. o < .7 / i >° -^^ - trills* .0^ .^ '* '% \> V <» ' '"^ A^ ^ ' o . s ■ • c^cf^Y^w"^ . O ;;#M' X. 5" ■• A -i A- o r^ ^A^ ^I' ^^^^ - \ ■-. >o >^- ';■' ,"' <5. ' ' <^^ •^^ :^. : ^^<^<^ A ^^^t. ,<^- -% Y' ';>• » > %^ v TO^ fc' ^.„ -^.^'^ ->»? Q^ o " c PREMIUM HISTORY. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, FU05I THEIR FIRST SETTLEMENT AS COLONIES, TO THE CLOSE OF THE WAR WITH GREAT BRITAIN IxV 1815. TO WHICH IS ADDED QUESTION S9 ADAPTED TO THE USE OF SCHOOLS. • • ' " Ci/itas, incrodibile memoriitu est, adcpta libcrtatc, «iiamum brevf fc • erevorit.'' — Sallust. fS NEW-YORK: S;-; \ STEREOTYPED BV GEORGE B. LOTHIAW. tf':\ PUBLISHED ay collins and hannay, 230 pearl-strebt. |':.?N-"^'- 183a .t • ■• : ,■. «:,■■ •■ ?■■ • ••j WILLIAM C. dean, PRINTER, Sovthrrn Pintrict of JVew York, ss HE IT REMEMHEREl). Tluu on (he 22d day of Augnst, in the 5(Mh year of ilie inik'!>ciideiicc ol the I'nited Stares of Anieru;a, Charles Wiley, ol ilii* stiid DisiricJ, liatli (leDosiiod in tliis olMie >!ie title of a book the ri;ilu whcreiore he claims as proprietor, in the words /ollowins, to wit . History of the IJnited States, Croin their First SeUleui'Mit as Colonics, to the dose of the War with Great Hrilain, in 1815. " Civitas, incredibile inenioraiu est, adejita lii)e:tate, quantum brevi trevorit."- Sitllus'.. In conlornuty i-t the Act of the Congress ol the United States, entitled "An Ac: lor the < ni-ouragenient of Learninji, by securing the copies of Maps, (.'harts, and Hooks, to the anthors and proprietors of such copies, • dnrinji the iiinh therein mentioned " And also lo an Act. entitled " An Act, supplementary to an Act. entitletl an Act lor the cncouragenicnt of I.earninji. by seciirini; the copies of Maps, Charts, and IJooks, lo tha authors and proprict<)rs of such copies, during the limes therein men- tioned, ami extend:!i)i the bene'.its thereof to the arts of designing, engrav- ing, ajtit etcliiinf historical ami otlier prints." JAMES UiLL, Ctak of tlu Southern District of Xcw York At a meeting of the American Academy of Language and Belles Lettres, held at the City-IIall, in the city of New- York, October 80, 1820, — Hon. Brockholst Livin ston, First Vice President, in the chair; Rev. John ll ALEXR. Mc I.EOD, ^Commlueo. JACOB MORlviX. . N CONTENTS. Page. Introduction -••--•- 7 History of Virginia - - - - - - 15 Massachusettd ------- OfJ Nevv-Manipsliire ------ 55 (^oiJiecticut ------- 59 Rhode Island -GO New- York (18 New- Jersey -------84 Delaware -------87 Penns>f /ania --•---. 81) Maryland 1)3 Norili-Caiolina ------- yo South-Carolina - - - « • • -loO Georgia - - - - - • - 105 French War of 175G-63 110 Revolution - - - - - - -126 Revolution - - - - - - - 189 Expedition against Canada - - - - 159 (Campaign of 1776 - - - - - - H!9 Campaign of 1777 - - - - - - 179 C'ampaign of 1778 ------ 189 Campaign of 1779 - - - - - - 194 Campaign of 1780 ------ 198 ('atnpaign of 1781, and termination of the War - 20G Adoption of the Constitution, and Washington's Ad- ministration ------- 218 Mr. Adams's, Mr. Jefferson's, and part of Mr. Madi- son's Administration — Declaration of War - 2.37 Campaign of 1812 - - - - - 253 Campaign of 1813 - - - - - - 259 Camjiaign of 1814— Conclusion of the War - 2'^'Z Appendix -------- 2^4 PREFACE. TTIE following work was begun many ye?.;s since: llip appearance, soon after, of several books, on a plan nearly similar, and the want of sufficient leisure, induced the Author to relinquish his design. Perceiving, from the subsequent offer of a premium for the best written work of the kind, that another was wanted, lie resumed and completed his undertaking. It was his purpose to present a correct and interesting narrative of all the important events in the history of his country : to exhibit, in a strong light, the principles of political ind religious freedom which our forefathers pro- fessed, and for wliichthey fought and conquered ; to record the numerous examples of fortitude, courage, and patriot- ism, which have rendered them illustrious ; and to produce, not so much by moral reflections, as by tiie tenor of the narrative, virtuous and patriotic impressions upon the mind of the reader. It was his aim to render the book woithy to be read, not only in the academies and schools of his country, but by that very numerous portion of his fellow citizens, who have seldom the opportunity to peruse more voluminous productions ; and by those who might wish to review their studies, and fix in their memory the succes- sion of events : and it was also his aim to exhibit a style whicl should be correct and i-urc ; should be free from ambitious ornament, and from those faults with which the writers of this country have been too justly chargrd. Ha by no means supposes that he has accomplished all he aimed at. It was thought indispensible that a history, intended to be accessible to all, should ce, and two human bodies, of a complc'xion different from that of EuroTjeans, had been driven, by long westerly winds, up^.r the shores of islands contiguous to Eoiope, sug2*r5ted to his observing mind the project of seeking the East Indies by sailing directly west. $ INTRODUCTION. 4. Unable to defray the expenses of an expedition, he Bought first the assistance of his native city. His coun- trymen, acviistomed only to cruisinjyf, in frail vessels, along the shoros of the continent, treated the project as chimeri- cal, and ieclined furnishing aid. A pr'^ssing application to the king ot' Portugal, in whose dominions he liad resided, met likewise with ridicule and reiection* Persevering in his purpose, he then sent his broliier, Barlhoh)mew, to England, to apply to Henry VI I, and went hiinselt" to Spain, which was then governed by Ferdinand and Isa- bella, from whom he solicited assistance. 5. For a hmg time he solicited in vain. At length the queen persuaded hy his representations, became his friend and patron. By her directions, three small vessels were fitted out, and h? was authorised to sail wiili these upon his projected voyage of discovery. On the third of Au- gust, 14'.)-3, he departed from Palos, in Spain, directing his course towards the Canary Islands. 6. He stopped there to refit, and, on the sixth of Sep- tember, boldly adventured into seas wliicii no vessel had yet entered, with no chart to direct him, no guide hut his compass, and without any knowledge ol' the tides or cur- rents which might interrupt his course. He moved rapidly before the trade wind, which blows invariably from the east to the west between the tropics, judiciously conceal- ing from his ignorant and tirrid crews the |)rogress he made, lest they might be alarmed at the speed with which they receded from home. 7. About the fourteenth of September, he was distant nearly six hundred miles from the most westerly of the Canaries, and here the magnetic needle was observed to vary from its direction to the polar star, and incline towards the west ; an appearance which, although now familiar, had never before been observed. 8. Columbus and his companions were alarmed. They were far from land, and far from the tracks of other navi- gators. All before and around them was unknown, and their only guide seemed to be no longer entitled to their confidence. But although alarmed, Columbus lost not his presence of mind. He assigned a reason for the variation, which, without satisfying liimself, silenced the murmurs of ids companions. 9. But the interval of quiet and suhor Jination was short, Disaffeeliun soon reappear-^d among the ignorant and wavering, and, gradually spreading, at length pervaded the INTRODUCTION. trhole squadron. The men blamed their sorereign for listenir^ to the schemes of a dreaming adventurer. Tlie indications of land had all proved fallacious. They would be amiis(!d and deceived no longer. They agreed that Co- lumbus should be forced to relinquish an undertaking which seemed to promise nothing but destruction ^and some of the iuore daring talked of throwing him into the sea, as a visionary projector, whose death would cause no regret, and prochicc no inciuirj^ 10. Amidst these difficulties, Columbus displayed those traits of character which proved the greatness of his mind, and his peculiar fitness for the arduous duties of his sta- tion. He appeared with a steady and cheerful countenance^ as if satisfied with what he had done. jiSometimes he soothed his compHuions by holding out to fnem a prospect of richos and of fame, and by oftering a gratuity to him who should first discover land. Sometimes he assumed a tone of authority, threatening them with the vengeance of their sovereign, and everlasting infamy, should they com- pel him to abandon the undertaking"^^ 11. These encouragements and (Tireats prevented open and forcible resistance to his authority. Meanwhile the scjuadron proceeded onwarrl ; the indications of land had become Irequent, and convinced him that it could not be far distant. But his crew were unconvinced, and their discontent increased. Assembling tumultuously on deck, they demanded to be conducted back to Spain. As a last expedient, he proposed that they should continue on their course three days longer, and if, in that time, land should not be discovered, he would then comply with their demand. 12. Thev consented. Before the time expired, Colum- bus, on thqfl 1th of Octobem at midnight, saw a light glim- mering at a distance. " A Tight ! a light !'' was the joyful exclamation, which Instantly resounded through the squad- r')n. On the a[)proach of morning, all hands stood gazing intently in the direction where land, it was expected, would be discovered. ♦ 13. Soor, on board the Piiita, the most forward vessel, was heard the cry of " Land ! land !" which was repeated, with almost frantic delight, by the crews of the other ves- sels. Passing from one extreme to the other, they, who a few days before had reviled and insulted their commander, now regarded him as one whom the Deity had endowed with knowledge and penetration above the common lot of mortals. to INTRODUCTION. 14. At sunrise, Columbus, in a rich and splendid dress, landed, and, with a drawn sword in his hand, and v'isp! ly- inf,'The royal standard, took possession ofthe island for the crown ot" Spain, all liis Ibjiowers kneeling on the shore and kissing the trround with tears oi' jo}'. The natives, who had asserijhied m great nunihers on the first appear- ance of" the ships, siood around the Spaniards, ijazingin speechless astonishment. 15. "'I'he Europeans were hardly less amazed at the scene before them. Every herl), and shrub, ard tree wa« different fnnii those which flourished in Europe, 'i^he in- habitants appeared in the simple Innocence of nature, en- tirely naked. Their black hair, long and uncurled, floated upon their shoii||iers or was bound in tresses around their fieads. Though not tall, they were well shaped and active. '^I'hey were shy at first, through fear, but soon became fa- miliar with the Spaniards ; from whom, with transports of jiiy, they received various trinkets, for which in return they gave such provisicuis as they had, and some cotton yarn, the oidy c:)nm:odity of value they could produce." 10. To this island Columbus gave the nnmeof San Sal- vador. The natives called it (iuanahani, and by that name it is now known. It is one of the Bahama isles, i.iid is above three thousand miles from Gomera, the most western of the (Canaries. From ths poverty and ignorance of the inhahitants, Columbus was convinced that he^ had not yet arrived at the rich country which was the object of his search. Leaving Cuanahani, he discovered and visited several other islands, and at length arrived at one calledHHayti, and by him Hispaniola. Here he remained a few weeks, a.id then returned to Spaii^ 17. The news of his vvonderftil discovery fill^ the king- dom with ast(»nishment and Joy. p^is reception at court was acct)mpanied by flattering anil splendid ceremonies ordained for the occasion ; and he was honored by many proofs of royal favor^ He made three subsp(|uent voyages, and, infl4*'R| discovered the continent of America, at the mouth of the Oronoco, a river of the third or fourth mag- nitude in the New World, but far surpassing the largest in the Old. 18. The honor, however of first discovering the conti- nent, must, without diminishing the m^rit of Colum-hus, he given to John Cabot and his son Sebastian. Thry were Venetians by birth, but, soon after the result of the first voyage of Columbus was known, were sent, by the kmg INTRODUCTION, 1* of England, on an expedition of discovery, in the same di- rection. In June, 14D7, they arrived at the island of New- foundland, in North America, and, proceeding westward, soon alter reached the continent. It heing their object also to find a direct passage to the East Indies, they first Bailed northwardly in search of it, as far as the 57th de- gree ol" latitude ; then, returning, cruised along the coast to East Florida; and tlience sailed to England without having made any settlement. .Upon the discoveries mado in this voyage the English founded their claim to the east- ern portion of Noith America. 10. In 141)9, Alonza de Ojeda, a companion of Colum- bus in his first expedition, sailing under the patronage of several Portuguese merchants, discovered the continent at Paria, in the 5ih degree of north latitu'de. Americus Vespuciiis, a Florentine gentleman wlio accompanied him, l)i'.!)lishe(l, on his return, an account of the voj'age and a iiesfriiiti'in of the country which they had visited; and Irom liim it derives the name it bears. •JO. In 1501, several adventurous navigators, from dif- ferent parts ot" France, came, in small vessels, to fish on the banks of Newfoundland. In 1524, John Verrazzano, a Florentine, in the employment of the king of France, sailed along the coast ef Am.erica, from Florida to the 50th degree of north latitude. He is supposed to have entered the harbour of New-York. He made, the next year, ano- ther voyage, from which he never returned, nor is it known by what disaster he perished. 21. During the next forty years, frequent voyages were made to the coast of North America. Of some, the object was fishing; of others, trade with the natives. In 1540, the French made an attempt to plant a colony in Canada, which was unsuceefsful. 22. The religious wars which afflicted France in the sixt(;enth century, induced that illustrious statesman, Jas- per Coligni, the head of the Protestant sect, to project, in 1502, a settlement in America, tu which his brethren miglit retire from the persecution of the Catholics. Fit- ting nn two ships, he sent them thither Mnder the com- mand of John Ribaut, who landed at a place supposed to be within the limits of South Carolina, built a fort, left a part oi'his men, and returned to France. 23. Tlie men who were left, soon after mutinied, killed their ct)mmander, built and equipped a vessel and put to Be06, divided the country of Virginia, then considered as extending from the southern boundary of North Carolina to the northern boundaiy of Maine, into two districts, and con- stituted two coii:p.'inL^s for planting colonies within them. B 14 INTRODUCTION. 32. The southern district he granted to Sir Thomas Gates and his asbociales, chiefly resident in London, and therefore styled the London (Company. The northern district he granted to Thomas Hanham and his associates, who were styled the Plymouth Company. The two dis- tricts were styled South and N'>rth Virginia. The meni- hersofthese companies were principally merchants; their ohjects were the extension of commerce and the discovery of mines of the precious metals, which were supposed to abound in North as well as in South Anierica. 33. For the supreme government of the colonies, a grand council was instituted, the members of which were to re- side in Kngland, and to be appointed by the king. The subordinate jurisdiction was committed to a council in each colony, the members of which were to be appointed by the grand council in England, and to be governed by its inctructions. To the emigrants and their descendants were secured the enjoyment of all the rights of denizens or citizens, in the same manner and to the same extent as if they had remained or been born in England. 34. Before the date, however, of these letters patent, the king (»f Frai.ce granted to the Sieur I)e Moots all the territory from the 4()th to the 4r)th degree of north latitude, or from New-Jersey to Nova Scotia, then called Acadia. By virtue of this grant a settlement was made in 1604, on the sr.uth eastern side of the bay of Fundy, and called Port Royal. In IOCS, Samuel Champlain, the agent of De Monts, hid the foundation of Quebec, the capital of Ca- nada. From these possessions of the French, the colo- nies of New England and New- York were, for more than a century, frequently and cruelly annoyed. CHAPTER 1. HISTORY OF YIROINIA. Thf London Company, soon afLer its incorpcratic'n in IfiOfi, (l'S|):uoli<>d to America three ships, having on hoard one hundred and five persons, destined to hegii» a seit le- nient in South Virginia. Hhristopher Newpori command- ed the stiuadron. He wrtii accompanied by captain (Jos- nohi and other distinguished individuals; some aihired b\ curiosHy, and some hy the pr()>rpect of gain, to visit, a country said to be inhabited by a new ra(*e of beings, and to abound in silver and gold. 2. A sealed box \va^ delivered to Newport, with direc- tions that it should not be opened until twenty-four hours after the emigrants had landed in America. During the voyage, violent disscnsitins arose among the principal per- sonages on board the sijuadnm. Of most of them, John Smith, one of tlie advmturers, incurred the distrust and hatred. His sup-^rior talents, and the fame he had ae- (juired hy his ex| loits in war, excited their envy, and pro- bably caused him to claim for hiinst>|f greater deierence than they were willing or Ix.nnd to yield. 3. In his youth he had btnn a merchant's apprentice. At the age of fifteen, he ipiitted his master and travelled in France, the Netherlands, Hgypt, and (Tcrmany. Hav- ing joined the army of the emperor oi' Austria, who was then at war with the Turks, he receiyc^l, as a reward for a iccesslul stratagem, the command ol"a »roop of horse. 4. In three personal combats with Turkish champioiiL', he came off victorious, at each time killing his adversary. In a battle which subseciuently took place, he was wouiuied and taken prisoner. After his recovery, he was •«5ent as a slave to Constantinople. He had falh^i into the hands of a cruel master; but his mistress, captivated by his fine appearaiu-e and heroic charactre met by Ijord Delaware, who had been appointed govertior of Virginia, and who, having brought with him a supply of provisions, persuaded them to rt-turn to .Jamestown. '2i\. This nobleman, by the mildness of his temper and his assiduity in business, restored order and eontenunent ; and the Indians were again taught to respect and fear the Engl'sh. After a short administration, he was succeeded by Sir Thomas Dale, by whom, on the recurrence of dis- orderly conduct, martial law was proclaimed and rigidly enforced. In the same year, [UUl,] Sir Thomas Gates was appointed governor. He brought With him to Virginia a reinforcement of settlers, by whom new towns were founded. And another charter was granted by the king, conferring additional privileges. 27. In 1612, captain Argal having learned, wliile on a trading voyage to the Potomac, that Pocahontas was in the neighborhood, visited and persuaded her to go ou board his vessel. He treated her respectfully, but de'tained and carried her to .lamestown. He presuined that the posses- sion of Pocahontas would give the English an ascendency over Powhatan, who was known to feel a strong attach- ment to his daughter. In this, however, he was disap- pointed. Powhatan, noble by nature, felt indignant at this instance of treachery in the English. He offered a ran- som for his daughter, but refused to consent to any terms of peace until she was restored. 28. During her stay at Jamestown, her beauty, her art- less simplicity, and those graces of manner which ever accompany dignity of mind and innocence of heart, won the affections of Mr. Rolfe, a young and respectable plan- ter. He succeeded in producing a reciprocal attachment. They were married with the consent of Powhatan. The consequence of this marriage was peace with her father, and with all the tribes who stood in awe of his power. 29. Rolfe and his princess made a voyage to England, where she was received by the king and queen with the attention due to her rank. For her virtues, and her dis- interested servi(!es, slie was universally !)eIoved and re- spected. She died when about Yo return to Ameri a, leav- ing one son, from w horn are descended some of the most respectable families in Virginia. 30. In 1613, captain Argal was sent, with a naval force, VIRGINIA. , SI to drive the French from the settlements they had begun in Acadia, which were Considered to be within the limits of North Virginia.^ He accomplished the object of the expedition, and, when returning, visited a Dulcfi trading establishment on Hudson's river, which was also within the s?me limits. The governor, too feeble to resist, ac- knowledged himself subject to the king of England. SlI^Tiie king, in his instructiotis given at the lime of the first emigration to .lamestown, directed that ail the land should be owned in common, and that the produce of the labor of all should be deposited in the public stores. In such circumstances no one would labor wilh tiie same steadiness and animation as if he, and he alone^ was" to possess and enjoy the fruit of his industry. A different regulation was now adopted. 'J'o each inhabitant, three acres of land were assigned in full property, and he was permitted to employ, in the cultivation of it, ^Mertain itor- tion of his time. The eflects of this alteratiM wt/e im- mediately visible, and demonstrated so clearly its wisdom, that soon after another assignment of tifty acres v/as made; and the plan of working in a common field, to fill the public stores, was entirely abandoned. 3"2. Since the year Hill, the colony had been governed by martial law, which was administered by deputy gover- nor Argal, v.ith so much rigor as to excite universal dis- content. The council in I'^ngland, listening to :,he com- plaints of the Virginians, appointed Mr. Yeardly governor, and instructed hiui to i^iquire into and redress their wrongs. He arrived in April, (lOrJ, and immediately, to the great joy of the inhabitants, called a general assembly of the colony.s^ It met at Jamestown, on the 10th of June, and was cornposed of delegates from the boroughs, then amounting to seven. They, the governor, and the v.onn- cil, sat and deliberated in the same apartment, and acted as one bo, Gvvi'ernor fk/heley again assumed the supreme 26 MASSACHUSETTS. authority, and finding the rebels in his power, pursued them with unsparing rigor. Many were tried by courts n^artia!, and executed. Tiie assembly interfered, praying him to stop the work of death, and enacted laws which gradually restored tranquillity. 8oon after, Sir William returned to I'^ngla.'id, and his authority devolved on colonel .leftreya, the lieutenant-governor. Under his administration, peace was concluded with the Indians; and notwithstatuliiig the tyrannical regulations ol'llte king, and the oppressive re- strictions upon couuTierce, the colony increased in wealih and population. In the y.ar 1(588, the number of inhabit- ants exceeded 60,000. 54. Between this period and the commencement of the French war of 175(5, an account of which will be found in a subsecjuent chapter, but few events occurred in the cclony of sufficient importance to find a place in history. Its position, remote from the settlements of the French in Clanada, and of the Spaniards in Florida, was favorable to its quiet. New-England and New- York, on the one hand, Georgia and the Carolinas on the other, protected it from savage incursions. Its affairs were administered by gov- ernors appointed by the king, and representatives chosen by the people. 55. i'he laudable efforts of these representatives, to ar- rest the progress of slavery in the colony, ought not to be passed over in silence. Convinced of its inhumanity, and foreseeing the dreadful evils which it must produce, they often passed laws prohibiting the importation of slaves ; but those who were higher in authority, yielding to the wishes of merchants engaged in the abominable trafHc, persisted, with criminal obstinacy, in withholding their assent. Eiigland, not America, is responsible for the wretchedness, which her kings and her officers were often importuned, but refused, to avert. CHAPTER H. MASSACHUSETTS. Op' the two companies incor])orated bv king James, 'an account of the proceedings and dissolution of one, and a history of the colony it foundt^d, have been given in the preceding chapter. To the other, or Plymouth Company, MASSACHUSETTS. 27 was assigned a portion of the American continent lying farther to the north, and at that time called North Virginia. 2. The latter, in 1(506, the year in which both were in- corporated, despatched a ship to make discoveries within the limits of its grant. Before the voyage was completed, nhe was captured by the Spaniards. Another ship, alter- wards sent for the sanie purpose, returned with such a fa- vorable account of the territory that the company was en- couraged to proceed in the undertaking. 3. The next year, forty-five men were sent over and left at the mouth of the river Kennebec. In 1(508 dispirited by the hardships they had endured, they returned to Eng- land in ships which had brought them provisions and suc- cors. The company, disappointed and dissatisfied, desisted for a while from all attempts to efl^ect a settlement. 4. In IGll, John Smith, the same who acted a conspi- cuous part in the settlement of Virginia, made a voyage to this northern country, touching first at the mouth of the Kennebec. Sailing thence, in an open boat, he surveyed t!ie coast to the southern boundary of Massachusetts bay. Tiie northern promontory he named Tragabigzanda, in ho- nor of the Turkish lady to whom he iiad formerly been a slave. The three small islands, lying near the head of the promontory, he called the Three Turks' Heads, in memory of his victo'-y over the three Turkish champions. Both appellations have been changed for others. On his return to England, he presented to prince Charles a map of the country, and gave him such a glow-ing description of its beauty and excellence, that he, in, the warmth of his admiration, declared it should bear the name of New- Engi.and. 5. Smith afterwards made an attempt to transport a co- lony thither, which was unsuccessful ; and New-England miiilit long have remained the abode of wild beasts and savages only, had not motives, more powerful than the love of gain or of perilous adventures, impelled men, dif- foiiug from all others who had bee.n the tbimders of colo- nies, to select it as the place of their residence. 6. In the beginning of tlie seventeenth century. James I asserted and maintained a despotic power over the consciences of his English subjects. All who pr» sumed to dissent from the creed which he had adopte.< were persecuted with extreme rigor. In that age, the maxim was aw'owpd by ecclesiastics of all sects as well is po]i- ti«ians,that uniformity in religion was essentiaJ to th» 23 MASSACH USETTS. repose of society,* and that it was therefore the right and d'lty of every sovereign to preserve it in his dominions, by the exercise of all his powers of restraint and punishment. 7. But free ini^uiry had lateJy received such an impulse from the success of Luther and the other reformers, that the civil authority was unable to arrest or control it. Va- rious sects arose, dissenting from the established religion, and all distinguished by their democratic tenets respecting church government. ; Persecuted at home, a small num- ber, belonging to the sect which were afterwards called Independer; .s, removed to Leyden, in Holland, where they formed a distinct society under the care of their pastor, the Rev. John Robinson. ■ By their rigid virtues and ex- emplary deportment, they acquired the respect of the ma- gistrates and citizens. 8. After residing several years in that city, various con- siderations induced them to resolve to leave it. In 1618, they applied to the London, or South Virginia, Company, for a grant of land in America ; and to ensure success, they observed, " that they were well weaned from the de- licate milk of the mother country, and inured to the diffi- culties of a strange land; that they were knit together by a strict and sacred bond, by virtue of which they held themselves bound to take care of the good of each other and of the whole ; that it was not with them as with other men, v/hom small things could discourage, or small dis- contents cause to wish themselves home again." 9. A grant was obtained, and in September, 1620, apart of them set sail for Hudson's river; but the master of the ship, bribed, it is said, by the Dutch, who claimed the sole right of trading in that quarter, carried them farther north, and the first land they discovered was Cape (-od. This, they were aware, was beyond the limits of the Lon- don Company, but it was now November, and too late in the season to put again to sea. They therefore determined to land at the first place they could find suitable for a set- tlement. 10. Before leaving the ship, the heads of families and freemen, forty-one in number, signed a solemn covenant, combining themselves into a body politic for the purpose of making equal laws for the general good. They ordained that a governor and assistants should be annually chosen, but the sovereign power remained in the whole body of freemen. .John Carver was elected governor. 11. On the nth of December, [0. S.] they landed on a u" MASSACHUSETTS. C9 desolate coast. Sterile sands and gloomy forests were the only objects that met their view. The severity of the cold, greater than they had ever experienced, admonished them to seek protection against it; and their first employ- ment was the erection oi' huts in tho most convenient and sheltered situations. In 'vhcse miserable abodes they passed the winter, those at least who survived it. By the surceedir.g spring, one half of their number had perished, exhausted by continual suffering, and by the privation of every worldly comfort which they had been accustomed to enjoy. 12. Their settlement was found to he within the limits of the Plymouth company from which they solicited and obtained a grant of land ; but they were never incorporated by the king. They called the place New-Plymouth. They often received small additions to their number, whii'h, in IG?0, amounted to three hundred. ,^^_,^, - - 13. In the mean time, the same causes that drove Mr. Robinson and his congregation from England had continued to operate;. A class of dissenters, denominated puritans from the austerity of their manners, and from their claims to superior purity in Avorship and discipline, had become numerous ; and as, by their new mode of worship, they violated the laws of the land, they were prosecuted as crim- mals. Their faith was confirmed and their zeal increased by their sufferings; and having learned that complete re- ligious freedom was enjoyed at New-Plymouth, in America, they naturally directed their thoughts to that country, as a secure asylum from persecution. i^ 14. In 1(J2T, an association of puritans, residing at Dor- chester and the vicinity, was formed for the purpose of planting a colony in New-England, to which they and their brethren might repair, and, in seclusion and safety, wor- ship God according to the dictates al" conscience. They obtaiJied from the Plymouth CompMy, a grant of the ter- ritory, which now constitutes a part of the state of Mas- sachusetts, and sent over, under the direction of John En- dicott, a small nund)er of people, to begin a plantation. These, in iSeptember, landed at a place called, by the In- dians, Naumkeak, and, by themselves, Salem. lo. The next year, they obtained a charter from the crown, by which the usual powers of a corporation were conferred upon the grantees, by the name of the '• Governor and Gompany of ?»Iassachusetts Bay, in New-England.'' It ordained, that the officers of the company should be a C 2 30 MASSACHUSETTS. Governor, a deputy Governor, and eighteen assistants, to be named, in the first instance, by the crown, and after- wards elected by the corporation. Four stated meetings of all the members M'ere to l)e held annually, under the denomination of the General Court, at which they were authorised to admit freemen or members, and to make such ordinances or laws, not repugnant to the laws of England, as they might deem expedient. The colonists, and their descendants, were declared to be entitled to all the rights of natural born English subjects. 16. At a General Court, held at London, in 1G29, the officers prescribed by the charter, were elected, and seve- ral ordinances were adopted for the government of the company. Three hundred people were sent over, of whom one hundred, dissatisfied with the situation of Salem, re- moved to Charlestown. Religion was the first object of their «are in the country they had adopted. A religious covenant was agreed upon, and a confession of faith drawn up, to which their assent was given. Pastors were chosen, and were, from necessity, installed into their sacred offices by the imposition of the hands of the brethren. 17. The ensuing wdnter was a period of uncommon suf- fering and sickness. The cold was intense ; the houses were unfinished ; the provisions were insufficient and un- wholesome. Before spring, nearly half their number perished, " lamenting that they could not live to see the rising glories of the faithful." 18. These calamities had some eflfect in deterring others from joining them ;^j|lit the consideration that the general courts were held, the officers elected, and the laws enacted, in London, had still greater influence. It did not comport with the views and feelings of those who disdained to submit to authority in matters of faith, to consent to re- move to the new wcffld, and there be governed by laws which they could have no part in enacting. Representa- tions to this effect were made to the company, who re- solved that the government and patent should be removed to Massachusetts. 19. This wise resolution gave such encouragement to emigration, that, in 1630, more than fifteen hundred per- sons came over, and founded Boston and several adjacent towns. Of these persons, all were respectable, and many were from illustrious and noble families. Having been accustomed to a life of ease and enjoyment, their sufferings, the first year, were great, and proved fatal to many; among MASSACHUSETTS. 3i others, to the lady Arabella, who, to use the words of an early historian of the country, " came from a paradise of plenty and pleasure, in the family of a noble earl, into a wilderness of wants ; and although cele^brated for her many virlues, yet was not able to encounter the adversity she was surrounded with ; and, in about a month after her ar- rival, she ended her days at Salem, where she first land- ed." Mr. Johnson, her husband, overcome with grief, survives! her but a short time. 20. Before December, two hundred perished. On the 24th of that month, the cold became intense. Such a Christmas-eve they had never before known. Yet the in- clemency of the weather continued to increase. They w6re almost destitute of provisions, and many were obliged to subsist on clams, muscles, and other shell fish, with niits and acorns instead of bread. Many more died ; but in this extremity, that ardor of conviction which com- pelled them to einigrate, remained in full force, and they met, with a firm, unshaken spiiit, the calamities which assailed them. 21. One great object of the puritans, in retiring to the unoccupied regions of New-England, was the establish- ' ment of a religious commonwealth, ?s nearly upon the model of that of the Jevrs as the difference of circum- stances wouid admit. To accomplish this object, they deemed it necessary, and at a general court, held in 1631, they ordained, that none but those who had made a pro- fession of religion, and had become members of some church, should be admitted members of the corporation, or enjoy the privilege of voting. 22. This law has been too severely censured by those who have lived in more liberal and enlightened times. It contradicted none of the professions of the puritans. 'It was in strict accordance with the avowed motives of their emigration. It exhibited less intolerance than was then displayed by every other nation. It violated the rights of no one, for no one could claim a right to come into the territory which they had purchased. And it was doubtless essemiai, such was then the temper of men's minds, to the repose of their little society. 23. The colonists had frequently been alarmed, but nev- er yet attacked, by the Indians. These were not, in fact, in a condition to do much injury. A few years before the arrival of the English, a cohtagiouswdistemper swept away a great number, almost exterminating several ^ibes In 13 MASSACHUSETTS. 1633, the small pox destroyed many who had survived thf pestilence ; and the territory, contiguous to the first set tlements of the English, seemed to have been providen« tiaiiy made vacant for their reception. As an attack from this quarter was, however, possible, and as the French who had a trading establishment at Acadia, had discovered some symptoms of iiostility, it was thought advisable U erect fortifications at Boston, and other olaces, and to opri a correspondence with their neighbours at New-Plymouth. 24. So far from the capital had the settlements extend- ed, that it was found extremely inconvenient for all the freemen to assemble and transact the necessary public business. In 1634, the mode of legislation was altered, by the general consent of the towns. They delegated to twenty-four representatives the authority granted, by tlie charter, to the whole body of ueemeii. This important alteration was adopted the more readily, as the emigrants had been familiar, in their native country, with the repre- sentative system. The appellation of General Court, which had been applied to all the freemen when assembled, was now transferred to their representatives. if^^ 25. In the same year, Roger Williams, the minister of * Salem, having occasioned disturbances, by advancing ten- ets considered not only heretical but seditious, and being found irreclaimable, was ordered to leave the colony. He retired to Rehoboth, which was then within the jurisdic- tion of Plymouth. 26. In 1635, Massachusetts received from England a large number of inhal/tants, and among them came two who af'torwards acted conspicuous parts in the aflfairs of their native country. One was Hugh Peters, who was subsequently a chaplain of Oliver Cromwell ; the other v.as Mr. Vane, afterwards Sir Henry Vane. The latter was but twenty-five years of age ; but by his show of great humility, niS'-^rave and solenm deportment, and his ardent profes- sions of attachment to liberty, he stole the hearts of the puritans, and, the year after his arrival, was made governor of the colony. 27. His popularity, however, was transient. During his administration, the celebrated Mrs. Hutchinson, a woman wlio was distinguished for her eloquence, and had imbibed the enthusiasm of the age, instituted weekly meetings for persons of her own sex, in which she com- mented on the sermons of the preceding Sunday, and ad- vanced certain mystical and extravagant 'doctrines. These MASSACHL SETTS. 33 spread rapidly among the people, and many became con- verts. 28. Governor Vane, with Mr. Cotton and Mr. Wheel- /wright, two distinguished clergymen, embraced them with ardor ; but lieutenant governor Winthrop, and a majoiity of the churches, deemed them heretical and seditious. Gieat excitement was produced among the people; many conferences were held; public fasts were appointed; a general synod was sununoned ; and after much intemper- ate discussion, her opinions were determined to be erro- neous, and she and some of her adherents were banished J from the colony. \ 29. Not being again chosen governor. Vane returned in disgust to England, engaged in the civil Vv'ars, which soon after afflicted that country, sustained high offices in the republican party, and, after the restoration of Charles II, was accused of high treason, convicted and executed. Peters pursued a similar career, and met with the same fate. 30. In such high repute, at this time, were the settle- ments in Massachusetts, that other I'higlishmen, still more conspicuous, had determined to leave their native land, that they might enjoy, in a desert, the civil and religious liberty which was denied them at home. Among these were Mr. Hambden, Sir Arthur Haselrig, and Oliver Oomwell, whom king Charles, by express order, detained, when on the point of embarking. Little did he imagine that, by this act of arbitrary power, he kept within his kingdom those restless votaries of freedom, who were des- tined to overturn his throne, and bring his iiead to the block. 31. By the settlement of Massachusetts, the attention of emigrants was diverted from the colony of Plymouth, where the soil was less fertile. It nevertheless continued to increase, although slowly, in population. In 1G33, the govermnent of that colony built a trading house, near Hart- ford, which was the first building erected within the boun- daries of Connecticut. Soon after, many persons repaired thither from Massachusetts. In 1636, Roger William!» l.-^id the foundation of Rhode Island. Subsequently, New-Hamp- shire and New-Haven were founded, which increased to. five tlje number of colonies in New-Knglaad. 3:i. The rapid progress of the EnL^ish settlements, ex- cited the jealousy of the natives. Th-^y had welcomed, without fear, the emigrants who first landed, not antici- pating their future encroachments. The experience of a ai MASSACHUSETTS, few years convinced therri that they must either extermi- nate these invaders of their country, or be Inemselves ex- terminated. 33. Within the boundaries of Rhode Island and Con- necticut, lived two warlike tribes, the Pequods and Nar- ragansets. The former were hostile, the latter friendly, to the whites. Between the two tribes an inveterate en- mity existed ; but the more sagacious and politic Pequods proposed that all animosities should be forgotten, and their united strength directed against their invaders, before they had become too strong to be resisted. At first the Narra- gansets wavered, but their hatred of the Pequods i)ver- powered the suggestions of policy. They disclosed the proposal to the English, and invited them to join in a war against their common enemy. 34. The colonies were roused to a sense of their dan- ger. In 1037, Massachusetts, Plymouth, and Connecticut, agreed to unite their forces, and attempt the entire de- struction of the Pequods. Captain Mason, with eighty men, principally from Connecticut, and three hundred friendly Inoians, was immediately sent into the country of tht enemy. Early in the morning of the 26th of Mhv, he attacked one ol" the principal villages, which had been surrounded with pallisades. The resistance was brave and obstinate, and the issue of the battle frir some time doubtful ; but the whites, forcing their way into the en- closure, set fire to the wigwams, and then, retreating a short distance, surrounded the town. Many iahoi, had imparted to them, that they continued to increase, with astonishing rapidity, in wealth and numbers. And a vote of the house of conunons, stating that " the plantations in New-l']ngland had had good and prosperous success, with- out any pu'olic charge to the state," is quoted, by a historian of those times, as an honorable testimony of tlie high merit of the colonists. 38. Circumstances and events had already impressed a character upon tliem, which, though softened in its worst features by the progress of refinement, still distinguishes their descendants. Persecution made them bigots; piety made them moral ; poverty made them frugal ; incessant toil made them hardy and robust ; dreary solitudes made them gloomy and superstitious ; their numerous clergy and well educated leaders, made them venerate literature and the sciences. 39. Four of the New-England colonies, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Plymouth, and New-Haven, apprehending danger from the Indians, from the Dutch, at New-York, and from the French, at Acadia, formed, in 1643, a firm and perpetual league, I'l'e isive and defensive. By the articles of this league, ea; }. colony was to appoint two commission- ers, who were to asseinble, by rotation, in the respective colonies, and were empowered to enact ordinances of general concern ; and, in case of invasion, each colony was bound, upon the application of three magistrates of the invaded colony, to t'urnish a stipulated proportion of men and money. 40. SfreniJthened by this league, the co'onies were re» Fpecfed by their civilized and savage neIgh!)ors. With the French, imder D'Aulney, Massachusetts had a long and troublesome dispute ; which was adjusted, in 1644,Dy 3G MASSACHUSETTS, a treaty made by governor Endicott, and afterwards ratified by tlie commissioners. 41. When representatives were first chosen, they sat and voted in the same cliamber with the assistants. In H)35, when Mr. Hooker applied for permission to form a settlement on C'onnecticnt river, a majority of the assist- ants voted against granting permission; but a majority of the whole assembly in favor of it. The representatives contended that a majority of the assistants was not neces- r^ary, and tliat the vote iiad passed in the affirmative. "^Phe assistants claimed to be a distinct branch (»f thelegis- latnre, ajid contended that it had passed in the negative. 42. No provision having been made for a case of tiiis kind, an adjoiU'nment, for a week, took place ; a public fast was appointed, and the divine direction implored in all the congregations. When the assembly again m(;t, a sermon was preached, by Mr. Cotton, which induced tiie repre- sentatives to yield to the claim of the assistants. In 1644, the dispute was renewed, and the assistants were again victorious. The representatives then proposed that the two classes should sit apart, and form distinct bodies, Jind in this proposition the assistants concurred. 43. The contest between the king and parliament, at length resulted in open war; and the New-England colo- nies, actuated by the same feeling as the puritans in Eng- land, end)raced, with ardor, the cause of the latter. The parliament rewarded this attachment, by exempting them from all taxes ; and when the supreme authority devolved upon Cromwell, as protector of the liberties of England, they found in him a friend no less sincere and zealous. 44. After the conquest of Ireland, he invited them to return and settle in that coimtry ; and, subsequently, having conquered .Tam.aica, he endeavored to persuade thern to remove to that fert ile island, and more genial climate. But his arguments and solicitations were unavailing. They enjoyed, in their present abode, complete religious free- dom, and that privilege they were unwilling to hazard in pursuit of advantages less essential to their happiness. 45. In IH41, the settlements of New-JIampstiire were incorporated with Massachusetts. And, in 1G52, the in- habiiants of the province of Maine were, at their own re- quest, taken under her protection. This province had been granted to Sir Ferdinand Gorges, who, in 1639, first ostaliiislied a gorerniiieat over it.' In 16-iO, a genera' fonrt was held at Saco. Upon the death of the proprieto. MASSACHUSETTS. 37 in 16-19, most of the officers whom he had appointed, de- serted it, and the people found it necessary to resort else- where for protection. 46. In 1656, several Quakers arrived in the colony. In this age of enthusiasts, these sectarians partook of the all-pervading enthusiasm. The behavior of some of them, moved as they doubtless supposed by a divine im- pulse, gave great offence to the rigid puritans. For their conduct, inconsistent with the high respect which was thought to be due to magistrates and ministers, they were tirst imprisoned and then banished. A law w^as passed prohibiting Quakers from coming into the colony, imposing the penalty of banishment upon the first offence, and of death upon such as should return after banishment. Four, v.'ho were so excited as to return and obtrude themselves upon the notice of the government, suffered the death which they appeared to seek. This cruel, unjust, and impolitic law was soon afterwards repealed. 47. Cromwell, who had governed England with great- tr ability and higher merit than most of her kings, died in 1658, and after an interval of two years, Charles II., a prince destitute of honor and virtue, was recalled from 3xile and placed upon the throne. He was reluctantly acknowledged by the colonies of New-England. Thev iiad been tlie favorites of the parliament, and the protec- tor, and apprehended, with good reason, the loss of ttieir 3ivil and religious privileges. 48. A short time after, Whalley and Goffe, two of the udges who had sentenced Charles I. to be beheaded, hav- ing fled before the return of his successor, arrived in New- England. Their first place of residence was Cambridge ; 3ut they often appeared publicly in Boston, particularly on Sundays and other days of religious solemnities. They lad sustained high rank in Cromwell's army, w'ere men ^f uncommon talents, and by their dignified manners and ^rave deportment, commanded universal respect. 49. As soon as it was knowm that they were excepted rrom the general pardon, the governor suggested to the zouTt of assistants the expediency of arresting them. A Tiajority opposed it, and many members of the general 2ourt gave them assurances of protection. Considering hemselves, however, unsafe at Cambridge, they removed ;o Nfw-Haven, where they were received with great re- sper^t by the clergy and magistrates. ; 50. Aftrr a short residence there, enjoying, in private, ;he socierv of their friends, the eovernor of Massachusetts 38 MASSACHUSEl^S. received a mandate to arrest them. A warrant was im- mediately issued, authorising two zealous loyalists to search for, and seize them, wherever found, in New-Eng- land. They hastened to the colony of New-Haven, ex hihited the warrant to the governor, v/ho resided at Guil- foid, and requested him to furnish authority and sssistants to pursue them. Desirous of favoring the exiles, he affect- ed to deliberate until the next morning, and then utterly decUned acting officially, without the aclvice of his council. 51. In the meantime, they were apprized of their dan- ger, and retired to a new place of concealment. Tlie pur- suers, on arriving at New-Haven, searched every sus- pected house, except the one where the judges were con- cealed. This they began to search, but were induced, by the address of the mistress of it, to desist. When the pursuers had departed, the judges, retiring into the woods, fixed their abode in a cave. 52. Having there heard that their friends were threat- ened with punishment, for having afforded them protection, they came from their hiding place for the purpose of de- livering themselves up ; but their friends, actuated by feel- ings equally noble and generous, persuaded them to relin- quish their intention. Soon after, they removed to Mil- lord, where they remained about two years. 53. Upon the arrival of other persons, instructed to ap- prehend them, they repaired privately to Hadley, in Mas- sachusetts, where they resided fifteen or sixteen years, but few persons being acquainted with the place of their concealment. There is, in that neighborhood, a tradition, that many years afterwards two graves were discovered in the minister's cellar ; and in these, it was suj^osed, they had been interred. At New-Haven, two graves are shown, said to be those of the two judges. It is not im- probable that their remains were removed to this place from Hadley. 54. A singular incident which occurred at the latter place, in 1675, shows that one of these illustrious exiles had not forgotten the avocations of his youth. Tke people, at the time of public wcrship, were alarmed by an attack from the Indians, and thrown into the dt most conuision. Suddenly, a grave, elderly person appeared, differing in his mien and dress from all around him. He puthimseil'at tiieir head, rallied, encouraged, and ltd them against the enemy, who were repulsed and coirx[>letely defee^Led. As suddenly, the deliverer of Hadley disappeared. The people MASSACHUSETTS. 29 t\-ere lost hi amazement, and many verily believed- that an angel sent from heaven had led tliem to victory. 55. Their treatment of the king's judges, and in truth all their conduct, evinced the republican spirit of the colo- nists. By tlie royal government of England, they could hot, therefore, be regarded with favor. In IfJGS, it was enacted, that no European commodity should be imported into the colonies, unless sliipped directly from England, and in British vessels. By this regulation, in connection with others that had been previously made, all the trade of the colonies was secured to the mother country. They submitted reluctantly to these restrictions, and often made them the subject of complaint. But England, believing that they augmented her wealth and power, obstinately refused to repeal them. 56. In 1664, the king despatched four commissioners to visit the several colonies in New-England, to examine into their condition, to hear and decide complaints, and to make to him a report of their proceedings and observations. This measure was dictated by no friendly motive, and was considered by the colonies as a violation of their charters. 57. The first session of the commissioners was at Plym- outh, where but little business was transacted ; the next in Rhode Island, where the heard complaints from the Indians, and all who were discontented,, and made divers determinations respecting titles to land, which were but little regarded. In I\Iassachusetts, the general court com- plied with such of their requisitions as they thought pro- per ; but, professing sincere loyalty to his majesty, declined acknowledging t.ieir authority, and protested against the exercise of it within their limits. 58. In consequence of this manly assertion of their chartered rights, an arigrv correspondence took place be- tween them, at the close of which the commissioners petu- lantly told the general court, "that they would lose no more of their labors upon them," but would represent their conduct to his majesty. 59. From Boston, the commissioners proceeded to New- Hampshire, where they exercised several acts of govern- nienl, and offered to release the inhabitants from the juris- diction of IMassachusetts. This offer was almost unani- mously rejected. In Maine, they excited more disturbance. They encouraged the people to declare themselves inde- pendent, and found many dispop&id to listen to their sug- - gt'Stions ; but Massachusetts, by a prompt and vigoi«u» 40 MASSACHL'SE'rrS, exertioii of ptivver, constrained the disaffected to subtait tc her autiioiity. , t)0. Connecticut appears to have been the favorite of the commissioners. She treated them with respect, and com- plied with their requisitions. In return, they made such a representation of her merits to the king, as to draw from him a letter of thanks. " Although," says he, " your car- riage doth of itself most justly deserve our praise and ap- probation, yet it seems to be set off with more lustre by the contrary behavior of the colony of Massachusetts." 61. At the end of fifty years from the arrival of the emigrants at Plymouth, the New-England colonies were supposed to contain one hundred and twenty towns, and as many thousand inhabitants. The acts of parliament not being rigidly enforced, their trade had become exten- sive and profitable* The habits of industry and economy, which had been formed in less happy times, continued to prevail, and gave a competency to those who had nothing, and v/ealth to those who had a competency. The wilder- ness receded before adventurous and hardy laborers, and its savage inhabitants found their game dispersed, and their favorite haunts invaded. 62. This was the natural consequence of the sales of land, which w^ere, at all times, readily made tothe whites. But this consequence the Indians did not foresee ; aiid when they felt it in all its force, the strongest passions w^e-re awakened which can animate civilized or savage man, the love of country and of independence. 63. A leader only was wanting to concentrate and direct their exertions, and Philip, of Pokanoket, sachem of a tribe living within the boundaries of Plymouth and Ehode Island, assumed that honorable, but dangerous, station. His fether vvas tlie friend, but he had ever been the ene- my, of the whites; and this eimiily, aiising from causes of national concern, had been embittered to vindictive ha- tred by their conduct towards his elder brother. This brother, being suspected of plotting against them, was seized by a detachment of soldiers, and confined ; and the indignity so wrought upon his proud spirit, as to produce a fever that put an end to his life. 64. Philip inherited the authority and proud spirit of his brother. He exerted all the arts of intrigue, and powers of persuasion, of which he was master, to induce the In- dians, in all parts of New-Fmgland, to unite their efforts for the destruclian of the whites. He succeeded in form- MASSACHUSETTS. 41 Ing a confederacy, able to send into action between thre« and four thousand warriors. 65. The English were apprized of the plots of the In- dians, and made preparaticjns to meet their hostilities. They hoped, however, that the threatened storm would pass by, as others had, and that peace would be preserved. Dut the insolence of Philip, and the number of iiis adhe- rents, increased daily; and, in June, 1675, some of them entered the town of Swanzey, in Plymouth, where, after slaughtering the eaitle, and plundering the houses, they fired upon the inhabitants, killing and v/ounding several. 6G. The troops of that colony marched immediately to Swanzey, and were soon joined by a detachment from Massachusetts. I'he Indians fled, and marked the course of their flight by burning the buildings, and fixing on poles, by the way side, the hands, scalps, and heads of the whites whom they had killed. The troops pursued, but unable to overtake' them, returned to Swanzey. 67. The whole country was alarmed, and the number of troops augmented. By this array of force, Philip was in- duced to quit his residence at Mount Hope, and take post near a swamp at Pocasset, now Tiverton. At that place, the Engiish attacked him, but were repulsed. Sixteen whites vfere killed, and the Inf'jans, by this success, were made bolder. 68. At ihis time, most of the settlements were sur- rounded by thick forests, and the Indians lived intermixed with the whites. The former were acquainted, of course, with the dwellings of the latter, with their roads, and places of resort ; could watch their motions, and fall u{)on them in their defenceless and unguarded moments. Many were shot dead as they opened their doors in the morn- ing : rnany while at M'ork in their fields, and others while travelling to visit their neighbors, or places of worship. At all times, at all places, in all employments, were their lives in jeopardy ; and no one could tell but that, in the next moment, he should receive his death shot from his barn, the thv^ket, or the way side. 69. Whenever the enemy assembled in force, detach- ments were sent against them; if weaker than these, they would retreat; if stronger, assault and conquer them. Defenceless villages were suddpnly attacked, the houses burned, and the men, women, ana children killed, or car- ried into captivity. Their ruin was the work of a mo- ment ; and when accomplished, its authors vanished, D 2 U MASSACHUSETTS. 70. The colonies, losing individuals, families and vil- lages, found their numbers sensibly diminished ; their strength hnpaired ; and began to apprehend even total ex- tinction. Nothing but a' vigorous effort could save them. The commissioners met, and determined to despatch an army of a thousand men, to attack the principal position of the enemy. Josiah Winslow, governor of Plymo'ith, was appointed commander-in-chief; and a solemn fast, to invoke the divine aid, was proclaimed throughout New- England. 71. On the 18th of December, the different bodies of troops formed a junction at a place in the country of the Narragansets, about fifteen miles from the enemy. The weather was extremely cold, but the men, from necessity, passed the night, uncovered, in the fields. At dawn of day they began their march, wading through the deep snow, and at one o'clock, arrived near the enemy's post, which was upon a rising ground, in the midst of a swamp. It was surrounded by palisades, and on the outside of these was a fence of brush, a rod in Vvddth. 72. Here was fought the most desperate battle recorded in the early annals of the country. It continued three hours. The English obtained a decisive victory. One thousand Indian warriors were killed ; three hundred more, and as many women and children were made prisoners. But dearly was the victory purchased. Six brave cap- tains, and eighty men, v/ere killed, and one hundred and fifty were wounded. 73. From this blow, the confederated Indians never re- covered; but they still remained sufficiently strong to harass the settlements by continual inroads. In retalia- tion, the English sent several detachments into their ter- ritories, nearly all of which were successful. Captain Church, of Plymouth, and Captain Dennison, of Connecti- cut, were conspicuous for their bravery and good fortune. 74. In the midst of these reverses, Philip remained firm and unshaken. His warriors were cut off; his chief rnen, his wife and family, were killed or taken prisoners ; and at these successive misfortunes, he is represented to have wept with a bitterness which proved him to possess the noblest of human virtues and affections; but he disdained to listen to any offers of peace. Pie even shot one of hia men, who proposed submission. At length, after beinjjF hunted from swamp to swamp, lip was himself shot, by the brother of the Indian he had killed. After his deatli. MASSACHUSETTS. 4S the rrmnant of his followers either submitted to the Eng- lish, or united with distant tribes. 75. Never was peace more welcome, for never had war been more distressing. The whole population was in mourning for relatives slain. Nearly a thousand houses had been burned, and goods and cattle of great value, had been pi jiidered or destroyed. The colonies had contracted a heavy debt, which, their resources having been so much diminished, they found an almost insupportable burden. But, in their deepest distress, they forbore to apply to the mother country for assistance ; and this omission excited surprise and jealousy. " You act," said a privy counsellor, "as tliough you were independent of our master's crown 5 and though poor, yet you are proud." 7fi. Inl G80, New-Hampshire, at the solicitation of John Mason, to whose ancestor a part of the territory had been granted, was constituted a separate colony. Massachu- setts, apprehending thp loss of Maine also, purchased of the heirs of Gorges, their claim to the soil and jurisdiction, for twelve hundred and fifty pounds. 77. The disregard of the acts of trade had given great offence to the mother country, and the Governors of New- England were peremptorily required to enforce them.. But being enacted by a parliament in which the coloiiies were not represented, they were regarded as violations of their rights, and continued to be evaded with impunity. Ed- ward Randolph was therefore sent over, commissioned as inspector of the customs in New-England. He was also the bearer of a letter from the king, requiring that agents should be sent to the court of London, fully empowered to act for the colonies. 78. It was well understood to be the intention of the king to procure, from the agents, a surrender of the char- ters, or to annul them by a suit in his courts, that he might himself place officers over the colonies, who would be sub- servient to his views. The inhabitants of Massachusetts felt that to be deprived of their charter, which secured to them the right of self-government, would be the greatest of calamities ; and their agents were instructed, in no emergency, to surrender it. This being known to the King, a prosecution was instituted against the corporation, and, in 1G8 1, a subservient court decreed that the charter should be cancelled. 79. All impediments to the exercise of the royal will being thus removed, king James established a temporary 44 MASSACHUSETTS. government over the colony, first appointing Joseph Dud- ley, and, in 1686, Sir Edmund Andross, governor. This latter appointment caused the most gloomy forebodings. Sir Edmund had been governor of New- York, and it was known that his conduct there had been arbitrary and tyrannical. 80. Having secured a majority in the council, he as- sumed control over the press, appointing Randolph licenser. He established new and oppressive regulations concerning taxes, public worship, marriages, and the settlement of estates. He, and, by his permission, his subordinate ofii- cers, extorted enormous fees for their services. He de- clared that, the charter being cancelled, the old titles to land were of no validity, and compelled the inhabitants, in order to avoid suits before judges dependent on his will, to take out new patents, for which large sums were demanded. 81. The hatred of the people was excited in proportion to their suffeiings. In the beginning of 1689, a rumor reached Boston,, that William, prince of Orange, had in- vaded England, with the intention of dethroning the king. Animated by the hope of deliverance, the people rushed spontaneously to arms, took possession of the fort, seized Andross, Randolph, and other obnoxious persons, and placed them in confinement. A council of safety, consist- ing of their former magistrates, was then organized, to administer the government until authentic intelligence should be received from England. 82. In a few weeks a ship arrived, bringing the glad tidings that William and Mary were firmly seated on the throne. They were immediately proclaimed, in all the colonies, with unusual rejoicings. ^ The people of Massa- chusetts applied for the restoration of their old, or the grant of a new charter. A definite answer was deferred, but the council was authorized to administer the govern- ment, according to the provisions of the old charter, until further directions should be given. Andross, Randolph, and others, were ordered hom.e for trial. 83. In this unsettled state of the country, the French in Canada and Nova Scotia, instigated the northern and eastern Indians to commence hostilities against the Eng- lish settlements. Dover and Salmon Falls, in New- Hampshire, Casco, in Maine, and Schenectady, in New- York, were attacked by difterent parties of French and Indians, and the most shocking barbarities perpetrated upon the inhabitants. MASSACHUSETTS, 45 84. Regarding Canada as the principal source of their miseries, New-England and New-Yorlc formed the bold project of reducing it to subjection. By great exertion, they raised an army, which, under the command of Gene- ral Winthrop, was sent against Montreal, and equipped a fleet, wiiicii, conunanded by Sir William Phipps, was desr lined to attack Quebec. ' 85. Both returned unsuccessful, disappointing the san- guine hopes of the people, and burdening them with a debt whicii they had not the means of discharging. To pay off her troops, Massachusetts put in circulation bills of credit, or paper money, an expedient which was afterwards often resorted to, and, though it afforded relief at the moment, produced, in its consequences, extensive and complicated mischief. SCi. In the mean time, a new charter had been granted to Massachusetts, which added Plymouth, Maine, and Nova Scotia, to her territory. The only privilege it al- lowed to the people was, the choice of representatives. These were to elect a council, and both bodies were to constitute the legislative power. It reserved to the king the right of appointing the governor and lieutenant gover- nor. To the governor it gave the power of rejecting laws, of negativing the choice of counsellors, of appointing all military and judicial officers, of adjourning and even of dissolving the assembly at pleasure. Laws, although approved by him, might be abrogated by the king, within three years after their enactment. 87. The king, to render the new charter more accepta- ble, appointed vSir William Phipps, a native of the province, governor, and in 1692, he arrived at Boston. The new government went into operation williout any opposition from the inhabitants; and almost the first act of Sir Wil- liam Phipps and Jiis council, was the institution of a court to try the unfortunate victims of popular delusion, accused of witchcraft, at Salem. 