up, and finding us right amongst them, stampede followed. Aside from the foregoing defects in not having the plan of attack, etc., fully understood, the preliminaries of the assault were most admirably carried out; but the Creator knew what was best, and His unseen hand predominated. The slight shelling during the night to try and discover CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 277 if we were preparing to attack proved futile not- withstanding it did kill and wound a few men in our Brigade. No shells reached Company G, prior to its advancing. My Company being on the right of the Brigade, owing to the long interval between it and the next Brigade on its right, there were fewer men of either army where I entered the works than any where else in the neighborhood. Most of the enemy from here ran to the redoubt and fort just to their right before mentioned and into the woods for obvious reasons, so fortunately there was hardly any resistance at this point ; still I saw the only two dead Union soldiers in front of the enemy's work and our Brigade right here, except after the fort was taken. General Grant was more highly pleased with what the Sixth Corps did than any other. He says in effect in his memoirs (ibid. p. 309), among other things, that General Wright with the Sixth Corps "Swung around to his left and moved to Hatcher's Run sweeping everything before him," and after reach- ing there (ibid. p. 310), Wright "Sent a regiment to destroy the South Side railroad just outside the city." But does he mention any other Corps so pleasingly? Let the misinformed or biased historians, and others of the so-called "best" Corps of the Army of the Potomac, read what Grant says of each in this fight in his Memoirs. He cannot be accused of fulsome praise in regard to any Corps, but he does mention in flattering terms the clean, brilliant work of the old 278 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. reliable Sixth Corps which twice almost single-handed saved the National Capital during the last ten months of the war. Again here, too, at Petersburg as in the Shenandoah Valley, it was more conspicuous than any other Corps in ringing down the great stage cur- tain of this memorable siege. Had a long strong skirmish line with an occasional reserve been deployed at right angles to the enemy's works and swept to Hatcher's Run or further in rear of their works, probably many thousand more pris- oners would have been captured than were. As it was, the Sixth Corps took 3,000 prisoners, which Grant, whose headquarters were at Dabney's Saw Mill (ibid. p. 310), says he met going out of their works just as he was going over them to join the victorious Sixth Corps within the enemy's works where I saw him a few minutes later as before related. Grant does not say anything in his Memoirs about any other Corps having captured any prisoners, in case they did. Probably similar conditions ex- isted all along the lines taken in this closing, most unique and interesting battle of this historic siege so far as both sides were concerned as herein described ; and this is one reason I have so fully gone into de- tails never before having seen them as fully given by any eye witness and participant. Of course General Grant not being inside the lines he nor probably any other general officer at the moment of their being taken, was not an eye witness to the remarkable, CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 279 stirring and unusual scenes of the moment and which immediately followed, and could not go fully into such details in their reports. ADDENDA NO. 4. The following congratulatory address by General Custer to his men at the close of the Civil War is supplied by Hon, A. H. Farnam, President of one of the largest Mill Companies of Aberdeen, Washington, who served with Custer's Cavalry with credit which served with the Sixth Corps at the battle of Win- chester, Va., Sept, 19, 1864, and in other battles, is of interest : . Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9th, 1865. Headquarters Third Cavalry Division. Soldiers of the Third Cavalry Division : — With profound gratitude toward the God of battles, by whose blessing our enemies have been humbled and arms rendered triumphant, your Commanding Gen- eral avails himself of this his first opportunity to express to you his admiration of the heroic manner in which you have passed through the series of battles which to-day resulted in the surrender of the enemy's entire army. The record established by your indomitable courage is unparalleled in the annals of war. Your prowess has won for you even the respect and admiration of 280 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. your enemies. During the past six months although in most instances confronted by superior numbers, you have captured from the enemy, in open battle, one hundred and eleven pieces of field artillery, sixty- five battle flags, and upwards of ten thousand pris- oners of war including seven general officers. With- in the past ten days, and included in the above, you have captured forty-six pieces of field artillery and thirty-seven battle flags, you have never lost a gun, never lost a color, and have never been defeated, and notwithstanding the numerous engagements in which you have borne a prominent part, including those memorable battles of the Shenandoah you have cap- tured every piece of .artillery which the enemy has dared to open upon you. The near approach of peace renders it improbable that you will again be called upon to undergo the fatigues of the toilsome march or the exposure of the battle-field, but should the assistance of keen blades wielded by your sturdy arms be re- quired to hasten the coming of that glorious peace for which we have been so long contending, the Gen- eral commanding is proudly confident that, in the future as in the past, every demand will meet with a hearty and willing response. Let us hope that our work is done, and that, blessed with the comforts of peace, we may be permitted to enjoy the pleasures of home and friends. For our comrades who have fallen, let us ever cherish a grate- ful remembrance. To the wounded, and to those who CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 281 languished in Southern prisons, let our heartfelt sympathy be tendered. And now, speaking for myself alone, when the war is ended, and the task of the historian begins, when those deeds of daring which have rendered the name and fame of the Third Division imperishable, are inscribed upon the bright pages of our country's history, I only ask that my name be written as that of the Commander of the Third Cavalry Division. G. A. Custer, Brevet Major General Commanding. Official :— S. W. Barnhart, Captain and A. A. A. G. ERRATA AND CORRIGENDA. Page 42 next to the last line read ford for fort. Page 76 eighth line read is for are. Li-S'T OF SOME OF THE LIVING VETERANS OF THE TENTH REGIMENT, VERMONT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, SEPTEMBER, 1908. Abbott, L. A., Maj. U. S. A., care of Mil. Sec. U. S. A., Wash- ington, D. C. Aiken, Hiram, Co. A, Cabot, Vt. Allen, Harvey H., Co. E, Bennington, Vt. Apple, Conrad, Co. E, Leadville, Colorado. Atwater, Alonzo, Co. C, Weston, Vt. Atwood, Corp. J. B., Co. I, Chelsea, Vt. Ayers, Lieut. J., Co. B, Stowe, Vt. Bailey, George, Co. A, Goss Hollow, Vt. Bailey, Jacob, Co. A, West Plymouth, N. H., R. F. D. No. 1, Box 38. Bailey, Henry J., Co. A, Lyndon, Vt. Bailey, William H., Co. F, Enosburg Falls, Vt. Bancroft, Corp. J. W., Co. K, Boise, Idaho. Banks, A. M., Co. I, Bradford, Vt. Bartlett, Corp. 