-~. 33P1 ff^firi kiSl^j&^ Vi v ** - *>" 3t Class __J^_3-5_H__ CojpghtU COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. flanks ha ,\nnn %. (Sranntss SKIPPED STITCHES. Verses, cloth, i6mo. 50 cents. SANDWORT. Verses, cloth, i6mo. 50 cents. SPEEDWELL. Verses, cloth, i6mo. 50 cents. (Set complete in box $1.25) A CHRISTMAS SNOWFLAKE. An illus- trated rhyme for children. Cloth, iomo. 50 cents. All Bookstores or ordered of the author Plainville, Conn. Looking wistfully up at the gray winter skies A CHRISTMAS SNOWFLAKE::: A Rhyme for Children BY Anna T. Granniss J \ * i ■> i , , ' > ■ ILLUSTRATED WITH LIFE PICTURES HARTFORD C. M. GAINES, 66 STATE ST. I903 THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, T«o Cnoirf Received \JU 31 1903 CriBPWOfrtMT PWTWV CLASS «*XXft. Mo, COPY B, ■ 7v Copyright 1903 by Anna J. Granniss Alkriakts reserved « t • «• • To the memory of Mary and Willie The baby sister And the little brother Who went away one Christmas Many years ago ILLUSTRATIONS Frontispiece .... One little fellow crying outright The star and the angels " I'm so glad ! " The snowflakes coming down Going to find Santa Mother Snowbank . Santa Claus scanning the skies The reindeer at home Christmas bells a dear little one The world asleep PAGE 1 . . 3 5 8-9 11 14 15 18 20 21 22 A Christmas Snowflake A Christmas Snowflake A little white snowflake that lived in the sky, Kept looking down here with a tear in its eye; And wherever it looked, alas, it could see The ground was as bare, and as brown, as could be; And out of the windows, the childrens' bright eyes Looked wistfully up, at the gray winter skies, While one little fellow was crying outright, Because the white snowflakes were nowhere in sight, And how could Santa come In his reindeer sleigh, And Christmas now only Just two days away? 2 It happened just then, that there came dancing by, Two lovely large flakes from somewhere in the sky, And the little flake cried, "Oh, beautiful flakes, I've been here looking down, till my very heart aches; See how dismal it looks, down there on the earth. Instead of gay laughter, and shouting, and mirth, The children are crying, their bright eyes are wet, For thinking the snowflakes are going to forget. Will you go down with me sometime before night ? The children would see us, and laugh with delight. " Why you dear little flake Now just dry your eye," Said the lovely white flakes, " We'll go down by and by. Just now, we would rather Whirl 'round in the air, Than to settle ourselves Away off down there!" "And just think," said one, "of my pretty new gown, Being stepped on, and spoiled, and all trodden down!" Then gaily enough they were dancing away, When the brave little flake found courage to say, There's a beautiful Story, so I've been told, Very sweet, and tender, And true, and old, About a star And the wonderful birth, Long ago, of a Christ-Child On the earth; And now, every year At a certain time The bells everywhere Ring out their chime, And children gather From near and from far, To sing of that wonderful Child, and the Star, "And oh, beautiful flakes, The time now draws near; But alas, see the earth, How dark and how drear! And on Christmas morning, Why, do you not know, The earth must be covered All over with snow? Then the little flake said, With a brave bright air, "I'm going to get ready and g° down there!' "I'm so glad!" And then looking down On the dark dreary space, The lovely flakes said, "But in such a big place, Why, whatever could one Tiny snowflake do ? Such a wee little Delicate bit like you, You just wait half a minute And we'll go to ! " So they hurried, and skurried, And flew around, And told every snowflake That could be found; They waltzed 'round in circles, They danced on tip toe, They could not hold still Getting ready to go. , And at last they came , V •;••;' , - ' Flying, fluttering down,' • % m xm ■ V V * . •/■ All white in the city," - ." •' ' '.-.■* *- , > . * . * ••••.••* -■'.'.• *•*-»**•■:*"•: l *v . „ •/ v* All white in the town; / * *«. * , ,■•'■;/'-> •'•'•" • # * " . * "• • * " ',' "\ »" » % * # . They * draped every steeple * '"'*'/ » • * (>•"•", •// • • - •••.