88. The behef in this supposed crime, had been so pre- valent in England, that parliament had enacted a law punishing it with death. Under this law, multitudes had been tried and executed in that country, and two or three in Massachusetts, some of whom acknowledged they were guilty. Accounts of these trials and confessions, and particularly of some trials before Sir Matthew Hale, a judge revered in the colonics, had been published and dis- tributed throughout the country. They were read, ip. 9k 46 MASSAGHUSETl^S. time of deep distress and gloom, by a people naturally sedate, and accusLoraed to regard with awe the surprising and unaccountable in jidents and appearances which, in this new world, were often presented to their contemplation. 89. In February, 1692, a daughter and a niece of Mr. Paris, the minister of Salem, were afflicted with disor- ders affecting their bodies in the most singular manner. The physicians, unable to account for their contortions, pronounced them bewitched; and the children, hearing of this, declared that an Indian woman, who livud in the house, was the cause of their torments. Mr. Paris con- curred with the physicians. Several private fasts were kept at his house, and the gloom was increased by a solemn fast throughout the colony. 90. The Indian woman confessed herself guilty. The children were visited, noticed, and pitied. This en- couraged them to persevere, and other children, either from sympathy or the desire of similar attentions, exhibited similar contortions. A distracted old woman, and one who had been a long time confined to her bed, were added to the list of the accused ; and, in the progress of the infatuation, women of mature age united with the children in their accusations. 91. The accused were multiplied in proportion to the accusers. Children accused their parents, and parents their children. A word from those who were supposed to be afflicted, occasioned the arrest of the devoted victim; and so firmly convinced were the magistrates, that the prince of darkness was in the midst of them, using human intruments to accomplish his purposes, that the slightest testimony was deemed sufficient to justify a commitment for trial. 92. The court, especially instituted for this purpose, held a session in June, and afterwards several others by ad- journment. Many were tried, and received sentence of death. A few pleaded guilty. Several were convicted upon testimony, which, at other times, would not have induced suspicion of an ordinary crime, and some upon testimony retracted after conviction. Nineteen were executed, and many yet remained to be tried. 93. At this stage of the proceedings, the legislature established, by law, a permanent court, by^ v/hich the other was superseded, and fixed a distant day for its first ses- sion at Salem. In the mean time, the accusations multi- plied, and additional jails were required to hold the accused. MASSACHUSETl'S. 47 The impostors, hardened by impunity and success, as- cended from decrepid old women, to respectable charac- ters, and at length, in their ravings, named ministers of the gospel, and even the wife of the governor. 94. The community were thrown into consternation. Each felt alarm tor himself, his family, and friends. The shock ]oused them to reflection. They considered more closely the character of the accusers ; the nature of the alleged crime ; the testimony, often contradictory and never explicit ; and more than all these, the high standing of some who were implicated ; and began to doubt whether they had not been too credulous and precipitate. 95. At the next term, the grand jury found indictments against fifty ; but, on trial, all were acquitted except three, and tiiem the governor reprieved. He also directed that all who were in prison should be .set at liJjerty. A belief, however, of the truth of the charges, still lingered among the people, and prevented any prosecution of the impostors. That all were impostors, cannot be believed. Many must have acted under the influence of a disordered imagination, which the attendant circumstances were well calculated to produce. — ^- 96. Besides establishing courts of justice, the legisla- ture, at its first session under the new charter, passed a law wliich indicates the same independent spirit that af- terwards resisted the usurpations of the British parlia- ment. It provided that no tax should be imposed upon any of his majesty's subjects, or their estates, in the pro- vince, but by the act and consent of the governor, council, and representatives of the people, in general court assem- bled. It is almost superfluous to say, that this law was disallowed by ihe king. 97. The war with the French and Indians, which be- gan in 1690, was not yet terminated. For seven years were the frontier settlements harassed by the savages ; and the English employed in expeditions against them. A history of these would consist only of repeated accounts of Indian cunning and barbarity, and of Enj^^lish enterprise and fortitude. Peace between England and France, which took place in 1^7, was soon followed by peace with the savages. 98. But in a few years, war. again broke out in Europe, wliicli was the signal for hostilities in America. The first blow fell upon Deerfield. h\ February, 1704, it was sur- prised in tiie night, abc»it forty persons were killed, and 48 MASSACHUfcJETTS. more than one hundred made prisoners, amorrg whom were Mr. Williams, the minister, and his family. The killed were scalped, and the prisoners commanded to prepare for a long march to Canada. 99. On the second day, Mrs. Williams was so exhausted with fatigue that she could go no farther. Her husban(^ solicited permission to remain with her ; but the retreat- ing savages, according to their custom in such cases, killed her and compelled him to proceed. Before the termina- tion of their journey, twenty more became unable to walk, and were in like manner sacrificed. Those who survived the journey to Canada were treated by the French with humanity ; and after a captivity of many years, most of them were redeemed, and returned to their friends. 100. New- York having agreed with the French and the western Indians t'o remain neutral, these were enabled to pour their whole force upon Massachusetts and New- Hampshire, the inhabitants ofwliich,for ten years, endured miseries peculiar to an Indian war, and more distressing than their descendants can well imagine. The enemy were at all times prowling about the frontier settlements, watching in concealment for an opportunity to strike a sudden blow and fly with safety. The women and chil- dren retired into the garrisons ; the men left their fields un- cultivated, or labored with arms at their sides, and with sen- tinels at every point whence an attack could he apprehended. 101. Yet notwithstanding these precautions, the enemy were often successful, killing sometimes an individual only, sometimes a v/hole family, sometimes a band of laborers, ten or twelve in number ; and so sv/ift were they in their movements, that but few fell into the handsof the whites. It was computed, that the sum of one thousand pounds ^^ as expended for every Indian k^illed or made captive. 102. In 1707, Massachusetts, New-Hampshire, and Rhode Island desT^atched an armament against Port Royal, in Nova Scotia, which was then in possession of the French. It returned v/ithout accomplishing its object. In 1710, New-England, assisted by a fleet furnished by the mother countr^/^, succeeded in reducing the place ; and its name, in compliment to queen Anne, was changed to Annapolis. 103. The success of this enterprise encouragf^d the commander, general Nicholson, to visit England and pro- pose an exj-'Ouition agnjnnt Canada, His proposition v/as adopted, and in Juno, 1711, admiral Walker, with a fleet of fifteen ships of war, and forty transports, bringing an MASSACHUSETTS. 49 tfrmy of veteran troops, arrived at Boston. Taking on board two additional regiments, he sailed fronn that port about the last of July. At the same time, general Nichol- son repaired to Albany to take command of the troops that were to proceed by land. 104. When the fleet had advanced ten leagues up the river St. Lawrence, the weather became tempestuous and foggy. A difference of opinion arose concerning the course to be pursued, the English pilots recommending one course, and the colonial another. The admiral, entertaining, like all other English oiRcors, an opinion of the abilities of the colonists corresponding with their dependent condition, adopted the advice of his own pilots. Pursuing the course they recommended, nine trunspoits were driven, about midnight, upon the ro.-ks and dashed to pieces. 105. From every quarter cries of distress arose, con- veying, through the darkness, to those who were yet afloat, intelligence of the fate of their comrades and of their own danger. The shrieks of the drowning pleaded powerfully for assistance, but none could be afforded until the morn- ing dawned, when six or seven hua.lrtu, found floating on the scattered wrecks, were rescued from death, more than a thousand having sunk to rise no more. Not a single American was lost. 106. Weakened by this terrible disaster, the admiral determined to return to England, where he arrived in the month of October. Thither misfortune attended him. On the fifteenth, his ship blew up and four hundred sea- men perished. Tbe New-l^mgland troops returned to their homes, and Nicholson, having learned the fate of the fleet, led back his troops to Albany. The next year the colonies found no repose. In 1713, France and England made peace at Utrecht, and, in the same year, peace was con- cluded with the Indians. 107. Such was the destruction of lives in this war, that the population of New-England was sensibly retarded. Her expenses were also enormous. Although the annual taxes paid by the inhabitants, were greater than in a*iy other portion of the British empire, yet the colonies most exposed, were burdened, at the close of the war, with a heavy debt, in the shape of bills of credit, or paper money, which impeded their jirosperity, perplexing individuals and the goverimient in all their transactions. 108. In 1716, Samuel Shute, a colonel in the army of the celebrated duke of Marlborough, was appointed gov- E 50 MASSACHUSETTS. ernoT. On his arrival in the province, he found the peo- ple divided into two parties, one in favor of a public bank, which had just been established, the other of the incor- poratiottf of a private bank. He joined the former, the latter of cours-e became hostile ; and, led by a Mr. Cooke, opposed with virulence all his measures. 109.» In 1720, this party, embracing a majority of the representatives, elected their leader speaker. The choice was communicated to the governor, who interposed his negative. The house persisted in their choice, denying his right to interfere. The controversy continued several days, when the governor dissolved the assembly, and directed that a new election should be made by the people. 110. The charter not giving, in express terms, to the governor, the power to reject a speaker, the people resolved to support their representatives, and nearly all of them were again elected. When met, to avoid a second disso- lution, they chose a Mr. Lindall speaker ; but in a warm remonstrance to the governor, condemned his conduct, and re-asserted their sole and exclusive right to choose their presiding officer. 111. The session was short, and but little was done that did not display the angry feelings of the house. Instead of six hundred pounds, the usual grant to the governor for half a year's salary, they appropriated but five hundred, and, as a mark of their displeasure, deferred that act until near the close of the session. 112. At their next meeting, the same feelings prevailed and the same diminished sum was voted. The governor then informed them, that he had been instructed by the king to recommend to the assembly, to establish for him a permanent and honorable salary. The house, aware of the importance of retaining the power of granting such sums as the governor might merit by his conduct, replied, that the subject was new, and expressed a wish that the court might ris*^. With this request the governor complied. 113. This disagreement continued, the ill temper of both parties increasing, through several subsequent ses- sions. The representatives, confident of the support of the people, refused to establish a permanent salary for the governor, and often withheld the pittance they gave, until he had sanctioned those measures which they desired should be adopted. 114. His residence in the province being rendered, by this dispute, unpleasant, he suddenly and privately quitted MASSACHUSEITS. 61 it, In December, 1722. Upon his arrival in England, he exhibited charges against the house, of having made various encroachments upon the king's perogative, which the agents of the province were instructed to answer and repel. 115. He remained in England until 1728, when he resigned his office, and William Burnet, then governor of New- York, was appointed hi« successor. In his first speech, he informed the house that he had received posi- tive instructions from the king to insist on a permanent salary. The representatives, generous of their money but tenacious of their rights, appropriated three hundred pounds for the expenses of his journey, and fourteen hundred pounds towards his support, not specifying for what time. The first sum he accepted ; but absolutely declined re- ceiving any compensation for his services, except in the mode of a fixed salary. IIG. The delegates w^ere equally decided; and having transacted all their necessary business, requested the gov- ernor, by message, to adjourn them. He replied, that he could not comply with their request, as, if he did, he should put it out of their power to pay immediate regard to the king's instructions. A few days afterwards, the request was again made and again denied. 117. Messages, containing arguments and replies, were often interchanged by the parties. After two months had been consumed in the controversy, the governor, imagin- ing the members were influenced by the citizens of Bos- ton, transferred the general court to Salem. They were detained there two months ; were then allowed to return to their homes ; were again assembled after a short recess ; and having sat seventeen days, were again ad- journed without exhibiting any s3TTiptoms of compliance. 1 18. A new assembly was elected, and several sessions in the summer of 1729, displaying the same spirit as the former. In the mean time, information was transmitted from England, that the king approved the conduct of the governor, and condemned that of the house. Still the members continued inflexible. In August, they were removed to Cambridge, which served to exasperate rather than to convince them. Here, however, the controversy was suspended, for a time, by the death of the gov- ernor, which was supposed to have been hastened by his unsuccessful contest with the house of representa tires. 5:1 MASSACHUSSETTS, 1 19. His successor was Mr. Belcher, then ag^ent in England. As he belonged to the popular party, his appointment gave rise to the expectation, that the instruc- tion, to obtain a permanent salary, was withdrawn. But from his first speech it appeared, that it was not only unrescinded, but enforced by a threat of punishment in case of refusal. 120. The house, unintimidated by the threat, refused. The governor, during the two first years of his adminis- tration, made several attempts to induce them to comply. All failing, he endeavored to obtain a relaxation of his instructions. Permission was at length granted that he might receive a particular sum, which was voted, and a similar permission was afterwards annually given. Thus ended a contest which prepared the people of Massachu- setts to embark in another in which more important lights were to be defended. 121. These turbulent times were succeeded by a calm which continued several years; during which, however, the enemies of governor Belcher, by incessant misrepre- sentation, deprived him of the favor of the ministry in England. In 1740, he was removed from ojERce, and Mr. William Shirley appointed in his place. 122. In 1744,war again broke out between England and France, and the colonies were involved in its calamities. Their commerce and fisheries suffered great injury from privateers, fitted out at Louisburg, a French port, on cape Breton. Its situation gave it such importance, that nearly six millions of dollars had been expended on its fortifica- tions. Mr. Vaughan„ of New-Hampshire, who had often visited that place as a trader, conceived 'the project of an expedition against it. He communicated it to governor Shirley, and, being ardent and enthusiastic, convinced him that the enterprise was practicable, and inspired him with . his own enthusiasm. 123. Having exacted of the general court an oath of secrecy, the governor, in January, 1745, communicated to them the project. Many heard it with amazement. So strong was the place, and so weak comparatively were the colonies, that the thought of attacking it seemed rash and presumptuous. From respect to him, however, his pro- posal was referred to a committee ; they reported against It, the house accepted the report, and the members dis- missed from their minds all thoughts of the expedition. 121. During the secret deliberutions the people watched MASSACHUSETTS. 53 Mrith anxiety to ascertain their object. The disclosure was made by an honest member, who incautiously, in his family devotions, prayed for the divine blessing on the attempt, should it be made. The people were imstantly struck with the advantage of possessing the place. When the decision was made known, a petition, signed by a large number of merchants, was presented to the general court praying them to comply with the governor's proposal. The subject was again discussed, and a vote in favor of the expedition was passed by a majority of one. 125. The question was now decided, and all who were before averse to the enterprise, united heartily with its supporters to carry it into execution. The other New- England colonies were solicited, and agreed to furnish assistance; and a boat was despatched to commodore Warren, in the W^est Indies, to invite his co-operation. Colonel Pepperell was appointed commander-in-chief, and Roger Wolcott, of Connecticut, second in command. 126. In two months, an army of more tfian four thousand men was enlisted, clothed, victualled, and equipped for service, in the four New-England colonies, which did not then contain four hundred thousand inhabitants. On the 23d of jNIarch, the despatch boat returned from the West Indies, with advice that commodore Warren declined fur- nr^hing aid. This intelligence was kept secret. The troops of Massachusetts embarked, as though nothing dis- couraging had happened, and about the middle of April, they, as well as tliose sent by Connecticut and New- Hampshire, arrived safe at Canso. 127. Commodore Warren had but just despatched his answer, when he received orders to repair to Boston with such ships as could be spared, and concert measures with governor Shirley for his majesty's service in North Ame- oca. He sailed instantly, but learning, in his course, that the transports had left Boston for Canso, he steered directly for that place, where he arrived on the 23d of Apirl. He added much to their naval strength, and much to that confidence, which, by promising, ensures victory. . 128. Several vessels of war, which had been sent to cruise before Louisburg, had captured a number of French ships, and prevented any intelligence of the expedition from reaching the enemy. These vessels were daily in sight of the place, but were supposed to be privateers, and caused no alarm. The appearance of the fleet, on the 30th of April, gave the French the first intimation of their danger. £ 2 64 MASSACHUSETTS, 129. The troctps immediately landed, and the next day a detachment of four hundred, marching round the hills, approached within a mile of the grand battery, setting fire to all the houses and stores on the way. Many of these contained pitch and tar, which produced a thick smoke, that completely enveloped the invaders. The fears of the French were increased by their uncertainty. They ima- gined the whole army was coming upon them, and, throw- ing their powder into a well, deserted the battery, of which the New-England troops took possession without loss. 130. This was u.icommon good fortune ; but the most difficult labors of the siege remained to be performed. The cannon were to be drawn nearly two miles, over a deep morass, in plain view, and within gun-sliot, of the enemy's principal fortifications. For fourteen nights, the troops, with straps over their shoulders, and sinking to their knees in mud, were employed in this service. 131. The approaches weie then begun in the mode which seemed most proper to the shrewd understandings of un- taught militia. Those oflficers, who were skilled in the art of war, talked of zigzags and epaulements ; but the troops made themselves merry with the terms, and proceeded in their own way. By the 20th of May, they had erected five batteries, one of which mounted five forty-two poun- ders, and did great execution. 132. Meanwhile the fleet, cruising in the harbor, had been equally successful. It captured a French ship of sixty-four guns, loaded with stores for the garrison, to whom the loss was as distressing, as to the besiegers the capture was fortunate. English ships of war, were, be- sides, continually arriving, and added such strength to the fleet that a combined attack upon the town was resolved upon. The enemy, discovering this design, deemed it unwise to abide the hazard of an assault. On the 15th of June, the French commander proposed a cessation of hostilities, and, on the 17th capitulated. 133. Intelligence of this event, dying swiftly through the colonies, diffused great and universal joy. And well might the citizens of New-England be elated with the glad tidings. Without even a suggestion from the mothei country, they had projected, and, with but little assistance, had achieved, an enterprise of vast importance to her and to them. Their commerce and fisheries were now secure. and their maritime cities relieved from all fear of attack from that quarter. NEW-HAMPSHIRE. n 134. France, firefl with resentment at her loss, made extraordinary exertions to retrieve it, and to inflict chas- tisement on New-England. The next summer, she des- patched t(^ the American coast a powerful fleet, carrying a large number of soldiers. The news of its approach spread te/ror throughout New-England; but an uncommon suc- cession of disasters, which the pious of that time attribut- ed to the special interposition of Providence, deprived it of all power to inflict injury. After remaining a short time on the coast, it returned to France, having lost two admi- rals, both of whom, it was supposed, put an end to their lives through chagrin; having also, by tempests, been reduced to one half its force, and effected nothing. 135. In 1748, peace was concluded, each party restoring all its prisoners and conquests ; a striking, but not uncom- mon, illustration of the folly of war. Louisburg, though conquered by the colonies, was exchanged, by Great Britain, for territories which she had lost in Europe. New-England murmured at this injustice; but what avail the murmurs of the weak? 136. From this period to the commencement of the next French war, but few important events occurred in Massa- chusetts. The bills of credit, which the colony had issued to defray its enormous expenditure, were redeemed by the government, at their depreciated value. This example was followed, though tardily, by the other governments. _At the time of their redemption, they were worth no more, in some colonies, than one tenth, and in others, one twen- tieth, of the sum for which they had been issued. CHAPTER III. NEW-HAMPSHIRE. WiTW the history of Massachusetts, the parent of the New-England colonies, that of New-Hampshire has been necessarily blended. A brief relation of some detached events, which occurred in the latter colony, will now be given. 2. John Mason, Ferdinand Gorges, and others, having obtained, of the Plymouth or New- England Company, grants of several tracts of land, lying north of Massachu- setts, sent from England, in 1623, a few persons to begin 66 NEW-HAMPSHIRE. a settlement. Part landed, and, for a short time, remained at Little Harbor, on the west side of Piseataqua river, and near its mouth. Here the first house was built, which was called Mason Hall. The remainder, proceeding higher up the river, settled at Cocheco, afterwards called Dover. 3. Fishing and trade being the principal objects of these emigrants, their settlements increased slowly. In 1629, the territory situated between Merrimac and Piseataqua rivers, and extending sixty miles from the sea, was granted to Mason alone, and then first called New-Hampshire. In 1631, the first house was built at Portsmouth. In 1638, the Reverend John Wheelwright, who, in 1629, but pre- vious to the date of Mason's patent, had purchased the land of the Indians, laid the foundation of Exeter. The next year, thirty-five persons, residing in that town, combined and established civil government. Within a year or two afterwards, the inhabitants of Dover and Portsmouth followed their example, each town remaining distinct and independent. 4. In 1641, these little republics, distrusting their ability to protect themselves, formed a coalition with Massachu- setts, and long remained a part of that colony. The civil wars in England diverted the attention of Mason from his grant, and those who migrated to the country purchased of Wheelwright, the lands which they occupied. In the war with Philip, the settlements on Piseataqua and Oyster rivers, were attacked by the Indians, and suffered severely. 5. In 1675, Robert Mason, grandson and heir of John Mason, applied to the king to obtain possession of the ter- ritory and rights which had been granted to his ancestor. Notice of this application was given to Massachusetts, and the parties were heard before the king in council. In 1679, a decree was passed, that Nevv -Hampshire should be constituted a separate province, to be ruled by a presi- dent and council, v/ho were to be appointed by the king, and a house of representatives to be chosen by the people. No decision was made affecting the titles to land. 6. The first assembly, consisting of eleven members, met, in 1680, at Portsm.outh. At this session, a code of laws was adopted, of which the first, in a style worthy of freemen, declared, "that no act, imposition, law, or ordi- nance, should be im.posed upon the inhabitants of the province, but such as should be made by the assembly, and rn>^iroved by the president and council." This waa NEW-HAMPSHIRE. SI twelve years previous to the enactment of a simflar law in Massachusetts. 7. In the same year, Mason, who had been appointed a member of the council, arrived in the coloay. lie assumed the title of lord proprietor, claimed the soil as hit< property, and threatened to prosecute all who would not take from him leases of the lands they occupied. His pretensions were resisted by most of the inhabitants, who claimed the fee-simple of the soil by a more righteous, if not more legal title. 8. The peace of the colony was long distuibed by these conflicting claims. At the head of those who contended with Mason, stood major Waldron, of Dover. Against him, and many others, suits were instituted. No defence was made, judgments were obtained, but so general was the hostility to Mason, that he never dared to enforce them. 9. Over Massachusetts and New-Hamjjshire, the same governor usually presided. After Andross was deposed, the inhabitants of the latter colony desired to be incorpo rated with their former brethren. Their request was opposed by Samuel Allen, who had purchased Mason's title, and was refused. Allen was made governor of the colony, and, by his influence, John Usher, his son-in-law, was appointed lieutenant governor. Under his adminis- tration, the disputes, occasioned by adverse claims to land, continued to rage with increased violence. Other suitr were instituted, and judgments obtained ; but the sherifl was forcibly resisted, by a powerful combination, whenevei he attempted to put the plaintiff in possession. 10. From Indian wars this colony suffered more than any of her sisters. The surprise of Dover, in 1689, was' attended by circumstances of the most shocking barbarity. That the natives hud been cruelly injured by major Waldron, the principal citizen, may account for, if not extenuate, their ferocity in obtaining revenge. 11. Having 'determined upon their plan of attack, they employed more than their usual art, to lull the suspicions of the inhabitants. So civil and respectful was their behavior, that they often obtained permission to sleep in the fortified houses in ihe town. On the evening of the fatal niglit, they assembled in the neighborhood, and sent their women to apply for lodgings, at the houses devoted to destruction ; who were not only admitted, but were shown how they could open the doors should they have occasion to go out in the night. 58 NEW-HAMPSHIRE, V2. When all was quiet, the doors were opened and (he signal given. The Indians rushed into Waldron's iiouHe, and hastened to his apartment. Awakened by the noise, he seized his sword and drove them back, but when returning for his other arms, was stunned with a hatchet, and fell. They then dragged him into his hall, seated him in an elbow chair, upon a long table, and insultingly asked him, " who shall judge Indians now ]" After feasting upon provisions, which they compelled the rest of the family to procure, each one, with his knife, cut gashes across his breast, saying, " I cross out my account." When, weakened with the loss of blood, he was about to fall from the table, his own sword was held under him, which put an end to his misery. 13. At other houses, similar acts of cruelty were perpe- trated. In the whole, twenty-three persons were killed, twenty-nine carried prisoners to Canada, and mostly sold to the French. Remembering kindness as well as injury, they spared one woman, who, thirteen years before, had conferred a favor on one of the party. Many houses were burned, much property was plundered, and so expeditious were the Indians, that they had fled beyond reach before the neighboring people could be collected. 14. The war thus commenced was prosecuted with great vigor. The French, by giving premiums for scalps, and by purchasing the English prisoners, animated the Indians to exert all their activity and address, and the frontier inhabitants endured the most aggravated sufferings. The settlements on Oyster river were again surprised ; twenty houses were burned, and nearly one hundred persons were killed or made prisoners. Other towns were attacked, many persons slain, and many carried into captivity. The feace of Ryswick, in 1697, closed the distressing scene, n 1703, another war began, which coatinued ten years. 15. In 1719, above one hundred families, mostly Pres- oyterians, emigrated from the north of Ireland, and settled the town of Londonderry. They introduced the fool spinning-wheel, the manufacture of linen, and the culture of potatoes. They were industrious, hardy, and useful, citizens. 16. From 1722, to 1726, the inhabitants again suffered the afflictions of an Indian war. Following the example of the French, the government offered premiums for scalps, which induced several volunteer companies to undertake expeditions against the enemy. One of these, commanded CONNECTICUT. 59 by captain Lovewell, was grca,tly distinguished, at first by- its successes, and afterwards by its misfortunes. 17. Long after the transfer from M".: on to Allen, some defect in the conveyance was discovt rea, which rendered it void. In 1746, John Tufton Mason, a descendant of the original grantee, claiming the lands possessed by h's ancestors, conveyed them, for fifteen hundred pounds, to twelve persons, subsequently called the Masonian proprie- tors. They, to silence opposition, voluntarily relinquished their claim to the lands already occupied by others. 18. They also granted townships on the most liberal terms. Reserving certain portions of the land for them- selves, for the first settled ministers, and for schools, they required merely that the grantees should, within a limited time, erect mills and meeting houses, clear out roads, and settle ministers of the gospel. In process of time, nearly all the Masonian lands, being about one fourth of the Avhole, were, in this manner, granted; and contention and lawsuits ceased to disturb the repose, and to impede the prosperity of the colony. CHAPTER IV. CONNECTICUT. In 1631, viscount Say and Seal, lord Brook, and others, obtained from the Plymouth Company, in England, a grant of the territory which now constitutes the state of Con- necticut ; and so little was then known of the geography of the new world, that the grant was made to extend, in longitude, from the Atlantic Ocean to the South Sea. In the same year, the Indians, living on Connecticut river, having invited the colony of Plymouth to make a settlement on their lands, governor Winslow, and others, visited the country, and selected a place near the mouth of the little river in Windsor, for the erection of a trading house. 2. The Dutch at New- York, apprized of this project of the English, and determined to anticipate them, inmiedi- ately despatched a party, w^ho erected a fort at Hartford. In September, 1633, a company from Pl)niniouth, having prepared the frame of a house, put it on board a vessel, and, passing the fort, conveyed it to the place previously selected. In October, they raised, covered, and fortified 60 CONNECTICUT. it with palisades. The Dutch, ^.-onsidering ihem intruders, sent, the next year, a party oi seventy men to drive them from the country, but finding them strongly posted, they relinquished the design. 3. In the autumn of 1635, many of the inhabitants of D-irchester and Watertown, in Massachusetts, having heard of the fertile meadows on Connecticut river, re- moved thither, and began settlements at Weathersfield and Windsor. During the next winter, their sufferings from famine were extreme. So destitute were they of provisions, that many, in dread of starvation, returned, in December, to Massachusetts. In their journey through the dreary wilderness, at this inclement season, they en- countered indescribable hardships. 4. In the same autunm, Mr. Winthrop arrived frorr England, with instructions from the patentees to erect a fort at the mouth of the river, and make the requisite preparation for planting a colony. The fort was but just completed when a party, sent, for the same purpose, by the Dutch, at New- York, arrived in a vessel, but were not permitted to land. 5. The next spring, those who had been compelled by famine to revisit Massachusetts, returned to Connecticut. In June, the Reverend Mr. Hooker, of Cambridge, and about one hundred men, Avomen, and children, belonging to his congregation, travelling through the wilderness, laid the foundation of .Hartford. They were nearly two weeks on their journey; they drove their cattle with th-nn,. and subsisted, by the way, upon tlie milk of their cow.s. G. In 1637, all the settlements in New England were involved in hostilities with the Pequods, a tribe of Indianci inhabiting Nevv^ London and the country around it. Some account of this war has been given in the history of Mas- sachusetts. , Previous to any expedition against them, they had killed many of the emigrants to Connecticut, had captured others, and tortured them to death. In the short war which followed, their surviving brethren, for bravery in battle and fortitude in suffering, were not sur- passed by any portion of the English troops. 7. At first, the emigrants acknowledged the authority of Massachusetts. In January, 1639, the freemen, having convened at Hartford, adopted a constitution for them- selves. They ordained that two general courts, or assem- blies, should be held annually, one in April, the other in September; that at the court held in April, styled the court CONNECTICUT. 61 of election, the freemen should choose a governor, six magistrates, and all the public officers ; that to the other, the sevpral towns should send deputies, who, in conjunc- tion with the governor and magistrates, were authorized to enact laws, and perform all necessary public services. No general court could be adjourned or dissolved, without the consent of a major part of the members. 8. In the same year, George Fenwick, one of the patentees, came over with his family, and settled at the mouth of the river. In honor of lord Say and Seal, and lord Brook, he called the place Saybrook. Others after- wards joined him ; and for several years, they were gov- erned by their own magistrates and laws. In 1644, Mr. Fenwick, for seven thousand dollars, assigned to the general court of Connecticut, the fort at Saybrook, and all the rights conferred by the patent from the Plymouth compan^ mi England. This settlement then became a part of the colony. Tlic claim of Plymouth colony, founded upon their having first made an establishment at Windsor, had been previously purchased. 9. In the mean time, another colony had been planted within the limits of the Connecticut patent. In June, 1637, two large ships arrived at Boston, from England, having on board Mr. Davenport, Mr. Eaton, and many others, whom pious motives had impelled to emigrate to New- England. Being highly respectable, and some of them possessing great wealth, the general court of Massachu- setts, desirous of detaining them in the colony, offered them any place they might select for a plantation. 10. Wisliing, however, to institute a civil and religious community, conforming in all things to their peculiar princi})les, they removed, the next year, to Quinnipac, which they called New Haven. Soon after their arrival, at the close of a day of fasting and prayer, they subscribed what they termed a plantation covenant, solemnly binding themselves, " until otherwise ordered, to be governed in all things, of a civil as well as religious concern, by the rules which the scripture held forth to them."' They pur- chased of the natives, large tracts of land ; and laid out their towns in squares, designing it for a great and elegant city. 11. In 1639, all the free planters, assembled in a large barn, proceeded to lay the foundation of their civil and religious polity. They resolved that none but church members should be allowed the privilege of voting, or be r 62 CONNECTICUT. elected to office ; that all the freemen should annualsy assemble and e'ect the officers of the colony; and mm the word of God should be the only rule for ordering the affairs of the commonwealth. Such was the original con- stitution of New-Haven ; but as the population increased, and new tov.'ns were settled, different regulations were adopted, and the institutions and laws became gradually assimilated to those of Connecticut. 12. With the Dutch at New- York, both colonies had constant and vexatious disputes. The former claimed all the territory as far east as Connecticut river ; the latter complained that the Dutch often plundered their property ; that they sold guns and ammunition to tne Indians, and even encouraged them to make war upon the English. The fear of attack from that quarter, was one of the rea- sons which, in 1643, induced the colonies of New-England to form a confederation for their mutual defence 13. In 1C50, a treaty of amity and partition was con- cluded at Hartford, between the English and Dutch, the latter relinquishing their claim to the territory of Connec- ticut, except the lands which they actually occupied. Soon after, England and Holland were involved in war with each other, but their colonies in America agreed to remain at peace. Notwithstanding this agreement, the Dutch governor was detected in concerting with the In- dians a plot for the total extirpation of the English. 14. Connecticut and New-Haven were alarmed ; a meeting of the commissioners of the united colonies, was called, and evidence of the plot laid before them. A majority was in favor of war ; but the colony of Massa- chusetts, being remote from the danger, was averse to it. As she was much stronger than either of the others, it was, at the suggestion of her deputies, resolved, that agents should first be sent to demand of the Dutch gov- ernor an explanation of his ccnauct. 15. The agents obtained no satisfactory explanation. On their return, another meeting of the connnissioners was held at Boston, additional testimony was laid before them, and several ministers of Massachusetts were invited to assist at their deliberations, a practice not unusual at that period. 16. The opinion of these ministers being requested, they observed, " that the proofs of the execrable plot, tending to the destruction of the dnar saints of God, vrere. of sucli weight as to indace them to believe the reality (X)NNKOTICUT. of it ; yet they were not so fully conclusive as to bear up their hexirts with the fulness of persuasion which was meet in commending- the case to God in prayer, and to the people in exhortations ; and that it would be safest for the colonies to forbear the use of the sword." 17. But all the commissioners, except one, were of opinion that recent aggressions justified, and self preser- vation dictated, an appeal to the sword. They were about to declare war, when the general court of Massachusetts in direct violation of one of the articles of the confedera tion, resolved, " that no determination of the commission ers, though all should agree, should hind the colony tc> engage in l^ostilities." 18. At this declaration, Connecticut and New-Haver> felt alarmed and indignant. They considered the othe colonies too weak, without the assistance of Massachu setts, to contend with the Dutch and their Indian allies They argued, entreated, and remonstrated, but she contin- ued inflexible. They then represented their danger tc Cromwell, and implored his assistance. He, with his: usual promptitude, sent a fleet for their protection, and foi the conquest of their enenaies ; but peace in Europe, intelli- gence of which reached New-England soon after the arrival of th** fleet, saved the Dutch from subjugation, and relieved the colonies from the dread of massacre. 19. After Charles II was restored to the throne, Con necticut applied to him for a royal charter. A triflinj. circumstance induced him, forgetting all his arbitrar maxims, to comply with her wishes to their utmost extent. Her agent, Mr. Winthrop, having an extraordinary ring, which hnd been given to his grandfather by Charles 1, presented it to his son. He immediately granted a char ter, more liberal in its provisions than any that had ye l>een granted, and confirming, in every particular, the constitution which the people had themselves adopted. 20. This charter comprehended New-Haven ; but, f > several years, tl;e people of that colony utterlt refused to consent io the union. In this opposition to the comman i- of the king, and the remonstrances of Connecticut, th- / persevered until 1665, when the apprehension of t.i<; appointment of a general governor, and of their bei:-, united with some other colony, having a charter less favd able to liberty, impelled them, though reluctantly, to yie^ 21. In the war with Philip, which began in 1675, C( necticut suffered less than her sister colonies. Her a I CONNECTICUT. ki'Afevej, in iuli pioponion lo her streagtli, was aJw'a}T» fr'3ely afforded ; and no troops surpassed her volunteers ra hx ivery and enterprise. A large number, and many of V 3m officers, were killed at the assault upon the fort at i'-arraganset. 22. In 1686, king James II, desirous of annulling, not o ' colony, and ruled with the same absolute'sway, though n^A with the same oppressive tyranny, as in Massachusetts. \: \. When James was driven from his throne and king- dxvT, and his governor deposed, Connecticut resumed her f;>ri ler government. The assembly voted a flattering 3<1^ ess to king William. The suit, instituted for the m lose of annulling her charter, was abandoned ; and her .;i. bitants, while enjoying greater privileges than any of r brethren, had reason to congratulate themselves upon -'.e r address and good fortune in preserving them. cj. But, not long afterwards, they were again called Lipoa to defend these privileges from encroachment. In J G9'2, colonel Fletcher was appointed governor of New- . •lik, and was authorized, by his commission, to take .•^TioLith objected; ass( ; ting that the settlements were within her boundaries. 'V.t?. com- missioners decided that Rhode Island might enjoy all the advantages of the confederacy, if she would submit to the jurisdiction of Plymouth. She declined, proudly preferring independence to all the benefits of dependent union.: 6. In 1644, Williams, having been sent to England ^-m agent for both settlements, obtained of the Plymouth Company, a patent for the territory, and permission for i])d inhabitants to institute a government for themselves. In 1647, delegates chosen by the freemen, held a geners! assembly at Portsmouth, organized a government, and established a code .of laws. The executive p'-vver vvaa confided to a president and four assistants. 7. Upon the application of the inhabitants, tl. ':i;.;, ia 1663, granted a charter to Rhode Island and F: \ j'-ncc Plantations. The supreme, or legislative power, was to be exercised by an assembly, which was to cont^ist of the governor, of ten assistants, and of representat. ; es from the several towns, all to be chosen by the treem This assembly granted to all christian sects, exce^'t Romar' Catholics, the right of voting. In 1665, they a 'horized; by law, the seizure of the estates of Quakers, wl Tv.Hei to assist in defending the colony ; but this law, b- '■'■ * . rally condemned by the people, was never execi; 8. When Andross was made governor over Im , -.,,i,. land, he dissolved the charter government of Rhc:'e Island, and ruled the colony, with the assistance of ti councii appointed by himself. After he was imprisoned, a'. Eoston the freemen met at Newport, and voted to resi; iie thei charter. All the officers who, three years before, had been displaced, were restored. \ 9. The benevolence, justice, and pacific policy of W'^' liams, secured to the colony an almost total exempt*' from Indian hostility. In 1730, the number of itfnabitat " was 18,000 ; ih 1761, it was 40,000. Brown Univer^^* was founded, at Warren, in 1764, and v;as removed, a f' years after, to Providence. Its founder was Nicho !Brown, who gave to the institution five thousanu d:.A\r. 1] CHAPTER VI, NEW- YORK. 1609, Henry Hudson, an Englishman, but sailing in rvice of the Dutch East India Company, discovered : Island, the harbor of New- York, and the river to ' his name has been given. In 1613, several Dutch •. >>ants, to vi^hom the republic of Holland had granted Inclusive right of trading to this part of America, da fort near Albany, which they named fort Oiange, few trading houses on the island of New- York, then ca S by the Indians, Manhattan. . n the same >ear, captain Argal, who had been sent by ' ii-giniato drive the French from their settlements on ' ly of Fundy, visited, on his return, the Dutch on • 1 )n's river. Claiming the country for his nation, by y i )f prior discovery, he demanded the acknowledgment authority. Being few in number, they prudently : tted, without attempting to resist. , 3ut, receiving a reinforcement, the next year, they (M asserted the right of Holland to the country, and ^;cted fort Amsterdam, on the south end of the island. -.e English, for many years, forebore to interfere in their rsa ts or clahns. In 1621, the republic, desirous of .;:) 1 ng a colony in Amenca, granted to the Dutch West cia Company, an extensive territory on both sides of '^ Hudson. The country was called New-Netherlands, he ooundaries were not accurately defined, but were v»si iered, by the company, as including Connecticut river ,a . north, and Delaware river at the soutli. -', (n 1623, they erected a fort on the Delaware, which r-y ailed Nassau ; and, ten years aftewards, another on = ' . onnecticut, which they called Good Hope. Near the fiiu*^ r, the Swedes had a settlement. From the inter- ring claims of the two nations, quarrels arose between mhe killed in the course ofthewar, was supposed!',,' exceed' four hundred. In 164G, a severe battle was fought on that part of Horse-neck called Strickland's Plain. The Dutch were victorious ; on both sides great numbers were slain ; and for a century afterwards the graves of the dead were distinctly visible. 6. In 1650, Peter Stuyvesant, then the able governor of the New-Netherlands, met the commissioneis of the New-England colonies at Hartford, where, alter much altercation, a line of partition between their respective territories was fixed by mutual agreement. LoLg Island was divided between them ; the Dutch retained \ le lands which they occupied in Connecticut, surrender lag theii claim to the residue. 7. But Charles II, denying their right to any pvjrtion of the country, determined to expel them from it. In 1G64, he granted to his brother, the duke of York and Albany, all the territory between Nova Scotia and Delaware ba; ; and though England and Holland were then at peecf , immediately sent three ships and three hundred troopy t..> put him in possession of his grant. Colonel Rober; N leli -'■ conducted the expedition. The Svjuadron, having visit*; Boston, reacbed the place of its destination in A.if.-u»t. 8. The commander summoned governor Stuy/esant ..f surrender the town, promising to secure to tbe iniiahitpnU their lives, liberty, and property. At first, he refused but the magistrates and people, allured by the proffr > terms, conf-trained him to consent. Fort Orange iriir : dered, soon after, to Sir George Carteret. Incouipliii.-^ to the duke, the name, Manhattan, was changed to N York, and Orange to Albany. 9. Nichols assumed the government of the coi .\vj . had conquered, and continued, for three years, to lui'^ Om- it, with absolute power, but with great lenity an(' 'i"-*' During his administration, New-York was made T^pon his return to England, he was succeeded by c, Lovelace, who administered the governnieat wiv'^' moderation. TEW-VORK lu. m io;3, i:iii^iand ;'.nd Holland being then at war, a few Dutch ships were despatched to reconquer the country. Or ihe'iT arrival at Staten Island, a short distance from the :iy^ John Manning, who had command of the fort, sent luwn a messan^f'r and treacherously made terms with the iierny. The Dutch sailed up the harbor, landed their ' inn, and took possession of the fort and city, without fhiDii '^r receiving a shot. 1 1 . Captain Anthony Colve was appointed governor, but hh reinined the authority for a few months only. The ' 'X' vrar, peace was concluded, and the country restOEed • th( English. The duke obtained a new patent, confirm- ■}, his title to the province, and appointed major Andross, .IP same who was afterwards the tyrant of New-England, o 1-0 rovemor over his territories in America. i'2. Neither the administration of Andross, nor that of I"*, S'lccessor, Anthony Brockholst, was distinguished by .Ui7 lemarkable event. In 1682, colonel Thomas Dongan, "ho, as well as the duke, was a Roman Catholic, was ,)poiated governor, and the next year arrived in the colony. nlil this time, the governor and council had possessed bsoluve power. The inhabitants, who, whether Dutch ; Eitgllsh, were born the subjects of a state comparatively |(";!^, hrving, in an address to the duke, claimed a share in p If tislative authority, colonel Dongan was directed to ov Tlie freeholders to meet and choose representatives. 1.'! On the nth of October, the first assembly met, ing of the council and eighteen representatives. declaration of the governor, they were invested 3 sole power of enacting laws and levying taxes; laws could have no force until ratified by the duke. 1 ills participation of power, Ihe people were gratified i; ortented; and the colony began to enjoy the inestim- ■ '- ao cartages of a regular government. IL ''he interior of New- York was originaMy inhabited f X < ifederacy which consisted at first of five, and after- ; ) of six, nations of Indians. This confederacy was i for mutual defence against the Algonquins,a power- 1 .uadian nation, and displayed much of the wisdom ;i; >a'Tacity which mark the institutions of a civilized ip'e. By their union, they had become formidable to s :r-ounding tribes. Being the allies of the English, nch were alarmed at their successes, and became . of their power. n 1G34, De la ^^rre, the governor of Cana«'i, NEW-YORK. 73 24. Several militia captains assembled to determine on the measures expedient to be adopted. Of these, Jacob Leisler was the most active. Me was destitute of every qualification necessary to conduct a difiicult enterprise, but possessed the esteem and confidence of the other officers, and of the people. Milborne, his son-in-law, concerted all his measures, and controlled his conduct. 25. They determined to obtain possession of the fort. Leisler entered it with fifty men, and published a declara- tion in favour of the prince of Orange. The magistrates and most respectable citizens discountenanced the pro- ceeding, and, at first, but few had the courage to declare themselves his friends. To induce them to act, a report was circulated that tiiree ships, with orders from the prince, were sailing up the harbour. His party was instan :y auojuiented by six captains, and nearly five himdred m^ri, a force sufficient to overpower all opposition. 26. Before these disturbances, colonel Dongan had re- signed his office, and embarked for England. Lieutenant- governor Nicholson, unable to contend with Leisle^, absconded in the night. The province being thus left without a chief magistrate, Leisler was promoted, by his adherents, to that station. He sent an address to 'king William and queen Mary, whose authority he acknow- ledged, and, soon after, a private letter to the Kmg, expressing, in low and incorrect language, the warmest protestations of loyalty and zeal. 27. His sudden elevation excited the envy of thos© magistrates and citizens who had declined to join him in proclaiming king William. Bayard and Courtlandt, unable to raise a party against him in the city, retired to Albany, where their exertions were successful. To diminish th?:.r influence, and to allay the jealousy of others, he invited several worthy citizens to unite with him in administering the government, a trust which had been confided to hira alone, by the militia. i 28. In a few months, however, a letter arrived from the ministry in England, directed " to such as, for the time - being, take care for administering the lav/s of the province," and conierring authority to perform all the duties of lieu- tenant-governor. Leicler (considered this letter addressed to hirnself, assumed the authority conferred, appointed his Council, and issued commissions in his own name. f i'li. The people of Albany, led by Bayard, Courtlandt, G M NEW- YORK. and Livingston, acknowledg«3d king William, but refused to submit to Leisler. Miiborne was sent with a body of troops to enforcft obedience, but, finding them united, he returned without attempting it. 'i'he next spring, going with a stronger force, he succeeded. Tlie leaders oi' the party fled, and their property was confiscated. This arbitrary and unjust measure so exasperated the sufferers, that they and their posterity long retained the most violent animosity against Leisler and his adherents. 30. D'lring these troubles in the colony, war was de- clared between France and England. De Nonviile being recalled, count Frontenac was appointed governor ot Canada. In .January, 1G9-0, he despatched several parties agains: the Englisli settlements. One of these, consisting 01 Frenchmen and Caghnuaga Indians, was sent against Albany, but resolved to attack Schenectady. I'o the inhabitants of this village, information was given of theii danger ; but they, judging it impossible for the enemy to march several hundred miles in the depth of winter, disregarded the intelligence. No regular v/atch was kept, nor military order observed. 31. The French and Indians arrived near the town on the eighth of February. They divided their number into small parties, that every house might be invested at the same time. On Saturday night, at eleven o'clock, they entered at the gates which they found unshut. The in- habitants having retired to rest, universal stillness reigned. Suddenly, iu every quarter, the horrid yell was heard. They sprang from their beds, conscious of the danger which surrounded them. Opening their doors, they met the savages, with uplifted tomahawks, on the threshold. Each, at the same instant, heard the cry of his affrighted neighbor. Soon succeeded the grcans of the dying. In a few minutes, the buildings were on fire. Women were butchered, and children thrown alive into the flames. The Indians, frantic from slaughter, ran, with fatal haste, through the village, massacreing many, who, in their attempts to escape, were betrayed by the light of their own houses. 32. Some eluded their pursuers ; but a fate almost as dreadi/Lil awaited them. They were naked ? a furious storm came on : Albany, their only refuge, was at a dis> tance ; and often their terror converted inio sava|,es t)\e trees and wild beasts which they saw in their flight. Part NEW-YORK. 7h axrived in safety; twenty-five lost thetr timbs by iU^ eeverity of the cold. At Schenectady, sixty were lei lied, and twenty- five made prisoners. 33. To avenge these barbarities, and others perj)etrated in New-England, a combined expedition ^against Canada was projected. An army, raised in New-Tork and (yon- necticut, proceeded as far as the head of lake Chauiplain, whence, finding no boats prepared, they were obliged \v return. Sir William Phipps, with a fleet of nioro th? a thirty vessels, sailed from Boston into the St. Lawrence, and, landing a body of troops, made an attack by land and water upon Quebec ; but the return of the army to New- York, alloviing tne whole force of the enemy to repair to the assistance of the garrison, he was obliged to abandcu tne enterprise. To the mise( nduct or incapacity of licisler and Milborrie, the failu'^ of this expedition was attributed. 34. As soon as king William could find leisure to attend to his colonies, he appointed colonel Henry Sloughter governor of New-Y^ork. Never was a governor more necessary to the province, and never, perhaps, has it been ruled by one less (lualified for the station. He was desti- tute of talents, liyencious, avaricious and a bankrupt. 35. Leisler, when informed of this appomtment, ought to have relinquished the authority he had exercised; but he was weak, intoxicated with power, and determined to retain it. Alt'iough twice required, he refused to surren- der the fort ; but sent two persons to confer with the governor, who, declaring them rebels, arrested and con- fined them. Alarmed by this measure, Leisler attempted to escape, but was apprehended, with many of his adhe- rents, and brought to trial. 36. In vain did they plead their zeal for king W^illiam. In vam did Leisler insist that the letter from England authorized him to administer the government. They had lately resisted a governor with a regular commission, and this governor, and a subservient court, were resolved upon their conviction. Leisler and Milborne were condemned to death for high treason. 37. Soon after their triaj, the affairs of the province required Sloughter's presence at Albany. The faction opposed to them, entreated him, before his departure, to sign the warrant for their execution ; but he, unwilling to sacrifice two men, who, though they had sometimes erred, had served his master with zeal, refused. Unable n NEW- YORK. to effect their purpos# by persuasion, they resorted to a detestable expedient. A sumptuous feast was prepared, to which the governor was invited. When he liad drurd: to intoxication, they presented him the warrant, which he signed, and when he had recovered his senses, the priso- ners were no more. 3S. On application to the king, their estates, which had been confiscated, were restored to their heirs. Their bodies were afterwards taken up and interred, with great pomp, in the old Dutch church ; and their descendants are considered honored, rather than disgraced, by the conduct >irid fall of their ancestors. 39. In July, 1691, Sloughter, having returned from Albany, ended, by a sudden death, a short, weak, and irbulent administration. About the same time, major j-eter Schuyler, at the head of three hundred Mohawks, made a sudden and bold attack upon the French settle- ments, at the north end of Lake Champlain. An army of eight hundred men was despatched from Montreal to oppose him. With these he had several irregular, but successful conflicts; in which he killed a number of the fciieray, greater than that of his whole party. 40. In 1692, colonel Fletcher arrived as successor to Sloughter. He was a good soldier, was active, avaricious, atid passionate. From the talents and information of major Schuyler, he derived great assistance, and was governed by his advice, particularly in transactions rela- tive to the Indians. 41. As a great portion of the inhabitants were Dutch, all the governors, to produce uniformity in religion and language, had encouraged English preachers and school- masters to settle in tlf.e colony. No one pursued this object with more zeal than Fletcher, who was devoted to the church of England. At two successive sessions, he recommended the subject to the attention of the assembly ; but the members, being generally attached to the church of Holland, disregarded his recommendations. For tliis neglect, he gave them a severe reprimand. 42. The subject being laid before them, at a subsequent session, they passed a bill providing for the settlement, in certain parishes, of ministers of the gospel, to be chosen by the people. The council added an amendment, giving to the governor the power of approval or rejection. The house refused to concur in the amendment, at w}\i<"h Fletcher was so much enraged, that he commanded tuoiu NEW-YORK. 77 tTBStantly to attend hini, and, addressing them tn an angry speech, prorogued them to the next year. 43. in 1697, a peace, which gave security and repose to the colonies, was concluded between Great Britain and France. The next year, the earl of Bellamont was ap- pointed governor. He was particularly instructed to clear the American seas of the pirates who infested them, and who, it was suspected, had even received encouragement from Fletcher. 44. The government declining to furnish thenecessary wival force, the earl engaged, with others, in a private undertaking against them. The associates, procuring a vessel of war, gave the command of it to a captain Kid, and sent him to cruise against the pirates. He had been but a short time at sea, when, disregarding his instructions, he made a new contract with his crew, and, on the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, became himself a daring, atrocious, and successful pirate. 45. Three years afterwards, he returned, burned his ship, and, with a strange infatuation, appeared publicly at Boston. He was apprehended and sent to England, where he was tried and executed. The earl and his partners, some of whom resided in England, vv^ere accused of sharing in his plunder, but in all his examinatio^is he declared them innocent. 4f). Notwithstanding the death of Leisler, the people were still divided into Leislerians and anti-Leislerians. Fletcher had been the instrument of the latter; Lord Bellamont espoused the cause of the former. He, how- ever, persecuted no one ; but exercised authority with justice and moderation. He died in 1701. 47. The next year, lord Cornbury was appointed governor. He presented a striking proof of the folly of hereditary distinctions. He was the son of the celebrated earl of Clarendon ; but possessed not one of the virtues of his ancestor. Mean, profligate, and unprincipled, he was a burden to his friends at home, and was sent to America to be beyond the reach of his creditors. 48. He declared himself an anti-Leislerian, and the first assembly that he summoned was composed principally of men of that party. They presented him two fiousand pounds to defray the expenses of his voyage. Tney raised several sums of money for public purposes, but the ex- penditure being intrusted to him as governor, he appro, priated most of it to his awn use. G 2 78 NEW-YORK 49. His acts of injustice and oppression ; his prodi^lity ; J his indecent and vulgar manners, rendered him universally odious. In 1708, the assemblies of New- York and of New-Jersey, of which colony he v^as also governor, com- plained to the queen of his misconduct. She removed hira from office; he was soon after arrested by his creditors, and remained in custody until the death of his illustrious father, when he returned to England and took his seat in the house of lords. 50. A proceeding of the house of representatives, near the close of his administration, ought not to be passed over without notice. Wearied by their sufferings, they appointed a committee of grievances, who reported a series of resolutions having reference to recent transactions, which resolutions were adopted by the house. One of them, in explicit language, asserted the principle, " that the imposing and levying of any moneys upon her majesty's subjects of this colony, under any pretence or colour wliatsoever, without consent in general assembly, is a grievance and a violation of the people's property." it is not uninstructive to observe how early, in some of the colonies, were sown the seeds of the American revolution. 5i. In 1710, general Hunter, who liad been apj)ointed governor, arrived in the province. He brought with him near three thousand Germans, some of whom settled in New- York, and some in Pennsylvania. The latter trans- mitted to their native land such favourable accounts of the country which they had chosen for their residence, that many others followed and settled in that colony. The numerous descendants of these Germans are honest, industrious, and useful citizens. 53. The prodigality of lord Cornbury, had taught the assembly an imxportant lesson. Before his removal, they had obtained from the queen permission, in cases of special appropriations to appoint their own treasurer. They now passed a bill confiding to this officer the disbursement of certain sums appropriated for ordinary purposes. The council proposed an am.endment. The house denied the right of that body to amend a money bill. Both continuing obstinate, the governor prorogued them, and at their next fitession dissolved them. 53. At this time, war existed between England and France. In 1709, expensive preparations were made for an attack upon Canada, but the promised assistance not orriving from England, the enterprise was abandoned. In NEW-YORK. t*r 1711, the project was resumed. A fleet sailed up tho iSt. Lawrence, to attack Quebec ; and an army of lour thousand men, raised by New- York, New-Jersey, aud Connecticut, marched to invade Canada, by the route of Lake Champlain. The fleet, shattered by a storm, was compelled to return. Tiie army, informed of the disasters of the fleet, returned also, having accomplished nothing. 51. The people, approving the conduct of their repre- sentatives in relation to the revenue, had re-elected nearly all of them, and they w^^re now in session. To defray the expenses of the late expedition, they passed several bills which were amended in the council. Be- tween these two bodies, another contest ensued. The representatives, deriving their authority from the people, considered themselves bound to watch over the expendi- ture of their money. The council, deriving their authority from the same source as the governor, we.e desirous of increasing his influence by giving him the management of the revenue. During this, and a subsequent session, both continued inflexible. The governor, provoked at the obstinacy of the representatives, dissolved the assembly. 55. At the ensuing election, which was warmly con- tested, most of the members chosen, were opposed to the governor. This assembly was dissolved by the death of tti3 queen. The next was dissolved by the governor, soon after it first met, a majority of the representatives being known'to be unfriendly to his views. The people became weary of contending. Most of the members chosen at the succeeding election, were his friends and partisans, and, for several years, the utmost harmony existed between the different branches of the government. 56. Governor Hunter quitted the province in 1719, and his authority devolved on Peter Schuyler, the oldest member of the council. The next year, William Burnet, son of the celebrated bishop of that name, vi^as appointed governor. Turning his attention towards the wilderness, he perceived that the French, in order to connect their settlements in Canada and Louisiana, to secure to them- selves the Indian trade, and to confine the English to the sea coast, M-ere busily employed in erecting a chain of forts from the St. Lawrence to the Mississippi. 57. He endeavored to defeat their design, by building a t'-ading house, and afterwards a fort, at Oswego, on Lake Ontario. But the French had the command of more abundant resources, and applied them to the accomplish- ■^^ NEW-YORK. ment of their object, with great activity and zeal. They launched two vessels upon that lake ; and, going farther into the wilderness, erected a fort at Niap-a, commanding the entrance into it; they had previously erected fort Frontenac, commanding the outlet. 