0. F., Co. G, 4G5 Chestnut St., Manchester, N. H. Bentley, Hiland L., Co. E, German, N. Y. Blodgett, Corp. G. W., Co. K, Montpelier, Vt. Bowen, S. C, Co. H, Waterbury, Ct., R. F. D. No. 1. Bracket, William H., Regt. Hospt. Steward, Co. C, Peters- burg, Mich. Brown, Joseph, Co. A, West Barnet, Vt. Brown, L. J., Co. K, Bradford, Vt. Brownell, Philander, Co. E, Ely Summit, Wash. Co., N. Y. Bruce, Sergt. E. J., Co. K, West Charleston, Vt. Bumell, Judge G. W., Capt. U. S. C. T., Oshkosh, Wis. Burt, Sergt. A., Co. F, Enosburg Falls, Vt. 284 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Bushnell, Edward, 50 Eliot St., Brattleboro, Vt., N. C. Staff. Buss, Albee, Co. E, North Adams, Mass. Burnham, Luther, Co. I, Washington, Vt. Buxton, Sergt. E. R., Co. C, Royal, Neb. Cable, Thomas, Co. A, Summerville, Vt. Calkins, W. H., Co. K, West Charleston, Vt. Carl, Rollin M., Co. D, Bristol, Vt. Chatfield, B. G., Co. G, 334 Stevens St., Lowell, Mass. Cheney, Hon. A. H., 1st Sergt. Co. G, Maj. U. S. C. T., Spencer, Iowa. Churchill, Corp. C. C, Co. C, Rochester, Vt. Churchill, O. E., Co. C, Libertyville, Illinois. Clark, Corp. Joseph H., Co. A, 18 Pike St., Hopkinton, Mass. Clark, Sergt. U. A., Co. G., Brookfield, Vt. Clement, Corp. D. E., Co. H, Tully, Mass. Clifford, Kimball C, Co. K, West Charleston, Vt. Clogston, Lieut. Andrew J., Co. G, Littleton, N. H. Coleston, Lieut. C. E., Co. H, South Woodstock, Vt. Cobb, Corp. William H., Co. D, Middlesex, Vt. Cobb, W. N., Co. H, 374 Edgwood Ave., New Haven, Conn. Colby, George, Co. H, South Woodstock, Vt. Conley, Corp. Charles W., Co. A, Summerville, Vt. Cone, Patrick, Co. E, Bennington Centre, Vt. Crane, A. J., Co. D, Bristol, Vt. Crossett, E. C, Co. B, Waterbury, Vt. Crown, Hon. A. H., Corp. Co. D, Tonawanda, N. Y. Cunningham, Thomas, Co. C, Brandon, Vt. Currie, Sergt. Charles D., Co. E, Georgia, Vt. Currier, Alburn L., Co. A, Randolph, Vt. Curtis, H. B., Co. E, Clio, Genessee Co., Mich. Daley, Corp. John, Co. H, Ludlow, Vt. Dana, E. H., Co. B, Middlesex, Vt. Dane, Alden O., Co. K, Bellerica, Mass. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 285 Dart, Alba, Co. H, Bethel, Vt. Davis, Capt. George Evans, Co. D, 35 Federal St., Beverly, Mass. Densmore, Corp. Jason, Co. G, Lebanon, N. H. Dewey, Capt. H. H., Co. A, 294 Washington St., Boston, Mass. (Now in hospital). Dodge, Albert F., Co. B, Maj. U. S. C. T., Barre, Vt. Douse, Dr. George M., Co. A, Peacham, Vt. Drown, C. L., Co. K, Island Pond, Vt. Edwards, W. R., Co. D, 221 West Miller St., Mason City, Iowa. Emery, Charles E., Co. G, Washington, Vt. Evaans, E. P., Co. B. 1419 North 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Evans, Hon. Ira H., Co. B, Capt. U. S. C. T., Austin, Texas. Farr, Capt. E. P., Co. G, Pierre, So. Dakota. Felt, D. O., Co. E, Boston, Mass. Ferris, Henry M., Co. C, Brandon, Vt. Foss, F. Plummer, Co. G, 20 Middle St., Manchester, N. H. Foster, Dr. E. J., Co. B, Waterbury Center, Vt. Foster, Capt. Daniel, Co. B, Bloomington, 111. (Not sure; no reply to letter). Freeman, Corp. Julius, Co. G, East Chatham, N. Y. Fuller, Capt. A. W., St. Albans. Vt. George, Corp. Christopher, Co. C, Barnard, Vt. George, C. H., Co. G, River Falls, Wisconsin. George, J. C, Co. K, West Charleston, Vt. George, J. Hebert, Co. G, 19 Hamilton St., Norwich, Ct. Band. Getchell, G. C, Co. G, East St. Johnsbury, Vt. Goldsmith, James H., Co. H, Weathersfield Center, Vt. Band. Green, Charles, Co. E, Bennington, Vt. Griffin, John D., Co. K, West Charleston, Vt. 286 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Griswold, Sergt. W. A., Co. D, 639 Morris St., Washington, D. C. Guilder, Bishop C, Co. E, Castleton, Vt. Hadlock, Lieut. C. P., Co. K, North Thetford, Vt. Hall, E. C, Co. G, Soldier's