*.:-.• • * •' * . * % * • • • ."- ■*■ * • And tower in sight,* . \ „ 'v , '•***• * • They 'dressed all the trees /♦•»"/' ' • * t *,: r .-., ; . ,,* V- ..;- : : <\.% fV. • , ;* • ♦ ,' * V« / -V , r Against Christrnas'night, * V ' * * ' » V\ * • ' ." And *then covered the ground * • V , "V. •*••* All over with .white. *.-.,< .; ♦ • ♦. .',*'. They hung to the shutters,. * % „ * , *, - * ! » " .'. * * # They* clung, to the 7 doors, \\* ' / * V f . • . , # They went with the 'customers' . ; \ » * * - • V- • ;'» Into the "stores. ,> ■ -*// >/. . '* % '7 : \ • r U\* * : •''• .* «•«**• ■•■/• * ■••- :•"« ». They tapped* on the windows * . • * .\ * *■ ♦ ♦ ' '••»*<' >•*'* V" '*'-■• ■■■■•■*'.;#• •• # *•'■•. ** # v "- # . # »' ' ; And peeped thro* the pane, *'* ^ * v * * * * •"*%"*>■ V/ Then in a twinkling * % * '. * * ' .V •■* V ' • .' ' i * " They vanished again. • . \ * , • ." " V * v - ' V J , v * » -• , . * / , • # > ./v # • • *>.>.**•• ~* * • • + \* * And they found everywhere,' ••///-» • '.•*>"■•#:*••• -> * ' - «• -* <" - - - . »v *:•. . **" * '•V ■-:■•% -With merry. delight, - * --* ** . V- * r \ t L . * . ... ml * A 11 _V A »_- _- *.J__ ,*L J! • ' -' ** •' . * « . *» / * iroSSbjii '/mm Bta&jB^i / 10 W'OW good Mother Snowbank Up there in the sky, Had dropped into a doze As the hours slipped by; She awoke with a start, And looking around, Not one of her snowflakes Was anywhere found. She tip toed In here, And she tip toed Out there, She turned the clouds over With greatest of care, Not a sign of a snowflake Was seen anywhere. Going to find Santa 13 Then she puffed out her cheeks And began to blow; She whistled up high, And she whistled down low; And she blew, till the tree tops Went to and fro. She whistled and blew Till the air was clear, But the snowflakes pretended They did not hear, And each nestled down In its chosen retreat, To wait for the click Of the reindeer's feet. 14- So good Mother Snowbank Up there in the sky, Just drew in her breath With a- long drawn sigh- Then, she suddenly tore A small cloud in two, And in the queer fashion That some people do, She made her a night cap To put on her head, Then shook up her pillows And went off to bed. 5 V\f AY off up in Northland, His hand to his eyes, In his door stood Santa Claus Scanning the skies; He saw Mother Snowbank Go off in a huff, And he knew where the snowflakes Were well enough; For he shook his head, And he laughed "Ho, ho, ho! Tell me of a Christmas Without any snow, It's time I was getting Things ready to go!" If, tJE harnessed his reindeer So nimble and fleet, The snow would not feel The light touch of their feet; He loaded his sleigh Full of everything nice, Then jumped in himself, And was off in a trice — When the reindeer snorted, And stamped their small hoofs, People thought 'twas the wind, And the snow on the roofs; So all unmolested He worked with his might, And was ready for home Long before daylight. The reindeer at home By permission of the Berlin Photographic Co. 19 Then fainter, and fainter, And farther away, Came the Ting— a— ling-ling, From the vanishing sleigh. Back, over the snow It flew like the wind, And never once stopping, Or looking behind, Old Santa rode on, Till he reached His own door, Just where He had loaded, A short time before. Then Over the [mountains, And over the dells, The world Set to ringing, With sweet Christmas bells; And gifts And kind wishes, Went flying around, As fast as the flakes When they fell To the ground. % W/M xSSSffl in And the good little flake That up in the sky, Had looked on the earth With a tear in its eye, At sound of the bells Fairly shone with delight, For Christmas had come, And the world was in white, And Santa had been At the dead of the night, In his reindeer sleigh, And was safe out of sight. And the dear little ones Whose eyes were so wet, Knew now, the snowflakes Did not forget; For over the earth They were spread far and wide, In a beautiful robe For the glad Christmas tide — While down to the wondering World from above, Came the spirit of Peace, Of Goodwill, and Love. •vv' 4-i V %> v* OCT 31 1903 OS MRRARY OF CONGRESS iinuNi! 015 905 500