58. The assembly, elected in 1716, had been so obse- quious to the governor, that he continued it in existence until the clamors of the people induced him, in 1727, to dissolve it. That which next met, was composed entirely of his opponents. The court of chancery, in which he presided, had become exceedingly unpopular. It had been instituted by an ordinance of the governor and council, without the concurrence of the assembly; the mode of proceeding was novel; and some of the decisions had given great offence to powerful individuals. The house passed resolutions declaring it "a manifest opiH-ession and grievance," and intimating that its decrees were void. The governor instantly called the assembly before him, And dissolved it. ' 59. Being soon after appointed governor of Massachu- setts, he was succeeded by colonel Montgomery, upon whose death, in 1731, the supreme authority devolved upon Rip Van Dam, the senior member of the council, luider his short and inefficient administration, the French were permitted to erect a fort at Crown Point, within the acknowledged boundaries of New- York, from which par- ties of savages were often secretly despatched to destroy tiie English settlements. CO. Van Dam was superseded by William Cosby, who arrived -n August, ll'S'i. Having been the advocate, in parlian>ent, of the American colonies, he was at first popular, but soon lost the affection and con/idence of the people. By his instigation, one Zenger, the printer of a newspaper, was prosecuted for publishing an article de- clared to be derogatory to the dignity of his majesty's government. He was zealously defended by able counsel, and an independent jury gave a verdict of ac(juital. The people applauded their conduct, and the magistrates of the city of New-York presented to Andrew Hamilton, one of his defenders, the freedom of the city, in a gold box, and their thanks for " his learned and generous defence of the rights of mankind, and the liberty of the press." 61. Governor Cosby died in 1736, and was succeedea by George Clark, at that time senior counsellor, but soon after appointed lieutenant-go TOrnor. Again was reviv«>^d NEW- YORK. 81 the contest which had ended, twenty years before, in the victory gained by governor Hunter, over the house of representatives. The colony being in debt, the house voted to raise the sum of six thousand pounds ; but, in order to prevent its misapplication, declared, that it should be applied to the payment of certain speciied debts. Offended by this vote, Clark resorted to the ex- pedient which had usunlly been adopted to puiiish or intimidate ; he immediately dissolved the assembly. G"2. At the next election, great exertions were made by the opposing parties. The popular party was trium- phant. At their second session, the house voted an address to the lieutenant-governor, which is worthy of particular notic^. In bold and explicit language, they state some of the vital principles of free government, refer to recent misapplications of money, and pre jeed : 63. " We therefore beg leave to be plain with your honor, and hope you will not take it amiss when we tell you, that you are not to expect that we will either raise sums unfit to be raised, or put what we shall raise, into the power of a governor to misapply, if we can prevent it ; nor shall we make up any other deficiencies than what we conceive are fit and just to be paid ; nor con- tinue Avliat support or revenue we shall raise, for any longer time than one year ; nor do we think it convenient to do even that, until such laws are passed as we conceive necessary for the safety of the inhabitants of this colony, who have reposed a trust in us for that only purpose, and which we are sure you will think it reasonable we should act agreeably to ; and by the grace of God we shall endeavor not to deceive them." 64. With a body of men, so resolute in asserting their rights, the lieutenant-governor wisely forebore to contend. He thanked them for their address, and promised his cordial co-operation in all measures calculated tO' promote the prosperity of the colony. He gave his assent to a law providing for the more frequent election of represen- tatives ; which law, however, two years afterv/ards, was abrogated by the king. 65. But between a house of representatives and a chief mauistrate, deriving their authority from different sources, harmony could not long subsist. Mr. Clark, in his speech at the opening of the next session, declared that unless the revenue was granted for as long a time as it had been granted by fonner assemblies, his duty to his majesty 82 NEW- YORK. forbade him from assenting to any act for confinutng th, determined to uni*e with the other colonies and the mother country in an expedition against Canada. They appropriated money to purchase provisious for the army, and offered liberal bounties to recruits. But the fleet from England did not arrive at the appoin^^ed time : the other colonies were dilatory in their preparations, and before they were completed, the sjason for military operations h"d passed ,away. * 1. Early in the next year, a treaty was concluded, and 64 NEW-JERSEV. the inhabitants were, for a short period, relieved from the burdens and distresses of war. During the hiterval of peace, no event of importance hapi)ened in the colony. Upon the recurrence, a few years afterwards, of hostilities, its territory was the theatre of sanguinary conflicts. But of that war, in which all the cokmies acted in concert, a connected history will be hereafter given. CHAPTER VII. NEW-JERSEY. The first settlement within the limits of New-Jersey was made by the Danes, about the year 1G24, at a place called Bergen, from a city of that name in Norway. Soon afterv/ards, several Dutch families seated themselves in the vicinity of New- York. In 1626, a company was formed in Sweden, under the patronage of king Gustavus Adolphus, for the purpose of planting a colony in America. The next year, a number of Swedes and Finns came over, purchased of the natives the land on both sides of the river Delaware, but made their first settlement on its western bank, near Christina creek. 2. About the year 1640, the English began a plantation at Elsingburgh, on its eastern bank. The Swedes, in concert with the Dutch who then possessed New- York, drove them out of the country. The former built a fort on the spot whence the English had been driven; and> gaining thus the command of the river, claimed and exer- cised authority over all vessels that entered it, even those of the Dutch, their late associates. 3. They continued in possession of the country, on botk sides of the Delaware, until 1655, when Peter Stuyvesant, governor of the New-Netherlands, having obtained assist- ance from Holland, conquered all their posts and trans- ported most of the Swedes to Europe. The Dutch were now in possession of the territory comprising, at tliistimo, the states of New-Jersey, New- York, and Delaware. 4. Soon, however, ^his territory changed masters. Kiny Charles II, having granted it to the duke of York, sent an aniaament, in 1664, to wrest it from the Dutch, After reducing New-York, the squadron proceeded to the settle ments on the Delaware, which 'ixwiieuiately submitted NEW-JERSEY. 85 In the same year, the duke conveyed that portion of his grant, lying between Hudson and Delaware rivers, to lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret. This tract was called New-Jersey, in compliment to Sir George, who had been governor of the island of Jersey, and had held it for king Charles in his contest with the parliament. 5. The two proprietors formed a constitution for the colony, securing equal privileges and liberty of conscience to all, and appointed Philip Carte' ~t governor. He came over in 1(»ere he lived, had given him a great province therein ; u s 90 PENNSYLVANIi^ but that he did not desire to enjoy it without their consem ; that he was a man of peace ; and that the people whom he sent were of the saine disposition; and if any tkfl[e- rence should happen between them, it migh*: he adjusted by an equal number of men chosen on both sides." The position selected by these emigrants for a settlement was abov« the confluence of the Delaware and the Schuylkill, 4. In April, 1682, Penn published a Frame of Govern- menl, the chief olyect of which was declared to be " to support power in reverence with the people, and to secure the people from the abuse of power." He published also a Bodi/ of Laics, which had been examined and approved by the emigrants in England ; and which, says an eminent historian, "does great honor to their wisdom as statesmen, to their morals as men, and to their spirit as colonists." From the duke of York, he obtained the relinquishment of a tract of land, lying on the south side of the Delaware, a part of which was already settled, and in August, ac- companied by about two thousand emigrants, set sail for America. 5. He landed first at New-Castlo, which was a part of the " Territories," as the land conveyed to him by the duke was called. Upon this tract he found about three thousand Dutch, Swedes, and Finns. He proceeded to Chester, where he called an assembly on the fourth of December. This assembly annexed the Territories to the province, adopted the Frame of Government, and enacted in form the Body of Law^s. Penn also made a treaty with the Indians, from whom he purchased as much land as the circumstances of the colony required. He selected the site, and marked out the plan, of an extensive city, to which he gave the name of Philadelphia, or the city of love. Before the end of the year, it contained eighty houses and cottages. 6. The settlement of none of the colonies commenced under such favourable auspices as that of Pennsylvania. The experience of half a century had disclosed the evils to be avoided, and pointed out the course to be pursued. The Indians, having been already taught to tear the power of the whites, were the more easily conciliated by their kindness. The soil being fertile, the climate temperate, and the game abundant, the ilrst emigrants escaped most of the calamities which afflicted the more northern and southern provinces. The increase of population exceeded, of course, all former example. PENNSYLVANIA. 91 7. In the new city, a second assembly was held in March, 1683. At the request of the freemen and delegates, Perm granted them a second charter, which diminished the number of the council and assembly, and was, in other respects, different from the first. Some of the regulations, at that time adopted, bear the impress of the proprietor's singidar genius, and benevolent disposition. 8. It was ordained "that, to prevent lawsuits, three arbitrators, to be called peace-makers, should be chosen by the county co irts, to hear and determine snjall diffe- rences between man and man : That chilaren should be taught some useful trade, to the end that none might be idle, that the poor might work to live, and the rich if they should become poor: That factors, wronging their employ- ers, should make satisfaction and one third over : That every thing, which excites the people to rudeness, cruelty, and ineligion, should be discouraged and severely punished : That no one, acknowledging one God and living peaceably in society, should be molested for his opinions or his pract Ice, or compelled to frequent or maintain any ministry whatever." 9. These judicious regulations attracted numerous emigrants; and to their salutary influence must be at- tributed the qualities of diligence, order, and economy for which the Pennsylvanians are so justly celebrated. Within four years from the date of the grant to Penn, the province contained twenty-settlements, and Philadel- phia two thousand inhabitants. 10. In 1684, the proprietor retunned to England. He left his province in profound tranquillity, under the ad- ministration of five commissioners chosen from the council. The unfortunate James II. soon after ascended tne throne. " As he has," said Penn, " been my friend, and my father's friend, I feel bound in justice to be a friend to him." He adhered to him while seated on the thione, and for two years after he was expelled from his kingdom, tiie government of the province was administered in his name. 1 1. By this display of attachment to the exiled monarch, he incurred t>.e displeasure of king William. On vague suspicion, and unfounded charges, he was four times im- prisoned. The government of his colony was taken from him, and given to colonel Fletcher, the governor of New- York. But by the severest scrutiny, it was rendered apparent, that he had, in all his conduct, been actuated as 92 PENNSYLVANIA. much by the love of his country as by personal gratitude. He regained the good opinion of king William ; and, being permitted to resume and exercise his rights, appointed vViliiam Markham to be his deputy governor. 1'2. In 1()91), hf again visited Pennsylvania, and found the people dis'.'ontented. They complained that his powers and th'oir rights were not defined with sufficient precision, and demanded a new charter. In 1701, he prepared and presented one to the assembly, which wai aci;epied. It gave to the assembly the right of originating bills, which, by the previous charters, was the right of the governor alone, and of amending or rejecting those which might be laid before them. To the governor it gave the right of rejpctmg bills passed by the assembly, of appointing his own council, and of exercising the whole executive power. The Territories, now the state of Delaware, refusing to ac3ept the new charter, separated from Pennsylvania, and were allowed a distinct assembly. The same governor, hovi^ever, presided over both. 13. Immediately after his third charter was accepted, Penn returned to England, and the executive authority was afterwards administered by deputy governors appointed by the proprietor. The people incessantly murmured and complained ; but the uninterrupted and unparalleled pros- perity of the colony demonstrates, that but slight causes of complaint existed. That which produced the greatest and most constant irritation was the refusal, by the deputy governors, to assent to any law imposing taxes on the lands of the proprietors, although the sum raised was to be expended for the benefit of the whole province. This unwise, and indeed unjust, claim of exemption, occasioned greater di-5giist than injury, and embittered all the enjoy- ments of the inhabitants. 14. But these dissensions did not, in the lecst, retard the prosperity of the colony. Nor did any other cause, having that tendency, exist. The upright conduct of Penn, in his intercourse with the Indians, was imitated by tho^e who came after him ; and, for seventy years, uninterrupted harmony existed between them and the whites. In the early part of the revolr-tionary war, the people adopted a new constitution, by which the proprietor was excluded from all share in the government. He was offered, and finally accepted, the sum of 570,000 dollars, m discharge of all quit- rents due from the inhabitants. CHAPTER X. MARYLAND. During the reign of James I, the laws agahist Ro- man Catholics were severe and the popular hatred was inveterate. Lord Baltimore, a distinguished member of that sect, resolved, in consequence, to remove from Eng- land to Virginia, believing that he might there enjoy his religious opinions, without violating the laws or incurring reproach. But the people among whom he came to reside, were almost as intolerant as those he had left, and he soon found it necessary to seek some other asylum. 2. Having ascertained that the territory on both sides of Chesapeake bay, was inhabited only by the natives, he conceived the project of planting there a colony for himself, and for all who might wish to retire from religious persecu- tion. He explored the country, returned to England, ob- tained the assent of king Charles I to a grant of territory, but died before the requisite formalities were completed. 3. Cecil, his eldest son, and heir to his estate and title, obtained for himself the grant intended for his father. .To the new colony the name of Maryland was given, in honor of Henrietta Maria, the royal consort of Charles. The land conveyed being witnin the boundariesof Virginia, the planters in that province remonstrated against the grant. The king refusing to rescind it, lord Baltimore made preparations to commence a settlement. He appointed his brother, Leonard Calvert, governor ; who, near the close of the year 1633, sailed for America, accompanied by about two hundred emigrants, mostly Roman Catholics. 4. They arrived in February, 1634, at the mouth of the river Potomac. At a conference with the Indians who dwelt on the shore, they purchased Ycamaco, a considerable village, the site of which St. Mary's now occupies. By this measure, wise as well as just, the riiihlful proprietors of the soil were satisfied, convenient habitations and some cultivated land were obtained, and tht^ first settlers were of course exempted from the miseries of famine, and from the diseases which it produces. 5. Other circumstances favored the rapid population of the colony. The charter granted move ample privileges than had ever b^en conceded to a subject ; the country wa« inviting; tlie natives were friendly; from the south i 9i MARYLAND, churchmen drove puritans, from the north puritans drove churchmen, into her borders, where all were freely received, protected, and cherished. 6. The cfiarter j^ranted to the inhabitants the privilege of passing laws either by themselves or representatives, v/ithout reserving to the crown, as had been done in all previous charters, ihe riglit to reject the laws so passed. At first, when the fret^men were few in number, each attended in person, or authorized some other freeman, who chose to atten 1, to vote and act in his stead. The increase of population soon lendered it necessary to adopt a differ- ent mode of legislation. In 1G39, an act was passed, cons ituting a " house of assembly," to be composed of such as should be chosen by the people, of such as should be summoned or appointed by the proprietor, and of the gover- nor and secretary. These were to sit together, and the laws which they should enact were to possess the same validity, as though the proprietors and f.ll the people had concurred in enacting them. 7. In 1(550, a second alteration was made. The legis- lative body was divided into two branches, the delegates chosen by the people constituting the lov/er house, and the persons summoned by the [)roprietors, the upper house. It ought to be stated, for the honor of lord Baltimore and ills associate?, that, while the catholics retained the ascendency in the province, the assembly passed no law abridging the liberty of conscience. 8. But this colony, as well as all the others, in the early period of their existence, was afflicted with intestine troubles. They were principally caused by one William Clayborne. While a member of tlie Virginia council he had obtained a license from the king, to traffic in those parts of America Avhere no other person enjoyed the exclu- sive right of trade. Under this license, he had made a small settlement on the island of Kent, and, when the grant was made to lord Baltimore, refused to submit to his authority. He persuaded the natives that the "new comers" were Spaniards, and enemies to the Virginians. An Indian war was the consequence, whif^ii continued several years, and was productive of considerable distress. 9. Clayborne was indicted and convicted of murder, piracy, and sedition; and fleeing from justice, his estate was confiscated. He applied to the king for redress, but after a full hearing, was dismissed without obtaining any order in his favor. When the civil war, between the king MARYLAND. 95 and parHament, began, he embraced the cause of the latter, returned to Maryland, and, by his intrigues fomented, in 1*345, a rebellion against its rulers, who were attached to the royal cause. Calvert, the governor, was compelled to fly to Virginia, and the insurgents seized the reins of government. The next year, however, the revolt was suppressed and tranquillity restored. 10. But after the parliament had triumphed over the king, tliey appointed commissioners for "reducing and governing the colonies within the bay of ('hesnpeake." Auiong these was Clayborne, the evil genius of Maryland. The proprietor, consenting to acknowledge the authority of parliament, was permitted to retain his station, but was nnable to preserve tranquillity. The distractions of Eng- land, finding their way into the colony, occasioned a civil war, which ended in the discomfiture of the governor and Roman Catholics. 11. The next assembly, which was entirely under the influence of the victorious party, ordained that persons professing the Catholic religion should not be considered within tlie protection of the laws. Thus were they ungratefully persecuted by men whom they had taken to their bosom, and in a colony which they had founded. Laws unfavorable to the Quakers were also enacted, and here, as in England, the upper house was voted to be useless. At the restoration, in 16(50, Philip Calvert was appointed governor,and the ancient order of things restored. The colony then contained about twelve thousand iiihab- itants. 12. Tn 167G, died Cecil, lord Baltimore, the father of the province. For more than forty years, he had directed its affairs as proprietor, and displayed, in all his conduct, a benevolent heart and enlisfhtened understanding. Al- though he lived in an age of bigotry, he was liberal in his opinions ; and for all his exertions to contribute to the happiness of his fellow beings, he desired no rev/ard but their gratitude. This reward he received. The records of the Maryland assembly contain frequent memorials of the respect and affection of the people. He was succeeded, as proprietor, by his eldest son, Charles, who had, for several years, been governor of the colony, and displayed the same amiable qualities which had rendered his father rrspected and beloved. 13. In the year 1689, the epoch of the revolntion in Engla-nd, the repose of Maryland was again disturbed. A 9G N ORTH-C AROLINA. rumor was artfully circulated, that the Catholics had leagued with the Indians to desti-oy all the Protestants in the province. An armed association was immediately formed, for the defence of the Protestant religion, and for asserting the rights of king William and queen Mary. Tiie magistrates attempted to oppose by force this asso- ciation ; but, meeting with few supporters, were compelled to abdicate the government. 14. King William directed those who had assumed the supreme authority to exercise it in his name ; and for twenty-seven years the crown retained the entire control of the province. In 1716, the proprietor was restored to his rights ; and he and his descendants continued to enjoy them until the commencement of the revolution. The people then assumed the government, adopted a constitu- tion, and refused to admit the claims of lord Baltimore to jurisdiction or property. CHAPTER XL NORTH-CAROLINA. In 1630, Charles I granted to Sir Robert Heath all the territory between the 30th and 36th degrees of north latitude, and extending from the Atlantic ocean to the South sea, by the name of Carolina. Under this grant, no settlement was made. Between 1640 and 1650, persons suffering from religious intolerance in Virginia, fled beyond her limits, and, without license from any source, occupied that portion of North-Carolina, north of Albemarle sound. They found the winters mild and the soil fertile. As their cattle and swine procured their own support in the woods and multiplied fast, they were enabled, with little labor, to live in the enjoyment of abundance. Their number was annually augmented; they acknowledged no superior upon earth, and obeyed no laws but those cf God and nature. 2. In 1661, another settlement was made, near the mouth of (Clarendon river, by adventurers from Massachu- setts. The land being sterile and the Indians hostile, th'^y, in 1663, abandoned it. Immediately afterwards, their place was sujjpliod by emigrants from Barbadoes, wha invested Sir Jolia Yeomans with the authority of governor. 3. ^'lY Robert Heath having neglected to comply with NORTH-CAROLINA. 07 the conditions of his patent, the king, in 1663, granted the same territory to lord Clarendon and seven others, and invested them with ample powers of government over those who should inhabi-t it. To encourage emigration, they gave public assurances, that all who might remove to their territory, sliould enjoy unrestricted religious liberty, and be governed by a free assembly. Tlie settlers on Albemarle sound were, on certain conditions, allowed to retain their lands. A government over them was organized, at the head of which a Mr. Drummond was placed. With the regulations imposed, they were dissatisfied, and re- volted ; but their grievances were redressed, and, in 1668, they returned to their duty. 4. At tiie request of the proprietors, the celebrated John Locke, whose political writings were then much read and admired, prepared for the colony a constitution of government. It provided that a chief officer, to be called the palatine and to hold his office during life, should be elected from among the proprietors ; that a hereditary nobility, to be called landgraves and caziques, should be created; and that, once in two years, representatives should be chosen by the freeholders. All these, with the proprietors or their deputies, were to meet in one assembly, which was to be called the parliament, and over which the palatine was to preside. The parliament could de- liberate and decide only upon such propositions as should be laid before it by a grand council composed of the palatine, nobility, and deputies of the proprietors. 5. This constitution, however wise it might seem to English politicians, was not adapted to the sentiments and habits of the people for whom it was prepared. Its aristocratic features displeased them. The measures adopted to introduce and enforce it, produced, in connection with other causes, an insurrection, in the progress of which the palatine, and the deputies were seized and imprisoned. Application was made to Virginia for as- sistance in restoring order ; but the fear of punishment induced the insurgents to submit, before an armed force could be arrayed against them. 6. In 1070, William Sayle, under the direction of the proprietors, made a settlement at Port Royal, within the limits of South-Carolina. The next year, dissatisfied with this station, he removed his colony northward, to a neck of land between Ashley and Cooper rivers, where he laid ont a town, which, in honour of the king then reigning, 08 NORTH-CAROLINA. he called Charleston. Dying aoon after, Sir John Y<',o- mans, who had, for several years, been governor at Clarendon, was appointed to succeed him. This new settlement attracted at first many inhabitants from that at Clarendon, and at length entirely exhausted it. Being remote irom Albemarle, the proprietors established a separate government over it, and hence arose t^ie distinc- tive appellations of North and South-Carolina. 7. The prosperity of the northern colony was retarded by domestic dissensions. To allay them, Seth Sothel, one of the proprietors, was appointed chief magistrate. His conduct, far from restoring quiet and contentment, increased the disorders which had before prevailed. He is represented as the most corrupt and rapacious of colonial governors. He plundered the innocent and re- ceived bribes from felons. For six years, the inhabitants endured his injustice and oppression. They then seized him, with a view of sending him to England for trial. At his request, he was detained and tried by the assembly, who banished him from the colony. 8. His successor was Philip Ludwell, of Virginia, and to him succeeded John Archdale, who was a quaker and one of the proprietors. Both were popular governors ; under their administration, the colony prospered and 'the people were happy. In 1693, at the request of the Caro- linians, the constitution of Locke was abrogated by the proprietors, and each colony was afterwards ruled by a governor, council, and house of representatives. 9. In 1707, a company of French protestants arrived and seated themselves on the river Trent, a branch of the Neuse, in 1710, a large number of Palatines, fleeing from religious persecution in Germany, sought "efuge in the same part ot the province. To each of these, the pro- priet(»rs granted one bundled acres of land. They lived happy, for a few years, in the enjoyment of liberty of conscience, and in the piospect of competence and ease. 10. But suddenly a terrible calamity fell upon them. The Tuscarora and Coree Indians, smarting under recent injuries, and dreading total extinction from the encroach- ment of these strangers, plotted, with characteristic secrecy, their entire destruction. Sending their families to one of their fortified towns, twelve hundred bowmen sallied forth, and, in the same night, attacked, in separate parties, the nearest settlements of the Pa]atines. Men, women, and children were indiscriminately butchered. NORTH-CAROLINA. 99 The savjiges, with the swiftness and ferocity of wolves, ran from village to village. Before them, was the repose of innocence ; behind, the sleep of death. A few, escapmg, alarmed the settlements more remote, and hastened to South-Carolina for assistance. 11. Goveriior Craven immediately despatched, to the aid of the sister colony, nearly a thonsand men, under the command of colonel Barnwell. After a fatiguing march through a hideous wilderness, they met the enemy, at- tacked, defeated, and pursued them to their fortified town, whiidi was immediately besieged. In a few days, peace, at their solicitation, was concluded, and colonel Barnwell returned to South-Carolina. 12. The peace was short, and upon the recommence- ment of hostilities, assistance was again scUcited from the southern colony. Colonel James Moore, an active young officer, was immediately despatched, with forty white men and eight hundred friendly Indians. He found the enemy in a fort near Cotechny river. After a siege, which continued more than a week, the fort was taken and eight hundred Inuians made prisoners. The Tuscaroras, dis- heartened by this defeat, migrated, in 1713, to the north, and joined the celebrated confederacy, denominated the Five Nations. The others sued for peace, and afterwards continued friendly. I.'?. Until 1729, the two Carolinas, though distinct for many purposes, remained under the superintendence and control of the same proprietors. Neither had betn pros- perous ; and the interests of the governors and governed being apparently adverse to each other, the latter became discontented and refractory. They complained to the king, who directed inquiry to be made in his courts. The charter which he had granted was declared forfeited, and over each colony, royal governmenis, entirely unconnected with each other, were established. 14. Soon after this event, the soil in the interior of North-Carolina was found to be superior in fertility to that on the sea-coast. The settlements, consequently, advanced rapidly into the wilderness. From the northern colonies, particularly Pennsylvania, multitudes were al- lured to this re^rion by the mildness of the climate, and by tiie facility of obtaining in abundance all the neccessaries of life. At peace with the Indians, and fortunate in her governors, the colony continued to prosper imtil the com- monoement of the troubles which preceeded the revolution. CHAPTER XII. SOUTH-CAROLINA. This colony, and that of North-Carolina, were, as has al ready been stated, included in the same charter. In 1670, governor Sayle made, at Port Royal, the first permanent settlement ivithin its limits. The next year, he founded Old Charleston, on the banks of the river Ashley. In 1684, all the freemen, meeting at this place, elected rep- resentatives to sit in the colonial parliament, according to the provisions of the constitution prepared by Mr.Loeke. 2. Several circumstances contributed to promote the settlement of this colony. The conquest of New- York induced many of the Dutch to resort to it. From Eng- land, puritans came to avoid the profanity and licentious- ness which disgraced the court of Charles II ; and cav- aliers, to retrieve their fortunes, exhausted by the civil wars. The arbitrary measures of Louis XIV, drove rnauy French protestants into exile, some of whom crossed tli? Atlantic and settled in Carolina. Many of these exiles were rich ; all were industrious, and by their exemplary demeanor gained the good will of the proprietors. 3. The situation of Charleston being found inconve- nient, the inhabitants, in 1680, removed to Oyster Point, where a new city was laid out, to which the name of ihe other was given. In the same year, commenced a war wit h the Westoes, a powerful tribe of Indians, which threaten- ed g\-eat injury to the colony. Peace, however, was soon restored. In 1690, Seth Sothel, one of the jjroprietors, having, for corrupt conduct, been driven from North-Car- olina, appeared suddenly at Charleston, and, aided by a powerful faction, assum-^d the reins of government. Two years afterwards he was removed from office. i. The proprietors, having observed the good conduct of the French protestants, directed the governor to permit them to elect representatives, a privilege which they had never yet exercised. The English Episcopalians, unwil- ling that any of their heriditary enemies, who did not be- long to their church, should be associated with themselves in the enjoyment of the rights of freemen, were exasper- ated, and opposed the concession with great clamour and zeal. They even went farther. Warmed by oppofsition, they proposed to enforce, with respect to them, the lawa SOUTH-UAROLlNA. 10 v of England against foreigners, insisting that they could not legally possess real estate in the colony. They ali>o declared that their marriages, being solemnized by French ministers, were void, and • tiat the children could not in- herif. the property of their fathers. By the display of a spirit so illiberal and unchristian, these strangers were alarmed and discouraged. They knew not for whom thej labored. But, countenanced by the governor, liiey re- mained in the colony, and, for the present, withdrew their claim to the right of suffrage. 5. Yet the ferment did not subside on the removal of the cause which produced it. Such was the general turbulence and disorder, the people complaining of their rulers and quarrelling among themselves, that, in 1G95, John Archdale wag sent over, as governor of both Caro- linas, and invested with full power to redress all grievan- ces. He succeeded in restoring order, but found the antipathy against the unfortunate exiles too great to be encountered, with any hope of success, until softened by time and their amiable deportment. These produced the effects which he anticipated. In a few years, the French protest ants were admitted, by the general assembly, to all the rights ot citizens and freemen. G. Although the proprietors, by the regulations which were in force before the constitution of Locke was adopted, and which v/ere restored upon its abrogation, had stipula- ted, that liberty of conscience should he universally enjoyed; yet one of them, Lord Granville, a bigoted churchman, and James Moore, the governor, resolved to effect, if possible, the establishment, in the colony, of the Episcopal religion. They knew that a maiority of the people were dissenters, and that by art and intrigue only, could their design be accomplished. The governor, who was avaricious and venal, became the tool of Gran- ville. He interfered in the elections, and, by bribing the voters, swcceeded in procuring a majority in the assembly who would be subservient to his wishes. 7. A law was passed, establishing the episcopal religion, and excluding dissenters from a seat in the assembly. It was 'lid before the proprielora, without whose sanction it could not possess permanent validity. Archdale, who had returned to England, opposed it with ability and spirit. He insisted that good faith, policy, interest, even piety, concurred to dictate its rejection. But lord Granville de- clared himself in favor of it, and it received confirmation. m2 SOUTH-CAROLINA. 8. The dissenters saw themselves al once dejfrived at' those privileges for w^hich they had abandoned their native country, and encountered the dangers and hardships of the ocean and a wilderness. Some prepared to leave the colony aud settle in Pennsylvania. Others proposed tliat a remonstrance against the law should first be presented to the house of lords, and this measure was adopted. The lords expressed, by a vote, their disapprobation of the law, and upon tltcir solicitation, queen Anne declared it void. Soon after, lord Granville died, and the colony, controlled by more liberal councils, again enjoyed tlie blessings of domestic quiet. 9. In 1702, war then existing between England and Spain, governor Moore, thirsting for Spanish plunder, led an expedition against StT Augustine. It was badly planned, worse executed, and failed. Returning from defeat abroad, he met, at home, the reproaches of liis people. To silence these, he marched, at the head of a body of troops, against the Apalachian Indians, who had become insolent and hostile. Inihis expedition he was successful, taking many prisoners, and laying their towns in ashes. By his victories over the savages, he retrieved his character; and, by selling the prisoners as slaves, obtained, what he most coveted, considerable personal emolument. 10. In 1706, the Spaniards, from Florida, invaded Carolina. The governor, Nathaniel Johnson, having re- ceived intimation of their approach, erected fortifications and made arrangements to obtain, on short warning, the assistance of the militia. When the enemy's fleet ap- peared before Charleston, the whole strength of the colony was summoned to defend it. A force so formidable ensured its safety. After burning a few detached buildings, the enemy retired without inflicting other injury. One of their ships, having ninety men on board, was captured by the Carolinians. 11. In 1715, after several years of profound neace, an Indian war broke out. All the tribes, from Florida to cape Fear, had been long engaged in a conspiracy to extirpate the whites. In the morning of the 15th of April, the first blow was struck. At Pocataligo, and the settlements around Port Royal, ninety persons were massacred. The inhabitants of the latter place escaped, by embarking precipitately on board a vessel, which was then in the harbor, and sailing directly to Charleston. 12. This massacre was perpetrated by the BCTUtheaa SOUTH-CAROLINA. -<■■>. Indians. The northern, at the same time, attacked the settlements near them. Many of the inhabitants were killed, and many fled to Charleston. At a plantation on Goose creek, eeventy whites and forty faithful negroes, being protected by a breast work, determined to maintain their post. On the first attack, their courage failed, and they agreed to surrender. The instant they were in the power of the enemy, all were barbarously murdered. 13. Governor Craven, at the head of twelve hundred men, marched against the savages. He discovered in the wilderness several small parties, who fled before him. At Saltcatchers, he found them all assembled, and there an obstinate and bloody battle was fought. The whites weie victorious, driving the enemy before them, and compelling them to leave the province. Most of them fled to Florida, where they were received, in the most friendly manner, by the !!>paniards. 11. In this short war, four hundred whites were killf:d. property of great value destroyed, and a large debt con- tracted. The proprietors though earnestly solicited, refused to afford any relief, or to pay any portion of the debt. The assembly determined to remunerate the colony, by disposing of the land from which the Indians had been driven. The terms offered were so favorable, that five hundred Irishmen immediately came over, and planted themselves on the frontiers. 15. The proprietors, refusing to sanction the proceedings of the assembly, deprived these emigrants of their lands. Some, reduced to extreme proverty, perished from want, others resorted to the northern colonies. A strong barrier between the old settlements and the savages, Vv'as thus removed, and the country again exposed to their incur- sions. The people were exasperated, and longed for a change of masters. 16. The corrupt and oppressive conduct of Trott, the chief-justice, and Rhett, the receiver-general, increased the discontent. Of the former, the governor and council complained to the proprietors, and solicited his recall. Instead of removing him, they tnanked him for his services, and removed the governor and council. With the governor next appointed, though a man generally beloved, the assc-mbly refused to have any concern or intercourse. They drew up articles of impeachment against Trott, accusing him of corruption and gross mis- r SOUTH-CAROLINA. conduct, and sent an agent to England, to maintain their accusation before the proprietors. He was neve-rtheless continued in office. 17. The patience of the people was exhausted, and diey waited only for a favorable opportilnity to throw cff "Jieir oppressive yoke. In 1719, at a general review of (he militia at Charleston, occasioned by a threatened inva- eiion of the colony, from Florida, the officers and soldiers bound themselves, by a solemn compact, to support each other in resisting the tyranny of the proprietors ; and the assembly, which was then in session, requested the j^overnor, by a respectful address, to consent to administer he government in the name of the king. 18. He refused, and by proclamation, dissolved the as- sembly. The members immediately met as a convention, and elected colonel James Moore their governor. He was a bold man, and exceedingly well qualified for a popular leader, in a turbulent season. He accepted the appoint- ment, and, assisted by the convention, and supported by the people, administered the affairs of the colony. 19. The conduct of th/5 proprietors and people was l>ronght before his majesty in council. After a full hearing, it was decided, that both colonies should be taken under the protection of the crown. Several years afterwards, eeven of the proprietors sold to the king their claim to the soil and rents, and all assigned to him their right of jurisdiction. The government was subsequently adminis- tered by executive officers, appointed by the crown, and by assemblies, chosen by the people, and under their control the colony prospered. 20. In 1738, occurred an alarming insurrection of the Dogroes. A number of them assembled at Stono, surprised and killed two men who had charge of a ware-hous.*^, from which they took guns and ammunition. They then chose ft captain, and, with drums beating and colors flying, uarched southwestward. They burned every house on their way, killed all the whites they could find, and com- pelled other negroes to join them. , 21. Governor Bull, who was returning to Charleston, from the southward, accidentally met them, hastened out nf their way, and spread an alarm. The news soon reached Wiltown, whert, fortunately, a large congregation were attendinp^ divine service. The men having, according to a law of the province, brought their arms to the place (a:oK<:;iA. 105 cf worship, marched instantly in quest of the nf»prf>es, who, by this time, had become formidable, and spread terror and desolation around them. 22. While, in an open field, they were carousing and dancing, with frantic exultation at their late success, the/ were suddenly attacked by the whites. Some were killed, the remainder fled. Most of the fugitives were taken and tried. They who had been compelled to join the conspirators, were pardoned ; but all the leaders and first insurgents sufiiered death. About twenty whites were murdered. 23. From this period until the era of the revolution, no important event occurred in the colony. It was sometimes distressed by Indian wars; but the number of inhabitants and the means of subsistence and comfort, were constantly increasing. En.igrants came principally from the northern colonies; but olten large bodies of protestants arrived from Europe ; in one year, 1752, the number who came exceeded sixteen hundred. CHAPTER XTII. GEORGIA. Upon the southern part of the territory included in the Carolina charter, no settlement was made, until severtil years after that charter was forfeited. In June, 1732, several benevolent j;entlemen, in England, concerted a project for planting a colony in that unoccupied rf^gion- riieir principal object \/as to relieve, by tran?:porting thither, the indigent subjects of Great Bntain ; but their plan of benevolence embraced also the persecuted protes- tants of all nations. 2. To a project springing from motives so nol)le and disinterested, the peopb and the government extended their encouragement and patronage. A patent w^as granted by the king, conveying to twr.nty-one trustees the tr-rriiory now constituting the state of Georgia, which was to be apportioned gratuitovisly among the settlers; and liberal donations were made by the charitable, to defray tb?- expense of transp<>rting them across the Atlantic, and of providing for their support the first season. 3. The concerns of tiie colony were managed by the 10« GEORGIA. trustees, v,ho freely devoted much of their time to the viLiJerlakiag. Among other regulations, they provided, thit ihats embarked for Georgia, at the head of vv^hom the trustees had placed James Oglethorpe, a zealous and ac- tive proinoter of this scheme of benevolence. In Janu- ary, they arrived at Charleston ; and the Carolinians, sensible of the advantage of having a barrier between them and the Indians, gave the adventurers a cordial wel- come. They supplied them with provisions, and with boats to convey them to the place of their destination. Yamacraw bluff, since called Savannah, was selected as the most eligible place for a settlement. 5. The next year, five or six hundred poor persons ar- rived, and to each a portion of the wilderness was as- signed. But it was soon found that these emigrants, wtio were the refuse of cities, had been rendered poor by idleness, and irresolute by povert}"^, were not fitted to fell the mighty groves of Georgia. A race more hardy and efiterpnsing, was necessary. The trustees, therefore, of- fered to receive, also, such as had not, by persecution or poverty, been rendered objects of compassion, and to grant to all, who should settle in the colony, fifty acres of land, lu consequence of this offer, more than four hundred per- i^ons, from Germany, Scotland, and Switzerland, arrived in the year 1735. The Germans settled at Ebenezer, the Scotch at New-Inverness, now Darien. 6. In 1736, John Wesley, a celebrated methodist, made a visit to Georgia, for the purpose of preaching to the co- lonists, and converting the Indians. He was then young a.nd ardent, the people around him felt less ardor than himself, and his pious zeal soon brought him into colli- sion with some of the principal settlers. He was accus- ed of diverting the people from their labor to attend his religious meetings, and of exercising unwarranted eccle- siastical authority. Persecuted by his enemies, and find- ing he could render no further service to the cause of re- ligion in the colony, he returned to England, and there, for many years, pursued a distinguished career of pietj and Q'^f^fulness. 7. Two years afterwards, George Whitfield, another and more celebrated Methodist, arrived in fhe^ colony. He had already made himself conspicuous in England, by his numerous eccentricities, his ardent piety, his extraor- dinary eloquence, his zeal and activity in propagatin-^ his opinions. He came to Georgia for the benevolent purpose ot" establishing an orphan house, where poor children rniuht be fed, clothed, and educated iu the knowledge of clirJs- tirmity. In prosecution of this purpose, he often crossed the Atlantic, and traversed Great Britain and America, soliciting aid from the pious and charitable. Wherever he went, he preached, with sincerity and fervor, his peculiar doctrines, making proselytes of most who heard him, and founding a sect whieli has since become numerous and respectable. His orphan house, during his lire, did not flourish, and after his death, was entirely abandoned. 8. In 1740, the trustees rendered an account of their administration. At that time, two thousand four hundred and ninety-eight emigrants had arrived in the colony. Of these, fifteen hundred and twenty-one were indigent Eng« lishmen, or persecuted Protestants. The benefactions, from government and from individuals, had been near!/ half a million of dollars ; and it was computed that, tor every person transported and maintained by the trustees, more than three hundred dollars had been expended. 9. The hope which the trustees had cherished, that tha colony, planted at such vast expense, would be prosperous, and the objects of their benevolence happy, were com- pletely disappointed. Such was the character of the greater part of the settlers, and such the restrictions imposed, that the plantations languished and continued to require the contributions of the charitable. 10. War having been declared againsc Spain, Mr. Ogle- thorpe was promoted to the rank of general in the British army, and at the head of two thousand men, partly from Virginia and the Carolinas, undertook an expedition against Florida. He took two Spanish forts and besieged St. Augustine ; but encountering an obstinate resistance, was compelled to return unsuccessful to Georgia. 11. Two years afterwards the Spaniards, in retaliation, prepared to invade Georgia; andthey intended, if success- ful there, to subjugate the Carolinas and Virginia. On receiving infornjation of their approach, general Oglethorpe solicited assistance from South-Carolina. But the inhab- itants of that colony, entertaining a strong prejudice a^-ainFt him, in consequence of his late defeat, and terriiied By th« 108 GEORGIA. danger which threatened themselves, determined to pro- vide only for their own safety. 12. Meanwhile general Oglethorpe made preparations for a vigcrrous defence. He assembled seven hundred men exchisive of a body Indians, fixed his head quarters at Frederica, on the island of St. Shnon, anJ with this sniall band, determined to encounter whatever force might be brought against him. It was his utmost hope that he might be able to resist the enemy until a reinforcemeht sluruld arrive from Carolina, which he daily and anxiously expected. 13. On the last of June, the Spanish fleet, consisting of thirty-two sail, and having on board more than three thousand men, came to anchor off St. Simon's bar. Not- withstanding all the resistance which general Oglethorpe could oppose, they sailed up the river Alatamaha, landed apon the island, and there erected fortifications. 14. General Oglethorpe, convinced that his small force, if divided, must be entirely inefiicieni, assembled the whole of it at Frederica. One portion he employed in strengthening his fortifications ; the Highlanders and Indians, ranging night and day through the woods, often attacked th^ out-posts of the enemy. The toil of the troops was incessant ; aad the long delay of the expected succors, so cruelly withheld by South-Carolina, caused the most gloomy and depressing apprehensions. 15. Learning that the Spanish army occupied two distinct positions, Oglethorpe conceived the project of attacking one by surprise. He selected the bravest of his little army, and in the night marched, entirely unobserved, to within two miles of the camp which he intended to assail. Directing his troops to halt, he advanced, at the head of a small body, to reconnoitre the enemy. While thus em- ployed, a French soldier of his party, firing his m_usket, deserted to the Spaniards. Discovery destroying all hope of success, the general immediately returned to Frederica^ He was not only chagrined at this occurrence, but appre- hended instant danger from the disclosure which the deserter would doubtless make of his weakness. 16. In this embarrassment, he devised an expedient wljich was attended with the most liappy success. He wrote a letter to the deserter, instructing him to acquaint the Spaniards with the defenceless state of Frederica; to urge them to attack the place, and if he could not succeed, tt) persuade them to remain three days longeron the island; GEORGIA- 109 for within that time, according to late advices fVom Caro- lina, he should receive a reinforcement of two thousand jtien and six shi)is of war. He cautioned him against dropping any liint of the attack meditated, hy admiral "N'ernon, upon St. Augustine, and assured him that the reward for his services should be ample. 17. For a small bribe, a soldier who had been made prisoner in one of the numerous skirmishes, engaged to deliver this letter to the deserter, and was then set at liberty. As was foreseen, he carried it directly to the Sj^anish general, who immediately suspected the deserter to be a spy from the English camp, and ordered him to })« put in irons. But although his suspicions were awa- kened, he was yet uncertain whether the whole might not be a stratagem of his antagonist. 18. While hesitating what to believe, three small vessels of war ajipeared off the coast. Supposing they brought the reinforcements alluded to in the letter to the deserter, he hesitated no longer, but determined to make a vigorous attack upon the English, before these reinforcements could arrive and be brought into action. 10. General Oglethorpe, by mere accident, obtained information of their design. A small party was instantly placed in ambuscade, the Spaniards advanced near them, halted to rest, and laid aside their arms. A sudden and well directed fire, killing many, threw the enemy into confusion. After a few more discharges, they fled to their fortifications, which they demolished, and, hastily em- barking, made every possible effort to escape from the reinforcements that were supposed to be approaching. 20. Thus was Georgia, with trifling loss, delivered from the most imminent danger. General Oglethorpe not only retrieved, but exalted his reputation. From the Carolini- ans, grateful for their preservtition, and from the governors of most of the northern colonies, he received cordial con- gratulations upon his address and good fortune. And so mortified were the Spaniards at the result of the expedition, that the commander, on his return, was arrested, tried, and cashiered for misconduct. 21. But the prosperity of the colony was retarded by these disturbances. For ten years longer, it remained under the manag(;ment of the trustees, who, embarrassing it by too much regulation, discouraged the emigrants and checked its growth. At length, digappointed in their hones, and wearieil by complaints, they surrendered their K 110 FRENCH WAR OF 1754—63. [1754. charter to the crown ; and, in 1754, a royal government was established over the colony. 22. New regulations being adopted, Georgia began to flourish. Among her governors, James Wrignt deserves honorable notice for his wisdom in discerning, and his ^eal in pursuing, her true interests. The cultivation of rice and indigo was prosecuted with augmented industry, skill, and profit ; and in every succeeding year, an increased amount of these staple commodities was exported to the mother country. The Florida Indians were sometimes troublesome, but were as often chastised and compelled to sue for peace. CHxiPTER XIV. FRENCH WAR OF 1754-68. The treaty of Aix la Chapelle concluded inl748, between England and France, restored tranquillity to America. At this period, the number of inhabitants in the thirteen colonies was about one million one hundred thousand. The English settlements had not advanced far into the wilderness, but extended along the ocean from New- foundland to Florida. Those of the French, at the north, reached from the mouth of the St. Lawrence to Montreal ; and they had built forts and trading houses on lake On- tario. At the south, they had planted New-Orleans, and having discovered tlie fiver Mississippi, they claimed the fertile and delightful valley through which it runs, and the whole country watered by its tributary streams. 2. They at length determined to connect their northern and southern settlements by a chain of posts extending along the frontiers of the English, from Lake Ontario to the Ohio, and down that river and the Mississippi to New- Orleans. While they were intent on this project, a com- pany of English traders, having obtained from the king a grant of land, established trading houses on the banks of the Ohio. 3. The French seized some of these traders and con- veyed them prisoners to Canada. Th« company complained to governor Diawiddie, of Virginia. The land having been gramtt^ as a part of that colony, he determined to send a messf user to the commander of the French forces on the 1754.] FRENCH WAR OF 1754—63. Ill Ohio, and require him to withdraw his troops. For this mission he selected George Washington, who was then twenty-one years of age, and who afterwards became iJ?ustrious in the annals of his country. 4. To the letter of Dinwiddle, the French commander replied, that he had taken possession of the country m pursuance of directions from his general, then in Canada, to whom h'^ 'vould transmit the letter, and whose orders he should iroitiicitly obey. This reply not being satisfactory to the governor, preparations were made in Virginia, to maintain by force the rights of the British crown. Troops, constituting a regiment, were raised, the command of whom, on the death of the colonel first appointed, was given to Mr. Washington. 5. At the head of about four hundred men, he advanced, early in the spring, into the territory in dispute. On his route, he met, attacked, and defeated, a French party under the conunand of one Dijonville, who approached liim in a manner indicating hostile intentions. He proceeded towards fort Du Quesne, situated at the junction of the Alleghany and Monongahela. From this fort, De Villier, at the head of nine hundred men, marched out to attack him. 6. Hearing of the approach of this party, colonel AVashington halted, and hastily erected some imperfect works, by means of which he hoped to prolong his defence until the arrival of reinforcements. He was closely besieged by De Villier, but making an obstinate defence, was offered the most honorable terms of capitulation. These he accepted, and returned with his regiment to Virginia. 7. In this year, delegates from seven of the colonies met at Albany, for the purpose of holding a conference with the Six Nations of Indians. This business being finished, a confederation of the colonies was proposed bv the delegates from Massachusetts. A " Plan of Union'' was agreed upon, to be submitted to the colonial legisla- tures, and to parliament, for their adoption. 8. This plan provided that delegates to a General Council should be chosen by the representatives of the people, in the colonial assemblies, and that a president- general should be appointed by the crown. This council was to possess the control of the military force of the confederacy, and the power to concert all measures for the common protection and safety. The president-general was to have a negative upon the proceedings of the delegates. 113 FRENCH WAR OF 1754—63. [1753. 9. This plan was rejected by parliament, because tha delegates were to be chosen by the representatives of the people. It was rejected by the colonies, because it placed too much power in the hands of the king. In England, apprehensions were already entertained of the growing importance of the colonial assemblies. In America, tha people began, perhaps unconsciously, to be actuated by the spirit of independence. 10. The conduct of the French, on the Ohio, convinced the cabinet of London that their claim to the country, through which that river flows, must be relinquished, or maintained by the sword. They did not hesitate which alternative to choose. Early in the spring of 1755, thej despatched general Braddock to America, with a respecta- ble force, to expel the French, and keep possession of tli6 territory. And preparations having been ntade by France to despatch a reinforcement to her armies in Canada^ admiral Boscawen was ordered to endeavour to intercept the French fleet before it should enter the gulf of St. Lawrence. 11. In April, general Braddock met the governors of the several provinces, to confer upon the plan of the ensuing campaign. Three expeditions were resolved upon ; one against Du Quesne, to be commanded by general Braddock ; one against forts Niagara and Frontinac, to be commanded by governor Shirley ; and one against Crown Point, to be commanded by general Johnson. The lasl mentioned post was the nearest to New-England of anj in the possession of the enemy ; and from it almost all the Indian parties, which had, in the late wars, so cruelly harassed the northern colonies, were despatched and sup- ported. The expedition against it was proposed and urged by Massachusetts, and was to be executed by colonial troops, raised in New-England and New- York. 12. While preparations were making for these expedi- tions, another, which had been previously concerted, was carried en against the French forces in Nova Scotia. This province was settled by the French, but was ceded to the English by the treaty of Utrecht. Its boundaries not having been defined, the French continued to occupy a portion of the territory claimed by the English, and had built forts for their defence. To gain possession of these . was the object' of the expedition. 13. About two thousand militia, commanded by colonel Winsbw, embarked at Bostoin; and being joined on tiieir 1755.] FRENCH WAR OF 1754—63. lU passage by three hundred regulars, arrived, in April, at the place of destination. The forts were invested; the resistance made was trifling and ineffectual ; and in a short time the English gained entire possession of the province, according to their own definition of its boundaries. Three only of their men were killed. 14. The preparations of general Braddock, in Virginia, had proceeded slowly. It had been found extremely dif- ficult to procure horses, wagons, and provisions. Impa- tient of delay, he determined to set out with twelve hundred men, selected from the different corps, and to proceed, as rapidly as possible, towards fort Du Quesne. The residue of the army, and the heavy baggage, were left under the conunand of colonel Dunbar, who v/as directed to follow as soon as the preparations were completed. 15. Braddock had been educated in the English army; and in the science of war, as then taught in Europe, he desferved and enjoyed the reputation of more than ordinary skill. Of this reputation he was vain, and disdained to consider that his skill was totally inapplicable to the mode of warfare practised in the forests of America. Before he left England, he was repeatedly admonished to beware of a surprise ; and on his march through the wilderness, the provincial officers frequently entreated him to scour the sur- rounding thickets. But he held these officers and the ene- my in too much contempt to listen to this salutary counsel. 16. On approaching fort Du Quesne, colonel Washing- ton, who accompanied him as his aid, made a last attempt to induce him to change his order of march. He explained the Indian mode of warfare; represented his danger; arxl offered to take command of the provincials and place him- self in advance of the army. This offer was declined. The general proceeded, confident of the propriety of his conduct ; the provincials followed, trembling for the con- sequences. 17. On the ninth of July, the army crossed the Monon- gahela, within a few miles of Du Quesne. Their route fed through a d*file, which they had nearly passed, when a tremendous yell and instantaneous discharge of fire arms suddenly burst upon them from an invisible foe. The van was thrown into confusion. The general led the main body to its support. For a moment, order was restored, and a short cessation of the enemy's fire, occasioned by the death of their oommander, seemed to indicate that all danger vra.a over. K 2 114 FRENCH WAR OF 1754—63. [1755. 18. But the attack was soon renewed with increased fury. Concealed behind trees, logs, and rocks, the Indians poured upon the troops a deadly and incessant fire. Officers and men fell thickly around, and the survivers knew not where to direct their aim to revenge their slaughtered comrades. The whole body was again thrown into con- fusion. The general, obstinate and courageous, refused to retreat, but bent his whole efforts to restore and main- tain order. He persisted in these efforts, until five horses had been shot under him, and every one of his officers on horseback, except colonel Washington, was either killed or wounded. 19. The general at length fell, and the rout became universal. The troops fled precipitately until they met the division under Dunbar, then sixty miles in the rear. To this body the same panic was communicated. Turn- ing about, they fled with the rest, and although no enemy had been seen during the engagement, nor afterwards, yet the army continued retreating until it reached fort Cmn- berland, one hundred and twenty miles from the place of action. There they remained but a short time. With the remnant of the army, amounting to fifteen hundred men, colonel Dunbar, upon whom, on the death of Brad- dock, the command devolved, marched to Philadelphia, leaving the frontiers of Pennsylvania and Virginia destitute of defence. 20. The provincial troops, whom Braddock had so much despised, displayed, during the battle, the utmost calmness and courage. Though placed in the rear, they alone, led on by Washington, advanced against the Indians and covered the retreat. Had they been permitted to fight in their own way, they could easily have defeated the enemy. In this battle, sixty-four, out of eighty-five officers, were either killed or wounded, and at least one half of the privates. 21. The two northern expeditions, though not so disas- trous, were both unsuccessful. General Shirley, who had been appointed to command that against Niagara, met with so many delays that he did not reach Oswego until late in August. While embarking there to proceed against Niagara, the autumnal rains began, his troops became discouraged, his Indian allies deserted him, and he was compelled to relinquish his design. 23. The forces destined to attack Crown Point, and the requisite military stores, could not be collected at Albany 1755.] FRENCH WAR OF 1754—63. 115 until the last of August. Thence the army, under the command of general Johnson, proceeded to the south end of Lake George, on their way to the place of destination. There he learned, that the armament, fitted out in the pt this expedient, the British miniitiy WMe 1764.] REVOLUTION. 127 the more naturally led by the opinion which all the Euro» peai2 governments entertained of the relation between the mother country and her colonies. They were supposed to be dependent on her will ; their inhabitants a distinct and subordinate class of subjects, and their interests en- tirely subservient to her aggrandizement and prosperity. 4. Acting upon these principles, Great Britain had, by her laws of trade and navigation, confined the commerce of the colonies almost wholly to herself. To encourage her own artizans, she had even, in some cases, prohibited the establishment of manufactories in America. These restrictions, while they increased her revenue and wealth, greatly diminished the profits of the trade of the colonies, and sensibly impeded their internal prosperity. They were most injurious to New-England, where the sterility of the soil repelled the people from the pursuits of agriculture ; there they were most frequently violated, and there the arbitrary mode of enforcing them, by writs of assistance, awakened the attention of a proud and jealous people to their natural rights, to their rights as English subjects, and to the rights granted and secured by their charters. 5. In the beginning of the year 1764, the British par- liament enacted a law imposing duties upon certain articles of merchandise, to be paid in the colonial ports. Mr. Grenville, the prime minister, also proposed a resolution, " that it would be proper to charge certain stamp duties on the colonics," but postponed the consideration of that subject to a futJire session. As it was foreseen that the law would be disregarded, if extraordinary measures were not adopted to enforce it, provision was made that all penalties for violations of it, and of all other revenue laws, might be recovered in the admiralty courts. The judges of these courts were dependent solely on the king, and decided the causes brought before them, without the intervention of a jury. 6. Intelligence of these proceedings occasioned, in America, groat and universal alarm. They were con- sidered the conmencement of a system of taxation, which, if not vigorously resisted, would, in time, be extended to every article of commerce, and to every in- ternal source of income ; and if the colonists could be deprived in one class of causes, why not in all, of that inestimable privilege, the trial by jury 1 7. The general court of Massachusetts, at their session in June, took this law into consideration. The house of 128 REVOLUTION. [1T64. representatives sent a spirited letter of instructions to their agent, in England, in which they denied the right of j)arliament to impose duties and taxes upon the people not represented in the house of commons ; and directed him to remonstrate against the duties imposed, and the stamp act in contemplation. They also acquainted the other colonies with the instructions they had given to their agent, and desired their concurrence in the mode of opposition adopted. In the course of the year, several other colo- nies, particularly New- York and Virginia, remonstrated in respectful, but decided terms, against the proceedings of parliament. 