Home, Hampden, Va. Hamilton, Nathan, Co. F, Richford, Vt. (Not sure). Hart, John B., Co. K, West Derby, Vt. Haynes, Dr. E. M., Chaplain, 38 Grove St., Rutland, Vt. Heath, John, Co. K, West Charleston, Vt. Hebard, Milan, Co. G, Randolph, Vt. Hemenway, Sergt. Oscar, Co. H, New Richmond, Wis. Henry, Gen. W. W., U. S. Consul, Quebec, Canada. Hilliard, Sergt. C. L., Co. C, Wallingford, Vt. Hoadley, Francis H., Co. C, Wallingford, Vt. Hopkins, Perry, Co. G, Bloomer, Wis., R. F. D. No. 5. Hosford, J. N., Co. G, Barre, Vt, R. F. D. No. 3. Howard, Edgar 0., Co. H, No. 3 Willow Court, Waterbury, Ct. Howe, Sergt. J. C, Co. H, Walpole, N. H. Hoy, James, Co. C, Londonderry, Vt. Hoyt, Lieut. William R., Co. A, Oklahoma. (Govt, em- ployee; location unknown). Humphrey, Charles D., Co. H, Hartland, Vt., R. F. D. No. 1. Hunt, Sergt. Maschil, Co. K, Avon, Mass., Box 92. Hunt, Corp. Roswell C, Co. D, San Pedro, California. Ingram, Lieut. Almon, Co. G, 148 Weston Road, Wellesley, Johnson, Lieut. E. T., Co. E, Bradford, Pa. Johnson, Ira J., Co. B, Middlesex, Vt. Johnson, Nathan M., Coos, N. H. Jones, William M., Co. H, Pittsford Mills, Vt. Kelley, Beauman A., Co. A, Burke, Vt. Kelley, Edward, Sergt. Co. E, Bennington, Vt. Kelley, Corp. Emery, Co. A, St. Johnsbury Centre, Vt. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 287 Keyes, Corp. Edwin L., Co. E, Readsboro, Vt. Kidder, L. G., Co. G, Northfield, Vt. Kincaid, Arthur, Co. A, Sutton, Vt. Kingsley, Capt. H. W., Rutland, Vt. Kirk, Corp. Reuben S., Co. H, Keene, N. H. LaFountain, John, Co. F, Montgomery, Vt. Lajoie, Stephen, Co. D, Burlington, Vt. Lagro, Henry, Co. F, Enosburg, Vt. Law, Corp. Harrison, Co. C, Wallingford, Vt. Lawrence, Sergt. H. A., Co. A, East Peacham, Vt. Leanard, Charles, Co. C, Lyme, N. H. Learned, A. N., Co. I, Chester, Vt. Leavens, L. C, Co. I, Richford, Vt. Lincoln, C. M., Co. E, Rupert, Vt. Madison, M., Co. E, West Chicago, 111. Manly, James, Co. D, Milton, Vt. Mansur, J. W., Co. K, Island Pond, Vt. Mansur, Hon. Z. M., Corp. Co. K, Newport, Vt. Mason, George E., Co. G, West Randolph, Vt. Martin, George W., Co. G, Bradford, Vt. Martin, J. B., Co. C, Londonderry, Vt. McClure, C. W., Co. C, Middletown Springs, Vt. McCoy, J. B., Co. K, Madison, Wisconsin. McMurphy, A. H., Co. G, Randolph Centre, Vt. McNally, Corp. John, Co. G, Spruce St., Manchester, N. H. Miles, George B., Co. G, Waits River, Vt. Miner, Henry, Co. C, Winooski, Vt. Miner, James, Co. C, Fair Haven, Vt., Box 204. Montgomery, Corp. Wm. H., Co. E, Pownal, Vt. Morrill, Joseph A., Co. A, Passumpsic, Vt., R. F. D. No. 1. Moulton, W. S., Co. K, East Charleston, Vt. Montieth, John, Co. F, Montgomery, Vt. Munsen, W. W., Co. F, Highgate Centre, Vt. Band. Murray, Robert, Co. A, Kinniars Mills, Quebec, Canada. 288 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864, Murray, William, Co. A, Kinniars Mills, Quebec, Canada. Naylor, Michael, Co. C, 165 Granger St., Rutland, Vt. Nye, Capt. Chester F., Pawnee City, Neb. O'Brien, Thomas, Co. D, 20 Hayward St., Burlington, Vt. Oliver, Charles, Co. H, 43 Milk St., Fitchburg, Mass. Ormsby, Corp. A. S., Co. I, Chester, Vt. Osborn, Alfred M., Co. D, Williston, Vt. Paige, Corp. S. A., Co. G, Laport City, Iowa. Parker, L. B., Co. F., Richford, Vt. Parkhurst, Jesse, Co. C, Andover, Vt. Parkhurst, A. S., Co. B, Barre, Vt. Pattison, E., Co. G, White Bear Lake, Minn. Paul, William B., Co. H., Waltham, Mass. Pease, L. H., Co. H, Amherst, N. H. Perkins, William H., Co. E, East Rupert, Vt. Pierce, Sergt. H. M., Co. B, 172 Washington Ave., Chelsea, Porter, Albert H., Co. G, Thetford Center, Vt. Porter, Charles E., Co. G, 142 County St., Fall River, Mass. Powell, Charles A., Co. F., Richford, Vt. Powell, Hon. E. Henry, Col. U. S. C. T., 166 College St., Burlington, Vt. Powers, Lieut. Isaac L., Co. H, 91 Indiana Ave., Providence, R. I. Powers, Orin S., Co. I, Bakersfield, Vt. Puffer, Col. N. M., Co. E, Bennington, Vt. Band. Raymore, J. W., Co. G, Randolph, Vt. Rice, Charles L., Co. G, Rockland, Mass. Rice, G. E., Co. G, 80 Pleasant St., Maiden, Mass. Rice, Ira A., Co. G, Florence, Wis. Ring, Corp. Homer W., Co. D, Essex Junction, Vt. Ross, Sergt. U. T., Co. H, Proctorsville, Vt. Rogers, Allen, Co. C, Rochester, Vt. Sabin, W. H. H., Co. — , Rutland, Vt. