E 63f E 63J REPORT Of the Proceedings of a Meeting of the Ladies and Ward Visitors of the Special Relief Committee, held at the rooms of the Committee on Monday, January \^th, 1864. Mrt-. Gillespie, acting as Chainiian of the Spe(-ial Relief Coniniittee of the Women's Pennsylvania Branch of the U. S. Sanitary Commission, in place of Mrs. Tevis, absent from the City, and Mrs. Wjstcr having been requested to act as Secretary, proceedings were opened by a few remarks from the Chair, explaining the need of such an organization as it was the object of the present meeting to form. Mrs. Gillespie stated that the Special Relief Committee had been in the beginning entirely dependant for the means of relief, which it dis- bursed to thedestitute families of Soldiers, upon the Sanitary Commission. of which it is a branch. That, finding the destitution among the widows and families of Soldiers much greater than had been anticipated, and the lueans furnished by the Commission distressingly inadequate, the six ladies composing the S. R. Committee had, by their personal exertions, insured to the S. R. a much larger monthly income than had at first been hoped for, whereby it was enabled to employ a greater number of w6rkwomen than heretofore. Then, with the cold weather, came urgent need of coal for these poor people: 11 tons, which had been procured and distributed by the Committee being liut a small item in the vast demand. At this juncture, Mr. Davis Pearson came forward and oft'ered, if the Committee would call together a meeting of the charitably disposed from all parts of the City for the purpose of forming an organization whereby the destitute families of Soldiers should be visited in every Ward of our City, to procure for them any amount of coal. The call to this meet- ing was largely responded to, but before there had been time to pro- vide every Ward with visitors, Mr. Pearson announced that Mr. Geo. H. Stuart and the Christian Commission had been beforehand with the great coal proprietors, and that he was unable to procure for the S. R. the amount of coal he had hoped for. t^ireatlv di^i^couraged, the Committee were about to relinquish all hope of forming the desired organization, when Mr. Pearson again communi- cated with them, stating that he would still do his best for them, and placing two hundred Unis of coal at their disposal. This announcement was received with delight, and orders for this coal were issued by the mem- bers of the S. R. and by several Ward Visitors, and duly honored by Mr. Pearson, tlirough whom the coal was distributed. But as there were no Ward Visitors for many Wards of the City, as in the previous season of discouragement those who had been appointed Visitors had conceived themselves released from duty, and as in default of an exact register recording the names of those to whom coal had been issued, mistakes were inevitable in its distribution, another meeting was called. Mr. Pearson was invited to attend, and it was proposed that a much more thorough organization than had heretofore been possible should be formed, and that the S. R. Committee should keep at its room, where all orders for coal should be endorsed before issued, a register recording alphabetically the names of all who had received coal. This ]>roposition did not meet Mr. Pearson's approval, and after handing over to the S. R. the amount of coal remaining in his hands, (47 tons,) he has sent in his resignation, subject to the action of the present meeting, " which has been called for the purpose of deciding whether under present discouragement it is worth while to continue in our efforts at organization." Mrs. Gillespie concluded by jmtting the foregoing question to tlie vote, which was unanimously decided in the attirmative. and the ladies present thereby agreed to aid in the formation of a thorough organization, express- ing their confident hope that coal would not be found wanting; and Mrs. Gillespie announced that the Reading Railroad liad offered free transportation for all coal given for charitable purposes. A number of applications for coal from the poor of various Wards of the City were now referred to their respective Lady Visitors, appointed as follows : 1st Ward. Mrs. Edmund A. Soudcr, 238 Pine street. 2d " Miss 0. Neill, 1408 West Penn Square. 3d " Miss Ives, 228 Lombard street. 4th " 5th '• Miss Rowley, 2G(> South Fourth street. (Jth ■• Mrs. E. W. tlutter, 307 New street. 7th " Mrs. Benton, l')22 Pine street. 8th " Mrs. Frederick, 1033 Chestnut street. \hh Ward. 10th " lltli I2th 13th Uth 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22(1 23(1 24th Miss Stokely, 19 North Eighth street. Mrs. Isaac Collins, 1431 Filbert street. Mrs. Jas. Evans, 829 North Eighth street. Mrs. Galvin, 818 Marshall street. Mrs. Taylor, (US North Tenth street. Mrs. Edward Patterson, 1315 Spring Garden street. Mrs. James A. Burke, 1701 Green street. Mrs. Robert Evans. Miss Kimball, Franktbrd Rd., •"> doors bel. Cumberhmd. Mrs. Bulkley, Richmond below Leliigh avenue. Mrs. Hatch, Tliirty-seeond and Hamilton st., (Mantua.) Mis. Bulkley, Richmond near Lehigh avenue. Mrs. Correv. Tiiirtv-second street, 4 doors above Barins, The rules for the government of this organization shall be as follow,-- : First. — Applications for coal without the endorsement of a Lady Visitor will be received at the room of the S. R., 1338 Chestnut street, only on Mondays and Wednesdays of each week, from the hours of 1 to 3 P. M.. the applicant referred by the member or aid of the S. R. in charge, to the Lady Visitor of the Ward wherein the applicant resides. Second. — No order for coal shall be issued at the room of the S. R. Committee (whence alone orders can be issued) except on the written request of a Lady Visitor of the Ward wherein the applicant resides. Third. — It shall be the duty of one or more members of the S. R. Com- mittee to be in constant attendance at the room of the Committee. 1338 Chestnut, from 3 to o P. M. every day, (Sundays excepted.) Fourth. — Requests for coal from any Lady Visitor, received during the aforesaid hours, shall be duly acknowledged by the member of the S. R. in attendance, by an order for coal. Fijth. — It shall be the duty of the member of the Special Relief in charge at the room of the Committee, to record all applications for coal made through a Lady Visitor, with the date of each application, in the register provided for the purpose. Sixth. — It shall be the duty of eacpr Lady Visitor to keep an exact record of the requests for coal issueil by her, with the date thereof. Seventh. — Meetings of the members and Lady Visitors of the S. Relief will be held on the third Friday in every month, at 12 M., at the room of the Committee, 1338 Chestnut street, at which punctual and constant attendance is earnestly enjoined witkout further notice^ and at which the general register will be compared with the records of the Lady Visitors, iind all miscellaneous business transacted. Eighth. — No coal issued in larger amounts than by the half ton at a time. Ninth. — 'I'lu! foregoing rules may be amended at any of the monthly meetings, notice of the pro|)Osed amendment having been given at a pre- vious meeting, the assent of two-thirds of the members of the organiza- tion being required for the adoption of said amendment. Mr. Pearson's resignation having been presented, was accepted, and a note sent him signe