8. In these several state papers, the right of Great Britain to collect a tax in the colonies, was explicitly denied ; and the denial was supported by clear and power- ful arguments. It was stated that the first emigrants came to America with the undoubted consent of the mother country; that all the expenses of removal, of purchasing the territory, and, for a long time, of protection from savage warfare, were defrayed by private individuals, except in the single instance of the settlement of Georgia : that charters, under the great seal, were given to the emigrants, imparting and securing to them and to their descendants, all the rights of natural born English sub- jects ; that of tliese rights, none was more indisputable, and none more highly valued, than that no subject could be deprived of his property but by his own consent, ex- pressed in person or by his representative; that taxes were but grants, by the representative, of a portion of his own property, and of that of those who had authorized him to act in their behalf. Could it be just, it was asked, that the representatives of Englishmen should " give and grant" the property of Americans? With what safety to the c(;lonies, could the right of taxing them be confided to a body of men three thousand miles distant, over whom they had no control, none of whom could be acquainted with their situation or resources, and whose interests would impel them to make the burdens of the colonists heavy, that their own might be light 1 9. But, besides infringing the rights of freemen, tha,^ measure was neither equitable nor generous. The colo- nies had domestic governments v»hich they alone sup- ported ; in the late war, their exertions ha(] been greater, in proportion to their ability, than those of England ; they also had contracted debts wlii:*h they must themselves 1765.] REVOLUTION. 1S9 ^pay; the taxes laid by many of the assemblies, were ' higher than those paid by the inhaU^ants of England ; if the vva^had been waged on their account, it was because, as colonics, they \^ere benefK^Tal to the mother country ; and from it^appy termination, they derived no advantage which wagi^hot the source of tlltimate profit to her. 10. Upon men who entertained the strictest notidfis of colonial dependence, and l)arliamentary supremacy, these arguments had little effect. The minister was lifet diverted from his purpose. In March, 1765, he laid before parlia- , ment a bill, imposing stamp duties on certain papers and documents used in the colonies. At the first reading, it was warmly opposed; by some because it was impoBtic, by two only because it w'^ a violation of right. 11. The bill was supported by Charles Townshend, a brilliant orator, on the side of the ministry. At the con- clusion of an animated speech, he demanded : " And these Americans, children planted by our care, nourished by our indulgence, protected by our arms, imtil they are grown to a good degree of strength and opulence, will they grudge to contribute their mite to relieve us from the heavy load of national expense which we lie under ?" 12. Colonel Barre, immediately rising, indignantly and eloquently exclaimed : " Children planted by your care I No. Your oppressions planted them in America. They fled from your tyranny into a then uncultivated land, where they were exposed to all the hardships to which human nature is liable ; and among others, to the cruelties of a savage foe, the most subtle, and I will take upon me to say, the most terrible, that ever inhabited any part of God's earth. And yet, actuated by principles of true English liberty, they met all these hardships with pleasure, when they compared them with those they suffered in their own country, from men who should have been their friends. -* 13. " They nourished by your indulgence ! No. Thef grew by your neglect. When you began to care about them, that care was exercised in sending persons to rule over them, who were the deputies of some deputy sent to spy out their liberty, to misrepresent their actions, and to prey upon them; whose behavior, on many occasions, has caused th'S^blood of those sons of liberty to recoil within them; men promoted to the highest seats of justice, some of whom were glad, by going to a foreign country, to escape being brought to tho bar of justice in their own. 130 REVOLUTION. [1765. 14. " They proteci^(I by your arms I They have noblyjgk taken up arms in yoiu- defence. They hare exer^d their valor, amidst their consent and lal^rious industry, for the defence of a country which, while its frontier was drenchra in blood, has yielded all its little sa^dngs to your emolument. Believe me, and remember I this day told you so, the same spirit which actuated that people at first, S^li contijjLues with them; but prudence forbids mo to explain myself farther. 15. " God knows I do not at this time speak from party heat. However superior to me in general knowledge and experience, any one here may be, I claim to know more of America, having been conversant in that country. The people there are as truly loyal as any subjects the king has; but they are a people jealous of their liberties, and will vindicate them if they, should be violated. But tho subject is delicate ; 1 will say no more." 16. Eloqence and argument availed nothing. The bill was almost unanimously passed. The nigbt after, Doctor Franklin, then in England as agent for Pennsylvania, wrote to Charles Thompson : " The sun of libei ty is set ; you must light up the candles of industry and Gconomy." " Be assured," said Mr. Thompson, in reply, " that we shall light up torches of quite another sort ;" thus predict- ing the commotions which followed. 17. The act provided that all contracts and legal pro- cesses should be written on stamped paper, which was to be furnished, at exorbitant prices, by the government or should have no force in law. Information of its passage was received in all the colonies with sorrow and dismay. They saw that they must either surrender, without a struggle, their darling rights, or resist the government of a nation, which they had been accustomed to regard with filial respect, and was then the most powerful in the world. 18. The general assembly of Virginia were in session when the information arrived. Of that body, Patrick Henry, a young man, but a distinguished orator, was a member. Near the close of the session, he proposed five resolutions, in the first four of which were asserted the various rights and privileges claimed by the colonists, and, in the fifth, the right of parliament to tax America, was boldy and explicitly denied. These he defended by strong reason and irresistible eloquence, and they were adopted by a majority of one. 19. The next day, in his absence, the fifth resolution 1765.] REVOLUTION. 131 was rescinded ; but that and the others had gone forth to the world, and imparted higiier aniiuatiun to the friends of freedom. They were a signal to the resolute and ardent ; they gave encouragement to the timid and cautious : they were industriously but privately circulated, in the principj^l cities, until they arrived in New- England, wnere they' were fearlessly published in all the newspapers. , 20. Nearly at the same time, and before the proceed- ings of Virginia were knovvu in Massachusetts, her general court adopted measures to procure a combined opj>osition to the offensive laws. They parsed a resolve proposing that a congress of delegates from the several colonies, should be held at New-York, and addressed letters to the other assemblies, earnestly soliciting their concurrence. 21. These legislative proceeding^ took place in May and June, 1765. ''^i'liey were the moderate and dignified expression of feelings, which animated, in a more intense degree, a great majority of the people. In New-England, associations, for the purpose of resisting the law, were organized, assuming, from Barre's speech, the appellation oi " Sons of Liberty ;" pamphlets were published vindi- cating the rights of the colonies; and the public journals were filled with essays pointing out the danger which threatened the cause of liberty, and encouraging a bold and manly resistance. 22. Excited by these publications, a multitude assembled in Boston, on the 14th of August, burned the effigy of Andrew Oliver, who had been appointed stamp-distributer, and demolished a building which they supposed he had erected for his office. Fearful of farther injury, Mr. Oliver declared his intention to resign, when the people desisted from molesting him. 23. Several days afterwards, a mob beset the house of Mr. vStory, an officer of the detested admiralty court. They broke his windows, destroyed his furniture, and^ burned his papers. They then proceeded to the house of lieutenant-governor Hutchinson, by whose advice, it was supposed, the stamp-act had been passed. They entered it by force. Himself, his wife, and children fled. His elegant furniture was carried off or destroyed. The par- titions of the house were -broken down, and the next morning nothing but the bare and desolate walls remained. 24. When intelligence of these proceedings reached Newport, in Rliode Island, the people of that place as- sembled and cOTTirnitted similar outrages. Two houses 132 REVOLUTION. [1765. were pillaged, and the stamp-distributer, to preserve his own, was obliged to give to the leader of the exasperated populace a written resignation of his office. In Connec- ticut, similar commotions were also quieted by the resigna- tion of the distributer of stamps for that colony. 25. In New- York, the people displayed equal spirit, but less turbulence and rage. The obnoxious act was printed, under the title of " The folly of England, and the ruin of America," and thus exhibited for sale in the streets. At an early period, the stamp-distributer pru- dently resigned his office ; and when the stamped paper arrived, it was deposited for safe keeping in the fort. A mob required the lieutenant-governor to place it in their hands. He refused ; but, terrified by their menaces, consented to deliver it to the magistrates, who deposited it in the city hall. Ten boxes, which afterwards arrived, were seized by the people, and committed to the flames. 26. So general was the opposition to the law, that the stamp-officers, in all the colonies, were compelled to resign. In Boston, care was taken, on the one hand, to prevent the recurrence of violent proceedings, arid, on the other, to keep in full vigor the spirit of resistance. A newspaper was established, having for its device a snake divided into as many parts as there were colonies, and for its motto, "join or die." Mr. Oliver was required to resign his office, with more ceremony and solemnity, under a large elm, which had, from the meetings held under it, received the name of the tree of liberty. 27. In October, the congress recommended by Massa- chusetts, convened at New-York. Delegates from six f>rovinces only were present. Their first act was a Dec- aration of Rights, in which they asserted, that the colonies were entitled to all the rights and liberties of natural born subjects within the kingdom of Great Britain, the most essential of which were the exclusive right to tax themselves, and the privilege of trial by jury. A petition to the king, and a memorial to both houses of parliament, were also agreed on ; and the colonial assem- blies were advised to appoint special agents to solicit, in concert, a redress of grievances. To interest the people of England in the cause of the colonies, the merchants of New- York directed their correspondents, in t-hat country, to purchase no more goods until the stamp-act should be repealed. Immediately after, non-ijjyjortation agreements were adopted in the other colonies, and associations were 1766.] REVOLtJTION. 133 organized for the encouragement of domestic manufac- tures. To avoid the necessity of stamps, proceedings in the courts of justice were suspended, and disputes were settled by arbitration. 28. In the meantime, an entire change had taken place in the British Cabinet, and a proposition to repeal the stamp act was, by the new ministry, laid before parliament. An mteresting debate ensued. Mr. Grenville, the late prime minister, declared, that to repeal the act under existing circumstances, would degrade the government, and encourage rebellion. "When," he demanded, "were the Americans emancipated? By what law, by what reason, do they ungratefully claim exemption from defray- ing expenses incurred in protecting them 1" 29. William Pitt, he who had wielded, with such mighty eft'ect, the power of England, in the late war, rose to reply. He regretted that he had not been able to attend in his place, and oppose the law on its passage. " It is now an act that has passed. I would speak with decency of every act of this house ; but I must beg the indulgence of this house to speak of it with freedom. Assuredly a more important subject never engaged your attention ; that subject only excepted, when, nearly a century ago, it was the question whether you yourselves were bond or free 1 30. " Those who have spoken before me, with so much vehemence, would maintain the act because our honor demands it. But can the point of honor stand opposed against justice, against reason, against right ? It is my opinion that England has no right to tax the colonies. At the same time, I assert the authority of this kingdom over the colonies to be sovereign and supreme, in every circumstance of government and legislation whatsoever. 31. " Taxation is no part of the governing or legisla- tive power. The taxes are a voluntary gift and grant of the commons alone ; when, therefore, in this house, we give and grant, we give and grant what is our own. But in an American tax, what do we do ? We, your majes- ty's commons of Great Britain, give and grant to your majesty — what ? Our own property 1 No. We give and grant to your majesty the property of your coimmons in America. It is an absurdity in terms. 3*2. " It has been asked, when Avere the Americans emancipated ? But I desire to know when they were made slaves. I hear it said, that America is obstinate ; America is almost in open rebellion. 1 rejoice that M 131 REVOLUTION. [1760. America has resisted. Three millions of people, so dead to all the lei'liugs of liberty us voliiutarily to submit to be slaves, would have been lit instruments to make slaves of ourselves. 33. " The honorable member has said, for he is fluent in words of bitterness, that America is ungratefuL He boasts of his bounties towards her. But are not these bounties intended finally for the benefit of this kingdom 1 The i)rofits of Great Britain, from her commerce with the colonies, are two millions a year. This is the fund that carried you triumpliantly through the last war. The estates that were rented at two tliousand pounds a year,- seventy years ago, are at three thousand pounds at pres- ent. You owe this to America. This is the price she pays you for protection. 34- " A great deal has been said without doors, and nu)re than is discreet, of the power, of the strength of America. In a good cause, on a sound bottom, the force of this country can crush America to atoms. But on the ground of this tax, when it is wished to prosecute an evident injustice, I am one who will lift my hands and my voice against it. In such a cause, your success would be deplorable and victory hazardous. America, if she fell, would fall like the strong man. She would embrace the pillars of the state, and pull down the con- stitution along with her." 35. The sentiments of this great statesman prevailed- in parliament. The stamp act was repealed; but another act was passed declaring that " the legislature of Great Britain lias authority to make laws to bind the colonies in all cases whatsoever." The merchants of London re- joiced at this repeal. They had felt the effects of the colonial non-importation agreements, and dreaded that still more injurious consequences would follow. 36. But far greater were the rejoicings of the Ameri- cans. They had obtained the object for which they had contended. They regarded the daclaratory act as the mere reservation of wounded pride, and welcomed with transport the opportunity of again cherishing their former affection for the land of their fathers. The assemblies of several colonies voted their thanks to Mr. Pitt, and to others in England, who had supported their caus€ ; and that of Virginia resolved to erect an obelisk to their honor, and a marble statue of the king, as a memorial of gratitude. 17G7.] REVOLUTION. 135 37. By the prople of New-England and New- York less joy was felt aad less gratitude displayed. Tlie laws ini- jx)sing duties on their trade were still in force. The courts of adn)iralty, sitting without juries, still retained jurisdiction of all revenue causes. Their repeated contests with their governors, had weakened their attach- ment to the nation that api)oiiited them, and confirmed ihe.ir repuhlican principles. They still remembered the past and entertained suspicions of the future. 38. The very next year events occurred which justified these suspicions. A law of parliament, which remained unrepealed, directed that whenever troops should be marched iiito any of the colonies, quarters, rum, and va- rious {lecessary articles, should be provided for them, at the expense of the colony. The assembly of New- York refused obedience to this law, considering in an indirect mode of taxing them without their consent. To punish t'liis disobedience, parliament immediately suspended the authority of the assembly. It was easily seen that noth- ing had been gained, if this power of suspension, for such a cause, existed, and could be exercised at pleasure. 39. The alarm, occasioned by this act of despotic power, was increased by a measure, which, under the auspices of a new ministry, was adopted in June, 1767. A duty was imposed by parliament on the importation into the colonies, of glass, tea, and other enumerated articles, and provision was made for the appointment of commissioners of the customs to be dependent solely on the crown. 40. Early in the next year, the general court of Massa- chusetts, pursuing the same course as in 1764, addressed a letter to their agent in Loiwlon, containing able arguments against those duties, and requested him to communicate the letter to the ministry. They also sent to the other colonial assemblies, a circular letter, in which these arguments were repeated, and suggested the expediency of acting in concert, in all endeavors to obtain redress. 41. These proceedings incensed and alarmed the min- istry. They feared that a union of the colonies would give them strength and confidence, and determined if pos- sible to prevent it. They instructed Sir John Bernard, then governor of Massachusetts, to require the general court to rescind the vote directing the circular letter to be sent, and in case of refusal to dissolve it. The governor 136 REVOLUTION [1768. communicated these instructions to the house of represen- tatives, which, by a vote of ninety-two to seventeen, refu- sed to rescind, and was accordingly dissolved. 42. The attempt to intimidate did but strengthen oppo- sition. The non-importation agreements, which had been lately abandoned, were renewed, and more extensively adopted. The citizens of Boston met, and proposed that a convention of delegates from the several towns in the province, should be held at that place. Nearly every town accordingly sent delegates. This convention, though it disclaimed all legal authority, was regarded with the same respect as a legitimate assembly. Its proceedings were unimportant, but by its sessions in the metropolis of New-England, the people became accustomed to pay def- erence to a body of men deriving all their authority from the instructions of their constituents. 43. On so many occasions had the refractory spirit of the citizens of Boston been displayed, that general Gage, who was commander-in-chief of all the troops in the col- onies, was ordered to station a regiment in that town, as weH to overawe the citizens, as to protect the officers of the revenue in the discharge of their duty. Before the order was executed, the seizure of a sloop belonging to Mr.Hancock, a popular leader, occasioned a riot, in which those officers were insulted and beaten. The general, on receiving information of this event, sent two regiments instead of one, and on the first of October they arrived in the harbour. 44. The ships that brought them, taking a station that commanded the whole town, lay with their broad- sides towards it, ready to fire should resistance be at- tempted. The troops, with loaded muskets and fixed bayonets, then landed ; and, the selectmen having refused to provide quarters, they took" possession of the state- house. All the rooms, except one reserved for the coun- cil, were filled, and two peices of cannon were placed near the principal entrance. 45. With indignant and exasperated feelings, the people witnessed this threatening display of military force. They saw the hall of their venerated legislature polluted by the tread of foreign mercenaries. They saw soldiers parading their streets and guards mounted at the corners. They were challenged as they passed, and the unwelcome din of martial music often disturbed their repose. They 1769.] REVOLUTION. 137 knew that intimidation was the object, and felt a istronger recalled to memory by the severe duties of the campaign, that the high character of the com- mander, his address, his entreaties, availed nothing to in- duce them to proceed on the expedition. With the remnant of his army, consisting of no more than three hundred men, he began his march towards Quebec, expecting to meet there another body of troops sent to act in concert with him. 10. These troops were a detachment from the army before Boston, consisting of one thousand men, and commanded by colonel Arnold ; who, as a soldier, was adventurous, impetuous, and fearless ; as a man, overbearing, avaricious, and profligate. Their route lay along the coast to the mouth of the Kennebec, in Maine, thence up that river to its source, and thence, over lofty mountains, through a wilderness unexplored by civilized man, to the river St. Laurence. They were unable to begin their march before the middle of September; on the 22d, they embarked in boats, at Gardner, on the Kennebec, and proceeded to ascend that river. « ^ 11. They found the current rapid, and the navigation interrupted by frequent cataracts. Around these they were obliged to draw, by hand, their provisions, arms, and even their boats. Nor was their route on land less diffi- cult. They had deep svsTamps to pass, and craggy moun- tains to ascend. The toil was so incessant, and the fatigue so great, that many, falling sick, were sent back, and along with these the rear division, commanded by colonel Enos, returned without the knowledge of Arnold. 12. Before they reached the height of land, provisions became scarce. Dogs, cartridge-boxes, and shoes were eaten. At the summit, the whole stock was divided equally among them, each receiving but two quarts of flour as his portion. The erder of march was r.o longer observed. The soldiers were directed to proceed, singly or by companies, as they might choose, slowly or with speed, as they were able, to the nearest Canadian settle- ment, then one hundred miles distant. When the com- pany, whose superior strength enabled them to keep in advance, were thirty miles from any human habitatian, the last morsel of food had been consumed. 13. In this exfaemity, Arnold, with a few of the most 1775.] EEVOLUTIONARY WAR, 163 vigorous, made a forced march to the first village, and returned to his almost famished companions, with food sufficient to satisfy the first wants of nature. Refreshed and strengthened, they hastened forward, and, on the fourth of November, arrived at the French settlements on the Chaudiere, having bren thirty-two days without seeing the abodes of civilized man ; and having, in that time, per- formed a march unexampled for its temerity and hardship. 14. The inhabitants welcomed them with cordial hos- pitality. Though separated, in a great measure, from the world, they had heard of the dispute between Great Britain and her colonies, and as the very name of liberty is dear to tlie heart of man, their sympathies were all enlisted on the side of the latter. Arnold distributed proclamations among them similar to those issued by general Schuyler. As soon as the scattered soldiers were assembled, he con- tinued his march, and, on the ninth of November, arrived at Point Levi, opposite Quebec. 1 5. Nothing could exceed the surprise and astonishment of the citizens on seeing a body of hostile troops, emerging from the southern wilderness. Had Arnold, at this mo- ment of panic, been able to cross the river, tlie city must have fallen an easy conquest ; but boats were not at hand, and a furious storm, occurring at the time, rendered cross- ing impossible. Hi. Having procured boats, and the stonn having abated, he crossed the river on the night of the 13th, and landed near the place where Wolfe had landed in the preceding waf. Mounting the same steep ascent, he 'brmed his troops on the plains of Abraham, and marched towards the city. Convinced, by a cannonade from the walls, that the garrison were ready to receive him, he returned, en- camped on the plain, and on the 18th marched to Point aux Trembles, twenty miU^s from Quebec, where ha determined to await the arrival of Montgomery. 17. He came on the first of December. How great was the joy, and how lively the gratulations, they only can imagine, who, after long absence a">d suffering, have met, in a foreign land, their friends and former companions. Arnold's troops had, indeed, ^reat cause of rejfJicing. They were entirely destitute ol winter clothing, and had endured extreme distress from the severity of the cold. Montgomery had brought a supply from Montreal, which he immediately distributed among them. 18. Their iinited force amounted to no moro than nine 164 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. [1779. hundred effective men. On the fifth, the general, at the head of these, appeared before the city, and sent a flag with a summons to surrender. The delay which had taken place, had enabled governor Carleton to increase the strength of the works, and to change the sentiments of the citizens from friendship for the Americans, to hostility He ordered his troops to fire upon the bearer of the flag. 19. Montgomery soon discovered the defection of his friends, and perceived that he must depend upon his own force alone for the accomplishment of his object. When he compared this force with that of the enemy, who were fifteen hundred strong ; when he reflected that his troops were recent levies whose term was nearly expired, and whose thoughts were fixed upon their homes, his hopes of success became faint, and his forebodings gloomy. He believed, however, that success was possible, and his high sense of honor and of duty impelled him to hazard every thing to obtain it for his country. 20. He at first determined to batter the walls, and harass the city, by repeated and furious attacks, hoping that an opportunity might occur of striking some decisive blow. He raised a mound, composed of snow and water, which soon became ice, and there planted his cannons, six only in number. After a short trial, they were found inadequate, and this plan Avas abandoned. 21. Meanwhile, the snow fell incessantly, the cold became intense, and the sufferings of the troops, from the rigor of the season and their continual toil, surpassed all tbat they had ever before felt, or witnessed, or imagined. To increase their distress, the small pox broke out in the camp, presenting death in a new shape, and adding to the severity of their labors, by lessening the number to bear them. In the midst of these trials, their attachment to the cause, and devotion to their commander remained unabated ; but these, he reflected, must soon give way before such severe and constant sufl'ering ; and for him- self, he determined to make immediately a bold and des- perate effort. 22. Assembling his officers, he proposed to storm the city. He placed before them the motives which operated upon his own mind. He did nut deny that the enterprise was highly difficult and dangerous, but maintained that success was possible. He addressed a band of heroes whose sentiments were congenial with his own, and the (deaision was unanimous in favor of his proposition. The 1775.] REVOLUTIONARY WAR. ie« plan and time of attack were concerted, and to each officei was assigned his particular duty. 23. On the last day of December, at four o'clock in th» morning, while a violent snow storm was raging, the troops marched from the camp in four columns, commanded by Montgomery, Arnold, Livingston, and Brown. The two latter were directed to make feigned attacks upon the upper town, in order to distract the attention of the garri- son ; while the two former proceeded to assault the lower town at opposite points. 24. Livingston and Brown, impeded by the snow, did not arrive in season to execute their feints. Montgomery, advancing, at the head of his column, along the bank of the river, came to a barrier or stockade of strong posts. Two of these he sawed off with his own hands. The guard within were alarmed, and fled to a block-house, fifty yards di tant, where several pieces of cannon were sta- tioned. He passed through the opening in the barrier, encouraging his men to follow. The troops at the block- house, to whom the guard had communicated their terror, began to desert it. 25. At this moment, Montgomery halted, to allow the troops near him to form in a body. Observing this delay, a Canadian, who lingered behind, returned to the block- house, seized a match which was burning, and discharged a cannon loaded with grape shot, and fortuitously pointed at the little band. The discharge was instantly fatal to Montgomery, and to several favorite officers standing around him. The men, seeing their beloved leader fall, shrunk back ; colonel Campbell, the next in command, ordered a retreat, and that portion of the garrison stationed at the block-house, was left at liberty to hasten to another part of the city, already in commotion from the attack of Arnold. 2G. This officer, marching, like Montgomery, at the head of his column, had entered the town. Advancing along a narrow street, which was swept by the grape shot of the enemy, he received a severe wound in the leg, and was carried to the hospital. Captain Morgan, afterwards distinguished by his exploits at the south, assumed the command. Placing himself at the head of two companies, he boldly approached the enemy's works, and entering through the embrasures, drove the men from their guns. 37. Here he halted until the rear of the column came up. When time was given for reflection, the danger of 166 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. [1775* their situation, a email band in the heart of a hostile city, filled even the bosoms of the braye with dread. Morgan retained his firmness ; and when the morning dawned, with a voice that resounded through the city, summoned his troops to the assault of a second battery, a short distance in advance of the first. 28. Before this, a fierce combat ensued. Many of the enemy were killed, but more Americans, who were ex- posed to a destructive fire of musketry from the windows of the houses. Some of the most daring mounted the wall, but, seeing, on the other side, two ranlcs of soldiers, with their muskets on the ground, presenting hedges of bayonets to receive them, should they leap forward, they recoiled and descended. 29. Weary with exertion, and benumbed with cold; exposed to a deadly fire from every quarter ; their arms rendered useless by the snoAV which continued to fall, the soldiers sought refuge in the houses. Perceiving that all farther attempts would be vain, Morgan gave the signal of retreat. Some of the men fled, but most were unwilling to encounter another tempest of shot. They refused, however, to yield, until assured of the fate of Montgome- ry ; when, loosing all hope of success and escape, they surrendered themselves prisoners of war. 30. The loss of the Americans, in this desperate enter- prise, was above four hundred, of whom one hundred and fifty were killed. The whole continent bewailed the death of Montgomery. He was conspicuous, even in those times of enthusiasm, for his ardent devotion to the cause of freedom. He was endeared to the good, by the exer- cise, in the midst of war, of the most amiable virtues. His soldiers adored him for his lofty spirit and daring bravery. The enemy respected him for his honorable conduct, and distinguished military qualities. Until his last enterprise, continual success bore testimony to the greatness of his talents ; and defeat, when he was no more, confirmed the testimony of success. Congress resolved, that a monu- ment should be erected to perpetuate his fame. It lives yet fresh in the memory of Americans. In 1818, New- York, his adopted state, removed his remains from Quebec to her own metropolis, wfiere the monument had been placed, and near that they ref)ose. 31. Some of the Americans, on their escape from Quebec, retreatecT precipitately to Montreal. Arnold, with diificulty, detained about four hundred, who, breaking UQ 1776.] REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 167 their camp, retired three miles from the city. Here this heroic baud, though much inferior in number to the garri- son, kept it in continual awe, and, by preventing all com- munication with the country, reduced it to great distress for the want of provisions. 3'2. Congress, on receiving information of the disaster of the 31st of December, directed reinforcements to be sent to Canada; and after the beginning of March, Arnold's party was almost daily augmented by the arrival of small bodies of troops. But its strength did not increase with its numbers. The small-pox still continued its ravages ; fatigue^ without hope, depressed the spirits of the soldiers ; the difficulty of obtaining provisions became every day greater ; and the harsh measures adopted by Arnold to procure them, exasperated the inhabitants around him. 33. On the first of May, general Thomas, who had been appointed to succeed Montgomery, arrived from the camp at Roxbury. On reviewing his army, he found it to consist of less than two thousa^ men,|tf whom half were not fit for duty. A council of wkr was Weld, who resolved that it was expedient to take a more defensible position higher up the St. Lawrence. To this decision they were led by the knowledge that the ice was leaving the river, and by the expectation that reinforcements from England would immediately come up. The next morning, in fact, while the Americans were engaged in removing the sick, several ships appeared in sight, and entered the harbor. A multitude of troops were inunediately poured into the city. 34. At one o'clock, Carleton made a sortie at the head of a thousand men. Against these, general Thomas, at that moment, could oppose but three hundred. All the stores, and many of the sick, fell into the power of the enemy. The latter were treated, by the governor, with great tenderness ; and w^hen restored to health, were assisted to return to their homes. The Americans re- treated to the mouth of the Sorel, where they were joined by several regiments, and where their worthy commander died of the small-pox, which yet prevailed in the camp. 35. While patriotism and valor were, in this quarter, unsuccessfully contending with a superior force, the Americans sustained a heavy and unexpected calamity, resulting from cowardice, in another. At a fortified place, called the Cedars^ forty miles above Montreal, colonel Bedell was stationed with four hundred men, and two pieces of cannon. Assembling a force of six hundred. 168 REVOLUTIONARY WAR, [1775. mostly Indian warriors, captain Foster, who commanded at Oswegatchie, descended the river to attack this post. 36. Colonel Bedell, leaving major Butterfield in com- mand, repaired to Montreal to obtain assistance. Shortly afterwards, captain Foster appeared, and invested the fort. He had no artillery, and in the course of two days, but one man was wounded. More efficient than his arms,- was the intimation, that if any of the Indians should be killed, it would not be in his power to restrain them from the massacre of the garrison. Intimidated by this, major Butterfield surrendered his whole party prisoners of war, stipulating only for their baggage and their lives. 37. Upon the representation of colonel Bedell, a rein- forcement was ordered to march from Montreal; but he declined returning with it, and the command was given to major Sherburne. The day after the surrender of the fort, of which event the major was ignorant, and about four miles from it, he was met by a large body of Indians^ to whom, after an obstinate and bloody conflict, he was obliged to surrender. The whole loss of the Americans was at least five hundred. 38. General Sullivan was appointed to succeed general Thomas, and on the first of June, arrived at the river Sorel, where he found between four and five thousand men. But the army of the enemy had, in the mean time, been augmented to thirteen thousand. Commanding a force so decidedly superior, governor Carleton pressed forward in pursuit, and the Americans retreated slowly and reluctantly before him. At St. Johns, the pursuit ceased; but general Sullivan, in obedience to orders from general Schuyler, continued his march to Crown Point, at the head of Lake Champlain. 39. Thus terminated the expedition against Canada. In its conception it was singularly bold and romantic. In its progress were displayed fortitude and bravery seldom equalled in military annals. Its failure was a painful disappointment to tiie patriots of the day. It is now consoling to reflect, that success would probably have proved injurious to the cause of independence. To pro- tect the province, the military force of the confederacy must have been too much extended, and colonies ra,or8 important have been left defenceless. CHAPTER XVIIl. CAMPAIGN OF 1776. The last humble petition of congress to the king was presented by JMr. Penn, the late governor of Pennsylvania. A few days afterwards, he was told, by the minister that no answer would be made to it. The haughty spirit, which dictated this reply, pervaded both houses of par- liament. 2. In December, a law was passed amounting to a declaration of war against the colonies. Treaties were made with the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel and other German princes, hiring of them seventeen thousand men, to be employed against the Americans ; and it was deter- mined to send over, in addition to these, twenty-five thousand English troops. 3. In the beginning of the year 1776, a fleet under Sir Peter Parker, and two thousand five hundred troops commanded by earl Cornwallis, were despatched upon an expedition against the southern colonies. Soon after, ad- miral Hotham set sail with a large number of transports, carrying the first division of Hessians ; and, in May, fol- lowed admiral lord Howe, who had been appointed com- mander of the naval force on the American station. He, and his brother, general Howe, had also been appointed ioint commissioners to grant pardons on submission. 4. On the first of May, the fleet, under Sir Peter Par- ker, arrived on the coast of North-Carolina, where Sir Henry Clinton, arriving at the same time from New- York, took command of the troops. The late defeat of the highland emigrants had so dispirited the loyalists in this colony, that he determined to proceed farther south, and attack Charleston, the capital of South-Carolina. 5. Fortunately, an oflicial letter, announcing the speedy departure of the expedition from England, had been inter- cepted early in the spring, and tune was thus given to place this city in a state of defence. A strong fort was built on Sullivan's island, a position from which ships, on entering the harbor, could be greatly annoyed ; the streets, in different places, were strongly barricaded ; the stores on the wharves, though of great value, were pulled down, and lines of defence erected along the water's edge. 6. On learning the near approach of the enemy, the p 170 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. [1776. militia of the country were summoned to defend the cap« ital. They obeyed with alacrity, increasing to five or six thousand the number of troops. General Lee had beeo sent from New- York to take the chief command ; and his high military reputation gave confidence to the soldiers and inhabitants. Under him were colonels Gadsden, Moultrie, and Thompson. 7. In the morning of the 28th of June, nine ships of war, carrying two hundred and fifty guns, began a furious attack upon the fort on the island, which was garrisoned by about four hundred men, under the command of colonel Moultrie. At the same time, a detachment of troops was landed on an adjoining island, and directed to cross over, at a place where the sea was supposed to be shallow, and attack it in the rear. 8. The heavy and incessant fire of the enemy was received with coolness, and returned with skill. Many of their ships suffered severely, and particularly the Bris- tol, on board of which was commodore Parker. She was twice in ilames, her captain was killed, and so dreadful was the slaughter, that, at one time, the coimnodore was the only person upon deck unhurt. 9. In the midst of the action, general Lee visited the garrison. He was delighted with the enthusiasm they exhibited. Nothing seemed capable of quenching their ardor. Soldiers, mortally wounded, exhorted their com- rades never to abandon the standard of liberty. " I die," said sergeant M'Donald, in his last moments, " for a glorious cause ; but I hope it will not expire with me." 10. The British troops, destined to attack the fort ire the rear, found it impossible to reach the island. The engagement with the fleet continued until dark. The ships, having received too much injury to renew it, moved off in the night ; and a few days afterwards, the fleet, with the troops on board, set sail for New- York, where tlie whole British force had been ordered to assemble. 11. The killed and wounded on the part of the enemy, amounted to near two hundred. Of the Americans, ten were killed, and twenty-two wounded. The troops, for their gallantry, received the thanks of congress, and high and well merited praise from their countrymen. Their success was auspicious to the cause of freedom. In a part of the country where resistance by force had been but little contemplated, it aroused the people to exertion, and inspired them with confidence. 1776.] REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 171 12. Notwithstanding the active war carried on, the «olonies still professed allegiance to the British king; and protested that the sole object of all their measures, was a redress of grievances. In the beginning of the contest, these professions, in most instances, were sincere ; but a state of hostility produced a rapid change of sentiment. In place of attachment to monarchy and to Great Britain, succeeded devotion to republican principles, and wishes for independence. 13. Tlie temporary constitutions adopted by New- Hampshire, and several other colonies, had shown with what facility all bonds of connection with the mother country could be dissolved. Essays in the newspapers, and pamphlets industriously circulated, appealing to the the reason and to the passions of the people, enforced the necessity and policy of a separation. Resistance, it was observed, had been carried too far to allow the hope that cordial harmony could ever be restored ; submission on any terms, to irritated masters, would be totally unsafe ; and the alternative was presented of rising to the honora- ble rank of an independent nation, or sinking into a state of vassalage which every future year would render more oppressive and degrading. 14. A pamphlet, entitled " Common Sense," and written by Thomas Paine, an Englishman, was universally read, and most highly admired. In language plain, forcible, and singularly well fitted to operate on the public mind, he l)ortrayed the excellencies of republican institutions, and attacked, with happy and successful ridicule, the principles of hereditary government. The effect of the pamphlet, in making converts, was astonishing, and is probably without precedent in the annals of literature. 15. As a step preparatory to independence, congress, on the 15th of May, recommended to those colonies that had not yet adopted constitutions, to establish, without any limitation of time, " such governments as might best con- duce to the happiness and safety of the people." The recommendation was generally complied with, and in every instance the government was not only entirely elective, but elective at such short periods as to impress upon rulers their immediate accountableness to the people, and upon the people a just opinion of their own importance, and a conviction of their safety from misrule. 16. The colonies had become accustomed to contemp^-'Ue themselves as sovereign states ; and the governments o£ 172 REVOLUTIONARY WAR- [1776. many expressed their desire that congress would declare them such to the world. On the 7th of June, a resolution to that effect was proposed, in that body, by Richard Henry Lee, of Virginia, and seconded by John Adams, of Massa- chusetts. While under consideration, the colonies, which had not expressed their approbation of the measure, declared their concurrence. A committee, consisting of Messrs. Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Sherman, and Living- ston, were instructed to prepare a Declaration of Inde- pendence, which, on the fourth of July, a memorable day, was almost unanimously adopted. 17. " We hold these truths," says this celebrated state paper, " to be self evident, that all mankind are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundations on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness." 18. To justify the exercise, on the present occasion, of the right here asserted, a long enumeration is made of the injuries inflicted upon the colonies, by the king of Great Britain, which is closed by declaring that " a prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people." 19. The appeals which had been made to the people of Great Britain, are also recounted ; " but they too have been deaf to the voice of justice and consanguinity. We must therefore acquiesce to the necessity which denounces cur separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, enemies in war, in peace friends. 20. " We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America, in general congress assembled, appeal- ing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by the authority, of the good people of these colonies, solemnly publish and declare, that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, FUEE and independent states ; that they are ab- solved from all allegiance to the British crown, and that all political connection between them and the state ot 1776.] REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 173 Great Britain is, and of right ought to be, totally dissolved ; and that, as free and independent states, they have full ]K)wer to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacrea honor." 21. This declaration was communicated to the army, and received with enthusiastic plaudits. A great majority of the people welcomed it with joy, which was displayed, in almost every city, by extraordinary public festivities. Those who had been denominated tories, were averse to a separation. Many joined the royal armies, and exhibited, during the war, the most cruel hostility against the whigs, their countrymen. 22. During the spring and summer, imremitted exertions were made to fortify the city of New- York, against which, it was supposed, the whole strength of the enemy would be next directed. In this crisis the people of that state acted with spirit and firmness. One fourth of the militia of the counties contiguous lo the city, were called into the public service. Yet the means, in the power of the commander-in-chief, were not adequate to the emergency. He had under his command but fourteen thousand effective men ; and was almost destitute of many articles which impart strength as well as comfort to an army. As it was in the power of the enemy to choose their point of attack, this force was necessarily divided. A part were stationed in the city, a part at Brooklyn, on Long Island, and small detachments at various other posts. 23. In the beginning of July, admiral and general Howe arrived in the harbor of New- York. They were accom- panied by a powerful naval force, and by an army of twenty- four thousand men, abundantly supplied with military stores. The troops were landed on Staten Island, a position from which ulterior movements could most conveniently be made. 24. General Washington, presuming that the first attack would be made upon the posts at Brooklyn, strengthened it by a detachment of troops from the city, and gave the command of it to general Putnam. On the 22d of August, the British forces were landed on the opposite side of Long Island. The two armies were now about four miles asunder, and were separated bv a range of hills, w^er which P '2 174 REVOLUTIONARY WAR, |1776, passed three main roads. Various circumstances led general Putnam to suspect that the enemy intended to approach him by the road leading to his right, which he therefore guarded with most care. 25. Very early in the morning of the 26th, his suspicions were strengthened by the approach, upon that road, of a column of British troops and upon the centre road, of a column of Hessians. To oppose these, the American troops were mostly drawn from their camp, and in the en- gagements which took place, evinced considerable bravery. 26. These movements of the enemy were but feints to divert the attention of Putnam from the road which led to his left, along which general Clinton was silently advancing with the main body of the British army. The report of cannon in that direction gave the first intimation of the danger which was approaching. The Americans endeavored to escape it, by returning, with the utmost celerity, to their camp. They were not able to arrive there in time, but were intercepted by general Clinton, who drove them back upon the Hessians. 27. Attacked thus in front and rear, they fought a suc- cession of skirmishes, in the course of which many were killed, many made prisoners, and several parties, seizing favorable opportunities, forced their way through the enemy, and regained the camp. A bold and vigorous charge, made by the American general, lord Sterling, at the head of a Maryland regiment, enabled a large body to escape in this manner. This regiment, fighting with des- perate bravery, kept a force greatly superior engaged, until their comrades had passed by, when the few who survived, ceasing to resist, surrendered to the enemy. 28. The loss of the Americans, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, considerably exceeded a thousand. Among the latter were generals Sullivan, Sterling, and WoodhuU. The total loss of the enemy was less than four hundred. They encamped at night before the American lines ; and the next day began to erect batteries within six hundied yards of their left. 29. While the battle was raging, general Washington passed over to Brooklyn, where he witnessed, with inex- pressible anguish, the destruction of his best troops, from which, such was the superiority of the enemy, it was impossible to save them. Finding the men dispirited by defeat, he determined to remove them to the city. The retreat was effected, on the night of the 28th, with such I 1776.] REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 175 silence and despatch, that before the suspicions of the enemy were excited, the last division of boats was beyond the reach of their fire. 30. So disheartened were the militia, that they deserted by companies ; and even the regular troops were infected by their example. Near the middle of September, the commander-in-chief, fearing to be enclosed in the city, re- tired to the heights of Haerlem. The enemy immediately took possession. A few days afterwards, a fire broke out which consumed about a thousand houses. 31. General Washington, after reflecting upon the events which had already occurred ; after considering the inexperience of his troops, the condition of the country, and th» distance of the enemy from their resources, deter- mined to adopt a cautious system of warfare ; to risk at present no general engagement ; to harrass and wear out the enemy by keeping them in continual motion ; and to inspire his own troops with courage, by engaging them in skirmishes, in all cases where success was probable. In one, fought on the 6th of September, the brave colonel Knowlton was killed ; but the result was so decidedly favorable to the Americans, that the troops recovered their spirits ; and the general was confirmed i?n the system he had adopted. 32. The movements of the enemy, in the beginning of October, indicated an intention of gaining the rear of the Americans, and cutting off their communication with the eastern states. The army, therefore, quitting Haerlem, moved northward towards White Plains. General Howe pursued, making several attempts to bring on a general engagement, which Washington avoided by skilful changes of position. A partial action was fought, on the 28th of October, in w^hich the loss on both sides was nearly equal. 33. Finding his antagonist too cautious to be drawn into the open field, and too strong to be attacked in his en- trenchments, general Howe determined to return towards New- York, and attack forts Washington and Lee, situated opposite to each other on the banks of the Hudson, and about ten miles above the city. In these forts, garrisons had been left, from a wish to preserve the command of this important river. That in fort Washington, consisting in part of militia, amounted to two thousand seven hundred men, under colonel Magaw. 34. On Jh® 16th of November, four divisions of thiR 176 JIETOLUTIONARY WAR. [11%. enemy's army, led by their principal officers, attacked it in four different quarters. The j^arrison, and particularly the rillemen under colonel Ravvlings, fought bravely. The CjJermans were several times driven back, with great loss. But these combined and vigorous attacks were at length successful. The ammunition in the fort being nearly ex- hausted, and all the out posts driven in, the commander, on being a second time summoned, agreed to capitulate, on honorable terms. This was the severest blow the Ameri- cans had yet felt. The loss of the enemy, however, in killed and wounded, was supposed to be twelve hundred men. 35. Fort Lee was immediately evacuated, <,he garrison joining general Washington. He had previously, with one division of his army, crossed over into New-Jersey, leav- ing the other, under the command of general Lee, in New- York. His force, even m hen augmented by the garrison, consisted of but three thousand effective men, and they were destitute of tents, of blankets, and even of utensils to cook their provisions. His first station was Newark ; but the enemy pursuing him, he was compelled to retreat successively to Brunswick, to Princeton, to Trenton, and iinally to cross the Delaware into Pennsylvania ; and so close was the pursuit, that the advance of the British army was often in sight. 36. Small as was his force when the retreat begaii, it diminished daily. On the last of November, many of his troops were entitled to their discharge, and not one of them could be pers laded to continue another day in ser- vice. Such he feared would be the conduct of the re- mainder, whose time would expire at the end of the year. }n this extremity, he urged general Lee to hasten to his assistance ; but that officer, having other purposes in view, delayed his march. He called on the militia of New- Jersey and Pennsylvania, but none obeyed his call. The population around him were hostile or desponding, and withheld all aid from an army whose career seemed near its termination. 37* Li this darkest hour in American history, general Howe issued a proclamation offering pardon to all who would declare their submission to royal authority. The contrast between a ragged, suffering, retreating army, and a full-clad, powerful, exulting foe, induced many, despair- mg of success, to abandon the cause they had espoused, and accept of pardon. Among them were Mr. Galkavug^ 1776.] REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 177 and Mr. Allen, who had been members of the continental congress. 38. As the JBritish a»Tny approached Philadelphia, con- gress adjourned to Baltimore, having previously invested general Washington w^ith " full power to order and direct all things relative to the department, and to the operations of war." Such unlimited authority could not have been placed in hands more worthy to hold it. To the elastic energy of his mind, and his perfect self-possession in the most desperate circumstances, is America, in a great»de- gree, indetited for her independence. 39. On the day that he was driven over the Delaware, the British took possession of Rhode Island. On the 13th. of December, general Lee, having wandered from his army, was surprised and taken prisoner. In the experi- ence and talents of this officer, the people reposed great confidence, and they lamented his loss like that of an army. In its consequences, his capture was fortunate. Tha command of his division devolved upon general Sullivan, who conducted it promptly to general AVashington, aug- menting his army to nearly seven thousand effective men. 40. Still so much stronger were the enemy, that they regarded the rebels, for so they delighted to call tha patriots of that day, as almost subdued, and doubted not that a vigorous attempt, whenever they should be disposed to make it, would place in their power the handful of mea before them. They rioted upon the plunder of the coun- try, and enjoyed in prospect the fruits of an assured and decisive victory. 41. Washington saw that this tide of ill fortune must be stemmed — must even be rolled back upon the enemy — or it would soon overwhelm his country. He resolved to hazard all that was left in one vigorous effort for victory. On the night of the 25th December, at the head of two thousand four hundred men, he crossed the Delaware at Trenton, surprised a body of Hessians stationed at that place, took nine hundred prisoners, and immediately re- crossed, having lost but nine of his men. 42. This sudden and severe blow awakened the enemy to activity. Cornwallis, who had repaired to New- York, intrusting to his inferior officers the task of finishing the war, returned, with additional troops, to regain the ground that had been lost. He concentrated his forces at Prince- ton ; and soon after, W^ashington, having been joined by a body of Pennsylvania militia, and persuaded the New- 178 REVOLUTIONARY WAR [1777. England troops to serve six weeks longer, again crossed the Delaware and took post at Trenton. 43. On the 2d of January, 1777, the greater part of the British army marched to attack the Americans. In the evening they encamped near Trenton, in full, expectation of a battle and victory in the morning. Washington, sensible of the inferiority of his force; sensible too that flight would be almost as fatal as defeat, conceived another bold project which he resolved instantly to execute. 44. About midnight, having renewed his fires, he silent- ly decamped, and gaining, by a circuitous route, the rear of the enemy, marched towards Princeton, where he pre- sumed Cornwallis had left a part of his troops. At sun- rise, the van of the American forces met unexpectedly two British regiments. A sharp action ensued ; the for- mer gave way. At this crisis, when all was at stake, the commander-in-chief led the main body to the attack. The enemy were routed and fled. Fortunately the heroic Washington, though exposed to both fires, and but a few yards distant from either party, escaped unhurt. 45. Instead of pursuing them, he pressed forward to Princeton, where one regiment yet remained. Part saved themselves by a precipitate flight ; about three hundred were made prisoners. The British loss in killed was up- wards of one hundred ; the American was less, but in the number were the brave general Mercer, and several valua- l)le oflicers. Among the wounded was lieutenant James Monroe, afterwards raised to the highest office in the gift of his fellow citizens. 46. In consternation, the British army immediately eva- cuated Trenton, and retreated to New-Brunswick. The inhabitants, resuming their courage, and giving full force to their rage, which fear had smothered, took revenge for the brutalities they had suffered. The enemy were driven from all their posts in New-Jersey, except Amboy and Brunswick, and the American army obtained secure win- ter quarters at Morristown. 47. The brilliant victories at Trenton and Princeton raised, from the lowest depression, the spirits of the American people. They regarded Washington as the sa- vior of his country. He became the theme of eulogy throughout Europe. And having displayed, as occasions demanded, the opposite qualities of caution and impetu-. osity, he received the honorable and appropriate appellatioi^ »f the American Fabius. CHAPTER XIX. CAMPAIGN OF 1777. The firmness manifested by congress, when disaster and defeat had almost annihilated the American army, entitles the members to the gratttude and admiration of every friend of freedom. They exhibited no symptom of terror or dismay. They voted to raise an army to take the place of that which was to be disbanded at the end of the year ; and, made sensible by experience, that short enlistments had been the cause of most of the misfortunes of their country, they resolved that the new levies should be enlisted to serve three years or during the war, at the option of the individual reeruits. To defray expenses, they made large emissions of paper money. And to evince their firm determination to the world, they solemnly declared that they would listen to no terms of peace which required a relinquishment of their independence, or which should deprive other nations of a free trade to their ports. 2. Relying on the inveterate enmity of France against Great Britain, they sent commissioners to that court, with instructions to solicit a loan of money, a supply of munitions of war, aud an acknowledgement of the inde- pendence of the United States. These commissioners were Dr.Franklin, Silas Dean, and Arthur Lee. Frank- lin arrived at Paris in December. The cause of wljich he was the advocate, and his own great fame as a philos- opher, procured him a flattering reception from all ranks of people. America, her minister, her struggle against oppression, became the themes of popular discourse, and the government itself was rendered in secret propitious to her cause. 3. The ministry permitted arms, covertly taken from the public arsenals, to be conveyed to the United States. They connived at the sale, in their West India islands, and even in the ports of France, of the prizes taken by American privateers. The value of these prizes made in the year 1776, was computed at five millions of dollars, and far exceeded that ojf the captures made by the enemy. 4. So popular was the qause of the United States, and so exalted the character of their military leader, that many Frencli ofiif-ers smiglit an oppoi-tunity of engaging 180 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. [1777. in their service. Among these, the young Marquis de la Fayettfe was most conspicuous for his rank, and mo§t dis- tinguished for his ardoi and enthusiasm. At an early period, he communicated to the American agents his wir.h to join the republican armies. At first, they encouraged his zeal, but learning the disasters which preceeded the victory at Trenton, they, with honorable frankness, com- municated the information to him, and added that they were so destitute of funds, that they could not even pro- vide for his passage across the ocean. 5. " If your country," replied the gallant youth, " is in- deed reduced to this extremity, it is at this moment that my departure to join her armies will render her the most esisential service." He immediately hired a vessel to convey him to America, where he arrived in the spring of 1777. He was received with cordial affection by the people, became the bosom friend of Washington, solicited permission to serve without pay, and was appointed major-general in the army. 6. In the last campaign, more prisoners had been taken by the British than by the Americans. They were de- tained at New- York, and were confined in churches and prison ships, where they endured the extremity of wretch- edness. Tliey were exposed, without fire and almost without clothes, to the inclemency of a severe winter ; were often whole days without food, and when food was offered, it was but a miserable pittance, damaged and loathsome. Many died of hunger, and more of diseases, produced by their complicated sufferings. 7. Washington remonstrated with warmth, and threat ened retaliation. After his victories in New-Jersey, their treatment was less inhuman. An exchange was agreed upon, but many, when attempting to walk from their places of confinement to the vessels provided to convey them away, fell and expired in the streets. Yet in the midst of these unparalleled sufferings, they had exhibited fortitude more rare, and more honorable to human nature, than the highest display of valor in battle. To entice them to enlist in the royal army, they were pro- mised relief from misery, and the enjoyment of abundance. They rqected the offer with disdain ; thus giving to the world tae noblest proof of the absence of all mercenary motive, and of the sincerity and fervor of their devotion w their country. S, Nf^ar the "end of ^lay, the American army, which 1777.) REVOLUTIONARY WAJ2* 181 had been auiamented by recrufts to almost ten thousand men, moved from Morristown, and took a strong position at Middlebrook. The British, soon after, left their en- campment, and general Howe endeavored, by various movements, to induce general Washington to quit his strong hold and meet bim on equal ground. But the latter, adhering to his Fabian system of warfare, determined to remain in the position he had chosen. 9. General Ilowe, changing his purpose, transported his army to Staten Island. He there embarked sixteen thousand troops on board a large fleet, and, leaving Sir Henry Clinton in command at New- York, put out to sea on the 2()th of July. His destination was carefully kept secret. On the 20ih of August, the fleet entered Chesa- peake bay, and rendered it certain that an attack upon Philadelphia was intended. The troops were landed at Elk ferry, in Maryland, fifty miles soutli of that city. 10. The American army immediately crossed the Dela- ware, and. passing through Philadelphia, directed its march towards the enemy. The people, weary of delays and indecisive movements, demanded that a general engage- ment should be hazarded for the defence of the metropolis. Washington, yielding to their wishes, took a position on the eastern bank of Brandywine creek, and in the direction of the enemy's route. 11. On the eleventh of September, the British army appeared, and, crossing the creek at several fords, com- menced an attack upon the American right, which, after a short resistance, gnve way. The other divisions, succes- sively attacked, gave way in like manner, and the rout becoming general, a retreat was ordered to Chester. 12. Several portions of the American army, particularly a brigade from Virginia, exhibited in this battle great firmness and bravery. The misconduct of others rendered their bravery unavailing. The American loss amounted to twelve hundred; the British to no more than half that number. The Marquis de la Fayefrte took part in the engagement and was wounded. The next day, the army retired to Philadelphia, and soon after to Reading, where a quantity of stores had been deposited. The retreat was performed without a murmur, although many marched without shoes, and slept on the ground without blaidcets. On the 2nth of September, general Howe entiered Phila- delphia in triumph, congre>&s having previously removed to Lancaster. 