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 289 Scott, Sergt. Alexander, Co. D, 1201 Kenyon Ave., Wash- ington, D. C. Sears, Andrews, Co. D, Vergennes, Vt. Selina, Julius, Co. B, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Sessions, Corp. H. G., Co. C, Meeteetse, Big Horn Co., Wyoming. Sheldon, Capt. John A., Co. C, Rutland, Vt. Sexton, DeWItt B., Co. I, Rutland, Vt. (Not sure of ad- dress). Smally, A. K., Co. G, Waterbury, Vt. Smith, Frank, Co. I, Chester, Vt. Smith, Hon. Richard, Co. F, West Enosburg, Vt. Smith, H. T., Co. G, Malcomb, Iowa. Smith, J. G., Co. B, 208 Main St., Montpelier, Vt. Spofford, Judson, Co. K, Boise, Idaho, Box 145. Stafford, Sergt. Henry, Co. E, Bennington, Vt. Stafford, Corp. John A., Co. E, 272 Western Ave., Brattle- boro, Vt. Steele, Capt. H. R., Co. K, 32 Liberty St., N. Y. City. Steward, John R., Co. E, Soldier's Home, Bennington, Vt. Stoddard, Albert H., Co. K, Burke, Vt. Swail, W. H., Co. D, 42 Larned St., Detroit, Mich. Taylor, Smith, Co. G, Chelsea, Vt. Tice, Sergt. George H., Co. K, Holland, Vt. Torrence, Ezra M., Co. E, Worthington, Minn. Torrence, Henry E., Co. E, Worthington, Minn. Turner, Andrew V., Co. E, Manchester Centre, Vt. Vedell, Francis, Co. C, 217 Blmwood Ave., Burlington, Vt. Wait, Corp. Oscar E., Co. I, Springfield, Vt. Wallace, W. H., Co. A, St. Johnsbury Centre, Vt. Wallace, C. F., Co. K, Dixville, P. Q., Canada. Walker, Corp. Joel, Co. E, Bennington, Vt. Washburn, Milton, Co. D, Middlebury, Vt. Waters, Corp. J. L., Co. E, Bennington, Vt. 290 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Welch, Adjt. George P., 8806 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Wellman, Adin J., Co. C, Sedgwick, Kansas. Wetmore, Philander C, Co. C, Robinson, Vt. Wheeler, Lieut. A. H., Perkinsville, Vt. Whitcomb, William L., Co. H, Springfield, Vt. White, Lieut. Thomas H., Co. G, Shingle Springs, California. Whitney, D., Co. G, Sibley, Iowa. Wilkey, Lieut. Alexander, Co. G, Maria, P. Q., Canada. Willey, Frank, Co. A, 323 Lake Ave., Manchester, N. H. Williams, L. J., Co. C, Mendon, Vt. Wise, Corp. George W., Co. G, 172 Broadway, Saranac Lake, N. Y. Woodruff, Gen. Charles, Co. A, care Mil. Sec. U. S. A., Wash- ington, D. C. Wyatt, A. N., Co. E, 16 Washington St., Brattleboro, Vt. Young, Henry C, Co. E, Bennington, Vt. DIED. Black, J. A., Co. K, d. 715 E. 7th St., Erie, Pa., wid. res. there. Bond, T. C, Co. H, d. Apr. 19, 1905. Boutwell, A. C, Co. G, d. Rutland, Vt., wld. res. there. Chatfield, B. G., Co. G., d. in Lowell, Mass. Clark, Dr. Almon, d. in Milwaukee, Wis. Colby, E. C, Co. I, d. in Waterbury, Ct., wid res. Spring- field, Mass. Eaton, A. F., Co. H, d. in Ludlow, Vt. Emery, George A., Co. G, d. in Somerville, Mass. Freeman, Dr. D. B., Co. G, d. in Bethel, Vt., wid. res. there. Gassett, Oscar, Co. H, d. in Ludlow, Vt, Jan. 11, 1895. Hadley, Corp. Thomas, Co. H, d. in Claremont, N. H., June 20, 1904, wid. res. 36 Prospect St., Claremont, N. H. CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 291 Haskell, Robert, Co. A, d. in East Peacham, Vt. Kelley, C. A., Co. G, d. in Hawley, Mass. Laberee, Sergt. George, Co. A, d. at Ascot Corners, P. Q., Canada. Leach, P. C, Co. I, d. in Bakersfield, Vt, Oct. 2, 1907 Mcintosh, Dr. H. H., Co. G, d. in Randolph, Vt. McKinstry, A. P., Co. G, wid. res. 419 W. 7th St., Red Wing, Minn. Pippin, Corp. Timothy, Co. D, d. in Rockford, la., Nov. 14, 1907. Poor, John H., Co. G, d. in Hardwick, Vt. Riley, Thomas D., Co. F, d. probably in Wis. Rutherford, Dr. J. C, d. in Newport, Vt. Sloane, William A., Co. H., d. in Conway, N. H., Jan. 6, 1903, wid. res there. Sprague, H. J., Co. G, d. at Bridgewater, Vt. Stiles, Lieut. H. G., Co. G, d. in Indianapolis, Ind. Tarble, Sylvester C, Co. H, d. in Brandon, Vt. Thompson, Charles, Co. G, d. in Manchester, N. H. Thompson, Capt. J. S., d. at 2802 Everett Ave., Everett, Washington, wid. res. there. Ware, D. W., Co. H, d. in Springfield, Mass., Apr. 21, 1898. Whitehill, W. H., Co. A, d. at State Center, la.. Mar. 3, 1907, wid. res. there. Woodward, G. H., Co. G, d. at Bridgewater, Vt., wid. res. there. Wyman, Charles H., Co. H, d. in Fitchburg, Mass., May 28, 1902, of apoplexy, wid. res. 9 Park St. Zuille, Francis, Co. H, d. in Springfield, Vt., July, 1908. INDEX. The same name although indexed but once may appear several times on the same page. The figures following the name refer to the page where the name will be found. The different grades of rank following the name show that the individual Is so referred to in the text. Abbott, Charles 245 George 158 James 230 L. A. Lieut, Capt, Maj. 247 Roy 13 Abercrombie, Gen. 205 Alexander, F. W., Capt. 95, 99, 102 Gen. 207 Allen, Ethan 122 H. S., Capt. 95 Anderson, Dr. 234 Gen. 135 Archer 200 Averill, W. W., Gen. 150, 162, 168 Bagley, Dr. 227 Ball, Col. 25 Bancroft, Dan. 5 J. W. 253 Banty, 4, 12 Barber, Merritt, Lieut., Capt. 77 123, 135, 245 Barnard, Kev. Mr. 28 Barnhart, S. W. 281 Bartruff. Capt. 243 Battles, Mrs. 18 Baxter, Mr. 9 Baxter, Hon. Portus 27 Beal, C. W., Corp. 10, 11 Beckley, Mr. 226 Benedict, Ezra 217 Aurora, Ro. 217, 232 Beaureguard, Gen. 208 Binkley, Otho H., Lieut.-Col. 96 Birney, Gen. 68 Bixby, Roger 225 Blair, P. M., Gen. Ill Blake, W. H. 253 Blanchard, Hiram 226 John 252 Orry 10, 85, 149, 216 Bliss, Mr. Rev. F. S. 221, 226, 227, 231 Mrs. 221 Blodget, P. D., Capt 22, 223 Bogue, C. D., Sergt, Lieut., Capt. 140 Botts, John Minor 27 Bover, Peter 252 Bowen, Mr. 11 Breckenridge, Gen. 102, 108, 109 Bradford, Got. Ill Bradley, Byron 145, 219 Bradey's 39 Briggs, Capt. 239 Brown, Allison L., Col. 95 Chas. J., Capt. 95, 98, 105 George G. 11 John Old 141 Brownell, 171 Bruces, 253 Buford, Gen. 202 Burnell, G. W., Lieut. 30, 93 Burrage, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204 Burnham. Abby 6, 61 Andrew 218 Hattie 221, 232 Henry 231 James; Jim 139, 221, 241 Burnside, Gen. 39, 40, 41, 42, 51, 62, 83, 89 Butler, B. F., Gen. 23, 84, 85, 244 Carpenter, Dr. 226 Carr, J. B. 24 Casev, Silas, Gen. 14, 28, 29, 34, 36, 39, 40 Chandler, C. G., Capt., Maj., 11, 26, 29, 38, 41, 77, 9! 105, 240 Mrs. C. G. 23 Charles Sergt. 245 Chester, Mrs. 224 Child, Mrs. W. A. 14 Dr. W. A. 4, 13, 20, 24 Chilton, A. W., Lieut., Capt. 140. 240 Capt. 2, 229, 231, Col. , 99, CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 293 Chittenden, L. E., Hon. 117 Clark, Lieut. 41 B. B., Lieut. 225, 250 Almon Dr. 3, 19, 20, 23, 129, 139, 143, 219, 240 Will 2, 130 Clendenin, David R., Col. 95, 99 Cllngman, Gen. 72 Crandall, Maj. 78 Crook, George Gen. 124, 125, 126, 127, 135, 141, 149, 157, 162 Crossett, H. W. 252 Crown, A. H. 253 Custer, G. A., Gen. 69, 168, 174, 279, 281 Damon, G. B., Capt., Lieut.-Col. 45, 242, 261, 271 Darrah, Samuel. Capt. 1, 6, 15, 19, 24, 28. 77, 104 Davis, Jeff. 243 G. E., Lieut., Capt. 13, 54, 77, 86, 92, 93, 99, 100, 104, 105, 131, 145, 148, 225, 243, 240, 256 Mrs. G. E. 19 Day, Capt. 243 Devcey, H. H., Lieut, Capt. 13, 19, 241 Dillingham, Capt., Maj. 1, 11, 78, 89, 100, 121, 127, 167, 169, 210. 215, 216, 225 Gov. 230 Dodge, Albert F., Capt. 41, 229, 231 Louise 231 Oramel, Mrs. 221, 227 Donaldson, Mr. 121 Doubleday, Gen. 202 Drury, Lyman 219 Early. Jubal A.. Gen. 48. 