183 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. [1776. li. The transactions of the contending armies at the the north, since the termination of the expedition to Canada, now demand our attention. The Americans halted at Crown Point, the British at St. Johns, and both employed the remainder of tlie summer in building vessels and making preparations to secure the command of Lake Champlain. 14. On the 11th of October, 1776, the American and British squadrons met, colonel Arnold, who had been a sailor in his youth, commanding the former. After a short contest, the enemy, not being then able to bring their whole force into action, retired. The next day, they returned to the combat, and being greatly superior, drove the American squadron before them, to the head of the lake. A sharp action then took place ; the officers and men fought galilantly, but Arnold losing a part of his force, and per- ceiving defeat to be inevitable, ran the remainder of his vessels on shore and set them on fire. 15. Winter approaching, governor Carleton returned with his troops to Canada. General Burgoyne, who had served under him daring the last campaign, made a voyage to England to concert a plan for future operations. It was determined that a powerful army, departing from Montreal, should proceed, by way of Lake Champlain, to the Hudson, with the view of obtaining, by the co-of)eration of the army at New- York, the entire command of that river. All communication between the states of New-England, and the others lying south of them, would thus be pre- vented. Either section, alone and unsupported, could, it was supposed, be easily subdued ; and the whole stren^h of the nation might then be directed against the other.. 16. Nothing was omitted which might insure the success of this project. Seven thousand choice troops, to be sent from England, were allotted to the service. They were supplied with an excellent train of brass artillery, and with every thing which could add to their efficiency as an army. The command was given to Burgoyne, and several officers of distinguished reputation were selected to serve under him. 17. General Schuyte, of New- York, a worthy officer, whose talents were solid but not brilliant, had the chief command of the northern department. He was indefatiga- ble in making preparations for defence ; and such was his zftal in the cause of independence, and such his deserved popularity in his nativB ste^e, that he doubtless accom- plished moT9 than any other person could have done. 1777.] REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 183 Still, at a late period in the spring, the fortiiicationa were incomplete, and but few troops or munitions of war were / collected. 18. Very early in the season, Burgoyne arrived at Que- bec. He immediately despatched colonel St. Leger with a party of regulars, tories, and Indians, by the way of the St. Lawrence to Oswego, directing him to proceed thence to the Mohawk, and join him at Albany. With the main army, augmented, in Canada, to ten thousand men, he hastened to Ticonderoga, before which he appeared on the first of July. On his way, he held a conference, at the river Bouquet, with a large number of savages, whom British agents had persuaded to join the army. 19. The garrison of Ticonderoga, which was then com- manded by general St. Clair, was insufficient to defend it against so powerful a force. It was evacuated in the night of the 5th, the troops crossing Lake Champlain and re- treating towards Castleton, in Vermont. The enemy pur- sued, and on the morning of the 7th, their van overtook and attacked the American rear, under colonels Francis and Warner. The action was warm and well contested ; but other troops arriving to the aid of the British, the Americans were compelled to give way. 20. The retreat now became precipitate and disorderly ; the pursuit rapid and persevering. At length, the republi- can army, diminished in number, exhausted by fatigue, and dispirited by misfortunes, arrived, by various routes, at fort Edward, on the Hudson, the head-quarters of general Schuyler. These disastrous events spread terror and dismay throughout the land. The people, ignorant of the weakness of the army, attributed its retreat to cowardice or treachery, and trembled at the dangers which menaced them from the British, Germans, and savages. 21. The royal forces, elated by success, proceeded through the wilderness towards fort Edwanl. Their progress was slow and toilsome. General Schuyler, on their approach, evacuated the fort, and retired across the Hudson to Saratoga. Soon aftei:=^ he descended the river to Stillwater ; and, the British c(*8i,inuing to advance, he retreated, on the 14th of August, to the islands at the confluence of the Mohawk and Hudson, a few miles north of Troy. About the same time, intelligence was received, that St. Leger, having penetrated from Oswego to the Mohawk, had laid siege to fort Schuyler, situated in tha {ixAsent township of Rome. 1^4 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. [1777. 22. The American general, before leaving fort Edward, issued a proclamation calling to his aid the militia of New- England and New- York. Aroused by the danger multi- tudes obeyed his call. Vermont poured forth her daring Green-Mountain boys ; tlie other states of New-England their hardy yeoman. y, ardent in the cause of freedom ; New-Y^ork, her valiant sons, indignant at this invasion of her territory, and determined to protect their property from pillage and destruction. These beset the invaders on every side, impeding their progress, cutting off their sup- plies, and fatiguing them by incessant attacks. 23. Burgoyne, finding it difficult to transport his pro- visions through the wilderness, despatched colonel Baum, with five hundred Hessians, to seize a quantity of beef -and flour which the Americans had collected and deposited tit Bennington. Fortunately, general Stark, at the head of a party of New-Hampshire militia, had just arrived at that place, on his way to the main army, and been joined by volunteers from the immediate neighbourhood. Baum, ascertaining fheir number to be greater than his own, halted near Bennington, erected breastworks, and sent back for a reinforcement. 24. In several skirmishes between small detachments, the militia were uniformly successful. This sharpening their courage, Stark resolved to attack the main body. On the 16th of August, a fierce and sanguinary battle took place. For two hours, the Hessians fought bravely, but their works, assaulted by braver troops, were at length entered, and most of the detachment either killed or made prisoners. 25. Just after this action had terminated, colonel Brey- man arrived with the reinforcement sent to Baum. The milida, apprehending no danger, had dispersed in pursuit of plunder or the fugitives. By carelessness was nearly lost all that by valor had been gained. Happily, at this critical juncture, colonel Warner arrived from Manchester 'f with a continental regiment, and immediately fell upon Breyman, The militia, rallying, hastened to his aid. The battle continued until sunset, when the enemy retreated, ^ and under cover of the night the greater part effected their escape. 26. The tide of fortune was now turned. The decisive victory at Bennington diffused confid^ence and joy. The friends of independence, before depressed by disaster and dxjfjeat, were now animated by the prospect, which sud» irn.] REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 185 dcnly burst upon them, of a glorious victory over an arro- gant and once dreaded enemy. The greatest zeal and activity were every where displayed. Again crowds of militia flocked to the republican camp. 27. In a few days, cheering intelligence arrived from fort Schuyler. The garrison under colonels Gansevoort and Willet, had, in the midst of the most discouraging circum- stances, made a gallant defence against the forces of St. Leger. General Herkimer, marching with eight hundred militia to their relief, fell into an ambuscade, was defeated and slain ; but a larger party was speedily collected and immediately despatched, under general Arnold, upon the same service. 28. The Indians, alarmed by their approach, and fa- tigued and disgusted by the protracted labors of the siege, threatened to abandon St. Lcger, if he would not reliquish his enterprise. He reluctantly consented, and with the loss of his baggage and stores retreated to Montreal. Burgoyne was thus deprived of his expected co-operation, and the militia of that part of the states were enabled to join the American army. 29. The disasters which befell this army at the com- mencement of the campaign induced congi-ess to recall the generals who commanded it, and to appoint, in their places, generals Gates, Lincoln, and Arnold. Having the control of more abundant and powerful means, they acted with more energy and boldness. Gates, leaving the encamp- ment on the islands, to which Schuyler had retreated, advanced, in the beginning of September, to the neighbor- hood of Stillwater. 30. Burgoyne, after the defeat of Baum, was obliged to have recourse, fer provisions, to the magazines at fort George. The laborious task of transporting them through the wilderness to the Hudson being accomplished, he moved forward, and on the 17th of September, encamped within four miles of the American army. 3L The next day, the first battle of Stillwater was fought. It was begun by skirmishes between the scouting parties of the two armies, which were respectively ana repeatedly reinforced, until nearly the whole of each was engaged. Both fouirht with determined resolution ; they alternately drove and were driven by each other. A con- tinual blaze of fire was kept up. Men, and particularly officers, dropped every moment and on every side. Night put an ead to the conflict. . Cl2 ISa REVOLUTIONARY WAR- [1777. 32. The American army retired to their camp; the British lay on thei* arms near the field of battle. The loss of the former was three hundred and nineteen; that of the latter exceeded five hundred. Each claimed the victory ; the consequences of defeat were felt by the British alone. Their hopes of success were diminished, their Indian allies, the Canadians, and tories, were dis- heartened and deserted them. 33. Pressed on all sides, Burgoyne made freqvient and urgent applications to Sir Henry Clinton, at New- York, for aid, and informed him that, in expectation of such aid, he would maintain his present position until the 13th of October. He diminished the allowance of provisions to his soldiers, and having waited until the 7th, without re- ceiving any intelligence from Clinton, determined to make another trial of strength with his adversary. 34. He made dispositions to commence the action with the right wing of his army ; Gates, discovering his design, made a sudden and vigorous attack upon the left. In a short time, the whole of both armies were engaged. This battle was furious, obstinate, and more bloody than the other. Arnold was eminently distinguished for his bravery and rashness. Towards night, the enemy, who had fought with desperate valor, gave way. A part of their works were stormed and taken, and more than two hundred men made prisoners. 35. Darkness put an end to this action also. The Americans lay upon their arms near the enera(y's lines, in- tending to renew the battle the next day ; but Burgoyne, during the night, withdrew to a stronger position. Gates forbore to pursue, believing that a bloodless victory was now in his power. 36. In the mean time, Sir Henry Clinton despatched general Vaughan with three thousand men, to endeavor to y«lieve Burgoyne. He ascended the Hudson, and on the sixth of October, assaulted and took fort Montgomery ; but instead of hastening forward, he consumed a whole week in pillaging and burning Esopus, and other flourish- ing villages on the river. He perhaps expected that this wanton destruction of property would draw off a part of the ti>ices under Gates ; but it had no other effect than to exasperate the inhabitants. 37. Burgoyne, perceiving that his antagonist was en-» deavorijig to siirround him, retreated to the heights of Saratoga. Tiie Amearieans pursued, keeping a sufficient im.] REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 187 force on the east bank of the river to prevent him from crossing. The situation of the British troops was now- distressing in the extreme. Many of their most valued officers had been killed. Their strength was exhausted by incessant exertion; they were ahnost encircled by their enemy, and were greatly annoyed by a continual and destructive cannonade. From this forlorn condition but one mode of escape remained, a forced march m the night to fort George. This expedient was resolved on, and pre- parations were made ; but the scouts sent out returned with intelligence that all the passes were guarded by strong bodies of militia. 38. An account of provisions was then taken, and a supply for no more than three days was found on hand. No hope of rescue within that time could be indulged. Bur- goyne summoned his principal officers to a council. It is said that while deliberating, a cannon ball crossed the table around which they sat. By their unanimous advice, he opened a negotiation with the American general, and on the 17th of October, surrendered his whole army prisoners of war. 39. Great were the rejoicings occasioned by this glorious victory. Many supposed that it would termhiate the con- test. In the joy of success, all feelings of resentment were forgotten. From regard to the feeliiif s of the van- quished, general Gates, while they were piling their arms, kept the victorious troops within his camp. The British officers, in social converse with the Americans, were led to forget their misfortune, and the troops, when on their march to Massachusetts, did not receive from the people that vindictive treatment which their distressing depre- dations, and those of their fellow soldiers under Vaughan, would have excused, if not justified. -.40. Against this band of marauders, general Gates niarched soon after the capitulation was signed; but on learning the fate of Burgoyne, they retired to New- York. About the same time, the garrison left at Ticonderoga, having rendered their cannon useless, returned to Canada, and the northern department was restored to perfect tran- quility. 41. "While the exertions of the nortliern army were re- W'arded by brilliant success, that of the south, equally brave and meritorious, but enfeebled by the detachments which Washington generously spared to Gates, sustained distressing revarsos. The greatest was at GermaiitowQ, 189 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. [1777, in the vicinity of Philadelphia, where the main body of th© enemy was etationed. 42. Upon this body, at sunrise, on the 4th of October, the American general made a bold and vigorous attack. So sudden and spirited was the onset, that the enemy, unable to sustain it, fled, and a complete victory appeared in pros- pect. But six British companies, while retreating, threw themselves into a large stone house, from which, in entire safety, they poured a destructive fire upon the American troops. The pursuit was arrested, and much time con- sumed in a vain attempt to demolish this fortress. 43. The fugitives rallied, and turned upon the assailants. Confusion followed, and a thick fog, which that moment arose, increased it. The different divisions, ignorant of the positions and success of the others, uncertain even as to their own, acted with indecision and timidity. A retreat was therefore directed, and the troops withdrew in good order. 44. In this action, in which fortune snatched victory from the grasp of the Americans, they sustained a loss of twelve hundred men ; that of the British was less than six hundred. But the vanquished sustained no loss of repu- tation nor confidence. Their country applauded the bold- ness of the attempt, and the enemy felt higher respect for their courage ikd discipline. 45. The British army soon after left Germantown, and marched to attack the American posts on the river Dela- ware below Philadelphia. On the 22d of October, a body of twelve hundred Hessians, conmiandcd by count Donop, made an intrepid assault upon the fortifications at Red Bank. They were repulsed with great loss, and their gallant leader killed. 46. Fort Mifflin, on Mud Island, was next attacked. For six days it was bravely defended. It was then eva- . cuated, the works having been almost demolished by the enemy's artillery. Preparations being made for a second assault, with a much larger force, upon the post at Red Bank, that was also evacuated, and thus wasopened a free communication between the British army and their fleet, which hnd sailed round to tlie mouth of tlie Delaware. 47. After several movements of the rivspective armies, which had no important result, general Washington with- drew to winter quarters in the M'oods of Valley Forge. His troops were destitute of shoes, and might have bseu tracked by the blood of their feet. They passed the 1777.] REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 189 winter in huts, suffered extreme distress from want of clothing and of food, hut endured their privations without a murmur. How strong must liave heen their love of liberty 1 Witli what lively gratitude ought a prosperous country, indebted to them for the most valuable blessings, to remember their sufferings and services 1 CHAPTER XX. CAMPAIGN OF 1778. While the American armies were contending in the field, or suffering in the camp, congress were occupied in the performance of duties important to the cause of inde- pendence. At first, this body possessed no powers, but such as were conferred by the credentials and instructions given, by the state legislatures, to their respective dele- gates. Early in 1776, a confederation of the states w^as proposed ; but until the 15th of November, 1777, all the obstacles to the measure could not be surmounted. 2. The " Articles of Confederation" then adopted by Congress, and subsequently ratified by the several assem- blies, bound the states in a firm league of friendship with each other, for their coiimion defence and the security of their liberties. Delegates were to be annually appointed, who, when assembled in congress, were authorized to carry on wjfr, to make peace, and to exercise the powers of sovereignty in relation to foreign nations. They were also authorized to determine the number of men, and the amount of money to be raised, and to assign to each state its just proportion. 3. But so unwilling were the states to relinquish their recently assuijied independence, that they withheld from congress the authority to make laws which should operate directly upon the people ; and reserved to themselves the sole right of raising their proportions of money in such manner as each might deem most expedient. 4. Congrese also effected a thorough reform of the com- missary department, in which scandalous frauds had been conmiitted. And in order to introduce a uniform system of tactics and discipline, they resolved that an inspector- general Bhould be appointed. Subsequently they elected to that offiCe the baron Steuben, a native of Prussia, who wo REVOLUTIONARY WAR. [177R had served in a high station In the army of Frederic the great, and was well versed in the system of manoeuvres introduced by that celebrated commander. 5. The signal victory at Saratoga exalted the reputation of the confederated states, in every part of Europe. The French ministry no longer hesitated to acknowledge their independence. On the 6th of February, they concluded, with the American commissioners, treaties of commerce and of alliance, in wliich they generously assented to terms highly advantageous to the states. This event, so flattering to the hopes and the pride of the people, occa- sioned the liveliest joy, and the most ardent gratitude to France. 6. Among the people of Great Britain, the defeat of their favorite general produced astonishment, dismay, and indignation. The most brilliant success was anticipated ; the most ignominious result had occurred. The pride of the nation was humbled, and they who had disapproved of the war, poured upon the ministry a torrent of invective. To increase the bitterness of their chagrin, they soon learned the course which their hereditary enemy and rival had resolved to pursue. 7. It was now determined in the cabinet, to grant to America all that she had demanded, in the beginning of the contest. An act was passed, declaring that parliament would not, in future, impose any tax upon the colonies ; and commissioners were sent over, authorized to proclaim a repeal of all the offensive statutes, and to treat with the constituted authorities of America. 8. The commissioners, arriving at Philadelphia in the spring, communicated to congress the terms offered by Great Biitain, which were at once unanimously rejected. Failing in*the use of direct and honorable means, they attempted bribery and corruption. To Joseph Reed, a general in the army and a member of congress, an offer was made of ten thousand pounds sterling, and any office within his majesty's gift in the colonies, if he would en- deavor to effect a reunion of the two countries. " I am not worth purchasing," he nobly replied, " but such as I am, the king of Great Britain is not rich enough to do it." 9. On receiving official notification of the treaties con- cluded with her revolted colonies, Great Britain declared war against France; and the ministry, presuming that assistance would be sent them, transroitted orders by the i^jiimiisgioners, that Philadelphia should b« evaeuated. 1778.] REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 191 and the royal troops concentrated at New- York. The execution of these orders devolved upon Sir Henry Clinton, who, general Howe having resigned, had been appointed commander-in-chief. On the 18th of June, the enemy quitted the city, and marched slowly eastward. 10. Washington, leaving his huts in the forest, hung upon the rear of the British arrny, watching for a favorable opportunity to offer battle. On arriving at Monmouth, in New-Jersey, general Lee, who had lately been exchanged, was ordered to take the command of five thousand men, and, early in the morning of the 28th, unless there should be powerful reasons to the contrary, to commence an at- tack. He was assured, that the residue of the army should follow and give him support. 11. Lee made dispositions to attack accordingly, but perceiving the main body of the enemy returning to meet him, he retreated. Washington, advancing to render the promised support, saw him retiring, rode forward and addressed him in language implying disapprobation of his conduct. He then directed him to form ^his men, on ground which lie pointed out, and there oppose the pro- gress of the enemy. 12. These orders were executed with firmness. A warm engagement ensued, and Lee, when forced from the ground, brought off his troops in good order. Washington, at this moment, arrived with the m.ain body of his army, which joined in the action, and compelled the enemy to fall back to the position from which Lee had been driven. 13. The day had been intensely hot ; it was now almost dark, and the troops were much fatigued. Further opera- tions were therefore deferred until the next morning. In the night. Sir Henry Clinton silently left his position, and continued his march to New- York. His loss amounted to near five hundred men ; that of the Americans to three hundred. Heat and excessive fatigue proved fatal to many. 14. Lee, irritable and proud, could not forget the manner in which Washington had addressed him ; and in two passionate letters, demanded reparation. A court martial was instituted ; he was found guilty of misconduct on the day of battle, and of disrespect to the commander-in-chief, and was suspended from command for ojae year. He never afterwards joined the army, b\it died in seclusion just be- fore the close of the war. 15. The enemy having entered New- York, Washington 192 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. [1778. conducted his army to White Plains. Congress returned to Philidelphia ; and in July received, with inexpressible joy, a letter from the count d' Estaing, announcing his arrival on the coast of the United States, with a large fleet, whicli had been sent, by the king of France, to assist them in their struggle for independence. 16. The count intended to surprise admiral Howe in the Delaware, but adverse winds detained him on the passage, until the British fleet had sailed for New-York. He appeared before that harbor, but on sounding found that his largest sbips could not enter it. A combined attack, by land and water, upon the British forces at Newport, in Rhode Island, was then projected. 17. General Sullivan, who had been appointed to com- mand the troops, called upon the militia of New-England to aid him in the enterprise. His army soon amounted to ten thousand men, and, as he was supported by the fleet, he felt confident of success. On the ninth of August, he took a position on the north end of Rhode Island, and afterwards moved nearer to Newport. Admi- ral Howe, having received a reinforcement, now appeared before the harbor, and the count instantly put to sea to attack him. 18. While making the preparatory manoeuvres, a furious storm came on, which damaged and dispersed both fleets. As soon as the weather would permit, each commander sought the port from which he had sailed. The army, intent upon their own object, witnessed with joy the return of the French fleet ; and great was their disap- pointment when the count announced his intention of proceeding to Boston to refit. The American officers remonstrated, but he was inflexible and departed. 19. The army, deserted by the fleet, could remain no longer, with safety, on the island, as the enemy might easily transport, by water, large reinforcements from New- York to Newport. General Sullivan immediately re- treated to his first position. He was pursued, and shortly after halting, was attacked by the enemy. They were gallantly resisted and repulsed with loss. 20. The next day, the two armies cannonaded each other, and the succeeding night the American general, deceiving the enemy by a show of resistance to the last, made a skilful retreat to the continent. A few hours afterwards, the British received such an augmejitation of their ^rce, that all resistance, on the part of the Ameri- 1778.] REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 193 cans, would have been vain. At the close of the season, the French fleet sailed to the West Indies. 21. During this year, the British troops and their allies displayed, in several instances, a degree of barbarity sel- dom equalled in contests between civilized nations. That they were contending against revolted subjects, seemed to release them, in their view, from all regard to the conunon usages of war. The late alliance with France, the hated rival of their nation, increased their hostility. Instead of striving to conquer an honorable foe, they thirsted as for vengeance on a criminal and outlaw. 22. With such vindictive feelings, Wyoming, a happy and flourishing settlement in Pennsylvania, was attacked by a band of tories and Indians. The men were butch- ered, the houses burned, and the cattle driven off" or killed. Those who had been made widows and orphans were left without shelter and without food. Seldom has wai spread distress and ruin over a more delightful region. New-Bedford, Martha's Vineyard, Eggharbor, and Cher- ryralley, were also visited and ravaged by the enemy. All the property within reach was destroyed, and multi- tudes of peaceful and unoffending inhabitants were reduced to poverty and wretchedness. 23. But in no instance did the enemy evince more ferocious, unrelenting cruelty than in their attack upon colonel Baylor's troop of light dragoons. While asleep in a barn at Tappan, they were surprised by a party under general Grey, who commanded his soldiers to use the bayonet only, and to give the rebels no quarter. Incapa- ble of defence, they sued for mercy. But the most pathetic supplications were heard without awakening compassion in the commander. Nearly one half of the troop were killed. To many, repeated thrusts were bar- barously given as long as signs of life remained. vSeveral who had nme, ten, and eleven stabs through the body, and were left for dead, afterwards recovered. A few escaped, and forty were saved by the humanity of a Brit- ish captain, who dared to disobey the orders of his general. 24. Late in the fall, the army under Washington erected huts near Middleorook, in New-Jersey, in which they passed the winter. In this campaign, but little on either side was accomplished. The alliance with France gave birth to expectations which events did not fulfil ; yet the presence of her fleets on the coast deranged the plans of «-he enemy, and induced them to relinquish a part of their B 194 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. [1779. conquests. At the close of the year, it was apparent that Great Britain had made no progress in the accomplishment of her purposes. CHAPTER XXI. CAMPAIGN OF 1779. The campaign of 1779, was distinguished by a change of the theatre of war, from the northern to the southern section of the confederacy. Thither the enemy were invited by the prospect of easier victory. The country was rendered weak by its scattered population, by the multitude of slaves, and by the number of tories inter- mingled with the whigs. 2. Near the close of the preceding year, lieutenant- colonel Campbell, with 2500 men, sailed from New- York to the coast of Georgia, and landed his troops. Marching towards Savannah, the capital, he met on his route a small body of Americans, whom he defeated, and immediately took possession of the city. A detachment from Florida under general Prevost invested Sunbuiy, which, after the fall of the capital, surrendered at discretion. These were the only military posts in Georgia. All the troops that could escape retreated into South-Carolina.' 3. Soon after the conquest of Georgia, general Lincoln took command of the American troops in the southern department. In April, leaving South-Carolina, he marched into the interior of Georgia ; upon which the British army, entering the state he had left, invested Charleston, the capital. Lincoln hastened back to its defence. On hearing of his approach, the enemy retired to Stono ferry. Thither Lincoln pursued them. An indecisive action was fought ; and a few days afterwards, they continued their retreat to Savannah. 4. The heat of the season suspended farther operations until September. Count d'Estaing, with a fleet carrying 6000 troops, then arrived on the coast. The two armies, in concert, laid siege to Savannah. At the expiration of a month, the count, impatient of delay, insisted that the siege should be abandoned, or that a combined assault upon the enemy's works should immediately be made. General Lincoln determined upon an assault. Great 177^.] REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 193 gallantry was displayed by the French and American, but greater by the British troops. They repulsed the assail- ants, killing and wounding nearly a thousand men, and sustaining, on their part, but little loss. The count Pulaski, a celebrated Polish nobleman, in the service of the states, was mortally wounded. The next day the siege was raised, the French returning home, and the Americans to South-Carolina. 5. In the midst of these events, general IMatthews, sailing from New- York, conducted an expedition against Virginia. On the 10th of May, he took possession of Portsmouth, without opposition, and ravaged, for two weeks, that city and the adjacent country. The booty obtained, and the property destroyed, were ©f immense value. Before the expiration of May, the party returned to New- York. 6. Ea^Jy in the season, colonel Clarke, of Virginia, who was stationed at Kaskaskia, on the Mississippi, achieved an enterprise conspicuous for boldness of design, and evincing uncoramon hardihood in its execution. With, only one hundred and thirty men, he penetrated through the wilderness, to St. Vincents, a British post on the Wabash, in the heart of the Indian country. His route lay across deep swamps and morasses. For four or five miles the party waded through water, often as high as the breast. After a march of sixteen days, they reached the town, which, having no intimation of their approach, sur- rendered without resistance. A short time after, the fort capitulated. This fortunate achievement arrested an expedition which the enemy had projected against the frontiers of Virginia, and detached several tribes of Indiana from the British interest. 7. The atrocities committed at Wyoming, and at seve- ral settlements in New- York, cried aloud for vengeance. Congress, assembling an anny of 4000 men, gave the com- mand of it to general Sullivan, and directed him to conduct it into the country inhabited by tli^ savages, and retort upon them their own system of warfare. Of this army, one division marched from the Mohawk, the other from Wyoming, and both forming a junction on the Susque- hannah, proceeded, on the 22d of August, towards the Seneca lake. 8. On an advantageous position, the Indians, in con- junction with 200 tories, had erected fortifications to oppose tlieir progress. Theso were assaulted ; the enemy 196 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. fl779. after a slight resistance, gave way, and disappeared in the woods. As the army advanced into the western part of the state of New-York, that region now so fertile and populous, the Indians deserted their towns, the appearance of which denoted a higher state of civilization than had ever before been witnessed in the North American wil- derness. The houses were commodious ; the apple and peach-trees numerous, and the crops of corn then growing abundant. All were destroyed ; not a vestige of human industry was permitted to exist. 9. Having accomplished this work of vengeance, severe but deserved, and essential to the future safety of the whites, general Sullivan returned to Easton, in Pennsyl- vania, where he arrived about the middle of October. His whole loss, by sickness and the enemy, amounted to but forty men. 10. On the first of July, general Try on sailedi^rom New- York with a large body ©f troops, and landing.on the coast of Connecticut, plundered New-Haven, and laid Fairfield and NoTwalk in ashes. Before his return, general Wayne, with a detachment from the American army, made a daring assault upon Stoney Point, a strongly fortified post on the Hudson. About twelve at night, the troops, with unloaded muskets, arrived before the lines. They were received with a tremendous discharge of grape-shot and musketry. Rushing forward, they mounted the walls, and using the bayonet only, were soon in complete possession of the fort. 11. A more gallant exploit has seldom been performed ; and the humanity of the victors was equal to^ their valor. Notwithstanding the devastations in Connecticut, and the butchery of Baylor's troop, the scene of which was near, not an individual suffered after resistance had ceased. Of the enemy, sixty were killed, and upwards of five hun- dred made prisoners. The loss of the Americans was comparatively small. A gold medal, presented by congress, rewarded the heroism of the victor. 12. In September, a bloody naval battle M^as fought, near the coast of Scotland, in which John Paul Jones acquired the reputation of a daring and fortunate comman- der. He was a Scotchm.an by birth, but had been appointed, by the American congress, a captain in their navy, and then commanded a squadron fitted out in the ports of France. At half past seven in the evening, his own ship, the Bon homme Richard, of 40 guns, engaged the Serapis, a British friiiate of 44. After the action had continued Tm.] REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 197 tm hour, the two frigates approached so near to each other that Jones, seizing the opportunity, lashed them together. 13. The battle now became furious, and the carnage horrible. The Serapis was on fire not less than ten times ; and often both frigates were on fire at the same moment, presenting a sublime and dreadful spectacle. At length, the Alliance, one of Jones' squadron, came to his assist- ance ; but the two frigates being fastened together, many of her shot struck the Bon homme Richard. At ten o'clock, the Serapis surrendered. Her successful antagonist was so shattered, that the crew were obliged to leave her im- mediately, and she soon after sunk. The Pallas, which was also one of Jones' squadron, engaged at the same time and captured the Countess of Scarborough. The squadron with the prizes then sailed for Holland, and arrived there in safety. 14. At the close of the season, the northern army retired into winter-quarters, one division near Morristown, in New- Jersey, and the other in the vicinity of West Point, an important post in the highlands. Here they endured severe and constant suffering from cold, and nakedness, and hun- ger. Sometimes half the usual allowance, often less, was distributed to the troops ; and more than once the provi- sions were wholly exhausted. 15. Application for relief was made to the magistrates of the neighborhood, and intimations were given that pro- visions, so pressing were the wants of the army, would be seized by force, if not furnished voluntarily. The magistrates promptly attended to the call. They levied contributions arbitrarily from the people, who submitted to these exactions with a degree of patriotism equalled only by that displayed by the soldiers in the patient en- durance of distress. 16. Derangement in the finances produced these sufi'er- ings. Largo sums had been annually raised and expended ; and the ability of the people to pay taxes had progressively decreased. To supply deficiencies, paper money, to the amount of about one hundred and fifty millions of dollars, had been issued. This gradually depreciated, and, at the close of 1779, thirty dollars in paper were of no more value than one in specie. To purchase provisions with this money was at first difficult, and thciJ impossible ; and congress now found their funds and their credit exhausted. 17. A change of system was necessary. For the supply of the army, each state was directed to fiirnish a certain R 2 198 REVOLUTIOIN'ARY WAR. [1780. quantity of provisions and forage. Loans were solicited from the people, and nearly a million of dollars v/as raised by bills drawn upon the American agents in Europe, in anticipation of loans which they had been authorized to procure. These expedients afforded but temporary and partial relief. 18. No class of persons suffered more from the depre- ciation of paper money than the army, and especially the officers. The pay, even of those of the highest grade, was rendered insufficient to provide them with necessary clothing. Discontent began to pervade the whole army. It required all the enthusiastic patriotism which distin- guishes the soldier of principle ; all that ardent attachment to freedom which brought them into the field ; all the influence of the commander-in-chief, whom they almost adored, to retain in the service men who felt themselves cruelly neglected by the country whose battles they fought. CHAPTER XXII. CAMPAIGN OF 1780. The first military operations of the enemy, in the year 1780, were directed against Charleston, the capital of South-Carolina. In the beginning of February, Sir Henry Clinton appeared before that place, at the head of a part of his army. The assembly, which was then sitting, delegated to governor Rutledge, a patriot of splendid talents, and to his council, " the power to do every thing necessary for the public good, except taking away the life of a citizen," and adjourned. Armed with this extraordi- nary power, he made great exertions to call into action the strength of the state, and to place its capital in a posture of defence. 2. The people of the country disregarded his repeated calls. Not more than two hundred repaired to Charleston. The garrison, commanded by general Lincoln, consisted of a body of militia from the country, of the citi?;ens, of one thousand North-Carolina militia, and of two thousand re- gulars. The nun.ber of the enemy, when all their rein- forcements had arrived, amounted to nine thousand. 3. On the 1st of April, the siege was begun in form, by the erection of works at the distance of eleven hundred 1780.] REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 199 yards from the city. On the 9th, tlie fleet, propelled by a strong wind, passed the forts on Sullivan's Island, without stopping to return their fire, and gained entire com- mand of the harbor. On the 14th, lieutenant-colonel Tarleton surprised a body of cavalry, which, to preserve a communication with the country, had been stationed at Monk's corner. Soon after, batteries were erected nearer the city, from which the fire was incessant and destruc- tive. 4. An offer to capitulate was then made ; but the British commander refused to accept the terms proposed. On his part, terms were otfered, which were rejected by general Lincoln. The siege was then pressed with increased vigor, and approaches made to within musket-shot of the American lines. The soldiers within were often killed at their guns by the enemy's marksmen. 5. The citizens, whose intercession had induced general Lincoln to determine to defend the place, perceiving that preparations for an assault were in forwardness, and seeing no hope of relief or escape, now requested him to accept the terms which Sir Henry Clinton had proposed. A ne- gotiation between the two commanders was, in conse- quence, opened, and on the 12th of Blay, the capitulatiom was signed. 6. The capital having surrendered, measures were adopted to overawe the inhabitants of the country, and induce them to return to their allegiance to the king. Garrisons were placed in different parts of the state, and 2000 men were 'despatched towards North-Carolina, to repel several parties of militia, who wore hastening to the relief of Charleston. Colonel Tarleton, making a rapid march of one hundred and five miles in fifty-four hours, met, at the Waxhaws, and attacked one of these parties, commanded byljolonel Biiford. His force being superior was soon victorious. The vanquished, ceasing to resist, implored for quarter. Their cries were disregarded. Up- wards of two hundred and fifty were killed, or too badly wounded to be removed from the field. This barbarous massacre spread dismay throughout the country, and gave a sanguinary character to future conflicts. 7. To avoid being treated as enemies, the greater part of the inhabitants either gave their parole as prisoners, or submitted to become subjects of the king. Sir Henry Clinton, afterwards, by proclamation, discharged the former from their parole and called upon all to embody SOO REVOLUTIONARY WAR. [178^ ns militia in the service of Great Britain. Indignant at this dishonorable conduct, which left them only the alter- native of fighting for or against their country, multitudes, seizing their arms, resolved on a vindictive war with their invaders. 8. A party, who had taken refuge in North-Carolina, chose colonel Sumpter their leader. At the head of these, he returned to his own state, attacked and defeate** several scattered detachments from the British army. V one engagement, so decisive was his victory, that nine only out of nearly three hundred escaped. By a succes- sion of gallant enterprises, he reanimated the friends of freedom, and a spirit of determined hostility to Great Britain was again manifested in every part of the state. 9. This spirit was cherished by the approach, from the north, of 4000 men, principally continentals, under the command of general Gates. On their march through a sterile country, they endured all the evils and distresses of extreme famine. Lord Cornwallis, whom Clinton, on his return to New- York, had left commander-in-chief, hasten- ed to oppose, in person, this victorious general. He placed himself at the head of two thousand veteran troops who had before been stationed at Camden, on the northern border of the state. 10. On the night of the 15th of August, he marched, with his whole force, to attack the Americans in theii camp at Clermont. They, at the same hour, began to move towards Camden. The advanced parties met in the night and engaged. In several skirmishes which took place, the British obtained the advantage. This made a deep impression on the militia, whose spirits were depress- ed by gloomy forebodings. 11. When the m.orning dawned, the enemy advanced to the attack. At the first onset, the Virginia militia fled from the field, and their example was followed by others. The continentals, though left alone to contend with supe- rior numbers, maintained the conflict with great firmness. For a short time, they had the advantage of their opponents, but were at length overpowered, and the flight became general. 12. The fugitives were pursued by Tarleton's legion with relentless fury. When all were killed, captured or dispersed, the pursuers, with speed unchecked, took the route towards Sumpter's encampment. This active par- ti^xi, who had lately been victorious in a skirmish, retreat- 1790. J REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 201 ed precipitately, on hearing of tha defeat of Gates. At the Catawba ford, supposing he was beyond danger, he halted, that his troops, who were fatigued, might repose. His sentinels slept at their posts, and the legion rode into his camp before preparations could be made for defence. Between three and four hundred were killed or wounded. The remainder were dispersed in the woods ; three hun- dred prisoners were released ; all the baggage and stores fell into the power of the victors. 13. Again supposing tlie state to be subdued, Cornwallis adopted measures of extreme severity to suppress every latent inclination to revolt. He directed that all who, having once submitted, liad lately given aid to the armies of congress, should be deprived of their property and im- prisoned ; and that all, who had once borne arms with the British, and afterwards joined the Americans, should suffer death. In consequence of these orders, several were exe- cuted, and many were reduced to poverty and wretchedness. 14. In these times of confusion and distress, the mis- cliievous effects of slavery in facilitating the conquest of the country, became apparent. As the slaves had no interest at stake, the subjugation of the states was a mat- ter of no consequence to them. Instead of aiding in its defence, they, by a variety of means, threw the weight of their little influence into the opposite scale. 15. There were yet some citizens, who, in all fortunes, adhered with firmness to the cause of independence. Of these, in one part of the state, general Sumpter was the leadjir, in another, general Marion. The cavalry of the latter were so destitute of the weapons of war, that they were obliged to cut their swords from the saws of the saw-mills. He was so successful in concealing himself in woods and marshes, that the enemy were never able to attack or discover him. From these dark retreats he often sallied forth, and fell unexpectedly upon parties of the enemy, when marching through the country, or posted in garrisons to overawe the inhabitants. In one of these sallies, he released one hundred and fifty continentals captured at Camden. His repeated and successful excur- sions preserved alive the spirit of resistance, and his high fame as a partizan Avas never tarnished by any violation of the laws of war or hiunanity. 16. Of those who submitted through fear, or from at- tachment to the royal cause, major Ferguson, a British officer of distinguished merit, was appointed commander. aioa REVOLUTIONARY WAR. [ITSOw-' He was despatched, by Cornwallis, into the western part of North- Carolina, where, other tories joining hira, hia force was augmented to 1400 men. An enterprise against this party was concerted by the commanders of the militia, ixi the adjacent parts of the two Carolinas and Virginia^ About the 1st of October, they, by great exertions, assem- bled 3000 men at Gilbert-town. From these, fifteen hun- dred choice riflemen were selected; who, mounted on the best horses, hastened to the attack of Ferguson. 17. He awaited them on the top of King's mountain. The militia, in three divisions, led by colonels Cleveland, Shelby, and Campbell, ascended it in different directions. These divisions, successively arriving, were each repulsed; but each, when the enemy by an attack from a different quarter, were recalled from pursuit, returned again to the charge. In this manner the action was continued for an hour with great spirit. Ferguson was then killed, and with him expired the courage of his party. Eight hun- dred threw dowTi their arms and became prisoners. One hundred and fifty were killed. Very few of the assailants fell. 18. Cornwallis, confident of his ability to subjugate the state, bad followed Ferguson into North-Carolina. Re- ceiving notice of his entire defeat, he returned and took post at Winnsborough. As he retired, Gates, who had assembled an army of 1400 men, advanced to Charlotte, where he determined to pass the winter. He was soon after recalled by congress, and, on the recommendation of Washington, general Greene was withdrawn froniv the northern army to take command of the departmant of the south. 19. By the northern army, w^hich, as has been stated, was posted at West-Point and Morristown, little nriore was attempted, during the year, than to watch the motions of the enemy, in New- York, and protect the inhabitants from their incursions. The troops unfed, unpaid, and unemployed, discovered, at various times, a disposition to mutiny. On these occasions, the British commander, by means of emissaries sent among them, invited theni to repair to the city, where he promised them comfort and abundance. His invitations were disregarded. Relief from distress was all they sought, and when that was ob- tained, they cheerfully returned to their duty. 20. In July, a French squadron under admiral Ternay, bringing 6000 troops, commanded by count Rochambeau» 1780.] REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 203 arrived at Rhode Island, which had previously been evac- uated by the enemy ; they were iinraediately blockaded in the harbor they had entered, by a British lleet. Rein- forced by these troops, Washington determined t© atiack New- York ; the army marched to stations nearer the city, and rejoiced in the hope of being able to accomplish something for their country ; but the arrival from Eng- land of another fleet, under admiral Rodney, disconcerted the plan which had been formed. 21. Defeat at the south and disappointment at the north overshadowed the land with gloom ; but intelli- gence that treason had appeared in the American camp occasioned amazement and alarm. The traitor was Arnold, whom bravery in battle, and fortitude in suffering, had placed high in the affections of the people. 22. Upon the evacuation of Philadelphia, by the enemy, in 1778, he was appointed commander of that station. Here, indulging in all the pleasures of an expensive equi- page and sumptuous table, he contracted debts which he was unable to discharge. To extricate himself from embarrassment, he made large claims against the govern- ment, a portion of which was rejected. He was accused of extortion and of misuse of the public money ; and for these offences was tried by a court martial and sentenced to be reprimanded by the commander-in-chief. 23. From this moment, he detcrmiaed to avenge his wounded pride and supply his wants, by betraying his country. In a letter to a British officer, he signified his change of priuciple,and his wish to restore himself to the favor of his prince, by some signal proof of his repentance. And about this time, for a purpose which afterwards too plainly appeared, he solicited and obtained the command of West-Poiat, the most important post in the possession of the American Armies. 24. He immediately opened a correspondence with Sir, Henry Clinton, and proposed to deliver into his power the post that he commanded. To agree upon the mode of surrender, major Andre, a young man of splendid talents and adjutant-general of the British army, ascended the river^-ftom New- York, and, in the night, at a place near the Americaii lines, had an interview with Arnold. Be- fore he was prepared to return, the sloop of war which brought him was compelled to move down the river. 25. In this emergency, Andre, disguised as a traveller, assuming the name of Anderson and furnisked by Arnold jV 204 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. [1780. with a pass, set out to return by land to New- York. He passed all the guards and posts without awakening suspicion ; but was stopped, when near the end of his journey, by three of the New- York militia, whose names were Paulding, Williams, and Vanwart. Supposing them to be soldiers of his own army, instead of producing his pass, he declared himself a British officer and desired he might not be detained. 26. On discovering his mistake, he offered them a purse of gold and a valuable watch, and promised more amnio rewards from his government, if they would per- mit him to escape. Rejecting, with patriotism worthy of all praise, these tempting offers, they conducted him to colonel Jameson, who was stationed near the American lines. In his boots were found a particular statement of the strength of the garrison, and a description of the works at West-Point. Anxious for the safety of Arnold, he desired the colonel to inform him that Anderson was taken. An express was unwarily despatched with the Intelligence. Arnold, comprehending his danger, made a precipitate flight to New- York. 27. Andre, disdaining longer concealment, then avowed- himself to be the adjutant-general of the British army. Suspicion being now excited, colonel Jameson transmitted to the commander-in-chief, who was not far distant, infor- mation of all the events whicli had occurred. Washington,, hastening to West Point, made arrangements for repelling any attack that might be made. Measures of precaution being taken, the fate of the prisoner was next to b« decided. 28. His case was referred to a board of officers. Ap- pearing before them, he confessed, with ingenuous frank- ness, every circumstance relating to himself, but would disclose nothing which might involve others in bis mis- fortune. He displayed, in all his conduct while a prisorw3r, great nobleness of mind ; but the board, constrained by duty, reported that he must be considered as a spy, and agreeably to the law of nations, ought to suffer death. 29. Sir Henry Clinton, by whom he was highly esteemed, made every exertion in his power to avert his fate. He entreated, remonstrated, and threatened. To have yielded, would have betrayed timidity and weakness, and encouraged future treason. Andre suffered an ignominious death, with a degree of composure and fortitude which proved how great aiid illustrious he might have been, had he not 177/.] REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 203 stooped, in an evil hour, to the commission of an igno- minious action. SO. Arnold received, as the reward of his treachery, the sum of 10,000 pounds, and the rank of brigadier-gene- ral in the British army. But he was detested by his new associates, and his name will be for ever synonjnmous with infamy and baseness. In contrast with his, how bright shines the fame of the three captors of Andre. They were not then, nor can they ever be, forgotten by a country which owes so much to their fidelity. Each received the thanks of congress, a silver medal, and a pension for life, wliich has been doubled at a subsequent season of greater national prosperity. 31. At the close of the year 1780, the troops of the northern army retired to the winter quarters which they had last occupied. Again they endured distress at which patriotism feels indignant and humanity weeps. The narvest had been abundant. Plenty reigned in the land, but want in the camp of its defenders. Selfishness had succeeded patriotism, lassitude enthusiasm, in the breasts of the people, and congress exerted its powers with too little vigor to draw forth the resources of the country. 32. The soldiers of the Pennsylvania line were station- ed at Morristown, in New Jersey. They complained that, in addition to sustaining sufferings conmion to all, they were retained in service contrary to the terms of their enlistments. In the night of the first of January, thirteen hundred, on a concerted signal, paraded under arms, and declared their intention of marching to Phila- delphia, and demanding of congress a redress of their grievances. 33. The officers strove to compel them to relinquish their purpose. In the attempt, one was killed and several were wounded. General Wayne presented his pist-ols as if intending to fire. They held their bayonets to his breast ; " We love and respect you," said they, " but if you fire you are a dead man. We are not going to the enemy. On the contrary, if they were now to come out, you should see us fight under your orders with as much alacrity as over- But we will be amused no longer ; we are determined to obtain what is our just due." 34. They elected temporary officers, and moved' oflf in a body towards Princeton. General Wayne, to prevent them from plnndpring the inhabitants, forwarded provisaions for their use. Tne next day he followed, and requested BO© REVOLUTIONARY WAR. [178L them to appoint a man from each regiment, to state to him their complaints. The men were appointed, a conference held, but he refused to comply with their demands. 35. They proceeded in good order to Princeton. Three emissaries from sir Henry Clinton meeting them here, made them liberal offers to entice them from the service of congress. The offers were instantly rejected, and the emissaries seized and confined in strict custody. Here they were also met by a committee of congress, and a deputation from the state of Pennsylvania. The latter, granting a part of their demands, persuaded them to return to their duty. The agents of Clinton were then given up, and immediately executed as spies. 36. This mutiny, and another in the Jersey line, which was instantly suppressed, aroused the attention of the states to the miserable condition of their troops. The amount of three months pay was raised and forwarded to them in specie. They received it with joy, as it af- forded evidence that their country was not unmindful of their sufllerings. CHAPTER XXni. CAMPAIGN OF 1781, AND TERMINATION OF THE WAR. In the spring of 1781, the project of besieging New- York was again resumed. Requisitions for men and stores were made upon the northern states, and, in June, the French and American troops, marching from their respective positions, encamped together on ground contig- uous to the city. But reinforcements and supples arrived slowly, and the want of them compelled the troops in the field to remain inactive. 2. In the southern department, far different was the fortuite of the opposing armies. That of which general Greene took the command, consisted of but 2000 men. Nearly one half of these he despatched, under general Morgan, into the western section of South-Carolina, where a British party, aided by the tories, were plundering and murdering the whigs without mercy and without restraint. 3. Against the American detachment, C'ornwallis des- patched Tarleton, with a force crmisiderably superior, and 1781.] REVOLUTIONARY WAR. fi07 a large proportion of it cavalry. Morgan began to retreat, but disdaining to fly from an enemy, and uncertain whether he could escape an ofHcer so distinguished as his pursuer for the celerity of his movements, he, on the 17th of Jar,-.ary, halted at the Cowpens, and determined to hazard a battle, before his troops became dispirited and fatigued. 4. Soon after he had placed his men, the British van appeared in sight. Confident of an easy victory,Tarleton rushed to the charge with his usual impetuosity. The militia posted in front yielded, as directed by Morgan, to the shock ; and the infantry composing the second line, retreated a few yards. In the ardor of pursuit, the enemy were thrown into disorder: the infantry, facing about, poured upon them a fire as deadly as it was unexpected. Their disorder was increased, and a charge with the bay- onet completed their overthrow. One hmidred of the enemy were killed, and five hundred made prisoners. 5. Seldom has a victory, achieved by so small a number, been so important in its consequences. It deprived Corn- wallis of one fifth of his force, and disconcerted his plans for the reduction of North-Carolina. He sought, however, to repair, by active exertions, the loss which he had suf- fered. Having learnt that Morgan, the instant after his victory, had marched with his prisoners towards Virginia, he determined, if possible, to intercept him, and compel him to restore his trophies. 6. Now comimenced a military race which has hardly its parallel in history. Each army strove to arrive first at the fords of the Catawba, from which both were equally distant. The American troops endured almost incredible hardships. They were sometimes without meat, often without flour, and always without spiritous liquors. Many, marching over frozen ground without shoes, marked with blood every step of their progress. 7. On the twelfth day after the battle, Morgan reached the fords and crossed the Catawba. Two hours after- wards, Cornwallis arrived, and, it being then dark, en- camped on the bank. In the night, a heavy fall of rain made the river impassable. This gave Morgan an oppor- tunity to remove the prisoners beyond the reach of his pursuer. And here he was joined by general Greene, who, leaving the main body of his army, with orders to march towards Virginia, had ridden, with but two or three atten- jdants, one hundred and fifty miles for that purpose. 8. At the end of three daya, Cornwallis found mean* tq; 208 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. [1777. pass the river. The retreat and pursuit again commenced. On the second night, the Americans reached a ford on the Yadkin. Before all had crossed, the British appeared, and a part of the baggage was left in their power. Again the two armies lay encamped on the opposite banks, and before morning, this river also was made impassable by the rain. This second preservation from imminent danger, persuaded the Americans that their cause was favored of heaven. 9. The next day, Greene proceeded to Guilford court- house, where he was joined by the other division of his army. Cornwallis, marching up the Yadkin, crossed at the shallow fords near its source. Both armies now started for the river Dan, on the borders of Virginia, and distant more than one hundred miles. The knowledge that there the course must terminate, gave fresh vigor to the troops, and a new impulse to their speed. On the fifth day, the American army, having, in the last twenty-four hours, marched forty miles, crossed the river in boats which had been collected for the purpose, and scarcely were they over, when the British appeared on the opposite shore. 10. Chagrined that his adversary had thus eluded his grasp, Cornwallis wheeled about and marched sullenly to Hillsborough. Here many loyalists resorted to his stand- ard. Six hundred Virginia militia having, in the mean time, joined the American army, Greene determined to recross the Dan, and, by his presence in North- Carolina, support the courage of those who had embraced the cause of independence. 1 1 . Cornwallis having detached Tarleton, with his legion, to the country on the branches of thev Haw river, in order to countenance the rising of the loyalists in that neigh- borhood, a body of cavalry, under lieutenant-colonel Lee, and of militia under general Pickens, were directed to march thither and attack him. Lee, who led the van, overtook, in a long lane, a band of tories, on their way to the enemy. Mistaking him for Tarleton, they expressed a lively joy at the meeting, and declared their zealoua attachment to the royal cause. 12. Hoping to surprise Tarleton, who was but a mile in advance, Lee forbore to correct their error ; but while he was endeavoring to pass them, the militia came up and engaged their rear. Relinquishing his first project, he ordered his cavalry to fall upon the tories, who were slaughtered without mercy, while protesting they were ^781.] REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 209 * the very best friends ©f the king." Between two and three hundred were killed. Tarleton, alarmed by the firing, retreated instantly to Hillsborough. On his way, he cut down a small party of royalists, mistaking them for whig militia. 13. Leaving Hillsborough, Cornwallis next encamped near Guilford court-house. Greene, having been still further strengthened by several bodies of militia, pursued and offered him battle. On the 15th of March, an en- gagement was fought. At the first fire, the North-Carolina militia, who were in the front line, fled. The second line was also routed. The continentals, who composed the third, fought with their usual bravery, and for an hour and a half maintained the conflict with great firmness. They at length gave way, but retreated in good order, the slaughter they had made in the enemy's ranks preventing pursuit. Both sides sustained nearly an equal loss. 14. This victory, won by a far inferior force, was more glorious than advantageous to the British army. Greene, expecting and desiring to be attacked at his place of retreat, made preparations for a second engagement. Cornwallis, far from courting a battle, deemed it prudent to retire to Wilmington, near the sea. He was pursued for a few days, but so excessive had been the sufferings of the Americans, from hunger and fatigue, that many fainted on the march, and at Ramsay's mills the army halted to seek refreshment and repose. 15. After remaining three weeks at Wilmington, Corn- wallis proceeded to Petersburgh, in Virginia. From Ramsay's mills, Greene marched towards Camden, where were posted nine hundred men, under the command of lord Rawdon. He took a position on Hobkirk's hill, about a mile from the British entrenchments. At this position, the Americans w^ere attacked on the 25th of April. In the beginning of the action, their bravery gained advantages which, in its progress, were lost by the pre- mature retreat of two companies, occasioned by the death of all their officers. At this reverse of fortune, Greene retired a few miles from the field, both armies having sustained nearly an equal loss. 16. In April and May, several British posts in South- Carolina, fell into the power of the brave and active partizans, who, with small bodies of troops, were evei S resent, where oppression was to be resisted, or glory won. larion and L^e invested and took fort Wateon. Orange.. S 2 SIO REVOLUTIONARY WAR. [1781.' burg and fort Motte surrendered to Sumpter. Lee cap- tured fort Granby, and Marion drove from Georgetown the troops stationed to defend it. None of these posts had numerous garrisons, the prisoners being less, in the whole, than eight hundred ; but the advantages they had secured to the enemy rendered their capture important to the American cause. 17. About the last of May, lord Rawdon retired to Monk's corner, near Charleston, leaving garrisons only at Ninety-Six and Augusta. The latter post was besieged by Lee, and soon capitulated. Ninety-Six, which was nmch stronger, was invested by the main army. The siege had continued three weeks, and eventual success appeared certain, when intelligence arrived that lord Raw- don, having received a reinforcement from Ireland, was approaching, with two thousand men, to the relief of the place. All hope was now lost of reducing it by the slow operation of a siege. On the ISth of June, the Americans, with great gallantry, made an assault upon the works. They were received with no less gallantry by the garrison, and repulsed. Greene then retired towards North-Caro- lina, and three days afterwards lord Rawdon arrived at Ninety-Six. 18. During this year, the inhabitants of the Carolinas endured calamity and distress, from which humanity revolts with horror. The country was ravaged and plundered by both armies. The people, in sentiment, were about equally divided. Village was hostile to village, and neighbor to neighbor ; and their hostility had been embittered by accu- sation and retort, by attack and reprisal, until pillage, burning, and murder, became familiar to all. Whenever a republican or royalist fell into the power of an adversary, he was instantly sacrificed in revenge of a friend, or to gratify political hatred. It is asserted' that, in this man- ner, thousands were put to death. Each party aimed at the extirpation of the other, and the whole country pre- sented an unvaried scene of blood and slaughter. But censure ought not to rest' equally upon the two parties. In the commencement of the contest, the British, to terrify the people into submission, set an example which the tories were quick, but the whigs slow, to follow; and in its pro- gress the American generals, and they alone, seized every occasion to discountenance such vindictive and barbarous conduct. 