93, 100, 102, 106. 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117. 118, 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 134, 135, 136, 142, 146, 150, 169. 176. 201, 208. 210, 211 Ebright, Aaron W., Lieut.-Col. 96 Egbert, Lieut.-Col. 25 Embic, Col. 3 Emerson, William, Col. 96 Emery, W. H., Gen. 112, 124, 150, 190, 191. 192 Evans, C. E.. Lieut. 102 Ewell, Gen. 200, 258 Farnam, A. H. 279 Farra. Mr. 29 Farrer. Perlev 62 Farr, E. P., Lieut. 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 20, 27. 139 Field, Gen. 72 Flint, Mr. 232 Floyd, Aurora 217, 218 Forbush, Dr. 224 Forest, Edwin 40 Foster, Col. 140 Daniel G., Lieut, Sergeant 12, 241 Maj. 36 French, Charley 221 Frank 216, 230 Gen. 21, 24, 26, 29 Frost E. B., Capt, Maj. 4, 24, 41, 72, 75 Fuller, A. W., Lieut. 225, 256 George, Herbert 4, 6 Getty, General 180 Gibson, C. J., Lieut. 97 Gilmore, 120 Gilpin, Chas., Col. 95, 99 Glover, Hattie 217. 220, 221, 222 Goddard, Maj. 214 Godwin. Gen. 210 Goodrich, Capt 2, 212 Gordon, Gen. 102, 108, 109, 110, 111, 115 Grant U. S., Col., Gen., Lieut- Gen. 1, 29, 37. 42, 49, 61, 65, 66, 69, 76, 78, 85, 86, 92, 93, 94, 109, 111, 115, 116, 123, 129, 130, 134. 1.3.5. 136, 141, 146, 147, 149, 179, 194, 195, 197, 198,- 199, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209. 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278 Griffin, Gen. 50 Hall, C. K., Lleut.-Col. 96 Hallock, Gen. 115 Hancock, Gen. 51. 54, 59, 64 Hanson, Lester 231 Mr. 216 Harper. Maj. 36, 126 Harrington, Ardelia 226 Nate 10, 149, 221, 220 Hayes. R. B., Col., Gen., Pres. 157 Haynes, E. M., Chap., Dr. 3, 30. 41, 46, 107. 113. 117, 155, 150, 211, 248. 249 Hayward, Mrs. 227 Havward, Susan 227 Hennig, 127 Henry, Mrs. W. W. 23 W W., Lieut.-Col., Brig.-Gen. 6, 37, 41, 46, 73. 77. 86, 96, 102, 103, 104, 106, 131, 240, 242 Hicks. J. A., Llettt., Capt., 28. 38, 40. 214 Mr. 214 Higglns, 127 294 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. Hill, D. G., Lieut. 2, 9, 10, 26, 92, 131, 132, 209, 211, 212 Hinkley, Lyman 227 Iloadly, P. H., Corp. 178 Hogle, Sergt. 216 Hoije, Gen. 72 Holbrooli, Gov. 230 Hood, Gen. 244 Howe. Abby 232 Polly, Aunt 219, 220 Uncle 220, 231 Howard, Gen. 202 Hoyt, W. R., Lieut. 6, 8 Hunt, Lucius T., Capt., Maj. 75, 140, 240 Mrs. 24 Hunter, Col. 236, 238, 239 Huntington, 36 James, Dr. 223 Jewett, Albert B., Col. 6, 13, 16, 17, 21, 31, 41, 248, 253 Johonnott, Fred 222 Jones, J. H., Dr. 39, 61, 138, 220, 226, 227, 242, 245 Maj. 239 Mr. 231 Keifer, J. W., Col. 107 Kersliaw, Gen. 72, 136, 141, 210, 211 Kilpatrlck, Gen. 22, 23, 24 King, 108, 109, 110 Kingsley, H. W., Lieut., Capt. 23, 92, 145, 212, 239 Landstreet, Wm. T., Col. 95 Leary, P., Lieut., Brig. Gen. 102 Lee, C. B. 10, 12, 13, 201 Custus, Gen. 258 Fitzhugh, Gen. 135, 136 R. E., Gen. 12, 22, 52, 56, 57, 60, 67, 78, 107, 135, 142, 148, 194, 198. 199, 202, 203, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, 211, 258 Lieb, E. H., Capt. 95 Leonard, Capt. 28 Herbert 222 Laura 222 Lewis, S. H., Jr., Lieut. 239 Lincoln, Abraham, Mr., Pres. .39, 117 147, 195, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 228 Lomax, Gen. 114 Longstreet, Gen. 64, 198, 202, 203, 204, 207 Lyman, Wyllys., Adj.. Maj. 126, 170, 178, 225, 256, 271 Mansur, Z. M., Corp., Col. 253 Marlborough, 194, 197, 204, 209 Martin, Ann 220 Mather, J. M. 252 Mattison, J. M. 235 May, Lewis A., Maj. 96 McCausland, Gen. 100, 102, 108, 109, 110, 111 McClellan, G. B., Gen. 142, 146, 147, 195, 228 McClennan, Matthews R., Col. 96 McDonald, Maj. 73 Meade, Gen. 30, 37, 48, 51, 63, 69, 112. 122, 123. 198, 201, 202, 203, 205, 206, 251 Meader, Levi 25, 228, 245 Merrill, Isaac 227 Nancy 131 Merritt. Wesley., Gen. 150, 162, 168 Moon, Dick 3.?, 35 Morris. W. H.. Gen. 8. 9. 22, 24, 28, 38, 55, 251, 254 Morse, Mrs. 24 Mosby, 16, 124, 135 Mower, David, Mr. 220. 222, 230, 231, 241, 244 Mrs. David 217, 230 Nelson, 108, 109. 110 Newton. C. G. 3. 5. 19 Nye C. F., Capt., Lieut. 17, 225, 256 O'Brien. Thomas. Priv. 104 Olds. William 229 Orcutt. Mr. 231 Paine, E. M., Capt. 96 John 218 Parker. Rev. Mr. 21 Parkhurst, A. S. 10, 11 Park. Gen. 262 Patterson. Mrs. 226 Pepper, Mrs. 218 Perham, S. H.. Capt. 263 Pickett. Gen. 72. 198. 205 Pierce. Abbv 145. 219 H. M., Sergt. 252 Lieut. 245 Uncle 219 Pollard, Dr. 66, 67 Powell. Col. Henry 93 Prince. Brig.-Gen. 29 Putnam. G. B. 241 Ramseur. . Gen. 108. 109 Read. J. M.. Sergt.. Adjt, Lieut. 14. 35. 131. 135 Revnolds. Gen. 200. 202 C. H., Lieut. R. Q. M. 138 Rhodes, Gen. 108. 110, 210 Ricketts. James B.. Gen. 96. 99, 112, 113, 116, 182, 189 Ripley, Lafayette G., Priv. 252 Roberts, Rev. Mr., Chap. 30, 145 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. 295 Robinson, Gen. 50 Russell, Ed 215, 223 Gen. 64, 67, 158, 1.59, 161, 164, 165, 167, 168, 174, 175, 178, 182, 193, 200 Rutherford, J. C, Dr. 169, 234 Salisbury, J. A., Capt., Maj. 3, 102, 103, 104 Sawyer, J. W. 10 Schall, Col. 73, 75, 87 Schurz, 202 Scott, Alexander, Priv., Corp., Sergt. 105, 178, 253 Billy 18 Charles, Mrs. 226 Seaver, J. R., Ryle 7 41, 131, 218, 229, 232 Alma 218 Rodney 218, 232 Sedgwick, Gen. 37, 48, 51, 54, 122, 259 Seward, Wm. H. Jr., Col. 96 Seymour, Gen. 45, 46, 48 Shalers, Gen. 48 Shedd, Corp. 53 Sheldon, Capt. J. A. 26, 28 Sheridan, Gen. 1, 69, 123, 131, 135, 136, 141, 146, 149, 151, 152, 153, 166, 167, 178, 179, 180, 189, 193, 194, 195, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 205, 209, 210, 211, 233, 240, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260 Sherman, Gen. 131, 241, 242, 243, 244 Simons, Sarah, Aunt 220, 231 George 220 Martha 220 Skiff, George 24 Smith, David 220, 231, 232 Governor 9, 22 Lois 232 Mr. 29 W. P.. Maj.-Gen. 70, 84, 85 Snow, Mr. 220 Spaulding. J. S. 229 Spofford, Judson 253 Stahl, J. A., Col. 96 Stannard, Gen. 230 Staunton, J. F., Col. 107 Steele. H. R. Capt. 3, 18, 19, 25, 44, 55, 76, 252 Stetsou, Ezra, Lieut. 1, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 23, 35, 73, 225, 249, 252, 253 Mrs. Ezra 19 Stevenson, Gen. 236, 237, 240 Stonestreet, Dr. 127 Storrs. G. D. 252 Thayer, Dr. 222, 223, 23.'?, 234, W. M. 252 Thomas, Gen. 147, 241, 242. 243, 244 Stephen, Col. 124 Thompson, Aunt 145, 232 Fernando 220 Helen 221 J. S., Lieut., Capt. 25, 74 L. D., Lieut., Capt. 131, 225, 226, 256 Lieut. 17, 23 Phlneas 221 P. A., Pert. 2, 6, 9, 17, 23, 60, 61, 79, 130, 137, 145, 146. 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 224, 226. 229, 230, 232, 241, 245 Tilden, Lester 229 Webber 229 Torbert, A. T. A., Gen. 137, 150 Townsend, Lieut.-Col. 73 Truax, W. S., Col. W. S. 96 Tyler, E. B., Gen. 95, 99, 110, 121 Upton, Emery, Gen. 72, 73, 192, 193 Vredenburg, MaJ. 167 Wadsworth, 200 Walker, Aldace F., Col. 176 180, 187, 189, 194 Joel, Corp. 171, 172 Wallace, Lew, Gen. 95, 104, 107, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115 Walters, Mr. 216 Warner, Col. 184, 185 Warren, Gen. 51 Watson, Alma 229 Mrs. George 216, 230 George 230 Jo. 227 Welch, George P., Adjt.. Lieut. 14. 31. 41, 132, 143, 148, 225, 256 Wellington, 194, 197, 204, 209 Wells, Charles A. MaJ. 95 West, Fanny 229 Mr. 225 Wheeler, Lieut. 148, 240 Elijah 231 Susan 79, 231 White, William, Lieut. 73 Wllkey, Alexander.. Lieut. 241 Wilson, C. B., Carl, Col. 9, 10, 20, 32. 215, 216, 221, 222, 224. 230 James H., Gen. 130, 137, 139, 150, 161, 180 Em. 221 296 CIVIL WAR DIARY, 1864. John, Mr. 221, 222 Mrs. 221, 222 Wise, Corp. George W. 272 Woodbrldge, F. E., Congressman 25, 228 Wright, H. G., Gen. 84, 90, 124, 149, 192, 202, 239, 257, 259, 262, 277 Mrs. 211, 212 Rebekah 211, 212 York, Gen. 210 31^77-5