19. Lord Rawdon having returned, -v England, the eom» 1781.1 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 21 i mand of the British troops, in South-Carolina, devolved upon lieutenant-colonel Stewart. In the beginning of September, he took post at Eutaw. Greene marched against him from the High Hills of Santee. Their forces were equal, amounting on each side to two thousand men. On the 8th, a battle was fought, more bloody perhaps than any which had occurred during the war. The attack was made by the Americans ; the British, resolute and brave, made an obstinate resistance, but were at length driven in disorder from the field. 20. A small number, on their retreat, took possession of a large brick house, and others of an adjoining picketed garden. From these strong positions, a deadly fire was poured upon the Americans, who persisted, for a long time, in a rash attempt to take them by storm. This check enabled the British commander to rally his broken bat- talions, and bring them again into action. Greene, des- pairing of further success, withdrew his troops, carrying with him his wounded and prisoners. 21. The loss on both sides was uncommonly great, in proportion to the numbfirs engaged. On the American side, the number of killed and wounded amounted to five hundred and fifty ; on that of the British, as stated by themselves, to almost seven hundred. This sanguinary battle was followed by the retreat of the British army towards Charleston. The Americans pursued, and by establishing a chain of posts at a short distance from that city, protected the state from their incursions. 22. C-ornwallis, who left North-Carolina in April, arrived at Petersburgh, in Virginia, on the 20th of May. He there formed a junction with a British detachment, which, com- manded at first by Arnold and afterwards by Phillips, had previously gained possession of Richmond and Portsmouth. With the force now at his command, he flattered himself that he should be able to add this state also to the list of his conquests. 23. The American troops, stationed in Virginia for its defence, were indeed entirely insufficient to oppose any effectual resistance. Under their gallant leader, the Marquis de la Fayette, they accomplished even more than was expected ; but were unable to prevent the enemy from marching through the country, and destroying much public and private property. 24. From these excursions, Cornwallis was recalled to the sea-coast by his coi . . nder- in-chief, vv'ho, having inter- 212 REVOLUTIONARY WAR; [178t^ cepted A letter from Washington to Congress, became ac- quainted with the danger which tlireatened New-York. He "was directed to take a position near the ocean, where his army and the fleet might aiford mutual protection, until the event of the operations of the north should be known. He selected Yorktown and Gloucester point, situated on oppo- site sides of York-river, which empties into Chesapeake bay. He had an army of more than 10,000 men, and ap- plied all his means, with unwearied industry and zeal, to fortify these commanding positions. 25. In the mean time, but little progress had been made ' in the preparations to besiege New- York. Of the 6000 men, whom the northern states were required to furnish for that purpose, a few hundred only, at the beginning of August, had joined the army. On the other hand, the enemy in the city had been strengthened by the arrival of 3000 Germans. In this posture of affairs, the idea of an expedition against Cornwallis occurred to the commander- in-chief. While deliberating on the enterprise, he received information that a French fleet, under the count de Grasse, with 3000 troops on board, was on the way to America, and destined to the Chesapeake. 26. He hesitated no longer, but determined to conduct the expedition in person. The show of an intention to attack New- York, was nevertheless preserved. After the troops left their respective positions, and crossed the Hudson, their march was so directed as to lead Sir Henry Clinton to believe that it was the object of W^ashington to gain possession of Staten Island, in order to facilitate his designs against the city. The despatches he had in- tercepted assisted to deceive him, and not until the army had crossed the Delaware, and was thus beyond the reach of pursuit, did he suspect the real object of his adversary. 27. He then determined to profit by his absence, or recall him, by some daring enterprise at the north. Giving to the traitor Arnold, who had just returned from Virginia, the command of a strong detachment, he sent him against New-London, a flourishing city situated upon the river Thri.nes, in his native state. Nearly opposite, on a hill in Groton, stood fort Griswold, which was then garrisoned by militia, hastily summoned from their labors in the field. 28. Against this fort Arnold despatched a part of his troops. It was assaulted on three sides at the same m(V» Tiont. The garrison, fighting in view of their piropeTiy 1781.] REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 213 and their homes, made a brave and obstinate resistance. By their steady and well directed fire, many of the assail- ants were killed. Pressing forward with persevering ardor, the enemy entered the fort through the embrazures. Immediately all resistance ceased. Irritated by gallantry which should have caused admiration, a British officer inquired who commanded the fort. " 1 did," said colonel Ledyard, " but you do now," and presented him his sword. He seized it, and with savage cruelty plunged it into his bosom. This was the signal for an indiscriminate mas- sacre. Of one hundred and sixty men, composing the garrison, all but forty were killed or wounded, and most of them after resistance had ceased. Seldom has the glory of victory been tarnished by such detestable bar- barity. The enemy then entered New London, which was set on fire and consumed. The property destroyed was of immense value. Perceiving no other object within the reach of his force, Arnold led back his troops to New- York. 29. The march of Washington was not arrested by this barbarous inroad. He pressed forward with the utmost speed, the great object in view imparting vigor to his troops. At Chester, he received the cheering intelligence, that admiral de Grasse had entered the Chesapeake with a force sufficiently strong to prevent the escape of the enemy by water. On the 25th of September, the last division of the allied forces arrived at the place appointed for their meeting. The whole consisted of 16,000 men, and was furnished with a large and powerful train of battering artillery. 30. A body of troops under general de Clioise was sta- tioned to watch the small garrison at Gloucester Point, on the north bank of the river ; and on the 28th the several divisions, destined to besiege the main garrison at York- town, reached the positions assigned them. On the night of the 6th of October, advancing to within 600 yards i)f the enemy's lines, they begun their first parallel, and labored with such silence and diligence, that they were not discovered until morning, when the works they had raised were sufficient to protect them. 31. On the 9th, several batteries being completed, a heavy cannonade was begun. Many of the enemy's guns were dismounted, and portions of their fortifications laid level with the ground. On the night of the 11th, tha besiegers commenced their second parallel, thjree hundjred ^14 KEVOLUTIONARY WAR. [1781* yards in ndvance of the first. This approach was mad© BO much sooner than was expected, that the men were not discovered at their labor, until they had rendered them' selves secure from all molestation in front. The fire trom the new batteries was still more furious and destructive. 32. From two British redoubts, in advance of their main works, and flanking those of the besiegers, the men in the trenches were so severely annoyed that Washington re- solved to storm them. The enterprise against one was committed to an American, that against the other to a French detachment. Colonel Hamilton, who led the van of the former, made such an impetuous attack, that pos- session was soon obtained, with little slaughter. Retalia- tion for the carnage at fort Griswold might have been justified. But "the soldiers," said colonel Hamilton, " incapable of imitating examples of barbarity, and for- getting recent provocation, spared every man that ceased to resist." The French detachment was equally brave and successful, but, opposed by a stronger force, sustained a more considerable loss. 33. Cornwallis, perceiving no hope of safety but in flight, attempted, on the evening of the 16th, to cross over to Gloucester, intending to force his way through the troops under de Choise, and proceed by rapid marches to New- York. Before reaching the opposite shore, with the first division of his army, a storm dispersed his boats and com- pelled him to abandon the project. 34. On the morning of the 17th, additional batteries were completed by the besiegers. The cannonade became too powerful to be resisted. The enemy's works were sinking rapidly under it, and nearly all their guns were silenced. Before noon, Cornwallis beat a parley, and pro- posed that commissioners should be appointed to settle terms of surrender. They were accordingly appointed, and on the 19th of October, the terms which they had agreed upon were ratified by the respective commanders. * 35. The naval force in the harbor was surrendered to de Grasse, the garrison to the American general. To the garrison, the same terms were granted as had been con- ceded to the troops who capitulated at Charleston ; and ffeneral Lincoln, who was present, was designated by Washington to receive the sword of Cornwallis. The number of prisoners exceeded seven thousand, of whom nearly three thousand were not fit for duty. ^ Uu m> occasion during the war, did the Ameiic^a, 1782.] RF.VOLUTIONARY WARr fil5 people manifest greater exultation and joy* To the Giver of all good, they united in rendering, with grateful hearts, thanksgiving and praise fur the decisive victory which he had enabled them to gain. From the nature and duration of the contest, the affections of many had been so con- centrated upon their country, and so intense was their interest in its fate, that the news of this brilliant success produced the most rapturous emotions, under the operation of which some were deprived of their reason, and one aged patriot in Philadelphia expired. 37. The loss of a second entire army extinguished every hope, which the people of Great Britain had entertained, of the subjugation of their colonies. Their burdens, which, although heavy, they had borne with patience, while animated by the prospect of success, now pressed with intolerable weight. They demanded, with an almost unanimous voice, that an end should speedily be put to a hopeless and ruinous war. But the speech of the king to parliament, at theopeningof the winter session, discovered, that his feelings and determination remained unchanged. Bearing no portion of the burdens of war, he felt, with undiminished force, his reluctance to part with the au- thority which he had once exercised over three millions of subjects. 38. But the house of commons, speaking the sentiments of the people, expressed, in energetic language, their dis- approbation of all further attempts to reduce the colonies to obedience by force. Lord North, contrary to the wishes of his sovereign, then resigned the office of prime minister. Another cabinet was formed, who advised the king to concede independence to the colonies. Early in the spring of 1782, pacific overtures were accordingly made to the American government, and both nations desisted from hostile measures. 39. Congress had previously appointed John Adams, of Massachusetts, a commissioner to treat with Great Britain, whenever her government should express a desire for peace. He was one of the earliest opposers of parlia- mentary encroachment. Actuated by hatred of tyranny as well as love of country, he had, before resistance was contemplated by others, devoted all the energies of his powerful mind to the work of enlightening the people, and preparing them for the contest which he fore^w was approaching. In the continental congress he was conspic- uous for his talents and zeal. Appointed minister to ^ S16 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. [1783. Holland, he succeeded in obtaining a loan at Amsterdam^ when the resources of his country were almost exhausted, and in concluding with that republic a treaty of amity and commerce. 40. As colleagues with him, congress now appointed Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, and Henry Laurens. The first was minister to France. He was beloved by his country for the services he had rendered her ; and illus- \. trious throughout the world for his inventive genius and " practical philosophy. John Jay was a native of New-York ; . was distinguished for the purity of his moral character, and his attachment to the rights of mankind. He had long been a mednber of congress, and was then the repre- sentative of the United States at the Spanish court. Henry Laurens was a citizen of South-Carolina, had been president of congress, had been appointed minister to Holland, but when crossing the ocean, was captured by a British cruiser and co-nfined, on a charge of treason, to the tower of London. In the endurance of sufferings in his country's cause, he displayed a character formed after the models of antiquity. 4L To negotiate with these, Mr. Oswald was appointed on the part of Great Britain. The conferences were held at Paris, where, in November, 1782, preliminary articles were agreed upon. These were to form the basis of a definitive treaty, the conclusion of which was deferred until peace should take place between France, the ally of the United States, and Great Britain. That event oc- curred on the third day of December, 1783 ; and, on the same day, a definitive treaty between the parent country and her late colonies was also signed. 42. The provisions of the treaty attest the zeal and ability of the American negotiators, as well as the liberal feelings which actuated the new British ministry. The independence of the United States was fully acknowledged. The right of fishing on the banks of Newfoundland, and certain facilities in the enjoyment of that right, were secured to them for ever ; and territory was ceded to them more extensive than the most sanguine had dared to anti- eipate or to hope. During the negotiation, France, to ensure the future dependence of her allies upon herself, endeavored, by secret intrigues, to prevent them from obtaining as favorable terms as even their late enemies were willing to grant — a striking proof of the selfishness of nations. 17^.] REVOLUTIONARY WAB. 617 43. While the negotiations were pending, tlie American troops were retained in service, but remained unemployed at their various stations. They saw Math pleasure the end of their toils api)roaching, but apprehended, that their country, when she no longer needed their services, would forget with what zeal and fidelity they had been rendered. The officers, especially, dreaded that, after having, for want of pay, expended their private fortunes, and after having exluusted their strength in the performance of arduous and protracted services, they should be dismissed in poverty, without any secure provision for their future- support. 44. In the course of tho war, a resolution had been adopted by congress, stipulating that the officers, after being disbanded, should receive half-pay for life. This resolution had never been ratified by the requisite number of states, and no safe reliance could therefore be placed upon it. In December, ITSS, the officers forwarded to congress a petition praying that all arrears which were due to them might be discharged, and that, instead of half-pay for life, a sum equal to five years full pay should be paid or secured to them wiien disl)andcd. 45. The delay of congress to comply with this request produced an alarming agitation in that portion of the army stationed at Newburgh. An address to the officers was privately circulated, written with great ability, and admira- bly well fitted to work upon those passions which recent sufferings and gloomy forebodings had excited in every bosom. The writer boldly recommended that, as all the applications to the sympatliy and justice of congress had failed of success, an appeal should be made to their fears. 46. Fortunately the commander-in-chief was in camp. Though conscious that the officers had just cause of com- plaint, he was aware that duty to his country and even friendship for them, required that he should prevent the adoption of rash and disorderly expedients to obtain re- dress. Calling them together, he, by a calm and sensible address, persu ed them to rely still longer upon the dis- position of congress to perform for them whatever the limited means of the nation would permit. 47. In a letter to that body, giving an account of these occurrences, he maintained and enforced the claims of the officers with such pathos and strength of reasoning, that their request was granted. In November, 1783, the PATRIOT ARMY was disbanded, and again mingled with T 218 CONFEDERATION. [1786» their fellow citizens. In the same month, New- York was evacuated by the British troops. General Wash- iiigton, taking an affectionate leave of his officers, repaired to Annapolis, whero congress was sitting, and there, at a public audience, with dignity and sensibility, resigned his commission as commander-in-chief of the American armies. Then, with a character illustrious throughout the world, he returned to his residence at Mount Vernon, possessing the sincere love and profound veneration of his countrymen. CHAPTER XXIV. ADOPTION OF THE CONSTITUTION, AND WASHINGTON'S ADMINISTRATION. 1 Independence and peace did not immediately produce all the advantages which had been anticipated by an ardent and sanguine people. The evils of war were protracted beyond its duration. Public and private debts bore heavily upon the people, restraining their enterprise and demanding all their resources. I 2. Unsupported by the sense of immment and common danger, the articles of confederation were found insufficient to accomplish the purposes of a national government. They conferred upon congress the power, not to raise money, hut merely to make requisitions upon the states. These were often disregarded, no authority being given to en- force obedience. The revenue was therefore deficient, the public creditors were unpaid, and the national securities or evidences of debt depreciated so low that they were often sold for one eighth of their nominal value. 3. Neither did these articles confer the power to regulate commerce. Congress, therefore, could not make conmier- cial treaties with foreign nations which would be obligatory upon the individual states. Unprotected by treaties, and imsupported by countervailing regulations, the American niis*chants werp denied all participation, except on terms at once burde some and degrading, in the commerce of the world. T' e trade between the several states, which 1796.] CONFEDERATION. 019 were considered separate and Independent eovereigntiet, wat also embarrassed by numerous restrictions, producing frequent collisions, and diminishing the benefits which naturally flow from the unfettered enterprise and industry of man. Commerce languished ; and from the want of its vivifying influenee, all the energies of the country were donnant. 4. To remedy these evils, congress applied to the states for a grant of the power to regulate commerce, and to collect a revenue from it. New- York alone refused ; but as unanimity was requisite, her single negative defeated the project. In the mean time, the distress increased, and in Massachusetts, where it was greatest, urged to insurrection a portion of the inhabitants. Near the close of the year 178G, they assembled, to the number of two thousand, in the northwestern part of the state, and, choos- ing Daniel Shays their leader, demanded that the collec- tion of debts should be suspended, and that the legislature should authorize the emission of paper money for general circulation. 5. Two bodies of militia, drawn from those parts of the state where disaffection did not prevail, were immediately dpspatched against them, one under the command of gene- ral Lincoln, tke other of general Shepard. ♦They were easily dispersed ; and afterwards abandoning their seditious purposes, accepted the proffered indemnity of the govern- ment. 6. So early as 1783, John Adams, being then minister in Europe, and seeing in what light the American con- federation was regarded by foreign nations, suggested to congress the expediency of effecting a closer union of the Btates, and of conferring more efficient powers upon the general government. A conviction of the necessity of such a course was also felt by general Washington, aid most of the distinguished patriots of that period. In Sep- tember, 1786, upon the proposition of Mr. Madison, of Virginia, a convention of commissioners from five of the middle states, was held at Annapolis, for the purpose of devising and recommending to the states a uniform system of commercial regulations. 7. These commissioners, afler deliberating upon the subject, came to the conclusion that nothing short of a thorough reform of the existing government should be attempted. This opinion was expressed in the report of their proo«odings, which was laid before confess- That 290 CONFEDERATION. [1787* fcody ftciopte^, in consequence, a resolution rocommendinff that a convention of delegates from all the states should be held at Philadelphia, for the purpose of revising the articles of confederation, and reporting such alterations as would render the federal constitution adequate to the exigencies of government, and the preservation of the union. 8. With tnis recommendation all the states, except Rhode Island, complied ; and in May, 1787, the convention met. Of this body of venerable and illustrious statesmen, George Washington was unanimously elected president. They deliberated with closed doors, and at the end of four months, agreed upon a constitution for the United States of America, which, after being reported to congress, was submitted for ratification to conventions holden in the respective states. 9. This constitution, under which the citizens of this republic have enjoyed such unexampled happiness and prosperity, differs, in many particulars, from the articles of confederation. It connects the states more closely together, by establishing a general and supreme govern- ment composed of three departments, legislative, executive, and judicial. 10. The legislative department consists of a senate and house of representatives, and is styled the congress. The members of the house are chosen by tlie people, and hold their offices two years. They are apportioned among the several states, according to the number of inhabitants, as ascertained every tenth year by the census, deducting two fifths of the slaves. 11. The senators are the representatives of the states, In their sovereign capacity, and are chosen by the state legislatures, each choosing two. The constitution ordained that on assembling at the first session, they should be divided, as equally as possible, into three classes. Those composing the first class were to hold their offices but two yeajjs ; those composing the second class, four years ; ' those composing the third, six years. All subsequently chosen were to hold their offices six years, except such as should be chosen to supply the places of those who died or resigned. Besides their legislative power, they have, in concurrence with the executive, a voice in all appoint- ments to office, and in the ratification of treaties. 12. The executive power is vested in a president ap- pointed by electors. These electors are chosen in the Kjespectiva etatea, in such mannej as the differanl legisla- 1787.] CONFEDERATION. fiS^ tures may prescribe, and are equal in number to the sena- tors and representatives from the state in congress. If, however, no person receives a majority of the votes of these electors, the president is then chosen by the repre- sentatives, those from each state having but one vote. He is elected for four years ; but he may be impeached by ihe house, tried by the senate, and, if convicted of mis- conduct, may be removed from office. He is commander- in-chief of the land and naval forces. He nominates to the senate all officers of the general government, a.nd with the advice and consent of two-thirds of that bo^y, ratifies treaties. A vice-president is chosen at the same time, and in the same manner, to perform all the duties of president when that office is vacant by death, resignation^ or removal. 13. To pass a law the house and senate must concur, and it is then to be sent to the president, who must approve it. If he does not approve it, he must return it with his objections ; and it must then be agreed to by two-thirds of both branches. Laws thus enacted are obligatory upon the citizens individually, and may be executed by officers appointed by the president and senate. Under the con- federation, the ordinances of congress operated only upon the states, and no efficient mode was provided for enforc- ing them. 14. The constitution confers on congress the power to declare war ; to raise and support armies ; to provide and maintain a navy ; to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, 0^ excises ; to regulate commerce ; to coin money ; and all other powers of a general or national character. It diminishes, in no respect, the liberty of the citizen, but transfers a portion of the powers, previously exercised by the state governments, to the government of the union. 15. The judicial power of the United States is vested in a supreme court, and such inferior courts as the congress may establish ; and it extends to all cases arising under the constitution, the laws of congress, and treati.js ; to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction ; to all con- troversies between citizens of different states, and between foreigners and -citizens : the judges hold their offices during good behavior. 16. The new constitution found opposers as well as advocates, and both were equally zealous. The former, ardently attached to liberty, imagined uiat rulers posses- sing such extensiyfi sway, such abundant ijataropage aodl T 2 f^^ WASHINGTON'S [1789> «nch Inc^r^en^ent tenure of office, would become fond of the exercise of power, and in the end, arrogant and tyranni- cal. The latter professed equal attachment to liberty, but contended that, to preserve it, an energetic government was necessary. They described, with powerful effect, the evils actually endured from the inefficiency of the con- federation, and demanded that a trial at least should be made of the remedy proposed. These took the name of federalists, as friendly to a union of the states ; the appel- lation of anti-federalists was given to their antagonists. 17. In the conventions of eleven states, a majority, though in some instances a small one, decided in favor of its ratification. Provision was then made for the election of the officers to compose the executive and legislative departments. To the highest station, the electors, by a unanimous vote, elected George Washington, illustrious for his virtues and military talents. To the second, that of vice-president, by a vote nearly unanimous, they ele- vated John Adams, who, in stations less conspicuous, had, with equal patriotism, rendered important services to his country. 18. The fourth of March, 1789, was the day designated for the new government to commence its operations. The delays incident to its first organization, prevented the inauguration of the president, until the 30th of April, The ceremony was witnessed, with inexpressible joy, by an immense concourse of citizens. In an impressive address to both houses of congress, he declared, with characteristic modesty, his " incapacity for the mighty and nntried cares before him," and offered his "fervent suppli- cations to that Almighty Being, whose providential aid ean supply every human defect, that hia benediction would consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the people of tlie United States, a government instituted by themselves for these essential purposes ; and would enable every instrument, employed in its administration, to execute, with success, the functions allotted to his charge." 19. He also expressed his firm conviction, " that th« foundation of our national policy would be laid in the pure and immutable principles of private morality; and that the pre-eminence of a free government would be exem- plified by all the attributes which can win the affections of its citizens, and command the respect of the world." SO. *' I dwell, said he, " on this prospect with every s&SifcTaotion wlueh an ardent love for my country cim 1790.] ADMINISTOATION. 223 inspire ; since there is no truth more thoroughly estab- lished, than that there exists, in the economy and coirrae of nature, an indissoluble union between virtue and happi- ness ; between duty and advantage ; between the genuine maxiTns of an honest and magnanimous policy, and the solid rewards of public prosperity and felicity ; and since the destiny of the republican model of government is justly considered as deeply, perhaps as finally, staked on tlie experiment intrusted to the American people." 21. To establish a revenue suJfRcient for the support of government, and for the discharge of the debt contracted in the revolutionary war, was the first object of congress. For this purpose, duties were laid on the importation of merchandise, and on the tonnage of vessels; and from these sources were drawn into the national treasury, funds which had before been collected and appropriated by the states on the sea coast. 22. Laws, creating a department of state, of the trea- snry, and of war, were enacted ; and Mr. Jefferson, Mr Hamilton, and general Knox, appointed secretaries or principals. A national judiciary was constituted and organized. A resolve w^as passed, directing the secretary of the treasury to prepare a plan for the support of public credit ; and amendments to the constitution were pro- posed, which were subsequently ratified by the states ; and which, removing many of the objections made to it, rendered it acceptable to all. 23. After the adjournment of congress, the president made a tour through New-England, where he vi'as re- ceived by the inhabitants with an affection bordering on adoration. People of all classes crowded to behold the man whose virtues and talents exalted him, in their view, above the heroes of ancient and modern times; and to present to him the undissembled homage of their grateful hearts. But to none did his visit give more exquisite pleasure than to the officers and soldiers of the " patriot army," who had been his companions in suffering and in victory, who were endeared to him by their bravery and fidelity in war, and by the magnanimity with which, in peace, they endured unmerited neglect and poverty. 24. At the next session of congress, which commenced in Januar>^ 1700, INIr. Hamilton, the secretary of the treasury, made his celebrated report upon the public debts contracted during the revolutionary war. Taking an able aitd enlaiJfied view of tlie advantage of public credit, hs 224 WASHINGTON'S [1790. recommended that, not only the debts of tho continental congress, but those of the states arising from their exer- tions in the common cause, should be funded or assumed by the general government ; and that provision should be made for paying the interest, by imposing taxes on certain articles of luxury, and on spirits distilled within the country. 25. Upon this report an animated debate took place. Its recommendations were opposed by that' party who had seen, or thought they had seen, in the constitution, many features hostile to freedom, and who remembered that Mr, Hamilton, when a member of the convention, had proposed that the president and senate should be ap- pointed to hold their offices during good behavior. They now expressed their fears, that the assumption of these debts would render the government still stronger, by drawi-ng around it a numerous and powerful body of pub- lic creditors, who, in all its contests with the states or the people, would be bound, by the strongest of all ties, that of interest, to support it whether right or wrong. This party, existing principally in the southern states, and pro- fessing an ardent attachment to the equal rights of man, took the name of republican. 26. Mr. Madison proposed, that whenever the public securities had been transferred, the highest price which they had borne in the market should be paid to the pur- chaser, and the residue to the original holder. After an eloquent debate, this proposition was rejected. Tlie party denominated federal, and existing principally in the northern states, supported throughout, with great ability and force of reasoning, the plans of the secretary ; but on taking the vote in the house of representatives, they were rejected by a majority of two. 27. Afterwards this national measure was connected, as is too frequently the case in legislative bodies, with one which had excited much local feeling. It was under- stood that, should the seat of government be fixed for ten years at Philadelphia, and afterwards permanently at a place to be selected on the Potomac, some southern members would withdraw their opposition to the funding system. A law to that effect was accordingly enacted. The former discussion was then resumed. The plans of the secretary were adopted in the senate and afterw^ards in the house, two members representing districts on the PoJtMTfiac, changing their votes. T\^ debt funded amount* 1791.] AUMINlSTliATION. 125 ed to 1 little more than seventy-five millions of dollars ; upon a part of which three per cent, and upon the remain- dei six per cent interest was to be paid. 28. The effect of this measure was great and rapid. The.{)rice of the public paper, which had fallen to tw^elve or fifteen cents on the dollar, suddenly rose to the sum expressed on the face of it. This difference was gained, in most instances, by purchasers of the securities, who, feeling indebted, for this immense accession of w^ealth, to the plans of the secretary, regarded him with enthusi- astic attachment. Bat in others, this wealth, suddenly acquired without merit, excited envy and dissatisfaction. These jpined the republican party; who, fancying they were witnessing the fulfilment of their prediction, be- came mo^e active in their opposition. 29. Tke recommendation of the secretary to impose additionsll duties, was not acted upon until the next session of congress. Those on distilled spirits were proposed in ordei to render the burdens of the inhabitants beyond the Alleghany mountains, where no other spirits were con- sumed, equal to those of the inhabitants on the sea coast, who consumed most of the articles on which an import duty was paid. In the beginning of the year 1791, they were laid as proposed. A national bank, recommended also by the same officer, was in the same year incorpo- rated. Both measures met a violent opposition from the republican party. 30. When the new government was first organized, but eleven states had ratified the constitution. After- wards, North-Carolina and Rhode Island, the two dis- senting states, adopted it; the former in November, 1789, the latter in May, 1790. In 1791, Vermont adopted it, and applied to congress to be admitted into the union. The territory of this state, situated between New-Hamp- shire and New- York, was claimed by both, and both had made grants of land within its limits. In 1777, the inhabitants, refusing to submit to either, declared them- selves independent. Although not represented in the continental congress, yet, during the war, they embraced the cause of their brethren in the other states, and to them their aid was often rendered, and was always efficient, ^^k^jiffeeably to their request, an act was now passed, constituting Vermont one of the members of the union. An act was also passed, declarmg that the district of Kentucky, then a part of Virginia, should be admitted S26 WASHINGTON'S [179S, into the union on the first day of June, in the succeeding year. 31. In 1791, was completed the first census or enumer- ation of the inhabitants of the United States. They amounted to 3,921,326, of which number 695,655 were slaves. The revenue, according to the report of the secretary of the treasury, amounted to 4,771,000 dollars, the exports to about nineteen, and the imports to about twenty millions. A great improvement in the circumstan- ces of the people began at this period to be visible. The establishment of a firm and regular government, and con- fidence in tlie men whom they had chosen to administer it, gave an impulse to their exertions which bore them rapidly forward in the career of prosperity. 32. In 1790, a termination was put to the war which, for several years, had raged between the Creek Indians and the state of Georgia. Pacific overtures were also made to the hostile tribes inhabiting the banks of the Scioto and the Wabash. These being rejected, an army of 1400 men, commanded by general Harmer, wjts des- patched against them. Two battles were fought near Chilicothe, in Ohio, between successive detachments from this army and the Indians, in which the latter were victorious. 33. Emboldened by these successes, they made more vigorous attacks upon the frontier settlements, which suffered all the distressing calamities of an Indian war. Additional troops were raised, and the command of the whole was given to general St. Clair. With near 2000 men, he marched, in October, into the wilderness. By desertion and detachments, this force was reduced to fourteen hundred. On the third of November, they en- camped a few miles from the villages on the Miami, intending to remain there until joined by those who were absent. 34. But before sunrise, the next morning, just after the troops were dismissed from the parade, they were attacked unexpectedly by the Indians. The new levies, who were in front, rushed back in confusion upon the regulars. These, who had been hastily formed, were thrown into disorder. They, hov/ever, with great intrepidity, ad- vanced into the midst of the enemy, who retired from covert to covert, keeping always beyond reach, and again returning as soon as the' troops were recalled from pursuit. In tlieeo charges many brave and experienced officers 1795.] ADMINISTRATION. 227 were killed ; the loss of men was also great, and no per- manent impression was made upon the enemy. 35. At length, after a contest of three or four hours, St. Clair, whose ill health disabled him from performing the active duties of commander, determined to withdraw from the field the remnant of his troops. The instant that the directions to retire were given, a disorderly flight com- monced. Fortunately for the survivers, the victorious Indians were sooi recalled from pursuit to the camp, by their avidity for plunder; and the vanquished continued their retreat unmolested to the frontier settlements. 36. In this battle, the numbers engaged on each side were supi)Osed to be equal. Of the whites, the slaughter was almost beyond example. Six hundred and thirty were killed and missing, and two hundred and sixty were wound- ed — a loss which proves at once the obstinacy of the defence, and the bravery of the assailants. On receiving information of this disaster, congress, resolving to prose- cute the war with increased vigor, made provision for augmenting, by enlistment, the military force of the nation to 5000 men. 37. In the autumn of 1792, general Washington was again unanimously elected president of the American republic, and in March, 1793, was inducted into office. Mr. Adams was re-elected vice-president, in opposition to George Clinton, of New- York. In the progress of these elections, but little party feeling was exhibited ; the repose of society was not disturbed, but the citizens raised to posts of the highest honor those whom their judgments and affections designated as the most worthy. 38. While the Americans, with but little alloy, were enjoying, under a government of their own choice, the blessings of independence and freedom, the people of France, by whose aid these blessings had been acquired, were experiencing all the miseries of anarchy. Greviously oppressed by institutions originating in times of ignorance and barbarism, they had risen in the majesty of physical strength, and declared their determination to be free. Against a whole people, aroused by their sufferings to demand their rights, what effe<;tual resistance can be opposed? Before their energetic exertions, prompted by enthusiasm and directed by fatal skill, their ancient govern- ment crumbled to the dust. 39. Passing at once from abje^jt slavery to entire liberty, their conduct was marked by the most shocking excesses. 238 WASHINGTON'S [17D3. The mild virtues of their king, alleviating but slightly the evils of despotism, could not save him from that resent- ment which consigned to indiscriminate destruction the hereditary orders. Himself, his queen, and many thou- sands of the nobility and clergy, suffered death on the scaffold. A new government was instituted, having, for its fundamental principle, the universal equality of man. Its foiTii was often changed, and the reins of authority were successively but unsteadily, held by the temporary favorites of an unenlightened and capricious people. 40. The Americans could not regard with indifference this struggle of their allies for freedom. They considered their excesses as the first effects of sudden relief from oppression, and hoped that experience would produce sobriety of conduct and reverence for lav/. Tiiey hailed the French revolution as the offspring of their own, and cherished the flattering expectation that, by the diffusion of the principles of liberty, the whole civilized world wouM become partakers of its blessings. 41. The French people, at the same time, regarded the Americans as their brethren, bound to them by the ties of gratitude ; and when the kings of Europe, dreading the establishment of republicanism in her borders, assembled in arms to restore monarchy to France, they looked across the Atlantic for sympathy and assistance. The new government, recalling the minister whom the king had appointed, despatched the citizen Genet, of ardent temper and a zealous republican, to supply his place. In April, 1793, he arrived at Charleston, in South- Carolina, where he was received, by the governor and the citizens, in a manner expressive of their warm attachment to his country, and their cordial approbation of the change in her insti- tutions. 43. Flattered by his reception, and presuming that the nation and the government were actuated by similar feel- ings, he assumed the authority of expediting privateers from that port to cruise against the vessels of nations who were enendes to France, but at peace with the United vStates, a procedure forbidden by the laws of nations, and derogatory to the government of the country. Notwith- standing this illegal assumption of power, he received, on his journey to Philadelphia, extravagant marks of public attachment ; and, on his arrival there, " crowds flocked from every avenue of the city to meet the republican am- bassador of an allied nation." Intoxicated bv these ron- 1703.] ADMINISTRATION. 229 tinued and increased demonstrations of regard, he persisted in Ibriuing and executing schemes of hostility against the enemies of PVance. 43. Tlie British minister complained to the president, Avho, by the unanimous advice of his cabinet, directed Mr^ Jefferson, the secretary of state, to lay before the minister of France the principles which would regulate the conduct of the executive in relation to the powers at war. These pnnciples forbade the course which Mr. Genet had pur- sued. Relying on the popularity of his nation, he attempted, by insolent and oifensive declarations, to drive the president from, the ground he had taken. He threatened to appeal from the government to the people, a measure which other agents of the French republic had adopted with success in Europe. Here the result was different. The people rallied around rulers, having the same interest as them- selves. The minister was abandoned by most of his friends ; his government, at the request of the president, annulled his powers ; and fearing to return, he remained in the country, a striking example of the imbecility of a factious individual among a people confiding in their rulers, and contented with their lot. 44. This conduct of Mr. Genet, the attrocities commit- ted by the French people, and the dreaded danger of their example, alienated from them many of the citizens of the United States, especially those betonging to the federal party. And as the world was then agitated by the mighty contest between France and Great Britain — a contest which permitted not neutrality of feeling — those who became hostile to the former became naturally the friends of the latter. To her they were besides attracted by identity of origin, by resemblance of institutions, by simi- larity of language, by community of laws, of literature, and of religion. 45. The republicans retained an unabated affection for, the French, whose services they remembered with grati- tude, and whose struggles for freedom, against the league of European tyrants, engaged all their sympathy. Over these two parties Washington, admitting no thought but for his own country, watched with anxious solicitude, striving to restrain their aberrations, and to temper their mutual anunosities. 46. After the defeat of St. Clair by the Indians, in 1791, general Wayne was appointed to command the AmeriQan 230 WASHINGTON'S [1795. forces. Taking post near the country of the enemy, he made assiduous and long protracted endeavors to negotiate a peace. Failing in these, he marched against them, at the head of three thousand men. On the 20th of August, 1794, an action took place in the vicinity of one of the British garrisons, on the banks of the Miami. A rapid and vigorous charge roused the savages from their coverts, and they were driven more than two miles at the point of the bayonet. Broken and dismayed, they fled without renewing the combat. Their houses and cornfields wero destroyed, and forts were erected on the sites of the towna laid waste. In 1795, a treaty was concluded at Grenville, which, long and faithfully observed, gave peace and se- curity to the frontier inhabitants, permitting the abundant population of the eastern states to spread, with astonishing rapidity, over the fertile region north-west of the Ohio. 47. Tiie tax which had been imposed upon spirits dis- tilled within the country, bearing heavily upon the people in the western counties of Pennsylvania, produced there disaffection and disturbance. All excise taxes, of which this was one, being considered hostile to liberty, great exertions were made to excite the public resentment against those who should willingly pay it, and especially against the officers appointed to collect it. In September, 1791, a large meeting of malcontents was held at Pitts- burgh, at which resolutions, encouraging resistance to the laws, were passed ; and subsequently other meetings were held, at which similar resolutions w^ere adopted. Com- mittees of correspondence were also appointed to give unity of system to their measures, and to increase the number of their associates. 48. A proclamation of the president, exhorting all per- sons to def'ist from illegal com.binations, and calling on the magistrates to execute the laws, was disregarded. The marshall of the state, while serving processes upon delin- quents and offenders, was resisted and fired upon. The inspector of the revenue, dreading the indignation of the populace, procured a small detachment of soldiers to guard his house. These were attacked by a body of five hundred insurgents, who, setting iire to several contiguous buildings, obliged the soldiers to leave the house, and deliver them- selves up. Several individuals, zealous in supporting the government, were ordered to quit the country and compelled to obey. An intention was openly avowed of forcibly 1795.] ADMINISTRATION. S31 resisting the general government with the view of extort- ing a repeal of the offensive laws. The effective strength of the insurgents was computed at seven thousand men. 49. The president, conceiving himself bound by the moat solemn obligations, "to take care that the laws be faith- fully executed," determined to call out a part of the militia of Pennsylvania, and the adjacent states, to suppress this insurrection. In the autumn of 1794, fifteen thousand were detached, and being placed under the command of governor Lee, of Virginia, vfere marched into the disaf- fected counties. The strength of this army rendering resistance desperate, none was offered, and no blood was shed. A few of the most active leaders were seized and detained for legal prosecution. The great body of the insurgents on submission were pardoned, as were also the leaders, after trial and conviction of treason. The govern- ment acquired the respect of the people, by this exertion of its force, and their affection, by this display of its lenity, 50. Since the peace of 1783, Great Britain and the United States, had each incessantly complained that the otlier had violated the stipulations contained in the treaty. The former was accused of having carried away negroes at the close of the revolutionary war ; and of retaining iv her possession certain military posts situated in the west- ern wilderness, and within the limits of the United States^ in consequence of which the Americans were deprived ok their share of the fur trade, and the Indians incited tp make incursions upon the frontier settlements. The latter were accused of preventing the loyalists from regaining possession of their estates, and British subjects from recovering debts contracted before the commencement of hostilities. 51. For the purpose of adjusting these mutual complaints*, and also of concluding a commercial treaty, Mr. Adams, in 1785, was appointed minister to London. Great Britain, aware that the articles of confederation did not authorise congress to bind the states by a commercial treaty, de- clined then to negotiate. After the constitution was ratified, ministers were interchanged, and the discussion was prosecuted with no little acrimony and zeal. 52. In 1794, Mr. Jay being then minister from the United States, a treaty was concluded, which, in the spring of the next year was laid before the senate. That body advised the president to ratify it, on condition that an alteration should be made in one of the axticles. Its WASHINGTON'S (iTm.^ contents having, in the mean time, been disclosed, the republican party exclaimed, in intemperate language, against most of the stipulations it contained. The partisans of France swelled the cry of condemnation. Public meetings were held in various parts of the union, at which resolutions were passed expressing warm disap- probation of the treaty, and an earnest wish that the president would withhold his ratification. Such appeared to be the wish of a great majority of the people. 53. General Washington, believing that an adjustment of differences would conduce to the prosperity of the republic, and that the treaty before him was the best that could, at that time, be obtained, gave it his assent, in defiance of popular clamor. So great ■was the confidence repo&ed, by the people, in their beloved chief-magistrate, that the public sentiment began immediately to change. The friends of the treaty not only increased in numbers, but gained courage to speak in its defence. And during the summer of 1795, the nation was agitated by a zealous and animated discussion of its merits. 54. At the next session of congress, it became a subject of consideration in the house of representatives. The treaty, its negotiator, and even the president, were viru- lently censured, and warmly defended, in a debate which has seldom been equalled for its intemperance, its eloquence^ or its duration. On the final question, a majority of three voted in favor of the appropriation necessary to carry it into effect. The subsequent prosperity of American com- merce demonstrates the wisdom of the president's decision. 55. The conduct of Spain towards the United States, had ever been cold and unfriendly. She feared lest the principles of liberty, and the desire of independence should find their way into her contiguous American provinces. During the negotiations at Paris, which resulted in peace, she secretly exerted her influence to cause the western boundaries of the new republic, from the great lakes to Florida, to be fixed two or three hundred miles east of the Mississippi. To the repeated offers, which were after- wards made, to form with her a commercial treaty, and to make arrangements respecting the mutual navigation of that river, she pertinaciously declined to accede. 56. When the inhabitants beyond the Alleghany moun- tains had become numerous, she denied them access to the ocean by the medium of that river, the mouth of which was within her province of Louisiana. She intended. 1705.] ADMINISTRATION. £33 perhaps, to show them the importance of that privilege by withholding it, and to allure them, by the promise of restoring it, to submit to her authority. The people of Kentucky, indignant at the deprivation, laid their com- plaints before congress. In bold and forcible language they asserted their rights, by the laws of God and of nature, to the free use of that noble river, and demanded that, at any cost, the acknowledgment of that right should be obtained. 57. At length Spain became involved in a war with France. Embarrassed at home, and intimidated by the unauthorized preparations which, under the auspices of Genet, were making in Kentucky to invade Louisiana, she intimated her readiness to conclude a satisfactory treaty, should a minister be sent to Madrid for that pur- pose. Thomas Pinkney was accordingly appointed. In October, 1795, a treaty was signed, securing to the citizens of the United States the free navigation of the Mississippi to the ocean, and the privilege of landing and depositing cargoes at New-Orleans. 58. Thus were adjusted all controversies with two European powers, which, while they existed, retarded the prosperity, and disturbed the tranquillity of the country; and from which, at different periods, even war was seriously apprehended. In 1795, a treaty was also concluded with the regency of Algiers, with which the republic was pre- viously at war. It stipulated that the United States, in conformity with the practice of other nations, should, as the price of peace, pay an annual tribute to the sovereign of that country. 59. Within the last two or three years, several changes took place in the important offices of the nation. On the first day of the year 1794, Mr. Jefferson resigned the office of secretary of state. He had performed the duties of that office with extraordinary ability, and to the entire satisfaction of the president. Having been minister to France at the commencement of the revolution there, he became acquainted with its prime movers, and, anticipating from their exertions the diffusion of the principles of liberty and the renovation of the government, was, in the early stages of its progress, its enthusiastic and undis- guised defender. Of the republican party, he was con- sidered the leader, enjoying their highest confidence arJ warmest attachment. He was succeeded bv Edmund liaiwlolph, of Virginia. U 2 1E54 WA»JtllI\UlUi>i » 1^17if3^ 60. On the last day of January, 1795, Mr. Hamiltcwi retired from the office of secretary of the treasury. He possessed distinguished talents, and had exerted those talentg to establish order where all was confusion, and to raise from the lowest depression the credit of the country. His complete success greatly exalted his reputation, and to him the federalists felt a sincerity of attachment equalled only by that entertained for Washington. With liim he had served in the revolutionary war, and had then acquired his confidence and affection, which he ever after- wards retained. Being the advocate 'of an energetic government, and averse to intrusting much power with the people, he was peculiarly obnoxious to the republican party. He was accused of partiality to England, and of misconduct in office. After the closest scrutiny, his official character was acknowledged, by his enemies, to be without stain. He was succeeded by Oliver Walcott, of Connecticut. 61. At the close of the year 1794, general Knox resigned the office of secretary of war, and colonel Pickering, of Massachusetts, was appointed in his place. In August Mr. Randolph, having lost the confidence of the president, and having in consequence retired from the administration, Mr. Pickering was appointed his successor in the depart- ment of state, and James M'Henry, of Maryland, was made secretary of war. No republican being now at the head of any of the departments, many of the leaders of that }»arty withdrew their support from the administration; and licentious individuals, in their abusive attacks, dared to charge even the president with corruption. But the confidence of the people in his integrity and patriotism experienced not the slightest abatement. 62. The conduct of France towards the American re- public continued to be a source of increasing trouble and vexation. Mr. Fauchet, the successor of Genet, bore, from those by whom he was deputed, the strongest assurances of friendship ; but encouraged and supported by a numerous party, ardently attached to his nation, he gradually assumed towards the administration the tone of remonstrance and reproach. He charged it with sentiments of hostility to the allies of the United States, with partiality for their former foes, and urged the adoption of a course more favorable to the cause of liberty. 63. The American government was in fact desirous ot fulfilling all its duti<3S to France, and of ^ontnliatiRg her 1796.] ADmNISTRATION. 235 friendship. Mr. Morris, the minister to Paris, having incurred the displeasure of those in power, was recalled at their request, and his place supplied by Mr. Monroe of "Virginia. This gentleman was a republican, and had embraced with ardor the cause of the French republic. He was received in the most respectful manner by the convention, who decfeed that the flags of the two republics, int wined together, should be suspended in the legislative hall, as a' mark of their eternal union and friendship. 64. Mr. Adet was appointed soon aftef, to succeed Mr. Fauchet. He 'bi-ought with him the colors of France, which he was instructed, by the convention, to present to the congress of the United States. They were received by the president with extraordinary ceremonies, transmit- ted to congress, and afterwards deposited in the national archives. In the house of representatives, a resolution was unanimously adopted, expressing the lively sensations which were excited by this testimony of the existing sym- pathy of the two republics, and their hope, that the bril- liant and glorious victories of the French people, would lead to the perfect establishment of their liberty and happiness. G5. But France required of the United States more than professions and hopes, and more than , by treaty she was entitled to claim. She wished to make them a party in the war she was waging with the despots of Europe. Failing in this, and jealous of the more intimate relations contracted with her enemy, she adopted regulations highly injurious to American commerce, directing her cruisers to capture, in certain cases, the vessels of the United States. In consequence of these regulations, several hundreds, loaded with valuable cargoes, were, while prosecuting a lawful trade, taken and the whole confiscated. 6C). Believing that the rights of the nation were not asserted and vindicated with sufficient spirit by Mr. Mon- roe, the president recalled him, and Charles C. Pinkney, of South-Carolina, was appointed in his stead. In the summer of 1796, he left the United States, instructed to use every effort compatible with national Ijonor, to restore the amicable relations which had once subsisted between the sister republics. 67. General Washington having, at the sacrifice of his own predilections, devoted a great portion of his life to his country; having successfully conducted its armies through an arduous coaflict for existe-nce ; and having 236 WASHINGTON'S ADMINISTRATION. [1T9& since directed its course through the most critical period of an experiment under a free constitution, determined to retire to the enjoyment of domestic happiness and rural quiet. In September, he announced this determination to his fellow citizens, and feeling for them all the solicitude of a father for his children, he published at the same time a farewell address. 68. From long experience, he had acquired an intimate acquaintance with the dangers to which the liberties of the republic were exposed. These he deprecated, and warned his countrymen to shun, with all the impressive energy of conviction, and all the ardor of parental affection. He besought them, especially, to frown indignantly, upon the first dawning of any attempt at a separation of the union ; to discard local attachments and sectional animosi- ties ; to guard against the excessive indulgence of the spirit of party, and against cherishing a hatred of particuleu: nations, and an affection for others. 69. This address was read with sentiments of profound veneration in every part of the union. Some of the state legislatures directed it to be inserted at large in their journals, and most of them passed resolutions expressing their respect fur the author, their high sense of his exalted services, and the emotions with which they contemplated his retirement from office. 70. To fill the station from which the father of his country had resolved to retire, the two great political par- ties brought forward their chiefs. The federalists, desiring that the system of measures adopted by Washington should continue to be pursued, and dreading the influence of French sentiments and principles, made the most active efforts to elect John Adams. The republicans, believing their opponents less friendly than themselves to the maxims of liberty, and too much devoted to the British nation and to British institutions, made equal exertions to elect Thomas Jefferson. 71. The result was the choice of Mr. Adams to be president, and Mr. Jefferson to be vice-president. Re- leased from public cares, Washington hastened to Mount Vernon. Having estabFished his fame as the greatest hero and most distinguished statesman of the age, he there, devoting his time to the cultivation of an extensive farm, added to his titles of renown that of the most mdus- txious and intelligent agriculturalist o£ kia oountjry. CHAPTER XXV. MR. ADAMS'S, MR. JEFFERSON'S, AND PART OF MR. MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION. DECLARATION OF WAR. Mr. Adams, soon after the commencement of his presi- dential term, received from Mr. Pinkney despatches of a most disagreeable and alarming nature. The Directory, then exercising the executive authority in France, had refused to accredit him, declaring their determination not to receive another minister from the United States, until they had fully complied with the demands which had been made. He was moreover ordered, by a written mandate, to quit the territories of the republic. 2. Congress were immediately convened, and the des- patches laid before them. Their proceedings indicated a love of peace, but also a firm determination to yield to no unjust demand. Laws were passed authorizing the president, whenever he should deem it necessary, to detach eighty thousand men from the militia of the United States, providing for an increase of the navy, and for augmenting the revenue of the nation. To display to France, and to the world, his desire of peace, and to leave no means unattempted to preserve it, the president resolved to institute another and more solemn mission. General Pinkney, John Marshall, and Elbridge Gerry, were accor- dingly appointed envoys to the French republic, and were instructed, as the first had before been, to seek a recon- ciliation as the representatives of a people dreading war much, but the sacrifice of honor more. 3. These also the directory refused to receive. They ■were, however, addressed by persons verbally instructed, by Talleyrand, the minister of foreign relations, to make them proposals. In explicit terms, these unoiRcial agents demanded a large sura of money before any negotiation could be opened. To this insulting demand, a decided negative was given. A compliance was nevertheless repeatedly urged, until at length the envoys refused to hold with them any further communication. After re- maining several months at Paris, pressing in vain to be received and heard, two, who were federalists, were ordered to leave France, but Mr. Gerry, who was a republican, was permitted to remain, and was invited singly to entej 238 ADAMS'S [1800. into discussions relating to the commencement of a nego- tiation. 4. When these events were known in the United States, they excited general indignation. The spirit of party ap- peared to be extinct. "Millions for defence, not a cent for tribute," resounded from every quarter of the union. The treaty of alliance with France was declared by congress to be no longer in force. Authority was given for captur- ing armed French vessels. Provision was made for raising immediately a small regular army ; and, in case events sliould render it expedient, for augmenting it. A direct tax and additional internal duties were laid. 5. To command the armies of the United States, presi- dent Adams, with the unanimous advice of the senate appointed George Washington. He consented, but with great reluctance, to accept the office, declaring, however, that he cordially approved the measures of the government. 6. No opportunity was presented of testing the courage and skill of the American troops. At sea, a desperate action was fought between the frigate Constellation, of 38 guns, commanded by commodore Truxton, and the French frigate L'Insurgente, of 40 guns. The latter, although of superior force, was captured. The same intrepid officer, in a subsequent action, compelled another French frigate of 50 guns, to strike her colors, but she afterwards escaped in the night. 7. The United States, in arms at home and victorious on the ocean, commanded the respect of their enemy. The directory made overtures of peace. The president immediately appointed ministers, who, on their arrival at Paris, found the executive authority in the possession of Bonaparte as first consul. They were promptly accredited, and in September, 1800, a treaty was concluded satisfac- tory to both countries. 8. While this negotiation was in progress, the whole American people were overshadowed with gloom, by the sudden death of the father of his country. On the 14th of December, 1799, after an illness of one day only, general Washington expired. Intelligence of this event, as it rapidly spread, produced spontaneous, deep, and unaffected grief, suspending every other thought, and absorbing every different feeling. 9. Congress, then in session at Philadelphia, immedi- ately adjourned. On assembling the next day, the house of representatives resolved, "that the speaker's clvair 1800.] ADMINISTRATION. 239 should be shrouded in black, and the members wear black (luring the session ; and that a joint committee should be appointed to devise the most suitable manner of paying honor to the memory of the MAN first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts ofliis countrymen." 10. The senate, on this melancj(fc)ly occasion, addressed a letter of condolence to the president of the United States. " This event," they observe, " so distressing to all our fellow citizens, must be particularly heavy to you, who have long been associated with him in deeds of patriotism. Permit us, sir, to mingle our tears with yours. On this occasion it is manly to weep. To lose such a man, at such a crisis, is no common calamity to the world. Our country mourns a father. The Almighty Disposer of human events has taken from us our greatest benefactor and ornament. It becomes us to submit with reverence to HIM who maketh darkness his pavilion. 11. "With patriotic pride we review the life of our WASHINGTON, and compare him with those of other countries who have been pre-eminent in fame. Ancient and modern names are diminished before him. Greatness and guilt have too often been allied ; but his fame is whiter than it is brilliant. The destroyers of nations stood abashed at the majesty of his virtues. It reproved the intemperance of their ambition, and darkened the splendor of victory. 12. " Such was the man whom we deplore. Thanks to God, his glory is consummated. Washington yet lives on earth in his spotless example — his spirit is in heaven. Let his countrymen consecrate th^ memory of the heroic gene- ral, the patriotic statesman, and the virtuous sage : let them teach their children never to forget that the fruits of his labors, and of his example, are their inker Uancc,^ 13. Agreeably to the report of the cormnittee, and the unanimous resolves of congress, a funeral procession moved from the legislative hall to the German Lutheran church, where an oration was delivered by general Lee, a repre- sentative from Virginia. The procession was grand and solemn, the oration impressive and eloquent. Throughout the union shnilar marks of affliction were exhibited. A whole bereaved people appeared in mourning. In every part of the republic, funeral orations were delivered, and the best talents of the nation were devoted to an expression of the nation's grief. 14. In pursuance of the Isw enacted in 1790, a place had been selected on the Potomac, a few miles above 240 JEFFERSON'S [1801. Mount Vernon, for the permanent seat of the national gov- ernment. Within a district ten miles square, which was called the District of Columbia, a city was laid out, to which the name of Washington was appropriately given. Public buildings having beep erected, tlie officers of gov- ernment removed to that^ace in 1800, and in November of that year, congress, for the first time, there commenced its session. 15. At this period, a presidential election again recurred. From the time of the adoption of the constitution, the republican party had been gradually increasing in numbers. The two parties being now nearly equal, the prospect of success inspired both with unconmnon ardor. The feder- alists supported Mr. Adams and general Pinkney; the republicans, Mr. .Tefferson and colonel Burr. The two latter received a small majority of the electoral votes ; and as they received also an equal number, the selection of one of them to be president devolved upon the house of representatives. After thirty-five trials, during which the nation felt intense solicitude, Mr. Jefferson was cho- sen. Colonel Burr received the votes of the federalists, and lost, in consequence, the confidence of his former friends. By the provisions of the constitution, he became, of course, vice-president. 16. The causes \vhich rendered Mr. Adams unpopular and led to a change in the adrnirustration were, his appar- ent coldness towards the French revolution; the charge that the federalists generally were partial to Great Britain; the expenditure of money for building a navy and for other pur- poses alleged to be impolitic, or useless ; the enactment of the alien law, by which the president was authorized to compel suspected foreigners to leave the country, and of the sedition law which provided that the authors and publish- ers of false and malicious accusations against the president and members of congress should be prosecuted and pun- ished. But more effectual than these was the charge that Mr. Adams, and the party which supported him, entertain- ed political opinions less favorable to liberty than those of the party which opposed him. — By deserting a man so dis- tinguished as Mr. Adams for his talents, for his experience in political affairs, and for the important services which he had rendered to his country in the revolutionary strug- gle, the people showed how jealous they were of the liberty they had obtained, and how firmly they were determined to a-uaad it from even Do^sible danger. 1801!.] ADMINISTRATION. 241 17. The control of the government being now transfer- red to the republican party, they, at the next session of congress, repealed, after a long and eloquent debate, a law altering the judicial system, which had been passed at the close of Mr. Adams's administration. This repeal annihilated the offices of sixteen judges, who had just been appointed. At the same session, the internal duties were also abolished. 18. A second census of the ^people, referring to 1800, was completed in 1801. They amounted to 5,319,762, having in ten years increased nearly one million four hun- dred thousand. In the same number of years the exports increased from nineteen to ninety-four millions, and the revenue from 4,771,000 tol2,945,000 dollars ! This rapid advance in the career of prosperity has no parallel in the history of nations, and is to be attributed principally to the institutions of the country, which, securing equal privi- leges to all, give to the enterprise and industry of all, free scope and full encouragement. 19. In 1802, the state of Ohio was admitted into the union. It was formerly a portion of the Northwestern Territory, for the government of which, in 1787, an ordi- nance was passed, by the continental congress. With commendable foresight they provided that slavery, the source of weakness, of poverty, and of crime, should never exist in that extensive and fertile region. This is doubtless one of the causes of the unparalleled rapidity of its population. In thirty years from its first settlement, the number of its inhabitants exceeded half a million. The state of Tennesne, which was previously a part of North-Oarnlina, and lies between that state and the river Mississippi, was admitted in 1796. 20. The right of deposit at New-Orleans, conceded to the citizens of the United States by Spain, and necessary to the people of the western country, had, until this peri- od, been freely enjoyed. In October, the chief officer of that city, prohibited the exercise of it in future. This violation of a solemn engagement produced, throughout the states of Ohio and Kentucky, indignant clamor and violent commotion. In congress, a proposition was made to take possession, by force, of the whole province of Louisiana, and the injured people of the west were eager for permission to avenge their wrongs, and to regain their rights, by the sword. 21. A more pacific course wus adopted. Knowing V 242 JEFFERSON'S [1804* that the province had been ceded, although not transferred, lo France, the president instituted a negotiation to acquire it by purchase. In April, 1803, a treaty was concluded, conveying it to the United States for fifteen millions of dollars. 'J2. The territt)ry thus added to the national domain, was first discovered by the French, who, in 1G99, began a settlement within its limits. It continued a colony of that nation until 17G2,' wl^ign it was ceded to Spain. In her possession it remained, slowly increasing in popula- tion, until October, 1800 when it was retroceded to France, and by her \Vas afterwards, as has been related^ transferred to th3 United States. The inhabitants, a mixture of French and Spaniards, w^ere not numerous. Its boundaries have never been defined. They embrace, at a moderate estimation, a territory more extensive than some of the most powerful European kingdoms, and in many parts the soil is exceedingly fertile. Its acquisition w-as considered, by the United States, of the greatest importance, as it gave them the entire control of a rivei\ which is one of the noblest in the world. 23. Since the year 1801, war had existed between the Unied States and Tripoli, one of the states of Barbary, situated on the coast of the Mediterranean. No memo- rable event occurred until 1803, when a large squadron, under the command of commodore Preble, was despatched into that sea. On arriving before Tripoli, captain Bain- bridge, in the frigate Philadelphia, of 44 guns, was sent into the harbor to reconnoitre. While in eager pursuit of a small vessel, he unfortunately advanced so far that the frigate grounded, and all attempts to remove her were in vain. The sea around her was immediately covered w^ith Tri[>olitan gun-boats, and captain Bainbridge was compel- led to surrender. The oflEicers were considered as pris- oners of war ; but the crew, according to the custom of Barbary, were treated as slaves. 24. At the capture of this frigate, the enemy rejoiced and exulted beyond measure. Lieutenant Stephen JDeca- tur conceived the design of retaking or destroying her. (yommodore Preble, applauding the spirit of the youthful hero, granted him permission to make the attempt. In February, 1804, he sailed from Syracuse, in a small schooner, having on board but seveniy-six men, entered undiscovered the harbor of Tripoli, and advancing boldly Utok a station alongside the^rigate. Perceiving the crew IftOS.] ADMINISTRATION.- S43 in consternation, Decatur sprang on board, his nnen fol- lowed, and with drawn swords rushed upon the enemy. The decks were soon cleared, some being killed, and others driven into the sea. 25. A heavy cannonade upon the frigate, fro n the batteries on shore and the corsairs near, wds now com- menced, and several vessels of war were seen approach- ing. She was set on fire and abandoned, none of the party being killed and but four woimded. Throughout all the piratical states, this brilliant exi)loit exalted the reputation of the American arms. The president, in reward of his addrv^ss and bravery, promoted lieutenant Decatur to the rank of post-captain in the navy. 2(). While the squadron remained before Tripoli, other deeds of heroism were performed, evincing a love of fame and a devotion to country unsurpassed in Grecian or iloman story. The events and operations of this war shed a lustre upon the American name, gave experience and character to tlie officers, and prepared them to acquire greater glory in a contest with a nobler foe. They were equalled however, by an enterprise on land, bold and romantic in its conception, and exhibiting, in its execu- tion, uncommon address and decision of character. 27. William Eaton, who had been a captain in the American army, w^as, at the commencement of this war, consul at Tunis. He there became acquainted with Hamet Car^manly, whom a younger brother had excluded from the throne of Tripoli. With him he concerted an expedition against the reigning sovereign, and returned to the Ignited States to obtain permission and the means to undertake it. Permission was granted, the co-opera- tion of the squadron recommended, and such pecuniary assistance as could be spared was afforded. 28. To raise an army in Egypt, and lead it to attack the usurper in his dominions, was the project which had been concerted. In the beginning of 1805, Eaton met Hamet at Alexandria, and was appointed general of his forces. On the 6th of March, at the head of a respecta- ble body of mounted Arabs, and about seventy Christians, he set out for Tripoli. His route lay across a desert one thousand miles in extent. On his march, he encountered peril, fatigue, and suffering, the description of which wtnild resemble the exaggerations of romance. On the ••25th of April, having been fifty days on the march, h© arrived before Dome, a Tripolitan city on the Mediterra-« «44 JEFFERSON'S [1806. nean, and found in the harbor a part of the American squadron, destined to assist him. He learnt also that tha usurper, having received notice of his approach, had raised a considerable army and was then within a day's march of the city. 29. No time was therefore to be lost. The next morn- ing he summoned the governor to surrender, who returned for answer, " My head or yours." The city was assaulted, and after a contest ©f two hours and a half, possession gained. The Christians suffered severely and the general was slightly wounded. Great exertions were immediately made to fortify the city. On the 8th of May, it was at- tacked by the Tripolitan army. Although ten times more numerous than Eaton's band, the assailants, after per- sisting four hours in the attempt, were compelled to retire. On the 10th of June another battle was fought, in which the enemy were defeated. The next day the American frigate Constitution arrived in the harbor, which so terrified the Tripolitans that they fled precipi- tately to the desert. 30. The frigate came, however, to arrest the operations of Eaton, in the midst of his brilliant and successful career. Alarmed at his progress, the reigning bashaw had offered terms of peace, which, being much more favorable than had before been offered, were accepted by Mr. Lear, the authorised agent of the government. Sixty thousand dollars were given as a ransom for the unfortunate Ame- rican prisoners, and an engagement was made to withdraw all support from Hamet. The nation, proud of the ex- ploits of Eaton, regretted this diplomatic interference, but the treaty was ratified by the president and senate ; and thus ended the war in the Mediterranean. 31. Colonel Burr, having lost the confidence of the re- publican party, became, in 1804, a candidate for the office of governor of New- York : the federalists generally gave him their votes, but Mr. Hamilton, considering him an unprincipled politician, openly opposed his election. The choice fell upon the rival candidate. A duel ensued between these distinguished individuals, the challenge proceeding from Burr. Hamilton was mortally wounded. This event produced a strong and lively sensation through- out the union. At the next presidential election, which occurred in the same year, Mr. Jefferson was elected pres- ident, and George Clinton of New-York, vice-president, tlie former receiving all but fourteen votes. 1807.] ADMINISTRATION. 546 32. Burr, notwithstanding his brilliant talents, now sunk, for a time, into merited obscurity. His future con- duct showed, however, that, while unobserved by his fel- low citizens, he had not been idle. In the autumn of 1806, his movements in the western country attracted the notice of government. He had purchased and was building boats on the Ohio, and engaging men to descend that river. His declared purpose was to form a settlement on the banks of the Washita, in Louisiana ; but the character of the man, the nature of his preparations, and the incautious disclosures of his associates, led to the suspicion that his true object was either to gain possession of New-Orleans, and erect into a separate government the country watered by the Mississippi and its branches, or to invade, from the territories of the United States, the rich Spanish prov- ince of Mexico. 33. From the first moment of suspicion, he was closely watched by the agents of the government. At Natchez, while on his way to New-Orleans, he was cited to appear before the supreme court of the Mississippi Territory. But he had so enveloped his projects in secrecy, that sufficient evidence to convict him could not be produced, and he was discharged. Hearing, however, that several persons, sus- pected of being his accomplices, had been arrested at New- Orleans and elsewhere, he fled in disguise from Natchez, was apprehended on the Tombigbee, and conveyed a pris- oner to Richmond. Two indictments were found against him, one charging him with treason against the United States, the other whh preparing and commencing an ex- pedition against the dominions of Spain. 34. In August, 1807, he was tried, upon those indict- ments, before .Tohn Marshall, the chief justice of the United States. Full evidence of his guilt not being ex- hibited, he was acquitted by the jury. The people, how- ever, believed him guilty ; and by their desertion and contempt, he was reduced to a condition of the most abject wretchedness. The ease with which his plans were de- feated, demonstrated the strength of the government, and his fate will ever be an impressive warning to those who, in a free country, listen to the suggestions of criminal ambition. 35. The wars produced by the French revolution con- tinued to rage in Europe. The attempts, made by the neighboring kings, to ct^mpel republican France to resume her monarchical institutions, had not only been resisted find defeated by her indigiiaiit citizens, but they had fq|« V 2 246 JEFFERSON'S [1907; lowed home the repelled invaders of their country, and had subdued those who began the war with the hope and purpose of subduing France. The nation had necessarily become a nation of soldiers, and one, more daring and for- tunate than the others, had been placed at their head as chief of the republic. By his extraordinary talents, and the vast means subjected to his single will, he acquired control over most of the European kingdoms. 36. England, however, unsubdued and undaunted, had become as pre-eminent on the water as France on the land. Her powerful navy expelled every hostile navy from the ocean, and rode triumphant in every sea. America profit- ted from the destruction of the ships and commerce of other nations. Being neutral, her vessels earried from port to port the productions of France and her dependant kingdoms; and also to the ports of those kingdoms the manufactures of England. Few ships were found on the ocean except those of the United States and Great Britain. 37. The latter, having always found it impossible to man her numerous fleets, by voluntary enlistments, had been accustomed to resort to impressment, or seizing by force her subjects and compelling them to serve, as sailors, on board her ships of war. Soon after the peace of 1783, she claimed a right to search for and seize them, even on board of neutral vessels while traversing the ocean. In the exercise of this pretended right, citizens of the United States, sometimes by mistake and sometimes by design, were seized, dragged from their friends, transported to distant parts of the world, compelled to perform the de- grading duty of British sailors, and to fight with nations at peace with their own. Against this outrage upon personal liberty and the rights of American citizens, Washington, Adams, and Jefferson had remonstrated in vain. The abuse continued, and every year added to its enormity, until a feeling of resentment was aroused worthy the best period of the Roman republic. 38. But not in this mode only were the rights of the United States invaded and their interest sacrificed on the ocean. The carrying trade afforded a harvest too rich, and too tempting to British cupidity, to be long enjoyed unmo- lested. American ships, carrying to Europe the produce of French colonies, were, in an early stage of the war, captured by British cruisers, an'] condemned by their courts as lawful prizes. Several European ports under the control of France, were declared, by British orders in 1807.1 ADMINISTRATION. 24f council, dated in May, 1806, to be in a state of blockade, although not invested with a British fleet, and American vessels, attempting to enter those ports, were also captured and condemned. 39. France and her allies suffered, as well as the United States, from these transgressions of the laws of nations. Her vengeance fell, not so much upon the belligerent in- flicting the injury, as upon the neutral enduring without resenting and repelling it. By a decree, issued at Berlin, in November, 1806, the French emperor declared the British islands in a state of blockade, and of course au- thorized the capture of all neutral vessels attempting to trade with those islands. From these measures of both nations, the commerce of the United States severely suffered, and their merchants loudly demanded of the government redress and protection. 40. In June, 1807, an event occurred, which for a time concentrated upon one of the rival nations the whole weight of popular indignation. The frigate Chesapeake, while near the coast of the United States, and unsus- picious of danger, was fired upon from the Leopard, a British ship of superior force, three of her men were killed and eighteen wounded. Being unprepared for action, she struck her colors, was then boarded by a detachment from the Leopard, her crew mustered and four of them forcibly carried off upon the pretence that they were British deserters. The truth, upon investigation, was ascertained to be, that three of them were citizens of the United States, had been impressed by the British, and had afterwards escaped from their service. 41. This insolent attack upon a national ship, — this wanton exercise of a claim derogatory to national honor, — aroused the spirit of the republic. The distinctions of party were forgotten, numerous meetings of the citizens were held, and all concurred in the expression of a deter- mination to support the government of their country in its efforts to obtain, whether by negotiation or war, satisfaction for this insulting outrage. 42. The president, by proclamation, prohibited all British Siiips of war from continuing in or entering the harbors of the United States. He sent instructions to the minister at London to demand satisfaction for the insult, and security against future aggression. He summoned congress to meet and decide what further measures should be adopted. The British government promptly disavowmg the act of its £18 JEFFERSON'S. [1808. officer, the hostile feelings which had been excited began to subside ; but delaying to render satisfaction, and refusing to adopt adequate measures to prevent a continuance oi aggression, they were not extinguished nor appeased. 43. Bonaparte having declared his purpose of enforcing with rigor the Berlin decree ; the British government hav- ing solemnly asserted the right of search and impressment, and having intimated their intention to adopt measures in retaliation of the French decree, the president recommend- ed to congress that the seamen, ships, and merchandise of the United States should be detained in port to preserve them from the dangers which threatened them on the ocean. A law laying an indefinite embargo was in conse- quence enacted. A hope to coerce the belligerent powers to return to the observance of the laws of nations, by depriving them of the benefits derived from the trade of America, was doubtless a concurring motive for passing the law. 44. A few days only had elapsed, when information was received, that Great Britain had prohibited neutrals, except upon the degrading condition of paying a tax or tribute to her, from trading with France or her allies, comprising nearly every maritime nation of Europe. This was fol- lowed, in a few weeks, by a decree issued by Bonaparte, at Milan, declaring that every neutral vessel, which should submit to be visited by a British ship, or to pay the tribute demanded, should be confiscated, if afterwards found in his ports, or taken by his cruisers. Thus, at the date of the embargo, were orders and decrees in existence render-^ ing liable to capture almost every Ainericaa vessel sailing on the ocean. 45. In the New-England states, the embargo, with- holding the merchant from a career in which he had been highly prosperous, and in which he imagined that he might still be favored of fortune, occasioned discontent and clamor. The federalists, more numerous there than in any other part of the union, pronounced it a measure un- wise and oppressive. These representations, and the real and severe distress which the people endured, produced a rapid change in their politicaj opinions. In a short time, a majority became federalists, and opposed with zeal all the measures of the government. 46. In the fall of 1808, a new election of chief-magistrate took plac©v Mr. Jeifetson, believing that no person shoul(J ho)4 that offto« more than erght years, and desirous of 1808.] ADMimSTRATION. , 249 confirming the example of Washington, had previously an- nounced his intention to retire to private life. .Tames Madi- son was elected president andGeorgeCliutcn vice-president, 47. In March, 1809, congress repealed the embargo, and substituted a law prohibiting all intercourse with France and Great Britain. Bonaparte, in retaliation, issued a decree, at Rambouillet, directing that all Ameri- can vessels, which were then in the ports of France or miglit afterwards enter, should be seized and confiscated. 48. In the nonintercourse law, a provision was inserted, that if either nation should revoke her hostile edicts, and the president should announce that fact by proclamation, then the law should cease to be in force in regard to the nation so revoking. In April, Mr. Erskine, the British minister at Washington, engaged, on the part of his govern- ment, that the orders in council, so far as they affected tlie United States, should be withdrawn on the 10th of June ; and the president immediately issued the proclama- tion prescribed in the law. 49. This arrangement the British ministry refused to ratify, declaring that Mr. Erskine had no authority to make it. Recalling him, they appointed Mr. Jackson his suc- cessor. In a correspondence between this gentleman and the secretary of state, the former insinuated that the American government knew that Mr. Erskine was not authorized to make the arrangement, and knew of course that it would not be binding on Great Britain. This insinuation was distinctly denied by the secretary, but was subsequently repeated, ki aw offensive manner, by Mr. Jackson. He was immediately informed, that, on account of his indecorous conduct, no other communications from him would be received. He was shortly aftervv^ards re- called by his government. 50. The nonintercourse law expired in May, 1810, when a proposition was made equally to both belligerents, that if either would revoke its hostile edicts, that law should be revived and enforced against the other. In August, Bonaparte, by his minister of state, assured Mr. Arm- strong, the American envoy to France, that the Berlin and INIilan decrees were revoked, the revocation to take effect on the first day of November ensuing. Confiding in this assurance, the president, on the second day of November, issued his proclamation, declaring that all intercourse with Great Britain was prohibited, and that ao umestrained coiimierce with France was allowed. 250 MADISON'S [1811. 51. Great Britain having expressed a willingness to repeal her orders whenever France should repeal her de~ crees, she was now called upon, by the American envoy, to fulfil her engagement. She objected, that the French decrees could not he considered as repealed, a letter from the minister of state not bein^, for that purpose, a docu ment of sufficient authority. In answer to this objectioD, proof was presented that the French admiralty courts considered them repealed, and that no American vessel, although many had entered the ports of France, had been subjected to their provisions. Great Britain, however, still persisted to enforce her orders. 52. For this purpose, she had stationed shjps of war before the principle harbors of the United ^^tates. All American merchantmen, departing or returning, were boarded, searched, and many of them sent to British ports, as legal prizes. Impressments too were frequent, and the British officers, entertaining exalted ideas of their naval strength, and holding in contempt the republican flag, exhibited, on all occasions, an extreme insolence of be- havior, which nations as well as individuals expose them- selves to incur, by long and patient endurance of insult and aggression. 53. In one instance, however, their insolence was de- servedly punished. Commodore Rogers, sailing in the frigate President, met, in the evening, a vessel on the coast of Virgioia. He hailed, but instead of receiving an answer, was hailed in turn, and a shot was fired which struck the mainmast of the President. The fire was instantly returned by the commodore, and continued for a few minutes, when, finding his antagonist was of inferior force and that her guns were almost silenced, he desisted. On hailing again, an answer was given, that the ship was the British sloop of war Little Belt, of 18 guns. Thirty- two of her men were killed and wounded, and the ship was much disabled. 54. Mr. Foster, successor to Mr. Jackson, arrived at Washington in the summr-r of 1811, and proposed terms of reparation for the attack on the Chesapeake. These were a formal disavowal of the act, restoration to the frigate of the surviving sailors taken from it, a pecuniary provision for those who were wounded, and for the fami- lies of those who were killed. These terms were ao- jpepted by the president. 55». But tlie British envoy could give no assuraiic© that 181 L] ADMINISTRATION. S51 his governrarnt w;is disposed to make a satisfactory arraiigeiiunt of the suhjoct of impressment, or to repeal the orders in council. Tliese orders, on the contrary, continued to be enforced with rigor; and on the restoration of a free commerce with France, a large number of Ameri- can vessels, laden with rich cargoes, and destined to her ports, fell into the power of British cruisers. Such wag now the state of affairs, that the United States suffered the evils of war, while great Britain enjoyed the advan- tag'^s. Her cruisers, since 1S03, had captured nine Imndred American vessels. 56. The patience of the nation was exhausted. Presi- dent Madison, early in November, 1811, called congress together, laid before them the state of foreign relations, and recommended that the republic should be placed in an attitude to maintain, by force, its wounded honor and (essential interests. The representatives of the people, whose sentiments and feelings they expressed, determined to act in accordance with the views of the president. 57. Laws were enacted providing for the increase of the regular army to 35,000 men ; for the augmentation of the naval establishment ; empowering the president to accept of the services of volunteers, to Make a detach- ment from the militia, and to borrow eleven millions of dollars. It was the expectation of many that Great Britain, witnessing these serious preparations, would re- cede from the stand she had taken. 58. Events, h<at majority of the people, di- minished in no slight degree, the strength of the republic. 6. In the beginning of July, general Brown, who had been assiduously employed in disciplining his troops, crossed the Niagara with about 3000 men, and took pos- session, without opposition, of Fort Erie. In a strong position, at Chippewa, a few miles distant, was intrenched an equal number of British troops commanded by general Riall. On the 4th, general Brown approaahed their works. The next day, the two armies met in the open field. The conflict was obstinate and bloody. The Americans were victorious ; and the enemy, having sustained the loss of five hundred men, sought safety behind their intrenchments. 7. This decisive victory, achieved aft^r so many reverses, was hailed as an omen of future success. Soon afterwards, general Riall, abandoning his works, retired to the heights of Burlington. Here lieutenant-general Drummond, with a large reinforcement, joined him, and assuming the com- mand, led back the army towards the American camp. On the 25th, was fought the battle of Bridgewater, which Degan hefore sunset and continued until midnight. 8. This battle was fought near the cataract of Niagara, whose roar was silenct d by the thunder of cannon and the din of arms, but was distinctly heard during the pauses of the fi^ht. At intervals the moon shone brightly, but often her light was obscured. Against a superior force, the Americans, for several hours, contended with various suc- cess. During the first part of the engagement, they were sorely annoyed, into whatever part of the field they might drive the enemy or be driven, Ijy the British artillery, stationed on a commandiiig eminence. " Can yoa storm 274 MADISON'S [1814- that battery ?" said general Ripley to colonel Miller. " I'll try, sir," was the laconic answer. At the word of com- mand his men, with steady courage, ascended the hill, advanced to the muzzles of the cannon, killed with the bayonet several artillery-men, on the point of firing their pieces, and drove the remainder before them. 9. Both parties were instantly reinforced, and the enemy made a daring effort to regain their cannon. They were repulsed, but quickly repeated the attempt. Nearly all the opposing forces gathered around this position, and to possess it was the sole object of both armies. Again the enemy were repulsed ; but again they renewed the effort. After a violent conflict, they were a third time driven from the hill. The firing then ceased ; the British troops were withdrawn ; and the Americans were left in quiet possession of the field. 10. Generals Brown and Scott having both been severely wounded, the command devolved upon general Ripley. He remained a few hours upon the hill, collected the wounded, and then returned unmolested to the camp. The number of the killed and wounded proves the bravery of the combatants, and the severity of the conflict. On the American side it was 743 ; on the British, one hundred less ; and of the latter 117 more were missing than of the former. The British, therefore, besides losing their posi- tion, sustained the greater loss of men. 11. General Ripley found his force so much weakened, that he deemed it prudent again to occupy Fort Erie. On the 4th of August, it was invested by general Drummond with 5000 troops. In defending it, no less bravery and skill were requisite, and no less were displayed, than ia contending in the field. In the night between the 14th and 15th, the besiegers made an assault upon the fort, which was repelled with conspicuous gallantry by tho garrison, the former losing more than nine hundred men, the latter but eighty-four. 12. The siege was still continued. On the 2d of Sep- tember, general Brown, having recovered from his wounds, threw himself into the fort and took command of the gar- rison. For their fate, great anxiety was felt by the nation, which was, however, in some degree, removed by the march from Plattsburgh of five thousand men to their relief. On the 17th, a sortie was made by the besieged, general Porter of the New- York mili'iia, and general Miller of the regular army, commanding divisions. The bravery 1814.] ADMINISTRATION. 275 of the troops equalled that which they had displayed in the recent contests. After an hour of close fighting, they returned to the fort, having killed, wdunded, and taken one thousand of the enemy. Tlieir loss was severe, amounting to more than five hundred. 13. On the 21st of September, tlie forty-ninth day of the siege, general Drurmnond withdrew his forces, relieving the garrison from their toil, which had been incessant, and from their danger, which had been encountered without fear. Seldom have troops deserved higher praise of their country. On the 9th of October, general Izard arrived with the reinforcement from Plattsburgh, and being senior officer, took the command. On the 18th, he marched, with his whole force, in pursuit of the enemy, whom he found at Chippewa, strongly posted in a fortified camp. After making several unsuccessful attempts to entice them into the field, he evacuated Canada, and placed his troops in winter quarters at Buffalo, Blackrock, and Batavia. 14. The march of the troops from Plattsburgh having left that post almost defenceless, the enemy determined to attack it by land, and, at the same time, to attempt the destruction of the American flotilla on Lake Champlain. On the 3d of September, Sir George Prevost, the governor- general of Canada, with an army of 14,000 men, most of whom iiad served in the wars of Europe, entered the ter- ritories of the United States. As soon as his object was ascertained, brigadier-general Macomb, the commander at Plattsburgh, called to his aid the militia of New-York and Vermont, who, with alacrity and without distinction of party, obeyed tlie call. 15. On the 6tb, the enemy arrived at Plattsburgh, which is situated near Lake Champlain, on the northerly bank of the small river Saranac. On their approach, the American troops, who were posted on the opposite bank, tore up the planks of the bridges, with which they formed slight breastworks, and prepared to dispute the passage of the stream. Several attempts to cross it were made by the enemy, but they were uniformly defeated. From this time, until the 11th, the British army were employed in erecting batteries, while the American forces were every hour aug- mented by the arrival of volunteers and militia. 16. P]arly in the morning of that day, the British squad- ron, comnumded by connnodore Downie, appeared off the harbor of Plattsburgh, wiiere that of the United States, commanded by comnioJore McDonough, Uy at anchor 276 MADISON'S [1814 prepared for battle. The former carried ninety-five guns, and was manned with upwards of 1000 men, the latter carried eighty-six guns, and was manned with 820 men. 17. At nine o'clock the battle commenced. Seldom has the ocean witnessed a more furious encounter than now took place on the bosom of this transparent and peaceful lake. At the same moment, the enemy on land began a heavy cannonade upon the American lines, and attempted, at different places, to cross the Saranac. At a ford above the village the strife was hot and deadly. As often as the enemy advanced into the water, they received a destructive fire from the militia, and their dead bodies floated down the stream literally crimsoned with blood. 18. At half past eleven, the shout of victory, heard along the American lines, announced the result of the battle on the lake. A second British squadron had yielded to the prowess of American seamen. The cry animated to braver deeds their brethren on the land. Fainter became the efiforts of the enemy. In the afternoon, they withdrew to their intrenchments. In the night, they began a pre- cipitate retreat, and had fled eight miles before their de- parture was known in tlie American camp. 19. Upon the lake, the American loss was 110; the British 194, besides prisoners. On land, the American loss was 119 ; that of the British was estimated at 2500. In the latter number, however, were included more than five hundred British soldiers, who, preferring America to their native country, deserted from the retreating army. With these splendid victories closed the campaign on the northern frontier. 20. On the ocean, the republican flag maintained its high reputation. Victory was not always won ; but defeat never occurred attended with dishonor. The Essex, com- manded by captain Porter, after a bloody combat protracted longer than was necessary to vindicate his fame, struck to a British frigate and sloop of war, whose united force was much superior. The American sloop Peacock cap- tured the Epervier of equal force. The sloop Wasp, commanded by captain Blakely, captured the Reindeer, and afterwards, in the same cruise, sunk the Avon, eacA of superior force. She made several other prizes ; but never returned into port. Darkness rests upon her fate* She probably foundered at sea. The republic, with deep and sincere grief, mourned the loss of her gallant crew. 21. The poople uf the middle and southern states, an- 1814.J ADMINISTRATION. 277 ticipating a great augmentation of the enemy's force, and uncertain where the blow would fall, made exertions to place every exposed position in a posture of defence. The citizens of New- Y ork displayed extraordinary activity and zeal. Philadelphia and Baltimore were supposed to be in less danger, but additions were made to their fortifi- cations. For the protection of Washington, a military district, embracing Maryland, Columbia, and a part of Virginia, was established, and the command of it given to general Winder, of Baltimore. One thousand regular troops were placed at his disposal, and he was authorized to call to his aid 15,000 militia. 22. In the beginning of August, the expected reinforce- ments, consisting of many vessels of war, and a large number of troops, arrived in the Chesapeake from Europe. Of this force several frigates and bomb vessels were ordered to ascend the Potomac ; another division, under Sir Peter Parker, was directed to threaten Baltimore ; thejmain body ascended the Patuxeut as far as Benedict, where, on the 19th of August, five thousand men, commanded by general Ross, were landed. 23. In the mean time, general Winder had called on the militia to repair to his standard. They were exceedingly remiss in obeying the call. On the 22d, not more than two thousand had assembled. At the head of these, and of one thousand regulars, he took a position not far from the enemy, intending to prevent their progress into the country. 24. A particular account of the subsequent events will not be attempted. General Ross, marching through a scattered population, advanced towards Wasliington. The Americans retired before him. A stand was made near Bladensburgh. The militia fled on the approach of danger ; but a body of seamen and marines, commanded by com- modore jiarney, not only maintained their ground, but compelled the enemy to give way. They rallied, however, immediately ; outflanked the heroic band, put it to flight, and hastened forwaid. 25. The retreating forces were ordered to assemble on the heights near the cajjitoi ; anioners had met and held con- ferences at Ghent. Great Britain, rendered arrogant by lier recent triumphs in Europe, by the capture of Wash- ington, and by the boldness of the opposition, demanded terms which extinguished the hope of a speedy reconcili- ation. Congress shrunk not from the duty which the crisis imposed. Although the expenditures of the nation greatly exceeded the income ; although its finances were m disorder, and its credit was impaired, yet the national legislature, with undaunted firmness, entered upon the task of furnishing the means to prosecute the war with increased vigor. The taxes were augmented, and new loans were authorized. The duties of secretary at war, from which post general Armstrong was removed, were assigned to Mr. Monroe, the secretary of state, and Mr. Dallas of Penn- sylvania, was appointed secretary of the treasury. 35. The repose of general Jacksen, and of the troops whom he commanded, was interrupted by the arrival at Pensacola, in August, of three British ships of war, bring- ing three hundred soldiers, and arms and ammunition to be distributed among the Indiana of Florida. The troops were permitted, by the Spaniards, to take possession of the fort, and the commander issued a proclamation, indi- cating an intention of carrying on war against the adjacent parts of the republic. 36. General Jackson, with characteristic promptness, took instant and efficient measures for calling to his aid the patriotic militia, who had before been victorious under his banners. And having remonstrated in vain with tho governor of Pensacola, for affording shelter and protection to the enemies of the United States, he, near the end of October, at the head of a body of regulars and two thousand mounted volunteers, marched against that place. A flag, sent to demand redress, was fired on from the batteries. He immediately marched into the city, stormed the fort, obtained entire possession, and compelled the British to evacuate Florida. 37. Returning to his head-quarters at Mobile, he there received intelligence that a powerful expedition was on the wajr to attack New-Orleans. Without delay, he marched with his troops, to that city. He found it in a state of confusion and alarm. The mili-tia, composed of men of all nations, was imperfectly organized. Many, feeling no attachment to the republic, had refused to enter 1814.] ADiMINlSTRATION, fiSl the ranks. No fortifications existed on the varions routes by which the place coukl be^approached ; and tears were entertained that the reinforcements of militia, which were expected from Kentucky and Tennessee, could not arrive in time to take part in the contest. 08. Undismayed by the difficulties which surrounded him, general .lackson adopted the most decided and efficient means for the safety of this rich and important city. He visited in person every exposed point, and designated the positions to be fortified. He mingled with the citizens and infused into the greater part his own spirit and energy. By his presence and exhortations, they were animated to exertions of which before they were not supposed to be capable. All who could wield a spade, or carry a musket, were put to work upon the fortifications, or trained in the art oi' defending them. 39. The Mississippi, upon the east bank of which New- Orleans stands, flows to the ocean in several channels. One, leaving the main stream above the city, runs east of It and forms, in its course. Lake Ponchartrain and Lake Borgne. Early in December, the enemy entered this channel. Their whole force amounted to about 8000 men, a part of whom had just left the shores of the Chesapeake, and the remainder had arrived directly trom England. A small squadron of gunboats under lieutenant Jones, was despatched to oppose their passage into the lake. These were met by a superior force, and after a spirited conflict, in which the killed and wounded of the enemy exceeded the whole number of the Americans, they were compelled to surrender. ' 40. This disaster required tlie adoption, in the city, of more vigorous measures. Disaffection growing bolder, martial law was proclaimed ; the authority of the civil magistrate was suspended ; and arbitrary power was as- sumed and exercised by the commander-in-chief. May no emergency hereafter occur, in wihich a military officer shall consider himself authorized to cite, as a precedent, this violation of the constitution. 4L On the 21st of December, four thousand militia arrived from Tennessee. On the 22d, the enemy, having previously, landed, took a position near the main channel of the river, about eight miles below the city. In the evening of the 23d, general Jackson made a sudden and furious attack upon their camp. They were thrown into ^disorder; but they soon rallied and fought with bravery Y 2 282 MADISON'S [1815. equal to that of tlte assailants. Satisfied with the advan- tage first gained, he withdrew his troops, fortified a strong position four miles belotv New-Orleans, and supported it by batteries erected on the west bank of the river. 42. On the 28th of December, and first of January, vigorous but unsuccessful attacks were made upon these fortifications by the enemy. In the mean time, both armies had received reinforcements ; and general Packen- ham, the British commander, resolved to exert all his strength in a combined attack upon the Ameri^jar positions on both sides of the river. With almost incredible indus- try, he caused a canal, leading from a creek emptying into Lake Borgne to the main channel of the Mississippi, to be dug, that he might remove a part of his boats and ar- tillery to the latter. All things being prepared, the 8th of January was assigned for the assault. 43. In the night, a regiment was transported across the river, to storm the works on the western bank, and turn the guns on the American troops on the eastern. Early in the morning, the main body of the enemy, consisting of seven or eight thousand men, marched from their camp to the assault. While approaching, fearless and undaunted, showers of grape-shot thinned their ranks. When they came within musket-shot a vivid stream of fire burst from the American lines. General Jackson having placed his troops in two ranks, those in the rear loaded for those in front, enabling them to fire with scarcely a moment's intermission. The militia of the west, trained from infancy to the use of the rifle, seldom took unsteady or uncertain sim. The plain was soon covered with dead and wounded. Some British regiments faltered and fell back ; but others advanced and presented new victims. While bravely leading to the walls the regiment which bore the ladders, geneial Packenham was killed. In attempting to restore order and to rally the fugitives, general Gibbs, the second in command, was wounded mortally, and general Keene severely. Without officers to direct them, the troops first halted, then fell back, and soon fled in disorder to their camp. In little more than an hour, two thousand of the enemy were laid prostrate upon the field ; while of the Americans but seven were killed and six wounded — a disproportion of loss without a parallel in the annals of warfare. 44. The events of the day, on thft vreU side of the river prerenl a striking instance of the uncertainty of warlike operations. There the Americans were thrice the number of the assailants, and were protected by intrencli- ments ; but they inglorioiisly fled. Tliey were closely | pursued, until the British party, receiving intelligence of ' the defeat of the main army, withdrew from pursuit and recrosged the river. They then returned and resumed possession of their intrenchments. 45. General Lambert, upon whom the command of the British army had devolved, havnig lost all hope of success, A prepared to return to his shii)ping. In his retueat he was «^ not molested : general Jackson wisely resolving t© hazard nothing that he had gained, in attempting to gain still more. 46. In the midst of the rejoicings for this signal victory, a special messenger arrived from Europe, with a treaty of peace, which, in December, had been concluded at Ghent. The British government had receded from all their de- mands ; and as the orders in council had been repealed, and all motive for the impressment of seaman had ceased with the war in Europe, no stipulation, in relation to these subjects, was inserted in the treaty, which provided merely for the restoration of peace and the revision of boundaries. The treaty was immediately ratified by the president and senate. 47. The war, however, did not cease on the ocean, until two additional victories had imparted a brighter lustre to the republican flag. In February, the Constitution, then cruising under the command of captain Stewart, captured the Cyane and Levant, v/hose forces united were superior to hers ; and in March, tlie sloop Hornet captured the brig Penguin, stronger in guns and men than the yictor. APPEXBIX. THE English colonirs of North Arncricn wore setil^iJ under the mof^t favorable aiispicoK. Thp mind of m;m fiad just burst from thraldom, and begun to do-lisht in the free and vigorous exercise of its powers. Kelisrion und ffovernnient had become tliemes of animated discussion. The ijeo[)le had Itoldly tjues- tioned tlie divine right of tlu-ir rulers to control their actions, and of their priesla to prescribe- to thcui articles of faith. Theyj had as.snme(l a higher ranl?^ and lk)ld(n' a Ititude ; ami, conscious of their OAvn power, nad begun to feel lessdr'ix'ndencp upon others. 2. From that country, where the advnucen:ient of knowledge had been greatest, came those who )ieoj)led this western wilder- ness. They belonged principally to a class, so high as to have participated largely in the adva titagcs wluch knowledge imparts, and yet not so high tus to be above the power of the oppressor. The persecutions they had endured rendered the principles of civil and religious liberty more dear to their hearts ; and led to inquiries and reflections, which Ji'ced a conviction of their truth more finnly in their understandings. 3. No occasion could be more fortunate, no merj could b« better fitted, to lay the foundation of a superstructure entirely new. Their knowledge enabled them to discern the good anti the evil of the political institutions, which had existed in the world ; and their feelings, chastened by their sufferings, or ele- vated by their favorable view of human nature, led them to reject those provisions, which sacrificed the happiness of many to the splendor of a few ; and to adopt such only as gave equal rights and privileges to all. 4. In every nation of Europe, ecclesiasti 3al establishments existed, almost co-ordinate with the civil ai i thority. The offi- cers of these establishments were numerous, ind their privileges extensive. For their support, in early times, a tenth part of the income of the laity was appropriated. Possesseing wealth, and rank,' and learning, their influence was great, and was constantly exerted to acquire and preserve dominion over the minds and consciences of men. Their success was equal to the means which they employed. They continued to add to their wealth and power, until, corrupted by luxury and idle» ness, they forgot their duties to God and to man; and en- cumbered society with a useless and oppressive weight, 5. No part of these establishments have been transferred to America. The first settlers of most of the colonies were too proud of their attainments, in spiritual knowledge, to sub- 7nit to dictation in matters of faith ; and too independent in feeling to acknowledge a superior on earth. Here man re- sumed his natural and dignified station ; and the ministers oi the gospel, maintaining an apostolical simplicity of character aad manners, have seldom sought to obtain, and pasBe«)i not APPENDIX. 285 the m^ns of obtaining, any {rreater influence than that which superior virtue and piety confer. 6. The doctrine of hereditary right prevailed also throughout Europe. By the fundamental regulations of nearly everyltmg- doni, the monarch and nobles transmitted to their eldest sons, / even though destitute of talents and virtue, their authority, [ privileges, and rank. The people often saw on the throne men, I who were guilty of the most atrocious wickedness, and whose \ conduct involved communities and nations in misery; but no attempt could be made to remove or punish them without incur- ring the penalty of rebellion. They saw also, in other exalted stations, men equally wicked and equally beyond their control. 7. The law of prnno"-eniture existed as a part of the here- ditary system. 1 he eldest son inhrrited, not the title only, but also all the lands of the father. By this unjust and unnatural law, the younger sonf5 and the daughters were doomed to com- parative poverty. One portion of the people was made rich and another poor. Few were placed in that happy mediiun between wealth and poverty, which is most favorable to virtue, to hap- piness, and to the improvement of the human faculties. 8. The principle, that power could be inherited, was at once rejtH'tod by the first emigrants to America. They had witnessed, in Europe, th^ pernicious operation of this principle; they were convinced of its absurdity ; and even had not such been the case, that ecpiality of rank and condition, which existed among them, would have prevented any one from claiming such a privilege for his family, and all others from submitting to it. 9. The law of primogeniture fell of course into disuse, or was abohshed. That equality of rigliis and of rank, which prevailed at first, has continued to prevail ; ai^id though, in some of the colonies, the extravagant grants of land, wlTich were made by capricious governors to their favorites, introduced great ine- fjuality of fortune, yet the salutary operation of various laws; is continually diminishing this inequality, dividing and dis- tributing among many that wealth, which, when in the hand* of a few, is less beneficial to the public, and productive of less^_ iudividual enjoyment. ^ /' 10. The systems of government estabhshed in the colomcs were also departures from European precedents, and were in perfect harmony v>'ith their social institutions. Most of the provisions of the early charters were doubtless suggested by tlie first emigrants, and of course accorded with their liberal political principles. The kings, who granted them, conceded many privileges to encourage the settlement of colonies in America, entertaining no su^;picicn that their successors would ever have occasion to regret their concessions. These char- ters made but little distinction in the rights and privileges o{ the colonists. Every man could regard those around liim ai his equals. The state of individual dependence behig hardly known, all sense of de|iei)dence on the mother country was gniduaily lost ; and the transition from a colonial to an' ii^do- pcndeut condilicn was Uiiturai uad una\ uidubi«i. 2S8 APPENDIX. II. In nothinj^ is the contrnst betwocn the two systems of government greater than in the requisitions, which they make of the people, for their support and defence. That of Great Britam may be taken as a favorable example of the European governments. The people of that kinpdom pav, annually, for tho support of their sovereign and his rclativchi, iiearlv two and a half millions of dollars, while the compensation of Oio president of the United States is but twenty-five thousn nd. In the salaries of the subordinate officers of governiheiit, the (lisproportion is not so great, but is generally, nevertheless, as four or five to one. I'i. The military peace establishment of Great Britain costs annually thirty-four millions of dollars ; that of the United States but little more than five millions. The naval estab- lishment of the former costs twenty-two millicns ; that of the latter less than two and a half millions. British subjects pay in taxes, raised exclusively for national purposes, at the rate of fifteen dollars yearly for each individual ; the citizens of the United States nay, in national and state taxes, at the rate of but two dollars. And as the whole population of Great Britain arKi Ireland is included in the estimate, the individual wealth of the .subjects of the united kingdom, and of the citizens of the Ame- rican republic, m.ay, on an average, be cnnsidellpd nearly equal. 13. With burdens thus light, not embarrassed *y too much regulation, nor restricted by monopolies, but left at liberty to pursue their own interests, as individual judgment may dictate, the citizens of the republic have boldly embarked in all the ordinary pursuits of man ; and in all have met with a degree of success, which exhibits a favorable and forcible conmientary upon their free institutions, and proves that no other people surpass them in activity or enterprise. 14. In the pursuits of AGRiCTLTt'nK, by far the greatest portion of the mhabitants are engaged ; and for that employ- ment the country is most favoral)ly situated. It embraces every desirable variety of climate. The soil is generally good ; in many parts of the union, it is exeeeditigly fertile ; and it produces, or may be made to produce, almost every vegetable, wliich can be used as the food of man, or as the material ot manufactvires. The northern states produce Indian corn, rye, wheat, f!ax, hemp, oats, potn toes ; nnd their pastures feed and fatten large numbers or cattle and slieep. The middle and v/estern states produce tobacco, niid the snme articles as the northern, but wlieat in much greater aiauidance. In the south- ern states, cotton is principally cuitivated, bat considerable -(quantities of rice ajid sugar are produced. 15. In 1820, the number of persons engnged in agriculture was 2,070,646. The value of all its ]iro(lucts exported during the year ending the 3(»th of September, 1S53, was 37,646,000 dollar?:. The nrinciple articles were, cotton to the value of 2<).44/.,000 dollars; flour to the value of 4,962,000 dollars ; tobacco to the value of 4,852,000 dollars ; and rice to the value of 1,821,000 dollars. The vHJue of |mnision>* of all kind* ft'^purted was 13,460,000 dollars, and it has, iu iiumy veajsi. APPENDIX. 28t hren prratrr. A poople ahlo tr) spare such an amount of tht ii(vrspari(>s ot'lifo can nover l>e in danger of sufl'oring from want. 10. 'JMio agricultural class is conspicuous for industry, morali- tv,anLl genera! intelligence ; luithasless professional knowledge llian the same class in Europe. Laud having hitherto been cheap, and not «!.\hau^.ted hy cultivation, agriculturalists have not been i-ager, auil it iias not been necessary, to make practical application of the discoveries of science. A cliange in these rcsj)ects having taken place, especially in the Atlantic states, many now studv their profession as a science ; dnd, as all pro- fessions are estimated according to the skill and inteiUgence retpiired to attain euunence in them, they are raising their own nearer to that rank in .society, to wliich the utihty and importance of agriculture entitle it. More taste and neatness are tlisplayed, and the appearance of the country is visibly and rapitUy improving. 17. The coM.AJRRCE of the United States has yielded a rich harvest of wealth. Various circumstances have directed to this pursuit the attention of a large portion of the population, and have r.(>ntributpd to their prosperity in it. For two thou- sand miles, the repul)lic bounds upon the sea, and in that space has many excellent harbors. The finest timber for ship building is abundanl, and easily ])rocured. Near the shores oi' the nortiicrii slates, and on tlic adjacent banks of New- foundland, are fishing stations, unsurpassed by any in the world. Fishing is conseipiently a lucrative employment, in ])ro])ortion to llie capital invested, and attracts to it a large number of the naliv(>s of those states. These become accus- tomed to a seataring life, and soon pass into larger vessels, destined lor more distant and perilous voyages. IS. The state of the woriil, for several years subsequent to the commence.T.f^nt ol' the French revolution, offered great en- couragement to tie commercial enterprise of the country. While almost every otlu^r power was engaged in war, the United States were neutral ; their vessels navigated the ocean in safety, and wore employed to carry, from port to port, the commodity's of the belligerant nations. In fifteen years, beginning with 1 793, these favorable circumstances increased the amount of Ameri- can tonnage from 491,000 to 1,242,000 tons, and the revenue arising tnMii commerce, from 4,399,000 to 16,363,000 dollars. 19. In U'<20, the number of persons engaged in coimnerce was 72,493. In 18^i3, the whole amount of exports was 74,799,000 dollars ; the amount of imports was 77,579,000 dollars, the ballance, in favor of the United States, being about three millions of dollars. As the imports, however, are always undervalued at the custom-house, the additional wealth, which, in that year, accrued to the nation from commerce, was un- doubtedly greater. 20. In other years, the commerce of the country has flour- jslied more. In 1J<07, the exports amounted to 108,343,000 doll.Lir^, and the import-^ to I38,r)74,000 dollars. The principal cause;^ of the decline whifh has taken place, have been, the S88 APPEIS'DIX. restoration of peace m Europe, and the increase of the pro- duct of domestic manufactures. The former has jiennitteu all other nations to become our competitors ; the latter has ren- dered it unnecessary to resort to Europe for most of the con- \eniencies and many of the luxuries of life. The depression will not lon^ continue. The independence of the South Ame- rican republics has opened a wide neld for the enterprise of our merchants, and given a brighter hue to their future prospects. 21. The COD FISHERY on the north-eastern coast of America attracted, at an early period, the attention of the world. In l.'iSS, Sir Humphrey Gilbert found thirty-six vessels fishing in the harbor of St. John, in Newfoundland. They ■were prin- cipallv from Biscay, in Spain, and Britany in France, and, for many years, the French retained almost a monopoly of this source of wealth. In 1744, they employed, in this fishery, 414 large ships, navigated by about 24,000 seamen, and tlie quan- tity offish taken amounted to 1,149,000 quintals. 22. The war of 1756, expelling the French from the conti- nent, transferred the privileges which they bar* enjoyed to Great Britain. The English colonies, from their vicinity, participated largely in them. In the year 1760, six hundred and sixty ves- sels, navigated by 4,400 seamen, were fitted out from the ports of New-England. During the rcv'olutionary war, the Ameri- cans vv^cre compelled to relinquish this profitable pursuit ; and it required ail the firmness and address of the negotiators of the peace of 1783, to secure to these states those advantages which nature seems to have intended for them, and which they had enjoyed as a component part of the British empire. They were at length, however, notwithstanding the covert opposition of France, conceded by the mother country. 23. From that period, till 1807, the number of vessels and men employed in tliis pursuit continued to increase. An esti- mate has been made that, from 1790 to 181'^, twelve hundred vessels of all kinds, navigated by 10,500 men and boys, were, on an average, yearly employed in the Bank, Bnv, and T.abra- dor fisheries; 1,150,000 quintals of fish were caught and cured ; and 37,000 barrels of oil were made. The annual value of the product of these fisheries could not have been less than three and a half millions of dollars. They were interrupted by the last war with Great Britain, and have not since re- clined their former activity. As nurseries of seamen, they are important to the nation; and as such have received the particular attention and encouragement of government. A nounty, which has, in some years, amounted to 200,000 dol- lars, is paid to the owners and crews of the vessels employed. 24. The WHALE fishery of the United States ought not to be passed over unnoticed. Its successful prosecution requires unconjnion hardihood and skill. As early as 1690, the inhab- itants of Nantucket engaged in this pursuit, and were soon after jnine*! by their brethren of the town New-Bedford. In a few years thi;se monsters of the deep were driven from the American coasts ; but were pursued with ardar into seas the APPENDIX. 2S9 most rcmotp. Tn 1715, t^vo hundred and twpnty-rijrht tons; in 1771, twenty-fieven thousand tons; in 1815 forty-two thousand ton.« of sliipping were employed in this business. The prod art of this Jisliery, cxporLed in 1807, consisting of connnoii and spenuuci'ti oil ;iiid vvliulc-bone, was valued at 606,000 dolltirs; in 1823, at 653.000 dollars. 25. Ai! (wtriict from the sppocii of Mr. Burke delivered in the Britisli narliimifnt, in 1775, presents, in eloquent langustre, a correct idea of the importance of this fishery, and of the cnterpriso and dexterity of those engaged in it. " As to the wealth whicli the colonies have drawn from the sea by their lisheri(>s, you had all that matter fully opened at your bar. You surely thought those acquisitions of value ; for they seemed even to excite your envy ; and yet the spirit by which that enterprising enijiloyniejit has been exercised, ought rather, in my op'iuion, to luive raised your esteem and admiration 2(i. "And i^ray, sir, what in the world is equal to it] Pass by tlie other oarts, and look at the manner in which the peo- ple of rVew-hngland have of late carried on the whale fishery^ While we iollow them among the tumbling mountains of ice, and behold tiu-m penetrating iiito the deepest frozen recesses oi Hudson's l>ay and Davis's straits; whilst we are looking for them beiu-atli the arctic c;ircle, we hear that they have pierced into the opposite region of polar cold; that they are at the Antipodes, and engaged under the frozen serpent of the south. Falkhmd Island, which seemed too remote and romantic an object for the grasp of national ambition, is but a stage and resting place in the progress of their victorious industry. 27. " Nor is the equinoctial heat more discouraging to them than the accunmlated winter of both poles. We know that, while some of them draw the line and strike the harpoon on the coasts of Africa, others run the longitude and pursue the gigan- tic game nlon^ the coast of Brazil. No sea but what is vexed by their fisheries. No climate that is not witness to their toils. Neither the perseverance of Holland, nor the activity of France, nor the dexterous atid tirm sagacity of English enterprise, ever carried this most perilous Tnode of hardy industry to the extent to whicli it has been pushed by this recent people ; a people who are still, as it were, but in the gristle and not yet hardened into the bone of manhood. 28. "When I contem|)late these things ; when I know that the colonies owe little or nothing to any care of ours, and that they are not S(iuee7.ed into this happy form by the constraints of watchful and suspicious government, but that, through a wise and salutary neglect, a generous nature has been suffered to take its own way to |>erfection ; when 1 refiect upon these efiects, when I see how profitable they hrive been to us, I feel all the pride of power sinK, and all presnmption in the wisdom of human contrivances melt and die away within me. My rigor relents. I pardon something ir» the spirit of liberty." 2'«. MAN'rrvcTUP.ics. While tb.f United States were colo- nies, the mother c\)uutry endeavo^'dd to prevent the mhabttanf** Z. 290 APPENDIX. from manufacturing any article "whatevor, even for their own use. The erection of slitting-niills was prohibited, and hatters were forbidden to take any apprentice for less than seven years, or to employ more than two at a time. In addition to these and other legislative enactments, the wages of labor were high, and, neither skill nor surpluis capital existed in the country. But little attention was of course given to manufactures, and the inhabitants received their supplies from the artizans of England. 30. Some atte^npts were however made, a few years previous to the commencement of the revolutionary war, to introduce manufactures. Such was in part the intention of the non- importation agreements ; and some of the colonial legislatures, to encourage the production of wool, and the manufacture of cloths, exempted sheep from taxation. But, at no time, pre- vious to the adoption of the constitution, did manufacturers exist in the country in sufficient number to be considered a class of the population. 31. And indeed it was not until the imposition of the em- bargo, in 1807, t'lat any considerable impulse was given to this branch of industry. Prevented by this interruption of 'jommerce, from ex^changing their x>roducts for foreign articles, the inhabitants then attejn))ted to fabricate them for them- 6elves; From the want of expenence and skill, many of the first attempts were unsuccessful ; but in a very short time, th^se deficiencies were supplied, and, at the close of the war, the amount of the products of manufactures was astonishingly great. Forming an estimate from the amount in 1810, which was near 170 millions, it could not have been less, for 1814, than two hundred millions of dollars. In this amount, how- ever, are included the products of household manufactures, and of the mechanic arts. 32. Peace, by atlbrding to foreigners an opportunity of in- troducing the goods which had accumulated in their ware- houses, checked, for a few years, tlie imi)ulse which the re- strictive measures and the war had given. In each of the three years following 1815, the value of articles manufactured was probably less than in any one of the preceding six vears. From the year 1818, the amount has gradually increased, ajid in 1821 and 1822, it was probably greater than it had ever before been. It will hereafter continue to increase, and the navigation of the country will be employed, not so much in bringing homo, the manufactures of other nations, as in car- rying abroad those of the United States. In this way, domes- tic manufacture.^ will repay to commerce the. capital they have lately drawn from it. 33 The states iri which the greatest attention is devoted to this branch of industry, are Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Mas- sachusetts, New-Hampshire, and Connecticut, The principal manufactures are those of cotton and of woollen cloths, of iron, and of leather. In 1820, the number of inhabitant!* engaged m manufactures was 349,506. 34 The question, whelhex agriculture, commerce, or man- APPENDIX. 291 ufactures is most productive of national wealtli, ami to which the government ought, in preference, to extend its protection and encouragement, lias lately been warmly discussed, by the poUticians and writers on political ec«nomy, in America, and in Europe. Each interest has had its advocates. The deci- sion of tne impartial statesm:in would probaHy bo, that neither should be encouraged to the neglect of the others ; that if either is, in any doL'ree, to be preferred, it is that which is, at the time, the most depressed ; or that which supplies most of the means of national defence, and most of the necessaries and conveniencies of life. 35. Debt, Revenue, and Expenditures. When, in 1790, the public debt was fn: probably produce about one million more, have been perma- nently devoted to the same object. The annual interest of this fund is distributed, according to population, among the several townshif)s, on their raising, for the same purpose, an additional sum eqaal to tliat which they receivi; fioin tne state. In 1821jthree hunilred and thirty-three thousand children were taught, in the several district schools; a number nearly equal to that of nil the children in the state between five and fifteen years of age. In 1823, the number taught was 400,000. 44. Virginia has filso a literary fu.nd, the interest of a ]»art of wliich is appropriated to the support of couimun Hchuola. APPENDIX. 393 This fund is of recrnt origin, and its income is yet smalL The advantages of oducatitm are, however, so highly appreci- ated in that state, by its enUghtened citizens, that most of the rising generation are instructed in private scliools, or by do- mestic teachers. Tlie same remark will apply to most of the middle and southern states ; yetj in these, too many of the children of the poor will remam m ignorance mitil effectual provision is made, by the respective governments, for the in- struction of all. 45. The national government has not been unmindful of the importance of universal education. Before the adoption of the constitution, it acquired, by the cession of the states claim- ing it, the property of nearly all the unappropriated land vvithin the national boundaries. In offering this land for sale, it has reserved, in every township, one section, comprising 640 acres, for the use of schools. As the population of the new states becomes more dense, these lancls will constitute a valuable and productive fund, and the system of free schools, thus planted in the western, will there produce the same benefits as in the eastern portion of the union. 4G. Schools of a higher order, to which the name of acade- mies has been applied, are r.umerous in all the states, especially in those of New-England. Many are incorporated, and some possess considerable funds. That at Exeter, in New-Hanip- shire, holds the hiirhest rank ; its funds amount to 80,000 dollars ; it has a library containing 700 volumes, and a hand- some philosophical apparatus. In these schools are taught Englisii grammar, conrijosition, history, geograjthy, mathe- matics, the Latin and Greek languages. Many young men rosort to them to awjuire an education superior to that which can be obfaiiied iti tlif^ primary schools, and many to prepare themseivps to entpr some collccre or university. They are principally taught by those, who have just received a degree in the arts, and who are unable, from the v/ant of property, to engage immediately in the study of the professions which they nuend to pursue. 47. Of colieiscs and universities there is also a large number in the TJnitel, to Yale College. Allerwards bishop Berkeley, the celebrated metaphysician, who had re» sided two years in America, presented tr» it a collection of books, consisting of nearly one thousand volumes ; and a farm in Newport, the annual rent of which, on a t mg lease, is two hundred and forty busJiels of wheat. From the state, and' from other sources, it has received many liberal donations. Its libraries contain about nine thousand volumes, In 1824, the faculty consisted of a pr(,'sident, and eleven professors, and the number of its students was 349. 49. In addition to these, there are, in the union, about fiflv colleges and universities authorized to confer degrees. In all of these are taught, the English, Latin, and Creek languages, rhetoric, mathematics, natural philosophy, logic, chymistry, astrenomy, history, and geography. In some of them are also taught the Hebrew, oriental, and moderii European languages ; anatomy, surgery, medicine, botany, polite literature, divinity, ethics, natural and municipal law, politics, and elocution. .50. Literature, The remark has often been made, that the United States have produced no eminent scholars ; and that the national character has not been illustrated by literary and scientific performances of distinguished merit. This re-- mark is doubtless just. Compared with those of the old world, their writers have not exhibited the same labored polish of style, nor their men of science the same perseverance and extent of investigation. Their historians are not equal to Hume or Robertson ; their poets to Milton or Pope ; their chymists to Lavoisier or Davy ; nor their metaphysicians to Locke, Berkeley, or Reid, 51. But this fact implies no deficiency of mental vigor in the people. The minci of the nation has received, from cir- cumstances, a diiferent direction. Those who are endued with extraordinary talent, whatever may have been their ori- ginal propensities, have been called from the closet to labor in the legislative hall, or the cabinet ; to vindicate the cause or defend the interest of their country abroad ; to dispense jus- tice from the bench, or to support and defend, at the bar, the claims and the rights of their fellow citizens, 52. To perform -these duties, certainly not less honorable nor less difficult than any thing which the mere scholar can perform, a greater variety ol" talents, and greater intellectual labor, have been required in this than in any other country. Here, in comparatively a short period, the K)undations have been laid, and the superstructures erected, of new political institations. Many governments have been established over comniunities difienng from each other, and from those of Europe ; and over these a paramount government, with ex* tPi>*ive and ifliportant power*. For each of these conunuui* APPENDIX. 295 tie*!, a now system of law has been required, and each govern- ment has rt separate ex-eeutive, logisf.Uive, and j iidicial depart- ment. The population of no country has been called upon to supply such a number of legislators, of judges, and of lawyers; nor^ it may be added, of uistructors of youth. And, while their number accounts for the comparative neglect of literature and the tine arts, the talents they have displayed sufficiently vindicate the republic from the reproach of intellectual infe- riority. 53. But not in these modes alone have the people of these states proved, that in original powers of mind they may assert an equahty, at least, with those of any other nation. None has made more important discQveries in the useful arts. Eng- land boasts of her Arkwright, who invented the spinning machine ; of her Worcester, Ncwcomcn, and Watt, by whose ingenuity and labors the powers of steam were substituted for the uncertain aid of wind and water in moving the machinery of manufactories. 64. America may boast of her Godfrey, whose quadrant has been almost as serviceable, as the compass, to navigation ; of her Franklin, who has made our dwellings comtortable within, and protected them from the lightning of heaven ; of her AVhitney, whose cotton gin has added to the annual pro- duct of that article at least one hundred millions of pounds ; of her Whittemore, the inventor of the wonderful machine for making cards ; of her Perkins, the inventor of the nail ma- chine ; and of her Fultim, who has rendered the power of steam subser%ient to the purpoi-:es of navigation. 55. But the United States have produced authors who would do honor even to any other nation. The style of Franklin is perspicuous and pure ; jind few men of any age or country have contributed more by their writings, to en- lighten and to benefit mankind. The histories of Marshall, Ramsay, Belknap, Williams, and the Annals of Holmes, are works of sterling merit, interesting, and instructive. Among theological writers, Edwards, Hopkins, Dwight, Lathrop, Davics, Koliock, and Buckminster, are deservedly eminent. And as a novelist, Brown has few equals. 56. Many of the political writers of this country have dis- played great vigor of thought, and force of expression. The pamphlets and state papers to which the revolutionary strug^fle gave existence ; the numbers of the Federalist ; the official letters of Mr. Jefferson, as secretary of state, and of the Ame- rican ministers at Ghent, not only display intellectual powers, but possess literary mejit, of the highest order. Some of the best writers of this republic have not been the authors of books. 57. To the fine arts still less attention has been paid than to literature ; but the neglect is to be attributed rather to the /deficiency of patronage than to the want of capacity to excel. Benjamin West, a native of Pennsylvania, presided for many years over the Koyal Society, comprising the most eminenift 296 APPENDIX. painters of Great Britain. In poi;trait-painting, Copley and btuart have acquired a liigh reputation ; and in nistorical painting, Trumbull and Alston excel. The United States claim only the honor of their birth ; England and Italy that of patronizing and instructing them. 58. Religion. The consequences resulting from the en- joyment of religious Hberiyhave been highly favorable. Free discussion has enlightened the ignorant, disarmed superstition of its dreadful powers, and consigned to oblivion many erro- neous and fantastic creeds. Religious oppression, and the vindictive feelings it arouses, are hardly known. Catholics and Protestants live together in harmony ; and protestants who disagree, employ, in defending their own doctrines, and m assailing those oi their antagonists, the weapons only of reason and eloquence. 59. In the New-England states, the independents or con- ^egationalists constitute the most numermis denomination ; in the m'ddle states, the presbyterians ; and in the southern, the methodists. Baptists, episcopalians, and Roman catholics, are found in all the states ; but in Maryland and Louisiana, the catholics are more numerous than elsewhere. Each of these sects has one or more seminaries of learning, in which its pecuhar doctrines are taught, and young men are educated for the ministry. Many ether sects exist, but reason, less tolerant than the laws, is gradually diminishing the number. 60. Character and Manners. Foreigners have asserted that the Americans possess no national character. If at any feriod this assertion has been true, it was then no reproach, n its youth, a nation can have no established character. The inhabitants of this republic, coming from every quarter of the world, speaking many different languages, dispersed over a vast extent of territory, coukl not immediately assimi- hite and exhibit tliose few prominent traits, which nations as well as individuals, in their maturity, display. 61. But the germ of a national character has always existed. It has grown with our growth, and is gradually throwing into the shade those unfavorable and discordant traits, which have disfigured and partly concealed it from view. Who, that has read the history ot these states, has not perceived, in the in- habitants, an energy of purpose capal>le of surmounting all obstacles; a spirit of enterprise, that leaves nothing useful unattempted ; a proud sense of personal dignity and indepen- dence ; a decided preference of utility before show ; and a love of knowledge that has dispelled ignorance from the land ] They may have been too much devoted to the pursuit of gain; too much addicted to habits of intemperance ; too much in- flated with national vanity ; bigoted and superstitious : but these traits are now less apparent ; they are constantly melt- ing away, and those more noble appearing in bolder relief.^ 62. They whose wealth or talents place them in the first rank in society, are, in their manners, free from awkward- ness, formality, haughtiness, and ostentation ; but they do not APPENDIX. 297 diKplay the olegancp or refinement of the same class in Europe, The inasK of the i)eo|)le are serious, shrewd, inquisitive, manly, ami ceiierally respectful ; hut they know little, and practise lesMu, of tlie ceremonies of formal politeness. To foreigners, accustomed to the servility of the lower classes in Europe, they doubtless appear rough and uncourtly ; and many fashionable tourists may have liad their feelings needlessly wounded, and their delicacy shocked ; but when respectfully treated, they display native politeness, and generosity of sen- timent. Time will remove the grosser delects ; but may it never, by polishing too deeply, impair that strength of charac- ter, which is essential to the permanence of our republican institutions. 63. A review of the rapid progress of the United States in population, wealth, and power ; a survey of their present phvsical and moral condition ; and a comparison of them, in either respect, with other nations, cannot fail to give to an American citizen an elevated conception of his own coi^ntry, and V) justify the loftiest anticipations of the future. ti4. In a period of thirty years, ending with 1820, the population of the republic increased from 3,893,835, to i),6\'Z,loO ; it consequently doubles in less than twenty-five years. In Great Britain the population does not double in less than eighty years ; and in that country the increase is nearly, if not quite, as rapid as in any other country in Europe. H.5. The augmentation of wealth and power cannot he so easily ascertained. It is the opinion of many, well qualified to judge, that it has been still more rapid; and when the in- crease of our exports, which in the same period advanced from nineteen to sixty-five millions; when the growth of our cities and villages ; the increase of our manufacturing estabUsh- ments, of our national and mercantile navy, of our fortifica- tions and other means of defence ; the extent of our internal improvements ; and, beyond all, the extensive territories re- claimed froui a state of nature and made productive and valu- able, are adverted to, that opinion will not appear unfounded nor extravagant. < 66. Although now inferior to the principal nations of the old world, yet but a short period will elapse before the Unitcii States, should their progress hereafter be the same that it has been, will overtake and pass them. Their great natural ad- vantages will continue to urge them forward. Extensive tracts of fertile land yet remain vacant of inhabitants ; the por- tions already settled are capable of supporting a much more rumierous population ; new roads ana new canals will give greater activity to internal conmierce, and open new fields to the untiring industry and enterprise of man ; and, a small part only being re([uired by the government, nearly the whole annual incnnie will be added to tlie general capital, augment- ing it in a compound ratio. t)7. That theso splendid anticipations are not the sugge»» »98 APPENDIX. tions of national vanity, the history of the past sufficiently proves. Yet their fullihnent depends, in a great degree, upon the ftiture conduct of the people themselves ; upon their ad- herence to the principles of their fathers ; upon the preserva- tion of free political institutions, of industrious, frugal, and moral habits ; and, above all, upon the universal diffusion of knowledge. 68. This truth should sink deep in the hearts of the old and the young. 'The citizens of this republic should never forget the awful responsibilities resting upon them. They constitute the oidest nation on this western hemisphere, the first on the list of existing republics. They stand forward, the object of hatred to some, of admiration to many, of wonder to ail ; and an impressive example to the people of every countr)'. To them is conmaitted an experiment, successful hitherto, the final result of which must have a powerful influence upon the des- tiny of mankind ; if favorable and happy, the whole civilized world will be free ; if adverse, despotism and darkness will again overshadow it. May they ever be sensible of the vast importance of their example. May they never betray their sacred trust. QUESTIONS TO HALE'S HISTORY OF THE UJVITED STATE*. Qs. Pg. 1 7 Was the continent of America known to the ancienta t 2 — What was the object ol the voyages of discovery made in the 15tli century / 3 — Who was a distinguishetl navigator of that age ? 4 — Wlioro was he born ' 5 — What incidents led him to think that he could reach the East Indioa by sailing west ? 6 8 To wliom tlid he apply for assistance 1 7 — Who became liis friend and patron ? 8 — When did he set sail I From what port ? 9 — What course did lie steer I 10 — What phenomenon was first obsei^yed during his voyage? 11 9 How did his crews behave? What did they threaten to do I 12 — How did he appease them I IJ — When was land discovered ? 14 10 Wliat other islands did he discover and visit? 15 — How was he received on his return? lit. — Who first discovered the continont ? When? "Siiy 11 Upon what did the English found th*r claim to the eastern portion of Norih America ? 18 — From whom does the continent derive its name t 19 — Wiio is supposed to have entered thejiarbor of New- York? 20 — What induced Coligui to attempt a swilemcnt in America '. 21 — What was the result? 22 12 By whom was the second attempt made? Wlien! 'VNTieret 23 — Was it fortunate ? 24 13 On wluit occasion was the spirit of adventure revived? 2.S — Who most encouraged the scheme of colonization ? 26 14 What com])anies were formed ? 27 — What territory was granted to each ? 28 — What privileges were secured to the emigrants I 29 — When was Quebec settled? By whom? CHAPTER I. 30 15 By what company was Virginia settled? 31 — How many persons were sent over? 32 — What distinguished man was among them? 33 — Relate the principal events of his life. 34 16 When did the adventurers land? At what place? 35 — WTto \TOs elected president ? Who was excluded ? 3d — What was the character of the aboriginal iuhabitanUi? 37 17 Wliat happened to captain Smith ? "S — By whom was he preserved from death T 39 — \Vhile absent, to what number had the suttlers boen reduced ? 40 IS How many caxna with N'ewport ? 41 — Hww did Sumh employ iiiraselt ? 2 QUE8TI0NS Qs. P?. 42 18 Was hp rho.scii president, T 43 19 Relate what afterwards occurred? 44 —1 Whal induced SiiiiLh to return to England ? 45 — What, was the conseciuence ? 46 20 Who were successively apjiointed governors ? ^ 47 — For what purjio.se was Polvahontass taken ? .,48 — Wliat is related concerning her? ^*^'9 21 M'liat was the object of Argal's expedition in 1613; 50 — What did lie accomplish? 51 — What instructions were given by king James ? 5i — When did governor \eardly arrive '! 53 — What did he do which gave joy lo the people? 54 22 Tn what state was the colony at this period? 55 23 Wliat misfortune happened to it ? 5*5 — How much was tiie number of settlers reduced? 57 — Did the Virginians depose Harvey ? 58 — What did king Charles do? 50 — Who succeeded Harvey ? fiO — Whom did the Virginians favor, the king or parliament? fil 24 What did the parliament do ? 62 — What did tiie Virginians do on the death of Matthews ? 63 — Why were the people disaffected ? 64 — Who was the leader of the insurgents T 65 25 Relate the incidents of Mi^e'DoUion. 66 26 Whal was the conduct o^Bbrkflcy towards tlic rebels I 67 — What was the populatio^R IfiBb' 68 — How was the colony govsKted ? 69 — Wliat course did the reuipeiitatives pursue in relation to ularwy ! ^^ bUAPTER n 70 26 To what comjjany wa3pl!assachusetts gi-anted ? 71 27 \'VTi3n were the first men sent over left? 72 — 'Sullen and why did th^ return to England ? 73 — By whom was the cojBof Massachusetts surveyed ? 74 — In lliat age what wagBfe maxim of all ecclesiastics and jwliticians ? 75 28 What causes inducOTfe"- Kobinswn's congregation to remove U» Holland ? / 76 — To what company did they apply for a grant of land ' 77 — To what part were tliey carried? 78 — What did they do before leaving the ship ? 79 — Wlien did they land ? 80 29 How many perished during the winter? 81 — Wliat was the settlement called ? 82 — WTiat was the population in 1630? 83 — What directed the attention of others to New-England! 84 — WliaT association was formed in 1627 ? 85 — Of what company did they obtain a grant ? 86 — WTiere did the people they sent out land ? 87 — WTiat were the provisions of the cliarter they obtained} 88 30 Wliat town was next settled^ 89 — Wlinx was the first object of their attention 1 90 — What ninnber peiished before spring ? 01 — At what time was Boston founded? n^ttL •n ^1 What distinguished lady fell a Victim ? ^MK 93 — How many perished before December ? ^^P 9t - - AVhat way one great object of the puritans? 95 — What ordinance was pas;!(d in I'uil ? 90 — Wptp the Tn'-iian'' nurr.-'jriinsi at iMl iinie, in New-EngiandT ^7 32 Wiiftu wuic rdprerenuuive..' lir.st chuseii ■' » QUESTIONS 9 Qfi. Pg. OS 32 Who was banished from Salem 1 For what cause ? 99 — What distinguished emigrants came in 1635? 100 — Relate their historj'. 101 33 Who were detained by king Charles ? 102 — What was the cause of the first war with the Indians ? 103 34 With what tribe was it carried onl 104 — Which party was victorious ] 105 35 What cati'^e j)ut a Ptop to endgralion T 100 — In what year did the colonies form a lea^e T 107 36 What is said concerning the representatives and assistants T 9 108 — Wliich did New-England favor, the king or parliament I 109 — What propositions did Cromwell make to the colonies ? 110 — When was New-IIampsliire incorporated with Massachusetts T When was Maine ? 1 1 1 87 What law was made against Quakers ? 112 — Wliat diatinguisbed individuals came to New-England about this time ? 113 — ITow wer^ they received ? Where did they reside ? 114 39 What lavi^ was enacted by England in 1(363? 115 — What measure was adopted by the king in 1664! 116 — What was the conduct of the commissioners T 7 40 IIow many towns and inhabitants did New-England contain at tfca end of 50 years from the stttlement of Plymouth 1 .^^^ 118 ■ — Wliat were the causes of Philip's war.' "^ . 119 41 ^Vhere were the first acts of hostility committed? 120 — Did the colonists suflfbr much injury from the savages! 121 — In what manner was the war carried on ? 122 42 What was the result of the great battle fought December 18? 123 — What fpelinas did Philip exhibit ? 124 — What was his fate? 125 43 What losses were stistuincd in this war? 126 — When was New-Hampshire made a separate colony ^ 127 — For what purpose was Edward Randolph sent over ? 128 — Wliat was done in relation to the charter ? 129 44 What was tiie character and conduct of And made prisoners ? 142 4S Who were among the p-;aoners? 143 — How were they trcateu' 144 — What was the Indian mode of warfare? 145 — What expedition was fitted out in 1707'? 146 — What in 1710? What was accHinipUshed? 147 — What expedition was fitted out in 1711 ? 148 49 Wtuifc^fortune occurred to the fleet? 149 — ^\'Tl^Hp the event of the expedition ? 150 — Wh^^as peace concluded? I'll — What was tlie eUbct of this war upon New-England ? ly?. — ^V^m was apjioimed govrrncr ir '716' 163 50 Wh«t (iucs8 dA Wiuturap co:ae icom E:i.ijland? QUESTIONS. S Q». Pg. 208 60 Did the Dutch attempt to molest him ? 209 — What persons laid the foundation of Hartford? 210 — Whose authority did the first emigrants acknowledge * 211 — When did the freemen form a eonstitutionl 212 — State the substance of this constitution. 213 61 By whom was Saybrook settled? Whence the name I 214 — What did Fenwick transfer to the General Court] 215 — By what ])erson3 was New-Haven founded f 216 — Was it a distinct colony ? 217 — By what laws were they first governed? 218 62 With whom had both colonies disputes? 219 — How was partition made in 1650? 220 — Did the Dutch continue friendly? 221 — What did Connecticut propose to the confederacy? 222 — What was the conduct of Massachusetts? 223 63 What did Cromwell do ? 224 — Did the inhabitants obtain a charter? 225 — Wliat territory did it comprehend ? 220 — Did New-Haven willingly consent to a union? 227 — When were the two colonies united? 228 64 What circumstances occurrec^ when Andross demanded the ciMitw 229 — Did Connecticut retain her charter? 230 65 What demand did Fletcher make of Connecticut ? 231 — How was he treated? 232 — When was Yale College foinded? 233 — When was Saybrook platform adopted ? 234 — What did this platform relate to ? £35 66 What cause tended to preserve the peace Of ConD«cticut I CHAPTER V. 236 66 When was Rhode Island settled? By whom! 23''' — Why was he banished from Massachusetts ? 238 — What did he call the place where he settled! 239 — What regulations did he adopt ? 240 — Who repaired to Rhode Island in 1638? 941 67 Did Rhode Island apply to be admitted into the leagtM! 242 — What was the decision of the commissioners? 248 — Did Rhode Island consent to the terms? 244 — When was the first general assembly held ? 245 — When did the colony obtain a charter? 246 - • What were the provisions of this charter ? 247 — What law was passed relative to the quakers? 248 — What secured the colony exemption from Indian bostilliy 249 — Wliat was the population in 1730? In 1761 ? 250 — Whei was Brown university founded? CHAPTER VL 251 68 By whom was New- York discovered ? When ? 252 — In whU service did Hudson sail? 353 — By whom and when was a fort erected near Albany, satA ixadlng houses at New- York? 254 — Wliat, was Albany then called? Wliat was New- York? 255 — Wliat event occurred soon after ? 256 — When and where was Fort Amsterdam erected ? 257 — To what (oinpany did the republic of HoUaml make a graot T 258 — How far did llui grant extend? 259 — Wli:tt was the terrilorv cnlled? atiO — Wliere did the Duttli erect (oris in 1623 ? x- 6 QUESTIONS. Q«. Pg. 2G1 68 With whom did this produce quarrels ? 262 — When did war break out between the Dutch and Indiano ? 263 69 Who commanded the Dutch troops ? 264 — In what place was a battle Ibu^ht ? 265 — Who agreed on a liue of partition between the Dutch and English T 266 — To whom did the kinjr of England grant New- York? 267 — What measure was thereupon taken ' 268 — Did the expedition sent out succeed? 269 — What names were changed ? 270 — Who assumed the government of the country ? 271 — When was New- York made a city? 272 70 What event hai)i)ened in 1673 ? 273 — How long did the Dutch retain pofrsession ? 274 — Whom did the duke of York apjjoint governor ? 275 — To what religious sect did both belong! 276 — When was the first assembly held '! 277 — By what people was the interior of New- York inhabited I 278 — Of whom were they the allies ? 279 — \Vho led an army against them ? 280 71 What was he obliged to do ? 281 — What Indian chief addressed the French governor* 282 — Recite his speech. 283 72 What effect had this speech on the French governor? 2S4 — Why was the duke of York disliked when he became king f 285 — WTiat encouraged the disaffected ? 286 73 What measures did Leisler and Milbome undertake? 287 — What did Bayard and Courtlandt do? 288 — What authority did Leisler assume? Why? 289 74 \^Tiat did Milborne effect ? 290 — What parties were despatched against the English? 291 — Describe the attack of Schenectady. 292 75 Wliat was done to avenge these barbarities ? 293 — To what was the failure of the expedition attributed? 294 — Whom did king William appoint go\'ernor ? 295 — What was the character of this governor ? 296 — What sentence was passed on Leisler and Milbome ? 297 76 What was their fate ? 298 — By whom were the French settlements attacked? 299 — Who was appointed governor in 1692? 300 — What object was he desirous of effecting? 301 — What took place in consequence of his recommeudatioB I 302 77 When was the earl of Bellamont appointed governor? 303 — In what measure did he engage ? 304 — Relate the condnct and fate of captain Kid. 305 — Into what parties were the people divided ? 306 — When was !ord Combury appointed governor? 397 — What were his parentage and character? 308 — In v/hat maimer did he behave? 309 78 What followed his removal from office ? 310 — What resolution was passed? 311 — In what rear did governor Hunter arrive? 312 — 'What people came with hnn? 313 — What is the character of their descendants? 314 — Wliat dispute arose between the house and council t 315 — What enterprise was projected in 1709? In 17117 316 79 Wliat was the result of the latter? 317 — Did the people justify their representatives ? 318 — State the progress and termination of the dispute between thd house and council. 319 — Who succceeded governor Hunter? QUEisTIONS. Qfi-Tg. 320 79 What projects hid the French then in view T 321 — What did governor Burnet do to defeat it ! 322 80 When was the assembly, elected in 1716, dissolved 1 323 — WTiat fort did the French erect wliile Van Dam was governor t 324 — WTio succeeded Van Dam ? 325 — W hat prosecution was instigated by governor Cosby ? 326 — What lienor was conferred on one of his defenders ? 327 — When was Clark appointed lieutenant-governor ? 328 81 What dispute was revived between him and the AsBemblyl 329 — Which party was triumphant at the next election ? 330 — Recite the address of the house to the governor. 331 — What did he say in his next speech 1 332 82 Wliat resolve did the liouse pass 1 333 — Wliat plot was supposed to be concertc& about this time t 334 — What was the supposed object of the plot? 335 — How many were burned ? Hung? Transported? 336 83 What did Clark allude to in his speech? 337 — When was George Clinton appointed governor? 338 — "What happened in 1745 ? 339 — When did peace take place T CHAPTER Vn. 340 84 By whom was N'ew-Jerscy settled ? Wlien ? Where T 341 — \Vhen and where did the Swedes and Finns settle? 342 — Wliut happened in 1655? 343 — What territory did ihe Dutch possess? 344 — How was it taken from them ? 345 85 To whom was it conveyed ? 346 — To whom did the Duke convey New-Jersey ? 347 _ Wliy was it so called ? 348 — Who was the first governor? 349 — What was the origin of the disputes that arose ? 350 — Did the people revolt ? Did they submit? 351 — To whom did Berkeley dispose of his right ? ■ 352 — Who were appointed trustees to sell it ? 353 — What partition was agreed on ? 354 — Was a new patent granted to the Duke ? 355 B6 On what did Andi-oss insist ? 356 — What did he do ? 357 — Recite the address to the commissioners. 358 — What was their decision ? .^59 87 To whom was East- Jersey transferred in 1682? 360 — Who was appointed governor over it ? 361 — By whom were the Jerseys reunited? 362 — When was Princeton College founded ? 363 — What wa.s then the number of inhabitants ? i CHAPTER VIU. 364 87 By whom was Deliware first settled? 365 8S W'hat did they call the country ? 366 — Where did tliey seat themselves? 367 — Whv and where did they build forts? 368 — ^^'^lere did the Dutch build a fort ? 369 — In what manner did the Swedes gain possession of Ifi 370 — What coursic did governor Stuyvesant pursue? 371 — Hctw louir did tiie Dutch retain jossession? 372 — Wfiat purchases did William Penn make ? 373 — What name was given to the tracts purchased? A A2 8 QUESTIONS. Qs. Pg. 374 88 To what colony where they united? 375 — When did a separation take place 1 CHAPTER IX. 376 89 Who was the founder of Pennsylvania 1 377 — To what rehgious sect did he belong? 378 — Why was the country granted to him 1 379 — At what price was land sold 1 380 — At what rate was it rented 1 3S1 — In what year did the settlens leave England ? 382 90 What jiosition did they select for a settlement ? 383 — Wliat was the object of Penn'a frame of government T 384 — Wiiat people, and how many, did he find upon the " territories" ? 385 — Where was the first assembly held? 386 — What city did Penn found ? 387 91 For what qualities are the Pennsylvanians distinguished ? 388 — What party did Penn adliere to at the time of the English roYO- lution .' 389 — How was he treated ? 390 92 Did he regain the favor of the king? 391 — When did he again visit Pennsylvania? 392 — What took place in 1701 ? 393 — How was the executive authority afterwaCrds administered? 394 — What caused the most irritation ? 395 — Did the colony prosper ? 396 — What took place at the commencement of the revolution? 397 — What sum was paid in discliarge of quit rents ■* CHAPTER X. 398 93 By whom was Maryland founded ? 399 — To what religious sect did he belong ? 400 — After whom wa? the colony named? 401 — Who was appointed the first governor ? 402 — When did the first settlers arrive ? Where ? 403 — What laud did they purchase ? 404 — What circumstances favored the rapid population of the coloay % 405 94 When and how was a house of assembly formed? 406 — What alteration was made in 1650 ? 407 — What fact is honorable to Lord Baltimore an 1 Ids associates ? 408 — What disturbance was produced ? By whom ? 409 95 What was the result of the disturbances ? 410 — What ordinance was passed by the victorious party ? 411 — What was the number of inhabitants in 1660? 412 — When did lord Baltimore die ? 413 — What was his character ? 414 — What occurred in 1689 ? 415 96 Wliat directions did king William give ? 416 — When was the proprietor restored to his rights ? 417 — Wliat occuiTed at the commencement of the revolution? CHAPTER XI. 418 96 \ATiat territory was granted, in 1630, to Sir Ro"bert Heath? 419 — By what persons was a settlement formed north of Albemarle sound ? 420 — What setJement was made in 1661 ? By whom? 421 97 What grant was made in 1663? ^2 — What assurances were given to emigrants ? taUESTlONSk -J Qs. Pg. 423 97 \Vlio prepared a eonstitution Ibr the colony 7 424 — What were the provisions of this constitution T 425 — Was it acceptable to the inhabitants 1 426 — Wliat settlement was made in 1670? 427 — In which of the Carolinas, as now divided, was it made? 428 98 Wliat was the character and conduct of Seth Sothel? 429 — When was the constitution of Locke absogated ? 430 — How were the two provinces a/lerwards governed 1 431 — What emigrants came 'rl 1707 1 In 1710 1 432 — What calamity fell upon them? 433 99 Whither did the Tuscaroras emigrate? 434 — What proceedings took place in 1729? 435 — In what part of North-Carolina did thfi settlements increase most i rapidly ? CHAPTER XII. 436 100 Wlien was the first settlement made at Port Royal t 437 — Wlien was old Charleston founded ? 438 — When did the freemen elect representatives 1 439 — Wlien did they meet to elect them ? 440 — Whence did emigrants come ? 441 — When was the present city of Charleston founded? 442 — What did the Proprietors direct in regard to the French yrotoi- tants ? 443 — Was opposition made ? By whom? 444 101 What did these protestants do ? 445 — Why was John Archdale sent over ? 446 — What did he effect ? 447 — Wliat did Granville and Moore attempt? 448 — What law was passed ? 449 102 Wliat was the conduct of the lords and the queen? 450 — What cxpfditions were undertaken in 1702 ? 451 _ What occurred in 1706 ? \\aiat in 1715? 452 103 VMiat sufferings were occasioned by the war with tlid Indiaos 453 — What mcas ure did tlie assembly adopt ? 454 — What emigrants were induced to come ? 455 — What was their fate ? 456 104 Wliat occurred in 1719 ? 457 — How was the government afterwards administo^T 458 — What occurred in 1738 ? 459 105 Was the insurrection quelled ? 460 — From what countries did emigrants come T „ CHAPTER Xm. 461 105 Where is Georgia situated ? 462 — What project was concerted in 1732? 463 — To whom was Georgia granted ? 464 106 What regulations did the Trustees provide ? 465 — \\Tien did the first emigrants embark ? 466 — Who wns placed at their head ? 467 — What was the conduct of the Caroluiians ? 468 — How many emigrants came the next year ? 469 — What was the character of these emigrants ? 470 — What offer was made to induce a different class to emigrate t 471 — Where did the Germans settle ? Where the Scotoh? 47€ — Who Made a visit to Georgia in l'(36 ? 473 — What was his object ? 474 — Who oouie two years afterwards ? 10 QUESTIONS. Qs. Pg. 475 107 In 1740, bow many emigrants had arrired? 476 — What was the amount of benefactions T 477 _ What expiedition did General Oglethorpe undertake t 478 — Was it surcessful ? 479 — What arterwards occurred ? 480 108 What event occurred when Oglethorpe was marsbiag to attack the Spaniards ? 481 — What expedient did he devise ? 482 109 How did the invasion end? 483 110 Wliat occurred in 1754? 484 — What products were cultivated ? CHAPTER XIV 485 110 In what year was the treaty between France and England coa eluded, wliich restored tranquility to America T 486 — Whac was the number of inhabitants in the thirteen colonies f that period ? 487 — Where were the English settlements '' Where the French 1 438 — What des;u;n had the French in view ? 489 — What did the company of English traders do? 490 — What was the conduct of the French? 491 HI Whom did governor Dinwiddle send as messenger to the French commander ? 492 — What course did governor Dinwiddle takeon receiving the answer 1 493 — What was the result of Washington's expedition ? 494 — When was the Albany plan of union formed ? 495 — What did this plan i)rovide ? 496 112 Why was it rejected in England? Wliy in America? 497 — Wliat expeditions were resolved upon in 1755 ? 498 _ Relate the object and result of the expedition to Nova Scotia. 499 _ Who commanded the expedition against Fort Du QuesneJ 500 113 What was the result of the expedition ? 501 114 Who commanded the expedition against Niagara? 502 — Was he successful ? 503 115 Who commanded the expedition against Crownpoint^ 504 — Relate what happened to this expedition. 505 116 Was it abandoned ? 506 — What expeditions were proposed the next year ? 507 _ Why was Massachusetts disgusted? How appeased? 508 117 Who was appointed to succeed Shirlev? 509 — Had war been declared between France and England? 510 — Who was appointed commander-in-chief? 511 — What post did general Montcalm take ? 512 118 What had been accomplished in this campaign? 513 — To what did the ministrj- direct the attention of lord Loudon? 514 — Did he effect the object ? 515 119 With what force did Montcalm besiege Fort William Henry ? 516 — Where i?i that fort situated? 517 — Who was sent to command it ? 518 — Relate the circumstances and result of the siege. 519 120 What effect had these disasters upon the British nation? 520 — Whom did the king appoint prime minister ? 521 — What expeditions were determined on for the next campaign? 522 121 Who commanded that against Louisburg .' 523 — Who served under him? 524 — How did the siege terminate ? 525 — What was the result of the attack on Ticonderoga? 520 — What fort did colorisl Bradsfreet ca])ture? .527 122 Who commanded the expedition a{iiiin».t Du Quesne'' QUESTIONS. II Q«. Pg 528 122 What disaster occurred to it^ «j2D — Was it successful 1 530 •«- Where was the fort situated? 531 — W'hat was the plan of the next campaign? 532 — ^Vhat was the event of the expedition against Niagara ? t33 123 What success did general Amherst meet with ? 534 — Who commanded the expedition agaiiit Quebec? 535 — What was the condition of that place? 536 — Wlien and where did Wolf land his army ? 537 — Where does Quebec stand .' 638 124 Where did a battle take place? W^hat the event ^ 539 — What jdan did Wolf then form? 540 125 In what manner did he gain the heights of Abraham? 541 — What did Montcalm then do ? 542 — What was tlie fate of Wolf ? Of Montcalm? 543 126 What was the consequence of the battle ? 544 — When was peace concluded ? 545 — What did France cede to Great Britain ? CHAPTER XV. 546 126 How much was added to the debt of England, in the late war? 547 — Whence did her legislators seek assistance ? 648 127 What relation was supposed to exist between the mother ceun* try and her colonies ? 549 — What restrictions had Great Britain imposed? 550 — What law was enacted in 1764 ? 651 — What resolution was proposed ? 552 — In what courts were penalties to be recovered ? 553 — What measures did the colonies adopt? 554 198 Recite the 8th and 9th sections. 555 129 When was the stamp act proposed ? 556 — What language was used in supporting it ? 657 — Recite Col. Barre's speech. 558 130 Did the bill pass ? 659 — What took place in Virginia when the news arrived? 560 131 What resolve was passed in Massachusetts ? 561 — What was the name of the associations formed in New-England? 562 — What occurred in Boston ? What in Newport ? 563 132 How did the citizens of New-York conduct? 564 — What title did they give to the stamp act? 565 — When did the Congress assemble ? 566 — What were the proceeduigs of ttiis Congress ? 567 — What agreements were adopted ? 568 133 What was proposed in the British parliament? 509 — What did Mr. Grenville say ? ] 570 — Recite William Pitt's speech. 571 134 What were the proceedings of parliament ? 572 135 Why were the people of New-England and New- York still dis- satisfied ? 573 — For what causp was the assembly of New-Yoik suspended ? 574 — What measure was adopted in June, 1767 ? 575 — What course did the General Court of Massachusetts pursue? 576 — How were they punished ? 577 — What measures were then adopted in Massachusetts ? 578 136 What step was taken by General Gage? 579 137 State what resolutions had been adopted in Parliament? 580 — Wlial re.sohuions were adopted in Virginia? 581 — What did the governor do ? 5S2 — What tlien ensued '. , -\ 12 QUESTIONS. Qri. Pg. 583 137 State what occurred in State-Street, Boston. 584 138 To what place were the troops removed? 585 — Wliat trials look place ? 586 — Who defended the accused 1 687 — Were they convicted ? 588 139 What measure did parliament adopt ? 589 _ Wliat alteration was made in the non-importation agreements? CHAPTER XM. 590 139 Wliat causes contributed to increase the discontent which preri ously existed in Massachusetts? 591 140 By whom were committees of correspondence recommended 1 592 — What was the object and what the effect of them? 593 — What letters did Dr. Franklin obtain and sfend overl 594 — What effect did the.se letters have ? 595 — What measure did the East India Company adopt ? 696 — WTiat was done in Philadelphia and New- York ? 597 141 What was the state of public feeling in Boston? 598 — What resolution was ado])tedby the citizens? 599 — What proceedings ibllowed '! 600 — Recite Josiah Quincy's speech. 601 142 What was done with the tea ? 602 — What acts were passed by parUament ? 603 143 How was the first day of June observed in Virginia? 604 — What spirit was displayed by the citizens of S^em ? 605 — What was recommended by the General Court of Massachusotts T 606 144 Wlien did the delegates meet ? 607 — What resolutions did they adopt ? 608 — What effect had their proceedings on public sentiment abroad J 609 145 Recite Mr. Pitt's speech. 610 — By what names were the Americans distinguished ? 611 146 What measures did governor Gage adopt? 612 — When did a provincial Congress meet ? 613 — What conciliatory proposition was adopted in parliamwttt 614 — Did the Americans accept it ? 615 147 When did the battle of Lexington take place? 616 148 What was the result? What the effect? 617 — What expedition was projected in Connecticut ? 618 149 By whom was it executed? 619 — What posts were taken ? 620 — What British generals arrived in June ? 621 — What proclamation was issued ? 622 150 WTiy did the provincials resolve to occupy Bunker hlll^ 623 — Who commanded the provincial troops ? 624 — On what day was the battle fought ? 625 151 Relate the principal events of the battle ? 626 152 How many Americans were killed and wounded ? 627 — How many British ? 628 — Did the result dispirit the Americans ? 629 — What eminent man was killed ' 630 — Whai measures were adopted by the continental CongreM ? 631 — Who was chosen commander-in-chief? 632 153 What other officers were chosen ? 633 — What mode was adopted to defVay expenses ? 634 — What delaration was issued ? 635 — Recite the extracts inserted. 636 154 To what place did Washington repair? 637 — How numerous did he find the army ? , 638 V55 What occurred in Virginia? QUESTIONS. II Qfl. Pg. 639 155 What in North-Carolina? WO 156 What in South-Carolina ? Wliat in Georgia T 041 — What in New- York ? Who was made governor there? 642 — What resolution, referring to him, was passed by Congress! 643 — What was done and projected in 1775 I 644 157 What was done in New-Hampsliire 1 645 — What transactions occurred Vi October T 646 158 How was the new arniv to be raised T 647 — How many enlisted .' "* 648 — What works were erected in March T I 649 159 What did general Howe attempt? ' 650 — Failing in this, what did he then determine ? 651 — When was Boston evacuated] 652 — To what place did the American army proceed T 653 — Wliitlier did the British fleet steer I CHAPTER XVII. 654 159 How many expeditions were despatched against Canada'' 655 — What did governor Carleton do ? 656 160 Who proceeded in advance? Why? 657 — On whom did the chief command devolve T 658 — What did colonels Allen and Brown attempt? 659 — What was the fatecof Allen ? 660 Itil What fortunate event occurred in October • 661 — ^Vhat other victory was achieved? 662 — When was St. John's surrendered ? 663 — To what place did Montgomery then repair 7 664 162 With how many men did he begin his march to Quebets 665 — Who commanded the other expedition ? 666 — IIow many did it consist of? 667 — Describe their route 1 668 — Were tlicir sufTcrings great ? 669 163 When did they arrive at t^e French settlements T 670 — When did he cross the river ? 671 — Where did he encamp? 672 — When did Montgomery arrive ? 673 — To what did their united force amonnt T 674 164 How strong were the enemy? 675 — What did the general first determine ? 676 — What disease broke out in the camp? 677 — What was projiosed and resolved upon ? 678 165 When was the city assaulted? 679 — What r'isastrous event occurred ? 680 — What happened to Arnold ? 681 — Who assumed the command ? 682 166 How did the attack terminate ? 683 — Wliat was the amount of the American loss ? 684 — Where was Montgomery's monument placed ? 685 167 How far from the city did Arnold eiir,amp ? ' 686 — When did general Thomas arrive from Roxbury t 687 — What was then done ? 688 — To what place did the Americans retreat ? 689 168 WTiat occurred at the Cedars ? 690 — Who succeeded general Thomas ? 691 — Of how many did his army consist ? 692 — lIow strong was the enemv ? 693 — \Mierp did SuUivuii luilt • ' U aUESTIONS. CHAPTER XVIIL Qs. Pg. "* 694 169 What reply was made when the last petition was presented to th king? 695 — What treaties were made with German princes ? 696 — What expedition was despatched in 1776 ? 697 — Who was appointed commander of the British naval forces T 698 — What preparations were made at Charleston ? 699 170 Relate what occurred in the attack on Sullivan's island 1 700 — What was the effect ot this battle ? 701 171 What able pamphlet was published at this time ? 702 172 Who proposed, in Copsrcss, a declaration of independence ^ 703 — Who seconded the motion ? 704 — Who were the committee appointed to prepare it ! 705 — On what day was it adopted ? 706 — Recite the 17th section. 707 173 What was done at New-York? 708 — How was the American army posted ? 709 — Where did the British troops first land ? 710 — How were the two armies posted on Long Island 1 711 174 Describe the battle which took place. 712 — Which gained the victory ? 713 — Whither did Washington retreat ? 714 175 Where did he take post in Septembc^ 715 — What did the enemy then do ? 716 — What calamity happened to the city ? 717 — What plan of warfare did Washington adopt ? 718 — To what place did he next repair ? 719 — What was the result of the battle there fought ? 720 — What fort was attacked ? 721 — Where was it situated? 722 176 Which gained the victory? 723 — What then followed ? 724 — What proclamation was issued ? 725 177 To what place did Congress remove ? 726 — With what fiower did they invest Washington? 727 — What happened to general Lee ? 728 — What was the behavior of the British ? 729 — What brilliant victory was achieved ? 730 178 What other exploit was performed ? 731 — Who was among the wounded? 732 — What followed? 733 — What effect had these victories ? CHAPTER XIX. 734 179 What spirit did Congress exhibit ? 735 — What measures did they take ? 736 — Who were sent commissioners to France f 737 — What did the French ministry permit ? 738 — Of what value were the prizes made by American privateers t 739 180 What distinguished Frenchman joined the Americans! 740 — What appointment did he receive ? 741 — How were the American prisoners treated' 742 181 To what place did Howe transjwrt his troops? 743 — Whither did Washington march ? 744 — Which gamed the victory at Brandywine creek? 715 — What officer was woiim'ed ? f 4fi — To wh3t plaoe did Washington evpntually retreat T 747 — When did Howe eiubv Fiiiladulphia ? QUESTIONS. » 748 182 What was the resnlt of the battle on Lake ChamplainT 749 — What expedition was concerted in the winter ? 750 — By whom was it to be commanded 1 751 — What American commanded the northern department! 75*2 183 To what place did Burgoyne despatch St. Leger I 753 — When did he appear before Ticonderoga ? 754 — What was the nunibcr of liis army 1 755 — When was Ticondt-roga evacuated 7 756 — To what place did the Americans eventually retreat t 757 — What intelligence was received from St. Leger 7 758 184 What was the effect of the American proclEunation T 759 — Whither did Burgo>i\e despatch Baum ? 760 — Who commanded the American militia ? 761 — Which gained the victory on tlie 16th of August? 762 — What occurred afterwards i 763 — What was the effect of the victory at Bennington ? 764 185 What was the fate of St. Leger's expedition ? 765 — Who were appointed to command the American army T 766 — Describe the Srst battle of Stillwater. 767 186 Describe the second. 768 — What was done by general Vaughan ? 769 — To what place did Burgoyne retreat! 770 187 When did he surrender ? 771 188 Describe the battle of Gennantown. 772 — State the result of the assault upon Red bank and upon Fort Mifflui. 773 — Where did Washington's army pass the winter I CHAPTER XX 774 189 When was the Confederation adopted ? 775 — What powers did it confer on Congress ! 776 — What right did the states reserve '{ 777 — Who was appointed inspector general T 778 190 What treaties were made with France ? 779 — What act was passed by the British parUament! 780 — State what took place between the commissioners and Joseph Reed 781 — What course did Great Britain pursue? 782 191 When did the British army quit Philadelphia? 783 — Did a battle take place soon after ? Where ? 784 — Who commanded the Americans ? 785 — WTiai was the result of the b.ittloT 786 — ^^'hat charges were made against Lee I 787 — What was his senience ? 788 192 What assistance arrived from France ? 789 — What enterprise was then projected ? 790 — Who commemdod the American troops ? 791 — What occurred at sea ? 792 — What was Sullivan compelled to do T 793 193 What towns were attacked and ravaged? 794 — Relate what occurred at Tappan. 795 — How and where did Washington's army pass the vnntftr* CHAPTER XXI. T96 194 By what was the campaign of 1779 distinguishod ? 797 — What exneoition sailed from New-Yck ? yw — Wha: did ihe enemy effoct m Georgia? T9Q — Wha took connnand in the southara department ? too — Wha' oocurre*! ai Savannah ! 601 195 What other e.\iH!dii.i'jn sailed from New-York? B B 16 QUES110NS. Qs. Pg. 808 — What tiid it accomplish ? 803 — What, expedition did Clark undertake? 804 — What was his success '. 605 — What were the purpose and success of Sullivan's expoditioa f 806 196 What towns wiere burnt in Connecticut ? 807 — What exploit was performed by general Wayne ? 808 — What naval battle was fought in September ? 809 197 Where did the northern army pass th^ winter? 810 — Were their sufferings great? 811 — How much paper money had been issued? 812 — How much had it (lei»reciated ? 813 — What new mode w;2s adopted to supply tlie army? CHAPTER XXII. 814 198 What place did ihe enemy besiege in the spring? 815 — Who were the oj)|>o.sing commanders ? SI 6 199 What was the event of the siege 1 817 — What exploit did colonel Tarleton perform ? 818 — What conduct of general Clinton excited iudignationT 819 200 What service did Suuipter render ? 820 — Who led an army from the north? 821 — Describe the battle near Camden. 822 201 Wliat occurred at the Catawba ford? 823 — What conduct did tjornwallis adopt ? 824 — Who was a sucitessful leader of the patriots? 825 — Who was appointed commander of the tories? 826 202 Where was he posted ? 827 — By whom was he attacked, and what was the reatdt t 828 — Who was appointed to succeed Gates ? 829 — Where was the nortltern army posted ? 830 — What were their sulRsrings and conduct ? 831 — What squadron and troops arrived in July T 832 203 What project was disconcerted ? How ? 833 — What disaffected Arnold ? 834 — What plot did he meditate ? 835 — With whom had he an interview T 836 -- Relate the circumstances of Andre's capture? 837 204 What was his conduct? What his fate? H38 205 How much did Arnold receive ? l$39 _ What occurred at Morristown ? 1J40 _- What were the complaints of the soldiers < 841 206 How was the mutiny appeased ' 842 — What did the states do ? CHAPTER XXm. 843 206 What project was resumed in the spring of 1781 1 844 — What delayed its accomplishment? 845 207 What commander fought the battle of the Cowpons T 846 — What was the result ? 847 — What did Cor^wallis attempt ? S48 — What occurred on the retreat ? 849 208 Describe the engagement between Lee and the tories. 650 209 Give an account of the battle at Guilford courthouse. S51 — Where did Greene halt? 8.'>2 — Whither did Cornwallis proceed 7 653 — Wliich was victorious at Hobktrk's hill'' 854 — What ponts were cnpturfd m ?outh-Carolina^ biS 210 Wiiat was the event of the Sietie c>i Ninety »»ix » QtJESTlONS H Q«. Pg. 856 211 Describe the battle of Eutaw. ' >i»li rj , bS7 — To what i»lace did Cornwallis repair T *:•• " 858 — Why was* he recalled to the Bea-board? . . 859 212 What posts did he fortify ? 860 — What did Washington determine to do? 861 — What expedition dirt CUnton despatch! 662 — \M)al did it afcuiiiplish? 863 213 What news did Washington receive at Chester? 864 — or how many troops did the allied forces consist ? 865 — When was the cannonade begun.' 666 214 What occurred during the siege? 867 — When did Cornwallis surrender ? 868 — What was tlie number of i)ri8oners ? 869 — What emotions did this victory produce in America? 870 215 Wliat were the feelings of the British nation? 871 — What of the king? 872 — What opinion did the house of commons expnsM ? 873 — Wlien were pacific overtures made ? 674 — When did hostilities cease 1 875 — \\1io were the American ministers? 876 216 Wlio was the British minister? 877 — When was the definitive treaty signed ? . ■.■■;■ 678 217 Why were the American troops dissatisfied? ■<• , - 879 — Wliat occurred at iSewbui^h? ■'r-~,^ 880 — When was the army disbuuded? 5» t>81 218 When was New- York evacuated? 882 — When did Washmgton resign his c«minission T 883 — To wnat place did he retire ? CHAPTER XXIV. 884 218 What was the slate of the country at the close of the vrar! 885 — How much had national securities depreciated ? 886 — What prevented tiie prosperity of commerce ? 887 219 What o«'curred in Massachusetts ? ^S — What was th*" result of the meeting at Annapolis 1 689 220 What resolution did Congress adopt? 890 — When did the convention meet? 691 — Wlio WAS chosen president of it ? 692 — Did they agree ujion a constitution ^ b9i3 — In what does this constitution ditfer fVorn the articles of oouftds- ralion 1 8^ — What Ih said of the members of the house? 895 — What of the senators ? 896 — What «)f President ? 897 221 What of the Vico-President ? , 898 — What is required in passing a law ? ; 699 — What powers are conferred on Congress ? 900 — What is said of the judicial department ? 901 — What objections were made to the Constitution? 902 222 By what names were its friends and opposcrs styled ? 903 — By how many states was it ratified ? 904 — Who was elected first President? Who Vice-Presideat 1 905 — When was the President inaugurated? 900 223 What duties wore laid ? 9(t7 — What departments were established ? 908 — ^Vho were apjiointed secretaries? 900 — What tour did the President make? #10 224 Wliai did Hamilton reconmiend ! VI 1 — For what rt;at;oiuj was his recommendatloti opposed! 18 QUESTIONS. QsPg. 912 234 Was it adopted ? What -was the amount of debt f\inded I 913 225 Why were the duties on distilled spirits proposed I 914 — When were they laid 1 915 — When was the bank incorporated ? 916 — When did Noith Carolina adopt the constitutiOQ t 917 — When did Rhode Island ? 918 — Where ia Vermont situated^? 919 — By what states had the territory been claimed T 920 — What did the inhabitants do in 1777 ? 921 — In what year was Vermont admitted into the Union * 922 — When was Kentucky admitted'/ 923 226 When was the first census completed 1 924 — What was the number of inhabitants 1 925 — How many were slaves ? 926 — State the amount of the revenue, imports, and exports. 927 — When was the war with the Creeks terminated ? 928 — With what tribes did war still exist ? 929 — Who commanded the troops sent against them ? 930 — State the circunistances and result of the battle. 931 227 Who were next elected President and Vice-President? 932 — What occurred in France, at this period? 933 228 What were the feelings of the Americana and PYench? 934 — Who was appointed minister to the United States '> 935 — What authority did he assume 1 936 229 What course did the President take? 937 — Who was appointed to succeed St. Clair ? 938 230 Was he successful ? 939 — When and. where did he conclude a treaty? 940 — Wliat produced discontent in Pennsylvania T 941 — What meeting was held at Pittsburgh ] 942 231 What measure did the President adopt? 943 — Was the insurrection suppressed ? 944 _ What difficulties existed with England ? 945 — When did Mr. .lay conclude a treaty ? 946 232 What appeared to be public sentiment in relation to it*/ 947 _ Did the President ratify it ? 948 _ What had been the conduct of Spain ? 949 — What did she deny to the western people ? 950 233 When was a treaty with her concluded ? 951 — What privilege did it secure? 952 — When was a treaty concluded with Algiers? 953 — When did Mr. Jefferson resign ? Q5i 234 When did Hamilton ? When did Knox ? 955 — Wliat was the conduct of Fauchet ? 956 235 Who was appointed minister to France ? 957 — What did France wish ? 958 — What measures did she adopt ? 959 — Who was ajipointed minister to France in 1796 f 960 236 What determination did Washington form ? 961 — State the substance of his farewell address. 962 — ^\'^lo were brought forward as eandidates for the presidency T 963 — Wlio were chosen President and Vice President ? CHAPTER XXV. 964 237 What was the purport of the despatthes received from Fmnce? 965 — What laws were passeit ? 966 — Wuo were appoimed envoys to France? 967 — What was the condnrt of the Directory? 968 238 What whs done by Congress ? QUESTIONS. 19 Q». P«. 969 238 \Vlio was appointed to command the anny ? 970 — What naval buttles were (ought .' 971 — When was peace concluded ? 972 — When did Washington die' 973 — Wnar were the proceedings of the house? 974 239 What of the senate? 975 24l) When did Congress first meet at Washington T 976 — Who were the candidates for President and Vice-President* 977 — How was the choice made? ' 978 — Who were elected '! 979 — What causes rendered Mr. Adams unpopular! 980 241 What was done at the next session of Congress! , 981 — Whon wan the sucond census taken ! 982 — Wliat was the numlwr of inhabitants? 983 — How much had it increased in ten years ! 984 — How much had the exports increased! 985 — How much the revenue? 986 — To what should this prosperity be attributed! 987 — When was Ohio adTnitted ? 988 — When was the right of doposfte at New-Orleans prohibited T 989 — What proposition was made in Congress ? 990 — What course was adopted ? 991 242 What was the price paid for Lousiana! 992 — By whom and when was Lousiana discovered ! 993 — When ceded to Spain ? 994 — When reiroceded to France ! 995 — What were the inhabitants ? 996 — What occurred in the harbor of Tripoli ! 997 — What exploit did lieutenant Decatur perf )nn! 998 243 What project did general Eaton undertake ! 999 — Describe his route. 1000 — When did he arrive at Deme ? 1001 244 What ensued at that city? 1002 — What arnmgement was made ? 1003 — Relate what occurred in New- York in 1804. 1004 — Who were chosen President and Vice-President iD 1804 ! 1005 245 Of what was iJarr suspected in 1806? 1006 — Was he a])prehended ? 1007 — Whon and where was he tried ! 1008 — What was the verdict of the jury! 1009 — What was tlie state of Europe at this period ! 1010 246 Wliat advantn^e did America derive! 1011 — What right did Great Britain claim? 1012 — What aggressions were committed by British cruizersT 1013 — State the pui'tort of the Briti^jh orders, dated in 1806: 1014 247 What decree was issued at Berlin ? 1015 — What was the ell'ect of these measures! 1016 — What event occurred in .lune, IS07 ? 1017 — What measures did the President adopt? 1018 — What course did the British government take! 1019 348 Wliat imj.>ortant law was enacted? 1020 — What measures were adopted by Great Britain? 1021 — What by Bonaparte ? 1022 — What effect had the embargo upon the people of New-EngHwrfl 1023 249 Mr. .Tefferson declining, who was elected president! 1024 — Who Vice-President ? 1025 — What law was substituted for the embargo ! 1026 — What arrangement was made with Erskine ! 1027 — Was it ratiriod by Great Britain ?^ J038 360 Did Great Britain persist in her ahflrjendly oonduot I B B2 20 QUESTIONS. Qs. Pg. 1029 250 What occurred on the coasts of Virginia ? 1030 — Wliat did Mr. Foster propose ? 1031 251 How many vessels had been captured since 1803, by British cruizers ? 1032 — What did the President recommend ? 1033 — What laws were enacted ? 1034 — Relate what occurred at Tippecanoe. 1035 252 What was the object of John Henry's mission T 1036 — Did he meet with any success ] 1037 — When was war declared ? 1038 — For what reasons was it condemned? *, CHAPTER XX^l. 1039 253 Who was appointed comraander-in-chieft 1040 — What other generals were appointed] 1041 — When did Hull invade Canada? 1042 254 What events occurred in that quarter ? 1043 — Who led an expedition towards the territory of Michigan T 1044 255 For what purpose was an army assembled on the frontier? 1045 — Who commanded this army 1 1046 — What post was assaulted? With what success ? 1047 256 Who succeeded Van Rensselaer? 1048 — What abortive attempts did he make? 1049 — What was done by general Dearborn ? 1050 257 Describe the battle between the Constitution and Guerrieie. 1051 258 Wliat other naval victories were gained? 1052 — What was the number of prizes made during the first seren months of \ he war ? 1053 259 Who were elected President and Vice-President in 1812J CHAPTER XXVII. 1054 259 Wliat terms were offered to the British government J 1055 — Why were the propositions of Great Britain rejected* 1056 — What measures did Congress adopt ? 1057 200 What took place at French town? 1058 261 To what place did Harrison march ? 1059 — By whom was iort Meigs invested ? 1060 — \^1iat did general Clay attempt ? lOfil — What success did he meet with? 1062 — How did the siege terminate? 1003 — Describe the attack upon York. 1064 262 ^^'^lat general was killed there ? 10C5 — Wliat fort was next attacked ? ]006 — What generals were made prisoners at Stoney creek? 1067 — Wiiat other misjbrlune followed? 1068 263 What post was attacked by the British? 1069 — Who conunanded there? 1070 — What was the event of the attack ? 1071 — What occurred on the sea-coast? 1072 264 Describe the naval action fought February 23rd. 1073 — Describe the action between the Chesapeake and Shannon 1074 265 Wlwt were the last wortfs of Lawrence ? 1075 — How was the victory received in England? 1076 — What other co.itests took place at sea ? 1077 266 Describe the affair at fort Stephenson. 1078 — Wliat present did colonel Croghan receive ? 1079 — Who wore the resfRxtive commanders on lake ErreT 1080 2G7 What words were inscribed on Perry's flag ? QUESnONfl. ft Qa. Pg. 1081 207 Relate the events of the battle 1082 — Recite Perry's letter to Harrison. 1083 — What did Harrison effect ? 1084 268 Who was appointed to command the army of the jentro* 1085 — Wliat orders did he receive ? 1086 — What occurred whde descending the St. Lawrence / 1087 — Why was the project abandoned 1 1088 269 WTiat offer was made by the emperor of Russia ! 1089 — Who were appointed commissioners 1 1090 — What laws were passed by Congress 1 1091 — What spirit was displayed by the southern Indians T 1092 270 What occurred at fort Mimms ? 1093 — Describe the battle at Tallushatchie ; at Talladega; at Emudk faw ; at Tohopeka. 1094 271 What occurred at the Hickory grotmdT 1095 — Recite Wetherford's speech. CHAPTER XXVIII. 1W6 272 What bounty was offered to recruits? 1097 — What communication was received froin Great Britain' 1098 — Was the proposition accepted? 1099 — Who were apijointcd additionEri commissioners? 1100 — What occurred at the river La Cole ? 1101 — Who was appointed to succeed Wilkinson ? 1102 — What events had recently occurred in Europe ? 1103 — How were these events advantageous to Great Britain * 1104 273 Which party was victorious at Chippewa? 1105 — Relate the events of the battle of Bridgewater. 1106 274 What step did general Ripley take? 1107 — By how many troopsJ was fort Erie invested T 1108 — \Vhat was the event of the assault made by the anecny T 1 109 — What of the sortie made by the besieged ? 1 1 10 275 Wlien weis the siege abandoned ? 1111 — When did general Izard arrive fram Plattsburght 1112 — What expecUtions proceeded from Canada? 1113 — What was the object of each ? 1 1 14 — What took place at the ford ? 1115 276 What was the result of tlte battle »n the lake? 1116 — What did the British army then do ? 1117 — What actions occurred at sea ? 1118 277 Where were great exertions made for defence? 1110 — When did the main body of the enemy land? 1120 — Where did the Americans make a stand? 1121 — What occurred thert / 1122 — Whither did general Winder retreat? 1123 — When did the enemy enter Washington? 1124 278 What was their conduct their? 1125 — What took place at Alexandria ? 1126 — What did Ross next undertake? 1127 — What was his fate ? 1128 279 How was the fleet received? 1129 — What was the event of this expedition? 1130 — Whon did the convention meet at Hartford ? 1131 — What was enumerated and proposed in their addrtM 1132 280 What information was received from Ghent? 1133 — What measures did Congress adopt? 1134 — Who performed the duties of Secretary of War! 1135 — Who was appointed Secretary of tha Treasury t 1136 — What force arrived at Peneacola ? ft QUESTIONS. Qs. Ps. 1137 280 What was It permitted to da* ^139 — What did geiteral Jack«wi .lo T J139 — What infonrmtinn did he r.jceive at Mobil*? J 140 — What step dW he then take T 1041 — Wliat did he find the oondition of New-Orleans ? 1 142 281 Waat was \m conduct 1 1143 — Where did the enemy lake a pociition, Dceember 22ii5 What In said of American painters? 1940 2% VVtieie a'e c'oiif;iv'y;ationalist.s most numerous? 1241 — Wtiere Presbyterians ? Where Methodists? Where Kotnai) CiitholiuH ? 1842 — Wliat ar» the distiMguishin).' traits of Uxe American charad** J243 — What in said ot tiio manne-s of Americans? I2'U 2i^7 How often does the po|>ul» «n«^ pr^w^r ^ef>^^ mi rapid? 1247 — What circiim$!tajicen indicate that ihe lJnil«Hl Mt»te« will cmi tinue to pro^pei- ? IMi 2^ Y^i on wh^i does il>tir vrowpMi^ >l«]Mit-J i .^' c w ^ .0 ^^ * » / ■< o " o ^ <$> J#: C/ * , *^'C\Wv%^' ',0,'^ < • o ■? 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